1955-06-13 Regular MeetingMeeting of June 6, 1955 - Continued Census report for John.C. Wessel'1 Tuberculosis Sanatorium for week ending June 3, 1955: White patients 9 Nonresidents 0 Negro " 14 Vacant beds 9= Male white 2; Female white 5; Male Colored 1; ftmale Discharged 0 , colored 1. ? Admitted 1= Mrs. Lillian Wade, White female, Piay 31, 1955. ??IIpon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, authority was given to appropriate $200.00 out of the emergency flxnd to P4osquito Control Program to meet the expense of $300.00 for carrying on a ?4 new and efficient type of spraying for the balance of the fiscal qear on a 2/3 basis of cost by the' County and 1/3 by the City. On recommendation of the County Auditor the following transfer of funds within the Budget and ap- propriations from the emergency fluid to adjust overdrawn accounts, and increase of appropriations from receipts of unanticipated flxnds, was granted;, r . 1. Increase Welfare Department's Budget appropriation by $5,000.00 under OAA, and $4,000.00 under ADC, from ".p'9,000.00 unanticipated,money received from the State Board of Public Welfare Equaliza- tion b1md. 2. Transfer within appropriation, ?300.00 fY?om Ca?ital Outlay to Travel. 3. Increase Boarding Home.Care by 1,800.00 from 1,400.00 unanticipated revenue received and $400.00 to be transferred from salaries not e xpended. , 4. Transfer $25.00 from Capital Outlay to Telephon(s. TransFer within the County Farm Budget $119.05 from Fertilizer, Seed and Plants to repairs to , buildings. Appropriate $45.60 out of the Emergency fund for upkeep or Fb.stage Stamp Meter. Action on request to appropriate $1,974.57 out of the Emergency blxnd to meet payment of var= ious FSire Insurance Premiwns falling due this month, was postponed for 30 days. Transfer within the Tax Col.lectors Budget $20.00 from Bonds and Recording to Exeha.nge on Cheeks. Appropriate $150.00 from the Emergency Ftixr?d, if necessary, to pay Dr. L. B. Mason for opera- tion for Jaanes Richardson, negro man who was injured when kie juaiped out of the window in Re- corder's Court during trial. i? ih Tentative Budget Estimates for.1955-1956 were received from the Clerk of Superior Court, Recorder's. X\ Court, and Suuerior Court, RPti2ister of Deeds and Airport. All were approsimately the same as last y.ear ? year except for salary increases rec?uested in a ccornance with Personnel Rules and Regulations and Superior Court which showed an increase by reason of the addition of ten (10) extra weeks of Court to the calendar. The Budget Estimates submitted were received.for consideration during the pre- paration of the County's General Budget. ? Upon motion of Pir. Mayhan, seconded by rir. Broadhurst.. County bills No. 3794 to 3889 were approved ?l for payment. . . . The following good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as jurors in the Superior Court for the trial of Criminal cases for the one week term be ginnxng June 13,,1955: . Chas. E. Brown, 501 N. 21st Street D. H. Rhodea, Hte 1- Box 543-B . . T. T. Roper, Jr., 707 So.2nd Street J. A. Brown, 2727 Van Buren Street W. D. Hall, 119 Henry Street W. G. Trevathan, 2526 Van Buren Street William P. Russ, 302 Sanset Avenue Geo. Donald PfeFkdyen, 406 So. 17th Street R. S. Bell, 1619 Orange Street Victor A. Moore, 3015 Market Street 0. D. Buck, 170 Colonial Village 7oseph P. Hubbert, 2 CrtZ Lake Nbrest Roy Roberts 116 Marstellar Street C. D. Parker, Route 2= Box 469 Brooks L. Joyner, 507 N. 21st Street B. A. F7owers, 19 Ivey Circle J. W. Garrison, 2104 So. Flront Street J. J. Siefired, 2713 So. Front Street T. E. Peterson, 4914 Oleander Drive John R. DScLeon, 3-G Lake Village Levi McMillan, 102 No. 5th Street David Johnson, Route 1 Box 407A Henry W. Gornto, Boz 531 Rupert L. ging, 4 Pinecrest Parkway T. D. Sikes, 22 No. Flront Stree N. L. George, 3 Country Club Blvd. Sam Hartman, 45 Pinecrest Parkway J. E. Hicks, Carolina Stamp & Printing Co., T. J. Baird, 1509 Princess Street • Flrank Trainer, 210 WrigYiaville Avenue Thos. M. Burn, 261 No. 26th Street Lloyd M. Smith, 311 N. C. Avenue T. A. Lawther; Sr., 614 Market Street James N. Myers, 393 Northern Blvd. J. 0. Sharp, Route 3- Box 43 • S. F. Deil, 604 Colwell Avenue D. T. Copeland, 2906 Jefferson Street• Charles W. Swmierlin, Route 3- Box 291 A. D. Peterson, 403 Dock Street Quillie King, 2113 Gibson Avenue • W. F. pearson, 223 Williamson Drive H. W. Jaclcson, 202 Lake Fbrest Parkway H. C. Foreman, Jr., 608 Greenfield Street Erastus B. Johnson, 2002 Woolcott Avenue Carl L. Fales, 510 Nun Street • Clyde King, Route 3- Box 225A R. S. Newton, 2525 Adams Street R. H. Teachey, 114 Meares Street • E. D. Padgett, 132 Ward Street The meeting tTuen adjourned. ? 