1938 Meeting Minutes (Scan)~~~ . . . ~ilmington,Tl.C., January lOth, 1938., The regular vreekly meeting of the Board ~vas held this day at 3;00 0' clock P.bd. ~ . Present» Jas:.I~n..Ha11 Vic:e Chairman, Geo. ~'~C. Trask and H.R.Gardner. . ' y~~ The minutes of ineeting. of~January lOth, 19~8, .v~ere read and approved as recorded. -' Upon motion of Ifir. Gardner, seconded by I~r. Trask, I;rr. Henry Foy v~as rAleased from ~% ,y payment of penaltp f'or not listing property in 73a.rnett tovrnship for the year 1937. V /~G ~ It appeared that ne listed poll and personal f'or the year 1937, but his real estate ~ was left off .his list through error. ~~ A request of the Board of isducation that the sum of ~11,300.00 be pLaced to the • ~~ c~edit of the schoal funcl to take bare of expenditures ~'or the month of' January, v .~ (i,~ vaas, upon motion of L;r. Trask, seconded by Idr. G:ardner, ~ranted. . Upon motion~of S~r. Trask, seconded,by I~r. Gardner, County bills ldos. 1783 to 2146 Inc.~' ,~',.~ ~, ~~\\ were approved fox payment. J `_ , ~'~~ he County Auditors caeh report for the month of' -ecember vras receiv~e'd and ordered~ _~N~i~Y"filed. . . , . . . Upon motion of T~~r. Trask, the Superintendent of Public `c7elfare rvas instructed to V - investigate the conditi/on of' the Ganey family residing at Seagate, reported by ' „~~~Filliam G. Head as bein~ in deplorable circumstances. • , ~•.~ ~ The follo~ving good and la~vful men were drawn to serve as jurors in the Superio~ ' 'U~'~ Court,for tl~e trial of Criminal cases,for week beginning January 17th, 1938t ~ ~ ~ H.T,Baker. T.EsiuIurrell. E.J.Pigford. H.J.Farro~~r. 'vl.E.Poole. IU.A.Jones.. ,-. U.G.Beckman. O.Applevahite. C.B.Sternberger.~T.N.Rowell, J.C.}~Qaxwell.D,MacR I~ars^l:ey. , Carl Causey. Geo.F.Hunt. H.B.Peschau. PJ[.~4~,Gore. C.J.Plastre.H.B.Rehder. ` ~,• C.F.Seitter,Jr.G.C.Bridges. L.C.Robertson,Jr.R'25.LeGvrin. J.LZ.Croom. J.B.Hughes. ,~1~ 'TJ.F.LeGwin. J.E.Saughiin. Roger I~oore. J.a.King. A.~f.Farrov~. Geo.G.Lynch.~ ~.. ~.~ ~.°.A.Penny. Archie Carr. E.A.McFayden. V.A.Jones. V.Rivenbark.Sam L.Houston,Jr. `. l'd.J.Padrick. H.P.Ganes. O.T..P~IcLel`lan. T.L.Speiden. D.H.'F/ylie. Ueo.J.Vdalsak. ~. J.A.Brothers. E.H.Ilelano. W.T:.Ed•r~ards, ld.T.DeVane. T.L.Bishop: Nelson L"acRae. ~ . ~ The meeting then adjourned. ~ • L~~ 7!~ ~ ' , , ' ' 1erk. ' ' r. ~ 4'dilmington,N.C., January 17th, 1938. ~ •~' The regular weekly meeting of' the Board was held at 3:00 o'clock P,.i.i. _ Present: das. T:4. Fk`~.11, Vice Chairman, Geo.G7.Trask,H.R.Gardner and R.B.Roebuck. ~~ ~ i ' The minutes of ineeting of January lOth, 1938 were read and approved as recoxded. • ~' ' A report of the activities oi the '.Vilmington Port Comrnission vr~.s read .and presente 1~ ~ by iur. ~eter B. Rufiin, its Chairman, and upon motion of t.ir. ~ardner,'seconded by ~.W~~ NIr. Trask, received and ordered filed. ~ A resolution adopted by the Exchange,•Rotary and Ki~~ranis Clubs, directed to the Nort'h Caroliria State ~3i~hway a,nd Public V°lorks Commiesion, petitianing that Body ae VlPA 5ponsor,~ to build the ~r6posed::riverside road as near as possible on the Cape l~ear riv.er shOre to the southern extremity of the county, f'our automobile lanes wide with saf'ety plaza in ~ • cenber, at theearliest possible date~to relieve congestion on the present high~vay,or in the event the State. high~.vay.Commission, as petitioned by the New :~anover Count~r $oard of Corrm.~~issioners, decide io ~+iden the present high~~zay, it s~hall emphatically ~1 refuse to make the highvJay a three lane roadway, but two additional lanes be added vrith safety plaza doy+n the center of the ~~videst roadlvay, to, reduce the accident toll' -`../ ~~ and to make the highway attractive, was read and subrnitted to this':Boaxd for its ~ . appxoval by 1v:r. J.L.Allegood, J.i~.H.~'utchs and Dr.`.7.Houston Ltoore. After considerable. .. diecussion I~r. Uardner moved that the resolution be adopted as prese.nted and that a. • committee be appointed to appear before Pdr. A.F.Powe11,7r., 3rd, Division State High~n~ay Commissioner at ',Vhiteville immediately to urge his approval of a 90 foot road as indicated by Mr. Powell, Yiis motion did not receive a se.cond. I~Qr. Roebuck i;hen offered a motion authorizing *dr. Hewlett to secure all available data and arrange ~;: ~an~erencec~~i.t'i~~E4r.~:~Pov+e11 and this Board concerning the type,width and location of the proposed road with the view of reaching a sati~factory solution of' this matter to ' all interested parties and that Iis. T.T.Bett~, Third Division State Highvray Engineer be requested to be present at said conference~ his motion vras seconded by 2.4r. '1'rasY. and carried. • ~ A request of iss. I,ester l". Preston to be allowed to pay baek taxes due on the ~9ilmington Cold Storage plant, block ~233 on the 3f flat interest rate basis f'or the years 1935 and 1936, was declined, but the Board did, upon motion of rdr. '1'ra~l:, ~ r~~~ seconded `oy I,ir. Roebuck, take under consideration the matter of reducing the ~"" asseasment for 'the said years to the~amount of ~the 1937 assessment of ~41,300.00 and to that end the matter ti~a~ referred to the co~ittee with power {;o act. ~ ~ , - A request of Ifis~. A.VJ.Ek of Asheville,'_d.C., to pay ~116.80 cost f'ox ~treet paving cha~rged against his lots 44 and 45 Keaton Avenue,3rook~vood, plua intex~st on the 3f flat rate basis, instead of 6~ per annuca from Februery 1930 ~56.08, for the ,/ ~~ F~ reason that he never received notice of the stre~t paving charge, as claimed, vras ~/ ~~ upon motion of ifis. Roebuck, seconded by i,ir. Gardner, referred to the County Attorney for opinion. A motion offered by P~Sr. Trask to cancel the enterest charge ~ entirely did not receive a second. i ,~ ~. _ _~ h . ;, - A~eeting of' January 17th, 1938 continued. ,. Tne ~3oard, upon'recommendation oi' the Supt., oz Public Gielfa,re and upon motion ~ •~ ~~~v Lir. Gardner, seconded by P~4r. Roebuck, authorized the pa;rinent of `~3.50 for cost of gasolinA and oil used by H.E.I~2oore in taking Cla.yton Dou~las 1Soore, '. ~ fee'ole, minded, to Casv~ell ~raining 5'chool at FLinston,Iv.C., ~~o~ i i ., '' . , U~pon motion of. 1V1x., Roebuck, seconde3 by TLr.- Trask, ~ tl~e, Board~ rej.ected' the .. , , ~ appl,icat_ions .of Hepry,P. `I,angston~ .211•0 Bar,nett Av,enue, and.~'rancea 4fallace,~~. ' ~ 610 S'°outh r'ront Street,_ ~'o,r, Aid~, to5 the; B1ind, , on acco:unt~ of lack~ of a~'v.ilable' ~ funds in the State,Budget for Aid!to the;~lind,~~nd appro,ved their applications- ~•'~)\~r f;or assistanee from, the Aid, to ~epen.dent: Children Fti1nd, as reoouanended by the ~. Superintendent o,f piablic j;elfar'e.... , , ~ Upon motion of I„r. Gardner, seconded by PaIr. Trask, I~r.J.D.Nea1,Jr., 309 Castle ~- ~~ Street, was granted an abatement of' taxes pn a valuation of' '~300.00 household f I and l;itchen furniture listed in eTror for the year 1937: • " ~.1 -~ , T~he Board having a~reed at meeting of De.cember 2Uth, 1937, to grarit I:'k~riah Idoo~e, kS0 ;~ear old colmred person temporary admission to tne County Home pending.arrangements `~ I'~;~y''of ;dake County to make `provieion for her, and it now appears tkiat she is a property owner di this County, formerly resided here and has alw'ays claimed this County as her ~ legal residence; the Board therefore, upon motion of"I~:~r. Gardner, seconded by , f:ir. Roebuck, granted ner perrc~,nent acimission to the Courity Hone as an inmate. ~ .. ~ ~ , / Ido objections were indicated by tne Board to the construction of a 265 foot ~iier in the ~_ l Atlantic Ocean at the foot of Seashore Street, '.lri~htsville 3each a~nd the dredging of' ,~j~ approximately 5000 cubic yards of' meterial i'rom in 2'ron~ of' the ,terminals on the ~ ~`v Atortheast uape ~'ear river by the l9ilminr;ton Terminal u~areriouse Cornpany nor+ pending on ' application before the United States District En~ineer. , The meeting then adjourned. ! /f~ti7 )l..yy~a~! 4 Clerk. ~ ~on rnotion oi ISr. Gardner, seconded by 1,Ir. RoebuGk, permission vras given Associated ~ 1~harities to draw upon its b'ebruary ~dounty budget allotment of f'unds to meet it~ January relief ne`eds. ~.. ~Vilmington,id.C., J~nuary 24tn, 193f3. "'.`Che re~ular ~Neek'ly meeting of tne Board tv`as held at 3:00 6' cloek P.;~I. present: Addison fie~vlett Ci~.irman, Ueo.'~7.Trask, Jas.LT.lia11,H.R.Gardner ~nd R.B.Roebuck. The mir.utes of ineeting of' J~nu~ry 17tn, v~ere read and approved as recorded. ~ T-ne Board set the date a~ 1Os30 A,Td., Pgonday Sanuary 31st, to hear,claims for damages -~n~ for lo~s of ehickens etc., by stray dogs. . ~K~~1e,~. . , •~'~ ' Upon motion, duly seconded, the Board approved the application of Lula Allen Zieoler, (/ ti~`= ~~~blind ne~ro, ior ~ayments from the Social Security funds f'or Aid to the Blind, as V~~f recorn-nended b~ the Su~t., of Public Welfare. " _; ~ of Ashevil le, N. C. , ~ . rl :eauest of I:ir. A.`,V.Ek~to settle °~116.n0 street pavin~ assessment due on lots 44 and 45 '• Keaton Hvenue in Brookvrood on the 3J flat int r~~ rate ba~is was declined'for the a~ 9 e„ ~Q`}~ reason tnat the time for sei~tleing back ta;:es~enpired January lst, 1938, and the matter v of a`bating the interest charge of $056.0'6 entirely, taas u~on ruling of the County Attorney .- also declined;'for the reason the Oommiss,ioners have no autnority to abate since the iten ,., is' not a bac}: tax char~e. '' ~1. comc~uriication YJ3S received from tne State 1Iigh~vay and Public 'e'Jorks Comnissio'n advising that 1.8 miles of road had been appro~red and added to i,~Tontgomery Auenue as~ a part of the ~_ '' fQ State hi~h»+ay system, ~ut failed to approve ~he remaining 2 r.liles~ this time~that ~ l 1~~would connect the said Avenve ~.~ith route ~30. . 'dlith reference to the renetival~ ~of ~80,000.00 of b?e~v Hanover County schedule fire insurance / _ ~~. ~allin~ due rebruary 15tn, 193f3, Tir. Trask moved and it was seconded by ?~r. Gardner and / •, i`~~p_car.ried- that the same oe placed v~itn the Carolina Znsurance Compan~r, and that the Local'~ ' ~~ 3oard of Fire Underv~riters is authorized to use its discretiori in distributing the said ./`~, renevrals among its mem~ers. ' . _ rhe matter of Asse~sments and adjustment of bacY, taxes due or~ the property of Idr. C.P.B. ~ ~~~`~~?ahler ~,vas referred to the Committee v~itn power to act. \ • I~,~;)A report of Jas.~Jallcer Hospital for the month of DeeemberY~as rece~ived and ordered filed.;/ .~`~ ~.n~~ry~ ~ u ~ A report of' Associated Charities for December vaas received anci,ordered f'iled. . ~~4 ~ , /' ATo objections were indicated by the Board on petition before.th~U.S.Distxiet t,ngineer, /~ . ~,,4;dj.to dredge a harbor basin at Southport. ~ ~,.- - 1 / j'. ~~l~ Upon motion, dul,y secanded, CountJ Bi"11s Nos. 2147 to 2Z48 were approved f'or payment./ -_ ~4 ' -- The follot~+ing good and lawful men were dra~vn to serve as jurors in the Superior Court ~ ~~~Q~f`or the trial of civil cases , t~~~o ~~eeks beginning February 7th, 1938; - •, J.L.T.?oderick VT,H.:7'est. S. 5. .3unch. I3.~'.2dewkirk,Jr. C.L.Dicl:inson. . ., J.J.Overton ~V.5.Bunting. O.V.Hill. J.P.iFlheeler. ~.K.I~yers. ~.. S.L.Boyd. A.J.Buxriss. B.B.Reynolds. E.G.Iiall. Robt.T,ev~is. ~' L.r.Andrews. C.E.I~~orton. J'.P.Russ. C.L.~arnes.' J.H.Talley. . • Jno.D.Ta.ylor.. J.T.Hardison. Gilmer "rnSte. r.H.Bagg. Geo.O.VJolff'. ~° ~~+.G.Cleaper. J.H.Joiznston. tiV.H.Register. Stepnem~Provost,Jr.Archie Parker. gecond ;Veek- February 14th,- ' E.S.Capps,Jr. Hosea Hoxne. J.T.Chestnut. C.H.Zibelin. B. S~ay. • . G.J.Burkheimer. J.N.Spaven. Theo.Schrader. Jas.C.Spivey. rllfred Teachey. T.A.Crews. Julius 17ei1. E.F.Johnson. L,1J.Hurnpnrey. B.C.Lee. f ' Et.C.t4'eek9. '~lm.i~4cPherson. P.J.3reen. J.C.Branner. E.P.Dudley. . . R.H.Cherry. vl.J.Hollis. A.C.Divine. E.;~.Orrell. T.K.Lynch. ' C.t`f.Lasaiter. U.;Y.~ritt. K.~3.~9arshal7.. H.s(.Cant1ie11. ~,.I3.Snipes. , ;~ ' 'Che meeting then adjourneci., ~~„~l~~j Clerk. ~~ 5E~4 V'~pilminotori,Id.C., JAnua'ry 31st, 1938. / • `~ The Board met in special session at 10;30 ,a.~~~r;, to hear claims for damages ,~' - ~ sustained by a number of citizens in the loss o~ chickens and ducks destroyec~ ~ ~ by a roving band of stray dogs. ' • present: Addison Helrlett Chairman, Geo.l`i,Traslc, Jas.I~fi.I~~ll, H.ff.Gardner and It.]3.Roebuck. The foTlowing claims for the loss of chiclcens and ducks, destrayed by ~ stray dogs, vrere investigated by the Board b;;* hearing the complainants and .• ' ~Y~~ examination of the ~ritne~ses, and the 3oard bei~z~ satisf'ied as to the loss suffered, did upon motion of' 1.Tr. I?all, ~econded by I;fs•. Roebuck, approve payment ~~ J of the claims otzt oi the school dog tax f'und,by tlle I3oard of ~,ducation, in the , amounts shown, to-wit: . , /I1rs. 'f1, E. Tusch, 213 ~outh 2nd, Stf, 1 chicken G~ w1.00 j~ 1.00~ ~, • ~I.1iss Sallie Fritz,213 Sbuth 2nd, S'tl, 6 chickens ~ 1.00 ~p6.00 ~ 7 ducks C~ 1.00 7.00 13.001 . .~ /S.T:4.Creech, 508 ~outh 2nd, St., ~~ 2 chickens ~A 1.00 ?.00~ .. ~~TSrs. Jar.ie •L. Smith, 824 Grace ~treet~ S ~' ~ 1.00 8.00 ti..r , 2 bantams ~.70 1.40 9.40 /Geo.lY.I3owerr3 510 ','~ooster St.~,, 10 chickens C~ 1.00 10.00 . ~John Horne, 216 Gores' Alley,r 14 " (?~ 1.00 14.00 _ ` ~ 2 ~ " ~ .70 ::; 1.40 15.40 -~-- l ~'ISrs. H.ti.I~ll, 311 Castle Street~, 8 ° (~ 1.00 8.00 ` ~Hubert•Hayes, 520 South 2nd, St.:~ 4 " ~ 1.00 4,00 ~• Total .............................. ~62.80 ~ ~ ` , ~'1 The meeting then adjourned, ~ ~-i~C/J 7 C .S~~;v~u-y ~erk. ~i ~iilmin~ton,N.C., ~anuary 31st, 1938. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held at 3:00 o'c1ocY, P.S.ri. > Present: ~ddison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.;'l.Traslc, Jas.Pd.Ha"11, H.H.C~?rdner and ~ , R.B,Roebuck. . .,,,,,. ',(I~~• The mi,nutes of ineeting of January 24th, 1938, were read and approved as recorded. t~ ~' It appearing on advice of Iur. Jeffress, that only certain fixed claims for Social Security funds due the estate of a deceased person ~vould be recognized, and ~ G,~7'~ that any claim the County may have for burial would not be paid out of such funds, ~ th~e Board, therefore, upon motion of l~~r. Gardner, seconded ~~T I;Ir. 'Prae?c, ~~raived ~ its right to any such claim the County may novr or hereafter have for burial•expense , of such dece~.sed persons. • ~ _ t•. Upon motion of T~r. Gardner, eeconded by ISr. Hall, 1~Ir.J.H.YJheeler, a disabled ~ S'lorld ';Var Vete:an residing at ~103 S. 2nd, Street, ~^~as grant.ed free license to /~ peddle chickens,eg~s,vegetables ete., in this CountSr as provided b,y lavr in such case s. ~Upon motion .of' T:?r. Gardner, seconaeci by S~,1r. Hall, the 1937 asseesment of `~p'650.00 on the property of iur.D.C.G'Ihitted, blocY, ~35'1, vras reduced to y~600.00 to be retro- v ~ ~~(~~ active in affect tnroy~gh 1928, and an abater~ent of ta.xes on a valuation of ~200.00 ~ for the years 1928 to 1932 inc., arxl ~~.20.00 for the years 1933 to 1936 inc., and ~50.00 for the year 1937 was ordered. . The question of a proper and equitable distribution of the Countys' fire insurance business among the various local ~.gents ~vas again brought up f'or discussion and ,~,Tessrs. Glas~ow Hicks, J.Hdughton ,Tames and Stone C. Pulliam, represent~,t.ives of' the Local. Board of rire Underviriters were present and presented a schedule of the /~ ~~?~present setup consistin~ of 43 polici.es, a total coverage of ,~,,"414,500.00, / / distri~uted amon~ 19 agents, representing 18 difi'erent companies. Therefore, to /`, simplif'y the handling of the Count;~s' fire insurance; business, it w~as upon motion of Lir. Roebuck, seconded by iir. Gardner, ~ . R~SOZVED- That ali new and re-newal policies, coverin~ a1l;ineurance~_, exCepting bond8;y be placed through the Local Board of Fire Underwx~iters, vrho s7~.11 ' act as the County's a~ent. The Local Doard shall combine policies as far as it is possible to do so, vrith the end in vie.~v of making the smallest number of policies to `~ handle, and that all'iire' insurance on, buildings and contents snall be placed rritn ' the Qarolina Insurance Company, with the exception ho~rever, of an eo,uitable share ~ to remain vaith the present 11lutual Companies. That the c:omrnissions derived i'rom all • such'insurance be distributed on an equal basis to a11 agencies operating in Netiv Hanover County, and that the Zocal Board of Fire Under~vriters shall render to the County Commissioners, annually at their first meeting of each cal~nder ye2r, a statement shotiving the tota'7: cvMmissions received durin~ ±he ~re~Uf,ous .y°ar, and to ~ ~rrhom distributed. , , ,. 1 ,: ~ , • . A A request of Co1.R.S.PIicClelland for a reuuction of the 1937 land assessment on the .' ,~ property of 1•~tr. Pelix J. Tdeeks, block No.192 to the 1936 assessment on account of I./ i~~~ ~ apparent unjustified increase, was upon raotion of' Iu•. Trask, seconded by rir.?3a11, ~~ ~ referred to the Committee ~~ith po;^~er to act., and if a reduction is allorred, to . refund the taxes that in the meant?me, may be paid on such value. . ~ '~ A rec~uest of'I:~rs. Nellie D. Zane for a reduction of the 1937 assessment on her ~~~, property in block'#193 by the amount of the assessment increa~ed over 1936, on ,/ ~/ ~ account of the same bein~ out of 'line ~.vith adjoining pro~uerty, vuas referred to V . the Committee with povler to act. ~' . i. 5 luieeting of January 31st, 1938, continued. ~ ~P~P~ u/ IJpon motion of i~ar. Roebuck, seconded by LTr. Ha11, the Board aizthorized the~ ~V~ purchase of one pair of s~hoes f'or Helen },torris, f'ormerly County Charge at ~~~~ E:fTand Trai~ning School, now being eared for by a relative. ~~//~+ction on the application of Bessie N. 7~ nden for license to sell beer at / locatior. on the Carolina Beach road, vras deferred until next meeting. ~ ~ ~ Upon motion of'tCr. Gardner, seconded by I~r. Roebuck,the Board authoriz.ed the ,{~' , pa~rment of ~p17.50 Countys' half rent due on building at the Northease corner ~f of 4th, and Princess streets occupied by the Girls Social Service C1-ub for the -, r/~fi' month of August 1937, the~ City of 'E~lilmington having paid a like amount, thus ~/aj~ concluding ~the rental obligation on said bu~,lding. • Upon motion of Lr. Trask, seconded by FZT. Zoebuck, the payment of ~45.00 to Puiss Clara Vandervaal for recording~ortgage of tne 'alest Virginia Yulp arnl Paper ~ ' ,( ~ Company to Irving Trust Company, for the Register of Deeds, was approved. This , /~~A"' ~ extra help was necessary for the reason that said mort~age consisted oi' 360 d b k 7 11 oo rocor typevrritten pages and required three weeks to record it, using 10 • pages for whicn a fee of ~147.25 ~vas paid. Upon motion of 1Jir. Hoebuck,, seconded by 1u7r. Gardner, 2+4r.7.Idt.Carroll was released ~ / from payment of penalty char~ed as not listed in the name of J.J.Eiden,blocka 1~ .~/ ~ 210 and 493 for the year 1937 for the reason that the same v~a.s purchased during listing time (April 19th, 1937~"and thought it had been listed by the forrner owner! ': A re9uest of Herbert IicClarmny, Esq.,~.and F.G.Bleeker to settle bacY taxes on their ' -~),V property at Forest F~ille and Sunset Park respectively, onsthe 3f flat interest rate `~ ~ J~til~ basis, or reduction of' assessments, was referred to the 'Committee with pov~er to act. I' ' . . , Upon motion of P~r. Roebuck, seconded by Irtir: I~Iall, the Board voted to extend an invitation to the Givic Clubs and the Carolina Beach 1~lderman to rneet with the ~ County Cornmissioners for any further consideration of the location ofithe proposed ~ ~~ ~ / river road after ldir. A.~'.Powell Jr., Third District State Highway Commissioner has had opportunity to look the proposed route over and give wl.s decision. "' The Cornmittee having investigated the request of ~~Irs. Nellie ll. Lane for ~. reduction of aesessment on progerty in block ~193, found that the 1537 increase raised the ~ ~ ~ /~~ assessment on land higher that that on adjoining propert.y and recommended tihat ~fie /~ same~be reduced to the 1936 valuation, a~hich was upon motion, adopted, and an ' ~ abatement of taxes on a valuation of ~1,350.00 for the year 1937 was authorized. ~3 1 E •'1 ~. . : / - . i,~./ Upon motion, duly s~conded, ~06.20 trans~ortation for Roland King, indigent, ,to ~~~"~ Sanford, S'la., recornmendeca by the Supt., of Public Gdelfare, was approved./ fZ~SI's Upon motion, county bills Nos. 2Z4~ to 2277 were approved for payment,i/ l ~~ ~ The following bonds and coupons ~rere presented by the County Auditor as having /~~b~`~ been paid and were burned in the presence of the Board: i S CHOOL 1301~IDS Coupon Ato. 48 Bond Ido. 45 - u u 4g n ° 1 to. 22 ~ ° " 49 " " 25 to 27 ~~ " 43 " " 29 to 44 rr ir 40 ~~ ~~ 53 to 60 '~ '~ 49 " " 62 only " '" 49 " " " 64 to 101 " " 49 " " 103 to 107 " " 4G " " 110 to 150 ~~ " ~ 4~ " '~ 151 to 200 ~~ " 3 5 " " 71 to 80 " " 36 " " 71 to 80 " " 37 ~~ " 71 to SO • ~~ ~' 3F~ " ~ " 2 only ~~ ~~ 38 " " 63 only +' ~~ 38 " " 71 t0 E30 ' " " 39 ~' " 2 to 50 " ° 39 " 'F 51 ~i 52 ~~ ~~ 39 " " 64 to 125 ~~ " 37 " " 69 to 100 " ~~ 37 " " 86 to 125 " " 36 " " 145 to 225 " " 16 " " 89 to 105 " " ' 16 " " 141 to 242 " " 16 " " 61 to 355 " " 1 " " 1 to 29 " " 1 " " 30 ~to 64 " ~~ 68 '" " 68 to 77 ROAD BONDS ,..,.:1 ~ 25.A0 ~ 25.00 22 " 25.00 550.00 3 ~~ 25.00 75.00 16 " 25.00 400.00 8 " 25.00 200.00 1 '" 25.00 25.00 38 " 25.00 950.00 5 " 25.00 125.00 41 " 25.00 1,025.00 50 " 12.50 625.00 10 ~~ 25.00 250.OQ 10 " 25.00 250.00 10 " 25.00 250.00 ' 1 " 2~.00 25.00 1 " 25.00 25.00 10 " 25.00 250..00 49 " 25.00 .1,225.00 2 " 25.00 - 50.00 62 " 25.00 1,550.00 32 " 25.00 800.00 40 ° ~5.00 1,000.60 £31 " 25.00 2,025.00 17 " 23.75 403.75 ' 102 ° 23.75 2,42`L.50 295 " 23.75 7,006.25 29 " 15.00 435.00 35 " 13.75 . 481.25 1Q " 13.75 137.50 • Coupor~ SSo.48 ° " 81-88-120 . "- ~~ 4g " " 78 to 82 ~~ ~~ 49 '" " 84 to 86 ~~ ~~ 4g " " 89 to 93 ' ~~ ^ 49 " " 97 to 100 • ~, „ 4g „ " 102 to 104 " ~~ 49 " " 106 only " " 49 " " 110 to 118 `„ ' n n 49 n n 121 to 125 n u qg ~~ n 1 to 22 " " 49 ~~ " 24 to 75 „ 3 ~~ 12.50 37.50 5 " 12.50 62.50 2 '~ 12.50 25.00 5 " 12.50 62.50 4 " ~12.50 50.00 3 " 12.50 37.50 1 ~~ 12. 50 12. 50 9 " 1~..50 112.50 5 " 12.50 62.50 22 " 25.00 550.00 52 " 25.00 1,300.00 ~22,586.25 2,312.50 ~ v , r ~ ~; ~ 5F~~ I~ffeeting of January 31st, 3938, continued. ~ . COURT HCU~E BONDS ~ Coupon No. 28 Bond No. 92. to 160 70 Ga ~25.00 ~1,750.00 '~ " 28 " " 165 to 169 5 " 25.00 125.00 ~ " " 28 " ~~ 171 to 210 40 ~~ 25.00 1.,000.00 ` ~ " " 28 " " 21a ~ to 225 12 " 25.00 300.00 ~ 3,175;:OP ~ ~. COUNTY H07'fiE BOND3 , Coupon Na. 16 Bond No. l5 to 28 - 14 .~~ 23.75 332.50 F~RRY BOlv~ • . ~ ~ Coupon Tio. 37 Bond No. 1 to 5 5 " 25.00 125.00 ~ " " 37 " " 11 50 40 "'25.00 1,000.00 " " 34 " " 36 , 37 2 " 30.00 60.00 ' " ~~ 34 ~~ ~~, 39 50 . 12 " 30.00 360.00 1,545.00 . , ~ ' ~ Total Coupons paid . ...................... ~29,951:25 BOI~T?S PAID - FETi~tY BOIdDS Idos. 36 t,p ~7 - 2 ~J $~1,000.00 ' 2,000.00 . SCHOOI, BODTDG " 99 to 105 - 7 " 1;000.00 $7,000.00 , " " " 61 to 70 -. 10 " 1,000.00 1D-;000.00 " " " 145 to 153 - 9 " 1~000.00 9,000.00 ~ 1/ . " " " 89 to 98 - 10 " 1,000.00 10,000.00 36,000.00 COUn~'TY HOP:4E BOI~S 1 5 ~c: 16 - 2 ~~ 1,000.00 ' 2,000.00 Court House " 9 1 t o lOQ - 10 ~~ 1,000.00 10,000.00 Total Bonds paid ......... ................... 50.000.00 ;. To tal Coupons and Bonds paid,..... ~79;951.25 The meeting then adjourned, ~'%~Jrii 7l. _ . . lerk. ~ , 1 , ~,{ • "C • ~ ~ • ' , . ~ - ~. a .. , . r' . ~ .. ' y ~ - . . •• . . . ,P ,, _ FJtlmington~ N. C., Februar\ 7th, 1938. The regular weekly meeting of the Board vras held this day at 3t00 o~alock P.T~. ' Presents Addison He~vlett Chairman; Jes. M. I~11 and R.B.Roebuck. ~ `n~, The minutes of inee,ting oY January 31st~ 1938, were re~d and approved as recorded. . '' ~"1~ ~ A claim of ~Jalter Corbett~ 218 ~. 13th, Stree•t~ Por the boss of seventeen chickena' ,~.n~~'~U~and two ducks destroyed by a bul]! do~ ~wned by Mamie Ballard~ on the morning of ~ ~,~,,~~ December I7~h, 1938, was upon motion referred to Mr. Roebuck for investigation with the Yiew of a settlement by the owner of the dog. A request of Col. R.S.McCl~lland, Esq..~ foz~a reduction of the assessment.on the ~ /`~~ property of Mrs. Katherine ~H. Banck, block #218 with the view of ad,justing the taxes due on same, was upon motion of Mr. Roebuck, seconded by Mr. Hall, referred ~~ to the Committee•with power to act. A reques.t of, Mr. •I,.D.i~arahburn that the County pay ~e the storage charges on• ~ automobile owned•by Willard Bozeman stored with l~acLBillan & Cameron in connection/ with arrest of the Bozemans for violati.ng the prohibition law when mash for ~ V #~ manufacturing 13quor was found in the automobile, but later released by the Court , / for lack of probable cause; was heard but no action taken inasmuch as this is a' matter for the Court and no order has been fesued directing payment. ' An application submitted by I+~rs. Bessie N. Landen for license to se11 beer at /I 1„~ seven mile poet on the Carolina Beach road, having been investigated and approved + ~~~ by the Sheriff, was upon motion of BWc..Ha11, seconded by Mr. Roebuck, approved. / ' ~t~~ Action was deferred on the'application of M.D.Wataon for license to sell beer at ^! / location on the Carolina Beach road. / l J'`,~py A report of Mra. Edma T~. Cantwell, 3ewing Room Supervisor, was received and filed.,/ ~ y r , "/ A report of-the Ftecreational Project for January was received from Miss Flora Miller, ~ v•,~~~`~~~Pro,ject Supervisor and ordered filed. Upon motion of Pdr. Hall, seconfled by 1dr. Roebuck, the payment of $5.62 one fourth cost for expense~ of~five Recreatdon Sta.ff Members of the Social ~erv~ce pro,ject to receive special t'raining iri Games Leadership and conducting of. play ground•s,offered ~r~;,~~~rL"~by the Univerai~y Extenaion l~ivision, w~s approved. The City to bear one fourth ~ cost and half by:the Staff;members. ~ The Commissioners being informecl that the Government ia ready to begin work on the J conetruction of stables and extension to conc~ete stadium at Legion Field,Wpq pro,ject #3008, contingent on the County furnishing the materiala,~uthority to purchase ` f Q~ ~i approximately 1200 bags of'cement, reinforcing steel bars, channels, wire etc.~at ~/ ~ an approximate cost of ~1,060.00 axid necessary stone, v~a upon motion of Mr. Hall, aeconded by Mr. Roebuck, grantec~. ~ ~~ A report of the Grand J,ury; January ~erm 1938, was receined and filed. The matter ~ of removing bunks from'the'side o£ tfie jail cells or walls ~nd installing iron bed ~~~ ~G,~- on the floor and `equip same for the care of insane and inebriate persons, we,s referred to the Court House Committee with power to act. ~ _ A request of the Board of ~ducati:on that the awn of $11,300.00 be placed to the credit ' ~~~~of the school aecount to take care oY expenditures for the month of February, wae upon motion of 1~r. Hall~ 9econded by ll4r. Roebuck, approved. ;~, , ~ J ~~ ,. v; ~. i ~76`~ ~ Meeting of February 7tn, 1938, continued. ,~. / Upon motion of Mr. H~11~ seconded by Mr. Roebu'ck,. the following were released ~ ~ I~ from payment of penalxy for not listing, for the reasons shown: ~Nf.VPalker Bellamy~ block 14, lot 3,Carolina Place- Purchased at listing time thinking ~ ~ former ov+ner had listed. E.T.Brinkley~ lot 56 Oleander, non-xesident. ~ . ~ l~re. Jno.F.Kirk, 10 A¢res Efaeonboro, listed personal property and.real estat~ ~ ~ left off list in error. ~ Regueats for reduction of asseasments with the view of settlfng accumulated back ~~(~~ taxes on the follovring property were izpon motion referrecl to~the Committee for f investigation and with power to act: a 8 1937 inc. ~ '~ rrie Bullard biock 494 taxea due for e rs 192 to S. ~ ~ Y ~• .~ ,~@.T.C.Dickinaon~ blocks Nos. 222,266,310 atul 350, taxes due :, _ vfor years 1932 to 1937 Inc. Hra. S.H.Penny~ block #~211. " A.request of B~r. G.D.Bradshaw that he be permitted to pay ~90.00 in settlement '. ~.~ r~ v of taxes due on lot.#34, block "C" Branx, for the years 1930 to 1937 inclusine, ~ /` assessed at $270.00 and lieted in the name of tiU.J.Bradahaw & Co., s~ against ~ ~ which said lot~the pexsonal property tax of 1V.J.Bradahaw & Co., has been charged ~ '' for said years arid the said personal property rias sinc.e disapeared, was upon ' motion of Mr. Roebuck, seconded by ldr. Hall, refe:red to the Committee with po~ver 1_ . • - to act. ~" ~,j~~~a~The County Auditors cash report for the month of January was received and filed./ /"` ~" ~- . ~ request for extension 'phone in the Welfare Department viras upon motion of Mr.xall, / ~ ~ ~ . ~J~seconded by tffr. Roeb~ck, granted. ~ ,' ~ . , ~ ~ A communication was received from the County Auditor advising the amount of deposit ~ ~ ~in each bank as of January 31st, 1938, together with a memorandum of securities held' ° '~ in each case. ~ ~ v~ ~ ~'~ The matter of working out a eatisfactory method of handling applications with the \State for aid to the blind in connection with rejections for the lack of State budget ~/ ~,r~,,~nCfunds or transfers, to aid to dependent children, was upon motion of P~4r. Roebuck, ~/ .seconded by 2~dr. Hall, referred to the Chairman, County Attorney and the Supt., of • Public ~Yelfare with power to act. - ~ . ' ~ Willaim PJalker, Isaac I~rdeman, J.F. & Callie Richards, indigent citizens, having ~ ~, been investigated and recommended by the Supt., of Public ',~lelYare„ were upon motion ,~~~of ~r. Aoebuck, seconded by ~r. Hall, admitted to the County Home as inmatee. r Upon motion of Idr. Roebuck~ secorded by ~tr. Iiall, the Board voted to go on record ~ ~j to give every possible assistance in bririging about the aelection of- a location in ~ this County for the proposed Government Veterans hospital. ~ County bills Nos. 2278 to 2468 tivere upon motion, duly seconded, approved foi payment. _ , ` . The meet' g then adjourned. .` ' . " ~ ~ i' ;7f7~i! 7l~~~~ . -. ~ ~lerk. ~dtilmington, N. C., February 14th~ 1938. ~, T-he regular weekly meeting of the Board wae held at 3t00 0' cloclc P.~. Present: Addison Hewl.ett Chairman, Geo.Pl.Trask, Jas.M.Ha11,H.R.Gardner and . R.B.Roebuck. ' ~ ~ .. ~, The minutes of ineeting of February 7th, 1938, were read and approved as recorded. An application submitted by Matt D. 'J~tson for licenee to sell beer at loeation about four milea on the Carolina ~each road, having been approved by the Sheriff ~. ~~and recoam~ended by Ns. 'J.A.~cNorton former County Solici'tor, and no one present obJecting, was upon motion of liBr. Roebuck~ seconded by Mr.Hall, approved. All members • ~ voting affirmatively except ~6r. Gardner ~vho requeated to be recorded as no.t voting. • The Board acting upon the reco~aendation of the County Auditor and upon motion of ~r. ~Trask, aecohded by Mr. Gardner, cancelled the back taxea charged against ~~- ~ j/J.W.Baldwin on,,,.three acres of land, part Gore, Cape Fear township~ for the yeara .~ (~x •1924 to 1936 inclusive and abated the taxes for the year 1937 on the same~ a21 amountin~ to ~26.44 on account of double char~e reaulting from error=131 the description, ~ the said land having been sold to I~.ra. I,ouise Nawton in 1923 and the taxea on same ;" charged to her for the said yeara. i Mr. Roebuck reported that I.J.Ba.llard, 217 south 12th~ Street, admitted ownership of the ~}`x~( dog that killed 17 chickens and 2 ducka on the morning of December~l7th, 1937, the ,~ ~~property of Waltex Corbett,218 eouth 13th, Street~ and showed a willingnesa to pay '~ • ~ for the dama~ea done, but nothing with.which to pay. Further inveatigation of the ~ matter wae upon motion of ~. Gardner, seconded by Mr. I~11, referred to the Chairma.n ~ and Committee to report back to the Board. / ~~11~~,A report of Aasociated Charities for the month of January ~vas receined and filed. / ~/~ ~ Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Tdr. Trask, the Board declined .to grant an ~, appropriation as re9uested by 3~r. Jno.L.Skinner~Secy-Treas State Aaso.,o£ County Coms.,, toward the expense for the prodt4ction of a one reel, ben minute film, to be cast under ~ the supervision of.the Hi~hway Safety Division and the State As'aociation of County • ~~ Commissioners, which will include actual accidents on the highwaye and how they could have been prevented. 'Phis appears to be an expense of the State Highway Safety Division. The Commissioners expressed willingness,however, to otherwise cooperate so far as they can: ' ~' } . . - ~ .. 5~~ ' ~eeting of February 14th, 1938, continued. A request of ldessrs Kelltiun & Humphre3~, Attorneys, to release the Central Investment Company from the payment of ~p679.24 taxes on $30,875.00 personal property lfsted by The'White ~ Ice Cream Canpany for the year 1934, charged ~gainat the ~6 & EHI 1 and part of lo~ No.2, ' ~ in block #164, foreclosed October 1937 at a loas of ~5,484,.20, and White Ice Cream Company/ ~ having no equity in the prc~perty~ and that the said Central Investment Company be allowed to pay the real estate taxes only in eettlement thereof,.was upon motion of ~r. Trask, seconded by P~r. ~a.rdner, referred to the Chairman and the County Attorney for investigat'on and report their recommendations to the Board at a subsequent meeting. ,w~,~ A report of the Ladies Rest Room for the month of January ~as receined and ordered filed; •• ~ ~ , Upon motion of I~Gr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Ha11, Mr. O.V.Hill of 4Yilmington township was granted an abatement of taxes on a valuation of ~200.00 household and kitchen furniture,l~'• {., ~~Gi~ above exemption~ charged in error.for the year 1937. ' ', A request of Idr. O.E.Todd, Rece~ver for the Homestead Building and Loan Association, for a ~ ~ reductio» of the aseessment of ~1~120.00 on the property of G.L.Pridgen, block ~`554, with '/,~ ~, the view of compromising settlement of the ~p446.87 back taxes acerued since 1821, was upoiY motion of ~r. '1'rask, seeonded by Mr. Gardner~ referred to the Committee for investigation r and with power to act. • - . ~ The Chairman read a communication from I1r..T.T.Betts, Third Division Highvray Engineer at Fayetteville,N.C., advieing the approval of T;Qr. A.k'.Powell,Jr., Third Division State V ~~ Hi~hway Commissioner, for the building of the river road with ~~PA f orces along the line ', ~ as located by Pdr. R.A.Burnett, uaing a 90 foot right of way.' ~ ~ f. Mr. Gardner took thie occasion to state that he Pelt that any undertaking at this tirre ~, to widen the Carolina Beach road would mean the death of the proposed riverside road, ~ , _ and read a neMSpaper clipping quoting ~r. T. T. Betts, Division Engineer as saying that: ~~ the proposed widening of the preaent Carolina, Beach Road ~" was practically a certa-inty" and that the Carolina Beach.road pro ject would be undertaken "lon before ou ener et / , g y g V " a riverside drive . I;4r. Gardner further stated that we should continue our_eff'orts with • I~r. Powell for the riveraide road to the southern beaches and not merely a parallel ~ road, and give the citizens opportunith to express themselves at a mass~meetin~. Finaily ~dr.~Gardner offered a motion that the Board decline to approve any future work ; ' or improvements to the preeent Carolina Beach road that would gice priori~y over the - propoaed riverside road. Ais motion did not receive a seoond. , ~~ A motion was then offered by ;~r. ~11~ seconded ~by ~~r. Trask, and carried that the ~°~ .. ~} ~ , , WPA forces proceed with the building of the river road as indicated by hir. Powell along 9 ~ the line laid out by i~r. R.A.Burnett. ,, The'mee ng then ad~ourned. ~ r' ;Gi%/n 7l ~-'~~~~`~D`( . . . . ~ ~Z~ ~lerk. ~ . , ~ ~ilmington,N.C., February 21at, 1938. ~ The regular weekly meeting of the Board ~ae held this day at 3s00 o'clock P.M. :` : : ;.`:•.,~ Presents Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.V'~F.Trask, Jas.M,Hall~ H.R.Gardner and R.B.Roebuck. r ; ~esars. Jno.0.lSarshall and Jno.A.Btevens representing the Cape Fear Club~ appeared and ~~~;~, . requested ar:.iettr•.o~:c~3;ve reduction of the assessment on the Club property,block #179, on ~~~ account of the deteriorated condition of the building and to equalize the assessment • with that ori ad,joining property, with the vie~v of adjusting the back taxea due on same. /~ The matter was upon arotion of Iulr. Hall~ seconded by Mr. Praek, referred to the Committee~ r. ~ for investigation'and report back to the Board. ~ . ; , rdr. R. B. Page and delegation appeared and urged the Commissioners to grant an appropriation~. of approximately ~1,000.00 join~ly with the City to meet incidental e:~penses of the Committee ,` in its efforts to secure location for the propoaed Government Veterans Hoapital in this County. In vieas of the County Attorney~s ruling that the same is not a necessary expenae - ~ ^ ~ ~'`~'~~~ of the County and the Commissioners have- rio legal right to appropriate funde for that ~~~~, except by a vote of the people, ac,~eording to a recent decisSon~,of the Sul~reme ,'., •- - purpose, , , Court, action waa therefore deferred :until next ineeting. It appearing, upon investigation, that the property formerly owned by the ~4hite Tca , • Cream Company, block #164, acquired by the Gentral Inveatment Compar{y October 1937 ' P ~ ~ the Board therefore, upon • . ' at,a foreclosure sale, was not worth the mortgage debt, recommendation'of the County Attorney, ancl upon motion of Mr. Roebuck~ eeconded by ~(t~~ Mr. Hall, ordered- That the amount of peraonal property tax be separated i'rom the . ~" said real estate tax and charge the peraonal property tax to the White Ice Cream ComparlY, • ar~d tnat the Central Innestment Company be allowed to. pay the amo~nt oY the real estate • , tax ~:zplus cost and intereat, due for the year ~1934, in full settlement thereof. ~ ~ Upon motion of Mr. Gardner,' seconded by ~r. Aall, the matter of damages to the Ford ^/ . ~~ aut~omobile of Mr. Walden I,. Baker by County's txuck, July 14th~ 1937, was referred td' ~. . C~ . t h e C h a i r m a n a n d C o u n t y A t t o r n e y f o r f u r t h e r i n v e s t i g a t i o n a n d w i t h p o w e r t o a c t. ~ ~ Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Hall, the 4 acres and 8.6 acres of land, ., • part of Watson traet, Cape Fear township~ owned by G.H.Chad~vick, vras ordered changed ~. _• ~q~ / to appear ae 3+~- and 6.8 acres respectively as ahown by actual survey made, arxi - and an abatee~ent of taxes on a valuation of $75 00 ~ sae sments edu ed accordin l ~ . a g y , a r c and ~135.00 on the respective tracts, to correct the san~e, for the year 1937~ was ordered. ., ' Upon motidn, duly seconded, Mrs. Eugene Philyaw was ~ranted an abatement of taxes on a~ ~ .,+'~q~ valustion of ~150.00 diamonds and ,jewelry listed in excesa of true value and~400.00 / 1 note owing by her, but listed in error as a solven credit,, for the year 1937. Upon motion, duly seeonded, T~Br. L. F. Easterling was granted an abatement of taxes on ~v /.~ G~' a valuation of $20.00 diamonds and ,jetiveiry ~isted in error for the year 1937. i i^ Aeports of the .Bureau of Identification, Better Housing Office and Jas.Walker''Ho~pit ' ~~~~``~`~were received and ordered filed. ^ ' /' ,~ ' ' ~ • - ~ r t y.. .~. ,. . ~. Meeting of' February 21et, 1938~ continued. Y. ..: - ~ A request oi'I~rs. .