1955-05-23 Regular Meeting? ` ,i F72? c311Y5 ?'jc7?.ca,liVw..A ?'ta 1a`4j j 4j4-J:f3J J()(J ? 5300 - ? T--? W: e= 111001.s Sao.' 4200 ' ? L°11rs12 -2"v-31 1-b• A ° LHrlc rr?aO • 2000• meet:a uovriwou?p xo c?, 1.* ?,j??8?11 820• rsooot Bosrnuou* ?? ?SUr0 All .D;CK;G ]'flUE?' '?'Tt?Qt?' ? 5ZV-g?-ssT?ruG VAe sJsx.?1-E' R?.?amb.rT €40 ' 17 00 0 Upon , cc ?:r?oa ?Fe ` ' 000° T S IL340 = paym,t 17T??'?•! ???7? ???T" -- • C' P.GTqe, J,LEraK 3P(3G' . 10000' - ,???? ?.? .? ? n... ?, ?a?s??? 300i ..20?o - Th?i ii 1'J?Y1:?1?? p S'l ?a'a 1y 17a Gt?..?nU.NUf70V,1 _2QV[l, yfijLTTE; ,a:7'Lq61J2 Y• I` D'.?1:T"u? 53000 a' ItOC1oo ° \jv 14sLT& Hff1iq2L 132' 7200. 361 3du'rPX °Y--y\ctY XL2° 2naRTs ?• DovY38511 °' St30t? ' 3J a i? 0 S+T`?z,TsP.P?' rP HemT?`?&?3i3' S?GO' 712 F3 '?? ,1,'si? ?,IraCt? , E T380' ,.S1`D+ , f83 ?J'3 i7C10? STS 35S\J\P. T?,Ux,O?OLar.€0 ' :i oo.o ° • ? ??? NTP' ?t.?J??i?' 53 C ` J}' .?;01t1*l] 00{}' to lo QO' ' VfJJJJ J 11. ? w lSQU' 1800' 200 ' 800' ISUt3' 300' rOoO• 3200• 1200• OE) 0 1. VIJoJ ! s30009 T0()0 = a4f3u' SOoU' 800' ' a?oi ' S20' 5"10 = ` T ?f") CC1' A00' 3200 • :rqooa • saoa • _ aoa t:,-,ts00• 8004 a}VV• .1100 * G?? 53000' zi8000 " 50oo', t 132, 1500, 300' 3852' 11'200' 900' S4iiQ 0. 5100' Ro - Clivuuo 72?0' S,& 00 ' YiO Ci??UUS T320' 'SQ300' XQ CPM i?e a it2 0 1 OGI]+ YO CV:fU'u.6 P100' 2Q00' 1u (;??Uli i?s ? r ?+??,,?? ved for ? ? tts. ??r/ . , , Wixmington, N. C., May 230 1955, The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 14:00 A.M. Fresent: 13. T. Hortan, Chairman and Commissioners.Raifard Trask, J. M. Hall, Jr.., Ernest R. ? Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, and Cicero P. Yow, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Awdltor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend Elmer Painter, Pastar of Tabernacle Baptist . Church. Copies of the minUtes of ineeting of May 16, 3955, having pre:viously been mailed to each member of the Board, t,he same were upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Hroadhurst, approved. The question of continuing the operation of John C. Wessel.l Tuberculasis Sanatorium having been''--465r cantinued From last meeting, a delegation of appraximately 55 persons agpeared to further vo3.ce- their opposition to any mave to close it or the same be absorbed inta the State Sanatorium 5ystem. ? The Chairman to].d the delegation it was fine ta have them w.i:th us this morning and asked that in- asmuch as a major problem is before us to refrain from humorous side issues or emotional expres- sians and stick to the +questian at issue. Dr. John C. Wessell who was the Physician in charge of the old Red Cross Sanatoritim, and for } whom the present Sanatorium was named, artnounced that most of the members of the delegation here^'")?OSp have previously said what was necessary to be said, and unless new questions arose., would rest their case. . The Chairman called on Mr, A. E. Gibson who is a member of the Board of Directars of State Sana- toriwns, who in turn introduced Mr. Ben Glark, Administrator of State Hospital at McCain who ex - plained the Statets good facilities fQr surgical and dietotiC eare and nursing available at the State Institutions, impravement and renovating one hundred (140) bed facility at fi,he Sanatorium . at Wilson, N. C., naw in process for calored persons. Dr. Wessell said he would gv alang with what Mr. Clark said, did nat disagree w3.th him, but aur ?S? local T. B. Hospital will gi.ve just as good treatment as any Institution 3n North Carolina, and .,,,__ referred to our T. B. Haspital fram a humanitatian star?dpoint. Able to see home folks a-t home. Persanal interest and care after treatment for arrested cases, a].l a humanitarian prob3.ern, also best t"urniture, mattresses and serviees. Mr. Trask at this point showed-that the trend of patients in the HasPital is dawm. Reverend R. Irving Boone, Pastor aP Central Baptist Church {co].ored) urged retention of John C. Wessell T. T. B. Hospital and spoke of expenses involved as a gainst value of lives at large. Rehabilita- tion of health, home influence ancl more personal attentian is important. Expense of operatian can be adjusted thru a corupetent Board of Directors. Vaice af the people, he said, might an- swer the question, Mr. Horton said the questian is, can the State turn aut a qua.cker job? We have no facilities for surgery. Cannat do the job in a smal3.er Hospi.tal. C1ur cast is low because we da not have, tlie other services and facliities. There are only fYve (5) County-aperated Hospitals and the #-1-.',,, trend is to the St,ate. The State turned thumbs doc,m an us beeause the 5tate could enlarge its??'