00 Clerk. ? Wilmington, N. C. June 13, 1955 The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: A. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Ra3ford Trask, J. M. Hall, Jr,, Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, Cicero P. Yow, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The invocation was given by Mr. R. T. Horton, Chairman of the Board. Copies of minutes of ineeting of June 6, 1955, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, approved. This being the date to receive bids Por furnishing three automobiles for the SheriPF's Departmerit as advertised, the following two bids were received, publicly opened.and read by the Chairman. ? CAPE FEAR MOTOk SALES: Three Fbrd Mainlines witt: the following specificatinns - 1955 Tudor, Black, 162 Horse Power V-8.sngine, F'ordomatic Transmission, Oil Filter, Ofl Bath Air Cleaner, Power Action Wipers, Turn Indicators, FresYi Air Heater, Plastic Seat Covers, 5-670 s 15 - 4Ply Tires. We will change the Alternators, all the Red Warning Lights, a nd 53rens from the old cars and install new spot lights on the three (3) units. The below price has had deducted all Federal and State taxes, and is in consideration oF trading-in three (3) 1954 Ford Tudor Sedans. L_ Meeting of June 13, 1955 - Continued ! . ? • ?. • '. 600 , Sde will deliver three (3) 1955-Ford Tudors as specifYed above to you for the sum of $2,490.00 KEY MOTOR COMPANY: Three (3) Plymouth Plaza 2-Door'Standard Autoniobiles with Equipment and pro- visions of accessory changes according to specifications for the sum of $2,511.00 plus the three (3) Ford cars trade-in. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, aeconded by Mr. Mayhan, the contract to furnish the three (3) Auto- mobiles was awarded to the Cape Fear Motor Sales Company, they being the lowest bidders at and for the price of $2,490.00. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by rir. Ma,yhan, the County Auditor was authorized and directed to transfer $1,125.00 from the General F1xnd Emergency to Capi.tal Outlay under Sheriff's Budget Appropriations to provide the difference in funds needecl to meet the expense for the purchase of the three (3) Automobiles. The Commissioners granted a request of Mr. G. Rossie Thompson, Presfdent of the New Hanover FY h? ing Club to furnish approximately 3000 worms for the fishing rodeo to be spnnsored by the'Club and the CityIs Park,and Recreation Department for underprivileged children at Greenfield Lake July 4th. /A copy of Senate Bill No. 296 was received from the Secretary of State showing that New Hanover County was ezcluded from an Act to amend Article 54 of Chapter 14 of the General Statutes so as to permit the sale, possession, and usd of Esplosive Caps designed to be fired in-Toq Cap Pistols, passed at the 1955 Session of the General Assembly.. `?t YtG-l , A request of Dr. John T. Hoggard, Chairman of the Board of Education, and President of the Wilming- ton College, to increase Wilmington College Budget appropriations Eor 1954-1955 by $2,745.00 from Unanticipated Funds received from sources other than the tax levy, to enable the College to meet obligations now payable, was upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Hall, granted. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded tiy Mr. Trask, the Board approved and accepted a bid submitted by Mr. Chas. W. Henness to repair the Court House Annex rooP at a bid price of $452.00, cover- ing the following work: 1. Remove all flashing and replace with 120-pound felt. 2. Repair all stuccoed apper structures and waterproof sealtex waterproofing. 3. Repair stucco on chimney. 4. Repair doorway leading to roof. 5. Paint all metal skylights and ventilators. 6. Caulk windows after removing old caulking, south side top floor. 7. Repair floor in T-cell shower and waterproof with Betumastic 12 inches up all the way around showers. 