1955-07-25 Regular Meeting51-6 Meetitzg of July 25, 1955 - Continued. Mr. Oliver Carter, Attorney for the Coastal Taxicab Company read and presented a proposed con- ? tract to provide taxicab ser.vice for the Airport, together with a draft of the advertisement G? calling for bids on the same, authorized at meeting of June 6, 1955, which was referred to tlie / Chairman, and.any of the other members of the Board, the County Attorney, Airlirie Representa- tives, Airport Manager and privilege of the Coastal Cab Company's Attorney to sit-in on the' meeting, for study and bring baok their recommendations to the Board at a subsequent meeting. ? The following summary of the National Asciation of County Officials meeting held in Itichmond, ? Virginia FIeadquarters - John Marshall Hotel, starting Sunday noon, July 17, 1955, thru Thursday noon, July 21, 1955, Was reported by the Chairman: . N, . "One of the topics discussed was the deficients financing and unbalanced Budgets in general and the latest Federal Road Bill in particular. This authorized 25 Billion Dollars on road construction, and it was agreed would destroy physical soundness by not declaring the expend- itures as debt altho depending on gasoline tax over the next tkiirty years to retire the outlay. The Association approned a Campaign for enactment of a Ftederal Law to provide payments to State and Local Governments for vast Federal real proPerty holdings. "A resolution pointing to tax equities resulting from Federal otanership of property and calling for a Law to provide payments in lieu of taxes was approved by the Association at the con- cluding Session. ' "The Association period which has been worried over lost tax revenue for fifteen (15) years, that passage would be sought thru the next Session of Congress beginning in August. "Support for the Association's belief that the Law is needed was draian from the recent report of the Flederal Commission on iriter-Governmental relations. The resolution said that NACO' concurs with the Commission logic that equity can be achieved only by some system of taxation, payment in lieu of taxes and a set of shared revenue plans. Since it is unconstitutional to tax the Pederal Government, the Association will seek payment in lieu of taxes for Federal Office Buildings, Military Installations and other real property, those exceptions according to the res- olution, would be Fbderal properties which are universally distributed thru out the country. These would include Post Office Buildings, also eacluded would be FederalBuildings for purely local services. They also believe that such offices as Federal District Courts Buildings should be subject to the payments. District Courts often serve an entire State, or more, while the locality in which they are located must bear the entire burden of 3ost tax revenue. Another category of Federal properties which would be subject to payment are I?lederally-owned Defense Pro- duction Plants. Some Counties have had their tax revenue cut by more than 20f following Federal purchase of former private business plants. The Association Committee which studied the problem emphasized the difficulty oF localities in meeting increased demand for public services sahen their taxing efi'ectiveness is curtailed by Federal ownership. They also reported that these valuations of Federal real property holdings in the United States amounted roughly to 40 odd billion d'ollare. "Other resolutioiis adopted including Congressional allocation of 12 million dollars for the 1955 development of Civil Defense evacuation plans in the critical target areas. "Passage of Legislation to permit Surplus Government Equipmen t to be issued to Civil De- fense authorities. ? "Passage of an accelerated Federal Highway construction program provided the appropria- tions are distributed for primary, secondary and urban roads construction according to the ratio of the 1954 Highway Act. (This allocated 45% of the funds for primary, 30% for secondary and 25°fo for urUan roads) It was also a greed generally that before local Government pursue the idea on more authoritq on the grass-root level that a more ePfective taxation program witdz the nec- essary legal backing be devised on an annual"assessment basis of all properties thus resulting in equity and uniformity for all taa payers on both the local and nation=wide basis. There ex- ists today wide discrepancies in taa programs in individual States as well as the National basis. Also prohlems were discussed on many categories in particular welfare, education, hospitaliza- tion, and