?Sf HospitaYs and do a better job.- We were stricken from the 8i11 far State ai.dd but the State will take our entire l.aad, that is, the predicament we are in, and with that in mind, there are-one of two tYiings to do, close it or give more maney to operate it as the best. He also raxsed the question of discrepancy between the T. B. biospital and the Board of Health Reports. Both should be identical, and all cases should be channeled thru the Health and Welfare Departmats for pro- per treat,ment. We have to send surgery cases to the Hospital and t.Yiere are chances of spreading the di.sease. Are we in a position to do the best job or the State? Aren't we unfair to the patients held here? The Chairman asked Wi111e Bethune farmer colored patient at the T. B. Ho s- pital what the Hospital meant to him. He said at Wessell T. B. Hosgital they did nothing for him; three (3) mon#,hs at McCain and he was well. Dr. Wessell explained that was due to imcom- petent treatment at the Hospital at that time. Dr. Rodman was not in charge. Warren Goodman anather negro,patient was 19 months in Wessell T. H. Hospital, was certifY ed to [1- the State Sanatorium, but did not go. He said he was negative and f'elt fine. Wau3d rather stay here than go to the State Sanatorium. And so on the disaussion continued. Petitians bearing the names of 1,583 persons plus others w.ith a total of 500 were presented by Mr. John C. Wessell, Jr., urgirig continuatian of County operation and maintenance of the John C. Wessell Tuberculasis Sanatorium. A peti.tion of fifteen {15} Wilmington Physicians was also submitted recommsnding closing the said Hospital because it is not needed with State facili.ties available, and further Qn acaount ? _ of decZine in patients. No State waiting period. Present duplication of treatment at high cost and best treatiuent can be given by State Institutions with the best facil.ities available. ;A To bring the two hours and fifteen minutes discussion ta a c].ose, Mr. Ha].l calle d for actian on y the question, fee7.ing sufficient time had been gi.ven for discussion. Said it all boils down ta -- a moral issue. Althaugh he was advised that we have the legal right ta do away with the Hospit- al, but felt it would be best to be .'ontinued, and moved that]the operation of the Fiospital be con- tinued for one year from July 3, I955, to June 30, 1956,.to be supported,by the.five (5) cent Zevy •• authorized by Law, . . . PKOVIDED; Lhe administration of the instztution be re-organized in such a manner as to place it ? on a strictly sound busine ss basis, particularly to cover prQper methods of admission, transPer- rals to State Institutions and proper evaluation and collection from those patients who are able ? to pay in pa rt or in whole the expenses of Hospitalization. The motion was secvnded by hir. Br-flad.hurst and earried. The seeond question raised by Mr. Iia].l, was the appointment of a Physician to be in charge of the -A Me.e.ting of May 2 . 