1941 Meeting Minutes E i~` ` _ - !I~. i ~'~I. '.I a' i , ~ tl 7 ~i,~.I a. ~ ~ , - ~ . ~~ilmi ton ~,e._ ~ ~ c'emb er 30th . ~ f 1940. a,c~p .ll~ if JcrlllcLY"I ~t1x 1` , i ~~1 f Cant1r1l1eCI. ,!'t . ti , yf~ 1 "The re ular meeting ; ~ b of the ;oard c~r~ , as held at 3•QC P.M• I sa.ev ont~ 'ar ~osep , Ledo ..r^ t^~ l ~ c,l~, 02'r,; c,J...G T OI' . C'C'~7:'I':_ , r 1• + r r 4. 1~ ~ : ' Present• Addison ~ ~ o tet~llPtt Cllairr!la ~':°l~ it'.' 'of ~'S~O' a.r~ v0'. I S r t e d lt`Ilc_ ~ ,r „cr., ,1'„ II j ~l j~ L. J. Col. n. Geo.,J.Tra kf J~s•Pa.l-Iall'li.tt ~ ire . • .CC „>rth :.'t'• ~i ~~uret. .:c?~,?)c,11i' r ,r, ' eman. ~ G rdner do { d ^ ~ -,~ourit r.~ v1n , be „ ~ ~ u_ et,~, ~ P4,,~ t~~ , ~ g en fix~.~, b the ~,o.°,^r:iss~.one ~ - Ir ~3 ~ ~ - r's, .aa lr.~(~r: ':ot~on ;r;~'roti-p~-! IP ` ~ , - ~ : , ' .~1 ,~,;,c),.~ ~ vot~.n • a ~ irmata.vely. ~ The minutes of mee ting of llecember ?3rd 1940 ~ ' j ,4f j - , , u, ere rerlcl and a pproved as r } ecorded• , h request of ;r. Ilugh 1:4acB,ae-that th r ,~r ! c,' e:Exss"i oners `:'iIas• ~ r ~ e ~ounty cooperate Jith him in ~_t, Cooxaez „(a, lis f. '1' [ ~F ~f~ 1; public park alone the ea est~bli ' , ~ oz , .Lot. ~ .fisher : nd :~~,5.~,.L, .u; o sterr~banks rt s,~in ~~Q I ,ant an:a a ~)inr. ~af Burnt ,:ill Creek from the t~ri ~r ~ a ,I. meet.tn~, .,Q~ r,tld to ;!;five i'uz~tirel' co?~,~~- e,~~,+'? ~ t n, ,c~ccz ^~.laL..°ilct- or. o~ a y I~~~~ r ' to Smiths' Creek ~_.on to tt.e nee.,,, ~,~ree _ , , r , .Jas upon motion of I,~°. Ha11 seconde~ , roa splcllez5 reciea i~ f ~ h 1,Ir. d - _ Tonal bu.,-l~.ln~ consideration. Y lraslc , . l~ t ,~,E'I; ~ .received ` ' ~ ~ ~ Crrell , o d ; , . t i f m 1 , ~ , , C unt5 Tula 1•car ~,nc: .I.Louz.s lsher` T ~ , ~ ~ . i, , , , , , Clt~ o~rli,rl,,~~.oner oi'' ~.n' areviot,sly been nes ~ ~n°1?ce t; , t'pon motYOn of ?'r v , l~,n tee, to f>,_ n~ _ „ y ~ 1, ~ Trask sec r t auil in ' 'z7 ~ n d s ,>nci rn..Uns` faz financin , tY:e c)l,structaon TT ' ~ ~l~ f one ed by tSr . Ha11 f an item a . o~ t.re gj t.. Crrtill reported that the t,.l;'.C'. ~oarr A~ the propert of mho of ,~4.,,9 axes chi ~ _ • . , ~E• ~ 1 . ~t~„~.,tv~! .chat su~.'ficzent I~,, Y s•J.Gausei block l$3f for'the year lei ~.talt~ontll-~t.nt,,, 1,~ulc, be auazi:~ble to'the ,o T t , j I f 79 in t;he ~r~eo aet,lnst , C uat ~o )..r.~~ taE, , , ~ ,•as ordered cancel], ~ ~ name' o r,. ..n , . Y ..at.rzt ~ pz o,,orttaa~ e i~;,4;~ ~ ar.. t o~ east, oz ce~.t. ted 1 , ed as beir~, a doubtful char7e, f ~rC' raker • h_uctlon. itr.: a.sYier rez~or ~ ' Y ' _ t 1 S' e ' ; „t.~,z.r.}r~n o,. - - d~ .xsa r. ~;o i~ •::n ~ the-J~BC Pa~rcl t11a~t ape Cite::cal ~ , ~ I~,~,~~ request o.f li•l~r•Chadl•,~Yek f J tld not e,,i~EC,t ~~c~re funds -the=r, tree 1 ~ . y iS i , , or adjustment of the 2 anticin~ted recEsi~ts sit !fir, zn the Ll ~t'~ ,1 ; I j;J; to 194C lnclus>.ve ..on 10•&7 back taxes..: due .for t~ buct~,et, one Inr'tter of the rc~nartion~,' c I lot: ;~15 in r,lock ~ the ear o,~ ,~,s ~!scusseci rind l,a{ . ('o~7;sex' ~ p _ to o.,t ,~23-Sunset Park asse,.secY ~ Y s 1~,1 movecr Inca .tt s„as 'socoli~ieca ~~r ,~f, ~ y ;i. , ' personal and doll are inc11; • ~ , , 1 .r , 1., f < t ~18C.00, t 4, r x ,2_rdne~ an,! c;arz .reel , 1 ii teed n sGxd x _clalml .~,.1 vo~cin.. al,a.,t:i.vel; ca~,cc~) r, . . ~ „ to es ~ dtir~ the .erod h ng . -fit ,,r . ar~1s1<; ~fnci :.r. Tall ti~1 -~t „ ~ , ~ . ~ of ~ • f t ~a~ co,~t o_ con: th>.s;Courzt.`'~ grid s.skecl to be a t,; e ,ids ~ non-r ~ E~ ,,:'iu '~u ,17 .f . , ~truetlon eszdent o~ t 1 n be borne iazrntl b _ the ~ cost. ,a 11o.ed to: settle on bas's oft Y Y. C tv ,~rlc. c. r rv' , he l~nc, tax .l 1n •r, zr er ` ~ r~~ o>_1i~t} , nftel ~ str}a,,ts.tute ~ and; zrlterest, .ras upon motion of r.lr~ ~ p us ~ ..r~,_o. a e br f,a . ~rrr,~h. c1 . sG nc. ©econcred s~, ; ~ ~ , 1 ~ ~ . , .sec an e i b'r l.ir : lei , r . .:aT.~ - th~lt th ~ _ ~ ~ 7nvesti~ation and _an.. ~:ra~dnez c Hall re . ; ~ on r , e e..tPnse bN <borrie' j ~tlonal information ~nci retort ~~t ~ celved for tr~c same r atx.o o.~ 1 c.ck~~.l>t;; from t,rie: 1,~r1C 'E~'~oren -r a l the ne;.t meeti of ~ ; . ~ P, o~ opt t,.txz'c! b~' the '~'oun't4f iii, trdo i ; ~ trle ~Oar~j• tt7?i~..~ bl ~11E'. ~~:t`,.r Cad 1!fMl:ri~ tart , f~a,led. ~i r~ request of l~:r• J~s.L.Duffv to be r ~ eleased {tom the ,p;~yrlent of sale::' . ~L~k~j? on= are item of ~39.G0 taxes cost r-.l~cl ~ ~ , ' .C, ;ten 0~:~. E;2"Gta ~ c ue. l ox the ~ e~+r 1938 ..:..inures • ~ , ,atlrn, teri(er~.l j:- ~ ;r .1 ~ on the property of the tie t ~hk_ t,~e ax the. city s l~I'ol'rI''t~,' lore: u:t'i,i)-• anodes, on i3ilrnt idill Creek the' sam lrs pf ,.-,St r°r~J'll~.'Z' of 'l'OU2'fll ~1D t , ;~1~~ r) e belr.g r~ er char ~ ~.8, i I Lc'e~,s ,~~z eets foz~` the ` 1 ~ , p p ger_ as upon motz:on o1 Irr° ~ ~,z E.ct7~~ of ~nl .i : ,1~, t~. c~:re or s econ~. ed; by ; ,i . f,oler,nCan f c! eeltned . tr.~ neet;s n,. ~lr~mlaers o;' 1,i1,: v u (pus bra:;none ~ r , ~ -I aa~ s i a ,~,avf;7"rlillE?nt, 1 ,,exvlC'E' '''~10 Ci-r`f; t0 115:' , ,a it,, i1 S ~'!4'i;'art "7 '('Oil' ~I;" 1' ' t- r1 k . . 1;;llef'a 1"iilt r west of i.'r ,t. _ y ,.~,°,'nr .thos,.,.~~(,!)~;r ~~r~r~:i c ' ,'z' fie,! ~ Roberts for an ~,d,justn,ent of the ' ;,rears 19.,2 to 1911C` incl ,401.79 Uacl~ taxes ~'i. i j:+ t: ue i or the ~ otian of ; .x.' . "rc "r' uslve tnthe`pro er~~ he ~rec- ,r?QI. .~~:ct,u~~~~~,; t„' -:r-, , , r,,~ bSoelc 1 8 ~ p __.Y ently ~rc uireu;-from ~ l,l•. Ca,~ ~,r ,~,l7~Ll~ar.rt~~~ r_' 4~` _ ,~9 ,account ax the dila idtztsd co q ~no''.Le?is ',.gin ~,1e col2sui'-uci;ian o'' ;,1vFn t~, Y-)roc~<,d P edition of ~ 1 t;le ;nlil,.l r~ ,r ,1' : the rouse :^,Ihich np;h<a siri • - r r~r_,nt1~ a,~ ~~ltr~ ;,ity; nd ar~n~• lrl accor'd?:~nc; ..:as upon motion of rvtr• `Gard ~ ~ ce r J e i nee ~ se~anded b5~ P;fir. Coleman -dec ep, lrea , _ Lt.e r1~1n;~ _r r t.r,, I a.u1 slrLu~r ~,:tc„, ~ • : , ; , , V, `,,.~,,~,I by , ~ 11ned ~ ~ ~ ~,n]_rrn. , P fter ,a motion n+,. ~ r „il~,cl~ ~~~:r 1~ a uved,~l~d ,I„ ~ lx. ~r.,s., to receive the same fior consii:ieraton i' erect est7.r~~~ecZ o co,,t , r 1,~°. Co1n~,, n ~ , I. ~ a~.led of a second..` 1, ' - ..1,? n a,~ ,_>>l:e. ~ 1,a 1oal~. t urther 7.nto 'tie re ~z"atl.an , r of ~uh~ ~.~nul clet~-a.le' ;~.•'n.. r'ost ~:tr•. ° p n _ ~iI +I ~i! 'T'his be'n r h ~ ~ ~ ' - ~ i ~ • e ate aet by the, ,7oznt <.ctzon of :the C't 9 is I' 23rd y and...: Count Coe: , to g~.ve:~'urther aonsa.der,ction Y unl,,ti~o,,ers :~ecpmber Cn ~t.;vice of rig ~ -~„a t ...~otlltt , ttaz .;c~ t, ' ;'r' : n ' . „ r i r to the, proposed construction ~ ,.te ._o.rnt cl~,, n , of r~ solr,iars a ,1 0 1''~,r ~ ,z~i~~~11t `ta s encl xund ecreatronal center and''mh ~ ° hut; or -r P s • ) 0,,.:,..0,00 er 1'j 7 011 ,.,lt, aF.:'1(al T7rU3'?er't n>>. ct• a.7 • Yf...r • 1I u1'~ Trt(.1 Ut.~l -end r, ) `tt 7.. rr 9~~ „ ~ P f ~yor, (?nd Jas,r,.~,•.;ode ~ ~ at e 1 ~Jorltu fallecl ~ (;a.ty ;Corrmx,,sao n s conc,e b l.x . rra11_anr~ '41,x,. .nee of rublzc l,r_,.'~ ~N:t~ c ~ ~ x.ed to .ppear; the mr,tter ;as ost~a Duet, 1~ttaxne be ~rl„i ~ ,r, - 7, , , . i i:r: i; p - 1Ctf t t~~ ?7. E.r~~~r r. , t ned. b1~.1 a. oz ~:mnlectlatE }aaasa'~e b; I i:c ':rs1.:t,ll'e ~;1vlnE i,lrts ~'cr~u r,. ; t ~ i ~,i ~ f' On •.r n t t1101:'.],t to n`,i't,aGi , tp motlOll of i:Z'• txardner Seca Cis ~ t " ,f~i i) ti r1~ nr' r p`'te In t11e COSt of CGrlsl:l UCtialr ~~;I ! n Gd 'b~ 1„x'• O~Olem~~n ps Y 1 1 .l_.1., r'I`(! ll''bri r'r71"' r r7 r 1 r, , r.- - ,r lea n tl'_. n . , ::."r'~; .1 l.. . 1^ 4 a }1,. ~ . ~ i ~ uls ~ lshex ~,it r ar rl.~c,..~,n, ticcon,,ccl :.r . 1. aopez° '~'~I' o Finance 1'ras">aresent and eras asked - ~ - ~ ~ ~ ,,ISSroner ~ i;- .L i,a ,~z~ov' 1„ r , , ~ , ~ ~ to have his hoard at Yts iue u ~ ~r t.e( , u~.~~ ol,~r.c~r,:IrJ.1~ file ~'l1iT'd ~'E1:: f1SSei ~ SCl~ly1S tit@e~lnj', I'Ei.Onl, i • • . 1~" r)ull<''n~' ~iCi X111"'. ;].t'' Fu`lil 01:1.1.L` ,,~,#.i sorfox „Y1n11.~ ton..no~~rzsh _ send ~u :_..:?...o~IrL~. ~.)1 .:l,r~ r ~'j ~OIPm1^9'OnerS = r p;'$ameta"~7@ cf)nfxrmeci bar t'li~ ,01.'~llt f i:ii 1 ,li? ~I,! .!.:r; ,'r'oe!?1;1`u U 8r,`:ij.]Oli i`'; ,~i;i;p ) i _ p ch 3 ~~t trleir .I~at rr:eetil ~ . Y _ ? : 5 ~ ' ( ~~r'i~.; ~ . ~l. '.-:h,1, i t r.lral_ 1 i; ]-u,)OSE:(I 1, d!1 ~ 1 =-Il v~;?'1 ' f L;ion IOation, d~.~ly seconded, '.,'Dent'; b~ ~'.1s ~ " c,.' ! S ~ „ .:au• ~l,..t t0 .~.1„(~ '~;('r"C ,r~I;roVe,, iQ?' rl,z,rr ~ , r1 - ~ , ~ _ 0 r . r n ,.C... '.r r.,- ~ , .:lie f01 O1'l~ir~ 'COtl ,nr' 7 r°, ~ "r•~ ~ r_. „ .1 I!!;1', ~::C '..,1; lI'I~i'~I'! ~~nCl ,,,'.IE ~p(l u c., .:,1,_1.1 Lleri ~;e.re lr.'e,71 tU Se.rVB u,, ~~1'• r, r' : {~1 i"ijti t~rlt. ~.1_aTS In T,)1F' lil.l - ~ ...v, U:: 1;117'('(' t0 r'I:~~fi , trial of cr' eri.or ~.'ourt '°or . t: ,li]._ ..1 l.r.~7.nu1 ct.,.e P - ~:or one „eek ueYir~nin~ ~.;anu.~ary 13111, 15~~11• ~,i r ~i~ ' t~~.on. off' ?:r • " ~r.~:c~,er a t,, ~ 1~~ ~ ~ r'., , _ - ~..~-,ic~. c,r tl?e ( , ~I~ ~.1•..hCatt. ~ i n ~ - - _ t,., ;UUr7t I'~i5(1 ~~.I,:;) i ~1c3I'rCr, ,d,cc~x'(:jS• 1(,r~l l r ~t Lv ;r T, -r ,1 k'i.arl `ii ~il ~i I i ~ ui: .l ;ii?:;Catt• ...x, J ..uJ?1c;nC1• .t.l;,~.°tCtlllT', v f CL r'f ~ -~,~r. ~ i ~.II, I1 ,1)'L1U! ~ ~ Dec<;tel Co~tin• - --r ~,e, ,,~-r,orl')c; ~'.~E;olcrn' , d.R.hytton• .l.lluncun• ~,,1.~.'~~'hitF; t, W~'. •;;c:,~ia^ ,~,;o''r ';rt - dr-~ a 1 ~,,y• •v.:.L~'~Ilrl• _ rt .;C .,.,f' .,71C.. .Lr,. r c. ,1 1 1115 ' '~attl~n l:„ i3locl~,. ' aF : :o? ~t:t, ~~,nd ti~a iisr'r of ; ~ i~.C or ,;,.~;~.CJ ~ . ,'l,, y , ~ .,<taynor . _'armer • 1 . i~_ ~ „ r „ , ~ • . , , 3, ettc ras Ir.P , , au, Jelrnings ~.`.}~IOm san•Geo.~:.Jaekson• )~,?~1ers rr l,_~• ;rr.J_a:1 0~ ~r,,''r to , ~.hGu•r,,on, p o ,arlge• ~ . , - Y , G die r' , .L , . .Horne.. , . C .Lyon. 1~e:Zo,~ . Leu,;ln ;,r, ; ; '~',I~ ;;u _ j' r.rcYlse B. ';lalton.Ho',~~rd -.rlanb ~ ' , ' „ , Y• T•C.Uavs. Charlie :~ogers, _~•u.~,llnor ~ of r, iz , c,~~, rr - ~ - - , , t, ~ nr , Y• J.4rfnde `hes ~ - , • , , ~ ' i,t~r' ; ( ,ii aro. ~ i r ,~1U r e ~ ~ •F.Px'oCtar • ,..t4.lbErt :~rotJrl• J..i. ~"tart@r5. .r 'OZ _ hr~ U,~~,~.;.;'~ ter ~ _ . , ~ ~ ~ ,Lutes J .F Eden ~ .l ~ n,~7 lt•~. ~ o r ~r, ) xr:c ; ~ r', ~ ~ ,t t , _ •L„fuss. ever . ~1, r r r.,~ eft i„ , 1~ ~ ten P ' ~ ~erl'lt'l;, U , r . C'C~ , a r t-J 1 t, r' ~ ~ . r3r~ ~,n`~~r • .„ll, . addell. ~ , ~ ~ • ~ fi _ fir ..I~r~ r,.~ t;.;~ try , ~ . <.C~'*~fi i 7„r, . ~ Lars ~ . ~ 0; . J~. , , r V. i_(: 1:. )'i011ii,111('.lit o~ ' i1P. I?102t171~ t!?en ICI' 'n ~l ,-.vS,?t • ~i,.' r 0:'r ~ r !f.:'J' 1tC '?l~i. U! i'ir . , ~ ~ ; -;a' ,~qI ~ °lour..e~. , ~ _..n~r co.r~'1:a.ilutetl _ , I . ~'9 i~~1~~ - 'i i, ~jl _ - I r ~ , r ~ .I I, „ , . L.c _ , C+ern. j; - ~~i' , ~!'1''el:~t cli' ~'s , _;ton, , <,~~,nuc~~ry 6th 1'.~1~1• i. t=..j e_:~ . C ~!I1(: T'0!';tll(i~' ~;eel~~tr ;n ~ _t 1' ~~~1 ~ 'o~,I(; 1Ie1c) at ~~:.~0 P,L`. . r . ,.,~,..,~:I__ _ ~ 1. _.1 L a t' , . ;1ti,Ol~l ._P.CilCt,t (,I1~11Tfi1ciI'1, :-e0•.•TI'C1Sk, ,1.'1s.l..,t:~,11 _ ' L 1'ln!?, 'E-~r• ':r.UOr(? ~ .•-,•~r.,_(,n@i I' Sr1Cl __,,~.~O..C11.. rr. :~Jr' i~' .?':V`11 v ~ j~~ t',. ~ne minutes of lre:etln~_~ of Uecerll~~er 3C~'~h 1940 ::I'. ~ tic?~-'r'Y`• ~i ~ ,were re ;t. „n~, ;3,~~ro~e~J ~ ~ r~ z~~.~::-:. ,CU ~ - j; 1 1 C~ " ~ - l . b t Gi 1' . _ ~ , ~aCl' ,a. ~ ~;LeGr,.nd for ud.us trip ~ _r. _a; 71 :r , ,~:t._., r' ~ r, t , t 1~4C 1 o~ 13~a.Jl tastes clue z.ar he ye rs h;'u0 . 2.. ' .i,. r„:.. oa' .om. ' - - ' ~o nclus~.ve on tee` 1• I' UVeG t . ~ pz c'~,erty of r.rs. tae m ~ r ~ r, , ~ , _r. • ~nor~ip„on, 'lu w.cres ,?ooc,s 1.anc], dear , t _ 7, I; ~ tiie ::golf caua,~e f rind g~;ested <settlem _ ~ rs.ex'lcsn !~e 'pan ~r r? ent orn c~ b~sl L .e ~ r t i• , , ' s of rnen''t of ;115:~Q unc7 uthorit i `~i~t to 5 cancel tax .uc! ~ ~ l~Y ~ ~ r . „ lent ~ ~ , ~ s f ox the ~ ' _ ~ _ , for , ; _ to t~i~. r_. nt:. nt o~_ us c' - ~c+;1',; . „ ~ r,, , ~ years 1„~l through 1925; eras 'u~-aon r:IOtYOn `of i.r .Garcner, ' .~ecanc,ec b,? ,.x . Coleman ,re.~_err , _ f eu o the camnlz.ttee ~ or lnvrstig='tion. - ~ - ~ ruo ~on a . J- ' 4,...e . ,n~'. 'd ~ i.'I' • ~.a.1..~I"i.`2an . I ~ , , r', upon mot7:on of 1.':r. ~raslr - r• r .rtt ~ .~r ~ :lo'.`red , seconc~ec. b G~,raner ,.x. E, • - l,eso ,_;c;: ~c~.e;., raU~ ~ y c?t a.n ~lacr. , ~ .all; , , , ' ~ J r n f •JUSt1CG,f rC'.S.LC.1Ilf t „~a:,. ~ r „ - , ~ fret, c ~ J , ~ C ur us ,las e.cemnt ~ ore m• ~it.a~s , r;. r .s o~: ~.te T ' p y p .l tares on <.ccorint of over. n h sical dz.sslex - . , ....,_.._t a_ •__G au ~.a~e,, c.o,~t ~,.r. p ty a d p Y s T=~~„ v f~ ~ , ,~r E ~ ~ ' .a;. • ~.E L.pon, moti on of ; it • Gard - ne~~` seconc~e . by 1,:I'. Colernanf l,lr. C•y„roster a ~is~:bled ",°or?: ~+pr . , L - ~leter^n u~'ras •hanted Fl'Zr' ' rrae~ , . ~ .~t,~r:Y r • ~ g ~ LIC~.,~,~ to t~ec~c!le chickens. fish e.•~c -1 les 1n ta_s a_ ~~.~-n. sr~corl :,r 1 F , rav l., ' toot' ~ ~pY' rr. • U,t... , lr. t=. \~,.i. v i? r tv' Count ;Ns • •iy. ~ y p x z a b.Y lal~ xn suc1l c~ascs. ~t,lif a ,.r~ L a . , t r' i~. ~4. _r ~4 • , . let' ac: null~Ar7 , _ , tt[i01' r T}, t - - Y Ji u.'1~ i_17')C'P r~;'a u 'j ~rfl• ~'Cllli fi . t... ,r..;,. (;n;nson ap esrec urd re~uasted tha r~~; son p _ t ,sY~eci~,1 r:t Lal~ticn be i.ven uu~=e..~.,tent his 1'o~)erty in'' ~ nt ~r. 11. , r ' rose. ot_c~a . P u olocles 11•~ ,.nd ;.wC l,ltii the vYe,4 of x'ec uca.n~_. Ii •r 9 t e ,_ane dtlra.n., the a nr. a C'Ic`,n. s4GOr1' t C e~Nses,~,,;er:t of nroT~ert , ~ _c. ,~.~c~.~7rr = , . Y „ 7 „a , •,;c,5 ~ Lr1,tnOri;:,E'.C; , ~ or t7r'n:i ° r ' n~" ; , l;'; ,e~e ~:Er"7 txT47 ~"~i~ C? t t 1"t i - h ,.;.~t a_ ,~:;e iv :r~: of r,':~uc` t7.on „~I. t 4atr' ;•rr~2 ~ ~ ( - ; . ,l ~ a... R u . , . 7 , i ,_1 1, , ~ uC_.`0 ~ CC;a~L'lt to ~~1_~. Cc,S of r'. i,1rx`~'; ar ~ - 'fi. - -'t, .air al r !.rc. r'1..,n~~7~ r n !Tv ? Il , .i. 1'1 lrl. !I~ f - ,.,Gi,, j ( ,i, ~E axon ti,<<;s c:_:~,~ ?r; n,,I G ' c _ , , I; ~ _ c , ~ t ar rv,I; ,.t i. I~, ,-:Lti,,,, .v, 1 r,ll(,r .,1th a I~~(!1,' 1l' i y. ~ „ l"i .Lt., ? r'1'1' t,1C8 held _ ,r f In { ~~~~t ' 7~ - ,'I'f f „r , ¢i i ~ tk., 1,~4~; rontintled, ~ I ! ~{iii` i~eeti.n~; ofi tbrtuar~r 1~31',h; 1~;~~ co~tfnued. l j is ~;a l j~On Ia0t10;: U~ r- n - o l , u~~rcnei rnotlor.01 'ia~ , _zc0'. 1~~~ 1 . ~'L.~L.) 6eCDn,eC{ per i,r. ~ ~ t~lE' :;ll,i;.. I_ :~GII , ,'r w~ S ~'Orh~P~' _ r~, 'r „ i~tohi,~:.e~l t,o m' , ~ ')l_c ~ f of Beland t,.C. 'i,,5r< iir In j ~ ~ r, o n. t t ~ o 9.0 11 L!~r .'.o~.',nci -~n ~ ~ r ,u., r ;1e~scd _'ram tx~e n 1 f J- nor not liL tir.~ lot ir'20 ~ iri , ~ ) ~i v~.l~.~~„~ r r~!,rc,, b_.aGF. 5„ ~~rolina , .ru_.n~.~t,° :~cnool. '~1 ~.n~: tine cars 1J,~r,-1~,,..: ,an., , , o , ~ ~ ,3e?~. ~ ~0, . or ihG reason he is o nun-resi_:c• n nt s,.d ~ J i'e~-li]ESL ~~'0'L, ~r <-t, ~1u nOt .:rtaS;j tL'1Clt }1? ',,`~1S I'ec{L11.T'Ud tU ~16t tI1G S,IPie Ullt11 )e!1C1 a.'Or ~I. .t,1 fa, ~lU. ,Iaent 0~~, ~ ~ : rr',r C~, - '~~,j ~>~~i?'U of ~~rii~s. ~;o~r,' ~iorrleni,,~; r le oI~ tije nro,, ~.1. o, a ~ v ~'t7 ~ ~,r r . ~ ~ E, ~ :.OC_. r'~l_J ~i)T c, T,TI,, )0 ._J .,1 J.. Ole' . _ .tr'2.SI' ~+„Ur1ii~(j t t:l~+, :,c ~ ':,u, ut)~-;n rnot~i oll of :r . - , ' ~ ~l~ :~'s 1,;34 to 1.340 irlc~:l a a. ~):r X11) ..o1.liE.. ,<~atitotrs ',;gas ~rrarjtod an ~::,1~:;:~ r n,~ ~t .ur. t .,r, - t t un, s_co .i'. r,, ~7 't.t~~ e ',hnt al ~ an v,~t~ l:~ :an ~F~ 00 ~Il,~'~ ~,!th '~fJ,;C)I' t,G ~ ~~Gii'eU t0 tIl!' r' ) I)%U Oi:' ,t ~ . iOT' vh~ ~'~(aI's ].~33~,1~J,3~~a:?C3 l~~'40 .,0~ ,il,t(ie :~r,C01'trl~l }101.rSE', r$;1lOV8L :rOfl: 'h~"; :)rUr(ll~:n~ ~ tn' 7 _u .lll ,110Ct. v~ 1 i~~~~ ~ v ~r 2 1, ~r l., l• r.. i0 - t ) y - , ) • , , ' ~ ~~,,I ~ i.c :r o. , 1,..~ yam SLruthez _ ~ z ~,n~ted <'rI ~'~.,r~ter;!erit o.C tar::~s on vt~l a ; 'I 1-~c t~ouni;; Audit®rs c~~~ ,t ' ~ r •z. 1,34 ~ u t_~n of c u e~~~l'J."i' u 1 Or ,~e 1a0~'~,i,Il ~ ~w~;iO.GG 1'9r late ;;ears ~ _ind L;~~,SS C7?7 I"t~~l1;;U UL1r K' - 'p ~ , ~I I I ~ l.l.~'G . C_.V , .1,.0eG'1;1e2 l i°C;C ~7 r i I"1~,C1 ~t..l i)' 1 t 61 1`,0,x. ~a ; 4 F' la . .]a;~'~ie lr• r' a - ,un :~~.r~., G~ r I~IaJ_l, ,,econc~.r, ,.rr. ~r~„rI• the !.i~.ir::<. ~ I~: - .u~tT.I,,'u"IS U~l~ _'0 ''i• , r ) Ii 1.,. .1ti1OT'1..,E,(~ F'inC] , ; .;l,rc~z 1.1r.)bn : > irl,~,,ucted to ,7i~~n a .Dint va.t C'~. urtt~ 7 - ~ ~ t'a~ t ~ 1~. , !u tl art , i' y- ,)on,,oi , T'e~.,r7e F'A jl , I i~ii~r'~ ~ ,,~t' ,.t!. ~~1 ].0 .i `XtS Oil c)n ~0!i~~ ) , ;1c, dllt;r~ P.: C'" ~ •i .'r ~ ' n`t, i1,t', t'tle d tl?UI1t1eS ~ ) ',p - • 1, ~ OI ~,07C:~~'G and: ~-C!11 o2 T,t_e COnStruC•~loxl 0~ -~t.le 1"G o:iP.C~ ;~iI'mpl,'r_ , r ~ i C.r 8 G i")Or ,,r J ~ ~ is~:ba:• ~ .,p~ P ~.,a,.,i~ox it>;7. n'. 1 .tsor~> . ~ . r. ,r ~ itic,~ , i:antri~utiori of ,•~115y000.~J0 ;~,~cle to he ,r~ ~ , ur .Prt':,r.en `con~a.n~;ent a iarl the r~)t7~~ . , io.l i_JT,10I1 01 ~'r. (~r,a",.~?1C~'r S~ ~ ! ~ i~ r ~ ~ ~ . ~ I .,C n 8'a ('n ~.m , ;Z ~ _ I 1C,atiDn ~ ~ , ~ 1....,an ~ ~ ~ o; tr.e prod ec ~ a r th ~cters tan elects oil oe helc't. f ot!rlt~- ~ ry _r . ~ ° I' )~T'O~ICi, UT` ~t, ) ~ _ti0s. z~1~I i,0 I i ; ~I ''le r7,;t~er ax ° ` ,r ,oren~rin~ the contract t~r~t~,l,'~ t•rl t.i;n . ; ~ r' .ii.' C „w,t t :en ~ ~.,;Ul.;.I:nC'.~. ~ t, .c, _i, n „ ~ .t, ~,,.1, „OU17ty for he,-ci07Tlt ~ I I ~ e~ BC v.~On Oi t n~ '~01.d1r _ $:..U~ Q1' ..PCl"Pc,t 1011' ' E'i11;rT• ,:!t r'(7UI'' d c ^ -r j •!~h . , , ;.~a ikon o yor_ of ,r na 1 e~cond~d 1,. ~~1, , r ~ )Gr7 . :,r ) el ' ~ to he ;.n~'a.rman , nd ~I ' , ttie _,a1in ITV ornc,, ,;ill }o4~er to ~;^t, 7tr, 'ne .iit ''o 0 , A1'~, f C! ,1 1,t r „ ' , rn ArC~ ~I . - _ , ~ y ,I i I ~!e iC7.`l,.C~;wn .~t=!tGL;C.nt 1)iOT~~I^t'G A'r ,r ' ~n ~ - •7f :tl1.~ ~Oi1nt ~ Litr } l;Or) UA l~rOl)Ort~ tTi: t ~ . ~ 7 ~I„~I ~r.l.rnin.r ;r~~• - i'rr;~en~~ fr,.,e of taxes ~;.lt no'.~ ~ • ,ton,.,..,,, ~,~,nu~,r= l;.,th y ~ ~a~,-ble annex ,..ie _i.a~,r ,r , .Jr .L.~ . i . , - , ~ ; ,;F1., 11 7a~1 , iOtTOn CST ` .l .~ir1~,°,G: i' 7 {,Orl':<'.~ Yl ~ ?~~11~ r71!rQ~1'c'(~ ,_~lld orderw; ~1~.:'(!OC~ 11j t,1`, ,tr.:j;l;.i O: il1e ',c;X ) , q`: '''i1F' r e ;,7 l~lr 1( ei'..~L'r f'C=O'~T1t s' ~ n • ~ .n .o~.lrc nor' ~ ca- ,,n„ ~3o~r~i ..as lr~lr~ ;;7:~t~ i.L., ,o1..c~,,tio,'7: i~,,~l, j f~~h I~ res~~~nt ht-;~ison _:e~ ~ t r~ 1. t , .na ~.rnj ~r c 1; G80 . ~r?:i~: %'1 : ~ cF%~.i . l'i. ~~c ll. .i ~ iT11I",fit Olt ~ ~ . I?': i"r , ~ ~ Iii - :he r.~ Inures of meetln;' of Janu~r °6 c;~ ,:~nl~ .~~~r•~; r' ter, . y th ~ 1,. _1 t•rF~x,c n~ :.o of: .~a.: issLon.,,. s oteu.. i ) ulna ~}Jl;rr r i'`COa"'~'(i. ~ ~ rq~ the foilo:::ill~; z'e;ulutibn ' • i • ~ , :i y t1iJCn - „to t ~.0°, Of i;S` . . <:11 tz s.:o teal on r ~ ~ ~ , s .cc,nr e, !..r , (i; 1 t_o~. ;~1.~tz ict ;o ' ~ • • Y _r~sk „ licl~or, .~<~vx~~ .;inclc~u's ) .,~,..ul..cn. ~ ~.y , r, xrrfF:.~:.~5 ~herc~ ~~r r,- ' ' ' ~ e .~~tcn 1z~r o < ccul; ~ • ~n fi ,lr~~s,cn nereto t~;x: b _ r r , ' o..k ,~h~~:ets ~a; 1~,4() for nro, t,1_,~ion o~ r:ri.rrin~al c~ :,cs o. . Wert ~rt,t ,.a., ra~t.,t.T l _ , _ree of rile ~unerior C;ot~r ~ r,.' , n u.~r; ~,ac,: ~.,,~r. ~ _ ~ o. . , ~..bveT .,atnt ~~or-~ et o. t ,...,1, .a~.,e sne.~s s'io., ~zdlu~ ~ ~ t ' ,C y~ Vh .,.rolin -yr, t an,~ ~.;s'fo11o~J fi ~ t.,a~:~l{,~ liar ~ ' , , a , ~ , • r, , 1. a_ t x~,l ~:na s . - , . _ 1 ~,e "1 [`I~L2 a.~ ~r.laonel'S ~-re n L, r , 7 Cy ~[l,, ~OLIJitt" p1 >''et^I ~ ~ - Ctjt11^n '?z'tui,;l , ,,tA~„ ry~ ~ ovex r~ 7:txn~; trxsl o~ crxf:~~n71 ct ~ 'n r, ,ilrnrt;t~n ~;?'75,0~~ ~ 'c au the ~"lr::t a:,, s~ n ~i ' l tc~, rl. .court _or `ti,e Co?i~tzx of ri rr:, „ ~ .'ederal )'Dint ;i-0~'0 ~,E~~ 01' ~'ri,~in~t1 c{,ses ;ill + • ~_to • ..r ~,it ~ ~-1 ~ . no cc~n, , l ale an it 17 err 1'~,~'i~' t1, 'e 1' ~ bG' rt , ~ ~ I:.c92'Gh 7 7 ,X1',-' ~~1 ~it)Il. ~ JirTlett 7;~~) y 'l~r~ cl u ,..cliti'on~1 n; es d ,f ~ t~ .:uonbaro t-,~: ~ ,Ol.tl .t i~ ' .)~1-r C;OLL'1tL' Ori thE' C 1~)' - e ~ . . C.I' L,91 ir, ~J'J ~U,lP,r10I° • , _t ~1 ~;1 t tilF` I~rt-,;-tzm a 1 i1id:1 C, ...C',r1,_~;_ %;nd <i` r? ) 3 u)7l~ . ou;; orinir,I o; Mile ;rl~ ~ ~ r',. - u o_ , ii, ' c1,~Ulr~n -v t ~ - _:0_,2'1t~' 1,.:. .i,, .11) lY~ - • ,~'1 11L t' 1cr~, t.. ~l ,J ,1 r ~ ~ l,~ i'~l t~)x:'~ n~ic"rl }ras not b~~~en ~.i;~tea nr he on ,r I 1 t,;1''1i is I~~ce,,.>~:1rJ !,o ~isr~ose ~:,rlich ,ve ~ C,i.~t:o T1U`~. U!: she ilU~.';.e~ 'i: f` r ~ , ~ c n , . , V ~ ~ ) ].r' ~ ~ ~ n, ~ . z~7 E. I. t r ~ n , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0~ 1. , f:. ; r:;i r ~ .t, ~ , .,r, ti over ;ci~jl, n :y 1 i.iit ~ h. la'~~r. n ,r' r.>.,~, ' t7_. - -rti. _ _ _ , .~_,~t S,:o,r thr~ _o11al,J~,nr~~ i ,,~i' .t': hJ'',1J; ~%i't ~Gr1(' 'JO%~r..l rG'.~, r'aL1T t cr ~'~1,,;.Oii~: i ~,0'l,lt~ L'al<: n , ~ ~ -1~;~• ..0, .l,~,ila`iJ'S ~i~ ~ ; l,r~r ~ J 11~ i011S1: 1 . ~~t1C'St iil~ CCP.i1Pr1C'~ '1, a i Ji ~ - .f 7 l.'.. UU 'Ilt,o: r01)i'~'Ilai, U' a a ;aT t,. . . or! ,a aer n ~ ~ ) , ~1~C.Cl:i~ tOrT1 Oi i,Il(~' ,;a,~@I'1.aT' (,dill..°t) .':i.'I;i1 '~I!"1~ .ill'Y ~,llrilln ~On 1.S;.]..LO jj i^or, tale t:'i~ 1 ~ I ~ l' o:~ c1'' i' ins 1. cr , t 1, J 1 S 017 t0 ('Or1~7C'nE; 0':'1 °r~ r 'Irt - 't °it,)c. "'('r~r 40~ i i0l . 1 r ~ . ~ - ~ e~ 0711 i, , i. ll~ art.: ~L„rl , t0 CUT~t.,._.111C' i01 G~1C ';7PF-~~, ) ) ~~E:!•lehal i0111t 750 , iar ru'tt 2 490 ~ I: :ic. ~.t 4 u~ ther resoi.v~u trrr; ~ e r, . ~i,_t~z ~ler~: o~ :,o~r'~ oi' ~ "~~hon':)oro 1 a t Couiit ~ 11t; 7 ' 170 n ~ ne ire hei e~.y uirected to i' ' t, tlx n ~ h . , . u r,_ co ,l <a' ` l,~ r eso ~ ~ otrll not. l i d p. la ste ~ ~rl,..~~:~te of r, T Lyon o ~~h~~ :ove,~r,a~. o. ~137,.~5 j :oi un ,are; , ~ . R, I .L1Alr total listed 38,775 Gz7~;nf, 'T'otal ~52G 720 ' ! ~ ~ l it I rP(iueSt, a1 !S'. ~C,tt1.5 _.,:~11: 7r_ - - - ,Fa „rs.~ , Il i or gin' ~ ~_~1aSt..lellt, 0~' T11C bclC~: t~;:°,S ~:LI(. J" 't,,_ ate,, Gl'1 i0I p , i, I ion tl;. a :1a,~ ].Il i:,;.in~ _,h~,~e c~ ~~s is ths~rf ~ i ':ltLinr ";he111i ' nt. ~ n ~ b .,U ~ ~ Ilu'V , ~ils'~, UL...~ ~i::')le .i cal _,orn'~a.f, b1ocF: r«>~, for 1,1e wr .r~~ "~at~e tai? ~,,~1ur;tions. ~thra~~, ,,~.~rsr,etl~ z~educuion ~,~.s:ls , h l-- , -I. i igk~1 r~~, ~ ) apan notion c,'F' ..~~~~.1 s^conr'~~r~ err ~ _ 1.',. I _ e~~'i to i;ne co ~ ,c= t~ ~ ~ ~ ) . ~ ~ ~ , _ i fir t~~ ~ . . _ cl ~o,rer o t-, 1i,~L ~~~oe,~ ,~c7t l~o_~~_uu~2 vshu,atlons;'o~' nc~ '~.L1.(;. ~ahic~r the :~ttarnn~ ~ c '~~.,1,t11,.;_t l'<<11~iE'.;~ 1B 'lOt t,~ ~'ble~ War ( n r 1-- ~ J ~nr,!~ r ^r .iCeS It lIl 'llli~e tI1., t 01 ~ ~ t C t... ~ ~ ~l. r - Jetc r r r ~ • tnr ;Y ~ol i llJ..GC 1 i'•7 ;aI j~r'1J1~1U F! t4 CT'E',Ct ~ ~ 0i11;. Ju.llt~o .';;11C,.t t,::i.: 0uI`lt" ~it~Urnt.,f Ii~;]V':.SeS 1S nat 'tcl;I~ll)le. E~' t11" 1.,P~_].(7n 'i.F:ld '1 - nl C1'.;.ll;:l'I- D:i iI ~ - J1.1(!~ 1, t 1!JC~1L1U1i 11; ;r ,;liU LQ.i't,i" r t ~ i , 1 i ~ ;i,<.~~~.(:~, I,wI, _ I. ..,ICt. ,C1C. UcL,A(.fl ;;h; ~ . zt 1,:~~~Y) 0=1 1 ivl> year 1.=rise .:itil '.,lir, ~ . rte i.~st ':;oe~ ~nclu~~:!e the , r!, ~ ~ ~ p~ ~ ivi.lt l;0 1 c1t,~ tii>e s-"~rre_ar ~ ~ pe_'t;; be.Ion,~;in;; to Y.Ii.~, -r1 EiUUIl . 11C11 .,I1.,I'E? ` -'1 ~ t u. ~ r "il ~ . lt1a~ J.Ve re~ir5) ~ Or thr' tT'G: nijZl; 01' "0 1'•1 r, • , , F. B, 15 tU i)L ,`'IOI11U C~UeS 1 'i ~ ~ , ''ral J t i,.1 in ad ~oz< ~r~1 .1, c111,~~,.,y• ~a,l , t ol.. T no., I_s1,E, the ri~tt,tt.~t trr ~,~i I • ~ " 1 tit thy, :.ttorl~te .Y , 1.i,)oIi ~:otio,t ~ , > 1 ..regal, ~ h t r a U .COnde;a f.) ~ , 1 ~.,'1t1_ a1'~~ ~ ~ ~ n y~ t f. t_, ) u '-i ;,tl 1) ';l''',1~CC, • TIT OVl.;!i?Cl the ~:Ollll~ r i,,t.l1, ;)raV~.l Oi. 111~r CiCl,lOn '~~)1e,Se SY1PetS ',,11.1 lfe, pldce~l In the b.)nas Of' ~ not bc. a~~~~~1 to contribute ~ , ' ~'~in~;nci,.ll,y to~;d`~~r~.! ~~~m;~~~l,rl.IC'~; ~It„ <~oi.1e~ tot col, collec~~!on, I,~~ the ~`)uilr;in- ~1, ~ ~lo._ or 1.1 int~::n~-naF of ~ ~ - • 1, u ul ~ o~ec , :n~, ~,no s~'i:E ler~.~~~ to ?)l ~:.~~cilLe~i b 1,i1;1 ~.,~ih:~'_,a of the ;I !i Board ,,,lc,l ~.;,,pz ov,-u ~,ne "ounty ~t a VC1 1 '~;T'illJ) ~ II yy,, J. ~ t)rrell. Stlrh, 4~ Uanl.~ .~.'aT' la"~; 7 -r i a. , , J u .pa .'1" .1_..,.1.. e - - Oil .:O i,.. r ~ i' . ~ _r , n. , 0 1 , r tt o-' . _aw c. ~ x. u Irt~!ble art. r ~ ~ , of are zn sl. se ~o.l~..ed v , , . I H nett ta,'mshx b , r 1,a~-1 : t,ount ~ b17,~, 1 ~ , ?x,35 to ~ 4 ~ , tno nenalt ~ -af , 1;~~ I ; 5 r 0 OQ ';:'ith .the great r~Iierican ~n~aemllit~~ ;;om an as n ~ the vi tea ~ ent; , ~ ' ~ 7 1''Uti/;a~ f0~' . p y st .t~ , ~ ym , , did amount havzl>t 'ueen fixed; by the :~oa>.~d of 1 t o r~xssioners and, ap.~roved a4 to , r~orm ~;nd e~~cutioli' b'~ ~h -the County .:ttorne e r?neti, tf bier. p , U ya .a~,s anon motion accented 11 rn~rt~lers ~ adjourn.,a. Ju` ~in~; tali'1rmG:txvel}r. _ - • I< . II C ri Catilnlul;7.C~it,7,On reCeiVed f'rom`, it •~r^,~~ I , ;,Cn00~.51 ~ t e ~,an11,_ ~.,u C0`:~JIl1.i.tGe of ,',e,`J anoVPi OUnt~, ' as?c1n~J for an lnerease in v°res, t. .•a ~ ? t ion mot.~on of .r. .~r,~sh, second e' by ...r r.~ll~ _ . i z'efer~~ ed to ae ~>aard of',-duct. 1 r ton for consid~:rat~an. ,r request : ar ad'iistrltent of th ~ x 1 g~0 ~ e w16v.0~. bGc.~ s due f or the j ears 1~'.i,' th„ati~n, l • ' on ,~he propert;T of ~lrne>.~ L Johnson blocl~ . _ J r a w 5..~; ~•r~,s ur~an rliotion refe~'re: to rile _ ' ~o. r.t1~ Ec „itn po~~•,er to "apt, i Iji ~ .statement of receints nc3 di ' ~ A F, , ~ ~ I;, sour~ements of thy. ilrnir~;ton ~}ubl~.c ?.ibr~,ry .~cr the moztt`t of :.ece.~'tber .,as r~= ~ , aceived anc. ozd~red filed. i L' .upon molaion 'of ;.r. rss: spconaed ' 1, x~. ~ s. , U,1 3 ~ I:!T'a.,I.CiI •,r_~. ~.~~~USe i'Jas r^11tC an i ~batement of tars an vr3 ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ta, n of _ luC ,,,~.40.CC ilousehasld ~'n~i • ~ , •~tse for Una 9 ,rear 1J44 ;=,cco kitche,l Fur~li V , ,t~ ~E , , anti of duplicate listi th - • ' ~ ~ a' '~~i~ ~lus~~~" ~ e _ s me n~.v:r<n alsa ,ueen listed b,. , Cti~1t.; ``1`hQS.~T.!~~,L1S°• a ~ ~i iP ~j r, ! 'I i; I'I i ~ 1, ~j - _ . ~i ~ ~I' 4 F"~P A ; ~y I !1 V ~ % .'±ii,~~ ~i 1 r n.1 f J, 4 r' I. ~ ~1nE~, o~ ,~,~anu~,rY 6th, l~~> 1 c~~rl'~ ' ~lnt.ied. I i;' ~z~~. in oi' ~(anu~lr•,r 13th 190 c i Lieet 1, ~ ~ ontlntled. L f hi.,f ~~"~k ~!I)on i~~ot9.o;r or r , ~~9.i . ..clcraan, sr:~:on~~ ed i~~ ."r. 1 ~ .a. ion o.C ~"r. ;Lal see c~ m ~ , i ~_~~~~rcnel , t11e ;ur~~. oP ,U} ~ i'I:'on Iaot ~on.led by 1:x. lrauh, i~.r. ',t.t'.R~ifr.etor~ ~Y:1~, r.?..1,.rc t;.~~ .~La?io:~i~;ed ~l,0 1,_„ •r~r ~ ~ ~ .~.1_c Y off' Leland 1,.C. } l ova.,. ~,rrIisDr rr ~ ~ ' 1~ r, ea;;ed from the nenr~:1t"~ ~ . ~ ~ ~;t'' "0%1}l,In, .~~UVra'lll~?" ~ ~ ~ l,_.oll l~r ..o_,tr1C~ %'1?(:~ .;r~,ll';CO„ .~6u T .L t ~ f ~Or nOt 11St7.I~' ~.ot ~~G~; 1h bxOC~C ~°5~ [,'cr011n Ifs: , 't0 .,....:.1 .'7a]h7..'lf C}iODI. ~jr';CI1 i0r ti1G ;;r~?dr5 1~)~30-19;~~~~ and ~~4~ S'OT' t11e •r ~ ~ ~ a , rea,,On hO 1~ ~ - , a non r~~,iucnt and 1 ~i`~'~ r did not !:Hour that he 'rr~~s reeluired to list ti1E~ ~~r ~ ~ eclur; 5 ne until pa9.a .Ior. s~~ 1'oI pan a~' ~ it oi" ,I ..~~~II ~,t:~t,r ~ric ~;~5~)5.~7 o,i p, 1:(:ir' t•1,r 'cl: ~i,r,. ~ue cn 1,ilc 7)rn~,~ ,a-~ rI - u. L,OT,; ,,O1nf1111.:I~ir~I. '[).:.oCl; ~~145 iOT' L'Ir~ , ~ l ~ E1COni~Cd p'~F Li1~~ z ~i r .<Ir C'~ t11e (r)On L'Ot1J11 U ;:1^. ~~'T'c','~51.7 a ~ ~ l~ ~0 'attheu,, tira~ anted i'i1 dd., ,I :n IiiO~•1011 0.~ L:r. (;i ~ c ) a 1;,3.. t0 R,.. i71C11 n o ) .~,O7.lLe i n o an ,li~l';u11 .iFsf , ,ir-1V(a l ~+~.r h(;" 0 F? V, cl n r i ~ , ~n~ C~ ll' T ~1': ;~i r ) +iJ~.~.,:IG71t 01. t%. u n o1u t'i.On OP , n f < <,50,00 for } ~ c 3 l~?^~. ~a .:~1ta~ ';0:@T' ~G uC'~, ~ _t.~C.',PO:Ca t0 w1~~ Cr~ + a ~ ~lE. ,~e~IrS b~ ,~'i c",I1d 1,;40 7 ~'~~-~~~ee :,t~coL~nt o~ houUt removed lrom ~.hs premises rn blocl; T;;, 1~~;;7~ an , ~ ,t ~ Y , d the ~ I{ _ Lrutner„ 're ~,r n ed r, ~1c ~.",oull~t•~~ ~ •a. • he:r,, of ~~-1.~aam .'r: ~ t n a',~r,telrlent oI' ta.;es on v,.i1 a 1~: ,;uci~mr.s ce 1 rr~ '~t nor ~ ~ ~ ~3 u Lion oi' ~.:,ur 1 ~ ~~30 UO l or ~1IC yea+r s 1L~ ~ 4 sand l~'.35 on i1~ ~ ~ F, , M ~~,hc rlo:at.1 n~' :ieccrrutlr vl~.': • ~ i~ ou„e r,tirn.,d i l~~ttex p,r:I t of 1J3,3. ; ,1: ors r.. i d i - , on ilia ~ ~,~~'1 of . `r. ~.~~J.l, i~cond::ci 1~Y i.~r . lr ~L: a i~ ';1' c,~•_,U18 ~ r,~ cau ~ tl"1L L:}2Eil.rfa~ln l'Ji3S 7U 11 T' ~ F f. , I,I,ttn.~rs, ~,vs ~'or~t;i1 5t11 .,~l,i°~e~ ructer_7 tD si~-n '~oint "i , ~ _ t o i~ed _Inc] ~r'o, , ~ , ~a Lpoi1 L-,ot1oll qi inst ~ t,y-L 1t~t ,,tion,,ors ,atsr ~ , ~ ~ ~r,~~,it of noi' - r . rcule' ~ er.ment 6~,7.ti. ~ he r ~ ,ti,. c, r ~ ~A. ~uthoritie,, is . a On r O1.;T~; O~~' j)07E.1 ~ f <,l^i~~i );'t ' 1 ~ ~ ) •f..-,pt Or t1~C COIIS LlCi;1U.l O~ the 1)T'OT7O,7P.d iiT'IrlOr~r-I1U~11tOr 1USn Cr, _11n.~ fO.r .3 o c ~ con~:zbt~txonal' ~ 11~a,000,,,Q, s~rne to be unraert~~ker. contingent aeon ~1~ ',1~D~1 iiociorl of L'r, I ,T, ~ c. } the ratli'ication I I!~ .T E ,s~ ' i"n , r~. ~ 1t,. , :_,r r ;I, E' i iJ;~" ~;n Ir,i'._,. , l,U'~,1.n~' hl._.1 Gl~ ~ulte I:1rOr)r.Ct I~~~ '~l"I~ VOtf1T'S pit a21 Q~ CCt1011 t0 })C 1.1010 ~t ,~.t '1i .U .IO:i, ~ i i !j ,,1~ , .,tpr of 1)ro~arir.!~ the cone,.',, ~~t ,,r r~, , - ~ ~c~ h,: 6'reorl t11c ,,it's ;'3I'1C~ L'ount ; Dint ,y nor the i - e1 ~cr._~n of 1.uc ;~o1dIF~~ „ ::ut oz .,t.(.I e~,tion,:'l ~'entPr <~t Pour!:h ~;nd r~r' r ~ , ~J! `on f'i0c10ii of~'('iT 'I~7.1 C011C ~ c ~ - 1I1.P,,,, „tr~,PtS r a~ _ ,f 1 ~ ~ rt.,:r,, 1 1'erre~.1 to he ~.nr~lrman rend ;I ~ - ~ ~ t.1A ;0~';1tJ" :~~~~~tO1nGY .r 1.t~l!,)O6":ei' t0 c;Ctq ..7 t' Ch,~r.l:Fiaflr r„ •t•' , i -~1 ~ ~ - ; , J 1'1'0,,, Ile l:lt`J ,,0-)r C1. '1! ~ i f Y/ '~,le ,.0 I- n.:'1?1~', :it-. i;°:;i`?I~lt ~~i'OT)3r f C] i" i i~; G Y,. f ,,r t,1e :oullt;;r u(1:?.tor, off' property th::t n ~o~• „1]~~,i7r 1,Dn I'... _'o:me_ ~r~-e o~:' t~.i,. ~ but no, 'trl;.t~b ~ _ ,,f;nur,Y,., ~ le .inc,er ~~,11e l~~';r t,r t, n, ~ :1„~,t, ?:=~~1. ,r , 1r, ~ ~ , n riotlon oi' ..I .rra,~L. 'nh c(l.r._ r.::r. ~:.~~l.a., ,~;~II~.~roveci ~_incl order'~~„ ,~1;,,c.,1 ~;Y1 ~ 1 r,,, ~ a o:>^ she ~~ul. C, - e rc;u~~. a' E,!?r:i'r i~e~ ~ ''r z ~ ~ 7~ t - 111.. .1Gii C 0~.~.OC'tOr I ~.ejl ~ '~I. ,111. ,~i t.1U' .,U'1"l~; ~ 7;, !,t?~.~1 Ft ~(i~ r~ ~~Ua l.Ul_,.(?Ct10~1. i r,~~k,~ i LJr~ilt: /~~C!r~'!SOT1 .:C'. f `lett ~L.,1rC'1£iI1. (re0 'r~'~ .,-r~ 'r., ir_ 1. ,a ~ ~ , ~1~ ,1(_, =1~;r;. l.. iL~J.I, ~1..;, }~,_.,on, ~,.;nu,~~I,_r l,)tn 1941. ~ ' 'i1C: 0~ i.'i.inui , i CCS G1' I!Cetlnl~ r~CfI1U;'lrj~ Util 1~-~.'1 l'IFirF, -I 1 , LO i0i,'.UlC: :;~OAS'd OC 0.: 1;i,910T-!;3TS • , ..I ~ l): i 1 C. , 1- - lit I ~ ~ i; .'~~0 U~10~1 ti?OY~ :F ~ 0" ~~s'. ..r~i r Y ,o `r a: lOt. U; i SPC ~T'ii cr, 1 „ ~ , ~ ; u on _ u:- of. ~ t ELI 1 c j . 1 r I , i I i '1Ct ,,O 1 :1'Go7. I :J'~iVit1 '~1.YIClt1~,3'• ,...G1.F',C.'1; 4 ~6 ~ ~ ~1t,~.~~~AS thEre ~:re. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 7 ul.Ch G ~r 1~~t1 n , , rs ~ ~ ' 11.T ~'CCti!'lL~ ot1'Ot C:I`lt!lln2 ~Cc:;t.5 ~i7, 7. 'Ch I1arE~;O 'L'i: f~00r. ,,,1F(?tS lOr l~'~~~ f~UT' T)I'O?)Crt'~ 'i,'(.'~t ',:c;u rr~ 'r,-, ~I 1(I,hr U i~i?e ~UT3ti1"iOT' r, tir Tr~t.~ r*~ On , .CiCi.~ ~ - ~ _ 0 lerl', 1_ ~.e ..o t ox _ -.~noSJcr' r~i>n ..M1 t o_ t~,. , . ~h~~: r f ty~ _or ~h ';arr)1ina. t ~r;l se s11E: ~ ~s ,no.. value Li one r~s ro11o6'rs: 7 ~ u.,~t~a~S 2 ylrs/~ mj.~(~+^ nor ' 1 ilU i 1. f ~ F- ~ 1 i.4t-y 1. All~.lllU li A. o~ 1~r ~ll. lei S ~A ~ 110'~iJ (',o ll~ ~il~-, ' .."t ~ ' V-1 'tj D1 Fe' _-e;I10V8T' c', ~;1' - J I 1 r ~ rY ~in; tT'~:r.~1 of cr'rn -i j~ 'r ','1i17n111;'ton r'~ r, r s: .i:J, 8„ 1~(1~ r1C'. t .~ir,.,. 01~~ lira. ~ ~ ) I .,oL_ ~ ~ o .r. Cc,ant~~ c" naeral l olnt ~"s9090 Q~ C:I'.I i:n,_il C,, ACS :.1 ~ ~ nC ~ r , „ ~ 0 ; Gr' 'i,[ie t ..0.1',r~,1,C~ UI ~ -~r i,l'iJ ~„i~'S'C j i ~ ~ l rr ~ 1 ,11. i,.c;r Cil 17~i;11, 1, ?l~J ~ il'It `d U11 ~ ,.,.rnc.i.t ~ r[' iC ~''i! G Tili'",)Cr' i~t@ ~ i~JJ i ~ D~ .,itionrl r; ~ :asoni.)Dr o - oc~.e~r.~-~ n ` ~D~y 1, u. r~ 9JO ~ 7-~~ ,~lll'~ D ~ ~ ~'i~t,r OI1 trll Ci I_'.11p~ in in i,,,. :~li, ~ ,,i ~,D l c~ crlor ( • • a - n , „nrl 3 ~'~a 775 ~ ~ ~ il',:,;ft,~ 1 ~ ~~r~ , ~ ~ 1C. '~~i.. ~,Ilu„11)]UL1,7 (~~";.r1:LOn O1' t(le .i0""ii1 01 ~:0'i,il'lt~~ ~ ~C1110V(::!' r.Ollllt' il• 7 t 1~'rl"1 r~:~ . ~ ~ C)('1""..i . , On;'.r Oi f. a t ~ ' .l _ one er~ ,.1 i e ~ ~ ,c,~i ll~t of i' or,:Iel^ , , s o;' Mile ilo~~: - 'ire n.:~ t rln is n: ~ y ~i:o i,:~ose ~ , , ly ~'r_~ tax:. ~J11cx1 }~I,a t i~e t d rhicil tire I ji,!litl r O ~ ~ C L : ~<~.f1' n0 J ell 115 e ~Il,. 0.,..(_t 0y t; 1 ~Il n r r a,. L- C'"l l,~`r (,~i; .:L 11 1~ ~ ~ ~ i' X11 :L _ L. ..?1170VCT^ a1i „r, ~ t £i 1_~n'~1't,f D.~ 1~1~~ ~u r~'rIU~I°@i1 1)'I 1 VJ i, r I ~m z ~ , „ , ,r ~Di , ort11 .t: na. - . ~ a ~;'1~1e~e 1i~t s..oer the .,.01~ ~,v' g i < < „L~T,.~, thf,t ~rle i3o~rri of ;'ourlt~r r v. L~ .~~lr.>n,); ~.o Ln~ I !`~1 r. (;0'ailt'r L~T'llIla.:P - ;0 ~ 1 ,1.>..-i0'.:~'ro 0 ~i1QVP,f ~ -OI,..L;; I'~rllle~~t i1.1~ „CCel1s r , ~ ~ ' i I ri;l z F.l O iOT't' nC~ , ~ 1 _~'r'OliJatoil, :;0 C~^I ~ ' ti.c t=' ~ ~I ,1 ~~,r' O~.J.nr r V 1 lO: U.,. ~ t2 C 0 Or CI ?l<?Ci.~17 tCr;i1 1,111: for ~t1IC t~ er `:I ~ of u;,er~.or (:Dort, ~ita r~md .'tu" ,i> lrnin 'ton 1.x.3,1.10 i I 'irl o~ c Iriin• 1 c~ r onl,l, to convene oII i oll~!fa~r ~ JI ~~Te li'~ar , - ecru=u r 17111, 1,,,.1, 9:25 I . I'hj' ai1C( t0 CO,ii;~'.']ile Cr OI]e ~,'Jf?r'i~,, ~Ci_~I'1' ~ ~ a1 l Dint 750 i F~ n ^ O r' ElI' 1 1 t t 4 l 'taE~i rf~,OIVLCI i,il~~~ :,CIE' C'1('.1^1: Di - ,~8~' { V,1:, O,.rCI 0~' "OU11~ `~0!I:.11So:~.i)11~7r'S }Je ,:Oll',OOrO l~~ Unli 11C 15 r1 ~'r P. IJi' i17.iP i~P~ , nh r 7 ~ ~ ~f ~ ~ t0 1 ~~,1 nl,v: ~ r, ~ !II t11e .~tr;te ~ ~'0}`1~~ of ~hi5 resolu~tlon tD ~;ilri ovcr~ .o:° o~ ot~:a. not 1istiE'd ~137,94~5 I Oa' .,Ol ~11r1~ ~ : l ~h ,;ra,'., i., .OZ~1. 1~, .9 ~ r7 I i it 1 13'.1 1 ,ate" 3..3~7~5 ;~J~ , ~ - ~ (.~r~In!~ ~ ~ot,.,1 'r~6 720 R 'C:'Cli.iB ~ 0~" n , r .S' LO 115 11~".nSOn ~_DI' Cin 1C1,~~'131,; r tiG~ _'Oc: 071 i0I' 't,11G d 1 ~ ,'~,,r• I , ~ - :C. it 0~' t Y1C } F r- ~ a 17 1 n 4-' r~ , t. r. ,'f ^ 1 Il ..1. . i, _ ~ , .o ill.,. J; i,'.;;'.. + ;h..~e Ch':r"''P,S 1S t11a ~ i ,li 1~t1.n„ .,11~'i']1C'r,l oC,n'~~cll"l',t C)! .r>q , a,- ~ ^u t nbIVC? ~U~t DC..n able ~ ~ S OCi: _ ,~01 ul!G 'C'dr ~r„~~, - ~'~~l', ~O Ur~ th~~ VPlUF,t10I15, ~ (;3SL';e'1~ I'O'C]11Ct10I1 I]a~ ~ • - t1lT'OL111 1,,,.r:, Oil ~~~n X310, 1,11.)01: '"Ot10:~, 0~ 1} I I , n ,,L, y ,i i . d-:r~....1, ip (.Ol I! e(i ~1~,T i 91.1 i , C''~.1 i. , ~yi' . t~1G CO' ,,,'_t~C1C ,'lt(1 )Otr(~r' ~ 0 F'Ct. ~ i11~ 1.1,5, t1GE-'S 1"1C)t ~'l1CiUC1P Vigil %:a i' ~ 'er u txons io. the ~.i.1.(~. ,:11ici1 ~ti1e :,torn e ' ,er.erai. ~,~ivises 1s not t xable • nor woes it include th TP,~'~iLP,~t of .`r. ~iI.I; e ,r ~t~a, , i' , ' e prollert;;, uelon~in, to tale .J tc. , u~._~c.to~ .~,f~ x~or ~rivili_':~e ~olnna~;l uc:nes .:hie~1 th,. :ou!Zt...~~ttornc~ radvlses x~ n t11~~ i~c~~lo, ~ to arc~:ct ~I~I:L1,.ln-_~ 01 f of ta..able. 1 .'1 F;,~d z;I'O,iiiCiB ~1~, a 1gC1:;t,0i1 }lr,„r ~t11f; ~,COrti:(?rn +'~'.7tCP - .r.~ E., i ~ f,<:u1c;~ - ~ ~ _ '~nci ct.~ _,~n t11e . 1.rr,.:~1~~i,:~,.f, on five' year 1~t~1se ;ith t}le nr1v~ - .11~ list ~aoes include the ,rrn !i; , 11r. ~ o r. "oh n ,~ert~ be:ron ~ , -i ~ i .,1 LiiC, ,~,_.,I,_ _ J ;11 t0 !.1'i,(:. E)DOLit o ,1 ctl'~.i,1t10i'l';l l1 <~,,r,.;~, ~ 1{i ~ `I11:LC11 ~h..x e v.. ~-=,ra I'or t,i~t~~ tra~lnlnt; o~r ~ U~ ,.I~ to ~,e some nuestion, I no.; have the ill~~tter u ~ <<~itil the 1,t ~ ~u~ s+ i ~ ~ n ~ , ~ ~ Ol-it71 In :000'I :0?'1, nr1 "11'C[1.L~nGi"'~/ G t0_ nA` uno,1 :otlon n_ ; r. :r ,;i, seeoncled b, ) iti1 ~ 1. ~ Y c,neral. ) f 1,r, ~ia_;.1, ::,z"?Il~ed. T)rOV1,iwC1 ~ he ~,b1111"'" 61111. ;1'Ol.r ~'?pTOV,al 01' ill~r c;C~LOn ~„}~1GSE shCet S!1 1 } '7 f t ~ ~ s 1 JC 1 ce,. v a 1n t11e n r ha - ~ nd of b. ~ ~ s o~ dom. ~i v0 ('OI n i , - rtribut, ~i , - t,.,. ~a' ~ r - ~x7i<,nczr,~,_Y totrarci ~nE~ cons~f?ruct~on or I~~ int':~n;-nce of - ..0~.11.C~0T to collection. ~ 'i 1112 17L1?ZCi1n1'; OP 'p1~0~F~C't; F]nC! tl1C 5~~:1I 1e(.S!' t0 hE; P;;n 'P c tlt,~d b' tn(; it~ ;~I,_,., o the 1 - ~I ii Board rrhell a~lprovr:~~d b tl~1e ,~,otlnt;/ ,,ttorne r. ~ v I ' ~ ,.ours vel y truly, J. A. Orre11, j . 3I~1~T'i~ ~ or .~~osel~h I~,r,:In;ain ,~<lrrr ~ ~ ,.I ~ ~ ~pon ot,~or ~ . _l T tr •r Con_t~~~Jle 01 '-la~nett t0';"mS111p, 171 .l Ol -r. _.r?~01:, SC(,OI1..IE!~.J uv ,.,r. JI~~1, ~DUn"t b111s ~In~l, ;?d. r ,~r.~ i ~.1e ,,enal~t of a. , ~ Y .3D to .~r~ ~nc. ,aDO~: ~0 ri 1 , ,Ei v ~:r:r ~ ~,~ol' na ~ ~ ~ ~ t. the (;reap ~,nul scan ln~}er,vla.t~~ ~,;orm~~6m its stirr~t~:~ the 'l o~J~,:l }'It-ent. ' V i I`.taS Solid ~.t'$OUYIt hn.VlI7<~; 1:?eell ~'IX"d ~O,r 'i!° ) ~ t~ ~ } f ~ ~~I ~ ~ oard owe ~_.or~lrussioners end ~,pilroved a:: 1~,0 , I i' d er~cu,~lon b,l t,1e r;o,.,nt,r :'.ttorne' ~~as tenon mD ~J ~ - the I°teet~l~~ trlen ad'o 1r~ ~ i j I!. i f ~ ~ ~ ton cc ~nte.. ~:l.l 1._.I,1. ,.,1 u _ ~ ~ ac.c . 'v ~ L in1~ ~ 1 it rl;:~tlve.~y, , I " ~ J,- .1 ~ ~ COi11,It.ll11.C;1ti0i1 T'ECE7.Vt?i1 f2'QI'il the ~~111~.trC:St CO':~IIlli,tG'C' O ~c',YJ ~ ~ ..Cf':U0~~1 j asl J 1 , c or an lneree:se ~i i xn Pay, >t-ras u.)on-:mot on of :,,r, r~sl: s~: ~ ...r. , , .,11 ...sonde by , , ~ r,~t~r'1 ed to 1;}'1e Board o~ =~;ttcation nor eonsid~ r ti I a 011. , r C I''eC~1u0St :'oS' ~;d CSti?Ient Of~ the . , 0 k , odd '~i ~ ~1G~,04 b~c ta.: s dllC' f oI tht: yoars 1~ ~r~t_()u~h 1 i R it on ~'.;ile L~rDpertJr of~?,1mer L. Jo't111son b~ , i , _OC:, 1(.,)~,U ~ t1L68 Ll~)Un Il10tlOn 1 e?i~e;.~'i P, ( t0 ~I.ilA CO :1'LtC'e ',iltl: t1D~;er t0 ~7(,t. - i it ~ 'gal St," c'1;1 " ' ~ n ~t CIl - t 0 T , _ ~ Col r t u S nd h dis(111... Sell1 1 r; ii P en is of t.1e i.lmxnJton 1 ublxc Lrbr~S ~r .Tor t., ' rnoan~ `1 of ' ec~I:loer, :;~as reael;yed ~nci ordered fa.led. ' j a!' Ii li ~~pon motion of i'r. _r~.s~. secon,:e' r~ ,.r , ~ u ~ z ..~a 11 .A ~ ~ a an , l.ss, l (<,rY ~ „,,(pause 1,as ~I ,.,I1tC I a~. ten,ent oz ~ta:;ec on a vrtlu~tic n o:C ~'`'00 ~ , 14 , ~i .~JO Iloasehc, for t1>e foal' 1~ ?Ci 1u n l::ttehen l.urniture { 1~ , c~000Ui1t 0~ duDliCatG-'-' 11ut7. i;~he 5' Cne r^ c ~ 'a r :1 PT Ia1~~ri:C ~lYfi . ;'~'1 )t. '1'1105.'1. ~i~ -1c,~T1Il,,, c.1~0 [IOGII ~.lat8.1 b;, i - i ~ ~ C L.,~e. I. l i i 1 j ~ i i _ r~ A~ L ~7 e~~ Si ,,.P rr i~ ~I. I'~' L:e~=:ti~~ oi. ~::anurar~ Ot}: 1~~ I .I ~ ~ rl, contlntied. ~ a , I;~eeting o~P <~<<nu ry 13th, 17.0 conta.nued. ~ ;i ,i l,'~~)On mOtlOi; 0~~ I't'. ~',p ~ ~ i;. m n r ' 1crt r~, ~ „ ~,~on :~odo.z of f~lr. I~iall~, seconded by x. ,.ra„l. 1~~~r. ,,.F; R_~fT ~ ~ an, „c,con~ c.~? by is . ,.~~~rdner°, t}~e '"upt. of rule ~ ~ x ctery of 1,eland,.~.C., ~elt ,:rn ti,~~;; ~ ~ lie ~ used C'rom the ,>enr:lt~ for not i isti , .~r ttno7°~~en to u. od.~;e ~,r 'z;a~~~oz~l~~iL.ion 1. or ~:'o1<,nd r~n~~ ,r '''a'' r"~' ~ c~~ - ~ lot ;r20, ~.n b~oclc ~~9, far olina .<<anc~,a ~N,rch f'o.r i,ne ;;ears 1.~,~c~-10,~~ and ~940~ i'or the reason he is anon-resident and sir>nh~~r^, .!uvf:nl.le;~, 'Lo 'll ''ruini.n-~ ~~c}pool. q' 4:nova ti~iat he eras re~.luired to last id not the sr,mc until ~;id f r d P o ~t rerlues~L fors ,an a~~+ s , t o~ ~1,i~lc :;;95.9 : ~ nr ,a~. ~ ~ t Li„~,Ii1E,r1 7 YJ^C I. :>i..Ci .~lle 011 ~',r1C .n ~ ~ +o~ r, ~ bi3: hotir., oi' I~~rs. 1~or;, %iornern~~.i~rr. bhcl~ lay ~ ~ o,~,.,, o~~ the ~;pon ~,.otior of ,r. lra,,l,, „F coded by rir, .Iall~ ~~io7.lie ~,:<otthelrs eras ~~ranted an i'or ~lLr_ ~ ~,t,r 1,,34 to 1P4C~ t, on of ~~2 0 ' '~laS unpin If10 :~.0" , ~ 1r1C1U31 ~ ~.•:pfflent Oi t~~Yr:S pn 11 Vr31U~'~ 5 ~ - c C , u. ~ r~b~_. ~ far she ,yc.~,~ s 1J3~ 19,30 ~~rd 1a40 ~ - t,.ii of .::r. C~;l~...raan, sc:con~ied ~lr,~ r '~'r;„~: r~efe~~„~,- r ~ t;.f.~~ ~ 1 ..~I to 'the c dose rel7ioveri fr m ~ n ' ~ r „ =r Lh no~..er to ~,c o' +~~~~1.tee :~:ccount o;~ o Lhe ,.rem~.,,e„ zn block ~~.,~4, ,,,~,,y 1~;;7~ and 'the ~ C a i1e its of ,'a.].1.iam S~Lru~~hers ~,~~cre ;;anted ,~~~n riur,tement of texas on ~ valuation of ~;.he County I~,udit~rs c~~s}1 i:~ ~ ~ ~ ti ;.~~30.00 for ~Che years 1034 ~,nd l~)35 on house burned latter ;;r ~ ~~,or t nr the raont,t of ~,;ecc:m:;er ~ ; ~ p t o1 1J33. ~ rr.i„ z ec e~.vc;~,a ai~r1 or iere ~ I filF,d, d , ~~;bon r~;~;t:i.o~~l of .:r. I~~J.1, secondr~d 1~~~ ,~,~r. `iris;-- th~~ ~ f,. , .;hr~irrae,n ~;~<as ~~,utiiori•~ed rind a I.rr. ~)e,ss:te 1~4atth%iPrs, 60d I,~ortil ath `~troet ~~rar! 'r ~ ~ i.n~tr~tactecl to sign r1 ,''°oint ~;ity-C:c~unty ;sponsors rac;r Bement vrit~. `,he PA authorities , .l'POfI~ 1;.1P, 11;1'~ ;l~;l 9 , 1,1T)0`1 t.?t~Otl Ui r ~ ~ I, ,rr'~r h1~i' u~; , ~ yQr' tl"l~ CO11Si,'1 LlCl~i pl'1 Of t!le pr'OpO;'IeCJ i~ y- UCIitOr'itU°l, C,`~ ~ ~ ep ,c, ` t senor r: 1-in~l ~ o.r U} one r u ' Zt o~l po r,~;x~.~s nn roc _~oun~; of Mover t,y r~r~d ~i~ i c;;l , ~r . ~ ~ -.ci;,pt - , 7 ? ~a.t:ie,y con~~:~ib~tion of ~;115,~J00.00, same to be ttn~lertr~ken conta.n ~~e ~ s f 7l ~ I, nt upon the ratr~icad.on oi' ~iia nr c cct b r th-~ votE~.rs ' ' ~ .~~~t an election to be held. ?'i")011 I'1Ot10n O:C I'r. (;aran~Jr, SeC~7n~~e~"~ 1J~,' ix'. COIC::;lall (',Jlln~'d 1 ~ o n . t, i~1..~7.,, .,o~. 1~-; to ~ `~'~d4 .~r,~;~e •,rnmo~~rerl Pot , ` :'~;',,'r:~r,~t.t . i~; ~,~lir n~~~t.t,er of ~,~re~~-~rin~ ti1i~; contract l~ct~r~reen ~t~hc Cit•~ anti , a. ; ou~t~y for the ~,o~.nt , '-,~!0 ;n(?~:'~~7.n,, tilf'r eT'eCt.`.011 Of t11E', ~01~~1FT~'S ~itlt Qr 'FCrentl0n~~l CP,nter alt, ~'otlr'~~,h ~l ' ~ r~ r, 1 r~.C~:'lol'rLC'(l. nC? 7r1nCE',,a „tr,~et,S ;I i'1L i1')~~n `"l0i;i0rl oi~ !I'. ~iral7., ~?COnded b;~ .:r. Tr,;;~i~ r(..ferrE'..? ~ , ~ t0 .11e 1;11c^ 1rTilan rind 'i ~:Ja~--,-~ ~~e aunt ;~'t~tornc~ ,ritl~ ,ocrer o t 't; r ~ ; ~ ~ e i't ~.l ti ;l y t ac , . ~o,;r~iitte ~ r, ,ne : id ao~,rc3 . - s , /-E=1 er 1: . ~.~1!c ~o to;~in„ ;ate;dr,!ent r~rep~ic^ed 'r;y thr,, ~~~oi.int~r u~iitor oi' r z ,r ~ , p o pert d~:t .,ate 1 ,~r iar~iaer~!~r ~r~~e oi' tai;tea, but no~~r tr.~xrable ur~~9er ~Citc ].at~r t~r~as upon mo ion ~`r ~ r " ~ anus°.r .1"t'ii ~ ;r, - ~ o~ Trask, ' 7 y ,i , 1~.'~a. 5:'( QYl':;?;' U.' L~r • ,.r11~. r11717r'OV! an,l Or'dre(', " u 1~s - ~ ' ~ , , pl~~c~..~ an gyn.. ....,nds of the '~~ux Go7.]_ec~tor The re~~u:Lr~r ~;rP,ei: ~ Cot col~.i~ction: l,/ mf ~t1i.,.~ of the iio~rr, ~.:a;, hc1-d ~~t ;~~:0C1 ;''reue7lt: l',dflisor, l~,e',;1et f r~ r i1Ptl":~'tOri p C' t Ch ii.r. n~an, .~eo , _.r~,„k antl J-~s . I~:, iIr~,].1. ~ , •C . , ~ ••.ur:c 1~th,1.~41. a~ '':I 5'lie minutes of meetin€; of ~ianu<~ry 6th 1941 vrere rf~~~,(! r 1 :io:~o ~:b1r: ~o~,rd of Co.~i i.ssioners ~ > > ~~nd .~p~,tove,.. r,;corc'~d, ~1~~~~lin~tr)?1 .C. i' j ~'he follo~.~rinsr resoluti , , on ~~~s a,.,on niotio:~: of L~ . :~~7.1 ~ ~ , a . ~ r. ~ ~ ,o ;dd on z ue~, ~7..~ ~,CII1;16r.r-.;. i~'. p I 1 .I ~t of :.r~,,i,ric~t ,,ol~ci~r,or, :~~:~,v~id `!.incL~~ir: 7 r~1,c<c~~i riercto ~r~~: book shcc~ts for 1640 for nr~ot>ert;~ dr~t ',:as formerly free ',~ri I,AS, °~ilerc. -~;re such l~~s~,c r~ccu»:u1~_tion d' r•~ ~ ? i ~ ~ , r , I 71 ~ ' ,!~u On ~ l ~OCr.Ot ~ / ~ r~;'~, ,a It ~.r A I~ o~. one Uu,~c.r or Y r~ ~ o'_ t r~ ~ slle is Brio„ va a'.' ~_on;; , iollo~rs: ~,ol.lrt on - ut; ."~.lover~ ,oii „ nty, or ~,1~ stir nl lna . or , , 1r:r~;e nt:r,~br~r n:[' prisoners ~~re norr c,.o~i ~ ~ , ~ ~ : - ~nc~~,:, i.rt ~.,aze ca~..!non r,r ~ •an r, ~ , :r;! o~.. ~t,al_ (,ou.:t• ; r _ "lilrnrnl~aun ~37~ Od0 a~~e~~ , 01 .,evr ::~,nover ~:,',;.~itin~; d~z,.~1 0l crimin:,~ , '•~~~T~, ~ .~i a" t}1C rle%:~', P C,.,~ , d ~ i'eCleral ?'01nt U~'~ 11~,. . - _ t _r,.i o_ count ~ ~ ; ~e1: 07^ till ~Ol~1nt''~' OC anOVL1' 07;' 'i,Cif? tT'7.~~], ~I. ~ ~ Of C'r11:1n~.11 ^.t;,;e- r .k.r ,;1rnC,tt ;i`'. 7,65 r~. U not ..on?..ne un~a.1 1',.arcn 1'7t}~~, 751, r,n~l ~r~, i tll(~:r'e' ~ ~ ,.,.r r ,1 ~tit< t ..T'Olil ~1F a%lt~ f'r c r~ nc ' r...~ be 1.=i,ti,e .tuiaoer of ~:_icaition:a , ~ A~ f ,~.~,~onooro .,~.~0 c~ a. cioc}:., or d .i.,:,l in ~r,he aurr;r. for t~ ~atir~t o, .,ai~i Coun~~~~ or~i tine crirnd~l c~~;l,~n~:ie:^ end ~ ,;:3'~'8,77~ ii,.,.,_,Ed,it xu 'the unanimous oP_ inion of tho ';or.rd o~' C;oLin v , • ~ ~ ~ - ; E'I l ;,l !1~;! ,tE1floVer COtl11 i 1l n .,CCL,,,,~.-~1OnC.rd Of T ~'~.L;; ~at?~Cl"r 11;,t OT 1'OrL'lerl i']'C:~~' P ~a ~ s.;r t? ~.~r,t r:t l.,a~,t ~ one ~.carri criminal terrn is itece,„ ~~~~r to ~ ran ~ y tar ~n~.cn nri„ not o~en 1 Muted, ~;r111e11 we d~ the c~~ses now on tr1,7 docket i'or tri:,1 in. ' " y ~o~e h-~vc r:n~t,~~1 F:~~:; ;ith henrl~i~,y of 1G;?~ as rernzirer.i by laU~r, ~~'hese list sho4~r the foJ.lowin r ~~+i . car .<<u-iover ~,onnt}~, r:orth :,,ina. ~ '~~ia :~T ~,f~ ~'1~'O~LiI '~I;SOLV.~?,D tY!rlt ~ r~ ~ v~,:~u-:,dons; ; - u~ i, tide '3oar .i t ~ ~ o.~ ,_otrrr (;or:rnisio~zers o ,,~;r L~~nov~r County tu~~r;nir,~iouslJ• r°equest his ~'.~:cellF,nc~ , d t -a-~ . f.;, ~r ou. hton C;ovcr nor o~- the ' fate ~ ,a. of Pforth (;arolina, t o order speci.~1 teal of 'de.' Cu7erior ~('o,i -•,~,,r ~ ~ ,~11m:in ion 13,7.10 ~f,~ fo.r - t .rt, :rith _.~,.~d tic - , the trirl of cr :ain.,1 c f;s onl to conv~~ J "5 ..ne ~ , „ c.., '1r?t~e Fear 4~ y, on i ~onc:,r~ ~ ~ :~'el~ru. z 17t~~, 7.~,1~1, ~'ecleral Poa,nt 750 • and to continue for one ereeic. iicLrllett ~ 4~'0 I;;j Fie it further resolved titr~t~ the Clerk of t}1e l~or~rrl oi' Count ;,'orn!,~issioners be ~ i "~i on~~or o 1 170 y ' ~i'otr~1 not listed X137 945 and he is herei>y directed to furnish co~~~~ d' this resolution d ~i;he io ~~°r, r f ~ the ;~t;;te of ;oath ;ar ,7 I ? ~ ~.i o o_ To a1. 1i~ ~ .~i.na, t ~ted 3.y8,775 ~ a ~~ranr: _'d~il I'5`~G 720 I' iJ!I ~ u ~ ~s i a'. I, re~'~uest d' l.;r. Louis Ilc;nson i'or an adjust:,sent of ti1~: bcl~: tries due b~~ the ~~~e r~~a. on for ~tl~ie d~:1ay in m,:~~.in~ these ch~:rg;es is that :i: have just oeert able , , ~ ,,,n ~ d SeCUrP. the V%~iU?,t7.OnS. ,,pir~i~~tin~, ~}~iem~.c~1 Comr~any, bloc.. -r,~9, for the •,~car 1J;:14~ tltrotu~ii ll;~~~l:Q on rn r ~,u,~eas~aent reduction 1 ~ LF~Ii~ ff 111116 Y ~r~sis, ur7on r.rotion of , r, ri~~1l, ~~con~'ed 1_~? :'r<:sl., , r?fe~!~red to the co~~~~r.;ittee ~:;:i~th rroty ~ + - _~~~is list does not include valu~~tions i'o,; the Y.I:'I.C... ~,~ritich ~h ~ , er ~o •c~. ~ t e ~-ttoiney sene:cal .advises is not ta:<r,ble; nor .?oes it include the propert~,~ belon~;in; to the re~west of it lI.(I.Jeter, uirector I~iYA i'or nrivile-~e o n Colonir;l uarnes •,;~hic;'~~ th,:; ;ount,~ .~.ttorney ridvises d not taxable. thy' LPf-'10n 'n n• ~ ~ 1 ~ t f3Ct it i,1L1.LlUl1._ 0 ~~.E.ld ~;t'ol'~in~a„ Gt a 1oCrr,t?.on 1~E'~:'.r she nor. ~nern ,.c~r?ce send bct',,cen ,,iu: - . }di stable;, ant: iiz~;h on f zve ear l~~r, ~ • ~ ~ , . - -11e list ,lfles inclu~:le thie nropert,; belon -i~ ~ to Y .l-l.d about ~~rli:cch titer ,,Y~ y s~ .r~.th t],e ;n~ 2v:rlr,~.e to 1 ens i;he sr~rne per ~ ~ ~r~ e P~n aCli~iti0i181 1 iVe r u in i " Sefl,^.1S t0 iJe SOII]e UeSt10n. 2 "i 1. : ,r ~ j~'~ ~6 I'a, for t}_.. tr'cLnillt'' 0~ youth d CiOOd:Or1; ~;nd i~1r'Chlnery~ !'rc.a G n0„ r„Ve the mct.,P,r' up V;1~.7 the rtttOrne~ ~en.,ral. u~~~on ~:~.otior~i of ;fr, ~'rr;sl;, seconded b i.s°, iial.l ~~~rr~nted. r 'r,r~~l . ica ,;~~,.~ill `~Iith your ;;~prov~~l of my action tLiese sheets ~,ri:11. bA placeo in the hands of f~~ not b- y - ~ n ovl.i~, file .n tJ the '_ax Colle z' c~or for collectl.on. e a.~_,ed to contribute fin,;nci~~lly d~~rard the construction or m~~intenrmce of trio building or project, and the said le se to be execs;te~~i b~• the ~~,h~~.irm~;rl of the Board ~rrhen ahprov~:c] b;;r the County !attorney. J ,1, 'ours very truly ~ ; J. Il. Orrell. suret`~ bona ^ ~ 'non .