8. Repair frame work around ventilators over kitchen. Total cost labor ancl materials $452.00. Written guarantee of ten 110) years on ro?of not leaking at flashings. . /s/ Chas. W. Henness. Upon motion of Mr. Hall; seconded by Mr. Mayhan, Pianley-Reece Post No. 2573, Veterans of Foreig ?7 Wars, was egempt from payment of taxes on property used exclusively for Post activities for the yeara 1953 and 1954, and the same ordered placed on the TAX FRFE list,.so long as it continues ' to be used for such purposes in accordance with Law. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by PSr. Broadhurst, the County Auditor was authorized to trans- ? fer within the Coroner's Budget appropriations, $100.00 from per diem, and $35.00 from Jury, to Evidence egpenae, for the payment of a bill due James Walker Hospital for performing autopsy on the body of James P4cKoy, $75.00, arid the body o.f J. B. Parker $60.00 authorized by the Coroner and approved by the Board. A letter was received from Mr. Louis T. Moore, Chairman of the New Hanover Historiaal Commission calling attention to a policy of the Navy Depar.tment to have Landing Ship Tanks of the United States Navy named for different Counties of the Country, and that Pender Countg has recently been so honored, and requested that we take the initiative and file a formal request with the Navy De- partment that one of the remaining LST ships be named New Hanover County and that Congressman F. Ertel Carlyle be requested to use his good efforts to that end, was upon motion of Mr. Hall ap- proved. - ad5 A copy of a letter written by Mr. Moore to Mr. Charles Parker, Director of State Advertising Div- ision, Department of Conservation and Denelopment, acknowledging receipt of a copy of "Collins Travelbook of North Carolina", submitting thoughts that in turn may be passed on to the publishers for their information, and possible acceptance, concerning Greenfield Lake and Park as one of the loveliest muaicipal areas in the South, enjoyed and appreciated both by residents and visitors, also old St. Phillips Church, at Brunswick, and adjacent area recently were presented to the State, and so forCh. ` 7..? An offer submitted by Mr. J. E. Canady to purchase City-County tax foreclosures property in block 310, part lot 3 parcel No. 74 for $400.00, on which said property tases were due in the a mount of 6273.14, assessed value $300.00 and appraised at $150.00. The same having been investigated by the Tax Assessor and approved, was upon motiori of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Broadhvrst accepted by the Board subjeCt to approval by the City. And, the Chairman arx3 Clerk of the Board are here- by authorized and directed to esecute a deed in the name of the County conveying tkle said property to him npon,payment of the puredlase price. 9 petition submitted by 26 property owners in CaF,e Fear Township requesting that Chadwick Avenue wliich runs from the West Side of US-117 to the edge of the marsh land which is the East side of Northeast River. Length of road 4,204 feet, be included in the County Highway System fb r State Maintenance and later to be.paved, was upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Hall, approved ? ai?d referred to the State Highway and Public Works Commission for consideration. A5= An invitation was received from Cd. R. L. Hill, United Stat.es Distriet Engineer, to attend a Pro- gram, June 16, 1955, 11:00 A.M., Federal Court Room at the Customhouse, in observance of the 180th Anniversary of the Corps of Engineers. ` A letter of thanks and appreciation was received from Mr. Stacy C. Bragg, President of the Opti- mist Reereation League, for the members of the Board who were able to participate in the recent Optimist Recreation League Parade. ,- 6 0? Aieeting of June 13, 1955 - Continued ?A.report on inspection of boilers made by the Lt,imbermenfs Mutual Casualty Companq covering boilers at the old Court House and Aunez was received, recommending that the boilers be cleaned and kept drained and thoroughly dry during long idle periods, and also recoaunend- ing that NC-Boiler No. 7390 Hot Water Storage Tanit which is reported in bad condition be re- placed with a new one, has been processed. . A cheek for $370.80 was received from