1955-07-05 Regular Meeting61"0 WILNffNGTON, N. C., July 5, 1955 Pursuant to.recess taken.June 27, 1955, the regular weekly meeting of the Board was held.this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Raiford Trask, J. M. Hall, Jr., Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, Cicero P. Yow, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Clerk of the Board. The minutes of the meeting of June 27, 1955, having been mailed as usual to each member of the Board, but_delayed in delivery, were upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, ap- proved. The Chairman reported on the meeting with Federal Social Security and State Retirement Repres- entatives, held in Superior Court Room 3:00 o'clock P.Pi., Monday,,June 27, 1955, for the pur- / pose of informing County Officials and Employes the general operation of the tsao independent plans. It was explaiiied if 5ocial Security was put in operation for Countq Employes, it would not effect our local retirement system other than payroll deductions and County appropriation to participate in the plan. The proposed Social Security System to be set up in the Budget ' will be retroactive in effect to January l, 1955, and if not accepted this qear, but later, it will work a hardship on the individual employe plus an additional appropriation over the retro- active period. 4 The Chairman ftizrther called attetition to a meeting with Dr. H. S. Willis, Superintendent-Medi- 4 cal llirector, North 6arolina 5anatoriums, 11:00 o'clock A.M., Friday, July 8, to discuss our /?I local T. B. Hospital problems. ?q'v Mrs. Verna Lowery, Home Demonstration Agent was present to introduce the newly appointed Assist- ?J ant Home Agent, Mrs. Cornelia Williams, to the members of the Board. A delegation composed of Messrs. H. C. Byrd, W. Albert Brown, Claud Murray, D. J. Bryant, Clifford Harris, G. C. Bordeaux and J. 0. Powers, mostly retired citizens and property owners, concerned l over the proposed,increase in the tax rate, appeared to urge the Gommissioners to hold the tax rate at its present level, stating that any.raise in the tax rate would lessen their limited in- ^ come and ability to maintain necessary repairs to their property. Mr. Trask expressed his thanks and appreciation to the members oP the.delegation for coming in and expressing feelings in the matter. Messrs. L. Graham Walton, A. R. Howard and Wm. J. Seibert, representing the Agricultural Commit- ?tee of the Wilmington Chamber of Commerce, appeared to request an appropriation of $1,000.00 -Sv toward the support of the N'at Stock Shoca and Sales program. Mr. Walton said he woutd present their request in writing, assuring the Board none of the ftiuids will be used to make up a defic- it of the Rodeo. The Chairman announced receipt of payment of 1955 Count taaes from the Carolina Power.& Light XpCompany in the amount of $114,961.00, The payment was ?70,364.00 larger than last year because ? of the First Unit of the new Louis V. Sutton Steam Electric Generating Plant at Mt. Misery. The Second Unit will come in next year. The Carolina Power & Light Company is the County's largest tax payer, and represents 10°fo of the toLal valuation of the.County.. The Board commended Mr. A. E. Jones, Vice President and General Manager of the Company and its employes on the comple- " tion oF its first unit and progress on the sacond unit for the coming year. The Chairman called attention to the Wachovia Bank and Trust.Company coming into our territory thru merger with the Peoples Savings Bank and Trust Company, and suggested that we extend them U? welcome, thanks and appreciation for making that decision which will mean so much for South- eastern North Carolina. s/ A letter was received from Timme Corporation, Wilmington, N. C., advising that bq authority of .?? the Stockholders of Woonsocket Falls Mill at a special meeting held at Woonsocket, Rhode Island, on November 29, 1954, the name of the Corporation was,changed to Timme Corporation instead of ? its original name of Woonsocket Fhlls Mill. In view of this action it was requested tkiat cor- rection of our records be made so that their mill property, formerly carried on our records.un= der the name of Woonsocket Falls Mill, will now be carried as Timme Corporation. A request of the new owners of Lake Village, thru their Agent M lu? tax assessment on the property recently purchased at a price of ? same basis as other projects, namely 40'/0 of the purahase price, lished now to become effective January 1, 1956, was reFerred to consideration would be given thetr request along with others at of Equalization and Review in accordance with the Law. r. W. G. Broadfoot, Jr., that the $1,065,065.00 be made on the and that the assessment be estab- the Tax Supervisor to advise that the proper time set by the BoArd ,,Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Chairman was authorized to prepare specifi- C cations and advertise for bids for the purchase of a tractor and Lime Distributor for the Coun- ? ty Farm. . The following comparative statement of deliquent taxes collected for 1954 and 1955 for the months 'I shown below, was received from the Tax Collector; 1954 1955 April $ 2,250.77 ? 6,240.65 May 1,789.92, 40063.86 June . 2,227.11 2,418.80 Total $ 6,267.80 $ 12,723.31 ? The total amount of delinquent taxes collected for New Hanover County for.the period ending June ? 