1955-05-16 Regular Meeting. .. , ? Meeting of May 9; 1955 - Continued C•?? ? ?T. B. Hoapital - Transfer Kitchen Salaries to Salaries Household ? 84.00 Drugs & Supplies Nursing 11000.00 ? n n n Lattndx`y' • n u 98.55 Janitors' Supplies to " " 300.00 WELFARE - " General FZnd Emergency to Overdrawn Accounts 2,336.71 ? Total- 23,524.20 Total Transfer - Emergency Flind $ 51760.15 Within the Budgets 17,764.05 ? 230524.20, Balance leFt in Emergency Nluid . . . . . . . . ? 30771. 25 John C. Wessell Tubersulosis Sanatorium Census 4Report for week ending, rfay ,6:? White patients 9 5 . NegrO " 1 . ? ? Nonresidents - 0 • Vacant beds - 8= Male white 1; Nbmale white 6; Mal e Colored 1. Discharged - 2- Carolqn Elizabeth"Everett, White female; April 29, 1955. Mrx. Pauline Raqnor " " May 2,1955. Admitted - 0 ? , Reports for Ja.nuary.. F'ebruary and March were received from the County Ele ctrical Inapector. The Chairman's request and recocunendation that the County Auditor flarnish the Board with a atate- ? ment of abatements issued currently in the Puture in order that the same can be entered in the minutes of the Board, was approved. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, instructions were given t o notify County Depart ?q4ok,,,? ment.'Heads, that no additional appropriations will be made to their.respective Departments for the present fiscal year. Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, aeconded by Mr. Broadhurst, County bills No. 3443 to 3521 were approved42 - for payment. the meeting then adjourned. cI er? , Wilmington, N. C. May 16, 1955. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Cha3rman and Commissioners Raiford Trask, J. M. Hall, Jr., Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst and Cicero P. Yow, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend W. C. White,, Pastor of, First Christian Church. Copies of the minutes of ineeting oP May 9, 1955,.having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Hall, approved. The County Attorney advised the Board, that in his :opinion action on the petition of.citizens of Winter Park opposing the construction of the proposed new State Highway thru Winter Park at 46th Street, and that the same be re-routed east of Winter Park thru a less populated area, would be premature at this time and should be held in abeyance until the Commissioners have received of- Picial notice from the State Highway Commission arul the same posted shaaing the route over which the proposed Highway is to be located; met with.the, apProval of the Board and the Atto rney for the petitioners. 1?%f Twenty or more persons interested in the County continuing the operation of the John C. Wessell Tuberculosfs Sanatorium, appeared to oppose any action that would permit the State to abeorb its patients into its system and transfer the patients to State Sanatoriums. The Chairman told the delegation the Commissioners had not anticipated a hearing•on the question at this meeting, but inasmuch as the group was present, would discuss it taith the view of giving eonsideration to