~:~ot~~ on o-~ r' i< ~ - , , ~ ~n~, `J~.• ~9 for Jo~etal~l r~r~.nlc:ur.. : r. err s., secon~~e,_i or ~~~•r. 1~Ia~1 Count billu t., ~1 .J rrott as con:,table oi' Hairnett to.^rnshrp, 1n a ~ Y 35 to ,,,~42 Inc . , the penalty of ~°~500.00~ ~:'ritii the %~reat i~nteriean Inc?errv7i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , the ~''rere an ,r o~~e~] i'or na,yr~ent. ~ ~l t~ .,on>ynany a~ ui~ dy, E.,~. i , .paid ,r,ri~ount hrivii~; '~~ecn i.ixod by the -~3oard of „o:~.mivui.oners and a Iaroved as d t form and e~ecudon b~~ the n ~ p,~ the m;?etiau; then ad'ouriled. o.nt? ~.ttorney, .,~,s upon rnoti.on accor;te , ~~11 i,i..i,u~ers f t:! a; ~ r~. COfIIl1A1I1:LC~1t10i1 1'eCeiVed from the "lanl't'tP.:1ST Co"11111d0e Of :;[?'rr :ianOVe2' !.;OLU1t'~ ~~-C[100).51 ~ asl ~n~ :Cot an increase in ~oay, v~ras u,.ion rnot~ on of ~r, .r~~~,sl; seconde,! b•% ~.r. r~:~11, (1 ~ j' re:Cerrea to the soard of -~duc~rtion for consideration. ~ 'I:', J 1944 ~ r~, z enuest 'or ~d j;.~s~tment of the ,;;169.0<~7 bacl~, to:~:~_'s due f or tho ~ ears 1';~+ ti~_°ou=;h ? on the pro;:;ertlr of ?,lrler L, Johnson ~ 1 ^ ~ ~ J r,,, o file i ~ , u o~iti m,;~~~, ti'r~i~ ul:on motion re~e_. e.. t . - °`:i I Co~,~,nii~!~tee ;~~i.tiu po~~rer to act. ;i~, statemela of receipts rend dis'uursemen~L's of the i]-mir~~dn i~ubld !,ibr~ ry ''or de , >t. i= riont`i of 'ccember, ~,~ras received and ordered filer_i, , iLI.. iI iii; lir)On I110t1U1: Of' 1'l°. ~r'~S':, 50con~:iP('1 b:,r !~,r. Ii~ill, 1~!r~. L;~:Ir;,r ~..i.(i°USe l,'c~S~','r~lltr.il an ;b r~ nb~?tC'Plel`lt Of to:{eu On V~?1t18t1;~n Of~ ~;i'~O~Je~Q Itousell:old ~'.nU k1tC'llen 1'UT'nitl;~S'e rOr ''i,l~ , ~ f;i~ , •y~e~,r 1~i40 account of du ilea ~ ~ , r' - ~ • r ~I b ~ i:er~ l,t.s',i,. j; ~ p to l~.stln~,. tht s~ me n~~t ir1l ~,luo oe~_n ll.,ta. . , Capt., ;}to,,.J.Gause. 1 ~,i i . s i i L f L^ F _ . _ ! r ~ ~ ;j, :~ilmin'ton !~~;,C, ~s~nu~r 20 1 > > y t]y 1941. lilmin,~~~on C . , <J-,I~u,,r , ~),t ? ~ :rill, 1„_1. :'ne re~;ul~,r t~'~eekl'~ rner~ J .tin,:; of the :hoard ,^~as held -t C,CO k~,l~,;, r': I q r: i 1. P' sent: r - - ' s e -t]ison i e,rlett rh~, r~ ' re ~.~~Ir e: r:~ati~. a=- ~i1e .~o ~a':; l• S ~1rm.~. G~eo..'.Trask; H, Garc!ner and - ~ - ,~.a 11e1+; ~1t .s;OQ 1 .1;. ~ 1.~.J .~olernar I .i yF1" ~ ~licatio , 1 , ns for ~~~lrlitt?ncE to the nt _oE..~t: yso~, ;e',.,_c t ~~eo. ''~~'~.r 1; :ou ..ome of d ~ a ,:~:~~_1,,,~r,n, .~1; , ,a Y ~ k onz.~,h Shp...ard :'etch ~ il,l:,!,.'.r8 ':n(.r .;r1~.~ arlrl Saint Luhe ~etY' col ~ ,`,!hite ~c,1cl:::n. • . ' ~umE., ored the s erne hwin - P i{ of Public elf rare c> ' be ~n recorunencled by the 5u~t, erc, upon motion, a1~)proved, ~ - . i."l;allt~S Of Tllr~~ l,ll:;; Of c' c~Ihll::1'1' ',(~;tl , ~~i' , , . 7 _ > 1 ..l ~ ,t.l 1 (.',:.i .:1:i r. 1,1 r'(i~'6,r{ ~ .T'CCni e.C~. r,ir cttig for ~~ar.kson ~ , j u 33e11. Company, quoted prices of I;~90.00 for ~ copies of Incustria'1 curves ~ pra.ntin 5C0 ~n . o~.ic:1 .;~:~'~:'nr;r, .:rlcon'" ; r, ,~1 . of the . ort of ~,Iilrnin',~on. I:u . !=a~h~' 7.1., r. C:1;,r~.(.,, GI ran , „ CLIIE.I I"~CVed r ~ 1.lzlt(.:l COr)1Eg be "UrChdsed a ` tact ~ .n -.n•C O' ~r 011 V1,>l.ll. t r,.J. 1, 17 nd pF)ld for 011t Of hOrt Co1:ur,1sslon Fl1ndS• }119 ~ ~ X7,0.. Di ,~~,)(,~..C,(`~ .;1i.)1'~~ ']'1allr('.;, d)1+'Ll'"'r'd 7.11 r'1't'r)r,' ` seeonc:ed b;~ r Coleman motion ~,~,s ,,I' ~ Lc'':'rG. ~ and c~,rricc], I 3,i b1~~ f.r'oIn ~tt0 ;~U:. ?.Ot1G:1 0~ . r -,'i"~ ~Iler acC' LEhIn£111 "0.' ~38.CC for IDOJil .1 ' 7 .)11+. 1.1'. ,~'0].(~1i1(iI1 r ,,.r ~ , C ~ ~ bC _l 01 the l,'oUrt i10LlW;P. C10C ~ , 7 1..11. Qrl1 I ,,~:~(1 tl,e iiO~f~, .I ~.a,,)17C'r t111~ n0 ~ COiltlnlJE Str ~ k a0 t'[1F? C:~ ;"1' Li,A' Ct I ~ Fi~., r _i~, ti;,. ~h(-~ i7 ,.4. , , ~ ie >.k1n 1I1 LhE ~ - ~ l l t,i "r,li'` ,lr tI',';? 0..' ..1'S. r ii:,]°'IiI1 • h1,OCN: jt~ 1irOV1(~ ~ SF:.ITle p1uCe~ ',/%'S liT',071 IllotiCn aCC;'il~ -r "C,'' " Cd 1'.r. ~ BEd 1~, .yC~ i,;. ft 1_ ..~1~ ~,.ln ra :,01i ''S. '~",T' 1'; '7t~~ ~ ,.J n h~ ';d]itrley~ keener of the clocks consir.;ers it nccer . - ~ - ~ , ~ P~I'icr 1 ) ~ U.~~~ry. :c pI'o I- i.ri r. 11Ii,,1 L~,(,, 1~_~~ ~ ,z'. ,t,. r ~ t0 ~iCa II ~`7 ~,lli('. ,t) ;l,l'1~ a~~1F' Ilr:it~ ~ Il ~i~ 'i a. , u 011 mo ~ ~ ~ t, ~ (.1 l i l t' , o , ,~r. r „ J ' i t~ . F lv , er ,a ~ ::Iii: , ele25ed ~ , m ~ . ~ ..1 , Y}1~. 1 ~ . n p ~y,,.Er_t Gl ,1~;~0 pen;l.~t~~ nor r t _ of ,l it 1~1och .r.~< n ~ ~ , ~ Io lirtinr, T, ,f ~ ort . ishel , ~a,c, ~ .?;,1~r;i'ferty for nod, listen„ lot ,r~;0. , . ..~J~ Carolina ,,.'~ocly~ ,1 r,~:, . l~ k,e~1cl] zor the 'year <~,or, o:, .,~u _y ,,,1 _ ~ ~ , . _ ,a: 1 ~ , 8 .L.~,.~C~ ~ .,v~~ and 1., ~0. ~ ~ ~ f., COL („i ,~I ~ ~ ~1 t i 11) r C'I.C' 'i C) II C: , ~ , ~ ',era Oi r1',~1 ,,C1aU~ l 1 ~l r ~ ~ ~ :nL ~ „a;y ?i1 ~ '1i ~ 11.011 07 1 t , .~J.L:.(.O n,I~ boll .I~CT!" ,I ~ ,'~'%°1' ~.;,.If~) I'~C,lI"l~ U..,an r': r_COl`T1enGcitlOli 0: ~ _ ~ - t m i, a , i, 7~ Lhe 'll.rnlr'} 70,"'I (j ~ ,1~r.~1 11110n !?1 i t,0 ~7l ~ tOl . 6111; ! r ,r„ ,r-+ ' i' . .I ra9~ I~LT 1~'t. L~,V a ~ . 0 ~an pi ~ = I. 1 ..,~.~_It~ 0, ;:11~(: C''il' tC+ r: C,i',1j~ ~'t a 11~ r ; j 7 ~ 15 ..as ~,~":SOr 'i.'0. ,1~..rill' r•' n ~r.C( c...~. 1.:~;,t_(, l:: ~ ~ l J11i,I'l.l.l.l,;.l:: ~ li;-;con to,;I1a1)i.j7 nor .1..I1.] 'pan 1.i] .,l 1,i;, r~u;;.r: rrI'ol' . t}le yep r 1541. - - ~ cf ,~::,'(~ner, ~ ~col~: ~ ~ .:r. .:~11 t:,l~c r (.wort o_ the ~ , ;O ' t„ ~ 1, ~ r+~1;- 1,r':t.11(,~ _,F,St _'.pOlil r~nc c7~aS. Q3.riC'r ?~.0~ ):~tF;l f01' a t " ~i ;1.; 7 1 1l s 1 ~I1 C, lllOnt.l 01 >J f:CFirllJer 1'L',l~ I Ci.c, .,,T, "C.!:~ E.S~, C'ilS' 1C ~ ~'i; i+ ) I •r ~ ~.(r.r. ,,~L11) .'ll_L.~~ Icy "r,;. r,r'-]1 I eCe 1VEG E Il,< arCiere(1 flleci. 77 ,o+.Yl~ t_,a 11. 1J~ ,LS 1'170 Di ~a i. , . . title c,n.~, rr; ~ ti1nL': c,, , ri r1o t 7_a."t .i z equest for :batc;ment of taxes on ~tne ; . ~ . pro~~e_ uy of .:1e:'~c~~~,n i,'i; ,~1on<ry ;cho:1 :roc' oc~k , t ]e s~lrne ucerl for r ~ ~ ~~~r ' 1~ 118 t El io>_ t H 1' E;~uC"tl0nul 1,]L7T'i)Or'~ ~ + ^~Ir ~ ~ r " ~ -~,h l. COPli t 'i c ~ ) .~il,. T 1 tp t' ( . i(t..Ori ~1~ ~.I' ,r. (1nE?r .CQIi~III~~ j « ~ 'i'L; r~ ~ (i~l~ i (l I' c~~~ ,'i ~i' ai f,(,, ~ or invc.,ti~•~tioh n' 1, x' ;o ( I], r: ,t~~r, . ,l I +,,t,'uarf, i U~ t,l1i; +rn~ll';, ~,~J ~.~~1'j.(~ } I Upon motion 'rs. kutll ri, i.'~r:~•' ~r , _ ~ Ito ~i,,:r r_orllti.,nr~ ;•I_li I:o~ F.,~~ ,nuurn ':,'.,s ,I ] ed :n ~,Qutcr~lellla af' tr]..e;~ oll v•slurtion 1G0 and 3U0.0 ~ ' I ilou~~hold an,~a 1.ltchen .~arni~l.;re a'oove r .era,)tioll 7.iste~1 in aI'~'or 1'oI' V :i ) p 1l ~ , a+1 C~~t7 i) ['~:C r: 1 r- '011 '~;U- ~ U i ~"'.C] S V I C „1,x,1}) ~ ('G~.C)1^('f~ `:'f ~ll.li7;i~',J.Il':' tll~, ~pif i l r ] ~ ~ ~ ot1~ ~ 7on1.r ;c, 1:0 ~:~I.E, c':~~~L~.l)7.:Lslir:len•k, oC r_~ Iii .;a''I .gOt~fJn~ ClUly SeCOX1UeU~ .Ja1J1n0 On:~l :~.1.~'Ole'r ~r11S1,CCb C:,.( I'eln,,~ !r+,,, r ; rn) ~ 1 E .r.; , ~ ) a a ..;1 _ a _l:;.L rer;I Cu 1, n.tGl i' ~ ~ o 1)a,~„l~,n w0,. 7+ 7I1~~ C 'D ~ .'1 I ,)iJ2 ~CJ~1:1~ ti".r., 1.' lr'~'i']~~~ ~l,C,l rl •'n:111.~t 1 U o1' pc.n.~lty for nn li(' i. ~ ~ro(e ~ n ~ ar r , ~J t ~t J T ~ ~n IJ1.,.C1: l.J C ' '~c. 7~~ i ~ r n;~ , ,.r r. ~e~ ~ ~ rr 111 tllf:? YE•~r .L, _l_I. l~ _t,) (,0,_:!~'u i,0 I ',.OnE'rs C'CI11C' ~ I•~ +~i aI"i ''S,11. ~1rav n~; iJeel] ~~~Iken over 1,~-~; thu Feon~ P^ , ~ i ~ ,,.a v~ ~ , ~ ~ _~,a ,<.,rl~: _rus ~ r;t:,ly, '~r11:I1a~es since ,I ' ,I the .l ',th of I~:r Divine but ~ 1 ~ r - t .,.1„ ,)..01 t a1 l„•~~0 ?a~ OL:i C: i-1 Ul i i ;I 01"1';f?~ ' ~ ~ .~tJilnel'~ a I)~i ,.:T'. j, C)1('i'~l~i.ny ,I'. f,. i~, 1C'l.'.;~I~_:11 u~:' i 1..'i1.~.,~ , 1i ~v1.1.1, ;I~ ~ ~ ~ ~.~,.Con F ~ _ r ~n~ ~t '~o,,ns'_ip; ~ nt~~~; r~~_'urlr o:~' 1707_; l~. ~:(~U c11'~r ~~r3 rui I r, 1~ request of ~"no^ ' - .r 10i ~Id~lUutrilent 0:~ t'fl°, J,'1CI'. ,i. :,n r,7, ~ t...~. a. ~ ::L~, ill if'C)1' `=n ~ ~ ~ t~ ,.,a Ql1C OIi eat {,1u l}lOLr. 1J_ ~,L1iL., X01'1 ~„0,'>>,,Ii11 zn l~''I~~; 1 ~ ' (1,'I('), ~ , ,,unuet ~ ~~r c on ~ i r~ ~ ~ , , - h' I . , ,e,1s,11ent re(~luctio''1 b,°~'~.s ~r~ a' ' ~r`'3 ,n ~ ~to 11~;1.tp .1, ~acaol~lnt oC ov(aI I~~a ~llr~l 5,-~ I asGEG;.,Ct1 ~ t 1g~ $ <.iSiC rr c ~ ' -'-~SG11 Ot '.t CC, ,Jt ~ U1_1 c l ~'C ~1, 1 r Cj1<II>,r~2(1 b r ~jt^ 'i:1i. ) ~ r,t~t~ ~ ~ b, :,G on tll~ c: Ll. o o r, r ~ } .,l.a tr--I . ~ +-,,,,,i,, o.~ v~:111u oz ot;,ler +~d~olnzn~~, Lots ^n,i not in r.,~c ~ : s oi' its trulg vr,1~.1e ~ ~ - j „{:k)i~ rf10t10I1 ~ '(11.L;r S!:COn!JeCI ~ t11G t 1.!7(' l'; ;.tI11 rl l'~i11CIl t; i)F';~t~'. ~i l ~ c, ~ ~ ['i~. 1„ 1,~ m 1 ~ 1,I1~~ LI .1.: 1.1 ~n r• l th ~ c ~ ~ t~rl l~atcr~ • 11in ,x,.11 r.>,i` , col:~~11i]ictition 1~a~ ~(,c,e' - ,~1 n„ talc ~ ~ or r n ~ ].V1:G I I'Ol:i 'the ;Cho',; 2r? :L~,Di'S ~ !,0'ti'1t~ c ~ n , ,P ~ ~ ~1,0'~ 7"1,, 1~) ~ ~ C~.~ ~"I1,. Crj t~~lT'OIIi ll1 I ~~raIlltDr S fir) n i , r~~ ~ `i 7.1. tOr :LnC'1 ,..,;0 111 , U%:r, tel. p~.~r. L~o.. ,,lot_on of a. :lr:,;,~,n secor'+1~~-~~ 1~ - ~ ~ x, ~r~rdner,:,i,( i;o~,,,, ax ICactalon '~;~la r'CClu:,StE(:~ tU C011fer l'l1t11 tt18 (;Otlnt`,' 'O,I'.1!15Si011P'~' r r-r ~ ~ti-, r- .r s _on~e~n.. sr'm~ :r a,: i ~r' , , , ~ ,i1 ~:1 e .lay 1 ~ur"t Or ;11 :JCinU;I'r '(7 F',I'L] l~i'~.:1) 4i11ti r,:(:('1VF'r.~i ~!]"1,"i : ~ 1.'(~COf1011(?17r c" !I} II cl j, I O11.,, C,^,I1CC'~ .trY; ~llt;' CCt11""'~; 11alISe .:1 'ln[-;j r:r~~1,1 OOI'li,(.11iC;1' t0 I)r' ~]'C-?,~! :Lrl ~I,{~lP il(~1. ~'r ~ U On Ui;)on m ti t?le 3o~rJ reco~ru~lc.1:' d ~ 2 . )~.L..i. I.)pir I ~ e til~~t r„ n - : the ,,djut~)nt (ener~:~. <lor~o~xlt ;n ,ar.'es L~~noh ,+r:, of ~ , , ~ , G S C£1)tr~a.n ~ ~ ^ ^'r ~ „ - ~,0 L1':JII; `i,it(~ ~'liI'n;.(;( 0'tC ' o' t51e =ornE rd urL. I ~ ~.1es ':;l~ra1 r ~'I ~ .:I ~ ~ ~ , _ tt an... h~,t i.z , to x,111 . ~sllu ~ t Vir Ce ~;1i11tC1 b G~ ^n~ (_i 1'F!ri rl llnl , ~ ern, ~ C ~a ,),)01n t, ..~i ~c ; ~::~::I OI ~ S,.~OD~i; CQ.. .i.l,L~-;('i . G t 'i'.01T1E 'xU,~Id ~i;i ]')rCi.)OSed anC:i reCOf~f;:Cn;,ECl h'~. ~_OInB ';.jUCiI'Cl ;OP,~:1 P ~ tt.e. ~f I ~ Lh:~on rn i~I ~':+nn ~:oti~~h .y L~a'. ~rr~~rrin ~ , ~ J I' . X171 1 1Ir,,,, n1' I, 1C. ~ , , ~ ~ .,r. uc,T. en _ !;d<'I11S 4 c'S Lie .ntaG~n C~I)L + - a • 1 I U:~' ~U~lr' C ~ '~i A "'i ,'~r :.~t,2Illin~ Oi t+' :E, OIi b. 11i:1;0;On OI '.~ui' „1 C r~ :1.01 ,7~ .l~L 110uaCitvl(.l "Il(. tU 1',11' t'' ~ ~tl;. u ni1,C,]E'I1 i , , ~7 ~ a. t. tI) to n_ cur e 11a - a.• , , , ti,~ l (01' c., ,en: a ' ~ ~':a ~.aov~v e'.e ~r ,i a~ror ..nz' Jrnc `'ear _or P l,?~~(1 iI] i1lP(1111s`tOn tG.inSlil ~t.ol": 71"a u.. ~_e~t,.:.Cni; Of Ca+I'l l:i, a,~011 i"l :1ll(~1i1'1;. ,~,'I ~ 1 p. - t ~ '1 ~1,~(~~.,. ,.T'. l.Q.l-' ,~,`ln 'JO I;_L116 ~I11, 11~:. "I r 1'h8 ~ ~ V l L. al i' .'ln Cln~3r, r~~, 0':1 ~i'. I)'~/ ~ r , ( I„ ;.011011 nu ,,Dori ~.nd la,~'u1 ?~r;n .;are dr .;n to serve as .'urors in the ,>n~e1'ior ~,ourt .or _ ~ '~1' ~.1:,;;1~., ~tllc i,t~,,~nlr.nt oC ,,11~~,:~(.) ~t;o , ~ r 1~;~.~ ~Uh .;rJn ~ F. ~ ~ r ilirf'.r Or ~~'11C (;'iI' 01~ r:IlOVCl' " 1 ` t..]e trial o_ c • ~ ~ 1 - , :;t'~t _r r~~; r- 191 c~'~ses,~ t',;o ',^rael~;s term b~. 1I7_~, t r' _~ebs u<,r' ~~l d 1940, ~ 0 lnt,'; 11111 ~I,C~, 1i7. 'i_~11F; ;L,i001 J~~O~ taE ;11itC; i ~ ~c:hS , I'OVe(1 • ,~...,1esc~]en, _ rec ~C1n~leton. ~'.r..,~poaner. :'.:,.:~a,~ 5r. .~.,ol e, z,~1,~,,,s; ~ T ~ rr , hr 4T.;[oL~Iles Davis ~r.i:~i.D.P._osle ~l,>3.I1Iarsh;')urn. _ . ~ er', r ~ ' ; nson, I ~ o_ , s' . ~ . J. c-~~s,~ for r) 1'(1~'11zr~I,io1•~ o.t' ~P.l~lr' ,,c ;.,n;r,n.t aI1 ru'c,rr:r1'~' r r Y 1. 1 per. ~ .x.._,017... r .1.17 ack ~o~! Ii „z'i:~t~tsvllle :,a. ,,r:~I, r, , a ~ r~ ~ , ~ci~. ~,;:~tcn,~ion, , I'c~,l to t~iie ~~,,~sc~s,~ol s. J.I".Corc ~i~PD,~l. ',Price. ,,~Irl~on L. i(o~tman. ..~,Lorbett. ~.Covil. r~ ~ ~ ' ro~~ : y .Rosenrnann. rtllur ,;o.1n. ~~no.L ~e,o. r~r;tles~ of ~ ~ ~ ~1' Chas.P.lioll~;nd. rt,Fo~'~;ler. ~i.1:i.;hyttle. C.P.~_•orlnan. ~ina.::,Plercc, ~ school ~lanito]s co~;=i.~Ltc(, ,,ol .n :ilulr.,,;:.r~ ,I i~.,l}r, r,r.,~, :I~~on i~~o~tion 'i r> > , ~ p~ ~ _ _:a. a`~CCIl~:,ar.1 ii l% r+ i ~,l ~ [ , _ i,~r t..1.i~,r.~.,in~~ r ~ t ,i1 1 ~ :~a_~ o L.~,LeGlr111 ~7r. J.);.~~e'"iSi?er'. ,_,,;'Orii2le. '1.U.L,l~~c.~';;ln. -7 0113fi,,n~ G[, 1,.11111_.~i lI"i"I' ~,1. 11'_'i;'~, 1'('~''Lll~lr llll'.:,. r U.. ~ c 1, T r• ~a for oin~ co.: i::er~•tion ,:it,.: ti]c ~o;'~I,.I o1' riuc~~t:ian. ~ ..L.Sheats. ll.I:i.P::cIntosh. ~,i~;.Olnesa. L,II.I''ullord. ~no.~ ..1:11. r~„~ I ,;.T.PIw:'-ohr '',ava~a. ~ ~ ~u~ ~ t,11e: t..cen until 10:00 0'(;1 L,~..ll e(h ,r - ~ , , UC 1 tl,','I +'a'111+ 1 „r~_l ?,.~1 ( ; _ ~ . C. t.li~.v_.s. ~.LC.P,rer;er. .x. .:~.nies. 1;1~ ~ _ ~ ~ tiia o 't j , 1~" ,i ~ h 1' c•1 „ c -et '1:1 ~~01nt Se5Si0n ~t!i tllE ~.a.t ~.:C11711'fl;l.;;;;] ~ ~ L.L.;.>,Il;. 3.:_.111c]en. ,l,lchols, ,i:i.,,.lc..)ard. „r:.,,mi.th. _ y o~z:lcr's,tin tilo~.r c))'1'icc,.~ -;~t i;ilc' ',i~t~ I~a1 .(.~a al ,~L . LeJiS ~T'0? _ r, ~ n ~ ,:r ~ _ ti 0~0:, I' , 'ru. ,)~a-n?; ~ 1. . T I' ' k DnCI. t ~ _ r:.J.701J1'1011, 0~ n .:i_ riP 10 0 ~LU~ )l 1.Irlllll' IIl;1',r' i' r - r10. i' ,1 I i n _ a. 1i.. .r)Or1T1SOn~., ~1~ CJ;1 _ 1S I~0 ~f l.l, i~;- ~t sil r~.~.~id::~lE. J~aa,l.liines. ~,.L.IJltite. ~ 'n'lf'l1. :.r~.,~oss. ~s~,,~]:I_.1i; ~1t '711:, r-rl,l ~I'i_IICG„ ~ ,~tl'r-r~L'.1 ~ - i ~ .i..,_, ~ s , .1~7zIrt,ly v~ith :~;'i ~~av~r.A~.„<lyd. .Sti7.lman. :~.'`.;;ebrell. ~t.C.P.ercer. '.!~'o11r1:in~ ~ ~ - ~ .-,...1 t i-- t~ .~.:TOrLi1S011. ~ c~._, 'je:'Clllc:m. U.L. 11 1 -r' ~I `"~rdeS. ;,~1] t]. . .i...~i1Ci~1+1.~~n. ci ....vE , r~ r.' .T a 1r, -T n ~ ~ ~ ~ + , ,;r' % 7 1. Y~r r r~ ~.L..,fa.rd. ~ ....:arciin. _ ._:..~a~berry. ,7eo.L,~'~rrlel . ~:.:oro~,;i~~. Onto Pr1,..,;en. ~,r:~.ii._r.~1oI , .ii 1,r:i.Zl111t1~:'1',r>n i'('::r~'UE:i'~, :;,~,i ~'ra. > > X1..1. ]do ob~i~etions crere inr_',icc~te~1 b~~ the ~o~:rc~ to the '~icie ,,^ter ; o .er i;o's, ~ ~lic•tion , . J ) ~ t0 the !.)].5t1'1Ct n;ln(;CrS Of~'1CE; t0 CCnStI'UCt OVeri12%~Q ':;1re OJeI' ~_~~Ipe P~:I' 'iVBT' 11.?lf _ _ 6;'-1„'' ,9.-aa (ia' .;i1E; ,;OIE:'',i ,r!'; ~Ilr`~I ;'~f:, ,l;'!(i ~ _ ~ l .l". . I: : rlil~ 2boVr i7JTti.n:;ton Cnc.; ii0r1,i1(?%st ~c,Tla ~'P,£~r :i1V6I' t';'0 I1111eS '!})OVe 111n1IT"t0I1. ~ iG.i s,~~.'~~ .>>%~;.If:~;I1 ~ ~r'J1'l7(~F!T' `~I1'~ ii. ,L.O, ).~:%:111.. i i '"11C ?leP,a1i1S~' `when C,d~lOUI'n8d' ~ , _ . J~: ~ I ,~01I1t l . ~,'_]l,, .~~.i,il t,ile j.~1ti' )I ar i , 'rr 7 , .'_1-_ , .9 C. 1;11.,,,,-u C,1 r: 7' /<.r"Cc''~. .,'i,,._~ '"1.T'n'rr..rJ di, 1'E'f,'(l: ~;ri i- % r- ~ . a C~:ez _ . ~ . La or ,F. ns~ln ~ n.' the:.lcUrx~l:'~ " ~ r ~ ~ Ile~~s ~ ..L},(;L.il' lr; n11~~,I',t,.ion i . I, ~ ~ f ~ .'a: .."1 rE;.I.CC>I:1C'.( ~I ~ i~Cl' ~nrll'i ~ . ~ ~ ` ~ ~ 6 i~~ . C 'r . ;'CI ~O.Lf'nCi Di. '~,Il~ 1f1=II"~' (:i 1.1C8t:10t1 a~'ri~r+ _T,r+i'1 .t : ~ ~rla i 0_ ,;i ~9~ iSCJn°i~.I'; tD Ci1bCtlS~' r'f'(11Ct;~T, 0] ~ " _Or ~~n - ~ ~ ~;1,iiO(1.:. ,•II!111i,OT"' i C' i.r ,.ir;7.r iJr. -(0; `T„~ r,vj~l.fl.ll7C~, llil~i. jl:n o•,- _ ~ L~~tr , t ~d ~.I"1 uilei. ;ill') L°.iIlG.rl ( n rt- `,Y , a tc~7 'oullt~r izl>1clQ ~~rovi. ~ i „t i ~ C7 il. t'il1 SCilaul i I"t~iCii 'Id,. ,.i .0E f.,71 (]'i~?1'tfl1:e('~ lei' ]'nnF?t iI- ~ _ r~ v , ; ~ ~ ~ al Jallc 1_ i~~.f 4 'i is ^1=,. Fiiu. i,ilE3.° =iT'F' ilO .LllilCly '`.i~1 .i_'+~)le .LI1 tl1r.~ ti : - ,1.1,~1;1(,:al?11'C,il ~hl~et r a ..o( ~ id the ~~ranii,or„ ,(ire !lot ~ c~Lt,ins' , ~ , on~--~ n~~: 'r~~: 01.1~~_l r)e ~ ,1~.~7~1 tc, r, ;,l~.F'rl~ .;h~ ~ a~ r t they ~1_ ~r1;17 ; a ':.0'n ~ ._rli.l.'G r;: t,j/ r,r11 ~ :;)eI'7°ll('P,g and - n 1 - SI11cil~ flay, I'1'e !.'r'1i"dne'i' ~'rc;S P , ~'C 0': lrl ` .1. could ve „arkecl, oi1t. s t r. ~ ~ ~ ~ K r,reet 7.r1~ Of .'~C'l)I'U;?I"~ ~I'Ci ~.~~j~l C Jn i n 1 ~ ~ ? n:: 0]~ 'T'~ir :jl'',~ ~ ~:.1 COI1~,~ i~' ~ , c ,inu._c. .,~1.~ ~ ..nuerl. „_r . ;,Ol :nCi E'..~T)Z.r31I1~:({ l+aut a.t 'v'IC~Ul.: (t ~ ~ ~ r Y rilpi~:(IIi 1i~ili ~i!£a.`i ~)pT'IIl.Ltt~a(l t ~ ' r re.iUllB ~;~~)I O7L11"1%ltely ,i;;~~.t~Orl J.~?G,1 ~ 0 I,OJ~ 1~G„ ~UCr~~~.lGll i'r;)(1 ')~,;;`z?i''il''Clt 0:" ~11C 'cln1t02 u y10.0;~~ ~)~'S P10n''1 n • J~ tU T ,1 r~ : G11i,'t ' 1 ~1. _nG P1~0'~,f.PT' r^Jt ~0'T 1!'.:~~'.t~1' G1.:iC1.i i ~r~ c ,n ~n~ "r :,(i 111t)r E''.u'1C'.CJll~ltr Clll%:;rtC~';] lI ~ C 'a t0 trt? t:~0,ird Of ~ S10n t,dS r(.~.t,,.l8d ~ ;'OUu 1 ~L'tl ;Ut;1C~i]uC~ ,~;.r C,aOi,l ;f' ~,;r , _.'aUCot7.ol1 i~Or I)rCC,a; CIO!;'n Oi' ~ u~;Cfti ? 4. ~i'.~~.:,~.1 ~r~~~O1 I• •.:a ;i,~n7_~pl~, ,~y ~ . t ~U ~r~ ct. the res;)E:cta.v~ 1 , ~ - I bn ~~n Ilot~r'1< b~, ~i ~ SC.1(.01~~ an06,':i.rl"% n17r.bC'r Uf tlOl1T';; I'L~~~.ll' ~ C'1" In I;IOl-i;1:, GI. :5 . C{'~(1')Ol"'~ GC'C:'il~( .l ~iJ'v' '.~I', I ~ 1)er !Z ~ C> _ I e.l dt E;."CI1 ~5clloGl 'rrl t;;;L ~ r, ~0_c.~l"'d1 ')='i" ; { our ant recor^li~:end~:tion o ~ a,I_. coUt ~r:~r' cl i,I~IF,' ~)e~.nnlae rounc?1 for Q~ ~n ~ ~ ~.icirt of t3i:_~_ ;'or x,55'.75 ~ - ~ .lz__L thF c,al~, oY' r3;~,r cillci c'i~ti~.,t it I~;i~1 Z.:.~~r.P n~,~L't',~ r~r.° :r ~ ~ C'Jut. r• ~ nl C"'e.,,`:n~~. ~zv(';~ 0~' , ,~r ,S. l1I': r r,~i, Ll"'))~11 ;1"~ 0, , Cry :lirlllf' 1;,Y1rciT' I'~C'Prlt V1;_'7.t~ t0 ,i ~ ~;1C _Clr !GI ~ J~ vc_ t,'.l.en ~I ,,,~,t~in,,, Of tI. 1„ I ~r ~ 'ion ~.n oo,,nr~ t 0 G1,1`It ! in j i,' ~ tip L;1 , 1 U 1 p ]"i, r, , ,1'p r• r~~ r Ct1Un nll,;~r J v r.,U~i11~ ~:%I'~ GI i1O° 5 'U^ ~G' 1 ~ l~rl t0 ( ~)'17!'. ~ Zt" ;0 . Oll~. ~ ;l~~iw.. Jl""'. ~ 'Lr tll •r . ~ ~ ~ ? ~.~.Co,rer anll Lou:;.s .lsher ~,a.tv o i„ s rl,~,__ of u~ty :Id ~~..:;~.'.uI ed and r. r~rn_,,si.ar. ' ~oant rleetir~ ,as Held i'ar' ti~:~ p1lr•r.ose cf rcce~.vir, ~ ~~r; er,, for ~Ir~r~l of bids ~ ..c r.r~~,.n~ . ~Gr L1T I715111.i~i~~ 1,'~; ~.P,r 1E:1s :~Oi~ ~,,iP. COn:i~, I''11C a.0 ~ r f ~ ~iOIiS ~;p:. C:Ut~ Qn O:i, T ~'~'Ci11 C'"i ~ S'-'.COT11'Cr.~ , , T; , f)Ul.1C,1T1 iUr t P , u ! ;'n r :t@Vi i n solo ir~ r , r' n ~ ~ '~I _~d ~;lr ~ ~ r:,-, 7 e P"1 C ~ 0 ~O, nr'~-L i]' 'I S .rE'lnr p. ..I .ctzon c at 1tYI„ o~' ;~lr, ~ o ~.,~7 ' _~rl~. I ] ln~, r, , ~n~ ~ . , , t, enter ~ , ~ _ _ ~ L< , ~0].n e, ..r?wC' ~.1C; it ,i r7 ~ i:S Uf; b ° ~.O,T,_.~<:;].. iii' ^ ~ r Oi lt. ~'n, ~Ol;;n v 11_ C' 417 .,,p ~~.P" Ol I -~r-~ ~i r,1 1 .t ;0 -IS ,9 -t .V1Ilr, .,(C] 121r;.~ r;~"t1l,-nC,'~ I~Ile f~)110',rlnr; T'CC'Oi^lfl(~rIC~EI'G10!1,; Oi ~i'r8r n r n ~ , ~ ..i;~,.1`r UJ~ :1'. ~',(:~.i('.I sr F r ~ ~ r ~ ~ d of bic,, s~; re ~~~.l~r.l:~tted ~rv ~r. , s: coru~_E~~i • ~"~1._C.',1~~1 C ,I~ 7.. ;d r..I.d L.J.Col~:,.ul~',n. and " - ~ ~ ' ~ l.E_l to ~l< c L.I L ~~I i~ '(otlo'~. nf_.r, l~o'~,?;ril' '~~S I,, ~ o! ;G >>,~L:n,;~ r)I1 Lr ~u~ ,,r~ n a ;r ' r~ _ ~~e ~I ~ ) .CGII~,I LJ'. !r np G, 0„~l:lCi:'~; ' 7. iyyt C C - 1 .'Cl, , _ . ~ ~ ri, .1~tFCl c,nC~ i;T'. ,,OleLlc;T? '.nQ i.T' ~~G' 7.~;I1 •~ilte 0,~ _r. lir,;e jOf%: ~ ~G':. (i.. ~'._°E? ~~T1Cir?2' 'lt~?T'S. . ~ .~C ~_~t:O~I i'~L',... I'1', '1t~". ~,11L S!~i ~,n;~~i c.:I .;~-,z,s au~thol'i~~,~, to •,r r~,_,~ r~ ~ u~;Il:~n ;i ' v oc....c, i., r, til.. ~~..h ,i~r•uct~0_I ? tY I1- ~ Col~~r~an; Ln ~r, ~ 1.:. ~ U:!11'1"' S17,P OVr:. .:.1 d1.i.'1 r ~ ~ ~u E~ ;r1:' J1,...0 . 1 1~ ,'"In:~.T' ;~'?C nr i 1 I9i i1- f,Q ~l,",1~! r~r~ ~ u _ e. I~~ f~:et. ~ . ~'Q(" l(; T' ~j1F'i i~4Ca ; ,1 ('D~.E!f,1.8?" i, 1 tO ' C 17 h ) 0~ ,.I Ol' _'1In l n'~i~'Y ~~~,3G1 ~~s7olx of cal,strucT~on.~'1~~ :JLIl.'C.c O~ L'~r~~~,f?°"4~~.~' r" '~r. ~ ! u 'l; 1,~1. ~0~. (;x' i'r „ -i'r, ~1' 1, f' _ F? J l 17. ; i r , ~ - .1.. DVc 7 } -n 7 ~ ~r r _ ~ 1.. ~7 n pr , n l ~ _ _ D.~ ~L~C 1uJ1.1"l t' ri; - „I. ~0,~, i). ~ ~ UeI~S'.0'';11>G Onf' 11-1~ 'LO I)r .1 1. (I° ';1t~/ rati :a ft~ ~..L'(, COnSi,2';IC''1;7C).: S. ~ LL.. r;,.; 7j U~," .,LC ~,Ol;ntf. 11~', ('~;iC'Pl•;1 ,<;U ..1'"~,I:C'r ;~VC:Ii ?iG:el' ~t0 i; n., ~ _ Uy OY ].'OI APif'I7 ~.TiQ !flf_'n 9.0?' CO~I;;~(;T'UCt,i01i ~ ~ ~Inic?l . _ , ~r%~I ~ ~ f;' r ,:~i „ ~+V j ~,i'i( :1;1 ,.J 1.17.1'' Its'. to f; =~I r, o Oi: 1 _ _ ,r ~l .~~_~l ,~,.~~~G :aI' c ah~,l.t o rw-n ~I;,'. n~ ? { .r 111 t , 1 °OI ~ ' iS08rd OL (;1t;~ (.:Or:UT11S ~7.OI1~?rS Of r~~ i i'L.- Oi' lc .I„ t ~ a';; 1I i ~.,I.C' ;1t',/ Of .il r( ~ ,I r ,~~JCC ..o flu S1.~~~h ,'.:':j.'., ~ ~~"t,'., ',lr i r:~~~r'~ ~ . 1 lln,;~on, C , c~h,c, r :7 Jlcr .n ~ _n _1., :,~z°,'o:~:, in ° :P :~oard of Cotnzt' L;or n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , I,~ 1 ~ 7...~...o:l..rs of. .Ili: - r:I~..:. t~~, a. , a:~ , ri,io~.:.~n~~r ; I , ,~ri ,>t, r,~;; :h.l,;n '.~~..1,1~..,Gnr .~J',a,l ~..,'3t ?"i~., J1't1]UI r 7 Cl ~7~.1 OnP.S, Cril'1.~~,,,eq 1 ,L~. [ i; 'm: ~ n I , ,~a-. - . ~ ~ _.l.)i ~ )1.~ '~C'1iT, i~I it ','~P ~n ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ , ~ ~ r !i ~;rE. Ilc: ~ c, . F a~ n' T'r'C J,:;(:'`' 1-~,10Ii 01'.,lr~ ;i' n I vc c.,r:.:,-rocs ,,nr. e I~. .;u' , a~` ~~cl~;; , i,, ~ .~..l..n u L t J1Q ,,Lr.)P.i1LrEi~ OI1 ~l"ll.lcr~ ~X ill. „'~h Z -1.1 _0, , I I:k,UE'2'lialc c _ y ~ .'U,A1a1.,I1~' r'n' r' v ' LO ub~ UueCL 7.n 1,itU (~01(S~~°~;Ct,.!_Or'. Of ;F 'e'' ' ! o 10i1 ,1_J„ , u-, , ~ ~ ~ CT c.ll~].Gl" ,l.lil~.alil~ tO ~t)~ I ;r'.-'1"1~ ,~...UI1 r.l 1. ~ 7r~ ~ x~ - '.ii~ l,,c,.fi~~~, 7e~', ~:i;., r,~~•I°I~;~ 'oo~a rd gin,', ~I .;Gnn(ii' 01 i~'Oi_1I'"f,i1 --'nd J ;j . _ L r . I ..1 P . '~'1C ,~,U a , NT.~, E. ~~~;I'E'Ct;3~ ciliCl TC'C.O~i~lei1~~;Fp~ j,':t,•~t '%i.'C. C1; rl. a ~ ~ ~Ip,, - ~ . - ' a_.0 :_i~~ 'r0~'Ip' ~ r r ~ ~ 11~,:~, Ii01; ! .,.,;~E'Cl i .r,. I- a. '.r:~i, ~7 ) . •~.r3:t''01 lh,. ~ t e..i Cif' C,,I 1n.", ~ ~L~ ' I i Il ` ( I J'C~l l ~~t 11 :I - ~ ~ , r, 1.. ~iiE'UnCt ~ L VE:i'~ i.~0h Ite;;! .l . i'or. ~~l n, „eh.1F3!t - ^o ~ ,1 ~ r _ r)i° 1 . ~ ~ e7:' i ~ c 7 ~ 1„1 _ ~ u ? ~;.~.iuirl~ a ,1.' {'n 1 ~,.r,.c!7;, ,1~:';F+ ~~r J...,.y~ lter;l .~l'YCh-10X OI' P(1 _ n r' t-' - 7 7 i~t ~'•iJ~ ~E; ~.~c~" f,e;~ t .i'L'"~~,O~:~0?' . ~.1~b~:;1_ t.,+s ,.!FC . ,.iC]:° ')>_'.i ~1;~:1 I; t _Llal _IIG~:')iE+ ;0,~1 _nlU.lf17.1i !„n'1,~ ~ ~,.1a:r rz ~r: 7 ~ IL~.._. t1: (~0 ~9.. b<." net . o ; i ~ ~ , ~-.4:.~ p~~I' i~'. ~ ~ ~P,i;'. ~'03?Ir110T1 .iI yCi_ 1'0 ;'~~,O] [it, r' t~ 1 ullOn , ~.O# ~7° ( c. .,Oc,. .~~il JLt'}~i~„tr f f , '=r r L', r' , G~ _ -0 ->1 ,.p:~~,; rGli~ S~COr:~~~, r~ 7_,~ I° 7S'P. ~ - ~0 .>l,_:,lli, C;i .lull J IG. "'P C~ -ti 'S 2 }H i. ~;e _ 'n ,;r ..~.~.f,i i' ':I - 0-~ ,.C1L c,t- u•r.,,J OC'_ ~ ~ _ - .S GIl C'CC)..~,It C)i UO~! .I i rn . T~e~.l 15;~ Felt - ~~o .,o~tn-3mitii ~;o•a ':o ';it~~.- at ~~~1. 75 I)_r n~~ ,~nr~.~7.cr:1 ~~lit~~. ~ 1~F,i~r V• ..,,Iii],'"Ll~:i - r'l'0 I~ Over ',.L' 1 1 ~"~",r h~ - r r;~, OI ;ior,~s, „i~,, ~t _ ~0 nor s~u<.a~~r~. _ ;L~~, ~I_ h.a~:ocir±o,d r,~,-;~~. 'P . ; :~r TtC;'i 1 r r~, - ~ 0 ,r r' ~ ~ t1..S '.7a i`..C; Ir"c,; , ~ , . t~ ~ U~~ L.~i11,1L, .;UI" ~ i 11 ..i1 'U-a"~ ,U I 7'~ a It..ul ~3. ,,..n~~o; - _ ~ . ;S~ ;C l~J 1O lt,s- i0 ,..:.'~0~.~.I:1.nl;} .~C''rS `0, .;lT„' 1`.: 7. I C~.~..,.0:1 I,..ci~ i.ii(' ~i~ r a r ~ ~ ~ ui,; Of ) O ~'_,.r i~'I1~1O11S ; 10 1J - l 1U~: , - r~i0 „~i0",l ~ln l ` OI~1S ''1.G ~ ry.~ „.iF r t ? l ~ I1.: ; ! T,U i,1:E; ~ r.., - L V. ,ilt, L1 f ` n;, ~ ~"~'.'ii. ~ 7 .;Cliii~;i- i' Sri'?r.._l,r_~~ .Ji.p I.~. 4~1 P,IrI 1~ 10. ~;ool°s ~ ; , r", ~ . , c to ~~:..e c~:;r~ al , ~ 7 X l,~ .t - 10 1't, 0 ...i .~_r0....._"1 r~C t.a ~ r~ ~ ~ ,;:O..t,'. 0]. ' ?1? ,,r o - I- ~ _'C~~l, ~I, , ~ud~~r?7 _.)r)l1I:10~_.Oi. 01' .,01.'iG'IP, :u0?: C'1 11`r ~;''t~'; i itC 1 11. J02 ~ ~ 6 7 .C 1 ~~u - ~ti. `x U'_ ~ i r ~ ,:,r `nt:'Ct, iI 5 ..Oi1S CO, L'~l iit :J. n~-CI' ~Al lterlr l,?. ~o,~I'~ x 8 x 1 .3/~~ - ~ ~,o ~ ~ _ _ . u' ~ ,~.OC, rpI S ~;';nh ~'tt"~ , l~ ~'n r; ~nsoms, ~ 0,.1 - _~o .(;o ln'.. ~ o~:s ''n, ~`~t~ ^,'~,~7 ~ q li~,v:r:,Il.;~ru~ -„ILA ~n tl ~_:rt o~ t ~ ~y~ , I,1 I 'ri,~ 0_"~ V~,11;. t,!OIi Ol n (1( ti9° I 1-~ )L1~.,ld_ .,ocl 'r~~r~ .1, .i.~~ r. - lJ•.~ la' , ''I. Ptn `i T ' LI 1.`L~I ~ t:;I! n 7:,_ :1 ~.l) 1'n' Li.(; ~ < It _ l.. ._ns.~.Ie cior - )r ~rr~I,,ea :`o ::~,:rcr. .;1e ,~Iinao.I ~_aiaes .'o 'id, r~. _.J-.~ :'r'or., :;~f, ,.~r';;swa~! n~' I~~r~ , ~r,. r l;~ _ t . r' n- 1t~I lll,~_. I~ i 1 ~.~Illr~~1 lir ,7.?! ~ii~;U I10 ~ It21[t 17. ~1.I11G Nn~1OvV !r:';l:1CS - I'0 ,.~~f~j ~ _ .l t0 0.1p_'1 '1 ,CCS 0~ -[~!US(.1E.ni, 0~' i] , 7 - i' 1t~'Lrl 1'r~ r .1 C' .i0 i, n;j' :'OI.L C.'('lu.t r;tic,r~~7.~!Lc,nhi', I ~ 'r~ :~111~~. ~7,n;,ppr :''r:i,11P.S 0. ].ilk - 'd CO-0' .t1U`! t`.(" n'r' ,r• O: ~1C1~~'<~Li 6 T ~ n . ~ _ .:.t(,Cil ~.,IUiiOc?1 ; ;?'.r( ii ~1;~ T C( iC T ~ f'~r ; 3 t)cs. _ ~ 16 .~~=~o.oo I , 1,I'ol~~! ~ ~I a< <,1~..1,~, ~ r r 4 n ~ ~r~ - , .j 0"~~ ~7;^:.C'Il <^'_~O~:LI"ru ';(1 -r'iUr:: 1 % JCS. . w~.~n .6 ~L .r, .l)i ~'l l~ri ~jy l,n i it lr, ~ 0_ !~li f 21 T)Cu. '1 a-l;~ ri.r- :OI ~ r~ ~ _:0~_ lIlOG1011 Of r• j t ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ , . 1C' ~1.I~_i ~(:111t;.,,.~ __'~.'l~<, Oli~,81(~U ;_1~,~~n. ~'r~t Lll~: t,c,p ~ iq ].10 Ica . , x 8-~0 . o:~ _ ,a. ,o o ~ ln~ r' _ ~ o~ t,~e Ufa, I 3...00 _ :c ; _ ~ awn 1JC ~ . " c'~-1°,7 i' G" . . i ~ a. _ ~ ~~~.DO ,~1.'., ..t,t '_'Oi' a i~~ 1;C~,Ui~ Of ~1,;~ tL ~ - iT! r~0 pc;). 4-16 r, o,-_ ocl; cn ~~~h7, o:C ~1.e ~ ~ ~ 1C. ' r• r~~ 0 ~rl 7..ur:_ u0., .S;~OCl"tPd T~ ; 7CS. O 5'- v0%.. n ~:i'.~1C ~ ~ _.,C. ~ ~,!'r.'.OU:It Of ~)1_l11C't1i11r r n 14 30.00 ~I~:.~:a l~' s LCD ~ s L! - ' ,_,~0 1JC s . _ 10 30.00 ~ _ l~i~ pCS . ~ - U.; ! ~ ~ Cil, C~,~~ ~~n•~~ ~ )1 _ ,U~.(~i',I l~~ ~n; Ir~'r i 'ii, n ..'Ir!.'I1C7.' 7 ~r r, ~ ~ ~ 7 .;OI1.(..LL~~n .i~:S .7,~i ~i. fiF ry : i <~JO nCUr G^1G 30.00 ~,u. ~Gi~ .l,r~i~LL ~o,.n;.>.u.~; :l A'ol' 1C'r':. ,~G~:.tec1 i~ 1. ~ . ) . ~ "C cl i _ 1 a `i' .~0 pcs. 2 ~-12 3~:~.C)G 3000 Pt. 1 nc , 6 ~`1 :rox 30.00 _ :;ons ~,n~~. ~~1)nr,s :~t;r a ;_ir'~: ~:r,,~e<' ; r~' I 35C}~ '~:t. 80:: ':00~8T'a O rl~.l _'I,'?'' 1ii ~~I'r' ~~c_ r_, ~Ctu:~f,: I.11':~'~O1' c:: 'n,r ~ ~~n ''1d lip j' ~_00 mot. Bevel ,,id;_nF~~ '::0.00 ~ J i, ,~J00 1 ~ . 1 Cor~~:non .r tool ing ~ 7.50 (_~_.1_ o . ,a~~0- ; ~ 1500 lih Lt. 5/4 x 4 a 1 Co r?o 0`':'0' - 1 _ n 31.50 r_..;; 7 ~ 1;G 80 10 V?~ .OU ;;>?~~0.00 i nnn ` ;err r u ; , _ Tt a 1J.. _ 7. _,7 • JO n ~ ~ iJ., OT11? 1 .J~ r~~j k 1070 .~t. 1 6 ~`~7. Oot.~,non~ .~7.5Q " 7~~_ to _ lU II ;a5 r~0 ~r~: '~li v~_ 1•i'• LrG6`17I I'„OUl,:~..'I~? ,~~(,l ~ ~0 L-rr - it ~ ~ ~'i%1 G 1 ~3 35.0 ~ ~ r'~ ' J00 1. ~ • C_ o,,Il 1. ' ~ r.,o ~ ~.n~: _ J~1d l.'~ .~.%i~~ r3E1Se !':011111j.I7~;~ ,~c n,~ , ~ _ I ~ n 1..,~ i ~ U_ tC, `l C) 7 ,.3ti..~ i 1 rJ•00 n~u I n ' G ; c; I I n ~ ~ n n a ,,l Duo.r ~..r~1bs .3`i.,~C~ ,1. ,n l-,, _ ;.~.`l~ 1 1;',~ ~ 3,~0 l.f.J/~ ~ ~ ,`r:.:in;;co~tin~; L'an 3.00 17~~ =to - " `"'.C10 ~r • II ~ 1,~'.~0.00 ~ 100 1.I'.J~~~, ~l ",'1n~,0ii! ;it001 3•D0 ~l ;tQ 11 = „ 'i~ i I~I-, - , i; J,_, 0.0 ~~OU l.f . 2" CI'oh:m lio~lld~n;; 1.50 " h'~1 to 7`~-:5 - ~I ,>S~P~ - (,`;x•00 1.f.1~! C~GVC'. I:TOUlCllnt° li err _ ~n ,~x.~ ,a .fJO ii ~ ,,l tp . 1,~ 'ti . 751 ~i.n ~~I 1~.0 1.1 l; P~~~ncl ~~~~_~~i~ .~,n - 'r _ 1~~~ „ _ - r . ~ - ~ _ _ - L. v r t- ~~;~0 l.l. .v 1 ,~/n :;inuo~. >tGh 1•JO ~ 10 to - lr" .('u~, ;:;r ,~5~ 1. 1. C'. G. Dooh ;top l.?5 7 :31 to _ l~, 1„ ;,..l..r. ~ i I ~O ~ ''i';~luSaltil ;IOC~C';r '1~01I1t " C`• ~rl - r - ,i i, r " ~~:..,~il I 1 7:.~ canl~~ 7~;1 - II r7C r~r. ~.i~; I~'P. ].tE'ill .~~n~.r ' II ~~~~rl1G~T'Cl - .ll;.~f'Ctf;(1 tt j~ II Ohl, _ 7 II ~rr~~ r7 'u')t'Ct:!'ll'.l:r ~;l]!1rri7.L~t'U ~ 1 ~Cl _ It n I ~ ~ „ w ~o 1.x.00 l~`35.0(~ _ ~ „ ~ 10 to - 11.'::5 ii7~.~l.I ,i ~ T: Jado. , ! ,l, 'GO ~0 - 7 11,r'~~ '13.75 ' c 1~ rJI•, 1USiG'1ri' 0° I!l!?i,1C ~C:''.:v, ! '~0 ~v - n ~~~:r i~~ . r ;r ~ J ~ Jt).c,J a. p ,t ~ 14 ~ l,Ohil~,r l-;0~ 1..~,.,,_OnF:: ~ ~1 ; r ~i 1 I i i .J:+': ~ t~( , s I~ .r , S, i F oi' Fd'axUar" 10th 1',~-4.1 con i l~,leet,i o i;:rctln, ~ ~ t Hued. i ~ ~~r~,<,x,J ,,,I d, 1,,.~1, cont~a.nu~d. 1 ` nnvr r,.nf~rnl n~r' i-.~~ir:rr n- ~~n.l;~H„-nr<.~ rs~~+„ (.,_r,,, nn rm C,ot,ron ;io. ~~nt7~:Z .,o. ~7 to r~,- x'30.00 = i~ l~l II II !I r _ ~ . n rl n n LO t0 50 - II OO -'~r r v . I 1;O~,). 1,';2O.Op 3r 7.E'u li,~ I~ I ~~~~n~-my ,i)1~1' ':~(~:"~a Wilmington N. C. be it t Cou~or~i I:'a, `'2 a n << ~ ~ 1 ~ , .~1 ~o ~,8 - ~ I . !5 19G .OQ + It Ir 3 ~ Ir II bruary 5, 1941 i~~. 1 to 3 - 3 II 15,00 <1JS,Q0 t 1# !I II ~ Ir n ~.1 _ c _ - . to 1,., 1.1.25 101.`?b ~e CO~r'{T IiOU ~E ~v:1iS , . ~5 COL1j)nrI i10. ~L! II U ~ ~ a' !I r(.° ~ ni' 12... ~0 160 - 'iG c,,.).~O r~ 1 II II 3[l. II ,.f ~,C l,,).)l •Q~ )lt,cl.l. 1.91 lth, li0 1VJ I~ ~il.~~V l~~r~~ ter II It~ II 11 r„~C- C4' u0 i" 171 to - "I ?-,.00 ,375.00 2 5~lCi rr , . , ~ A ,mint ,meeting of the i;oar r .~,r~i r "F n ~~tnn nn~.i b d of .tiammissioners of the - _,,,.,7~, I~,ID City of ,ril'ni ~ nrard of Comreissinnars og 1,EV1 Fin oo . ~ at the City Hall on the above data fit 1 ~ v ~ Hover County was held ~a fi.led. 0, 00 o c lock Ah: ~ ~ i %acnool sonri , r~ .~7_G ~n 1(~(., - 10 i..~i(;r,,r)0 ~ r~ r; ~~'~r for II „ ~ n _ II rec~ivinz3 bida f~lr the installation of the purpose of 1.1 r~ 1 ^ r plumbilr in ~ ~ 1,. 1,lI~~ 19 ~7C)e;.c;0 ~ g the ~,aaraation ~uildin } ,I rl r ~ ~ at 4th an~i rincess :~tr..ets. lresent~ g ;.lr ;h .;.L to 1n0 - 10 ~r 1.OCi0.00 (;(j(;,;(7 ,r. r,~, -,uyor Cooper, Presiding- Commias ~ ;il l,,1("~,r) > r aher Find ,,a'le frnm thA ion- ~ ers i i City. Co,nmias ~n inners fiovrlett, Coleman and j r ~I - /1 ! from the County iloerd, hall ,'7. 0~,. (f ,~J. t,o - ~ 19 1,00(.0)0 ~ ~d the Clark to rand thr oall f COi,l~m HQU,;',' 12.1 t.o 1.30 - rb r,r , bids anal tllr~rour,on d.,cla'red the tune tnr f3~11n bides or 7~d ~0 ].,.:.)C,.C~~ 10 h~~~~~,rl~~ inq bids wire o~pEned nn~i reraQ b g ~ 01.osad and tY:e follow- ;I~>nosed t, y the Clr:rk; ~E s! ! Ideal ~ larnbin~ Cnm,;dny- 1 S f QtG 1 ~ r' ~ ~?or~~ ~s i ~:id ;,~5,01.?O.C`0 ~ 1, 2 j2,pp ~ 1ot~l '~otr,ons F'~:i;l ?r~ the ~rl,r;~u.,~,.~ _ r~. ;'r. ',`~{y Don ~lernarl, 1,I (l~ 9 „~(~E).G~l~ 111.00 , s r, I' i 1~.C1E 1'01104J1I ~ I,00(~: ~li~i' ~I 1 . <<, u.ldE]3 u, Dnn ~ - 1•"'S''r'1 1.~. f~°11 V;'l'rFJ '1"C"..:?1 "t0 ;~~;.:`t>I:'' ~1; il_li'ni~ i 1. ~J6 CJ ~ , T} T q ltnr i OI1- '„Or; . i.i l"~~,~~/iL ~1~.: ~1: C~~ii~ I ~l~rl _~C l)r~~C, I~' ~ 1~l ~I) 1 :1: ;1.1 .~l~u ~ ~i-~ ~ Commissio Her Coleman moved that tho uv;ard be a s (n ( to 'N, •,`r'. !a, Don at m de C). ho,. ~ ~ - lo;•~ bid oi' t . ~ ~~l~l,~ . y eir ~1,lll.u0. C.i,.'~~Ja.Ll.i~,m'~ F,~,:~(~f;1f~~,1 ertton. 1~ -I f ~ o. t,~..,.~7,h~'1r~.;Or1. IJ...l f Ical'.1 ~:ci~,:eith~n. ~T.1~.C'I'r~~.s. ~ , ~ ~ , ~ .s.~'1 ,r ~ r_ ~ ~~.r,rx. , u.I~u~.e,:;r'. .I,I~ :;caonded b COiri;1~ pit •;~I ( e'~~,r.CiCl. si. .I~Jc!I1~• r ~~~~I)~ i~„ (r~ ~ 7.J`~inn!;I' I+ic'r2Fr F~ ~ ri..x.x)~V1.~. , .-n.~.i ~C.i~rJr.i?l. Ad0])t@~. n(i unF2nimnualy .1n1~ J' ' L ~~1sli. . ;',<,1:i,on Jr . r' ~,]>~,s:. c~ E~:~' I-~ . , _ .Jo:ul„arl. t .J n U. ...ll.La"„a.,. ii 1..-. I1Qd~T'S. ;.J.ti+~~2'ic~.1~7I~1d.-~•-,~.~ri;.,lc,_. ~oa~ccE; _cr ~7~~. ~ , x j'; e ,,.1-.~srar~c.l T ~ r I-. 1~ dt~c Li~y Clerk Hari 7~'rafa n _ r~ return a?Ier~,, submitte;a b• t}~a , n~ surer v~a,~ authnri,zad to h! ~lnr.-lr . G y a 3ucaessful n ~ I,i(:Y'r', i~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ;~~u~ 1 i-ss. L...r;~.~~<. .L,.Dtanh~ 1~1. Louis , ;all, bi.ddor.,, .1~ 7 ci ~].1.l~:Ii it . I, r~ - - ~ - ~~j~'. I 1..L (a v. .;Tc'.f. C.IiCI) ~;07]('.C~. 1.r:''i~'.L(iT''. ~ ~J. I ,.l,.:IlC~:f(!i:rl. I,.V.~at"'I,lil. '.i~'O.Z.i.~~iCit:i.l..~. ~i ~ ~~~t~ ~.,.,t).; • ~ ~f n", i.h ( _ ~:~r= ..,ec ~irl~.~ I,:,~;.. ci`-~'.~,OUI ne(:~ . , ~iccr~eatfully sub~:nitted ~ !f'~ ~_,J< _AI° i~,~ r f iii'; I ;1zLll~, ;~tol1 ;'r,~;~~ Lt~,r ~1~1,~, ,~I. 9 7 J` l,.l, Clerk ' i . ;;i, _ r _I i...~.c, I~ I,L,'u01~i~. rt ~l;i0I1 '~"1~tt C1,~.lrL'! ~l r:( n _ ukl n ~ ...,.-..1 r~1J.1;U_tE', Oi r'C'~.'tl'~ O1 .l.ii'1;;.P` n i I''~ - ,l ~ 4.-!I i ri;Ci, ill"'.~;, I, ~PUU~?(, 5 ~.G~[ J "I 7 ~:l( 1 L' ~.7.(;`:it U.i. 1 . . u. .,r,l':~11;`,l1'~_'r ~I.Oi' ~I 1'fl I i ~ ~ F r tik ~ 0 O, O.L a.'.~ I~t n.t i11 it ' 1 t ' ~':lt i~ ~.i]111I~ ~r i ~ OCk: „~'i.~~,`~ 0`.7I~('iJ J', l,'1(' `''(?~'ilil~' 1~~ L, 1., .i a L1 _u ~e1. VG l,Ji~' E'. ;.LF'iL. O~' 011' 1.Uli~'~L~1 7i 11 01' p '`7, i,~lle ~Pu;son 1o'~rc2~` ~--~.rt,~:;-,- ~.~~=•i ~ ~ ~ ~ ti,u ',l e of 4„~f r It ,r r,~:, 1'Or 'G11C 11 l; 01~ I1~:: ~ i( r;i l';,' CF 1 va i ll. 1!- OC _~.l~t 7.. ,iCi 'ti~~ri 1°E,'1I" 1B(~ F• ~n . ~~I -.V6~i _w.~l~ t,l_ ;,~ijG 1;:, ~~,~XyCX ! ~t0 Ir 1'@il~~ 0?1 ~ . C L,, _(;'a L(Il d'JU7 J;~S ll')U11 I'aOt10n OJ`~ t, i1. "~?;C'?' ~ ~ ~Il,.~:iCG ' ~ i.ih . ,O~.n(.i".,n `~,C'C1.,11`l^L ;1"~ - - - ri x~' r . ~ u 7 ,~l.1Cl'l ~ll'.1C ~1'1Pcl')~.11 1,;:1~'Il' ~ l -~n, ,1 , r ~ ~ O.,Ol1'1_E~rl ~_,_.u U.~:P!. ~;;lJl' 011. ~ , I4 ! ~ s ~ c and e a ~ ~ , ~r . ~ I-! I~.1~' . I t r~~ r .olern~, , o;~I 1 .':ror~ ~1~,C'71' 0;: T10t .w1,~~t,(] I)0^~1`l1~ty Crl~r'~'d d,'i1.IiS~ _LOtS c_'~T1d ll)~ b1QC1C i ~l~:;Iil'.OOG ~.,r ~,I~ r c.l l'i, it she :I~'I~~le o:P .:2~s [ ~:r,:~ f., ~~u.t-~ n , P , 0.4 ~n • ~ t,0 , l0I' tll„ ~Etlr ~~~_O~ ~11I'Ci1=-,! ~ ;;.~~,~fQ11 . (?'asp iter 1 ~s~,i.r"I, t~::Ie I, , r ~hlon - ~ ~~7.;1T1 L~,IE, _ .i%''I_, 'UupI2 1 .LS t,CC, rJ~~ tlli' 1 C'I 'lP , CI 'nf:P . LI C~' It~i;l e T I ',r , ~ S t:'~ rl I' i~~ (IUC"v'L 0~ P~S'. ..~'1`'T'1SS .~C,!fa~1I1 SOT. ';,itC 11wC Os IJ~~;.10'.i "7.1:1ii 'i0r it~J'_^9a `",',G" pT'~l ?,I~' , ~i ~ .I.1 5t11~ 1'~1., '„~S U'")pn 1710tJ.On 0~ i"~1. (,~O.~.CI':~~1 Sri ~)1"'. '.fir! ~ '•,r ~~ar ~'r'tntBCl ~ r_.?Q`1,11!1~D file 7.0~ L k ~ r _~i~...vr.. 0: !,f]0 ~,rOt.S r e0;'`_ptS C1 L1 f: t_ f• .,0'~~Llt1f ~'OL `l,iiE' 1.1SG p{~ '~i1~3 i1C';.~1 10_ ~ ~I - ilC1C;3':. .,fi0'Pl 1'.,;.t Si~ar'lI1(; 1S l~'1(~ OI1 OT' ~0'"OhC °.a } r" (1<' ,r. a. ~ , wi, any 1.,, n 1"' . L h r .e 't. 2 0 oti~~ll l~r~ •r„ i~ nJ u l o ...,OV; .~1`1°11 ~'~1:, r~?.~{ 0~1.. ~~L_: Oil ~.1., CO ~~•b ~iJ j,, , r ~ f 0~ t11=: ;,~lii ;~lOl'1 ~r' r, r, ~ ~ ~ ~ v~ I'er.~ .e i~ ~ 7 ~ ,J,f i'a'. _..,,.(-..n :-.Ih-7 .1'L11 W1r'1' ~Il<:~..t l~r-'ii;l~-1i1 .1.11 ..„~L, ~ , ,r~ 0'L ~ ,,cr';,o,1i;11 I'I., 1GI1:;iU1.11t~~ _Oi' S .li.Q id)"'1EP.~'i,S, ~ ' 1~ ~1 f t ~1t as `G I' I; .d0 u:)~('C~,`.OIl~] CI't~ 1I1C.1C~;tE?U 1J" t~l' - t' ~ i 5L27)- ~~1; ~ .~JciT'U ~~C i;i.~ •'U11C1('~, ~ q:1 C,~ t:I;- r!C)T I ,;,1'0~...11~. _ - ~ ~ r~ I cc~i. t;~ _~au~1.,11. ~ I u ~~0,,,~cll!~r~ 10S' ~ I)2r1111~ ~;0 i n"I~',G' 1l r,~;I'OX1~k~~(?1y' vii~,0~;'O CL1~J]_C .'(.iS eL ~ ~~',tei~i~1 ,.'o~~~ (:,il ~:~re~ rior"th of ~;1~ Oil , I ,7 ~ ~ ; - ~vel', ,E~ed a t ~ I oIn'~an tE_'rr._.n~~,l oI, ~.r1~".: c -'(,~,r on , , [~,t':t,•'.~",G'lit Oi ~~,11P. ~'I,C ~ n r I ' ~ i r 1121!1 i, _ ~~ipt.~ ~ ~ c!Z~bL2rs~.r~s~;nts oi' ti,ii~: ~~'.i.~~~~'Iin~ ~„gin t L~,~,.~wic 1.,_bra y ~Oi' ~(,r1C 1'.',On't;; Oi ~~~11ULIr f I'1~5 r~C('1VPC~ I1C~ Ol ~~1 1P _ II'F' t1 C;'... 1 1 ! , ,~n~~ .Po111>,'"ill~; I~~~~~olut~-~IrI off'{'~~zeil. ~t, .r. I,'~r:~n~r, ,_:~c,ll:dell I ,..11.;~~~I~l ',21~c:111['lC~l.1S1- 11~i0L~~6?( ~ i;;..,~;~i,c~nCe ci nc e • ~9 ~f i' I''I'. I~l,h ~i.riti7j 1~?P. ~~1U71'CI Of l',Olllli;l/ ('Ui'lll;l$.31011CI'S Oaf .~~"11 .:L~ .T` 1 r' C%1' )'~"GI .;i~,il ~ - o e n i. I ty ~r e } ~.,,Zf[ a'tia'.~OnS1'I.).41at OT i'~.~Ww1I?'-" "t,IF' r n r•~ ~ n ~ i, i »~~.'."lU 1~S y cv. m~~~~ to ,Ill,et er~~cn,:,e„ o~' +,.,oul~t .~iov.._,~. ~ c: i';- ctivities .~rlcl in.,~ituta.ons and i my ..,~I~11,~ sLU~.l :rcv;;~nuc it ?~`,se,_ on ~ 1~~ ~ 1 ~ ; ~nt'; p j ~ vi VL; LION, 01 t,I?(' i;~.Cu U1C' T~i'~'i~i 1~'~r Oi' S121. ',Ol' ~ 5 , i i 1-.. ~ +l~~i~ COI' _ .Or1l~,),I(' I,;LL"!~ C`1I11~ "ti:Oll,;Il'~ 1N' ~';7-V8A1 tC~ t}1E? ')7 ~~T)~'_:'~tlOn 0~ ~'~!P l;C,`'.:1•~~'yr ~ ~ 'iJU~i ~ - ~ P.t t0 tCll' 'Y; ~ '~ti' r a l 1;hat ~~~I'Ol l~ . ~~t1.011a ~~Or 1 1tFY'1OLl;; ~_;t,i1~;1''"~;,(CIIf.C3 `iri: [:1!~.' 1+:I'~, " ° t ~ ~ ~ 1C _0.,~,~ I' ;1I7 ))OSSlU18 'k.0 P,V~';1~ ,-i1 ri?CI'r~~.',O ll: t~lO i'c t0 ~ ~Il(~ ~G ~>^~.:1?.LF ~,,,.c, fe ~ } - r ~'~1'~t0 r ~ ! c'~''i'tru~ l o on : i~tl~,a.r, thE~ r[aoL>a~ - ' ~t:. ~ a.lorled ~In~, ac opted, slid lit. ~J~I'- • 1 ~ ] C' ti 7,t :1r.'19 CO TIC' "i,0 °i,770 d't~F_?1tl0ll p~' 'i;~18 ~~OLInt'' (,;O;;1L11uS'..Oi~1t?r° i,11c.t rei7ilQ~~tS adVe .r v , !~1 e v0 Ol.l~' _ti i,~Ei,~('.ntc.~1VP.S iii 't11P ('~ri~•„ ~ i t ^,rr" 1:x'1 il I IC._.tr! ~ 1 ,,y;~E.ri1Jl~ t~ 1.IlCI'OG... , tile. U~ Ci?I'tr"ii~r1 Cou.ntj~ C1'. 'i~.er ; an~.? e;:m:Lo ers ^ ~ rani i Y ~ ~ ,I Jl'L`';'~ :~y a 1S w'i(? 01!ln ~O 1 t)i: 1,11(' Cp1.lI1t;~ ~'0~'SfI1.SSi.01'IOrS tl~lc''~t ~0 '1,1:01- al'B 011 ,I';, . 't! i Pit;-;`n'.1~;'.l .l.lt'/ `irOVl.li1" ~ n _ ~ 1 S-nn'_1'iu bi J CI the i'P~ 0'I'U l ,a, 1 } L 2 t0 ..18P,t C~QUI]~y P...n(~I~ GS £u i,~OrA~`11C:; ~i ~I c ~t , .t 31 ~4 i ' ~ebruart 1~1'.~ 1;;~z1 c i, r~ ra i.°C~.1TIwa 0 ,T i ~ OTI'~1J1ll8~. CtiiCe'~ iI_; 0~ i ..>Jl. Lt',T'r ,.~rr~ 1~~ ~~.1, conta.nuerr7. rti"ltr0~. 0. i7.;ta.P.~ 0'' P~r`]'~j,l,]~nS. ~r~~,~ _ P;.' 'm~' ~ ~ 5~.17.u"~,_1J.'. 1 ic,. 1,.~: •,11'r.c1~r~,y. r,S~~II~.'i~~.~' l)t r'1'.l'~., LIiC~r~.T'C~ 1' y 'r ! ,,,1,; uc'c ~~~d to en~cf, ir?t~ lravi l~i~.l trk~t ~ ~ r ~ ( ~ , . ~ , ~ :~.1 sine 7~e ',~o~_c o~ 'our?t ] U:(cT°;~ Di _'~;1 -~"IaVFI' ~'OLila~f ~'Ul.l r1~11t C3I1~ SOlt? ~U~~10:'1t'' t ~J ~~1.X ttl ~ ~ "G ~ ~ 3!7,11``4 J D a 1.''I'1 _S U' l~. ~ ~..~CE,Y'~' ~=~i]CJ ~~.U E'CS 0~. '.Ccl d'''OVPi' ~1 r 1''I,j ~ ~ ',}l. ~ c.~~ 'i!C1LlE?SI,S ~E7I' 'n[u~°~C i ti. ~.asr:s _n ~:,1~~~ les that h~lvc ~Jeen °'r i;~.`-. v0 OL1T' cl@;~C'!?uFOll'1`~t1V~;a t)n T't: !?1'1'PC] tC1 '~iZG '10%:;i ii r~ r, aI ( ~ ; o~ a'-~,r,~„~, :o;.'m1ss~.ol~l..rs ~ ~,lr)'J(c:' ~;ULiITi;;y' C'OI' COTi~;;.ri I'?t~U1ti. a o - n m =ICJ 'il-. 3, vrl ~ ,E~r~er, t !~aa~~~3 on reeo~-rulen:, t~`~.Dn of i . _ ~ ; i 11i1L ;)1. L l.ii_~J.1C 'Cl.i.a'1'E: < 'il)iO~7`(~ r.,l:E? r t/~i 1, t' , rr ,t_ r ~f.~ 7 ~ ~C .,f..lt 01 1. CC 1:,0 r:.00S e . OU11~' „OS'.~ltcl~ 9 ¢.4 1 .a, ~ , :T'w"%.:U.! ..OP ,!E;c~„E. ~EE'. :~Oi.~P,l'1Ci~, ~ CDI.,Tlt;' (lc;'I',~e I'C~•;i!.' ii01 1 l ~I ,7n .,l'T'E.''.L1. p~' T"!:'?~:".,1:~1C,` Li.^?1 f.O~.' . L! . ,J„',,,. Oi ~,I!liraY J' _ ?C E:1 V~'. 1'1164 . n a~~. ( (i U~. L'. lil , L'!~rl.(~a' u!:.'r is n.r _..Y r';7',. ~~'r:l ,LF'; f .~'li r~ ~ i,.,_ . , ;U=' 01": t le :7eI't~l" U~ ~hC ft+'?1TS r).., ;;OT'Lrl r' r" r~ f ~ oo., an.i .~~r.~l~h I)1.or,:. ,tl~~f ~~1~ !i !4 7 LO , 'r; t~ ~rl~~-=~e sornsthirir- >ou't o;: t~l~ lot xr~~ r, ~r:r - ~ _ ~ _cn a7.1~=~~1~ ~ , Istl~_1 tlx:' Ti ~ r ] I' ! ~ ~l~S r~r Crr U tQ t1? f~ilairr7"71 c111(~ l,r ~ ('0..711 , ~ n,^, ..ssiozzer of P_.. tlc~~ o~ the ( o~ _~;1>:;,'ton` ;iti7=r)0',.er to <.et. ~,e~t~r a b~~sis o~. tie 1?L'~3;'~ .t s~. r '~r ~ 0i 10u ~~i ~ ~:.C. ,i 1" r, ~,a;, as ,r~~ nr' ) 1:! , ~a; - . ~~0 J:. _ .03,.~l1 ~ ,..w Oni70S2G t .,.':7,~ ~~~,:1 ~,,.i,~. ~~'j~ 0': i,i1E 7, i.' rJi1P,.. ~II i !i~~)~ :F'.'."~ O i_) I':.., f,._. :L1 (j 0~: T,1~C j ,r.._~ri ~ ~ t' ~ ~ ' r, )1.~,,,._ 0~ L,1Z;,~.e J%~1U,f ~11u tilA i i ~l . o_ . ~.r~l,i en ;a1o;;.a 1''l -.11~] r. ~ , . - ~ ~ ,C^, t1V...~~I y ~~I C' .`i 10 ti0'.: 0~~ ...1 . ~;O~.C'1',l~all, z1~~rJ,. ' , _ . .rr Inc i `.i iJ , ~ yr , PI A ~ r• n , ~ .t(1 ~ . G:10~ 1 ~.i a-~ ~i Uil U_ ~;iL' ~10:i1°C~ f,~'"'~I, ii[?~ il`1Cf; i+r i ~~ir ~ r)l ' ° ~ _ _ sci~,l ~ ~unr .•,r~:ent~_ ~r lj.~ 1l. L T.~J =1t`~ ~'l•~)(~ w: Lily;ll It .r rl. I, „a CiFI E~ , . ~i~ v ~T' . i "I 1 ` ' ~ _ive ;,ol t~~e ,~r~~.>l~i, ,.u ~it r Eu ~ ~r~ . tia ~;,=a~lr1~ ~ ~ . ~aC ! :.`1r'. 0~' tt :1Ucir~{ ,~i1S"t;, ~"41. '~0'`,~,i1CY `71tit i.rt_r'.D1 , Al,; n i p ~ ~ ~ . l O,i. S2C11, Zt~eS ~1.,~.C~ r 111 a r r^n ; ,i^, t..l .,r J . ~,i V ~lrl ir., ~f` QJ~. ~ 7' r Y'' .3a~'Dxi .(y4.. f IY. •,~y., _i ~ rv. ~ f7:" 7 , f,vtSl.~,,' C;... ::Du . t0 ~rCZ'~ . ~!'li'i ~ tii' r~:r6?1L . 1 - r,-, ~ - ~ ~ - - ~i i. i 1 , _ i; Y_C;I1 ,~l,;l l v;11~1 ._'b: r .,ill', i,. j' E t ~ ~ 'k f, f~Jj~~ kia /7,i~9 ~(.,ry,L~2 'k ~ ~__.._w -r' r - V ~ NA i. - ~ ~r 1l r,011 ~ _ r r,i).~ ~r ~ l t,:1 .~L . y ~i _'F~- ,~i~ 1.. i~i(.r i,.''_Tl r.,: r;~, .l;'l:,i ,.t Ci:~~~~ II. r=7) I w~ i L. ~f I~ - , .i,, 1' _ Y, ~ r, r .)1~ )i! C1', _ ~ ~ T: rl.: ?~'9CD: ~:E'.+:(. ry. ,S II i 1 ~ ~ ~ .r O"-:k r,- lt" r- ~ ~ c i _ i. . _ , ~ ~ 0~ 'ret, l~:' E ).1 :C O,~ Cl(., _(>r~S iT! Ctz ^`i i~ r~ 1 1 Q 1 ~ r.. _ y ~ ~ ~(i f)_ l la~rc -pCe r~l'~ . (L E r)~ r c. r"'~~1G?l ~ i it.. ~ ~ t~.. r. 1 1 O r. .r. .1 ~,~a 1 _ lC lea .._'.rl. - ~ - _ ~ ky. - ~ 1i .,Oi,. ..I . ,,.1: 1(::I' .,t;C~_,_,:~?r~ 1 ~~1C;~'~M~ nC'Ct;1V(:,. „~tfl .'J ,r „~10:..-„ ..V:.. l.l:(? ')L~~;:1'_'1~: .('11'~- _`riil E.. ) t,i~1~'. ;1. .,~.L4'ulOri. i 1+ f{4,, , ')r ! rr, _ v.~.L li:.',_:1 i)li C;°l. 101.:;11.1;,1-CJiI C`~Tl CC?r.~,~il'iit wt;i F, °~j i- - ~ - ~ C~]) '1 f)ira j,.. , >l _ ~ p 'r i0 ~~i1 F ~7,(~ .r 01'1 u;7 _,191I' '~f~t.''1 , "1'Gl (^,O1?l~l.'ll:!~.~a" .:r' ~~Or '?1;, ;1.02:. ~.:.Li,l, S<'~lCj .i,,rlJU ~Vu '!OT1r 'rPa „7. , n ~^t - Uo: _ .i.~ , o~ ,rl, lc .,)rl ,,.,o,l ~~o'r~ l:.~re ~ , , , u. ~ ~ _ _ , ~ ~ ~ ~..1.~,~ ]10 l,U C~ (~:l ~ll_'L:1PI' L`Ul'i, ('.JVC i~]"i;".;Un~t. ..%lC ~';r Oil. "11f'i' S~1CI 'ui.r~ . , U?1 lil 'lE :;+'}U'~_~, S i,C_ t ~ I!-!". I F., i, 0',1:10:'"~,1.iCi1"~,:.G;; 1'01' .''.11 '1' f, V ~ . - r, 1~' -_,t ~ 111 ,~i:. ~ ~!U'G~.'.i _ t,r. u.1C' J.1'.il OTI ~ r~"C.1.'rT'(.' i1nC0:;£3;'y f 1 ' ~15~ ~l''~,1V';; ~j;'. I'1;1 c']L1T,11Jr' v ~ C JC1. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~iL VG '1`J t,!1 ~j'~ p,- '"i,lln~ LC Ei' T'C.: .i .;J .tip t]': t" a..65 Oll '1,1i(; ?l_l0.yl,7.On. it n E~-:._ t Sl.i"eSteC1 '.1,=~_h .~UI1UG ti:!~,15 VU_'.~1'1fr; i,itE C.;~i(iTl:'E'~ 0:~ 'U:. ~~"'i.C'i;7.ni'i ''1!_C11 °i j _ 11 ,i~~ GV-1 Oi,~ _ •ci~ ~!Lrci ._I Oti~1~:.E ~ l1C_? ~l.''., i'f~ ~,c.r':(;~11 GLIt Oi~ tT1C? F'T'C;'," ~E~. _ U ' l,~ ~ _ ~ ~ A , ~ , 1 :lr ~ ,1` ~E,,~._'~L1VP. ~,).L.1,OPl.Ly' ]1 :S.~Sli t(10U',:~, 1,. C. t' ~ri:!ll:;e 1[!i:1;1.' )i~ ~O~'ll" 1~ i i U' _~Oi.lllt'r. ~"L, C1' ~iU. Li16 ~ ~ ~'r 't1.~r (,I.SS:.CI ,z~ - 1 L_. f _.,Lf.,„~,_. ~:;ll,a C!,._10u~ ,,i:`~ ,,.:E ;OI,It -.~i,i.OT'nF1 1), CT`-<:I'E' c. bl.~.l ~.C7T' Slll;l~- i~ ~ ~.0:• i,0 ~ ;151 'Vl..I,L, ~ ~ y - ~ - Lrt_ LE l '~.Vi .I L; 1LOI'1"u'r tr0 Se'LuUl.1C~P. Tt1T1C~S OL,t ~o it ~r _ or' „llc , ~o s l ~c eil~ts o'- ~ ..~o_'es r~ c or; talc c,rl~.o~:' ~rlol'L devr;Lo'.)r,~',It, :gin I~ ao'~:~~?~l; l~;) i _ ~ E...cc.u~ Cf t).~0 or r ~~nia:.~ of ~1r C„C (,C r~~T ~e~lr ~ ^f ter n _ ; - ~ - ~ ~ - ~UCJ81;l,litE' [.10~.E.,n 0~ ~rC~ 1;, ''rt Ski JJ 'eilUCB 1,18 't'.IOL'>Tl~,' 'l~'? ~l [~7.I ~r.li'r'l 0~ ~(1('.f)G ~Tl~ i~~ i 4:i '1~ ~{j~ (1( j ; 1 t0 I CC ~1~TC ~ S0C0i1C~ . ~I'c VG i;E;~ l'10 L1Illt?S,) ,11' ~~r, r ~~a ~ t e ~5 ~_.r~8 ri illCr::: t0 t~~l' t '~.`.'"le 1.r: .'11S r10ti~„ I r 1k r1r ~ ~J - ;L:: 0~ .r i;;,r ,n, r, ,01_Gj_r,li, ,,:lC ~Oltt7t' i.i,~)Ol'11E.' [l. 1~c ~ ~`i o~ r. ~ ~ ~ ~.~.,~,~~~~~~nce nc e „ i a t0'Lli', ~IcOS lI]StrUCt2~'~ t0 C1r~ift a bl~_ ~.,11~'. 1~~0liZu u1.1~i~OrlsC ,LC' ~;Qlil?'Gf ,i ~ li _E.~ ~.;,l. ~to ~ ..n ~i.c ~ :,lon o:. it , ~i ~ ~ Clot to :c ~~cc l;i ~ ~(l ~);i ..r~ 1, ~(~.r - •.r .1 ,rF ~ r~ r ` ,.1.,... 't~_~~''1 L. 1)1 C.. ~ ~~?0.'. U_ r. (,I c.'V~. O. :.Oh lie i~' ~ {i{ U il~ i! 1 k~' li 1 ~ij I 1 ~ ~ ~ r + Q 1, ~i~ ~Ll'? ;IP de L,D OIIT _tiC~T'E',,r,CI1t,It1VeS X11 'L!lt`'. (,~G)IOTC,~. !,SSE,,ilp1 t0 1?1CT'O~ aE;U ;:1F S! .LP19S 1 3 Y CC'_''r,' ~~OI:Ilt;;' ~''"~.1C0r;3 ~311,~1 OC:'1„,10 t~(;S cJ~d i~ 7 1t 1S t11E UJ111:iU'.l 0~' %11C ~Olltlt" (,'UI I1115,~ ~ 'n' 'r . + u ~ , 1~,`E,tl ,,,Il ' ,1 ,t ~ _O..l.l ~ ~~~"1c ~ a.~ l,.lE't. c,l Crl _ ~I 'e~~ ~ty o ;a'ohiEi~in~~; the re~renue to r,, ~ r ~ ~ ~ i i ...cep i'otl.lty e::~~el..;e,~ ~~,:~Dre.,~w~]. I I 1 ~ • y,~ r,~~ +r ' _.'3^~ 1: j 3 ' ' a C:i,~n,.. o~ r,eal'Li;.,r;,r 17ti1 ~c?~?1 cc~n a , , -nu _cl l-f At1nr a~ rear r' Ise ~i u_.rv, 17tn~ l,~~l, ...continued. ^~lE,1o11ot~JZn f ooll d.~a 1a~ r. t,r n r'1 ,r ~ ' r " t','~ul ra.,n „e~ e' ._ra,,:r •s r , r ° ~ " ~o serve a,~ ~uzor,~ 1n the ~;unerlor r. r, ;7~ 'cr a:.lte ~z~lsl off' C;lvwl c.-sES t' ~ 'r-'~'•~5 for _r,,, t..Irt ..e ..a:n. n~'- I~„on ,note-an-oi' ri .T.. -r='`'f SeCOnc,eC~ C)`. ~ e t. +i i r ,-i,rr ~ ! Lr L:r. c.r.rdner, G re,E~.,,_yt .oz' . '~F.Lur~lEY ~ _ r ' ~ , 1pn~ e• to' cancel t:~iA b~:ck tapes char`-ec! orr t'rle ' ~ -1- ;~rcek ; .T ch 3~u _l,;wl- ~ cl: L x books t ' i ~lst l~~ y1's 1, ! i. • , ~ _ arrr,oro ~,o;=;~nshi inthc n~rne oi" fi < 4 ..~)2' cis ,r(~,^i1'~ 1.:'77 ;?r5 ~l ..~10 1 d?~1CI a .rl'1@u0til rt „ to 1. . ~u0 ~~ll..~~~i°and 1. l ~ ,,~,.7. ~ Evan ~ ~ C; ~~.I•Iar - } ~ a., t0 ,.U rC„"7C .L._. • JdcC ts. ..~~,..li" ron' i `,l ,h,.>it,G'I C7 i11- 7 i. Ct1~1e11I t'ant. 1S.p.~~'~J,eStGn C a ~O1,1 'ti 131 C , c , ! i'i i r~ . : n< .i'. ,tors. Ir,- t;. S~,e~~rart• J. r•H'rra.u m s. .1r1~ ~.t. ,w rll.(;ratrrlP~. I ~ i,~i t('i1f'~~ 1. • r,.. ~1 (1~~ 54T1 )P r' n,o l ..z ~ i Ul°• .10!!11 r.,~, rj "I'(~ 1" n !c .~,~On__71H~• l~._, lc.'lpdrl c~iT'. ..rm.;~l2' nc11.: 1. ~ u ~ ~ ~ r' . , t 't_on 'ra > n ,n ~ L s,,., , - 1,eA st~~. 'u'!?I]-.it UD ~hP . r'" C),° Sa ~ C` i rE;, t ;r ,,1'~ C0~"~ o ~ .1rlt' ~ i r'r , , „ ~ C~ _ ~ ar! 1nCT' d t,3 ~'Or t~"1C uCI~1Q0i ~n111tGrr~ ~ln(' 11" ~ i'.;~'1!(~lin. ,.~ii('t Ot°i • ~~..,.'_~t~,i~-!ri't. {~.:i 1. 'S. G >w b~ 1.nC~'Pd3s'C1 0~' a';',Gi.:nt::,ti1~ tot'-7 p,i ';h' - bJ'i;lt .~'.:Ilic)ITlan. .~,~U~;OrS• '~.~+'OLlAtctin• (;.i'.I'I ~ <,•f~ ' ,r,t c, i , .0~ L ;~...r,, 1..1_ , ~ ~ QQ nnLldZl VJ 1' , 3,. ~ ! r 0!1 <,v G:'Ir , ~ al ~ nµy .;r<7r;~.5. r~le ~'tr , Y7 - ~ c.ea~i.~e ,;1tn ;,r ,n „lic, ~ch ~..~•Ii_~ore. .r.I'ol~ en n.. . ~ . r, . ~ r , , ~an,a s cou~.>a ba nls;r{e av~ 11e~bZ.e ° ncl ttie Hoard o~ 1 ' ~ A d I?rav~;~ -r ; r ; otrr. ,Lr, r.Ir ...h.~C11th.: li..~.~!c`',1"I°@Z.~.. t..e:,^,""(; ~ r. z' ear ~o. uc~tion reuerva its 2'1 e~ _ e ~i n , .er t:.e larie.~ ~s it rna~;; see alt uzlc7@.r the res.onsi to fiither I,.Le~.^Ja.s• G'.A.~1;,lstes~d, . n b~1ztY ~u - " - c ; .r ; r'' ~ ' to ~ 1I l t .OTtI v I v~~~ r _ ~ t°r alis.l.~.c_ r.rale (~lscusszo t n Lie natter seas uncri motion o°_ fl. n _ U C OI1(,1 er ' r. Q 01 C ~ t ~ - ~ er21n, ~o„t~ored Llnt:1. nest r11eRt~.rsr° ~ ~ t ~ .~arrirQl °~rc?1 Z.~tr i~~• Lu U:, r,' . `.r ,tn ti>rr• :~re~ r1F~ •.1-. ~ alic!.trl~ :o.lrzLy ru::;.i,or' as , , n,T ~ as ( :,1e .~Llrids i- co 1 . g ,~l r 'a~ - lwh,;~, u c,;t~vusE.. ~or'~ i. e' !r `',II'"".'~ i~. rrlltt1.. ~'•~,Le; , I ~ I~r? i f _ e. t,.•L.l~cnton. TI ~ ll.Ferl'c:1.1 o~C,~.o l o,: ~,r - nr~ed b _r r, - .co 1j l r, C`olem~tr.. tl.a- ~ao~;'' `r p .~':~~tcl.~~I,. ....~i~,un;es, C• ne r j' ~;q r~ , ' I i) ~ItJG1= 1:: ,1r1 i:•r, ,,.r.~; , 40 j TIr~,F rl, ' • •,.rl)Lv...,,t • 1't ...i~ ..l v_, ..ln Lr`lorl 'u ' ~C, *5 1 C, ~ l/rl; L_( i~t 5l 4GJ' n q [v 1 r ~ i (.f .f:.eU to lncre4,. .JY IIA L~ 41. .LG~I-~14 J ~1 ~ ( ~ J Jam' •A'. • SIS i+~lr • 1AJIt1rA 1AAl:~~ i y.4'.~e~V V 4. 1~• ~ rat • ]:.'.uZ.t,,;iJtr. ..1..I~C.~F2tire• ~r ' ,r,~ r r- .ail ,!11 1. 7 t 1 ~ :iOLJ~ t.l i'`~ i)~' 'Y' ~ ~'n ~ r- , rte, „ r~ 4,~•tT~;.~._<'.j-..!_1 r.. r...r-a~. .-u• ,o: r ` _ - ~.r L.. _r.:.ak t0~reler ~T1~1 i1.1',LirB r~Cluk?S~S •n ,n'~, - k;];11"il"i0'r . •Aii'!on .r. r r, t; -,r~,i i _ ~ o 3 tl { ;J LO-'rp0 tr °.r v; ~ ra - .Crt::u; _ ! Qa0 r.)~c.n~.@;y". )111 @~ ; ,o , ~ I'S. I't` a- ~UCG410n; llen s,p n ^-nhC~~ ~ . " O E a ,~.~C',6:.CI. '.;C;1.StGr o.,.~~l.odes'. :..L.3trac~.lwnd . ~ a. .T.,..luon, ~ .,~r~< ~ l~ . _ 'rTa~~'`.n0?'l .,.1.;: r. '`triLlrn• ^r p'. Pctl';,,a,;.t , 7 ~ l ...r~,et,over • Kl r l ~ ~J~ :_~1 l y i,_.~ 1~'~o','linl-; c0i'!'rec din:... ;i i1(: mt',,a,' - i . f~ r, { .tt~ 7rr, ~Cu, _t,$ reC©, .:l~r, . :i;: 1,_.. ',01 M~„ ..1.,~,llba..