1955-08-15 Regular Meeting,622 Meeting of August 8, 1955 - Continued that money must be appropriated from starplus funds of the State and it would be necessary that the Governor of ATorth Carolina be contacted in regard to this. He 1'urther stated that a resol- ,_ t? had been prepared and forwarded to the Governot; to Mr. Graham and to A1r. Heide Trask of he North Carolina State Highway Commission. Mr, Horton urged all to do whatever in their pow- er to help further this project in any way possible. ? Mr. Horton then read a Grand Jury report and informed the Commissioners that items in this re- ?j port in connection with the Court House were being attended to. Mr. Mayhan inquired as to the possibility of getting a City Water Main to the County Home. Mr. ' Horton informed him that this matter had been checked into before and it would be necessary that a line be run from the Timme Corporation's line and that it would cost the County aUout $5,000. S Mr. Horton then outlined reports from the John C. jaessell Sanatorium iahich had sixteen (16) pa-- tients and also a report from the Fartu Abent fo'r the month of July. Mr. Mayhan inquired as to when delivery would be made of cars ordered for the Sheriff's Depart- `?d? ment and Mr. Horton reported that he had kept in touch with this matter and that they were due ??iv to be delivered sometime during the coming weelc. Mr. Mayhan then inquired as to whether or not the llog S+)arden had been instructed to report to the ?? oAJ She=riff's Department. P4r. Horton advised that he was having a meeting with the Board of Health on Wednesday of this week, and after this meeting this matter would be attended to. Upon motion made by Mr. Mayhan and seconded by Mr. Broadhurst all bills were approved for paymeDt ? 1A that were presented. Mr. Horton extended an invitation to all Commissioners to attend a luncheon at the Optimist Club at 1:00 as they were asked to serve on a panel in regard to County activities. Upon motion made by Mr. Broadhurst and seconded by Mr. Trask the meeting recessed until 2:00 P.M. ? The meeting wa's reconvened at 2:00 P.P1., and immediately taken into consideration was the regular Budget of the School Board. Mr. Horton informed the Commissioners that the School Board had re- ?L9 quested a meeting for Thursday, August 11, 1955 in regard to this matter. After discussion, it was found that the cut of $15,000. which had been made in this Budget could be restored under the tax rate of $1.20. A motion was made by Mr. Broadhurst and seconded by P4r. Trask that this Budget be increased from $325,000. to $340,000. There were no objections and the motion was carried. . The matter of cuts which had been made in the Tdelfare Department's Budget which totalled $15,000. were discussed and it was agreed that the Budget be increased iF funds were found available and the Auditor was expected to malce the necessary increase in the Budget if it was found that theee increases Could be made and the $1.20 tax rate be retained. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. T. D. Love - Acti.ng Clerk Wilmington, N. C., August 15, 1955. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Raiford Trask, J. M. Hall, Jr., Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, Cicero P. Yow, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend Ray B. Noland, Pastor of Grace Baptist ChurCh. The minutes of ineeting of August 8, 1955, were upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seronded by Mr. Mayhan,.approved as recorded. ? The Chairman read a letter received from the Board of Education advising that the Board of Educa- tion in special Session August 9, 1955, accepted the offer of the County Commissioners to restore ?? ?15,000.00 to the School Regular Budget, and formally ad d a regular Budget totalling 0340,000.00 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1956. This action, they said, will make unnecessary the joint meeting of our two Boards scheduled foi Thursday, August 11. Upon motion of Mr. 13roadhurst, seconded by Mr. Piayhan, the Board granted a request of the Super- Gf intendent of Publie Welfare to restore a sufficient amount of the $15,000.00 cut in his Budget ? to Lake care of over expenditures in the APTD Account to date. Thereupon $5,000.00 was alloca- ? ed for APTD and $1,000.00 for Old Age Assistance. - The Chairman announced a meeting of the Sheriff, City Officers, Chamber of Commerce, Carolina Ic,-/ Power and Light Company, State Patrol and Chiefs of Police of the various Cocmnunities, was held ~(j last Thursday to decide on plans to be set up as to the best thing to do in the huri^icane emer- ` gency, prior'to the storm, during the storm and after the storm. i The Chairman told the Board his survey of the County last caeek revealed that more damage was done to public property at the Beaches by Hurricane Connie than Hurricane Hazel. Sand was not washed ,Q? upon the strand, but was washed into the sea. The sand dunes thro?an up on the strand after- the -?? Hazel storm helped. It was the consensus of the Board to follow the same procedure for securing rehabilitation funds following the Hazel Hurricane disaster of October 15, and to employ an engineer to make a survey to ascertain the damage in the unincorporated areas preparatory to making application for Feder- al-State rehabilitation funds. It is to be understood that pay for his services will be con- tingent upon receipt of such funds. And, upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by A4r. Braedhurst, the following resolution was adopted: - I?