the best way to cope with the problem. The longer it is put off, the more difficult it will be to handle accuarulation of problema, arui would like to hear suggestions for 9 clearer decision. Mr. Horton further advised that the North Carolina Sanatorium has sufficient beds available to admit, without waiting period, all the tuberculous patients in New Hanover County. This applies to pa- tients who"are now°hospitalized 'as.wei7 asanew-lpatients: r?rHe°further'said=.thaC Dr."'Rodman;'Phy= sician; inlcharge of: the -Sanatorium; has resigned- as " of June- 2, ysahich adds• an "addftional problem. John C. Wessell, Jr., President of the New Hanover County Tubercul.osis and Health Association, h'yaQ? and John F. Crossley, Attorney, appeared for the delegation. Mr. C'rossley asked what was the `A problem? ' Mr. Iiorton explained that the care and treatment of tuberculosis patients is a State obligation. ?l?? We built the T. B. Hospital when needed to meet the then situation; the State is now in a posi- j7?s/- tion to, and will, absorb the patients into its system, and with its facilities can give better treatment; therefore ovr Sanatorium has served its purpose. It would not only be a saving to the tax payers, but equal or better treatment could be given by the State iiith its facilities. At this point, rir. Wessell stated that 500 names have been secured on a petition to continue County operation of the Hospital under authority voted by the people, and one thousand (1,000) names would be secured. The Reverend Mr. Johnson raised the question to the statement arade by Mr. Crossley, comparing treatment here with that of the State = Our's equal or better. Mr. Horton explained, that is the thought of the 100 Counties involved, we would be assured of bet- ter treatment. The discussion continued. Mr. Trask said he talked to three of our most prominent physicians in Wilmington who definitely recommended sending the patients to the State Sanatoriums. ??- Air. Mayhan recommended a continuation of the T. B. Hospital under the County operation for an- other year, and submit the question involved to the people next spring. Mr. Horton further advised that proper certifYcation of the patients to the State for admittance was not followed as instructed; if it had been the patient-load would be much less than we have. J I 5?S Meeting_ of piay 16, 1955 - Gontinued Howe'ver, the overhead cost would-remain approaimately the same,.if the number of patients wer.e reduced, and the problem was further complicated by Dr. Rodman leaving on June 1. After tlarther considerable discussion, Dir. Hall felt the question should be put to a vote of the people, and moved to delay any action by the Board and let the people decide the question at the nest general primary. His motion was seconded by Mr. Mayha.n. .9 A substitute motion was offered by Mr. Trask to postpone the question for further study until 1 next weelc. His motion was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and carried on the affYrmative note of Commissioners_Trask, Broadhurst and the Chairman. ? In answer to the Aeverend Mr. Johnson's r,equest that the question be,decided now for the bene- fit of the patients. Mr. Horton eaplained that the Commissioners were not prepared to dgcide the question at thiS meeting-. Dr. Rodman is leaving June 1, and we should-have opp•ortunity to talk with the inco¢ii.ng Doctor, iP he would consider going along for another year wheth'er the Hospital would staq'open or not. . '. ,?