1955-09-06 Regular Meeting,6,28 tdilmington, N. C., September 5, 1955. _/tJ Monday, September 5, 1955, being a legal holiday, (Labor Day) no quorum appeared and a recess was r? taken until 10:00 A.M., Tuesday, September 6, 1955. Tdilmingtotz, N. C., September 6, 1955. Pursuant to recess taken Tionday, September 5, 1955, tlie regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 oTclock A.M. Present: Raiford Trask, Vice Chairman presiding and Commissioners J. P1. fIall, Jr., Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, Cicero P. Yow, County Attorney, and T. D. Love, County Auditor, The meeting was opened 1with prayer by the Clerk. Copies of the minutes of ineeting of August 29, 1955, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon tnotion of Mr. Tiayhan, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, approved. An application for financial assistance from Government Funds in the restoration and protection 'kf life and protection of public strand and clearance of debris caused by Hurricanes Connie and Diane, August 11, 1955 and August 17, 1955, prepared by the Chairman in the amount of $620466.18 for the disaster areas of the County, was presented and upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, approved and ordered turned over to the proper authorities for processing. An offer submitted by E. A. tlrmstrong and wife Tiary Armstrong, to ty, Item #1 - Block 67, part of Lots 5 and-6, 63x110 feet in size, west corner of lOth and Wooster Streets at a price of ;y"767.00, was seconded by Mr. Mayhan, approved. And, the Chairman and Cleriz of directed to sign a deed in the name of the Coiuity transferring the upon paymeilt of the purchase price. purchase tax foreclosure proper- beginning 66 feet from the north=- upon motion of Mr. IIroadhurst, the Board caere authorized and said property to the purchaser An offer submitted by Mr. J. L. Baldwin to purchase tax foreclosure Lot 30 in Block C, Bronx, at a price of $182.07 was decliaed, but an offer equal to its appraised value $350.00 may be consid- ered by the Board. -? letter was received from the Agricultural Comtnittee of the Chamber of Commerce advising that the ?r"Sixth Annual Southeastern North Carolina Junior Dairy Cattle Show sponsored by the Agricultural ??j Committee of the Wilmington Chamber of Commerce, is to be held at Legion Stadiwn on Thursday, and - dN Friday, September 15, and 16, and flxrther advised that Diessrs. Harry Cherry, Chairman and L. G. Iv'alton, Ralph Horton and Gordon Doran have been appointed as the Premiums Distribution Committee for tiiis Event, and as such suggested that their duties be considered, at least in part, as fol- lows: "Prepare checks for T'remiwns and distribute imme(liately after judging is complete." The County Attorney told the Board that it has been reported to him that a County Prisoner, Clifton eJustice, 3rd & Wright Streets, now servino a term at the County Farm taas permitted td go home week- ends. Mr. Rivenbark, Superintendent of the County Farm was present and said no prisoners were C permitted to go horoe on week-ends or leave the farm except trustys on certain occasions and then - only by his permission, wlu ch he said was routine. Justice, a trusty was pertnitted to stop at his home to pick up underwear, and nn another occasion to pick-up plumbing tools, such as the County did not have, to make rpairs at, the Airport, and was also permitted to go home Monday, be- cause of the death of his fat°-in-law, and returned after the flxneral. Prisoners are always ac- counted for and are in the Camp every night. At this point Mr. Trask took the opportunity to correet a false statement iahich appeared in a re- ??1 cent issue of the jdilmington 4iorning Star, to the ef#'ect that the dragline has been working on ? Q. the Trask Farm dince July 1. This he said is not true and was a mighty small thing to make such , a false statement and shozaed ignorance on someone's part. The dragline has been engaged in drain-i age work on part of Quelch land adjoining, which work has been delayed on account of the recent rains. I don't mind criticis m when due, but I do hate an out and out falsehood. Mr. Broadhurst discussed the needof dragline drainage in the Kure-Wilmington Beach area, and felt, ??, if the Itenniker ditch was lo?vered would help. Mr. Trask said there ?aas only a six iach fall per mile iii the Henniker ditch, but should be cleaned out. ? Drainage conditions in the southern beach areas were discussed at length. ? Mrs. W, L. Baker, Route 2, Box 260-B, owner of two and half acres of land this side of Carolina Beach Highway Br..idge appeared iaith a delegation of fZve (5) residents, complaining of the main ditch in the Seabreeze area stopped up and needs opening to enable the residents in that area to -?? drain the water off' their lancl thru the Seabreeze main ditch. 