~"I.F.Greer to settle ~I30.82 street paning assessment due on lota ` Q8,121 and part 134, 8rookvrood"on the 3~ flat interest r.ate basis, was declined as ~~~ 1\~~~ l the 3~ ~tnterest rate privilege expired January 1st, 1938, and an abatement cannot ~ apply as tnat is not a back tax chas~e. -•~ eorge J~eKoy, colored indigent citizen, navirig been inveatigated by the 3upt., of /, '. ~~ublie u'Velfare and recor~nended by nim, wae upon moti~on,odul~r.seconded, admitted t~ '. ~. the County Home ae an 3nmate. , , ~ ty~ith.ro2'erence to the paynient oi' any i'uture claim for dama~es sustained-for the losa ~/ -.~~l~~r of chickens killed by dogs', it tisas upon motion of ]'&r. ~rask, seconded by,Btr. Gardner / `~And:unanimously carried~ that in trie settlement of' any auch claims by the,,County, the ~ ~j~\~ amount to be allowed shall not exceed 75¢ per chicken. ~ ~ ___Y- l ' ~' i`•`` .Z`~,~ Upon motion, duly seconded, County bi11s Idos• 2468 to 2564 incluaive were app~oved:for,. . '`'~JI. Payment.. A The foilowing good and lawful men were drawn to serve as ~urors in the superior court s `'r~~~i~~t~'or the trial of civil casea fo r two weeY.s term beginning ~arch 7th~ 1938t R.~2:19a~era. H.C.Bornemann. J.D.Hobbs. Ei.19.So¢erell. Troy R. Anderson. • ; 'J.E.Rich. L.W.Swinson. J.H.Tillman. D.T'.Branch.; J.W.Croom. / Z. 5chwartz. J.L.Rogers. 'R.B.gingsbury. Geo.~?.Piner. V.J.Brown. / '; Ralph V. Huband. R.T.Bisainger. R.M.Sheppard. Paul J. Baschon. Henry Zee. ~ L.W.Garrett. E.C.McCarley. J.W.Wi3liamson. J.W.Stanley. W.J.Collier. , Irs G. IIpchurcn. J.A.Ydallasd. H.G.~rney. R.I,.Mincy. ~ E.L.Southerland.. , ;~ Second week b'eginning March 14th~ 1938s ;,~ O.A.Bjonerud. L.C.2~rshall. L.L.Doss. H.Bluethenthal. E.F.Bass. . Archie Dixon. ~J~ J.Bats ori. J.T.ging. Peter Compos. W.L.McIntire. Z.A.Sneeden. ~J. G. I~. t c h, Jr. , ~ E.T.Htrggina. A.Goldstein. F.P.i~ toh. A.L.SAilliams. R.C.Gray. ' A.F.Walton. H.W.Turrentine. A~R.Eakin. durgan Haar. J.C.~Phite. 4d. H. Holland. A.A.Everett. Henry V. Ber~es. ` D.B.Robinaon. ~/ A.E.Kure. e Albert L. S-imon. T.J.Morriss. C.B.Kornegay. .~, The meet g then adjourried. ' ~ " !:7'//!~ ~l.s~~ . . , _ . ~lerk. ~ ~ PFilming~on, N: ~'C., g~3~nuary 28th, 1936. ~ ' The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 3s00 o'clock P.~d. +~ . , Present; Addison Hewlett Chairman; Ueo.W.Traek; Jas:1Jl.Eia11,H.R.Gardner and R.B.Roebuck. ~. ~, The minutes of ineeting of February 21st, 1938, were read and.approved as.recoxded. .z r ; . Upon motion of ~6r. Roebuck, seconded by I~4r. Trask, the request for a reduction of assessment ~_ ' on the pxoperty of the heirs of S.H.Penny,'block ~211 was,•upon reqnest of ~Gr. W.A.Penny, ,/~~x re-referred to the Comraittee for furtner innestigation and vrith povrer 'to 3ct. y Upon motion of ~6r. 'lraek, seconded by l8r, Roebuck, Idr.H.D.Futrell a disabled World ti7ar ~% . „" ~~~1~2Veteraa, residing at T9inter Park, Harnett township,~s'~ranted "'k'ree License" to peddle^ v~} razor blades, shoe laces and flavoring extracts in this County as provided by law in such - cases. Mr. Gardner rrot,.vo'ting. , John Williams, a colored indigent citizen, residing at #1205 North 8th; Street, receiving,~` ~,, '~ •~ aid from Associated Cha.rities, and having euffered of a nenereal diseaae, aas,upon motion, ~-.C4~~ga.~nted admission to the County Home at such time a negative test.can be ahown. iYi ' Upon motion of I~Sr. l'rask~ seconded by Tdr. Hall~ the Board approved the purchase oS one pair. ~~of shoes for Iielen Morris, indigent, at an,approximate cbst of ~2.00 as recovunended by the v ~~ y S Superintendent of Pub11c,:Welfare.' ~ w Upon motio;, of ldr. Hall, seconded by I~r. Roebuck, the Supt., of Public YJelfare 4~&g granted ~_ ~ transportation expenae for taY.ing Avant Butler and tVillie Jackson to Iu~orrison Training ,~/ ~,~5~~-School and Della T~ae Walker to r.fYarid Induatrial Schooi, and authorized the pUrcha.se of .' - clothing at an approximate cost of ~8.:00. ~ ~• Upon motion of 2~r. '1'raek, seconded by 2~r. Gardner, the Cowrt Hovse Comc~ittee was given ~ authority to purchase material to make necessary changea in the basement xoomuformerly ,~/ ~~~~~cupied by the Aasociated•Charitiea and adjoining xoom, for the Board of Health'Clinic " ~;r^r~ quarters, and to make such changes and additione to the plumbing necessary,'on competitive bids. ' Upon motion of 2,Rr. 'i'rask, seconded by r~r. Hfsll, the Board authorized t2ie installation ~' ~' l~(~om~of an additional hot water tank in the County Home furnace room, on bida to be secured, ,~' to furnish sufficient'hot rvater for bathing purposes for the inmat~s. The mat'terao~ ~ ' instailing" sh6wers' in~ afldition~ to-the bath' tubs for the inmates, was upon motion of ~; . Mr. Gardner, seconded by Mr. Hall~ referred to the County Home Committee to prepare a ~ . sketch of the proposed change and ask for bids. ' A petition bearing the names of 31 persons re9uestin~ the aid of the County Commi3sionexs ~to , ~~~• make the dirt road be~ii7ning at McCabes' store on the Carolina -each road at ~caffinet Hi?3: . , ~,~,~~aand goas weat to Mr. Anthony Stervarts' house, a throughfare suitable for~ the. uses and needs ~~'"'~ P,' of the community, was upon motion of bir. Gaz'dner, seconded by I~dr.~ Hall, ref~rred to a comr,~ittee f or investigation.in connection with the entrance of the•new road at Sunset park,. _ ,, -- ; ' , , . , R .. . ,~ ~';, ~ ~ I~~''~ - ' r;' . ~ ~i y{v~ L~^[~, 1 'SJ V`~, . ~ u, l1 / ~d~V .~[eet%ng of February 28th, 1938, continued. " . , A re4uest of C.D:Hogue, Eaq.~ for an abaterient oi~ the 1.920 taxes charged against lot #10~" ,y block ~45~ Carolina Beacki in the name of E.B.Register, on the grounds of improper charge'~, -~fi1T~ agains"t Register and therefore overlooked on examination of' title, was referred.to the - ~ County Attorney for investigation and report back to the Board at its next meeCing.~ t ~~,The Board acting upon the recottrmendation of the investigating committee and upon motion / ~~n~` of ;~Yr. Hall, seconded by 7ar. Tx'ask, autkiorized the payment of $100.00 to Walden L. "~ • ~ ~.` Baker account of damage to his automobile by County truck' July 14th~ 1937. A request to settle the back taxes due on the property of H.Z.Cobb, block #241 on the ~~ /~G~ 3~ basie was declined.. ' ~ Upon motion o£ A4r. Gardner, seconded by 2~r. Trask, a request o~' the Salvation qrmy /~ ~_~/ that the County furnish approximately 24 tons rock ~ to assist'.them in;l~.ying;.-._r ' ~-.~°T cement floor in the basement ofit.s home near Front and Ann Streeta, to provide quarters ~/ for stranded country folk, was refesred to the Chairman and County ~ttorney with power to act. ~ Upon motion of I~r.~ Hall, seconded by Fdr. Gardner, ,Mra. Idary J. Windley of Harnett • totivnehip, was granted an abatement of taxe~ on a valuation of ~160.00 on a 1935 model o, ~G~ , Plymouth automobile listed Sn error as~'a 1936 model,for 1;he ~year 1937~ and Mrs. Ha'ttie ~` -~ L Stanley an abatement of taxes on a valuation of ~I50.00 household and Kitckien ' ' furniture 1_isted in error f or the year 1937. '.~ ' " `,~A~ getition bearing .the nauies of ~20 property, owners of New Hanover County, petitioning ~ this Body to give all possible aid in havin~ 23rd~ Street from Niarket Street to Princess ~~~ Street improved with a suitable surface ~,.,tx was upon motion of~Mr. Gardner, , . seconded by EGr. Hall, referred to a cormiittee for investigation and recommendations, and • if approved to refer the same to the State Highway and Public `Noi~ks Commiasion for its eonsvderation. ~ ~ ' ~~~, Upon motion of Mr. Hall~ seconded by 2dr. Roe'buek, ~Corine Jackson, an aged colored / eitizen, was xeleased from payment of penalty for not listing property'in block ~ ~ ~494 for tne year 1937~ . ' F .~1"~ Upon motion, duly seconded, County hills Nos.2565 to 2669 tiyere approved for payrment./,. ~...,. y , ~ - { C~2'k. _ / ~~~ '~ Wilraington~ N. C., March 7th, 1938. The re~ular weekly meeting of the Board was held at 3s00 o'clock P.M. The mee ng then ad~ot4rned. G~;'`JGi 7<~ ~. ~/ Presents Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.~'.Trask~ Jas.M.F~ll~ H.R.Gardnar and R. B. Roebuck. ~ ' ~, The~minutes of ineetin~ of February 28th, were read and approved as recorded. ' ~ • Upon motion of Wr. Gardner~ seconded by Pdr. Trask, the Tax'Collectox wa$ instructed to refund ~35.61 back taxes paid by H.C.Iriason on 40"acres of land in the name of ~, Oacar.S~nith, Federal Point township, for the year 1926, upon payment of the 1926 ' taxee on that part of the land he bou~;ht from Oscar Smith June 3xd, 1926,,~8.6 acres ~/ ~~ ~7.15 plus cost, interest atiated, on account~of purchase having taken place during listing time and having inadvertently paid the taxes on the whole tract. . ~ A requeat of Mias Mary I.ou Leonard for aome relief on tlie 1926 tax due on lot ~3, ~ ' /~p~~ block #1, Carolina Beach, purchased during listing time and having no knowledge of ~ / the taxes due~ was upon motion received f or investigation. , • Official notiee was received from the State Board of Asses~ment advieing the withdrawal of appeal of the Texas Company in the matter of tax valuation on their .t~ ~~~~~ property in block #205. Hoivever the Board gave authori$y to make furtner investigatfoh of the assesament upon receipt of additional information concerning the coat of building, tanks etc. ~ ' . ;, . . /~ _~i . ~'""~\~ °' ~. " , ,,-. -x•- `.~-; .. i _. Y~ _ , . . ~, , 1 ~~UpO~ motion of Mr. Iiall, seconded by 2~r. Roebuck~ Pdr. Addison Hewleft, the Chairman, ~+. was named County Tax 5upervisor for the year 1938. / Upon motion of Mr. Roebuck, seconded by Mr. Hall, Messrs B. F. ILing and R.M.Houston,;, -' x x were appointed Tax Assessors for the year 1938. G 1 ~ Upon motion of 1YTr. Iia.ll, seconded by ~ bir. Traek, B~essra W.F.Carpent er~E.H.DavisJand~ ~ ~ ~,~r W.N.IIarriss- were appointed Tax Listers for VPilmington township for the year 1938. ` ~~ Upon motion of 2~s. Hall, seconded by &fr. 'i'rask, the following vrere appointed TaxJ t~ Listera for the Country townships for the ye~r 1938s. . ~/ ~' ~',~ (%ape Fear To~vnship Mrs. G~orge W. L911kins ~ Federal Point " Stephen T. Keyes.~ Harnett ° ~ ~l Mrs. Janet E. High: ~ F~rnett " #2 ,george T. Shepard~ ' ~ Masonboro " 1drs. Leila 1~. Iiorne,~ A claim of' W.N.Harrias, former Clerk of Superior Court~ for $8.75 Clerks Coat due J ~ him in the case of Grace W.'Lertz vs Hughes Brothers et al, doc3:et #24~Case #5456,.~ ~ e while on fee basis, was referred to the County Auditor and County' Attorney for _ . investigation and with power to act. ~ ~. . r ~ , ~ ,:. ,•.i -, ~ _=. ~~~ •, 3deeting of aLarch 7th~ 1938, continued. ~ ` Upon motion of Tiddr. Trask, secanded by ~Gr. Roebuck, authority was given to cancel • `_ the mortgage f'or the purchase ,price of the ferryboat '~Menantic" sold to George :` , ,~,; G. Dodge of Elizabeth City in 1933,for the reason the saic~ ferryboat has long ~,~ ~ been abandohed on the mud flate at Elizabeth City and later sold under libel, \ , ! and being of no falue, the ~oard ordered the mortgage cancelled to clear it off the recorde as requested' by I~n'r. S.F.Highsmith,Deputy Collector of Cixstoms. . r _ . • A request of Roger I~oore, Agent for T~iary B. and Nancy 1Yallace, to pay the street /----- ` assessment due on lot #79 Br.ookwood on the 3~ interest basis, which expired , ~~ ~\Ct~ January lst, 1938, was, based on former action of the~Board, declined. ~ "' Upon motior. of Mr. Trask, seconded by ?~2r. Roebuck~ the purchase of shoes for ~ 1 .~ Fannie Riggs, colored County charge, and•Edith Brovrn, county char$e at Teachers ~.~r~ining School at Elizabeth City, was authorized upon recormnendation of the ~'~ Supt, of County 4Yelfare. ~ A communication was received from the Exchange Club corrimendin6 the:s Body for. ~~ - ~~ its•active interest in securing the construction of the river road. ~~P~ The usual reports of bGrs. Edna p~, Cant~vell, WPA Sewing Room Supervisor, anci Miss~ Flora 3~Iiller, Fiecreational Project Supervisor, were received and filed. -. ~'~-~ ' ~A communieation was received from the County Auditor~advising the amount of ~• ~1-~depoeit in each bank as of February 28th, 1938, together avith a memorandiun of ..~~~~~~`'~securities held in each case. - --. ' Requests for adjustment of the accumulated back taxes on the property of Mrs. ~~~ F. Sewell block #~291 and Mrs. Helen Dodd block ~86 were referred to the Committee . ~ / with power to.act. • A request of the Board of Education that the eum of ~11,300.00 be placed to the, ~. -~~3~~ credit of the school fund to take care of expendituree for the montg of Pdarch, was upon motion of P~r. 'i'rask, seconded by_2dr. Hall~ approved. Upon motion of ldr~ Gardner, seconded by 2~r. Aall, authority was ~iven to have ' representatives from the County attend the meetings of the Tax Supervisors' '', `~~ Association`at Raleigh ~arch 17th and l8th, to discuss assessments and taxation,~ -! . ~`- and also a meeting oY the twenty-seden control counties at Tarboro, VJednesday ~';'r. . x~darch.l6th, to perfect an otganization to protect the counties intere st before ..'.r the coming Legislature, all membere voting affirmatively except Mr. Trask who ~ } expressed his opposition to apendin~ tax payers money in any effort for or against "~- ~ ' whiskey that would tend to influence the legislature~ and therefore voted no as .~`~~` to attendance upon the meeting of the twenty-seven control counties. A re9uest of representatzves of the'Garden Club that the County use ite convict ,/ ~ ~~~ , labor and clean the ~oad~approaches to the City, was re£er.red to the County ~~ - ~ Attorney for~opinion. , '~'~ Upon motion of 32r. ~Aall, seconded by hir. Gardner, ~rs. Geo.O.Gaylord~Jr., wae / ~_ ~ ~`•' /'"~C,y~ granted an abatement of ~1.00 tax on male dog charged in error for the year 1937. „`~.' • ,~.,G A request of Vir.A.McGorvan, to purchase lot #3, block #2, Hanover Gardens, re-conveyed. ~ ; ~~~ ~;Y~`~ to the County by x3r. J.W.H.Futchs, was received for investigation. . ' ,~The County Auditoxs'cash report for the month of February was received an~ ordered„~ , .~~~' filed. ' ~ ~~ ~~ Upon motion of tYtr. Gardner. seconded by BSr. Roebuck, County bille Nos. 2670 toq~ • ~ •:` ~j~~ 2792 were approved for payme~it. ' ' The mee~t~~.ng then adjourned. ~ ~ ~ ! ~~liJ Jc'.Y",~~ ~ w~ . . , ~~ Clerk. Wilmfngton, IQ.C., I~arch 14th, 1938. ~ The regular weekly meeting of the Board aras ~d at 3;00 o`clock P.N[. • , Presentt Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.W.Trask, H.R.C.ardner and R.B.Roebuck. / ~~ ~ The minutes of ineeting of 1Sqarch.7th, 1938, were read and approved as recorded. - ~ FFith reference to the legal procedure in requesting road improv~ments, the County /'~ Attorney ruleds ' ` / +' ~~ lat, Tnat on petition of 25 c~itizena,it is the*•duty of the Board of Commissioners - L- ~:.,' ~j cJ~~~~~"to make an ineestigation of the road improvementa requested, ar~l. if found to be . ` ~` a worthy project to approve the same and.pass it on to the State Highv~ay & Public ~orke Commiseion for its co~ideration, or ` . ~ 2nd, That the County Commissioners may, upon petition of any number of citizens, recommending a project for road improvement or of its otivn volition~ reco~end any projeet they deem worthy. The Sta~Ce Highway Commission having final authority in , : either event. Mr. Gardner being of the opinion that the'Commias.ionere should take ' cognizance.only of such petitions bear~ng the sigriatureA of at leagt 25 citizens, offered_a motion to secure the AttoTney~~ Generals'ruling on the matter~ hia motion ' failed to r~aeave a second. ' ' ' ,. , . . . , . ' The Board acting..upon~~~.x~viling of the County Attorney and upon motion of Mr.Roebuck~ ~ ` lC~~ seconded by t~dr•. ~a"'sky~iabated ~20.90, 1932 taxes charged agairist property in the ~ ./ ~~ name of S.D.Bryant, bloclc #13-City acquired'by the State of No~rth Carolina April ~~~ •. 27th, 1932, and ~1Z'.02- 1934 taxes charged a~ainst property in the name of Jno.T. ~. Capps~l2 acres Harnett township, acquired by the State t~arch 31st,1934, for the rea8on the said property was taken over by the State of North Carolina prior to July lst of the above respective years and not subject to tar,atfon for the year in which it was aequired as'held in the case of State vs Fiber Company Co, 204 NC 295. ~ / a . / _~ !aJ iN ~ Meeting oP I~arch 14th~ 1938 continued. A re9ueat of ~r. R.C.Cantwell~ tnat tne County sell his client a portion of Apple. Street in Hanover.Uardens, was upon motion of Mr. Roebuck, seconded by Mr. 'Prask~ "~ ~ referred to the County Attorney who ruled that the ~and included in a atreet was e ~ ~ -~ `- dedicated to the.u5e•of all the~property owners in that subdivision and could not ~ be sold or closed without the unanimous concent of' all sucri property ov~ners. The matter'of selling that ,;parcel of land i'rbm Apple Street to the County itome liranch - waa taken under considexation.~ The question of ~iaposing of County owned propert~at a private sale was then brou~ht , v up for discussion and it.was the County Attorney's opinion~that it would be`i~ettAt~to ,p ~~~ advertiae such property f'or sale to secure the best ~iTdce~ however he thought it would ~ /~ be legal to sell at a private sele, altkiough he has Deen unable to find a decision on tMat matter, pertaining to coun~ies:ys ~ . \ . ~ The Board being informed by tne Tnird Dia Grict ~ngineers of'fiae of the State Hi~hway Commission, that the Tide ~+ater Powar Company has agreed to take up their- tracks South.of Lur.iina at Wrightsville Beach and let the State use its right-pf-way as a ~~ street, it wae, therefore~ upon motion oi' idr. Roebuck, seconded by ~ar. '1'rask~ , ' -~ unanimously carried; that the State Highway~and Public Worka Commission be and it is hereby requested that tHe street S~rom the end of the present pavement ov.er to,Lumina Avenue and south on Lumina Avenue to the last cottage on Wrightavfile Beach be added to the State Highway System. ~~~ Upon motion of Mr. f#oebuck, seconded by ~dr. Tra~k~ Mr. H.I..Diaon of Wilmington , v ` ~ townehip~was exempt from payment of poll taxea on account of poverty and infirmatjn.~~ , ~ ~ ~ir. C. J. Wilson of East_',~ilmington ha`ving appeared,to establish hie claim of losa ~~ ~ lnT f ~ Sr.~a~c of two goats and heifer destroyed by dogs, the matter wa,s , upon motion o ] e~~ ~ G~~ ~y„~ jjseconded by h~r.Roebuck~ referred to a committee to secure comp~ rative prices. and - _ l~"° ~ t b k t h B rd t b t t i ~ h repor ac o t e oa a a su sequen mee ng. ~,~- A claim of I.W.Goley, 104,Delgado, for the losa of 14 Chickens dastroyed by dogs ,,~ P~arch 9th, .waa upori motion r6ferred to a committee for inveati~ation. ' l -~~ Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by'IaIr. Gardner, Lydia Price;physically disabled , colored citizen having been investigated and recotnmended by the Supt.,of Public Welfare, ~ ~ C~~was admitted to the County Home as an inmate. Upon motion of I~dr~ Roebuck~ seconded by Mr. Gardner, the Coromittee was given authority " a. ~~+~ to investigate an error of the Tax Aesesaors in charging Miss Pearl Ray with house on,{ ~` half of.lot #~1, block ~63 Carolina Beach that should have been charged against I~ca. ~ Wilhelmena Richter for the year 1937, and witn power to make the correction. Upon motion, duly seconded, a requeat of ;~r. H.~.~ilder for a reduetion of the "'~ : asaesament on property in block # 204, with the view of ad,~usting the accumulated back ~' ~~ ta.xes on same, was referred to the Coc~mittee with power to act. ~' Upon motion of Mr. Roebuck, seconded by ~dr. Gardner~ blesars A.M.B~cgoy and T.C.Ellers, ~~~(~ clerks in the County Auditors' Office, were gicen authority to take/the tax lists of ~'°~ , persons, who in emergenciee~ present themselves at irie office for that aervice. A request of Mr. LowenateTn to be permitted to pay approximately ~300.00 on account of V ~~~,, back taxes on the 3~ basis was upon motion of NIr. Gardner, seconded by Mr. Roebuck, ~~,r declined Yor the rea$on~that order expired January lst~ 1938. A report of Asaociated~~Charitiea and Ladies Rest Room for the month of February were ~' ~ ~ received and ordered filed. ~ ~_ ~ ~ ' . . A request of W.I,.Farmer,Es9•, to pay the taxes on the property of E~tate of Joseph ~ Rezze, block #77 without being required to pay its portion of the personal property •1/ ~'~~~ tax, was declined~ However authority was given to accept the 1937 taxea on the same D. pl'u4 i-te pro rata part of the personal property tax based on relative values. , ~' A communieation was received from I~iir. Peter B. Ruffin, Chairctan of the Wilmington Port Commission expresaing willingness that his commission appear in meeting with /~ the Countg,asid~:CitycCommissioners, if desired~ at any time~ to discusa ~,te'.activitie ;~hereupon the Board set Monday Evening 2darch 21st~ at B;Oq o~clock as the date for a m~etin~ ~d and~-ti~e'~ Chairman~~and :~Mr~: Gard~er"we're ~requestect. to~ make°at~y fU~~theP rie~cessary arrangements for holding the meeting. - Upon motion of ~Hr.'Gardner, seconded by Mr. Roebuck~ the ma,tter of providing lights~ ' /~~J and wiring at the Legion Field ~stables at a cost of approximately, ~150.00 was ~' ~ referred to the Chairman to secure tiida and v~~ith poeer to act. Petitiona requesting this Board+s approval for improvemente td'~a road ~onn~cting Highway ~ #'76 with Third Street at ~tinter~Park Gardens via South Sth, Street and Lake Avenue to ~ ~~> r,Greenfield Drive, and also VJilliams Street in East V~ilmington,and 23rd~ Street from =~as'~'rdarket Street to Princees Street, were a11 referred to the Committee £or investigation ~ ard report to the Board at a eubsequent meeting. The foliowing good and lawful men vrere drawn to serve as ~urora in the Superior Court ' ~$v~for the trial of criminal cases week beginnin Idarch 21st~ 1938s ~. -~ E.L.Rogers. Paul C. Hines. T.W. eith. K V7.Id.Bryan. G.D.McFa yden. C.J.Oldenbuttle. ~I R 1~lilliams. • . 'W.H.S~hew. L R FaulY . . .. Henry Kirkham. Roscoe E~oo e~',! ~ J,A.Carter~. ' M.I,.Brothere. G.C.Malpass. Lehman Sugg. G.T.Ste~nberger.G.Yl.Lee. J.F.Rouse~~ + J.A.Rouse. O.M.Gurganous .Loftin Rivenbark .S.W.Sebrell. J.B.P.ogers. J.F.Rochelle. . . F.M.Johnson. W.C.-owning. J.B.Sha~bton. Robert Barefoo t.tii~illie Hev+lett. p~~x~gen~on. • , J.W.Fales. H.E.Smith. L.A.Pichon. H.D.Baird. Robert Anderson. C.R.Branch. ~ H.R.Bogema J.D.Britt. J.IY.Carter. J.T."vYatts. R.L.Savage. E.B.Johnaon.~ Sandere L4alla.rd. R.J.Turner. Harry J. Holmes. ' , ,~ ,~rv~.~'Upon motion, duly seconded. County bills Nos. 2793 to 2813 were approved for paytnent.'v' , ~' ~.~v' y / _-~ ~ _~ ` ` ~ ' ~ ~. ~ ~ - ~~~ , . /-~ - ~ . . ~ `" , Meeting of May 9tri, 1938, continued. ~° ~ . •` ~1,,, Opon motion of I~6r. Trask, seconded by Tfir. Roebuck, authority v'ras given to use the '~ 1) county.trucks for hauling clay and surfacing the base ball diamond at ti7inter Park ~/ °,;, ,~ on the land loaned by Idr. Hugh TdacRae for its recreational program. • upon motion of T~rtr. Hall~ aeconded by Bnr: l~oebuck, the reco~endation of the Sheriff _ to employ an officer to patrol wilmington, Kure and Fort Fisher beachea, vras adopted, .:r and the Sheriff was authorized to appoint an officer and deputize him to perform '. ~"rJ -'~'~tha,t service, at a salary of not exceeding ~25.00 per week and ~40.00 auto a1lo~vance .,,,.. ~ per morith, for period from June lst, 1938 through Labor Day September 5th, 1938. ~ ry!. Upon motion of Mr. ~ask, seconded by J4r. Hall, the payment of not exceeding ~20.00 ~-- ` per vreek for the aervices of a deputy sheriff at Carolina ana Wrightevilla.beachea ~ : ~'~,,,/for period from June lst~ 1938, through Labor Day, September 5th, 1938, the same aa -~D°"~ last year, was authorized. ~~, ~~Q.Q~Upon motion, County bills Nos. 3050 to 3517 were approved for payment. ~ ~ ~-~.- • , Upon motion~ duly seconded, N.Pat.elos was granted an'abatement of taxes on a vaiuation ~ ~Q~~of ~980.00 goods-wares ~,nd merchandise listed for the year 1937, ~vnich was previously • ~ listed by D. Patelos. .; . . The meeting then adjourned. i. ~J ,,A . , .. . ~ t/%'Jv~ 7l.J5~ ~ ~~ , , .. ~~lerk. .. Q0ilmington,Yd.C., Tday 16th~ 1938. .. ~ ~ ~ . ~ The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held at 3s00 o'clock P.~. " ~ presenta Addison Hewlet~ Chairma.n~ Geo.W.Traek, Jae.~i.Hall~ and R.B.Roebuck. _ .. . ~~ . ~ i,. ,- ~; The minutes of ineeting of ~ay 9th~ 1938, were read and approved as recorded. ~ ` ~.~ I,~ The Chairman announced that Mr. Gardner waa injured, but not aeriously, f'rom a fall ~ ~,, ~„hQ~i'rom his engine at Fayetteville, attd for that reason is unable to attend this meeting. Upon motion of BBr. Roebuck, seconded by t~,r. Ha11, the 13egister of Deeds vras authorized/ ~ y~ pproximate cost of $66.00 thus ~~, ~ to have 16 of his record index books,repairecl at an a xtending the use of .the books for several years. .. . Upon motion of Mr. Roebuck, seconded by Mr. Traek, the Board ~n~~hpxized~t'he-purchese of ~ ~~J~s ~~ ~n,,,,~.,~,f~r~.~.,,w~rx~x~...~~.,~.x~ 20 Benjamih Alzak Alimminum long '~ r range floodli'ghts for Legion ~'~~~,d•floodlighting-system. _ , , -., ' The following items of back taxea, presented by.the Tax Col].ector, were upon re~o~mendation '.,. ~ S7nk o~ the County Attorney, and upon motion° of P~r. Hall, seconded by P~r. Roebuck, ordered,: •~~K cancelled for the reasone showns 1 '. .• /~Gape Fear Township: J.A.Cox,3 acres Castle Hayne, 1921,~8.76. 1922,~4.73, original acrea~e ~ , divided and sold to various interests, survey shows 3.acres ~hoxt. • ' ~ ~-- .~ape..Fear "' ` David Jones, 97-~- acres Oakley,1925, ~32.65.1926,~32.65, Divided and ~ , ' sold to various interests~ survey shovrs 8 acres s~ort,doubtful , • cha.rge. " ,,.~- Niasonboro " L~B.Brice, 13 acres,1922, $8.70, 1923,~9.40,1924 $9.40,1926,$9.47rp ,•~ ~. ~ ~~ 1927, ~9.47 ~Coastal Fairs)~OvJned by County. ~ ~: . ; , . . . ` ~..- 1~a.sonboro '~ Hrs.Z.J.Carter', block ~26, Lots 7/8 Swaner Hill, 1925,~4.40~1927~~11~15~ ~ • ~ 1928, ~10.95, Owned by tne City o~ VPilmington. . ~,,i Fec2eral Point ~• Abram Smith, 3 acres Pt.McMillan, 1921, ~2.36= 1922, 2.32, 3 acres °~. ahort according to survey. " ,- houae on ' ' ~ ~~- Harnett " G.C.Baggett,/Schl.oss Land Wrightsville Beach, 1925, ~9.25 Burned.~~%' ~.~ ~ ~ Harnett •" N.~.Benton, Houee,Harbor Island, 1925, ~11.45, Houae torn down. /~i~ ~ Harnett " Annie B. Graham, lot ~10t, ~ercer Place, owned by Lady Knight of King_{` ~ e°"~ David, ~F121-1923, ~13.21, 1924~~13.25; Charitable ' ' " ~ organization. ' / ~' ~ Wilmington " ~ Block ~94,Pt EP& 1-2- 1922,y~31.45 City Tax, Government property." ~ ~~' `~ ~ Wilmington ° ~ Block ~180,Pt E 3,1928~'~32.75 County Tax, owned by City of ~Tilmington..~f `i ~,. V~ilmington " Block ~239, 1921, ~42.50; 1922, 32.30;.owned by First Baptist Church ~ ~e- . • colored. '~- i~u,,~ P7ilmingtori " Block #195, 1921~ ~94.50- 1922, ~27A.A0 Cnun.ty tax~1922,~190.00 City~ ~ ~.~ • ~ taac, owned py ~~~le~eridexit Order of J.R.& J.V., . ~ Fraternal Organization. ` ~. ~ Upon motion of 2yir. Roebuck; seconded by Pdr. Trask,,,a requeat of Mr.H.H.Jeter that the '' --' ~ Coastal Fair Incorporated be'granted privilege to hold an agricultural fair in this ti~ '~~ ~-~'~ County at Legion' Field and Stadiwn, • for peri~od from~September 20th, to 0ctober. 5th,1938, ,, tax free, as~.provided by law, was granted.' ~ ~' ' Upon motion of Wr. Tra"sk; secondefl by ?dr: Fiall, the Boasd unanimously a~reed to allow • / tivo case tivorkers in"the welfar8 llepartment,attend a three months Social Security trainin€; ii ~-j'7~ourse at Chapel Hill each year; on ~ull pa.y, until all the case workers have completed ~ . ' • the tx+ainin~ course, which is required by the State «elfaf~e'Departahent.' It being' understood that their.~mbrk will be lcept up by the other employe~s during their ab"sence. ~ ' t; . . „: . 5~4 . . ) Meeting of May l6th~ 193Ei~ continued. , ~ Upon motion oY l~dr. Roebuck, seconded "by ~Ir. 'rrask~ Joe ]3usn'and Sam ~'lashington ot`•J Harnett and Wilmingt.on townsnips respectively, were granted a ref und of 1937 po11 Ly ~~~ taxes collected by garnisYUnent, ior tne reasori tne~ were coni'ined in 3tates prison during listing time. ~ ~ ' _ Upon motion of' Nr. Roebuck, seconded by Idr. Hall, the Comrnissioners voted to cooperate with the Official`s of' Wrightsyille Beach by loanin~ them the four trucks need on County WpA projects for hauling clay f'or widening and aurfacing atreets to,Y' ~ U~} provide additional parkirig space on the Southern Exteneion of lVri~htgville Beach, i7~ ~ and further agreed to pay cost of gasoline_and~.oil.andifour drivers at:4U~G.per hour For~approximately three days. Cona~deration to be given other parking needs at the , Southern beacnes as soon as practical. , ~, ,, . . ';~ .' . ',` The following app~ications for license to sell beer at the locations.shown,having (~been approved.by the Sheriff, were upon motion of Mr. Hall~ seconded by ~4r. Hoebuck;~ ,~!~~ approved by the ~3oard= / Robert 2. Dsvis, Carolina Beach Road.J Thoma.s J. Huese'y, East Wilmin$ton.~ J Delma A. MeGo~ran, Carolina Beach Road.~ Annie P~cKoy, Seabreeze./ y~ i ~ Lula 'A. Etussell, Seabreeze.l Eliaha H. Yopp, Wrightsville BeachaRoad,Winter Pk~ '* The Board acting on-the recommendation of the County Auditor, and upon motion of • ,(~~'~ Mr. Roebuck, seconded by P~r. Hall, cancelled an iten of y~4.24 back taxea in the name of•G. ~ 3 E.J.Vr:Andree+e,charged against the property of Glad~ry and Ruth Barnes, 3eagate, Aarnett~ ', to~mship,;for. trie years 1920,1923 and 1924, account of' being a doubtful charge.. Upon motion of ~Br. 1'rask,. seconded by I$r. Hall~ the Lounty attorney was 3nstructed to prepare a deed aonveying a part of the County Farm land-;logated on State highyay #40 / ~[ North of trie State highway shop building, 100 X 225 feet in size, to W.H.Blake for the' ~l~~ar„Q.% "sum of ~1,000.00 as agreed and authorized at meeting of Pebruary 4th, 1935, and an ' ~~,i4~' accumulation of charges amounting to $228.65 for materials he has'furnished the County Home and Farm, irom time to time, from ldarch l9th, 1935 to P~arch 28th, 1938, was approced for payment, same to apply as a credit toward the purchase of the said 1and. ~, Upon motion of Iutr. 'irask, seconded by.Mr~ Roebuck, B~r. F.E.Randolph was granted an ~ ~ abatement of taxes on a valuation of ~500.00 for the years 1930 to 1932 inclusiqe, and, ~i~~' $450.00 for yeara 193~ to 1935 inc.,on house formerly located on lot ~ 8~ block #48, ~ Carolina Beach, burned in 1929. , i ~ , . ', i _ ~'.;~. No ob,jections were indicated by the Board on petition of Floyd W. Cox, before the ,~/ ' ~~ United 5tates D~~strict:;Engineer, for a permit to construct a Qier 890 feet long in the,. '~ _~j Atlantic Ocean about 160 feet South of Zumina, Wrightsville Beach. . _..~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~~ / Upon motion of 2,4r. Trask, seconded by 2dr. Roebuck~ P,tr.H.I,.Dosher of 4Tilmington tovmship;,/ was granted an abatement on one charge of poll taxes for the year 1937, accouht of - V listing twice for the same year. ~ ~~`~ '~~~ The matter of providing windo~v awnings for the Clerk of Court and Register of Deeds~ ~ '/--~'~~ vaults•, vuas upon motion referred to the Court House Committee with podver to act. ~ ~-~ ~ •~~A claim of Idr. Hargrove Bellamy f'or the lose of twelve chickens killed py a stray dog -,~~~, "~,,, May 3rd and 4th, 1938, was upon motion of ISr. Hall~ seconded by ivir. Roebuck, approved ~ ~ ~ ~ pr~'"' for payment out of the school dog tax fund, CJ 0.75~ ea~h after satisfactory investigation by the Board. ' ~ A request of Mrs. Anni:e Kerr for an adjustment of' back taxes due on her property in . bloc'rt #159 for the jrears 1921 to 1937 incluaive, with the view of compromising the same~, ~, Gy?~ was upon motion of I~4r. Roebuck, seconded by Mr. Trask~ refexred to the Committee with ,~j ,,', - por~er to act. . Upon motion of Mr. Roebuck~ seconded by L~r. Trask, the payment of ~698.1? to hLr. John-~ I~ ^~ ~~..~ ~Niggelfor lighting units and globes for Legion Field as per hia bid of IvSay 9th~ was "`~ / approved.` - Upori motion of I;~r. Roebizck, seconded by P~r, Tra~k, pete Patelos who paid 1927 taxes on .~ property in bloclc #278, April 18th, 1938 on the 6~ per annum l~sis, and on P~ay 18th, 1938 ~,-(" ~~ paid 1928 taxes on the same property on the 6~ flat interest basis, vras allowed a credit ~ ~ on the payment of the 1327 taxes ~ the 6% flat rate basis to enable him to ~et the benefit of the reduced interest rate adopted by the Board I~ay 2nd, 1938, xuch credit to apply r~' on the payment of taxes due on said property for other years. ., ~•~ ~ Upon motion, duly seconded,~Ca~nty bi1ls~Nos. 3518 to 3555 were approved Pox payment.J ~' • 1'`' j ; : _ The following good and lav~ful men were drav,n to eerve as jurors in the Superior Court for 1 ./~4,a~x~the trial of civil cases,two weeks ~term be~inning May 30th, 1938s ~,'~ ~_..._' .. .. M.W.Bell, H.L.Cumminge.R.O.F~ay. G.S.Hopkins. I~.Kawrencec r~f.T.F7.anagan::,Geo.W.Keels. ~ L.S.Solomon. Charlie Burkett. L.E.Hagooa. H.G.Hubbard. J.W.Branch. E.M.CleetbrooY.. N.R.Skipper. Joseph Rhodes. tiVm.Pd.V7illiams. J.C.Reaves. J.S.Caison. R.P.Cooper.Pl.L.4Varren. A.C.Ormsby.E.C.Zdill~nor. G.T.Burkheimer. I~artin Brunjes. T.L.LIault~by. B.E.Hollis. A.B.Smith.Fv.O.I~avis.S.G.Hemby. J.O.Burriss. Second viceek: L+;.C.Tdlillican. J.T.t~1i11s.C.l~.Rankin.C.'~.Boyett. A.B.Hamilton.S.F.G~rrison. R.B.Strickland.J.A.Gurganous. J.D.Hovrell.L.D.Parker.H.R.Gano.A.B.McYZair. V~.P.Bryan. E.F.Bennett. G.E:Russ. F.I,.Mintz. H.L.O'2dei11. Jno.L.l7arner.J.G.Kuhlken~Jr.J.M.Farrow. D.L.I2obson. B.W.Jacobs.J.J.I~ohn. Vlm.Hartsfield.H. T.Warren.P.B.Saffo. J.I,.Murray.V.R.King. I.C.Shepard. Jno.J.Furlong,Jr. The meeting t~en adjourned. _ (=~~lSK~' ., !~i Clerk. ' v ~-_ -.`.~-_ ' ~ Upon motion of tdr. Hall, seconded by Iuir. '1'rask, the Board agreed to compromise the back. )„,~f taxes due ori the East part of lot #6, block #3,City_charged againat the heire o£ ~ .•_ MartYia A. Gaylord foi the years 1922 to 1937 inclusive, and authorized acceptance of ~` '`~ ~325.00 in full settlement thereoi', and further released the said land from the operation of the judgment lien for back taxes, ~udgment docket ~2024, book #21~ and inatructions vrere given to make trie proper g~rder on the said jud~gment~record. Upon motion of Mr. Roebuck, aeconded by Mr. '1'rask, Mr. D.L.Coleman was granted an abatement of poll taxes for Wilmington tor+nshi~p only, for the year 1937~ for the•reason that he was,~ ,w;. a resident of Harnett township and listed in ~Ailmington through error. ~ ;~ ~• . ~~~ ~. ~ r „ ` l'~ , ~~~ ~~ ~ ; J ,. ~h .. ~ ~ ti ., '' . . ~ `, . ~ ,S+ ~ r ~: ,• , i - - _ Wilmitt~ton,N.C., May,23rd, 19~8. , - The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held at 3t00 o~clock PrE&. ; Presentis Addison Hewlett Chairman~ Geo.iTi.Trask, Jas.M.Hall and H.R.Gardner. r--~ The minutes of ineeting of ~iay 16th,1938, were read and approYed ae recorded. ~^~, Upon motion of Mr. Hall, aeconded by B~r. Gardner the following distribution UZ of taxea due on the J.E.Bordeaux land,Ca.pe Fear townehip, prepared by the ~- Count Auditor, was adopted and settlement on the.basis shovrn, was approceds +. V Acres Name • Value ~T933 `. 1934'"': 1935 ,'193U 1937 Total 1.35 F.M.Pxidgen Y25.00 .95 - ..87. .SI .94:~ --_- ~ 3.56 50 F.&l.Pridge:n 300,00 2.25 ,:: , 2.Y0 ]:.95 2.25 '" 2.25 10.81 17 D.B08t 1~OOOe00 7~50 7~00 6~50 7~50 --~- 28~50 37.6 R.F.Hobbs 225.~C1 1.69 1.58 1.46 ---- ---- 4.73 G~''~ 3 ~R.F.Robbins 60.00 .45 .42 .39 .45 ---- 1.71 ' 3 ~.Robbins ~'~-1 =60.00 .45 . .42 .39 .45 -_-- 1.71 , 50 J.E.Bordeaux 300.00 2.25 _2.10 1.95 2.25 ' 2.25 10.80 " Pereonal '" .`^ 1.54 2.07 1.85 2.67 6.34 24.47 - " Po1L Tax 2.50 ,2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 ,. 12.50 Difference 1,130.00 8.47 7.91 7.35 8.47 ---- 32.20 ~ , . 161.95 Total 3,20o.00 28.04 , 26.97 25.~5 27.48 13.34 120.98 To t~,l Land ' ." I Personal . 205.00 295.00 285.00 355.00 845.00 A reque~t of Aaxon Goldberg, Eaq „ for a reduction of asaeasraent on the Orton Hotel ~ ~\~ building, owned by Aaron t~brama, block ~177, v~a.s upot~ motion of Mr. Trask, seconded • by }~[r. Hall, referred to the Tax Aasessors•to check the aseesament and compare same _ with other buildings~ and report to the Board. Complaint was made to this Board by J.B.Parker~i~.B.Rlander,Sr., Nfx.and Idrs. u~.B. I ~ Klander,Jr., of Winter Park, that Elisha H.Xopp is operating his beer bueinesa at ,~ f ~FDb ocation known as Garolina Filling Station, at Winter Park, in an unlawful and disorderly manner, the Board therefore,.upon motion of B6r.Gardner, seconded by Mr.Hall, i citod•1~IIr.'. Yopp to appear before t~ais Body at 3t00 0' clock P.Ne., Tuesday I~ay 33dt,1938, to ehow cause why his beer license should not be revoked. Action on the application for license to sell beer at Reynolds,place at the intersection of the ~eagate-Masonboro Loop roads, submitted by Mr. P.L.bawson, vras deferred until •~ ' / n~xt meeting,af:tgL the S'heriff informed the Board that A2r. Da.wson ~vould not cooperate ~ vrith the Officers, by giving the names of offet~derE, when called t~ his place to rest.ore' '~'arder. I~r. Dawaon was requested to be present at the~next meeting='and assure:the.~Board that he would cooperate rrith Sheriffs deputies ~hen''Called on such occasions. A motion offered by 2uYr. Gardner to approve his application in view of having met ~^every requirement to entitle him to license, did not receive a second. Upon motion of ~6r. I3a11, seconded by Bdr. Trask, the Board on request of the Sheriff, (~ , ;~c-() authorized payment of expense to send officers to Charlotte and Concord to make investigation ~Tj~"~and arreet of partiea located there ~vhoe atole outboard r~otors from F.Porter I~aYis at the ~ Rocks Tuly 27th, 1937,and for is~uing vrorthlesa checks in the city about the same time. ~/ An application for license to sell beer at location on the premises oP F~.C.Blake, near the ~ ./`~~-Airport, submitted by Mrs. E.H.Hall, was upon notion of ~r. Hall, seconded by Mr. Gardner~ approved. , Upon motion of N[r. Gardner, seconded by ]~r. Trask, the following budget estiulates submitted by the ti~elfare I2epartment for the year 1938-1939, were upon motion of T~Lr. Ga.rdner, :~ ~s~"'9'econded by Ivir. Trask~ approved and forwarded to the State Board o~' Allotment and pppeal ~ • for its considerations ' . , .. ' Countv State ,_ - ~_.__.. _. Old Age Aesistanc~e .............................. ~ 126,000.00 • 1/4 of umount to be raised by County,........... .~ 31,500.00 , Aid to kepentent Children ....................... 50,400.00 1/3 oP amount to be raiaed by County ,.......... 16,800.00 ~- Administration .................................. 21,294.00 I Total ........................ ~pz76~400.00 ~p69.594.00 ~106,806:OO:t' Upon motion of 2~r. irask, seconded by 2dr. ~A,rdn~r, the Supt., of Public Welfare was `~.~authorized to provide transportation for returning infant Teari Arthur Pate, county subject, ~'~om the Salvation Army,Home at Durham,N.C., to V~ilmington to be placed in a home.here ~ l~ ' aecured by the 'vVelfare Officer. , . Upon motion of ~ir. Gardner, seconded by T~r. Hall, authority was ~iven to have a telephone / / G,~.