~'S, Z`• .rIllC; .~la, 1_... _ ~'f)t). (ill,"s~? :,~'0~ a, •11''. vt r.r r, b• ~ t;,t, ..U'`,±,pr, i , 1 ~ , 'L_11;`' ~r ~:~:n tli1 Q'nQ r . ,r,y ~i I i ~ ~ ? r' - ~o ~'(.I_t . 'L'~7 ~ r ? ,.,.'.1') 1 - . r;1•~ 1;1'T~f'" i ~ PC1 _ ~ ) C r , , 'r ~ .r r, ! 7 -.J 1' _ w 1n> ll, :,.,t.7-•wl~`~...'E t0 luCti.,. Li= Lt,::'l P,, ~.,..1'1i21~ ~l,U i' l _ 1 'rCr, r, 0 t _ - X' 70r, ~ a1.~~~. ~?'Cl. ' ~~r ~ i:7 , ~ - ~L. I'~ , - r ~ 1. i i ~~i;. E.' c1, 11G? n 1 i ; ~ n t„ r, ri°: 1,''0:; _ I 7 ' , ~ _'0 L; tC i.i tai , _ , n ~ _`'~/~'7 7<, ~ ~z_ r: r. _ L,_I:.~ r r~ JC 0'; 111• v' 'E.is,' ~ 1 .,'.)1'.'; tQ _ _ I h ) _ I F ~ - , . i1C 4 s 'r'o _ `-:7 l r ~,r i-.. :I , , ' - J; 1 , . I,.oCJ~>e c :';E'(i r'Var i'l' o:' )(t [ 1 a .k , ....OlE,• .~1'r71?:" C,"l'inc~ ~1~ r`i: ~ C C. 1 ~ 1134:-- - ,1,x:1.:.11 ~On, ''@1)T'Llc`ir' `~7.~ai1 _ ; ~ ~ ~ _ 10l . 1.,.~3 tc~ 1.;~(, ins , a >an ~ ~;c' s . - , - ( y~ _ ! l~rJ 'lS r~i«~ • _'T\C r lil 1L]1 Jril~th .~1. 'f"' 1 ~ ,i,'~ ~ f ,-n nl .u.' o~ LI1,. i l', l.rl} ~ ,y, ~ '"t of ~ ~.n,, ,a, n ri j' ! ~-s,ir ,i• '7 .ti ..~r~ ov ' ,',r ~ T-• r• c ~ , : ~ ~ w . , 1 ~ c~ rug staa:l~ - L ,..an ~'au1 ~ , t;? 7 r, . w.i c C1 .a aE L,:. t i x r. _ ' 7: ~aE: t7 ..7 (1 met r)t 1G•(}., , , w Jaurs l.oa ~.t~.. ~vvo. I. i~ J~ r:.:!t' . . ,.S.il,l L` C~,r'~;Cl.,~,, Yz n T;rr, vl it ra ,1.7 ......7 tv .1. , .tl t. ~ ~ - , _ L•a:.N~ L ,,U@St Oa :0'1"jT'C.u._..~i~~',..I..S 7 .,t _ ~ c r l,~n L.C., lJ:i iOLS 16 ancz ,a , , - c...Ue.,Pa11G .ant. •.c~'1Tl I.:Oa21w •t C) ~a1,,Ct1~~ , 'c..l,.`~.1..y..1 (1. C+ljl1 t~11. L>a. 1''.: ra ,,'",,Ur«~ ('f-`. r,°~ j. n n 17 A'1 ri'.:Y, LIq,-. i r'. 7 ~r9 ` • r - ~..r ' ~ , nl. ..1. c.,u L7. :.i 1~.,,C _:.U <..il l.,r- .Iq n .:rye fl a•. fl -.n.a L.1e is ~ l - _ vw. Ducar p~ }1a~1 0~. t a d .1C s)e1o~- 5 t,o A,,ui 1t -;r r , , 1 r ~ ry rl~u ru. tac•~}t~.n~; lah~: Lc 1s~.ftLtr'o'.t'r~'o '~~1, ~.a U ..r~n1o,).r.: ,..,~oa a- cr r,i ~ , . , ,r, uz.~ DELI Ti_ ~ _ - , ~..„r. n _ lrrJ. l`Y u 1 t.b.,..4 l_J.. ,a 4(1., h.r G:' f iv5•~'.'t , 9~ ,C, r,. .~:..1,. t,. ~ s i , " r , , t 1, a LY 4;7,..;~.,~.~lo..Cl 's 1 t ...lan 1.dllu ioi 1.,`- I ~::a,Orl , n, :r.., C r, - . _ n,. 1.,: ! u c l t,i..o_ .t 1. , i 0 a.1 . „11 E. ~I T 1 a ! .A~ tSC.__,, .._.~.aLCO: .CG :n, F-? i.%Ih. `F9 ~ :,r _ ).,lc?11.w,a L~, p r , ra,.c,n~; frt, -if5i7'..1 c7 - 7 . :1_.'_1L ?1 r,+ . , , r•'r ~ r- . r : .1 . ;Ch.'11b~a; o v.._ .,1~ :l~"~ _V.. 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U 1., 7 a l rr ,~.Vl., 0_~~1 G' i 0 l : ~ ~ C .,:._..t'_ Ol 1;?V L:.;_ ~ . t . ~ ~ O ,CC'S 0._ c'., ~.a Ir' a. ~ `t~;r, W1:It ,C 110'. ~La''~I J, f,::~ I_C' 1^,Z'_tu::'t t0 c:n •r - ~;r,oun - t~ o,. ~~o , •7 t 1_ ,il~. _ t n , ~ - I lUCS~, 101 :1 i'..., :.t~nlr rJ f; i, ..'u )i C 1 (;1 1i:.: l11 ,fin )r b L-l t!1 `'.r ~CIl ' _ c. V _ U::L 'Lid ,1:_ f, i.... _ i 'i I t 1' - _ 9'1 ;GU11t'•' 0 T 0"' :1`!.O;C!(? N Iota 1;~ y. 1.. r.~c: t ,a.. .a., n ,~0:~.' .~I?c1 r~c1 i„lc'. ~,-I~ l - f t. •x7/11 rlf p - 7 .il Opt :-._,C_. '`Z.rj l.~ ,1'rn L1~ ~''r' •r ~I-, r,. t ~'~~10.. ~ ,U 1.)v ;iU~. L;',l ;r,..(...: __1L.: 0:.' i,1iG T)it.,ia;`l~t 7 , i. (1 FI _ ) ( i 7 v r i~C'1' 1 ,I,r P` J) l,l0i. S(':~.. ~1' _ cl.;.~ 1~_ '1tilGll;; i, jti ~i :C'C illE?S-t .i,U' U LLv ,1 ; 0.' i.'!~ . S°_ , r. 'c ~ r'nf;' ~'i)~~, tti, i i 1 ,F.Lc,, - C t.. ',-i r .n r - _ n .t,p 1 r.c.l..r;:41'I a.t tl1P I'll?; ( t . ' c r' j - ~ , , . ~ t,... L(__.~ ''j; 100' t;:rr! 0'1 , 'i:, ~ ',011 )I ~ _G11 fiL. iG ? Ui__1r ,r~l to ,Jr:~r,i~'~t~~. ~ i, l; ~~~.cs vrlth arrssolution~_o1t~l~.s ~o;-m~~! ~r1~~teJ r~,~ E_ :.I~'~ r Lo ,'c c. - I ~ ~ t .et1r1;, 21 _ eoru~:r1' llth, J 0 '1,'th0~ 1Z@ t,ila :'.I~r., gourd t© n ;l'1`t° ;oLlt OT: iTs" '.T,a{, 7 ~,j II „ a ^!inii;iLtre , r; ;r ~ a,~~ s ~,.ce rats =rnu[.~.1.y, mil' ~ 'can C-Ci I ~,7„ a • ,,n ~z , ,tea .Q.,~Q Ol i17.:1frl,lr11: 0i ':~1- Q•QQ' ,o ~1F 11ue~. ~n 1n it ~ ~ , r 1 r ~ t,~ I t , ~ • L:ic l nt -.`i~;rrl s 1 a a z..,c~ e~tta.oli ox a ' -h a: ~ ! _ I. . 1 4Lr~it',' ~ 7 to a' a'' ~ + .9 I'' i,G '1'OC.:fd ,;l±.i: i,':1',. Z.P. ~I r~ ?n rat r, ~;Q'It,_SS_071..rS ~Or t,i1E Cle1l@~Oi1171t.n't 0~. rr;f"P ~ o:~ I,.. ~1>1~ex t, l ;i.~.17..y 5 n' ~ 'C. .JCC t0.rl 4,'1x0 One Ort 0'F ' ~ „ + I ~ ~ ,troll ,.l('i' f.11, .i~.()...,'. . 5, ~ -r is L7 ',111m1I;-'' r- On ' , _ - , , is a _ „f;f v,,d1E!1 'tQ _..,1., bl 1 i a. Fr „ ,r , 1. ~ - a,aq ~ :1 c, ! . , , n,~1t 1oz ..~,r .r, , o. ~ or..~e t,ne ;~o,,nt~, C,o :,<1.3s. onc_ ~ t~o c, __l :,1. ' _ ctian to are t. cs .luw ~,z1d to l 5 1'. U~. Lnc collec~c ~or~ o~ o c,. ,.v o:. v.1., v „ , ~ ,.~w ti~ oll th_ t~l 't I ::'%c1 4e0 OI-1@U;~lii a; 'c„' .h ~ c' r+ l,~ce b~ C.. ~ ! ~ , + ~ _ u t as nou e..cc~~lz.n., t, o ..ents on the orl~° Ilundr~d ~=.o:_l-•r ~„s, s ue ~~ya ,.t ,,i!@rt,}r t0 vOntZr1U(: tlii? .`10x1': 01 r'oI't 1itnVP ~Ii`(a ~ 'a f, - la~ .~nt,tJere n~ro>len ~,n,_;-:turned i ~ tt~ l { J• * rl iri j i•. ~ ~ . y ~ • , . o V c'~.1~ r~© 01~1'~'' ~ iiv 'r n~-... 7~. J.._ I I. .10 t,..0_~ 0.~ . _r~-.~,r,,, L!1(' _rrl n !`~u ~'L1~IlOT'1CEri t0 ~'tuellCl £ :1t@t,7, rJ=. %.t+,- I8t,y8aE11"t~,l,1V...; fOr @nctCtlitent `!n~0 Z.c1t°1• - i ;~'~tc, soci~t ~.on C."hint;r C:o _mi,,, ~ oners s~~ 1': ~n I ~l r,~~i ~a ` _ u , ec 1 r1i,.twn- c[l~_ 4a ,t. 1r_ , r ;111n~. '111 ~,1?.T.ir,,.,.;, n1 tr.',zr n•, ~ ~ .,a, r, ~n 1'i:(~i1F::17, ~jZ ar , + ,,,r „A- ~ ~rL, 1 , „Ctl1 t~ , o.~n lr? nn e~1©r1, to 11r~vent the ~au~,.., n .l~,s ~,r, r t.t I,.• ~-ride. `sacz et o1 the L<., :;e,;w ;~9 -v ! `G ' c, i ,.r_ ,r , . r. ,J, t'S _ , ~ lncrecluti ;''I ,.0~1 . r.LV ..,1 .l 4.4_:1,74 i!0. t-,tc341.Q1.1 it r; i n aW...~,~.: 111 1 JLOr).1?t10n bzJ ~1 1F: `+jj.. r,.a..,_ I' a. , - ~ o~. _ 11 st ,1,C~,:(` t? ~rv. s tau - ~ ~ ~ Q.~v morthl~ , j,o11.~1~~, ,'ritzl, ~ -c o _ :alt,. l:)1 Lon , ..~wns~~lt, , tc r;1@et A C'S.QTI~:. 0, .t1C inCreaS@ 7.I1 tr0i1c1~8, ~JeiS U770n '1~t'-0:1 0~ :S "4;rdr!ar i!, _ r`, - II rY 1 : j 'l : f' ~ rr.- ~ ~ _ .L - /?w ^c Vll(~C• l ~ aYa._. .4 ~ ,a?7 , r c ,..L ,tCr?~ :n 1 r .1 „ ,h~' 0~, ,i.Ct,. ~ O1C.._~tT'. 11t,Cd v0J GO1:;a r CC ~ .~I r _J , , .t,; ~ ~ il. ,tle Stl LtC 4~1G_, J~ - r @ a,: , tlve ssS . , ~ 1 _ i 1.l.. G Lea 1• v-...i"r[Ir.l I' , i t,' 'lo'.; G'I' t0 dC t 'i' _ a4n r~otlol~ o~ :,r. Colen~lt1 sec~ncied b~ P1r. H~1? : tho ~o~~~,a r; ; t, , Ella r ~ ~ J U ..011 1 eco,,>i en„at o~ _ 1 on ,t_ r.: r ~ r ri • .1x` n ~,(;r - , ~~t, ~ ,.Ll'1t. O ...1,z. s l ~ , rr,,~, ~ , _ ru~alic ''?11J:re 'voted;un~nimousl to ask ~;,he le ~i ' ~t a ~ . A.o,~, v~.~_, Uo .J,.,`1 ,:ale u._.,?zova,:.:~~~a ):~.:...t_~lt Y tL>x 1 ~ ~0 lncre~~se the ~`~'e annrop~rylatlon i'or ~clriinistr~tion `cost Lox QIr~ J,{~e'',,;~1' ~i11,; _ t~ v~~.nce ~n~a ~~il~ •Lo l~e~+~nc3Pn4 r@117. 1n t,!in 1F~i'` S r ~ T1'~ „,r u .l:ot~s ecL1n41eu, to 5(~1~ oi' tai. ,0~~,1 [;i.ll,.;rli,~tr,,t~o~~ Post uf'•; •r~;~te '1„ on t..~ (hut __~.`tlon 1~and• F i~, ! 7 j' ~;r i'i f ;t. il' Ir. I' I ~r ' i 1 ; ' . ,i A„ ~j I, ~:ieGtJ.71r" r, t- P `1 C. ~ '`'171 0" ' , :'C'11"i~rCi 1y~,c,. COY'a1;1T11.1(:'.i ~;,t, a 4J pl. ~ c,,ru~i7~ 21th~ 1J~~],p cpnta.nue~I. p ..~.p , i r r , • r,.~ , t~x'..,,~r4lTler t'lcn br ~-n r~t,'i('C~v:'•t.palu `..~~r_. ~.1_:1C"' to o1rJ ,ro tno ~ our,nt tp ttil ~ . tllzcftt;~pn n~.~ tI:F' .`.'or'1?s1 k . _ , . r,, r rr .w,, r, r e ~ f?fl'G]:Un O.L tt7P. ''~(3P.ll;11SSr. ± 17 t. tr ` , - a,lcrs the m,: w,.l_. t.a.1l.~ln~, „prr.,,~,..n 1. (,w ler:. ~ r~ , ' . ; n _ ~ ~n ~ - ~ nt~ ' some provision 1 J ,;n1ch t,i,,.~ s.~. P ~ p ~t tc~ ,.p.l„ uct Y,.L(~.1.,, r~l,~.~ll'.e4,(ES ~rI ' ~ 1'Br;~OnS _Chdr:"CCi t,t. it ,r'.yr L`1c~,t. _ , fii"t S~CUr G' , ~ , r nr,, ,.J o ~JiOnS Oi ~,iZG a.lp~ .'.i~.,,F- S L71e:.r 57.~,e OA ~,P.Ea ~;4,i1P ui' _ _ a J S7J eQ~ r,,..111St7i1211t 0:.~' ' 1. +l{;., t~l t i try J...1C e 0" E'I1C e C} n ' ~cC i ~ ~;eJ.:1y<~l,raii;in~ tri~;7, x~ tr1-,.~ or 4~uY~mY~4>1pn,; to s ~ d e~ r r,- [ .L ~ n tt1P ;itCOr r cVn,a r10V~!1 ' . 111?~V 71t y ~ Y, , .t J J.fl.. ~ '~71{, f p t r r., I r 0~1{)T,: 0). ..C'. _..'1,,,.p S(?Cpn~.C'~ 4i,, ~ ~t)~.'OfIS,n ;:iU. 0?'ri a :n 1 1n~ ~ruc t,ecl to conf cx' ith tile. i.t'r ri unt,~ :,turn ` i:Y;d.l ,4,,. titto_ no ~,ncl re ~ ; , e ,r, ~ , .r. a , ,r y rl<:., 1 ~ 11 1. F. ~ ' .1N Y llr; p ~ re a 1..11.- 1,-., d ,,.Lr,(~xt ~ ;c~._~.u1es r,e y., ~ , & C1t~ ~Or SUC!1 71 ,0 r ,t~ :,11., rti,~.T', cc, tJEt i,et,-, .{,0 . y;Y 'r, ~,wJ, n l pf~ences _retllrn~4,J7.c ic~ ~ . - ~ ~ or r ..Q u d ,;t 1 ~ 't b,i t ~.1. „ u ~,,.F. _.z aw r:10 ..r f~- h., l:,tl',.t,.~ { 'u; aPriln .;,Vex`..e:t ,c=,.=lf„~.'=i~1f-~.,: C) '1`r r",,r ~ ~ _ 0 t 11071. - ;J1 n OCr ! ~ ~a4. .3econcl(? O,;r ~{3~.f?Iirln ,^;I'j~ C;'iT1E)( r a i _ ~ ) ''rfr C(r111a r ~ 11l r'~ ( G ~ E ~ tI ' ~1'~':,,s.- ~ 1~J lU J1 „ r, :J C:: ul. .~Or11,(,, ,n 1'. 'l C _ } , 1:0 ~~ction ~ t~:::ell ~ - L, , t 1.. ~,Or P!.1 Oil riiar11 ~ r t ~i ' - _ r 11, .r ) ,l, v 1, , '..IG"i... , T. 1' , ,~'}1,'t..., ~''.,i ~Il. !t_I ir; v.l. it '•1 i1 V 1. s ~P,.. .:i y r Q i tira. 1 (i ~ fCt f,F r~, n .v _ i!.1@.11.111C, t,ypn' ;tp r1c~,~U J.C - ~ .,.L, 1. p 11('C. - J ) 1 i , . ''7t , , %ISs r 'r rs, ,q ,,~0 _.~.Lc, LS'(. LC 9. p t, n r !'t. ~ .L cr. ~ t. d: , - xl 1111 ~ 1 11 _ , , y,, _ 1 ~ 1 0. i, ~ tJ `G tr, r..e ~ , p [ i 1.,17 'P ?5 Yf'~' , ,.,aL t1 1.>.1Cc 1, ~G' 0 UCI/ .tcCnOVer i;0 ~tJ.r 1" , , ,r, 1 r:e Oi ~;ll.. :;Una , al ~ i. ?ft.i11;1",A i..Q.i.,,. C);i: ..=.;i'C!i . ~-l;~r}71 rA ~ 1r, , r ~V..1 t,Otallt~r-t :'~zr •t a Op, (~i t p J~ .On' r?~: ~J" T'. i nr~ ; ~4r ~UPl1t1 ~ O:C' ..'Vi'i -x .np ".~r,n• ( Ju t.l p~ t_oT. p exten43 ,the time ~ ~1 t';.o ;Y et:r , 3 of Unr~oint~;leztt p~ ~111e o111 ~ n:,~on .a crr cla a s tp .Cou.c cars, :Lr1c:~le;rs~; t;I1(~ „x;.1.,,1'-, 1n ~r ~ y.';} }.."r. r., r. ai' ..._C .1.1,..1 ',%1 , M.. ~ ~ f ~.r e,l J1.G ~ilP .G'l. _ - Ox0J1C1C Oft Il.,._£'I' tJ0 r p ~ . _ r n :~(.a c )C)n ,:O,..I,., t 0 lc 5...01°, C'Ca (J,) t,1 , ,.,01,, a;1 t11C, ~.(7!_1,O1:11 r , {3 rt a. ' .levat v t1.~c ~o • 1v1nf, , C ~ , • ..,.Lut<=n ~ ~ . ~ : , . ~ t Z . .1 x' 'u1.~ Mons _ , _ , r ~.n,~t2 t rr. r_? 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C.1f'U' li'#~. ~ r , t' <r., ~ irJ:' L ,i t ~ •i.. ,i ~ • - „ , ~ - . - 1'0, ..-C, ii a:Ut."_. S uC7 17114,~Ce 4'it,_4~1 C1t`:L:1.. ...Y?C' ~i,:..1~, 1.~; '1~',1 ~ - ?-I~?r~. ,.t+'~' ~'r0It1 > i J _ 7i0I ~ i ' ,t, „ 7~, .:,;o ;,r a~. ~.1f?' Cd.~01 Gi: )?,t p t ;_L G" Lti ..i, ri,• ~,Il''t Ulir1,~ 0 , , , 4J T 1. i - - ~ 1 ° n it _ll~_~.1, d~ ~ .tl it ~ 1'1 , O.i. ,,l;F•~ t _ J° .t , ~ ~ „ - l.: ' ~ , . ~ 0"' ~ , ; I t - _ t ~ ~ 7 ~ ~ 1 y ,a(.b,d 0-:C'1 ~ci Cu ;U(, vn0 ~ J~)~vt ~:i ~~1P 1. Ol ''~,n IOC'` t;3:0*_1 :i1 G i ~ ~ '(I?i i,71 t7C'1' a pn' 1J1~ .F r: q"1- na - , . ~ " 1'. L~ IY:,>~On. ~bv .!11 D~OC'i ~ - ,7 ~n {:i' . ~.iP. .1C)L ..,11:, , t t. _ t,ll ri. I: ~ Cazorln~ ;=3z1ee, lz?o.l r:iotlpt- , • _ . ~ . t., ':1;iGc! 1.:1 '„01.eI?I,"421 lE;:"'e(~ tU "~,h t0 .n ~:.L_ J.. i ) E I.771t,.,. ~ ~~lt";.t,.r_Oi. } ~'tn ,~C 0:' 11 jTe i 1 L1_c,T, 2'Ov~ , I ~ lic ~e 7~1, l '.rt' µhcr . , ,u p , , „ ry - , ~.i-' t {?j' C LE`C:: , V r •h 7~ ( l,r 4r1 a.` , ~ ~v' na ri 'c -,ss 1 t, . t, , p ; i'~ S, c321C1 „i'£+t., c,ne i3CJ(]r 1 E, )Llt_~t 0:. :.155 t 1 _ r a , - can ii I ~..~.llril}~_~? ,..L171t~S -1,17 S. IJ,C} Y i r'. r r.Y , u 11~. C117 ? t,l , ' CE5 , a nct 1,,.1„p _.-.1'1,11 1 . ~zl:l , ~11c.~,, :L t_1.t:S 'C,,rll(;I' _a'0,:1 ~•i.{ 0, r'c iJi ,C' .,1i)]1 1~' 7ct t)` 1 CE,' c:~~ , I u.l 0. 1171"SP"r~ Sl?r"CL J. C •r ` t , ~ ,c,_~C1G ..r ~OUn J a.n uhe ~,ourt, J.o,,, ~ r,: c ,_,e tlt __Y1 ,"hc, 3p:1'Q1, 1~~1I'._1.n`., p~- t,,.~~(:,,~1 S'OT' "3':f.' .;0''.T'i, OL1S8 CI;;171.0'rr'eS 'iicid : t ~ _ r II, ~ - y, _ d 7 u~pn b t, J:1 Ol r • 1'c 5 (;C :21(a :?Li b`i , _;c rClilCi p i it l V . j; lOn • ~ '.';;`p _ , .I. L °L ' 7mt p ii ? .1 tl> r Q " ' . atrl o.~ J..~ru.n;, ion UL.i.u71 0i~ iily, .Gr,.a : ;COI? .~lrC{nPP1' "~eC(?nCCC1 l7;' :r1" ; r' -'._.c : . ^r .L,:~,~ , 'Ci". Ur::. p , ~.~1 "f1 ~1 ~1... _,o~,~ c " iC L ~_1 C,, ~L.~ Lug ~s p ry y. 1~.~) .,,O~.cr7Cln ~.p' Sr1...,J.>_C}il~:~ O~ $r~,,.'. , s 1 ~ t, Ctl E'(~ "il_rl~t tJ21e >7ra?Jel'° ~ }t 17 '~t ~ , t ; , n ~e 7 r f o~ t..e ~'n n ' y ,?rc1. pw ..,od, t1.LOC~, p ~~l ..,,1 t t , t~- mt f • , 1L1T'Cnc,5..C1 17~ 1,11E 1 , . ,.l,t ~ 'U 7(lt 1 ;.r..- rn r,. 7. ".*i J., ~~.lc. Ghurah . e.>rtlr,r 1Stn l~ gut'. ~ . 1 ~ . J, _ ~ p ~ , tro ..c,,. vl.. . :t, . ~OSiIE..I .:;>O.t.G , t, ~.t l~''~ t ,1 t~a1i,t ~,f1F; (''1 ~,1'i1.r t , , . alt 1 ~ _ , n , t.,~~ ~4 . ~ - . , I ..C1 LL"it,l c,hnE'' 1 0110I~F1n~ y rs'1C~ t>'r'l>7 ,-t1C:. C'~f'r,~, n t ~ 1~1 OJ1 c.,.; J_' i;C C{. ; - 1 .~1 2 IJ1 OTler~';' 0'~ Lt.,e `~:ntl? CI1 >l.~.Stlrl;, ,~.U. „ . 1.~ ,.1 _ . _ , yc; ~:'.Il'".7 1101 Sll"f.? ; t;Ct •UD l,::'tiSt1021• 4. , is , ' - , ,y 1 _ . . 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I"ii ,'L. w, li..• Vt~. ( i f] a"i. J. .i~.l~ ~ - .L „s q~ - .a s ~ r v , [ l~l lJ.1v _l'~: I~l. ll~~ ! IIG i~~-Jr ~11 . . _'1 , , .~!u r, 1... _ J1. fig,. L( ..:.1. '..,T'.!il(' l l? I rn }r 1~~~ ~ r _ - _ ~ ~ - , ° ~ ,fl I ~ i ° .y i r i' i I y , f 1,. - r r.- _ I °111 . ~ - hf ~ y , _.,.1 I„ y ~ ~Ill~r ,1 , .t, i a .C°r:,, 1C 1 ; ~r~~j , J ~ ^~~y~.~ ~I, ~ , , , _ ° ~ Oro ~,,~1° ~ °a;;essr.°ient , E ~ ° r ~~1; i, f~~~l I r ~ y~ ~ _ ~ - I ; ° .,.I . , . _ ` ~ a t' ; , • ~ ' , _ _ { v i _ i ° I r ~ ,i ~ r i , a _ ~ , _ _ ~ - ' c y ue ' , , , ,aril . ; ~ .:r. L ~.~°Cr c~7?' C'uP,` II - z , Itl~` ~ , 5 ' q _ P I ~ 1.1" ~ r a , ~ _ _ .I - _ t_ 4i~..\ i~.,. i ~ I i t _ .w. ~r~ l} _ , I I . 91!x; 1 , ~ ~ _ ~ - ~ ~ ~'I- _ ~ y. _fJ l~.~ '1 , ' 1 ~ I _ _ I I , ' ~ ~ 'r l _ I _ i ~ r ~ .I ~11 l , . . r _ _ , „ , i ii;,:~ ~ ~ ~ . _ ,,.~C,~i o . . 1 r I,. I ~ , ° r... - I:, . Iji" ~ i I, , I . . ~r~ ~ ~ . ~ I' b~ _ _ . ° _ ~ - _ ~ T ,I r , r _ .f r - ° I r _ r.; ' " , ° ~ F Ili: - , r' p/ . ° r ~ _ e I . r r L,GI'.. y. _ °.J r~.~~1. y fir. r I,il~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ it _r .ti '1 'U'i I 1. _ ° i ,I. I ' r ,l ;I; ~ ~ , _ , ° Nl,, . , I I _ _ ° : r 1 _ ._i... ~ i ~ i r, . I~ .i. ~ ~i' _ y r.,: ji I r ~ _ ~ . , . i ~ , ~i _ v.i r , I ~l. I~ Ii ~I~! - ....1. , _ _ ; _ , ~ I . _ C~~ 1 I nJ. ' iI . , - _ I I al ~ ~ ~ 7 -r II ,l _ ..'t°~:1 u% I Q~~ 7,j : Vr. iS ~Ti~ "r ~i1 . , _w S u u. . i, i I .JC-_ti. t u nj ~g. ,~1 r f l , I, , _ _ ;U°. ~ _ A ~ I 1. °`y ii III. .1'i al. I_ is ~ II y Plyj 4.1 r4~' I 1 _ - `J! u i I', 1~~ III - r 1 f i+ c-~ r _ ' r~, ~ ~ ~ a.. ~ _ .1t. 1 J _t,1 sal-. • :iaW ULl ' .l ~ } ' ! , ' vC 'I1. ~.i „ , . e n 1 ~ ry ~~i^ . _ . r i... r 'I .u.• : i1 ti)°S .I..~ '.I".. t 1~~` .L'.1 , ' ~ Iry~ 1 - 1. _~1~ . 4l III; I i , ~ i ' ~ r _ III' t~._ Ili. _ ILr I I ~ r - t°. ' , . I r - r h; , ' r ,ry U. _ . s. . , _ ~ . , s f k, . ° , I. ° ~ . td p ~ ' s r ~ i , i - . I r ~ ~ . „ - I', ° fi Iii .t'r:':_. _ ~ f ° .,y I I _ _..,a W tY 1. 1 , . , I'. v f` N } , . ...'.A ~ ~ 1 ° 4. ~ ° iii ~ n _ y i I - ' I~ 1 ~ i ' J ~ . y'° r. ~ .1 i _ ! f lr r I III' ii I ~ r I III I j } 1 ; !,111 V~ it I II ill I ,y*~\ ii l~ ~ 1 U~ Vf, ` r~, ~ S - _ _ _ _ _ ~ ,a . pia, , . a I , . ~3 k 5 t,~ st. ,i ~f ' -u . 101.0°"~~7`.. ,,r _ t,t.,:,', r„r - _ n.' , ^~r , { ..i. v/.:1, .,°t.l ."t'.w.l dyll. . uec L'llr. l;la ~ r ~wV ~ 1 ;~'7r~ ~ V. ~1.4 ~ i, 5 er _ - 9 , p ~ ~ , .u . , , 1. "1J r~ tiJ J,., - .)i } `'{i' ~ i.:, d~. . 1@~,1.~~ y. '1 `a>Z °'a 1.: t.".'. '..Ti In ea:~. i.,.. 'i.~^+~i },-'I' , , , ~ o . . :'il ,.,y. '~.1 s ' i u . 1. _~t.` ~r , : it 11 - _ _ . I y - ~ ~ , , i i,.l , 1, . . v.. „ . . ~ - , _ _ _ ~ P. 9" - ~ -i~'~ a c r - ~ - _ ~ ~ C7Llt i.(. , - r rq I: , ' ~ _ << . u~ ~,P t;, , I' ~ ~ , I ' ~ a , ~ d ~ J . ' _ . . - - , ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ , _ , _ , • f ~ i, I ~ r~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ . _ - ~ , ~ , I _ , . . ~ ~ ~ t , _ . b S . ' V I i ~ . . ~ ~ . ~ I ..t o , . _ r, I it - . G;1,. . _ _ . . , I: ~ _ , ~ ~ ~ ~t~ 7 i iii , ~ ~ - ~ . 7 - , . , ~"I , i ,i f5 - l . . Y~ r l ~ - i , N; ~ , J. ~ ~ ~ ~ .I - '1 ~1, ~nnY~ _ r _ ~ 1 _ - ~ , ~ . . - ~ ~ i. - , ..x ~ i . ''1 .tii „ ....i,'iy'. ~ Y.ir. J lir. '.~`'I t,1~I Y141^"tYl'Y 1 1'" _ ~ r V.. J4? Ili,.;{ • J_., ~ ~ ...+..t. ...G t' ~ 1. ,.~wi f_;r . I ~ - r. 'C , • - t ..t.. ~ _ ~ , I _ ,7 . { r , i _ r i ~ r - _ . ~ v r w 7, i;il, _ _ r. o~; ~ ~ _ • I~ iEii ~ ~ ~ I:. if : ' " Iii' _ , d+ ` . i y I I'. ~lfi _ i E~li~ I~ , -;I I 11 If f`7 ~ 1 I.7 ~C r i, ~I II'~'- ...r~..=.-....._......_.,~.' Lim::. {-~c _ _ , t, , _ Ili ~ _ ~ - - I. y . _ I TS ~ ~ , it l a C I , t, ' n r ~i' i _ E - a.u n r , u ~ . _ , _ I if~' a ~ ~ . T , . r , . , li _ { _ . .,F _ i , _ ~ u ; f~ n _ ~ ~ e , I~~ ~ ~ e - • in Ice.~p2n~ with ad~ac nt count buildin s ti•ra~ ~ ~ I I I I,,~, Y g , Tooke ~ upon ti».th-favor by the Board . i f~ II~ . , ~1 I, , I, _ i . ~~i I, f !~iI jl ~ ~ rye; !i l~ ~ . i, _ : _ ~ 4~lilmin~ton, rv C., 'June 30, 1941, I I~~ ~ , 4 I, i i' l,J ~ . • : ' ~ _ ~ n The regular v>reekl ~ . _ y meetinU of the Hoard was held at 3.00 ~.M.- ' _ -w , _ hresen . t. Addison- Hec-dle t Chairman 'Oe '~I ~ o. .Trask, H.RGardner..and L.J.~oleman, .I{ , . - m I ~I. r, ~ . <.w _ , ~he-minutes: of- meet2n oP June ~3 1941 vier g ~ , e rears and a roved as record 'M i ~ r~t - lpon motion of Irlr. Trask seconde t I ~ ^ - , d by tr. Coleman_ the Ba~rd_ se ar p ~ _x ~ charged a ai ~ aced the 154, ~ t. ~ , - g nst the budget appropriation of ~300.00'for laY~ and author ' . 1 ~I ~ ~ , ~ ; char ized the same , a ~ 5i 1. ged against the emer enc fund' and authorized thee- d n w v . _ _ . Y p ~ ent of X95 :49 to h' _ ~i _ -~s• ~~~:H.Jeter 5u ervis r ' ;i`, ~ p o .out of ',the bud 'et ~ llowanc e to mee C € t current expen„es. ~'i Pon motron oP l;~r 7.'rask, seconded b Coleman tl:e rise C e bu Y ~ sNment on th , i, r °P ~:r,. E.B.Bu-~:Y Fore Ylding ,n , st Hr11s, not completed January 1, 1941, was faxed at 13 , statement of .~1r. B that the amount. f x ~ X000.00 , constr ~g o e pense on that date Por a ccount oP i uct~on, uvas , ~l3 X347.17. Pon mono , n oP Pair. lrask~ ,seconded by l~>,r. Coleman, the Board of ];ducats , ~ budget ~.,,as increased b .g 2 on_s reUular ,I y ~ 0. 0~ Pue~, account,. to enable it :disburse tha ~ unt ~rhich c~. e~w,..x.~.i ollected and ,i r turned in to the ~i'reasurer to be` ~ apl: ie o is -Pun , f - II: J - . upon motion o . ..I ~ _ Lr. Trask, seconded by ~t~r. Coleman the Gaunt 's , i ~ on ~ ~ insurance on the c Y , _ e half ,part of I ~ oldiers Hut 4th and Princess streets c:~a I ~ Par<a t ~ : s Pzxed at ~2 500.00 i,E~! _ , 4, term of three years at a rate' of .55~. i ~ ; ; L I i request. o~ hr, John C ~'.'essell and ~s. r~o~Jard u . Penton f ' ~ ll~ is snnuall or an increase by ~5~000.00 ! Y for the,~ed r s a` a ar' ;I _ C o s S n t sum, ~oa.ntly-r~ith he Cit,~ of .~i1mi rton , to meet' ! increased :':cost oP r~` nb ' , _ ope ation~-4~~as u on motxon'of ~Ir Colem ' p an, seconded b i~ar: Y~rask ' ~ i f~ Y a ~ , . II, ,1 / _ - ~~i~. ~ . r ~ ' i _ 1 ,i.r " `'s ,t-~ . 3i ~f r.~eetin~ of June g 30, 1941.continued..... ~tilm~ ton N .C' ' ~ ~ , truly 1941 rl . received f or consider ' d ' anon during' the preparation of the_ bud^• ^he ,regular .weekly meeting; of the Board wash r,et. i e1d at 3,00 P.P,4, . ~~~on r.~ation of ~s. " , Trask, seconded by_ t~7,r. (,oleman ;the Cler present.: Acdison Iferlett c,h~irman Geo. 1rJ. Tra k - ;i ~i' ~ k of auperior vo ~ s a Vii. R. Gardner and L,J~Coleman. ,I granted an extra clerkfar an aac,' ur itional thir y ,days at` X5,00 er t r+as of increased office work occasioned b na .p, aaY on acco es of meetin y tional defense ac~ivit~.es_and unt The mznut g f June 30~ 1941. a~ere read end a raved as_recorde . soldi:e~~s at defense centers. 1n~lux PP a of - Columbia iaunds s 'eakin for h A request: for a se ara Iv[iss p ~ 't e t`levr l•ianover county nurses Association p tion of the taxes on your buildin s, asker~ that` the ::County. ointl Nrrth the • Home Fund -and g owned b the ~ ~ -Y City of ilminf7ton rovzde `''20.0 ~ place the building occu ied b retir y edam. Latta for automobile alloy r ' p ~ 0 free tax list as 'of >-P y ed minister, block ~r20 - monthly.... ante: for two. city-nurses. the matter t;as u on ....1940 ; eras u on mono aT - P n , ~ 9, on , p of i.~1r. Trask, seconded b t, he rnotlon of s'. Gardner, seconded by tu~r Coleman received. ' ' referred to the-count Bator Y n'• (;olem ~ for consideration ~ _Y ney. f or opinion. Burin t the pint b d he re aratan of ` g p P C u get.... A re uest :for . , . q ad3ustment of the -.back taxes due on the , uest of _the ~ ilmin rton Pause 4 ~ ' ' propert,~ of the Heir ~1 req ,t, um of I,rt for a point ap ro nation of .'1 800.00. -Geo. , 0. Ga `lord ' block s P _ p_ 'h Y , s 271 amd'272, was referred to the comm. °f ' i ner ear, ti~~as upon motion of ~:r, Gartner sec , and ,vith poorer to act. ttee for,investi a Y ! owned by, tfr. Coleman, received for' g ion consideration. Upon motion of 1~~r, tray , . dner, seconded by,P.ir. `i'rask ere nest ~ re uest of her. t~, B. Coo.er treat tree G'o to use the;Zegion Field :.bleach q of A.a3or H,:;,Brusher - q unty Commissioners use their best efforts er seats at Cam Davi secure a ,water rate:. on e<~ . M p s for -its: a to nuts `fror:i this tr~letic events tem .p port to Gtashzngton, t3altzmore, t3oston untrl they can make their own. ermanent r ~ or r p a rangements, the same have been, ,p ar11y~ ~ and t,etir Rork to compete vrith ,,hipments-act of Norfolk was` u on-motion of-Pjr ' rd Legion,ii'ield through Government fu , r ~ provice ~ , , , • A .Ga ner, II nds, Nas _ granted. d for., seconded by P,x ~ GolemGn, _ref ei r ed to the rzlm lean i~or t . t ommisszon to handle. i upon motion oP Pair, Coleman -seco , ,I,~ , need by ter. Gardner, .the e a 's'he 'l'ax Assessors haven r .tom feted th ti;. ~F ~ • J3o~ven fora ~ . _ A yment of $50.00 b p e ,ork of ~ssesszn real estate in ,,tilmzn ton ppendectomy and care for Jessie Lee t{od - t°' lir,d wnshi `the Board u n r~ g ~ to p,_ , po .motion of .,x_._ Gardner seconded b It1r h' ' was a rove cricks a county `charge at ~ . '1 ask fixed the ~ pp d . ~amarc Y ~ and date of t~onday'July 21st, to hear complaints on assessments and a , g ve instructions i! i ' ' to give notice to that effect b - ublicc;tion. y report of 1,lessrs A.O.MCr.~'achern ttober p , t ..nderson and i.D.xivenb~ payment for the' loss' sustained nrk recommending the . by u.H.ltu~f for chickens killed b stra ~ yn application for license-to "sell. beer at the 5hi a ,18;1941, was received as follo~xs:` Y y Boos rune py rd, submiated by filbert Simon, was not ~~ranted when a motion offered, by P.ir, Gardner, based on the a royal of the Pp ' shipyard officials and in=accordance r4rith the,lawr to rant t,.e am l30 pullets (u .75 ~ ~ s e, f~.iled of a ¢ $97.50 second. ?0_ cockerels (<il '.55 11.00 i ~ ¢ l~. chicks .20¢ 2:40 ',10.90' Ana la.ction for linens , ~ _ pp e to operate a tourist home zn Last ~~lmin-ton submitted o ?,,9rs. I;;elzar Pearsc;ll was 'u on mo ~ j Y , p Iron of ~s. Trask, seconded by 1!~~r. Coleman after due ec~nsaderation and" . upon motion of T,9r, 'Trask, aeccnded by r~~!r. t;oleman. granted. was: approved by the Board as ,Payment .follows; same to be made out oP the do t.- ' Board of.,ducation: ax fund by'the An applicat~.o to operate a Dance Hall:. on P;4asonboro Bound wra~~ u on :motion of Gardner seconded. b P,7r. Col ~ p 130 pullets .60rj ~ Y eman approved for :alliott pipley. F X78.00 20 cockerels ' f~~ .40 , ¢ 8..00 A request of the .,rzghtsvzlle Beach 'i~oard of Trade . 12 chicks t<~ .20 " ~ 4 ~ ~ for_~500.00, apprr,priGtian-for ¢ mow. 0 ~ 88.40 t..ezr ~.dvertiszn~, fund eras received for co ' ns d era i t on d urin the re nration of th g P p e A budget, repast of the ;rzlmin~ton.Public. Libras for the mon Y th of u~~ne ~^ras received and filed, ij.~i Axequest of Par, I. J' Sutton to be ermitted> to yen e Upon rnot:~on,duly ,;seconded authort Nras i p ton of the stables dt 1~egion ~ y g yen to continue o eration of the Field Stada.um at;~ti1000 er month to be' vacs t.ounty Departments on ,,basis of 'th - p v~rzous, P , ~ted then needed for any.: events.., ..as e 1940-1941- bu et ends -.the upon motion of PQr~. Gardner e ~ , ~ p ng ado tzon of he s conded b i~rr. Go1em _ ~ P t ~ an declin 1941 1942 .budget ..appropriations. f^ Y , ed on the_gro~,nds of not uyo zng the renting of .public property: , , Upon motion, lionald J. Sulliv Ir~i an of r ederal roint o~.~m , U on ..motion of P;Ir r sI'ii ryas-,rele se ~ _ p .Trask .second , 1940 Carolina Beach '1'o4v P a d fra. payr~ent of ~ ed by .~~r. Gardner, the ~~oarQ authorized he se dement i n taxes on< a valuate o r , on of X500.00 personal ro err char ed'in f the back t~+xes due on an` of the respective-in error: It a e P P Y g _ Y terest in the l .acres of land I~ ~ If ! ,red that he oar , . ; , ~ ~ of t/ pp ns real estrate in the ior,n of uarolzna beach but::resides. the heirs' of S.S.Southerland P,Iasonboro tod~~n i ~ " au i ~ ^ ~ ~ sh u on ~ ent ' of th is de of the Town limits vrhere `the ersonal ro er , of the r;x p~ A Ym e pro rata part 'I A p _p td is located...:. t es due plus court°costs. I! jl II'~ ~ u on. motion of . p 1a~r. Gardner, seconded by Mr, Coleman the Hoard authorized the cancell tion Upon_ motion of t?r. Coleman seco d ' J~~ ' o r ~ a , n ed by,l.tr. 'Trask )!tiss Ida C. Cox et al V1 ' # f taxes charged .against Uohn Yo Ca e 1~' a o an abatem i ere. granted ppa p e r to,.nship for the years 1939 and 140- , , ent of taxes on a vGluation of $900.00 on house on lot ~{2, Mork- `l0 ;~j on 25 acres of -land, ad~oinin ~rlri h ;"Irlmi N ~ g g t on his statement that he .does not oG,n the prorerty, r~,ton Beach charged in error for the. year `1940. the title being in the name of John Hall who' urcha ed` _ October 28 19 p s the same. fromxall rearsall , 3~ , 38, and -.has listed the same for 1939 194Q and 1941. upon:. motion of Liar. Coleman seconded. P~ ; , . ~ r , by _ tr. Irask~ the county f:udztor vras° authora.2ed S,. to transfer ~~93.22..from the Community rtos ztal to"`.the eneral.'fund to c Upon motion of P.4r'. Gardner seconde ~ p g lose the'. account... I,; ~ d by Lis. Trask, the-tsoard authorized the payment of int., 'l $50.00 to F.E,Livin s on ~ Co, ~ ~ U o R , g ,far .office rent for the l`~, ~~rea e p n motion of. P~s._'lrask seconded b r~^lr. e t YA Supervisor in th , y col man,..tugs. -V1i11~am 5txuthers was ermitted uVallace building for the .month of ...June 15 o ~ 'on to a the` p th, o duly 15th 1,,41 and to eve cons~deratr p Y 1939,1940 and 1941 taxes due_on the t~,;P.~'t. lot 6-6~~ ~t.5- in_bloc ~ t b cha a ~ k #{144, d i! I for future <payments during the pre ,ration of the b _ rged in the.:name P udget., of J.T.,tilliams and released from the payment of <hzs personal . • - 'I _ ~I ' property ax for said:... ear cha , IF° U on motion' y s rged against the same, for the reason P.rs, Struthers p of P.ar Gardner seconded e was , I~ ~ i b (.z . Coleman t.oun 4 4895 !aer forced to k , a roved f Y ~ ty bills ivas, 683 to to e the property over at a foreclosure sale and b~illiams~ having no pp or payment. equity in the same. The Tax Collector was instructed to co ,i 11ect-the personal property tax c,Ue b <~r~Iillams b Y 6ra4 Y garnishment. ii i ,I. The meeting, hen ;adjourned. p ~ - . J=. request of the bo rd ' ' ' ' a of education that. the sum of; ~6~500.00 be laced to the credit :i of t e school regular budget and X3,500,00 to 'the ...supplement fund to take care of ~I ~ Clerk. ~ expenditures for them - V` , a I~ , ontn of ul ,a , u y, s upon motion of rr. ir~~sk, seconded by i~~s. i~~ I Gardner a ;r ~I,I~,I i pr oved. A r e or~t p of the ~uree~u o~ Iden~z icc,tron for the rlonth of ~~une ~,~,as received and filed. EI 'i'he meetin : ^ g tnen nd~ourned. _ ,I ; , _x~-~>>. > > rte. it ~ h lerk, fi !,f r~ ~ sj i' E` f; I, ~ , a: : ~ i ~mf, I,~ h f. ~1i i - i ~i ~ ~ . r,y, ~ ~I s, ~ ; ~ w ,p. ~s ~I: ~ ~ Vii _ 1m~.ngton,lV.C,, Ju1Y 14,-,1941. ~almin:ton H , ..North: Carolina The regular weekl meetin ' I Y g of the Board was held at 3:00' IJ.iv1. July_ 17, 141. ~ Present: Jas.P,t,Hal ~ e Board of Commissioners fore ' , 1, ..Vice t,hairman, c~eo.,!,Trask H.R, Gar - ~ ~ the taunty of New Hanover ntorth (.~r o11na ,~i ~ finer Ind L,J.Colem d ourned re ular session ' , • an. „ met.. ~.n a J g at the 4ourthouse in wilmin~ton, North t,arolina "Phe -min ~ ace of mee i ' utes oP meetn.ng of .July,? 1941 were read and the usual,pl t ng, on ~1uly 17,.;1941 at 11-o~clock A.M ~ ~ approved. as recorded, ~ 9 Are nest 'oP ° t,r esent: Chairman Addison e . q y.. R« Dosher, Postmaster that he be fur H wlett and Commiss~.oners Geo.w,Trask :James i~j. ~~all showing the number ' Wished wi.~h'a state ~ Gardner and L'J.Coleman. ? ' of Weer and remodeled: build ngs a.n the taro meet ,i.R, 1 districts and ' valuation hereof for the calender ears 19 a the Gardn r Y 39 nd 1940,,~as upon motion o ~ r. ~ ; Wane e , .seconded by (ter. Coleman ranted. ~ H.bsent. ~g_ 'Are uest for ~ . " After callin the meeti to or q back tdx adJustments on the pro ert of the h g ~ dEr and after .the Clerk had called the roll block 66 ' an P Y ears of ~:,T,Uordo members .of the Board of Corr~nis ~ ~ # , d Iiannah P,7cInt e 4 , n the s oners for the,(,ount r yr ,block :)268, was uJ,on motion of hx. ' , y of Ttiew Hanover who were bY,~~,. Coleman- refe tPardner .se resent satat the ta~ile at a~hich.'the Count rred to the Committee for investxgatlon. ~ conded p ~ Y Board of F;lectzons ,gas balding- its .f meet?.ng, and thereupon said C,ounty`Board `of ~;lections and saa.d Board of Commissionexa _a request of PY,r. C.13.Little to re as t~=vo separate bodies, separately received from trte xte istrars ' ; nt the concessions at ,the ~>c~ldiers Hut g anc3 Judges. q£ ,election .far. ~30,Op -per `month, 'was u on rnot~ on of Mr.' C in the various, precincts of 'the t~ounty of New Hanover the returns of P oleman, seconded by ~~tr. `1'r~+sk recei •a the special bond , • consideration.; ~ ved._or ; election held July 15, 1941. c After said returns had been canvas • sed bY_said I3oard q~ Gommissioners,:being ~ R!o ob' ~ araeousl vrith the cony s , ; Jections were .indicated- to the establishmen simult y a sing thereof by the t,ounty,Iioard of :lect~ons- in tYze t of darer zones b th , r, Engineer for firi r Y e tip Bistri same dace, .,omrn~.ssioner ri,RGardner introduced the"foil ti's , j ~ ~ angel along the ~~tlantic (;oast for-,use o et o ing resolution, which was read... . ~ f the troops at RRSOLU'1~ION COIJ~;F+~tI~11 c, , Camp Davis. ldG THE , i CANVA, SIi~G OF • Tl IE ~tETl7RAiS OF `!'IiE ~PFaC , , IAL ZiUIID i;L~C i 1DDI ' 13e orts for them - HliLD JULY'15 194 _ P onth of June were received from the Pood Stara rla ' 1' BEC~••RTNG iHlr J .o P n,, Conununit h s ital and Ladie y RISI~L"i' •~HF~t1a0F. ' P_, s Rest xoom,..together with: annual: reports from the Identification .and Food Sta Plan and or~ bureau of ~ mP ~ dered filed. _~3~ IT RI{,SOLVED b the Igo rd . ,I a y a of Commissioners- for the t,ounty of New fianover: Section 1. 't`hat the returns oP the s ecia A. statement showin ac ~ 1 bond elec..i g tual receipts and disbursements of the Communil P • ~ on held Duly 15,, 1941,.:. the fiscal ear ~y a.oepital for havinG been received from the ro er election off • y 1940-1941, and budget estimates for: the ear:- P P icers, aril the Board_haying,canvassed:. Y 1941-1942 was receiv the'sarne he follow facts are h ' for consideration , . ed ~ ereb °Pound 'and de m , jointly with the t,ity Commissioners Y ter ined, (a):That the Hegi„trars and Judges far the special bond election'held in the Curet :.bonds in the `e ~ ~ ~ County of_~Jew Hanover on July 15, 1941 Fvere du1 a'ualified b ,er Y p nalty of X1,000.00 each submitted;by v+illiam 1'!. Har Y ~ y la and had taken the ' ~ 7 rise and necessary oath. svilliam h. Car enter Justie p ~ es of he Peace, as princip~~ls, in accordance with h ~r' Act of the: Legislature 1941 same bei ~ , ,(b) T et the election of~icers had incorporated in their skid returns,: notanl , ng H.B.-#239 with the Fidelity and casual ~ uhe-number=of votes cos Y Con an of New`York a ' ty t for and against the , uestion submitted ' bu ~ Y , s Suret the same havinr been a q , t alsothe..number Ys g pproved as to form andexecution of voters registered- and" ualified to vo a ` • `by the Count At or ~ , q. , t in each rec inct in th e y t ney, were. upon motion of ,~::r. t,oleman;'secon~~ed b f:x P e lection. y .Gardner (c) '"hat this Board has exemined the ~ ' ,i approved and ordered filed ~ • r ~ ecial re istration books made fors t vith the Clerk of the „uperior t,ourt as the lave d • ' P g a d irects~ elect,~on. (d) Th<t ` at said election here era , upon motion of. P,tr. Gardner seconde i;~ s submitted to the' q,ualil'ied voters of said . ~ d by s. Coleman, .the Clerk ,ras :.instructed to" Count~~ the follovrin x3 ,i, .notify Justices ,of the recce?whosedut it is to Earn' J g question. , with h Y ish surety. bond n accordance ,.S,Iro, 239 General Assembly' 1°41; than. unless the re uest of thi ~ o n a Jlj, q s a_ d of J:,ay 26, 1941, to furnish said bond is not' co lied yr Shall an-order f~.nally massed June -j:. mp ith vrithin aen da s the m t ~ . will be referred 'to the llis~trict Y ~ a ter 2, 1941,-autr;orizing k~e assuahce I,; 5g1ic1tor. . of not e.~ceeding y~500~(l00 School j Building i3onds of New Hanover U on motion of t~hr, Gardner ~i~l j P se • , conded by 1,1r. Coleman, instructions sere given: to r i~iji~ indicate on future count arch Counts for the purpose ;;of ~rov~.dng Y P- ale- orders, the number of the .truck for •,rhieh re-`air ~N;;,~ parts are authorised to be urchased. P school Improvements in t~1ew Hanover Ir P Count` and r ~ ' 1,,, y, a tax. fo .paid bonds, be ~{I~' a rove ? upon .motion of t,Ir. Trask, seconded by Mr Coleman Cotiult bil pp d , y, is Nos. 4896 to 4 5 were ~j,l approved for :payment sub'ect'to the a ov 1 v + J APr a of the county Auditor. P , , 4 That the following.schedule correctly'shows the designation-of the several i~l • • , „ nrPc~ncts in ~~rhich such election was held h . ' the folJ.owx ood and lawful-men G , t e number of voters registered ~,t the: ,~.g , vere dram to serve as Jurors in the .Superior Court s ecial re Jis ~ i , _ • P b fret on rovided for saia election and:-who were cc r 'i for ,.the trial of .Criminal cases, for week beginn 21st `Jul 1941: p, a o dangly qualified to i~;~ ~ ~ Y vote in each recinc . p t 1n tYle election, -the number of votes cast in each precinct in savor ;•f the question submitted and the; number_ so 'c st' ~ a • • Jos.L.K' F.`,l.Dick. A.Simon r ~ ~ a ag inst said uestion and the ~ Jno A Raynor,. G alker. - I,D,Hawkins, number of s oile a q Donald Godbold.D M P d b llots and the totals'of such numbers..... . .Coleman.. Jas.ti.Crute. B,E:Vlidder. J.L.Gholson. Jos.X~Debnam [~[s 3J L.C~GVilli' msonR e _ , § .A.Sh w. M.S,~nmart. c~eo.,r.(xoodltlan.J ,F.Applevrhite,ar. + J.LBrown. ' Number Votes Votes J~ , ll.R.Croom. rlarold ~;.Russat°1m.D,Ga lot. J:M.Fields. . C.FStrunek. Y r, of voters for against C.L.Merritt, _ ll.L,b'urches. V,B.Cheeke. 1.Vl.Davis,Jr. , qualified.: question question ....Spoiled L.A.Johnson. L:M.Page ~.C:Stanley. a~i,P,Troutman: R,~"I.Fi ford. P ~ J .F.Powell. g Prec_ i_acts...: to vote submitted submitted Ballots L; J.H.Coolc. L,D.Steldes. _ ~rrirt<~'.Jones. w.A.Marine. L,D.Smith. ~V.G.Southerland..~.'~•~. ame ~ J s. McC.B,r~~ilson Prewett D,' Edr°rar~is,Jr. First ,;lard . 34 ,..Q... + A.B.Love. S?Pd.Creech.- It.C'.Lucas, Jno.SShepard,H,Lu~lum. ~ J,S.McKeitham. P.J.Docvdy. J,J:Overton. _E.M.Godwin, C,LKolland. 'Se .1 cond i.ard g6 G4 10 _ 0 ',i First 1'r An application for license to sell. beer at .location 4-miles on the Scotts Hi11 road, submitted b Pdrs ~ i;.H,Ha11 the 'a h • motion.. I. Y ' s me axing been endorsed by the Sherzff, was upon Second t;~ard ~r, ranted. 108 71 l6 0 ~ g `Secand'~>reci I~ ;,i net ~ i! lications or ' ubmitted _ ~i pp f .licenses ~o operate Tourist Cabins on the [,arolina Beach high4ray, s ~'hixd t'l i h} ' b Chas.F".Lewis `and J.A.Rh e res ectvel ~he Sheriffs and 7~ Y Yn P Y s the same havi beem enriorsed b t 141 _108 11 Y First ~reoinct , ~ uvreu m e pon otion, granted. i~ I~ , L, Th~.rd ;'lard ' ,;i A recess was then taken until 11 a'clock~ ~..t~i., Jul 17 1941 to canvass the returns Sec • 8$ 64 15 0 1 Y ~ ~ _ the and Precinct. separately9 but simultaneousl with the Count Board of Alec i ns he 'returns of Y~ Y t o , t I,I special bond election held July l5th,.1941.. _Fa r, 168 114 21 0 , urth ,lard _ s,~ ~ F f th and f 1 Clerk. 59 31 8 D 1~ First ecinct ! ` , t~ , , `Fifth sF ; ~ ,lard - 6Q 40 6 0 second rrecinct !I I. ~ 5i:ith '';ard ' r'irst ~ . 143 103 8 0 ' Pre_inet Sixth ~~lar iM ~ 159 107 21 0 Second 11 ~I - !".r~C'~net ,.s•~s, s• •~e„*.,.o a •ls,.,.e, ,l s• - ' r~ I ~ L: s I + i J j ~a m 5a 46 1 0 ,,J e. ear _o,rnshin ; ti ~_i loymship 8 71 3 I fl inter nark ,:.,,9,.. ,a,.~., J i , . . , i 1,4 +li,; Harnett 'lbwnsh' L. le Post ,,,.Q „ i I 1 j j'. • Karne , tt ,Tos~shi 0 5 ~ Q 16 P, 1 l 0 1 .lTilmi • t; ~ ngton . -:r w _ _ ,t~, ~ t I,4eeting of Jul• 17 1941 c n,, , ~ a ontinued. t, „ . l .t , Number otes Votes ,eetiz~ of July 17th 1941,-.continued i of voters for a ain itii g_ st qualified question uestion • q Spoiled County and: he. United. Mates Government and to s~ the Pz'e.~ to vote submit e ~ necessary a la,catons for t d .submitted 13a11ota the erectzon of ..the said builclin s Addison 1'~e PP ; g , wlett ;chairman of the- Boar " i ` d, s '~,F. 'Harnett '~`awnshi hereby destgnr~ted to be and act as our agent and comes onden ` p p t, 'v , ae 85 71 agate , . 2 0 , 4 o on mot~.on of r,~Ir. Hall., seconded b ~+~er. `i're P Y sk the.~oard;thenoffered the Gnited u,I , , . ea Government: or s a encie , ~ btasonbora 7ownsn;a,p Stet ~ g s, the County s lot;on the ~outh~rest corner of Fourth ~ Princess ,,treets as ,the >site upon vrhich to erect' the ~ ` i,Iasonboro hrecinct....41 23 proposed r~.creatlon 0 ildn in kee 1 with ad acent - . bu g~ P ~ county bu~.ldin s for yr ~°y,~ s. 'll g , h~.te soldier r members voting affirmatively except Mr.;Coleman who: x lna~,onbora Tovrnshx voted r!o- Air , p recorded as not o o ed to r Coleman-asked to Sunset Park .,•1~.•. 128 2 1 be PA ,!creation for the s©ldiers is in favor of it bu is on osed to the use of the lzmited coon ' i t p ty o~~°rned land bd acen ' , ~ t to its builda,ngs t:~e only place the Cotanty has toe and for its future boil ~ , Federal paint ~ din 'needs' which will ' g , Townshi 41 28 2 be in greater need n'the future pan at°the resent time... p Q ' _ r.~ .Gardner moved that: a commit , .,s tee ,be, appoo.nted to look into .the matter of other TOTALS -.~....~.r....: _y._____-•-- es if available and vac ie~ ~ , 1645 1205 4~`~''"""' sit p t ,al for the recrsata.on ~,uilda,n s his motion ~~ra f ed b , r~rr. Ha 11 `an ; second y d carried. (f That no_c ~ omplalnts have, been made ,to this Board against the're~ul~r n"rnation oP rrr, Gardner • such election and that this Ba rd ,seconded b ~1r..Ma11 au , a believes ~ itY of Upa Y tr.orx that said elect~on...was conducted •e of the Count hod'' ~ ? ty as giventfl .have 200 ~n fu], copy. s y Mars. ..annual reioorts ra. • accordance with law and 4rit'r~ th ~ e r l n ed o Bets of this Board. p t for the fiscal year ending rune 30, 1941, Section 2.' That from the .canvass `so rnrade b .this Boar • ' ~ a. I~. I y d it ~s deterraxned,t , xhe hoard ~iecl:~ns~, V;3 ~~~~.rrrt~ the r' ~ , 1645 voters irrere re~ aster • hat ~ Junior ~hr~rnbei o r'' g ed 1n said s ecial re Zstra i ' f (.onunerce' s ~oncered ball ame P g ton and were qualified ~~~reen the ilmin -tan-H'r 1 g I and that at said electron 1205 thereof `voted for to voter bet z ates and Cara Uav~.s scheduled to be la ed a . the order author~zi~ _ Y t J.;ego.on 'p` of not- exceed in the ~.ssua r'ield Friday night Jul 18 a` reduct~ , , g ~50C OOO School Bui,d nce Y r an xn the lx ht~. c ~ . , ~ 1 xng ..Bonds of P~ ew tip over County fort y ~ ~ hdrge of X25.00, at ~ Yrhich of prav~ai school-x roe he par ose gamy a7.umznum s are wr11 be received Zn lieu of . mp v menu in New Hanover.t~ount = and ' P cash' for adm~.ttance vrhzch to ether S ~ a tax for sai r • ~ g ' and 146 votes wet d bonds vnth any c ~~,sh rec ei its : ~va.ll `be turned ~r ~ : • e cast aga~.nst said :order and the + 1 , o er to;.the-Ln~.ted-Ucrvzce Or an~z i , s , _t said ..order was thereb e- re~ison 'it vrould es S at on, for by ape voters of Plew anwer Court Y pproved th tablxsh a hied precedent but a.nste~d ty at sa~.d election and is in force-and thereof the members"of ' • effect, this :lady made personal cora~ribution. 'U on motion: of Comm' p iss~.oner H.R.Gsrdner y' seconded by Com~r;issioner a the foresoing resolution enti l ~ mss P,t,-Ball (,part-motion of Pres. 1ia11, seconded by r r. `Trask' the b r t ad Resolution cone ~ : oa_d ~ eed to ten c rning the canvassing of the re stables ~t 'LeP ion Field o ~ tone of the turns g t Per • I, J. Sutton at '20.00 er ~ , of the Special Band 1~1`ecton held ~ ul ~ m n - J y 15~ 1941, and declaring she result th - ~ p a th Stith the under ereof~• standing that he ~l;ri11 vUcate the remises at any • was_ada ten b ;the follow n P Y i g voce. p ,/.time upon. ten days,not~ce? and that he .,ill not permit the horses to "run at large; u on the 'rounds a a . ......and call kee the builcain- in P ~ t ny_ time , p g its `present conaltian. ,Ayes: Addison Hewlett, Geo. ,x'rask James n. , I. teal],, t~.tt.Uardner and L.J.Coleman, I Plaes. None. f t1 on motion of P,r. Trash s ~ P , econced by l,r. Coleman,.. r.r. John li. Bellamy was r.^nted an'a,r2tement oP taxes on` g Thereupon.Comrnissioner H, R. Gardner .introduce evaluation of ~25.C10-on thesoutheast one oar er d the following resolution which 5 in-block ~}58`? for , d t of lot ~ # ~ m the :.years 1890 to 1941 inclusive b 'cre;:. , eras read: : Y itin 'the amount o tales he r,a have paid on the s~~m ~ f ~ RF~SULUTION`COAICh:tIJII ~ y r G e, to any back taxes he m<x ovre. It a ear dG t UBLI(.ATIOId OF I.'r. Bel.larn sold the said 10 1 . ~ E Y- pp s that. I~ , Y t to i_I a ..m ~ I THI; RESr_LT OF.1riF, SPL~~,IAL BO`1U ELECTIOPJ <...i. Ho~rell ;.ugust t.8, 1989, and through error .~~as -never deducted from' his tax list, ,;,ifs HELD JrILY 15 , 1941.. , ~a~!, The 1°.37 assessments on the ~ - , >''reneh land ;at ~ um in • a : ; BE IT RESOLV.1D b R the , ~ Y Board of Commissioners .for the county of .lyew Hanover: 'for revieav er!d P g un as referred to the. Committee _ report its fndin s-to the Boar g d. S ta;on 1. ..hat .the Board of Commissioners has,?~re ared:and do ~ , , ~ ~ P _ es adopt the follo,:~np _he r~reetin~, then aa~~aurned. i ~~,I~ statement of the` result of the s eclat bond.. else ion a ~ p 1~ h.lcl in the County of (Jew ~-ianover ~~f,; on Jul 1S 1941` a z ~ _ _ Y , s required b ,uectian 29 of the, J County Finance tic(. ~ > 1~ -;;-Y1, Irr~~ ~ Clerk`. 1•tES11LT OF SPACIAL BOZ`lI} L'1,'E~CIIUIJ ~ ~ , i OF ..'HE ,~~ilmi Eton r~ I 1 ~ ~ .C. j auly ~l~ 1941. ~ i COUP!'1'Y OF Nh~( IIAPIUVER 1! .C , .her . HEhU JULY.lS 1941 a ~ _ e ular me _ a et~.ng of ,the ,.ioard, w~,s heI•~r sa 3:.00 I'. ItiI. l lii~~! :At a special bond election held throunhout New Itanover Court on 1941 preue u . I ty ~u1Y,15, r nt. Addison .~ew , ~ , i let( Chairman, Geo. , .bask. Jas.Pri.Hall x ' , 1645 voter r . , n .~t. ar . s e e registered and qualified to vote, 1205 votes were cast for the order ~ ~ G finer and L.a,~oleman, authori Sul i i. zing not exceeding ~500a000 School Building:Bonds'of :dew Hanover Count far the The minutes o c n • Y f rneeti of 14 I i purpose of rovidi school'im roveme ~ , 1 41, ..ere read and approved as reaorc.ed. p _ ~ nt i , ~ P s n New Hanover County,. and a tax for. said bons, ~y and 46 v , 1 otes ~rere cos a° ~ t ain g stsaid order, and said .order was thereby Gpproved and It appearing that it wo~:ld be a greeable with the shipyard grficials and u on ' ~ is in force and effect. mo ti .Gardner seconded by iIr. Hahn xlbert 5iman eras ranted licens „ g e to sell beer at location on,~yler Street, Sunset Park near the h' °lii' B order of the ;3 ~ s ~ ord.`.' xIl'members v~ a _ Y nerd-of Commissioners for- she county of Mew Hanover. atively exce t I~Ir r ~ PY tin„ af~ rm p Task who asked. to •be recorded as not. vot 'and P.2r'. ~olema I~ ' voted I~1o _ f n urho f~;, or Y ' , tie reasons previously recorded. , _.:dGison hIewlett chairuran ~ ~ i H.~.Gardner iomplants on a • sse ssments of property were -received .from ~ ohn x. t James tvl. Hall 'lot X73 1"]riahtsvl Sevens, block L 11e (leach frif's. Phillander Near a • ~~I;~ : o ~ s 11 .block: i''~ G.V?.Trask block 30 #112.,. Ur.~ussell Bellamy ~ ~ ,lots 6 8~ 7 Carolina;Hlace, and Pv7r. B,Bate olds .bloc . Louis J.:Coleman~ of I4x, Gardn Yn ~ k X478- and.> upon motion er , Y b th seconded b eta Hall tivere received ~ ~ y !:Board sitt as the Board commissioners Paualiza ~ oY tion ~ Review for investigation as advertised. DrBellam r I ~ Section 2. 't'hat whe • , R t oP ~ , e uested • n the foregoing statement sha11 have ;been signed;by a ma~ori Y of b~;c~c tax acct Y q cancellation uels on-his prn ert~ to .enable-:him to rte atlat . . the member of h the ~ p J e a loan. i I s t is Board and delivered to .the Clerk, the latter shall record it in t1 petition be r U g ' a inb the names- of 20 °residents nd a ro ert owners ' on rail '4 rahnutes of the Board, which records. ma be. made b record • in the usual vra he Fast ti`1' P 13 Y Hams street { Y Y ~ Y alma • • , ion, request~.ng that sand street be ~,ved from- Market Street roe l!I ' minutes of this meeting and with the names of those members of this Soard rho signed , prince P" d to ss Street load a distance ~f a r xim ; ''the ;statement and such statement h ~ . ~ and' ubl~shec . , pp o _ ately 600; yards;, Sues received and a ` r all'be filed_in the-affice_of said clerk p and_o o pp.oved p n motion of I~r. Hall seconded b 1~`!r, Coleman referr! it ; , b ...him once. in the ::~lmina~ton 1G r, . County a Y d to he sta i I~~ ~ Y v 7o ming star, a newspaper published in. tvew Hanover YUblic ;or • to x ghway and , ks_Commission ,rith :request that the same be granted` and ii ' ii: ~ ~ t e imnrov ements made. ~ , as earh as r _ J p act:~cal. f Upon motion of Commiss~.oner H.R.Gardner seconded b mmi inner dames M. Hallr lei , y o ss the fore of resolution en i 1 ~ ult of g ng t ed Resolution concerning the publication of he res ~ req>aest far a n abatement of the .personal property taxes 'char ed a ainst e ` special bond election held July l5, 1941' was sdo:ted b the follows vote: of the ~ g th ro ert ~I ~ P Y ~ heirs f - P P _Y i; Ayes: Addison Hewlett Ueo. rat, 'hrask James 1!.i r nd L.J.Coleman~ er J.