1945 Meeting Minutes i , /•J~ . r. , S`~ r.'~~.`.'z L , ~s, • , . , ~t' +i . 1~,~ c l/,oetin ry r r ~ of Dacornbar r 1 th lc ~eetirt0 of Janlaary 2nrl, 1)Jt), continued. anntanuod. i i _ A. lattar vrAr; received from Ij ~ i- - ,r'. C.r;.tsrovm Assistrlnt I)i.visian 5 ;',t , t .e }{i(,hvra:a' )gin r , , ' , advisin6 that a sure Vii; ey of the drama fv condltiori at t },:int,ur, Fr:~~atte~ ^he C}lairrna.n-prrts€~nted a letter J'rom I,Ir. A, C, }fichols -CiL~' avinr, r, ~ ~ • . w* t.. fy he Rwv_:,lrie a rilh r ,r C,'3: , r;n~:.c~.:~.tr, t,,,c, n.~,.ln>fs,F;r, r„ ~,ne }3oulevrlyd Sunset ?'Ark, will be mado at t,h ~ ~ p rttinents ad,~aeont; to " ue of thv'gar ous builtlin~s a~r~tasin ahv Corti^runit w!. e earhv,it papsibly dnte, ~ouFhcrn val ~ H y Hoapitel fac:il hies prnl,r,., Es~a by ,:,.~~s;?rs. hy~x:,in t'i Afty. e lent;thy;discuilsion of thn matter af' inor,•e,sin~ ':hr,~ '~"nnur~,nr:rr on tha snarl build~rl~s ; i i snd rcard, A letter was ;ecel7;or1 tram J.1!'. 4l. }i, M'l1 ca i flrid cantarlts }rx. 'Pro.sk moved rend` it wr,s seconclvd b+ ltr, Hal f ~ , n co ~ la irlin (7, . 1 and c err ir,d, ~,hA., the ,..surflncv on- the i mk tha hatl canditian of` t}rat r P,uildin s be incroaeod from . 0' 0 ^ r ' 'Hi .Carolina ,avenue in tha ones hutldroi} bl 1 a tal ~ OO,UO to , ~ ~ n` }ii oak, Sunsc+t }'ark,....:. }lis re uoe P rt of .,ospz ~ , ~1U7,~U0.UU, oon~.onts frorl , ;,U UCi0,00 to J r1' OU r 0 t:... . q t_was up~n.motr~on ~ ~ ~t ,0 •f , th~r Stai;e }ii~hway & Plablic }York6 Commis n rofer tzes }{omo tram w3Q,0UU.00 to w~}O,OOOUO contvnts'S' , . r I'; ton w>.th r.g1lHS't thfl+„ the reli rad to Irar rora ~,p~U.QU tc> a~tf,GUtv.(,C, and 8a ;.zgr ::aua. geld e ask~ici for be ^ ° ~rantad, - ; . {sundry tram ~~10,~10U.00 to~1E3,ODU,00, X111 vat~C s!flrtiritivvly Hxcr t }!r•. {}scrcln~ ,•rh ,v ~ . r: r a -o .ed na for : ' AGovaf r ~ P , P. a letter wt•ittnn bT r, , enson he eHls that. t}iH amoun ~ of ci?ve A. ' •n, , , r go a6 approvHd a.s nn u.sui.,.c.vnt, .Potter, Deputy ,,glad t'uHl ftdmina:itratar to ,",r±~ , rho r , Bailey`was resentod`hv i .u> or , 4asi " 6;;' P he Gna,.rrlan a v a , d asanl, .that the proclucars haves bce3n a h shipments of-coal to 3 eked to ~ ~ t' n after d U , the Nlilm_n ~t<,n Arv t aCOel k roviou., mo i.o o y Lr. Gsrdner tv , ia„urv the nursa~ ' t - ~ ~ < srAtA P > ht rro a , j~• of rho Ft7J1 ,UU.CU es ~_:matod 6 a a rvlievo thcJ prosont coal harta~a pantlltt a . .and more detailed invests afion of the s' 1 (a fur , vahae' failed of a silcand. ' i,, 6 zt atiorl. tl,ar , , . . - 13pau motion, ~1j~.~a?. i)ack taxos ' ';AI, o charged agailtst 1J;.35 acras of land Cnr,a ? m J.S,I'ditehvll for the years lcj?5_to 1436. irlr,. tiraa ~ l era' ,avm.;hi, ri , in the ne: .,arlc orclvrvd canct;l].od P, na , _ on account af' doub e samH was also,ll.rted and +,axas aid b~ Y Total UAluo Pr~rsHnt Insu ~rt c r 1 , c77 to chary , n v .iric7l,r,t flp},raved a Calnt` Carnrl;sioners Ff P ,A,Carhntt. Also nn item cl ~ J _ , - A. Lash, Farris ~;~63 Castle i~r~ nv f ,FJO.U,) char~9d a`~et ~ • s~rS:tAl >}uldin s ~ ()U()~CU ~ q , 0 00 101i)UU.CU y ,for the years 1y~2 to lyllU inc+., rvA.s eancol ~ -nst }1~ I ~ , , F1! charge; the samH was arc a lnd. qn a • n, r, contonts fsc` , p h sad by A, Ludikn wla .listed n.nd ccaunt of douh >,OOU.QO 10,~UO.UO J 0 (.'(10.00 , pa~.d Jnv taxtts nn , rl la _ 4 , , 7~~, ~oo.oo 5 Ina 1'or thee. said . P}ursr,~ }{omo y ~O,UOti.00 IiU,CUU.UU , a ~38!'S, tr n ~ s ' requAst for an abatement:... ' ~ contH..ts 7,~OU?UG 1},ODU:OG E3,C)ut).UU of the. l~ tl~ taxv6 an thH },rrl~Hrt:,y of +.ha (1}nlrch of tiod ii . , , t kr- Git , urchasod ~ r 1' lock 6, Iats 11 ~ Aa11ar ls,c~m .and Laundry ~E,,O(H),(?t) 10,0U0.C0 l~ ~lUU,00 ` )i~; P ram C.Id.Rabinson I,Aarch' 19J fit, far.. tho pastors .hams was , ~ ~1, , , Hclanad for tha':•aason s q' ~ rj00U0 v tatle war> not in 'tho Church January st lc)f It1undr'r T a~pnant 7, ' x 1 ! ; Upon motion, ;:,the Hoard dvclia i n rr;,tia:r tht' i'nro aln add t rx ~ i pled a. request of h'rs. Ju A ~ r ^ t~,o t, ~ ian ~.n.,uranre wa,, ordared lacod v~rith t a , , p ` _ li_ rte .ii _h,,raith L'ol,nt~ k, ~ h, ihltual Ins1-ranee „g„nts. continav her'salar while a ` ~ J ,lirlftirb vra„lo sa I, Y ttenriinC'; the Grriduate -Sc}iao Y to r ,1; 1 of Soc' t ~ • _ zal work at rho lln...rer s , ' , ! Narth Car al.1nF~ for the manthc of lio v sty of : Gr ~on:mctlan _ of I'r, (rarcinar 7,hv . a . Dist f [ ~ v mbar, I)ortimt~Hr Jcln~ra ~ a F , P_Y~' a wr ~.EU tn'F,h.Livlrl rton,~, Cc. for additlanal a u~ o , nd Pob, l a, 6 , r mi n n .I r°J i r, . UGJ,U!J l lsur•a~:ce cis boiler _houae end le.,a:ulr~~ , , ^ , t , P ~ ' ~ t a, Ca.,man:Ity ,ia„pr.tal oI: arccrunt ai error in flee ear " E , Upon ?notlon of Trask so ` rcity At ' .,J U which should haves bt~s ; c v Y ~ J r shovrn as ~3, )a2.,_ reels ct}= .roved, , ,,,!1 , conclad by l~r. Gardnor, the ijoard a P ndorirad ft bill ,prapared and ,ronent Cpl y c,r. ,tY. 11. Ceripbnll, Cit`~t l;ttornvy, to arn~trd an a ~ . } ed et Lrovid all, i ar tho crc;etian sys+,er1 fcr Hm~lo Des oC th Etire _l an ma.lan of ,t.r. (,ardnrl r , a,, ; Y v C1~y of }Yilmin~ton ratifiod c moist 3p r, sa.onAHrl,by r. ."ra.,~.., pKyrnent on account o, tllt~ bud~ot an7 a•- , 1)i ~ ~ }9a rah )th 1 - rY ' , s ~ E, t i ropes. t_on for , mplayoos of the .Alcoholin t > , ~i , hir,h wo,l d ,nclud t e ;ntiltt Villn..u l u{- ~ l E 13overaLe Lantral l,aard ~.r o the h Z fo ".ln{, ~tutra. ,.t,~ l,ec,rdstr.ana~ Deis -ram' .urns a 7 7ra'r d > , I and A.,.,acirxtcd Cliar't' ~ . + ~ , I } c .for ,L50,{70 s7 or i..arth as of ; ff ~ ios yvlth>.n ,,ha pravisinn~ t r { 1 i, 1( the said. A fi. }iove..nber l )th 1),~ i.ho dat,H the v r a , ' ~``,I ~ of , t, ro rr,rt.iHn~ ~lecreatial,a,1 protect startad. , f'? ' The follawin Dad rind nv r_..lo. ,cif r r• ` 6 L 1 r1'ul riser. wrl, v cireilvn to sr; ~ ~ ~ A q ,Ir, .,ranHtt .3ealar:ry fa. r,d,l,a,>t?nent a1 the ~l 11 .}J bac,. taxes d .,'ter' -.rut, t„ ,urors in thF ;,unari , t4 _ , ~ j ua on the, propertJ ; i''~ °`of Crimintla casHS 1'or the:wev 1 - ~ ul tha_tr ~hns iarlc Ulaa}: l l for th • ~ J r iti~ , k ~a ltulin January c, iyt ~ rr 5 e ?.az s, l~, jl to 1 I anc.,usiJr lrA.. , ,n ~ a r b J 15th, zUiJ~, . 1; , ~ 41 , 11 n rlot_arl of }/r. unor, y,!,, ~l, Sacanc.:e~) blr. Tra.,l., r.,f'orre~l 'to t',1F t,ar.7mitt4je ;vltlt ?owF,r ':o net I 1 y 1 l i. I Ralph hrlrr. FrHd, H. Orrall. U ,l, , . .lta.hes, n, , E" T.,. Rivvnhark. R.C.Shrckvlford, The rnet,',ins tl;r a, r I, L! J.},h.hlar1311. _ Olivor A. n 1 oa t, l Dell. L.O.Fonvielly, A,I?.ApplHwhitn }3avis J 1; .j r r . i. Howos, i }6 L.Dsy°sden,Jr~ A,JRabb . ' ~,i! n ins. L.J.Calemnn. Abrarl Soloman; 1~ J. ~.}iu ho.,. --f , Woodie . atA. GHO.C ~ b ~ , , .Iiarrlss' r ~ , h :L.}Yarlick, I{a I, ; > > ~ , I _..u.y. ~ , . 'I R,lark '•y Taylor, Rall}t YillilJUS, ~ , r (i or. '1+'m:'A,Stel'rRrt, I„D.Kin r , i arker. L.1' .Gleiruan, ~ L,©rinson. L,L.Ita ei, n Y F YeavtJr. 11,I).Hanrl } Plarmrin Evan;;an. )r,A,l3ordon,ix sly, a}l, tit.id.}}illiken. . .L.Dloolnr,, Ra1p}ilr.-}Iuband, :{.Rose froth. Yliir,i.ngtan, PJ. C., .Jnnunry i1{;1,, 1~';~>, i ~i; C.L,Allred, ll.P,Bent;nn, ~ , > ~ .A.Y'Ii11>arl.,on, ~.J,LJorrfan, Franl': hicks. „i~ C, L,DHVis. A,L.IIclrrr' r . ..G,Clemrnonr,. , ~ ~ Tlie , or~~,lar vr~ relay meating o1' tyhrr `A~Ardvtas held at ~;Ur) P,11. }711}iarr Inrram, r' t Franl::G, hal•Fias. 4`r,H,t~iaorH. t 1 e:ifAon6tt, Q,ir,H` Atts C 7 J ,,am L J.austgn, 1{oi•bert F. Portar, i Lnvrrencv Carson. Jas.A.Fir~ll. + , , ,j.F,Corbawt, !i, Ludekv, Pre~en,~. Al.dzsan He:vlatt Chairrnan, Gea. Y{. Trcak, H.R.^mrdner ~d L. J. Colalarul J,C,Pigott. , Allbn t'desternian. Arn© Jac 11 , y o s. L.C,..{cClarrM R,L.Church, y A. G .A c}ru:~ I)onald_FAge. G.i?,Jo er, ' , ' Yn lf.~.l+lowors. l{.Il.l'1lekabt. . I,J C.l''.Seittor,Jr. (a the niiilutFs of I Htl , n tizil; of Januar,/ 2nd, 1~J~5, were read and aciprovad a's recorded. 1 { ,f~ ~ Nonday,-January;lst, _1r Jc Gain ~ , 5, n legal holiday.(. IJHw Years 1)av geld t f by date far the next ra arise , * ~ , ~ mvetinl; of the ):oard,' a rrcosA was taken lentil ~ Tha Co,mni.,tee cr,mn so i.t I t ,a, d o£ ,.ho Cha.rman, ~,r, Tra.,k and rx, UArdner° _named at;t 3:00 otaluck i'.h{ Tlaasd , he a , a Jnnuv.r .-nd, 1 ~ j s ` ~ , y )~t5 J nuary 2nd mvetmg of , ~ . - , I he Daard, runorted i,hat 1„r, 1{arr5 , ',,.,r,-art, anr~ 1'r. rr; l1. Hu~hes Nera a "o_ntad Ta:; Assv~sars to sere' ~l. J E P, v ' - with 1<lr. J.I~'.Cox for the `ear 1 J and `r f d at< 'yr~'Q ` .N• , ~ ! 9 t5, pa, ixv 0 per ca, ~ w.,1a~i eras enproved by the Bot+rd. I' 1 - Cler1£. t r', i - L, ` A petition nrssentei} b ter, Jns I.Crews si ned b°~ i:r -rvs idPr: ~s re ue. tj E j'. i F; Y , g , 9 s Lng tnat a Stap ana Go signal ' , bn Installed`at . ! { .}'e intRl'3aCt10r1'af the Gordan tt,at, ~.r) titrtte ill 1l1YaV 4'~, YP..i n?)an r'Iat10n " ' f 4 f o, }1r.Calaman, saeoudoci ,t1r. Tray},, raforred t(7 t}le ~',tate Highnay lt:biia 1'tc51•ks Cor;rsiser,n with err nest tha a q t n , ~ ( i 1'Jilrlington,l't.C., January ?ncl, 1` r. allprapriate sgnal,to meat thh nt~eds ba irstall~d, ' i o1;1_rzr vr_, . " r_: i.n~, oi' 1,1it1 }3i,r.trtl wise hr,;lrl +it 3;00 1',1.9, surety bond fur Robert t ' olr' c ~ a , { ~ ,i. Y,n t as s ConstA}~le of }arnett Tulhlsh'•7 t.' r , ~ , z. , , rise tda„~anal Surety Ccmoany ' na surer in thH enalt~* ` e ~ 1 ' , r , Y p, . J of ,,1,00('.CU, t,ie lama: lavtl.g Upon .ipl,ravul c ' the Sounty Attorney as to farm.:.. ~ 4 !'rasont: Addison Hrvrl~tt Chrtirracul, Gon, and F.~oc„t• , lr , TI'a;,k, JAS. }:i. Ila.ll Ia. 1 G i r' +i^,•r .n 1011, Wa3 1111411 lnatlan Uf : x. GOleLlan SC3Carltlt',d b'v ~~r: 'i rt:+"" a 1'1 , ~ ;t i I,iarsden 3o l,lrzm~', t. ardnor ar.d .,ounty A ~~.t.. ir, r r razed b,1 ~hn ..onrG, i ` A statoment vier;, r•e r 'v f c~a ed _rora thH ,,tfzte 3oard oi` Charit>as and ??;171ia l}elfaro advi;,in thdt ;~(,r F,c The iseotinl lvAS ollon,.rrl rr ith '~rrl`• ~ f 1 ,el 7y tht3 };~avvroitd Fr©d 1"l.` parchnll pastas of Tr~nit`•:1,7o+l.odist Churcn, ,ands wercl sen,, to this ~aunWti .4. ,@ '~,d to .e e ' ~i , Federal. and States c , > > , CiS%flnCC " i) ~ , ~ . f ~ _p ndent ~hlldrvn arid. for Adr„lnrstrrtt~_on' , far rho month a: Dr)ceml>~r. ~ Tho mSrlutes of rlec~+,in ~ of I)eCe ~ • nber 2jtn, 1~J~.), here ryad and a7 r•ovad a^ f f iP_ , ecorclHd. A letter w ' . r a,} x©ceiv©a from l'.Ir. T, f. !lr,vts Uiv:~s., t:ir ;lir~r,r, ; t~: ttl °hlv v a ; ~ , f 1 s, .,.:,~,,5,an `adv~.,lrt4 th ~ , ThH matter of apziointznvnt of , at- after i s3 d ~ i e two additional r..nsf, ; r., Ta$ ASSeSSaI•S ti'raS r ~ 1 flt.on of the Cu v UA 0 a ~QFi., q, ,.t ~ n, , , . ' Chairman, ttir.Trnsk and t,lr ~ , ' . af,rrc,d to a carlrnttee of `tha g t eon the t ll.n , t 4 r,r~ 1..1,. le.1d ..i ld e, w},c re lights t,° ' c, r, . ell. . .urlrcrlor wxth pawer'to act. autatnabilps on Fr ; I , Ont ,:treat Hi;tHn$ian ,,^,OI)'lSe t7*iv[?r$, 1 ,"'tic t2t.R1t,r1C t0 t7l.arlt _,t?rlihl7Hr'~t l,etvrrion f;,e two :-Dads as t , he .bet>t sohltior. ~ipasible. ^Jlo llot,rc. r~crr~rr~>nded ';}7€at a 3 _ ~ , lash.,ri1, 1.,6ht, oe instrillaa I Upon rlotian of h1r. _ Tra„}, second at_tt;Ai;,an i , ac byT~Ir• Gardllar, Il'ir'• H la Ca 1. "1~, ~ s°_ ahtatamHnt of to nadv, CJt, Graca`Strar)t`lras r~r,tednr ant to warn drivrjrs of tha cure, AG ,,17t~ rrlcc,4,,,_ ..c<.t`m".~,_lt~i,h, . _ r, ~ xos an a-valuation of ~800,U~ o _ . ' 1 c•;c"~ n diaTranda and 'ecralr lis~yd rib v J ~ true vnlua,. i i for tha `oar 1 1 J 3' ~ o a tag it n f 9~ ~ I m A raglihst af' ` n ~ ~ ..l 7t1" ( 1 r. l'r ~ U. Harl.i.,„ " t11Aw la }(}~i)t' R;*31"r+87t1i,ii, x711 lE1r' flt;rC',;•. Cf 1111111 l 1rL=lf.tia 5 I .ho.res~~;rlatianof ?,ir. ,l. 1', Ca lent ~ - L,~ t;, ~ Hr as lax Lister Hf' ask_ 41xs, Jaan a ; ^ , , .r,-, _ n 1- ~ f I snronded b ~ } iootivo ths'rlattl wA u,o i, tan of ,.r,,Tr ~ ?i. DHlano tram IJ.U,I.4aoro Februnrv 1 t:h 1r~~,,.G C,,1 t A, t4,~~, ~ , / t ? g .tp, lie , ..dliCet. to `{)v 3 ir, Gardner, aee,o rod , a G n w a. ~ w ~ p with reluctancy - ~ Far :or the ,and i, ' and by i,lerk Was ?n't 1Sir ~RrpBG• yaar 19l~ 7rR6 a 011 ritatl0n of R'r. ,t A. 3A1 .r I, , , . i , i, £:.,h- ~ i , , , 5 ructecl i,o wr itv m , P v - - lint?t. and r e~ tlrl ec, ~a } ~ I express to him the 93oAr•drs a tt_ PPrec>.ation i or hls eon ~ .AF A^u;5aasn ~ , ; ; <~~X~aYlf~xxBDIAC>Sxxk~ {,..and fait},~ul sarvicv ' X~ x>Et;tz~ xi~~X~~Jtx~~K&~ rs for aonsaderatian for the'.ns,t~ssr, ~;1'r ;,nrxal? hrf;inillllr, ~ rt, ,a=~1.5~ let, lc)r .r I `Upon rnrJti.o r,- ,.,.t : a..~_ 1 n fir: l,(r, Colas: >I', .1 S,'~. 1:,~ ~ t 4 ,,.L 1 5° :j71 . `'f,. Cld ~il r' ~ )1 1(: o.t of rho cr}loracl r 1, non,` saaon~led by h`i 'r,. " iS~hi1Ca* P }.ome 1-Lr7on~trntaon A ant f ~ In , . .was x _ 6 ar ~`oa~lnhe ,t of creased' r fra3'.reCH. a ar b4 .1 ,UQ. )E;r inOnt}l aS (?i'.INI1iIH,1'4' i.. tl:t,. 'Ca pF,..t,P t'9:f~.{-, , j. _w 1 3':< ived >~nd fzled, and p Yn! . ~ 7`a r 1.. ~ ~ une, redo. rl...~nt~s ball for_~2.5U for use of t, les'rr . ~c EI r Y} >.trr, ,leas upon rat tan ~ ` Pro> ida ' F' . • . _ _ z. of ear. utu dos r a I'a7ed nPedP,d ar1G?tlanal n35i3trt11Ce 1C, t't!l~'lrn~,n,1 t+, li' ,,,1171„. 1 a ~,i; ~ ,,,:,h , p~ • , {t-1. tl ttn~ a'.1, r~i ttr : itt, I Eu~ena bra;" ~ ~ t, • E~ i'Ir, ,,tCJ'a..ar of the ii{..+1,~ ~,}Fir' ,.i e^i i- - Y ~ .h!._, tr~A;"I," An,~ ~~,r~.! ,i'ittl i:(',i tl iil,iC711n ` }';i rte'„` I 1 L'C y,rc"ln,if -a.. i, 1 , - x:,~,;_ i .s. J I v. _ ad i rnln ..t.t) ti+,'1Cr"`ll ~tiln[1 r,m~,iY,lltt .`l•„l , i lr' N(~F n:.,;;,,,i1°l;;a lt`st't7,ln"v i Unon rl . ~tio n of },ir. Calar,an, st,ranr}ii.l l,y }ir. Z1AS?,- .1 .•c:i'.ir, cdY: tt,,r'in;~„~.t, yr}itt~ irrii °unt c`~-"-f„- , 1, z . a.,, wa s on recoinmend~itron + , , . ; of ,hH „u17t,,~tat 1 ,ltla.. lf,l., a.,r:,t;~ J;,f tr,~ ,,,,,,:,ty- 1±onr.. As An ~rlrn=zt+~, a _ Nnn~B illt'.aA f }iA 1. Ito 11'vTi, Ci F) lr 5t^l;.xil rS.F n h:~ Fj t , rHt;rtrC}H tt ~'BQ 1' lcl iiTlp r, ~~r i;}ln )3~anavt: 'ri7, b.Lon'~i 'lh ;,iitt~;r•i. !`~I ~ . '=e, ' i:, r--.: n: r.~,? a- il l~l'J7, wa6 u'i4r1 IQL,1:,~11 riJ' .'1• •~i"Ii;,~, ~ 'il~,~, i :i. ~ Ja t}ir ,als: I'or it 'its,' Auditor iv stiga ta,~ ~lci r~~r,ur!. Ivicit 1~;' t!,n grti" _ 1 V { i ~i 1 i' - I,:. L 4 ,i-, , r:: r; , r _ Jf , ;w f ~~r ' _;i I ' ~1 r '`}+'i ~ rf l~, 1 „f ~ 6' 61 ''1, , -i ~ ' 4 , M+retin of ~Tr;.!„ . g i•tr,rr 8th, lglr,,, cantinued. f{ , ' ' -)1' ~Jf,nu~tr 35t1t, Ic)11si, ci;nianuad, -i plieat,cnG A Y 4 t A ropy of n rasalut.i,on rr,caivaci Pram r r ' i r~, . ' I ~d sll t.a lnty ,,aal.in}, 1~)J,i,llExtlon relat;in • 1:0 , k raar~ , roadwark betvrrlan thy 13ufird3 of Cdirnt 'rnrrmissi~ fund , ; y _ Hats oI tha ,several r;auntias a ~ s and 1'! nd_ he tat' ' { and P,ablia FJorka Gdtrdrlission s.nd , e . Vii; to requ.tro tho ..rata rlil,hwa Lana!li.c,at. z hi[rhwa , ~ to a gu ol.emontril yrrr,<! a t• , 1 'n iG ~ Y n t to r,Ittk,, K ra i. Y V(zth ref r;renu. p, m n , rNntt..vr.d f rnm t}I~,Hna,tod ,,i.Ett~n ?)i:,trct, };n ,n«,er , or G , pot to , Cc2 ni;IS.ouers of the varioiza Cm!nties tliri a[naunt ~ ' ,r th - ; , i;~ ~ of rione~ rtllat.ncl to i,he sni e a niafanflin lE'n.sd to t,hrj Go,orrEreant cavPrt.n~• Eirr~a + , vr;.r ; •ti countie , as rov i, g of latter ;lltlo~ht.nthal Air or•t uestion ions bind--oi: read vrark , A.n) Hong a.. >rlall~~ tho P ° ~ q I: f ° , T +.vha ei'faat' t fit , , y rr • 7 .y spant to tha aa~rntir~s`~'or rta3:ntrr s or a. „ad ti.> to t h ,orTaart of Para 'ra'h a a1' ,tatd n mfaement tirhisn rcvide,, ; ,li c,,,,tat~ur,*., ~ nattca Rnsi rras r. a } . h b , P that t;he ion anrtu.tll,{, runt; Illian t.,vtlon of lair. Gardllrar 'sei r nar, f : rrrn lad by lr!r. zui r }~a ranewcld b ~hft (,ovci•nrnent; 'fr• r 1. c . , aler:uru, ta},r; said laaae, y Y u21 y,ar ,o y~E.T sub,lact to nailexalusive tiro h+' the ~ - ~i~f onsi eratian. n under ~ c, c,nt vrith aint ~ in t n k{:, f;ovnrnrnunt, .on err a,a cor!r,n.~nral and l;rt.vTtto flarcrart ~qu.I,I,c;,.l v,t,th five-why radio 9: old have an tha sucarrt,sf'';.i. corimarclell and rivrrta ur>o of ha r~a.r•,art thH a iae vas therei'ora" , vro } r n , A rapart of thfr Aatlvities _vf rho 9uruAU ti - af Ir1f7n ,..f icntian i ar Ilecernhar vrrtn r• , , i ~ tc) aanf er w~,th the J tstrlct l;n t uo r k. j re; rsrrad ta;th~ Cuun~y Attr)rn~'~ ' J; n r to alarifor ,hat quv:Ition. ; r crl..va l P-nrl fil , aE, ~ ed, ,,r. Gaz t,ner brauC;ht to t}:n nttera~an thri'mEtttar t > ' c~;- ,1 ~ . l+" of ,ha Lit hnvin ^ ra c unic?tion vras rt.c ?f.r. lr orn 2I,r, ~t.!..lhohcls f Y p p trod a hill.. t A coal ,1t, ~larza er, E,dv..~in ~ that :~'Sss t",aria iden oi' +,ha aporatiom of the liurrsnu % +.r that wn!Ild I> , . ~ ~ ' ehari ` r rn f h d stibmittod a c' a~ Idf.n ~t, ir,ation, rnnk.ira~ rtu rovi.n~ian„ ...fort ~ . e - n2- ,,t..a a n of, .r of , 2t7C, Op f r vlt~ ~ ~ . . i}; p ha t,atrnt,, _ 6 h,Cg F ~ a .nn lot at ,!tJ1U u!n f ~ . ; _ mot>.on to a `ass r,nr chti i , , and offor f, 1, t ;uro oi-, .said to ba ; ed A _ n.nd ConnM w } , ,1. J~P ~ nee _n tha prosent Act othrrr-than 1;0 )laott itU ar d by thE, Clt , hie}, was. ao ravec. by t 1 1 , ~ " slt arvision of the I J ar r t,tan unda{• t}ie atvna , J Y , p ~ he C oars, anti the lat n2 dr.ra„ ,,olrl at the p heli,_f or Pvlice Ira artrnfint. His rnototr rr !r a'` r ilu' ' ' • ,I,. F as rncanrlf,ri }n z.,r Court .,au.a dror i ye t, aoticr; b, advartise.mrrnt a., Sher Tarr !.irects yr t,_ I, , Calarnar, _ha t.ndorwtandtrtl, ~ tor. 'Tra:,k not vcitin}, and carrtad, r ti'dan vrial laca aii affer of t)f)..~U a, 1„i.,u Wt p ~ s irtciicntad, i Ilpan rtatton of J;Ir. Calerrrtr. naconrled b~~ i. i~, r , 'ir, f,ardnar, a tar uuot, f UI' All r.c! ' , , - - ~ ~ ~It,n L'+tt,l0t1 irK:, t aaf; lva(1 1'ratl t:h0 tiU?lrtt~/ sl + „ ' _ ' ; • . r 1 .,}u,rttaf,ni, cif th „orrJ z olf.t, o -Hoard . o ur,stttl n evnl tiranrrr with rho Lit and e bac~ taxe q y lua on tha prap~•rty of It«v. J.k).l~?allett ltlock 2z' rind r1• ~ s a to +liscriss rho rnrtttor ~l, ,r. Chalr, a. :7evis'h ant' Co!rrisr2innrr,> of ,ansal ditt' . 4 .lock 131 ,a Co i Er.}, ~ha ,,wa ,juvrnl,.a c;uurts, or to try tv . a n rtfarred ' , , to tha cor,mittee with pow,:r to aetr + forrnzlate sarirt mora of fi. frnt i)lane far {,hti c,,,oratir~n a!' L-IiN sa' d c • F. ~ ( > t aurts, vras a},raeal-)lo to thz>= ISoArd ,i. to mcFrt nd l(l;Di; o'cloclt A.14., Thursday, ,Innuar .'lUtli. ' y > repcirt was raceived from rho back trir, calloctur ~hr,tr,rz•• , b.lc} calloc , pt'I qy / ~ t, ~3,rf-J~ ter j 1 tvi the City and ~1, ,P5r5'~-~,G)9 for tht2 `Caunii{ far l7aciemhor, m , , ~ udator tv wham it urn ~ a „ r , , ~ ha (o !n , s r , ,rr ar at ne ,tiu > of Januar }nth 1 1 ~ re )02 „ec; that rue 19 , ~ I µ texas vn lot 1x13, n,.a,~; {,-1 7 ,,?ansat t'r,rk, E+t tha t;fma avmod b' ;,fr.,J.kl.Ifintat and llaw ownE~d by ~r ' _ , k , ilpon motion nf,?~z•. Cfarnnni• , u: seoonrled b~ i~r ' , ~ ~ , Gal~m0.1., (;Ollrtftt n1119 IJa, ~ ! ~ , :af tS' r:'}rt?rrl 15 nC ?~.rlant.ri that. i; r ' „i ; • g, _fl,, j to 2hc : ~,t>.l(, io ax has boon uatd. ,,u,, tn,r ~.1).,trnrt_ L esontar: h }rlr•. Hoc ar `Payment. ~3 „ere_approVe,l,lor r;,. p Y P i Jonnscn far _ rir r , a , s ri " mea r,nr; of Jartunry ~h, vrEls Trade '_~r, before *he 1y3;~ tar, rule }iad tEken place, ~~1 a t•~d r>n; d b+ _;lortearre note • , ! r ; and m r.., t ~ J rn,]oyad in ~ha,,tEix o.fice. Tlarefvra tha requrrst a, 1nr. ,detts'ta cannel "~u~,. rf'~ Tho meetlnC,_then ad;~a!Irnod: ti c r ~ y. Ir *:hP •r19„l: tEtxr,, c.uu ac, .,nld lvt for tl!.t~ vear lriti,), ,•rE!:s tlpan !orlon ui !.r, Trask, rlaclnnt,d. 'if {jl ~ ~ ~ _ ~ '-Glen ~ ~ k. iuan mot;7.an Of ,,'r. Trask, sacanCled h,r lit, t%clnrl&?] t}1U 1%aUrrt nUd ta' 17a " t ,ri' , ~ f ~ y i I sal }IC .cr,d ta' C,ut on an iii ~ r)tiditiar!:.1_tnx, listar t~ assist, i!: tn}:gin • the tft,t ,'.~.as nt fire f;nta ± tr • 1 r .F . ~ E, r , ..c .r ,E, han > a ,nr. nr.ess a , i - i! , r , rc 'r"(l lmi'.ir.+~~ }I. t, „ [ 1'}''n i'li,~, .,x,,. ~ ' ~ , . UV 1 ar I ,i-tTlt~ J fh?1V ,f)Ga71~„r} ,r(r+.1Ttt! ul.l> 11Ua. c~)11 t0 c.l,1J lllt), 17(3t`t, rl U" 'd ,Et F- ' .f „ , . , , atnut. y l.)+}':, lr)lr+`. 1. Yr J i i 11 , i n ~;~,i-, Tlce ro ular vrc,u _ ~ , g k'ly mFet_n},a.-rho rlunrd I'i,, l-t,lr:: at ;(?C P,l~, ThefGllo',vin'• rnud ancf 1avr1'ul r,t,n ;v~•r~ !!ratvn 1,) e r+r: + ~ , , t ' 3 t> Ca t s rv, s ,lu:•ars ,n „ha .,u,,,.r_cr ,;curt for the tr of 1 r..r?.i;:r..l G:tsk;s fir t:}ia ,ri;f;k },~'};).Iining ,.ftr,_iElr~,' lrjth, 1)1.r~, in E'.c;r,;tion {;a +;hfr ~urnr., ciratrn at r,tnc,tln of ~ g ) ' i' Presfln+.; M1ddison Hawlett C}lElirrrin Gaor + , ~}1 , Trrt„b., JE+s, 1,,. 11n:L1 Gn•r T ~ :~eacnbe, ~7~' ~ Count Ati• ~ , „ t t roar, 1.,,rCGla,~~an and Y ~.o. Hoy t,,n, s len „rr1l n.~t;~, i , fEi 4 I , Linvmad }iin~. r>abt.L.J'r=loin. ~','".C1~,.5t ir„ :Js.}I,.>ACZrre~1.. 3.d,Abrh!ns. - I,T.IJubla. t TaP nlaatin • arrcn a encd vrith nr n'.~er l * ; . ; r , >a , C, . L: , a P t :he :.,,r,,tEnd „url }I. Fishr!r ,actor t;f.,+ w. Jr, 1, l,,i~n,u. r .1.1,1.1,It,ruclxtlt. ,Irirold 5ant,lsn. f ~ r?oy J. Sauk, ,ovrar~ L.ttt~.e,,an, ,,etip„" , i , Church 1 q ' 1}Ir)"a r~eliar911tar:• :1,.•J,i{ln.", ,J ali, l~r idA.'-'.: IJar,v(iarl 1Pt 1 • r n +.f. ,t, I~ , 1 r7r . ,..1S..,htnn, T}ias,, .tn,ttr..,el1, I 2ahert dii 1. P, ' rA it 'V„rt t=r 7~ f ,,.,,.3 tsar, P .S, ~t1U,.,cl1';1, iYaltar l...l}~rtt~. S,IYrk.-riarC„' i-,I1.rSha nrd, ~ I i , Tha r.unutas of meetn • of JnTIU€r ~ t: ,I ~ ; t . , m T r r ,'z 1 P. ~ ~ r, i L r.t t+l, 1~~:5, tvrsr•e .rE'Etd<ahcl a* ; cl , , Jati i ! u r l lrin, P,, t, ~ ~ , ~ t t I raVa ns rE.r,t)rtlalz, , . y..>r ..,.,,,Ia,lf. a„ti,.riGE, ~P..t«~:.• ltl"rlarl, tr,.a.,JA]1'er Jr'. r; ~ . I~ , ' Jan Uin.lr.•t;ctr' ~ , M • ~ r A . r it t ~ ~ .~I slut c.r.. L. r l 1, „1 , o d z.cravrl, J ,,rl~.!. let, J,I1:Robb:Lils Jr, f , ,l request af, l><rr, Ufsci, 4J. ,he ;ctrl n • , i - i 1 f I lmpraVarn!'nt:5 to th[3 r:tn(i ti r ~ i~'; u,li~,)r."?,.,,lr ii,i} JanE;r tt'a r3'e " ^ ~ to , ° , PI'r)x.trne.t~~.,r,;_.7(,s-.e.~ .;n E'en t}~ a .t.r..l reo. Ja,,. }Lroyao.,. L.,,.Jrirlnnn. ~ & , n!nn1n, i tom rho Jr1tddle .,oral{1 ivtpraved raad vie t,hc Jidvont.tst CliurCh to Huna V~ sta ~ ~ , • pi„ t u` ~ ! 1+~ };enoral traff ic,,mfiil rattta~ ftr:l' ;chop t " - , uueci e.ctel,stv,,, , • i„ ;i 1 nz.,, tve.,~ !!lxzn i''tuton cif P}r. rt,sl• Thfa mc,f;tyn; t},ran r~ri ut,rnRd < a) seconded b, L,rr Lrlenan, l , ; (ornve .and rafetred to t}a ~'tate` Itlc,hvrry ?trl)lic 1(arks Corv~iission brit}I r c f;~ • ' I o u .,t, .that.. ormanent , iY ' 1 P , p ir!IproveT.ents r;e mndtr with rt9phelt,, oystar• shall;, ar e>nv uthE,r av ' ; ° ~ . - a Elabla mn'ter•ie.l .1 ,o.,si.ble, j'.' i~ Clerk:. L . r L l.., E , 'A re uost of kit. R. J. Car • E` f~, 'il>.lrntn stnn IJ, Gr Jnnuar~ 2^rld 1~ It i; f ' ,t.,e,n fare a reductlcn ai' rho sossrac;nt on }lo~sa ~~i0t~ nc)rth irtlt ::Street , ~ _ J , ~ , , r ...:block.=i?.35, an recount of its bad;conflttiorl, rras a Un ianti 'i• " i~ ~ 1 C P on of ,s ..Cnlerlriri' „c,,,c,n,;r;tl by lr, zrisr., t referred to the eorJnittc)e vrith ~ I av,t,r to art, Tier; rfr ,Ilftr ~t~f,~,°1y mvatinb of tha Jnrlrt ,~rE4s talc nt ~,(~0 i'.tr[. I . C t i { (Tpan<mat.on of ;'r, ColarnEtn s 1 I~t t3CCnderl hL }.Ir, Tra, , p , t r ' , , , . s<`,,aut},aritr try., •:ivan to d;sca <t' _rr.sanv. ;.ddlson 1Catvlett t>haxrr~zrn Gan., P,, l'raa,, li,lt.~f,rdnirr L.J.LaloulEtn aT.d_Cc!,.~ut ttttorne I - ~ of r E> n iron chat gtn6 , , _y Y 1 i, to ~lc~k 7Jr Cnrr, , l.'n`t 9rYnch to }Its. JG,C,t'.yat.-t-an accatcnt az' e, o ~,~irsden i:ollarn° f pr vtotta sAle of sa ~d lot y • , tv the-}lame ?lrrril 1'stiEita-lAah arc , ' , r . C 3 Ins r. Elnr,e ,,ampamr ov dc;r,a de>aerl Jlzly l~lth, i)2G, 'l},rclr-h attar . ^i a daeri-to sa.ra lat v~.^ ~ r s • rnnde to }.,rs. i„yai;t; by ,f.,(.P(alsh Co. JI) ,t i-I, c r; A~ the rreetln, yr ~ ,.r In " t era' rA ~ , 1, 2G~.., l ±jj. ~ . Gfund of ti4(rv{ 6 as vj)anou,rr_t,t pra, e. ._Y .,r, Jarnes B, lrict~uere l 1 axes...,. t for seve..a yertr,~ by I.a•s. I'9•ya,,t was, t},are'gro, ardAreci rnfl!ndE3<1 , i ~ ' E I m , ±I tht; minutes cf meratinp of Januar•zr l,'~:n c} I vrere read and anT-~ra'raa Ers reoordod, 4 J ,.lJ~~f :Y i Are Best of T, 5f-1 „.t , q .tdr' L, , .E n„1_ to 0o relEiasr)d from t,l°,e payrnu.nt uf' ~ , I C , 'r' nrarsannl prcmerty tax of f , C. Jardan char ed ft •a ~ , , g I> frt.>t ,.he tv,.st half of of ; t r,, 1 fit, bl.oGk C } r• m The.. ~aG 000 t , , „ , . • ,3'.:, i 1,{ I'~,. arc,l_na _len ht~ ,urr.hasor; fro .~,U fd.vri ea.r farm sc}-,ydulq lr.,,urance ;,G;~Gy frith the Careliri>t Itrsurattc~o Ca an v,}iah .vt11 a ~ Y ~ v ; : ; ~ l.rr Jardan 1{1Etr•ch 19!~1~, ar°reon~'to na. a` tt I r• , 1 . , , d' , mire ~ r l 1 1 y she _.)(r,.r taxe., rtes-'anon ~ t ` • r econ]e P-. z, ,bruA r , 1 r i. = by E• -r ; ~ 'h , _ ..rot nn >i hs. .,alaman, s r,{ 15th: 1),~5, wi upon rlot_an ai l,,r..lrask,_aecon(,aG r. t,olurnEi.n, _,waruad to thf, , . l., Trn,k, l~cl,nod. a„ , ~ n ~rnne. r L. , i y i, r I C}!r,rgt. H~q~nSt the raFtl t'Strt~;C .,~cal';rititUEtl Insurat A 0 v/ an~Ur, ' ~ t t' ' , c ii ice. A},lints for.. renovral at snring f 25,0. pr t i t .ltsaour. , ,o tno t,attnt . Th3 ;I'S, . Y , k,. , request was orasentad i)y I~cssrs 1{':1;,Livin Aston, Ilobart 5tratl e and II.G.Lratiinor, r,IUtual ~,:"nts. ~ , ff 6 6 ra E ' ~ { A raprJrt of the Ladies 1?est Roc)m Co*>iri:ttcie far i}PCemher was rr,ceivari`and f' ed Upae'r!roti.nn of },?r, Trask seeanc? d b~~?fir. ,^,olerlan hack ce.;;os that have ftccr+zQd ~-rt i ~ r ' 1~ ~i:~ U r r'" o , ~ _ E, 1t st Iti~a ~0 acre a;~'' pun rto tan of .Ir. .,ardnrr, .,uconrluri by !ir , r , l.ntl the hoard tracts _ ~ t » , , n,, roved th a , , A,rt submitted of ]end a. r• ~ }hrr ri ' . " ( { . _ p o dr-,'t of are > . p ru of V,a,ll_am.>on, hirnet~ atmsh.~p, tr. n rIO c~ tS.A. and 1J,,3.lachay r3,>pacttvez , r ~ rr. ; ..ir,Cartpball, .City Attr~rnev, for re-Et7tac , ' 'i CI « trtent ri,t thr; ,rasettt sass.' r of t-he In •isl'atvre, - v:i,o l'~'ive ah~,ttdotied a , h „ [ , u e t•' ' we •e c~n'a.lled r ea"' , tot ~ ~ nt iur t.,a. Gllir, ou t'lle pr p r I G J'a. t, a r „on tllcr sanro to ~ hit would axtend ho nf3rod i't•om ,'ia.rch tq c-, t , ~ C I 1, _,~E1 to 1aF11'C}1 i lA1c di' i Cel'nty iticlurted In ac•rte , , . , ~ , ` , , t~ .r.nf; vrhich ;Jew.t.nnnver Y .ga owlted and lt.,ted ,.a. ?a..tuu., hua.r of lur,>. ,.1 .,Jt111ATn,>on ..urt.tg th© Gr.od { `and munlr:~pnllaies within t}ia sand ",ou • . P ,i my tray tr,sue ?roads far t}ie ncr t~isltion nanstructton re• tktr:.,atd land rns r:lat.noU b r a?.P.. , . ' i i ~ canstruetion, im rovemant hart Y P , ermant and axtensom aI' ravenut3 i)raductng underl~fikings As authoritel 1','~ - i i.l ~ I ii by Chanter ? of r,}le !'ublic, hEt:vc `ef 'the extra rc iJ on ' ses,,tan or 1q3... p Nation of 1;Ir,- Coleman " r,' , ' t . ' 713 ttortl, z.:,, ;,~xadt vfas rn ' >arvndu,, kIr• frEt.:x, .lr. <J. Hawos, g nted I I , i e.n ab?itt?m®nt 0f pull ta)(8S far t}Ir;, •'aar 1g1r1E µ~;)a!`nt rif br;lr.I aVel'a~°• i ~,J 111 A request of J,ir...r. 3. Ca-nipl~r;11 Ci1-,v tf• r , , L -1. ,or:t,.Y, thn ,she County prrl•-rErte tha lc~jk? ta;cE;s r.ue by she. tax parsley tntcrests nn land e.t Ila]ton tnk'en are 'i - .r1 n + . 'h'~tlon '7) ° , , . r----- 1J t,n m-~u.2,02: 0' "r t ' c , „ ?"r " , I 1 u~ . nr n , ° r y t.,e City . or tts rtftter 'nlnr!t E.nd ,vr,,,er distrt , i ul . Garr:ne , ~ , r.,. U, Cclamnrl , n,>sc..,sr Ants vn the , a1 .cn...u I, Gnd A, , ,r d Ii t • a arty uas system, and n1~Ate tha })E,at+nt;e of tFxas char •e t• - ~ , . ~ rl I I ' f, d EtCri..n„t ,ha l,rol,frrt;i Yar 1)12, t'rnloh would aqua. ~ lscontinuod and thrr lot aid tnxEis enncellad for• tha roado,^s show2l; P ' ~J1<^. of thrl amount dine J'or :he tinid ~ efi • },gin t , ..n ar•cordEinca with re rkacrFe „r tha Court :~n a condcmna~ suit instituted by rlie C:Ity n., . ~ r `a • ~ gLl„t ~,r-, ],j~~-^ A15o r, rfa uQ,s+ char6°~ z,. „ ~ t r + ° 1a t UYlfl )Ui-lilirt , t r to E:h,t„e I,lle hrt11 of ly1i~ tastes Ptkrs,l„a. the Vr onl block S la~ 1~~-1'lri~~ht;vii.., },Hach; lot br,,. linear, ~ Y, „ [ n In ,hp ocean, I, against K, u: ~,ldbury oIt a`port~on of blac6: t~~1 '_t~tken " ~ 'alb „ „ , n ' ~ 3, aJer br Ja.,, tJrilt.oY 1'cerrar~.ar .to, 1t Y I.IOrris a r;s . c I' t I n nk, riot, Uea.,hore Stret.t. ( condemnation Liny ?.1 l~~i?, 'we.s a an ;'lobo r` ` P _ n of ?{(r, .rardr,ar se ,;r r. od to n r ~ r ~ , r,rr ~}'io Gount Attorne ~ t c ~ , .conc'nd by 1, r t,nlrn.an, re. ~ fiscal]: ,latruon, . loatlnt; bua,, hou,,n, cue,, act Haw.. e...-5 ~ I y v once. with „ r , ,,I 3 ir. CEt,npbo~lnnd submit Iris e ~ '.nn ftt a ~ ~ " •.F " { I i r,cor,¢nendatan„ e.nd cp.En.- ohn U, Gv1c., hlac,t .l, lot y,-1,rJrtr,ht~v.t.,.1a 1'eacli, i.l ,.}le ocanr., ~ s rhsegl.ent meeting. r m the follow' r i,. ' rl. ~ ~ i (1 „ tag rB,,G.trtion tVAS tll)an rlatian Uf ,~L r (ift. ,,.rfl! , "t'.CUTirla(l J :.,r. tra:ter., a!.J v4, ~t t;liF3 ~c1` A21 sfudt rpFart of ;,a!Inl,nw+•~ 1'os•,it>3 ~ q I ;ar ur , , 4er' of ~,l r F Y a ut., t 1 P ed rSyt J,,T', Glla.;, t , , ?t, Tl:it,r1,.,, uA r' t'1;ftaTt Lr l'aar'a, i%, lavrl'Uir,ra (irA~r ivr t:.E f,SC Y li 1t0r, v:.: onding :Juno 3?t,h, 19~~r• rras i•ccelvt~d ' „ . Ertl( .ref r;.-rEd to the ur'i!nty _q,Iditar. ~ ` . r n S, th.,re era strr,.t a tar e a„uumule.tiorc o;' '~.rirnine.l cEtstrs on the duckvt i7f' the ou7er•;. Appl.,etttions far SIG.,n.,e to 4.G1. er a.t;locatians nn'l''o _ l ~ x , Ironer of iJovr Ha g t ur. Cpurt , , r,c y Lrlve ,JGUdlEirrtt and ?tvar.,ldEt rover Count II h n for -:ria1 a.~id at a r " , r . , y, art Carolut , ~ ~ ha h.,pl(zrd, ,,IIbAl_ttUd Jy J•+i,110rY~;',t1r. Ei" t, i." ;r ? diaE' 7 p n; . , .,d L.u.Jn2)pas, T P,u reCt~VE)I' III ~nra b?ln to ,f,F;RkAu a lrir A 1 e ~ rtra now Can). ,t T. ed JIl t}!e COI1T!1Gn " Ar? r ''orm a-nd etutarst,r~ ha th c 1 .J, a h ° d nL^lber of ,r ...,.n r T,. i. It ul th- t>aun~+, a~ ifety _ r 8 u lOriff , rrArB ~ )an I! T, a t' a) IUtrUur ~`~=UVOr alY£i~t:,tt trlnl Of Cr'IIQinEt7 C,aSE'S and ~ • t at nn a, J:lt•. Coler,,anj st!r.nndad by .,.r, }In?1, lf'• g , ~ 1'+;:E;lEA5 as '"'tl ne fit r'u crier' Court ar rho t;v:lnt',l of iJatr liano , i~ ' ~ , e . xt ~er;n o. ha, p vrar fir t.iC t,. _a o , F _r oases will Hat corer=Tle +.tnu11 r:C!irclt ;1!;h, >.U,fa~, rlrtd ~,rom phis da„o thortz vr~.l he'a tar e number j of additionri? g c?.sAn`rlccl.et•ad for trie.i irz the ,,u er;ar• Court of sa:i,I Col'nt ort rho t ' P Y t unittnl ea.ertder,and I' i , I ~.-e untrnl~IOUS op~nicrl cf the 13aard of County Corz~lass~,ouars of :Jaw llrrtcvs. Gaunt ~ C ' that Eft least a one vreol' e a tart, s necrissnr+ to disnosa of the aasn:; uo;v Y ~ rimtrt 1 J r on tllo d i• a ack o tri • a f t l i { , 1n ~Cew Clano-ver Go><int,r. a. • , ''i ; f a: i 'f I, a . !F 1 I . 4i Y 't r=~~, f~ '-'t ~~~~~f ,td'' :c~ ...Y ~ r,.,.~ ~e( r r~ r . , , ' I: t{ r y Mx ~ Me£tin~ of JantlAr ?.2rttl 1.C r i Y G(~nt):mted, f~ ~ , 6~ . ~ }t{ilminrtnn if, i" 1~ r ~Y7+-~ r'r• ~R ,}r t.? • rr , ~ T T.iF~}E,hURF RIsH~LUx;}}, tllut th@ fi~~rri of ~Cou~tt~ tol:n7isaiorio , 1 _ ra of I}E•w }{>ariovar Calz ~ ' llnanimausl rc u£s I y q t }3is P}r°oellona R. t' I ~ , Y, ,rf}[;g !crrr,~, (,nrFJrnor of the ~,t~to of north , , + Garo1 ; , wr ~ 3, 1 7 k ~ to ar(}er .a spaale.l {aria of tfie t•t in , . 1t i~at a} .hn 3c ; I E, Thf3 rC~1t lR, weo1. r tp£rSar Court, ,rlthout A };rand Jur far thr E, n. 1 wn,. „el.r• a . ~,,)U , ; ~1' Deli , to convone e Y, 2 trirJl ~j' r , , E I,, n Monde;?, 1'el)rurar j ~ 6th, 19t~ and to ranfi P Ei _ 5, inu, for on11w@e1:, nos ,d ~ 1 tri , ~t, i ~u . it aj Aa it further resulvad h t, r, , ..a k~. , Flt +,}18 Clar.. at' t}lri }IC r! d f ~ •r iiflS.,a.}.a~l, 9 i .rrl '1, !,f)C a4i.~'. !1.,}. .,}}.ttHC (1,nF?I n f' i!-,r i:.. , r o. .,Dent+r Con,[aln:,ion Prt,ae:r ..,J<Ga1_mniz Etnrl wOul.~, ~atarllav I: ors ba , dzr£cted to-f u urn ' ' _ n ish~ ,tP ,r . ~ ish u cagy of this rF,solut~on tr~ t}}o tlovernor of the sta ' ; cl he arsden ° ~11rr~I, . I. ~rE1by - , to of }k.r ~n Ga. ' i~ main , . q. It was r@ llokjt d , q e that the ..c.toxuhle ;(,u„. r,• Rug bo a.,ai nod 1 ~ ,L , Jan.}i.}i~.11, !'ice ';},(trrman presided ave,• the~mr)c!ti_nP' in thc~ nl,r;anaE? nl' th~:t C}tl,irntan vibe i s , !,r i of caurt, F, o } ra„icie over thin. zpecial thw^ rl~liatir3r, t9I•tn toe 11 to ritt!~r".. - ° i' {}(ion Y'Atan Uf hfr. rrF1SI; S ~ eR f :Ia ?la t ) ,ar ,:i I , £aonda(r b, t}r. l;ole.';lan ,rs, ??uv>• 'Il , I, 11;]}1 ' i T}18 rJ:r;UtP.a t7,_ mH t1Tt(, Of Ii r~ c.~..i . v C + 0r.rl b.,1C iUY,, ~ 0.;7 rF(eclrt}(?(Ia , raalzhY n~ a t;rro ream a artlrtP,nt tra f, of }{a. 11 •,uu~h yth, Stre , P s }ranted an nbr,trraent of taxer, OII n vnlun'tion nr, ,,r et, , • } . 9 • , V., , t.5 hat~,~eha ld and taheli '1'u , • • , - ~/UU.C ~ » }.1 -.rn_i.ur@ 11.31 Q rE F. f,'„ta(. ~JJ ..ll'< }'r{i F3.. L. ,atr 1 Jr a T... t 3, i r t - @d abOVa 1t, tIlto Vall.la .ill eI'rar far t}:£ l')( ~1,: , ~ rQ0°.'. t ,;1 ~.CS liQ rt.}aa.,rci ~ rttl t'tt', }1E1t+1:1011v UI t}7G • • } a'r trtx@5 Un prapf;ru,J zn b..)C}. 1'UI'CtUt,,,rr :'.•un I:r`,i. '•iti'le : ~ {t' j; 1; t>, A~ •=:)rut) ,Jr)n~latr"- 1`jth, 1~1~.~, a3t,1 , {Tpan matlall of I?r« Trask , t ,p r + nP ,n+- ;-t, C • }i,; , AUt}legit' VrAS 'iVen tC+ tth,t " ( 1}CA .G. .,E+Pl, ICY fr 1,.n;. ,Ur ,:C .