1950 Meeting Minutes (Scan)I 1_ ~~ Meeting of December 28~ 1949, continued. Upon motion of Itir. Hall, seconded by i~:r. D3vis, I~Sr. J. D. Bigford was granted the use of the Exhibit9.on fiuilding at T,eeion St~diun, for boxing matches for the next thrAe ^~ y Friday nights at a xental of ~25.00 ner nieht, trYiereaftef~ at $25~00 per night or 12~ of the Pate receipts ~ v;hichever is the preater. ' Upon rrotion of ll'r. Davis, seconded ty r.1r. Trask~ the City w~s requested to provide -~~ police protection for the bui]_dings ~nd prer~;~ ses at Legion Sta.ditun. ~ I~r. Davis brou~ht up the matter o£ provi.din? the Register of Deeds vrith ar~ adding ~ machine for w~hich an appropriation of ~50.00 was provided in the budg.et~ and I~ir. ~~~0'~hielc~s asked that an appropriation for providing drive-~n picnic facilities at Hugh t~4ecRae P~rk be set up~ Ivir. Hall reported progress in the irvesti~ati.on of the VJelfa.re Dep~rtment~ that some _~~i, corrections would have to be ~ade through legislative action, and tY.~tt a final report would be forth-coming in the near future. _ Upon motion of hir. Trask, seconded by tAr. Davis, Benjamin Spencer was granted an J~~~ abatement of penalty for not ~isting charged against property.in block 8~ City~ and poll taxes for 1949; account of being a non resident. It appeared that he is.a ~esident of New Jursey and listed ~01:1 taxes in error thinking, he was listing his real estate. ~~yl Upon motion of nir. 0'Shields, seconded by A~r. Trask, an accumulation of bills in '~~'^ the amount, of ~'203.95 due the Vlilmington Iron F7orks, was approved for payment. ~ ~t~'ir. 0'Shields suFgested that i.mproverent to the drainape ir~ the Court Eouse par•king v~ lot be made~ and it was agreed Lhat ~ few loads of material in the low pl.aces woul.ri turn the v~ater into the dr~inage and relieve the condition. The meeting then adjourned. ~ it. --~_- ..~sr Cle rk. ~ Rjilmington~ Id. C.~ Ja.nua.ry 3~ 1950, Fursuant to recess taken UecemUer 28~ 19a9, the regular; weekly meeting of the Board was held at 10:00 o'c1oc.Y. fi, iei. Present: Ac'dison Aevilett Ch~irr::an, Geo. Yd. Trask~ Ja~. i~f. Hatl, C13ud 0'Shie].ds Thurston C. D~vis~ and I~~'arsden Ee1.1.~m.y Connty 4ttorney. The minutes of ~eetin~ of Der.e;~xer 28~ 19~9, we^e ~~ead and anproved a.s recorded. ~ Ha~•mond ~,4au7:tsby of VJilmington To~^.mship w~s upon motion of Itlr. Dacis, seconded by ^~~ Il~ir. Hall,;granted ar. abatement of taxes on a valuation of $~']90.00 on a 1936 Chevrolet automobi2e, Blue Book value `~".200.009~~char~ed in error a's a L946 model at ~990.00, for the year 1949. Roscoe Baldvrin, a resident of Currie, P:. C.~ wa~ upon moti.on of P~:r. Davis, seconded by -'Q?~ i~4r. Hall~ granted an ~batement of po].1 taxes ch~rged in error for the year 19~9. A letter was received from the Governors office advising that there is no judge available for the special term of Civil Court rec~uested for Jamlary 30~ but can furn~sh a jndge for the week of Jznuary 23~ vihich~ after c.onferrin@ with the calenda.r -~ committee of the Bar Association, vras agree3ble t~ hold the one week terro be~inning January ?_3, first part of the week t.o be devoted to the hearing of motions etc., and jury be drav:n to appear Thursday, January 26, which ~vas aoproved by the County Attorney. ~ No objections were indicated bv the Board to the application of the Interr~ation3l ~ ` d2~~~..c' Nickel Co.~ to the tinited States Uistrict ~nPinee.r, to constz~uct a H~harf in Banks Channel on the east side of f~arbor I~land ~outh of the highv!ay bridge. y~r+~U~~on motior. of iutr. 0'Shields~ seconded by ;v,r. Davis, ;elr. 9ddison Hevrlett Chairman of the _ ~~ ~ Bo~,rd~ was anpointed Tay ~,upervi~or oi 's+cw H.a.nover County for the ye3r 1950. Upon riotion of T~1r. TrasY.~ seconded t~- i,:r. D~vis~ the Board authorized a correction of ~ ~ the tax records, block 8; Pt.~~! 1,2,3~ by ty chargin~ Samuel Hawes viith an assessment of. ~''~ctk $;1~900.00 for the year ]°4~~ 1945 and 1~49, e~hich fer said years was charged in error to Geo.t°J.J~mes~ and charge Thoras Ja,n~es~ Jr.s with an assessment of ~450.00 for 194'7~ fl948 and 1g49, uvhich vras chargeci to Samuel Hevies. '.: On, approval of the County Attorney. . it. Upon motion of Mr. Davis~ seconded b,y ~r. Trask~ Snrnv White Laundry a~~s gr.anted an _ ahatement of taxes on a v~luation of ~`,7~000.00~ machinery liste~l on personal list for ~~GX the, year 1°48 which was also included in the real estate ~.ssessment~ block 35 which was not listed, and vaas released from the payr~ent of penalty for not listing~ thinking the real estate vr3s included on the ~er=ona.l sheet. ~~„~~~~.w~ A report of the Veterans' Service Officer for December was received and filed. ~ .~ , ~ 1~-~ IJ[eeting of Jsnuary 3~ 1950, contimzed . ~~~The following good and lac;ful persons ~Nere dr~wn to serve as jurors, in the Su~erior Court~ for the trial of criminal ca,ses~ for the ~_week te.rm beginning Monday~ J~nuary 16~ 1950; and for +he one week specia7. civil term,to_appear ~anuary 26, 1950: J.R.Guthrie~Jr.~ 307 Ceatral Boulevard. O.H.Bishop~ 5 S. 9th St. G.Stivart~ Castle H?yne. A. G. Carter~ 1007 1~Iercer Ave. Ji,r.mie Walton~ 312 S. 4th St. D. P. Xanthos~ 420 S. Frqnt St. Clarence J. StoY.le~~, P.~cBox 96. C. N. Long~ 1507 S. 3r~d, .t. A.L.St3nley~ 1318 Dock'St. S. V~. PJil.son~ 125 Vloodlar•~n Ave. ' W. M. Collins~ 13 V!rightsville 9ve. H. B. Proctor, Rt.l. Chas. "ri. Gaylord, 209 Dock St. lvi. i~'. Floya, Box 5~+?. t~Jalker A. A;unnery, 7.21 Penn Ave. L. A. P.aney~ Raney-Chevrolet L'o. _ T<. G. Thonpson~ 20~ S. 2nd~ ~t. John 9. Rehder~ 708 GreenfiPld St. B. K. Myers~ 107 I~. 13th ~t. C•. B. Povrel.l~ 9 Lake Forest Fa.rYv,-a.,y. Si~:on Oliver~ 41 Pinecrest Parkv-ay. L. F. Ormand~ ?_?17 i~~etts 4ve. Norman Spencer~ ?13 H~rnett Si;. Noe Kotler~ 601 Ca.stle St. J. H. Bostic, 2F305 Jefferson St:. H. B. Rivenbark~ Rt.l. H. Verza,al~ 1915 Ann St. C. F. Green~ Jr., ?2?2 P~arket St. G. D. Henrrow~ 313 N. 5th St. For the Civil Term: Thomas E, nevili, 2002 Castle Et. Chas. H. Cumming 19~7 Slein Hoad. J: C. U~ite~ lql~ VJoolcott Ave. Geo. H. Cook~ Ht. 2~ Box 317. Jas. ~N. Fountain~ 216 N. 6th St. ~ A. J. 5tarling,7r.~ 70~ 5. 5th St. P. E. Brsswell; 6c9 S F'ront St, Chas. R. Harts~ 909 S. Front St. R. L. Truett, Bo~ 855. Paul Ambrosions, 211 S, iront St. N'. I. D~vis~ 51=' Northerr. F?oulevard. hi. M. Rudolph~ 2636 Adams St. ~~G. M. King~ 103 ~. 4th ~t. Paul H. Forrler~ 215 R°d Cross St. Chas.R.HoweJ.l~ Ht.2~ Box 201C ~ Edmond Si_mmons fi10 S, rront St. R. E. C1ark~ ?~i~g S. Front :`t. E. D. Rivenbark~ R+..~. The ;,ieetin~" then adjourned. Y' ~-~.. ,,,,~...ea~y, Clerk. ~ .~ ~ Delmar R. Batson~ Rt.?_~ Box 31g-B Norv,ood Futrell, 1806 Carolina Ave. James T. Stricklsnd~ 213 S. 6th St. P.K.It4ontforii ~ Rt.2. 8.i~t.Scott~ Rt.l, Box 150. Enunett H. Durham~ 206 Oleander Drive. I,.?!~i.Todd 21 S. Front ~t. Ivi.L.i~Iill~nor~ 613 Surry St. H. H. Benson~ 51 Spofford I~cills. H. tid. Fs~rnes~ Box 1288 City. l"!. F. Pepner~ Rt.2, Box 181. L. F. Edwards~187 Pinecrest Parkway. H. E. BelJ.~ Sr.~ 12 Havrthorne Road. ~ A. H. MeLendon~ 117 S. Harrison St. E[. E. Taylor~ 2021 Metts A~ve. Wm.D.Durden, ~35 Spofford I~~ills. H. L. Boyer, 617 Aiercer Ave. Javis P~i. James ~ 30'J VJalnut St. J. S. Craig~ 312 N. 3rd, St. J. 41~. Wiilis~ 11-Y Ct. Lake Forest Parkway. C..M. Appleberry~ 5~ Lake Forest Park~~~ay. Jas.VJ.Strickl3nd, Wrightsville Ro3d. Harvey Little~ 1322 Dock St. J. Elwood 5hei~~ ~ 105 N. 9th St. L. VJ. Benton~ 516 S. 2nd St. Lonnie G. YJo1Pe~ 409 ~ueen St. Stanley N. Patelos~ 208 S. 3rd~ St. J. R. Ashley~ Box 106 Carolina Beach. R. C. Dabney~ 419 S, 6tr. St. Jas. B. Mintz~ 2515 Princess St. Harry P1. Stovall~ 218 Park Ave. Thos. A. Shepard Jr.~ ?12 Red Cross St. J. N. Stewart~ 2~34 Adams Ct. Donald H. Todd~ Rt.2, Box 178-AA R. H. Clemons~ 1?_6 Floodlawn Ave. Julius Rudolph~ 215 S. 6th £t. ~Nm. F. Skipper~ 217 S. 2nd St. a. R. Vdolfe~ 409 Queen St. Jas. P. P!arlick, 14-D Nestit Ct. J. E. Sa.tson~ 4'] Pinecrest Parkta~y. I~. t~I. Lott ~ Summer Hill. John t'J. Frederick~Jr. ~ Rt.2; Box 183-a_ Z. C. Pierce~ Rt.l. John T. !Ni11is~ Rt.2, Box 33a-a VJilber ~~^!. Roberts, 408 S. 6tr~ St. Graham Ni. Roberson, 419 Castle St. R. ;+i. Collins~ 618 N. 4th~ St. V;ilmir.~ten~ i1. C., January °~ 195~. The regular weekly meetin~ of the ~3o~rd c~~s held at 10:00 o'clock A. i~i. ~ Present: Addison Hewlett Chairr.tia,n~ Geo. <<. Trask, Jas. n4. Hal1, Claud G'Shields, . lnurston C. ~av3.s and Countv 4ttorney ',~,~rsc9en Eeilan;y. The r,inutes oi meetina of Janu?ry 3~ 1950~ v.~ere re~d and anpi•oved as recorded. Upon rrotion of Mr. Tr3sk~ seconded 'oy i~7r. Eall.~ i~4rs. Sudie B. Freernan w3s permitted to pay the ~mount of the ta~•e= plus interest due on the ivi and Ei~i Pt. ].ot 4~ Pt. 5~ in ~`"ra~ block 80, and released from the pa.yment of advertising costs and not listed penalty, ~ charged against the s~me for the ~•ears 1945 through 1949~ account of error in showing a tra.nsfer of the property on the~1944 ta.z books to Lula S. Fisher "by u~ill", a.nd ,' . therefore wes left off her tax sheets for the succecdin~ years. The foregoing action was taxen notvaithstanding a rulin~ of the County Attorney that the Comraissioners have no right to abate the advertising cost vahich represents money paid hy the county for.adver'tising the land,for sale for tar.es, required by la~v. A request of Mr. R, i~~. Kerrnon in behalf of tne 'J'iilmin~tou Racing Association, to lease Legion Staditun for horse racing under par•i.-mutuel hetting, for the comin~ ye~.r~ pending _/~~S pernanent establishnent of its own tracks; on a basis of 1?~ of the gate receipts plus 10~ of the Aross receipts derived from the operation of the corporation. :vIr. Kermon asked that repairs to the ra.i.ling around the track, addS.tional lights a.nd re-arraneing of some of the nresent lights, repairs to stables and additional stable~ to accommodate 200 horses etc.~ be n~ade and oaid for out of the 12~ gate receipts: A~ree.ing that such usP of the Stadium wculd be arranged to not 'confTict with any previ.ous conmitments or established events scheduled at the Stadium, ~.vas upon motion oi P«r. 0'Shields~ eeconded by I~dr. Hall, referred to the Stadium Committee ~.nd Count~ Attorney to work out the details with t'he Asso.,~ and Mr. R.R.Keys, who N~ill stage stock car races there ?n the sprin~, and i•eport to the Eoard at the ner,t ~eeting. 14r.Trask and the Chairman stating they vrou).d oppose use of the Stadiwn for horse racing under , i - paT~i~fiutuel betting~ acCOUnt of its gamblin~ ie~.ture. 146 ~eetinp of January 9~ ?950, continued. A request of I~r. J. R. Benson' City li4anager~ to give the City a lease to use the ~~~ City-County owned o~vned vacant lot no.rth of the Cornmunity Center building,~ ~nd and Orange Streets, for r~:king lot for shoppers~ possible construction of a building for children care a.nd visitors etc.~ w3~ unon r,oti.on of I~Zr. Davis referred to the Coimty 4ttorney 3nd i~~r. Eenson to ti~ork out some deiini.te plan and report to the Eoard at the next m?etin;. ~ The matter of opening bids for the install».ticn of a nublic address system in the / y~~j' Superior Court room vras postponed until next r„eeting to give other v~ho have indi.cated a desire to bid~an opportunity to do so. . i` Pdr. Geo. H. FIutaff appeared to ~sk that a vr3lku~a.y be provided over Sn,ith Creek bridge ~J for the safety ot pedestrians, a.nd compl3a.ne,~ of the storage of airport gasoline on ~~~ the county ovrned Red.Cross Sanatorium site, i~rh~ch he said was a dangerous fire hazard ~ to his adjoining property, ~nhich vuas referrec~ to 1alr. Boyd, Airport isian~.ger, for checking and clean the premises of grass etc. t~,r. flutaff further requested drag-7_ine drainage of ~ his land in that area, which was received for investigation. -`~-~- Upon motion of N:r. Hall, seconded by ifr. Davis, the r3oard agreed to sell the Caretakers / .~cottage at Legion Stadium to I~ir. Rhoda Farrow at a price of ~3,500.00 cash,provided he ~ wi1Z reside there for a reasonable length of time. Funds received from the sale of the _~w building and lot 60 ~ 150 feet in size, to be ear-marked for the use of repairs and . ~ improvements to the Stadium buildings and grounds.And the Chairman and the Clerk viere authorized and directed to er.ecute s deed for the same on behalf of the County. Upon motion of bir. Davis, seconded by IvIr. Hall, the Aoard voted to inspect the premises of "'Battle Acre"' and cooperate vrith the United Daughters of the Confederacy in cleaning-up the City ovaned plot' at Fort Fisher which vr~s dec?ic~.ted to the memory of the Confede rate Soldiers viho lost their~ lives there during~the vrAr between the States. " Upon motion of b:r. TrasY.~ seconded b~ ~ur. Davis~ the ~oard.a.greed to sell approximately half acre o£ l~nd loc?ted on the v.~est side of the Go:rdon Road ~djoining Hanover Gardens -~- near the railroad trncks, to i~ir. Kirb~• D~niels at a price of ~~300.00, and the Chairman a.nd the Clerk of the Board were a.uthorized ?nd di.rected to e.r.ecute a deed of conveyance of'the said propert,v~on'beha?Sor the Count;;. A report of the P,ack Tax coll.ector shov~ing N5,646.3? collected for the City~ ?nd ~4~90?.78 ~~ a~ for the County, making a total of ~y10~550.10 back_ taxec collected for the month of December~ ~ wes received and filed. ~ A reoort'of the activities oi the Bureau of Identification for Decemuer was received and f iled . ~ / A report of the colored home agent for Decernber was r.eceived a.nd payment oE 5p4.05 for ~qb'~'materials and oifice supplies used in demonstrations wa~ approved for payment. Upon motion of I~Ir. 0'Shields, seconded by Iuir. Davis~ Nlillie 1vtcArthur, 1105 S. lOth St.~ ~~~~`' was ~ranted an abatement of po11 taxes account of double ch?.rge for the yea: 1949. A request of Annie Y.anthos Tuttle for an ahat~ment of 4~6.24 interest on back taxes due for the' year 19~s~ on property.in block 90, purch~sed' from Pcirs. Ruth F'aison i~iarch ?7~ ~t~ 1.948~ va.~s upon rr~otion of Tair'. 0'Shie1_ds,secanded by I~~~r. Davis, declined for the re3son the ~ same is a proper charge. ~ Upon motion, Iuirs. 8a'rah Higgins Callear, 90 years~old Fhysically disabled, was granted _G~,,~'tempor~ry.admission to the County Home. And Ida Howard ?~arry, paralyzed i.ndigent coiored citizen w~s granted permanent admission on reco'mtnendation of the Supt.~ of Public Vielf3re. Upon motion of iv`r. 'Davis ~ ~econded by :~ir.0' Shie]c~the Board went on record ~^~ith a vote of appreciative recognition'for the very`fine and successf.ul efforts of Mr. Carl B. Rehder , ~j 5 ir. stimulating ~nterest•inwga.rden cluo production among the youth of our community, and for providing such a progr.am of profitable•recreat9.on and self reli~nce, which v~~s also given 'recdgnition over a recent National Broadcast. ~ i~~r. 0'Shields caller' attention to a forest~~fire-~ln the vicinity of Hugh T;acRae Park~ ` ~ Sunda3~ afternoon, and a futile attemp to siu-~unons help over telephone from the county home. ~~~-> which help was later secured by having to*go after the men~ and su~gested that an outside bell ~rrangement be provided th~t could be he3rd fro~~ outside of the building.. IvSr. B'Shields ~lso commended the prisoners for the helo rendered~in fightin~ the fire, and the services of State.Patrolman Tos. L. Flowers and others. `~ > -~~j~ Upon motion~ duly secanded cou.nty bil_ls i+os. 1372 to ~562 v~ere ~pproved for payment. A- request ,of i~r: J._ P: 'Blanton, disabled ~Vlorld V7ar Veteran~ fo.r exerr~ption of poll taxes , was upon motion of k2r. Davis~ seconded by I~tr. 0'Shieids, granted, and his request for ~al~ exempti_on of tax o.n..automobile given him by the Governrnent was referred to the County ~ Attorney for opinion. • The meeting then adjourned. "/T'1~~.. iG$4Q,_ . Clerk. ~ ~ , 14'~~ Pliln,ington, Tv . C.~ Ja nua ry 16 ~ 19}0. The regular weekly meeting of the Board ~.a~as held at 10:C0 o'clock A. I~I. Present: Addison Hevrlett Ch~.irn;an~ Geo. 'v','. Tr~sk~ Jas, 1~~i. Ha11~ Claud 0'Shields~ Thurston C. Davis and County Attorney iv"ia.rsden Bellamy. The minutes of ineeting of January 9~ 1950~ were read and apnroved as recorded. Upon motion of Nr. 0'Shields, seconded by ivi:. Hall~ a tentative rr,emorandum of a lease of Legi~n 5tadium to the Vlilmington R_~cing Association, recommended by the Stadium Committee; uras presented to the Board by the County Attorney. Thereupon; after discussion~ the Board directed the County A.ttorney to prepare a lease, incorporatinQ the terms of the s~me for apnroval and execution at the ne~;t meeting. The Chairman alnd i~ir. Tras~ voted no, for the reason they are opposed to the ~ use of the Stad~um for pari-mutuel r~ces on a_ccount of its gambling feature. i~iessrs. Thomas H. Orrell, F'rank G. Harriss ~nd L~rry P. Johnson appeared to co~plain of nothing being done to control forest fires in the county and cited recent fires ~~~~~5 tha.t occured at Hugh ;v~acRae Park vJhi.ch they cla.imed could h~ve been prevented i.f the county ha.d provided funds for forest fire protect;.on with the :tate Forestr3- Division cooperating. Tu~r. TI'~Sk explained th3t it is his oninion that the most satsiiactory 3nd . successful r~ethod to protect farests from Serious dar,~age by fire, vaould be by controlEd burning annua]_7.y, during the rr:onths of Ja,nuary oi Febru~ry v~hen the ~ap is dovrn ~nd the ~ undergrov=th~ leaves, stra~? etc., is lignt, where3s if +he under~roV~th~ str3w and le~ves are ~l.lov~ed to accumul.a±e from year to year and fire viotzldoccur~ which oft,en does~ in the ?ate spring and sur:,mer, when it is dry ~nd t'rie i;rees 3x•e Uudd?.ng~ v:ould prove most disa.strous, and present~d the fcllov;in~ s+~ten,ent u?~ich was read: ~ ~ ° p~p~ y~~y ~ ' +ddk S:~ i.T d.l I,YY:bJ ( Jli:4~ ~ ~ + e 1 ~~]~ ~HhLUIi ~ ~.Y~ ~.~~~r+ ~~~• '~, (~r~ ~Ti ~~'['R8~ _i ~ ~ --- -- ~ ~CSC ~ ~ '~.~ ,~tfi~sn~ ~r~;lia3pleesato+otop,ihe~;aandgoae,~€1re~,~t,~thts ~'eaaon,~~ri5.l3destroy~ ra~ ~oLiara2~&w,afautoe.~rf~t~iti,takes;aetuxy~~mrp~o~,groveyy_nad ~iseides,~~Dring ~irbla'?•af 1! oiz htsi':only..ds~~rny.tho;.txaes~;buL~1~~sL~~yg;bi,Fes~aaa~other~:x3~d,~l~e~y~~il_~ c~, ~ '~~~A ~a~a e; zet*~wa S r~.e. r-r ncra. 7. Y '~ ~~' •:. Me hav~ mllliotte vl lo~g-lenP piae, e• rrell~ e~a ehorE leaf here in, our ~ S S ~r'~ • Chftaty ~of''xea;:3~wnovs~: ~.~iltqyeommi~air~nara~wsro~ to,7.a~b~y, tne ~ftor8h .,Gar~oline, ~ ~•f :.~?br~s~..~...r::~ st~arqct~c~re;~rex"Y~~?B:~?pB-;enfr,pins f.n~N~R~~aove`rY~onnt,q~:for~. . ' au Si+„riLeiixi.zi~bhaa;3~aY:ot~~r G~,tq~2n,,~as-th;CizolitWe.,»~ndLtnat ~~rr°...1~~Rq +~:.~...~a ~ ~ ' 'ihs~;r ta;sil.l.es~; ~rfi~ t.~ ~Cat~ l~s af ~ta ~~yp~L{~y ou~4on Cd ~Z.~ra~~{ #~^a ~ ~ SC~ G~ O't~3T 7Q,"'41~,18 ~Q01~32G~1C...9~ $1~ t~i ~ Q. ib'~ C~[6'C4~. ~lt1SStS G"C~~ ~ ~~~ e,~-t~r o~ esr~,7r C~i~. ~t ~ e3air~slt +~~st ti~ ~,r~tfRo L..» t t1~^ ± ~ •••~•~w~.i...~TibYOSiTyftaPRtnntlyeconon~iflgl~method,,.ot.~protnaS g~d perpetuatin8.t1~ Ak ~.~1SPe•andtg~Onth,"ofl~rlon~-leof,plne,~nd~other.valuaDle;.t'oswetrt~ene,uaCoi!.~a r;~ cA tpreeetlt,eziatin~ oonfiSCione,nlong oas„ oenataltpkilii~~wl~rs=greae~,~sLi~sxzanQ,',;,~~ Ls~r cund~rbra~ti<groM eo;~bundeaply. ie;syeb~tlo~burnAiigii,n~t~~ffion~hu,o~'~Deaemb!r,,~ F ~3t,~,1anG ~enunrY:wnama~i7.torE~at~lee.et onos erery wo:yeara a en.the; ~x~e~,are t ~_ . l.~,,.. a~~ , s -~~1~ ~~ 8ox~an'C and 3anA ,dsm,p and caol; ~w EurtifnB during t~~~'~£iisaeo~'"can be dcarie eltLout t 1 clreaLlag.eaoa~h:h~!aLF~e, [aaLerlal3.g, ~a~ura~theY~!tr~a?~~,roee. ,~ithvut bUrulpB fiou b tV vat424ae_fareat:aanid:e~re~s~ttelly ceae~~to piiat~,in,ite yrnps`at Wi1~k~eL ~£e.,,~trgeuY~ ~;a tthe^~,reaa,:HEftaR~and*,~.rbraeb aoguiaoxlmti eo Sqet !.n a few y~`ere ~Fiere ifi e °1 oo¢,t eo thick thnt the pitta seea aannot coatact t?a~ groun4 ead h~ve to perinh. `~~ ' reeg~eQin84~:t3'~BrAiaap~oa~the~.laa9~.~the~aa 4cv~u0.aLio ,01~:~ }~nldarayrar~a~tng: ,,., ~ : . ~'grase;.straR andwrnAOrbrns2-j~ooarppcoaa ~~firewtiaaer<I.~anfi:wl~e`n~ft~6art~burn.~ Fi; ~y~t lt:.aot ottly:ic11:1A3~he,."~~n8.~raee, bnthths,~largex~~,n~em ss~nel~'~~ tL~ A~:.~~1l~~ M1 1 ~~...E~ai-. " ' C X""- ~'~ tA~r~o:p c~ ~iara c~a2d ~'a r~Dt~scce ~ ot.~ ~G. 3n ~!aa ~c*~na.. w ~~~e ~a ,.:.~ , - c~,,.i~ol.~a ,t`"i ~wa~ate~d,rrhare our 8srritor~ catteista oP irasx 8() ~LO 'JOp~ woa~a Iand~ ~ ' ite impoeelb].e tq Ic~~p Yirea wt~ anypay the N'Sra i~ardens nevar have yet. T~~ oi~,7.y~~hingSthty.Aeeb;QonQ~xaa~~o,~whi~rfSres~<~uL intDoae~be~r, 7eAnuryx~ e1' t.'"a endtY~bzuterq;~~hea:it ahomld~b~•n,llotred~LO,~.buTl1.,~~eaj~in~kie~~D~~-B.when~u~~:?a I'' eomt~h~.xLttttYSis;t-ighial~drho~adry;epsila,s,~omaui~i~;'~he_firex*,get„»ouL~en+T~yqour1~`irex~ .-_W fra_-doaper~t+h:#ri~thu,thers;tiiey~rorcuiil;r.,_:~oS•i1E.Z~~sYfe =~9.d~,for 8„yeura, ~¢n ,~ur ng ~A~+t ~i,eia our tbres oacurred Sa bSamL, Apri1 wn~ ~y~ and mor~ i'Pa~asBe wae done ~{ durir~ tha'G period tTma s+ay other. ~f ever our 8t~ta Farest Asgertment would ~ ceo~e t~+iilg:toe.dolth~!~i,mpneflible:~+,~G~et~iq:~r..~~~._i-L1d11 R~f1P90~ and , `~ aurn in I~all anfl ltlnter. s~e wili etop heving ~pring fires end lor~et Pire d~strucptiott will be preventefl, `` y~.,~~ y ry~...~~`"~~''.e~' jtM1`n..~ .~~ 7~.e..+e.qArY~. {{.L~~.+~ 4..,..~}~Ik/ Y~rtiw.~ .~it.1" ~~ ~.i~".L$~~~..~fi '~ ~« l :"~~a~IMx.*~o~= ~ Z+p ,,.,,,._ my theorq T quote the fvllowfag ert3olo ehioh epi~ared ia the ' ' \ Country (ientlemen of lfaq 19370 f / I .- ~ _ _ _._ . F gr~nt . • ~ , . -.,.,~ ... . 'naD F~ctil u.~C[I' '°~-llq '?iSSV' ~~'~!'CjJOl'L-'=~7101'+7.Rg 1I?C~7R'-T~4-+~-i-~-i'r- &'= ~rs ~:y . 4oners ~like ~ , ~ved rs ' il W35 ~ 9 11 'ny ~~ I re sr e • =' ~ i '!a8 `•ent~ . , ~°~nt ~of ~n ;;' }10~~' . At the Present ti~.e if ~ ehild st~+es he~~annot su~.rort his aged narents the ~«elf'are 3e~rd hss no ~lternative excFpt t;o a}n~o~~e ? z-r~nt. if tne a_~plic~nt is othFrv~ise elinible. i.f the Fo~.rd h~.s ~;oori reason to b~:7.i.eve ~-'zat. ^ c'hil%i is aole to sunport his n•arent~ 9t should h2ve autnority to d~s~,~i~rove t'r.e ~? ~'n1, w^t;1 such time as the chilc~ can shoiv .his i.n~b?lity to provide for his ;» rent. The,Bc?.rd should .~equire the child to scnedule h~.s assets ~nd liat~~ities~ ~*" I1ECP~S~S'y. , I 14~ Ivieeting of Jar.uary 16~ 1950, continued. In cases of dese~tin~ hushands and i~thers, tYie Boar~~ should have access to the records of the ;,ocl.al Security Board i.n ~n ai;ten!pt to loc~te the, missinp, person. It might be neces~ary to change non-support from a r.nisdemeanor to a fel.ony to ~ccomplish this.. Some states have passed reciprocal laws „3ilov~inp the r~issing husb~nd o.r father to be t;~ied on proper affid~.vits in the state vrnere he is located, ~nd if iound guilty he is required to pay into the court of that state for the b~nefit of his d~pendenLS in the state oF his previ.ous residence. This nrevents extradition in many ca,ses~ a,nc allovrs the defendent to remain ~n the st~te L-':ere he ~~s exnployment insteaq of retni~nin~ to his state oP ior~~ier r~sidence~ v.~here~ in all probabilitv~ he cannot secttre v,~ork~ and v~i11 ha,ve to serve ~ sentFnce. P;orth Ca.rol~rul 5hould have sizch a lavr. Lastlj~, since tne 4'~"e ~ i'a re• Dep~.rtv~ent ha.s aui;hority Sor the mariner in wnich the ~'ielf3z•e Dep~.rti:,ent is o~,ei~~tea, v,o cer.c•=ude our investigations, making just one sup~estion; v~n~.c'r. ic ~;~~i, fi~:perii:tFndent nn~lis keep ~ closPr v~atcn over tne Dep~_rtment's otfice nelp ~nd see to it th~t i.Yie unfortuna.te patrons of his UurPau at all times he treated :4ith COU.i:1:P.Sy aad afia~:ii~-ty-- in other ti^~ords~ 3dhere to the Golden Ru1e at a7.1. tirnes v;hile ~i;t.end=ng dfJt9es of ttie Depa.rtrrent. Si~ned- .;~mes ~. Hall Cl.a.ud 0'Shields Thurston C. D~vis. `' A netition prep~red oYi.st~.te form R. 10, for hard-surfacing ?.nd ~radin@ a ro~dwa,y from _~'~ the i,i~rtle Grove hoad to i„~? tle Grove Sound, ~ di.st.~nce oi anpro:~irr.etely 2100 feet~ vas upon !~otion of 1~:r. 0'Shields, seconded b,v y=r. ~~1vis, ~~pproee~ ~.nd for~!a~rded to k:r. A. i~dilbur Cl?rk~ Third Division State ?~i~h~ ay Co~ranissioner a.t Fayetteville for consider~tion. • The n,3tter of givi.ri~ censideration to the City's action in discontinizinp responqing n~L`7 to rursl iire ca71s; ~F~as postnoned pPnding recPipt of official nctice oS' such action. ~~ .'vnd the Count~ Attorne}~ r:as reo,uested to give his oninion on the lav~ governi.ng the m~tter. Tlir: Davis mentioned tha.t tne Ci.ty may give B?ttie ftcre to tiZe County, and it n;~y be po~sible ~~~; tha~ tne ~n:ted Dat?ahters of tiie Confederacy n~}• want it~ _if not; he su~gested that ~ the Coruni=si.oners ~ive some thounh+ i:o acceptin~ ~ deed ?ror~ th~ City and improve the premises. • _~~~~ ivir. Davis re?>orted a vert ?~.ao7~~ble out-looR £or future increased weekly'acti.vities afid use of the exhibition buildi.ng at Legion Stadium. ?~o objections wer2 5ndsc~ted b~ th= Po~rd to the ..npli.cation of Four County nlectr.ic v:embership Cornor~t~on~ burg~v; '1. C.~ to t'ie United States Uistrict Fngineer~ to ~ ccnstruct a. 770U volt cal~'!e ~cross the C~ne Fear P,iver arnroxim~tely ,'J mile ~boye the highvt~y bz°idge at Elizabethtov~r.. ~~~~J~ A report of tne W_?•min~ton PuY.lic ~.iL:•?r,r ior DPCen~ber u~~s received a.nd f~led. L~ equest of the 'irtzstees of P^?.ce =~-emori?.1. Church for aha.tement of the 1948 taxes char~ed ag~inst i.ts proc,erti~ in rlock 136 Znd the s3ne be placed on the T~x. Free list, ^~(~~ was on opini.or of the Cour.ty lttorney rieclined, for the reasor it app~ared th~t the said Uuildin~, ovaned b~~ the church~ c~~s xented -~r.c? the proce~ds used for providing la^eer quarters for the pastor and that the s~.me is not occupied by the pastor. Upon rr•oti.on o£ i~~ir. 0'Shields~ secondeo by ivir. Tr3sY~ Herb?rt Cl~rdy and Dr. A. ;~icft.Crouch; lOl~ were released frnm the pa.ymeni~ of not listed pena.lty rha.rged ag.,3inst their propert,y in ~ blocks 296 and 144 respectively~ ior the year 1948. ror LYlf reason they listed other real esta.te for +he sa9d year and the parcels in question were inadvertently 7.eit oif their. lists~ ' Upon motio:. of iy~r. 0'Shields~ seconded b3= '°r. Hall~ 1:i3ry F. Daum~ 19'3 Perry F.venue~ ^~~~ w~s granted an ~betement of taxes on 3 valuati.on of ~:1~1?0.00 account of double chasge on Ford autornobile fop the year 194g. A request to ab~te th~ not listed pena.lty char~ed a~ainst the property o£ the heirs 9~ of 'i~i3ry ~uinn, lot j3, Kenwood, for the ye^r 1949, account of the estate bei.ng in ~ litigation at listing and no one to l.ist the sau~e~ va~s referred to the County Attorney ~ for opinion ane report at i~iie neyt n~eet~.ng. Upon i:~otion of i~ir. 0'Sh~elci~, secor.ded. by ;.Ix~. D?.y~s~ Eoe~ard F. Lockey; 305 Ca,stle iiayne Road~ Cepe Fear tov~;nship v.~s gianted an 3LaT,eraent as to City tares only~ for the yPar ~,~G ~ 1949~ on a valuation of ~30.00 per~onal and poll~ charged in e~ror. ?i. R. Fussell~?17 S. 8tn, S~seet~ v~as also eranted ~xi ~.b~te„ent of taxes on a v~lna.ti.on of ~185.00 on 1°4~ Foid automobile, F~lue Eook va.lue ~;'1,47~.G0 and charged in error a.t ~i,655.00. .~ LTron r:;ot~on, dul5' secono=c', ~he r~ec~~ jury 3ist v:~s ~pproved and ordered pl~ced in the ~~""~ j ur,y box for current u.s~ . tipon motion of ;~9,--. 0'Shield~~ seconded by "rfr. Trask, Count,y bills idos. 1563 to 1621 -~~'~5 ~vere a»proved for n=~yment. ~~ Upon motion of ivir. u'~hields, se~:~~r~ed by L~r. Davis~ the Board, by unanimous action~ ~~~ y5 directed that appz~opriate resoli.t9.ons te prepnred designatin~ snd namine the proposed tubercu.losis hospit~l to tF erected on the site on the OJ.d R~riPhY,sviile Turnnike~ ~ belcvru YJinter Pa;k, doneter t} ;+Ir. Erederick 'rdillei,ts~ as i'JESSELL ;ciEi~90RTAL 54tvP.TORIUb1 The meeting then adjourned. ~.-~,~i 3C_ . C1erk. ~ ,.. ~ ~ _ ____ ~ 14~ Clilmington~ N. C.a January ?.3~ 1950. The regular vreekly meeting of the ~oard 1Fr~~.s he7.d at 10:00 o'clock A. M. • Present: Addison Hevrlett Chairr,ar., Geo. 44-.. T'r~s~, Jas. ?~?. Hall~ Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis and County Attorr.ey Il!?rsden Bellamy. T'he minutes of rieetin~- of ~~nu~ry 16, 19>0, uJeie read and approved as recorded. / A request of SoI Sternberger~ Attorney, for reduct;ion of the ~15~000.00 building. ~~'~ ~ssessment on property ov~ned by Elias r. Courie bl'ock 95~ account of damage by fire ~ December 19~ 1948, w^s u};on rr,otior. of "r:ir. Tr~sk~ seconded by P.4r. Davis~ referred to the Comr.aitte.e for investigation and v~ith por~rer to act. A petition signed by PJiessrs R, A. Shev,~, John ir~ieht Hill~ G.YJ. Gi2lette, M.G.James~ VJ.A.I~cGirt; ~.B.Bugg, Wm.G.Bro3dioot~ A.F.uibson and W.E.Sisson c•as presented 3nd re~d to the Board by i~.r. ~ohn bright Hill, petitioning this Board to request the par~ St~te Highv~ay and Publie 1'+orks Commission to include, in its approved program to ~~``" hard surface nine tenth~ of a mile of the Old Stage Coach Road fTOm the end of the present ha.rd surface near the Swift Ferti2izer Ylant across the horbheast river, further extension of said road in a north~~ardly direction for a distance of approximately five miles to ~he Pender Gounty line near Richerd's railroad ~tation, which vould shorten the distance of travel co~riJ.ng into Vdi'.nington and relieve traffic congestion over• US highway 11~. Upon ~otion of i~r. Trask, seconded b,r ;4ir. Davis~ the request was approved and referred to Mr. A. Wilbur C7.ark~ Third D~vislon Highv~ay Commissioners. lhe Chairman and other r;en?bers of the Boa.rd agree~ to accom~any the peti.tioners to Fayettevil.le to present the petition to r~~r. Clark. As directed at meeting oS ~anuary 16, 1950, the Ccunty ?~ttorr.ey prepa.red 3nd presented tc the Bo~rd; a p~oposed l.ease oi Le~ion Stadiiur to the i~J~ln;in~ton Racing Assoc~:ation~ ~i~ ~•-hich tv~s read ~nd discussed ~t lenKtl-,. :liter certair. c:i~nge> ~R~ere made in the lease ~-- ~F~°' as agreed to by a7.1 p=a. ties concerned , the same v~as upon motion of .~ir . Davis ~ aeconded by I;~r. 0'Shields, approved as corrected, on the ai'firmative vote of Commissioners Davis, 0'Shields and Hall, subject to re-dr~fting the lease by the County Attorney in accordance with the ch3n~es r:~de, and subject further to the approval of the St3dium Committee after the lease has ocen re-~sritten a.s di.rected. The Chairman and A4r. Trask ' voted no, for tiie reason they are opposed to leasin~ the Stadium for use and operation of Pari Mutuel isI3chines or App].i~nces in connection v.ith horse racing on account of its ga,~~blin~ fc3tw•e. The lease fo]]_ovrs: `;~~ ST9TE OF P+OitTH CARULIPIA: i COUI~TY OF idEV~i H9NOVER : PHIS LEASE ANU AGR$Ei~iENT, Made and entered into this the iC day of January 1950, by and between PiEVJ Ha2JU1,'EH COUl`I^lY a muaicip3l corporation of the St~te of North Carolina~ hereinafter called the Lessor, party of the first part and the 1M1'iZmington Racing Association, a horth Carolina Corporation, here;.nafter'called the Lessee~ party of the second part. W I T N E S S E T H That for and in consideration of the monies to be paid and the things to be done ~nd performed, as hereinafter set forth, the Lessor hereby demises and leases unto the Lessee, subject to the ter.as and conditions hereinafter set forth, for a ter~ af one year (1) all the area covered by plat hereto attached~ except the Exhibition Building~ situate on the VJest side of said property; exceptin~ a.lso the ground to be used by the Sea Scouts of the ~uz:~ of sixty (60) feet on (3ommunity Hrive and one hundred fi£ty (15~) feet deep, on the F~ st side of the propei•ty; excet:.ting also a parking space on the Vdest side of said property~ said parking sp~ce to be used by p~ti•ons of tYie Lessee, cvithout charge, e~hen said property is ~etually used b; said Lessee; and ezcepting the =tables on said area snd the use of track for exe~cise, but during the p~rt o~ Lhe year which the Lessee sh111 conduct racing on the area aforesaid, the stab2es r:?1y be used by~ it but in no event shal.l it disturb the possession or use by any Le:see oi the Lessor of said st3bles and track for exe~cise, now er.isting~ or any lease to be ~ade during the terui of this lease. 1. Lessee agrees to repair the rail~ra~~ on both.sides of the track~ including cost of 2abor~ snd use 3p~~roximatel3~ for said purpose~ ~.bout 8~000 Yeet of lumber of gra.de A or better. 2. Lessee also agrees to repair tt;e ferice_on the R'orth side of sa.id property and pay the cost o£ labor and to use therefora approxin;a~ely 8~000 feet of lui-iber of the same grade ' and to pl~ce tne track on the prer,ises af'oresa.id in usable condition for horse racing, > tra,~ninr and breeding~ or other purposes herein set out. 3. Lessee shzl.l h3ve the right and pr-ivilege~ ~t its e~:pense~ to ch3nge the lights as ~ noiv situate on said property~ but Lessee ~~rees at its expense, to replace the same, in the position now ex.isting at the termination of the lease~ and whenever requested and required for the use of the 3rea leased for football ~ames, to be played by the New FIanover Countq iligh School~ VJilliston H~~h School, or any other footb~ll or other games to be plsyed at night. The Lessee shal7.~have the privi]_ege, at its oc=n expense, to install - neti~~ lights at the ends of the field situa~;e• upon the property of the Lessor, which sha11 • se~ain the property of the Lessor, and the cost of the same shall be paid £or out of the ~; - rentals agreed to be paid hereunder. 4. It is agreed that out oP the rents to be paid by the Lessee the costs of improvements aforesaid~ but not including costs of changing and replacing present lights, shall be deducted, but in the eVent that the rents~ during the term of the lease, do not equal the - amount expended for sa.id improvements~ Dlew Hanover County shall in no v~ay be liable for the cost of the same. ` 5. Lessee agrees to pay as rental for the d~emised premises $725".00 for current~ each night~ that it uses the Ieased premises, and 12~q of the gross receipts £rom exhibitions and races to be conducted by it, after deducting all State and Feder,~l taxes and the aforesaid sum of $25.00 for current. ._ ~ I ~'a1o Meeting of January 23~ 1950, continued. 6. Lessee agrees to retuin to Lessor, at the end of this I,ease, the property leased~ ~ in the same cond~tion as the same nocr is, or vJill be after the improvements aforesaid, ordinary wear and te.ar excepted. r 7. This Lease is subject to lease hereto~ore ma.de to Russell R. Keys ~nd subject further to the use of same b5- Ttec~~ Hanover County Fii~;h School, and Wi1l.iston Industrial School~ _. for football games, Azelas Festivals and Braduation Exercises of NevJ H~nover County ~' High School ~nd subject further to the pl~ying of football games, baseball g~mes or other ex_hibitions, which do not interSere vrith the use of Lessee, v.~hen requested and ~pproved by Stadium Comsnittee of Lessor. 8. Lessee shall have the right and privilege of erecting temporary stables upon the leased premises and shall have the right to remove the same before termination of lease~ but if the same are not removed beiore termination of lease, same remain the property of the Lessor. 9. Lessee shall not.sublet this lease~ without the consent oi the Lessor. 10. Lessee agrees that in the event any rent shall be due and unpaid, or in the event of any default in ~n~ of the covenants herein contained to be kept and per- formed by the Lessee, or breach thereof, the said Lessee shall immediately in any such event, become a tenant at wi.ll anfi it shall be lativful for said Lessor to re-enter and take possession oi said premises and remove a11 persons and articles thereform. 11. During the term of this lease~ the Lessor agrees vaith the approval of the Stadiu~ Comr,~ittee of the Lessor~ to fir. the tir.~e and period during which they will use the demised premises herein. 12. The Lessor reserves a right 3t all i;in;es to go upon the demises premises for purpose of supervision and in ordes• to see that the terms of this lease are carried out. 13. The Lessee is herebg given a ri~ht to renew this lease, subject to terms thereof for one (1) ~re3r by giving thirty (30) da3~s written notice or its intention so ta do, prior to the termin~tion of this lease. 14. It is understood that this lease is m3d~ for the purpose only of racing~ training~ exhibiting and breeding of horses or other lawful racing~ breeding and training and if used for any other purposes this lease shall terminate at the option of the Leesor. 15. Lessee agrees to give a oond for the payraent of a.ll rentals under t~e lease. aforesaid, as well as making of improvements aforesaid and otherv~~ise carrying out the terms of the lease~ payable to Neva Aanover County~ in the sum of TVJO THOUSAND DOLLARS (~2~000.00)~ in so~e surety company authorized to do business in Idorth Carolina . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has caused these presents to be signed by its Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners~ attested by its Clerk and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed and the party of the second part has caused these presents to be signed in its n~me by its President~ attested by its Secretary and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed~ all the day and year first hereinbefore written, in duplicate. NE4V HANOVER COUI`TY ATTEST: Cle rk AT'PEST ^ Secretary APPROVED: James B6. Hall Claud 0'Shields Thurston C. Davis Stadium Committee Ev Ch~irrnan, ~soard of County Commissioners 49ILPAIP3GTOP1 RACING ASSOCIATION Bv . Upon motion of Mr. Trask~ seconded by T.,r. 0'Shields, the Board directed that notice i~~7 be given Carolina and VJrightsvil].e Beaches vrhen ~ neeting is to be held to fix the time and period for races under the terms of the foregoing lease. ~ President . :; ~ '~~`~ ~ ~eeting of January 23~ 1950, continued. Upon motion of Mr. 0'Shields, the Board on recommendation of the County Attorney~ /V exempt DRr. J. P. B2anton' Rt,3;, Wi7.mi^gto~;;+: ~C„fro,:~ payment of tay;es on automobile ~--~Ctr~ given to him by the Federal Covernment,for business and pleasure use, account oi being a disaoled world war veteran, so long as the said automobile remains his property and used for ~he purposes indicated. . -;. A communication was received from Mr. J. H, Eenson~ City I~~nager~ advising that the . question of the Fire Dep3rtment respondin~ to fire alarms originating out-side of ~~ ~~y the City limits was brought to the Council's attention and inticated their j,~~@ntion to discontinue the pr,3ctice, but suggested that before such action becomes effective, . the County Commissioners be advised, and the Iviayor P:as authorized to appoint a , committee to discuss;the nia.tter with the Co-nmissioners. Upon motion of r,ir. Davis~ . seconded by L4r. G'Shields~ the Bosrd as a whole v,~as named to conFer with the City's . committee on the matter. . Mr. HalZ brought to the attenti.on complaints,of the two-v?ay radio communications ~,~/.system in the Sheriff's o:ffice not available during the early hours of the morning --~ . from 3:d0 to ~~:00 o'ciock, whereas it v.~as understood a 24 hour service would be .maintained. The matter ~.~as on motion of r,".r. Hall~ seconded bq r~4r. Trask, received for investi?ation and report to the Eoard ~t 3 subsequent tneeting. ~~ A copy of the minutes of Comr~unity Hospital of December 15, ~~as received and filed. • A communication eras received from b7r. VJ. B. Campbell~ City Attorney~ enclosing a ~ bill for ~249,50, expense and attorneys fee incurred by-Iu1r. G. C. n4cIntire, Attorney, in ~ppeal of a tax suit of the City and County v,Lizzie Vlright n;errick, et al., ~. ( Heirs of Titus Ffright ) was referred to the County Attorney for opinion and report at the next meeting. ~~,~Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Trask~ John Aiken~ ~9 year old, and Henry ,~- G~,~ J. Thompson' 72 years old, two disabled county citizens~ were on recommendation of . the Supt.~ of Public VJelfare admitted to the County Home. ~ Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Tr~sk, Walter Gaxner,a resident of ~Iontana ~~ since 1946, was granted an abatement of ta~es on a valuation of ~35.00 personal~ poll ~ . and not listed penalty charged against 15 acre~ of land, part Southerland~ Harnett . township, for the ye~r 19a8 and 1949, account of being ~ non-resident and h~vin; no • personaZ property in this county, the assessment hav5.ng been brought forward in error . fros a.previous listing. , Upon ~otion of Mr. Trask, seconded by~ ~ir. U'Shiel.cs, R:F.Schulte, 5022 Pine.~txeet~ ~ f~G!~ Piney Vioods, Harnett toeanship, was g~rnted an ~bater~ent of taxes on a valuation oP ~1,585.00 peisonal and poll as to Cit~~ t~xes only, charged in error for the year 1949. M. L: Bsrron~ 18 Jackson Drive, Lake Forest, was upon motion of A4r. Davis~ seconded by Plir. Trask, granted an abatement of taxes on a v~luation of ~500.00 household and kitchen ~~~X furniture and ~50.00 Niashing machine listed above its trne value, in error, for the year 1949. Iu7r. Barron lives in a three r~om unit at'Lake Forest and his household goods v~ere ~:isted:.at':~`800.00 and washing machine at ~1J0.00. Robert Love,who gave'his mailing address as #5 North Front Street' and who resides on • ,~y Oleander Drive, Harnett Township~ was upon motion of P~~Ir. 0'Shields-~ seconded by Mr.Davis~ t granted an a.batement of City taxes only~ on a valuation of ~:1~680.00 personal and poll, listed in Wilmington township in error for the year i94g. ' The size of the lot on vrhich the Caretaker5 house is located at Legion Stadium r,hich , the Bo3rd agreed to sell to Ptir. Rhoda Farrom at meeting of January 9, 1950, was upon `~~,5 motion of Ivir. Davis, ,seconded bp n~lr. 0'Shields, increased from 60X150 feet to 60 feet along the Carolizv~ IIeach Ifighv~ay and running back from the right of way of the said highway a distance of 175 feet deep. Upon motion, duly seconded, a~request of the Clerk of the Superior Court for an ex.tra ~~.- CSC clerk-typist for 60 to 90 days at $~125.00 rer month~ to help out N~ith the work in his o~ fice ~ vo~ s granted . _~~~ Mr. Trask presented the fol.loc;ing u~hich vaas read to t.he Eoard and upon his motion, seconded by NIr. H~1.I~ was adopted: ~'After our Board being addressed in a defiant and insulting attitude, I wish to state that I consider last N4onday's ettacti: on me as a reflection~ not only on me but the entire Board of Cornmissi.oners. I h3ve respecT, for the press, and by the sa.me token . x~e should expect the same respect from them. Apparently if they do not seem to agree with the actions of indivi8ual~~members of the Board we are classed as incompenent, and ~ unfit far service. In this they are taking undue_advantage of their position as sole owners ~nd operators of our only ne~~:spapers." .„ "Therefore, I move that in the future this Board request end expect the same respect and consideration as we afford others," ~-c~~,S~t~?A report of the Electrical Inspector for December w.as received and filed. s- Upon motion of Iv?r. Dsvis, seconded by blr. Hall, the Board conPirmed its action taken at a conference held~d~nuaryrl9~-1~50; in approving an application to the Civi.l Aeronautics ~ Administration far a Federsl Grant of ~'93,000.00 out of available and un-a,r,propriated ~lP~ non-tax. funds~ for the consti•uc.tion of Terminal and Control Buildings and Runway Lighting .a.t Bluethenthal Airport in acco:dar.ce v~ith approved plans and specifications~ ' and authorizing the Chairm3n and County ~ttor.ney to sign the same on behalf.of the County. All subject to acceptance of bids to be received by the Civil 4eronautics Admiristration for such improvements. ~ I 1,~ ~ Meeting of January 23~ 1950, continued. /~ The foll~wing good and lav~ful persons v~e=e dravan to serve as juror's in the Superior ~~ Court for the trial of civil cases for the two weeks term beginning February 6~ 195~~ Alex fi. Douglas, Jr., 14 S. yth St., Otto K. Pridgen~ E~st P/ilmington. Raymond Ratchin~ 1103 Chestnut St. S.De:,nis 5outherl3nd, Rt.2. S.E.Kirkham, Ht.2,Box 173. Fred Herring~ 527. Dock St. George A. Justice~ 301 S. 2nd St. G. J. Simon, 203 S. 8tYi St. H. Ludluff:~ 1721 Ann St. J. Kyle Bannernan~ 125 Nlarket S±:. Hal J. Love, Wi~r.,ington Hotel. J. F. Tripp, 1801 Princess St. Robert Ab Jenkins, 412 Castle St. R. J. Doss, 707 Market St. C. E. Siminerman, 11E Gr~ham St. T. E. Cox C-25 Eox 28D. B. A. Sco~ton~ ~ Lee Drive. Albert F. Gibson, 109 N. 13th St. Second week- E. T. Raynor, Rt.l~ Castle Eayne. D. T. Scott~ 119 Henry St~ East VJilmington. A. T. Austin~ Ct.-A~ Lake Forest. C. F. E~ rp~ 413 S. 19th St. W. L. Dixon, 609~ Dock St. Thurman H. B~rnhill~ 36 Terrace Wa.lk. John R. Tyson~Sr.~ 26 Glasgotiv Drive. Isaac Niel Murray 19 N. Adams St. ~ Kenneth Eaton, 11 n. 23rd St. J. A, Johnson~ 509~S. 4th St. Eda.~rd Lee~ 411 Chestnut St. ~ J . G . Brown~ Rt :2, 'Box :3~5-B • ' F. K. Ivlyers~ 2119 r4etts Ave. J. E. Hinn3nt~ Rt.3. I~. E. King, 108 S. 17th St. Alton Lee~ 2023 Creasy Ave. L. C. Jonnson, Ct.10, Lake rorest. George R. Harper, b15 S• 16t}: St. The meeting then adjourned. ~irs~. .~ 9~-~~, Clerk. ~ ~A. VJilliam C. i:~urray, 412 Princess St. E. P~4. Bordeaux~ 1213 S. 4th St. J.A.Holloman~ 184 Pinecrest Parkway. Thos..0. Green, 314 Grace 5t. J. E. Smith~ io6 r~. lOth St. J. T. Thompson~ 119 Ivlorningside Drive. ~. H. Kinlaw~ 2649-D Jackson St. A4acon J. Dsvis~ 8 Ct.L~ Lake Forest. 1'u. H. Hinnant~ 6 Northern Boulevard. Grover sutton~ 68 West Drive~ Lake Forest. ~. ~. Smith 150 Pinecrest Park~r~ay. E. I~_. Lee, ~ S. Vlashinpton St. L. t,.. CJilli~~s~ 2650-A Jefferson St. J. R. VJarters~ ? Lee Drive, Lake Forest. F. G. Johnson~ 2906 A,arket St. S. Q. Felkel~ 1415 S. 4th St. R. E. Melton~ 26'70 ~. Ad~ms St. R. J. Griffin~ 411 Pd. 4th St. 9lbert K. Norris 208 Maryland Ave. A. L. Hanilton~ ~ Ct.-F~ Lake Forest. ~d?r.~vin Newton~.1202 Princess St. H. L. Register, 27fi3 D~ Je~ferson St. Homer 4. Earto~ 315 Vr'rightsvi~le Ave. A. T. Johnson~ 1317 Grace St. James Henry Crocker, 105 Spoffcrd Mi]ls. Lonnie G. Tor~pkins~ 2118 Barnett Ave. Ralph L. Hattaway~ E-2 Ole».nder Ct. S. V~. Ivey, 9 Ct.-P~ Lake Forest. -. ['~'. I~Iarrelson~ J13 Chectnut St. Geo. T. IIutchison~ 88 Pinecrest Parkway. Sigmond Solomon, 403 Coloni.a7. Drive. Herman L. Fowler~ G~' Spofford. R. S. Hyman~ 1922 Chestnut St. Vr'. P. Turkette~ 116 Colonial Vil'Lage. C. S:~Everett~ 1018 S. 4th St. E~nest F. Turlington, 10 Church ~t. Wi].mington~ N. C.~ Ja mzarY•30~ 1950. The regular weekly meetir~g of the Bo~rd v~ras helc at 10:00 o'clock A. I~4. ~ ~ Upon r;otion, duly seconded, the Chai.rn,an vias authorized to sign a settlement cl;im with the American I~,lotor~sts Insur~nce Comp3ny of Chica~o~ I11.~ in consideration of the payment > ~~,s~ of $183.29 to the County to cever repairs to Sheriff's Department a.utomobile damaged by E. M. il4allard running intc the c~i• vrhi]:e parked, Janu3ry 10~ i95o. Present: Addison Hec,~;ett Chairman~ Geo. ~'. Trask, Jas. n~..Hall~ Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis and County Attorney Marsden Bellany. The minutes of ineeting of January 23~ 1950, v:rere read and approve,d~as recorded. _ A petition of twenty propert5~ owners on EenrS Street ir. East 41~5.1min~>ton~ petitioning this Eoard on State Form R~10, to reque=t the State I?ighv~ay a.nd Public Works Commission ~~.~ to pave Henry Street from hi~rket Street to Prir.cess ~treet Road~ a distance of approximstely 4/10 mile~ Y^,as u_r.on !;.otion of T~Ir. D~vis, seconded by I~,ir. 0'Shields~ ~.pproved and referred to nir. 4. l9ilbui• Gl~rk Third Dsvision State Aighvray Commissioner ~t Fayetteville. ~~ A report of the Grand Jury for the J~nu~r; Crim:in31 Term 1950~ was rece~ved and ~iled. ~p~„ An audit rep~rt oP the Bosrd of Health for the fiscal ye~r ending June 30~ 1949, ~ ~'~prep~red by Io.r. Edward C. Cra.ft, CPA.~ ~~:as recEived a.nd rsferred to the Count,y 4uditor. ` ` Bond for Luther F.loyd Congleton as ~.iustice of the Feace; v~i.th the Hartford Accident • ~ ~/ 3nd Inden.nity Company as surety~ in the penalty cf ~1,000.00 vias presented~ the said ~S~ anount fixed by law, snd +he bond ~_-proved ~s t,o forn, and execution by the County Attorney~ vras upon motion of Ia'r. Eall~ seconded b;% ?'i~. Trask~ accepted by the Board. Upon motion of Mr. Traslc~ seconded b3~ "'r. Davis~ the Board approved a contract with The Cor.imunications Ivlaintenance Company of Vdilmington for the m?intena.nce of the County's Two-way Hadio Telephone equipment in continuous 24 hours each day ior a period of one year~ at a cost of $;2J0.00 per annum~ payable i.n equal monthly installmer;ts of ~;:22.50. replacement CC'/ parts to be furnished at cost price to the county. P_nd the Chairn:sn and the Clerk were authorize~ ~ and directed to sign the agreeraent on beh~lf of the County. Notice of retirement on account of disability of IvIiss. ~liza Amelia Collins~ teacher in ~ the ttew Hanover Aigh School~ we.s received from the Boa.rd of Fducation~ showing that Pdiss -~~~.a^DA'`~` Collins is entitled to annual retirement of $~974.89.. The State's part of the amount , is"~449.']6, leaving a balance of 5525,i3 to be paid by the County.~ , , Sufficient funds appearing in the budget to meet this additional expense~ w~s upon motion of i~r. Davis~ seconded by ~Ir. 0'Shields~ approved on the recommendation of the Board of Educ3tion. Payments to be made L~arch;:~l, June 30~ September 30 and Decec~ber 31, in each year,as the law directs, beginning Debruary 1, 195~• r" Lleeting of January 30~ 1950, continued. y.. Ivo ob~jections were raised by the co~rd to t.he appiica.tion of International Nickel ~~,~~ Comp~ny to the United ~t~tes DistTict Engineer, for permission to revise its p13ns to cons,truct a~n~harf ~nd bulkhead on the East side of Harbor Isiand~south of the Highv;ay Eridge. /,.Y Upon motion of D~1r. D•avis~secon~'ed by air. Trask, the time t~~ithin v.~hich tax payers may ~~t~~ make their 1950 ta3: returns was estended througn the month of February 1950, in viev~ of a 2arge number vaho have f~i2ed to a~ake their returns during January. ~~ ~ ~ Upon motion ci~ 1~r. 0'Shields~ seconded by P:r. Davis~ aba.tements to cerrect errors ,r- ~t~\ in the follov~ing 1949 tax returns, were approved and authorized: ~JU' - 1'Jilbtar R. Corbett, Cape Fear Townsh~p, abate taxes on a valuation of ~1,370.00 account of double listing 194~ Chevrolet automoUile v~liichz~was also listed by VJ.A.Corbett. - Martha Elizabeth Cromartie~ 13 Y>eaton Avenue~ abate tax on $:'1~540.00 Chevrolet automobile purchased Febru~ry 5~ 1949, and listed in error. -V~l. B. Creasy a resident of i'lilmington ch3rged ~vith pol.l taxes in V1i.lmin~ton and Harnett. Abate po]_1 charged in H~rnett tov~nship in error. 1 ~--Ga1r,Woodland Corporation, Vlilmin~;ton tou-nship, ~tm~~ aba.te city tax on,:.a-valuation of ~2~115.00 on trucks g~raged in P~iasonboro to~:~nship charged in VliZmington in error, ~George Green~ 616 Dava~on Street, double ch~r~*e on poll taxes listed in Vdilmin~ton and Harnett tov;nships, Abate poll tax ch~rged on 'real-e~tate Ii•st• in Harnett, in error. -C. K. H~yes~ 113 Lake Forest Park~~~a.y~ abate tax on a valu3tion of ~160.00 Austin eutor,:obile l~sted at $'.1~44C.00~ ~:~hich asses~ment should have been y~1~280.00. ~t'uade R. Herm~n~ 713? Id. 4th St., aLate t~xes on 3 valuation of ~,110.00 honsehold goods listed a,bove ex,emptior~ in error. It axroesred he listed household and ki.tchen furniture ~t ~40.00 and vras ch3r~ed ~.~~~t" ~;410.00 i,~i error. -`Uelma C. Nelson~ 21 Pd. 5th St., husband died prior to 1/1/49 and poll tax charged against her real est~te in error. -Henry V. l;srd ~ resident of Carolin; Ee~ch since October 1948~ vras sbated t3x on a valuati.on of f;'950.00 personal and poll 3s to City taxes only~charged;in error for 1.949• _Cicero P. lov~, ~b~te t3x on ~ v~7uation af ~.2~500.00~ b7ock 1, lot 26. Shore Acres~ ~ccount of douhle char~e. ~he s~me ~s ov:~ned and 7.isted by i;4r. E.A.ftusher for the year 194G. , u;r. 0'Shields brought to i;he ~t:ientier. o° the ;so~rd the m~tter of certain interests or persons ~~ho hav= f~iled ~o 'ist their ;r.ventories for i;aa purposes~ and a~oved that a ~~K thorou~h check of such ;c~~°s ';e r.:sde to t.hF end that in-~x~x~t insta,nces we h3ve reason ~ to believe 3 p?'O]'~EC listina of i.*ive~*ory ~;~s not made, to indict such persons v,ho ha.ve fe~led to corr:ply u°ith the l_~w. His r.:etion _aiied of a second. The rneetinc~ then a,d~ourned. _-~. 7D .i 8~ . . ...5. C~ erk. • ' ~ lNilmington~ N. C.~ February 6~ 1950. The regular weekly r?eeting of the Board v~as held at ?0:00 o'clock A. b4. ~ Present: Addison Hevrlett Chairr,ian~ Geo. Fd. Trask~ Jas. I:~. H~11~ Claud 0'Shields~ Thurston C. D~vis, County Attorney ~~t~rsden Bellamy and County Auditor Chas.F.Smith. The r..inutes of ineeting of January 30, 1950~ were read and approved as recorded. , "VJilrr:ington~ N. C., February 6~ 195o• ~ Re: Rural Fire Protectzon f'or Iver•; H~.nover Countv. ~yn~t~~A report of the Veterans Service Of~icer for January v~3s received and filed. A copy of a resolution adopted by the Ar,iericari Legion Post IvTo.ZO, endorsing a recent .~ ~ ne~iitxorn approved by this Board to continue and extend the hard surfacing of the Old Stage Cosch Road in a I~orthvJardly directior. for a dist~nce of 3pX;roxim~tely five miles frorr; the S~~ift Fertilizer 1l'orks to the Per.der Count~ line near Richard's rai.lroad station~ was received. A report of the celored Hor•.e A~ent for Ja-~uary v~as received and payment o£ ~jl?.63 for ~Q,~-~Ccr,ateri.3ls and o_'fice suppl~es used in demor.stration vrork c.~as upon motion of idr. G'Shields~ seconded by ~1r. D•~vis~ appi~oved. `~p1~ ~Jron motion of i~:Ir. D~vis~ s°conded b~~ Lir. Tr~s'.~~ the Eoard authorized the sale of the -~'~'V old high pressue boiler ~.1: the Airpart to T:Ir. Bu)_lard for ~~100.00. A request of hueh ~~Sac}iae x Ca~~pan3• to ca.ncel. the ~ssessment and all back taxes due on lot 16, in b].ock F, Vr'ri~rhtsviil.e Be~ch li~ted ir. the name of Harland H. Elder, for the reason /~~i the said lot has 'v3shed sv~~y, ~~~~s upon r•ot~or, of Is~ir. 0'Shields~ seconded~by Mr. Davis~ referred to the Tax Assessors for ir:vesti~~tion 3nd report to the Board. . r, . ~~~noti- A report of the Eureau of Identiiication.for Januar~~i^;a.s received and filed. I~io acti.on was taY.en on a request of ~irs. E=ther :~d. V?hite for an abatement of cost and ~q/ti interest on back'tsxes due on 1ot IQVT~&SEM 1/8 3~ block 208 for the year 1948, as the same is a proper chsrge~ and the Cor.~missioners have no right to ab3te the sane. No action v~~s taken in the u~atter of a misunderstanding arising between T~Irs. J.D.Savage -~ and Dr:r. H. A. Penton concerning adjustr:ent of the 1946 taxes on property ~t~G~eenville v~~~ Sound she bought from Mr. H.A.Penton January 30~ 1946, as that i~ a m,atter entirely between the purchaser and seller. Tge foll~o~ing stateMent v~ith reference to rural fire protection v~;as presented and read .-~'~~s to the Board by IJr. Thurston (:. Davis: r V'Jhile I realize tha.t nothing perr~anent concerning adequate fire protecti.on for all county citizens c3n be e<ta~lished until the budget is r;~de up for 1950-1951, I believe that~^re should a~ this time consider ih2 situ~tion, especially since the City Council I ~~~ ~~ ~~ (Si.Rned) Thurston C. D~vis~ Couniy Cor:missioner. IJleeting of February 6, ~:950~ continued- has stated that under the present se+-up t~ie Cit}~ of G~ilmington will be unable to continue to.offer county residents fire dep3rtment service. Further, since it is my Lmderstanding that thF: City is now ~~~aiting for the County to make the next ruove, I don't Lelieve that vre should v~ait any longer to make that move. It is n:3~ suggestion th3t either this f'ull Board or a con.mittee appointed by this Board make arranger::ents today to conier v;ith the ~ity Council committee at the e,srliest possible ccnvenience to discus°, study snd investigate the situation for the purpose of formualting a olan. Some tirae bsck T suggestec'. that a committee be appointed b,~ the Cou:~ty Fsoard to study tze situ~tion.At that time~ however~ the County ~ B o-srd had not been officially notified as to the City's intention. P]eeks Yv~ve passed since the official notification vaas received by the County Board~ and, in my opinion that is more than sufficient time for some definite action to have been taken by th~s Board. If the Citq stops fire protection service to the County ( and I understand that unless some joirit plan is vaorked out this vrill occur in the near future)~ the good people of the ~ounty will find themselves in a most hazardous position as to the possible loss by fire of personal belongings, or even their lives. And~ of course~ v~ithout fire protection there will be an increa.se in fire insurance rates, sn increase that could vaell work a hardship upon our county residents. Vdith these thoughts in mine, and for the good of' the citizens and the county as a whole, I urge this Board to take sor~e d.i.finite action tod~y to~~ard arranging a joint meeting bet~veen the City's committee and this Board's representation at the earliest possible ~off,ent for the purpose of discussin~ a plan for the fire protection for the county residents. In my opinion, this is the one of t~ie ~r.ost ir•,~~oa tant in:nediate projects now facing this Board of Cor:^.missioners. Ii4iss Ann Ii4ason tendered her resi~nation as Horae Demonstration A~ent effective March 1~ 195~~ to accept a sir,iilar position v~ith Nash County.~Aitei expressiozts of.reg'ret vo3ced by all members of the Aoard~ her resi~nation v~~as upon t~otion of I~dr. Trask~ seconded by Iu1r. Davis~ accepted with reluctance. P,Tr. Hall voted no. :,Irs. T~1ary L. McAllister~ District Sta.te Extension Representative then presented Miss Vern~ Belle Lowery, assista.nt IIone A~ent Pitt County, for the past several years, recommended by the Department to succeed Miss itha.son. A£ter discussion the recommend3tion was accepted and upon r~otion of iv~r. :Hall~ seconded by IJir. D~vis~ Niiss Lowrey was appointed Home Demonstration Agent to succeed a4iss ~,~son~ after urgent requests of the Board members to appoint Assistant Agent A4iss Elaine P3oble to succeed Miss Mason failed when it was explained by Pdrs.~~PdcAlli~ter that under a ruling of the Department an assistant sgent could not continue in her position if she should marry, and further that Irliss Noble has made application for a similar position with another county. A report vras received from the Bacl. Tax Collector showing that ~6,035.84 was collected for ~~~ duringtthe~mont~h~o88January,the County, making a total of $10~224.20 back taxes collected ~ .~ Upon motion of n4r. Hall~ seconded by t,ir. Dsvis, the Board authorized the pa.yment of $200.00 ~I, ~~~l to Duke Hospital on account of a balance of ~r526.58 for hospit~lization due by James Franltlin ~i~'. ~~ V,q Oliphant, County citizen, from June 9th 1949 to NDvember 18, ~94g, for broken back. The said Qw ~~4°~µ /O ~u~Y payment is made without assuming further obliA~t9.on,~nd any remaining unpaid belance-be cancelled._ ~. Iy,l~ / Request was recommended by the Supt., of Public 1'7elfare. 7 Mr. Burton complained of an old le~d drain ditch wh~ch has been in use for anproximately seventy- five years, havine been fiiled up by the ov;ner throu~,h whose property it runs from near ~ Southerlands place in i~asonboro toF:nsh~p to i~F~•rtle Grove Sound. It vras the opinion of the `~ County 9ttorney th~t he would have no rir~ht to fill-up the ditch of so long usage, but the ' matter is entirely bet~^.reen the parties ~oncerned. ~ Mrs, h4ary Margaret Horne, indigent count,y citizen v~~3s upon motion of Mr. D~vis~ seconded ~ by ~r., Hall~ granted admission to the County.I3ome:as an emregency case~ on recommendation of the Supt.~ of Public 's7eliare. A request of the Hevecend Hugh P. Yienne~y, 216 S. 5th, St.~ for tax exemption on automobile _~o~ ovrned by him but used for church purposes V~s referred to the County Attorney for opinion. Upon notion of Nr. Davis~ seconded b;~..".r. Trask~ E'Nai Israel Congreg3tion was released from -(0.~ the payment of not listed penalty £or the ~~e~i 1949. The property w~s purchased for Synagogue site and did not }~nova it h~d to be listed. Upon ~cotion of I;~i•. Da,vis~ seconded by ?vlr. Tr3s1~;~ i~4r. J. T. 4'Jest was granted a refund of taxes ~~Qx for the previous t~ao ye~rs paid or. ~ v~luation of w90.00 on lot 50 X 150 feet purch3sed J~nu~ry 6, 1949 which vras included in 5.'72 acres of ].and nea.r Seagate purch~sed from G.E. B3113rd Ivovember 22, i9a3. And the duplicate charge was ordered cancelled. -~~,x ~- Upon..motion oi Mr. Trask~ seconded by Mr. Davis~ the heirs of R.L.Fergus were granted an ~o~ abatement of not listed penalty charged against lots at Kure Beach. It appeared that other property was ].isted thinking the same vras included for the year 1949. ` -S~ Upon motion of I~4r. 0'Shields, seconded by Mr. Davis~ the Board authorized the purchase of s,~-i ~four and half copies of the 1950-1951 City Directory to be dietributed one each to the -~~,r~,~NSheri£f's office, Vdelfare Departr,~ent~ County Auditor, Recorders Court-Clerk Superior Court /ji~N joint use~ and half cost copy for the Bureau of Identification. ~y~~ Upon motior_, duly seconded~ ll3r. 0. C. Adsms, 521-~ S. Fzont Street, 62~years of age~ reflind of poll taxes paid for the year 1948 account of being overa~ef+rtas autho•rized'. • Upon motion of ~Ir. Davis, seconded by bir. 0'Shields, the Board authorized additional /~~insurance on buildings at Community Hospital in the amount of 9535,875.00 to equal the l amount of insurance coverage carried by the City of Vlilmington, recomreended by its board of trustees, ~ ~. 4tilmingtom, N. c. Febrv,~a°y 8 a 1950 A regular mseting o4 the Qouncil o£ the City of Et'i1mSn~ton was held in the Council x,~omm oa tha atsave,date at 3:00 o~clock P~1e Prese~t: Nlayor F6c02e11and9 preaiding, Councilmaa Bost, S3nclair, ~tade and T"hi•te? Ci'ty ldnnagar $enson and Gity At~ort~ey Campbell, 61r. Aaron Goldbex~, Attorney' appeared beforc~ the Council in beha2£ of the Schloss Postor Advart4sing Compaz~~a request to arect a billboaad on the propertq of iche Gu1f 011 Compariy at Third and Chectxmt Street, and appealed to the Counail to amend 3t's Zoning Qrdi.-rance ao as to permit 12 x 25 feet bil2boarr3sa Il'Lr. Goldberg pointed oui: to the Counc4l that othex c3uies of comparable aize perm3t suoh bill- boerda as caeZl as mueh Zas~ger cities, and thnt fle ooutd see no obfectlon to nice loo)cfng ai~na . -~ After considerable diacussian, Counci].msn C.'ede moved that the Cfty Billboarl Attox^uey be authorized to prxeed crith adv~rtisemeut~ set~ix~g a hearinp,~ lookfr~ to amending the Zoning Ordinanc~ by striking out the 20i9~eFerred ~o in secLion 8, of the Zoning Ordinence and sube~cituting 12 x 25 feet, or 300 equare feat AhiCh mould permit billboerds auch as requestod bq Ltr. Schloas. The motion s~as - seaonded by Couneilman Sinc2air snd unan3mously Qdopted. L. C. LeGr~Sn, Purchastng Agent, again appeared be£ore the Couacil AdvertisS ¢r.d requested a~r•.~.~7. for advertiaiag on the oity~s park3ng meter heads, atat- on ParkSr, ii~g t~ at such advertiaing ~vould aet ccnaiderable re3denve for -~he c3ty. t~ieters The fdanager ststQd that 3£ this praject is approved, it ie some- " ~ thing the ordinance d3d a.ot contemp2ate, elso, he eou7.d not say ti~rhether or not .~he ads r+ou],d det.^xct in ariy manner, end mi~ht bo a hindranee to traf £ic; £~a~thor, that he had received a Zetter From the Dua2 Pnrkfn~ Nleter Compat~ opposing such ~ ' , a propoai~tion. ~ Councilman "h~ite moved tha~, in eie~v of bhe City P.4anager~a state- merrt, snd also in v2er~ os his personal ::~e1iz~ in the matter, that the Couaoil declina to accept the proposit4on o£ placing a:..~.:.isir~ matter on ths city~s _ park3ng me~ers. The motion w~.s seoorx3ed by Councilman ~"ade and rece3ved the " affirr~tiqe votee of Covric3lmen SSh1te' r'sde an8 1Aa~or 2~eClellandj and the . negative oote of Coimcilwan Sinclafre Councilm~n Sost did not vote. Pfs. PPa22aca C, tu5a>ch3soa, repxese~ing the Junior OhamL•er of Ordinanoe Commerce appearc3d before the Couacil, follom3n~ up @ r...~~ou3 request for the authortze~ adoption of an ordinance requiain~ m3aima~ standard dwe113aga 3n the City oP res t~iniur ~ilmington~ and requested act£on on the part of the Counci2 at thia ~3~. Standard : The City Attorney stated that he had received a eopy of ortl#,- Dwe27.ings nencos from the City of Charlotte and also f'rom the City of Dvrhr~m e+h3ch ho thovght were verq ~ood, and that if the Crnux11 s~,t._...a^„ he ~ou].d be g].~d to cons3der the be~ter poiats from both ordinsncea and prepare an ordinance•. for 'Ehe City of ClilmiagLon. Councilman t'4hite ~oved that the City Attoraey ba requested to prepare a su3table ardinance requiriag mi.nimu~a standard dwellings in 4ie CSty of F'9.laingtoa, usi~ the best phasaa in both . Charlotte ea~l Ihsham Ordi- ", nancos, as v~eZ1 es arLP othera he mey be able to obtain and submit to the .~ ' Couneil at tho earlipat practical date. The motion was seconded by Coun- • " ~ cilman 5lnclair andunan3moa~sly adopted. , ' ' rollor~ing a dtseuse3on relative to a'housing census being Census taken for ~he Hous3pg Authority of Lhe City of 'il.n3rigton by tho Bureau of the II, 5, Census, Counoilman ^ade r~oved thet the Census Buneau be re- quested to emp2oy looal peoplo in the ~takl.ng of the cen,s:~s of thQ City of . ~ilm3ngton. The aotion ~aas seconded hy Counei2amn S4nclair and unan3mously adop ~ed. At th4~ ~oi.nt, the Board of County Commissioners ~otusd the ~ Joint mee /, City Council for the ptu pose of dtscussing fire protection beyond the eor- \ ing re: / porate limite oP the City of t711mington. Thoa preaent from the County were: Fire prot Tiir. Adclison Hev+l~tt9 Chairman, P,'~. Geo. Treak~ ffr. J. P~9. Aa21~,Sv.r. Thurston t4ori . , D3viey 2;~r. Claud O~Shielda, Ifr. T. K, t7oody, 84r. C. F. Smith and A7r. Pfmrsden Bolla~q~ Countq Attorney. ' ~ ~ . ; ~ , ~ . _ 2 _ In x+evie~ving ~he aituation novi exi.sting relat2no to furnishing Fire protec~ion to the citizens outside the corporate limi~s of the city, the t,`~syor read the f ollarling memorandimm f'srom the City 1~Ranager po~ing out somg of tho problems that must be considere8~ eapecia2ly ~hen the distance is more than a miae or two beyond the citq Zir~4ts. The m,...,.,.undimm is hereafter attached aud made a part of the mirnrtes.(.off3cial records). Chief Croom also po3.nted out the diffSevlties in fightiag fires outa3de tho ci~y 13mits witn the preseat c3ty squipmeut. After a lengthy discussion, Counailman t'ade moved that the ~ouncil aefin4tely understands that there fs no logal obligation on it's part to protect property outside the city 7.9mite, but that it does recognizs e sense of moral obl3gation; and that pendi~g t&e decision af the Governor's con£erence called ~or the purpose of discussing th4s mhole subjeet aatter as it applies to the State of I~?ortSi Carol9.na, and pendinp the renderix~ of the decis2on of the conun2tteo of nine appo3nted by the governog to mahe a thoroc~h study and report v~ith reco~.mendat4ona, and further pemling the city~s being requSxed to ahom cauae why the rates.should not be 3ncreased by the rating bureau because oP , the city oftering fire protectioa to 70,000 people as a~ainst 50,000 in the corporate limits, and that if the c4ty is x~qu3red ~o appear be£ore the said buard, that it take defYn3te action basod upan the findiags of the rate mak- ing buarau if the Governor's co~unittee does not renort findings nd recomme~ie- tion at that ti.meg pending tho aboao, the city will contiriue toe~}srate mith ~he Cowuty as not~, and in the past~ and that the Cov~issioners be reque3tecl by , f~he Council to gine 4mmediate study of the c+hole aub9oct, finding £or itself ' a r~asonable so2ution satisfactory to tHea end repn~t to the Couneil. The motion wES secondod by Commis~ioner Aa71. Caut~eilma24 Host affersa tha Polloaiz~g sube$i~tt~e mo$3ons "that the Ci~y aZop rendering services to the area~ ou~aide tho citq 13mits, ar co~ to an ~reem3at upon sshat basis it can render 8he meraioe. The motioa did not reaeive a seCOnd. Y Councilman ^hite mede the following suUsCituto motiott, "that the , City Council and County Commiasiot~ra appoint a committee, composed of one member f~rom each board, ineludtng the Fire Chief, City i~laenager and Cdfinty and City Attoxneqa to study Lhe sitvation of fire protectiosr and report back to the Covnc3l not ?ster than the xie~cC regu7.ar meebing date, whi.ch e~ill be Feb- ruary 23~ 7.950 at 3t00 o~clock PPd. The motion asa aeconded by Counci]man Sinc2air and unanimovsly ridopted. _ - _ /' \ fiere the ~o3nt meeting ad~oia~ned. The Council proceedad w3th it's oxisr of businese. The td~anager preaented report from the N. H. Veteran's Sarvice Office for the month of Jam~ary 1950~ ~vhich wes received and filed for record. The City Attorney was author3zed to mork out sat3sfuctory and . 1ega1 clearance ~ith the Court and hefrs of the Peraley r.,.r~,:,y on North 4th 5treeti, Zooking to the sale of the asid pr..r~.