~.Gordon, block ,66, for the years 1929 to 1939 inclusive whic , h said : , .Hall, M.R.Gardne a A S9n71_,prapert has -ton -since ds ~ I F Noes: Pdone, Y g a eared ~~as u on motion of rslr. '.Coleman seconded ~ ' P a P lx, Trask, referr ; : ~ by DY ! ed to the ~,ammi•Ltee Frith power. to act. d ; x petition of 42 residents on Henn ~ Street and nr~ for y, . 5 vacinity_: in xrcadia, asks n. „infield..: m• , S ith ,solicitor r sin a . eared `and r~ re airs .to said street b the .raskr ,County ur e~ th , P Y tote Highway llepartment, was upon motion of r,u' him rn imm ' g Pp ~ e commissioners to;- rant ~ _ sec.. . rks _ - !diets increase in solar eccoun g ~ ended by l~r. Coleman, approved and referred to the State r!ighway and public ~ o which -'a y t of the increased work in Kecorders coot t i t kes ,u alI his s.me and prevents h~.m from dos an t Commission for consideration. - p p ng y pr~,vate tactic!, i' ll. , ~ r I !quest of i.tr. ~'as..~.,.rade j I'' 's'he Chairman bro ht to the .attention of the.'B essay for ,far improvements to ::Chestnut :'tree( ~x ' ~ nerd that Zt would be nee Y .arse( pension to mein either the Cit o ion with , ,?as upon '°otion of :r `i'rask 'seconded b~ r.lr, C. e a y r County- o name some one as .active correspondent in connect....,.. to ,he S , , j • . _5 Z m n, a,,.~roved and; referred rt the erection of two recreation builds ~ a e soldiers tote .iighway Cor,~rriission'for its consideration, i ngs on county property, one faruhit i„ and one for; colored:.soldiers ands e^ , • ~ Cit and - a , ugg aced that we get together ,rlth she Y ally,... The s~elfare O . have some one designated as'aaent, Inasmuch as the builds re 'o be erected tot C fficer reported-.that Clarence he4vlett, feebleminded is con ' ~ b ngs a t ount~r , , y fined in, the i with federa to ~ Coil because he is tan. violent to be' er i ~'i,7 1 funds upon county land, and the County will only be called upon he be •p m tied his freedom ands ested hat ..sent to the Faun t ~ , r furnish heat :water ` nd - ~ which was ~ t some inasmuch as -his admittance ha ! a li h . s r,; , ~ g is IIr.Gardner offered the following resolution Hoe Vital Y .been declined by the Mate p ~he,Sheriff advised th e ~ . seconded b P,Ir.Hall and un aim at Duk los ital wouldrecei Y a ously carried. ` ; Binge Payment': of p ve h~.m for treatment u on ` RESOLVED .THAT 1n order o e.{ '!Bite he erectio recreata.on but trensport~tion cost.. and ~p2.00 per day, ha!vever xt was' br` p I P n oP ttivo proposed ,rould oUUht otzt that he ....not , :...receive t submit to an operation which appears to be necessary. The nra ,i on County property, one for 'white `and one for co to he tier was referr loved soldiers as aforesaid, ~elfere a ed to , Offiecr to ascertain if Uuke Hos it~_,1 vril]. receive and ans~•rer all correspondence between the Board of ~ --`tiv popover p ! in to ' County Commissioners of ive z, anti report to the .~oard. i ~u card, \`5, i i G+ a ik , „a t } f~ t~e~ti of .Jul `21 94 ` Y i 1 ,.continued. 'lhe resignation of Ur. + John _G. Vlessell as a member of the Bo r ~ ' , Lamrnunity Hospital was received a d of ...ana~ers o 6r~lmin`!ton~r~.C,, ~,ul 28 194:1. ~ and upon mot~;on of i~rr. Cz~rdner 'sec f fi,he Y , _ colem~~n, eras acts ted tiv' a onded ' p ith .regrets:. by ~•s, on m u rssuant to recess taken Jul 25 up otion of 1,ir. Trask, seconded b ~ 1.ir • • t Y , 1941, the Board met at 10:00 :,,ivl. i the settiemen y ~ Gardners the :ioard declined t t cf the back taxes due b i;:rs.B.E.Dunn o c0°~I?romis , ji ;;,r. Gardner withdrewr hi Y 4n property in block e present: Addison r.e.~le~~ Charrnran, Geo.; ,Trask and e pxeviaus rnotion to refer the 're ues ~ X262+ after r J.Caleman. q t to ~ettla the to basis of ~1,000.C'0 assessment to the n xe Cor~mittee r~ith por~er to act, s on a 'Phe minutes of meetings of Jul 21 22 and Y , 23, were lead and approved as recorded. the County Auc',itor re orted th an p at the ~rt7mington Sevin r c° ' ~ , t y further county deposits on i ~ - 1`rust Company des request of i;ss. Pr[ackall that the County foreclose the °'81.1:1 ~ . ' merest, `therefore a an n lined to ~ r ~ w tax lien on the ? by uoleman t e • r p lotion of r,~ t~k rorert,~ of P,«ttie I uckett et al 32 acres h County Kuditor''is hereb Gardner e p ~ Cape ;year township, assessed at X180,00 ~iilmi r Y authorized. a ~ seco ~ ' ' a bid `For i _ n~,ton barrl;s so long as he ca t deposit eourrt nded pronced at least X100.00 to cover taxes cost inters an a n receive interest and 'the r~, Y ,~pnds in o ense connected with the > > st d 11 other p ;per securiti tner exp sale for taxes, .which amount of b.d she Ass r . u ed vrould upon motion of i1 y' be made r~;ould be acts table urea u or. m , ~ , p y .P otian of Itlr . ~ ra . Gardner s` sk '~uere. author' , econded by, P,ir. Coleman9 the Chairmr ~ roved and referred to the , seconc ed by rer.~alemanr ized to rnakeapplication to 4 an and Glen: of aPP County Attorney to handle. ,~500~OOp.00'Scho th,r Local Government Commis' thls'~,oard of Building ~,onds in-accdxdanc_ u • ion Fox.- an iss f and as requested b the r; 'F. e nth: the election of ~~ul~ ue of A request of r~s, Geo. ; 7 . ,,hepard and other interested ci ' z ti ens that t?le road leadi i'' Y ew ,Ianover Gaunt Board r 15~ 1$41. , ~ ~ said bonds on or before ;U Y of .aducation~ a sF,le of , . ~ from the Iaicdle 5ou.*rd _chuz ch to Rehders Place arhich ' eptember 1 7.941 _ X300 pOp , is used by tl'ie :school bu„ and ~ ~ a a vounty auditor is her > > nd that the suggestec] ma;tur' ' 'OO a~ RFD route, be a.ncluded a.n the State s stem of` c ebf approved, hies,made b a Y ounty roads For maintenance, ^lso a a ~ Y she dedicated: thirty Foot roadv~ay known as •Dunbar Hoad!+ leadi to the i ng Sound waa,u on f ,she Count motion of +Rr. Trask? seconded by tor. Coleman a ra ' P Y ~.uditors ca ~ ve ,h report for the mu,nth of ..tune ,wa • , a ~ ~ PP d and referred;: to the State s received .and orders High.~ay nd Public .ork„ Comsniss~.on. t: common' d Filed, ieation was received from the Coun ~ , f -ea t,~ Auditor ' sho;~ ' r ma ion o r' , , i on t f ,s. o m .r ch bank as of June 30` 194 ng the amount of oe Lp a le an secanc,ed by Is, Zrs.sk .:,:the t~08I'd agreed 1 ~ ~ ~ tare i ; ,together ,rith a memorandum of sec ~ posit in , p~- r the bridge in the road leading from the r~:iddle ;'ound road throu+h the ii `hre ;I; ui hies held um lacer in each case, •es Creek, t, -p Y p t° she annual re ort of paa p the Count Auc3 i Y for for the ear endin ~ ' . , . Y g one 30, 1941 was r , i eceivea, j!athan Gole former back tax attorne a eared and s brn ~ ' gills oP`exnense for. ho r Y PP u fitted a u lding he ,,chool ~9ond elect:; on x sui f r ~ s ~gestlan to settle ~uly.:l5th 1941 ` a : ' . the. to t led in. I..ay 19?9 ainst t>ir, Jahn , ~ . X1,995.83 the sr , ame 1-iaving been approved b r the...: n , mount7rrg to ~ ll, Be.~_amy ios the collection of i 1 y !,ha~.rman of the 7oard of I~; X1,281.61 back taxes on various pieces of ~ropert on a ~ .upon motion of htir,-`.Trask seconded b f 1ect~ons I - Y, ~Gti ba~~..s, taut no act:~.an r y r~tr, Coleman, approved for ` a~rren : u,erP r,as .oaken, ; t ' referred: to the Board of G•;d P ,r t b' ;the 13 uc~tion for ~ o_sd payment. end ~ U on motion of I':~x . Trask seconr e F audit report of the Board of heal p : d by P..r. Colemana .x. J.L.I'ittman~Jr;= .who moved to th fcrr Fiscal year endi r eons Har~ilet, ?~1.G,, rn 1.39 +,Aras released fr ~ by ~x. 'f;dtiv°C. Craft C ~ ,~0, 1941 r t fo n ~ err the ` a ent of enal r ' PA., eras received. ~ P spared • 1 in block 11'Carolin P Ym P y of 1a.sting-lot f#, , # a Place for the-year 1940, on G ccount oP bei a rion-re 'd , ng s1 ent upon motion of hr,Gar F `and was further granted anabatement of 'taxeson a evaluation of''17 deer seconc,e ~ 000 ersonal ~ d b ~,r ~ P y .Coleman the Board b unanimous property token ,pith him end po11'taxes char ed 1n error-for ' pledged the full support.. of the ' ~ Y vote ~ the said ear; Coon Y in loci ,tY in cooperation w~.th Governor ~ r ~ P ~ North Carolina on P da 1z ht savin ~ • vTelville Broughton Y g g basis-as r equested b there Ito objections vrere inc,icated by tine Heard to;the construe ` tion of trvo submarine po~•rer esident cables across the Ca e l'e . p ar river at the foot of Castle 'Street b the `l'ids ; r t report ofthe ',;'lmi r~ton ~ ate _ public Illbrar and ;bureau of F~ ry n Y Y Id ~ntific~. Po`.rer Company in accordGnce yrith.its a ; ere received and F11ed ; tian for -the mon , pplication fora ermit now :before the 1 ,;ii c one t1S District I~Nngineer. , Are ue ' ;fir q st far ad u ~ stment of the back.: taxes cue b ~a~,ri The ward -acts ;on a written ~,t n ;r f.. ~ , lots 77,78 ``Fee Y e Talker, block`-118 and • , ~ atement . f 1.. , r,, , G ,E .p4r7.eh.c+7 Le~,rzs .meal , s that they witnessed aside, .Harnett township, were noon m r ti he .~aurnin~, aF t p . otzan of P,r, Trask, seconded b !;r,~ardn he dwel].a.n , of ~ ,~,,1~ret', ~ seaside Harnett. townshi , on or about K ril ~ referred to the Committee with o~i~er Y er 5th' '193 - 7 P P p t o act, , , 2 therefore ra ~ n ed an abatement of taxes s'or she ear 1 ~ on the house v~.liratian of ;685.00 a°°'~ ~ ~ s 9v3 to 19 I,~~,) ~p Y 36 inclusive. It a care ,,,l.~I on motion of ,s. Gardner, seconded b PP d that the .paid building was not instu7ed. ed. the Y n'. Coleman;tire Chairman v;as data concerning the remodeling and requested to submit f, re ort of ~ , cal o erection of new built ' i ~ p she Urania Jury, Sul ! erm 1~~1 was rece' ~ ~ ,~4r lender yeUrs 1939-40 and 1940-41 he ings n the county for the Y s ived and orcered filed, ' ' to ril 30th `o ~r : ~d•~rised had been compiled b ~ the' Board of i~;d i~~,` p t Postri..~ter 5 uc~tian .R.llosher in compliance +rith l ' An audit raE;ort ox the :ABC Board rep e 7 ~ ~ its reque,,t for this information p I ar d by ~ .3,I:,cGab~ a Company, SPA, ,for the ear ,~y of recent oats. endinr~ i . ~ Y ~ rune 30, 1941, .~a~ z~cezved and referred to the c;oun ty Auditor. t~ Upon motion of f:Ir. Hall -seconds ' i i ~ d .b 1'~Ir. Garda rece s eras Y er the Board ad then. taken un i , 7-, ~ ' ,s .opted the recorr~nend~,tion of t 1.11..00 A.II~, ~dnesd ! . ~ the Chairman :and -c ~ _ a u ~ . t~s,,essors to ancredse the assessments session ,~rith the Ci ' Y-~ ly 30th, >to meet in point r , I~ on the Following lots at rl~htsvrlle ty ;Councaa to consider 'ao.nt Cit _ . Beach as of ~anuar' 1st 1941 ~ y Lount bud~et a for tike fi ca y g ppro riations Y , , at the amounts shovrn belovr, and :the same eras s 1 year 1941-1942. p ,i,; the Board. so ordered by ~ /t SI . ~ - SCHL - OSS-.BEAR LOTS- Seaforth %f~~,-~~ .~~°.~;~z-:~~ y ~ _ ~~I : it ,yf , erk. ;l~~~i: Block H lots 2 to `10 inc. ; increased from,~300.00 each to X400.00 ~'ilj~ ,r its+~ n ;13 +i 20 " ;.:100.00 i ..150.00. yVilmi ngt on N. C, A us t 4 ~~L'~" n ~rDrr a 11 « 19 fir' „ ,r , rr ~ _ ug 1941 .:100.00 ..:150 00 ~~,i: rr nFtr +t ;11 19 , n tt ' I 100,00 " 150.00 The Board of Couuni ~ s inner for the C I balance. of lots to o ~ ' ` Soon . ' unt , 00 t d, 103 lots 100. r~ session: a , , ~ . Y of '~Iew Hanav ~ r met in re ular 150.00 tnC -Court xI use i n rizlminlr ~ on ~ o Eton, North Carolina, the usual lace ~~II AuzJust '4, 1941 at 3 pr l P of meeting, c ock, F.I~, L. 4'J. tvloore 'i~rustee` ,1i;,,~ ~ , lrorth ,hares ~~r 1;1 ~ Present: Chairma A' Formerly 130 lots w~100,00 each x'13 000.00 i ~ .00 Gardner a • ~ n adison Hewlett and Comnii:,sioners Geo. 7d, `Trask a ~ s ncreasec: to 136 lots ~ ~ H. R, i I~;~,~~ $275.00 ~37~~00 n1 L, J. oleman + f !p,r i'pon motion of f.~r, Trask, seconded b P,ir, ~ , ~ , rna e s~ moved fo Y Coleman, C,o.nty Bills nos. 1 to 139 ~rere Absents Jas. 1~. Hall 'p. ym nt. ~ i~ ~ Commissioner H, R. Gardner introduced the fo. , Upon. motion of I41r, Trask a 11o~,vin seconded ~ rc d resolut r ~ by l~~'. Coleman a recess was then taken unti14,00, ~ g ion, which was P.l+i. ~ Tuesday -..July 22~ to consider the 1941=42 bud ~1, get aPPropriations. r t_-~ ~ _,EaQL>;lTION PROVIDIATU .pOR ~ ~ \ i II 4'~, Yal i jr ~ ~erlc. . „ - T.IC L,SUANG~ OF ,500 000 f ilmin iton .G . ~ ul 2? 1941. ~ I ~ r ~ ? _y a SCHOOL BIIILDING LOh'D h! ~ ~ Pursuant to recessteken ~'uly 21 1941 t;h' e~rrett ~ , i ~ , e Board', met at 4.Q0 P.I.?, ~ with Ac,dison r BE IT RE~OLTI'+ b the-Board of it ~ Chairman txeo...Trask, 1t.R,Gardner ono L.J,Colem - 1 faxir.~ Y Coiamissioners for the County of New,Iia,n ~ , an present .and after tentative y over= various ,~udget allovrances For the Coup rd. ` c t~ departments, took a recess until ,30,x'.• ~ Section-l. .That ..the ;Board of ~r ' ' Co,missione.,s efts' a . i~l ' "edne~da Jul 23 19:1. has a ~ r c reful Y Y j sce~tained and consideration . .found and does hereby declare; ~ ilmington,rv.C. ~ July 23,; 1941, ' Thdt i ; ' Pursuant `to recess taken Jul - d e t is necessary that New Ilanover Count actin a i Y 21 1941 the U vin g nt of r , c Y? g _s an a ~ , , hoard met at .2.30- I'.hi. and after_,1 C t.le ,,tae in rovidin a a . drninistrative ~ St to .Further consideration to the :preparation of h • ; untrl all os td ~ g ystem of public ~ehools, issue inr~ed`' e` 1 e 1941-42 boa et took a recess e X500 0 iatel ' 194 ~ 00 School Building Bonds authorized 'by an order f. d Y l,,; 2:30 P.Iv~ ~ Friday July 25x1941, to meet in 'oint es i_ ; . , • cil to 1,_ ,who in ll eased ~ ; J son ,.ith the,Gxty c,oun h order was a roved b tree vote of a"ma'or t• ,Y p rune z,, consider: joint City~County a r~'ri2tions, k aid C 1}IJ Y d i Y of the ualif PP _P Addison Hewlett Chairmany Geo,~°.Tras ~ aunty who voted the q fed voters of , ~i H,R.Gazdner and L,J.Caleman arses present. ~rovid~in reon at an election ncld on July 15, `1941 fox the`, I, ~ „ g certain school improvements in said Counts. ' ,purpose of ~ ~ r r° i : i-J~., i~,.~~~r-fir tb~ That the `sctlaol build' n t _ • ~•i: i s a b _ leek. .provided S e erected and the addita ons to ..pursuant to said order sh~l be of non-fire roof be < the Co' p construttio-,, un n tY Finance pct. ~s eel fined in ~~i,~ is ~~I. i~ i'E I~I~° L~ r, j 'i _ ~~`~I t` 6] r s"~ ~~.f ~ .tie ~ , ' ~~'i~~j s E~ s j X ~ (EI~fDO~,:~.';J~a~ila CN :;.3C;h'DS c T hat ) ( ~ the period of the life o a,,, f the improvements to be in aoaardance ~,vith said order has been a prodded T.; _ 'I''~.;~, nd is estimate Tliis %~orrd r,~a be rc.~,,tered as to r'r a ~ ~ d by thin Board as a 5 p i ,cip 1 in the and IteJ;i.atur of i~T'r~ period of thirty ears suer - , ,4, Y , r period being computed from June 2 '~ievr l~nav~:.r County by tk,e Cotrrrty ztuuitor ai' sofa County as Lond Re ~istrar or b 1942, bAir,. a r G ? Y date one yc,ar after the final passa.e of said »r bend ra ~i:;trar as ma c ~a a period ex a.res o J C bond oraer, and that such such ott.~.. y e lei, lly ,~T,oir,t~a by ties I;ovc.rnirg body of p n une 2, 1y72. aid County, notation of such registry td I,e n~ae k~ereon bar such' Land i{e:istrar I~ s ~ bond rna tl~.ereaftcr be transferred on s ~r' ar.u tr~,a Y aid ~onu •te~,iater only upon a Section 2 T" not i'or the purpose of rovidin th p C, e scho written assignment of the registered owner or k,is attornetr dul~ acl;novrledled or in accordance with said order which im o1 iir~pxove ~ ~ - : provements have becorr~e menu ~oyr;a such transfer to be endorsed hereon b the Bond rye istra.r Such ' + necessary i n order pz r Y g to maintain the constitutiarral six month a } • a'' s school term as reru~ . ansfcr Wray be to be rue. and thercb transferabilit b de ' State system of public schools the e,' aired by the tr ~ y y livery shall be Count n r,otiable coupon bonds of New Ha z~esterEd bui; tkris bored sr,s-11 attain be sub~cet to successive re istrations and n over g ++r y s ' 11 be issued in the ag~egate rrinci al amo, G fern as bef are. The rinci u.l of tlr' ~ ; ~ 4, ocnool Builder ~onas° rT p ,rnt of ~W500,000 desi mate tranu p p is uonu, if regi,,tered, sha11 be payable ~ , consis ipg of u00 bonds of the den ° a g d nnl ~ to tree reg;istercd owner or l~iis le ral re~resentativ a anin ti on of X1,000 J ~ p e. Irotwithst r,ar.ng the each,, numbered 1 to 500, inclusive :dated 1 1 ~ ~ , July 1 in numer' a ' ~ Ju y 1, 1,941, maturing annuall re~.~trr--teen o1 tnis rune,, ties couporr.~ slral]. zemain pay<rrle to bearer and shall ~ , is 1 order to Y, , , west numbers first 10 000 ~~t nue tc be transfe~~~~r;le b~ delivery Y ,~z0,000 1946 to 1964 and ~ ? , 1944, X10,000 1945 cnr z y f ~r25,000 19.65 to 1968, all inclusive ~rrith ' p prior payment, beam i n e ~ .out option of r ~ n ^ g t rest at a rate or rater not exceedin fi°' D~TL CF RE~~xISPRY :,I';GIuT)JRLD O'~1f~,rR LOJID REGI°TR t o be dete n' u (3 er; a ~ ~ rr fined by the Local overnrnent Corr:mission at r p nnurn ' ~ are so t re time the ld, vviaich int"erect sha11 be ua able sem'_a bonds ' y i nnuall an the i"'r;;t da s o, .Y, ...Y./.1...1. January and Jul of .,:each..- a Y, i Y f ~.Y ye r, both principal ,:end interest to ae a tn., Rational:. ity Bank of `TVew fork in i~ew ' C• p Yable at • or ity in=deer coin or currenc of the United States of America wr Y zich at h , is ~ ` , t e res;,eetive dates ai ~ a~ ne legal tender ~ oz ,,;ublic and riwate debt nt tnersof, p s. I I Y 1 1 1,•• I, Y Y ~I,'~i r Section 3. That said bond s sh:Yll be registerable as to rinei~ - " ' - _ 7! I a].o'ne in a d ~ . - ccord nee with :the pxovi sions for such re p ~l ? r~ gistr-ti on herei a 1 resolution provided to be endorsed u on a' n fter in,tnis ~ , ~ s id bo ~ ~ The issuance of t' p:-.. , ; p Was, acrd the County Auditor h. tritn,.r, bcnu h.~ bven ~ipproved under the provisions fie herebyy designated Bond Re istrar f' G n subject to 1 g 0z thee: purpose of such registration` oz' tyre Loaa1 overnmerrt et ai'-Tdortir Carolina. i t re rigut of trte Loard of aommi:rioners hereof Lond Tjegistrar. No clear e ter to_.designate anot"her - sliall be mace to an bondho a oi' Y lase for th„ privilege u registration herein granted. ;;ecreta iy, Local overnrnerrt Co,,,mis,~ion i r e ' o etion 4. Tri t said bonds sh~ll be J ~ , siC,nr d by tyre Chairman of tcie r3Y I Board of Commissioners and the Clerk of --~~T--~-~-------- the Board of Commissioners anq sealed De,;i~nate~ r~sistana ;jj with tt:e cor orate seal of C' ~ p the ,ounty, and he interest cou'ons the att,ched shall be exe P reto I sated wz.th the facsimile signature of said C}' ~ (CGhT01,) - bonds. and the coupons att,clred-thereto a erk. _.,aid nd ne ehdorsenrents o be ' upon the revers ......printed e thereof shall be fn's ubstantall the fo11 w' No. , Y a_ing forms I ;ii n a,' 0 1, l~ No, ~.1 000 - The County of New`r~anover Borth Carolina `+vill ra a ~ _ i G + , Y to be rer at tk~e UT,ITr,D STATES UI' ATE' r~ National ity Bank of ~tevr `fork in Nev,• Y rl: Cite the r K ~RI„A o suer of . ~;,I STAT;r Ol' NOl?TT-i GARO ? u i c , ~ , Do' laxs in am coin' or currenc of t } e ''n t e r a a p LI NA Y s of Amerioi tiacrlcl, a ~,r,e tines ,,~~h~ COUNTY 01+ N~l'l li~2I0VER o' payment is legal t ender i'or public and private uebts as rovided in a d ~I'~~'~'~ ~ H~ ~ r,,~, irrtcreat 1:h n ~ p n fur the C CGh ;dUI~,JI.,u BOTI~~D e due on its chc,l Buildinl° Bona, dated July 1, 1941, T;o. ' I,, rI . T h C ~f e ount~ of hew Tian over, in t:_e atate o" ' „ii indebted an$ for value 4 o r hortn Carolina, is justly ~ r„ceived her..by promises to pay to the beaver or f Cl~rk~ of"1o~ra of Zo imissloners bond be registered tc i this ~ , the rc.~,iat~rea a~,rner hereof an - ~ , the 1st auy of July 19_, F 1, „ the principal sum of ~ectian C n t t..~ ounty Muaitar is hereby directed to regU~-est thy. i~~~~ Local ~overn~nerrt Co~~!miUsian to adve • ' s,a a a r r. z ti - . r~ ~e_1 „aid bonds. OTui; T1f0UaH':d~ DO LLARS _ . - . i.Jpon matiuu of Commissioner HI Tc. Gardner, seconded b~~ Commis,~i.oner Geo. ~ I together wtYr interest thereonatthe rate o ~ i~h 1'r~.s}, the z'ore o'' - r t ~ f per centum per annum, payable ,F. ~ ry t;,..zn€; i., o]ution entitled I'eso_ut, on pro,ric~in~; 1'or the issuance i' I semr-annuall on the: Y .first.-.days of January and Jule af' each ea ~ of ~,~~U0,0(}0 ~cliool Luiluing, Jonas" vras adapted b,y the follawin; vote• presentation and s r ` Y y upon the . u render..of the annexed nteres , cou on a become due. Both rinci al a nd , . p s s they,sevexally ~ ~ r, p ante e. 'A e , p r ~t of tnis band,are payable at the National Y s. Auai.,on H..wlett, Geol Tr~z.;l<, H. T~1 uarun~r and L. J. Caleirran, ~,i City Lank of New cork in 1Y"w Y C• r ork it i a Il i',I • a Y n ny co>:n or currenc of the of Ame.~ica which, at the res ective date J Uni ed States Noes; lone s of a ens A ; .,p p Ym thereof , ' {i;. public and ornate deb 1 is legal tender 'for , ~ ts. or the prompt payment hereof both r' ii,:~l interest as trle carne shall fall due t ~ p a.ncipal and i,<, , e full faith and'cxedit oi` said Bounty are t ~ led - ol~er submi~ted b' 1`latn<~n r;o1e to settle the b~,cl: tax sue ~"i + ' hereby zare$ocabl led ed st ..r. a din {i i iu; Y P C' ~ John 1), r3e11amy I;~Iay 1929 for the collection of 4fi1 281.61 taxes co ;r't ~ st and in terest I i f' due on var:~.ous pieces `af pro;~er ~y in ''ilmini;ton ta~,mshi anti one lot on ~~u ' This bond is one of a series issued b sa' C :oven, p t a line I; y id cunt ~ ac ~r ~ a L e ;;arnel~,~t ~ ~ ' n~ administrative agent of fife Mate of AI ~ ' r•• ting 5 ~n ~ to4vnship, on a bads, or p~,frnent of ~640.80~ ores declined, ~G; ; oitn ~asolina in iovidir,~ a ate -stem gyn.] u~~,on of ;;lr,'~_~rask ceccn-..-~.ed b-~~ ; r. ~,~ardner shed ~soa ~ v of public schools, and is issued under and p e at sy ~ ~ ~ , .rd in r~:ccortlance ti,a.th its recent of North Ca a a pursuant to the County Pinance.Act ~,ction1 agreed to cancel all the back t,~,xes due on sae ~ d property prior to the year ro_in- , s amended, and the Local Government Aat of Korth Caro a 1,,00 mou r ~ ^ - , J r '.y'; as amended, for the purl,ose of rove lin , , ntin~, to ,~,_~7.78 plums ,,~~~,,/61 interest, and the taxes due since 1900 0 i p t be dine; school improve,rrents in said Count in ?iaid in fu11 plus accrued i ter ~r • cede J n est a d e ~~rith r to maintain schools therein for fife ccnstituti a ~ ~ ~ t t out campzo.,ri,,e. after further discussion )11 ~ ' on 1 six n,an h :o;vever a 7 ~ h ; term and has been au h ~ - t ~ school , th.. forec,oirag action ~,~as anon motion of 11r.Trask seconds • , t orized by an oraer which ~^,~s dal submitted a ed recwn~re ^ ~ , ~ d by ~'~~'I ColPman~ ' 3t to nd a~;prov d, A motion v~a~ tnen offered b~ rlrl '~rasl: to acce t the a e I ~ by tarevote of a ma'orit oi' the a f nt of ~ f~4 ~ J Y 9u lifiea votes of sae " C ~ ~ ~ f P p Ym ~ 0.80 in I on at an election dal dolled a ~ a ounty rrr_o voted there- ul1 s~~tlement of the t.~3xes, cost Fuid interest c]ue on said ro ert ar i, Y na held and resolutions duly ;ado tea b the $oard submitted h:is , ,r ; ~ p P Y a per statement ~i of Co„unissioners for said County. p Y _ ~ mo~ion ~,as seconded b~ r. C,olerr~.n <~nd Carried. ~ I ' she Count ~ , It is hereby cexti'ied and recited tna a ~ Y A~tozney told ^the ~:orvnissioners tha~:, he ,as e~:ama.ning title to lot i;~9 bloc ct~, ..conditions and ~l, ,aanover Gardens .for ,s. J.'I.Barker arho ,wants to bu the lot on ^ ~ tniugs required; to ha~ipen, exist and be erformed Y hash balance )ek of tie' p precedent to and `in the issuance of X510.00 -is due the Coon n he original r ' 1 I : is bond b the ativ a C t o t sale to nilev rJ. mi Y s nd onstitution of 1,orth,` Carolina have ha d 'st and ~ r'~ Y ~ a th Januaryy 301 1~27~ ' ` ~trd hive been ~ : ~pene ,exe. ske~ :what interest clzer~e vvouJ.d be -made on :the un aid • _d p balance. upon m~tion'of' ~ per ormed in.:regular and :due form and time as so r , e9uired; that •rY 'i'raslc~ seconded b• t<1r.'Gardner the i~oard;a,nreed to - . provision has buen made for the lev a a', ~ acce t ne balanc y nd collectzon of a direct annual tax u on interest >i p e Without i p f payment is" made 'in fu'11 t~rithin ninetz 'der s hereof . = >_f n ' f, all taxably -property within said'Co _J _ Y of in unty sufficient to pay the rinci~al.:and rate of terest at ...the "I ' P six , ;i interest of this bond as the same.. she a A• _ per: cent per ~~hnum ~„~i:ll be a::~ded fror,r the date of ;the oririra~,l' 11 f 11 due• an sale • C , d that the total indebtedness Januer 30'- 1 ~ , Y , 9~7, inasmuch; as the payments Kano not been :kept up in accard~rnce of said ounty,...:. including-this bond, does not exceed a lath ` a ny °constitutionaL or the sale. st tutory limitation thereon. ~ , T~ upon motion of r.,r. '1`r conded b~ `~,r/ Gaz'dner r s This bend is re~,isterable as to ~rinci al a ask, se ~ tee card canpr;;rn:~sed the 4752.8 _ I p lone in accordance •rvth the back: ax >T . , ~ • 2 es due on she ,rroper t~, of tilrc Heirs of ~ . ~ ,~oru~~n in clock n6 on ~ r ' ~i! ? provisions indorsed hereon. , ba ~ time T~resen ~ ~ ~ ~ .,xs of , t asseused value of the z „~,l eat- tc r~1.us ~.re r.7ei „on~~l ~ropert ~ ta;;es .,edrsl~~ ~ for the ~.9'to 190 inclusive.. I ~N FITNESS JI~R~,Ok said o III. C linty of New Hanover has-caused,: this l7ond;to be signed by the Chairman of its 'Board'of Commission A r . era and b the Cle k aid e lies r , ~ r of s a t o c lu i~ B a y . f ..1r. ~ohrr_,.._Stevens for a t ~ ct a r of t,nr; ~,7~essrrre , o rd, under the eorpprate seal of said Count and ha a , Y ~ nt an noose at R r Y, s c used. the a,,r,exed 1 it;htsville .beach t•~~as;referred to :r, Calemin for investi~?a ~ ~ . III intere.,t coupons to be executed wa.tn Mlle facsimile ~ tion and z ecorrmendation. signature , f said Clerk,:. all ,i ~ as `of the .1st. day.. of July, 1941. „ I i~ ~ r~I~ ia~ ixnia n, o~ao ~„ommis~ioners ~ f C er~c o card of o mmissinners ``~`1~; y f'`~ ~ • 7 ~ . ~a (ENDORSEI~;:~NTS ON BONDS !i ' ) ~ (c) That the eriod of the 1 f ~ bond ma be re t a ~ B x p i e of the Lmprovementa to be provided Zhis y gls elect s to principal in 't}~e and Register of ~ s~ 1 in accordance with said order has been and is estimated by Chia Board as a ~ Hanover County by the County Auditor of Baia Count as Bahd e i t a a 6 eriod of thirt a pjEw Y R g s r r, r by p y ye rs, such period being computed from June 2, 194?, being a such ot}ier bona registrar as may ne legally a;pointed by the governing body of ~ nI~ h date one year after the final aria e of a d b n e d a notation of` such re istr to' b ~ ~ Y p g s i o d r er, nd that such. u; said County, g y e rr~ae Y~ereon by such Band Registrar, u , j period expires an June 2, 1972, this bond may thereafter be transferred on said fond re-~ister onl u o a ' a and th ~ y p n tten assignment of e registered owner or his attorne dui' acLnov+led ed or wri Y Y g Section 2. That for the purpose. of providing the school im ro d such transfer. to be endorsed hereon b the Bond e a ~ in accordance w' p vements prove , Y R gistr r. Such ~~1 ith said order, which improvements have become necessary in orde ansfer n~.y be to bearer and thereby transferability b deliver shall be r tr Y Y to maintain the constitutional r six months school term as required by the restored but this bond shall again be subject to successive registrdtioha and State s stem of ubl Y p is schools, the negotiable. coupon bonds of Ptew Hanover ansfers as before. The principal of this bond if' re ~istered shall be a able tx g p Y County shall be issued in the a e ate rinci al amount of `'500 - °e °istered owner or h's 1 g6n' g 1 p ~ ,b00 designated only to the 1 g 1 egal xepresentati~e. Notwithstanding the G SenooL Building fonds°, coneisting of 500 bonds of the denomination of ~'1 o~.ticn of this bond t}le cou~ons shall ma a - ' w 000 ristr ? p re in ble to Beare ar' ha 1 ? reU p Ya r ~a s 1 t I each, numbered 1 to 500, inclusive, dated July 1, 1941, maturin annual) to be transferGble b deliver T~' g Y, continue Y Y July 1, in numerical order lowest numbers first. 'LO 000 1944 ? , ~ , X10,000 1945, ~ ' t+ .20,000 1946 to 1964, and X25,000 1965 to 19fi8, all inclusive without o t ~ TRY R o (!i l r pion of DATE OI REGIS EGIaTERED O~IlICR BOIID pEGISTRAFt prior payment, bearing interest a t a rat e or rates not exceed' ii i ng 6; per annum to be determined by the Local government Commission at tkae time the bon da P 4 are sold, which interest shall be payable semi-annual) on the f'irat a Y, a ys of y . January and July of each ear both rinci al and i ere~• Y s p p nt .,t to be payable at ,:I the National u t 3 i y Bank of New xork in iJe w York Ci t i n an co in o 'i Y Y r currency of ~ ~ the United States of America wh ch a r ,,r,::;. ne respective dates of ~,ayrnent thereof, ~ • is legal. tander for ~~ublic and private debts. ,;;;,~F,~ ' ' ;~r~' T Section 3. hat. said bonds sh:~ll be registeroble as to princi `l ~i P~ i alone in accordance with the provisions for such registration hereinafter i ~ ~ a P ' resolution rovided to b e n this Phc, is~u nee of th~ tintnln bend r~s been approved under the provisions r~,:, p e ndorsed upon sa.ld bonds, and the County Auditor of the Local Government ~•ct of A~ort'r~ Caxolira, _r R hereby designated Bond registrar for the purpose of such re istration ~ I~~ ylf 71i;t subject to the ri ht f B ~ ~ C A g ' ~ ~.F g o the oard oI ommissioners hereaft.,r to designate anatner ~A,,,., ~ .1 ~ ,,,=3 . ~ ~i1.RLI1~G, i ,.a Bond Registrar. No Charge shall be made to any bondholder for the rivile I r of. registration herein rants p ge Secretary, Local overnrnent Coa,misaien , g d ,o;~ 11 'j ~i~l';~. ,I„' BY ,I;, j 1'A I Section 4. Th t said bonds shall be signed b the Chairman of h - Y t e Designate leis and ~~~;~~,i Board of Commissioners and the Clerk of the a ' 111 i ; Bo xd of Commissioners and sealed ; with the cor orate s a C ;i p e 1 of the ounty, and the interest coupons thereto CGhl~Oh? att::~ched ehe,11 e ~ ) b executed with the facsimile signature of said Clerk. Said i. bonds and the coupons att~Ached thereto and the endorsements to be tinted i iilff p No. ~ ' upon the reverse thereof shall be in substantial) the fo1 w' y 10 i ng forms I~r,,, n 9 I! No . r .I 1,000_ The County of hew rpznover, North Carolina ~wi11 a• to bearer at tY~e i I~tional City }3ank of New York in New York City, the sum of UNITr'~ S'T'ATES OF AFRICA 1~;!~ Do'_lars in am coin or current of the United State o A STATL Ole' NORTH CAROLINA + J Y s f meria'i vrhle i at the time } of ~a , ent is le al tender f'or ubl is and r;rivate debts as rov acct a f i''v COUNTY Ol NE .'J HAIdUVER 1 ~ g p , p i in nd or the interest then due on its Schorl Building Nond, dated July 1, 1941 No. ~i~,~ j SCHOUL I3UI IDII?~ BOND ' , R~ i~,. The C , t,,, ounty of Tiew Nan over in t:e State of h th o - ~~'~1.;~ r or Car 11na, is Justly ,~,,,r C1~xk of board of o¢,missioner•s indebted and for value received hereb romise to a ,Y p s p y to tyre bearer or, if this I ' x I~ bond be registered to the re Tats d g re owner hereof on the 1st day of July 19_, section 5. ~~,hat tine Co t A 't ~ ~~`'lh'4E Sf the princlapl sum of un y udi ,or is hereby directed to request the ~ I,,,~~, Local Government Caumission to advertise and ,yell said bonds. , ~i,:'' J~~:~~ OId'r; THOUSAh?ll DOLLARS ' Upon motion of Oommissioner H, R. Gardr;er, seconded by Commissi.oncr Geo. ' ' ~ "N, Trr.sk, the foregoing resolution entitled "Resoluti on ~rovidin- for. the issuance ~~i ~'x°'~~~ together with interest thereon at the rate of 1 € ~ I~r.; per centum per annum, payable of ~;~G00 000 S hoof Bu'ldi ~ B n a a ~ b e 1 vv' ~I!~~' it rt~il 1 tc1„i semi-annually on the first days of January and July of each ear u on the ~ c 1 n6 o ds w s doptE.d y th fo to ing vote; r, Y ' p ~I ~f i "f.. 1i3'1 ~ presentation and surrender of the annexed interest o a cupons s they severally A' eat A~idiw~cn He~vlett Geo. Trask H, h. Gardner and L. J, Colenra become due. Both rinci al and interest of ~ + n• ~ P p tnis bond a a N' re p yable at the atlonal ~ City frank of New York in l~ew York City in an coin or currency of the ~ a Y ~ United ~t tea ~ i of America which, at the res ective dates f a Noes: None ~ a 1'p o p yment thereof, Ls legal tender for I, public nd private debts. or the prompt payment hereof both rinci 1 and s p l~ A.n interest as the same shall fall due, the full faith and credit o1 said 8ount are offer submi~,ted by Nathan c,ale to settle the bacl': tax suit filed a ainst s. Y ~ ~I; hereby irrettocably pledged. John D. Bellal<< I~'a 1929 for he collet ion of '1 281.61 tare ca d ' ,T , ,y t t ~ , s, st an interest ~ ~ II, { r ~ due on various feces of ro er t in ''ilmin #ton to~,rnshi and one lot on rauline p P p Y p ~ This band is one of a series issued b a' C Avenue i1 r ~ _ ad Y s id ounty, acting as an , a nett township, on a 50G,~ basis, or payment of X640.80, ryas declinAd,~ f ministrative agent of the State of l+forth Car 1' a and upon m ~ o Ln in providing a state system of I:s,1rask, ,~ecan~.ed by ~~,r. ~.ardner, the ,,oard in accordance ~,~,th ~.ts recent h of public schools, and is issued under and pursuant to the County finance Act action, agreed to cancel all the back taxes due on said ro ert riot to the ear 4 of North Carolina, as amended and the Local Gov 1 ~ p p y p Y r errllnent Act of North Carolina, 900, amounting to X227.78 plus y~56~.61 interest, and the taxes due since 1900 to be ~ as amended, for the purpose of providing school improvements Ln said Count in paid in full plus acct d e da e vith ut tom romi ".f Y ue inter st to t ~ o se ter further discussion d jl ,p ~ ' order to maintain schools therein for the constitutional six months' school .rowever the forea ar r p term and has been autli ~ a ~ bola action ,ass upon motion of 7 .'1 ask, seconded by ~~r, Col.msan~ ~ , orized by n order which was dul~k submitted to and approved recinded. A motJ:on tivas then offered b~ 1',lr. 'Trask to acre t the a ent of 4640.$0 in J p P Ym ~ , ; by the vote of a majority of the qualified voters of said County who voted there- full settlem ~I~l. •i,~ 'I II' ent of the taxes cost and interest due on said o ert as er statement >i ~ p Y p .;~r~ ~ on at an election duly called and held and resolutions duly adopted b the Board submitted his of Commissioners for said Count Y ~ motion was seconded by .r. Coleman and harried.,, ;~,~K~ Y ~ ,,.z p. The C ~ ~ ~ I ounty Attorney told the (,ornmissioners that he ;;as examining title to lot {F9, block ! t is hereby certified and recited tha a a t 11 ct~, conditions and ##1~ rianover Gardens for t"r. J.'1'.Barker tivho ;vants to buy the lot on ;+hicYr a balance i~JI ~i I things required to happen, exist and be performed recedent to and in the issuance of `'5 C ~ p ~ 10.00 is due the County on the original sale to Riley u. ,,math January 30~ 1927 rr~;; ! of tlals bond by tide laws and Constitution of North Carolina have ha ed e ist an • 1 peen , x d esl.ec what interest charge avould be made on the unpaid balance. upon motion of and have been perf ormed in re ular sand due f or t a ~ ~ „r. g n na time as so required; that js. )task, seconded b• I;1r. Gardner the Board agreed to secs t the balance without provision has been made for the levy and collection of a direct annual tax u on inter ~ p . p est if a ent is made in full vaithin ninety d~; s hereof if not. interest a ~ all taxably property within said County sufficient to a the tin al and ra p ~ y y ~ t the p y p tip to of six per cent er anntLm quill be added fro;~l the d.,te of the original sale Y~ tL interest of this bond as the same shall fall due; and that the total 'ndebtedness Ja • p i nuary 30, 1927, inasmuch as the payments have not been kept up in accordance with ,~,a ' of said County, including this bond, does not exceed an con•t' a ~ statut a Y s itution 1 or the sale. F~~r Dry limit tion thereon. 4, .,:1 ' ' Upon motion s ~ r c m r; n ~ i i This bond is registerable as to r' n al a of r,;r, bask, seconded bf l~,r. Gardner, the oa d o p ~ ~ :,ed the X752,82 p i clp lone in accordance v+ith the beck tax provisions endorsed hereon. es due on she ;property of the heirs of ~.1.C~ordan i.n block 66 on a basis of ~,h the I~resent assessed value of the real estate plus the personal property taxes for the ,y years 1929 to 1940 inclusive. vj G ~N tiGITNESS ',h'I +'RLOI' said Count of New Hanover ~:~j'=+ s Y has caused thls bond to n~~s„ be signed by the Chairman of its Board of Commissioners and b the Clerk of said Are `I'' board under the cor Drat s~a a' Y quest of I,u , john Stevens for a reduction of the assessment on House at ,r p e c 1 of s id County, and has caused the ant;exed ~hi;htsville beach ~ e P r d o !'sir. Coleman for investi.ation and rec " w~ s r f .r e t g ommendatxon. interest coupons to be executed with the facsimile signature c~fsaid Clerk all i , ~Nl ' as of the 1st day of July, 1941. `SIG; Jt3 p 4 4 5 l i ~ I'; ,''''di ~ ~i~j I ' alrm8,n, Dar 0 Omm1S310neT8 ! • ar o oars o ommissioners t; ' i a 6' 6 ,o f a t i ~a 2~ , ~I El c! I i `''ll (ENDOf1S;;,~,'.~liTS ON BONDS ~ ~ r~l~' r i;;, a That h r k,~ t e period of the life of the improvements to be This bond may bs registered as tc rind al ~ provided p p in ~c~e ono Register of in accordance with said order has been and is estimated b ~ h a r • Count ~ b5 the Count Audita k !'vk 1 'I S f~ 4~ y t is Bo rd as a ,;eve Hanov., i y J J r of sofa County as Bond rye : istrar orb ~ , r~, period of thirty years such stied bein com uteri from Jun ' bona rc istrar as ma be 1 a ~ a U ' Y `J` I I ~ n ~ p g p e 2, 1942, being a such other g Y eg 11J ~~pointed b,~ the governing body of date one ear after the final passage of said bond order, and t}~t ouch ~ d County, ~,istry to `ue node Hereon b such Bond it a Y sai Horatian of such ter y e sett r 4r ' period expires on June 2, 1972. ~ bona ma thereafter be transferred on s g ~ ~ ~l'. A n ar.d this Y aia bona Register only upon a f; ,;,~;f itten assignment of tiie registered owner or his attbrne dul acknowled ed or Section 2. That for the ur ose of rovidin° th ~ ~ ~ t ansfer to be enda s d Y Y g p p p g e school improvements proven, such r r e Hereon by the Bond Registrar. Such F~; in accordance with said order which im ro~remente have become e ~ be to bearez• and there a p n ce.~sary in order transfer ntay b~ tr nsferability ~y d slivery shall be f°~ to .maintain the constitutional six months' school term as re.uired hi band Ya.ll ale' ~ , States rem rl by the restored butt a s ~ in be subject to successive registrations and i? ys of public schools, the negotiable .coupon bonds of New Hano as before. The titres a,l of ll' ~ s Count shall b vex transfers p p t is aonu, if registered, shall be payable Y e issued in the aggrregate principal amount of ~p500,000 designated to the registered owner or his legal re ~reser,tatige. 'otw' +a `yf Sanaol Building Fonda" coneistin of 500 b n h only p N iths ~ r:atng the , f,, g o ds of t e denarnination of ~1,OOp rel;istr~~ti.cn of thin bond, tits couc~,ons shall remain payable to bearer and shall ~ ~~~;j~. each, numbered 1 to 500, inclusive, dated July 1, 1941, maturing annuall ue to be transferable b~ delivery . ~;?iui July 1, in numerical order lows b y' contin J J ,k,i',, ' st Hum ers first, X10,000 1944, X10,000 1945, ;;ir~;;. ~2 , 00 1946 to 1964, and X25,000 1965 to 1968, all inclusive 'without o ti v TRY P ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Iy ~ p on of D TD OI _R~GIS .LGL,TEP~D O~II~R B021D R~,CISTRAR ~ prior payment, bearing interest ~.t a rate or rates not exceed n., i g 6,~ Per annum ` to be determined by the Local ~'overnment Commission at the time the bonds P' { ~ f are sold, which interest shrail be payable semi-annuall on the fiat as Januar' and Jul af' a y' , ys of y e cn year, o n principal and interest to be payable at the National sty Bank of New fork in Ple w York 0 t ' n a ~ i y i ry coin or currency of the United States of Am erica vrrr c , at the respective dates of payment thereof, i j! r is 1e5a1 tender for iiublic and rivate debts. ~ p 5ectio ~ - - - - - n 3. cwt said bonds shall be re -ister;ble a alone ' n a a ~ ~ ~ E s to principal i ccord nee with the provisions for such registr_~tion hereinafter in tl'ii The issuance of the v;'th; r s i In ~cnd n.s beer. approved under the provisions resolution provided to be endorsed upon said bonds, and the Count Auditor G s ~ w i9 hereby rises natal Bond Re a y of r,:te Local arernmct.t ct of North Caralira. ~i, E g gistr r f'or the purpose of such registration, subject to the right of the Board of Commi.~tsioners hereafter to designate anat ~ ~ her L, ~N.,!LRI:IT;G, , -ia Bond itegistrar. No charge shall be made to an bondholder for the ~ of re ist at' Y privilege ,,ecretaiy, Lor~-1 Uovernment ~o;,~mission g r ion herein granted. i,,,,, t I 1. BY ~r' t1 htl; r~ t( Section 4. Th t say d bonds shall be signr,~d by the Ci~iairman of the ~ _ ~ ' lhi±'. De.;ignate ~sistand Board of Commissioners and the Clerk of the Board of Cornmiss i o a ~ ~ : R F Hers na ~edled with tine cor• orate seal of the Coun a ' .~J p ty, nd the interest coupons thereto (CGi~TON ~ Nisi att., ched shall be er e ) ~ .scut d 'with the facsimile signature of said clerk. ;;aid '';!I',3"-` I~ bonds and tae coupons att~~cited thereto and the endoz•semen ~ t s t o b e pri rat ea rlo, , I li,f ` ~ I ii!; 4 upon the reverse thereof shall be in substantiall the f'ollovrink form Y ~ s On 1 19 ~~'?~i . I No . i~ x_1,000 The County of New mover, Borth Carolina v~ri11 -a to bearer at the ~:['~~~il ~ Y National City 13-ank of liew 'cork in Nev; Yorl: Oity, th~~ sum of UNITr,D S`l'ATLa OF AI''' 'RIB r Dollars, in any coin or currency of t}~:e United StatG~s of Arnerioti which at t}ie tints r;,, , z ! 1 STAT:i Ok IrORTh ChROLINA of ':a , ent is le al t ender f a ~a CUU2~!~Y Ole' N'~A I~I~;GVER ~ ym g or public nd priti tc debts, a., proviaed in ana for the .ir ;~CHGOL ~i~3U';il~ ~ intere:,t then due on its Sch;~:~1 Building Bona, dated July 1, 1941, T,o. ~ i Iliu BOND ' i;i} c {1 i The County of l~iew Hanover, in t:.e Mate of North Carolina is 'ustl - r indebted an$ for value received hereby , ' ~ Y Clerk ef~loard of ommissioners y promises to pa, to tree bearer or, if Chia 1EEi +4i bond be registered, to the registered o~~~~ner hereof an the 1st da, of Jul 19 j i!h the princiaal sum of J Y section 5, ~ltl~lt tike County Auditor is hereb;~ directea to recuest the ~ ~ ' ~ Local Government Cau ' . t mi„aion ~o aaverti.,e and sell said bonds. 3 t r,t; ~ Id Olin; TYIOUSA~ID DOLhA~ ,,,3 Upon motion of Con~misic~~ner H. ii. Garaner, secandea 'oy Commissi.oncr Geo. ;I '~J~~-a 7 k r Vl. Tr~.sk, thy. foregoing reselutian entitled "P,esoluti on providing for the issuance ~ it together with interest thereon at the rate of per cetrtum er annum a<<able I semi-annuall on the first da r p ' p of ~SUO,OC'0 School Ruil~aing Lords" vr:~s ado tea b~ the followiri~- votes Y ys of January and uuly of each ear u on the p y ~ ~~a!;tl ~ p L ~4 presentation and surrender of the annexed intere.~t coupons as the severall ,~~as become due. Both rind al and into es Y Y Ayess Audisor; Hewlett, Geo. ;r, Trask, H, t;. ~truni;r and L. J, Calantan. I~ FI ~ p p~ r t of this bond are payable at the National City Bank of Piew fork in i~w York City in any coin or currency of the U ited a of America which a J n St tea No ss None ~~;i~`; t tYte respective d<,tes of payment th~treof, is legal tender for ~ ' 1~~it b{fE,l ' ~ i,5, public and private debts. for the prompt payment hereof both rind 1 and ~~~~`I'~,?~. interest as tote same shall fall due, the full faith and credit of ^a' An offer submi~ted b~ i~rathan (,ole to settle the bac}: t ~x sus i d ' id 9ounty are a t f le ~ga~.nst ..r, , , I i hereby ir~re~ocably led ed. John D, ~ p g Bellamy L.ay 1929 for the .,ollectlon of X1,281.61 taxes, cost end interest ,~,,7,~, due o ~ ~~;i~~~ n vara.ous pieces of proper~y in ''Zlm~.nt;ton to;m~hlp and one lot on rauline ' This bond is one of a series issued by said Count actin ~~s an Avenua~ iiarnet,t toivnshi on a 50~~ basis or at Went of 1640.80 v~~as deck ~ ' '~u~! +p~ t~ E ~j~I ~ ~ Y ~ g p ~ ~ ~ p Jr w ~ nod , ~ administrativ a r ~ e gent of the State of .Ioz~n Carolina in providing a state system and upon of f;x. "task, seconc:er'~ by ix, ila:i~dr.eA , thn i;oard in rccordance r~1ith its recent ~a~r`- of public schools, rind is issued under and ursuant o C action a. ~ p t the aunty linance Act ~ geed to cancel all the back taxes c.ue on said property prior to the year ~ ~I . SIG a of Nort}i Carolina a am a o s ended, nd the Local Goverrunent Act of ,tor h a 1,,00 ~m ~ f ;il~~, 1, t Caralin , t ounting to .;~~.~,7.73 plus 4,5G,,.61 interest and the taxes due since 1900 to be ~I~s~k, ~I f' ' ~ as arnendea, for the purl:ose of providing school improvements in said County in paid in gull rtlus acct e~.1 da ~i m r rn' ~ u interest to to thout co p o lse. , fret further disoussron, order to maintain schools therein for the constitutional six months' school :~owever hP ~ ;r f „ ~ ~ ~ term and ha b~~ a ~ , t ~ fore~oln~ actz.on :vas upon motion of is .lr~slc, seconded by 1~~rir, Coleman ;i~~~~I~;: s ..en u~horiaed by an oxu~r which .,,ras dull submitted to and a~:proved recinded. A motion ryas then offered bz P;tr. Trask to acre t the a , en ~G4 I 't~~' j1 J p p y-n t of ~ 0.80 in , , by tits vote of a mad ority of the qualified voters of said County ~~wi~ro voted there- full settlern ~ n Y~ ent of the taxes, cost and interest due on said property as per statement ;~,,,2,; on at an election duly called and held and resolutions duly ado~ted b the Board submitted ~ of Commissioners for said Count p y r n-rU motion ,tie„ seconded b~ s. Coleman ~,nd harried. V Y t mhe C - ~ 1 ou~nty Attarne'~ told the Cor:~unissioners that, he ..as examini ~ title to lot ,'F9 block y ~ ~ ~F t is hereby cextif'ied and recited that all acts, conaitions ana ;~lr lfanover ~ firings rewired to ha~~pen, exist and be erformed ~ ,ardens for ,r. J..~.Barker t.;ho itiants to buy the lot on ,;hick balance , ` p preceawnt to and iri the issuance of 4510,00 is due the Count on the original sale to l;iley lJ. Smith Januar 30 1927 ~ ' of this bond by t.te laws and ~onstitiZtion of l,,orth Carolina have Yldu ~ened exist and r~ s y Y ~ ~ ~ u~!~;~;~ l ~ ke.. 1+}rat interest ch~:rge v,~ould be made on the unpaid balance. upon motion of and la.