the ?tate Department of Agriculture Farm Census Div- ision, based on twenty (20) cents each for he number of acceptable farm reports received from ? this County for 1955, showing an average grade of 97.7% and commended the list takers for their efPorts. A requeEt of the Trustees of St. Phillips AMG Church for exemption of taxes on their Parsonage in block 297, and that the taxes due for the years 1953 and 1954 be abated, was tabled on re- port of the Tax Assessor that the said Parsonage is now being rented, and the Connnissioners _ have no legal right to abate the taxes or exempt the property from taxation until such time they can meet the requirements.. . ?kA copy of a letter written by Mr. John A. Westbrook, Airport Manager, to Commander A. H. Boggs, CEC, USN, Public Works OfPicer, Cherry Point, N. C., callin„ attention to the new switch panel ---_10A in the CAA Control Tower not working properly, and sometimes the runway li gtfs will not operate at all from the panel, was received. ?N\J"A statement of Airport Receipts and Disbursements and statement of rentals and fees with the Cape Fear Aviation for May were received.. __ A report of the County Home Agen.ts_a_nd Farm Agent, Wilmington Colored Library and Wilmington 0?!51 Hous=lng Authority for May wer receive an filed. . L?\ d°p Draina e re ort for the two weeks ending June 3 showin 850 ar.ds ditched 875 y -?\ ? and 4,000 feet righ-of-.way shrubbed and370 feet of pipe installed 120 feet 36";1503 d feetlS" and 100 feet 12". . . • ? John C. Wessell Tuberculosis Sanatorium Census Report for week ending June.t10, 1955: ? White patfents 9 Nonresidents 0 Negro . " 14 Vacant beds 9= Tiale white 2; Fbmale white 5; Male col- z'3 Discharged 0 (ored 1; Female colored 1. Admitted 0 Payment oF bill for $587.08 to the tJilnungton Association of Inaurance Agents aovering Liabil- ity Insurance premium on Auto Fleet, was on recommendation of the County Attorney, Approved. A bill for $554.45 for five-year term•policy on County Fire Schedule Insurance, was referred Vf%?Jto the Countq Attorney for investigation. • The 1955-1956 Assistance Estimates submitted by the County Welfare Officer for the State Board of Public Welfare, showing the County's proportionate part for - Old Age.Assistance ? 60,480.00 Aid to Dependent Children 49,572.00 Aid to Permanentlq & Totally Disabled 31,120.00 Administration • 55,147.63 The foregoing was tentatively approved in the amounts shown, subject to reduction or other nec- ?Gf essary change.before f'inal adoption of the County's 1955-1956 P_udget appropriations. Aid to the Blind was submitted in tYie sane amount as last year, $11,493.00. 1? j????B udget estimates aubmitted by the County Home and County Farm Agents in approximately the same ICB?amounts as last year, were upon motion bf Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, tentatively approved subject to change before final adoption of the Budget•. Budget Estimates for the Volunteer FYre Departments was submitted in'the same amount as last qXy year $7,200.00 and the b'ire Inspection Committee recommended the following distribution of the -? funds: $75.00 per month for maintenance of the first truck and $15.00 per month for each ad- ,f)? ditional approved unit, which,according to the present set-up 1aould be: -1. Castle Hayne Volunteer Fire Department, 1 Truck -$75.00 month $900.00 - 2. Myrtle Grove " ". " 1 Truck - 75.00 " 900.00 - 3. South Wilmington " 1 Truck - 75.00 " 900.00 -4. Ogden " " 1 Truck - 75.00 " 1 additional unit - 15.00 "_ $90. 1,080.00 r-5. Seagate, " Fire Department 1 Truck - 75.00 ° - 1 additional unit T 15.00 "= 90. 10080.00 - 6. Wrightsboro " Flre Department 1 Truck - 75.00 " 1 additional unit - 15.00 90. 10080.00 --- 7. Winter Park " Fire Department 1 Truck - 75.00 " 2 additiorial units •- 30.00 105. 1,260.00 • . / Total• Budget $ 70200.00 Other Department Budgets submitted were for the Welfare Department, Sheriff and Jail? which, after discussion, were received for further consideration during studq of the County s overall Budget. FSxrthe•r study of the Budget was coutinued until 7:00 P.A1., Wednesday, June 15th. Upon ntption of Mr. Mayhan, seconded.by Mr. Hall, County bi11s No. 3890 to 3987 were approved / for payment. The meeting then adjourned. ? / "lJ?. i!. ?. ?Y ?lerk. ,