~ iristalled, on the most .economical basis, in the room adjoinin~ the Hec9rders Court;-fo~ ~ - the uae of the Court,as recommended in the Grand Jury report, DQay Term 1938. ~ Upon motion of IaTx. Trask, seconded by Mr. Hall, Mr.Joseph A.,Bro~ln, Wilmington township, , ~}( was granted an abetement of taxes on a valuation of ~200.00 Household f urniture listed in ~' error for the year 1937. . i _.~ ~ ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ w ~ 5~f~ Meeting of ldfay 23rd, 1938, continued. The 1936 pa3rment of.taxes'made by 7~rs. J.D.Edvrards,er~c_r~~r~+g~~xx~c~hx~~ra~mt I ~,r~~ inadPertently credited to taxee-due on property o~vned by J.U.Edwards, et al, block ~/. V~ #177~ was upon motion of PaIr. Gardner, seconded by 1~r. Trask, ordered transferred and `~ t o a p p l y o n t h e. p a y m e n t o f• t a x e s d u e o n• h e r ho m e, b lo c k ~ 3 1, l o t a 15 a n d p t. 1 6~ C aro line :.'.~_ Place ae was firat intended. . • Upon motio:n of Idr. Trask, seconded by I~dr, Gardner, an item of $6.00, 1922 taxes charged ~$ against lota.2 and 8, block ~29, Summer. Hill, in the name of.Annie M. Horne; • r~` ~~{! was ordered cancelled for the xeason that the eame was listed and taxes paid for said .'.. year in the name of F.,F.I,eRay. ~, ,\ . Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by D3r. Gardner, Mr.John F. Ausley was granted.an ' ~°~~ ab5tement of taxes on a valuation of ~315.00 household and:leitchen~ftirniture, radio~.v . 4 az~d;~electric refrigerator listed above its value for the year 1937. A~~x~equest of North ~arolina Colonial•I3ames of America~ ti~at:its property recently ~// '~ ~~ purcha.aed in block ~153, ~ formerly the vYi~gins.property, oncupied~•by:L'o~d Corn~villis'/ ~ . ~~ in colonial revolution days) be placed on the non_t~able lis`t, was upon motion, • referred to 'the County ~lttorney for opinion. ~ Upon moti0n of Mr.. Hall, seconded by•Mr. Gardner, back taxea due on the WM lot-#5, ~'. ,p block ~350; in the Mame of Mra.Minna•I. Reill~,•for the years 1933 to 193l7~ inclusive lf '• ~a~ was ordered cancelled for the reason S~~x#P~i4x~cl9iHYX that the said property is used •'t: „' exclusively for religious purpo.ses and is tax free, tk~e trustees of T~ount;~Vernon Church ' havin~ executed an agreement tp purchase the said property in~193'2~;and has eince erected a church building on the lot. • • ~ UPon motion of Jdr. Gardner,, seconded by 2~r. Hall, 2~s. Isabel R. Bailey v~as granted a n O~ refund of taxes amounting to ~13.05 paid-on lots ~16 and 17, Hanby Beach, for the yeare,.~ 1935,1936 and 1937,•charged in error, tha same having been sold to Benj.F.Ramsaur June , 2nd, 1934, and' propeily oharged'to. him. =~=--r.~. `_ ~ ~` ~~ Upon motion of Mr. Gardner, seconded by Mr. Hall, d.B.Marshburn was released from ,~ .•. /~r payment of penalty for not listing property in block ~101 for the year 1937, he was ~6/~~ residing in Lumberton at listing time. . ' , • ~ Upon motion,the not listed penalty charged against A.4~.Powe11, block #~29, lote 2,3 and 4rj ~' ~~'~ Carolina Place, taken over by W.D.Jones, was released for the year 1937.. l~ - • Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by i~r. Hall, TYr.A.~.MclCoy vras granted a credit of ' .~52.55 in full settlement of taxes paid on excess acreage valuation on.81.1 acres of ` land, "Cape Fear River", 1~asonboxo township, listed~and assessed as 100 acres and taxes,, . ~~ ~~~ ~ paid on same since 1925. Survey showe 19"~acres,short. The said credit to apply on and in settlement of ~52.55 taxes due on same for the year 1924 in the name of Henry and Mary ~ Waddell, and present assessment to be reduced accordin~ly. ": • Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by ~ir. Trask, the Board c~ncelled the taxes cha,rged ~~-. `/ ~/ ~ against 4 acres of land, Smith Creek, Cape Fear township, charged in the name of ~ v '~(' D.E:Causey Brothero for yearrt 1918, ~19.30; 1919 ~16.50, for having failed to file claim~ ~~+~~'-" with the 1Referee in Ba.nkruptcy, against Smith Cree~ State and L~.mmber Company.Ba,nkrupt • who later acqufred the property and bankruptcy closed~~ the property now owned by Corbett - . Package Company, and their~~requeSt for adjustment of the assessment on property bought ' from the Valorine Oil Company ~vas~referred to the Committee with power to act. ~ A request for ad,justment of assesament and back taxes for years 1929 to 1937 on the ,1~, •~. property of Mrs. Martha A. Tind~l; block #323 was referred to the Comm~ttee vrith poNer to ~ :~ ~ act. ~ ~ . ` ~?~~ ~A report of 3as.Walker Hospital for April was received•and ordered filed.~ . '~ , Upon motion of Mr. 1'rask, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Board on advice of the County Attorn~~ ' voted to compromise the accumulation of back taxes amounting to ~1,187.46 for the„years. ~~• 1922 to J.937 on the .dilapidated property of the Heira of Julia Hooper, block #187, L~~}d. '.. accept•~~80O:OQ^~in.§e~~tlementnthereof on an assess~ent reduction basis. ~ ' Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by I~dr. Hall, the Board decided to use atandard 1500 ~,• watt globes throughout in ligting Legion Field, instead of 2000 watt globes, and therefore, - ~~~ upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by BQr. Hall~ rejected the bid of Graybar Electric~Co.,~.... / ; of N[ay 7th~ to £urnish 20 #5996 Ben,jamin Alzak Aluminum long range reflectors (a3 ~19.20 ~ each, and gave instructions to ask for bida`on 40 ~5996 Benjamin A12ak Aluminum lmng range ., reflectors. i.:~i: : d • ~ - ~ • ~ ~ A report~of the Grand Jury, ~ay term 1938, was•received and ordered filed~ r ~._ --~ ~~ Upon motion of DSr., Gardner, seconded by DGr. Trask, the County 8ttorney was instructed to~~ , ~~ start action•to collent the.ruamounts due on the sale of Hanover Garden~lotscor have the ~~, ~ same re-conveyed to the county. ~ A petition bearing the namea of 17 citizens and property owners requesting improvements :~ - to the state road running through I~Hasonboro Bluffs, was upon motion of Mr. Hall, eeconded'- ~~/`" by BGr: Trask, =approved and the State Highrvay Commies:ion wae,requeated to make the ~~ neces~ary ~~paira...and,.improvements as early as practical. ~~ Upon motion of E~Ir. Gardner, the Board again, voted to request the State Highway Commission to provide a roadway about 600?yards itt length, connecting the•old and new Holly Shelter ,.~ /~~~~ roads near island Creek to shorten the distance of travel and be of great convenience to the 'citizens living- in that cormnunity. •:~ ` The meetin~ then ad~ourned. .. !'i'/'JGl 7l. S'~1~7~7i-C~ • ~ /j Clerk. ~ ~` ~, ,.~• ~. • ~ilmington,N.C., ~ay 31st, 1938. ' ~ T_ . • i, , ',, ' .. \ ~1 : "-~ The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held,at.3:00 o'clock P.IuT. ~ Present: Addison Hewlett, Chairman, Geo.NJ.Trask, Jas.Dt.Hall, H.R.Gardreer and . ~ R.B.itoebuck. , ~ " The minutea of ineeting of Iday.23rd,'•,;were read and approved as recorded. , t ` On complaint made to this Board iu~ay 23rd, 1938~ that E.H.Yopp ~aS operatin~ his ' ) beer business at ~4inter Park in`an unlawful and disorderly manner, iaa was cited /.~,~,qr to appear to show cause why his beer license should noL be Tevok~d,Aaron.Goldbe~'g. ~)7`~ Es9•. representin~ Mr. Yopp, announced that Mr. Yo~p and riie~witness~es were pre~ent • and ready to be heard. Il~ayor T.E:Cooper and ~~l.Louis Fisher, City,Commissioners, were present and Iyir. Cooper insieted that the hearing on the beer license revocation matter yield to his request for an immediate joint meeting of the two Boarde to pass on the matter of appointing an interracial board of' trustees consisting of six white members and three colored members for Community Hospital,.colored, as ~was suggested by~~lPA in connection with the Government gx'an~• L6r. Gardner stated that • in viee+ of I~Hr.Yopp having been cited to appear and has appeared with his witneeses, and feeling that their time was of sufficient importance to proceed with the hearing without further~delay, rather than yielding their time to a meeting of regularly ~ paid officials, m ved.that the Board proceed with the hearing. Hie motion did not ~ receive a seco A motion was then offered by P~r. lrask,:seconded•.by N[r. Roebuck, ~ to con~~:.~ ~.~ ~oint session with the~City Commisaioners, and ~t was carried. Ti6r. Cooper then read a cor.~unic~.tion and request from the Co~nunity Hospital along the lines above etated and moved the appointment of the followin~ on the board of tr~-steea;~ his motion was'seconded by T,4r. Trask and carrieds W.D.Mct;aig, Chairman, Bishop Thomas C.; Darst. ~ Geo.B.Elliott. ~ • • B.B.Cameron. , ~.-- Geo.H.Hutaff. v E~nett H. Bellamy. ~ ~ ~ ~ Dr.P~.N.Leary, color~d. Rev.1~l.H.Moore, ` " Rev.Herbert B. Shav~," '~---I,f~~y A tentative hospmtal staff consisting of . ~ ` i y ~ ~ Dr.A.H.Coddington. Dr.Pl.Houston Moore. , ~ , • . .Dr.Erneat S. Bulluck. and . Dr.F.4V.Avant, colored. Dr.Foeter Burnett, " '-- was upon motiont oftMr.±Cooper;aeeco3~ded by IuLr. Roebuck, appointed. ( 2dr. Gardner feeling that the seleetion:: of the trustees was pre-arranged and he was therefore denied the priviiege to gf~ve it consideration, voted No. ' .~ ~~ and asked to be recorded-as not voting in the appointment of the tenative staff. ~ Upon motion oP ~dr. Fiaher, seconded by Mr. Roebuck, the period for settlement f of baak taxes due on property for years 1921 to 1928 inc.,on the 6f flat interist ~t~ ~~~ rate baais, on which suits are to be brought for collection, aras continued to ~ July lst, inc., " Upon motion of DLr. Cooper, the joint meeting then adjourned.,. ~ ' s ~ r The Count;~ Com~issioners then resumed the hearing of the t~een-:iicense'-r-=•~•.- ~ j ,, ~revocation matter. ` - ~ ~ _ w After hearing twelve or more witneases presented by idr.Goldberg on behalf of / . / his client~ including those living immediately adjacent to the l5eer business, / ~ ' i V the Board did not find sufficient evidence to show that the place was being ~~ ,~~_ `- ~l~p,Q/operated in an unlawful or disorderly manner, and the matter was, up'on motion of ' ~~s". Mr. Gardner, seconded by ~r. Hall, dismissed and Iufr. Yopp was allov+ed to retain his beer license. . / i ` ~Gr. P:L.Dawson ~'appeared.a~{4> at the request of th~ Board, and assured~the Coaxnissioreers / that he would'cooperate f ully with the officers, at any time, whe.n called upon to ~ ~ `his application ` maintain order at his place s~tould the occasion arise, therefore ~ for license to sell beer at location at the intersection of the BGaeonboro-Seagate ~,, ~ ' roads, was upon motion of Idr. F~11, seconded by 1~ir. Roebuck, approved. ,. A petition bearin~ the names of 17 property otivners and residente living at or near ~ the Burton sub-division on route ~`40, Cape Fear township; petitioning the State ,x v •. ~'j"; Highway Cormnission to improve a road thirty feet wide, running v~estwardly from - ~ /(,/ hiahway 40 through Burton sub-division, was izpon motion of Mr.Gardner, seconded by , Mr. Hall, received for investigation. ' . ' ~ .Messrs. F.G.Bleeker, K.Yl.Price and.R.G.Lytton, repreaenting the Sunset Park CiYic ~ ,group, appeared and asked that an effort be made to control the speed of automobiles ~ ~ pasaing the Sunset Park school on route 40.and the installation of a stop sign at the entrance of Northern Bouleverd. Upon motion of PaIr.. Trask, secmnded by ` ~ J.' Tdr.Hall, the requeat was approved and referred to the.State Highway and Public 'd7orks Commission with request that the matter be given consideration and proper safety device inatalled. A"blinker" wae suggested. ' Upon motion of Mr. Gardner, seconded by Mr. 'jraek, the 1937 poll taxes collected ~ `- ,/ by garnishment from J.H.I~rtajor,colored, a resident of South Carolina~ was ordered ~/, vt X ~ abated. ' . ~ 4' . . . a . ~ '~ . ~.9~V . ~/ Nieeting oi' I~ay 31st, 1938, continued. ~ ; Upon motion of ~ir. Roebuck, seconded by ~r. Trask, the Board ordered street ~`' ~. ~ paving assessment charged agains$ lot #236 on ffietts Av~enue,Brookvoood ~- ~ ~~ cancelled for the reason that the chaxge appears for street paving on Borden Avenue . _ ~ and thereYore not clearly shown as a charge on lot 236 located on I~etts Aventze, ~ccording to the records of street paving assesemente for Brook~vood. •• , Upon motion of IaIr. Roebuck, seconded by P~3r. Trask, Hugh McKins,and Eiattie ~oxgan,~n ~/ ~,. ~{4/ we~e on recommendation of the of the Superinter~dent_of Public ~'~elfare, admitted to ~, , _~,~~^" the County Home as inmates.~,. . • /u . UPon motion.of ~r. Trask~ seconded by 1~r. Roebuck,the Superintendent of Publi¢ , ;r.. - ~~' pPelfare was authori~ed to take the two children of Mra.Drascher froc~ Clarenton~N.C.~,~ • ,_.,_ to i{inston fi,nd return, for mental examination. , ~ . . ' ~~~/ IIpon motion the Supt, of Public '~velfare was granted transportation expense for taking;~ G~ J" Graham Sykes,juvenile, to Stonewall Jackson Training School. .~ ^-~ . ~ Upon motion of Mr. Roebuck, seconded by lUIr. Trask, the Supt.,_of Public ~Yelfare was ,- • ~~ authorized to place Enez Holoman, county.charge, in a Boar,ding Home, subject to the "~ --, ,,~ approval of the State Board of Cha.rities and Public +Velfare. c Upon motion of ~r. Trask,.seconded by 1~r. Roebuck, an appropriation of_~1,500.00 , ~~ the amount necessary~to pay the County+s one fourth part of Aid to the B1ind under • ;/, f the Social Security Program, for 1938-1939 was approved. ¢ ~ ~U,c~ut~~A report of the Better Housing Oi'fice ~vas received from Wr. Tos.S.LeDBoyne,Manager J~ ',`~ ~ Rppli~ations for license to $ell beer at locations at East 1"lilmington,Seabreeze,~ndC ~~• ~ Carolina Beach road, submitted by Idtelvin Eubank, Frank Herri~ng and Chas.F.Ley+is ~" - ~~ respectively, were upon motion of ~dr. Roebuck, seconded by Nr. Gardner, approved. Upon motion of Mr. Trask~ seconded by~Mr. Gardner, Mr. Roger a2oore ~+as a2lowed the ~ • advantage of the 6~ flat lnterest rate to apply ~}}~~~fag~t, due payments on Street /~ ( ~,~ paving assessments due by the Ea~-of O.T.~a.llace ~at ~rookwood for any of the year4~ /~"~1921 to 1928 inclusive, and granted a re£und of interest paid in excess of that , amount for any of the years ment~poned. 0ther requests made for aettlement or ref und, ~ on the same basis, was granted. ~ r request of t~Gr. T.R.Orrell for use.of County b4PA trucks for hauling clay to provide '. '~.~ a parkin~ area at Fort Fisher Pier, was upon motion of Mr. Gardner, seconded by . . '-~' Mr. Tr,a'sk, granted for the free use of the public. The wo.rk to begin as soon as ,_, ~ praci~cable after the 'v7rightsville Bea,ch. pro,ject is comple~ted. ,. -~ , ~ . ~ - Y4i~thl-reference to the propoaed government survey of the Cape Fear River with the view' ~ , df asce~~aining the amount of water-borne tonnage between 1Pilmington and Fayetteville • ~~~~`* to determine the practicabillty of establishing a govermnent otivned barge ~.ine on said • river, 2dr. Gardner statecl that he is opposed to the passage of the present bill pendir~ in Congrese, HR 10464, nvithout a public hearing, anfl recognizing the danger of such . unfair and subsidized competition ( The Inland Waterways Corppration), offered the following reeolution which ~vas aeccnded by b,tr. ~rask, , on the grounda that the' Govermnent should not go in competition with the railxoads, which vras unanimously carried; °- : WEi~REAS, there has been,introduced in the Congress a bill (HE~ 10464) which would • authorize eatablishment of a government owned and operated barge line on tlie Ca.pe Fear'~, . river between 1Vilmington, N. C., and Fayetteville, N.C., and "Connecting Waterways" and.,,-. . WHEFZEAS, this bill ( as amended) was favorably reported to tha House Conmittee on inter--~b~ . sEate and Forei~n Commerce ~vithout a public hearing. ..~~`' BOt~f THEREFORE BE IT ~ • RESOI,VED that our Senators and Representatives in the Congresa, secure a public ~- '~'. hearing before the Senate and Houae Cormmi~tee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce on + ,~• HR 10464 before this bill is passed by the House, or ~ -, . Zf HR 10464 should be passed by the House during the present aession of Congresa,~. •:~ •f secure a public hearing before the Senate Cottm~ittee on Interatate Commerce before the ° bill is reported by that Co~ittee or passed by the Senate. Instructions were further given that a certify copy of the foregoing resolution .`'-~ ~ ~~ be f'urnished our Senatore and Representativea in Congress. ~-' ~, , ..~ Mr Gardner announced tha.t he has been inf'ormed that the burial of inmates who have ' _ ,~ ~~ died•at the County xome have taken place without a funer~l ceremony or christian burial,a `' ~ ~'~" and that arrangements be made with some minister to provide that service in the future~ '1,:.'~ his motion ~+as seconded by Idr. Roebuck and carried. Upon motlon o£ ffir. Fioe~uck~.seconded, byt~ltr. Hall, the County attorney was authorized ~ . ~~~~, and directed to prepar ~`~~deed o~ `t-rus`~ ~or the conveyance of the parcel of Count land located ad~acent to the State Highivay.shop on the Castle Hayne road, {Highway #40~, 100 X 225 feet in size, to Mr. 19.H.Blake,~on which aaid land he has erec~ed a buildin~), ~ y/ V~ at and for ti~e purchase pri.ce.of ~~, 00.00 to be paid for by applying ~p228.65, the amount due Mr. Blake iiy_tha~Gounty~r materials furnished~ the County Home~ and the ' balance in installments of ~200.00 per year from date hereof with intereat at•6~ per ~' ° annum fHrom February 4th, 1935,the date of authorization of sale; and the Chairman and tk~e. ' Clerk af this Board are hereby authorized and empowered to execute the same on behalf of, ~ the County. ~'' ~ v`~i((~,,`,jUpon motion of ~r. Gardner, County bills Nos. 3536 to 3732 were approved for payment.~ .. ~+ Ci Upon motion, duly seconded, the 1937 assessment of $1,035.00 on the property. of J' + ~~~ Mrs. Katie G. EBcKoy, block #47, which was reduced to ~850.00 for the year 1938, was made° ~. -•~~~ J retroactive and an abatement of' taxes on a valuation of ~185.00 for the year 1937, was granted. ~ . -- 7 `. The meeti~g then adjourned. ..', ~ q vi' ~ 7l.~~~~Qir - . . G~rk. . , . ~ YBilmington,~.C., June 6th, 1938. ~~~' ~, The regular weekly meeting of the Board rras held at 3t0o o'clock.P.~. Presents Addieon He~lett Chairman~ Geo.~.Trask, H.R.Crardner and R.B.Roebuck. ,•' ~~ The minutes of ineet~ng of N[ay 31st, 1938, were read and approved as recorded. ~ IIpon motion of ~r. Trask, the Chairman vaas authorized to have a survey made of the~ v ^~~~~^.,:;lot of land aold to ~. H. Blake in order to .secure a d~scription for the conveyance ""' j f the same . ~ `~• ~I~dr. G&rdner announced that the Rev. E.T.Hall~eck has offered his services to officia~< ••_ '`~ ~ the burial of any inmate that may die at the County Home. • ~ Upon motion of Mr• Gardner, seconded by ~r. Roebuck, an item of ~24:43 taxes appearin'g ~ '. ~`" on the back tax records in the name of Godfrey ~Pillis~ Jr.~ for the year 1875, vras ' ~ .~ I~+~ ordered cancelled as bemng a doubtful charge. ,. ' ,. . ~ • + <' It appearing on advice of Dudley Hunphrey, Es9•, that certain payments of taxes made by ~ Estate of H.C.Peters,. block #62, lot '7, Carolina Beach, had not been credited on the ~ back tax recorda, and suit for the collection thereof v~a.s institu~ed, which action ~,/ ~ ~~~~ would not .have been brought had the credita been shown, the suit was, therefore, ~~ ~; withdra~m and upon motion o£ Mr. Trask~ seconded-by Nir. Roebuck, an item of ~6,6Q due _ the ~'ilmington ~oat for advertising in connection therewith rvas approved for payment. 1 ~ Upon motion of b7r. Trask, seconded by I~r. Gardner, Dz.H.L.Keith was granted an abatement+~ . ~ ~ of taxes on a valuation of ~1,700.00 solvent credita charged in error for the year 1937,• ~,~~ •' ~/~1~ having failed to receive credit for $4,500..00 liabilities~claimed against ~1,700.00 • - listed.. • • r .`~C~ cor,ununication ~as received from the County Audi=or~ sho~ving the amount of deposit in ` ach bank as of May 1st~ 1938, together with a memorandwn of securities held in each case~ "' y~ 1~eporta were re"oe•id'ed fPom Mra. Edna Cantwell, Sewing Room Supervisor and l~rs. Flora ++~ :. ~~~ Miller, Recreational Supervisor, for the month oP May. ; ; ~ •. • `.~~ ,A request of the Board of ~ducation that.the sum of ~44,700.00 be placed to the-credit of~ .• ,n„1Yy~the achool fund to take care of expenditures for the month of June, v~ra.a upon motion. of ~--~' , ' -"'~"~~~~ Nir. Roebuck, seconded by ~r. Trask, approved. "' / Application for license to aell beer aulmiitted by J.E.Ellera and U.B.Spindle at locations , .,... ~. on highway 20 at Winter Park and int~rsection of Carolina Beach-~[asonboro Loop roads, Resp., ~, ~~having been approved by the Sh~eiiff, were upon motion of b4r. Gardner, seconded py NIr.Roebuck,~ ~~ granted. A~request of ~r. E.FI. YopP, to tranafer his beer license from location at Qarolina Filling Station, Winter Park to the intersection of the Carolina Beach-Masonboro Loop roads, - was granted. ~, A motion offered by ~JIr. 1'rask, to give the citizens at Winter:~Park o~portunity to express ~f .. . ,q themselves on the matter before~talcin~ action on the application for license to sell beer ~/"Jg~~-submitted by LSr. J.E.Sllere, did not receive a aecond. ~'~ Upon motion of Mr. Roebuck, seconded by ~Hr. Traslc,.hJir.J.E.&'~tche~lor was granted an abatemert~~ .~~ ~`~~X of taxes on a valuation of ~250.00 houhehold and kitchen:furniture listed above its true ' ~ value for the year 1937. '•- - The'matter of considering interest rate ad,justment on back taxes.due by Mr.John Briglit ~~ ! `"- 1n, k Hill and J.N.Byyant was p~stponed until after a,joint meeting with the City Commisaioners~. ~~, ' •.<!N'' to determine what further extension will be allowed on reduced interest rate on back taxes. '•_ ~~ and to confer with Pdr. Morse concerning any agreement he may have made with B2r.Hi11 as to _ payments. . ' „~ A request of the Board of Education that $~6,763.61 Federal allotment received form „ _ vocational education be added to its supplemental budget urider teachers~ ealaries, ,• ,~I instructional service, and the County Auditor and County Siperintendent be authorized ~b'""~"` .'~;~=-~/~"~add an additional amount of ~910.16 to the budget when received, making a total of ' $7,673.77 to.be added to the 1937-1938 budget, was upon motion of Mr. ~rask, eeconded by Il~r. Gardner, granted. • ~~~.. '.. A requeat of E.A.Flztrelle for an abatement of taxes on house and contents burned in Cape ~~~ ,~ '_;- -~~~ Fear to~nehip May 25th, 1938, was declined when the Board cras informed that the same was ,):. , f ully covered by insurance and burned after April lst, 1938. ~, :~! `~~~he following good and lawful men uvere drawn to serve as jurors in the Superior Court/ or the trial of Criminal cases for week beginning June 13th, 1938s . • E.B.Wright Fred E. I,ittle. Charlie Rogers. E.J.Damon. - R- W.M.Dickson. E.M.~eyland. W.L.Dunham. Joseph Wennet. ~' Billie C. Justice. Jae.$.Bing. Y1m.0.Edwards. Robert A. Jenkina. C.tN.Boyette Geo. Baker. E.L.BEiller. Ralph Furr. ~ C.R.Talley. L.B.Harrell. H.O.Landrum. Joeeph A. Padrick.. / Perry G. Harper. ~.S.v~fillis. F.R.Russ. E.P.Roudabush. ' • R.M.Kealer. Thos.F.Mitchell. V.Ftivenbark. V.T.Swinson. ' •' Rudolph H. Gieschen. Pd.A.Fonvielle. Jno.H.Niggel. C.H.I~Hills. , . _ T.A.Buxton. E.Boushee. C.E.Justice. E.P.Davis. W.B.Dowell. J.A.Davie. Lealie G. Gore. L.A.Long. B.B.Bryan. I.B.Rackley. H.E.O'Eeef. L.B.Finberg. ~ FJm. Ralph Smith. • T he meeting then ad,journed. • y:. ~J~ - C~f7~~ 9G.~~~ti~ ~ ' ~1erk. • ~y() __ A ~ V~Pilmington,N.C.,'June 13th, 1938. F The regular v~eekly~meeting of, the Board ~vas held at 3s00 P.M. Px.esenta Addison Hewlett, Chairman, Geo.~9.Trask, Jas.I~.E(all~ H.R.Gardner~ and R.B.Roebuck: , ' . ~ ~J~~ The minutes of ineeting of June 6th~ 1938, were read and approved as recorded. U Upon motion, instructions were given to secure bide from the local newspapers ^~~ £or City-County annual advertising, to be considered in the preparation of the Budget. , : .. ...., .,. .. _~.:- ~ „. .' ,. ; _ f'~ I~J A . . -, t. f ~ ' s ~ _ . S'~ .; . ,, . Upon motion of Nir.Roebuck, seconded by Nir. Gardner, instructions ~vere given to ~\~ secure bids from the local newspapers for the publication of tax suit notices, S~ G service by publication, in connection with the suita for the collection of back t~ ~ taxes. ' . ' , . ., ~ ; ~ ~~. . •~ A request for an abatement of taxes on house charged to John Neal in block #~537~ !~- ` !~~ ~ „ in error, purchased.August lst, 1919,. waa upon motion of Mr. Tra~k, seconded.by-~4f ~~ f ~- : ) , 34r. Gardner, received for invsstigation and report back to the Board. '_',< / , , . : - _ w. :` °s . ~ . Bffr. 14`xederick 6'Villetts a ppeared and urged the Conmmissioners to press his requeat ~~~~- . F••~ ~ ~~,~ I of Pdarch 21st, 1938, to surface Twenty-third street, through Chestnut Heights• A motion offered by Idr. Gardner to send a committee f7Eom the Board to ~'Phiteville ' e .Jr`' ' ?~-. ~ + ~- p'~ . and present his request to 3~r. A.F.Powell,Jr.., Third Diviaion High~vay CoTmnissioner,- :. . .. at. his next meeting, feeling tha.t Idr.. ~illetts request is justifiable; ~v8s s:ecoaded`"~ ~j ~ ' by 1uir. Hall and carried. Instructions were further given to contact Mr.T..T.Bet;~~, ;;,~> .. ,,: :- ' Third Division Engineer, concerning this matter durin~ the meantime. ' ~~'~~ " • ~ The County ALtorney reporting for LQr. ~I1~orse, stated that he had no agreement with ~ l '~ `~ «'.° ,~ ' ~ (,~ ~ V . ., Mr. John BriBht Hill to accept payments of back taxes on the 3~ flat rate basis or~ (, ; •- ~ ,, ~ his property, beyond the time designated by the .Commissioners. ,~ .t ;:. ~= ~ Upon motian of Mr.. Gardner~ seconded by I~r. Roebuck,, the Cwzn'ty Auditor is hereby ~~/~-^ a th d a d di 00 i t d t l 1 1 d f d ~' ~ ' r•' ~ ` ze u or n re,c e o cance $~ 3 ,0 .00 County bon s hereto } ~ r ore purchased an ±p- - ~ ,.. held by the Sinking fund~. .. ~. :' ~ ;` • ~ , t , ~ Upon motion of ~ir. Trask, second~d by Iar. Roebuck~ Mrs. EQary N. I~iller~,~vas upon , f~'~ ".. recomnendation of the Su take Elea t of Public 'Fl lfar auth ri ed t Smith r ~1 ~ , ^ ,:,. }, ~`,,~'4.. ~: ;: `` p, .., e o e~ z o nor . , , ; . ~ .,--- . , colored county cripple, to Goldsboro orthopedic clinic for examination. "•~ ~ V " " ~ , , t ' ' =+ ~,<i'~ Upon motion,of I~r. Roebuck, seconded by Puir. 'j'rask, Armond Idiller was on recoirimendation~1'~~' ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ o£ the Supt., of Public t,7elfare, granted admiasion to the County Home. ~' V•~ ;~ ~.; • # ' ,;.±~;• .• ~ ,l/ t Applications aubmitted~byN1[.B.Cavanaugh~1Namie•Hi$gins Mar aret MacRae Lawrence ~~ ~,~,' ~ g -~ J~ ~ E' a ~;' ~ ~.: ~ ~;# ~ p ~f'L/ , Jenkins and J.VO.~~dinnex for license to sell beer at locations, Qa.rolina Beach P.oad~', 41~+'. ''~ ;~~, ~,, ~ tation and Fort Fisher Pier, respectively, the same having ; ~I-{:' n l~ b ~; s~j / °' ~ ' bee at d and a investi g pproved by the Sheriff, were upon motion of ~Hr. Hall, ~~ , seconded by 1dr. Trask, approved. • ~ ~ ;;I~;!.~ ~ '~ ~ ;_ , ' ~ ~r: "...:. t, . ~,'.:;•.:. ~~~..7 A report of the, Ladies Rest Room for the month of May was received and ordered filed..:'.: - ~ t.',_ _?~~. F ... ~ ,R No object~ons e~ere indicated'by the Commissioners on the petition of Rogere & ~''~ J ~:.. ~ ~ ~ _ Reynolda, before the United States District Engineers , for a permit to cdnstruCt ~ + ~ "' . ---~~ ~ a fishing pier in the At1antic~Ocean 100 feet North of Salisbury Street, Wrightsv~~T~:e'~°~` ~`:~~ B •.~~ ~_~.. i ` each. , ..' ~ .. . s ~ U on motion of R'Ir. '1'rask~ seconded by ~uIr. Gardner, bills of expense for holding ,, ~j, ~-~imer Jun 4th a t 1938 ti t 3500 99 ? d f ~" ' +~• ~~ •~ - ~ ' ~~ Q, y , e , moun . , were approve ng o ~ or payment a~ presen d:. - . ~ ~ , Upon motion of Mr. Gardner, seconded by Mr. Hall, County bills Nos. 3733 to~ 3980 ~ ~ ''~ -'; y~,,,.~ Qs - ine., were approved for payment. ~~'' ~ ' , ~ ,~. ., , ~ ;~' City Cor:imi38ioners,T~,os.E.Cooper,Fllayor, and 'N.Louis Fisher and Jas.E.L.Vdade eing ~ .~i = ~~ ~ ' , ~', ~- ``' ~,~ ~~ , . preaent, a joint meetin~ was held to consi,der and take such action that may~greed, n ''~" ~• ~ ~'~ ' concerning interest rat~ on back taxes. . ~~ .; It appearin~ that J.N.Bryant ~+as negotiating for a loan to settle back taxes on his ,'~,, i~ ' property on the 3~ flat ra.te basis, but failed, due to some government order restr-. ~. / y /~~! aining hi.m from the use oY his £unds, which order has since been released, the Board ~.' therefore u on m ti n f I Hall e a b d d b ~ C d t ~ - , , p o o o ~ r. , s con y gree e r. ooper, o accept paymen ; - . • of back taxes due on his.property plus 3% flat interest, if paid within a rea8onable ~ ,~ ~ time afidefii[ed theidateaof not later than July lst, 1938~ as a reasonable time ~ . ,= ~ , , witnin ~vhich to make aettlement. . ~: , • , ; • ' „ Y • . . . . ' . P~ayor Cooper then offered.a resolution whicl~ was aeconded by ~r. Gardner and carriedy ,"' .. ,:. ', authorizing the Tax Collector to accept paymente of back taxea, for any years due, ~ ~ :~ " at.face value as ma a ~ y ppear on the back tax records, plus 6~ flat interest from !' , ~ ' y , date hereof to October lst, 1938, inclus~ve, after that date l~.per month to be ~. ~' i ~~ added until January lst, 1939 inc., In the,event suit.has been lirought againat any •• ,-~ :' ~"'. ' . tax payer for the collection of back taxes, sett~ement may be made on the same basis '~~ i aforesaid plus the court costs. , ~,~ ~ ~ r~` ,., . . . . ~. . „ . „: ;. ','" . 1 , A motion.previously made by.?:ir. Gardner to fix,the interest rate at 3q per annum . ~ ~,, _ ft p~Y'~ instead of 6,~ was t~ponm.~}is request, withdracvn. ~. . , fi,,~ ,,: . ~. ` ~ ; ' ' i:. ;i The mee ing then adjourned. , ' ", ;; s'`; :. ' ~~?~ . ~ ~ ~ /~ ~ 7t ~~~ / ' S ~ , - ~ .` l ? , , T/7 .G ! ~ j~rk. ' , . ~ ~ i ~~ . ~ .. ~. . .~~ ~, _ ,t ,f` .~ . . ~ ~ .y • ~ '- . s v~ .' Meeting of ~arch 14th, 1938, continued. ~ , Upon.mo.tion of 3dr. Trask, secorided by Mr. Gardner, the Board authorized and approved the settleme`nt of the back taxes due by Dr.E.Cooper Persor. amd.~ra. 5allie M. I}avis~ ,~ ~ on property at Pd'ilmin~ton Beach for the years 1927 to 1937 inclusive, upon payment of the balance due of ~2,240.62..on the follo~virig basis. of aseesementst ~ Block ~ 22 Lota Nos. 15 to 22 ~~25.00 each. ' u u'23 .a n 12 n 22 0 25.00 n ~i a 24 n o 12 ~~ 18 ~~ 25.00 n n n 2.5 u u 14 ", 22 " 25.00 ~~ . n ir 28 n rr 12 " 22 " 25.00 " ~ o- ,r 28 +~ " T2 ~! 22 " 25.00 " a m 29 ^ . "~ 12 ~+ 19 " 25.00 , " . tF a gp i~ m 3 m :21' ~ 25. 00 '~ - . ~ .n n 31 n ~ 1^' 22 " 25.00~ - n , 0 32' n n y, o. 22 " 25~00 '~ ~ . ~ o n 33 n n 1.~~ 9" 25.00 " ' n e 33 n u ~ y~ 14-15-17-'to 22 ~~25.OQ.eaeh.,> n n~~ t~ n 2 g~ S~~50.00 E~ch ' ~~ y 34 n ^ 4~6~7~8~9sT1~16~ & 18 ~;~25.00 each , . • ~~ ~~ 35 ~ • " 1 to 11 & 14 to 22 @ $25.00 each. " ~' 36 '~ " 1 to 8& 16 to 22 ~ 25.00 "• . The meet g then adjourned. ' //1 ~<.115.~y-.. u ~/ /,//Clerk. ~ , V v ~ilmington~N.C., March 21st, 1938. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was heia at 3t00 P.P~4. 5~.~ ~ ~~~ , Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman~ Geo.~'.Trask, Jas.Il~.1i~11,H.R2Gardner and R.B.Roebuck. ~.' ~ The minutes of ineeting of March 14th~ 1938, were read and approved as recorded. ' ~ '' ' Action on a requeet of M1es Minnie~Payne that County and Cit~r bear the expense, out,of ~ the Junior Traffic Officers Fund, for nine-Junior Traffic 7JEfiaers to be se3ected from /' ~~,~he various achools, to Washington, D.C., to participate in a prade there.May 7th, ~a''" was upon motion of 2~dr. Boebuck, aeconded by PIIr. Hall, deferred until the next ~egtz3ax '" , • meeting of the Board. ~ ~ : A resolution of the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Carolina Beach, presented by ~ayor R.C.Fergue and J.O.Hinton.of the Beach Town, together vrith a resolution prepared ~by Mr. John 0. ~arshall of the County Board of Education, urging this~8oard to endorae '~ theix petition to have the State Iiighway and Public Worka Comniaeion, iviprovecand-~add~ y- l/ .. ~o the~State Iiighway System, the roadway aervin~ the recently conetructed"school at ~ ~ Carolina Beach, ae Fourth'~Venue from Cape Fear Boulevard South, t~ S~partanburg Avenue ,_ and Spartanburg Avenue between Fourth Avenue and P1.C.Highway No.40,within the limits ~of,the Town of Carolina Beach, was received and upon motion of Mr. Trask~ seconded by • T,fir. I~ 11, unanimously adopted ard ordered forvrarded to the State Eii~hway Commission , ' ur~ing favorable consideration. ~~ The following petitions for road improvements having been investigated by a committee tj' from trie Board, were upon motion of Mr. Roebuck, aeconded by PJir. Trask, unanimoualy ' r,,,~`,~~~approved and referred to the 3tate Hi~h~vay Commission ~or~considerations f`~~ -. PBilliams Street, Eaet Wilmington- f'rom the BQarket Street Road t,o the Princess S'treet " ~•°~• • Fioad, thence Chestnut Street Extenaion from Kenwood Avenue to Klein " Street, $bout half mile in length. Sutmmer Hill- Fron McCabe's store on the Carolina Beach Road (State High~vay 40) thence o ~ W'est to Anthony Stewarts home. , Near Vdinter Park Gardens: On State Highway #20 at a point 680 feet eastwardly from Audubon Iibulevard, thence southFVardly on Eighth 3treet 1475 feet to .. Lake Avenue, thence eastwardly on I,ake Avenue 2200 feet to the east '° ~ end of Lake Avenue~ thence 400 feet to connect with Third 3treet of 49inter Park Gardens. TWENTY-THIRI] STR}sET from Market Street road to Pr3nceas Street roa.d. m ~' • A re9ueet of Mrs. 3ophia l,'owenstein to be permitted to pay off the accumulated back taxes on her property on the 3~ interest rate basis, for the reseon that negotiations qL~- /7G~jfor funda with which to pay the saidataxea ~vas'started prior to January lst, 1938, and ~ having ~reviously ma.de part payment on the same, on the 3~ basia and reguested an extension of time, was upon motion of hdr.Gardner, seconded by Mr. Hall, granted. A request of Mr. B.H.Bridgers that the Board fix the assessment, in order to clear the A / / ~ Upon motion oY i~.r. Trask~ seconded by Mr. Roebuck, the Board approved the tranafer of ~.. ~ \applications of Loula Allen Siegler and Lavenia Foy from the Aid to the Blind to Aid to °~/ s~ ~hr.Dependent Children Fund, account of lack of'"^funde in the State bud~et, subject to the • approval of the State authorities. IJpon motion of Pdr. Hall, seconded by iuir. Roebuck, the Board authorized the pa~CCment of •. ~ 5~~3.40 half rate transportation for Glenn, Boddie,Jesse and Jackie Blanchard;tndi~ents, p v !~ to Fayetteville, as recotmnended by"the County Welfare Oificer. Captain Russell Bellamy appeared and urged the remoeal of the County Home irmiates to • ,.. ~r quartera to be provided at l~ast a mile from the prison building, the establishment of ~ ~\,So'~a vill•age for proetitute women and diecourage the ~ployment of married women whoee huebands are employed. ~f ~ back taxes, on a small triangulas shape lot 78 7~ 110.3 feet in size, located on an 8,lley , _ ~,~Gy~ in block ~10 Carolina Heighta aold to Idr.H.A.Frey~ we,s upon motion of P,ir.Gardner~ referred to the Chairman with power to act. • ~a ~eeting of ~arch 21st, 1938, continued. Reque,sts for back tax adjustment•a on the property of Heirs of Thorn~y Davis block #308, ~,~~`~ ~iQrs.Nancy A. Elvington block ~11$ and D.E.Graham lot #286 Lakeside, were upon mo~tion .f of Mr. Roebuck, seconded by Mr. Trask~ referred to the Committee with poRer~to act. ~pon motion of Mr. F~11, eeconded by tJr. Roebuck, the County Auditor was authorized to ~~ exchange four N.C.State bonds~4~ Due 1/1/48 ~~110.64 and accrued interest~ with the ~~ ~`~ Interstate Securities Corporation for four New F~ nover County,School Bonda ?t~~,Due -' ~ 7/1/48 @ ~99.95 and accrued intereet. ' A report of Mr. J.S.LeMoyne, Chairman of the Better Housing Committee vcas received,/ . ~~ and, ordered £iled. : i ~ ~ A report of Jas.VPalker Hos,pital for the month of February wae received and ordered~/• .~ filed. . ~ A eommittee ffom the Board having investigated the claim of Walter Corbett for t.he ° loss of Chickens arxl Ducka destroyed by dogs January 1'6th, 1938, reco~mended the , ~ payment of ~14.25 out of the School dog tax fund for the loas of 17 chickens and 2 ducks.p 75¢ each, which was upon raotion of Mr.Trask, seconded by ~r. Roebuck. approved. A claim of I.UP.Goley, 304 Delgado, f or the loss of 13 chickens destroyed by_dogs ~~~,_,~~-~ffarch 9th~ 1938~ wae also investi~ated and payment at the rate of 75¢ each ~9.75 was approved. / Upon motion of Mr.Roebuck, seconded by 1~r. Gardner, a claim of Mr.C. J. Wilson for / the loss.of two goats and one heifer 8illed by dogs December 23rd, 1937~ v+as ~~ , approved for payment in the amount of ~10.00, allowing ~2.50 each for the goats ~ `U,q~~/ and $5.00 for the heifer. • 1,,,, - An annual report of.the activities of the ~Pilmington Port-Traffic Association wasr ,~~`/ received and filed. ~ A communic~tion received from the State Highway arxi Public V~orks Coeunission / R\ ~ concerning the County's claim for reimbursement for funds expended on roads Y' ~'~S~' prior to the tig~e they were taken over by the State, wa~ referxed to the County Attorney. , _ c Upon motion, duly seconded, county bills Nos. 2814 to 2875 arere approved for payment. ~,~~ - A recess was then taken unti~ 8s00 P.M., this day to meet with the t~ilmington Port ~S Counuission to receive their report and to discuss any mattere of interest that ma.y be~pres nted. ' ~ ~~~ -- , ~.~~ ~~SY~~v~y ~ ~ Cl erk. 1Pilmington,N.C., March 21st~ 1938 Pux u-g ant to recess taken this day, the Board met at 8;00 P.2~d., with the ~+Filmington•• Port Commission to receive its report and to discuss any mattera that may b,e of ~,~~(~... interest. . ' - .;i y . .. - r ' . '. :~: ' , f ,~ • . Presents Addison Hewlett Chairman, Jas.M.Hall, H.R.Gardner,R.B.Roebuck and County~ ~~, Attorney 1~arsden ~ellamy. ' " ', ~ ~embers of the Port`Comrnission p~esent; Pe~er B. Ruff~n Cha~rma.n, N.L.Foy, _ , B.B.Cameron, Alex Hoffman,C.D.Hogue,and General Port Solicitor J.T.Hiers. ~ ., i Mayor Thos.E.Cooper,°~Jas.E.L.Wade and iq.Louis Fisher of the City Commissioners ~ ~ and representatives of~the v~arious.shipping interests. After the Chairman stated the purpose of the meeting, C.D.Hogue ~sq., reviewed the , a~etivities of the Port Commission fr~ the time of its organization August 1935 to ~ . the present time. rA general diacussion of its effoxts ~nd achieveraents follotv~d together with the 9uestion of the adeq,uacy of the present terminala, which question • is to be determined by a aurvey to be made by the United States Government in connection with the Inland V{aterwayabarge bill. With reference to the construction 1 ~. ~~ of pubiic~te"rminaia;:?the'~County'Attorney~ad~Yisefl`that-acc3rding to a decision of ,y ~ ~-~ the supreme court, tne city was probibited from spehding funds to erect public •- terminals unless the same is first approved by a vote of the people.. , Amon~ those joining in the discussion were- T~dayor T.E.Cooper, J.1~.L.