3'hey find it difficult to get to and from their homes without wading thru water. Was referred to the Chairman. In discussing the Carolina Beach ?rainage situation, Pir. Aall suggested that we get the City Dian - ager of Carolina Beach ideas on dragline drainage to produce the best results. Reports for the month of August were received from the following: Vetera?s' ServiCe Officer, ?Home Demonsti°a ' n Agent; State Board of Public jdelfare; Census report for`July for County Home, Coiuity Prieoners and Juvenile Quarters. ? • statement of Receipts and Disbursements Por the Officers RelieP Fltnd for the .fiscal qear ending June 30, 1955 was received, showing: Receipts 18,242:48 Disbursements 5,405.02 .?N~ ) Balance 6/30/55 $ 12, 837.4fi 4A statement of Fbderal and 5tate Assistant Flznds sent to this County for June was received from _6,4?7 the State Board of Public L9elfare, as follocas: For OAA Grants ?p 27,976.50 ' " " Iiospitalization 3,538.68 ? 31,565,18 " ADC Grants 22,982.25 ' . " " Aospitalization 1,875.97 24,858.22 APTll Grants 10,766.25 " " Hospitalization 1,461.00 12,227.25 " Administration OAA.,AllC and APTD 2,273.00 Total ....................... $ 700923.65 , h3eeting of September 5, 1955 - Continued 629 Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, Countq bills No. 24210 to 24305 were ap- proved for payment. ' ' Upon motion of Tir. Hall, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, k . ? the meeting adjourned. Wilmington, N. C., September 12, 1955. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Raiford Trask, J. M. Aall, Jr., Ernest R. A4ayhan, L. E. Broaclliurst, Cicero P. Yow, County Attorney, and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened caith prayer by the Heverend Ben Cortin of the 5alvation Army. Cop9.es of the minutes of the meeting of September 6, 1955, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, approved. Messrs. S. T. Glover, Jr., and Ed.'H. Warren, residing at 709 and 710 Holmock Avenue, W. E. Starnes 3705 Wrightsville Avenue, and others appeared to complain of the drainage ditches along Wriglits.?,?,? ville Avenue stopped up, which malces it impossible to drain Lhe water from their property and area at Wrightsville Avenue antl Pieares Roadp was received for investigation with the State High- way Department for such relief that can be given. ' The Chairman encouraged residents to do w hat they can to remove obstructions from their drainage_,?bJlAih and if fuel oil is poured on the water will keep the mosquitoes down. A request of Mr. W. D. Smith for City-County appropriatioiis of approximately $1,200.00 for expense ? of extra teacher, bus driver and gasoline for a period of 34 saeeks needed for the Parents Study Group School fur handicapped children program at Commuuity Center, was held in abeyance pending results of Mr. Suu.th's presentation of the request to the City Council. Mr. J. B. Jones, Manager of Carolina Beach was present to discuss the Carolina Beach drainage ?- ? situation. He stated Mr. Hecht was there F7?iday afternoon and it was suggested that it would "? help to improve the drainage in the Wilmington Beach area to Henniker ditch to take the water coming down from the Aanby Beach area, and widen Henniker ditch. Mr. R. M. ICermon suggested dragline operation by the County, Carolina Beach and the State Highway to provide a new and larg- er drainage line in the Lalce area, and divert the water coming down from the Wilmi.ngton Beach area, , The Chairman said that inasmuch as it appears that Henniker ditch is lower than the ocean or suryD??,?,, rounding area, will get Mr. Hecht's recommendation on it. Inasmuch