3, 1955 _ C4ntYnued . ? Hosgi.tal.tv:r.e.place._Dr.. Hodman,.resigned, and on written recummendatian of Dr. John C, Wessell -?, addressed to .him; maved...that; Dr. J. C. MaeKay: beappo3.nted Physician-in-charge of the, John C. Wessell TuberculosaLs Sanatarium, a t a salary of $300.00 per manth beginning July 1, 1955. And, that the Caunty Attorney be instrueted to prepare a ballat in aceordanceiwith-the wishes of the County Camunissioners, to be subm3.tted to the people at th+e primary, next spring to pass on the . question of continuing the Hospital.. His motion was seconded by Mr. Mayban and carried on the affirmative vote of Commissioners MKalg, Mayhan and Broadhurst. Mr. Trask voted"no: Zt was agreeable to the Board as best, to transfer a seven-year old negro girl to MaCain where her mvther is a patient. ?y The Chairman,asked--if. we WOU1d Iike to take some?,of the otherculore.d patients out, of?.our? T. B. Hospital and put them'in?MeCain:"`i?ir;`Trask,felt tYiat pat?en?sA:doing weX°?`a•t Qur Hospital should / not be?rer?oved• . ? U w..?` • '! ? * .,+r . r ? *y?i ?A . ',??, .; f ,? ?? x ? ? F ' s -Z 0 .? I n s t r u?t?o?1s,?we??gi.ven, tci ?writ e. ?the?State?a?Ietter-advi'sing;that-wer ar?e not interested in State beds now, we wil.l work it out. An invitation was given to Cammissioners to participate in Optimists Reareational Little League Club, 4:40 P.M., May 30. A request from the Superintendent of Public We1fare that the publie assistance 13.en an the hom.e .?? of John Aaron MaMi3lan, 75 years oid OdA recipient, will be canaelled for the purpose of a13ow- ing a first mortgage be. placed upon the property far :the purpose of. making repairs to.the pra- perty, after which public assistance lien will again appiy, was approved. ?The Chairman reparted receipt of Hurricane Disaster Relief FUnds Pram General Edward `?Q Direator of Council of Civil Defense, For sand fence construction $6,486.45 and for tj,??" ? the Butter-Hangar $8,856.41. Construetian and repairs have been made and J2,000,00 -- in the accaunt, and asked permission to use such funds necessary, staying within the to provide office for HaZ Watters Charter'Service and for Fenni.ngtan's Plying Service Airport, wh3.ch was upon mot3.an of.Mr. Ha1I, seeonded by Mr. Mayhan, approved. - F. Griffin, repa3ring is left Budget, aL the ? Upon mation of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Hail, the Board, if funds are available, approved ? the installation of identification of our Airport, on the Terminal Bui].ding with ].etters read- ing, "tdilmington, N. C.", same to be 12" high, 8" in width and letter strokes to be 2?" to be ? formed with Plegiglas in selected colors at $9.40 each, ready for maunting. If we are to install the same the eost will be $112,80 FtOB, Phil,adalphia, or same completely . instal3.ed, as directed, at a tQtal eost of $154.00, 3.n accardance with bid received from the Bost Agency. . . A request was received from hirs. James B. Launsbury, President of Girl Soauts, Cape Pear Area, Ine., that the County c].ear the.Carnp Site at Camp Wright, Greenville Sound, preparatory to the opening of their Gamp June 6, and also a smail amount of clearing to be dane at the site of the negro Day Camp, Camp Shady Glen on Middle Sound, was approved. . A special legislative bttlletin was reeeived from John R. Jordan, Jr., Executive Secretary and ?. General Council for North Carolina Wholesa].e AssociaLion, Inc., bearing date of May 17, advis- ing that New Hanover County was nvt excluded from a Bi11 to amend CS 14-414 sa as to al.low the sale and use of explosive caps designed to be fired in Loy eap pistols. The same was referred to our Representatives for cheeking after.adjournment. ? A letter was reaeived fram the Public Housing Ad.ministration advising the sale of Ftederal War Housing Development, Lake Farest Homes in its entirety to a private purehaser about May 31) 1955, but not later than JunO4, 1955. They want ta be advised if the Caunty interprets CS 105-280 .? to mean that the County may aeecept' payment in lieu of taxes f'rom the Publie Housing Adminis- A request or the Super3ntendent of Pub].ic WelPare that Elizabeth S. Player who is a OAA recip- ient in thi s County and owned a piece of prape rty in Buncombe County on which Riew Hanaver Coun- ty had, a lien, and the property has been sold and she was to receatve $3,000.00 her Attorney asked if we, wouZd accep,t $300.00 to ena,ble her to receive $304.00 and c].QSe the account, was agreeable so far as we are eoncerned, and the same was referred to Mr. Hoxlis