*?At the Conclusion, the Chairman said he would highly recommend that the rules made two (2) qears ago that all patients go thru the regular channel of cert3fication thru the Board of Health, and / as to their financial status thru the Welfare Department, be observed. A petition of aeventeen (17) property owners of Cape Fbar Tocanship, requesting the State Highway rQ\5 Commission to grade and surface Murrayville Road Estension from its deacl-end to intersection of US-17 near Porters Neck. Approximately three (3) miles in length on which ten (10) houses are located, was upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, approved and referred to the State Highwsy and Public Works Commission. Payment of $10.00 premium to F. E. Livingston & Company, for Surety Bond for J. L. King as a Justice of the Peace, was approved. A letter was received from Congressman F. Ertel Carlyle expressing hfs appreciation for the sup- (r` port and assistance we gave him in Washington, upon our appearance and cooperation in the in- terest of the Bill he introduced to obtain Fbderal Funds to rehabilitateothe stricken North Carolina Coast. He flxrther adnised that f'urther details concerning a business transaction by the Walter W. Johnsnn Companp in this County will follow later. ' ? IIpon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Hall, Mr. George Ward was granted an abatement of tax- es on a valuation of $400.00 for the year 1953 on house on lot 14, in block 6, Love Grone•torn 1 down prior to January 1, 1953, which was overlooked last year. The Chairman expressed regret that all members of the Board were not able to a ttend the Fellow- ? ship Supper Meeting with the Board of Education, Students' Union, Brogden Hall, Friday evening May 13; :950 Students were involved in it. ,(?? The Reverend J. S. Crowley a peared to complain of a piece of property on US-17 near Ogden, he .G purchased at a tax sale for ?125.00, which said property he is unable to locate, and asked what can be done about it. Will the County buy it back? The same was received for investigation. ? letter was received from the Carolina Beach Chamber of Gotiin participating in their Memorial Service.s held at Fbrt ?° A copy of a report on the use of property transferred to mitted by Mr. John A. Westbrook, Airport 9tanager, to Mr. ?\???0 Engineer, Atlanta, Ga., was received. Also receipt of , bursements for April, were received and filed. Coromerce, expressing its appreciation, N3.sher on Sunday afternonn, May 8,1955. the Airport by the IInited States, sub- W. L. Seeley, CAA District Airport lirport report on receipts and dis- ?