~q for playgrovnd pvrposes~ so tlzat the interst of 1~sa. Julia P. Peechau caould be acqu9red for a fair consid- eratioze. This action upon motion of Councilman Sinc2air., seconded bq Council- nan i"h3te ~nd unanimov.sly adopted. . _ _ ~ The 1Nana~er road a Iotter addressod to the Citq Clerk from the State 9i~hmay and Public ~?orks Commiaeion, escrresain~ appreciation to the Council in the action f,a}:en upoa resolutioas in reforence to tho paving of Castls Street a~ also the paving of a r.,,y„Yed rosd londfng from the exid oF ~he .9 oP a m9.2e now plannad near the Paader Co~mty line. Couacilman 1"hite was excused from the meetfap, at this point. The City F~snager read an oxd4nance.entitled, "An Ordiaance prohibitir~ the ~earl.ng of maaks v~ithin the City o£ BP13mington end preven- •~iag intimidation by masked organiaa~tioas", which was adopted upon motion of Councilmsn Dost, secoaded by Caunci2man Sinolair aml unanimously adopted. R~r.,.63ng on s aurvey of the Fast side ofthe 500 block o£ t?acRae Streot, the City t~anager sicated thut a survey had been made snd the crnmnittee recommenda that the Restern portion of block 239, and poasib]y the rema;n~ ~ t~vo cox°r~ers of the five-pdint intarseotion ~' 1~aaRae; 3ied Cross and 8th Streat be re~~oned to the C-1 classifiCation. , ~ , ~. • ~, , ;, , .., g .. Counci7.matt Bost moved that tho City Attorney be suthorized to proceed s~ith Hear'. necessary advertisement, setting e hearing, looking to amendlag the zoning oFdinance authc ehang3ng from R-1 residential to G1 comr.ierciel the arou outltned ahove. The motion ized v~as secortded by Counc3lman ~'ade and unanimously adopted. _ .. » IIpon recommendation of the City I~7anager, Councilman Sincl.eir moved that Counc9 the next regv2at~ Counail meetiz~ falling upon a ho].iday' Februnry 22, bo extex~ded meeti.~ to Thurada4y the 23, at 3i~0 o'olock PE4, The motion was esconded by Councilman Bost and unaniriously adopteda _ . ~ Covncilman ¢~mmde recommended a~ ma~ed tha the Po13ce Depestment to make a suraoq of the s4s~~et looking Lo estbblishing eertain one-way etz~eeta. The Counca7man sinelair and une.nimmaae]y adopted. ' _ • _ t the City tRanager 3nstruct Surv'ey s in the City of ~'~lmington, street mot2on ~;as seconded by ~ Councilman Sinela3r moved that tho m3~xutea of Council tteetings held 3anvary 17~ 25, 27, and Febrvary 1r 1950 be approned es erritten. In reeogrzitioa oF tho 25th Ann3.versary o£ tlle or+nersh3p bq the City of ~''iJ.m:ington o£ Gxeen£ield Lake and Perk, Councilman Ftade mwed that based on a lo~tex he previouslq £az~+erded to the Covncil' that the Council ~ive considera- tion to des3~na~3ng an sppropriate locat3on some~shere r3rmu~d the Five n33e dr3ve of the sa3d L~ke and that the said pla~ be dedicated to the deed of ell ~?ars~ and that a program be arranged for securisig £unds for makinp, ovaila.b2e a suit- able plaque~ and that ai.l organizations viSthia the City be c+aked to participnte in o'btainfz~ fUnds for thia purpoee~ a steering committee be set up tro v~ork o~xt deteils to brin~ same to a succeas£u7. conclusion, ~n8 if posaible be arranged on the date that the City will have rnaned the Park 25 year~ July 1950, aceording to the deed, and 3f agreed upon by Lhe ataerin~ committee~ a tag day be conducted so that everybody can contr3bute to the mer~or5a1 0£ the 25th Anniversarg. The mot3o~ was seconded try Covncilman Sincla3r and unanimouslq adopted. Councilman Bost moved that ~vater abetements in the tzmount oP 5122.74 be approved~ on acco~m~L o£ leska. The motfon was seconded by Covncilmatt ~ade and unanimous]}p edopted. There being no fla+her business, the meetiag ad3ourned. RespectYtiilly su~t'tt ec3, r:r~y H. soutr,er~na City C7erk, r:~~.1112t@i Greenfi I.¢ke ar Park P,~emorle t~ater abAteme ~~ -~'~ Meeting of February 6, 1y50, continued. A petition of property o~vners of Federal Point township~ prepared on State Form R-lg~ to pave or otherwise iraprove St. Joseph Street and part of the Old VJilrnington-Carolir~ ~-~5 Beach road from the City 1ir~its of Carolin~ Eeach Piorthv~ardly to a point near the inland vr~terway~ thence to US 421~ was unon motion of ?a?r. Trask~ seconded by E~ir. Hall~ approved 3nd referred to b;r. A. FJil~ur Clark, State Highway and Public 4l~orks Commissioner at F~yetteville for consider~tion. ~1i IIr~on motion of P:r. G'Shields~ sECOnded by I~4r. Davis, authority vaas given to sat-up a~25.00 ~ I`~ pettqcash'account for the use of c°.r. Rhoda F~rro~a, Superintendent of Legion Stadium~ to enable h:;.m to r~ake pv.rchases o~ .ssal_1 rr_iscel2aneous iter,;s vahen needed for the 5tadiu~. pon motion of i~4r. Trask~ seconded by I~:r. Davis, the purchase of a wrashi.ng machine for ~ the County Home necessa'ry on 3ccount of the number of bed patients~w~s authorized. 1~r. 0'Shields again brought to the attention the Court House parking problem as to `\~,~~ persons who park without permission and county eu,ployees who double park, The matter ~`~"'" of county employees who double parY, forfeiting their right to use the lot was suggested. however, upon motion of ~Ir. 0'Shields, seconded by ~r. Davis~ instructi.ons vaere given to mark of£ the parking area and designate spaces for specific uses and bring the lay-out before the Board for approval, and to take such further action that may be necessary. The meeting then adjourned. ~~''~ ~ ~ Clerk. /J \ ~i Vlilmi.npton, N. C., rebruary 13~ ~9.50. ~ ~ The re~ul~r weeY.lq mEeting o~ the ~o~rd «~3s h~l_d at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Present: A~ldi~on HP,~1~LPtt C,jaurn~n, Geo. Pd. Tr~sY.~ ~as. I11. Hall, C13ud 0'Shields~ Thurston C. Davis, County .Attorne} ::=~rsden E~ilerr:3~ and County Auditor Chas.F.Smith. The r^i.nutes of ineetin~r of "r'ebru~.ry b~ 1950, ~vere reld and appi•oved as recorded. Twenty-four or r;:ore v;omen z~epr~sent~tive~ -er.,bers apne~ring for the East Vdilmin`ton Senior and ~unior Hor~e Uemenst7at;on Clurs, i,'aronboro~ Sunset Park~ Ogdon, Vdri~htshoro, ,~ac~-~~South YdiDc~inpton, Federat~.on of''~Sio~er.'~ Cl.ur:s, ~-F3 Clubs and others appea.red;unan9.mously protesting the po].ic; or rule of the t;orth C~rolina Extension Service c^~hich ~rohibits ~' the lssist~r.t ??orr:e ,4gent to r:3~r~- end ccrT,i~tie in re, po~ition as such =zssistant, ~nd in rupport thereof p.stitions be~rin~ ti~e na:ces of 11H ~r~er,.bers oi the va.rious clubs represented v~~s snbmitted, to~ehher vrith an announcernent ,~,ade by the PfcUonald Hadio Frogr3m that Froni 250 to 3G0 other i;:en,he~s and interes~~d citizens throughout the County v:•el~e protesting. P,iiss 4nn iriason~ our Hore Demonstration A~ent recently resigned to 3ccept ~ sirr.ilar position v~~ith ?tash County, it4iss Elaine I~oble, our 95sist~nt Agent h3s been r?ost s~tisfectory as eras evidenced Uy the large delegation of club ;netrbers represent~tives present,seeking to retain hes~ services. The Count~~ Co:;:missioners are in full a,ecord v~ith the club members and stro~hgly protested sny rule that vaoulcl deny her the right to n~rry a nd still hold her positi.on, and to that end 'nlr. Thurston C. Davis offered the ~ollov~ing rshi.ch ti~:as unanimously a.dopted by the Eoard: Re: ~ion-marriaee Rulin~ for Assistant Horr,e Demonetration Aeents. " As a County Co~~miGsioner of Nev~ Hanover County, as ~ citizen~ and as a parent~ I v~~ant to of^icially go on record as vieorously opposing the non-m~rriage ruling concernine the employment c~ Ass:stant Tior.,e Demonstr~t~.on Agents. To me~ such ~ ru7_in~~ ~•~h~tevex tne reasons c1ven for it, is contrary to the ~ccepted customs, ide~ls and teachings of our fore-f3thers and our church« Eurther~ such a ruling sets a bad preceder.t for Uhe Tuture~ ~s it at,taeks a fundamental p:inciple of our American liie. Such a non-m~rri.~ge c].~use a.s ~. re~uiren:ent oi employment is bad in ar}y enter~rise~ but it ~s r,ar~icularly i`r•on? as ~. 1eqt;_ire,.ent for e;cplo,,ment in a tax-supported ~gency. I further beli.eve th3t s:.5 suc'r, rulir.r is contrary to the viishes of the people as a v~hole. I kro~~ that i.C has been ~e.id t~-:at such ~~~_t'_in~ v:.~s put into eff'ect to afford an economy. That is ~ ratter oP di.scussion. In the first ?~~l~.ce, it results in a continuing displacement of emtiZoy~ees ~t a di.sr~p.ard oi' the cost to the taxp~yers in training such Pmployees who must re=ign if married. It mea.ns that another er:.p7.oyee must be brought in a,nd t.r~ined at a further expenditure to the taxpayers. It further works a hardship upon the people served~ because , if an Assistant Ap.,ent resignes to ;et married, that office is ,ometimes unfilled for a long period of tir:e. Because I be7.ieve tha't such'a^ruling is ~n attack on family Iife ~nd is contrsry to the wishes of the rr.ajority of the people~ I strongly urge~ if in the opinion of the County Attorney it is legally possible, that this Board~ in the be=t interests of the County and the State as a whole, go on record as being opposed to the rul9.ng v<<hich forbids Assistant Home Den:onstration Agents to marry if they are to retain such a position~ and request that such a ruling be abolished, and tha.t a copy of this action be forvaarded to the proper State authorities." Signed: Thurston C. Davis. The resignation of ?t7iss Elaine noble as Assistant Home Demonstration 4gent to accept r.Q~~~, 3 position oi Home Demonstration Agent ia Colur,_~bus County vras read by the Chairman~ and upon motion of Iuir. Dav~s~ seconded by :.1r. Trzsk, ~~ias ur.anin~:ously declined. I .~~~s6 Meeti_ng of Fek~ruar3' 13~ 1950 continued. Upon motion of Itir. 0'Shields~ seconded by =~~r. Davis~ the contract le~sing Legion _l~l,s S~adium to the V~ilmington Hacing Association v~hich vaas approved by the Board at ~' meetin~ of ~anuary 2?.~ 1950~ subject to the approval of the Stadium Committee~ ~v,~s rescinded. The County Attorney then presented a nevr contract for the lease of the Stadium to the Vdiltrington itacing Association~for horse ra.ces~ vahich was upon motion of ^~~,c, I~r, Hall, seconded by P:4r. Davis~ approved on the affirr.iative vote of Commissioners N~~ Hall, 0'Shields and Davis. The Chairn;an and Mr. Trask voted no, for the reason they a.~e opposed to leasing the Stadium for use and opez~ation of Pari-Mutuel ;~4achines or App2iances in connection with horsE racing on ~.ccount of its gamblin~ feature. It being also understood that any assigimients r~ade by the County for a~y Privilege • at the Sta~-,i, ,otY}a~t_~o v~ exi~t, ~ v; be~, ,r~~. ~o,,~;n~zed b,- the tiVilmington Ha.cin Association. And the~hair~ian anrl-the ~Clerk of his ~$oard ese hereby authorized, and directed to sign the said lease in the na.~e of the Cot:nt~ vihen signed as approval by the Stadiun; Committee, and executed by the pr•oper offici~ls of the l'iilmin~ton H.acing Association. The action of this ~oard taken ~t meeting oi'~~nu.~ry 9, 1950~ authorizin~ the sale •.~~~ic~ of the caretaYer's cotta.ge a.t Legion Stadius: t^, fi'.r. Rhoda F=zrrow for ~3~500.00 "provided he v;i2? reside there for a re~so>:~ble leng+h oi t5.rr,e14 w~s upon n,otior. of i41r. Ha119 seconded b3~ :!r. D?vis hereh; rescinded. Upon motior: of ;::r. D~vis second~d '" ~ D , ,ai . Hal l~ t,~e ~oard then~ by unanirous vote ~ ~~ approved aru3 3utaorized t:,e sele of the c~ret~.k_ers house together ~vith s lot or ~, parcel of l~nd 60 X 1~5 feet ir s5.ze, to 1~1r, i~hnda Farrow for the sum of ~'3,500.00 cash. And t~e Chaixm:~n and the Clerk sre hereby 3uthorized and direcCed to s=gn the deed ~;repaxed by t;he County~ :lttorney conveying the ssme to nlr. F~rrow, in the n3n:e of the County. Upon motion of P~4r. Davis~ seconded b~° ,",'.r. Tr?.sk~ authority vJas given to purchase a _.~q'~ copy of the 1950-1.951 city directory for the Tax Collector~ jointly ~~~ith the City of Vlilmington. Upon motion of P.4r. Davis, seconded by Pdr. O~Shie7,dsT payr~ent of ~6~6..8Z, five ye~r l~ terrn fire insurance premium for w35~875.00 additiorral insurance on buildings at -.y Community Hospital to bring the total coverage up to an amount equ~l to that c~rried by the City~ was approved. A communication received from Mr. Randy Haskell Ha.milton, City Patanager of CaroZina y~ Beach, advising that the City Council of Carc7.ina Beach and the P~4~yor of ICure Beach ~~~r/ have authorized him to request the appointment of Plr. D.L.Tanner former Crief of Police of Carolina Beach, to t:~e office of Constable of Federal Point Tovrnship, vras upon motion oi t~.4r. Davis~ seconcled by •°r. Hall, taken under con~iderstion. ~ A petiti.on of property+ owrters ~nd residents cf Fernside and 4-mile section, on the ~ south ~ide of the :~,farket Street rgad~ for extensive dra.~line dr3in~ge in that area -~~ i:~a~ rece3ved'~nd upon motior of I.'r. Hall, seccnued by Prr. Davis~ referred to Mr. Trask for study and reconir.~end:~tions. A petiti.on of seventeen psoperty o~r;nsrs presented on Stste Form R-10~ for improvements to 4/10 nile of a road ru:inin~ fron. the Greenville Sound Loop Ro~d to a point on the -~,~~~ Sou:~d 'xnovrn as ~'Putlic T,anc~i.ng", ti~~es receivPd and upon motion of Mr. D~vis, seconded by Pr4r. Tr~.sk~ v,~s approved and referx•ed to Il~i'r~.: A. 1Jilbur Clark, Third Division State Highrray Commissioner Por co~sideration. A petition of sixteen propert~ owners for ir,~provements to Clay Street in E~st Wilminrton vras upon Motion of h4r. U~vis, sECOr.ded by I~^_r. Tr~sk~ anproved and referred to the State ^~i I3ighr•<ay ~nd Piablic Vlorks Third Divis?.on State iiighv:a.y Cor?missioner 1~4r. A, L4'ilbur Cla.rk at F~yettevil.Ie v~hen completed on State Form as reauired. _.~ A report of Assoc;ated Ch~r~ities for January v~as received and .filed. no obje~t3•ons were indicated by the Board to the application of the Internationa.l Paper Company of Georgetown, S. C., to the IJnited States P..ngineer, for permission W a%~~to construct a sheet steel bulkhead and eleven pile dolphins and dredge to a depth ~- of 8.4b fe-t below ff,ean low water in the Cape Fear River in front of ~heir property on the north side of t.he river approximately one mile above Eliza.bethtown. ._ ~~h Upon motior_~ of I~;r. Trask, seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, abatement of taxe4 to correct errors in the foll.owing tax ].ists vrere authorized: _~ D " -~-Nrs. Ellenor D. Rochelle, VVilmin~ton Ton,~nship, cancel tax and assessment on House Trailer charged in error for the years 1.94~ through 1.949. ~ Cec9.I kobinson, Vdri~htsville F~.each, 19G9 Ford Automobile assessed ~'~37~.Q0 ~bove book value. William P~'arren~ 49 47est Urive~ household .~nnd 1:~tchen furni.ture listed ~t ~100.00 above its true value. --Eby, Clyde and Sons~ Yliln;inrton Tovnship~ double cha.rge ~7.~715.00 Goods,Vlares & 7.isted on gersonal sheet and paid~ also on rea2 estate list. ~L?.D.B~iley, Harnett Township~ m3le dog c:~arged in error as a. femt3le for the year --Earle H. Cook~ V1ilmin~ton toeanship~ po11 •tax ~~1ted i'or 19~9, non-resi.dent. ~-Edva~rd Sidbury~ Harnett tov:nship~ v:~s ~b~ted not listed pen~lt~~ charged against 1~4 acres of land Pt. SidLury. C1.ai.med he f~ad some one to list for him~ but list mispl?ced. iIJlrs. PT~rgaret B. Flrmer~ 2710 Ad~ms Street~ bought from George Taln,~n J~nuary l, 1949, ~nd thoueht he not listed pen~lty. ~-Hrs. Paul Sharpless~ B21 Green Street~ va~s ~rented of ~S1 125.00 ~lock 269 Pt. V1'~5 account of double P~Ze rchand i s e 19~8• lots ~/8 in b1ocY. 9~ Sunset Park had lister the s~me~ was abatgd an ab~tement of taxes on a v~lu~tion ~ ~ ~ charge. Property v~as listec? regular and also charged as not listed for the ye~r 1949. ~ E.R.Blakeslee~ v:as ab3ted not listed penalty ch3rged against 1ot 68, GZen Arden. He'liSted personal and thou;ht the real est~te v,as included. ~,~~,_ An audit report of the 4BC Board for the six nonths period ending Decen:ber 31, 1949, ~ prepared by ~. N. Brand~ Jr.~ CPA v%as received. ~ 1 ~7 t~eeting of Febx•uar3- 13, 19>0~ continued. 9ttornev The County/reportin~ on the matter oi costs and attorn.eys fees incurred by t4r. G. C. T~icir.t?re on appeal to t_".e Su,~reme Court in the case of of bsck tax ~Gy~ suit ag?inst the heirs of Titus 4`r'ri~ht, l~iherein tvro of the p~rties,v;ho should ~ have been rn3de p~rties to the suit : e•ei•e' not ' *. given opportunity to be heard, ~nd further the taxes v~ere p~id and there vr=zs no purpose tn takinp the case to the Su;~reme Court, reco~~Jnended that ~",~99•50 costs be paid~ but declined to recommend ~?a,yment of $~1~0.00 attorneys fee~ tYie usua.l 10~ commi~sion having been paid oh the taxes collected. However the ma.tter was upon motion of ?v:r. Trask~ seconded by 1:ir. Ha11, referred back to the County Attorney for further investi~ation. ~,~~~The fol.' owing good and lavaSul persons vJere dravrn to serva as jurors in the Superior Court for the tri.al of criminal cases for the two weeks term beginning Febru~ry 2'J~195~s J. E. Sloan, 1806 P1un St. George A. S~ith~ 19?0 Ann St. M. VJ. Watkins~ 317 S. 16th St. J. B. White~ ?6 Erookwood. John U. VJard~ 508 S. 5th St. C. H. Ennis, Rt. 2. Castle Hayne. , W. A, VVe~ls~ 1706 Ann St. Fred VJilletts~ Jr.~ 309 Fi~indsor Drive. O.O.PJhitlock~ P.O.Boy 1102. Jessie I~4. ti"+eeY.s~ 200? It~tetts Ave. O.L.Walton~ 814 Princess St. L. A. Tohnson, Rt.l. Kenneth C. Vvard~ 19?_1 Klein Itoad. ~"du>.E.4Vessell, 609 Chestnut St. L. II. Vd~ters, 2305 Princess St. iV. F. 1ralton~ 1^2 Ke~ton 4ve. L. E. U!~rd~ 1~23 hun St. ,.., Jos. E. F.rant, 10 Nl: Drive Lai:e ~<orest. P.L.Weaver~ %0'J Nlilliams St. H. W. Alex3nder, 304 Lake Drive. 'lJm. L: Britt, 11_, S. ~'~th St. ~ hi~rg3ret E. Hritt, 18 P;. 7th St. John H. Ad~ms~ 1503 Hankin St. J. L. Aldern:an~ 2120 Y1ein Ro~d. D. A. Eabb, 1705 ~ueen ~t. J. 19. Lennon~ Rt. 1. R.Vd.Geddes~ Rt. 1. Chester E. Shimp~ 2524 Harrison St. C.T .UJe lton~ 510 5. 5th St . Ralph'D. ti~'alton~ 2004 Pender Ave. C. L. Eridgen~.n, 147 Spofford Mi1_ls. G. Z^rilson Vdhite, 144 Colonial Vill~ge. I~. E. l~;ester~ 2.012 Klein Road. H. C. Slo~n~ ~,17 S. 17th St. J . !7. "lenberg ~ P.O.Box ~g3. Henry ~. At_:inson, 205 Centr~l Boulevard. J. ':. Br~nd~Jr.~ 208 S. 3rd St. C. L. Bi~a ^g ~ 180~ NTarket St . ';:~.T:`.~radshav;, 817 Chestnut St. E. G. l'Ihisnant, 2708 Jefferson St. Gi7rrer ~+hite, 213 Borden Ave. Edw. B. tiiard~ 216 S. 3rd St. J. Y1. Brasv:ell, Jr.~ 112 Lake Forest Parkway. H. A. Akel, 1420 Dock St. J~s. L. Ba.ker, 503 Park Terrace. Geo. B. Pritt, 2870 C. Je£ferson St. Jos E. Sellers, 2725 Burnett Boulevard. F. H. B:~iley~ 414 S. 18th St. W. L. Barnes~ 115 S. 16th ~t. J. A. Goodwin, 26 Sununit Udalk. Second week- R. B. NJarvaick, 215 N. 17th St. Jos. F. Branch~ Jr.~ 4'J Spofford. D. G. Rivenbark, Rt. 1. Vdaddell Watters~ 505 S. 3rd St. Andrew 0. R'~tters~ 28 Ct.U Lake Forest. Jacob H. Brehmer, 806 S. Front St. J. Drevyn~ Ht. 1, Castle Ha~~ne. - D. H. V+atson~ 512 Sunset Ave. _ J. A. Erickhouse, ,Tr.~ 11-H Lake rorest. Hardy C. Brinkley 1518 L4arket St. Vdm. BritZ~ 12 S. ~th St. R. A. Brindell~ Jr.~ 1709 Church St. Vd. R. Taylor~ P.O.Box 432. Chas. L. Tay~.or, 219 S. Front St. J. 4Vslter Vdebb~ ~ Star-::ec•rs. V. A. Stefano, jOj S. 18th St. fi. E. B~rnhi7_1~ ?_~34 r~. Co;::munity P,rive. Roy S. Vee~ ls ~ 123 S. U.sn ~'urem St . G. D. R~bon~ 208 Ct?urch St. kilarren E. Boi~~er, _1619 Castle St. G. fi. Atkinson, "rtt. 1. ,T. L. VJhite"~ ~12 Or~nge ~t. Alfred Teachey~ 12 Ct. X, L?ke Forest~ Vlc~. C. Barfield~ 409 Forest Hills Drive. A. E. Ba~gett~ 1035 ~ri~htsville Beach. R. H. Taylor, 11 A. 7th St. E. ~I. P7estbrook~ 1901 Chestnut St. A. E. Gibson~ 120 Mimosa Place. E. R. Br.ay~ 18 Ct.S~ Lake F'orest. T. H. Barnhi.ll~ 21 Lee Drive. Geo. H. 'Libelin, 108 lNrinhtsville Aue. RusGell Brinson~ 21?4 Brandon Road. J. H. Viierse, •105 Southern Boulevard. L. Brinson~ Jr.~ 30% 5. ?_nd~ St. J. [4'. Brewer~ 508 Dock St. H. E. Breswell, 4 Ct.Z- Lake Forest. A. C. West, 1510 Orange 5t. tiJm. R. I:r~tt ~ 713 Princess St. Joe Earbieri~ 50E~ S. 18th St. 1J;~rion L. Farless~ Rt.?~ Box 241. E. H. Southerland~ Jr.~ Rt.3~ Box 20?. Corbett tiVatts~ 120 Spofford P:iills. G. D. Y.o~;ng, 2112 Barnett Ave. Rich?:d VJ. Cantm~ell, Jr.~ 107 S. 5th St. Iior.er HT. B~bb~ 411 S. 18th St. ~. T.I:~ddeus 4~'atts~ 33 Ca.rolina Ave., S.Surrmier Ei11. f?. T,. 911ard, 2714 ~ackson St. J. B. Brinkley, P.O.Box 1077. 7; . F. F'.~refoot, ?_309 CYiestnut St. John N. Alexious, Jr. P.O.Bor. 7.117. T. L. Brovan~ ~08 S. lbth~ St. Leonard Alpern, 300 ':+indsor Drive. ~^ l,~ Upon r~otion, duly seconde.d Count,~ bi'7.s ,~os 1622 to 1868. were approved for payment. ~_L~~ The meeting then adjourned. ~ ~~~~g~__ _„~__ Clerk. _... !/ ~Nilmington~ nT. C.~ February 20~ 195~• The regular vieekly meeting v:as held at lO:OG o'clock A.Pvi. Present: Addison Hew].ett Chairman~ Geo. t'1. Trask, Jas. I~~. Hall~ Claud 0'Shields~ Thurston C. Davis, County Atto'r.ney Pviarsden Bellamy and County Auditor Chas. F. Sn;ith. The minutes of n~eeting oi Febrmary 13~ 1950, v~ere re~d and approved a,s recorded. A large delegation of l.~dies again appeared~ stating they ~~rere present merely to rotect their interest in retaining l~iiss Elaine ;~oble a~ ou: nssistant Home 9gent~ -~~~~and to ~scerta?n ~ny further developn:ents in the ..~n-m~rriage issue ~aS.th the Fx.ter,~ion Department. The r._atter .~.as cJiscussed at length and i~lr. Davis u:oved ~nd it ~tias seconded by P.2r. Ha~l and ca.ried, that 1n~' furi:her action on the resienat~.on o: i~iiss rloble sub;~itted to ~ne ~SO~rd at the l.~.st :~:eeti~l~ bF deferred until the next rieetin~. ~ I 1~~ t,~eeting of re~rua.ry 20, l.°5U, continued. tite:srs A13n 9. :,:~rshall; Gsi1~~1d F. P~lt,.er ~nd Gilrert F. Arthur~ repre,senting the Wlilmin~ton Athletic ~ssoc~.~tior., ~_opeas•ed to request an arpropriation of ~1~000.00 - out oi the advelt: s;n4 ?und tc;ti~••ard xr_ est9.r,~a,ted ~12~000.00 expense fon c~ldi.ng the p c~ ~econd Annu~l. Golf Te~~r~?~.n~ent !,ei~e du~ in~ the Azalea FeGtival 1950. The ~ratter was ~ q~ discussed ~nd upon motion of it.r. Davi.s~ seconc~.ed by 1~Ir. D'~Fiields~ e,n appropri~tion of ~500.00 v:~~s ~r~.r.ted tov:~rd the e~~pense o? the Golf Tournament~ 3nd °~~50.00 tov~r~rd the eypense of the Az~1e~ Festiv3l ou~• of the~advertising fund~in consider~tion of ~ the lar~e nur~ber of v:sitors the tlJO events u~ill brine to thi~ co;-munity and n3tion- v:ide publ.icity. An inv:.tation to attend an enterta.inrr:ent i;o be given the School Tr~ffic Boys ~t the _~j~-~ Elks Temple~ 6:00 P.Ivi., Friday~ Febru~ry 24th~ ~,r~~s extended the Eoard by iv'.r. Theodore T. Butler. Upon notion of i~.r. Davis~ seconded by- tir. Trask~ P:Tr. C13ud 0'Shields w~s ~ppointed _ec ~, to repre~ent the County in attend~nce of the~40th Annua.l Conventioa of the Pd~tion3l , .Rivers a.nd Harbors Congress, VJashin~i:on, D. C.~ i;i~rch 23 through i:he 25th. Upon moti.on of 11;r. lrask~ secondad by .,ir.'Ha7.l~ Sertie Corneilson Hill, ph3~sically ~'(~v+J~-disabled indigent citizen~ ~~as adriitted to the Ccunty Horr.e bn recomn:endation of the Supt., of Yul~lic ilelfare as an err.ergency c1se. ` A?o objections were raised by the Board to the applica.tion of the Southern Bell ~~ ,~p~ Telephone Conpany to the [Inited St?te~ Enoineer~ to lay an arrr:ored su~n:erine cable J~'`~~`~" ~:./a.,.cress the inland'~raterv,~ay 71 feet north of the high~^,~y bridge at VVri~~htsville Sound. `~~X ! he following ~bater,:ents and ad justr..ents to corr~ct er rors in tne follo~rling taa lists v:-ere 3uthcrized for t'le ye~r ].9CO~ -~" '- C. E. F3rrov,~~ Fiarr_ei.t tow::ship~ ~:~ter;ent of t~xe~ on ~ v~l.uation of' ~1~3VU.00 on ~ lot at Viil~ ''iev; 3cco~ant bi':~oL.ble char~e. The s-me vras listed rep;ul3r ~nd also ch3rged a.s not listed. ~ ,--Sol Hev~lett, 'Jl~ south 2.^.d 5t. ~ po).1 t3xes ~l;~ted account of overage. , -P.. it. Cro~~r, 20'7 tiot~iern Eoulev~rd~ po~l taxes ab~ted account of dRtxble ch?rge. _-Fr~nk i~i. Culverhouse ~ resi.dent cf Feder~l Point to~~rnship vras granted ~n ab~tement of t~xes on ~ v^lu^t~on oi $1,110.OC z~ersonal and pol7. as to tov!n tax of Carclina Beach on1y, ch3rged in error. ' for the previous tv:o ye~rs, -k. H. Borkenh~gen, ~;~inter Park, ~~!~s gr~r.ted ~. refund of ta.~:es/on ~ v~lu~ti.on of y;~1.45.00 a.ssessmen{; ~d~usti,_ent ~,ccount of cverl~pp'.ge of p~rt of 5.9 acres of 1'~nd~ p~rt far•ms 46/4'] C;'inter P~rY. Gerdens 3:-ses=ed ~t ~8J0.00 reduced to Y725.00 for the ye~.r 1948~ ~nd the s3r.,e ordered ab3ted for the `ear 1°49~ and la.nd reduced t~ five ~cres. - D'Lugin Erothers, i~:asonboro tov;nship~ not-listed penaTty charged ~g~inst lot.?, in block '71 Sunset Pa.rk~ Nia sonboro Tol:nship ~'thinking the sar~e v~~s incTuded on his City list~ for the 5~ears 1948 and 1949. : ` c~/~ A copy of the rinutes of the Trustees of Cor:m•anit,~ Hospatal of J~nu~ry 16~ 19j0, vaere ~J received and filed. ' yy,~~i9~-A report of the County Electrical Inspector for Janu~ry v,as received and filed. Applications for appointmen~ of Constable of Pliln:ington To~^:nshi_p to fill,the unexpired ~~pv~~ term oi the late J. F. Jordan~ r.~ere received fron: Tviessrs I3: E. 9rthur~ 601 'n~rif~htsville ~/ Ave.~ John S. C3nf=eld, 1011 S, 3rd 5treet, E.;t?.Robbins, 73 Dexter Street, L~wrence ~ F. Duke j2b S. 3rd Street ~o=eph 2. f?e~l.e;r.on 71~' Colw~ell 9ve.. ~. V. Shaw, 11~% N. /th , St., and Louis J. Zi.be7.in.~AP~er discussior. ~;_d on the oninior_ of the County Attorney .;.hat postponenent oi tr,e ~~.pointr..ent of a constaLle is discretionary with the Ee~rd~ I,~r. Hall ~noved and it cra.s secon7ed bJ ...r. Tr~sk ~nd carried, that the ~.ppoi.ntr.:ent of . ~ ~ cor.°t~ble for ,Jil.°~n;~ton tovans'tii.F~ be posi~~oned until. after the nex.t pri.~car,y or until ~~ such tir..e it r:ay appear necess~ry should ~n er:_ergency arise. This action v~~s taken after nor:inations to anpoint :.~: ..i .:.:. Shir.~leton :~cas off'ered by i~:r. Ha.ll, and 1:ir. Duke by :.Ir. Tr•~sk~ to fill tae izneypi:ea tern., isiled of a ~econd. .The Chairma.n reported that he and tne County 4tto:ney ~.ttended a con°erence vrith the ~~,~r~,C City committee to further discuss rural_ fire protection. The City indicated it v~rould loa.n a fire truck uni.il the end of the li.scal y~ar June 30, to be pl~ce~i at some appronriate locatior.. ihrri~htsville Eeach also agreed to furnish equipment to be inst?lled on ~ truck to be furnished by the County te ansv~er ca7.ls on Vuri?htsville Sound and in the Seaga.te area. Under cert~in arrangements v~ith insurance comp~nies, Harbor Island is furni.shed fire protFCti_or~~ ry l~Iri~Yitsville f.each. After lengthly di~cussion of the r.~.atter fur:.her cors;.deration o~-~a: .~="~te~ v~3s continued until T1P.7tt rreeting at v~~hi.ch tir:,e fire equip;r;ent slide's v~ill be shoran and fire chief's of Caroline and Gdri~htsville ~e~ches ~nd Ci.ty of ti'lilr:inrton ia~ere invited to attend. _ U~on n:otion of :.TS. Tr~sk, seconded b~ °r. iIa7.1~ a re~uest of the 'rtegi.ster of Deeds _~~~~~for an extre. clerk ~or indeain~; Lirths and de?ths for eight or ten weeks a.t a salary of k3^'•70 pe~ v~~eek, end to conti^;ae IlE vC'1'V7.CEc of the presen{; .extra clerk authorized at r,:eeting oi' De< <_mt;er 19t!~, 194~, for ~n ac9ditional sixty d~ys at q''•12.00 per week, c~^ s granted . ' . 9 request of I•.ir. til. F. Sche7.1~ ~i.~ Live 03k P~rkcr~y~ for ab~terr.eni of 1949 tlx.es on _~],.~ ~ v~luztion of S 2,740.00 on tu~o Studebaker auton~obiles he claims ~vere bought for ~`f P~.lace Parking Lots in For.t ud~yne, Indi~nl, vrere in transit and taxes paid in Indiana, was upon notion of i«r. U'Shields, seccnded by i,:r. Hall~ Franted, provided he v~ill present tax receipt shov;inp, the taxes v:ere paid in Indi~na. , Pr;r. 0'Shields reported p'rogress in the construction of ].0 tables and gri7.ls for -~~~'S picnic n3rties at Hugh tvIacRae rark~ ~ad the same wi11 be put ir. use soon. , Inasmuch as the River Road ( Burnett's Boulevard ) ~s tiearing completion, P~Ir. 0'Shi.elds ~~~~suggested that the State Public_Park Departr::ent be requested to ~ive co.isideration ~ to providing ro~dways leading to the river at selected places along the highv:ay~ ~.vhich vdould provide attractive s~ots on the river front for picnic paxties and tourists visiting in this community. The neetinp then adjourned. !'~~.~._1~ ~..r_ Clerk. , ~ ~ _ ~ 15~ I~Jilmingt'on, TI. C.~ February 2'73 1950• The regular iveekly meeting of the Bo~rd vras held at 10:00 o'clock A. P1I. Present: Addison Hev~llett Chairman, Geo. VV. Trask~ C1a.ud 0'Shields~ Thurston C. Davis, County Attorney Warsden Bellamy and County Auditor Chas. F. Su.ith. Z'he r.iinutes of ineeting of February 20, 195~~ V+ere read and approved as recorded. :Vlr. J. 0. Hichardson re~sresenting the Fire Conts•ol Equipment Company of Aichriond,.Va.~ showed rovir.g pictures of the beane hi~hpressure fog fire equipment in action ~ahich l~~~ic~ appea.red to be very e£ficient in fighting fires. FIe said the purnp could be r,:ounted on one and a half'or tv;o ton tru¢k and operated by three~men~ and in cases of emergency could be opereted by one man ~vith voluntary help. He quoted a price o° ~5~300.00 for the pump incl-uding fog g,uns and hose. .• ' Dean I. 0. Schaub of the North C=irolin~ ~ytension De2;artment appeared at the invitation of the Eoard to discuss the the Departments ~hree year old non-marriage policy imposed on assistant home den;onstr3tion agents. Approx;,r~tely 25 j'~o»en representltives of home ap,r~- demonstr~tion clubs v~ere present and a lengi:!1;, d~scussion fo].7.owed. Dean Schaub expl.ained ~ J that he ~s ch~r@ec H~ith the 3dn~inistr~tion oi ~tete ~nd Federal iunds a.nd in view of ~ frequent turnover in perscr~nel ~~ c~t~_te a probler~ ~,nd ~.hou~ht the policy afgood one,econon.ic311 After statin~.~tnat he v;ould not ch~n~e the ~,o7_icy now, Dean Schaub did a~gree to give cor~sidera,ticn to ~ request oi i~ir. Trask to advance ieliss.I±iob1~ to i~~liss BZasor..'s place as hor~~e agent here and I~4iss I~ovrrey to the Coltilr.bus Gounty position. After further discussion e recess t~~s t?ken•at 12:45 r.'.:.~ nntil 3:00 o'clock P._;:.,'Iuesday, cebruary 28th. Pursuant to rece:s t~ken ;~;o::day~ Feb:u~.~~,~ 27~ 19j0~ tha Beard ret at 3:00 P.P,I.~ February `~~ 28tr~ 19j0. • Present: G2d:i~sor. Aeivlett Gh~+~rc~er:. Geo.•V/. Trask~ C13ud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis~ Co~.zaty Attorne5~ :.i~rsden .Bel~ar:y ~~:d C::unt} 4ud1.L01 Chas. F. S~:ith. /L~~"~l report of the `~liL•ain_~on }'uol?c ~~~~3r;; ior J~nuary vr3s received and filed. A letter v:~s received _`ror~ iL`r. Thor~~s Y;. tlorse~ Suneri.ntendent of St~te Parks, advising ~- p~s he vrould di.scuss v:ith the Ci~i.ei L~nd°c~pe Ene~neer of the State Hi~he~ay 3nd Public u:'orks Cor:;mission our su~gestion about public use ~rea.s alonc t.he river roa.d. A communie~tion v,~as received from the Town of Vlz~i~htsville Beach -~dvisin~ that I;~r. Dennis ~7. ~Gonnor has been design~ted ~s Electric~l Inspector for the Town of Wr~ghtsvi.lle Eeach to ~ replece the Cotmty•Llectrical Inspector in all electrica.l inspections rti~ithin the corpor~te ~~ lim~ts of the Tor,n, e~fective Februar~ 24, ].950. Action on an agreement submitted ~y the~Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Corr.p3ny placing ~ liebility and m~intenance of the culvert under its tracts ne~r the Four P~Iile Fost on ~~`~K the County~~ ~•~hich vras installed in connection ~aith county draina.ge in that area. ~,v;as continued for further investigation. ~ • 1 Upon motion of t~"r. Tr~sic, seconded b,; ?.~r. D~,vis~ the Foard ~uthor.ized the p~y:~~ent of~~~,~~ ~200.00 to Duke Hospit37. to:be..~pplied on 3 bal~nce of"~526.58 due 'ay J~.mes Franklinf^„ ~ l~J f~4p Oliph~nt~ county citizen~ for :zospit~lization; remaining unp3id b~lence t-o be paid ~b by the fzr,iily of tur. Oliph~nt. ' A request of i~Ir. U. S. Page~ Ch~irman of the Loti~~er Cape F'ear River Fridge Association ~~ to. adopt ~ j~reF~>aTed resolution supporting an eifox•t to have the State Fiighv~ay and Pub7.ic V~~orks Cor..mission approve a project for the construction of certain bri.dges ovEr the C~pe ~ Fe~r river between i,'dilmington and F~yetteville, vras upon motion of f;ir. G Shields~ seconded by~Ii4r. Davis t3ken under consider3tion. • ~5 N o~action v:~as taken on a~request of the Neva Hanover Fishing Club th~t the County purchase ~ advertisement space in its prize list and•annual booklet~.publ;cation. Upon motion of D.r. 0'Shields, seconded ~:}' T"-r.. D^vis~ the Board acting upon the recomrr.endation o.i the County Attorney, aFproved the payment of the County's half o~ the anount of ~y°0.50 ~Ca~~ court costs incurred b}~ G:: C. L~iclntire~ .4tty.~ in the case of the City and County v Lizzie t'~'ri~ht Merrick et al.~ ~~eirs of Titus l'iriPht) back tar suit. on eppeyl to the SuUeclinedufor P3.y~r,ent of 4150.00 attorneys fee, ~°~s on r_co~:~Rend~tio:: of t.he Count ~ 4t~orney, the rF~son tv~o of tihe pe.r~ies v,,ho snould .h^ve been :;.~de p~rties t.o the suit vrere not notified or, g'iven opportunity to ~e he~rd, the u~u31 10;~ co-rlission ":~Vin~ been p~id on the taxes collected, and there cas r.o purr,ose o~ i;~:-in~ t~e c~se to .the Supre~re Court. ~ U~on :notion o£ ""r. Tr~sk, =econded b~ i~ir. D~vzs, .Jorin baker ~ad wife Lena Piver Baker,indigents ~~erF ~dmitted to the G~unty I=or~~e o^, r~eco~`ie:.d~t~on of tlie 5upt. ~ of Public ~ elfare~ provided ,~ ~ny soci3l security b°nefits t:~ey ~;.~:; ?'PC2]Ve ~~,111 be turned over to the county tov~ard their ;r~s intenance . ' Fckno+;riedgement oP petition_for a proposed high~+~ay le~ding from the end of the p~vement n~ of the C?ld Stage Coach .°.o~d near S~fift's ~'ertilizer.Plant to the Pender county line at ~ ~`~'S Richards :k«ilroad Station, v~as received from P?r. A.viilbur C:lark, Highv~~y Conurissioner at Fayetteville, together with petition Yor .4 ocA~aile ro~d 1e~ding from the Greenville SounC Loop ro~d to the Public L~ndir~ on the / . ~lso copies oi' letters to t~ir. Clark ,:•ere received Srom Yender County Commissioners requesting "that the present roUd beginning at Rich~rds Station~ A?euJ Hanover County line ~ ~~5 on the East side of the of the Atl~ntic t'oast Line Railroad~~~.hence in a~rresterdly direction ./ to P"ontague be r~ade an all-weather road~ and also requesting that a high~aay Ue constructed • out oP State and Federal Funds, beginning 4t or near Richards' Station (r~e~^r Hanover County; line) and runs in a rresterdly direction follov,~ing the ~~Old TTegro Head ttoad" as near as , practic~l to P,Yoore's Creek N~ational I~:ilitary Park; ~nd thence to Beatty's Bridge (Bladen County Line. . ~ r160 ,. . .. n•teetino oS Febr,uary 28~ 1950~ continued. The ~ity ~omrnissioners having indicated their willingness to loan a fire truck to P~s the County to answer fire c~~lls outside oP the City limits, P~ir. Davis moved and it was _ seconded by P.x. 0'~hields and carried, that formal request be made to the ~ity £or the l f i di Pi 3€ l f i oan o a , as n re truc cated, or the bal=~nce of our P sca ye~r ending June 30~ 1°50. Upon motion of I~~r. D^vis, seconded by Ps. Tresk~ instructions :,ere given to vmite I~x. J. Henry Vaughany Chairman of the ~3oard of Commissioners of RTash County, extending to him our cor~gratulations in havin~ secured P.4iss FnriP?ason as their home demonstration ~(~Y-~ ~,.. agent. :nd r~ent on record with an expression of appreciation for the :.onderful service t:?iss Piuson rendered this county over the years she vias our home agent, and her successful ' efforts in buildir~ up and stimulatir~ interest amor~ the r.aembers of our home demon- , stration clubs for better living, at all times showir~ a spi~it of full cooperation urith the offici~ls of this County. The Board further c]irected that letters be y~ritten to t~~r. ~.n.benson, City A.?anager .nd ~~kS P.,r. tirnold Peterson, 5~up~rintendent of Parks anc7 xecre~tion, ehpressir~ our appreciation of the lovely azaleas beautifying our court house and Stadium grounds, planteo under tneir direction, tivhich v~ill add another beauty-spot to our elready beGutiful City. ~:lay Uno~ ~o ~conded by P:Ir. '1'rUsk, the follovring Gdjustments ~nd corrections i ~ f \ ~ lists ere &uthor ze ~ _~,- -~,n,rslUke, 4vilmir~;ton To~~nship~ ~rras grunted a refund of taxes p~id on a valuUtion of $1~26.rj.00 for the year 1°48, and on ~a valuation of ~1,265.00 for the year 1949, charged in error by the Tax Lister on a boat,;.v.~hich'chs~rge w~s inter~ded to represent a 1946 Hudson automobil.e alre~dy listed. fioieever he said he did o~•m a sm~ll boat not worth more than ~50.00. pssessnen~ of $200.00 and taxes on lots 7 and 8, in block 43 Sumr_ie"r Hill in the name of - Lula B. verzaal were ordered cancelled Sor the years 1941 through 1949 ~ccount of double ; ch:;rge. The same vias purchased by Iiary P. ~williainsyfrom ueo. B. Applev:hii,e~ Aug.~10~1940. ~~ Parish 5ryant a residant of Federal Yoint To~~nship vras granted an abatement of poll "~ taxes for the year 1°49 account of bQing overage. ~ ~,~r1X James ?7. Tabb~ _734 Park l~venue ~vas gr<nted an abater~ent oP not-~listed pen<~lty for the ,/ year 1949~ account of being a non-resident, ~anu<ry 1~ 1849~ at v.~hich time he ~ras a ' resident of Rochester ~ D?. Y. Ard ~.~ abateme~t oi taxes charged agai-+st Johr+ 7,. vJ~ ii ~sris in error o^ lot 65, strip, Garde^ City,i-iar~et~ tov~rship~ e,3s authorized on a valustion of • ~V1~200.00 for 1940 through 1~+49, or 1`"GOI'0:~t70'^ lurniehed by G.C.IJ;clntire~!~tty,references book 249~ p3ge ?1~ a~d book 30i, p3~e ~8. urd tne ~~~~e ordered charged aga.i~st hlurray G. J~n.es~ Trustee~ for said years o-+ ~.~ ~ssessme~t o° 5~100.00. i The Pollowing good and la~~rful persons were dracm to serve as jurors in the Superior ~~~`~ Court for the triGl of civil ca~es for the two c;eeks term Ueginning P.4arch 13th 1550: ri. L. Herring, 1104 5. 4th St. L. ~. N,hite~ Carolin~ Beach. ..k. renny, Jr.~ 3210 Princess St. J. t~2. ~laughter; 14 Lake Forest Park~a2y. 0. r'. Gain, 2 Church St. g, ~. ~hipman, 11 Surunit P7alk. i3, n~. P~icn, 512 N. 23rd St. r. p~. Lee; 411 Chestnut St. ~t, ~:. ~lark, 2629 ~. Front St. - Jno. YI. nunter, Jr.~ 510 Chestnut St. L. L. ir~r~~m, 2716 P..onroe St. J~•s. B. I~1cCunber; 11~ Colonial Drive. ~,'I. H, ntk;~;ins, 310 Colonial Drive. Henry S. Hall~ 150 Colonial Village. z". r'. ~nakenburg, 118 Brookv~ood ~venue. J. L. nlcRieekin; Jr. ~?306 I;4etts Ave. J. t'. nin~~ 2511 Princess St. Thos. B. ?',dge, 1025 S. Front St. J. ri. !F'atkins,Jr. ~ 5?.7 ~. Front St. H. L. Groover, 304 S. P'ront 5t. ti~t. G. Y,ing, 1404 Princess St. J. F7. k:eaves, 407 ~. 3rd 5t. ll. Patelos, 1506 Princess St. C. r~. nenton; 19 Lake Forest Parks;ay. T~4iss Louise Shepard, 317 S. 2nd St. P.lorrison B. N:atkins, 317 5. 1Gth ~t. Hov~ard L. rierren, 10". Coloni~~l Village. Fricaard Hansley ~ Sr .~> F.t.2 ~ Box ?23. ~.shley T. St. Fm~:ny1,7:?O,S. 16th St. Gordon i°r. Ittner, 504 Central i~oulevsrd. Chas. E. 7.'hompson, 708 Castle St. • r, ,ti, Stillman~ `?l~ DT. 23rd St. P:. r. 'i'oon~ Jr. ~ 5:'.0 Frincess St. .Ashley Jacl:son~ a08 N. 2nd St. J. ll. riarrison, 105 N. 23rd St. J, t;. ~ack.son, 2407 S. Front St. Second ryeek- E. S. Capps, Jr.9 ~4 Borden P.ve. A. UJ. Land, 308 Ca;,-tle St. V. ~"7. 'I'olar, 209 D?orthern Boulevard. J. i'1. 8tillman~ 1`:06 Castle St. V. L. ''i'oms, 3 S. 4th St. Tiack P2. ;7alton, 611 S. 6th St. ?'Y. C. Thompson, Jr., 1117. P~ercer Ave. J. D. Parris~ 172~ Colonial Ave. Juliu s C. Joyner, 5 Hudson Drive. Jeff D. r'ennell, 501 S. 5th 5t. Esrl Thomas, 508 ~unset Ace. t~J. ~. ~rharp~ 709 5. 6th 'St. J. B. RUSS~ 320 P?. 2nd St. ~. J. i~oCOCk~ 205 S. 8th at. R, p~, n?cL~,mb; 717 DI. 5th St. D. ~. Lanier~ 2214 Chestnut St. Rayr:io nd t?etchin, 1103 Chestnut 5t. Jas. PT. TevJ, 1606 Castle St. C. P'. ~rheobald, 217 Country C1uU Boulevard Nell fi. R`rask, 8 Hydranger Place. Jas. B. Allen~ 1318 Dock ~t. F. ~. Toomer, 1901 Princess 5t. E. R. `L`oms~ 201 Pa. 15th St. R. c;. Tov,les~ 51S S. Front St. A. 'r. reterson, Jr., 206 1';indsor Drive. Carl P.iay, 2?.09 Park Roac. ~rnest L. ~ne, 159 Colonial Village. P.4rs. Is~bell C. James~ 1507 P.4arket St. Fi. PJ. Luc~,s, 31? S. 1Gth St. P. To~msend~ 2109 i~incess St. ~;Ialter P~f. '1'odd~ 613 Castle ~t. Aubrey V. '1'tiom~~son~ 228 N. ?3rd St. K. L. Blizz~rc,~ 306 P;orth Carolin~: ~.ve. H. l+.. Topel~ 2017 Pender Elve. Isaac J. Yir~, Jr., Rt.l. Julian H. iusch, 215 S. 2nd, St. The meetinf; then adjourned. . ~ h`~./ s~,._- -.~. Clerk. ~ ~ Wilr~ington~ A` . G.~,7~, rch 6~ 195~ • ~~~ The regular weekly meeting of the.$oard r•aas held at 10:00 o'clock A. It4. Present: AGdison HeH~lett Cha.irr;~ar.~ Geo. l;'. Trasl., Jss. p~I, fI~].1~ C].aud 0'Shields~ Thurstor, C. Davis~ County Attorney i,nrsden ~'el.lar,;y= snd Co?~nty 9uditor Chas.F.Sr.;ith. The r,:inutes of r.ieeting o~ February 2%, snd 26~ ~950 vrere re3d and approved as recorded. Iu'.r. Robert G. Kooser, Fire Prever.t:;or. En~ineer o° the Atl~:~tis Cnast Line R~ilroad Comp~ny ~ppeared at the invit~t,ion of i~:ir. 0'Shields, in the interest of rur~l fire protection ^ r~~~ exp~a.ined ~ r.i~a~~ogen cyli~:der hi~h pre~sure io~ ,^.ozzle fire fighting equipr.~ent of his ~ ov~n design that ~sn be constructed ~nd r:ounted on ~ Sour r;heel trailer at a cost of ~pprozim^.tely ~3G0.00 for ~l~cen,ent 3C CO27VF;?'lE:lt T1:~ces in the county for.quick and e_^ficient ser~~icer and ofiered his e:,r_r.eerine selv_ce~ in constructing the unit without charge ~nd v.ould give a den;onstr~tion of ~~utti.ng out ~ ~i.re. 1he Boa,rd 7.ooke~' vaith f~vor upor. the eq.uipment, ~.nd upon noiion of l'r. Tr~sk; seconCed by blr. H?71~ agreed to const:uct one unit 3s an experirnent ~nd o~hers for use thrcu~hout the county if it proves satis°~ctory. The Termin3l Cit}~ Oi.l Ccr~;p~ny •,•~~s selected Y~ build the r~rst unit. + Mr. A. H. Se;well, Veterans Service O~~icer~ ~sked th3t the pl~eue i:, the court house lobby be~ring the names of the ~er, arom this county r~~ho lost their lives in '~iorld Udar I, be cleaned and the n~rles of the r,~en v;ho ~ost their lives in vJorld l5'ar II be added and the pl3que lighted. - MtLi~yThe Chai.rman st~ted tha.t though~ has been given to dedicating the new proposed ~drrinistration '~ ~uildin~* i~o be co~structed 3t the ~irport to the me^~ory of the men ~aho lost their lives in world tiv~r II,and that a plaque be insta.lled there. Hovaever ?17r. D~vis moved ~nd it c~,~s seconded by Mr. Hall and carried, th~t the plaque in the court.house me restored arid a light placed ~bove it. Upon motion oP I;4r. Davfs~ seconded by t~4r. 0'Shie].ds, the Cot~nt,y Attorne,y ti+~~s instrvcted to .r-~~ prepare a lease between the Count3- ~pr3 Au~o Races Inc'.~nstead of'R:R.Key~requested by ~dr. Key, on the same ter~s and conditions as agreed a,t meeting of ~ictober 3, 1°49, £or~auto stock ~ car xaces 2t Legion Field. ivIr. Tra.sY. not voting. L4r: Rich~rd"A.. 5hevr Teques'ted t~n~t repairs be r~ade to ~;oadti~~ay running through Country ,~ ~~5 Club Terr~ce, s•as given state form R-10, on ~hich to ~repsre his petition for ~pproval to be iorv+~rded •to the State Hi~h~vay and Publi.c 'viorks Cor.;missicri for consideration. Ugon motion of I~.~r. D~vis, seconded '~ ?'~ir. Hall, tl:e Eo~r+d voted to accept a deed for B~ttle ~'~~,SI~Acre rlot at Fort risher froi? the Ci.tS of i7ilmir~tor ~f.tfle City should offer •to do so~ and to request the St3te P~rksCo~r:mission to build a rc?dv:~.y through the g,rouads connecting vaith the R~~in highv;~y, ' A cor.~nunic?tion ti^as received fro;: ~.9r. Joseph P?orv;cod, Di.strict Airport Engineer, advising that - ~~,~~4~~--the fin31 pl~ns ~nd specific~tions for the construction of the Airport Adninistration building have been received frotr I,Ir. L.I~.BoneS~~r.~ 4rchitect ~nd approved and authorized ~dvertisement for bids based upon the contr~ct docw;:ents. Ido objections vrere raised by the bo~rd to ~he ~-rlic~tions of th~ Town o£ C~rolina. Eea.ch to the United St3tes District EnFineer for perraission to dredge material from the municip311y .~w~°-°`~"~ owned sma?I boat b~sin 3nd the existzn~ c~nal frorn the Inland 8~l~terw~y to the said b3sin 3nd to constT~uct bulkheads, docks, sanit~ry facilities, o°£ices, fuel dispensing system, etc.~ in or adjacent to +he same. • Upon niotion of ~Ir. Trask~ seconded by P4r. Davis~ It~ir. N. L. George~ 1011 Country C1ub Road~ ~aC_ cJac granted an abatement of not listed penalty charged against his property for the year 1~4g, on accour_t of being ~ick at listin~ time and unable to list. A report of the Veterans tiervice Office and Bure3u of Identifiuatior. for Febru~ry were ' V m~~ received and filed. ~ A st~tenent was received from the State Board of iublic V;elfaz•e advisin~ that $~41~?06.~4 - 5~ for Cld A~e Assistance, Aid to Dependent Chi].dren and Adr.,inistration was sent to this County fror, 5t3te ~ahd Federal a~.lotments for the month of February. Upon motion of ?Jr. Hall, seconded by L~r. Trask, h~r. Fi. E. Boyd,Sr.~ Industrial Traffic ri4anager of the City of V~'ilr~ington v~as ~uthorized to represent this County in the matter ~~,g,~o,zj- of the petition of Capital AirZines beiore the Civi1 Aelonautics Eoard to extend its Route ~14 betv~een Norfolk ,~nd I~iia.mi to include @lllmington~ from a st3ndpoint to provide additional air service for this cormunity and not advocati.ng a;~~'particu7.ar ai~~].ine. ' Upon not~on of t~ir. ll~vis~ seconded tti~ .~ir. Tr~sY., Nr. ~. Ii. Fussell was permitted to pay _"~qxthe 1ya8 and 1949 t~.xes due on 7_ots 10, J.1~ 12 ~nd 13, in b1ocY. 4'7~ Udilmington Seach on a per lot assessrler_t of ~:150.00, .`.'ixed by the t3x. asse~sros, vahich was included in acreage nwned by ~.C.Person for said yea.rs. A petition of lE proFerty ov~ners for i~^rroven:ent to'"Pinecrest Drive " in Avondale located ~s on the Y'Jri~htsville•Beach 1ligh4:~y (US']4%'76) about four ttiles from the City Limits, vaas upon u:otion of L;r. Davis~ seconded by I~ir. 0'Shields~ a_~~roved 3nd referred to t:r. A. `rlilbur Clark, Third Division State Hi~hway Co~missioner ~t Fayettevi7le for. consideration. ~A report o° the colored home demonstration agent for February t^:as received ~nd payr,len~ of -~Q~ w5.39 for art~cles used in demonstra.tions r~as.approcred,: - • Upon motior. oi ri~r, Davis Il4r. C, E. Fa.rrow o£ Harnett Toivnship~ vras granted an abatesent of ~D,~ taxes on a valuation of ~1~300.00, lots at ~'i.].la Viev~ account of double charge for the year 1948. It appeared that he listed the same regular and ~aas also charged as not listed. B.J.Rtarshauer~ Wrightsville Beach~ was granted a refund of 1949 taxes paid on a valuation of l~k ~:1,`730.00 Hudson automobile and po~l in error, account of double charge, He listed the said ~- car and poll in Harnett tov,nship his place of residence, ~vhich was aiso included in his City list in error. 3- ~ ~. ~' ~ ~ l~eeting of IG4areh 6~ 1950~ continued. 1~~ The following st~ter:ent prepared by :.Ir. Thur~ton C. Davis on Rural Fire Protection 1 vras pre~ented to t}ie Board: \/ Eecause I believe that this ?-oard should make every effort {;o bring adequate fire protecticn • W to the citizens of our ccunty outsmde the city Iir;;its~ I believe th~t we should take some action in the formin~; of a plan so th~t it vrill be in effect vrhen the City of tiVi]mirgton's fire protection outside the city lirr;its ceases. P~4ore than a month ago I requested th3t this Board set up a co;-;:iittee to study such a pl.an. At that time the Board decided to ~<-aiBt urtil the City of {'Ji7.mington had o.fficial.23r informed this Board as to their intentions in the matter. Nova that this has been done, I think irre should sra.ste no time in divising ~. plan, even if such action ca.lls for a specisl r~eeting before this vaeek is over. ~ With this in mirid, I su~gest the fo~Zowir.g p13n for discuss~on and consideration: 1. As for the fire truck~ loca.tion, there are several points in the county where it could be placed temporarily, in order to test eac~ locations advantages as to it being the best service point for all the county, perhaps~ tempor~rily, it could be stationed at the county airport, but 'hat immedi~tely ~sin~s up the ;'act, th~t the greatest concentration of hozr,es is in the Vlinter Pa.rk-Se~gate area. If this are~ seems r.ore ~dvantageous as a service point,~ due to such heavy residenti~I concentr~.tion, t".en it n;a.y scem advi~a.ble to st~tion it in that.' area. Hoti~Jever~ vaherever i.he Board z?eci.des to house the truck, I feel that a survey as to • ~: distances~ elapsed time in coVerage of such eistances, should be compared and the truck ~ pl3ced at the L;ost central point. 2. That a driver-&iechanic be emi:2o}~ed. Thi.~ e~;;rloyee ~vould be fu77y responsible for the maintenance of the trucY. ~nd it~ equipment. He vaould receive fire-fighting training under the supervision oi the Fire Chi.ei of ~",i]m9.n~rton. He would be on duty twenty-four hours a ' day and on his d~y of£ the truck and ea,uipment vrould be supervised by the sheri£f's department. As he would be on duty t:sent,y-:'oun c~urs ~ day, his living quarters v;ould be supplied free cf char~e. Ttiis v;ould include his ut~l.ity~ char~es, 1i~}~t, heat,tvater and cooking fuel. 3. Each conmunity in the count,y l,ou7.d be ~ske~ to form ~ volunteer depa.rtment u~hich vaou'd be tr~ir.ed under the superv~sion of tne Cit~~ of ~7~lmi~.~ton firu chief. 4. The Sheriff's Denartr~ent i~,~ould assune super~~isoxycontrol, and e~ch merrber of the dep~rtment would take the ii~~e-fighting trainitig~ and a r,iember o: the dep~rtment, v,here5.n fe3sible~ would answer county calls. 5. A fire al~rm signal system could be established~ rn~king use of the fire v!arden alar~c system v~hich is presently not being used. 6. The fire truck would be equipped ~^,ith rad3o receivin~ and sending equipmentt and v:•ould be , in touch vfith the Sheriff's oifice at a~l tin:es, This would afford the citizens greater protect~on as it would allov~ the Sheriff's Department to contact the truck at any time and in turn the truck could keep the ~heriff's Department informed as to the progress of a£ire in any specific area. ~. The Sheriff's De~artn.eiit would ha.ve the n3r:es of the chiefs and 3ssist3nt fire chiefs of the individual co^;mur.it_es in order th.at the Sher;.if'~ De^a~•t~rent mould be able to contact 3n a.re~ at a given tir~:e. .! S~gned: Thurston C. Davis. r.tarch 6, 195~• U~~on notion of i~.~~~. FI~11, =econr;e~ u,. ;s. Da.v~s, the Board voted to place tYae fire tru~k `~ st the airport the CitS~ has ?~~eed to loan the County for the bsl.ance of the fisc3l ye3r ~ $~ to June 30~ 19j0, until better ~rr~n€errents czn be v.~orked out~ and authorSzed the emplo5~ment of a driver-ffech~nic to oper~te ~nd r.:~_~.;.t~:n zhe saMe. Conferences to be held ~rith i:he Chief o: the,dlilm:ir€ten Fi:e De}^rtr~ent to ~~ork out ~. ss~stem of signals! etc. Mr. Trask voted no for tne reason he ~oe~ not, tli~r.k it is right to.tax City property ovaners for~ur3.Lfire protect~on. That expense, he ssi.d, should be 'r;:et..by the indivi.duel cor~,mur,ities, in r.hich the fire occurs. Applic3ti.ons for the job oi 8rive.r-mechanic of the said fire t:uck to be received until ^g~l`'~ next r:teeting of the Board. Upon motion of I~ir. 0'Shields, seconded ty i~.1r. Tr~ska ?~4r. Rhoda F~rrovr N~~s placed in charge -~,~~~ of Hi~h P~I3c~.e Park ~nd Oak Grove Cenetery iri addition to his duties as Superinteiident of ',; Legion Stadium, effective I~?aruh 13~ 1950~ and iv?r. George Ivy Crandall ~vas transferred from OaY ~rove Cemetery to Legion Stadi.um under Air. Farrov~. The meeting then adjourned. . /1'l-,"~ ~i s<.'..__ _ s. Clerk. . ~ a 4 ~ L ~ v / ~~~ t^Jilmington~ PI. C., Iu~arch }.3, ~95G. The regular weekl~ meeting of the Board 1"~as held at 20:00 o'clock A, iJI. Present: Addison He~vlett Chairman, Geo. V1. Trask, Jas. li2. Hall, Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis~ t;~arsden Be7.lsmy County At~.torney and Cha,s.F.Smith~ County ~luditor. The rinutes c? meeting of t,Iarcn 6, 19~0, vrere read and arproved as recorded. ~n ordinance dividing the area surroundin~ the i~e!v i?anover County Pirport into approach, r tr3nsition ~nd turning zones and establishin~; the bound3ries thereof, ~.nd v:ithin such zon~s ~peciiying the l~nd uses pern:iti:ed and regul~ti.n~ and restricting t.he height'.to v/hi.ch ~„~ c'Struetures and trees r~ay be erected or allov:ed to ~;iow, providing for eriCorcer:.P.TlI`.j _ f~lJ•-/" B^"est~blishing ~ Poard of Appeals,-and imposing penalties~ vlas u,r,on motion of iur. 0'Shields~ lX ~ seconded ny .V:r. Davis, received and in relation thereto ~ public he~ring ~~ill be helq at the regular meeting I~ionday, Anril 3rd 19;0~ at 10:00 o'clock A. Li.~ at which meeting parties ~(j` in interest ana citizens sh~ll have an opportunity to be heard, and a vote on the final ./ d.option o£ the ordinance will be t3ken. Upon motion of Iiir. 0'Shie].ds, seconded by ivir. Davis, i.nstructions were given to advertise ` or bids to be received until 10:00 o'c1ocX 9.i;i.~ April 5~ 1950~ for the construction of ~}~ the proposed airport administration building in accorl~nce with the plans and ~peci°ications ~~ prepared by b`r. L.N.F~oney, Architect, vrhich have been approved by t.he Civil Aeronsutics Administration. r ..~ y delegation of County i~ierchant beer de~l_ers composed of itiessrs F. !~d. Stacy~ J.E.Armstrong~ J. Ii. Cavenau,a,h~ H. P. Batton~ 9.J.Sanders, J. H. Turner, W.F.i~;urphy, ,T.1~I.Covi1 ~ H.H.H~11, F'. L. Gore and J. B. Ulatson, appeared t.o ask th=~t the sale of beer be permitted in the County outsi.de any i.ncorpor~te~ :uuni.c~n~~.ity on Sunda.ys' fron 12:00 o'clock noon until ~~'~' 11:00 o'clock P.i~~., v~3s u~on i;;otion of ;,;r. Eall, seconded by ?d.r. 0'Shields~ granted on the ~ ~ifirmat5ve vote of Co~7missioners G'Siiields~ Ha1i and D~vis. The Chsirma.n 3nd T:~ir. Tr~sk voted no~ feelin~ it i.s i~~rong ~:-.u r_ot to the best interest of the County i;o permit the sale of beer on Sun~?~y. 1Nir. D~vis 9r voting a_'firm3tively explained that he P~3s doing so to " encourage tourist tr~de, but ~ny viol3t~on o~ the law in connection vaith the sale of beer . should bA delt with harsh7.y. Upon ~otion of ~„r. 7r~sk~ seconded b~ It'r. D~vis, the 1949 assessment of $15~000.00 on /Gy. buildinfl ov:ned by Eli~s f'. Courie, block 95, which v:~~s a~educed to ~'9~OOO.GO by the tax ~ a.ssessors for 1950~ ~ccount of a~mace by f~re December 1948~ x~as madc retroa,ctive in effect for the ye~r 1949, ~nd an ab~tement of taxes on a valu~tior_ of ~:b~000.00 caas ordered. t:ir. Rufus A. Bond compl~ined of the u100.OG assessment en each of his tkiree 25 X 129' lots r(~7~ 12,13 3nd 14, Silver I,?.ke, ;~:asonb~ro tov~nship, facing the highti+~ay, for rvhich he paid q'1I7.00 per lot~ vras referred to the Ta~; Assessors for reviev.~. Upon motion of n,r. 0'Shield.G, seconded by i~~r. Davis~ I41r. V1a113ce Eoy].es, #1, Post Office ~~'l,~ Avenuef who ~has been ~n inr~ate of a tuberculosis hospita7 since Decen:ber 1948~ was gr~nted an ab~tement o1' po7.1 t~xes for ~he year ~949, ~~inon motion of I~ir. Trask, seconded by Ioir. Davis~ Louise ti7at=on Robinson was on recommendation of the Supt,~ of Public V,~elfare, granted admission to t~he County Home as a.n emergency case~ Upon motion o£ ~~4r. Davis, seconded by I~ir. 0'Shields~ I~.irs. Juliette riighsmith, tidi.lmington township, v;as ,grsnted a.n abatement of t~xes on a caluation of 1,160.00 person3l property ``- ~~y` listed in this county in error. The ~arr.e was listed and the taaes paid in Ken3nsville~ Duplin- County~ for the year 1949. . A request of 53die Hughes of Uetroit, ~iichigan~ through her attorneys Hogue & Ho~ue~ to re- acquire or redeem her pro~erty in b7.ock 240 bought i-n a.t a tax sale by the City and Colznty~ ~`"~q~ on p3ynent of ~}80.00 plus cost of ta~ s~1e and ettorneys iee~~ v~as received. It v~as agr2ed that the diGpos~tion of the pr•operty take the san;e course of a.dvertisinp and sale as other property bought by the City anq Go~znty a~ Ta:: sales. Notice of a~ublic hea~sing concerninr the application of the Town of Caroline Beach for a permit to dredge materi~l from the munici.pally ovrned small boat b3sin together vrith the ~~Un~~` existing c~nal from the ~n).and iaatervaay to the said basin to be held at the customhouse ~t 10:00 o'clock 9.i,~I., Thui•sday, P,iarch 16th 1950, in lieu of the public hearing February 27~ v~?.s received and no objections ind~.cated by the Eoard. ~ A report of the Ba.cl: Tar Collector shoi;ing ~6~0~2,46 collected for the City and ~3,913.51 ~ fQ~ for the County~ r!akinp, a total of ~9,940.9'7 back tar.es co].lected for the month of February~ wes received and i'iled. A petition of ten property owners presented on State Form R-10~ for rep.sirs to culverts and ~c vaashouts on the two mile roadway known as Golf, Fairm,ay, Azalea and HighZ.and Drives~ running -~U~~"~ from Countr3~ Club Boulevard to South 01ea.nder~ was upon motio7 of Iv1r. 0'Shields~ seconded by I~ir. Davis, approved'and referred to Mr. A. Wilbur Clark, Third Division St3te HiRhway , Comm3ssioner at Fayetteville. A communication was received from City 1~4anager bTr. C. R. Benson, advising that the City Council approved the loan of one auxiliary fire truck without cost to the county to _ ~~Ju7.y 1, .1950, and further advised that Wilmington Fire Department wi11 not respond to fire ~' ~ ca).1s origin,~ting beyond the city lin:its after n4arch 16~ 1950, except to prevent a general confl~gration or where human life is in danger. An audit report of Community Ho=pital for the.five months period ending November 30, 1949, ~-~~ prepared by Harry Vl. Cherry, CPA.~ vaas received and referred to the County Auditor ; Upon motion of &'r. Tra.sk~ seconded by 2.4r. ~t~19.~ t~e property owned by the Church of God in , Christ~ block 351, S~ end 5, voas found on w~ittefl"~`stateinet~ made by members and p8stor of ,~+~- the church that the san~e is used e~cl.usively for religious services and was thereupon exempt from tas:ation, and ordered pl3ced on the tax free Ii.~t. I I ~.6 ~ Meeting of b1~.i•ch,13, 1950, continued. Upon n:otion of ",1r. 0'Shields, seconded b~~ i5r. D^vis, Ieir. T. D. Piner, v~as granted an U'~ abatett~ent of tax.es on a v~luation oi $;;OG.00, lot 3 and E22~ Auditori.tun tract~ , ~~ Ha.rbo: Island, ~ccount of dout,l.e ch?.rge for 1°49. It appeared that he sold the said lots to S. H. Benson, Jr., Febru3r,y~ 2~, 1948, and the sarce v;as charged to both for the ye3r 194~. Upon cotion of iair. Uavis, seconded by T.r. H~7.1, I~'r. 0. L. Malpass v~as granted an ~batement of ta.yes on 3 v~li~ati.on of ~'725.00 person~l and poll account of double ~~ listing in harnett tov1nship in ez•ror for the year 1949. It a,>peared th~t he listed person~l 3nd poll in Cape Fea1• tovanship, hie place of residence. Upon motion of P~Ir. Da,vis, seconded by Nir. Hall~ J.C.Holdford a__ __nd F.j~~I...Le.e,~ 2713 V~iashington Street, ~vere granted an ab~tement of not listed penalty for failing ~~~y~ to list lots l through 8, in block G~ Greenfield, for the year 19a9. They listed personal property thinking the rea~. estate ~~7as included. ~u ene..and_Johnnie.64illiams (~' wei~e gi•anted an a.baternerit of 1949 ta~es on a valuation of ~~40.00 on 1940 model Chevrclet sedan purchased J~nuary 21, 1949, fron: Howard Motor Company as per their invoice, and,S._Behre.nds for request of abatement of ?949 dog tax listed in error, claiming the dog died in llecember 1948, was granted provided he will furnish an affidavit , to that effect. Upon motion of iu,r. Hall, seconded by I~;~r. Trask, the resignation of I~Iiss Elaine Noble ,~v as Assistant Home Demof~stration Agent, efiective April 1, 1950~ izi order that she may take the position of Home Agent in Columbus County, was accepted with relucta.nce. _Q~i Mr. Davis voted no as a further protest to t.he Dep~rtnent non-marriage rule v:hich prohibited ~4iss Noble to be advanced to the position of Home Demonsrator~ here in anticipation of ~arTiage. ~ Action on the selection of the CountyFs ar.pointee on the County Vdelfare Board to succeed liirs. T. J. G~mse v,hose teri~; t~ill. expire on Anx•il 1~ 1950~ and not e7.iPible for re- J~ appoi.ntment under the lav~ 3fter h~vi.ng served foz~ the pz~evious two years~ ~n~as postponed until the ne,:t meeting. ' A reque~t of .~the Tovan of 4iri~htsvill.e Beach to 9nclude Plattian Street for State m?intenence, '_Q~h was mailed State iorr.~ R-10~ on which t.o prepare and present its request as required by the ~r State Ei~hv~ay and Public '!:'orks Commi ssion. Upon r:iotion •of R4r. Trask, seconded h5 t~.r. Javis ~ a request of Mr. L. C. Kure to renevJ ~ our efforts to h~ve the Sta.te Hignv~ay snd Public l'lcrY.s Cor~mission give further and ~,~ favor~ble consider~tion to include the are~ betv~een the main hiphvray and the ocean ~t Kure's Pier for St~.te maintenance, ~~~s approved: ~y iTpon motion, the Board set the date of V~'ednesday, 1~iarch 15th, 10e00 o'clock A.M.~ to _I1~ interviPV: applicants for the position of fire truck driver-mecha.nic to take cherge of ~Y the fire truck to be located at the airport for ruial fire protection. ~ Upon r.iotion of I~fr. 0'Shields, seconded by i~4r. Davis~ County bills Nos. 1869 to 2032 ~~ were appro~ed'for payment subject to tne a.pproval of the County Auditor. The meeting then adjou^ned. /~ -Ti... .~ 3~.c. ~1erk. // l/ '~lilmington~ T7. C.~ T~farch 20~ 195'0. The regular, weg~;,ly meeting of the Board eras neld ~t 10:00 o'clock A. Ni. ~ Present: .4ddisor: :'earlett Ch~irr:i~n, Geo. 'u;. Tr~~~k, ~,s. I41. i~all~ C1aud 0'Shields~ Thurston C. Davis, County 1~torney i,:~rsden F,el.].am3~ ~r.d County Auditor Chas. F. Smith, ihe minutes of ineeting of la;arch 13, 1~ j0, ~~.erF re~d and ~_nr,roved as recorded. A request of~T,4rs. J. Hau~hton James that repairs be made to a road about 700 feet in Tength running east fros the Greenville-Sea~ate Loop Road from a point on s~id road • ^~~iy approximately one and one half miles fi~om ~.ts~ intersection v;ith the Pfi~sonboro Highway, ~ v~hich serves seven ian:ilies, nine school children and a number of commercial fishermen, was~ a.fter discussion, snd on motion of i~~r. Ha1.1 seconded by i~~r. U'Shields, approved and and the State Highvaay and Public 4"ork.s Coi~mis~ion v~as requested to drag the same and include the s~id road in the County ~ysi:em for St~te raintenance. ~r~ A reTort of the ~tiilmin~ten Publi.c LiUr~ry and Eook_;oohile for February was received and filed. ~. i Upon motion of Ur. D~vis, seconded by I~r._Hall, payment cf ~55.48 to Ka.te tfi~ad~, Goldsboro,I~.C., ~C fcr two 3~ys servi.ces, transportation and expense substitute reporting Su~Erior Court, PJi~rch CiviliTern}, 1950~ for i~~r. Dm~ight IvIcEwen account' of sickness, ;~:as authorized on a.pproval of Hon. ~. Paul Frizzell~ Jud~e Presiding. And the said amount ordered deducted from :,4r. IucEv:en's s~lary as court stenogra.pher as provided in his contract. Upon motion of B.r. 0'Shi.elds, seconded L,v ,'dr. Davis~ the Board authorized the purchase of a two page advertisement in the North Carolina Food Dealers Association bool:let~ RSarch issue~ ,(,~~~ for advertising the resources and advantages of the county, at a cost of ~170.00 to be ~ paid one third e~ch bq the Count~, CS.ty ~nc Ch~n:ber of Conmerce; or in the event the R ~ Chamber of Commerce does not p~rticipzte in the er.pense, authority is given to purchase ,~, one page advertisernent at. ~ cost o£ ~8~.00 to be g~id jointly by the City snd County. . v Upon motion of I~,r. Davis, secer.ded b} ;.r. G'Shie].ds~ the Eoard 3ccepted an offer of ~/ Ilir. Fred 'N. Everett to furnish the r..~teri~l and decor3te the front of the court house C~ building for the azalea festival ir°~rch 31 throurh April 2nd, as per sketch submitted, - at a cost of ~;26.00 ' • ~A report of the Count,~ F.lect~•~cal Inspecto~• ior Febru~ry ~vas received a.nd filed. ~ ~y~ / ~ , , ~~: Ivieetino of ivi? rch 20, 1950 ~ continued . ~ PTo objection was ra.ised by the Eaard t.o the ~~,plicati.on of Ie~r, E. A. Vl~ldenrr~?ier ~rv.~ to the United St?tes District Fngineer~ for permission to censtruct a v~harf in Banks Channel on the east side of Ha,rbor Island appror.imately 500 feet south of the highvaay bridge at P;riphtsvi~le beach. ,~¢~ A copy of the mir:utes of the Board of Trustees of Coml~uunity Aospita.l, February 15~ 1°j0~ ~t~ t~ras received 3nd filed. Upor. motion of ielr. D~.vis, seconded by Nir. 0'Shielcis, the Board confiru~ed its action at a conference held 1~4arch 15, 1950, in grsnting the Southern Be]_1 Tel.ephone Co., ~~ right of tivay to set poles ~.nd run telephone l,ines ~iong the north ~ide of the County Home road and e~st side of road leading to Blake's abattoir~ provided the ~~lephone ~ Comgany v;i.ll re-locate, at its ovm e~:pense, on said property, its lines, pole~ ~nd • fixtures to conforu~v~itn future building ir.:provements. Upon rnotion of I~;r. ~Javis,.seconded by i,:r. 0'Shie~.dG, Thomas i~~7arshall Sellers, a resident _.~~ of P4affitt; Village i~i3sonbo*_~o tovanship~ w~s g~anted an ~batement of poll t3x.es as to 'uJiln,in~ton tov,~nship, '._i=ted i.n i,he City in error,ior tne year 1~4G. 9 request of idr. ivStn r~y ~~mes for correciion o? erroneous charge of back tar.es agsinst , 1~~Y the p7~operty of.' Andrew ~acYson Fi.elds, block ri8~ £or the year 1~4'7 and prior ye3rs, v~as ~/ upon rrotion oz :_r, 0'Shieldc, second~d b~~~6r. D~vis~ referred to the County Auditor, County ,:,upervisox• ~nd CountS P,t•';;crney for ~nvestication and va~th pov~~er to act. Upon r,.otion of ::r. D3~~is, ,e c~nded b;, Pir. 0'Shields, i~ack taY.P,S~ cost and interest l\G`~ ~r.r!ounti.ng to ~12.4g ch~rQe~ in 2;ror against D. r`. Bov,en~ on the i~,7 r~ end part lot 5~ ~- S.n uloc'_s ~l? for ttie ~•e•=zs ~.;q.] ~nc3 iaq8_~ v~as c?nceiled and the same ordered charged ?P,ainst t'r.e p?~o~er o;~mer to he dater:,i:~ed by the cor.mittee. A reqtzest of i4r. Boren far a. reittnd of ~:7.10 t3zes p~id on s~r,e for the ye3r 1946~ ~n~~.s declined on opinion of the Count,y 9t~orney th~t 'he Corrr:issioner~ li~.ve no 1~P,~1 right to re.fund taxe~ p~id b~ck of the prPvioiz~ tv;c ye~rs unlnss ~~aid ~znder protest. ~ tipon r.iotion of i..r, D3vis, seconded 'u~~ i~:r. ?T311, Ros3 T.hompson Grant ~nd V'lilli~m Etlis C~Green, t~~~o dis.~b]_e~ indiFent citizens, vrere u.pon recommend~tion of +he Supt.~ of Puhlic P'ielPar~, 3~?mitted tc t'.1e Count,y .?or.ie. ~?~ir. George I. Cr~ndall former Caret~ker of }.he County'S Oak Grove Cemetery who was ~a~ ~ recently t7•ansferred to Legion Stadium, ~^3s upon motion of' i~r. H~11~ seconded by i,-Ir. L`~visg ~:~de~Assistant Superintendent of Legion St~dium. Upon motion of i~;r. Trask, seconded t:y t:ir. 0'Shields, LSrs. Eliza 1ri, Divine tvas ~r~nted " `/~~ an ~batement of not ,listed penalty ch~rged against lot 3, in block ~~ Green~vood for the J year 19a9. It sppe~red +hat she listed othei~ propeT•ty for th~t ye~r, but tYims lot was overlooked. ir`iclrj~OV13 .~~nY, c~ Trust Compa~ny was gra.nted ~n ~.bai:enent of taxes cn~a r~lu~tion of ~~G~ ~425.00 assessr~ent cha.~!*ed ~~~irst ioi~s 25 3nd ?6, ir_ blocK ~j~ Silnset P3rY, for the • ye~rs ~Q4~ and 19n9, account oi double ch~r~;e,the sen~e h~ving,been sclc] to and listed by ~.I~'.i?ich £or the , e~r 194fi 3nd ,':.i .?Iinson fo: the ye~ r 19~9. lir3on motion of iJr. Hsll.~ secondeu b3- I~`r. .~r~sk~ bsrs, Henry J. i~I~cIvTil2an N'3S r.~med as the ~l~ County's ~p~,ointee on i:he i~ev; Fi3nover County i!~eliare Eo~r.d for ~ t2rm oi three years, / to succeed ivlrs. .'houias ~. Gause ~r~hose term expires 4pri1 1, 1950, aiter ivir. U'ShieZd's su~gested the 3.npointir:ent of L.rs, ~.'v7al.lace Ctest. ;rir. 0'5nields asked to be recorded as not voting. ~ Jpon ~:~otior. of Itir. Davis~ secendEd by ]~[r. 0'Shields, ±'r_e. Bo~rd vo"ted to coope:~te vNith /~~ i~.ir. Geo. H. FIutaff in keeping trespassers and urt-authorizsc perso:is off the Connty olvned triangle shape parcel cf land loca.ted bet~~aeen the Old Hed Cross site ard his property. . ?he i7eetit~g then ad;journed. .~!'T-~.-.~ C~erk. g^ (/ 4Vilir~ington, N. C., N,3rch 27, 1950. The regular ~veekly rneetinp of the Board vras held ~.t 10:00 o'clock G. ItR. , Present: A~'dison ?~e~:rlett Cha.irr^~n, Geo. 4:. Tr~sk, Jas. I~'. Ha7.l, Claud 0'Shields. Thurston C. Davis, County Attorney I~4arsden Eellam~~ and Count,y Aud~to° Chas. F. S:r.ith. The rai.nutes of ineetinp, of alQ~rch ~0, 1950, wer•e re~d and ~pproved as recorded. A 7~equest of ~;Ir. Richa.rd Dobson ~nd i:;r, ~. L. F7.o~rrers for an apgropri~tion of ~I00.00 ~tONi~rr~ p~yin~ the expense of trip b~ i:he ~ur~io: H~~h School Band to Greensboro to ~ particip~te in a S*ate cortest, ~^~~s ur-o?i ~7otio:~ of '1r. H311, seconded 'hy ?,•Ir. D~vis, , ~rer.ted out of +he ~dvertisin> fund for adver~is_n~ the resources ~nd ~dvant~ges of the County. • 4 deleration of i.nterested citizens ~r:d :,:in:rte;s af loc~1 churches includin~ the t~everends H.J.i~lilson, P~rtor of ~th, Street Advent Christian Church, E.TN.Pate, , Pastol~ of Calvary F-,~pt~st Church, Gordaa l9eekley, P~stor of iUi~sonhoro E~pt~st Church~ Ch~rles ~, PIzddr3~, Pastor ri~ st Ba~tist Church and Bi.shop VVi11is, Pa.stor of T3bernacle r~ ~~~~ E~ptist Church anpeare.d ~.r.d =noke at length protestin~ the action of thi_s Bo3rd taken ~t meeting of P.~arch 13th~ 1950~ Fernitt5.n~ the sa.le of beer ~~ri this County outside - ].nCOI'~Or~t?a m~anir_ipa.