@a,,ntl Mlle ,kiP.tf',W{t$ JUICII`iSt1t{ r P f• 1( , ^r! I. -,a J a ~ a ,a2~5«U l,nlah e(iiE „ c ~ D_ } to end ,a a~.3 of r1i~ ~ C 7 1 ~ } ti.a )/lc. Ul t}It'. ? , : #i artpeid hula , '•r(;l~r ;'o. , ,;r <C :t1b u.. to:;£s ;gas nr on Ilnt on t{ikef ut t e,- t t , ,r-„ ...;3~))1u. taxaa an E,.S '(c-aa of lAnd hilten i"ara, taE:en by ;-3 - ; nc~ @xclasl P '7 r ~ 1 lj . wator plant, in arec,rds.nc@ with r , ~ ar b,, Y,1P G.ity of IL!.lrntrrr„tan fora its t fj ,,purl s final decree llec£clber nth, 19~~1, to Jro ra i far t}!£ ear ln~ a ~ r ry } p t£ .the. + n •r: i; i ~ ',I. } ~ t - ,f t` 1-t: , Y 7 r 1,a ~ 6, CUn f ( } ) t r 1 SQiI d rNn,,PS ...r,4 1V-,(i rC),i, }:r. ...-~a r~: .t 11~..."tv U1# :)r'...; I.f 1,tso, :pt 1-G i , t;' 1 J p 11 i )fl.t.n,.t3 ()f' ~",17r~)lj.. 1 : 7 ta' H" n : 1 t9XBS ,.i .,L r .,rat.-=.I •Ir: Ct =E'I tV gWlltil ;l .1, ,=aiC . , b Ja.mas l'{alkc • }i 9 w ,c ~ au l,.art a.. }11et ~?1 } ,.i Y 1 CT1arlal 'i(1" '`tri fi • , ~ ~;a}ren ti~ ~ ~ ,,1 , k :tii "Q r.. l:vt;rl`;e ";1L'ni,•:is? • r• , , ; i ~ , . p_ C«~ld}t,zry. Al.l In a,ac'urdan~r v,i• ~r ~ 1 I,r, rQetJ, lrritr n7n.t ~I! (team ha Ovl?r ~'0 ,(+Ti ~'9., .a Y , ,1, fa. I,,,i aw':' r-~,., a 3E".:w(. ock lf, r fiatlClll „ r.. ,h the (fault' (3 i •rr . ,t~; an aandamnratian racerir ' .1 ,r ~ . ~ n .,r t , , , „ , ' , - f (i.CC'Ce :nritn0r ,>!3 G(F1f.11.,n, t,»tOJr,(. .(J,r, IG.:F•r1QCl tL l,ht3 ;j ,I~ lrl,,. I' p }tn,jG ;)LCf1mbUC 'jt}:, ltl~[r a.I1Fl r(;(.'(1I:^ItIF:CL±iod 1),I F , ~ , I r , G t C .r,.3 t, i}#ltr.l ~C ,far}i5 .h,, Ga~1nt,, Att ' , ref£rr£d. arn~,v tr, t~;h UJ.1 ~ { rrt•:' r ~ ; C'~r abler 'Jd, fr .,,n ~ r ,r + n a 7J }z1 i, .tP.)rUa.,r:,fin~,,. iti' .3:a,,.Ua,. ilna!: *_n ..IRCC:"S , -r~Cei t'r';6th C•Cf}ItFtu1; t,r11t, Ut:}i it r!18 CJ,~61vJJJ ~ , , a{)rri ~mrra''rr'Ir!ar~S hP T1MNF,, n,, -.t Ff-S ,t "'`)7,`If'. I , . . - Ih rl ~ Upon motion of ;)ir, Coleman aaan c}r,1 • le , Cana ,r{?rP , . [-_ver, i;o vn•itF~'eur •r• . ; ~n t •t- }t£ rf ' i )rP,;•n 5 -.,n, c arts, Tnrr r ~ ,r ;r' ' , ,l> ~'1S1k1t11rP t.~P * ~ t,,w('11 r,v ,,ti.... ~ror,'. G4C ,h.. l.t7G.,y ,.fit3., r. c ~1„. 'Y ~ u , j.l,, .r t (I r1Lo,u (,E•.nC,lrl_.l-1., of ,-,f• ,tCt,,Un ~i ~ :,an+.I'.tbl£ ;Iahn (4a Le(irH•n(}eta U£ his 'f-tU(i ~ "t ,,.n17Jt, f. ire t. ea__,.., the bi11. su b .,fa of to brlr, Qo , , . , bmltt£d to h, Ctrs !r , tT~tU amC. 3 1 / l,i,.lL A'"tr r, ,r 1, .:rr? Q!,t!, ,F sa lilt al7f: rti {k r; ir? z~ > t i;r'r , ,1 C' 1C1! z r.,& D' t.., U.-. J1 l . , l i r,iri f i, t ,t ...1$ilrCttxCt, !t!11C r !1„1, i ! i)f;})rUk..t r 1 ) ~ C _ *1(. GhE.Pter llr l of ,ru; P1lhlia- c } ' • c 7 p a~' of ~ ~ , c, , , ~ r I, . , , a.~, r, ~ La a,.. Laws of 1 , t ,aun'tY J~,d of the r!ifii' ~J! t,}l.,C,l 1rUlC1!}' , • r ; r tt c U p _ .s from'tha 1'})3C storFl ~ n ` (;ire to v,i~,t. }:o t,l_nn in.,uraac@ Gurvie.r. a .:,,acl:.^(,r,-:rtny t() tho „uruFtl ?nsurallc,; t •tntts •'1•r)r,ovra t ! 1a2 1, , . ~ p 1 , s lrl}lead .f the rnsrlnt m n • incrwasPd,do ~J .Ilan wns , • r ~ , _ t. I , h mends, mad@ and ki / ~ It a(} it > n~ , } [•j r?>~ n r•r• { ,,3 .1a , p , ,t, 7 .r,, I [ ia.r it)It 4t,. .=.1=.t --,.,<.1, t,C ,,(t,,; Ui.. ~tEtTillEtr ~c.nd In EItV+LT ,.aCl , ! , ri.laipAt.Id to b@ [gC.GE, Orl t}la (iaUn 'rr n ~ 1 Glwir r,(' DJ6 nC a~..an •a f• ~~.r..,,.. t}1P b.C..~t.: Y , f, ! ~If., E111d.:Gt}'t£r:- t-lb c , j 1.1. th... BaC[)fl?I;taJ? c>f' , : , _ ...-.,..y x , 1 ) t.r!F; I_ j ' i:TI!iirCtl ~.Ci ,:;P 1aCli`,1fl. ~ , _ r, ,r. , n n p 11(, svork.,,alld to enaala t} u. nor•t f~criit tra ~G~C,OO~pU ~ I Garlr,AnlE3t3 et, a .,artn of 2 a to the ul;x.nri E,1 In r(.laul„ .~f lc t,o ,1 to rir.ot ..r. tf:~ b Count Y panso for carryl,n}, nn publlc ~ F , Y Kenerally aft£r iha duration tv}?an lvax lams'and a't + .3:T!rnvementc;thra nh;,~ r}i~°cotl<ntr arr#.s vlarrEintcd, fir" n l } ~ , 'r`f p ivi.,lf)s X11 b@ c ; 1 u.. tax£s c3ocre»3£d, , r v£naa from , ~;l _ " ' }?r aCt.t,n tai:£Ii D~). r£leaso L'~', i'eM.CArr .~~5(11;)i.I'r:.>t;:'Et'.Gr Of t}tt3 I:St'tt9 Df I2t' 1 t S i'~ f t. ' 11, f. Lrt,r-1 , .u, hu 1 P t.C i t. r sir .l, r• t• , • t ~ ) i}pan motion of ;;.r. TrEtsk, secantitzd Li ' r, o. .l_~ rtat ,).,.IC:a~ 4.,nr°ati 1:.rFt'ry~ n wi;-- , e17 rt y r, Coleman the Ch ~ , p,~3Tle., a~, ~t 6 f, a at pace..-,, .n alacn 1,,. ,(~I l,,l,. roaI l~~z,}« t i , alrnlan ~rft^u a?1t}'ari7,Cd t(` Simrl t}1tl nr' with tho United ,,-tales Go • t n , n t, s eo ~ r~ la~nt vfrnl•le'1., r..Iowinl; the letLS@ of t;,FJ Etzrpart,tc rnn coni;lnoii;;l, yr t i ~ CIOtiC@ Of I'en£Pr0.1 lentil <1U ~ i f it}<011t t'> T rr ,1 ' ,r ' n ~ a :={,1 . t , n£ ,,()t}lr 1;}~, OI' 57,.7L )JI(,nthS af~P : r flirt}iElr :),Ian Js!Gtion`af I:'.r. .-rrt(3ft 68C(,r.-.84 b, t,.'. :rFirti..t2', t.i:: ,.?'!f; ?r. :,,tC1 t'r}?lt,h i'i1x t]aVal'a I7ilV {'7.1Q t1101r . v.r t£rmina ~,1or o th£ )r£rsPr;t lfi •2.1£r Cr1C ' if And yr}lan tnc Sh.a.. Od I{at1 } t• v r j-;- "T t. ~ r n , 4- Fi i i •I . , f , 3 , t F+ ::a 9I)praVed 1J,-' the Calr'u^,I - Onql lg~l~ .,Hr, r-..1. t„ 1 ,.tom ~ L,t, :cr ..drill:.: ~_=~,n ~.O=,n.51~i7, rvCi:~ l~,.tain~,4t. thr0't l: ,'t,},. lkC,2 ! 1, o}, I rr 1 , ~ • ~ y~~~f} a try: e()t:f@r@nco rrlth th@ Un;tedfitates t",~ District •;npinE:@r, os to what;`eF.`'ect_the ~1P1~+a , akl wai{} 1£aaa t}:et ra~riaeEi r, r .~1,,, P i or joan ~ u u of ails t'ie;d } y colnrnercial and private niI•craft equip}rfsd vrit;h: tvro-w~,r;rr•.d'a S b: 1 the'lield. _ , 'w?.11 havo an late .,ticcornlyl, aporkitlt>;1 of , 1` rerJart 1 t}1Q (tr?a.rl(i JUr;,t :ar 1:hE! Jk'ilkiFtr'+ 1•(i'Cti ~1ii, VrftS ,4C'x-V@Pt E:"it>> I~1LOds , , i t Utlar. motitlr:, duly s£cscnded Caurt~' n r; ~ ~ , , f , , -s , . r r ~ . ,.,ills {k~;la 21t U to 2''' - ,r s' ,,t)o,l :a: (,f ;:r, d.,cr, „et.o„dEaf. r~ r. , e a ,...,(7n a. s_:: t...t•, l.() t-,{ ll ltn,l ,,u, : , ~ ~.~3 arcl s atJ}). c..:nd , ur la~.mle + , ; i; ! L J n ~4r,li:S,:on^,r" 1n Ci,nt CUnrN"CriC° .:.SG'Iq})let} 1:~'r! Q'(:~O~I, r+,I".. rJH(inas(lE1Y Jfinllt(r)' c~,.t}! t1C• I,' 111 , t , ~ll, . . , F The fallowin t Dail and -la { i t G fa _ art ul raen wer£' d v. -r, c rA''1 tU ~ tD ",1SrCC tie ?~tlr(?£tU. o~ Idenj.L:1C3'Ctl tine}@r +,hC 5rr1~Fa a' ±}lH) ShE?riff 4rn,, CCl1i1 iJn14(. b . ~ uror° lrl that . , Y ' f; . 3 ~.,rv~ q ' ~a~Iuric,r Caur•t ~'m• ; , + i civl, eesfis for the tyro w I -}.e .rinl of t; ,,,r ; , } } ; I t3£k tarn h0' , EI UCcB,I ,L(,a., Vate FI,:C. t}1C (iaUnt;~ rind L..t,V ~.tiarllnua =°rC'rN A'li".,,n3;?,fr, E;Itti dill@Ctfld tU 3'r(3,Ara a ,1.,11 ~ 'i f ii },znnin~ }iebruELry ,rth,,.Ig1 r; - ° J c Y. I ! dJ ° rUr Ct"...:.'8 q,}. .M)1:1 'r(..,L~:`: „r`.,-'Gtl q1 iiC l,z..'i:ilrj:UrO .},f~, ltia.llq .',VC th'U;~~}iC''1'f' ~tl i `,li't !a f t> ~ r, f, t i t l I ~.s,iation ~ - [ l' La}?.Tlablli't5 Ca't.Ruark. fi.T,Pro:rcan. L.P.h{atthevrs S i~ ; over ~}'.E' n}~nracian'os• the sacln, ' } ~ }i.G.}3ernt,t,t. GC.',ridg£rs. C I+k t- r. ~os...Ra,,.,. 6f,1„Cooper~ ppl@b@..ry. A'E.I.4eKeithan t, , • •,,,{,1JillirirJS, Jas,I~'ishburn, ' F ff m , ' C.r.Ashl@y. Alb£rt G.Thar.E(s. ,i.S.r(avrta J n,i,~tin.,- t.}1Fl:1 r<,tr~}zrn~,J I n• F'lAatwood Gruver Jr. Gev.9 } . vr,~ 4 r~ I' . 3o n. lir~x@1 P,hlgh, J.}}:Re.sen, J.l'l.D.I{arve~ . r t y v< ,3„ t r~ r..klFtnd, Norbert Nordeau }l,f''.t.IcDuni£l. ~ ' t }{.SHlaodwarthl }{,R Ca I, 1)aG«I'adrickr- : , . V£nAU~,*hr - . ,11,}Ittiklna, 9«'L,al.^lOn, l , r' - ~-~J. 0 t 1),aia,?t, },lj,c}loll. J«n.I}erve . H.lar~A.sl Hermun Pet£t, lf:C:Riverihnr•k t Y e r Cu~;c~n£ 2..,eUrc~rid, J,C.Harcii-r~rk:= CaT,}3urke, 1 rl.. , Ja~,ii<9vnnt. Jas.A.Pirir£tt. E,H'.JPf , , f ~I ft.T Grant" fords. E.T,Jones. i?rnE:st L.Jlrirshburn, rr',r',~hepard; , • . ~'I1111nrCtan, !i., Fc?l)1'Un]•y '?ttl, 1'_1~})• ~ I~'or the seennd wef'k 1Je inriin • }r'elir ' f; g uar,r 12th, 191t5: Th© re~tFln.r vreckly maetinf• of tho I3of;`I•d tras hr,-ld nt: '::t}i) P. I'. _ J.F.T' er Jr. J«1`{.St2•Petor, { o, veretr, ' t ilachs~l.l.' } 5.,..,lh2te~ }S«a ,Evans, °r S r! m , ~ ;~f;i + Gf3a.K.Slrlrtscn. H r l;,C,CrcDm~ ~ d::.on ..@wl@tt t,l!Etlrman, Geo< rf, :ra;,x, H. H. Uar(uler, L« J; „alarinn And Cal,nty ,,s ~E . .1Qallnrr.. , , JLla, R, ui.kP6. T,,47„ilRit}1• '~J.LaYoad Jr ' ~ I ,fl r 0.ttarne ~ ' ' I,c},ar R. ,3ltllock< A.1.}.Cnx. Gr11ie }?Itimar', y h, r den H£llsmy. , t2ay R. h,chew@11.G.I1,ni.rg. ?..R.tlvers, . , Jna.'r1,SEalers. Jt;o,S.She and Jr, Ro}1t.L,P1'•sr ~ ' x ~r 4{.Henry Nu~•Tins:L.C.}i£nri P ~E T a y Y , h,, m£4t~tz1, :eras a £ned with gayer by the }Ievez•an(1 J,t„Y(lltan 1)r,staz• ai' uauthsi_do !lr, )ti.>t l,llurch, ~ f Ur Herl}er . R. Ln :Lrter, t„PEidrtck, }'t' • , + p P I , X111@ lfetr,to ~t, } ~ R.h{.PudrlckJr. S~nd£rs f•iallrrrt. Jas.T,`idi119:gmsvn. , r` f' {1 { F..~.P_f;_ord. ? C.I .1,avelac@. ; The mint ' •x (l e . ; , i' D£rlnis 1}ateosky.}; ,A,I,gailrzrd, J.m.Trnr,3.son. tt£s of meetia of JiinuAr ~ )th 1 , v,er9 refto and a } )I avec,. 12s rdaal t,r.d rf.i3.Pot+'or. Rain}! Id. toad. f7 Y ) } } ~ ~ i C.Haisry. Jurgen }}ear. R,H,Hblm(~ n s., Jno.1{.,,ordr,aux. ff.L."rich. I i - Unon moth , t - , r, ) r , _on of h~ra Gnrdn£r, s9conded b~ I..r< Tr,..,k., t}lC .:aard ftut,inriaed and di:r~t)ated th@ Iturcha.>a I T}re m££tin~ then 'adjourned. ~o i . m) ; . y of the H ~ • ' 1,mahil£ from th£ haderal (rorarilmant iol y ..r.i7d,Q0. ,,lE'. }l()okr3ao11e h±.2 41.t)7 ore fuI Wished to I ; the Government slid o erat@d b th@ i;it~.~ and Count wrir> urehitsr~i in order ttl culltimle that s(irviclB P Y Y p whir,}1 th£ Uovernmer7'~ is< • r ar'n to nbandorl, The mattttr ~;a,, 7rr,^Enlt;+~ci by I's. l is ~ (rp 1 } La t J < } a i..,, oIl . 911 r lrinat P. 6 d o , iv ~ v ) n 6 ,lr @- .e 1 a amEin }la vat , ti t }Ir•. , 1 p I i t,}r Clus ow }icks resPll,.ed fora doleatianuf members r„ I:,1P I,()ca1 fr } p + f; 3 , };nktrd «f t}nd(iI•write)I•s,rt)pros£ntln stock insuranc@ co , a a ,s t j , ' } ~ ~ i mp nl£s, r£(llz4 t ,.ha ,h~ C . lkssioners r£aansider t,lr3ir act;iun of ,}linuary 2nd, , I in awarddng the '~SU,UUO,00 County sO}mdulo ittsuraneo to t}1£ }i±_Ittlal9 ents,'~w}tick vrill @,' ' ' ii i C c}tlrt) E'eby 1?th, ;.I 19h5, with the Caroline. Insurance t;omarirty, ' f;,: ~ p „I ,,a e t,h(=r lv7tlt .r=-L U()U,f)U r , ar r>rn+~vral wi t,}1 t}le ,;.tlrual , 'I on the same dit ~ r + r - ,.t , , ; r e, and place bo„h pokier, Yrltt th_ s.,a~}- ,~Inpa~ny a};@n -s to agtxlit,n, tllE, d~„tribution ~ , of the Count tf s insu a a * - + , a avs laaal n salts vrl)' ch ~-cenr(lili> to :*,C t ' i1 b rand mo.ak, tih£ r r.. f , 1, f, 1 .tr uta,tlriant 1 iva mutual.:{{;tints receiv£ „n(`~,t~b annuEili•v and rii••htet?It stook (1CI~naly aveni:e, rtrooi,va ~l?U,22 ~ rais£d the question of the f :nrtllcial res,onsrhilty of the m}ti;t,a=1 t;or~talinton ?llit3 I'r. Gar(intar moved a t wa I } n9 1t s s@eand®d hit ?+r. Cabman ftitd carried, +,hat. that the (.h>armgn ftr7})aint a cora7it;tee trj riFtka all lnvesti~aation of f i , d~ 3 their fi , . ' , , j" ~ nanoiai soundness amd rerlor,. to the aEtrrk nti r~ s.l ):,((lu£nt Inr,ot~u},, t,alut,.,slonHr s i }1a}{.iial'd t 1F ner, J.#,~Jrr@11 County 'hudi.tar; and karsde2l 3ellftmy t;aiult, torney vrF~rr, natnnd t~ seI•v£ with ~ th P ~hairlnan to ma'r:e the 3.nvnsti4titlt)n< ' l ' Ii~ 1 f~ - Ipan mot'.on of I's, Ge,rdn£r, succ,ndtld her },;r< ColtI!ian, i,lle C;hairlnftn vrat; authorir.t)d atul itlctructed to i!) ex£r , .ute an at;rePm£nt with the At,lant.i(~ GoASt Linn "?ai.lraact Cumn~ny et)vcr`tnE, a lnasa Find f~;r:inL of rl ~ strip of land for walkway ar sidetvnik ~iu2•parl£s and .the. fc;llarr:n}; resalutian tivrt~ {~dopte(i; I I 5F IT }r?? a t-} r, ; , 1 c ^ ,s F a ,r w.IE.,Y .t,,,U'V}:D U the li,a~ d of t, aunt, .,omm_.,,iauel of 3 }~rt':f)vFar Cnunt~t ~h 'a i ' i u 21or . . x G gal ~ R Y In , ui reeller motion ns , , ~ s£mnletl, that said 13c,ara, nrt,}.Ilp; by t~IUI thrtl its l',hatl•;r1aJt +IIId Glar};, r,`rlEtll ext cut£ ' i ~ an a~roem£nt, dF;.ted I{a~rdmber lst l':i ~ with t}3e Atl~#ntir, C!~~#r>t Ling }tnt1r<'F(d (~amnnnv co ' 1(Iase Pram saki Cc,rnpany for wtllkway ar sidevralk per}rii~f}s, of n .,t2'}}} a.' 1Ftnc1 alanE; tht) I•i ,tit of tva of ~ Y srj" , ; Railraad Cr~m~iAny's }3alt Liil£, no~r;I11m~n~tan,lia!-th Glirul.nn, „rlsc3ibt>Ei as.allavrss _ f, , _ I, ( it I' i~ 1! ii ' : l f,, i ~ ~ • `~y, ~,y ~ - ._.~..-...~...h..,,.~._.~,~,~._.,. r . ~ - ( ' ~;;~9 ~'I { 1'iee~in f)f Fahruar . . E; t, , Y 5th,. 1~ 1.y, cantinuecl, , r . ; ~ h strip of land 1~ feet wide a d n 00 feat;. more or less, in langth,.the nor ;gtri~ of land hr: ins at t thvras K ha point of intersactian of the nbrthvrast h t side 3li.lmingtan,tl.(;,, i~ebrue.ry 12th,19111• , i..i a•ad ~ ^ oundrv l of vrhie ine of naid:r h tho nor~heaut line of }•arest,Iiz.11s ?7rive; 2.1 feet noz•thwos i ht y~C} trrardl , a K of w Y, rto cured rfidinlly aY, ular wno4:lir maetin of thfe Board vras hFS fl center line of the main tract of said 13e1t 1 at •0 5 n . , from ' The rah E; 3. 0 } . 1,4. t,, dine, and runs thence , orthaaetvrardly the center line of .said treat cr , paralal-vrit} ' ,~>0 foot, more f7r' less to tho rn d t i d1o _of the ruts of Jas uit .the ' E~`: thence northeastvrsrdl 100 feet to ~ q o t• 'Addison Jlavrlett Chairman Gea. Tres ~ m,Ins .Hall brunch, Prf~san : k, Jas. t,. Il€tlly }i.}t.Gardnor, L.J:Ccllertan and ~ ;i Y a_pozrat 6,..5 fact northwesttvardl' , u J red nt rt•• i, a ' ,Ft,,, sa d canter line; thence northoftsttivardly, parallol .with th t,ht attClaa ~ L'ounty Attorney l.Rarsdf=n Bellamy. e said contar Brae, 1t5D fa ' fron to tho wrest line of tI , ~ ae public road known as riercer Avonu©• ^ z . tl et, nwr" or 1f9 sairi Railroad Ca ,an r less, ' ' , soiathwast of the' middle line o ~f s t r t , was a erred with ra e b r f the run of said Aranrh be r Y riEht The mefl ,ing p p y y he Revorend T. 1,. Kin aster. of J:,asonbaro 3a tiat Church,' ' ink 2, feat avide on aftch sifl o' wdY, ~ P p ' _ center line, acid bf3ira~ 62.1 feet wide on each s.da of said c , a of thf> as said ru enter: liranarthaaao id - _ n, al as partlaularly desoribari zn sand agreornent. - of the middle ~ The minutes of mootint; of February 5th, 1';x45, vrere read and approved 'as recorded. e op ~ ' t 3 7T IS FiJ3THcI!t F.y,SCtLt1ED a ^ 'an of t,ir. Trask' seconded' h,, J, • th t .all the term., and conditions, limitations and llpon morn. , ,r. Coleman, .back taxes.. appearan0 nn part vroat loth 1 ant,', 2 ;r ' and contained i.n acid a reamaht are ha b rastr:ictians fz re v an row r .,~t in blook 12"1 for the years 191~p,1tt~11 arul 191i2 in thra game of Porter Iiufha. we ~ ' . p e i. ou m ro ardared cancelled ,i ~ t for thf= reascn the. said texas werA ropr)rtad rho examinn attornov K r w" U a m , N ~ - , hY .I3t r0_in Oatabor 1, la?., nd FIIR_}iLR .1,.Uf.~ ~ LJEU that said a reeme a d FelLL~ruo.r 11th, 19)iJ as evidenced by nail chock nt he axenuted in cluplicato, as +.herain stet j p i J presnntad, w}.each paynent vras credited tf) Diaurire on behalf of and bfj atte, ed in t )m art a' I 9tad tancler the corporate peal of said cairn ho name rod 1{~ffham on tither } n y n s id blocl: and which said property. has. ^inca bean said, The Tax. Collector ~ wee instructed to notify tJ,aurico }iizfham cf the amatz t r n of ,axes due and the Cotulty Jtttarney eras requosted ' Further resolved that this resalut' to assist the Tax Collaotor in eollactin the tax. I con bo rnter~ri of racorcl on t)te I•iittutf:s of s ~F~ this Bod , ~ , Y ~ A requfLst of the hairs of C Tho .s }'s 7u e ^ , Albert Johnson .for e rei'tuul of taxes na.rl sirtro J c p. ref}uaut of ma i };h s for she uue of Legion field for an exhibition of the R. & Mitisoment i 1 0aks3do Prtrk I:asanboro ^ ; ' uraa l tl7 on lot ~ , Town~n..p, purchased from The. Fidelity Trust and U , b, blacl, e~ Company s,.ovrs and rides, void of gamblin{ dfjvices, for period f'rpm Octobor 11th, to w11th, inc., erolopmant Cnrn;)any J!me ~ s ansorrr'. by the P.rnarieen Lefion, was tt an rn~ticin of tic, Gardner. 'ar~~. b bl ~ Ili X917, for rho reason lot b in block 6 does not a ear on t} ~ 3rd P P ~ onfiad v r. }1x11 ranted. Tha PP as p a of rfsaord of Oaksiclo Park and mmS.ssiarers reservin the ri, ht to c,).ose an sh arc ~ ~ 6 ' existence of such. designated let is doubtful yr ~ th Co ~ F o ,that z..r their u . , as received f'or inver,tigation. e Y ~ d€~aer.t apnclr r., _at,,iectianable. , 'i !i; . ~ ^ The Carvr;issionars were ar}v.,, ~7 ,r m as c , s,f~d b oSficial aarunttnication from the Rarorder th Upon matn.on of Pr. Ir k, anr,lf;d by Ilr, }call, Fd'Jack.,an,colorc,c., iradi~cnt citzzrn, tims,on i at ,I.C,Kinp ~ ~ Deputy Solicitor of the Reaorderr; Court w r a ~,Lsq.,formor recornmanc}ation o. the .,u t,, of P~~hlic ',lelfara adrnittf;d o thfi t'oi a dal P rot rlama a., nn : tt y a, ointed bar hwt to servo as tlcting Solicit Y znrtr e. I I the Racordarts Court from the' time: of the r as ' or of ' ~~1~ da -to-dn l th of .,alicitor J.A.i~icttorton January yth 171. , n • ' ~ Y y bas:ts, and recommended that his salnr• ba made + ~ a5, on a ter. P.. Rhodes, .eetister of }icfsas appeared and'. stated the.t ~.n effort would rohabl he mmMdff to have } y .ha same as that Paid tho late Solic` Y r~ which teas'upon motion of t.4r. Gardner seoonda" • , ator the larislature ass a bill a. rovin% a form of chatal rtort a•e or coed` : a , d b;r llr. Cclemart a, rr•ov c ~ P PP 6 1; t, zta.on l Salo advocated by .soma ~ , , funds of tho Recorders Court. , I1 o l and ordetaa paid out o: the local automol,ile f'inancinr .concern. '"he matter was clisaussed a + , ' r} ~ t length and it apporirad abet inasmuch , s k,~ ns it watald snricn,sly offect the ravrnue of the ??a _ister of Deeds of'fice'and rrruld be a s eciel service $ C 1 A statementwas receivfad from the Lti ~ ate 3fiard of Charite rl ) for a particular ronae:•n and vrould a,ad ari additional axpen;,e tf~ the nfficfi for ,rintin and binders ' s nd Pftala.e „elfar•a a,roovirt}; that $tl 61 t• iiorrd a an ~ ti.nr, of ~ r r r m 1 E; , eras sent to the Count for old a e as,i, T J SaSta~co a' ~ 7,~ ,ha n na Ifr. Colornan „e,o.,daf. h. i1r, <rask vctod anon sous tr d'a , i 1, t, npproving :such g Yd to ciapendent children and far aclmlxizstration • : „ _ . r the month of January. ,far a..tion on he •rn)Inds thrit 7t ,rattle not ne to ,hf3 beet ntf; fxe, o. r , t of the Gaun ty. , 9'' q. , r ,E r I ,Il; l}pon-motion of t1r, Trask Seca d • A camr<laint made by ,~~r. }[o and Penton oi' the ;?20,F:~? ,OU a:sessrifint znaraaso for l-}I nn< rolert of , i , n ed by },ir, Coleman,. the (:hairm vt P } Y 5 . Ja era as authnrired to r~pnnint a Tax the Sar9n7er Coe.1 Camr)anv blcic U -f•tra ' ; ~ ~ l,l~ Itssassnr from oach o.^ the several' tovrnshi s to s r ~ f3 k 19 , , tznp; no ..cool. avera.nts vr}tatever have been made -~tnce Last , . . , e. va wzth the Povrtaship Lister in said tovmshi ani{ ' one of .the County Assessors for the our arse o P assr; ,sr;ent, ryas ttnrin matior, of "°r. Gardner secand.eti ht~ •ar. '.."ras}; refrnrred to thf~ r n rtes w't . Cavi z h p f f ixint, assassmonts_far thfz , . , Z rntaflronntal pfsriad hegiu:iinu ' as of Januar lst lc1 ~ Y ) 11, ns rho lavr directs. I)cvrer *t; act. r I~ ro art f t ~ rf a . „ T ~ , tlir, Robert Leff Howard who .listaci auto and) " r o he Y, ro u a1' ldentzf icatz,on for- „anuar was: real; ;voi'. tend ardprecl d Y iz.le } o in }.asonbora tnavnship far 191.,1, was also listed b ' his father for auto Rod o11 ir, Y , i; P Dare County and taxos pnid, :was. instructrd to ask the 1,ioora n; ant authari:ies to refun~the amount of J Pxt a licatian for iconso to ell beer o T, I,, taxes aid a^ PP n , rler , tret;t near .the.. shx ar d suhrnz.ttacl by E. bto.la e yr PY > Y, , ~ ~ as a egal re5idf,nt of this (.ountj Jiinuar 1,19l~, 't a c~ 'i ~ gin rj.a., torn and endnrsud by ~ho uheriff, s dod b Y h~ .,uma barn was a nn ritotiar. of tr. Colamart rcon Ii P y ~ A report. of the Crplorad Horte Arent for t+".r• t'a11, rantfif'.. ~ ~ S , ~ I ,Jantinry was received and f clod and he a ~ 4 , p „ens of ~11.OC far c ; ~ t articles used an darronstratxons- and ~2. 0-.for r A copy of a latter vr. ~tte1 b Rocordar }i, ,Clnfleli'i .,mt,th to ,I,q r9sentatiVe J. .LeGrend ob extort 5 ant oft ewriter vie • Y P ~ J g , YP re zzhpraved f ar ,payment, to n nronosari amerulment' to the lc)I 1 Tict that vrould inerf3asri the 00.00 salary'' to " a. f 1 `s'7 it _ ta,on in s zd Act to . iJpon motion of rlr. Grtrdnar secott al ?.~),}.OC to enable the Cotint clormi :o ers tr, c • a , ~ r I~ y sin to ra a s feria, fixed ?zl~ law by en additz.onal X500.00 dad: by ,9r, rask, rite heirs of Ffilix J. I,",r;oks'were r nt d , . , a e a statod that he b t d . . t , ^ , a atament Of not listed pf?nalty fOr failing to .lift r0 r1I°t',r b r' ~ o ,7 ea t0 }~1Vlnl, ,)la (iol rn.a.sionP,I•a authority tC) fix elnatlve ii, fic;E:rs 5alarleS ~t ttn l . p P . >,.t lo.}, l9~ for. the ear 1911, .For Y , the reason Px, D,S.Carr the admin~strntor ofthe estate listed at Y artatrnti Such authority, ho said, w~,nlrl make ono sfit of ~,olr.tical office-holders the bossc,s of all:othor r thinking t}!a.s wns includod. Ilr. C hoc praparty in the County olitica - a. ~ oloman voted no p 1 of f e holders acrd cc,ulcl reduce salaries undor said flct b•,• as rtr"ach as OU 0 • ~ 3 0, or to the Dint P , thew would bf3 fore d ~ I , , e to rasiCn.ltr. Uardner stated t}ie amendment was olfarf3d a.n f;acd fa1th,and the Board has , t.:r. Geo. ~f. Rhodes of }'lilmin{tnn toc~rnship srho was c}tar cirl vi't ; ^ }Iron f'nir in settin salaries, no ressure has bean node tc force unvotte out of affire or desire to ersecut g J .6 G a .h a ponfcltJ for net 1~,,tin bis orooorti ~ P . , p e ; ` .n b.,ock ,;,1~.6 for the wear lc L~1 anti wh rte e h r t@ am one and v rl a a A . ; ^ ; 1 ~ 1, o bird listed of}ter property i;hin}:in• thus eras included, was J t t .,tateraent h., publ.t~hed shnw_nf,.the ancreasns >,n a„lar_os allovrod by the Loard for t 6 thQ ~ ' ~ ` l .:upon. rtottan of }ar. Trask, selcondad b• It , ' i )a„t ai ht tie J r. t,ar.lnar; abateu Uha ponalty, 1 c, , ors. ..par o~ the ~lraina,P ccndit;ott itt,,outhorn Noulevard ad'acrrnt to Ce e }ear: Mott„in• zro'sct r showinP a r. r ~ ,r j A rfjport tvri.s recaivod from the 9ftck Tax Collaot;or ,;}iowin ~ "6 r • r c' „ , - ~ n estimated cast of ~1J,000.00 to corro ,t thfi canflaaxon re tired by the Mato H1 •ht~ra~~ 4 t ,?7?•2,, f.allectaci , ar thfs ~oant .cad ~ p P { `~,7~.6,~.~ for the G .ty, r>ftkinl, ~ total of X16 ,c l c r, + J nepsrtment, liras recoived. ~ '4 ,t p ,-,9 t flllnatad _ar ~hr, naau„h of ,lanuar , Y I, , Upon mnti.on of :r. 6ardnar• seco. rt ~ , ~ re uPSt * ^ ; " n.crl hJ }lr•, Trra;,k 'irilliarr a - 3 r&s 9 of ,)r. I;avid },lurahison that. the Cot;nty have. ~trret si ,ns erf,ctocl in the vara.otts subdiv~sa ns , a ,aver et ua, }li1m._nt,tan totmsh.p,) F o , , } {;rantod an ahittament of taxa., art a valtiatiort of OJO.OO ma y o .se nzm aced to rna},e it ausa.ar to locate re,,a,dent„ a.n t.lo .>ubrla~l~~nn,> was ^ ~ ~ in the Count and h u, s h ~ t • „ located- in bloc , ^ ~5, c}tirter~! not a; r axed to rho realty, o - + i k 1 irto}nar~t, lzsted at $10,000.t)0 in rr•ror for the vcr:r' 1 1 ~ . , rescntoH, but riff t,atxan taken. s . ; ' , ?~f r', ' n , , T, Jtpplicntions for licenses 'to call boor at facet' , ~ ar the Lc.u'ra.tt,o Iinte m f, zn o.L ,abruarv th {,a u U,rfiner ro orted f - a~;: ~ a, c d at ,e t ~ r cons at ~vufiubori and on})osite sh.~pyard a~ „onset Far},, P IP ~ , ~ Ink Into the fvtancial t submitt®d by 1i.'I.Faunttiin and Isverott F, Ru ^e _ns r > a found t} f; a• soundness of .the }"utual T ,ir ance'Cnrn)an'es that the Car,.m'ttee ~ ~ ' t s., ,11, rnsjleetivaly, the satna being in due form and 1 , i sid coriu,aniab z f3l:tahlf3, , 'I financial sound. and re utation c,od. }dn action was to}.an at this o ^r' endorsacl ,,y thf3 Sheriff, mere anon motion of ter, Gnrdnar, ~c,conded by Idt• ,;c) a,iit rratctr-.d, p ~ pint to ra.,~uad rho action of ~ 1 rt z , • , G t},e ~anr'' Jantiar 22 lr la- awar•din the renewal of ^fj0 000 00 schedt ~'ha 'oitr t ~ Y., , ) , g v , rla ansurartce to the 16utual C tt t. Camoanios. ' a 5 , orno~. rc,)ortod his canfarence cr$th tho Citv anti ielftu•o ccrunittr;cs concerning i ~ ~ the oatabli~hrai3nt of a domestic relations court - ~ * ~ t ,tale ~ho Norxd that, liotir Ifanbver Coun vras sxamp =r from rho operation of Cha,tor 1~' c ~ r . ~ t}pea motion o + ~ i } 3 ,y of the l,;?2~) act,. vrhich nrovxdas r • ,4 of ~ucn e f t.r. Trask, seran<led by I'a•. Garflnsr; the ;tax nayar., vrf,ra allowod a fttrt;hor a:ttensioia of time. r or thf; estar.l2Jnrrcr'~ thrf)u }t I'abruar~ ? ~ ~ a ' court, That thf3 said cot.could be arnoaadocl }IV str:,' + ,-ive K ,gith; to male their 1 115 t x roturns, I 'tkan{; ou, County. of ?}frw }'.enaver vrh~rh t.ould J 3 , the- Coittaty or the Cit, or both b ~ 'curt ar,1°'° . ' J 1 .con, authrrity to e;.,,ablis}; a t;oraftshic >~,elatinna Court, x» f ~ { ~ or by talcin{; no action to that and if such a court is n ^ • tho jfu • Coleman at this point offered a >aaotion tc rfiscind the actir,n na" thf, ~,ard of Jruntarv ?,2r i f r of dt),> it ed. T}ra ra, t v. CP v a„th . a 1, 1)11 f I~' t,otint rater , . - n ter a 1 awe a, y .nay ar , ttr tht,z „tudl~. rd_zag ~fi0;000.00 scht?dula r.na,aranco ra!:awals to tho l~rutual Lompnnias. H s merlon was seconded by ~ ;II },lr. Trask and carried, }~i s Tho County>I!taditars .Dash ropcrt for Januar r yr ^ i j ~ ft,~ rocaived and falod. i, Upon motion. of I'r4,r, Colrjman, socanded b~~ ;r. Trask, thH Counts schedule insuro.ncfj eali,•irt~ Fobrut>r~ ~ ~ 6 t 15th, i ' ~ lTpart ztotion of tyir. Gardner,. seconded by llr: l,olemazt ,have noc •as was tiiftrt distrii5utad as follovrs; i'. the limit fixefl b~ low we , xll en}iloyaes of ~ha Cairnty, uhnso 3taaa la RM (o , re Lranted a banns of .,`~lO.UU par month ~;o Junf, .30th, 19111, to be retroactivo ~ , in effect Pram 'January 1st, 19111 Tt boin.r ounty `~35,U()0,00 to t}te Central }(r.,.nufrticturors 1,It:tual Tnsur•ance Com•)an undarstoad that vrharri one 's , v•d ointl .alit, the C r Y ; a. cm} log u ~ y , ~ Rod Ca.ty„ the bonus: should ho the ;;funs err. w ,paid 35,000.00 to the Local"}3oard of tindr~rtvriters re rcisnntin stock com~)anios P onta{,a of .x10.00 tas th is -otal salsry . p ~ c by the County. Similar action vrae, considf~red e } raonta{,a of i,ho f of be 10,000.00 to the (;eneral 7isnrance Cam~?an oS' America (partiei,atinE- ,olicv ` during the pre+paration of the bud •et but coulri n ' Y } L , allowed withotit innrensint• tho'tnx rato I' , too j' I i ~ , It notir tip}ierrs that recc;:apts from saurr.f;s ~ other than mh tax levy ha;; excaedod that antiai )at tit ~ ollavrdn • rPocn9 end eve d •aem to sorv~ as 'u •o^ ^ ' ~r r' z.n ,h . dup... nor ,,curt for t'tre tr is l } dd .which euebled tho 'Gon>rniss;tonfers to to}ca the f'orf:ioirr{;rt~tio~. of E,- lawful man ro z } a , t c. , f~~; his time. r1minal cases i'or :rho s)f;cial term l,e?~i ~;iriC I°Iondav, l~ebruar~,~ ?t~th, 1f),1r'; 1 , E~ I~ a-, I '1,.,1,.,vana • p Z ~ ^ ~ A 1. Ar ' , M - II' I. HardsSUn•_ Clailde'r'!, t,7.bnon, ,I,,, Ilrr.ss, ,,t„lObertS, la,~,fitiJ,.an, t..l,.(irF?'aa"r ~ pan rno ion, duly sen~,nclad; County 'fills )?os. 2221 to 3 ett .,d a n • ; 1 r Jnv'a ,h 1 2,711 irrc. wfars rt, ravfd for ati~rrent, , ahalla, A,.,,.3ranclt, L~.arrf,n l , . hurt, at..ln :tns, L.,.,,lrifi •r. rs G,R.Jat*^ u ~ , , L , u, ,l,..tl:allis, I P P tE•'',Parneil C.D,Pattf s, +x" h Jones J,1,l,S}rfir ie Jossfi Jtuna:r c, • I J a ~ , 3r cn, Lo tis , } A.t,.t.crrls; Aloz. 1i. ~,holar,~r. ; Tha nraetang then nd,ournfrd. ,^laaad r , ° ' ~ i Clow, '~d.,;.Hatcher, ~?na..7,Brtan'ns J,t),r;rt~vrn r,.H,Garriss F.n.H~rt1e~~ ':fm,' , . J , , , , , , Z 1(aasa, ,J.1~',<lcnea, . , ~ _ , ,T.~_,prc-,,~ln., Fdt•+ard H, +Irir;ht, Adman atevrtan, ,,J,r1.,(arran,Pattl }i,~lallaco '1 j ' ' i:. , _ ,A.,lallntta iG~~~~: Clori,. =.1r,Saudars ~ , , 2 ~ , }..I,.Bardet~ux; Cha,,.ti,.,tfirdir;on, 1T..1bur I), Hi11 llabt C. ,{'cal;; d,i'l.Iiui'hara,Gilbai•t (Jttrr i I ~.t i Y, ; ~ , a•F.Srittain;dr, iltacie l+', liarrnan ?r.G,Gnrriyan t;.;.Ricu~ ,I,J.Ko11ev 'Del'litt S 2` ~ , 2„ v , cart, (,en I a ,?'rti coal , .f ~,L,Rabinlian t` ir- p. t f,r ` t7 rl „ r_. ,r ~'i ; H.C,.,anla., .,,I,D,.xnra, JJ.ILtl; L,.,.}lCtncc, ,A,,Aa.n.,tvorth, :1. i...rrlar I•, ~ ~ ~ ` ~ T, ~ ne meoting then nd 'ournerl ' , I , ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ : - Clark.. f. 1 ~ - !h'.~•~,.,. x s y. ' ~ . r.p , ~ r ;t r ' sy ~q d' . . ` { „ ! -D,leetin~ of rr"ebrurir~ t}i 1~ J rJ ca t J , ~ t~, aria rod, ; y" E ; n strip of lend 1 feat w t de and.1~00 feat, more or loss, in lan};th, the, , northvrast sid YJilmin tan iJ,C, stripi of'land he~ins n.t the point of intera,;ction n° Fabrurr ? r > the northwest hounrlrv 1 ° of p! G , y l th,l9lt~, a:td the ins hick of said'ri , _ • nnrthoaat line of }.'ores>t I}ills r)rive ° , 5 foet nartliwastvrar'dl [;Ilt oP i center line oi' rho rr>£~in trsct of said- }1 It Y, nrasurad rr~d:tnlly ~'sY, e"ular wrol:l;~ naotn , af' the Board vras halcl'r;t , a >rino, and runs thanes northaast,:rl;r " , from t}1e The r !S f 3,GU } . i.t. tilt', )ar ; ' neater .line of said t c r ,tact I alai vrith ha' ` the ' ~ ~ , ~ feet,-more cu• lase, to rho misdla t,f tlla rirrt of ' nce_ rtorthr3tt,atvsrd~,y 1J0 feat tae aint n iloaq!~1to Hal went; Addlsan 1}awlott Chnirrm.n, Croo. ',i, Trr+;sk Jas. Td , !i P ~t.,5 fast northvest<vflydl mt3 l flrnnc , Pr , Ifnll, I„R.Gardner, L,J.Colerns.Tr end Y, arrar•ad at ri ^ ~ said Gentar line; thenGtJ north©astvrsrdl )arallel with. the a 1>ht'atrfles n, County Attorney i~arsden Hcllnmy, j' to the vrast line of thn Y, I s id cantor litre, Ii~;U fret , rrai i pu lit, road knovm tta P,larcar A.vanua; the srtzd Railroad more or less r~ 'southwest (rm, , r i Tnny s r~.ht 'Phe meati.n-,.was a ens,. witi, rec er b, the Revartmd T. Ir. King astor of 1lasonbaro 3n fist Church, r o the middle ling of the ran a. said 23rAnrh, brain 2ri feat vr' ~ of w + ( P P Y J 6 p • fa ldo on arrrh r P ~ , n ~ a~nter line,. and being 62.j feet wide on' eaG 3incj oft , h s).de of sold center lino part}tense af' ha paid aPid trap; rtil ris articularl+ ~ tl'e m' es of meetin~ of Frbruar r de., c c 'nut , 'th P rh tl ml V 1( w i eel ~t~' d e are as In 1 Th , ~ r d c J ad a e r nrr i a s •r same r rov . d , r : t, tt, 1ir;e aP , P a5 racorclad. 'I _ TT I;, l'11ZTHr,`1 R "OL'Ik:D .that all thri ratans am r ; (i.an motion of '„ir, Trask, sacondad by fltr. Coltiman hacl~ taxe,7 a eara:n • an art erast lots 1 and 2 ' i .o.u}j.tians, limiter. C ~ PP P and cantningd S.n said agreement nra hrrrb nil rovarl. torts n.ul restn•.tctlons not. in block 1p7 f'or the dears .lt)I30,1)!tl earl lyl.~2 in the name of 1'art;ar Ilufhtcm wPra o ri c i • ' Y : P ou rd. rod anculled i ; 'I far the reason the snid tares were) rr;Pr,rted bJr the exami.nin ^ rtttornav ii.[> I3,tr rv n Octou a ' , FT1rtT}rC;t , E, i er 1,1~", nr~ .1 ?ic.~.'LJ'~D that sots ap;reetnant ha axaGtttcrd In du ) aid Far;ruoxy ~tth, lrljt3 a~ avlciencad tar paid check reranterl vrhinh avmant leas Gruel .tad to :icuriae 1 licnto, ns t}torero statod in t P p ~ P. i 2 on behalf of and bq attestetl'trndr;r the Gor orate r r he riar7 r ii~~fham an other isr•oparty an aa,icl bloGlc and which r>aid ra )art ~ m P 1 y has s:tnc., bean sold. .lie Tax Collector , p .,a tl of snid county, s nn, was instructed to nai,ify hlua.urica I?ufhnm of tho .amount of taxes due and th ' e Co.,nty l.t„orney eras rr#quosted Furj;her rsaolverl thTit this rasa a to a psi t the Tax. Col.lnctnr in ral.lertin the trir,. 1 tlon bo entered of rooord on tl;a 1~iiuutes « o, this rsady. , A. request of the heirs of r1 uopt of '!'}totnns 13: lira has f,r t ~ „ c• lbart Johnson f'ar n refrlrul a. P. red c he use of Lagi.nn l~icld 1'0. art oxhibitian of the R. 'c Amusoment i tn.cas paid since June 1117 on to w r4 r , j 9akside Pnrk !„ason')aro v r' ; t q x enc. ses 1 To m,,n.°p, purchased from 'the f iddlity Tr,rst and. Ua~rtrlr. r~ ,blocs E, Company a,.a W ri , vaic of i;am6linG davines, 1'or period i'ram UGtnbt;r lrth, to .'Itch, ins., ~ '1<)17, >f"or the reasran lot b in blorh plant Cam~any June ~ s nnsared b, the Amer:iGen Le ion ryas a on c r• ~ ' . E iloas not appear an rho lAt of rear P3rJ P G p ration of ttr, .,nrdnor,ue',ondad by i:r. lfall, 1,rantPd, The exj,.'stt~nee of :each dosi~;natad lot is doubtful yr P d af' 0(zl:;;ado ;'uric, and th Car7r!,issianr'rs reservinf; the ri.f#ht to r;7.o:,e nn shows that iir th 'r , z ' , ' ns raceivatl for ittvesti "a ° Y sir C ld„rtant ftppc.r+xa ob,jttGtlonable. ' G on, j,(, e Cor{vnissoners veers advised b,r ns'1'zr,inl cormnunicrxtian fro. " ?i}ian mr~tion aJ ,,r. 1'rr,ek, seconded by ,,lr, Hn;?;1., Fd ,irtrksan,colar•r;c;, indi^cnt Gitizart vrECS on i, D c m the ;iarordar abet ,J.C ~ , eputy solicitor nP the Reoor-dsrs (;our•t, ryas dal nrr oirtted bar ~in~,~L~q,,i'ormer recorr~rAn~ittttor; of the supt., of Y~ ?~lr, ',Jelfrrra, adrnltted to the t;ounty }{nmu ns rtn inrnrate. r ' ' , Y , hva to servo its lrctir . s• . , ~ i I ' he Renarders Court Jrom the ttma of the ciarth of Solicitor J.A ' tE> ,,ol.tcitor of i I .day:-ta-da .basis and taco ,e d .i,ciforton Jrtrtrtary ~)th, l~lt5, on s xr t r? ads , t.« I, , . , , al,o. ter of ,).eel,, c. ; ;anted and .,tr;ted the,t nn ai fart wr)uld ralac) b ~ Y mrn,n.ed that-his aalnr tie mn a 1 a rn de to nv h e y rho soma n.s that nti P ~ vrhich vras upon motion o!' Ifr. Gardner I d to the late Solicitor the 1o.1.'slc+ture ash n bill an ravirl'~ a forrrl ntn , ,r r. . ,seconded b,r lrtr, Colernnn, a „o , C P , P of ch l mortt,nt,a ar Ggnc<ltlvnal sale rxdvocritod by samo !'tends of the Renarders. Co PP- vod erid orderac. ,)rztd oitt oJ' t t r ~t tc , b' r,. n r r , t ur e .oca_ t.)rto e .tn nc n}, .,oncern, .he mr.