-p+'i^The Chairman told the Board of a meeting with the Museum C'ommittee Friday on the question of a new location, at which meeting the matter of exchanging the present Civil Aefense rooms with the Musewn, and the room back of Superior Court for the Law Library which will necessitate change in plumbing only. City agreed to pay for necessary partitions in the Civil Defense Office at no expense to the County. ? Mr. Trask was not agreeable to making any changes in the building; move in as is. However, the matter was tabled until Budget making time. The Chairman reported a very fine and satisfactory Students' Government Day and luncheon, Fridaq, ? May 12. " qP No objections were indicated by the Board to the United States District Engineer granting a per- M mit to Dr. W. S. Dosher to construct a pier in Banks Channel, just south of Northrop Street on the Southern Extension,of Wrightsville Beach. Ditching report was received for the two weeks ending May 13 showing that 120 men worked 9 days, ? 2,435 yards graded. A report of•Airport rentals and Fees for April, and May 13 were received. John C. Wessell Tubereulosis 5anatorium Census Report for week ending May 13, 1955: White patients 9 Nonresidents 0 . Negro " 15 Vacant Beds 8=Male white 1;Fbmale white 6 ? Mcharged 0 Male Colored 1. Admitted 0 $ A report of the Wilmington Housing Authority for April was received and filed. A copy of the May issue of the Southern Telephone News containing a write-up and display of r seenes of oun Beaches.. Port and Azaleas was received and instructions were given to aclaiowledge same with a letter a`f appreciation. Also to i,mite Mrs. Alice Strickland, former City Manager - of Carolina Beach-, a letter of appreciation for her splendid cooperation with the County dur- ? ing her term as City Manager of the Beaeh Resort. <- With reference to the proposed County-Navy joint use agreearent recently received from the Navy Department, the same was tabled for the present to give the County Attorney opportunity to study same. • A request and recommendation of the County Auditor to transPer $200.00 from Equipment within the Welfare Budget to Travel, was upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Ms. Mayhan, approned. 11 ? 1LiJ:7 - s - ListPd below is a complete list of r,omnlai,nts on assessuients investi<*ated by the Roarci of Eq.italization & u.evi2w on Marcb 21st, Ma.rch ifi., Anral .4, Anril '6. and April 11, 1955; and the action talcen iin each ir.dibid;aal case is 'o,utlined, ,tarcri 21, 1955: Tnsu p.Blor,k-Lot Name Assessment ' for 1 .954 , La11d - Blclg. W/?i A 12-lUA" Mrs, lv'ade Barx-ier 1500, 2000. W/A E-49 F. B. Graham 2250. fi550a W/B 14 F?t? 14-15 idalter A. Wells 375. 3250'. W/B 14 _ '71 " " " ?u00. '4500'. MAS. Pt 9=9A` IT. A. 1Ir.Fachern T60. ,-- ` WIL. 155 , NW-',?3PT2 W. E,` H.uggi.ns 1710,° 5500o ' 151 SM5. , E. Har`r;ell 3000'. 5000". 152 PTWM1/2 Sneeiieii 6750'. 10750. 213 PTEM2 Vick, Sallie E. 1400. 3500. 234. PTE4 5 R. Retchin 2475. 28000, ` 235 E End5PT4 J. N. Z'alentine 1400. 4000. 264, Sjd4NW5 J. F, MgCoy , 1600. 325.0. 