to handle, tration far the period from January l, 1955, thr u June 30, 1955, atx3, the County may assess the private purchaser as of July 1, 1955 for the remainder of the calender year. It is the consensus of the Board tha.t the purchaser pay his propartianate part of the tazes at ? the time of sale,,would be tZie ideal way, if he refuses.,the tax lien woul.d be on the properLy. census report of the Caunty Home inmates, prisoners and juvenil.es for April, and Airport cash receipts far May 20, were received and filed . • John C. Wessell Tubereulasis Sanatorium Census report-for week ending May 200 1955: White patients 9 Nonresidents 0 Negrio 15 Vacant beds 8= Male white 3; Fema3e white 6; m Ma1+a c43ored 1. Admitted . 0 Di.scharged U ,? Drainage report showing 14,300 Peet Jahnson--Whiskey Creek canal completed, and-500 feet Lawson- _` Wa1tDri-Johnson open canal completed by hand operation. The dragllne wilI move out-in three or four days. - ? Concerning areas for i,ndustrial purposes, find that inasmueh as 200 acres of land known as Air- port Tract No. 3, ioca#,ed on Kerr Avenue, being an idea2 loeatian for an industrial site, tha ?i? ,Board, upon motion of Mr. Ha1Z, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, agreed to have the same snrveyed -? and copies made of the plat far future sa].icitatians 3.f restrictions can be lifted thraugh Gavernment Surp].us Administration. ' ? It appearing t,hat the Sheriffs' autamobiles have been driven 50,000 miles and maintenance cost increasing and suf ficient funds in the Budget t o pureha se new cars, th e?Board, upon ? nuotion of Air. Trask, se,r,onded bp Mr.•. Broadhurst authorized the purchase of three (3) new cars on, bids to be received 10:00 o'clock A.M,, Juni 60 1955. ` Upan motion of Mr-. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Ha11, the County Awditor was authorized to in? 0?? crease the Airpart Sudget appropriations under repairs by $3,956.41 unanticipated itxnds re- _ aeived from the Federal Governme nt, to enable him to disburse the same. • ? Ugon motion of Mr. Trask, seco nded by Mr. Broadhurst-; the County Auditor was authorized ta transfer $I00.00 fram the County Home Emergency Flind to Medicine and Veterinary urider County Home. F ?? . Meeting of May 23, 1'955 - Continued 601 The-County.Auditor announced:.that School Bonds and Coupons for interest in the amount of $103,302.50 wi.ll be due and payable_June 1, 1955, with-ample funds on hand to cover. Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, County bills No. 3609 to 3724 were ap- proved for payment. Monday, May 30, 1955, being a legal holiday (Memorial Day) and thek same faIling on the date of the next regular meeting of the Board, and the same being observed in accordance with our Per- sonnel Rules and Regulations, a recess taas taken until 10:00 o'clock A.M., Tuesday, May 31, 1955. 7 Clerk. ?• Wilmington, N. C., May 310 1955. Pursuant to recess taken Monday, May 23, 19550 the Board met this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Raiford Trask, J. M. Hall, Jr., Ernest Ii. Mayhan,,L. &: Broadhurst; Cicero P. Yow, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor., The meeting .was opened with prayer by the Reverend James C. Grady, Pastor oP St. Matthews AME Church. ` APter a quotation appearing in the minutes of May 23, 1955, in connection with the discussion }?? oP the T. B. Hospital matter, which was inadvertently shown as having been made by Dr. H.,A. ? Y Eaton; whereas the same was made by the Reverend R. Irving Boone, Pastor of Central Baptist Church, and the same corrected, the said minutes were then, upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Pir. Mayhan, approved. , , The Chairman arranged a meeting at John C. Wessell TUberculosis sanatorium for 12:30 P.M., Juner?v? ' lst, 1955, to go over rianager problems. Commissioners Hall, Diayhan and Broadhurst said they l? would be there, Mr. Horton then recognized Mr. Roland, Superintendent of Schools, who proceeded to present the-5" Commissioners with a copy of the 5chools' Budget