as the County is suffering from the recent heavy rains and drainage, Mr. Hall suggestej that we sugment our drainage force by every Cowity prisoner available, or employ other help to meet the situation during this emergency. A request of John S. Josey for a refund of ?400.00 purchase price he paid for a tax foreclosure Lot in Block 310, June 13, 1955, on account of error claimed by the examining Attorneys for the TaJ( Building and Loan Association, in conneetion with the suit to foreclose the tax lien, was refer- red back to him to handle with his Attorney. Mr. Billy Broadfoot, Chairraan of the Agricultural Committee of the Wilmington Chamber of Commerce,A? ? and other members appeared to ask for an appropriation of $1,000.00 toward the expense for hold- ing the Sixth Annual Junior llairy Cattle Show, September 15, and 16. The twelve (12) months program will cost $3,750.00 they said, and looked to the County, City and Chamber of Commerce to appropriate $1,000.00 each, balance to be raised by subscriptions. Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Hall, an appropriation of $800.00 was granted out of the advertising fund at this time, and additional fwids later if needed and available. The Board feeling such an appropria- tion would be to the best interest of the County for advertising its resources and advantages. Upon motion of Mr. Hall; seconded by Pir. Playhan, the Board, on certificate of the Board of Educa-?&`, tion, authorized the payment of $1,280.95 annual sehool pension due Dirs. Ruth 0. Jones, retired school teacher, on a basis of $106.74 per month out oP the emergency fund, as of daLe of Septem- ber 1, 1955. Mr. Hall suggested that such extra appropriations be anticipated during the preparation of the /'Awaoi? Iludget to avoid charging the same against the emergency fund, next year, if possible. Upon motinn of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board confirmed the action of the County Commissioners of Septeniber 9, 1955, in appointing Mr. Norman Rouse to act as Electrical InsPeC- tor in an emergency occasioned by the sickness of Mr. Harry Everett, Electrical Inspector, and to continue thru out the emergency to act in his Place. It being understood that Mr. Rouse will not be eligible to certify his own work, which in such event will be taken care of by the City Electrical Inspector. And, ,f1u•ther that no compensation will be charged by Mr. Rouse for his services, payments Por inspections made will go into the former regular chanilel. A letter was received from Pension Service Company of Tdinston Salem, advising us oP Forsyth Coun- ty's solution to the problem of bringing its employes under Social Securitq and problems caith ref- erence to the intergi°ation of the present retirement plan with Social Security. They said in par t : 'a "The present plan provides for a normal Retirement Benefit to 1-NO of a member's aggregate compensation during years of inembership. Dfembers contribute 4%of compensation. "The new plan will "IAYeeze" all benefits accrued to December 31, 1954 on the basi.s of the plan as constituted prior to that date. Normal Retirement Benefits accruing subsequent to Dee- ,jich ember 31, 1954, shall be 3/4°fo of a member's aggregate comperisation not in excess,of $$4,200. e year, plus 12jo of a member's aggregate compensation in excess of'$4,200. each year. DfembersAcon- tribute to the plan 2% of compensation each year not in excess of $4,200 and 40 of compensation in excess of $p4,200. Social Security Benefita and contributions to SoCial Security will be in addition." This information was requested for us by Mr. Wallace G. Dunham, County Commission of 1+'orsyth County, which will be helpful in answering questioris that may be raised by our employes. ? K A letter was received from the Wilmington Board of Realtors complementing the County Commission- ers for their firm stand in hblding property taxes at their present level, and are confident that they are operating our County Government on a sound and economical basis. A letter was received f'rom the Honorable N. B. Rodman, the Attorney General, enclosing a copy of his speech to the annual meeting of the State Association of County Commissioners in Asheville on August 23, 1955. ?