1955-05-09 Regular MeetingMeeting of May 2, 1955 - Continued Monthly Swine Report - Continued Slaughtered: 10 killed for meat - 3,385 lbs, on foot - 2,457 lbs. dressed. Loss: 2 pigs disappeared Inoculati a1s: 69 pigs J01121 C. Sdessell Tuberculosis Sanatorium Census Report for caeek ending April 29th White patients Negro " r- Nonresidents Vacant Beds Discharged Admitted 11 15 Zu N-osp - 0 6= P1ale white 1; Pemale white 4; Piale colored 1. 0 0 . Mr. Trask asked thaL check be made with John A. tdestbrook, Airport Manager to see wkiat can be realized out of furnishing an off'ice for Hall Watters CYiarter Service at the Airport. Upon motion of Mr. Tiayhan, secorxied by T1r. Hall, County bills No. 3337 to 3442 were approved ?.! for payment. The meeting then adjour•ned. Wilmington, N. C,, May 9, 1956. The regular. weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.N. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Gommissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, Cicero P. Yow, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend Jack W. Ware, Paster of Carolina Beach Pres- byterian Church. Copies oP the minutes of ineeting of May 2,.1955, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the game were upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Aall, approved. ' This being the hour and date advertised to receive bids for furnishing Office Equipment and in- stallation for the Commissioners' Office, Auditor's Office and Tax Office, only one bid was re- ceived and tkie Chairman asked iF there were other bids to be submitted, there was no response, and upon motion of Mr. Hall, instructions were given to proceed with the opening of the bid re- ceived, which follows: J. M. Weeks: Total price of new equipment listed by item numbers in accordance with Specifications as appeared in the advertisement, Delivered and Installed- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - $ 5,080.57 Less trade-in allowance on present equipment 600.00 Net price - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $4,480.57 • Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the foregoing bid was unanimously accepted. / . ? ? Attorneys R. S. McClelland and G. C. TfcIntire appeared to present a petition of 500 or more C?-- residents of Winter Park and vicinity, which petition is said to include the signatures of thirteen (13) operators of heavy trucks and oil tanlcers, protesting the routing of the new pro- ' posed Highway thru tdinter Park at 46th Street, on account of increasing the hazard to the res- idents and School children who have to travel over the Highway thru that area to attend the School and Churches in Winter Park, and also the damage that would be suffered by the propertq owners on said proposed Highway by the taking of most of their front yards to provide a four-lane Highway, and therefore feel the road could be easily routed to tlie east of Winter Park thru territory now uninhabited, or mostly so, at less expense to the State to construct. APter lengthy discussion Mr. Hall moved and it was seconded by Dir. Mayhan and carried, that the question be tahled for a week and same referred to the County Attorney for study and to advise the Board the proper procedure to take in the matter at the next meeting. ??- The Chairman advised the Board of a meeting ard good fellowship dinner with the Board of Education in the Students' Union, Brogden Hall 6:00 P.M., Friday May 13. Instructions were given to write a letter of thanks and appreciation to Mr. C. Heide Trask, Third ?- Division State Highwaq Commissioner, for improvements to Hugh MacRae Park in providing paved park- ing lot and courts, and other paving projects in the County and thru out the Third District. Calls from S. H. Kress Compaaiy and other Chain Stores concerning the Law prohibiting the sale of paper caps and other pyrotechnics in the State reported as having been repealed, a check with our Hepresentatives in the Legislature revealed that New Hanover County was excluded from the Act re- pealing the said State Law and Neia Hanover County aontiriues under the operation of the Law as here- toPore. ?kc? The Chairman called attentiou to Budget time drawing near, it will be necessary f or all Depart- _ ments of the County to submit their Budget Estimates before May 30, and the Glelfare Department on or before May 15 required by the State Board of Publfc Welfare. The Chairman presented two checka for small amounts covering items of damage by the hurricane of • October 15, 1954, one from Central Mutual Insurance Company, F. E. Livingston, Agent, and one ? Z from Indiana Lumbermans°.,Mutual Insurance Company, H. G. Latimer and Son, Agents, 3n the amounts of $1.77 and $3.31 respectively, which were tiu-ned over to the County Auditor for proper credit. The Chairman called attention to an article appearing in the April 1955 issue of Popular Govern- a?SJ ment, commenting that we are "one of two Governmental Units, the City of Greensboro and New Han- over County, who issued their Personnel Rules and Regulatioms in printed form last month. Cities and Counties considering a revision of their personnel rules in the flzture will find these recent publications extremely helpflil". ? J I • 5?'b Hleeting of May 9, 1955 - Continued A oopy of a letter written to the Navy Department by Thomas and Hutton, Contractors, was re- ceived concerning the drainage problem at the Airport, estimating the cost of regrading and rG? grassing the ditches-at the Airport in accordance with their survey made for the Navy, caould be as follows: . . 