~7.5.ties on Stznd~ys~: ?t resol.ution of the„~R__?~.tist~ou~.c~1-o~.il.~"ir.Fton '' nr~inv tha.t the recent scti.on of the Ccnmissioners in Ie~ali~ing the s~le of beer on Sunda,ys be rescinded i.::mer3i~te13~, v~s ~resentecLht~ the Reverend Gordon ti'~eekley. The : m~tter r:~as discur-sed at lenp,th butlno ~i:tiori~~~.Ias taY>en. 1..66 L4eetin~ of March 2'7, 1950, continued. Upon motion of A~Ir. Davis, seconded by °~r. Tr^sk~ the admission of Shepard Utley C to the County Home on a tempora~y basa.s~ reca^r,.ended by tne Snpt.~ of Public ~ Ylelfare, vras approved. A resolution requesting tfie Boa,rd of Commis,^ioners of Dlev: f?anover County to issue ~t school bui7.ding ronds ir: the ~rount of appro3cim3tely a:106~000.00, or as large ~.s the r~~g5 lirnitations of the Count~~,ri:~~nce "~.ct v~ould ~llovr, for the purpose of constructi.ng additSons to 3nd remo~lalinn ~nd co:~pleteinp t~ar~oii~ schools throu~hout nTec+i ?~anover County v;here the need for ^~.:ch additi~ons is judged most ~cute~ v;as receiv,ed from the o£ Educaticn 3nd upon mot;.or. of "r. G'Sh7elds, seconded by kfr: HaZI, acti.on on the request v:^S ~j~Ft~)Ol'1PC] until the nES~t meet~n~ of the Bo~,rd at v:hich tirne members of t] L~oard of Education. were requ~ste.d to be present to discuss the matter. Roa rd e Unon metion of T•..r. D3vis, ~econded t;y r~.r. 0'Shields, Qua1_it~~ Concrete Products Comr3ny -n~`~ of C?pe Fear tovanship i~~~s g;snted an ab~tement of taxes on ~ va].uation of °`1~825.00 ) charcedheithtr.of CJilr~in~*ton onls~~ on per~ona7. prc;~erty located in Cape Ye~r ToNlnship @ ~ty taxes in e.ror for the ye~r 1949. Co,rununicati.ons !~~~e~e received from the State Hi~hvray~ and Yublic Works CommiGsion advising the a:~ditions of Lod~.r's Lane, rnnnin~ fron: the I:7?~rt1e Jrove Loop Road ~~~c~ to :uIyrtle Grove Sound, ~nd the Old b~°asonboro-Heasley Ro~d, to ou.r ~tate n;~int~inPd County Rosd System, but did not approve the addition of ~ a road running from h;~ercer Avenue to Live Oak Avenuea Harnett tovmship, ~nd St. Joseph Street from the City lir.~its of Carolina Beach to State Hit'hvray 421, thence to Lake Park Boulev~rd at Carolina Feach; 3s an invest~~;~t~on shows th~t the serrices rendered u.~ill not justify th;_s eypenditure at this time. A le3se 3nd a~reement bPtv-een Auto R3ces Incc~porated ~r.d Pterr :Ianover County prepared by the Count,y 4u.~3i.tor in ~ccord~nce ~^~ith the terr;s ~.nd conditions ?~repd upon ~t a. meeting of the Eoard October 3, 1°49, ar,~3 P;I?rch 6th 19>0, for the purpose only of _~~ condu.ct~ng Steck Car Raccs on ihe race track ~t le~~cn St~dium, for ~ term of one }~e3r~ on tth~o Sund~ys of each r.:onth durin~ s3i.d pFri_ad, i~ras uron r~!otion of Trlr. Davis~ seconded by -4r. 0'Shiel~s, apnr~ved, ~nd the Ch~i.rr~~n ~ncl the Clerk of the Board ~^ere au{~horized ~nd directed to s9.Pn the s~id leese-~~reenent in ?,he na*~e of the County. ?'he Chairman • ~nd Ii;r. Tr~sk voten no for the re~son they are nr~posed to the use of Legion Stadium , for com,r,ercial pur.poses cn Sund33~. ~ A lette: v~as received frem !'e~rs, Her.:;~ J. t~,tac?:ii~lan ~dvresing t:h3t, she ~~•ill be ur.able to -~ ~ccept the ~ppo;.ntT:ent ~s a:;.er;:t,er of the ~Gelfare Bo~rd as she h3s definately plan.ned to be out of the Count,y £cr sever~l c~nnl.'~s. TherAunon I.'s. Davi= moved a,nd j.t v~1s secohded by u~ir. 'Pr~sk and c~r~i.ed th~t I~,2rs. Eva Long, President of the Courity Council of Home Demonstration Cluh=,•4605 YJr~=htsvi~le 9venue~ be arpointed ~s the Commi~`tsioners' ~rpointee to serue on the Cat~.rt5• VJelf'are Eoard for 3 period~of thr.ee ye3x's be~5.nni.ng ~ April 1~ 1950~ to succee3 ~~?rs. Thor,~as ~. G^use ~~hose term eypires on t;h.3t`:l~te and not eli~ible for re-a~po?.ntment w~der the iae~. \ ~ Upon r~otior of ia~r. b~vis, seccnde~ by P~ir. 0'Shields= the Boa.rd m•ent on record ~vith an t/ expression of anpreci3tion of the thirteen ye~rs ].oy~.l and effi.ci.ent service C'rs. Gause ~-G rendered 3s the County's 3npointee. ~ Upon r.,otion of P~Ir. Trask, seconded by P~Ir. Hall~ h~r. Gec. H. Hut~ff was granted nermission p~~/ to erect ~ v:~ire Tence across a priva.te roadv~a,y cn the Cour.t,y ci~~ned Red Cros= Sana.torium ~- premises to keep trespassers 3r.d un-authorized per~ons off the premises and for the protection of his 3djoinin~* property. / Apon r~otion of P,ix. Tra.sk, secondsd by ;~.qr~, Davis, Y.I.? ~3nard ~.utho~°ized and directed the can- ~/ ~ celletiori of ta; char~e ~n, tv~o 4 acre tracts of l~nd; one described a.spart of P~ixon /1~ 3.ssessed at w135.00 ;n the name of Iyi^li.ssie Green, ar~' the other described as Stckln)' _ a.nd Big C~um S~.v~t-,p, ~n `he ner,F of L°lJ~li':r~ ~nd 'JJestle5~ T;iyon, ~Hhich s3id tracts are included in 4? ~cres cf l~nd ov.~ned by 'rJii7.i^r: and 'J;estley Idi~on,.by i.nheritance from their father Anthony Pdixon. ~ Upon m,otion of :. r. D~vis. ins*rizct~_ons y°ere ~;iver. tc varite a letter to Ivlis= ~El~ine Noble expre=sin~ to her our ~nprec~ation for t?~e ei:f~cient servi.ce rendered this County ~,s ou: ~~~~ As~istant Hor.:e Dempnst.r~t~on Atent ~nd the rrork ~ccompli.shed in the 4*h pro~r~am and coor.eration vii.th tYie youth of our count}~. The County Attorney r.eported th~t arrengen~er.ts ha.ve been made t:o Ge.cure qui.t clairr deeds _~`7 in cottnecticn vaith clearin~ i;he title to the 13nd donated b3~ I~.1r. VJil2etts for the tubercul.osis San~torinr~ site and that the deed tr~nsferring, the propei•ty to the Co~znty should be ava.ilable for presentation to the Board a,t the nezt r~eetir.g. Upon moti.on of I~ir. Trask~ seconded by I~rs. D~vis~ of taxe= on ~ valuation of ~600.00 on buildings ~'~~~` a nd ~ot ~3; in block 30; Sunset Park in 194$• On parsonage located on an adjoini.np lot charged on $~1~620.00 Pontiac car bought Bpri1 27~ 1949, ~11 not listed. P,~?r. Geor~e T^lnan was granted an ab~teraent ^emoved from lot 14 in bl.ock 4, Woodlawn a va.luatior of $"1~~00.00 on church his lot in error, and on a valuation of charged in error for the year 7.9ag, as Upon motion of hlr. Tr~sk~ seconded b5r P.:r. Davi.s~ IDir. 'V3than 0. Reaves a resident of Columbus County and stationed on the P,Tendota here in 19n.9, was granted ~n ab?tement G~ of tax.es on a va,i.uation of dn610.00 on a 1946 Studeb?.ker car kept by his v;ife in Colwiibus ~ County for vrhich the 1949 license t~g v:~as bought in thi~ County; and r,ar listed here in error for the year'1949. Upon rnotion of tLr. Tra.sk~ seconded by T~ir. Davis, the I3oard approved the payment of ~p~~;20.~0 to 4my Meade 4tia],ker for reporting one day 5uperior Court Iylarch Term 1950.s~me ` to be deducted ~'ron the sel'~ry of IJir. Dv~ri~ht ;~rcL~n~en~ Court Steno~r~?her, in accordance ~+;ith his contract. Upon motion of Il4r. 0'Shiel~s, seconded by -7r. Davis~ the purchaGe of ? Monroe Automat~c calculating r~achine for fi~uring taxes~ recor,m:ended by the County Auei~or;~ at a cost of ~.~~ •°,:750.00 less ~~75•00 discount ~nd $130.Od trade-in allot~rance on the old r~~chine, :r~kin~ a total net cest of ~~45.00 to be paid out of the emergency~ fund9 was approved. ~1°6`~~ ~ Nteeting of h4arch 2'7~ 1950~ continued. ~?he follor~in~ good and l~v+ful pe~sons r^aere dr~v~n to sarve as jurors in the Superior ~ Court for the tri.a,l of civi.l cases for the two weeks terri beginning 17ondsy~ !ipril 10~ ~ 1950: UJm. H. Davis~ 1317 Princess St. Robert J. Ed~~~~rdG, Jr.~ 119 ~nn St. L.L.Doss~ 30 C.C.Pines. FJ.fi.Scotts P.G.Bor. 1_1~~. fienry S~ DeV3ne~ 31? N. 4th St. Cha s.'rl. Dennin~ ~ 1-Z I,ake i~ orest . V;'.E.Eaple~ 815 Chestnut 5t.~ E.E.D3ughtery, 17 Ivy Drive. DeCJitt I~~~erritt, 2206 S. F'ront St. C.L.Curtis; 80° S. yth St,. I.F.Urilliams ~ Box ,K?4 Carol; na F~a r.h. Grah3n; A. Clerrir.:ons~ EO Fin?crest Pkrry. V?~m. A, Cottle ~31 Kenv~rood ~lve. R.G.lisv~.c~ 51~ Grace St. D.O.Da,vis~ 21,1 Vl~lnut St. Geo. F. Coston, 615 Surry St. J.P.Crawiord~ 408 Central Boulevard, Ben F. D~wkins~Jr.m 9 Ct.C-Lake Forest. Edw i~i. t,~cY:oy, 283 iGirnosa Place Geo. R. VJil.kins~ 1308 S. 4th St. 19m. R. c*_~igr, 617 s. 6th St. A.J .IticGee ~ 417 P1. 5th St . L.Z.Ir.~~r~ham, Caroli.r.a Beach General Delivery. Paul Deil~ 604 Colwell Ave. l`J. E. Cox, ~¢4 Carolina Apts. I~eo Flovrler~ 68 Spofford I~iil].s. Tv.i.Fllers, 312 S. 6th, St. E.l"T. Fd~^~~ rds 9 7.7~ Coloni.~l Vil.l.~ ge . '11'~erY, t3. Craigr~~ 910 Princess St. Ho~va rd 'a1. Eldridge ~ 806 Central Boulevard . ~.C.Bullard~ ^651-A Jefferson St. _P,.F{.Evere+t~ 151^ Dock 5t. _ Thos.0.b4urray, kt.l~ nox 143. Kenneth E~ton~ 118 N. 23rd St. J.4.Eichorn~ 708 T+. 3rd~ St. Earl PJhite, 2009 bletts Ave. Second week- V. A. Creech~ Ulri.flhtsville Ave. D. G. Daniels, 1410 Dock St, :'i.S.P~RcIieithan~ Jr., 1'] Ct.O-T~ake Forest ' Cl~rence C. Chahoc~ ?07 itidder St. E.].Casteen~ 407 QuFen St. VJ,G,H~ukins~ Rt.?~ Box ~41-B. 1?'m. F. Eva.ns ~ 219 Bruns~,ick ~t . , J.AT.Jenkins~ 609 `~orthern Hlvd. J.E.Jeffre~s,514 S. i8th St. ` Cliif Snith~ Sr.~ ?~ox 105 Car. R~~ch. I.O.Dempsey~ 70~ Centr~.l Blvd, B. C. Dea.n, 7.12 i~;. 5th St. J.J.Ezzell, 5 St. H, I,ati_e Forest. - C.P.Ell.iott, 116 S. 17th 5t.. J.'r'.Cox; ~r.~ 2? Ct.J; L-~ke ro:•sst. iF1._^l. Cr~v~ford~ 410 S. ?_2nd St. • E. Y.. Sheriiv~n, Rt.l. ' Mrs. B. P. EF~elston~ 1.0° 1d. 17th St. The meeting t'~en sdjo~irned. ~ __• ' .~ .~ s.~_~~ Clerk. D. C. Edmondson~ 108 S. 4th~St. VJalter fl~1. Bell, 67.1 S. F'ront St. J.l~V.~vans, Jr.~ 1017 S. 6th; St. C.H.Casteen. 1506 Dock Sti: E.T.Cottle~~Rt.2~ P~oy 289-3. 9d~m Vd. Ellison~ 1610 Market St. J.H.De~_ton~ 616 Dock St. l'd. 5. Crai~, ].09 G~looster "t. l^,'.:i.Der,~~2, 12 S. 6t:~ St. Ar~3~ton E1.iiG~ 301 S. 6th St. J.'r;.Justice, 1810 Cestle St. R.iJ.DFH~ven, 120 Eorden Ave, J.sl.Crr~or~ 35 Pinecrest P3rk+F~3y. Hoderick B. i;ciieithan, 319 Che?~tnut St. VJilbur H. Davis~ #~~ Ct.O~ I~ake ro~•est. J. E. }:lutz, Box 5?3 Carolina Beach. L. ~. E.zel,l~ 303 P,la.den St. J. 1r~. Ecerel:t~ P.C~.Eox 159d. '~:rilmi.nFton~ ~~ PT. C., Apri_1 3, 1°50. The regul3r weeklp meetin~ o~ the Board v;as nPia at 10:00 o'clock `~. ".. Present: ~~d3ison Hewlett Cha~;ri~n, Geo. N`i. Tr~sk~ ~~s. I+4. F;~11, C13ud C'Shiel~s~ Thurston C. D~vis, County attorrey P.:arsden Be~2amy ~nd County 9uditor Ch~s. F.Smith. The n:i.nute~ of ineeting of i~i~rch 27~ 197~~ were :~ead and ^pproved ~s re-corded. A request of T;~!r. Du31ey Hurnphrey to serara.te the assessment cn land and three bualdings owned by r~r. L~i. Freedland~ block 326 over ~he past five years,to en~ble the ovrner to ,~~~ pro rate the t?xes„u.nder contract to sell, v~~s upon r.~otion of 1.'r. T_~a.sk~ seccnded by / iiir. 0'Shie].dsi referred to the tax asse~sors, Tax Supervisor, Count}~ At+orney and Gounty Auditor v~ith not<<er to a,ct. pon ,:,otion of -i;ir. ='~~sY, secon,9ed bp ~`i . U~vis~ the Chai.rn:an :nd the Cl.erk of the oard ~:~ere authcrized te ehecuge~ on beh3lf~oi the County~ ~ license ~greemen~t prep~red y the Civil 4eronautics 9dmini~traticn, F,r~nt~n~ to the T;nited Stat=s of America the i~ht and privile~e to.inst~ll. oper~te an,n rr:~int~in ~n Instrwnent T?nding ~_ysten; upon e~^ Hanover C~unty 4ir,~oi°t~ ~nc~ espec5.~~7~ urot: l~nc]s v;ithin the bounds of the Airport nd r.ore p~rticul~rlj~'described in the ~~?eement under title of "Description of Localizer . ite'~ and "Descript9on oi Gl~de P~.th ::ite". The•follov:inp, cony of a resol~t~or, p~rsed b~; t!:e Boa:d of Educati.on at its meeting he].d ~~'~anLary 16th~ 7.950, v~hich ~ras pre~=nted to this 3oard ~t meetina of I~-^•rch i'J, 195~~ and -~ ~cction on s~me postponed tzr.t,;i this r~~etin~ v~?s broupht up ~.nd discussEd ~~~ith Dr. John T. ~ ?'ogg~rd, Ch~irm~.n cf t~e Bo^rd of Ec'uc~t_on, H. ?;i. Rolend, Superintenc~~nt of uchools~ P~ir. • ~. C. Roe 3nd a":r. L. n. 1,~ney, raer:T,ers rf the io~rd of E~uc~tion: "The Count} Board of Fducatier. of P'ev, H~nover Cnunty met 3t the Court House in Plilmi.naton~ Pi. C., J~r.tz~ry 16th~ 1950, '.t '7:30 o'r'.ock P. ivi. in regul~r se=si.on. Present: Dr. John T. Hogg•~rd, Chairr:an,~.C.P,oe, E.A.Leney, bYrs. C.L.il4eister, J.S.Cr3ig~Jr.~ Absent: L.T.La.nden. -,O~The follo~~:ing resolution ~vas intreduced, re3d and discussed: /` ~ RESOLL~'IOP~ HERU~STING '~'~~ BOAkD OP' Cbl~a~4ISSI0A.ERS FOP, TF~ COIINTY Or PiEVd HA3'.OVER TG 1SSUE SCHOOL - BUILDI~dG POT~DS. BE IT RESOLVED~ by the County Eoard of Educetion of n1ev; Hanover County: Section. 1. That it is necess~ry in order to mair_tain the. cor_stitution3l six month's school term in Nev~ Hanover County to provide the follo~+~ing school irr.nroverrents: ~ ~:~: ~'~ , .` P~4eeting of April 3~ 1950~ continued. ~ • Constrttcting ~cid5tions to 3nd rer.:odPZin~ ~nd ccrpletin~ various schools throuehout r~ev~ F.~nover County ~~,here the neec' for such ~ddition~. is ;;udged most ~cute. Section ?, Th~t after a ca.re£ul survey oi t;he school needs of Nev~ Ha.nover County, the• Board h~s found th~c-, the n.oney pPOT71CjEC~ b~ the State of North Ca; olin3 is in~dequ~te to pey the cest of conet~iuct;en of t}~e school improvements r~eemed necesear} £or the ea,u~li.z~tion of or,nortun~ty throughout r~ew ff~nover Courty~ Therefore; the Board of Educ~i,:on ~inds it necessary to request the Bo~rd of Count;,~ Co;~missioner~ to aui.^orize ~nd ~=sue r3~ras oi Nev: H?:.over County under the County Fir.ancE 9ct zs 3n ~dr,.inistr~tive a£ent of the Sta~e of Dlorth C3rolina i.n providi.r.g a St~te ~;stPrr: of rnr7.ic scY~ools. The 5o~rd of Educ~tion m~kes this request in o-r?er th~t said school i.mp:ovFnents m~~, be provided. ~s Section 3. That the Board of Cor,mi~Gicaers o£ the~~ot,nty of PTe~~i fiaaover her,eby is rer~uested ~o order the i=su~nce of CountS~ F.oar~s to provide the improvements enun:er~ted in Section 1 of this resolution, and the Secretsry of t,his Board is herebSn directed to immedi2te15~ ce.rtif,y a copy of this resolution to s?id Bo~rd of Con.missioners. ~ Upon ~otior. ef h1r. ?.aney~ ~econded by 1yr. Roe, the Sore~oinF res~lution vras adopted ~~C by the follov~inp vote: • . . Ayes: br. John T. Ho^~gard J . C . fioe L.A.L~ney 2rirs,C.L.&iei.ster ' J.S.CraiP~Jr. P?oes: T?one." ~J• The Count.y Commirsioners r;~ere advise~ h~~ the Count,y 4uditor th3t ~,°190~000.00 of our bonds ~',~y-_`N were retired for the year ending .,vne 3~~ ?9~9, ~nd~ that tr,o-th~.rds r,f th3t 3moun.t is ~'V ~126~000.00, ~rrhicti i: the n;?a•imur^ ~rr.ount o° bnnds ~1?.ov:ed to be issued v~ithout ~ vote of the'people. Thereupon Prir. Tr~sk r~oved ~nd it ~~~~s ~e:conded bZ- t.':. 0'Shields and ~ u~~a-~imousl;~ ~dopted that the renuest of the Bo~rd c£ ~duc~tion be granted, 3nd th~t school buildin~ bond~ be is~ued ~r the ~~,.ount ef ?~106~000.00 for the purpo,e of constructing nev~'school buildi~~s ~nd for rep~ir:n~ olc': school bu_ldin~s in P<ev~ H~nover. A deed pren~red by~ the Conr.ty lttorney, .cor.vPyir_g to ~t;he ~ county a~tract o£ 7.~nd on' the ~old ?~ri~htsville Tur»pike don~tEd b5~ T;r, Frederick '~:illetts for a site on which to ~ ~j~ es~ect tYie proposed tuberculosi.~ ho~nit31, u~~s ;~re=ented to the Bo?rd b~~ PRr. t'Jilletts. Also qult cl~i7 deed fror~ J. A1den He:rS.n~ et ?ls to Prederic}~ Willetts coverinn l~nd in c%hich the 3tove tract is inclu~?ed, foun:: neces~~ry bt• the Count3~ 9ttorney to comp].ete t?~e title. 9 re~~uest of i:?r. ti'1, :1lbert B:o~~~n~ !rustee, for ~n ~haterent of Y,he i949 t~res chartred ~~. a~ainst th~ ,r,roperty of the Fi:st Chri~ti~n Church, lot ?1; ~7.eander; purch~sed Janu?.ry ~ 22~ 194°, gor a p~rsonage, v~as oecl-ined fcr the reason the church did not own the FxopErty J3nuar,~ 1, 7.9~g, ^nd the s3me +~~~s not ~ctu~lly occup9_ed by thc p~stor. A petition of tvae]_ve propert,y a•:ners prepared o~~ ~t~te Form R-7,0, n?titl~ninp the ~r~ Baar~l to r2cuest the St~te F'_ighr~ay and Public P~orks Cor~mission to rep3ir and r-,~int3in ~- .~ Terth Street, Pa.rk Avenue ~ad Peachtree A~enue in t`iest Andubon, v~as upon motior. of P~ir. C'Shields~ seconded b~~ I;'r. Davis, approveca 3nd referxed t:o ~'r. A, i'Ji.lbur Clark~ St3te Eigh~=:a~~ Co~~~r!iss~.one.r at Fayett.eville for considerat~on. Pdo objections r~ere indS.caLeci bt~ the Board to the 3pn].ic~ti.on of the Four County c~~ey ~lectric I,Iemtership Corpor3tion of Rur~av ; to the lini.tecl ~~1tes District ~n~ineer for -`~ nermicsion to corstruct ~ v,~i.re c~ossing over the Iiorthea.st Cape Fear Hiver ~6 feet do•rrnstream from the hi.ghv:~3}• bric~ge aear Rocky Point. 4 report v~~s receivFd from the F~acl; T~r. Co~l~cto!~ ~dv;sin~ th~t y",~5,a63.~5 •was collect~d for ~1a~ the Cit,y end ~;3,9a5.09 for the Couni,y, rrinkinr ~ tot~1 of C'9~40&~.84 b~.c'.~t taxes co1?ected for the :noi:th of ::~Tarch. . c A report of t?~~e ~ctivit;es af the C^lored ~7cre Derr~r~~t.r=?ticn Acent for t;re rnoath of P.4arch ~%~ 1^;"c P ~' ~~~r~ ~~. S~Oi OCr1CP ~U?-^~~.2ES 3:1C~ 3Tt1.C185 ~1~2C'1 :.11 q2i`.~02"iStl'?t1.0175 ~ ~ r_ceived, end ~~yrent c~ 4:_., ~.,~ s ~.pproved . ~:'~ con:munication v:~~ r=_c~ived "ror. Col. Ke~neth ::. Ccrbett, Comn:andin~ o°fieer CAC, statin~ th^t it ?~~~G ~r~tif~in~^ ?c see Cvae nee~~ county fii~e truck in opnr~tion at _Q.4 Bluether,thal Field 1~=t w•a~~.r~~}-, ~:~d en beh~lf cf t,~e en`ire co~~~r;;~nd eapre;~~ed t~~ni:s So: the R.~s~ fine job dore p:otectinF ti,e ^-~tional Guai~d Pui1d-in~s. , JTon motion oF rir, D^.v~~, seconled Y.~ :.r. Fiall, the Eo~rd unanimousl'y endorsed ~ ,~ and urged the State Hir,hc•~y ~nc Ptzblic !;'orks Comm~ ^sion to 3T~roint ]~1r. R.V. . Fiberstein as aesist~.nt hi.~hs;ay en~ineer for this r'.is*rict should a v~c~nc,y oceur. '1~ UF~on motion of I:ir. Davis~ seconded by Dir. 0'Shie7ds, .;osep~i C~rter, a res~dent of ~ T.iasonboro Toi+inshi.p' no~v an i.nmate ir. a St~te S~n~toritun, rras exPmpt from the Paytaent - of potl taxes on account of physi.cal ciisabi.i.ity. ~,~:~''L'non r~oti.on oP rJT.r. F.Iall~ seconded b~* P~;r. Tr~sk~ authority•t~as ~iven to close the county o~fices P.':ond~y~ :1nriJ lOth, 1°50~ in obsero~nce of Easter :~.4onday zs a holiday. ~ ~«i•. 0'Shield= renorte~ +.r?t t}~E- construc*ion nf ±'ivP s=rills a.nd nece=sa.rST tahl.es ~.ncl `~ benches fcr picnic ~ecomod~.tions e.t Hu~}I i,Ta.cR~e n~rk ~~~ere completed Friday ~nd are n no~^~ r~~d3~ for use. A•request of "::r. 0'Shields to be ,err..iLted to secure cost,for the v insta.?1?.tion of pnmps, rest roo?~: r~cilities ;.rid. bu_].din~ oi ~n~~.rchv~ay st the entr3nce to the park as ~n ~dded conven~ence ~n cennection ~^~ith the er,u.ir~ping the park for piciiic ~nti recx•ea.tional use. ' ~ EScerpt from minutes o2' regul.ar meeting aprs.l 1nu~ ty7u ~~eing t,he date set by the Board at meeting of March, 13, 1950, for the adoption of a ~ (~ ~o g area at Bluethenthal Airport snd no one appeared to ob3eat to the sdoption oY auch \~~an ordinance , the follow3ng ordinanoe, was upon motion of Mr. Dsvis, eaconded by Mr. 0' v Shields, unanimous]y adopted.~(This oniinance reaolution is recorded_on l~xge Nimmber 169 in the Minutea of New Hsnover County Co~issionera for April 3, 195~) QN ORDINANCE PRpVIDING FOR THE ZONING OF THE AI~EA SUHROUNUING NEN HANOVER CatINTY AIRPORT .; PlHEftEAS in pursuance of the aut,hority conferred by Chapter 250 of the Public Iawa oY 1941, as amended, and for the purpoae of promoting the public health, public safety and general welfare by preventing the creation or establishment of airport hazards, thereby protectin~ the lives and property of usere of the New Hanover County Airport and of occupanta of land in its vicinity and preventing destruction or impairment of the utility of the Airport and the public investment therein; N07P, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDAII~D BY THE BOARD QF COUNTY COn9E4ISSI0NERS QF THG COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, 5TATE OF NORTH CAROLIIdA, as follows: SECTION 1. SHORT TTTIE. Thia ordinance ahall be known and may be cited as the "New Hanover County Airport Zoning Ordinance." SECTION 2. DEFIIdTTION. As used in this ordinance, unleas the context otherwiae requirea: (1) "Airport" means the Nee Hanaver County Airport. (2) "Structure" mesns any object constructed or inatalled by man, including but without limitation, buildinga, towere, amo;:e-atacks, and overhead tranamis&ion linea. •'-~ (3) °Tree" means any object of natural groflth. (4) "Airport k~azard" meaxie any overhead porver line~ not constructed, operated and maintained according to standard engineering practicea in general use or which ~interferes with radio communication between the airport~ which is publicly otivned, end aircraft approaching or leaning same; or eny structure or tree or use of land rvhich obstructa the aerial approsohea of the Ai.r...t or is other~vise hazardous to the landing or taking-off of aircraft. ~5) "Non=conforining use" means any atructure, tree, or uae of land which does not conform to a regulation prescribed in this ordinance or an amendment thereto, ae of the effective date of such regulations. (6) "Landing Area" means that area of the airport which is sa designated on the New Hanover Coutttp Airport Zoning P].an, numbered and dated , which is attached hereto and herebq msde a part hereof. :~; -2- (7) °Person" meena enq indivi3usl, firm, co-partnership, corporation, compeny, association, ~oint atock association or body politic~ and includes any truatee, receiver, asaignee, or other similar representatine thereof. SECTION 3. ZONES. In order to carry out the purposes of thia ordinance, all of the land within the area surrounding the New Hanover County Afrport and within the diatancea from the Lending Area of the airport affected by the below referenced zoxiea, is hereby divided into Inner Approach Zonea, Outer Approach Zonea~ Tranaition Zonea and Turning Zonea, the boundaries of ahich are as ahown on the New Hanover County ~ Airport Zoning Plsn, numbered ~ end dated ^~~~ ~ which ia attached hereto and herebp made a part hereof. Thie Plen is recorded in Plat Book Page Office of the Regieter of Deede~ New Hanoner Covnty, North Carolina. SECTION 4. HEIGRT LIl~IITB. Except as otherwiae provided in thia ordinance, no structure or tree ahall be erected, altered, allo~ved to grow, or maintained in any Inaer Approach Zone, Outer Approach Zone, Transition Zone or 1lzrning Zone to a height in excesa of the height limit-herein establiahed for auch zone. For the purposea of this regulation~ • the following height limits are hereby establiehed for each of the zonea in ques- tion: ,', (1) In the Inner Approach Zones, heighta not to exceed those heights eatab- lished by a plane inciined upward and outward from the nearest edge of the Lending Area at the runway center linea, such inclined plane riaing one foot vertically for each fiftp feet horizontally. (2) In the Outer Approach Zones, a height of 150~ above the elevation of the neareat edgea o£ the Landing Area at the runw~y center linea. (3) In the Transition Zoxiea which abut the Inner Approach Zonea, heighte above the inclined plsnes of the Inner Approach Zonea of not to exceed one foot vertically for each senen feet horizontall,p sahich the structures or trees lie distsnt from the lateral edges of said Inner Approach Zones, the diatances being measured at right angles to the center lines of said Inner 6pproach Zones. (4) In all other Transition Zones, heights above the elevationa of the neereat edges of the I.ending Area of not to exceed one foot vertically for each aenen feet horizontally which the etructurea or trees lie distant from the edges o£ said Landing Area, this distence being measured st right angles to said edges of the Landing Area. (5) In all Turning Zones~ a height of 1501 above the elevation of the nearest edge of the Lsnding Area. .'7 ~ ' T ~ ~3~ SECTION 5. USE RESTRICTION5. NotAithatanding any other proviaions of this ordinance, no use may be made oF land within any Inner Approach Zone, Out~r Approach Zone, Tranaition Zone or Turning Zone, ea to create electrical interference with radio communication be~ tmeen the airport and aircraft; make it difficult for flyers to distinguiah between airport lights and others; result in glare in the eyes of flyera uaing the airport; impair visibility in the vicinity oY the airport; or otherwiae en- danger the landing~ taking-off, or maneuvering of airaraft. SECTION 6. NON-CONF~iM]NG TJ.SES. The regulations prescribed in Sectiona 4 erid 5 of this ordinance ehall not be construed to require the removal, lowering or other change or alteration of any etructure or trees not conPorming to the regulationa as of the effective date hereof, or otherw3ae interfere with the continuance of any auch non-conforming use. SECTIUN 7. VARIANCES. Any person desiring to erect any atructure or increase the height of any structure, or periait the gro~vth of any tree, or otherwise uae hia property, not 1n accordance with the regulations prescribed in thia ordinance, may apply to the Board of Appeals for which provision ie made in Section 12, for a variance there- . from. 5uch variance ehall be allowed where a literal application or enforcement of the regulationa would result in practical difficulty or unnecessarp luirdship and •~ the relief granted would not be contrary to the publio interest but do substantisl - justice and be in accordence with the spirit of this ordinance. SECTION 8. PER9dITS. (1) Future uses. No material change shall be made in the uae of land, and no structure or tree ahall be elected, altered~ planted, or otheravise establiahed which is or v+ill be of greater height than the maximum prescribed in Section 4 of thia ordinance, in any Inner Approach Zotte, Outer Approach Zone, Traneition Zone, or ~arning Zone, unleas a permit therefor ahall have been applied for and granted. Each such applicatiott ahall indicate the purpoae for which the permit is desired, nith sufficient particularity to permit it to be debermined whether the resulting use~ atructure, or tree would conform to the regulationa hereixi preacribed. If such determination is in the affirmative~,the permit applied for shall be granted. (2) Existine IIses. Before any exiating use, etructure or tree may be replaced, subatantially altered or repaired, rebuilt, allowed to grow higher, or replanted which will be of greater height than the maximum preacribed in Section 4 of this ordinance~ within any Inner Approach Zone~ Outer Approach Zone, Transitiott Zone or Turnin~ Zone, a permit must be secured authorizing auch replacement, change or repair. No such permit shall be granted that would a11ow the establishment or creation of an sirport haaard or permit a non-conforming use, atructure or tree to be made or become higher than the maximum height preacribed in Section 4 of thia ordinance. Except as ittdicated, all applications for a permit for replacement, change or repair to existing use, structure, or treo ahall be granted. -4- SECTION 9. F~ZARD iuiARICTNG AIdD LIGHTING. Any permit oT variance granted under Seetion 7 or 8 may, if auch action ie deemed advisable to effectuate the purposes of this ordinance and reasonable in the circumstances~ be so conditioned as to require the owner of the structure or tree in question to~ at his orvn expense~ inatall~ operate~ and maintain thereon auch markera and lights as may be deemed necessary by the Administrative Agency of the Airport to indicate to f tyera the presence of an airport hasard. SECTIuN 10. A.~rEA15. (1) Any person aggrieved, or anq officer, department~ board or bureau of this political subdivision affected~ by any decieion of the Administrativ6 Agency oP :the Airport made 1n the administration of this ordinance may appeal to che Board of Appeals for which provisioxi ia made in Section 12. (2) All appeals taken under this,Section must be taken within thirty days~ by filing with the Adminietrative Agency of the l~irport and with the Board~ a notice of appeal epecifying the grounds thereof. The Administrative Agency of the Airport shall forthwith transmit to the Board all the papers constituting the record upon which the action appealed from wea taken. • (3) An appeel ahall stay all proceedings in furtherance of the action appeal- ed from, unlesa the Administrative Agency of the Airport certifies to the Boax'd~ "" after the notice of appeal has been filed with it~ that ';by reason of the facts: ', stated in the certificate a stay ~+ould, in its opinion~ cause 3mminent peril to life 6~r property. In such case, proceedings shall not be stayed otherwise than. by order of the Board or by a court of record on application, on notice to the Administretive Agency of the Airport and on due cause shown. (4) The Board shall fix a reasonrable time for the hearing of the appeal~ give public notice and due notice to the parties in interest, and decide the same within a reasonable time. Upon the hearing any party may appear in peraon or by agent or by attorney. ~ (5) The Board may~ in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance~ reverse or affirm~ wholly or partly, or madify, the order, requirement~ decision, or determination appealed from and may make auch order, requirement~ decision~or determination es ought to be made~'and to that end ahall have all the powers of the Administrati¢e Agency of the Airport. (fi~) The Board ahall make written findings of fact and conclusione of law giving the facts upon which it acted and its lagal conclueiona from auch fects in~ reversirlg, or affirming, or modifying anp order, requirement~ deciaion~ or deter~ mination which comes before it under the provisions of this ordinance. (7) The concisri.ng vote of a majority of the menbera of the Board ahall be sufficient to reverae any order~ requ~rement~ deciaiona, or determination of the Administrative Agency of the Airport~ or to decide in favor of the applicant on any matter upon which it is required to pesa wider this ordinance~ or to effect any variation in this ordinanee. ~ ~ ~ .' ~ -5- SECTION 11. ADMIMISTRAT NE AGENCY. The Airport Pdanager is hereby designated the administretive agency charged with the duty of administering and enforcing the regulatione herein preacribed. The dutiea of the Administrative Agency of the Airport ahall include that of hearing and deciding all permits under Section 8, but the Administrative Agency of the Airport sha11 not hane or exerciae eny of the pov~ers or duties herein deiegated to the Board of Appeals. SECTION 12. BOAP.D OF APPEAIS. (1) There is hereby created a Board of Appeals to have and exerciee the follov~ing powera: (a) To hear and decide appeals from any order, requirement, deciaion or determination made by the Airport ~fanager in the enforcement of this ordinance. {b) To hear and decide special exceptions to the terma oP thia ordinance upon rhich such Board mey be required to pass by subaequent ordinances; (c) To hear and decide speciSic variances under Section 7. ~ (2) The Board of Appeals shail consiet of 3 members, each to be appointed for a term of 3 years and to be removable Por cause by the Board of County Co~iasionera " of New Hanover County upon written charges and after pubiic hearing. In the firat ,'. instance, one member ahall be appointed for a term of 3 years, one Por a term of 2 years, and one for a term of one year. Thereafter each member appointed aha11 aerve for a term of 3 yeare or until hia sucaessor ia duly appointed and qualified. ~ (3) The fioard shall adopt rules for its governanae and procedure in hermox~v with the proviaions of this ordinance. Meetinga of the Board shall be held at the cail of the chairman and at auch other times as the Board may determine. The chair- man~ or in his absence~ the acting chairmen, may administer oaths snd compel the attendance o£ witnesees. All hearings of the Board shall be public. The Board shall keep minutes of its proceedings, showing ~he vote of each member upon each question, or, if absent or failing to vote, indicating auch fact, and shall keep recorde of ita e~caminationa and other oPficial actiona, all of which shall immedi- ately be filed with the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners o£ New Hanoner County and ahall be a public record. SECTION 13. Ji1DICIAI~ REVIEYP. Any peroon aggrieved by any decision of the Board of Appeals or any taxpayer, or ang officer, department, board or hureau of the County of New Hanover may appeel to the Superior Court as provided in Section 6 of Chapter 250 of the Public La~s of 19k1. 5ECTi0td ld. PENALTIE5. Each violation of this ordinance or of any regulation, order of ruling promul- gated hereunder is hereby made a miademeanor and shall be punishable bq a fine of not more than ~50.00 or imprieonment for not more than 30 daqa, or both such fine and imprisonment, and each day a violation continuea shall be a separate offense. f , ~ ' ~ K Q -6- SECTi@I 15. CONF'LICTINO REGULATIUNS. V7here this ordinance imposes a greater or more etringent reatriction upon the uae of lsnd than ia impoaed or required by any bther ordinance or regulation~ the proviaions of this ordinence shall gonern. Nothing herein contained shall Lave the effect of relieving anq person from complying with any Federal Law or Regulation pertaining to requirements of filing notlce of construction or aiteration of strue- tures on or near civil airways. SECTIUN 16. SEVERAB1LiTY, ' If any of the proviaiona of thie ordinance or the application thereof to anq person or circumatances in held invalid, such invalidity ahall not affect other provisiona or application of the ordinance ehich csn be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to thia end the provisions of this ordinance are declared to be severable. SECTIuN 17. EFF'ECTrVE DATE. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted this day of ~ : I, Thomas K. -Poody, Clerk of the County of Nen Hanoner, do hereby certifp that the above is a true and correct copy of an ordinance adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover on the day of , 1950. Dated this day of 1950. Clerk, New Hanocer County , 1950. , Chairman New Hanover County Board of Co~issioners Co~iasioner Couunissioner Commisaioner Commissioner ~.69 il~ieeting of .9pr51 3~ 19)~~ cortinued. -•~~y U; or. ,_o*~on of '~'r. 0'Shiel:ls~ sec~~~s~ b^~ T'_A. H~1?_. irstructions v~~ere piver. to ,~ v~;rite a letter t.o ~?r. Georpe ~~iest, iirector of 'tTOCational ~ducation, and PJ.r. Arnold Feterson, Supt., of Cit,y P?rks and i?ecrea.tion, expressing our th~nks and ar~preciation for their services and cooperation rendered the County in sL.pe'rdi.si.ng the'construction' of the Facilities at High I~acRae Fark. Upon motion of I,Sr. Hall, seconc7ed ~b~ t~4r. Trask~ r4r. ~'lalter S. Hartma.n, a non-resident, Y w ho claims to have m~de rrritten request to list his property, but said reouest ~a~as not .~~°'I\ received~ i^ra•s released from the payment of not l.i~ter' penalty charged ~gainst lot 5~ in block ?_6; Caro?ine Beach for the year 1949. U~,on r,otion of Air. Trask, Levi Sidhury~ 50 years of a~e. Rt. 1~ H3rnett. tovrnship, i~~~ tia~as granted an aba,tement of pol]. t~r.es liste% in error for the ye~,: 19~'r9• ?air. 0'Shields introduced the follo~:ing order v.~hich ~as re~d at leng~h: r l~e'~ OR.DER AL'7'HORIZIrdG ~'83,000.00 ~~7.'~ HD?4i~1~L FROiJi THE CkP1TAL RESERUE ru'~iD Or PdE'vi HS'~iGVER C OUIITY . BL iT ORDER~D b;; the Eosrd of Co,.rc~iss~oners of t':Ze Co~ir,ty of i~Ie~^~ Hancver~ North Carolina: Section l. Thzt p~irsuant tc the Court;,~ C~p_t~l ?i°serve Act or 19~3,~~~'ithdrava~l of ~83,000.00 fron the Capita.l _.eseri~~ Fund cf.' ?ue•r~ Earcve° Coi.nty is he:eby authori.zed fer the purpo~e of erecti.n,r, a terrr.i:~?.l build.ing ?t ?'ei~• .°,anover Count}~ Airport. 5ection 2. Th~i; the source of isoney.~.n sai:? herein a.uthorized is una_:prcpriated surnlus r~ve from receipts from r.evenues derived frcm ~our.ce~ proFits fron; the operation of alcoholic bnver~;e or ctherv,~ise ~ppti.c~ble b~~ law to the p~yment of accrued to tt.e current oner~tion e;:pense iund of \ 5ection 3. That this o~der ~hall~°t'ake'effeci 30 days after its first public.~tion unless in the meantime a retition £or its submission to the voters is filed under said County Capital Reserve Act~ ia such eve~zt :t shall take effect v:hen ~?~proved by the voters of the County 3t an election as required ir. said Act. ~.r. 0'Shields made the tt:otion that the foreroing order be pa,ssed. The r~otion i^ras seconded by D:r. Hall and said order v~as passed b3~ the fo].lov~~in~* ro11 cal.l vote: Aye~: Addisoa Hev:~lett~ Jas. n4. Hall, Claud 0'Shields, Thursron C. D?vis. P~oe~: Geo. i~/. Trask. L`r. T~•~s~_ vote:~l no for. the gre~ter *h~n s80~000.00~ the ~mount reai~erted in Federal ~rant for ~irnort ir,:proverrer~s. ~ ~(~p~~ This being the date s~t by the ~ioard at r,ieeting ~~ a zoning area at Bl~tethar.th~'! Airport and no one such an ordina.nce, the follovrin~ or~irtar.ce. ~sa.s I~,:i . U'Shields, une.ni;:;ous1~ adopted: carit~~ r.eserve fund for the v~ithdra~+!al ~ue~ and urenc~zr.~bered bal~nces ari=ing other t"~?n ad va].orem ta~~es, ~pec:fic~i-ly control stores~ ~~a~ich are not pl.nd@ed ex9_stin~* debt ~nd ~rhich h~.ve 13:^rFul.ly P?ev~ Hanover Countp. re3son Le vrould not favo.r am amount th~ ori.ginal 3nplic~tion for ~ of i,I~rch 1_~, 1;r0, for. the a.doption of .appe3red to obj,ect to the a.dortion of upon :.:o~ior. of :.r. D~vis, seconaed by Upon n;otion of ?.ir. 2'r~slc, seconded b;; F~2r. H~11~ .~. f~;. 17arren ~a~s ~r~nted an aY~e.terr.ent of not listed pen3ltg ch~rped a~ainst lot 14~ in block 16, Sur.se,t Park for the ye?rs ~~~~ 1°43 thrcu~h 19a°~ for tne re~son he !~ras in the arr:.ed service ?.n~ overlooked hayina the s~.re listed fo~ the ye?rs mentioned. Ui~on motion of i:r. Tr~sl~:~ =econded b,y "~1Ir. D~vis, Jc~ C1ark Hu.ev, a ph,ysica7ly disabled cou~t,y indigent citizen vaas gr~nted._tempera.r}~ adm_2.ssion to the Count}~ Home ~,~~r~~~"~q.~p ending pl~cement in a board`_n~ ho~r,e whicn n3s oeen ai~ran~ed. And D~iel. Vhiters, ~- C/ _ nhysic~lly disabled indi~ent c~.tizen v,as granted adr.^.ission to the County Horre, proviced ,~~ any insurance he may have v~ill be turned over to the County tc meet burial Pxpenses etc,~ in c~=e of death. _ A corununicat~on receivPd fror:: ;}?r. ?. B. Rhodes,ter.derine his resi.~n~tion ~s Fe~i.ster ~ of Deeds of Ii.ew Hannver County, eFfective ~;isy ].st, 195~; bec~u:E of hi~ health~ w~s read ~~by the Chai.r~r,an; 3nd up~n r'otior~ cf :.:r. G'Shie7_~9s~ secorlderi hy IRr. U?vis. was accepted ~ v,ith regret. Ton motion of ;,tr. 0'Sh9.~~9s ~'iss I.~ir_a~~: V. D°tiane~ c]erl~: in the o~fice of tl~e HegS.ster Q cf D~eds. ~ras, en recommen~~tior. of the Regi.ster of Deeds, ~r~nted 30 days sick leave ~ 9 v.itP: ftzll p~y; provi;,ed she e!il.l =+vai7. herself of nroper medical treatn!ent in an effort to i;nnrove her health to en~rle her to nerCorm her duties as such c1_erk vi,thout further impa.ring her he?lth. . ~ ~~ipon moti.on of i,ir. Tr~sk_, secorra~~ b5 I~.r. 0'Shiel~s~ the Re~ister o£ Deeds v;as authorized ~~ to er,ploy ~n e3-tr~ elerk durin{~ the ~b_°ence of Niiss DeVane. J ~~'~rQf. n Trieetinp of 9pri1 3~ 1950, cor:tinued. Upon ;~otion of i:ir. H~11~ ~ecor~?ed by~ '.ir. D'~v~s~ the Le~icn Stadi.um Gor~~aittee v,a.s ~0~ author~zed *o e~r,n~.oy ex.tr; help to ~ss;st tP:e ran~~ment in m~intaini.n~ order ~nd ~ el_iminat9.ng vand~.Iism a.t Le~ion Stadiura dur~nQ events i;here. `~vT.he next regular meetine;.of the Boa,rd fa]lin~ on tvTond2y~ 4pril 10~ a legal hol.iday; ~`M ( Eaeter t~ionday ), ~.nd ~~1 tl~e vf~ices in ~he court house ~i11 be closed on that ~ c~ day ir. ob^erv~nce the~~eof, therefore, the nert reaular meetin~; of the Bo~rd K~~s fiyed a.t 10:00 o'cl.oc?: 4.i~:.; Tuesd~y, vpril 1.1th~~1950. tinon r,:otion oi ::r. Tr~ :k~ seconaed b~: i';•. 11:00 o'c1.ocY. i?e~nesd?y r,~or•ni~,~, Apr9.l_ 5th ---~~-t-- ~~~-_~_..~' _ ~ Frv. 3i~11. a rece~s v;~s then taken until 1950. - •- ;~~r~,~:~rni~~r., r-. c., nrr~~ 5tr, ~GSo. Pursu~nt to .~cess t~:;e~, 1~ ri~ ?, ~c~0. :.` e Eo~7'd ret ar• 11:OG o'clock .1.b:. ,~/ S~ds Nere ~ec~ived fcr the erection ~~.d cocpl.et~on of 3 Termirv~.l Bu.~ldin~~ TraiEic Control ,a~'a1" Eui.lding~ ~:~nd Ri~nH:a,y 7.iRhtin~ co•~:s~s'•i:~r of t~~e ioilo~vi.np ~rincip~l separate parts: General Construct~.on~ ~].ectric rliring~Plw,:tin,a, IT~ating~ Air Conditioning ~nd Runv;~y Lighting~ in ?,ccord3nce •~~ith ~i_~ns ?nd ~n=c~fic~tions rrPpa.red by P~':r. Le~lie ',d. Bone}~~ lrchitect ~nd 3nnrovsd by~ the C~vil 4eron~ut~es ~~dministratior. And to tr~.ns~ct such other busi.nF:=s th~t r,:a,y properl; co*~e t~e''ore ~ne Foard. Fresent: Addison L'e~^~lett, Ch~irr:~r., ~e.o.1Pi, ~r~s?c, ;ie.s. T:. Ii~11~ Cia.ud 0'Shie?.d~, , ~Th.ursto~ C. D~vis~ Ceunt3~ Attorney t,Iar~der. B~'ia~~~r ~r.cl County Auditor Ch~s. ~'. Smith, o and Les?ie ~~. Eoney, ,:r.; 4rchitect. The Ct.airr3.n asker' if representatives of bids G~~~ st_bmitte~ t^rere present and c~?led ~ttention that a recess ~~as taken at r,eetin~ held `- P;?onda,y, I~~arrh ?.'], 1950~ to n~~eet at 11:00 0'cl_ock thi.s day, and that the advertisement c~lling for tiids st~ted the seeting a;as to be held at 10:00 o'cl.ock ~1.1::.~ and asked if anyone objected to t.he openinr of the bids at this ti.me~ 11:00 o'clock A.IuI.~ No. objections were reaised. mhe Ch~irman then asyed if a'1 bids were in~ nothin~ appearin~ to the contrary~ P~?r. C'Shielc3s moved ~nd it vaas seconded hy nir. U~vis and cerried; that the Ch~irr^~~n proceec? v~ith t;he onening of the bids. Bids recei_ved from the fo~.l.ovcing, opened ?nd publicly read: General Contractors; Terrninal Euildin~: Godley-Hinnant, Inc. Colenan-Nee;ton Co., UJ. A. Simon. Inc. .- P:ornan ~. Smith Electric o'Jirine: J. A. Jones ~lectric Co.~ Gr=~ves Electric Co.~ C~pe Fear Flectric Co.~ '~ H. G, Eryant Electric Co.3 Com. S. Anderson Electric Co.~ Plunbine: Ideal Plumbing Co.~ Goodyear Plnmbing Co.~ A. l9. Bra nch ~c Son R. C. Luc~s & Son J .L.Povrers. Heatine: Ideal PlumbinP Co., Goodyear Flumbing Cb.~ A. W. Brar_ch ~c Son R. C. Lucas & Son J .L.Powers. Air Conditionin~: Tr~ffic Control Pui~9ing en7_y: Pittr,>~n-S:_nrleton , Sneeden Airconditionine Co. P,Zoore-For.vielle Co. ~ Rurnr,~zv I,ipht9.ng? Thorrpson E7-ec'ric Co.. i. Upon motion ~,11 ri.ds rrere then or~e~ed t:zrnec' over to ?,eslie D`. ~oney~ Architect for ' \.~.~o~~ checki.n~ ~r.~l tarizl'~tin~ 3nd r°rort 'he lo~'~ hidd~rs ~t 4:00 o'clock P.hS.~tc v.hich time the P Bo~rd tccY. ~ recess. Pursu~nt +o recess t~ken this r~:ornir~;~ tlze ~3o~rd met at 4:00 o'c~cck P.LI., ~:~ith all members present. A bid of P.orman ~. 5rr,i.th, C'r~~rlotte, T1. C., v~hich arri.ved ~t the ~"lilminpton Post ~~t'~~ Office at 8:15 A.P~I.~ this d3y, ~"-~ upon sotion of P,4r. 0'Shields~ seconded by hir. Davis ~G opened and appAared to be $'~?1~000.00 above the ].ov! bidder on the Terninal Buil.di.ng. P+2r. I,eslie N. Bor.ey~ Jr., Ar~chit~ct reported that ~fter checkin~ a.nd t~bul.~tinc; the -~ bids received ~.nd opened at the meetinp this mcrnin~; the follr~rstiing ~re the to~.~ bid~lers ~' on the se~e.r.~te parts or units of the Ai.rport Imnrovement Project: ~ G~` TE~INAL~~AND TR9FFIC~CONTROL BUII,nIPdG: (1) General Contract Godley-Hlnnant, Inc. l'Ji.lminpton, RT. C. Base Bid.... ........ ... 5:135,977..50 Less Roads ~ Drain~ge ~ __14~46.00 ~l~i~,4'S•5~ ~ j~ ~ ~ Meeting of April 5th, 1g50 continued. (~) ~lectric '~~'iring: J. A. Jon~s E].sctric Company, ti'Ji.l.;r.in~ton; TF. C. ~ (3) Plum~in~: Goodyear Plumbing Co.~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~-~ FIE8t1:1F, ~•_ . Goodyear Plur.;bir.~ Co. ~ ( [) Air Condit~onir~_~_~._ ~needen AirFonditionine Sc Hef.Co.~ ~~ (6) Runv,a~~ I:i~htinp: Y.. G. Y,r~rant E?.ectr~c Co., " ~~ ~ Tnta7.°~v~ards ............................ ~16,862.1~ 7,836.00 6,4~6.00 1~444.00 • ~5.875.00 w169;~68.62 ~ Upon notion of Rr, 0'Shields~ secor.~ed b5~ Elr. H~71~ i:f^. Le~lie P'. Boney~Jr., Architect's ~A~^reco,^.imenda_tion that roads and dr~.5naee be deleted from the airpnrt imnroveme.nt pro~ect for the tire being~ v~as adopted, ~ Linon r:otion of R'.r. Ha]_1., seconded b,y N!r.. Davis~ the Board recotr:mended to the Civil ,~ ~~~; Aeronautics Administration thst they ~pprove the lo~~r bidders shown above to execute the airport improvenent project. ~ LTpon motion of T~'r. Davis~ =econded by it4r. Hall~ ~he Eoard of Elections VJ3S requested ~ not to have a. new rc~istration a.t thi~ tine; st~_gg~sted bt~ r,ir, Alton A. Ler.non, ina.smia.ch ~ `~ as the names cou?d be tr.enscribed from the old books to the:.nev~ books, which he sa,id~ vrould be a,greea.ble to the ~oard of Elections, ?nd ~ convenience to the voters. •,~,~~/Upon motion of B4r. 0'Shie].ds~ seconded b~ ?ir. Davis, instruction= v~erF given to return /G~~~~ ~.11 certified check= to the un-succe~sful b~.dders on the airport i;r,provement project. Tk:e matter of anpointing a successor to serve out i:he unr_pired term of b7r. A. B. Rhodes~ ~~ Register of Deeds, ~~hose resignation vai11. become effective i~ay lst, v+~s brought up and -~~ye~~ discussed. :~,2r. He~alett nominated :~4r. A^rl~r. P.4cKeithan ~~sd noved his appointment; his • motion ~^~as seconded by Ptir. Trask and a vote v~as taken and i~,ir. Hew].ett 3n3 I;r. Trask voted 3£fir.m.atively, and Ps~r. Ha.ll and L4r. Davis voted no. P.Ir. 0'Shields not votin~;; and the sotion f~iled. A motion then offered by II"r. H~.11 to anpoint P~r. Robert L. Elack wss seconded by i~4r. D?vis and al_so f~i.led on a tie vote. i;?r. Na11 a.nd P,?r. ik~vis votir,~ ~ff~rr:ativFly, ~rd I~4r. Hevrlett and I.:r. Tr.a::~- coted no. Mr. 0'Shields not voting. Upor. ;r,otion of Ls. Tr~~k, saconded b~~ I,'r.. 0'Shiel.ds the r~,eetin~ then adjourned uatil the ner.t n~~eti.ne. Vil~nn ir~ ,i~` __~'A_ I ~i• 1'uilminFton~ N. C.~ Ap:il '7~ 1950. Pursuant to 3djournment of r.eeting held Spril 5th 1950, the Board met at 11:00 o'clock ~.5~4. Present: Addison Heelett Chairr.~:an, Geo, ~.', Trask~ Jas. P.~i. Hall~ Claud 0'Shields, . Thurston C. Davis, members of the Board~ and M~rsden P~el.lamy County ~ttorney~ C.r,Smith~ Count; Auditor, Joseph Nor~:ood, District Air•~o2•t En~ineer, Henry Boyd,Jr. r Airport r«?nager. ?.nd Leslie N. Aoney,Jr.~ Architect. Q,~,$~~ The following letter was received fror., P.4r. Joseph tlorvaood, District Airport Engineer. r P;Sr. 4dd5son Hewlett, Chai.rr.~an P.a~rd of County Con:missioners ne~r liaaover Courty lVilmin~;ton, North Carolin~~ Subject: I~e~~~ Har.over Coimt,y ~i.rport (P1uetY~enthal Fie~d) t'1il~~r.eton, Plort~~ Caroli.n3 P;oject P?o. 9-31-020-~0] Dear P:~r. Hee;7.ett: " lOv Custor House V;ilminflton, fiorth Carolina. 4pri.1 b, 195~. 19e reter to blds vahi.ch vaere recei^ed kpril 5, i95o fo: accompli.shment of c;ork under the subject project. In a.n~lyzing these bids ve have deterr.,ined th~t the project ccsts for constructi.on of the a.dministration and tower huildin~s, access road and parkin~ a,pron and high i.ntensity lights ~Frould a.mount to $4196,539•50; includin~ the related en~ineering cost. This figure would not ine7.ude the cost of relocating tY,s preaent terrr.~n31 building or extendinp_ the sev~a.ge~ vrater and electri.cal systems, ihe County'= sh~re of the total cost o~ .~y196,539.K0 would be ~:93,797.88 and the 'Jnited S~a.tes' sh~re c~ould bE w10?,741.62. We note that the County Cor:missi.oners~ meeting of April 5~ 1950~ passed a resolution deleting the road and drainage work from the project, ti?9.th this item deleted~ the total cost of construction ~nd engineering, excl.usive of the relocation of the present terminal building and the extens;on of the sev~~age. v~ter ~nd e7.ectrical systems~ ~:ould be ~"yl°1~120.21, of mh?_ch the snor.sor's sh3re v~ould be w~3h~088.24 and the L'nitec~ States~ ~95,031•97. ~ l~ieeting of A;~ril ~~ 195~, continued. ~ this deletion oP the ro~,us and d;'~~r~va f]'ar;; the pro;;ect at th;.s tirne raises the ouestion ~ of t^~hat is best to be done vrith respFCt to i;h~ v;ork description contained in the Grant ~ Of£er oi the Tin~ted St3tes c~ ~irr,erica tc i<e~~r ??ar.over~ County, North C~rolina.~ dated ., February 10~ 1950~. I h~ve ~od~}~ discussed th~~ ~~*ter b5~ tele,r.l~one wi{-.h our Region~l 0_"fice in Atlanta., Geor~ia and h?ve ].e~rnPC9 t}-at should the County accept the Grant Offer vaith the v:ork description ~s it nov~ i.s ar,d ~~ter fund that it is not in the County's interest to ner°orr.^. the ~;r~~l._ng~ dr~in:i.n~ ~r.~? p,v~r.~ of the access road and auto p~,rking are~ under tnis pro~iect; th~.s Adr~ini.~tz~at_en r:?~1, iA~,on f~rrnal rer,uest fror Dlex~ Hanover County, enteT into a sup~ler.ent~.l ~?seement r.~.od:;.fyin~ the vaorY descri.ption novr cont~ined . in the Grant Offer, to tne e5~tent af elin:inating t;he foTlov~inr: "grade~ dr~i.n and p~ve access road and suto parkinP ~rea," i~~ Very ~ ruly 1'ours ~ /S/ Joseph Ator~^rood Distri_ct Airport F.ngineer The follov,ing resclution v~a,s introducec? by I.Zr. Cla.ud 0'Shields~ read i.n full, cons9.dered, and unanin,ously adoptec?: . ~ Resoluti.on a.ccepting the Grant Offer dated February 10~ 1950 n:ade by the Administr~tor of Civil Aeron~utics on behalf of the Unlteo St».tes of Au~erica to ^iev~ rianover County~ North Carclina in the stim of not to exceed ~10~~00C~00; ~s an aid in the development of the New Ha.~cver County Airport. Be it Resolved bv the Board of Countp Co7~~r.lissioners of „ew Ii•snove~' County~ tiorth II?rolina, ~ Section 1. Tha,t P1eV~ Iianover County, Tdorth Carclina herebu accents on its own beh~lf~ the offer of a: grant of fund:: ,~.~de b~~ *he Administ.ator oi C;.v~7. Aeroneutics on behaJ.f of the United States of America dated rebru~ry 10, 1950 to .~evr F?enover Count3~~ P?orth C~rolina a,n the sw~,, ior the purnoses aT.d sUb;;ect to ~~he cond;tions set forth beloN~. ~ Section 2, Th~t A~?dison Iie•r~1et~, the Ch~~rr~n is hereb~ authorized and directed to er.ecute th~ 3~centance of the ~:r~r,t Gffer ir, se:-tuple. on behalf oP I~Tev T!~nover Coiznty, ~?orth Carclina ~nd Ti7US,Y..>'lOOdy i,.'''E C:~err i= .",•ereby ~utncr~zed ~nd directed to ~.mpTess the oificial sealof Pi~e~ Ila,~;over Coitnt.y~ i~iort~~ Carr,lin~ and to attest sei.d e;:ecution. Sect~~n 3. T'.nat the Gr~nt 0:'FF~r refe.~red to herein ?bove is as °0~.~04JS and v,~hen accepted sha11 constitute the Gr~nt ':e,eerent: ~ate o; offer: Feb I0~ 1950 ~ I~Teu; I;anove.r Ce~znt~, Airport ?roject P;o. 9-31-0?0-901 (Bluethenth3l Fld) To: Net~ ?ianover County, No:th Caro7.in~ (herei.n referred to a° the "Snonsor") FRO.>T: The United Sta.tes of Ar„erica ( acting through the Adr.ini~trator of Civil Aeronautics, herein referred to 3s the"Ad:ni_ni.strator10) ~ VIHEREA5~ the Sponsor has submitted to the Administrator R PPOjP,Ct Applica.tion d~,ted Janu~xy 19, 7-950 for a gru.at: of Federal funds for a. pro;ject for development of the Ne~s~ Iianover County Airport ( her~in called the 1PAirnor.t"), together v:it'-~ plans ~nd speci~:ications for s~zc.Pi project, crhich Project Apf,'tication~ ~s ar.proved by the Administrator~ is hereb,y insorporated herein and r:~de a part hereof; and PJHEREAS~ the Adr;ini=trator h~s ~~rrov~d a project fo,• deve7cpm.Pnt of the P.irport ( herein ca].~ed the MFroject") consisting of the foiiovring dFSCri.bed saruort development: Relocate old termin~.l bu~.lding; constru.ct ne~~~ Le.r.nin~l buildin~; and tra"fic control bu~_1di~g; exter.Gi.on of semsge, rater ~nd c-.lectr5.c s~sier~.s; ~r~de~ di~ai.n ~nd P~ve accee~ ro~d ~.nd ~uto r.a.rk5n~ ~res.; install_ lirhting ~y~tem, high intensity run~r.ay nar'.~er 11,~ht.=, on P::7/SE design~ted instrw*:ent lar.~l~n~ runv:ay; fencin~; a11 as teore particularly descr_bed in the property map and plans and specificati.ons incorporated in the said Pr.oject A;~pli.c~tion; NOVd THFREFC£cE; pursu~nt to ~.nd ior the r,urpo~e= of c'~-,ryin~ ou+ the provisions of the . Federal Airport Act (60 Stat. 170; Pub.I~aw 377, 79th Conpress), =er.d in consideration of (3) the ~ponsor's anontion a.nd retif:c~tion of the representations and aGsu.r~nces contained in said Froject Ap.p1_ication, and 9ts ~cceptance of this Offer, as hereinafter provided, and (b) the bPnefits to accrue to the United States and the nublic fror~ the accorrplishnient of the Project and the opex~t_on and mainten?nce of the Airport, as herein provided, THE ADNIINIS- TNATOR~ FOR AND OiJ PFHALF OF Tt~; IITdITEI) STATFSsHERFBY OFFERS A,^:D AGRLES to pay~ as the Uni.ted States' share of cost incurred in »ccar~,plishin~ the project ~5 per cFntum of the ~llovaable cost of insta.llation of high intensity runc^ray marker J.iehtin~ on the PIW/SE rurn~~a.y and 50 per centum of s).1 otKer al_lowable nroject costs, subject to the follovring terms and conditions: 1. The maximurr obligation o° the United ~'tates rayahle under this offer shall be ~O105~000.00. 2. The Spansor sh311 (3) begin accomr7.ishment of the F~roject !~•it~~i:~ a reason~rle time after aeceptance or tr.~s O~fer, and (b) ca.rry out ~nd cor.iplete the Project in accordance v~~ith the terms of this Offer~ and the Federsl Airport Act ~nd the r~~ul3t~ons pronulgated thereunder by the 4dmi.nistr~tor ~:a eifect on the d~te of triis Offer, ~ti~hich Act. and Reaul~tions ~r~e incorpoi~~ted '1ere~n an~~ r~~~dr- a i-~rt h~reof~ ~.nd ~~~ Meeting of April 7~ 1950, continued. (c) carry out ~nd complete the Project in ~ccorc~ance ~~>itr. the plans and specifications ~nd property map incorpora.ted herein as they ~ay be revised or mcdified with the approva l of the P.dministrator or his duly autherized representatives. 3. The Sponsor shal~ operate ?nd maintain the Airpo.rt as provided in the Project P~pplication i.ncorporated herein. 4. The r~aximuir, amounts of bui.]~~n~ space r~~hich the Sponsor shall be obl~gated to fur.nish civil agencies of the Un~ted Sta.tes for the purpcses and on the terr:ls and condit~ons st~t~d in pai~~.;;r~ph 9 0; Part III of the Project Apnlicat5.~n, sha~Z be ?s set ^o.rth i.n~the ,ttached schedule.of n,aximum spsce requi.rements t~h~ch is incorporated h~rein ~nd ~~~ade = p~rt hereof. .t 5. Any ~r;isrepresentati.on o.~ on:issior~ of a materia.l fact by the Sponsor concerning th~ Pr.oiect ar the Sr..o..r,sor's aut'-•c~ity or ability to carry out the ob7_i~ations essun.ed by the Spor~sor in 3c~cer tin~ thi.s Of'fer ~hall tern;inate the obligat~on of ~he Un_ted Siates; ~nd ~t is urn~e:stood and a~reecl by the Sponsor in accepting this 0ffer that i~t' ~ m~teri~l. fact. has been r~isrePresented or or:5.tted by the Sponsor, *he r~d~~:~.nistr~;;or or: behalf of the United Stetes may recover all ~r3nt p.~y~;:~nts m~de, 6. The Aqministretor reserves the ri.~=ht to a.mend or withdraw this Offer at any time pr.ior to its acce;,tance b5 the S~;onsor. 7. This Offer sh~l7. expire and the Urlited States sha~l not be oblig3ted to p1y any of the a71ow.~ble costs of the Project unless this Ofzer h~s been accepted b,y the Sponsor vrithin 60 d~ys from the a.bove date of Of~er or such longer time as may be prescribec? bp the Adre~inistrator in rriting. 8. I.t is hereb~~ understood and a~reed that the Sponsor vrill, v~ith respect to the e».sements running in favor of the Airport ~s shov~n in double cross-hatched a.reas on the property m~p which is attached as revised Exhibit `~A" te the Prcject ApF;licati.or., dated Februar;~ i~, 7.950~ za.hich are a p~.rt of tho=e e~sements conveyed to the Sponsor uncier deed of Decpr,mber 8~ 194'7~ fror the ITn~ted States, acting by and through the H~a.r Assets 4dr.;inistrator, taY.e such ~teps ~s may become necessary to assu•re t,he cont~.nuance of sa.icl e»sements for ~nnd during the life of this Agreement~ unless it i.s det;err.iined by the Sponsor and the Adm=r_ist:~.tor of Ci.vil Aeronautics tY:a.t such easements h~ve ceased to b^ necessary for trie use of the 3irport as.conter.:pleted by this project. The Sponsor further agrees to de£end i.ts ~itle to such e~senents a~3ir_st ~ny and a.1~ adverse claims vahich rray at any tir.-e during the 15i'e cf th~s Agr~ement be as~erted a~ainst therr, and to take vah~tever steps ;~~,y be necessary to retain or Gecure a suffic:-ent title thereto in the Snonsor:to permit the cor.~truction; opera.tion~ and rr.sintenance of the airnort as a putlic airnort i-n ~cco;d3nce vrith terms of this agreement. ~ lhe Sponsor's ~.ccept~nce oi th~s oi'_'er ~nd r3t_;~ic?ti.cn and edopt~on of the ?roject Apnlication ~ncoipor~ted herei.n sh~7?. be evidenced b,~ ~.~;ect.tion of thi.s instrument by~ the ~~ Sponsor; 3s hereinaiter rrovideci, ~nd s~i.d Oiier ~nd a.cceptance sh~ll comprise ~ Grant ~ t~green:ent, as i,rovided b~~ t}:e r~d<ral Airport t:ct~ constitutinn thP obli~ations ~nd rights of the Jnited 5t~tes and tl'e SpoYtSOY' i^if;h resnset tc Lhe accom~l.ishment of the Pro~ect and the operat~on ~nd r..~.ir.ten~nr,e of the 9irpert. Euch Gra.nt Apreement shall become effective upon the SF~onsor's a.cceptance of tLis dffPr ~nd ~ha7.1 rer~ain i.n fuil force and effect throuPhont, the llSEil11 ~'11F.. of the f~ci7.~ties deve?.opad under the Pro~ect but in ~ny event not tc e~~ceed t~~;ent;~ ,ye~rs from the datF of said accepta.nce. UP:ITED 5T4T£S OF APtiEP,ZCA TIT,I: ADR-tITdISTRATOR OF CIV1L AEftOP~qUTICS Ey /S/ VJ.Pd.Robertson Re~::onal Ad?r.inistrator, Rec~on II ATT9CfiPiEATT A SC~EDULE OF b_AXIPnIAl1 SPACL RE(~LIREDIEn'TS Ne~~,.hanover County Airgort (Bluethentha 1 Fie1_d) 'J;ilminrton~Plorth Carolin~ ' Froject t~o. 9-31-020-901 Inter=.tate Airvaa~s Communicationc_Station Oper3tors Hoom 3£30 sq.ft. ChieP Communic?tor's Office ~ 1?0 '" " Eo,uipment Room ' 165 " " Storage Room 62 " " P,iaintenance Technecian i.n Ch~r~e ~ 7.17 "' " Storage koom 5~ '' `" 7'elco Eauinment . 3 n `" Air Trs£fi~ Control_ Tov;er Co,^.trel Cab ?56 " " Junction SPace 179 " " Chief Controller's Office 22? " " Storage l~oom 60 "' " T oilet 5~ " " Equipment koom 345 ~r " Air Ci.nditionin~ Equipment Room 52 '" " Li~,hting Vault and Equipr.ent Room 330 " r~ Heating Pl~ntc Room 48 .~~ " Remote Tr~nsmitters and .4uriliarv Generator ( Located in E~-isting Terminal Buildint ) Trs.nsmitter Roo;,i 342 " "" En.~ine Genera.tor P,oom l69~ rr " ttorage Room " ~~ I I ~'~ 4 Il4eeti.na of .4pri7. 7, 195C, ccntinu~d. U. S. ii?3tt1?P B~?re~u Observation and Br?efin~ ~oom 364 sq, ft. .. Office of Oif9cial. in Ch~rre . 115 'r " • Storage an~ Inflation Room 1.15 °' " ' 4n error o£ ~1.C00.00 a,rpesring in the addition of the unit itei::s in the bid of ~~~ H. G. Br,yant Electric Company on the run~~ra.y lighting, which correct addition amounts ~ to ~16,8~5.00 instead of ,~15,$75.00~ L4r. Hall m~oved and it was seconded by P,~r. 0'Shields and ca~ried tt~t~ ~he bid be eva.luated on the basis of the unit iterns :,~akin~ a tota7 of w16~8']5.00, which still ren:ains the 1ow bid ~iter the correction m~de. Further discussron of the a.npointment Of a successor to Iv.r. A.}3.Rhodes,Reg3steY~, of Deeds,~-,hqse Jp resipnation takes effect on ;,iay lst, 1~50; ra~s had, ~r.d P~r. Hall placed in nomin~tion ~~ ~4r. Rotert L~. Bl~cY. ?nd ;r~oved hi.s ~ppointment, his r~otion r.~a~ seconded by r,4r. Davis. I~r. 0'Shi_eJ.ds no,~iaated I.:r. P;or~~;aod ~hew v:~hich i~;led of a second. h~r. Hall's notion ~^ras then put by the Ch~~rman ~-~d ~:r. Rok.ert i. i;lack F•~~ ~.ppointed to fill the un-ex.pired term of I::r. A. L~. Rhedes, resiQned,on the ?ffi~~r~~ti.ve vote of Com,~issioners Aa'!1~ D~vis ~nd • Trask. ;,~:r. 0'Shields voted no, ~nd t.v~e C~~Srr~an not voting. ~ The r;:eetin~ then e.;ljourned. _~~~t.~9'~. C1Prk. ~ . ~iilr:~inE-ton~ ',:. C.~ April 11~ i95o. The regizl~r ~rre?kly meetin~ of the Bo~rd ~r:~s held this d~~~ at 10:00 o'clock A. PJ~, Present: 4?~dison He~°•leY,t Ch~:.rr;~n, G~o. l~`1. Trasi.. J~s. T~~i. Iiall~ Cla.ud 0'Shields and. Thur=ton C. DZVis, thF same beir.~ ~11 mer.~hers c~ the Eoard present~ a.nd County 4ttorney ,,'~ersden P,e1 ~a.r,y ~nd Cotznty ~+udi.tor C. P~ . S;~:it.h. the m~nutPS of ;ia~tin#r oi r+nril 5~ l~`0~ v:ere re~d ~nc~ a~~provec~ as rFCOrded. ,~) Upon n:otion of P.Tr. fi3'7_~. ~ecvnded. b}~ i;r. D^.vis~ the Eoard con£irmed its ~ct`ion t~'~:en ~s'" at meeting of April 7, 1950~ in a.ccepting the G~ant Offer d~ted ~'ebruary 10, 1950, b,y ~~~~~b the Administr~tor of Civi]_ Aeronautics on behalf of the United St~tes of A~reric~ to / Tdev~~ Hanover County, in the sur, of not erceed °t105~000.00 as an aid in the development of the Nevr iianover County Airport. And the appointrr.ent of Pe4r. Robert L.~l.ack as Register ~Y„n,bf Deeds to se^ve out the tinexpired term of IdI~'r: A. t. ith'oc~e~s'~^hose resl?n~ti.on h~s been `p _Lia' accepted to take effect IJiay l, 1950, All. r:er~bers of the Eoard voting affirmatively ercept '~ L.ir. C1aud 0'Shields ~?ho asked to be recorded as not voting until~such time t:~e minute~ of that r:eetin~ have been recor.ded and re%zd. ~ A staternent of charit~• n?tinnts c~re at Jas. 'llalker :~4emoria7 Hosnita.l for the peri.od ~ from Ju7.5~ 1~ 1949 to ~Dec,31~ 1949~ voas presenter, by nTr. H. H. Holland, Pre~ident of l the.Ilo~rd of t.ian~pers, shovrin~ tota.l ch~r~es for charit~,= came for T:e~^ Hanover County residents to be- ................................... ........ w"61,069.71 Less credits: Duke Endowment,....... ................. °''~~617.00 I~orth Carclina ':.iedicsl Care Co^mission.. 5;617.00 Part Pay RecF~pts . .................... 696.00 City a~pro~>ri~tio:i ..................... 1;,5eo.00 Count;; ?.nnro1r~.atioci,.........._........ 1L,500.00 46.~20.00 :~at loss ch~riti n~tient~ . ................. w'14,149.71 CJith reference to the ~v~ard o£ c:r•t~in co: tr~cts at n~eetin~ of 4pril 5~ 195~~ for ~ ~ airport in.pi~ovements~ in the tcta~ ~r,onnt of `'1i0~ 868.6~~ fo~'o~~~~ing 3 rore through ~~ checkin^ of. the bid. takiu.latior~ our Arc~~itect° t~n~ the follovaing fit*ure~ appear to be ~ proper~ and upon n~oi:ion of :~r. 1'r~sk, secor.aec~ b;>- :.:r. D~~*is~ the F.cerd r:odi.fied its previous resolut~on 3nd recomrr,endeca to the Civil Ae?~on~.ut:cG 4~~rinistrations' District Airport Enai*~er :'r. Jo=eph fiorv.oor?~ t:tiat ~r~~r~l '~e rr~dF as fol.lov~s: (1) Ger.eral Contr3ct Godl,e5r-Hi.nnant, Inc. i~dilr.^.in~tor..~.C. ~1~1~495.00** B~se ~id u".135,°71.50 Less rds.& di~ng. 7.4.~6•50* 1'11,425.UU l2) ~l.ectric UJiring tsuildinps, J. A. Jones ~lectric Company,.......... 16,862.1? ~(3) Plurbing Buildings, Good;~ear P]_ur;bin^ Co., ( ...................... 7,~~36.00 CA~) Heating Texr~inal Buil~ing ,r " n ....................... 5,;70.00*** (5) He~ting Traffic Control Bui.lding, R.C.I,ucas & Son ................ 935.00*** (6) Air Condit,ioning, Sneeden 9ir Condit~on9ng £c Ref~. Co ............. 1~~~~14:0~ ('7) Runv~ay Li~htinP~ H. G. Bryant Corp ................................ 22 i'ota.l a.mount of av;ards recorr.r,ended : .............................. ~'170~647.12 * previously sho~Mn 5" 14.546.00 *~ ~~ ~~ , ~1. n~ 5. 50 ~ *** '~ shc~r~n a.s - cor~binati.on av~ard Goodr~ear Pl?;.Co tor T 4"6,4?6.(r.e.v total_ ~'6 20~.) **** Previously shown ?~'170,£~6~.6? (reduction -n a,.~rd toi~l.s o.` • ^~2i.5~) ~ ~~~ R2eeti.ng of .9pri1 11, ].950, cor.tinued. ~ry The~ C1erY, presented to the Board a cert5.fied copy of a resolu.tion adopted by the 9,FdL Count,y Board of Education reo,uesting the Ba~zrci of Cor:missionerG to raise the sum o£ ` ~~~ ~106~000.00 for scheol plant f?cilities by the issuance of bonds ef the County of , Nev~ Hanover and the reso].ution vaas considered by thF P.oard•. Co.:~missioner Cla.ud 0'Shields introdliced the follovaing borid order ~•rhich !~ias read at len~th: • `:ODiD ORDER AL~THORIZI^:G TY,E I.SSUAnICE OF ~;' 106~000. SCHUOT, PG'NDS OI+ T~iE CUUP`TY OP' t+~Fl"f ?'A.°+OVER. FII:EnEAS~ the County Bo~.rd of ~du.c~i.i.or. of ihe County of t~evr 'ranover, acting for the T7e1v I?~nover County School A3r-~nistrat1ve IJr.it, h~s d~terr,.ined that i_t is necessary to provide cFrt3in addition~.l school nl~nt f~c~l~ties ~n s~id unit such as are described in Section 1 of this ?~ond or,ier~ i.~: order Lh~t the ntib)_ic schools in sai.d ~ounty may be n~inteined, a.s a p~rt of the s~rs,er: of ~u::l~c schools of the St~te of north Car.olina, for the terrri recuired b~ the Consi;~tu.t:on of ?~orth Gercli.na~ and thet i* ~:~i7.1 be necessary te exp;nd for such ourposes not less t:_ar. C'l0E ;0~0.00 and has requested the Board 6f Co:mni~sioners to i~sue ~ond.s of L-he Coti~;^t~~ o.f iie~,~; v3nover to ra~ise such stur:; P'OV.t~ TH^YEFORE, BE IT OYDER~D by the Boa.rd of Cor:missioners o° the C~unte of Ydew Hanr.ver as follo~,as: Sect~on 1. The Board of Co~u^issior.ers o` the County of 2~evv Hanover h~~ ascert~i.nec' ard hereby determines that it is necessary tha.t the ile~~: T-[a.nover County School Adi;iinistrative. Unit erect several nev~ school buildings and erect additions to existin~ school bu~.ldinas and alter and reconstruct existing school buildings and ~cquire lanrl and purch~se furnishings and equipment rsquired for such buildinps a.nd additions, in crder ~h~t the public schools in said C'ounty may ba n:~intai.ned~ as a nart of the syster: of public schools of the State of North Carclina~ ~or the term rer~uirec~ by the Constituticn of North C.arelin~~and that it c~~i11 be necess~ry t,o e.xpend fo: said purposes not less than "~'106~000.00 in addition to ~ny moneys which have been or t~ai11 hereafter be ma.de available fro~:. other sources to f?nance such additional school pla,nt fa,cilities: Section 2. In order to raise the r,~oneq required to fin~nce tYte Prect3on o£ such new school buildin~s and of such additions to existin~ buildings ~nd such a7te ration ~nd reconetruction of er.isting school buil.dings ~_nr~ the ~cquis:tion of such l~nd ~nd the purch~se of such furnishings ar.d equipment, bords of '~he County of ?~ew :i~nover are hereby authorized a.nd sh31_1 be issue~? pursu.~nt to ~he Cot.nty ri?1~ace Act of ;~orth Carolina. The n:~xi.n:uri a~~regate pr:incip~l ar::ount of s~~d bonds authori2ed bt~ this bond order sha.ll be Ons ri~zr_dred a.nd Six Trous~nd Do~].~rs (~`,106,000.). - Section 3. 4 ta.x suffSc?.ent to pay~the princip~7. of ~:id interest on said bonds tivhen due sh~71 be ~nnu~.lly levied and collected. Section 4, A;>tate;,,ent of the G~t:r.ty dFt~t of t.~e C~i?r~t3- oi P?err I'anover ha,s been filed ~rith the Clerk o," the Bo~rd of Co:;;~i,=.s~oners o" sai.d Courty and is oPen to ,r,ublic ~nspEetion. Section 5 pTo debt sh~ll be contz~cted dur~nc ~.r•y f~sc~~ ,=e~r b,y the issuance oi honds pursu~nt to this bond order of the ~n,ou.r.1; o^ such del~t rynd of ail other debt con- tr~cted during such ~isca,l ye~r shs17, eviceer? tv~o-thi.rds of t:he ~.rzount of which the outst~n~3in.~ indFbt~dness of s~;d CounYy Sha,Z], ha.ve been redi~ced during t.he next nrecedin~ ~iscal y:=~r~ unless t'.~e incurrin~ oi such debt shai.l_ be subr:itted to a vote cf t,he people of said County and sha11 be anproved by a majority of those v~ho vote thereon. Sect~on 6. This tionc} order sha.ll take effect thirty days after its f~.z•st puUlicetion after f~nal passaae, un].ess in the meantime ~ petit5on for its subi.ission to the votErs is fileci under ~he County Finance Act~ and in such event it sha11 take effect when a.pproved by the voters of the County at an election as nrovided in sa?.d Act. Co~~ssioner 0'Shields rcoved that the bond order be approved and that a public /I ~ he~ring thereon shall be held on the ~4~ day of April, 1950~ at 10:00 o'clock~in the "'~76~~ forenoon ~t, the regular meeti.ng room of the Foaro of Cor~:.~issioners at the Court House in V~'iiminpton~ ilorth Carolina;~nd that the C2er}: of the fia3rd of Commissioners be directed ~ publi~h the bond order uith a'notice of he3r.inp i.n the form prescribed by la~v. . The motion ihas seconded Cor„missioner Davis n~ove:i /~ r~ to fi1_e r;ith the Clerk of t';e /Y79 The County Fir.~nce Act; p.ior by Co:~missione: Tr~sk and r.as by Co:::m~.rs;oner F.all -.nd ~r:as una.nimously~ ~doptecl. that the County Account~n~ be designated as the officer ?o~rd tY~e st3te;rsnt of debt; ythich n:ust be filed under *o the he-~r;.ng of thF bond c~der, TY~e notion vra_s sec,onded u~'~r.~.^;ousl~,• ~~c,'opted. J^on motion of T.1r. i~~~sk~ secondFd b~~ ilr. 0'Sh'_e1ds; ~.n advert.5ser^ent prep~red by t,4essr~ L3~nch 3r.d roara. a~~hitects c,'1~r,t for bids to be rec=5ved until 11:00 o'clock A.'~., 1,.onda,y, L'~y I~ 1°>C7~ for th~ construct;or of t."e p;orosFd tubercu]_osis hosr~.ta1, /~~ .1?l ~3 CCOTCi? 11C~ ~'1`~"i t}1t' ^l q^c '3.ri~ ~7-E C1f.i C~ t':07'S r~PeP.? i`C'd b;: P.,es~r. s L~-riC}7 3ri:~ 1''O? rCl f ~~~ 4rchitects~ w~ere presented bt- T~:r. :o~rd ~nd •,•rere ~pnroved ?r:d ordered publi.shed. Ia:r. Davis raised the qtzestion of the Cou7ty's abili.tv to erect and equip ~ 3? room fi.reproof hosdital vaith the ~:100~000.00 avlilable~ and su~gested that it ma,y be best to build and equip ~ 2d room first cl~s~ _`iren~oof bu9ldin~ to st:~rt ~~rii;h~ and to th~t end noved that ~eti.on Ue 8eferred on the r~~tter until a r:~eeti.ng c~n be had vaith Dr.l'lessel.l to discuss sueh ~ pla,n. The ~-.otion f?riled oi ~ second. ` 4 conntmicat9.on v;~s received from r"•r. ^t, I;i].bur Cla.rk; !hird Division St~te H'_gh~~~ay ~~@y Cor,~~nis=i.oner, 3dvi.sin~ t}~3t t?1e ar•~~erding deie so irec~uentl,; f,'1s on the Fi'rst Tuesd~,y, r:ould 1~.ke to ch~npe the r.,eEti.ng c3~te °or dele;-at~or.s from this County to the 4th~ Tuesday~ ~.tas a.greeab).e to tti~ E~aru. . I r ~. ~ ~ ;+leeti ng of April 11, 1950~ contirnaed . ~``~~ty~ A report of the Veterans Servi ce Gif~cer for P.73rch i~13S received and filed . ~ ~ Upon mot~,on of I!ir. Davis~ ~econ~ied b~ ;;.r. TTall, Dr. Sidney Allen ~~~as released from the payment of ~1.00 not listed penalty ch~.r~ed a~ainst the prope.rt,y of'his vai°e _~~~` at Vuriphtsville Beach £or the ,year 1949, thinl~in~ trle sar.ne vdas in his na.n:e and v,as included in his t~.r. returns~ also I;".a.y 0. Stanley vras gi°anted ~n ~b~tier~ent oi taxes en a valuation of ~4~5.00 account of error in assessment on Iot 6~ i.n biock ?