_t . , , Meeting o£ August 15, 1955 - Continued RESOLUTION 623, WHEREAS, The Coastal Section and interior Counties were raged and severely damaged by the visita- tion of Hurricane Connie on Thursday, August 11, 1955, and WHEREAS, the municipalities and unincorporated Communities and all other interested parties are un- able to meet this disaster from their own resources, that have been er.hausted by reason of Hurri- cane Hazel on October 15, 1954, it is requested that the President of the United States and the Governor of North Carolina to pronounce this section of North Carolina a disaster area, and to appropriate $ for distribution under Law 875. WHEREAS, IN VIEW of the enormi.ty of the losses involved, it is evident that the appropriations made available as above stated in no wise pronides a sum adequate to cover the destruCtion on a temporary or prelitainary basis, and WHERt3AS, the economic results to North Carolina, and taxation revenues has been and will be more seriously effected, and WHEHEAS, the Towns and Communities in the stricken Counties have suffered and iaill continue to suffer enormously, by unemployment, sales and service, and tourist trade, and in the fishing in- dustry of our State, it would seem important that FYnancial Aid be made available for the reswnp- tion of these activities and the emergency repairs of the devasted areas as quickly as possible. NOW, THEREFOiiE BE IT RL+'SOLVED, that the Governor of North Carolina be, and is hereby reqnested to call a special meeting of the Congressional Representatives of North Carolina, if necessary, with the purpose of acquainting them of the situation existing i?orth Carolina as a result of Hurri- cane Connie: AND FSJRTHER, to eliminate as much !'xed Tape" as possible in the allocation of additional disaster funds: AND, to seek the aid of our members of Congress to obtain additional Federal FUnds for our disaster relief which we feel is most urgent. A bid received from the Ideal Plumbing Company to remove the existing hot water storage tank in the '?? Court House boiler room and replaee it with a 242 gallon extra heavy storage tank and relief valve at a eost of $395.00, iaas upon motion oP rir. Mayhan, seco rnled by Mr. Trask, referred to the Chair- , ? man with power to act. The Chairman read a copy of a telegram he sent to Governor Hodges August 9, for the Board, congratcG- ulating him upon his fine address on segregation AuguSt 8th. "It saas most timely;?Ihe said,"and to the point, and concurred in I'm sure with the majority population of North Carolinians. You have our full endorsement and backing along with our prayers and hope that this will be given a fair op- portunity of trial in order to uphold the moral social standards that has been enjoyed by both races in the past." Acknowledgment of the telegram was received with thanks, and he will be grate- ful, he said, for anything that can be done to help make successful his program of voluntary sep- arate school attendance. The Chairman was authorized to make reservations at the Battery Park Hotel for the Commissioners CC,- who will attend the Forty-Eighth Annual Convention of State Association of County Conunissioners at Asheville, August 21-24. Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Tir. Broadhurst, the Board approved a letter and resolution eo_ko?) sent to Mr. Edward Rankin, Secretary to the Governor, requesting an appointment with the Governor during the week of August 15, 1955, or whatever date that will be at his eonvenience, to hear a joint Committee composed of City, County, Chamber of Commerce and other interested groups, to give consideration to the construction of an additional Highway Bridge across the Cape Fear River: THE RESOLUTION RESOLUTION of the Board of County Commissioners of New Hunover County, Wilmington, North Carolina, with respect to construction of additional Highway Bridge across the Cape Fear River to improve existing traffic congestions and safety conditions. WHEREAS, Chairman R. T. Horton brought to the attention of the Board of County Comnissioners, need of an additional Bridge across the Cape Ifear River as expressed by a joint Comnittee composed of OffI.cials of tlie City of Wilmington, new Hanover County, the Greater Chamber of Commerce of Wilming- ton and other interested parties, was moved by motion of Pir. Raiford Trask and seconded by Mr. L. E. Broadhurst and carried that a Resolution be drawn and presented to the Honorable Luther H. Hodges, Governor of the State of North Carolina, Honorable A. H.