1955-12-09 Regular Meetingh3eeting of September 5, 1955 - Continued 629 Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, Countq bills No. 24210 to 24305 were ap- proved for payment. ' ' Upon motion of Tir. Hall, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, k . ? the meeting adjourned. Wilmington, N. C., September 12, 1955. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Raiford Trask, J. M. Aall, Jr., Ernest R. A4ayhan, L. E. Broaclliurst, Cicero P. Yow, County Attorney, and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened caith prayer by the Heverend Ben Cortin of the 5alvation Army. Cop9.es of the minutes of the meeting of September 6, 1955, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, approved. Messrs. S. T. Glover, Jr., and Ed.'H. Warren, residing at 709 and 710 Holmock Avenue, W. E. Starnes 3705 Wrightsville Avenue, and others appeared to complain of the drainage ditches along Wriglits.?,?,? ville Avenue stopped up, which malces it impossible to drain Lhe water from their property and area at Wrightsville Avenue antl Pieares Roadp was received for investigation with the State High- way Department for such relief that can be given. ' The Chairman encouraged residents to do w hat they can to remove obstructions from their drainage_,?bJlAih and if fuel oil is poured on the water will keep the mosquitoes down. A request of Mr. W. D. Smith for City-County appropriatioiis of approximately $1,200.00 for expense ? of extra teacher, bus driver and gasoline for a period of 34 saeeks needed for the Parents Study Group School fur handicapped children program at Commuuity Center, was held in abeyance pending results of Mr. Suu.th's presentation of the request to the City Council. Mr. J. B. Jones, Manager of Carolina Beach was present to discuss the Carolina Beach drainage ?- ? situation. He stated Mr. Hecht was there F7?iday afternoon and it was suggested that it would "? help to improve the drainage in the Wilmington Beach area to Henniker ditch to take the water coming down from the Aanby Beach area, and widen Henniker ditch. Mr. R. M. ICermon suggested dragline operation by the County, Carolina Beach and the State Highway to provide a new and larg- er drainage line in the Lalce area, and divert the water coming down from the Wilmi.ngton Beach area, , The Chairman said that inasmuch as it appears that Henniker ditch is lower than the ocean or suryD??,?,, rounding area, will get Mr. Hecht's recommendation on it. Inasmuch as the County is suffering from the recent heavy rains and drainage, Mr. Hall suggestej that we sugment our drainage force by every Cowity prisoner available, or employ other help to meet the situation during this emergency. A request of John S. Josey for a refund of ?400.00 purchase price he paid for a tax foreclosure Lot in Block 310, June 13, 1955, on account of error claimed by the examining Attorneys for the TaJ( Building and Loan Association, in conneetion with the suit to foreclose the tax lien, was refer- red back to him to handle with his Attorney. Mr. Billy Broadfoot, Chairraan of the Agricultural Committee of the Wilmington Chamber of Commerce,A? ? and other members appeared to ask for an appropriation of $1,000.00 toward the expense for hold- ing the Sixth Annual Junior llairy Cattle Show, September 15, and 16. The twelve (12) months program will cost $3,750.00 they said, and looked to the County, City and Chamber of Commerce to appropriate $1,000.00 each, balance to be raised by subscriptions. Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Hall, an appropriation of $800.00 was granted out of the advertising fund at this time, and additional fwids later if needed and available. The Board feeling such an appropria- tion would be to the best interest of the County for advertising its resources and advantages. Upon motion of Mr. Hall; seconded by Pir. Playhan, the Board, on certificate of the Board of Educa-?&`, tion, authorized the payment of $1,280.95 annual sehool pension due Dirs. Ruth 0. Jones, retired school teacher, on a basis of $106.74 per month out oP the emergency fund, as of daLe of Septem- ber 1, 1955. Mr. Hall suggested that such extra appropriations be anticipated during the preparation of the /'Awaoi? Iludget to avoid charging the same against the emergency fund, next year, if possible. Upon motinn of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board confirmed the action of the County Commissioners of Septeniber 9, 1955, in appointing Mr. Norman Rouse to act as Electrical InsPeC- tor in an emergency occasioned by the sickness of Mr. Harry Everett, Electrical Inspector, and to continue thru out the emergency to act in his Place. It being