307 PTE'iK4 ;5, ` ? Alida Smith 305 P'"E4 Yeakas 325. 750?, 207 ' WEnd.3 Schu?en 2675. 5500. Afa.rch 28, 1955: wzr., toe nl1i/s .4 221 WP11PT2 338 PTl-2PI?13 224 E?I8ctd23 223 NE43 183 SW25 478 E End4-5 485 PTM3-4-5 157 W1/2SJ3 A_ Bronx 157 PTE141/2/3 159 PT1?T2 133 47 End1PT2 145 PTEM5-6-6a 131 6 118 Std43 Misc,2e23 Acres 60 NW1 73 W2 5&6 112 E5PT1-2 113 3 140 F24NE5 105 :? of 3 115 W1 1-2 204 W/B 23&24 198 Ml"PT2 AssPSSment for 1955 Land' - $lclg'. 160Q. 2250". 375', 500'. 75'. ;2500. ., 4' . 1710. 3¢b0 . 6750' 1400. 2475 1400. .. 1600. 325, J. F. ,Culbi^eth 970'e 1200. 970. Kary ?tir9 Cox 1485. . 25000 7.485, LYlliaii rt.'Ae'1la.my1000`e ' ?~Q.t?'a'F?oaTQOb'o Cel`este B. Eaton 2$70'. 7000> 2970: A. H. r.aton 1485. 150000 1485, H. N. Pleasants 3250. 5000. 3250> West J. A.. 2125, 60000 27.25. , S', E> Pace 5000, 150,00. 5000`, L. M. Bellamv 13500. 15000'. 13500. J. C. My1'ink 8110', - 810. Paul FIendron 5940. 0500. 5940. F. E. Livingston 7250, 6500> 7250. E. M. Holmes 1620. . 45000 1620.. L. C., Baniierman 2565. 2250. 2565. Marie Ea.den 1460. 1250. 1460. Celeste: B..Eaton 1025, - 2015. A. D'Liigiri 1500. 30000'. 1500. C. S. Everett 800. 2500. 800. D. FI. White 2000. 8000. 2000. Sue McQueen 5720, 7030. 5720. Sudie Leonard 6030. 7000. 6030. Mankie Hodges 6150. 8000. 8150. Lena McNorton 900. 1800. 900. Dxocese of EaCt. Car,8210,18000. - John Snillina.n 34155. 33345. 34155, L. H. Bellaray 3500. 3600. 3500. W. H. Powell 800, 14000 803. 5500. 4000`. 7300e 3500. 24000, 3600. , ..2.750. '`.:,..., i.zoo-. zaoo. 5000. 12000< soao. 600,0e 14000. 15000. 55,00. 6500e 9:,500. 2250'. 1250. 360000 2000. 8000. 7030. 7000. 6000. 1500. 28345. 1000. 1200e ?'ZedUction 2000. 1550..' 3250. 200:Q e .85e ?Io';Ciian,ge 100.0;-`'... 3400'." No Chan ge 4000. 400. 500,. Vo Change No CYiange F4?ee- ' Nlq..Chhn Pe 200...- 1&QO';'?. ,,.., ?DO.o,' ; 3000. P7o Chanoe No Change 2000 0. NO CY??,n ;e No Criange No CYiange No Change No Change No Chaiige No CYtanoe 'Vo Chan ge No Change 500. No Chanme No Change No Change 2000, 300. Tax Free 5000, 2600. 2C0. da'ib1V11 btl.tCia 11a Cc41:11 11i31V(LUUdi..ai6Stl to VUG11a1GLL• Narch 21, 1955: ' Tns:a1p.;3lock-I,ot iName Assessment Assessment Reduction for 1954 for 1955 ' ? . Laiad = ?31c1g. Larid' - I31da'. " F1/B a 12710A" ?.irse ??'ade Barrier 1500. 2000, 1.600. -- 2.000. FdIB E-49 , P. B. rraham 2250. 15500 2250'. -- ' 1550.. W/B 14 Pt 14-15 Walter A. Wells 375. 3250. 375, 3250. t+i/B 14 500. 4500'. 500. 2500'. 20000 YiAS. Pt 9-9A H. A. McF.achern 160. -- 75. '-- 85e WIL. 155 NW-43PT2 W. +,. Auggins 1710. 55.00o 7,.7,10. 5500e No Ch'ange 151 SM5 H. Harrell 3000. 5000. 3000. 4000'. 1000, 152 PTWPIl/2 SnPeden 6750. 10750. 6750' 7300, 3400. 219 PTEMi 2 Vick, Sallie E. 1.400. 3500. 1400, 3500, No Change 234 PTE4 5 R. Retchin 2475. 28000, 2475 240000 4000. 235 E End5PT4 J. N. Valentine 1400. 4000. 1400. 3600. 400. 264. S?d4Ntd5 J. F., M cCay „ . 1600 3250. 1600. .:2750. 500. 307, PTEi?1 j5,'.. . Alida Suuth ? :'. No ,Change 305,. PTE4 5 Yeakas .:325 750, „325'> 750', No Change 207 ` , WEnd.3 Schu&en 2675. 5500 : " F7±ee PSa.rch.28, . 