~ Colonia.]. Vi11aFe for the year 1949. A statenent was received from the State Boa.rd of Puhl~c t'siel~'3re a.dvisin~ that ~41~238.00 r~a.s sent tc this County for i:h.r: r..~orth of x:iarch faa Old Age Assistance~ ,_~~ Aid to dependent chi?dren and for ~dmi.nsi.tr.~a.t:on, The meetin~ then adjourned. .~-rss« ~t. .i1-+ ~~ C 1_ e rk . ~ irilcin~ton~ T;.C., A~ril 17~ ].950. Tfie reautai~ G~:eek~ti~ r:eet=r^ ci the Ec~,•d ~~~~s he;~ at lO:Od o~clock 4. P.'i. ` Pr~:sent: James~i~i. H~11, Vice Cha.irinan; Geo. 's}~. Trask~ Claul 0'ShiPlds, Phurston C. D3vis, Count.y,.9ttorney llarsden tseil~~~ a~~ Cour,ty ?u~itor. C. r. Smith. . The mimttes o` v:eeti.n~~ oi April ~~ '7, 2nd 11th, Fvere reZa and ~"Pz~oved as reco.rded. A.reque=t of ;:,r. P.L.Pressley for inprovernent to tY:e drain~.v,e on the east side of the `~ Carolina BP3ch EiphlF~~y 3pproyiraately half tnile v.~est of i~s i.ntersect5on evith 1~.iyrtle Grove ,~~7'~' Loo~ Road~ by installinF pipe in aii open ditch <<;here he is erecting f~ur resi.Centi.~l buildings, ;~ras referred to i~.Ir. Tr3sY ~or inv~sti~ation ar.d report his recnn.i:enda*ions to the Bo~rd at a subsPquent reeting. '~7`~ A request of I!~r. .A. B. icho~es~ keg~ster of DFeds9 to have the C9.vi1 Service Commirsion • ~~,~D certify appli<•ants for a position o£ fu7'_ time extra clerk for' his o:'_'ice, at a s31~xy of ~7.~5,00 per rr.onth~ v~~~ kpor. notion of i~.:~~. 0'Shields~ seconded bv r;;x, Pavis, gr~nted. _ A request of I~.r. R3ndy H3m??.~on, City i~iana~;er ef tne To~~rn of Carolina Ee_ach~ for ~ 2~000,.00 ~ to suppleraent ~ like ar.iount of reder~_7. funds foi• cost of Governr.;ent En~ineers to m~ke ~G.q, ~ a survey of erosion condi~:ions a'. ~ro:~!is~~ Feach, ~ua.s upon i;.otion of P4r. 0'Shields, secondec~ b~~ i:.r. D3vis, take~ un~i~~ advisement vrit~z the Count; Attorney ~nd for study as to `Gounty fin~r~ces . Unon r„otior: of :;r. 1P4sk, secor.~'ec' by ;~.ir. J'~vis, ~uthority vras ~iven to make the ~Q~, necess3r•y corr•ectior.s ~n the a; ;~ssments on tr.e 7.an~ of i~4rs. V;alter P. Sprunt, Gr2env~'le 6ound, 5n conrectaon r•i~h tne sale of certain na.rcels to Col. Church e.nd T~ir. F.i«~ins~ for v;hich crer~~t ~'i'9~ S'1\%P.A on ~:he v~ron~ tract~ on a k~si.s of a.esessments , AconirPnded r,. ,~he T~;~ Asse^sor~. L'rcn n•otion of I-r. D~~J~s, seccn~+.ed r~~ i:fr. Tr2sk~ Tai:s. Errr:a. G. Eva.ns, e rasi.d~nt cY I~exin~ton. K~~. ~ since 19~7~ t"'~= ~r~ntied ~n ~-h~ter:ent of taves on a. v~lu~t5.on of ~500.00 ,-~~ oh automcbile brou,bht f'd"fla~ard iror. ~ previ.ous listing and char~ed in e•rror for the yesr 19~t9, to~ethe.r ~-:~i.th ~n ~b~te~~~ent of rot ~i.sted pen~lty charr~ed aL~ainst 5 acres of 1~nd Harnett to~;rnshi.p~ zccount oz bFin~ a non-rPSider.t, 1nd h~vinr no personal prorerty here. ~~'o oUjections v;ere indicated bs th~ Bo~rd to the appl3.cations of the ~t~te HiFh:=ay and ~~ Public 1^;orks Commi.ssion to Lhe'United_SL-stes;District Snrineer for permission to build _y~,~ a bridge across T:'31den Creek near Southport, a.nd the To~am of Carolina Seach to revise its 1~ plans for the dred~ing of the r.~unicipa7_ otiFnPd small boat basin at Ca.rolin~ Be~ch. Upon n;otion o~ ?eir. 0'Shieids, secondQd h5~ ?~r. Davis, Bell r~Iiller i~iebb~ Y`iilmin~ton tovjnship~ J~ vrss granted an abatement of not.-listed ~enalty charged a~a.inst lots 53154/85/b6 Arca,di~, for the ye~r 19491 not Jt~?owin~ the sane had to be 7.i~ted, and J.TJI.Evans~ 12'] P~iornz.n~side Prive~ was granted an a.batement of pol_l tZyes accoun* of d~ubie listinp. • nor_ t.rotion of Tdr. Davis~ seconded b5 1:'r. Tr~sl~:, the Cha.irn:an v;as authorized ~nd directed ~ k~n~to endorse ?.nd turn o~rer to the Cor;munit5~ T~ospit~.1 Tru~tees, three checks in the ~a~regate ~tr arr,ount of ;?;??.46 received frorr~ 1tl.~ntic ''-utu~1 P~ire Insuranc~ Co.~ $?75.9~; The Pioneer. Co-opera,tive Fire Insurance Co., $y10~3.2'7 ~nd ?'he Hartiord ;riutua1 Insurance Co.~ %'].08.2~ coverinp County's h~lf p~yment for fire d~r::~re to Cotr.rnunit,~ Nosnit?l, sa.id, funds to be ~ used in ,iaYing the~necesea.ry re~~irs. . Unon moti~n of i~:r. D~v_s, secondPd by ':r. Trask, nifton Scott~ ph}~sicaity disa,bled v~~hite ~p~~''p~, ~county i.i~.di~ent, recrnt.l~~ discha~ ~ed frorr ~as.~'I~.I.ker .Nospital~ raa,s on reconsnendati.on of the ^C'" ~upt of Pul.;lic !"e2f~re, ~dritted ±c tr e Gou.ztq Hor~e. Unon n:oti.o^. of :~:ir. D~vi.s, seconded b~. I,:r. Trask~ inst"ructionsn~e~e given to ~~~rite ~ l.etter ~ -~ of con~ratul~t~o~~G t,o '.:~jor ~~?~.~° R. Sr.Sth unon his anpoint~:.ent ~.s heed of the State Hi~hway P~trol, ~nd to con~ratul~te the rcvernor and I~Ir. L. C. Hos~er Commissioner of motor veh_c]es for havinp a°i~oi.^.te.c? h9.~~. ?Tnon motion. of :"r. Trasl_, second~d h;: :"r. n~vis~ County l~i'l.s I os. 1868 to 2316 vrere '~~~ a;~~,rovc-d for p~,~Tent. ~ P~r. G, C. McIntire reported that pa.rt of lot 5 in b?_ock 537 ~vas sold by Pl.A.Haney to '~ R.L.Rouse an Febru~r~~ 3~ 19~0, subject to back_ taves due thereon~ ~rhich ~~ras reported, to have been-~1~1.~9. Later trie saia pro~Serty was 5~1d at a.tax sale fo.r t~xes due'~•' , _t~Q~ in thz narr.p cf D.7a.Ber,=on amount?.7,- to ~?_7.0.47, to the City and CountV foz• ~150.00~ and reque.sted that consideratian• he r?.ven to~.~~zrd car~nromiz~ng the di£.`erence betvaeen the an,ount TE'~.'OI~tPG~ to r~^. Rouse and thP ?mount due, to enlb?c= hir~ t,o redeem the same, ~v~s upon moti.on of Irir. 0'Shi.elds, seconded b,y Fp'r. Davis~ referred to the Tax Eupervisor, County Attorney and Count~~ 2u:~itor v:itn ro~-er t.o ?.et. . 1'7'7~ A4eetin_F, of April 17, 1950. cor.t_nu~d. The ?~ecion St3ditu~: Cc*mittee the.r. r:et in con~'erence c!ith representatives~~o~ the ~~ UJilrr~inrton i~~cinP A~soci>tion, Ine., tc furth~r ~i=r.uss the nroposed le2.se o.•°. the St~diur: for Y.orse races, and thi~ meeti.n~, v~~ unon motion~ reces~ed imtil 12:00 o'c]oei: noon~ Tuesd~.,y, April l~uth, 1G50. ~,.~G.( I ' C~erk. ' ` _ V I~~SI~~~ ' •W(/' ` ,\J i'dilr~i.neton, N. C., Ap:i~ 18, 1~50. ?ursuant to recess t~ken April 17~ 1950, the Boarcl n•et at 12:00 o'cloclc iJoon. Present: 9ddison vevrl~tt Ch~irm~n, Geo. Ui. Tra"sY„ Jas. T~4. Ha11~ Claud 0'Shie~ds~ Thurston C. Davis, County Attorney nS~rsden Bel.lar.~~' °.nd C.F.S^ith, CoL:nty '~.tzditor. Also Ts4r. I~. P,". Kermon, Secret~ry of the ;"iil:~in,r.tcn =t~cinfl Aesoci~tion; Ine.~ P„r. ,• D. C. Ivorth, Frank iCozal 1nd 1:1ark ?dler; attornet-~ ~r.d P:r. Joe F~rln.an rar Boston. i` The contr~ct for the le~se of l~e;;ion St~~iiur ~~~ c~a~ a~airi brou~ht beio~e th~ Ro~i~d, r.e?.d ano chaages ia the e~:~.e r;ere r.i~ce~ ~.'r~e ~c~z'u or,~ a,ccor~lance v;itr the ch~nees arre;ed upon; a;,d A.i;:., 'v;~dnesd~r, Ar.i•i~. 19t~i 19~0, to fur~'.~~e~. Y,o tt:e 19i 1 triJ c~iscuss~d ;.p o rg(7 i.~l' i, `. P° rece=s ~~;~s consi.der .,'•~e n~ton H1ClYla c~.~sociatSon~ Inc. ~ d=tail, ancl a~ter further samc be re-v~ritten in t?ken u.ntil 70:00 o'clock s~r.e. ~~lii-~.r-.r-ton, ; . C., 'd;edne=da)-~ Apri7. 7.9~ 1950• Fu^su~nt to r=ce=.~ t~ken iues;~~-; ~~•~rii 1.8, 1~'~0. the ~oard rr;et at 10:00 o'cl.ock 'y..;:.'.. , Present: 4c?di.son '~ev~lett C?-~ir^~3n, Geo. ~;. T~~~';, J~s. P.i. Ha~l~ C1_.~ur3 0'Shieids~ Thu.rstor C. D~;-is and Co~~nty 1t;or,:,e:y '~`^rs;~~n i=P1~ar~« ~'.rP. D. r. J~•'OPt;I; Pr~~ident O_° ~}?(' t~~lTi1.;1~i07"! .~aCirlc ~?cSOC1.91;]Ori =::C~ T~1'. ~. i~.. i;81'ITiO`1~ Secretary, a.nd i~?r. Ni?rk An].er. .4ttorne3+ u~ere alsn present. • cor,tra ct The contract for thF lease of the ~tar~i~zm~ aPi;er cert~in cn?nges we:F r~ade ~r.~?/re-m~.ritten as order ~t meetin~ ci ~p:i.l l~th, ~i~as rea.d and.discussed, ~r:d ~?~er further " • p~h minor ch~nFes v~~ere ma.r~P in ~he same, the said contract d~ted the ~gr,n da~ 01' HprS.l, 195~, ~1 h~ving been anproved ry the StadiLn~! Committee o+!as presented tc the Bo?.rd; and upon ~-ot].on of Tc"r. iiall; secended by Iir. Davis~ the sarr,e va~.s accepted and a;:proved~ on-tlie affi'r~ative vote of Co:~,~~issioners Hall. C'Shields and Davis~ the Ch~irr,an ~nd ;YIr.. Trask voted no. And the Chai.r~r.an a,nr] the Clerk of the Board v?ere autho:cized and di.r•ected to e~;ecute the same in the narae of the County on condit~-or tnat the bond set out in s~id le~se be dulti• executed and delivered to the Bo~rd npon e,prova.l o° th!= County Attorne,y. Unon motion of P,I~. G'Sh"~.e7r3s~ ~econded by~ ; ~. D^~.*is, tne Eo~r~i aut'zo:i_zed the purch~se of h~lf p~oe zdvert~~er:ent i_~ ~i~~e tabloiri edition of t`?e Charlot+e Obser.ver to be ~ nubl~shed .T.;3.;~ 1~?~ ~950~ ~t a cost of ~,°-1G~.OQ, rrovia~d the P¢a.rd i~ furnished i~:ith 7 ~ ceP3> of the proof ol the 3d~J~.S~_t.~Ai E~u fcr atprov3l be~,ore it is ir_serted for pubtic~tion. Th~ Ci.1;~ of i~Jii:^i:.Fto;-, to t~Y_E: e~iri.ila^ sp~ce. The F,o~rd findin~ as a f9Ct }i.['!3t ~;?@ S?.TIlP ].S 11°C°C`'~.L'`% ~'~?T' 9~'iVcP~]51;'.F Zi7E ~~V9:':taPES at?Ci ?'eSOUT'CPS of the COUrit~J . ~The niatter of purchasi.ng a ste~m ~pp=i:r~tus for cle3nin~ the h~rdened d~rt, grease 3nd '.Q,$ rust off n_~chinery, dr~Fl.ine ~ad oth~r eeuirr.ent a1: tye a~:rort ~~;as c?i:cu~sed btit no j~`~ action v~~= taken. The r.;eetin~ t~~er ad;io~?.rned. _~~.t.• _- Cl.erk. ya~y~ Plilir.in,a,ton, P~ . C. , 4pri1 ?4, 1950. The regul.ar vfeel;l~- meeting oi the ::o?rd :+~s held this d~y at 10:00 o'cloclc 9. i',7, . Present: Corr,r.~issioners Addison Hev~lett C`.~~ir~ran~ Geo. Gd: ^1rasY~ Jss. ,fi. Hall, Claud 0'Shields, 3nd Thurston C. Davis, the's=~rr:e bein~ a11 members of the Boa.rd. Also present e:~ere i~iarsden i.ellarn~• Co-.r.t,* ilttorney snd C:F.Smith County Auditor. , The minutes oi Apri1 17, 18, ~nd 19th were read and approved as recordec. ~ ' Mr. l~J. P. Farrar appeared and presented ~. co~3~ of a res~olution ;rom the V~inter P?rk ~~~ Civic Club endorsing ~nd ur;-ing the transfer of the County Fi_re Truck fz•om Bluethenth3l Airport to l9inter Fark as soon ~s suiteble quari;ers ca.n be s~cu.red for ecuin, ent anrl driver. Is~Ir. 0'Shields E~;a.s not f~vorable to~~~~rd continuin€~ the izse of the City~o~rned truck vihich r~~s lo~ned to the County uriti.l Ju1)' lst~ after that date~ account of its deterior~ted condition, and su~~ested that the County issuF 5~20~000.00 of its bonds for the purchase of fir.e £iAhting equipn;ent. T.he Gou~t}- '~ttorne,y raised the question oi the County's Je~al right to is~ue bonds for i:hat pur~pcse va]thout a~~*ote of the pe~.onle. St~tinp,, houever, th~t ~ny avail_able un~ppr~~priated funds t?~3t he.ve bzen receivsd frorr the ABG stores could be used. The County 41;torney f~z:•th~. ~dvisAd tY»t due to the len~th of time required to compl.ete prer,aratio«= ~or ~ k,ond ~ssue, dout:+e~ that the s-^.me could be had ~~thin this fiscal y°~r. Ho~~aever the m3tter va~s referred to the Couaty !!ttorney to s~cure the opini.cn of the Eond 9ttorneys on the lenality of the r~~ti:er. P,Yr. Tr~rk asked to be recorded as heinF opposec4 to the issu~~~ce o1' bor.ds tc purch3se fire Sigtating'equinment. feeli.ng it is not a, county-s^r5.de oUlipation, the coant} s}~ou?d~ be zoned and each conmiunity take care of its own fire p~~otect~on e;;pense,. othex•'~~~ise i` rrould not be l3ir to tax City res5_dents for r.ural fire protection. • . ~ ~~~ r,feetin~ of 1pri1 ?4, ~g50, cont~nued, The IIoa.rd agreed Y.o m~stpone ur,t~l next n~=e~ing, ~rny action eifecting the. le3se Je~ o*_" Legi.on St~diw, ~o the i~i7.r,.in.•ton r;ac,r~^ .a~sor,`.3t5on, Inc.; sccount of its del~y in postSng bond reyuirec3 in s?i~~ le~se. rec;i.ie~ted r3~ ;~4r. 'r?. ,,,. 7iermon an~ It1r. Fred '+:'il].etts . - Cor~rni_ssion~r '?'hurstnn C. D~vis r.oved t:~at the Bo~.Td procped to hold a nublic f ~1~b~`~ C106,GOO.OOtSchbold~or,derof11±re,Coiznt~nci0ree.rF~noher'I',1vhiche,~:assintrod~ced at the r:eet~.nF of the Eo~rd held cr. ':he 111:h d~y os Apri.l, 19~0~ The motion was seconded by Cor.:missicner J~s. ;~,. Hall and ~.;~s u:~~ninously ~dopted. , The Ch~~.rir,~n e~,nounced t.n~t the Fa•zrd v~oulcl groceed vr;tli tne he~ring and at his ~~b.~/ request the C]erl< re~u ;he oond or;~er and ':ne noti.ce oP hearing ther~on a.s puUlished on the 1^th d~.y of 4pr9.1, 195p, .;~ ~;~~ ~Sked to be he~.rd t~~ith respect to the bond orcer. The r.~?otiot? a,=~de Uy rcr: ~nissioner i hurston C. Davi.s ~nd seconde~ by Co~:imissioner Jas. T:i. E~11 tha~ the h~~r~n,c te ciossd =.°^s thereupon un3nimously adonted. Cornissioner Geo.ti'i:Traslc..4oved tYi~.t tl-~F bond o:der entitled " Bond Order ~uthorizin~ the issuance of ~IOt,~000.00 ~cY:ooi Eonds o~ the County of i?ev~ FIanover", introduced r- ~j°~~~ at the i;,eeting held on t}~F 17.th ~ay oi April; 1950~ be zdopte~ v~ithout chan~e or a.r~endt~ent. The mot~.on v~as seconded by Cor:Mi~sioner Claud 0'Shi7.eos and v,~a.s un~nimous.ly adopted. The Clerk e~as oirected to pub2.ish the bond order with notice oi' its adoption in the °orrn prescribed by lava. Uoon motion of :'r. 0'Shields~ seconded by t,4r. Davis~ a request of the Clerk~of the _ ~Sv Super.ior Court to continue the services of the ey:tra c7.erk-t,ypist in his oG.`fice which vra.s granted T~nuar,y ?3, 1950, £or an addition~l 60 d~.ys, tivas granted. ~ _~~~pu'~ A report of ~9ilrr~ington Public Libra.ry and Bcokmobile for ~~Iarr.h t~i1s received and filed. PIo objecticns vrere indicated b,y the Ec»rd to th~ LTnited St~tes District Engineer _~ granting perm~ssion ~o the at13nt5.c Co~st Lire R~ilroad Cnn:p~ny to c1osP its bridge ~ acros~ the Northeast C~pe Fe~r river ne~r C~st1e Havne, to n~.vi~ation duri.ng the period ?~tay lst through Piay 6th I950, in or~er that a ner,~ s;sing span r..~y be installed. A communication v;~s recBltied :I1'. ~no;~..s '.:'. :`orse, Supt., of 8tate Park.s, advising thst ~ks IV:r. FranY H. IIrant~ Chief L~ntisc~ape ~r.~ineer of the State FIiFhti~ra.y and Public VdorY.s ~' Cor~.mi~sion, h~s pl~n*ied to r.~~}:e ~ tr~p i~cre i;~ t'ie near future to look into our request for the devalo~:r:ent o: ~~~~3y=ide a re~s ~i_ong ±"e River ~oad. ^~~,~p +1 copy cf ~he r.,inutes oi' Cor~°:tinity ;'osp;t~1 cf P,~.~rch 1.6~ 1950~ was reeei.ved and ,°.iled. 1 ~~~i The fo~.1.o~~:~n~; ee:-~n~nnic~.tion ~~r~= recei~~ed fror.^. P~ir. Joseph norvrood ~ District 4irport. ~~~`~ En~i.n~er: I;".r. Addison F'ev;lett, Cl-:a.~.r;,,~:~ Bo~.rd of Commissionez•s ~ Pdevr ~'a.nover Count~ • P,'ilr~in~ton~ tdorth C~ro3in3 Subject: P'.ev: I?a_nover Count~• Airport {B~.uethenth~l rie]_d) 17ilmineton, North C3rolina Project No. 9-31-020-907. Dear i~4r. Hev:~lett: heSerence is r~ade to your lettersdated April 5 and April_ 11~ 1950 concernin~ the avrnrd of contracts under the, subj~ct ~roject. ~ This is to adv9.se tha.t we hav~ consi.dered your ori.~inal recom,r.endation for ~vaarding o-p~ the contr~cts as contained in S~our April 5 1et~er ~nd your revised recomr:end~tion ~~~(.~ contained in your April• 11 letter and that vre r_cncur ?.v:~rds should be made in accord?nce ~~:~ith your revi.sed recorr.~n~endation o:f .~pril I..l. You ~;~~y~ there:fore, corsider this to be your .autnoriza~Eion ta enter into contracts as follovas: 1.. Ger,er~I contract for ter~r.in~l 3nd control to~~er bui7.dings to Go~11ey'-i~1.IlY!4'ili,.1T!C. ~ in the arr,ount of ~7?1~425.00. (ihe tot~l '~~~.ount o~ this contr~ct is understood to be the base bid of rl^5~°71.50 less t~id for roads~ aute r.ar~.5n. '~:e~ '~nd d~aina~e~ ~14~546.5G) 2, Llectri-c !~;~rinF -of ten:iinal a.nd traffic contxol buildings to J. ':. ~ones Electr~c Com~any in the ~mount of C16~862.1?_. 3, P7_•zr!bin~ ir; tern:i.n31 ~?.nd tr~ffie ccntrol buildi.n~s to Good~~ea; ?l.u;,:t;9;~.;^ Cnn.p~.ny in the amount of ~"]~836.00. 4. He~t ~_na, o' term~n~1 bu~lding to Goodyear Plurr.hing Comp~ny in the ar:~ount of ~5~?70.00. 5, He~ting of traf~ic control bu~ldin? to R,C.Luc~s an9 Son ln the ar,~ount of ~>935•00.. 6. Air conditioning of tra~fic control build~n~ to Sneeden Air Cor•dit?oning and ~efrigerstine Company i.n the 3r.;ount of ~'1~444.00 7. Runv~azj li~htinP to Fi.G.F~ryant Etectric Corporation in the ar,:ount of ~'16,8~5.00. • . _ Nieeting of Apri7. April 24; 1950, continued. By ws.y of ccmpl„~ing with F3rt 550 of the Reaul'~tions o£ the ."vdmi_nistre.tor~ vrhich are made a part of your Gr~nt rlgre~ment r.ith the tinited St~tes, it ~°:~7_1 be neces='~.ry that this office be furnished vt9.th three conformed copies ef ?1_1 cor,tra.ets executed pursu~nt to this letter of 3ut~ioriz~tion ~.nd th~t no v~ork be authorized under s3id contracts unt:1. such conformed copier ?iave been received ~y this of°ice a nd you are notified of our author~z~.tion to ~ssue P;otices to Froceed to the respective contractors, ~ours v~ry trttly ~ /s/ Jo: eph 1vor~n'ood D=.s~r~ct Airpmrt En~ineer ~ ~~9~ Upon *~.otior. of ,'.'r. nali~ seconder,' by :~~r. -rast, instruct_~_ons caere given to adveri9.se , ~tlze sm111 tiix•ee roo~;: hou.se loc;ted ne~r i,}ie easi, ~~:te entrance to E,luethenth'~1 Airnort, ~.~~Pb for s~le on se~.led bids to be rec,ei~red unt:~l 10:00 o'cloc?c A.I..., P.1or.day~ r.'~,v 8, 1950, -~ subject to the approval of the Cicil Aeronautics Admi.nistr~tion. The County raserving the right to reject ~1!'iy or G'[l 3ids. 1,".r. 0'SYiields voted no ior the reason he is opposed to ~ sel.ling the hou.se ~t this time, ~eel~ing it could be used or rented to adv3r_tage i.n the near ~uture~ 3nd =hould bz r~eld in ~beq.~nce ior the tine bein~, .. The rr.a.tter of reaching 3n ~aree~:ent tet~~~eer_ tne atl3ntic Co~st T~ine R~.iJ.road ~~mplny and .~~U~~ the cou7t5~ concerain~ ;u.ture :r,.in+er.~i~ce ~::d l~.~b~.lity of the cuJvert inst~lled i:ndeT" the railro~d tr~cks ir connectior. v,~t.r~ t"~F recent ~rain~~e inprovements in the Four Il4ile Post are3, v;~s refer.red to tt« Cou_~ty 4~torne~•. n ~Upon r,:otior_ of '_~ir. Tr~~k, secondcd bt~ '_.;r. 0'Shields, authorit5~ ~+as ~iven to purch~se a ~~,(~~1~~ steam 3n ~ratus for clsaninr dirt and gri.ne off airport and cou,-r.ty rolli.ng units at a cost oF ~3a8.39. TJpon rrotion of :!;r. 0'Shield~. secor.ded by I~".r. Halt, the Board voted to n;eet the er.pense /~mi`'~{~1P'~~ith^the• City of P~iliriin~tcn, for Army Forces Day' ce7.ebra.tion here ;or the week endinP ~iviay ~o, 1950. A motion of Iv~r. Davis, seconded by P;Ir. Hall, to grant a request District Home Agent Superyiscr for the State ~xtension Service~ ~. of the Home Demonstration Agent fror~ j~1~080.00 to 51~300.00 per -~°J to enable the De~artment i;o secure a capable ~erson to take the resigned~ failed V~hen n4r. D'avis v.ithdrew his motion. after iv~r. opportunity to 1.ooY int;o cor:p~r~tive sal~ries and i;Ir. Trask's i nrovided a~e c~n rr~a.intair. the prFSent t~~y r~te. of Mrs. RZary t.?c4ilister~ to increase the s~l~ry year as of July lst~195~, place of P~4iss Elaine idoble ~ 0'Shields asked for ndication of approval A copy of a letter ~v;~itten by JUCI~P. ~;J.C.Fi~rris to Judr~e Johh J. Burney, recommending the printing, of 5000 copies of " A Ylandhooti- oi Iniorm3tion for Trial Jurors"~ for di.stribution ..~--~ U~ to orosnective jurors to i.mprove their understar.ding of what their function will be and ~ what eai11 t.a.ke pl~ce before then~ v~hich handbeok is nov! being used in t:%ake County~ was brou~ht to the a,ttention oP the 3oard, ?n:i 9nstr.uct;.ons were piven to secure ?. copy of the p~mphlet for study. T he meeting Chen adjourne3,. ~ r! 2~Cle rk.. VJilmington,N.C., t~4~y 1, 195~. The regular weekly meeting of the Eoard ~~ia.s held this d~y at 7.0:00 o'clock A. ~. Present: Con,missioners Addison E.ev,~lett Chairr.ian~ Geo. '~'. Trask, Jas.-4.Ha11, Claud 0'Shields and Thurston C. Da,vis, the sarr:e be~ng all r~ec~bers of the Board~ ~.nd County Attorney Iai-rsde.n Bellar,y. The n,inutes of ineeti.ng ot 9pri1 ?~+, 1950~ v:ere read and approved as .recorded. The Clerk of t~e Suserio: Court presented to i;he Bo~.ro; the official bond for T:'Ir. Robert U~ L. S'lack, rec=ntly ?ppointed P,e~ister o° De.eds to serve out the unexpired term of P ;7 iS~ Ivir. A. r. thodes~ resigned, in the 3r,ount of ~;~10~000.00 ~,ith the ITnited St~tes Fid..lity ~f~ ~nd Gu~ranty Company ~.s stzr~ty. ~'he s~id ~mount h=:ving been fixed b,y the Board a.nd a.nproved ~s to £orr:~ and e>~ecution b~ *hc Count;,~ Attorney, and l~;r. Ela.ck having ca.ken the oath of oflice before~the Clerk of the ~uper~.or Court, w~s apProved by ~. unanimous vote. UXon ,:.otion of l.~r. Tr~sk, seconcied by ;~'.; . Davis~ the Board authorized the expenditure of not exceedin~ ~,"400.~0 to provide police protecti.on at Seabreeze colored resort to dune ~r-d~y11j 30~ 1°50~ on a ~0/50 basis of p3yr.~:ent of ~'200.00 ~g the Seahreeze interests; and "a+200.00 by the County. P;ir. U'Shields veted no for the-reason it was a.greed durinP the prepa^~tion oi, the budaet that this e~~tr1 sere~c? 1•~ould not be furnished the bea.ch resorts in~smuch ~s the Sheriff vras ello~~rer3 one a'd~itio~l~1 fu7.1 tir~e deputy and one p3rt time deputy to en~.Ule hir: to ta',te care of the situ~tion. Corr~missi.oner Geo. ti'J. Tr?sk rr~oved that the following resolution be ~.dopted: 1'lHERE93, the bond order hereinafter described has been finall;~ a~opted by the Board of Co::miss~oners~ and the Board desires to mai~e further provision for the issuance of the bonds to be issued pursuant to sai~ bond orcler; NOVJ; THEl~"r'ORE~ BE IT RESOLVED by the Boa.rd of Corr~missioners of the Countyr of neva Hanover, as follovis: Section 1. Pursu~nt to the rond order entitled "Bond Order ~uthorizing the issu3nce of ,d„'106~OOG School Eonds of the County of PIe~^i Hanover"~ adopted by the Bo3rd of Commissioners of the County of Neva F??r.over on the 24th d3S~ of April~ 195~; there shall be is~ue~ Ucnds 1_ ~0 ~;eeting of P~T~y 1, 1950, continued . of the Cour_ty of Idew~ Hsnover of the aogreg.ate princip3l amount of ~106~000. It is hereby deter*~ined th~t the school ouildin#~s described in said Lond order are of either fireproof construction or non-fireproof construction~ as ele£ined in SPCtion 153-L~o of the County Finance Act; ~.nd is hereby further determined that the life ef said i.rnprovements descriUed in said bond order is thirty yeaxs~ computed fror:i the first day of June9 195p. ~Section 2. S3id bonds sh~ll be designated " School Bonds '~ and sh~ll consist of one };undred and sia bonds of the denomina.tion of ~y1~000 each, numbered frorr, 1 to 1069 inclusive~ in ihe order of their r;.~turity~ and shall be date June 1~ 1950~ and shall b°ar interest from their date at a rate vahich sha11 be hereafter determined and tr;hicn sh~ll not exceed six Der centum (6%) per annww~ and shal_1 be payable Seni-apnually on each June 1st and DeceMber lst subseq~zent tc the d?te oi sazd bonds. Said bonds sh~.Zl m~ture i.n annu~l inst311.ments on June lst in each year as follows~ viz;: ~6~000 in each of the years 1951 to 1956, inclusive, .~'„I0~000 iz the yeer 1957 and ~15'~000 in e~ch oi the years 1958 to 1961, inclusive. Section 3. S~id bonds sh~ll bE coupo., ?~orcis; re;ister~ble as to principal oa~ly~ and shnll he sirned by the Chsirr?n and C?.erk ci t,he ~•o~.rd of Conmi~sioner.s of said County. The corporate seal of s~id Count;; sh~.Il be aifi}~ed to each of said bonds. E~ch cf the interest coupons to be att~che.d ~o s3id bonds she~7. Ue atzthenticsted by the facsimile si~,zature o~ s~id C?ert. Seeti.on 4, $~ch o£ s»;d tonct° 5:''9.~~. bP in ~ubs~a.ntial~~~ the follo~~~in~ foru~: i Ivo. ~`1~000 The Count,y for oalue received . bond, or~ if it be principal sur.~ of No. UT,ITED ST~^FS OF A~viERICA STAT~ Gr 1~'GRT:I C4ROLIDIA CGli!;TY Or ~;FF~ fiAP:OVER SC~.OOL EOIr~D ~~I ~ 000 of rdew Hanover~ in the State ef North C~rolina herety prorrises to pay to the bearer of this registe~ed~ to the registered~ oa*ner~ the ONE THOUSAND DOLLAP.S (~:1;G00} on the lst day of June, 19_ , 3nd to pay interest Y.hereon from the da.te of this bond until i.t sha11 matuz~e at the rate of per centurr ( h) per annum~ payable semi-annu~7.ly on June lst and Uecenber Ist in each year~ upon presentation and surrender of the coupons therefore attached~ hereto, as they severally ~~~ature. Soth principal of and interest on this bond are pay~ble at the princ3p~l office of The Nation~l Citv Eank of Neva York, in the Borough of Ivlanh~ttan. City and State of ~ieva'York~: in a.n}~ coin or currency of the Jnited 5tates of America ,nrhich at thF ti.rr.e of pa3~ment is legal tender for the p~yttient oi public and priv~te debtsT This bond ma5~ be renistered ~s to principal only by the holder.in his n3r~e or the bond register of said County kept in the oi'~ice of the Bond Rep,~~tra.r of sa~.d County, and such re~istration sh~li be r.oted h~reon by said Bond Registrar. If so registered, this bond r:~a,y be ti~~nsferred on s~id bond register by the registered o~s~ner in gerson or b;~ attorney~ upon presenta- tion of this bond to the Bor:d ReQ~strar tivith a Nrritten instrument of transfer in ~£orm approve~ b,y s~id Bond Re~istrar and executed by sa9_d reoistered gwner. Ii th::s bond be so regist~red~ the principal sh~l.l there~Tter be payable only to the person in c.~hose nai.ne it is registered~ unless ~this bond s}lall be di-scharged from registry b;; beir.g registered as payabl.e to Uearer. Such rer;istratiun s'r~all not affect the negotiability of the coupons, which conti.nue to padd by delivery. ~ This bond is issued pursu~nt to the County Fin~nce Act of lJorth Caro2ina, and resolutions du?.S~ adopted by the Board of Con~missioners of said County, ~nd is issued by said Gounty~ as ~n ~dministrative agency of the State of North Carolin~, to fi.nance the erection of new school ruildings or additions to er.isting school buildings and the alteration or reconstruction of existing ~chool bui.ldings and the acn,ui_sition of land and the purchase of furnishinFS ~nd equi.pment for such bui.ldin?s or ~dditions, neces~ary for the ma~r.tenance of pu~Iic schools in said County for the six r.,onths term required by the Constitution of i<orth Carolina. It is hereby ce~ti:ied ~r.d recite~~ that a?1 conditions~ acts and things required by the Constit;u.tion or statutes of the St~.te of Piorth C3r~lina to e~ist~ be performed or h~ppen precedent to or in the issu~nce cf tni-s bor.d, exjst~ h3ve been performed a nd h~ve ha.npened ~?nd th~ t the ~r ount of th_s bond ~ together ~^~ith ail other :indebtecness of ~~~d County, is ~!ithin every debt and other li~,it prescr5.~ed by s~id Constitutior. or statutes. 1he ?~ith az,d cred~.t of s~id Ccv.nty are hereb; nledged to the punctu~l. p~~~r~:ent of the princip~l of ~.nd ~.r,terest on this . bond according to :.+~ terr:s. II~ liIT1ES5 i';HE~OF, s~id Ccunty ha.s caused this bond to be si.gned by the Chairnan ar•d Clerlt o£ the Eoard oi Corra^i.ssioners of sa.id County, and the corForate sea~ of said County to be hereunT,o a?£ixed~ ~nd tne ~nnexed coupons to bear the facsirnile sign3ture of said C1erk~ and this bond to be dated ~une 1~ 195~• _ Cl~a~i.rn3~ Bo3rd of ~or^missions o . ~e•,~~ 3nover Coun y. I"I r~ni~ Ana r.rl nf' ('.nr•mi aci nr~cnc nf Tic~~r Fla nnt~on ('ni~ni-.v ~~~ ?t.'eeting of r-i~y 1, 1970, ecntirued. Section 5, Eacll of the interest cou.pons to be attached to said Uonds sha71 be in substa.ntially the folloti,in~ iorm: _ Iio. No. June~ On the first dey of Decemb~r~ 194~ the County of alew Hanover~ A?orth Carolina, will pay to bFarer DOLLARS (~~ ) at the pz•ineipaI. office of ~he I~.~anhattan, City and ~tate of N of America vuhich is then legal being the se~r_i-annual interest and nttn?~ered ~ Ivational City Bank of iv`e~~r York~ in the Borough oi =_v~ York~ in any coin or currsncy of the United States tender for the n~ymer.t of public ~nd private debts~ *hen due on its 5chool ~onds, dated ~une l~ 1950, Clerk~ Board of Con.missioners of ?•`ev~ F'.~nover County. Se.~tion b. ihe.re sh~l? oe enc?orsed u~orl e~clz ci said 'nonds provlsions for tre re~istr3tion ef s~i~ Lorius ~; to -~rinc_p~l or.13~, in substantiwlly ~he fo].lovring forrn: mhe within bond has been register.ed , ~s to princip3l only, 3s follo~vs: D~te of . ii~n:e of fie~istered . Siqnature of "tieeistration . Os^;ner . Eend fieristrar Section ~. There shall appear upon each of said bonds a certificate for the use of the 3ecret~r,y of the Local Goverr.rrAnt Corunission~ in subst~nti?lly the follovaing form: . The issue hereof has been approved under the provisio,-_s of the Local Govern~,-.ent Act. V~ . E. EkSTEHLIY~?G ~ Secretary of the Local Gcvernment Commission . . F„ , Design~ted 4ssi~tsnt Sectiop E. ^he ?,ocal Governreent Co~missior. of P:orth Carolin,~ is hereby requested to sell s~icl uonds ir the i~~:nner prescl'1.bed by the Local Gevernment Act of 'orth Carolina, and to st~te ~a the r.otice o_' the s~1e of s~~d borr3s ~iven pursu~nt to ~ection Z7 of said Act~ t:2~t '~id:4ers r:at n~me one r~te o£ 9r:Cerest far pa.rt of said bonds :nd ancther rate or rates for the b~.l~nce o£ s~~.d bonds. .,~~d rerids sha11 bear interest at such r~.te or rates as m~y be n~mec in the pronos~l te nuc°ch~se s~i.d bonds rJhich sha.ll be accepted by saad Local Goverru~;er.t Commission i.n ~ccord~nce t-ritn said Act. Section 9. The Ch3irr.:~n ~nd tre Clerh of the Bcard of Corr~missioners are hereby authorized ~nd directed te ceuse s3id bcr~d~ to be pre~>~rPd and~ tivhen they sh~71 h~ve been dul,y sold by. s?.id Loc~l Government Cor,~missi.on~ to execute s~id Uonds and to turn s3id bonds over to the St.~.te Treasurer of Pior*h Ca;olina, for delivery to the purchaser or purch3sers to v~hom they n?y be sold b~ said Cor~mission. Section 10. The County Audi.tor is hereby authorized and directed to prov:de a suitaUle bond reaister for th~ registration of said bonds and to act as Bond Registrar in regi.stering sa.id bonds and to carry out the provi.sions set forth in said bonds for tr~e cor.version oi said bonds into registered honds and ~'or the transfer thereof. Commis~ioner Jas. 1~4. H^11 seconded the motion~ and the motion ~~as adopted by the io2lowing votes: AYES: Cor.;missioners Addison Hev~lett, Jas: Pu,.,Hall~ Cl~.ud 0'Shields, Geo. Vi. Tr~sY, and Thurston C. D~~vis. IvAYS: P?one. ~ Upor: motion of irir.D~vis, secon~ed by i,~r. lr-.sk, ~l-ie Board reconsi~ered the request of :1nrs. Liary Lee ir[cA7lister, District f?ome A~ent Supervisor v~hich ea~s presented to the Ea~rd ~5~- at meetir_r of Apri7. 24, ~950, ~nd vcted to ircrease t!?e Coun~y!sa~.ppsopriation for salary for the as~istant P~on:e -~gert fron ~,1,OEC.00 i;U ~1,3~0.00 pe: year ~s of July 1, 195~, to en?ble her to secure the n:ost c~p~ble -.seist~r:t,a.va.ilable. The Cou*!ty Attorne,~ reported nn~'~vor~ble on the r~.a.tter of,i.ssuinp bonds for the purchase o`' equi~ment or te i.rcu: otner ev~ense to provide fire prctection for rural residents~ after ~n~neari.n~ fror, the bond 3ttorneys or. the r.:~tter, i'he County Attorney doubted that it is a ~~ reces~ary county:expense. P:othin~ ~r~~earir_g in the County Finance '~ct on the natter, the question-shqu?c? passed on b~~ the Supreme Gourt of Plorth Carolina, or suthori.ty aiven by the SL~te T,ecis7.~ture to suh~r:it t.".e issue to the voters, iiotsrever the County Aitorney 3dvised th~t such eyp~nse cou?c b° met out of ^n, 3v~il~ble unappropriated non-ta~ lunds. The iratter ~~r3s left v?ith t!~e Coui~tti' 1+t.orney to c?.e~r up. I 18, i~ieeting of P.~ay 1, 1950. Pvir. a'Shields reported th~t ±he County rire Denartr~ent res~~onded to tt~;o brush fire ` yy c~lls~ in the :~:~sonboro zrea v3tu:d~~ ~nd ~ttnd~y, and after ertinPU9:shing the s~rre ~~~- hsd to return four diiferent tii~;es to ~g~in nut out t'~~e f~re, vahich appeared that sor~:e one r:e s settina the ~roo-~s 3 Ci re ,~ nd 'crc~.~.~t~t to the a t+ention the laer requiring th~t ^otice be miveh to a.dj~cent proriertti -o~rrners be_'ore setting fire~ vlhich lar~ vras read to the L~c~rd b~~ the Cou~it;y lttornej~. ivir. R. Ti. Kermon~ Secretary of tne YJilminpton Racing (~ssoci~tion, Inc.~ anpe?red to adv:ise the Eoard th~t the interests hn rtnresents v~ould not c?re to put any money ~~~j in in~proveu•ents to the Legicn Stadilur race tracks for horse contract, due to the cost of in:provements required~ and the on the r3ce tracks b,~ 4uto R~ces Inc., v~hich he cl~ims r~ade h~s rendered it unfit for horse racin~. 'sir. Ha11 moved to granted the Z;ilaiington :;acine A:>soci3tion. inc., ~t r,,eeting motion v~~s seconded by I~:s~. T.rasl: and carr~ed. r~cin~ under the nresent use of calciur,i chloride the suri~ce too h~rd 3nd rec~nsi.der the le~se agreement of April 19~ 1950~ his t?non. motion of ;~:r, FIa1_i.~ secondFd b;- i:`r. li~vis, tne s~id 1'ease a.greement bet~a~een the ', -~~ County and the 6'Yilmingtor. hacina 1.soci~t,ion, Inc.~ d~ted April 19~ 195~; for ~hich su.rety bond for the ;'~;.thful .per"orr;~nce of the Lessee'= ebl.igzti.on under said a.greement has not been furnished or poste,9 3s req~_>red i^ s^9.c~ l~~se~ v.a= decl3red nul =~nd void. A cotion o~fered xy ;::r. ii~ll to conr..end ;ir. Ker.::on for his efforts to promote horse raci.np ~~~ ~t I:er;_cn .t».diur:~ 1?iled of a cesond. ' Upon motion of ;,,.r.. Tr~slz, second°c~ ~:; ;::r. D,vis~ i5r. L. B. Bass~ 410 S. 4th, 5t.~ v~a.s exempt _~°~` frori the p~~r;ent of Pol ~ t~~-es or a::court ef ph~sical dYsability. ~~ I~:r. 1~,. P. Burrhi.mer appeared t;o ~~Y for an apnropriation for the American L~~gion Jur,ior \~~`~~b~seball club. Pdo ~r~:i.or. ~~~?s t~ken. - This being the date an.d liour; 11:00 A.:'~7. ~ set at iaeeting of April llth 1950; to receive bie3s for tne construction of the John C. titiessell Tubercul.osis S~natoriura; accor~iin~; to p_l3ns 3nd _~~' specifications prepared by ;;essrs Lynch & Foard, Architects, the fo1_loraing sezled bids were received a.nd upon r,:otion of I::r. 0'Shields~ seconded by I.ir. ~?vis, ~:rere opened and publiely_ re~.d : , . ' GE1~~ERAL COi'v'i:',ACT: 'd!. A . Simon 3c Son. , A . F. Lee ~ Coleman-Plewton Construction Co.~ Rogers-DeV-^..un " " J . Ul. Hunte.r PI~Uu:BTI~G & I~ATIPIG: Goodyear Plu*nbing Co. ~ A, l4`, Br~nch a Son., Ideal rlur.rine Cc., Fvilmington~ I1. C.~ (Straight bid) ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~, ,~ ie ~e " " He•eting ~3~4~1.00 Plu~bing 4~'7~0.00 ~' " He~ting on1yG;096.00 " " He3tin~ 3,744.00 Flurbing 5,572.00 ~6~~000.00 79,863.00 74,090.00 74~273•00 70~02^r.00 y tinon n:oticr_ of -.:r. 0'Shi.elds; ~ec:o:~~?ed ~;, i:ir. Davi.s~ ~'re ccntract for the Gener?.7. ~~ construction of the s~r:~tor~.ur,, cl~ich ~rc7.udes electrical wiring~ v:as av:arded to l'~'. A. Sir,,on : Son, in thP ~m~u:t of •",'i,7~000.OQ~ the3~ bein~ thn lowest bidders. Upon motion of :,;r. ~~vis, seccnded by ::'r. Tr~~k, the contr3ct to fixrnish and ir.st317. }ieating ~nd plun.l;ine ~'r~s ~.~~~~rded to Goodyear I?~lwnring Conp~ny in the lmount of H8~241.00 ^. SG~ they beina the low Uidders. :~:s.king a total_ cost for Cnnstructi_on, :?eatin~ a,nd rlumbing . ~;'7~,241.00. , • _ ~~~~ A report of the Jeterans SePvice Officer fer April v~as received and filed. / The 1450-1951 tentative bud~et fo.r Old ?ge Assist.3rce, Aid to Dependent Chilr]ren anci .~id to the ~lind v;a~ re.ceived frorn the TI?lfa.re Department 9.n the same ~mounts as for 1949-1°5o, --.SS but for Aid to Dependei~t Children for vahicl-, the,y a.re askinF for a.n incre~se oi ~;,4~'7']9.00~ . and the same r+as ~+ostponed until thn next c,eetinp. A comnunication was received i.roi:, Issr. 3. E. Rhodes i?egister of Deeds, Anril ?B~ 195~~ ~~nvising that ~irs. Dorothy 'v~'a.tk_ins, ll0 Br~~~n ~~.ve., ~~~as chosen frorr, a list oi three ""~e`(~~ persons cert=.fied by the Civil ~ervice Co^rais~ion ~s being equ°-lly qu~lified, to fi1.1 a posit~on as fu~l tir.;e aeput~ clerk i:~ the cf~i.ce ei the r~e~;ister of Deeds. ~ An a.udit report of the aBC ~'~ore~ prernred by i:Ir. J. °'evFl3nd 3rand~ CPA for nine months „p~ neriod ending :_~rch ;l, l~>0, v.se receiven. :'r. C'Shieids raised the question as to when a ~~~~~ r.~eetin,e, of the CompositE Foard sllould be helcl, and upon h~s c:otion~ seconded bq P~r. h~l.l~ ~.t ~~r~s egreed ~o ~s=; ior ~ meetin~ e~s~l~° ir ~une 19~0. ti~on r.:otior. of ~::r. O~SYI]G~_~C; SPC~~1:(jP.C7 b,~ : r. H~7.1~ P.:r. C. E. F~.rrovr~ H3rnett Tovrnshi.p~ ~ a~( v;as ~ranted an ?b?.ter,ent nL taxe=_ or ~ v~lu~ti.on of ~1~3~0.00~ account of dou.~7.e cn~.rge '--~ on lct at Ji2?~ ZTi.e~~: Por the ~'ear~s 19~& ~.nd 19~9• Jpon r~otion of ~.ir. ~~vis~ seconded ky ;"r. C'Shields, R.E.Sher'rYll was granted ~n ab~tement ~~G~ and reiund oi t~r.es or_ ~ v~7.u~tior oi w6~G.00 on lot 1, in block 1~~ rort Fisher charged ~cainst hirr. in error for t.he year 1949, and i;he s~me ordered ch~rged ta P.E.Sherrill the owner of sa~e for the ye-~r 19~9,• 'Jnon moti.or of L:r. 0'Shields, seconded by I.`r. Tr3sk, autho:itg cr3s eiven to return a11 ._~S certified checks to tYie ur_successful hidders. ~ , ~ 1_ C~ e P;feeting of Pday 1, 19;0~ continued. ~_.qi Ci.cero Cha~,bers a ph3~sica,~.ly disatled co.lored ind5.~ent citiaen vras upon motion `~tit3"'" ~dmitted to the r.:ou;,ty rome or. recom~::en3atic?n of the Supt., .of Fublic PJeliare. t Upon :.ioti.or. of I;:~. 0'Shields, seco;~ded b,- IFr. Trask, ~he fcllowing resolution v~as ~ ~: 3dopted: B~ iT RESOLVED by the Aie~~r Hanover Cvunt3~ ~o.~rd of Comnissioners, that Iair. Addison Her~~lett~ Sr.~ Ch35rman, re ~.uthorized ~nd ss herebz~ directed to execute contracts ' ~~,it'r, the foi?ovcing; and i.ir. Thcr~as I'.. V:'oody, its Clerk~ is hereby a.uthorj.zed to attest execution of s~id rontracts and ~.rfi~~ the se~1 of idFVr Hanover County thereto: l. General contr~c~ for termi.nal and control tovaer buildings to Godley-FIinr_ant, Inc., in the amotznt of ~1?1~4?5.00, (The tot~l arr~ount of this contrac~ is understood to be the bsse bid of 5~135,971.50 less bid for roads~ ~uto parY.ing area ~nd dx~in~gef~14~546.50) • 2. Electric wiringof terminal ~nd tr.affic control buildings_to J. ~. Jones • EZectrical Compa.ny in the amount cf ~16,$6r.12. 3. Pluribing in tei7ninal ~nd traffic control buildi.ngs to Goodyear Plumbing Company in the amount of ~'7,836.00. . 4, Heating of ~erminal building to Good~~ear Plumbing Company in the amount c~f w5,27o.00. 5, i3eating of traffic control buildi.na to R. C. Lucas ~ Son in t.he ar:,ount of ~935.00. 6. Air conditioning of traffic cont?•ol bui7.din~ to Sneenen Air Condi~ioning ~nd Ref.rigeratin~ Company in.the a~;~ount of `~1~444.00. ~. Hunv..~y lighti.n~;to H. G. nryant r,Zectr:.ca~ Corporation in the a_r.r,ount of . ~ ~,16,S75.or. .' ~ ~he ~boiTe nur,il ered p~ragraphs, 1 throu;;h ~, 'te?.ng a discription of contracts • G~~i auti~ox~ized under it~ Project i~iut:.ber G-31-0?0-~Ol b5~ the C:ivi1 Aeron~utics Adn~inistr3tion --~• ~~ tl~rough t.ne c_"i.ce of its Distl;ct Airnort Er.;ineer, 3~ir. JosephPlo~¢vrood~ April 14~ 1950~ ~ on approv~l of the County ~lttorriey ~s to cor.tract 3nd bond; a.ccording to l~titi~. I~o action v,~s taken on a.r. offe,r Of J.i~.ir~~nt, submitted tiy Co1.R.S.]~icClell~nd, Atty.~ to comprom,ise a c13i;; for tack t?Y.E5 due oy iiim on 4 acres Iand and ~iarsh~ ~l:'i1.r~ington ~~ loH~nship, inasm.uch as this s~me u~.~tter has t•een previously considered ey the co?^mittee and denied, and in the opinion oi t:~e Co~znt;% ~ttorney the count,y has no lega7. r.i,~ht to ~ cornpron;i,se the sar,e. ~ .~u~~ . r~ i Zhe follovrin~ good a.nd lav~fu' persons v%ere dr:vm to serve as jurors in the Superior Court for the t:•ial of civil and crin:inal cases for th.e terms shov~n:' " 't~.:ay Criminal Term, Piay 15th I°~0: ~. T. Dickson~ 1416 DocY. St. Zhos. A. i~<c::ee~ 10~ Ct. 'r.- Lake Forest. r'.J.Du1s~ 126 Brookvrood Avenue. Ed~.rin ivlilligan, 8-D tdesbitt Court. O.C.De~l~ 104 Tvey Dr3ve. Clifton iv'. Dixon, 6 Church St. 1'v. E. CuPtis~ 3? Country Club Pines. t~obe rt C, 15~ivine ~ 111 S. ?th St . Paul I~. t'Veaver,Jr., ?07 T•~. ~5th St. Robert L. Couan ~r.~ 103 S. ~'en Buren. L.R.C=arter, ?84~ r. Adams St. E. H. D:;.vine, 111?, S. 3rd ~t. Ror~ert A, Eva.ns,Jr.~ 114 upo.'forl %.:ills. E.P.Curn~aghlm,5r.~ 401 S. 4t,h .`:t. ~~.D.Ladd, 151~ ~~ur St. 4.fiarris Ev?ns, 307 Chestnut St. J.S.F'ell.s, 305 =,i. ~th 5+,; o .E .r:elly , 10~ Church 5t . Thos.~,.Dunh?tr,, 1?4 ° 5th St, Ed~~. Lee Cunbee, 11U3 I'. 3rd St. 41ex P, iiell.y, 11I ~`?}dr.zr..^r:~ t~lace. J. ~. 'b`ii.liams, 14 Gr?c~ 5t. 1'~ayse, Dmytrnk, Rt. l~ Castle ?i~.yne. / E. E. Eubanks,Jr. 1906 V:oolcott Ave. R. L. Dau~htry, 170 Pinecrest P~.rkvr~y. Bernice 'r'.~milton, 81? Frincess ~t. T.O.In~al?~er~Jr.~ 315 ~• 5fih St. J, i~l. Ll~ans~ 127 T+Iornineside Drive. ~oseph S. D?vis~ 2013 Cre3sy 9ve. iienry L. 'F~'Y1~tP9 Sox 6?4,C~rclina Beach. D~lton Edwards, 705' N. 3rd St. Dan Dive~ Jr.~ 60° Orange St. T,G. Cra.igheadS 2010 Princess St. Zoad. J.sJ.Deil','604 Col~~°11 Ave. F,A.Mat'~laes, Jr., 128 Forest Hi11s Drive. L.°l."atokeley, 305 S, 6th ~t. D.L.Pate, Sr.~ 142 Colonial Drive. i~~ialcolm P~. Plads~vorth, ~~F Pinecrest Par'r.*.aay. C.iI.Atkinson; Rt.l~ Castl.e Payne. C.T~i.t`tisinp~ 1 D~wson St. L.T.Davis, 3317 Princess St. ireorge C~.noutas, Kure Beach. rred D. Bli~z?rd~ ~33, Box 3u3E. L.H.Jones~ Rt. 3~ Box 34. Jas. :~. Smith, 41?-Brunsvrick 5t. i,'?.y Civil Term, Ina.y 29, ~ 950: ~ lFioodrov~~ Plomack~ 108 S. 16t'r, :it. Hobert C3~pPield~ Rt.l, Eox 7. J.ii!~.B.Cle~~:is, '701 S. 17th ~t., r.tFi.Dick~ 101 S, 5th St. J.~'.`.Caven~.u~h, Rt. 1.. T. 1i. Iieith,• 210 Pi. 15th St. ;7arren G. ?'ia.rd~ ?~65 Jefferson SL. Colurrbus P.itter, Rt.l, Castle Hayre. ~t;m.~,.i'~~lker~ 714 S. 3rd ~'t. S.F.~/Jester~ 52 Hydrangea Place. N. D. ti~~a1'.up~ 11G l'l.i~htsville Ave. R.L.4uortham, ?09 N. 1?th St. Jas. T. til3tts~ 157 Spoiford ',:ii?ls. J.fi.l";arters~2 Lee Drive,~ L~-ke Forest. O.S.l^,toodle, 314 Tvun St. L.ri.vir_c~nt, 6 Summit~. t~'lalk. John T. Kemp,Jr.~ 157.6 Ar.n St. ihos. F. ~'Jood~ 414 Chestnut St. Ca:•roil R. FJallace~ Y.if.C.!~. C. 19. Wood~ 719 Princess St. C1yde P+o1Pe~?25 S. 13th St. B, F. Qzment 132 Pinecrest Parln^ray. ~ .Tu.CJaoten, ~ Ct.P~ I,ake Forest. J, ti'i, Voss~ Jr., 1744 S. 4th ~t. 9.D.GJal~er~ 308 i3. 5th St. D?vis J. T'.~o~r.pson, 91? S, 2nd St. . y ~1~4 Pd;eeting of ;vi~5~ l~ 19.-~0~ c.ont~.nued. C.H.Verz?31, 35 ~°;. Drive I.~':e "r'orest. D. E. t~elley~ 111 S. ~acyson :'t. Leon Todd~ Jr.~ ?0?4 i:?rket et. J. Li. t`Joodr:3.r.d, 31~ ~;~.1_nut St. Dudl°y ~. l",~11~ce~ 1310 ~rii;ini~ ~ive. Lor~ie D. '.4~rd ~?1.1 ,~;~ste~ 1 er ~t.. L.I-i.,';'olfe~ ?~ Ct. D, L~.ke :~'orest. C. S. V'i1.li~ms~ ~4 Coi.or.i~l Apt~. Jos.L.l":~lker, ll-N tie=bit Co~.zrt. L. Psul VonC:~r:non~ 1° Su*rmit 1'~~lk. P:iay Civil Term~ ?nd ~~:eek- ~une 5th: "ul. ,,5. Stanley~ C-4 Oleender Court. ' L. H. 't?atxi^~, .&13-~ i~. 4th St. J.H.C+atkins,Jr., 577 S. Front St. ~ J. ~9. ~lsea, 2833 C. ~efferson St. Carl ti<<atson, 1?_2 S. gtYc 5t. A. fi. tJooten, ?2C, :~eshit Court. g, B. Evans~ 617. On~nge St. Jno. F. P:oodel, 23 Ct.B, L~ke For9st. i;i. H. 4`darren~ 141) S. 4th St. A. D. Daniel~ ?11 S. 4th 4t. Alton D. Riyenbark, 2906 i~~iarket St. T. B. i`Iilliams~ 51r S. 5th 6t. Jno. K. Vl~~lie 710 i~orthern noL~lev~rd. J. C. Cox~ ~0~ Gr3ce St. • H. B. V]illaford~ 411 I~. 5th St. E. J. Plilson, 505 S. 6th St. 1ti'm. itobert i;'il.liar„s ~ 11~ i~ . 1Gtn St . L. i~t. '~'vilson, 314 ;!~i2iut St. I, ',lr, l;'illis. ~nd ~ i>i-~rVet :>t. ~ ir mie ':t~•alton, 31? ~. 4th St . Loyd ~, r~1.,i.ott, 20^0 "~'~~>>coti ~ve. N. Y. l?ooten~ ?1 S. 3°d °t. ri}I'd$, il~. t~r"~i.ii,5~ 3~ v~JO~ford d..l.'lS. June Crin.inal Term~ Ju.r.e 1^th 7.;'~0 W.F.Wagner, 506 N. 23rd St. Jas. H. Durham~Je.~ 120 S. 3rd St. Miss ffietta J. MeGowan~ 307 N. 15th St. John F. Wolfe~ Rt. 2. William Benson, Highway 20~ Box 210. W. M. Corbett~ Rt.l. ' W. P. Farrar~ Box 418~ City. ~ A. D. Byrd, Rt.3~ Box 2~0. Hubert R. Canady~ Rt.I~ Box 175. D. C. Marshall~ P:O.Box 725. R.F,Meier~ Box 1312 City. Jas.R.Teachey, Rt.2~ Box 201F. N.M.Shelly~ Rt.2, Box 145. ~ . Chas.F.Pepper~ B.W.Best~ Rt:2~ Box 19811' , J. S. Caison, C25, Box 299• Jas. H. Kel~ly~ ']4 'Pine Street~VPinter Park. . F. W. Foster~ 304 Castle St. , Isaac M. Dixon~ Rt.2~ Box 152. . Geo. W. Croom~' Rt.2~ Box 316. E. K. Scott~ Rt. 2. DeGVitt T. Scott, 108 Market St. The meeting then ad~ouarned. ~f~".~ il. 39C~~1.ti.Clerk. • ~ . Ernest Vereen~ Jr.~ 7 Ct.D~ I~~ke Forest. A. Carl V:ooda7.1~ 110'7 Grace St. C~rl Pi. D~vis~ ~13 i"•. ?nd~ St. Arthur 0. D~rden,Jr., ']16 S. ?nd 5t. J, R. ~Jepb ~ 28 8no_"ford i.ii' i s. R.~N.7Jood,~r..~ 507 ~'. Front St. E. J. ~7ood,Jr. 1815 ^.i~rket 8t. N~al T~~. ',~Tood. ,~r.~ 617 D~;ercer Ave. Ja.mes O~vens ~ Castle F~ayne . Pi. E:, l'Jillian;son, 25?2 J3ckson St. J.F.Council,.7_11 S. 16th St, Ie . L. 1"l.a,llace ?0^0 Earnett Ave. J. E. Vaught,J~r.~ P.O.Box 1118. Jas. C. Staton, ? Ct.V, Lake Forest. J.G.Vernon~ 510 i~. nth St. Robert F': i4unn, 145 Coloni.~l Drive. E. J. t~7iniiham~ 6-b~ Nesbit Court. Robert L. 4'lilli.ams, 106 S. 9th St. John Ke115~~ Jr.~ 1.506 S. 3rd St. 1Y. B. Starling~ 710 Greenfield St. J. G. Kuhlken,~r.~ 117 t:'rit;htsville Ave. Geo . Ft. ti~iil7.~_s ~ Jr. ~.613 5. 6th St . Calvin Y.. ~,Yi~lis, 1110 S. 17th ~t. C. '~7. Futch, 1110 td. 4th St. Leon C. vdelsh~Jr.~ 110 Forest Hills Drive. v?^rd L. Tordoff, 311-~- xed Cross St. A. C. C;alksr~ 2913-E Jefferson St. E. B. D~lton9 Y.b?.C.l~.. O.r^.C~in, ;? Church St. i~.".L.i'~'~lton, ts10 Princess SI., Chas. ~3. I,~artin~ 13~i5 C~stle St. Arthur D. Xanthos~ 411 Central Boulevard. Perry Hunter, Rt.l. Pd. Y~. McKen2le~ Rt.3~ Box 107A A. J. Blizzard~ c33, Box 3a3E J. N. Turner~ Rt.?_~ Box 316. A.J.Jackson~ Rt.3. Thos.H.McIntire~ Rt.3. Thos. B. Oldham, Rt. 2~ Box 32'7B. B. K. Merritt, Rt.2, Box 137. Jos. T. Altobellis~ 228 N. Lumina Ave. E. A. King~ C25~ Box 292~• ~ R. L. Downing, Rt.2, Box 310A. C. F. Buxton, Rt.l. • W. M. Stokley, Box 12~ S..Taylor St. A. F. Capps~ Rt.3~ Box 137. G.• C. Canady~ C25. . . • D. R. Briggers, C25, Box 304 A. John A. Smith~ Rt.l. Amoret W. Davis, Rt.2~ Box 175A. Mts. Alice 0. Southe.rland~ Rt.2, Box 201. B.F.Keith~Jr.~ 19I4 Pender Ave. ~ Wilmington~ N. C.~ May 8~ 195~• The reguZar weekly meeting of the Board w~s held at 10:00 o'clock A.~4. . Present: Comtnissloners~Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo. W. Trask~ Jas. M. Hall~ Claud 0'Shields and Thurston C. Davis~ and County Attorney Mflrsden Bellamy and County Auditor C.F.Smith. The minutes of ineeting of May l~ 1950~ were read and approved as recorded. . Messrs Roland Jobb.of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company~ George Connent of the Tide Vdater Power Company~ John H. F»rrell, Executive 5ecretar5° of the W1lmington Chamber of Co~merce' R. B. Page Publisher of the Vdilmington Star-News and I~r. A. G. Dixon~Editor and others.appeared to wixness the transfer of 96 acres o~' Cnunty Ho~,e land on the Castle _C~"g'Hayne road to the P;oonsocl~et Falls b4111s of Rhode Island as a site for a fabrics manufacturi.ng plant which will give e~ployment to ~00 or more persons: The deed conveying the land was submitted to the Board by Maqor R,S.D6cClelland arid was approned by the County Attorney~ and check for $1~,533•50 purchase price. Upon motion of Mr. Davis~ seconded by DSr. Trask, the same vras approved and the Chairman and the Clerk of the Board were authorized and directed to execute the deed in the name of the County. Commissioner Jas. N?. Hall being ' . out of the City and unab2e to attend this meeting, made a previous request to be recorded , as favoring the sale of the land one hundred per cent in consideration of the purpose for . which it is to be used and to give e~ployment. • ~ Upon motion of Mr. Trask~ seconded by ~1r. Davis~ the Board authorized the purchase oP ~pproximatelq 208 acres of land from Mr. Herbert Bluethenthal~ located on the Blue Clay ` ~`~~ road, for the use of the County Home,at a price of $7~000.00. ~~, IIpon motion of ~ir. 0'Shields~ seconded by Itsr. Davis~ the: 1950-1951 estimates of the County's .~ ~ ~~ Meeting of ~ay 8~ 1y50, continued. /~., proportionate part for OZd Age Assistance ~54,675.00, Aid to Dependent Childrenf i"%~ ~36,399.00 and Aid to the Blind~ $8,820.00, being the sa~e as 7.ast year, but for aid for dependent children increase of ~4,~~g,00 in county funds~ was tentatively approved sub~ect to reduction befoi~e fina7. adoption of the County~s budget. ;.: -0 ,~ ~~~ A report of the Connty Fire Department far April was received and filed. The Board acting upon the advise of attending physicians~ and upon motion of Mr. Davis~ seconded by ~r. Trask~ granted Miss Miria~ De~7ane c2erk in the office of the Register ~~~ of Deeds~ 30 days extension stck leave with pay to 7une 3rd 1950~ and approved the employment of extra help to serve during her absence for a maximum of four weeks from April 3rd 1950. ~, Upon motion of Mr. Trask~ seconded by b.r. D~vis, Mr. A. B. Rhodes,former Register of ~'" ~~beeds, was allowed payment of half months saiary to May 15th in consideration of services rendered as er.tra help in the Re~ister of peeds office after his resigr~tion became effective May lst 1~50. Upon motion of Mr. 0'Shields, seconded by h;r. Davis, it. was agreeable to the Board fr~~7 for Messrs W, A. Simon and Son General Contractors to begin wo~r.k.d~n,t~~lconstruction of the John C. Plessell Tuberculosis Sanatorium upon furnishing bond~approved by the County Attorney. ~ A report of the colored home demonstration agent for April was received and payment of r~ ~7.01 for telegrams, office supplies and articles used in denonstr•ations was approved. fy_~~ A report of the activities of the Bureau of Identification for April. was received and _-~'"~'~ filed, Upon motion of Mr. Davis~ seconded by h;r. Trask, the Board authorized the sale of a 15' strip of County Home land approximately 350 feet deep, to Broom Wood Products Co.~ ~~y~which is a continuation of the 15' ~trip prevlously sold to them~ to their back line~ rG at a price of $100.00. And the 8hairman a~d Clerk were authorized to execute a deed co.+veying the same on behalf of the County. An invitation was extended the Board to be the guest of the Exchange Club at a luncheon ~~ C.., to be given on the grounds, in observence o£ the official opening of the River Road~ ( Burnetts Boulevard ) to traffic Friday, I~~ay I2~ from I:00 to 3:00 o'clock P.E~. ~~- ~c-A report of the County Hone A~ent,for April was received and filed. Ira Evans~ colored.citizen suffering wit:h leg ulcers,:was~.:upon~motion.of Mr...Davis~ seconded by ~ir. Trask, granted temporary admission to the County~Hone on recommendation of the ~~~~Supt,, of Public Yuelfare, on condition that he wi11 pay ~25.00 per month for maintenance, and that cost of buriai in case of death a:ill be paid out of the $.1,000.00 insurance polfcy hs has. Upon motion of ~r. Davis seconded by I~r. Trask, S. ~I. Horton was granted an abatement of taxes on a valua.tion of ~100:00;~'on Cabin on L~,gion Stadium land for the years 1947 -r ~~ through 1949, account of the same having been torn dovrn in 1.9a6; also sbatement of po21 and personal property t3x as a non-resident for said years and having no personal property here. Mr. T. D. Piner, Rt. 2~ Federal Point toavnship, was upon motion of l~r. Trask~ seconded by ~~~x Nr. Davis, granted an abatement of not-Iisted penalty charged against lots in block 1~ Spind2e Division for the year 194g. It a~~.peared that he listed several pieces of property in various townships for i9a9, and thought the above was included. - Sealed bids for the purchase of a three room house near the east entrance ~o the airport r d-l~as advertised, were received from the foZ7owing: c. B. MeCondless~ xFn 3, Box ~w6 ~250.00 J. E. Sternberger~ Wilmington~N.C. 315.00 h.^~ _~b1r. 0'Shields again oFposed the sale of the building, feeling it would be to the County's a-tl'~"'bD~yadvantage to repair and rent the same and use the lncome for repairing other property. . It was therefore agreed to defer action on the bids until estimates can be secured to put the building in rental condition. A motion offered by Mr. Trask to accept~-the bid of ~3~5.00 'submitted':by~Nr. Sternberger failed of a second. A communication was received from the Stste Board of Public Z9elfare advising that ~ ~-~5 ~51,266.00 Federal and State funds was sent to this Caunty for April for Old Age Assistance~ Aid to Dependent Children and Administration. A report was received from the Back Rax Coll_ector advising that ~4~271.29 was collected for '-J~ the C1ty, and ~a,269.53 for the County~ making a total of ~8,540.82 back taxes collected during the month of April. , The meeting then adjourned. , ' ,_ . .~•~ ,~ s~1' _ ._! lerk. I ~~~6 Wilmington~ N. C.~ May 15, 1950. The regular weekly meeti~°:g of the Board was held at 10;00 0'clock A. M, Present: Conmissioners Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo. ~N. Trask, Jas. M. Ha1~1~ C1aud 0'Shields~ Thurston C. Davis, and County Attorney ~farsden Bellamy and C.F.Smith, County 9uditor and acting Clerk in the absence of the Clerk. ~~ Reading,•of the minutes of the Board for May 8, I950, was postponed until the next meeting. •Upon motion of ~Ir. D391S~ seconded by ~Ir. 0'Shields~ the State High~~ay ~c Pub1lc~Works • `~~ Commission was requested to fix the speed .limit in the Perviance Creek a.rea~ on the Mason- boro;. Loop Road, from the curve near Me.lton's 5tore to Masonboro Bluff road leading to Trails End~ a distance of approxi~nately haif mile, at 35 miles per hour on account of the narrow appr•oach to the bridge and for the safety of pedestrians. A request of the Reverend Hup,h P. Kennedy for an abatement of taxes on his automobile _~u~ which he uses for pizrpo'ses in connection with St. Mary's Catholic Church~ was declined on the opinion of the County Attorney, that the Commissioners have no legal right to abate the taxes on his personal car. A request of a representative of the ~Qanufacturers Record that the County take a page ~~~ ~,~ advertisement in its North Carolins Edition at a cost of $300.00~ was upon motlon of Mr. Trask~ seconded by &Ir. 0'Shields~ taken under consideration with the City. Lewis Dees, colored feeble minded citizen~ was upon motion of Mr. Trask~ seconded by Mr. Davis~ granted temporary admission to the County Home on recommendation of the Supt.~ C of Public YJelfare~ pending admission to a State Institution for the feeble minded. ' Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Trask, Perrin Wi7.liams~ colored~ 1116 Oramge Etreet' ._ ~o'~ was granted an abatement of taxes an a valu~tion of ~7v~5•00 personal and poll account o£ doubl.e l.isting for the year ~949• A letter was received from Mr. C. B. Robertson, President of the Robertson Chemical Co.~ _~~ expressing appreciation and thanks for'the.prompt response for help and for assistance , rendered during the recent disasterous fire at its pZant., .. _~ Upon motion of.~Ir. Hall~ seconded by ~r. Davis~ County bills Nos. 203Z to 2222 inc., were approved for payment subject to the check o'f the County Auditor.. ~~g~7pon motion of Ydr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Trask, the State Highway and Pu_blic VJorks ~~ Commission was ,requested,to construc~ a road from the hi~hway to the DGonument and through the premises of Battle Acres, ~t Fort Fisher. The Chairman announced th~t Ground Bre3king for the construction of the John C. Wessell ~,~j~ Tuberculosis Sanatorium will take place at 4:00 P?N.~ Wednesday~ May 17~ 195~• The meeting than ad~o~zrned. ~~~ >4a-~,. Clerk. ' ~ Wilmington~ N. C.~ May 22~ 1950. The regular weekly meeting of the Board ~a~as held at 10:~0 o'clock P. M. Present: Addison Hewlett Chairnan~ Geo. PT. Trask,~Jas. bI. Hall~ Claud 0'Shields~ Thurston C. Davis, and 3~Iarsden Bellamy County Attorney and C.F.Smith County Auditor. ' The m3nutes of ineeting of biay 15~ 1950, were read and approved as recorded. A request of Captain H. V. Reid for an appropriation of $800.00 by the City and County ,~~y for wiring~ pltunbing and other improvements to put the National Guard building at the yn~~' ~Airport in'shape for occupancy by the AAA Battery of the National Guard, which has an annual pay roll of ~30~000 it was stated~ was upon motion of Mr. Ha].1, seconded by Mr. Danis~ granted for $400.00 out of the advertising fund for advertising the advantages and resources of the.County, contingent upon the City appropriating a like amount. Upon motion of H~r. 0'Shields~ seconded by ~ir. Davis~ the Boa n3 authorized the fnstalZation of facilities for hesting the tuberculosis sanatorium with oil in lieu of coal which will , ~/5 only necessitate the insta11at1on of a storage t~nk at a cost of $90.00~ which will be a saving in janitorial expense~in operation. A letter was received from Dr. John C. Wesseil, Pres~;dent of the Wilmington Red Cross ~ Sanatoriwn, Inc.~ advising that the Board of Directors of the Recl Cross Saru~toriwn have J ~j authorized him to purchase equipment for the tuberculosis sanatmrium Lo the extent of $5~000.00, Upon motion of I~r. Davisf seconded by Mr, 0'Shields~ a vote of thanks was given the Wilmi'ngton Red Cross San3torium for its offer; ' , y j 9 report of the.Grand Jury May 1950 criminal term was received and filed. i~~ a petition of property owners on Nathan Street, Wrightsville Beach, for addition of said _~\,~~ street to the County System of State Maintained roads~ for paving and maintenance, was ~~ received, and upon mation of A~r. Trask~ seconded by Mr. Davis~ was approved and referred to Mr. A. Wilbur Clark~ Third Division State Highway Commissioner for consideration. ~Upon motion of I~r. Trask~ seconded by Mr. Davis~ the Chairman was authorized and directed to endorse with the City of Wilmington, and turn over to the Community Hospita7. a eheck J~~~ ~ in the amount of $62.13 reeeived from The Aartford Steam Boiler Inspection and ~nsurance Company, covering payment for damage to the boiler at the hospital. w ~. ~ Meeting of B~ay 22~ 1950~ continued. Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Nr. Trask~ Samuel C. Bell, Masonboro township~ `~G.X 62 years of age~ was granted an abetement of poll taxes for the years 1948 and 1949 listed in error. f~~~S~A report of the County Electrical Inspector for April was received and filed. 4:00 o'clock P.I~,~ Friday~ ~;ay 26, 1950, was fixed by the Board to hmld groundbreaking ,~j,ceromonies at Bluethenthal Field~ starting construction of the administration building. /~t~~ And upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by bir, O~Shields~ the•said building is to be dedicated as a memorial to the members of the armed forces from this County in World War I and 96'orld 6Yar II, and that a bronze plaque be made bearing the names of a21 m~n;bers'who Zost their lives, and placed in the building. , ._,. ` A question raised by the Sheriff and the Reverend V!. T. Simmons~ Pasto.r ~'~' the First ~ Baptist Church~ colored~ as to what disposition shou~:A @5 made of a.•non=resident;senile ~~q'''~ negro man, wlthout ].egs, vnho was found in a near-by rural area several months ago with ~2t~0.00 on his person, no~ being cared for in the County Jail~ was referred to the County Attorney to handle with the Clerk of Court and Wei.fare Department. '•~ Prior to the ground-breaking ceremonies at Bluethenthal Field at 4:00 P.M.~ Friday~ the ~iCommissioners arranged to witness a demonstration of `~~= portable fog-noz$el nitrogen /p.~~'~ pressure operated fire fighting apparatus constructed by T~r. Ailen Pei•ryman under the sugervision of &ir. Robert G. Kooser, ACL Fire Prevention Engineer, at 3:68 o'clock P.M.~ proposed to be used for rurai fire protection. . ~ The meeting then ad~ourned. ~- , •;~y :.!- Y:~_. C2erk. ~ ~ • !~ Wilmington, N. C., May 29, 1950. The reguiar we~kly meeting of the Bo3rd was held at 10:00 o'clock.A.DQ. Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman~ Geo. V1. Trask, Jas. M. Ha1Z, Cland 0'Shields~ . Thurston C. Danis, and County Attorney IWarsden Bell.amy and C.F.Smith County Auditor. The minutes of ineeting of Iuay 22, 1950~ were read and approqed as recorded. Upon motion of Nr. Trask~ seconded b;~ Mr. Hall~ instructions were given to aseertain from the State Highvaay Department, what action has been taken on the petition of property \ owners submitted on State Form R-10, Narch 13, 195~~ for improvements to Pineerest ~- ~C~' Driveway in Avondale Subdivision on the NJriPhtsville Beach Aighway, and voted to approve _ ~ a petition for 5tate maintenance,the r•oad on the opposite side of the highway leading to the cemetery on which several fimilies reside, and is more or less a continuation of the said Pinecrest Drivewsy~ requested by Mrs. ~tiller. , A check from bYr. J. N. Bryant in the amount of 9C1~761.56 was suba,itted to the Board by /~ Col. R. S. McClelland, Atty.~ in fu~l settlement of taxes due by Mr. Rryant for the years z943 through 1949, on 4 aeres of land and marshr. Mill Site~ PJ1lmington Township, and was ~ upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by ISr. Davis~ accepted on the affirmative vote of Mr. Trask, Mr. Davis and Mr. Hall. The Chafrman..and 2~ir. 0'Shields voted no~ for the reason a previous similar offer was subsitted by Nr. Bryant and denied by a committee of the Chairman, County Attorney and County Auditor,to whom it was referred, on the grounds that no Zegal reason was found to warrant such.action. . p~~ Wr. Thurston C. Davis introduced the follovring order which was read at length: -- r~ ORDEH AUfiHORIZIfiG $100~000 41ITHDRAi~JAL FROM ~ THE •CAPITAL RESEHVE FIJND Or NEV! HANOVER C OiJI~ TY BE IT ORDERED by the Boe~rd of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover~ North Carolina: Section 1. That pursu~nt to the County Capital Reserve Act of 1943~ withdrawal of $100~000 from the Capital Reserve Fund of New Iianover County is hereby authorized for ~he purpose of erecting and equipping a tuberculosis sanatoriwn for the treatment of tuberculosis in New Hanover County. Section 2. That the sourse of money in said capital reserve fund for the withdrawal herein authorized is unappropriated surplus revenues and unencumbered balances arising from rece:.gts from revenues der3ved from sources other than ad valorem taxes~ specSfica)ly proFits from the operation of alcoholic beverage control storesi which are not pledged or otherv~~ise app],icable by lara to the pa.yment of existing debt and which have lawfully acerued ~ to the current operating expense fund of Nevr Hanover County. ~ Section 3 That this order shall take affect 30 days after its first publication unless in the meantime a petition for its submission to the voters is filed under said County Capital Reserve Act~ in such event it shall take effect when approved by the voters of the County at an election as required in sa.id A~t. Mr. Claud 0'Shields made the motion that the fore~oing order be past. The motion was seconded by Mr. Trask and said order was passed by the fo7.lowing roi.l ca7.1 vote: Ayes: Addison Hewlett Chairm~n, and Commissioners Jas, M. Ha11, Claud 0'Sh3elds~ Thurston C. Davis and Geo.:Vl. Tra.sk. Noes: None. Upon motion of ~tr. G'Shields~ seconded by L~,x. Trask, the Board accepted a bid of ~109.00 ~Dn~~i submitted by the Columbian Bank Note Company for preparation of the $106~000 ~chool bonds. F The only other bid received was from Security Eank Note Company for ~123.50. The bids were received by t~~essrs. Reed, Hoyt 3nd Vdashburn~ Tvew Fork Attorneys and presented to the Board by the County Attorney. r ~ 18~~ Nieeting of I~ay 29~ 1950' continued. A deed prepa'r,ed by the County Attorney conveying ?.06.8 acres of land from Herbert Bluethenthal and wife to Nev~ Hanover County~ said tract being parts of the Hermitage and Twining tracts of land~ and iocated on the Blue Clay Road and Pumpkin Kiln Branch ~~ in Cape Fear Tov~nship~ was presented to the Board and payment of the purchase price iri the amount of ~~,000.00 was upon motion of Mt. Trask~ seconded by l~r, Hal-I, authorized less ~200.00 to be retained by the County~pending release of about 1/6 interest in 4 acres of land outstanding in the heirs of Tate and Nixon~ abutting on the Blue Clay Road. Upon mbtion of A~Yr. Davis, seconded by Mr. 0'Shields~ the Board accepted the nomination \`,,~~ of the irustees of Community Hospital adopted at their meeting held May 19~ 1950~ to ~ n" appdint B~r. W. Albert Brown and Dr. John C. Wessell as members of the Board of Trustees of Community Hospital to succeed themselves for a three year term beginning July 1, 1950~ sub~ect to approval of the City Council. No ob~ections were indicated by the Board to the United States District Engineer granting ~permission to the Four County Electric tuIembership Corporation of Burgaw~ N. C.~ to construct ~a~' a overhead wire crossing across the Cape Fear River approximately three miles north of - Elwell's Ferry. '~"~Letters were received from Dr. J. Watts Farthing and Dr. R. B. Morrison, advising th~zt ~~ Miss Miriam DeVane has improved sufficient to resume her duties of clerk in the office J of the Register of Deeds~ xl~tio~c~~xa~,~o~uajtx~~7c~t~x~a~c A communication was received from the City Niana.ge.r with reference to a request of employees ~~/v~ at the City Hall that the City Hall operate on a five-day week work basis, and suggested that ~~~~ the matter be presented to this Board for its reaction as to the effeet the proposal would have upom the joint City-County Tax office 3nd other of~ices in the Court House. Upon motion of I~r, 0'Shields~ seconded by L~;r. Hall, instructions were given to ca.ll a meeting of Cbunty Department Heads and o~her-affected groups~.for discussion. ' Upon motioni duly seconded, 3batements to correct errors in the following tax l.ists were ~'~, authorized:for the year 1949~ ~'~/ - J.H.Cherry a resident of Harnett township, abate taxes on a valuation of $830.00 personal property as to the City of Nlilmin@ton charged in error. - J.B.Strauss ~C~Co.~ YVilmington tovrnship~ abate taxes on a valuation of ~6,450.00 goods, wares~'merchandise and fixtures account of double charge. The same was also listed and the taxes paid by High Art Clothing Company. - -Claud F. Howell in Europe January 1~ 1949, vras granted an abatement of pol.l taxes listed for him by his mother in error. -A. R. Phillips' VJilmington township~ abate tax on ~100.00 refrigerator listed in error. A request of the State;Distributing Corporation of Raleigh~ N. C.~ for an abatement of taxes ~ on a valuation of $19~800.00 goods~ wares~ merchandise and trucks claimed was removed from the County May 1948~ w~sreferred to the committee with power to act. Mrs. u4ary McAllister~ District Home Agent Supervisor~ presented DGiss Helan Smith'of Greenvill~. ~d S. C.~ recommended by the State Extension Department as our assistant Home Agent to succeed ~(j~~ Miss Elaine Noble~ resigned~ which v~as upon motion of Il~~r. Trask~ seconded by I~r. Hall~ approved as of July l~ 1950.. `\o~~ A copy of the minutes of the.Board of Trustees of Conununity Hospital of April 18i 1950, ~C~ v;as received and filed. A deed was received from the City of Wilmington conveying Battle Acre at Fort Fisher in 4~ Federal Point Township, to Nevr hanover County, w•ss upon notion of hir. Trask~ seconded by ` ~ 6ir. Davis~ accepted. bir. 0'Shields told the Board th~t a program has been planned to rehabi].itate Oak Grove Cemetery~ remove the dead trees, erect mar•kers at the graves and other general and needed improvements~under the supervision of i14r. Rhoda Farrovr who was recently put in charge of -c5~ the cemetery in addition to his duties as Superintendent of Legion Stadium, who will have more time to give to the cemetery improvements as activities at Legion Stadium drop off. ~ ~t this point li4r. Tr~sk stated that he did not care to continue the race for County Commissioner ~ C~ against his friend PLr. Thurston C. Davis, and for that reason would not enter the second p rima ry . ~ Upon motion of Mr. 0'Shie].ds~ seconded by Lir. Hall~ the Board ,~~,~^-thanks to Idr. James D. Carr,Chairman of the Board of Elections rendered in conducting the b4ay 2'Jth Primary, under such trying The meeting then ad3ourned. /Tls~. ~! ~~~i~ Clerk. l ~ ,° extended a unanimous vote of for the excellent service conditions. '~ ~_ ~~ lNiZmington~ N: C.~ June 5, ].950. The regular weekly meetin~; of the Board w~s at 10:00 o'cloek A. M. Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman~rGeo, V1. Trask, Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, and County Attorney Marsden Bellamy and County Auditor C. F: Smith. . . ~ The minutes of ineetin~ of ~tays~29~ 1950~ were re3d and approved as recorded. Ntr. B. H. Marshall~Jr.,Executive Director of the Wilmington Housing Authority appeared to ask that the Board exercise its priority to purch~se housing units at Maffitt V1].lage that have been declared surplus by the Federal Government, or wave its priority to purchase ~,2}~r~ the remaining 128 units left out of 400 built by the Hardin-Ramsey Company of inferior ' materi~l and in bad repair~ and sanction their removal as they become vacant~ and permit the.400 units built by the Green Lumber Company which are in good repair~ffi remain for , continued use. The matter was upon motion of Mr. 0'Shields~ seconded by Mr. Davis~ taken ' under cons3dera.tion. Reports of the Home Demonstration Agents for.May were received 3nd filed~ and payment of ~'~`~ ~'~8•50 ~'or supplies and ~rticles used by the colored agent for demonstrations,~was approved. No action was taken on a request of ~Ir. Kirby Sidbury to insta~.l approximately 200 feet ~y Q~ of drain pipe on his own land on the Carolina Beach,road ahout quarter o£ a mile below Greenfield I~ake. • Upon motion of hr. 0'Shields, sec~nded by P.