1955-08-29 Regular MeetingPieeting of August 15, 1955 - Continued John C. Wessell Tubereulosis Sanatoriwn Census report for week endi.ng July 29, 1955: White patients 6 Negro " 10 Tu Nonresidents- 0 . Vacant beds -16 = Male white 5; Fbmale white 5; Male colored 3; Female colored 3. Discharged - 1- Steve Giannaras, White male,.July 26, left against medical advice, Admitted - 0 bbr the week ending Attgust 12, 1955: f idhite patients 7 Nonresidents- 0 • ? Negro " 10 Vacant beds -15 = Male white 5; liemale white 4; Male colored 3; r'y N'emale colored 3. Discharged - 0 Admitted - 1- blrs. Cora R. Helms, White female, August 8, 1955, 10:30 A.M. A copy of an application for admission of Mrs. Cora R. Helms to the State Sanatorium was received. The Chairman reported that County property generally came thru the hurricane in good shape with ox„ minor damage, most dama.ge was to the Cotart House roof, resulting in 20 to 30 odd leaks and some slate blown out. ' Upon motion of Mr. Trask, secanded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board on recoirunendation of the County Aud- itor authoized a refund of $93.75 to Mrs. Lizzie G. Broadfoot for taxes paid in error for the 'j?x- year 1951 thru 1954, on a valuation of $750.00 on the east part of lot 2 in block 35, which she sold to Albert Axler, October 31, 1950 and thru error the same was not transferred on our tax rec- ords to Axler, and rfrs. Broadfoot therefore continued to pay the taxes on the property. And, the said taxes refunded were ordered charged to Albert Axler without penaZty for the said years. A letter wAS received from Mr. W. P. Burlrhimer, Attorney, concerning a claim of Cape Fbar Motor C 044? Sales for $800.00 damages claimed to have been done to a 1955 1?'ord four-door Sedan on March 71 1955, at Fow°th and Howard Streets, when it was alleged it was run into by a 1951 Chevrolet Truck owned by New Hanover County and driven by William Bostic. The same was referred to the County Attorney. SS, A letter was received from Dr. G. M. ICoseruba, President of New Hanover County Medical Society ad- vising the appointment of Drs. H. W. Johnson, C. J. Powell, H. M. Pickard and James Dickie as e$- aminers for the future APTD cases applying for [delfare Roll, requested by the Commissioners. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. IIroadhurst, all County bills iahich have acerued since ap= ? proval of bills at meeting of August 8, 1955, thru bills No. 24104 were approved,;for payment. llue to the attendance of the County Commissioners upon the Forty-Eighth Annual Convention of the tr-? SLate Association of County Commissioners at Asheville, August 21-24, 19550 the next regular meet- ing of the Board for Monday, August 22, 1955, will not be held and a reCess was taken until Mon- day, August 29, 1955. Cle • Wilmington, N. C., August 29, 1955. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners ftaiford Trask, J. M. Aall, Jr., Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, Cicero P. Yow, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Clerk. Ov'opies of the minutes of ineeting of August 15, 1955, haviizg previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, approved. , Q"?d This being the date and hour at which bids were advertised to be received for the exclusive right of providing ground transportation for hire of persons and property by motor vehicle to ancl from the County Airport for a term of one (1) year in accordance with the Specifications and Require- ments on file in the Office of the County Commissioners. The only bid received was from the Yellow Cab Company which was upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst opened, read and accepted subject to check and legal approval of the County Attorney. - J ? Mr. W. S. Rehder, President of the Azalea Fbstival appeared to solicit contributions from the Com-s?W? missioners under the "Dollar Shareholder Plan" to raise $5,000.00. The Chairman added that he was disappointed to learn from the President that in a sense the effort has practically failed, less than a thousand dollars ($1,000.) has been contributed. A1r. Horton said future Azalea Fes- tival$ success would depend upon achieving the financial goal set by the Committee and urged every- one to give it support. He was very happy to observe the endorsement of the Governor. This could be made the best Azalea Year ever. No better way to get folks here, the Chairman said, and urged that everyone give it their fullest support to assure a successful continuation oP the -annual event. Upon motion of Mr. Flall, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, t11e following resolution was adopted: ee,?,_ WHEREAS, the County of New Hanover is the holder of record of an Old Age Assistance lien against Leslie David Piiddleton filed in lien Book 2, Page 199 in the Office of the Clerk of Su,perior Court of said