requests in the amounts of: Regular Budget 6396,650.00, Supplementary Budget $354,000.00, Wilmington College $112,000.00 for the year 1955- 1956. Ae informed the Commissioners bhat detail information was available and he would be glad to discuss the Budget.at any time they care to go into it, Mr. Horton accepted the re- quests and told Mr. Roland that the Board would go into the Budget as a whole and call him when neceseary. Mr. McEwen, Court Reporter, appeared'and asked that $1,135.00 additional be paid him for the CS? - additional ten weeks of court to be held during the coming year. Mr. Yow, County Attorney, thouglit pay should be g ranted for additional work, and he stated that New Hanover County was the only County that did not pay the Reporters' expense. Mr. McEwen explained his problems in detail and discussion was entered into. Mr. Trask moved and it was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and carried, that he be paidfbr the increased work on the samelasis he is now paid. Dr. Hoggard appeared and asked that another appropriation be made for Wilmington College on in- come that came from tuition. Mr. Trask moved and it was seconded by Mr. Hall and carried, that $2,843.00 the amount requested be appropriated from unanticipated revenue received. Then Dr. Hoggard requested tkie Board to levy 5¢ tax for the fiscal year 1955-1956 to support_WC-i Wilmington College. , -- LDNan?Akl., A request was received from the Junior Chamber of Commerce for $25.00 to be used in their annual publication, presented by Mr. Horton. The request be held for handling during the preparation of the 1955-1956 Budget. - Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Trask, authority was given to increase the Budget ap- propriation for Sugh MacRae Park by an amount not exceeding unanticipated revenue received from the Park, to secure necessary materials for improvements and work to be done at the Park. Mr. Horton then Presented the matter of selling tax foreclosed property, and recommended that Mr. J. E. Candy be authorized to proceed to sell the property at usual commission on sale of Real Estate in the County five or ten percent whichever is applicable'to the sale. Mr. Hall moved and it was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and carried, that Mr. Candy be used to dispose of the property and tYiat the commission be added to the sale price. Jointly owned property to be han- dled on the same basis after approval by the City of Wilmington. County A request was received from the Negro/Home Agent to raise funds to help 4-H'ers build or com- aq"'nc_ plete a camp thru membership fees in the 4-H Foundation of North Carolina, Inc., Piembership for individuals are $10.00 and *25.00 for organizations. Mr. Trask said this was a personal re- quest and not to the County. The following censes report for John C. Wessell Tuberculosis Sanatorium for week ending May 27, 1955 was received and accepted: , White patienta 8' Nonresidents U ' Negro " 14 Vacant beds 10= Male white 2; Female white 6; urale colored 1; 27 Discharged 2= Mr. W. F. Wilkins, (Female colored 1. White male 5720/55 • Rosa Hayes, Colored female 5/23/55 Admitted 0 An,application for admittance or a two=year four-months old colored child, Curtis S. Bey, to'the ? T. B. Sanatoriuia was received and to be forwarded to the State Sanatorium. A report of the Board of Health for May was received and filed. Upon recommendati'on of the Boaril of Equalization and Review, W. L. F7owers, et al, Trustees, LtQh-? Bloek 34, Lots 7,8,15,16,17 Kure Beach was exempt from taxes on account of Church property use exclusively for Church purposes and the same ordered placed on the "Tax Free" list, and the tax- es due on the same for the years 1951 thru 1954 were ordered abated. A copy of a resolution adopted'by'the Board of Health in recognition of the valuable services A47 rendered by Mr. E. L. White during his membership on the Board of Health, was read by the Chair- man, and upon motian of Mr. Trask,*seconded by P1r. Broadhurst, was approved by the board. ?