~ve been performed in reular and due forat and tithe as so required• that Ir, ';~'ra ' - r ~ ~ s.c, seccnc3ed by t~r. Uardner ~ the board a;reed to accept the balance without provision has been made for the levy and collection of a direct annual tax u o.n irate p rest xf payment is made in fui.l c;i~thin ninety days hereof ; i.f not. interest at the all taxable property within said County sufficient to a the ri al and ra ~ inters p Y A ncip t~ of six per cent r~er annum ~:vill be ac!ded from the date of the original sale st of this bond a;; the same sh~.ll fall due; and flat the total indebtedness Januar o~ ~ of said Count includin- h' Y 30, 1~~7, inasmuch as the payments ?lave not been kept up in a~cardance Frith "il'i,a y, g t is bond, does not exceed any constitutional or ~~re sale, statutory limitation thereon. it on rte ~ ~ ~ , Phis bond is re~*isterable a P t.or. of t,s, ','rask~ seconded by .~r, Gardner, file Board compi•urnlsed the X752.82 s o principal alone in accordance ~rrith the oacri taxes Ur.e on fire pro err of the heirs of C.'1.Oorcan in block 66 on a ba ` provisions endorsed hereon. alts p y sis of 1,„ ,~te„ent assessed value of the real estate plus the p~isonal property ta,;es for the ,;ears 19;?9 to 1940 inclusive. r~ ~N WITNESS ','J}~R'i•;OF, said County of A1ew Hanover has caused this bond to be signed by the Chairman of its Board of .,Commissioners and b the Clerk. of said Are - , .Souru under the cor-orate s a a' ,Y quest of ?,Ii , ~o}~, Stevens for a reduct9.ori of the assessment on :souse at p e 1 of s id Coun~J, and has caused the ar;r,exed ~r'i"htsville leach r r. .Coleman for investsratron and r ~,es refer ed to .s ecarurendat_on. interest coupons to ,oe executed with tits acsimile signature cf mid Clerk all as of the let day of July, 1941. ' ` I + i r i, !i,,: I ;lid; ; LTa_rman, oars o,. ommissioners ;E. !b, I, ~ - ~I ~i 3'1 ~ 3 I C er o oars of ommissioners W 5 ~ 4pbp~ ` ~ 6 ~I y' ~ ~ t~ 4.J rd k.~ , t ~ ~i~ ~ tIU 4 iU ( dd ~;,eetin of riu pus 4 ~ g t the 1941, continued tin of August 11 ~ 1941 cont,i.nued ~.u 4 ~he following bids for coal fo i a r the Court house and Annex ~~nd Cotznt Home I Y u received: ''''toker ere ~ rest of the Board ~rf r f~ea Goal-Oiltreated ~ rear ~,ducation that the .County Corr~nissioners 1ev ~ ~ fob bins court house ~ Annex- ~o :t(,~ of ,20¢ er hundred dollr7r valuation as . er ; 5 t` x , ~ ~ f~ i i jj i~ ~ i unty home Sidi _ . ~ P ,he ~`'0¢ limitation set in 1936 ~ The Springer (;oal Company, x;7.10 ~ uo,»om for the purpeue of providing the ninth mop ' X6.10 e th and tvrelfth ~m~:de and a ditional ~I ~ i . Thorpe, 7,05 X6.5 ~ hers necessar to mr,~intain ~ ~ '",'1, ~ or 6.05 5 tee c Y r stn~nuurd school system, .ras u on motion ; ~ th ;;mite Coal Co an' 6, n ~k ~ ~ p of ~ ~ Y; 7.15 70 ~r~,~ uecor...:ed b i+tr. Gardner ~ 6.15 ,:~,r ~ Y , grr.~nted~ and the same ordered. ! ~~i~~r i 1 ~ , 60 'rhe ,,pringer Coal Compan ~ and ~°.B.Thor e ~ Co, were the lose ' ~ :communication was received frarn the ho r p ~ st birders and e ua and of z,ducation advisin€; that at its i 1`~~r~ 'I~~ ~ t ,i~r F ~ ~ the a ire .ate arnoun ~ ^ ~ ~ , g t aa.d and after due consideration of the rom~at and ~ q 1 ~ re~ul<.r session held ,ugust 7, 1941, ofxlciail« a ~ p efficient, ser ~ ~r nF: ' helma ~ ~ ~ plroved, at her request, ~:i', ~ to the stokers and quality of coal based on ast exneriencen } ' vi lacin ~~.~ss 1' ~rnith uho has ~,r h~ Iii fa, P U, the uzd ti^ras upon r;o ~ ce p c, r ? ,served the ~,ecr Ilanover County ,,chools for of ,.ar. uardner~ seconded b l:~tr. C;olen away ton ~~~ar on the ..ear Lan r : ~a~,~~ Y an ed to the Spru~;er Foal Com an- , y , s, over County LL~etirement, on ~;ccattnt of her h ~ i 'k= P conditicri anr:l recomrnenc,ed the same to tl~~i R - p Ss c 1 r s ~orrd for approva].~ ~^;hich was, upon ~r' 6 ~I I ~ i A cornrnunication .ras received from the Count ~uditor advi f tiorr o~. ,,:r. ,,ardner scconcied b Y srn~, tr,e amount of de o ro ~ y f[r, Coleman approved for the fiscal eur ,a~i', in 'each bank as si Y a~~ of July 31, 1941 together avith secr.rrities held ineac P t 1041-1942 only, the Board being advised br f;?r, R 1^ h case. y o ~ nd that she :.oulc~ ~;o on the I'. J y' ~ 4i ` state 'etirerne;nt roll next year. 1 request for an ad,'ustrne ~ A ~ nt of th., back taxes on she property of she heirs ~ f; g~g ~'~I~ii f r Craig, block X131, ti^ras upon motion of P,fx'. 'z~rask r ~ r °f `~''2~ motion. of !~a~. Colem~~ ~ . • seronaed bf ..~r. Coleman, referre upon n, secon..cc, oy i,r. Trask, the 1941 ~ ssessment of ; ~ I~` I~,i ~ I ~ the Committee nth power~t o act. d to 00.00 on the ro e't~ , X11,0 p p of the junior Oicer Corpor.raion was made retroactive ~;I ~ iii for the year 19~~0 and an abatement of t~-,;yes on a valuation of ~6 500 ~ '~i~ upon motion of I r. `1'rasl•; ~ ~ ,00 for the , , I~ r. ,seconded by ~~r. c.;olernan the 1941 arse , ~ ~ eur 1G'~~AO to correct the same ~.~as cma : ssment of ^e~,6J0,00 J , , ~ rated, together ~~,,Zth an ,~b=;ternent of X38.50 i the property of i~r. Hor<:ce i'earsall. bloclc ~ ~ cn ~ , ~ c~ ti ,E ~ ~ #190, eras r.rade retroactive in e. f ect p,.naltJ for not lzstin~; in l.~ 1G. for the ~ ,ye~:r 1,~~0, arnl ~.n ,abatement of taxes on a v~iluaticn of r l 750.00 f r s i ! ~ , o s~+ld year ~;;ns order ' ed. -,equos~t.~ for b~~cl: t<a: ~.djustrnents on i,he zro.ert~ r ~ ; the 1941 a~~sessment of 4n3 500.00 oi~r house of .i .~7 ~ ~ ~ ~ ,r 1 p f of the helru of ~,;~~ria ,r,oore, ~ ne ~ .Blake, .:_.ock ;<~3, lot ;~1, ~;arolin heirs of J. .Ifin,~l~,y ~,nd :,rs. Lu1t~ Thompson, in blocks~~~ios. 13G block 1 '''1 I~ ~ ~ ash ,ra„ ~:lso made e~fective for the year 1040. and an abatemen f a rinelrurst ~-+nt~ ti~,-loci: ;~r79 rrs ecti ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , of 10 t o.. taxes on a vela ; P VewY, „e. e upon r:~ot~'on referred to the cor;~mittee of i~5G0,00 for said ~ ea ~ at_ r r,as ra on rated, 'a y f r inv_,ti, tion, ~ 0 0 i V i t ~ r' r n n I.S. .D,Hobba, Jr,, of tdorlolk, !/a., .;as releaser; zroot ~a pent of e ~ r ~ :reports for the rnorth of Jul• ;cer rP I Yr p pelt,/ _ol not list:n e .celvcd from tl,e I~ure~,u of ldentarzer~tion, ' 1Jt. lots 48/49 Chestnut ~~Ieights, N.ar::ett to.,nshi for the ~ e ~ ~ ~~1'es :^est ~'.oom :;nd rr': i ~ r p ar 1,.40, cn account of bein li~ ~ o e.. c~I f z.lec . ~ !~II,~ f' i t non-~ esic]ent. ?a appeared that his a~'ent lis 5~ to ooner proper ~y ~n the ~'orznty For sa ~ year, but through error the above ,ras not included id r' A ~ ~ ~~:a xn aud~.~ r..port of the ,,,>„ociated ~,narlties for fiscal ~~r.ar end in: 11~ ii ~ ~'7 ? ~ ~ eras received, ~ g June 30, 1.41, request of ::!iss iiar Ida Str<:,uss to comnrom~- ~ P ' Y s~ s_ttlement of the rp~1,01:,,81 b;;,ck t::xe ~ jlj ti I i ~ ~I~ { C on her property in blocks r!os._1G6 and 48a, on payment of a>`? 5CKi.UO ~~i1~s d,~ s itn a~,r,lic~~tion fcr license to sell ' ~ a.lined, peer ,,t location ~,t rril;ir~,ood ,ark submitted by li.., l Ik fl', ~ t ~ Clr:uce Je~;rell, the name having; been enc,~orsec b the ' ' ~ y .~herz.ff ti~~ras u,,+on n~+otion of ~ I An a,plic.,ion for lice;rse to sell beer at the shi and 'i: ~ ~.r r~ ~ ~ ~ i py , nuet ~^arlc, submitted in due ~:r~ Gazor.c~, a_con..Ied I~, ,,r. Coleman, aT,rrovecl. , , form and execution b~ I. H. Herrin an d - ' A ~ .l g den of ae~i by tn_ ,.,herii~f, u~,s unon motion of ~ ! 1 ~ , i i i~ir. Coleman, seconded by ;~.~r. ;~ardner, ~:'ranted. r,r ~ : r~ , ~ ~ ~ o~~, upor of n , of ,,,r. Gardner, seconded 1`r. Colem~:n, she per nnent of half the cost 11F ~ t! ip ~ oi' hors+, r:rem:iuras for four ~ ~ ' , ~ ~ special deputy ,~IAeritfs at Carolina Beach and f>>~ : payment '!lte 1941-42 '.~udet al~prapri.ation of ~,>1,400.00 for mos uito control aclon rid for the Special De ut :~ssi . ~ ~ , i s pp~ i q t~ ~,t a ~oznt P Y fined to the area south of Caroling Leach ~~e , , „ re aLproved, ~ meeting; of the c,'ity and County dul~r ?5, 1941~~~ras upon motion of i.r. c.'olem n r~ ~ ~ a , s_con_ea b ~ ; r. Tres.., reduced to ,~l 000.00 to meet a similar reduction made b• the upon motion o rr~ ~ r r~, y ~itJ ~ sand upon motior: of ?;'r. Coleman, seconded by i.r, '1'r~zsk, Cotzrtty bi7.ls r~os, 14C to 436 E 1 f .,x . Gardner, seconded ay ,,r. C~~leman the '300.00 a17.o~rr~ were _ ~ ~ ~ apse to the .proved. far r,~+~nnent. - q iC 1~~ I ''!E ,lilmin;ton i.,ight Infantry ;^as increased to ;500,00 to meet a like i ~ ~ ~ 'r• ^ , ncreu„e r,aue ~y the ~ i,~ , ~ ~ , a, ; Cit;r Council. ~ ,he f o.~lov~rinl; good and lawful men v,~ere dra^~~.n to serve as -jurors a.n the su erior p i all ~ ~~~,I ' Court for the trial cf civil cases for creek ne innin' Aurrust; 18 ~ ~ I~ request. of the~~oard of .i,ducation th,~~t the sure of ,~6 3 0 ~ g ' 1`41: ~ ~ ~f f , 0 .00 be n1..ced to the cre: it of the regular school bud Aet account and 3 500. P ~ , L ~ , CO to th. supplemental fund, „Ga upon motion O.J.Cris„ell. ?.S.F,:ing. Gu .B,Davis.Jr. i^'redericl_ !'-i11e'~y ~ , of r:r, bask, seconded by i~lr, ~~oleman granted, ~ Y r,~s. ~~....'+rilllams. ~ ;I,L.Taylor. Alva E.Penn~~. I',F.Ze1J.ers, U I.T.h;hntz. ~ ,H,13rztt. _ ~ ;;;,J.~rye. ri,G,Le~~;ris. L.A.He~^~rett. u,L.Rouse. L l~' ,.US~ez f. ~,i~} ijl 1 e ~;,ounty urzitor,, dash re,~ort for the month of uuly was receiver; and filrecl, a,O,Yorrr>. z F ~ r ~ ,~e_l..rs. r,., .Lorz.ck, i...Borc.,.au~.. C.L.tifhitehead. !,"i!1 i, ~ ~i j' rtobt.A,Jenkins. .A,Pryde, ,:.Ketchum. 1~'l0~ d ';ihitman. Love :u~. ''!e ` J ~ st. A recess ,ras then t~.ken until 9:00. ,1~.4 edn~~< ~ ~ ~~~r - ~ { r' i I c~la~y r.uguut btl~, to re~ume con,,l.c,er_tion o~ illiam I.:ahrr. J,D.Yo ~ 1~,G,i'dmondson, Arden N.icl:nran ' the Counter's 1941-42 bud : e ~ a ~ ~r ~ ~ L t ppropriatYOns, rr.'t,Coalc. I ,J,Fount~~:in, A1vie C ~'hir-~ ~ ~ ~ r' I I ~ ~I ~ ~ J „ m~n.,.~lter ~,or.a.s. r de I~ ~ qoi ~ ~ ~ u,E~ _r ovm. 1;,F.`~'iluez . ;;,I'eenstrr~,. I'.D,'rleaver, ,u 1 I7~! ~ ~ 7 u l ' . ' ti ~ hor t::e ueconc: . ~ ~ , ~ 4,c.e., fo~ the tr i~1 of crimin<;1 cases iaeginni.ng August z5, 1941; .r. ~ ~ x c14 1r? i~ I ' ~ r ~ e~~.~R ~,~;ilmin~;ton,Id.C, ~ rugust 11, l 1. '~tobt.L,~~lilli.:ms, J,ll,IIo';~bs. CeciJ_ hlo d.'aashin ~ ~ Y €,ton.f~.I'.Lee. ,,,D,Gane ~ Fred Dlurrin, '1.C,Platt. t,enr~~ ~ ~ Y~ ,y L, l~,,yloz, ~,C,Hhodes. J.D.Harrison. I ~,,g~;r~~~ she regular c°~reekly meetinl? of the hoard cwas held at 3:00 P.P,1. r3,H. ~,i~ r ~ i~,rsn~lls~r, L,I~,1,HU11. L,I,Lassiter, J.E.Gilliard. ~,~r,~~.I;ing ~r. ~ P°~~ 1 ~ 1 E I~ j 'F~ ~ ~ ~ ~l~I J.l,i,itesrton, I~avid.C,Ho',~~rard. i~;arsden , Gore. Alton Lee. r:dol h ,~~rd ~ ~ ~ ~ p en , r~resent; Addison Hevrlett Chairman, Geo,".Trask Jas,1' Hai ~ 'em n. ~ , a ~ ',L~:~ . _l, r:,tti.(~ardner nd L.J.Col a ~,llun_7~nbaum. 'J.D.Loclcamy, ;;am P,erler, V~r,G,ltead. t~,;.4~iood. ~~I'~;t~ i 4~ , iueal i.c,~„',+'ood ~,F,Mood O.I~.,I.ing. Lud~,i~? Leiner, ?'~.P,I.Fonvie]-1e. :`h The minutes of meeting-~ of A ust 4 " ~ ~ , t ~ tn, 19.1, v,^ero read and a~nl,~rovec, as recorc.ed. Clarence Todd. Paul h.l~'ovrler. Jno,D.~'e11s. i~;,J.VJo c, r ~ ~ 'si' - o ,J I',F.U Keef, ~,,,y,,~ i t ~c i L•~ .UOre Jr . L .J.Cuzinin sham. r,.l<,5erann. , : ` ~ ~ g rcerman I'arrotirr. H,L.horn e. request or an au~ustment of the bas}, taxes due on the roz~ert of the heirs of 1vI,L,lt1e land. rt I -r ; p . Y Y }3.T.Gregory, J'.Robert Sneeden, 1 Thomas rl. shorn son• block 'j'`~ p ,#~10 eras upon motion of i:1r. Trr,sl., seconded by I~~ir, Garc]ner, ~ be~z +z referred to the Committee for investigation. rece;;^• ~ ~ , ~ s. ~ U bras tLen t«..en until 2:30 i 1, ~ '~'Irursday «ugust 14th, to resume consideration of the 1G~41-1942 budget and give further consideration to the ~ r n.,infield ,Smith, County Solicitor, a+ain a~~~eared ~ ~ _ ' di .r L ~;nd urged that the Comrnissioneru ~c+udget of the :~~oar ~~~~ri': d of ,~auc~.t..on. increase his salary to ,225,00 per month durzn~ the erner~'en ~ ~a, ' r that he ~~o t ' ~ L c~ r~eriod, ~t rani, r- F~ t 1d be ~~,;i.~ling to a re~Juction if end v~rhen the business of l+is off ice'slacked un; ~ . , ( I h~ I Gl~r ~'r. .J.Colen;..n having; m.r:de an investigation of the building en lot 7? block U, , f 'rightsville reach on comply-ant o~~ the 1°~41 asse~,snrerr ~ ~ r , t incre~.s.. to ~.1,~^,0.~)C b5 n :,~lmington,I1.C., Eazgust 14, 1941. ~olzn A, Stevens, reconu!cenc~ec! the same to be rec':uced to ~?1 500.00 the s:,me as it .,us ,i ?I in l;)40. i!pon mat_on of IS, Hall seconded b'~; I~~ r ~ ~ n ~,corrted pure, ' ~ ~ ~ ~ s. lr;,sl., the r econu..en .~aion as Ua~;nL t o recess tGken August 11, 1941 tide poi:rd met at 2;?0 r.t;.. ~nnd an ab~+ter:rent of taxes on a valuation of ,300.00 for the "ear 19,41 :gas ~r~~~nted, r; i, ~ ~ , P y ~ ~r'e~erlt: Udl. - ,l r, 'f~., r, T~~ r j q ~ 7 son rIevrlci,t (:1,~~irrnan~ Geo. ,,.raslc, ~~,;,,:..L.ull, t:,~I.Gardner and E ; ~her7~f C.David Jones appeared and asked that the c;orrmissioners make rovision in she L~~.Co> .~en.~n. i f bucl:;et for t1•~~o a,lditional deputies for his dez~ax^tment at a s~sl<~r oi' 4135,00 per month Y p e~rch, to vrork at night ~~;rith tt,^o Stc,te Patrolmen i;Yro'~are exnecteu to be ~~ssi~~ned~ to tide ~a+ - ~ rJC t F Ia 1 ~ , • G ~ ~ ,p otzon of la. !ra,sl^., secon~: ed by I,~r.~~al1, the Board au~Yioz izeci the payment of Counter for duty bout September 15th, ~,s defense me~~ sure . 50 , f {;SI j_ 0, to the ';:tare 'iosnital for the treatment, of '{had u„'talker. Inebriate, on F::,< St L, ' 4 f' h r'enuest of the C1er1; ofl the `~unerior r.'ourtb A3.1 votin affirr.~ativel e.~: r^ ~ ~k~he School hegular and "u elemental bud~etU f.or 1.~4 - r, ~ =r zr.dohrz . g Y cept ..r,~oleman ti a; a, PI t: 1 1..42 urez e pre~ented r,~ i ~,~,ho voter, no. t ji E~ ;~o~gard Chairman of the Bo~~:'d of ~;ducation ~;nd •r 'n~~ for I~.fi.I~.!?,~Zo1~~nd; ~ecret.~t}, cU~.1i _ n a':,propri,ation of X80 829.25 and ` 241 6?5,00 rep ~ r d end , ~ a , _ ul_ectively ~r;hich ~,;a~ receive rLn item. of ~,7. a_, upon motion of iar. Gardner, seconded bt lair, fIa11 ador,tlon r,. ~"ed ,antii „r, ~ ,400,00 u,,pearir>,r; iri the school ,,upplemental buup;et unc.cr the heading, - i i J y o.~ .~~,me ~rG„ defe~z -o Provifie i~eti.rer.,.ent for ;Cara^~lement' was a oar motion of lir, Tr<~slc Un ,adjourned u~~eetinE;' to be held 2:30 t',f~4, 'lhursda~ ~ onbortr~nit}' , k p , Ueconded by i, ' ~ i d to star,:. r ~ y . ul,ust l~, l~ .1, to glue , - : ~z ..Mall, not allowed but urrier the authority of the Came motion '.I y the „arse, `tat ' ~ , an item ro i~:!etch i; e retirement" r~,as grante~.~ n~t to exceed 4x3,600.00, i ~ j.:js i I i ii Upon mots on r , ; , r, ~ of L1r, hay1~ secoz~u.ec: by l~:fir, bask, the choo~ aupl~,le~:~,ente~l ;3ud,r,et in the amount of ;.;241,525.00 eras approves] to the extent the .20¢ ta>; ley authorized at n~eeti ~ Y oA :'ugust 11, t^ri11 produce.. i~ }~~6, ,t s'~, r . i t ' ~k The r ' r~e~,ular Bud^,ec in the amount of ..r77,~:,~.25 v~ras ar.^:enaed by the Cor~n,is~ionezs ~,i a,; follows. 1i ~ I: i'C~ ~ ~ ~j + , id s ?r,, .t I i I II • ~ Ii ff~r'I l~ ~ E ~`i~`. ~ I;ieeting of .~u ust 1~1 194 - ~ g , 1, c ont~.nued. 1: r _ _ " 77 5 _ _ t °Cx~ ~c _ i ! . Y. ,Deduct -Travel Su eri p ntendent !150.00 3 ~ 7rT j 'q~, t ~ 1 ~,vel, K..s~stant Superintendent 150.00 ,,ummer Salary rIirh School r' yi ei6 µ ~ Y ~ P lncxpal,I~Iegro, 300.00 X600.00 !,~F~ fr.. ~ , ~ ~l~ c7®ocaooooonoaocaooooo~-,ooac~ooaooooo000 0o c~ 00000000000000000000°00ooooocaoooooa 00 0 I;j j . 77 , 2`"~ .25 Add amount to match State Ret:~rement ~ o~oaonooo~aaoc,0c~oooaooooc~ooooc~~~ooooaocv mo ~ ~~"F'~ _3,000.00 c>~ooowu~~~oo0c,0r.ooQ,ooooao~o0ocvaoln~c~oin Mo r~ bi{~ ~ ~e , a o ,--r7~caw ~ No©;VO ,~o~or~N«..vvMr~ U (V ~0 l0 CO t~ C7 t~ ~D r E fi~1,i t r,,, ~ lf1 ~ (V CJ~ (V r" CV 0~ N 111 O •7 Q W L!1 r r r'* faking a total of X80 ~ ~~~9.25 ~v a M w ~ ,-~~~r 1 r ~rt 4 .4 ~n o o , .k; which ~Fra,:~ upon motion cf l,.r • Hall seconde ~ ~~T - ~ ~ , ~.z ~j~~ ;1 a i. X l , d b,/ !,x• Gardner, adopted. ~ f~:,, - r o n ter making certain changes in the Count 's Budret all w ~ a c Y ~ o antes, tiu ~our~tJf C 0 ;t~~ ~=i' j~ 1941-1942 bullet estimates shoc-,~i the ~naount of ex ~ ° `N ~ pen,,es for the amount - o ;~G~, ~ government, its activities and institutions wa, Y o a s upon motion of i;~ • hall M o i0 ~i~°,; ~ seconded by f,~Ir. Coleman, a roved and ordered ~ A ~ ' `D C h ! pp pl~c..d in the h~.ncls of tl~ie ,,ler o ~ for ublic ins ec k m J, p p tr.on for a period of t~venty d;~ys preceedin aclo tzon o. ~ ;i 1 r~ i a r g p of the 'ap opr~atlon resolution, September 8, 1941. ; l w ~ "'1' I . ~ ~ W ~ F.'~ a ~ ` r~ i ;r u 0 o r. `;I''~ Ir • Trask suggested that some ste s - p be t,-ten to ~.mprove collection of b,~ck ~ ° O ~ s . N~ . r' and after some discussion i~,°x• tuxes ~ i Gardner moved and it was seconcJ"ell b ~ l,x ~ ' J ~ N o I 'that a joint me ~ J 1'r:'.sk rnd o 0 4: eting be ~ rran~;ed with the c;it Council to th~~r~` c"Fried, o - Q J o o prseticabilit of es Y ~ end and the n z r c o o _o «'d fr, Y tr,~blisilin f bawl: tax de r r pa trrc.nt. _ ~ ~ o o ' v-W 0 0 0 W ~i ~ N ~ Ir, ~n , ¢ upon motion of t~,r ~ Trask, seconded by P:4r • Colert~:n the f ollorJ' m ~ N ~~r ~r !~~ai i. h , o.ng resolution fixi ;,,~,r; a ~ e 1941 tax rate at •80~ on the one hundred dollar valu'J ~ o 0 ~ on eat : oil ~tion of property, and , 2, N o0 00 0 ~I,~''.' p , as adopted by a unanimous vote includin r the Chairrra ~ Q q ' ` Z 7.. 0 0 0 0 U i' 0 ~ QO m0 ~ I; 13e it resolved by the ~s oard of Connnissior,ers of Itew 1! n ~ ~ o l~ i a over County that the ° follo~~ing tax .~evies and assessments n .r `v`~ .z) ~ ~ tl'I i o ~ uz on rill to„able property in idew Iianover ~ unt,/, for the year 1J41, as prescribed and authorized bar h c, ~ ~ iii ~o'i ~ ~ I ,,cts of the Ler~a.sl ; u ~ ~ ~ „ ,rte . eneral and ~„peCiah z o 0 o Gs-~i t re, to be a,~ fol7.or,s. ca a ~i!,~~! i! lei j~ t j h J Z 4 J O O ~ rJ ''~i~ ~i~,f~ (S~+E DPT;!~IL OF' L~VIr;S Ol? FAGF '~~~?~~.E W o o ' o ~ ~ `r v ~ y ~ ~ ji. F rr ~ r f ~~~lie meeti then ad'ourne:d• ''~~i,.~~~~'',, li ~ i ~ Ur ur c!} J 1 ` o ' ~ ~ L~ ~ I ; ~ ,I ' n erk. ~ ~ , lip PI ~ o o u- iLnin~;tan,i~d. C , , N.ugust 18, 1941. ,o ~u , ; N N rv i, TYIe regular week]. meetin~l o J - ~ N N ' y ~ f the 3oard wary held at x•00 P•I;I. N r rrT ur ;";~f .s ~ ~ w W O ~ o O ! ' Presents Addison Hewlett Ch~)irman ~ ~ ~ ~ a a 1 ° Geo ~,I.lrask fi•~~. F~ - ~ , U~trc~ner and L.J..,olerlan, Wo z p ~ 0 o I ° a , r: ~ w ~ , ~ o j o ,o ~,,~:,'i'I ~o ~ ~ ~~=~~~1 T e minutes of meeting of r~.ugust 11th and 14th, 1941 were read and a nrov c7 ~ W W ~,:i ~ p: e ~ ~ ~ <~;rl l~~ as recorded. z Q v ~ ~ ~ 03 i~ ~I iii; ~ i , ~ w~ 00 0 0 request of Jno•~A,Stevens t,o reduce the 1941 as essment of "39 300 on land a r o W i' ~~,~t E~ ~;I o ~ o F build in ~ Care i~ ear Club bl F ~ i nd o ~ a i 5, ~ ock ~,17~, to the former assessment of ,;,10 000.00 on the ~ Q °O ° ° i' ~ ~i 7 ~t1 i ~ ~ „rounds of a fraternal argani~ari;ion, avas upon motion of P,Tr. Trask seconded b~ z ~ In ' f{.( ~ Q ~ co o o i~, ~~!~J i~'ir~ Coleman, referred to the Committee for inveatirr,tion ~ Wm Ju„ 1 F- r- C7 ~0 h f*- ~~si ti~ ~y, h~~ , 't I~ j ] e~ I F ~ ire orts of the Comm. r;• ~ r° W ~r ~ ~ .a p trna. y !"Iospital and ~,ilmin,;ton 1'ublie Library for the rnonth of - ~ r July were received and orderer filed • ,z a. ° i a ~ c ~''1 EI I'~ G ° J W w ° ° O lz?lt' 21 !L Iea _ r- J J q ~ 7 W ° ° ~ d fi~` Upon motion of Id1r. Gardner, seconded by I~x • Trask l~,tt •ene J • t(1cGunni<~~ ~7 ~ o o ~ ~o a i~~' ~ g ,.as ,,rUnted ¢ i~~r,; an abatement of taxes on a valuation of `"320 V~ ` ~ •00 on ~;atlrolic l.'hurch and land ,part „ icr~ .,'inner and St.Jose h ~;treet and to ~ p is 73 74 .,inner llawision, r'ederal t-oint toti;~nship, - ca ~.~o o ~ a~~ for the years 1939 to 1941 inclusive, for the reason the same is ~~;n ~ r Q coo © o o ell b,/ 2,,tie ~ H~ Catholic Church anti used e~;clusivel for re i~' ~ n Y l ~,iou~ purposes. Inadvertentl the o o0 o c o;~ ~~~1 same ~~~das charged on the tax book i • • Y ° o c, o o ~ o i ~ 1 s n the name of :,`ugene J.?~rc,(innis:: personally ao instead of Trustee for ~ ~ ~ the Chlu'ch. (n o (n ,n ~ ~ =~t li N~ w fill ~ ,p I~.4'i.~ii.E N ~ U')on rn0 ' 0 ~ ~I'P~jr tz n of I,'`s . r` ~ T ask s ~ ~ econ~led b . , y A'Jx. Garc.ner the ~oGrd r r'~ of esc.inded that Aa its action July 17, 1941, fixinrr the rent on s ~ r oo O o 0 n "';~7; tables at Leo2on _ field to I,s. I.J o 0 o J ° a c, a ~;.,,y , f G~,S Sutton at ,20.00 per month, and by un~~nimous vote fixed the same a't `10.00 rer month, ° ° ° ,Ii'.; in consideration of the compost received for use on the o , j'~~fll;,~ C uiZty ~,ai~. o q m o 0 0 0 u-, ~ ~ ?i1o action was taken irJ the matter of a tom romise settlernen ~7 rack is-xes ° z o (p ~ ° due on one acre P t of tl~e ti 2G~.22 b ~ ~ r+ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ iI land near the interUection of I:err }":venue and the I.;arket :street i!oad ~ ~ r ~ r; ~,~j;~~;~:jE ~ i,. ! N ~ I o~;,ned by J.G.Brinkley ~:nd wife. i i`~~~1 i; f ~ Iron ,-r ~ 0 0oocaoooooocao 0 000 000 00 ( o u otion of !,x. Tza~~,, seconded by ITr• Gardner, author:it~ eras "iven to ,urchase J o 000000000000 ~ o00 000 (a~ ~ ° ;i,'{3i_a a four-«a three section stow and g , p ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 0 0 ~~rl ~ E ',I Y 1 go signal l.ightforthe Sunset Par{ .,shoal c~0using, ~ a: a ooooaQQ00ooo 0 000 oao ( o o v cv i at a cost of ;102.95, from S. Darley Co pan W 0 caoo~(n(noo0oor o 000 oao ocv ca u~ ,n i~~ s ml Y • ~ ' - O ~ O 7 lCl d' O O ~V O n'1 O N r- "1 nl (V (YJ pQ ~J N t(1 p M U-1 W ~ ~ The meeting the ad ourned • ~ N m ~ 0D w d ro ~ i i j . ~ c~ I' I . Clerk. • • • • • • • • • • • • • N • • • o • • • • • . • • • • , • + • • • ~ ~ ~ I ~ ' ~ • • ? • • • r • • W • • • • • j • • • . • . • • . • • • + • . • • . . ~ + • . . • • • • • • . . • • • • u • • • o • • • . Z • • • - r • • . • ? ~ ;s+ a . • • • . • . v • • - R ~ • !l Y - ! ~ 1 1 r0 z•;-r Z • . • W • • r i1 r • iY • • N • • • • • - 0.' W t[ N .y W • • • . '''',~,:i ~ 1 4 • •X • . •r0. Y • W •L~.' • .W J • . • . a:rQ 0.r•-ZUV, • • • • i~I:G'r . •Q • • :_)WXN(9 1: .Nd • , FJOW L.JWf1 W . • . h- • •UZCYq ri1 ..i . . • J Z . • •NQQ]R-C1d.>gr- J • • t.,ili~ r i • "uJ • +r-fir W J •u •r- • • W WUI • • r .WII . W:~ a •L. - . . . UdW • • •~UUUU(.3UUUW ~ • ~ U) f0 is J N N C. CL . 'a ',J • . . - _ . - N ' S''i ~ ' ~ U W j ~ ~ } ~ ~j! N Z= RAN-•~zCJO O~;L , J~1LL. .~~z~ 2 ~zZ~Z r r J WNW Z - W O C, U li. J Z ~ W , • • ~ ~ ~r'F ' , ~ , X uJ U :9 • O ~ ~~i W ~ ;,'1 W W J r r h: W r 4. 4. u. I,. W 4. u. 4. 6,. W a7 Z r QX-JI,.--•~li.N Nd'r4 r'Q 4. U1Ncy J' N~ • N • n~_)(j(", t~IClo~-+(l ~ 7 O i~ ~5 ~ FIB ~I r' QJ') rC7C;NN -~)NN W'Wr4- • Q G NJ 1- AUK -NN NSW' -J~=? LNN~Jw W W W W W W C7 Q Kai :~Jy~~rOu)u1N.~~,~'.>J;-~ ~r ~,~J..Jr-_.~rr-~r•r O JU W7:r~~ Jr~~NC_WIUW -~.r~a'OCr-J~' 4.JJ 1e~ ~L `r4~'.~L~N Z (~4-000W WW-I-Z~~~¢nJ~J W ~t~Tr-r-,-r~r-rr-r-- U ~-A(nN¢Q~gUVUUQ4„l~•li.l,.--~ ~~Q.~ ~-'NN(11NG') (/1UlNU1NU N !1~~~ refY,~i k d] lF 1 i ~ ,I 'ji 4 19 2o ~yl ~l i i ilxnir~;ton ~r1.C . , J,ugust 2~ 1941. , ~ ~ I' _ I tY@ C J O Q 0 C ' I ~ -J ~ ~ ~7 fJ - , ~ ~ I! ° ~ e~ular v;eekly meeting; of the Board ~.~ras held a ~ ~ ~ ,r ~~'~`~i d r N N .herb t o:QO 0 ~ clock , L,• a-, II1hlr t-. f I E; ~ ~ r, r ~ ~ , . nt. ,!~~dison he nett C"hairrn~~n (,eo. .;.risk ~ ^ " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~rt~e ~ , J~,s •1' .Ha_l, n.n •uardner ~:nd II 'r I rc'F i ~ i J. Colel~lan. ~r a~l w o c~ n o 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,n o o tr, o 0 0 ~ lil,, 4'~ 7 ~ a o ca N ~ ~ o N ~ w*- ~ o o ~,he minutes of. meetting of ~ugu~t 18, 1941 vrere read and ar)proved as recorded, Q ,-111NM'P SON 0`'' Cy (V r O O ' " 1'I a OD OwC700 ONq 00 00 r ,,~i~; • ? . • • . e ~ ~ i. ' ' ' • ' On reconlr:lendatYan of the Supt., of Public i"lelfare and upon motion of r;m,uardner I'"r' r k Ra pond ;rrthus~ Lyttle, a resident of I:en ck ~ secon~ed b,/ L.r. .r~;s , yr to Y receivin iia;! c,~ ~ ry ti 7 ~ ~ atment ;;s a charit,/ p~~ta.ent at James alker Ilos it tee p al far ~ leg injury; .ras , 1 cb a N o m~ o Ci d~~ p o o M m ~ m ,r~ c5 0 0 ~:~7C~~'YCi1Kxf61~Y,~I?~Xu~:I~~ilf~~~X;d~~dx~3f~;{~1CXX~{~~;~ i~;,' ~~''ndN*"00ONN000CO ~ Q~~ONO N N ~;rr;ntt.d tB(:1~)UIary adIIllSSlOn ;I;;r to the Cor:nty i+_ome in order to release the use of the bed ~ 'L';i ~~pp at the ho,~pa.t.,l to a more 4 Illrrlh°tDVOC~OWP1lC14ON~ NOm~O ~ ~k~ yII ~ ' g r m'~mmo' ~0]NNOOt`^.~n No,nr urgent need. n ~umcocoN>no,n~~rcvin©o~,-. mt~•N N rw r WhNO~COQ~''10~u10r.(y0~(~J ~V7M~p M fh , , N ~ ti r N m m C0 rQ N N ~ ,n upon motion of r~:r . ~,ardner, seconr:: Ad by I?r . C'o lernan, the ~u . t. of Pub3.ic e f ~r "~,G• ~.ut;~orized to tr~~lde in three u e ~ 1 G e ` I N~ r r ri ,,uu s d t e~~rriters for ne~,~,~ o , YP nes for' h~.s aenal tment, J,~~ w ~,3 ~"f the difference in cost to be pr;ld cut of the erner(r-enc~~ fund F- L~ J • I. ~ q a iri o 0 o rn In i '1 ° rM upon motion. oa. i~.~lr. Gardner, secanrlec ,I,r ;~,s, Colern.~n J , uenut~ ,Merl: of the _cecorders court, r e ? ,-~O o ~ ~ ~ r,, ers ..as `,rrvnted a further 1nCr'ec ° ~i ,r , ~Nln~ ~ ~ ,I ~~e an s,~:l,.r~ by ~5.(h~ per month, making his ° ~ N"'N,r o o salary U200.GCi instead of i;~195.C~0 per month, Lize ~~~ifference to be char,ed r~ ~nins~ he ~ ~ rJ uN rN,-,n o o ~ t z ~ -r• r emergency is ~,nd . ~ ~,I ~ ~ . Board ~ coor.o~n~ocoo,n~noocsrico oM(no ,rr ~i ~ ~~r ~ i on mOt,lOn Ot ,,ir• Tr,a.,k, oeC0liileU J I;;I'. G~irC.n'r ,~F, r'i. h• to -p ~ E , tl._/rescrn..ed iu., former .,coon h;,'i w A ONrOpOCVNO00i,G`' P-t>~NO p1 m +P ( I', ~~C~ i o- ri a ~rrhich x ~ducel th,. X300. annus,~ .,~~lary' o_ the Denut~< <'~ecor~ler to ~'1C~ 0 0 foI the X11 I ~ J w ~cn ~Ot~'V'OOO(p01~ C70Nt,^, rlC, u7! V •r i1SCol ~ eaI' l~%41-1~~J:2. c"1nC1 2'eS~,orF~: t'1e f J ~ , • ,~~i~s m0o~mo +~mNrvoo~-~+ J - same to ,he ori~-~.nr;l r.iot.nt of r~~~: ~ ~ o cv v T ~ r; G 300.00 file rt o ~~mmmN~o,n ~r I 1 W N~noov+-- It,~.V1g7 ~ r;1f1eI'errCL t0 be p-;iC: OUt Gf the er:ier`:'enC" fund. '1'I11 > Q wr~•NO~nt~orJC>7(r,orNO'~+"N N'~Na M ~ ~ s s racoon eras taken at one urgent g i .J r.. N v' t` r N Ol M N ~J. r 0 N r. ~ r'@',7U@S ? r+ ' n ~ ~ a. t of one e..orc,er i_, oi~scr ~h-.t the services of his ~e ut r ma continue ~;rhen { I ~ r ~ 1, f6 m N ,n ~ - ~ P J Y ~ w neeaeuT to enr.b,.e na.m to t~~ke v-.c-+tion <n:i to be available to preside over his Ii~,• l `i ~ ~r'~ ~ ~ ~ court in c;~ses of err,erFency. ~ a tf', ['!1 r..- N m O o ~D (~l p1 N ~I In `7' h. 0 ,n ) ; ° Of..II1MNQNN~DOCOM~DMO~`J~ v+Umf`~ r'1c~ ~-ee ile lcJ7.l COOK „ao ,r ~;c I~~ i~ III t, o ~~arnes ~ t ~ ,r r,I Gr.tF 1 an ~ncre~..,e of one c]oll,~r per ~,reeA, making his , ~ o ~oro~ooN~^~ooNCO~*Qc-t~ ~uo':rM o l C OC) per rrEek instea~~., Uf . ~0 r~s form~~I] v O CJ1 ~n m O 0~ C0 C0 t"- C] ~ n N `T "v CV C~ 111 ~ 0 ~ S G ~ r ~ ~ . , ~ ~ ~ 9 C~ ~ ' , i ' { 0 O ',A i0 rA h ~D Ul In 1 r- fA m M ! ~ E• i N ~ uJ ~ o C, 000 CO ttt I a it f iii F^ r.0 CON lfl C0 0 Ol N lfl N 0 v' N `1' +-0 m Cf} r c, r , ^ n C+ I i i' ~ ~ tt. et oonds th the a ,trope ~ ~ I li, ,L r N ~ N o, N cn ~ o N w c~ ~ ~ ~1 ~uret,/ ':;orpo~ ,-,trop :,s ,,urety, in the nenahty of + ~~i i ~ ~ ;~1,001.~.0U each,cover'ing I~.Fred Banek~ Chas, Iienrt Canteen t;o Etheri e am r w J Y dg' , a es ~ ~ cranklin `Jordan and Osear Vance' ~'horfi son as: ~'ustice s f the Peace veer ` ' ~ , ~ q . r P e presented, ~,,t 0 0 o a ©0 0 0 o ca o o o Q o a the s~ime; hav~.n been..:. dr,pravecl b;~ the County , tto-rne~ + , 2 ~ ~ ~ ~ to loan and execution 4iere ~ , r 0=~ 00007 000 JO ~y:> _ II 1 ! ca unorl motion `adce tell b- un~; ' ~''s u V, p na.mous vote. > w CO N O W N tD COO N N(O X m o In 0 ~U m m O 0 ~U Q~ ~ 0 ~n J K N ~~~r1~~ ~LNO p~,n r.tp ~'7! U'pon I:i0t10r. of i;S'. irrlsk, SeCOndEd 'C)y I~L'f'. iarClner the r~0~'rd F)Uthor9.Ze~! t'IIe ale ' t 4t ~ '.r ~i r cam cn N m m o ^J ~ N m ~ ~ s of d ~ the rocl": crusher; elevator screens ?nd no'.;er freer( ptz_~chased from ti-le rdorth Carolina ~lJ tD a. Ill _ ~ ;,c~Iuaprnent Comp<~,ny .~uly 27, 1940, to the Cit~; of V'lilrainton for the sera of r~2,400.00 "~i,' o ~ on t,err;s of ;;2,40.00 per month for ten months. "'his nlachiner ~ ~.~Gs I)urchased ~~t a cos II` I{tI y t , :+~.k x oa ~'?,6',?0.00 .~~:nd used ~'t the rtirr~ort itocl: ~'~uarr,y, rand is listed toc]aJ at price of ~ " r ,r ~ ~ 0 oor.~o0o 000 00 00000 0 ~ E . ~ o o^~oooo ooa o0 00000 ~3 4c~.,.00• i u, ~ u~ ~ i ~ a 1, w Uw o ino,ninom ,nog ao ~Omin o f r~} .-J d X ~ N N ~ a0 W n m CO r~1 .p v r..:O O :J n c ~ } i - . ma N ~~~~~-~nm moo '~o mo~,~ o E..er~ue,,,, of t.IG~ lncael;endent ~rcier of .Zed i:ien for ,~.n abaterrisnt of ti,e -axe ~ F rl„ M N m w n~, r- u~ rp r- N o o 1 t S On 1.tS ~ o ~ ~ ~r pr~per,,~, ~3 lots Atlantic 'lievr <,nd 4 acres ,irirhtsville ~]ound and lots 4/9 ;~urnmer tti11 'v 'I ,~i 11i1 { . o ~;rr ~ all unir.u~roved ;r)ro~terty, and ~1.)ce the same nn- the „Tay. Free" 17.st, t~;as ur.~on motion 0 r , _ I . I I . o 000000 oa,o 00 0000 0 « o~ ~rrrrdner, seconderi by i;:r• Cnlemrln, r',eclined for the re<son the ;;ame is not o a o ~n o 0 o to o ,n ,r, o u-, ~r„n o used for 1Joc~ge pt;rposes and is ti:ez°e~~ ore not e~:empt f roil taxation. +7 l' o cn ~ ~ o 0 0 ~ o Ln In ~ I~,i~'~ ~f ~IH ry In N O i.fl w P~ ~ j ~ ~ N (V N O J ` m X m N LIl N l0 Lfl r W O (7 , a. = il~i',,,,..:~.:,'{i fl~ s, `r ,n h h m O w ~o N ~ ~ M i-. O ',0 Ube eC pion GiaS an+11Ct:,ted iJJ ~ e 0,:°~..1o~10r1C'I'u, t0 i,}le n2t'ltion nefOre the Unlted ~ m"rl I I; , " N'n ~ totes liis ~,r~.ct ;rl~;ineer., .for tyre col~structlon of a brill e across -'1'o::n (,'reek in i l'i4~` UJ N N , i, . ~IN, w ~ ,3runs:;ie,, e,ou~_~t~~ ,3y the St~;te l?igir ay Ptibiie diorks t;ommiss~.on. ;,r,,+' rI ~i ~ 000 00000 ca o 00 0o r~ , I ~ ~ oo~0 00000 .0 ~`,o 00 -~I;' F~ ret~o ~ T ~ ~ . ~ ~ r i°~_~ ~ r rt o~ ~a,,.,lalker,Ilospi.~,al zor. Duly +ias rec~sved and ordered filed. ~,r~, << ~ r o cv 0 0 0 0 c~ o o ca o x10 ~ ~ q,, w o(no m~o~0 0 0 11 cO~aCON O 00 Apr- r. t10n Ol. fS. (~a2'dnBT', „BCOnC;e., bJ LT'. COlEman, the (;h~:irnl£7n l,dS aLltnOr].Led t0 I °ti~,, ~III`p`7t hghla j , N ~ U roco,-.. omNN~, o ~ Ntn r m ~ si-n ^.n ~ ~ ~ ~°~'I~ w o M ~:p N ~ ~ o b ~ cgreemel~.t ~,ritir the <<ernin,~ton-:t:~nc+ '.~rper;r•iter L'oral)any nor the mGinten~=nce of ~~f ~ ~ In ~ ~ the taro t~,.~ book machines for a Teri od of t:,elve months ra a cost of ;~3f~.50 each. ' i r ~ ,I t;; CSI ,n t~ m r N o, o ~ c~ v m N •:r I n rr c.. ,nom ,n the Chairrnr;n annou-aced receipt of a telef~ram from, ~,L.Vickers ; Re _ional Director 1~1'dA W r• 111 rrJ N N N '.0 m ;p ..T ~ ~ r V' N (~1 rl cC;V]. ~ ~ 1I i'v~ r ~~II szn th+,t the allotment f.or the t~~.ro recreation buildings helve been approved for ~!.f m ~ w ~ N N ~ m o o ~a rs ,n v ~ , 140 ~ 00 ~ , h ~"~r~.I co 0 r~m ib ,0;:,0.+ end in r:ccor~l~;nce I~ci h revised ernl u.on l~rhich h 1 Ilu ~ ul ~ T N N T r ~r, v ~ ~ ~ , t t s r t e allotment z.s based ~ ; ..l r V V' V' ° V m N the COl1Ilt`/ " +;.rj ~ ~ rv.-° m ~N ~ o o, m ~o,- o o ~ cold be requz.~ ell to Lurnish a~ 0,8G6.00. In rep15 the ,.na~.rman called I',t~~~~:~,-I M ~ m N N ~ o ti~ ~ ~ attention to file fact th,:~t the Cotuity '~;ras furnishing the site and th~~t due to increased I rn ~ ~ , J~ coat of Co~ll~t~r Gover"~rrient occasioned by cefense ~rctlvities, and constitutional i~ r , , • prohil~)it~on to borro~.~, funds ':,ithout a vote of i,he eople, make i~t" irnr:)o:;sible for the ~ COL1:`.t' t0 i)ilt a ~ p , .J n,~ funds sn it and urged that ~h., p ans be rnod2flea to permit cons"truc~ion I',c;{; . ,ln ~ t t ' ^ : p ul of the noa~d . ~ ~'1~; tree amot,nt =hotted ~;ihicl~r ~ c ion me vrith t,ie ~ >r rove ~!I'. . _ w • P tool. of I"r. Iran, seconded by f1r• Gardner, the 141 assessment of ;,90350.00 t + . or. . the land a ~ r^ m • , , , , , , nd building of she .,ionic Semple Corporation, block ;f164, ~~;as made I o o retroactive in effect for (,ire year 1940, and an aY~atement of. taxes on a taxable • . Vahzu r ~ 1 ~ I, . , trop of ~12,~00.00 for she ,,real 190 cias ordered. r; v, . ~ i„' h p4 m • • . • ft r'eCUest for ~,in aci'ustment of the 4G5.77 bdck t~,:tes due' for t:rie; rears 19.'.2 to 1~ r0 in ;i Q . • . • • • • • . • • • • • • • . • • , • , ~ J C. • , m °n ~ ~ 5hi ow.IFn b r~azel csa ~ ord acres of lend, part of Bonham tr~~:ct, Flarnett to'an, p, r . ~ y 1 I ! , N on 5 ; ~ J ~ • account of the tz.mber havinr~ been removed in :'1932 ran u )on motion of Par , c~ardn f ~ I er, seconded b,~ ::r. - , . ; ~ „r, • ,,ra r ~ ~ _ w • ' . ' . ]ia11 referred to the . parer, n and i sl., to inv~,sti~:tion ~rld a 5 w . . . • . . . . . . ref ort bath t~; tihe ~ 3 ~ ,~s c~uent meetinf• p ozc ~.t~suLe, i, w f • ? • xn offer oi' ;,:r, P.L.Kni:~ht to r)lace a ~t;c ':s ch~~,ir in rtacorders (,curt on trig I (1 [ 1 - 1 .ithout r , . u on o • u u . w ~ ~ °bligati s to the Count' and :;ith opta.on to pr;rch,~se at x;,40.00 if ~~rre?d ~:;r~~s i t1 ii U • .J `Ir' . • • ~ p. • . • (n W W W . r [t W rir ~ 7 p ) i ~ J1 J • r w • . r., • ? ~ r ~ J . r, Q ( E 1 l )i_ ~ ~ inf ie d r r, for the z -a J to,a o i:• . 1 ~;..ritlz count .olicitor an eared and e:c)ressed pis a~~nrecir~tion QwwU.~,~~u~gq~a.x_JUI~ lip ,J~: I g ` ~ w ~ J z ~ O _ = w N r ~ J N J ~ crease in sr.1<~rr ~ i thou=-nt it siloulc have been lurch ~ ry a ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 0 °r U.~lo~,-ell him, buy eI increased ~ v. a1~~,:~~ Ewa p4a~o o sornc fi r I'. . I I r ~ w w ~ n m a z ~ , ~ r x nc,ncz<,l arran~,emerrts r:-1a~i. to enable ]rim to tr l.e r: v..c~~tlon, , ~1 7- w J ~ w w t+• w ~ 0 W U U ji j". c~ I rr ~~-~-~~r-~ ~ooooa~ ```n suba~tt aPplic~rtion for license to sell beer rat 1oc,a~tion on liS 17 rat I.:i_~kland r ell b -~~~zw'~' J~ w ~C~OOQOh.. A ~.V. , , ~ Y 1j o ~ ~ ~ ~ ` q ~ ~ ~ y x J Cov~l, one srarne h~vir~; been endorsed by she .,her~.ff, .~as (n)on rnc~tion of i~;r.Gal~ciner, = 5;' lF{ j k ~.~aow.~,,ow~,a;~<~o~aow v seconc:ed ,r - @~ ~ o q ~ ~ x o n. N ~ in ~ ~ N m by L:r . Colem<::n (;ranted. i i.l 1 ~ : ,l'` 4 c ~Z ~ w i ' ; 1. xi , a ~ ' '.I i, , i 1 ' i,leetxn~ of tlu;;ust 25, 1°41 :continued. • ' G r~llmin,,ton, ; . C . , 5epteml7Er 8th 191. , ' r _ rx Ga dnr r brou{;ht to 111E attention of the rtoard th7t it ..a , s the unaerstand - , ICI ~ the Hours of. duty nerf orrne ,r ~ th~ . J . d b,,_ the Jailer and ha.s a. szstant ~~aulc ba at Ili I ,your o~, ~ "educed ~°z, :ire .~e~~ul?r vJrekl,~ meets.nf; of. tYrv :so~~rd i°ras he1c1 ~,t 3:i)C l~,I; E I °mai,~ Iri y to 8 hour shxit .;heii the employment of ;an a~3ditronal assist-~ ' r ' .nt.Jrile, ' i prosrlced ..or ~n the r~u:,,let arzd o that -end , , ~'rar; ~ ~ , moved and It ..as seconded b _r rNSErt• ...~;t.srn ItE•irlEtt ~'hairm~n ~;eo• .Trask ~ r,I ~rl,., c~:rriEd that the i.•nrl n~i ~ an3 h . I r n Y ~aleman ~ ~ , r:..~,Gar:.ner' _xui T,.<'.c_'ol_:r':,~n . : ~ ersta rl~, c ter°riahes-of the o6,rd he 'cart _ , c . oat, FI' iilF minute , of ~::c~ etin~ of, G'entErnbex 1 h~~s ' Ir. i. r ~ ~ ~ ~ , rEa , ~ :rl. ~ t ~r. r~ ~ ~ n~ F e r _ 1 _r~>r o r_.: r.,:, _ col . _u. l ~tter of rie;rin~ the c,ne ecre of land on the r.err ' - r r „raze near the .market ~i . r oGVner, by ~~.G.~rinkle~ end ,ife on :i'1' `'trP`'~. _ C J , ~ lch the builcint; :<is burned. abo c -.~'a ,.one ~.az~ licensE to sE~ ~ • S{ E! rl r ~ C vlr~;~; of rnakinrr ~ ~ ut 1.35; vrith „n~>ll.~..t 1 riser ra lac~,tlons on the Cr-3;;tle ,.r,~mzE :-~o=':d anu Z some ad: t„~ ~rnent oz the ~ r the ~ •r ~ •)F:Ck tc~Y,e5 .~;e Gn S~mG ,:a ~/l~iu (rrV1G'e ;,tata.on Bubmlt~E ~ T'' ~ ' f~ I 1 11 lii rsferred to the r,o~^r~i ~ s upor. r'rot•; ~i~i~>~ ~ d b,~ ,roun~e.in ;.n~~1 s ~,1 anor ei.lE un ' r r~ Lcoci-i ~ ,,i E ~;t~e for investi~~tion. ~tne sum • • I ~~s resr~ecv~vc 1,, c h~-ving been EnuorsECi b~ „ r ~ , r7 ~ t E ,~f1E,2 hL,,,<ExE UTiO". rilbt. 0}` ,(71 I ~ ` . r n seconc:e~~ b= '11~ .rr:~sk ;,entomber lst 1(~G: - , tf`` 1 I. ~ _ _,a1 rlollday anti the datE of the nEt.t < < to eetln _ bS' the 3oUra ; - , n rrrc,e , as t}rcrefore t~,~.an until. x:00 , arm.. ~ , , P.l;.., iuesda ~e reryuest o,. ;r. J ~:,s L,;huf~y .nor the o~yn~rrs oP '~Greenbr ' ' r•~, - _ ..n..l Y t , o0 ~ p rE,,1.,Enti~1 sGn , ,H division lying; ne:,r the E~ts~,,ern llrt~ts of the cif th( • , w • ' ' , . . Yr -t tnc . tr.•tE ..lghs,ay t:ommz.ssr;orz , • r " lnciut~e a:n lts syster. of Caunty`r arcs for ri~;inter~a~ncE .:,:the ra<cr 1`rro~„n u se" : ~fy ~,~z~t,,l 4 rn c.~ , i S .~t~ nty- .avCOnG Street CO..neCt2n~, 12 ~.nCB.,~ ur EEt a. o~ d ltll ~'hestnut 5~~r FEt ';'I.taT'S7.On a J f i Clem., , ~ ~ ~ r, , , ~ , a,.. • once o ~ _ X35 feet as u.,on. mo ~ ~ l oi..t ~ , ~ ion of .,r. ~r~~k, ~l" ;y ~ i ,I {:x. CO~.Pms•r~ { r SGCOn_ EC ~ r r ~llm].n;"tOn 3 Ux'OJe: wnra r ~;t'erret~ to the ~tr~te llli:ll'dla~ ~ ,I- r# . • . 7.:, ~ 1~ . . , ,,eptember. 2, .1941. i? f G.nd 1' bllc_,,orl-,s ..or~,~~ss:.on, , ..,non rnot~'on ~.i~??14t seconclEU T~r;C,",i',obiriscn, ~ eras rele~.,,Ed ~.rom the ~i Ent of ~aenalty ' p '"I~e regular vreel_1 meeti of°thE _soard vYa` , ~ not l~st~.nr- ft. ~~;rr., -rat r ~ ~ Y ~ s held ~t x,00 1 ,I.i. for. , ~e r „z Ir fox the years 193E' and 1~~i0 'an acco~.:nt a~ of beln~;out of tree Co:,nty :;:t 1lstln~ rime. ' n~, T. ~ „ , :resent. t,.~.:lsor. ` . lEtr `Gh~x,rr r n, ~~eo. Trask ~..tt.Garc:ner dad ' . o .~A.. ~ ~ t, 1er~a n. :~-re;,ort o1" the Food ",tr:rnn Off icE for the r!t~n rl ~ . ~r Q • • . _ , C , t of hu~;u.~t ara,, r,.eEa.ved .:nd gilled. me r~l~ruteu o~ r,.F.etln~ of ttu~ust 35, 1:41, ~vsre rEad and a proved as reco t P. r. ed. III h recruest, of ~ 'r . T; . i•I~rt, s that the .;otAnt',r ~ ~ r s • _urnlsh some of its ariuon labor ~o ~ ' City Councilmen ;iar ~°rove Bellatm t,Ias or and ~.L ~^r i' ~ J J ~ Yo , rt.S,Le~rirr dad ~.td,3rand: lc'~ ~,n,seconctEd ~ ~ rE present and a 'olnt meetin~. s h r J t, a elc,• , ~ j l~ _uyor }tarr,rove _~ellara;~ brought v;-; for ~lrscussion the matrerof b~:.ci: - tcrX@S and that the rent ' I ' sII;;~~ESted that the Cit and Coup a-, ~ ~ ~ n U Y tY_ :=point one member Each xxor,r thr~ t,a woGres Offices. <~~rould ~ o •rorlc out rieans to set up dED%rtment fior the collection of b~ ck t~:,~es -nd ~ • ~ aS rcf'Erred t0 , repot , t. ~c' it reeorzmmEncrations to a subs ~ ~ - erruent;~oznt meEtin~. ~o th~rt ..nd ,x.xrask moved and it vvas seconced b Ira ~or Bellariv ~.nd carried I I~ 1 E; Y y ~ ,".?hereupon Gouncilrnen . , trout- gnu LEGsr~;n vrere nG,med to .represent the City end the t;ha7rma.n, and ; r,(;arcln r E t~lack ,~7, r ure tc 1,~,Iar~-sent hE .County hoard: „ .E sa,rtE ~,hlc,n I 3 4 lass.. :;as l~I~an ' Upor: rriation of is'r. Gardner, .seconc ed` b~ }x. Le~~rin ;r. C. I:or av ~ , ~ se as unt~nl.nously 1s ~.-~~,te hi;;ht~Gy re-elected Consolic3atEd City-county '"ax CollPctar for a term of t:o ears a•t r: tE s y ~ total Joint s~~l~;ry oP ~~3,0^,0.~0 z}er year, the' same i1cs heretofore paid. F i I' vento chr7r~e tuxes upon n~oti•~n of ,.,r. Gardners seconced b;f !'r, t,oleraan,'the Qlerk o~'' the Cu~?er~or „our' ~n the nar• ' t 2 aE ! j .:a;, authoriser' to n.°nlo;r one '+~~~r}it ~ondl permanent clsr~l: to be r~~~r.1 out of the r:_7.otrren htvin~° t b esc=:ped t ,.anon. ,i in the :Zecorc;iers 'Jot~rt budget, at a s<.lr3r•~ Hat exceedi a~14~;.00 uer i~~on l~I. 1 i E rEQlle:,t foT' <?Il ad~ US'trlent 01' tfie ~~Q:~1•~i~ buCi;. t '~.:~~'S 011 }1' 'l r ° ire r, , r J t a pr ~ ~~el o_ a lzzaoeth r,zzell ±'iidovr block ~'t~" i~}reen~'ia 1 ~ ~,~i•, vra:; em,rlo;,~od , lc ~erra~~ce, n~ e..rnted bf '.r . rezbert ]`;,cCla,r'rr~~, eras ~ to ~t,ne "~her'i F i! 1 r ~Ol ,i LipOn r10t;lon Of I,:r. Col2m?n, ,i?COn~'e(~~'. 7y I,T'. 'lr'=::Sk r('i?2''T'B~~ t0 t::e (;0,:'IIl1.t'te@ i0r ~v ~ ,oo', ~ ~ltoz l,o rye .~.~l,;ned invcsti~;~:tion and report b.~clc to ~tne Loard tit a subsea-lent meet;ini'. i''i I~ I I? ` F ! S ~j action on ~r request of, C.Da~i~:i ~iones, .'>hera.i"'f, t}iGii; the ~,~80,C~0 mr~nthly c:~.lo.~~nce to retain t:E i;atu-It'~~~s J . )rOVlCied for t'..0 £::~Giton~il C.:rS In 'ills C}e1)~rtlrt2nt'be a„P,~'I fOr fS 0].1 ,1nC7 uTJt{EEp , ~I$ I , f I- , ~ : ,80.00 'r.,er r.IOntn of 'pile County o.,nECa car, .ras uT~en notion postponed until the next.'-full attend~~nce ex erg + p se of :o-l, Ws , f; of the Commissioners, only three members being present at this meeti I ~ ,sk G.,lem...n and>: the ` ; ~ f _ , it lie-felt the ' d Ii t I `r. ~rdner~ „as excused from further attencc~nce u or: this meE in•~ his.; imE, ~ ~ f' t k t t t t of ~,h E car r u 11 E aid Eli ~ t f•~ ~ 1 1 the 'Exrmen~e of_ onE car ° ~ ~ non r:otion f rz . Tr~:sk, seconc Ed ~y 1.,r, ColEm7n, L'ar?rp llavis vras; rrr~nUC:d the use of P on r, raonA' l~ r, I I tn_,~ <11a•.ance , i. Leb nn icld r;nd r'tadiuru for a football erne S•~ith ,ra}e l~~orest Cole e aturda !night ~ Ilk l i k y illu 31 i ~ ~ Y 6 _at gal. ::ovaevEr, this ~ ~ i;i' ~epocmber ~0, on a b~~sis of cost for:the use of ' h f the t e field of X25.00 plus 10~ o I , a~ I dI ~ ~ i, }F 9I I~;ross receipts above i,~4,000.0~3, in lieu of the usual cht7r~fe<for lz hts lus 10h of tl_E tot~.l ~,:,te rec..lpt~, . _is action ..as taken r.~t corLSider~aion of the soldiers at i , ,or, urn ing 'tire ~ ~'1 camt~ llavls, ana to mare i-t -possible through their e'forts to ve this cor~?unity r . • , ~ ~ w, lrir~i s c.enuty at ~3~'O.DO football ~,<r,~e of outstanding; interest. .00' "f iced by ,s. mask,` and i I 0.00 psr ~~Er: r inr;tE~:d Art application for license to sell beer and to operate m: public cl~nce h,~::.1 rt, the t- ~ ,rt, ~ ;i I i1 n n en.'.orsrd Emir. Enc and. Greenfield Inn, submitted b~, t'x's. Beulah l:rene u:o;~tas fire same havinr~ _ee y by the ~'.heriff, vr~s u on r~~~oticn of ! r• Colerr~:n. ;>econced b - i~.r. ~~~rr; k. _r~~nted. C P y 1 -s ~ <~dE accortlan r la';r i i ~ ~ ; ~x. Task the follo~.'.~in~~ ',he C7rnnd cur 's reDOrt for the Au ust '.Cerra lc'41 ~ ~ ~ •,r d to the ~ ~ Y 5 ~ , 'as recelvec. ~ nd z efel_ e el,r: ,f, Coinrnittee of file 3oard for any action ti.e;~ may fine necessary. f E , bid ~;as received from the ,iilminton lrorl 'e,rls uotin~r a; rice: of ~330.C~0 for i _ t~ ~ retubing tyre bo ~ let In :the Court house annex con _ .t ~ do , tingEnr ufaon thEir ab~li y E6v Y~~ • .•~nover tountti, ' v, ~ • ~ abta~ln the rlecESSary materials'., ~~hich '..as upon motion of r Trash, seconc.ec'~ ~,?y ~ tr , or count ~:ovErnnr nt ~ i.'1'. ,,`o1er;~rn, accEpted. r~ rEnuest for;'a bid from the 3r~,acifont =[ron orks 1°ras not ~ , ~ e , trc ~rnounts of the received. reby appropriated, , r ~ re,ort o1 fire '11n1rL-;ton !'ublic Iaibr~r -.for u~•ust ara~ rece~vea, j - y ~ . ~ , ~ted for the: i!i~on r~ot:on of: i:Ir. ..rc~,sk sEeonded b ..s. C~lerna ra oration tivas a y n, .the 1.. s..nic ~EmplE ~:orp ~ released frota ;-,,~r,iea,t ofi-in Er' ~ , ` due f or the r 18,t~~888 ~t p t est accrued on_tne un grid n f she trY~es b~,la .ce o a ~~i - 't. z ~eGr 1J _O or proi)c.I ~f in:bloek tfi1G4, xor the rEason paymrEnt .:hash was made in ouE ~ ~ I on a', tentative v- lue of ;75,000,00 1~,=oulc3 have been r.~ac1E in ful.1. on the fin~:l v, 1ue x~ a > ~ it had been ~'~..e" <t ghat time.: t . 5• . . 8.53 . D a ~ ~ „ tr Y coon on z c~7uest or inii~ld ~,mith,~.ounty- olicitor,,for arI 1n~I E~csE irr „t,l Y.,. p , c ' i~3U0.00 per year t,o r~I.:,ble him to ne ~ far the services of ~ r~enut J on occasions 4vhen .0•~5 • a ..v ` ra5_ .5.00 ' i:r rbr,ent; or '1,,~ provide an 4appropri<~tion of ~3Q0.00 to be bald the Deputy uireCt, ~`'r I , • • . ~ X C' ~::ost,:onecl Lug ~l ~^t~ 1 ra ;0.;~2 27 ~•.~4.70~ / t. a ~ .Erin,, -of the Board. ~ , i i. ';he maetin~ then adjourned. 1 ~ aO 800.00 r' , ~ - -.f r .,ect eri `l'ha~~ for .the saic fiscal ear ..there are hereby Clerk, a ; ~ y ~~i - P.rlo~,riated for the~~"Caunt•r i~eneral Fund" the fo~l.]_ocrirly: ~ ~i: i~~~~ eneral rand. l~;~r 137 8 ~ ,i, ~ 7 ~ ,l . . r, iJE~. . . z.ci ~ L.c ~ r t a t 1 . 3 88.E -tar%~ . ,174.11 1.7,~,7~~G.~,3 'r`~ I , r IL ~Ltj C~ ~I ~ _ ~i w.~ ~ ~ ~ M,a ti f t I iest~n r of r~u ust 25 0 ~ ~ , l 41, _cont..nued. ,~lilminc#tan ~ - • , C . , ~epterlber 8th , lc a.l, i i, { ix', Gardner brou!`1~it to th i, e at,tentzon of the rfOc~l d th~it it :ras the .unuGrstG • nd the riours of lot,/ ner..ormed b the ~,azler rind hzs a, szetant :ro r- ~ that Y ull be reduce ~ ne Ge:ulryr ~acel:ly' meeting; of t1°ie r3o6 rrl t=;as Yicl hour des to 8 d _ro ~ F - d t 3.C0 P,I>,, Y hour.. snzi't ,rhea the ernp,layrnent off: an scldationr;l assist<n~` m d, l~ i ; t Jf xler wss , pl oviaed for in th`~ bufi ?et and to that end moved an i ' ~ ~ c~ as „eco c'y ~ • ~ ~ Ii Gti iie'.,lett C'ha~r ~ , ` n Ed bf ..P,'~ale .rF.,ent. ~..mcin, t:,ea. ,Trask, t,x~.+~.~aT'C;ner~'1C1 la.~T.~.alEi~~;n. end e~rried ^ ma , th~.t the un(lerstnnc~inr Und the '•-ri h - ~ n i 6 s es of .the ,.or7rd be carne%, ou i - t, , p mir>ut~;s of rneetzn~; of aet~tember 1~t11 :r, ~'i n , ~F h .~re re~rr'.:.,n~; :i,~)roved r;s r ' , , p# ecorraed. yue .tier of vze~ri tie ,}ne Here of land on < h °;e ~ , t e ! rr xtenue..near therrarket w N _ . ' a'Y:ner~ b;,~ . arn.nkle ~n~ . ' , , . , : atr~~t y . .1 ,zfe, on ,;nzch the buzlc,zn~, ;as 'burned 'about U •~oaa ~ •cat"_ons :far lic(,rtse` tc se:~l beer r; ^ • r, , ' i, 7, 35 vri )11. t 1oc~,tzon . ~,a~tle rza~'ne 3 s on thQ th th .•p . plc.,, of ,1•~kir!r .some ad,~ ust;rlent of th ~ 2 _k a ~ e - W. ° ' e ~ X5..2 ~ . e t xes e an u,,me. ;~t i , ,;j srvo.ce ,~t~tran $u} ri r~ y, y .~o. d ana , , ~ tC~1.O ~r ) ~.r. , U ~.t l,ei.i U ii T ~r •N~ t,~on rrat:~ „~~ilt,/ , . . ~ Y ~'ourit~.zn anr~ .`rs.:}1e~;nar U. itachel.le ~ E r 1 el.i-ec] to trle Cornr~zttee for : znve An 1 t stz~,-.tzan. ~ = f ~ rle ~i,:vzr!~ beer. enaor„ed btu the h ~ ; , . esfi~!-t,lvc.l' 'CSI., sr ~ c: _ ~ ~ erlff , ere la.)O~, flO t. G.: a"a , f r: r 4 i ,:`and~~ 'a ,41 -,;..,~i, saconr.eU b;,' i~ . 'i'r~~sk, ;;''ranted, -~J-~e tember lst 1,,~~1 _be' , P ~ zn~ r; 1e~;al holzday and the date of th I i e ne~.t re .ul~r " y ~ . ~j bf-tl-~_ hoard t_. rece..s °„a.~ tl.ercLare taken until _3;00 r,, r arat.~ t 2nd. P.~•,, 1`uesday ~e t; re~aucst o .,:r ,T s L. Iat~1r~y for tnE oti,ners, o~ ~°Greenbraok++ a 3~esi~!entzal ub-' , y s ; ;azvzswon l~ zn;; nw~r the e~:s~aern lzi:izts o„ the czt tllst thee:..: t<' e .hf;, • r , , 9 ~ r~zr; ..ay uornr7z.~s..on ' is r • zncl.ucle ~n a.ts syvterr of rount,v,~ z' E.~:s for m:r.xnven,nce tno r _ r-~-;,•~' . ~ a ~ d r~rlo „r~ a s ~ c.=Pnt - I j , r ;,~econ(~ ~tT Ge co..nec -n~, kr. r~ce,~w , treet . ord .~~,'~th Chestnut c'- r ~ ~.i,e?~ ion a ,lerr~. 1? eet , ~I :i, (J letariC2 of I,OC.J fe£t, =aS Li.:aon rrtatzan of 'r. ~'r~',ri' ` t' :;T`r • , _ sccan~,e' b~ la Colerl~n' t%` tzlmzn; ton . C . ,,e tember ~ a a, -t7ro u.~ ~an.a ~ e ~ to the ,,t~Jte l.zr°h,;a~r rnd i ';b1zc r„r,.; n a s P ~ l~dl, 3-, a u tors '~o,,,,.,..s,,..an. ` . i 7 ,,~o.