understood that Mr. Rouse will not be eligible to certify his own work, which in such event will be taken care of by the City Electrical Inspector. And, ,f1u•ther that no compensation will be charged by Mr. Rouse for his services, payments Por inspections made will go into the former regular chanilel. A letter was received from Pension Service Company of Tdinston Salem, advising us oP Forsyth Coun- ty's solution to the problem of bringing its employes under Social Securitq and problems caith ref- erence to the intergi°ation of the present retirement plan with Social Security. They said in par t : 'a "The present plan provides for a normal Retirement Benefit to 1-NO of a member's aggregate compensation during years of inembership. Dfembers contribute 4%of compensation. "The new plan will "IAYeeze" all benefits accrued to December 31, 1954 on the basi.s of the plan as constituted prior to that date. Normal Retirement Benefits accruing subsequent to Dee- ,jich ember 31, 1954, shall be 3/4°fo of a member's aggregate comperisation not in excess,of $$4,200. e year, plus 12jo of a member's aggregate compensation in excess of'$4,200. each year. DfembersAcon- tribute to the plan 2% of compensation each year not in excess of $4,200 and 40 of compensation in excess of $p4,200. Social Security Benefita and contributions to SoCial Security will be in addition." This information was requested for us by Mr. Wallace G. Dunham, County Commission of 1+'orsyth County, which will be helpful in answering questioris that may be raised by our employes. ? K A letter was received from the Wilmington Board of Realtors complementing the County Commission- ers for their firm stand in hblding property taxes at their present level, and are confident that they are operating our County Government on a sound and economical basis. A letter was received f'rom the Honorable N. B. Rodman, the Attorney General, enclosing a copy of his speech to the annual meeting of the State Association of County Commissioners in Asheville on August 23, 1955. ? ,ov Meeting of Septemher 12, 1955 - Continued The Chairman turned over to the County Auditor six (6) checks aggregating approximately $52.00 received from the Home Insurance Coiupany, covering Community Hospital Claims. A resignation was received from the Musewn Advisory Committee, composed of Piessrs. Louis T. Diooie, representing the New Hanover Historical Commission, Mrs. J. M. James arid Mrs. T. J. Morris, rep- resenting North Carolina Sorosis, Mrs. Geo. T. Plusselman, representing the Cape Fbar Chapter United Daughters of the Confederacy, P1rs. William M. Bellamy, representing the North Carolina -M Society of the Colonial Dames and Mrs. Yda B. Kellam, representing the Stamp Defi=ance Chapter, Daughters of American Revolution. The Committee feeling that it has served its purpose in try- ing to find a better and more acceptable location for the Museum, and since the proposal a,ppears to have died a natural death, it was said, submitted their resignation. Upon moti.on of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the Board agreed to off.'er the Committee the room presently occupied by the Civil Defense and Law Library, and move the Law Library to the Attorneys'. Room, and that action on the resignation be held in abeyance pending the Conunittee's action on the offer. ,O)Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Hall, Mr. R. T. Horton, Chairman of the Board, was ap- -- ? pointed as the County's representative to handle documents and papers and other matters that are necessary pertaining to Civil Defense in this area. A letter was received Prom the Carolina Beach Clzamber of Commerce expressing its thanks to each of the County Commissioners, for their most valuable and useful help during the recent hurricane; v? and said f'urther, "The entire citizenship of that municipality, which GOD so wonderfully preserv- ed, will ever be indebted to them for all they have done." An invitation was received from Mr. Ben E. Douglas, Director, State Department of Conservation and ? Development to attend an Institute "The Economic Development of North Carolina" at 1:00 P.M., in --Q.? Carroll Hall at the University of North Carolina. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Tir. Diayhan, payment of $332.75 to the Carolina Cut Stone Com- _J pany for granite work in connection with the closing of the Pri.ncess Street entrance to the Court House to provide additional room for tax work and records in the County Auditor's Department. This being the only outside expense incurred in Connection witll the sanie. A petition submitted by Mr. C. W. Pleshoe of Castle Hayne, for 22 property oianers asking Por im- prove?? to a road in Cape Feax. Township wllich runs from Castle Aayne-Hampstead Highway due ?.? south about 3/4 of a mile and known as Bay Street, on which 20 houses are located, and a seoond petition askiilg for State Maintenance, grading, ditching and hard-surfacing Old Mill Road in CApe Fear Township, which runs from liighway 421 to the Railroad, a distance of approximare-17-].'050 feet, ? and a third petition of eighteen (18) property owners to improve M,yrtle Avenue in Seagate, Harnett `fownship which runs from Greenville Avenue to Park Avenue, a distance of approximately 1000 feet on which 11 houses are located, were all upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst ap- proved and referred to the Stat,e Highway and PuUlic [dorks Conunission. ' A memorandum was received from Mrs. Annette S. Boutwell, Rural IIealth Consultant calling atten- tion to Rural Health Week in this County October 2- S. The Governor will proclaim October 2-8 as Rural Health Week in this State, and request that the Chairroan of the Board will fo"llow thru with a sirtiilar proclamation, was upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst approved, and it saas so ordei^ed. RESOLUTION OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WITH RESPECT TO THli BEATH OF - THE HONORAI3LE JUHN J. BURNEY, SENIOR, RETIRED R8SIllENT'JUDGE OF THE EIGHTH'JUDICIAL DISTRICT jdHEREAS, on the 23rd day of August, 1955, was called from his earthly labors, the Honora.ble John J. Burney, Senior; retired Judge of the SuPerior Court for the Eighth Judicial District of North Carolina, in which capacity he served ably and efficiently since January 1, 1939, until the date of his retirement, llecember 31, 1954, and ' WI3ERN:f1S, his knowledge of the Law and public affairs and l:is even balanced judgment, keen to meet a situation in a fast cllanging period 'thru out liis tenure in office, saas most fitting in his ju- dicial capacity, and SffiP,HL'AS, in his private life he was ever ready to lend a helping hand to the handicapped, in civil affairs to further the'cause to achieve better things for the County and Stttte he loved and served, and ' WHEItEAS, his entire service was characterized by that high ideal of right and fair play, and would u5e his every resource and energy to def'end a principal he thought was right, yet his gentlemanly disZiosition he kept clean and 1)ure and untarnished. He was a Christian gentleman, and held mal- ice against no one. These personal traits so greatly endeared him to the people he served, and wllich established hicn as an outstanding Judge in our Judicial System. NOW, THEREr'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the members of tlv.s Board recognize in hi.s passing, the loss alike to this Board, this Couiity and State, a valuable public OfPicial and hereby pay triUute to his memory; and RESOLVED FYTRTHF..R, that a copy of the se resolutions be sent to the family with expressions of the heai^tfelt sympathy of the members of this Body, a copy to tkie press and radio, and a copy be spread upon the minutes of this Board. /s/ I onthly y???,ibrary ? U?j reports for August were received from: and the County Farm Agent. R. T. Iiorton, Chairman, Neia Hanover County Commissioners Raiford Trask, Commissioner J. M. Hall, Jr., " Ernest Piayhan, " Lc E. Broadhurst " Vilmington Public Library, Tdilmington Colored ' - Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Hall, County Bills No. 24306 to 24388 were a,pproped /?? for payment. I ? , =tl- '?.._ ?. ,...?irs.. - .-?._t' J , _ _ . _._.. --- _ _ _ - -- - - - - -- - - c t d `r. j j'e'??T? - -.,..K.4}.Burric9 .106 Audubon Boi. euard. ?;.; a.s?,,?.yFzWolff,?Rtox?97'??` t'G`'`' ''R L. , r1o3 aTdZ? au? .zc . -'Delma A. i?ScGowan, Rt.2-box 35. Ralph Iangford, 1722 Orange St.r ?? ;? pano.zd Beaty IaNr?,oe 5aker, 2208 Barnett Ave. J.Pd.Justice, 1810 Castle St . ; Q. F?r;r E. Rogers,.. 2717 Van..Furen.S?. ; ?w• W.W:i?ii?? '?., ' GG°t.. ,= 1 3 ?om uodn ? ' -dE J.i?.Cqx, 1729 Carolina Avenue; ' ier., ?02 Cerit*al f3oule.rard, Charles E. Panl H. E. Boykin, 22 Jackson rive.- ? , 719 Orange St A. J. Carroll 130 Co?."'D `-e x ?f`?j .fjuno? Clarence Hendly, 11.0, Gordon..Roaa,?, ?,n_Z?r; ? ' Qplal Drive S?cap. ' . ;y• ??:?sanba.z au? as, z.?'?. .• r ? 1CroomT,?,2212 P1aza;D ri,ve," ti u?e .f,? : .. , ? ?. ?,?an ? , u?.,?0' CoionCircle.• °?? s .iErre@'3?oi?;i$?"Wrightsv?'i11e zT?uO a?iS, ?-- P . ? -J'. E. ?ians?e"?'; ?.2,' r e.•?i F - !.'.c «.a,; Aau.zo?jV R Iafayette F. herr C J. D. ?-rison, 19 1Ve 23rdt,. ma sl.c a_: ?. ',,:W"C.aT"R3.ven'F'iarlc;s'Rt.133Bo?16147B.44T`?4AreL?Rbb?tbhIC 25 Boxn71A.Villame a.?Vno??•.x? 