30, 1955, was 442,725.08;for 1954 was $51,506.84. The total amount of 1954 taxes collected for New Hanover County for the period ending June 30, 1953, was $866,423.40; for 1953 was $818,168.11. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, John E. Stewart, colored, 1209 South 6th Street, -?a? 40-year old invalid, paralyzed right side was exempt Prom the payment of pbll taxes on account of poverty and physical disability. Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, Mr. L. Shackelford, Aiajor, the Salvation A1°my was egempt from the payment of tazes on a 1953 Chevrolet sutomobile, State license No.X8825, for the year 1955, for the reason it is used in Salvation Acmy work. ? . 61. 1 Meeting of July 5, 1955 - Continued Monthly reports for June were received from the following: County Home Demoi?stration Agent; Qr?9 Colored Home A ent and 4-H .Clubs; Bosrd of Health; Veterans t Service OfPicer and annla '-rE' port; Aiort cash receip?s for June 30, 1y5o. . H,?? • John C. Wessell Tuberculosis Sanatorium Census Report for week ending July 1, 1955: White patients 10 Nonres3dents 0 Negro " 12 Vacant Beds 10= White male 2; White female 4' • Male colored 72 2; feinale colored 2. Discharged 0 Admitted 1= Lona Lanier, White female, June 28, 1955. IIpon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Hall,'payment of $31606 to the Institute oF Govern- C?.,. ment for membership dues and services rendered the County Commissioners thru out the year, was approved. . . Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Hall, Mr. T. D. Love was unanimously re-elected Coun )-AQy* ty Tax Supervisor fo"r a term of two (2) years beginning July 1, 1955, in accordance with the Law. Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, County bills No. 4147 to 4330 were ap- bt?? proved for payment. The County Attorney told the Board that he had given thought to the Act passed at the last Ses- sion of the Legisiature, to amerxi the North Caroliiia Governmental Employes' Retirement System, enacted For the purpose of Integrating and Coordinating said system iaith the Social Security ? Act, subject to the results of a Referendum, and in his q)inion will jeopardize our local Coun- ty Retirement Plan if we would come under the operation oP the Act. City Councilmen Dan D. Cameron, Mayor, J. E. L. Wade, E. S. Capps, W. Roland Lane, Gordon Doran, and City Manager J. R. Benson and City;Attorney W. B. Campbell, appeared and a joint meeting ? was held to"consider joint Budget Appropriations. Inasmuch as the Social Seciu^ity problem effects some Citq-County joint employes, the Chairman asked that question be discussed when the two Boards we're together. Mr. Horton explained that it is up to tiie two Boards, if they want to come under the Actv this year or later, either way would be retroactive in effect as of January 1, 1955. Mr. Benson sS said it would cost the City 15 to 20 thousand dollars, he had not made an accurate estimate of the amount. Mr. Campbell, City Attorney, said he had studied the Act and would not recommend the City to go into it. Its rights may be jeopardized and its employes adversely effected, and recommended tlie City to continue to oper.ate under its own retirement system. Couricilman Wade who attended the meeting with the employes and State and Federal representatives in a discussion of the two plans at the Court House, Monday afternoon, June 27th, observed that municipal employes would be eligible under the Act by majority note. Employes not noia elfgi- ble under the loCal retirement system would be eligible under SoCial SeCUp-ity, with no effeCt upon the local retirement plah. It is the trend of the Congress to bring all under Social Se- curity, and in his opinion Congress will never up-set the Social Security System, but'will in- ? crease benefits under that authority, and it is his Purther opinion that we should get an eg- pression from the employes to come under the Act. The employes on the City side would be giv- en a chance to decide it, he said. , Mr. Trask said if we would vote "no", the employes won't have a chance. The discussion continixed. Mr. Capps moved that the City and County Attorneys brief the Boards on the question and that final decision be postponed until after that time. The motion was seconded by Mr. Trask. A substitute motion was offered by Mr. Wade, that the County and City give the employes an opportunity to vote on the question, and pending their decisioii the City and County offieial vote be held in abeyance. The motion was seconded by Mr. L. E. Broadharst. ? Mr. Trask then suggested tliat the matter be tabled. ' The substitute motion was withdrawn by consent of the makers, and the first motion offered by Mr. Capps was put to vote and carried. Upon motion of Councilman Tdade, seconded by Commissioner Raiford Trask, instructions were given to have appropriate resolutions prepared in respect to the passing of Mr. John H. Davis, former City Police Office and County lleputy Sheriff. And, that the same be apread upon the minutes of this meeting, a copy be sent to the family and a copy to the press. The following City-County joint appropriations were considered,,and action taken as shown, on a tentative basis: . James Walker Memorial Hospital - City County 'f?psp - Motion bg Councilman Capps ? 13,000.00 Motion by Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Hall $ 28,000.00 The foregoing motion was withdrawn. 