~tar vrss discussed at lonr,th and it; rinparrad that inasmuch ns it v;c)rtld .,arlar.sly af~ct the rovitnuc of the ar-,(istar of ;)eeii ai'fice and tvruld lit a s eaic(1 service A statement yetis rocei.vad frer~i the .;t,t ~ ~ , r P to '.3n trtl of Cho,i~ r r far >a r,rrrtculr{r concern an(.vrould c:dd an n~lditionsl ax an .,fl ~a t}.a afflG~, far )rintin: and binders te,, tad PrJblic tlelf ~tra 's}lavrin(1 that ~p,{,1~,0 t ~nrd P 1 g , , vras sent to the County .far old n. e assist. „h n ~ ho una~n metier: of'l,Ir. Colarnrrn sr3cordad by hit Tres-. " i` d •',r ' a „e, std tr) d ,pendent children and far ar' s ~ I-, tie ,a _ unnnirautral disttlrpravin}; such • rl the martth of ,tnnunry, ~1-nt.ztration, for r.,~t:an on the l;ror)r,ds that it vrr),11d not ire to the bast interest of the>Cauht<r. F~ q ~I . i 'I , + '1 - upon mati.on of Pir•, Trask ~r,G d r , i r. come+lr+irlt marls l) ,ir. }fa.:ard !'raptor - • t (c) , ! „ k', on a 1 bJ i,s. Culemnn,; the Chairmn. vet ~ r y , ai he .~~0, S,OU n..sr.,,.,tarrnt lnorcrtsa for 1),~t nri .roue, t, of n t~ authorizer. p Y to rr point e Tax ' c ~ ; ; 1'I Assessor Erato each of rho sevoral tovrnshi s to servo w' m t Y ? f; .,n n t P. the ;,prinE;Pr Gai;.1 Comran block 1}0 st,istin na i.tm;rr)vf)rlents vrhntF)ver ha.vi lie~en mails s; ce 1 s ''~i the t „ p It}t rho .avrrtshlr) Llstcr in snid tavrnshi an .nr " m pa I one of Carnty AsSa.y„ors fa. the rnar ose of f' .,..(a.,.,r„ent, was ,tpn.r metier, of ""r. r;nrdner seconded •;r. :rr:Sk raferrar? to the ['orun'ttea vv t , . ) . 1 t }i ~ + P txang nssa.,srnants for the rnluclranr1ir11 period h as of Jruluary lst 19115, ris the lour d` rec ~ . eottt,unC natvor tc; set. , : ~I 1 t,•. I I ~ , , 1 ~ 2,"s. Rnbert, Lae Howgr•d w : r k rer,ort { t , T t . ha ltstsd earn snit. )oil t aE ~ a. he }3urnr a of Id..nt.~J loatlon i or ,,sane, was taco :vet: t:.nct arclered i iled , ~ , , } tt tsantioro anvrnshll) for 1t)a~i, `was also listed by ~'~,',f his father for auto end o1l in 2:9oc : ra aunty and taxes`~nid, wn instructed to ask the hloora'bu L ate A•i annllcat~ n f' r~ r • { ~ authorltles to refun)~t}ta amatrnt of a ar lic::n~e to .sal -hot) , i I taxes paid as he vras n legal resident of this Cc ~ i 1 r nn T,lar ,trr_at near rho shlpJard, .,ubtaa~tar3 hJ E, yta;.lay, + ' ).,rlt`~ Jar,UFrY 1,19,t1t,th~ S'~ t;; ~ , Fi i Mme b , .ng ,:in lam Worn and am.orsccl 1>y _the uheriJ`f, vrr>s upxlr~ mnt;iot~ 'uf tx. Ca1ar>rtn, ~ecoritied by ' r A report of he Color©tl ifome Avant for Jnnuar ~ vms ~ h`.r, I'e:l, l;rr~rttad. 'y r,calvad and.. filatl,luld the. nvrnent of I'«UO for C F ~ articles used in darnnnstra P , 3. a 2'~ v + ~ r' „ 1n > i Hans. nnci afar -rent of t~ etrrlter were a r) • e , -p , f a la .te, vr_ ).tta . })y P,ccorder iI, +Tznf~.uld „mltn to I,apr,,~erttrttiva J,~,.LeG. end oliiecting 1 r ~ , I I r ov d far pnyrnent. t , ,,I) ~o n prnnaUr;d nmen(lrnent to the 1~l~ti .ict that vrould a.ncrPr"lsa i;lle t)().[)O salary 1irn11;Til,ian In sold Act to I ~ii~ Upon'motion of }r!r. Gardner, sr,cunded by }'1r, "'task tho heirs o ~ r~ ~ Y t i r, a lnrles fix:,,l b~,.law by en addltl.onal 00.00. fE 1,2;~:).Of,' to ennhlo t}ie taunt t;arm';;;s'anars o nc inns sri • f l tlllx ,J, i,..,aks veer r°„ P . ~5 W sttttad t}gat }le n, r f r ,r n , abatement of not ltstad panftlty far. 1'silin' t0 llUt 1 9 rfnt, as ob; act.,d t0 LJIn. .11a GOl 7rt.aSlarlP,ra aUtttUrlt, to i lx t,laGt1V„ at fiesta Solar ea ~ f 1 t nriy t t a n + proper t"r in b1oGI: 1~2 for the yo~cr I'~~t'« rot 7 h t, h r .ason Ir. I),S.Cnrr the adr, ; nm-,u , , , r r I _ I nt; ~ tch pat}larit• ho snid vr,)ttlri mrl,ce one set of )oli.t.iaal a. s 1Ga-ht7ldnrs th • b ' 1in_,,trntar al the ostato listed arbor property In the Giatmt ~ , v ors „ of all other , _ ' t ahinkirtb this was inr•,ludad, i;lr , Y a .'t, t n• Coleman toted na. 01~ lettl aJ'1'i rr;-holders arts Gaulc. rt;duce salrlriris under snid ltet by as mnah ns ~~'()0,00, o.r tc) the point I( then would bra t'rirGad to rasi•n,1ir. Gardner stated the Ampridntrnt tints' affarerl in good fa'th and the a E, 1 9o rd has itr. Gen., Rhodos of ',Jilmim^ton tour bean fri. ~ t • , , ,F ~ nship vrho was c11Ar od,w' } lr .n satin sal-trios na ressure has bean node to ford anyone out. t)f office or desire to r in bloc}; -Ll?6 G tt 1 ct pc)nailty far nc;t 1-t.ttinl; his property f, , P pa secute , + to f for' thu ;torte 1>!ut and vrho. h_ r + : nrt• bne rand gloved that n :)tn e ; b b ' • s '.:3 r ; , . t? it , lls~o.l othor-t)roperty thinl;in• th's was laded was t pent e pu hailed hur_n}; the incransos in a„lnr_es allows., by the .:.,oars for i 't P thA past ai};tit years. ' 0 1 n of .r« _ra.,},, sacondtSd by lr, .Gardner, anateci the ponrtlt~ . ' i' ~ J , A r(+ncrt of the drairtn-~; r,c:ndit:ort nt Southern ilaulevard nd scant to Ca F , r ' I ' C, ,j pe errs Ito t.,in} Project, i f 1'~ report, ryas received from the Hank "_n;• + e r showine' sn est. n + r~ . r Col .actor shotriu ).2r r:ollocted i'or the ~ounty ahd im tad cost of `~1cj,fl00.00 o corrart the Gonrlition, prepared by the ~tata iii hrla,~ ' + ~ F, 7. ~ f, ~ c I _~,7s_~>.~~7 _ar the C ~.tY, rvzkin~; a~ fatal of l~ ic)[ .Ct ~ c r + i i)Apt;rtrnent vras recd ved ~ , , ~ ,J. allectad _or ..ha r.rau~n or „n1!aar;f. + ii I, 11 )an not.o o r i i , ; 1< ~ , ~ } tin f .x. ,(,nrc,nar .,,,r,o: (e r . , re ~ra~t '7 , ~ ~ + , ~t, rl bJ ,ir « Trrt.,}, uf111tEUn :;o„ ~ r r , ' s q of r. ,,tivid l,iurchlsan that the Co,inty have, .,troFu si "ns araGted ltt the varlatts stibdi,vis' ~ L, , orar at u>,, hllm..rtt,ton totn.,h_p, tta E, lops I,rantorl'nn anatument of taxes au ,ii vr, i~ In the Cnunt~ ~ , ' ~ n +t rl' I and hou.,a4 nzn_ared to tart;-e it nsler to lorato residents in ~.to sub,livi;;:nns vies ' it ^ ,,,;.i, 1,atlori of ,,r5,000,Ot) rtJtchinur~~ pat aJ'1'ixed to the rerilty, J ~ loaner,,! in .block ,I'iztuhurst, listed at :~1[) 00{7.O0. ; e.. I ` presented, but no action taken, , n ~ rot 1 or the lrr,ar 1~1 7 , , Ifr: (}nrdner re , n, . i- ; „ I pn icn ions for licenses to aoll bear ttt lnc!tttons n • o ~ ported far't}ie (,a:,raLttaa ct) uintocl at mc.Et.,n o1 , obruarr th to .gut, ar r , _ , t t.u.tal)on and on )u,,~~u ~h.. yard nt sunset P°ri, I P L ~ , k ,tn th. J lnanclal suhrniti;pd by A.V.Fountrt:iti and lyveratt F. s , p" soundness of the }tutu a ro a r t a+ t P r + , ~ . Rusae.l, rt,unactlvaly rho ^a. , nd al Ins tango ~ rap nla~, tt t: he (,nr;+mltt,e Sound the ~aid'carm)an~as reltab,e , I, f ° ortdorsed by the Sheriff '.vet ~ ; t . , l1a he,nl, In duo f orm n 'anencia 1 sound and reputation cod, 1Io action was to}°nn at this )Dint to resr,uul` the nt:tion of , a noon raatlort of x.-tnrdnflr, ;,4:candad bar '~)1 ,,r, r tht, K 1 ' Ij ltr•. , _c.rl n, .};rat. _ the Hoard Janus c , , ry-, 22,_1)115, awA:rdin * the r~nelval of v~0000.00 schedu lo' insilrance to the L,utual fr ~ Carrroanies, , ~ ahc; Count)r Attorno,r ropartad his , _ canferencn w ith tiro C^ t . • ~ ~ y and '~ulfrtrci Gorunittecs conrernlnE. , E~ the ostablluhrnont of it doraast>.G rolation,5 court, ta141 the I3artrd tllnt 1~Iuw llarwver Coun„• vrss exeml'ti ~ 4 from the o )station of Chn )tor 't; c,~ r 11non mono, ra L_; } ,.,3 01' rho 1~~J ac,t,> which rovldes Su• rr r A t• a uJ such e 1 of ,.r« Trask, seconclec3 ht'. h;r. Gardner, the tax payors veers s lowod a, filrthar axtHn:;ion of time ) the ,.,ta )li,~nrl.r. ~ throw rh Febrttar,i ` ' ' r- r : I court. ';'hat the said act Gould ha urnondoc 1 • • _ ~ 6 lf3tn t P' a tt 1 )y ,,~r:tl.inJ; ou„ Lat4nt~,d of liniv I'.Itnover vrhich tsould :,iva , o mrtke th.lr 19tt,) t x ra rrn.,« I _the Caurtty or the City. ar• bath b ! 'r,in ltt;i-; , r I ~ P 5 1 t ,.,nri, nU~}',r,I icy LU k:a'i,A})ll"}: Y. I%arl(:St1C )t;,.aatianS Otlrt) n . nr by taking no action to that earl if such n r,ou . _ t tat of fare ? pat). n a d tan of one i a c ~I I Ifs , t,olemtt,y At ah1 s )o - r a ' n t rescin the act' ! rt :ts not de;;irad, 'r}te nrttter vras le, f l..,th the c 3o r d of Jtutuary ?2nd,. 1)l~rj, atvttrdnt~ , , Cor;nt;,: ,,'~tornsy for i'urthtr study. ~t30,•)OO.OJ schedule insuranr,e rer,eavals to the Mutual CoraTinilies. }li s mot' w ~ lap a., secandnd by II x« Trask a • l ' n ~ n nd carried. d ha ,otutt,~ .atditors' cash rai~ot't for. Jattuar-v vrtt ~ rrtcr~ivad a r.al r' ilt;ti. I~ 1 I I l,Ii I Upon mono I I. n of ltr. Cols3mr_ut sdcartciorl bar .,r. ':risk t}te Gaunt°,• <,chedttle :inaurt~naa r r • II on motion of h1r. Ga tree was t};en d ' ' ahp.trlrt}; i~ebrutc.y lath, , ,i;: ~ p rdner, st~GOntied by 1;1r, Coleman 1 , all or,) ' , arias have ro istrii5tited a~ follovrs , , ..oJaas oL Alta Count. whose .,E 1 !I ha emit i lxe,: by lctw, ware grrtrttad a bonus of ~lO.UU )ter month t • ~ ~ be rtitroactive ' i I' in effect f om Ja a - , t r I- a Juntt jOth, ill>, to ~.c s r nu r s , t ~ I 1 ore is e: ,lovocl 'ointl b" the Cot~n~; JJ, 0. .)0 to t1,e Central I,anafartur~t s ,,.utual Irls,trnnce (,ommany , , y 1 l)ItSp It beast. uruierstaod flat whi,rc, , , Y and City, the beau:,` shoul~. bo rho sa ''!r J niU ?5,fli)O.DO to th r, ITt riE ever tars re )rosant:in • st a . a , r e LaG 1 .3oArd of , l ) i I t, aGr, arat) n._a., + ma percontn"e of .'1000 as> snleryP i I., b the Count n' r a ~ the parcentnfa oi" rho --:otrtl P 10 Y Y• ~tmilar ac)tlon wa,> car,s~de ~ t b. ,00(},00 tc, the General v,,.,urr,.noe Coml~anv of Pmerica tunrtir,trrri:tn- i)al.ic; _ t eel dnrlt,l; thn pt epttt•at; on of rho .bud •et, but uatllr, na _ ~ . ; allowed vriti)out ixtcree,sn r - f~ rho tax rata. It now nl)panrs titer reoui )ts 1' •o ~ sort c s cithor t+,on "'a ' m , ~ !'I~ tax le ha exceeded ahatartt' a. 1 r n r r, : ,,t .h3.n11avrinr r •f, vY tclj)a~f,d which enr,b ~ , ,ctiolt i,.~ood and lawful mat. ,re.e dt.t,r.1 to sr)rv;~ ns ,jutLr„ in ,1,., 9u er_tr}r !,,Dart far t° ' led ~hc Cat,ulasswantli°u to take thH J'ar t.r,ci utt, r of crimi a + P i ne ~r trtl +`I this tiria. n 1 cases f , bn .rt • Honda, i~'eb ua v ' ~ c i,l ar Lha ur.ec.tal ~.,tm .i,t ~!1 E, ,t, r r, 2,th, 1)11.): , .}ii«u'Jnila, Tt, if • } fl d At P ,.r ii;'OSarl .t«t-1'~ i3+tTr~ 3S ?',2,1 allartr ' C' ?l+ v , , i 1 1 r ison. C1 td , w . Z I. t ~ . _ , i~)a11 [nUt10n dilly SeCUnded Gattltr I ~ N ~ , , 1f~ „an, (~+L,Uret,ol;r, 1 ~ . , ells aaS• t_c,c.1 ~ ~ «..,_,Verett F'` , , ;j' Lr U : 4 .,rte 7.rtC. WerB rt) r'aVad S0Y' n;"tlant, : 'lOCllell9, ,?,,«.~rar1C}r Ll)twaad „ttr .)rived ;10'''171n`i, L.,...~. td Pr3 C,R«~rftlt,,a I,P,til:tllia : , . • _•parnell, C,1),.l~nttersar., Laths n.. Jotlas, J.hi,Shrtrpe, Ja.;se ,JcirnoTl, A.C,turris Itlax t " I , ~halnr,Jr. The meeting then nri,aurnarl. J. hx r , Dad „ho~r,..,,,'..,}iatchar Jno.I).}lrttn as J I),13rcitrn 1;,%r,Gat rlrili f, a , , , i f ,l ~ ~ - , ~ , ' ~ , e ,sift. t1F,1 , l~n.)laI'iCla ta, J.I' . ~aIlaa, , ~ _.r , , - a..,ri,I ~.te J 1 m.. • P "'a i -a+r . „ - t~. ~ . arrnntn., h r;dvrard H, i~Tra }ht kdt lap :Ic.t•tc,n +L,i,tJa. ren,_ nul i,ifr,l a :r r ~ t , t, , r ' ~ 7 Cl r' 1 Gct,,,,.A.,Jlllnttu, , '•rr• an.Bars,L.II.?3andaaux, Chr~s.1',;Hstrd;.han,'filburD: flii'i; Rabt C. 1{'n•J.l'f.liufh ' F 6, stn (r " H F,. , tlbart [,tu r~ ~1 . i, 9ritt,iin Tr•, ~ R ' , , l7ade F, Ilartnaii, rr.C..,r'rrlson, C.:.;,ic~j, tt.J„{alley, llaY,ttt;SGOtt Ccan L t r _ • , , J.I urrnat', ' li ,.,.1lOD nsart, ri+~ t' ,r A ,t ~ t, Ii ' ii i ~,.,adle, , ,«..Dixnn, d,u,If~.al, C.,,.2'1anCO,,1~~sAa.ns`vorth, °:t.Il,`r,ylor,II,T.I?itiUUj;llt. ~I , r l ~I ,f ~ 4 The meeting then eel 'aurneri . ; IL i f i:, ~ , if - t , Clerr., , i /11 r~ f i f~ ~ _ f - , Y+... ~,h. °~hM f, .e.r -.4 i ~ ~ t_ f 'r4'4 f7 ; V(ilrnin(;tan,;}(• C. }'ehruFZry, lclth, ~,r1r~ , - ' 1E ,','ti, -,r oS' habrur~ry lr)t}1, 1t)1.t5, corinuad, aroctint, .1 , ' The remtrlar vrQal,ly mP=ntin(; of t}tt+ }}oard w. ~ , e•, Kalil nt 3:00 1',1.1, ~'Chc;,,h ~~r;hj ' ' ,1 ' + }3onr} f.Ca. 11 to llp - ].t)U is taIO.UU _ 1 000 r;t - Present: Ac!disora }iewlatt fha' • ~ m nan La. ; 7 , 1 . rrrnan, [trso, I(. ::.re,.sk H• IZ. [}ardn Cet; n rt , .~i ' er, I:.,1.Golamarr arlrl County Att n 7 rt ?.Ul 2(11 Ell n _ lC),t)U » t;10.U0 I n tlar•sden So].lamy. ~ orrey -,r n n r, n t 301:. 311th - 1J0_ 10.r)0 - }EUO,UU S n 1, a r- I, u , ,,,,r , The maet{nh teas o nnod w' r' n ,a ( }C71 NCO 1,~0 ~~.JS - `l c.c. ,r)0 ,a 11. '7'. n S p n.th prta;ror }7y the :?1rvArrrnd C.i),ilRr•clift pastoral I''if ~ ~ ~ E,, 5•~0 , I.; th Rvann~~ 11 , . , et,t~dist Chatrbh, ' ' li The mnrtes of moat. r ,t}}T'f ~rCrP~~r' Iita}alS nt, of 1'ahrarary lr,t}za l~lEr, (rare 'rand cold approvrrd as -roc t r ! c r loci.. ;n, 10 li~rirl 'lr,. iE to 1:' _ `c1 " 11.2r _ ~ 3 r Coupon .r ° 1U1.~.~ J ~ Jpon rnotiaza of htr. Coleman, sacc,nrled by fur, Trnsl., the 33oarcl rase ~ F. , i - ta'anrcel the brtek taxis on than corer(( of I'o • tit ac at,s action of l~rjbruar lpt c CgUBT Ht}ir_}, !lt)ziUS Y h, l I P I J z ter 3ltifharn, block 12 ,vr}iic 9 t ; i i on thn graunds that oavrnent of , a' r 7, }t .,uid act.tan erne. , rl r 161 to lf5) P e ,ll r 1 ;zr° takon Conpan ilo, 141 .inn IIa. E 1~0 t. 2,a,JU . 1~.~.00 l . 9 ;rd tares rr~de Fabruary 1Ei;}i, 191' as ov tl r , it ' i ozrca.l h , , . the examining attornay; was rradi.ted in trrror to the taxis. cl ~ the; paid chcrk of " lpl " n ly1 r` 1tJp - ? " 2j,0U - r- ' ii.' pi; , ~0.0U un by hlatzrieo 13ufhanr on r, «r r~ ; srr.mo blank, and reforred i-h pro cart i, a 1 ~ _ t c r , . e ruttier to the County..;,ttnrniy and Tri;t Col.loctar for f I yin ~}1e 1E1 r-UA ~U~ 3 ~,7.Qt) - l).UU And rapcrt to tha ;orrrd at a sutrse rtent mc~etinrr I 1 a Urt}tel' I.r1Vf;.",ti~Qt~ tl tt jl~ ft to i~lU-.~~.l,,Er`t~.~~~ ~ tr ~~~t7'~) r r.r}(} 4 u .or. > r1 «t I ~ " 1E11 n l.!'7 - -•O o ~j C;{! c r t . ~ , • 7 3U. )U ~ ' 1Jpnn rnotinrz of }•iz~, Trasak sico c r t, i, f 1 -~'0 r~ ry f~ r~ , ,,r,~ t, h „ rr r . ry r t; i, ~r r, n rt ,i 1 })i~ Lq', .d3ltirw.n,;,1,3=}•}tr7<7r•a ti 11, 1~. i, 3 u U ' ,.)rJV ,-4Lt)U. U[) , L E'.; ,lllaE;rr, tatst;rRrzi.rrd nn r,} t. r, n ,P c ~ tr na ttlffrS ail a ValUatiin ' } f ~ ~ 1 In C' a n of -~.lU, JQ hau~eho,.rl and }.itihr-n furriitt:ro l<tsrid i t•m~n~ }l? 2UI~} ?U~ _ t,. ~,Up - 15U.~U tha year 1c)111E, n t3Y'rnt' a!JCrVca ~t8 V4iU0 f «r ~ ~ tP PP ?.r.l " r13 ? ,r ~C r ti l,? 21~ P~i1 „ 1(7 ',r 2r,U0 - ?rC.UO " r 1„ ~7 upon motion of ="r, Coloman seconded , :,i ~ r- i ' r, rn,.k, ' _l~.l~ bac}~ trxre:; c}lttrf;id rrt~n:in.<;t t}zr~ } n' r Jamas Colv n, black 11. f r~, or thisyears 1933 to 1 11 'in.a. rr a , , t, r.r„ of ~,DU1' i,tr,_>., r,(},, u„ . 'I;, i, charge, the said lut is o'ti• c , )t , rroo,.lr.rir, canrr~llit3on accourrtof daa me l b,r and taxis for saacl tble '3ond 1'.'_ to 17t) - lU r? ':,Cit)C7.'.0 10 t)i)U Ot) y., a(ainat ,Iirl~,ert iris}?R , i~ rs• f i I !lpon matian of `.'r• Trf,.,k 5 i1 , iF? ?'rr' '~+i , r. . ol:amrrt, t}{e Chair•n>An rra:s =tuthorizocl to abntn, t;` vahratiazi of fl ne t. - r, - ~ .5.00,. l~)1EQ 7'ncl:ard ;)odan c}:tir:od n a' ~ axon on 4 Aond ;Ja, 1~{~ to 1~r0 - 1,, ,3 1,()U,,,Ut) lr rJOi).00 ~ nn~t Jnhn JRpkson, Lz}ce h'arr3st, he claim ' rt n n , , ~ r ,lr= hava-pairc}lasecl a!'ter ` a ua , c , ~ i ~ n r~r 1 1)I,1t, ~ and'vrhon ha 1'urnish~.s t}ui C.ar•ntan vr`,~- ~ to J. +~o r.~t1 - t. 1,.3t)C~.C() 2~,0t)O.pU ~ i nr.. c.r,. ,.x, ian.te of , , t , e s,tawo.n the r to ditto of ~,urchaso as cla.irncr3, n t+ ?t5 to }'il5 - 11 t? l,U(lU,rJt) ll,~U0.0U UUt1,~0 , I. _ n- r H. V'tinfield Smith a feared to ab e ? .atal..,onu,, pn rl,.,..,..,.,...,,..aSL',JUO.UO PI ,j ct to the (;aunty. Cc~runlss',t7ntrrs hav:ln • an,•r nt ~ ; solar and after a lea t}r 1 t, ~ tt}lor-~,., tc, red ztlato bin m J r , _ r ;~t_ ~ 1 ry .at,.li Gatlpc),1s pai.3, r., a..e~.••.eir. 1;),,71 t~..,~ i~l ,E, )rfj~~5 E Y ~ J prasi.ltrctiar: arnad the t,orurtssionars to ,t-r;s r, } I reso tz lorz rr:caramoudinP that: tha Let;islriture fl.x his salary at ~1J,200,(10 nor •tear, .After fu ' rthor dr.,t.nr,:,iar. ;",r, Gr'.r•dner r ~ was e,acar,.rled b•• it m ,r • , ~ rtaVarsl r i, u•. a a .n d •t y r ~tnd cn.r•rior~, ,,hr~t his retl;.rost b,r drrclino(l and l:hat the ~rr;5rr - } nt system of ~ saaries as fixed. h t}ra leE;r,slature tirrth ararrndmr+nt to •ive t' r. [;n, Tire me~;tin,, t}?rul ed~rntr•nad, i, ri ~ r>rn:~s , ionc3rs authr;r' . • c xncrcaso ~ . sa ar as by cls muoh ns ~1,200.i)(3 tn:,tried af' thi Irrasint 19.nit c>f '`'tit).Oti s , - , rr , trail ns pz ane:=ed._ ~ (;lock. , s F , , A. request of t~Ilss Larado K, ?iirltz for ad'irstraent ' + P 7 ? ~ , of ,h_ r2~?.,~1 !xick trims dua an loi;s ~ i} Es and ' ~ ' and 1 in biock , r E3 , ; .,ton }~ehr•urrv-2'~th lc)1r.' s ;j 11 ? Ltlrz~n s ) , 1 . I is i ~ i "'he rPt,?z<az ,"r',rY.l„r z-ze,~trng of s;}ea `?oard was held at 3;00 N,1`, ~ ; i, I '4 ~ The County lit+.arne;j brou^~flt to the atta - , t 1 t, ntiutz .that storm ani, s}'ntl • r, a i tn;>trr anco cav , ~ ~ r' 1 , : r.sori-: r. ~ci r yr t: r .ri ; 1 1 ;i' ~~J00(~O.QO renelvnls ' ' ~ r airat;i a.s not zncluded in t,.o P o I, t n .Ii lit. C}._t..,r.. n, Ctra, ,i, .re.,,k, ,a.., ,Hell anti 1..~.Co~orlnri n.rtc, Cciizrlty Ftttorne . Y ~t of Leart>e.r; 1.7th, -The matter of rfxtanr'oa ~ , cavera~e vies rllscusserl earl tho mr.tter on }.;arsden.t3etlr,r;, , i ration of ,`!r• C}ardner urt, referred t ~ ' F i-,' , a t}re Charrmar, acre. thi t,rnurty 1';tt:orney to l , .~t } ~rtta arrJ rr,~;ort tha.ir rocamrnandata.ans to the I3aa:rd nt cl subsr; cant ^r, } , F 6, r,,..r,tlrz};. I'}ze minutt;;,• of mieti,ng of Fr,~ruar;~ 11th, 1;J!ES,, svc;re react. Rod a roved ns rocordod. ~ n i ~ 1P ¢ or uho ?3c,nrd s ai>}irnvnl I' ii_drnft of rt d "i11 ~rr:^ t rr pror,o,e h ,.,an~c. b - r 1 , L.I crrler~t}:ra.t t,oulcl tvo the GniIItt~r- (cr l~~ a iJron oration of ?•.r. 3 a1 m z r v s o Gity Council, se nratol r .nAz'sinnorr nn,. tho I ' 1 i, seaanc3ed try lr, Trask, ,?,'?,J,anndng of (.,lrnington torn,hip rn, t;rnntt3d an ' p y nncl~or, ,7oantly aiathnz a.ty to aancol tha ta•• . Amerienrl I,e. on `p t. , a! „a., clue or, the propir,.~,~ aunied b abatement ci pail taxes' for. the year 191E3 far t}te reanor, ha raovod hero Pram 21ash County in I:;arah ' Y t; . ost .lo, 10, a.n blocl. Tr110 rerorlt;,t , . E , nzrchar,ed lieu, the ?3rid•r;rs hstnte A ; ~ t• ,r ~,1, of l,ir. Coleman ~eoonded } , +n~ upan ntot.an 19J13 and fisted and pa:.d pcl.l taxrss r.n lla:,h caurz,~ for said year as ©vidancerl b, his tax r+,ceipt. , ' . bJ .r, Gi~rdnar, token nadir • , 1 c, orisider nt fan. , I The Cai,ni:« t~ttcrue re ortr~d tc, tho "Decd t}int 1r•, ii.0 Rur'vrin said. that his chacl: dated 1'" b u v J Y P 6 arar~ ~ , ~pplicn ions for lirt;r[ses t;o se11,}, , i ,i aor,;tt,}>z;.ittad by I<;r•s. C• Palos and r!o!:rc ' , „ ~ I t}, I ~ + r z r rt Y7. Jorn1 ~ nt locrtrons: I , i~:l,>, was in payrnzont of ta,~es <Iun ort 4he pro.,r,rt•y of porter larfham ut block x,127 far ~ha coca ~ E,,.., y on the Cnrollna Nench Goad rand ~aven`:.iilo }'ast rb.,pEitlvtrly, t}te srune bn zrz r .in ,luir form Tai e r. re 6 , - I, tho sheriff, wire a on rizot` t, 1 n'ar, d y 19!l0,1~)1;.1 anr: lyil~ and it so al,paared on thi ;ace of thi check, and that t}ze aback eras a}apla.~d in - p ton of ,:!r. Colamari, sncazzt';ed by,l,zr. Trask r'rlrzto er , r i _ ,r } f, : g d. Tor to thr. traxe., dus by L,r.~urtce J. Ha.tfhara an a lot north of Porter ltuf},rrm xn .,aid block, i,aurice ' r E'j' Sam:. tr, 1{azfham Inter sold i;he said lot to rt.5,irlhitlevtivho or, axaminntion found 'tho tnxNS aid. The 1 rc co • : P ~ ~ , lured ind>a,ont c.,.tl..nn, sixty Years of nri ices arc • ; , I', ',r _ ' r ocaruriandretxan of phi ,,,r ,t, of ?unlio Hon, d, (,tare: ari on rnat. o a~ rts>r sic ,rt ~ d }rr ?r, hall d. rectid the Tax (;o o^fio 1,alfara, and a on mop on of it I' , t n of ,,r, Tr ~ lc ~ } , t 11 ~ r to call , i p r. Trask, sectinc}ed 'rr }r. r,olemn a . , l , . n, d.nittr,r; tr, Elie Cc}„nt,,r !!t~irte as en inmate, eu }„r• hir~,a;rice }lu,:ham to a~% the taxis d,sa an his 'orrlar lot lIl ,>aid block the,( vrcri crodited r I Pa ~ , ~ ~ . I +1 J m . vrath thr navnar~t rnado for Porter iiufhara artd shoald he:fail tti mn}:e t}le colloation to 1ncF tho poi, motlou of }.x. ~rr,.,l~ socunded b,r ;1 , r p r , I' i t,olr,r~stn, };r:,, ~.P;~.11.s uac„ _ some in r, ~ far r z t , e.z r,ntt,c. rrn r,ba.,~t»r nt cf penalty .,,e h..nds of an n+;tarnev to hrlrz ,uzt. 17 ll. ting pro},irt,, to l~la,;lr 7> for the , r, ~ ; . ,re,,r 1~1 ~ nr 'tits; reetsnm tlzc said ire»ert~~ lies J~o~-r ;ht in 191x3 and her husband rliod tho semi year `ants- rho .did r I } , -J,i tat nder,~tand about 1'~;utirt • iI on'mot' r ~ r ; l,. P io . or l:.r. Coleman, secanried _by 11x. Trask, the lloard ttrtanimau„iy endorsod _ianorablo, rC.13, ; , , I,. lam be11 +T Upon'. motion `af Plr. (;ardner P of .the }7ilmtn};tan, Itorth Garaltna ,,a.r, for the az~pointrnont to the o_face of Judgo ;of the 1~ i ,sect}nilid by I,ir.: Trask th t ~ , a C}zatrnuan wets attt ( ~ this }.nited „ I }zarizal r r .Tom. tote t r JI to r,ru. t e f s s , Hoard to servt3 on the ilaharculos- ^ ~ la t a.,nit e t7i.,trzct Court for the Lastern Ji,.tr~ct of idorth ~arola.nn. Jx the opinion of :.the Board, , . t li..i$ , . a~ Iioupitnl Lommitteo , a,~ re irestir! 1, , ed _ }rir, " Cross Snnitn r n ~ rf 1)r, Jua. ~,,Ie.rsr,1'l. (J armerlr the R t,~mpbell is ominently fitted for said o.,tttou bit ronsc,n of his le •al loarnzn~ anti htdtca.nl _ ri,ra) . P . 6 L ifi Irl et~,cramcnt and is ra min of t}ie hi hest charnatrir earl r,trulding in this Community, This .Clerk ,ras ~ E I± I 1 It IC ~ ~ 3nstr'.tctad + t s ~ ~ r „ i~) Upan motion, dul"..9ocandnii Coazn ~o ,rnnsmit,the .aregaing,re.~alution by telegram to 5eral;ers „osiah ',1. 13aila~. and:. , ~ ~ , ~".l }r,lls ,.aSr ~.~11 to i?'? !j 1nC Vr~ ~ ('lr ~ t• r+ 'I ,5 r,re a„provacl nor }>ayrrnont,' yde }Ioe,r, t}te }ionnrable prances Hiddla ?inited .,tacos G~tornoy tr6r.nral ani3`the 1'rosidrint of the ~i I~ t , ^ !)nited S .I ts,tes. i The Tollowln}, bond," and eau;rons wFrre ;irastsated by t}ur t;caa,nt,• iauc:' ' , • l,tor ors hrtvin !tr;an 7rtid t3r,d ureic !,urned_ a to tai pre coca of the ~3anrd: t ~ ; Upon motion of ' ' 'I ;1r, .Coleman, r seann ed b I,lr. Tr 1 I,r, t G. G. Bor•draaur, teas rnritod an n};aternen of taxis ~ ' , I~. 'j i I SCI'(}4rL JrOI•II)5 for tho year. 11!I~r on a valuation t>f ~GUO.UU on account: of double charge; on lot i? ,n block ~`3 }Jordeaux _ _ Divisierz, 1",asonfioro tovrnshi The ,a'd lot is avrtlod b and raoerl"r ~har`ed to Drtvid`C, Jonas o c s Cou . on Pdo • +3nnd }to, l to _ t +~r- p, t Y, _ P C , f r 1)11}, ! ~ F Gl ~l t~ r.OiR 1 r;,r.,,r)0 ; j . i U r r ~ O t; n t, - n l ~ 10 1} ~r.pJ - lUD.U[) The Cotulty And, r • r „ ~ ~ , I(; 53 dl ' 1? 1 3 't ~ r- v (tor reported. that 11x, JRmcis 1,,. Hollang~worth, llo. b Calnmbia Avenue, tlri,,}t{;,,vtlle lliaclt, ~ ; ' t 2~.Q+7 » 1 0?R,t)r~ fnl ~ 1~ to n 5~ „ 1 U - r, ab , , s ed to list his 19111 Chrysler Sodas f'or the i~car• 1.~11Jt after havtnC seztt snvirn:l n~tice,s to biro ~ !T ~I ~ t 3 E 3 J ~-~.9U 125~OJ _ concPr•nin ~ ~ , t ! rt fl - she t . r ' y t ' ' r u g listl.n of tho.s atrtartobile. The matter n as,- ~hori,ore, on mnt:zon of .}r. Golr~mnn srjennrled , b2 E~ - 5 25.00 » 125.(10 h{• ttlr. T E. , ~ ; ~i cask, ordered turned over to the Utstrtct St>lteztar for. tndictr2ont ~ rt n 52 Pr n 71 80 - t " i' n tP ~ t, rr ,t 17 ~.OQ . 2j0.rJU iE 5r. 121 1_~? ~ ~ ry ' ~5it)t~ - ~ ; ~ - ` «e r? r:, N n ,,tt )UeCQ CG,,,,AUNfCAT i ~ ~ , IOJ (JAS R~C V D R t, TT5 :-IV15lON EF!''~INi:CR uTATE NLGH'+'J AY ~Ot4L1ISSlON r EI E F OJ R T T C , ADVI,ING THAT 7 to ~i~ n n 1 ~.t t1U 1t1 25.QU - <2j0.0U FARK 1VENU- - ~ r ra C 1Pd v~LEA?1DER 1S' A ivEluH~ORNOOD ?OAD`AND c.r,PECT TO RCPAiR (T'7HIS 'irEEKg 3UT`THE ~RANuON ROAD IN ~ ' , II 50 ,P (P 21'o r` ?2~ * 11 fit- tlr , c. r, .J -75.00 ~ftl"JCE.S6 FLAC 1~~ ~I ~ - r i , , ~ n , ! u 1P ~0 1P rr 1"t} ra "r-r ~i:, tP r E 15 ,.OT OP; ,~E ."nTATE SYSTE~~i ANll T~1En%FOf;E ~A~,~JOT ..+,aKE THE REPA,fR~ RE.~UE87ED, THEREUPON.. . ~ „ASK t10VED , ivh `L s~ "r;Ri'D T AT T R, q , Ili; n ~P xO n n {)P to „ ,<._,1.~. a IT t;AS .:wGO.rDtD 3Y .R, ~_Ltt.,AN qND OA t H NE'StATE:HIGHt'dAY CO~.E,-LS510ty QE R rU 5 D ~'t ~ _l (11t- 'P 23.'l'~ ~ TC Ed E TE j p., tM a ,a tt r n - lr,•_,,O I):GLUI)E THE SAIL ROAD EN ?T5 SYSTELs FOR-tviAl?17EVANG(. 15 1l ~ 11 tt 1 » 7 r S.OU ~i,,,t~ ~ ~i 't rP 15 n n 31 rt 71 - la - - r i i I, «a n r' „ tt r, k 11 lj, l ~ - 55at)O ''FO~~ ti'OTFOPJ OF ~ R. COL~aaAN} SECO?J~EiJ @Y '.}R• HALL, I`aRS. THO!c1A5 J• CAUSE RC-APP01^JTED TO SERVE AS THE COUNTY~S- II 1? 50 " to - to r '~e t1 to I ra n a 1j.7) j; 1,~5 t,JFh+SEfi OtJ TH P,(~ ~ ~ i2 c r.~, ~ ~ t c j ii 1=u (li P t~1 ~ r, lj~r)~ ~ ~ ~ C ,.urJ A„Ut,ER uQIJFJTY ~lrLFHR,. .OARD OR A TER,., OF T;,O LAt;;i L~,Jiitdl JG r1PJsIL ~.,T~ 1~j4~, ~,r, t, n c, x.7.,.0 .E 13 7~" ~t1- 13 r'- -,i- n 1 ,7 } 2r ,~0 LETTER, 4JAg I~ " a lt7 n 'i lb tr REGCIUCJa FR0iv1 COUNTY SOLICI`(OR JA'~ES C, I~I~JG4 ,1DV151NG THAT HC 'IA5 ;1PPOINTED ':'R,~IGE;Rq F`, YOk'J iE.,i k , r -5 U/>.Ut) r - ~ I ~TAPdT ,OL 1 C I TOR OF F'F 'fit- - ;-'.fir' 'G ~ uR (PON rrO'f JO's -0F R. GOLEA!AP7 5E CUtJ;,E,r :.Y , ,°l. ! ' tt tt 10 ra tt n L... ._CO t_f._ ..0. T~ ~ , ,R•SK HIS-SALARY r 1 i}~~ . 1 ,a ~Y iL iJ p IP ,l. t r 3 l.t 1Ljt1, !3r 'r'AS ~~T. :1r t ~ r. } - =1 ( fi `r I,11 ' lj,? 7 rt ~ ~ RT a)C'•'0 nCR Or T ki: T;iC SAPS AS THE FOM.~ER rl JSTA.J7 j:?L I C I TQR, I 10.00 - .,0 UU i - ' ~ ~ it tM ~ tP tt. 1121 it r,~ to I - , rt to 1>a ltl lo.n~~ - ' ~.oo,oo .kpON ~tl~ t (y' r` ili a n., ~OTI T' ~ H A R 019 JF- R. , RASK SECO'!:ED `~Y '~'R, COLCt~'.Atd, r A AH ~,.~OHJaON . l . iif 1 ?1 T a s PAiD t;v ~ri~ ~ hn I . , a l3D - 17 10..00 - 1^p L,nuv,~rj ' , E I R of LJ3E T l , v t! C tt rP r ,~G N} Gla L a,; r, rt, ! , . OT IC, NLOCK ,%ACSI:;E E?ARK FOR THE YcARS ~ 1c~ TO 1 ~ IPJC. 1JA R ' _ i , S 9 DEI,,.'~ REFUNJ)ED FOR , J llta only 1 ,r l0.iJ0 10 `h:: Iii Ac s a , • - •U[l ..ON T`t~RE IS nJO cOT ~ IN- BLOCK ACCORLI';r~ TO t,11P OF RECO~I; OF CAK51I~, PARK. i ~1 I 1;i _ i I j,l , 'I I~ l !i , , I' !k ~-,i , / V: yr~a.~ a ~',~r~-" r fr - , e ~ ~ !Ir ~ e~, Nn" n E . :';4EGTtr!G OF FFBRUAf2Y ?~JTtt, 1 G'}rJTIMU D. ' , Gl / s E i , ~ ~ r' Ca j 'E~TIrdG AF`!fARCH }TEi, 1;~~, CgNTJNUED+ ?,PON },iGTION OF iiiR. TRASK, ~ , vEGOrJ:.EJ "8Y ',`.Rd CGLEMA"! ""J' s lr t HE i AG OF JOHN 'dARGO CAP . "ABATED t r 3 E F" TAXE,. OIL FEhiALe DOr ~r ~ tA.t T019P1SHIP .v LISTED tTJ E"ROR FOR THL YLAR , „E~ R-PA W n ' I', E A;CGPY Cr A REPORT P E „RED 8Y THc O,FVCE GF' THE UPJtTED ~TA7ES HEALTH SERVICE OrJ SURVEY rvtADE AT u.!li prr P, F THE.~t~AYOR OF YJI M rJ ~ T~ •-`n U J,J ,.OTIO,i OF :•r;. TR„ K r,i-~~ NE RECUEST 0 L I GTON ArJD H,.ALTH OrF.ICER Of ,r#~ u0'RD H ' S T h GF EALTri, 6.A5 RECEIVED ;F .ECG.:},cD 7Y '"~'R. HALL, IT WAS AGREEABLE TG Try~ Cy (j ; 1 c GAR • + D- FOR T,i~ F ~ Orl ,,GT 10,1 6F ~,J3 TALL F I LEB FGR RECORD. CPTY p A,JD ~ ILMI JGTOrJ TO-INSTALL PARKIPIG METERS IPJ iRO"JT OF T4:: 000rdTY~B P P:~, ~ ' ~I.i RO c, r . AFFIR!:+,.pT1VE UOTE !JF ;IR, TRASF, N L TY' ON 1HI~tD JT~EET flY j,< I~.~ e •R, ,ALL APJD THE CHAIArtAPJ. (i,; r, n • vflLE'vll,t VOTED rJG , flE,L!EST OF ~I7IZENS OF THE ~aYRTLE GRGVE AREA fGR,IPAPROVEP N A 2 Jc T TO THE HGAD DRAINxGE DITCH FROM: < << THE ~GntD R ^ •,u rJ'r STGAE TG THE PROPERTY OF'D.C.IlE'JAPJ A PPR ~ ~ e ErU~ED TJ r1r RbVE A Pr.!JPOS D B ° . +-ORGA v E S A OVED AND REFERRED 70 SHE TAT(: HIGHI`JAY AND. E ILL SUBr,11 , TcL sJY ; ' id1EETIIJG OF n L FAF~PAER FOR TNE'EG o FE BR'1ARY 1 ~ TH 1fi r A„DS CO(•IS ID',' 4 - LFi NUULI C 'r'~QRKS CGt,t,i lSSlON. TO MAKE 7HE CORRECTJOrJ. , 1 %,THAT uOULD ,IVt THE CGUNTY CO J.IISSIONE~S.AND.. n A710N >AT ~ -'L TO RC - ~ THE r „ ~ I rY +r6UIJCIL~ AUTN ' CRSE AND DIoCHARGE ALL TAXES y'IHICH NAVE ACCUt:~ULATED AGAItJST 0 fiHE ~RlDGERS P - RITY 4 - , ~ ~ G"I'1 D FRGIo1 TN ° , n~ PURCHASED BY THG Ar~ER J RG~`E~?TY R• n Rcf R! ,.A. RE E C E ~7A.TE _,GARD GF CHA CITIES AtJD PUBLIC;+TELFAR- SNG,JI C Ti O , I CAN LEGION BLOCK ' 140 C CEhTLY C N JAT i ~ i ~ , ~ f ! , BUT' D ID, r1PGPJ D,40T(GN GF r,'ft. TRr p - ~ . - ; ~ , ' . ~ , r ,SK, SECGNDkD a piAc ,FNT TG SHE ~GJ,JTY FGR ihE MG,JTh OF FE~At,ARY FOR OLu r,GE ASSESTAVbC ;•,ID TO D P`rJDErJ .CHILDREN ' GO ON RECORD Tq q-yPAOVE A B r r eY t, E C T s r.L THAT,wOJLD GLUE. THE uOtJWT'1 COrP1v11SSIGPJEt3S THF, RIG ` a 1 HT TO A, Ji, QplE4tpN! , rr ~_PJD FGR ADtA I rd I aTr?AT 16'J , `APE'fiGPRfA71.OfJj OR AOrJATlOtJ _ Af.E AiV _ r4 , TO THE d4idER1GAN LEGION IN GGrJSIDERATiOtd qF SERVIC i Es I T Pi! LL RErJD ' r.1i";N IYEIEN THC-Y zETURN Ft?OM TH P E RESENT 4lQRLD COPJFLICT~ r r. ER SERVIB ~ E ;;E'c;C•T7 ~:t:r REGCIV,.D F"GR DECEMBER AND JANUARY FROEA.JAMES "TALKER ~`:OSPITAL AND GRDERF.D f'ILCD. i A REPORT OF TH r E AuIES HEST ROOtri C,,;1r.91TTEE FOR JANUARY 'i4AS RECEIVED AtJD FI{:' ~ ~D• p{ fiF?GRT GF 7HE BUREAU QF ~DEtJTIf ICATIGhJ FOP, FEURUARY 't,'A5 P.EG IV D Nll E E A FILET). 1'i REQUEST GF LIZZIE SP;11TH ~OA r . ~ a, A., J r ,T v Jt ,,y~~~+~~i BnGK TAXES. DUE OhJ Pf?bP ~ T V I ~e r' , r... UPON r:"OTION OF l',"i, ~ ',e + Ek7Y iN t3LOGE; RI:PO;JT '.,F +FIE r.G 1 IT ca OF THE GQLGRt:., HGbfE DE~dtGN,TRATtOPJ ,,utN7 FGn Ft3a•tl1ARY 4lAS REG~'IVED AND ..OLE~.,AN SECGtJ%ED BY ''ri. R ,E c ~~.r x iC, Jr~S < F r;7~ ~ FGA SUF'PLIEu U7C., irJ A ~ r, r r , 3 T A.,K, P FERRED TO THE CGP.;taITTEE h'ITr! POI, r PAYt+IENT~,. t,.Ohl~T,.A7IOrJSAND - Gt TC ACTT } FGR REPAIRS A.iJD RIiSCO,J FOR TYPE~'rRITER ''R, ED4'lARD ""'TEA 4 T iC ~''E'P~t'JeL. ; VERB JETERAN OF HE ARt.~ED FGR„E5, " ~'!AS UPGN 'OT IOPJ OF ~ fir?,, T RA , „ SKI „ECGr.f;L~. U} " RELEASED; FROM TIIE PAYu4ENT OF i~`~ •G'0 r' r „ ~ „ ,,P. CDL t , „ E,1A~! ~ ,try 1T A,.CRUED Ow LACK, 7AXE,, uUE GN LOT ~2 CiLEPJ } T { r 'i,` tk, 90.1PGr15 'dJCRE PR S NT D n r ~ r h r - 1.;41,1 4~. nND 1U'4~, HRuCN, FCR TN. ,rE fJLLO { E E E BY THE .,GUNTY r~UJITG~, A. HAVI~JG CvE,+ F'~,JD ANL+ +ltRc C?l1RNtll IN ' ~ ) .3 E YEARS i THE PR, aErJGE OF THE ~~OARD: ! ' 'i , . ,i I sy . , JPON rAaTI oN GF ''A, 7~ASY CECGNi~'D r f C3Y . A. , t i j ~ ' • - CGLE.9xrJ, G.., ITI~ P,,ANONEY, t,ULOf?ED IrDIGEhIT :G °~h, , _ ' I T I Lt., , vUlilr1JL ~ ; ft~'COi,Ju+~r:DAT IGiJ OF THE `SUPT. f 4JA5 D; , , OF PU=yLiG '.iTELF'ARE ntv`D UPON P6 i. c r , 3 GTi 0:J OF , R+ TF;AaK .,EGGrJ'u~v v ~ r't,'.i'CIJ t;+. ~(1f`JD iiO. F~ TO ~J~ - ~ ~ ".00 GRANTEDADrdiSS~ION TO TNEGO!N , a r C w iiR, COLCMArJ vc ~a % ';r~J ':r 12~,~0 i J TY :70,tIE A„ AIJ i N61gTE . , n n n `7 r rt - ~ tt ~ { i+ 15 1~ 1~•7~ GOG.25 , M1 , : n. r' r ~ n !r 1.~.` ° 11 n _ 4~ ..oi7 cr_ 10.77 jOq.7~ IJPOrJ tv1OTIGPJ OF 4'R, TRASY. SECbNt.:EL BY ~,'R. a 1. f COLEt;,AN, EM!:~T7 LtTTLETOrd, X10 itOUTH iiTH ,i ( 10 n n n ~ G r, ~h 7a 11._,, 4'7.00 RECO,,,r,~idLAT ION GF 7HE :SUPT.., OF PtJOLI i, '''ELFARE GfiANTED Pwtc1 'S , :,f cE!, '+AS DiJ , IS:v1J,J T~ 7HE CGUItiTY HOME AS A PAY "rAT 7 " ~ u u 1,x,1 200 - " 10.00 00.00 1, ' AT ~1 `~+00 PER P.1GPJ H ~ J T IG,JT ~ ' y, a c! ~ _n a 2c~ n Jr,p 1;T n 16,00 1 0,00 z ~ ; " i UPGPJ +,,GTI rJ T, n u ~ u u S~•1 " ~~.0 - 20 'r G. c, 1 0 G~ 1 J / o GF rR. , ,....ASK,. r ,~..c . ~ 1,,,~O.Oa SCCGJ r •;3. HALL, THE ~'JARD R~~CIPJJED iT9 nGTIGtI GF EE ii .;,~y , GRANTIrJG i~~I~LiAM .~ECGVER nPi AEAT-1M'P' ~ "•r' ~v~j~ 1 a c .T 'F TAXE,, ON A .ALUxT ION OF + OGO,OO OF TWi; ~"10 „ ~ i'~ , ~ ~.,,t,G + r r,~L,HT v;E 3 JAiU~ OPl P,iAGHIiJERY LISTED. FGR 7HE ''E,,ti G ' it-l :.n n. _ n V 1 ~+'s A,`JT' FIXED TrIE 5a., AT ~ • r VALUATIOPJ OF "G n00.00 '.J „ ~.,f% 0.4G J~ F...,,,4::at;,T bF TAXEv u1v COU~'O .•n, rFL ROtJD '10,1;1 TO 1L ~ C :~.C!0 X0,00 n rr 4~ c; ct ?01 n ~0 2~+OG , ' 3 ( , : 0, OF .`R. i z n „ ~ n t.10.,.,~14-~? w ~ !c _2~+Ou ?h,00 ? /y -c•Ja• q ~0• V ~ 00 >-21 C tiOLr_:,g., ~ r1 , , ~ECO~d,.E,, ~r T~~ASh, Tf;E ~E'.AIF-t..tAN 't«A` ry,^'~ Ll$T PREt'ARED AS EiE~;L!ITrED 3Y LA`,7. ~ ,ti.Tl,vr,,..ED TC E!AV"t f, ii ~ 4 , ' I E I SE., JOR. - ' ' 3 ,~„I TE'.E t1FETItdC~ THE r1 ADJOURNED' ;I L.r Gt, :,GT IG,I LL!LY ..EGOrr.; G ; ,,n , , ~ i E ! .wU,., r a1LLb :GS, ~"~r_. H. ' ~ a~ T:: ~rJl4 I , vim,, 1'iERE Af't'RG'!ED FGF; 'AY . + ~ ~ ! ~i,+ .E:iT. -:~aA-~:r`.,~' CLERK... f ,+1. TEE FGLlO@JING GOOD nPJD , r ; .F LAUF!1L ,aE,J ,JLRr. .~F,A~"!N TG SERVE AS JU!'OT;S 1N TfIE u'JPLrs1GE? U" - ~J { nG T F;1R THE TRIRL Df ~ : , { CIVIL CASES FOR 4'JEEK E3EGiPtNIrJG r'ARCH r 1~TH,-1~`4~c ' i J ~ f I' Rhv PETEasoN, C.H.J.w ilm>,n tor. rI t, ,~zrc.l" 1 , I , 12t.r, JJ• s, I r _ E_ELL. E,H,SCNULKEN. J, D, Y P S , , 0 P. E !-I,''.!iNSON, ;?.H',Sr,11TH. .P ~ q ~GZ..UAN, •E+HEARN+ h4+G,NEtJRY. 'I JOE CLENDENIh, E.C.RUARK,JR. ,~J.F,ft~URRAY. ~Il y J,E',LEYrIS, F,..,PI1GH. The r ular :•reo'rh~ neetin- of the : as va. r t' • 0 ? ' Ij' JNO.C.DAV15.~ J.h.HiLk R, r R rd J s I:,ld a .,t.,. I ~ € . ,J ,1.A.LE,t ls, ~,u T.Ea~cE kLLCN.G.cl«C1J1,1biI;1G. GCC.C`riArsHaLL~i:~ ParTE~, H.F.F057ER. FULTON "fGS,rAIN, R!S,SKIPPER.' 'II J •J,HOciIfiSGN.n ~ ~ .C+,tiUS.,ELt,HfTE+ ii.H.vAhJDLIPt. ".7r, ,c, ~ „ c. JEt1Kih~ n , , ~ 4 , S.6.HOY. R,H..11L P4 r tra~,.nt, ',dci~son "ewlott Chazrraatn tfeo. rt. Tres,; L.,!.Golem9n nrid Cot.:iti, r,:.l,ornoJr ~arscl n' LIA S, JR. E„l,CLEh'rdONb, P,P;!•LGty. „ M' , y . I: v Bellamy. L.L.,IUOD, J,Ir.RAGKLEY'. C,J.HGCDEN, J,C.SLAPJTGra. _`J.C.KIN ~,i. , G. I „uGH ,t!,r,JR. J.a.CLAf~K. C,D,r~,O`,rArt. K.C.~~If;D. I,r r M ~ DF,'~~! ~ ,,.fE,.LY, ~l fi nn • ~ y , 1 w 1 , : t: la,."tLn vdt?