-Graham, State Highway and Public Works Cownission and Iionorable C. Heide Trask, Highway Commissioner of the Tkiird D'istrict, on the subject of the State of Aorth Carolina and the State Highway and Public Works Commission providing for the City of Wilmington and the County of New Hanover an?additional Bridge aeross the Cape Fear River to take care of the existing congested general traffic and particularly heavy vehicular traf- fic, and the members of said joint Conunittee furnish what assistance within their means requested, and the Committee urged upon the said State and Highway Officials the necessity for careful study of this suUject and pursuing the same to completion, and Pointing out that there was a constant in- crease in the volume of trafPic moving north and south thru Wilmington and New Hanover County, that undue congestiors existed presenting continuing hazards and that the existing north-south transporta- tion facilities were inadequate to accommodai;e safeYy the existing and continuing traffic: AND WI3EREAS, full discussion was had respec'ting the necessity for a Bridge of a width and heiglzt of sufPiciency to make the same eligible for not only the use of State Highway Ftinds but also eligible for the use of' Federal b'unds: AND, iJHEItZAS, the Committee also discussed the importance of the increasing growth of the petroleum industry, roilitary installations, and a new industry assuredly promised to this area to be announced within the next ninety (90) days, and the added heavy traffic created thereby, and pointed out that petroleum products moving from the City of Wilmington provides probably the largest source of tax revenue to the State of North Carolina for Highway p.urposes, and that thereby it is felt that the existing Conditions warrant the earliest possible action on tlze part of the State of North Carolina and the State Highcaay and Public Works Commission looldng to creating and providing an additional Bridge acrosa the Cape Fear with the necessary tie-in roads, and as early as possible a study, plans and ol;her necessary revenue can be provided, location and design will be left to the good sound judgraent of the Higk?way Commission resulting from their survey and studies, -A 624 Meeting of August 15, 1955 - Continued AND WHEREAS, the Committee also advised that the Z3resent and existing traffic over the Northeast- Cape Fear River Bridge is unduly burdened and congested and that such ennditions will grow worse with additional petroleum industries located in this area, the assured industry plus traffic over 421-A make it become necessary to plan and act on an already over-congested egress and ingress leading to and from Brunswick County to the South and West and to and from the City of Wilming- ton and New Hanover County: AND, WHERLAS, as the result of the foregoing it appears that it is necessary to provide and to construct an additional Bridge across the Cape Fear River leading into the southern portion of the City of Wilmington and New Haiiover County, and it is felt that such project should be con- stantly kept alive and adequate study and planning given to the subject, looking to the provid- ing of such an additional Bridge as early as same can be done: ANll, WIiEItEAS, the Conunittee on August 2, 1955 met and a greed that a Resolution be made of this subject matter and the said groups present duly considered and adoPted thi:s Resolution, duly considered and adopted by the City Council at its meeting duly called and held on July 25, 1955, and, the Board of County Commi.ssioners of New Hanover County duly considered and adopted this Resolution August 1, 1955, and, by the Greater Chamber of Commerce of Wilmington, North Carolina and otYiers August 2, 1955, and it was the consensus of the group that the Resolution be approved in its entire-ty, which was done, and at the action of the group thereon be presented to the Gov- ernor of the State of North Carolina and to the State Highway and Public Works Commission for its consideration, action, and consumation of such purpose and project. NOW, THLREFC)ltE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, Wilmington, North Carolina, a meeting assembled the lst day of-August, 1955, as follows: 1. That the subjeet matter hereinbefore referred to and recited be promptly presented to the Governor of the State of North Carolina and the State Highway and public tdorks Commission in Haleigh, North Carolina and to the Third llistrict Commissioner in Wilnungton, North Carolina, and that they be and they are hereby urgently requested to take prompt action upon the subject of providiilg at the earliest practical tir,ie a sui.table and adequate additional Bridge across the Cape Rear River for the reason and to supply the needs herein recited. 