County, and WHEREAS, the property owned by the said lienor is in need of necessary repaa.rs and the Peoples Sav- ings and Luan Association of Wilmington, North Carolina, has made a loan to said lienor, subject to the said Old Age Assistance lien beiizg suborinated to the lien of the said Savings and Loan Association, and WHECtEAS, it is deemed to be to tlie best interest of the County that said loan be made to enable the lienor to make the necessary repairs to said property, and that the County lien for Old Age Assistance should be subordinated and made inferior to the lien oP the deed of trust to G. Dudley Humphrey, Trustee for said Association. NOSd,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED: 1. That it is to the best interest oP New Iianover County that the repairs be made to the property of the said lienor located in block 502 part lots 5 and G, Wilmington, North Carolina. 62115) ? r? ?6 J ,626 Meeting of August 29, 1955 - Continued 2. That the lien of New Hanover County, recorded in Book 2, on Page 199 against Leslie David Middleton, is hereby subordinated to, and made inferior to the lien of that certain deed of trust executed by Leslie David Middleton to G. Dudley Humphrey, Trustee for the Peoples Savings and Loan Association in the amount of $1,750.00 and duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County on the 16th day of July 1955. George Jolinson appeared to.speak for a group of colored citizens and urged that assistance be giv- ? en them for rehabilitating recent hurricane storm•damage at Freeman Beach. He further told of the inability to meet Lheir share of funds to matdh County funds for Police protection. Busines- ? ses have been destroyed and the proprietors left and they are unable to raise funds. It was the sense of the Board to give them such help it can with available funds, and to that end a motion was bffered by Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan and carried. ? rir. H. M. Biddle appeared to ask for drainage in the Lake area at Carolina Beach. The ditches are all filled up and need cleaning out to relieve a serious condition there, he said. The Chair- ? man explained tliat the County has been waiting for right-of-way agreement from the property oi,mers Lo ditch across their private lands which according to a previous understanding would be furnish= ed. Mr. Addison Hewlett, Jr., Attorney for the Town of Carolina Beach, appeared later to advise that the right-of-way agreement had been drawn and would immediately be submitted to the property owners for signing, but urged the Board to waive teclinicalities at this emergency and begin the work to reliene the situation without flirther delay. At this point Mr. Trask again insisted that if a hand operated valve lift system had been install- ed it would have been helpful to drain the Lake area in emergencies. AYr. Horton then submitted a telegram from General Edward F. Griffin, State Director of Civil Defense stating "as a result of telephone conversations by Governor Luther H. Hodges with Judge Thomas H. Goodman, Regional llirector for the F@deral Civil Defense Administration. Judge Goodman agreed with the Governor that tkiose towns and Counties, which have emergenCy situations as a result of the two recent hur- ricanes, such as sections of exposed beaches where high water would fixrther damage homes, cottages and business establiskunents, that such towns and Counties are hereby auttlorized to engage immed- iately private contractors to push up sand dunes,and so forth,for the temporary and emergency pro- tection of said property pending arrival of high water occasioned by approaching hirricane "Edith". The Chairman suggested that appropriate resolutions be prepared with respect to the passing of the ? late John J. Burney, Sr., Retired Resident Judge of the Superior Court for the Eighth Judicial llistrict, which was upon motion of rir. Trask, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, approned. The Chairman called attention to following up a resolution of thi: of second proposed Bridge across safety conditions. And further hold a conference this afternoon Wednesday. the meeting with the Governor in Raleigh, Wednesday, August 31, > Board of August 15, 1955, in the interest of the construction the Cape Fear River to relieve traffic congestions and to improve advised that a meeting of those who have planned to attend would to arrange plans for presentation of the matter to the Governor Trie Chairman reported a very satisfactory attendance of the meeting of the State Association of ? County Coiwtussio:iers at Asheville 21-24; 260 or more were registered, but only two Commissioners -? from our eastern area were present. Presumed engaged in hurricane work. Nine Legislative Bills reviewed passed at the last Session. Five out of eighteen passed were recommended. FYne addres- ses were made by William Rodman, the Attorney General and his Assistant I. Beveily Lake, who were the main speakers. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Hall, Pir. C. Roger Morse was re-elected Consolidat- Ad, ed City-County Tax Collector for a term of two years under authority of Chapter 191 Public-Local Laws of 1933. The City Council having previously taken similar action. The County's 1955-1956 Budget Appropriations, after due notice given by advertisement in accord- ance with the Law, were Finally adopted, and the following Appropriation Resolution after havitig been read to the Board by Mr. Hall, was upon his motion, seconded by Mr. isroadhvrst, unanimously J adopted: Section 1. Be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of Neia Hnnover County, Yorth Carolina, this 29th day of August, 1955, that the expense for the County Government, its activities and In- stitutions, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1956, the amounts of the follocoing scheduie, or so much of each as may be necessary, are hereby appropriated: Section 2. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated for General Flznd . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Section 3. That for the saidfiscal yearthereis hereby appropriated for Agriculture and Gconomics . . . . . . . . . . Section 4. That for the said fiscal year there?is hereby appropriated for Aid to Blind . . . . . . . o . . . . . . . . . Section 5. That for the saidfiscal yearl:hereis hereby appropriated for Aid to Dependent Children . . . . • . . . . . . . . . Section 6. That for the said fiscal yearthereis hereby appropriated for Aid to Permanently and Totally Disabled . . .,. . . . . . . Section 7. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated for Old Age Assistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a. ?propriated for. Section S. That for the said fiscal year.there*is hereby. WeIfare Rtnd . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 9. That for the said fiscal year there'is hereby appropriated' for Workmen's Compe?isation • • • • • • . • • . • • • • • Section 10. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated Por County Home FLu?d • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 11. That for the saidfiscal yearthereis hereby appropriated for Health Fltrtd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 12. That for the said•fiscal year?tliere is hereby appropriated for Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 13. That for the saidfiscal yearthereis hereby appropriated for John C. Wessell Tuberculosis Sanatorium . . . . . . . . . . . Section 14. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated for Schools: School Bond P1u1d ................ $ 254,420.00 School Books P1uid ................ 18,000.00 School Building blund ............. 1071510.61 School Pederal Furtd .............. 910755.50 Schooi Regular ................. 340,000.00 Sehool SuPPlement Flar?d .......... . 384,000.00 School Veterans' Program ......... 11,243.55 School Wilmington College ........ 112,000.00 School Pension ................... 12,257.36 . . $ 486,707.01 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18,459.20 11,493.00 334,800.00 173p880.00 392,940.00 112,000.00 3,528.59 75,530.93 75,012.90 113,479.45 30,000.00 1,331,187.02 , Total Budget .................... $ 3,159,018.10 Meeting of August 29, 1955 - Continued A request of John S. 7osey for a refund of $400.00 purchase price he paid for City-County owned tax foreclosure property in Block 310, part of Lot 3, purchased thru Mr. J. E. Canadq by author- ity of the Board granted June 13, 1955, claiming that tYie title was not approved by the examin- ing Attorneys for the Building and Loan Association and he was therefore unable to borrow fluids with which to build a home on account of errur in the proCeedings to foreclose the tax lien, was upon motion, referred to the Tax Collector to handle with his Attorney. ??7'm Tq?1? ??- A report of the Grand Jury for the August Term 1955, was received and fYled. Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded bq Mr. Broadhurst, payment of $100.00 special Attorney fees to Harry Latta, in each of the folloiring two cases mai{ing a total of $200.00, for his services as S special Attorney appointed by the Court to represent the defendents in the case of State vs. Norwood Wright charged in two bills of indictment with Burglary in the first degree, and also to represent ? the defendent in the case of State vs. Enoch Wilkins, alias Enoch Williams, charged with first de- gree Burglary, was approved on order of the Court. Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Broadhursti the otioned tax foreclosure property in Block 349, part E? Lot $286.08. The same having also been approved by the City August 17, 1955. And, the Chairman and tlae Clerk of the ed to execute a deed in the narne of the County conveyi.ng of the purchase price. Board approved the sale of City-County ?? 