~ :iota on, 1; secon,'li~c7, D...,.,,.t,or ..r!sen vras r ~,e , E, ' A ele BEd , rom the pr~yriert o~ l)enalty Mahe re . ular re - , ~ .r ~ ~ . ~ y t ~ v e}1 meetx of the .,aara t,as held rt •G ~ ~ o~ no t,l~s~7..~, rt..t,rrn lf.}3 "'inter '~~-~r}r , y „ ~ agar, 7~,, t J ~ 0 1 ,1.., l a j r or !,lle ~ ears 1,,.,,, and ~~~10, on ~:ccol.nt , ' r of ,)einr out' of -nl`!e C'.o~nty ~-t lzst7n=-' brae, i I i t~resent. nf?;iison ?ie,,lett (;hairy ,-•n ...Geo. '1'rr=siti ia.ri.Garcin > > er ncl z,.a ,~oleman, • rei,ort of t'ne :~'oacJ : t~.ir!n Ul'fce fnz• +i ~ i ~ r. ~ ze r:ont.~ of r:ueu.,t ti•ras received =nd f zled . ~ ' i ~'he .~r!iia~ates of rneetin~ off' ~:u~;ust 2H 1U41, erere read and G t3roved as rec ~ , p. or_ ed, - , _ , ri r~ ?ar'3t Ox t:`r, ar t zS tC:.^•t tho' "Otit~;'P ~ • ~ .~urnzsh r• , i i ~ sarn., 0 s: , f zts 1 zuon ~ _ , Cmt Council ; ; ~ ~ ~ 'p l ,boy to Y Help:~,:,~U~aW_ street szUns at :.,~.nLer .~r.,, '.;a:. ~a,;on :.odor: of ?x, rolr.: a+n,seconc~ed + c,:.re bresent r,rC,ii;~,:~. r U~ ,.r.:r'r~sr., F -fit , - I yar I~ar~ro n cor~i,i.ui~:cUt~.vn 1:~;cAveci ,corn i:core-,~onv.!c~:!_.e _,ea1t'% Co. advi v , s7n~ th~~t Lyle rant su. 'bested th_ _ on ,,:~l.e r7illc:n~; at ',~n0 .'oz,t.l 4. , „ . ::Front "~;r:;et_occtr~ie(.:t~, ~;.1^ie ~;l't: t~~e~~ O'fice ~ ~ s , :~auld o ..or out. pe , rr'~•,;;;err from. 75,C'0 tt 1•~~~.:0 per r;~orith oii Getober lst C'rrl ;~ra.s referred to ! report t:leir ` ,~,i~ n r ~,,~oint rr:~,eta.nrr of she _ _ , • ~ , i Eton Rarth C r`al .ztf an(3 r..ount~` for cons~:~erat,zon. • a ina ~ ~ J moved i^nd zt ,~eptember' 10, 1941 ~ y , `~rovr and LeG ~ ~ ` ° , 'u_ cl ,1.!' GI' . r, ,Jn_:iCtr-, Lila ne Ir;:,, to r'~Cil1Ce L!'1C.- °cl r i ~ U 1E a l.ot z, 13 a.n block tr7 !,ore to r ~n - ~;-r~,sent 1C7~i,r)0 on r;ceourl o r r; ~,~cu , t f o a c. '3 -r c 1 r: e (ltcn cup t.sou °t:ne ,:~me r~lii.cl . , i; c~,usec.i :it to 'rci,~n, clijr'eC: ti,e ~Q:;"~,t;1.~S10n@I'S r'e",~r?'al:r'c:iC' .17r~1:~ 'r i,l'1~' IoSS: 'aS l:'' ry} ~ , ; ` ari raatlan { , z ~ : - ~ ~ r ~:r , ~ ~ t ,.t., .G,. e i~ ~4_,te ht~~h,,~.f , I' re-elected C M special. meeting of the Counci of ,.the Cit , r ` ~ t,:. „ , ,,v~,_~ r-.o~ resnonsibil.ity. , . . . Y , join ` su ary o ~Nl mzngton yin the Board. of Cammisszoners of New Hanover Count was` held at the Cit Hall on the above _ „ s , Y Y date at 11,00 anon r.,otwo,. o_ ,.r. ~r~.s~ secor„ 7 ..r , ,f s~• , ..ed bf ,,Colerlan, t:uthor_t,~ ti.~,s ~,lvento chr~r~e t^xes ; F unon_motion o~cl:ook ~.i~. for Lire ur ose of considerin `a r d` ,,r?r ^ ;„F~. car, ,J , P p ~ e uction of on ,,_„~.~~0 , ..~~,~.,,.;e..t, .t~,~,ts o~. ,:arcey of .t.fnd, la , - ~ , ~ a A t t „17, block ~{~~.J _r. th.. nsrl.. : i i :ass puthoric the Tide; Water dower C m an rte a r, r,;; - ~ . . o p y a s nd lay plans far tile, , o~ • , ~..r_. for tl~o l:ivp nrEVious ~ ears:.- or~ ra:,d .r rA , ~ ot, t of she ..ame vzn~, esc~.ped t-..,.atson. in the :decor hearing before the State utiliti:es Carnmissinn on the mutter, ri'he game- eras recer:tl~ rcnuzred''b~r r~ ~~rsa r° Dn. , tn~ . c..,,raa. „overl7l:tent a~ t, l7rice oj. ,,50.OU. Present: i~~,ayor Bellamy, presiding, City Councilmen Brand recauest fc LeCwin and Yow. Cit P~4anat er 'i'lallace and Ci~• httGrne" Cam bell ~ , ~ ~ ~ ' „ Y d Y P ,o.~ .~:t~.~.on or~ `i , nr~;sk, secorr~,ec of r, Garr;tier, i;x. ,'alter orne fir. vra:: enrnlo~recl ~,~zell iiicio County CornmissionPrs Hewlett Gardner Trask and Coleman Count :r •:'r „ ' r ~ ~ ~ J 7 rp ~ e i Y c 0,.,.t (~1r1`~,n t~ 1 ,1~,(,i r.1-~.~1.LJ.eritoll '..i2a hr's i-)een~ ~t:Si~;ned to t11E' ".,~1Pr]_lf_far u.>on rnot:ion ~ittorney ~.llamy acid County .,lerk;~ ,~,ood ~ , ~ , ~a a ~,1 , _n~, 1,~..m„uer ql ~ <A U~ hzs servzcts are to b~ ;a:n ; nd terrztory, t,o Sao -assz.~nec1 ~ ~r, + C 1 1.I7V(~St1~. „1 ry .eft 1;,:. the ~heriff. ~ Com!nissior.e; rar:irter thought that a trained man be ; etiorl on emplo ed to re resent the Cit and Count at the t~iearin 'oefore , ~ ~ rd i Y P Y Y ~ • ,~1)JI1 L14ci0n 0'~ :,~r. C: lenirrn, seCOnC,e,„! 'rJf r'.'`?'r%1Sl'"., ~i,l1e ia~.rd'VatE?C''tG rs'tazn t~'~e t?allritur''s 4 , the Utilities ^ommission, iarovicied for ~ ri~~.~tr•ol ' c';~r ,~riG r,uthorlt` , as ~•~.ven tc,: river le: , r _ . " I' r` , J t t ~ r) a~rzatzon of 4,g0~00 t)er iionth of he Count ~ • bu~^ ei. f~.lo',•,'arcF: xor autor~~~bi1e for to µ;rrtrr• f;e;~uL'ies' to+.;ar~. tile` ex ense of '..'oilLL<s of the Comrni Councilman Brand moved that a representlve from c'~ T P ~ , anc up4te~ep f the same far: a rera.od to u ~nu<.r lst 1,~~~,. t:~essrs~r.,sk G~1em~n and h f y t t o , the..City Counoil and a re resentative from the County, Co>omissioners 'r, f:• T , 1 . after t,~.{:?.r~,~r:;n aotccl ._firrlatvel~ ryn(. ;r..~...~raneT~ ~totznr- !o stat~:n' tn;t lie fel '`h , be a oznted to attend sa d'hearin _and fin their o inion ,>r ~ s t ~ e ; I r . G~,z draez pP ~ P +a0r:u:11sS°maneru S11aLT d w ~ , , ~ t',•r+°+ a ,.,r_ ' a relimnai' hparin~ a trained'_man zs necessar the be auth 1 c aut tne_r preno_ls ~;,le„n.ent to _iz.7,.os., of the car he azd P i r • orz2ed to em ~ G wise, - t.1~,~ It , a;, ~G~r to t.ze c:e;uLZes or !„le ~_:ot~nt~•r to be<ir a~,l the exnerise of o c h tr deem one c r ' C'17on raotr.on P f u azned assistance as they , ~ ,1,, ~ a _ eCltlii e attter ' 8aL1 t1G3 t,0 a.larr! iSil t.l°il' 05;`n C _tr .1._U Qi?eI .%te it' Un f, rAar~ Il ~ ar i 1 -n= , aeconded;by Commissioner Coleman slid unanimously ~ A t if .l.~o.:r;nre . Lei or. T ielc ~ un;l Q r ~ fl.0 Led ~G~IOr ~~_.l caunt't O~lf?c: Cc~rS lI'i-tile .`'}!crif:~~:r Sel'~I1C8 Or r10I1e rit ~a11. !06'deV-r ~I'' p ~ ~ . ~ c tt~zs September 2C r r~. ,ter tq oc ~.~i.',uste~l it ' a•. reed..before <7arlu~.rt Is I ~ V " i`t I I t~ dross rece~ , f t i; Lia or Bellam was a ointed to revresent the City ' i the al' Y Y pp _ ' , € 1 I and Colnmisaioner Hev~lett t e C nt t sai~,hearinn : co~,rntiTi:~c,,LZOn tras z~ecezvec• .tror7 „'znfzel(1 Cmith ;;artint~ .~ola.cztor ir._ , t _,zn~, the h ou. ya ~ f ~ t,amn D~vzs, ~ ; ! h . - ~o•~ai~u?pnprs to increase: `His sf~1 r:r'~~ to :r2,?G0.00 Her ~,~ear' and a,a.lovr hirri detout r ~t 3~UOQ i football. ~.~~r N ~ . ~ ~ .oo ~;r Ixl Mr. Drexler Presadert of the Tide ~,YatPl' Power Her fear. :after some discussion l.;x', (lar~,~nei' rnovec: and it t;as secoric,eu b r,s. -'iraCl , _ Y V ,and.: ~ , Come ' n ~ w 5 r , t e' and anther me,mbe- = c~alrzed t::~;.,. Cr , - ~ r ; „ e: r,.. , ~ , { pa 5 a, p esen , and invited the can,~nitte , , ~ tris „afar ox t?le a.~sz~,t._rt ,~al_cito~ be ~ l~e,_, ~,t ,r100.v0 er ~ et r zn~te~d ' p , w , ~n applrcatl ~ ;over hTS of , t, ~ y; • ~ ~ ~ of t_he two of.icial bodies to visit his offioe and ~o J~ 50.C;C) G,; yorr:~e11~ the ai~.,:ci ence of ~50~OA tc na~zd ol7t oz t'r.e erner=~~enc , Fund, g Gr~:enfzeld I Comnanv`~s records. lie st'~ted that he`vroulci be ladto~iveaay • ~'i ~u the c;her 7 - ° information reluested, ile Cot~nt~ s 1°41-1 ~xZ Bucl~;et Yl~ploprzat•ons a' er aclzer~zseirc.ni, nip=de ~;cno~~',in~ leer - J J ~ , ~t er . P ) ' ' II d i'in~<:11y e,~lor~ted, enc. anon ;notzan of 'ir. GUrc'ner sdcon;?eca b ~ ;.!r. Tr~sx the foal a'' ! ' _~he ~1 ~nci ~ L eke a study. and M~ ro1-)ri ~ ri ' , ~ • A ~ ~ ~ ~ , P5 • ~ o zng r The Col.nt committee appointed tom al P at o_. _.esolutl.on i;~r,s ~icoptea~ x:11 ,.,cr:,Geru voting; a'rfirm,-Lively: ' .,oi.unzttee oY I'Pconm~ ndatlon of the back :.tax situation asked that. addition..,,., diea they' sou _ ~ , . tl.rr,e be ~~ranted zn order that the roblem can be far ;•,r~~ rm ~r~r, ~-r r~, bid teas rE. p ra.01-:t..r~x.IO.... LL_ ~0:, before making a report and-rscammendation, retubin~ tiie d, `-ec~inn 1. + :,e it resalvEd b;~~ the .soard of ~~ollnty,C'orm?7issioners of ~evr .;anover t;ount~~ obtain the r; at'csrne ; ' the;meetin~ J' .:There bezn~ na` further busines , !;ortii .;aL olina • . c~a ~ ,r ; ; ryy ~ F i ~ i ~ , ~ ~ be_ 1 1, 1._t the e..z~en.~e for ..ount ;r. aolern4n _ •tnas th da of entem t y ,~ovo,ria<ient, ` i ' is r.ctzvlties and institutions for t!lerear ending dune ~~Ot,',-!, 1U42 thee.-:m,aun' ~ • a is of the received. . I fo.rlo rind; .~enecrules r ~ cT 'l a may ~ r. c ` ~ r l n ' o sa rnuc.l o.~ e ci s ~ bE to e.sd 5 ~ a c zer~bt ar,aror7rzated. ~ kes ectfull ubmitted, J r1 p Y , • i ,~eCi,iQi1 c`~,. "~t7&1,; far t.le S~?10 15~''.l. "t~rr allure ]°s` h~'rOb" a'' r'a??rlc; d a y rP to for the Cipol. mot_.on (sigredj 0', R. Benson (;ount• 5 .+;id and boor yelef . , . . . . . . 1$ 6~ y ~8:88 w' ; .released fz'o Clerk - ~~ear- 1:40 ai~ _ ~ecta.on 'fhd•t far' ti7e said:.fiscaly~ar.there.are,hereby. f on a ten a ~ npnronri.<,ted 'out of :the ,,Count .home 'round" the follot~tn . , i it llad`been Certified to ~'e s true and- arc-orate y . co of the or `~~inal minrites of .meetin, _ a - p ' ' Courityt~ome ..,.,.,.,...,,t.<.,.,.,..:.......~, lr~ U08.53 ction.`on a held. 5e tember 10 141, ~ • p > `i300.00 bsr 1' ' Colanty perm ~ . . . 5,7J0.~~5 t 5 . Goth . 5', 81.~t .00 a.s t,bsent or ~ i ° .tV Ji <•~ina3e', ' L n. t, meruenc~ l `330 2 „ r, _ 37 .70~ ,~ostNane~ u • J ~ City 9 shat Loy the said fiscal ear there zs l.creby ~he meetzn;, Y appropriated far p _ •ltildrEr~ the foila..~~, . a ' 1J pendent t. ~ ~0,80Q00 1 k , Clerk. Th?t for the sra(: fiscal yedr.there arse llrrcby r f arinr o tale Count, t~erleral _ Lind :the fol?owiri~: • "r General Fund . 15~ 1' `I. • ~ X7.87 , . l I i~ex i.c: i ar,.. and . , , 1. h ~ ~'fi t ,,al 888. ,5 i ~ i e , }t QQj j ~i B;rner~:~nc} , . > , 3 7`7011 l75 7Ju. ?3 'r' I' i ~ ' ' ---z------- ' # ,i,~ f ~Ii~ 3 7 _ _ - ~ ~ ",r , ~ ,'~s1~ 1 f .i,a ,1 ~ I ~ , ~:.QPt111~;, of ~ept_mt~er r~t11 15<k1 .con •~.nu@c I '~li 1 J ~ y of ~'.•r~ternber stn 101 c i. ;;;eetln~, , , antlnu@d. „action 6. Tn;lt to the sUid fisc~:l ~r@ar there. Ure leri~~i y ' apl~ror.)ri~•tPd for.-tne °i.e,alth :'und tho fol.lo'~inr• e. !ity and C;olult 'x'ax Cry r n . , u.r,• larue 1r@c ~ y Nectar ~.aU ca ' ~ , ~o,.rd of l~ea1t11;,.., t.d to rlake dally: depaslts tt. p a p f _.~l,none•~s • • • , 17319.18 ~@ `(uailnt~r's ror~arta:on.at@ <~rt o ~7 r vit^1 ~t~:tistics , , , • , o' _ ~ callec't@d; by llirn' or t11ro Jn his a 275 r' ,.-.m t ~ 00 i~laczn s. @ to ~he credit of the Col~nt~~ ~iuditor a Tl.. ;r" 'o C7 a,,s1Ce, a S u1 0 f .ae4J ..$1 ~ t ontral 1 000,00 ~ -o s du1 desz:.•na er' over County i~.. - ~ lfs,b.,~'i.l " 1n one o1 a.t y ,a t 1 c~er~osltorles,.and to,furnf: ; ~ , 3 ~ , . sh_the '„o!.,nty Auditor cvlth ~i i.. •i' . - , • ~ • , h , , a • U11017.C't8 ~ Ip s11a. a.Ta~; tie ,'?InaUrlt SO de'.)aSlted z:ak1 f" T. 1, ,o - ,ectzon 7. ~n~,t far trr~_ s.'1d f ~ 1 ~ n„ a, ~ ecea. t tl,,ere,,ar. ,~c ye~,~ ~n~'re rye hereoy p , E, ~ i a Q w:~ ~ y it ' ax>nrarriat..d aut'of tC1G' ~lo,,nital fund the fbllo~rln µ ~ - 'ectlan rrJas lnda.c;,ted to the... „ . , 0 oba ~~r.a.] >,omt7~ny, s al)pllca•tinn befa s the Lnited •.~hte ; ' car o d ~ p r fit... s , ~ , r, r ~ w , i~~strzc V ..nr in , red~,e rn~'t,.ra.:,1 from: wn arPa lri (rant` o:: i is dac,cs. ,,,"r.!@s ":'r•lker :'.o.~ a.tol ular . . . . . . r i.: p ~ ,0~., .t~0 , I 1~ I~ ~ • f , , , , ,~0 ~O,OC%0.(:0 r~ reruest oJ. l x . L.` C. . r~ncYl, }ahr~t t,}:c~ ~r@s: nt ~a~;sesrrler ~ , ~ r .t o~ ,a7~660.C,0 on ~ur,lpin~ ,;.t~,r'~'t;nch fi~eC} ij1 t. ee 1 ~ ~ . ; .r; • , , , _ .;un prt.~e~ 1,y ~f ~,h@ l.elrs of la .~7 be re„u . a or ,tr.,t for trl@ uu zu a 1sc~,~. , eai ~ti@rc .l.s he.r~lb~ . ' c _d to the previous ~ J m J a:;sessr,::ent of ~~6,E~O.OO '„filch ,}ras In @~feot for ranr~a d ,r. s~„~n r, , 1 the) ears x.33 t n. r,pp A t@ ~.or ,Old. j~:]e r.w„~~..,;,~lnce tree fa~.~orrzn~A• a A f o 1~3,) inc., SJas upon is : C:~ • G.:~ ~~$O . r n C ~ t Z Q .A0t1A,1 Ol ~pl@tilcOrl~ 5rC0.1C~@d b 1.,r. (xardn C~ . ~ 0 @r, a@cllned. ~ ! r , I eC 1 t r an • 1 n i t 4 ar ~nc . _ 1 r 1 ~ 1. P ~,r ~ ^ , i 11,~!'~i ~ „u_ ~lErP, lu 1.,x81 Y ''~.~Ort of }°r. Oardne. SP.C •'i ~ P~ e ~ . , ,)on riot , on, ed o , . Trask „ alanz oprl,~tea for 'tne ''1~.1rn:in~ton taor t'omr,~~ r4 • . • , . ~,thorlt,~ ryas ,,a.v@n to n-, the ~ t _,~~1on budget vp,?1 aryl. dons o><. ,,250.00 e~Ac.n to the ~7ov~rnlnr~ r~odles of the ,ov, ~ i t d r~c.r an;,, the la,,n of .irlt:hts,Jl:.><@ ~cach + or vnelr adv@rtlslnu fund for t}1e .tlscal `ear r. _ ;;E3C'ti:an N• "'~`h~t fGr 'tli@ :ic1,~ fi r'a v,af am t c, i s l ,,.ar {,T1,._.. rare nere~?f r,, r ~ J _ _h~a-1~~~ . ~,pprapz'1<,te~.l for the 0~,15r ~~'unc he ~'ol t;r' + Y t to ln~,. T: ~ ~ FS , , A t ' ,.6, . r reaueat a: : ~xs • r"ary 1'unn!,11 1'or ~:'n ate a"! rn 4:~ , , ant o~ ~h@ ju e r e ;n@rl~.f . • . . , , . ~ f ~ j ~ 4 05 52 aucl< tax s c u on :1~, 1,},tiU~~el:0 n.Yl a .1°1,•}1 .,V' r7 T rs ~ , _ ~ t i • , clerk n c ~ hel wr ,.~@.rty t t~ 1 .~.e ,,oianrl for i,.no ,~@„rs lu:,<, to 1~+•p a.nc. rlo!is@ apse sad a n , of the «uperio~ ,..oiart, , . , . , , , , ~;t~40•U0 . - ~ ' . , O,OO end the 1~nc1 at x;;3,600.00, svgs !z :c@t a~ ~ r ~~-'77 ,y7., por': motion of I'r, C'oleman ~ @conc.@d b~ i:s, ~ ~t.,r ax liGl"IIJ,,,,.•., 1,t~+)~~•.t5 1 ,^~y'n-, '~'•~ta , 1.. .ap 7 - f Gaad.l@r, ~a,.~nlt>ru.. ~.or lnv..stlg,.tlan. , a. ' i`; P./ ~ j' r;r .n L t:aG'Su;1a.C~',t7.4:1~ PrF re,.'1V:~ ~ral'n " kA '.;'L yrs. c; 0 1@ end ::or~!ce t ~~:r~<.11 r@ uestzn .i ,_@rtlan 1J., _.ne l,or Mlle s~1~J f.,scal veer i;bpre are 1~?reb . , • „ . " ~ Y ti1iS .~o}. to !:~1~@ ur1 lnv8;atz : ,t10n o. ti r ; , • n - ' ,r~ - ~ , Y ra . 1.. l1 [lt , . sls ~~nc~ co.,u.!er,.l,~il ~ a ~ pro, 1at..c~ out of tn@ ,,eria~ll Fund the folio ,ing. , , ,r:. ~ , r pus ch~.:rgcd by tiie alcla ,;meter ~ a:.'@r ..arlpr:inf :,l~n rGtes cny~;z'~ec1 zn otner c r~:nlt,nti@s anc~ 1~.~,, th@ 'ji ~ , i ma",t,er' "ei'OT'@ the 1it11i~;18S f'a,"5:115S1On8r 1t,1; t}1P, Vir?47 ~ t'p' cr iJ a ~ ~ o_ t1n _same ,r,w~_ef. his ~ ,a r~ 1 , E~,u_ r l arm. , , , , d ~ being a ;iatte:c In tiarhlch th@ @nt~r'e cor:~nunltT .:ou1~~3 uc e~lect,ed the am vJa ~ School..x;alr~ten=once nt. ~ , upon ion ~ , , r, ~ s e s mot , i'. T ` _ Of ;,r. ~~1°un@:' S8~a71';@r1 U 11'.` ~'rda}S ref `+„PC = 'r:• r 11' ,r ~ aC11a01 ~8bt ,1E'.r1r1C@ • . ' . , `'.~t~. n:, ~ , Q_ r y ~ t4 S xlOlnt 't118@tl,.. a~ ~r?e ,.,1t~ U2'1,1 f ' t,o~arrty `e~lncs{iay rnornln~ 11cO` o'clock, 1e,t@r:r'oer 10th -~.9~x1. , ' .,~,pltal Otlt18• ~ r,~i ~ i . ~ .o atcn st~;te :?eta:rer~:cnt ' . . . . . . . : , , . 7i}% r,- ~ I, i , , upon me}tlotl o_ . r• Gardl~er, ~E,c~on,~,ed oy ~:r. C,,l@!an, count-`} bi~_ls los, X37 tc 733 inc. ` r~ t _ lrpz e d,, ,r o 1cG tar ,,1:1ent. / , :1411x'31., ...ten ',C,. '.`C1".l • • ~ C w71 • . ~ ~ ~ 2~1?25.00 + a rece.~„ ,~ar7 then taken to rneat Urith tlz@ tJst~ (;'ourici c(,. ~p , h c7a ,,ct ~a ~~...,oa s . , . 1; 1 ~teclne~ ~~Y ~ a.,p ~ernlaer lGt._, 1~• _l, , 6 1 _ r ' :~@ctan 12 ^h~ t far the s .i~ fisoal ~ ear thfu~rr~ ar'~ lerob; _ r~ , } ' . T"~ .ICI ~ i r, ,r, ~ , !~)c/~ / . f !"".~~Z'r"1.'"...~ i ~,~_,~.onrlr.t@u out of tnp School 1,enslan,x+urld~~ the ~ollr~~~,zn~: r rii- y ' I •..1~ a . . 1~lss ~'ulla zi, cia.l' u ~ o, ~ ` p..; ~ I t ~ i. < ',;zlr~l'I'tari n ~.ter!lber 15 "1~~41: , i 1;T1$S 1Jal11sc1 Y!111. 1. ~ 4- ) ~ j u~?..,C . "1ss late ola,+lson , , , , . , • . . . ~fi, . ~ i, ? , , v 1 ,:.;.a re..{,zrrvl a~ t_l <~r ,a,; 1 ~,5' 7~ , ~1ss '"hel.lna Sralth . : "rs . .:ary Fo;l ,?tone, , ' ' , . .560.70 , - 're,.~: t' ~ r . r • _i t-srJ .e .1r1i.G.1> a a,'', 1'?~C ~1. .J C~u'• tall., "In ' ~@t V rlr I , P ~ ' 'r • (rG.'(nor C:nd ~ ~ i~ " 'rar'~n1e 3~.x!.':rlt,..,.,...,,.„ 5J'~.Or _ „ c~~rrle , ,are r u ~ .01.45 I - - - 11C C'.111L. ~ :i Oi I.!Ge' a.n'"% , s' ; ~ ? l r!, , t ~p),~ .,,y 1 , ' c +n v r_, 7~ _,_t_, ,@r-ut..2 ,_.,..1, s..._,.,1@~,~. c...C..u,.~.'OVE_, aS 28Car Ed, ,Jtxr.~., a „ s „ e . , , , . r,, . . . ,.,v • • . J':.2 .1-711 ~,'T (ry.r`3~ { k , 5 : y, o d- 1 • , ~ ti r~,,h@Si, ,1 , .'ab@r~ TT,.-r„ , C l ~ -,,1{,@ t,.,c, ~ the ,xi ,,,5_a..8r„ .-;rallt ~G.,,1 a~ 1 Gtr 1nC • ~ ~ectlon 13. ..ht! ~ :far , _ . _ t ~ the salr~ Pascal Je~ar mere zs ncr@.ly „ , , , , , _ . , _ , . , ~c, lr~~w~ lt,s 4..nu .1 r~:.1.c1 ur „1 d,:~i ~;.t~ c,:~r17 G. ~;al a ~~aaroorlated for the "'.'1€~lf~rs Vie, Gi ~ qp°~ ;;r_r.,;.~. l' ~ rr ,1' ^1 Lev on ~ laid .,c@lc oz ~ rtmen tr •f,,,•,,,.. ..r a,s u2 1...:,•.~e48. .mot:-:.., ,(s , ~ 1. . OC1,G,:~:;~ ,>_,.f, y.1:w lii1, ~i' i,ti8 5u'~@I`vloi0n aa: S~mT1SOrS Cos ~11t~7,:@ Ca?~?C1aSeC? a.f u r1C:~?bar ~ , . I: ~ . .,.1 ..l': tlll.n J ~ r. ~ Y cl v, .A r t. , 9 j t]-,1* 7, Tl s . c T' ~ t~ a~,,..r.lz~,~~.o.l,._ s, ,+I c, ,,~,~!rtrnent~ ~•.r:1e.. lcr::a 1;@_;on a._cl th@ ~:.herif'f , + tior 4. _na ~ fbr the saa.C3 ~ a.sca_ year there are hey eby ~ ~ , - . } „ G.-'r 1.. ~.!a.1{~;l,~;o recal e tr,,) n ~ r, „ v ,.ro , r 1 ,.ne.. ~ rlot~.o : a.. ~ erc<, t~,, t , . ol..r.,,n to ~,i ant t,te ~ approprzate~i for the " Builrlin ~ hunds" the follovrl . g ng, , f t ~S a i ~0~t~ T,,Q 8ic,.)1( i,nC }~e.~axl1 t( ria~4' Orf <an lr't;@c~tecln@S,S ~ '~i~r?11E;~: Of % SF'CanG . ' ` " ,I~, C~unt~r"~rorne'~uildir.~ Fund 2 397.5? , n . , . , _ _ ~ ~ 7 ~ (te ,,J!:i.rr.:cln u:len t)r0'S@n'@~ ~;":r@'~Or 0, .,pr• r' ..,`'.C:o:c 3:101 :'::r, FQfi11,ri8 ~A 1.+l ; 4 .i ' 'A~ ~ ~ch~iol ;3ulldln~ , G` r, : . t ~ uus_s y 1_.. 1o sore ~ , , mss ~1C?0'OOO.r;~O`-50w.8J7.57 _ r •~__i_..__....._. T1Cir1@'i t0 c1';')rCiS@ t11E: lciriCl Of ti18 r„o~".S1'~al t'a7,r InC. .^.d'lalnlnf' L@t-..On ':t~ICillittl 4'i1t11 f v ~ ) t ~ ~ ~ I P t :~~I. 11 IIt ' . , i . ttl8 l i ~ m @~;` x_ 1;,1r1~- a 'r1 ' ''`1i ale +.:aun ,r r,1azJ )I.LTC.I.c:^$ if a c r y,@ ~ ~ " ~ , ~ a ce c., Vt t,, , u i ~ greed, Uho„zn5 ~:n , r ct~on 15. _.n~.t for the _sald i'l~c l years there ~,z e kle~ eb • - ~ , . „ _ + : J :r4i,.)7c; tr.l (4..: ~-.r': t' :'r `r r ;.`'L 1. _ ~ , l.u.__ ,1~ `,715.G., ~r ~.ro.nt .C._,xt a.l <ae !~.,a,:a ;,.~0, or :;71~ ,Sr,C~.t~O. ~;nci 43.00 er , au.~rol~rlr~ted; out`o1 the vol~.nt pond n ere n p . , ~ i - P I 'I J t st, :t@dempt o.. a]1d r r. W, , , , • t-1- ~ 'I ' 3 j ` I r ~.i' ~inkint* I'ul~ds" the fa17d,'1n7~` one f.;at ~r,r t,ne lend ;~rantzn~; on ,,ne l~,E~.e, ar :,2,uJ5.00j mal.a.r1~; tot~~l of ~~,19 ].~~.00. i , . o J b• T, ir"ral'di'leT` ~ , I( r sll, q~l i, ~ ~ 4 ~~:presueu ;:=111zn~fness :to ':~itrona: @ the ironer~t~r for -tile ~orrvr!tu11t if `lt I Y i r '•r" coul(a oe pureli_~s@ca ~t , i~~ ~ .,oant .:borne :Bond -.:nk ~ re~lsan~,ble pr°~.c~~.:o,ever no fiction iJas taken. S lrar, : t~nd . i 1, I ~ , 7 .1 i ~ z ~i,? Interest.. on lsonds . 577.50 tr'`., . • ,ao~~ rho 1x.1 of` i r , 7 p ~ '7-~ . r . >+:'ar:111er an ar> ro-~rza -ion ~ ~ ' , , ~ - 4• ~ 1~ ~ t of X300 . J0 for the ~ Fio.ills , ~lturln~ l.a_l svcon~.e , ~~I, r, r n esellt f1sc~3 Trear ~,<<s ~ ranteu for ~,5rr?ent of rent <l~~hts heat:. end <<ter `for she , ~,ou on ~ens@ pp" ~i : ~ ~ le jl ~ , ,,,I, ne~,~'o ~zrls se~,,in~ project, 6C~'? ',~~lnut ~3treet, anvil oti'ler r~Y~ prn?@cts not corlrlect@d : , . `~,5°1,70 - . r _ ;;'itn ~ , r r;' ~ ' , ~ -c a ~ . th8 .;:eChanlC~:1 -'r2lnin ivy Si Dn 2nC'l `tt18 Sr~?1le beinc7 in cciri ti011 t0 <the yen ~ .,oUtt .;OU~e ~,OnC< ~1n1Clri ~ Lln>~. ~ ~ '0 ~i i ~ii~ ' i C Interest do llont:.~ . . . ~n } ~ t@a fa_ ~h@ 7~ ea .lYr~ 01:a.lc~s, t,ne 4-~!rle to r)@ '~dl.! ol~t of one ernerf;~,ncy fund a 4,7,.,00 snd the ; ~ t' ~ r i T~ in f 1i}ce ~r~oulit . o.. 111:11 ton eoor~e_ t n. a. ~ ' fff F ~on.;s ..~tul a,,~ , . , , 10 1:~C~.00 r ~ ~ ,0 I, ' 1 t-~on Yrlar, :r. ~'ardnez~ the t;nairria., ,;as rtuti:orid n'r•' • ! f r r1 .;.xt:.on a- ; ~'.:_Ull seco.l. _ 1, , @d to u1 n 14 17~,6.~ ~ . 1~ Ai ' ~ 'contract , L,3•"c'abe Co.. to au'.1t the t.ccoun~s _y the f'onsol~ctfaed City-count- r ' Y - 4 I fe: ~~@rr' ~ and ^lnk ozice f"or eriod r',c r , i 1u~x0 to ~:enteruaer 30 1~'~s1 tt cast of X350.0 3 ~ in" . und. p ~ tooe is , > > 0, C J `~ki ~ n.~lf a~' this Fi, , inn h" bT•r the I ~ ttalant to qe .1~1 one otintY a ~ .,it;~. Inter @st on esonas, „0~ .00 p ' , : ~o<; Rent,'.• "•GO' Co;~31u1"ta,C<, 1 . ` ' ~.'S':",1')'D811 " nClas".r'.C a -,•,r ~A r; , `;oclpoll ~.~pense 9 . . . . . . . . t• , a ton r~!au rece:lve,l fa. or:1 . r . ,t.:. ' ~ t e J apoa vd e,r~,ernent ,,lth ~ f\` f , ~ ~=C+,,ES ..oU~ln~' F'.Lltllara:t~r la0iln~; to t~,@ f1:=:1I1~ 0'" Vii(: .~.I'.at;nt of Sll@lt@r r8nt ' ,w d n v 7 i,'.. . .,50~, t Pt r ~1~1 t.e ~'`@u~'.rdi .`orks.rs~li~linistr~-;tor ~~rould be .illznto i~a~ t,lf', ,;oLrnt~ a.n lieu of G 5 ' 1 m 1, T I ~~''r.QS fOr w@rv1CeS @-:beCt@d Of SuCa . a.8~nr7@ntu._ units 111 C~8.1en.,~ . ,~r@r?S, `Ctlan On '~Pn Schoa.. 'fond ainkin~, ~ iuzd. N r~ Sarne ,,ac ~ ~.rt <t ^ Interest on ]3onds • 31,6t7~.50 1=@lca 1n abeyance unt11 th@ ne.:t re~,ulGz .;!e@tz11G of ,,he ,~o~:rd. I'. ~i Bonds 1.laturing ~ , , , , 54 000 00 , Q, t', coTrnunzca~- , , ~ ~ r, ~ j ~ Cau ohs ~atir:I~ ~.tan:rECClv~c :fro ~r..l . ,_.,w,r:,1t11 ,~,o.~aEndl r_ .@nerc.l ` . , , 'J T1 ) SLt4} 5000.00 ill... 9 ~ t v_,Rp llc,J1S, - ' . . • "C'a~,~11~ t':a.th `71' c± • „ , • ~ .,,r,t ~n ~nCrBFi @ lit pr1 - c a Baas R@nt~. 5.00 r o,~~lt,_,t1on 1.1 t,tlN ca, :,,in1tJ ~.d s v~ erEal tll,e:;,;cs-anion. I ~l1Q r , Coupan rd,~ ens@ . . . . . _ c ":t +_.,d„yin 1)av~.s rsitu@stznr_• cooracr~ ton bkt a.nltiata.on of action' b'r ,~.h p a 138.50, _ ~ , u A a t e ~~0 ~306,G0< 110 67?.b3 ' l~tnc;~ ages to eorrlbat t11i~:' evil.; ;:as ~'@ad byr the ::halrrTlan ;vho sL4~;~est@d a ~ rcnresentfaive . ..c1C11 a:rorn th8 noazt3 Ol _ ea1t11,c0unty C'aTL.} _S1OnC°rS, {.;'it~r ;;OL1nC11 p: .ier18T'al ~Iri1 11 r Y ,i, , , r . 0 ial' ~ '"oral ~ud~et . . . . . ~ X24..95 t mz _ @ ~esent.alve ~ne : ne_ 11f. nc ~n@ lef of , once, be nay;, + u ~ .~1,~1~,~ p s oa to _ , . arriillla ~ . t.. 1an;~ .,°lth r, vie',; to t:llr!lnate, so fir 1s ,o~sl~rle, th@ ovlls of r ~ an p ostlt,utlon I , j ` „ c1 , re ort o~ _.tn ~ :pure u of. ~dentl n ~ ,a ' rr and ~1 P flaat.on far .the month of A rrus vra~ r..c.,a.tiYd d`,s -=socl~:~ted i'ices fro:', tnlr; cirltult~r .as ucsan motzon of i,`.r. ~ardn@r and d 'I u„ t 4. J~ ,.sec e I, ~ i 1 . ©r,~cr~s: filled. y ,r. ;a;l a nr r •I,mr trF n l:lel~ to renr~~sAnt %Y' ~ _ o~ ed and: the Cn~.z n s _ is .,ad on w,.::id ' ~ ~ , 1~'II r ~j3 . col!ni t@e ~ I; tlnon rnota.on-of : r, Gtlydn@r ,@cond@d b~ f,ls. a Colerlan the f 1 o+.~ri resoi.utzQn ; ° 0 1 ng I ~ .I: p,~ I L~fi I~ _ ~~a~ unanl 1, a ohtecl, ~r1 I.: F t I , ' ~ ia'I ~~a 1 s '~t"i Ij , l ' -_:t .z , it ~ b +3 + - !r , v t, 1 ' . , ~ y ~'°~!,i ~.a . iai(3 ~ ~ ' et1rl;: o ~ :,epternbez 15thy 1~ril, cantinuec. • f pi ~c 'tsrnber `?2 1~~:1 c ' - ret;uest of ~hw,s . ~ eri~etln~, P a gnt~,I~ued, I)lckln,,on far an adjustment oi' t}le Yr,~;C}~ A-: ~ ~ of i,illan 't~a~de rx ~,...c„ an yhe ~r y bl~c~ , 12 on are r;s o7~er , y s aslnentreductla: ba;s ; ar t,~ - ,,r. 11~~ , s~'canc,ed ay ,:x. ,r;: •k .,otion ~ a1' , ~;:'~d ' - ~ .,eel~n~'r.1. o~ n r,la~lal2 ner seconced b ~ 7 wpo r y, . y 1x..iall^~ the~aaxya au~tllara~s("i the r,uz~ch.~se ,i o~ ,.'zve :.creme o_ lr~n P~. Govr3n, ,.ape. a''ear `_'avrizstzz •'c:l' p, ~t'rcent to t.ie air,rort ~z om` ,aeon r'totlo?7 df ;'r' , 'Garclncr r ~ ~ • , . , a~con~,etl loJ ..s. ~Ia11 Lr, ,.rlr~'1~ , y u l:cman i,' ldred ' I.iunn at prz~e ai ~,1 X5(7.00 a. 1_ _ r,;IS, ~ .0 r ~ . y for i,Lia l~lna stud ~"2 0 „eater,~en't of` tales..on n ' r _s I,r:r~ted V ~ Q fa the- re,.s , ~n , v l~~,tlan of ,500,00 fer tale e<~r eon foz' ~''raad iox Gount~ ur~~oses. ? 1ror; thr, ~ J 7.941, oil }Ji:ii7.dzn~; . 'tclCr ~ J P I sleSt end 3a1 t; 0,. ,f, l'er1a, n M1,, ! ~ ~ let ,'f~, zn aleck ~~'13J < ~rioly to ~tu»u,.,;, , ~ r~r~ 4 1' y lst, 1,41, n lnatiar of i,r. YCrlll secon~::ed b' 1.T, m , 4 ; . tie , ,;era _ y- _.z . ,arask „at.rn ' °a _ r ~ ~ ' F;~' raectlll~, Inc ad~aurtleu, , tr b1_.LS,1;o~. ~~S to <`3r1 trere ar7urovecl f'car paymenh. . r _ Y, 1'i t;i0t10.' 0~' , wr ~ lras};: SeCan~?pr} ~??r '.r r` i , 1 ~:i ~ (.W_,:f Zen r1- r n ~,~a - a ha.~1y ate hen. ,.~hcrrat)n c, , • P . <.1rC10t11 ~i., ,><er~r ii ~ i e, si oZra I,rl,!i~rerzt cltlzen, 4•ra upan recornmendation of the . y, : , ~_ome ~ supt. , of , ublzc , elt~ire' : ~,dml~ted to one I,ourl't,l `r as r,n ~.nm, r. tG lrr t}le event Olc., 'c - E,...,lsi,ance ca~...ot be alllrnz.r':ton. C, ~ y .,c 'temb~;r ~,~nd, 1C'~.~, : „r,o~, :.;otion o~ .,I',ria11, secanwled b ~„r. C:al r~ ~ ~I~ r f Y e. an, <~ut;lorzt5 ..as ~a.ven to .appropriate ' ~'-~le I'E'"U ,"i •rpp ~ - 14i (id 'l~el' rarlth 'OUt 0 . r~V~1~.f<i~1.r-' , r, 1 r S,ywk1, meat~n. of wlle ::3oard t; ~ ~ ~,_,.y ~ ~.tlrlcls In ~.Ie elL~;ze' uQ A; p,:,r'tr:Ients, 1vtk1 bLf i'-apt - as hvl.~ u.(}0 ..i . r i, log+rancc to sr;~,,,1F~ment ~~17.000 sit r r, al a y and travel e~.penue pc;irl'by the :;fate in or~er Pr S •t; l , c f1 cpCltr'~'. t1e ';>erV1Ce5 -0f <rn ~ ~'P ~ ~ y n r i t0 pel 1Cn.. _d t, : ar ker 1. , , r ' ' e erlt, x_,G1„on leE.lett Cnalrn~.'rI , ~ or he e s„o. :r, Tr,r:sk ~ t l,~~tre .~epartr.,ont, 7 ~.l,,r `snd ' L, ~ . C~~lerr,,~n. m}l~, ;7r.t?t111~; ~11eAr a.dOLirned• ! ~~'}le rlfirlut.:~ of rrie~ 1 ~ ~ , n~, of ,..,,(}t,FCt~.IPr 1Jt}l, 1~~::1 ~ 'mere r~'ciC3' ~n~ ~ JUx'UVCri ?r ,t I ~ f ~ 3._ _u PF,..COS',_,CC3o , .~.~J; '71i. ..l Q'rc.11 ~.rd d..le~;~t~t°.on a~r~e~-rer] art1 ra.tles aci r ~ _ s ~ yari . etztlan o:. prorrert~ f o+,rner grid Iyeaz~ents of +ih`Iin' - J ',`ilrrr• n :,,,,r . rs tan.,r.ure an~i "'Ort !'a.s"rler 3eaa},er, ,,r n 1z~~ton ...C . , ~cntc,.,aer 29 l..!!. ° ~ a, w. ~ uurro °rlc:'1n,;' ~ , 6 , 1, ' U~~ct..ons, zn vieur o~, rerellt ,,ev<!aurlents r,nd ,hG rt~tlonln~ of iroor~s in ~,h- barnaad a ern~lnen a ,r ; ~ ~ ~ ; • , t ne~Y,h., S ~ p t r Locr.taan of ~ , f, upec.~,,l r.'o.~_cc for unit-;~ec'tran oi' , . , ("earl e mattEr .t c' r, -r~ , the 'n rc u.l,~i° .,Gei.y,' rneet~rl-~ of. ' ~ r•- ,r y as ~,>rscuss..._A- at 1en~.1 <,rd r. Cralc1n~r' rioved ^r ~ e , t1e .s~~(x~ .,,~U held st u.00 1'. r;i. E ' ' r, - r> _ ry ry r~,c, It tas u~:con;^ied ~ r~GF Lx'. COIP~' n n~2 C~_I'rled tn.:t- t}1L' ::,Ile2'7.1~ ,)ra ,r f;x'L r' p„ , , ...1.~ CtE,'.., t0 7' n ° j'. ~ i .:tOr Ga,t.1Ce ~1r6 r n .leu~:lt. .J,....:: ~l lzce ,hr~lrr.l,,n -..,ea, ~ r< , , a e~ fax tale br,l~nce of t,::e ~rc:~(:r.I~ ~1lottecl ' o r r j ~ . ~ a:,xti ,~-na }a., i ' i - 1 . ~ ~ ~,zr7e 11ovr,.~Jer lutylC~r,;1 n• + . .,o_~n. n. i ~,te rr~ yter ~f r.lUkln~ ~c!l s r , _ a ~hC,t I ~:.x v~.ce 3.~errr~,nen t0' @ tc.}`.er'i L'.I1CiCr C'Uriui~~pr~:"ion' e i, _'rlf: r,t1r"_tt;G~ al meP,tznl, O~ ~Cptrmber ''u ',,'eI'e read ~,n ° ri ' rr ' ' a ~ c, ai ~rave~ ~ s reco_ led. ~.lty CounciLrnen . ~~r~~rcwe I e ~it!s r,~., , r ~ ~ ~ 11. u 3 11 ..f Jor y and _,,L.'~at'J ~r. _ 3r..,.ld r,-,- r. ~ : A ~,;1, r Y ~ • nd ~ ~o~ re~~;~eaen i., • P G,:~ • q . 1t,f j.anaC,er 1, c. e_e~.. ~ l~ t the r.,m~rzc~,n L..,~aon ~s,r,,,;,I ~ ~1nc, , ,,~,r~irl~~c s eaklr~~:~ for the ^U~.,~, ,r, ~,allace sere present ~o ~.'zti;cuss Mo.n~l~~ .t1th the •f,, a r, ~ p ~ _ , ~ • atr , ~ , ~ t ~ ~ ~ J. t,~ ,.a.,r~l ve71 i,,; P ~ nq n c t G f' -I` - , ^t ,.c .o..r;,~.„~lo.l.,r.~ wllell "~r~ricr'~'' Lc r ? r , px Op0..~1 0~ _ ~}le l ec?•;~ral '•,OVerrLr!';Pnt t0 .C. O.,~r,, Le_alaib Ga... ' r ,,,~a 1 ; 1P.1C. is lI1 E01Jur... ' <aq re:~~::Un Huta~;ld.sr. ~,n ~,zrbase. erect r,'r ,r , . ~ _ y ~ ~f'i ~ t 'I. 1' ~ , , , , ~ n ,ll,ri,~.s r~,cnln .r:~;, , a110'7u etC, c'. ci <+r , ^ rct .c+,. 3 Q a. i,,.1G~.. 1....,,.11111, UO r_~..~e .~u:1.iu i:10,;: P'- , '~c, + r; 't ~ i J .~,erri,.. ~:..,z e to 1.,cet {,n i..l~ieb~ecne..s of more 1 , ~ n e iir~,.,1rn~.te c,,,3 o ~ 000.Ou0.00 1]: tl;s' ~ , , y loC v 1 _,O J C: ,1.1(.r.., Unit ' I 1 .r_ r, , 11raVid ' n c S 4l1~.,. 18 ~J U(;Ci.r.;C) On 1.nP, r r ~ p;-~: . •i, . n 1, r, re ~ ' n. ,.,...1, a..~c~~ ~y'.r:.,~ ~lte Le:ian rout t}te ~~.tric3s tine ° h~,d an e 2. C~0 c of sand far the slte ne.'r :~ac3.r i'oint in 7enrier r:;ouli t~ ; . „ ~ ~ ' 7 p o, e. t,, ~ ...1,.C; v(?S [ , C: ;71 r?.ar,l 111 ~ riP A. • , ~i~tirlhted to cost -'<?00 000.00. ~ ~ r n _ e, ~ r.ne.., -.A.c., ~,n~ , ~rnuG._, lla:e for t}ie ` ec°i , ~ r ~ J - i, I10 ~ ci fair ~ y after a brief i11SCtt S10r1 SO"'',.:'.a'.C•d 'J,, JLc tG. ,4;ni, it „ ';,a ~ On and ~ l ~ , :,.~'raZ, r1C1 { ' , ~ • ` ' + . ~ f~nl ~J,- :i~ ~C!C la,•at. `.nn " t ~t , ,t .1 Arc that ,.~~iC ..1 ra Y, .,,.,,r _ w ~ the.. a, ~t^~ ~ J t~ ,.1..w 1V,. IahE P.e,wtCa £'•.'Ga CUr?;,1Cei"cl ~ a1' ,allrll.',' ,,0 <,a ,.c<u t0 ~1t:1~' ~~hE 1.~:r1Uy tF'l.at, 1 @~:' ~'JC~UlC~I J ton . 1 i c, ~,1?~ "aun p'' ~ .11'C _:i ;ia ;.u,",11 to T1rOteCt "themSelve f.'~• r t' t:r +i „ , ~ul2c :;ity r,ourlci?f;;en ~i ' s -a.. ,~.._,._,ar~l~, . or',',c)od ':1`es~J~oak az1d- ethers f Ltil_re., ~'ra:r, tle r.ieatir~. _ ur:"e :ie ~::rJ 1,`.}6•i0ller~ to ..r<:;2,. :''rie , c~;-r ~ ~ +'a~,,. . , w ~ ,}riz_1.,~,e tc ..a...u „:.e1z-_<~l:nu~1 .Cr.ar ~.aa:.z.ns: ~;11eit q _ _ i • • h tGl..•_ ~ ar r r r7 , r, ~ r , t ~r-nl t.r~.l <.1s0 r,.,Ce1Ve~:,xlarn r' - ~..~.u Z~fiG 1t s,OUlca U@ <:Ul ,.:,`,~Ct ua 1.)at,}. ~,ne ..allllt~' tt"nCi i;ne ~,e,.lOn. l,r~ 'e'ra? t'G, eo . Garan~ to r.~ovez nr,ren ~ ~,k s ' . . t llzs rz , - , ~ , ~ r~ Port , ~ r, ~ ' n, ~ ~ y ~r,-. ~ . ~ r ~au , ~a,:l a_ ,.,E .,.1 1:e..,1a.n•, altli ,:1 X11 u1t~~ `ol;r.f,l..l s1o,e1, ~ a ~ he rl ra neer htl~tr.tr,, , ,,~1.1,,; t,1.e (.;oull~,~'s ~:ttztuc~e'ta.,arci t'ri~ rulcli~::( ai f, ~ s t 0 1 aoracuct of the 6.;~ • . i ~ p aC1 e.~ 0~. 1<..nd-ln r t, ,.1 r ^ • i...1_ uS ,,;.15 l,Il., Game 7 " _II p~~t e:~-:.11enc,es . ~:rc f ~i11ca riot ~t~1 e8 to : r~1nt t,}'re ~~r1v11G~' , i_ en,3er .,aL11_t~ , ar an ;,,.tp , Tnrlsr;ucr. • ~>,e i { r~r .irtY "-qtr ~ . , ~ L lU Or unc.~,~rOl~rlc,'OeCr fL.llds t,llc~ C ~ - ` 1 . c,n ,,,.5 r-+ Vr1er, ~."nawlr?x' Chc,riCecin(i Cltetl tllP, Vca1 tJ ~ e~ , r„ , r. a . ~ . t Dale! b u usEc~ ,;ncr one 1e: < l z , 1 - ~ ue a Ville ~,lon 1~, tt ~a .l,:l crluse - =r, - lY rl ;.ter,. +i ~'n C,~ 1 : r,elnocx ~ -1.:1.~ :.:rex zcsn l~e. . n r~ . 4 ~ q _ d 1:1 Pencler vounty be1n~.1n ~7uestion to~e~llei' ',~r~, ,a o ,:ncl the rlr,~+cl„11z s ~,1_e rfan o~er,,e~,~, eri.lerlenced n the ' } 1 .c ~ 1 , ~h .,..1. yiunr~l ;esrlelis v' the ',`ours p , l u ~111t c 1, a lv 1' to b reason` of r r ~ ~ ~ t a 1•. ,,gar ~;nd :,.,a.~ ; : , n + ; , , , ~ 1. ~ ~ :Cal ~11e;'r; 1=_~t.t t.a.:`e??eI n0 t'C'tlOn '..as" i;~~Y.~rl ~:S to t}1@ fsllr .and _ ~ 1_~en„e 1zct~:vltze,~. Jat11_ la.}osr:l' ,r : 4 _ s c.x c ~,,_.Ua1 r..ot,~an o ~ ,:5. ~r~s , . r, _ , , r, 1T l ; I ecaxl:=:ea a ;,r, }~a , _ ~ . , - _ c,.r1:1-,~Ah _.1c matter 'of trr r,.,^ ,,a ,c c,' t , i y 11, ~.~.c11ne,1, ..a.;GVer 3.t ~ •ree,,}a_e 1::~~' e p . v ,ne a..n.a ~ra,~ r,,l~on mo~lorf of i.,r. ~rask secan-.ed ;JJ • , r ~1vs /1 ~ ' ban 'h~ ,r:. 1r , . t'_. ,n • y. . ~ i1,F r.. aa.r:IalG •7.. . A .S ^t r; 1 " 1 u ,<81 .,t10n to n OtllGr tI n n , r, ^ , ~ 1 'o" • y ~t10:1 r1t recel~ea-fu1 consldcl~ rlcei.~nr• oi' 'U~e l~aU~rd. - ~i.,1 _ ^ ' J ~ -pG,~1~10,. t..Ptt ,.tGUI,., Cr1C-tG vubrnlt'for = S1te 1n ~,}Lls ;n~Irlty. • i.~~• :yea. . 'Iiit bf ~rotestc(! t'1C ~'otl~t''s lens to ac ulre a small are<I of tan' ~ Y J p q a ko1 .ne .I. ..:k f,. : , ~ ...1 fit. , , 1,r.:tobelt .;tr.,n. e rer~~: ~ c rr; ~ ,ri 1 a a r_; ,c1rt ~,....raJ ~7.e.lf,~, ..In~l ~rl„1 BEd , ~ i r o rL,rllc~itlan 0.,1 tae ~tG ~e ~1era~,11,A';lerlt _a s t _ ~ a l .r~,ez t,r._~ 17~_ plsl clla~,ed 'ta ~.il~.~. meet .~l.ituz e ~ ~ zc. l~,.rre e,.u: esslnG , r , , , ^ . ~villin,'ness ~o coa'~ r 18.1t,11.,.....~tu a. Mlle s 1,e ate ,,;ltlr Coa~trT . f~;1rs lnc 1ri h sine r.. . oldulg a~rl_,_1~~.,L,,1.~.lry ~i s 1 . ~ . ° , .one '1 hh-, 1'C' „ Tl.1, y yam.,. „ J.` ?:iua11 1 Y, • _ ...oard ...btra, .tae a_. ~ i. Yl t ( - a. J-~ ,j ot.a.an a,. ~A. • 4. C` , , ¢,ry. 1, 1 in. r,y ::t ,t.. Y .1 1... ,3 t,.1t; ieCa.,...wr:t3.,,tLa_.6,~ :,I:° .,at+nt` t:t+~OI' P' ~ ,l,-. ru~r,.y ufGOn...b t),, 2. -.OleLlu.ay t:. lr~les .z,1~,~;~1 of t}:e '1~- , , , . _ J n aAld _,,1an r.o~,a~ 1 oI , , G, ? _ . .,_IaL._I ,.c a.. , a :}~aze~,L, e~A ~,..Ie ~ . - , C ~ , n~.liic~,tlon, .,acs r~nteca n <..~~o..,ince ai ,,,~~1„~() 1ar e,:t~~l~s~s 1,:c1c.:ent to ~'~~W''' y ~ o r(.. ~J jr. Co.~,u .~~n, };rove3 the rra~,risnt of ,540,0 ',a I ;~:e'lc ~n~ V lz • . L.11_~;,C'1 f'' , , , . ~ : F,•;.;1CI?_ . r 1 ~ _ r 1.i1y o1k }~oll~} ~~ttorneVs r , ~ n • 2:CC L.,.ai1 t Ei1',I'u111151 SeS:;1Un Of t'1e C`;°rZ uc'haal r'}1;Lr1''i,017' i;',1; .+'uGI~ Of • ~ , o_ - s(,. v_c~s :ern ••.!erei~ ails ar;rrovlnr arlnzan 1n , , , relatian to the zssu{;nee of X500 000,0Cr sch„a1 buz ~ n'' p_ f ~c'to,er v,~vh i;a :.1th, i.llc. ~ ~E y 1 Ln , t~onc~,, .lso ~n 1t..,n o.. ~l4•C5 • ~ , i Or m1SC e~ laneaus e:' °)en DES 1?] CO.rI~C tlo:l t~l°rEb'lit~? . ~i ell x:'~' 7' ` `~C (1{~ ' v ~ ' l . : e., rk ~I rc~ , . ,r. Io Pr Inter ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ taeU u a ;',<ran ':roll; err•' .,}.r: ~ `tie ~e1„ale o.l _ r~~: G _ 3 r'~ r,. - ~ , , s, .for px lntlnt; 1~:0 - .k r „~;e c~rcul~rs try;, ~ r~i7ravec3 drlc7 ~;:arne're~erred to _ . r, _ .:r • ~ r, I i.s' 1 0~ `,I ntC~ ~,~lctter:lent of the . 1.: 1 ; a v, i.a3p ~.?:1 Ulle 10 ;.,x' V', r c,t ci ' ~`r<i ~ , , c, : ~ C, ~ n , l t}1e .,Oard O.~ ,tJUCot Gn .~Or p:lJfuellt' OUt OT i,h@ ,`iCilaJl :'31h"~1(~irlrr .~OI;d .'11ds. t 41Ue 01 J.ta 1 ~ ,CI,t, r101~,.~E 1t 5~.1 0r<.rn~,e tI e2t ~.Or the i , ' ~ `k' t_J L'C rify'arl ~lcb 1 m'- „ ,,.p... r , a. ~ 'r a. I _i'' a i , wllt_rz.,r ar..u~;~ of e a.. ..}.e ai~sirtments a.:r ~}le fot:,r a ;r:rtrnent bulldinr~ , , . • , S~ v , I G 1 ~ ' F #5: ~ „l , ~ , Ol , 4..OIl .,1at1011 of I, a p. n . , u ! UG~,aa 1 w ' ~ ~r wl, a8C01.-. D I,,r. ~,01P,rrleIl ',a ~ ~G 't , t , Iz teG C.~ _St 1J~1 .,as C,C.,11i1eC ',iIlET1 tI1(; ;;aUllt''i r.t;0"L'rlF~r f?~:Ve 'ItiS 0:?1n~On tn~ ~ ' i, 1 J lam 701 J Ltw,lJer .,OmJc.~r. st~1s _1 rn, y 7 v v ~ t ~h8 i 'I .a,.aul„u.tancrs alp' i, ~ r, ; , v r r, I 3i ,n r , . , ~J.,terlrent o~- 1„ 11 t~ .,e,~ o,l r vr; ~ u~a ~ ou-oi' t~ U00.00 an tcco r' rr ~r c.~.' in a r~ve na z ~ , r1,, to char. e ~,n a.»e„srncr:t ,tl~na.l_ t}le ~ar.~ble ear , the 1.: Gr m n r uto_ e. or..~ ~ g - p tet , . _ f , , . , . 1 -net J` 1." irl • - r r n ~ .C~ rr. ~.1u~.1..1r1~, a~ .~3U0,00 ,rh:~cn t;as sold to <~n ~ ~ r.r•.~r._ ..een occ'*~1 r ~ d ..a.s~ed...t~J,„.f,,Caz~e~t urld ;;300.' G an'rrater uk ed of .the ..c1JJ1 0.l ~anu~r~ luty ~..,sl. ,}le Col~.,z~sll ~ ~d to . n , t~.n. 111c1uti:e,] °A1 e ~~,cx c-unUlc.ora 1 rI w.,.1r1~r1~ a ~h ~ ° .~n ,;~1y0c1t~,OC,~ fll;se;~sm~nt an brick t'ra.>_ls a._.} ?~'edr 1, a ~t ~Il, ue4, f ~ e ne~~, t a,a~l_e ~e~ar ~~nu,ary 1.st,r~.x~ , r .,,raer tarl~.y :.~u';~e _ tor'mshzpl y 11 0 ~_,1ec: tns't tlnie 'u',~ ~h :}aJbi . _ e, F ; „ p t~.an for 11.,en e to -se:.1 :Jeer ~It ~~ne Jeven'i"'le most an ~tle , ao~,t~-.°il1 Joao I ` ~ ° ,~I r y by Y r, - 7 Y:, - .M r , * ry. . J. „ n r8 ltBS ~ 0_ .:ir . - • , , I ~ , a ,r t r~ , ~uaml~~ed by Jonnle Co~rzly Gne w~:ne h~v1n~'~een ;:'~r~raved r iai trror:~ot.an ~ , ..olc.be~ _ gar r,n Gc. ,I,~L,icnt,,of_~he Uc~G}. ~r,.~.es on ~:.e .1ra:~elt, o t, , , n ~ , by ~hc..a}~erl~x y ~ f la.~s , _ ' r' r,os~~ I3~11 i:a.r3,11, . ~ ~ r . i , cif r. lull, 5econ~::ed Jy r, oler~~,n n~~,~ro;red, ,rn, bloc,. „11,; t,as uaall A,,at.~an al ..I, ..alc.r.,r.n, ,~econc,ect J ..x. r r8~t.1'f'i,' + a., , ~•J Grle Ca. rllttcE ".,.~t}j 704'lar 'G,, F-,Ct, i ~ t'non mod ~ on o:f i ~ . rCal1 j s coon:: ed ~y . ~;ale:nrn ; r, ~ ed ari ~ G . , s .C r,, ~~,J lo.c >rr,~s ,,1 _,nt f aarite,;,ent Ui 1~'tl tc:.A`8^ ~ e; - ; iiCi~1 r. ~ ,;r riy~-; <,r t a an V%:1tI,;~10,1 4f ,270,00 ii i a ~ ~ ~ ,.G m3_Ow>{ 0.t tJ:i c 1Cr7veS' a i 1c3fid ' .=01'1 nd i ~t,.r• i t ~ wnt..r.est _ots 1. 1„ c: , t L '1~;J .,aL1Ilc11raen , ~,L,... a ~,.a. ~er,ln, and. ,1'i?f 3,.,:.', a ij~l, ,,upset , rk~ far (,ne rc~ruon ~.le ,.4,~1 ln(,ez'est ',?a 1i:1 s;k71 °d ~nr sa1, ~ l..ce Una C:.~ ~ ~i.ta~rle ,1,3.t.,L,ra .s~11, .,}.a tr,.re ,~-esen~ thdt nn ~ ~ Ved t_~..,,~ n z ~s . ~ „r._ t. .r P ~ y t ~ LoantJ t :or1 the >Wit i11 ~ - , by Louis 1la_1, Y I>. election to n~,s or: tied i~uestion o~ z.ssu7.n~; 4;100 004.CJQ In bands cu.,s~c1 acti aI1 of rn incillcrr~tar of 1,~0 tan >ra ni.nr, caps.r.ity per err y tc~ meet urent a sa. +t~,p. m , „ r.. .,v ~ as rE,c}ue,.~'aW the ,1y.~..11I1,:;ton ,,._:v1.~,5 < ,:rust ~am,,~;11 `~~us° e e dte ei' :°lss _l.a _uwr.re ne'~l c rc.~l~.ce ~hc .:ornate.:, and ~brn~laned xnczn~r<ltar , i i ' y, t e, far she s~ E s. t , an ,.u~„ z. •ln ~ or r z~ef~intl ~ . ,,n ~ , a. w ,.y oras~ 5, i , y ` s, - a_ ~,,..es p~,a.d o.l a 1ar.tlon o~: , .r. ,tl. a.t ~.1 _s o~ ca~ t ' t ,m ti C0.00 0.l r.c aL, w w, lar ~ ulllass the loI oraor ~ •:;in4i,,e ,)~,x U o.l ~n~ c:<r~ense to bE ~aoz'ne b'',~ *ho t~ltt .nnd ° ~ C,Ir-,..,_nr' the estate with a real'cee - , , t Count e ai land zn 11.~ac?,. rr r ' A ~r~ . ~~rr•e y 1s other'; ' ~ . s r „ r~Y;. • , I- , „1~1, u„ .Lron~ln _ loe~ o Ise ~1xec b 1~1Ur, ..r.,, .,au~,,one_ unU11 ..0 n.. ,.,~'rl._~i Cetouel 3r~ 4 J ,r , '.}lex'eas the rl,-p, c,^«15 for only= `?~y' i"eet a: claimed '~r,~ u~, ~ .z'. :~t:r:lner, for ~0z-l.t considerr~ io ' SeCO_1'e+~ t~0181,°i2,n, 7'aCe1V@C OI' ';1~?~:St1~,~'t':ali ,?nC3 reTiart bi!C}~ t0 ~~lE _)U"r ~:T a i i subse~'uent rne~tzn', l ~:i )aY' Lail. al ' f.' e p°,' n l „ n q:,~ •.r,,, , f' •c, n r;ICt rr:s_. "eao.t.-,.<, ,J,, : r, ~.,al., r,n n ,:,.,,z or~r z.~i>1on o~ ~ y y a ,,...t, .C?~ l ar :=''as0~°in@ aIiC3 n _ y Q ~ i. y , r , .~il.l for tie a;iel~~tian or. :alyiv~tel 0':,~1e:+ :~Litolllot,lle to lea u;;ed }~v t}z1~ee owiicers r_ , .;a ab,iec ~xon;~ ;.~r~ e ln.lzc.:,,c,1 a r to ' ,r U t=. SO..Iu L-1 ',:iG' „Ol'ti"tern `3e.i1 ~•e1C;~hOne ',aC'l,~_:1J ~.lE,,_ pnt; C;-;C:l i1'Om - ~Ier1a..LE7 0:`1Ce ('._t,~;' a1z.c~, c,nf3 ,.<..1,• U~3 1 ]°n ,"n G'i:.1 Ort 0 ~NiI e ,;n T.ns `ink; an trnlo~ e, su m,;1 1nC cable cr:1 s tnc < .,..pe : Bar _t11Ve1 _ ~ rOr?1 ,~.rle 1 t;,J~ a~ 4,1 V1.Qn 1r1 t117.., Ca mL,nl ~f y ..OI 7~.II 1aG 0_ lA,~.., t,,, Sys, COn ln_,,..nt ;,,_,0? 1 ,dhE I _ _ }'rlnca~,s 4.,treet t., the a,.ranoonea fe~'I„r ~l' Y; fi , , cl „ r a 1p a.. „he e,a v £~?.C1fl 0, w1C- T`1Ve1' . ~J u''l a,l,'la i.,lSl!?' a 1i}y e ?`:r'lOLltlt, 1~ , r.~ a , , • ` , F i °oI1 .,rot or. of .,:r. •~ardnea' s~ c ~ „ {~,:,rP ,,;,or , ~ , ~ ~tl_ c.d re r .r, t,oler:,~,n !e nr+~ ~ -r n.~o, a - . , ,o ~Lar ~ . Y r, , 1 _ y 18 an ~;a,.~.,,1 $ Of I::~.~ l Oy ..x , t,a1e.:: n ~e?C0.1 ei' t?',' 1:x', mI'4i;~k, 1,1:t' ~Oc.ir- : el _.r'Qtk,':1 tie ~:.,uc~ srrlen _ y n,, ' ,;ct5 ~rante= _.2 ~.~?%!temt?nt 0~' tares an On ~ ^ ~ a' " lcr' ~ GaI tilE". I' I , ~ . ~ , . ,,,,n.S ~ a; ~r r _ ~ _ I e l.'tc,1c. ,,0~, C11c3rLf,d In P,~Oi for T,:1e writ. 0~ c~.a.i~CtIC~ blaC},, tFU01-JJ ,:;n(I :.1r,Ci_, Vitt; ..,;~G&„r;1+.nt all ",ile :~,OU~3tC'cjt ~iu`lrter J , P , n f1 o` rrJ, s~; . 9~ 5„ .:•~00 C?0 to ~,3:1-b1e ire u. cllr~=~ei ' ~ ~ t < , _ . _ ' Y lU ~ ' p ' y tc }lc t.t,..sc or1 re,~or~ of ne ~;,lie e ~ y -a ,r_ ~z~r , • ~ _ , , " ~ -'pie,' . t L s s~ .,Dorn foz the ,::ont:l of ..u.' u,~rt ','as reeelved r'n~l al~ael~u 1 praJZ(.,eu , , x , Go~.e~ .,111 a,',a1~j sa ::tucn aw '1Jlle '11 a^ ,~a , s o~i st,1C ,site nece .4:.r~~ to pay i J _ , . ; ;.,,z ~t~;~ rlcic1i tr ~.cs cue on iris nronert` lr sazu aldcl. ~'S01-r~. ; i reaiues•c oir;.~;.Picrirrd for:un a' . ~ ~ 'oai; J r. o~ustnierzt o1 ~n4 }Jac}: tc;.~:~s ~_ue on pz~ar>ert~,~ in ay j F ,u on ~n .~,~sea~r:rent r~auctlon aril -r_ ~ m.~ y, _ ,r. f' 1 s , 'E,rls tenon rlot.on . r , ~ , :.ed ~s ~ , .~az~n,._ seen a , , , ~,r~ - I p ry , ,rte ~ -4 ..a=~.. t.. c A l; lr .~.i. t. 11 _ y 4. ( a.4 ~,J a%14~. 4r .iii ~ ~ ll.taut /~y lerAl=9n ref b'r'ed to the, ar,ulr : a.,F1 A .°?li.il,, J: 1' ~ i, f .I ~ t) y a~tee l'Or 1nV,..atl.atl V_- ~ ~ 7,,,.i, r `l,-~ ,i r .;a=: . , I: an, law +lC ;:.ca(1 ,T y7 .7 J.,... l~l~..,... ..,.,i.;: L11 '"e I t'1<`.pr ',.1 ;'i n.' }w... 1, , 11 _ _ ' . v . ~ ~u, :,lE~!. : ,.:ar : ~ ~ r, ~ "l,a., 4 ;C , ?r cI I ~ . .d _ .`il ~I ` N C'' all ,~Fc.E,~ t}le ~.u ~ I i, ct f:~. r - {1{~ i v,'>.1,,a .n. l f `t', ,:w-~a 11.,.:c).. r;.4a uvAil~_ r] I , ,,I~:~ c _ t. i1.. ,_,v, ~.k;l ~ t0 i ~ : . a. , ~ a r7 , trn:.l • ' , , ii't ,~ilf II ~ r~~i ~ k ~ ~a ~ . t „r w~aa 1 s K a a; i? ~ 3 "I ,i - , , ~ ~ :a ;:,rr ~w ~1 m+' fe ~ 1`., ~ ~ , , t ~ ~ ~ j ~ t~ I s3 , ,~cetln at ,~epternber 15tY1 14~d1 c l ~ - a'1tl.rlue.„ r •tember M~2 1~d1 cols a' tl - o~ ~~P tlnu.d. re~~ues ,r. t;:ee t of t~h,,,~. }~~,ckxnsan nor ari ad'ustmcn t. , ~ t 0~ the b,,Cn t~:~,Pu .011. a. o~ ~,i11ia11 i:r: ''lade olock it , ~1'ie n~'oner tJ u~e,~sm„nt re,ll~atlor: b~a;;:~s a-• _ , riG11 S~?COn(4'd btu ; , _ ~ 1.]r,nn rr,at~ rr j d .5. _rr,Sk, C,GCI,rIF;CI, lol•< aye r;1o~1a11 OT_ +S. C7dTC~ner 88COnG2d" r1 , ,)pon, • ~ b,l .,r. rial,l~ the ::Aoard duGnar~lwes~l the nrzr~chr~C r~ JS rive r.cre" o!. lend Ft,, Co,ran, ~,ap + >'e e ,ear !1.04,71Sh1 rtd':Kent ta- . ''r ;,norl ,,,ot10n di r`:,r ,rl - " i. < r.... _1 ' p> J the airr`,or „ C~a1,Aner secon:]era btr ,:r. jjall dyed f,tLlllrl at a ril . ~ ty rom ~ r , ;.r. ;;arrl.s t!e;man .iu ~ roirs. l ~e of 1 ~ she p ~ X0.00 `for -a , ~ l~na ~,r+~ , 25r,G r s .;,r ~•nted ~ `a 0 ~'o the tl e(~s raaatelrtGrlt of tares on r v~alurrtlon " ' ~ d v~__ , of 4,50.00 for trle yeah x.941, an b}zld n tllereon~, for 4rood ~'o. ~,01.>31t,f laur;.,oses. ~ l'ror~ the ~1est enrl aar~ ,n , r, ~ _ ul~,_ rent ,,5 , ,~E ~i I ~ as lot ,t,a, lrl r~lock ~~1~0 prior 1,0 ~!arlur~I.' lst c;~,, o J..r~ ' E'` y , l,_ rz, ~ • ; weCOrl ed b', . sr4,6k (,OLIn J • i s^ ~ + i E. A -tic' v120r1 ,aOt1p.`. 0.,. t>x'. t}ull J t bl i t ~ ~ v_ 1s .ro>~, 73~ to ~,l Mere , neetzrlr; trle ad~oiarner~, cl for a Tnent, `'j~ li ,~isi~rove p y r w:( , I I - a!I10t1O! of :tr,-1rciS}C uCCOntn~ )JtJ ?.'tr .T t~ t, ~ ;s',i ~;~o ~ - f,a11,, ,,tephen ,~her,;lrrtn . c:lreloth 6~, - os<r Clerk. ~ cltlren was y , i li~ ~ oldlnc.1„eL~+; up..,n recomrnendataon ai' t,ne ~up•t., ,of ~ubllc .elftlre G;i,;il~ted to ~rle ~,0?.,SI J Tsar118 .3S rn 1rll11(;tG 111 'G}lE 8V(,'nt a~.C =','"C ti4lStc'].nC ~1~°' N~ , ~4 ~alned. ~ E C_ S10t bu olio, lilrlin~;ton; }j. C. ~ ;ae~tErnbcr ~nn(3 lu'dl: - r;r~tiort of .,r. hall seconr_ied b ~ r,r u;~o r: y r. Cc,1e,,l~rny ~u~?rlorit~r ~'rals ;'1vEr1 to a i~ro ri.ate ~ rr~ lne re yul~r trr ?r r ~ • . _ _ -1.~; Gil ber r ninth a>~t o avail.':~i~~ l'~',rlds z , A r, a,r ~ ~ n she clir.re i)e;~~~rtxAtents 1:;41,t>>.Ac}-yet c..f~~l~ r,rretlnr, ai' the ;~o~rd .=a;, h.,7.d ;.t u.,)(~ r. , II allo,trance to s~'+n1~'rlent •11.0.00 salary and ,ravel eaaense aitl' bt file +"'~d , , . f ~ to >_n .order li r r'r, ,r r r: ^EC'Il?'C tCie Ser'J1C;'S Of r')n F'X)erits r r ~ ~ } ,n,..ed , . ''oil>er nor .the- , ~ , a , P went. Ft.,cl.,an ~ +,t p ~ ~ to ~ P "~1~ r ,J left ~hdlrr: n Gvo, ,r. tr,.sk , , ' e ..]:]ar +..an , . , r ,t. ...,le.,,an. 3: l "{le ~ ;r:et111~ tze,: ourne~l { '~11E rt;i;utt~~w o1' rreet.il'it o~' "e , e a G ~ , , ~...nb Wr lath 1J..1 ~,ord ~ ~-1 " ."r:c, ar_,Urovc,rl ,~s recvr~e~, r '~1~~~ ~ ~<'.3~~~-~' ~ ~ ~ I..rtd , r i,'T' . `";!Mora ,u .4, „r , , , ~ :f ?_er , !J ell gnu .l. lend t~.on r,e-red rrd re(luestcc, ,on -?etltiori of c~. ~ i . 1 t r;rnrWrs !nd re r s • w..'a• t, V- prorler~; ` ',,TM S1aGn1aS Ot „1.1m7.u t,On r_ ? k an t-.r.=, ,+111i11r~;~,On 7ePtE:C1bCr 14d s , _ . elre <nc, . ort _ x~rlc. t,Wr,clles ,~r,rl ~';n ? • J y ~ 1. ~,c,~ r o+~r~c, ln~; ~ , ~•~etions, 1n vie~Ar of recent 4:eV~iwrlrnt" c'11 } ry ( ~ 1C ,.:e .~t_.t.onln~~ of, troops in t'1.-a n,',~ _ , Cl borhaod ~ a perrtlailori`L ~111oc,:t~on o1' r: s ~ec1,•i1 r;olice f'or th•'' 1 c~ , - ~ , , , 1 r,t ~~eci,l.on of th - , e ,.,o.lllt .,.11~ natter - ~ ,,a i. ~ ~ t` ; ~`r:e ~'c ..too .y, , ' o~. the Boa ~ t, rr* r? as ct.tsc,uss+..•+ ~+t 1en,. t , f t ,rr ..r, ~ _ , r ~cet~ 14; a r~s . helc] vt ~ I ,A1 n..,r . G~._ .ine;r r~avcd ~,Ac, ~ t a, ~0 r. r t ' ds wcon,` jf i s, , r~;/ T'x . olemf n .and c~ lmied ~;h, . , ] ~ ~ .r,.r, -eq ~ t tn., ,,.:_r~.. A 'ao lllc`.~',:ICtecr `to r. e;-tore _ 7, , ,r ~ ~ _ ;.41rce l~.ot 1 r ~eC , r :1 ~,.>.t are, for . on t ,.::,_Ar.~.l Jlce '.,rlr111 : - ~ rr . • 't the t~E;lance o~. ~ : ~ t;,~ v r~,_ n, •.,~o. . ;°nr-; r ~ A„ t e areserrL allotten ~axae' to ~ravcla ~ L.~l.~va.rrl-.t.. • , - er' ls~,l"'~~. and - r. 'I t,le rnal,ter 4f I::akln.° tn:u sr~:cvlre berm~:rlen• , phut ~ t 't0 bC t.kerl LLTIcaet' (.41~iGeru,7.Gn, _ ~ + ' _ j't , i1C ,.,1 11- ;~t1Axt, aJ. ,e}7~t(:G1Uer •,rEre 1'e>~rd (;T1C! cif` {r[~ r: r,ry (I ~y f Ll. t', C~ I. ] Yn , x , a, 4d . t3' rccar_. 4-4 f t J Coun_~lrrrer~ ~.,.:r4;rave ~3c11aII]y T.t~~ or, and, :..L,`!air - • _ r t t,lt. Ir;dnII per'.. G5 •:ra it ~ya:1 T e,,. e~C'..tl:. file r1'riCP~.Cun L~?:: y0n c.f.~,.~ec,I N.: d"tl ,,,~,r, r. r-. .p ~a ~ _ IA , ~r , .)tl r,r:E,~ .u e~k1n~ or the ~ ,lallace,t,cre ~res~nt to c,~.},cuss ~awnt,l1~ , „ p ~ Y , 1 t , tr. e .,a. r•~ •r• y. G • -*ntl. ~.a .~';11u.°., „ f•r,. ~..r. ~"'f t'.~,~,.zr i G r,. '-,F'i v - „.r J ,C. c11, .~8.;.~On . le 18 , prOr,G,,-1 Q~ t,11e 1"ECl~-rat ~ p rr, 'rt, ,_O.,~r5 j,e~;l>tA. "'"f 1 In _~e0 urC' re`rsan p ~ E role n. Pnt to cs ~ .~1 _ J ~ , ~~A_ ,.+1rbdSe. e1'CCt ~.u:.r+.,ers ri' . I i i i • , ' 2 C._ t,.+?.,.+ .....a~.11 ~ I Vv 2 .a 1,~C 4 Lr11,aa .:ra,n e, (.'ril ~ r r!„ , ~ ~ ~ : c ' snon?== etc . , at ran { ra:•cir,I(rte cos t' of "u 00 ~ I e to ..ICei. , n _ntlebl;ec.ne~s oa. rlore f p ~ ~ O.JC],~.GO it thr 1oc 1 =°o~,er~rcr5+ „ , r,~• ~ 9 1 ~ ~ r , ~rOV1C1e " P ) ~ ~ a ' , tS ,111. ,7.~ , J.rC: o .,li a+t t}18 r0 ,e.., J. r E ' ~ t , - c .1,~1< 1.,...c, ,.1at male Le_ lor. ']ut ttie tr ,r z.7CQ _.cre>, bi' ldnct for h ~ , ` ~ p ? „ - r 1. ad., t,ll hC , rc ~ e ~lte n.~r „oc},4( Dint In , enuer (,arult~r :c:1.0. ra , e~ don yy ~t ,x,:00 000.00, `ter a b1 i ~ , ~ tee . ;la cr t,rle i;e~:con ana not ~ l ~,lr ` d>tl.rlrtef~ to Ca , ,'n.. ::C,A ,.OC]e irI ,1. it .~;)C:i ~ ,,aA,u ~,[1e r 'arI' 7 '~1 , of C lSCll w10n f a : ! O'.'~.d 17,r St. tC:°,(:nt }'r a. a " , i c1 7- i,'" 7 n Ta . l f ~ i ' l - ora ~ ' 4 r' .c :,a 4~ ,re;~ ,r snr ,ai: t.~a 1a =ic<~:. thl 'o.' •r r! , ~ ~.,-..C t,}_at :.'tie :1t r =n;:~ c~ , f _ ,C ,4tn~" ,.G ,0 .ct to ~)U~,; 'I: i t' +.r u•. 1 1vW ~ c ,_,eA J cc:AlrJi. ,.yat~~on .A ~ , ,fiat, .rculd , , f wh ter'. ~ v 'DiiIr ~ ~ , , t C l.;nc. i,T>r 4. l .1 V ~ 1 t v°Y1 J C t ~I.G lt;f " J; 17r ,.41CC°°, ,"e~, t,'7 la,,Ot,eCi, ~~ar10[,7velVes+ !S'. iJ.,,:',or.,11, ..4r;;C>od ;,~,~t,,ala0k end Otiler'S ~.,ouriall_,r;en ~d].ti°,cir2~,; a'ror., t"1e rnectir... f ~ . ur F ',i'+C' t t,, :;,1,.,51011!~1`U - t, .ri • r ~ t4 'rc'rlt .it.. ,,A'11~.1+'."e tCS P,61.Ci El" u1".n11P-1 ~-'1r -.".ta in ' ~}1~,t ~ : _ 4 _ • t y r ; Sr. „aS " „ T,..;.,: 1.,.,;!E. ~t 0!.).1G- :)8 ~,n ,.:~'.e~~ ~a u4th +;.'.2 Ot1Ilt" ~srl'.l Ile ~,e::.lOrl. 1.r. l~r Ate C~,r, n] ~v4,,., ~,1ua r„4elve~, ~1 arl {eo, Garan).1o; Governrilert 1Jistrict it J rr. , ; .port ,,r , a; ; s, . ; ~ ,:n - i ear r , . JU , t,_ . C yr.G.~1 T',.e ..,yrl•, .1 f r ~ + , ltt n~;, ..ru:. .,u}..lt- t,i18 CO r r; } ~ . o ~ ttl .;11,_1 t+l, ;Orr;;W5.,7.0.:E_., % 5 t0 i,}~G rnOrel .4`011(:. ~ , r, un~J tr,l~,u_.o to.,dre. t,,le +,u.cnc+u~- aA 6C0 - .u, uct a1 ,,Ale • r r,r , ail ' I i :t f. ,1 , tcre.a_ol' 1anc3` lri t r„ , _ ~s ,,its ~,te cr,;re ill r 1~ ~r . , r.r" ~ r .