~ onen,.r, ~,it.l uraya. -bF ttl9 levr?ronrz fneoler, ATTS. E',Y,YOOTEhJ, L.H.LEVILS. , ' pastor of the ';I'~.nter Park },Iotnodist ' ~ I 1 a uhurc'~?. ~ i ({i 1 ~r i AND fOR' THE TRIAL OF CRIMIPJAL CASES FOA THE ':,EEK uF.GIh:NIwG 1." R N r I A C ~TH, 1,;4}. "'"tP , ' ° - F r r d, i ~ ` - na~~m o~ rrieet:i.nf° of 1„arch ,t11 ~ ),.c• ' wr;re read and a,7rav., , aS retarded. - , ? / • J r ~ J.E.°,~ I r~TZ+ P.H,C,! I?14s, O,E .D H~ ~ ; , ~ U P1T• P},,T.,,,ASCN, I ~G,POPE• `>T.D+CiAN . iiAY EARNS iAI`vETT~ , F ' E Y ~ `t t n - ' fLD,5htnll« E.L.AsH ~ ~ ~ .on r,at~;ar. 02 ..r, Prasl. ac~railded o'; I•"r. !;alerruvr. ,bores tfr:rr^htvra,, rolecsed fror, t a : 1 E L.~~.,xRSHaURN. `T .OaoA t~10PJ. n , , 1 he p yment I . ! R l ,L .PERRY. a'1,L.CLE.tr^ONS•C;l1.S,'`E.i;TKItdSDtli ~ ;r- , ~ i! T..„JACOBS. ,.I, l! i n „ a2 fit' } y d ; ~ ri 2 : S.CaAIC, ,.H,P,;~.iLL ~ ! co,~ n x%.,.71} in~rrost tirc,rued nr~ east tIJO h,E .t. let E-?_, a.n trlocx ~~1EJf~ ~.n tLo name I Cn+l. _ . ,.H05T • J,r.'r~UDSOPJ. J).H,SP:ISTH. JtJG,i~ItdiGN JnV15+ r c' . • r,C','•CRLNSTEF,D I~'. T.r~.S r _ of ,'rica.l~a Pa ~ ° ; ~ t a C ,RtTT• ;,.(1.BEAV ! u lm,r,' an n..c,ount of .,.ror in ,a..linJ, to en rt•o t1l}~ st~zd tat to l.a , 'rEri,ht who ' EAVES+ , J.F.~ENTGN. ~ OR H q• .I,L,CAATER. P.?,1t.FINKELSTLIh, ' ' ! I 1 1 S.f3,50RD AUX „ arc' ~ , ~ E !;'r!.11.rtIiJLAW. D.~!,FAG ~ P' nt~~Fd'i;he salts u3~, 1q+Il, 1Q~'~• I ' • E• C.C,CHEATHAtJI. L,S.opLGr,10N. J.E,'f~tALKER. ` O,a,NACLEY• , I t ' ~ ~1. J1,L.Uo~HER. HARRY V4REEN, E,H.HEU,'ETTE. " ' T.C.Jof?DAN, '!.AS I r , „ I. TEFA.JO. 4.L.3RINE~,, ELr,ENE ,}Ot:Etd, , i J, ~ ,CRE,{."7s 5',~,AD' i~4 . ' ~ '.n Alinlicatian to y ~ e. ~ f yi„ A s EDV,.HUHN• J.L. t ~ ~ a r, n a +~ransfer license to se_1 veer at ,~eabrr.ez.e to _,ia (,arUlir.q Iioacn ,laa~, submitted ; ' i r.T ,q ,!r n KJO„ E.r,,,A9SON, r,.N.CHE„RY. ;,,D,;;RENPhER, , by RiC} ~ y . c i.r i., i ~'I'i ATI'I~$, J Te, U7GH• U.I. ' R ~ n , i, lard iE(lli.fll ti!R„ lt,arln m0~lan Of Iiz , (,ale„~n aecancled r,' 11 ..Sl;? r'tiiltfd, ! I ~ LARSGrv, ~.F, . u ~ ~ , , ~ ~ E, t; I;tON A. HUNT,. t,, .,,.Lu,4,,DEN, J,L~,;ARSHALL ?~•rIE!~JRY !TILLIA.,15, ~ ! C,'d.T~l ,J ~ ,,;.F,CRE[:CH, MLFRED TIJOPJ'PSGP`,',7 I I" J .ALTER +ll, i~,C ACNERN~ p ~ , A resort was received i'rorl Jas,lle~lker.210& ital for_I''ebrnar~ and filed... : , J i I THE h'•ECTIi`JG THEN ADJOURPED. ,I: ~ rol_;ort oft n i- ~ , ha Ladies R..st ,Zoom Car~lT,t,oe for rebrunry was rereiv~;ci anti and„rid 1alc:rl. ~ii ' i ~ /C, " -.T~ CLERK. _ r I. A reallest far cld ustment of the beak taxes due on the rc-;ert~,~ of P:~lr;r Allen L<;oilard Floc ~ , tend` he iioirs of Jtioab Leonard'.?flock ~=tS~ vrclrc u~an ~iotian of I"J•. Caled,!~rt secnuilad b~~ id Tra ' ' fI' J I i d EK, ~ ; rLf 4 I, i , rr,,, ' l: ~ tc the {,ninrnztt~~o r,t„ newer`to act. ! , .~iLMINGTON, h,1, C., ','LARCH ~Tti 1e4,., _ ~ ; ; % f . ~ i I 'Upon rrwtion of l;r C r, -er r crd o,; j,j rlask e: bL11 far ,El l cat) e ~ `I ! THE REGULAfi ~J.' K r . T ol~man, 5 ,e.,d r ~ 7 pr mwm on rl~icl~.t_onal >.tsurance E L .1CE,1NG OF-THE =GAF,D 1lA5 HELD AT ?:OO F. o?i CoJrrc-; i ~ , I i , ~ i I nity I:osntal, Ilurses Iicirne Utu: contents,and bailer ,Tause,vrith the Atlantic 1,utual.I•..ro I rf Ins,~rano , e Camnan ~ was a> >roved for ~~il~r:~ant.' II (PRESENT: r4DDiSON HEtVLETT CHAIAP9' + Pry ^ 5, 11 , .xh a_0. r I ~1ARSDEtJ aEtLAMY, ~ RASK, AS• HALL, L.J.CGLEMAN AND hGI;NTY r?TTGFINEY !I , T! fall 1!6 tr n r ~~++l r] to t'~.ilil 1'rar i tinn of It;.. lrnsk, s,.conded b r i+lr, Ca] omen, Ca mtv i> dos.. e rdpz,roved M, rl f . .or lr., - , , ~ment. THE r,1ErTING ,JAS OPENEL' S41TH i'RAYER UY i'~R. Jr1AJE5 P. PtiCuUERE• I + ti i I ~ 'i On i t- - ~ ~ ~ , ~ mc,t_an, t,,o hoard. went an record; aFrpi avin~ subh amenclm©nts to the t+ct cr,+ntinE; ,,ho City ~erilzg I, I THE ,INUTE~ GF ~ EETING GF FEBRUA,RY ~bTN, 1g4~, P+EkF READ AND ~ r ~ , 'i~ APJ?ROVE>~ As R~GGRllED. Comr<lyssian to inccl~.;de ltew Ilanovdr County, for tho ~lraldor suF,arvislon of l~axrnl natchesg cad a,;he sine " f f w i, as referred to The County Attorney to confer wzt}; ,~r. II. Edmund Ro~ers,a nenher of tho Comm~:ssa,on, G~PON tiOT i 0N, DtDLY SE CGNDED> ROBE,ST TATE ANB ;'d I FE CAP R ' . c , G c t rJT Gf , , , E F-.A, TOW,J.,HIP, ?l~RE GRANTED A,! ABATE `E encl Work out sUCh am . ;t SEA d Lill their maV Z'inc'. neadsSar~1. r e*Tdzsents to he i i TAXES bN A VALUATIGN GF "?00.00 „ ~ „ j. i , F ~ I .fit 0~ ACRCo OF LAh,~~, ;;CGTT & JARRETT~ FGP, TIJ% YEAR 1,x-4 TAKEN OVkR I BY .THE aOV~RNhi,.hT FOR AI!pPGRT "rURPOSCS+ l' L-Ei, i,.,en act~oura?ed. , THE SEAh1AP. S F~?lEND SGGIETY t,AS 1JPGN OTION GF ' FPS I ; µ ~ ~~LEMgtd, SEGOtJ~EU BY,"R. TRASK AOATEJ AU I I~ OF ;17.0" TAXE5 CHARGED AGAi ~ ~ ` Clerk. ~ % NST ITS PROPERTY IN Pe:ASONBGRG TOt7NSHIP ~ ~ IN GG"!SIDERATID" : FOR THE YEAR 1}4,, i GF LEASING THE SAID PROPERTY TO THE ,I„ COUNTY FOR wNA PURPO5ESJ THE COUPJTY HAVIrtG AGREED TG AS~Uh9E iNE ~ l TAXES (iJ LIEU GF RENT DURING TEiE PERIOD THE LAND 1'!AS' U5 D r' ~ „ ~ R 5HIPYnRD , E BY ,vY,~ FOR INuUSTRIAL' TRAIPJI,JG FO r ~ YlORKEI~S ~ ` _ ; . ' - i i I 'I UPGN htGTIAN GF r.jt: CGLEtJ1AN 5ECGNL~~ ad ~ 4710' BY I.R. HALL, _ ~At;1ES CGLUIN, IrJDIGENT° GI1`i-ZEN, i"dAS GN `?E~Ot;~„E'1D I I 1 OF'THE SUPT., GF PUBLIC %'iELFARC 'y" ' r • , AD ,ITTE~ Tv-THE COUNTY ,:OtmE AS AN INtvIATE+ : ~r. I ~ THE SACK TAX CGLLECTOR REPO!` , _ ,TED. wG, .~7 CGLLECTEL' FOR 1'HE COUNTY AND 3~,,1j7.4G FGR THE CITY fOR 1 THE' PAfltJTN'-0F FEuRt,IARY, ! i~ it i I I ;l, ~I 1~,, ~,'i !~i ,I , i„ ,I er ~ i'-r i' , i , r-. , , " , rl, ~ r mss: '~EETIh?G OF FF.f~RIJAR ~ Q~ 1 Y 6TH, Ji G'?NTIN}TED. , t ~t . 1 w Pn~4 ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ,4 P,EETING OF .AIRGH ,NTH, ' ~ )r CONTIPrUED•= , : " 1PO1a r,fGTi ON OF y'R, TRASK~_56COPJ iWD;`BY i,k. 'CGLE,UAh1 TH ~ ' ' ' , E HE l ra OF OHN 'LARGO, CAPE EE AR t r, ' ' ' ABATED w~,00 :TAXES Ora'FEh~sAkE DOG Li"- TOSJN„ • s,. ' „TED IsJ E"?ROR fOR THE YEAR 1~PQ=~'. NIPt pJE~' r~~ t i E REPORT PRr., „RED BY THE O, F ' G 0 " OF A u E F TH LNI t A DOPY E .TED a.ATE3 r~EALTH SERVICE ON SURVEY h,IADE AT i t~, • UPO;'J ''OTIO(J OF .•~1. T~^ ^'r „ R GUEST OF THE l',lAYOR OF "I~LLMINGTON:APlD HEALTH QFFICER OFT - ' r THE E , Ht JOARD OF HEALTH, I.AS REC,.IVED _t_COsf;EL„9Y R, -:HALL 1T WA5 AGR E B! r , !I r,,,SK, , ~s i E A ' 1!', ` _ 70 HE aQARD FOR ,THE CITY AND Ohi tr1gT l ON OF }+:R • MALL., F i LED FOR RECOkD, It.~ I dG • ?0'J TO JNSTALL PAFiK1NG tilE S P t TER5 IN FRr,JT t L s OF q! OF `T?iE COUPJT Y ~ • , i ROP !t s ~ YON TH I,,D aT,.{ ,i,,l AFFI tIATiVE VOTE OF ~''>iR. TRASK EET SY ~ ; ' , ~'I , R, HALL APJD THE CHAIRMA"!,, !,,"R, GbLEh~AtJ V0 D r~ ' ~q TE NO A RE'~UEBT'OF C1T12EhJS OF THE ,!Y!?TLE DROVE ArREA FOR ttu1PR0VEMtNT 7Q .THE ROAD DRAIhJA^vE D1TCH-FROM i „I - ` ~ ` THE ~O„>D REFU.,ED v pN r i ~ ~ i'.ORGANtS STORE TO `THE PROPERTY OF D.CJDE''v1ANE °AS APPROVED .AND REFERRED TO THE STATE ~IfGHtVAY AND ' t I, T A , RJVE A PROPOSED BILL SUBJ.~IrTLEi E3Y.ti'.L,rARM R hiEETitdG awl r~ E FOR TFIE'EOARDS C r ORKS COEa+11SSlON,T4 hiA1tE THE CORRECTION. i .GN51~ER -FUBLIC YI OF FEEtr, IARY 1,TH, 1~'4li THAT VtOULD GIV" , ~ ATi } ~ t THE vOUNTY CO..,,l (Sa IOPd n , 01, A ' , , Ek,, AND THE CITY COUPJCIL i T ' { TO RELEASE ANI)-D! SGHARGE ALL TAXES> 6UH I CH NAVE Av^G!J"dULATF.D , r n f A,1 ~ j . AGAIN,T THE ~RIUGERS _ THO~Ii .~7.. ~ F ,t t4 I ,J PURCHASED 0Y PRONE;iT Y ! .RT .4,.5 kEC_1 ,LD FROt ThE STATE ''BOARD OF CHA!<ITl S AND P ~ , 7HE AtgERIGAN:LEGiON BLOCK %t`14O ~ r; r Y RECENTLr ~ Rc E UBLIG._:d,.LFARE `,40,II:JG THAT ,,,~,~;.9+00 i. J , BUT DID, ,U, ON ,.10T1ON -0F s. ft. TRa o. L` ~ ~ , "GO ON RECORD 5Ki ~ECOPJD E'^;EPIT,TO'7HE ~OUNTY'FOR rhE ~1vWTH OF FE.,P,UARY'FOR OLu btG A~ T n .t ~ r ~ r I G ,lA., E rS15 ANA IL D R • n ED BY h~R, CO t t., TO EPtiNDEPJT CHILD tN T A PrROVE A F3lLL THA7'1JOULA'GIVE`THE COUtJT`r GG,^,4~11SSIOPJERS TH , LEAti, ..i 4 I APPFQ PR1;AT I ON ' OR DON r. r< r„ E R I.,H7 TO sViAt,E tit ~ APJD .FOR AD"~ I PJ I SiTi?A T I O'J , ,i ! AN ~ , t T 0~i, ?0 THE nfrcrRIGAN LEGIGN IN GOh1SIUEkATIOPJ'OF SERVICES i ''r' ; 1i, 71ii s- T .ILL FIEND c MEN ;THEN THEY RETURN FHOM THE PRA- ER , '1 LSE NT ,lORLD COPJFLICT+ S..AJICE , c ~ r c ~ 1 "~•ar e F ~,.C.:IVEJ FO>3 DEG,.UBER ANll JANUAP,Y FrAM v,YP,;ES "TALKER HOSPITAL AND ORDEriED FILED. ' Jr,TJ 47._f c, - A REPORT OF THE LA ~ DIEo EST r,00Pv! C..:rMITTE~ FOP JAhJUARY tvAS REGEIVt:D Atdll FILED. ' RFPGRT OF THE ~U!`{EAU OF (DEh•:TIFiCATiOfJ FOP, I'E[1R.UATY °,rAS R G )J H E EIVC ANll FILED. i fl REt~UEST OF 'L ~ f , IZtic ~.,iITN :~Oi AJ,J'."";T ,'!T .;iF .~,;E ~~,+h12,,,C NP,CK , J TAXE5 DUE Ohd PROPEr~. n_r ~.P OF 7HE AGTIVITJES OF THE CO 0 nt,1: ,q n'<'. riA UPOh1 ,.fOT(OW OF C: R, CUL;.P,iAPd 7Y 1.a .tLOCY, 4GC a 3C GRT L ftC N, E DC.©,..7,:„T ION AG,.tJT FOR FE1,#kl1ARY 4JAS RECEIVED AND ,_SEGONDED pY ~.,n, TRASK~ REFERRED TO TH „ i Yi;,g , "'7 Q ~ !+,T. C CO.P,11T7EE 4, , r-,~ OR , UFPLI r US D h n.~rq , , - ~ Tlr POIJt.R TO PAY.+1~t.T5 vF ,+a ~3 F S E~ C 17 ~tJ~ r ACT, t"..UNSTnAT i0PJ5 A,JD FOR REPAI R, AtdD RI SBO~J FOR TYPc1JR ITER q , .t t1E. RE. i,~'!~POVE IJ,. ir;R+ EDViARD ~JEAVER J/ET R ,r i E AN 4F 'HE ARP,IED'FOP,CES, :.AS !,(~Ohd OTIOhI 4F ...F, TRASK sEC;rhJd.E:, w T;R. RELEASER FROhvi-:*NE PAY!.7EPJT OF',?'?,/'! C4 r LE~,1 j ,rJ C05T ACCRUED OPd BACK TAXES DUE 0"J LOT ~2 G n.; APIs. r' !'P r` p s -r. n J~ p i?41 ln~'?` APJD 1 4?., , ~ LEPJ hR~~E}!' FORT . Tt+E FOLLO„I,JG .,0, OPJ, rE~E kEvENTc.. BY THE trCJUNTY AUDITOR Ma HAVIPJG ~.EEN PP,ID AND tlEn•c BURNEll IN tr i 9 HE YEP,Rg ,T f . I ' THE.. rR~ 3EPJGE C7F 7HE !,GNRD: f' Ii UPUh 'P ; ' ' I 'I J AOTI ON OF h'R, TRASK, SECGND'?D BY ":"R. P: ! , - v+ , k LI,LE.IAN ~ , ~ i L,., ITIA ,,,AI,aPJcf, GC!LOF;ED IPDJGEhJT CIT r< , ,~CI~U~L ~ , ,I IZE,1> ~thS ON ,vn t R';GOt,ii.'E,Jt1NT !ON OF THE'SUPT, OF PUCiLIC ...._..r n / r , c s FLFARE, Atu'D UPOtJ 'IOTI-0fJ OF ,.!k~ TRASK, SECOhJI~.u ! PGtJ 'r,}, ~ BOND t0• TO ~6 , ,0 C ..Y s ~R, p , ' COJ 7J ~ ~7 0 !R ~u~rCO GRANTED'ADMI4SION TO 7HE ~CUIJPJT'r f-+ + r. C LEMA,J l,i... ,O,dE AS A,d IPJt.1ATE, s n u ' u u i tt r tt t~ J~ ~f - ~7 13~7r zo6.~; , a r, ~ ,t tt UPON Pv',OTIDN OF RJR, TRASK SECONI; r . i ED EY ~,:R, I.OLF.,v1AN, EMrttTT L! rTLETON, ?10 SGUTH CvTh It n n ft r n d II 0 4 1G ~ 73 aS.cC , ~T~EETt ttAS QN , RECO,?h~fJi,ItTION OF THE SUPT.' OF PiJBLIG "'ELFAFE GRAh,IE,. ' q n "ISSIOhJ T'u' THE: COIJhJTY HGh ti 11 It ~ n , '•1 1 i ,w,~, IE A5 A PAY P 7 1.,1 X00 'jC 10.00 700.U0 AT .;JII )a0O PER '4OhJTH e T IEPJT A R • ' u 7 n ,t ' 2~ ,f ,~,C!0 - 1 10.00- 1;?O.CC I a 7 tt 3>~~ tt 3'0.20 t+ ~,,7:.- .co .co _ 1! UPOPJ ;;.OTION OF ~ R T_;'^' ~ n, r^~ G. u ' . i , A~h~ SCCLwL,,u „f ~.;R. „ALL THE uvArL R'cr - ; r I~' GRAPJTIPJG l'JI!. i^ i ti ! L.,~I"t.Jt;D ITS .tGTICNJ `vF 'E ,~'"AhY TF I~!}; LIAM ;E CCJtR Ab, AEATE,.IEP;T Or" TAXES ON A VALUn! iOw OF .,JCa, I'' , ON ':!A ~ ~ F '~iFtr 'O OF THE ~0 !JUI;,~;' i l n C~~lftT 11 ~I:~F ,P H I PJERY L I oTE.. FO!R THE YEAR 1"'44, q,,II F l XED THE SA(;'E r,T vOo r r' t a _ 'J~~tJ uC r, J~r ;iP,'' A.,_ATw~. ..T '7" VALLATiG,I OF : G ~aU „ "E" TAXE~ ~,!i COUFO r`a• ~OFJ~ (~b.1~1 TD - (<<~~.CC1 '0.00 ' A ) T d i. •,.C „AS Or,Dcnc !t tt tt tt n ~n n ~ nw 1!,, ?C~1 ,_v3 - ~ ~,.OG 17.00 - T 210 ,~1~•--.~ - ~ .00 .drJ ~00.C0 . I L:f OP! .~c,T o,J of r,, ~oLE.`aA.J ; r5 ,a ~,1~.0d , „ T , r y w.E vOPJwED aY ',+1s J T+{ASK, THE C!;A i R~.'A,J !,4 A., n i + r. , t . ; I G ,I _ED TO iJAle ~ siEV15EL JURY a LIST PRE PaREr A5 Rt~~UIP ,D j k ~ " LA:'l. { _T!^e t.fT;ETJNC~ THEiJ ADJOURP'JED "y, y" i~ '1 I}PC:J ',^..710`1 n ,_L`ULr :EGOsr_,CL ,.~t,.,~ . , , t ; , y ,.,,,t„Y UJ..LS ;0,;, Jr. 1 TG x."14 i "'r i _ ...j .+ErsE A!'rROVED FOF la v II A E(JT. .-/-7 ~ .,LERK, ' ~I f TuE FGLLO:+iNG. GOOD APJD LA47FU ' , ~1' L ,.°EtJ ti`ERE i?r~AVlt~ TO SERVE AS J!J ;ykS iN THc. ,~iUP "R ~ , E POR 'COURT FOR THE TAIRL GF i ' CCUIL CASES FOR t"LEEK r3ECIP:PJLNG',"ARCH 1? C I~ _TH, ,1,4~. T ~ RAY PETERSON, f H I i(ilPninE'ton .J. C, r }larch 1~th 1cJl r , ~ i ,.vEtVELL, E,R.SCHULKEN, J, D.,YOPP. .u ng„ !c ~r r, , s ~ , , , ~J J`•E•NEARN, ~^,r,H N I E ,,.,.L!,,,ON._ .„F?,~,diTN, ;,L,•,O,O2E,41AN, ! . , E RY. DoE 0L€rJDEPJI,ti E..PuAnK JR. ~ . i J,F,I'.gURRAY. J,E.L ;t i r JND,t,.DAV,lS~ J,A, R ~ E IS , ,.r,PUGHI T}1&'+^~- 1 HIL(: JR. n. u_etr vreor~l~i meet~.nF of t}ie rlaar!i vrf~s h~lld at •00 ?.i!1. "i =T• LE,115• T,EArsLE A'r"J.ENw,.,a•Cu:.l(4ltris. Gr ~ f c0 IARShALL`1t„ PG , 1 I i j P.F,F05TER. FULTON t>CS'?111N. l~.G.SKiPPER. J,J,P " , ` t n A ~ n TT,.R i i OoIt,50,J,n•C,s.~U~„EL1,HITE• ri.l..J ND r' t ' u ,p, A LIN, G..,,.vENKINS" ~ j S,B.HOYr rR.;,.i11LLl t^4 t, ~ prC5°n~7 d(1 SOrl ;!el'rlett (',}1ftl.rmlin (ie0, 'r'l, Trtlsk L.J.[i010;;3i"1 £trtd C;OLi:1tl AttOrnB~ ]gftrStlUn t~O11ftTR , fi S,JR, E „I.CLE,,.Pri0N5+ P.,.~, ~ ~ ? ? y• ~ Loty.-- L.L,,'doaD. J.N.RAGKC~Y, G.~~,}~ n L J.C.ALANTO?J. `".r~ !a , ,I 9L EN ICIPvG. .,UGH ..OP;G JH,' '1.5.CLARK; f, n , , ~ ~ n 4 I'. „ t ~ D•r10'tlhP'J. !`,.v.isiED, t t I ~ i. ~ D.F.,,AT75• c - ,ELY The ;,ee+' . 'v E Y,YoOT~hJ, L.H, J 1 Wrn, rat•J <)~,;n,~ri vrit'1 arri.vor b11 thn everund ft.l+heelar n^'tor c!f tha ,tttntar bark l,iethodist 1 J / ;i' LUIS. 1 P I f i i, %hurcn. 1 : AND FOR 7HE TRIAL OF GRLMJhJAL GASES fOR }I i 7 E ..EEK s.EGL,:N IhIG s,~ARCH 1a H ~ , . ~7 i 1,~+)' T~ ;^lnnt°a 01` maei,i.n,^ of I~~lrch ri;l: 1=),'1`I vrnr© reT~d rind R ~ravs„ ns revardel?. `J,~',~,11NT2, p.,ni,P,;11LkS, Q.C`, Oa', n DURH,dT. R..¢«,ASOPJ. T,G,POPE. ',l.D.r F r n iT+ , 1 t,t' ~t r . ~rANc`t TAY „AR„ES A,.GE 1 r + _m E•L.ASH s n J.,~On; . 0~'pr? Of .fir, Eras}' rJOCO'ldtJd b'" 1:"r^, t.alOr1fin ,h0! f1S r{• Yfr':1:'ht P1rX:i r018P3ed '7r, t1f? i E L.A.!,,,,fi5Hi3URN, ' J , ftc 1 1 ~ ,merit R T.0.9ALt,10N C E r-'..L.PEhRY. 'r"T.L, L i'tAONc,('!-~ cI " k i, T.,,, .JACOE3o, ,J.S.CRA'i • , u (T r ~+r r al ,y~O,C~ cuAt an x . + c ! n ii' ~t t ''J n of ti ~ , . I G , •H • 1 LL I C,t;., ~ . + n , , d $~"7~J ul uerast a ,cr.led ~ in., he iL , t. 1 1 >.n lack 1E3~, ~:n the nnrne , ~ , r. - GbSr, J,_,.H~D.,GrJ. D,I~.SP,1¢Tx JP,a.!~Ir!aiJ ~AVISr ,it„~kiNSTthD ;tr, ~ _ ~f rr; ~ P t -r t Cd.IEr;Ri7T• R,C.BcAVOR.._ ! „ ical.lri .nlm,,r, rn n,c,ount'af e.ro., in fs,lxrl, to ane.rle thb sJ11T. lnt to 1„r ,rr>,,,ht vr,lc? ~ I'' ~ ~.H.t~EAVES. J.F.gENrohJ. h R BORDEAUX ,INLA,J. T L~OARTER, ,~;.FINKELSTEIN, it _ ,"1 , ~ U ,lr " l~,^1.P . ; ` (J11rC}l&u£d ,t}1GG ;ir1110 'JFt' lrlt}1 TrjC r' AuE C.G.CHCATNA~+~. ? , I , L ~,~o' n"ON J C •'JALKER. 0 1t' LEV. f i A.L.D05HER. i~ARR t c , ~ ._,.,~Htt Y ~aREEN. E.N.Hc1,ETTE, .I.C.JORDA _ , r c• ~'a , l.,i.,TEFA,JO, 4 , r n N' !.~.t;,RlhEn, BUGrNc ,~al!Ei;, J,I •CRE,IS• rtn a,n ~ ~ A _ , 1 G NDAP.tS, EDt.,Hu ti, ~ r, l lceta.an tt, ,,rar.sfer license to-.,e11- be„r fit .,E,abreeze to ,Jna t,nrulir.:~ Barren !load }ubmitto H J.L.KiJGX, a' ~ ~ ~ ~ i d ll E c.+;.A.BSOPJ,' : ,,,fJ,CHERRY +,.0.-.,RtHtrtR~ n I~,~il'!,'o~AT 1 IN5, •rJ ,FI '1 bSJ.-.}?:5 „ ~ r tJ.i t - J ! . t.TGH ~ G, l . ~ o : .chard rlnll.er ua,: u,)on z-1ot Lan of- 1-r. Cale.nan, .reaanded b~ r. dr..s~;r •rtrrlted. LAft„OPJ, n iJ A ...f , I~UIvT. l~.id• , r ~ P,~ + - r ~ t> ! .t1,,L LJt,1.;UCrv. J.L,,,AP,StiALt ,'t.I~~ENRY'+'~lLLIR!dsl; ! I.,ON, R,, L;, REEON. nLFt,EDTliG,iP50N.''`IALTER iVl, ifs-CEAGHERN. - . ,i r I r A rc:part was received froJ1 Jz;s,lnikt;r l:ospitRl for 1?ebruflry and filarl, , , THE hf'.ECTIhJG THEN ADJOURNED. _ , repart_of the 1,~dies R+vst r?anm Cuumti+,tee far t~ebrufirv ~=raa recf;ivod nnrl ordT)r~d f:11ed. i ~f ji s N~ . - CLERK. ~ , - ~ renu9st i'or adjustment of the back tclxes duo on the ri:75rt~r oP 1:ar~r tillan Leonard h.lock 0 i • and .the ioirs of J;1cab Laonard +)loc:k ,•;`F>LJ wut•e n)on r!lotiari r~x' i;z'. L"olcl,~n, saacinclc,ti b,,' ~1r. 'Pr.isk r' I , ~ f I ' ref~rraci to tha Cur~¢!littee lrit}l solver t~ net. 1 ~ ! ~ r r , i _ ; ~ ILAi1N~TONs ..,,t ,v1ARCH )T+;~ ltj4). i l tenon crwtion of ' ,T r r ' ~ is ,'P a.s fi b' 11 for i`i3' 'rat r ' ' { ~ 7 ~ P,r, CaLmT~n st,.andcd t) r. r k ~ ~ 1, remiurl an a 9rlat.antrl >.asura ? , / P ace ! ' THE REGULAr~ ,!'EEKLY h.IEETING OF THc OARu UA5 HELD AT ' ' arl +1a,n}ln:ity ]las;iitttl, llilrses tome and-contents,nnct bailE;r house,with the Atlantic t~lutufll.H'ire I ' ! n car=e Carman was fa, 1 lroved far. )a-ncrtt• f i I~RES~PJ7( ADDI +S lri3ur Y, 11 ~ C 50N E14LETT vNAI Rt.4/1N CFO • n. R, ! t, i ' T ASKS JAS. P,". HALL, L.J.CGLErAN AND COLiPJTY ;;7TORPlEY I :+,ARSDE,J BELLAr~1Y, yy 'iPC'1 mcitian m h ~ , b • , t 1,' of )n: track, 5000.'ldf:d bV 1+r, Cal t,man, ,Otlnt~ s t , .U3. 2t11~ to ~J51 lrvra .tit}Ur00Cd T h4 ~ F n r for,p:Symant. d, HE E 71NG .9aS OP_NE1; 1aITH rRAYER rJY sptR. JA,UES B. 1c1GUERE• jl j TH .:.INU c tJ ~1 ar motion, the Aoacd.went,on record a1 iovin subh tirtendmonts to'tho,,,ct cr ntul t,ha Cit ~axin ~I' 1 P E G Y 1'; E TE.~ OF CET I NG OF E URUP,RY ~ JH, _19q.~i fJERE_ READ FND APPR ~ r C ' . ` ; I ; r ,OVER AS R~COR~ED. omm_ss~an to ~.ncl~lde IJety Hrulovar Launt fc>r the ro)nr su envision of box.:n natcl~us cad ~h5 s~i:e I~ ty Y, ~ P I P ~ f , ~fl .referred to Thrs County. AttarnA to confer =,v? ~h ;.r, Lr,rrund Ro ars,cl nerlber of the Comm9.ssion y ~ , UPON ',90TIOhJt DtJLY SECONl)ED~ ROBERT TATE AND ';JJFE CAP OF . u, t E FEAR T04'JPJSHIP flcR R N D hJ' ?,DATC!.?ENT !fn(1 W , E G A rE A arl out such amendr~ants ta' the sfeid bill than may find nc;cessar?, TAXES 'N A VALUATION OF_;r'?OO~CO O;J j AORES OF LAND i IF 5C01T & ~ _ _ N QUER ,I F, c i JAhRETT} r OP, s Hc. YEAR 1,~ TAKE BY THC ~OU~RNM~PvT FOR Ai~PORT PURPOs~ _ ' ..ES. t, ~ Len Tld corned. J TFIE SEAti1APJt5 FC{ICND SGGiETY VAS UPGh ~ II, ~ ! ,,OT 1 c } I ,I It.N OF -R, .,OLEMANy SECONvEL' BY ~'Rs TRASK,'AnATED A!d-IT-~ QF ~17,0j TAXES GHARG!<D AGHiNST (TS PR P PA _ '10`; ---..~:~_____=-i~,.~_ Cler}. I 0 ERTY, IN ,t,A50NBOR0 T0;"iN C ~ !,i On51JEgRs SHIP FOR THE"YEAR 1~4~, i., C I OF LEA5I~JG THE SA ID Pr'tGPE TTY TO THE,COIRJTY FOR (v1Y"` r THE } h PURPOaES• THE COUPvTY .HAVING AGREED TO A55Uh1E TAXES JN LiEU uF RE N7 DURIPJG THE PERIOD THE LAPJD t"!A5 U5ED BY "vY,a FOR INDU"Tr11 L RAINIPJG FOR SHIPYKR+r ,i VlORKCRS: ~ A T i "j ,i UPON F10TION OF htiR. COLEdAN SECOhJ'i'" , •a + `i!•!' ' " ~ cD,E3Y LR+ NALLs JA,AE5COLVIPJt.INDiGENT G17'IZENt t°,ASOPJ RECO~~,,t,E,JDn OF 7HE SUPT., OF'PUBLIC ,rELFArft: , , A A,iTTED TO THE COUNTY ~'OME AS AN INhiA7E• ;s ! n- i ~ TilE BACK .TAX COLLE GTOR REPOR ~ ~ i' TED ~ji6~ •~l ,COLLECTED FOR THE COUNTY ND ~r, G c ? HE CITY.FOR ' a THE t::7N7H OF FEt3RUARY . ' A r~~i1~(•4; , Ol, T Ii ! ~ , ! ~I r i i ~ ,;1 . 1 I 1! jf ~ I a, ,~y\~ I ;s= - , . . _ > _ , i l . i) l~ ti ~ {r. r'~ - ~ - - ^ , 'rt~ILPdINGTON i'd, G. ~,~AR~ C ~ ~ f ~H 19rH, 1,x.7. i `i i,, I; ,Islmanl,ton11, C.,hpri,, ,jril, 1y),j, 1' ~ . d THE REGUCA~ WEEKLY trEETING OF THE BOARD WA ' ;t,~' 5 HELD AT `3:00 P,ir, c ~I!' want i;a races, .Pura takn~c iiandny, rnri). ?nd, ~~t5; the. '~'et,~rd r~~et: r,,t ~;Oi) 'J',M, , I,i RF.6EidT• A>aI)130N HEWLETT GHAIWMAN~ GFU. TRRSK t~AS~ "d1, I'{p , , ' f LLy L.~1.I~OLEMAtI AND.. COUNTY 4L'•' AT dri'stln }lvvrlel~t c;nair:run Uct .r ~ ~ , i P;~nR517_ PJ !;E:I,LAMY, ~ $P,rlt, A I• , U• . Zl ask ,IEt.,. l,l, 1,fi1 i r I~ - : TOrZiJEY re ~ ~ , 1, rlat,(,Etrrtror L.,l. ,aler~rtr. ,,nd r 6' r'' ' r? a t1 ' r Colrnt;, Tttorney lt..rs t,n Erllarw, .1111.., H(: MEETING WAS OPENED 1+ITH PRAYER r~Y THE' P,i.VEREiJD I'.R,~EVHEELER p r r t~ s AoTJR OF ,JIWTER BARK P' d .,f•} ,r CTHODI m min was n en9_ , t,}I ravor_hv tnv navarend Ph ~ . ~ „ 5 e ma P Ills Co , F ' T CItURCH, .h L P . p Ivy , r a. nor of tntj t,nr,o l oar J r r<sl,?tvraan ~ THE MINUTES'OF P~9EETfNG OF D,q r t?affitt Villene, . Chtrr.h, tr { ARCH s~'Tli~ 1~4~~,W'ERE READ AND A PROVED AS RECORDEii, a- ~1 I , . , FON h.10TIGN`OF aR.-TRASK S C ° ~ . r (:1 ~ E ONilED ZY {oIR, HALL` THE ~U HD r,^ ' ~ Tha m,lnntrs., rjf meeti.rt of „arch 2r'ttn. and .April ~rd,l,,)l~, wort, real and. a„rovtic. a,c racor,lecl. ' li , j A CO.:b11T,ED IToELF TO THE P e i URCHA„E ACRES OF LRND IN ,THE RO OF I 5E NILL 5ECTION OF CAPE FEAR TOWNSHIP~'AT A REASGM '~PRCXItiiATE ' RULE PR LC lY r ~ ~ , nt , : , • !I. I II ~+GVE['NMENT; FOR E "7 r t , I' II : A P,AD > O , C _t.,r sn:, u. d } t ~ . Iv ,,r, U, dr , ~ 1 BE LEA5ED Tp ° til,an r,.r,t~nr cat i.r, r or ~ Ier, ra nrranl,r,rtont cIf tht,'t,if,,;,,, in thEt .,herr,fls 10-RANGE SITE AS A NECES5ARY ADJUNCT TC ~LEUTHENTHAL AJRPORT, ~ THE j _ offico to provida: F.dditianal o~`'IicE;;slse.r,e, ~ic..r Eru°l~:cirizod. 1 ' f r ! ; ' ; ('~rR • •r"'JATTS APPEARED TO FURTt R P' i tiE3C> H Is CLA IrU THAT THE 1),a~ TAXES. ON LOT ~ C'~ „I ~A ~ 1 IN ~ , 1 RK,4dAS PAID APRIL 1~ C : E,LOCK 16 Sr yr s orGt, h' ire t.h•: nt,t~itrt~Gn ihnb tha ~nnd a! thta t' ~ c , . A GORD?,JG TO A TAX_STATENENT yE.ARCN n^ ~ JPI,ET It a _ hEtlrs of ,,kitty. tl~sle~, lots 1, P.©raer G THAT Dr,TE, MARKED f~ _ ? ~ , AJU Ild FU , a. " i, NlT(:AI.ED 3Y SOft'+EONE NOT EP.7PCOY D is LL .AND ? Gck HFIrnE~ut Torrrtr}ti ,was "old dt a Corinlius:toner., stela f r k°' ~ J p or tit,can I;G.,arnbt?r 1Ltrt, 1,1,x„ ~o tlnmvs E I N .THE TAX OFF I CE ~ UPUN RJOTi 0tJ OF, r !R. TRASK , ,I„ THE. P.,A7TEt; JIAS R F RR D r ^ s EGOrv~.E~ ICY ~;R, ~ ,r, 5U CiU Tt n: sC a; ea ~ ~ r. r r LOLEp.1AN - 1 , Ip rvn hay tha tr.!daw Gl Lha,,,,,,J:a„lays has era iou.l~! p;ttd tht,-taxes E E TO ,HE COUNTY r1TTO:9NEY FOR 1NVESTIGAT IOE'!. E dixori f~,r .,l}. v n , SC1ti ~~E'.x Sit it l;ut .~},r, #,r.~y l1'2"Cri ' t , r i { due thti County t:onerdd by i Lnnlvartently'faxlcd t+I c,, t,dtit ,lie ,i l ' ' A RE nUE c ~ ST FOR AN D , t rE , ri• ; r, + T . , ~ , 4 . " ,~x.,d p yrl.n~, ~t.fnr ,ht.r ,~l,r,t,E.,r~ carat .hc ~nira{ta;rrrr said sEEla has inl;ut•red some , A JU~T:~EN T OF THE LACK TAXES DUE OtJ T ~ P rc.c.aun~ l,_ .h r • hE ROPERTY OF G.A!v°)ARREN E3LOCK ~ 1~~ To 1a4 ~ 1 ~ a r , l . ~ , ) ~ LNG., WAS UPON .~OTIO~, ~ 3 ~ FOR TH ensa inric,arrt to .,xtat. a.tr. i,> clftrm~.r, raambu se trn~ r== OF R. COLEti1AN RE FERREI) TO THE GGl,U11TTEE WITH P E YEARS ex.}? ~ E, r rn fpr trlprovert,nt,, ttG eras r,iacly to t..e i li OlJ f , { !~,rl E 1 TG A(;T, 1rG':tE!rty, T}lE matt8r Yra" is ,Gn mOtl.an ai I':r, (rF.Lrdrtar' St;CUr1f19~} l,v l;c T'nc ~ r-`r+ • • t' n , , i, . I . i ~ r i L, rc,l.,rred to ,ha .otnt•? , ',i y PON MOTION OF ~,'R. COLEhAAN v,',,i 7 r as r nr ,...fat nryst_ tttton r~,_t.,,ttc ,a er t ,r CGGNDED a, R. ,RA,,K ;v:R..}iEruRY) R ~c,,ne,, z I, I .~i.., core opan.m tts to trhEt~ t.cllu;rt~rtent should bea made.. w ~ s !q .BELL +IAS GRAtJ , TED A REFUND UE<T : ~ r , „ - , ii, >r UtJ A UALUAT ION OF `~3 00.00 ON HOUR ~ AXES P r,, P„ amen .:.n.l 1.:r. Gax ~h.. 1, Ix a „~Ej,~s<ir wr n ~ , , t J s9 ..E CHARGE r, IN E"iROR ON LOT5 1r.; To 2 AID ...r. 1 , rrc named to appraa.sG tnv Ir7pravirr•,Eintu to the pt Unrr ty. 1 YCAR 'I~. 2, BLOGP, ~9 FORT FISHER FOR TH i r , L r~l;l, • ' i~ I .Iaa i','l.lltams,l orr'it3r ~uztrd itt t}l(t t;o~tnty J~rct-m n, vercd to Gtintrlain for :tiv~r.'° l,iren ciischt~r vri b , :i ' IP t, ~ Y - APr~LicATI r, 4 r r . f „ , C S FOR LOCEN.,ES TO rt ~ t ~ ,u >r.rirltartler> wz~}out st c 1153 Nr t ,c ~ r" r 'r v SELL ucER AT LOCATIGr! ~t ~ ,h, I J'a a , a, t} ,.r r•tataon of ..r..,ardnal .,at.?rtir3d b- Iir, Calerarln rE.forred , r . , I I AT S S GrJ ThE uAHOLINA "_!EAGFI (,OAD ,r'IRJGH EAGATE ~UDP.l ~ : TSVILLE C • ` ti.. t ITTED GY a)1 t.PJ ~ ~ EAGH.,~{ " t? fit t0 be nh at} - U k7'm n 1 .f. , IE uLAGKl,EDGEy" ART IE FAIRCLO,H. ANL IGH~pY a,!q ~o r. .c...x ve_ m Ch ,~.rtall to ..o,lit,l .rri.h ,,I . .,on- and rd.ort tc tho Board ,~t a y II ,TODD' RESPECTIVELY " P , 71;E SA!utE HA , : BEEN ~NiGRSED RY THE `7HERIFF, t9ERE UFOPJ J VIWG; subso >acnt-mucctin , J+,r, Cc1Ptn}tn and blr. }lall_vrare'narned to.ma t, NOTION GF .R. HALE, 5EGOtJDED E1Y is `l 6 kv t1, invvsta.,,atlon, R COLEh'APi, APi'ROVED, ~ I 1, ~ . ~ t a . , 'JN OF n,;t,0 ~r,1 r v n , , r a L„ ?iN SECGNr., . ; r~rr;uf ; o. o~tck to cal,,ca.•on., Far ;,r,t, ruanth ~ I; a r • yr , „ , . ,c i : r, P, a , r.l, tA., r. c~a.vt'd sr.ov,_nr E, ,J, rl .,al_t3c«ed r ? E BY IsIR, TRASY,, A-PEteUEST`GF ,.,R, ~iCr3t~A,D a ;)E ; P , ' 1, 1' r hE r1h,C R l CAN LEG N F ' Ni ~ T8 ,JOKp CGMIl+,AND , •i, , ,7 i0 U„T rb0, 10, FOR PER~.iISS7 P c r. t. ER i'o» thE. „!.ti, rtnd ,'Yi,t,.t,t.?~, for tho .,GUnt~• rtalcin~ a to+>`•1-of ~t5.1 ~il~' 1 ti , J , r I J o J Ta u,E LE~ Ic,J FlELli FoN THE f1 S ti E rx ~ ~ ~ r ICES F r A USEr., t .C pF, WEEK BEGINNIrlG ~-~ARGH LGTH 1C V;AS ~aRANTEu, EST ~OP.1PAiJY 9 1-'i ~.'.I~ ' b r~n a r 1 i.c~l`;;.nn far licFUSe to sill ltegr tEt loatti;an tlt Iiddlc ia,lttd s,l'nmittr~d 'rnr Jnci• not am L',' ,1 , , . . ?31 on } , i. ~.I j., POfJ ?r';7TiON U+F '?R. Cn car , L,_uAN s`'(`i171i ~ s ;..,r ~~r ~ enUarot.,...,, H}.8..}..f.?rlfa , ,Yti., ,l ,t)n ,lat~.r)n ,:,r, (,ardnc.r, IiBCQItde.1 }nr r,~r, t,Gl?:1t:rl rEtrttCd. i 1, x J C.. a,' Tr.A„K~ COl1hJTY ~a11:C5 ,;0 'Y•~r' ! ~ f, , I gPPROV D ; 5 ,_.J~~. TO fr y1 1hJCl.Uiy I hE~ ! E FOR: PAYP~EP,T • _ I: ',t_%E fi~ • ~ . • : 'i11: lil)[121 r"Ut}Cite al IAr, t,nrrlner, SCCinri,•(! l•~`, ~"r, Iis,,l`':mfln i. „i,l:,tiE'a 1tJ1(7 L1r1-'G t'tYanIIG Yra:i .rantAEt An _ , r , ~j, ~ THE '.cf-.TING t n * J , , r THEN ADJGUN,JED, t I • , 5 ,i. , . 1.1: ,,,aw,.,;r,t ~ rF r„ c, tr,:xcr;, cm ~ vt..Iattt'un t,2 ,~a(),QU hou,,eholc. Frio }„_tenE.n 1.unt.urtl lt.5tac} nt :100.00 a.n z d ` 11 P„rUr fGr t}tt; V9ar lr I , , l f ~~17. f I~ t.; - ---=-~J .....CLERIC, II `,I Ft fita~,.m~snt wi~s r•ecrtived 1`rarn the ;;tFity ~3aarr' of ChEirt,tic4 fuui l~ublla 11Hlfzu•e tittvi,s1n-` thEii~ ;);1,61 ,I I 1,'E ° f,> , J ~ f i, rYilmin~ton 15 t< I.~. ~ ~ °entto teas (Jnuntyfor t~id Pee I?ssistancE;, ttid'to llr„ortdarrtCh'ldroil nnil for Astr~lirilstr,'..tion ' ~ ~ 1 f ~ a °~r r~~n«h o>'l~arah. ' ,a,t r U , t . F, , i r IFS t~~;tllar wer:;r,ly rnevtlrtt;;oi',the 13aarr9 wh;, held at %:(1U 1'. 1.i a i" - , ! ~ i ! ^ r~q>>eEtt i'or nd,juctmant of th~~ h£tcF: trtxrts due'on ft}~iEr ro >nrt~r of tiu~ heir; c,f li.L.llnr "rrtvy blocl. I " Prvsvntr Ate<asan 1( yr r ' e lvtt Cht~irmun Ueo. !n7 , t,; r^n u~ I, r~ ~ E ` ~ , I'' . Trask. - , , ~1:°:r tClan 1!1r) ..QIi 4f Tlr, !i7tt'~r,..r, Sa ,an(1 , . J,! r,~ tialBmi~Y1, ri'i 01'r(Jfr C~ ~;hf3 1;h1'lld}f.tJC W'ft}', r,r7Y101' to , as. t. Hall L.J.Coleman and CGUnt~r ,:ttorr;,;y ' li, ,,arsden }(ellanry. ' Frc „ E ; f I The minutes of m _ , i! vt;tn[; of ]Parch l~rth, ;19)J~, vrGre road ra Pr,r, rtot;an of r'r•. Trask. sHcant.e,t h,r , Grtleman an Er7,rc tr...a~tan Gf P1 ?.l)U.CO Ira.> rnr t.ed mr t , , J 1 ~ Come a.t y nd apprgved ris reoar•llad. , ?Ic :tae to rltttc} a lik~i' amt7lint an roved bs~ 'felt C;:tv CGulc:tl far anda'•ent nut- gat e} s ra , . ; ._P . ~ } i ti, , ra, . E,r tna. , I. : Paymvn„ of t,.t!0 to }fort f: „ t' r Ir , , y .):alas ,.tr t'. o . i,,cnl ~ t.ar.end n ~ it Uth a n er t ~ r a rt ~ • , i ' t , 1' , f t}ie 11llrE,aU of Tdettta.f Ca , ~ J 7 I, J ria ) 1,.1)y arttlrt(~ 1 . l,pOr. .rtr rl n., 4y ,,n.,p ttat t ~.ir n.:.}.lYl(, this Naar., vtzth P,n 1 i deliverin vcimens tae ~ tion for E,r,Iaensvs Lnr.lirred ir; , ~ , g p k n Srum the bod ol- v .trtnlzer: st ~ , . , • ~ r , i. I. y efts, Tda r+ells idercer i a• a~,n~r,t of tna r„t oz etch znd.,l,.,n, au,. ptt~siant trnated, as„t of rnE.,l.~E.znaS artd an otter; ' u+ Gf_t t,. ~ dGCOasar., to :,he technical borntorv by eda a l,ta y . r_ , reau of Investi l~tlon at rfas, exraense .}ncidEtnt to tlin t.f,atn!arlt; a:: :,uc1t ,E:t'ants s` ce Est! Et c c } t;; ttln,,tan, r,,, iar a-toxi.colo•ical axt'aainr~t`aa , ~r ' I r• to rh ry ls,, l))E,. ,,I 1 I motion. of _ 1 as a on' I .,r. frasJ~ ,seconded lr; I,J F' ~ p , r, Colernart, a~progad, and lr, Dales rras instructdu r ' ,I; to Furnish the Board , ~ . Ii with art itam>,zvd statvmont of v ensos 1 ~ r xP in thr• future a,, c r pan rtat,,nr:, of }.1r•, Trtz.sk .,tnonr,Ftl 1t'r :ar. GE~rdnirl , n»rnent of ,p1,,Q.QJ, tG the Ctt`7 of rizlrtxn,,,+~>vn for r qu~.I•u., ' b~ 1avr. P a I' . ,'I 1(amv Marc}i 2t;t}I ~ r , resT'nnt!ini, to a ~°rn c,EC..l to uhe Cotintti ,19)J~,, lYas r,ppravec.. i ; , i ~ 'fha County ~~ttorney reported that by .rata ~ I 1~I L ld nat. f ird the 1Q u3 taaxes pa ld on lot l~ Mock 1G ' lark alaimvd b kilt: li.C.V`Tntt i `?uraset I t j ~ _4 Ionrlot~onofr. U e• merit t r ,;n ttCt.,• r Y s vnoheld a tax stat i .r. E,rdn r _„o,,r.le} h _I!r of r. n. th 1 ~ t., ,,ass.er P t v t~ rl It as ,r9,170.t?U art the prop~r'ty ament _drttvd ,ulna If) ,3 br.foro the.: Carrsalzdated' Tax t ~ (1fz ice eras opened tho fallowin • Ootob r ft } af' t;he G p b-, i ; heir.. r,l , hr 11Eatlder , r,arsall, bloc}. llr., war early rFltrottctzvv an et fE.E,i, far thE, ti,ottr l~ t) rxtd b e , marked yard in full' and in•t )Jt, , i i! . i ialari by some- or,v not arwl loy~ed ' -in tha tax ai'fice. Upon motion of "tr. 2' c p an aba+s ~ t n , - ~ ` ~ ; r set, ser,anded by ldr•, IIrI 'rx ,t ~ mt,n, of tElatr~ un_a rt+lua~_ut 01 .,1,t.0U,U0 fc>r t}.o vae,r 1;)~t, ,rrt„ ardt.rc~cl. , 11, i,r, rYatts rotlae„t for r;anaellation ;,;I N: ~ i of the 193j t~xvs iiue was,thrrvforo, ri3clnad. , I j;: r il( li'!' rlti 4 _ re uest far ad ii El ~ b, e a i r , r , ' ; fl,Gn t' r p „ta~nirnt`of the hack t xe nue ? th }tur.l f11.11;.n„ n„d .~tEln Ad;,~,c.r.~tor. on lots f;i i mo zau o Mr, Coleman, seccndod by Llr, 'Pr'nsk the 11~ ~ r ~ ~l 22, hloc}~ • r ' E' Et! ' gear. l~ U to 1 t3 inclusl.A, ^n~,s rr+!',~rrmi to i~,!trr (;oelrnittec ' • 4ard authorn,zet. ihv !,ecord r n tIn n a, rox Divis~:an, for the 3 ! , ,;i tha ;~e~cordars Court, to act as its ir.gvnt, for the ter r p , r t Cle wi{;h po~YE;r'ta act. ' j p pass o. ttlrnirtl, beer are confsca.ter: ttlx-paid . I,' ; 1 liquor, seized undvr'autherity of "action lf}-1 r r`' of the 1 J11~ (.ode, tc the 11ow }jartGVer ~",ounty Alcahclic 111 laC Vt'3rfl,~,B OOntrol ~torB5 far 3a1C, ta?~' t'. „i)~;'^ Gf' _I„ . t^ i r n n --i, ' .an}; n race ip,t therefor, The rocrddr ' tha t,r,..tul ury , r(,pnrt _or the tlareh Tarta, wa,, r.,c .lve1 E~rld nat.. ' `over to' the County A.uclitor ~'ar accat ' P _ ~ from 5ucl solo G he turnad lot oi' the schcol fund, 1. rP. ' ' , Iil;on TnotlGil Gf r ~i& dtt r "GC01 i.,il ;:r' !<i2'. .task the Glta?I'blall t4'a5 atltll "'vN, r II' r rr , , a, 1 tG hrwo ,,uch 'Eiuttin p I, f;; ldiss 1•Aarguerite ]dillvr,an Drop lo<<eG of the Cr~t. , done in • n„- ' IE . t,lty, ,dt,lfare Jvpartmont, }vLase Gala . , a' ' It f Stnte thr: Ju_A faun,l roa.., sEi, ~ , r r zs p td at u , r anE .,cunty funds, as a cautity amt,loyev in_ihe opine f, ~ , , f ' _ _an i,, tho !;amty ~ttnrne and Is ali;ble to became , a memhor of the retirement ^ten ~ r Y F r * , , , .sport mot.tnr, ot, ;r h C e : n ,ia tE, t i ~ . r?y~ uncle. t,18 ~Otlrity retiremE? ~ + Ir. Cra,flttaI uBt:t!Ilr:E,d Y r, O1 rlyn ..I', 1 .r ,I, .Grt.tor .,naGtlt,.Ve .tE3Ui'E±ta ~ f i 1'. h , , n Ac~,_T.(~ ,r i• „ . , I of .the h Cat.nt, Aat.ator w..s tr.cref ore , . y 1 1 aui.horazed to deduot )4r,~.from the ,r G t• ~ " . aEi .ar rJ ? r• r I i , s r , ,r I monthly salEtl• _of },Liss i,,r.: t.lm..n.tc.n ,,.tantb~rr of C,aru!t,ree era,, nt,rned t,u re, ,ro.,cint tha .,a lot Ett;i,hc, h},nrzn o e ~ _ ' i -the clot s' y I r uerita ltiillor'fcr the rotireriant fund, from t, I C n_p ta.t~ou' , e ,try became a rn,lrlt~r G, + „ ; -r, c t' } I I ~ v mp`lpyoa. beJ ore 4he G>.vil _Aeronaut_c., I3eflrd ufl.,han tcn C. Anr tl rth for aa.,i,-,te•,t A:tr,~tn Se P :~I,1 . ,rv1c., that ~ , 1 i i I ' vrculd include lrTi , a ~ l _1m_nftprr r,s E, stop. _ pan ntntroa of hit. GG1Hman, ,svaondoi? by }::r. 'PrEsk L •r,, . r , ' i, ` ~ , u,. Carroll .,ve I ~i to the Cauntv ',ar , ~ i , ra .t eras .,ranted tar' ~ort;ry admission The fell^w~ n , nG, alY .9('„hIDiP,nt.Et.,,,,an 0J 4}18 iU t, a , _n aa.. and, aYrfi 1 mEtn YrerFl tlrnvrn to .~arVa ftS tlrar„ lrl t};8 .,U'7t?r?ar ~ i!, p, f hubl,c ',ielfara. ~ C J t 1 t rust _ar the trial of . ~ cavil , r cases far` the tiYO vvtrE3lcs term ,reTr.nnin~'ApI•i1 1(,th, 1~)Ji: ' i,= ~ t' Upon motion of ilr. }ia11, seccndad b,r ' r. _ :r r.ub., observar_co of r I~'S i ' ! holiiia for Gtiura vm:lo Des Easter }'ianda3•, aerie rod, I~IJa, ns a , , ; ' y Y ( y wa, au~holized „no,A, r ~ , . t{tl:.iart, I~c,u..s .lard, ,,„l.~,nt,anar, Johrtnte lYaodb,l. L,:,.,tel,a.stvr. {i T'.1;1 ' .~mt,t}'~, } i; C.h,.lirovrrl, }lore liE:dr Eck. I~) a.L.CempbolL ,C.Ed€;a. , The mo~t_rli; the: ad ;ourrned. ' i, ~t,~.',rilliams. ?T r lfcTEZahern, (I,l1.I~obinsort. Itryrl C. Novrdvn. F,}adl~rds, ~ ..t, ~ . , ~ }i,L,l.ic?ntire, Jttcob 1(oravritz, .).liSioan, It:illie lI, Cax.. L.1M.E;llio•tt, ~ " _..;~:Z-_r_ >c . yhk~-~, Ulark. °lford GKi.n ~ avra ,i .1, T 1t, i n1P:;o 1 , ; , ~ + I,« fi rd 13 r ,our.' ,J,C.Tick. J lhtm_1 !I« ,l,1liFtrt~. r , C•iT,~ral`•'n, Jaek l~arris, t~.ob:art i?c~dt;Rax, 'r7,1).bicCrtC. I:.l,Ja}uxsGrt, ! m r ' ~,1 i , i1 t.. r, ~ - Lar'1 ue.zle,,.: 1} ~ , 'rE' 1 i'}h ltG rr ,Ieti.i,}La1:~.Ftm~„ t 1) : - 1n1r.Etan,_.1, A,r «.r , ,lo ort Inf;rart. ' I I i 1 4nd , 1, • l~l' 41,teJierr~rt~;. t7,I(,A11en,,Ir. t~ornelilas Vet?r,al.t',A.CEinridy, ,Julius _i,}'a;~ter. ~ ~ Th_s }iein~ tha date i'or t}lo rErl;ular wackltt naet~ + '•'l.Csllers it 1 t , I'ercv Tartt. T;,`r,Gatf, , !1~ sa , !:,i,...urnt.t,; ,..'J.}lt,rtmc:tds, v ,n of ~.he }3oard end na uo t , , P a rf.avss tl ~ . ~ takrrn unti ' r r r trt a . EU cd , , 1':JJ a chic,, ....i<, Tue~r'av, ! q IP „r ~ , • I ' pr cl ~rrl, 1~1,~~: r . ,lY' lC~ir 1 $r}'P.P,' z}tla..''~ .0 .r.,, ' r,}) }"p ~ il.