2. That the said State of North Caroliua and the State Highway Officials are also ur- gently requested to take such steps and do such acts and things as may be necessary looking to providing as early as may be so arranged to gi.ve study to and plan for the construction of a new Highway Bridge across the Cape Fear River at Wilmington, North Carolina and such,appropriate lo- cation leading into the southern section of said City and County, to provide essential Highway approaches to and from and witlzin said City and County, to relieve existing and continuing traf- fic congestions, to protect better the public safety and to eliminate as far as possible the present and existing traffic hazards. 3. That this subject matter has received long aiicl careful consideration by the Commit- , tee and that the facts accwnulated by it justify this presentation to said State Off'icials, and it is urgently requested that appropriate steps be talcen to provide neeessai^y facilities, all oF which are required in the interest of adequate transportation, expansion and industrial growth, and the elimination of hazards arid the protection of public safety. The foreeoing resolution was duly adopted at the meetiizg aforesaid. /s/ R. T. Horton, Chairman of the Board J. M. Hall, Jr., Corrmiissioner E. R. Mayhan, " Raiford Trask, " L. E..Broadhurst, " Upon motinn of P1r. Broadhurst, secoizded by Mr. Mayhan, instructions were given to advertise for bids to be received i.u7ti1 10:00 o'clock A.M., Monday, August 29, 1955, for the exclusive right to provide ground transportation for hire of persons and property by motor vehicle from the County Airport to the City of tiiilmington arxl any other place both within or outside the County commenc- ing on July 1, 1955) and continuing for a period oP one (1) year until 7une 30, 1956. The Coun- ty reserving the right to reject any or all birls, or to accept any bid that may appear to the best interest of the County. 'p.? pressing his interest in the New Hanover County Airport and agreeing that our facilities are ?_??A brief outline of procedure under North Carolina Worianen's Compensation Act, was received. -?41? A?nancial Statement of the New Hanover County Tuberculosis and Health Association for the year 1954-1955 showing a balance in bank as of March 31, 1955, ?4,267.80. -?A statement of Airport Receipts and Disbursements for July andcash receipts for Ju1y 29, and '? August 8, were received and filed. report of Wilmington Publie Library showing 8710`Books circulated thru the main Library and ?? 4080 thru the Bool?nobile for July was received. Reports for July were received from the Aousing Authority of the City of Wilmington and James Ay Walker Hospital. ? IIpon motion of Pir. Hall, seconded by T1r. Broadhurst, the Board approved the payment of ?25.00 to Dr. Auley Crouch for his services as an expert witness in the case of State vs. I?arry Russell Sdilson, on orfler of the Honorable Clifton L. Ploore, Judge Presiding, August Criminal Term 1955. ??No objections were indicated by the Board to the United States llistrict Engineer granting Pir. N. A. Johnson a permit to construct a pier in Myrtle Grove Sound at Peden Point. The Chairuian presented a copy of the neca Federal Law providing for additional flznds for the i?n- ' provement of qualified Airports and read a letter received from Congressman F. Ertel Carlyle ex- more than adequate to handle commercial jets. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Trask, the Board authorized the payment of ?25.00 to each of the Sheriff's Deputies to compensate them for the long hours of work they rendered , in the Beach Resort areas during the Hurricane Connie emergency over the past week, for personal funds spent for food and equi.pment, and to purchase rain coats needed in such emergencies; same to be paid under the direction of the Sheriff. A list of safety precautions that will be helpful as a guide to the action to be taken when caarn- ings are issued of an approaching hurricane, were received from Dir. Jack Farrell, Executive Man- ? ager of SENCBA. Pieeting of August 15, 1955 - Continued John C. Wessell Tubereulosis Sanatoriwn Census report for week endi.ng July 29, 1955: White patients 6 Negro " 10 Tu Nonresidents- 0 . Vacant beds -16 = Male white 5; Fbmale white 5; Male colored 3; Female colored 3. Discharged - 1- Steve Giannaras, White male,.July 26, left against medical advice, Admitted - 0 bbr the week ending Attgust 12, 1955: f idhite patients 7 Nonresidents- 0 • ? Negro " 10 Vacant beds -15 = Male white 5; liemale white 4; Male colored 3; r'y N'emale colored 3. Discharged - 0 Admitted - 1- blrs. Cora R. Helms, White female, August 8, 1955, 10:30 A.M. A copy of an application for admission of Mrs. Cora R. Helms to the State Sanatorium was received. The Chairman reported that County property generally came thru the hurricane in good shape with ox„ minor