90s,p, t/ Community Hospital Motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst $ 800000.00 Motion of Mr. Capps, seconded by Mr. Doran ? 40,000.00 rX ? Tax Office - Motion of Mr. Capps, seconded by Mr. Wade ? 24,810.00 Pfotion. of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst $ 21,362.87 Health Department - Continued. Typhus Control - Motion of Mr. Capps, seconded by D4r. Doran ? 1,333.33 Motion by Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst $ 2,fi66.66 Malaria Control - ' Motion by Mr. Wade, seconded by Mr. Capps $j 1,800.00 ?%y1t??'?p.c5_- Motion by Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Hall $ 3,600.00 J Military Units - Continued Colored Library - Continued J Meeting of July 5, 1955 - Continued Wilmington Public Library - Continued City County ? Museum - Sorosis - M? r Motion by Mr. Wade, seconded by Mr. Capps ? 150.00 Motion by Mr. ?l?rask, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst ?p 150.00 Veterans' Service Ufficer - Continued Civil Defense - Motion by Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst appropriation granted for two (2) mbnths July and August ? 250.00 Motion by Mr. Capps, second by Mr. Lane ? 250.00 Civil Defense Clerk to be given notice of limited appropriation. . `,{?.? Tax Listing - Continued. _, The meeting then adjourned. D'4-- Cl 1[. Wilmington, N. C., July 11, 1955. The regular weelelq•meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Raiford Trask, J. M. Aall, Jr., Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, Cicero P. Yow, County Attorneq and T. D. T,ove, County Auditor. The invocation was given by the Clerk. Copies of the minutes of ineeting of July 5, 1955, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seeonded by Mr. Broadhurst, approved. ?A request of Mr. J. D. Beaty, llirector, State Probation Commission, to provide a more suitable ip office in the Court House with some priv$te space within his office arrangeroent to enable him to interview probationers and others privately, was referred to the Chairman to work out. A petition of seven property owners to grade and pave Bellwood Farm Road in Cape Plear Township, which said road runs from the Castle Hayne Road. 5,238.6 feet above Ness Creek to I,evi MeMillan _O,ah Development "Bellwood Marm", on wl-jbh eight (8) houses are located, was upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded bq Mr. Broadhurst, approved and referred to the State Highway and Public Worlcs Com- mission. A request of some one to be given some of the unused stone or Concrete blocks at the Augh MacRae Park was declined, for the reason some of the materials there have been privately purchased but not yet put to use. Fbeling it is time to inake some deCision on the joint agreement for the use of the Airport'with the Navy Department, the Board, upon motion of Mr. Aall, seconded by Mr. BroadYiust, approved an ? agreement between the United States of American and New Hanover'County, which agreement has been executed on behalf of the Government, for the joint use of the landing area'of the Airport and the runways by the Marine Corps Aircraft for period from July 1, 1954 to June 30, 19550 subject to renewal from year to year thereafter until June 30, 1979. And, the Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized and directed to execute the same for and in behalf of the County. The original and one signed duplicate was ordered returned to the Navy Department, Bureau of Yards and Docks, and an executed copy be retained for our files. The Chairman presented a draft of a proposed agreement to provide ground transportation service for the Airport to the City and also to other places in this area and copies of the same were ordered forwarded to the Airlines using the Airport for theix irispection before agreeing upon it. Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded bq,Mr. Mayhan, Laura Davis King, a ged County indigent with no one to care for her, was on receomendation of the 5uperiistendent of Public Welfare, admitted C to the County Home as an inmate. ` I The County Auditor read a letter received from the Housing Authority of the City of Wilmington owners of Hillcrest Homes, advising that payment in lieu of taxes will be made this qear based on aarount of rents collected as heretofore under Government osanership, and will not appear on the tax scrolls for this year or until the tax values are set. The following Census report for the John C. Wessell Tuberculosis Sanatorium for week ending July 7, 1955, was received: White patients 8 Nonresidents 0 Negro " 13 Vacant beds 11 = DSale white 3; Female white 5;,Piale color- ?I ed 1; Female Colored 2. Discharged 1Henry Howell, White male, against medical advice,7/7/55. Admitted 1= John Henry Lewis, Colored male, 1023 South 13th Street, 7/6755 Application for Henry Howell for admission to the North Carolina Sanatorium for the treatment of tuberculosis, was approved. ../gA report of the Wilmington Public Library and Bookmobile for June was received and filed. l SY,A report of reeeipts and disbursements for June and cash receipts for July 6, and 8th were re- - ceived from the Airport. 41 In view of the number of additional terms of the Superior Court added to the calendar, the ? Chairman recommended the preparation of a revised jurq list which was approved by the Board. ?