(~,l}ryElnt•.. }'Craft ~sAndra.rN,ilr „1,.,1.HS}lAYl, , ~ i ~.s - - i i, i I! r.~ ~ t j. n1 Ii L I''I i t _ 7 Y ~ ~ , 1 r: 1 i ~!~'i ~P I ry '1. I :i~ L.: : : II: ~ - P I ~ '.'I ~~1~ is I' { ; r, s . r;r ----w...°--.^ - , ; _ _ _ f _ ~ _ ter. _ y~ ~f! __m . _ _ ~~i ~e ; ,'I ;f , r)v) ~ , ill~~ i ,I, `I Aieetind; of A')ril ~rrl 1<tf c u ~ ! ~ •a 15, DntlnUe'1, ,L; a. ,x li' r r;~ IL~4 i' IaiJ ~ n' C'!, S~_ r ,i b I y A. ~tIL 1'.:TFI, 1~1~. L'= prod T,1.H;lrize. li.L.1„r.~rc(lt 'a ' J tn,.;r. ~;,13,',~olfl. Ray Z P.ivtrnbli.rl. L.Id,'tdAtt, ~L! i„C.''r`lr~ltcn,Jr. 1'',I~LIIicI' r , -r r - I,) ~nnr«. ~..1).I}rr,nt. C,nrry-l,. llooaA U.L.I}hod.es. ,~~I E;'StiU DHVis ,r. THE Ft:u'JL6,P ,:EE.k-L'V ',L(, Io-~~ OF .NE „i~nrTi '.+A6 'rIELu Gi ~'Vi) ~ I- k~. r t 7,! ovr,;ll. U,i,.ldurghcry, Idarvin 1lavrton. Id.~.Harts ,1 ~06.'id.}/,C1~I{.an• I)~A,.I3~Dni3rUCl• `1'.h;.~a'UtFi~ ~).}'„1`dal{AII. ~ ^c~"PtT, 1i-i.1~;)~' I:LidLc""1~ L,nr.lit~?„P.,ri~C'J. ~,~i, rF2ASK, ~1. ~i. ~:A`t•J+di:ti ",'r '-N ii ~r RGY i ,ALL ,~rl o~,T'r ~TTO sv~ ' a I)F}vid A. I3ravrt, r,-~t ~ ,Ir C.rd.Cl,er;unencr,n. A•I•'JolrrisUn. );It.ii~chl© ,l.ff.i~r)tlrY ; I~i1Y f' r , y .CJ;. }1.13•}dj,ll:].n6 ,~kit,,..t~ ._LLAf1~Y• .T.rdat,c' Jno:A r lns .I3DStic. t„P,,Ilurk. Jr~rs,}1,Anclcrosun. 11 .J.1';Arl~• ~~C,'Jd.I~urtin. J.iJ'5now ~ n , C.L•Bowden, H.h•I~faoro. Jno.P,.J>3.ekeJ, THE "EETIrJ;.vxSOPE,~,E+~,:ITH ~R„~,EF. L', ~h~ ~,c;LRLND rHILLIh taOiiEY, r~ASTGi', CF THE ~:,rfE FEAR PfTESE>YTERIAP; , cn. - ~ ; ` L.1"d.Shivar. Id,V.I}ennott• }d.J I aw r: ~ ~ . 1 ell. 1'Janald P• i3ill.nrd,Glm.1i.IIi h• ;.AFF I T ,ll~.t.,:~ , I f{ ~ ~fil:nG"1 G ,1 .lt,I3rir1 Hrs. ,J.Aa?lmarp. ; ~ Vane3 Horfan. ' ,,'.i,~©Dr'•o. ,I,o s , rDSt I rtdr ~ i i,, II.II.Jderritt. I~.13Part©r, lrsiah Ii.lttkinson~ I)rvitl Jaaol~i, „ ;~t C' pd•!.•wheS'r 71'L '')NUTE~,OF h~wlllaG QF ~1FF+I L C'TH 1';+r1 ~ .;..RE tAD A;L q~°PROV,. A:> E.CURC:C:~. ,JI• , ,r u•~ J,.,~ dr 'J ~ , I ~ :The meetin • then Ad ou'rt I~ t ed• ~ ~ C!P_QIT-,`OT101J OF 'aAr(.~I~[;R, ;ECC,.`,:,•li cY ,.R, 'uOL:."~Ah~ A.+ Ak'';-I,IC,dT lUld Ft)It LICENCE TC SELL E'3f.:CR .,ULTMiITT~D I n i; d r• 1',Rc h:GE (~E'.!; INC ;,T ' of '!;FS 7T AT ItJi, SA'~E ESC l NG I'" iaU UFv!:i . r~ ~ i ' iJ i h li F." BY EIJ,,C ,li^ ~/->'/c 1"lrlrt'`~''.~ Clerk. ~r' ~.A ~ v , C f 1 C,. JI,T IJ A ~ 4~i1 - THE~FIER1Ff, 'r JS AFt'FG'JE~'• ~1N:A~PLlCA7{~,~ Fi)R LICEi~S£ Tip SELL E?EErRAT ~Ch.iT;E:ZC .;U.)L;11TEU ti' !iOr,EItT ~ X11 ~ ~ ~taNl~cL ~~JJIJT rlAS AF'=t~OVE~ SU:.,;ECT TO INUESTIGATIO't APJL' cirllOn3t. Ut:T t3Y1FiE ~HEI=TIFFS JEFART'•'!:(1T• I~I 1 ~ h h.+.'J-J!C„"ION ,'JA5 RE CEIVC~ FRO'G' ARR:~, .A'W,kNt CLAI~It'!G TG HRVE SGLD A HJRSG T'~ PNE COUNTY LA;>T ~I. , i , A ^i~° non T . Vdilrrrlnt,tD~1,.1'f. C•,:.'lt)ril:~th 1 ~i : g.~,., :_1;cT AIJD..n.,K„~..FJH Pr;l;:',.. .:F ...1 - ~L t:~+ .:-:r. I / , ~«rj. L=C,G_ct , •V~ir ±H1~ X41 ,G Tr' FI~~, f,aT .:ATIO,J Of' ,~LGN A TnAtJ.,a,GTION~ • . F ~I" Tlie'rc ular w ~ aGT tT A FcAnl,,. Tk,AT O!~,,, ,,,,P„~ "OF TH,. ~l.,.i r ..I:, +~ECEIVE A HOR,E FRpt. ~ R• P+ATtiANi I ~ OBICI3 mffcltln(r Of t}tri liaarcl YraS held at a ,r' _ ,rsa v ,a - 'r s.,:r t:f c. - cr .r,,r rr •;i :,rt • t, ~a , , ~ a 7.80 ..1..,~ ~ , PR~aU,.,>#1L F~., Ttil„l h•,~a A ..I {~1-~ s ,..,,,.tR,., A:,O(ivv -r, 0.,,. A„ T~ ,HL . Ir(a,. , T ,E ,;r,P,PE A5 Oh t40T10N ;i i, Q'~~! RcFEri~'O TO ~~t• vOLE~"ANA:,? `_~A!?Ci~ER T`v CONFL;, 'il1T'ri ~.~li. ~,;;ThA, ;P,u I.. LO .G JITH TNG 'r~lEtS OF S l Present: Addison Iioty lett Thai.^t~n, Clao. ',1 `Prank, JFtt~. i:f. Iial.1 11 "t (J " r •t,, arclnt3r;,L•J.Co};arv~n ~L, .IFV!'r3 THE sl TIJA T ICrJ • t;DUnty Attarnyy I„rrUden 3ollnrr~r, And , ; i4 1 J Vi'I _ . , i• ~ II:,, i I" r~r t~ ~ + c 1 ?..L."A~i. i", ~J'=,~` ,'vF,~ II'~ FPIJt' ~R i ~,fi 1 SI T v . ,L GSC~ ~ nt CY F~ .r: htr rnillut'::,r of mr;ating of A rz:1 3rd 111 C were raEUl a t~, , ~ P r ~ ~ ~ , - , 11' p , J>r lld ~,.T)t'pVed£aBTeCUr(IF'rl, THE ,.i~~.a J~ Ci,• iEL ~U::,H _~,.In ~r~tc i~'... AUTI'~+;,iil,~u I,~ ~,2Er'i„nT~~, .~.i ES :'~~~,IEF O,l i ~I; i .Yd _ t-C ~'a ~I:iI,T IC's tl ~ _ Tr_U ~1;+T: _ u{v"FiIGT ~F:Gi vk R 1: nitIIIG { ~ Upon mo~ian of ,Ir, 'Hall, t?occnded by 1„r. Gar'rnar, tlle`follawiri°^ rt;sulit~;' TN's "aR .~T `I~E'~''~TOt,tiNOi~E ~~u!'ibLAY, 'F~-IL i^'TH, Ir, ~~~r,;;-,T c~ `uE s;,~~E. ~I ,6 lan.1'ras f,dG*,t)r ~ c 3 • ~ I~ i , Gdi111tEA;1: n Statte }?Drts Autho ' T, ~ . ~ ; , ' I'l s Yrab (,l frrttet: 1J ar .1 iC r rr° .7; ft A^,I,ic c, _ r „ rr i J v .t Act of ire Uenara.l-A.,.e ) r _ ~ A, FO T„_ r _ r, I'. r...T A. OF ' h c lLUrt iF ,s . i:r,R t~ I ~ P~tUP" ~ Y I f,C .!E , ~ ana ot1,)1 r o. . 'Cnrn1 h . , , Y + 1~1J./, And , " F.rY ~LG:{ I EOP TH Y :AR h,dM, t. :f'. ~F ,l, !a ,a ~ t. ~,n ,p. 1. { n ~ ! E E , _ , • ,1L 4 ' _ ~ ~ ; .~LOG=~ ~C; oR 1,.~ ~ r. ' {"llllh.tY.A+S: tI18 .Ct rUVldt]S ror 11e ,<;r, n , -~a' ,a r ~r; 1~ ,r,c '.rG;:,Y stTOE'.rE, FJft-I,,.E TIGATIOfJ. p,. p • t ap}ta>.rntment of its I,fatttt7f„r 1)'r'thP irov+' ~~.r~,,,,E., rrr>.or, ono eACh to p II', rapresont 1Jew Ilanovar Caunty, iJ,orvhead-Git AnGI South-iort ' «nd f ~ • ' ~ ~ , y t ot.r .IaT. that Ur,Efi,© et lar-o an 4'r~'I2k~A~ , Iirl^, 13 Et' r ~ c ~ , d . _ w ~ , _ , I t.- . ` m.:: n , • 1 E>e, 7?t+Uli.,ho. of the'ldi t.' r r ,a, ~r:, to ;.c 'r:,~-., M ~ , ~Hc ,,~J_ E.Ir C,~,.~_.r:lhv r„ T.,n ,.,,Th t.A ,'i.:vt~~T(ST ,HU(.GH FOR At~a,T,-.iwttil OF ~ i1tl,rt.aT1 star=1I9iYS 17AF i` v a. ! ~ I, I f r , n , aI' Platl , Jear,i pF "a 4 i, ~ 0~ _ Ir1S tlm+l, At h7:., Dt71 erase tp t}'a a. r [lr6n r. n ~ i«~, r _ ~ -,:,,.,r k. , t ln~arat,t oJ` tha d • , t:, t , =s;; F,KCN t, Y r . ~c ~ , , _ k,r I _Ur: hitV A t, v ~ L , C, ..LOS^,. ,.HA~_.~ FG,._ .,.n.H ~l,ar-,,A~ ..wGLf~1CO FiaR ihC ,,,ASOt, r 1~i~ , arc. L. )mrn, :of our-r n• t . A„ o.t , t outstanding: t,arae to ~seaura:n~; t}It3 airpor~~~'or }'>filn;nr;tan, and:we 1'~ael t1 X11 , 10.t'he~(,I~ „iLC ~ ~ ,h ~i,•9 CIO IeOT rA"S ~Idzll r:,;,• .p t ~ - , ,',,:ab1fl ctntl Fait+! - a u;~,Y ;f,I, qua..if'ed ~o orrup,~ a_ saAt 4n the ~tAte }'arts Authority;. . g , sly' N(A'd, t ~ T T.ilalii,FrAlc,, BL rT iZi:,~UJa'r~l) that rre Ilnrtn!,rrtouz; ~ r ~rv n= r,. , - - ~ , , i~ ~ 1 recamn7@1I~ t 1, i . ~i _.„,..t,~ .:LC„u.a_i? ~ i 1• L, r , J 0 .,J~~LCT T , Y a hz5 cc,llencv .he i~onorr?b1e { p , . ~ i ~ r . ,I Gregg Chorry ~rovornor t1f.' the Utate of °Ilort~h ~`H. t ` ' - - ' +~L~ ~ _ I•Jllnar t}18 AppCln~mfT.2~ (rf' 1' ~Jii.p ~r~ il,e ~=~Lu.,ii-~ .:I .,i: FI~IL r-,;.Jl;,1~ vF ~FE ~L~~T1' .~i:o;:T, II~_ F,...u.;lf.i n~L..1~~,i~~,i0 FL';i ~iL: ~^1~E i Idt,rla! Cftroliila ' • - j, i' IAI`t ~Itl',j1Ur r P' ~ , S ']ty 1;() npr'!;9t;11t seYr ~ 'V G ~1, ~i"~ I `er ~ I ty. _ • .,E .I: if, UC IT _ I . - ' ilS, , ~ n ;E L: c. ,:0 '~iC .fir 'cLF',.~dL 'C' f C?, fHt F 15Gr,. I ii q i i~ t 'I~il Ort;i f0I° ;4 rn,~ , I ' ` t, ,I;~L~ I. rC}. 'ilt;r~r .t..Vyl° I rC;". '•IIE:' •.1.11 ~ , 1 ':~7C'r7 1",j {'{'f,i3 (;UI:II7l11at" ~Ir?;' `=I s v 1 , I~ ;)Ilr~',P,I: GI ifl8?h~.l.~'1.Cilt.,.0".. t. ~ ' Cc , h... .i - I . i I`,'A'Ei i ~;~)f ~,FP E.! ICI :Li j~'`' J 4, ~il)(i:. .".(,',70n r,~f I'. G(?{.t3t,tf? 5r'f l~,r i. _ ~ I ~~rT ,.'~IC~'haC ,.C";THEY ~'i." ,,`r~!; 1~.C., tl, 1f111({,lr} ~ ;fir°. ~`r:Ltil:, li;t~}Cr ,,Drrr:lr'1'. u' , i ~ ~ ~ _ ,I 1. tl .,ur, tntrtl:',hw•) rt., ,t•;`~~~. ~ I. ,=T' 0'" J f. ' :a , ~i rt } + , , , i, A~.f ;T ''Ll. `P +f r~.- .:L_ 't,"= .I , ,C ~I~I~,'i.'~.Jh'' n n ,uter~lertt u, poll ~a;ct3a ff)r ~)l;ittg ovurr;r•T )'I I _ ~ ~ , ~i , u,_,f;C{'LEI .Y "ttI',11:}L!13i, }(11' i:IlU '+O71r t, 7l { ^.ii .T :r cc i. ! i~ ~ ~ 1)a, . _ , ~ TC G~ ~i;; I , f ,T Y y i. ;L.(w i - . I , , . I at ~ m tsI Cf , - €~In rla , .rat .,;)r.o (,r.~, r' ~ , tG ~ ;r ,l.~nb .~}!r nale~tt arr, romove t+,~-1~.•h,. I•ei'd ti.t ~ ~ t''; 1 ctcr~ •Inn , r.. ~ ~ , , I adium foI claani.n'•,at.ll ,a urt.in nntl ro,)ln^'n the ^e.mo warl:~.u • aver. tho' ru ; y ~ t ' p ''j repnzr•ing the 'wild>rt rs vrAS •~mor i, t~ , Irc ~iDn vi' I=1r. Coleman ~ecundc:cl t} , r a 4 t ' y "r. ,artuler, Y',ai (`rr„U to ;'i;"~T~_.. . ,,•;F ;F F,",'.' I'I FEi EL I Gl ~CLe i l U S ` ~ he .Chairman Yrith ftzl~. )ower to act°. _ - , Tt1LY yt,ktvi PEfi F%,` ILt ~l~.,l;il I it ! c l .Sh i E- A`JcRAiC " A rn)U t 1'.!ATc, v'~JU,.1 !Et:ES3;,ftY':FOt~ i{iu T4 .-i.~:T rl_,~,. ~~t']~v.~~ ~ $ J r D e activities of the colarad'home d~c;ar.strat~art Ett;ont for llnrch Yras racei~•ed ttnd - F , , t b r. t I. ,L`Ji~'TY ~ l+ay~2ont of a hill for. ~ ,02'for art7cles ;~''I 5 ttsetl to datttor;stratians tira, tlpnn nottorf oI' Iir. `Pra.sk, i 'i , secandorl ty i,r. CDlr~mtin, approvod. i} ~ I, ~l 11 n _FG^; `OTIO' vF ~~~;,~"FfJ, 5%C:.Il.,:. _ i', ,n:l~y , ..;,U.:iLi. l':F iIILi; I•di:TC~, T0:'iid5rllf' ,45 e ..pan motion, ,faint paymont Yrith the Cit}r c, 4d l + - i Tnin~.UZI for t't'rj17e Ur(.lul"uDd f'Or {':,'i.' f)IlTtflln5 0l' GRAPJTEO ~ ' L " ~ p + ~ , E A'at~EATEfiiiENTOf TIx;ES ui F. ,~LUAT,O: :'F ~;j,~ I'GLL IEi~'~ :Gl1L0.R F~~R THf: 1'E AF[ ~';~i-t, 'iC t> C. olatnin6 aotilactod for .;hi)1r~e+nt overs,~;ns to 'ho deli, tote T,eo)les a° ' ~ 1 I the ,var rnvi;h;;d coon+.rie~, FU', REASmN NE FAILED TO LIST H15 HEAL r:;T~TC I', i?LC a~ o,P,IGH s; a, GFihi,G,'~ GS ~:GT LISTE:L' f ta%s ap~rovad, ,k ~r - ~ . ~ ~ "CGETt;~; ;iTH C~tiui,AL AI. POLL 1,'r•,ICn' =1!i J~,~ i;wUC+.PRCE~ `T-r ~...t., ;.I r~~l t ~'i ~'i~ I1~ Un 1110 1.0.^. 0(' 1.ir, t'rRr(hlf?r, 8'JCDT;(lE)(j Llr. "I' f' i ~ . - , _ ~ , L ~ , 11 '~rlt.., ~o)Ltty 1)xl]s i!os. ~Y)ti2 t.n ~),'l' ,r~;ra ;u)troved n <;T„~ r _ I '.I for pstyr,eait, , . I JF ~ HE C:; ST C'r GUT°F' I' ,;T ~,.'~r<e : T i ~C!'i~' i FJF. A.l Cl r ~ _.,i,~;AftY' AvL ~i:A'~CH I' ~i ~ • ~ - A~ I7:GEIJ:.;J Lr,l;~';ilhl(;, Th'E AGcReG.~TE ,JdJJt.To I'iC~~TCA:~ ~'I li~,l1~~_, r;G T~~ %~lb,~ FCn CkGH hd,114LU FAT15hT ~ } - - ~ ~ ~ t~ i~ f a i. ` t'; T}1B ID(3i?ti_'' ~}l~l , r T~ , ni..u ~3~ ;~frli ~Y TIME ~~i], rr ~ ~r..' ~ ~ i `!E ALL[)T';iEClI UI~ ~ ~ 7 f3d~j0 it lt)f}. _ ~I SIO ~ i; i I,i A.L TP'v.>E_al UFGPJ F~RvDS i~ ' ~ _ - - ` ` -y. ~~i., c;lr... . REfc~'(-iE~ TU ,rt. ..r u ..i .!4~ r,. ~U~,L~nl~ I~ '~l',tEI- ~::ITFI T`'r. hC.'~F'ITAL , I'f i a 1 t{~~ I'I;.S FOR CLi,ITIFI'CATiOfI OF fh; ::T•~ik' LI ,.Ilk , { ` t i' _ ~ f ! I} n LciTEi ~ ..IJ i-i,, I:'TSr, 1E ;.T h:1wi f., 'ti~i ~ ~ i~ >r F H I i `E~ '(riE .~I~ ;G r 3f! O~Ib-. N C!RT, .T1' Tv r Q I' I ~1, I': l COUNTI'~ AL~,'ERTISIIIG FhR 'iHE HER: -l.Gl,L ~~R. T~~ t: ,u~i - :.l4il C °Ai=,Ai Q'. ~F r- I T~' I v i;i L _ c ~i E ~ li I ~PJN =19710N OF ~R, ~zAr~~tiNC~R, „t G~.."' _ 'is. .,,-~L ~ ~ , L_C"I , ( i,~.Ih,GJz L'~ h, "E,; ~i ~ , j 1 7 Ik ~ F , r I If v;v THEW AFTERN4~ON OF;-THURST~iA`', r~1PR(L 1~THp n P,+~~L ;,1,h.:F.S Ff t.L t~,5[15' t]~L"~ UI,F, I~AT IOf' ' FCR,Ot"cR THE AIR V1AS FLA '"il 'H" aC„5 OF THE SU....L;ti i'r;:,i ~iF II54`:".Li l)CL;~~ h(C;yEVECT Pii ~D' j SHE i t y E.GI:._ ,T ,t , t i TED .:7ATe S ~ e At;iii 1: 'r ! I ~~1 : - "fir _ ~:~~~~ai THIS ~OuY t°~fSHES 7L~ KECO~i` A`, i:X;-nC?;EC`a r]#" t .;I ; i uY ;'(:R '4HF: LtOS~ GF TF 1 r n"a'j h_ r§ A+IEFICA", t,hJli THE -rOr^,LD'S'`tORCP:IGST LFALER. } fl$ OUR, ~ i +,AR r'RE.Ill(:NT HF. LIFrEu I 1„ ,a~i,lU, FR( A i (F ;-AIT. a IS,ItJ,~Y rr1Qf,! THE uA7c 1 f { ji 'HE "k'.'AR i [ .m I Nt,f Glt?UJS iJERE FORd+1li~G ;HER C.I..-,^~''l_, i .LSE, f is I": IJ ~ - ~ it: 'first #i".~' "I i-IE I yNTi?: r,iOT rOR ~ , i~r CON UES, O,ry SELF S ~ s ~I!~ n ~,f' ~C.'II: tn,,l !i!~lP. „1y1_~ I I, i.. ou^r L_H ~Altiy T^ e s~l'. ,.i C:"TIC:' ,_L'IT I , I EOF WAc,r INESS ! O O r, C~,.~ P I 7U'. ~ P ~ n ryF ~Y ~i n RULE r~NJ OPPRESSJG';. uE A t ~ .GfTC-; LE-Ai)f'~t I', "hi(~ f-..I-,..- rr!,Jh :;AS, IIV~U.~tt~..~,T'h~:ti~LY I' I ~ ~ l l t.. , I HG„vRE,% A'!iJ RCSrGuT-D OY „I "J AT IO;aS, C L 1 i r}. i, I ' fig AOE'.CFAGiOR TO w.",.,,,I(I"~i, !-ilSrFr. i i:~i' ,',I:s''~ tts Z L i, `iC4..1+~~ SUF r,i1:~ .4~ - +'+J;1A+JITY A ~c i ;7 f "r t" ~i 5 fS EVl::tilGED dY STAiCINGHtS ~ I,, F(:ii`I;~F. file ~ . ,-.I itil,'R'T !~E` A i`G;)P1~:,=,T,OPeq,~; THE ,•E N AT4' •C TOF Ib'FA~JTIL' P F• Y^Pn I~, I,,;C_ ,.;I ;'~GhI- I 1 : ..,;n!: ..L f, . ~ A ~,4 ~ ~ . - r vs,Gc. ~ 'lFt.. a i I~~ , - - ,L~ .w t• FnO.~ I.I'J S,T%,T ~~~i, ~,N,. °,,q', i I i c'. v-, ,]I' ~r,,~, A~L~ I` A - ~ , ~ I,-t y F; F'S•,~' ~ ' IL., i' L ~h~ F taRt-AT lr'r ~ N: i ~ ~ ~ I L , " a ~ a r 1 f~l ~L~:,. I';~, . ~ I i I ~I~U„ 1 '.T . - ~ ~ I~ r{-,.SICP, A GR'_~',T LC~9- 11,1" ..,J'. nIP•iC:%• .I!T !t { ~Tf:- 1CI,L 'h ran ~ a .~I' ^n q ~ , i~i7 .liv~i G1V~,,v O:i +~t Pt , 1 p, I~'e ~''.-a M ,API IQ L~,,1D (Ii Ql~i. :f ,.iTAT[ ,:I ii.~~, {C~ ~..~..i ~ l1„~~5 /1tVli G= ~ ?i1;I aFl ''I~I~ ij~' ,,r ~H~ L~'~,_ ~ E ~',„tNT~:? FUf~ ~1 ~'~~lri~ ,'il,Qr - J.l.''~, i)Ci[:LL AI,10NG'7I1. I`,~L11.,~t,L. IPI Lr;~ t Y"• c~ iliE ;;iii~F, , i I '•L/ 1-i1:'6'tI: I i!` I' i'.;C, -iil" LO' II ` n b' A t ~iC AI n l ~~)I ~t, - - ~ r ..F T., f. L ~ ~ t. ~ . , ,L_I~JE.~.. ~tJai 1~ i i~e I ~ F i } THE 1'JORLDS Gi,;.;T~~T FRI~'dD AiJ,li ,'~.IIiE: TI` ~tY n,,..':f: i~ !?I. ?,IEPd(?ftY. i ' i.~''r i ~r V f~, i ~ t , , ~ . , : - a.. ~ i u I~;!,s Jig f( THr,T l)f Ct I . ;i...:,~,; 1 ~ I ' i , , `.'HC P„r~:,S AND A COPY ,~F ( THE ':"I~'U a, G E RcAu lit T~% GF THIS .OAI{li , .1,~ )'91 _ ~ - ~ Ph.i,l I ~ !t f i i E'r ~Ii~~r a;`. ,G THEU A~JUOU~fdE ~ ~t, ul-! rt+i, _..~y .t._ . _ . _ .fir.. ,y,.:>, r t• ,ay, _ A~ ~~~~Y A~,r ~ ~ _ t ~ w, ~ ~ •e~,, r>p fi~~ ti ` ' t'~ ,.>;'1 ~ ~3~ !f~ . ~:I P~ - - r?l CG',r r..RE:~JCE `,`llT~i TIlE' GC&11,+i'iTL'E hJnl~(ED r,7 V'' c ''o i GTI 0. r', f-I. ~.,TH~ ~ ~~io TO I!'/i.ui IGA~tE _ , I( ~~~ARX Jr;~IP,THkiJ FdP, .,,~~`).~1~ P r o A GL' a ,~,,~„r.:,.., AYvI;;'IT ^JR A HUR.,E HE Q,.Al~~,1Eli 1'0 }1 AU" T AIM OF s,r• j ' i •,i~ ~19T 1'=~llt} Ctl f. 1, ~ ~ t 50LD' T'J HE CCUiIT'( n ~ - , ~ ~ , :j~ f i s T IAL~ .IA„ McL]: nT 10:'JO N.!":', GPl ~CTpaCR t,:, 1..:.1,!, ,~,I,;,r_ ,tr.ri~, r ' i~ ~ tr ` f'. Eri "1'6~, d'°, 7'.P h 1 : ?."I . rb I r' ;ll,,.. .`.,'1.011 ,,Y11. ~ (it"ti ~C r7 "'^PI,)},tt~cl~{•.,`..;Rp'11.1'.lE T~~~r 1'l.~",lt,J, I,. Ij"i! 1'F,G:SENT: ~1;%I ~C.,f '1E:iiLCT1' CHF, I FPvrFAI >-r• C'. ,fi - ~ ~ . (In" ''{P - r, ' i,; , r ~ f,. .r,,R'.:~IeRp un5r ~InLf,, ~ r'OL'hl ~ J J A{ J M1 ~ o A f TH(: ~~`U;lTY F rft o'R. 7.~.~flNC l+r1U '~~fi. ~;A ar L kfl n!JU THE .~i)r'~WIfJi,"P~ ~ [,;~+I; I,)'; i1l+C:1^ ~'~i~Y~'~',- ;Y'n~9t ',?All. , Q TRAP, l,'1J ' 1il E fr~fa • ni ,G~,lUH ~I f;ULE 91EFE: kL~~(1 rum i Uf „ ~.iiTHAPi. '''~E`~E, dT AT ~ w5i.~.` t...1F, l• ~ THE h~ ~1.8T . e.); , . i r,t„ T •JAS "3"it71J;F17 r)f)r (Hr?dlJGhl )UC571r1' 1."~ ('n , ra !,I ~tr n' r"r;, ~ . , I SIG ~ r F, ~..L~:~anu , ,;r,T P . :ATrTArJ lr•- , w , r C I'~d ~ Cn .~e. ~ T E .0' l ALOU ~~CT~3~~, f ~ ~ ~ APJI) ~UGGc.QiTEA TO 1'.'~f?• LChIG APJli `R, rl' H II ,IG)iE'r,', CE.'~P ~1"'._..,. ~ ,s,. ,~.t,i''ni°t~~r•.i.r< E ,LETT THAT TMFY 'I~ Tk1ti TOiJiITY~, ;;~f1•'hONG P.SEidTItJ"J` D THAT nPJ~ ~ c• T12Y-CUT III;; ~AUI~LE N ' , ~ `1 , it f„„ ~I'~ J'~i. ANIi ~ ~ 4F THE LiJL~b H;ll] i?EF(J r;iLLET3 Ai1~THEY ';ICJU h~ U 13E 9y C'CJLL 71'JY THE IC)F~,,E OU'f r YI'IE ;0'~!`JERATIIJFI G~fi,,l; i, 6111,x^ 1 1r~E,,, TC fiE r'L;~GE .t ~ ,n i'rt„-~; ~~,•r, , , r~ ~ ,a i I~r ~,~,1GHr,~ Ir , r~ r_ d~ THE Zia ~ ~ _ { ~~RI _ dU9 F3Y . R • fig 41LF~ r7 AT LE AiT I ~ ~ ~ ~~s. riA~~ fdt7T -CU t: l " ~ i.i , ''~1'P;>t {pl;-., ,'Ell's'. ,(l i s ;IBC fJ61' hll,=. IoLn~ PAr1Ci:Ll!:'C irJ 1,;tAKfl!f~q P1p ~ 3 UCnt:, . ~~I~. ~ 0>9EVEFi ,.rH L!pTHAPI U~'U T;~1 OFf i CL LL~H,.,,i: TC '.',r,;E h~t~:,s.~' r J ,Ct{AaC FOR,T4E ~b[1f~T'f f 1i. AUL .P,r LD°.G )!D 7 ~r. ~r~ :.r r, 1~~,.G:.P~T~ FdR I~~~r,• ~,dCJ~ jd r.,CT'T ~ ~ . Tlu. I,J? T aw HE Y.py'~ - _.,.'6'_ , , ~ , ,~t, , t n r, . i ±v ~ 3 n ~i.n _ C +1 ~ }1 Gr~ HrT ,„L~ I,, r. f_ r~r,. Crtq~, r• ,~iA,16H „T r~J~U3dN. iLG F`iT1 r.- f 11 ni", ~Rr~ ,:Tdlf.CiJ ri, ~AT!IAi' •+r, ff ! JRC Jc,'ALI: ,J ]:moo r~Et.%1 h / i~ ulJ 1. L~,iU ~ 7 ..j lu i ~ - t l'1~, 4 ~ ~ f,.~ i. , ~ (:TLS ' ~ , `^Ll , ,ITF{C IE tv!tlL~L,~c dF "ulU .~7ARl). c•.,T 4R iN_,i 1`i~ e ;#.iS .1 11~~ Tax~l~l ICY .4f~~ _ (_Dh1',, CALLcJ .~R, WIJe EF,tAtJ ~VNd D l GPJ TNr ~ TYf NuR':~ A n~ A OS~1C THC - TRQUtiL G Aa Gn~dCFR~ -itATIPi(a c n I10 r L 1 VE r t~f .LOr!G AfJU ~'R. ~ ~~r „ - , N4 N9q°, If r .a., Hnnl a..,.r11, JLn ro TPr nr rY'r ra~s~.• Tl~~ re a. ~c,~': - _ e~ 9 r I r,,,r r1~l~~a T T~~ I}i~ l'."T'a'r f I~iJ ~ 1iEW , Ut,l~ PURGH,4, -r , , .1"rrr5lt. I Or LCTr "Y ~ rR. ,vSrTrlAhi 4J Az3ditT Gf,R ,'~3 TII 4 ~ ~ IL 1 r r f! r . [Wl.'' (T ,^C'J:1]T li r.. ~ r TK1 hisJ l r,Prill r ~ . ,.,.,i , ' i r, T E ~t; r..~~i Tt. FIr; ',l fE"~,TIiJ"; 0~ THE ~dA,RU Abel IT 1`J;~v e ~~•Trl, , il~!a FOP IMV;: ~TIoF;T ICh:. ;iP'Ti:ii n LU';G ili,CU;,:;OIJ IT ,?AS' DEC I' u , r LE;tf~u T~ .ri. ~'JCC„!p f , i ` `~~~i;r ~ ~ 'C~ ;'a ~ cx1 ~ r . w,N,T I ~ v Ic.VJ u~ ,..,s. Larn, , f. i 11 P,L l1iU ~iAV I do I~rP ~ ~r 'air ~ t _ ,iJ I` a'TAP, ' I a IT 6J T 'f~iC iU~~7~ Fr,~,l vi:(G;:,.i; J') 1"f.f r, T ~1 E II L.,w;f ..~:5, i I' 'c ~"~'flit. ' H I CH 17 . _ ~ a i iE P1ES~ IT I t;1L '7 11'iC.~li ll, _ r, ' i,i f A9 WRONG w ,;UI;~ET11 ' ~ r .l,.,u'„ ; ~'T'~ ,T r' . ; i=,qp. ~ 6UT i,SUCR'fi->CLCu5 G:L.Arc~ iii; dnl.IGtifJGldy ,N, nA?DiJ;.~% 1,10'JcU Tr "t' ,u a."'.U1 ~ n 1~~1~ r1 `'.00 rH. ~ IaT ;t` ' I~ l~ ~ C ~ IJFiCi-IH,~E P~~iICE F'U:-i l,rr ~ Ti~IAP! G F 7 7FIE NCf ~c H,a '~10T10!J 1,A5 ~ ~ ~ l''~. iE~ f :~CC'JPJ,~Ef) r (I:'~P, r C:1LE'i;~il ;,~`~i, ` C;•.", R IC b, :~u fi 1 ~0 ' N ',!QTIUf! OF r''1?• aARUt, r nv 'r i I', .rc.,y , . , { r i:I P ' E`~~ .,c G~ ,~[;i ~ ~i r hii l_ i r. .ail `0.^, , ,1~.)...pll i`! , r .,1~ .'d~}' i,}ll,i!U 4,IIA1 1 .0111.;? _ ~..~1' i~' I ~ r. n ~ -r _ A6J ~ vU" _L I A,e9S FOI~Z'.dE R Gl);;r.:1 dT I'r.1, - II UI,,,,H/,,.GEJ BY „~i;+ ^1G f `J `F,I•~CFI 'ITI~U7 f'l~,-~ ir1E „~".T 'l ~~,!1 .'.ct '.l ._r•. .rl. ~y,.r~I,j.,., u'. it n•~.;., r. 1. ~r ~~r', n ~'lio t,•. ~1 f '1. Ft .t IOL~;; ;l':;T ICE ~rA;a CJ" ~ ,:i' '11,n r li c r'e~hl~, .1 ;IIiiT'! D'Y~ i ~ rLLU ~U , 1~)i1761~ ( I. LI='I ~ ~~s , , .r ~ „ o ilOTICE FAIL li i, _ .,r iH , _ _ Ci' Ir ,i: ~ v,,: r, r ,1 ; t' . E T: . i E rrr ~ j~ ,I~ 1 3 ~ ~~I, ~'ti'~7...,C, i:i3f~r"vi0:,-1•., 7.`(~rttt. m ^ • '1^^ +t h YF T ~ t • 1 „i t~ i,,. rM1. 4~ l,, i , t 1}tE iL'~ ~J{r . 1. rt'i(71Utln- r+li.5 . n 11 f'c, i ,t't1 s.} t. ,'t. tka f L1 t i~ it i,e '.}Fi,(r , , . ,r, t}'~' X71 '@n4'V ~f' {'"alt' hS g ^tit r}, ,t }i t, 't}~ i', i,l.'I $"^,It{` t,t e ' r - tJ, b . ~..Al w.t_ . r ^ _ 1i;11~, lfl I,i}T I ,,R t',~. 1 n,A ~ fltt'}, j'1 `r' ~v'P!'t''(`Ct far '1`illl',{ L'r,"tt~it~ t: C+i:tt'2 ~ s'. t) ,•i n, ~ t,~ , n } 1 n i p , y,. t 1' , t.,n lint 1 r1Fl{ r r i 1 , » .v~,t lire rcw fkstabli.:,nr,• rlsl+i jl l~ ~ _ , ..~,,.~I}, •~•~r, r_ll C_ il'1 ~ili. r;rRl... r~ .r t ~ ~ , 5 I!~ - , 1. IS de., )~,t, tU.-.}t.4 1 ibttl, v.,~=t2,sinr,..~`: '§l.I llr t~'tt'`,1J`It},,; Il' ~.llr. 1.'' 1.,1,!IjIIY~, ',li ; ' ` r. { T11rJ r 'u1Gi1" 7d,0~' 1' n f:~;,iJ!r~, _.'18 Ar~'iBC..G:"CAS, ts. rt. ,ril'rl..3a,1i~~~ }-.;:n ih'H~ ~ ~.'.i ,I.i ;i ,1,fI'~p'1''I,1}1,1' I,- 1"ni~,~,jpa ~ t r. 1,. mriet;in;; o; tll~, .vtll d rrt~,~T }~~r!lr'. ri, ~ f „ ~ ^ ~ E ~ f . , r.'r a'lcJ, n' r.; ^nn ;cha.}1 ,,,,r}. rn ;i i f .t 'Ir. ,i~ , ' f~P~9C1~1r1t: `'iU}15011 }IUSY li i'l'l , m. ~ . , _ , i Ui~ i "i'i(1 n~! ~ ~ i ,ll, ( t;'i'i:. i{n) rt~'Ii P'r, ;1ncl ~.II~ ~ . l.tt ,.i,lrlr'U117, I,r:. . ,Ifl.,~: rf.~ {i ~ ~ ~ , ,'i. ..n.'.1, ,ei~[:r ~;tEl,', ,J. (;r1 1~ . ;OP , 0, ''_,`I rra U:~ .I(1"I ,rl t`1', 1+' 1 n~ ,r 1 r~ 1 ? ~ .i,..`.II.A rr I',:C:S 1 V ,,U'.1'lr, Lt ...1.; t, r, ~ 1 lili' r' 1, r'c llt' ;ttil,,} ,r!~),.~: I I ~LI;'CT~,Xk~.JCOp']~ "~C42_' ;?i0(1:17Y.DLT~~ ~ t ' 1 , , , ) I i~ ij', t ' } n;, n, , it 1 ! ~U ; ~L, 1 , L~,t 131' I), r „ ~ ! ( f ,1 ..l ] i(';'].,':1 t"lil :1 t'„ 'i'iH i 11 ~.l,rrnl'll. 1s1', li,, 1 i r~+_.,L'~t-''} (}-Vp r; 1 IR"34']I. 'r'7(A° + ,._.~.tE 0:: 411(1 i,Iln~ (111(lrii'F;ij ~l'f..}j (},7 ...;~t, ~.,•,.~r~~..j, i,. ,P(`C1.!I 11- ,II -}ZH ~ 1r' o,rtrte;l vr;tl nr ~r > ~%1 ( ilr.r.a e , r u 1 I' 1aa , C ~ - I ! I 1 t~r ~t !r1~ .y, r'f ,t(t:' ~}:f: ~a1J0 1'~E;f1C 1~ C y H!'191 Ot~itE3r '',i;'. "G l,I~k1':'1t; tl 'I;r I,r°1't'rl7'; 1';.,..1 111; 1,' ..ai I ^1 !1~'' 1 t,{, 1 ll ~ rli'h t , ( J .u, ,l. „ ~}h ,'1" S'1} I-llf• n•ij , 5 ;rllu'ch, I~;ti'Pitt ,lE e, ' _ ~ - ^'.lCri?~1. C: ,i(,! IiE(ii07er 1~C~171~.,'! :IIF.LI 11A.}-~.. ,;',ii`11 IY' ',,I',... r-.: 1'. (li'l ~'1'i1'..1{?tl,,a {lln ~y~n(j1,;rl S ')`1~ , Thu Ininn r - o'' 5' I nnri tc, . • ~ l ' 1 r ~ j _ r - 1,'- ' tS1i ''f rllF;l;t1n(, oI' 4lr'.11 11,1,'1', 1r7~'1 V'C' a r1 , ,i~,ttl',.21t, 1 l r,~r r,' r I r.r, rou., nrul (.nu•oved l ~ , r c. t r;car,ll;, . . e,~s ,r, , c , t.r; r n• 5f11d t;11.t 1U11 L'1'OS :!llr)IL}'. 't ,'l+ nll~ i ~1', I'1) r`rG{ ,IJ {'61 fll at'~ppr'~n ni ,l { '1. . . I r}Fl n r , o, ,r;, i-~, „ . I r' 1• , )021 .T C. - . U ' i n o _ P,r Cc , t 1rly. r t u , r , (curled b~ ! r, ,a. dr F ' f~ tr.+ A(. zo;t of the l; n: ,r,il,}~Cr' .t, :,o: 1 q'~ 0~''1- c "tntl'1 0l' ~hu:nl,l,,;, I, luvnr ,~r' r+l , r rr'i.l ~~(,It}1 1')1 'i '.vFt~ ~t1; '1 I~ ;r.(,~ !as ie~ ~ ~ a )i s C , t, , I~.. _ ~r i f 1F1'L-tH1• Cl'tS 1'r'(1!)i;rCi~ i'rQf!! I,}ll9 ut(,td 'il:}'l,l'iF{~r n. } ].1})1.{C If. 1"f ,,JPJ1l:S~:LUi1 tLC}J19iIl ifihl-';I'.0 f,01'~°: S.",:Oll IIP~ ' . , r , r. I r zpnl t ' n.nprovel arriiLion to t}le Counter a f ~ iE1 11~}~~,an; ;?~,,~3I;, ttt;; 1'01.1~{r'~;t~, rot~,ds: 5 ~ fir rxt'1:1,^,i.0I1 U~ tllr3 I'O(t(~ ~0'~L(]'I <'i ~4 ~1 r.~,T.,.i,Ih~,' ~I - I 1l~ oI'1' rrincr)~ , ~rr }.~r~d aT.;ottt ~ - - fi _ 1 I1 .'I•UT1 Ilzlli;Lli;;Cr'., r:1,i7,T 9S I the Fore Tow;1 ?'tort(i, S.:'. miles. i I Y ~ la~JFltUtl uld Y.9r1' c ,tea lu' 1111'~.'n{ i'r~,11 ' ~ I ' Av,inues le.ulinl; art,,,,, i'roro th:n (,rrstle rifr/rli; i'.oad nt n oitlt ~nl;out ~.(li; 1'r3r,t uortl: 1,: t~ .,,.e ,iii; GOrdOCI I'CA.d, C01171P,Ct1Tl' ]1': ~~{1B })AC}; 1 7 p ~ ~ 1.~'.1 E, orrnin ^ a E, ~ rarer ',,9 rlil~; a' 'k ''i ]'rol'l 1.;11 F ~,v, 7rui' ;J(,TI ;girt .Oi, r.` •r, frt,C. LLC(,(;ii~ i il, ~~~~I'~r i,'l1 `r~ '.1, „f' i l,ivo l7nk Avonttc - rlalTl;in ~ , „ i_ . ~i ,r,l ,~li :n ,u rk-~:, rJCr~ t ~-and ~o !urn'; ;.,ill Grh~~~k, rarat(:r1,~,; )Irlrcrr avrjnuo r,,~ derl,.ae,':. `II~''`1 at t} is point,U.'j L2i1({ r n.ddltl.Ut1 01' 'I~~% ,C(I , i(~ `,,i ot1 fU:IU'1;'Ylrirl. the Collclvinj; ro11.,},> are~•1~ not r,n•)rovs(1 rat this t~;I:te- I ,ij' 1 t11 1 F I ~1 I ')'1 1;~tartq~L,u ci the I ' t^ f ' •oa~ lrladiT o '1' i'rors thr~ Cr,rt n ~ , • ~ r~ ,m - ,le I .rt11A „ctnr~ !lt t(il~:,i11„' .,tarn ,ve,:, ire I' ~ I ; i the torrni.ntls of said roa(1 +,c~{vxrrl Mile }lortrl i'ttst !'ever -T ~ . ' x ~1 I -il Uontjnunt.i,;n a'' Liva L'n:; rlv~nun ''rc1' Rt , .n n n t ."ill Cr,;e;: t(, );1~rcr~1 ~.vr;nlll, r ,i;1 ~ ~~i 'iIL]rrnlfrl,~,1;, II, 1.., hl,ri I. ,l!1'It, 1, Ik ~ ' 'Il' 'Pho Col-lnt,~ Auditor reported to tl.«~ ionrr. t ~ II . ik } }.[lt t; 110 5U'lt}tl'rIi 111.ltarle lea.; (,;(UlT)HII17 "!s' 1 d /1 ':}lKE +,nX ~Bf",7~%r^ "~r„•, nt' ~ ~ ! ,i r .I'I! iS i~ I ,3t1}' ' l~ i IC' . s .l_H li 1 , ,f 1L r'if'..,,,R,l- rtf' 1;}irt ~~"In.rr., 1.1 r.l Vii. a1. <+r r 1 tl" ~C . l ~ !1 ( f lli;. n 1 ~ r' r - ~ 1,,J>, a- per nal>1t • linen ro(Iua:~t1 : . , h 31 fin(t 1ti.7,ti,rTt r.oticts riva; I;t,rch 2~1th 1'~It)r d } i;pon motion c, t' ;.:r• ~~rarrirter sec . ? ' ' , onded 1' ,Ulei^F111, t11H lP,Ptt(,i' r~idS 01'd!?I'Hii tl':'nC!} 0701' t9 'Cill; 1~15~1'1°~ 1'rn5,•nt: , r ~ ~ ;1 .I I, r~lnnr J l:r,l~~riP)', ~~Inl. ',runty f 11 ,1 I i9 r ! nt,• 1(r;',rlet, r ..t I,(,. j Solicito 'or ~irdtctT.lo ern 'k., r u . .I Ful;n lnr,• f I; 1. ' i II 11 ` }Tt)U2] IDOt~AIl 0~ }°~I', ir(15;;, S©CO11d0!.~ by irlr, !'015IN,n v}i r~~ C , E}~ i'r. I ~ ~ ~ 'i ' e sum of ~b0.~01'or ,}~;`3ran c}K~s solar duo the ,t.~,:_~~~i„i rrr;~ ,,r~r,• I~~ ~1„ I',,,r<,•r:nr; t~f~tii;~, r~~{~,~~, i',,,,t1,~ „i~ 'f~,, ~;r,,;, ,~-r, t,_.,~f,•. ~ 7 P~l I Y 1 Zvi.. "il ,~I , / .t I ,.i ~ ! ~ t f.nt• j., r, ~i ,l•1...,.Ct,OrtUn 1'O Z' 9Br'11C63 rOnd,1I'6i. itS Se}~q ' "~`d " C . 1 1101' DI' t-,11G.'3r3CDrdnrg 1,ullrt, f'r0. ! 1.'t r } t:D ~fh 1111~I&j PSC9: 1 ~{,t2rc}, F ' i «r r ` l~n I ]•1 tin ,,U~/ J , , ,r,:r;~ 1 ~ wns orr?rirnli prtid to t!1a Ar+unin Istrni:I'ix~ c;' tt;e >>i,tate. I I,~: ! 3 1 'r 'a a. Gi' ,.rrt . r. ~'fl! '~'I`" r r n .t•r~ I ,•„.,1, il:. l ,ot',,;o urns r~reiv9d from the 1' t -i,y o." 1'lilmini;ton of its intention r s }'rnl}~ s;nt. to epa~r th~r ide L~ ; ~0',lrt ~{0U5U property U!I T1?1"C} atr0ytr 'ln t}10 ev 't5d}`'r 1 w1+.~ raf(~rreu to tho Chnirr~ltl rJ - ~ ent the County shou],d. dacide not to I~~lko t;l:~ repnlrs t ',1 ~~i . , ';'~r~.n~;r, , ~ ~ ~ •,r ~1!~, ' e I1"r,°+ 'l„ 1 ~r,• I„r. I~u~l ~~~tl fi;I,, r, .:~f , I i t it,h power „o ac,t. jl "5 r.,i. f, /1'.!"r n ~i I1, I:.. ~i~ ~1 1 I ~'i,l, i 'I I11i'~ ~I'~ I+'~il~ i T t wu;; a •rna£tblo to 4.Le `1ua (1 i.o + - } - ~ ..c r',;, . ;r"r~ I I 'I ' ; ~ tt r sr^ ;tl; tilu 1 't r; < ~~1~>., back tl:xr;e r a. - , '~;.t, t~' dUe UYl t,IH Vtt,'f„1~ ,u~G ~G r~~~ i 2 ~ C I I loc,,tod ul J,ove:I ~111ey '~lor,k }r• ~ ^rY" , 5~ `7, 1:., . Cri Ut ~,)l ~l),i)(.l U{'Rtr;U I)Y ~iBU• i]• t~t 1HT1}t ],t(1 on i~17;IC(lt ~r V. ~ ~ i ir• ~i „r , r ~ I, . l ~~J 1.;1 t' ~ ~ i lend the natter lvxs l1},on r lr Cr , p } tf , , ~1Utlall o~ lem ~0 ~n, Sr3Ca:1r10(. U~t 1'Il' 'rrCt`i}: rt3j'f,?i'r4d ~0 t}le,v}i~17•fIY~IlII•t . t„~11 iir .r. n•,r li i, I i - _ f. 1 I'. ,.in' F' '1. _ ~ ''1~T'L. I, ~,l,;ln Ilrn tri pal. t°1IZE1, UZ' ~,:1v }~!r#itti A ,I,~ ` 1„ J a i j . U'f:.J17 t': ~ - - 1 } 1:1 'II.,C@ _l~..tl Ur ~C7~Ir~~~ l~ l - ..f 1'( ice: 1' a ~.r„ `rlh orl, ~.1 ,l 4i,' „I'„h _ i t'''..l •'l1, it: Apvlir.,ations fo:• ]icons;lt; to ITel1 h~.~ar suhmict .r ~ e(1 1 r t 1, a,, r 1 ,10 ~Ul1U{Yli t, per3011S 111 dUf~ fUr]1 ilnd 8`at3C11$1 _ , ~ ~ ,,„i 1 ~ I ° r,r ' ' ~ ~ a,. , i „ ;,i } ~ i, ran iors,~('3 by t.le ;iherif'f, lv,lr~) ,1 nor, ^toti r ~ ~ , ' ~ 1 O l 0I ' f J,II'• liDln.`~n, 3nCUIl,IUCi })V 111' ~i' ~ ,'il. + ,~I ,I~ II, i, i ~ i . Ulir(itlpr,-approvod; ' ~ , :,1~ j~r. 1..'I K.t~•f30',~}ll;l, rj©H2' , . .,Ts ~ ~"r 1 ,i^ ,t, ~ ill i . , ~ '11 ~ . 1101' i;,I' 6 ~al'id J. r;fll'r ,1 ft11)(7 ,`1(71' ~olii.ll~' t~illi,'• '.C , . ,.r I}1 2 , i ~ r , I,r, l 1'~ 1 ! ~ (,a 9tlo }1Rti il(3, }II. ~C1 'r. s „m ,r~ i, •l.a ! , I r ~ {'I' I{1rk11u + • T , , I Id , ^o t~ ~ , . . 1. ra - i,~ ,u i ,i~ , I 'e t a. , r, ~ ~ r . , lnio ,rr ~ ~ , `1 r • A • DOCI" ,}I' 11 Vtl(1})rHC'f, c9. , . .4 J'.~1 .,i '1 r~.. ,I•.,; r i 1 i1f, ~ 1., Iir iur `i ~ 1' ,'nr~ A ~ _ j i. , E 'ilri ~ ~ , . , . , , ~ 11 e ~ . ~ , . _ uu , r. 1, or)I ~ ~ r , 1. I'. 1. 1 lulu u1' f~(' , . .,,(,lv.n F,ubclnk , ; r l,,i.. I ~ f , t r ,T 1 ~ rllil Uat, ;;pJ'ket utCOt.t tUFli}, ,r ,c~ ~~r i I 'riUt't"~ Alto?'nr!+r Ii, ~ 1 .F 1' 1 11,I ,,is 1''iI',, .ot}l, , J ~ ~'.i' r lrutl;c j _3raf1 n r' ~ 'I 1. . , v „re e k. , 5 . , , 1' 1' i p ( ' , ~ L • ~i • ,.i. ay , i i , ClirolinN 'rm;,c}t ;}ond ~ • r Tourist ('Er r' 'i'II) ,lu•ulil,~a IinriCft oa t d, fl j t iF! f f ~L 2I J I' ~ , ~1 ~1 ~'•:f.~y"' L' i , t~s~;Y J~ ~~y_N~ / ' ' ~ ~t rl e2rg a,.t y' ~~2 u ~ =?Sy r i ' `s r~ n : . 'rT ~ :,nj• r~ - ~ •C rlf ?llr:~'tinF; rf' r,pr~1 ULh, ~1'')i~~, uor.,.:. (:lol'• - t T . , r Y o' ~ .}l9 m~~ {,tE3r Gj' l9fti':]Y4~ ;JPr(7CT;16nq Fa~Cr] n ?;n n a f'n . ~l . C:~ . : r ,i', t' .1 111 1' t ~ 7 I~ ~ t' l i" y I '~rf,nrPe:,• c" :r:e ~';~39ACI U I'r t-.. 1 - rr,]rj "0 , ,r 1 t , n , t., [t L,,:.ld~~11t ~1,..,(l h a ~ , ] (1 , I v I ~ • , , ,clt 1, ] r•h,r , J ,?zro 1:. ~1; ~ i. :1;, 1~':I, • lir 1'.Illl„ `~.h';1;,'a, l+llti I Y' r i+ , [1D Jj..`: f~ I' a I) [I, ,r:)(J]r.' ,,r-1}!r F' r r r > .,,I,II ~;IOr rllQ' 1 Vil T,rl r;;. U1' - i t~ , .lt) , irrlc 1 I' i '°j 'Ir, i"rRSllc, s~o(r' Jo(, Ir h1 ~~~17~ - Ir ,E ,Gld.7t~I 1,1d~tr)r ',lLl,n ~;0'.rE;i' 1r r, i }I'j `0 ~ 1 „'1'~~_. .,~cl, J,al';.. i 'If,~':PLrr ,'4! IL. "`I L., , r±? , n , „a~ 11~nr;rt r ~ - ~ ' UTI G, r'.r. I.h1UrlLi:l, 90,•^.U''I(ICC: i!1' 'h'rt''' " 1 °1'.ti~.. 1 ~i'i~li ,1,1' } i , ' 1 U 'y . 1 r., ttiE; 'L)~ODU•}iCi V?ll;, ll t ir,,' I ~ 'o.ixon clrl ` ,~y rn,•^rC},f'.1'1u1.; r'i Elr1G ~ Ya' ,r'! c' „ 00(}S Yjl3 ~ ~I I td }3~ }.EL~.FiSS ]~._.].l~Rr~! .,}IUk) sr" _r r}- Fa(1~:, '*vit. !1.1..,°: u. . f . a Ills'l'• 1~ r ' ' li ~j.~:~: ~ r.~ w I 1; 1 I.s II I..: SEA G21 1;G7`Ti.L l,1 i'' ~ ,I ~ ' 7!'1,17+ .;l.l l!1':e t , R„ r , liar„(: „C7 { 1, ~.l)l) flit , ° w Y Il,, rlr ,.rl£! lffl r .-ii ' - "iC.I" .7Cr ..s-•' ,r ! . •c:..,rrl,. , ~.liol,it for Whla~ tt rnr, .~ald c ; ~ E;.w r,r r,i~t• ~ a.zl , i rv I~1J}, r : 1' r,rl,Itlet . .tr•cc:'r(.tn•r; ~ ~ , , , t tc Anrolr G_(]f,F`r}>, A-t-~~., rtG(i 71;1 E;l)Ea h~ ~ E, o4t,q'n ,,r . Jr`i?S' Iy`r „ t j is i j+,T4prat o1 ~t~xe~ Gzlr v~tlu'.~~~,or r4' ;1"'~~)r,~ r...nr, o~ . r{. ~ ,.~1; ,r11t11, i'~,, 'I~,. •r,l'.]'~nrrrll, ` uu" G ' , - , ; kf rri ~r ~1 "r mCf:f. .J ,r ! 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" 1 t. i tl ~ ~.r#.G ~ , aton _.,ur~larpp,` i.l';. r•..~T rthP,',IC,W T~_r°:Nc~' ITii Trio: `".t~~ii ILITY ?F rii'~' !~f' T,,, t,?}11'li7°1L I'0 f Q;3 L.IGIITe` 'B!A'> ' it ~ l rle „CK~C n F j.ll, , ~ ..Uirr{l.''.r„ 'a C .GT• .,_LI - _ RFGG;IJ~D Pdlsf- - - E ,,'1~ - I{ ~~F ~ FGii ~T 1G12 I It~AT Tii T 7 't !1`I. ,}'.6.-, ~1 ,)11C .dtP,Cf' .1 {r•U.g., r, .r.,. _ k,,u ,V'N,7 vk" T!^e:~iGu1 QF _I!I r'~11.~, _~4,. ,i r1~, l,~r,6l,rpar ,'C'ii4 r;, !1 f::c;r . r,l .lr' _w ! .E r .'1 ia:: }.1`i, 1, 1.. 11;,. . ~ ~ L: ~ ECG`" , ..v, I', ~Te l I ~ E _ Ti. ~:.1',~L.ili I'LL ~l.1 pi. Iil~,i Fjll i t°.,. ' ' ..'/UI'e'~* `r 'r IY ~ ~ ~.,.,.,i.°.71,1. !1(,'~(',~ 'rrr._. ~ ~ 1. 1,. I tr,,, X11 ! ~ :~F H , , r , ' 1 )i "1. Lr' rt, ir` T RFL fill ;Y-.l~ 1' ,I Il.r, I r ;§'~I I, tal' Tt. i` .'III' f ~ ....'I,_ , . „ , . , . . c~ t, _ r,t,, II ~ . , lp i.' ~ Jl!1, C)l., F 1'.. L.'. , ~..G i, f. ~''ri~l., i. , lv: _ S'! I,w ~ „ . is F~ 1' ( C' ;)I,C"r1 r;l ,h~',LI - 1 . - . . ~'r n . _ t • ~ , I,~I~; I1 ,r, I L:; 1 ~ 0 .„"Tf1~ ~f ~ 1 L1., , , TI, f LL 1.1. ~ f_Ll, I, E. f.1 . , I ~i, ,r, !11 . „ Fo. r n ,1 :I, . r. t'~1, ,;~r- ~ r.._~ F... I . ?E.. ,._..T. f; i, • 1 ,rr~ . s, r ...1 1. :,rri. „ :l , j i.ot0} f', ~ '~.~~:I I ~EiS 1 ,~!`TtE A',_~ i' . f Al' f , I~ li i1'~r~fl. ,II !••L 'ti, . L ~'j"il Iii) ~'j~ i j ,ze, I 1 fl h ,,,`-Tc. I_.Ir a_.,,-, I it:., 1- iNE ~TkT~ ~'~rhh;. Qt" u~lkn,111E` A'~ 1 ri I . ;I_l. . , A1VIJ1rI6 TIIl1T_,4`' ,_~`xl. ~ ( ~ - tl Y Ul _1C' I ,1 n )l,,T:. nflD '_r , n, „T~ n.. .1 !t ,t r,,,_ I 8t, 1 ,1 ,;}1;~ 1.75 c ,r,,,t ,i a:,.,, EuLF.r,L FJrwJ t...r. SE;T T`~ TH15 w..,u, F..!} 4L,' .~~:L t} 'i ,'I'uL• .IT T Wf E.,.!:LP1T ~filLlli{-}~ ~1 ,r' , , . t , ;III r..aai. i...•,. ..4t:.,_, !1)7114. .t 11nrG. , , ~ r ,2,.,, ,.,;,1:! „8", ,G~ trl~t, :r'zr ~ kl.,?I.!!^"~`ATtG~1 F?~R Tri ikln.l "r 'p I ° .x.11, E ~..".TH .F n.RIL• , ; I, . t ' ti. "I r' •L' ,.~1 1.,• ze t C.G.n~" n ~ a, !tt ~ r It~r t.l t(,.,, r xnt 1 h 1 n „E~ 1 F r ~ I s, „ 6 ^t' .,ry ..r„.., c',• 7 r < '1' .,,t ^ '?('l :Is ..li, 'iT.~_: ~Jf .._i}r ;.,.~$sl n"'U Pi '~.p. .t c a - L H~ .HCI`;.. _a t. l•. _.F t:. rl -l i F { TAX ,,GLIcCTOR ..f•G,,I-„ r.-.t,t.l. ,U.._ _ , I, , r ip'i;` . .ft Iv t1, i l.rl~ , ,,.,r,, , ~r TII~ s- ~ . , • , _ . , . _ ~1;, ..f; o!a-1t;. e•fruI1~I, . . .U __i~11. .,1 E1 r..i . ,T , n..grr Ci h: ^ "t C. ~ n , L-.. r_ . .;i a," i. '1 r_r ,`I. , . 5.. .1.1,., I,. 1711 . ,~t7lt; ir!i_51 rj;~. I l ~ , y 1. 1 ,s,n_., } TGIx_ G _ ..Gb~r_ i[.!, ~1.),f , , . _ .V'I} I1ND FILFil. i .I ..II.I,,.f?.~ t. - r •^a, r r.., ~ / " „>i._T { yi,.vIL. IsN:)„{.,,.~ w , I. (.i 1'10-I?i)I{ il: ]ii'• tr'r 731'' r. I I ..v { pif r..l . (l.I I G".; F . 7 e ^z mot, - , - ~ c ' ~ .,t~' - .1 u., s t: n K ~E G,IFS.~iY .:i. "t:LLI TN .~C,A~„ GF _ 4TYG>~., irt~, L,r YI I A.1 , ~I,l...ll,ra t)I' i'_ .a 'f,ii.(. L`, s' t'~1i', C,.. ~t,ti .i, , wU},lY 1,OF ~'Ni_?t1Y LEVY TG Tt1L `1hR IR(t;d,'. ,1:!GUtJT~ li LI TAB` F~'>. •`ta,r }4`A . 1t - ,.ii i,":I1 ~I I j }..~(`t~: f o i . !1 t:i.. ~LI1 a.U ins w., Ji " ,lf~C ;'I"r. _ / _ i} Hkl. TRr,~tSl PH FE:SlC'PJ~~ SU51~oE5~' 1"TC. ^~;°.Fi.r )r' ';Tl t"~~F r ~ ;i ~ ~ , _ 4 (.I 5, I,J . ~ ,;'1 cl ,,l.v„ ,I.nr. i;lr, _ ~PEi,IFl9ALLY rr- 11~ 'w ~ ,f r 1 I' , L.. ~ clnr t ;ic': ) nc' '~e, _S GhATEu Ahdi) i1EFIidEu dhd ~4„} .i~C t 'r, 'il.,~~! .i, t, ,.1 ;nli ,.IPi11 1'7.,11.1) ,,T IHf'. 4E r .l, ~ ,1 r,. ~1 1t'itr n r' ii .'!I'!,.~ X1'.;.11 ~0'. ~ I{, , 1` Cil 1 ~ ~ 1 .'7 Qii IH~ »F:r v i. 1);, } ,I 'I ii }I'i,, ! ;I , ~1 . r It.l' :it, r: ~,It. , r, „ c ~ .L 7., „r"..'~~L. > i_%,'f. I I i ~ ;I I. I ;LY i':ll ll ll.l Tf'.ll ,1 LN'ti~. f 1 i IIL lt,l r. .I Ui.I`itl`J i,ar nr ~"1' r - ~ , i _ _ r;Jl.cc 1 :r_ ,.~~t.,~ _ F }s6t" r 1: il:' j: ,'i~ ,1 rt. ~~~~-,vc"1 ~r,0'.1 OP('FATI, i~C; F!1 Ik, tls,'tl, 'f il'.',?IrF;T il(" .1SI T(~ is N 17 ,I~G ,E, _ i~:I'5 :..ri:. 1;. };'is. „l~l~ }.~11, ;J, t:o' "c: f ,.,E All] ,.Y i j 1 i~ i}ir; }?:-t i.?"I•h~ ilr'.;~, ,l i. ,i,); I ~ ~ ~ ,.i: , _ r~ILLIh,G ~TPsi IJI, U;l'' :v - 1,1'7 I ::I! I'. li 1 t. j'1' 'I' Ut ~ GN GP':'r,T'', {J Ili J ,,1' ~ ' T r s ~ ~ r. f - , _ i,.r-„~..., 11..1.'..+~- T;: f'' „ I''e.~ SC11-l, Kral .,'1- c..t f Y: ~'.1.. U'. ,1 :1^ , ,r'.ll,r,,i Ull r rlriC. ..L' ~ L~.rl r ~ s I ,t+r~`, Et -r'l i ~ ~ '1 7, , 1 1 ~ :.r~U.~~i Pf.i~ YEAP, F Z ":.E i ,Ii:1L I q':".' { _I. ,i ~ ~.,i111 r.? .,iC: 0'(U. (.;d ;:t, L:,•i .L , ~:I :;-`ar ' i ~ ! „},i I {F~I~ _ ' ~I 13 r•r.! 1.. J: fl r' II r <r'J:! 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I',h'll ::Ut-lUll C,:~ :(I'. lClbrltl' i.. it I~..'~'I ,}~TI~.,. - - - ~ I t SE3..s.I1{IG'I] )t. ,.T. .rP.9}. 1$i ~ F, I'r1'G' ~ ~ 'Y I..' f , r i. i I I, A'. L i ( ,~7rlE;nt of ' c 7 I ~.~1(,.L`(3 p;lr r1}n.*Ii.~Rlr;2 ' i,(;ilus _ t._ 1 _i~1~ i, ~ i . 