~u1(1 r•:ot d._l ee o ~rGn a 1; e,,,~ »l .>Er~c ~,a , ~'.rc. t t she >arl:vll~., - e . en.,er ~.,,otAllt~ ).ar hn ~1r,.a_t '.ti~wt., Th, L + 1, . - ~a . , 7~ p e v. Clur. ICn ..I.r1G aunt "iiS Y1Q r+ } v1Ar1~1~ r . , , , ,.z i . ..,.:,.,a .r1 n r, , ern m . a., + , , n , : z ~ylr_{; tc _lvc to+e.. r.r.4 ~:...r cn~,~:ce ..nd c~:tecl t11e v~1ue 1 ~.e - , a or un..s,pro}~l a:~,1;eCi -~.~rl~ls Cllr; ~ _cat;ld be used f u le _ ion 'I r = ~ c.r ~,nr she 1~`;.`1. rlt'il~, to ?•,rchGse „ , ..cr c C, . , _ , • „~emners: vllo 1c4nrt Lre~,:on r ~ , r land 1n Pen~,er ^oLlnty oein.r In t t n„ a mn the nc tr:_ ,1 . _,~r~1rs ,,.IC rnen over~:oa4. e~.,el z.ence u a }ues~ ~.on ~~e ~n~~ :a.th r.tY.,atlonal e;: arise file ,otlri 'f n, 4 c , 1S ll'` ,.~.',,~r - . c ~ 1P~ .r1 t= 11 t t0 I ErlaOn Of dr..lbnu r t 011 ~,11G ,,c.w ~,Oy Vne..: 1._G,;, ..p:,seV.:r :ta lv 1 ;;IIc r , , e r't.t.dltle,y., u0t,n :r0'iOSul,`~` '~';!C:rCI in;?{~ri L''atl0ri 0~` ? "nk, %1.,t r uc1_en ~ 130 ~i1C . _ 1r -und ~i rJ :,I. ..c,~..l. ai- ,r-,''~:~" i . ,,;.IA+11U1. mIIttP,r Of ne lT[•It sP f`i' j.' t' s i.t , ~ nc r, , p - . le Ir~! ,r~,~ a1.an 1:.a~~o~] off' x . -_ru~x, ,~ecan,.ed ~y t , : y allnerJ, a,.c. per xt s to _ ~ d,~;l~er,li~.e ~r_t~: ;,11e 4_rn;s.~or:eli • r 1. ~ r ,~r ~ ~ 7 ,-..1+ ~ .n WVe G011alia'E1',`;'~ 4, ,,r ~ . fPS .,Ol..-:, 1eCClved l r° r :1_, nA~ ,t,. rt + a consl ~e. ~ ion . , I ~ ,laL11U c r 7 t t L,_.... .1 , _1,~... a _ URe Octrd . 1,1 ~7 to , n otne~ ~?1 ~posltl.an tne~, cr~~~e 1.a ,aur~.n~t lcrr ~ >stE ~n , Llllz7 '."aLlnt,j, r ' J. •r,, i,. E ~vv. ..rat a,~ ,il"ateUte, :ti: ~;o;e;nt',~'s 1anU to ac wire a smalll area: of land + l r p ~ i'o.c arse . , .a ,.r .:lal]el t 2 ,,r t r, : , ~._I ,4.C ~ y....,rO P . s, C,. 1-.. ~ •.r~, ,,t .1~,e r,.a>} r, C4..lli,,.l~CcttlOn i. rl nr•~• , 1 a ,r ~ v ,m,,a.t~ c.I°iCl 1.t.,.La lied u..r.. t, a 1~...,_ 8P e?rea )E tlr'CrlaSed t0 ~'L1~' l ti]ee ~'l ,i. ~ H p y t _ttLSe ra r 1,.,e ate +,P. r.,e;?t;_ tf1.., r 4• of ..~~Z 1C'..,~.t'.~rE C..l?12~51T:~ _ 4Ni , lla.n~~re;~s Ira caa; er i , y , } r, 1 a •^....a~aau ~~f tl:c 'ir'e} . e-.~ .r+~; ~ n ate- .r1t.1 Co~,ar,r:a. ~ ::1rs ~:nc. lri r , ar ~ . • , :cldang i aUrl-.._l~r,._a ~~,lrt Z s ire ?3oa.~ d r,ctlrlrl i1 r o:t 4~,.or] ~,1' . r .:t, r t•,, r~ _ ~ _ , _ , { UO 1 t,iti; reCO.'r1.elAr.~.,t1an of ~.,i?t' ti + , ~ , i - r, ,CO__...G .a, 1 , •,41.,r7a.. , riles, rn•.r.Cr 0~ t}1e t ~ , _o_ntJ` r.t„alncy II.1(1 _,.>on r;,o 1:4,t o. , ; . ~ ~{ttIY ~.?.]lUlt,1 ueC011,.rCt.! U ,,.1 ~,t, ,?..',n +'r„r ~ r t-F Vin. 4 ~1 ' .t , ~1., ~nl,.. ~ ,,.._0 :._iC'e a~ ~ 'r; . . ,;,•~1,~. for exr,erA.~es a:rci ant to ' - ~ oL;: the-l~a~I;ent a'~ ,,,,n,.. •~0 1 ...>.~lc and . ~ i F"i"~Cnell ~ 1 C "OI''rC .,aI1;~ ittorlleyS ~ ' or Ser 1 C:,N reri? EreC; Il + " , ' ' i , u a 0 ~ 8 A t1S r10n1, , ,,nln ,t.,n , v , , ,.u~; o,>- a d a,)t,1 0 Jlrit:' O,.l,la.4a1 ..n - , . ; . ) ) il~jl 5 ~ ~ L,„ar_ ~ t..~1 U lnlnr:' r-ess r o~' T n ~ „ ~ Y . J _ ;ict4t~Er U4n ~..o ! ' t,r1. IIAC . rela-tlon to t}le issu~:rlce oi:' ~500~~00.C?C schriol bu1lt,~i1~ I;orl<is :lso ari i~teln o:" 4.~n=.1~5 + j ~I • ~r ] ~ t 1:Or rnlSCelluneOUS:e;'.itelllES In n r.;" ~ y r;~ Ca,.n..Ct10n ttl,.l 24°`1t~ 7 + r n • 1 , 1., r: crl re of i;;w~,C)r~} c;r .+::..;lr~llne+, S~ .,i~ ~ i } 1 I.. r. ,:r ~r 1 ~o lti ~rlnter ~ ~ G , ~ a <~,c,~~ 4 , , r a ~ r r f ,e r r L S ~Ol Jl y..ltln 1v0 ~7 0 , c R ...:r r r a, . ,t, .COI, ~r01,.:0er-- .,1;< ~ t,;le :Cul. i.:, aa. Srea pr: ,G zr;: '1 r1ti;U c,~. _tuc:'tC..,tellt of the 7 ~ e .._r'Ct11. 1 S t ,rA n, ar P ~ ,,>rw ~,]~t?ro y ~.c1 a :C~ ~ c~ red ~o 1 ~ ~t t , lie + f r, ~ _ r . 1• ~ ' ,aoa1 d o_ .,.,uc,..t_ on .Cap ~,J~A:ent out of she ~ 1 ~•_,..t,,, anE, lo, r crl- vt,lue o~ 1 Us ~~,lAar 2rlEn1; Atau.>c: rrt 511 (ran., e . t~'eet, far ~,Tle f ~ p allu:al ~u~laln.~ ..,az?d :'i.nas. , , ~ t , _ . ~ .u i'ei4G1; a~b01 ~ rr, n ~ ~ , ...•.,..}ILSr:]y.. ~ ~~1. ar.,cu::,~~ ~,r,r. off' ~.hp anartrlents lr? the foes aUr_rtrnent r,~u71(~iri ~ ~ ; . r rt r t F hl !I ' 1' 1 a t Uri.. Y,, , _ ? L,)07 ..10'L10n Of ,..r'. hU,~1 SBCOnt.,E. , r; r. , UCtO~..,1 lstl ,!4 ,.,a ~ , r, - 11._ F,; 1 ~ J,( t„r. C:OlerlerA~ ,,Ul,~~r)alU L1~.loE~r Om.?_~,1' ,sJc1S it:n'~et. , 1, S uECI_neu .rler. X11@ .,0.11't„ ..~u0~n.,,; ~,~:Ve u1S 0_.1nAOn utic,t ~}1P, , a. C P . : Jr c, ,:T d. _ _ , . 4ri~- :r,t r,. ,c - „r .t , .,n •a.; .a, .t: ..1,.,,.>4..01 ldVe r10 ~ ~ ! }it 0 C}IG. C ein •SE'SSrnE'.n Irl 11111. ci ,r n „bctemcn~ oi' 1,~~1. tr,,.ea on ~a v,.~.u<~~ orl ai' :-;GOG.GO`oll t:ccou.. oi. e~"r'or 1.IZ cn~r-rn a - t n, t ~ one pax p1e ear, she ~ndrtment ~ i Ot ..,..Iir1: ~ ,-,r c uu~.l..ln~ a ~,~~3CJ0.0 ,r}11CI1 :,as `sua.d to ,r . , ;r~ ,yE en of••c` 1 r . ~~nd .~zstPd b .r:,Ca~ bett r nd X300.. G an ]rater up ed r~~ , v}.e .r~, col o.+ G A~nLIGry lst, _~~~1. 1.e ra,:~.,1a~1.. r,, A reed to !~j E t f ~L~. J ~ 4 _ .A , I • ;,LL IC t,a1C' .r~,a.~. " n ,u r. r~ t<.n}c 11Aclu,le:. ~n ,,yw'Oti~),v,0 d~A,~eNNltl+.,rlt on br , t, hl , ~1,e1.cUrisluerdtlon ;j ue ....n~ . ~h.. ne.•. , - vim. , lck G,a.~ls ant ,,.,~,er funk ,e : eal ..corms p ; t ~ ~ u t a e, ~ eUr adnu4tr ~ 1s.l~• xra ' it 0,'c? _ ~ ~ ,'.?lcc: tt that 'tlr;ce r:~~' ~~he;a;;bi, i i . i r .,n r,t]}~11c;~:tlan far 11(:ense ta,>,e~l ueel <<t she aeven _ ..ill A A ..e 0 { 1 at Un Vlie COIL , _ , ~ 3 6 d qua ~~ed r~ ~ohnle o l r , , n e u _ _ ~ , , , Y_ X • • ~ I 1 4_.8 »~.+.tC nTV1 r. + t~t~ . r , , ..:.Ot.C q. eSt Oi , lt, c, ,ri Sri ~ : t i C ,p rP .t .r r 9 nt, J,wn <,,.al4Ved bti trie ,)herli>_ d, t!T'UT? .0_ 02r'~ lOr c.A. ,,U12,.,~,.lOnt 4~ .,:1e )ci4., t, _:S on ,710,)elt, Of •.-1~5 ^ " , , aOSd ,ze1_1 r.l:r' r, 11 c; nr-, f ~ r ~ : Ol. .:T'. hu~.1, ,,e00n,:~d j' ; r. ,.O.Ler~l:n~ c')})r4wred. t,.Clc.ma JWOC}5 ,;~.1., i Ild>. u,.)(1.1 ;,0'tzOn Ol .:r. .,41,.f.,:I1; ae..OnrleCt 4y .,r. ..lc.uk F ! u.! ~tt8 c0. a]l~t,!e '„W u1:,0',i:?r T,, %"C~,. , 1.1)Or1 rrlOt!.On Of i~r'. ry~11 SBCOn'ed U':'`..1'. C' n , ~ ol.. rrn, 1 s....f r', t, . Ta~:rlor vrca~ ,'r rtt~cJ an , i aJ:.lte.,:ent al 1„_1.t:ix'~.] :1 ~..t1 'a „ n l:i 7v,n•t C u @5 On v<^111.x7.0:1 .+'~4 ~ Y; r:: :,wCt,~ 4:: Ors r r ~ , rr ( n' f Of'.,~Z70.0 .~ntert= iri 14-1.~ k rFj, .~e_7~:..St, Gi ':~1tV ,,ULinCilrl8n tl,,,;,~AC,.I,} E,.~,.O;i a+AQ ~u.u. ..Cu'.J1n alld _.1' St w. 1.01;5 L _ ~ ~ ty • r~~-,l ,ai1n e er}> r r ;:t:r?a.,.., r , „r ; rt 7 S t f 0 idle r ea,a011 t,: + ~ r , r c r,,. r. , 4.a . 41 , n, ' .r1 ;r ,:r + i ~ e ..LI.~1 ..n~Jere:at ,.a., 11:,s~ee1 ~ :Id <<,.t~ rrlu ,~cr su1 . ~ , ~,,,c.z.~-ce .,:ld >,zt,- r~.~~,orn~. ,,,.~..;arr~t~~1,: ;tk4 t,.._ e ~,t".es~~lt that she ,.Dun : _ t s A ~ , ty , _ 1000~0C ~ ~ _.tt~ :lit - I1 e1~Ct10n t,a ':S On 1,.Ile c;1.t85 t,10n O1 7.5SL11,rlr" C' . ?~1 li. b~n(~ 7 ' Y~ Or 5 . U:E C(~:l~ti`UCtiOn Of P31.inC1'lerratOr Qf 1u() tOn ]+?]r?1'!.'l?3 C~~T1•:Clt'' Br Ci~~ t4 m@et '%n ' ~ A J ur~,.,nt r ECtI@St 43' ,,he ,i11.,.t1.1,'ton ,,x,V~. t ( r r ~ :t0 aE.! „n n,;1.- r t` l 1s,s gust ~om,,r,:1s 1llutea' far he p rate.. tJ~ . ;h r. . U s ,:.>ss t -1,.+ ~lAtule nee~s, to r~:,LZ.ce ~~ho .cr.:au:, and abznilaned lrclnsr~,tor on ~ , _ , I k . , .4 ;a,ns, Aor o~ _ t,a~ ~ .l,,I. ~ o~. trr1P e...en>.e va bY. of ne + r' , for r reftlnta o.: ~,r:~.es }]~r1d on a v~lur]tion of ~`?,=C)0.0C? 0,1 aCCotilli, 4t ut L,nlcss tale ]~i"or~ort:or:~~te ~ bu ~h~ ,lt ~,nd Cal?.I. _n~ !12 C ~d t~ trl i , . P„t-~ rOUn _ , u t S t t l a ~d1Ct^,. Oi' 1>,nd 11 1 r , " a.; ._i J! .:ri.; ,1Y.v}, t 1S 0 , n,, ~+tr, Pr'+ a.' In•C`'n 1 ]loc 1 la~~, ra„ .:l tiri~.~n.a _ f u~.t ,Y t}'~er';~.se fixed' bJ ;1~.cr M'a,, ~ .onv., u.:~ll , +a 1..~;~. Ceto~;er "r . r~ ~ - ~ ';}lea.@~+S t11e? dtJe: C~~15 ~Ol" t1111y `?i~ Tee't aS C~.(i~.~e(1 :~r=, i,Y n r'~-Or tr 0 Sid..r8t10n• ~ ~,,o:-: I :ot-lon o„ t i , .:1e_ .,o_+lt c r: seco~l er. J' Coleman, r,~cclve~. iii' •n,tr.stl'~~ r, +1 So•~r ,a ' U t'`.an <,n~. 1 ..+,art br.c}> to vl e E subse,~r !tent rpeetl , '1» n~, ~41 ..~4'-1 ~!G It +n ,.y~ r•,y. ~,,r n ry. ,..1 1 n - ~ L_ o.~ _1 seco,l :e,+ . r. ,e1.,. ~.n' . n :ro}lr'1~ ~ ~o.~l 7 :.r, a;:a i4r t1]e 0:,^-', , a r,1,r ,`;rle+~ r]ltta."t0)11e t0 b+? u~ c,l i , . n 1 t a"y1 i•;, Y: !~l ra on a~ nr~.v a" u 1.1 c~ car s 0 4b-cc long .,~.re'lnt~lc<:. _r n; _ G. _ ,.r , .:c a . t le_ th aa;:,rd _ , ~,1 , r ~~~.1c,_. _ ~ ~ . t J,le „oatt1e1.1 3~,.~.~ 1el~t~clone ,~,c,,.,.n, 4_.(. ..~~c,.l ~l'4r;, ~rlc ,,,..rh ,ry 'o].~ce ''d , ,,1_e~ a._ _ o : _ i . . A. , r rt ~n e"". or t to ~ _inrLri ; r 1 r^ n r } I •r,•i , r.-,,r~ .r., cur ~ • a 11 _n~ ar ,r to ev ,pub n,._1,.nc ca ale a~ I y v ~ tie ..,r'n8 : prtrz,1.VG1' il'O,:C r ~ .C'uL 4i ~ pl OSt,I%,~u~.On in t11~' C r?]Linit'( ~Ol' f` ]~GriOCt 0.~ :,!11'1 `M' S• Oarr"lnlr`n " - i , ~r1nCe'~S ;~tT'Pet t!' t_le r~i:,r,nc3Onei~ i e'.'I"~,'" S11t7 pn r• t, r Cltf u„ ?I' ~A~i'.~~' 't c~ ~ vile e+~t 51.de 0• t„_C t Ltel , O,~a ._~,~l~u d 11k;, : ;:IOUI1,,, is ~ 1 , rr•.,-? Y, „ „ _ l,aan ,'114` Ol. 4f .,:r , ~3rd11er r v n ~j i r , u + ' : ~ ~ S`~On;ieC. E; i::T. ,~0 P!?~, f!..,le da" nr~'O _a.A 'p . - ,r -r' rr,,•: ,,rl .G_ ..Oil :,C3I1~,.,,1 S Ol ~ ~ ' 0.1 p' . , ~ n. , .f _ ci t,~',_ ti L ;.,,;~Slten.t r' ;r i a.- a * ) , „O1 -'riy u~~CO eiY U, . rrLiU.. ,0~.' r c,c, C?u i°, . ~ i a °a l 'e.~ 'ranter:' rn .U~ttt_rill.nt O: t, - ~ ~ r,s 'i. r,' a es on 4I.e rir,l~: ~aS> ul ,,•F; r .r l~ Ur.., ~a. ~~-Cr t^, „ ,r r, lar~ .d .n ' _ .0. .COI ',r1C tC 0~' r:.:,.;~v1t~~ b10ck r„C11-ll .nU rz..C . .,'1C. ._:;~.,,.,a,.t.nt, 0.. ,:iC ~OLI~.,.Cc.iz;U j Ll':ir tPr _ - ' U -pt ~ ,qt :rich ~ -r ,f. ,.r a , k n ~ _ 7r ).,3v I> ~r[7l.)li,~IC7~a il'.-.i.7z.. ~n!_'.1~i.I1C11E)Uurt.1 .I,lE; t,~::`eS c 1e;.,ort a.~ ..1:11..-.,~;~tles ~,os~ ~toorn lal ~tl r? ' , , - r.~, ~~l- y,,J , , • , .1 ^ .,r t , , rl c 'T, r ! nP0 c„ 1,=,' e ant.fl of :,u~tAst „ds recelveli r,n~1 a_ae~ . z~.eu .owe I 'r ~ 'f ;';111 cr; a~..,~ SO ,.":U..,il te,A ur~C 1 . 4 .3'1. uc11.E e, w , ,i t0. ,1a~ -~.l r ~ v.l@ ti!cxCiC tO ,6„ _LIe On 'til5 pr4;iert,`f it Sr":ia b14C.,. ;,-501-1~, 1 a o;~udst of . , . }pick, rd x or ran ail ' ustrnent a~, , ; a , ~ ' n :;loci r , ~7 t.t+ uua,, tt:>:es „ue on ,,o,ert' 1 1T n , - P _ r _ ff Or1 rn OSSP.len1, ran C - r r - I lt;~ S U t10I1 UEIS ~ t ~ , ,n . „ . tllsan r]a n r= ~ 1','~ , ~}t v 1.~.. L i ~ ; a:~ ~ ~r„~ - ,i._. .irt t-, .i.. : t_ n ..~ar>,nc_ ~ec.)n._EU _ _ - ,y-, 1 ......Y 'lcu c.: .,..V.~ al,.,,.,.,.+:..,la ~:':aLr ~ ~i :...~lerrr_n, ~fe ed to t11e .,o.:s.,lt~.~e fog r 7 a~: ~ 1nVL'u t,l at10n. , u, J.! `,71, "lr . rv T,r ri i,C ,f. , ro a ^ ~ a , , - . _.1.1 'Il t, c : . ~ :`zO,, ,.1., ~ ..t: e, ':Ir , - ~ tilp `i 1~ ,z ~ ~t - .,E, i.:- : , ' : _ to °f k~t F ,j - ry. t.i: ..4: ';iL t'1V.,i 'v4. , .1.'i., l'.. ~l.i Fu ,.,U .r _.:Q -t,a ~ ~ , at'~ a , - , _ _ • , ~ ~,1 r . r~ c; O w `v.. a V:, e 7 ,ru v twla E ' , A' _ tl'.. 7'•' ~ ,f~~,, r. 0 _ ti ~ , - , , ~ . <.,.Ci1 4r. Y, .i-. Y tie t,r . i~h - r,.:,~~ ~ ~x f' b i~4: i ~:'>eetrzr{ o~ ,e tember 2~ ~h ct~ ~ , p 1.J..1. contwnued. ~ ~ y o;, tt:cta~er ~~th I~.:%~~1 COn ' -~tp~on riotxan a,~ ~'r ; ~ , „r ; I I n. a.,aanr.,e~, b , a , : or:rd voted a: ..,.1.3s~ai.r.1,, t,l1E.,~ 1...~tzncd carlslcleratxma i r; f i~ ~ Of' ' eii r '''r•• G.. ~ 7EG t,4La:,~,,; f C A ternk~er 15tYry In Jec~~:nzn~ to rorrmz~orna.so urge lx~. c~a 1,=~.' ~ .,a.ci _r qtr 1 otmt~ rn~,i,t,t.r.). , r, - cos dtle a,l ~,he r N .ct ~i~~ „rue j <~nr.3 rc~ er reu trio z ee e onert~ , i,xs. ~,1 la.,rl ~ ~ u ~t `off _ t' , r+ , , - J of ~ . ~r , . 1 .zs..~z,ckz:risa, - Mon ~.)z la.Ca.a..e o , ° 7 ~ F, ~ , ' r , to .;,a~ lcr L .71. r)._.,r alJ - ~ `}r1C~-tr~~(eS ~ f n.. a.+- . C.Li~ a1' a.lacctt~.Dn an t~l" ~ t the , r c lxna .3e. cn .,a~.c; , E u . ,n ,.re,rae . to rte ca. mx,,t<~e' ~'or lnvestx Ar; . t G , ~ tlon and •,a:~ ~ , np re or ,r, , e.. .,r a , , 51;~:c~ the s.7ri ~ ~ " = ~ r' , , , ~Dr;~rcl at 3U~ d ' 1 ~ Uc^CI•; t SU;,,11.1.. , _ 1C .7..1n~ 1.1 L}e Qa ,l a,1G 1" 1,r1~,' ~ r r, (3: , , .p'. r Sequent m.,etln~,, o tap::' pp a 134 t_,„ ~-ler1..~ ~ E ' •ranted a , , rr~ zon , r;; ;.n r,c" ' . ~ ~ R a e i ' carn;,l~,lrlt ox' : r~ 3 a k} , .:4~,: e , ~ i i la., c.r.> , tol G y : ;%.1`Cittr~,~.el' ~''F~p ~ n ' ~~'•i' P ~ ~ n r 1, t ' iI . ~ , ..Vt a~. t,llf? ~ ' • , u_ ~r~ ..or 1ice,:::e .11 r>,, „ ~;;r•, ~ r ~ .i ~ , + !1 d,1'r;llrli,tln: ,ja, ~ c, j` ~i,, r f'. t, a, e~ ~t€~.1 ,,_„lt"i7 .,E?C1 U" i:~l ~ 1kt i c! ( a,.. "iUrd a; =.•;S x.~tc'nGe Q c . t r @ a-,@ rrr F ,J ~r.'~,'.' 1_ CU' ~ 1., ~.OC"='i~',.E l`)I1 I , i U1tan I.IOt~.pn 0_ ~ it !nn ,a•,~ i r n , r ~ 1 i I j • :.rrJ utr s Y' L.:,F1Cl , 11 'il ( t t3 , n x' y ~CCariU'ef~ t. ~ fi ux .~lr.,l .C 11 t,,.1c ,aal.,e rlavln,°. ? , ' c ~ .,".,)l.j~{~i1 F,rl ,~li'.e(~ E)' r.,[t.,LF'-'~.: ~ .:c~Wr` y a ;Ile u v 1 n, s 3~.e.1,,n l ~k „ p , j a' l u~~.i,, el~'C,re t t7 ,s ~ t ~c j 1 ~ .l !,,ale, ~ li ~ ~ ~ I H r .;Oi~ i, at' e; ~1S . ,!alder I , yi: , _ u `l; . , o,.,)lt..l for tree ,:lor.tll-o' ~~u'=~us1~ ,~r~~ re ~ r; , _ _.,•a e.. C.,1vP,Cl ~,nd Q'4'1:! C')i).k1C':t7.Jn ~ar ~.xCc.'r1 aB t0 u(;1..~. ':',''1ne ett 'r,hC SC:!.'R 7 r ~ r r . prF I , ~1 loc,.t..c,n .,yu,,..:11.~,E.d b1 :r~.r4.,tow~ z.,, trl .:~)1xCStla11 a.ar li,CCn~;~ o ;ri'' . a ue _l~, ~iCw?' ; ~ E1 _~.OC~atJ.ar1 Ui! P , s' .t , SEE, ,.cir ; Sl)'`;1'lltteCl t11 r~;i 'l r 17 ~ 1,, C+. eC~ :0~;{j J_ a ),,ck~o trlc ;r~~' n~av~:nl" , ,,G~ : , , ~ ,r ~ ;a . en..a_ ~,eo ~ f ~.nc2 .~nerlf k,f. ~ , . an ; e;,sr,3 ~ ~ e..cx xck .,wllo .i r , s • , 7 i>an ,.at ~,tS n,~ ,,0.111 I,. r„a , r. r., _ f a u - ,,salter trE.z e , o~. • ri t~.an o~ ,iii ..,a1~,,r.a1? seaant,~:l., 1~ E:s. .r;,r.t: ~s ~}oll p rated .l.llaer„ of ~rle; lrnlr. Uo.l az c o ,a...),)lan to l 11.7, ctP yr canexc,, aoc ~tsa:ane~ . j , ' r t' _ 17"' tI1C r8S1"''t'~ ~r - „ t ~-,2 utxan a~ i, k G_ . 2 a J., ~~'~..1.. UeG LiS.. 0~., .lw., -r;Wec ; „ I r.-rG~ e , ~ ~ : ~ .r r ~ tla.l cE., .,c,,<Gr ' ,I:d . ~ . a r; „r _ ~u ,~t a~ t?`ir, ~aarta a~ _.a!.2a~:~lolz tu~lt k,lle stl;': a X2'7 3QO.Q0 ~~p ' ^fy /n1 (y .,I B .I, ~'ti , r, r, , , A . 7: l~'`J ta..1, ~ ~ ~ ' 'e..~ Ii •.CIAt.'l • Cr(l,l1t •L 0~. 1,t1G uG!11~U.L cIC!,aL1nl. tQ t;.ke C;arG, p~' 1tS ,C' 'tl7.r:r 1 c, .r t.4,. ly n v, r,, ~Inc..)u.,,ale.aen lal 'CI1P 1„ r'' ; ,n , t£ Lii1p-'pt e;a!(~'1';~ . o .1i1 a • Gc ~o,~er j , r;, tilrpS j .,ati> U,Un !„Oclan :S ,1'ri,~',:, n' 3, .ry r7 yG an rCl t) F , i ~'u ..a r'r ::a v.i. Q.;1 i.:,. •::{w.l.a G r :'1 .'.21 l,nsi r.,}1 '(i „!5i '+r .p,,;a rT , °.a L.,~}r.. 1 vi.,r.n ~ , ~ a ,1 t .~..1 V a,. 1.2t,_ .,a a. n . r• : ~ ; . . j ,wrGnt~,t 1 .t.u~l t~~:a,~ „t,e an rr r;, rr` ~ -.,1C: 1v' ~!"Cr.r~j,A c:a,rlC~":~ ~y y. ~ . , sir 1, i :r. r ~av `~..~j , ~.:tC.',:71uh1 s i vll t„J L..QaI :,Usjn"~,~ 1)1,,x.7 =,0;;,~~~ t,a l.al~ lYljr. j,,,Ci~,' w ,)1'aJr"a ~'C)r rr~ flerlt. , . J r..., . ,I a. ! :i '~,~1'T r''"~aY2i i ,yr, ~'r,,, .1 ,t =rr r, I n 2"t?Ci?~,t ~ r , p , , ~ v:,.;021 ,,.Q l;.G-. y ,t ' eC j It ,vsa5 ~ul_;,li. t;h±, Ca, a:1os'1 2 p 1 I Y~au L,1Cri t,•k..n Ull~,xl ~.~.Gf t:.l:. , rl~,~,1,, r;r, f, a, .'r „ a l,.y a ,elet i:.~.a4nC~ had u. " ~o a t . `~:a ~:t t.;~.t' 1rE ~:at;; :.os, 1~: 1..7 ,~nr~ ~t.~ r "'oR ~l J ? r.GC : orc7.os ~r:: 'r.,y ~:hc~ '_'rListee luodus , ~ na.Iu,..> (,1,., t.a l as t): t~le.'e: are .a F.IE:r~.)~l~ . z" am tYle - w~ i i,, ° - %:vr:~r;11~ al :,lic:` "a.,.: nr.2 T)ersOnal t-~XAS ~'.IC i,, t> , ~•,<r ,r e,,, 1 i, „ ( r r _ Clerk. Tf_. 1 ~J r.,.rc.., o:~ ,lc~ pror~...~t;y yar the ,f ~n j iE'C1T 7< a..~l., Pi .t1vl,~ ta. ..,,Vt. _ ,il 1~ Y y n , __r~l.. 'ta:i ,.cto°c,er vth. l~`r~1. ] j . f j ri.li • .~'ficlrEr1 a ~1a 'aA.t~ w)c~'r ')ri ~ 1 .1 i , M r c.: ,...r;~ a.! ,.rrt o.l lr.nc~ .aou; ;l.t ,;,1 orn r . j a..1;1Axp, on r; ~,.,l~~~t !,loll ~ r).,(}C,.~'C~. r '%~.I ~ t '+1,. !°E'S.iL1~.Q,I' C~r.~!.'r i1^cet7.1"A ` 0~: 1"tlr+ ' r ' G J ~ _,a r l ,1.,1d at 3.{)0 1 i i r , . , - i.~. i U.;;~'. -'il. ,'a.~.~.C'CwaY' L'1'~,~n [l:~J rt' R'n 0~) '°~P-a.-~~l C ~ ~ t1t: , esq., ~ rfi ,..tt71..,7..n1, a.. l.. _C, 1,~..~eu i~r 1i <Y ~ , , ; ( 1 r r ;rr ~W . r . ' a-'~,' r .r:~.~.,.1 U ~ )G.t ,..off,. on <,ec a r r . l u~...17.,. .,,~1 ~ ; , , ,r,. ~ - m> y ° ~.~liar a7, : t sLt~r:ct wa -.i1.. nc~..k o~ ,,.ln ~ati1E -.ltitor• ~ . I' rl .7a„ ~;car _e M,, ,.il~,~r,!. n„~..,, . , ~ J t n. ~ to ....~.j ITQQ Ita ..1 „~Y.y s7` "Y rtn(;j,.at1 1. , ..G L.a r~olea~rir 'Ili! ~ ` ~ ~i ' r,~. ;;Z'. i ~,~,r r ( ~t~tl c)„ er !,,::I,~'rC, ,rw1~4 7r~J._. .,1 ar ;;Li,..,~ ~.°.r.°c~rCd ;;.1., i)i0t',,'S•1•Ca<1 X1'1 ~ Gl. ."uk= t~ c n p ~ _~.tr., _ a r1 j ' , tt~ sI t _ , : e ~ 1._ ~,seusm..nts of r~z'o'ra r ~;-r a:, r ~ r, . .~,r'eet n~Gr A ~ , ip ~ r ~ j~= ~ ,,..,r: ~ onv ~ot L1.7Lt~d U :~a<.,.al 1A`l.. JUv Ut,.~t..anr.,., tray tl1r.,CtP":. ~0 7.~~G ,.C j, i ' .:.o~.U1 aort,~lalrlt. :,e~. ~7, (`,oiii:~-,r ~ E' J u~ -jQ~l.(r.a I a i f I: y tJLllte ra dele'<<ti:on a'? e rC;d 12' l r r, r ry4, _ ! ~flc,"rt~~ ! . , ` ~ , p ~ A int_a e.7t of :tio<,~tal ~'{ir lnc. r. ~n ~ i acl,lre,,,,ed t;n,~ ward recut-:stzrE{~ tri ~r~ .a... ! ~ , „ , ' ~ at,llce2.,3. be ~~;ran~r~d. r;laa a~-'t~~' z.~.rl,, x _s , 1 „ c T , r a } `1+' I1a t,'L CI' t,rt c to r f - s r j .)z . Icrxn.I's }~eevc~r. I.tr. E9vlsarx c, r (COatll f, } p f' tkn n,~ : ?:t ~ e t~, Ll:. uC'r} .-;,ti{ 1, C1! ,i."n'~'.~. ,J'r i'; t t t 1.. walr. , ~7eoa. c .1Llta~t ant' o hPr a ; , ~ _ _ t , spok~ In s, . or a~' . ~ r. n.: r m.~r , ~ ~ ~r~e , "a.~~ cctar _ ~~~.,j.~ ~ a7e.:,r. _,.,~sr, ~~rf,s ~r)7oser., to the r.~rlt~.n:~ of , w; ~ r:', C • t ~ _ . 1., :.,1 orand f t the e,.r4,ant~,tlvcs' th `~~x r , . ~ ti_ , *,t a.'sc ~~:=d " ~u:;.~:. z rl-.1 :1 , ` a c,7 c, o~orp rt.ra.c,,n w~lt,,rl e,~.Euh t,Ale'~'oL~lty l.lt • r , r, I' ~i ~ , r a r u 11c1r1El~~n, ::~r'1 ';6 ut`, c'4.,, ~ - c,c'; n_ ~rl. sno4rs 1:11', c;a7,ea~larr laU ~:r '.F y _ s,~ 56.x,,, ,,7_~(J `7r.~,,... - ~reu. t:1 i ,nta,n~ o~. ~,ae lzcel~se ~ or she r .,on .,h~~ the - y ' ~ ' ~ I..., ~fi4g . f4 ~)"-t@1'~,t2an 0T T11~ ~Ct1T ry r;"r`r t, -~a l is na.= a,n na.,,'rlu..t:.; anG .(!c1(aC ~ ~.c)(,llJ:i 21at 1,lli; 11CF°°Tt,"~' }c .'.^Aa' I; i..l ; Enotlost ~rece~v,~d no second, I !ao'~;ian a~'f'ere~i ,.t, r,r~~, ~ ~ _ A I C 1 . 'i ( J _ s~ ~n~!t_licen;;e .ae ~r;,nup,; wi,',.nttt _:ne t).zvl.~~.~~, of • ,J „ it u,.,l„",., ~1~2~; a c ~:rn~vdl met t-,z.th'no .second. C'. f~„'~ i u - I , ~ 1tl `f'or ._,;.es ~J ~ ~ `a ) j Y :';r. }.risk m~ae E, rnation sscori~led ':r. "al~,.lei11 that °,erm:i~r ~ ' j l _ ,_Slo7. uc ,;lve„ to uue the " 4, ! 1 U11C~~ ~'Or f; 1 t n^ :1 r; O,a ll:at~: -'z "~J.~~. 9 u ~n aL;T'_CUl,,U_~l f'rklr c121G SL1Ch .".:luiC°'ulen~;S ~.i5 2i~{[ f U®V~,C~S ~1QiJl3 }10T'&28 r ,r '°n r ,r " c ~ ~ 2lerri~ „heel etc, ~ _ ~ ' y ~ eL: ,2u ...,.Lrrlt~, ,ald .,,)~,~`3 e y °ut rlo sElotasy X10 ;;r•!IiEaa.in~; aevzce, rlo obsCerze silo~is or c~;rnivWl' ;1 ,Mat 0 " y `t •F i 4 ry TngaZ".I@n~,8' . s even . ~.Ils Ina~_on rra., C zy ~.od. r, rn r,,- e_ ~arlal P~ oreri;f 1, r , 7 ; I~ ~ i ilje 1 alr.'~ uai`:rcl a?, C'! t~` ',nd ' ,r r • ~ r•ai 1 r r,'' , ~ - 1' . f r< , , COUI'1'G~ WanLCnf'd :...tt1 ~~78 law7.U,=ills :..1'k,`r l C~~l ~'•SCi!iJ"titlL'S n f c r r?1'~j r'F'"'ti's .,rv ,;r.•y:•, 4•eJ-.tE.vt .-..4~-~ar ? f... * 11. it (,:"S• ,':2'1 r° 't r t~ ,i ! ^ : aU.J' 4. ~'`'el1k,.! C'~jtJ`2,Y .l~ic~ ~~~t ,r l...J j j,~rx.r171y c.Il;7; ..a , .Ind.,:~t`r .s:•ia P' u n~ r~l m . r ,,,,~s r, } -3 _ , ~ - ~'1'~ T7%:•,,.t'ntS ?'?ali7 ~0 t,lt Ht,t;71~._,rtr.f~,a,)~.l,l.~ :~k. p ,r. r ,t ~~,..,a. ry, •r' „ a.' 3 ~1.7 7 , P : - -•<r,.,:. ~ , ~ - , nGt.nt''I :,ulltar 17.`~ ~~4: CJIk 1 j _ . .oL,nt r a~ arl lnC..11:._...~~, :l.tar.le' r r`r ; _ • I ~ _,)..E.1 .,e17:ct..1~Vf![`i t71C"' '..aL.,11.r• „O C<r,., _..lrP tOjQGlll~ 7'+*j,, )C _ a a. c ''1! ~ x ij' ' ` G. z', ~ \~;1 T,1 r„',~'_ } 1.-. ^,1 'f ~ ~~~:J1:3 ra'.,rt Vu r,: ~1y~}(7 ,lr,1~71,1 re .~t,~,:.o_ ..tJ to ,~t.ar..l V V.l~: rlae;a~ lal~l + t, , _ . , . ; ~ r,~ - t v „a ,Utf. ar. l,.l~ ,.C.a )~.C t ry , ~ ur:,, l,l at.. r7 ~ ~ql lec 7 i al I 0?1n:lOn pile ;.'aUTl't'r COL11C •n'- ~ i ^~;'r, - ~ ~ ''u: ~ P.i ~ , 1 2ial: s ~l..l;~~,tc wn t:.x;, ~?ttt~:;~r tt2*llct,~s ~~iic n<< :~'e lr ;::ndr _ L , r ~ tf l;,~o lls ,a~..1 LanaL,.red 1 ~ r . 11 r , „ . 1~ i S I 1 .5 ~ r Ct r+ ,n ' r.-. - ~ aiia l,Cr'ta C7'~"lla II d p n ,hlu Opx.fl_a11. 1;1'.' .-,dl7;a.)~___ ) 1:'.~a±t!'G :0ow7,~.t-S , 4, ' E,,,; ..nt, 1 I.., tt hC;"r :i(1(<yy 7'r) tLQn/} :1~ r,r 1 r. , j, ,°L, 1. `n y i)1 -,_.4r .S-, to lP_ „a~, 11 t,r 1.1..~1'.s [)<7 C;).yZ"~L C..)rvtj u , ,_,..:...zt..on~,l-rere2..:e of ~,Ura; Il.. r _ : L; r y r , „gym y7 I f j', ` ~ W N~ , ul ua.,,,.n,,:,.,u ~ n, a.l~te .,,rr.~ j(7C}. r7 TiIIE ,.Qtl,lt° 1.[ Ol"! VA:C' . C r t , ' 111 11eL1 0~ P~ °`t 'c,rc•n , t c°i v, ? ~ ~vE'r 17.r~`i~.7 i a:, ,,l.C.._e1~:1.>,, t.aa".~n~ ;~~a.7ect a~ t 1- - ;,_30.7__,,. j 4 j , {~~I gl ~.1 ~ 4 : I . , ~!at.: J.'iJL lr r_.,1 a1:~1e1 :7 uC On;l' ' p +c.. . 'f. a•1a , ~ C` . 1 .,.a ,,.lr:n y' It ',IC--~ .C!C r,C 1 i. i " 1.. ,r I'f ~ ~ ~ I ~i ' S .3cn.,e Q1 ~ll.~s „,7a.d ~ n a:• rar , , a. 111 a4.rt117c,1„, _t2E ;,):C t~ f,i,E!? U1 p"' y, , , , ~ ? „i CC. Ulrl- u,L ,:._i_ 1, . a,,G y r,t- r < . . „ - ,r{ t _ uc.: lJa(a.,.. i~f O ~i18 _~vc,a d b - t.l:; `Ot.lnt ,L1Ci 1. ar >=.r t - s ~z c Mlle 1 rate t ,l t -_aa ; N:n13 4ro~llta p~.,y a21c t_Ilr:i c2e coat l,~n it aE ri hr: darlo ~ , - ..;,c, ~,;~r ,~iCCF~wl j,f(~,"" +'~-j -,r ,r .r.p~ r1 I:i •.'la a..laelra l,tal..e o~c~ ~a trla- .~....o11~.ctor ~'oz c,ullect_on a~l. u...,,lt~ers . , n ~r.. c ~ , . r T rya ~xn. ,.1 ~ iY'l.l`" ~xllel,r l i gall r:(o tl on a~' 1;:' . .,ar.l.:C'^ u,..C t;lr J • ..i' r :3r ^."1C: ^ r t. l.C.c~ 1.' ~1.i P.i. .'I r~,•,r.e a. ; ~Le .T ii i r, j t an 1.7 L1l,ilaT lu.;a7 t,a S1• C1iCCk;; ~ Ol' /,'rc t(1, ((t, 'Y, 'F', , ~.cr r tt~,,~ ,2'.~t4EDUC:' ~ ~ ` • « ~:':,1 a.~.~ 1.A: :i:t~ll1 sJ .r.4 V~ r,',' 1,. r J. , n 1, , n " , a1 _v r,.._. d ? 1 r ' Ol: J:l 1', ns az' ; sea-' lla~ :11 t~l . p,:~~r'wr~ ,rla 1.rve ~.eil e to list pr'on sty ~ ~ Gllelr fi a~' a ~ i ~ 1, 7T, k <.1 ar r- , ,::r ,.E ~'L~ ~ t _l ct ~cn,a.Lt far l~n to 11 t UC71 T S , t a 4C t, 01 rC'. ~,1_..~f,f?,~ t.lr: t, ~)P n c•~7 ~ r , ,;1-n :r ~ 7-j a~1C1 ,`ire Cl.c,r~;CU 1 ~ T. J ..z o b u a ~t,rT,~~ a ~t~.d to t.~.7e ,a,:.(?G,aO a._ ult ,.^tlllt :1.1.4,, ,;Y , ,.es r1.,. ~,,1 • , 3.,. z,,,a 'n , ~.A G .li:a Ca. .t_ ,~r ~r r ,:p ice, ,n 1 ,.,t.,JI c,nUci2'. ~ 1 hh ~al'tra„ as ,al.,. o _ l,le t=a d lr „c S o I a ~ c? 1S j ~_,.4~, y Sllal7. ;1P)l ar)Z'lr_?'~Ma .lal' t:Ja!':cs21a~, t.t; ~].tf:. v1C~ ,iar c, :~lOUSG%~:EC'lllrr rr•G ;PCB. ; _ i1 1_Cl C.:f!)7.G' Ilel t0 - : n a- , - _ G ~ 1C a?, , to+i k _ ..,...a t.t r `t r_ l ;...p. a..~y ,<,c - , , f',' r? 1l a-tt L>I.,~.a C aeLra,.4ul r:a:::Cr: ~ vl ' wi Sr - tCi 17. , ~ i. ,,.011 ...a ~~.a:. 0~. , " ^ an , - •,r , . _a. aIlc~ ;,P.B dA:01,ll.t U_ l,ll„ 1~U.,...7 ,.11,tEaL.t, ? a , _a„ y ~,-_..anGCU l)~ 1.:T'. •..rc:lt~n,..~ , 1~, ,;a,J , ,,.,r, ' t212u .R,LIt1'larlt~' J£ ' 7 ui:t0{~: °C1'?C ~.,at101. d r- „ l0ut. , 3 ii1C "Ctl rat„ .,1..~': tOr rC;,a1' ued Cal7.€~CtlarlS a~ lr~^.l l~l'E",J lC ~.Ci1:C:S ~ S t'alla~ds. it t:.i . la'.i ,...,~,aua.s~~. the ,,,t:ut,>rl 0.1 collootlon a~. 11~CG'1S , ,.,L , a,,rc l+Ulae U~' ~:1, t1-- „llxGii 1. ,e>L_:,. : y 1 1~~.7 1}. r,,. ^c - : a. , n _ ,..at,. ~ •i 7~r. .-)Ll? l~ •\l~.' 7~. S ~nCA ..t t,u,S beCVu.,Gu J. ,:;I . '.ru„1~ a21d ' ~ ~ c, _ , a , , a ;r,GU„1,, ~.o'tal .,a_,.~C ~tE,C~ r _ j`~, c3 C,:17...Ctj til~ V r ~tE., fiaT ".EC G.J m.L a.L t~laAl Ci _ ry ~y - } > n',- r7 ~ 9. a. ..n t• « ~ti n.3 , f1 _ G. 7,.~~rr;~ Ali ~~I i, -_1~; .`at _ t .=;cs ir.ut~~lea. a:n ~,n~, 'r r ~ , ~ ~~..ols a-{w~.titn... ? - ~ • ? , .,o~~.ec l,al s a~ r lce 4.a~.. tlli, . r. C,, I. !~e -Livn~t'1„E, : t e:'~erld lz-~ o ;111`,!}.UO {'or .E , 1' , ^`1 ito :1!att~er o'a ,~1: cin:- illte ~ri~~'. aalor~= ~ ~ Ta - .a ,.c] .7ald.:ers llt ~s G , , U1~~LA;IS.C7 , t _ ;~,7~ € it i w } ~r °py,k; ~ _ » Ji j kl,t l CC'C? 71. ' r rr j I V _,1, ,.,li;i. li 1>v, ~,..1, :ln~,..:~l,.lon Qi, ~ r , f,^i, a-r., • r , ri Pa ' 1,7cau„t,3 ~1 k, c,_,,~or,. ,,_I<. :lt~ ~,.~,_,~d 1,~ _lirtlxa,., ~G.nd foz ? • ~ I a t. n ~r~ ,~x ;on ~,,,p „ _ w <.nt yyeu , ~ t v tS: . ,1_,l~..nC'1 `P 'yG1S1,. V11, "i r. !l~'a ~r~?f'n .{C- ^ w v ..1 1 r 1, .,rr:r It , - a.:. ~ ; , { ,z ~ ,-r f lnta .7 c,r1C. ;,t~1.:CCn ~,:1° ~ _t,r 5:10 " t ~ .„1 ~,,a _7, h.,a, •.f• tIl° iF r;a~..tCtc;; .?l~it~ ~}~a.~e~Ca 4,a,.E11'~v tv ;.•le P,- ~[,C ~llr,t w11S l.Llt 1?° ,~y .we,~ ~ y I r , COr"1:aT' ax' l~?~;,~1 ..11~: ,'.iuz'ca, , " et~l, ~a'rien act +o .C'lleca. 'k 1,.:11;:1, beCull..ti~: 0'r ,1', a":: " Cry-` ^ i ,r,7., ' c;r) r - J j v4.4 1J,., ,v,.t E. tat. 2.~ '7 r •.,~"r,*, ~ .kai'_' i11 ' 't:Ii< " t; , 7.1.. r, ra-•: .+~--¢a" ~J p 1 4J1 ~ Vii,. a..,r1t,, , ,.alU C.. <!.1'"'.e7 t' (aa` " r~ ! ,~.0 17. '•ilt r. ",^Ili l.., .J'~ {P v r E1"il..(r` :1 '~Y~ ~ 4"1-rain. ' t;1C: ~.~l,nt~ .LC~., 1,11.0 ~t1E, , :_~1,~ .~1~.,:..l~r JL t err;, ,°a IOt ~t'_. ' 1,'; --v :0 ~ ~ 1, . , ~ , , sn ;,a ,~r-t..lt7 _tar rt«~ E:!t:: .1.01',"3 zit,!, err k . . ,;2•~ ;G~t1t< ,..::~et~2~~ Vllela rd~~ournF~„ Is , - r ~ la ~r . ` ' r~i,~1 _ , ~ ~ { l~F st ~'j I i ~ r' a, i~!~ ,~~d t:-I i i - '_~'1 ~ ~ v l .iL ~ 7x• . r k; w .y e~~-~; e.. ~ ~ `u' } t 15 r ,;ilminMarl, i't.C, Oct~d>er 1th cc~ I a a J,.,.µ1... 'Gctoba~' 13t}i u eetln~ o,. a l.~ w1, continued. ~ ' w}~C ,~aarr of . ar4':;l.a _ r 4r . n 1.,.J.'..J_ ~.,.~i' xtt,J. 7 +r. : r T ~ r-i - . stoner„ of Ld1e Cot.r2t, oJ. atew _i~,nover : • , ; 11~ a :l~r.~},i r,T~.,>=;.,,,uJi'~i ~ „iet In rEa~.ular ~,.C s~~;,.,lor2 at "ralac +..ou7Vt J:ouse ln' ~,'i 1rizri~ r ; ~ * • , li-Y Lon, . , . a tns tzs~a1-r21,.cE~ of r,ee Lxnt~ aJi n ~ ,r ~ , ~ ~a _CL0:7er~ • ' : ,li~~i-1 ~ t o t c ' 13 _ a ~:tlr~ , lI~ o.,r,,,_.,er~l 1orA of trl~. mutur,l c v Y r ~ , , tacit r•.i..,' '.t ` ~ o ens ' r.ts ~.nG corn.:ltxons hereln~fter set`' 1 s rta.,u , ~2 ee ~,s 'f'o lot~rs~ zart.i, , F, , . I r'.. ~t::i L. ...1 a n,•, n' .r t)n Ciminl, tre1. r i. t w . ,.{)11 ,.e.,1P~t; ,.)1 .:.I ,:.Gn <.,rlt(~ ..Q1.1?'<t1S,alanE?ru :,tG'G ,f 1. r, t0r r~hr11~. 11dY tD u}1 G' `aC)Llllt ,h , sk, +.1 ~ clr+,~i, ^ y lly a stu.: eau~ll to 56 ~ o er,laJi , d.la -,cz c~.r, ~ ol" file total ~1~,I1ut71 dive L11r~; shelter relltills cil~,r ~'e~ for `oca y , & ubied ulli;:s irl fife I~i 15 I veto',,, ent rovzaea ~?ZaL the r~rnount to ue . ' ~ , e Aald in leu o!' taxes for ,,ny ~rr~~r .t< l,, .,it, ~,A,, . ~:,z.tn rasr.,ect to the 1~evelo~~mellt sd1.~::,.I nElver e:~ceer trie tirxE~s ~ . , , : tJ 1. t pulcl bP, pG1G I!„u ill on ~ucri ra~'o;~erty if It 4°rerES not exe t From t+,t~t n^ ~ ^ , hut? lr~ fir,, . n. d' ar she PtT , . ~,ouricllrr}~n t!~ir .z ~ ~ • ~ t 1 t}le nravlsian , ° ~au~ o . enclr , .,w1C,nJ ~ r ~r ctnC1 F:;4t ln, COGt 11c,rlC!? . a 0~, tl.1S J~c!z .;:;r'aUdl 1 n ^ r, OV ,~a J a .c.y,d.,., _.,L,. r:Qvl rt:ld'l:o r,1 r; ~!II~ p 1 a tree ':;otiz~t~° c,i~l.:Curni,~h the n , 11"t~~ u.1Ci ,.1 tE?T' weJ"! !~11 101n'u ''1~C E r,l,~ r , ;t+ :~G :Yr}:tnl.:t,T',..t0_ „lt. uuC_1 17I).UIi:i,:ttl0n r S Ll,,a ^ w tJ ,,n i}„ ttl,, .,J1lnt .Ot.:.:?1 ,j 1.r0.., rile to tl..,:e F t 1 ~ .,u Onf,t,, cp , r , . be rarlu_sted. i or wound o 1 f th,..n~~ ::,~r of accu rl P n ~ < ~aa.,_.~ n~ ~ I ,,h s1iE:lter C , , , _ I l l n~, site aor a jJ$~ recl,e€~;,:iori t)al ri ,~:tl, r ~ 1 ~J?t ,h ..l,r,e.n she ch<z,,o at; ~ , mr ~ rI` • , 1~~n~;, .r, tz , ~ ,_t b1l~hed for es_ ri}a11 LCd « u,r, ,r . . R . dne . ~ ~c, , , r} ~ .d , . , • e•~ ~.or, the t:.,,~ oJ. a cJ„e~.! it K , , It ',au a:,CO11;,.C~ b' !;S`, I P,~','1n tanC1 cc1..2.7.P.r] i~h`'t c. r. 'Ins ? r tlr1. EJ ) : E..ClUC_1 ~}i , ~ h.. ~ i,_s e llarJlisiiln~ of ~ n utalltz ' r„t (_1.. ,,.1 .j ~ „'N , :.a'~1.rlt : r• ~'q1~ l ttce ~a nE;. •0 1r: ' ' ~ : , - ,ra,,,._ r1cc:At. nt:~G t1rA;, , . .,ilf J0.:.1(?2., `)r0~)~a 0_ 4fate2 11'ltt Ct)0.,7 ~ L to far the )ulr.,_.,,ae ai , 1.L. , Ir• r ~ l 1 .,rt loc-^'t~J';d ~ r a .n, luPl or ra~~ lre~. a tJ.on Hari.', ` . ~ a,. h a is zwor LiIU'eslJ ^o~n€:r o!, L v x ~ ,~ernnd .nd ~rGnf:•'e , trHcts it 1)1ocr: ~:1 c 'y?:, y ~ a .~3J T04'ler :ii rt r 1 v,. r,. f ,r1i~>: t' lrQ. C~(,"~ , ~ ~ , • . a and t „ r • . ~ ~ ..1E matlnt to die ,?~xcl ,+ri - ,n ~ . ,~.c,....c._lt,l~ ~;d It 1;~ nere~Jy U ;ree~ tc lr;a'r1c tnc ..caitiC: lro une t:2} c~ n. alJ. ~r ~,l!a t.:ovsr.,, r - ~ , n m ~ _ • 1tE?t, ~t~ttes ~tav~'z' Y .r,ent_ nlu.,u~,nt to r"~,r• G~:r~;~Jl 1 ~,ax t}le ;,ur„ .-f. „ e R ent; , r r; ~ .a •.:0.~., o.~ ~ (?Ctin.~ 0 t. ~ r 1, ire n t, , , , ~ .,tl ::Ll i)e c.<t7_ d ,t t}is baT7 n, T•::- " t. ~ '7U1.... _Ti~, _C, -~,C1..,7t.0I1 t1U1,)OSE,ra r .~.r :1.rC•.t !e tii18 c,d Lr,lareli1 t~.;GS ctr'~ r-{, , a a.. .,..a f cr. ~.uc one „a ari ~,y . iEJ 9 i i~ UuE.~ .1.~a F~.l.~e C)1}lerw :.Qr- a tF'r't;} al, flv C+?r5 ,?1t,1 i~I~1v7.lE;i?8 az''I'ciltle:` rt ' C c. ~ ~i~ , f'r~ Q ,1r e :ease.... i`i' ~ C, _ ..1 C1 eS ,:Or all F 7.t10J1Es1 fiV~ y,'E?,:r i)rriod. _~le ._.~ullt,y 1, - ,t:dt ~,m'iI'lr;. t1:G ,Nr10d i ~ r ,:=a. n' r4 I , - ! c o ,u;te.rc ln:_, Lh tr.e u~, ~e of the... , k ;:n;~ 1'•t of. the site or sites for ,;p ~ , c„t._,a1~1atA o.t t,11E:. ~)e r,.. ` • ~ velapr:E:,.it <,nd can Llnu~n`, _ ~ Er;"t.)ii f ~ , ^ ~ r r,,,,`: ~ ; - a'rt' E, , d I; _ ~ .ot iarl a~ . r . <~c)IaIIF.. , : , , e l.f~, a. t,>.15 :.rE,eraPn t, a scoa., . e~l dJe.,,, lr~ a Mlle Uit<:1rr'.:1'1 0~ tt j {}i ~ - , r, v is It ~Ai ),J t lt, „1...1 ilot rlaxe sr:~r cr.a~ :~r,-+.: :j , r . e vatlrl t> ,c,,,r, r't, ry'a, °.h t ;n C .'t, r?o q, IJ 1 ~ C~ ~ F Y r i~ nd oz' e, . a .3EJ._a,n af' the +ult, _ o.. ,lymin.. t ,,,a , , n ..i. F .,t~..._a,.l ,yet ~ 1C..„ 1.. c+.,nnti.ct~.ali - T;r.., , r ~ ; 5 On .,.3e c,i.~t:cOr`luc_CI '=tXii,] r. a - _0. 1u,1 ~il~ CO__vu2L1CL.>.GIl ..rnCl r3tlGl:.ril.~,t~I'':t:~On Of i 40 n..;.CStlai;e _.rtwt Lrle ati P..2 - t t, ~ t~ ,i., ~,.C a5 n , P"~ C ~ . 7"I w .,lie uald pra:~C?_ t1 ~r iJhL; T)lr, C11~::~4 L,'1G'" - ' , ' ,t t11G' UE, 1°.17j_I1Cr1~. C. C _ at. utacl. (..1 I ~,Fu af, -Cl~l' b0 a`'r(:G'd r tr - ~ a it ~ ~a~ 7 .f_ t., bu,;ar art ue.i~l:f' a~. tPle lo,,+:st i'a.=;ura 0?at.~,an~Able• ; _lrr .star. lr,. ; f _ tAC .,fl i,t,y r, 1~J. 11'"I7.wl tJ0 LiIU ~O;I~,I i,.rleTlt, anC} ...idle fl21'1 .n a.: ~ , t-- •C1' r' t n L is ~ 0 11- L v a~)rrent ^ ~ : r 7 U,..2,,, CJnSt,.Ct1On ,Uart..r...~t,,tnr F3IBd ~ p~ 1. , ;,,tt L.~,L' CLui1V, ,i~,l T.>nCeS c,nu 1 C,l.ltt..,u '„h1C t r,,.z. ;YN s, 1~ Uz 3r ,,.G~ be ftlz lax,,,ted ,;1 t,riaut cost d n.J _.t leas ,ai otJ...i~ ova ~:n , uuS~.071 t,.l , /i^ ~ r+' t.l. e-_,era,. l+~ltl{J 5,, ra ~ ! f,A, ,f1 <'~•r lrV aiiilCr.-ii')@~11nJ, t, ~'7;~' '}f" P5 ^Y,J w t i 1t1 1 >7 r r f eS :..rE:Ci, °t,tl„ ;,»u .~1 Ot:r7 ,r ~~~,.z 0 ~.blt;r':'.n~7 In U.1~ .,OGIntT .t J - ~ 4. 4..:G~, u,_,!~:,;rp ~ ~ a i Clu_J_n~ )Ut rtOt • , k. ern„ ~'!~r`, ~'f, _t^(, r};.)C) ,.r 1f :r7} .,...,i'. 1. `i;. .,-„r~ ,c .r_ LV~n ~t aJe7 E,C7 _wl., }.liiV:t~ ,1•i'':teS ,:;a'~C?r"t1%iE?nt In ~ C Fw, f ~.~,..1 w 1 . , J. r..2 c:_,.c ~~.02. ,l v,c~ , J.ce,, aric.:.,,c7:latiles • + 1 1i r, U01t~i!.%1n O:a~E'.CtC ~ a, ' r'' i` trait= ;1' ,,ae ~s ~ •t,i ~ } Z; , t lu L..1Cr ....t,,,n- li,i_i2 .,w lC)t 1 ,C,"t f-~, . flit 7 r r it r t.~w . n:, ^ ~ ry r•~.,„ : + J. _ 1 a aua I.Ot ,,'lid,^n43 J.,- Z y , - iT 3 v, a ....,.try , } , r^ r. va Ll,~,I'ir;,i~r Jam! ale i,a t,l1F.' :.rOiJE;i'I"ir.!E,J`i r ir,~,~ ••rt~c,n ~ } 3 ,~r. ..C ;_Ul_,.it .,rc,l r r , , r, ~ i` ' L, Jtt~ ,c., •_u, }.le t0 n~,.at~l,,'f,w i'pr, .,,C tG, } ,;1,: J nt 1__ ~.i ~,OaCt rC,~,alr ~.:~iC] „~,Ih.L2 OrC1QI array».s Cal Tit ~ r., L C.,c,.,;; r, lcJ 1f r uii~ ...,.tw -_•,I : t n tr .r ~ , ' i,: m r ~ ~ , i . ~ r , i_ ' r - .T ~ , , uUt.~ 1t OV-,T ija u..t.. :.C3Vf.~,J1,,}c,.Il, url ca ~£?tiSE; UclS1 tr^" ,..t._~.~ut~., , nCd ~);C.l.l.., ~,1CS ,.?LOU7.. CC~ 1J 7.L ! 01 ~llE: a"C IiliC~ t a C~ ~ i s J,.r.:ax'_ sir ,,as cr'co ~ , uerle.><lt al th...JMve1, praent ? j~% EJa ,Gt2r'~vll;,'I' y^i ni r-,C ,1, 7 .7 .,c e. , r r._ c lvL:r~w_ iOr, c)u_..„t10n^Z .:.:,tJ!.w .J c,?'.tin'' }l:'• l'1 t~ ~ , , c,t( .,..lC' t,...11'„~ tl'is~1261. z t e t.lO.J, ,..t L1.G , fl ; ~ , a(t , ,i: l)ott rStl~rl It .~01i1:_.:', ~l~t r., k• c,ta+t tJ to r, 1 I yi! i V U e 1 »2: ~r.e coJlu t,r >_.ct ..ar ol. the ;taodra;r , .i1 ; i', i,ttEi , .)0~7£ r8S0 ~'.iti i`1 ~ f • 0 ,<aS <..~tOt~tsi3 7,Ir.1r,. ! ~ ~ 1 t, , , r , ,rc ,:err , v : JtillJ' 1,1 ;,1115 ,'_2_-P P, r : ^.r+ h +r , Lll fote a_ ,,d:c ..ter r: r._ w e ,;.i .,lt .)1.t ~.y t)e ~ona ,1 l~(.d to oal:f t.. ~nU e::E~,,,t~tla.l ~:t>on , J y ,1~ . 4,~ ,p ri r~ ^ , c ~ . 1. „r,.,~ E.: r L r,„fit ~ r . be , tlC.t~,~.l t,J i .,Ca, _.C . w.C t,..., .,t,., la ! t',`.' J t'ili~ t ~,1};: e'r(,1C i_ti_;n , r , c . r:. ~,...r:lo y x c t o Vile 4,yr.,..,1 , :.t,` Ila 4, .,1I1c,. . ~ _ ;Il a.~ t,cEJt~'u ^,i....C., lri; „ , -m " .,~'t. r , t5c'.,oF',.t ' ,,.ti121at ta:E;(i1• i ._.rr{:. t.l t. alit of rr '_Il r i'l. tzY , NJ r , v ~v.,±; r'rp. .~,7, ,t - „ r . ~.JU!,. _ far ,,I a ":.a, , ~ ' `.e ~(1( nr~ r i t,7.~.1t1„w to CCi..L171 ~ trz, tt'(•~~n,i;i:' i'1t,, t,, ^ F i" 1.1 . U ~!u _-,a,..,.,_ t r..r a„~,.Ct;te2:~ .:I...E,,.1 +Qt.'G1J1-' fu:1 i<';'CC= ~3nf} °~a.:C'Ct 1: rc°-,E r .t t Ul, et to the i a- r 2Q or more, ~ E~r,_r.,_ r 1 r 1 , Y_; r~':1 _LJ.+v~C u:lr:a'~a mti tl-1a t)' E,C!' .raVeIr1I1:Cn c.n°i 1, h .n ~a rer.t~,ln o,; e.a ~.n oi..,1. i:.l.. ~nc....uci: needed ses'vlc r t ~ so 1021.. ~ Llle - ~ ..rt, r.t?C.~1neu C)n2ne~t.~1Ve .O~rC, ;~.aC. a t?:, .`rc:-~it'1!t t1_l ,,c.,te"it~er ° 14'~C, a0 e;=:1 ~C. I F ~~;C 0 t r ~ ~ 7 ~ ,z"'o=,;, ! , :~,;:cvei' t~l~t so 7 aT1 t; ~ ,,r t , L _'E~elar.ll,.nt _w l:~~ld a; tl.e ~ 1.. ~ t,tCl a_ .1,T1C:_.~z. C( _ r t1 ,Lt a ,r,., ~ atr ,_i„ r,. , } R t on ~2.,, •,1..-l,x ~ ,4,11aw..r- . _0 Rr o ; Q ..Ortdl tirOnt wt,reeL .all _t ~ ,ac,llj rJ.,el~--e,.C.. w ~(~_..i21-ttG'u ~;,ri'iS ir~:!°1'(:e"}CI1 h.?' , , _ , , d .ood J t s . Ll cojntlnt, 1rt null ~ 4 ..lr) , ~ r." rr,.C. Yl r, r .>'...4._ f~ • - . ~nr -J-' , J. i .,.,1 a PalEu to _.C). e.e , F? ,7 i,,t, M.. ,i; _CC l 1, J, ~ ,1 _ OS,1~1V,_wtL~,..tJ.01,. .,r,2[1neP C ~ t Lt,,{,1~. S1.t,4i '.~.t3 a: Lei '!1~i.t:r ,c`,It~ l: S ;id,,n t0 ;.l`:e O~.:P,I I'it~?n I r :Z } { . I i t,0 1 `:1 t I ::-i G~11~ C,1 'Ufi,l',.r' I".' "Fa Er.C'nt ~1 11 t, ?}rttc~,C l' t',"i;~~ a, ,~e1.i.1 a: ~u;S, - I i < f f l ".0.'. i'. : ;,,+:I, C _ ~ _ :u. ,a ~ '1'~c^ •:n; o'} ~ c}ercr+ p, l., r: e7; n, , :a „ .{q,a~e, a:', (I ~ C ) .y c'.'.U~,I..., , _U. C. 1;. ~tl,,a~i _U (i. _ _i G C.i, O _,j ~ uu of bJ:E {'V U11"IlC]i~„ an Ali:.l.Ll' 7U.1 C3 ~ ~(d~l r.;~_, ,a,.1~:. ~r.i f`,..:.i t'_ 'CI a,t.S G r' ~ ..i.~, 'i. r.'i.' I ' r 1 ~ I t~ L• ~a t' Lai., ttI{ ~;~,~C 0! S.rr~.e. ii6 lOri€'SI be CG_..,1y1'.rC", r'~ ~ - " - , , . - t, ~;~,,eA ~C'rl nor ~.ti~ ~',r ~ r F - _ ,Fr]C~ :r~V,__("1'~ ~}1't;, ~ U": ..1'~ tCJ:a,,.Ilai;.0I1(7~' t__^iS `;'I'eCi1Gnt?rOS t0 1F ,!lOd.E, Of 1L ~C><tU1UJ. J. : ~ . ..it; ii D. !.I.C -.suet Ai,,i~':11J ! Wl ..U'^.: y' l°.tL ~}I, J.1 )n' 7R ~ ~PI•~. It 4 1 I li Y y.l I r t i i , n, _ 0 L C 0_ the G~nnur l ' ,~,.,~nt C iX11(~(~ 1 r te~~'9y~~ r Y, 1 t^ It y1 ~ y~ : r i , . 11 , .,0.. ...Ot~.U?l 0.~ . 1 < ..~ler;} ,E 7 , , ' - t, • CL'1 a:. Nt, 1. L.: t.~ I • w ...L'.~. r.jtAl r:. Gin~1 L° _ .^i ~~.'n r1 ...1 .a )i•n ~ , 1 ^C'1`!` .r", J_ J'~ ':1 R•I.. u ~.1~-~~ -.~.,--t.. ,Il ! IiLIGOi ciS t.,,. Cl).) +,,tC: +OrU:.an a~ 1,I1C 'G'relVE^?10n'~dl ~~vi >_all I,t' _ , _ _ I" i ,LV ta.,..st:1 .,C...., L....,TaC(1 %!n~ 'iir~ _;-,.,i;. Y; H a7 •i.ar p fl l;t. ,,.nt ~l t,a~.ew U ,r~,._u;,tla,t a.. ~ .C",C was , 1C,(w to el-~e .:to: uhs. . 1,.. A't'. r. 1G~C ~7..V(~~`r~G1 ice, ~ry. ,,,:i:, :i a : Y, S, ,:C? rS r:r .1.' ,d (v ' to J.. r~ tr~JA a nst, ~ ~ ant or ~ - ' 1 J r » 1aJC. „f ,,z .tl. ar,}) , ; t r ~ , ..L .:~.J... eI a,. ar 1, ,rte to trite ~,on~,rass of ~na I.'n1~ed ,~rt~.tes oi' .si1~-T'ica , tf st,a:ll 1 t,1Clu,`'tP lr: ;,t1E; :i,t.'ncs J i r r ~ , r.aa{1c-_ ~,.~z.J.aole Un e. ttll,, a:':'ree.nent. f .1~t)n r~at`la'! 01R T, ~'r;rdner c~" ~ 1~. ,;r, . , ~ a w~,can_ ect b,, .s. _,o~...~ un ,utll~r~ c. r_xt,en ,tr vr• !1 U. Lc~.l.,„r .1V1Jw It=- tl r, n ra +t' rtr r, a-.. , 1 ,.t.Il..er ..c_.e 1 rtr a:: n Ir aT'I '~r. r; t' , , r 1 n ,c,t _ it ~ 1. a 9 p t c,i E'c! G:. =I1C) 1~, ..ru' i:E?L .,,,u,n .._,,90I1 1.: ';(`rl+' i,tiC: t.,0~_!:_t';' c121'~ ,,i_e C Ie121.,G1iT, S1c:iVe I C.a>.eCt1VGl CCiL2 e f;rtC~ ,,rl i,t tx Ce r . , ~ , t,, '.nc U(it . ~Tl lntrl ~?JI~ J.~,~'.1. r ' c, E, ~ e , . a. ri' d ~a , i( i , ytI'._..t,a J,or tt.C c,., :a:~ ~~ulE:Ilt, t0 bG al,~.'r f?,.t . rt a"~ tiilc' C]a 0 • , - - _ , a,~,~~~ si riL cc.~s L. ~ ~ ute~~ s t y f 1~:~41. ~rl~ r .,,,e to cu ,yo~~rn, to~~;. ,~,t. a..a I , • v 1 I k , ' .dlalrmarz :,cJdl,,an te'r;lett prc,~e2lt,ed the fol` o,'trl ~ ~erient uet'..~ren tJte , _,lt~::3 ,tT.tes o~ r_r , r.1 n i . , u , ~ rUlle'1Ca and. s,:IL-' 'QEl'7.t'T Oa _.CtI ',cr _ 7'ry ' w • 1 J ,wt.~OVCr cn f7..E'_nt5 1n l1Lu -0~ t••:eS .,.1Ct1 4,c;~ 'rCa. ^v I , 7 -)a t, (;1119ir1?}aJl 07~ aard Of 'ls0urlt L ~I, Ir' 3', C~"J;.1.l,j "'Oi.11}1SS%al`i~?Ps .s I :I 1 1 , r. C f~; r.~`~.7 Li, ~ -.dJ},C:,J _ Nr,-'~i : ~ : : rt : Merl',. !.,::I' 1) i , i..TT.4 r'+i ,-P'te' . . C _.i 1. ~-1 _.L` 4~,' t..j.2 77 r „ , . ~ c, t?r~i1 „off ~,ctlns.nl,at,I or „ i,tt~,~t;. , v , •,..,1.:1,~-~ xurwu~~nt ~o ;ublic :'a.~,A~, '7{~ 1'i , : T- ~ ~.~r, , r ,:t== ~I~e~ ~ ~ a t .o.Z~,l ~s,~ - tlr~ d~~.,__.l~ar~ ::ct ~ tA~re:~n, _ , ~M ne ''!"C '7 ,it _CA r T~ 'c , r ^ "r'r' S~,:"at~nr to t t ~ e a l o_ ~t,a + cii17:r1 , , > c,.,;ziia" ) ~ 141.1 . Laz' t.~2 ~,1r1 rt..f:,T~2'ed to as ! ~s aut]iorized to ue',iElap .lauslii~; to aoco;:: o~.i tP ~ T~ t. , e:',,anw ri 'ec.~ ?.rl n~ lon•-1 _'~,~:ense y t, rr~ _ • s~:ctlv~tles ~,~s rae~lnet~! a.J°, ;,rte ;F;ht and , , ~ '.'wait f't i, f'+ cc;. ) -r. t~ n + r WC, 1"1' i,,;, ,z Ii f .,aVao.t of .a~.~,.IUU.~arer 1>,. u~.~dnar ~ocan (,o _._.l,.slariar-L.~. ,,r,.~..~ a ^,I.iJ.{u- l,i1G' .:Cdi:i121.15tr.i;irar ''1'` ~ .'r , ~ r J C^ "'Y r1 T1 15ir17]r 5 ` .ri J.: , . <.,S at,t}.ar1.,e{.} t,I:e (12Ve.t.O~i,iC,nt of uttCli ,.G ;~1.1 CO. 5 u ,{lyr , ; 1.,: r . ^r, , . , r. „ t r 1 • ,>a ..,.r..'r-, LiIC 1~0I'e'012i;• ~'•re`'.t?ItlCnt tru,, c.C,O ~.ed J1 T,11Q 1[?.,.1a4r11 F. vat,P• ..i,1)r0...,, l t.l,, 1,0 aC, J_OCutE.[d 1Ii utl+:~ ~:.1t'.' Qi ' t: a rJrplllt8 _ .~1,'11nv;tOn U2 tii a s ^ 1 Ca. 1 r, 2 11ent1f lea L on a.o~ , 31G.:,s. j W~.~~.~ ~,1~-. ~C U.>_C~b~ ~ nC. G~1Q~E~'~ an,J 11eJ~a:~l~ ~ ~1;;~ . ea . , , . r, - T ,~~Ir direr Ind L. u , tan, 9 a J ,;asi :,~"`,lsty):. !t~'le1Jt. '.~eo. z,rblc, ~ C~ol~.l~ iC I 'tlie 1~evelal7r~e:nt"); arl~ t „r;~, . , a:~.,'.. air. , rz.l, ~ t ,xed ,r.:r~at.~,sa, s). t~.rtu,, oi. Ll.t: J_~ct L._a~ ,he Deae.to~~:~:E;nt and lard ~cc;t}.ired or ta_ be acniJZ :Ln CO."Ir1FCt101:- E,_.::Ie..1t} tnC1 t,ri(, iL1~rOVe,1GntS ~t1erean are OCrfled Or urc t,0 bC p.,?.~.~ ,7j : y 2'n"Te21 ,tCh l c;r`id Etnd 7.J:? , ~ - ~ } J ,.{i ~;Our~d` i ~a Je t a s :~z ove.r,lent~ r,rc az 1,1.,_l b~, e..erl , ~ 1' <,..•.,t,an a; i_a .,t..ra„t . p , , r* „ , ~ =t . ti ~ L1.0_: Ui , I . '.c,11 dI1eI aG'CO.i~.C,. U, ..1 :,a1.,,..,_n .ttlt.:C7a It ,qu ,:;1Ve.: t0 ::flt l S rc „ + r _ j q ,~1'~,7 Cs.~ V, ~ ~ a .Y :.e,~ .,a..o~,er (t1~I einr;ltel s ele~l e~: to t,J, idle .Count raa b u~l ctlae_ ,c _F ~ ~ „ ; ~ f )a a ~ . car~rrr~)rtls , f rer~~• of :.z'. ~..~~.t~~.clL~;rr~3 tip i. 1 St;,a+: yVN14nS of tlAe ~tdte 0~ 1'Tartti 1 e t,il., u,,Cl, tGa..eS :.aB aI. 1.1'.. _..O,a , a iOC~t lo~aa .ollr~a, anc', . nor ~ ~ •~,;r n .,.A~:, c~« r~~, ^r. ? . ~ + ";aC t1v .,r!ru 1;.,,. 1 0 lltClu,~~.V£~, On c LUa_~ Of 1,ile l.r .l ~'.,„CwS..rent. ~ F", ini5t~"~ Or ttf ; ~ i~,£r ~ tJ ,,i.~_.d~~1~a t•"i. t:drri t , r, v~._ i,>vle of ~'ect..on ~ of the pct is ~;uLA:ariLE:; tc ~r ' rt::T ~.,Clent.. ~.a' r,T1nUu~. Stlrla 1,, .11P.1 0~ , ,1 ~ ln~ L4 tU and t,tl~, t,dr._1.n1~tz.,vol is .1J.m ~ ~ ~ ~ • „ ,:ion rt , rrJ ,e;2 ,ale. ~,a~,Ia ,a~•1u., oJ_ :z. ,~r.z'ailer; Uet:(~n:,ecl !.1;T .--.r, t:olei i vttLed Lln~nlrlot~.,.~ _ , r C'flrt"1n ~'"zri;ent~`• li"i lieu 0A t'":E?S t0. t.i1? , r ~-fl' „ i' ~,,1SlaJ1; ~ „ot,n~G x.112 tc a~,ncl o.m_~JicGl sub_1~.. ~ a Y 5 to rty~ue~~ f . , , 1. ' ~arilss-,:oz1 a tld ~n ~ , r . .,llCh `~,hl~ ~.icvw'7op.len~ is situf'ted~ ~ Vll~ ,t~tE; 1.:~~..d,/ r~:. ua~.ic o s ! an%ler of 1 a 1:rti."n4?'` + aZ y, ry. ra i i , i *'j r, y,',. t} I C w- ~ I v. 1 m r ` ^ t Lt .~oul.,~aWd :-11ve2 : ~Ji~ ;ic., ~te2 ,a or1r,.G~ or , l ~}!Q ;c'r01121~; ;ec~C;l1 acIC+ J10t :?reV10L.51~T lJ_".C, 1,0 ;,rite. .t t, :..c1.,:LU,a.riE?,. utCUrtt„: i r. :-lJuU ~ %,jStei1, t { I I I~ V 1 i 5 I , + ~ 1 1„ ,,ti' I ( ,i - ' II'i i 11 t 1 ii t, ~ , : 1 + I,;, II r II ~ I i T , • Ih` 1, : a141. a`~-, . ~ ~ ~N X1 i~~ ~ ~ "R' If ,dre' C~ a,~ e: !1tf u ~dV9'd `I i ~ n Sd 0 , ,I,,~S i .,...et,~.,; o~ Cctol~er ~.3t.1, ~,,_~y cont:.nucd: _ , ,GOt~ 21.`' aI. ~C'~.?'De2' `~C'~'t1 1~~•~I. CS r.,:. ; ~ , nt,1 ll.~~:. ~ci:iliai;iono~' ';arrzner sec ra : t, ~ i'i ~ y .lie 4 1~. ~,.,SC~ 5raent a~' ~ . , iq „f y, r n' F, ]"r}...~.a';`1 ':7a ~'nc _ I i n d ~ G.1 Ut,t; ')1'a '@r~' , ~ .t. r, r r, , , I Il .riU1 r:iQll t,' 'r. ~ i' 1 t. o~ „on arlci ~ 1 . ~ r• ,r , ~r t ra,° s t,Eur~ ,.,~Ilern` c)locl• r ,;r , xr; ,i; ' i . y vrct~ r~~• F retro ~ ~,r>_ „ cr's ~ ~>I-1 1 ;.,'r , I'~ LI, i'eci; f,', rr,~-, ~ . .,_'r. ~ `ctl,n„ ~ ~.02~` ~,_l. L o2' 1.2 a:^~inr:l e;~ ~:o: .ar::r~ oz i,:1C' Jeul 1~ _C; ,ind an Uo:.~Lernent `oI tas,es ~r: z7 v; lt~~;•u ~ , ~ t,>, an, a,. , l , oI' tr2e ;dear:: ~.G;?~Cl, l°r~as ' ~^r.,r~~,i~l. , ~ ' 1 : ~~1,,u;3 t zu2`F;i~.L:1• ..,,..`cony, ~r'., r F~ . i ;llrr~} s'~ ,,t )r 1. lj 'S 4 V,611 rrir]trr).a , , r~ _ ? f; • ,:~t--~. ,:,1....Chi'Ln`.)cIY' c,rC~. ri, t,lf i, a t , .I ~I, ec ...:i. 1 r, ~ ~l a<a, ,I'.rtln.~r.r:>r}ri ',r~ -~t~i , _ , 1 a C7 C3 1,f .2 11dn@r, ts..,..aaG~ ;ErIuLt?T' Oi r: rn ~ i 0 ,i„~,. Y IOfr t S a~:1r.oS'le~ ~P,1Ir'CO:'' T„-r ~ 7' 'i, a .U.:}~U„_ . •(cl:t~;.,. ,0~)!3:C't ':t C' • T o , ,¢'I 1. ' ~r aerVl.CB., 0:_ .ut r~.,.,.1'~-, Ce.F?I k Vic.,. r, C" t,Chl .i~.:)t,l„011. E~ l r f~ t,6 a ~>t, 1 llr ~-.'r.' ~sUt' 117i~. I h~ I IUGl'_. 117 11~:: G 1C C' CiT1 £i S''~:cUrrr jFlf:'1.'' ;li' `~?~.f)C r 1n~n ,t',~i T ~ _~I't 1,11P , 'C) ,..,.,1+r0•. I1CIr'1'G. I,r r„ _I R 1.1' . ~ri~ ri-, ,r , r, . ~ _ ' , „ ~ 'rr ~i 1- , : , _:cL,CJE;r' U,,J11i ;1b1], CII:11C8 ,U'.. '.t ,trite u0 ~ •i,l.. ;.LT11,I"ILk_• .}IUI;Ir 'Ei,;l.u'• ~ .1 C:e~7ll;:• II gill.:/. ~ ~ r flll II ~ _ .,.)l't-n. .rl';a''rl 1_r.,>(,,Ita,,,:',11. { i'-. i.C a r, 1" t fi •i, 11 t',• CG ..l. ~-V;-::1L to. :f':,'~~•. °t.~a„ I' P,.' aU ~4 OD .1v .t02 r~,1 il .cl., ~ , r, r,' J a u0.,_~+rC~Or t>. . .1a 21, ,it,r Tit ;0~.~. 1 E.J". •.r4',0. ~.1-(lpr' :r,lt. ~ 1 1 Cl, I I rt p • r _a. .Ci, I JJ• ,..r due • n P:-. ' r , ~ ~.,n t,~Gl?. Sr - .i1el'r, . t .,:u ' ~ Z• 1)G Vsa an,I T' 1il1` r lk. i r a , ~'r : J }t 11"f~1 tr rnr . 1 i ~ ~ , ~ ~u~u ~.o1,1re~,ol~ r-il l~Ll.nc ~ . ' .:....~,ctP,f. . .._l. rc~ a~, x.17. 1'11E r ' ~ : .p ~ lp..].a, 1.'C;' , • ..1~ (7:?. ~ . T 1 i ,.ai,a.ont,1. ,~ur~tf .:.,arn~,<ny a,, ~t1I e%y, In ~lle> en~11,'', o~ ~r37 ~C~•Q < . ;r;y , ,1,13 1n ~ C r ~ , y .00 I (~,S.)BC1;I.Ve~jl, . Utle' Sl''lC1 citr10112?t,S i1~:,V1:lU )vEe7'. i:1XC'(1 ~11(? ,~ai•,,?:L Sianel`~ = t. 4 L I ' r:,at,~.on acc~»t,erl~ o U11~}~lllnouS`vD~e• upon r~tG,.as• 1, e.,.,. ae~~ct. . eltli ~~t.'~~.,,l.n~; ave~'i~ier 1C1t11, 14.``::1: E Y , . ; . , _ .s llle ii,(ie~il. _,ul • . r . e ~,tl : , ! ~ ~ r.,, ~ r)~ ~11eIi .'.C1",aL1r17PC 1a U. lc.",t.I • a J t~(;. t}_ • J / 1°i L ~t:~'. ~116J2:''C: •Ui~1:: "i "1'r, l} i;l.. t)1., y. r 1 i,+-t C)2 I 1 I~ r ~ ' i' -~`tr~-r' ,L'111;11. 1?.1.•...nl.l%;C}15. If111;I1. : 1 ' >~ro ~ ~ i'` ~ y. i r G1~,r,,° t , ~._ir:-, ~.,lor: ,;:j•,,7x. rcns• ."'trchcr ; nG' ~ „ m E.s~ t• ~.arclrriz. . , .coal r rrrl~;'rr. t; .;:11en• r ! , r,. f( / ^.7 r ,:,,,?fir, :f J Y.. ~ \ , } ~ uc. J.l.. l,c,i,u!1~ . ,.....1.1~JT1 .~;.I.CtE,a • l.l:,tlc .,lae~.n. tq ' 3ar- „aasn~,,l.;tc_, c~,a;~cr ,,C r~..i - , i.., . ,erltlel..; ~ y , , 1.,, • r ( , ! ~,:t.:rt)t.'1t11' ,~c:,~ r.~.,.(,~:enCll?I11n. Lr.Ll'CJtl°'~ t<I.~j'"'10:'E , I' m, v , ~ie IE;te t?i" ,F ~ , d.. .t . a. r`. , i. , ::.'Etr:. Prr r, ;,r T u1 r ,1.1 rlrtrt, n' D• - i1~ _ .:I.. G•L.L._..lat T •'1 Jfi t~ - UIi:; .50, r~ ~ ; 1' zlt ,~•U.. o ~c~.ocJ': 1 t r ~ .I~ ti~.r:_;, 4 .~1.. lrl ,I I .r11;. ~":i 1 {r ~ _ , r~ . ~7ar1 • ...i. D t r, r • 1 iJ;uJ .ia •l.c .a '1t1 vr. :`7k tl 11. :f ~ 9 . ,..•_„~..1„~,• . : n -'I C,,".C1,~ '!Cl] 70" t:C"~.E; fit, ~:llc".1r11' t~, r`i : c,t° r , ' L ii .1 r n, ea , I:,nel ,ntl r r , - .r..wt)1 i ~t,...,, c,,-.our .led.. i . _ , I i , t.: r;'.1t11It ,c,' I.i''(~ "111f'c, n r,p ~ , ~C a o"~ ~l~t,cnn~:~ a~' t:rlcl roc uc)l,~lr ~+i.ll ~ ~ ~;;.:i r.,, f .7 !f ,l?2 , )I aVN:1 T eCD1'iCG . ,I , r ' • i, t'eC;L1CS1; Da' ..r , 1 . S. :r,t, •'''OC7r"1Cr tip ; :::<•r-l: h1s Oi' ,i7 f.{ ~ `;,1~ri1I'i ' i 7 i;Orl C; n r,,~ p} f' E _ <a ~ y - ~~1 ?,atlS'l ; 0?1 ~0 _ , . y ~C1,0~7@I .,7, .L, :1.. 1 t 1a. 1n lC.1aC}~ ~ tsar ,!;1r1 . ;!(l7. 11S 1J t? I'e'!tCC;'(~ ~,0 r~ s' 7 r, ,tom ~ ,I ~ aAr.,cr, at ~,tJ ~o~,ID ~ ai , I , tI wat: a..con' e, i.r . ~.a r=,'1< , , , 1; : r ~,.,G r.7 r rn(~a r r ~ , J _.ta:i.rl,; u.if, :.p,-. ..•"i,S .,C1~i .'L' ~3'E_, ' , r t l e,. LD ,,;11. 7 i r' ~ i C 1 G ~ _ , .r ~ 1 , i1, 0.:.n..t,I,,~C 11,11 , t f; . t i~,l ~ :1 ,,`t?d.''..,,2 „Sk t~e1•..1..u~a~,1 t l7 r{, ~!!,'i!s 'ii'I E i~ li!aTl ina 1.r`i'1 ;-.r. ~.l..jh"-, r_n :ail , ) ~ t D.. ,.tar,a7_u_ , ~,...OI1.E,C~ ti)„ r ,a1,..;r.1a:1 ' Ci+ 1.G'.;:i,ariF :"'c' ~ ~ I,.t `qtr? i . II• e 4i..,J1~~;nI it ) ,t., q } ~a L,l', i•1 ;.ro~.;Ct idI ~ ,rt ,r i 1 c, t. . sal ~:G1 u..t: :)e~it,~,i~'1.c' ta~a~. Il~ .~..,r_r~-~:.tl.t~a ~c eltF .i I . 1 ~r, , _ V U1C 1... vr.. _.lil,~:. i:. ) p~l, `r.:; rl , r' : ~ ~..,aC.L J_a ..a i.. c,1,)y,.Il ~ ~ r" f,1 r, e, r_, w i '1{ ~ 7 ~ , s,i Crj :p. r,rJ.av .,.rtt,U~a_C)}. ..lt._~ilit G.. 1.0U@a .~~41t. , 1 . a-.- ~ ..i ~ I'' ..,u'L., .:CI „ 1 c. `.1~. Cllti ia[JT)1 aVCi(i a r'`-~Car'C~ eCl • r r~ .i, u. £..;,,ea1.: E•.il Vl)ta+~ ilx.; I.Ci. t7`r t.llc P3, tt i "1 .r 5"ti,`°r..r~ .,..1 ,a.. k ~ : ~".v2 A o~~ ".;:~.n1, ..,1111 , a.1tQl,U caa 1„~1.)+ .{,,.U: n.. 7 to `,.tE ,1,LT11, ai;rd ~i~ :~i r. ,,~lP ,.,,;rt„~:r .t 1t..._,at~r9,1. )e, ~tlas.~._~)I:.,~!` 1a:.1'at,! ;.i. 1,~crriU}' 1 pan r;arstl 7,1. , i k _ , 4 r (1- _e,l,]t: : - r l , Ulr'1 krDi'~l r~ 2 , ! r. ~ n ,_.l..T ,...:I. 1 i17t1u1v 1;rle 1' . ~ i .'u ~;i;,E A,,1: 'r'J.r1~'. ,E.~.]. L~r i1F_' C "Ff. t_;~ 1 (~1 ~ •:1 e .a: - , a.z _ r~,i i lut~;11 , re ~,~f,le ~l,o :,~1 aci~e,~ ln' I "ttrl l;t~'.:a US : t. ~+r ' ~it ~ ct cr, r. , ~ fi i G r- , ra. , ; ~ , t. , :vi!.. , t t,aon of a.:,,~..,,,1:?..nt, , ~ ,~rF ~r • ; , . „ ! ~'"k`An}~ , . r,.C 1 1 1 e till .tC%,.~ ~ 1CC :1 _ t.tl_:' 1 ;'C!Il , tl).r vrF ,ti(:';e u` .;aCrl~. ~:r?1' ' ll, ,l.r, Trr , a .r i ~ _ . , ' .