'l - Li+M. iDtix?ant, 1808 Ann'Ste' J C. vutler R. hT Getty, 1909 Plun St, t 221 Vance St, ., ?. nj jo t??b's L J%Hcath Jr ?15_ D A• B Gr?`Sley, 2515 Jefferso,?-, S?; , , avie Drive, F:.E z>Li vi:ra' 's.ton''Ws7:l.ac Euildin ? J'"R:''?flowaz?cf; ``?0?=a n?h?stni?t, S?: ?P ? ? '' r e n.?r f .?'y ,1? ?om? ? uodn aua. sc p•,l.. r--.rDanielUV?13,:eier;t 711?3?:,?gth`§t, ' n ,!'26'?ltt? ?5thT<,? S?to • / H. T. Finch, 135 Colonial Circle. ROhert T. Davis, 2711 2imosa.Place. ? A J. L. RQChelle 2724 r I?lilton J. Cl?t'?;?;22?365'•Ada?a? zt y'o a,xnpao -o..? act3 PaT.? Ll11cF;1?,7,: Ijuls%? ?.W?,.n..hi gton_St. u? NesljWobds,?303' 4;erCer?i?v,• , ??, , r?d?.?i ano? •.?i r.rs . , ?.330 Ojeande`r ?rive, . , + . A. R. Plowera„ 2223,P,?.aza Drius' ;1('. `?sot?1=15D2Aji?i`St5'?" R -ss1r ?.e ?.aatls aO ? i??4 u?7y doLI1RlLYtryA6 ?ejh, Cdibet-t.;?,. 2 ,: . rv?'' li: Y?ardY.F19?3 1ftiri `St?'?ue?ta.t:1- ,f2cr.?,?i? eti7 30 ?..xocI .t t;??i Pa?:'1'-?rirffarryl,j?;??Everei,t ,'tRt}"3?Eo x 1???l;Pe&?tr?e.';?.r3?a?b•i3;11ings,"245r?i7avie Dr ve: 'a?c,,? Q •y •;z??' }3ryant Sbeeden 160q,Cburch?St, ? John 0 Pierce, 2423 Jacksoa Stfc1 o?tnbsoy, , ? , , • a ,?,u 3o l:?aaa .io3,dsd o? .zr :! pct?3se 04 a..i?oJl 9 o4d'?n?°rs9 ,5? eSSt....? )a? ;,??,W:,R..ftate51 2719 ?arR Rvc?: V •ppc 'E$ 30 uo'FZL?.?3a.[dar: ur. St. ns? IJ.iW:rAu1d, ?7:z5?Iake P'ore"stf?P rlnaay;ari t??'xieu? auyr?n ll ror the First week Civil Term te?' t! [1e9'3 ?'SlV ?,inning October -jpthi:1tj5-y;?Q C. A. I.11e9) 704 l,n?,11Q1111?t?;. 110..1141 IL..l7 Di a Trt" lyct.101o "?ldv L.$u ?-, s ,) . . i? ? ?? l}rla : `?, : W. $Ti6eflei??zt?l.?? X1ei?iT:?oade u pasn ? )p Haro Ee ss, 277.74 ' Ila4?rison St, ,p?Y d a1 James M. Gane A. V•g?t"j6hi z36z5..?Jri?•htsvil'1e A've " i'dM y, 308 Harnett Ste YJm, L. W Wi iford 2208 Plisbet' 127 StradleiF ,.?t r T . ?a L. ?l tti•llia I?.?xl:et St, He,s .. r?i?. ?.,??Road. Vi ? Tosr:?M ' ? uuoT 9ti la ori; T64`L?oloriial? CirclLaltexW?`;t??son, ?r252 16, zjthns? l J. Fari Sneeden, 2410 A.etts Ave, .z L. E. Ussery, 11?" atqn !sv?„ u '?rgaret M. Hatch, 67 Color?i.al„1? eor'e? ?i>? `?. •pan'?aoa .._11 .70 ?.uama3E?S .I .r •g =? .e.? r• GoQ,.P. ?i?iarkX729 5t: ? b? : ?elP'Conl ,?rltt,2. , Box 161, David C James 272 tlan B E. A. La.neY, 1?3 `.•agnol_a Place,,, 'ti t 3 =u?'e?,b s?^:os'?.xd as.r d?.unop D. Jones, 2Q1?Princess St - "?a4n?tti:ldPed? ?futal'f, F b'•?x 1019., , ? ?,,?(d +-L??? G6?4', 219?`???,tpp°e L;????] T?? K. Ii'ivehma251j Wa's?liil risSt?raK??l ; au. ia,ftt['luo ?/?0 •y .I •Ra' ond` U, Smith i?13 t•.oolcott Ave, Herbert Caughenour, 1726 Oran St-. J. Pi, Coley, 2412 h;o.+?roe St, T. K. Taynch 1211 Countr ?? ?''fi `?. ?us aa?.?.tm Chas E. i?cCarth? 105 Ad?ga. , ' , J lkb ?ed?l,:? .?? • Zt?uttop ?a,o? -M )41 Cf1'?" K, fiorac "P?. Scott ?2 Z°?4?'a.. -? asOn t?r:Hz fW:e,Coilins;?%2?10??orden A?ve. Ka ?li? ?4 P?•? ?n V^ ? 'u4,c?SfieedLSii'?1713??Car`o'iria`Aue 'F' uEtd sIno adS bcrtg-E: dosreil' ?i.necrest ParlcWra ? : Thosa53C ? ' ' ? ? ' '? w? i : r t ,.,r sr' S S T tunno0 .fl ? Y 407-3 Qa.cc,, ?der Dr ?ti3 p'?, ? .T 1 iYj vAIf1o'? y EVCY'?.' 'f:'t; }?1j?'Ci?? ? + 'J -o , o n..c• cr+. CY' $EAl„'t ?a,Bcn Z. SEF1 LIOZ1Fi ?, ?ress '"lOl S Y?C-,Oe,.a ?3.aGJ:a Y;or!t. c10?i I'ine ?rove ?rive_ . , • sa.zv s. F,R f .T va.tPi T't'? lr??= ?.• ?+lst _St saoj dcr,njg Berhasd,51rbiaer; T2534'Wa'sliin 'jon ?t ••' i au? anuz? I -ti 01 P?13 +_'U?nTmotion'of Pr, -HaJ.l Tthre mej-etn'oured:ff ?t {•t??id +S?fF,,?b1aT? J1 {?! yAg .?., sMl sa?.?ai y ., , ., s_.ing then ad? ' '?• ?'-`-+G Clerk. ",i .moD ,zanoueg Aa& Ju.I ):,Pr cq tlln d;rlog •.:.• 't~,} a:. •t 01) .zaMod au'j UISa GIoU 1 It„ 1-?, ? Pus TaPC a,, , _r:4 - • =-ti•i 'sj,x.:x Int -;_rnsaa .•z u1cin : 110.zanS ' dId \- a• i t;c!tts II'"-n •F '.#.j-rjr, '•r,: .To ?,T °t .to qu:7oo.e uo t,c sq dc:Judm,il uo Jo1.0acTsUj -1:1 Sxir.n; .23A4Cft17 •"1E7!+j b,: o,nu,i u:s,..,i , • •t+ jiTk"rquzod3a ari(s ,;0 L:I-4 -U;. r? `g .zaquta,?dag 30 ,zaT'l a L I ...1..1 ,.1 •N •Xi cro.u pawTaoa,r tLg,n aata?pajMouxOV - - - - - - -_ r----- _._.- - - ' •00400Z`i8, AZ ? -ajStuTxoaddB jo }soo s !ta `,ju9a4.zud9Q a.ze3iaF1 aqI 3o s.zalasnb titotjsa,*szuTupy au,* ol suoi:q*ipuoo Dui -jufit pus .zts jo uotj?Tnaato ,xa,?jaq `saot33o Zenor'ITpps 2uTptnoad ao3 asuadxa aul p.zsmoj `asuad -xa uot1e.zI-stuiwpy aoJ puttg aq'} .zo3 uotss'[wruop 014S3g aul 1110d3 panzeoa.z 'juawq.zredaQ 0.1103ja,y aql. ? 9L'i81`i4 aa3su18.11. ol uani2? saM Sit.zorlins `iZeH '.zyd dc{ papLroOas `1.s„mqpeo?zg •.zT?r 3o uotIom uodn •pasocIo.zd aajioq Is.zzJ au1 Jo 1s00 am ueu1 ssai aoj squauza,xrnba.z jIs ??ui,49aut ,fqa.xauy •.f.ztsR mxr,3 R,4unoo aul ol .za1eau .zalsM lou ,zaulo _p?` aul pu'e `amog S-unop ar?} o? ?uas auo au? aoatda.z ol moog ,zaZtog xauuy asnoi; I.moa au? ui paOetdV?? aq 01 auo `uOua 5G'-66$ 30 ?soo s'le s,zal'OaUI Tsuo_V?tpps (7) oei'4 esSuOand puE `amog Blunop au?? .? 