1, errs lnv~`il:: nr o; 1 ~c1rt1 to JI e c ! r ~ I' - - - - r_ ~ h . , In ~i7th, 1 ' t,' 1 , ` ~rl~s ~ •}lc~ WE?rp ,rl(} 7E'I'r'1'! ~,tf?G uU 5}IAr`C'- irr 1]18 ~&1,'11'1': ~';1n1:9 5 'o ~ , A i I :r a;.l , ?.G.1 ~ ~Ei ,'v 1:ih! Ctr';:,1i:::s1p21t1S'S }t;t)rllElr'<• ~uhs ~~~I~~ bl: ftCCOtillt , , ~ ~_y a c ~ CS' Sri_!lr~' lit^.1~"a13.E?Cl ]?tl'rs 7J<t3 .fl.irl`t1V!:ii P.t1G tr I _ n I L~ _ r ~ r , I)c•7C ~tl S11G A ,Ill-13U, E , Gi (3aa IC,,E115 Ulirlt'r Fl'~t} i }r it rr ~ ,I. ! it t. . ` ` Ir.r t ~ a n2 ..o?}sE, X111 llc. ~)tl> r ~ T ~L r s. c , o . s .}8...i7.Un 1,gFl:i Gk I f ,G ~ fj, r E: LSad ±}18 SEIIAI'V' lI1UI'E?Nti0 1.::1"..~ ~.'t ~ 0 t~ Sl1T:1p +U }J8 rr,~';. i .t .:Cf, ~3 } i i;' a.~ , tc~ oP its r , `at'iiE , zon , otro . . t.e ..n e1 1 GG rr Ik , _ ° 1: ' `lb~s +r Qf :riPlt h, .T~• :~;F'i 1° 11 1~ p; - r I i rl . i : , ;sECOn(Ier} 13 1" r .t, of ''ir.L 11 . mI . ~1 ,Ga~:lia,l , - , , Ifi ~ 1. ~ L=t~ Rnnrd(l,rr~atE'I ; .?.1IIZIris nru~.Inthr _ : , f r ~ lUUB',.._C ~.r.,l ,}]rte frt°;.le }}ft~rtl}a ,}Htj ~ ~ 11 ff ! _Ct 1 U• }:1T51: ~t7 r~'r n~~,5 nU~_Of r „ .h h; ,li _ .r ~ I_~~ _ I~ , , , II' , r „ C 3 .(J POVB :aliG]7 -0' s Q;" Citllll ('1102 U IL'r, Il;IUrl li 1, _ 3 ~ ni:.1 d~.,i~;rlc.}ed 141; ; r ; } ~~,p,, - lr 1. : T IlU'"h.!•fl '.l. ~.~;Ea .liar,A' ~i"1'„•r:!}tq2' Irj r it I'.I , iIl' ~Ot,is 1aA,li.L tir lrrtl.C]E?Il.,, 5(i iU ~ ~1.. - Il r.`1 l.E, ,?r~L• - ~ -:LL1~,~ _j' 1 ~I ~ I~; :}1, nJ i _ i'I i t _1.. u 'c 4 , a - I 1, i IE ~ i.'r. _ , 1 1. '1 ! i. i~l ~ ~ : , I p Rrf-G f JP.r1.:,r1. (1M~ - ~ !I _ ~ f 1, ~ ~~T1 CAROLS~'1:1 ~ , °':,u. , , l' ,f , 1,; ; 1 _ - ~ r - , : ;n,,. T. a; _I r, : I~ ; r:~ - p,,# ! rT I~;Jt CdNTiPJUEC, -y , , 1,, .,:~TIf1,. tJF' [{,YLL c.CGP!.,!'., „ ~r . n r s ~ ;.61i,f,~:.MJ ~_:,JIL•1 iY I? 1 l LS ,•~,S t, TO 'i AY LT; h;7 r ~!E?E A.1?F~F?flV'~ F- _ ~ ~ ~ , i~ c FpA ~ I+, I T ~ ' G , " , ~ , } e ,c, I' r ,I I r ul LT il, II1GJ`'rf ll l J: 4. ~-,„L e - , ~GUr,'vl;il, :,I < , ,.:~,e 4; tg ~ ' ~ I i• a. . 7, i,'.'. I ' ~ ,.,y ;.i. 3 ' r^' v..w . t „ / r'•'~e i r i , E - t ^~:G. , ' ; . , • _ r , , . , ,u. . ,icy h 3,_ ~ v, r:r* _ L~ t , ,~6LF_Ya t . i , i"'R IJ, ~~rJ,~~U't:lit ' ~ P,' f, - r s. . r Ia, t I,. r~'%iL~~.c U_. f t r.44, 1. '..1~,.', . , "±taY, :a i'~ Lh.Ei r`Jy E. T E _ . • 4Y t L,,,11 N~ t o1u fl3 r - , n f : . t t , ,.;Af I NTH r ,.i. i a l (.~L t w, ~ y / t.,.,~1-,; - r i,, 1, .',t. I('Kr,^ i,!, ,i~CRLhy i~,J,;+Y it17, r:f: . i g, T~: L t r ,ay i rt„ ~ i r I uK y 4t r ~ ; ~ , Txl~'r ~Ik fTEGtfLf11, 4;Lr:F.I„Y ':iL'ETIUG OF `H - u .,;A,.H-~, h T E ~,OARG .lA~ u,5 ~ , H`LA A T .,C r• 'i ~RC., l.'!T: :A.,•J,"'j r 1i`a;,~ r~ ' `T, Ti," r.. ru!. - ~ ''I'e ri - I ! y' a r.,.,rl."c7T t,Hal Rr,RAJ r'e: , t BALL n , , u ' I•.. I , , ,~d . I. TRASK Jiij r , r~,~.CnLL,tiard ,tl=l; ~ ,1 a ' AR;u,;N :~ELLtni,tY~ s tJTY r?TTGftIVY r E I . , _ 'rl^TI.JG ylAS ,rt 1JG~ ~+/ITrI PRaYW3 :J~r' ;a,.,r rr fF,C ,.°F:rJ 1...,,v'"G,,, r'G~TOR dF THE CH!11?Gii OF Cd:i, % r A , : s THE ; I hJl)Tt5 d~' !'Gc:T lrtta dt '.'Ai "17} }1'. r. 'r° i ~ ' : r ` . t lx ~F;E P,_,.., A~,u A, J?r'ObEJ, AS r;Et,+)RucL, , , . , . _ r ; ',i i' . " , r * , - viA i ''.r Sri nr., _ : i•,~ 1. T n TC2 HcAf?I,J {itt n7-...._,~ . , .,.„t_; s :.L i. ~,,_t. "Tt,t,ri~Y X11. G F!,'FDi1rJ , „',~t~Lrts, ATTdrt`,L r - t G'T '~ICHAIt, 1A,,.K.R t I n r y C~1_dn~ TJ A'?~:'.i.~'aL HI" F~ w 1. E SCi.L L r n ~ LII"ailull ~ i C~ NS 7r 'E:.t"; dlv -NI ~ O'itf~J P,IEftI .,Ew~ gr:'THE CAROLi'JA ~CACH ~;OAL' ~ f0` _ , ~ " ' nu t T~rt Iiti .d,,rcl 1s' i ~;r, ~I }k r•,r,. aOVc,,T,1E Ar'NrtvA7 fO~-aT MEET r•1 ~ 7 t. ; _ _ - tt , T - G OF ,WAR LL CTa F(1R tl R 0 ~ . _ ~ ~ ; s. . ~ a T E tA:,~Jtd ;tiE 3HEi?)EF. 1 r. , A ,,11 n , Hrtr.t rIOT 'r,, _ . " ''F" • A! e , ' r, . 57O,~ OF P6tO„cFt~hlTC T. ~~n , R ~ E :LG. r • , dE ~.,;~RI: r A5 FC?L,LOr;c~ :11 c , r 4 -v.: ,P,: S,i'.JE I. ~ r r, , . { ~ TH ~A,I,,fr~TO;WY f?r_,ULT9 FO Ft ~tJP,if~ , t t71TrJG<SES--TrSTI, TL.~E, •u+1lAF'_ . T r- 1 n.• n. ni Tcft NEAA}p ° I'Y Td TLiE dREtaRLYdPC;7A, l~+h JO , .,r r1,_ F'LA.,,:. THE ~dARTl - C r. , f -i. _ f; C" , t d.J r:+dT I drJ dt- lv,~x, t - , a i ,I GY .,IR, a. COL i H l,E~t11 JU A rr . a- _ , ~ .,,xd tiEC7G ^ : , 4 ~ , _ Lt. t,,. ILn yl 5y d_ fi.H ' r a. I . F I_ v, ALIT.. E 17" F.GI (C r,-4•r;r,F,, , i ~ .a .,n 'v 1 Lr.D LL_,T L 'o`` n of r ltd lt,, : ri ~ s1 - ..~_,,r d _ tl.: - ~ o - , I i THE'~wtH~Ri, Fr , rflr._~J:~GTSEf9rtlT OF ,i .l ~ .'i ItF ,~i:)VE uTvii,, ri)~ ,Y,=t ;t` i I~ I. ~ - ',I ~I yr ~ , , liT r ~p t T ~ h ,l: _A q! `~a-SR , r r+n r' n v, : r , T t ! _ , : i' r i rg i c P1> ,,T .1-'`i nr !p ~f,L~CRICK -~l1. r' I i. , ~ , ~ i ArIE1 e,d.tACF ~~aF.,.,~ ,ar, :x c .C rtw nF THE •~i"^ "1" `r-. ' - a,.. .,t a , p i TJ-I r~ (;Or,:411,~1~,1 ~ r -l,. ? r1t~ I RESENTED 'A CO {Jt41 CAT It]iJ Cfi yr wf E'A1tE A. tt; •E,: t I' rtC'r1'T!?r.:t,-^, vd.":i.,~lC„ o,-r1 sr• _ f ~,:•J'r.`:Sfilr,~~ TN AT IrJ AliDI i r,- r1, T,. L _ , rr T.<T n", Td ,.!O~,lti, t l IA., ;,.:i11A p.lF~ r r ~U'~,i : a Ct: l- l l ~Cil.' T rL:.-'i t. i c. THI.'i-a , r, , .~.E3:11T A4'1) c~dq:,.:-1L~r•!D TO'TN' ,n r-, ~ Ttt r,.• r T 1 r , E ~ .~w4't1JdR ,,E 1, ,-Olt it.,Cn.jl •,r ,aLTfIcP n. T . ~ _l. - : ;4_ - _ _ ,4 rJLLO,r t;ENTLrrw'~N'7O THE 7tli - ~ r r ~ ' I'rc TC E~(JGT~ ,d,4)TPO,tiI~`1' i "_",y "r,r I-i i,:- h_ t. n+'., ,i „G S ~ ~ r r T ..,1..,r;~,, xF?G:,,.Jr .cICA,„1Y @h' r f, , : , C~~;Y.,"G~:l, T . I rIE R , 4V ING FRE,V IOJ,~LY R~GO,ArtEt!?J ~ 'rR ° OAD r7, ~A~'r"". '3Y R'S,JLI!T ICPt dc; ri. , _ ,yG +'I iw. n ~ r,rtea Iw , .."1, ,r ! ?I1`'r i- : SE_ T AT THIo rrSLETIrt~, fhE ,~^ATT"P , a„,?.,f,E7'3E 1,„ I ~ tv ',Y' i ~ .L1 t_ : U r} rr t _ ,,~y r•OTIJ11 ur t?. ':,C ''r,^ ~ r ''6 I, Lc A•~, 3£Gu:J:Gtt r'i?, i,.l r .xp , t t f ,J , ,l~ o ':a. , t I ( i i .9 ; 1 k a?.7 ' rh, 11 TLL THE ,.f 'GETI,Jrr y C,.:.11:,ur:~, _ _ , i _ . _ . _ _ q l.lp"LI .,nTl wP! ~'F '~r. r, r r°.,: .r _ ° - ~ I".!., ) ~ 'Tl'i: .du.ntJ Grt?„'.fTt`E ?r° 11. rT ° y.' r I ~ r . r , , ( f , . r ny~ j t{' , `I -~tl ,'II', t , k ,.`i QF THL ud ttll r . „ r • T , .;:,,1hr,,.; : c. 1. L r .r. ! Oi i.. . 6 , A Or iL~En',IL OF. Tra ;,(d ~ .r , ~ , t. 0 r ~i _ t, ,l , , ~ ~ . LE ._,_u.,, r;T r:l_ tcu.J, ,r , , r _„r > ~ . r' , 1 t r.ii? !If_ C 1 s' c 3 - P Y ,_n(!,(.1[ ,Hc Flt, P ;I„F 1 iT A a1 I+"' 1..~{,~ i L~J:S ~(`ry7t, 1 ' - LCt r.,.L,JT d, A r GL 1 W~: arF i c~ ~ , ~ r< _„D. t. R".-,_CUT, ' JHc n7 e F, TO QE a PRO.' a ' _ I: n• t u. - _ c ur' THc •HEi1)I' {t r . ~ ;;„L., - _ r - 1 a 1 T.?L~ I,t ; i ~ • , 4 n r _ Fy T, ,.Pr L :J I I 1 fl, , r ,v Lr,` ia; 1 i;`!° i AlT rC. ITY OF T 4.. I V,,Nt; , ,.R , riE •.1n , r, l„ CF I , L': , r,~l VUiJEi i,!I)i.Y A"fll iik1C,;.,;T ~•~ar',.r n nr. t „ r i. ) I,J Au.rlT.l.1,, t r ,na., .1 - p ( dF ArJ OFi I : ar , ; u : r.,:,,,,a~,~. t h.. 1. r; II'l i r,G_ ' i1:JE ~ , T?E}~ J"=;~ 7 y ~T ~ _ ~ ~ - i1 ili I f S, II''-r; '^i10,: UF• T t r" ~ II~: - ~ F::, L .I., r.l i r;P r. _ l` C ',I +17H _ _ r ,:IJ.i :..~0 :~'J.:l',t(JIJ ~Jf 'I'C J'IPT, nr j'~r r ~ _ „I'-'t : I`. I ~i: ~~ITY <l:'i, ~,I, I_I::: "I'.., ~ , ) ~i lrtl: `~'iJ; t,~ : r I L a. I . . - ~ 1 i _ _ _ , ~ ~ : , ~ ; r . , f r ~ I ~ ~ ~ F (t t 1 r, ~ "r_ . T t , ,T , - I Y - 1 ~ I l FUi{ i rc 'l: a~.,~ r, , r ~a~-t 'rtiif n c 1: ! r ,r ! 1. I', ! , , - I „ L,O !,T I r I r, I-, J ,r.,T II: I ~ L ~ ~ . . - - I - r tT td!r t, 'IES1.. , 7^v_t~(,,:r~ _ ~ . :Cc »r1Zl t, ;S I ,4~: ATi),tES dF r>RdP .-tTY 0'v"t 1I', THE ,:~Artt .~i F c IriCr''; VFv;; I_ ~LAr;''T~J.:13MIa 'i ! V5, : fU i 1HE PUr;Pi?3E -q, :,SOUR iT c t LI,~ ; . L r? i.7 , _ ~ _ A'dil`itG}~.~ . , I ,..1_'i , i ' , ~ IPI~ Af~, EA'_"{,, .Oft THE n}~'.r+ tP ~ . .,I,t ."tAY FO,, A ~{t.l'r;l ly• , , ,t.,., , , , •nr, E' ThtiG).,i al=,;.~ t6 P:' ~ ,•,r nr "r, , f: T. ~ ~ S n ~ E TH _L,r , Lrr~:.. dF1Hr. ~Afu RR P ~ c ?n:. E r:,I,Jv ~~c.,d-'r,:•. ,7 i "Wl: .f"C', ~i~ t+vG•CI ,'r aE.C. ~ ti'i ,r ;,~r!;.'~ ° v , d Er,TY gv,'vE+w, ~ r,hE ,,ITE. dF T! • fs h n r (ntr , r•.. ~ ; d; A t„ D ?,j °r rt r}., ~IE RO dJE. .,v.ERrl..~t!1 +~,t1,I:' t:~ 70 0~ ST%i`LISH'tD x„ A JU. r .C n I , J a II u LUt.THt:uIHAL ,!ljPOf=,T :Of;EER vG.:`A"!~ STATiOhJ' ~JD >+w n11t t r _ _ ,{I - r: . ' t A T. a C>?.,.JTf r1TT0~'ILY i , f(,tt n~ft trr ^.n, r - ~ i r I AUIHOhIZ•a, r 1d , 7:. N( r r 1 c t:, r <al,.ra:,r4.., f, a.rw.ll,: ,~~IL ,:_,t i..J: LT r: ;t_ r,, 1 , ~,r ,AJu E,•FJ,Gi.~ll TO .1;NEr}~ Trl T nr ~ ~ I~. t.rt.t: r1~-, '•II ,t .,5 t:' , t~ + E t I:' a rA. UF" G THt SAJu F~R~`p~; T"'. ~.t•. .e~ r,_ _ T-. I v L{ r 0,1 1 sr E FO tt: _P;:~P r , J ,I, O.._ AFO.t~t;1D, Ur-?„ :.:41 h~1! „ v ; , , . ~ t -Lc P.r., ,,,at,..,.U ri! nN,r~l J, l {Ut ;TIi_ i. k l,y.a GLVI Tliw IWG^l.is`dTcy O" I' ° „ ~PdN y, saAT ;:i i - , . ,l r' e;s° ,:n r, „,OTidrv dF_ I.. w+jLL SEv'dNicu Ire;"` C` n • I.Y .,r, ,'IT 7`,' .I. l,,.rr,,. r :!C",i..lr ~II: d u SY r„ ~OLEr,:A,ly Atli~i G;IT"( ft'An r u 11i A~JT} "EQUI'?INC; p r; .s, ~tIVErJ T0 -RdCcEL' C;1TH %F,. PFC"AftATi:,t is i : ~ SOFTtA!-L i,1,~.1dtJA „iTN f?OLi.}, t rig -7- , t I~ ,1 ~.,:Tg..r,L,,.i1T LkG Id!V'.FI ~ ~•..^..I 'c .t~ ~ .e l; a _~p- I - 1t, a_ _ EL 'sE,JhaTE•- 9Y THt vf,LYPF,A°LA r ~ v _ rn ~r I P,~AY `1 r: t ,F ~ f „C ) , fF ,r 7,, -7.. 'z t ~ I ,I'HT rw r:,,,t,...t,I"~riTrr ,,q. F .,,_r_r? i,_.. I,r,L Fglj ,rt L H r ~ i. r fl r r I i i 1, f ~If~ t T t f r' 7 ~ _ y ,:r,r a tNt i ~ 7:"ne -:i:P ~i.- „ ai.r T T;.. L,'"~"•- 'N i:" =t 171 rl? J , ,.r-.. ._/,TEr._r_., .i i.;. I.A.. , IQ I. ...T .,,ft,1 l..,riT ,,,iclLlr,A r !1 'll~ Lt,:.L., a ,E CEiVED FF{Oh,1 ~IrvFlcl:` ;r,'ITH,';~ ~ _ri.-, _ n ~ E.,drt,rth, URGIfiG ThE I''31Or~tC'S Tt1 ricSl'.r. Pr1Yr,:Eh'TOf t~fl •;:I:i! [,~.,r,„ T :.r; , ` i ' H 1 :i SAL 1i?'{ ' Pr,- ~ t ~ r. r, A„iS dF ,rT. ~?O ni' A~ A.; _F _ " ~ n1,, pit: r` ~ , }I :I n :UCU5T rSTT I n11THOF~I Y F ;J~ ~ ,L. nT TI1~. 1;1.'~ r r„-I~,;,, r s , T ~ ~ ..L :,11.~ ~t~, , rI,II r ~~a, Or 'iIE ,I_ ~y t I~'I t, r _;;'L:' LY3 'IidSTEAL OF- "r ~'!~~ru'L '!-I;.'IT r X' _ r 14~i ,,7T'~:;` ~ T.. i. t` 'I'~'i: - t:r rty _ T r. _ f I L _"I,=! CtF , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,iLl i Ti:' l'RI A1,, UT ~ro 'IE~FIt(..J 7;:",I.Eanilrn llU,. G .s L; I _ E 1 i' 1 'I. _ nl ~ Til : , , C ~ t E~ _ E ,AT a r I ~ ~ r i ,a C, r ,.tr;&1 ;i. _ ~ ~,'~fl, i, r , I_. h~,- I :i'' I ! I 1?=s T4' .r;THy I' " ~i T r is I.1T . I ~I~ II[. "~'E~IC fl3i. ,hc, L,..; - I?I' '~'Yfr'~,r r. lr..l l L.~F ri i(,L t~J ~'„Ii 11 cT _ , ~ ,1J7.; Aa~wJ4„~ . v, ri!rU_r Ah~,~Ep;TEidrER ~C~t' yr ,:r~', rr' rli,,. l r, a 1,, ! r. I _ I I 'i,;i , i'I; I-I','tw. •.fr~ .1f r;,n~. - ~ ~ipr r n1. r> ,},tlt ii t r _l ~ T Iqi„ OF ~i LC.v, ,s ;I L ..rC; dFr ~:IU i'',: 1% ~l firth ri Y r ~r 3 r- E bIU ,1 T. , t~ i`,,IiL ALi t~r,~ ' j :.r 1~1 - - 'F:4r- V, C .i. J'1l. h.}.JIT l AIJO °4t~- f C 1 4.~ -,n 'i. r.. ,idRs N ~It,Trr.,.tNT yr rl= r.c- r ~ , , ,:lr:U ,._'11EOF -'r.O."E ,GA; :;,Y d:d THE dPPd,,tTE :,I:;E i1E :n ~TELY P L, T E,1T ~anE d, THE: C0:•',IllNiir J,.t t IxG r y ~ , : , L F;'<d:''. arJUa~,Y' 4, ,1 a r ('ti L,~'L'a'Fi GV.,:. 1. . , ; e° ~ _ .t .tM1 a,F a_'t., Ar ".T . Il<r. ,JI' .r t„ t ,t TI:.,~ L.1,k G,,r, ri1~:,t. .rrTl, ...E uC _ 5Ty ~,-r) TC~ DAIC. ~i a I~ (1. ~ r r i i n _ _ w., r.. j TL'r'. , .m.,1A w.. .ter Ul, .r,r 4 t , AA , ,..4 y..; ~r.;1 .,,",I'1'~ .L.,,,:.:_...!.: f._.. nl T•:: _ .:-L1.._ I`Gtft a ~ .,lU,..JL.CT 1 R-t~1[ (~l! I, gllT .,,1 IC. t~ICt i }1nnG LL',,.Lj px_ f::;' f A(..w, ~ h "Vl l{~,. Hi: ~ 'S I~aJ i+i ;'.dY,_U ,,,6 r ..l.. i E. LI.IT ICJ i ~ f 7 !'l 'ice r ~T ,at lam, t,.,E' T P R ttrRlL riAS ~ G~ c , r.t •r-,•. ,;D PAY.;cIlT' ; ~ " it dF ru) R ,t ~ tr.f •t_.,, „ ~ A:J QRtJ{.,,rP, r LLru, n iF F.J.•,u u - v -,.P 1~ r~f,t,,,ry t. r'i. r; . :'r ) ('0 r, ~T14Laa U_,E.. , . Y _ ~rvrt , ~e.r ,,:?E ,L N3~(itr'7 1n„ ~F 7H'-_ z s ; r it ..t:;, d Tri:4, i u..~ ',S j3r£ `l-'i . 'i i q i t rn .:r fr , r~ '-f - r. n, r.: r a:.. r,.r _ i d n U. till ~ ~:i , ,.1 ~-,..ii I?:.'i_i i i1 `-k-{ L?.L~:a, _LLY .w~J,,i,tu ntt~' .t ~ I _ _r ~ _ E ~ ..l~n , ! , lqr, n Tn a n r OR n LI , ~ , G,. , • r a c r .a r _l L to t>< _ELL SEER AT Se;A('ATt ru'a7 'vAr14.'t~Ir,A :~:.xCt:_,OAt „r-,~r .,v7,.rLT7 ;7.SY g - : _ iSE.. I". e, .-il,. trr-- •,•,s, _ 1.~s~.dfif,~1...Y:~+ha~ it1 r _ ..T_y x,iri..-..,.. ,,.r::. I f'tR IPIieIT.e,,,e,..a,e„r. .,,.a,,.. ~r: CHA,~..:taL~.EI. n.4" ~.,t:. j . „SI, I..tJ ~ -1 t r EC71Vr_LY =TH ` rf. •+t .n ~ ~ . _ ' 3Y..7H.. i[ ;nc. it `;i,, C JNC iFF`y_ APljRd,E..r ~ IY =-v.«I,IL: "v a, t-._;~t) r' i,,,.. ~~sl~ F,Irt T: TttE_ 'L.Ia. 'l'", ;.li~ i . , , ~ ~ _ 4~ , 71„ rt ,.u 1,. F` t(' l" 1,, t~s;;~ ,tl f ('JIf T s.A: "'1 L~La „ ~1 '{I l uJ ,C 1 v I: T O. .,dJ 1 ' r; et 1, _ ~rr ri. .,r xt r f1 r'..Tn.. Ub,L^"ilv!';ih ' rtrii ~ ~iC T..t L,,J., ,h r., },;_:ldL v.1 .,F ,.r,,1'.E;t~ , c..lrs.l ! E _ ,.,.frt APRiiOVE~, r;}r : I ; t f'AYre'E ,T. J' THE F'1r•LOP!(1~G GL'Oq AN0 Lttt'a. UL ,3Eld ti 1- -u,,,.,,f! TO Sr.R'9 ~ r-t . n, r1. ~E '1~ , !E i L k,, ,JL.?..:,.- ,t. 4, t,T nIAL L.:: .,.C:. ~ .1 y t..~ - ~'L` n e. r,. ul.r~c'tillh C.,1,,, r.,r, ;.,E ~ .,,vt. .if t e , :1,-. ,.,,,1 rb1. .-ta r- fit. T T rn r _`r- ,r .,.....~..rr; , , ,~`,..T ~ .-l.ti ! .T`.' 2'R..U I ±ri*,,t. T°;, :r'a I l,IVIL ~Aat°~ FO,~ .r,~ ;,r.EKv,TE:a".f .E'a(r.vl~a 'rY ~T'-, •tt GRrA ~ :lu, i. / T r 1~,4 i r f rt ~ : t ~ ,T.',1i ) L T ~ !T 1-"= 't,.',I OF ~,tLL T?rEa ctlr"? Y~At? ~ D - , l aT~O.: t~ J„NT.,i, „ i,,jr;iiTN, f , UsTC{; I ~I ,~,rl,,r r r r' f ,r r i. ALL. JA°.i ~ad L~gHN";It ,7 T~`,'rLJh,,r~ ;_v,;,:~:yc.n+t i'~ r „iLTwy . O ~ V „ ~ :pl tip' • .f AGES ~!L'~JEY ~?AT~ r, ,h. T „ , ~ .,r ,c , ~ „t? JT +1AG to :t r 0 ' I,. LEY f ,~4 ,,J, ! ~ R ! ! „ ( . , . , f ~ r r ~ T, r"! a , t 5, k F I ' l I t~ , r . _ , g . , , _ , ;,I T i „t~ _iE 1 n.,:.4,,E, ;c' J1 P ne, ~ n / r, , r A n, •~7Eall , „ ,,s-h , rite - ` a II n r~ rt rt,., y , .U„RA5 ~,a:,JGdiT ,t, I rL„+! ,~rFcEr, Avnf_,c;, >c n r. ,t. _ 1 etrtr ..~1:: ,t " f- i,; „ .,,ROCf~ r:d ~t. t1 T , ~ L T T ~r T,.r(y : ri , ~ t,:,. rt , . T{. C .,f_ Ar,L ~ ~ r- LI,:! ! t. r" l,r;t~E1.C .1„T~IV ~ t ~ ~ A t~•-TI!a. ,r r . ~ ? _ f Ae'ItJ Y n y ~tiV~NEARKa he?„t r1[ fr h•r,,.r, ~ i. r; „ P fI E6~n LIST I-nr 1 t~, ~M1 ,r n- , ,.,t ERT ,pr, L ~ 3,,0 !rJ a L ~ Ac t..r ~ _r.~ {P _ : 'J,HLL~ , v.,11 ali ,.dl;:, ta_S r ~ st n 'f (E 1 - ° : - 4~ ~ , THc . : L. T t~r,rvR~.~!h., 4 ,a'f:,'t i'r~,~Hi "J "t P ~r A t( n', I rrt L ' el I sa r! i r I :,r LLc , Iri° „tVA,1, ~~.u.(,~Jr; iT.Ai} . r JE t ' ~I inr.: • .rtnT :1.,~, tI_i;l c:~, ~i,L,'~ if' C ,`I r, ~ ~ ~ r I;~ } dCrt~i,,; be N, I~ ,,,Il - m ,r:1c ~r. ,.r. T n.r II CHA.,. ~Ir~hEL~TEIfidy >u,.:•~~LL'' ,tarp r;, i n E g . ~ ,,:,¢IL ,.g1t, .i.; la..l.~ _.TIr_!< ,l ,r 11AV y.~Lr,.l r°tl i r r'•-,_ . it; rf_. 1. 1: , ',~1`` T 'r g } SI L'~:A. .r n, ;r,-,. I ,~.:A " t rt0?, ,.:,t.GL: I"~l, rl, :M1i r - i': Rrvr'+ I ,TvD.. T'? , , : ~LCd:lJ „tcEh, vUN~ :rTtt. -tT =i n a ~ ~ t_ /.E L G, c ,fr ua ~ . ,,•i;rY Jr~E„c; A~JI ,er,,r" 1i; ELI It, ..,7HUc~ hr1?. ~HILi.,Erd ~ .r ~.L.:,,g ' ' It ~r: n T I T ',Y, ;,SOJThEtPL,1?=,~ c'd„,, ' ' i i a VARL-:.,~. n r aL r :t A'+n „ , 7 r e,l 43 ,L r(Iid, • r, ,4 `i i • , .ix,t,:bt~S ,..ALL A ~lJ~F I `tii n~ n ,z,. f, , Y,I 3 ,M1 y, ~ ,._r YA,tT E 1 h t 1 r C h:'Of, ,,.I,vtc.JC. f t. ~ n t I,, 1f:1 , I1 qT , l r}r rr j n,.;ucCi* e-,. r ~..~+,;HErdt,[ COn I ,t~,~ _ n r _ ! , ,s~:.: c; i ..,r.al_:,, 1 r , v;: I'.~F. T _ . 1 .::t!„, l-.. ii' F-~ .j d , If,l T O, y L,r~r,,rF' k~AFll i I 1 , ~ 1. - , j T.., ,ErJ , , i r ~ , ; 1 T ,4,R, FRn,iK ~ 3:`l l ,~,.I:h,LL r .c r n , t. t.•,,i.f t~:.;:, ,,~.VAL..C :1 ~ , i • r e..:, r L ~T(_, } rl`•{ r t ,,:.0 I~ r, , f r L,, r~ .t u_ ~Ct_f, t::,, I ,n.C~, ICE - Ir ,~("!i, .E_. ~OLLL~.7 1' t~ „ s ,,~Tn"sLl'vaT , _ "I I t T'""; tii', , I } ~ :.t g n IT;r3URYy~1n, r~, tt$ ~f • r L Lh , - , : , ~.A. ~ 1571 _ ~i, 1n ,l: [r I uL ~l rtL..C1,( ~i.al'cS ~ r? 1ir,. r4f ~ _ ~ar• I r' ~IGI . r . ' , T I I ~ 7 °rtEt.r. ~l.:i.~U; CN Ili- r .T , ~ - *t; 1r: ~ ! : ,t , ~I!.DLE_T,'O;J, ~,'t.71Efr'~ r I . , I , aG'Tu I '=t t FOR ,A't"t_, ii : . _ , ?i , i i ' _ n 4 ~ _ ~ _ _ , l I: , a , ! ~ Vii. t~ , 1*t1 J 1i r i~ :i..TlJagr'~~, a ~ cf j~~,r 2~t;'t, 19~~e ronti..nued.; l{est..ng ~ r ~r;r fa~;.~,~:l~;c ~ JJ;,OFS 71!'t r>•:5t. OF ;iT' Tl `JiJS: ICP '~a; , r ;fi 1; .~Jh;[i, ~ v v ~~';TP 'r>>: d a Ghr,.rlee Ed a v ~l.aetinn g r raig, jr., for liaenes to sell be?r At 1&enanbaro }?luf'fs erba held in R} NIZ%'i:~L.~„ ~I,JuL` I R'_51 ;C; , ~ - ~,'}~i9 'J;ii.:.,, CSFT AT1 &PY ~ :IG~JO;~ . e~fdiz~ o~enia . of his ro oaed i,; " k~L~ e.bsyaz,ae p. f r B p P busineas« k ~l , sal. ~ l ~h1.. i{. llt+l.L 'r~i 'J~T > >,JTH , ,.U s ~ - r;;;'i,; ~J ~ duly ascand$d the:matter of a,foY.rin and aruardin bid far the istatallation of three i ~ ~ ~ ,'I :i. po.. motion, , _ , l , 's J S , !lid i JTJ i.,,~,L.4,, ~C!lTH ~ ~ ~ ,l Ty ,rn(1, ~T ' {aF ,-1f30TfN ' 't ACt ~ , u ~ s ~C:. ,,~IC,i'~ ~ rentilatiag fans in the fail, using air;dsr blrMka instead o4' brisk far the masonar Burk rras ~ , Fn ,,,.Y ,~t,1AL 1 ,G1 ~ } ; ~v I ~Le , Y f ~T ~ Vii. C. ti)CA:,, r+ ~ I NCrt ; ~t~ r ~ ,G„'r,,. referred t~ the Chairman and }fir. Coleman with power to sat... ADD L1T7 ~T~td J r?t;,,, ~ h-' ~ff. + r.Gk1 '.t~1l~f?fiJi ;31 7sC rtF~~~ „t Lr:J, ; , ~.;~,FOY ri a t •..i , .fF~IGNTSVILL' L C,,CH, j. n ~,.,<;,swi~ur~rd cj The maetin~ then adjourned. v.; ' ~ , 1 HIrICT r ' , _I~_~r;A,Ac,.aT. ,.~T j t' _ i,~,s .h'A'tE5 1* c? , : .J-ET PA~i- ~ s f t~., ~R h, ~ct.HA~A .+ALiOG, 7.1,`s~00%~ G0, ~ .f CC~~, J,!?~_4J. " Clerk ii i' t I n u.(.,t,i CJ1AFtu" ~,.<2~. a ; , ~ ~~a1r. r` ~ 1, , . E' ~t,:_.I',V rS(T,r ~ ,~i„ :.OIJ, C::,{TEAL ''LW~~, ~ r~' 7.. ,i~itrkl J ..1T:• ,Lr r -r ,J, .~...•..r - ~ ~ r ..~';;I7t{f 'UIJ `-T, t ~hk_c.l,. 'l1c:L'Td .~iiEE7. ' a i ~ J' T t . J , I r 1"~ uARkCu~, ~ "H-~ ~i n k.~,t{JdGS,~~it.f~ i~,l• ~ E ~ J f_'"f t,Tli, , ~i.,~~i,~',v'iTt;~. ,"r° . ' T' R'ilrain tan N ,Buns llth l + . ;sly! (A,=s CI~C:TrJ~ Grr.,;:~ I J. ~ JT .jT+ ~ Y r ~.aa, vLA.UuE T« WOrC 41j{ ~~JU H v, .<::i. ',TF1i .T. ~ s T jTH, T, ~r~ ~ , are ula., weekly mrset,.ng of .the Board was bald at 0 : ' f~,:I,~9ViP~C,vk.~`~~X ~C)jf~, ~(7'i. .i: !n f 'i„LiJl;T , i y ,rIL~Uti ,l, ,,GzgITT , i ;.UGIJ, ~7JTn ?iH ~J ~7M t. r T J,il.C,~ret~L `~;o _ , Presents Addison lte~rrtatt Chaia-a>aa•~, .C,ao. >n. S'rask H, R. Gardner, L. J. Col~sman and Count Attorne , Y Y ' , 1 1.,x.~ ,T. r ~ f ?dsrsr3an Bellea~q+ , er flu A:.:v, f~~ t~;)Gr ~T, .r - ' ~ ~ ~i.~,~tl' ~ ir?°, r_ P ::!'L''iCY u. p,d%AIUAi?K, ~C.°,~~ ,L~Gf,P ~'J , JT, s 1,Tr~, a?, r „t . ~ ,A ~ etirt was o erred with ra er b the ~ GNr,~ „f. r :a , Ir",,,s I ;{~q ~H_~rT,t,Jr Tha.ms g P p Y Y Reverend Mr, Allison, pastor of :Inuel. Presbyterian Churchd ' LE:i'>~, ,IL I,~, t , J' . ~r.' ~ ~i r,. ~ i1 ,1. ,,,~,Tr, :~Q';'TFI if7Ti` _ :~I~E: RAJ + :w, 1.1 u;lis ~'i• c~ , f sn6etin ofNa :I r~, ~ ^ ^ ? • , ft_ L'~,IC.Ss f .~Iy T, Tha minutes o g y 20th, 191th, weir, r+rnd and apprevsd as recorded, i.1 _ - ~ ~~s ~T• ~ s sint of a fsnas Navin b~~n:a ns ~ ' ,'~j S, hAla 4 t ^ , .J. 1C.AvE!~, ~ ~'`:tJ w( Campl g a trUOted across. the matfth of cRtfiah tireek and therefore dangsroue ] _s©:), 1:G „ .;Tk, „T, r ~ a nevi anon -eras brow h t ~d~r g G t to the Attention ®f the Board by Mr. Colsrasn, and upon motion the ? P„T ,a.,, F;t~ ,Tt,~ ~~il a.II)rtCY '/EAZCY, ~C r~~. ~ nf. r matter etas referred to .the District En" i~;j ~IOHP,{ ,J,,,'IiiK p;!. n ~ a nRT :i!r, ITH~ ~1~'~ ~,Tfi ginssr with requs..t that the came be ret~ved in `the inntereet of r r, . s _11 3', ~~-s; a. , -i . „ , , ne.ei tionr' , t~ iAWLER rCt t 1,-. ~Ul,lt,,, Lr{f rCf t,:-ii.eT',:'T _7 $a l j' ~ / T. , k,~ ' ' -U an motion of ttr Gardner seQOnded b ' T p , y_,~', reek, the Clark of .the Superi.br Caurt n~aa-allawed att , ; additional'alszic to help oatoh up erith`tiia work andfi~ relieve his re lar olarks xhile on racation ~ ~ , _ +HC r~:cCTi{~ T~_!t t~~JGUn`dC~f at a salar of $1GO.C0 er month'for a' eriod of two months be ,h> ~ Y p p ginning ne nth, 1.x.5, the tia>~e to ba ~ - ' -y f ~ extended At the sxpiratian of that period if faund neossan e; _ ~ ~ L b w {,I .,~Cr,n, An e~pplication fare liasnsa to sell hear at Castle }iayne aubrcitfsd by Catherine C. t,reer, the ss:me i;1 , ! r bed in due form and execution and enciorssd by the Sheriff, was uphBf motion appravad. + r. i W11min ton N. C, : i! g , belay 2Elth, 1 9~~ Von motion of Mr. Gardner seconded b hi r p , y r. Calsman, payment of ;5,00 to !6r•. ,B.1a.Ski.nner, Secy~Treea State Association of County Goauni;asianara for=membership fPSS for l~l~ t 5 rre.e autharised.; Ths regular weekly meetin 'of the`Hoard a i' S as hale at 3100 P,M. 7. I' F;I d ilk,. u y S pan motion of Mr. Trask, e®aonded by Nr, Colnm,vt, instructions ware gi.z°en tc bru.n~ suit fc;r the Proaertt: Addison He~rlatt Chairman, Geo. VY, Trask L. J Co ~'y, laman and Coun i~; ty Attorney Idarsden Be11a~, colleetiar. of the beak tasea acorued an the aro};orty cif John p~Addell, m~nteily dofi~aeiasat }1u~te 1. iP at the. County Homs, and that a guardian Ad la"item bo w}~}sat~t4d to deal with ti~,•~ maatter, re ussted I~" The meeting eves opened with ra er b ~,.i. i 9 ; ~~t Church. p Y Y t e Reverend Saris L. Hradley, farmer pas tar of Calvar Ba b 1?r. Aaron Goldber Att . i~,f Y Ptiat Y g, y C. 1 j' ! I 5~,., 5 9 ' ~ `'I T q~ith reforenc a ~ i!! he minutes of mooting of May 21st, 1945, mere read and a to ca~slaint of the ~1.:,Uc?Q.OU Reasasmeni; an fire pro,sert,y of Cl,ayton ldoora i, Z u ~ 'r, ..Approved as recorded. block ;~1?7, 1dr. Aaron Goldberg rrho presented rho request far reductiota, ~eaa inetructad to make.. cottplaint on the form provir}ed for that purpose for consideration of the i!pard of `Equaliaetion and I ~ A raquoat of Martha GiLnore for ad `stets t + i„ ~ ~ n of the. back taxes due; on -pro or - in blook 2 wa Reviser at ate ms P tY '~9? s upon etiag to be held Monday, June 1Bth, f mo ion of Mr. Trask, aeoonded by mr• C;~leman, referred to { the oommittos Kith power to sat. ~i ;II- U on m <; Upon motion of Mr.:Coleman se b ld r + ' p otion of }.}r. Trask, seconded Bir, .Colef~ .aonded y r, Trask, }londay, ,h~fa ltlth, 1~34,~, at ~tq0 0 oloak P,id, i } n, }+i T. Roes, Jailer, was .authorised to si n en he dot xe.s "fixed as t ';C agreement with the United States be ar e g e the Commissioners will sit as the 13r.~rd of Equalisation and Rsvier~ to hear P nt of Justios Immigration .and. Naturalisation Seruioe,Norfolk, ' ' i complaints of asaesemsnta on real eatmts and inatructi.o?ts rrArs iven to irre notiba to that teffset i ~~I Va., for the detention and mein ' tsnenoe of aliens held at Gavernmont s onse under the 2mm a n E g ' xp igr tie by advertisement. , ' laws in the Cotui Ja _ ty fI, for the period from Jul ;let ~ ! Y , 9 s•5, Juno 3Dth, 1916, at a per -thaw rate , E i ~I of charge of $1.00 per;,parson L ~ A request of the Superintendent of Schools, Parsnt•Teaahars Asaooiation and others, to have the ' i ;Ike I t Ste.ta Hi Nara f Publio }lforka Corcanission va the r ad servin the Sunset 18; Upon motion of Mr. Coleman eecondo g Y pa a g Park nex eohool from I d by Nr. `:Tres},,.:-.the 1y45.1946 bud of for Publio:YVdlfare Adminiatrntion Northern Bou ' g levard in Sunset Park to Tenneases Avenue a.nd Tennssase'Avsnue"from 'the Ca o a was tentativel a roved. r lin Beach I Y PP the amount of $j5 ~ a [YFY S ' ,''I the Coun + ,164.,0 subject to reduotion before final ado tion of Highway, around the aahool a t B a ~ wa {I,,t ty a general budget. P , nd beak o the a ch Highway, a upon motion of Mr,-Coleman, seconded f l ;,{J;,i by Mr. Trask; approved with request that the :improvements bs ids as early this aurmner ad practioal 1 I' Upon motion of Mr, Tr in the interest of the seta of the children attendin that school.. i ~f ~ r tY g ask, seconded by l~. Coleman the h i Dire of R.A.Paral vrer® rar an abatement of taxes on a valuation of '$8,350, Op on 8 8 acres eY g ,.tad ~ 5/ of land near Hilton -take o t C tv for ito ?Ipon motion ; ~ water lent u n ov r by he i , of Mr', Gardner ,,oeanded M .Coleman the Stags tii h~ 1't~. ~ 1 p A gust 191,2, , , by r g y blic storks Commission ~~-~t ? ~I was requested to resurface .the Hi, hwe. :south of Lumina Wri htsville Ileaoh vrhioh ie ba g Y g lly in need of reneirs and axtensival used. i1 'Upon motion of Mr. Cole , Y , li man, aeoonded by dr, Trask, Robert° Jenkins, Ca o Fear to~uttshi el<as ranted a refund of .02 poll taxes for the ear 1 _p' B ; Y 943 collected b rnishment e t Are or a -eared -that Mr J Y ~ F bruary 3rd, _.1g1~L4. I p t of the aotivitiea` of the Bureau of Identification for Ma rrras received sstsl f led y i . ; q PP enkins .name to ,this County from IdeYr York in ;Jul ,t to Y -1943, and eva,snot sub,jea_ ~F po xes or that year in tine County. A g , t it tatement wa r }i ~ii a sceivad from the State Board of Gharities and Public altars ahoAing that },1}lt2.16 , was sent 'to thie.Count in b!a for Old A a Aasistanaa Aid to De endent Chl:ldran and o a I; Upon motion of btr. Coleman asocmde ' , P f r dministration d by Arr. Trask, he Board authorised the a nt of sal to Y Y $ r ~~!I Dtr. J. C.°Kin ' Sol a ~ P Y~ 6, itor of,Racordera Court, on .a basis of the bud eta A I ~I g ppr riation of ~.9 raoort era.' °P s rsoaived from the flaok Tax Collector ahorring !6,355=1e rollseted,for the_City and."~J,~7.74 ~i ~ I `E, peryeai, plus $10.00 per month salary-bonus alloned oche st r offiaera and employees, as of I~u'ah 21 , for th~.Caun tY in Ma , ~'h 1945, under authority of House.Bi11 No. 8 0 Y ; 9 5 f the General Assembly ratifisd'Marah 2~lat, 19~5~ I ~ _ ~ R equests for adjustments of the book tstixee an property. in blocks }ios. 12$ RO and 223 in the-names of ~ ' Measre Fountain, Jewell, }9hita, Reynolds, members of the Board line` , t of Aldermen of the Toren of Caro Jno.L,lAillfatss Luc, eta 4A res eotivel sera a an motBo n ,i Beach appeared with.-their Glerk air. Walter'H. Blsi w ds Hurst and Iianry Mc e, P Ys P _ n oP B.b', ualers+n, seconded 1 '.~1 r hn preasnted,to the Board a re uest to approve by Mr. Gar ; ~ and reoomsssizd to the State Hi Nara 9 finer, referred to ~ha Committ~a xith orrsr ra sot, ~I g Y ~,Asblio Works Cormiasion, the.addition of Canal llrivo,at Caral>pA` P ~ eecsh, to the Stets system of County Maintained roads and' a ve the cam f Street to a point ;t c ' ' w P s rom Terelfth o:wnuni.,ation °+raa raosi~ed from the Gity advising that the quarters in the Odd Fellows ilssildin ~ I. ~I{~~, approximately two blooks north `of the;Town Hall an x>~ ; i" Car a ? ci thanes to U5 1{21: formin a ono.vay loop road occupied b• ' ® r , ~ c~ olin Beach Avenue, xas upott motion of felt g elation the Control Roorss rr3.11 ba disnontinu„d as o. J>zna ~Uth, 1,15. and the telephones or~lared F, II .Trask, seconded by Mr. Coleman, ap roved'with reca~en removed wh that the eamo granted as a neaessary'project to relieve the c p ,ieh xas,'~graeabl:~ ta'this Lard. ` ongeeted traffic in that area.. i Upon mots A report of Community Hos ital.`for , 3 5 3 cn of i~t•, >grdtaar s~corsdsd b, Mr. Cnlaf~n Gounty bills t}ca. 6 ~ to 8 wars a r ' ~ ~ , Y ~ p Dyed -p April was reoeived a_ P nd .filed. . ar payriont ~if~ i'; A reaotmnendatian of tha``3u t. ,of P olio Yelfars to extradite O.P.Stuake" on a non-su ~.ort charge, a~E The:. meat... Y Bp ing then adjourned ik, held in abeyance pending further developmonts. The follaain a lioat am - g FP one for licenses to sell beer and to o crate a bl c d ca 'hall at -the loosti - lr.~'-~~-~ ~%lsrk. Pp pu i an _ he same-.being ,in due fortq and execution and endorsed b t S oration of 1. sown, he heriff w're a on Y ' s p : Mr Calea~sn, seconded by mr. Trask a r ' ~,r; , pp ovadr ; Iri~~~' .Robert 9fcFarland,, PUblia D~.nce Ha11 East Wilm ton. ' I~ ~ Robert }~oFarland, Besr ; n ~L!' WaTtsr DdeGuira, n i I . sr, Seabresse, ~ i`" R. G. Scott, Bs :.i, er Sunset Park. i I i.~ i~ ~ , , - j 5,.~,. l; lj ~>I r, E.- r" ~,a. . 1~', r f: , ! , .r s ' Vlilmington, N. C,, Jun® 11th, 1 ~?5• ` ~ ~'r! . ! , i, The _ I u` ~ L'. r," '~'C t_ ' ' ° '3;d! regular tosokly meeting of the Aoard waa held at t00 P, id. • 3 ~t.i, , I , _ ' t!I t irman 7 't•. tt .:I _ -Lr.TT ;r .r :f, n„ .t y. ~i u tr,r,, 4.r.",,, ~~!!'.i'' rtil'+1{tti" ,r Present: Addison Fewlett Cha T ('r•- i~, ~ ~1~ f ~ ~ -Y ;1 Gen. 'rt. _ra!ak, des. Id. Ha_1, H, R, Gnrdtter L.,1,Colen~ s.,,~,, ~r', i;fi and County Attorno i9arsden Hells f" . Y my , .r : I ~ rr ~ , 's._ _ , 1 7 „e :r.r , , r= ~7;I '.LL ,'J i T'I. ~ S:,t ; . h1 ! 'J `3 ~J i ~ r 7 ,t ~I r}":-..ov.. a't, .The toasting xaeo erred xith ra or tr tho Rere a ~r~ ,,t:.l I , _ _ ~ , n;.k.l"Jt>, r'A..T,~r, ~E' I'„r.r,-+tiJAl. { I~n?h, I , P P Y r nd 1Y,H.Alliaan pastor of'Trmaanue ! Church. 1 Presbytariart ; . _ , ,_I v R rl F' ~ ! L I ~.I+`ts I r'ri~S ~E, s~» 1 { kU r~,',-iil hir'~rt,n'._, rte..; i~~ ~Uf 7r. ~ ~ , The minutes of mer~tin of June th I,, g 4 ? 1~1t5, xoro read.. and approved as reaorrled. n r f n, , . 4 iT'~ _ flF f" 'a,+'ei,,=7fU'" _ t',EU1C=,~ ATJVIn;+ii,,..~y t',t='~ li~l i T'~ 11.. z` (T I.(C.. I~I.. ,.L(.~. ii'.: , r....:u..l,i..t :.{.~,I,:,.r :..f:t i4.: ..l it .i J;rl. til' ~f51'!.t",!•.:1: ~..rTr1T YU r~1.:U I.F ta1 ~,!,I •R.Chiehalm and delegation from the Masonhoro Bluffs C c r I, ommuni of ,tdas ,~,,,..r s ~r. L ~ ' !~I, , „ c - tY onboro 'Sou , to ask that:action;oti the application of Chaz~les Edgar Crai , Jr. 'for n aPPaared , , _ r; ;I lit g ? liCeilEe t0'a81 { rr T ,r ^c ' °+a7 -:;i, 1 it t. _ _ _ rF, ! , ldaeonboro 81uff b 1 bear a c t _ ,1 i r1, i , {1.~ r= a ,.,IL~1 TH + ,~,:T ~IRt~E7 !t, ul~G„ „~r~~ .i,GN e e heYd in abeyance to give them opportuttfty to .:pre are Q e >n. ' r _ P tition . ~ oPPoeing ` the sale of boor in that corvnunity as undesirable to the residents. U a _ ; •I - ~ , 1,•,= r.., ts'~'.,~,.,v TG .~,G G~'rC. , ii p n motion of of,~, aeaonded by E!&, Coleman the re es ~'aek a qu t waa granted• r• _ •T r; rl_. ! t r °r:;';. ipe... ri .4 1.,-,;. '1, (n r „ t. .,ry , •.s-:r r ,1. n!J , ~ ' ~c r.,.,l:. i n ,1. _n.,..'4 ~ ?,n iii it i x,.r,. , r. U on t .,.r sea ion , . ~ , . , . , . ,t , , " it ra`J;.r 'UILi~IPJ~z A_rSL.,aI:lt`» d `i1Vr=rt'{~E ,i ~ , RI n, seoonded by fir. Trask, lr. Herbert Albert Pi - _ ~ Bray, X102 Vanc ~ µ:rt:~ , , r~, , r, lanff t e S I _ r (Cr ~ ,r ?,r' ^.c i.+•.' s 4 .rr r t ~ e Q' l il;l i t V..llaga, A`disabled S anish-American War Vet e ~ troet, .,~.,:.E:Lr: r~ .r A ,.I_i,~lj r_.,.c'~r= _ of 4.,tj..t_„... 1,7f,, ,~=.i.~~L.~» ..,.I,,~. .i,~ c,o,.T E• , P er n, :waa granted;FREh IBC ,r _ ,t ,QP~ tiah k,NSE tapeddle - ~ I,cr~, , ? ve stables etc• in°Nex Hanover County as provided lax irr such a ' by saes. , ,j, ~I ; I , rr -.e v,:a i',, (t l.!_.i P:Y ~.j i, t. r (1 r} ..i. r?-t^ "1 r ~.t I~r ~ 1, ...4 ~+ty I.: ,i.4~1.,h v~ '.r. ~.~rr t•, ,r ;v- A report of the Colored Home Demonstration A ant for Ma xal ;t, ,:,ALL , , ~r ~:=r,:_ :I ' g y a received and filed. ,,.n t r,£ iti r. r , v 9 x,r s•' , r i';r°` _.c r:»,. 7 ' t_ J4LvL :,r,C:r°i T„ r a? vFti +wr L~~! r, ntvl.' Hn( :,aT t,t:J lr, uLV~I, ,r,_~ ~ (Ai?T:OF ~fHSC?~ . , :n.. Y,~., !1 it -p,:-. , „r.;., e... ..r , - , h.. ,r.,..~ rr . An invitation to`att ;?J, ~n,,.,..{..n .,.1.,.!~ t..., ER ..i.,,~ ,t,( IC, ,ts,.. 7r1E .t;.-.+,p.le,S}Ju i'krlt ,.no L.: FT G., "lair i I ,~.,'I ettd a upper o be given by she State Hi hwa to , r 1, ; at Fa et g Y ~P ~oea of .the Third.:' nivie , , _ , T , , t, r r,,, y teville June 15th,. at 7=3o P.M._ xas"extended , .,,.,;1 . e•F• lone iaa s, rw ! I ' the Commies ~ ~ ~::;'I ~ rs by Dr• Guy V, `Goodin r, h.l , fienansvi'lle, State ;Hi hxe, Commies e g oP ~,I g Y ion rs for the. Third Division. p i!. _ _ ,t ~`t}E"•, i 1_,'Li~! v i Ik,F ~ t ITN IH~ u01,r,w knL nu rv± w~,tw~ i i - I;, 'On sr~tion of Mr _ , ~ Ha11 inatruatfatas zeta. given to urge the State HighNrxy Publia 7dor a eve ka Conmiesiop 2~ rd St 8 ,,!i, ' L _r„';' ~L1~t~ t `r ~C?T~ Cr; `~~'ir~a,i.Itari ~ LAvL~: _ e r ~ ; P , r e Kenxood as soonlas pose ble insomuch-aa i rovetnenta to ! has be ~ tho said street . i -...l.I,.., r,tsi v{i~nrip .:~13 Jrt~ it„a1.~N l:: . en pending with the Highxay Commission far some time, IE , i~ ,-r, n , 1 _r.C.,l; ~ LOT i ~'.}t,?:.l:;i~ "`,cAO;~ , P hadiea Rest Room C ommittee far 'tile Nos race ved s , ; y i nd filed - r• , i. ~ , . ,~~a _LG~i Ii Jf tl tl , - r. n 1 ~ r 4.,, rN V A communication xas, received fr - om th C e ounty Auditor advising the amount oP deposit in each r( - I;' n es of Ma 1st 1 bank 't . , ~ ~ :III".°. li• , J ' Y 3 ? 945n together with a memoraztdum of securities he d : 1 in each ease. 1! , r ; u „ i _ t l' w ! , ,r !r I. An application for,;licenae to sell be a 1'; er t 1003 Vtrightaville Avenue'submitted by R.E.Arthur I 4 r°~ w' t'~ . , M,', ~ and endorsed b the Sheriff ass u ! ~ , pon motion of Mr• Coleman seoonded b r , I ' + y fir. Hall, granted. I r ' 7^': . _ . . a~: U on mot ; " I . n ~ ° II 1, ' p an of ,Trask,; seconded by Mr. Gardner, Fred Dlugirt xho has been in the armed service , . . ~ - 1, „ since June 1942, and. released June rd 1 rm. I ri ~1`; 3 ? 945, a granted an abatemeat of X11.62 intereat'ncorued - - ,'i' against hie 1 taxes. ~ f r n 944 - R', , _ ~ : . , U ~ - _ n r~, n ~ u i pon mo ion inatruotivna hers given tv samara bide from the local Certified Public Accountants o ` _ 7 auditing the books and reaorda of the Coim Off 4 - tY ioer., for the year ending Jtuto 30th, 1945, I ti r I : i 11 I 1;t~ U on motion of 14r T as . ' t , p r k, seconded by Mr. Iia11, the Chairman eras-authorized to basin the preparation ~ of the 1945-191(6 County bud~*Ht by inesrtin the amounts .estimate b g d to a expended for regular f I ty =iiI! operating s~.penaea of the variousds~ertmenta of the Coun salaries and t c ~ ' ~ ' f . o her items of:a d©batab a b r~,_ n=~ I , .F ~ `r,."i' 'r , ~'~Jte" .,,-c%; e ' ':LGG~ ri.