~ade,W.I,ouis Fisher, ~ Peter B. Fiuffin,S.B.Cameron,Alex Hoffman,N.L.Foy,H.R.Gardner and T.D.Love, and it was almost unanimously agreed h4r.T.D.Love being the only one present dissenting,~that ' there ie need of additiona terminal facilities iH the Port of Wilmington is to grow, ~ . as outlined by Adr. Hiers, that the Port Commission has performed a good service in ,~ securing shipments of new couw-~odities through this port, increasing the tont~gga and holding that which it had achieved during the period of less active shipping. ~• In recognition of whickl the members of the P~ilmington Port Commission were given a . • unanimous vote of confidence on motion offered by Mr. Hall, and a vote of thanks to ` -tneir general sol~citor t~dr.J.T.Hiers for his untiring efforts as offered by 2dayor ~ '~ ~. T.E.Coo r. after 4vhich the meeting ad,journed. ~-7~1t~ ~l. ~ ~ ~ . .. ~ • ' .._ . ~ _ ~ ~ ' Lv • , / . ` ~ _ ~~7 ~ ~ YFilmington~N.C., Nfarch 28th, 1938. ~, The regular e+eekly meeting of the ]3oard was held at 3:00 P.Ivi. , Present: Addison Hewlett c:hair~an~ Ueo.'~7.Trask, Jas.PQ.I~ 11,H.R.Gardner and R.B:Roebuck. The minutes of.regular meeting held P:arch 21st,193t3, and adjourned meeting wit,h the ,: /~~t-,'~^lilmington Fort Com~aiseion of the same date, were read and approved as recorded. ' Nir. Peter B. Ruffin Chairman of tne ~ililmin~ton Port Coranission was present and , .. requeeted that the Chairman or any member of this Board attend a committee hearing on the Inland Water ~lays bill at SVashington~D.C., April 5th, to extend.the provisions of said bill to the Cape l~'ear Biper between Wilmington and ~'ayettevilie, and if pasaed, l a survey v~ill be made to the end that a barge line may be astablished, if it is found ,., ~C that the tonnage will justify the same, which Rould mean a 10~ to 20qo reduction in / freight rates, as was pointed out. Therefqre, the :Chairman, ;upon~ moEion. o'f.'Ms;Trask," ~"~~ 'se~c:onded'^b~,Adi':~Hall; was~~riaraed to zepre~ent=~this-'Body at-the sa~d hea~r,isg;-expenaes~ ~ ' . t0-be•~cha~ged.:againet-~~he Wilmin~ton Port•-Commiss-ion-accpunt,-~6~c.- Gardner wvoting• ~ ~-~~, No- for the reason he i'ea`red the establishment of' a bar~e line on the upper Cape Fear. ` - river, effecting shipping, may conflict vrith the interest of the 'r,ailroad ~ompanie's: Upon,motion of Ns. Gardner. seconded by 2,Gr. Hall, the Board voted to accept the report submitted to the 1~Tilmington Port Conanission by ite General. Agent,LSr.T.T.Iiiers, July / 6th, 193'7, and the Cha.irman was directed to appoint a committee to go furthex' int,o the t;- , ~~imatter with the Port Commisaion tivith the.view of formulating plaxis to carry out the / recommendations suggested itt his report. i~Iessra. Hall, Gardnex•and Roebuck were riamed . , by the Chairman to serve on that-committee. __ .__ / - , ~' An offer of RFr. D.F.Wooten of Kinston,N.C., to pay $100.00 in settlement of $118:G9 ~ r ~~~ back taxea for the yeare 1932 to 193't due,on the property of the eatate of tV.D.Pugh~ ~ ~ ~1 Masonboro township~ was upon motion ot' Mr. Roebnck~ seconded by 5flr. '1'rask~ referred to r ~ the committee with po~ver to act. . . - ~ '; . _ Upon motion of ~5r. Trask, aeconded by ~r. Roebuek, the Board adopted the recommendation; ~/ ~~ ' f,^~~~o_ ~of the Supt., of Public GTelfare and granted Florida t~Jilliams,oolored, indi~ent -~- ~.~ ~-- ~j°1~eitizen, admission,-to the County Home as an inmate. , ' ~ • • ` An offer oP the Commiasion for the distribution of'Goverrnnent Goods, to furnish one ,• , mattresa complete for each elevexi yards of ticking contributed by the County, for ~ ' p,S,fc~distribution among relief ce.ees, was upon motion of Sas. Roebuck~ seconded bg~ Ddx~.Traak, V ~ '-~ / approved and referred to the Supt., of Puiolic Welfare who:;3ndicat~d about 55 matressea ` would be aecured. ' ~ No ob,jections were indicated by the Commissioners on the application of 13eynolde_and ('~ Rogers, before the U.S.Ilistrict EngLneer~ to conatruct a fiahing and recreational pier .-~. "- U't~ in the Atlantic Ocean opposite lot #7, north side of.Oceanic Avenue,47rightsville Beach. ~• A request of Miss: Valeria Williams, to abate the 1935 and 1936 taxes amounting to. ~18.96 on 30.45 acres of land,part of Arabella Gore, sold to T.O.~urray and listed ~ _~, I/ft in Cape Fear township foz said yeara and later tranaferred to Harnett township '. '~'~--and resold, and the tax office having advised only 1937 taxea due, was declined ~ as the same vras a regular charge. ' A report o£ the Supt., of the Bureau of ideritification for the month of February,.l .. . ~ 7 iaa.s received and orded filed. "~ _ The Board acting upon tkie recovunendation of the County Attorney and upon motiori of ~ Mr. Gardner, seconded by i~br. Hall, ordered an item o£ $8.01 1920 taxes charged against ~- lot 10, block 45 Carolina Beach, in the"name of E.B.Regiater, cancelled,, for the reason- ° G/ ~i f~x the said taxes were erroneously charged against Fiegister who did not o~rn the lot at that time, the same should have been charged in the name of B.F:Brittain and v~s therefore not discovered by the e~Caminin~; attorney. „ , ~ A communication vras recciYed from Idr. T.T.Betts,Diviaion Highway En~ineer , adviaing the probability of the allocation of State-Federal construction func~s to this divisiott after , July lst, 1938, and asked that the County Commieaioners reco~end on which road, on the~ Federal system~ they prefer this money spent. It ~e therefore, upon motion of Bbr.Roebuck ,, ,~ seconded by ~6r. Fiall, recommended by the Board, ~~that such funds tha.t may be allocated, be . ' ~ apent on~the widening,of the preaent Carolina Beach.road, aTl membera voting affirmatively ' ; i~~ ~ except Ns. Gardner, who requested to be recorded as not vbting, stating tha.t h'e:ciid not ~ otiject to th@: wid.enirig bf..thg Cardl.ina ~Beach,road;_ put_was xeluc~tant~. to take ,ar~y action v that w0uld in'any`wase jeopardize.~the~~p~og'ress or~com$le.'tio~i pf 'the;;river: road''to~ its~ , s.,•. • . final:^ob;jectiv~.. ,.., . . ~~I~ A report of the Grand Jury~ March Te.r~n 1938, was received, and the Clzairnan wa.s, upon ~ / .~ motion of Mr. Roebuck~ seconded by Mr. I3~11, authorized to arrange a joint meet3ng with~/ _ •. ~ the'City Commissioners to consider its recoffinendations concerning the collectioxi of back / /~}~ taxee~ etc. ' : • r " ~ A request of Mies Minnie Fayne that.the County use part of its Junior Traffic OSficers / . fund equally with the City of Wilmin~ton, to pay the expense of nine Junior~Traffic "" '~~~~,~Officers selected from the varioua sohools, to Pfashington,D.C., to participate in a'+~ l pasade there May 7th, same havin~ been approved by the County Attorney, was upon motion. ; of' Tfs. Roebuck~ seconded by idr. Trask~ granted~. A communication was received from Cape Fear Post #2573, Veterans of Foreign lFJars, expreasing/ ' their thanks f or the use 'of the Superior Court room for their meeting with'visiting ~ ~--'~~~ riotables March 21st, 1938. A communication was r~' ec~ rom the State High~~ray & Public ~JorY.s Commieeion~ advieing --~ ;____~G~ that the Old Beasley roa ^~sonboro township was added to the State ~itghwa;y aysteffi. ~" ' A request of ~r. P7.a.Penny for a further reduction of the 1937 asaessment on the propertyG~ , ~; ~Q ~ of the heirs of S.H.Penny, block #211, as reduced by the Committee from ~4050.00 to ~ ~3550.00, was declined. ' `- ~J(~~ Upon motion, county bills Nos. 2876 to 2998 were approved for payment. , ~ - ~~ The mej~ting then ad,journed.' ~ ~7l~~ 7l.~~~~~~, Clerk. • ' ,% ~i 5 ~ 6 ~ fi~ ~ ~ ~ Y , Wilmington,N.C.~ April 4 ,k~, 1938. - . , The regular weekly.meeting vuas,held at~3s00 P.Dft. • - "' ~ Preeents Addieon ?dewlett Chairman, Geo.W.Trask, Jas.M.Ha11,H.R.Gardner and ` ~ ` R.B.Roebuck. ,, . ~ ' -~ '~ ~ ' The Wrightsboro Home Demonstration-Club, was upon motion of I~r. Trask~ seconded ,n~,~ ~ by l~r. Hall~ granted.an appropriation of ~5.00 per month~ out of the Home ~°~ Demonstion Agents' appropri~tion, for the three remaining months to meet expenaes ~~•~~~ ,~`' for giving demonstrations in the varioua sections of the County as planned. "'~;. A re9ueat of Citizens of the Myrtle Grove Section, presented by Commiesioner I~ 11, ~~~~`1 ' to look into the feasibility of openin~ an inlet to th~ ocean opposite the inland. ~ ~~ ~ waterway in Myrtle Grove Sound at Snovr's Cut to aid the clam and fishing induatry ~ r~a~~~~in that section, was upon motion of IuIr. Gardner referrod to the Chair~an to confer ~:, with Statea Fisheries and United States Diatrict Engineers off.ice concerning that '. ' , matter. , ,. • A request of the Board of Education that the sum of ~11,300.00 be placed to the credit `~ '~:. ~a ~ of the sahool fund to take eare of•expenditures f or April, was upon motion of ~ `J I~ir. Trask, seconded by Mr. Hall, granted. ~- The jury list having been revised in accordance with law was upon motion of B~r. Hall ~~ •. ";, ~ J~ eeconded by Mr. Trask, ordered placed in the jury box. 4. It appearing that the Sheriff and his deputiea-have, from time to time~ been delayed ~ t~ ,-zn~•1;he use of their airtomobiles in emergency cases, by re~son of too cloae parkin~ of ~I other cara on the streets, the Board, therefore, upon motion of Mr. Hall~ seconded by iV ~.' *~ ~ _~` J~ ~Lr. Roebuck, authorized~the uheriff.to select and mark off parking s pace in the Court .. '~ House yard for the exclusive use Eor.himself and two.deputies to assure immediate use~ ~~~ of their cars at a11 t,imea. , Upon motion of Tur. Roebuck, seconded by 1dr. Trask,•the Board approved the pay0ient~of ~ {~ ~ ~2.30 charity rate transportation for porothy Lee Foster,indigent to Rocky Mount~ ~ - t i llU~~ the purchase of a pair of shoea each for Viola Riggs and Inez Ho3.lbnan and also cost :„ V~ of Yialf soling shoes for Inez Holloma.n, County charges. Q' _ • Upon motion of 3~Sr. Roebuck, seconded by Hfs. Hall, the Tax Assessors pa.y was Yixed at .s/ "~ ~ J Cj~( ~5.00 per day for services and ~6.00 per day for use of automobile. •, Labatory testa having sho~an that samples of vrater taken from the recently installed ''' '. ~ deep well at the Airport is safe for drinking, the Board upon motion of Nir.Roebuck~ -(~~G~,~seconded" by Mr. Tr~sk, apProved the payment of ~155.00• to T.Yf.Calliha,n for installing , , ~ the same as per contract. ~ )~ A narrative report of the Recreational program for the year 1937, vras received from~,~'° ~ `"~ ~~`-•S ~iss Flora fl~iller, Supervisor, and ordered filed. ' ~ ' '~i W. D. Peoples, who was released December 24th, 1337, after having served- eight mont ,/~~ of the State roads, arxl garnisheed at Johnson Cotton Company's plant for poll taxes~ ~ i after having worked only 40}_,- houra in`two weeks, was granted a refund of the pbll t xes collected on account of his road sernice. . '~ ' Upon motion of Mr. `l'rask, aeconcled by Nu~. Gardner, B~[r. R.E.~Jilliams was allowed ~to ..,~ _ ,~.. pay the 1937 taxes due on the property formerly lieted in the name of L.T.Davis, J/, ~ •~ ~J~~ block #214, and released from the payment peraonal and poll taxes of T~r. Davi.s charged~ (, , ~1 therein~ on account of hading to take the s~lid real estate back and Davis ha,ving no: equity in the same. The BoarcL received notice-of final decission from the 5tate Board of Allotmente and Appeal, confirming the action of this Board in denying Old Age Hasistance to . ~ ~~~ L~rs. Dora Henderson Morton, for the reason that contributioru¢ of responsible relatives. ., \~ is higher than average grant in New Hanover County. . •,: '-~ p petition bearing the names of 148 citizens of ~'linter Park soliciting the Boards _ assistance in providing that corr~unity with a recreational park and playground ,r• c-6nsisting of at least a baseball diamond and two tennis courte, vx~s received and ~-; ~~~~/~p,&'~upon motion of E~Ir. Gardner, 2nd, by Pdr. Hall, was referred to a committee from this ~ „ ~ Board and biiss Flora ~iller,&dacreational Director, to confBr with the petitioners committee, with the vieca of extabliehinga recreational park and playground on a part of the County's park donated by Mr. Hugh ~.cRae. / ' • t~ 4 Applications for tax adjustments on accumulated baek ta~s on the property of the v Heira of Martria A.. Gaylord~, block #3,rganson Ec Yarborough block #218,~ Hrs,Julia Hooper~ -' ~ Q~q block ~187, and the heirs of S.A.Swain block #60, were upon motion of Mr. Gardner.~ ~ ~~. seconded by Tf~r: Hall, referred to the coramittee with power to act.' ' ~. ~ Upon rnotion oY BQr. Cardner, seconded by Mr. Hall, instructions were ~iven to '. purchase a rolling chair fortt~e use of the innalid inmates at the County Home,+ ~ ,, "'~' \~4~ estecially I~rs. SeTlers, aged and helpless, to enable her to enjoy the fresh air and . ` sunshine more frequently. : , ~ Upon motion oP T,~r. Gardner, seconded by Mr. Ha11, instructions ~uere given to send c," . ~~1~Mr. K. Turner and 2dr. Sam Yeoman, County Home incurable inmates, to Jas.R'alker Hosp~tal, -~ ~^' for hospitalization that cannot be propexly administered at the County Home. ~ UPon motion of Mr. Gardner, seconded by Pdr. Roebuck, inatructions were given to .•~~ . ~ consider the preparation of a~pA application for the painting of the County Home I ~ ~~roof, the installation of bath facilities adjacent to the Colored ward and the ~ v ! ~ construction of a concrete porch connecting the kitchen with the colored ward at the . County Home. ~~ Upon motion, duly seconded, county bills Nos.2999 to 3049 ~rere approved'for payment. '- ~ The meeting then ad,journed. I , ~~~i ~C.S~~~i~ ` . %, .;~ - Clerk. , .°, _ ~ ~~ . 57~ _ ~~ . , _. , ~ Wilmi~g:on,N.C., April 11th, 1938. r, ' +i ~- ~• The regular weekly meeting of4tlie Board rras held at 3s00 P.M. ~-J , ~- Present= Addison Hevrlett Chairman, Geo.Vd.Trask~ H.R,Gardner and R.B.Ftoebuck. , ~. - ` , . The minutes of ineeting of April 4th, 1938, were read and approved as'recorded. ~ The matter of changing the polling place from Robinson'e 5tore, Federal Point ~i.~• precihct to the netiv school house at Carolina Beach to meet the convenience of ~~--- ~ ~' ~pit'/approximately 80~ of the voters living in that precincE, was upon motion of "~ Nfr. Trask seconded b I~r. :toebuck lef't with tne County Board of Elections to ~ ~ '_ , _ , y , , c- - determine. ~ ~ '~ ~~. ~r::~ Upon motion of DIIr. Gardner. aeconded by I~r. Trask, authority was granted to continue ,~- /'~~the ex:oense 3'or trie care and treatment o3' I,Srs. Roland Greer in the State ~anatorium ~ ~ as long ae necessary &nd available i'unds will-permit. , -. . : ~ ` ~ . . -. ~._ \ Upon motion of Nr. Trask, seconded by Iyir.Roebuck, the Superintec-dent of Public.TiVelfare ,.4. ~ v~as a,uthorized to use his automobile to provide transporta'tion for the ca.se work.ers of'P .:i Ss~ the County ~Nelf~re Dept..,t~ enable them to attend the conference.of Social Agencies ~~r. at Greensboro April 24,25 and 26, and apply the automobile allowance to the payment ~ - of their hotel expense. • ~~ ~It having been brought to the attention of the Board by the 5heriff that Matt D. W.at'sori ~ !~ ' ~ is not giving his beer business,located on tne Carolina Seach road, ori~the premises of ~, ~.G~~D~ _,. ~drs. F. Lev+i§,his personal supervision as directed by law, and that the same is b.ein~ . '~~~operated by a person who tias besn convicted of' a violation of' the prohibition lativ,was .~ theref'ore; upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by ]~r. Roe~uok, cited to,appear before . this Body at 3:00 P.M., ~onday April 25th, 1938, to snow cause why 2iis beer license ~r.} ahould not be r~voked. ~ ` ° ~ It appearing to tihe Board that the Cape Fear Club should not be assessed on the same ~ basis of' value as other property, business or personal domain, and bein~ a non-~rofit ~ ~~qy~ fraternal or~anization, and an asset to the County~in the entertainment of visiting • . celebrities from time to.time, the assessment on the land,~uildings and furnishinga, . ' block '~179,~ was upon motion oi' 11[r. Gardner~ seconded oy 1J1r. Trask, fixed at a_flat ~..'. - vaTue of $p10.,000.00 to be retroactive in ef'fect as of April lst, 1936; and an abatement ' of taxes on a valuation oi' ~35,500.00 for the year 1936 and ~33~000.00 for the year ~ ~~ ~ 1937, was granted. c. .. . . ~ A requeut ~or ad,justment of' back taxes on the property of R.H.Craw ley, b lo c k # 7 8, w as ~ v /~~ referred to the Committee with power to act. . ~ ~~ ` ~ Pk~ ,~ f ~ \ =• .. ~. ~jpf~ Reports of SewingrRoom, .'vssociated Charities,~ecreationai Supervisor~and I,adies Rest'~ * _ -'~-~"Room, for the month of b~arch, ~vere received and oxdered filed.~ \/ . ~~ , ~ ~; ~ Upon motion of btr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Roebuck, the Fidelity Trust & Development ~ Company was allov~ed to pay the back taxes on lot 4, block 9, Sunset park in~the name of W.E.Scu11,Jr.~ for the yeare 1929 to 1937 incl.usive,. without interest, for the r ~ ~„j~~~ reason that the said property waa conveyed back to the Fidelity '1'ruat and Development - ~~ Company June 18th, 1928, and not changed on the tax recorda~ claiming that they ' vuould have paid the taxes on time if the property ha~ been properly charged to them. '' . ~ A communication was received from the County Auditor advising the'.:amount of deposite f~ ~~ ' ~j~,o;,S~ each bank as of E~arch 31st, 1938, together with a memorandi.un of securaties held in ~ ° '~~j" each case. ~_ ~ ~ Upon motion of Idr. Roebuck, seconded by Mr. Gardner, the Shell Union Oil Corporation / was, upmn recommendation of' the Tax Assessore, granted an abatement of 1937 taxes on .e / ,. .~,~ a valuation of ~9,375.00 on a 55,000 gallon capacity storage tank listed in'error as an . • . •'" 80,000 gallon tank. . Upon motion of Mr. Trask, ~aeconded by ~!r. ~oebuck, Misa Bfiary Lou Leo\rd vuas released L .~ , `'~, from the payment o~~interest on an item of back taxes due on lot ~3, in blobk ~1,Carolina ,- .f!-!~y Beach for the year,1926, for the reason that the tranefer was~made during the ° ~ preparation of the tax books and the item of taxes vvas therefore overlooked. •.. ~~~~ Upon motion of Mr. Roebuck, seconded by I~6r. Trask, authority wa.s _given to insure the ti~ - °tutAVO stables at Legion Field at $1,500.00 each. . :~_`,~/~ ~ ~O~'Upon motion, duly seconded, county bills Nos. 3050 to 3178 inc.,were approved for~ payment.~ The following good and lawful men were drawn to serve as ~urors in the Sup~rior Court Jy _.~ ,. \ 1~U~1-6~r~'for the trial of civil cases for two weeks term beginning April 18th, 1938s > ~ ~ . ~ . First ~Yeek- , Jexry Farrow.Fi.I,.A11ard. B.K.Norwood. FI.C.Ddason. Charlie Hart. a.A.Arnold. 3 J.E.Pdintz. 19.J.4Yi11iamson.B.J.Branch. Thos.Bell. R.B.Strickl~nd.Geo.C.Harriss. ! F.B.LeGwin. Geo.Sandlin. ~ l~.W.Southerland.R.Id,All.en. LV.H.Be~tten. Snowden Spooner. _ ~•R.W.Smith. Henry Atkinaon.L.H.F~eavea. J.L.Outlatv.C.McD Jones. J.T.Jones. ~C.~Y.Broun. H.T.Nevrland. L.E.Royal. J.S.J3avis. ` , Second ideek- April 25th- ,_~ Timothy Daavling.l7.H.Sandere.VJ.H.T~kcClain. J.W.Smitki. L.M.Nichols. D.G.Kelly. ` Dallas F~oore. D.S.Harrisa.J.M.Chason. S.W.Ketchum.T.J.Scholar. ~on~roae Hinnantn . H.J.Tompkins. C.BP.Awan. T.O.lilalker. E.C.&tiiley., J.N.Brown. B.May. ' ' -' C.Van Leuven. R.H.Williams.J.L.Freeland: R.H:Lewis. Y1.L.Taylor. E.Z.Potter. ~ , ~ R.W.Sidbury. H.E.Cranford. Phillip Briskins. tV.B.L9'alton. '''Y . - J , • ~ Upon motion of Pdr. Roebuck, sec.onded by t~r. G~rdner~ authority was granted to deduct J~ f'rom County employeea pay,.upon request,of such employees~ the amount of inembership durs / ~ ~f~c~v`')J an the North Carolina Hospital Saving Asaociation, as requested by its Representative / /bHr. Thomas L. Briggs. :~ ~ pon motion, duly seconded, the Board gave autnority for the riiembe~s..of~the County Welfare /~oard to attend a conference of Social l~gencies at Greensboro April 24th~25th and 26th, " . ~'/ at the expense of the County. ~ ~~' i' ~ ~ ~ o ~: ~deeting of' April 1Ttn~, continued. The City C6mnissioners being preaent at this tirr~e,1 trie two Boards met in joint session to consider and take sucn action deemed'~essary, concerning the ' ~~~~ recommendations of trie Grand Jury Idarch Term 1938, pertaining to the collection ~/'~ o£ back taxes. Prr. C. R. Laorse,Tax Collector, read a statement snowing the pro~;ress made in the tax ot'fice in the collection oi" back taxes since its creata.on in 1933, showing collections of' approximate7.y ~200,000.00 average annuatly. Considerable discussion /~~ followed and it was unanimou~ly agreed that the ta~ paysrs should not be further penalized except in eases in wnich it is neoe~sary to br,in euit to pr.otect the County~s and City`s interests. Finally a motion of~'e~~d by~'ity'Commis•sioner W.. Louis - Fisher that the Tax Collector be instructed to prepare a liet of delinquent taxes ~~ for period Yrom 1921 to 1927 inclusive and later years,wnen running concurrently, and that a. committee be appointed by ~he joint Boarda to conier with the Tax Collector on suits to be instituted so as to protect trie interests of tne City of Wilmington and-tne County of' New Hanover. Hia motion was seconded by County,Commissioner H.R.Gardner and unanimously carried. On.motion County Chairnan.Addison Hewlett and City Commfssioner of Finance ~Y.Louis Fisher weTe named as the committee by the two Boards. The meeting then adjourned. ! //r~ 7C.S~e~ ~ ~/(;lerk. `~ // Wilmington,N.C., April 18th,~1938. The regular weekly meeting of the Board ~vas held at 3r00 P.i~. Presents Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.Fl.Trask, and &B.B.Roebuck. The minutes of ineeting of April llth, 1938, were read and approved as recorded. ~- The Chairman,reported progresa in the preparation of the list by the Tax Collector, ~ ' o:f peraons owing back taxes for years 1921 to 1927 inclusive, as authorized at a ~ J g~nt meeting of the City and County Co~nisaionera April llth,19~38~ and advised that ~ ~ ~x notices of such back taxes due will be ma.iled•out within a few days giving ten days / ~' notice to settle the same or suit will be brought in accordance with the resolution,, V . and may, therefore,neceasitate the employment of extra help, whereupon'euch authority _ wa$ upon motion of Wr. Roebuck, seconded by DSr. Tra$k, referred to the Cha.irman with ., power to act.so far as the County is concerned. ~~,'~ r--~~-r,/ Upon motion of 3~r. Roebuck, seconded by 2~r. Trask, 2dr.W.L.Jackson, 906 N. 3rd~ Street, ~ '~ ~ ~, -.,. J~rr~ was exempt from payment of poll taxes on account o~ po9rgrty and pkkur~3cai .disability. ;-, ., Rev. Alfred Barfield~ aged and pax'tially blind citizen, ha.ving made application for [~ w~r , admiasion to the County Home, was upon recommendation of the Supt., of Public VJelfaie , '~^~ ~ Ft and upon motion of Lir.. Trask, seconded by irQr. Roebuck, granted admission to the County V ~`~~ Home upon payment of $13.50 per c~onth to~ward his care artd maintenance. It appeared, '~ l'% . upon information furnished by the Supt., of Pu~lic Welfare that he is now receiveing , ' approximetely ~28.00 per month rent from his property. ~• ~ Upon ~aotion of Mr. Roebuck, seconded by 1~3r. Trask, the payment of $12.00 transportation ~/ S . ,, . '~'-.f oI' returning Eleanor Smith from the orthopedic hospital at Gastonia~ was approved.~ ' ~-- ~ ~ .,, , J Request for bacY taa::ad".ustments on the property of L4rs.R.A.2~ontgomery,block #184. and i h t ~ i ~ " ~ '.y ~3 ~ ttee ~v t po~er o 547, were upon motion referred to the Cornm ~J~ Frank E. Gaylord block ~ ~„ _ act. / , . ~ ^ ;~~ - ~ A report for the month of April v+as received from hir.J.S.I,e}~oyne CYaairman of .the { ~ ~ ~ ~~JVilmington Better Housing Committee and ordered file~i. ~ '~ r~(, r , .' 4 . • , ~#j~~~::; Upon motion of A~r. Roebuck,.seconded by Mr. Trask, the contract to audit the records. , ~ " ~and accounta of the County officers was awarded to Mr.Edw.C.Craft,C.P.A., at a coat of V ~ , year endin June 30th 1938. ~700.00. for the g , i ~ ~ ~ x , ~ Upon motion o£ I~dr. Roebuck, seconded by ~&r. Trask, the Bi-ntAn Hotel Corporation wae . ~ ''y released from a chaxge of ~29.21,not lieted penalty, ~Pright~tvill:e Bea~h, fo2' the year ~ ;~:' 9' °~--~ ~'1 1937, on account of trie property being in.3it~gation at that time. Vl "~ J . . ~' ~ ~~ Upon motion of ~r. 2rask, seconded by Idr. Roebuck, ~diss Valeria Williama.Agent, vras " . al:lowed to pay the 1932 ta7ces due on !'Lot on Waterway~' Federal Point township~ in the „~ , ~ e^,.~( name•of O.R.Craig, an granted an abatement of taxes on a valuation of ~2~5.00 personal -.- f'~• ~ .. property and ~3.00 p ll charged against the same for said year, account of having to ~~.. take the property back and Cra.ig having no equity in the same. : '~i ~- Upon motion of ?tfr. Tras'k,`seoonded by Tdr: Roebuck, ~r.W.L.Carter~ ~ilmington townahip v ' .,~'~~G'i~ was granted an abatement di taxea ori female dog listed~in error for the year 1937. ~. ~ An application for license to sell beer at location on the Ce.rolina Beach road submitted a.'• ~~fQ~,by Esther Bailey, was referred to the Sheriff for recommendatione. ',. ~ ~he meeti ~ then a~djo.urnea. ' (~:f"/~J 7~~ir ~ ~'~( ' • Cyeris: • o . ~ . ~ . x ; . a , ~' .~ ',.,d . '* ,. , ` f l ` Y ~ ~ r ?i . :. , , • - . t ; ~ . , , < . ~ •i i c j .... ..t . . . , , .. . 4 ^ 1 .r.' . ~ V~ilai~gton,IJ.C., April 25th, 1938. } ,:,~~, ~ The regular weekly meeting of ~ h~^~Board was held at 3s00 P,1d. ~ , Uf: '~ . Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman. Geo.l27.Trask and Jas. M. Hall. The minutes of ineeting o,f April 18th,1938, were read and approved as recorded. Reports.of Jas.Walker and•Community hospitals were received and ordered filed. / ~ 5~9 I~dr. W.H.Batton o~ Harnett township was upon motion.of~]dr. Trask, seconded by 2rlr.Ha11, , L~,_ granted an abateraent of taxes on dog five months o.ld at listing time 1937, and ~b,~.-~, died rtwo_weeks later. j, ~ ~ . . ~ / U~n~'motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by ~r. I~11, all property of 'Mr.H.F.4~ilder was 1/ re-eased i'rom the lien of the judgment secured by the County against Ed Fiegister•et al ./ for back taxes on lot,,#18 in block ~8, Sumset Park for the years 1920 to 1926 inclusive, ~' except aa mortgagee ori the lot set forth as per docket ~421~ recorded in judgment dockex. book #20~ and the County Attorney vras authorized and instructed to record the proper notation on the said ,judgment record. • ) "'~ ~ .¢H :: , lr ~~. i"~ Messrs R.C.Fergus,. J.H.Stone, V.L.Sffiith and E.J.bIIemoxy speaking f'or a delegation o~ 25 or more citizens present, urged the Co~nissioners to take euch steps necessary and use their influence with the Federal Authorities in an effoxt to restore the fish,clam ~~i f' oyster industry in N~yrtle Grove sound that has been destroyed by fresh water and mud_silt ~ _,.~Q,~ lowing from the Cape b'ear river through the inland water vray into the sound, by installin~ ~~'~`~~lood gates in Snow's Cut, or by opening an inlet into the ocean opposite Snow~s Cut to i ~ fill the sound with sufficient salt water to force back the fresh tivatar into the river. ~ Upon motion of ~rir. Trask, seconded by bfr. Ii~.l~, the request was approved and instructions y were given to take the matter up ~vith the Federal Authorities and reque~t the State . Department of Conservation and Developt~ent to make an investigation•of the matter and copperate with this Board in an erfort t.o secure the relief requested. Upon motion of Mr. Tx~~~,seconded by Mr. Hall;,tne•Legion Field 1936=1937 budget appropriation was increa~sed by ~3,190.00 for lighting units, transformers and oil awitch for lighting t L,egion Field and for supplying labor,,tools,materiale and equipment for setting up the = floodlighting system, in order to make nigrit games possible and to increase its uae and~attendance. It being agreed that the Cbunty will receive 10% of the ~ate receipts ~~ ~,,,,~~ of all games when the lights are used and vrhen an admisaion charge is made, excepting ~ however, High 5chool games wliich proceeds go into a fund for the experise and maintenance of the High School Athletic equipment. The r0quest for.funds was~presented by Messrs. J.B..Edwards, of the American:.I,egion~ T.T.Iiamilton principal and Glenn Tucker Athletia ~ r ~anager of the New Hanover High School. The Doard directed that advertisement be made / gieing l0.days notice, calling for bids to be received not later than 3s00.P.~i., • ldonday L~ay 9th, 1938, for furnishing the units,materials, labor~toola~ equipment and installing the same according to the plana and specifications. . Upon motion of T~r. Hall, seconded by PJLr. Tra$k, the County Auditor was authorized to ,, ~K purchase six total3zers ~for the bookkeeping-Tax Book I~dachine, giving four used totaliiers v in exchange an~ ~56.00 cash. • '.~ Upon motion, duly seconded~ instructions were given.to secure bids for the installatiofn ~f a hot vrater heater at the County Home, for lieating the Gvater for bathing purposes • '~ C" while the general house heating is off during the su~er. . ' '~'°~ -/{Upon~motion authority was gieen to purchase lime for treating the area planted in grass ;~~ ~ . %~t~~~~rxat the Airport. . - ~ ~t ,: . ~~'~. ^• '~ Due notice was given ~att D. siataon to appear before this body, this day to ahow cause wk~r ' his license to eell beer at location at Lervi~d6 place on the CaTOlina Beach road should not ~ ., /~~gQ~~/~6e revoked for the reason that he is not giving the business his personal supervision and !~IjJ v that the same is being operated by a person who has been convicted for violating the prohibition law. He did not appear. The Board, upon i;he testimony of creditable witnesses "VS;~~ found that he wa~ not ~,i~ giving the business aforesaid his personal supervision and that he .,~ ~, permitted a person, one Charley k'alea, to aell beer at said olace, who ha,s been convicted. !~; ~ of a violation of the prohibition law. Therefore, the license issued to Watt D.W&lker to (;~,, eall beer at the locat£on aforesaid, was upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Hall, • ~ ~4 ~ order.ed revoked. , . ~,`, ~,~. . Y . A petition bearing the 3iames of 28 citizens asking for improveinents to the;road connecting ~.~~~, r~~ the ~lrightsville Turnpike v~ith Route ~30, running through Rogersville, which has been ; L' ~. ~~ , ~i~vincluded in the systein of atate highvrays~ wa~ upon motion of Mr. Trask~ seconded ny I~Sr. `""" „•~•;; Hall, approved and referred to the State Highway Commission for ita approval. ; ;! ~._i';, ~ A petition of 17 citizens for repaire to the road leading from the Old Federal Point road _-~- ,~, ,~ ough the subdivision known as Patilander, thenLa to the soun$, was upon motion receiveci-"L- r' , for investigation. ' . ~ . Upon motion of IuTr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Trask, Ir~r.Clarence Andrews, a resident of Aarnett~,. . , T~ y township, was granted an abatement of pallr~taxea as to ti'7ilmington to~vnship only, for the~ .~""~ "1 year 1937, account of erroT in having listed in the wrong to~mship. . F . ' ' . ,~, Upon motion of I.4r. F~ll,~seconded by T~Sr. Trask, the Board approved the payment of transportation ~~or sending Ida.rion Martin to training achool at I~dount Airy, as approved by the Recorder, i /~ '~,." `'~. ~4.75 and returning Edward I~intz~from school for the blind at ~organton~ ~6.25. ~ ,~Y ~ ~~. , pplication for license to sell beer submitted by r^..J.Merritt and Esther Bailey, locatioiis , ~~~n the Carolina Beach road~ the same having ffieen approved,by the Sheriff, were upon motian ~~ ' of rdr. F~ill, seconded by Pdr. Trask, ~pproved by the Board. s ~ ~ ~~ _ t:.'' a .. '~•, ~~plications for license to sell beer eubmitted by ~.Z.Wagamon and R.L.F~riwkins we•re . "'~ referred to the Sheriff for inveatigation. r.'~~~ ~~.,• ~~ A request of G.A.IuIarine and 'tiJ.Henry Williams for an adjustment of back taxes mn propert,r~~ ~~.. ,_~l~in I~iasonboro and Federal Point townships respectively, were referred to the committee with ' ;, ~ , .. power to act. , . ~ ~`•' The meeting tnen adjourned. . ~. .~ ~ C~~ ~C.Y~2 _ ~ ~ .,..~ '~ ~, ~~ ~ C~erk. ~ . d tY \ ~ r . . , I+. ~~U ~ . i - _ ; V~ilmington,N.C., May 2nd, 1938. The regular v~eekly meeting of the Board wa8 held at 3s00 P.p1i. Preaent: Addieon He~vlett Chairman, Geo.~V.Trask, H.R.Gardner~and R.B.Roebuck. `-~%,.~~ The.lfiinutes of ineeting pd April 25th, 1938, were read and approved as recorded. . A report of t e Wilmir~~on Port Commisaion for quarter ending ~arch 31et, 1938,~ ~w~G' waa presented by its Chairman Lqr. Peter B. Ruffin, accepted and ordered fiTed. :. .~ , '.;~ ; 1dr. Luther T. Rogers,' a member of the.~oard_of Aldermen of the Town of 47rightsville ~ Beach appeared and urged the Commissi~n~re to sid them by providing trucks~ labor and material for widening the narrow Sand-Aaphalt State high~say from Lumina Sout~ ~~~y an application of clay along the right of way and croes streets to provide parkin~ ~ '. ~ ~- space. That being a road expense in which the County cannot participate since the ~', acquisition of roads by.the State ~`he Board did, however, upon motion of B~r.Trask, + seconded by.Mr. Roebuck, refer t~e matter to the Chairman and Mr. Rogers to take the ..~."_ ° same up with hHr. A.F.Powell, Third Division State Highway Cor~nissioner with the view ' ' ~ y of aecuring State High~vay Aid. ~ , Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by I~dr. Gardner, the Clerk was instructed to secure ~~ definite decision from the ~tate Highway Depa.rtmen~ as to ite action on the petitioxi.' V. ~ ~ oP hir. T.~'.DeVane and othera for improvements to a neighborhood road from the Middle Sound road through the Humphrey Place to Eages: Creek. ;~ A request of Mr. L.C.Kure that the County malce provision for the employment of a deputy ~^~ sheriff to police Kure and ad,jacent beaches, was upon motion of Mr. Roebuck, seconded- ~~~~.Y~ . `Z5~ by ~r. Gardner, referred to the Sheriff for investigation and submit his recorrunendations to the Board at its next meeting. ' ~~ It veas also brought to the attention of the Baard by I~6r. Kure, that a dangeroua trafflc r' ~ hazard exists where the raad leading from the Ethyl-Dow Plant intersects State High~vay ~ 40 at Kure Beach~ and asked that a stop sign be erected or painted on the.road aurface ~ ~ ~- at the proper location. Upon motion of Mr. ~ra9k,seeonded by Mr. Roebuck, the same was ~ approved and referred to the State Highway Commiasion with request that this be'done Eor `;~- . the protection of the public. . ~ A request of Aaron Goldberg~Esq „ for a reduction ~' aseesament on the property of ` • ,~"ln,Y I. &.M.L.Hurwitz, block 248, with the view of adjusting and eettl~rig;~,the~back '..._ • , ~'1~~ tax accumulation ~s on samo for years 1933 to 1938 inclusive, was upon motion oS~ Il4r. Gardner, seconded .by 1~r. Roebuck, referred to the Committee vrith power to act. ~ . ,/ The following applications for licenses to sell beer at the locations shown, the same . V~ having been approved by the Sheriff, were upon motion of L~Ir. Roebuck,seconded by /~ 2~r. Crardner, approved by the Board: . ~~-~} ~ Applewhite,Mrs.T.C. • Castle Hayne Road. " r'^"'Baldwin~ D.V. & E. C. " " " • , ~etts, P3'. N. • Blue Top Inn R~arY.et Street Road.. ~Blackled~e, Vdinnie Carolina Beach Road. - Boehm, K. R. Cape Fear Country Club. „.,Caia~on~ L~Ira. J.A. Carolina Beach Road._ ,,,_CoVil, C. V. Kirkland Market Street Road. . ,,;~,Di.xon, H.~H. & ~on, East Wil~nington " " " ' ,~-Byke, Mr. 0. Winter Park Highway ~20.1 ' ~„ • ,~Garner, J.W. 49inter Park " " • . ,~ Gurganous, J. G. East Wilmington Idarket Street Road.~ ,.~Harris_, 1~.L. Intersection of Castle Hayne & Gordon Road~.- . ,,YHawkina, T~. I,. lNrightsville Sound.~ ~ .y-Heath,. Norman E. Castle Fiayne ~ Route #40.~ ~ ..-~Ieralett, Jno. W. Castle I~iyne Etoad~ . ~Jenkins~ ~olomon EQacumbers Station. ~ --2ockamy, V. D. Seagate.- • - .~Fountain, G. G. Caetle 1~yne,N.C.- ' • „rRamsey, C.A. Carolina Beach Road.• • d,:$ivenbark, E: D. ° " ° = . • ,~-Rivenbark, M. W. Castle Hayne Road.- .~Saundera, Mrs.Levu~nan - Ogdon Place Highvray #30. . • .aSherman, Eliss Intersection Masonboro-Seagate Loop Road. ,` ., ~~`Sneeden, Frarik, Carolina Beach Road. • _ .dSneeden, S.E.Jr., Seagate.~' • : °Stathes, James CarolinacBeach Road.' ~ ~ iWagamon~ Ben.L. ' .-Wilkins, W.J. State Highway ~40.~ , .. j Upon motion of BQr. Trask, seconded by 2dr. Roebuck, the Board authorized the purchase of - • G~ a water coolsr, without the bottle, for the ~heriffs office~ , . ~, ~ , ~- Upon motion of h2r. Gardner, seconded by LQr. Roebuck, tax lieting for Vi~ilmit~ston tov~nship " ~- f(.~~ was continued for a period of two weelcs from P~ay 2nd,1938 incluaive. • ~• A report of the Activities of the Buresu of Identification for the month of April, was J` ."`~. ~'~~~ received and ordered filed. . r , . . f ~ ..~ {P ~ . l , , ' • ~ • j~ ~ . ~ V A • Meeting of May 2nd, 1938, continued. , . With referenee to the matter of bringing suits.for the ~ollection of back taxes: It appears that a number of property otianers owe ta~s that accrued £or various years, ~~ 1921 to 1928 in~clusive, at the time vrhen the tax booka were in.process of preparation 1~~ q~ to be turned over to the Tax Collector~ and:did not know that such taxes were unpaid, j _ the Board, thsrefore, upon motion of Iuiir. Gardner, seconded by nar. Roebuck, authorized ~ "„ and directed the Tax Collector to,accept payments of back taxes for the years 1921 to 1928 inclusive, as appears on the.bar,k"~ax records plus 6~ flat rate of intereat~to June lst. Similar action having been taken by the City Coumlissioners. . t Mr. Roebuck, at his request, was escused from further attendance upon`the meeting ~ _ ~..~ J.~,~,at this point. i,w*«.rr°y_ ~.Upon motion .of 2~Ir. Trask~ seconded by Mr. Gardner, Mra. Ra1p1~~K. Laskley of ~ ~~~~k Burlington, N. C., was released from payment of penalty for not listing lota ll #20 and 21, block #80 Carolina Beach for the year 1935, on account of being a , , non-resident. i. ' Upon motion of ~r. Gardner, aeconded by 2~r. Trask~ the Board voted to reques:t the ,. S.tate Highway & Public Works Commission to include in its system of State highways, •~.- ~ ir~,~°~ the "River Road" now being conetructed as a State sponsored WPA project along the - ~ ' Cape Fear river South from near Sunset Park. • • Upon motion of Pdr. Gardner, seconded by I~r. Trask, Henry Foy was released from payment ~ / of penalty for not listing 13.5 acres of land, ~art Jarrott and 26.7~acres adj. .~ ~q~ J.R.Parker, Harnett township for the year 1939, on recou¢nendation of the tax lieter who stated•the said propeity had been listed; but in some manner the list,was ~• misplaced. • •.~~.: ~• Re9uests for reduction of assessments on the follovring property with the view of ' settling the accumulated back taxea on same, were upon motion of hdr. Gardner, ' ~Y` seconded by Mr. Trask, referred to the cocmiittee for investigation and !~i~th~power_;~tocactv ' . . ° ~-s•anr~er^~w.~~Y~xxta~~!ysg~7r a~mlei ~ . ~i . , . . ~ Carrie S. Ballard block ~494 Clinton D. FIazel block ~ 507 / ~ ~! `Richard Hall, ~ ". 94 ~ R.C.Platt, block 4, Lota 13 Pt.14 Caro.Htg. ~~ : vH. I~. Wolfe, 6 acres Cromwell, Cape r'ear township. ~ - . y~ ~ No objeations were indicated by the Board on petition of ~r. Albert F. Eerry before ,t •` ~'~ ~~~p~j the United States District Engineer, to construct a pier and boat house opposite-the foot of Fayetteville Street, ~r7rightsville Beach. - Upon motion, duly seconded; J~ir.O.R.Piner of Harnett to~vnship, v~a upon recommendation ~ ~ ~q1~ oY 35r. Geo.T.Shepard, exempt from the payment of poll taxes on account of poverty antl ~ ~ infirmaties. Upon motion of i~4r. Trask, seconded ~granted transportation expense for ~~~ School. IIpon motion d~].y seconded, ~r.O.H. ...