1955-06-20 Regular MeetingWilmington, N. C., June 20, 1955. 607 The regular.weekly meeting oP the 8oard was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Preaent: R. T. Horton, Chairman and dommissioners Raifbrd Trask, J•. M. Hall, Jr., Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhtrst, Cicero P. Yow, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The minister who was to give the invocation at ttus meeting Pailed to appear, and the Chairman C? asked that we bow our heads for a few moments in silent prayer, before entering upon the busi- ness of.the Board. Copies of the minutes of ineeting of June 13, 1955, having previously lieen mailed to each mem- Cc-- ber of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Diayhan, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, approned. \ Payment of Schedule Fire Insurance on County property, submitted by the County Auditor, cover- --ASu.W ing various locations, in the amount of $77,177.00, Premium $991.69, due June,28, 1955, Airport Liability, Premium $397.60 and Auto Fleet Liability $587.08, which was due•May 23, and June 7, 1955, respectively, Which in the opinion of the County Attorney appears to be in order as bill- ed by the Mutual and Stock Insurance Companies, was continued until next meeting. • ----1 h?Lq_ The Chairman turned over to the County Auditor, miscellaneous checks received from the Insurance Companies, in the total amount of $4.86 covering certain payment adjustments of Hurricane Hazel damage at the Airport. A letter-was received from Dr. H. S. Willis, General Administration Office, North Carolina Sana- toriums, Chapel Hill, N. Q., in reply to a letter we wrote him concerning oiit, T. B. Hospital. He advised Lhat he or his representative would be glad to meet with us in conference on the Hospital question, but would be out of town all next week, but would be available for confer- ence the latter part of this month. It was agreeable to the Board to request him to meet with us, if possible during the week of June 27th. A reminder was received from Mr. J. E. McWatty, Member of the Board of Directors of South East- W0?"`( ern North Carolina Beach Association, to attend their meeting hionday, June 20, at 7:45 P.M., Woodrow Wilson Hut. After being advised by the Secretary of State that we were not included in the Act to provide ?? Supplemental Fltnds for the P1gintenance of Indigent Patients in Tuberculosl•s Hospitals. The question was raised why were we left out of the Act. The County Attorney who is also our State Senator, replied that we were included in the Bill unles taken out by the Appropriations Committee, possibly because of our ability to take care of our patients. And, advised fur- ther that our Representatives in the Legislature had nothing to do with pulling our County out of Appropriations, and it was not omitted by mistake. , Commfssioner J. M. Hall, Jr., who is the County's Representative on the Board of Directors of I -A, Community Hospital, and the Chairman agreed to meet with the City bYre Inspector, Mr. C. S. Bullard, and Mr. J. A. West, Chief of the City FYre Department, to make an inspection of the fire escapes at Community Hospital, in view o=f recent fires that have occurred there. A petition to drain an area of land in Diasonboro Town@kiip between Maffitt Village and Winter <-b(1Gi.v+V Park, which is a continuation of Cameron and othecs drainage, was received and the Chairman was authorized to have Mr. 0. R. Hecht, Soil Conservationist make a survey of the same. The Chairman presented the new system of hospitalization for assistance recipients passed at ??5? the last Session of the Legislature, and read the regulations to the Board which establishes _ the basis for the creation of the State "Pooled" l+lmd, effective July 1, 1955, which would sim- plify the handling of the assistance recipients Hospitalization by both the State and County. The Chairman called attention to the State Association of County Comm3ssioners and County countants Convention at Asheville, August 21 thru the 24 with Convention Headquarbers at the George Vanderbilt Hotel. The Chairman will arrange for reservations. A statement was received from the State Board of Public Welfare advising Lhat $72,697.50 was 1:?S, sent to this County in April for OAA, ADC, APTD and Administration. S S s Monthly reports for May were received from: James Walker os ital-; State Board of Public ldel- }}fl?? fWnJS.tatistical and Census report on County Home Ir?m?.tes; Juveniles and Prisoners; Consolia?. 5 ed Board of Health; SENCBA report for June; Report oP the Gratf'n Jur.q for the June Term, 1955;.^C,).? and Airport cash reports Por June 10, and 15th. ?-? John C. Wessell Tuberculosis Sanatoriwn Census Report for caeek ending Tune 17, 1955: White patients 9 Nonresidents 0 Negro " 12 Vacant beds 11 = White male 2; tdhite female 5; Colored??"? k? 21 male 2; Colored female 2. Fla? Discharged 2= Joe Lewis Robinson, Colored male, 6/14/55. Alberta Quince, Colored female, 6/16/55. Admitted 0 A list of City-County Joint Appropriations Por the fiseal year ending June 30, 1956, was pre- ?-- sented for later foint action with the City Council. Upon motion oP Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Hall, the regular meeting was then adjourned. Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board was immediately re-convened to pass ? on payment of County bills No. 3988 to 4071, which were upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, approved. The Cormnissioners then took up for furtkier discussion and study of the Countq:l_?, 1955-1956 Budget appropriations after whieh they will go to Hugh MacRae Park to dedicate the opening oP the Ten- ?t nis Courts recently completed for the use and enjoyment of our citizens. Clerk. ? . I