1955-06-06 Regular Meeting,602 HSeeting of May 310 3955 - Continued The Chairman reported 793 feet drainage cut in the Carolina Beach Highway-Silver Lake area ? which completes the dragline there. ?Mr. Love, County Auditor, reported on his a ttendance upon the Institute of Government School -?,for Accountants at Chapel Hill, and cited cost of audits in other Counties. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, County bills No: 3725 thru 3793 were ap- proved for payment. The meeting then adjourned. e Clerk. ? .-. il. • • ? Wilmington, N. C., June 6, 1955. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present:• R.,T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners RaiPord Trask, J. M. Hal'1,'Jr., Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, Cicero P. Yow, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend J. C. McCann, Pastor of Little Chapel on the Boardwalk (Presbyterian Church), Wrightsville Beach, N. Cj, " Copies of the minutes of ineeting of May 31, 1955, having previously been mailed to each mem- ber of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr; Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Aall, approved. The following rules and regulations governing policies to be observed by the John:C. Wessell _VA Tuberculosis Sanatorium, were upon motion of Mr, Hall, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, adopted: " The complete list of policies adopted Wednesday, June 1, 1955, are as Pollows: 1. All patients will be reported to the Health Department with diagnoais aaid laboratory check before being admitted to the local Sanatorium. Each will be required to sign an ap- plication to the local Hospital anci a State application. Admissions will be reported to the Welfare Department and the Board of County Commissioners. 2. The Welfare Department shall be responsilile for screening all patients to determine their financial status. A,routine system of collections will be set up, and local patients will pay ?6.30 a day, and out-oP-town patients will pay $7.30 a daq, or as much'as they are able. 3. Medical care shall be under the direction of Dr. MacBay. A swnmary of a patient's case will be submitted to the Health Department when the patient is discharged. A'record will be kept of the number of patient days per patient. Admittance of emergency cases will be left up to the discretion of Dr. MacKay. ' 4. All Budget and Administrative policy will be the sole responsibility of the Board of Com- missioners. In no case shall a patient be admitted to the local Hospital 'without going thru the proper channels outlined above. 5. All transfer of patients will be channeled thru the Welfare Department. When a patient leaves the Hospita•1 without the Doctor's release, the patient 'ahall be governed by the State I,atas administered by the Health Department. ' ?Tir. Oliver Carter, Attorney, for the Coastal Cab Company appeared to ag'ain urge the Commission- ers to place the agreement to provide taxicab service to and from the Airport, now held by the ?? Yellow Taxiuab Canpany, under a verbal agreement; on a bid basis was upon motion of Mr. Broad- --?` hurst, seconded by r4r. Trask, approved. The Commissioners reserving the ri git to reject any and all bids. Mr. Aall voted "no", feeling that the present agreement'with the Yellow Taxi- cab-Company should not be abrogated. ? Afr. W. K. Rhodes, Jr., Attorney appeared to extend an invitation to the Commissi.oners to at- ,i1?/ tend the American Legion Baseball starting tonight at the Legion Stadium. t ? Upon recormendation of Mr. A. H. Seawell, Veterans' Service Officer, and upon motion,of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, Mr. Eugene Cameron residing at no. 2-F Nesbitt Courts, was granted fiRES LICENSE to Peddle and operate a Concession in New Hanover County on account of being a disabled World War II-Veteran,- as is provided by L'aw in such cases. ? Discussion and further consideration of ari Act passed by the 1955 Session of the General As- sembly to ammend the North Carolina Local Governmental Employees' Retirement System for the purpose of Integrating and Coordinating said System with the Social Security Act subject to the results of a Referendum, was postponed for further study. IIpon motion of Mr. Trask, secnnded by Mr. Broadhurst, Mr. E. I'. Herring was granted an abate- ment of taxes on a valuation of $450.00 for the year 1955 on account of error in the nwnber of acres in a tract of land at Wrightsboro, Cape Fear Township, charged,against him as 27.5 acres assessed at $4,300.00, whereas the correct number of acres shown by survey is only 24.7 l acres, thereby reducing the total land assessment to $3,850.00. A request to (xerupt DSanley-Reese Post No. 2573, Veterans of Fbreign [dars, from payment oE tax- es, was referred to the Chairman and County Attorney for investigation and recommendations. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Trask, Mr. C. R. Morse, Tax Collector, was author- ized and directed to advertise the sale of.land for taxes once a week for Pour (4) consecu- tive weeks in the month oP July, as required by Law, oh which said land t12e 1954 taxes have J not been paid, said sale to take place on the first rionday in August, 1955. Upon motion of Pir. Hall, seconded bq Mr. Trask, the Board of County Commis'sioners of New Hanover County does hereby levy to the maximum amount, a license tax for the years 1955- 1956 and 1956-1957, on all trades, professions, businesses, and so forth, carried on and ? conducted in said County whic;h are specifically designated and defined in Schedule B, of the Revenue Act of Nortti Carolina at the 1955 or other Sessions of the General Assembly; excepting those cases where it is expressly prohibited by Law. ? A letter of thanks and appreciation was receined from Mr. C. D. Gurganus, Head of the Social Students' Department, New Hanover High School, for being again permitted to have the students / participate in the Student Local Government Day program. "We feel that you helped us a great deai in teaching local gonernment to our students", he sa'id. Meeting of June 6, 1955 - Continued - 603, No bids having been received at this meeting for the purcliase of three (3) automobile8 for the J? Sheriff's Department as advertised,.the time for receiving such bids, was therefore, extended until neat meeting, Monday, June 13; 19B5. •,. . ? The Chairman and Commissioners Trask and Hall, arrayed in appropriate attire to fit the occas ?swp- ion, (Bermuda Shorts) presented the following resolution which was unanimously adopted: At the regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners, this June 6, 1955, do adopt unanimously, the following resolution endorsing tke Resort Promotion Week, beginning June 8, thru the.15th: WHEREAS, the County Commissioners respeetfully endorses the Resort Promotion Week Por the Beaches located in New Hanover County, to encourage ways and means for soliciting re- sort business for this area, and T+IHPREAS, to invite tourists and local vacationists to enjoy, the fine Beaches, Surf, Social Life and all around Sunshine that is not equaled anywhere else along the Coast, and WHEREAS, Sport FYshing has no equal anywhere on the East Coast along with Boating facilities that will accommodate not only the small Boats, but also the larger class Yachts, and WHPAEAS, atmosphere of family life adapted to all ages from the cradle•to the grave, can be enjoyed with yowh participation; NOW, THEREFORE, BS IT RESOLVED that the members of the Board of County Commission- ers along with the citizens give f1u11 recognition and endorsement of the Resort Promotion Week, June 8, thru the 15th, as described in the above resolution. ° This the 6th day of June, 1955. BOARD OF COMMISSZUNEtS OF NEW HANOVEA COUNTY ' WILMINGTON, NORTfi CAROLINA , /s/ R. T. Horton Chairman . . .a T;jr. L. E. Broadhurst E. R. Mayhan RaiPord Trask A letter was received by Mr. John A. Westbrook, Airport Manage; Route marking Federal Airways, that our Airport has been named overnight stops for the Sixth All-Women International Air Race States to the Capitol of Cuba, Havana, by the way of Key West, Airport Thursday, June 9, 1955, at 7:00 A.M. The letter was acknowledged with appreciation that our Airport stops for gas or over-night stays. r, from Blanche Noyes, Chief Air as one of the designated gas or from the Capitol of the United leaving the District of Columbia was designated as one of the A report of the Grand Jury, May Term 1955, was received and filed. The following Drainage schedule and program was presented to the Board by the Chairman, June 1, 1955: 1. Clean out and shrub ditch in Summer Haven (betwes? Babies Hospital and Pembroke Jonea en- trance). Mr. George and Koelz properties - See Mrs. H. C. Koelz. 