~r. Davis, the Board authorized payment of the , biZls o~ expense for ho~ding the ~~ay 2~th primary, approved by the Chairman of the Board ~-~~ec'~to~ pf Elections~ in the ~ross amount of ~5~401.50, against v~hich amount a credit of $885.~0 fi2ing fees paid to the Chairman of the Board of E].ections wi1Z be applied. -<<~ A report of the activities of the Bureau of Identification for May was re¢eived and fiZed. ` A report of the Back Tax Office showing that ~8,926.69 was collected for the City~ and• -~qy. ~6,~~9.07 for the County,. making a total of ~i5,7o5.~6 back taxes collected for the - - month of May. • Upon motion of Mr. Dav~s' the date of ~une 19th~ 1950, at 10:00 o'clock A.M.~ was fixed _,__~SU,Qb~., by the Soard~ the Commissioners will sit as the Board of Equalization and Review to hear ~- complgints o~ assessments on re31 est3te. _ SS ~ statement was received fron the St~te Board of Public wielf~re advising that $a0,99~.88 was sent to this County for the month of PGay for Old Age Assistance' Aid to Dependent Chil.dren and Administration. . ,~,y,~~~~ A renort of the Veterans' Service Officer for ~day was received and filed. Upon motion of i~~r. 0'Shieids, seconded by ~r Trask~ Flmer R. Pettet~ Masonboro township, ~~p~ ~~~as granted an ~b~tenent of taxes on a valuation of $19o.00 personal and po7.1 for the year 1948~ account o£ double charge. William Batson and LeRoy Preston Canady two disabled white indigent citizens were granted admission to the County Home on recommendation of the Supt.~ of Public Welfare. Mrs. Eula Mae ~'~~ Smith Clifton, 84 years of age was granted admission to the County Home as a pay patient at ~25.00 per month pending her admission to the Catherine Kennedy Home. A meeting of the ABC Composite Board was announced to be held at 3:00 o'clock P.M.~ June ~- ~/ ~ 14th, 195~. The meeting then adjourned. _~~~ .t 4~~ _,r~l1.CZerk. / l f Niilmington, N. C.~ June 12 ~ 1950. The regular weekly meeting of the Board 7T3S held at 10:00 o'clock A. M.. , Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo. W. TrasY., Jas. D4. Hall~ Claud O~Shields~ Thurston C. Davis, and i~arsden Bellamy County Attorney and C.F.Smith, County Auditor. The minutes of ineeting of June 5th 1950~ were read and approved as recorded. A request of Mr. Al 9dams that the City 3nd County appropriate ~1~000.00 to replace the ~~ leaky-roof on the Cape Fear Arti7.lery Building~ 812 Market Street owned ~ointZy by the ~~"~~~City and County~ was upon motion of Idr. Davis~ seconded by Mr. H~11~ granted sub~ect to; approval by the City. Bids for furnishing and installing the roof were opened and read and upon motion of Ntr. Hall~ seconded by Nir. Trask~ were refer~red to a cou,mittee of the City and County for observation, A letter was received from Lt.R.PJ.Wilson, U5N~ Commanding USS VGheatear, expressing `w~ih~ appreciation of its ~fficers and men for the entertainment given them during their visit to this port Armed Forces Day, , An efficial communication was received from Mr. Arthur W, ti73lliamson~ Census Supervisor2 ~G 6dvising that the population of New Hanover County 1950 census, to be~ as of April 1~ 1y50~ 3:342, of this nUmber 44~9~5 are residents of the City of Plilmington. This is an increase of 32.14~ ouer the 1940 census. Upon motion of N~r. Trask~ seconded by Nir. Davis~ the Board authorized and directed the canceilation of the assessment and accumulated bacv taxes accrued against 50 acres of ~~p,t' land~ part Williamson~ charged as held by the County, in the n~me of Mrs. M.A.McKoy~ and 50 acres "Buck Pond't H~rnett tov~nship~ charged as ~rHeld by the County~~ against W. B. McKoy~ for the rea.son all of the above is included in acreage owned, Iisted and the taxes paid by the heirs of Vietoria Willisimson~ vihich land has since been sold to ' various persons and the bicKoy heirs claim no interest in the same. ~ ~ r 1-90 Meeting of June 12~ 1950, continued. A report of the Wilmington Public Library and Bookmobile for &1ay were received and filed. -~ ~~ No objections were indicated by the Board to the United States District Engineer granting permission to Mr. S. H. Benson~Jr.~ to construct a wharf near Motts Channel on the causeway leading to PJrightsville Beach~ west of Harbor Island. y/ IIpon motion of ~Ir. Davis~ seconded by ~ir. 0'Shields~ the Eoard approved a lease to ~~% the United States of America~ space for the temporary control tower atop the Pennington ~~~~ Hangar until the. nevr contro7. tovrer is put in operation at the nen~ terminal bullding ~ now in course of construction at Bluethenthal Airport. 0~,S A..report of the New H~nover County Fire Department 'for May was received and f.iled. ~ Upon motion, duly seconded, Vdm. J. cr~yio,r a 7•esident of Harnett Township char@ed with City taxes in error~ was granted an abatement of t~xes on a ealuation o~' $105.00 personal and po11 r-'~0~~ as to the City of VJilmington only, brought forvtard with real estate and charged as not listed ~'~- for the year 194g~ and Inez B. Boyd was era.nted an abatement of taxes on a. valuation of $2~200.00 account of double charge9 lot 3~ block 5~ Princess Place listed by G~rland D. McLeod. Upon motion o£ 1vir. Davis~ seconded by hfr. Ha11~ Mr.J.W.Blanton~ RFD ly Harnett townshi.p _~G~' was granted an abetement of taxes on a valuation of $~620.~J0 Ford Automobile charged aga~nst him in error for the year 1948. The Chairman stated that at the last regular meeting a representative of the Housing Authority has appeared before the~Commissioners requesting them to release the remaining Hardin-Ramsey wooden demountable units in 2J[affitt Village to the Public Housing Administrat~on for off-site removal and use~ vrith the stipulation that the buildings would not be declared ~ surplus by the Housing Authority until such.time as they become vacant. The Chairman further st~ted th~t in his opinion; with the munber of vacancies novr existing in Ma~fitt Village~ the Commissioners could safely release fifty (50) units for removal and off-site use at this time without 3eopardlzing .the probable need for housing in this community; and further~ that he `~ could not recommend to the Commissioners at this time that all of the rem~ining Hardin- Ramsey units be declared surplus until such time as the County Commissioners could determine whether or not they desire to exerc~.se their priority to purchsse the rem~ining units in Maffitt Fillage as provided for under the 195~ Housing Act. A general discussion of the matter foilov~ed~ and Commissioner Trask move~l that the New Hanover County Corilmissioners authorize the release to the Public Housing Administration for the removal and sale o£ fifty (50) addition~l ~a~`~ Hardin-:iamsey units in Maffitt Village for off-site use if and when they becone vacant~ and ~~ further~ th~t by the adoption of this reso]ution that it be specifically understood that the County vras in no way relinquishing its priority to purek~ase the remaining units in A4affitt Village if 3t vias later determined th.at the County should buy t~em. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hall and put to a vote with the following results: Those voting Aye were Commissioners Trask~ Hall~ 0'Shields and Davis. Those voting no were: None. The Chairman . ., declared the motion carried. PrTr. Davis spoke of the progress m3de at Legion Stadium and recommended the installation of our own v~3ter main to connect with the City's system for better water supply~ on meter~ -~~5 and the purchase and inst»llation of a fire hydrant near the stables. And in this~ connection asked the Beards' cooperation in furthering the program oF improvements to the ground~ and buildings to the end the Stadium will be a greater credit to the County, Nr. Davis was assured of the Bo3rds' cooperation, and was requested to secure cost for the inatallation of the w~ter main. ~~? Upon motion~ duly seconded~ County bitls Nos. 2223 to 2453 v:ere approved for payment. The meeting then adjourned. ' , ~3~, •t.4~ ......~. Clerk . ~ YJilmington~ N. C., June 19~ I95~. The regular weekly meetinp of the Board was held at 10:00 o'cl.ock A. M. Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo. UJ. Tra.sk, Jas. I~S. Hall~ Claud 0'5hields and Thurston C. Davis, all members of the Board of County Commissioners of said County~ and Marsden Bellamy County 9ttorney and C. F. Smith~ County Auditor of s3id County. The minutes of ineeting of June 12, 195~~ ~ere read and approved as recorded. ~ , Mr. Thurston C. Davis moved that the following resolution be adopted: ~~e~~ WHEREAS, the Local Goverrunent Commission of North Carolina has informed the Board of Commissioners tha-t it has sold~ in the manner prescribed by law, the ~106~000 School Bonds 'of the County of New Hanover~ dated June 1~ 1950~ authorized to be issued by a bond order ` ~.adopted by the Board of Commissioners on the 24th day of April~ 1950~ and that the contract ' of sale contemplates that said'~bonds shall bear interest as hereinafter provided; and ,. , WHEREAS~ said bonds are to consist of one hundred six bonds of the denomination of , $1~000 each~ numbered from 1 to 106, inclusive! in the order of their maturity; NOW~THEREFORE, ; BE IT RESOL`IED that said bonds sha1.1 bear interest as follows: (1) the bonds numbered from 1 to 46~ inclusive~ at the r~te of one and one-quarter per centum (1 1/4~) per annum' ~nd (2) the bonds numbered from 4'7 to 106~ inclusive~ at the rate of one and one-ha.lf per centum ~;, (1 1/2°~) per a,nnum. Mr. Claud 0'Shie7.ds seconded the motion, and the motion was adoptec~ by the follwoing ~+ vote: ~ Ayes: Addison Hewlett~ Jas. b1. Hall~ Geo. V~. Trask, Claud 0'Shields and Thurston C. Davis. ' • A deed prepared by the County Attorney conveying~a parcel of county owned land on Prince George Creek, Cape Fear township, containing 3 acres more or less and being the ~~~' Northern portion of Farm 6 of I~iarathon Colony, to Towles-Cline Construction Company in _ l~ consideration of the conveyance by Toivles-Cline Construction Company to New Hanover County of a 6.96 acre tra.ct of land in Ha rnett toamship and being known as lot 24 of the Somther].and / Sub-division was approved and upon notion of P,~r. Trask~ seconded by R4r. Davisy the Chairman: and..~he Clerk of the Board wei•e authorized and directed to execute'the said deed in the . name of the County. , ~ l_ 9 -. Meet3ng of June 19~ 1950 continued. Upon ff,otion of bIr. Hall~ seconded by ~r. Davis~ payment of ~124.63 to the City of f~c~}y Wilmineton which represen~s one half of the cost for services rendered by h4r. Charles /~~~ P. Snow in classifying ~~I22 fingerprint cards ~t .03~ cents each for the Bureau of Identification was approved, provide~ the saff:e w~s authorized by the City i~4anager A4r. J. R. Benson. Future work of this na.ture to be kept-up by the department. The following proposal to hdld a~public meeting for a discussion of a count,y-wide fire ~~'~~ protection plan was introduced by i~1r. Da.v9 s vaho rnoved its adoption, and was • secon@ed by L4r. 0'Shields and carried: ~ During the course of the next £ew v~eeks, the Coc~missioners will be faced with the setting-up of the budget for the next coming year. A21 of us are aware that we vaiZl have to devise son;e plan for the fire protection of the.~ounty citizens. This is an impo:tant assignment anyway we look at it, and it deserves the full attention and deepest consideration of the Commissioners. Tnasmuch as i.t is of vital intere~t and import3nce to a7.1 of the residents of the county~ particularly those whose.bnly source of fire protection is that afforded by the couni;y. I feel that we should consic~er the opinions of such citizens in the development of any plan for such fire protection in the county areas affected. • , Therefore~ I propose that this Board p2an a publ.ic meeting for the purpose o£ discussing a county-wide fire protection plan. The public can be advised of such a meeting through the press and radio well in adv3nce~ and each area afFected will be invited to send represent3tives to present their ideas and the particular problems of their area where fire protection is concerned. I wouln like to have the Isoard act on my snggestion concerning the fire protection . plan~ and set an early date when we can hear the••opinions of those citizens of the county who desire to give the Board the advantage of their ideas concerning the development of a county-wide protection plan. /s/ Thurston C. Davis. Thereupon Mr. Davis moved and it was seconded by iv~r. hall and carried, that a public meeting be held in ~he Superior Court rootn at '7:30 P.Iti.~ l,?ond~y~ June 26th 1950, for ,~~v~~ ~ discussion of a^county-vride fire protection p).an, and instructions were given to notify cor,munity clubs and others in the rural areas to give them onportunity to be present to express their ideas on ~he matter. IIpon motion of PJir. Davis seconded by b`r. Hall, i~4r. T. R. Ames was granted an abatement of -~~ taxes on a. valu3tion of ~~500.00, block I, lot 13?. Shore Acres, account of double charge ` . for the year 1948, The same was listed and ta~:es paid by Shore 9cres Company. A request of ~irs. Lena Ch~son for a seperation of her husband's personal tax and poll. ~a~ charged against her lot 22 VJinter Park Gardens~ to enable her to clear the 1948 taxes due on said lot~ was upon noi.ion of I~ir. Tra.sk~ seconded by t~.r, Davis~ referred to the County Attorney for opinion and report at the next meeting. ~ - Upon motion of T~ir. Davis~ seconded by I~:r. Ha11 Ed Jackson, Harnett to~vnship~ was granted hts account of double ~n abatement of taxes on a valuat~on of ~I00 Iot 17 Gideon Hei 0~ , ~ ~ g , . , charge for the year 1948. ~^~ Upon motion of Mr. D~vis, seconded by ~r. 0'Shields~ Mrs. M. G. Willard was granted an , '~U x abatement of taxes on a valuation of ~t185.00, tracts 1 and 4 Nlillard Division~ Masonboro ~ township, sold to Nelson Sanders and Foster W. Hardy~ respective2y~ inr1945~ which was ].eft on her tax Iist and charged against her in error. A request of Mr. Norman Dail for an abatement of the iown of Carolina Beach taxes charged ~ \, against his household.goods at Hanby Beach, Federal Point township~ was referred to the ~ a 1~ Town of Carolina Beach."._. ~Ir. R. E. H~ughton, Vlilmington township~ was upon motion of P~ir. Trask~ seconded by Tvir. Davis9 granted an abatement of taxes on a valuation of $895.00 personal and poll account of double ~~ ~y~ charge. He listed personal and poll regular, but the sane was brought foracard from a previous listing in error and charged v~ith real estate as not listed for the year 19a9. ~ Upon motion of R~Ir. Davis~ seconded by I~4r. Tr.ask, P„r. Harold V. Horton~ Wilmington township, was granted an abatement of taxes on a valuation of ~52~530.Oo as to the City "~~ ~ taxes only, on tvao Chevrolet autor~obiles and Chevrolet Truck kept at Hortons Saw Mill Harnett township, which were charged v~ith City taxes in error~ for the year 1949• IIpon motion of Iur. D~vis, seccnded by Iv;r. Trask~ I~7r. K. C. Si.dbury was granted an abstement ` • of taxes on a valuation of ~1,350.00 on property in blocks 335 and 572 for the years 1946- v~' ~~i~'pugh 1949~ taken over by the Housing Authority of the City of tiVilmington prior to the time the said taxes accrued~ and charged to N~r. Sidbury in error. - Upon motion of Mr. Davis~ seconded by i~cr. Hai1~ Ernest fiernasconi feeble minded youth formerly cared for by the l~te P~4r. Higgins of Greenville Sound, wa.s granted temporar,y ~~,~,,MQ, admission to the County Home reconunended by the Supt, ~ of Public NleZfare, pending admission to Caswell Training Bchool. ~ ~~{~; ~The County Commissioners sitting as the Board of Equalization and review as required by law, ~ -~'~Y p- received the fol7.owing complaints on assessments of real est~te which were referred to a committee of the Board for review: Miss Florence R. Strange' block 50; C.T_,P_owell, block 100; Mrs. Elizab~th S,. Padrick9 block 102; Mrs_ Mary H. Howard, block 103; Sarah H. W111iams1 _ block 212; Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company~ block 24a; T. E. Goff heirs;'bZock 282; ' Boyle Ice Company~~b]_ock 373; J. Daziel Sprunt and Franc3s F. Sprunt Nichols~ block 485. The meeting then adjourned. r1,~ ~~ va'.... _,~' Clerk. ~ ~ I ~1.~2 ~'rilmington~ N.C.', June 26, 1950. , The regular v~eekly ~eeting of t.he Pcard was he7_d at 10:00 o'clock A.i~4. ' Present: Addison Hev;lett Chairman, Geo. Vd. irask~ Jas. N. Ha.il~ C).aud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, and County Attorney ;;;arsden Bellamy and C.F.Smith, County Auditor. The minutes of ineeting of of June 19, 1950, were read and approved ~s recorded. A request of t~r. Plallace C. Nurchison that the Superior Court be provided c~ith _ S C, a set of I~:ichie's Digest of the Genera7. Statutes of North Carolina for the use of the Judge and Attorneys,was upon motion of tJir. Da.vis, seconded by iv1r.H~11, gr~nted out of next years budget. . ~` N[r. Lawrence F. Duke the nominee in the May 2~th primary for constable of VJilmi.ngton ~'~-to~vnship vaas upon motion of n4r. Davi.s, seconded by t~r. Ha11~ appointed to serve-oui: tYie -~~-~ unexpired term of the late Jas. F. Jordan, uPon furnishing bond in the amount of ~1~000.00 with a 5urety Company acceptable to the Board. Upon motion oP ~br. D'avis, seconded by T~`.r. H~11, the services of Mrs. Ethel A. Brown, „- ~ CSC extra clerk in the office oi the Clerk of the Superior Court was continued for 60 days ~ through vacation period of the employees of the oPfice. . `_~'1_~p` Upon motion of Nir. Davis, seconded by H?r. Hall, p~yment of bill.s of expense for holding ~~Gai.rn~~e Second Prima.ry June 24th Prei~~e approved. Upon motion,of Iu;r. Ea11~ seconded by ISr. Davis~ the Sheriff ~vas instructed to assign a 6eputy sheri£f to one weeks service enforcing parking regulatidns in the Court House _~ Parking lot~ after ~ motion o~Pered by i4ir. T,~ask to refer the matter to Mr. Davis to handle v~ith the Sheriff fail.ed of a second. ~ ~ Upon motion of P,(r. Hai7 ~ seconc3ed by tJ~r. Tresk~ Joseph Taylor~51% Campbell Street~ ~ ~~0m~colored indipent citizen, U~as gr3nted temporary admission to the County Home on ~' recommendation of the 9upt., of County V'Jelfare. tipon moti.on of I~4r. Davis~ seconded qy i:ir. Hal7.~ Miss neil 9. Dooley,former'residerit of '~- _~~ 1718 Chestnut Street~ now residing in Durharry was granted an abatement of taxes on a _.~ valuation of ~750.00 on 1941 Dodge automobile listed and taxes pa3d in Durham~ lisbed:i 'R her~e in es~ror for the ye~r 1948. A request of Mr. Paul J. Raschon~Jr.~ student at the University of North Ca:olin~, for an~ ~~ py~ ~batement of poll taxes account of being a non-resident of this county January 1~ 19a9, ~- , was upon motion of I~fir. Davis~ seconded by b?r. Hall~ granted provided he wil.l furnish sa.tisfactory prmof of payment of poJl. taxes in Orange County for the year 1949• ' =y~stP_~1OaA report of the County F,lectrical Inspector for Iviay was received and filed. ' P A copy of the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors od Community Hospital ~~S'P of I~fay 19, 1950, were received and filed. • , _ Upon motion of Nir. Davis, seconded b3~P+~r. 0'Shields~ autnority was p,iven to continue _ ~~,,,~~ operation of the v~rious departments of the County on the sar~e basis of the 1949-1950 budget appropriations pending adoption of the 1950-1951 Uudget. ~, ei Only two bids were received fol• auditing the bocks and records of the County, therefore -. _.j,rt+~"~-opening of..the bids ~~as postponed until next meetin~ feeling further bids will be received , , before that date. ' ;E ihe school regui~r buda,et in the total ~mount of ~+214~950.00 for tne ye~r i95o-1951 was ~` =ubmitted by ~tr. Ro].and. and after discussion v~as upon motion of t~tr. Trask~ seconded by . ,. y~,,c~~7r. Davis, accepted as 3 tentative proposal only, to be given further consideration during~, .. - the prepar3ticn of the County Eudpet. t+"sr. Holand was requested to furni.sh a break-doa~n of the proposed expenditures.of the vaz~ious departments for the Board study. ~ - ~5 fc~~~ - W~ Upon motion of riir. 0'Shields, seconded by I~4r. Hall~ instructions were given to request •--- Mr. A. ~~iilbur Clark~ Third Division State Hi~hviay Commissioner, to give special consideration to ad~usting the controversy with A~is~s. J.T.Vick concerning the location and improvements to Hinton Avenue. ~ IJ~r. Davis brought to the attention of the Board the matter of following-up ~ke r~atter of widening Wrightsvi7]_e and C~rolina Beach Highways as a Fede~ l project. The budget submitted for the VJilmington Port Commission in the a.mount of $11~952•50, which is an increase of ~1,011.00 over last year, was discussed, and the Port Commission was requested to ehplain why there should be an increase~ and to submit their annual report of its activities for the past year. A recess was then taken until 10:00 o'clock A.Id.~ Thursday, June 29~ 1950 to cons3der the /~jU~`~ C ounty' s bud get . - ~. ~~ ~i ~..~ ,:o~ Clex•k. ~ V~iltriington~ N. C.~ June 29 ~ 1950 • Pursuant to reces~ken June 26, 195~, the ~,oard met at 7.0:00 o'clock A.i~4. ' Present: Addison "r:ewlett Chairman~ Geo. VJ. Trask~ Jas. I~i. Hall, Claud 0'Shields and Thurston C. Davis, and County 9ttorney I~i3rsden Bei_l~my and County .Auditor C.F.Smith. ,~!Upon motion of t~ir. Davis~ seconded by ~°r. 0'Shields~~ the Board authorized an appropri~tion' ~ ~~' of not excee~lin~ ~500.OO,to be included in next ye~rs budget, to meet entertainment expense ~/ in connection with g,round-breakind ceremonies startin~; construction of port improvements ~ at the old shipyar~s.Half of the expense to be paid by the City. ~~ ~,\ ~s Upon motion of irir. Hall~ seconded b,y I~'r. Trask~ the foregoing ~ppropriation was ~uthorized , ~ U~r out of the advertisi.ng fund Sor ~.he purpose of advertisi.ng the advantages ~nd resources of. . the County. ~ ~ ~ r, ~'r, a: I ~ ~ . ~ ~~ _ ~ Meeting of June 29, 1950, continued. : ~~, ~ The Board then began the study of the County~s 1950-195~ budget and tentatively ~ set appropriations for some of the departments. Mr. Randy H. Hamilton~ City IvIanager of the Town of Carolina Beach,appeared to ask that the Board give favorable consideration to a recent reyuest for an appropriation of - ~p~ ~, 52,000.00 to match'fl~nds to secure a G'odernm~nt survey of beach erosion to ascertain°the~, best .metho-d.to correc.t ~he condition. 2~ir. Hami).ton was requested to inve~tigate the bene.f.i.t achieved by the inst~i~ation of asnhalt jetties at 'Piri~htsville Beach~ which so fas ha.ve pro~en sati'sfactoryr~- - ", The meeting then adjourned. - VJSlmington, N. C.~ July 3~ 1950. The regular weekly meeting of the Bo3rd was held at 10:00 o'cZock A. M. Present: Addison Hev~lett Chairr:an~ Geo. W, Trask, ~3s. N1. Ha~I Claud 0'Shie7.ds and Th t C ~ urs on C. Uavis, o~inty 9ttorney Narsden Ee7lamy ~nd County ! uditor C.F.Smith. '~ Surety bond for Mr. L~wrence F. DuY.e who w~s appointed consteble of Vr'ilmington township at ~ gp~. -meeting of June 26~ 1950, in the amount of ~v1,000.Q0 +n~ith the Travelers Indemnity Company ~ , as surety, the same havin~ been 3pproved by the County Attorney as to form and execution~ • and ther,said amount h~ving been fixed by the Board, was upon motion of ',ur. Hall~ seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, accepted. - ~ . ~ ~ A report of the Veterans~ Service Officer for the ten months ending June 30, 1950, was ~rnr~i ~received, and upon motion of II~'s. Davis~ seconded by I~r. 0'Shields, was accepted and services continued for another year. A resume of the principaZ activities of the WiJ.min~ton Port Commission for the fiscal year ~; --UJ~ 194g-195o was presented by b4r. 17.G.Broadfoot, Sr.~ and Mr. W.S.R.Beane newly elected Chairman of the Port Commission outlined hoped to be achieved during the coming year. - A statement was received from the State Bo~rd oF Fublic '"Ielf'are shuwing that ~a1,358.37 - ~5 w~s sent to this County £or the month of June_for Old :4ge hssistance~ Aid to Dependent ' ~ Children and Administration. ~ ~ ~ ' "~' The fo?.lowing bids to audit tne books and records of f:he County for the fiscal year ending ~-httQ June 30~ 1950~ were received: J. B. McCabe « Company: Per day-for Certified Public 4ecountants ~ 35.00 ' Senior 9ccountants - not certified 30.00 ' ' ~ Semi-Senior Accountants 25.00 ~ Junior 9ecountants 20.00 ~ Willia.m C. Barfield and Harry W. Cherry Same ~s ahove. , C.S.Lovrrimore a Company S3me as above. ~ ~~ ~"~E''' Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by DRr. 0'Shields= instructions were given to secure new ~-- n bids to shov~ the minimum total cost of the audit. ~ A petition of 17 property oHmers prepared on 8tate Form R~10- requesting clearing away -~- yC.~s of undergrowth and build a sand-clay road from Seabreeze north along the sound~ thence back to the Carolina Beach Road, aoproximateJ.y 3/4 of a mi.le in length, C•spe Fear Township~ ~ " was npon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by 2~r. ~!Shields~ approved and referred to the State Higha~ay and Fublic V~orks Commission for its consideration, ~' A communication was received from the V1i]mington Journal requesting that it be awarded the ~y a nnual privilege to advertise the City-County colored taa delinquents, or the opportunity ' -«~ G ~ to b1d on the same, u~as upon motion of I!~r. Tr~sk~ secon~ed by I~~.r. Ha11, taken under consideration ~ ~ - : ~ No action was taken on an offer of Edn~ Nfci~. Ha.rris to purchase the City-County owned Iot '. ~~ '- SE~2 NE~3 in block 23 at ~250.00. . =. _ - • A report of Recorders Court receipts showing a total of 9S80,S78.7-7 for the £iscal yea~ ending , ~ 12,C~ June 30~ 195~~ was received and filed, ~ Upon motion of n4r. 0'Shields, seconded by -~ir. Davis~ the heirs of P.~.Moore were granted an `~ abatement of 19~3 t~xes on a va1uation of ~.2~550.00 on 4'7-,2eet adjoining Ca.rolina Court~ acconnt of double ch~rge. The s~~e was Iisted and the taxes paid by birs.l~aomi H. Dew for the s~id year. ' Upon motion of I~rr. Tr?sk, seconded by D:r. D~vis, VI.~d.All, Harnett tovrnship' was granted an '. ~~X abatement of ~'2.00 dog tax, for the year 19a.9, ch~,r~ed in error. Upon motion of IJ~r. 0'Shields, seconded by hr. Davis~ Cyrus C. Dawson was gr~nted an abatement ~ uk of not listed penalty charged ag~inst lot 7.1~ in block 16~ Princess P2ace for the year 1948~ , - a.ccount of double listing. It ~ppeared ~hat the saici ].ot was listed by Harris I3ev~ber for tlie s~id year. ' ~,9~~.s t" A report of the County rirema,n for yjune was received and filed. ~, A:.secess~wast.then taken until 10:00 o'clock A.N`.~ Thursday~ July 6th 1950~ to further consider -% the budget. • , C. F. Smith, Acting Clerk. ~ ~ 19~° NJi~mington, RT. C. ~ July 6th~ Ig5"0. Pursuant to recess taken Ju1v 6th, 1950~ the Board met at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Present: 9ddison Hewlett Chairman~ Geo. 1V. TraskT Jas. h~. Hall~ Claud O~Shields and lhurston C, Davis; and County Attorney Marsden Bellamy and County Auditor C.F.Smith. .~ Upon motion of t~~r. Davis~ seconded hy btr. Trask~ authority to change the architects _P~$~ plans for the airport terminal buildirig to~bring the basement up to ground level for furnace room for heating, was given. . o Upon motion of Ivir. DavS.s , seconded by IJlr. Ha7.l, necessary changes in the contract for 1: `.\.~~~ lighting as suggested, wa~ authorizeds and approval. of the contract with the Architect p~ was approved subject to the appi•oval of the County Attorney. ~~~ Upon motion of I~~r. Trask~ seconded by blr. D~vis, the Boaxd approved the payment of ; -~~ engineers fees for work on the airport, `~ ~ Upon motion of i+ir. Ha~i, seconded by ~ir. Davis, t.he budget for the Wilmington Port ~~.1Q Commission vaa.s approved for $;~11~000.00 for the. ye~r 1950-1951. b,r. Trask voted not to exceed ~",10l000.~0. After further• discussion of the bud;et the meeting adjourned. C. F. Smith, Acting C1erk. Wilminpton~ N. C., July 10~ i95o. The regul~r weekly meetin~ of the Board was held at 11:00 o'clock 1. ni. Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman and Commissioners Geo. Vd. Trask, Jas. M. Hall~ Claud 0'Shields and Thurston C. Davis, and County attorney t~arsden Bella.my and A County .9uditor C. F. Smith. Bi11s of expense in connection ~riith the issua.nce of ~I06~000.00 School Bonds payable o.~ to Reed, Hoyt and V~ashburn, New York Bond 4ttorneys ~p200.00 for profession3l services; _~J Columbian Bank Note Company, Chicago, $12~.50 for printing the bonds; and Loca1 Government Commission for printing circulars in connect~on with the sale of the bonds ~y33.34~ were upon motion of Nr. Davis~ seconded by Tv'.r. 0'Shields, approved and referred to the Eoa.rd • of Education for payment. ;,~~~ve~l Upon motion of ~~r. 0'Shields~ seconded by t~9r. Davis~ pa,yment of ~,288.30 to the City of /r~~ Wilmington for County's half cost for Armed Forcet Day entert~inment expense, was approved. ~ A report of the Bureau of Identification .for ~une v~.~as received and filed~ and report of the activities of the Co]_ored~Hom~nt wa.s received and payment of ~4.11 for office ~~'~ ~pplies and articles used in demonsti~ations was appxoved. Gh ~~ A surety bond for Mr. Fred Poi.sson as ~ rnember oi tne New Hanover County Alcoholic Beverage Contr•ol Board, in the ~mount of ~;5,000.00 v~ith the Nationa2 Surety Corporation as ~~ Surety~ w3s received and referred to the Count,~ Attorney. ~~ A report of the Grand Jnry Jnne Criminal Term 1°50~ was received and filed. ~ ~.~•The following report and recommandations vrith reference to er~osion study at Carolina Cv~~ Beach was submitted by Iuir. Thurston C. Davis: -~ "fl'ol~owi.ng a personal investiration, I have come to the conclusion that this Board should give serious consideration to the oific~31 request made by the Town Council of t~+p~~~Carolina Beach for ~ fi.nanci~l ~llocation tc aid in conducting an erosion study at Carolina Beach. Froin mr observation~ I am 1.ed t;o be7~eve that~ while the danger is not immediate~ if the present eros:on trend continues~ hundreds of thousands of dol.lars worth of property might well be lost at this resort. Such a loss v,~ould not only be a blow to Carolir~a Beach~ b.ut the vahole county wou2d suffer bec~use the recreation industry is one of the County's main sources of economic strenrth and t~.x revenue.~I think this Board wou~d fail in i.ts duty to the people we represent~ and to the county whose a~e.Ifare vre ar2 he,re to protect~ if we f3i1 to take~immediate steps in giving fin~nci?1 aid ~o Carolina Besch for an erosion study which could be the means of an eventual solution of that problem.,7he f~te of this community as a recreational center w~ill ,ffect the entire county. The'Coi;vnunity of C~rolina Beach, realizing the seriousness of the situation~ and ~ feeling that the proposed study wiil show the need for further action by the U.S.Engineers~ is prepared to allocate eight hundred dollars toward the two thousand do7_lars necessary for this study, to be paid localZy, and to be supplemented by ~ federal grant of 5h2?000. With these facts in mind~ and if~ in the opinion of the county attorney~ we have the legal right~ and providing the Town of Carolina Beach allocated eight hundred dollars, I m~ke. a motion that vre ai locate tv~elve hu~pdred doI?.ars to be added to the Pi.ght hundred dollars for the purpose of an erosion study at Carol.ina Beach." /S.! Tburston C. Davis. • The foregoing motion failed of a second. t~r. Hall;suggested th~t action on the erosion matter be deferred to give Carolina Beach _~,a¢,~' officials opportunity to investig3te the bene~'it 3chieved by the insta.llation of asphalt j etties at 'JJrightsvi7le Beach. ~c. Miss Verna Bei)e Lovaery, Home Demonstrati.on Aoent~ su~mi.tted her report of the activities ~5 of her department for ~une. °° 195 Meeting of~iJuly 1U~ 1950~ conti.nued. Lrtr. Davis brought to the a.ttention the need for the installation of a bed-pan ~ sterilizer at the tuberculosis hosp~tal, separate disposa.l for the water from ~ -~~ the linen sterilizer, enlargement of the waiting room Uy adding tuvo and one half feet on the viest side of the sane, v~rater supply pump, water so:tening unit, erection of a nurses home, appointment of a Board of Directors, etc.; . ~ ~ Upon motion of Iv1r. 0°Shields, seconded by b7r. Davis, 3nstructions were given to r/~,~c~ adverti.se for bids to be received until 10:00 o'clock A.N.~ bionday, July 24, 1Q50~ ~~~ for i;he installation of a six inch H~ell at the tuberculosis hospital. U~on motion of Mr. Davi.s~ seconded by ~'r. ir~.sk, the ~oard directed that a letter of , appreciation be written to Iuir. T.G.~'i~eal Director of Pub'lic Safety of the City of C~~s~ Wilmington and I~:r. E. L. White, Ivie~ber of the City Council and folk at VJrightsboz~o for ~C ~v~"assistance rendered the County Firen,an at the recent fire at Godwin's Lumber Company. ~, The following good and la~vful persons were dravrn to serve as jurors i.n the Superior ~~~~ Court for the tri21 of Criminal ca.ses ior the one tiv.ee term begirning July 24~ 1950: Elwood A. McFadyen, 39 Teerace VJalk. Frank Lem~ Progressive B/L 9ssociari. Ilorman H. Be11~ 318 Davoson St. J.i1.Grimsley~2303 S. Front St. P~I.T.Ridaught, Box 138 C~rol.ina Eeach. H.A.Leewenberg~ 3019 I~~arket St. C.H.tt4i11s,Jr. ~ 15'll fi~nkin St. D. t~ . Murphey, 7.G Ca stle St , Henry E. E+tiiler~ IGl ir. 13th St. Johh J. LeGwin, 501 P?rk ^lerrace. J~s. H. Hobbs~ RFD ~`2~ box 206 AB. . J~s. Edv~ard I~Iillis, 21FI Nesbitt Court, E. H. Pope, 1802 Chestnut St. Gus G, Leloudia, 2310 Brandon Ro3d. Geo. T. Muse, 1417 S. 3rd, St. Geo. B. 1~iurray, 2516 Adams St. J. D. 1JIcCarley~ Jr., 22 Hawthorne Doad, Yiim. C. i~arks, 1014 Iv~arlcet St, Pau1. Il41Ils~ 26 Terrace VJalk. G.J.Hufham~ 105 N. ~th St. W. J. Mills9 26 Terrace Nialk. P.H.n~iorgan~ 91 Pinecrest Parkway, L.K.Mincey~ 326 S 4th St. A. L. Motte, 113 S• 17th St. J.K.Head~ YiY~CA. R.H.Hershberger~ 158 Co].onial Ui?1age. Sam. T. i~;incey~ 3U Iaun 5~,. Pleasant Batson, i06 Centra~ Bo;i7.ev~rd. J.E.Porter~ 11 TJiorningside ~ri.ve. C.E,Slade~ RFD #2~ Box 2999. How~rd Larkins, .RF'D #1. C. PJ. Fountain~ H,~D ~1~ Castle riayne. Clayton Naylor, 1C'7 S. ~lashinFton 5t. Lee r^. L~mb~ 2718-F; Jefferson St.. John J. Fiirlong~Jr.~ Cape Fear Apts. ft. N. h~eredith~ 1610 Doci; St. Sam Berger, ?_03 N. 13th St. R. I. Gabriel~ 2626 Adams St. ( H. N. Hayden~ 112 Hydrzngea P1ace. E.P.Hohr~ 211 Iv, llth St, R.S'J.Fountain~ RFD #1. Ft.bi.Gri.ssom~ 402 Central Boulevard. ~~ti.L.Grissom,Jr.~ 16-G Nesbitt Court. B. K. 1de:ritt~ RFD ,#1. Richard Braak~ Rb'D #1~ Castle Hayne. Cald~vell VJ. Iuiintz~ 19A Nesbitt Court. J?ck I~7. Nlintz' ?07 Pinecrest Parkway. Horace Pearsall~Jr.l~204 Eorest Hills Drive. Fr~nk W. Oppenheimer, 503 Dock St. John Gmytruk~ Jr.~ RP'D ~1~ C~stle fie.yne. W. F. IV[eclin9Aoh 386~ C~rclina Beach. VJ. R. White, Carolina Beach, . Lac}> D. Pearce, 20 Lee Drive. T. E. Iulurrell.~ 51& S. 3rd~ Et. F.E.Sh~nnon~ 51 Lake Forest Parkw~y. ~Llotile Niosely, 501 Iv. 2.3rd St. Jodie I~i5.11sJ 12 Ct.C Lake Village. A.L.Groves~ 61E Greenfield St. 4V'. T. Benton~ 213 N. 17th St. Hubert L. Gri.ssett 704 Greenfield St. B. A. Hanchey~ 110-~ S. '7th St. Theoc~ore Fisher' 2900 Princess St. Robert T. Grimes, 13 Ct.J~ Lake Forest. Geo. C. Flynn~ RFD #1~ Box 1~9 Cast7e H_aqne. N.~ .Owens, Box 3'78 5ummer Hitl. John J. Hanby, 210g1~- Cre~sy Ave. Geo. F~. Grimstead, ~•04 N. 4th St. B. E. ~Vatson~ Eox 585 Carolina Beach. a. ~. ry,oss, 507 s. 9tn st. hlbert G. Ottoway, 1018 N. 3rd St. E. 'r~. I~,:yers~l0~ N. 13th St. Alexander PSitchell~ 505 Lvrightsvi~le Ave. C. H. Dau?htry, 114 Iatorningside Drive. ~. E. Bovren~ t~r"D ,~. J.P,.Justice~ RFD #3,. The meeting .tnen adjorned. ~~..~ .~. 9al 4~ Clerk, !~' l~iilmington ~ N . C . ~ July '17 ~ 1950 . The regular weekly meeting of the Board w~s held at 10:00 o'clock A. t~. Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman~ Geo. G9. Trask~ Jas. M. Hai_1~ C13ud 0'Shields and Thurston C. Davis, and Marsden Bellamy, County Attorney and C.F.Smith, Ceunty Auditor. The minutes of ineeting of June 26 and ~9~ and July 3~ and lOth were read and approved as recorded. Idr. M. H. Lander~ Civil Engineer, reported satisfactory results from the instatlation of wooden jetties a,t Kure Beach over the past eighteen months, and asked for an additional /'r~~1~oS~ppropriation of ~;3~000.00 to purchase materi~ls to be used later in extending the ~pp"rox= ~1~imate one mile of jetties 40 feet to further retrieve the eroded strand. After discussion} & substitute moti.on ofiered by Iuir. Trask and seconded by Iuir. 0'Shietds~ to take the request under consideration in the preparation of t.he budget was carriedT after a motion by ' D4r. H311 to ~ppropriate ~2~000.00 each to Kure~ Carolina and Plrightsville Eeaches for erosion control work, fai~_ed of ~ second. The fol2owing resol.ution wes upon motion of Nr. 0'Shields~ seconded by Pdr. Davis~ adopted~ ~I~~~ at the request of District SoTici_tor Cli.fton I~. Iu~oore: WHEREAS~ there are such a laroe accumul.ation of criminal cases on the docket of the Superior Court, oP New FI~nover County, for trial~ and VJHEREAS, from this date on there wi71 be e large number of a.dditional cases docketed for trial in the Superior Coiirt of said Coiznty on the eriminal calendar~ and WHEREAS~ all. of said cases cannot be disposed of at the regular term seheduled to convene July 24~ 1950~ and ti~HERE.AS, it is the un3nimous oninion of the Board of County Commissione.rs of New Hanover County thzt at least a one week term in addition to the regular term is necessary to dispose of the cases now on the docket for trial in New Hanover County: I ~196 i Qc" ~~~~ ~~ T~eeting of July 17, 1950, continued. BE IT THEHEFORE RESOLVED that the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County un~nimously request his Er.cellency W, Kerr Scott, Governor of the State of North Carolina, to order a special term of the ;uperior Court, with a Grand Jury, fo.r the tri31 of @riminal cases only~ to convene on 4ugust 14~ 1950~ and to continue for one week~ and that a Judge be assigned to hold sasd special term. Be it further resolved that the Clerk of the ~oard of County Cor.imissioners be~ and he is hereby directed to furnish a copy of this resolution to the Governor of the State of North C•3rolina. The County,Auditor reported that P+is. 'Jd~ C~. 'B~rfield ~~CPA., .informe8 hiin that he could not furni.sh a ceilin~ bid for auditing the books and recox~~ds of the county~~but which.w0uld be more than his per diem bid submitted~ and that the other Cex~tifi.ed Public Accountants feel the same w~y. Thereupon u~.r. Davis rcoved ~nd it was seconded b}~ Pdlr. Tra.sk a.nd carried, that the matier be referred to Iv,r. t:~. G. Fasterlin~. Secretary of the Local Government Commission ior opinion as to v~hether eertified Public Accountants should be required to .submit ~ total guaranteed sum for ma'~ing the .audit.• ~Tne C~~irman reported that speciiications for furnishing materi~Ts ~rid-installing a six inch water supply v,~ell ~nd pumpin~* tanit forthe ,~~h~ ~, ~Wessell Tuhercuiosis San3torium have been prepared ~p bSs.A..J:Lougrili:n, ~ngineer~ and bids-a.civertised to lie'received until 10:00 o'clock F!.bi., Nonday~ July 24~ 19j0. `~A report of the County Electrical Inspector showing.~263.90 inspeetion fees collected for `~~~~ June ~vas received and filed. ~ A letter of appreciation for ~he Eoards' cooperation in ha,ving the ~.and cleared for the ~~ Girl Scout Day Camp site, was received from turs. B.Pd.Jones~Jr.~ Day Camp Director. ~The VJrightsboro Volunteer Fire Department extended an invitation to the Board- to witness ~~,`+,~ a fire control demonstration on the NTriphtsboro School grounds Friday, July 21, at 7:06 P.b4. ~ Upon,motion of iulr. Davis~ seconded by Nir. 0'Shields. John H. Fusseil was.p,ranted an ab~tement~ ~~~ of taxes on a valuation of'y'S~400.00 and not listed penalty, block l0,lot 3~ Carolina Heights and W. B. Creasy abatement of po71 taxes, PJrightsvilie Beach, h3rnett township~ account of double charge for the year 1949• /\~ Upon motion of-hir. Trask, seconded by Icir. 0'Shields~ bi~ttie Thornton was released from the , ` payu:ent cf not Iisted penalty charged against let EN•Pt. l~ in block 33, for the year 1949• Upon motion of P.Sr. Davis, seconded by I;:r. Hall~ St. ivlarks Episcopal Chureh~ coiored, was ~ granted an abatement of ta.xes on a v~.luati.on of $'s4~'750.00, block 236, aecoiznt of double ---,~a charge for the year 1949. ~~ A report of County~ Home boilers i.nspecti.on was received from The Hartford Steam Boiler ~QV Inspecti.on and Insuiance Com?~~ny recommenaing checking~ cleaning ~nd replacement of _\~ p~r.ts found necessary. ho cor,ditions were o~served that require attenti.on to the hot .water storage tsnks and boi?.e^s 3t. Community iTospital a~t this time. ~~~ recei~ed andtfiJ.edj~~in~ton Public Library a~d Bookrrobl.le activities for June were / ~ Upon motion of t~;r. Trask, secondec~ U~~ i~~r. Davis~ instructions were given to urge the State Highway and Public Porks Commissi.on to take prompt and favorable action on petition t.~~ of property owners for improvements to Page Pvenue near Oleander v~hich has been approved v by this Board. ~. y,'~ Upon motion of T+ir. Hall, seconded by T~ir. Davis, the Eoard approved the purchaseyof an _~~~~'' electric cool~nater fountain for s~#~i33tTagx9:R the present terminal building,at ~he airport. , Upon motion of Mr. Davis~ seconded by NIr.. 0'Shields9 the Board, on the affirmative vote of t~r. Davis, Ivlr. 0'Shields and the Chairman~ authorized the purchase of page advertisement , in the North Carolii~ Edition of the b4anufacturers Record~ Septembex issue~ at a cost of - Q~~ ~300.00~ which in the opinion of the Bo~rd would be beneEicial for advertisin~ the advaritages and'resources of the County I~~,r. Davis recommended that~ new.buil~3im~-be provided and fixed-up for the use of the slbc9l Civil `~ c,'~~ Air Patrol at the airport. ri"r. Ii~ll suggested that sction on the ma.tter be deferred until `~~~~~~ such time the parties interested can apnear before the Board and explain their needs. ~ The Board then took a recess until 10:00 o'clock A.Io:., Wednesday, July 19th _ ~5u~ joint sessien with the Cit~~ Council to consider jo~.nt. budget appropriations. ,~`~ ~,, Clerk.• ~ , to meet in ~~o . '' ~pon moLion of Cm.nm3ss~.oner Rea~let$, en c~moun~ o£ $2y00Q.00 each for the Cit~ an8 Cou~t;~ veas erY..,da8 fos~ ~he DDT Dustir.g ~Srog.~a~ and Typlrus control; snd ~l,.50>00 each for the City and Countq for L1alara~.a controZa The motion was sec- onde3 bv Counc4lman Sinclair and ~an3mousZy adopted' f~ fiscal qeaa^ 1950-5]. i ~ t D1Jr o. T~;al. con- trol Upon rocor.miendation of tho C3ty fliana~er~ Conmiasioner He~lett moved Pdet,csr that iche amounb oF ~O.OD eaeh hy the C3ty and Counicy be apr..,..sd for the Meter Ad~ustes Ad~ustex~m 1'he motion ~as seconded try Counci2man Bost and 9~n~+~ym0USI3t Bf~O~tEa~ -' for fiscal year 195~~3 ' - ~ - , ' ~ounciiman ti4:ite moved that w1D000.00 each by the City and County t,tilitary be seproved for f'flitary Companie~y $1~000,00 etach City and Coimty for the Compenias~ Colored Li'ir_~ary aad ~150.W aaeh for the Sorosis ff,useum, 'i'hemotion ~vas sebonded Co1.L9bror by Commissioner OQShilelds and unsa'Lmously edoptsda for f2scal yesr 1950-51. Sorosis b"o Upon mo~ci.on oF ~ommiscion IIemletty seconded hy Gouncilman Bost and ur~sainously adopted- f,he amount oF ~8,2y'8s00 ~as sry~.,Y~iated ba the City' Librax~* by the City and ~ 2 Sfa.a~ by the County for £iscal yessr 1950-51 Cammfsafoner Hez~lett mave8 that the amo~mt ofl ~2,590.00 each bp tha City and Cotmty be approved fos tEae Leteraris Servfce O£fice for £iscal ~eat 1950-51, The motion was seeonded bq Coune4lman Bost and tau3nn2mous2~ aao~ceao _ e _ Commis~~.oaer Hewlett move8 t}~a.t ;~19a885.00 be approved by the City for the Tax DeFartment and ~ i3 3~is•oo Uy the Count,ye The motioa was secoeded by Couneflman Bost and t~x-3mously adop~Led~ fos fiscal ye~r 1959-51 - - - The bvdget for the Idc~n'tificatipn f3uresu in 4~he ~mouat oP ~4,545.~0 t~Y 'Ehe C3'ty anr] ~w c!, 6A~5, o a by the Covnt~ ~as unanimously app- roved for Pisca2 year 1950-~~ fdpon mot9.on of Coamiasionor Tr~sk~ seconded bq Cocincilman Sincla3r and unarifmously adoptei3a There bo3ng no f'urthsr bus3neas, the meetin~ sd3ovraed, I Reapec~fully submi2ted, - P11aP,y B. Southerlnnd Citq Clsrk ~ PabZic LiY~ary QSO Tax OFCe Ideyte Bure 1 ~ ~. ' _~o • ~he results obta3ned, Y~u't at the aamo ~cima care fox° the indi~en~ c3ek in a wey that will ~ pleas2ng to us and to ~Fhe hospital, oa an €igreed basian cost per diem. In bringing his substftute motion to a ~nore defini~e point~ Councilman VPade moved that this ~oint body at~ree to meet the limita of 4,he 1939 Act~ th~t theq further agre~ to appoin't a committee to work with the hoapita2 to work out Jamei a per 8iem besis9 that, they go far eaough so as ~o requeat amendmont of the i9allu 1939 Act so as to mako the law elastic enov~h to t~Ice care of the indigent t~emrn pat3ents. The raot3on was seconded by ~orinis~foner Trask. Hosp: Tkie motion ~v~s pnt to e vote aad receiae.d the ¢f£irmativ~ ~otes of conL Comnissioners Davie~ 0'Sh3elds, Trask, I{all, Hewlott; Covncilaen CJride~ S3nc1air9 and Rost. Covncilmen t'thite and jd:agor 6~eClellmnd voted no. Councilman t9hite stated that he did r.ot Peel that they shovld ask the leginlature to make ax~q amenament to the 1939 &et, inasmucke tss it was his op3nion that it roas tihe duty an~t responaibil4,xy of the Caunty to teke eare of the indigent poor o4 the Covnty. r4eyor tdlc~lel].and concurred in L~. 1Vh3te's opinion. 1Ar. L. ~. I,atta CTltlirman of the G,.,~~.~..3ty Ho~pital Doa.rd prea- Commut errted a bud~et est3mata oP ~49~101.50 fbr the Commun~ty Hospital for f3seal Iiospi4 yea~ 195~-51y and pointed out that the increase over lagt year~s request or bud~e4 appropriation was due to salaxg i.ncreases and a@aStional help made n~COSeary because of the QO ho~m s~orlc week, i~~. T,etta outlinod the operations of the Community Hor>pi~al and e~as hi.~h in h2s prAiae £or the 3.~r,..WEr,er,ts anc7 work being done b~,t fta Iie poiated out that 3t ti^~aa an x,ecredAted hosp3.ba1 noei v~ith an excelleat~rating by the medical essoe~et3on~ snd that it ~vas h4s 8esire to keep the hospital s't this high stattdard; and requested approval of . wd9,lO1e50 each by the City and County. The amount recommerttled b~ the C3anage~ was the soma as last yeare or ~41a52Q.Q0. ~``x ' Councilaan Vrhite etated 4,ha2 he . dy:.-.sented 'the Council or.. th~ - Commsuafty Hospital Board, but had nothing ~to da eai`ch H.~~...ing th3.s budge~g but thet he did take h~. Iatta°s word that this ~moma~E r~ould Ua necessery . to proper7y ..r«~te the hospit~al v~hich bolongs to 'the C3ty rind Co~y. Y1r. Nhite further stated thAB &ir. Lstta ia do3a~; a good ;job, and ff a man keQd to be employed like Il~. Latta, 3.t avould co~t the City and Covnty a lnrge sum of moaeye Yt wss pointed out that t!:e hospitsl's por diem cos't 3s ~6.79. Cor~ission~r 0 s Sh4elds moved '~hat the ~ofa~ body .-.rr. ~4-: isfis ~he sama amount as la~t qear, or $47.,5~.~ each bY,the 0ity and Couaty; ar~d if the haspifi,al £inds that it ia runn3ng §.si the redD they mey coaaa back and Fmeaent the case befos~cs tha ~oinC bodie~. The motion wa~ seeonded t7y Cotmcilmen Bos~. P~rtx'. I.Btf~& told the ~oint bodiess °ta4theT you giYe us thia budget, os' I wil'! ~sign novs" . A£ter a diacusaion, Canrtnissioner 095h~elds ~ithdrew his motion. - Thereugon9 Council~ "9iite movad that the ~oint bod4as approve the bu8get oP the Communitq Hosp3tsl fn `che amount of 3,~tf9,101s50 each for y, the City and County~~ with the understandfng that if the hospif,al fi.nds that it is possible to operate £or laes_ ~han the 4~.,,...r.3etion~ it e~A11 act use the f1i11 amount o£ the appropr4atfon; and flurthez~, that the Citp and ~owrty eu'chorities make an effort to psrt all negrm pat3ents r~.~ the Comrmm~.ty Hos- " pital. The motion cras seconded.hy Cammiasioaer Trask and unaa9mously ad.,Y~,c:e Coimcilman ?'ade left the meetin~ to meet an, appointmont. 'fhe City t6anager presented the bud~et of 'ch~ Health DeparLme~ BoarB i far fiseal year 1950-51 Sn an aso~ of ~vS3s165.29..e After a goneral dis- Hea12h eLSS3on Comm$ssioner Hofll~tt mo~ed that the joint bodiea appropriate the ' sum o£ ~83,165.29, to be borne 2/3 ~'Y '~he City tand 1,/3 bY the Cowat~r~ or ~55;443.52 by the City 8ad ~2°19721.77 by the Coun~y. The motion vres aec- onded by Councilmaa ~"hite and unanimously adopted. Dr. F11£obt brough~ to the a`ttent4oa of t,he group that 2he suPport for the ~'i2mington T'ublic Health Tbiaaes Aeaxiat4on for t~vo mases ~vil7. 'be " w3Ehdra~wn as of Ssptsa~ber 1, 1950-- that, oae of the n~aes, Pdrs. Peiffer p3ana to retire at that ti~e, but the other nurse, Noxwa.Cheatnuc 4s needed and ib is planned to continue her servicea so far as the Punds ~ri21 ~o; he fla~her advised that ~there is sufficient flmds in th3a acconnt to r.sre for her services ~ for apgroximatsl~ eix montha' a£Cer Septem6er Ii he advises th~t he evould need ~630.00 to continue her thron~h the laet three months of th3s fiscal yeaa. IZo ac'tioa ~+as tatcgn on thia mat~er as 14 appecirea af ter diseuss3on it would posa3lzly be finaneed through the flmda nrns available and funds e~hich will tae anaileble through the regular Health Aepm tment bud~eta i ~~ ti4iluli32(~toFly N. G. .Tu1~r 39; 1950 A~oint mee~i.ng o~' the Gouncil of the City of' 143.].mington ond the Boatd ~f Cou:zty Cot~issioners v+as held Sn the Courxcil room at ~Che City Ao11, on the abave dato atIC3:00 o~clock c1F4~.-., Pressate £a°om the Ha3rd o£ Covn~y Caaun3asloaess nc3re: P^ae Addison Hewlet8, Chaismann Commiesioners: Hall., Tre~k~ Q~Sh3eldsfl Davis, Clork T. K. 17oody', Chsae Smith AvditoP, tin8 A~torney B~lla~,y. F~om the City Council were: i~tayor R'kClelland' pa~esid3ng, L'ouncilmen Bost, Sinc].~~.m, Fiede and Cthite; Citq. tdanager Benson and City Attorney Cc~mpbel2. 1+9a~or'P,`:cClelland ectl.led the meeti.n~ ~to order and 3tated thaC the r,~eeting had beee~ called £or the pvrpose of discusaiag ~ioint apr..~,,,iatfoas of the County of New Hanover and tfie Citq a£ ~73lmingCon. Representat4ves of the Jamss 9Palker Riemoriml. HospAtal, including TJ~, R. H. Holl.and, lr1r. John CJ. Rankin ¢nd Pdr. AIsn 1das~shmll, Atto~cneq, ~vere present in the int- ereat of the ~o3nt arr..,Y..:ation o£ t~,he Cfty and Counf;5 Eo the sa3d hosp3talee..... The Cotwcil end Co~miaslor~rs, as we11 as baf~h Nttorneys for the re3pe~tiae boards e~ain po2n2ed out the reqv3ramea~s contained 4n th~ 1939 Ar.~~ raspecting approgr4a~- tions by the City an8 County to Jame~ ~7alker L1~orial Hospi~el; said authorft,q to appropriafi.e not exceeding ~2S~OOOvOJ each to.said hospitaT. Aftmr a len~l~y die- eussioa as to e~hose responsibility it is to care for the ind3gent sick aP ~he ~ounty~ City Attorney Campbell stated ~hc~t the sa4d responsib3l3ty 13es wfth the Coun~tq9 while Attorney Hel:la~ i.nsis~ed that the City nas as much reapons3ble ac~,i:he ~oimty. i,"s. Rankia told the group that ths cost last year per patSe~Zt per day ~vas ~11.18. P:~r. Hollatsd stated that they wore asking the'Ci.ty cind County g.,.w.,w„~nte to p~y for ' services rendea°ed, - tha~, last ye3r the cas°e for 3ndi;ent pstieata esocee8ed. the amo~nnt ur,,..,Y..:sted by the ~o3xat' ber33os whiek ~as $70~80Q.00. It was the eonsensws that the cost af indigexit patients as subm3tted, ~ould reqv~re mare funcis than now permitted uader the 1.ax. Thereupon~ Cousicilmau Bost mowed that the jo3nt• bodiea ~ry..,N,:.ate the rna~cimian, or u25,000>00 each to J~mes C~alker t~emor3al HospStal, A further discuasioa ensued. LRr. PAsrslial]. and other ..~Y.~sentatfvos 1n- vited the Cor.un3ssioners aYx3 CounciZman to vis3t the hospt~'cal and makQ comparisons. with other hospitals in ~ke Sta~e. Commissioner Ha1`i. atated that, inasmueh as tiio ~oint bidi~a cariaot eweeed ~fle $25a000.~0 eaeh, accordinp, to the 7.aay "I ~rf11 second P:ir, Bost's motion," 6ir. Aoll~tu3 sug~ested that tha joiat bo8ies make an er~,.,,r.3at3on on the ~ame basis as 2ast yeax~9 appoin~ a cormn3~tee to go out to tho hospita, and work pith them and study the oparai~ion of the saSd ho~pit21. to ~Ghe sat4afactioa to ai.Z concerned. Co~cilman ':ade made the following statements "I mould not sit b~ and fa3l.to avail myselP o£ the p,iv9.lege mnd cppartunity at this ~ime to speak in behalf of this hospital... It has teen my pr3uilege s,nd pleasure ainc~ 1933 to visit this hospital on Sunde;p aftor Church and visi~ r~:it,h ~he s4ck, bof~h psid and indigosrt pat3ents; it has beon iqq question over the yEars, '~how ~e you ge~ tiesg along. Ho~ are the~ t~sating qou?" and tsy 20 :~e~lp ~hem to get well. 2 harre £ovnd tha~ this 3s a verqy verq fine hospif.al-~ do5s~ a very fine ~ob. I dos3re to go as far as poesible to asstst the hospita3 to do ~ho job it is do~ng9 and I desfre ~a to maks a substitutis motion, t,ry4ng bo covo~ and take into cons3der- a~ion the matters ae have r.ow before the ~ouncil. ThE sub:stitut~ notion is9 on the basis that, wlth the jo3n$ bod~ ffioea in session, th.e~ eva31 themseli*es of 4Pa.e prieilege aad opportunity afforded by vhe 1939 Act by jointly ~ppropriating the masimum saount, namelq, w25y000.00 eeah from the City and Covnty, tota33x~ ~50~000.00, and thgt the ~oint bo8ies appo3nt a,joint coa,miticee regx~es~r~ing tho County Commissionere and Cit~ Council to v+ork s~ith the Board of g„~~~..ors of the hosp3~al to the end that satisfacttir~ a~e~cangsmeats i~e agreed upon as ~o the formvla to be used de£3n3ng the cost per daq af. 9.ndigent pat3eata and the joint bodies ~,rxoe to reques~ the _~r.~sentatives of New Hanover Covn9~ fn the nex~ Generral Asaemb.l~ to amend the sa3d Aat ~o as to nrske 9.C el.asr;ic enovgh that the joi~t tmards can in the ~ears ahead !l1VVide su£fieient funds to care for the indigen-c siek af t7ilm3.ngton and lQem Hanover ~ounty, to the eud that we as representaCiv~s of 'the cftizena cannot only be happq ocer ' 7_ 9 `7 ' tJi~min~;ton~ IG . C.~ July ~4, 1950. The regular weekly rneetin~ of the 3oard was held at I0:00 o~clock A. Ivi. Present: Addisor: fie~rlett Chairman, Ge~. t"!. Trask, Ja;, i~", Hall~ Claud 0'Shields and T.hurston C. Davis, And iiiarsden Eellamy County 9ttorney and C.F.Smith County Auditor. The minutes of ineeting of Ju1y 1~, 1950, were read and approved as recorded. ' y This being the d~te and hour set by the Board ~t~ meeting of July 10? 1950~ to receive . -~-5 sealed bids for fizrnishing 311 la.bor and materials for drilling a well and furnishing pumping unit for the John C. Vlessell Tu.berculosis Sanatorium as advertised, the Ch3irman ~.sked if all bids were j.n. Nothing appearin~ to the contrary, bir. Davis moved that the one~only bid received be opened and read, which follo~vs: • Item- Item Estimated- Unite Total ~o• Ouanti__ t1__ Price Price i 6 inch we11~100~ deep 1 Lump Stun ~y 795.00 complete in place , , 2 6 inch well drilled in ~ excess of 100' deep 20' ~ 6.00 120.00 ~ . 3 Deduction for 6'~ we21 . drilled less than 100~ 20' 4.00 80.00 ~~~ 4 Bronze v,~e~ I screen ' furnished complete in place-Johnson or equal 1 I:wnn Sr~m 600.00 5 Deep we11 Pumping iTnit . 50 GPM complete in place incluriing necessary £oundations but no v~iritig or. nipe connections other tha.n to we11 1 r.ump Sur~~ 975.00 6 Testing well 10 Hrs. 50.00 Tot~l pri.ce ~2~540.00 ~espectful.ly submitted Wilmington V~ell & Pump Company By E. D. Blake 2808 RQarket Street. ' Upon motion of ?+~r. Trask~ seconded by Lir, seconded by T~3r. 0'Shields~ the bid was received , j Ss for further consideration. ' Pdr. VJ. A. McGirt~ Chairman of the Highway and Street Committee of the Wilmington Chamber M~.of Commerce, Mr. John H. Farr.ell, Executive Secretary~ Il7r. Frederick Wi?letts7 ~r~T:.R.03~re11~ -~ ~ n~r. Sidney Rivenbark and I~ir. E. B. Bugg appeared to ask that the Board renew its efforts and - urge prompt action'bj the 5tate Highway and Public Works Commission on ttie re~izest°of ~~ ° this Board of August 29~ z949, for primaT°}~ road improvements: 1. VJidening the present highway from V~il.min~ton to 1Yrivhtsville Beach to a four- lame highv+ay (US '74-~6) . 2. Fridenine the present highv~~y from 'vJilmington to Carolina, Kure and Fort Fisher Beaches to a four-lane highvaay ( US 421 ). j, An improve modex•n hiPhway from 4dilminaton via Eurgaw to Prallace~ with new modern ~ biidges a1on~ the entire r~oute (US 117}. This request was endorsed and urged by Governirent Ap~encies of Neva Hanover County~ organized " groups 3nd individua1s; a.s essenti.a.7, needs. After ]engthy discussion ivir. Davis moved and it ~~5 was seconded by Iuir. 0'Shields a.nd car~i.ed, that this Board re-affirm its aetion for imnrove- ' ~ ments and widenin~ of the said hi?hv:ays ~nd Qo on record opposing the constructien of ~:~~^ • other ,' ~oads that woula jeopardize the construction of modern aS~ four-lane highvrays to GJrightsville~ Carolina~ Kure ~nd rort Fisher Ee3ches.. Upon motion of I~ir. Davis~ seconded by T~i,r, fiall, the Board in cooperation with the City and / .. Chamber of Commerce~ voted an appropri~tion of ~50.00 ouT, of the advertising fund toward the expense of~entertaining invi.ted guest at a luncheon to be given at the Cape Fear Hotel 12:00 . ~~ o'clock noon~ Friday, July ?8 to promote the tiorth Carolina Coast to Great Takes Scenic high«~~y over U.S.Route 421,4'~h~ch, in the opinion of the board~ the appropriati.on vrill be beneficial fox advertising the advantages and resources of the County. ivir. Trask voted no, feeling that such an eypenditure ivould be equal to taki.ng the money out of the pockets of ~ noor orphans and widows and offered to make a oersonal contribution of ~5.00 toward the expense~ with others interested~ rather than out o~, public funds. ~,A surety bond for Mr. Fred Poisson as a member of the New Hanover County A7.coholic Beverage -~ Control Board, in the amount of ~5~000.00 with the P~ational Surety Company as Surety~ - the same having been approved as to form and execution by the County Attorney~ was upon motion of I~fir. Davis, seconded by i~fr. 0'Shields; approved.• a ~ ~ lq~ , Meeting of July 24~ 1950, continued. ~ A petition of ~ property ov~ners in Cape rear Township requesting paving and draining ~~ approxima.tely quarter of a ruile of z~oadway~ 'Jictoria. Drive Extension~ which runs from IJ~r. D. Sotesky's and ii:r. R.H.;"aalker's p1_ace to i~ir. H. E. Hou~hs's was upon of Ildr. Davis~ seconded by ?~':. Ha)_l~ approved and referred to the State Highvray snd Public Works Commission for its consider?tion. Also a petition of 6 property ovrners, C~pe Faar tovanship~ requesting that the Gordon, - Road on the vaest si.de of the Rtl~ntic Ca~st Line nailroad tracks to Vuri~htsboro St~tion~ ~ ~~h thence Black Swamp Road irom V~ri?htsboro Station t~ the PSurrayviile Road~ approximately ~ three miles, be widen to 1~ feet and hard surfaced~ was upon motion of T+~r. 0'Shields~ ~_ seconded by PJ;r. Davis~ ~pproved and refei~red to the State Highway ~nd Public 49orks Conanission for consideration. , ~ , ~gl A cocamunic~tion was received from J.B.t~~eCe.be and Company CPAs~ advising that in viev,~ o£ - _~~no" having been awarded the contr~.ct to audit the books and records of the City of Wiiminp_,ton < for the fiecal year ending ~une 30~ wish to withdracr their bid submitted June ?4, to,audit , the County's books and records~ for the same fiscal yeax. . ' ~ Upon motion oi Nr. Hall, seconded by h;r. Tra.sk~ Jas. la;. Tdesbit was granted an abatement of ` ~, taxes on a valuation of ~500.00~ house charged in error on lot 6A East Wilmin~ton Park~ ~~ ~ Harnett township~ together with not listed penalty for the years 1943 through 195~• . ,,. Upon motion of bir. 0'Shields, seconded by,ii~ir. Hal].~ the board approved Y.he sa1_e of County- „p( City owned 3a~t of Zot 5, in block 537, bid-in for taxes at ~~200.00~ appraiSed at ~~250.00 ""%~."` _~~~° and sal,e approved by the City vRanager, to D:r. R. L. Rouse and wife Estelle V~'. Rous2 for ~250.00. And the Chairman and the Clerk of the,Board were authorized and directed to excute a deed conveying the same for and on behalf of the the County. ~~,~ No objections were indicated by Lhe Board to the linited St~tes District Engineer granting `~+ Mr. 1~I.b4.DesChamp permission to dredge a slip on the west side of the inl~nd waterway about 3~100 feet south of Pages Creek at lliiddle Sound. Joon motion of Itfr. 0'Shi.elds, seconded by nlr. D~vis~ payment of ~~176.81 on certificates of ,~/ N;r. Leslie N. Boney~ Architect~ for supervi.sion of work on construction of the airport _U~~'V termi.nal and traffic control buildi.n~ and runvray lighting to d~te, ~:'7,6~9.13 for plans and soeciiic~tions~ and $~1~2£8.00 for en~ineerinP work. v;as approved. ,/ Unon motion of nir. Hal_l~ seconded by i~ir. Davi~ the Board on recommenda.tion of NIr.J.R.Benson~ i~, City T~:anager approved the sale of lot 33 3~ 14~J iee.t, part of F..t~!.lot 3,a,5, in block 225~ ^(~'~j~ assessed at ~350.00~ bought-in by the City ~nd Coi,nty for t~.xes~ and appraised at ~$400.00~ a~ to Dr. J. F. Robertson for 5~400.00. And.'the Chairn~,an and tne Clerk uiere authorized and directed to execute a deed conveying the s3nie to Dr. Robertson~ for and on behali of the County. ~ ~i l1r ., s, Clerk. . ~ Wilmington~ N. C.~ July 25~ 195~. Pursuant to recess t~.ken July 24th 195~~ the Bo~rd n,et at 3:00 o'clock P. i~. Present: Addison Hewlett Ch~irman~ Geo. Fd. Trask~ Jas. iti?. Ha'1~ Claud 0'Shields .,nd Thurston C. Davis. i~43rsc~en Be1,13my~County 4ttorney and C.F.Smith~ County Auditor. at - The County V~e].fare bud~et was discussed/length, and the Board declined to a~low an ~GJ additional fi7.e clerk requested. 4 reauest to increase the s37.sry of Ivirs. He1en B. Sneeden Case Worker Supe*visor. by ~7.0.00 per month to meet requirement of the Itierit System~ and ~:10.00 ~dditional increase v,as discussed,,^and upon motion of L:r. 0'Shields, seconded by 1~9r. Trask~ the Eo~i~d ?pproved the i.ncreas2'on a basis on mandatory s~l~ries, Upon motion~ duly seconded~ Josephine Elizabeth Sellers; '75 year-oId +uhi.te inc,i~ent ^G~citizen was on recommendation of the Supt., of Public Cdelfare eranted admission to the County Aome. A r.ecess was then taken until 3:00 o'clock F.Ik., Tuesday~ J~ziy 25th i95o, to further . ~~~ consider the budget. --~ Upon motion of I~4r. Tr».sk~ seconded by Lir. Da,vis~ the foilo~^iinp increases to equalize S~ s.~laries vras approved as follows: - _3 Niss Ada iulcCu~_1och~ Chief Deputy, Register of Deeds Office~ from a225.00 to ~245,00 monthly. Mrs. Helen B. Sneeden,Gase VJorker Supervisor,P~elfare Dept.~ from 230.00 to 245.00 " N1iss Lois VJard, Assistant Clerk of the Superior Court, from 235.00 to 245.00 's'` C A request of &2r. H. Glinfield Smith~ Recorder~ for amplifying system for the Recorders Court .. ~Q~. ~ room was upon motion of Mr. Hall~ seconded by I~1r. 0'Shields, approved. ~~ ~ Upon motion of Mr. Hal.l~ seconded by lir. D~vis~ the budged a7lowance for the County Fireman • ~~-jr~ w~s an,~roved for ~3,300.00. ' ~ ' :~ ~~~ Upon motion of Tv1r. TraskT seconded b}~ P,ir. DavS.s~ the anpropriation for Tax. Assessing was . ,J ~pproved for "~7.~000.00. . ~ Upon motion of`Mr. 0'Shiel.ds, seconded by il~r. Dayis~ the Board approved a budget item ~Z of $~10~000.00 included in the budget appropriation for Tax Listing for the purchase of -1~ new accounting equipment which v:iii increase the efficiency of the department~recommended ~ by the County Auditor. . ";', . ~' ~Sr> .` , ~ ~;. •• ~eetin~ of July 25~ 1950, continued. ~ ~ ~Mr. David VJ. Ormsby temporarily employed ir the office of the County Auditor, was upon ~~~N°'~ motion of Mr. Trask~ seconded by Ia'r. Davis~ employed on a permanent basis and salary fixed at ~~3~000.00 per year.Recommended by the County Auditor. ihe County's 1950-1951 budget estin°ates shov~ing the amount of expense for the ,a~ County Government~ its acti.vities anc] institutions, was upon motion of Ha11~ seconded ,Yzj~~~'" by &Ir. Davis~ adopted and ordered placed in the hands of the Clerk for public inspeetion for a periorl of twenty days pending the adoption of the Appropriati:on Resolution at the regular meeting to be held Nonday, August 21, 1950. Allotments for Advertising, Airport~ ~~ Erosion Control, Le@ion Stadium~ Libraries~ Port Development and 47ilmington Chamber of Commerce to be paid out of the profits to be received frori the ABC Stores. All members voting affirmstively. ! ~ Upon motion of 2vir. H~11~ seconded by Putr. Davis~ the fo2lowing resolution fixing the ~~~,~ 195~ tax rate at one dollar and five cents on the one hundred doll~rs va.luation of property and two dollars on each poll~ recommended by the County Auditor~ was una.nimously adopted: ~. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Nev~~ Hanover County~ that the , following tax levies and assessments upon ~l?. t~xable property in New Hanover County~'for ~. the year 195~~ ~s prescribed a nd authorized by the C=eneral and Specia.ls Acts of the ', Legislature~ to be as follows- FROPFATY POLL ~ . 9gricultui:e'& Ecoromics......... .0163'~ Aid tc Eiind ......................0121 Gou~ty Home . ...................0438 Depenue*~t Children .............. .0 8 Geners7. rurd ..... ............ .1~2~ .50 He~ltn rund ~ :03~7 Hospital rund ................... .09 5 Old Age Assist~^ce .............. .0654 5chools~ Hegula.r ................ .17~3 1.50 ~ School Books .................... .0161 School Pen'sions .. ............. .00~2 ore7_f~re Dena.rtniert .............. .05 ~ ~Debt 5ervice: Cou.~ty f.ome Bonds. .0010 ' School Bonds...... .0999 Special Junior College.......... .0500 Special School Supplement....... .2000 Special Tuberculo~is Hcspital.. .0086 ' TOta1~ ....................1.05 2.00 ~ 199 , .,._ . . ,,_ • , . ,. , , _~ . , . . ' ' l7i].mingtoh, T~. C., July 31, 1950. The regular weekl~r meetinc of the Board a~as he7.d at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Present: 9ddison Hev~1_ett ,Cha.irman and Commi.ssioners Geo. G1. Trask~ Jas. It1. Hal~ .- Claud 0',Shields and Thurston C. Davis; and I~~Iarsden Bellamc County .4ttorney. The mi,nutes of ineetin~ of July 24, 25, ~ vaere read and.approved as recorded. Upon motion of 1Lr. Trask; seconded by LSr. H~~1.~ P:'r. C. R. Morse; Tar. Collector~ was ~~ 3uthorized and directed to advertise the sale of land for taxes once a week for four ~ ~ weeks as, require.d by law~ on which saj.d land the 1949 taxes have not been paid~ said sale . to take p13ce on the first ;uionday in September, 1G~0. ~~.p~ tio objections were raised by the Board to the anplication of Cumberland Gx~.vel~and~Sand Eo.~ ~Q~'~'`u Fayetteville~ N. C., to the IInited States District Engineers for permission to construct - a wharP on-the southwest side of the Cape Fear river 7.98 miles below Fayetteville. Upon motion of i~~r. Davis, seconded by I~~r. 0'Shields~ Mr. C. N. Phillips, INil.mington Township~ was granted an abatement of taxes on a valuation of $v~$6.00 pe.rsonal property and ~~~~ poll ch~rged in error for the year ~949, account of being a non-resident. It appe~red that P,ir. Phillips.moved out of the Count,y.three years.ago and is now a resident of Clinton,id.C. ~ 4 statement was received from the State Board of Public uJelfare advising that 5a39~725•?4 wss sent to this County for the month of Ju3ir~ for Old Age 4ssistance~ 9~id to Dependent _ ~~ Children and Administrat~on. A communication was received from I~4r. Joseph Norwood, Distzict Airport Engineer, approving the County's proposal to drain the area in the vicinity of the ner~~ administration buildin~ ~~~~U'"~ at the 3irport with-the County's dr~inage iorce, in accordance ~vith the plans atzd specifications indicated on 5heet ? of Pl~ns previously approved by the CAA; which will be savinp to both the County and the tinited States. .~f~ com,nunication 4v~s received from t.he Se~~~te Civ?c Club endorsing the proposed widening ~= ~ W~ of the GJrightsville Beach Hi~hway. ~- - ~ 9 sketch of the fl.~or plans ~'or the ,iohn C. Vvesse7.1 Tuberculosis Sanatorium nurses home~ '•. !