~ +~J'~T ~I"erlr=t-, le n tuts-to a considered and determined by the Board. - i I~ U on motion the State 1t M p i hwa ainetnange De artment xas as e g Y k d to ive Furth r at nt o to the _ P g e to i n . - , , . .I. i rovement of Park Avenue in 0 e ,f . ,1 r tr„ ,F 1~. r ~r ~ ; r- . ' ~ 1 ender. . r _ ' ,;r , . . . T .it:'.~'~!~s ire I 1 L. ~n,n + nXY_,.. 4.:, , Nv «i u~ ~c, 1 7 ct f I LG ] YLJ`1t1, ; L , n ' s ! I ,r. r r_t,Twv:,_'~t .,i$ „r,, .tr,t.,L~ 1'J I~ .w ~.C I.1 r'i„~rS T." hv' {t Upon motion of Mr. 'Gardner, seoonded 5 Mr. Hall the time f h ne, r Y : or olding the regular xaekly,meetig _ IL,. ,y „ .,IT T.. ~ ..r lw..,+.r F0~3 ,~I~ , 1:7_,A.. .L,... L::LI eG : , f he Bo rd'xas fixed at'10t30 A.M., each Msnda instead'of •00' _ ~ ri,,.- r_ a_'.1.,,, ~ y 3. P.}d•, as formerly, beginning E l~ 1 ?donda June 2 th 1 ~ : i , ~ " ~ I , : i ' s y, 5 94.5 , ti I~~i~ Non motion Coun bills Nos $ , `w', ~~:r t ~ w. , i! p , . 3 60 t0 ~ inC we U 7 n~. ;tI' r.! .."w~i !;T (~,t r:11 r. ~ .iiL . ~ . ~5 , ~ t re approved far. payment. tl ! ~ I -i~{„", 1, CC ~,~l N ^ ~ , nTk'~_r,.~.".t.~.. j-+«ns,`FTu[.- ,VT i~ r;1ul. ~.1 ~q•,+l'v eCl] Upon motion of ~(r. Trask, seconded by t,{r, Coletaan, the Board,confitro~d the ac ion of the ' ; , i,1 , Commiaeionara in a eoial cunferenoe June`$ P th, 19 5, xherein at xas agreed that inasmuch ~ r: ~ , as the volt is too hi h for cut( and haulm r ' :~~r. ~ ~ ~ g g the timber from Corbett a tract of land in the Marathon section of Ca a ...Fear Tozmahi o h a •'on i { ~ ~ r. ~ . " " ~U ~C- P p is mill near Smith creek, in consider ti ,r r I i ~i'; of the land to be given to the Count to enable a . ~ `+''``aT ~=i y it to,provide a right-of xay and site for. • , radio beam to be satablished by the Government `as an ad unat o Bluothentha4 Air ort the "J or; .r, " " ~C.E:C ~ J P , I Commissioners on motion turned the utter over. to the Government to`aa uire the said land by f ~I I condemnation. , ,i ! ; ;'I; sr G'~~"'~ _ '„+J., iia'n,.r.,.~y:T„`.T ?'wr ..lt-..~ ,G.OV N'~ ;The tneetin then ad ourned• " r'C.0"1- li, g J ' ' I ' I i • I h `:c~ ~ .Clerk. ! Ili ,1, n' , r., 1 G„ ^.r n.. F' ~,~,r,.-, .rr w ,rr is--. A r. n ~~.1 i t7(' !,,,,,rs~,lc„ a~.CU{+ac~ ,s, ,it. ~riuv. ; ,~.,T,,...,T rR~~ ,G r~ M I Irk u~ l ~ , _},y Lc r:~sf _ ( ~K ~ ; I , i , . ! ul .;e.,iL ;1 !'1 n:=' x Lr ..F !NL ,rrl..:l'1aT{_ii l:'F( ~iG..:;~rl _L~'ht ~`FFICTIU~ ?,S GF t_.. , _ ~ ,i_., I f tl'.Irl~.. i`sT N. ~~^,r ~ ^,~r ,°r. ~ r1 I. , t j . , . I , , , - h .)i. 1 G,i ~F n ~:o,,.J , E.~ ~ ,C;;c P I •,.1 I a „ 1: ~ _,r,,., ,.r., silt}E ~F I,ISCT `:r. j , ~ I Ti~~ n`P I , r-,: n . nr-.ri k~M e«~ i at ( T ~ , . ±i~Y Itc i _ Ti its s~ ~4 f _ j I I j I I,. ' Ii} ' - : THO .!L"I .T?'J r,<!E;~IG _I, ruit ,r.l ;s„~ ~~,::Ei:'%:. F.I;L'F'I:.E?. i I~"r4 ( I - i s t ~:i ° 1 ~E .A Lr,r , t :t. Y. _1 r I ~ ' k, 3Gi1iIDr! Fir-, LIC_!~~ `;ALL ?4v~ tvi Ti=m >,r.1Y-,it;A i i .avk?>,~. " r F !I UY -fi"F 'f ie I^r~nl 4,1 r'` pi.. (}h (:-`t y~, I I.rt'}„ 1. C , . C?t ttta._ s 9 I, i!!. .i is III I "~~i}: ;;t>ST r r., r ,,.,r r r! , ~rrrl ..r 7 (c t~- I, Iv.: ~t° .i, ~,LF iA''J} ,_±,w•P.:t; ;5Y 'r., ,,~r.1 _i f,_ vl L.,.:.t., .a,,w. ,,i;~Lp T:} QIG7iiy L'. -r }I4 }r„' '1, r ''C r. i t . , _ - ti, .r, ~ r .r r~.{7 n- ` } r,T ;t (1` 1^ `5 1:,'~'• ~ , i. r• rrl~ ..Lr_:,,, .r:.l~ I_, 41 ,.At 1l,~ .,J'i,. .JCTI_{1 r,.1~ „!.A1 rf J '..f'':'ITS r ,fir. J:'.~CM 'i air r; I" P 1 n. r ~ ...fin„.--....I t i Ai t J7 - _ >G _ , - I Try _ L G AY TG - T ~1 r _ t t 1. Gu G i rr.., r,- , ~ ~ ~tS T.}a. r:..'i-~ ~~at ~ r.'4 _'t -:'j I e.-E'ir ''J f tt~ i }!r ve'''il I , 'r7- ' i In~',.i .r 1 i ~ et f "::41. it E : ,r,T, 4 ' 4i'I I ~ - .n.,.. k ,riCT 6. ~ 1 t1A It.,(-.n 17,1 ..H 1 G,7 M :,rail lO ~ _.1,' s i nT ~ , I ' r. - - ~ .l~~i H-T.~~a Val. . ' ~`'1J .-til,: 1F ~!I~ J.i Y J LTA'.! ~}Tiu _ f 1 I° ~•rt ' ~1 r - °Ti ~I I; I.. ~ r ! I I, , I I - I P li ,i i . u! ~ ~I F ~ .J r '.N~"' . _ _ - , r _ ',t}iQi ~ ! I S~# r ' f, ~ : 1 : E . fk r Wilmin tan N C • June 2'rth, 1915• , ~ i l . ~ ? , r ,r ti , I I~i; '_t~rt~l !!r~ ~r iGLUT'I ri , 'n~- r : ~t ! C!t ~ ~ ~ . ~ t T ease taken -June 25t ! ` rn~ : ~ ant o rec h, 19 a5,, the Board met nt 0 A.M. _ ~ : ~ - ~ ~ ,.,t ~ I dl ~ ~ ~ ~ ,ON ~ 1.+~:~,, q+.C'JF.4L'+ n,, , ~w' , -,ai : ~ ~ ~ , ,~,~~,l~rt uF l;:~.,u'1~~- Gr,~!.,<!r~( rr~ ~7,~ ~ L:;la~~, ~;f! w ,g ~ ' ' t r-~ _ v present: Addison Hewlett Cha rman, Geo. YY. Trask, H. R. Gardner and L.J.Colvman. r g .t :c , , Ii IL '.E !LL ;E A L{,kuE ~w!'.a,'P~ "'i T ,G. ~ i~, iri" 711h'rK!rjt;'~~iR • JCi L::' f'v,~ 7R ,i, r T J, r c~i,.~;.,;r,«. ,.,~.t.: .~;:^~g ~ 1r~~ he Chairman, Mr. Trask and I~r.:.Gardner attended a ~cintmoetinp wiBt the Ci Counail and the I, ~ C/,.,.g ,i ,rte,... ! 1,F ,i:'-, i F. 5?! I i:JPlr.•.'-'. , '~~'f r..t~.- .ir' ,p, . , '),tir,r , _ , lr,~u I~Y i„e, ca,:.,! ;,3;~I;;t lrnin tonHoueing Authority to receive payment; in lieu of'taaes from the Housin Authorit on-its f I r r _w r -r Tr!>i ~r~~,.ti.dT 1'Yi ~ g Y ,r. .I„L, q,• c;il~a(~a„L cx~~5, qr }touain, ro acts for t}ze ear 1 1 .`The resvntatian of a - a :Solomon ! F!. r~k L ~ ants wee. made b Mr, H rr various g P Y 9 45 P P Ym Y Y , . _ ~ ~ tiF~.. v F ;.T : ! ri ~ ,+,r ; , ~ r~ . i is of 2. 1 for a `ant ` 1 . , : a e«moun ~~5~95 7 ~ in Seu of -taxes- and' 0 0 o t ibution from ' ~r ~ ~ ~ ~ ! . ~ m.._,...L., r? ~ ~F• he ~?1,~3.5 t r Voluntary on r f. , ; ~ t.Abg 1 I~ i ,L;,~, r.r•: ;1t ~ ~ ~ ,7r,'r, ri :~.i , . , _ ,-~c :~L`( - k a total of 62 for the Co ' r,, i, . , r T}tC. •.tE 5,~~..:;T ~ ,slutt~~;w n~ , n rofits, ma ing X18,37 1~ un and-$37.1. 6 and' 1 2.68 xos eotivel 6„ L_ „ t, 1L r TAR ,1 ! p G ,.,r: P. m T T { . L~~ a total of `~1.~2 $75.6I~ for the Ci .The a .ants were tens `1 yr a v r.U~ITI'a; T^ TFie r~~:!~~La?, TG;7t::! ; cG~~t!;r, .r .w! : 3 making , tY P Ym ivied dr. He lvtt`and Mr. W d ,I ~i ~ UuCY,GT Furl 7RIii' i !'~°'7i ,v- T., ,,,,~e~ t° . ~.R gUtd, ~ • for the County and City respootively. , IT LCi r r'~ ~ , , ~n jl:~ , ~ ~__,,.~.Jcll, T!1~7 'Eb;C Dr.r:T) vF ~~0'J~,TYCQ '.115~tON?_~,g ,~F ' rN1 ! ,1.15 E~Cr+ , ,w :i,~„)UEi ~;,OU!~~:T'r ~ , ~L,_t~CY I~i~ ~R,- n ;.r r.i r~.l°'CU + ~ CN~r~RY .~c7r~~,acrt ~ ~ i~ r.-~ bd ~ g wF rrc.~TAT.. of ;Or~,TN vAR;;LIF" r . - c„p~. _U on uwtion of t:Sr. Coleman, seconded .b r. Gardner `the follow res lut on authorizes the i i ~ in o i ~ . ! r'n n . g 7,.! drtl,,,~; . ,t P Y. , g g ~.Ji i r.,ur{ u. n'{ Flu- + ~ c~•. ~ ^ r- ..u(r~C i ~'r ,I g' IT f.,,.,, ~.,,A:hr :;,RV rN~ •-tn i r';' , , n, ;rl„ v~ ~ ~ r,, n r. - rt , r!- c r . , , ! ! hl; _ L ~ h,+.v T:; r • r:,» r + ~ 1,~ Chairraran _of the Board to exeouts for }Iew Hanover Coun , a s lemental a reement with 'the United •J„L, 39TH „AU r _ , , .'~-!•i, .c}!~Tia; APP g ~'I;' ,.9 i /f ~ ,1.:, I.:r,t_ F%r~,Qtvt. vEEK APvu ~ r_ uL n'.a,• « C" , s ,!r,T ~~_~ct~t. {~'~~ic~~. ~ •=;1~+!~~~ T, N.,~ , ....States of Amorioa~ ,.I.~I.~. ~-.rw !T. F,.:.L,,@i~ R.i CLVh.~.:.'H,T °i' '4` C F ?n•s,' r+,,:,. ..il :?r~ln c,- ;a 1 '!r_ ~L,.., F" 1`H„ l,F aOU,,Tf .,,).:,''Ir'SI'0,'tG't} "r. ~ .,~±Cln: . F"!FsiJlSrl r r. - c ;MY ~ ~ `g ,,all k~E I FJ-,;,„ i, n ..OPY vt' i' I r ` r r;~ C„~cY c,-~ ~z•O~UTd0,. ,,.J',i,. ,d.~:: !F TN" j... ,ri-, y n i .,l,.Gt;t " ~ 11 fed Stat ~ - ~ +~TE q: _r,Tf, ,,,1 ~o ~4 Y(HiilltF.AS The ni es of_Ameriaa `is delirious of obtain?ln from Hex Hanover Coun A i., yF;F r,A,,j,~ .:.<t.. t Ll+JA r,T THE t j: _ - - ; g ! F ~ ; JUrSf tz r~,,p,r-T F7! r!aw In•,r- _ n 44C;,^ ::l.ls: T p}~ n ! ~ ,_.W-11~~, a,,., ,7, calTtc(san trr Su elemental A cement to bases Na.'W 228 ,Eng La?3 to inolude`xithin the terms of the'said lease ' p' nT T!iv ~G!JP,Ty t~0', rt,.~^t, i r, r,!.LvGt... ,~;.i,;lT r~ i P i' TkTI~,° .,,,y ,,~,G~ A,,~, ,c„,,,,, _ and Su leniental'A reements Has l and_2 thereof ~ er etual eaeezrent over aartain traota of land PP g P P g , ~ ~T i!r•~ n~, . y `,';9TIGATIC~id yr"" ihE c«,~; + , t ci_~c, tt::u G, f•, , rr, ~ as dosaribed in said Supplemental-Agrsement metes and bounds desari bons the same bein la " 4c~irva~t, bed'as Tract No. l oontainin Oe sores er etusl oas nt e c ~ ® -b an !l,~ota - r descri C ~ , a p p emu in amv one yea y J 1~ ~ ' ~ ~ g ..c~,, _.L_:.,r , ~.'T,t~^~ ;~;~,;-,pry` ,1,,r •i ~ ,,nr. _ n.:~ , a R kAazerra to Nevv Hanover Count ~ Traotllo 2.c to a a -,n r,r.~ , .~.4 +q :J,G : ~ ; r Again rSe y k3' , y, an ining .0.21 acros, perpotu 1 ',~;I easement in same oonveyed by Bruce Jeniaki to Hew Hanover County; Tract No. 3 containing 0.21 sores yr etual easement in same conveyed by ilahn Denitson Jr. and Andrew E. Denitson to Neva: TNG „EGt li,i., 4_~-,, q>> 9q~i~?~! " , P P Hanover County:.Tract No. containing 0.1x2 acres, a perpetual easement in same-conveyred by ' ~ , ~ .Thomas I~.a_auk and wife Ma i® Ha duk'to New`Henaver Count Treat No. containin 0.1 acres f,' , ~ being a part of s traot .longing to, Jahn T. uirapaon taken r>nder control'by New Hover county r for non-payment of past due taxes and being forvolosed far"non-payment of said taxes; Tract No °~1I1 / Wilminrtan ' " " containin sores a er etual easement in `same cony ed b 'Hu h MeaRae`and Co~:to Neer ,b b , h. C,, Junv 2 th 1 6 A g 1~?57 , ~I 5 ~ 915• ,a nP P eY Y g Hanover County;.Traat ISo. b B containing 1,02 sores, more or less,, s perpetual easement in same +i ' i Pursuant to an order of the C • nasty Coc+unisszonera June 11th, J.9Ii5, the regular weckl moat convoyed by Hugh MacRae and Co. to New Hanover County and Treat No. 7 containing 0,03 acres, a , ; was held at a0 0 Y ing of the 9 e + : A.bi. o rd I`` , 3 erpetual`oasemont in same oonveyod by A• Musial to New I{anover'County, s1I the'eaid`traots lying ~E P 1 ;I' and being in .Cape Fear Township, New ,Hanover County,. North Carolina. 1 ~ Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman, Jaa. D;. Hall H. YtfSEREAS, said ro art is not Hoer bean used for overnmental ur oses h Plow Hanover Coun ~ ' ~ , R. Gardner, L. J. Colemanan P P Y g__ g P_ P Y tY d County Attorney ! , D4arsden BeYla>s~pr, and b law: and in sash cases made and rovided, he Board' of Cor,uaisaioners of the Coun of New Y P tiY {I ;h , !;i~~ Hanover is authorized ana empowered to'lease said property by Supplemental Agreement, and Board of II;'~ The minutes of mooting of June'18th, 1915, viers read and a~ roved a Commissioners bean bf the o anion that it is to thA best interost of New Hanover Gaunt to enter 1P a recorded. g P Y ' ,I ' i into ssid'Supplemental;Agreementa i, A report of ,Ias. Yda11~r Hospital Sot May was received and filed. ' NOI'!, THL'REFORE, Bh IT RESOLVEII .that New Hanover County ontvr` into a Supplemental Agreement II wit3: the tnited`States of Amvrioa rovidin for the leasin of a or otual easement in the a ova ,II, P g _ g P P_ ~ ; ' I Upon tootion `of }dr. Gardner, aeeondod by }7r ~ Cole mrut the Hoa ~ I: , rd cut} mentioned 'ro er b Su lemental A reement under the tertna and conditions of Lease ilo. 1N 228 . , i ' of'oheck t rorfzed the issuance of duplicate P P ~Y Y PP g - , to. 40l.ib dated '.,June 2IGth, 19(~ for :~(~7,89, drawn on the`~'f on " 1a2 far a consideration of .One ;1.00 dollar or annum, and that Addison Iiewlett, Chairman 1 i„~ ilmington Sevin a and Trust Go g 3 t ) P , f z. and payable to Gity Electrical 'Supply Com};any. g ~"ny of Board of Coranissianers 8or the Count of New I{anover is <horeb authorized e ` owered and directed.... I!,t, Y Y , mi' ! to ezecute'said Supplemental Agreement for end zn behalf of-New Iianover County and the Secretary A.n appl.icatiou for liavnsv to operate tourist c s an the }dar'ket S of the Aoard is .authorised and'dirvcted to attest snore and. lace hereon'the seal of Iiew Hanover troet_road submitted }drr and bra P ' by ; i'; J. D. Hobbs, was .approved eubJeot to the endorsement a co and effect ' f and when si ed b r iii v i,i of .the Sheriff. Count and sa d S lernental A reement eh 11 be in full for , i ! ~~I the United States of Amoriea. i, 4, , S ,I , It appearing to the Board that the residents of ldasonboro Hluffa have had t " ' ample ime in vrhich to prepare... and file s petitic:? with this Board o oa the issu Th n a r s" f land owned b { bet Ca ~ PP ~ arrce' of Iiconae' a matter of, assessment; of .281 er sere on 387. c e o Y.A,Cor t e e to Chariea Edgar>Craig, Jr,, to ~ _P 5 Y , P , • ~ , I, ell beer in connection with. his business n Maeonboro Hluffa 'a Fear-Townshi a sari as too low and should be increased toe aline the .assessment with that i s indio~ted by Mr. Yr,R,Chishalm and P, PP ~ Ru , + delegation at the meeting of June llth, and.-actin -or, the"o on ad scent and similar;, ro er and values, The amount and value of timber on said lend was ' i , g p7nion of the Count Attorn tat t a ~ P A Y ^ y ey h i i 1, mandatory"that the Coc«vnisaioners grant him aiavnse u on meet discussed and it was a road that the servioas of 1Sr,,Finle MacJdialan be aecurod to make an p ing the re uiramants of the law D6c~.,Gardner g Y ' 9 , moved and- it warn eaondod by tar Hiill and carried,: that his- a lioation i ' for estimate of the 'timber 'on said land for the. purpose: of arriving at an equitable ~asessment. ; PP canes 1;a sell beer in , oanneation withhie business at Masonboro Btu±'fs be a roved I PA ~ g, r,+! . !',I~ Na further business a satin -the moetin ad nursed, ~,I,1 Ana 1 sat PP g, g ~ r 1',!~',~~; , I~ pp on for license to sell beer at 1802 Summer Bill submitted A.W.Z ono vrhieh w~e'dis- r , bJ' _g , i. l!.,,, ,~r ~•PProved by the Sheriff, was u on motion of - { P }Sr. Gardner, seconded by }dr Hall- dealinada ~ ~ 1~ Clerk. 1 , t.~ • The County,Audito'r re acted hat ]dr, ELne P r L. Boharmon of:Sunset Lodge, Sunset: Park, faded to make ~'`s'' his tax returns for the ears l n C. J 2nd ~t l Y 9~t and 1y1~5 after everal 'notiavs'werv sent to :him .end wee avian final _ {filmingto , N. ulY , 1915• ; iir~ notice on .:;Junv .12th 191+5 , g ~ ? It was thexofure, upon motion of }!r Ga caner, seconded by Dir. Coleman, Thv;regular weekly meeting of the'Board waB held at 1Os30 A. M, I 'e ordared,'that the matter by turned over to the District Solicitor ~ - i .II for _nd o i +anent, Presents Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo. 9Y. Trask, Jas. td, Hall, H. R• Gardner, ; L.J.Coleman and °il y i; ~!I o County Attorne Marsden Bell A c py of a letter written by the Wilmington .Port Cor+misazon to ldr• can ratulating ' tl` R. B. Page was received g , I II tho.State upon the selection o!' a very:.. fine roc of men thorn g P to 6n~ide the deatirry of the State Porte Au tY' The-minutes of-moetin of Jana 2 th and th' 1 -:were read and a roved as .recorded. of `which 1dr. Page.:: is the member` selootad from this 'Gaunt s g 5 r 27 , 9 5, PP ` , f~l~ y; and offorod its full cooperation in it t~ undertakings t,P promote the interest of this acnunun' meat I, ity and by State of North Carolina in the develop Upon. motion of Mrs Trask seconded b DSc, Gardner, he regular Budget of the Board: o£ Education !I of waterborne oommerce,~ ? Y I~~ Has incraased by ~'j,106.26 for repairs and replacements heating sighting and p umbing, And i~; ";I U on motion a Ga` Supplemental bud et increased b ~j,000.00 for Capital Outlay, these amounts having been reoeivad 3 p f Mz'. caner, aeoonded b Mr , g Y CIE y ..Hall, the 3oard authorized the payment of ~1,200~00 from the Federal Government Are ueet to a water sewers e ` li hts and over out:of the ' ;I~ to oommuni hoe vital for mediaiztas an 4 P Y ? g + , g A , „i I d supplies for: indigent outpaatient oare`to match alike-amount Su , , ~j,,~; ; Pplemental budget under ,Operation of Plant,. was held Ln abe nay endin an inveati atzon as to P g g _ ~I~ aFPropriated by;tha Ci for the ear end c I tY Y ing June 30th ` 194 wh t,: For the' next fiscal year an `itemised y the:sewers a char a was increased from ,~2 00 ~o X350,00 ' yr carter. }dr. Gar dnvr and Jdr. Coleman r , ~ i statemvnt'showin the name date g g 5, P q , g , and cost oP each outpatient treafed wzll be re aired of the.: hospital. , . q -were named to make the investi anon witha'ooramittae From the Board of Bduoation. g i r in consideration`of any appropriation that ma be r Y p ovided. i , Rowla d a d`of Education's`bud eta itd he amount of X312,221.25 n then submitted the Ao r K ' ry, The;Commiaeionera accepted an invitation to 'meet with the ~ unoil I l!,1 the u C b Hauaing Aut.harity and the_Gity Co fn Co nail ham ere. at 9:30 Wednesday. morning-to cassava pa ont irr lieu of taxes for the year 19 5 ym General bud et ~12?,92125 g `,!I, on the.variaus pro~eots of the Housing Authority. f~ fj;t Supplemental budget 18l;,j00,00 X312,221.25 f • U nn motion of Per. Gardner aeon ~ which wee received for further discussion with the•Hoard of Education Thursday Idarning`9:30. Hasa b ,I; ' P . r y r. Coleman the Welfare make en I~, . Board was requested to investigation of the Countylian~ and make such teen s t ns mmend bone. to the Coun Coomasaionors i Y deem ro er es eaiaal ea to such ru ~ •UPan motion of Mr. Gardner, seconded by }dr. Trask, the Board directed that a resolution be prepared P P P Y lee it w of ould recommend for ado tins for the adminietratlon P calling. upon. the State Hoard of'Educatian to re-arrange their schedule of allottmvnt-af funds far : 1 = the Count' Hants. Ih' water li hts a d t rjal erviaa and fuel that a more ode ttte allottmant be made to g n .power, Tani o _ U t take earn of thee Hera. v e asses far the State Nine Months School term. _ eon motion of }dr Gardner, seconded by }dr. Coleman the not to admi a o~ ti e _ xp I,t , Commissioners-unanixmusl voted , Y i. ~r any more pay patients to the County Home in the future, A, petition bearing the signatures'of residents of liasonboro 131uffs and Viainiay and other citizens ~ _ of he Coun , askin the corvniesioners to prohibit,.if,posaible, the sale of bear in that coramunit , ' ty g y ' i, iTpon motion County bills Nos. 1;411 ta`',_ 34 were a raved PP for payment. >Kaa race 26th bearin oat-mark ;date June 25th,; 1 ' 6:00 P td a ivied Llwaday Evanang Junv _g P 915, fter I lieena s Crax Jr, at the mevtin~ he d i,',; a harle E, 1 Ido a • A teases was then taken until 9x30 a~olock Wednesday mornin June:' th : to sell beer was grouted to hfr C g, , 6 nd y, morning, g, 27 , I1t~5• June 2 th 5 : I+I+ =_~.~.--J', ~ f ;a Clerk. , ,i - - - ''~ii i ~ ~ ~I f ' t f I,u ii~. ;.I,, ~ ; , t IC ti, T : ,r T"'!~ ~4~ d , /f` - ~ - . ---x i; ~"t ~ S i y ' + 1.^~ _ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ j,. I. . Wilmin ton N, C, Jnl 6 r ` 1 th g y ? 194, `e treating of-July 2nd 1 cont' .945, inued. report of Cottmunit Iios to Y Pi I for 1~ay was received and filed. TI,e; regular weeYly meeting of .the Doard was held at 10:30 A, Li. a.. ~ PP ioations for licenses to sell beer at Sartgate, Carolind Bench Road and. Lin o'S ~ t Cha ' ~ eubmj,tted A.C,Gid g _eT'Yioa nt. Addison Her~let irman, Gee.-W, Trask, Jas. ?u. Ball Ii. R Ga dno ? o and by ion,_,Bertha tree Long and Franklyn D._Love roe"act Cation preso ? r r, L.~.C Leman { ~ p ively, the eamo b Corns ldaraden IIe11a form and execution a sin t At y my , nd endor _ un aed by the: Sheriff was upon. motion of Mr. Coleman $ a g,in dus Ca y E' c' ~rnnted. , a ended. h Idr I i f. • Trask - f meotin of Jul th ! _ w y ~ the minutes o g y 9 , 19 t5, ere read: and approved ae recardod. .Upon motion of Mr. Coleman ee , p , conded by ldr, Gardner, authority rras given to oontinue ! .various oounty`departmenta-on sb~e operations ~llis, Su t.; a eared is of thA 14 1 Inid eta ro riot , 44- 945. of the P PP i .:.1945-19l~b budget,- g PP P ions. pending adoption of their em layeas, ` the P 'i , enable them to r moved and it was ' I, Upon motion of A,1r, Trask.... seounde by Mr. Gardner, ..the County. .Auditor was. authorized e,nc ' , 1 directed t ~h the Ytelfare Board Parchase X25,000.00 United 5tatea Government 2 . bonds fort G o ~ he eneral Fund arao - unt, noting. The foregoing Ilpon motion of ?dr Gardner, instructtons were iven to acknowle g dge reoeipt of a Letter frnm Nst ~d to ad ust salaries Airlines of June 27th, and ex ress out's o ionsl ~ W P PPrv cation for their"interest: in makin g ilMington a stop ~tanca~ on their Jaokaonville-Philadelphia route ~uat as soon as ermisaion ca when the airport is released fo p n be assured Trott the Ar A r civilian use, and to offer. there our full cooperation in ~ it ~'°tae ~ ! ' . wo oan. any dray .that...... and adr. Hall took E; ~ - , r' ; Upon motionoP ldr, Gardner, seconded: by Iir, Trask... a ant of ' i ~ , P Y1a ~1.~.5g to, John L. Donne g lly for repairs and' linty Home be permitted FIB layin near sidewalk on the court house premises and •.12.0a fo E ~ r repairing the floor and walla ~ aaa approved. a , .ants at the Home, ~ in oourt ha ' i j 1 ae ier_aare. The Clatter ' Eelfars Dsparl~nent ' ilpon motion of 1~ir,'Gardner, seaonded b 1dr,...Trask ~ • ; a Y instructions were given to aleen the i , t the County Home, install the hospital bade and. move the bed r dde ~iz'°Y1rY buldipE s as spay-patient ,~I i n .Patients into th'` a said buildin ~ ' ~I,; that'the men and vromen patients be segregated, saes t as o married 8,knd i P couples, and that all ate b ~ `r' u ' b tt L' ~ ~ from the rooms P e r ion Stadium au mi ed of the inmates and no pate to be allowed in the hone in the future emovad ~ ~ , , l , ~ ; F b Ire . Upon motion of ]t~. t3ardsxer, seconded _ Mr. Colem , an, she Chairman ass asked to assure prises on a ~,i~ suitable fence to be erected betxeen the oun ,Home. and he railraod tracks for .the protection oft Lkl. inmates • he 1 ~ ~~I ~ i , . 1 s ( The matter'of arran in~a se g 6 edu a of rents for the stalls at the Legion Field Stables vras ref p; , d Col Messrs. Hall Gardner an erred to '~i~ amen for: consideration: and report their recommendations to th© Uoa rd st , ; i a subsequent meeting. ~ ~ :i . ! , " ;i~,l U onm a ~ I ~g tfons of stables at s,~;~ p o ion of Adr. Coleman, seconded by Mr, Trask, the purchase of the Colin ~ a 4 f I, , ' divided among the local dealers ov t3' s uPPly of coal, was ordered ~ , , pr ided prices are :.the sage. nth par eatable: with 'god ~.OO per stable A teases vre?s then taken until s 0 A 9 .M., Thursday, July 5th,. to gise~~further,coneideration to the l!~' school budgets., t'I h; ~ ~ ~~~i! ~ innth. t.'. keys to be ke t in !,i - i~, ~ , Clerk. P a ied. ~i f ~ , 9 , ` , ~i i ; ~ ~ 'Wilmington,"lI. C.,' Jul th 1 ! r. Y9 9~~ ' 1 , } ' r The regular vreekly;mecting of the I~oard-was-held at 10s O A M 3 ~ l ~i „ , , 1 Prosent~.Addison Hewlett Chairman Geo. N!, Tres , ~ ? k Jsa I p , k1. Hall, H.. R. Gardner, L.,~.Coleman and .County. Attorney Maradon Bellamy, ; eon motion of ' I~~ The minutes of meetin of Jul 2nd 1 ~tion and report its , E; Y ,.945, wore read and a roved as ee ' PP r orded. ~ i , , I A request of W. A. Pesahau for refund of $167,21 back taxes_ aid on-lot IdE in:blook 6 ilia wbatement - , ' P 3 ~7P I~ ; ( of the taxes charged for 1943 and lqt~.,-which he alaima ha does not own and aid throw h_error, xae P g !,L E .:upon motion of I~, Gardner, aeoondad by fir. Trask, referred to the .'count Attorne for opinion, ' , Y I lid shi and ,servioo ' f r ~ I ~ PY ` the same bean in ~ A statement was received from the State Board of a + ir, ~ Ch ritiea ..and Public Pt a e t E , 0 g,- ~''i elf re dvis~r?g ~ ~1, 74 7 u was sent o h a County for Old Age Assistance, Aid to Dependent Childrvn``and for administration for the len~an, seconded by ii'.:. month of June, n i ~r'~ U n rwt h Ga ~ ' lonos Gecr • block po ion of tr. rdner, seaonded by . r. Coleman, Fred Uelugin was granted an abatement of ~1t.00 poll'. ~ g ? 79, i;, ,.I~s taxes for .Iy~3 aacot~nt of being in the a at that t rmY e. ~ ~ • ; ;~1 Th ual re ort o j~ e_ann f the Colored Hamo Demo of the,Communi ~ k P nstration far 19l~-1945 was received and filed. : regrets and the A re ort of she Bank Tax Colleotor for. June rv he City'_ e ~ rovaT of the ' P ae tees t PP ived shox tad for ing that ~3ro37.59'was collea and: ,598.20 for he County, makinb a total of X5,632.79. o'-him the appreciation • - ~ rl,, ~ of its Board, ~ o ication ass rec A ommun eived from Mr. Fin18y 1dc11illan advisin .that he would not. be able at this time ~ ' I ~ 1~ metro an a raiaal of the timber on the la G ~ floerd-. 11 beak taxes t e ~ PP nd of-W,A,Gorbett, Ca a i;ear Tawnshi as re nested the , P p q by i ' i ~J for n basis. of tax value. book to the Baak i, Aubnast 1st? 1945, '.I 1..~ Ana ligation. for"license to sell bee ni ~ `tax a e a ~ i~,,4 pp rat Castle Hayne submitted by E,t„Baldr~in, and one 6y RY1,Jer B P Y r, ~ P Y I~ I i on Market Street Road, 7 milepost, in due form an a on motion execution and endorsed by the Sheriff, were: p L ~ ' ~ of ldr, Gardner seoonded'b Mr. :CC e ,I,. Y 1 man, granted. I' `rserviae Da -Au list Y ~ ~j!,` U on motion, Co~arty bills Nes. 0 to he Cit Council to Y P 35 ~$7 inc., and Ides. 1 to 26`ina. were a roved for .payment. r pP on Commandin g .Officer dad b 1°r C ''k! The meetin then ad ourned, oleman and i . r; ~ Y f' ne?rasd to serve an that ,'.'Clerk. ~"~u,-lc ardn a gun Jail a I. er a th th ass cl ased a a a C 'r - r ised the question ea to who ar ty s n PProved fail by ~ the. United fitateg Government and asked that thv matter be taken up null the U.S;.darshal and if .found not to be to`aaaertain'ehat'is nooessar to bring it up to that standard. His motion wee , Y i seoondod h1r Tra a ed , 1 by sk and c rri 'i Upon motion of Mr:'Coleman seaonded bit, Hall, the Sheriff was. granted an inoraasn in :slat by Y ~ on she same bas a ~ at ve`officers since 1941, aa'fixsd b3~ the ~ ialature. is s other ale i g ,i, ; Mr. Jas, E, L WadA wa nt and told Cho Board that the marker pissed at Fort Fisher .several ' ,f i s .prase , Years ago by the Nea Hanevar Cotutty Historical Cozm?issiori is in danger of being dame ed b wave ~ "is g Y ~ , . r. ' o 'f e. ;i ~ v 3 `~e`~'~q ~ s i< j; ' { ' ' , Yiilmington, N. C„ Jul 16th' `I 1 . Y 9 ~5 ,1 .r Ideoting of July 2nd, ].91~5? continued. i` ' A report of Commlinit }}oe ital , ' Y P .for }bay was received and filed. a weekl ~ meetin ,nf he Doard was held at rc: ~ e` re 1 r _3 g 10.30 A,, bi, i i . ; .pp ications fore. licenses to sell boar at .">angato, ~rolina Aeaah Rond s . . nd submitted A.C.Oidion Bertha !da Lingo Sorvioo Stati presents Addison Iierrlett'Chairm~n, Goo, tiY• Trask, Jan. 6c. Hall, li. R. Gardnar,'L.J.Coleman and by , e Long and Frankl' D. Love res oct on Yn p ivelY, by _same me lbarsden Ile la form and execution and endorsed by the Sheriff wae,u on motion of Co~mty Atto y sing in dus P Mr. 'Coleman, seconded ~rwntod, by idr. Trask 4,f ~ s> of maotin of Jul <th l 1 were 'tea The minute g Y 9 , 9~5. d and approved as recorded. +i Upon motion oP - • varioua'oount ra uest of l+h•. E, L. Yoh, memhor of the Cor~nty iPelfare }bard and iir, J.'R. Ifollis 'Su t, a eared ' i, y A 9 1 fa o Doard be,a N P? PP 1945-196 budge to ask that the. Yet r llo ad to adjust and..allaaatesalari~samong thozr emplayeee, +xithin the: budget ellowanes, ub~eat to approval of_tha County Corsnisaionere to enable-them to ,p set co otitiom with -other counties in salaries paid' oaso workors ldr, Gardner moved and it° was U an motion 'of m mP , A rchaso'• cendod b lRr. Trask, and carried, that a committee he a ointad to oonfer with tho`Yrelfaro Board Pu X5,01 ae Y PP on he matter and report' hair reaommsnde,tiona to this Doard at a'eubse uent,mnatin . ~ ~ ~ an T 9 g ~ P 17i n ~ . , Th® Chaim~?n, Mr..Gar er d hit. rank, were named to serve on that committee. Tha faro~ofng on motion of ' ~ lmi 1,ton, N. C„ ,holy 5th, 1915, r' ' order was carried after fir,' Trask vrithdro~r his motion to allow tho lielfaro Doard`to ad uat salaries ;r,. Airlines of Jw ~ on Choir Jaokac as requested with the concont of threo members of the Corvnissionors in each instanon, I , when the air a~ ' Pu t ~ rauan, to reoess taken Monday, July 2nd, lg1~j, Cho Coramtssia ~ - }1 lett latt the'moetin at'this Dint to attend tho funeral a a a xe aan, nets met wit t.r. ex g -p of a r 1 tiva, nd lEr. Hall took h o chair. i i. the Hoard of Lduaation at 10:20 A.l~, th , Upon motion of 1~ ~ laying nex side v lira. Esnoett Littletonappearod to ask that hot husha.nd, a pay patient at .the. Count Hono be permitted , Y ~J ~ ~ I was a roved -resent: Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo. Yt, Trask, H. R. ('~r 'continuo them in vier of a rcicont order of the Doard not to acce t a atienta at the Ho o r ; PP dnnr and to P P y P m , ; , E a she stated that oho 'a+as note ' a s' ~ li.o for the re son,.. , on po anon to give-him ~ properoara, The Matter. ' ~ . 9 L, J. Coloman; Jihl,I;oland Su~oriritendont of Schools a 1 ~ , [J an motion of nd LA.Lana , was a on motion of ldr, Trask, seconded b r. Coleman referred to the Coun °lYelfara Ae srtnont i ~ P Y P Y ty p • ~ at'the Count ` } for investigation and report to tho Dos.rd at' he next mooion as: to his status' as a s atient g PYP ,~i ~ 3' The school budgets wero discussed at'length and Mr Trask... ' iaoved i that the men ai- and it or should be treated as a charity case. from the rooms The follo+vin recommendations conecrn~:ng the rent char ~e for stables at the La •ion Stadium, submitted ' g b a~ was sacondod by r. Gardner and carried, that the General and Sue lame b tho oocuriittee''xea u on motion of l:Ir, Trask ado tedi j, .P ntnl y ~ P ' Upon motion. of gi 'school budgets far the`vear-l L -1 bo a° 9 45 91~ pproved a8 submitted suitable fence inthee Mr. Ar'.dison Iiewlett ~~i 1; inmates, amounts of R -r Ch~.u~riu!n of Doard { $127,, 21,25 and :~2~,300.C0, rospoatively, makin a total o C mm sa onore a g f County o i i Tho matter of e - , }tan.. H~iaver County ~3g7,?.21.25 au>, oat to the Cou , my luditor beinsabl~ to-work it~ou ' j i sears, Hall, ( n 1, . T1ear 1'dr. Hevrletts ~ a subsequent me Cho same b ~ , axis of receypts o1 r®vcnue ae last yoar, and. rovidod it w `I'~, P ill F ' In regard to the coimnittae thatxas appointed by tho Board to'make investigations of 'stables at Cpon motion of ` ' n at inoreaso the prasont county tax rate of .60~ on the-~1C0,00 valuation ~ ~ tad um the ooTU•: +*pe recummands:tha char ea to ba made a follow divided anion t the Legion S i, 4 g a a z _ , i~ , _ g The threo private barns of t~renty stables each, to be charged X6.00 per r.,oiith pvr stable-.with ~'li',j~ ~ of preparty. ~ if~~„i A teases eras th 111,Q0 per month deduction, pot stable for fertiliser. Tha open bea•ne to be oharged ~S.OO par stable y , g school bud eta. with X1.00 per month deduction for fertilizer, ' I,•I r.. The trailer camp whioh is .:now on ..County property to be chargod;;~3,A0 per month. F ' ~ _ ~~p a;" ~ ; , , m '17e recommend all stables to be equipped with pad: looks and two koys, :with keys to be kept in Ripon rnotian of }.r. _rnsk, srcar:d~,ci by },y, Gnrdnore the ;drool Sc le~ , ~FP the.Audztar a office so that he may have a record of hox many stables are oocupied. 'i m©ntKl I}ud~et was a, arcvc+cl fls submitted aj + Y+o also recommend all rent ba pazd ae mush as one month in advanoe, FI ith ~hc nrovisa;-.that ths;Camr~isa• ~~,Ir Yours trul ~1 „1~V~ donor;, ei;ree to furn~.sh only such mcnev as ; s raduoed bu + ~0 Y, ''L P he ~ ~ taz rate "t' ~ ~ The regular ,weo and bank taxes, ` I3.P..Gardnor, , L. J.Colemon.. , Present: Addiso JasM.Hall, ,~''r The meeting then nd journed. i. orney lisirsde _ , A request of Che.rlea Stanland for temporary admission to .the. County home was upon motion of iC, Clerk, a The minutes of }dr, Gardner seconded b Mr. Trask referred to the Pelfare Board for investi at an and re ort its a~ Y , g P . recommendat ` D a c t moat _ X' ions to the ord. t the nex ing, . ~ ~ A re~ueat of J'T. ' of the taxes oh A report of tho Ladies Rest Room L'ommittee for Juno was receivod and filed. , , upon motion of i, , A licatio a at lacationsonthe Castle ~Ifa e.Raad aztd chi and servo ~ _pli n for lioensea to sell beer. yn , py i o A statement wa4 at®tion Sunset Park, submitted by R,Vt,FOuntain'and SF,Pearsall rospeatively tho same 'being in wa.e sent-to the duo form and exeoution and ondor ed b the'Sheriff .were u on motion of idr. Coleman aeaouded D ~ s y ? P ? y , month of June, }.ir, Gardner, granted. ~ , { ~s',, [Jpon, rwtion of 1, request for adjustment of, the-~1,068.Oy bank taxes on Cho property of Phoebe Jonas George,block 79, ' taxes. for 19~t3 ~s referrod-to the committee for irlvesti tion and with power to eat, ~ ' ~ l C ` ~ , The annual repo Tho resi .anon of Hiaho ThomaA C. Darst as a member of the Board of Managers of the Communi I`~ i~ ~ P , Hospital was upon motion of Mr. Trask,`saaanded by ~r. Gardner, aoaoptedwithregreta and the A report of the ` Reverend William Crowo,Jr., D,D ,ras sleeted to fill the vacancy subject to the approval of the and X2,598,20 f City Coiuicil and'tho Cler was inatruoted to write:Diaho Darat and a teas to him the a reciation . , k P xP PP i, !!,E of this Doard Por the valuable servioe he rendered the hospital while a mebber of its Board. ,,;~.i i~, . A oommunloation f f,d~ ; make an appre~is A motion'affered by Mr, Coleman, and seconded by ~r~ Trask, was carried that all bask texas in the • Ic, , for a basis of hands of>attorne s-.for aolleotion on`whichsuit'has not beon brought be turnod`bsok totho` Back ~ Y j ~ 9 Tax Offioe unless`suit for the oallection of the same is braulht on or before Au st let 1 ' ~ ~ a 6 6'~ , , ~ 45 ii a 1 nation exvo t a the at rc?e An pp i p in those'oasea where`srrangement has been made betty en to y and tax payer, to pay i , L, . on Markot Strae such taxes: due. , ~ . of Mr'. Gmr dner ' 'I ~ j~'`~ i1r. Gar H a d the master of aelebratin ~ se v ' ~I~, finer brought to the attention of the o r 6 Air r ioe Day August Upon'motfon, Co et, pnd mpved that a caraoittee°be appointed o confer with a corvnittee front the CSty,Counoil to work cut's 'rb riate exoeraises for the celebration and asked that Col, Edwinaon, Commandin Officer' PP P g at Bluethenthal Air ort bo chosen the salter of the da .His cation tree seoonded by Coleman and The melting the p 8P Y I ,~r, anrried. Mr•. Gardner,_Mr. Coleman, the Chairman and the County Attornoy were named to serve on that ° committee, I,, Mr. !