2. Clean out and shrub ditch on Castle $ayne Road - Box 131 - Bi11 Davis, Galloway's and others. ( Slope.where needed). 3. Clean out and shrub ditch.on Greenville Sound Loop Road at Zion Chapel - Colored Church across Road from Joe Wagner. . 4. Clean out and shrub ditch at 1307 Live Oak Parkway (E. A. Metts). Oi3 area. 56 Clean out, grade and shrub ditches in and around Henry Feenstra, Meyland's and others, northeast side of Airport. (See 7ohn Westbrook, Airport). 6. Clean and Grade ditch in Rock Hi12 seetion (Castle Hayne) - Grady property and others. 7. Clean out and grade ditch in.Wrightsboro area running between Baptist Church and Wrights- boro School. 8. Laq pipe in ditch on the Hawthorne Drive (T. B. Sanatorium Road to Oleander Drive) L. H. Vinson Propertq - 27 lengths 15" pope. . in di ch 9. Lay pipe on Old Wrightsville Beach Road (Pipe located on left of Roadway.just before you reach intersection of Highways) - Mr. Langston - Old Westbrook Place. 10. Clean out Scout area in Ogden Section (Call 3-2020 and ask for Mrs. Laura Head - she will show you the area). Remove or burn, cut shrub and grass. . 11. Run grade on main oanal rwu?ing from Hanby Beach into Cape.Flear River. 12. Clean and grade ditch across from Bill Lumsden's at Whiskey Creek - Linwood Todd and others. 13. Clean and.remove blocked off pond of water., at Moss Point in Myrtle Grove area - Dalzelle Croom, L. W. Townsend, P1rs. Walter Beck and Jackson's. See Mrs. Croom for location = Turn off at iron sign, "L. W. Townsend". Oil area also. _ 14. Clean and shrub ditch just a cross from Blue Top Lodge, lnown as Lennon Drive - J. T. Carroll and others. • 1l -wi ? /s/ R. T. Horton. A report of the Veterans' Service Officer; Wflmington Public Librarp and Boolmobile; County Hom?e`? Demonstratipn Agent t'or riay were received and Piled. A report of Airport cash receipts Por May 27th and 31st was i•eCeived. An insUp ?.ion report was received from the Hartford Steam Boiler and Insurance Company, calling--? attention to scale of approximately 1/32" in thicimess was observed on the internal surface of Boiler No. 2-NC6888, HSB-0.0984, located in the boiler room at Community Hospital, which should be removed and the boiler thoroughly.washed out before being returned to service. No conditions were• observed that require attention to Community Hospital boiler No. 1- NC-6892, NB-9134 at at this time. < A Meeting of June 6, 1955 - Continued Census report for John.C. Wessel'1 Tuberculosis Sanatorium for week ending June 3, 1955: White patients 9 Nonresidents 0 Negro " 14 Vacant beds 9= Male white 2; Female white 5; Male Colored 1; ftmale Discharged 0 , colored 1. ? Admitted 1= Mrs. Lillian Wade, White female, Piay 31, 1955. ??IIpon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, authority was given to appropriate $200.00 out of the emergency flxnd to P4osquito Control Program to meet the expense of $300.00 for carrying on a ?4 new and efficient type of spraying for the balance of the fiscal qear on a 2/3 basis of cost by the' County and 1/3 by the City. On recommendation of the County Auditor the following transfer of funds within the Budget and ap- propriations from the emergency fluid to adjust overdrawn accounts, and increase of appropriations from receipts of unanticipated flxnds, was granted;, r . 1. Increase Welfare Department's Budget appropriation by $5,000.00 under OAA, and $4,000.00 under ADC, from ".p'9,000.00 unanticipated,money received from the State Board of Public Welfare Equaliza- tion b1md. 2. Transfer within appropriation, ?300.00 fY?om Ca?ital Outlay to Travel. 