~~ was presented•by the Ch3irman ?nd upon motion w~s approqed and referred to n4essrs Lynch and , ~ Ford to work-up the det~ils. - Upon motion of Td,r. Davis, seconded by iNr. 0'Sh?e1~1s, a survey of sizes and install~tions ~~ of culverts under the various hiohvaays was ordered for the purpose of determining if adequate ~( size culverts have been installed ~t ps~oper level to drain off the K~ater m~ith the greatest • possible di~spatch, and r•eport_,saine to,thenD.ivision State Highway Fnp,ineer for corrections o where needed. • ,3~, . ~i~`~°. • 1 ~'M . ~ ~~00 lvieeting of July 31~ 1950~ continued. Upon motion of fl4r. 0'Shields~ seconded by hir. Davis~ the Board voted unanimously to cooperate in every way possible with the State Department of Conservation and Development to ]`ocate a steel processing plant in Southeastern North Carolina, with the view of locating it in this area if possible. The matter of:~ awarding the bid for drilling a. v~eil and furnishing and instal:lin@ a pump for the water supply at John C. 11e~sell iuberculosis Sanatoriwn vaas discussed~ and the Chairman announced th~t tv1~~. Blake of the 4oilmington Wsll and Pump Company ~~ had reduced his bid of ~"~795.00 for drillin? the vre7.1 submit{;ed at meetin~ of July ?4} - to ~;700.00. Thereupon Ifr. Davis moved that the b~d be awarded to the Wilmin~ton Well and Pump Company on that basis to enable prompt installa.tion of the sa~e before prices advance~ or the possible delay in securing materials in the near future. His motion - did not receive a ~econd. A motian vras then offered by i~;r. Tr~sk and seconded by N1r. 0'Shields to av~~3rd the contr3ct to the ~+'di.tmin~ton Vlell ana Pump Company for drilling the well on a b~sis of ~'700.00, ~nd negoi.iate furtYier for the purcl~ase a.nd insta].l~t'ion of a pump, failed on a substitute cnotion offered by tuir. Hall and s~conded by 1uir._ Davis9 to reject the only bid sutmitted. and advertise for nerv bids to be received until 10:00 o'clock A.P~,., ivTonday, (Tti.~.~` 19, 1~j50, for drill.ing the wei.l~ a.nd ~ separate bid for furni:shing and inst~llin~ trte pump; was adopted. ~y Upon motion of i4`r. Davi.s ~ vote of anpreciati.on w.as extended the i~iaffitt Village Fire _pe7~ Department and the Carolin^. Beaeh r^ire Dep~rtn~ent for ~ssistance rendered in fi~hti.n~; U a fire at C~pt. Ben 1~/aoamon'~ Pl~ce on the Caro~_ina Beach Road Fri.day nipht, July 28tYa. ~h N:r. Davis a]..so asked that the Board keep in mind the need for further conveniences ' ~ at Hugh I~a.cR3e Park~ toilet facilities etc. . --. 14ir. D~vis asked that fog I~ozzles and adaptors be purehased for the fire truck, which.was ~ v~ approved . ~ _ \,,,,' Upon motion~ dul.y seconded~ an appropriation of ~4?_.00 vias 3i_lowed the Sheriff and one _~~'" deputy to~vard expense for attendance upon the horth Carolln~ Police Chiefs' convention at I~orehead City August 8, 9, and lOth. ~~ he fol7.owing good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as jurors in the Superior Court for the tria.l of criminal cases, for the one week special term Eeginning August 14, 1950: / I.B.Rackley~ RFD.~B~ box 104A. R.J.Carney~ 113 Ulripht St. Geo. R. fiarper, 6-Y Lake Forest. 8 Carson L. ;~Iarshburn, 2$09 G, Adams St. Box 164 Carolin~ Beach. ~Sr Paul Galo th St. J.T.Rig~s~Jr.~ 123 S. 115 S• 15th St. R.D.Pe~rsa]1 . g fialph Conner, ~2-F Nesbitt Court. ~ tidm.Randall Sellers~ 810 Orange St. Robert Alderrcan~ ,n Willetts Realty Co. Emma S. Baldwin~ 2103 Brandon Hoad. C.G.Kerr~ R~F ~1~ Castle Hayne.. E.O.Ealkcum, 2005 Brandon Roa.d. Ellis fiobbs~ ?20~ Barnett Ave. B.H.N~arshall 1601 Princess St. ~ i'liilie „ames.. Rt.3, Box 88. G.E.Sugg~ 2~ 5 ydatas St. vl.C.Pearce~ 1713 C3rolina Ave. L'J.B.Lenno~.~107 Hydraiage~ Place. Jack N. newton~ 21-L Nesbitt Court. J.1~~i.Ray~ 628 Colv~ell Ave. G.G.Richardson, C 25, Boh 318 A. b.B.Hines~ 309 i;;eares St. G.H.Lev~is~ RFD #l~ Box 14A. H.B.Neuvairth~ 5~0 N. 3rd St.• iei.L.Baysden~Sr.~ 513 S. Front St. L.T.4ndreats~ 217 PT. 2^rnd St. Iv.C.Hhod~s~ 2305 Adams St. Henry J. Atkinson~ 705 Centra~ Boulev~rd . 4lbert Ax7.er, 905 N. 4T,h St. I.B..9ndrews9 1513 S. 4th~ St. UJilliam Eov;ez•s, ?727 S. Ntashinrton Street. R'.L.Anderson~ ?309 Princess St. Rd. J.r .I:4eyer~ Castie H~yne. H. .9. Peterson' RFD ;~1. Homer H. Babb9 411 S. 18th St. E.C.Bagvaell~ 191.ri Ch~stnut 8t. C. B. Nevacomb~ 1915~ Ferry Ave. • 9lbert L. McKoy~ 67Cour~:.J~s L?$e Forest. Jesse Batson~ 115 Castle St. Davis J. Bradshaw~ 609 ~ueen St. ri.E.Barnhill~ 2834 E. Community Drive. A.E.Baggetts 1035 Wri~htsville Beach~ Mrs. Liston Humphrey~ 104 Colona.al brive. Ja.s.L.Baker~ 503 Park Terrace. Julian A. Owens~ 410 n. ?rd St. John E. Ray~ 1103 Niercer Ave. Robert E. I~filler~ 2113 Brandon r~o~d. Geo. T. Armstrong~ 1501 Ann St. , 4~.F.Bowen~ 220 S. 15th St, . E lbert Lewis~ 44 Spofford It4il.ls. For the one week re~ular term bedinning I~~Yonday, August 21' 195~- H.C.Peterson~ 1410 S. ~th St. John S. Cameron,RFD #1~ C~stle Hayne. ~ Pa,ul J. Baschon, 210 Id. 13th St. Cliff D. Lewis~ Box 1?2~ C~rolina Beach. Adolph Best~ 517 ~Ieares St. Ai.'liam Auld, 410 S. 16th St. FJ.B.Berry~ 196 S. 17th Et. Geo.G.Av~nt, 10~ N. 15th St. D.B.Bosv;ell? 1909 Lingo Ave. E.L.Avery~ 509 S. 4th St. S.D.Bordeawc~ 1005 S. 3rd St. A.R.App].ev~hite, 1012 S. 6i;h St. R'.D.A.Bornemann, ?O1 S. 7th St. kobt. S. LeGv~in, 812 Chestnut St. John D. Hall~ 4-G i?esbitt Court. Joseph Fi~rrell~ 511 S. rront St. Grover L. Lewis~ Box 552, Carolir.a Beach.alvah i~i. blake~ Eor. ].43. F.Fi.Gez•ken~ 803 Ann St. J.r .Powe11~ 412 Nun St. John C. R~ckley, 2114 Sw:nner Hill. J.Vriley Parker~ 3? 2,~iimosa Pl~ce. ~'.C.Il~ugh~ P.G.Box 1~F4~, n.~ai.King~ ?_108 P.iarket St. Roy F3ales~ 51 Lee Drive. Robert H. Lewis; RFD #l~ box 78. i~~?orri.s D. i,?intz~ ~14 Dock St. Sidne,y B. 9ndrev~s, 503 Northern Boulevard. Ernets L. Johnson, 152 Co~onial i'i~iage. Petei' B~TkaS~ 1220 Pr.incess Place. . YV.H.Hancornmon~Jr.~ 8 Terr~ce ~".~~lk. F.E.Heath~ Castle Hayne. Wm.G.Nutton, 154 Coloni~l Viilage. Henry T_ee~ 21? Greenfield St. Fr.L.l~i~rks, 225 S. 17th St. IDirs.I~.L.Foy, ?Ol Country Club Bouleva.rd. J.L.It4arshburn~ Rt.1~ Box. 99.J.C.Griffin~ nox 252 Carolin~ Beach~E.A.Kerr~19V ~;ake F.P`kw3y J.J.iv'ohn~ Jr.~ 220 n. 4th St. Bertie E.Penton~ 90'7 OranPe St. T.R.Lane~ Castle Hayne. Herbert VJ.Slack~ 409 tiorthern Eoulevard. O.E.Padrick~ 1.0~ lL°eares St. IQ.4d.Blake~ RrD ,~1. VJ.H.Andrevas~ 289~ lviarket St. K.B.1J;arshall~• 1104 Grace St. A.F.Grimstead~ RFD #1. GV. S. Fovrler~ #3~ P•O.Avenue. H. 0'Sullivan~ 220 N-Carolina Avenue. r.E.Woodcock~ Box 11~ C.B. The meeting then adjoirned. /.JSio., i~ 4c.'_ _ .~ ` Clerk. ~ ~ ~ ~~~ Wilminoton~ N. C.~ Auaust ~~ 19~0. ; The rePUlar weekly meetin~ of the Bazrd vr?s held at 10:00 o'clock A. R4. Pr,esent: Addison Hewlett Chairman and Commissioners Geo. V1. Trask, Jas. 1u;. Hai.l, ~ Claud 0'Shields~ Thurston C. Davis~ a.nd Count,y .Attorney Marsden Bellamy. The minutes of ineetin~ of JulV 31, 1950~ were read and approved as recorded. -- ~~tig A report of the County Firema.n for ~uly w~s received and filed. NotwithstandinQ the criticism of the County rirem,an by sotr,e folks, 1~ir. Davis conunendi.iip I~Sr. Burrou~hs ~€~ stated that he is well pleased with the efficient manner he is operatinp the Department. A peti.tion of fourteen property ov;ners to ~rade.and pave Bonham Avenue from the ``~1~~`' Wrishtsville T.urnpike near Audubon to the i~Ae~res Road, which was first presented to the Board and approved,at meetin~ of 3anu~ry 10, 19~g, was aqain a.pproved and upon motion of i~~r. Davis~ seconded by iuIr. Tr~sk~ ordered re-submitted to 1~ii. A. ~v'ilbur Ctark, Third Division State Hiehway Commissioner at Fayetteville for consideration. A proposed lease-~?reement presented by bir. 'vY. K. Rhodes~ Atty.~ for U4r. P. B~tson to lease four barns a.t Le~ion Stadium and one-half mi].e of ti~ack east of the Stadium Buildinc ~S toeether with the use of the toilets and shov~~ed rooms for a period of seven and one-half ~~ months be~innin~ Itiovember 1, 1950, and endinv the 15th da,y of it4a,y 1°~l~.at a tota.l rental of ~750.00, for the purpose of carinF for ard trainine and conditioninc of harness horses, w3s referred to the County Attorney and Stadium Committee for study and report to the Board at the next meetind. P~fiss Verna Bel.te Loivery~ Home Demonstration Aaent, presented her report of the acti.vitiee `fQ~-~ of her dep3rtment for the rrionth of ~u1y~ vhi.ch w?s received and filed. ~ W„1iM"'~ Reports of the Veter~ns' Service Oiiicer~ Grand Jury ~uly Term 1950, and Bureau of ~C,k,un~ Identific~tS.on for „uly were received and £i1ed. A report of the n3ck T~x Co~.lector snov~irr? Sp3~717.55 col~ected Sor the City~ and $3~112.56 ~~G~ for the County; m~kinn a total oi ~6~830.11 b~ck taxes coll_ected for the month of July. A surety bond for Luther rritton Hourk as a,~ustice of the Peace~ in the a.mount of ~p1~000.00 ~~~ vvith the National Surety Con;pany ~s 5urety~ the s3id amount h~vi.n~ been fixed b3~ Zau~~ and the bond ~nproved as to form and eaecut5on by the Couaty 9t{:orney, was upon ~:otion of 3vir. Davis, Seconded by ~:r. Hall, a?inroved. Upon motion~ T:'r. R. T. YJebster~ 109 tuicrnin~side Drive~ tqilminQton township~ was aranted '~G~ 3n abatement of po~l texes ch?rved on his personal sheet for the year z9a9, account of '"~ double char?e. Poil t~xes vaas a.lso included i•n,his real est~te listinP ior the said year. Upon motion of IvIr. D~vis, seconded bv fe;r. fiall~ an appropriation of ~500.00 was ~ranted r~~,,,,~,r~ the ~Ailmin~ton ChaRiber of Commerce out of the advertisinP fund~ ~^.~hichyin the opinion of , the Bo~rd~ would be beneficial for advertisin~ the adv~ntaaes and resources of the County. `~~~.9n audit report of the ABC Stores for the ,year en~iin~ June 30~ i95o, prepared by Iur. J. Neveland Brand~ Jr,~ CPA,~ was received and referred to the County Auditor for study. ,` A communication was received fror.t the Kivr3nis Club endorsing construction of four-1~ne ~d`O~' hiDhways to V~P1rJ1tSV17].Qt G'arolina~ Kure and Fort r^ishe~ Bea.ches, Resignation of T4r. C. R. Cook as Assistant County Aor~icu2tural 9rent effective midni~ht Q_~~Sentember ?5, i95o, w3s recei.ved anq upon n:otiori of ivir. Tra.sk~ secondeci by PJ~r. D3vis~ ~ ~~7 wa~ "a.ccepted, and instruct~ons vae~e niver_ to write ::r. Cook expressinp the Beard's appreciat5.on for the ser~rices he h~s renderep the County, Upon motion of ;~~ir. Davis, secon:leQ b3~ I:.r. C'SY~ields~ instiucti.ons were ~iven to conier ' `-d``~~~" w9th represent~tive £~rmers of the county beSore ~r,~,ointin~ a succ.essor to idr. Cook. . vo objections were raisea Ly the board t.o the linited States Dist'ric~ Enpineer ~rantin~ 3 ~f,~•~'~W~ermission to ialr. R.H.Brady to construct ? pier ar.d dredpe near tJfotts Ch3nnel. on the ! west Gide of fiarbor Islanr~ just snuth of the Vlri~h~svi~le fieach Causeway. ~p~ A copy of a reGolution adopted by t~ie 'uJilminrLon Fost No. 10, American ?eoion and James A f~~""' Ivianley Post I~o. ~573 Vetera.ns of r^o_~cir.;~ I~J~rs~ petitioninp, municipal, county ~nd st»te Officials to expedite the oroar.iz~i;ion of an effective and tra.ined Civilian Defense P]an foi~ tne protection of the ~ives and property of our cornmunity in the event.of ene~y attack~ end ofierina ti1P. ful_1 m~npower, knov~leq~e and skill of its members in the formation and orvattiz~tion of a,de~uate Civi].ian Detense~ w3s received~ and upon motion of T~ar. Halli seconded by i~"s. 0'Shields~ the Chairn~n and P~ir. D~vis were appointed to represent this Board v.~ith ~ commi.ttee oi the City Council for the seler,ti~n of a director of Civilian Defense to vaork out such a, plan v.~ith the State and Federal authorities. Upon motion of II'r. TTask~ seconded by T.tr. Davi=~ Pauline Sellers nic9rthur, white femele ti ~~j+,,~ indi.nent citizen ~vas ~ranted temporary admission to the County Home, on recommendation ot the Supt,~ of Public vielfare, The meetinP then adjourned. ' ~~~.~4~~ ~~,C1erk. ~ r. • ~' . • .~ ~ . ~~`) ~, wiim~in~ton, r1. c., auPUSt 14, i95o. The rePUlar weekly meetin~ of the Bosrd v~as held at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Present: 4ddflson Hewlett Chairm~n and Conunissioners Geo. W. Trask, Jas. &I, Hall~ C].aud.0'Shields and Thurston C. Davis, County Attorney Marsden Bellamy and County Auditor C, F. Smith. The minutes of ineeting of 9urust '7~ 7.950, vrere read and approved as recorded. This bein~; the date and hour set at meetinr of July 31, 1950, to rec'eive sealed bids for drilling a"six inch well and furnish and insta111n~'a pump as advertised, for the _ G~y water supply 3t John C. Vlessell Tuberculosis San~torium, Two bids were received and npon motion of Mr. 0'Shields~ seconded by Ddr. Davis~ the same were ordered opened and read. Wilmington Well and Pump Company: Six inch well, 100 feet deep, complete in place y $~00.00. If drilled in excess of 160 feet deep $6.~5 per foot~ or deduct $4.50 per foot _~ if drilled less than 100 feet. 5 Hours testing well ~45.00. Deming Turbine Deep Well Pump $975.00. y Callih3n Pump and Well Company: Six inch well, 100 feet deep~ complete in place _~ ~775.00, If dPilled in excess of 100 feet deep ~6.75 per £oot, or deduct $'7.~5 per foot if drilled less than 100 feet. 5 hours testin~ well $85.00. No bid on pwnp, • V~ y Wilminpton Well 3nd Pump Company beinp, the Zoviest bidders was awarded the contract for drilling the well on a basis of $'700.00. ~j The matter of awarding a contract for furnishinP and installin~ a pump was continued ~ ~ for further negotiations. b4r.Ben.J .McDorv~ld ~ Upon motion of Mr. Hall~ seconded by Ltr, Davis~ Dr. John C. Wessell~/Mr. N.L.Foy~ • Dr. A. H. E11iot~ and Mrs. Adelaide Peiffer were appointed to serve as members of the ~~~7 Board of PJiana~ers of John C. PJeselll Tuberculosis San3toriwn, and upon motion of tuir. Hall, seconded by L~Ir. Trask, Corunissioners Claud 0'Shiel.ds and Thurston C. Dav1s were appointed on said Board to represent the County. Dpon motion of blr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Trask, Il~r ` . N. L. Foy vaas named Chairman ~ of the Boar & of i~e na?e rs , - ~ ~' A request of the Trustees of the Freevrill Baptist Church~ presented by Mr. V~oodus Kellum ,~ for abatement of the taxes due for the ye~rs 1945 throuQh , 1g48 on property in.block ~6 ~~ purchased fro~, Mr. E. H. Bellamy January ~~ 1945~ and for the years 1944, 1945 and 194~ in block 6?_, purchased fron Mr. R, E. Batson February 14~ ~ 1944~ was upon motion of Mr. Trask ~ranted for the years ocaned and used excZusively for church purposes sub~ect to the approval of the County Attorney. ` ,,~ ` A request of I~r. ~. A. Yopp for correction of a drainage condition on his 20 acres of land `~~,U at the end'of the paved surf~ce on the Murrayville Road~ was refer.red to Mr. Trask. ~ ~~ A surety bond for Mr. Henry Elmer Williamson as a Justice of the Peace in the penalty of % ~ ~$1~000.00 with the National Surety Corporation as Surety~ The said amount hav3np., been fixed ` r~°~i by law~ and the bond approved as to £orm and execution bya the County Attorney, was upon motion of llIr. Davis, secondedcby Mr. 0'Shields, accepted~ and appaoved by the Board. Upon motion of ~Ir. Davis~ seconded by hSr. 0'Shields~ bir. T hoinas R. Ames~ Jr.~ was granted ~a1~ an abstement of taxes on a valuation of ~1~750.00, lot 4 P enton Sub-division, Harnett " ~ township, account of double charPe. - . .~ Upon motion of Mr. Davis~ seconded by Mr. O~Shields, a4oore-Fonviell.e Realty Company was •,~p`F- granted an abatement of taxes on a valuation of ~4~000.00 on tvro buildinAS charged in '' ~- error on lots IO and 3, Harriss Land, Harnett Township £ox the year ]_949 and the same ordered charged to the proper owners. • ~ A request of the Inde~endent Ice Co~pany for abatement 3nd refund of the taxes paid on ~~ a valuation of .$1~100.00 on tvro buildinPS in block 266, one for $600.00 torn down.in ~ 1946, and one for ~C500.00 torn down in 1944~ was received for investi~ation. Upon motion of i~.r. Davis seconded by A:r. 0'Shields, S. BehFerids was granted an abatement of ^,~o~ taxes on a valuation of ~65,990.00, block 151,char~ed in error for the year 1949. It appeared that the said property was sold to Ge.orae Caplan et al who;:listed the same for the sSid year. Upon ~otion of lv'r. Trask, seconded by I:ir. 0'Shields, ~Ir. Georee W. Saunders a former ~~ resi3ent of No. I814 Perry Avenue, who moved from this County prior to 1949, was ~ranted. _~oT an 3b~tement of taxes on s v~luation of ~,515.00 personal property and poll brouRht forcvard fron a previous listine and chareed in error, a2so abatement of the not listed penalty ehar~ed Zpainst the NE~ ?_ot 3 in block 495. And Vinton Carner a member'_of the-~xffi~ax~f ~}~~.armed forces for the past nine years was pranted an ahatement of poll taxes for the year 1949. , W ' ~ ` Upon motion of Mr. 0'Shields~ seconded by li`r. Dav3s~ the State Hi~hway and Public Works ~~Z~~ Co~unission wasarequested to instatl a traffic light at the intersection of the Masonboro- and Wri~htsville Beach H1~hvrays at Huah I4IacRae Park. Upon motion of NIr. Davis, seconded by Ivlr. U'Shields~ the Wilmin~ton Port Commission was ' ^ WQC requested to use its best efforts to secure a floatin~ dry-dock %r.om~the~.Governm~i-t for th~s port. Upon motion pf Mr. Davis~ seconded by Nr. 0'Shields~ the Stadium Committee was authorized, to sign a contract with Ivir. P. Batson, leasine to him four barns or horse stables for a _~~~ period beeinnin? November 1, 1.950, and endin~ the 15th day of M3y 1951~ to~ether with the use of one-half mile traclc east of the Stadium Buildinp and the use of toilets and shower:rooms~ st a rental of ~'750.00. J, Upon motion, duly seconded, county bi'ls Nos. 2454 to 3265 were approved for payment. _~~1f~ The meetinP-. then ad j o~zrned . ~ /~'l.. .~ 9~. - Clerk. ~ ` _. . . ~ 1 ~'o' Wilc~inPton., Dl. C., AuPUSt 21, 1950. The recular v/eekly meetinn of the f~oerd v:as 'held at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Present: Jas. ~I. Hali~ Oice Cha.irman~ Geo. W. Trask, Claud O~Shields, Thurston C. Davis, and I~Iarsden Bellamy, Gounty 9ttorney and C.F.Smith,County Auditor, The_minutes of ineetinP of Au~ust 14th~ I9~0 v+ere re~d and approved as recorded. A request of T~r. J. Frank Co2lier, President of the Caro'ina Beach Chamber of Commerce~ ~or an appropriation of y~300.00 to aid Carolina Beach and its Chamber of Commerce as ~,~"` ~oint sponsors, in advertising the extension of the Carolina Beach Resort 5eason through ~~' September and October 1950~ vras upon motion of ~ir. Davis~ seconded by Mr. 0'Shields~ P,ranted for ~200.00~ which in the epinion of the Board will be helpful in advertising the advanta~es and resources of the County. The County's 195~-1451 Audget Appropri~tions, after notice given by advertisement fn f„-~,,~~accordance with the ],aw~ Prere finally adopted~ and upon motion c£ :~2r. Davis~ seconded by Mr. Trask~ the follovrinp, appropriation resolution was adopted, a?_1 members present ~~ votina affirmatively: .i ~~~ • APPROPRIATZON RESOLIJ'i'ION J ~ Section 1. Be it resolved by the Soard of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, this 21st day of August 1950~ that the expense for (:ounty Goverrunent, its sctivities and institutions, for the fiscal ye~r endinP June 30~ 1951~ the amounts of the following schedule, or so r„uch of each as say be necessary, are hereby appropriated: Section 2, That for the said fiscal ye~r there are hereby appropriated for A~riculture and Economics ...........................>........... $ Section 3. Tha~ for the said fiscal ,~ear there ~s hereby appropriated for 9id to the B1ind ...................................... ...... Section 4, That for the said Fi.scal year there is hereby appro-:riated for the Airport Construction .Account ............................... Section ~~. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated for the County Home .................. ................. ....... ... ... Section 6. That for the said fisca7. year there is hereby appropriated for Dependent Children .................. ........................ ... 1?,564.00 10~000.00 19 5,'741. 62 47, 623.. 02 20^,358.00 Section ~. That for the said fiscal year there is here.by appropriated for the General Fund ................................................... 314~?~5~.44 ` Section 8. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated for the Health Fund .................................................... Section 9, That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated for the ' Hospital Fund .............................~... ............... ... Section 10. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated for . Old Age Assistance ............................................. Section 11. T2iat for the said fiscal. year there is hereby apprcpriated for Port Development ............................................... Sec.tio~ 12. That for the said fiscaJ. year the_re is hereby apPropriated for the Salary Fund ...:................................................ Section 13. That for the said fisc3l ye~r there is hereby appropriated for Tuberculosis Hospital .......................................... Section 14. That ~or the said fiscal year there is hereby a.ppropriated for the Tuberculosis Nospital Construc~ion Account ..................... Sectiob 15. That for the said fiscai yea.r there is hereby appropria.ted for the Welfare Department ............................................. 3o,43i:Z6 ~ 7a,zol.5o. 380~~00.00 11~OOO.QO 59,6'a4:84 21.975.91 99,8aa.5o 5~.954.70 1,518,30'7.29 Section 16. That for the said fiscal pear there are hereby a.ppropriated for the Schools: '- School F~ind . ............. 214,950.00 - School Junior Co21e~e ..........- 000.00 138 _ School ........ Pensions .. , 7 059•29 ' School . ... Supples~ent~ .............. ~ 25?_~800.00 . ~'. Schools ~ Veterans Pro?rams ..... 140.000.00 76'7~809•29 Section 17. That for the said fiscal ~ear there are hereby a~;propriated Por the County Bond Funds: 'County Home .................... 1~078.75 5chool Bond~ .................. 27.297.50 78,376.25 , School BuildinAs ................. ... ................. . 704.000.00 ~ et T tal Bud~ 592.83 ~3,068 ............. ; o ....................... , School Books .................... ~ 15~000.00 , i 2U~ ~eeting of August 21, 1y50~ continued, ~ 9 communication was received from D~Iajor General J. Van B. Metts~ The Ad~utant General~N.C.~ v~~~ advisin? that upon return of Coloniel Kenneth I~. Corbett~ Commandine, our Antiaircraft - • or~anization novr in camp at Camp Stewart, G~.~ to Wilminpton~ he will take up w~.th him the matter of re-leasinp building T-880 at Bluethenthal Fie1d for Civil Air Patrol use. . ~ A letter of acceptance of appointment to the Board of Managers of Tohn C. Wessel2 ~~~t - Tuberculosis Ssnatorium, c,~as received from F~2r. Ben J, IvicDon~ld. _~ Endorsement of four-la.ne hi~hways to CJri~-htsville, C~rolina., Kure and Fort Fisher ~ Beaches was received from the Business and Professional VJomen's Club. A communication vras received from Optimist Clui; of VJilmin~ton unanimously endorsin~ ~vJ~ the proposal to seeure a dry docY, for the Port of Vi'i.lmin~ton. Upon motion of •P~r. Da.vis, seconded b,~ t~.r, Trask~ payment of ~25.00 to John C. 4Valker, v Special 9~ttorriey;'for appe~ring Sor and deiendine ~)oise Brown on an indictment for "~ ~ the crime of murder, ca:~s approved or. order of the Honorable VI.H.S.Burgwyn Jud?e Fresidine~ 0.u~ust Specia.l CrimSr~l Term 7.950. ' A letter v~as received from tha St~te Ei~hway and Public ~`~orks Commiss;on advisinE that `~ at its meetin~ of Au~ust 3rd, it ax:proved the addition to our county hiehN~~y system~ ~ 0.15 of a mile of road located or.e mile and a h~1f east fros~ the intersecti.cn of the Greenvi2~e and k;?sonboro Loon reads~ leadin~ from the Greenville Loop Road. y,,,rFr' A report of the County Electric~l Inspector for. July vras received and filed. _ ~n G A peti.tion bearing the siQnatures of 21 property o~n~ners and residents of Flinter Park '~ and co~~.munity to open up Cedar Avenu~ beta~een 43rd Street and iCerr 4venue v~:as approved, and petition ordered. returned to the petitioners for prepara.tion on St~te Form R-10, ~n~hich is required by the St~te Hi~hway Commission. ~ Notice of inspection of boilers in the Old Court House and Court Hoizse Annex~ v~ere recezved ,~~.~5~ from the Eartford Steam &~iler Inspection and Insur~nce Cor~pany, advisind that no ,/ coriditions were observed th~t require attention at this time. J Upon motion~ E1iza Murray Turner~ 84 years old vahite indiAent citizen~ was admitted to ~ the County Ho~e on account of her age and physical condition~ no one to care for her~ -~ recommended by the Supt,, of Public '~leliare. A request of the Nlinter Parlc Civic C1ub for abatement of taxes charged aeainst lots -~~ 17, 18 and 14 Winter Park, purchased fviay 17, 1949. £or community service, on which a communi.ty house is nc>r•a bein~ constructed~ anci piace same on the tax free listy was ref`erred~to the County Attorney for opinion. A reouest of Eishop C.;J.Grsce, Trustee for the ^nited I?ouse of Prayer for all People _~,~ of ~601 M Street n:~','.~ 1"iashj.n^ton~D.G., for abatement of t~r.es on the NW~ lot 4~ in block 51, claimed to be maintained for"the.ehclusive use of the'Bishop when~here~ and ~b~tement of the tar.es on the SE~ lot ?_, in bloc}: 42, used axclusively for chureh purposes, v.a.s referr•ed to the County Attorney for opi.nion. - _~~'~ sho~nm~on thedfoYlovrin?dpaopertyev~stauthorizedection of assessments for the reasons ~ i b4e~res Harriss, Trustee, wes, on recomr~endation of the County Auditor~ ab3ted taxes on ~~p,~ a v3luation of ~';50.00, Ft, Lot 6, L~ke VieH~ Terrace, n4asonboro towrnship~ charped in error for the years 19a6 throu~h 1950. Tt appeared that the said lot, shown on a revised ma~.of Lake View:Suhdivision~not recorded, v~as sold in 1945 and listed by other parties. ~iiss 1Jlary L. Boney was released from the payment of not ].zsted penalty charf;ed a~ainst ~ -~-~K property in block 113 for the year 1949, on which said property the taxes were formerly , - ~isted and paid by F.P.H.A.AFents of .4tlanta, Ga. , Chas. M. Rivenbark'vaas granted an abatement of taxes on a valuation of ~225•00 Pt.Farm 45, _~G~ Winter Park Crardens~ char~ed as not listed for the year 1948 and 1949~ account of double @har~e, GJ.,A. Moore a resident of Harnett Township~ v~as eranted an abatement of City taxes only, ~,~ on a valuation of ~250:00 personal property located in Harnett charged with city taxes in ex:rorr -_ ~ for the year 1950. Bertha VPilson, colored fe~ale~ Federal Point Tov~nship~ H~as Franted an abatement of Poll ^'~^~ tax charged in error for the ye~r 194~. J.P.Newton N~achinery and~Liye Stock Compa.ny~ Cape Fear Tov+nship~ was ar~.nted an 3batement of ~~~~ City taxes char~ed.on a v~lu~ti.or. of $;~5,890.00 in error for the year 1949. 1Vilbur R. Corbett,~Harnett Tovrnship~ was Pranted an absternent of taxes on a v~luation of _~G~' ~s1~370.00~ 1948 Chevrolet autbmobile account of double char?e~ for the year 194g. The saine car wa.s also listed by Jd.A.Corbett, Cape Pcar iov;nship~ for the same year. . ~ R. G. Williams, 2709 South Front Street, ~xas g,r3nted an abatement of potl t~xes account of ,_.,, ~a double charpe for the ye~r 19~+9• A request of ~,r. Leon R. Hewlett, Sunse~ Park~ that the ~v6go.00 Red Book value charg,ed a~ainst his Z94? Chevrolet Coach for 19~9, be reduced to ~400.00 on account of the car 1Gh havi,nfi bee.n wrecked ~nd sold for ~450.00 after repairs were made~ was pranted, provided "~ he will furnish an affidavit: to the e.ffect that the c~r was errecked prior to January ~ 1, 1949•. . Upon motion of 2r_r. Davis, seconded by Ur. 0'Shields~ authority was qiven to install „ ~C, an extensian telephone on the desk of the Court Officer in the Superior Coirt Room~ _ to enable the officers to make cai.Is without havin~ to leave the court room during court sessions. `°v AhBrownhextr3 clerke'~inatheeoffice~ofJthe C1erk9o~~SuperiornCourt,swasiupon m tion ofhel. ~C . N~r. 0'Shields~ seconded by bir. Davis, was extended for an additiona.l 60 days from this clate. , ~~ ~~ , Iv;eetinp of Au?ust 21~ 1950~ continued. . Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by i~~ir. Tr~sk~ the Southeastern N.C., Junior Dairymen''"~ ,was granted the use of the ex.hibition buildinF at Legion Stadium for Cattle Show~ ` October 12th and 13th~.requested by tvir. Neil Bolton, Secretary of the Dairy Show, and -~ ~~~~ Mr. R. R. Rich of the State College Er.tension Service. UTith the understanding the ~ ~ premises vrill be kept in as ~cod sanitary condition as possible durin~ use~ and , a• T cleaned-up snd left in satisfactory condition at the end.of ttze period. /~The following good and 13wful persons were drawn to serve as jur.ors in the Superior ~~ Court for the trial of civil cases for the tvro vJeeks term beginnin? b;onday~ September 4tn i95a~ C.T.Davis~ 'RFD ~2, Box 2S9C H. A. Akel~ 1420 Dock 5t. M~rx Neuwirth~ 52o ra. 3rd St. Is4rs.Pr'.U.Bremer~ 111 Hydranger Place. ' B.G.Golden~ Jr.~ RrD #2, Box 212. Howard J. DuPriest~ li~'D #1, Box 29. A. B. Ri~~s~ Sr.~ 616 S:. 6th St. I~4~rjorie E. Nichols~ 108 Lee Lane. Daniel J. Joy~ 923 N. 5th St. Lynn T. TscCormick~ 314 Dawson St. Willard J. Grubb~ 3'J Pinecrest P~rkw~y.F.R.Bov;e`n~ 420 S. 5th St. Geo. f~h. IdIurrell, Box ~40 Car. Beach. C. 4. Elliott~ RFD #2~ Box 269C. Ralph E. Parnell~ 1900 Castle 5t. C. J. Pastre~ 2215 Chestnut St. . Edwin G, Vann, 503 Harnett St. J.Henry Gerdes, Peoples Sav. Bank. E.S.Mux~phy~ 2101 Brandon Road: o'J.C.Bowden~~r.~ 209 N. 15th St. J.E.Roderiek~ 2~07 JacY.son St. I:atherine Rehder~ 15 ~4agnolis Place. H.J.Stein~ 314 nT. 15th St. Otto Schmidt~ 19G0 Chu.rch St. ~L. E. Allen, 1813 Princess St. E.O.Huf~an~ 416 l'~riphtsvi7le Ave. Second e~eek: ~ Percy E. Hai].ey 6'7 Finecrest Pkrry. c. vJ. Lon~, loo~ s. 5th st. Chas. Richter~ 214 R. 12th St. T,V~.de Bov~~en~ 12 Pinecrest Terr~ce. F.H.FechtiP~ 1~10 Frincess St. S.O.Felkel~ 1415 S. 4th St. D~1. A. ~uidley~ 709 S. 2nd, 5t. J. E. Povre7.1., 1108 S. 4th St. L. C. Johnson~ 10 Ct.L~ T_~,ke Forest. Nrs. ~. D. Edvaards, 1812 I~~,~~rket St. - Hohn T. Sondey~ G3stle Hayne. E.R.Pick~rd, 209 luiar,ket St. E. P. Iueattox~ 8E Pinecrest Parkv~ay. I,eslie G, BerROn~ 129 Colonial Villape. Hubert E. Bohannon~ 213 N. llth 5t. C.Fi.Hatchell~ 100? N. 4th St. R.A.Plym~le~ 116 Ieiorningside~ Dri.ve. IV.. SV. Allen~ 206 N. 2~th St. G,S.Petalas ~ 1005 ftlarket St. Thos 0. Liles~ Box 84~ Carolina Beach. D. A. Babb~ 1705 Queen St. H. F. Pierce, 614 S. 5th St. D. Lovaenstein~ 701 N. 4th St. ' E.1J.Peterson~ Jr.~ 205 iNri^ht St. H. L. Johnson, 809 S. Front St. The meeting then adjourned. ~~i~ .i.sc! _~.. Clerk. ~ Plilmington, N. C.~ AuPust 28~ 195~• . The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held at 1g:00 o'clock A. b~I. Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman~ Ueo. ~~I. Trask~ Jas. Ni. Hall, Claud 0'S~}ileds~ Thurston C. Davis and Cour.ty Attorney Iularsden Bellamy. T he minutes of ineeting of Au€ust 21~ 1950~ were read and approved as recorded. Upon motion of i~r. 0'Shields, seconded by iuir. Trask~ Southeastern iJorth Carolina Beach A Association v~as granted an a~propriation of ~y1,000.00 out of the advertisin~ fund, which ~ CG in the opinion of the Commissioners will be help£ul in advertisin~ the advantaRes and resources of the County, in connection v,~ith its rifth Annual Fishin~ Rodeo. tv4r. C. R. Cook,v~rho recently resi~ned as Assistant Farm Demonstration Aryent~ appe~red to ~..- Q5"~2-- a~ain thank the Comrnissioners for their fine spirit of cooperation shown him vihile-"servin? the County. The question o£ securine the services of an Assistant Farm Demonstration A~ent to take , z •. the place of P~~r. C. H. Cook, recently resipned, ~~.:~s brouQht up for discussion by I~essrs. Q ~~..L Jacob ~in~a, John Olsen, Geor~e En?li.sh,r-~Garland S.:.Currin and others. Opinions varied as .~ ~ to the n~ed of an assistant agent as vre7.I as criticism of the efficiency of the Depart~ent. Therefore in order;to~try.to re~ch a mutu~l and satisfactory solution of the matter, i~:r. Davis moved and it w~s seconded by tcfr. 0'Shields and carried~ that invitations be sent to farmers and farmer's or~anizat-ions to attend a meetine of the Board I~conday~ September llth and express their vaishes in the n.atter. Upon motion of PvIr.~ H311, seconded by P~;r. Davis~ ItiIr. R. P7. Galphin~ Co~znty Farm Demonstration ~ Agent wes requested to file monthly reports of tne activities of his Department with the -Q~v Bo~rd in the future. ` Upon motion of I~'r. Tr~sk, secmr_ded by~ I~ir. Dsvis~ leirs. Alice Perdue Lanier, blind indigent ~u~ citizen, v;as upon ?ecommendation of the Supt., of Public Vlelfare admitted to~ the County ''~ . Home as an inmate. A petition for improvements to the ~ounty Hone road runnin~ throuph the land of the ~~Joonsocket Falls Mill from US 117 to the County Home, prepared on State Form R.10~ ~ was upon motion of II4r. Davis~ seconded by t~4r. 0'Shiel3s, approved and referred to the State Highvray and Public Veorks Commission with request that the same be ~ranted. A letter was received from Mrs. Adel~ide J, Peif£er acceptin~ her appointment as a member SS of the Board of ManaP>ers of the John C. VJessell Tuberculosis 5an~torium. ~'~~ A report of the R~i7.minPton Publi.c Library and Boolnnobile for July W~s received and filed. ~ ~ I zce~ ~ I,4eetin~ of August 28, 1950~ continued. A petition of nine property owners asking for improvements and paving a road in Masonboro '~c~ To~anship~ running ~outh from the City limits to the Shipyard State High~+~ay, said road knoPrn as Adams Street Extension, vras upon motion of Iuir. Davis,•seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, 3pproved ' and refez•red to the 5tate Highway and Pub?ie lkorks Cor~mission for its consideration. A request of Mrs. J.T.Carroll for an abatement of taxes on a valuation of ~1~000.00 account of error in charginP her with ~1~?00.00 dwellinK on 62~ acres of land~ Elm ^~U~ Grove~ Harnett Township~ v~~hich should ha,ve been char~ed against Frazier Castle for the year 1949, and a tobacco barn assessed at ~E200.00 charged in error against C~stle which shou],d have been charged a-f.ainst tulrs. Carroll, was upon motion of Mr. 0'Shields referred to the County >;uditor for~correction and with povaer to act. `(~~ A report of the Grand Jury Au~ust Special Criminal Term 1950~ was received and filed. -~~~ A report of the County Fireman for ~Lugust va~s received 3nd filed. ~ 4 S In view of appro~ching term and a Pre~t number of school children ~+~ill have to walk on our highways to school, r^hich is hi.^hly dan~erous, the Board, upon motion of Mr. 0'Shileds ~seconded by I~Ir. Davis~ voted unaniroously to request the ~tate Hishway and Public V7orks --~ Corranission to mark the hi?hvrays vrithin one mile of schools, with " School Zone - Drive Slow" or other appropriate ~lordinP~ to the end that it may reduce the speed of motor vehicles within the school zones to rr.ake it s~fe for• the chil_dren. ~ - ~~A motion offered bq Tu7r. Davis that the Do,3rd Aive consideration to a thorou?h•cle~nin~ of . the exterior of the court house bui.ldin~, and do somethin¢ a.bout it~ wa,s seconded by Mr. ~ 0'Shields and unanimously carried. Upon motion of Mr. 0'Shields, seconded by I~fr. D~~-is, the Board urent on record approvinP a joint•meetinP u~ith Pender, :~runsvrick and Columbus counties for the purpose of formulatine , ^~~ plans to coordirv~te our e~forts, tor°ether v.itYi the cooperation of the State Industrial enPineer of the Department of Conservation and Development, to induce ~i~~ustries to locate in any of the communities of the said counties that ~~~ould be best suited for i.ts particular ~•~ use~ which would be of benefit to ~.~1 of the counti.es.concerned. ,~ Nonday~'.Septei~ber 4th hein~ a le'al holiday ( I.~~bor Day ) and fa'7_in~ on the date of the - ~ next re"ular u~eetin~' of the Board~ a recess v~as taken until 10:00 o'clock A.I~;.~ Tuesday~ Septembe,r. ,5th~. 1.9_5a.• .._ - ~~ ~ ,~.5~. Clerk. ~ . Wilmin~ton~ N. C.~ September 5th~ 195~. ~ Pursuant to recess taken P.;onday, ~u~ust 28~ 19~0~ the Board ~ret at 10:00 o'cl.ock A, ni. Present: 9ddison :?ev:7.ett Chairr.:an, Ceo. 'll. Trask~ ~as. lii. Ha11~ Ciaud 0'Shields~ Thurston C. D~vi.s and County vttorney I;.~.rsden Eel ].~niy. The ninutes of ineetin~ of 4ur,ust 2~th 1950 were read and approved as recorded. ~ Upon motion of n~z•. H~11~ seconded b5~1!~;r. Davis, the Sheriff was authorized to empl.oy an _~~' ~extra person to serve as 3'deputy sfieriff,temnorarily,until ]~;r. T~'.B.Re°i.ster who is confined at his home sick~ can return to his duties as a deputy sheriff. A petition of ei°hteen property ovrners of i~2iddle Sound, Harnett township~ prep3red on State Form R.10~ requestinP that a road runninp from Beuna-Vista Road to Pv7r.6'd.1vl.Schneider's -~~s place~ be taken over for impro'vements a.nd mainte~ance as a part of the County Hi°hw~y System~ vras unon motion of li:r. Trask~ seconded by T~ir. Davis~ approved and referred to the State Hi°huay and Public G~orks Commission for consideration. Upon motion of Pdr. Da,vis~ seconded by Lir. 0'Shields~ N[r. IaFayette Best of Carolina Beach ^ G~~ was Pranted an abatement of taxes on a v3luation of $;1,300.00, lot 43 Kfnre D~vision, account ~ of double cha.r?e. L1. A. Sly, Carr,lina Beach, v:as granted an abatement of poll t3x account of ~ bein~ over a~e, and L4r. A. H. I~cIntire, fiarnett township was ~ranted an abatement of poll taxes for the years 1949 and i95o account of bein~ a non-residen and the same ch~rged in error~ ..` ~ A report of inspection of boilers in the prison buildin~ a.t the County Home and Court House ~-C~;~g~Annex~ ma.de by the Hartford" Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company statin~ that no ~ C- conditions were observed tha.t require ~ttention at this time, were received and filed. A letter was received from llr. A. H. Elliot 3dvi.sin~ that he vaill accept the appointment ~~i~' to serve as a r~;ember of the Board of T~,ana^ers of the .',ohn C. N7esse1l Tubercu3osis Sanatorium. A communication v~~as received ~ror,,f:~r. ;;. L. Foy advisin° that due to the fact that he had planned to be out of the City ~^reat deal of the time in the nex.t six to ei°ht months and ~ that bein°~ perh3ps~ the most importent titr.e in Cettin° the or^amization starte~~ and feelinF _~ that he could not render the proper service, therefare r•ePretfully declined acceptance of the a~~pointment to the ~3oard of M^ma¢erG of the John C. 4'Jeeseil Tuhercul.osis Sanatorium~ v.rriich was accepted by the Eoard. Thereupon'l~:r. FIa1i :r~oved and it was seconded b,y Nr. Davis and carr3.ed that i~ir. Dan D. C~meron be appointed in his ste~d and also elected Chairman of the"Board of-' i~anaFers without opposition. Upon motion~ duly seconded~ the Eoard ~pproved the plans for the nurses home and septic ~~j tarak at the John C. Vdessell TuUerculosis S~n~torium~ a,nd ordered that advertisement be made for bids for the construction of both projects,either to^ether or separate~ to be received • until 10:00 o'clock 4.P.:.~ Seotember 18, ~950, ~t ~;;hi.ch tir~e they ~a~ill be publicly opened 5 and read. ~07~ Meetin° of September 5th 1950, continued. A report was receiv.ed fror~ the Tar. Collector adviSin~ that ,~',3 132.75 was collected ~EA for the City,and ~2,'725.']4 for the County, r~akinn a total of ~5,858•49 tack ta.xes col..lected for the month of Au~ust. `v All bids received beina equal, the contract to audit the books and records of the County ~ F~n'" Officers for the fiscaJ_ year endin~ June 30, 1950~ was,upon raotion, awarded to ~y VJilliam C. Barfield and Harry W. Cherry. C.P.A.'s, on a basis of cost of services of , Cert~fied Public Accountant 4°35.00 per day. , Senior Accountant 30.00 per day. . , Semi-senior Account~nt 25.00 per dav. Junior ~ccount~nt ?.0.00 r~er day. ~ Upon r~otion~ pay~nt of $~53.02 to the Coll.ins Cornpany, VJinston-Salem~ N. C.~ for ~ ~~~ the-cost of County 3dvertisement that appe3red in the iv'orth Carolina Tourist Handbook, 1950 Revision vaas authorized~ vrnich, in the opini.on of the Eoard~ v;as helpful to advertise the adv3ntspes and resources of the County. ~ A report of the activities of the cclored County I:ome A"ent for Aueust v~as received and --- ~ payment of ~'3.17 for office supplies purchased in 9u~ust was approved. , • The ~'r'ilmin°ton Port Coc~n-,ission reported the appointr:~.ent of It:r. Edward C. Sne~d as its ~~ Executive Director~ ef°ective as of Au'ust 10~ 19r0~ at a salary of ~4,800.00 per year. ' The Port•Commission vaas requested to make monthly reports to this Body. 9 statement was received from the St~te Board of Pub].ic 4`lelfare; advisin~' that ~42,481.00 l,Ss was sent to this County for Old A'e 9ssistance~ Aid to Dependent Children and for 9dministration for the month of Au°ust. ~~~~1, Reports of the Bureau of Identification and Veterans Service Oificer for Ausust were ~, ~~~received and read by the Chairmany and ordered filed. ~ Upon motion of Iv;r. Davis, seconded by I~Sr. Hall~ .payment of y'v25.00 to Mr. L.E.Brovan, S'heriff of Euncombe County~ transportin~ iulrs. I~iarie H. Gorman to State Hospital at R~leigh, and ~2.00 ~,(~ for her examination and conunitment, was ordered on recommendation of the Clerk of the • Superior Court. Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Ivir. 1^.rask~ payment of ~80.00 to the State Hospital ~~~ at R~leigh for additional treatment of Plrs. Edith S. Thompson~ Inebriate~ c+as ordered on certificate of the Clerk of the Superior Court, An offer submitted by i~iarsh~ll Realtti~ Company to purchase the v;est part of lots 4 an3 5 ~ in block 228 for his client Dr. P3u1 A.L.Bl~ck~ l~~as received and ~ction postponed until the ~`~- next meet~nc" of the Dosrd,to ascertain in the meantiu,e, ~^hat decision the City has reached ~ tov~ard a procedure of sale or offerin° the Cit;,~-County o~~ned property for sale. Upon r,.oti.on o£ i4;r. Uavis, seconded b;~ I,~r. 0'Shields~ instructions v,*ere "iven to write ~~~United States Senator Frank P. ~rahan~ and Con~ressrr.an F. Ertel Carlyle thanking them for .~ 0.~ti~' their successful. efforts in ret~.ining t,he Civil Aeronautics Admini.stration's District Airport Office a~ Wi.lmin~ton, and ior thei.r future interest. The Board declined to purch~se further advertisin~ space in the Nlanufacturer's Record~ aa5 and~.requested that we be furnished *.a~ith iive or r~ore copies of its September issue ! coiltaininp our advertisement featurin5 tY~e industrial resources of our County. Upon motion of Nir. Davis~ seconded by t~4r. Hall, i~ir. J. VI. Jackson was branted permission . ~~ to install a time-clock at Le~ion Stadium, which we feel will be an asset to the field J ~nd will be appreciated by those ~^rho attend the iootball €ames. Upon motion of P'.r. 0'Shields~ seconded by I+~ir. DaVis~ hi~h school students were extendedr ~~~,~ sn invitation to se~:ect o~'ficers'from amon~ their student bbdy t`o'occupy the County' Coinmissioners "seats for a ses.sion durinG -'the, present 'schoo7:• term;, for such practical ~ and helpful expereince they may achieve, as to bounty functions. Upon motion of A~Ir. Davis~ seconded by P~4r. 0'Shields~ the Board voted to press it efforts c~~~~ with State Highway Commissioner A. Vdilbur Clark~ towa.rd securing four-lane hi~hways to VJri~htsville, Carolina~ hure ~nd Fort Fisher Beaches. The meetin~ then adjourned. . ri~~.~ hG.. -Clerk. ~ b'J5.1tr.i.n~ton~T~.C.~ Sept.~ 11~ 1950. • The regul.ar v~~eekly meeting of the Boarci v~as held at 10:00 o'clock A. P:i. Pr~sent: Addison Hewlett Chaii•man~ ueo. ~~'. Tr•?sk~ Jas. 1~i. Ha).1~ Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis~ and Courty Attorney b;a_r•sden Be'!lamy and County Auditor C. F. Smi_th. Upon motion, readinc", of the minutes of ineetin^ of Septergber 5th~19S0, was~dispensed v~ith. A delecation of approximately ninety repres~ntative farmers and other interested persons a.ppeared to express their viev~~s on the need of an assistant county f?rm demonstration ~a^ent to take the place of L4r. C. R. Cook whose resi~na.tion becomes effective September ~ a~ 25th~ 19i0~~P.4r. A. ~. Seitter opened the duscussion by ur~inr the appoihtment of an assistant a^ent to work vrith P.Sr. ~alphin to carry on the vrork of IIir. C. R. Cook. He was~ ~ fol~awed by Nlessrs D. Boet, 9dam Sondy, u. H. Hutaff, A; Ludeke, A. Schla~le, Heide Trask~ I~orris Err_~~ert, ~. H. Brinson and F'.red 5eitter~rlnd others, v,~ho spoke at lenEth in ttle hi°hest terms of the ~,bi~ity and coope:~ation of I:;r. -alphin ~nd ur.eed the appointment of an assistant to work tznder him. 2~:r. Jacob Tin"a, i'r. E.I.Tin°a, Ia4r. John Olsen and i~~r. Frank ~. Harriss or>posed the a;poir,tn~ent`of ?n aesistant aGent, and instead thereof, ur°ed the sppointment of a~ore efficient~ rro^ressive snd up-todate a°ent to replace both the assistant a"ent and ~~:r. ~alphin. Letters v,ere received fror: Edessrs D~vid Pdohr, David J. Carr~ ~ ~203 Tfeetin~ of September llth, continued. J.C.Hayduke~.J. L. Lunesiore, A. I~`.usiaa, A. Lewandouskl, ,i.D.~Noody~Jr.~ F. A. Jordan~ E. r. Green~ r. I,,. H~rre1~~ J~n.es Bu113rd~ iIrs. Alma IV;w~ray~ J. T. Sonde3~~ P.E.Peterson and Ar_nie ~arner~ statinc": in part ":.efore our lssistant county a^entywas ~Ppointed there tvas no Tocal Soil Conservati.on Se.rvice, no vocation~l a^riculture pro°ram in the hi~h school~ nc vetez•~.ns f~rr,; tr~inir.C pro~ram, no d~iry 2xte~sion s~ecialist for this area, and no ve"etable rese~rch ?.?boratory. ~Ve have a11 of these services and we no lon"er need an assi~tant county a."ent. 4',e do~ hoth~ever~ neec? ~ more active county a^ent. By af;plause and vote~ members of the dele"ation were overwhelmin"ly in fa.vor of the appointment of an assistant a"ent.to =.~cceed LIr. C. R. Cook~ resi°ned~ and retain ~Ir. ralphin as the County 9~ent. iv7r. C. P,i. Brickhouse District Supervisor of the State Extension Department x~as present and explained the duties of the County A"ent and also the services of the A"ricultural Experiment Station vrhich is av~ilable to the farmers ~,cJat a71 times. I~.r. 0'Shields su'°ested that a cornmittee of farmers vJOrk vrith the County ~~~ Commissioners in the selection of an assistant a"ent. I~1r. D~vis clarified the question with NIr. Brickhouse~that the assistant a"ent, if a batchelor~ would. be eli°ible for appointment a.s county a"ent v~~ithout : jeop3rdisin^ ' his msrital ri'hts,if otherwise qualified. In order to carry out the v:ishes of a"reat majority of the members of the dele"ati.on present, h;r. Trask moved and it was seconded by IvIr. Davis and unanimously carri.ed, th~t this Board cooperate with the 5t~te Extension Department in the se7_ection and appointment of an Assistant County Farm Demon~tration A"ent. A letter ~~~as received from Irir. C. R. hSorse~ Ta.x Collector~ advisin" that Attorney Fi. P. `~u~ BurY,himer has not r~de settlement with his office for property he sold for taxes several months a~o, and ~'ave deeds for, v,~as read by the Chairman ~nd upon motion of P~tr. 0'Shields~ seconded by f:ir. Tr~sk, was referre~9 to the County ~ittorney to take such action, that in his opinion~ he ~::ay find necessary. It appe~rinF that the sm~ll of'£ice space ir, the court house hasement is not sufficient to . meet ~he needs ot the colored home arent, and ~ar~er quarters can be :ecured at 6th and /~~~-2' Red Cross Streets at a rental of ~;30.OG per n,onth v~i.thout stove for heatin~~ or "~35.00 per month ~nd stove furnished~ •~he Chairm~n and Co~znty Auditor, Piere upon moti.on of Mr. 0'Shie].ds, seconded by Iair. I)':vis~ authorized to provide adequate quarters for her dep~rtment. . U~;on motion of Idr. 0'Shields, secondEd by 2u;r. D?vis, the Board, in order to c].ear the taxes /~G~ on county-city owned ].'~nd, ~uthorized and directed that abatements be issued to cancel the ` b3lance of taxes appe~rin^ on count,-cit3~ oi;ned property bou^ht in for taxes, in ~~ses where•' the proceeds from the sale vaere not sufficient to clear the a.mount of taxes due. . A letter was received from i~:rs. Evelyn I~-~acDona.ld~ Chaixnan of the Veterans ~oint Advisory Committee, ur^in° the appointment of a DiT~ector of Civilian Defense ~nd immediately set-up ~ -~~~~ ~ City and County Civil Defense Plan. That bein° a joint City-County operation, wa.s received for joint consideration. , The Chairman read a letter received from IlQr. Aubrey L. Cavenau~h of V~arsaw, indic~tin^ ~ his desire to meet viitn the ^roup in the interest of sta.rtin^ an or^anization to promote the Steel i~4i7.1 for the V,'ilmin°ton area. A date for for formulatin" pl~.ns is now pendin° r with the State Department of Conservation and i~evelopment and I~ir. Caven~u^h v~i].1 be "iven notice when the date is fixed. A letter vras received from i~r. Den D. Cameron accepting the appointinent as a member of Bd.of ivIprs. Gh of John C. ~:`essell Tuberculosis Sanatoriur~ but did not deem it advi.sable to accept the .-- ~ a.ppointr.~ent as Chairman of the Board since the ~ppointment came from ~~ithout the 13oard of 1vlan3gers itself~ but v.ould a,ccept thu anpointment of Chairman if the Bo~rd of i~~n3~ers see fit to na~e him~ feelin^ the Board should e].ect its ovan Chairn;an~ which was a^reeable to , this Body. Upon motion of i~=r. Hall, ~econ~7ed by I,:r. D~vis~ the Southeastern I~orth Casolina Junior Dairy C~ttle Show v;1s ^ranted ~n anpropriat9or.~ oi ~'?50.00 out, of the advertasin' fund tovrard -Q~'~ expense of hoidin~ its cattle show 3r.d premiums~to be av~arded ~t.Le^ion Stadium Octot~er 12th ~; and 13th, }~•hich, inthF or!inion of.the `r~oard, erill he beneflcia.l in a'dvertisin~ the„adv~nta^es and resource=' of-fihe County. ., - " ' " ~ `'~ • ^a1~U A l~eport of the Cour:ty Faru. Uemonstr=~tion 9-ent for the .~onth of Aupust w~.s received and filed. ~ Upon motion of ~.~°. Davis ~secor_ded bq P~:r. 0'Shields~ the Boa.rd approved a contra.ct with „Ud J.B.McCabe 3: Comp~ny~ CP~ s for aud9.tinr the xecords and accounts of the Consolidated City- ~~~~ County Tax Office for the fiscal ye?r endin~ ~une 30~ 1950~ at 3 cost of ~;600.00 to be paid jointly by the Cit~ ~nd County. Upon moticn of Idr. Davis~ seconded by bir. 0'Shie].ds, a request of I~Ir. C. R. I~4orse~ Tax Colleetor, l a7. for an extra clerk in his department account of absence from the office due to sickness, vra.s " - ^ranted for a period of sixty days. Upon motion~ payment of ~3,013.24~ to Lynch 3nti roard~ 4rchitects~ for pl~ns and specifica,tions ~% for the construction~ heatin^ ~nd nlumbinff John C. i'iessei.l TuLerculosis Sanatorium~ based on _ 4~ of total contract sun~ or ~75,331.00~~ v,as ~pproved. . . Upon u:otion of i~?r. 0'Shields~ duly seconded; the Board authoi~ized the payment of ~25.00 .-~~ reward for information leadin° to the ~rres~ and conviction of ~ny nerson or persons dumpin° trash or other debres on the preraises oi i;u"h F~'•.~cljae Fark. ~ _~~ Upon motion~ county bilis Y,os. 3266 to 3~81 vaere a}:proved for payrgent. The meetin^ then adjourned. ~ _ ~r ,~ _ Clerk. 4e,~y~ v ~o~ UJiltt!in~ton~ P~'. C., Septenber 18~ 1950. The regul~r vreekl.y meeting of t;he Eoard c?as held at 10:60 o'clock A. 114. . Present: Addison Heta~7ett Ch3ii~n.~aa Ceo. ~;1. Tr3sk~ Jes. IlI. Hell~ C1aud 0'Shie?dsa Thurston C, Davis~ snd Count~ ,4ttorney i:iarsden Be~lary ~nd C.F. Smith County Auditor. The minutes of ineetings of-SeptemY..,er 5th and ?lth v:ere rea.d and ~nproved as recarded. /'~h Tuberculotis S~n~toriumoni_ni~ccord~ncehom~h~thesplans an~~pecifications,~~aseadvertised~ v:~ere received ~nd upon motion of I~ir. 0'Shields vae?e onened and publicly read: ~ J. W. Hunter, ;Nili*~in~ton~N.C., lurses Home ~n2:~2~5.00 Septic Ta,nk 2~350.00 ~ 'il. A. Simon, Inc.~ " '~ i~iurses Home 22~000.00 Septic Tank 2,125,00 Pyramid Construction Co,~ " Nurses Home 23~225.d0 Septic Tank 2?400.00 F. R. Iiing~ 4rilmington~ IJ. C.~ "Nurses Home 22~600.00 Septic Tank 2~375•00 Upon motion of T;Sr. Davis, seconded by t~,r. Trask, the contract for furnishin~ materials t~5 and 7.abor and installing the septic tank~a~~s awa.rded to Vl. A. Simon, Inc,., thF lowest i` bidder.; ~t and for the sum of ~:2,Z25.OOi-Auardirig -oS'the contract for the construction of the nurses home'1•;a~ postponed for further study. " ~~ The Chairman reported progress in the investigat~on of the committse to rent;.larger ~~5 quarters for the co].ored home demonstr~tion a~ent. 9nd a r,otion offered by E~ir. Tr~sk to appoint a cormittPe to cenfer r~ith i;he Cou~ty Aticrney v;ith the vievr of taking over ., the offices in the court house occu~~ied b, i~:rs,.Lsyton ~nd used for city juvenile court~ for that purpose~ ~ailed of s second v.~hen idr. 0'Shie].ds suggested that action be deferred until the committee;to ~r•hor: it !~:~~s referred, r~ports back to the Bo~rd. ~I~iiss Verns B. Lowery~ Home U~monstr~tion A~ent, presented,~ report of the ac~ivities of --~ her department for the rr,onth of August v!hich ~~~as received and filed. ~ tipon motion of iv:r. Davis, seconded by ,,:r~. 0'Sh~elds~ t}ie purchase of GO cubic ya,rds of ~ ^ S S crushed ~r3nite as per_sample f~irnished ny i~:r. Robert Grisson~ approved by tur.Loughlin, ~ngineer £or tile field use in connecti.or.vaith Lhe septic ta.nk at the Johr C. VJessell , Tuberculosis S~r3torium~ at ~s4.00 per cuuic y~rd, w3s authorized. ivir. t~i. A. IuIcGirt, ChaiT•m~.n of tne Highutay a.nd Street Committee of the Vdilmington Chamber of Cornmerce~ and Tulr. John FI. Farrell, Secretsry~ appeared to again submit resolutions urging ~he Board to pre=s its efforts ~~~ith the State Highv:ay and Public t9orks Comnis~ion for a definite comn;itment to widen the main highw~ys from ~5'ilmington to VJri~htsville, Caro~ina, ` d~~~~ Fort Fisher and Kure Beaches to four-lane highways and oppose the alleged highway project over the old Tide lF~ater Right of ~ay; or ~ny other highv~~~, project v~hich would interfere or retard construction of four•-lane highways to the beach resorts. Resolutions urging that steps'be taken~to-insure the'ittu~ediate construction of four-lane highways as aforesaid, ~vere received from 1'd:ightsvil.le and Carolina Beaches, all of R~h~:ch were upon motion of ]vir. Davis~ seconded by 'r:~r. 0'Shields~ accepted and approved and Che fol.lowing resolution unar.imously adopted and ordered for~a~arded to ~ir. A. V7ilbur Clark~ Third Divi.sion St~te Highway Commissioner at Fayetteville: " 4Jhereas: Our besch resorts are of g,reat economic value to Neiv Hanover County and cor.tribute i.argely to the recre~~ion and pleasure of a large nun~ber of citizens throughout the State of Ivorth Carolina, and Vi+hereas: ~. Iar.ge nurnber of tourists throughout the ioation ~isit our beach resorts , a^nuaily~ and Whereas: ZLra.ific ove.r our highw~ys le~ding fron Plil~r.ington to Vlrightsvi?Ze~ Carolina, Kure ~nd Fort Fisher 33eaches h3s gz•owr_ to such an extent that t.he present na~ ro~^1 highways ~re no longer sdequate or s~~e to h.qr~~le tlie vo7.ume of traific no~~r f1os~~ing over them ~nd il~s therefore cre~ted a dangerous t?azsrd~ and ' ~Vhereas: 0rganized ir.tereets, Goverr:n•ent agencies~ citi2ens and others have from time to tir:e petitioned this ~ody to bri~€ thi.s condition to the attention of the State Highw~y Co!*raissior., ~nd to use its b~st etfo*•ts to h~ve it corrected by constructing wider and s~i,er hi~hr~ays to our be~ch resorts, adequ~te to r~eet the demands of tr~ffic, ~nd tiJhereas: This Bosrd h~s ~pproved the petiLions a.nd requests that have been presented in the past ~nd h~s urged tr~e ."•ta.te High4:~3y ~~d Public Vlorks Corrmi~sion to grant the relief requested ~ a ncl ;'uhere~sg This Bo3rd did, on Septer~,Uer 1~'th 1950, receive petitions from the Wilmington Ch~mber of Cor~merce Highn~ay and Street Cor~m3.ttee~ and the Toc~~n of Wrightsville and Carolin~. Beaches~ ?gain urgently request~ng that this Body continue its efforts for an eaxly consummation of four-lane highv~~ys fro;~~ VJilr.nin~ton to our be3ch resorts~ and • Vlhereas~ Said petitions were again approved by the Eoard of County Commissioners of. - New Hanover County at the ~eeting held Nionday, September 18th 1950. NO~f~~ T~RE~FORE~ BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of County Commissione~~s of T~ew Hanover County~ in regul~r meeting ?sseinbled this 18th day of September, 1950~ urgently ~ reouest the St~te Highvray and Public ':;orks C~mmission to iznmedi3te widen the present highvl~ys from Wilmington to FJTightsville~ Caroiina~ Kure ~nd Fort Fisher Beaches to four-lane highta~ays, e.nd further resolve that the State Highv~~ay and Public ti1`orks Conunission undcrtake r.o other majoTCpr.oject that tivould retarda jeopardfze or delay the v:idenir.g of the s?id highvrays as ~fores~id. Upon motion o£ ii~r. 0'Shields~ seconr3ed hy i~ir. Davis~ ~oss-Iulanning Shov~s, sponsored b3~ the "~~~American Legion Post No. 10~ F;e_-e granted ~errnission tc stage their shows ~t a location on ~ the Carolina Beach Hignvray in the Pr~~:fitt Village Sect~on, Armistice ti;eek~ tiovemher' llth~ a£ter a substitute motion effered b~~I1'r. Trask Co_"reieT"the:ques~ion to the County Attorney for'opinion as tc the legality oi 3~c~rniv~l to shov~~ in ~he County, except.in connection titiith a boY~a-fide'agricultural fair, v~hich question vaas raised by the County Attorney~ failed of a` secord . I.4r. Tr~ sk voted no. I r I ~ ~~~ / `,~ UPon motion of TSr. Davis, secen.ded 'o~t i~"r. 0'Sh~elds~ payment of earned s3lary in I1eu of _~Fj' " vacation~.to the estate of the:I~te T. T. Eutler, for-services as a deputy sheriff~ was ~pproved on the recor:,ir:endation of the County Auditor. ~ ~ A request of Property ov:mers of Iiarbor Island, Harnett township.~ for drainage improvements ~~ w~s referred to Pcir. Trask for i~v~stigation. I~deeting of :eptember 18~ 1950~ contir.ued. ~~~A motion offered by P,;r. 0'Shialds to have i;he Act pertaining. to carniv:~1 shows;,in ~~~ this county ~rnended by giving the Cour_ty Commissioners discretion~.ry povaer to perbit such showrs, ~^~~s adopte~l. ~,~,t~ ia:r. Tviarx Nathan ~rpe~.red to compl~.in. of purchases of j~nitors supplies, soans etc, ~ - ~C for the'countj~ departn~ents from non-resii3ent dea,Ie:s: . ITpon motior. of ivir. Davis~ secondGd hy Ti4r. 0'Shields, Dr. ~. B. Sidbury was ~ranted ~}~~~, ' 3n abatement of taxes on an asse~rment adjustment basis on tv.~o acres of Blake Land ') Aarnett township~ sold to tne Ladies Benevolent Society pr9.or to January 1~ 1949, which is still charged ~gainst him. Upon motior.of I~::r. Trask~ seconded by I~r. Fi~7.1, L.ll. and E.k.B73Y,e, 4Jilmington Township~ ~ ~~- w~s granted an abater.aent of t~y~es or ~ va.lu3ticn of ~16~200.00 ~ccour_t o£ e.iro"r in charging ; goods~ wares and merch3ndise ?t w18~000.00~ v;hich correct araount should h~ne been ~~1~800.00. , ~ ~i Upon motion of i~ir. Tr~sk~ seconded b~ i~ir. D~v~s~ T.J~than i~t~rshburn physical.].y dis~bled _~~, county irdigent citizen, s:~^s on recomrr,end~tion of i.he Supt.~ of Public '1,'elfare, admitted to the Cour.tv Hor.~e as a.n ir:n:Ate. - ~S ~ 2etter vr3s received from Dr. ~~ohr G. ~:essell, ~r.~ accepting the appointment as a member ~ of the Board of,i:,~n3pers of t}~~e John C. l'iesse''1 Tu.berculcsis Sanato.rium. A getition of thirty-four pro;~erty ovrr,ers of Harnett ~ou~nship~ requesting improvements ^(1~y to 41st Street in Idlervi].d~ leadir..g fror~ the T~dri~htsvi~le Turnpik_e to the fufeeres Road~ _ ~1~ w~s upon mction of Iiir. T,r~~k, secorded '~c,i~r. 0'Sniel~s, ~pproved 3nd Teferred to the S~3te Highv~ay 3nd Public l''arks Cor.;~,is=ion for its ConSi.der~ tior. and apnrova.7.. Upon motion of b~?r. Davis~ seconded by I,~1r. 1T'~.Sk~ VJi.lletts Rea7_ty Company i~~.3s granted an abatement of tar.es on a. valuation of ~3,000.00, building en Iot ~1, Cow~try C1ub Pines _`~~ Extension, account of double ch~rge for the year 1949. The said buildir.g is ovrned ~nd listed for taxes by Ivir. ?Nalter tuercer, for the year 1949. ' Upon motion of I?~ir. TrasY.~ seconded by Ivlr. Davis~ the Board approved the sale of th~ west part of lots 4 and 5, in blcck #2?8, City-County o~^rned property~ to Dr. Paul A.L.Black~ '~~' at a price of ~1~000.00, subject t~o the anproval of the City of Wilnington. And the Chairman -- ancl the Clerk of this Eoard are hereby authorized and directed to sign ~ joi~t deed of conveyance with the City of 1'~ilrington~ on behalf of the Gounty~ conveying the said property _to Dr. Black upon payirient of the purch~se price. ~ 9 request of i~~ir. Iv1.C.I~IicIver to be permitted to ~pply the ~100.00 on his 1g50 taxes he p~id ~GC~ on a lot or. Bay 5treet near Green Stree.t he Uought at a tay sale, and not t~ke the lot for the reason it is r.ot the property he thou~ht he ~;:as buyi*~g and clairr.s i.t to be vaorthless, Vl35 referred to the ~Cha.irn:an~ County Auditor ~nd County Attorney v~ith power to act. A letter ~a~as received fror; T~Ijr. T. C: G'Neal, Director of Public S~i'ety of the City of Ydilrrington~a3vis5ng his ~cceptar.ce of the ~ppointment ~s Director of Civilian Defense. G~~ - It ~~~as agreeab].e to the Eoard not to include the hot vrater tank at the County Home for insurance. - ~v~~ /~~, Tvotice aa~s received from L'ne i,?ax•stire Adr.~i~istr3tion that the area in the vicinity of the ~,~.r~ P!'ar3time Reserve Fleet bru~sv,ick ie.sin h~d been put on a restricted h~sis to provide `~~,\~~ ~ ap~~ropriate protection. ' J In view of sor~e of the cars used by the 5heri£f's Department being out for repairs from ~~ time to time~ the Board~ on n~otion of I~r. Davis~ seconded by Ii,r. 0'Shields~ authori2ed the instal~ation of a t~vo-ivay radio in the 5her3£f's automobi].e to increase the efficiancy of ~' his department. The meeting then adjourned. ~ ,~ Q ' ~ -~ Clerk. . ~ , r v ~. . > a i ~.. ~ ~_ ~ Wi2mington, N. C., 5eptember 25, 1950. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held a.t 10:00 o'clock A. D4. . ii,lY ., R , ~ Pressnt: Addison HeNflett Chairman~ Geort 4b', Trask~ Jas. It4. Hall~ C1au@ 0'Shie7.ds~ Thursto^ C. Davis and County Attorney n~arsden Bellamy. The rninutes of ineeting of September 18~ i95c, xere read and approved.as recorded. . Nr. C. E. Gregg a resident of Thomasvilley R'. C.~ Janu3ry .l~ 1950~ Vias upon motion o£ P,.r. Trask~ seconded bq I~&r. llavi.s~ granted an ~bateme~t of taxes on a valuatior of $2~000.00 ~~'~ persone.l property brought forvJard from his 194g list and charged in error against lot 24A ~ in block 31~ Sunset Fark for tae ye~r ~950; .~nd released from the payment of not listed pena.lty on a,ccount of being a non-resiciEnt. Provi.ded he vaill furnish an 3ffidavit~ to the effect th~t he t~aas a non-.resident and h::~p no p~rsonal property in this county to list £or the ye~r 1950. A request of Alan Iu~rshall, the heirs of L`li.ley Johnson, /~.~ 18 acres; part of 244 ~cres was referred to the County with pov~er to act. attorney, Federal p T~. Cooner ~ttcrney, to correct the nuri~ber of acres of land charged against ~int township~ to 20.2 acres and 8hristine Peterson Ferson? le=~vin~ a bal.ance of 205.8 to the Cooper Est3te~ Tax Supervisor 3nd County Auditor for correction an.d DTo.action v<<~.s t~ken of a request cf i.;r. Burk H. Bridgers to adopt a resoiution. recor~mending ~ a lccation for a proposed tr•uck lane through i:he.City of VJi7mingtori. Th?.t being entirely a City matter. Hov~ever t'r,e Conm~issioners indicated their vrillingness to give such coope"ration aitd,assist3nce they can~i£ requested by the City. . ,, .Pl:r. Dan D. Cameron recently appointed member of.the Board of L-anagers of the.John C. VJessell Tuberculosis Sanatoriuff,~ appea.red to te1_1 the Bo~rd that the Board of 1ti"~anagers had elected him ~s its Cnairman~ Dr."John C. 4~iessel.l, Vice Chairman and R~ir... Ben J. McDonald~ 1?ecarding ~'y Secretary, ~'he Board of ll`anagers found the arr.angement of the hospital building~ now under construction~ satisfactory; ~nd recom,me.~ded that the proposed plans for the nu,rses home be , r.evised to include a separate hath rooc in' the Superint;ettdent's quarters, iTpon motion, the matter of revising the plans for the nurses. home to include a separate bath for the Superinter.dent, was ref.erred to Cor~~missioners G'.Shields and Davis the Board's eppointees on the Board of Lianagers and Mr. Cameron to v~ork-out satisfactory arrange;:ients with the . Architects. Pvlr. C..BS. Brickhouse~ Farm Agent District Supervisor of the St~te Extension Department~ presented Ie'[r. Da7.Iie D. Ba.~•~ett, 2£ ye~r cld ~~tive o,`' Ssmpso*^ CoLnty~ v~ho has had four f(~~~~and one tia]_f ye3rs ex.perience as a~sisi;a~t farrn agent in ~ancey ar.d PJlitche.ll Counties~ a~d recommer.ded his 3ppointment as ~ssistant far;,, denonst7•at~on a~ent for this county to suceeed • IJ~r. C.H.Cook, resigned.. .'vfter ~~eneral discussion of tkie ma.tter vaith Messrs Albert Seitter~ J. D. IucCarley~ Geo, fI. Hutaif, I.:a,urice ~r.:rr,art, John Olsen, and D. Boet who represented the farming interest and v,~ho una.,,imously endorsed ,the a~,pointment o~ TSr:•Baggett on the recom- mendation of L:r. Brickhouse to enabi.e the s~rvice to continue without interruption~ fv.r, Davis moved .3nd ~.t vi~s secon~?ed ty i.'r. Tr~sk and carried that Nr. baggett be appoirted • Assistant County Farin Der.~~onstrati.on A~ent on tne reconunendation of P~:r. C. I~`_. Brickhouse~ District Supervisor of the St~te Fxte~sio^ Depei•tt:~ent and representative farmers presen.t, to succeed i~tr. C,It.Cook. I.,r, c~~~ett_ i;olcl tne Bo~rd it vrould be aUout October 15th Uefore • he coul.d report for duty. ~(a( • Upor motion of P~`r. Davis~ seconcied by lur. 0'Shields~ T~,r,. T. fi. 1'Jri~ht~ Jr.a w~s ~r~nted an ~ ab3tement of po~l tar.es as to H3rnett to~Mnship account of double charge for the year 1950. • Upon motion of t4r. 0'Shields~ seconded by i~~r. Davis~ Aruerican Bakeries, Wilmington Tov.nship~ vaas granted ~n abatement of ta.yes on a valuatior_ of ~1~18Z.00, auton:obiles and trucks charged ~'G~' at w1o,935.00~ for the year 1950~ which was.reduced to their inventory value of ~9~'750.00~ recommended by the County Auditor. . 9 communic3tion vaas x•eceived from niajor General J. Van B. Niettss ~he Ad~utamt Gereral~iVC.~ ~ enclosing a copy of his first endorsement to the Chie~f Tdational Bureau reoues~ing that ,kbui].dirg T-880 at Bluethentha7_ Field be removed from their license~ and upon advice from ~`~~r~~~the Bureau that' this building has beer_ removed froM, their 7.icense, it v~ill then be in order ~-- that either the County or CAP directly apply to the Distric{: Engineer, Savannah~ Ga.~ ior permissi-on to lease the property. . ¢ A financial and circulation report of the 'v"Jilmington Pub].ic Libra.ry for 9ugust vras received ~ V~~~~nd. filed . Upon motior of Il4r. D~.vis~ seconded bl; Iti:r. U'Shiel-~3s, instructions svere given to Y~ve the ins,lvA^{t'Local Board of r^ire UnderwJitez•s al;praise the John C. G'+essel.l"I'uberculosis Sanatorium building -~"• for insurance as cons~ructior of i:he buildin~ progresses. Conununic3tions vaele received from 1,`.r. A. ~'~il.bur Clark~ Third Division State Highway Commissioner advising that a statement.fror,, the State Hi.gh:~ay Cornmission coneerning four-lane hi.ghways Lo ~~s our be~.ch resorts i.s beirg delayed pe~di-~~ corp~et~on of v~rious surveys now being made in r- this vicinity ior study~ a,cknowledped receipt of petitions for improvements to Adams Street ~rtension in P~:~scnboro To~S,nship, Road iron: Buna-tiista road to tiJ,it7.Schneider's 3ro~7erty~ .4 if a rnile of ro~d in Idlevrild, Fiarnett r.o~F:~~ship, ar_d ~eceapt of~certified copy of the court judgment in the case of J.T.'vJest et als v S311ie E. Vick et als concerning the right- • of-way fIi~tons Avenue. . Ar offer submitted by Edna r~;ciJeill Harris et als.; to purchase the SE~ lot 2, ~nd NE-~ lot 3~ ~-~~ in• block 23 at ~~500.00~ w~s received for consideration with the City~ and with po~eer to ~ct. ~ t~5~,es~`DaA report of the Courty Electrical Inspector for August was received and filed. , I ~`~12 , PQeeting of September 25~ 1950~ conti.nued. The Ch~irr.lan reporting £or the Corr~rnittee~ recommended the rentin~ mf quarters at bth ~,~ and Red_Cross.Streets includin~ stove for heating to be furnished by the owners~ at -(~ ~25.00 ner nonth for the co].ored~one derr.onstxat:icn agent~ vahich was upor. motion of Iv:r. 0'Shields, seconded L-y~t~:l. D~vis, approved on a basis of month to month rental agreen:ent. , `,\_,~P 9 copy of the minutes of the ~ieeting of the Eoard of Trustees of Community Hospital. ~~~ of August 16th 7.950, v~.~~s received ~.nd fil.ed. ~ A cony oi' the auclit .report of Associ,~,ted Charities prepared by Atr. H~rry l"l. Cherry CFA.q ~C ~ for the fiscal year ending J'llnP, 30~ 1950~ v~~as received and referred to the County ~uditor. In answer to a question raised by Pv:r. Da.vis, the County Attorttey ruled tha.t ir. his opinion '-~~ necessaayutoCg vernetheaparkin,geof1autonobilestat~LegionuSt diwn~ and forutheiprotection of stables and other property at the Stadium. ~p The fol].owing good ar.d lawf.ul persons were drawn to serve as jurors in the Superior ~~jV~`~~ Court for the trial of civil cases for the two vaeeks term beginning October 9~ i95o~ First week- Edward Lee~ 411 Chestnut Si~reet. Glen. l'4', bSi],ler~ 502 S. 3rd St. D.A.Lockfaw~ 301 i~ortherr. Boulevard. K.V1.Jevrell, 414 Church St. . A.B.Barefoot, 2415 bionroe St. H.H.Ho:rell~ Castle Hayne Rt.l. Herbert Steljes~ 27.1 Orange St. R.5.I~4atthews~Jr.