1. Escavation to shape ditches to 4:1 slope ? 17,500.00 2. Strip Sod 33,200.00 3. Sprigg3ng 50200.00 4. Check Dams 7,000.00 Total $ 62,900.00 The Board expressed the hope'that the Navy would make the necessary repairs. ?The Chairman announced a meeting at 3:00 P.M., with property owners concerning the removal of trees at the Airport located on private laild w.zich obstruct the.view from the Control Tower 'J of approaching planes at the end of tne runway. jdith rePerence to property which has been transferred to the County by the United States in consideration of its use For public Airport purposes, subject to certain terms, conditions, reservations and restrictions, contained i.n the instrwnent of transfer, the Civil Aeronautics Administration,requested an annual breakdown of uses and income from such property and facili- ties, together wi.th a brief description of all buildings, equipment and other facilities not presently in use. The Chairman advised this is now in process of preparation in accordance with the request. eti- - the Bureau of the Budget, for seekir?g affirmation of the?.r prior approval of this projeet; re- quested and outlined in a letter received fY?om Mayor E. L. White. An invitation was received fY?om the Board of Trustees, Women's Auxiliary and personnel af Com- munity Hoapital to attend the HospitaiS Anniversary and National Hospital Week May 9th thru the 13th. , . .. . . . . ?SS A statement was received from the State Board of Publfc ?delfare showing that $62,958.50 was S ent to this County Por the month qf March for OAA, ADC, APTD grants and for Administration. eports for April were received from the following: ?dilmington Public Library and Boolanobile, Wilmington Colored Libxary, County FarJp?ger?t, Narrative Report Organizat?.on ard Planning Ooun- ? ty Home qgent and Colorea Home Agent and Institute of GcvPrnment Legi.slative Service Weekly Bulletin for week ending April 30. Upon motion of Pir. Hall, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the recommendation of the County Auditor to transfer the following amounts from the General Nluid Emergency to the various Budget Depart- ?/ ? ments to meet overdrafts in the aCCOUnts, and also to make transfers of item appropriatione within the Budget DepartmAnts, was authorized: . AIftPORT = Hesale Gas Account, transfer within the Budget to overdrawn.accounts, .$ 3,076.65 ? - AUDITOR - Capital Outlay, transfer to Stationery and Supplies, 75.00 -CI,ERK SUPERIOR COURT - Binders, ReCOrd Books, to overdrawn aCCOUnts, 99.15 `Connnissioners - Transfer fsom-General.Nland Emergency to overdrawn accounts, 630.34 - CORONER - Tran sfer Surplus Revenue to Bonds and Recording, 10.00 -!' Tran sfer Per Diem to Travel, 65.00 ' SUP"r:FiIOR COiktT , . . - Transfer Special Attorney ?es to Overdrawn Accounts, 285.00 - Tt17L COLLECTOR - Transfer from General FSxnd Emergency to Overdrawn Accounts, 700.00 -" " Transfer from Travel to Repairs and Maintenance, 45.37 , AGRICULTURE ECONOMICS - Transfer.D?strict Meeting to Overdrawn Accounts, 120.00 Transfer from Capital Outlay to Overdrawn Accounts, 140.00 _ AID TO BLTND - Transfer frqm General Fluid Emergency to Aid to the Blind, 400.00 ` COUNTY HOME - Transfer Surplus.Revenue to Overdrawn Accounts, 2,559.05 - " " " Bedding & Linen to " " 114.10 - " " " Medical to 174.63 - COUNTY FARM - Transfer Countq Home Salaries to Overdrawn Accounts 2,567.48 COUNTY DRAINAGE " to " " 10509.80 COUMTY AID - " Advertising to " " 87..56 ? " " " Volunteer F`?re Dept. to " " 10142.60 from General Fhnd Emergency to Overdrawn Accounts 10000.00 --, COURT H4USE - " Repairs to Building to 1,914.47 " JAIL - ^ tv ,t n n n n 282.50 - " " Bedding & Linen " " " 100.00 - LISTING TA7?S - " City Listers " 455.00 OPfice Help " 1,008.00 - POOR RELIEF - " Rent " 62.00 ? RECORDERS COURT -" General Flu?d Emergency to " " , .486.95 SHERIFF - " Capital Outlay to " " 60.00 HEALTFI - " General ?ind Pmergencp to 206.15 T. B. HOSPITAL - " Capital Outlay to 300.00 ? " " " Janitor-Supplies to 28.14 The Baard unanimously endorsed the effort to secure a deeper channel oP the Cape Fear Riner from the Ocean to Wilmington, and authorized the use of the name of this Board as a ?oint p tioner in the project for presentati to on tb the Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors and ? . .. , ? Meeting of May 9; 1955 - Continued C•?? ? ?T. B. Hoapital - Transfer Kitchen Salaries to Salaries Household ? 84.00 Drugs & Supplies Nursing 11000.00 ? n n n Lattndx`y' • n u 98.55 Janitors' Supplies to " " 300.00 WELFARE - " General FZnd Emergency to Overdrawn Accounts 2,336.71 ? Total- 23,524.20 Total Transfer - Emergency Flind $ 51760.15 Within the Budgets 17,764.05 ? 