3. Increase Boarding Home.Care by 1,800.00 from 1,400.00 unanticipated revenue received and $400.00 to be transferred from salaries not e xpended. , 4. Transfer $25.00 from Capital Outlay to Telephon(s. TransFer within the County Farm Budget $119.05 from Fertilizer, Seed and Plants to repairs to , buildings. Appropriate $45.60 out of the Emergency fund for upkeep or Fb.stage Stamp Meter. Action on request to appropriate $1,974.57 out of the Emergency blxnd to meet payment of var= ious FSire Insurance Premiwns falling due this month, was postponed for 30 days. Transfer within the Tax Col.lectors Budget $20.00 from Bonds and Recording to Exeha.nge on Cheeks. Appropriate $150.00 from the Emergency Ftixr?d, if necessary, to pay Dr. L. B. Mason for opera- tion for Jaanes Richardson, negro man who was injured when kie juaiped out of the window in Re- corder's Court during trial. i? ih Tentative Budget Estimates for.1955-1956 were received from the Clerk of Superior Court, Recorder's. X\ Court, and Suuerior Court, RPti2ister of Deeds and Airport. All were approsimately the same as last y.ear ? year except for salary increases rec?uested in a ccornance with Personnel Rules and Regulations and Superior Court which showed an increase by reason of the addition of ten (10) extra weeks of Court to the calendar. The Budget Estimates submitted were received.for consideration during the pre- paration of the County's General Budget. ? Upon motion of Pir. Mayhan, seconded by rir. Broadhurst.. County bills No. 3794 to 3889 were approved ?l for payment. . . . The following good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as jurors in the Superior Court for the trial of Criminal cases for the one week term be ginnxng June 13,,1955: . Chas. E. Brown, 501 N. 21st Street D. H. Rhodea, Hte 1- Box 543-B . . T. T. Roper, Jr., 707 So.2nd Street J. A. Brown, 2727 Van Buren Street W. D. Hall, 119 Henry Street W. G. Trevathan, 2526 Van Buren Street William P. Russ, 302 Sanset Avenue Geo. Donald PfeFkdyen, 406 So. 17th Street R. S. Bell, 1619 Orange Street Victor A. Moore, 3015 Market Street 0. D. Buck, 170 Colonial Village 7oseph P. Hubbert, 2 CrtZ Lake Nbrest Roy Roberts 116 Marstellar Street C. D. Parker, Route 2= Box 469 Brooks L. Joyner, 507 N. 21st Street B. A. F7owers, 19 Ivey Circle J. W. Garrison, 2104 So. Flront Street J. J. Siefired, 2713 So. Front Street T. E. Peterson, 4914 Oleander Drive John R. DScLeon, 3-G Lake Village Levi McMillan, 102 No. 5th Street David Johnson, Route 1 Box 407A Henry W. Gornto, Boz 531 Rupert L. ging, 4 Pinecrest Parkway T. D. Sikes, 22 No. Flront Stree N. L. George, 3 Country Club Blvd. Sam Hartman, 45 Pinecrest Parkway J. E. Hicks, Carolina Stamp & Printing Co., T. J. Baird, 1509 Princess Street • Flrank Trainer, 210 WrigYiaville Avenue Thos. M. Burn, 261 No. 26th Street Lloyd M. Smith, 311 N. C. Avenue T. A. Lawther; Sr., 614 Market Street James N. Myers, 393 Northern Blvd. J. 0. Sharp, Route 3- Box 43 • S. F. Deil, 604 Colwell Avenue D. T. Copeland, 2906 Jefferson Street• Charles W. Swmierlin, Route 3- Box 291 A. D. Peterson, 403 Dock Street Quillie King, 2113 Gibson Avenue • W. F. pearson, 223 Williamson Drive H. W. Jaclcson, 202 Lake Fbrest Parkway H. C. Foreman, Jr., 608 Greenfield Street Erastus B. Johnson, 2002 Woolcott Avenue Carl L. Fales, 510 Nun Street • Clyde King, Route 3- Box 225A R. S. Newton, 2525 Adams Street R. H. Teachey, 114 Meares Street • E. D. Padgett, 132 Ward Street The meeting tTuen adjourned. ? 00 Clerk. ? Wilmington, N. C. June 13, 1955 The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: A. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Ra3ford Trask, J. M. Hall, Jr,, Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, Cicero P. Yow, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The invocation was given by Mr. R. T. Horton, Chairman of the Board. Copies of minutes of ineeting of June 6, 1955, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, approved. This being the date to receive bids Por furnishing three automobiles for the SheriPF's Departmerit as advertised, the following two bids were received, publicly opened.and read by the Chairman. ? CAPE FEAR MOTOk SALES: Three Fbrd Mainlines witt: the following specificatinns - 1955 Tudor, Black, 162 Horse Power V-8.sngine, F'ordomatic Transmission, Oil Filter, Ofl Bath Air Cleaner, Power Action Wipers, Turn Indicators, FresYi Air Heater, Plastic Seat Covers, 5-670 s 15 - 4Ply Tires. We will change the Alternators, all the Red Warning Lights, a nd 53rens from the old cars and install new spot lights on the three (3) units. The below price has had deducted all Federal and State taxes, and is in consideration oF trading-in three (3) 1954 Ford Tudor Sedans. L_