~~y of taxes on a valuation of ~50.00 Yj ~ listed in error for the year 1937. by I~Gr. Gardner, the Supt., of Public Welfare was ~ taking juveniles to Samarcand and Concord Training iughes o£ ailinington townehip rvas granted an abateme~t~~ Household and Kitchen Furniture above exemption ~. ' The following good and lawful men were drawn to serve as jurors in the Superior Court '~~il~l'for the trial of criminal cases for week begd~nning May 16th, 1938s ~- H.S.Hale. E.D.Anderson. J.W.Andrevas. C.E.Tiiompson. W.H.Canady. " , ~ D.E.Kelly. M.R.Barnes. L.t*~.Stokeley. V1.G.Bridgers. Carl 5. Gregg. ~ "~ E.W.Hollis. H.H.Caisan. 67.S.Register. F.D.lAeaver. T.A.Rivenbark. R.A.Williams. S.M.Boat~rxight. J.E.Rose. Chas.M.Butler. 0.~7.Turner. ~ O.H.Black. R.B.49arner. Dan.fI.Earp. J.F,3tack. ~S:S:McGowan. . Lowell Prilite. G.F.~ellers. L.M.Pollock. F.M.Johnson. B.R.McRacken. ` J,G.Womble. A.J.Carr. T.E.Kemp. T.B.FP~wkins. J.Marshall Frye. • ~ A.D.Rivenbark.F.T.Allen: T.B.Rabon. E.B.White. W.F.Pepper. _ R.P.McClarrmry. D.M.Davis~Jr.,~ - . ~. The me~ then ad,journed. . h ~/5~~~~ ~ erk. , V&ilmington,N.C., 2~y 9th, 1938. ~ <' .. ~ , . The regular weekly meeting of ~the Board was held at 3t00 o'clock P.M. .i. ' Presentt Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.W.Trask, Jas.&[.Ha11,H.R.Gardner and R.B.Roebuck. f ;.. , .~ Upon motion of L6r. Ha11, aeconded by ~r. Roebuck, trie Tax Collector was inatructed to '• ~ have an advertisement inserted in the 1oca1 newapapers, calling ~ttention to the tax ,; ,. ~ ~(y~~ payers. that those owing back taxes for'any of the years 19.21 to 1928 incluaive can make / -~ eettlement on a basis of 6~ flat interest rate, until June let~ 1938, after that date ' 6~ per annum will be charged plus court costs and any other expenae in connection ,' there~vith in case suit is inatituted for the collection of such taxes. , Upon motion of T~r. Gardner, seconded by ~Ir. ftoebuck, the Clerk Fras inetructed to furniskx the Bo.ard of Aldermen of the Town of ~-rightsville Beach with a certified copy of the ~ ~~minutes of I~y 2nd, pertaining to the ~etion taken on the request of Mr. Luther T. Rogers :r for.County Aid in ~ridening the highway South of Lumina and cross atreets to provide parking - " space. _ 5~,T7pon motion of Mr. Roebuck, seconded by LIr. Trask~ tranaportation expense for returning ,~ f ~j Edith Brown from the teachers training school at E14zabeth City, vas authorized. , , . ~~~ Pdeeting of N'iay 9th, 1938, Upon motion of I~r. Trask, ~,,,v' for returnin~ Conard John ~j/ `7~ tk~us relieving the County ~'"/ y the Supt., of Public Welf~ Continued. . , , , .., ~'~ seconded by Mr. Roebuck, the payment of ~4.65 transportatio~ ~/ ~. IVise,, crippled colored youth to his home at Marion,N.C. V~°. ' 'o~ ~,.~-:,~~~rx expense for maintenance, was upon recommendation of, :. ~,re, approved. , ~,~/ Upon mot.ion of Mr. Gardner, seconded by l~r: 19a11, the Supt., of Public 1Yelfare was 'T+- authorized to purchase two filing cabinets at an approximate cost of ~24.00 esch, for .~ ~ . his department. . - ~ - ~ ~ . The following sealed bids for lighting unita, trans£ormers and 6il awitch for lightin~_.~ `~j~'~ Legion Field accordin~ to plane and specificationa, ae advertiaed, were received and ~ / i opened publicly: ~ ~John H. Niggel, ~"7ilmington,N.G.;°48 Light~Uni.ts and approximately,100 globes~+ $698.12 fJones Electric Aepair Company,Charlotte,N.C.: 6~37~ SVA 2300 to 230/115 voltr~ ~ ' P' reconditioned transformers @~125.00 each- 750.00 ~ . 12 Primary cutouts for above ~ transfo~•mera ~ ~2.25 each 27.00 . Total,.......... $777.00 . ; 4Philadelphia Transformer Co.,,~Philadelphirz,Pa.6-37-~ RVA General Electric ~ , transformers ~ ~135.00 less 5~~ 769.50 ~_Graybar Electric Company,Richmond,Va.,, 20 Benjamin Alzak Aluminum long , ~ , range floodlights ~ $19.20 each 384:00 Alternate,, ...........................20 Ban,jamin Porcelain Enamel , - floodlighta with Alzak inner reflectors, ~ $12.00 - 240.00 Alternate ............................20 Ditto except less Alzak inner , reflectors ~ ~10.20 each, 204.00,' 60 2000 watt 120 volt P~-52 clear 1~3azda lamps ~~9.`8~2 each 577.20 plternate ............................60 1500 watt 120 volt P~-52 clear ~azda lamps ~ ~p4.37 each 262.20 Bids for supplying labor, tools, materials and equipment for/and setting up ,_.~~(,~y floodlighting system at Zegion Field, accordin~ to the plans and epecifications, ae advertised, were receiveds ~ A. B. Blake, ,......... ............. .~.... ~995.00 ~ Electric biaintenance Co.,Wilmin~;ton,N.C ..............:./..... 1,050.00 K.W.Jewell~ Rilmington,N.C .............':,~.............. f .... 1~334.56 ~ . _~~ ~ UPon motion of nGr. Roebuck~ seconded by N.r. Hall,~the bid yof John H. Niggel to _/ furnish 48 light units and approxima.tely 100 glob~s in and for the sum of ~698.12 ~ was accepted, he being~the lowest bidder. . ~' .' "1 ` .. . ' . . . . , ~, :~ * . , . / ' . . ,. The bid of Jones Electric Repair Company, Chariotte~N.C., to furniah 6-37-~ KVA ~ 2300 to 230/115 volts iacond'itioned, fully guaranteed tr2naformers for the sum ~ of $125.00 ~~h ~750.00 and 12 Priraary cutouts f'or eame~C~ 2~25 making a total of ~ P~~'~ ~777.Ofl, they~~pei.ngctheYlowest biddera, was upon,motion oY Ivtr. Roebuck, aeconded by~ mr. Trask, referred to the Chairma.n to ascertain the make of the transformers propoaed and given power to act in awarding the contract if found to be a responsible firm and bid in keeping with the other bids. . The bid of A.B.Blake for supplying labor, tools,~materials and equipment for setting up ~. w~~r.C the floodlighting system according to plans and specifications~ for the sum of ~995.00, . ~~~ was upon motion of ISs'. Roebuck, seconded by 2ulr. Hall; accepted, he being the lovrest bidder. A request of B.~N.S'trickland of Federal Point township, a former'resident of Arkansas, for" `G~ a refund of poll taxea paid April 22nd~,1938, stating that he had paid his 1937 taxes- v ` in Arkansas, but was a resident of this County l~pril lst,1937, was declined on ruling of / 1 the County Attorney that he would, nevertheless, be subject to 1937 poll taxes here if a resident of this County April lst, 1937. ~ , , ,_ i : .. , ~: , .~ The following applications for license to eell beer at the locations shocrn, the sasne havii:g been approved by the Sheriff, were upon motion of I~dr.Roebuck, seconded liy I~irr. Hall~ approved ~.- ~~ by the Boardt f R.L.Al1en,Jr., Carolina Beach Road.y ,/Robert L. Johnson, Ogden Service Station, Route ~30.~ -. ' ~D.C.Jolly, Highway #421, Carolina Beach. ~ j ~rs. Bessie Rea Landon, "Point Vievr" Carolina Beach.l ~ ., ~C.N.Norris, Pdiddle Sound. ~, ' ,p..pau1 Puskas, Castle Hayne,N.C.~ ~ ~.. ,2, Upon motion of Mr. 'Lrask~ seconded by 1~'ir. Roebuck, Mra. Julia Pescha.u was gran~ed an , a;, ,~'~~ abatement of taxes on a valuation of ~2,235.00 account of error in value char$ed by the, ^ f~ Tax Lister on a 1937 Packard automobile. „ A request of the Board of r~ducation that the sum of ~8,800.00 be placed to the credit of.. ~ 1~• ~„ ~~~~ the school account to take care of expenditure8 for the month of 1uIay~ was upon motion of ~= Tdr. Trask, seconded by i~r. Ha.ll, granted. G~ ~ A communication vra.s received from the County Auditor advising the amount,of deposit in .~~ ~ each bank ae of April 30th,1938, together with a memorandum of securitiea held in each, c se:", ` Reports of Ladies Rest Room, Recreational and UJPA ~ewing Rooms for tne month of April werek ^,' ~ ~~~~~~ received and ordered filed. ~' " q . . ~'~~` Upon motion of Mr. F~11. seconded by Mr. Roebuck, Mr.rd.4~.Rivenbark,35 years mf age, of' Cape,,a " /~ Fear township, was exempt f'rom payment of poll taxes on account of poverty and physical ' i~ -'~cY~~ disability. (/ /. .~ , . ~ ,t , '~Nilmin~ton,N.C.~ _ ~+ ~ ~ / j`. ~~~ ~, ,•,- ~ , . _ _ ~ '' Wilmington,N.C., June 2Atn,.1938. - ~ , '~ _ , . - •- The regular weekly meet ing of:~the Board v~as' held at 3s00 P.2~d. , ~. _ ~•:; ~.' present; Addison Hewlett Chairman; Geo.7~.Trask,'Jas.~.Hall, H.R.Gardner. ~ ~ „ . ~ , `_ .~.<:._~~ The minutes of ineeting of June 13th, 1938, vuere read and approved as recorded. `. .t ~~x,:-1 ,~' ~ . ' ~ ' ~ . ~~'` Instructions having been given at meeting of ~June l~tn,~to ask for bids for County-City ~: c".""~ :• ~ ,~ annual advertising and publication of notices~in connection with the suits for the . ~f ~: coll~ction of back taxes; two bids were received. Ialr. Trask moved that the bids for ~ ~ ~` G~~Aj publishing notices in back tax suits be conaidered at this time and consideration be i .,~! . given the County-City annua3 advertising contract at a joint meeting~of the City-County ~=c?°.. Commiesioners to be held at a later date when other joint matters are to be considered in ~~' '.. . cennection v+ith the bud~et. His motion was s~econded by lu5r. Ha.ll and carried. . F.,, .. .. . . / i~ ', ~ The following two bids were receiveds ' f . i . .. . ' '~ ~ . .~i " ~~ ~~~ The Wilmington Post s For•publication of tax suit notices, once a...,,,~. . week for four weeks, $1.20,per inch for the ` ,.. ":. • four isaues, 30fC per inch per issue. C4 . , . . . „~, +.. i~~ , The 161ilmington Star-News,s 72~L per inch per iaeue. • , ;' I '•" • ~ ` `~ ~.:;"~ ~• The'Wilmington Post being" the lowest bidders, the contract,tvas upon motion of I~hr.Trask~ `L~-~ ,• ~1~ seconded by ~5r. Gardner, awarded to them. ~ . ~ . k:r p`_~ '. A request of G.DudTey Humphrey,Eaq., for an abat~ment oY' taxes on various lots in :' Federal Point township and in.Carolina Beach, on account of erroneoua and doubtful E~J.--'~ ,;~`' :~,..,~ ~;,;~ charges, we.s upon motion of ~Gr. Gardner, seconded by I~Ir. Hall, referred to the County ti ;. t Attorney for opinion., t;.: . . . ,` Upon motion of I~fir. Trask, seconded by 1~dr. Hall, items of back taxes eharged againet ~~•~ ;:. house of ~7alter E9inner, formerly located on land owned by others at Fort Fisher, was • ~j~~ ', r' ~~•!"rT9s~ upon recommendation of the County Attorney, ordered cancelled, for the reaeon that the '^ ~•`- said house has long since been destroyed by beach erosion. ~ . '~ . . .. - _ ' ~ ,_- • r Upon motion. of ll~r. Trask, seconded by IvIr. Gardner~ Afir.. T.T.Betts, Third Division State .. ~ ~'"s` Highway Engineer and Mr. Biberstein were requested to investigate.the request of „ ~~ '~; ~''~~~' IJfr. Lofton with the County CoTranissioners, to sponaor a State 1°IPA• roadway connecting the , d •`~ old ~ntl riew Holly Shelter road near Island Creek, a distance of appxoximately 600 yards., ~.'~.,rj, ~ ., ~ _ - ,•' \ ~ ~ >Y~` ~~~. ~ ~ U on motion of T~~r. Trask seconded b I~dr. Hall the Board a. roved the a ent of ~p44.0 / ~,..; ~ P . Y ~ PP p 3'°~ 9 C_.._ t.,:;;~,.~~~- ~'Y~~j~'£o the Rocky I,iIount Hospital for treatment o£ Ed Lucas, Nec~ Hanover County charge, ~ ~,:rr::t;;k ,,,1~:'~ recommended by the Supt., of Public 47e11'are. ~ ~:,•`,,•r, .: ... . . ,C~'i ;,'. i: ~. ..t , v k'„t~~,;, :,. s Upon motion of 1~r. Trask, secorided by Mr. Hall, tne Board authorized the purchase of ~" -``"`~'~clothing for Inez Holom~n at a coat of ~3.10. :, ; ~ , . ~. ~ ~•~t?• Upon motion of Tdr. Traek, seconded by ~uir. Hali, the Supt., of Public ~elfare was authorized ••~;- s~~G~ ~o provide tranaportation for Frances Potter from Samarcand to ~7ilmington for an,operatiort~ /~ fi•'-.:-_~ . : :f-' /' and treatanent. • . :.,i ~ ., 1 a a . . ~ . ~~'•~="`~. .,~ •~"" It appea.ring that iUPA funda to carry on the improvementa-and additions at Legion Field `~ ~,+ , will be exhausted about August lst, and it being very desirable to continue the improvementa t to the`Stadiwn,, Buildinge, Ftace Tracks etc., the Chairman was therefore authorized, upon ~/ ~'~~;,.;_;.~' .~~ '~~`,~(,~f„ motion-of };ir. Trask, seconded by b4r. Gardner, to sign a WPA County Sponsors requeat for ,/ ~~- `~' .'+,~'~„ j~ ~" funds in~the amount of ~60,655.44y ~oecar~yG;,out the~ improveme~ts and additiona~de.sired. ~ '' :~~''~~ T~'le above action ~s duly passed after '~Lr. Gardner suggested that would possibly be w~Ae ~•'~~~~ ~. ,~' to hold• the;ma.tter. in:abeyanoe:~£or.' a..day until the County Home and Court House .pro;j-ec~a N:;,,; ~`~ ; 4~ ~~ could be considered and included in the application. • ,'ii~'; ? A request of ~iss V,sleria Williams for a reduction of the assesament on 335Z acres ~ ~ a +' ';1, , of land owried,by the Hanover-Brunswick Investment Company, Harriss No.l, Ha.rnett tov+nship,~ "`~ ~i' ~ t~ on account of excess acreage cha.rged, toBether with a reques~t for reduction_of assessment , ;.. ~ ~ .. -{ , ~,~, `: ~,it~ on property in block #11,vras upon motivn of P,Sr. Trask, seconded by I~r. Hall, referred to , ~-• the County Auditor and Assessora iespectively for'.investigation,and;report to the Board ''~' at a subsequent meeting. ~, ~ . . . . . ,'~~ ~'{ A reques,t that back taxes ckiarged against lots 29 and 40, block #557 prior to 1927, ~ ~~~"_ ~~-~~•~~ v in the name of 2.L.Ruth and sold under court order in 1927, and purchased by C.E.Kerr et al.~ '~'~' ,~!` and money paid irrto court, was upon motion of T~r. Gardner, seconded by II4r. Hall, referred ,~~~' ~• ~~;,~. ~. to the County Attorney Yox opinion and to ascertain the a'ttutude of the City Commissioners •, .. '..'s„ and report to the Board at a subsequent meeting. ' j, ':, ~°•~ i~A request oi' ~ir. John R. Morris for payment of damages for for the loss of'53 :young ~ ' ~ ,. ~~ Q~~W chickena creighing f'rom 1~ to 1~ pounds each, killed by a dog said to be ovmed by Tom ,~~, ;~.;~. ~~~Ir~dCroom, vras upon motion of 1vlr. Gardner, seconded by 1uir. Hall, ordered referred to three ~..; freeholders to be named by the Board for investigation and recom[nendationa as directed . ,,,, by law. . . ~ ; ~ ~'` ;~;' ~ Upon motion of L~Ir. Hall, secontied by L4r. Gardner, the assessment of ~2~000.00 on house of / •~•, . ~, BGr. Geo.T.Clark, Country Club Pines, wriich v~as reduced to ~1,000.00 3'or the year 19~8, wa~`' ,/ ';r;;'''"'~; ~"~~~ made retroactive in eff'ect to apply .fA'r the year 1937, and an abatement o£ taxes on a V .~«.. tiy :i ' valuation of ~~~000.00 for the year 1937, was ordered.• a\a . :~ *, ; ~ . ' ' *' .. "`..,. ~°~ ^• ..,j• A request of i~trs.''~Gladys B. Procter, Supervisor ~~omen's and Profesr~iorial '7~PA Projects f 1 -!.~ .~. that an appropriation of ~p5.00 be ~ranted for the purchase of all types of patterns for,/'` ~ti, 1 , a~ ;::~~~~~"`r4omen~ s, Children~ s and Men~ s clothing for the sezving rooms project, was upon motion~ of , ,~ 1~r. Hall, seconded by 3~r. Gardner, granted, said check to be made payable to I~IR.J.C.~~rrison, ',,~`X~~~~ M1' ,~•' County Auditor of, BuncornbeCounty. :'~,~ •~ , . S:. ° >« • . 5 . q ~~ , r •.;~ 3~, ~ ~ _ . •~ " • i "` F ~ : 5~~ . . - ~eeting~oY June 2Utn, 1938~ continued. 'Nith reference to the matter oi repairing or replacing tne damaged boiLer at the I / tock~,de used by the State Prison tiepartment, and tne oizer of-the Ha.rtford Steam ~.V oiler Inspection and Insurance Co., to pay ~210.00 in either case~ instructions were ` / given to communicate with the State autnorities as to vihat they may choose to do in ' the matter. ' - • ' ~_ ~a,~~'j Upon motion of Id~r. Gardner~ seconded by Idr. Hall, the ~ioard autnorized the payment of ~,., ~,`~ ~42;00 to Hi11 Directory Company f'or f'our copies oY the 1938 City Directory, one each r ~k~ i('s~ ~ for the Clerk,of Court, Sheriff, Cozuity Auditor and City-County Tax Collector. :, , /~~~ It a ~ • . ppearing that the late J.fiicka Bunting purchased two lots of land from P.I,.Sellere; ~~ block ~347 in ~ecember 1926 and through error only one pa.rcel, EMend#3 was charged to . ,( ` him, the E~3pt2 remaining in the name of P.L.Sellers, and by reason thereof taxes for the~~•~ //}f~~~ y~ears 1°u7 and 1928 on the NII~d3pt2 eras not paid~ the Board therefore, upon motion of ,., ~- I~[r. Gardner, seconded by Y~Rr. Trask, authorized.the_.acceptance of the taxee due for the said yeare 1927 and 1928 as 9ri~inall y~char ged,.and released from the pa y ment of penalt~ y J. anci sales cost for delayed payment. ~.., , Upon mot~on of ]~r. Gardner, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Clerk of Court vras authorized to~ 5` C(_C/ employ extra help to assist in the work in his office in pertaining to the back tax .:. ~ ~ suits. ~, '~~ A~plications for license to sell beer submitted by Roy Black, Jame3 Fox, and R.V.Rogers, „ /~ at locations Carolina Beach Road, Seabreeze and Greenviile Sound respectively, the same.~ °'. / havin~ been inves.ti~ated and approved by the Sheriff, were upon motion of Mr.Hall, seconded by Mr. Gardner, approved. r , <. Upon motion of 144r. Hall~ seconded by;P~r. Gardner, the Chairman vras authorized to sign .. r a contrect vrith the Tide VJater Power Company to furnish current for ~he~:flog~-ligiits ~ at Legion Fie1d at a minimum cost of $82.00 per month. It beii~g understood that ~~ ~~(~~f T~r. Bert Kite is to depasit ~80.00 for the firat two games scheduled to be played to ~ ,~~. ~; ~ , meet expenses for the lighta and will deposit an additional ~40.00 before the third , "r~ ~ame ie played. It also appears that some 35 to 40 games are schedul:ed to be played and the proceeds to be received by the County will meet the expenae~of li~hting the~. " field. It also appeared tha.t if. private interest had requested the li~hts a deposit of "~800.00 wo~ld have been required by the Tide ~~ater Company. ~ ' Upon r~otion of Mr. Gardner, seconded by n4r. Hall, the Ghairman .was authorized .to- '' •~Ir'~ .~ have six 500 watt units for lighting granfl'stand and parking area furnished and~inst~lled ~ ~ at Legion Field on competitave bids. , . _. . ~• '~ Upon motion of Ivir: Hall, seconded by ~nr. Trask, the Chairinan «as authorized to sec e - ' , ~ bids fpr furnishing and inatalling plumbing and necessary fixtures in the Keepers - - "~" Cottage at I,egion ~'ield and given authority to award the contract to the lowest bi der., ^ Upon motion of ptlr. Gardner, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Board agreed to compromise the ~`~. ~~ ~653.86 back taxes due by Zouis ~~illiams on property in bloek #213 for the years 1923 to '~ ~ 1 9 2 7~ i n c l u s i v e, upon p aymen t~ o f ~ 5 Q Q~. 0 0, i n o r der to c le ar t h e § am ewo f ba c k t ax e a a n d `~• put the same on a tax paying baais. ~ . ~ ~Upon motion~of Mr.,Gardner, seconded by]vlr. Trask, autnority was given to purchase a ca /C~~`of~cement,, necessary drain pipe, reinforcing steel, lumber, nails and roofing for drain~ge}~ work etc., 2~t the County Airport. Upon motion of Pdr. 'rrask, ~back taxes charged against R.5.Sellers''on property in block ~, ~t~~ #18, fox the yeara 1921 to 1927 inclusive, were ordered cancelled'on recommendation of ~ ~~ t h e C o u n t y A t t o r n e y, f o r t h e r ea s o n t h a t t h e t a x e s p a i d' o n a n e r r o n e o u s a s e e s e me n t wa s `" sufficient.to offset the amount of back taxes +~ha,rged. ' <. ~ .~ . ~ `~~~~~~- Upon motion, duly seconded county bills A1os. 3981 to 4012 vrere approved for payment:.~. It appearing that the Cumberland County Commissioners are making an effoxt before the ~~,~ State Utilities Commission to secure certain rednc~ions in railroad'rates v+hich might seriously effect 19ilmington~s continued payroll volurae from the Patroleum products. ~~` terminals located here, and that may effect transportation out of Wilmington generally ', as well as the railroads, Mr. Gardner moved and it was seconded by T~r. Hall and carried; That the V~ilmington Port Commiaeion instruct its a$ent, I~dr. J.T:Hiers to prepare a brief and appear before the State Utilities Cotrmiission at i~s formal 3~ea'ring on this, ,.. matter in Raleigh, Tuesday June 28th, 1938, and oppose any effort to reduce ra~lroad , rates affecting this port as aforesaid. F~r. lrask not being sufficiently informed as to the matter in question and therefore not prepared to vot.e, requested to be recorded as not voting. The Boaxd acting upon the recor~mendation of the County :~ttorney, and upon motion of / Lir. Hall, seconded by ]~r. Trask, order'ed the back taxes cha.rged a~ainst the west end of ~~, lot #ii, block #500, in::the name of J.C:King, canoelled for the years 1923 and 1924, ~V /~ for the reagon the record title was not in the name of J.C.King for saia years, but in the name of C.I~.I,ittleton. ; ' , . The meeting tnen adjouxned. . A~ (`~~/~) ~ 7~. ~%'/'~e , r, /J' Clerk., ~j/ ~ 1y. . , / ~~ ' r . ~ : ~. r:» ' . . . ` ~'~ • , A.~ i~ '} ~ . • ~,. .,.. , . . . 5y3. v_ Ai • I - ~ \~ ? ' • ti~ilmington,I~.C., °dune 27th, 1938. . `~y E . k ~- . The regular weekly meeting of. the Board tivae held at 3,t00 0' clo.ck P..2d. y , .. ~~. ° Presentt Addison Hewlett Chairman~ Geo.~V.Trask~ H.R.Gardner and R.B.Roebuck. ~: The minuteaof ineetin~ of June 20th~ were read and approved after correcting the tl"~ , order giving the Chairman authority to si~n a contract with the Tide 4Vater Pow~r Co., t; _ . Q~/$ to furnish current for lighting Zegion Field by adding; That the switch to the lights ~ I.s;- '1U~'" shall be kept locked and no ni~ht gamea shall be played or lighta turned ori' until : ~. a sufficient deposit shall ha,ve been made. ivitki'~thecCo.u~sty Auditor to pay for the '~~ expense of 1i~hting. F, > • ' , ~ ~ A petition presented hy 1~RRr. ~Q.T.VJeake and delagation, signed by 223 citizens and tax ~ payers of Sunset park petitioning the Board to re9uest the State Hi~h*~y and Publie: ' -''' ' Woxka Commission to pave or ha~d-surface the unpaved portion of' Northe`rn Boulevard and ~„• northern sid~e of dentral Boulevard, Sunset Park, and also the. cross streeta between ,. ~ ~ entral and Northern Boulenards, particularly the cross streets no~~ being used by the / - "~'. ~~Ade i!7ater Power Compariy's bus line, also a supplementary petition eigned by 62 citizens ~~' of Sunset Park residing in that section lying t~test of I~6onroe Street,, petitioning the ~ ^^^~~~yyy ~a~~'d to request the State Highv~ay and Public 4Vorks Commiseion to pave or hard-surface ~, -,' Van Buren s~rW4$ to adequately and perman~ntly support, not only the general traffic ~r3iereon, '• bu~ also thA buses.of •the Tide t~a.ter Power Company and the School buses of the New , Hanover County~public schools. I~br. I~arsden Bellasny, County Attorney,also endorsed the ~r~ t' ~ requests and~called attention to the large amount of taxes paid in that community. ' ~ B~Ir. Gardner moved to adopt the petitions and reqizests, and present the same to ~ i Tdr. 9V.F.Potivell,Jr., Third Dinision State Highway Cotrunissioner at G7hiteville, together ~ wdth other matters, ~uesday July 5th~ for his conaideration. His motion was seconded ,` by RHr. Roebuck and carried. ' ` A requeat of Mr. J.S.. LeMoyne tnat the County continue its appropriation of ~600.00 ~ 'd+ ~.•: ~,x{.~;~annually toward the maintenance of the local ~3etter Housing Office, under the Federal ~ ~" `~~ UHousing Administration, wae received to be considered at a joint meetin~ with the City sy , . ~ Conuniss ioners,. , ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~' ~~ •_ A request of Mrs. VJ.B.Cooper that an appropriation o£ ~1,080.00 in addition to water '~, and fuel be provided jointly by the Ci~ty and County to xeplace the ~30.00 monthly ~ ~.! _ ~ ~4PA allowance allowed for food that v+ill be discontinued July lst, toward maintaining ; j ~.~,..~~~the three Nursery schools, was upon motion of Ivtr. Gardner, seconded by Mr. Trask, • received for joint consideration with the City Commiseionera, and a corranittee from the` ~; ~. 4'Jelfare Department and Sponsora~invited to attend said.meeting. ~: t;~~ Upon motion of DGr. Gardner~ seconded by 1~r. Trask,the Board granted a request of the ~ i,' ,. Board of Education that the~sum of' y$8,892.67 in Vocational money turned over to the w,,,~ ,; ,., ~.....~~~ County Auditox•~ be added to the 1937-1938 budget, be transferred from the Vocational Fund, before closing the 1937-1938 budget accounts, to iron out the details of the ~_' allotment by items as follows: ~'. . F }~ 4~. . `;~ '; ~ ' `' 8eg.ula~ ~"aund; • A. ;*,;~ , Capital ,Outlay $~ 571.1? • ~ Maintenance of ~lant • . 442.78 ~ 1,013.90 ~ ?'i,:},~ Supplementary Funds ~ • . ~ • ,~ Instructional Service-Teachera Salaries,..$6200.00 .• • R. 0. T. C.., 128.77 ~ `~. I,ibraries 1550.OA . 7.878.77 ~8,892.6r ,, ~ ~, , '~. Transfer from General Control,Regular Budget•to 5''iaintenance of Plant 77.53 '~~ Transfer from Operation of P1ant,Regular Budget to Maintenance of Plant 174.38 ~ - Transfer from Operation of P1ant,Supplementary Budget to Maintenance af Plant 358.33 ~ }- Transfer from Auxilary, Supplementary Budget to D~Taintenance of Plant 390.62 ' • Total transfer of these items to I~aintenance of Plant 1,000.3~ ~: , -. , The Board took no formal action on the request of the Board of Education that bonds ' be issued to raise the funds to match the 45~ 4;dPA grant approved for school improvements, ~ ~~~~.~that matter being deferred until the next meeting, but did, upon motion of I~r. Gardner,: G,,~ ~ unanimously vote to provide the schoole with all funda fox improvements that can be m2de . available without a bond election, after the sum needed to match the 1~PA grant for ,.~. ' Community Hospital has first been set aside. • " ~. ~ "~ , Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by I~r. Roebuck, the Board approved the action of~ . , the Board of Education June 14th, 1938, in placing Miss Julia l~. Hi11,Principal of ~° ~~ Isaac Bear School on the retired list, subject to the approval of the County Commissionerar/' +' ~ and paid- in accordance v~ith Public-Local Laws 1921, as aGiended by Public-Local Lavrs 15323, ~~~~said pension not to exceed one half of the average annual salary paid her during the five years preeeding her retirement~ 'Che same being ~826.53 to be paid in installmentm on the lst, day of Janua.ry;r~~ril, June and OctOber of each year. ~ ' ,>' ' The changes suggested to be made by I~r.H.C.Cole, Reginal~Director, in the Nlinimum VJage ~ ~ ??ates for pocket N.C. 1277-D.S. Coraaunity Hospital, by reducing the minimum hourly wa~e ',~ ~• ''-..~ ~„ ra~te of"painters rough and priming" from.90¢ to.80¢, and increasing "Reinforcement Pl~cer, ' ~v~~` one per gang from .40~t to .60¢,"Bricklayer Apprentice from .40~ to .65¢,"Carpenters '' ~~~ Assistant" from .40¢ to .50¢~ was upon motion of Mr. Gardner, seconded by Iur. Roebuck~ ~~,,,~. approved subject to the approval of the City Commissioners and if acceptable to the Trades , ~: ~ ~.~ Union. '~.' `~~ Applications submitted by J.G.Freeman and 6am C: $ellam for license•to sell beer at ~~,.. ti,~; ~~-_ ~~location at Seabreeze and 47rightaville Sound respectively, the same having been approved . / by the Sheriff v~ere upon motion of Iifir. Roebuck, seconded by A4r. Trask, approved. %~ ;" • A request of LQr. ft.L.Fryer that the Atlantic Coast Line•Service Baseball Club be permi.tted ' to play baseball on Saturday afternoons and riollidays at Legion Field; met with the approval ,, ~~~ of the Board,but inasmuch as the Legion and Iridependent Clubs have previously been gr~Lnted that privilege,,dr.Fryer ~ae, therefore, adviaed to take the matter up with ~„r.A.B.Rhodes, businese 2~a.nager for the Legion Club and Mr. Kite for the Independents and work out a schedule that would not conflict with previously axrangements.. , ~ .~;~ _ r w .' , Y I • Meeting of June 27th, 1938, continued. Upon motion of Mr. Gardner, seconded by IuLr. Roebuck, back taxes charged against ~,,.p /-~~X Carter & Brice on land ~~Tract near Greenfie~d" the same having been investigated, v ~' was ordered cancelled as a doubtful charge, the same appears from the recorda to have been sold to the Lake Shore Realty Company in 1913, ~ . ~ ~. Upon motion, duly seconded, Mr. tia.J.Newell of Seagate, Harnett township, was exempt from '~ ~a~ the payment of poll taxes on account of poverty and physical disability, and authority was; ~ given to abate poll taxes charged against his small lot of land at 5eagate and dog taxes charhed in error.. ~ . Upon rnotion of ~tir. Trask, seconded by 2~r. taxes due on five acres of land,"part of ~(,~~ 1928 in the name of William Streeter, and ~'' and released from the payment of personal of having to take the ssid lands back and Roebuck, Pdir.V.Sidbury vras allowed to pay the sore" Harnett township, for the years 1927 and~'e• the 1922 taxes on the land of J.F.Thompaon and dog taxes charged against the same on account the said parties having no equity in the same. ,. ~' , ~" A request to compromise the back taxes due on the property oP the heirs of J.O.Reilly ~(~,~ in blocks 24 and 212, was upon motion of Mr. Roebuck, seconded by idr. Trask, referred ~o~ ~' the Co~mnittee with power to act. , Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Roebuck, the Board approved the action of the '•- City Co~nissioners in the selection of Mrs. R.B.Page and tdr. J..C~~Villiame, as members ofri -~ ~ the Board of Trustees of Comminity Hospital to replace Idr. Geo.B.Elliott and Nir. Geo.H. • ' Hutaff, who declined to serve for pressing business reasons. . UPon motion of 1~r. Tsask, seconded by Mr. Roebuck, autnority was given to provide ~, " ~+~ window shade~, s for certain ~vindows in the Recorders Court Room ae recor.unended.'~, The followirig resolution was offered by '•i Mr. G~rdner, who moved its adoption, vras ,~ ~.taeconded by Idr. Roebuck and unanimously carried: . ' . ~"That,;: 11Thereas, an issue relating to the establiekunent in the City of ~lilmington,/ ' ` or the County of New Hanover, of a Red Light District-has again been raised; and / VPI~.~, the establishment of such a segrated district in our County has been,~ ~ , vi~orousl.y and coura~eously opposed by the Ministerial Association and others interested~ '• in our City and County; and iYHERFAS, it is the opinion of this Board that to establish and maintain, by ~ ~ ~. . Governmental sanction or otherwise, Aouses of Prostitution, is contrary to lavr, good . government and morals and ought not i~e permitted. ~ THERF,FORE, BE IT RESOLVED Tha.t the ~oard of County Commissioners hereby approves the J . ~ position of the I~iinisterial Association and others in opposin~ the creation~est~blishment ,,,, or maintenance of Brothels o~ the segregation of any portion of the County for prostitutes. , and pledges its support to supprese and crueh any such attempt." • . . , •. ~t ~vas brought to the attention of the ~ioard by ?dr. Gardner, on complaint of,~2dr.Geor~e , hadwick,~that cans,trash.and other debris•dumped along the Gordon road, was not on].y ,, . /~ unsightly, but was a menace to health, whereupon Fdr.Trask moved and it was seconded by S~(ir.Roebuck and carried, that the same be cleaned up and buried and~signs~:posted warning ~ against the dumpin~ of trash'in the future. . . ~ Upon motion of Il~r. Gardner, seconded by Mr. Roebuck, the matter of installing an ~~ ~ ~,~C /electrically operated drinking fountain on the first floor of the Court house and '"' ' Cj~ abandoning certain,others, was referred to the Couty House Committee with power to act. ~ , , . , . , . , ith reference to a request of 1~Yr. i~,J.Carter to have the ditches cleaned out along ~Henry 5treet in East 4~ilmington, ~r. Gardner moved that all New Ha.nover County drai~nage ~~ matters be haxidled by the Board in regular order on petition or applications to be made ~ . same as any other business of the ~County. His motion did not receive a second. • t A somevahat heated discussion followJe,~ ~q c r g the assignins of the drainage force to ~he various parta of the eounty ~'id~~ie ~f~e~f book accounts of the County Home and Farm~ ~_,~ I~dr. Trask having expressed himself as feeli~ng that his hones:ty and eincerity in his efforts ~{~D~"~ tovrdrd the operation of the County Home and Farm had been attacked, LSr. C.ardner asked thaL ~. ~ :~ he be recorded as saying"that he has never attacked the honesty of any man in New. Hanover~. „ ~County." Mr.Trask feeling that the Commissioners were not in proper frame of' mind to . continue the transaction of husiness mo4ed that the meeting adjou~this was opposed by Mr. Gardner and it v+as the ~leasure of the Board that the meeting continue. •. ~ It appearing that only a portion of the land purchased Byc°:the late J.Hicks Bunting from „ P.~.Sellers, block #96 and Monroe L. Slzrier from the estate of 4Yilliam Goodman, block #347 ~ res.pectively, was charged to them, and by reasnn thereof the same ~aras not listed and back ~` • /''~C{Y taxes accumulated. The matter as to what adjustment can be made, was upon motion, referred to the County Attorney for opinion. Upon motion of Pdr.,Roebuck, seconded by.2dr, Gardner, the Board authorized the payment in full to I,dr. A.B.Blake for completing the installation of the flood-lights at Legion-Field~s + ~9'~~Li per contract~ plus ~50.75 for extra help furni`shed by 2~Ir.Blake in lieu of' labo~tkiat was o be i f urniehed by the,County. , Upon reco~mendatoon of the Sheriff andn.upon motion of 1~dr. Gardner,seconded by h~r. Ro buck; ,( ~ autnority was given to pay T~r.R.B.King epecial deputy sheriff at Seabreeze,~5.0~ per w~ ' 5•h¢ from July 2nd, through i,abor Day September 5th,1938. ~V ~ . The Sheriff told the Iioard that in view of negro p?rsons having been stopped from goint to „ Lake ~Vaccamaw on the Fourth of July and therefore would greatly increase the numbers at ' `S~,Seabreeze, he had asked for addi~ional State patrolmen to cope with the situation and asked~. /~'Y~4 that any reasonable expense that he may be put to be borne by the County, which was upon~ motion of I~r. Roebuck, seconded by brtr. Gardner, agreeable to the Board, and t~e Commissione~s expressed their appreciation for the cooperation given by the State. ~ '_'~ , , F. The County Auditor having been authorized and directed at meeting of June 13th,1938, to ~~~cancel ~131,000.00 County bonds heretofore purchase.d ans3 held'by the sinking funds~ '~ presented the following said bonds which were checked aiid burned in the presence of the Boards , a-gr~ The Chairman announced that this was the date and hour set for the hearing on the Bond Order of tnis Board of July ~~. 5tri,1°38, authorizing.the issuance of Twenty-One Thousand One Hundred Dollars, (~21,100.00) Publio- i~elfare Bonds of New ~ Hanerver County, North Carolina, No one aslced to be heard. ~ The follo~ring resolution was introduced and read to the Board;' ~II~, this.is the date and hour s~et for the heaxing on the order of this Board•July 5th, 1938, authorizing ~y21,100.00 public tiYeLfare Bonds oP•New.Hanover County, and -, W~F.E1S, no one has asked to be heard, Therefore be it . , RF.~OLVED that-the order,of this BoardROf"July 5th,-1938, suthorizing the issuance of Twenty~one Thousand One Hundred ~ Dollars, (~21,100.00) Public tYelfare Bonds of Ne~v Hanover Countyf_ be finally pasaed in the £orm in which it was passed on said date,• of July 5th~ 1938, and the Clerk b~ instructed to publish the• order in accordance wit.h the law. ,., ~- ~ _ On motion of ~r. Gardner, seconded by ~dr. Roebuck, the foregoing resolution was finally passed by the foliotving roll ~all vot~a . ~ Voting Ayes Addison Hewlett, Geo. 6l..Trask, H.R.Gardner and ' , R.B.Roebuck. . Voting No: None. ' . ,? ~^ V~hereupon the Chairman.declared the res•olution duly adopted. . ~ . ~_ • y` ~ ~ Meeting of' June 27tn, 1938, continued. -.- `~ +' ~ ROAD BOND~ # 1 to 4 Inc., 16-17-27 ~7,000.00 ~ ~ #30 " 33 "# 35 to 44 inc. #47 15,000.00 ~ ~ ~50-51-56-57-63-64 6,000.00 66-to 75 Inc. #89-93-103 11,500.00 ~ 39,500.00 SCHOOL BOND6 ~86 to 89 Inc. • 4,000.00 / ~ ,•, #154 " 173 Inc. 10,000.00 i #7-12 to 18 Inc. ~20 to 22 Inc. 11,000.00 ~t ,, #25 to 27 Inc. 30 to 32 Inc. ,~ ,6~000.00 ~ ~ #37 to 39 Inc. 53-59-62 6,000.00 ~64 to':,76 Inc. 81 to 90 Inc. 23,000.00 ~ , #93 to 95 Inc.104-105-107-111-112 8,000.00 ' ~115 to 119 Inc. 130 to 147 Inc. 23,000.00 , ~180 . 500.00 91.500.00 :. Tota1 .....................~131,000.00 `d 1~onday Juiy 4th, 1938, bein~ a legal holiday, the Board adjourned to meet again s~ in regular session, Tuesday-July 5th, 1938 at 3:00 o`clock P:~. ~ ~~ ~ ; j . /7'h~n ~t . ' ~// Clerk. ~- `// V~'ilmington,K.C., July 5th, 1938. ~ '~ `~ Pizrsuant':.to aflj.dur,xmment Junet27f1.93:8~.tkie~Beard7met.`iii.segu`]~a~ sess3on at 3t00 otclock P.M. Presents Addison Hewlett C't-iairman, Geo.W.Trask, Jaa.A(.Ha11,H.R.Gardner anj R.B.Roebuck. , The minutes of ineeting of June 27th, 1938, were read and approved as recorded. ~ A request of K.C.Sidbury for adjuetment o#' pr.o:po'rtionate part of back taxes on 8 acres ~, ~G1X of land,part of Hanks, ~'ederal Point township,purchased from I~i.P.Taylor 1936, vras ~ referred to the Committee ~~~ith power to act. pay ~50.00 in settlement of An offer of John Burnes to/s~~ $71.53 back taxes due on lot 17 All'en tract, ~ , ~~ TvYaccumbers Station,Harnett township, for years 1920 to L936 inc., was upon motion ~/'r ; upon motion of Mr. ~Trask, seconded by Nir. Gardner, referred to the Qomm~ttee with power to act. ~9ith reference to the ~roposed issue of ~21,100.00 Public 4relfare Bonds of Netv Tianover , • County, North Carolina, Mr. J.A.Orrell, the County Auditor, was upon motion of Mr.Gardnex ` seconded by LIr. Trask, designated to prepare and file a statement of the debt of Net~ ~ ;'~ Aanover County, other than for schools, with this Board, in pursuance of the requirements •--- of the County Finance Act. 1'he said.statement has been prepared, ssvorn to and filed with ~ the Clerk, and is open to public inspection. ~Yhereupon the follo~ving order was upon motion of Mr. Gardner, seconded by rdr. Trask, unanimously adopteds (. ' ' AN ORDER AUTHORIZING THE IS~IIANCE OF T4VEId'i'Y-ONE THOiTAI~ID, 02~ Ht1ISDRED DOLY.I~RS' ($21~100.00)PUBLIC t WEI,FARE BONDS OF NE4x~ HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. , } WHEREAS, the l3oard of County Cormnissioners of New Hanover County, North Oarolirta, ~ the governing body thereof, deems itnecessar$r to provide better facilities for the indigent sick and:afflicted poor of New Hanover County, and to increase the~existing ~ f acilities of the Community Hospital, which said hospital is owned in fee simple by New Hanover County and the City of Wilmington, and to make certain expenditures in connection ~~ there~tith; and, 19HEREt~~ said expenditures are necessary expenses for the maintenance and care of the indigent sick and afflicted poor of New Hanover County, as provided by Article ~I + of Section 7 of the Constitution of the State of North Carolina, and as further provided " by Section 1297 of the Consolidated.Statutes of North Caroliria, and provided for by other constitutional and statutory provisiona; and , WfIERE~S;, the current revenues of said County are not sufficient to meet the , obligations imposed upon the County and at the same time to provide funds with which to undertake said undertaking; and, WHEREA~, no debts have been contracted heretofore during the present fiscal year by said County, and the outstanding indebtedness of said County was reauced during the ~ fiscal year ending June.30th, 1938 by payment of principal of outstanding bonds and notes of said County in the aggre~ate sum of One Hundred and Forty Thousand, one Hundred Dollars {~140,100.00); and, ` WHEREAS~ it is desired to issue bonds to provide funds for payment of the cost af the undertaking aforesaid in the amount of Twenty-One Thousand, One Hundred Dollars ,__, (~21,1~0.00)~ which amount doee not exceed two-thirda of the amount by which the out- standing indebtedness of the County was reduced during the fiscal year ending June 30,1938; _ 0 3 e y o er 1. That for the purpose of providing additional hospital facilitiea for the indigen.t sick and afflicted poor of Tdew Hanover County, which said add3:tioriai~;Eacilitiee are , necessary for the ma.intenance and care of the indigent eick and afflicted poor in said ~ County, as required by the Constitution of North Carolina and by the Statute law of North • Carolina, bonds of New Hanover County,North Carolina, are hereby authorized to be issued, in. the maximum aggregate~principal amount of Twenty-One Thousand, One Hundred Dollars ' (~21,100.00). 