1955':: . .. . , ' F-.I''• , . . _ . .. , . ';;, WIL. 105 . NWl/3 ,4 J. .F. Cizlb'reth 970'0 120,0. 970. 1200'. No, Chhnps 221 WM1PT2 Mary Td, Cox ,. ,1485. 2500, 1485. ;230,0?. 260 ' 328, PTl"=2NN'I3 L'illian,l?i.'"Be'1lamylUUOa U's?l?oal•DbOe '?00'. 16b0, 22'4 'Eyi?W23 `Cel'este B. Eaton 29'7Q. 70000 2970. `5000`. 2.OO'Oor` 223. NE43 A. H. Eaton 1485. 15000, 1485, 12000a 3000. ' 183 " SW25 H. M. Pleasants 3250. 5000. 3250> 5000. No Change 478 E End4-5 A.. West J . 2125. 6000o 2125. .60,00, No Change " 485 PTM3-4-5 . . 5?.i, Pace 5?Q00 160Q0'. 500p", 14000. 2000 -, , 157. Sd1.?2C33 I.; M. Bellamv 135:00 15000`. 13500. 1.5000. t No Change A_. Brons J: C. Myrick ',810. -, 810. '' No,Chanee 157 PTbSM1/2/3 Paul FIendron 5940 0500. 5940. No Change 159 PT1PT2 F. E. Livingaton 72500 -6500'D 7250'. .6500`, 21o Change 233 W End1PT2 E., Ai. Holmes - I620, . 4560o 1620., ,;4500'. No;,Change 145 P'fEM5-6-62, L. C. Bannerman 2565. 2250." -2565'. 2250`. No CYiange 131 6 'Narie Eiden' 1460. 1250. 1460. 1250. No Chanoe 118 Sld43 Celeste. B.- Eaton 1015, . ? - 1015.. ' ?'Vo Change Misc. 2e23 Acres A. D'Lugin " 1500. '38000". 1500. 36000, No Change 60 NW1 C. S. Everett 800. 2500. 806. 2000. 500. 73 WZ 5&6 D. H. White 2000. 8000. 2000. 8000. No Change 112 E5PT1-2 Sue bicQueen 57200 7030. 5720. 7030. No Cha.nge 113 3 Sudie Leonard 6030. 7000. 6030. 7000. No Cha.nge 140 F,14AIF.'5 Manki.e Hodges 6150. 8000. 6150. 6000. 2000. 105 ? of 3 Lena McNortun 900. 1800. 900. 1500. 300. 115 W1 1-2 Diocese of Easf. C ar48210 .18000. - - Tax Free 204 John Spillinan 34155. 33345. 34155. 28345. 5000, W/B 23&24 L. H. Bellamy 3500. 3600. 3500. 1000. 2600. 198 y11PT2 W. E. Powell 800. 1400e 800. 1200a 200a 198 Daisy Lyles 600, 900. 950. 1200. 450. Increa April 4: WIL. 11 GI2 Her.niLce Lee Walker 100. 1500. 100. 1500. No Char.ge MLiS. S,Cleander423/424Geo. W. Gillette 900. 12500. 900, 12500. No Change WIL. Oleancler 23 Cyrus•A. Hogue 2025. 6000. 2025. 6000. No Change B?^kwd e230/231/232C. A. Rowan 350, 4000. 350. 4000. No Cha.nge Grady 7)iv. 9 Sidney Jones 500. 50000 500: 5000. No Change , ?. .. ,., . .,. ; ,, . April 4 - . . . . . ,.z ,. ,. , ,,. , .. WIL.; Knwd 47/43 C. D. Rowan., , 900. _ 5500,.. 900. 550,0. No rhange 212 322/4/8 i?arglzeri+e Gi.llette975o 1000, 975. lOCO. No Change 182, , 113 No. ;.itanguerite Gillett,e1350,. .2500.., 1350_. 2.500. rTO Change ,.. 145 .:.61 7,.;,? Leo Plisco ; 13F30., ,: 270,?...- .13?0,` , 27Q0 No Cnange 99 SE 6 Marietta L. Hewitt2730e 2'700.2730. 2700. " No Change IiAi1i.,;.PT. Hanby,;.1-1/$A,:rlrs.,,,Suss:ie We.llack3825o .20005. 3825.. 1500,,. ;.. 50A... 1?4A ?laria Mand'y 135. 1500. 135.' 1200. 300. Arlie Gardens R. T. Davis 23000, 40000. 23000. 38000. 2000. ;.r .W,Av,e.2,S.e.c.]? Plrs, J. N., Str;aughn300. . 5000, : _....300.. ,.4400., : 600e,,, , . _,Okcrst.. 1 „, : D. A. .Bogette, - 300. ?5000.. r300. ,.,, 4z00 ? 800„ ' `WIL. Olean.143.. ?144 C. Heide Tra.sl, 3500. 16000 3500, 14000. 2000. CC Pines ,• 49,4Geo,e '". Averette 1250. 45,00. 1250..,..:.?3500:., 10,C1Q.- ? 22ArRaul ine.,Ave; ,ia.ry E : .;Br,a.s.well 900 1000. 