1 to .Arthur Lee Davis for the sum of Council at its Wednesday meeting held Board are hereby authorized and direct- the same to the purchaser upon payment The Chairman read a letter received from Mr. Nathan H. Yelton, Executive Secretary of the Teachers' , and Stai,e Employes' Retirement System, a dvising that complete instructions are not available yet for the election to be held on October 26, 1955, to pass in the question of County Employees to be covered under Social Security, but hoped to be in a position to forKard such information early in September. ? A repnr-t_was received from the Lumbermans Plutual Casualty Comgany on the inspection of boilers in )rS;j*A the Prison Builciing Basement, Juvenile Home, Piain Boiler Aoom at the Countiy Home, and no adverse conditions were observed, except the Peerless Cast Iron Hot Water Supply Boiler previously used in the Piain Boiler Room has been replaced with a new sectional cast iron Boil.er which was construc-- ted for a maximum allowable working pressux°e of 30 pounds. It was set to release at 100 pounds and is therefore not suitable for hot water supnly service, and was recommended that the boiler be replaced with one designed For a higher working pressure. The Chairman read a letter received from the Kiwanis Club advising that at its meeting held Wednes- dayH` u?s4? 1955, voted to express their appreciation to the Board for the business-like ?yan- fTer?no??tie operating Budget of New Hanover County was handled for the coming year. The entire Board is to be Commended for its a ction in holding the tax rate ofthe County down, for the year 1955-1956. The Chairman read a letter received from Annie Piay Pemberton, State Supervisor Services to the Aged, disapproving of a plan for renovating the small building near the dining room of the County Home and leasing it to an individual to be operated as a boarding home. There are many angles to this proposal, she said, which it is believed would'make it unprofitable both in terms oP repair and de- sirability, but would recommend the use of John C. Wessell,Tuberculosis Sanatorium as a private boarding or rest home in the event it should be closed. Resignation was received from Mable B. Peterson as Negro Home Demonstration Agent effective July 31, ? 1955. She has served during the leave of absence granted Rebecca Lawrence Hall, Negro Iiome Demon- stration Agent who will return to reswne her duties in September. T ? Reports for July were received from the Board of Health together with a copy of the minutes of its meeting of August 10; Narrative Report for the ATegro Home Demonstxation Agent and 4-H Clubs; State_?5_&_ Board of Public Welfare showin N,,635.00, he amounts the County is to provide fon assistance payments for Sc)„ 1955-1956, Old Age assiatance ,472.00; Aid to Dependent Children $42,625.00 and Aid to the Per- 1 manently and Totally Disabled making a total of $130,732.00; Airport cash receipts fo?1)?*o August 12, 15, and 19 were received. A report endorsing tlie American Social Aygiene Association-P-8A was received from the State Health Officer of tlie State Board oP Heal.th. A copy of a letter written by Mr. Foster Edwards, Clerlc of Court, to Chief of Police, J. T. Padrick, concerning trie method of accounting for pre-numbered warrants issued by all Law EnForcement`Agencies in Neca Flanover County, was received. A cownunication was received from Mr. A. R. Howard, General Agricultural and Livestock Agent of he?? Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company, reporting a successful State Purebred Hampshire Swine Sale and Show at Legion Stadium, afternoon and evening Hurricane Diane visited our area, in spite of the hurricane. A copy of the minutes of the Board of Trustees meeting of Community IIospital of August 17, togeth- -PO* er with Balance Sheet and Statement of Income and Expenses for July prepared by Cherry, Bekaert and Holland.. CPA's, from the books without audit, was received. Upon motion of Mr. A1a.yhan, seconded by Mr. Hall, payment oP a bill for $10.40 to the Carolina Print-? ing and Stamp Company for printing 500 windshield stickers used by Sheriff's llepartment to keep check on cars at the Beach Resorts during the huri°icane emergency, was approved. Payment of a bill for $131.94 to Cape Ibar Motor Sales Company for repairs to the 1955 Ford car o?;?n?? ed by Mr. W. B. Gore, which was damaged by County Truck backing into the car which was parked on Brunswick Street between 7th and 8th Streets about 4:30 P.P4., I+riday, August 26, 1955, was approved, on motion made by Mr. Niayhan and duly seconded by Mr. Trask. , Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Pfayhan, Cowity bills No. 24105 to 24209 were approved for payme nt . Upon motion of Mr. Hall the meeting was adjourned. ?if• 9?,,,r •-y ?ClerK. J