1955-07-11 Regular MeetingMeeting of July 5, 1955 - Continued Wilmington Public Library - Continued City County ? Museum - Sorosis - M? r Motion by Mr. Wade, seconded by Mr. Capps ? 150.00 Motion by Mr. ?l?rask, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst ?p 150.00 Veterans' Service Ufficer - Continued Civil Defense - Motion by Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst appropriation granted for two (2) mbnths July and August ? 250.00 Motion by Mr. Capps, second by Mr. Lane ? 250.00 Civil Defense Clerk to be given notice of limited appropriation. . `,{?.? Tax Listing - Continued. _, The meeting then adjourned. D'4-- Cl 1[. Wilmington, N. C., July 11, 1955. The regular weelelq•meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Raiford Trask, J. M. Aall, Jr., Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, Cicero P. Yow, County Attorneq and T. D. T,ove, County Auditor. The invocation was given by the Clerk. Copies of the minutes of ineeting of July 5, 1955, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seeonded by Mr. Broadhurst, approved. ?A request of Mr. J. D. Beaty, llirector, State Probation Commission, to provide a more suitable ip office in the Court House with some priv$te space within his office arrangeroent to enable him to interview probationers and others privately, was referred to the Chairman to work out. A petition of seven property owners to grade and pave Bellwood Farm Road in Cape Plear Township, which said road runs from the Castle Hayne Road. 5,238.6 feet above Ness Creek to I,evi MeMillan _O,ah Development "Bellwood Marm", on wl-jbh eight (8) houses are located, was upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded bq Mr. Broadhurst, approved and referred to the State Highway and Public Worlcs Com- mission. A request of some one to be given some of the unused stone or Concrete blocks at the Augh MacRae Park was declined, for the reason some of the materials there have been privately purchased but not yet put to use. Fbeling it is time to inake some deCision on the joint agreement for the use of the Airport'with the Navy Department, the Board, upon motion of Mr. Aall, seconded by Mr. BroadYiust, approved an ? agreement between the United States of American and New Hanover'County, which agreement has been executed on behalf of the Government, for the joint use of the landing area'of the Airport and the runways by the Marine Corps Aircraft for period from July 1, 1954 to June 30, 19550 subject to renewal from year to year thereafter until June 30, 1979. And, the Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized and directed to execute the same for and in behalf of the County. The original and one signed duplicate was ordered returned to the Navy Department, Bureau of Yards and Docks, and an executed copy be retained for our files. The Chairman presented a draft of a proposed agreement to provide ground transportation service for the Airport to the City and also to other places in this area and copies of the same were ordered forwarded to the Airlines using the Airport for theix irispection before agreeing upon it. Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded bq,Mr. Mayhan, Laura Davis King, a ged County indigent with no one to care for her, was on receomendation of the 5uperiistendent of Public Welfare, admitted C to the County Home as an inmate. ` I The County Auditor read a letter received from the Housing Authority of the City of Wilmington owners of Hillcrest Homes, advising that payment in lieu of taxes will be made this qear based on aarount of rents collected as heretofore under Government osanership, and will not appear on the tax scrolls for this year or until the tax values are set. The following Census report for the John C. Wessell Tuberculosis Sanatorium for week ending July 7, 1955, was received: White patients 8 Nonresidents 0 Negro " 13 Vacant beds 11 = DSale white 3; Female white 5;,Piale color- ?I ed 1; Female Colored 2. Discharged 1Henry Howell, White male, against medical advice,7/7/55. Admitted 1= John Henry Lewis, Colored male, 1023 South 13th Street, 7/6755 Application for Henry Howell for admission to the North Carolina Sanatorium for the treatment of tuberculosis, was approved. ../gA report of the Wilmington Public Library and Bookmobile for June was received and filed. l SY,A report of reeeipts and disbursements for June and cash receipts for July 6, and 8th were re- - ceived from the Airport. 41 In view of the number of additional terms of the Superior Court added to the calendar, the ? Chairman recommended the preparation of a revised jurq list which was approved by the Board. ? Meeting of July 11, 1955 - Continued .? • ?` ? The County Commissioners-having completed their weekly agenda, took up the 1955-1956 Budget for ?? further.study..and to tentatively s?t the appropriations for the various items for the Departments of the County, not otherwise fixed by Law. , Mr. N?ederick Willetts appeared to complain of the tax situation, which he ter?ned as unstable and ? had a bad effect on new industries wishing to come in here, who ask about'our tax rate and'the Tef? prospects for the future. He urged everything possible be done to hold the tax rate' down. The , County Attorney explained the increase in the tax rate would be to meet obligations voted by the people. Which, the Chairman said should have increased the tax rate by 25¢, but Departments were ? cut 15¢ less under the amount needed. , , Messrs. J. E. Johnson and F. C. Lyon appeared to complain of a proposed rate increase. Mr. Hargrove Bellamy also appeared to say taxes are most important to our citi:zens and to bring new industries to New Hanover County which would beneFit all. We must face a tax structure that will not run industry away. We must compete with our border states. After thanking the citizens for their interest in our taz problem, the Board continued with the Budget. Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Board voted to sell the land on the Castle Hayne Road Imown as the State Highway and Garage Shop, and instructed the County Auditor to set up $20,000.00 in the Budget under anticipated receipts. Instructions were given to notify the Secretary of the (dilmington-New Hanover County Civil Defense, 55r that the County Commissiouers and City Couneil in joint meeting held July 5, 1955, voted to curtail operation of the Civil Defense Office and set the appropriation for the Department at $250.00 each to take care of salaries and expenses'for the months of July and August 1955. No provision was made to continue operation of the office after that date. , A recess was then taken until 10:00 o'clock A.M., Wednesday, July 13, 1955: ' . . . . . dx?62t, 10:00 o'clock A.M., Wednesday, July 13, 1955. Pursuant to recess taken July 11, 1955, the Board met to resume study and consideration of the Budget. All members were present, the County Attor- ney and the County Auditor. Appropriation for the Court House was held open pending survey for proposed ai'r-conditioning cost A05 for the various units. ` Appropriation for Elections, concerning pay for personal services, whether to conti.nue the present rate of 410.00 per eight-hour day or put the same on a per hour basis. Mr. James D. Carr, Chair- man of the County Board of Elections was present and said h2 thought a per hour basis would be 6?tt,- best. Howeve'r, the matter was referred to him to talk it over with his Registrars and others and report back to the Board. Mr. Mayhan recommended that the Sheriff's automobile allowance be increased to $1,200.00 per pear. ? ' This was*referred to the County Attorney to asCertain if the allowance is #Yxed by statute . ? Mrs. Dan Phillips, 208 Grace Street, appeared to urge the Commissioners to use their best efforts to keep the tax rate down. PubliC Assistance appropriations were diseussed, and Mr. Horton recommended that $620.00 be put in the We1Pac•e Budget to take care of Doctore' Examinations under APTD by Physicians to be.designated 5 S` by the County Medical Society to which service they have agreed. Recipients that are now under APTD will also be subject to examinations under this set-up., All of which was approved by the Board. The Chairman told the Board the Commanding Officer AAA-Gun Battalion agreed that we could elimin lh'''? ate the proposed 6500.00 appropriation for this Company for this year if we will make necessary repairs to the Cape Fear Armory Building, but asked that the appropriation be given consideration next year. Was agreeable to the Board and referred to the Chairman to clear the matter with the City Manager as to the repairs; ar?d if this work can't be done in the near flzture, the Chairman was auttzorized to use our personnel to make the repairs. •• . Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Tax Supervisor was authorized and direct x ed to charge back taxes against any property owned by any persnn., firm or corporation, that may eome to his attention, that has not been listed for taxes and has escaped taxation for any pre- vious year over a period of the preceding five years. It was agreed by the Board that it would be to the best interest that if Mr. Herbert Rivenbark, Superintendent of the County_Home would stay on the job there to carry out operations of the Home and look after providing suff'icient fresh meats, beef,and so forth as needed f!•om the herds raised on the farm, to reduce the Cost of groceries, and that his assistant Mr. Dave Rivenbark attend to the duties around totian and other places heretofore requiring the time of the Superintendent. It was the consensus of the Board to operate the John C. Tdessell Tuberculosis Sanatorium thiscom=-j?a? ing year out of funds yield from the five (5) centa levy. . Consideration of the Sehool Budget was continued pending a joint meeting with the, Board of Educa- _SC,?,,,? { yY? 4ion • The County Commissioners so far having set tentative appropriations for the various Departments of the County, reducing appropriations where possible, took the Budget for totaling and study with 4 the tax values, to ascertain the tax rate_. ? The following good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as jurors in the Superior Court for the.-? trial of Criminal cases for the one week term begi.nning August 1, 1955; and for the one week term of Civil Court beginning August 8, 1955, for the trial of Civil Cases: Thomas,A. McKee, 10-K Lake Forest Wm. J. Craig, 312 Davie Drive Henry Omirly, Rte. 2, Box 496-A W. M. Bland, C 2-5 Lake Village James R. Fisher, 106 South 17th Street Thos. P. Johnson, Ate. 1, Box 87 J. N.'Turner, 1022 South 6th Street H. M. Johnson, 7r., 330 Calhoun llrive S. R. Davis,,706 Greenfield Street J. W. Marshall, 111 Sumter Drive S.;L. Alexander, Box 22, Wrightsville Beach A. J. Hurst, 28 North 25th Street F. M. Meares, 30 Terrace Walk Paul W. Kline, 410 South 2nd Street J. B. Rutledge, 1204 Chestnut Street John A. Edens, Rte. 3, Box 121. L. W. Lewis, 904 South N'ront Street Robert W. Helms, 4206'-z Tarightsvi2le Avenue R. J. Holl'aday, 337 Castle Hayne Road D. G. Grainger, 2409 Chestnut Street ? of tne Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, approved. J