230524.20, Balance leFt in Emergency Nluid . . . . . . . . ? 30771. 25 John C. Wessell Tubersulosis Sanatorium Census 4Report for week ending, rfay ,6:? White patients 9 5 . NegrO " 1 . ? ? Nonresidents - 0 • Vacant beds - 8= Male white 1; Nbmale white 6; Mal e Colored 1. Discharged - 2- Carolqn Elizabeth"Everett, White female; April 29, 1955. Mrx. Pauline Raqnor " " May 2,1955. Admitted - 0 ? , Reports for Ja.nuary.. F'ebruary and March were received from the County Ele ctrical Inapector. The Chairman's request and recocunendation that the County Auditor flarnish the Board with a atate- ? ment of abatements issued currently in the Puture in order that the same can be entered in the minutes of the Board, was approved. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, instructions were given t o notify County Depart ?q4ok,,,? ment.'Heads, that no additional appropriations will be made to their.respective Departments for the present fiscal year. Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, aeconded by Mr. Broadhurst, County bills No. 3443 to 3521 were approved42 - for payment. the meeting then adjourned. cI er? , Wilmington, N. C. May 16, 1955. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Cha3rman and Commissioners Raiford Trask, J. M. Hall, Jr., Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst and Cicero P. Yow, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend W. C. White,, Pastor of, First Christian Church. Copies of the minutes of ineeting oP May 9, 1955,.having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Hall, approved. The County Attorney advised the Board, that in his :opinion action on the petition of.citizens of Winter Park opposing the construction of the proposed new State Highway thru Winter Park at 46th Street, and that the same be re-routed east of Winter Park thru a less populated area, would be premature at this time and should be held in abeyance until the Commissioners have received of- Picial notice from the State Highway Commission arul the same posted shaaing the route over which the proposed Highway is to be located; met with.the, apProval of the Board and the Atto rney for the petitioners. 1?%f Twenty or more persons interested in the County continuing the operation of the John C. Wessell Tuberculosfs Sanatorium, appeared to oppose any action that would permit the State to abeorb its patients into its system and transfer the patients to State Sanatoriums. The Chairman told the delegation the Commissioners had not anticipated a hearing•on the question at this meeting, but inasmuch as the group was present, would discuss it taith the view of giving eonsideration to the best way to cope with the problem. The longer it is put off, the more difficult it will be to handle accuarulation of problema, arui would like to hear suggestions for 9 clearer decision. Mr. Horton further advised that the North Carolina Sanatorium has sufficient beds available to admit, without waiting period, all the tuberculous patients in New Hanover County. This applies to pa- tients who"are now°hospitalized 'as.wei7 asanew-lpatients: r?rHe°further'said=.thaC Dr."'Rodman;'Phy= sician; inlcharge of: the -Sanatorium; has resigned- as " of June- 2, ysahich adds• an "addftional problem. John C. Wessell, Jr., President of the New Hanover County Tubercul.osis and Health Association, h'yaQ? and John F. Crossley, Attorney, appeared for the delegation. Mr. C'rossley asked what was the `A problem? ' Mr. Iiorton explained that the care and treatment of tuberculosis patients is a State obligation. ?l?? We built the T. B. Hospital when needed to meet the then situation; the State is now in a posi- j7?s/- tion to, and will, absorb the patients into its system, and with its facilities can give better treatment; therefore ovr Sanatorium has served its purpose. It would not only be a saving to the tax payers, but equal or better treatment could be given by the State iiith its facilities. At this point, rir. Wessell stated that 500 names have been secured on a petition to continue County operation of the Hospital under authority voted by the people, and one thousand (1,000) names would be secured. The Reverend Mr. Johnson raised the question to the statement arade by Mr. Crossley, comparing treatment here with that of the State = Our's equal or better. Mr. Horton explained, that is the thought of the 100 Counties involved, we would be assured of bet- ter treatment. The discussion continued. Mr. Trask said he talked to three of our most prominent physicians in Wilmington who definitely recommended sending the patients to the State Sanatoriums. ??- Air. Mayhan recommended a continuation of the T. B. Hospital under the County operation for an- other year, and submit the question involved to the people next spring. Mr. Horton further advised that proper certifYcation of the patients to the State for admittance was not followed as instructed; if it had been the patient-load would be much less than we have. J