01 tuoog aatiog asnog ?anop aul moa3 .zalea? .zaIee? ?.ou Iuasa.zd au1 3o Zenoma,z a? pano,zcide `uem ?S? -.zteg3 au,? jo uotIepuamwooa.z uo paeog aq? `3oaAauj psaIsui `00'00i-$ S1a1Em2xoadde 3o qsoo B1e xauuy asnog l..mop aul j03 .za}sau ,zaleM joq B asauamd 01. iEno.zddE snotna.zd -e ol eoua.zaja.z uj?M ?•??l •pun3 .foua2.zataa au,? jo ?no pano.zdds seM sjaxaoQ anssY Tzntp aasad 3o aoiIsnp Tz aoj asnoli ? 2ucIuz.za .zan.xasq0 aul ol 00'01111 30 iuam.fsd `usuRpN '.zls -gq Papuooas `iiSH 'aI,i 3o uoilom uodn •aojzpny flunop au?. o?. .zano pau.,m? a.zaM 1jrejzdsoi; B3tTmunnoo au? ?v \`ssot a.zi3 2?ui,aanoo °sJuaSV `uos pus sjtaM •M •g mo.zj pantaOa.z L:p•"j ?utJs29.x?12s sxOaAo (L) uanag •aw'es 0111 u-IttM uot'IOauuoO uT smTeto a.znIn,; due .zo ZTe jo Bjunoa aqel o-I asicataa pa,4naaxa stq paluasa.zd pur `g56t `6z aunp `xoop asnoi; *snoo aq? ?? ttsJ ui panzaDa.z sat.znfut Teuosaad jo junoooa `g0'09? 30 7.unomt' aqq. ut TT?Q s,.xoloop pus a.zno Zaotpam .zo3 mirZo s,u.znqusjazs t.zsp •.zx jo -juatuat11as palaoda.z uem.ztvuD auy ? •smotqo.zd Zo.xluoo pus u?,xeasa,t?,A .zaI.eM eutjo.zup 111aoN uo gg pus `SZ saqmalcIas `1q2i9tvU ut fuz.zeag aa?'Itunuoa-qns jeuozssa,t2uo0 jo a3uSpua?q_u saauotsspmuoo a??,m ol pa.zsacide ygON3S 3o aa2eu13N anz'jn0axq `Zta.z.zrff •g utior •STq panuiIuop - 996t `6i aaqmaldas jo guFlaaFq _ . ? ??? rieeting of September 12, 1955 - Continued t 3 John C. Sdessell Tuberculosis Sanatorium Census report for Week Ending September 2, 1955: White patients 9 Nonresidents 1 Colored " 11 Vacant Beds 12 = jdhite male 4; SJhite female 3; Colored male 2; z6 Colored female 3. Admitted 1 - Mrs. Janie Applewhite, Delco, N. C. 8/30/55 Discharged 0 (3:00 P.M. For Week Ending Septemb er 9, 1955: White patients 8 Nonresidents 0 Colored " 11 Vacant beds 13 =«hite male 4; White female 4; Colored male 2; I$ Colored femal.e 3. Admitted 0 ' Discharged 1 - Mrs, Janie Applewhite, Delco, N. C. Upon motlon of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. FIall, the meeting was then a djourned. Wilmington, N. C.;-September 19, 1955. The regular weekly meetinj of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'cloek A.M. \ 631 Present: R. T. Hurton, Chairman and Commissioners J. M. Ftall, Jr., Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. 13roadhurst, Cicero P. Yow, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend U. S. Johnson, Pastor of St. Lukes Methodist Church, colored. Copies of the minutes of ineeting of September 12, 1955, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Nlayhan, secoridefl by Mr. Broadhurst, ap- proved. by the North Carolina Shipbuilding Company here December 1944, has been located in the Curator's [+Iarehouse for the Navy at the Bellevue Annex of the Navy Gun btiactory in the District of Colwnbia. It being the custom of the Navy to return such gifts to the County for whom the vessel was named when the same is decommissioned by the Navy, Mr. Hall moved and it was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and carried that Tir. Moore be autkiorized to make request of the Navy for the retiarn of the Sil- S Upon being informed by Mr. Louis T. rtoore, Chairman of the New Hanover FIistorical Commission M16 that the Silver Service Set the County gave her Name-sake, the USS New Hanover when launched (J ver ervice to the County. ? iNiessrs. Everett Huggins and 0. 0. Allsbrook representing the Wilmington Merchants Association ras?{vj appeared to ask the County for an appropriation of $750.00 toward the expense for Christmas Street lighting on Front Street this year, from Dock to Walnut Streets, was received for consid- eration at the time other appropriations from the advertising fund are apportioned. Mr. Wallace Murchison, President of the Bar Associatiun and Delegation of some thirteen (13) - 1"? Lacayers appeared to oPpose moving the Law Library from its present location in the Ciuil Defense Office to the Attorrieys' Rooms back.of the Superior Court Room. TYiey said this would interfere with the efficient operation of the Court.as the Attorneys' Room is needed for consultation room for Judge and Attorneys. Judge Clifton I,. rioore who is presiding over a Civil term of Court ? here at this time, also appeared*to a Committee of Commissioners Hall and I3roadhurst to work out a solution of Lhe matter with the Bar Assocfation Conmiittee. The proposal of the Board to move the Law Library to the Attorneys' Room was for the purpose of moving tk:e Musewn from the Third floor to more accessible quarters in the Civil Defense Office. • Pir. R. G. Wells, Rte 2- Box 424A, appeared to complain of a