~ ~23 5. Front St. R.E.Bliz2ard~ 132 Snofford P~Ii11s. Nelson P. Simon~ 2540 Burnett Boulevard. Dallas L. Bordeaux~ 517 S. 3rd~ 5t. B.F.Niallard~ 2835D Jefferson St. R. J. Powell~ 2203 Plasa Drive. E.L.Boone~ 111 IQ. 8th St. Charles Boon~s~ 314 Bladen 5t. C. J. Chapman~ Rt.3, Box 27. F.K.~4yers, 2119 P;:etts Ave. , E, F. Bordeaux~ 306 Adams St. i.E.reterson~ 1012 S. 5th St. I. 9. Dyches, 10 Tv'orthern Boulevard. Andrew Lorek, Cast.le Hayne. J.B.Boney~Jr.~ 9 S. ~th 5t. LeRoy Bosv/ell~ 79 Spofford Iuiiils. C.E.Bender~ 501 Grace St. John Colucci~Jr.~ 121 Columbia Avenue. J. C. 1oIaxv~ell~ Ht. 1. B. I. u7orris~ 410 Orsnge St. E. 9. PJetts~ Jr.~ 1 P1. 20th St. J. F. 5tack~ P.O.Box ~22. V+'alter R. Clifton~ ?_17 Pinecrest Parkvra.y. Ken R. Alport, 2126 Brandon Road. ~. P. 2derrborn~ 506 Northern Boulevard. J. Alfred Bodin.e, 50g Grece St. J. D. B.lake~ 213 Park 4ve. . Second ~~eek- ~egir*,i^.g Cctober 1Gth: U1. J. Riley~ 224 I;enwood A-; e. F.L.B'Iintz~ Jr.~ 605 S. 16th St. ~ohr. R. BauCOm~ 1906 Ann St. A17.en C. Ev~ing~ 109 F'.ydr3ngea• F7ace. C. L. Pridger~ 20° d~`erstelJ.e: St. Dewey E. Ra.ck].ey~ 2009 Br~ndor. Hoad. E. J. Toomer~ 1901 Princess St. 9. V. Fountain, Bor. 52 Vari~htsvil_le Beach. James Feimster, 320 Pi. 5th St. F. VJ. Selden~ 1723 Ca:olina Ave. B. L. Levais~ 29159 Jefferson St. Lee o. Layton, 309 Southern Building. Hugh C. Noffsinger, Jr.~ 19th dc Dav,~son. Donald C. King, Oleander Court Apts, H. C. Platt~ 1.710 Chestnut St. L;. J. Hamer~ 53 Lake rorest Parkv,ay, N~. B. Blanton, 2117 Creasy 9ve. Alfred P. P~oore~ 15 N. 8th St. For the Crir.iinal Terr; beginni~g October 30: A. L. Batts~ 40'7 S. 18th St. . C. H. Levris ~ 44 Spoiford l~:i' ls . Roy CI• Pierce, 1501 S. 4tn St_. D3Vld C. LP.P,~ a~~i S. 5tt1 Si:. T~faggie P~4. Hobbs, 613 S. 16th St. H. L. Iv~enni~~-, 188 Lake rorest F~rk-u~ay. Ern:.st ~avage~; C~stle Iiayne. VJ. J. Rhodes~ 1022 llrif~htsville Ave. A. P+. Sherr~ 1?5 Co].oni31 V~ila.ge. ~. D. EdvE~~rds~ 114 Coiorisl Vi~i~ce. Ernest P. Crawford~ 314 T~. 4t~ St. I". E. Eloodgcod, 707 Colonial 9i.il~~e. Jas. E. Fortner, ~7.3 i;. ~th St. Lindsey F. B3s~, 2108 Br~ndo•, :io~d. G'. Z. E~_izz~.rd~ ~56 Colonial. ;'iil'~ge. Jas. T. ~~.rker~ 1608 Ar^ St. L. C. 'i;alsh~ o ACL Hy. 4V'. I,. barne~~ 115 S. 16 th St. Herbert L. Anderson~ 1617 Castle St,, John C. ihonas~ 803 S. 4th St. B. F. Biggs~ 511 Northern Boulevard. J.H.Lea~ Jr.~ 408 S. 5th St. Fi. B. Creasy~ 23081!~ietts 4ve. Robert T. Berman~ £3 Hav~thorn Ra~d. B. C. Fussell~ 407 Ited Cross St. The meeting then adjoi:rned. ~ __ii .,.~~~ ~ - Clerk. !~dolph J. Kaus, Box 243 Carol.in~ Beach. 'vd. J. Collier~ 102 Pd. 23rd St. i'dm. G. P}idgen~ 303 r?. C~roJ.ina Avenue. ~;J. D. Piorris, HFD #1~ Castle Ha.yne. L. F. Ovren~ RFD #1. C~rney H. P7.eming Jr.~ 1904 Church St. I. 4%. E:aultsby, 2~~OC 9d3ms St. Jss, A. Rol~bins, 2500 Pri~cess St. J. C. Bohannon~ 6 Court F, L3ke rorest. Roy R. Grove=~ 120 i~. 7th St. Henry T~7. Borde~ux~ 1505 ~• 5th St. 8I. FJ. Thomas~ 7 ntanhattan Ave. Jos W. Craig~ 910 Princess St. PJillie He~^~lett~ 403 Central Boul.evard. J.L.Freela.nd, 1905 riun St. R. R. .41.1en, 2119 Gibson Ave. E. D. B.lake, 2824 ;,iarket St. Albert F. Perry~ P.O.Box 119. Ernest li. Pittman~ 611 Orange St. C. i~". Borde~ux.~ 318 6"Iright St. .A. B. Cheatham~ 713 Hydrangea Place. Thos. ~,. P'eville, 1918 Castle St. H. S. Corbir., 1;'02 r:ur St. Leor Lee~ 142 Spofford.P:i].~s. J. P,;. l~:editz~ 1301 'Princess St. F. K: Ll~yd~ 2205 Flaza Dx~ive. C. L. Bethear 2006 Pender Ave. r. ~. Ner~?ton~ 805 Northern Boulevard . Harry Batuyios~ 2912 I,~arket St. t;obert B, iiirkham~ 305 S. Front St. Ftcbt H. Phi~ 7_ips ~ 721 S. 4th St . J. H. B3~~ey~ ~13 S. JaCkson St. V~rey ~`!. C'.intz, '72.0 Chestnut Et. C. B. Berge-~~ 104 Cou~try Club Boulevard. V'dm. J. Stone~ 8~7. Ann St. H.-:.Lor.g~ 409 Piun St. J. Ale~ander Pugh~ 1105 S. Pront St. Herbert Bluethenthalr 108 Gr~ce St. 0'scar L. Bradshavr~ 238 Vance .St.~ I~.~affitt R. C. Parrott~ 1717 Orange St. 1d. P+i. 30'J Sr. 1(ath St. P. L. Harper~ 110~ N. 4th St. VJ. R. Loveless~ 1108 N. 4th St. i . '•- V. m t ~ ~d ~. eJ 1 Vrilmi^pto^~ I~. C.~ October ?_? 195~. The regular u;eekly meetin~ c~ the Eaard v:~s held at 10:00 o'elock 9. M. , Prese`t: bcdiso~ Hevflett Cha.irm~^, Geo. V1. Tr^.sk, Jas. t~:. Ha11~ Ciaud Q'Shields, Thurs~on C. D3vis, Courty 9ttorney ;r.a.rsde~ Ee~lamy a~d County Auditor C.F.Smith. The minutes of ineeti~~ of Septsrber 25~ 1950~ ~rere re~d ard approved ~s recorded. ~ ~] request of Solomon 5ter~berrer, 4tto;rey, Y.o transfer the payment of ~100.00 made by Alexanuer Berry onback taxes due on the ~•rest raiddle 1.ot 4 part 3' ard 5 in block 498~ lQ~ which has since been sold for tar.es to C.L,gr;~ant~ and apply the same on back taxes -~` due ott the tivest middle lot. 6, Pt.S, a.^t3 germit him to pay an a~,ditional ~100.00 on said lot 1'tiNi6 Pt.S~ a~d ~bate the difference of back tazes due~ vzas upon motio~ of T~ir. Trask seconded by it7r. G'Shields, referred to the Count~~ Attorney for investigation and repor~ to the Board ~t the ne;;t meetin~. ~ Mr. C. A. i~~Yorse~ Ta;~ Collecto~r~ n~ade h~s report of sett.leme~t ,of 1949 taxes as follows~ / ~q~ which w~s upon rnotion of Ii:r, lr~sk, seconded by Iur. I).avi.s, accepted subject to the check of the County .Auditor: Listed as per ~.bstract, real estate and personal property, ~ Eg9,7o3•g5 Not Listed '~ " ~~ '~ " 31,649.96 Held by the County~ K24.~~ 931,~7~.7~ Less Abatements 4.6'~9.78 ~ 927,?39•00 ' Listec? and collected b~~ the Taz Collectorr 1~238.15 Penalty Collected 3~459.q6 Advertis?ng Cost Co7.lected . , 71,~2 932 ~00'7 =93 ----- o ----- Rea1 ~st~te sold for Taxes, 36 099. Idot Listed Sold for Ta~:es, . 6;617.05 'r?eld by Count; Sold~ 4~g,63 Insolvents Fersonal Property ard Poll~ 5,8,879.00 @ 1.05 55 9,321.44 Poll 2003 @ 2.00 4~C106,00 Dogs 379.00 13,706.44 Taxes Prep~id 240~065.45 DiSCOUnts A1lowed~ ~~512,g~ Co1_1.ected by Tax Co].lector « Deposited in VJ11. Sav.& Trust 63„3a680.a6 ~932,z1o.83 county over ~~ 102.90 ~ City short 91.2~ ~ 11.63 Over. /5/ C. R. Norse City and County Tax Co?lector. The 1950 tax books vrere then presented to the Board by the County Auditor~ ~nd upon • ~ ~~ motion of IcSr. Divis~ secorded by t~;r. 0'5hields, v~rere accepted ~nd the Chairr,,an was authorized and directed tc sigr the order t~irning the sazqe overi;o the Taz Co?lector for co?lection . The Chairr,:an v~as further directed to SPg*' the order for the co7lection of the tayes ~sIrnow~ as "~ T~ot Listed ", and. said taxes in .the amoun~:s so set ~otth ' ( t3eclared to be the first Iien'on a~7." real propert3~ of suoh tax' payer. ', ~ ' . - . . . , • • .. Upon motion of P~ir. Davis, seconded by I~Tr. 0`SP.tields~ it was ordered that all tax pe.yers _~~y vvho have fa~led to list their property for the ye~r 1950, a~d are charged vrith a penalty _ for failing to list such property ~nd'vlho come fot~u~~~a,rd an,d settle their taxes on or before Tar.uary 1st, 1951, shall be alloured to pey the auount o~ t}ie tax.es vaithout the penalty. ~ s iTpon motion of P::r. Hall~ ~econd°q by c5r. D'~vis~ Ii:r. Charles R. Nason~ blind and othei~^rzse ',~1, ~ physical7.y disabled courty citi.zen, 8~ years of 3ge~ was admi.tted to the County Fiome as _ --~~' a p~y patient at r.a.inte~ance cost for bo~rd v~hich equals $~30.00 per t~onth, recon;mended by . the Supt.9 of iuhlic 'v+elf~re. ~ ~ es~- Upon r,otior of ll_r. Davi.s, sec~~ded b~ ',;:i•. IIalI, authority v~as ~iven to close the offices ~~o~ts~of the C1_erk oi the Sunerior Court, He~ister o~ Deeds. Auditor ard Courty Commissiorers ~~"'~ at 12:00 o'cl.ock noon on Seturd~3-s i~ste~c7 of 1:00 o'clock P.1t;., as formerly. ~~v~~ i~\~i~A report of the Veterans 5ezvice Oif'icer for Septen;ber was received and filed. 4 report of the activities of the co].ored i?or~e Deir.orstration 9gent for September was -~~`~~~received and filed. . The Sheriff filed his report on trip to f~Iian:i~ Fla,~ to bring back Thel~ra Thomas Henderson, y~~nN fugitive from justice~ on the Gover+~ors requisition. T.he Sher~ff reported tha.t Henderson had been discharged by the Florida 9uthorities OT` VIl'lt of kia,Ueas corp~s a.rd therefore failec to bring him back.. 7`he County Attorney ruled that 1:h~t this County is liable for the e~pense of the tr~p inasrnuch as the Sheriff acted on the Gover~ors requisitior. ~, . ~ I ' `~.~ `~ fl~eeting of October 2~ 7.950, continued. Upon motion of isir. Davis, seconded b,y 1.~r. 0'Shields~ the IIoard authorized the purchase ~~y of page advertisement i~ Coll.ins' Tourist AanBbook of ldorth Caroli;ia, at a cost of ~100.00 - jointly c+ith the City of ~"ilr~i~gton, ti~rhich i.~ the opinio~ of the Corrmissioners eJii.l be helpful. in ~dvertising the adv~nta~es snd resource~ of the Courty. A comriluni.cation and st3teme~t was received from the Board ~f tlana,gers ot J~s, ';Jalker ~pyg Hospital shov:~in~ ~ deficit oi ~ 1~1G1.6'J i^ the appronriation °or cost of treatment of indigent in-pa,tients for the ffio~th of July~ and a.sked that r„o^Lhly checks from the '-' City ..~d Cou~ty be incre~sed to an anount suf~'icient to cover the cost. Inv?stigation of such matters v;as referred to a cor.:mi.ttee to be appointed by the Ci~;,y and Courty at , a joint meeti*+g held Jul3r 19, 1950. Upor mcticn of hlr. Davis~ secondPd by T,:r. T.a~k~ the Board authorized the s»le of City- County ovrned ~ SE4 lot ? a^~ NE4 lot 3 ir b1.ocK 23, to Edn~ I4cfiei..l1 et al.s. ~ for $;;'700,00 ~~ or terms of ~50.00 c~sh 3nd b~1=~~ce of $'~j0.J0, to bP p3id v~her~ settlemr-..,t. is m3de with her ~y the Housin~ 4utharity for the purchase of he: home i~ blocic 24~ v:hich is loc3ted vaithin the colored housin~ nroject area.. subject to the ar.prova, of the City. 1rd the Ch~irr,:an ~^d thF C1_erk of tt~is Bo3rd 3re hereby ~uthorized and directed to to eaecute ~ deed conveyir~ the said property Y,•~ ~he said p3rties, or behalf of the County. Iu:r..i~u:rray James appeared to request ~n .a~:~ten.re~t of the taxes due by Andrew Jackson Fields~.block 68, for 1947 ~~d prior S~ears; overlooked t~y the examinin€ attorney, cl~imi-,g ,~a'~~ the~.sarne did nat appe~.r i~ the ^~me of the ov,•ner acco~znt of error in fsiling to nake the proper entry or the a=ses~r:ent records. 7'hi= request ~~r3s previ.ous7y reade and is nending with ths co~nmittee to w~hor~ it ~~;as refFrred. ^~ A statement cvss received fror: tne St,~.te Bo~rd of Fu"~li.c ~°elfare~ advising that $~41,409.99 was sent to this Courty for the month of September, i'or Old Age Assistance~ Aid to Dependent Chi3;dre~ ard admi~iatr~ti.on. t~_r. 0'Shields requested th~t ,~,r. J.I;.3ollis~ Supt., of Public ~~elfare~ be present at ne~t J~~/ Monda,ys meeting to discuss vahat ePfect increased social security payrnients rviil have on appropriations for Olp A~e 9~sistance. -~ ~1`"bl~:r. Davis recemr.~er.ded th~t the Plurr.bin~ l~spector be made a deputy sheriff, in viev% of the ~J nature of his duties. Tvo action va~s taken., The meeting then adjourned. ~.~_ 9.~. ~ ....~. ~Clerk. ~ ; !,. s , ~ / rlilir~^~ton~ S1. C.~ Gctober 9th 1950, The regular v~eetcly r..eetin~ o~ t~te ~c~rd vr~s held at 10:00 o'clock 1. ;4^, Thnrsto-+ C~.d7)~visFie~l_ett CYi~irr.~~, Geo *~;. Trask, ~~s. P;~. FIa11, C1aud 0'Shields~ d Q'oiart~' iLt01'^Py ;~.arsde~ ~el2~r~y. The r„a.~ute~ of r,;eeti.^~r of Octorerr ?~ ~QjO~ vrere read and ~pnroved as z•er.orded. IInv~ n;o~io~ 01' Tir. Tr~sk, recon-~e~ r,y I~`r. 0'SiiiP7_ds~ t;~e B~ard ~ecli.ned a reauest of ,~c~ E`r. Sci 3tcrnber~e:r~prese~ted at ,-cee~i~~ of Oc'tober ?rd~ to tra-~~.fer payr;ie~t of $;100,00 rrade by Alex~~der $erry~ v:~h: ch v~ras ~r:ni.ied o~ b~'ck t~axes due on tne i;Tu:Pt, lots 3,G~ a,~d 5~ ir b~ock,~4g8~ ta the ~;rT~ 1ot 6, Pt.S~ o*+ recor~rnenda.t?.on of t;he C•otint;~ :lttorney to tvhorr, it v:~as referred, o~ the grou^ds tha.t the paymeni; v~as al:plied or property owned by him, and i:here is no eaidence tnat thP ssme should ha.ve been applied on tne other 1ot which is ~ ch~,rced to 41eya~c~er $erry ~nd others. ~~~ ilpp*+ motion uf ~,~,•. p~Shiel.ds, secorded bt~ ~~4r, mr~sk, tiie Board decZ3-+ed to burchase ~ Bouble page spread adverti.sing space in t:he "Gir;let°~ a.t a cost of ~`436.50. The Cirr.let is ~ rr,agazi~,e -.--C,,~- of resort and vac~tion travel i^formation, pnblished' t~~rrica.a..year.by.la~r:':Johr"A,, Scqtt~ ., 551 5th'Avenue~ i?ev: lork City~ I^asmur_h as,the City h~s purcha,sed advertisi~+g~sp~ce a.t this time~ tne Courty v~i.li ~ive co-~sideration to the purchase of space in the *+ext issue ~pproximately'six r.,ontns from now; aiter '~ substztute motion offered b5~hir. Ha11 to ourcnase ha],f pa~e adverti.si^~ space failed of ~ reco~d, ~ , ir~i.ss Lo~very~ Y.OI^2 Derorsi;i~tio~~ ;.~~~~, p~~FSe~te~ a re~ort of~ the 3ctivities of her department ~ uc~~~yfor the mo~tn of Septen~ber, ~:hich ~r~s rFCeive~ a.~d ~il.ed. ;i~5.ss Loivery extended ~*? i~vit~tion ll to th~ mer;bers af the i~oard to at~e~d :•iie F~'1 Achieven,ent Day nrograni to be held at tne Ch~pe7. bu~7.di~g at ~iuethe^~}ia.1 4irport~ October 1~, 1~~0. I~ir. B. H. Ivlarsh~Jl~~r.~ r~;ecutiive lii~•ect.o~ oi ~ne u7ilmi^~to- ~ous~ng Authority~ presented ~~t~r~ the Bc~rd ~~~ith 3 checlc from tne Fublic F±eu.~i~~ :'idrnir9:,tr~tion in the ar.iount of 4?~917.29 representing ~ volurt~ry co~tr~bution 9.~ lieu of t~xes oh nousing projects for the year 7.950. L'iith reiere^ce to the Cou^t; e3-er.c:si~€ its priorit.y i~ t,ha m~ti:er of purch~sing housing u~its i~ i;i.3Pfitt Y"il J.~ge tzr~~ed 'u,~ ~i~F Fur].ic Fiot~sin~ 4uthorii;y to enable t!~.em to close tneir files. :,ir. Tr~sk r~over, ~n~7 it v:~s secorded bt i~,7r. Ha.~l and carried~ that inasmuch ~s it v.rould reqtzi.re a~ e~~'r,i.5~r a_ct ;,y the, legislature, which would ha,ve to be sub~zi.tted to a vote of the peo;~~1e~ decli-+=~ t'r_.e offer to purchase as the county is rot ir a position to purch~se tn~ pro~erty. The Eo~rd di.rected tnat 11r. A.R,Ha,~sor~ Di.rect;or of the Public Housin~ 4drt~1n15t,T'.t.7'o*~~ Fi~ chr;ord, ~~ .~ be 'a.dv~sed of `his a ct=on. ' !~ cony of 3 Iettei~ received t,y t.tr. John H. F~:re?1~ C~'BC717.1VE Secret3ry of the V:~ilrnirigto-~ ~,o~nmea~F/Chamrer of Commerce~ fronri~:r. Fclv~zi~ E, nond~ executive Director Associated Services~ riev+ York City~ advising that a f5elq represeni:ative v;iil visi~ this area soon to rn?ke a survey cf the needs i~ co^rectio+-~ with a progr~m for enlisted rnilitary ner~orrel, v~as re~d by the Chairu.an, ~~,~,ai A report of the Bur~au of Ide~tificata.on for September ~vas received a~d fi.led. An audit report of the Board of Hea.lth fo. the fiscal year erdirg ~une 30~ 1950~ prepared ,~~C~by i~,ir. Ha~ ry 1".'. Cherry~ CPA. ~ vras received a.~d referred to the C.ou+^ty 4ud~tor. y 'Jpon ir.otio^ of P~_r. Davis, seccnded by T.ir. 0'Shields~ Ca~rie Ballard vras grantPd a refu~d r~'l of ~;:2.32 taxes paid tvaice on lot 5, i~ b?ock IJ_~ Love Grove, for tne ye3r 194F3. ~ A request of i~i:. C.:J.Fulzord f.or a reductior of the $'~?~000.00 assess~:ent on house located ~ --~~ on lot 20 a*,d ~C~z ir block 33, Sunset Parks vrh~ch he cl~ims consbruction'_~vas rot st3rted ~~' 1.1nti1 Lecember 19~+9~ ~~^d o~ly ~bou~ ore tnird conpleted o~ Ja~u3ry l~ 1950~ v~as refei•red ~o the corr:mittee £or inve~tiga.tio^ a.rd v:'ith porer to ,ect. Upor, m~otion of T~Ir. Tr~sk~ secorded b~ L'.r. Davis, ti~e iax Co~).ector vaas a.uthorizeq to aecept --~ p~yn;e+~t i~ settlFrnent oi t~xes for the ~~e~rs ~g4g ar,d 19i0, o~ 20 acres. of l~nd~ part of ' ~~0,~ 713,4 acres It. F;. ;'reerea-+ Heirs~ o^ the i.iver• Fio3d, reder~J_ Point to~v^ship~ sold to . l~irs. Arnel,ia Bicidle~ on an a.sses~r,:e^t ~~sis oi ,r~'S.OC ner acre~ to enabie her to clear the taxes due or s~r;e for tne s~i.d ye~rs. ~ 9 request of i~ir. i':alter P. Spru~t to 'ne re~_eased fr~r~ the payir,ert of interest charge on ~;iG.30 t~c?c ta~es due on property, n~rt of "Sha~dy I-iall" Greenvi~Ie ~ou~d~ Harnett tova~shzpy ~~aX i'or the year 1945~ t~as upor mot?or o~ i~:r. Tz~~sk~ seco~ded by I:?r. 0'Shi.e].ds~ decli~ed oT the opinio^ of t.he Cou~t;~ ~~' i.or^e~ th~i: 1he Cou~ty has. no 1ega.1 a.uthority to abate tne i^terest. 4. request of irlrs. Emi1e E. P,icEachern for a reductio^ oP the ~~6~OGG.00 assessment on her house , ~`~IXX o^ lot ?9 01ea~der, accou~t~of the upper floor not compl_eted~~vra.s^ref~rred to the corrunittee ~ with power to act. ~~/ Upor motio~ of htr. Davis ~ seconded by n4r. 0' Shie'~ds ~ payn:ent of ~12.50 t~o the Plational .f~'"" Sheriffs' Associatior for. members~ip dues for the Sheriff, vJas authorized. Upon rnotion~ duly seconded, al~at,ement oi taxes in the follovaing cases for the reasons ' ~~x sho~~rn, c;ere authorized: / J~ E.1x•. B. A. Flor~ers~ Clilmin~ton Tov:~nship, po13 taxes f~r the yee:r 1950~ account double charge. i~;r.Vernon_H. Brindell, VTilmin~ton tov,nship, ~6,102.00 ~tock listed for $678.00 and ch~Ged in error "at 56~780.00. I,frs. Dave S. Ramseur~ ~05 t?alnut S'C.~ ~180.00 1936::0?d."s.~obile double charge for 1°50. t:s. A..~.F~irig; I?srnett toernship, Cit,y taxes on ~: valuation of $680.00 personal property _ in F?arnett torrnship ch~rged in G'lilmington in error. ~ 1y7rs. Isom ;7. Harrelson, 3`~0 Co~.~an St. ~~445.00 Chevrolet Truck, ~ted Book Value $6?.0.00 charged in error at ~1~065.00. P.9r. Ottie R._Pi.ner, Harnett Tou,nship, ~~.35.00 for 1949 and $635.00 for 1950, error, double charge lo't 6, Edgev~ater. The s~id lot wr~s listed and taxes paid by B.J.'hite for the , said years. Richerd_I~n~nde, 410 Or~nge Street, on a valuation ot ~350.00 and poll account of double ' churge for 1950. • I I ~ ~~.h s P,4eet;n~ of October 9th 1°50~ continued. / Qp~S The follov~ing good and laa•~ful persons •~,ere drawn to serve as jurors in the superior J~`~ court for the triul o~` c~ses for~the mixed term beginnin~; PJovember 6~ 1~50; C.C.Peterson~ 108 Red Cross St. L.H.'~atters, Sr., RFD #1. Allan C. Aoffr~an~ 2870 F~ Jefferson St. Linv~ood A. Le~~+is ~ 712 S. '3rd ~ St. O.A.~'Talsn, 23?1 1:iarket ct. J.F.fIughes, 6G2 S. Front St. L.H.Y,ni~ht, Jr.~ 109 P.?orningside Drive. L.B.Bennett, 24 ;"rightsvi'_le F.ve. B.F.RYiodes~ 2020 Creasy-Avenue. R.E.Vl~tllace, 81I S. Front Street, P.7rs. Chas. S. Grainger~ Jr., 1916 Queen ~t. G.F.~'du1PY~ FIt.2~ Box 225. C.I.T.Laavrenee, Jr., 318 ',trignt St. A_.C.Low~ 133 Keaton :,ve. Jno. P,?. Vines~ 3ID2 AT. 5th 5t. 4~m:.A. Bakers ?914 S. Front St. D.F.Lockzmy, 12D Castle St. Louis F~. Hufnar.., Jr.', 61~~ S. 5th 5t. ?i.J.Loflin~ 3010 Adams St. L.I~.CliPton~ 720 Greenfield St. J~~s. H. Hogan, 33 Lee ~rive. F.C.GriPfith, 19~0 C.reesy Ave. G,B.Powell, 1506 S. 4tn St. J~s. P~i. Henderson, 519 Gr~+ce St. C.B.Holden, Jr., 15 Ct. Y, Lake Forest. Fx~nold F. Potter , 117 Castle St. J. R. hlyers, RFD ~2. ai.L.Humphrey, 114 4Jrightsville tive. C.F...Di:lon~ 2811 F'.'r~shington St. E.D.Aricerson, 1414 Pock 5t. ?;',49,Hu~;ins~Jr.~ 2710 P.2onroe St. Carl xl. Kir~, 91 8pofford P;4ills. VJ.Fi.Vollers, 2503 Princess 5treet Road. Jas.l~P.'1~ladsv~orth~ 130 Colonial Village. L.J.Heath~ 9-N~ Lake Fore~t. J.E.Hinnunt, RI~'D #3. A.D.Peterson, 1801 PTun Street. C.F.Nudson, 126 Lake Forest P<^.rkw.^y. 19.T.Bul1<sd~ 2509 Jefferson St. ~..H.C,raham~l6-V Lake Forest. Eunter S. Key~ 36 n;oodlavm F~ve. F.L.Huggins~ 7 S. 14th St. J.H.H.Tiencken, 1513 ,Ann St. Vernon f:err, Ca: tle H~~yne. i7.F.Groves, YP4CA. 49.F~.Holt, ?_16z S. 9th St. - Jas. B. Holder, 24 Ct.T~ Lake Forest. Vlhis Hufham,Jr., 8 Ct.P~ Lake Forest. Roberi; Kallam~ 701 i~:iarket St. H.K.Goode, 20 P1. 25th St. ~p Upon motion of t:;r. 0'Shields, instructions ~rere given to e:rite the Bo<rd of Commissioners ~ab~\ of Sampson County, congratulatir~ them upon the completion of their 100 bed hospital. The meetir~ then adjourned. ~h...,~ SA_ _~~ Clerk. ~ :'iilrri~€-i:o~, TQ. C.~ October 16~ 195~• 2he regula.r ir;eek7.y rneetin~* of the Boai•d vr~s held at 10:00 o'clock A. I;i. Prese^t: Addison Hev:lett; Cnairrra~, Geo. i'+. ir3sk, Jas. L~. Hai7.~ Claud G'Shields~ ThuzGto~ C. Davis a~d Cou~t;~ 4itor~ey i~.~rsde~ Fse'~ar~y. The rrinutes of rueeti~~- of October >, ]_95G~ t~r~re :ead and anprove~ as ~ecorded. 4 co~tract tc remove tne oid r~oii^~ fror~ tne e~tire roof surface of the Cape Fear ° Artillex•y fiui.ldi*+g~ 87.4 ;~3~rket Street~ ovr~ed joi.+~tly by the City ~nd County~ a-+d apply a Barretts 15 ye?r t~~pe bonded roof, _^st?~1 conplete ~ew bui7t-up b3se fl3shing, a>,d r:aterproofi+~g p~rapets v~311s, at a tctal cost of wh1,G31.92, v.~as unon motior of bir.D~visy seconded by ii:r. G'Shields~ av~~arded to ila~over iro~ Vdorks~ on a joi.rt hasis of cost vritP, the City of Y.'iini^~ton~ i~ ~ccorda.nce ~~aith hi.d of June 'J~ ]_950. ^the o^ly other bid received for horded roof, ~n~as Sor a te~ ye~r guarartee from P. S. Piver & Compar+y at a cost of w1~824.00. At the request of the Board, i~dr. J. H. Ho?lis anpeared and prese~ted tne foliowing -~~ prepared sta.tement concer~ing Old Age Assista.,ce a,rd Aiq 1:o Dependent Children payments: t~' ~ , " Prior to Octcber lst 1948~ th~ State and rederal_ Governroents paid or Old Age Assist~rce a~J.l6 for e3ch doilar spent by S1evi fiar.over Cou^ty~ aTd for Aid for Depemdent Chi].dren ~'4,92 for each cou~+ty dol.lar., On October 1,~ 1948, the perce~t~ge of payment w~s r3ised to 9h6.30 per cou^ty dollar for Old Age Assista~ce a~d S'6.40 for Aid for Dependent Childre~. • This CP3n~c8 was n~de after our budget vras a3opted~ but because o£ i~creased Federal money . we were able to ra.ise ~rants in Uoth cate~ories for the remai~der of the 1948-1949 fisca.l ye3r~ a~d i^ June of 1°49 v:e were avera.~i^@ Y;30.51 for Old A~e Assistance and ~56.y3 per . family for A~d for Dependent Cnild?e-~. I~ It4ay 1949 i^ r:,aki^g our 1949-19~0 l:udget; vue used these same averages a~d the bu8get was te.+tatively ~Fproved at ~ha,t b~si.s, but i°he~ t.he bud~et v,as fi~all.y approved the O.A.A. budget v~~s cut $~10~~?1.50 3~a the A. D. C. ;'7~002_.00~ 1,'.ultiplyi*.g thPSe figures by the St~te a~d uederal fu~ds, tne G~d 4pe ~ssist.~nce bud~et ~~as actua~ly reduced ~65~0?5.45 a~d the Aid for Depe~de~t Ch'~dre^ bur.pet ~~44,812.80. I~ order to t-~ke care of this reduction,.vae had i,o cut ~r~^ts i~ both c3tegories, so by Ju~e 195~ we were only aver3ging $'?4.65 per mo^th for C.~1.4. ~~d ~ 57..~3 ner iac~ily for 9.D.C. Due to t:~e i~crease i.~ Sentett:ber 19r0 of the ~ld Age a~d Survivers ]:nsur~~ce~ we h~ve been able to,tErrir~te sor.,e G.1.A. gra~ts a~d to rer'uce a~ood rr~ny others, 3~d rrith this saving w~e ~re now pla^~i^g to r~ise the 0.~.9. ~ra~ts to a~ average of about ~ 30.00~ but if the . a.pplicata~o~s c~~ti~ue to cor.~.e i^ ~t t;he prese~t rate, ~ve m~y have to ask for a small i^crease i^ the courty appropr~ations wher vre make up our t951-~95? budget. 1~1e are prep~ring to reduce the A. D. C. gra~ts because our present budget wi~l ~ot a,llow us to conti~ue our presert average. You vrill perh~ps recall that we requested an inc:ease of ~4~7'79.00 i~ this c~tegory~ but this v+as e7_iminated i~ the final ~dopti.or of the budget. Old Age a*+d Survivors I~surance is a.ffecting some A. D. C. ~ra.hts but not . enough yet to offset the -+umber of applications.t0 ' I~~r. James C. Pe~~ington of the Pe~ningto~ Flyirg Se7~vice~~xBl.e~abhenthal Field~ appeared to ", .~ request a meetin~ vrith tne Airport Comrnittee for the purpose of reaching an~a~reex~e.+t ~ concerninp, his future opera..tions;to e~able him to COnt:inUP. the operatio^ of his flying , ~U~~~ service, ~vithout lo~s, and that hi"s operati~g expense, ~ r~rnecked, by the Coupty' Auditor a.-,d. given consideratioh i~ tne prep~ration of the'contract~ vrhic~^~e sa.id ha.s bee~ pendirg with the airport ma~~gerr.e-+t since Ju13 of I,ast year. ~ ~~ A report of the acticities of t;he Farn~: Uemonctr~a.ti_or Agent for September was received ~,' a~d filed. -~ ~ , ~ ~~.~ L~eeti~g of October )6, 1950, co~ti~ued. . ~~ lipon motior of I~.'r. 0'Sh?e~ds~ sec~rcied by I,=r. Davis~ the Board directed th~t aoprepri~te r•esolutions be nrepared a^~3 ~orwa.rded to tne fantily o~ the death of t~:r. Joh~ L. Ski~ner of Littleton, p3, C.~ who for twenty-seven years was Secretary a~d Trea~urer of the St~te Associatio~ o£ County Commissioners~ *rrho passed away on'Saturday, October 14th 195~, followi+,g i~juries received i~ an automobile accident October 9th. A motior offered by i~4r. Trask to anpoirt a~,roup of fielv Har.over Cou^ty Farmers to G ~ as r1ew Har,over County Farmers Cou~cii and Ad~risory Committee to work with our F~rrr, -~`/ f~gen~s i~ cooberation with the State Agriculture Department for the betterment of co~ditions in the Cou^ty, a~d pla.ced i~ ~omin~tio~ the following to serve on said Committee, P,~essrs A. Schle~el, Temporary Chairr.:a~, A. G. Seitter~ P~~'aurice Emmer~, J. H. Olsen and C. Leeua*e+,burg, was seconded by I~ir. Davis and u^ahimously adopted. be knotvn '~ Der~onstr~tion our farmi~g Advisory J.D.P~4cCarley~ Upon r.~otion of i~4r. Ha1 i, seconded b}~ I~'r, Dsvis~ I:'r. Hal J. Love~ Courty Cou;nissioner nominee ~`(~C-. v~ras extendad a.n invitatio~ to atte-,d our v.eekly r.eeti.~~s to acqu~int hirt,'self with the procedure of the Boa.rd beiore t3kin~ his seat Decer;ber 4th, :~ ~;i A communication vras recei.ved fror,i T,ir. ihou~~s R. Grre~?,requFStinp, that this Board take such ~.ction necessar~- to have the Si:~.te Highv,ay 3~a p:blic Fdorks Cor~issio~ aba~don th~t par.t of p\ State Highway 421 f~~o~: Fort F~sher to the "Rocxs", v;L~.ch portio~ of said highv.ay ha.s been ----~-~~i repl3ced by a recv St1te Highv;~y to ihe c:~est of the sane. ~Upon moEio~ of t::z. Hall~ seco~ded by :v,r. Tiavis~ instructiors t~+ere pive-+ to v;rite .,:r. R. V. °ibersteir, District 5tate I-iighv~~ay E-~~ineer to co~fer i~~iLh the Cou~ty :?ttor~ey o~ the m3tter. Instructions v;ere also given to ~ follov~-up the petition request for State li~3i^te~ance of the Old I~:ilitery road from the Ethyl-Dow Plart to Fort F~sher. ,., ~Q~ The t~x oPfice reported that y4,232.~0 1~ack t~yes w~s coll_ecteri for the Ci.ty a-+a ~3,Sa6.45 .£or the Cou~ty, maki~g ? tote' of ~~,n'7y,~.j coii.ected for the r,~o~th oi Sep~ember. y~~! Upor motior of i~9r, iiall, second~d ~y Is1r. D~.vis, payme~t of ~'20.OG to i~ir. 'JJ.i:.A7.len, Civi.l ~ Engineer, ior service rendered i~ ?ocati~p 1i~e markers of the cou~ty land recently purchased from Iair. Herbert B?uetherthal, v~as a„proved. Communicatio~s vzere received from the 5tate Highway a~d'Public ihiorks Canmi~sion, advlsing th~t .64 of a. mile of St. ~oseph Sti~eet at Caro?i~a Beach, .2 of a mi1.e, Pinecrest Urive through Avondale from U5~~4/~6 to the Tide ~f:~ater Po~^rer CoMpary rigkit-of-way~ .6 of a mile lOth Street~ ~~`' Park Avenue,~ from rlora7 Parkway to Audubon Boulevard, Peachtree Avenue~ from rl.oral Faricu~ay /• to Auduban Eoulevard;.2, of a rnile i~ttle kcres at rort Fisher;.85 of a. mile Cou~try Club Eoulevard~ Azalea Drive, Fair~Fray Prive a~d Highland Drive~ i^ Highland Hiils and Bonham venue~ were added to our county highvray systerr. at its meeti.ng held o++ September 29~ 195~. , ~- SvN Builders Risk Insurance in the amount of ~,'75'~000.00 coverage o~ the John C. Wessell Tuberculosis ~~ San~torium during CO+'~StT`UCtlOn~ was u~o~ inotio~ of i~4r•. Davis, seco~ded by P4:r. Ha.11, anproved. lipon rr,otion, i,tr. J.C.Hayes, ?_534 Harra.sor Street u~ho is ch~rged as not listed ivith ~.'4~425.00 !,~- personal property brought £crtYard from his last years list, ard N1Y10 cl:~ims he di~ not ov~n that amount~ v;as pern;itted to list arit~~ tne Cou^ty Auditor~ such property he owned on 3aruary lst 1950~ a~l ab~te ths dif~eTe*~ce aftei~ erediti~g the an=ount brought foi~nard V~ith amount he lists for the year 1950. .~ ~liX Upon notion, duly seco~ded~ tne foilowi^p ~baterre~ts to correct errors were authorized: ~~~ ~Arkarsas Fuel Oil Compa~y~ abatemert of taxes o~ a v~iiz~ti.on of ~3o,a5o.00 personal property ss to City taxes only, o~ ~oods-~~i~res ~x T~idse. ~ located i.~ Icasonboro township ch~rged w*ith City taxes ir error. ~ft. J. ~"hite~ i~dilmi~~ton Tov;nship~ ~oved he?•e from Sav?~rah~ Ga.~ latter p~xt of Dece~nber, ababe taxes on a v~lu~tio^ of ~700.00 houseY~old ~oods purchased January 16~ 1950, listed by hi~ wife in error o^ Ju1y 22, 1~50,! ~,Yrs. V;~. ;r:. Peck~ abate ta.y.e.s on .~ vslu~ti.or of ~~5.00~ lot 69 South Ti1rr~i.ngton Place acrouht of double charge. ;r, ~Louis Costses~ r018 IvIarket Street, ab~tett~ent of taxes or a valu~tion of ~3,00o.00,r^ixtures ~ccou*+t of dmuble charge. The same i~~as i^cluded in fixtures l.isted ~L him i~ the name of ' iv,ayflower Grill,• 308 Td. Front Street. 1Iv.rs, Rose Alle~ Ficot~ T~'rightsville Eeach~ ~+,~300.00 household goods exerr~pt by law.She listed no other household goods for the year 1950 C ~~ , ~Alle., L, Brow.,, fiarnett tovlnship~ $;420:~0 personal, ~2.00 poll and $;'4.26 not listed peralty, 1ot226 i~ block D~ Fineywoods? account of double charge a,~d brought forvrard from a previous listing for the year 1950, i~ error. JIt~rs. E. G. Patterson~ 511 Sunset Avenue, ta~:es abated on a va.luatioh of ~2~085.00 persoral property brought forward from her late husbards 1949 list and charged in error as not listed~ a.+'d doub7.e charge, lot 6, ir block A, Su~set Fii~ ls, together i•rith po~l and not listed pe~alty, ~The personal property ivas listed for said year by nis utife. ~Geo. L. Peschau~ Vdilmi~gton Town5hip~ taxes ~ba.ted o~ a valuatioT of ~390.00 househozd ~~d kitcher furni.ture a^d library listed above its value in error for the yea~~ 1950, ~Railway Express Agercy} t~a:es abated o^ a valuation of F~io,555•00~ corporate eycess charged in error for the year 1950. •hIrs. KatheriTe Vol.lers ~vas grarted ~ reiu-~d oS taxes paid or ~ valuation of ~525•00 on five acres of land, Hock Road~ Harnett towrship~ charged agairst her in error on quit claim deed froM Henerietta Pettvray, ard tne s~r;~e ordered ch~rged 'oaclc to iie*~~rietta Pettway for the 3~ears ~G49.;a•,d 1950• .~ A request for reductio^ of assessn:e~ts or property i.^ bloclc 49~ a~d lot 12, i^ block 12~ Prircess ~~nV P13ce~ on complaint of Geor~e Spicer ~^d 4'ia.de Thon;as Crav,~ford, respectively, was referrsd to "Y the Ch~irmar ard Tax Assessors for reviev~ a.~d report to the i3oard at the rext meetirg. ~~ report o~ hoiler i~snectiors nade by ~'he Hartiord Steae~ Boiler ~nspection a~d Insurance Co.~ ~ ~~g}~'~ at the County Home, advisi^g tn~t ^o co-ditions v~ere observed that require ~ttentio~ at this ~-- time~ were received a.rd fi].ed. ~ Upon rr.otio-+ of T~Is. Trask~ secorded by I:r. ~,'~~ nhysic~lly dis~bled citizens ticere ~ranted ^ ' ' ~ppt, ~ of Fublic V~%elfare. f~~Upo» motio.+ of i~~,r. Trask~ seco.-ded by P;ir. for payme~t. The me,e~t~' g then adjourned~ ^~J`.3~ .13G~~lerk. rt D~vis~ 'u~il.7.iam Y:ing a~d ~`~i~1.i.e De~~is~ tvro colored 3dmissio*+ to the County Iiome o~ recomnendation of t.'2e H37_1 ~ Cou~ty hi '~ s r; os .3482 . to 3754 Vrere approved I , ~' } 1 ~ ~. ~ ' k Wilmi~gtor, P*,. C.~ October 23~ 1950. The regula,r weekly meeting of the Board was held at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman~ Geo. W. Trask~ Jas. M. Hail, Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis and Cou~ty Attorney I~rsden Bellamy. . The mi~utes o£ meeti~g of Oetober 16~ 1950~ were read ard approved as recorded. Copies o£ commu~icatio*+s writte~ by Mr. Louis T. Moore~ Chairman. of 'the Idew Hanover Cou~ty Historic Commissio~ to the Press ard A~ir. Alexander Wetmore, Secretary di the. ~ Smithso~ia^ I~stitute, PTashi~gto~, D. C.~ requesting that a represe~tative of the i~stitutio~ be se~t here to make a study of iron caskett of possible colonial-day /~~ . usage, urearthed at the Cou~ty Home premises last Thursday, October 19, was r.ead ~~ by Mr.. 0'Shields. It was agreeable to the Board that reburi~l of the coffin be delayed for a few days pending receipt of reply from n4r. Nletmore. " A request of IDIr, W. K. Rhodes to permit the Cape Fear Horse Show Association put on ~~~ a horse show at Legio~ Stadium Su^day, October 29, Mrs. R, M. Rice who had previously e^gaged the Stadinm for a similar purpose on. that date,co~se~ti~~, was gra~ted. , . ~ `: . s A request of ta~e~ty-four property ow~ers of Har~ett Tow.,ship~ requesting that Page ~ Avenue,which ru~s from the Old Wrightsviile Highway to Meares Road, be added to the •.~: ~~ Cou-+ty Highway System for State mai~te^a~ce, prepared on State Form R,10- was upon l motion of Mr, Davis, seconded by A~Ir, Ha~_1, approved a~d referred to Dflr. A. Wilbur Clark, • Third Divisior State Highway Commissioner at Fayetteville~ TT.C., for consideration. ~ ~,~ A circulatio+, a~d fi~a~cial report of the ~Tilmi~gto~ Public Library for September,v~as _,~~' received a~d filed. ~ A statement was received from the State Board of Public Vdelfare showing that $118~321.Oo ` ~j as the amourt set-np to be raised,by the Cou*+ty for Old Age Assista.,ce~ Aid to Depender+t ~ Chuldre~ a~d for Administratior for the year 1950-1951. S The following repo~t on examination of a sample of water from the new well at the -5 John C. PJessell Tuber.culosis Sa~atorium~ prepared by Mr. L.I.Lassiter~ Sanitary E«+gineer~ was received: px 7.8 Alkalinity 174 Chlorides 19 Hard~ess 160 parts per million. 11 .M 11 M t~ M A~ iro~ determinatio~ was not made, but the sample shows ~o color of iro~ after remai~.ing i~ a~ ope~ bottle for several days, indicating that the iro~ co~te~t is low. The figures for pH a~d alkali*+ity ihdicate that the water is relatively stable, and wi7.1 probably ~ot dissolve much iro~ from the distributio~ system. The hard~ess i~ rather high, but that is the case erith rearly all deep-well v~aters in this area. There was a defi+~ite odor of hydrogen sulfide i^ the freshly-drawh sample. . h Results of the bacteriological test i~dicate that the water is safe -`~ for dri^ki-~g. Very trul_y yours~ ~ ~ ; /S/ L.I.Lassiter •' Sa~itary E~gi~eer. ' _~ The matter of purchasi~g ard-the ki*+d of pump to purchase £or the deep~rrell water '' supply at the Tuberculosis Saratorium was referred to the committee with power to act. Offers of Mr. Thomas H. Wright,to purchase C1ty-Cou~ty owned property in block 200 at ~~ $150.00• James Da»iles~ 1105 Fanning S~e~t, block 272 at $100.00~and J.H.Holmes block ~/~ ~2j 340 at ~100.00, were received for co~sideration with the City a~d to ascertain their appraised value. . . • Upo~ motion of ffir. Davis, secotided by Mr. 0'Shields~ ,.+ appropriation of $1~000.00 was ~ granted out of the advertising fund to match a like amourt to be appropriated by the ~ _~ City of Wilmington~ taward an expe.+se of ~6~000.00 needed for a survey to be made by a competer,t perso~ to be recommen.ded by the Urited States Departmert of Commerce for a , suitable locatior for the establishme~t of a steel mill In this area. ~3~000.00 to be appropriated by the State Department of Con.servatio~ ard Development and ~`1~000.00 by ' the State Poi~ts Authority. The appropriatio.+, i~ the opitiior of the Board, is to the ~ best interest o£ the Cou~ty i~ advertisi^g its adva~tages a~d resources. . Upon motion, duly seco*+ded, abateme~~:of taxes i~ the fo7,lowing cases~to correct errors ~ju~ J' in listing~ were gra~ted: ~ ` J • W.O.Green, 821 Dock Street, born February 9, 1899, poll tax abated account of over age, 4 -R. B. Howard~ Elizabeth City, moved £rom this cou~ty fall of 1949, abated taxes on a valuatioTM of $6~,460.00 perso~al aTd poll brough forward from last years list a~d charged as ~ot listed i^ error, provided affidavit is fur~ished to the effect that he was ~ot a reside~t of this cou~ty Ja~uary 1, 1949, and had .+o perso~al property here to ~ list. ~ . ~ L. Y. Styre heirs, n2asonboro Tow-+ship~ abated taxes on a valuat3o++ of ~95.00 household goods charg.eu o~-"real estate list in error. House was burned several . years ago. . ~Taubma„s~ Irc.~ $5,500.00 perso~al property abated.Charged as ~ot listed i~ error~ . ,~- Out of busi~ess for two years. ~Moore Insura~ce Company,~60.00 perso.±al charged as +,ot listed~included in $200.00 .. perso~al property listed regular. Double Charge: ~• • ~ M.G.VonOlsen, abated tax or a valuation of 96730.00 charged as ~ot listed in error~ .;•..,~ Same irrcluded in a valuation o£ $800.00 listed by Geo.VonOlsen. Double char~e. •~• :~ ~ ~~: . ,_., ~ 2~ ~ , Meeting of October 23~ ~950, conti~ued. ' ~ ~ ~;-1. A packard automobile listed by J. B. King, ~E nTesbitt Court~ for the year 1950, which v he claims to have had on trial, but did not purchase, and asked for a., abateme„t of taxes, ~ p h was ordered charged to the ow*+er of title as of Ja.,uary 1~ 1950. ,,, Upon motio~ of Mr. Davis, seconded by Nir. 0'Shields, the Board authorized the payment of $8.00 per day for from three to five weeks, an.d approximately,~35•00 each for two ~ ambulance trips for expense for a revision thorocoplasty operatio~ at Duke Hospital for ~~ ~ B~rs. 0. B. Hi~~ant a New Hanover Courty patient at the State Sa~atorium, recommended by Dr. Meredith Joh~son and requested by the Supt.~ oP Public Welfare. ~/ Upo~ motion of h~r. 0'Shields~ seco~ded by b,r. Davis~ payment of $81.14 eape*+se i~curred by ~. ~ aQ3~ Mr. He„ry Boyd,Js:, Airport Ma~ager, in attendance upon Southeast Airport t~a~agers Asso.~ G`~ at Montgomery, Ala.~ October 9th a~d lOth~ and Airport Manageme.+t dc Operations Confere++ce , ' ~at Iv'orman, Okla.~ October 12th and 13th. ~ , • Upon motion, Hugh btacRae & Compa~y v~as granted an abaLeme~t of taxes o~ a valuatio*+ of ~$50.00~ lots 2 a~d 3~ i~ block H, Wi~ter.Park Heights, Harrett Township~ which is included ~. in lots 300 a.+d 301 Pi~ey Woods, sold to a~d listed by Mr. Waddell Waters for the year 195~. ~ Upon motion of Mr. 0'5hields, seconded by Nr. Trask~ irstructions were given to request ~~ , ~~~ the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company to move its loading platform at Wrightsboro a sufficient distance North not to obstruct highway crossing at that point,while loadi*+g. ' The County Attorney reported that he could fi~d .+o reason why the Courty should relinquish _~(RU the taxes on the property of Andrew Jackso„ Fields, block 68, requested by Mr. Murray James account of impropper set-up o^ our tax assessment records a*+d therefore overlooked by the examining attorney. Inasmuch as the matter is-.;in.liti~ation:•the:.Conrtq_At~torney'.secomnand'e,d that it be thrashed.ouL in the court::. Upon motio~ of Il~r. Davis, secorded by Mr. 0'Shie.lds, the ` recommendatior of the Cou*+ty Attor-+ey was accepted. ' The meeti~g then adjourned. ~ ~ iG~'~-~1- Clerk. ~ Wilmi^gtor, N. C., October 30, 195~. ~., : The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held at 10:00 o'clock A. M. .• Prese~t: Addisor Hewlett Chairman, Geo. VJ. Trask, Tas. M. Hall~ Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis a~d Courty Attor~ey Marsde~ Bellamy. , The minutes of ineeting of October 23~ 1.950~ were read a~d approved as recorded. A request of D~r. Hugh M.orto~.th~t ~ slight cha~ge be made i~ the Battle Acre road at Fort Fisher, P~hich was approved by the State HighP~ay a~d Public Works Commission ,~1 September 29, 1950, as origi~ally requested, by co~tiruing the soad along a~part_.'of the old /~'6y right-of-way o~ the east side i~ a south-westvrardly directio~ to its intersectio~ with ,~ State Highwsy 421 approxinately 450 feet south of Battle Acre, i~ lieu of the~preposed road on the south side of Battle Acre origi^ally requested, vrhich would a~swer a dual purpose by affordi~g access to a biari~e Life Studio v,hich is to be co~structed i~ that area ir the near futures was upo~ motio^ of b:r. Trask, seco~ded by B~r. 0'Shields, u*+a~imously :.~,. approved a^d referred to the State Highv~ay a~d Fublic Works Commission, for its approval. •~ ~ A petition of 13 property ow~ers of South Wilmi~gto~ Place~ MasonboI'o Tow~shlp~ for drainage improveme+~ts by ope-~ing a drai~age ditch alo~g the line-: of Dobsor Ave~ue ~~ and rorth line of the land of the petitioners, vras upor motio~ of Mr. Davis~ seconded • by 44r. Trask, approved ard the relief requested to be give.± as soo~ as possible. Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Hall~ the Board approved revised plans for the corstructior of a~urses home at the Joh~ C. 9Pessell Tuberculosis SaTatorium, prepared by Messrs. Ly~ch and Foard~ Architects, calfiing for al:ter~ates on threA types-of construction, ~~~ S concrete block~ brick veneer or frame with asbestos shi~.gle siding. And ordered that ~ advertiseme~t be made for bids for the constructior of same to be received u~til 10:00 o'clock A.M.~ Mondap~ November 13~ 195~, at which time they will be publicly opened and read. The Commissioners reserving the right to re~est any or all bids, ard to waive any . Formalities. The purchase of 67~ belts at 65¢ each, ahd 61 badges at .18¢ each, for the Ju~ior Traffic Officers requested by the Sheriff, was upo~ motio~ of Mr. Hall~ secorded by &Ir. Davis, , ~ i5~` authoriz~'d. .~ /\p5~e~b6A report of the Courty Electrical I~spector for September eras received and filed. A statemeht of charity patients from Wi].mirgto~ ~~d New Hanover Cou~ty treated at James ~~~os~ Alalker Memorial Hospital duri~g the mo*+th of August 195~~ vras received a.+d filed. ~. Upon motion of Nir. 0'Shields~ seconded by Mr. -avis~ abatements to correct errors i~ . ~'~pX the following tax list~•,- were authorized; for the reasors shown: -5`-M rs. Ellen Sellers~ Wilmi~gto^ Tow~ship~ tax.es or a valuatio.+ of ~75.00 abated o.+ account of - double charge, 1949 I*+ternational Truck listed by Ellen L. Watters for 195~• '~Ida Bell Abernathy, Federal Poi~t Towr.ship~ taxes abated as to Carolina Beach o~ly on a ~ ' valuatio~ of $1,200.00, lot 20, block 34 Fort Fisher a^d ~930.00 perso~al outside of the City limits o£ Caroli^a Beach, charged with Carol.i^a Beach taxes i~ error. ~H.M.Leneave~ ll:aso^boro Tow~ship~ tar.es o^ a v~luatio~ of $225.00 a~d poll abated accou~t of double charge. Perso^al property was listed o~ perso~al sheet regular, ard also i~cluded in .. . perso~al brought forvrard from last year~ list a^d charged agai*+st real estate as „ot listed. ~ Joh^ Smith, Wilmi^gtor Tow~ship~ t~xes o^ a valuatior of ~700.00 part of EM lot 1~ 1~ block _ M ~ 37~ abated o~ account of double cher~e for the year 1948. ~ Ar~ie u. Swett, Wil_r~i~~to^ Tow^ship~ taxes o~ a valuatiog of $350.00 EMPt. lot 1, i~ block 234 ~~ -;. ° abated~ double charge.~ 1948. , . I ~~Q Meeti~g of October 30~ 1950~ co~ti~ued. C. V. Nobles~ lo~ ~}a~` abated account of said years. •Aulin.e G. Stoutz, listed by Thomas 17, in block 3'J, Su^set Park, taxss For the years 1948~1949 and 195~~ error and double charge. The same vaas 1lsted by W.H.Johnso~ for the lot 814 ~agnolia Place, double charge for 1948 a~d 1949, Same was 3. bSat~aew s-a t$1, 000 .00 . A request of. Mr. Emery b~urray and Mr. Ernest Whitaker for ar abatemert of taxes on automobiles listed for the year 1950~ o~ accou*+t of bei~g i~ the armed service, was /U~ upon motion of ~r. 0'Shields, seco~ded by hTr. Davis~ declined on the opinion of the County Attor*,ey that perso~al exi~ti~g 1n t,h~s cou~ty o~ Ja~uary 1, is taxable. Consideration may be given to the exemptio~ of taxes o~ personal property ow.+ed by a member of the armed forces residi~g here temporary o~ January 1, awaiting transportatio^ to a destinatio~ to v~hich he has beer assig~ed. ~/ An audit report o£ the ABC Board for three mo~ths period e~ding September 30~ 195~~ • / 0~~~ prepared by Mr. J. Neveland Brand~ Jr.~ CPA~ was received and filed. Ar offer of Sadie Hughes, of 11349 White Hor~e~ Romulus, A4ichigan, to redeem her old home, ; ~ City-Cou~ty ow~ed property i~ block 240, bought-i~ for taxes~ and assessed 8~r $125.00 and appraided at ~250.00, was upo~ moti.o^ of Mr. Trask, seconded~ by Mr. Davis~ approved ~ ~ at a sales price of $250.00. A~d the Chairman a~d the C1erk x~ere authorized a~d directed ~ ~ ~ to execute a deed conveyi~g the same to her o~ behalf of the County., Sub~ect to City approvai. ~ A copy of the mi~utes of the meetirg of the Board of Trustees of Community Hospital of _ September 13~ 1950, were received a~d filed. An offer of Chas. D. Evans to purchase the SEPt. lot 5~ iT block 37, 33 x 7.65, assessed , at $300.00, City-Couhty owr.ed~ on which to move his home which is ~ow located i~ the .. `~~ Robert R. Jervay'Housing Project area, was upor motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. 0'Shields~ approved at $400.00. A~d the Chairman an.d Clerk of the.Board were authorized and directed to execute a deed conveying•the same on_ behalf of the Courty, subject to the approval of sale by the City of Wilmingtor. • Upon motior of Nr. Davis, seco~ded by Mr. Trask, the Mill a~d Co~tractors Sj.pply Company was awarded the contract to furnish one 36-G Demi.+g "Miruturb" Deep Well Turbine Pump, ~Q 60 gallons capacity per mi~ute whe.+ set i^ well at 60 feet a~d whe~ discharging i~to a ~ p.+eumatic ta~k with.standard pressure sv+itch setti^g of 20 to 40 pou~ds, at a cost of ~673.50' fob on'.site, and provide concrete fou~dation for the pump ard install the same , ir the well £or the sum of $85.00. It v;as agreed to use the large ta~k at the Airport in connectior+ with the water spistem at the hospital. A copy of a motio~ filed with the court by Nr. Thomas W. Davis attorney for h4r. R.L.Lewis, • _~Q~- to set aside a deed executed by hlr. G.C.NicI^tire, Commissio.+er to R.L.Lewis and O.R.Parker i^ cor~ectior with the sale of the NterricY, 1a~d i^ block 327 for taxes~ was upo~ motio~ of b~r. Davis, seco~ded by n:r. Trask, referred to Mr. C. R. N~orse, Tar. Collector, to protect the ~' •i~terest of the City a~d Cou-~ty through his tax attor^eys. ~ A report of the Cou+^ty Fire Departme~t for October N~as received and filed. _ ~ ~ W~ ' . A commu~icatio~ was received from Mr. A. R. Hanso~, Director of the Public Housing ~p Admiristration~ Richmo~d~Va.~ ack^owledgi~g receipt of our action ~ot to request /~~~f~ conveyance of Maffitt Y'illage Housirg u^its to New Hanover County.. v The meeti^g then ad~ourr+ed. ~~ ' ~ ~~.~ ~s~~ ._ .,~.: Clerk. ~ ~_ - VJilmi*±~ton, N. C., November 6~ 195~• . The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held at 10:00 o'clock A, M, Present: Addison Hewlett Chairma*+~ Geo. W. Trask, Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis and Courty Attorney Marsde~ Bellamy. , • The minutes of ineetin@ of October 30, 1950, were read a~d apgroved as recorded. _` Miss Hele~ Smith, Assistant Home Demo^stratio~ Age~t, prese~ted a report of the activities ~ 4z~ ~ of the Home Age~ts Departme*+t a~d 4-H Club work for October, vrhich was received a~d filed. A letter was received from ~4r. A. Schlegel, Chairma~~of the ~ewly orga~ized New Hanover, ' a~-~c Cou~ty Farmers Cou-+cil a^d Advisory Coeimittee advisi^g that the Cou^cil held its first • ~ meeti~g o~ October 26~ a~d that a~]. members ^amed by this Board have accepted the appoi*+tme~t. . A stateme~t was received from the State Board of Public Ylelfare showi~g that $41~48~j.25 ' ~ S j was sent to this Cou~ty i^ October for Old Age Assista~ce~ Aid to Dependent Chi].dren and Admi++istratio^. ^~,,,A, A report of the Bureau of Ide~tificatio~ for October was received a~d filed. ~~,,.,~ Upo~ motio~~ duly seconded~ Joh~ Vdebster~ vrhite i~digent citizenr was upo~ recomme~datio~ ~,,~y. of the Supt., of Public VJelfare~ gra~ted temporary admission to the Cou^ty Home, '-C. • Mrs. Sallie Louise Fritz~ 10~ Quee-+ Street~ ~6 years old~ who has bee.+ receivi~g Old ~ Age Assistance for some time ard is totally unable to care for herself~ was upo~ motion ~~~f;~Q'of D~r. Trask~ secorded by ~`r. Davis~ admitted to the Cou~ty'Home or recommendation of -- the Supt., of Public Pdelfare~ on co^dition that she wi11 agree la her appllcation to leave such mo~ey or property she may have to the Courty to compensate the Cou~ty for room a~d board a~d other expe~se for her mai~te~a~ce. ~ 221 Meeti~g of November 6~ 1950~ continued. A letter received from Mr. George R. Ross~ Director of the State Board of Conservatio~ and~ ~ Development advisi~g that a survey is bei„g made for the proposed establishment of a steel '~ h~ ~~mill " i~ this cou~ty or some other part of the State" toward which expense the City and Cou~ty have agreed to appropriate $1~000.00 each,for ~a:. survey ir this area, was referred to Mayor McClelland a~d the Chairmar to ascertai~ from D4r. Ross the meani~g of " some other part of the State'n, or v~hat area other,tha~ 1oca1 adjoi~ing cou~ties the survey will cover. ~V~t1\1°"O A report of the Veteran's Service Officer and colored home agent:~o~.October were rece,ived ~Qc~-~- and filed. - - No ob3ections were i~dicated by the Boas~i to the Urited States District Engineer granti.+g ~jV~~~ p.ermission to the Riegel Carolina Corporation to co~struct a pump house o~ the Cape Fear River ~ear Acme~ approximately 5%8 ~ile above Livi-+.gston Creek. '. V A request £or a~ abate~ne~t of taxes o~ a valuatio~ of $8,8~5.00 brought forward from ~G`f last ye~rs list a~d charged agai~st the Champio^ Distributi~g Company as ~ot listed, .•`. , for the year ].950, for athich proper retur^s for the Compary~:.ndw i~ the ha~ds of the Receiver~ should have bee~ made by the Receiver as of January 1, 195o, Was referred to ; the Cou~ty Attor~ey for i~vestigation. ~. Upon motion of Mr. 0'Shields~ seconded by Mr. Davis~ the Board approved the payme~t of ~~ expense of the Chairmar to Raleigh November lst, to attend a meeting of inembers of the State Associatian of Cou~ty Commissioners to appoi~t some o.+e to fi7.1 the unexpired term of the late John L.Ski~~er, as Secretary ard Treasurer of the Associatio~. Mr.J.He~ry Vaugha., . Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Nash County had agreed to serve. Upon motion of Mr. Davis, secoTded by Nr. 0'Shields~ h4r. J. 9J. Lambersor,, 208 Border Ave~ue~ ~t~ was permitted to pay the 1950 taxes o~ a valuatio~ of $2,~50.00~ assessment o~ lot 124 part ~ of 134, Brookwood he bought from hir. R?. G. Bei~ert i~ May 1950, and a~ abateme~t of taxes r on a valuat~on of ~1~685'.00 perso~al a~d poll charged agai^st the said property as .+ot listed i~ the ~ame of W.G.Bei~ert was gra~ted o~ affidavit made by L~r. E. L. B~athews~Jr.~ that Mr. Bein.ert moved his household a~d perso~al property to Wilmingto.+, Delaware before Ja*+uary 1, 195~. ~ t Upon motio~ of R4r. Trask, seco^ded by A4r. Davis, IlFrs. B. IDi. VJarshbur~, 109 Park Ave++ue~ ~( was granted an abateme~t of taxes o^ a valuatio~ of $2~500.00 Household and Kitchen Fur~iture ~ ,listed i^ error at $3~000.00, which she cl.aims is ~ot worth more thar $500.00. Mr. J. T. Leea 106 Woodlaw~, ~9ilmi^~to~ Tovr~ship~ who requested a~ abatement of taxes on a valuation of ~p2,?_50.00, Goods Wares a^d L~Iercha^dise, which he clai~s is ircluded i~ his ~~P~ Maso.+boro Tow~ship list a~d should have been deducted from the Wilmingto~ list, was requested to appear before the Board to er.plai^ the matter. Upon motio~ of ~'tr. 0'Shields, seco~ded by Mr. Trask~ bir. VPalter H. Cooper~ 2848-D Adams Street, ,;y was gra„ted a~ abateme~t of taxes o^ a valuatio^ of $~,635.00, o~ a 1950 Foard DeLwce two-door -r"~'~l automobile he did ~ot purchase u~til Ja~uary 18, 1950~ as was evide~ced by his ~ote to the The Ba~k of Wilmi~gton o~ that date co^cerning the purchase of the same. A letter was received from Mr. A.Wilbur Clark~ Third Division State Highway Commissio~er,' ~~ Fayetteville~ r. C., showing six ,roads the Hlghway Commissior is pla~^i~g to wide~ a.+d ~~~ resurface in this cou~ty, as fo].7ows: -Bo*;d Road Bo+,d Road - Bo~d Road ~Bo~d Road -Bond Road _Bond Road #21-GoTdon Road 22-From VJright 23-County road 24-County road 25-From US 421 26-From US 117 from US 17 toviard Airport - 3.9 miles., ' sboro IQE to Castle Hayne-Hampstead Road - 5•5~~~iles. W from US 117 1.0 mile;, south of Castle Hayne - 1.2 miles. 4V from US 117 1.0 mile „ N of Wrightsboro - a.7 mile~. in Caroli~a Beach to bo~~ Chemical Compa~y, 0.7 mile: at Roosevelt Garde~s to Airport Road - 0.5 mile. Upon motior of Mr. Trask~ seco~ded by 1Vir. 0'Shields~ the State Highway a~d Public Works ~~~ Commission was reqytested to reope~ for State mai.+te^a-+ce~ the road o~ the west side of the Atla~tic Coast Li~e Railroad T~rom the airport rosd at the Old Hed Cross Sa~atoriwn site, to Vvrightsboro. ,(3c,-~~ A report of the 9ssista-~t Cou~ty Farm Deu!o^stratio~ Age~t for October,was received a~d filed. " (1 ' The meeti~g the~ adjour-+ed. 7~ _i - Clerk. l_~h.., ./ ~°.~ - . Upo^ motio^ of Mr. Trask, seco^ded by h~~r. D~vis~ it was agreeable to the Board that the St3te Highway a~d Public Works Commissio^ aba~do~ that sectio~ of State Highv~ay 421 for a ~~ dista^ce of about ore qua'rter of a mile, from its i^tersectio~ with the rew paved highway ~` l.eadi~g to the "rRocks"", to Fort Fisher. Upo^ motio~ of P.4r. D'Shi.e]ds, seco^ded by Iv?r. Davis~ the Recorder a+^d Solicitor of Recorders ~~ pC Court were requested to annear before the Bo~rd to discussthe matter of pu~ishme~t ~-+d ~~ ha^dli^g of abardorme^t a^d ^o-~-support a^d other cases where the cou^ty is caii.ed upo~, at its expe~se~ to bri~g the de£e~de~ts back from other states for trial_, ' I ,`~ ~ ~ Wilmington, N. C.~ November 13, 1950. The regular weekly meeti^g of the Board was held at 1~:00 o'clock A. M. Prese~t: Addiso~ He~vlett Ch3irma^~ Geo. VJ. Tr3sk, Jas. Il?. Hall~ Claud 0'Shields, Thursto~ C. Davis, Cou~ty Attor~ey Nassde^ Bel~amy a^d Cou~ty Auditor C. F. Sm1th. ~ " The mi~utes of ineeti^g of rovember 6th 1950, a~ere re^d and approved as recorded. ' I~r. Hal ~~. Love, Courty Coeimissioner-elect was presert a~d was vielcomed by the Commissioners to sit-in to observe the proceedi~gs of the Board. ' With refere^ce to a request of the Champio~ Distributi~g Compa»y, i~ the hards of `~ Receiver, for abateme~t of taxes o~ a valuatio~ of ~'8,8~5.00 on stock of goods brought ~~° forvaard from a pre'vious listi~g, a^d charged as hot listed.for the year 1950, The Cou~ty Attor~ey,.reported that the Compa~y was .+ot i~ receivership o~ Ja~uary lst a~d is liable for taxes or the property it ow*.ed o^ Jaruary lst~ ard the Tax Co].lector was i~structed to secure a listirg of the property o~ ha~d as of that date a~d proceed to collected the same from the Receiver. \ Upo.+ motio~ of Mr. Davis~ seco~ded by Mr. 0'Shields, i^structio~s were give~ to ~otify all `~y~.cY rece*+tly elected cou~ty officers to fur~ish ^ew bords i~ the same amou~ts for the term of their respective offices. ,~ Upo~ motio^ of ~ir. Davis, seco^ded by ~'~r. Hall, payme~t of ~600.00 bud~et item, to the ''ew ^~.~ Har,over'Cou^ty Tubercul.osis ard Hea?th-Associatior, same as l~st year, v~as approved. _~~• Upo~ motio^ of Nir. Hall, seco^ded by Mr. 0'Shieids, the follovai~g resolution was adopted on approval of the Cou~ty :4ttor~ey ~^d Airport Committee: ~ WHF~REAS~ the Board of Comtnissio^ers of New Hanover Cou~ty proposes to adopt a scale of ` la^di~g fees for the Nev~ Hanover Cou^ty Airport, and i^ co^^ectio^ therewith, it appears desirable to regotiate leases v~rith the commercisl air li~es ~oa~ operati~g regularly scheduled a^d other f7,ights i^to the airport to replace the mo^th-to-mo~th~i~terim agreeme~t ^ow i^ effect; a^d ` WHEREAS~ the Airport Committee of the hew Hanover Cou^ty Board of Commissioners has reconme~ded to the Board of Commissio^ers the estab].ishme~t of a form of lease for such operations: ' nOW~'THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover Cou*+ty, that leases for occupa^cy of space ard use of facilities at the New Hanover County Airport with i compa~ies e~gaged i~ the busi~ess of tra^sporti~~ perso~s, property and mail•by•air, shall be `~ i~ substa~tia~_ly the fo?~owi~g form: ' . .. SEE ATTACHED 12 SHEETS The following bids for the co^structio^ of a rurses home at the Joh~ C. Wessell Tuberculosis Sa^atorium i^ accorda~ce with"pla~s`a~d specificatio~s prepared by Messrs Lyrch and Foard, Architects~ as advertised•, were reaeived a^d upo~ motion H~ere ope.+ed a^d publicly read.: • ~ W. A. Slmon~ I~c.:J ($14~~44.0~0) ~ - We propose to fur~ish labor_a~d materials a^d ,erect Nurses Home Building ~ 1^ accorda~ce with revised drawi~gs dated 10/26/50 as prepared by Ly+~ch _ a~d Foard, Architects, for the sum of ~$13,749.00. Al.ter~ate #1: &Zake buildi~g 3'6" lo~ger i^ accorda~ce to drawing sheet #2a, add the sum of ~497.5~ ~., Alter~ate 2: (A) Brick ve^eer o~ frame, ^o cha^ge. • (B) If buildi^g is'er.tended 3'6"~ brick ve~eer o^ frame~ ~add the sum o.f $49~.50. ~,; r ~ Alter^ate #3~ (A) Asbestos shi~gles o^ wood frame_,~ deduct the sum of ~400.00. (B) Asbestos shi^gles o^ wood frame~ exte~di~g buiJ.di^g 3'6" ~ add the sum of ~380.00. , . ~~ We have ircluded i~ our oroposal ~50.00 a'7_owa^ce for eJ_ectrical fixtures, a-+d $200.00 al~o~^ra^ce for fi~i^h hardvaare. /S/ Y~I.A.Simo~~I+~C By: A.L.Simo~. A.B.Yopp: (~~3~635.00) I submit the followi^g bids to build ~urses home at Tuberculosis Hospital as per pla^s a~d specificatiors as made by Ly^ch a~d Foard, Architects: Slag Block $13~394.00• ~ If alter~ate floor pla~ $13,689.00. Srick Ve~eer o^ Frame ~ 13~320.00. If alternate floor ~la~ ~1.3,635.00.~ Asbestos shi-+gles o~ frame $12~617.00 If alter~ate floor pla~ ~12~892.00.. /S/ A. B. Yopp. ~ NIr. A. B. Yopp bei~g the lowest bidder, his bid was accepted a~d upo^ motio~ of Mr. Trask, seconded by Nir. Davis~ v~as awarded the co~_t~act_to co^struct the ^urses home as aforesaid ~~~ at a^d for the sum of ~13,635.00 based o^ the accepta~ce of Alter~ate #1 ( see sheet #2A) a~d Alterpate #2 ( brick ve^eer o^ wood frame usi^~• select commo~ brick to match mai~ buildi~g)~ a~d i~cludes the sum of $105.00 for fur^ishi^g a^d~i^sta~_'_i^g fi~ishi~g hardvaare ard electric light fixtures. • ~ ~~~°u ~ • Y ~ AIRPORT- AIRLIf~ I~A5E A?~ USC AGRFk:E~??ix S'HYS iNDE1~TUPT Oi' TEASE~ mado and entared into thia dny of , 395f1, by rind bets~een HEYr Nh1t0VE:R COIIidfY, of N~'.TH Cts~'~OLIIdA (hereinafter celled tho "Lessor")~ and "~`` •- ~ -• - - ' ~ ~ e carporation orgnnizod and extstin~ under the 2a~ss of tho 3tste of ~,,:;,,; ~.. .._. . , , a (horeinsfter callac3 the ".T~essee"). ~ ' F1 iT NFS3ET li: P~2t~t:~,~3, Lessor omns r.n Airpart l~o~n so Mow I3anover Cbmity Air~rort Iooated in the Cowaty of Nert Heinaver~ Stmtcs of North Carollna {heroin~sftor callod th~ "f.irpost;° ), the Airport bain~ aare Su113r deecribed fn Exhtbit G IIt.t.HfSI18H }1CPQYrU At'~ rnade a gai-t horeof; r~tec2 flHE,FiEAS' I,~asee ic en~nged in tlze business of ttir trunsporfi.ation with rospect to persons~ ~moperty, carga end ra~il; and I,E~F~EleS j Jsasses desires to loaae cer'GaSn prewisea~ Txcilities and rig}sts~ In aorme~tian pith atid on the Airport~ arnl Lossor Sa ~illing to leaso the eacae to Lessee upan the terms ~nd aonrlf'tSons hereine~ter s'h~'Gec~. P3~Y TI~FcEF~~~ Por and ia considoration of the premisos and of th~ ~tua1 covenants ana a~reaments hnrein contained~ and othsr valuable eonsiderations~ I,aseor does he~by demise and let iutto Lesaeo~ nnd Isss~e does horeby Airo t~ni~ take fram Iessnr~ certa4n premi~ea~ facil3ties and righ'Cas in conneotinn aith and on the Air- port as follows~ to ait; llFtTiCI~ ~i YFcEf3I.,.~S t.s duly aut~ori2od t~y* cor~otent governnentol suthoriL•q~ Leasoe nhall have tYua right to apereto at the Aizport u transportntion spstem bq aircraSt for t;he cnrxi~ge of persana, property, cr~~o and mail, r~hich rig~t r~all include the fallo~inga A. Uso of Airnort eud fiaci].ities. j3) Tha u~e, in enmmon a~.th othera authorized so Lo do~ oP the eommon ereaa of tho Ai.i,...t and appurtenpncoc thereto~ an@ eny addition~ to the Airport nh3ch maq be deslgru~te@ 6y I,eaaor far oomrnon use~ to~ether Rfth a31 Pac3.31t~ea~ equipmanl;, fmproaements on8 servicee ehich have been or nag herQaftQr ba provided at or in cormaction eith the Atrport from tS.rae 'to tiice for co:~.morc use, incltttiing landing nrens~ aprons, taxfKaS~s, landing_].ighta, beecons, mignaZa, radia alds~ ead othcir convsniences for f5.~ings landings anci take-offs of airerafL oP T.assee. ._ i T .M . y (2) ;.he right ta land: ttilce oft, Plv, tuxY~ Lox~ load end vnioad aircraft au8 ~thor ~quip.mant uAed bp Le~sas in ito .,j,~~~Lion oP an air '~r~sport~tian aystam iri aueh spsaes ~snd r~enner. as teaq be prescribed by T.easor tmdar tlao pro~Scion~ of l+rtle3e VTII horeof, {3) ~he right to xepair, ma5ntain~ cond3tion, sarvice, test~ p~rk or atoro airoraft or oLhex equiptpent of Leseee~ or of any other schedulad air tranapos'tatinn comprany~ provided thc~t such rtght shall ha sxereSsed only in co~lformity to suah pertinent ru7.e~ pnd mgul,atSons n~ may bo adoptaci from tLrm to time~ by Ir3saoz tmdeT the provAsions of Article VZII hereof. (k) The xi~ht to train, sutJact to such rul.og and regulations ae amy bo pro- mulgaCed und~r Ax-ticle V.[IS herF:of' at the Airport~ peraonnel in tha smploq oT o2~ ta be employed by I~sree. ~5) The right ~o install~ maSnGuln snd o~rt~te, at LesseeTs expcanee hp I~esaee slano~ or in coniunetian with een,p otltcr air tt°artspartaLian compan~e~ nho are Iesseea et the Ai.r~.. ~ or throu~h a nomineeA redio conr~unicezLionai taetuoro3ogfen]. and aer.la3. nanigcatlan equi~at and £cci].1tSos in or on pr~mfaea laased exclusively to ~esee, m~b,~ect to the nri:...,.ai oS J.~eeseor so se to enablo I~t+seor to pre~snt lnter- ferenco nith 8he rer~ttanabla use of the Airport by other authorized persons. (6) Th~i right to aelij exohan~e or atherwfse diaposo aS ~S~seo's eircraSt~ engines~ accessorios~ ~eaoline~ oil~ greawes~ lubricente~ fuel und other equipr~ent or suppliesD ineZuding enp article or qoods noed by or bou~ht for uae by Lessae in. connection aaith 3ts conduct nr air transportation; prrnrided Lhat such ri~h$ sball not be canstxued as euthorizing th~ conduct oF a soparate businese t3S/ T£96F8t hut_' eba7.1 per~it I.essea to pexfozm anah funotions as incident to iLs condnat of eir tsnnaportation~ ~ud f~sther Frovided that I,essee shel]. not seli gaeol#ne, fuel~ ~..,,r~llants~ ~reases end other lubr4csnts exce~st to a aubsidisry* or af~SlS.ated conpanyri or e~tc~p~ ~hen LhA canme as°~s of a Imrticular grade or qual9.t~ not othernSse av¢33abla nt the ~Sr1»tt. {7) The right to pr.ovide, on sny r. ~.,~,ses ~eased e~lusSae3.y to 2.esssea, aL Isasoe~s ~xpanse and bg T~saee alono~ faoiis attd '.,~.~ar~ges far emplogeec of I,esaeei grovid~sd~ hoteeveri th~t said right fc ta bo ax~reised only in the ovent thaG I,eacor or 3ta concesaionaire doea not furnish diaing mnd beverage fe.cilities for auch employec~s. Said r3.ght~ Sf oxoraiaed, shall include the right ta cmintafn end npareY.a a regtanront or cafetexSu ~or tho aforeaaid purposes, but shall not laacludo tI~ - z - right to maintain or operate s public c~fc~EQri~~ restnurant~ bar~ or cocktail loungo Sor thG p~u~poae af ~elli:tg food or t~averagea to t~ie public other than to emplo~o~ae ot Lessee. tdcither stia2J. seid rSght be can~idered Lo authorize the in:>tall- ation and operation ai nutom~tic vending nochinAS of any naturo at ~nq p3ace on the t~irport. (i3) The right to instail~ maintmim m~d ogorate, ~ithout c~st to 3x~saor~ tzy Tas~r;e ~Ione~ ar in con~unetioa nith ~ny ntber aix• trs~nsporLati~n comZx~niea~ ~ho ~iro ~3so Lessoos at L-ha Airpart, or thrnugh n nominsd, ~ mes~age tut~o ays'tem cnd o~her comiaunfca'Ei.ons ~ystenu3 bet~r~en ~uitab2e Zoc~tlons in the a#reraft los~ing areas and auStubla location in or nbout T.essae~s offico&' end hatween ~ny or all of the said location~~ sub3act to tho ap~n~ov~l of Le~ani 3n tlze interest o£ ~nfety and convenioncn o£ all concerned. ~9) Thca ri~ht, throu~h a contract of Lesseo's choic~, to ti°ansport Lcasaoe's passen~ers, e.:rgo~ propcarty ~d Aail to~ from arn3 ab th~ Airport by auch vehicles na Les3eo or i~sses's contractor tnuy deaire or requ3.x~e, provided thet such eontrc~ctor shal2 }ray ra~nthl.y i~o Loc~or ten g~er cr:sit (lf~) of, tlie groan roeeipta of said contrnetor during tho preceding csle.ndar ~nth from or in conn~rst3on ssiCh thQ grounv trun~iaort,a- i or.mituces, tnxicaUs nr any 4ther vahicles or c....~~yances carryin~ paesangers or proporty~ ~ahether the same i:e Por hire or other,sise, over the yublic atroots or roads of tlaw tlon of pArsnns' to~ from and c~t the Air}~ort. Lessee st~~sas to fflo n4th Leasor a copy of any agrenr~ent entnred 3nto flith any contrnctor for t}~S.s ptu~pose tiy Lessee. ftothing cont€t3ned tn tt:e foregoing aha12 be dee~act s gran~ of r~ny franehiao~ eonccu~t~ liconse, poxr,~t, right or privilege of sny neture or k3.nd nrhatsooaor, to operete H4aovar Count~ Afrport. (10) The rf~7:t to £nstall r=nd oporata, at Lesase~~ expnnse, advorLiain{; pi~ns repre~~nting i'4s buoinoaa, vrhich si~na ~hnll ~e suhstuntially w~iPorm in s?zea, typq rand looa~ion ~eith trose oF other air transportstSon companie~' the numl~erl tq~x,' ;,ize~ d~~i~n end locaticm of ~11 of such signs displaye.d or m~inti~ined in view oF th~ ganor.al Fub1Sc to bo subjoCt to tha ~ritten approval of tho I.e~sor; and any not gpgt^oved by St may be removed by the I.o3sar nt the ex;~ense o4 '.:he Les~oa. $: S~aa in nnd Adiacent to AdmSr.istra~Son Z;uild3nr. The exclusive uso oF 500 squFare fe~t of spa.ce in the F,dmzni~tration luilding~ as thc~ same is designated in Exhibit Ea att~ched herato and r~ads a part hereof~ nnd the non-exclusiv~ use, itt commou wit'h otherss nf such apsaa and such Pacilitie5 as may ~:Q desi~ted by I.essor _ ~ e . , : ac3jacent to seid Adesitt~straLian Fuilding conaisting of a~round aroa to porm3.t taxiing~ servfaing: l~n~tng and unloadino of i,essee;s airarnf"trs adequate pavings %c~ncfng, 2oading gates and Ioading ramps and othor arees ad3acent to bho A~'mir•istra- C3an Suildin~ end used by I'esscngers. ihe use of the npaoo herein granted to :~n~ee ph~Il be for purpose~ in cc>nnvetion erith ax Sncidental to ~ts business inc.ludin~ the handling, ticY•etin~, bi.J.lin~~ ~nd maniSe~tSr~,s of ~~eengersj kui~F,eIIe, curgo pxoper- tiss nnd nail. C. Parkinc~ snaes. Vehicular ~rkin~ sp~co shall be grr~vided bg Lessor for thc~ uesa oF ~mpioyees of Lessee~ et no char~e to the Loaseo ox ~mgloyae~ anci Le:,sse n~r'ee~& to rectrict the parkiz~; of rill. personnel ~rithin i'Cs er~ploq~ient to suoh aree or areas dasi~n~t~d L~* T.es~or. D. ~ti~tiL of InFroas and fiaress. The x~ht of ingre~s to snd egress from, tnYL not tho uso of, o:ccopt z~s pxonided in thi~ Lnaae Rgreament~ premise.s and faciXitiea nf the Air~ort referred to 9n Sectiona A~ B and C of this ~1r~ticle for Lessee~ 3.ts e~plogoos, a~ents~ pas~engers end innitees~ gaovided~ ho~ever~ that such ripht &hall no't preclu~le Locsor. sr ?~saor's concess4onmi~°o from ma}ctng reusonab2a ch¢rgas far Lhe uoe of park4ng areg~, s3ghtseeing Pacilities,and othar concassions. AFtxICT~l II °L'ERM I.e3aQ~ ahall have and h~ld SilSC~ j)T'pIOS$Q8* P_acilitieej xights, licensea axu3 p~ivilagoc set forfi,h in pwra~,pha (A) thrni.~b (n3~ inciu~ivey of Article I fcm c~ term eemr»enci.ng on the F1rst day of October~ 3950~ and tarmi.natin~ st tt~ end aS the tihfrtieth day oS uaptembcr, 1955, unleon ~nonsr terminatad au hert~inez,t'ter provined in acenrdancc~ aith rtrtialea % and %I. AF.TZCi`c~.' 2II 11EIiTALS Ah'D F~ES ' T.asees ~gt'eec 't.o ~itsy '~o Lessar fax tha usa of tho pretni.ses~ tncilitie~s and right~s granted hereun~cr' the £ollohi.ng rentn],s' ~'Ees an~ cheirges duriszg the Cern hereAf' atx] ver3Yy the corroctness of these paymsnts by tremsmitting to I.ea3or~s Airport T3anager~ on formo ta be auppli~d by Y.esaor, e true report giv3ng the deta necessery; provided that scheduled e~rrSvala enfl other renenue producing rirriv~ls under ($) of thia T,rticle ~ri11 be listeci l3y Lnssee ita ita truQ rep~rt tho fis•rst day of tho month next ~succ~adin~y end provided tYiaL i~nyta~nt based on the ~otu~1 nu.rotrer o£ aoheduled anci other revanue producin~ un•ivals, so re,,... t~d, to hr~ aade on or tsefore the 1Qth detq of the calendar month noxt sucasecling the month for vshir,h Fa~ent is Ueinp, rande, prm:fded that the same shail aot ~o~payehle 3~ Lessoe until ten {l0) days after reeeipt ot a~rittcsn statiement Lherefore ~rofl I;o3sox. Tha ncce}~tana¢ by 1':esaor of nny auah p~+ytaent mc+de Up Issaee - /, ~ , 1 " ahall noL' ~oclu~ie Le~sor fram que.~tioning tho accurncy o~' Loa~eo'~ rep~rt snbmittod ta Len~eor ~s provic~ed 3n this Ar~iele on which landir~ fees unuer {B) oS this llx~ttcle ~ra baaed~ and maki~n~ corroctic+n af eithar c2~r~ecs or cred~t~s. A. Rentnl with I'esnect to Administrntion fiuil~iinP ~nacQ. Frem and A;tcr thE ~.. eommonceaocnt of the term her.oof~ rentnl xor Admini~trat4~n AuSlding pp.jce herein ieased exclusivoly tv T,easee shell bo Seventy-T3ve Dollnrs {$75.00) per aonth. 8. Eandina_ F~o C3i~rc~es. Frat~ and af.tar the com*sencerrent ~f th4 tex•r~ hereof* sentaJ.~, fec+s nnd cherges for the uue of tho prera#.ses, £aci].ities, and rfghta, grnn4- ed hereimcier, except thrise for which rent~l.s are specificnlly provS.ded in SecCion b o~' this !ix°t3cle,, shul7. tse, except as hc~rcin othnzwise provided, co~abined and rn~e~ent- ed by tus activity Peo for cach calendar ~bnth ba~ed or. thc~ nwnher oP arrivals af Loss~o~s ~ircrssFL• dur5.n~ the mon~h ut the Afrport~ ~nclttding r.eguler sc~edu3ed arr#.valo~ i'reight~ charter~ er.tra Pact~ons of 6ck~du3.ed flight~, alternfltct t~irpor.t land~n~s, de.planinp, c~r enylaning 1ocA1 ~ssengersr and other revnnue producing arrivsls. Courte~y ~lights of communlty iaterest, for whS.ch mritt.