2. That a tax sufficient to pay the pri~hcipal and interest of the bonds when due shall ~ be annually levied and collected. 3. Tl~at a statement of the Courity debt has been filed with the clerk, and is open to ~ public inspection. ~ 4. That this order shall take effect thirty days after the firs~'publication thereaf after final passage, unless in the ma~ntime a petiti~on for its submission to the voters is ' filed under the County Finance Act, as amended, and that in such event it akiall take effect ~ whena~roved by the voters of the County at an election as provided in said act. The vote upon the adop~ion of the foregoing order was as followss . Yeas - Addison Hewlett,\~eo.~Y.Trask, Jas.I3.i3a11,~EI.R.Gardner and R.B.I~oebuck. Nays - None. ~ > ~_. "~ ~ NOVF, THEREPORE, the Board of County Commissioners of New fianover County, North Carolina, ~d e her b rd and reslovet ~~~. ~ ~vieeting oi' ~~ly 5tn, 1938, coiitinued. . The foregoing orde-r wa:s~'unanimously adopt'ed by Lhe Board this day,:and. ordered ''. * ~publis•hed-~by=the Cl.erk in the Wilmington ffior.ning<~.tar July 7th, 1938, .together with_ ~ the order and .notice required~by Section 16 .of .the County Finance Act; .and 3s0,0 r/ o'-cl'ock~ B;TH., July L&th, 1938; ,.or. any adj:ournment thereof, _was :fixed as the t.ime `~;- for .hearing upon 4he same.. ~ , .. _ .. ... ... . ~. . „ .. . ., Upon:motion, duly.secohded,~Countyi~udito•r_J.A:Orrell wa~~designated to prepare.and file a..statement.of the County School debt v,rith thie Board, in connection with the ~~ proposedr.;issue..of~For:t~=5ev~n ~housand,-Db~~.larsyi"(~47;000:00~} Schbol..~onds•of<Nevi~~~ ~ I~nover...Countyy,?•in pur.suance of the requirements of-~the County Finance_ Act. The said 1 statement has been prepared, sworn to and i'iled with the Clerk, and is open to public inspection. ~Ihereupon the f'ollowing ord.er was upon arotion oi' Ii6r. Gardner, seconded by • I~Br. Roebuck, unaniMOUSly adopteds ~ AN Orcur,tc AUTHORIZING Ti-~ ISSUANCE OF 1~'ORTY-SEVIIN_THOUSAPID DOLLARS, {~47.~0OO.Op) SCHOOL BONDS I` OF NEGU' NANOVER COUN`PY~ NUR3H CAROZIIdA. - ~ WF~REAS, the Board oi'.Cormnissioners of Ne~+ Hanover County, North Carolina, the governing body thereor, deems it necessary to provide for additmons and improvements J• to Peabody School, 6'Jilliam Iiooper School and Delgado School in said County; and~ WHEREAS~ said'improvements and additions are neceasary expenses for the maintenan~ce of the public schools in said @ounty for a term of' at least six months eacri year, as required by the Constitution of North Carolina; and, „ VJHETtEAS~ the current revenues of said County are not euff'icient to meet the- obligations imposed upon the County and at'the same time to provide funds vrith ivhich to undertake said impr.oveinents and additione;and . `'hfIHEEREI~S, no debts have been cont:acted heretofore during the present fiscal year by. said County, except the sum of ~p21,100.00 for the care, maintenance and support of the indigent sick and aPflicted poor of the County, and the outstanding indebted'ness r of said County ~vas reduced during the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1938, by payment of principal of outstanding bonds and'note~ of said County in the aggregate sum of ~140,100.00; and ' WHEREAS, it ss desired i;o isaue boride to provide funda for payment of the cost of the improcements and additions aforesaid in the amount of ~47,000.00, which amount 1' does not exceed two-thirds of the amount by which the outstanding i~hdebtedness of the County ~as reduced during the fiscal year ending June 30th,1938. ' • NOVB, therefore, the Board of'Count Couirnissioners oP New Hanover County, North ~ Carolina~ does hereby order and resloves 1.That; for tne purpose of constructing additions to e;~isting•school buildings, to_vrit, Peabody Sbhool, William Hooper School and Del~auo School, and repairing and impro~ng the same, which school buildin~ys are necessary for the maintenance of public~ echools`'in said~County for a term of at least six months each ye~r.,,as required by the Constitution of North Carolina, bonds of New Hanover County, Idorth Carolina~ are'hereby authorized to be iseued.in the maximum ag~regate principal amount of Forty-seven Thousand Dollars, ($47,000.00),~ 2. That a tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest of the bonds oahen_cluelf shall be annually levied and eollected. , ,, 3. That a st~tement of the "county ~ehool debt has been~ filed with the Clerk,and ~ is open to public inspection.. 4. That thie order shall take effect thirty days after the first publication , thereof after final passage, unless in the meantime a petition for~its submission to' the voters is filed under the County Finance Act, as amended, and that in such event~~ it shall take ef'fect when approved by the voters of the County at an election as provided in said act. The vote upon the ado,ption of the foregoing drder v~as as followst ' . Yeas _ Addison Hewlet~, Geo.iY.TrasY., Jas.M.~ll, H.R.Gardner and R.B.Roebuck. / ~~ Nays - None. The foregoing order ivae unanimously adopted by the Board this day and ordered publiched by the Clerk, in the ~dilmington bTorning Star July 7th, 1938, to~ether vrith ~ ~~~~ the order and notice required by Section 16 of the County Finance Act, and 3s00 --~' o'clock t~.M., July 18th~ 1938, or any adjoirnment thereof, was fixed as tYte time fox ~ hearing upon the same. .J Upon motion of ~r. Roeliuck, seconded by ~r. 1'rask;~the follovring resolution was unani- mously adopteds Y~fE~EEAS;:,theeBoard of County Commissioners oY New I~nover County has received notice from trie Federal Emergency Administration of Public ~lorks that the grant of the maximum sum of $38~454.00 has been allotted under application N.C. 1191 for the following itemss 1. The cons{~ruction of a school housa at Carolina geach. 2. The alteration and improvement of the Necv Hanover County Ai~h School. 3. ~he construction of the Peabody School and • • ,;~ ~~x; ~ r '~e~pc . `{41 ' ~tt' ,.. ~ ~;~ _ i ' ~ T~~ " 1 K~ ~ ~, .~ ;~- ~ ~ _ F, ,~ ir, '_ ~`,. ~' .. . ~ E. .,.~ -; _ , ,: s ~ + " ti`A , , :~ ~:. .r . , . ' ~' ; ~. ~ WHEREA.S, the original application No. N.C. 1191 was filed several years ago and no funds aTlotted;and ' ~AI~REAS, it was imperative that the alterations to the High Schoo]. and the con- struction of the Carolina Beach School be accomplished and the alteration to the High School and the construction of the Carolina Beach School have been completed by the ' expenditure of Count~r funds; and 'iVF~]3EAS, in the original application No. N.C. 1191 under schedule B and C application was submitted for;~the allotment of funds for the alteration and improvement of the. ',~illiam Hooper School and the Delgado School which alterations and improvements are as~entiai and neeessary for the proper conduct~of a six months school in New Hanover County; and ' _~ . ~ ~.. { ~~~ ~ ~ Meeting of July 5tk~~ 1938~ continued. , ~ ~; ' ''~ ;~''%,`-~' ' tWHEREAS, the Board of County Connnissioners of New Hanoves County have alread~r „• ,,,~ '', approved the issuance of bonds, to provide tl}e Fifty-Five {55) ger cent necessary ~ ___ , .. -~to be f.urnished by idew Hanover County ~.n the construc,tion of.additionsaantinimp~ov- ,s , ~ements -~~'thesPeabod~~'Schgo3:vand~:the-'al•terations~..and°imp~ovements of theLVi9iJ;liam q• '- Hbope~•School and the Delgado S.ckwol. • ~ N0~~1 T'r~FtEFOR~ BE IT RESOLVEDi ' ~ „i . . ; . . l. That the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County do hereby accept the Forty-Five (45) per cent ~rant o'f£ered by the Federal r,mergency Administration , •~ }mprovements ofPeabody School @f ~dditions-:and~ ti _ on of Public ~~Iorke to be used in the construc ?.. That in consequence of the delay in the allotment of ~unds under application 119I and the immediate'necessi,~y of constructing the Carolina Beach School . ' N:~C „ . and of making the alterations and improvements to the High School~ the County of ~+ '~ .~ DTew Hanover has completed said projects with its own funds and without Federal ` ~ County reject the ~. assistance. Therefore, the Board of Commissionera of New I3anover gramt of the Federal Emergency Administration of Public ~~Jorks covering tYie Carolir~ - ` Beach and New Hanover High School projects and respectfully urge the Federal , Emergency Administration of Public S7orks to allot to the PFilliam Hooper and Delgado , ~ projects a Forty-Five t45) per cent grant in lieu offi the grant allotted to the ` ` - Carolina. Beach and ~iigh School pro,jects. -~ ~ , That, Thomas K. Woody, Clerk of the Board of County Co~issioners b.e and he is " ' hereby authorized to certify a copy of this resolutio,n to the proper officials of ~ ~ •~ ' the United Statea of America. . r ~ ~ ~ Upon motion of P~ir. Trask, seconded by I:Zr. Hall, the Board .a~reed to meet the expense , ,,~ f 15~C each per day to provide transportation f'or 60 to 75 persons to be employed ~ '-~ ~ k,. ~ . l~"". in the 'NPA State Board of Health sponsored malaria control work. - '~ '''` Upon motion of Mr. Roebuck~ seconded by I~.Tra"sk, the payment of $12.50 to the r Stonevrall Jackson Trainin~ School, expense of oper.ation for the removal of tonsils , '' / S ~.7`~'~ for Lonnie Roberts, recommended by the County i'~elfare Officer,was approved. - . -'*I:~+„ Upon mo.tion of T~r. Roebuck, seconded by Il~Ir. Hall, transportation for' Peggy Joyce ,/ ;~'; '• and, minor, to the Presbyterian Orphans Home at Barium Sprin~s,Id.C.~ ~5.50 as ~ ~ ~ per the order of the Judge oi Superior•Court June 21st,1938,was approved. ~ j,., • ,:. :~~,' , t i•~: Upon motion of Mr. I-k~ll, seconded by I+~r. Roebuck, the ~15.00 monthly appropriatiori ~ ,~,;;c> heretofore paid to }drs. T.H.Holmes for the care of Sam and Bert 1Register was upon:-, ~ , .,-~~~,k> `~~~,,/reconanendation of tne Supt.,of Public Welt'are, ordered reduced.^to $~10.00 inonthly only , ,,.,y / for the care of Bert Register, Sam Register having gone beyond the age limit £or , , ~~ assistance. , ~..y: , , ~ ~1Y~'~ , A request of Dr. A.H.E1liott,Health Officer, to give consideration to the erection ~ -,,d,,;.:'' ~ of a City-County aponsored WPA abattoir as-_~, health measure, instead of a central 'F, ~. ~~....T. ~..,',i . ,:.t ~. ., nspection and refrigeratmon plant ~or.~the,inspection;of;~localiy slaugY~tered anamals ;. :. `~ ~' j` ~~ l or food as planned b the Cit vras resented and the Cit Couunissioners being ' ~ ~. -• ,:'~ ~NS~ . Y Y. P ~ _Y ;~:, ;~ ~~,~• % preaent, the matter-was, therefore, upon motion of Mr. Gardner, seconded by :Ci~ty N.` ,j , ~ Commissioner W.Louis Fisher, receiv.ed for consideration at a later joint meeting of v ' Y a-~- ~{;t .- the two ~oarde ;;on Cit~=Gaunty matters. .`~ ~~_.•~,,` ~, Application for license to sell beer at the Canal Fil],ing Station on the Carolina i,/" <~'•:; ~`~~ ~/ Beach road presented by C.T.Croom, the same having been executed in due form ~/km'~-I endorsed by the Sheriff, was upon motion•of Pfir. Hall, seconded by Mr. Roebuck, •''" -~a •`';:~~ approved. TJir. Trask not voting. :~ ' r a . ~ 4 ` ,*. ~~x`~.•„~ An application for license to se11 beer ~tel:ocation senen mile poat on the Castle ~~; °3:,~= i~~"' ~``4Ha °ne road reeented in due form and execution b Iiarr Thom son the ~ame .having ~ e O,../ ti~: 3' -~ P, Y Y P ~ `' Fy ~~%~~'~''!~"been~a~proved-by,;the Sheriff~ w7a~ upon motion oP Mr. fl~ll, seconded by T.4r. Roebuck, 4. _ a~~xsvad: .P`dr.. Trask not voting. ~ . w.~4~ ~W1j~~ ~4~ ~.,~-.~ ~ ~• , - l~k4 ,:..~~5e\~ 1~.'~~1~ '` - . a ,,, , . ; i~„ application presented by I~.Id.Parnell for license to sell beer at the Sinclair ~drs~n ~ ~; , , • , .~;Filling station at the intersection of the ~asonboro Road and State highway #20 at ;' !~ ti~inter .Park, the same being in close proximity of the !'dinter Park school, was ' ~ ~„r,~ . " " jreaeiued. f'or investigation and to give opportunity to the sciiool committee ~and '~~ _ ~~~ citizens of that community for expression before taking final action. ; y - , ~ , . A WPA project submitted by 1drs. Edna ;~: Cantvrell, 'NPA Sewing rooin Su.pervisox, to / • ~ ~ provide employment for needy persons in providing matron service for the girls' rest ,, J~~ y rooma in the Consolidated Public Schools, to employ mostly ~v-omen in addition to other pro~jects specifically approved, without duplication,of employeea: The Federal govexnme~t , .' to furnish.~13,201.00 and the sponsors ~375.00, was upon motion oP Mr. I~11, seconded . by Bdr. Gardnex, approved as a~oint City-Coun~y Sponsored VJPA project. . , • Upon motion of 1~r. Gardner, seconded by Mr. Roebuck, an abatement o~' taxes on a ~ e n for • Ca d b W l t G ~ eo. . m ro y is e valuation of ~900~00 printing press type and machinery . ~~ the year 1937, was granted on account of duplicate listin~, the same havin~ also beeri • listed by Mx.:O.G:.Oar~o11 in the name of Union Labor Record. - The matter o£ adjusting the back taxes due on 4.8 acres of lan~,part Wilson,Masonboxc~ toy-+nship, in the name of E.J.Zrving for the years 1921,1922 and 1~323~, now owned by A v i ~~~ Mr.L.T.Landin~, which appears to have been in process of settlement before suit for, ~ the collection of said taxea ~vas brought, vJas upon motion of Mr. Gardner referred to ` ;` ~- . the Committee for investigation and report back to the Board. , ~_ , ~ ` '" A reauest of Mr. V~F.A.McGirt Eor an adjustment of the back taxea due on lots 1 and 2 00 ~/ 50 ;h~ ,• o iilock #29, Cit,y, whi.ch he_ is taking over. .as .se.cond mortgagee, and. offered~ to:.pay.$ p~ ~ .. 4 - 1"~~ ~ - 70~00-~liack"-~a~s'~dueAon~s~me'; ~as upon:.mot'ion of Mr. Trask, seconded in•aettilement~-of~~ ,; , • by N:r. Gaxdner, referred to the Committee with povrer to act. The Board acting on the recoimnendation of, the Tax Assessors and upon moti~on of ~ ' ~ , ~/ ~dr. Trask~ seconded by Mr, Gardner, reduced the 3352 acres of land ailarged,to:.the ` " '~~ Hanover-Brmnswick Investment Company,Harnett township, to 3025 account of error in . -~ charging exceas acreage and previous sales, and fixed the assessment on same at ~ : 350.00 for the year 1938. ~42 9 , h ~ r? f.._` ~ Mee;ting of July 5th, 1938, continued, • ~ , Upon motion of TV[r. H~11, seconded.by Mr.'Gardner, the Board ordered the back / taxes cha.rged against i~esley LPatson block #27, S~5 cancelled as xeco~nended V ~"' ~~~8~ by the County.Attosney, for the reason that the same is ~~7rned by Alfred Brotivn . and erroneously eY~ed' against V~atson. Upon motion of N:r. Trask, seconded by Nlr. Ga~rdner, the +~ recommendation of the .~hree-freeholders., I~essrs. J.I.C -~~' , J.1JI.Ballard, and approved the payment of ~ 21.52 to Mr. school dog tax fund, for the loss •o£ 53y ouung chickens ~ The following resolution was upon motion of 1~5r. Trask, ..---1~ unanimously adoptedt Bo~rd accepted the // rews, J,~,~i'estbrook and ~J John R. Morris out of the killed by a dog. . seconded by I~r.Roebuck,, r ' LVIiEEtEA;, there will be a balance rema,ining i-n the Road Bond Fund after providing . ~ for the payment .of all outstanding bonds and coupons- N04a THEREFORE RE IT ' RESOLVEA I. That the County Auditor is hereby authorized ancl dir.ected to transfer ~/ • . eaid balance to the School Bond Sinking Fund. V 2. That the County puditor is hereby authorized and directed to credit . to the School Bond Sinking Fund all items of back taxea and street~~aving..a$ses~mente, hereafter ~ollected for account of the Road Sinking Fund. L6rs. Hazel R. Hurst, was upon motion of Mr. Roebuck, seconcted by her. Trask, released f~/. ~~{`f~~ from the payment of ~4.92 penalty £or not l-isting lots 4 and 5, block ~11, @arolina 't~ • place for tne year 1937. . • i'~ . ~` , " . ~~ ~ pon motion of I~ir. Roebuck, seconded by BGr. Gardner,, the Board ordered that the / ~"v ~~~ounty~s expenses Eor operations be continued upon the same baeis of the 1937-'~/ i '°°~' `" 1938 budget appropriations, pending adoption of the 1938-1939 bud~et eatimates. , „` p~Upon motion .of Pdr. Gardner,: seconded b,y I~dr. Roebuck, County bills Nos.4013 to 4273 ~ ---.. r~~ - were approved for payment. The Chairman reporting on the cohference he, 2ar. Gardner and Mr. b`red VJillette had ~with I~Ir. A.F.Powell,Jr, Third.Di~ision State Highaay Covmiissioner,.concerning ~~- improvements to 23rd, ~treet running through Chestnut Heighta, Stre~t improvements "~/ ~~~ l at Sunset Park a.nd a road connectin~ the Old and Ne~v Holly 5helter roada as requeatedl+ , ~,b.y,Nir. I,ofton, stated~that they were cordially received and that eoery consideration ~ :would be given their requests, though nothing definite 4ras a~reed. r T~dr. Trask suggested that consideration be given to the installation of l:ights,at the~~ V~d~County.'airport to indicate the location of the field and runv~ays until adequate ' li~hting can be provided and leveling of the runways. The.meeting then adjourned. ~u> >1.1K~y ... ~i O C1exY.. V~Tilmington,N.C., July llth, 1938. The regular caeekly mezting of the Board was held at 3s00 o'clock P.M. - Present: Addisqn HeNlett Chairman, Geo.~7.Trask, Jas,M,Ha11,H.R.Gardner and ~ R.B.Roebuck. • _ Absents None. •~ ~ . ~ ~ . , :': ` ~ ~ . The minutes of I~ieeting of July 5th, 1938, were read and approved as recorded. ' . _ ~~, „ ~ A request of Mrs. I~ibel Brown for aid f or her.self and two small. children vras upon P1~.~,~motior~ o£ I~r. Trask; seconded by Idr. Roebuck, referred to the Associated Charitiea.'v /~~ . , . / A request of 'v9illiam Struthers, Jr., for cancellation of the back taxes on the N19Pt. lot ~4, block 68, in the name of Sarah Hill, account of error in not chargin~ e 11~ithe T. Evans with the same ~vhich was conveyed'to her January 7th, 1889, s2ie having ;` , / 4. li~ted and paid taxes on adjcining property,thinking the.same was inciuaed, was upon• motion of Mr. ~oebuck, seconded by I~ar. Trask, referred tn the County Attorney for , opinion. • _ : _ ~ A request of ~lir. P.Buis for improvements to" the drainage of the lands along the ,(~' ^~~~,J Gordon road, at his place, was upQn motion of r~r. Gardner, seconded by I~dr. Hall, referred to the Chairman for ing.estigation and vrith power.to act. Upon motion of NLr. Trask, seconded•by I~r. Roebuck, the Boa,rii acting upon the recommen-t ~~" ~,,. dation of the Supt., of Public S,~elfare, granted Chas.B.Atwater, a phyeical5.y disabled ~f/~ person•found at Carolina Beach, temporary care at the Coun.ty Home until the place of / his legal residence can be established. Upon motion of TaTr. 'PrasY., seconded by IJfr. Roebuck, Frank Brown having been investi~ated..~ ~.and recommended by the Supt.•, of Puolic l:~elfare, was granted admission to the County' W... ~ Home as an inmate. : , Action on the application of Hill Guthrie for re-admission to the County Home, vaas ~/ •, „ ~ f ~~~'deferred until a subsequent meeting. .: ~ An application for license to sell beer at the Sinclair Filling Station on highvray ~~0, ~ ~ : •~~'~i~~.at•r..~finter Park, submitted by T~r. TuI.I,~I.ParneYl, v~as also continued until next.meeting. , A re9uest for. a,separation of~the assessment on the property of h~rs.Bertha J. Cerf, ,_, block #206-W~-5, and f~ an assessment on the VJDOpt. lot 5-44t 1C 66~ ~was upon motion of .~~ ~~• • ~~~~, P~',r. Gaxdner, seconded by I~Sr. Trask, referred to the Committee and Tax Assessors ~~ith ~; ,.~ ' power to aet. •~ . • , •~ } . , ~ ~~~ ~ ' ~ , „M . 'I~Teeting of July 11th~ 1938, continued. • .. ,.rr ~ A bill £or ~10.00 Yor labor ~rid material for repairing the Airport party telephone '~ ~ine, rendered to ILr. Jno.R.P~orris 'and submitted to the County for payment for the ~~ ~~`"reason the trouble was l.ocated in the aiiport telephone inatrument, was referred to ,~ ~'~~ the Chairman to secure an itemized statement of the same and the cost of a new telephone. , ~ A request of the Board of Edt~~a~ion tha.t the sum of $1~906.00 be placed to the ti ~~ `- ,±.', credit of the school fund tn take care of expenditures for the month of July, was *+ „•~~d-~'upon motion of IGIr.Roebuclt, seconded by Tr4r~. Hall, granted. r ~~ IIPon motion of Blir. Roebuck, seconded by I~r., 'irask, William Foy was granted an abateme.nt ~. of taxes on a valuation of ~50.00 on ha.lf lot #I6, Fox Subdivis'ion charged to him in li~ ~~7 .~~ error for the years 1921 to 1932, and $45.00 for the years 1933 to 1938, and $400.00 on i! house from 1921 to 1932 and ~380.00 ff~om 1933 t'o 1938, for the reason the same is owned ~ by and was charged to I~.E.P7ilson for the above years. ~ , I ` ~ . ~~ . Upon motion of l~r. Hall, seconded by Idr. Roebuck, the Board.directed that ten days notice ` i be given, by publication, tha,t the Bo,ard of County Co~nissionexs v1i11 sit as the Board of Q"'• ~ ~~ Equalization and Reviev~ at 3s00.o`clock P.Pd., July 25th, 1938, to hear complaints on , "~ , ~ ~ assessments of real estate. ' ~F ~*',; t• ~ -~Z~u~The assesar~ent of ~$3,400.00 on 17 acres of land, I~rs. Louis H..Skinner, "1~Qyrtle Court" ' ` Haxnett township, was separated and t'he assessment on 2.9 acres purchased by Louis H. ~'~_,,, Skinner, Jr., was upon motion of Nir. Roebuck, seconded by I~r. Hall, fixed at the same ~~~~ basie of assessment of $~200.00 per acre, of ~p600.00 for the 2.9 acres for the purpose •, , of sett2,~:ng"~ne pro rata part of back taxes due on same. k~ ~ + , A.r.repo.rt of the E~ecreational' program for the tponth of June was.received from it4iss •i~' ~ ~.~.~~ Flora I~iller, Director, and ordered filed. ~ Appli~a,tion for license to sell beer at location at Sunset Park and Kure Beach submitted ~,/ ~y R.L.Barnhill and C.N.Kogas,respectively, the same having be'en approved by the Sheriff ~ - ~I ~ ~' were upon motion of PLr. Roebuck, seconded•by IiSr. Garciner, approved by the Board. ~ ,i UPon motion of Nir. Hall,, seconded by T;tr. Roebuck, the Board authoriaed thepayment of / ,;. - t.~`p100.00 to b,r. H.G.Carney, Chairman of the Board oP Electiozas account.of. error of ¢~ .' „ ~~„~~~~20 days personal service inadvertently omitted from his bill #20, for holding 2nd, prim~ryr July 2nd~ 1938. ~ w ~ ~~5 .,. ,~ , :~ :; ~. ;s-n „ . ~•yy~ ~ ~~~ •~ ',~. 1 R ~ ~ i A request of City Commisaioner Jae.E.I,.i~"~ade, .that the County bear the expense of providin~ additional toilet facilities at the recreational center,in the City oivned building,. ,,/~ at 4th~.and Campbell streets at a cost of appr.oxlmately ~170.00 vdae received.for conaideration at a joint meeting of the ~wo Boards. T~4r.Wadest request that back taxes charged against the Bridgers property at Burnt ~iill ,. / ~ y Creek, now ovmed by the ~~ty of Yrilmington, was upon motion of PQr. T~aek, seconded by - . ", I~Ar. Hall, granted. _ ~` Upon motion, duly seconded, I~diss: IJferle i~lard, extra elerk in the Clerr of Court's o~'fice, ,~ ~~ c~j~-'vzas allowed ~2.50 per day from •Tune 17th, for services in connection vaith back tax suits. ~r~-~ Upon moti'on, county bills Nos. 427~ to 4279 inc., and Nos. 1 to 73 Inc., were approved / r/{~~ for payment. The following good and lawful men vrere drawn to serve as jurors in the 5uperior Court for 1.~~the trial of criminal cases for vreek tieginning July 25th, 1938: E.E.Copeland. Edwin D.Murrin. 3d.V.Bennett. John I~11. R.C.Shakelford. J.E.Walton. A.R.FTowers. C.F.V~illiams. H.A.Blake. H.M.Emerson. Jas.A.Cox. G.4~.Clark. K.2~.Ha11. Jno.T:Sholar. Hoivard Aanby. Idiark Hines. A.B.Sternberger. J.C.Slocumb. E.E.Riley. I,.A.Williams. Geo'.T.Clark. ti9.K.Al'len. B.H.Brid~ers. H.E.Shepard. Carl J.Oldenbuttle. R.G.White. J.T.King.- A.L.Freeman. Henry B. Harbers. D.G.Register. ; , ,, The meeting then adjourned. rTl~~n ~t.~ . . Cl erY.. Q.K.Davis. J.J.North. N. A. Mc~vaan. Claude T.Gore. T. A.I,awt her, Jr. N.Kelinin. Robert H. Carr. R.R. Guyton,! L.C.LeGwin,Jr., 0 Vi~ilmington,N.C., July 18th, 1938. y~The regular weekly meeting o£ the Board was held at 3:00 P.P~. Present: Addison Hev~lett Chairma.n, Geo.'v9.Trask, H.R.Gardner and R.B.Roebuck.~ • Absents Jas. Pd. F~11. ,._._/~ The minutes of ineeting of July 11, were read and approved as recorded. / ~ . . , • ~' i Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by I,dr. Roebuck, the Board gave its endorsement bf the ,~:Y ~ "`/~ safety prograrn presented by ;~4ra James Curtis. .•;' ~ A reques:t of Dr. R.B.Rodma.n tha.t the Board continue the 1938-T939 ap~rropriation for ~ ;~ '~ ~ Company A 105th, Medical Regiment the same as last year was.received for consideration '>., ,~, t.?~~'~~`~~urin~ the preparation of the budget.' ~ - ;i . . '1 ~~ - Upoh motion of bir. Trask,, seconded by Mr. Roebuck, the Board approved a request of 1~2'. ~~ ,~~~,W.A.McGirt that the State Highway Ec•Public aYorks Commissioii take over and maintain ~ ~~olumbia Avenue, a road in Forest Hills connecting Colonial Avenue and Forest Hills D' t 1 /800 f t' 1 th J ~•, rive, approxima e y ee in eng . ~ p A repo.rt*o~:fthe Wilmington Port Co~nniasion for quarter ending June 30th, 1938, was xecei~xi-~/- ~ . ,ifiJPL.and ordered filed. , "';.o , , ; . ~ C. G.I~cKe~ than. G.L.Bennett. H.fl4arks. / Dan Benton. '/ J.B.Hughea. r~ J.G.S~okes. D.A.Gardner. J.S.Howell. G.O.Gaylord~Jr. Meeting~of July 18th, 1938, continued. , „ The 1938-1939 ~qilmington Port Commission budget of anti'~ipated income of ~~ ~13,136.87 and estimated expenses of ~11,250.00 was then presented by ~ / i~dr. Peter B. Ruffiri its Chairman, v+hich aas upon motion of 1;~r. Gardner received ' for consideration durin~ the preparation of the County budget. _ Upon motion of 7,Qr. Gardner, 'seconded by I~+Sr. Roebuck, a meeting of interested citizens, representatives of ~business interesis and shippers, the 1Vilmington Port Covgnission and the City Couunissioners was Eal]~ed to meet at the Court ~ House 8:00 ~'.1~.;2~Ior~day evening July 25th, for an informal discusaiomof ma.tters ~ ~l~ • pertaining to the furtYier development'of the Port of 47ilmir~ton and to further ~ consider the recommendations of Mr. J.T.Hiers, General Agent of the Port Com.. mission,of July 6th, 1937. The Count'y Attorney at this point'stated tha,t the County or City could not expend funds for~the erection of terminals unlesa ' approved by a vote of the people. ' , Upon motion of tJir. Roebuck,~ seconded by ii~r. Gardner, the Y7ilmingto~i Port - Commission xvas authorized and instructed to ask the United Statea 4lar Department~ '' ' ~~~ Engineers to make a survey of the Port of 4Yilminoton to determine the need of ,. additional port facilities.. . • , uy~ Upon.motion o£ ~~s. Tra~k, seconded by Mr. Roebuck, Jas,4P,Wilson of Cape Fear / ' ~ ~ r to~~mship was granted an abatement of taxes on a valuation of ~p3,000.00 open' ~~~ '•; accounts listed in error for the year 1937. ~ The Superintendent of Public ~7elfare and Idr. E.S.Alexander,County iVPA Engineer, '.~ brought to the att~ention of the Board that a nember ~of inen that tiave been certifiell ~~f'or work on Z9PA projecte were denied thet opportunity to work for the lack of ~/r ~,~~'? ~ ~~ transportation facilitiee to more distant projects. The matter was left with the Chairman to work out, if possible, a new routing of available transportation to /`." ~ take care of tnat situation. Upon motion of ldr. Trask; seconded by L~Lr. Gardnei, the County Attorney was authorized '~„' and directed to cancel the judgment for 1922 and 1924 back' taxes against OpheZia C.,/ ,~ ' ~~~ Smith o~ Sunset Park ,lots, secured by i~athan CDle in 1929, judgment ~ook,.# 20,; ~~ ` --' Docket 1135, for the reason that s~id suit was brought against a deceased person,and ! S theref'ore void; Ophelia C. ~mith having died in 1927. It was further shovrn, however., '.~~ tha't the said taxes were recently paid to the back tax collector. ' ~~ IIpon motion of Prir. Trask, seconded by Iutt. Gardner, the 37 acres of land, Estate of ~. ~ ~ J.R.Canady, Harnett township, having been divided into four equal divisions as to value,'•.~ ~ among the`heirs, a~ represented by G. Dudley 'liumphrey, Esq., the Board, therefore, ~' o ' °~ on moEon of P6r. Trask, seconded by Mr. Gardner, authorized the Tax Collector to accept' ;~ r----~~'` one fourth of the amount of taxes due on ~he vrhole, in settlement of the taxes on the 10~'- acres allotted to idr.C. ~'. Canady. ., " ~ _ i , It was reported to the Board by G.Dudley Humphrey, Esq., that lot #22, block 'y~73 in`t.he',: name of H.B.Grimaley was advertised for sale for back taxes and purchased by Bfir.7.~,. ~~ • ~~ LeGrand for ~25.00. After paying court costs and applying the ~alance in payment of ~~~•.- ' -~`-~ ~ one years tax each to the County and To`vn of Carolina Beach, which left taxes due ~r~~. ~°.~'~~ . Cax`olina Beach for the years 1931,1932,1933,1934,1936 and 1937, and the County- , ~ 1931, 1933,1934,1935 and 1937, ~~hicn was upon recou~endation of the County Attorneyr ' , and on motion of Mir. Roebuck, seconded by Mr. Trask, ordered cancelled. :i- " • . .:~ _ . A requ.est of Mr. G.Dudley Humphrey on behalf of the cormnittee of the Building and Loan•: ~ , Associationa to a11ov~ the substitution of a new form of printed deed+:of truat to ,° . replace the present forms in use,containing 624 and 422 more rvords and 44 and 38 less - blamk spaces respectively,whn~ch will meet the.requirements of all the Building and ~~ -~~`.~~'~ Loan Asaociations~ the recordin~ fees 6~ ~1.25 to rema.in the same and the Building• and ~~N, Loan Associations to bear the loss of the unused~forms on hand. The County Att'orney . : ~ raised the question of~the Commis~sioners right to fix a recording fee ~other than tha.t •~ prescribed by law, the matter was,~therefore, on motion of Iofr. Roebuck, second'ed by ~ I~r. Gardner, referred to the County Attorney for opiriion: ' ~ ' . ~• ~ Upon motion~f' Idr. Trask, seconded 'oy Pr:r. Roebuck, the ~oard approved the recommendatd:on of the S'uper'intendent of Bublic. Ylelfare and authorized the e;cpense of ~20.06 transpor=•, ~ ~ ~G.,rei~' tation ~lus food' and lodging to return Charles Atti~a.tex,a disabled trancient indigent ~/' . / ~~ now at the County Home, to St. I,ouis,tkie piace of nQs legal residence. / , ' Upon motion of IVIr. Roebuck, seconcled by I~~r. Trask, 3'Jalter McNair. a disabled citizen, '" who has been receiving treatinent at the hospital, was on recomnendation of the 5upt., ~~' . - ~~~'of Public welfare• admitted to the County ~ome as an inmate. i, ..~~ ~' ^~ request of the Carolina Building-Loan Association to pay the 1936 and 1937 taxes on " lot #19, block F, Ardrnore and released f'rom the payment of the personal ~taxes of ,) ~' d'` ~t 'rti.E.Yopp,Jr., chargeci agadnst the same, for the reason they took the property over by q .,~ ~~1 foreclosure and Mr. Yopp ~d no equity in the same, r-ras upon motion of Y~fr.Roebuck, , seconded by L2r. Gardner, referred to the County Atto~ney for investigation and recom- mendation. ;~ A request of F.A.Batson et al., for an adjustment of ~1,352.60 back taxea due on property i' ~ in block #539 for years 1920 to 1937 inc., on an assessment reduction basis, togetl~er with.=~ ~ ^-~.4 ~~~ a similar request of John P~cRae, block #39, ~vere upon motion of 1~r. Trask, secondec by T~~Ir. Roebuck, referred to the Connnittee with povrer to act. ~G' ~ A report of~Searing Room act~vities and the Ladies Rest Room for the month of June,~were' :" ~ 1~J~ received and ordered filed. _ . . I~ .~ :1• ~~~~~ Upon motion of IvTr. Gardner, seconded by TtiSr. Trask, SSr.O.R,Pzner of Cape Fear township,J •~~} , who has been a• patient for 23 months at the~Red Cross Sanitarium vras exempt f~rom,payment ^~--~Gq~~i of poll taxes on account of poverty and physical disability. . •~ ~ ~ Upon mo~ion of 2~tfr. Gardner, seconded by 3aTr. `~rask, the Board authorized the printingrof, ~ _ c~~,~?00 copies of the County Auditox's 1:938 annual report at a cost""of $~142.~5. ^- R ~ ' - ... '~Y~K.+o-ys~ J , . • ' • `~ ~ ~o O .. ~. . :i , . - . ' . _ ' +~ `.. '. 7,~eeting of July.l8tri~ 1938, continued. . ~ , , . . ~' ~ A communication was received.from the.State Hi~hway and Public ~~'lorks CorJmission~ ;`' ~-~~S advising the follo~ving local roads added to the State-County highway systein: '~ The River Road from Sunset Park to Todds~Creek, 4.9 miles; South 8th Street at /,~r' . ~ 4~inter Park and part of Lake Avenue connecting with 3rd, Street,~0.8%iof a mile; ~ ~r; '. ' V/illiame Avenue in East VTilmington;0.3 of a mile; Chestnut .Street` ~xtension to ( ~~.-,~ Kenwood Avenue,0~3 of a mile and Summer Hill road 0.4 of a' mile. I.y,.:; .~.,; ' _ ; ` . ,. ~~ Upon motion of Irr. Gardner, seconded by Ifir. Roebuck, l~dr. E.D.Rivenbaxk of Cape Fear 3 ~ to~rn~hip.wa; granted an abatement of taxes on a valuation of $~240.00 Cheyrolet. ~ Ti~ ~~ ~'•.,. ~(¢~. automobile listed in error for the year 1937, the same was also listed and taxes paid ~ ' Tor the year 1937 by his wife, t~rs. Is~artha J. Rivenbark. . , ,,.. ::: d = ~ .'Y°~`- Upon motion of L~lr. Roebuck, seconded by PJ1r.. Trask, I~drs. I~dary 19. Shepard of Y~Tilmington / ! ~. /y~y township was $ranted an abatement of taxes on a valuation of ~200.00 household arid V i '" ;/("r'~ kitchen furniture listed in error for the year 1937. ~, • ~:. ~ An application for license to sell bear at the Sincl~tz Filling Station at the inter- section of State Highway 20 and ~ason~aoro Road at ~Vinter Park, submitted by ~ dr. I~.M.Parnell July 5, 1938, ~vas. after oonsideration and the 1~inter Park School ,~ ~•'• i~,~;p~autnorities given opportunity to express themselves on the matter, it wa$ found that~ 'yo~~ by reas,on of the nearness of the school building to said location, the sale of beer `. would not be for the best intereat of the scnool children or couffiunity, the Board •' • therefore, upon motion of I~~Lr. Gardner,,seconded by I~r: Trask, declined to grant the -` license requested. i~r.. Roebuck taking~the view tfiat inasmuch as the distance between the location and the school building met the requirements of law, and the applicant r'"" . having met every other requirements~ wa$ entitled to license to.sell beer according ~ '~.~_' to lativ, and therefore voted against the action xefusing the license. .. . ~ ~ The Chairma.n announced that this was the date and hour set for the hearing on - ~~the Bond Order of this Board of July, 5tn, 1938, authorizing the issuance of Forty- ;~ .~~yo Seven Thousand Dollars, (~47,000..00) School Bonds of New Il~.nover County.~No one asked , •. to be heard. The foll'owing resol~tion was introduced and read to the Boardt '~ ' i~HGREl+,S, ~hie is the date and hour set for the hearing on the order of this Board July 5th~ 1938, authorizing ~47,000.00 School Bonds of New Hanover Count3~~ and '; . vrnr;n~AS, no one has asked to be heard, Therefo.re be it l ~r ~ . Resolved that the order of this Board of July 5th, 1938, authorizin~'the issuance ./i~ i~ ~. ' of Forty-Seven Thousand Dollars, (~p47,000.00) School Bonds of Nevr iTa.nover County, be finally passed in the foxmiin which it was passed on said date of July 5th, 1938, and 3.~ the Clerk be instructed to publish the order in accordance with the law. ~/ !{ ~; '.. ~~ On motion of T~r. Gardner, s.econded by I~r. Roebuck, the foregoing resolution was /~ --_ !}' y~.' finally ~ass8dwby trie follo~ving roll call vote: Voting Ayes Addison Hewlet;t, Geo.?'1. Trask,. H. R. Gardner and R.,B.Roebuck. ~' '~ ~ Voting No : None. . .~ i.'~ ~hereupon the Chairman declared the resolution duly,adopted. ,:;;,.: . w'~ ~, .:. ~,. The Clerk brought to the attention of the Board that there tivas an error in the ~ ;~~; '~..,:.- minutes of the ~oard of July 5th, 1936, in that said minutes showed that the sworn ~ -~ 'i~.•. statement of.County debt furnished by the County Auditor was filed,prior to the ~" ~~' ~-~ ;,~,,, i" '~ adoption of the :~47,000.00 School Bond order on said date. VJhereupon the minutes ~;,. `' ~ , vrere ordered changed to shoti~~ tha.t the said statement tivas filed after the intrnduction ~ - ^ ` ~ of the~said bond order. ,> F ' I , 1JIr. Trask brought to the attention of the Boara~ a.,xequest of the Liona Club and other ~ J civic organizatione to play a series of sof.tball game~ at Legion Field.' The mati~er was tnen taken over by h~r. Roebuck for diacussion and it was brought out that sexious damage. Ir , may result to the baseball diamond if usgd'fd'r softball games, due to the difference . ~ j, ~p ~ in the size of the two diamonds~ It being included in the program to pr.ovide a soft- f. ,'~" /--f~ ball diamond, the Chairman v~as authorized and directed,bn motion of Mr. Gardner,seconded ~~' p. by ],~r. Roebuck, to conf'er with the heads oP the different organizations and use the !!' '.~ County Drainage force to layoff.a softball diamond at a satzefactory location at ~ ~ ~,egion Field. ~~ ! ~ , . ft~was also_ brought:to-the.•attention of the Board that there was an error in the. k- ., minute~ of-the Board of,d~.7.y 5th, 1938, in that said minutes showed that the svrorn ~, '~"= (y statement of the County,debt furnzshed by the County Auditor was filed prior to the ,.- °\ adoption of the ^~21,~:D0'.QO order authorizing the issuance of.Publi.c Welfare Bonds ~/~ ~o£ New Hanover County, on said date~ ~"/hereupon the minutes vras,ordered changed to ' ~'` "'show that the said statement was filed after tha intioduct¢on of the said bond order. ~ The meeting then adjourned. • ~7'Lli., ~!~ ~ ~.- - ~ . ' ' Clerk. - Wilmington,N.C., July 25th, 1938. ~ , The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held at 3so0 o'clock P.Pd. r ' , ~~ Presents Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.W.Trask, Jas.M.I~Ia~ll, H.Et.Gardner and R.B.Roebuck. • . Absent: None. • •.,;;:: j ~~ ~~-~ The minutes of ineeting of July 18th, 1938, v,+ere read and approved as recorded. :,?y. ' The Chairman announced that this was the. date set by the Board to~sit as the Board ~ '°' ~~~~Zof Equalization and Review to hear complaints of assessments on r.eal estate. Various -V , ~ :^~~ _ applications for reductions of assess;ments were presented on forms provided for that , purpose and cvere received for investigation with the Tax ,9ssessors and report back ,~.,,~-~ . `~a~ to the Board at a subsequent meeting. • ,~ S _ . , . . , • , y . ~'O, Z w y ' , . y} ^ ':~ _ ' , . ~. , ~ ~ ~eeting of July 25, 1938, continued. • , • , ' It appearing that on ~'ebruary 20, 1913, P.u,.Moore sold to Lillian C. Moore, lot "~~ ~ #63, block "~" VTrightsville Beach, which said deed was not recorded until JW.y 20, µ 1933. On September 19, 1932,. a,judgment was entered against P.