1955-01-16 Regular MeetingFr; H ? Wilmington, N. C., January 16, 1956. i ?" This being the date for the regular weekly meeting of_the Board, no quorum appeared and a recess zaas taken until 10:00 o'clock A.Pi., Tuesday, January 17, 1956. Sdilmi.nbton, N. C., January 17, 1956. Pursuant to recess taken Pionday, January 16, 1956, the Board met at 10:00 o'clock A.A1.. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Raiford Trask, Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, Colonel John Bright Hill, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor, The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend Charles E. 13ernhardt, Pastor of St. Matthews Lutheran Church. Copies of the minutes of the meeting of January 9, 1956, having previously Ueen mailed to each member of the Board the same were upon motion of PIr. Mayhan, seconded by Tir. Broadhurst, ,agproved. Upon motion of Pir. Broadhiu^st, seconded by Pir. Mayhan, permission iaas given Mr. Jim Wottuuack, / 1000 North Elam Avenue, Greensboro, N. C., to exhibit a display of fireworlcs in Nece Flanover ? County in coiznection with and during the Annual Azalea Festival Week 1956, under the super- vision of experts and in accordance isith Chapter 210 of the Session Laws of North Carolina, 1947. The Coi-tunissioners reserving the right to issue a pei°mit in the name of another per- son in the event D4r. IJoimnack canuot Pulfill the engagement or for any reason shou7.d fail to stage tlze eahibition as indicated above. / A letter was received Prom Dr. Elleiz tJinston, Camnissioner, State Board of Public ?delfare ex- P4nteiicling a cordial and urbent invitation to the members of the ]3oard to attend a State-wide t?-9eeting on Public Cdelfare for County ???elfare 13oard members and County Commissioners on Friday, ? ? 1+'ebruary 24, 1956, at the Sir tdalter I3ote1. Inpoi^tant Legislative matters will be discussed. ? The Chairnan said he ?aill attend the rieeting with Air. Hollis. Othei^ members of the Board who may find it conveilient to atteiid were requested to aclvise so ieservatioils could be made. /4(?he C1lairman reported receipt of $200.00 from the Citizens of Harbor Island last week which brings the amount received up to $1,705.00 as of January 14, 1956 for their Disaster llrainage Repair Project. Additional pipe lines will have to be iun to catciz-Uasins, and it is hoped to complete the project around the middle of February. ? Upon motion of Mr. Broacihurst, seconded by A1r. 'Mayhan, the following resolution was adopted in lieu of a similar resolution adopted at meeting of October 31, 1955, accowit of chailge of the Building and Loan Association designated to handle the loan: ? SJHI+9AEAS, the County of ATew Hanover is the holclei^ oP record of an Old Age Assist- ? ance lien against Nfaggie Caine Sheridan filed in lien i3ook 2, at Page 287-1 in the Office of ? the Clerlc of Superior Court of' said County, and., IdHEREAS, the property owned by the said lienor is in need of i7ecessax^y repairs and- the Cooperative Savings and Loan Association of T4ilmington, North Carolii7a, has made a loun to said lienor, subjeci; to the said Old Age Assistaizce lien beiilg subordiizated to the lien of the said Savings and Loan Associatinn, a,nd SdHEItE'AS, it is deemed to the best interest of the County that said loan be made/to enable the lienor to make the necessary repairs to said property, ai7d that tlze County lien for Old Age Assistance should be suhordinated and made'inPerior to the lien of the deed of trust to K. 0. Burgwin, Trustee for said Associati¢n. NOTd, THEFtE,FORE BE IT 1tESOLVED; 1. That it is trie Uest interest of Netallauover County that the repairs be made to tlze property of the said lienor located in Block 54, southwest quarter of Lot #2, house 807 South lOth Street, idilmington, N. C. 2. That the lien of New Hailover County, recorded in lien Book 2, Page 287-1 against Magoie Caine Sheridan, is hereby subordinated to, and made inf'erior to the lien of that certain deed of trust executed by Afaggie Caine Sheridan to K. 0. Burgcain, Trustee for the Cooperative Savings and Loan Association , in the amount of $900.00, and duly recorded in the Office of the Register of lleeds of Neia Haizover County on the day of 1956, and fur- ther tliat the Chaii^maai of th.is Boara be ana he is hereby authorized atid direct- ed to enter the subordination of said lien on the docket in the Office of the ? Superior Court of \Tew Hanover County. I? The folloiaing resolution regarding the Seagate Volunteer 13.re Depaitiuent of New Hanover Coun- V ty, N. C., as presented by Mr. Ed B. Idright, a memUer of the nTew Iianover Pire Inspection Com- ? mittee and approved by the said Committee, was upon motion of ALr. Braadhurst, secoildecl by Mr. Piayhan, adopted: "Be it hereby resolved that the New Hanover County I3oai°d of Commissioners desig- nate the foilowing defined District, in order that this clistrict may comply with the Uulletin issued by the North Cai°olina Insurance Ratiiig Bureau on "Community T?'i.re Defenses For Conununities not having a Standard Cdater Tdorks System", (FeUruary 1952), to receive credit approved by the North Carolina P'i.re Insurance Hating Bur- eau under Lhe Provisions of the above bulletin. Be it understood and.agreed that this resolution in no way or manner voids, alters or supersedes any of the conditiojis that now exist by written contract between New Hanover County and the respective Fire Departments. Description of FYre llistrict: SEAGATE FZi-tE llEP1g{TA1ENT Beginnirig at the mouth of Hewlett's Creelt thence to a point where Greenville Loop Road crosses branch of Hecalett's Creek, thence northerly to intersection of FIata- thorne Drive and Uleailder Drive continuing in a northerly direction along Aaw- thorne Drive and beyond to a point on U.S. 74- 9/10 of a nu7.e west of intereection of U.S. 74 and SJrightsville Beach cut-off road thence eastwurdly to (drigh7;sville Beach cut-oFf road, thence north-eastward to a point at Tnland Waterway one (1) mile north of Tdrightsville draw-Uridge, Lhence in a southerly direction along In-._ land C,iatercaay to point of beginning. , 1 ?