~n per.roianion has ht~en obteined r~All not bc re~nrded as rcvenuo proc?ucing flights. Theee £aes ohall be as Sollo~saz ~ c}~r{;c+ of f3ve and ona hal.~ ce~nt~ (5~) per on~ thaurtansi pound~ {or t'ract~,an- el part thereof) oP airplsne neight, for each anfl tiaery airplane 1andSn~ at the Air~ort~ t?:s eeighL ~f each plane to be calculr~ted hy taking the raaximum alloanble landing xeight,na £ixed by ths Civil Aoronautics Adr~inistration. A~TiCTE iV ~OGUh~h~tTP C~' SUYPLTES Except as }:eretn li.r,iited~ Lessee, in connection rrith the exercise by it of ar{p of the rightn und powers granted to it hercvnder~ shall hnve tha right to procuro at th~ AS.i.,,.;., or. elsea~here, allraa~teriaJ.s~ equipment anC ~uppliea for Leesee~s o+~zi use .frc~r~ ~ny per~on of i~s choice. ' RF.TZCIE~ V LTCE3Y~ FFF.S }~ND TAxES Lessee shall pa~* all lawful tax=s end esssssments ~nhich' durin~ thQ tern hereoP~ may becc~r_~e a lien upnn or nhich mr~y be leaiefl ~y the state, county, city~ or any other tar. levying r~xiy~ upon ur,,y taxablo interest of Loasee ~cquired in this laase agreement ar nny tax~ble posae~sory s^5~ht which T.e~see ra„q have itt or to the prr~raiae~ or facil- ities herebp l~atted or thP improve~ente theraons by raason of ita u~e or occupencq thoroof~ or other.r~i~e~ as ae11 as rxll taxes on t~blo pro~ertq, ovmed by I:essoe Sn and about aaid prer.~~es. In additinn, 1s;ssso a~rees thc~t it mi11 pay sll ent¢r~ ae~r.ge~ _ g » electricity~ gna or ather utillty aharges ~hioh raay be asseesed to it Yor the or.clusive use oY ~uch utiiitias. lt3iTICUE Vi 1Sf~JTF.fllJdCF. F3Y ~ESSt7f! Lossee hatt exn:~3.ne~3 the leriding fi.eld, runwAy-s, c+prons 8l1(I t.AXSP7F13*£a sncl hae accepted tlzem Q~ heing Sn gooti ontor c~nd aetiDfactory condition ancl us adequat~ for piirposes of Lessse. Lcssor agrc~es that it nill maint~ain ~hem Sn sixbaL'ant3.e1:1Y us good ordex and condition es th~q are et the }~xasont tfr~a. Lessor Agreen mccept r~a her~3.n oth~sraiae ~mo~idedj thet it e~13~ durin~ the torm a£ Lhi: Lcsgse is~,s'een~ent~ ma5n4:ain c~nd keep the Air~wrL £aci~,itios Sn a sefe~ norY~blaf cle~n artd sttnitary coa~dition~ an8 in good repair sni~ £.ee from o~atrun'Cion~' oxcludin~ the cl~arin~ and. renoaal ~f anaw os'ice. LQSSor agraos to ~inta3n nnd operato the Airport facilities in e~xeh rmtttter as to r~ndPr them suitt~ble Sor usm by L~Aeee in 3ts als^ transport onexa'G9.ons. F.,6esee a~;meea to furnieh its oien ~c~nitor aervtoe 4n re~poct to the offiCe ope~cc exclusfoelp vacupied hy it nnd to furni~sh covered taetel con~nlnere for Crash te be reAOVed f`roct outsi~e it~ offiee by Iessor.. I.essor sha31 net be liahle to Leosee for nny lose of revenue to Lessee msultin~ from I.esaor's neL•s, orriesions or neplect in the ;aciintennnce and o~ser4tion of the Air~sort aud its faeS.lit'itsa. &fiT.T.CU: VII INSTALLATIUNS ~y IES~EE I~essee et 3ts o~n ao3t nnd expense~ mny Snstalip in sccordance with tspp~.iceb3a ~ laxs attd ordinances, in or on any space rrhich is exclusively leaced to I,easee '+mder Ar1:foZe I~ hereof' equ.ipraent th~xt Yt aha]3 dotQZ~m~.ne to be neceseary £or utse 3n aonnectian rith it~ eeir transport oporetians; provided, however, thpt Lcssoor ohal~ have thQ ri&ht La ineFeat end approvn the p3ans a~ct specS.ficetions oS ~ny such equ3,~r- raent rin~ imgru.4w.:..te p~ior to instai.lation th~reof anfl to rePuse to percait such- in~Lullation Sf ths est#~a7ta1 appeerance theroY do~e•not ~eet Lessor~fa requisersent~ Sor s:-pleas5.n~. 3.nterYbr or. e~rinr appearance=of a12 bniIIriin~s nnci structuree on ttee ~irport~ or if ~the mranner or 'ty?~s of equS=.~ssieeut~ inatallation or the locaLion tharc~of d.ae.: ~et nee'C T,eesor's requixer~ants Yor the saPa uca of Chn A3xpart ond uPpurtenences t,y othera authorized oo to do. Leacae ohali have th~ right~ nt ~ts osm cor~t and expensa~ to al'Ger, modifyi ropa4s nnc3 r,cainte3n any of ibs equipm~nt~ instnl7.r:tion or L~r..,~Yn~nts~ excegt that ths ~roniso contained in the next precadin~ r~entence shall bo ppPlicable. Lessee ~hn31 on or before thP term9nution o£ thSs Lrr~ac+ Agrecrcient removo uny equSpr~snt, instelletfona nr luiprovanenta int~'telled nr ccm3tructed hc~reimder or I,~oseQ ohall pay J~es3Ar any co~sL incurred by Lessos ir~ he~vAng ~ur.h xemova~. wosk dontt~ ' - 6 - 1i~:TICbF: YIII Rtf~F3 AltU EEF3ULATZ4tdS Lesse~ agrEea to obsenre end obpy all rulas anQ regulnt4ona existent or }~mo- mulg~zted, xram time Go time, bg Zss~er ar proper p~rnncS.es of tho Stnto or Teclerr~l Governments govarning aonduet on and operations at the Airport ana uso o£ 3tn fAr,ilttieat except thest Lessor ~gr~t~a that nnp rules ~nd ragulaL4~ns so promu3.~at~sd ahtt17. not be incons3atent wiLh any legnllq authorizefl x~ule or regulation of the Civil Aoronaut~.c~ AdministreLion whfch is binding ia 2em on Leasor. AF:TTCTE TS .riAf~ACaS OF= 1~:uT1:UC1I0f1 ~ T'I~~9TSE5 Zf tin~ bu3.1d3nII of T.essor in xkS.ch Les~ee occupiea sxclusive ~pnce bereunflcsr ,- cha11 be partially dam~ged bg fL e~ thn elomenta, or tho puY;lic enamp so ns ta nPfect T.essee's use of the ar,clnsive a~ce theresin tut not to rondar it untonan~:aL•le, the aeu~e shall bo repnired Tith due diligence Uq'Lesaor at its own co~t or expen~e. IP the cium.a~ :,ha13 bQ so extencive a~~ to rende.r tuitene;ntable Les~ee's exclusive a~ce in said building but cnpable of bein~ ropaired in thirty (30) days, the aama shall be repz~ired witH, i3ue diligonee by Lessor At it~ otisn coct ond ex~nae, end 'Chr~ rent paqable horetmder witi: re~pect to ZesNee's exelusive space :in 3uch Uuzld3.n~ shaY.7. be propos~tioru~tely paid up to tlze tims of rtuch dem~ge and sr~all thencefor'th cet~c¢ until such timo es cuch building sh.all be fullv rostar.ed. Sn esae~ sny siach Y,u4lding is eo~pleL'cl~ deEtroyec3 t+y £ire~ the elerapnte~, tho puhlic enem„~ ~r other c:~sualtfos, or so dameged ~hat it v~ill ox dner~ ~~e~i~ untc~nantabla for moro thun ~hirtq (30) anya, at the c~ptinn oS Lossee either (1} stiid bu3ld~.ng shall bo rop~tir.ed or r:~consLrucLcad with due dil3genee by Lassor c~t its o~an eoat or c~cpenao' an@ Lho ront payable here- under aith re~~~ cL to LAesee's excluaive spaca 3n ~aid buYldSz~ she13 be propor'tionate]y paid up to thc~ ti~e oF 3ueh dnmoge or deotruction and ahall thencefor'th C933B until n~ch tfine es amid hui3ding ~hrzll be fuZly reatored' os (2) if saithin tnmlvo (I2) month~ after the tirae of suah dr;naee or cieatruction esld hulldtn~ shall not have Ueen repezi.red or raconatrucL•ed for Lesseo'~ uae~ T~:~sna may give Lossnr ~rritten not5ce flf its intention to then cancel this Lesse R~reemc~nt 3n fts entirety or to cizncel~ ns of !•he r]abe nf aucsh dar.~~e ~r destruction~ such purt oF tt:is Zoa~sr. ,l~rvement as relntes ~nly to sA1d building. Provided, howevcr, that nothing 3n thic hrtScle Ahell epp7.y to damages to Lui3.dings, ordinax,~ ~aear and te~r excopted~ aAUSed by the aet3 of the I.easoe~ a~nd,for nh3ch Le~aee ia legallq liuble~ and further provided that Irnse~ :~hc~llt at ita own coaL a~xd axpen~ep repaix ~13 auch d:ym~g~s resulting from 3:ts act.s, _ 7 .. !ti's.TICTF R CrLt7GF~LATic7'ri fFY ~5:+~ I.ensor mra,y cuncel tnis Ize:se A~reen~nt, v+ithnst for~eiture' rrtsiver, or raloa~e oS I~e3ser~s xights ta nny 3wa oS r;ouc~g dua or to bacoc~o due und~:r the F»•onicion~ nf thits Lan4o Ap,ree~ont, L^y gi.aing i,e~see r,ritten noticse to b~ served es herei,nafter provideci~ upon oz after tk~ }i:;~euin~ c~t any one af thc~ tallo~+in€; evcnta; 9' (o) ;he filing 6y Lessee of a volunt~ry ~tition in benln uptcy; (b) Tha inrtftut9.on ~of proceeding~ in ]aankruptcy a~gAinst L~ssaa ~ncl Lho ad~udScation of Izssee ns a hanS:rupt pimsurant to such praceo8ing3; (c) Thc~ trakfas~ lyy A aourt .nf ~uri~diction of T~sa~e ancl ita s.soetn ptu~ueu~L to proeeedinga braught under tho prov4eions oP ar~tr~'edornl reorg~nization act; (d) The ap~ointmant oP a recaivor of Leasee~s asset~; (e) The ~iivastituxe o: T.ec35ee'a e$tate h~re3n by otlaer op~ration af ltaa~ (f) The vol~mtarv a~andan~ent ~ip Les~ee of its conduct of aiY i:ransp~rtation at tho A4a'pnrt for n p4r3oc3 oS thir'ty (30) dayts, (g) Tho defau2t by Leas~r; 5,n tha perforr~auce or nan-perSorm~nce oS aay I J eovenant or a~;reo~nt hercin reruired to tsA perforned by ar required not t~ be pF+rformed hp Z,eysee an~? the fuilura of T~essoe to re~dy auch ciefeu3t for a parial ~f thiz~tq (30) dcsys c,`ter r~ceipt from Iassar of ~rribten no'tice to remedy the sam~; provided tl+.st I.case~ ail2 i~diately res~dy nny deTault covor.c~d under Article VIT3 hernAfy pro'v'idedt however, that no notic~i of csnc~llatinn,'as above provided, Ghall Do of any torco ar eftect 3P T.as3oe rshall hsve ramedied the defau7.t prior to tha repeipt in accordP.nce nitk the provl3ioxis of lsCAeie %VITI here9ni of Lesscr's notice oF canoe11At3on. (h) The pssumption by Che United St~Les Goaorncmnv or any authorized a€ency thereof of the oyeruLion~ control or use of the kir}r~rt ond facilltier~~ or cu.~ sub- stanLinl part or }~rCs thereof~ in such u ms;nne.r ~s subFY,~nbixll~r to re3triet Leseee~ £or a geriod of nt lezat ninety (g0) dayst fro~a og~ratiing nn nir transportatian sq~tem. (i} Any r~ssignnent nacle by I;e~aee ~'~r tne benef.it of ita creditors; NotraSthstEindinb ~nything to tha contrary herein con~ined~ Iessor skzal.l not have thc ri~ht to cancelA nor ~;ino notice of cancelZfltiaxl~ of~ t;h~a Leuae !ia eement oolely bq reason of T,estsee~c failiu•e nr rePusa2 to oey all or rany Zwrt o~ the rent~sls~ fnea or cl^.nrgeo ~rr~vi.ded for in tr~is ta„ee k~•er,r~nnt, if' nithin thirty ~30) dq,vs aYter ouch P~17.ure or refusxal~ Leasee shell hnve givon to I.oa~~r e~ritten notieo stating thst L~saeo' in goocl faith~ prei~iceLcs~ tamch fsi3.ilre or r~fucnl upon any proafaion - g _ oP this L~;ase AQ'eenent pra~tini; 4o Les~ee, 9n s~ciff~c~ evert~~ t~ r~d:setion Sn~ or abatemaxit of any rentcils' fems or chaxges peiynble by Lcje:,ee to Lessor hereunder. fIo ftaiver of dei'eult b;,r T~:~sor of any oP the tex~cns~ covenants or condit~ens herec,£ to Ue perfarctedt 3sopt and at~serveci b~ Lessee chall k~e enncfia'ued to L~ or aet as r~ waivor of ru~,y subsequent do£auit of any or the terms~ cavonants nn@ condi'~ione herein canLainec; ~a bo gerf'ormr,d, kept unr: obEerved t~y I.e~ebc. The ecc~p'tanae of ren'teI or thc~ perforrannce of A1]. or uny iaart oS i:hiu I.ea~a Agreeflent by Les~or for or during any ~mriod or peri.~ds after n de£flult o£ any of the terr~si coeentsnta rznd oonditions herqin c~ntained to ~o p~rfoz'~d' kept and nt~sereed b~ Le3see? s hall not be deemed n rrnia~r of any ~igY,t an thc~ Fyart af the I.easor. ta cancol this Lea~a A~rea- ment Sor FnSlvro hy Leasc~e to r~o rerforroy kenp ar. alsserva nn~ ot i;hE tarms> covenpx~ts or eond5.t~.on~ hereo£ to he parformed~ kapt and o~served.' AfiTICFE RY CAtiCELtdiTI~i &Y IESb'F.~ Lessee may cence3. thi~ Lease ~reoment ttnd tariaingte cll or any nf it~ ob3iga- tione hereunder at e~nq time 'that Leoseo ic not in default in the pay~nt oY any rent- als~ Pees~ or chrirgcas to Lescor hereunder by giv3ng written notice to im aerved es hereinafter pranided, upon or ~fter the happening oP ttny one of tha fo2loHin~ evontg3 (a) ~'he failure or refusal of the CAA at any time during the torm o% this ~rm~e l,groo~n€~nt~ Lo permiL TAaBee io ~perate into or Srore Lke Airport w~ith ritty typs of nircraYt licen~ed Lo o~rnte into or from other alrports of the lil:o size ~nd character; provided~ howaver, that such failure or xrofueal i~ not duc+ to et~y f.auZt of 7w3ssee~ (b) The Sseuance hy en~ ca+.u~t of c.;.~.N,.:,ent s»isdiction ot $ny Sn3smctian in nap wep preven'Gi.ng or r.patrsining tho uca n£ the fiir{~ort az~ nr~y ~xirt thpxeof so aa to substantiallx aftect Lessee~'s usv nt the .Ai~,..,. C 9.n its conduet of any aYr tTAGSpOPLt]$$Ori cy~tem et thQ ~~.rport, and the re~aa%ni.n~ in farce nf ~nah inSunction for e perio3 of at leart ninety (90) day-s~ (c) The Sttah4lity of Lha IQnsee Lo uc~t Lhe tsirport, for a perSxi in excess of n3ne#.,y (90~ daya~ becauce of the it~susnae of any order/ rulrs ar re~ulsLion by tho CAN~ Lhe CAB~ or other ,....~Y~tent ~overnr.~sntal e~uthor.ity ~raventing Lesseo fxom ar~rat- ing into and Sram the Itirport; providedf however, thet such inutility or ~ueh order~ rulo or re~~il,ntfnn ia noL• due to u~r PAUIt nf 7~sseeg {d) The defflnlt by 7cusnr Sn the Performance of ~ny covenant or a~'~r.ic:nt horein required to he ner£orraed by I.Qeaor and +..he failure of P.essor to remeciy such - 9 - default Por a period ni' cixty (60) da9s afLer. tho rc~coipt from 7u~sea o£ ttrittott notice tn rer.tedy the stt~; ~•ovids3, howeverD thst no notica oP c~nce,l3ntinn~ a~ abov~: prnvi.deds sha13 ho at atiy Scsrce or of£oct S.€ Le3sor ahall havo renedied the defnuit grior to receipb ox I.essQ~~s tsotifco of cance3.la~ion; (e) ihe a~su~pLion by th~ Uni'Eed St~tQ:, Governra~nt or ar,p nubhorized a~ency thereot of 1:he operut4on~ control or uso o~ the Airport and Tncil.i.t4eg, or. any bub- sLsnt~sl pur~ ~r perta thnreof, Sn ~uch ~ mannc~r ~s auhstaantie]1y to reALrict Zeos~e~ for a period of at Ieast ni.tx~§ty (90) dnys~ Pron operat3xig tu1 a5.r transportatian c8stem. TAasee's ~erformunce oP aIl ar sny part of the I.c+asa Agrenment for ar durSng ony pericxi or periods sPt~r a dePeult af ex~ of bhm ~Gerws~ ,cwenr~nts anct candit2ona kere#n aontaine(i to tse ~rPoraed, kopt ~nd 6bserved by ~,essaor, sha11 not be deer~d a eaiver aP tany right on the ~xirt of Leaaeo to c t~ncol LhSs LeASe A~eement Sar failure ~y I,essor so to parform~ keep or obser+r~ nny o4 Lhs 'Eerms, covonants or conditions h4raof ~a be pc+rfarmedt kegt rind obaexvtid. Ho RaiVer nP dsFaiil.t by 1~6B8e of a~y o£ the terms~ covoneata or conditions }1er~of to t~o p~rformQd, kept oud oht~ozro- ed bq Lessor shall k~c~ conatsned ta be or act as u v~etv~r i~p Leaeee of ~ny ~u}stsQquont default o£ any of the terr~c~ concanants txnd condit4ons heroYr. cont~ittgd to be ,porPnrm- ed, kept and obaorved ~• L,essor. liT.TiCIL I~II IIu1;x:E~IiY Lessee agrFes L~s inde,~ify und hold Lecsor Soi•ever }wrmless from end ngeinot sll ls.abil3ty Por injuries to ~rsans or d.3n~ge to Fn~aperty caused by I~seeo'n uce of, occu~mrccy oS, or operatfnns at ~ho Airport,a provided~ howorar~ th~t Le~sar sha21 ~in~ to T.esmea gro~pt cnd tim~lq notics of ~x~y cl~~im arsde or ~uit institutAd Phich in ar~y mc~p flireat~y or inaireat3.ys eoni;ingent],v or ~thorw3se, mYfsc't ax r~i~+,ht af:ECt Lea3ee~ and T,essee ~ha12 havo the right to cor~promise rand prarticipa'te in the dofenae of the ean~ to tho extent of its ovm 1nC~resL. BI:TICTS $III 41P~T Fi~GTQY}fEA'T I.essnr Agreas that, an }~ayr,~eat of the rentAls~ Peett, chnrgea~ ?icenaes and texes here3.n provided Por snd !-~erforracance of. the COVOSIZi71Y.D 821CI a~reeraents on th~s ~art of LeQaee to be perParmc3d h~reemderr Leasae shall peacai~ly have and en,jo~ the le~aed premi.~es' rtghts onc' Pacilities at` the Airport ~rrantod herein. /I / - lp ~ hI:TIO~ %IV 5Ur~kF.NC7F'~ft C&' PA55ES9I~t llpon i;he explruti~n or, nther terr~inatiun of this I:<susc A~yrear~~ant~ T.as~ee~s authoritq to u~e the preia3.see~ rlgh~s an~i fuciliti~s herain ~manted aiuill cease and Lessee sholl~ upon such expirution or tsre=.inaticm~ promptly and in gond cond#.tiona or~inr~rp woar and t.esr excepteds ~urrondc~r the ar~.,'~o to Le3sor. _ F.xcept es otherviis~ providQd in Lhia ArticZe~ nll build~zgs~ HFii1~4Y'St 3tructu.-~ea~ f~.xbures~ itaproaoNOnts/ equilxnent and other praporty hought~ inetalled~ eroctad, or placad bg Isssoe in~ nn or about the ,`~irport esnct L3~e premiaca len~r.d under this Leeso A~rooraent ahall he deemed to t~e p~rsunolty And shc~ll romotn tho }a'oper'tp of Le~soe end I,~~3eo shu11 have tAe right ut at~,y tie~a during +:ho i~or~a of this I,ease d~,.~~,u:nt enc~ prior to its nvpi7•ation or dther tormiri~ttion to removcr any or all oP Yt~ pz'operty froc~ the Airi~art; provided, Loasc~e is naL in dotnult in its payments to Lorsor hereunder r~nd suh3ac~ furbher.,, to ~sses~:~ obligatian to repair All danage~ if anys re~ultin~ frorr auch remo~sl. Any ond all proporty ssot renoveil by 7,es~ee prior ta the expi.reztlon o: ather ter,ainnl:isu ot this Loase Agree~eent ahall th~r~- upon bec~~e a part oS the land an nhic2s iL ia locntad ~anr2 title thereto stuali thereupon veet in Le~vor. iaFTiCI£ !.'Y IIdSFf~~IC'.~~ L% IESSOf, T,e~sor ~say en*..~r upon th~ ~miscsr~ hei-c~h;~ Iecaed exclu3ively Lo Leasae here- under at ~ny 'Ciraa for anp purr~r,~e necnseESy~ lncidantal to or connected with tkis performsace oS its obligcstion hereuuuert or in Lhe ~xercAse of itt~ ~oaenxrm~ntn~. functions. At-:TIGI~ %7I AIFFt fsl~idZfdIS1TiATION FiIIILP.~I~ It is widerstnod Lhut I,es~or presontag hus unfier construct9.nn ri nen itctraini3'trcat3o~~ Euildln~ on the r~ir~rt. i~hon wuch Padminit~trati.on ~uilduig ic co~sstrueLad exclusS.ve spsco for I.e~seoTs uz~o vrill he ~z•ovi@ed. !at such time xa ssid builc'.iai~ ~ay Ue co~p2etFCt ruld roady tor• occu~:ancy Lescor end Lessee ai1J. negotinte the IIAOUII'f, of rontol to ~c~ paid by ~e~soe tor Euch ~~ace. Until such tir.ro as s~ieh na~,v fiuild~ ma,y h~ aampl~te~ Lessoe wili coatii.ue to aecugy spnca 3~~ thQ ol.d Adainistration Euildin~ under. the sn~: a?-raii~erdent as is in effect on the tiute of thiN A~reFU~nt. • ~ ' AFTICIF SVII ta53IGtT}~ifit' At~ 5i'iE7E7.xIHG Lc3ss~r~ ~hail n~t at ~ny t#ae~ uasi~n this LBAGi} A~x'ec~men't ox r;ny psrt hereo£' nor ah~.l.l I,essee sublet tha premiee~, nor r~rsy pnrt LhereoP hcrein loased to Iaasee~ ;nithout tho pr3or ~rit~t,en conaent of 7k:saor. ltkTICI~ ~.'VI32 nOTiCI:S NOtSCbS to Les~ox provfdecl £or hertsin chall be au£fic4ant if aent hy xegi:tor- ed roail~ postage Iu•a~4.d} nddr~ia~ed to Airport tdnnngez^y Nev~ Hanovor Gotuity Aisport~ P. 0. Box 1A23s ~ilmin~ton, ft. C., and noticea to Leesoe, if sont tg ragi~tered a~ils P~8~3~ r"~Pa~~~ adc~ressc.~ to _.. .a ~ or to sueh other res~ieative ~eraons or adclressna as the part<_es may dcs~i~natP to e~ah ~ther !ui wrlting fron ti~e to tire. (SEAL) IE5~40R HX P.ttoz~t: BY (6EfiL} I~SJ~E ~ttost: ., BY Secretarp I3Y ~r ~+ e. Meeti~g of November 13, 1950, conti*+ued. A request of Mr. W.S.R.Bea*+e, Chairma~ of the Wilmi~gto~ Port Commissio„ to ircrease the _ W1~~ salary allotmert for a~ Executive Di~rector of the Port Comr.~issio~ from $4,800.00 to $5,500.00 per year to e~able the empl.oyment of a compete.+t gxeeutive to fi7.1 the vacancy~ was upo-+ motior of bir. 0'Shields~ secorded by Nr. Davis~ gra~ted, provided the same wi11 riot i^crease their budget. ~, Upo.+ motio~ of Mr. 0'Shields, seco~ded by I~7r. Davis~ pay~ge±~t of bill.s of expe~se ir the total ,--~~QP/ amou~t of $3,3g9.~6 for holdi^g the ~e~eral eLectio~ november 7th, submitted by Mr. James D. Carr, Chairman of the Board of Electio~s~ was approved. ~~~y A commu~icatio~ was received from the State Highway a~d Public VJorks Commissio~ advisi~g that 41st Street i^ ldlewild a^d the road fron Beu^a Vista Road to VJ.M. Schreider's property have bee~ added to o,ur cou~ty highway sqstem. Upo~ motio~ of &Ir. 0'Shields~ seco~ded by ~ir. Davis~ the Board authorized ard directed that --- ~~5 ~ petitio~ be prepared for submissio^ to the State Highway a*~d Public Works Commission to grade a~d pave Hawthorh Ave~ue froM the Old P~ri~htsvi]le Tur~pike Highway to US 74/~6 at the Joh~ C. Wesse27. Tubereulosis 53~atoritun. Upo~ motio~ of Nr. Tr°sk, seco^ded by Air. 0'Shields, the Eoard approved the purchase of a ~~~ three year term bo~d coveri^g the employees i^ the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court~ at a cost of $48~.50, i~stead of a~^ual bo^d at ~ premium of ~195•00, which w111 be savi^g af ~97•50 to the.Cou^ty. Upo~ motio^ of Ivir. Davis, seco~ded by Nr. Trask, taxes for the years 1944 through 1950, i~ the total amou~t ot' ~65.28 charged agai~st 13 acres of la^d, b7aso~boro Tow^ship, ir the '(a~ ~ame of J.C.Pittman, vaa.s ordered ca~ce7_led o^ accou~t of double charge a~d error. It I appeared that the property was take~ over by the U~ited States Gover^me~t from J.C.Pittma~ by co~dem~atio~ i~ 1943, was sold to the City of S"1i].mi~gto~ ir Ja~uary 1947, a-+d immediately sold to the Chad6our., Hosiery Ni11s I^c.~ who has paid the taxes on same for 194'J through 1949~ a~d owe for 195~• Upo~ motio~ of I~ir. 0'Shields~ seco~ded by ~r. Trask~ payme~t of $30.00 to Mrs. Edna Thorpe , ~~Carter, daughter of Mrs,. Le~a Thorpe, for accou~t of fu~eral expe~ses of Mrs. Le~a Thorpe, deceased, a Confederate Ufidow's Pe^si~or of New Hanover County, o'r certificate of the Clerk ° of the Superior Court as provided by law. The questio~ of the Cou~ty co~ti~ui~g its liability i~sura~ce o~ its automobile a~d truck 'ln5~,~/u^its i^cludi~g the airport u~+its, i^ vievr of the Cou^ty`Attor~ey's ruli~g that the Cou~ty .is ~ot liable for the torts of its age~ts, vaas referred to the Cou-~ty Attor++ey for further consideratio^. Upo~ motio^ of Mr. Davis, seco^ded by b;r. 0'Shields, J.F.Hei^bocker was gra~ted a-+ abateme-+t ~ of pol.l taxes as to Federal Poi^t Tow~ship accou^t of doublE Iistirg for the year 1950. He ' -~~(d also listed poll i^ Har^ett his place of reside~ce. Dr. H.W.Joh^sor~ 121 S. 17th St.~ was gra,~ted a~ abateme~t of poil taxes accou~t of double charge. South Atla^tic Seve~th 12ay.Advertist Church was abated taxes o^ ~ valuatior of ~1,250.00~ lots 5 a^d 6 Weeks Divisio.+,Wil.mi^gto~ Tov:^ship used for educ~tio^al school. .9. A. Joh~so~, Cape Fear Tow~ship, was upo^ motio^ of R9r. 0'Shields, seconde~~:~Trask, ~~pX gra~ted a^ abateme~t of taxes o^ a val_u~tio~ of ~v1~335•00 or a I950 Pl.ymouth automobile purchased o^ Ja~u~ry 24, ]_950~ upo~ fut~ishi~g satisfactory proof of date of purchase. Upo^ motio^ of Mr. H~?I, seco~ded by Mr. TrasY, Albert B. Gore, 27.1 Meares Street, was ~~(~k gra~ted a^ abateme~t of taxes o~ a va1_uatio~ of ~i,515.00 household a^d kitche-+ fur~iture listed i~ error above its true value for the year i950. Upo^ motio^ of n4r. Trask, seco~ded by Mr. 0'Shields,V~.F.Shue was released from the payme~t ~q~~of ~4.50 cost i~cluded i~ back taxes due for the years ].94~ through 1949 1^ the ^ame of the heirs of Albert Fales~ or the east e~d of lot l~ i~ block '78~ purchased March 21~ 1947, which sale was ~ot tra~sferred o~ the assessme~t books a~d therefore ~ot i^cluded on his tax list. J~o,~~,Surety bo~ds for R.L.Gardrer, Thomas B. Hughes a^d W. West, as Justices of the Peace~ i^ the amou~t of ~1~000.00 each vlith the T'ational Surety Cor.poratio~ as surety, the said amou~ts fixed by law, was upo~ motio^ of Mr. Davis, seco~ded by Mr. Trask, approved. r~~Upo~ motio~ of Mr." Trask, approved for payment. i f~iH ../y~e~. _., v seco~ded by IDir. 0'Shie?ds, Cou~ty bills Nos. 3755 to 3968 were Clerk. Wilmi^ptor, N. C., November 20, 195~• The regular vreekly meeting of the Board v~as held at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Present: Addison He*r;lett,Chairma~~ Geo. 41. Trask, Tas. lYI. Ha11, C~aud 0'Shields~ Thursto^ C. Davis and Cou~ty Attox~^ey Marsde~ Bellamy. The mi~utes of ineeti~g of R'ovember 13, 1950, were read and approved as recorded. Upon a motion offered by Mr. Trask~ a~d seco~ded by ~Ir. Davis~ the Board went o~ record ~~,,w ith a~ expressio~ of their deep sorrow a~d sympathy to the family of the passi~g of our ' ~,~w~o~'" beloved friend a^d co-worker~ Joh~ A,~Q~rell~ whom we loved ard shail miss. (" 9dhile we have suffered a great loss i~ his passi~g, the memory of his devotio~~ - ~ faithful a^d efficie~t service to the cause he had served so well as Cou^t,y Auditor from 1913 to 194~, will be a^ ideal of co~secratio-+ to us all. A+'+cl the~Glerk was i~structed e to convey to the £amily the~ love a~d sympat~y of our hearts, and the same ordered spread ~ upo~ the mi~utes of this Board. I ~224 Meeti~g of tlovember 20, ~950. ~~ The following resolutior. commendi~g Commissao~er George W. Trask was offered by _~e`~ Commissio~er Thursto~ C. Davis, secorded by .Commissioner Jas. A4. Hall a.~d u~animously adopted: .o WHEREAS George W. Trask has served the Cou~ty of New Hanover as ~ Cou~ty Commissioner for thirty-two years~ AND WHEREAS he has faithfully discharged the duties of that office to the satisfaction of the people and for the betterment of the Cou~ty as•a whole~ AnD MHEREAS his actions have been predicated o~ the basis of fair~ess a~d quality to all~ AnTD WHERFAS his love of his county and fellowma~ has won for him si~cere respect and admiratio~~ - AND WHEREAS his accomplishments in both his official capacity a~d as a private citize~ have co~tributed to the growth a~d progress of the cou~ty, AND WHEREAS his wise counsel~ Christia^ leadership a*+d berevolence have bee-+ felt 1•+ all walks of life. SE IT RESOLVED~that the new Hanover Cou^ty Commissiorers~ i^ official meeti~g this day of our Lord~ hIo~day, November 20th~ 1950~ do express appreciat~on to Commissioner George VJ. Trask for the lasti~g co~tributio^s he has made to the Cou^ty of New Hanover and to the citizens of this cou^ty i~ his years of faithful and conscie~tious service from 1918 through 1950; a~d that this resolutio~ be spread o~ the official mi^utes of this meeti^g, and'nopy of same be delivered to Commissio~er Trask. /S/ Thursto~ C. Davis Cou~t•y Commissio~er. A request of Mr. G. Dudley Hunphrey to sep~'~rate the assessment o^ the land of M. Freedland v~a~ or Swan~ Street, block 326, to e~able his clie-+t to clear the back taxes o*+ a portion of the la~d o^ a prorata basis, was upor motirn of Mr. 0'Shields, seco~ded by ~4r. Trask, referred to the Tax Supervisor~ Cou^ty Auditor a~d Cou^ty A'ttor~ey with poti~ier to act. The questio~ of Sheriff's expe~se a~d subseque~t dispositio~ of~persors _ - S extradited a~d brought back here to arswer charges of aba~dorment a~d ~o~-support and /'~ otheT cases, was brought up, a~d at the request of the Board ~~ir. Cicero Yow, Courty Solicitor~ appeared to discuss the matter. It2r. Yova told the Board that each case was thoroughly i~vestigated before extraditio^ was sought vaith the view to meet the ends of justice withot i^curring the experse of extraditi~g the defe^de~t, otherwise extraditio~ - is the o~ly course to follov~, which expe~se could ^ot be i--cluded i~ the court costs. The Cou^ty attor~ey made it clear that upo^ petitio^ of the Soli-citor to the gover~or to extradite a perso~, if approved by the Gover^or, a^d ho~ored by the Goverror of the State to vrhom it is sert, it the^ becomes the duty of the Sheriff, or his deputies~ to return , the perso^ so extradited, to the court for trial vrithbut the ~ecessity of £urther authorizatio~. ~ Thereupo~+ Mr. Davis~~€~~~~ moved a^d it wa~ seco^ded by n1r. Hall ard carried that" the J~ Sheriff's petty cash ailowa~ce be i^creased from $100.00 to a25o.00 to..meet the expenses of such cases, requested by the.Sheriff, o^ approval of the 8olicitor a~d with power to act. Upon motio~ of NIr. Davis, seco~ded b,y b4r. Hal.l, the Board voted u^animously to hsve prepared a~d adopt a re_s~~,~tio+^ e~dorsi^g the efforts of the Wilmi~gtor Chamber of -~e~~ Commerce a^d the rorth Carolina. Stete Ports Authority to obtain a Navy drydock for operation at the Wilmin~tor 5hipyar~ a^d supportirg the applicatio~ of the H.H.Bu^cher Compa~y of Pittsburgh, Pe~^., to the U^ited Ststes t~aratime Commissio^., through the office of Colorel George W. Gi7.lette,'Executive Director of the fi orth Caro'ina State Ports Authority~ toward the l~asing of a portio^ of.the shipyard as a site for the drydock a~d its operatio^ Upo~ motion of IVir. Davis~ seco~ded by bir. 0'Shields, Harvey H. Jo~es~ Piiimi~gto~ Tow~ship~ ~ was gra~ted a~ abatemert of taxes or a valuatior of ~'8,900.00~ lot a~d warehouse East ~ Wilmirgto~, accou~t of dou~le charge. It appeared that the said property was listed by the heirs of Mrs. M. B. Cole~ a~d•the same also charged agai~st Harvey H. Jo-+es i^ error as ~ot listed for the year 195~• ~ N o objections were indicated by tYie Board to the app].icatio~ of Mr. R: L. Fergus to the `~,~,~ U~ited States District E~gireer for permissio^ to•co~struct a fishi^g pier i~ the Atla~tic Ocea~ at Caro].i~a Beach, approximately 300 feet south of Cape Fear Bou].evard. Upo~ motio~, i^structio~s were ~ive^ to ackrowledg receipt of a commu~icatio^ received from Mr. A.R. Hanso~~ Director of the Public Housirg Admi~istratio~+, Richmord~ Va.~ that it will be ` ~2~1~~ agreeable that he meet with us December 12th to discuss loca7. sta~dards a~d co^ditiors pertairiTg to the redetermi^i^g the character of demourtable houses at Maffitt Vi].lage. Upo~ motio~ of Iuir. Trask, seco^ded by Mr. Davis~ payme~t of ~1~000.00~ to the State Departme~t of co~servatio^ a~d Developme^t toward the er•pe~se of a survey a~d study 1^ ar attempt to ~~ determi~e the practicability of estab],ishi~g a. steel mi7.7. in co~^ection with the deve7_opment of ~' the Portc~' Wilmi^gto~, either i^ this Cou^ty or i^ the Wilni~gto~ Trade-Area~ which, i~ the opi~io^ of the Commissio~ers will be heipful i^ the developmert of a~d i~ advertisirg the adva^ta~es a-~d .resources of the cou^ty, v~as approved as previously authorized. Upo~ motio^ of PAr. Davis~ seco^ded by Ir,r. Trask~ the fo'lowi~g State I~stitutio~s a^d Trai^i^g ~j Schools were gr3~ted do^atio^s i^ the amou^ts show^ below to suppleme~t their Christmas F~z~d .t.~ ~ i~ co~sideratio~ of i^r~~tes from this cou^ty i^ said i^stitutio~s, v~hich amou^ts are the same i a~~wed last year~ a^d are i^cluded i^ the bud~et: Caswel.I Trai~i^g School, K1~ston~i:.C.~ ~25.00 Eastern N.C.Training School~ Rocky MOUnt~Iv*.C., 2.00 Samarcand Pdanor~ Eagle Spri~gs~ t3.C.~ ~0.~ State Training School,for t?egro•~Girls, Rocky Mount~N.C., 2~.00 Stonev~all Jackson Traini^g School~ Concord~P:.C. 30.00 American Advent Christia~ Home ard Orpha^age~ Live Oak,Fla. ~'~.00 Iviorriso~ Trai-+i^g School~ Hoffmary~ r. C. 25.00 i Meeti~g of November 20~ 1950~ continued. ~~~~~ o A financial statement a~d circulatio~ report of the Wilmi~gto~ Public Library for the ~.~~~~~mo~th of October was received a~d filed. ~tir~a~ A report of the Gra~d Jury, October-Saovember Term 1950, was received and filed. ' ~ U Upo~ motio~ of ~r. Hall, seco~ded by Mr. Trask, the Board agreed to pay ~8.00 per day ~~5~ for two weeks for room at Duke Hosnital for emerge~cy leg amputation for D4r.Harry A'lexander ~ Durham on st~teme~t of the Supt.~ of Pub7.ic Vrelfare that he ~or his immediate family are fi^ancially able to meet the er.pe~se. The a~reeme~t betwee^ I:~Ir. A. E. Yopp, Co^tractor a^d the Board of Co~missio~ers~ for the co~structio~ of the Joh~ C. V7esse7.1 Tuberculosis Sa~atorium Nurses Home, in accorda~ce ,~-I.~s~ with the plans a^d specificatio^s prepared by N:essrs. Ly^ch a~d Foard, .4rchitects~ a~d in accorda~ce with the accepta~ce of the bid a^d award of co^tract at meetirg of November 13,195~, the same having been approved by the Cou^ty Attorrey, v~as upor motio^ of Mr. Davis, seco^ded by Mr. T.rask, accepted, a~d the Chairma^ a~d the Clerk of the Board were authorized a++d directed to execute the same i^ the ~ame of a^d o~ behalf of the Cou^ty The matter of employing a^ extra man to help Mr. Burroughs, the o~ly employee of the Cou^ty -~JW~~ Fire Department, PIY30 is o~ twenty-four hour duty, to give him some relief, vias discussed but ^o actio^ was taken. However the Chairma~ suggested that co~tact with the Sheriff's office by phore and radio co~ti~ue as heretofore for the prese^t time. /~ The followi~g good a~d 7_avrful perso~s; eErawn to serve as jurors i~ the Superior Court for /~~~ the Trial of civil cases for the two weeks term begi^~ing December 4th 1950: A. A. Stewart~ 21 N. Jefferson St., C.M.Miller, Rt.3~ Box 102. S.M.Yarbbrough, 208 N. 23rd St. H. A. Peterson, Rt.l. H.F.Miliike~~ Rt.3~ box 11_7. norman L. ~4itts, 605 5. 16th St, T.L.blintz~ Bellwi7l A7.ley. D.P.Xanthos~ 420 S. Fro^t St. F.L.FormyDuval~ 402 N. 15th St. J. A. Blantor~ 914 hSarket St. W. W. Guyton~ 1019 S. 5th St. E.C.HicY.s~ Jr. 1907 Pri^cess St. E.C.Joh~so~~ 2&69-F Riverside._ Wm.O.Tusch, 219 S. 2~d, St., Joh~ D. Howell~ Hotvel.l N~otor Pdorks. C.H.Spoo^er, Cape Fear I4`otor Sales. Spe~cer F. Fou^tai^, 2510 Jackso^ St. L.L.Guyton~ 509 Quee~ St. E.Ear1 Gaddy, 2826 Adams St. , M.L.Wright~ 109 A~. 7th St. Clayto*+ S. Hor~e~ 1b19 Castle St. G:S.T::Tiuelove,~204c`S.`16th St. J.R.Hamilton~ 111 N. Moriroe St. Herbert F. Porter~ Rt.3. VI.H.Sta~ley, 223 Va^ce St.,n4affitt Village. Geo.R.Wood, Box 78 Caroli^a Beach. G.E.b4oo~ey, box 121 Wrightsville Beach. L.F.Haar, 20 h9imosa Place. Ha.rry L. Ward, ~.10 Rutledge Drive~Maffitt Village. E.C.~iard~ 304-B Wil?iamson Drive. He^ry W.C.Habe~ight~ 190'J Pe-+der Ave. Ear1. W. Trodge~, 2'730 S. Harriso~ St. J.W.Steve~s~ 122 Pe~~ St.~ Maffitt Viilage. win.A.Ha11~ 7.18 Fark Ave. Chas.F.Pov:ell~ Rt.3~ Wi~ter Park. Thos.H.Vdright, City. r7 ~3T'tl.^ VO^ ~2SOT~ 19 ~~• /t~l Sti• W.P.Troitma-+,Jr.~ 308 S. 17th St. _ Matthew Guthrie, 215 Castle St. ~ Joce~.yn H. bieyla~d, Harbor Is1a~d. Alvi~ 0. Morasch, 308 Castle St. Roy Ca~ady, 71 D'exter St. ~ •Grady Tyso~, 110 N. 8th St. . H.D.Huffham, 707 S. 6th St. Marvin B. Murphy, 209 Keaton Ave. O.G.Foard, 114 N. 7th St. Ralph Soverel~ °~ WSaTCo.~ Raymond Pd. Newell~ Rt.3. , Murphy Sasser~ 308 Martin St. Mosley Fonville~ 7~2 Essex Drive. C.T.Bur^ett~ 2509 Harrisor St. C.A.Hardisor~ 316 ~iercer Ave. Fro*!t St. B 5a5 s ~f _Geo.H.Bri~so~, 406 N. 5th St. W.F.Barefoot 2309 Chestnut St. ~ . remer, John . Geo.H.He^^iker~ 12 Morni~~side Drive. H.R.McKi~~ey, Rt.3~ Box 51F. A t A.O.Herri~g, 706 N. 3rd~ St. Graham J. Burkheimer, 137 Caroli~a Drive. ve. on L.E.Ussery~ 11 Kea H.L.BTitt,-811 Dock St. N1m.L.Britt, 113 S. 8th St. J.P.Bri~so.+, 903 Il4arket St. Odell Bridgers, 420 S. 19th St. Raymo.+d A. Nichols, Ht.l, Box.254. Mrs. W. M. MeNair, Rt.l. Rt.3, Box 142. Nev~ell Andrew H Louis Hanso~, Box 233. Willard Hansley, 409 Castle St. , . R.n~i.L4oore, 129 S. 8th St. L.~i.McIver, Rt.3. Richard A. Moore, 510 Grace St. 108 S. lbth St. A.R.Hairr W.C.Hardwick~ 319 Wright St. ~ J.N.Brittain, Box 386 Surimer Hill. P.C.Mi~er, 2513 Princess Place Drive Davis R. Newkirk, P.O.Box 191~ l'irightsvi7_le Beach. N:. Har~ison~ 404 Su~set Ave. V1 tts Ave 2 L? . e 005 Jas.T.Hardison~ . The meeti~g the~ adjourned. ~%~~, ii ,y~c~_. .:! ..,, C le rk . "~ Y~iTmi-+gto^, N. C.~ November ~~~ 1950• " The regular weekly meeting of the Board.~rr~s held at 10:00 o'clock A. Ili. Present: Addison Hewlett~ Chairma~~ Geo. V7. Trask~ Jas. l~i. Hall, Claud 0'Shields, Thursto~ C. Davis a~d Cou^ty Attor^ey n'_arsde^ Bellamy. The mi^utes of ineeti~g of November 1.3, 1950, vrere read and approved as recorded. Nrs. J. T. Vick appeared to a~ain object to the use of her lard for right-of-way for ~s improvi~g ard v~ideri~g Hi^to^ Ave~ue~ a public highursy ~ear Sea~ate~ Litigatio~ over the right-of-x~ay havi~g previously been settled by a judgme~t of the Superior Court, October Term~ 1.948, a~d the matter how bei~~ entirely i~ the hands of the State Highway a~d Publ.ic Works eommissio~~ there is ~othirg •the Cou^ty Commissio^ers c3~ do about it~ ir±-the= opi~io~+ of the Cou~ty Attorney. ~I A reouest of Nir. VJilliam Autry,to purchase for a pearut sta~d at 8th and Ora~ge Streets, a~ ` 5 Uioo~old school bus the county bought from the Board of Educatio~ for parts to repair a~other similar bus used for transporting County Farm Priso.+ers~ was declired. ~ 22°~ Meetirg of November 2~'J~ 1950, continued. Upo^ motio^ of i!~r. Davis~ seco~ded by n:r. Hall, the Board approved the temporary ~~~ emerge~cy admissio~ of ~~r, H. E. Ortma~, fiscal.ly disabled a~d me*+ta1 patie^t~ to the '~ C, Cou^ty Home as a boarder, for period from november 6th, the date he was released from the State Hospital,to the 16th November~ the date he was returned to the hospital. ^~~~~5 A report of the Cou~ty Firema~ for fi ovember was received and filed. ~ The questior of enclosi~g the fire truck shed to protect the truck and pump from ` (1~ freezf~g-up, vras discussed. a Upo~ motio~ of ~4r. Davis, seco~ded by b4r. O~Shields~ A4r. J. W, Covil, Har~ett Tow~ship~ was gra~ted ar abatement of taxes o~ a valuatio~ of ~~00.00, for the years 1948-19'~9~a~d ~~U,~` 1950, part of lot 10~ Ogdo~ Place, he sold to 141r. V~.E.Blackburn i~ 1947~ a~d•'the taxes o'r. the same were ordered charged agai*+st Nir.VI.E.B].ackburn for the said years, a~d that he be ~otified of this actio~. It appeared that J.VJ.Covil sold two tracts of la~d to W.E.B1_ackburn but through error o~ly o^e tract was charged to him. ~~ A report of the Cou^ty Electrical T~spector for October ~vas received ard filed. ` ~~~ The Chairmar a~rounced that the petitior requesti~g the State Highway a-+d Public Works ~y Commission to grade a^d pave H3wthor^ Ave^ue, a roadway r.u~^i~~ from .US ~4/~6 to the _(~ Wrightsville Tur~pike highvray at the Joh^ C, VGesse'1 Tubercuiosis Sa~atorium, has been prep~red or State form R-10, a^d si~^ed by the property ow~ers. which vras upo-+ motior approved. A commu~icstio^ was received froniI~~Ir. Lector Ray of the Board of Cou~ty Commissioners of Cumberla^d Cou^ty, advisi^g of the meeti^g of the Third District North Carolina Associatior - Gv of Cou~ty Commissio^ers at Cli^to^, P'. C., S~turday~ Der.ember 2~ 1950~ at I0:00 o'clock A.ll4.~ to discuss important 1.egislative mattersr All members who ca*+ find~it co^ve~ie~t were urged to atte~d. . ,/~x A~ audit of the Co~solidatEd City-Cou^ty Tax Office for the year 1949, prepared by ~ J. B. I~cCabe & Compary, vras received a~d referred to•the Cou~ty Auditor for exami~atio~. Upor rriotio~ of ~4r. 0'Shie].ds, seco^ded by Mr. Davis, b~r. F.L.McR~cke~, .formerly of 7.512 A~~ St., a reside~t stude~t af Georgia for the past two years~ was grarted a~ abatemert of poil taxes listed by his father i^ error for the year 1950. Mr.•~.R.Davidso~, 4200 Olearder Drive, Har~ett Tow~ship~ was abated taxes o~ a valuatio^ of ~60.00 personal property a~d poll -~~ accou^t of double charge, a~d nathan So~sky, Federal Poi~t Tow~ship, 'vias gra~ted a~ abateme-+t of taxes o-, a valuatio~ of ~49~j:00 persoral a~d poll as to city taxes o~ly, charged i~ - Wilmirgto~ in error. ~4rs. N. H. Davis~ 107 S. 17th Street~ who listed a 1950 Chevrolet at $1~600.OO,~she claims to have purchased January 7~ 1950, i^stead of iisti^g a 1936 Chevro7:et she ow~ed o^ Ja~uary l~ I95o~ Red Book value ~150.OOy was ~ra~ted ah a2~teme-+t of taxes o~ a valuatior of $1~450.00 upo~ furrishi^ satisfactory proof as to the date of purchase of the 1950 car. Nr._.L, b2. Shytle, ,311 South l~~h 5treet, who listed i~ve~tory at $2,600.00 o~ February 3~ 1,950, was gra~ted a^ abateme^t of tazes o~ i~vA~tory listed for him by. his bookkeeper or February 8~ 1950~ at ~1,800.00. Double.charge a^d J.isted ir error. A report o,f the Tax Collector_showi~~ ~6,818.43 col.lected for the City a~d $5,966.27 `p,}~ coilected for the Cou~ty~ maki~g a total of ~12~784.~0 back taxes co].leeted for the mo^th of October. . Ar i^vitatio^ vras received froM A4r. F.P.U'CrowZey, Chairma^ of the n4ilitary a~d naval r'~`~~ Af.fairs Cor:,mittee of the Chamber of Commerce~ to attend z meeting to be held Friday~ _.~n December 1, at 10:30 A.M., i~ the City Cou^ci1. Chambers~,~for ar i^formal discussio~ of ~_ matters pert~i~i~g to the welfare of the military perso^~el ir this commu~ity. N~~eY~ The Chairm~^ to2d the fioard that our check for $~~1;000.00 has bee~ se+~t to Nr. Geo..R.Ross, ~ Director, of the State Departme-t of Co~servatio^ a^d Developne~t for aur part of the expense for maki^g a survey of the possibilities of locati^g a steel mill i^ this or the Wilmi~~to^ Trade Area, a^d that he had ~et ~ Dr. 11'. G. Friedrich who was here maki~g the survey last vreek a~d appeared to have bee^ successful.i~ gathering valuab2e i^formatio». ~ The followi~g stateme~t prepared ~~d prese~ted by L:r. Trask was read ard upo~ motio*+ of -{\~~ Mr. Davis~ secorded by Nr. Hai.l, was ordere.d spread upo^ the ~i~utes of this meeti~g: ~°D9r. Chairma~ a~d Board: This week e~ds my terr,i as Cou~ty Commissio~er~ a~d I v~ish my successor well. Most of my work ard associatio~ through the ye~rs v~ith my feilow Commissio~ers has bee~ a pleasure, a~d I sha7_1 miss meeti~~ with you after servi+~g these past thirty-two years. There have bee~ ma~y cha~ges i^ our cou^ty si~ce 1918~ a^d I believe most of them have ~, beer for the best. I agai^ tha~k my frierds, am si~cerely grateful, a~d deeply appreciate their efforts i~ my behalf through the years~ a~d I hope that I have bee^ worthy of their support. I firmly believe that the tax payers of PTew Hanover Courty have received as much~ if rot more, for their tax mo~ey tha-+ a~y other cou~ty i^ i'orth Caro].ina~ Our schools are rated among the highest a~d are as good as the best. New Hanover CouTty built more hard-surfaced roads for its size, up to the time the State took them over, tha~ any other cou^ty. The cou~ty has fi~a~ced its share of our Health Departme~t, Public VJelfare, Hospital Charitles, a~d Associated Charities. The Cou~ty Farm has bee~ ru~ at a profit a~d its products used to help mai~tai^ the Cou^ty Farm. Its i~mates have bee~ amply cared for. All other esse~tial fu~ct~:ons a~d obligatio.+s of Cou~ty Gover~me~t have beer provided for a~d efficiently carried on. It has bee~ do~e most of the time with o^e of the lowest tax rates i~ the State. Our cou~ty's credit has bee~ as good as the best. Our bo~ded i~debtedness has nover been high~ a-+d we have rever had to re~ew a bo^d~ ^or have we failed to have the morey to pay ~ all other courty obligatio~s vrhe~ due. $efore the budget system vras adopted i~ 1927~ it was customary to borrov: for curre-+t expe~ses. Last, but ~+ot least~ we have carried o^ drai~age v.~ork, a^d, I u~dersta^d, we are the o~ly cou~ty that has. This vrork ha.s bee~ do^e mostly v:ith short term cou^ty priso~ers with small cost to our tax payers. The u-~toZd va,].ue of this work is hard to estimate, rot orly ~~~, Meeti~g of November 27~ 1950~ contihued. f rom a~ agricultural a~d home-site standpoi~t, but it is a health project as well ir the elimi~atio~ of mosquitoes ard malaria. PJe have cut ~ew~ take^ over and mai~taired about severty-five miles of drai~age ditches in the cou^ty, without which ma~y of our homes a~d farms would ~ot be i^ their presert locatiors. I corsider drai^age very importa~t a„d esse~tial to our cou~ty's urelfare. It ~ot o^ly pays to drai~ for health, home~ a~d agricultural purposes, but it pays to drair timber la~d. Nlost forest trees grow faster where the la~d is drai~ed. 3 believe with drainage a~d systematic bur^i~g our forest products alo~g our coastal plai^s i~ our souther^ st~tes could be doubled a~d worth u^told millions of dollars to our future ge~eratio~s. I shall conti~.ue to be i~.terested i^ our cou~ty's v~elfare, a~d~ if I ca~ be of a~y service, I shall corsider it a privilege. /5/ George PJ. Trask." The meeti^g the~ ad~our^ed. ~ ~~r.~~._ ~ - Clerk. ~ . Wilmingto~~ N. C.~ December 4th 195~• The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Present: Addiso~ Hewlett, Chairma^, Jas. Ni. Hail, Claud 0'Shields, Thursto~ C. Davis~ Hal J. Loue a^d Cou^ty Ati:or~ey n73rsde^ Be?lamy. ~£G~ommissio~ers Thursto^ C. Davis a^d Hal J. Love eaho were elected Cou^ty Commissiorers at h,~„~the last ~e^eral electio^ held fiovember 7~ 1950~ having qualified by taki~g the oath of ~~ 2.- office before the Ho^orable Clawso^ L. Will.iams~ Judge presidi^g 5uperior Court December Civil Term i950~ the Board proceeded to re-orga,^izatio^. The term of the Chairma^ of the Soard havi^g expired this at which a chairma^ is to be elected, ll~ir. 0'Shields moved C~--~re-elected Chairman, his motio^ v~as seco^ded .by Il~ir. Davis ~ lnw~~ elected Chairmar of the Board for a term of o^e year. ~1r. ~C/~~ Chairnian ard authorized to sig^ warrants or the Cou^ty Au~ cases of the abse~ce of the Chairma~. ~r. I+~arsde~ Bellamy ~ C~ a~d Thomas K. Woody Clerk of the Board. day, a~d this bei~g the meeti~g that Mr, Addiso^ Hev~lett be a~d Mr. Hewlett was u~a^imously Jas.Il%~.Ha11 was re-elected Vice 9itor for courty expenses i~ was re-elected Cou~ty Attor~ey • Upo^ motio~ of bir. 0'Shields readi~g of the mi~utes for the last regular meeti~g was dispersed with. • ~ Upo~ motio^ of Mr. Davis~ seco~ded by n4r. Hall.9 the followirg resolution endorsi++g ~.~' Mitchell's La^ding Site ^ear Acme as tfie_~locatio~ for~the co~structio^ o£ a,proposed highway bridge was u^a~imously adopted: • ~ WHEREAS, the Cou~ty Commissiorers of New Hanover Cou^ty have been i~formed that the State Highway a~d Public VTorks Commissio~ has a^~ou^ced its i.+te~tio~ to co~struct a brige over the Cape Fear River ~ear Acme, P:. C., and WHEREAS~ the selectio~ of a site for locatio^ of a bridge is of vital importa~ce to local i~terests as wel]. as the public ge^era7_ly, to serve a larger area over a shorter dista-+ce of,travel, a~d y~rFIEREAB~ the Roger ~oore Brick a~d Ti].e Compa^y a^d the Acme Fertilizer Compa*+y are located at Acme a^d employ a large ^umber of perso~s i^ Lhat area~ a~d WHEREAS~ the Hiegel Paper Compa^y is ~ow co~structi^g a large paper mill at Acme~ and will also employ a large ^umber of perso~s~ a~d by reaso~ thereof will gre3tly i-+crease the area from ~vhich perso^s wiil commute to work a^d future activities wiil be gre3ter at Acme tha~ at a~y other locatio^ o~ the hi~hway betweer Wilmi^~to^ ard Fayetteville, and WHEREAS~ i^ the opi~io~ of this Board the co~structio^ of a bridge over the Cape Fear River ~ ~ear Acme would gr•e~tly shorte^ the dista~ce of travel for the tra^sportatio~ of raw materisls; to factories, for ma~ufactured products to markets~ commuters a-+d the public ge^erally ~ THEREF~RE~ the Board of Commissio~ers of DTew Hanover Cou~ty, i^ reguiar meeti^g assembled ~ • 1~io~day~ December 4th 1950, vae^t o~ record u~a^imously e~dorsi~g the Mitchell's Landing Site.~ ~ear Acme~ N. C.~ as the location for the co-+structio*+ of the proposed highway bridge. ,~ _ ~ Upo^ motio^ of Mr. Hall, seco~ded by Mr. 0'Shields, the Board accepted for the courty, for ~ ,,,ss the public good, a gift of a parcel of land from Mr. ~ames ~~' AuduboJr~desid^atedWasepart ~-~d Mrs. Edith M. Hall, 7.ocated o~ US '74/']b ..& Strawberry Ave ue, e g of lots 36 a~d 37 a~d all of lots 38 a~d 39, of the C.Var Leuve~ Audubo^ Exte^sio~~ for the ' sole use a^d purposes of a floral park, prese~ted by Mr. R. A. Shew.for Mr. a^d Mrs. Hall. r M~(~{~ A report of the Vetera~s' Service Officer for November was received and filed. J Upo~ motior of b4r. Hall~ seco^ded by ~Zr. Davis~ the Board agreed to exte++d the two weeks ~D~ serioasly~s$8k~oa1lo~ved~at~meetimgaofD ovembePi20th~forn~an additional~tworweeksam,irdige~t, ~ ~`~.2;~ ° ~~, ~o o . 7 f-^ ~. ~ , Meeting of Hecember 4~~1950~, continued. I ~ , , A report was received from the Tax Collector advisi~g that~$8 066.43 was col.lected for _~GX the City a^d $5,'734.32 for the Cou~ty, maki~g a total of ~12~~00.75 back taxes collected for the mo^th of Ptovember, ` ~ J _ t Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seco~ded by Mr. 0'Shields, Mrs. Maggie NIay Hall was granted \j~~ a~ abateme~t of taxes o-+ a valuatio^ of $2~000.00, or mercha~dise a~d fixtures, Hall s GriJ.l, 2'7 .+orth 3rd, Street, listed i~ error at $3,000.00 for the year 195~. Upon motio~ of Mr. 0'Shields, seco~ded by I~r. Davis~ n4r. F. D. Stel~es was granted a~ ,~ abateme~t of taxes o~ a valuatio^ of ~200.00, lot 34, b7.ock 32 Su^set Park sold to a~d listed by Mr. W.G.Trevathan for the years 1948 a~a 1949, accou^t of double charge. ~ A substitute motion offered by Mr. Love a~d seco~ded by Mr. 0'Shields~ to postpo~e. ~Q+/ actio~ o~ a request of Mr. E. L. VJhite for a~ appropriatior of ~500.00 for the South ' ~~, Eastern b'orth Carolina Beach Associatio.+ i^ addition to the ~1,000.00 previously gra~ted~ / W a~d that'a committee be appoi~ted to make a++ i~vestigatio^ of disburseme~ts agai~st the ~ budget allowa~ce for advertisi~g a~d a~ticipated appropriatio~s for the bala~ce of the ~~ fiscal year, based o^ last years expenditures, a~d report•~at a subseqt~e~t meetirg~ was carried~a£ter a motio~ offered by bir. Hall to decli~e the request feeli~g that a~y surplus funds available shou].d be give~ to the 9ssociated Charities or other worthy . , cause, failed of a seco~d. Mr. Hall voted ~o o^ the niotion. • ~ Mr. 0'Shields then offered his resig^atior as the cou^ty's represe~tative o^ the Boaf~d `CC, of D3rectors of SEf~1CBA to become effective January 1~ 7.951. Process bond for F. Porter Davis, as Sheriff of New Hanover Cou~ty, with the I~d'emrity ~ I~s~ra*~ce Compa~y of North America as surety, in the amount of ~2,500.OOT a~d borid for ~'• ~~ the,collectio~~of State:taxes.ir the amou^t.of ~T,000.00, with the said Compary_as surety, said amou~ts havi~g bee~. fixed by the Cou^ty Comc~issio~ers a^d approved as to form a~d executio^ by the Cou^ty Attor•^ey~ v~~er~e upo^ motio^ of Nr. Davis, seco^ded by Mr. 0'Shields approved by the Eoard. Official bonds of the Cou^ty Auditor were retur~ed to the Bo~dirg Age^cy for correctio~s, ~ a^d 'surety bo~d for It4r. B. B. Christmas as Co^stable of Federal Poi~t Tow~ship i^ the ~~ amount of ~1~000.00 v~ith the National Surety Compa~.y as surety, approve"d as to form by the ' ' ~~ Cou^ty Attor~ey w~s approved by the fio~rd subject to the proper acknowledgmert of the executio^ of the Eo^d by the pri^cipal. Upo^ motio^ of Mr. Da.vis~ seco^ded by Nir. 0'Shields~ the Board authorized that a~ audit of `~ the accou~ts a~d records of the o£fice of Clerk of the Superior Court be made up to the ~~~ date of taki~g over the office by Mr. Foster Edvaards, duly appoi^ted C1erk of the Superior Court to succeed ~4r. A.L.Meyla~d, deceased. Upo^ motio~ of Mr. Davis~ seco~ded by Mr. 0'Shields, Mr. E..S..9^rlrews, Vdilmi^gto~ To~qnship~ ~/ was granted a~ abateme~t of taxes o^ a valuatior of $~6~000.00, lot 1, Oleander~ for the _^~~ years 1949 a~d 1950~ accou~t of doub~.e charge. The same was sold to n4r.C.S.Sarderso~ a^d ~/~ listed by him for the said years, a-+d E.L.Hotibs was granted ar abateme~t o~ a valustio~ of ~2~600.00~ block 2~ lot 19~ Woodlaw~,-Ylilmir~on Township~ a•ccount of double charge . for the years 1949 a~d 1950. The same is ow^.ed a^d listed by Joseph Simpso-+ for said .years.. . ~ Upo~ motio^ of Mr. 0'Shields~ seco-+ded by Mr. Love the Board directed that appropriate ~~, ~"R~. resolutio^s be drawr a~d forwarded to the family of the late A.T~.Meyla~d, with expressio^s of sympathy. ~-+ ~, '-ihS~Upo~ motior of b-Tr. Davis, irstructiors were give~ to write foaa~eT •meter adjuster Mr. W.H.We~dt,~, a~d former Coro^er Gordo~.Dora~, letters of appreciatio~ for the:; very.fire services rerdered y; -C~"~' duri~g thei'r:: -terure of ~office. , ~, ~' Upo~ motion, the Cha.irma-+ was authorized to e^gage the services of Mr..'J.R.Loughlir, Cinil ` _ 5 S E~gi~eer, to prepare a sketch a~d set i^ gr»de stakes for co^structin~ roadways,o^ the.grourds ~ at the Joh~ C. Wesse~l Tuberculosis Sa^atorium. _ ~^~~ A recess was the^ take~ u^til 10:C0 o'clock A.~4.,, Tuesday, December 5th 1950, to receive the ~i official bo^ds of ll4r. Foster Edvaards ^ewly a.npoi^ted Clerk of the Superior Court. n., .1,~~ -=y CI~ERK. VJilmi^~~to~~ N. C.~ December 5th~ 1950. Pursuant to reces~ taY.e^ Mo^day~ December 4th i95~, the Board met at 10:00 o'ciock A.M. Present: Addiso~ Hew7.ett, Chairma^~ Jas. ~4. Hall, Thursto^ C. Davis a~d Courty Attorrey Marsde~ Bellamy. bee*+ Mr. H. Foster Eda~ards havi~g/duly appoi~ted to the office of C1erk of the Superior Court by the Ho~orable Joh~ J. Bur~ey, Reside~t Judge of th~ Eighth District~ for a trem of ^,~,r~ office begi^^i~g December 4th 195~~ a^d'e~dirg o^ the First N1o~day i~ December 1952, ~J" occasio~ed by the death of bir. A.L.Meyla~d former Clerk of the Superior Court~ a~d havi~g . ~ take~ the oath of office before the Ho^orable Clawso^ L. ~rlilliams, Judge Presidi~g December Civi]. Term Superior Court 1950; prese^ted his o`fici~l bo^d 1~ the amou~t of ~25~000.00 ' with the The Fidelit.y a^d Casualty Compa^y of P:eva York ss surety~ the said amount havi~g been fixed by the Cou^ty Commissio^ers a~d the bo^d approved as to form a~d executio~ by the Cou^ty Attor~ey~ was upo^ motio^ of Mr. Da.vis~ seco^ded by NIr. Hall~ approved by the Board. The meeti^g the^ ad~our^ed. _ /lT~,~ ,~ 94~~±-z+~ C1e rk. ~ . 229 VJilmi~gto~, ?', C., Dece~gber 11, 1950. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held at 10:00 o'clock A, b4. Prese~t: Addisor Heivlett~ Chaitma++~- Jas, bi. Ha7.1~ Claud 0,'Shields~ Thursto~ C. Davis~ , . Hal J. Love a~d Cou~ty Attor~ey Marsde~ Bellamy. , The mi~utes of ineetir~ssof December 4~ tt~d 5~ 1950,_avere read ard approved as recorded. A petitior of 63 property ow-+ers a~d reside^ts of Flemingto~ sub-divisio~, Ca.pe Fear ' Tow~ship, prese~ted by the Revere~d R. ~rt, Jer~i€a~ a^d bir. R. F. Hobbs for a~.delegation n~ of twe~ty or more perso~s prese^t, opposi^g the re-routi~g the "1D'iggerhead" road as shown ~6:~+5 by a rece^t survey a^d urged that the old road via of Flemi~+gton Vil7,age be fo~.lowed to co~rect ~vith State Highway 421 at L•o~~ Creek, for gradi^g a~d pavi~g, was upo~ motio~ of b4r. Davis~ secerded by Mr. 0'Shiel.ds~ received £or i^vestigatio~ with Mr. A.Ydilbur Clark, Commissiorer,a^d Divisia~ Highway E^~i~eer of the Triird Divisi.o~ State Highway Commissior at rayettevil2e~ before taki^~ actio~ i~ the matter. Miss Ver~a B. I,owery~ Home Demo^stratio~ A~e~t a~d b3iss Hel.er Smith. Assistart Age^t~ appesred to sub~it their a~^ua~, report of the ~ctivities of their department, together --1~~`~"" with their report for T'ovember vrhich was received and filed. A r,eport of the Col.ored '• _2~~ Home Agent for Pdove~ber vaas also received and payment: of $12.22 for office supplies was approved. Aee^t A report of the F'arm Demorstrati.on/for r'ovember v~as received and filed. •- Q~-~-- official bonds for Mr. C.F.Smith, Cou~ty Auditor, i~ the amou^ts show~ below with the ~~~,~-U~ited States Fidelity & Guara~+ty Compa~y as surety, the said amoiz~ts havi~g bee~ fixed by the Cou^ty Commissio~ers, ard approved as to form a~d execution by the Cou~ty Attor~ey, were upo~ motio-+ of ~Ir. Ha11~ seconded by I~4r. 0'Shields~ approved tiy Ehe Board: Faithful Performa~ce ~ 5~000.00 As Cou^ty ACCOU~tant 5~000.00 Treasurer of the Board ~f of Educatio^~ 25~000.00 " ~ Treas.Cou~ty Fu^ds 45~000.00 ' Si^ki^g Funds 50~000.00 ' ~ ~~o oaa ,p, ,~~j S urety Bond for Thos.K.Woody, as Clerk of the Board of Cou^ty Commissio~ers i~ the ~ ,_._i , amou^t of $1~000.00 with the USF&GCo., as surety was approved. Surety Bo~ds for T~swre-+ce F. Duke as Co^stable of Vlilmi~~ton Tow~ship with the Travelers ~~~j I~dem~ity Compa~y~ ' ti,'i'_iia~ J. I~4irtz as Justice of the Peace ard B.B.Christmas as Corstable --~/~ of Federal Poirt T w~ ith th f hi P' ti S t il i~ th lt C t ...- e pena o s p, v~ y o e a onal ure y ompa~y as sure y~ a ~v1~000.00 each~ the said amou^ts havi~~ bee~ fixed by the Cou^ty Commissioners a~d approved as to form a^d executio~ by the Cou~ty .~ttor~ey,were upo^ motio~ of Mr. Fiall~ seconded bq ~ Iulr. D~vis, approved by the Board. • A request of Mr. Foster Edvrards, CSC.~ for a^ additio~al clerk in his oifice o~ a perma.+e~t ' c, ~e~~. basis at a s~lary of ~145.00 per n:~o^th to catch up v~ith the back work and to e-+able his - office to keep up the currect work i~ the future, vaas upo^ motioT of Mr. 0'Shields, ' seco~ded by Mr. Ha~_1~ gra^ted a temporar}~ clerk for tvro mo~ths, consideratSo~ to be given ~ perrr~a~ert employme~t i^ the i^terim. ; Upo^ motio^ of Ivlr. Hall, b2r. Hal J. Love was appoimted to represe^t the Cou^ty at a heari~~ ~,~( before the ~iaritime Admi^istratio^, Tuesday, December 12th,i^ Washi~gto~;D.C,, in the;matter of e ~ ` ~~` ' ~-^ `tYie appliCa,tio~ of the H.H.Bu~cher Compa~y to lease a portio^ of the Shipyard for th ~~` operatio~ of a Navy Floating Drydock. ~ . ~ Upo~ notio~ of.~4r. I,ove:; seco~ded by Mr. Davis, the followirg were o^ recommendatio~ of the ~QX~-, Cou^ty Auditor, appoi^ted tax listers Por the fo1loH~i~g tow~ships for the year ~951: ~ Cape Fear Tovr^ship Mrs. Geo. W. PFilki~s. ' Harrett " #1 It2rs. S. W. Brinso~. Har++ett " 2 n4rs. Sailie E. Pierce. A4asonboro " P~Srsl Leila bS. Horne. • Wilmirgto~ t0 J. H. VJomble. :. . ~~ ~~ W. P. Too~e~ Jr.~ ~~ °~ t~rs. J. E. VJalker / L~ The anpoimtmeht of a tax lister for redera7. Poi^t Tow~ship, a^d taxlister-clerk for t t t o ~ e ' ~1AX o ac r with power . or a.- Tax Sup rvis d ti9il~nirgto~ Tow^ship~ was referred to the Cou^ty 9udi The matter of revaluatio~ of real estate for the year 1957- Q'~s discussed, ard upon motio^ seco^ded b5~ rs. Love actio^ ~:as postpo^ed u^til ~ext meeti~g. However Mr. Hall of n4r. Davis ~ vote~ ~o feeli^g that rev~lu3tio^ of property should be postpo~ed for a^oth~ year. Upo~ motio- of I~~Ir. Hall~ seco~ded by I~4r. L"Shields, the F.oard approved the payment of $7.5o ~ fees to the Seci•etary of State for the appoi^tment of 2:fi.B.Register~ L.C.Williams,Jr.? ard f Mrs. Ruby King, deputies i^ the Sheriffs oifice~ as Justices of the Peace at ~2,50 each~ to e^able the office to have some o~e o^ duty at a71 times to issue v~arra~ts when recessary. ~ A^ offer submitted by It4r. Ke~^eth L. Hu~^ to purchase certai^ lots at Wiimi^gto~ Beach at tio~ decl3red r { ~i~~ ' . mo ~~25.00 each, which are assessed a.t ~;7.50.00 each~ ow^ed by the Cou^ty~ vaas upo ~ , The Chairma~ prese~ted a sketch shoH~i^g the prelimi^ary location of the drivev~ays at the osis Sa^atorium prepared by Messrs Loughli~ a.^d Vor Oeson~ E^gireers Wesse'I Tubercu? Joh-+ C S . . which met with the approval of the Board arith the exceptio~ of the close^ess of the servics d S road i^ the rear of the hospital buildi^g~ v~hich might be objectio~able i^ case it was decide ~ i^ the future to exte^d the buildi^g. It ~vas therefore~ agreed that the board view the same or the grou^ds. ~'~~ Upo~ motio^ of Mr. Hall~ seco~ded by P+Ir. Davis~ a request of Mr. E.L.White submitted at the ~t1~ meeti*+g held December 4th, for a~ appropriatio^ o£ $500.00 for the SENCBA F~mshing Rodeo ~~C~`is~gotmsufficientifu^ds avail~abOeoioOtheeadvertisi-+g~bud~etatoameet„thatfexperserco^sideri~g ~~ othe2 ap~ropriations ~]4~cX~~~~~c~ to be made before the close of the fiscal year. I 6) f~, ~di~V., Meeting of December 11~ 1950~ co^tirued. A petitio~ of '75 property ovrrers prepared i^ St~te Form R-10, asY.i-+g that Peachtree v,,~~s Street i~ Wi~ter Park~ from Audubor Boulevard to Il4acIuSill.a~ Averue be added to the ~~~~ Cou^ty Road System for State P,~ai^te^a~ce, was upo^ motio^ of Aqr. Davis~ seco~ded by Ivir. 0'S1?ields~ approved a~d referred to t~ir. A. VJilbur Clark~ Third Divisior State Highvaay Commissio~er at Fayetteville for co~sideratio^. Upo^ m,otio~ of Mr. 0'Shileds~ seco^ded by t;4r. Love~ the fioard voted u^a~iraously .not to ~~~~gr~nt further appropriatio~s out of the advertisi^g fu~d u^ti1 it is decided by~the:Bo~rd ~"e' the'amou^t of furds to be appropriated toward the expe~se of the a~~ual Azalea Festival ' •a~d the Golf Tour^ame~t v,~hich is hel.d duri^g the Azalea Festival. ~ A commu~icatior v~as received from the Si:ate ~oard of Publ.ic VJelfare advisi~g that~ ~ ~~j $41~041.63 w3s se~t to this Cou~ty i~ ?'ovember for Old Age Assistrance~ Aid to Depend~nt , ~ Childrer a~d Admiristratio~. ` Mr. Ti^dall, Cou~ty te~a-+t, appeared to ask th~t~repairs be made to the house he is ~f1~~~ occupyi~g, or he would be forced to vacate the premises. A motion offered by Mr. 0'Shields that the Cou~ty take over the re-+tirg a-+d collectio~ of ~ '~~~ rerts on its te~ant houses i~ the future, a~d that a pla^ be worked out to improve the property a~d put it o~ a sou~d basis, or dispose of it~ a~d the Board be i~formed as to ` the co~ditio~ of the property mo~thly, was seco~ded by Mr. Ha).1 a~d carried. Upor motio^ of Mr.~Davis~ seco~ded by IvIr. Ha11~ P.4r. D. A. Lockfaw~ 301 A'orthern Boulevard~ _ was granted a refund of taxes paid or a valtiatio~ of ~550.00~ 1948 Packard automobile /~G~` ].isted in error at $1~650.00~ which accordi~g to the Hed Book should have been assessed - at ~1~100.00. ~.~Upo~ motio~ of Mr. Ha11~ secorded by Mr. Love, authority vaas give~ to close/ the Cou^ty CCi offices o^ Monday,.December 25, a.~d Tuesday, December 26th i^ observarce o~ the Christmas - holidays. `~-, Upo^ motio~ of n4r. Davis~ seco^ded by L4r. Love, Cou^ty bi'ls T1os. 3969 to 4250 were ~~,'l)'' approved for payment. : The meeti-+g then adjourned. _~ K.~ Clerk. • ~ 1Vilmi^~,tor, r'. C., December 18~ 195~• The regular weekly meetin~ of the Board was held at 10:00 o'clock A. M. ~rese^t: Addiso~ Hevrlett CEaairmar~ Jas. I14. H~i]., Claud 0'Shields~ Thursto^ C. Davis~ ~ Hal. J. Love a~d Cou~ty Atior~ey n4arsde^ Beilamy. The mi^utes of ineeti^~ of December 'i, i950, were T2~CI 3^d apnroved as recorded. ~ nir. Percy 1~J. 1`,e~i_s orga^izer of the How~rd-We~~s Amuseme~t Company of ye?rs pa,st~ appeared '~~,5~~ to te1~ the Bo~rd that he is co^sideri^g acquiri^p 1a^d a~d promoti^~ the buildi^g of a^ a.museme~t ce~ter, auditerium a^d club house, ~~d i^ the event his pla~s materilize he wou.ld ask the Cou^ty to approve the buildi^~ of a road to the site. DIo action was taken. Upo^ motio^ of Mr. Davis~ seco~ded by ~~Ir. Love, the Board, on opi~io^ of the Cou~ty Attor^ey~ ~~N approved a request of the sheriff for gas a~d oil for use i~ his deputies p~Y~so~al automobiles ~' ~ ~vhile e~~aged ir protecti~g private property i^ the cou~ty from va~dalism by pereons cutting . - and removi*+g trees a^d greenery from the lard of others for sale duri^g the christmas seesor~ Upo~ motio^ of Mr. Hall~ seco~ded by fl~1r. Love~ the Board a~reed to have Dr. A.H.E~liot~ Cou~ty ,1~ He~~th Officer~ exami~e the agad coiored ma~~ who has ~o ).egs~ a~d is co~fi~ed i~ ~ail -`r~ ~vaaiting admission to a State I~stitutio^, with the vieva of admitti~g him to the Cou~ty Home if fou^d sa^e.or harrnless, perdi^g his admissio^ to a state institutio^ iater. Surety bords for J~mes I+4. Shi^gleto~ as co~stable of Har~ett Tow~ship~ ard Gorma~ E. &Ioigar d, as co^stable of k4a.so^boro Tow^ship; each i- ~he a.mou^t of ~1~000.00 vrith the ?Tational -l~°~ Surety Compa~y a^d Y,he Travelers I^dem^ity Cornpa.^y as sureties,respectively~ the said amou~ts havi~f bee~ fi~ed by the Bo~rd a^d approved as to iorm a^d executio^ by the Courty Attor~ey~ were accepted a^d approved by the Bo~rd. A con;mu^icatio^ v~as re¢eived from P~ir. Il. V~ilbur C7ark~ Third Division State Hi~~hway - Commissio~er at Fayettevi'•~e~ advisi^p that Pa.ges Ave~ue Har~ett Tow~ship~ a.-+d Adams ~~cs Street Exte~sio~ south from the Ci~y limits to Shipyard Boulevard have bee~ ~dded to our ~ Cou^ty highctay syste~ for State mai^te^a^ce, a^d Castle Street i~ the City of V~ilmi^~ton from Third Street to Seve~tee^th Street. Upor motio~ of Mr. Hal.l~ seco~ded by n~Ir. D~vis, nir. Geo. VJ. Trask was appoi^ted to succeed ~; the late Mr. J..4.Orre11, as a member of the Board of ~ia~agers of Commu^ity Hospital,. ~.tiEiUw+.+. ~~ $ PIImcx~a~su,.v~,.xdcsr~~.:~;~:;~y~~,u:~+:~.u~..~1x~.~.~.L6~•~,3,f.,u,b.~~..~~c~,L,~,,,~,~.~ subjeet to the approval of the ~ City.Cou^cil. ,~ Upo~ motio~ of Mr. U'Shields, seco^ded bv ~4r. Davis~ the D& E Used Car Excha~ge was releaded £rom the paymert of ~ot listed pe~alty charged ~~ainst buildi^g i~ block 556 for j/ ~Qy the reasan they listed perso^al property thi^ki°g the buildi~g was i^cluded for the - - year 1950. A request of Douglas V. Blou+~t, 210 T~, 12th St.~ for an abateme^t of taxes or a valuatio*+ of ~i25.00 electric refrigerator ~-+d diamo^d ri^g he claims to have listed for more tha~ they ~re worth~ was decli~ed~ a^d a request of h4rs. R.C.Murray for ca~~ellatio~ of ~50.00 assessme^t o~ .88 acre:: of la^d, Rock ~?oa8•~•,:HaT~e~t Township~ which she claims was take~ over a-+d i^cluded i^ State Highway ri~ht-of-viay and Railroad right of way~ was gra~ted wher observed a^d approved bjc the Tax Assessors. ~~~}U A report of the Bureau of Ide^ti£ic3tio~ for '"ovember v~as received a~d filed. ~ ~~~ Meeting of December 18~ 1950~ co~tirued. : Mr. 0'Shields brought up the m~tter of re~~alu~tio^ of property~ ~~d moved that the Commissio~ers set up a~ advisory Cor~mittee to be composed of the Presidents of the Wilmi~~to^ Cle~ri~g House, Bo~rd of Realtors~ ~ilmi~gto~ t~fercha,nts Associ.atio~~ Wilmi^~to~ Ch~mber of Comme.rce, the Cou^ty Ta~. Supervisor 3~d the Coa^ty Auditor and ~~` empower then to m~ke i^vesti~~tio~s of ta~; structures i^ this a~d adjoi^i~g cou~ties, that ~1,000.00 be m~de ~v~ilable for use at their discretion a~d that n~Ir. Hewlett be ^amed temporary ch3irm~~ u~ti' the Committee meets,~or'g3~ize a~d .elect its chairma~. Meeti^g to be ca~led a^d held withi^ th5.rty days from date. A~d that the revalu~tior of • property be postpo^ed u~til 1952, v,as secorded by Mr. Hal J.Love and carried. ~~~A report o.f the Wilmi~gtor Public Library for 1`ovember was received and filed~. Upo^ motio~ of Mr. Davis, seco~ded by Mr. 0'Shields, Elle~ Smith, colored, i^digert ~ C~oYn~ citizer~ ~9 years of age ar.d livi^g alo„e a^d ^o o^e to take care of her~ was upo~ ' , recomme~datio~ of the Supt., of Public Vdelfare, gra~ted:temporary admissioT to the Cou^ty Home as a~ emerge^cy case. ` A petitio^ of six property o~~arers requesti^g that the Seagate Cemetery road ru^^irg from ~ j US ~4/~6 to Sea~ate Cemetery, be added to the Con^ty Iiighv;ay system for State pavi^.g and ~ mairte~a-+ce, cras upo~ mot~o~ of I1ir. Davis, seco^ded `~by n4r. 0'Shields, approved• and referred to Mr~ 4. Wilbur Cl.ark, Third Divisio~ St~te Hi~-hvray Co!::missio~er for co^sideratio~. Upor motio^ of h•Ir. Davis, seco~ded by It7r. Love, the Board o^ opi^io^ of the Cou-~~y Attor~ey ~ S~ voted to arpeal to the Supreme Gourt~ ~he case of Hudol_ph Lewis vs City a~d Cou^~Cy '. i~ a suit totset aside the s~]:e of la^d for t3xes a^d refu^d of purchase price accou~t of title which was decided a~~i~st the City ~-d Cou^ty i^ Superior Court. A^ offer of Mr. J. II. Holnes to pur•ch3se a 33 foot 1ot, City a^d Cou^ty ow^ed Ia^d i^ l~~L block # 340 at its assessed v31ue of $150.00~ was received for further co^sid~ratio^ with the City ss to what it is worth. The meetir the^ adjour^ed. -.:Th~ ~G 1erk. - ~ Ba~~/~ Vdilmi~gton, P*. C., December 2'7~ 1950. The regular weekly meeting of the Board wa.s held at 10:00 o'clock A.M. . Presert: Addiso~ Hevr7,ett~ Chairma~, Claud 0'Shields, Thursto~ C. Davis~ Cou^ty Attor~ey ,Marsder Bellamy and C.F.Smith, Acti~g Clerk. . , ~Mr. George Carady appeared before the Board v:ith~a request for a~ abateme.+t o£ costs _~~ assessed o++ Zg4'7 taxes ].evied agai~st a piece of property he purchased from Mr.L.L.Taylor. He steted th~t he vaas u~aware of the tax due at the time of purchase~ a~d that he was crilli~g to pay the tax but u^der the circur,~sta^ces did ^ot feel that he ov~ed the costs. Upo^ motio~ of Mr. Davis, seco~ded by Mr. 0'Shiel.ds~ the matter v~as referre.d to the Cou~ty Attorrey . with power to act. ' 4 Sheriff Davis appe~,red to request permissio^ for himself a^d three deputies to atteTd a school by the I^stitute of Cover^me^t at Chape'L Hi.II. J~~u~ry ~,4~5~ ].951. Upo~ motio~ ~~nPJV of Mr. Davis, seco^ded b5~t~.4r. 0'Shields, the Board authorized at Courty's expe*~se the trip for i^structio^ a^d study. It appeared i.^ the opi^io^ of the Board that such expe~diture would be for the best i^terestof the Cou~ty, a.^d that such ex.pe~diture is a^ecessary expe~se of the Cou^ty, Upo~ motior of l~ir. Davis~ seco~ded by LZr. 0'.Shields, bi~ls of the Sheriff i^ the amou~t „_ S}.,Q,z of $163.18 for mile3ge a~d expe^se for tr~^sporti~~ priso^ers ~^d i^s~^e were 3pproved for payme~t. _ a~ Report from the Tax Collector showi~€ $5~~23.61 collected o~ back taxes for the mo~th _ of December was received a~d filed. 0~ motio^ of Mr. Davis~ seco~ded by Mr. 0'Shields~ bord for Mr. Joh~ D. James i^ the amou~t ~ of ~1~000.00 as Justice of the Peace, vaith the Trave]_ers I~dem^ity Com~a~y as surety~ ~~~"" the same havin beer a rovad as to form a~d executio^ b the Cou^t Attor~e was a. € PP y y y~ pproved by the Board. ~ `--^~w+u~--A .letter from I^terratioral Paper Comp~.^y was received a~d filed. Request from St. Phillips A.M.E.Church that taxes for 1950 on property in block 29'7 belo~gi~g ~c~, to,them be abated a~d placed o^ the free list~ si~ce they are usi~~ the property for a ~ parso~age. Matter was referred to Chairm~r, Cou^ty Attor^ey a~d Auditor~ with power to act. ~ Upo^ motio^ of &ir. Davis~ seco^ded b~- G'r. 0'Shields, Mrs. Dorthe~ Vlag++er Mo-+tgomery was ~~~ admitted to the Courty Home December 20~ 1.9`>0. / Upo^ motior of I~4r. 0'Shiel.ds, seco^ded by D4r. PvSr. Harry McGirt ard ~Mr. D. A. Herring were \ ' ~G~ appoi~ted assessors for P~ew Hanover Cou^ty. N Ms~-Upo^ motio^ of Mr. 0'Shields, seco^ded by Ivir. Davis~ PTew Year~ Day was considered a holiday ~,C and a7.1 cou^ty offices vai11 be clo=ed. The Board of Commissio~ers wi~? meet Piew Year's Day at 10:00 A.M. .~~y Upon motior+ of I~r. 0'Shields, seco~ded by 1V4r. Davis~ payme~t of bil.~s r•os. 4251 to 431? were ~.~'" authorized. ?he meeting the~ adjour~ed. C.F.Smith, Acti.+~ Clerk, I