so forth. It [aas agreed that demands for added services by these categories and the, public could only be accommodated by additiorlal Budget Appropriations which push the tax rate high- er and higher and if the demands are met it will be necessary that equal and uniform taxation on ? all people and properties be put into effect in order to make a fair and just load rest on each individual shoulder." ed le tter was received from Congreesman F. Ertel Carlyle thanlzing the Chairman for his letter of uly 15, commending him on his efforts to assist in obtaining the funds with which to begin the redging Por deepening the Cape Fbar River Channel. Also acknowledgment of our request to have ? the Navy name an LST Ship after New Hanover County, and asked that a copy of the resolution of the Board coiitaining the request be forwarded to him, that he in turn may forcaard it on to the Department of the Navy, was upon motion of Mr. Aiayhan, seconded by Mr. Broaclhurst, approved. A petition of property owners in Masonboro Township that the State Highway and Public Worlcs Com- nVy mission take over, maintain and improve FY?ancis Marion Drive, Midland Drive, Adelaide Drive and f??, Parkway Boulevard in Hanover Heights Sub-division located east of the Carolina Beach Highway, one (1) mile south oP the City limits, on which said roads 42 houses are located, was upon motion of ? Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by rir. Mayhan, approved and,referred to tl'le $tate Highway Commiesion. `,? Drainage report for ?aeek e nding July 22, 1955, was,?received showing that 1,100 feet was ditched `i° and 5,500 Feet right-of-way cleared. A copy of an application to admit Warren Goodman, ABC.Alley, City to the North Carolina Sanator- ??5? 3um for the treatment of'tuberculosis, wae received from Dr. J. Calviri Mackay, Physician-in-charge ,John C. WessellrTuberculosis Sanatorium. ,O.,iA report of Airport cash receipts for July 14, and a statement of earnings and expenses together `, with balance sheet of Cammunity Hospital for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1955, prepared from X151 the books without sudit, by Cherry,.Bekaert and Holland, CPA's were received. A The matter of purchasing the County's supply of coal for heating at best prices on Uids, and the ,?est method of handling in making delivery in bins to assure against foreign matter getting into the coal which'would result in damage to the stokers, was referred to the Chairman to handle to /Z/ the best interest ancl with power to act. f? Pursuant to instructions given at a 3oint meeting of the County Conunissioners and City Council, July 5, 1955,'the'following: . : - I I V I ? .? ? Meeting of July 250 1955 - Continued ,' '' •`-''_. RESOLUTION OF THE COTSMISSIONEAS OF NESZ HANOVER COUNTY AND TI3E COIINCIli OF THE CITY OF WILMINGTON LdITH RESPECT TO THE DEATA OF JOHN II..DAVIS, WAS UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: , ? 61. ? The Commi.ssioners of New Hanover County, and the Council of the City of Wilmington in Meeting assembled on this July 5, 1955, are advised of the death of John H. Davis and they de- sire to record their sense of loss and sincere regret in the passing of Mr. Davis and they de- sire to express their appreciation of his good citizenship, his accompliehments as a Law en- forcement officer for forty years and his zeal in advocating protective safety measures,•partie- ularly in the interest of the youth of our County arid City. Mr. Davis was a Traffic OffY cer stationed at Thirteenth and Market Streets for many years where approadmately two thousand child- ren attended school daily during the school year, and his efforts.in the interest of their safe= ty resulted in preventing many injuries andloss of life. Mr. Davis organized and trained annu- ally squads of Junior Traffic Officers who, under his direction,rendered valuable services in the interest of safety. NOW, THERE MRE, BE IT RESOLVED BY 7HE CO'r1FtIS5I0NERS OF NEIJ HANOVLR COUNTY AND THE COUN- CIL OF TIIE CITY OP tdILMINGTON in joint meeting assembled on this July 5, 19550 as follows: 1. The Commissioners of New Hanover County and the Council of the City of Wilmington as a result of the foregoing references to the useful life and accomplishments of John H. Davis hereby record their appreciation of his life and works and their sincere sense of loss in his passing, and they hereby exPress to all members of his fanuly their sympathy in this time of their bereavement. 