1955-08-04 Special MeetingI ?_/?ac? 2o Meeting of August 1, 1955 - Continued work in his office and the Tax Office, and that it would tend to increase the efficiencq of all the work. Mr. Trask was of the same opinion that all such matters should be approved by the Board. At this point the Board entered into the discussion of.the Budget for the coming year amd Mr. Love, County Auditor then stated that $1,000.60,was to be added to the appropriation for the County Home to take care of the operation of the concession stand which is being operated at the County Home. Mr. Broadhurst raised the question as to whether or not the increases whi.Ch have recently been granted the City of Wilmington to its employes would have any repercussion on the , County salary scale. P1r. Horton advised that the County's salaries were in line with those be- ing paid in the State. , Considerable discussion was entered into relative to the coming year's Budget and it was decided . to decrease the appropriation to: ? Aid for llependent Children $8,000.00 , Aid to Permanently @ Totally Disabled 6,000.00 Old Age Assistance 1,000.00 ? It was also decided to reduce the regular Budget of the School Board from $340,000.00 to $325,000.00. There was considerable amount of diseussion relative to the establishing of tax rate for the com- ? ing qear. Mr. Trask made a motion that the appropriation for the John C. Wessel T. B. Sanator- ,( ? iwn be discontinued and the Sanatoriwn be closed December 31, 1955. This movion was seconded bq Mr. Horton and it was voted that by doing this, the tax rate could be held at $1.20. The matter was further discussed and Mr. Broadhurst then made a counter-motion which was seconded by Mr. Mayhan that a tax rate of $1.20 be established and that it was of the opinion that the T. B. Hos- pital would take care of itself within the next six (6) months. Mr. Broadhurst and Mr. Piayhan voted in favor of the counter-motion and Mr. Trask and Mr. Horton voted in favor of Mr. Trask's motion. *?Mr. Yow, County Attorney desired that it be stated in the minutes and so advise the Commissioners that they had no right to appropriate.travel expenses for various Department Heads and that any travel allowance made to these Department Heads should only be paid when an itemized bill is pre- sented showing Lhat travel had actually occurred by them for the County's benefit. No action was taken on setting tax rate so the Board recessed until Wednesday, August 3, 1955 at I1G?' 10:00 A.M. , / Respectfully submitted Acting C1erK met Wilmington, N. C., August 4, 1955. ?j The Board of County Coromissioners/on this day at 10:00 A.Pi., in the Grand Jury Room with the fol- ??/ lowing Commissioners present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan, Raiford Trask, Cicero Yow, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor - Tax SuPervisor and acting Clerk in the absence orfMr., T. K. Tdoody who is on vacation. This meeting was a continuation of the meeting held Wednesday, August 3, 1955. " Mr. Horton opened the meeting with prayer. Mr. Horton expressed a desire that the Copunissioners come to a conclusion on the tax rate for the 10 / year 1955-1956 so that the Budget might be formerly adopted August 22, 1955. ntering into the discussion was Mr. Hall expre%ing the opiniori that the Commissioners should give consideration to a limited Equalization Program to be carried on during the coming year and should consider providing funds for this Equalization Program. The matter was discussed at length and the Commiseioners were in agreement that plans be made along this*line during the coming year. Mr. J. R. Hollis of the Welfare Department and A1r. Roland, Superintendent of the Board of Educa- tion appeared before the Board in which they asked that the appropriations for their Department //`?/ be held at a level that will not seriously damage their operations. Discussions were held with ??is both of these gentlemen in regard to their problems. k During a..discussion, Mr. Trask brought up the question o2 closing the John C. Wessell Sanator?um, Several motions were made relative to the establishment'of a tax rate for the coming year, in which it was taken into consideration the replacement of cuts ?ohich had been made in the appro- ? 0•? priation iri the regu].ar Budget of the School Boa.rd, and in the appropriation of the Tdelfare De- ? partment. None of the motions were carried. ??i claiming that it was a duplication of effort on the part of the County and the State, and thait J resulted in double taxaLion. He moved that the Sanatorium be closed and the motion was seco ded by Mr. Horton, but upon vote the motion failed to be approved. After considerable discussion, the meeting was recessed until 2:30 P.M. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at which time P1r. Trask made a motion that a tax rate o1'$1.20 be established for the year 1955-1956. His motion was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst ?(01 and was voted on unanimously by the Board. This action was taken after it was dedided that the ?` appropriation for J. C. Wessell Sanatorium be set at $30,000.00, and that the cuts already agreed upon 5tand as they were. ? ar Basis for the Tax Levy for 1955-1956 is given on the following page - No. 621. ? ? 621? hleeting of August 4, 1955 - Continued BASIS FOR TAX LEVY 1955 - 1956 BUDGET RATG General F5u?d ? 486,707.01 $p .1068 . A. & E. 18?459.20 .0160 Aid to Blind 11,493.00 .0104 Aid to Dependent Children 334,800.00 .0412 Aid to Per. & Tot. Dis. 173,880.00 .0286 Old Age Assistance 3920940.00 .0485 Welfare Fluid 112,000.00 .0663 - Worlmens' ComPensation 3,528.59 County liome b'und 75,530.93 .0379 Health Fund 75,012.90 .0288 Hospital • 113,479.45 .0779 J. C. Wessell Sanatorium 30,000.00 .0249 Sub-Total $1,827,531.08 • ?p .4873 School Bond Fund 2540420.00 .1973 School Books FLind . 18,000.00 • .0153 School Bldg. 13and • 107,510.61 • School Federal Pund 91,755.50 School Regular 3400000.00 .2387 • School Supplement F'und 384,000.00 .2000 School Veterans' Program 11,243.55 , School - Wilmington College. " 112,000.00 • .0500 School Pension 12,257.36 .0114 Sitb-Total $1,331,187-.02 ? .7127 Capital Reserve Total $3,159?018.10 $ 1.20 There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Acting i:lerx The regular weekly meeting of the Attgust 8, 1955 at 10:00 A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman Trask, Cicero P. Yow, County Atto Board in the absence of Mr. T. R. S4ilmington, N. C., August 8, 1956. Board of New Hanover County Commissioners was held on Monday, and Commissioners Ernest Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, Raiford rney and T. D. Love, County Auditor, acting as Clerk of the Woody who is on vacation. The Reverend Hoy Noland, Pastor of Grace Baptist Church opened the meetirg with prayer. The minutes of previous meeting were approved upon motion by Mr. Broadhurst and seconded by Mr. Mayhan. P1r. Hortan advised that the Salt Marsh Mosquito Program would begin spraying operations this week if tlle weather permitted. rir. Horton accepted from the Sheriff an invitation to all the Commissioners to attend the annual banquet of the Sheriffs' Association to be held at Carolina Beach. Mr. E. B. Wright of the Volunteer Fire Departruent had a resolution from the Seagate Fire Depart-TQ-4$t,_ ment wliich saas called to the attention to the Commissioners and upon motion by Mr. Broadhurst, it was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and it was agreed that the proper resolution be drawn up by the County Attorney, and same forwarded to the proper authorities. Mr. }lorton read a letter from the Agricultural Home Extension in which was the resignation of --70g'"t-t-- Mrs. Peterson, and informed them that Mrs. Hall would return to saork by the fY.rst oP September. There were no objections. Mr. Iiorton read a letter from Dr. Charles S. Sale, representating the Medical Society of New Han- over County inviting the Commissioners to a Symposium to be held on Friday, August 19, at 4:00 P.M. Mr: Horton also had a letter from the \rorth Carolina Department of Revenue relative to informa---Y?,6G tion to be furnished them in regard to distribution of the beer and wine tax. A questionnaire was to be completed and returned to the Department of Revenue with the hope that Idew Hanover Coun- ty would receive a larger distribution of this tax. Mr. Horton read a letter from the Wilmington Azalea I`estival Committee in wkich they outlined a meeting to be held Thursday, August 18, 1955 at 8:00 P.M., and in which they asked that the Board of Commissioners appoint a representative to be on hand at this meeting. No action was taken on this matter. ' Mr. Horton also read a letter from the State Conservatinn and Development Department in regard to6jol` a resolution that soas adopted at the meeting of this Department at Morehead City, N. C., in July. The resolution recorwnended improvements alon„ the various Watemays of ATorth Carolina. Mr. Horton turned over to. the Coi.ulty Auditor a check from the North Carolina State Board of Asses- )pl+,?. sment covering New Hanover County's portion of intangible taxes for the year 1955. The check caas 9 in the amount of $49,122.12.. hir. Horton read a letter from Representative Carlyle in regard to the Commissioners' resolution asking that an LST be named after Neza Hanover County. Mr. Carlyle stated that approval made for these names was made in May, therefore notiung could be named for New Hanover County at this time. ? Mr. Horton reported in regar•d to his recent trip to Raleigh, N. C.,, for a meeting with Honorable _47 A. H. Graham of the StaCe Highway Commissiou in regard to an additional bridge across the Ca.pe Fear River. Air. Horton was of the opinion tkiat the trip was successPul and stated that it was learned ?