~,.Moore and John J. ~~ ~ ~' ~t~,~~ Furlong in the amount of ~1,316:OU for court cost in a criminal action. Therefore. m~/% : y ~--~E'" the said lot pasaed into the hand~ of an inocent party and was not owned by P.l~,~oore ,~~ at the time the•judgment wag.entered. `Phe County Attorney was trherefore, on motion of l Mr. Trask, seconfled by ~br. Gardner, authorized and directed to cancel the judgment lien ',• r t y as to lot {~63 in block "•E" Wrightsvil•le Beach for the reason the County has no legal ~ i ox moral claim against the said property by reason of the said judgment. 'b~ ~ A request of Jas..Walker.Hospital to~!.return •Frank Cumber, a disabled inmate, to the ~/ County Home, to"make his bed available for the.txeatment of othera, was declined for Y ,~ the reason he is in need•of tr.eatment that can be administered~ at the hospital to greater : -;,~ - advantage than at the County nome._fihe expense for sitch treatment provided for through the ' ~.'~ County's regular appropriation~cto the hospital. ~ _ ;~ Upon~motion of P~r. Hall, seconded by I~r. Gardner, the Board authorized the purchase of a,: `, ° _.~ ~~ copy of the _1938 City Directory for the Travelers ;~id Society. ~, , .. A communication was received from Idr. Peter B. Ruffin, Chairman of the UdiLmington.Port` Coramission, advisin~ that in the opinion of Iuajor Ralph P~:illis, U.S.Dietrict Ehgineer, it' ~ vrould be be~ter to file a request for a survey of port facilities at the port of ~' }i ~ Wilmington with the vier~ of determining whether or not they ax`e adequate, in the name of ~ the Board of County Commissioners rather than the Clilmington Port Co:nmission, as direc~ed , a:~ at meetin~ of July 18th,. wYiich.was agreeable to the Board. • ,. ' A report of Jas. Walker Hospital f'or the month of June vras xeceived and ordered fil,ed~ • '~~ ` ~ •` ~~ , ~I.~ A communication received from the Deputy Clerk of Recorders Court adviaing that the •~~~r~ Recorder has.recorrunended the revocation of beer license issued to Annie 3~dcIioy alias / t_ ~~ Annie Daley, on account of a violation of the prohibition law, vras referred to the '' ~~:~~ ~j `'~ County Attorney for oponion as to the proper authorities throt~ h which the li~enee ahould " i be revoked. . w ~ ,Ne objections were indicated by the•Commissioners in conneetion,:w~.~h::the petition of t ~ 'Ethyl-Dow~Chemscal Company before the Unitefl States District Engineer~,to construct an~~'- ~ . `~~ addition 126 X 75 feet to their wharf in the Cape Fear River at their plant. r 1 '~, . ', .~ ~ _ . Upon motion of ZRr. Roebuck, seconded by IiGr. Trask, th~ Carolina Bui7.ding and T,oan ,. '"'~ ~ Aseociation,vras on recommendation o£ the County 9ttorney,allowed to pay the 1937 s. ~~ taxes on lot ~19, block "F" Ardmor-e in the name of ~7.E.Yopp,3r., and released from the j~. ; ~ payment of the personal property tax charged against the same, for the reason the ,~} ~~ Association~had to take the said .property~back and Mr. Yopp had no e9uity in the same. ~ {I The Board further ordered that the ~ax~;Co~lector• be instructed to collect the personal . _ 1 . prcperty taxes •from ~Gr. Yopp. ~ " ~ . J ~. ~ ly~i Application for license to sell beer at~.~:locati:on}~at.*.•Summer Rest, VTrightsville Sound, ~, ~ ,; ' ~ submitted by P~r. F.P.H~.rre11, the same having been approved by the Sheriff rvas upon , :~- ` motion of I~Ir. Hall, seconded by 3~r. Roebuck~ approved by the Board. ~~ ,t~ - ~ . ,} ~ After discussing the offer of the United States of ~nerica to aid by way of grant, in . ~ financing the constsuction of two school buil~in~s (Carolina Beach and peabody), and 'y•.•. `•~ , ~ an additi~on to and alterations at the 1'Jilmington High School, the following resolution , ~, ~,~p~ entitled " A SESOLUTION ACCEPTIIJG THE OFF~2 OF THE UIIIT~D STATES TO THE BOA~ OF COUNTY ~ ,' v COM~fISSI041E£i~5', NE4V HANOVEF COUN'PY, TO AID BY tidAY OF GRANT IN FINANCING THE CONSTF?UCTION ' , OF T~VO SCHOOL ~UILDINGS ( Carolina ~each and Peabody), AI~ID !~N ADDITION TO liND ALTERATIUNS~- „' AT TIP~ WILMINGTOIQ HIGH SCHOOZ", was proposed by I~ir. R. B. Roebuck and read in fulls :.` • RESOLUTION ~ k , ~x ~ ~~~ .~ , • , ~~` . _. " . ~ ~. A resolution accepting the offer of the United States of America to the ~oard of ~~ ' County Commiss3onere, New H~nover County, to aid by way of grant in financing the ;• construction of two school buildings ( Carolina Beach and Peabody ), and an addition to and alterations at the tiJilmington High 5chool. ~ ' ~ ~ BE IT TiE50I,VED by the Board of New Hanover County Commissionere of New Hanover ~ ,r. '. County: ~ ,' Section 1. That tne offer of the United States of America to the Boaxd of ~County ' •' Commissionere to aid by way of`grant in financing the construction of two school buildinga (Carolina Beach and Peabody), and an a~ldition to and alterations to the " ,,, , i'Jilmington High School, copy of which offer reada as follows: , ~• _ "l. Subject to the ~erms and Conditione (PWA Form No.230, as amended to the date of . ',. .. ~ this offer) which are made a part hereof, the United ~^~ates of America hereby offers to _ : aid in financing the construction of two school buildings (Carolina Beach and Peabody), ~ - ~ , and of an addition to and alterations at the ~ilmington HigY} School ( herein called the "Project"), by making a grant to the Board of Education of New Hanover County, North ~ ,, Carolina, (,herein, called the :'Applicant"), in the amount of 45 per cent of the cost of '~ ~ the Project upon completion, as determined by the Federa~ Emergency Administration of • ~,, Public '~9orks,. but not' to exceed, in any event, the sum of ~338,454. ;• „ "2. By acceutance of this offer the Applicant covenants to begin v+ork on the Project . as early as possible but in no event later than 8 weelcs fro~ the date of this offer and (~~ to complete such Project with all practicable ~dispatch, and i.n any event within 9 montivs . from the commencement o£ construction." , • ~ . Section 2. That said Board of County Commissioners of' New Hanover County,agrees to . ;. abide by a11 the Terms and Conditions of said offer, includzng the Terms and Conditions j' ~~, '~' annexed the.reto and made a part thereof. • 4 , Section 3. That the Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners, Ne~r Iianover County, ', authorized and directed forthwith to send to the Federal ~mar~ency ' be and he is hereby ~~ , _ Administration of Public tVorks .three ceitified copies of the pxoceedin~s of the Board of ~ Count;~ Commissioners, Ne'w Hanover County, in connection with the adoption of this ~~~ ~'~• resolution, setting forth this Resolution in full, and such further documents or proofa iri. ,~~~ connection with the acceptanc~ of~said offer as may be re9uired by the Federal ~mergency ~, •, •gdministration of Public ~dJorks. '• ~ ~` The above resolution was seconded bt PSr. G.i9.Trask,and wa.s adopted,with the foLlovr,ing "' ; voting aye: R.~.Roebuck,James I~t. Hall, Harry F?. Gardner and Addison He~vlett. ~~ The following voted nay: None. . - :~ , '.+ , ,+~' ~ ,A , , {. , : . , , ~ , ~ , ~ ,x . , , t,,~,~;t~ . , . ~ .y ~r , . ~ ~ ~s,; . , , ~ . ~ , . . ' F ~ ~ „ , ~ _ ~ ' , ~ , . ~ ~~ee tiMg fl#' July 2~th, 1g~8, contanue~; ~ ~~~s. John 0. ~r~hall, member o~' the Board of 'duca~ion, presented the 1938-1939 , regula~x and supplementary school budget for the maintenance and opera~ion of the 1.~ s,chools in the amount o~" 148 444.26 of ~rhich 62 789.26 is asked for the r~ ul,a~ . r'~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~udget and ,~85,655.~._far the su~~lemen~ary bud~et. The same was received for consideration v~a.th t:ie prepara~tion of the general County bud~et. , ~ , , . Y} ~ T~r. Roebuck ~rou~;ht ta the attention of' the ~oard that 110 benches,l2 feet long, ~ ~oxrn~rly used for ~eati~g at the SauthsidE Tabernacle could ~be purchased for ~~125.00 ~ and u ed ta advan a for ea ' n a e' n ' eld ~'he matter ~a ai cussed at d' s ~~e s t~. ~ t Z gi o~'a. s s ~ ~ length and t~e Cjiair~~an was, upon ~otion of ~~r. Hall, seconded by ~~r. Trask, autnorized to make an offer of ~~'100.00. ~~r. Gardner fee~.i.n tY~at if the benches are . ~ g tne property of the church orga,nization, effort ahoul.d not be made to influenc~ a~ ~ ` re~uction in the price, and thexefore asked to be recorded as no~ vo~a.ng. , ~ ~The~ me~ting then adjourned. ~ . ~ ~ ~ ' ~ u- ~ - cl.erk. ~ , ~ ~ , ~ ~ Wilmin~ton,N. C., July ~5th, 1938. ~ Pursuant to an order of this Board July 1.Sth,~ 1938, a special meeti~ng was called , and h~ld this day at 8s00 o'clock P.~~., for the purpo~e of hearin~ and discussing , . any m~,tters,pertaining to the fux~her development of our por~ faQilitzes, by ~ny ~ ~~~znterested ci~izen~ or organi~za~ions and to further consider ~he reeommenda~zons ~ presented by I~~~r. J.T.Hiers, General Agent of the T'~ilmington Port Commission, ~ , , July 6th, 1937. ~ Present; Addison He~rlett Chairman, Jas. I~11, H.l~.Gardner and F~.B.Roebuck. , ~ ~ . The Cit~r Cammi~szoners wer~ pxesent, I~~embers of the ~°~il~lington Por~ Co~nnissi.on, . P ; ~ r ~ % lZ;nin~ton Poxt-Traf~'ic ~s;;4eiation, lU~aj or Ralph T~~illis U.S.District ~ngineer and representative~ of ~he shippmn~ interest~, ' . ` RTr. Gardner af~er s~ating the purpose o~A the meeting, ~,t the request of the Chairma~, f called upon ~~r. J.T,~~.er~ to read his report directed to the '~~ilmin~ton Port . ` ~ Commission of date of July 6th, 1.937, after ~vhich ~~r. Hires again emphas~;zed the need ~ of additional port terminals and ade~uate warehouse f~cilities. ~fter considerable ~ , di~cus~ion, a xnotion was pffexed by ~~r. Gardne~, seconded by I~x. ~~.I,ouis Fisher, and ; ~~~nanimously carxied, authorizing and directing the Chairman to a~point a committee ~to be ~ cornpose~ of a metnber each of the City and County Com~nissioners, a representative of the v' . ~ G~ti~l.mington Port-'T'raffic f'~ssociation, ~r. J. T. ~iexs,General Agen~ af tl~e y~~il.ming~o~ , ~ Por~ Cot~ais~ion and a m~mber at large, to go to Norfolk and Cha~~l~ston and make an ' investigation c~f the operation o~the r~~unicipal ~v~e,d terr~ina3s thers ~~ith the view ~ of securing in~'ormati.on that may of val.ue in th~uncter~taking of this ~uesti~an a~ is~ue. ~ ~ ~ ~ . /1 . , ~ , i~'o furth~r bus iness appea~ing, the meet ing then ad j ourned. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~v~ x, ~ ~ ~ , ~ erk. . . , . ~`~zlmin~ton,N~ C. s Augus~ lst, 1938. : ~ ~ ~ ~ The regular weekly meeting of the :3oaxd was held t his day at 3:00 0' clock P.fi~. ~ Present; Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.~.Trask, Ja~.T~.Ha11., H.1R.Gardner and R.B.Roebuck. , ~ Tne minutes af ineeting of 3uly 25, were read and appxoved as recorded. ~ ~ , ~ . ~ ~ The Chaa.rman announc~d that ~125.04 wa~ the bes~ price hs nas, been ab~:~ to seeure fnr the ~ purchase of 1~4 benches ofr"ered for sale at the Sou~hside Tabernacle, for use at Le~ion Fiel.d~, he was, theref'ore, upon motion of ~,~~r. ~oebuck, second~d by. I~r..Hall, authori~ed`~ and direc~ted to purc:~ase the same at a cost af ~~125.OQ. , ~ ~ ; . ~ Upon motiar~ the Baard gave ~~s endorsement to the mov~ment to organize the '~~ilmingtnn~r '~~'3A . ~ I:~useum of Art, and a request o,f l~iss ~a ill~.ams far an appropriation of ~1,OOO.QO was ~ ~ ~.,~~~~~j~~received for con~idera~ion ti~~,~h the City Cor~missioners on o~her joint ~atters. ~~~:T" ~R ~ , ~ r,~ ' ~ . A reguest af IvTr. E. R. Pickard for an appropriation of ~50Q.00 tob~ard the el~pense for . ,,j'' h~1~:.n~ a~te~ carvinal at ~a~ri~htsville Beach,~~a~ upon motior~ of %~r. Txask, secorld~d by ',~r, ~aebuck, aeclined,for the reason the Cat~missioner~ have no ~e~a3;~~~uthority to e~end funds fcrr t~~at purpose. ~~Ix. Hall ~ras opposed ~o ~ran~in~ such funds unless the ~ r~: ~~Toti~n of Carolirsa Beach be given financial aasist~nce when the occasion arises. mo~ian , rA offsred by T~r. Gardner ta a,~propriate ~p250.00 for that expenae did not receive a se~ond ana therefore voted a~ainst ths action of the ~3oard. ~ `„j ' , ' <v..~.. ~ / . ~ ~pon mo~~.or~ of ~~~r. ~ Tra~~k, 's~canded ~~~y~ ~r. Ha3:3.,Y} the ~aard; gran~~d an appropri~tian ~of _ . ~ ~25.0~ r~onthl.y~ ~ onp fot~rth ~en~ p~.us ~alf cost f or water, sewerage and la~hts ) for~ rent ~ . t,,., ~ ~ of a'~A District distributin~ war~housE tv be 1.~cated near Fourth and ~ti~artin Streets. yA~ ~ ~ ~he Ci,.t~:af ~~~'i~.mi~gto~ .has ag~eed~, t4 pay a ~,i:k~ amoun~; and.~.~t~e ~PA ~1~' ~of th~~}ren~ of ~ .'s~; , ~1;OO.t~,O month~.~r~. This wil1, bri,ng i nto ~~this cQmmuni~3~ approximately 3.00 . cars of . go~e~r~men~ ~ ~ ; . , . cor~~nod~,ties ~annually foz~ dastribution,,and 'w~,ll.,give,additi~nal employment ~a the un-. ~ . 4m~loyed. ~ ~ ~ ~ . ' ~ , v . , , ~ , ~ . ; ~ i ~ jr mM~ 'y~~rg '~iW vJ~. a~N . p~" One " f' n ,ta. ~ r „ ' f ' k , t '`"1" f. `t, ' . ~ rv f~~. i~. ~ i~~'{.°b: ~k#S~, p, p•Es ,~y~'~., r~ r~,~ ri"~' }t {~a, ,',ggj~ ~~t,. Y ~;'~;,,~'s~~•:,,~, t~' y~~~iT~'~ ~K. ~'*~q,s~ ~ . K 'Fj~ I q ~ +R• ~ 'y~ ~5 ''jj k 3 ¢t ~L `A~A~ ~ 4h.s~f ~ ~.'V~ s~P'`~ 9 a+ ~i'~- i' . . . . r~~.~~ ``'~i~~ ~ ~ ~^a~~~,N~~ , u . ~ ~ 4~x~'~ F~ ,~ze. i ,~r ~ ~ ' a tvmr F~k~~:~.4 ~ ~6 ~.3'; L~ ~~~,i°II 1{, '~~yy ~ ~ r ~~'s ~~~a>+E"~d M~~i~'~'~ ~ #4~~ ' , ' ~ ~ ~ ,~2 r 9'3~ a $ ~ ~~~5 4: ~ II~~~ ~ ' jl . - . . ~ . i ~ ~M '~sff ~ r ~ ~ ' , ~ ~ ~ iFj~ i~~~ ~ f ~ i~, ~~~a., , x ~ ~ ' +s~ ~a,r g~. . d ~,r 1t + ; e~: ~'r { ~I,~ , i~ . M~ ~~F~ t ~t~4~ ~ L"~ Y . ~~d '4 +~'t~~ ~'t ~ . -h. : , ~ ,~lu,r ~ a,~~j;~,~ ~~~i~~, ~'~r~~e~r~~ ~'a~ , ,~~f ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~~i ' ~ ' ' ~Y~!,~ . . k' 0, : Y ~~I$ . " FY ry '^~~~fJ ~"Y' ' ~M b ~ 6 1~~ ~ . A f~ . R~ , ' . ~ ~ ~'~°~Q~~ 'c~l~'d`"r~""t~"~~~ A~" '~i~,~~ r ~ ~ ~r~' . ~ ~ ~ ~ . ' ~ . - ~ _ ,.~~F ~~i ~ ~ ,ti - ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ,p ^~k " „ "IC~;~, ~,y~ ~Bf ~ ~~W ,6J~ ~ w ,.vw s, }1 , _ ~'~~~~~t~~! ~_f.~ ~w~s~„~^~ _ t ~'F . I a.. .~,,-...~pz 4VV~a~fW"pJ+4~ . , sa F . ~ ~ p ~~~F~ ~ ~ ; , , ` ~ . ~ ~ , ~ , ~ ~"~"~!'~~k~ t~!~~,~#~ ~ + r ~ _ . ~ ~ ~ , ~ , ~ . ~ ' . . . ~~+r*aw ~ ~ ~Ar~A. ~ . ' ~t y~•;+ . , •y. . "Nw ' ~ . r ~ y k~. . ':7 ~.~Ja y ~f~. ~/r,~, ' ' . ~ r{4,~~t ~&~T~~+~3~a•k~ ~ . , . , . Fl~ / . ~ , ~ N ~ ~ ~ , ~ , r, .,a ~y,. ~ ~ "r . ~4. ~ ' q7ti ~"M{.~~'~ ~~.~.~5,~, ~ ~ . ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~y ' ~ ~e,~~, : ' . 0. 7 r 5 . ~ f } ' ~i, t V ' ' ~k ~ ~ i k ,~~s t Yi # ° , . ' ' ~ N ~ilii A~ ~ iY ~~1~Si!~i3 ~ ~ 4€~ 'Lt~~ . - - ` . f ~ ~ J~e . A 5 e~{ i .~^,`4 ~t F ~ a , ~ ~ . ~ ; ~ r~ ~ "bP ~ ~~'~`~z~ ~~~~s~'~'~~~~~~~~ '~~r ~w ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~r~~is~.:~i~aA?~t~d i ~ P ~ 1 g *y~.s~" } ~ ;a' , , r" ~;s + ,rr ~ ~i ~~r~? ~"."~a~~i~ c~~,~~V~~~~~ ~ca~.~.~~~l~~ ,'1' , ~ . F,~, ~"~~~r}~ ~ ~t~~ ~~j; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~,~t, ;'i~~~~?~~ . '~,t ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ s~ . 44 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ dr~;~~ ~~~~,~`~~M ~r, ;~s~"~i ~~~#~~~13 ; b ki ~ ~ ~ t~t~! ~ ~~+~h ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~'~~t"~»~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~,G ~ , ~ X ~ , , <<~ _ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . 1f~t~ta~ ~G~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~t~~ ~~~~~s ~~w?~~ , . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , '~it''~~~ ~ ; ~ ~~r ~ ~~~~c~? a~~" ~~~d~ . . . ~ ~~t~~~ ~a~ ~~t~~t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~5~"~~c~~ ~ .4',.' ~ ~ - - ' - _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~`~~R~~~~ - . - - , i- ~ i ~ ~ ~ , ~h ~ ~ a~ ~ w ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ .?h. . . ' - ~ ' ~t : k . . . . ~ t ~6' " `~S'--Ni yy..~~ u: ~ 3i ~ ~ ~ . R , ~ } ~ ~ k aA ~ iFY..- a N ~ ~ a~3 . , ~ 3 ' r " ' S' e - ' T '~T~~ . ' : 4~}~ 'i, _ N~ ~ µ ~k ~ ~ ~ . p~ i . ~ ~ r ~ ~ 1 ,~#,i ~ ~a ~,i tm . A ~ ~ ~,y~ ~ ~~..x. ~ ~a~ x x~. 9 t ~ . ~ ~ x , rS;> ~ ~~~t'`~'~. , ~`r ; ~ ~i ~,F ~t~~~~~t `1IH~ zt ~ ~ ~ a . .,,~w y 1 <N ~ +u;'~,"gfe~'~i~~ ~ yfi, ~ ~Vf ~R~~, J'' . ~m ,1 i < 'n ~ r ~ ' ~ ~ ' ~ w ~ ' ~ ~y ~ i . ~ , ' ' " ~ ' ~ L' y y~~, - ~ , ~ : f 1 ~ p~~~,~.~ ' . ~ t, ~ . . ~ ' ^ ry . ° ' , ~y~,~q ,f ~ ~ . , k , ' " u e " . ~ : 1 k. ` ~ ~ J . , . . i ~ ~i j ~ zi ' ~ ~ t ~ ~ , t , . . ~ ~ 'f ' f ~ . . ~ , ~t . 9 k~~ y,~ ~ . ~ . . • ` , ~ , ' ~ ~t1 ~ ~ ~ . a ~ • _ . . r,; ~ ~ a: ` . a ~ . ~ ~ ; ~ i ~ . . .o!'~ . , ~ , ~ ' ' ' ~ - . ' ~ ' . ~ t~ ~,t.r , ~~"i ~is~~~~~~ ~ - e „ 7 . _ . . - ' ' ~ r~° ti • ~ ~ ,y~~` v . ~ ~ ~~INfi _ iRil6~ ~ N~Y~ - ~ ~ . y_ . ,~.,,..4.•~. ~ ~ d:.~~~' x.~ ~ ' • ~ . : , . "'~~t ~ ~'J~"~+~~' 1~~' ~t~i~~ . ~ ~ ~t~~~~'~"~#~ ~ ~ 1 ` . ` '~~~1 t~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~i;~~~,, ~ . , ~ ` i fi;~k ~ ' ~t~~~~ ~ ~ ~i~h ~ . . . ~ ~ ~ , ~ , ~ ~ ~ ' - ~ . k A' k , , , , I~ ~ ~ ~ .u, ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ? ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'~k~~~~, "~~i~ . x ~ ` ~ e r ~ 1` 'r . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ x:' ~ ~"'~~1~~ ~t ~ - . ~1 ~ ~ ~ , . ; ~ , • . .. ' ` / ~i~ . • • ' r .•., { 1 f(a~ ~,4eeting of August lst, 1938, continued. ''. --- r '.;?~.' / f UAon motion of iuIr. Gardner, seconded-by_I~Sx. Roebuck, the Board accepted the increase/ ,,~ ~~?~in our Old Ag,e Assistance quota from.410 to 450 gersons at ~12.00 each, as advised ~! r, ~ by the State Board of Allotment and Appeal, and, agreed to pay our part of the incr.ease.. ' k ' Upon motion of ~r. Roebuck, seconded by Ialr. Hall, .authority wES given to use::County`s~ ~ ~~c~~lt~rucB,~to move.~J~.F;~rdison~~nd;~family;Couhty~2nd~ig~nts,^to'.:puFlin,County, thus •-,~ e,oentually,may relieve tne O1d.Age l;ssistance ~'und. ~ ~ , . The County~Auditor brought. to the attention of the Board the large decrease in 1938:~:, •~.•:`Y ~ ~ alue~ for railway, electric, gas plants, lines,wires etc., listed by the Tide Vrater ~a~'~~,:.. ~power Company as compared yith 1937.. On motion of IdCr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Gard,ner, ~ ~ the same wae referred to the County Auditor to check vriteh the Comgany to ascertain ,'; ` the reason for the decrease~ and report bacY, to the Board. , -. ` An audit~report of County Officers for year ending June;30th, 1938, prepared by X'r ~~ ~~~~Ir. Edvr. C. Craft, CPA.; was recei8ed and payment.of ^~700.00 for. his services as p , ;~'-'.~ ~,, Q contract, was upon motion of ~Ir. Hall, seconded by Mr. Roebuck, approved for payment~ An audit report of Associated Charities for year ending June 30th, 1938, prepared by ~~~' • ~d~v.C.Craft,CPA., ~~as.received and payment of ~~0.00 on a basis of 60~ of the~amount ~"~ ~~~~~by the County and 40f by the City, was approved for payment. ' ` d ;' •, Upon motion of P~ir. Hall, seconded by N1r. Tras.k, the Board approved the payment of ~ ~'~ ~p50.00 to David Sinclair,Esq., Assistant Solicitor for services rendered Recorders 'v, ' ' ~~ Court during July 1938, under Chapter 315 Pub.lic-Looal I,avrs 1935. The said pa-,~rment ^,:,~ ' / for servfces rend"ered has'been approved by the Recorder. , .~ ~ , The Board declined to grant the.request of 26 petitioners to grant license to " ,~ Z~r. PL.NI.Parnell to sell beer at the Sinclair Filing Station at V'Jinter Park~ The ~ . B4ard,havin~~d:eclined;;~o approve the application for lic~e nse to sell beer July 18th,,, :~~,;:. ~ on account of tlie nearness of the school to t2ie locatiofi, took no further action in -• • the matter. It vras the County attorneys opinion that the school grounds shoula be . -'` , considered in determin3ng the distance from the location, within the raeaning of the law. , ,:., ~ ~' ~~ A report of the activities of the Sewin~ Rooms was received from IuIrs. Edna P~a.Ca.ntvrell,~ • ti•~~ "~- ~ for the ~onth of Tuly and ordered filed. ,. ' • °A request of; Rdr. B~rclay I,odor that S'enator Robert R. Reynolds be asked to have t-l~e~ ' :` ,, U.5.District En~ineers Department.investigate the ma.tter of providing a tide lock in,_ '' ~' ~~inows Cut to prevent the fresh tivater from the river flowin~; imto L~yrtle Grove Sound, ~ • •~~ •~to aid in reclaiming the fish and oyster industry, ~vas upon motion of Mr. '1'rask, + '~ seconded by P,Gr. Gardner, granted. , '~' , , ..t Upon motion of 3~r. Gardner, seconded by LQr. Roebuck, the Board approved the,paytrient to J ~»~, d. . ~~'~~~j Albert Elling~on and V7.S.I~dintz, for 18 and 8 hours respectively, on a basis' of 30~ per d .:.F ["~ hour for. watching a fire hazard tha.t occured at Legion Stadiwn evening of July 30th,1°38. ~,. '+;~.~ "°", ~ ~ ;; A report of the Grand Jury July Term 1938, vray received and its recoe~mendation concerning '~!~ %i: / the collection of back taxes to be considered at a joint meeting of the City-CountS- Coms.,.`~ ~ ~r•~~ and committee f'rom the Grand Jury at a later date.. °~ •~ . ~ . . ~ Upon motion, th~ Chairman and County Auditor together with an,y of the o~her members of,the .~;_' _,, ~, / Boaxd were authorized to attend the meeting of the State Association of County Commissioner~_~` V' "'-~f to be held in Asheville Tueeday August 9th-llth: • "~. _. . . ~..: ~i ~~~~ A communication ftom T~Sr. fi..H.Hartis concerning further improvements to the ~thletic gro~nds~.~.'~ at 4~inter Park was -presented _by Idr. Gardner, ,and it was a~reed to continue t'He improvem nts'..'_," , as soon~as practicable. • J;. , . , ~; f . ;~; IdCr. Gardner suggested that the City and County-Commissioners in joint meeting to be held ~ ' 1Ot00 A.L4,, tomorrow consider a bill to be prepared and presented at the special session of,.~~- he General Assembly, that would authorize an election to paas''on the question of the ,f :,"'~+c~'' . ~~construction of public terminals at this po~t, and make immediate application for 1lPA funds-_~:.. to aid ',n the construction of the,propo~e~ terininals in the event it ie approved by a vote ~'' ~ of the people. i~~r. lrasl: asked~to be recorded. as opposing an election-to place a fur•ther '~~~' ' , ~ tax burden on i;he ~ `~ ~ ~^~ people. , a ' ~ ,. .. Idir. E.I,.Yow appeared and urged that the amount ancludedrin the Board of E~ucation 193II-39,~ ~i bud et to enable an increase in the salaries of the `~i~~_ g janitors and bus drivers, be consitlered,.' /~j~~~~ favoxable by the Board. . ' ~ : i'-, , / : • •~ Nu~. Gardner asked that a cocunittee from each township be a~pointed, without pay, to vihom ~ ', tne citizens in the respective commnnities can confer as to the dra~nage naeda, who can. ~~ ~ make investigations,and through such cornmittee the Board can be kcept:.iriform2d as to ^~~?,~ ' -`\ ~ conditions,to the erxl that the County ~ride,Drainage Program can be more,successfully , carried out. •- ,/ ' , _Y ... ~ ~--..~ Upon motion, duly~seconded, County bills Noa..76 to 300 inc., were approved for payment.~~ ~~;~.-, , . : .The Board then took a recess to meet in joint session wi.th the City Commissioners at -;.,~. .~ ~.~~ 1Os00 o"clock a.m., August 2nd, 1938, to consider joint County-City appropriations and ' `• ~/ any otk~er, joint m3tters that may come up for discusflion. . . ~ • . ~L .. . ..`.:y ~S. _ . , ., ` ~;. ~ ' ~ ~ . ~ -r ~ ° . ~ • . ~' t ,.. , •' : ' . ~ ~ : .. . i r ' • ... . / . , , . i ~ r ~" ' ~ . _ . .' . ~.. ^ ,~ ~ . ~ , 7'~ ~+` ~~ r ~ ' ~'. ~ .` • ~ ~ ~y . . ' ~ . . . ' e . : . ~ : ~- . - - ; ,. . ~ • ~~, ~~ ~ ,:~ VJiTmington, N.C., August 2nd,.1938. ' , ~ + ~~~ • Pursuant to reces~ taken August lst, 1938, the Board met in joint session with ,~', , the City Cormnissioners at 1Q:00_ o'~clock A.1~., to consider ,joint City-County ' , ,, ., appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30,1939. . ,. ~, " ~ , Count ~ ~ y Commissioners present: Addison Hewlett Chairman,Geo.VJ.Trask,~Jas.Tvl.Hall, ;. ~•- .a , H,It,Gardner nd R.B.Roebuck. `~ ' ' ~ . ' - ~' . ., +:,+°~y?"~" '~ City Comr'~issioners present. Thos,E.Cooper,Pdayor, ~~.Louis~Fisher and Jas.E.L.W~de. ~ `' n F . 1;4~f~~ ,~J'~~, ~ . .. i~' '": ~~ayor Thoe,L.Coopex presiding. " ~ ' ~'~ ,,~~ ^ k . ~ • *~ _ '~•~ he City-Cqunty Consolidated Health bud~et in the amount of $44,921..70 plus special ~ ~'~~~ .,'~ «'~ appropriations of y~1,940.00 for Hospital~ Isolation ~,9ari3 and ~540.00 High School ."`'- ' Nurse in case TR1PA discontinue'~ the, project, was first presented and after due j , ~. ~~ consideration was upon moti.on of T~r. Wade, seconded~by Pdr.~Hall, adopted as presented, ; ', tivith the exception ~of the ite~n oY. ~1,940.00 ~for Jas.~Yalker Hospital Isolation 7Jard r . ~ which was not allowed. ':'aking a to'ta1 a~pxoved of ~45,461.70 to be paid in monthly • installments of one fourth by the County and three fourths by the City, excepting ~~. however the payment of $540.00 for High_School IJurse HvPA which will not be included ! '~~`~'' -until needed. The 1938-39 regular budget a~ adopted is an increase over last years f ' ~±. . ' ^ budget by ~Z,091.00- as follows: ~720.00 for .an additional office clerk, ~60.OO~f~o-r-~.__ ~ , conveyance and ~311.00 difference .in social security funds allowed~plus any part of ' G , the ~540.00 High School Nurse appropriation that may,be used. A11 members voting ` , ~- affirmatively except ISr. TrasY. 4J$O was opposed to the employr~ent of an extra office •~ ` clerk, and voted No. ~ / ~~ ; , . ,~ `~,~,~ On rnotion of rdr.~7ade, seconded by T~r. Hewlett the 1938-39 appropria~ion:.forYJ~s.Walker. ~• . "~~~~ Hospital was fixed at ~25,000.00 each by the City,and County. 1 ,.' ~. • - ~ Three Idursery Schools, Friendly House Nursery School (white} 1i19 S'.~ 3rd, Brooklyn ~' ~, '~ p~iJursery School (negro) 1203Z N. 8tri, ~nd Presbyterian_Nursery School (negro) 12th '~~ ~ .~.1Y and Oueen, request by P~rs. VJ.Ii.Coo~er for funds to: replace i31~A allowance discontinued, ~'. '! ~" ivas upon motion of frfr. W~d~e, seconded by ~r. Gardner, allor~ec3 ~90.00 per month for tne "'~ ` „ three schools, plus~~nst for water, ligYrts and sev~erage, on an equal joint basia by - °~~ ~ the City and County. • ~ - + ~ . ' . ' • ~..' . - J ,' ~ •~~~ ~~dult Education Division,~7PA, rent for room space re9uested by I~,Iiss Ivtamie ;Tames Fennell,w , ,._ ~ Head Teacher, cvas upon motion of l~dr. Hetslett, secondeu by,Iulr. Fisher, ;~ranted an "}^ ,: appropriation of ~180.00 jointly for the year 1938-39. , ";~- rr4 _+ ~, : ~.a~w~~he annual appropriation for 3~osquito Control work was upon rnotion of ~ir. 'Fisher, second~l' J/+' ~ ~~ by i~.1r. Traslc, fixed at ~y1,400.00 each by the City and County, the same as last year. ~` ~ '. ~ ~Cot~ . • " , _ In view of the local Building and Loan Associations and other organizations satisfactory ~ s` ~/ C andling applications for loans for home construction, the appropriation heretofore ~/ }'^~- ~', 9-.~ :~` ~llowed the Batter Housing Ozfice under authority of the Federal,Housing,Admini'atration, Y ";- *~~ was~upon motion of Isfr. Trask, secorided by L4r. Fisher., declined. ~R . Upon motion of hdr. Trask,, seconded by i~~tr. Roebuck, ( and I,!r.Gasdner) the Associated ' , I`, ~~` harities appxopriation tivas fixed at ~12,(5~@.00 on a laasis of 60~ by the Coun.ty and • ,~ "J' ,~~ ~~ ~~07 by the City, the same as last year plus ~371.OO~to meet a deficit appearing~in the ~;`' .,.~~~+j 937-1938 audit for outstanding 8ood orders payable. . ' ~ ", . •••:; An appro~riation of ~p2,015.00 each by the City and County vras.upon motion of T~3r.Gardner, .. / seconded by FJIr: 'vpade, arlr~o~dr.the Bureau of Identification .and the f~fayor, was asked to ~~ „, ~}~ negotiate..v~ith~the telephone company for a reduced rate on telephone rent if 'one is " installed. 1nF5n a~propriation of'$$500.00 each was included in the above amount to meet # ,' expense of a typetivriter and other office equipment. < " . t ~ . . ~ ~.~!'`1 • Action on annual advertising•contract_f'or general advertisin~ and publication of sale of i . ~'...../ • ~~land for~axes vras postponed~ ~he question having been raised as.to a joint obligation, ~ G"~ ~. • the r,~a.tter was ther~f'ore referred to the City and Qounty Attorneys to clarify.. ~ . !,{~,~ Upon•moti-on of i~r. Trask, seconded by Ivir. Hall, an appropriation .of ~~'y1,250.00 .eacn by " ~' S the City and Co~~nty was granted for the Hecreational Program. A._substitute rnotion oiferecl: ~~' ~''' V'`~~' hy I:~r, vYade, seconded by 1~~Lr. Gardner' to defer action until the Recreational Corim~eissi`on. ~' ?~_ ~' ~" be. ~iven op~ortunity to be heard ti~~a~ not carried. All members votin~ affirmative,~+y on ti eh`P` ~~ ,R~~. ,•,~}. , • fixst motion except I~r. Wade v~ho voted No, and `,dr, Gardner not~;votin~. - !~ - ~;"~,, r z . , . ,~. ,~, Upon motion of Pdr•. Trask, seconded by ~Ir. Wade the appropriation for the ~ax Colle tor ~ ~ ~.~-'_ ~~ was fixed at ~7,140.8~ each, plus yp900.00 each to be added for advertisi~ng and pub ication v ~ , of sale of land for taxes~ if agreed. • . 1 ? ~. ~~ Upon motion of ~ir. Iiall, seconded by fiir. Hewlett, the Director of Relief Garden Program ;~. vras placed under the Supervi~ion of the,City Corrmlissioner oi' Public i~orks,Mr.Wade, and ~Q the Director was instructed to ~e ~veekly reports~of his daily activities to the City ~ ~•~.~~Y~ Covanissioner of ~Public~ 4Yorks, all membere voting affirmatively except ~Ir. Crardner who ~ '' r' con~i~dered that depal tment an unnecessar~y expense and~ $oted, No. . ; ~• +~~' f . . , . . , . . , . . ~ ; ~ - U on motion of PJir. Trask seconded b 3~r. Hall the a ~ ` p y , ppropriatibn f'or tne Garden Program „ : ~ was fixed~ at ~1,500.00- to be applied ~p1,200.Q0 for salary of.the Director and ~p300.00 ~'., y for seed a.nd plante etc., to be paid on a basis of 60f by the County and 40/ by the City~ .`~ r~ ~.~ ~~ tize same as last year, Seed and plants. tD be' distributed by the Director .on approval of ~, - the Associated Charities and iVelfare Department, all voting affirmatively exc.ept Wr. ~.• ~ . Gardner who vote.d No. . ^•,~ ' ~~ ~ ~ . p~/Upon motion of 2~,ir.. Roebuck, seconded by 1~. Hewlett, 1Jfr. Carl B. Rehder ~v~a.s 'appointed ~' ~~ Director of' the Gardem Prograra and salary fixed at p100:.00 per r~onth on the abbve basis =' ~ / of payment. • ~ • . ~ . , . ~ ~:~ , The appropriation for 1VPA VYomens Activities (Sewing Rooms eic) tiaras upon motion of I~IS., ~, w~~ ~Wade, seconded by 1Sr. Gardner, fix~d at ~1, 750.00 -~~x'h; by,~the City and County. f" ':~ ~ ' • .r, ` P . -'~`._" pon motion o£ ~ir. -Trask, seconned f~y 13r. Hall~, ,the appropr.iation.for Co~ununity~Hospital. ~ • ' was fixed at ~2,500 each• . . , ~ -~. • , t , ' . .. 1 ~ . . r+. s . ' + . . . . . . . ' , . _ _.-. .~ ~ ~ ' ' . . '' ' ~ `4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ' . . • t~, . n r. 's • -. i . _ il ~ • .1~~ ~ . . Y . . . . ~ . .~4• ;,Geeting of Au~ust 2nd, continued. . "~ E z ,, No action vias taken on the request for an appro.priation i'or the 'tiJilmington I~useum of , ~ .~ S,~1-uu+@~'~'~ Art. - ~ .. . A motion of Pdr. Trask, to a11ow the Red Cross Sanatarium the same appropriation as.last year•~~- r - and taye the request fox an.additional appropriation for repairs under consideration, did`~ ,. ~' . °. not receive a second, but tivas immediately followed by a motion.offered by ]~dr.Gardner and " ' seconded by~dr. Wade, to hold the matter in abayence until Dr.Jno.C.~Nessell,physician in ~'j ~ " oharge, be•giwen a cha.nce to explain to the two~Boards the re9uest £or additional funds . for re~irs. The latter motion v~as withdrawn, and a motion was then offered by 11~~rr.Gardner, .~` ~`~ second'ed by T5r. 17ade, ~ranting an increase m~er last •years appropriation~by $~2,000.00 eacYi" • ' ' by the two Boards for rnakin the re ~. g pairs xe9uested. ,' " , ,~ ~ ~ The question.Of- issuing bonds to match 1YPA funds for the consi;ruction of an aba,ttoix at ~~%' ~~r' a cost ranging from ~30,000.00 upvrards was diecussed and it bein~ agreed tha.t it w~oyil.d" be '~~ •~,' for tile better health of the cor~snunit;~, T~~1r. Gardner moved that the Countp and~City Attorneys;~.;'., ~,~~ prepa,re a bill for passage at the special•session of the General 4ssembly that would give. , -1 authority to submit the question at the November General Election to issue bonds to raatch ~~' - a siiPA grant for that purpose, the ratio of expen~5e, to oe borne equally by the 'City and '' , County, and thati a t'TPA application for ~30,000.00 be submitted immediately that.funds ma9 ~. , ^~ be earma.rked for that purpose in the event the issuance of .bondN. are approved, his i~otion ,~"~ ~~ , lvas seconded 'by ~r. ~,Vade and . carried. . , , , , ~ ~. r ' . i 1 A motion offered by Tdir. ~de, seconded by 1~r. Roebuck, that ou~ representatives in the ~~~ '.;~ /~~~,~,~,~ General Assembly be requested to use their influence in secuxing the pa~sage of a State- y,,e., "~~&Ao t J ~`"`;' ` vride or local Act authoxizing the issuance of revenue bearing .bonds to match:WPA grants ' ' t ~vas unanimously carried.~ .' 5' /\~~ The following resolution was upon motion of l~dr. Gardner, ,seconded by :~:s~. Fisher, adopteds ~~i~'~~ That this joint meeting go_on record that the County and City Att.orneys,draft a bill. , for passage at•the 1938 special session of the General Assembly, authorizing the aubmiasao ~ '+ to the ~oters at the November General election,•'the•9uestion of issuin~ bonds.not exceedin r-~- • $1,000~000.00 for the oonstruetmon of Public Terminals and Docks at 'the ~ort of ,4~/ilmington~~ ;'~ ` , and that ~khe City Commiesioner of Public i~lorks ar~d the Chairman of the Boaxd of Coun~y ••~ ~ Commissioners, be ~nd they are hereby instructed to prepare aand file a proper applicatio , project. Tne Sore g ~ ~,:_ ;,, '~' '~ for a WPA grant ~vith the Atlanta authoritiea for that goin resolution ;~ - was adopted on the following roll call votet ' ,•, ~~,, Voting Pye- H.R.Gardner, ~..I,oui's Fisher, Addison Hewl~ett,Thos.~.Cooper,R.B.Roebuck and . . Jas.E.L.11~de. . • • ' + ; ~ Voting Nae: Jas. 7d. I~11 and •Geo.~~J.Trask. ~ . • ~ , ~ . , ., ~ ~/ Upon motion of i~r. Gardner, seconded by I~r. Wade, authority vras given to substitute any.: •- ~~'/~ proper resolution in the preparation of the ~~PA application and to incur;;ai~y.reasonable "~ e~~~ expense in its areparation. I~Gr. Trask voting No, if any additional expense is incurred. ~~.~ " • ; '; i The joint raeeting then adjourned and the County Cornmissioners took a recess until 3s00 ~;•'' ,~~ '~` o'clock P.If., to further consider the County bud~et: ~ ~~`,'~'I ~~'" , ' "'ti~ ; \ ~ ' • . . .. , ~ ~Y ~ ~ ~ln 7~_ ~ . I ~-- . Clerk. . . '. ' ~ ' ~ * . VFilmington,Td,Q.,August 2nd,1938. • ~ / l~ + ,~ ursuant`"to recess taken 1:00 o'clock P.1;~., this day the Board met at 3;00 o(clock "~"`~~„X~ P.~4., to further.consider the count~` s 1938-39 'budget appropriations. .'= ~- ., Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.1Y.Traek, H.R.Gardner and R.B.Roebuck. ^ ~~' i Upon motion of• 2v;r. 1?oebuck, seconded by Sdr.~ rask, an item of $23.28 back taxes for the I=`= .,r ~~" year 1871 cha~ged against property in block #67 in the name of J.H.Sava~e and $4'.50 ~ v j~~1 for tne year 1875 in i~he name o1' J.W.Harvkins; wa~ ordered cancelled on account of being ,,,,• ~ a doubtful charge. • ~ ' After considering the various requests for increases in salaries for the year 1938-1939, '~~, Tdr. Roebuck mpved that~ all salaries remain the same as for the year 1937-1938. BGr. Gardner ~'`. ', • ~; ~ '~'then st~gested that requests for increases and others be considered in their reg,ular order . `g-=-- and be given such consideration as the individual case.may merrit, and moved.that ~r. ~,- '~e ~~,,~-, rd.B.RegistersSher•iifs' Deputy, be.granted an increase of ~5.00 par;month in salary and ~` . t ~~5~~''V!' ~10.00 per month in~rease in automobile allov+a.nce; his motion did not receive a second. . Pnr. Roebuck's moti.on was then seconded by ILZr. Traslc, and carried.. Mr. Gardner voting No,~ -' E" ; feeling that some increases should be allowed, but not generally,. ' '." ,:. . The school bu~get was then discwssed at len~th, but no action taken and a recess was • ' ~ ordered •until 1Os00 A.I~I., 4fednesday August 3rd. ",._: _ ~ ~ ~~_~~ ~ ~ ~ . ~Clerk. ~~ ~ ~ 1~!'ilraington,PT.6i., 3rd,1938. • w.~: Pursuant to r cess .taken August 2nd, 1938., the Board met .at 10:30 0' clock ,1.I~~I. present: Addison He~~rlett Chairman, Geo.SV.Trask, Jas.2~I.Ha11, 4I,R.Gardrier and R.B.Roebuck. s ~~~, ~The following co~l2nunication was reeeived and f~orit the~Aounty kuditox and read tc the Board:, ' _ ~,~~i~August 3rd," 1938. , ~ • , The Honorable ~Qard of County Commissioners, . • Citys ' ' ' Gentlemens ~•, ~ In cbnnection ~vith the a,doption of the hudget and the fixing of the tax levy for 1938,Z ~;. , attach hereto a statement showing the.balance on hand July lst,, and anticipated receipts •;•,~ from taxes and other sourses as compared tivith the proposed budge~.. In connection ~vith"the C"i '",E $p7,000.00 and interest for the Con:munity Hospital, I wish to call your attention to -the -; .~'~'~1?' fact that Chapter 483, Public Zocal Lativs 193'7, authorizes a tax levy of ~;10~000.00 for three~~. : • years beginning ,Tuly lst, 1937.4As no levy wae made in 1937, there remains onl~ tr~o ye~rs •~ . and •v+ith a levy of ~$7,000.00 for 19.38, arxl a levy for 1939, r,estricted io $10,000.00, it ;„ _ seems to me the-record should show ho~v the remainder of the proposed loan of ~21~000.00 ,' is to be raised. I also attach hereto s.tatement sho~ing tax levy for the variolzs funds ., , for 1937, and m~[ estimate of the rate necessary for 1938,to meet the tiudget re9uirements. . • , 3~o ux s t rul y, ~ ~ -.. ' J.A.Orrell. ~ ~. ~ ' \ ' , '~ • - ~ " ... t -. ` . . , . ' ` ~'i ~ , , ~ .. . ,~~.~,,_-~ ,-~..~~ •~ ~ Meeting of August 3rd, 1938, continued. • y ~:~- ~•, .~ ,,' E.L.Yo~,Attorney, appeared and urged that t,.e amount a,ked~for•iri the school „ ~ `n- ~ su_pplementary budget for increases in,the salaries of.the janitors and bus drivers ~ ,~r r~ be allowed. " ~ ' : ` ~ /~3 : • . ~~ 'ti " Ivir. H.H.Jeter. was present aria strongly ur~ed that the employees in the Fielfare ,~ ' , ~.~ .~~ ~'_; ~~~,,,Department be granted ~~5.00 increase each, in salaries throughout: ~ ' r.. F • . Tne school budget was than taken up for further discuseion and tivas, upon motion of - " ~`- .~ ~jp~,~~r. Roebuck, seconded by ~`ar. Gardner, approved in tile following amounts: ~ 4-- ' ~ ~ : . - School Boolcs ....................... ~ 8,000.00 . . ~ A " - " Extended Term~~:~ „~......... °4~548.07 ~ ~: " 1'daintenance ..:.............. 37,658.76 . ~ ° ~~ 1. ' " Bebt Service,.......:........ 13,810.50 ' ' . ~ " Capital Out~.ay .............. S,U59.04 . . ~ ~ making a total of .............'....... ....... ~I62r076.42 * ~ . >~ . . ~' The County's 1938-1939~ budget estimates shor«ing the arnounts for expenses for the ~ ~ ti~, County Government, its activities and institutions, t~.s then upon niotion of ISr. ' '~ ~~ `` ~ oebuck, seconded by 1~ir. Hall. 'aPproved and ordered placed ii~ the hands of the Cl.ei~ ~ •~ ~/ for public inspection for a period of twenty days precedin~ adoption of i;he appropriation • , resolution August ?9th, 1938~ , ~' ~.; . . ~ ... ~ Upon motion of Idr. Trasl., secona"~ed-by lur. Gardner, the Board at the request of E:L.Yow~ , - ,~ ~~~~ attorney, hereby requests the Board of nuoation to allot an•araount of its budget ~ ~°`t=a1~propriation to the increase of salaries of its janit.ors and bus drivers. , y'~' ~ , . . - . Based on an estimate of the tax rate prepared ~y the County Auditor, necessary for tne E '~'.: .