1955-05-31 Regular Meeting. Meeting of May 23, 1'955 - Continued 601 The-County.Auditor announced:.that School Bonds and Coupons for interest in the amount of $103,302.50 wi.ll be due and payable_June 1, 1955, with-ample funds on hand to cover. Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, County bills No. 3609 to 3724 were ap- proved for payment. Monday, May 30, 1955, being a legal holiday (Memorial Day) and thek same faIling on the date of the next regular meeting of the Board, and the same being observed in accordance with our Per- sonnel Rules and Regulations, a recess taas taken until 10:00 o'clock A.M., Tuesday, May 31, 1955. 7 Clerk. ?• Wilmington, N. C., May 310 1955. Pursuant to recess taken Monday, May 23, 19550 the Board met this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Raiford Trask, J. M. Hall, Jr., Ernest Ii. Mayhan,,L. &: Broadhurst; Cicero P. Yow, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor., The meeting .was opened with prayer by the Reverend James C. Grady, Pastor oP St. Matthews AME Church. ` APter a quotation appearing in the minutes of May 23, 1955, in connection with the discussion }?? oP the T. B. Hospital matter, which was inadvertently shown as having been made by Dr. H.,A. ? Y Eaton; whereas the same was made by the Reverend R. Irving Boone, Pastor of Central Baptist Church, and the same corrected, the said minutes were then, upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Pir. Mayhan, approved. , , The Chairman arranged a meeting at John C. Wessell TUberculosis sanatorium for 12:30 P.M., Juner?v? ' lst, 1955, to go over rianager problems. Commissioners Hall, Diayhan and Broadhurst said they l? would be there, Mr. Horton then recognized Mr. Roland, Superintendent of Schools, who proceeded to present the-5" Commissioners with a copy of the 5chools' Budget requests in the amounts of: Regular Budget 6396,650.00, Supplementary Budget $354,000.00, Wilmington College $112,000.00 for the year 1955- 1956. Ae informed the Commissioners bhat detail information was available and he would be glad to discuss the Budget.at any time they care to go into it, Mr. Horton accepted the re- quests and told Mr. Roland that the Board would go into the Budget as a whole and call him when neceseary. Mr. McEwen, Court Reporter, appeared'and asked that $1,135.00 additional be paid him for the CS? - additional ten weeks of court to be held during the coming year. Mr. Yow, County Attorney, thouglit pay should be g ranted for additional work, and he stated that New Hanover County was the only County that did not pay the Reporters' expense. Mr. McEwen explained his problems in detail and discussion was entered into. Mr. Trask moved and it was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and carried, that he be paidfbr the increased work on the samelasis he is now paid. Dr. Hoggard appeared and asked that another appropriation be made for Wilmington College on in- come that came from tuition. Mr. Trask moved and it was seconded by Mr. Hall and carried, that $2,843.00 the amount requested be appropriated from unanticipated revenue received. Then Dr. Hoggard requested tkie Board to levy 5¢ tax for the fiscal year 1955-1956 to support_WC-i Wilmington College. , -- LDNan?Akl., A request was received from the Junior Chamber of Commerce for $25.00 to be used in their annual publication, presented by Mr. Horton. The request be held for handling during the preparation of the 1955-1956 Budget. - Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Trask, authority was given to increase the Budget ap- propriation for Sugh MacRae Park by an amount not exceeding unanticipated revenue received from the Park, to secure necessary materials for improvements and work to be done at the Park. Mr. Horton then Presented the matter of selling tax foreclosed property, and recommended that Mr. J. E. Candy be authorized to proceed to sell the property at usual commission on sale of Real Estate in the County five or ten percent whichever is applicable'to the sale. Mr. Hall moved and it was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and carried, that Mr. Candy be used to dispose of the property and tYiat the commission be added to the sale price. Jointly owned property to be han- dled on the same basis after approval by the City of Wilmington. County A request was received from the Negro/Home Agent to raise funds to help 4-H'ers build or com- aq"'nc_ plete a camp thru membership fees in the 4-H Foundation of North Carolina, Inc., Piembership for individuals are $10.00 and *25.00 for organizations. Mr. Trask said this was a personal re- quest and not to the County. The following censes report for John C. Wessell Tuberculosis Sanatorium for week ending May 27, 1955 was received and accepted: , White patienta 8' Nonresidents U ' Negro " 14 Vacant beds 10= Male white 2; Female white 6; urale colored 1; 27 Discharged 2= Mr. W. F. Wilkins, (Female colored 1. White male 5720/55 • Rosa Hayes, Colored female 5/23/55 Admitted 0 An,application for admittance or a two=year four-months old colored child, Curtis S. Bey, to'the ? T. B. Sanatoriuia was received and to be forwarded to the State Sanatorium. A report of the Board of Health for May was received and filed. Upon recommendati'on of the Boaril of Equalization and Review, W. L. F7owers, et al, Trustees, LtQh-? Bloek 34, Lots 7,8,15,16,17 Kure Beach was exempt from taxes on account of Church property use exclusively for Church purposes and the same ordered placed on the "Tax Free" list, and the tax- es due on the same for the years 1951 thru 1954 were ordered abated. A copy of a resolution adopted'by'the Board of Health in recognition of the valuable services A47 rendered by Mr. E. L. White during his membership on the Board of Health, was read by the Chair- man, and upon motian of Mr. Trask,*seconded by P1r. Broadhurst, was approved by the board. ? ,602 HSeeting of May 310 3955 - Continued The Chairman reported 793 feet drainage cut in the Carolina Beach Highway-Silver Lake area ? which completes the dragline there. ?Mr. Love, County Auditor, reported on his a ttendance upon the Institute of Government School -?,for Accountants at Chapel Hill, and cited cost of audits in other Counties. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, County bills No: 3725 thru 3793 were ap- proved for payment. The meeting then adjourned. e Clerk. ? .-. il. • • ? Wilmington, N. C., June 6, 1955. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present:• R.,T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners RaiPord Trask, J. M. Hal'1,'Jr., Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, Cicero P. Yow, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend J. C. McCann, Pastor of Little Chapel on the Boardwalk (Presbyterian Church), Wrightsville Beach, N. Cj, " Copies of the minutes of ineeting of May 31, 1955, having previously been mailed to each mem- ber of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr; Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Aall, approved. The following rules and regulations governing policies to be observed by the John:C. Wessell _VA Tuberculosis Sanatorium, were upon motion of Mr, Hall, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, adopted: " The complete list of policies adopted Wednesday, June 1, 1955, are as Pollows: 1. All patients will be reported to the Health Department with diagnoais aaid laboratory check before being admitted to the local Sanatorium. Each will be required to sign an ap- plication to the local Hospital anci a State application. Admissions will be reported to the Welfare Department and the Board of County Commissioners. 2. The Welfare Department shall be responsilile for screening all patients to determine their financial status. A,routine system of collections will be set up, and local patients will pay ?6.30 a day, and out-oP-town patients will pay $7.30 a daq, or as much'as they are able. 3. Medical care shall be under the direction of Dr. MacBay. A swnmary of a patient's case will be submitted to the Health Department when the patient is discharged. A'record will be kept of the number of patient days per patient. Admittance of emergency cases will be left up to the discretion of Dr. MacKay. ' 4. All Budget and Administrative policy will be the sole responsibility of the Board of Com- missioners. In no case shall a patient be admitted to the local Hospital 'without going thru the proper channels outlined above. 5. All transfer of patients will be channeled thru the Welfare Department. When a patient leaves the Hospita•1 without the Doctor's release, the patient 'ahall be governed by the State I,atas administered by the Health Department. ' ?Tir. Oliver Carter, Attorney, for the Coastal Cab Company appeared to ag'ain urge the Commission- ers to place the agreement to provide taxicab service to and from the Airport, now held by the ?? Yellow Taxiuab Canpany, under a verbal agreement; on a bid basis was upon motion of Mr. Broad- --?` hurst, seconded by r4r. Trask, approved. The Commissioners reserving the ri git to reject any and all bids. Mr. Aall voted "no", feeling that the present agreement'with the Yellow Taxi- cab-Company should not be abrogated. ? Afr. W. K. Rhodes, Jr., Attorney appeared to extend an invitation to the Commissi.oners to at- ,i1?/ tend the American Legion Baseball starting tonight at the Legion Stadium. t ? Upon recormendation of Mr. A. H. Seawell, Veterans' Service Officer, and upon motion,of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, Mr. Eugene Cameron residing at no. 2-F Nesbitt Courts, was granted fiRES LICENSE to Peddle and operate a Concession in New Hanover County on account of being a disabled World War II-Veteran,- as is provided by L'aw in such cases. ? Discussion and further consideration of ari Act passed by the 1955 Session of the General As- sembly to ammend the North Carolina Local Governmental Employees' Retirement System for the purpose of Integrating and Coordinating said System with the Social Security Act subject to the results of a Referendum, was postponed for further study. IIpon motion of Mr. Trask, secnnded by Mr. Broadhurst, Mr. E. I'. Herring was granted an abate- ment of taxes on a valuation of $450.00 for the year 1955 on account of error in the nwnber of acres in a tract of land at Wrightsboro, Cape Fear Township, charged,against him as 27.5 acres assessed at $4,300.00, whereas the correct number of acres shown by survey is only 24.7 l acres, thereby reducing the total land assessment to $3,850.00. A request to (xerupt DSanley-Reese Post No. 2573, Veterans of Fbreign [dars, from payment oE tax- es, was referred to the Chairman and County Attorney for investigation and recommendations. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Trask, Mr. C. R. Morse, Tax Collector, was author- ized and directed to advertise the sale of.land for taxes once a week for Pour (4) consecu- tive weeks in the month oP July, as required by Law, oh which said land t12e 1954 taxes have J not been paid, said sale to take place on the first rionday in August, 1955. Upon motion of Pir. Hall, seconded bq Mr. Trask, the Board of County Commis'sioners of New Hanover County does hereby levy to the maximum amount, a license tax for the years 1955- 1956 and 1956-1957, on all trades, professions, businesses, and so forth, carried on and ? conducted in said County whic;h are specifically designated and defined in Schedule B, of the Revenue Act of Nortti Carolina at the 1955 or other Sessions of the General Assembly; excepting those cases where it is expressly prohibited by Law. ? A letter of thanks and appreciation was receined from Mr. C. D. Gurganus, Head of the Social Students' Department, New Hanover High School, for being again permitted to have the students / participate in the Student Local Government Day program. "We feel that you helped us a great deai in teaching local gonernment to our students", he sa'id.