900 ... .750. ? 25D,:, , Beawnont 62 . , Ja.mes Wa.;,1?ickie .. 1000.. .110.00.; , 10.00 . , 9:000 3 ;, .:e,?. -Beaumont , 10.,.,; ; 1v., T.., Glas_s, Jr', 850.;,.120,00..,, 850..,.9Q00. ; 3000 .,.. _ _ . Pektlll S ,Sect'1-34 ;a;o v<. ,k111k,; ; .; ,. ..14Q0, .•;50{00y; ; 1000.y, 4200 1`300e,'? A, 1ry ,'?", 1 2 C Pioor e, 8d0 4bOa 800 198 : i Mar.b?uerite Gillette].200 2300, 1200,,,1800. ; 5,0?, , ) s__ y?tg r'•-i .cr . . . x 4 HAri. Hgwy ,20 litl. rlrso Sa111.e Eot?ick 750. ,600. ,750 no G'hange, ,W?&: .., .,? `?"10, ,.,,:. ;. J•,; Q . Noy].es.(Eoi1?3000.e 3 856b`300`b" .`$?5b?0 ` ,?10 ?Change .. .. r:., °. N. , . n.. .^n.E.... ... ... .. .. 'e . b .;blz ... t. 1.t1^Li. "LI';:?,'' .`:j,p ? . •v c a k` fi?' ' r f'? "i ? A.i"`i 3 ?'-' .• ;, , , WIL,• 480 , W1,2,3„4,5W', Eugene, .,dwaF,ds? I52?0-, ti3d?a0q. ; 152500;00?0, S 300,0?• +. 0 2bOD No Change . 145 , SE6E Erid 6??d i M Edwards 2000`. 1855 ? r?4, CareH,pts SLo.t7y Meares .Harriss,jr.2925 6'3?OOti y, 29.?5' 5f00,0. ,1300a., . , 4i,.o , if , 3 ? ....8 , ?Laura E. ]3oxdea.ux f 100 s560.. 560 ..SS , 3:7 11PT12 V. B Ce ek 3Q0. 27s?0 {, . 300 .2500 „ J T T3arkPr. 250 5500 .250., 4750. S/IIill 24 ,79x125Mike Nl19 400, 14000 400: "10000: 40Q SZHi11 PT 19 J. T Lee 250 6,00. 250 5500. 1000. ? p 99 PT E3 . Hr,so iT,.F.Darden., 14040 1OOQ0., 4040 , 80000. 2000. SS 14 ,4 Carl Serine 500, 360A.. 50?. ?60,0 N o„Ch9rnge , ?... i.? . , .. ........... . . . , „ . . ?, . _, .? . l ro.i - . .,, r. :'Y " ii?f;'6,... 'A':. .,; ? ?. ? .... .'. _' ,.`.i 5 ... , if,: 'J.'•. ..:. F+ .., . .. . . . Anril :11.: ? . : _,. . . . , .:? ,. .,...? ,• ,,, . .:???: .. 4?I.L.' 100 Gnd S . PoweJ.l 3ilf)O o 18100 3000 '7500 < ? 60d . ? '161 Neel.y 4100. 7500. 4100. 7500. No Change ,,• : 171 ; PT,2 ,. , , • rlcPiillan,. 2150,_ 2250.. , 215(1,. .225.0. No CYL1Rp?P. 171 ,PT3 Solorc?on ?750. 6500 ; 67500 :f`?0? :No Chano-e . +6, L6S ta4/ 5P,t3 L: B. Aoney, .l d?u,9,0 lOQOA 1350Q, 1QCi.06 `No Ch J..i1. Piedi£z17445 4500 183G0 4745,: ., itivar side ?r stste ???0?'.0 1?14500 25600 811.60'0 `.2b9900. . .,. CAPL FEAR- Castl.e $ayne-Raifor?l irasl? 17370 V 1737?5 , No C1ia'nge?,s t, Castle $ayiie-Fc TDav1s , 11395 , 11;395. fto CYiarig e, . 'py?S. > 'Lonb Leaf Homes '-;10563$0 , . : 324300 , 732080, ... . . .. , .. ..., . ,. .. . .. . . , . . , ,i ..... . . . _ ,.1t,i.. .d. .?I:. , . . `.'i'. .. . . ,... . ... . ... . . . . ?...:...... . . , .. , . .. r ,...._ .. _. . _:1.... i.. ?'.,.'l: . •.ii;'i.t:.i _,i?' .. . . . . ,. , . .. .. . , i.?_.. _ ..4F' '?_ ..:.._ :. ;7':.c: .;,.... ..,..' ' , ' . .. ' .. ...,. . ._ . c ., ?:"' "._. _.. .. . . . ,. vi ' .. SS'.. . '" + .. . . ,. r'! .. .}. . . . " ' . , . ' .. . . ... . . .. . . . . id.. . '. . . . _... . . . . , . , . - ' .. .. .. . ... , . , . , .. ... . . ...?: ... ....,.. ..c.y .. . . . . . . „ ..;'1 _.t ,, c`+' . ' " . . . .. . . . .. . , . 1' . .. . . .. - " . .. : . . .. . . .. . ii _ . . ' . . . _ . .' . ".... . . L ryi ' . . . .. . . . .. .. . . . ' . ... . • • .. . .. i. . . - . .r. l . .k:' . 1{ ': '. L . . . .. .... . . . .. . r .. . - ' . . } ?. . . ' )' -/. . "