+,r~ ltr Cl. ~I'G1 C-'7 , ~ ..1 ~ r I,~ 1~ _ :,i ,n ' =i 1., 1. ll,~~. ,,,nU (t1 vrl,, Lw,Ct._ 1,' ('S 'DTl 'Gllf'. r1F ~ r - t' (i r <.a , i l i-. c:.._ C,i _ t " ° n-ir;,~ ~ •t . ' t'! T', ry i. • _ ~l!_a ..I 1r~.. Q1. c...1U..r.., ,1. ~.1:.,1y~ ,1. _ ~ -,a. .al ~ 1C ,~Z.w 1,..( ..FiC @:..._ta... :111. . a_. aa,..~ir ::.i i'l'. F,e ~l E. .~i'i. ,ll~e~ y ';.-Cts II' ii. ,,)l,a C't. r'-~-1C ~ ,i, ~-YUn ~?D'~`f 'Y' :u 1 ;i. ~ .i ~ ~ii3 i U..ar. . e o~. rrl f r a , ,le ;e,7.Lt rl~,i a 'E.I Ua C ~ Dll~k: , l:'. 'C) va;~lr' oI" 1 _ ~ r ~ i': ~ 1. i't',. : 1 i.l.', LU L . U r"Ci;' rilb I l~ar . i :;i' 'i,G' ' 0 ~ , .i r ~ , ' a r.:.0' . i)1' ~ i t' ~ ' C )n; Ot'. ' : 17 , , f, ) ~ ~ 'r. ~ , 1,-i!. .~f,w ' Ut. .:..-;;,r'1,•:,r i i, , ..1.,, ,-t, rJ~;'! l~!. ,~l'. ,:I'; '?(:(1' P; ,r t'-,, - I t ' , , C~. .t f '1 1 , o: 0 11'..., 1 ' `11 (1.~:~ i~ : ~ r r ' r: 1 :ll'.' , g c~,l:f. !~lL 1J`-U ( 1 ~ !1y ! I' r •~1(} r, q r„~ 1 I~ 1"~ 0 ~.L :,fir Orl __(.,(,:r ~.C. E.a Ot. 1!tllt~, .1.11 ~ : - , _ i _ - ' I t I t ~ 1 Ci k I ~~I i. _ I~.!pI3 t I ,11 l i' il' Ct1:l~`; . ,l+_U,. C}.i. , ''I'VIC'..,, i ~ I 'f- !''1 .i r Gi _ , , I. 1 , r- , , )11C t , , r r ate'' 1. y ' ar 1 ~ _ , 131 .,d, rl), ~ .:,Q~I~'(. il.'-. r, ' ~<tL, _ , - . f,.:!,l aak(. .C` i , ,,'L~0.1' p_ .1 ri' 1 , , I,:, ! „ t l ';--r i. it „ ~ .Il.n`~' U! ,0:;las fr', a, .r,.(; n J- ,I., .~tl a a,' 14u U1- 0.'Cl~, i.1,C - r, Cr r~ ` :f~ Sa. ~ a~ , . !..1111=:'' ,DT1> 1 :f• 3, - 1 taX~..~ ,lE: ,C, ,II' .L,- 1101 _ ~ , Cl. I. La_ r ~ , ,c1I1 ip a ' 0 I lt~ ) G a~~ . I . ~1 .5., ,r, u.a}) 7:. C,-1 ~.:C Er.?)E.lt 1.: 1 ~F, r , .,n f , a ? i ~ ~G., Ga .1~ r,=:;:,t~><, t?r. t.,r., 1 _ '~F 1~G .,111rC11<.,~~ ~'i t)I11 r 1 K, _:Ser 7 ;,12 a~ .,tDC .C c,. - , 1, , 1 , ~ .r. , ~ 0. LaI lDLle..u ~ Ct,1Vlt.lt_,, tar 1.,1:C. Can U.1.21Ur,~I1C.P. U1 _ , 1T1 1J~.aCrt ,,iU,tl)lto l)C.11,' ICC'111T'C:; ua 1+.~`,' I,Ia er:,al1,:1 1' . 1: t1tC= ) aCi.~w_1rI S - 1,.. 7:....1.) y 2. (+LiI..; e('. t, ,,l.i )IeC E1 a: : x''_'17? ,r: i. f, ......r .r.;.. r,r a':, - c. -i1 ~I;1 t, 1_~0,_ t_tle ,zU~ ,,Olul~,11. ~A , i,::r;~ .,12 r~~ . r,~d:to ,r „ , ~ 0 ~.1: ~ _ ' d ' ' , - . Vli+' r:11~1r?1' r't 1,a ~,^1{(; Ul7 ',.ii,}1 'G11C ";aU11C71. n;lV _._.~.i ,.:i:,n .?I C„! Tit,e.., C . ~llfl_41.., ti1,,~.1 U. , t is..;.,.~. 1. ,"4111 "tCr'' Cry i' J~ t F-i , y y. ?r ~ ~ U ~ UVtlly ~hy , , t ~ , , a ; : '1 r A latr.c Ga"1< r.. .w.. , -~r , .n a. ,,.y , .d... ,t .1 a7 x , t, .c ,.C , n , ' r arl ,C',A. c.i.lli{.,_, 1,t1 .)V C.,c.aC ,.i... 1;?..,.. 1. ,.::a,,,1}1.1;,._ Utz: :6~..F,:.,.~ ;.a0i.r ,J': r;,et.t, t):. i)U-, _ t,. ::f'S D:. ,.1.COt I1'!, Dt 1)('I111~_'~n ~11C-' ,'L' - f` ilT1"•'r,\ ~ r: ~;i p ? ,r,.L ..,~:,i. r,. e-, _1 J C.a ~,i~. ti r" ~ Y r -`}I v.,~a t ~.ac,:t,..t.; all lse , _ ~ _ t, a21,h,~,aU CO.CI,<ea 0: F.Ca?:'`~ I,C: ('1, ,t t,l , r 1 ~t,~- J, ,~I J1CE, c.ItC'l c. ,,0 ti,. J.t.l,; I u,~1_,e,.. Ol. , t _ uil' t, E. 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( ~ - L..' r , tlc.1.1' c;'. ::C r U11(1 1a}12n~CS 11a wa.lt:;(.11I.~1'r' ta0 );l 1 ,;Caad ..;i' + ~t 44 )all ,II ~ f 1",. z c::Y.~ 'tr,(, n ac f „ c :'r, c „'`,a . o~ alp a~ ,:r. _r ,yl, a.,co.1, Ed t~ A.a , i r slue,.. • M' ~N ,1 ~ .,a~..,rli..n . I W .I,rlbe . .11~.ail .,a.~ ~ r , ~.-:~1.aI r:,...,,, , „It(r , J.e~ ~l ,'1 , ; r,, . ! ~ ,z;I.:.C.. ",:"rC c T Ii r,icl2's` .7„. •t 1= c:',11 .,J.;.', n. E> :,eCI~C?,,cAl"r 7 . , 9 , °r ,ri t i' 7 fn t ,11eIi a.C , t,' t,•, s~.3 ~7.i V ~.Ll<, lOrk {~,r` a,;;Ft `r , 1~. ~t>,OT' I 4' t3 t1 3. t at f;e,l ~.~.~.r oll ' cecLllt al . .u.., ~.U1" ,r .L a t„le1l' 'lly_`.,i'iI, , Hil:;,?T'CSt.: %r71C~ SL1('(? 11 'I 1.a2'1; ,1 t. 'i "'J S1}.),~i.C'. , wli " ;.,:it.u,a111-' .LD1? 1'1;, I,'t. 1)'tt?C~ ( C,~,It)11114. "~7. T.t~° , ? 7 i '.<'iS "<1...T(1~ " L l { r~ i t,ie Col'reC~~ 11,1~f.tl ;L :i tpii.l.'r 1 ' 1. ~.'Ctl. ev-„ ~..1 n'-.,. ~ r:. y 7 ~ r, i i,'t; i- 7r r S •l vi C i e,,.1, w ~ ~ r, ~ r n ( ~ ~ ? l . _ ' ill t..,U a_ ,nrs..•„.1'c?raae7.c,_ ~[1,,,~ 4}L_ . _..a ,.ti.,-,t..1,, a r~>(~,~'U• a,,: _1- :.,t, ,:a~S l.n .J1~j{," l ~ E n..i 1 c' ..,P. jf~ ~ !-t 'l t i~U ~"•}:1. 1 / ( t.i t., ,?.1-. ~ C' r t a' 7~ ~ r1l c'.,.r_..rl_, ;~_,C71 IC:.t,, bt, r.a. ~.,t,.~~ a. or Uric 1 . _ I L: r Ivr,IOl. cif, ,,a7.e..,~.n ,a'_,can.,.,,1 ..t ~ 1,.1,..r'l. , -J . y.: lr 1.~1La~l:. 1,: ra ~~1.1.2? 7 ",..,t, ..,.,a i'Y p ra r: .l 1,ii~ ,f :'lf~ ,Li:,~l ra i' 1 4,t1 f1 7 , a;.. ~ e ~lD t. ~ - _rt_'t, ~u i?.1. L i; - 7 .TrNi t'. , . r'cr ,CT.' . ,E, 13 Cn U,..vS a.~ U.1.., ,i 0 )aCt, tl1 ~,I I C- ,.r - ,:.(:t u, „ • 1a r, , , - , ~ ' , , , ,,;r, r r,-, ,ate 1 ~ ~ ,.,.D.1. 1aC1•. a:t ,:r1 avc,.,a US # t ,v,~ Wt~l~ ..>_~.1e' 1~.. r._.~~I1r?C 1,(t i,til. C•,i..7. )It!t .1 to cy ' s 1 ',.tl=ut,U1Z :,~-":L~r ai ,.v,~{;r.(1~! aa2" i1.1C C'r,1S 1.~. Z 1:.D 1,' - ..C,t.l, ~.`•,riJ,;: ' : r k " Ut1S ~ _ , , " . _ . _ , ,a-.,:, 1., a ~;ta" a=1 Gl. 4i1e: Ir.,1.~LC:I U~ i l' 11 1:: ~1tt.C> i, 1 t,.;C_,t" 1, vt:tr d;i: ~;lc': a~ 'A. Q.. A.. sl...t '1• VT9 C. rf it 1, A~.i +d 14~~ '`1V t~,ryl.l. 'i ~.G%a ie.~Lr ~t~tt i,` .4 ' Uc-1C ti ~I~.`Fi" '1, .r 5 1 ' r t ai qty , ' a,_ .i.... 7 ~ v.larta2CE: Ca~lt,:rll[! i.at:._ ,t'al.~[.n,C' 1i1F' 7"11 ~,C.,1.) _ a t .t0. trti( la, .l ~lr rt U~: 1;.1d i1 ~ to t'= r,,7„- ri ~ i ^ . '1? + ?;'t . , 1 { _ z - .t'. ,.?.ts t.w, t7i t ~,?rs~. I T'° t`il j r;. t:'~7' 1 I.C~'~.t : :7r ).t. Illl 1, :=Ul.'Cl.~... , y ..1.~ a E.litr t,'r._, _ r .t7t t 1i ~,s 4,L i c. , n , ' ' r - t 1'",', 1 -::U',Ilt,t%:11'. L?'~ lr;~Cj , '~l;?.Sit n,C,,t , _..:.•t~a;~ t,a ,a1:1~ ,;Ic,1;1..LI1~' Ct~ l~,t~_ ~llt, u ,.J , ` "i ? ,'nor, 1 . r,, a , , -1. e _r a,„f~ f 1- ,at1eT' 1! y t)S'aU v LII., aI ,.110' ,,la t,~ ,'»C is ,:a~.1C 1 Uar ,fii(' UCI v r e t,Lil n.Ll. , ':11. , 7 1 ,t =>er,<.r,~, _...c,. ,l l :.1 t , 1, r t rr, I 2 0 ? La ~t"_.lli7 . cI t,l _ v_1 C.t, I D_ a 1 _,.~u . , _ . a ,r . , ' 'liv tn• , f F,'n ~ n`,":. .,,I if ~Iilcl~ ( D' li~r ~r ('l,7'="r: .}4}% t, I ~i.. ,off 1~. .Aa /r11 {tt{ is . -r - ~ , ,y- d „Y7 Jr. ,J t,, I~ 1 a . .,le4.ll _ i, : U~'lllrr. w I,1, a - I c • , q c r, r,° lrv~ A 1,trl,I .1 v ...,at~1.., c .i~,n...~.. i~.,.. >tut,E. ,._a t, .lu, ~ ~ , I. u i. 7 , u :1 a r C ,DCt~ a-_c. . 1. ~ t e;4'C4"l.it, ct , F.,, , a.. „ . a t,a;e~ ul~ ,,1 ~l"t' tram- ;,amptan,, il l.'° , 1 .;aia ~ , : 111:r 1' rT4} itT ^r,: „ r_ ,,,'f 1" -,n: ' r „ 4 t at,.,, t, t _ ~ G t~..a_(., _..C..Uti,_.t,u-C+.L ,»,~,_..u.C_ ,t, OLi~. .,.1 I ..,t,• r .r. r, r )c', j' } ) vwOr,l=rl„ I"r . ~t'E:+? t, r} ,,rir_. :1 ]"I r?11 1',:t~ 1 ~,c,' I..r- ~r;it. :',u[f',il.. - ~ , , - ~t 4.~>r.1Ci Or •C~1t,iU,. i,~tL. ..raVel'I?GI' '`i,a r,r;ii% t'E ~'i.t~.~t,..~~r: aI} "'1~` _.t)lri.,~: ' }k E I ! ; ~ :t'~I l.~le5 Aar x'e'~l1lSl~n-' iJ}lt' ur ltl ..I~rl } / 1 , t to tr, ' Ill f11 : 1 n rtr~~' !M '!~l, I ii - _ l~ ~4,? : 'i, ..«La11.,.21:' rF a..14?,tVtAlDde lra4l )17t1 ,{J +1 , , "r.1 C. w, • I! t, 7 P ,)i , f- ~ t. ~ .,.1,_rlaL.,,l" SaTl1-c~ •fp=" 0C„ ~1 .1'r ~i, t.~'~'il('~1:~. Ilf ~ lit, 1 .~!J~lD,1, .lt>i~ SGCpIl,.~tl, 'Qi~Ilt,; _.,l_i~ ,3• r' 'GD xr' ~ ? f- f: t. ta, a~ , ~L...h~ ,gin : ~ ~ . i E. I ' i I 't „ r, i l ll ,'t!"~a1~U!'l~ l i , !''-'~~'llf i"!.,S t, : i~ E ! , 1', , i, 1; ' ,y : ~~r s..:. ,t7~',dy ~ ~ b '~~~r ,i. yr. ~ ~ r 7 •r ~ ~'I ~A~~i~ r ? „ i,j' +t i ~ ~rr, i~" } t II'~ _ . k , , I- k. C.i)l~ii..d~.Ir. ra88tlt~r, Ui '~'C;tO~)C_''1' `..'7t:1 ~.r , i ' i,•. cy~.t' n ;ip ~ , , ~,~.1, c~rltil7ueu. p'; o~ ~.,G~;;t~l _`'1.r Inc tG ~"Io1_~, ~ 1 ~~r~ -,~r ~ ~ ,1 .,'~~f 'r,r r.,~„ (•LI „ , ' i 1 c . ~ , T _1C, Cam,. P. V~. ,r ~ ~ ~y,, IP' " x ~r'~ ~ I f~:; r'f r ' ~ ' 1 . ~ a, t,• ii' Ollllt~y ~ „ , ~i i Ot1Ilt1 c ~ 2 11 ' 0.1 ' 1," r rf 7 f i 1,11. 0_ ~1i~1~ 1"(~ld,'l(~I1 , ~1 a 7 r i. ' , J tC11u ~ "I ~ C}. G( i' f,-,~ r)II ~I~. I ' ~ ~ < ~ 1.1 she on I~~.a~l 01' t.tl:; .~o111'd t~ilr, , ~;i~~ ..~~e ~ , "r ,,,~.s l J'l, l,O. ' i 1 l r ~ f ( l F, ';IyE ~ f , _ ,T I T I uh0 L ~ 1 k ~ 'I' ~ r, ,.n ~ , , 1.1).. ~ .C U~' aJ,; 'r'~ ` ° - ~ , liar. ?la Ull 'rC ~ ' 1~`,~' f,). 1 '`i , ].11, ~ .I r, , r_ r I:, .:L e' 10~o G OUIIGi.].115 i~:1Cl ~l 5 r r~ ;i' Ji c+ 0: ,1 ,I,. "1~... ~ ~P, a E?..UT'u].17.i t , ~ ~l ~ ~.9 l Sf'(1 Il,,r :~,1~.1,)("! ,J?h ,I.;I' i I ~Ct 021 t ,n ' 1'i J1. 'l,U i h` l,( ,1 ar , 1!f1I]lli, ph l,i~ L0' ;'~R.n7.tt aI1C~ - - - ~ , s ~ ~'i I { J) r i;} ,it1~I"'~r a.. .~I~r ~ ;,0 ~;C yam. I.I10 ;).j~,, II. [7 ~11'iVJ.`_'~. Q~ ~ ~'.lu )1 I1" C', . C~ u(J u.16 is u~(;.,~,~~011 Oi' `~Il!°i (:O:~~Li.lf;.ti].01"Jr1'~) ~ Ul'LT' _ ,P, E {t' ~ •0'ILI'r "lf' ~ 'nr n , ~,,1~ OU~;IZ ~ ~f 7 , .i t ~~1 U .~ca ,elln:issiorl i~<. 'ol ei. ;1'r riz F;,~~ a 1 ~ union ~ oo~ne r , , ; _ ~ :r, ui ur:~ ~~1, :.on t; ,Ji~. A ~~1~ r tU 1Q_~C~ d ~ 7 1 r~v, VO t,l ~7111~1LI' G~ ,0 !~r C , ~ ( ~~'~(1~ 0 l'~ 1 •lf` `~'1'I_"1u1. .11 •l~ •c , ~,,i l !1i,"I' f~. , ' j,i11u L~, ,F c; ,9 !d t ,11~t1,. I c,zl~ ~J ;lf. 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Ir. . .t ;r I ~ ~ - ri ia.. :11r..Il.,i.L.,.~:,: i...,~~_lJ .,l~a.a . 1:. r I r, 7 , ~ r. fi'~„ali ~ ~ ~ ~i c ~r 1'~ r ;r, ~ ~ ,.i(. ~IO.~ Z ')O..I1~ 1.1 ::0_ t,....~.,, ~ . . ,7j?PQ;;, 1.t1 ..a..~.. ;'L,.,t , _ . I -1,, ~ J - ! ~ . r1.[ .,,.(.1,1 ~0 _.IlCI'C:TU:. X11-. t!l(. f ~T`J~111c r •.n t` ~ v,r `in 1 'r r nr r C. r r~ 1 r r1 j4 F, r _ _ , _ ~ _ , _ v ~ ~ , 1, ~.,..~r cca~h_...t.1_r1~" ; at ~ ..a _ ~ ~ U_ ) ~ ~ c. ~ ~ ~ 1, or. ~rle r . . ~rlr,-I L,. e ~ r ~ rr ~ ~ ~ o. ~ n1 ~ ~ ~ 1 ' ~ u ~ l,l u01 rl. ,,.1 .la. 11 ._C ~1G., l,~J ~illl, t, ,1?l;_ 111 l'11j.71 W iC. 1 r.IC~ i'.~_,C _.~:0(., 'ai it-_._.. _ _i , s . i ~ ~r'% , . 11.U~i 0~ r9 r r i":...,:1; i~ COS ~ U ~ ,::8 'Ui~ ~(1~' A ~ ,1 ' ,•rrf _ ~ np . rr ~ - r. r r ..i; '~1'l 1. l C. . i. ' I c ic.,n » ,l'~ >J`.ke to ,gal' per rya, k ! ,J1.1 ~ cr ~ )r 5-.',: ~ , ~ ~ ..,e o: 1 . . r iIO~.. ~~1.. .;11_,J~..1~1~ LU ,,17~:GC,., i,G JiO~r ,C: ~o _a0,.1 x'.01 i~.u,~ ,:0. a ~~I', T1rl;;1S1 c •.~11,,iUI1!.,~ T'Ou'_I Lr`1(;11_~1l;rj t0 u'i~i r~l~'U:.~, 1.1 i^i, I r ,,~a ~~,r_ 1"~ ! )n•liil_LT't'$. 0.. _ A C r~..: t. i . , ,':1; .;~IQ,L 1-.O~ZI)i~l i.l, 1.. l.i. 1. 1, ..__:i ,1, ~ r f , f I I'... i ~15i . ~ u ~i ) ~,,r r 'U li_ _.U .,r., 4t iw .4 rrJ :l. I U, u' , l a. rti, ? J ~r-;..,(':. 1~. ~ 1 i .',vv ~ .'.T~ _rt)Llc ~ .'U 'C r'•"t, _ ~ . ? i.E'.ht Un(i i':} r. , i ~ ~ 1~Lli'i`1`''Cl, ~~,u ~ ,.ll~ U.. ~ _ ,.1 :i1S',..11. J' b~.~ , ,..L' ~l,O ~%11l'. ~,-i • r r~ i' ~ r, . r ~ ~ '3 I}•, / / ,i _ ~ :1'.. ,.r,i....-.~'1 I.)..~..J ll. L,. u-111 ,.V. ( .J <.1 V.. 1. 1.; , 4 " ~ /r ~E.,~`1~• ~ 1). it ~ r ~I~, 1~ „_i. Ir 1 _ 1,:. 1. w, J _'~.l) 1 r i)0. l,rl:: ;._L O.. f. a ~r-0 S r/ ~ , ~ '1 i ~0' I , ~ ' i r; z ll ii r. F.; r r r J - Q U'C :L1~!, ~ C' ~ „1.1"1 'i._o.!,a'S _ii. 11ie ' CO.lli1 E~ .1 ~ L: ~ ~ C".'I1L3 L~~r .,i~~ ~'i"E! 'f i''i` c _ ~ ~ .C vt. w l ~ . w _ '1] i ,i. 11! ' f' 1Q ,r;, 'u~. !mil' r. 1~,' ~,rl ;0.'1 ~ _ r1;;,. 14' i~ n: ~ I ~ v i1._ _ , I r•~ ~ ~ 1.1(.) ~ i~ L'J v.. (7 i r, ~r , 1,~ r.(' I~)~~ ~7J, ~~'1'1' '.A :r'. l , ! '...i3i1~,u Il `~ti: ~ ll.._i~l O'., _ ;d1~ `l ..i1J!.1;' ;~l..l 2'C: , i.: j;r~ ~ ,',S..T0~1~q~. -17`0; is0 r . ; l ~ (7~' ..1 ~ lU?l, ;i; ~ ' ~ ~ . v l~. i° s~0~?::1s~' ~'7 7r ,`C)rr . ~ ,c. i~uCli. ,1~, „r;J~, i_ .Ol.4Ur1 _ ;11' ' If I Z ) ) _ i1t.,~. 31: l): ~l-1. _).Ji "~J 11.~~'/:.~ t",~ f` t.{?rOT; '1A ~.i~...'.);.T U..r ~ i1Cx 'CV~._ l'(( U"! ~Y r o:CG;. r, ''v_ ~;.1iG '^nu Cl!° ~,i~ ~.':,i~ 0:::'1CI1;,. 1''a' i:,',i , ~ i , . ~ i f.u rn ~>~T :1'J.~ I f'~_i001 ~!0 t:, .J _ ) l i' ~ , t _ • 'r} CI. 'ltt-` [JZ,f.~:~ iii.i .1; ~t,U .~i.ia~.`,. ittC ~ ' c, ~.C. ~.GT -Ylll,. ~!i f ~ J ~.tf I h~, 4 _ , I r'i If. is r'i tf f ``II ' ~i' r t • ~!'j, !f i! f , I ~ I II' r t' ~3 ,rV, #I~~~:i i'i , U, a ::,-v: ~ . ;c'('~ ff Y L ttff /`..I 1 ~ c ~f i .j r;, ip: <; _ ~ _ ;7ilmir~ton, N. C. Dece ber 1 J. , iioCJ ~yi:, .._.:.11'~ .ir. n1En ';'~1`~ ) ~ st, 1~41a ~ • w , ~ , c ,c, ~_;L~ 1sL 1: , . ,-alas t•;ee1:1~ meetin was he ~ .~..,,~..,noi:r.~. r:~, ~ - ~ The red J g ld at 3:00 1 .I.R, o ~ ~.....'o~! .,.,r:~. ~ ,'h~C"'!:) ::r ..~t ent: nddison IIe~;~~lett Chairrnnn Jas.i;t.l~ r' ~ t, ,,,r ~,,r, , ; ~ ~ , - , , _ , Nres ~ .a11, Jeo, . 1'r..,sk, H.~~.Uardner r,nd ~,li~ -'•a' _ r.c" -Asa,,. roan. ~r,, , • .~J ~ ,~o1e I . l' gle • 1. ,~r. ~ .L.!.n;,, l~'.l .!'orrr'~,,,~ the minutes of meetaxig of Piovember 24th, 1941 sere read and a. rov d _•,,,:J~:~r°z^::~~s. ,"~~~r,~~~~ .L~. ,.r. ~ r ~~~.,a, Pp e as zecorded. ,..~j . , . I„ !i i jG I ;z: _ v N request of IT. 0.~~:.b7essick for a reduction of the asses r~' sment on machinery, ,,ape + r'ep' Lumber Company, ,Jas upon motion of I:Ir. Trask seconc-ed b his : y t;olEm~n rECe~.ved 'nvesti.ation, ~ ~ , _ for i L ~i'~;lull. ~~~~.;1.1!~lC._.~ 1A':(~~ _al;'...,. _,1 1 I ~ T'' ~ - . ,~~r~,~:,,_,, iz~, L. D. Hogue appeared and asked that steps be t<~ken to have a 5to and uo li!ht r ~ ;;ol P g ...a~ ~ : - placed over the Zig ~,ay at the intersection of Central l3oulevGrd at sunset nark to , ' _ w,UAr', relieve the bred tr~ffzc condlta.on caused b the ~,f ,J . F . - ~ ~ ~ - ~ z.~,h th near .o ,w _ ~ .,,.i, i ~ „ , ~ ulev~~~rd .same. to is a e sc o0 . , L?.,_ ~ . _ ~ ate, ,..~o ,northern 30 ~ be imed to operate properly „!th the said li ht dui r i II I I}I i ~ _ . ~.~.+ns, the hours from-6:00- A.I. to 10;00 P.Ii. 1. ~ ~ - ~ , , . - ~ 1, lnasrnuch as 'the Commissioners have cecl~:n~c] to permit the. use of rson labor to " - , . P di a ditch for the insta7,lation of ~ sewer line: in Bonne a,.+ ' g etion ith the Oleander ~ ~ wera e s ..stem r~r. John Shiner attorne • for ,r se g _Y ~ y Hugh ~.acRae Yc Co an a eared grid ~ Y pP ~ >~,~~-,~z~; r _ ~t the resent drain" vUh' - asked th p ich has previousl: -been cleaned o ' ` `Y , . Y ut tvlth prison labor, I I ?f "li; be deepened ;gin ~ic~ene to Burnt ~?ill Creek an-3 permit thor.: ;,o lay P sealed sev.~er line 'I II, ' in same to empty into the said creek. After consa.cerUble discussion r;rr,. Gardner T ~ moved and it Baas seconded, by I's. Hall" and cr+rried that tills Board meet ~;y~ith the ' ti~+ilmin ~ ' a d of I?ealth at their meetin ~ ~ , ~,ton~ t~, C.' ldovember 24th, 1911. .,o r ~ g to be held at 3.06 o c.~ock t'.:.?, ~ jhursd'ay Lecember , 13th, for lurther conslder~tion of the matter. she regular ~~Ieekly meetirr~~' of the ':'oard ..as held a '~r h, z, t 3:00 N.~.,. ti ~i~ae Su t., of )public '"elf are asked errr~ission to use a a ' Lree n ~ P p p rt of the budget funds,for ~e t: ~:c,d>.scn Hect'lett Chairman '~e m ; r; r= ~-a of ,count nor ` e ~ - j , o. lr.~}.; Jps. H~,11 anc, L.J.Colertnn, tr~ tment y at s ~n he State San~,torrtun foz~ ~tubezeulos s, to provide a ; , i ' furnished room. at •10.00 ` er month 1us ' "I ~he mina ~ ~ p p o zu~lor ueor~;e rlson, county.:subject, , _ tea of m~.etin:~ of Ifoverlber 17th 19~r1 ,~~ere r ~ .1 ~ cad c~ ~ ~ wlio ha~~,rECentl been dlschar ed frori sand nos tat Y ~ p Gs ~;n arrested case. Upon motion , , _n approved as recorded. I' of "x. ^rG,sk~ econded by I.r, .Gardner., it G~,~as ~;greed to let him-occu one of the I1 , i ~ i r ~ pY ;a a~ request o of .>ternberger, attorney, that the unz.mroved pr~perl; of the ~z~ small out builclzngs at the Lount}~ N,ome as an inmate. • Y eat council of fed ,.Ion in 1!arnett and r,asonboro tots;nshi s ~e exem t 'fror~ tai ~ ' • p .eu and i ~ ,r~, : J placed an the tax frFe list of: pro ert otrned b benevnlen o ~ ' ~ u on motion of I~:x. Hall 'seconded b~_ a. Garc,ner the J:ard n r P Y Y t r ~~nzzations P~ J ~ o ecommendation of the , ..~,s upon motion-of I'r. Trask seconc!ed'?a - :•.r. Hall, ref' rr ~ .one. zff ~::franted license to Bela s~,veet .pine ~ ~ r - : y e ec to she t?ot1nt _latarne ~ ~ containxza~ not more ahan l4 alcohol Y y to confer , 4ti~it1: ,.r.' tternber rer and subrc~it iris o ins ~ r zr c,rin~:s on .the z emises onl • +i r i' b p on at she ne..t meeting,, : p Y, at location three rnz.les out on the Carolina lleach i road, zn accordance c,3.th the law. ~a~ r request ni John .i~onosfor r> rec',uetion of the a:~sesment on to . is 54/35 Caro7.cn~; „e<~ch , 1 '.vhich was uoreasec in 1041 from 1~750CK! to '"2 A plications for license to sell beer at Ca ~ ~ t n ~ X700.00, t,~,s t.pon rnot~.on zeferred to p. nt.:ien s Pace on the t..arolin< peach ..;r. Col~rnan for znvc•stl ~a~ ~ r m~ ; r., r, , ~r ~ ~ Lion ,~~nd recomrlenc~~~ tzon, ro~~ ,r_~,,,, ,.~.1.., ea ,>~~l ztt,ec, n,~~ J .._.l each and Jame r;. ,~,owan res ectivel Is F ' ~ the s ~;me having been endors eri b~ the Ali r . r ,,,P P ~p Y , ~ J „ e zlf, .,~r~ noon motlon•of ;,x. Ha_l, secon~~ed by i:i1 Coleman. r:»>rovca. ;r „I complaint of ;ar, J.R.Le~4;is, ai''li ;r2 ec sal !-'Dint tob;nslii ~ i,h~ P ~ ~ I` ,G ~ I ~ -t tn. t„u~ ,,c~or:ties . 1 - of file Ue17I 1°tnlerlt Of r1Cl.lltur8 re?'t1S8 t0 ~1Ve 11' :1 ~ u )o.l IrIot1011 Or {'a ' r r ~ - , 1 , n i •'~v r g lr further a„sistance in the 1 I., .T rdne_ , aecon er b,, I,.r. Coleman, ~h~ l.~ 1 tG..es er.~oneously I~ E i z 3 y v_:cc,~na~.ion o.f his hors a;~•ainst cholera ~,f~` e~har~ed ~ ~I ~ , per previous oaf ort to renc'er tl;is service ~ainst the property of ~~;he .1. •.~,ociety of the ~.,olonial Dames of merica in I I~ fulled, t,.,,~ upon motion of I1 Tr;~,s~ nd v ~ bloc}ti k~ ~ „a ~ y; I ~ , seco ed b~ rz. Coleman, received for investigation, ~,1~3 s ozuerea abatEd, the ~•_me having been placed on the tax free list. 4 ,.r x!I ~ _ _ nu~sh ,iac~~ae a~~, ~ ro ~ _.pea:rcd ~nr p nested tyre action of this r3 on ~~e;~o~~ts of the ssoci~aed ~;hari i ~ , ~w ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ oard of P~overnber 17th, 1~ _1, - t e, . urlic La.bra. , h~ od , t~~r:l, r 1~ n ~+ndlame ..alker }I!~ in rescir:din~~ its order of idovember 3rd r.os i -~i ~ ~ i'~'` 1~~1, „r'an~zn~; l~~errru.ssr.on to use r~ri,~or, labor p t,-; sor ~t;l~:e month of ~~,ovember ,.ere received <nni oruerec3 fiJ.ed. to r!i~; a ditch for the insta~llration of a sev,ier line in connection: ' T' ith the Oler~nce. sewer ~ ~ , . em, ~•n asked that hi,~ a,ttor Hey be ..given opportt.niay o ~7resent l~:is c~;c~~_ request of the Board of t~„aucatianthat the sur_ns of ~~3,3(X~.QO, ~3,OOQ.00 and : jl L I . anu request for reconsideration of the matter at i.he next me`etin- 4~hich~ -:Us free-able ,~a30,000•';0 be n1G.ced to the crerit of nebular, su~~ lemental andbuil~'n fund ~ ~ p g C' J C` .t7 ~ , ' 1 A lxi to the Boara, _ . Y; P ~ account , rc~r;ectlvel to take care of ex enc.ituzes for the. month of t.recembez teas. I ~ r; upon motion of ''r, l.'rask? secon~:ed by I:Ir. Cc,lemcn, granted. n request of P,essrs C.lI.vralsh, C, H. Beery and others Ghat ~~School Gone' sign:=be painted I ppa + i on tl:e surf ~~ce of .,he roods zn the vzc~nity of the ;'linter hark School aitGs a ~ proved end o `on notion of i•~r ~ ~ FT ~ • ~ r ~ r~ ~ 1>: ;7 p .Coleman sec,onc,ed ;b,, ~.r.. `Task., piayrrent o~ X18,75 the ~ounty's • referred to the State 1light'ray ec Pubh.c ti~rks Cormisson t;itli the re nest- that the .same pro ortionte art f.or h m ~ - a ar r i(s q p p alf onths s 1~ for ^~ovemoe to Fir's. ~;a,- ~o>tJard taerk >in be c~,one. she Cor~nrnll,tee also requested more frequent 'atro~:~ of that Cor,rnunrt by an the `i~a,t Collector ~ s • ' ` ~ C officer. p ~ Y of1'z.ce; as .hproved. ,f, i i5 is i'~~ Are nest of Q ~,s. C.T.Po~,ell far an aadustment of oc:ch taxes +luE. on his pz ;nerty in Capt. rtussell Bellamy asb:ed that ;Dint consideration be r' '1 to the , ~c ~ ~ , d ~,iven vrYth tll.~ czty Counci 1oc~c ,,J,), tie referrer to the r_.ommtt'ee trz~h cower to act. M1~; Ynsta~llatron of equipment in the ol~ice of the Btzrea ~ 'ne ~ ~ u of .~dentzf icatzon to aster mz if a person is intoxicated, and the employment of three ac~~~ition,~l clerl~a to c='rrt~ on ~~:~on raot~.on o T ti ~ 'q~ - ~ ~ f :sir. ~+Urdner, secon: ed ay is . ,..olem;~~n, the Cha~rrn.n t•;as ~,p;?olnted ,~i the ~~.ork, re resentative of 1 a - ~ '1 d service r~~ani~,a i n p tics _,ocly to th~„ c Hite 6 t o (,Dune z~. of yrilmin~,ton. 11? I ~C? Ali x z^ebort of the Ladies rtes ~ r'o t om for the month of October v~ras r~ ceived and filed. upon r:~:otion of ,''r ~ ~ c: ~ ~ ardner Coturt ~ bi~al :v < i ~7:,ak, ~ec.n ed b,~ ..r U ~ s os. 1(~~l to 17J1 ~.nc., ; ~~+ere a roved ~ - ,-n a . allcation for 1i ~ ~ , , pP for payment. pl cen~e to ~e Ll beer at location ~t~z ee miles out on the ~•ar lznu Beach lioad, submitted b Ilenr,~ Omirh the ~a: f '~'f ~ n Y ~ ~ r,e having been endorsed by the Cher1~ 1 e 3o~;rd then p: oceerted to re-organir.~tiorr. } ~ a a ,vas upon motion of '?r.Ha11, seconded by I:~.Colelnan, ~;rr,nted. ,d, r a! the term o ' } d ~ f the ..Chairman of the Loaz'd h<+v~ng ex Hired thzs . ay ~ nd, thz.s bez the ~ on motion of . x • ~ ~ r y p ,call, seconded by s . Coleilra,n~ .the Board coz~rected tl"ie ac.'ecge of lneetinb at t~rnich a Chairmr->n is to be elected T<?r 'i'rask moved that I,~r. llewlet t be . lend cha,r~;ed a;;a~.nst P, ° ,1~zzzderson Zn l'asonboro to~~nship lay, z'educa,ng the same from re-elected h' ` - I~; r a , ~ + ; C airman, his :motion. t.as seconc ed by ?r, C~~z dne , nd ,,Iz . net.lett .gas 7J r 4~~ Q ,acres to 46.3 acre, and t,lso the 'land of ,A'.Harrlss from 1~5 to 46.3 acres ana unanin~o w ti; . usly elected Chairman of`the ?3oard for a term oi' one; year, granted ..~r. liar r zss an abatement of t;;xes on a v~luatron of ~t2y900.00 to' equalize I ? 6 the sr:me with the ^s,;essment on the ~d'oinn 1-, rt ; , U g pro;.erty,of like maize and value. upon r7otion~:,r. Hall was re-elected Vice-Chairman of .the Board and authorized to r'~ 1 P' sign vf~:rrants on the t.ount Au~fiitor for Cottnt,r expenses in uses oP the absence of upon oration of !'r. Coleman, seconded by rs lfall Col.nt bills I!os. 1614 to 1640 he h ~ Y ~ ~ Y C aiman ,a ~nc., were <:;r~L~roved for pays;sent ~ , ~i ' t; upon motion of ~ 1 1'r.' Clardner I€es rs, Bella~m ~ ' Bel she rneetinn then ad Darned. I.s, Tr<+sk~ seconc ed by ~ ~ ~ limy were z~ re-elected Count~~ nttorne s an~i 'l'ham~_s '"oody clerk of the board, w - the f o llovrin were re-elected to their resiiectzve asitions far the ear ent:in t '.Clerk. ~~o g p ~ g t: vember 30th 1942:' ~ Y ,cl .,eorge, ~an7.'Ol {,alil J ~~a 5~ _ ~ j ~,,i L,I.~1.I~,ich. ~Ganitor ,,Dart House, f Ceo, I. Crandall; `1>eeper Oak (crave ~emetery.r ' n~ ;;u t• {count ~ home ~~nd ,'arm*,. , 0 y a r' '>1,JJarter Davis, Dural 1'olic~,. , ~'a1~.er ttarne ~T, }itrri-;1 17n].ice. E ~ ~ S " ter. .t~Jhita`re l+tPerer !~ottrt riotac,a t.'.loc1-• i" Y ~ ~a;,: i~... i'''; ':'h i~ e :^eetinu their adjc,ur`ned. j` f ;~i !I;' a ~ r. rl I~ . y I ,r~ i~;fj,ls lerk, Irk,. - : 2 _ _ - ~ ~f ~ ,l~ , .are u~~~, a - i, ~ , ui}~:~:~~~I'Y:w~ I r Yrilmir~ton~nl,C, ~ IJecernber 8th 1941 ;f ~lilmington,N.C,~ December 15 1941. ' r„ , 7 ~I ~ i ~I' 's'he re~;ul~~r weekl meetin~l of th ~ Y ~ e i~oard as held at 3.Q0 P.T,4 ~ ~ 7ulr ~~Jeekh raeetln:--~ of th lrzi, rem e hoard ~,ras held at 3:00 : ~c~, E'~( I~resent: Addison Hewlett t;hair ' man Ueo.~~,.Trask 3as.Trl.Hall H,tt.(~ardner ,nd a~~er"1t; ° ~ - i'J`~ L.J.colem~3n. ' ' ~ l,r "~.c~dison He.,lett Chairman, Geo.~~i.Treslt ~"as,Il,llal r' 1, ti,R,Jardner and L,~,~,oleman Ey~~;', r t ~ ~ I t. '~~i ~ rl, i; The minutes of mee i `~~he .-~inutes of meeting of :ecember 8th ;;ere red , q~~ I ~ t n~ of llecember 1st, 1941,Urere re,t~d and - ~ a and approved as recorded. pproved as recorded, I~;~ ~ ~ " li{~ , i Are. ire r' x rau:~st of I,fr. E~~,aron Groldberg th~ot the ~.,omrni ~ ~I ~ st o~. .r..,,D„Iogue, Attorney, for an adjustment of the b%~cl: ~ " ~ ttee review the building of ~~.I~,.Pickard a. ~il, i~; i i1q , ~ 1 ~ ,and reduce the pre.~ent assessment of ~5 500.:00 on acco ' property of ~lugh lf. Pace block 4 axes on she in block ~'1G6 r tui of , ~~7 for the .years' 1929 to 1941 inclu;,ive , ~ n of -the build in 1de ? t the bad the placi o to enc, ondxti.o ~ s and authorize I ~ ble c ? t le <.c141ustment of 1,he back taxes .due 1, , ng the property in new r~;nds and on a tax ` a in , bass P Y ~ , ~s upon motion on such:. ~,,~se..sment i eduction basis 4^ras referred to ilT^, (olema ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ of'r~S. Gardner, seconded by I:n~', c:oleman referred' to the c:omm• ~ n to make th~. ~nvestg,t,tion ~ ittee ,;lth po=,rer t a d report back to the hoard at a subse uen f f o act, n q t meetlr~. I I , a _ p'~ A request of f~siz°, J.I.Cre~rs to nave s; caution si pal li=~h ' ;;f, ~ , g u t lnstal.led over:.: the<h-- ~ , re uest_for a reciuct on of the;assessm, ` ~ at thc. i.nteTSect,ton of US 17 and. the Gordon Koad ~t fto'osevelt - ~,hi,-y cl ent,an the hou.,e of 1~11ss Fanna.e Muss, lot ti, !i . i Gardens end=s k ~ 7. '.`1ilmizo,~`'ton :each • ~ oc •a o peed i:n bl , ~ , s ;upon motion of : r, Coleman, secon~!ed b~ ,,:r. c7ardner ' s,i~,ns limzting the speed ~ to ~.5 miles ' er,hottr pls~ced ~~'lo ~ " ~ f ~ , ~ that no~nt ;eras u o ' P ~ . ~ the hi~;h5vays , at ref erred to 'isle corvnittee , tr: power t o act. , p n mot~.on of Irlr, Coleman, _secanaed by Ltr, Trask a r~ro ' ` P, ved and referred tc the State ni• hvra Commissio 1 ~ Y n i or autnor ity o i.nst~~ll -th , , • . , e h ht sand P J H, .~llrot, fount 'Health oil~.cer that the sx~ns be znst~ lie a _ r~ request resented b ~ t~~: A. Y_ ..that ~ he d d s re ire g n anon be , E' q steel ~ m de ,for a 'ederal nrant` fora the con' r ~ P' st uction of a two stor -clinic and hea7.th iii Y ' administratzon bu~.lding on the'~ourtHouselot o relzev ~fpon .motion of `hr. '~rask secondec b P: e the z esent over cr wd ~ ~ y Ir. Goleman~ T,1r. O.A.B3oureud 1712 Car ,r, he ,o x p o eel ~ i r Avenue. 56 ear of ~ o1T.na u,rters 1. ~ urt ouse ui~sement at ~n a roxima' e , i ~ Y_._ s _ _Gge, was ranted `an_ ab~..teme ~ , q a PP, t cost of; X55 OOt1.00 the amount nt of pol__taxes for the, year 1941 snons:-rs to furnish the 1r.nd and e ` ~ Y 1 charged in error. as cauipment~ t^ias urzan motion of L,r. Gardner` econded r,'~ E ~y. Ins, i;ell~ 'refE~ri~ed to ~ cor^>inittee'of the f ~ 1 ~ I Board ar^ snvest~.gs,ta.on and recommendation , i, I f f M r~nuc,st of I.:r. E, L. Yow for. an ad ustment of ~ as to the loci o , n ~he,ss..d committee-also to ebnfer ,Jrth a~ comriittee from .the ~ the b..cl. taxes on the >~ro ert~ 'r~ i'.I ~i; .:r. T?: Harhss bl c ~ P ,l of l' o k 11 ~ a , ' 13oaT'd of- health and Jas.~,iall;er Hospital vritlz the vie~.•r of ~he` ~ ~ t hospital along over the ,r ~ , ..for the ,/ears 193._ to 1941 a.ncluszve cvas upon' ; ' • , ~ motion- treatment of the indigent s~dk.' q of I . Coleman ~ s econ~ eel by r,r . Trr~ sk ~ r • f erred to the Committee ° r ` r ~~i r 1th poVJ2T t0 deli. I III, Thee annual report of T.A,Henderson C,C,C. of ublic ~ , ~ ~ p funds ~n lzi.s hands ~s- of motion offered b~. 1:r . ~r~:sk ~ „ ~ ~ . ~ Becember st, 1941, ~,;as received and referred to a r" A •r to make.. ~.u ,la.c~,ti.on far ~~he grant r~s requested, failed ' co ,rnzttee-of_ the c,ha,irman ~ ,1~~'.lioll of d second. „nd T>ix. Gardner to -check +:".lith;~ • a ~Yze .,ounty yudltor and then ordered :published ~,zid f i.led ',:ir i c~ith the _.~egister of Deeds as the lavr directs. . ;s „iron reconzrnenu~~tion,of the ~.unt. of 1~ubl~c elf ,re a C i ~ ~ a to en b1e some of the lu or 20 ' ~ femilies on the ~rait~n r Tst <t,o rederve sj ~ r, Upon rnotxon of l'<~r._G~rdner secon ~ id from tlie ~~ic~ to ..e endent trhilc'ren fund I ded ~ P ~ i a ~ by rlr.-Coleman, I~Ir, Hewlett ~:as an aimed ` : ~ i - ; ~ P tl,e ,3o~,Td u>7on r,ot~.on of-l.^r. Gardner secan~'ed br I.r.'Coleman rented an a ro 's, ~ ~ Tax Su ervYSOr for l~Tew Hanover ' _ - ~ ~ n r1_ t~.on ,.I P Cottnt~ for the y.,ar 1942. ~ o. - c ~r ? g . F p p r ~ :r '.i of .~3~.8. 0 out f the er~zer~enc, fund for the balance 'of the f'ascs,l` rear` to meet drat 5 ~ rr er~enwe the-same 'Qei one fouT~th ~ ~ ~ _ ~ , ng of 1 ~~12,00' recess~.>' c r upon motion of ~~r, Gardner second d - ~,~1 ~ a f t ovrde assistance to P e y .r, Coler•an, the fo~lo„ink; vrere appointed to 'ten .,c.raitiarial Sam~lles` he ~ • serve r s tax l~.sters in 'h , t other three :fourths of the amount to be ,aid throe :h ; ~ eir respeci,lve to;,nships for the.:<ycar 19x2: ~ the State. i I , , ~ i Cape`P'ear; 1ouYnshi I,~rs. Geo. ~,~~r. ~,~1ilk ~ f~ i P ins. ~ ron r7pt~on of ,~.x, Trask `seconded b r r:x,_('.aldman ;Ir.- . ~ , Federa3 Point Township I~,1r. S. T. Keyes. ~ ~ a z I;,D1.Far~,bow of 1_arnett to.,nship- ' i~ sj ,;as ~;r~,rited ~n abatement' of taxes on vr~luati n o ~ ~I Harnett #1 i:Irs. Janet 'FIi h: o f ~1~550.00 house assessed against g lot :.en~,c,orl' bull a~ cq: ' r t fter Februar 1,~_l j~ ~ ~ Harnett i 2 ,~rr. Geo.w.Shepard.- ~ I~Islsonboro P~,~Irs. Lei r p l.a II, home,. ~~non ration of f,r; Trask seconded >I~ir~ ~ ~ P 4sTilrni nton~ z~ by Coleman, .S.i;s,ac C. l`~Iri~;ht ~„as L7ranted an ~.1~ ~ nv (.E.C~penter. - al>~ ~~.~,~,nt of ,a, x. a: n r r ^ t e~ on "f i ~~~1'~~ I~,H.Dav1c a Valuation of ,1,50...00 .zou~e chaired in error on lot ,#2, 'T -nd oaoclc ,1 r:i~~atsv!11e :3 each i,xten• (4d.N. H~~rrsss. - ~ s~.on for tree yeGr 1.~.E1. y~~ r,T, Upon ?aOt101] Of I:Ir. (7arc~nel' • SeCOnGed ~ ~ ~ i ' is upon motion of ,,a. G=,raper, seconded by 1~~r. Co1em~,n, 1„essr•s ~3.F.Kin~~ anti ~I,.~.Cox Urere • oy .,,r. Col..m~~~~n, the y3oard r:.t_f~ed the action i ,~~i~~~ ~,i~~,l ~ o~ tree ,ha7rr,ran December 9th, 1341, in leasing t,1e Cou~rty's 131uethenthal Air ort <oppointed Tax Assessors for ~,he year 14s4~. p to the Ilnstea ;t~~tes army for c per:~od of :three months bei;lnni.n~; llecember 9th, 1941 ' , ~a r,if, ~at free rent,,~a fora the emir !i~ Upon motion of I;;r. Gardner: and as rovided for in ~ e period: of occupancy. ~ p the budget, s~, don<~tion of X10.00 each vJas ~r~mted Eastern Carolina `1'raini School " ma ' t~; t,;i ~ - r r~ ~ •aa rcand t.anor ~ Uasc~ell _rainrng upon rnoti.on of Lx.-Coleman seconded'. b r:rr: Gardner ~Che 1 4 ~ ? ,r~ Shoal, 5~one.,a11 Jackson Trainxn .,drool and i' or ~ ' ~ ~ ~ - Y ~ 9 1 assessment of ~~~900.00 , . , , , - ,g, • ~ r zson _'r~,insrag ,,,drool to supplement on the :~r~. h „ ~a : - ~ j their Cnr~stuzas Fund in considers:tion.'of; he ~ ~ l ~perty of Live O~,k Camp t,0,1 block ~~73, formerly tUx free,~:as made ~etroaetive I? t inm~ tes fT om this (,ounty iri the said in effe ~ ` ~i ~ i , ct for the year 1940 and an abatement of taxes on a v~,luat.~on of X750.00 instztutions~ for t:~ie ^ear 1940 teas granted. ,J i ' 'C upon motion of l:.rx, "'cask seconded b r I's. Half h ~ ~~~a _s_ 3 _ t e, Clerk v;as i.nstructeu_ to dheck • the ,as e sm n ' , .The C,rla~rmar. brought to the attention of the Hoard that the Cit is maki a char ' s s e t on a ' arcel of land: owned b Y ~ ge ,l' P y Ixs Bertha Jacoby 12ner block ,206 ,.rhich a 'ear ~ ~ , ° fpr ,eater furnished Corrmunit Hos itsl '.nc~h is roxin;atel `'75.00 a ureter and PP s to be higher than that on ad~.acent property and make 'such correction not Y P ? PP Y,^~, q ..e j';' ~?I ~ L, ' . prnulded -for in the budget, or antic~.pated b5r either the: City or Oounty during ; , ~ necessary to equalize the same with assessments on other= similar ~,d'oi.nn ro art g P p Y~ theprep~,r.aion o~ the budgets. It eras a reed to `let the ea apse run on sand make ~ ,.nd notify the owner of such changes .made. g P provision for >aa . ant in nel;t cars: bird et. f FF~~~<< i. Ym Y g I t', rercort of ~tl~re 3 a r ~ ere a of Identification for the month of tfovenznez eras rtceivec and A co ~r~:unication ;-;-as receiv:~d fromthe County 1!uritor advisin"~~ the r,naunt of de o i ~ ' f ilerl , ~ f. s t ~ ~ ~ , in e„ch b~;n;~ r ~r a~ r p ~ .s o_ I,ovember 30,~1,,_l, to~,ei;her ~~ith memorandum of securities held ~ t:~, .j , ~i f ~ ;I - ;n , ~7 A recuc:st of Cit Police c'hi ' ~ c „ - each case. 1 y of Cn~s.Ii.Ca.~teen for use of the ~tecorc~,ers cot:rt .~.oom , ii ~f for rolice Officez~s Training School, vas declined until such time nrescnt u~.rters q r, reclues~ 01 1~?r, D, T, Ld~~rards for reduction of.' assessment on lot;~5 blocl; ;f11. in the c; ity Counc:i-1 Chrnbers rove in~,dc irate . ~ „ • ~ P 1 ,rz.lrnin~-ton Beach ivh v ~ h ~ U zch 4 a,, increased b ~l 500.00 ouse- ~~ssessnzent ~vhich ~:n ears ' r~ to h Y ' - p • aye been made ire error for he eta 1941 of I'r. 'C lemon ordered ~1 rtn audit rE. -ort of the Ct -Count 'Uac Office for 194 'a ~ Co.. y , '..as upon rrtotior: , ~ Y Y 0 prP~~,red by, u.B.Mc(, be } _ , corrected if Pound `i~: error after investi Lion. a~~ s recaived and four items of over 'a merits a earin in said_ re ort a re at $T~64 gr~ P Y PP g p ~g g ~ was explmind by the. County. , uaitor who ~,ras' authorized to nzak~ tl~e necessary corrections. ~ , ' I; by refunding the Griounts. ~,pon motion cl~zl seconuec ~ trie Chaairman vJas authorized to purdhase 5.2 acres- of land a y and builcliz~g adjoining the air ort,`from ITx. J.h.E11s, fora the enlargement 'of the P air port in r ~ i I, ~ R~ reeommezldation of h ; 16th 1 ebnnection with the-_!ationaa defense ro rsm at.., cast not exceeds t e ~.upt., of Public ,delfare to indlude t,arylane ;ring, 408 1V. P g > y 1' street on the Aid to` the ~lirid 'list r f"•n ~ , ; n of , ~a1,30000. i o eceive 5~,..0.00..per month, ^:as upon motto cis, Trs~sk, seconded by Lr. Coleman ap roved. i; i P _ upon rno ion o ~ ~ m , r r ,r C r r~" n ~ 1, ~ ~ f ,.r. ,r~zsl., seconder b~ hx. ,olem_n, „ou ty b, ply .ios. -179 to 1973 • r ~ ~ upon motion of I':.r. Gardner seconfied b I•r1r., 1792 to 1878 - inc.z ,rare approved for a~~ent. 1- ~ y (,o~.eman, ,county bills i,os . P J / r tr C were approved for payment.' ~ ~ :he meetiny~'then ad'our ~ 3 peel . ' F' i I T The meet then ~,d `or:rned. r , ~4~ ~c-~' } rI, ; r f.~ -ter,-,~' lerlc.' I 1 ' ~ Clerk. li r ' w" E i, $Y , ~ F ii 1 ` , << ,.d i.~l~ f.' 1, { ' :L'~ f -,1 `e 'j III ~i ~ Lr - ~ I ~ "E ~ ~~4. ~ M1~ i~'j ~ 1.';{I y 1~' i .~;r r . _ "r r ~ ` k 4:.i~ 1. z`4 , e f,, • ;,i! tJilmi ton ~l,C. 'Dec , h ~ , , , embez ,.,2nd, 1941. ,kil i The re ~ular ,r :r w of December o C0 1,.,41 .,~nd ~ ~ , , f. ~ eekly meetin_ of the ~ eata.n,~ s , ntznued• , $oard >,~as held at 3.00 P.I~1. jt1 , , i., i • ~ ~ ~ of I;Ir . •Tema A 1 ~rF~,ent: 'uclr.~on Ilewlett Chairman, c_}ea.'~J.Trask Jas. I,~., i „},on rn~tion C~ n, s~eonded by t;r,Gardner, the assessment of '''i~ , Ha 1, ti.R,Gar. finer and ~ldin of L.R:Piakard block X59500.00 1~tii L.J.Colemrn, on bu ~ r#166, liras reduced to ~5 000,00 on accoun of h ~ t t e r; b;;u eondltlon ~ of the building, and ar5ustment of the bsck x i to es due on s:;me for the 1~ '!'}ie r~inutes of m f~ ~ 1931 to 1941 inc. on that b,~~si um•~ eeta. o , ears r s of assessment .'eduction ..'as au* r' ~ ~ f llr,ceml_~er 15th, 19419 ez e read and proved a Y " rho zzed . , ~j+ P_ s rec , ~i ~ I orr7ed, ~ ~~r~~ a an motion ~ ~ ~ motion of flr. ir,_,sk, seconr;e ~ , p of I,~ . ~ra,~k, seconc ec'. by I~:Ir. Gardner, a ,request ofl~hr._ v?ar~ d by ..s. ~olemGn, ~ uthority .as ~~;iven to close all I,n~ 1VYA Su er~risor H•ri,~eter owfices lt~: observance of the p , to use X75.00 out of the ,300.00 appro nation all ~F; ' ;,ounty c,hr~.stm.=;s holidays, from 1:CO P.I1:, earesdr.~~~ i to pa the Count !s ro or P o ,ed December 15 ;ecemner 24th throul;lr Saturday morn~.n~ 8:30 D ' J Y y p p tiont~te part of the rent on the I~IYA offices i_ th, ~ ec., 27th, 1941. V~rl~ 1 Ir, n the ~}allace ! ; y building pending com letion of their. o~rm u~r P q ~ ters, ~::as granted. , , u on laot~.on9 duly seconced County bi11s:I~s• 1974 ' I P to 2038 ine . Fre are roved for ~ fir i,~; ~ponmotion of t1tr, uazfiner~ seconded by ~&r. Trask9 the,l3oard oath payments ~ ,i,l,, orzzed a refund of X35.00` to ir.H.Ezzell r .Constable of t~~ilmz ton tov~inshi f p~ or aond temlum~ him for the years 193E to 1940 inclu i P pazo by mhe meeting then adjourned. s ve at $5.00 per year. t n'. U ~on niotian of I:r. Gardner second .,i' , ' , ed by is . c,oleman 9 the Bo Ord a~rar~` ed th a e contract. 1! ' o- to drill an eight inch well at the ;":airport, on the rarosed nevr-h n G1er1<;, w P agar... sz.te ~ o- he ~ ?'~ilmin~;ton :'ell t^nd Pump. Cord ~n at a cost of ,~790.Od i+ , r, Pu_,Y g ~ .nth a guarantee that the ?~lilmi water wz.l1 be free`:. of contamination and ~vill be drilled 'to a ~ ngton,tv,C., December ,29th9 1941. r, ep of not -less than r~, ninety `feet nor mare then one hundred ~.nd si xty feet.,.. to produce not ess than 1 = ' gallons ofwater er minute, and_wi l sink he 00 P t e11 to <a further fir-.pth not'exce 'l'he regular weeltly meetnf of she :boa ~ edzn J 6 td 4ras held ~t 3.00 ]'.I,2 he maximum of 160 feat if nec ~ g ~ esuary, zn s.n_e_fort-to produce 150 gallons of wat • per minute. er '1` sent:.:, . c]tl son Hewlett Qhaa.r ii rre man9 Geo.tl.Trask9 tt.1~,Gardner and L,J.Coleman. Upon motion of I:r, lIal1 seconded. b G~~s. ` , ~ y. Colern~n, three stalls at the hegion 1~'ield the mzrrates of 1~eeember ;}2nd ,.1941:were:read and a ~r v tables were rented o ~ ~ ~ o ed _n ' F'" t hIr . Geo • t„ -Bz.ddle , ~ t ~1.5U er mouth as of - ue hl s recorded . I,. ~ P comber 1 1941.. and for further corisideratzon, I a y r , tl~t 11 the. camhost from t~.e „t<.bles be given to a an rnotzon of Lx. ~'rask seco he p , 9 nded_by r~tr. Gardner h • count for use on h ~ t e Board am - I' Y, _ t e (,Dent Parm, It is f r _ . , , ~ ended,,its,.~;ctaon y u Cher unc erstaod th~.t ,.Ir. ~ianle i e teriber 2~a 1941 b r of , 11 ;~,p 9 9 y ~g Being to accept ,250,00 .cash from L;r. ~.T.Barker as ' be rPSponsible for <^ny damage and tiro 11 keep the:'. stables in ood rr ,r,ir n„ ~ , part , g _ p pay.nent on ._ot rig a in b.~ock ~~1 rianover tsar ~ ~ ~ dens, and the balance of ~2G0.00 rzthout , interes in rrzne c r.ys .Lrom date hereof . L! upon rnotxon of l,;r. '~'raak,-seconded b i;~r. Ha11 a recornman a f, ~I Y 7 ion of ;.xr,. L.~,Colera~n Cnazrmen of the committee on liea~.th Buz.ldi ~ • ng, to construct a health center, rrYth 1,e~er t, resolutxan p~,.~;,e,1 un.~na.mousl b arm , ~ funds 'in - a1 Y Y _ eet~.n of oil terma.nal __,g _s,,shipy~rd and other } 9 the southeast corner of _~he Court Howe 1ot9 ~~;as ado ted and th~;t `lmin~ton r.ncu r'r, ~ !r I,'I . P federal .rl _ st i_1 pr,or~erty repse,~ent~.tives,"December 27th 3941 stat~n *ha ' ~E f.unds for this building -be requested. ~ ~ g ~ t ~i such prt7,oerta.es ,are mz.litary obJectzves9 petitioned the County ~;ommissianers' to f 5 # 1' 7 I 4 i~ i, r , , request aid from the Ilnxted States Arm .to r ,he_.Chairm~an . I;rr' . ~ Y P ovide wards- i oz .these ob ~i ~ ~ T ~ Jectz.ves9 was.... ~ Gar ner to ether ~rzth llrs. ~,ohn t,, Eessell and :.Houston i~~~oore. uuan;inot~.an of '..r.'Trask seconc!P i! of the' health 3ocrd t~ie~ n . , • ~ by ~,ir. Coleman, abproved and l;rr. Ueo.u e ~ z e named to Mace .urn wrtn t.ne Boar ~r n - ~ .J ~fre ~ . , 'a of i;ana~,ets of Via.,. :,alker rsszst,<.nt (:astern r~ostrzct State Defe ~ ~ Y' ' n.,e Cotm.~el vras named to represent Yes Dod and Carar3unxt~ :!ens ~~,als the.: matter r • p : of 1,akzng Dyer the ti ~ atment of the rrid ire zn _ralcl a r Y ~ no,r administered throw nt sick, ng equest.for tha.s v~aal ~.mport<~n~t protection before the ro er rn „11 the. health depe~ tment. `iathorztzes, P p .Y ,a i a , ;,,I, upon motion of I:;r. Gar ner seconr}ed s . ~ r b _ .~~r . Coleman t. l d , 1rs. Lucy tt. Barker9 80 years of upan motion of Llr. Gardner, seconced r~~r I,Ir. Coleman h-~ r: II 1 ~j ( -1 ~ f. ' , 9 t c r~oard on recorirnend~azon` of a~,e, feeble ment~,ht,~ due to weakness and: advanced a' e spas on recommend . L g a ~tzon of-the the .herif~, aut.,orizec] she ~~~~ent of -X10.00 F, ;r I, ~t,pt., of Pub._sc elf,:ze, ,.c:mltted to the county Home. as an ~.nmate. Her r . p y to .fir. C. .Ball, Bur.,ac.~,,,.C,, for son rhas,L, aer az.ces of 'blood hounr.3s user] zn apprehending .;ichard berry hzr~h ~a r-robber i; Harker agreeing to pa,510.00 monthl totaratd the ~ ` ' ~ ~ ~ J Y y cost o~ :ier m~.,znten,,nce. r Y ~ ~ anon r:iot:i_or of I:fr . Gardner s ec onri ed b~~ l,a~ . ~ c ~ ~ upon motion, duly seconr?ed, i ~ary ~~urst Green colored and ~~no. ~ ~ ~ r' a,.. ~ ~ C;oleman, .,r,, , Gl~~uy s ~.,uckley was released ~ , ~ .Gu~hzze. ,,.:_te, lro..: ~u~: ,,,:.yment of ,x1.00 not 1i,~ted peiralty char ed a aznst ~-~cre of n indi~,ent citizens vrere on r<:co~unend•~~tio: r ~ > ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g g ~ l~.nc] vast ~ i of 'the ,,apt. , of 1 ub1~.c cll~ar~ <~r,r~~tted 'Jilmin,;ton for the ~ ear 1341 accoun ~ l ~ to t~1e Coun't~~ ~to~ ~e as irvn~,tes• , ° f , t of being out of the ,Mate and her husb~~nd in tnc ~umy ,.,t, L~,~ .ins tune. ' i I~! , - f I "II'i t a ion raot7.on of ..r , ra k ~ ~ ~ , E I ~ s ,sec©nr,ed b,~ ..r. Coleman, tite 'Soard voted un,;;n~mausly not uoon motion of `T~ r + r . i,.r, Coleman, seconGecl b} ,x. Gardner, .:the heirs of r:~r. ;r. H. ~ runt I!~! to issue permits for the s~~1e or t~se of fire~,torks iri 1~~eGV r[anov r r ~ •,•,r P_ e (,ounty, and Lhe s~~r~ ~;z ~~xrted pan ~ab<~teraent of ,x 1 t es on vslu,~;t ion of 00. _ , ' ~3 OO household .arid kitchen Sheriff was :instructed to enforce the provision of Cho ter v7:3 public-Local:<La,~s f"lr t ' - . ' P i nzture etemratz;on chargea In Harnett to+,•.mshz. in error for .:the ~~r . 19:5, under 1v11ieh t:ut:~ority this ,action ~,•;as taken. P yec 1941. Eaxemptzon fi P ,as not ,:claimed else:~rhere'in the corzn~ty foz~ thr,t,year. f r upon mot~on,of Dlr. C~_~1em~,n, seconded by I!r. Gardner t:zr. I ilton J. Br~on;n bras 'ranted: r, ' ~ ~ upon motion o~ ~,~r. Coleman seconde r' ~ ~ , d py ,,,r . 2rask 9 I.ir . Harty L. llosher was r,rynted an an aba 'ement'of taxes on-~a vrilu~,tion r ~ of x,800.00 assessment: on lot at 5e~;~;~jte J0 n 200 abatpm . g- ent of taxes orr a valu,.tion of ,~100'.QO household and kitchen furniture listed I! feet ch~rl~ec3 In error for the year 1940. in error above exem ltior~ for the }ear 1941. ~ f' J I . upon motion of Mr. Gardner seconc] - T,'' e~1 by ..Ir. Colem~.n9 the Chaz.rr~an eras ~uthotzzed to pay upon motzan of r: • -,i, ~ ; 7 ~ al to I'r' .1r Trask, ~ ~oonded ]s ,,,z .:.Gardner 7dxs.; Vt. 5 hob nson t~,ry a ~ `ti J. ~".'`Ellzs the sum of>I~19300.00 for 5.2 acres of land Ind build in lot 5'' ~ s utkrorized , g, rf ~ to ~o to i~hilaciel ~ t, y i it ha.a and return I;7iss Olivia L , .I44a.1 let an r:nm ~ rI ~ r;:cUirt Subdivision's Cape Fear o;mshi for the' further dove , rt P ~ ate of the llufur p~ 1ol_ment of -the aarpo rospital~ for ~dma.ssion to the (count r .dome and receive: d ~ . } ~ a Bed from the. }fie,..,er , ~ in coraiection „ ith the tvation~al _def en r { ~ n se p os.,zam9 upon aelzvery of the coed to ~he county PounGation to Tlew I-' ~ " ,r ronerl~r executed and ~ . r Ianover ounty for l,;nd ~orrnezly o,.ned by.I,~i,,s t,rz.ller. ~ P ~ 3n oved b the .,Dun ~ P Y ty .ttorne , Y ~ anon ~notzon of ,,.,r. Gardner, the 1941 sessrrent of ,~^66;67 er front root on thy- a I of ''acP.1i ~ A P ~ 1 nd , a on moti.oii of Iir. Tr,,;slc seconc ~ ~ lion ~ Cameron block ;179, E 1~2 3, ;ihich was' increased b more than 10~ ~,,r. U~.2 r:ner, l~r.J .I:1.,1e11s, a non-res~.dent, ,as over the :194 Y ~ x.00 a,; p , ed b~ 0_ a j ~l 51 ;j released froa~ the ayr~.~ent of 44.60 not listed en,~, ~ rt~ in ssessment9 4°ras reduced'to ~,"16.67 .per front font to e~u~~lize the same P p 1ty charE;ed a ~~inst his .1 l e ~ .;lth that on cad'acent ro r 4• _ ~ 1 ~1 a. block #18 for the ~ ears 1930 _.J p , pe ty, ,hsc. to aced the totdJ. lr~nd`v~alue from 52 500..00 ~ ~ ~ ,1 and l~ 31. to ~u4?' 900.0 ~ ~ , ~ 0 and an` abatement of taxes on a valuation of :;;9 X900.00 ~~as o~,dered. ~ , 'I t ivo ob ~ ection ,ras mt~de to the a liea i t ~ ~ ~;n ~ J pp ton of the Forth Carolina Ship}:ru:tldin~ ~or~p~ y upon nrotan d ~ r r a, ' ' ,a! for per!nit Uo construct a 'ire boom ground taY?eir r~.~ ~ ~-:iver my seconded, authorz.t,~ r,a,, .given to p.~y 4,1.50 e~~ch for 25 bad es urchase p ...petty zn the 1,~3pe fear ~ by the Sheriff ` ~ ~ g P c~ , .for .special c.eputf sheriffs` on l,usrd duty at vital rnilita3ry ob'eetves ' ~ notr pending before .:'the united 'States District ~ lnPer. J N in;,the'cor:rnunt ; y ; r, , , r eonmtunic:~t~~on avas received .from the Greater tlilmi t'ton Chamber of Commerce , ~ _ upon rlat:~on ; t:ounty: bills ri os . _ 2039 to `?174 vrere ~ r vec] ~ r a l • ; i recommending the construction' of a; fire station ~ 1.1s school ~ l p o fo pt yrnent. an the v.tclnxty of , orESt H ~ / inasmuch as there are no available' or err-i r;7 'a r+ M1~ this'... , PP Pro. ted fun,,s F,ith S,hach to meet 1he,follovri n-f~ } • ex ense at this time the same ;etas declined .r~, Woad and latv~.t~l men ~,~ere dr~,~rn to :serve a,: Jurors in ..the Su erior uour, t l n 11 P ~ for the tt ~ ~ ~ • • ~ P t ..l oz criminal-cases for treelti be~,snnn~, ~~anuary 12th9`194~.: ~r A report of .the ?'lmi t^ton Public Libr~jr for. iovem ar . - d. ~ - y bet as recewed and fa.le ueo.C.Levris „ ~ ~ I I A.Dlugin. Jno.L.hiarshburn• J.. ,Sa~zo. Hear z'. Smz.th. „ Y 1.~1.Uverb ;r i I~ u on motion of b1r. Gardner secon~;ed ~ ` 'n 263rd Y J.ICorbett, H.T.Baker• ,,,1 .Br:,st•ell. rti.~.~t~-ek: P r • bJ -.r. Coleman, Roger T,Q. Page9Jr, 9 Capta~ asaac . C.k.. stationed at h'ort trawl r ec] ~h~in. c,has;H.?ralsh. t ze t i~~.A.Burr. Sidney J.Rivenb;~.tk. vi.A,t">hitne ~~.C.9 .ras released from the payment of not zs ~ nernard- ~ r Y en::~ ~ .,t ~ Aer11?obt L.Kin rr. -G,C.Hr~clle fir. F'.talolfe. t~'red ,,z.l p lty ch~rgec3 a~,aznst lot-~7 Cauntr Club Pzne r m _ - g Y lens. x a Y s fo the year 1941, ~.D.Love Jr ~ rt ~ ~r~ ,,2 Jno.}.,Cxra.ffith.ll.Goldstein• .t,T,Ba.~,~anger• xd.S.haskett• me>t a.Carne~; , r G on motion of Iytr.- ra k n ` - ~ ; ~ ' ~ ~ ,.bate J, `:~,1 .houston. d:.B.Hunni ton. 1i.H.I41es~ritt ~ P _ __s 9 secon ed b _r,. t,olemr.n l..r.L.A,r.~e;dlett liras anted an ~.Pti;.Henderson. f, ff A • ~ g rt.Geor e. ~ , „ of taxes on a valu~atzon o~ 2'000.00 assew men 1 7 ~ rv a:n`b!ock g t,.I~.A plebelr 1t,C.Santwell~3rd. I,~.C.7.o~ran.' ;=,.~,gaffo. ~ ~ s t c ~arf,ed, in error an 11ou,~e G,L, 'r FY_ _.P Y , ; j 7 •F38 lc ~4 _ ~ r'the _ ~ e~QrY• x•~.S.tte br °ok I+.I,I.I.;c;achern Jr.:L.L.~~erlPub. rr r t r# 1, , un5et Park started a:n December 1840, and -value fixed at _500.00 fo ~ st o 1 , Jula.us .~.Sternber er .x.ir>.arks. - g material on the lot as of Januar 1st 1'41• J.C.Parlcer~Jr. h~felzar t'earsall• ,Jesse Lunes~orcr. ~',LIiceier. t OLntazn ~c ~ J.HHlnton. F;.B.;r~z.n~ shut . I`,.8.~~1az ~ht 11. 1~.~'I.sra Y lsh n.C.t~l G11as.L`.Parker. ~.Uan`..Leuven. r ,D, ,a report of Names alker Has ~z.tal nor November •leu. .....hose. Le'ts' 1 1 as z eceived °and or.~ered fi a.1.~lake U ~n• , T.H.Hasha en, .~-i.T.Newland, Jr. _g_ t i m .he m~~etin the g n adJourned: ~ ~ ' . I,, . c c ~ ,I; rlt e ii I ~ W 4 ' ,~a iv III ~ ~ ~ ' (°n,