`~~~~ year 1938, to mee~t the budget requirements, and upon motion of Tlir. Gardner, seconded by~'. ~'. , ..~. •, P;Ir. Hall,'the followin~ resolut3on fixing the 1938 tax rate i~ras.adopted, all members ~ " ~'` voting affirmatively includin~ the Chairmana ' _ ~ . %'_ !~' Be it resolved by the Board of Comrnissionera of TSev+ Hanover County that the , . follo~ving tax levies and assessments upon all taxable prop~rty in New iIanover County,for ,!~'~ '•~ ~ the year 1938, as prescribed and authorized by the General and Special Acts of the , ';'~;. ~Legislature, to be as follows; ' •9 _ ~+ _ • ' ' r ' . ., 1 \ l . ` - ~, , SEE DETAII, 0~ LEVY - ANTICIPATE- RECEI'PTS'., ~ . ~ . . ~ •,' ' AND DI~BURS~~NTS _ON PRECEDING Pf~(~. ~• ~ ~, i ': ' ' ! ~ , ~ ''~~ '' . ~`'" . ~ ~_ • . . : • - VJilmin~ton,1Q.C., nugust 8th, 1938. , .u ~ " The re~rular vreekly m~etingof the~Board Fra~ held at 3:00 0' clock P.M. - , . . . J.,: . _ Present: Audison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.'~,9.Trask, Jas.t~S.Ha11;H.R.Gardrier and ic,B.Roebuck. / ~ ~ : C~A claim of I~Ir. George ~Folif of r'ederal Yoint township, for for the_aoss of six~teen ~ ~ chickens kille~,by a dog July 9tn, 1938, ~ras upon motion o#'1~s. Gardner, referredtto ' ~~ftnree freeholders in that comrnunity for•investigation and report iheir recommendations ~' ; to this Board as tYie>>law dire.cts. , ' ~ ~, ' ""communication v+as received from the County Auditor shot~ing tne amount •of deposit in ~';, \~~~ach bank as of July 31,1°38, to~ether vrith a memorandum of securities held in each base~~- ~" .. . - . . . •f .'• ' Dfo_ obj.ections .were indic~ted by the Co~!missioners eoncerning the conetrizction of' a mooringf j ~ ~ st~tion in the Cape Fear river by the Ethyl-DoSV Chemical Co.,at their plant as asked for '. ,~ .. `. .~~ ~~ in petition before the United States District ingineer. , . , i =' i~ A report of the activiti~es of the Bureau of IdentiYication for the month of July was ~~ ' ~ received and ordered filed. . ,~' ~ . , ~, , ~' Upon motion of IJIr. Txask, seconded by I~r. Roebucl~, it was agreed to have the Drainage , ~ ` force install a drainage pipe in the ditch i:n fron of the ~x~inter Park Baptist Church t ~ _~~L.to take care of the parking condition; if the pipe is furnished by the interested '~ • .. Persons. • . , ...~~ , • .', request of Abram H. Poiite to compror~ise the back_taxes accumulated.since 192? on ~, ~ ~ ~~/ property in block ~'~536 on an assessment reduction basis, ~ras referred to the Coff,mittee~~ ~+ • "~^~`~ with power to act. ' ~ • • ,••, ~~ ~-(~~LThe County Auditors ~cash report for the mor,th of July ~~~as received and ordered filed..,~;~ ~,U`~J` ~ A request of hllr.•Bruce B. Cameron for improvements to the~dra'snage~of his land in ' ~ ~ ~~ I:~asonboro toivnship, known as Blythe Savannah, and loc~ted on the Greenfieln-t~linter Pa.rl: ~~j i ~• .j~[~,~nrJ road,. •was upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Idir. Roepuck, granted if found neces•saryo, • .'; '~ , `.+ John A. ~tevens attorney, and P,~r. I2~mont Smith of the tiFilmin~ton Star-Idevre rvere present ' '` and pressed the claim •that tne 47ilmin~ton Star-Ne~vs should be av~rarded the contract to ."f '~ ,~;~,~•'~~ ~ publish notices of "Service by Publicaiion" in connection with the back tax suits, on the " ~~~ ,~rounds that the law contemplates the pu~lication of.such notices in one or•tv~o nev~s- .- ~" papers to be designated a~ most likelJ to give notice to the persons to be served. The ,~ ' contract vaas awarded to the '+~lilmington Post, on bids received, 3une 20th, 19'~8, however , fi after consideratile discussion as to the prouer paper to be designated to publish the s~~id • • notices, in vie~+ of the legal Guestion raised, tne matter zvas upon motion of I~~ir."t~ali, ' ~ seconped by.Ltr. .'1'rask, referred to the Tax Colleqtor and tYie County and Gity~Attorneys - to decide, and vrith polver •to •act. ?Sr. Trask,recomrnended that the said notices be publiehed ~ - " in the iVilmington Post if it s~ill meet the reo,uirements o~' lavr and v~ill saye mone~ for the . County. . LL ' ~ . ~ ' ~ . ~. • . , . ,,i ~~..~` IV[eeting of August 8;1938, continued. , ~ • .,.;I ', '; i Upon motion of 1~r. Gardner, seconded by 1dr. Roebuck, the ~oard ordered that ~. ~• ~,~~~ +~ ~ all real estate on which the 1937 taxes have not been ~aid, be sold Por said ~ /,~i ' ' `!;i'{ ''4~ ax unpaid taxes by the Tax Collector on the First 2~ioriday in September 1938, •after~ ~'~/ . I.i, giving due notice by advertising the ~ale of said property as required by law. ,;ltt The Board acting on the opinion of the County Attorney that'the agreement riiade • ~' with the ~7ilmington Star-News. April let, 1934, for printing all ~dvertise~ents, •` ~~' ~ notices etc:, authorized for publication by la~v, but not to include t~x suit - y~ ' notices or sale by foreclosure, has not be terminated by tlle County or notice to d ~• ,~ /~~,y cancel the contract given, and that they are entitled to reasonable notice in the ..~ event the County urishes to terminate said agreement, and there£ore the publication / •~ of "sale of land for 1937 unpaid taxes" should be given~to the ~FJilmington Star-Idews/ ~ - the contract wap upon motion of I~ir. Trask, ~ second.ed by i°lr. Fi~ll, continued until ,/ .- '" f urther notice and the advertiaement for sale of land for taxes was ordered placed ~'~,r' vrith the iTilmi:~ton Star-News. . ~~ .;; 1 • ' ,"_~ . • ' At thie point Vice Chairman Jas.Lil.Hall occupied the chair, the Chairman preparing to,( '~•~~ ••~ . p ~ 1 make his departure to Asheville to atten& the annual meeting of the State Association`--~ ;, ~D" of County Cov¢nissioner.s. ~ B6r. Gar~ner tnen raised tne question v~hy the action of the joint City-County com- ~ ~.'~ ~ ' mi3sioners August 2nd, directing tne drafting of a bill to be submitted for pasaage _ at the present special session of the I.egislature, authorizing the submission to a vote •~ oi the people tk~e questi.on of iesuing $1,000,000.00 of bonds for tlze construction of , '. , ~srFt port terminals and dock facilities to 6.ppry on i:he port improvement program, had not D' '`.-:(, ; ~ ~~~beem complied witn. Considerable diecuesion fo1TO~~ed as t6 whether or not the $tate- ~vide bill as written~v~ould take care of that matter; ho~vever a motion wa.s offerea by ~ PSr. Hewlett,•seconded by T:2r..Roebuck, and carried, that~the said bill be drafted as . directed and submitted for passage~in order to have that authority in,:the event ~he: _. , State-wide act should fail to make such necessary provision. I~ir. Trask votirtg no if it ',.` would obligate~the County and put additional'expense on the tax payers. ~'~ y ., . A request of I~br. Smith and Pdr. A.F.",~illi~.maon for repairs to the bridge and short stretch , of 'road leading to the Seagate Ceinetery from the 'firi~hteville highway ~vas upon motion of~: `' .~ - i~r. Gardner, g~an~e&~, and~~appropriate relief ordexed~T~s ~road ~vas not taken over by th~, "•.; ,. , ~~~ry 5tate and included in the county system of highways ~nd~~ elt'~hat the County ha.d an ~,~ ~- ,, ~ obligation there that should be recognized. The County attorney advi.sed, ho~vever,'that '• , xequest should be ~gade to the State Highway Corr~nission for permission to use county `.'•'; ; . prisoners to mal:e the necessary re~airs as requirec~ by lav~. A request of Mr.Je~lsse A. ''~`. Bryan for repairs to the road leading to his place in Masonboro to~nship, u6as upon reque~t .~•,~ • of 'rdr. Hall~ gr,a3~ted and included'in the foregoing order. . ', ~ , A request of addiBOn Hetivlet$;Jr.,Attorney, that an item of ~p9.85 taxes char~ed against ~ •;. the vrest half of lot #2, block #146, in the name of the heirs of J.VJ.Penny, be~cancelled ~• ;, ~~~~ on account of erroneous chargea was upon rnotion of Pl1r. Gardner, seconded by tar. Roebuck, j= '. ° referred to the Couni;y Attorney witn power to act. , ~ .'~~,,;~. ,x !-J~e annual report of the 6ounty Auditor for year ending June 30th, 1938, cras receiued. ~~.~,~. ~ ~ . The. 7,~eeting then radjourned. ~ . . , ' ~ ~ ! ~ ~ ~ _~ 7/~_., f z - . _ - _ , . . i• . .- ,~ Clerk. ^ . ' , ., , y~ilmington, N. C., August 15th,.1938. • . , ' ~ • The regular'v!eelcl5r meeting of the Board eras held at 3s00 0' clcck P.llI. ~. •,, ' ' Present: Addison Hewlett Ciia.irenan, Geo.',7.Trask, H.R.Gardner and R.B.Roebuck. . ~~ The minutes of ineetings of August lst, 2nd, 3rd~and Sth, were read and approved ~. ,. , reco~ded. . . . ,~ A request presented by I•:Sr. J.H.Hinton tha,t'this Board approve the widening bf State 1 Hi~hway 40, from Carolina Beach to rort Fi~ner froM a standpoint oi safety and to relieQe ,~ ~//~,.yC,~. traffic congestion, vras upon motion of P~r. Gardner, secon~ied by Ir1r. lrask, granted, and , j. .. ~. r"'' the State Hi~hway and Public VTOrks Commission rras requested and urged to ~ive this ~~'„ ~ consideration at the same time the ividening of the Carolina Beach road from ~~ilmington . to Carolina Beach is undertaken as ~lanned. ~ // ;_, ' . ,.~'°~ I The Board declined a request of I,~3r. Lawrence Kure to continue the the services of a~~ _____~special deputy sheriff at vlilmington-Kure and I'ort Fisher beaches for a period of two ::,~ ~.; i months after la-bor ,day September 5tn. ' I~Ar. I`rederick VFi11e'cts President of the '~Jilmington Real Lstate Board was present ~.nd on •~ .'. beha.lf of his Board asked the commissioners to reconsider the County's 193II-1939 bu~aget =~ estimates to the end tkr•zt sufficient cur~ailment may be made to maintain the same tax rate ~_' for 1938 of 75f~ on the one hundred dollars valuation as for 1337, instead of 80~ rate as • fixed by the Board. D~r. C7illetts urgeu further action on his rec~uest tYiat the State '- r ~ Highway and R~blic ~dorY.s Commission improve the road running through C~estnut neights .~ 1~• ~° • connecting State Highway No.30 with Chestnut Stneet road. T:Tr. tidilletts •calied ~attention ~~ ~~ to the added values in that section and anticipated considerable more values in home' ' t~ ~ construction there. I:Sr. Gardner moved and it vras seconded by Jdr.Trask and carried, that effort be made to secure a definite decision from the State 13ighvray Departnient concerning , tnis ma.tter as it was indicated at a secent meeting ~yith RSr. A.r.Powell,Jr., TE~ird Division '~• ~' Highway Co:aMissioner at Fthiteville that the request woul,d be Lrought to the attention of ' > his Commission. It was su~gested by tlle Chairman that this matter be urged again refore ISr. Powell at his next meeting at 'r(~?iteville September 6th. '. • _ T~r.J.L.Jordan area C.hief En~ineer and I.Yr. T~oma E. 'vJimn, Field I3epresentative YJPA., ''. .''~' ' appeared and ask~d that the County;join the City in providing adequai;e quarters for the ' ,'-.• ~ . -~'~'!P9 ~rea oi'fices. The present offices are located in the Custom Building,but the space is ' ~ iriadaquate to meet their needs, due t~ the increase of the number of administrative ,~l i ~`\~ employees from 10 to over 20, ,and asked that o?fices in the Tide Vlater Auilding Nos. V V:t;'~ ~~, ~~1" 302,304,306,308,314,316 and 318 on tne Third Floor, and PTOS. 404,406,408 and 410 on the • , ~~ Fourth floor be secured, a1; a monthly rental of $~250.OO.T~ir.Gardner raoved that a committee , be apuointed to investigat~ t•he needs ~~ith ~1ulr. Jordan, and report to the Board at a subsec;uent ;' • me.etin~.His motion v~as seconded by 1,4r, Trask and carried. . - ~ • ~ _ r ~ ~ :.; . . . , . . _ _ _ _ ' ,: ~ ~ _. . . ,' _ i~~ _~ ~~ - - w i~. J ' - -- ~- _ _ -~~: . - , • . ~- _ . V°'~ - ,., " • - , . . ` ' , ' •. . ' , . - ,<.,. - .. ' • ' , . _. .^ _. ;. . . . . - _ . . , , .:.• . , _ , , ~ . .~ , , ;.: ... . , • . y , .. ~. .. . . ' . , - • ~~' , ' ' ,_' . '~ . ~ . ~..~" t •. ? - • , ~ ~ . , . . . ~ • , ' - BUDGE7 STATEMENi FOR YEAR JULY 1'I938 TO JUNE 30 1939 • , ~~ . SHOVVING (1NTICIPATED RECEIPTS AND DIS6URSEMENTS . . • - ' -~ • 1937 -. aAcK • • ' OVER ' ' • BALANCE 7~1 TAX. TAXES OTHER TAXES ,. TOTA.L BUDGET ,,, DRAF,T, ,,3 MONTHS, TOTA,L RATE '„ , ' GENERAI. FUND .....:.......................... ~ 43}29.99: $ 4000.U0 ~14890.00 $ 65665.00$ 45-404.00 ~ Y73884.99~ 141873.,63~ ';,.. , _ , , ,~y 28,598.2.4$, 17@?171.87$ 11.35 ~ 6728.93-.~4774.00 , 9500.00 - 22050.00 • 16400.00 59452.93; 59528.35 " ,-,.,., , 59528.35 • 4.10• ' - SCHOOI.SSUPpLEMENT • • • .......... ........... .... 7 435. 58 4800.00 47 40.00 889 3.07 72000•00 978fi8.65 , 9 4548.07, ,~. ~~ 9 q548.07 .. 18.00 . - WELfARE ... .................................. 614.00 525.00 4715.84 11090.00 7685=4.84 , i5343.00 ~', 1.50,5.78 ~~ ~~~ 1684~.78 2.75 ~ . .... ol.D A GE /~,SS I STANCE .. .. .. ....:. .. . .. . . . 1 41.7 4 960.00 850. 00 48600.00 1 4400.90 6 49 51.7 4 , 6.4800.00, , , . , , , , . , , , , , , , . 6 4800.00 3. 6D - DEPENDENT CHILDREN .......................... 1698.28 560.00 475.00 t9600.00 7600.00 2993.s.'LS ~ 29400.,00 ,,_ 29400.00 9.80. ~ - ROADS ....................................... ?40.00 1000.00 17 40,00 , , 329.6 4 ~ , , , , . _ , 329.64 -- COUNTY HOME .....................:........... 5327.28 1040.00 3800.00 14000.00 24167.28 24107.4,1, ~ 24107.41 ~ 3.50 ~ .. . . ...._. - HEALTH ............~ ...................:...... 715.34 420.~0 1875.00 960Q.06 12616.34 13035.,4,3. ,,,.13035.43 ~ 2~501- ,HOSBIiAL .................................... 1626.23 1134.00 2640.00 ' .. : '19600:00 25f30~.23 ~ 2500p.00,~!,~ ,,~,. . ,_. 25000.00 ~ 4.90• . HOSPtTAL CoMMUNItY .......................... + 7600.00 7600.Ofl ~ 7633.01~ ~ 7633.00 1.90• scHOO~ aooKS .....:.......................... 2t82.23 106.00 1700.00 4000.00 . 7988:23 800Qsp9 ~ ~,,,,.~ ~ ... 80D0.00 1.00~ SCHOOL PENS'IONS ............................. 306:76 106.00 480.00 , 3200.04 4092:75 3821.23.~ 382T.23 0.80• sCHOOL BUIIDINGS .:.:..........:.:............ 555:88 85250.00 8580~.88 8580~:88 f .... .. -• ...85805:88 , . . .. PORT DEVE~OPMENT~ ........~........~.......,.... 4136.87 534i00 950.~0 8~~0.00 '(3620.87 990~.,00 '~ 9000:~0 2•00 • SA~ARY + ..................................:.. . - 1$008.00 . 18008:00 ~ 25t43.t0.f .. . .. .. .25143:t0 - COUFiiY HoME BoND FUND ......................~ 570:8~ 80:00 510.00 i2:00 t60d.00 2772.89 , 2570.00.~, ~ 23?;50 , 2807:50 ` 0.40, •COURT NousE BOND FUND ..:..:....:............ 5082:35 ' 82b.00 2600:00 60.00 1Q8~30.OD t9368.35 16375:00,'y ~ ~~ 28Z5:00„ i9250:.~0„ . 2.70- FERRY BOND F'UND ..:.:.::..:.................. 4565:36' 40.00 t400.00 45,00 2800.00 8850.36 ~ 7224.00~ t490.00 87t4.00 0.7fl• RORD soND FUND .......:...................... 6321Z.50 ` 63217:50 ~ 63298.58 f ~~~ ~~ ~,63298.58 , .. . .... .. ....... - S'CHOOL BotvD FUND ..........._ ................... 69594.Q5~`~ 2326:00 ,, ~ ~ _18100.00 , 6650.00 72000.00 t88670,05 t69386.86 `' ~ ~ ~ . ' ~ ~ 28753.75 ~ i98S40.51 ~ t8.00•. ~ TOTAI e...•••••••••••••••••••••••.•••.•.• ~ 2378t5.26 $ 20000.00 $ 68tOS_ 00 ~ 286548.9tf43a0000.OQ $,926465.17 $, 866223..1'8. ~.i.50.5...78 $ 61954.49 $ 92~9b83. 45 SO.DO ,r-r.? / . . , ri ` ~ ... ' ' / Y . 3 / ~~ ~'g~C " . . . • : . ~:,~a~ v~~ ~G ~.. . . ~' , , . . . . . . . . ~ ~ . . . . . : : ~ ~ - 'J ~ ~ ~. ~~~,r ~ ~ ' .. . . . ................ .... . . . - .. . . . _ /' . ._ .. .. ~ `~L o,~a o c: ~°_.° • ... . _ . .. . .. .. . .. . . . . . . .. . _ . • . • i G~ io ~. o o . ~ . . . . . _ . . . . _ . . . . ~w~,o ,t :1~ s,~ 1 ' • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' - ~ . J ' . ~.`I z.~~ ~,~ ~Fy ,_ _ ~/ ~ ~` ~d ~ f~ . , ~ ,~, ~ 1-z- ~,~, ~ ~._. ~ "'~'`~ ~ ° 7 . . ~ , , . _ . ~ . ~ _ ; ~, , -. ~ ~Z~~d ti , , . , l . . Y ~ 2 . , - ~ ~ , .. .- ' '" . , ~_ " ~ \ _ r . ,~ - " . ` , , . . ~ - . ~' ~ ~ ~ ,t~ ~ , ~` ~" ~ _ L . ~.- _. ' ,. . i ~ < . _ ' ; ~ O ~.~ i --~~: ` Y .. _ . . r ~ t f l}~~ ~ • " ~ , ~ ~ ,- ' . • ' . ~~. ~'. `6m ` ~.pM.' ~-y .. - , ' ~ .. , ,. L.zF t-. , ~ I ' •~ . . ' ' _r .~. ~; , ° ' : ' ' ' ' -. ' `. a } . ~ ~~ . - .~ „ . ~ . ~ ' ~. • . _ ~ f ~ . . ` . , '; .:i ~ . ~ . . . - .fr • ~ • ~ ~ . " ~~ . . ` w~f' _ . . + ~ . . , ._ . i -\ i ' / ' . . - ~ ~ . . ' . ~ ~ S ~ ~ _ ~ L: . ~ . • \ ~ . .~ , . . . , . . • ~ - • - . „ , ' . .. . • ' , . .. ' . _ . - • ~ . . ~ h . ~ ' . rf . . , r ' ~ ~ ' ~ ( y- ~Y~2.~~~~1`~ , . . ~ ' . , ' • . ~ . , ~ ~ . 1 ' , ' , .. . . • ~ ~ AN71C{PATED ~ ,O OTHER RECEIP~S" . `+ , X j ' ~ ~ ' ~ ~ 1938 JULY' t TO ~uNE• 30 •1939 . X - , ~ , ` DEPENDENT SCHOOL CO HOME COUR7 FERRY SCHOOL ~ GENERAL SCHOOL ' SCHOOL ~ W ELFARE OLD AGE CHILDREN SALARY BUILDING BOND HOUSE BOND BOND ROAD ~ FUND, ~ FUND SUPPLEMENT DEPT FURtD FUMD FUND FUND FUND ~ BOND FUND fUND FUND °.•°.~ ROLL TRX ....................... ~ /::: 2ZD~.JO~ 6300.~0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~1 ~' ~ ~ ~ FUND ~ " ~ v~ ~ ~ : ............. DOG TAX ........... :.:': ^...~, . " , t250.00 - : . , , , ~ 'BEER LICeNSE ................... :~:'.`.: :2° 4265.0~ • . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . ..... . . . . 'SCHEDULE •nBo ....... .................... 340~.00 ~ . . . ~ . ... . . .... . . .. . ...... . . . R.B.C. FU~ND ............................. 3300Q.Q~ . . , . . . . . . .. • • fiDVERTISI'NG COST ........................• 45.00' ' ' ' ' ' " • •" " ~ • •- 'CITY OF VJILMINGTON ......................• 400.00 ' . . • . . .. ..... ........-.. . . °COMKISSIONS PREPAY ......................• 2000.00 / . . • - . . . ... . COMMISSIONS TAX COLLECTJR ...............• 90OC.OO ' , " . . . . . ~ COSTS RECORDERS COURT ...................° 65UQ.0~ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " " ' zlA1L FEES^ ............................... 1970.00 . , . . , . . . . . .... . .... .. . . . ...... • STENOGRAP1iER FEES .......................•' 40.00 " ` . ` • . . ....•... ~ SALARY FUNll FEES .... ~ } .........• • ' 9•~00 • 18008.55 .. . . . . . F~INES AND° FORFEITURES ~:::`~;.f:~.".~:..........' ' -9•500~00 ' ' ' ' ' " """' JiANOVER GARDENS ......................... ZOO.00 • ' ' ' ' " ' ~ ` 1NTEREST ....:...........................• 509.00 • • ~ ' t2.00' ~60.00 45.00 6650.00 ' xJURY TRx ~.. ..............................• 550.00 . . . . . .. ,.... . .. MARRIAGE LICE(VSES .......................' 400.00 • . . . .. ."....... _ NOT LISTED PENALTY ..:...................' 6O.D~ • ` . . , - . .. . RENT ....................................• 360.00 . . . . . . . . .. REFUNDS .:...........:...................' 300.00 . . . . . . .. ... STREET PAVING ...................... ....• • ~ ' . . ... ...... . . 1000.00 --s`n ~-~-.o~-a.or~ns • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . / ~ ~ / J . . 470 0 0. 0 0 . . . . ' STATE OF NORTH CARO~INA ADA11Nl5TRATION •.° ~ • ` io- • 4715.84 ' STA7E OF N. C• VOCATIONAL EDUCATION ..... j~ ---8$~ 3.07 " STA7E OF N• C. INTANGIBLE TAX ••••........• ~ '38~0.00 • • • •t=Zfo • • • • • STATE OF N• C. DEPENDENT CHILDREN •...... ./6yoo 19600.00 •S7ATE OF N. C. OLD AGE .................. 48600.00 STATE.OF N. C} BOARDED CHJLDREN ......... 75.00 . ~ ~.~ ~~9~`~`ac•_ ^ti ~t• •..1 ..............1....1• •...• . 38Z5O.Q8 ~MIS,CELL.ANOUS .:.......................... SDO.OO TOTAL ..............................~ 65665.00$ 22050.00 ~ 8893.07 ~ 47f5.84 ~ 4860D.00~74600.0~9~,t8008.55~85250.00 $ 22.00 $ 60.00 $ 45.90 $ 6650.00 ~1000.00 . . . . ~ ~ ` y ~ > r ' ` ' ~ . } . { « ~ ~ • ~ y ~ ' \ ~ r a \ Y ~ ~ • ~ . r . ~ 4 ,/__ . ~ t=':^`~C ~ ~ .__ '' _ . __ . ~ . . .. ~*~ ~1. .~ 1 a *. ~ ' ~ . ' ' . • • . . ~~ ~ •4~ ~ , , 'M. ,~ ~ . ~ ~~ Y, - ~ Ji.. , ` ~,~ ~,~ meetin~ of August 15th, 1938, cantinued. r , ~'~ ~.` ~ ~•• 3,Zr. '~~. A. Peschau representing the Coastal Fair Inc., appeared and asked that the / race tracks at Le~ion F'ieid be put in condition for'fair iveek begirining September `~i• °r.,, '•~ 26th, that adequa.{;e police protection be provided to save ~the buildings and fei~ce from ~ ' d~mage during the i'air week, that arran~ements be made to allow the us.e ~~6 current fox ~,y~ r'• /lighting and.pov+er on the same schedule of county'rates and that an additional water 13/" t /_r~ pump and necessary connections be in~tal`lea to a~ford amplt tvater supply, and provide a ~~{ {'~~~ cement floor for the exhibition building. ]~ir. PescY~.u alsc asked that better traffic . /' ~! ~~(~~ regulations be maintained on the highti~ray at. the r'air Uround Entrance. ]5r, 'lrask expressed ~ ;."'~ himself as feeling that Legion Field should pay its way and tha,t the County should not , • be re~uired to repair,the grounds t~vice a~F~eek. ~The Sheriff stated that he could noti, ==~% ' provide the police protect-ion requested, vri.ti, his present force. After further diacussion ~ ~ Vy: 1Qr. Roebuck moved and it was seconded by ASr. Trask and carried, that the Chairman appoint a committee to work out the matter with the sheriff as to additional police protection ~'• ~~_ _ and the matter of lighting and potiver rates to be taken up eith the Tide rJater Po~+er Co., !. No act:on vras taken on the other requests.. ' '. j ~ 1, r'~ Upon motion of ]:ir. Roebuck, seconded by~ ~r. Ti:ask, the Superintendent of Public '~,elfare ~~ ~~ ~s' was authorized to furnish trans•portation for taking Vann D'-alvson Russ and Donald Ray Russ `° ~"~ Eastern Carolina Training s.chorol. ~.< ~ .-~ , ' k•~ Upon motion of Iiir. Roeb.uck, seconded by iaTr. 1'rask, the t3oard authorized tne payment of ,~/ ~ ~ ~~~,approximately ^~17.00 monthly for treatment and maintetn~,ne~ of Rufus ,PrcRae,Jr., at the ' ~ ~ ~~tate Sanatorium for two or three months.• , , _ , ' Upon notion of l~dr. ~~rask, seconded by Idir. RoebucY, tYie Superintendent of Publie }tielfare ,{~ • ~`~,u was authori`zed to provide transportation for sending Eleanor Smith, cripple girl, to the , ,_ -'~rthopedic clinic.at Goldsboro for treatment. • : ~~ t, . . . t r on raotion of Tdr. Trask, seconaed by I6r. Roebuck, Robert Scott, co10'red under,taker, vras.. + - -c^'7;yq~lotived ~20.00 tovrard the cost of the burial of P~ollie Garrison,County incligent. " ~ ^: A request of IJ1r. Donald C. King tha~ the County remi.t its 10% of gate r'eceipts on the ` _ ~ ball game scheduled to be played at Le~ion Field Friday night August 13th,.between the ~~~ Luuky Strike ball team of Durham and the home team, and allo~~~Lne same to be included~ ~ • ~~ in the proceeds of the game to be devoted to the charity~worlc of the Benevolent and, . ~ ~~~ Protective Order of Elke, was decli•ned on accoizi;t of the presedent that may be estabYished~. ~''~~ .- Upon motion of 1tjx. '1'rasi:, seconded by I~Gr...'':oebuck, the payment of ~38.00 t~~ C.David .Jones, G: "'' •~ SherIDff,~f'or extra expense for officers serving City=County.tax,suits for June and July, ~ -s ~~ was approved. ' . ~ Upon motion of Idlr. Gardner, seconded by I~Gr. '1'rask, J.T.Burnett ~vas released from payment ~j,: ~ ~„ /~~~of penalty for.not listing lot ~27, in block ~2., Sunset Park for:the year 1937, on account of,bein~ a non reaident. , * , , :i~ `. ~• An application for license to sell 'oeer at location at Lin~o ~'e~yi:ce Station, sub~~itted by~ 3 _•~~:.D.Pridgen,Jr., the sa~e having been approved by the Siyeri.ff, ~vas upon motion of Iu~r. '' ¢ Gardner, seconded by Ns. TrasY., approved by the Board. , . . `:; ~ • . ~ ,_ 'a ° C claim of i~r. Ueorge l4olff of Federal ~oint .torrnship., ,in <~he amount of yy10.00 for the ~~, i ~ ~• ~~0~5 of. six.teen chicY.ens destro~red by dogs July:9th, ~tias investigated by three free- • " ~;~p~~ nolders as the law directs, and upon their recommenda.tion and upon motion of Wr. Gardner, '{/t"""~"`~seconaed by hFir. Trask, was al~proved' for' payment out,.of the school dog tax f'und: , ~~ _ _ ~~.-- , `` A request for and adjustment of the back taxes accumulated on the property of Hugh N.. „ ,~-~ ~ pace, block ~74, ~rtritn the vie~~v of settling on a basis of the •present assessment, ~vas upon~ ~° ;~ ,,f~~ motion of ?~as~. '1'rask, secorlded by N~r. Gardner, referred to~ t7ie•C ,ornmittee with power to aci:. "' ., • ,. ~f ~,', ~. A request of Tdr. John Bsi~ht Hill, Collector of Custome, that' this Body give its • ~';, endorsement for the establishment_of a Coaet Guard Station at,~7ri~;htsville.Beach, was upon ~otion of I~Sr. ~a.rdner,seconded by ii,~x~. Trask,unanimously approued, and the Chai~man `,.~}'~~and County ,.ttoxney were authorized and directed to prepare a suitable resolution , .". requesting the Government,that this station be established. ~• , , ~y •~ . A corrmiunication vras received from the ~State .Department of ,Zabox reoommending. that certain .~~rt..' . ~;• ~~~equipment be provided the Court House elevator, and ivas upon motion of ISr. 7.`rask, referred ` ~; . ~t:,,~""-to the County Attorney for opiniori as to whether or not the same is required by law, and .. report to the Board at a subseGuent meeting. _ ,,., : { . . • . Upon motion of 2br. Gardner, seconded by }is. Roebuck, .County Bills Idos. 301 to 502 inc., , ~,, ~ ~~ ~were approved for payment. • ~ ~ The meeting then adjom~cued. • ~ ~ • ~ ' ('~`"yiv> >t~r~. .,.~;~ • ' _. ( /f' Cl erY.. ' ' `/ ' ~ilmington,N.C.~ August 22nd, 1938. ~ .~c1 The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held at ~i00 P.1~. '• ~ •. ~ - ~ Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.P7.Trask., Tas.I~.F~ll, H.R.Gard.ner and R.B.Roebuck. T, ~ The minutes of ineeting of Auguet 15th~ were read and ~proved as recorded. „ & . . ,.. ;;., A regues:t of Mias Ethel t~illiams,]uIrs.Henry ~ac~dillan and Mr. JiC.Will~~.ms, speaking fora '~' • A,_ i~yu~dele~ation, tnat the County match the City's appropriation of ~1,000..00 for the YFilmington. Museum of Art, wa,s upon motion of Mr.. Gar.dner, se.conded by ~4r. Hall, referred to the Couttty °p% i •~_ ..Attorney £or opinion as to the County's legal right to make such an appropriation and report to the Board at ita next meeting~ and that,a cocunittee be appointed to confer with the " ,' interested persons during the mean time with the view of a~or~ing out some means by which aid . ~ may be given. ' • ' '~, . ~ A claim of Mr. Baxter Rivenbark of Cape Fear township for the loss, of four chickens destr.oyed.~ t' . by #dogs, was upon motion of ~'r. '1'rask, seconded~ by 'Nir. Roebuck, 'referred to three freeho:Lders ;/ for investigation and reportvtheir recommendations to the Board as the law,directs. His ~~ ,. ~~ •~ request for improvements to the drainage in his community, affecting his land, was upon „ ~" motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by bir. Trask, taken under consideration. , . ; !. , , , . ~ • .v ~ ~ . ~ . . .. ' ~ . . i' _ ~~ ~` . ,. - ' ' + . ^ : ~~ r ~ . ,. w,., __. , ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~:a: ~ ;~~ ~ ~ " ~ ~ ,~n r• ' ~ .t±'t'~~r ~: +~ .. . . 4 ~ "- .3,":1=, ~ t r , C Meeting of August 22nd, continuefl. . . ~ `~;~`'~~# ~ , -~/ ;,,, ~„r,~' , .:;, ~ .'~, ir ~~~Tgr. Bertram Quelch,appeared and asked that the drainage ditch and culverts along the ^' ~~'~ ~.~?°~^r ~1ue Clay road and Acorn Branch near Pumpkin 3~iln, be cleaned out. . ~,~ :.,q . /~ •'r~wi'''~...'~ ~."`. ',~ A request of-Mr. YTalter l~inner that the services"of the Special Deputy at Fort Fisher "+ ~i be extended.through the fishing season was heard, and a substitute motion offered by ~ "~'~ .r:~ , ~ J~IIr. Gardner, seconded by mr: Trask, declini:r~g',the requeat was carrie~ after a motion '" .,,:~T:,s„`~~ ~~~o'ffered by Mr. Ii~ll, seconded'by ~Qr. Roebuek,•to-refer the matter to the Sheriff for -~ . further consfderation, failed. The Chairman vo.ted to decline the request as no proviaion .;~ ~~~ , •has been made in the liudget to~meet that additional expense. . ~~:~' , , , f ,. , y, ppeared and ur~ed that necessary stepe be taken ,r; ~ • State Senator nominee Ecr~ett H. Bellam a ": '' lJ~'" ' to concerve the seafood iri8ustry in this County. Bdr. Bellamy cited the fact that in recent `~~. r yeara crabs•Have been talten from local watere in a wholesale way and shipped to some point, .~~'tx'~? • fox: canning; and:by reasori'•thereof it has reached the point where it is impossible to take •~~°~r~.~ suff'icient seafood from our watera to meet the requirementa of our reaorts, and is very ,. . >,.,.s~, ~~ .,• ~. •.,,.,,. , apparent that the abundance of crabs that once supplied our needs i~s fast disappearing. ,~°:'' _, Therefore, the Board, upon motion of, Mr. Gardner, seconded ,by Idr.. Roebuck, voted unanimously `~. ~4::',<.. ~ ~' to requeat the State "epartment of Conaervation and Development to have an investigation made ~;'+' to the end that a patrol boat may be stationed in.this area for the purpoae of protecting and ,:~ ~,I:t~,~,,, , I•ii coneerving ovr seafood induatry. ~ ' '.f,;' . . ~ . . • ~ ~r ~,~ Upon motion,of ~dr. Roebuek, seconded by ~r. 'j'rask, idr. ~as.1~d.Ha11 was authorized to provide •° :~";ji, c~ a boat for taking Drs. Prytherch and Hubbard •on am inspection tour of thewatexs of ~yrtle ,.,~' •;: :'i}~~: ~~~ / Grove Sound,'August 23rd, to atudy conditiona with.the view of determining the bes`t method (/ :~!` .f to rehabilitate the shellfish induet.ry ~tt~t: hassbeen destroye.d by the exceaeive fl~bw of fresh ' ~~~:J; ~ water -from the Cape ~'ear i~ieer through Snow's Cut into t5yrtle Grove Sound. ~, • ~;~ „ , c ~~ ~ ~; An application to the Local Government Cor.~miasion for approval of sale of A proposed issue of~ ',_~-.' [ ~ y~21,1C0.00 .PubltiG~Welfare Bonds vr~s ,upon motion of Mr. Trask,.eeconded by ~4r. Gardner, .~~°~j: ~~~author-ized,` and the same mas -signed ir; the name of the Board of Commisaioners and by the • z"m~'. ~4 members of the Board individua,lly and ordered forvrarded to the I,ocal Government Commission •, for its approval. - . - . • ~ ~, : ,*~~ ',~: Upon motion of T~r. Roebuck,seconded by Mr. Gardner, the follo«ing resolution vras unanimously ,~; ~~~ \ ~~ti adoptedt w ~ '~~.. -. • ' i,'' • RE80LVED, that the Clork of this Board be and he is,hereby authorized to make ~'•! application to the Local Govexnment Commiasion to issue bond anticipation notes in the atnount'~I :{, ' ,"ti of $21,100.00 in connectian•with the. issue of. Public Vdelfare ,Bonds ,f.or that amount; said no~es(/ ~,, '~' _ , to be made payable:~10,000.00 one-year after date arid ~11,100.00 paya"ble two year.s after dat.e; and tYa~t the Chairman.and Clerk of this Board be authorized to sign said .notea when the issuance .~ ~~ thereof is approved. - ~ ' • ~ . . . . . Up~on mot'ion of Mr~. Roebuck', seconded by Mr. lrask, the salary of Geo.S.Crandall,keeper of 6ak. ~'~ ,~ ; ~r~~ Grove ~emetery, was increased from $620.00 to ~900.00 per year. as oY July let,1938, as was V~ ~' ~ ~„~previously fixed by the Board in ordex to bring his pay in keeping with other County employees,,-~",;,,,,~ '~" 1,~^~ but which first action was later cancelled by an order continuing all County employees salaries' •';F ~, • on the same basis of last year. Recorder Al.ton A. 3~ennon presented the_.request in.behalf of ~,,~ ~j; ~r. Crandall. . . - ~ Upon motian of Mr. Traek seconded b Mr. Roebuck authorit ~was t~ •.'~.~,._. ~~ , y , y given t.o purchase aufficien '~ cement, eteel and gravel-to~continue improvements at Legion ~'ield in providing a cement floo~.i -~t^~ ~ .- ~ in th•exhibition building, approximately 600 additional seats for the stadi~ etc. •' • . . ~ ,• ~~vf The following bids for furnishing approximately 10,900 pounds of 3/8" xeinforcing steel bars, ,_•• for fvrther improvements•at Legion Field and Airport were received: ~" , , . , • Virginia Steel Company, Riehmond, V.a.., ~330.00 ~ tiV9ilmington Iron F7orks, ~. ' , 355.02 (~ , ~ Carolina Steel & Iron 'Co«, (~reenaboro, , ~98.00 ~' ~ . Southern Engineering Company, Charloi;te 356.00 , /.nt<<I The Virgin3a Steel Company of~.Richmond, Va., being the lowest bidders, their bid for,$G330.00~I . ~'~ ^~~ for furnishing the above ateel was upon motion of Pdr. Trask, seconded b~ FIIr. Roebuck, accept@'d:::: ~ A gueHtion raised by Mr:H.R.Gardner as to the legality of a recent meetirig held by the Composi.t@'~;!'~,~ • Board for the control'of the ABC-Board, in private officea in the Tide Vrater Building, on the ~•~~ ~±,+ gxounds that proper'notice and purpose of the meeting"was not given, and that the same was he1cL~.• i y in the private offices of the ABC Board and not at the Court.House where public meetings are _-.~• uaually held, and at whicki said meeting the salaries of the members of the ABC Board were~ ~ ' -,. ~ ,-increased~ was upon motion of DQr.,lrask, seconded by Mr. Roebuck, referred to the County Attor~fey, for opinion to be submitted at the next meeting. . ~ , r . . , Upon motion of Mr. Roebuck, seconded by I~4r. Gardner, the County Auditor, at his request~ waa ~~; • i ~ authorized to raa.ke a correction in the 1938 levies by an adjustment of one tenth of a cent . ,~``between the Health levy and Aid to Bependent Children. '~ A reguest of Mr. G.S.Furber, Jr.,,for.a reduetuon of the assess~ent on property in block #165 ~ ~~x account of the dilapidated condition of the building, was upon motion referred to the Committe ~ for inveatigation. "'7 ' ~ , . Upon motion of Mr. I~1,1,. seconde,d by bir. ~rask,, authority was given to secure a maintenance . ~' ~~„~f agreement for, the care of the, five Pdoodstock typewritera in the office of the Welfare Departmerit~ ~ ' ~/ ;~at a total coat of $37.50 per year. ~ e , ~- . . ~ . . . . . "'~ Upon motion of 2~r.. Ha.~11, seconded,by ~r. Trask~ the Supt., of Public Welfare was authorized to ~-`~ ., ~1 provide transportation f,or returning Edith Brown,.cripple girl~ to the 5tate rehabilitation,/'° ;~~i ~~~ achool at Elizabeth City and to puxchase clothing for her at an approximate cust^of ~5.00. v ,~..~, ~ ` ~ • :t - ' : ~ f ~ Reports of the Ladies Rest Room and Jas. Walker. Hospital,for the month of July were received and ,-~~~ ' w~ ordered filed. ~ "}i _~p .. - ,~G ~, . . ~ . ~, .~,;~ ~. . . . . ~ . , - _~ . ~ . . . E . , ~ k • • . . ~ ., ;.~{ ~ ~.~ . ~ , J"Hi r .~ -t,a,~l , , } / , ~ '• l ~ kS'. . ~ , 3% , ~ = ~sr ` ~„ ~ /y~.'e~~~ _ . . ~ ~.. l~. ~.,:~.:-- - ~ ~.~"` _ .~. . _ ` . ,,. _~~ ~ ; .. ._ ~,2 , , 'f~'~ ~~.'~~ ~ ~' ' Meeting of Au~ust 22nd, 1938., ;continued.; ' ~ . ~ The Board being informed by the Clerk of Recarders Court that ToIInny Reynolds,'~ ` was convicted of the sale of intoxicating beverages on the premisea of the : / . Cgnal Filling Station~ or C.T.Croom's place ~ust south of the Canal, and Paul ~ i Allen was also convicted of the sale of intoxicating beverages on the premises ~~''~ 'i ~~~~ of R.I,:Al1en,Jr:~ on,the Carolina ~each Road,, known as Lewis' Place; the Board therefore, on motion of i~c: Trask, seconded by P~Ir. Roebucky cited C:T.Croom and R.L.Allen, Jr:, to appear before this Board, T~lesday September 6th, 1938,at 3t00 P.B~., to show cause why their respeative licenses issued to them to aell beer Ih , at the aaid locations ahozald not be revoked. ~ ~ , Upon rAotion of BQr: Gardner, aeconded by ~r. ~ask, the Board approved the payment of .f :/~~ ' ~ ~ ~12.20 to the Wilmington Post for foreclosure notices published in connection ~ith ,~ ;. S. the foreelosure of lots Nos.. 8 and 14~ block ~2, Hanover Gardens;, and ona'~half of'~ ~580.28 fos publishing notices in connection with the City-County back tax suita. ~, .- ~~ Upon motion of Mr.. 13a11; authority ~s given to ad,just the ta~es due by Henry , . 'i~ ~~ Campbell on property in block 349 for the years 1934 to 1937 on a basis of the (i I „ present assess~ent for the reason the houae has been destroyed by v~ndals. ,i '' A requeat of Richard L. Playex that the County accept $553:85,, the full amount of ~ "~ the proceeds from an auctlon sale of property owned by the-'Fairfield Company, ~`,.~-; -„`; ~~~ block #218, to apply in full settlement of $839:27 due on 1/3 interest on part I i .- west half of lot #3, the other 2/3 interests having bTOUght enough to clear the taxes due, was referred to the Coamiittee.for investigatiori: , The correspondance between the State Revenue Departmeat and Geo.I~.Hutaff~Jr.~ t ~; .r..- coneerning taxea due the State on 3ntangiblee prior to January lst+, 1938~r,on ,1.~! ,' i ~~ ~ which it appears that ad va2orem taxea may be due the County, wa.s referred to tfie: ~ County Attorney for inapection: • ..' . ~ request for.reduction of assessmenta on varioua property of the T.F.Boyd estate, ~~' ; ~(~ was upon motion ref~ersed to the Cormnittee for investfgation. , ~ " :„%' l .. • No action vrae taken on a resolution prepared by the State Highway Department~ that• -~I °"~ ~ ,~if adopted would authorize the State Higheasy Department to re3ect all of;the~clatma y. ~~ ~ r-,, ~~the County has heretofore filed for reimburaement of certain moneys forme"rl;y* expended ,~~ , by the County on the development of the road system in the. County. ,- ;~ , ` . . • ' II 1, In order to clEar tb.e taxes on the property of the heirs of C.E;,Goodwin~ block ~40, a division of the asseasment on the ET~L ~ lots 2 an~;•3, was authorized; and the ~ ~~""' ~~ ;~,"~A~ east kaalf of lot #3, 'was upon motion of N`s:; Gardner; seconded by Pdx~~.,~ Traski` fixed . .=.,~ ~' ,. at ~570.00 as recopnnended by the Tax Assessors, and the ~ax Collector was authorized ~ , to aceept payment of taxea on the said lot on that valuation~~y " ~ - The Board acting on the recornnendation of the County Attorney and upon motion of ' , Bdr..1^rask~ granted Mr. C. VanLeuven an abatement of taxes on a valuation of ~' ~.._„_. `' "v ~~+~ ~$1~050.00 on part of lote 20,21,,60,61 attd 18 Winter Park Yor the year 1937, donated i~ r , to the use of the public as a paxk or playground as shown on recorded map, and , ~- ~'~ therefore tax free so long ae it is uaed for that purpose~ ~ ~ , ; :~ - ` Upon motion of ~6r.Tr~sk, aeconded by ~Sr:, Ha11, the Chairman ~ autkwrized to ^~~~~ purehase two used trucks for further improvements to the race tracka, eoftball °`.~ , , diamond etc., at Legion Field an~ Purther improvementa to the Airpost, the cost of "I"~--- J, ~~~p~~same to be charged against WPA funde..~ ' ^`~ , . ~~.^.. : Upon motior, of Mr: 'lrask, seconded by 1~r. Gardner, trie aceim-ul~i;3:on~of ba.ek taxes ~ ,,~.~ cY~rged against the Nt~Pt lot ~4; block #68; in the name of Sarah"Iiill, was ordered y ,t~ ~~ eancelled, for the rea~on that the said lot is oerned by t~rtha J. Evans and throu~h ,~~ I error v~ras never charged to her, and has been carried on held .by the County listt ~Sartha J. Evans is also the owner of the adjoining lot and thou~ht the same vaas , included and that she was lieting and paying the taxes regularly on both pieces. ` '. Upon motion of ~r.,Roebuck, seconded by Mr.','1'TaBk~ and on approval of the County ,, ~. Attorney, the reco~nendation of B~eears. Bellum & Humphrey that the County and Town ' , ;.! ~~ ~~oi Carolina Beaeh absorb the .court and adaertising costs amounting to ~p18.58; • ^~ ~10.00 by the County and ~8.58 by the Town, in the matter of t~e sale for'taxea of. ~ : lot #7, block~#81, Carolina"Beach, which sale was for. ~27:30 and the purchas_er I, r „, agreeing to pay ~e taxes due tYmough the year 1937, amounting to ~23.18 to tha ti;~ ~~ County and ~18.90 to t:ie Town„ wae a~proved. ~ 1 `,~ ` Upon motion, duly seconded, County billa Nos,. 503 to 543 Inc:; were approved fox /•. ~f , , `",,,~ 't~1~t ~ payment. . ~ ` ~~ i- The meeting then ad,journed. • ~ ~u~ ~(~~/ I~ ~ ~ ~ Clerk., • , i ',,..,t` % i i i; t ' ~f ' f ' ~; !y ,~ f Y )+ ' {~ ~ ~ . r {{{ C ~~~.~I',~~ ~ ~ ,- ~ ~"~3 {~ ~ N': }t ' , ~ ' ~~ 'j . ____ ;~ ~ ` ( '~ II ' + . ~ . + ..u _ • . • . ~ ~: . +~ ' r N~ _. tM ~ ~ . ~ ~A' ~.