bad drainage condition at the Sil llaa-? ver Lake Baptist Church on the Silver Lake Road, Masonboro Township, on aecount of no Aighcvay ditch having been provided on said road. The sqme was received for investigation iaith the State Hibhiaay Department. The Chairman announCed that notice of approval oP the County's applications forpbderal Disaster? " Relief Flinds in the amount of $50,349.68 plus County's participation $12,116.50 making a total ?je? of $62,466.18 for rehabilitation work in the hurricane damaged unincorporated areas of the Coun- ty, was received from General Edward F. Griffin, llirector of Civil Defense, and the same has been transtnitted to the Regional Federal Civil Defense Administration Office in Thomasville, Ga.; for action. The Chairman speakirg of the Hazel hurricane sand dune work previously done at the beaches was a good job ancl helped, but thought it was impractical tostart anything along that line noca in corinection with the recent hurricanes damage, until aPter the high tides period in OctoUer, and folloca tkie saine procedure as with Hurricane Hazel on a basis of negotiatino contracts, with one . responsible contractor to be in charoe of the work and smaller contractors to saork under his super•vision. Contracts to be negotiated thru the Engineer in charge of the projects. He reconuuended #'urther that now is the time to begin to prepare for what is best to do, and asked for the opinion of the Board in the niatter. The questiori of asking for bids on the projects was discussed. The Chairman said the County `?c?s ? is not legally reqwired to advertise for bids on rehabilitation caork, ancl felt we could not beat what we did last year. Put it up to the Engineer to handle when the contract is made. Let the contractors get together on handling the job with the Engineer. Mr. Hall felt we should advertise for bids to avoid unnecessary criticism, however after f1zr- ther discussion, the question was upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, tabled for further study un- til next meeting. , . ...._ : , ? . ...--.. Mr.??olF rton_said thereis moreswater•.in a[?'as of the.*County, than he;ever saw'before. *All out- let) ditcYies are"'filled'"a'nd-iio relief can be given until,tlie rain stops. Only-•two smaTl plac,-:baa?--' es in the Beach areas,?crossed.,by Oeean,.water; fno houses undermined, but1some,.wash a.t tYie rionu- ment'. , Afostly,?shingl'`e damage--in areas. County' property, he said;»was in good shape;lsome leaks in the_Court House;?,arul'some'shingle dawage to the?T. B:?Hospital'?Nurses Rome:?'-T. B. Hos- pital is. in -?ood skiape : ° .` ?; ?..?,r°?" i : ,.-?,••?. ?!?.._? ? f . (6r• Have been usilig-,consiCit;rable o`il at`9.':-,B. IIospitaz:?? Oil,..appearecl in ba?sement, frmn leak in tank sean?, arjcl=the Engineer.recommendecl changingtl000' gallon tank to 550 gallon tank above the ground. Mr, tHocht, recommended 6"0pipelto,t aye-6are-mf'3rainage at Carolina Beach, la'rgerrpipe with pro- per vents down the Highway, trlr. Hecht said drainage from Wilmington Beach to IIennilcer ditch impractical on account of quiclc sand. ?to oppose the proposed move. After further discussion the matter was referred) t ? Meeta.nU of SePtember 19s 1955 - Cont,inued -+ Mr. Jvhn H. Farrel}., Executive Manager of SENCBA appeared tv urge Lommissa.oners attendance of Congressior?ai sub-cot?zm?.ttee ?xearxng ir? Raieigl?, September 28, anc? 29 on Narth Caro?.?.na ?Ja`ter ?????research and caMtrol prablems. The Chai.rman reported settlenient of Mr. Carl riarshburn's clai.m for meda.ca7, care and doctar's ? bill in the amount of $60.05, accaunt of personal injuries received a.n fall at the Court House daor, June 29; 1955, and presented his executed rel.ease to the Gounty of a].l vr any future claims ??+1 in connecti.an with the same. Seven (7) checks aggregating $44.47 reeeived from H. W. Wells and Son, Agents, covering fire loss ???y? at the Coir?munity Hos?aital, were t?urned over to the County Auditor. _??. ? ? IJpan motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Aiayhan, payment of $110.00 to the Observer Printing . , ? House for 24 JusticE of Peace Civil Issue ?ockets was approved aut of the emergency furid. With r eference to a previous approval to purchase a hot water heater far the Court House Annex ? at a cost of appr.oximate].y $400.00, instead #.hereof, the Board an recominendation of the Chair- man, approved the removal of the present hot water heater from the Court House Boi3.er Room to the County Home, and purahase two (2) additzonal heaters at a eost of $99.75 each, one to be _111Z laced in the Court Flouse Annex Boil.er Roam to replace the one sent to t,he Caunty Hpme, and the otlzer hot water heater to the County 1?'arm Dairy. Thereby meeting ail requirements for 1.ess than ?? the co'st of f,he first boiler proposed. _ Upon motion of kIr. Broadhurst, secondsd by Mr. HaII, authority was given to transfer $1,181.76 . ?'