2. That this resolution become a part of the respective Minutes of the County Commis- sioners and the Council of the City of LJiliiiington, and that a copy be furnished the press, radio and the family of Mr. Davis. The foregoing resolution was unanimously adopted as aforesaid. /s/ R. T. Horton, Chairman, and Commissioners /s/ Dan D. Cameron, Mayor, and Councilmen Raiford Trask W. Ronald Lane E. R. Mayhan E. S. Capps L. E. Broadhurst Jas. E. L. Wade J. M. Hall, 7r. At this time members of the City Counci3 appear•ed and the two bodies entered into a joint Session? J to discuss matters of Joint Interests: City Councilmen present: Mayor Dan D. Cameron and Councilmen Edw. S. Capps, Jr., Jas. E. L. jdade, W. Ronald Lane, J. R. Benson, City Manager and W. B. Campbell, City Attorney. The following City-County joint appropriations were considered and tentatively set as indicated: James Walker Memorial Hospital: City Countv ? Motion by Mr. Wade seconded bq Pir. Capps ?=0000.00 . ' $ 30,000.00 q Community Hospital: ?S&` ` This subject was discussed at length as to the City's claim for its proportionate share of $28,650.00 Federal and State Assistance Aid funds earned by the Hospital which they claim the County reduced its annual appropriation to the Hospital by that amount. It was the County's con- tention tliat the funds were not included in the County's anticipated receiPts, and the General Wel- fare Assistance Fwzds were used to satisfied the County's Idelfare obli,aations to the Hospital. A ? motion offered.by Mr. Sdade and seoonded by Mr. Trask, that all the facts on the question be secur- ed and given further study, was adopted. Finally the appropriation for - Couumuzity Hospital was tentatively set,on ? v motion of Mr. Wade, seconded by Mr. Capps $400000.00 $ 800000.00 Health Departmant: • $ 34,337.20 $ 68,674.40 Typ2ius and Malaria Control: Upon motion of Mr. Wade, seconded by Mr. Trask, it is agreed to combine the appropria- tion for Malaria and Typhus Control and the total amount set at $ 90400.00: ? 3,133.33 $ 6?266.67 State will match check to Health Departmen t, and actual expense of Typhus Control to be deducted from the State &ppropriation: riilitary: Cape Fear Armory repairs - replacem2nt and repairs to windows ^,p"960.00, Interior Re -__?,J,? pairs $ 1,335.88 Total cost $2,295.88 submitted by Mr. Benson. IIpon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Hall, the County Commissioners agreed to mateh the expense with the City in lieu of an annual appropriation: $ 1,147.94 ?p 1,147.94 Colored Library: ? 2,500.00 ? 2,500.00 Wilmington Eublic Library, Less State Aid: Motion by Mr. Capps, seconded by Mr. Wade $ 180738.33 Motion by Mr. Trask, seonnded by Mr. Hall $ 2,500.00 Veterans' Service Officer: Motion by Mr. Wade, seconded by Mr. Capps $ 2,930.00 Motion by Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Maylian ? 2,930.00 ?` `1-I OAp,?a, ?? . ,r d A claim of the City for its proportionate share of the fwlds left in the Wilmington Port Commis= ?nJn(+, sion account at the time it was discontinue s a jointl,y operated projeCt ancl taken over by:the City for operatinn tuider its Bureau of Indu try and Rates as of July 1,.1953, was upon motion of Mr. Wade referred to the Chairman and City and County Attorneys to loolc into the records of set- tlement and division of assets and report back to the Board. C) 1-8 Meeting of July 25, 1955 - Continued The Fjoint Session was then.adjourned and the County Commissioners resumed its business. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, County bills covered by cYiecks No. 23790 '4,?1•D to 23815, were approved for payment. The following good and lawful persons were drawn the trial of Criminal cases for the one week term weeks Civil term beginni.ng September 12, 1955. E. E. PicKeithan, 3000 Adams Street W. C. Hatcher, 424 SouLh 5th Street John C. Birmingjlam, 2707 Pionroe Street R. A. Yopp, 206 Floi^al Parkway. . H. H. King, Jr., 2 Crt-N Lake Forest B. F. Barnhill, Rte 1- Castle Hayne Benjamin Hingoff, 301 301 North 15th Str.eet A. L. I{ing, 1607 Ann Street F. S. Edwards, 118 Piorningside Drive Geo M. Young, Itte 1- Box 509 J. C. Ruark, 312 Northern Boulevard Louis Harper, 616 Orange Street J. G. Middleton, 101.Brookwood Avenue W. E. Smith, 14-J Lake Village J. P. Newborn, 506 Northern Blvd. J. P. Pfoore, 172 Pinecrest Pkwy. L. L. ldroten, Castle $.ayne 14, M. Smithson, Jr., 2006 Market Street Ernest M. Allen, 1606 Princess Street A. R. Staizley, 235 Williamson Drive Robert M. Rosensteel, 2810 Chestnut Street H. A. Peterson, Rte. 1- Box 5 C.. A. Hughes, 52 Lee Drive Blizabeth Yann, 204 Northern Blvd. N. R. Jones, 