damage, most dama.ge was to the Cotart House roof, resulting in 20 to 30 odd leaks and some slate blown out. ' Upon motion of Mr. Trask, secanded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board on recoirunendation of the County Aud- itor authoized a refund of $93.75 to Mrs. Lizzie G. Broadfoot for taxes paid in error for the 'j?x- year 1951 thru 1954, on a valuation of $750.00 on the east part of lot 2 in block 35, which she sold to Albert Axler, October 31, 1950 and thru error the same was not transferred on our tax rec- ords to Axler, and rfrs. Broadfoot therefore continued to pay the taxes on the property. And, the said taxes refunded were ordered charged to Albert Axler without penaZty for the said years. A letter wAS received from Mr. W. P. Burlrhimer, Attorney, concerning a claim of Cape Fbar Motor C 044? Sales for $800.00 damages claimed to have been done to a 1955 1?'ord four-door Sedan on March 71 1955, at Fow°th and Howard Streets, when it was alleged it was run into by a 1951 Chevrolet Truck owned by New Hanover County and driven by William Bostic. The same was referred to the County Attorney. SS, A letter was received from Dr. G. M. ICoseruba, President of New Hanover County Medical Society ad- vising the appointment of Drs. H. W. Johnson, C. J. Powell, H. M. Pickard and James Dickie as e$- aminers for the future APTD cases applying for [delfare Roll, requested by the Commissioners. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. IIroadhurst, all County bills iahich have acerued since ap= ? proval of bills at meeting of August 8, 1955, thru bills No. 24104 were approved,;for payment. llue to the attendance of the County Commissioners upon the Forty-Eighth Annual Convention of the tr-? SLate Association of County Commissioners at Asheville, August 21-24, 19550 the next regular meet- ing of the Board for Monday, August 22, 1955, will not be held and a reCess was taken until Mon- day, August 29, 1955. Cle • Wilmington, N. C., August 29, 1955. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners ftaiford Trask, J. M. Aall, Jr., Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, Cicero P. Yow, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Clerk. Ov'opies of the minutes of ineeting of August 15, 1955, haviizg previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, approved. , Q"?d This being the date and hour at which bids were advertised to be received for the exclusive right of providing ground transportation for hire of persons and property by motor vehicle to ancl from the County Airport for a term of one (1) year in accordance with the Specifications and Require- ments on file in the Office of the County Commissioners. The only bid received was from the Yellow Cab Company which was upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst opened, read and accepted subject to check and legal approval of the County Attorney. - J ? Mr. W. S. Rehder, President of the Azalea Fbstival appeared to solicit contributions from the Com-s?W? missioners under the "Dollar Shareholder Plan" to raise $5,000.00. The Chairman added that he was disappointed to learn from the President that in a sense the effort has practically failed, less than a thousand dollars ($1,000.) has been contributed. A1r. Horton said future Azalea Fes- tival$ success would depend upon achieving the financial goal set by the Committee and urged every- one to give it support. He was very happy to observe the endorsement of the Governor. This could be made the best Azalea Year ever. No better way to get folks here, the Chairman said, and urged that everyone give it their fullest support to assure a successful continuation oP the -annual event. Upon motion of Mr. Flall, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, t11e following resolution was adopted: ee,?,_ WHEREAS, the County of New Hanover is the holder of record of an Old Age Assistance lien against Leslie David Piiddleton filed in lien Book 2, Page 199 in the Office of the Clerk of Su,perior Court of said County, and WHEREAS, the property owned by the said lienor is in need of necessary repaa.rs and the Peoples Sav- ings and Luan Association of Wilmington, North Carolina, has made a loan to said lienor, subject to the said Old Age Assistance lien beiizg suborinated to the lien of the said Savings and Loan Association, and WHECtEAS, it is deemed to be to tlie best interest of the County that said loan be made to enable the lienor to make the necessary repairs to said property, and that the County lien for Old Age Assistance should be subordinated and made inferior to the lien oP the deed of trust to G. Dudley Humphrey, Trustee for said Association. NOSd,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED: 1. That it is to the best interest oP New Iianover County that the repairs be made to the property of the said lienor located in block 502 part lots 5 and G, Wilmington, North Carolina. 62115) ? r? ?6 J