?• the Sdelfare Department receiveci from the State Cammission for the Blind for Admini.stration ex- -? pense, toward the'expense for providing additiana1, offices, better circulation of air and l.aght-. ? ing condit3_ojxs to the Administra?tioi? quarters of the We].fare Department, at a cost of 3?111Y'07t],.T1ia1:E- iy $1,200.00. . ? . ? Acknocaledgernent was recea.ved from Mr. N. E. Cannady, State Electra.cax Inspector, of our ].etter of September 9, advising him ai' our appointinent of Mr. Norman Rause as New Iiaizover County Electrica]. Inspector on a temparary Uasis on account of the illness of rsr. Harry J. Everett:, until such tzme -\ ? i+W. Everett is able to reswne his i+rork, and he further advisad tkzat his Depar-tment is notifying the Power CamPany that Mr. Rouse tai7.1 be i^ecognized as tEi-.iporary e3.eetrical inspector for New Hanover County. ?'A letter was received from Mrs. Aiary B. Souther].and, City Glerk, advising that the Ca.ty Counci?. ?? at a iveeting held last Wednesday heard an apneal from Nir. William Smith far financa.al aid to con- tinue the Sehool condueted by a Parents' Study Group for handicapped chilclren in tha.s area. Action was taken to appoint two '(2) members from the City Council,. and request the Board of CbU21 2 ty Caminissioners to appoint twa (2) members to work caith Mr. H. M. Roland in an efi'ort to wark 4?? out a}?lan of assistanee to tYtis Sehool. Counci?.n}en Wae?e and Capps were appoi;zted by the City ?Q? GaunciJ.. Cammissioners Aiayhan and the Chairman were named from this 13oard to work iaith the Carn- mittee and Mr. Raland. CBA, ChamUer of Commerce, Housa..ng ?,??• Q?Monthly reports were received from: Jatnes EJalker Hosnital, SE?N Authority, and North Carola.na Public Welfare Statistics, Census repart for County Rame Ininates, Cawzty arm Prisoners and Juve ' e Detention Quarters. ?, ? • -_ ? ? Statement of AirPort incame and expenses and cash receipts fog° August 31, and Septeinber 12 were recuived. ZA Jvhn C. Wessel,l -Tuberculosis Sanatorium Census Tteport For week ending Septeinber 16, 1955 : White patients 8 Nonresidents 0 Colored " 11 Vacant beds 13 = White male 4; Wliite female 4; Colared ma].e 2; Colored female 3. Discharged 0 Admi i.ted 0 . ? R? t? The chairman announced that we have requested thru the Civil Defense, an appropriation o#' $3,500. lr` to pay• for rental of additional mosquito cantrol equipment and persomlel in arder to expand our Mosquito Cantrol Pragram thru thzs exaggerated period of tlae next six (6) weeks. ,,m Mr. T. D. Love, Caunty Auditar and Treasurer of the Courity Retirement 5ystem submitted his report' j??N of tl?e Count?T Retirement System for-the fiscal year ending June 30, 3.955, tagether with ba].ance '? sheet at June 30, 1955, showing assets at $189,316.12. Mr. . Love reportad the Retirement System to be xn good financa,al coi7diti nn . and outl zned the pro - ?VV15 cedure of appoxnting its Trustees. , r Upon moti.an of Mr. Hall., seeoiided by Mr. Broadhurst, kir. Daniel H. Periton was re-elected as the Cowity's meiiiber of tlie Board of Trustees for the Retirement System of New Hanover County, for a term of twa years. Mr. Love reported that an audit showed that $1,084,75 underpayments is due the Retirement System by the County which has accumulated over a period of years. This was referred to the County ? f Attarney for opinion. The Chaa.rman said auda.ts of the Reti.rement System and Officers Relief FtZnd are both necessary and requested that conszderatian be given ta set--up suffli.cient funds in their Budgets to reiinburse the County for that expense. ? Upan motion of Air. hsayhan, seconded by Mr. Braadhurst, County bills No. 24389 ta 24448 werE ap- - praved for payment. ? ?The fox .•- ''?°?~?L ?-P nPrsans were drawn to serve as jurors in tkie Superiar Court for the / ? • '4 • - .1 ? .F.,.,? ?Y 7 F ? . ?l.° n .? i??va ? ' t fi ? ., a . r • -1r955_._and for the Civil term, r 4 : `{ ,[ .?-?-?? t,rial ? ? ? ? • ?W. ni r w,'F-?' : .? ?tAti? l. ?.Y?' • t S? . EY l4+? °w first . ? i '?'' ? ?''? ?x.- -? c - a•.. . > . 9?+?rx ?, ,i;., ? y?.w.,'?- • s ,,.,,;?.t?'g ?'ar ,,;?s, , ?'[ * `?[ y` ` . ? . i + . . w?YY r •J ?? r ,y.? ?E,h. S.} _ , . R? '?a.1 '? ' A. ?i?+?-y+.?-?r,??sR 1.', ? - - ? ? ? ? ? • Y V 7 K-L ?.:`i • ? "?e.?Y . ,?: '. . ?. . i ?'Y w .,(r."5. s'f i . ? t ?y' ? ? } ? Va ?? ( `??'? i???- ?' • ,?? . ` ? :_C1- .? y...rs:j6,,-? ' , , .??".?. r.. ". :.t('?'i?*a .}a`t•?