314 North 41st Street Por the two weeks Civil Term - to serve as jurors in the Superior Court for beginning August 22, 1955, and for the two (2) Wm. K. Stewart, 1801 Chestnut Street C. N. Packer, 117 Williamson Drive Ben K. Conrad, 221 North 25th Street Wm. Ilerbert Best, 120 South 9th Street Wilmer A. Breedlove, 186 Pinecrest Parkway N. V. Gause, 16 Live Oak Avenue Marvin D. Curtis, 2530 Van Buren Street Hilton Ludlum, 1721 Ann Street Carlton W. TJahl, 2207 Camellia Drive Charles Kenneth Davis,.,Jr., 175 Lake Forest Parkway R. L. Lucas, 401 Central Blvd., C. H. Bowen, 236 Calhoun llrive Wm. E. Craft, 406 South 5th Street . Adolph Otersen, 1901 Ann Street M. H. Croom, Rte 3- Box 45 Fred Ensley, 114 Vance Street Louis J. Mickey, 2014 Woolcott Avenue J. W. Jackson, 2407 South Elront Street D. T. Southerland, Rte 2- Box 151 Joseph Nemeth, P. 0. Box 230, Carolina Beach Chas. C. Lewis, Rte 3- Box 106 Peter Groot, Rte 1- Castle Hayne Wade H. Pierce, 2718 Harrison Street Hugh M. Smithson, 2002 Perry Avenue Ralph Gillette, Rte 3- Box 425 Colon Kerr, Jr., Rte 2- Box 98 S. A. Wahl, 2i4 North 11'ront 5treet R. S. Ldhitley, 202 Orange Street H. L. Ellis, 2858 Adams Street C. W. Harrison, 2016 Barnett Avenue A. E. Smith, 210'-2 Forest Hills Drive S. T. Glover, 4310 Wrightsville Avenue D. C. Herring, 1012 South 5th Street Lee M. Gaither, Jr., 12 Jacitson Drive H. F. Edwards, 2501 Princess Street Ruben H. Smith, 85 Pinecrest Parkway _i??After S. S. Daughtry, 1419 Orange Street Louis Straugham, 31 Pinecrest Parkway. E. A. Heckle, 2235 Camellia Drive B. T. Presnell, 221 Calhoun Drive W. L. Sheffield, Jr., 227 North 22nd Street t John Thomas Hoggard, Jr., 2923 Hydrangea Place Whit T. Benton, Jr., 1914 Market Street C. C. Grissom, 2234 Metts Avenue S. E. Holden, Rte. 2--Bog 114 M. V. Orr, Jr., 2851-F Jeff'erson Street A. R. Perry, 2115 Princess Street Road F. K. Retchin, 6E Oleander Court Apts. Geo. R. Wilkins, 1308 South 4th Street P. D. Piner, Rte 2- Box 508 AA David H. Smith, Rte 1- Box-137 Harvey B. Brown, 4307 Wrightsville Avenue James T. Clark, 134 Ward Street Dfalcolm Hall, 215 Evans Avenue Cecil G. Gower, 113 Si,miter Drive Chas. W. Bull ard, Ktu e Beach R. S. Gilbert, 227 Rutledge Street Aubrey E. Lesais, 2-5 Lake Forest ` E. F. Anderson, Box 223, Carolina Beach Roy T. Piurray, 122 Colonial Circle M. L. Pierce, P. 0. Box 463 Juliizs C. Joyner, 5 Hudson Drive A. B. Riggs, Sr., 311 North 45th Street A. E. Rogers, 336 Castle Hayne Road L. B. Orrell, 318 Orange Street K. B. B'arrow, Rte 2- Box 130 A. P. Blanton, Rte 1- Box 120 M. P. Taylor, Jr., Rte 2- Box 499 Roland V. Jenkins, 701 South 17th Street Leonard Edens, 122 Williamson Drive L. F. Ormond, Rte 2- Box 69 Harris A. Evans, 307 Chestnut Street J. J. Overton, Rte 2- Box 416 M. V. Coble, Rte 1- Box 88 J. W. Croom, 30 Lee Drive Eli Cavenaugh, 2509 Washington Street Joe Bryant, Rte 2- Box 232 H. J. I{lutz, P. 0. Box 523 R. M. Roberts, 4936 Oleander Drive J.. A. Everett, 815 Dock Street C. C. Walker, 261 North 25th Street Marion L. Farless, Rte 3- Box 229 Bennie E. Padgett, 607 South 2nd Street W. P. Oakley, 2-Y, Lake P'orest F. L. Gore, 4513 Oleander Drive K. L. Parrish, 207 Hed Cross Street L. R. King, C-25, Box 291 T. Henry Gerdes, 516 Forest Hills Drive Dio Lewis, 2521 North Harrison Street W. W. Southerland, Rte 2- Box 156 W. M. Peck, Jr., 24092 County Club Pines E. P. Costin, P. 0. Box 174 Graham S. t+lard, Rte 3- Box 476 James A. King, 210 South 17th Street Glen G. Marlow, 35 Colonial Apts. R. A. Yopp, Jr., 205 Floral Pankway C. M. Jenkins, 409 South 6th Street discussing the Budget at some length, a recess was taken at 1:30 P.M., until 2:30 P.M. ? At 2:30 P.Pi., it was decided to adjourn the meeting and hold an informal conference at the home of ? ,?7?? After a discussion of the Budget and proposed tax rate, the conference came to a close. .. / lTl??- i!. ? ?? --?? erK. r the Coun?ty A_?ttorney at Idrightsville Beach 8:30 A.ri., Tuesday, July 26th at which time the City's claim to s?iar?in the division oP funds left in the Sdilmington Port Commissions.Budget when it was dissolved as a Citq-County joint project and talze,n over by t11e City, July 1, 1953, and to further share in a proportionate part of the F'ederal-State Welfare Nlxnds to Conm?unity I?ospital for Assist- ant cases. The aratter of placing the Dog ?+larden under the Sheriff's DepartmaL, and to take nec- essary steps to call a referendum on the Lounty Employes' Social Security question, were discussed and it was agreed to bring these matters before,the Board at its next re?,zlar meeting. \