+ *` y ? ?,w _ . ? 1'. • `•r ° +??:,3C? . ..ti.?. . . . , * ?„ ` ••T: . rt f. . : i. ,_lr3"X'`? , , ; + ? y? ?. . ? • ' • c 1"}??' ?.4'i. 5?:.~ ' fyI M?' ? ?a.. ?w.? ,?,"* '. ? . 4 . ' ,?,? k R : i3: ?f%???Y ? 11?Ji ? . • .71.?i y ?.??+:} ? ? .. . y . r . ,. t?F ar+..?.'Y`"6Jt3;: .. ?.. „. . ,?,r.• . t ?'L'l?i . ? , r t, . .*s???i'?Lr ? s ??i?`C c;?z44' r.,a; '*F }? •, . ?,w ? . 's?f'.?# '?u ?;.s zx ? a:Y,.?i? ' , ,. . 'I 4 '? _^ ^ : a ? .?:,4 iJ ? a:x :? ?,.K •4 ,. . :. ? ?? 7 .c.at ? ?°3 ' • ?[ . ?Y2 ??`. ?;i1 't1?'?#'?'?*+ ' •S "`..' +..? ? ? f ? , , .; ???. ?.y.J'.'? .-??'? ? C . r.. ? ? ? { .?v "Ci.f•'°::"1.t??s, ?.L'•Sri i?*?!''3r??`?L ,;.. . ' ..?? r:wW?. ..'i;.Z t.327:.i":.;n'.?? ,.' .? ? r? a rj. e r ,. f.GiY 4 etFV„ V 7'? rS?' r • GL . t 1??.L?1 ?J' .f4 ? 1J 7ra ?'I•?11." ?j? . ? . • ? f3 i "'??:. :r.£ :''? w.?? ? .'[? ? i }jR + ? `•r ? -. • y , ;3;r J,..?, F ?., ?? r , ? . • . -._ +I',Cd'?:?..,". 1;.J a?; , ;? G s. l?r ' • . .? F r..:.l ?f xAi . '. t ?'_ . , • ?C`` •• +[?.r.'L ? ' •,?Y j ? ir,?? I • .{r .. F ' . • ?.:. :?... x • ws . y ? t ?P? ?.'? ? • ?f J ..AS l.1,.. ?.., , •x?9 _ •Y?"' ?.ik`, t l. i ??r. ? j, ??.? ?4?v?ll.,??l • ,t a il 1.'!-il_VO; Ffuuuuvri uVuv?.4• ... - v?., - kSCGo?ra?,rf?t.?;'?ox, 35. . Falgh Ianr4.ord,, 1"1?:? .. .m •?eaty_?cturence gaker', 220$ I'arnett Ave J.P?.Justioe, Z£310 Castle'5'?, Ha*:ry Z: :Pngers, 271'] Van ;?uren St, 13,t1.21i23er;.'g02 Gentr?.l Doul?vnrq .;: J.?.GCoSt,.,1729 GaroYina, Avenue. H:.1. IIoykin, 22 Jack.son.Drive. ' . . Cfiarles E. .Psu7.,. 719 OY'ange A. J: Carrol.1, 130.Colahia7'Drive. • rj . : Clarence Iienttl?r?; ?10 Goidc+h"P.o4A. .0rQbta,_ ?212 1'Iffza;Drive. ` . - J. F. Ih;nc€in;`11O Gq].onie;,l. Cirq?.e°. ` F'red Cox,"8.•.Wrightsvi]le aiv,e ?? . d.. E. lisilsl.eq,.,W2',`,t°w':'227.-. J.S? 2'3r3-,5t La.fayette F. Kerr, CW;"'Box 347?? Fseeman ?&f:?.ash; :143 ?olbn3al Vilta??c?. , _ .. .. - :1.°C. Ri,*en?.arl; tRt.'l, ;Box 161': .•.; < 'RohC 25, Bax'711 ? , . . L. ?i. Du°ant, 1808';Ann 9t. R. I? ut`ty&, lwq I3ttzt pt: " " . • ' J. »0?„ vutler;.?21 Vange St. , A., J. R.st#i,.?r ,, •3:15 Dau3e Drive, F. ?S. Idvingdon,? Wa73aee iuilding • " J `R, ?as?rd, 2E621,°C46atZut 5t, . 'P;?,L.,,i7Eaver; „207 .L 25t1i St r Daniel V.-i?€eiqr, ?ll St, .11CY.Gstt T_271,3. iax?osa I'14Ce , H. T. =F'isiGht 135 0619nial Circlo. Ii ltpori 3, .41ardy' 2866: Ai3ax? St. , . . J. L. Rochelle! 4>"Washi.ngtqn St. Wdl 'vlooct9, 303 Vercer°?:ue. '- ? ilu,lsr ,4936- Oleander Drivo, •?xl ?. 41as4n; 1502 ;Anr: 8t. '• ? • ` ` : . A. R. k7:owers, 2223"Pla4a Drive, _ . .. . L. h.,'Vard, 1923 A•un , Rufus kkuaeth, • Coroett,Jx., 41Q6 15eachtree: ib. $?lling$, `245 bavie 'rive.• 1 , fiar.cy. J, Lver¢tt•; ft.3,. i3ox°7.2,1. 3ohri 'b.. 'Pzcre?a, .idre??? •r?•.. : ^ ?4 £i';rsn?t S}?eeden, 166Q z,hvrcn Ot. T.- A J•:aGill, 212.OtsngC ,S$, , f > r? ' ?r18s ?t l,:Yers,. 5QZ?, Pire 9+. . 'W.. A. ?ai?tes; 27].9 Park kve. N. J. HoZden; ?dashieCytor% 'St. ; J. ?. Attl:d, 125 Iake Farest Far4xay., • . , , , .. . „ , ,. !( , ! f - „ . .. -' . . ? 'h • ' • ' . pp. ,.rkr the Eirst w€elv'Ciui.l Tetm ?eginn?,i^' ?OaGouer 1'Qtki J.955:. . „ . ? `- .,f?, • " ' '. " C. A. a1e5Z,4, Ca;,,tioun Dr. ` A. ;?F '$ne`ec?erz? 2125 ,leir"?.;P?$3. "; ' Harold 'E. Russj ;27]4-Iiarrzsri}?, gt. ??_?. ?". ?`nita*1, 3fr25 S?fr?irjhtss.?716 3ve;" ,Ta?k?s I:. GaneJ) 303 {ia.rpe't-t ?t., t:Yn. t .' Niabet, I2? $':ra3?,o?.?h . l!. L. 1hlli,f?r@, .22q8 I.`arYet St. . Vi-lter ?,. ,?74115:p??d, lc f31ox8aul ?7i tTu;je ' 1`aul':: ?"xson, 164 ;,o-l,oru.s?,Circla'.i.Z. G .*?sctn252 t?. 25tr St, . RT. Far"- Sneca en, L410.-„etis ?vr.. • ,. ;srgaret•1;. ,?Tatch, 67 3oJ,otLa' L, F. h sery, 11 t:eatcn ava: < Gc?5 r. +;7.ark,. 129 lbrgan 5t. . , (icor?e t. ',;c-lton,J?^., 1?t'.,?, Bor, Al. DaVia°.C. ?ames,: 2723 ITan svren St, E. L. L2ney, 1123 ?." r'13ce., ?. D4ildred? 'u-t?.sf, F.G.Dox 3.fl1;?. • W. A. Jozes, 2?J1 I'rinceas St, t .' ?.. J. $ti?,-.an, 207 ,i. 22r.d St. •, . L. G. 4ore; 219 Reatvm Five. ' J. I'. i;iven, 2515 UaShi_gtou- St. Ra.ymor,d L. Sit,fi:th, 1913 Wno].eott Ade.. ,. ?erbert Caughenour, 1726 f3,r4np 9t. 3'. 'IS., Coley,. 2422 Ionroe 6t. , _. Z'. •i?. T;Mch, 12111 Country Mub _3dad. ' CY:ss, I'. :?IcCsrth'r'i 3105 .?'ia?s.. ' H': ?J. CqjIins, 2I0 £orden Lvo ". , iiorace ?;. Sab?t, 2414 {htrlui'Zt. ` S. ?? . Sneeden, 2'71;t Cara2tna Ave.,, _•+ +?. '• kQ?e?i. E. :iorrA11, 63 :ineer.-est Parltway, 'fhomts C. 1I4iTTOVe, 4013 Olmzi-der Plriroe, D. W. Everstt, % :J?ldex ?wwlty (:o. " ,. Den t. -Clp:y'Eany. 11?6 Pihe a?ove Drive. , , ,. • t?m.°??I. Cxeas, 101 S. I?lst St.'• Berbard girqw£r, 2?34 t?sh.n,?,1?n 5?. •R `, . .• • Upon motion o£ 1s. Ha11 tha moetipg then ad?ournsii, a ... 1 F W 6 f _ ' ' . •s .t . , ' 3 . . . .. ' . ? . [.?