~ardner raised the question as to whothar she .County .Jail was classed as an approved ail b i ~ Y r` the United States'Goverwnont and asked that the matter be taken up with ha U.S.ldsrshal and ff ' found not o be~~,to,ascertain what'is neaessar to brin it up to that standard. His motion was ' , Y g .I ~,j; ' seoonded by Mr. Trask and serried. i' ' Upon motion of Mr. C .seoonded ' Mr. Hell, the 5heri£f was granted an inaronse in solar olaman, by _ y on the satse` basis,ae other el®ative officers since 19).l]., as`fixod the'I~+gfa aturo, r. ; L !;ji. Mr,` Jas, ' j P E,',L, Wads, was resent and told Cho Board that the markor pl~aed at Fort Fisher several i ' years age by the Neer Iianovsr Corm Historical Commisaiari is in den er of befn da ed b wave ' ~ ~ tY g g nwg y ,r. • ~ r ; _i b ~,'s+ s t - A a, - ij ~W,.Y: ~_;-4' ; , 9 ~r~r~~C~J'-`°'<.JQC:3Jar7:)'7t;)t'rOr~!'1 "r,f~r~. ) ~'7"]-.~,7f~~ I ~..:3 .J "°1 a '"1 :a rJ -7 M ,f5 ;'7'.J O f,S d C^ :J f~ f~':7 C7 " t ~ ~ r !i , , i - :~:~.J'~'~rJ,~^'1't1:0~~..^y~ryc't~.~r~;fs aa4, r~,Ir; In , , ' 11 ..,7 ~ -t1,"~ -.d , f ~1---- ~'11"~..~' .C.O.~-~~.1.CZ"'._.4y+~'1.Li. -~d-~-} tL1•-...lCi.; : " , ~.i"' n) T. ; ~ .fkl.,"^W~.,__......,tY`~.~_..,~~.,T.~j,f7.s~.1Lt ,_1.r....,•---w._ ...._.::..:_._..~._......o.....~ Maetin of Jul loth lt)J~5 r- g _ y , , continued, ,~r, ~ ,.r ' u;3 A , ' drosion-a?nd should be moved ba c ,~i 0 k from the enoroaahment of th® tides. matter was ,u on mo 'n cn - P tion ~ , , , . 'of Mr'. Gardner re (erred to the Chairman, k. :n : ~ ~ ' ~ m i'.>, - .The meeting then +Ad~aurned. ~ ;h n~ i .y. U ~ I ~ it r-- ~ 1~ Clark. , a~ :n e. n :I 6 ~ YYa.lmin~;ton,'N. C?, .July 23rd, 19L~5. ^ y' a ~ ~ Tho regular xeekl meotin of the Boa wa , 1 ~ , ~ ~ '~d Y rd s_lrald at 10 0 a„ ~ ~ k. t.,y" Present; Add son Hewlett Chsirman Goo. YY. Trask H R ' 'Ga ,1', . rdnar ~ ~ .,a m ? ~ J.Colaman and Count• At~rne Icy cv~.~. ?!I ! Mr)reden Bell J Y ~ ~ 1 1 , c2 .r~ r ,.o , v n I ~ ~f~~ The'minutas of maetin of u `d g J ly h, 1gh5, were re,>,d and approval as recorded. v F d ~n I~ ,)i I.:} Mr, Thomas S, Jacobs s `eared to a ak to b PP a exempt frar.~ payment. of poll. taxes on aocount`af ° h 5 a P_Y i s1 ~ _ I ,r'i~, ~'ieahilit was instruotad b Idr Co r Y y Leman to secure a certi!'iaate from Dr?Faliot, Hoalth Offioe ' o;, r, that ha is unable to work and".further consideration wau d b ~l i."'~ 1 a vet gi r his requost. , r, , o ; a • , ~ , A delegations aorlgiosed of Messrs Robert Tate, Vd.H.ldcEachern Q.Q.Yniitloc tl ~ , n ~ k, T.VY.Keirh X J , i , ....Sutton and ' ; ~ <D. C. North..:appeared to protest the increase in runt on the table ~ 8 t ~ - Legion Stadium recommended } i j' ~ i by the Comnirtee and a roved b the Board July 16th ~ P to ba ~i P Y ~ , Dome; off cretins August lst. MI'. North e a ~ , at Len th on Dom area v ~ - P ke _ i g p e rates charged at Pinehrzrst, Aiken, Ci?mden and ?fils~n and insisted that ~ ,i mon nos a raasoria la aharga on ha Ccrunty~ s investmeirt. ,dr. Tata,,and ?dr. Keith also s oka at Iu , P length ~ , urging a reduction in tha'rent oharge. Upon motion of Mr. Gardner, the rmttAr was 'referred w t ;~'i ' from t to theaomaitte e , ~ e acrd to confer ,wifh a cormlitto4 iron tho delegation present with tho view of reaehin ' i. - . ' satisfaoto g a - ry,solutzon of the matter., and with power to act. - ~ ~ 1 ~ a, 1 An applioarion for license to sell beer "..Off: Premises" at r : ~ D[o ritr s Su street j p ket on Vanae:Street ~ Moffitt Villa a, submitted Ii.A.lderr t , g by i t, the samo being in duo forr~> and exeoutiorr and endorsed b t ~ , , " - y he Shoriff was u on motion: of Mr 'r Co19m _ ~ P an, seconded by 1Gr. Gardner, granrad? ~ ~ ~a ; f ,,,j, ~ ' tt ~ ~ l i Appliao„ione submitted by Mr; Merritt for Off Itemises a lz anse to sell wine: a+, Plarritt's iuperrmrket ..1 yes ,'i tdaffitt Village, and On Promieos" lioense to a ~ n I a 11 beer at Tiny Grill Vance Street, Mnffitt Villa e ' I.!!, without giving the business his porsonal supervision, vrds upon ~~otian refe.rrod to the Count• Att ~ 1 ~ ~ { I r, , ' for` opinion. orney v . ~ ' ;Ii An sppllaation for lioonso-to all be ~ a or at the Four )dile I oat, Market street P,oad, `submitted by , 5Yi11iam MoKoy, aha samo being in due form and execution and endoraod b~ the Shoriff was mint ~ `n J g ed. , ~ ° City Councilmen W, Ronald Lana, :Manor, Garland S.'Curr.n Jas r n ~:.a ° ; ~ 'a~ . z , .~.L.Wado, Robert u? LsCwin, Yd.S.YoPP, fcr. • City Manager AC.Nichols, Cit Clerk J.R.Benson and C. ~ -a ' ' Y ity Attorne Yr.BCam bell a oared a Y P PP nd a faint ~r ; a ~ mearing`warr hard to aonsidar';joint appropr•iationa ) i-n , 1 , d-1 .•3 !~I~ ~'~I' Mr. Gardner faelin .the g o oodro~r Yiilson Hut has served its purpose far furuishzn rocraation for:: thee... ~ , sarviaeman and that other reoreational centers are ode uata to render 'that servioe at this d ' ~ , q rme, nave - ~ " , i 07 - ~ cs~ ' that the County sell Sts interost in the buildin to tha'C ~ ~ ~ u 1 , g its, t Wilmington end the i.ity Council takaaver ~ ,v- , !i, l responsibility for he future operation of the hut, at a prise to be detarvninad at a later maetin . ` ~ !;v - ' g ~ ,i His motion was seconded by Idr, Coleman and aarried« i;, I, ,i ,A ,r ~ 1 ~ i A substitute motion offered b Mr. Yfade seco ~ , Y , nded by Mr. I~ne that the two beetle operate the Hut jointly , ~ n n 'i " i ! for .the. First Quartor of this fiscal year, inasmuch as--the Government- -as made Ste allotment for the First ~ , ' i'" Quarter, pending negotiations of-tho solo of the b ,v 1 , i'l', . I~ uildulg to- the City, failed to cec r . Y v ~'',r' A supplement to Mr. Gardners motion ,to sell the buildi , to° the Ci was offered b Mr. T as r that the ~ lr ' ~ ~ i n; , ~ tY. y r b, i . ~ ; County: rvithdr~w from the o station of the a ~ < ~ ~ ~ ~ P Hut July 31st, was seconded by 2dr. Coleman and carried by the r~ ri i I' . { I, I ; ; I cn,mty ..Vora. 1.~ ~j I i t... I ~ _ , . , ,n ~,n ~ . 1 i r r a7 ~ n i ' , The following bids for the City-r;olmty lefal adnertiain fo the rd ~ , g_ r fzscal year. 194a••1~~ rrera, by o ,n ~ ~ ~n n i' of thejoint m~,eting, opened and read: `.r v nla~" p, J " 3 _ ~ , i~ iYilminlTtan Star••News - l p ~ - i if f; 5..00 per month. ~ a ~a ~ a Yilmington Evenin Post ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4! : ~ , th. g 12..00 ar mon ~ p ,a a. i n ~ , ...ti i is 7 a ~ \1 } ~ iil ii r r 1: Mr. Geirdnor raised tho question as to the oirculation k ' "Y of the two papers. and ldr. 13ar>son, City Cler , z , v , ~ ri • . r !c announced that he had-aeaurod that infarlnation and t ~ v i ~ ha ratio was six to ono in favor of the:Star. Mr. Trask ~ .moved `that the award bo made tot i~ t 1 ~ I, ha Post,- his motion was so onled_by r, LeGwul, bu , ~i , .failed to aariy? ~ r kl~ „ 1, ~ r, , ~i 1, motion' wA8 then Of © ' r sJ, _7 J ~ C- ~ . _ ? ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ A , A f red by Mr. Yo aeoinded b M ~ lmrn tan r.~ a rYr P y rdner, that the award ba mado to the g I~~' i PiFi„ Star.-News on"a basis of the '.1ar or c • e seauni ~ ~ ~ ~ ~h ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ I,~,i ~ g zraulation: Tha mat ~..on was carried after I9r. Colemanwithdrew hi ~ ,.n ~ . ~ ,c„ ~ ~ , , , , ; , C ~ iliti to Mr. Lanai s `substitute motion to ask fore.: d, ~ ~ o o c', , a ~ .,1 ~ - bide with the ciroulatzon of the' a er ahotni in the bi ~ v , ~ .u.. , Mr. Trask voted no, feeling the -Poet was'tha lowest bidder differo o twithstanding~ ~ ' n e zrr airaulation na ~ t City Manager A.u.Niohols brought to' the attention the mat tar. of`rllal-ir2 an ef!'ort to have the' State - ' , ~C' ~ H shwa .;Commission na ~ g i~, ,y i lude YI .]min},ton in the ro" osed s stela of route. , P P y of superhzghways by diversion , . , . . . L!i , i 301 from`YYilson, south on its aoaetal routo and reoommendad that Dint notion be:taken to rovidefor. • • il':' ,j P . . the rsentationoftha a a the S P to ~ to:Highway Coruaission meeting in Rsllri~h' Yfedneeday? • • . u y pon mo on of ' tiYada seoonded by Mr?' LHCrwin, and; carriad,...that a caruaittea Pram each . • Bo rd to in lu he Cha i rman , of the C A t un be Comm s iso n i e n s a to r nd a Y M lmin . or ofteL fY~z , h zr o . . , , Y u r Y . . i ~ named to prepare all infornration possible and'submit the same to the State Hi hwa Car.~Iissian ar the . _ , , g Y , ~ ` meeting in Raleigh, Ytednesday, to that end.. , I: < , I • • •;y ~ . A motion by Mr. Trask seo !ai>rs . , . . . onded e, ~ < ' ? by M., Curtin that the Tax Colleotar h ed to-turn: all old • . _ • • . , _ -:for Rat Control work over to art orneys for calleat. ~ t,x4r•r~.~d • : . Y' , zon nd proper records hens, _ , ~r • . , - - _ ! together with`a supplemon£ motion b Mr. iYade M t beam • ~ . ;n ^ :w , . Y , seconded b r. Lana :.that those who have no - • . notified 6e given-notice. of the amount Of t}la claim and 0) artUnit t0 a b a Q ~.IIrI77Ii" '}'iC ~if,;ri~r F- txJ, • ~ • ^ n, t, • ri ,A, X y f r "1`:.. . . i'' I P y peg , of r ~ ~ n , c~ Y c~ ~ ~ y - _ S ~ o9er t(~ tlrcr CS~~~OrnE!y" •far C(4b~8Ct1.v^,`te ' '-j U) : , Cj r 1~ '.7 ..3 " . r _ _ . , L + , k'r t . ~ j ' - 1' t7 ~ f 1 ~ ~ ,17 r° F'1: G~ r- _ ~ a r t', n h . ii ~ Chi=C 'r ~Y rr),.',) ?n. i`. .r i i(1 ~~il _ y , ` '-w N. _ r. ~ r t ~ ~ , ~ . i U ~ _ I r - ~ ~ 1 , i W : J . ~ , r: ~ _ r ' ~ is 1- w . ' ~ ` _ r7 , j~'t _ ~ . r ,r , ) r ~ .r (1 ~ E , t;J _.1 .a a .,m _ c~ (l ..7 :u t~ ~ ir7 [ ~ i_7 U ' > r~ ;.7 tL ta. tl: t.. a. , ~ a ~ rn t~ . - . 0. : r.- ,f { _ X _ r , r: 4 .q , k,~i X ilC ~ i., b ~ ' f ~7 t _ ti. , ~ s ULY 2~RD ,~c,4~ CONTINUED• 'f cs c~ r• ~ . T I NG OF ~ ~ s i l r . , ~ r ~ ~ t`~ ; rn to ,,F. ~ a { ? 7 , s' , , ,J,R, (^aARDNER 6RGUGHT TG THE ATTcNTtGN THE LfA,TER GF #~fR. FALES } QFFIGER 'lil CHARGE GF THE. u3tJFiEAU GF I "ir, ~ ~ C~ `'I' NTIFICATIGtJr MAKING CE~3TAIN GKARGE5 FOR ~AATERIALS FURNISHED AN"D SERVIC r ~ . ~ InE E5 RWPIDEREb FJR ,4HtCH THE" +Inl; C`J ~ ~ , ..7 _'a r~ ~t p ~ , ' FUtdDS Yd~ RE NOT TU RNEb OVER TO THE d1UTHGRI T (ES FOR f~RGPGET ACC0IJNT I NG • I T 15 THE OP (h1 tGhJ OF TII COUNTY ~ HTH H5N RI" ~ ,(I ` ANA vITY ATTGANEYS T A E A G sHT 7p tfAKE A CHARGE UPJDF,R THG ~fCT CI;FAT tJ~ P I ,s TNE DE Ar,7rlEhJT. II ~ALGS CAt,!E tsEFGRE THE "1EEtIrdG At>d3'SAID iHE' FttND5 f7JI.LGCTED W'ft olvt ,R ~ R P F t E U,I,D TG PURCHA.,;_ PHGi0rRAPHiC ~a IdS APJJ PATER AND TG E lAC_ OTHwR iUf'NLiES USkrD.I;".R• GARDPI:R .X(' ~t Uri a FIL f C d, a..r.D NIJJSEIF A9:FI ELIhIC, iHq'(, 1T GREEAGLE f0~ THE BNJREAU TO RENDER fJH T ~ , G .,J '.rt 'n ~rl rt ,fOULD E;E A A OUT.,IDE SLRi ICE IT- CGJL178 r}LT SHGULr~ MANE NG CHARGES ; rr Ut ;.~(r~ ' fOR SE~V I GE S GR tdATE FtI AL5 ."i I TN,OUT AUTFIOR I TY FRGP,1 THE GGVERId I NG t~GTJ I ES u c , „ ~ r ~ , r .AND 7HC D1„UUR.JEt,#ENT GF FUNDy OtvLY z7 ' I ;•;t tt -`u TNRCUGH THE 1'RGPER:CHANtoELS. i~FTER A LENGTHLY DGL;CUSSION GF TH(_` t,IATTER ~;~n;, TRASK ttCV D NTi J (sJl.i: Iuiill ~ ~ ~ t r E A IT As_ SEC, h ED ll a~ ~ 'J NY ^trQ('P RND. CARRIED THAT A GU~r,++ITT'EE FRCh1 THE TµG 30ARD5 -TGGETHGR 'JdITN THE CITY APIf) VGUNTY ATTGRNFY9 ~ pE NAN'E~ TO 1;9AKE AtJ LNVESTIGATION GF ANU' DE78RPdINE SVHAT lil1TIES THE ~'i"'EAIJ GF JJ.hI td ' r! I E T 1 CAT 1 G SHP,L L PL RFORIYi ~ AND SCHEDULC GF CHA,RGES FCR OUTSIDE YJGRK.AND REPORT TG THE JGIN7 7GARDS AT A 5UE1S.°`J N J, ?i m E'~!E T tdEET~tdG, ~'AYGR tl N : . 7 ~ LANES GHAIRIvfAtd auDISON NE`f'LETT AND TH'c;CITY APJD CG!!NTY P17TORNEYS 'JJ"ERE tdAMED ;isS TtIE COt1t,JiTTEE• rrt q; ,j ~ 1POPJ t.JCTICN GF .:R• ~Af.DtvEFr ,,EGC:~,,EU f~1' n. LEt~'NIN THE 5AL1E CGtiirJ!ITTCE l'7A5 RG6PUF'STED TO IhlVEST1GATE ~i ~ ~ ® TNE hJrEu FGR_EXTHA HELP FOR ':`:R. FALES AND RE'aCRT I'f5 RECGtaMEtdDATLC~NS TG THE ~~C)ARD. I~'~ • ~ ` r ~ > .r, ~ ri a ~ ,tt ~ TNE JGINT h4ECTL"J6 ,JAS THEN ADJGU?tJE'J. I .a U1 ;7 t3 r, r~- .UO:. f. .~r.. ' - i~.. ( ~ ,r. ar' i. r. n - F.C. '4i ~ Z t1 ~ n ~ , ~ r~, THE COe,JTY ,,,,.,I.,rlq;,>wf,5 T,OK n Rh C_ t,~,T t ~ t] ,n tL r_. ~ - .p 6 ~ , _ ~ r . ~ --r a. , ~ ~ 0', N oti ;v ~ 2S~Q F,`""r THE. CGl}L'T'Y u0'. ;:155 IGNERS ABET TC NE aU'.1F THr ^f~ r, n ! ~ r`' J•v `u n ~r, ~ n ~ ur r w .J~IhIESS CF THE uGUNTY~ ~ ~ ' d Kl v _ ~v nl , nt ~GI ~ YFFSEPJTI».",ItDI~G,J ,;FtdLE,T .,H AIRfv,AN sEC.,.TRA5K c.,.,, C' . ~ ? r ~A., HALL H, ,._AR„NER L•vl•GGLCtc1AN ANJ3 vG1 hITY T F±d ~ e r J A TG , CY t(`t.~. IrARSDEPr ~~'LA`rfY ~ r.-, ~ - i J (1 ~ ali i 01 J:Y .7 h- ~i 7 r1 i f-~ :V .X3 M, .;1 "IIL In ~ ~ ~'v tP LIST tCF ^r. i., 1 i~ ~ ':,y ° r, nc tJG~7 GF ,n, {,.,...„URGPdIt; TG SEPl~FiATE iHr i~ `Fi G ~ ~ i c., [ • ,'r a r ~ v ry 4 E S h,A~ APJD Rt. ,+L E",,,xTE TAX GN I.GT.. 1 ~ G- IN k31.OCty .IhlTER ~ ~f ~ ~ ~ ~i r~ PARK.?~I~;!°T5 FsETURNEI3 ttY C',7.PGVJELL FGP Tu." y~^R C;;~ a C , f] p ;~i ~ a : , ~ ~ aZ ca M :c) _ . x •I ;~1r ANL PC.,,,.IT; ,R, tJ.,3.:,ATCHFLCR TC1 PAY THG 1AXEu G,d THE ' J \J 'r' J V ~ J N- p tp i r J 1+ + e ' ~ a 5. ~ v ,i ,7` ~1'I n aAIL LCT~ GN A~CC.,I;T CF P,AVl1X&TG TArCE 7HG-JAf~fE c_'ACI{ .:anY ~:'tdIl lpyy AND PGl"JELL HAVING tJG EQUITY IN THE f , ~ ~ v k~ ,v 'j rs r'1 ~ SAt?„~ Jf.ra IJPGPI `.'taT10Eti' OF GARDPJ;°Ry `„ECuN~cL '1; t`,'.R, TRAvKr GRANTER. , , ?GN u10TfOtd OF '''fti. ~iA°uNE .t SECGNLC`;J UY ~OLG''=`AN ,,.tT. ~1.~a.:Y JA~.LiP.G `,'JAS (;R1td ) PJ tf ('(I~~ ~ s r r TEJ A 1t..ATL,ENT : ~ aF TAXEfi' GIJ k `JnLIJAT IGN OF i j.Q~ PE i=.,~,GNAL +1hJD POLL AND .U'i{~ COk, TAX r" I Lt-f i NuTGN TOI°iNSH P v ;,y , .J a I ? .FGR -THE. t~- ; ~ YEAR 1~Q4, GN AC'COUhJT OF DUPLICATE CHARG~ • TH,~ i`,-0 ~ , G _ SA- E I ~ ALSG ! NCLUDED GP: H 15 ~;;:AL k: STATE LIST.,. I td ~;~PE I , , L I ''i FCP.n TC'id'J,HLPs Hlu PLACFn OF RESIDENCE FGR 'iHc SAID "EAa,. I p, ~ r ' , ,a ' r~RJ A~PLICAT IUtJ FvR LICE td SE TO' SELL REEP, AT ,RIGHTSsORG _Ur?kfLTTED WY P%ARL E•-JORDAN dH H t°J P _ t r IC AS U19A PRQVED it - r 5Y THE 3HEriIFFr t'dA5"UPGtd i;.GTlON GF "'"R• MRASK~ SECOt2DE"u SY it"fit, CGLEt•'AP:, NOT G~<A~!TED• t ,:POh ,,,CTiG"J GF ,,,ra, GARDNER SECGNU~D 9( ~''R+ ~ ~ r GvLEE.~AhI, J~AYAI'`NT CF .._•Q~ T~ ~R. ~GBERT Vii. t~ODtr1AN FOR EXAt,AIhJ C~hJ 1 ~ o~ ,r r. ~ r n r U cry v[ GF CAitL {„.D;°A~tL ROGFRS (NSAhIE ' AS RE ~'~U I RED E+Y 'GH.vP TEfs "=P= ' t ^ ` i G~ i ,,.y r - r > :~.r SEvT ut h'JGLlG LA,~S fGND J,6~i ~ v o ; ~ t REGvt~,dCNt1kD tsY -THE CL r;K OF ,h t r ~R ~ f ~ ~ m o tn; ~ s U~ , E E of ,.r iGR t,OtJR,> . A. a Prt~4ED. d, ,'I,'' r- ' r ~1 n RErJUEST FG"t AN,AF:ATEtdENT OF :"~2.4--~ D 'DUG Pi r, r ~ T .XF.S 0 LtT ttv ~LGuh ,,,r Jt,~S_T }`ARKr FOR THE YEAR '~~'3r p; IrJ THE ;~+At,'E GF "•L..(,ht~,l' t ?k " F~; r ~t J, r r ~ , ~ 1.LA J ._t,ST_ FOR TH ~ A 2 I ..Gt,V N P ^F ,a r ~ E T TE A T 5T TEv.r ,.~S hEF~ .REIl TO THE GG..IdITTEE ~ ' i:l ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~y ~ ~ . ' FOR IhJVESTIGATION i n ~ 5 N P RF I F, w .J ~ pct, rr, ~ ri ~ 1 ~ J r` ~ ~ ~ _ A 70 HAT U OSE THE lOT tJA,, 1,,,.D :uR AN,~ u I TN C1AE.. TO AC , r I i'', ~ ~ , .v - , n ~ : ~ ~ yI; ~.D pp Ys ,J V ~ •1' ,r ,J ~ E .,OU.dTY 5 1)4C GUDGET ESTI,JtATES 5HG'JdING THE A""C.'tJT vF EX°ENSES FirR T!iL nOUNTY 4VEHP,taENT lTS L' ~ , I U~ r~ b i1 ti U Yy! 4CTlVITI S PD ~ ~ ~ ~ -r ^ c ti r , , E AJ IN„TtTI.TIG~lSr JJAS UPON tAOTtCh. OF t~ARDNFF. _FGCn,~E:m ~i CGLEt"ANr,A~"PROVED AND ,n v .Cl v J v! 3 I „ 7- i7 car , r ^1 5 t ~ p~'t`t ORDERED PLAGED IN THE HAPdDS CF THE CLERK FGR LrCIC IA,,. , GTiCt, FGR A r;.i?!cc'aF ~ DAPS I ENLING. ADOP, IGN c I I '7 CF THE .APPROPRIATION fvESGLUT IGFJ AT TH• .R"G t! R ',SCGT N^ ~ Hr r I G c LA I, TG 6E LL' ,.tr4a.~.A.Y'. !tU+..tST ?~1TH3 1t't#~. ALLOTt,IENTS fGP, v ~ ' '.t7 ~ ~ ''V x) ~IRPQRT L.IPil'`,R F < ~ _ ~ c ^t~ ;u r,r[°c ; ' rn ~ o', ;or ~ ~ ~ _ ~ o ~ ~ s IES AND L..GION STADIUt,1 A,,E T~ PAID ~ttT ~;F E F;<~, , t,. Ftv~tJ, TH" A.,C STORES•_ I-: i ,gal ~ w ' r.U g, ~ Y I ; , i i , s, J~ ' ,r , r n r UPCN ?=rCTI G"J r pp J r ~ J -~7' J~ i,_ • ~ ~ GF R. RA,~K SECONi~ D 8Y ,q ~ T r i R. aARDNG':~ 'Ne FC:O~tt'<G P,ESC;LLT101 FI\fr.G THf'~~~4i TAX RATE AT , I N :V 1 M ,0 Q~ nj a tT,~ ~ SIXTY CENT , i i „ •u r v , _ i._,o i I r- ~ SON THC O,JE HUhJDRCD DGLLAR' VALt,AT Ift. OF PR~.•: E4~; A"v,. •vt~ Ot, •,~:u FG..Lr ;r,ECGbStY,ENDED GAY -iHE i -i, I ~ ,,J 1 ~ CC'JNTY RUI)ITORr 1'J AS ADOPTED E;Y THE AFFIR.",'ATfV~_ 1'G?E GF A6L :HE t~fEtJt?;r~g e- 1 { ' v. , ' ' ~f 1T THFP.EFCRE R 0 'J Y n t' "~F~~kt c..~N r,~ ~r n , ~E,;,; r v, n r,. . ~ w ~r'~ ~ u p- ai ~ E5 L EDr 8 THE ,rOARJ),GF EGG T ut i.. C ~ AucYf, I.uUNTYr THAT THE'FGLt W ~ ,j ~ ~ TAX LEVIES AND A5S S5M <PR P R \ N'' i:K.Tt` _ , _ xy,~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t `1 E ENTS UPON ALl TAXA9LE G E Tl I ~E A vVEh GO J, r FGJ, THE YEAR 'I~5' AS PRE5CRIaED I; , I 1 a :.p J~, L, .y. tr a ,c~ - ~ r1 ,n J; v r: ri ANA AUTHQR I ZED `8Y TN G N R P , A TH G f t.tlZ T H{ 1 ' ~ E E AL'AND S EGIAL CTS GF, E L.E SLAT E_b 0 AS FOLL.NS• ICI,,, b' ~ r ''ti ,:J r- ,;J , 'rt •r ' ~ ~t ~ ^v = ; . r~4~ _ ~ ~ ^ m aJ ~r ,7 ,J v s) { SEE PAGE iG • ~';~-3 ' ' , .s i' ~ ' ~ I { ~ o U ~ , ~r. , THE' G~UNTY ,,r:. ' n ~UDITGR PRESENTED H1S ANNUAL t~TPGRT ,',t+IC:! °,AS 4 ,.,,,n, ..<<~.~t,. D 3t • GGLFt„A4 r ' t r ~ `r' r ~ jl I ; V u ~ :(J n.. N., n. U { ~ Uf'G, tr : f I L, , _ _ ~ ~ - .1 ~ r v .,:GTiGN GF , ~.i ~ q ,SCCONDCL', t?Y ::~P. l.uL;"`'..Ati. T 't'iG r, 1 _ IJ'~e: „ I R • u,APDtJER . Rzr ,HE 5J.., GF ~ef~ - ~ v r.. - I _ - ! I L(„x.'(4 1, tic h.k t . 3 a' f^, J' r S0 Mt, GH : I N R rt I ~ " ' ,EREOF: AS AWAY B~ NFG1r..~A 1,r TtC 1~%~14'~i};a'J(~tCX?4(4~9fJGXX~;t~t~(?X~tQXtG1KX7:~XXkJ>1XMX7KX~f.XX~i X~JtXtXX~r( ~ ~ ~ U1 n» tSl -`3 Cll... 7 .1 r ~~)r~~~~Xl)t~)<1~J`~.r~'~~~A~lll`t<4~~t~'1)~+~.~'XrX r ' _ , t,; I N, t HC r.trDt,LT TG E tvAuL,. THE _CotlNrr ~n Il~i';.'I `t' r- V V` ~ TO CA.Ry IT5 04YN Ir~SUR1N '3:_U 'L' F'~R Tl~~ rt,k'rv,: GF +.Gi ?Ehlt~ N4' ,tt ~}c I , ~ I n TG ~ , CE r TO , G SE. v f ~ E A t,LA , f . ~ I tiJ. RY Oh I h4JUR 1 E S , E ` : UOUNTY `EhJPLGYEES UNU R t P'P I _r. ~ l F R i ' ~ E THE ~GRh,.AN 5 ~,,~?;f L JSAT.G' .(1taTs 'A as: ,~I' Nip C,1 H6.~t C_.Pt,.;L. , RE~VEST GF C;,R. IL FREDERICK ~~I CLET+ FGR A RE4 1E1, t,F THE A;..-f .,ki~`t, t, , ~ rr , L, A*tiD, r, ARTt~IENTS 4'+I TH TtiF i II., "J J E tY OF F I r) nEiJ.,CING THE SAhdFr YIAS REFERi~EIr TC` THI. Ct.~°':I~1'_E 1°'C+^ tn4'k;.<,4^~°iQ~ti;. i - f! Ilb ~i; v. , ' 0,, rAGT I OPJ OF ~ rrr' l• ~7a+a q. , ,-u. c: r,r, ; ALL SEGOhii. l: tIY t,• t.l , , A ,t, c. "<<~_ r„ r E C ~ A i i .f ..,z_ fir; : =s i~F ~t,t.LrG :r LF~Yt+.E. i~Er ,•R• EDf''ETT L.ITTL n ETON .t AS PERh,,ITTED TO Gt.NTtNUE AT THE u~~.'"''' rN,Q°'~ Ar. A r:AO' 'ATIENT AT<A tGST GF ;?j'.L:~ f PER Iv!ONT' „ I~yj, Hr LH1CH IS THE V°P ~ R PI G tNP.4, r` .±~r- i% ',;;t Gf, t, r<-k , A r AGE GO,T-FC KI;E N E r t%1 ,1T,JC_ ~~,Tft~G tv0 Gty 'h"= if~`P aAaIS ~ Gr MAINTAI'NIhG NlPat F~5 A PAY' PATIENT. , I I;,, I`' ~ ~ REPGRT GF ~APaEg ';,BALK. ht ~ ~P I R I I k' ~ t2F t' IVFTy APJ f t k ~ _ i0a TAL FG t_t,NE 4A. F , L~. I I ~ ~r~PGN +,!GTIG r p j, l , Nr FUNDS TG ,,FEET NECES GARY .Q;~t EN~.E`; CF .,I ; ,E r ,R +1"'',P!C; "'r `'A°;A, [CJNS FGA THE. ~ R " ~ n 1-. - i SE!c4 I GG i.^AY QELEBRATIG;vr AUGUST ~STr WAS AUTHGRIED• I' ~ ~ i a r i y ^ ;'I it r- UTIGh! GF i,,R: GARDN~ 'n h v TF- t5 cFi ,~,:[",;s,g n ;17 i ,a: ITG ..Rr THE A,D .G..J T. .~.1. _ r~° I .M.. ,.GDR,,' tL;lt~ ¢{UT EUILI~lNG , ' 'r I~'~ , u7 ~y TNE C 1 TY OF I Lt1, l NG T "1 ~A.., ~ +i TGN AT A PR I CE E~?l'AL . t , y7 roc , <c rl~t~ t-tr ,i,!JN'tY e- r THE t.J q ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~ - ~ • ~ EETIrIG THEN ADJOUP,PIED• ~ ~s ~ ~ a of ,a ~ ~ .j a ~ ~ rn -'may ~ ~a w to a r ~ J ..Z `7 1. r 'w ~ ~ r"1 .J _ v7 to ^ tl 4. , ~ ,i L~ C) f 3 1, t'~ k' '1 ~ rti to i i'`, o`,i s' ~ ~,.f . : ~ ~ ~ . ,f ~ 7s,4 _ I '"3 ~.f t ~ - w , 1 Wilmin ton N. C. Au u _!h ~ ~ B , / g st fithl 19~J5+ i., ~ (hMINuTON? h. C~ JULY-~OTH~ 19¢5. bpi.' THE REGULAR WEEKLY M TI G ?I ~ EE N OF" THE COARD WAS.. HELD AT 10:3C A.P.?, set n of ,;~d The regular xeokly ra i g, the Board wes held'at 10:30 A, M. PRESCPJT: ADDI SON HEi4LETT CHAI RMAN G . ' ' 9 EO P~ _I RASK'' H+R,GARDN£R, I..~,COLEMAN .AND COUNTY n ! QELLA~.1Y, ATTORNEY L',IA~sD~N _ preaentsl~3dison Heilett Ch irJnan, Geo. 'R, Trask, Jna. ad, Hell, I{. R, .Gardner L J Cc a ~ a , , loman nd I~~Y County Attorney Marsden Be1lJany, ll , THE Ml NUT~.S OF'hiCET 1 NG OF JULY ~ O ~RD9 1 ¢ WERE R D u. . ~9 EA APJD APPROVED AS RECGP•DED. I Surety bonds for Thomes B. Hughes, John Edxard Griffith and Earl A, Sanders; as 3ustiaea'of the Peaoa, +IiTH PEFCREN TO ~ I tihe' malty of X1,000.00 eaohfrith thn National buret 'Co a CE THE APPLICATION OF 1v~R. P,.A.MERRITT fOR LIC`'NSE T4 ~ ~ P y ..rear Lion as surety, the saJJle having been` SELL BEER !h CONNECTLON t'tITN BUSIN[5S'r Nr t NIS roved ae `to form end execution by the Count Attorne were TI GRILL h'r~AFFITT PILLAGE, THE COUNTY ATTORNEY ADVLSED TH ~ aPP Y Y, accepted by the Board. AT T~ E LAW. REQUIRES THAT THE APPLICkNT Itl,a~ P,1UST CARRY ON THE 9USINESS AUTHORIZED BY THE L1G N d E SE FOR Hl1,SELF OR-UNDER H15 IMMEDIATE SUPSRVLSION I AND p r art of J. Y ~ E. Canady,'Back Tax Coll®otor,-ahawing;that-?~2,818.R1 nos sal],®oted_for the Cit ' d. DIRECTION, ~Y1R. ~Y~ERRITT-NA9 INDICATED HIS'INTE6110NS TO GIV ! V E TWE BUSiNESS PERSONAL SUPERVISION BY DAI 2 810.8 for the :Count' for. the month of .1u LY end. ? J' 1y, eking a total of $5,628,10, we.a reooivad, ' ,.II,, 151TATIONS. ~fR. GARDNER h10VED THAT THE LICENSE 6E GRANTED AND THAT ",~R. Pv~ ftRl ' E TT BE ~ I VE~J tl,R I TTEN NO71 CE, ill - QUOTING ,THE LAW,- ANJ) ADV 151 NG THAT` THE LICENSE WILL 8 ' • : E CAhC£LLED IF AND WHEN NE FAILS TO MEET THE. P,E U IR ra Ara ort of the Colored Homo Detaanstration A ent for ,Jul vra.s received s ' 1 OF THE 1,A'tt, H 15 }dOT 10N -FAI C D Q E .ENT P_ g _ _ Y, nd f118d and a ent Of E ~ A SECOND. , p ym ~j,25 for artialbr; uaad'in dainonstrations were approved for a ont: I' p Ym J, L,"R. C'~ERf;LTT 4tiTNDR•'IX , C H S AP PL LCAT I O~J FOR L 1 CEN SE TO SELL WINE iI .OFF PREMISES ° AT THE 'SUE R P' ece vad f o ri - E ARKET LEA re ort was r i r m .the°State Board of Charit e A P i a and Public 4dalfare advising that $9,866,39 M~~I' UiLLAGE,_FILED DULY 1GTH~;'19¢~. _ 9 FFi1T State and Federal'fund9 were sent to this County for Old Agahssietanca, Aid to 'liependent Children • , i1R, HALL DEING A9SEN7~ hJR. TRASK WA5 N.Ahi and .for acministration for the tponth of July. ~,i;~i , ED TO TAKE HIS .PLACE ON TN ',"f1 E GO ~ITTEE TO HORK OUT AN ADJUSTMENT OF THE .STABLE RENT CHARGE AT LEGION FIELD WI H r T THE NOR,,E OWNERS COh~r11TTEE, IN gCCOP.DANCE t41TH THE ACTION aF T A li4atians for licenses to ae11 bAas' at loaaticns on the Carolint7 r J ' ?AARD JULY 2 Rn, His PP Bea,h Road and` 1301 Yfri htsvil2e ~ 3 , ~ Avenue, subm_ttad by A. M. Ydiddief.~eld and R.T,Horton;reapactively, the .same being in due form and _ dip t a , execution and endorsed by the Sheriff, were u on motion a roved. P PP I QN ,10T10ff OF ,R. GARDNER,--SECONDED GY trR, TRASK THE 5ERVICES'OF THE EX7tA CLERK OF H° CFF I CE WP.S CO PJT I NUE D FOR TH I RTY D Y T t SUPER I OR ,,OURT ~1., A 5 AT ~'100~00 PER MOriTH. , ~ A; report of the Bureau of Identification for ,July rraa received and ordered filed, ' , A REPORT OF COht.4UN I Y c ~i , T H09P i TAL fOR SUN,. ,IAS RE CE I VED AND. FILED. An audit. re art of ,the Aleohalio Iiever~. e Control Band + ~ P G r or the year ending Jung 30~h, 19 5,,praparad , I' A PETITION 9'AR N ~ ~ ' by J. B, 2daCaha ~c Company ass received. , T E NAtE-DF C1712ENS PETITIONING THE STATE HIGHWAY AND PUDLIC±ORKS CO".?t+i1SSlOPJ TO ' ' i 1 nt „ ,r~ CLUD , L E A LAGS .AVENUE IN ,tiINTER PARK HEIGHTS IN THE STATE SYSTEM OF COUNTY r1AINT ;,I~ as ALNED ROADS, i'iAS UPON 6i0TlON U on'mation County bills 1dos. 27 to ' 1V were' a raven for a•imant P 35 PP P ~ , fC OF :R. COLE~riAta~ SECONDED 3Y;P11R, TRASK, AP1'ROVEU. ~;1 ~ ` The falla'raing ~aad .and lawful man were drnwn to serve as urars in the Su a io 0 UPOPJ PAOTION OF ~,~R, COLEh1AN~ SECONDED DY :1~R+ CAr~DHER -iNSTRUCT10NS 46`RF c j p r r C uty far the trial 9 r G1v~N 70 CONFER ,JITI T'HE STATE HIGHWAY of oiril.cases for. the one creak te:m be innin Mond Au ust l th l t AND PUBS LC 'P'IORKS COlut~i l SS ION CONCERN'I tJG T D g g g ~ , ~ t5f I I H R A tJAGE CO~J.~ITION ALONG-80TH ~IDESOF I'~RIGHTSVlLLE TURNPIKE p ' ' FROM 4'~INTEft PARK TO DOt+tN Y CR ~ ~ ^ { E ANCH h1PJD SEE ttHAT GA~J D~ DONE TO CGR~-E CT THE CON~ITICRa, 1'i,J,Owens, D. P. Write, A. R, Flowers L.r',Ziatthaws Yd: Carne ia.e` r,,~ , Y, ~ m s H, Page, AdAsn J. Sonday, I • „ R. A, Yopp,` D. Q. North, J,B,Riggs, F.V,Shaw, Earl Batson 'Joie h Glod I'd Alford B J hn n P , , E, . a e a A .,oTlori_OrFwRED BY ~JiR. GARl) - , NE TO HAVE THE STREETS IN THE VARIOUS SUDDIV1510N5 OF THE •:,OUhJTY tdA.RK D F J iI ason ' F t c " ~ n C l AP,E NOT ra04t_,MARK D r E , 7 fAt ..E L. S run k, 'A, Asendorf, P,abart G. „autharland, Ueo. kd, Britt, .,obert Romeo, Robert.. • E , FOR THE DE•JCFIT OF THE.: PUBLLC SEEKING LOCATIGNS c ,1 s , OF RESIDENT,. IN SAID sua~lVlsloh.~, FAILED 0, Td~lsan, David T.` Peterson, Jr. Jahn S illman r, Ih~vid: C. Loa hd s n P ~ , L. John o T.H.Worthin ton, TO RE GEIVE A SECOND. _g Glarenaa S. Borrall Hubert D, Harrisan,':Georga E. Lewhorne, Earl Trrcl:er, F~.L.R,Harvall Robt.LLuona E,G,Fra tan, O.W.Shaokelford R,P,Andersan V'r, k~. Dav s R .S 1;.,~r onh, ~,w ` , , ~'~'i . ~ i , ,L kip. R 1d St. art, Chas.M.Block, I'I AM APPLICATION SlJtltdITTEU 8Y ~i.U.SAh1J7ERS TO 8 P p. ~ , c. ~ i n !r E E 111TT~D TO TRANSFER HI. LICENSE TO, SELL. U•EEP, rrsOtn r~H1PYA~~ ti,G,Weatbrrok, IIarbort VT. , Fender-P. Dur;~am, 4'(.I,. Tfest~, Iiotlr~ t;irkhr~m ~J,•ri,Bovr~?an Cl de IIerdersoir i" ' ,lark J Y , SERVICE STATION TO ANCHOR INiJ ON THE I:~ARKET STREF,T ROAD WAS'L'PON P:!GTIOt, 0 PiR. .F `p~ , ) F GARDNER, ~_COrJD1iD !iY ,t, G.t'crGaf~><;x, ieat,,on L, HanehoJ, C,C.pavtrlaR. l~R. TRASK GRANTED. r! i , • l' f , For she trial of crimiael cases for .ha one vrEOI_ tern ni!!I,ir.n nl; 1c~nda,•, P,ySust 2{Jth, 191J5, Lf~ G, REQUEST<OF P~iR. Pa1ARI0N 4"aILDERONE, A,DISAGCED WAR_VETERAd! OF I+~OaLS +"~AR,~~ FOR FRG i E L i CE NSE TO ~0 OJT. A.ND i PURCHASE PRODUCE AND HAUL IT INTO ~h~}LPu11NGTON DY TRUCK AND SELL AT 7H• PR D t rc r' `i , ' ' C 0 UCE ~ARKET~ sTORES AtaD CAFE yr FOR Jas. F, Srtnrin, .r,W,Cxardy,<Ot~o K. I'ridgan, I.urrf .9ovrclan, Jamos K. Paul, Il. G. Dona:, I',J,Kin , ' _g ! ~ WHICH A LICANSE-:TAX IS CHARGED 9Y'THE CITY `WAS UPON P,10 t P~' ~ , Iil~;; s TON OF ,.R, COLEh;AN~ SECONDED GY ~,~R. TRASK 'RE FEP,R£D S.F,Slstrunk A G, Y.o ~ ~ • 9 . , rnegay, I,ar_ td. Smith,: N.af,S9,lers, Gao. Sloan, 1`d. B, Hand, A,F.b'cKay, i TO THE CHAIRMAN TO CONFER 4tITH THE CiTY$Cf0 ASCERTAIN THE EXT NT ' !I I E OF THE ;DISAoILfTt. ?9,G,f,Iliaon,',C.W.Futci:, R,'G.Pottor, Jas. L. GoSoy, R.P,Stric?tland, I).k{,Borneman, I?.A.E)ordeaux, i ;i A,T.bis{{ee, Ed Schiilken,Jr J,I{,WesternaJa I„1.1a{a,vett Yd.t!d.1~laPharsaxt` L'.J.?dcInt r~ 'i' r ~ ' II r, i THE ANNUAL UD I k , , r , i t, .(:,~Ohley, • A T OF SSOCIATED RARITIES t,A5 RECEIVED AND FILED.. AryArt E, tlowkirk, Jno. F. Ausld K,FJennr~ Pdm.B.FOnnell G,F,Pox B B f'i~banka J ~ ' I Y, ~ , r., ChAs. L. Groor, Pdallaae eliars; Jr„ L.JLasuru J.P.Kin , C.H,Ja1.na F,1d.RUbartr~' Albort"Bancroft H.IdcC.Bisdla g e , . 'A REPORT..OF THE. GRAND UURY,_UULY TERM 1 i ~ 945, ttAS RECEiVEU AND DtSCUSSEA WITH REFERENCE TO LTS R COh1M P•ID,dTION L,N,~ohnaon a ~ : E E , J.S,,,tone, J,A,P,ros7n, ChasF.Bodall., C.LAilred, Chris I„ ButtlemaJUi` J.W.Gha man , P , , CONCERN LNG THC CONSTRUCTION OF A NEt9 COUNTY HOME BUILDI h," ~ NG, R TRASK MOVED AND iT WAS SECONDED BY ~~l.R+ COL_t,IAN 44.S;R,Boana H T , ~ ' _ , ....Cook, Chris Kogas, E,B,Cox, t.oah F, Walton, l{.u.Dlcadworth, Walter A, Perin Jr. I Y? f , , i AND CARR LED THAT i HE SAME 8E TAKEN UNDER CON ID R S E ATIOPJ UNTIL .SUCH TIh:E 17 APPEARS MOST OPPORTUPIE• J,G.Capar, S.L.D•{arshburn, Edgar C. Gurrabt•andt, Emory I{. Sautharl.end. i'I , I ' , "I(L!~ UPON t4i0TION OF C"R. GARDNER SECONDED DY hv~R. t l •i 9 COLEYIAN INS RU T ' r ; T CTICNS WERE GIVEN•TO NOTIFY THE TAX PAYCRS 8Y .he mer~tutg then Rd~ournad, y ,i," LETTERS WHO MAKE REQUESTS FOR TAX OR ASS"SSM , _G i t ENT AAJU5Tt11ENTS~ fHE RESULTrOF SUCH ACT10tJ t7H[N-TAKGN BY THC •3OARD ~p I i . ~ OR-00'•P1ITTEE TO WHOtd SUCH R`•QUESTS hiAY 8E REFERRED. ~ , I t 'f',._ ~ .Clerk. 1 ii - > ' THE MEE;f!f~rG T N ADJOU NED. i i jli.. f T I, ~ f ~ VY1lming~on, ti, f,,, August 13th, 191kr), is' i i 4 I rj II, I~I,'i THE .REGULAR WcEKI.'t M ET IN H !30 RD W S H• D AT 1Q: Q A, R~, I'' E GOFTE A A EL 3 , PRES£NTt ADDISON HEWLETT CHAIRMAN G 0, tiil. TRASK H, R, i,ARDNER L,J.COL MAN ANA C U Y ~ ~E~, 9E , 9 E _0 NT ATTORNEY ~ ~ : ~U~ARSDEN BELIAMY. i j ~i-_ • • ~t,', ' P.~R, A ! ~,,I, ARON GOCDBERG APPEARED TO ASK THAT.-THE BOARD HIRE OUT LAWRENGE`3ATTS, C0 NTY:FARM IN ACCORDANCE ?JITH ' 7HE,JUDGPdENT OF THE .RECORDERS COURT 70 ENABLE HiM TO COLLECT AN A'.tOUNT DUE HIM AT CAMP 1~AVIS, UPON M ! I~ , 9 OT1ON I . THE SOARD VOTED TC`HIRE HIt,4 OUT FOR ~25,OU AND THE GOSTS+ I - Il',. { 'iii p` , i s, UPON MOTION H. r I !I i' 9 ! CL1 ut ,pui 9 L HAWS HAReETT I04NJSHIP WAS aAANTED A ADATEMENT OF POLL TAX FOR TH£ YEAR 1 J III' 1, J•T`T ~;1 ` 1 ACCOUNT OF BEING 1N THE ARMED SERVICES. f I ~i:,l i I A BEPQRT OF THE LADi~S RE ST: ROOM COt.r"iTTEE FOR THE r~ONTH OF'~ULY WA5 RECEIVED AND FILED. ~ ' , i ~ A LETTER }4 w - I f' A5 REC£-IVED FROM !~k, A.;H, CONNER~ ACTING DIRECTOR OF THE BURhAU OF PRI,,ONS9 WASHINGTON' D. C,' 'I ,I ~ ADV I S ~ ff LNG THAT 1`J AwCORDANCE WITH QUA REQUEST OF'~JULY:~¢, A .aOVERNMENT INSPECTOR 'NiLI. INSPECT THE'JAIk l; r L W i lTH1N;THE NEAR FUTURE AND DISCUSS WITH US WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE TO BRING IT UP TO A STANDARD WHICH WOULD a ! i MEAL? FULL GOVERNMENT APPROVAL+ i r ~ 'il i H T ~ E tAA7TsR OF REPAIRS TO -THE JAIL ROOf WAS UPON tv10T10N REFERRED TO-.THE COURT HOUSE COPdhgITTEE TO BEOURE BID$ :.FOR NEW` 4JORK. I; I~ I E i I AN AUDIT R P E JRT OF THE HE ALT DEPARTIv1ENT WAS RECEIVED. I, i fi', i A REQUEST OF"iv1R. THOMAS H~ SKIPPER FOR AN ABATEMENT OF TAXES ON A VALUATION OF ~ 1> ,QO O ¢ p3 5 N- A 137 PLYMOUTH DOOR SEDAN FOR THE YEAR 1~¢, CLAIMING THAT HE DID NOT OWN A CAR,':AND WHICH LS NOT REPORTED-ON THE 19'~L STATE'AUTO LIST, WA5 REFERRED TO THE COUNTY AUDhTOR t41TH POWER TO ACT+ ' i~ ~ ~ UPO ~ ,j N MOTIONS MR, A,;'r"~, ALLEN, CORONER. t4AS ALLOWED .'~~.QO PER MONTH TELEPHONE R~'NT F"ROPut AUGUST 15TH 1~4) ' TELEPHONE TO 8E LISTED UND R N W NANOV£R COUNTY+ E E ~ I,~ A MOTION OFF ~ i i FRED BY II,R. TRASK TO .MAKE APPL I GAT ION TO THE I,IN I TED STATES ~UV[ RNM~ NT I - TO CJT AN INLET ~ t,' OPPOaITi~ SNOW'S CUT.,.:. FAIL£Dr I il' 'l Ii i UP~N'MOTI c GI ON-THE ~N71AE BAARD AGRE.~D TO A1EET AT LEGION FILLD TUESDAYS AUGUST 14TH, AT ¢:OQ P.M., TO V£ FURTHER CONSIDERATION TO RENT CHARGE FOR STABLES. THE MEETING THEN A))JOURNED' CLERK. ~ _ - ~ a , ~ ~ ~a 1~.,, ~ i:.3 i , I ~ ss 3~'+ ik F ',NI ".1 ,.I L I,1GrJN, N. C+, AucuSr BOTH, 194)• a ~ ~',PiEETINO DF AUGUST ~OT,H, 1,'1,., CONTINr1CD. . a; 11t i THE REGULAR WEEKLY iJIEETING OF rHE BOARD 1'JA5 HELD AT 1O: 0 A. PJ~. I~, ~ 3 N,- l s': AREPDRT DF THE LADIES RODP~~ CO~~A~'~ITTI-E rOR i)ULY tYAS HE GEIVED A'di) ORiJERED FILED, ~ PRESENT, ADDISGN f!EVILETT CHAIRMAN, GEO. 4"d. TRASK SAS, h~. fl'1~ , HALL, H, I~. GARDNER _ . ~ P- ~.COLCh1AN AND ~;llt;~ COUNTY ATTORNEY i~IARSAEN BELLAMY, iJ r,10TI0N OF .`.'R. iakRDNER, SEOONI_'~ED BY i~^R, COLIiMAN, THE 1~4} TAXES CHAR ) a P 1 UPG _ GFT A,. ,LOT LISTED OiJ DLL ArD 1~'~ 4 IV 9LOCK SUNSET ~AGiK 1N TH'i NAh"E OF t ,I Rt a1 I t LOT 1 , ~ s 1 _,i,~C~vl..l.AN~ TWI...•TEE FOR THE BAPTIST S1ATE CONVENTION, ~~d~'~ THE COUNTY 5 1g45~1g~b BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS, AFTER ADU RTI " E 5LMENT MADE C USED A3 A PARSONAGE FGA THC SUNSET PARK'?APTIST CIiUF1CH, lVAS DR~DEREIl A9ATEll, I~~,,, ADOPTED, AND UPON MOTION OF MR, GARDNER SECONDED BY P~ P CORDING 70 LA4l, WERE FINq ~ R COLEMAN .THE FOLLOWING APPROPRIAT i•LY n t RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED, ALL MEMBERS VOT1NG AF ti ~ IDPJ ir^ 'IDPi OF ~"R. akRDNER, SECONDED EI4' ~`'!~1, ~OLEhJAN T ~ r " i~' FIRh1ATI1CLY: UPON vT , HL OARD VOTED TJ R[,~UEST THE ~~AR C€PARTMF,NT TO PUT i,'~ i !:~4'~ IN E'~FEC7 TF+E CLkUSE !N ITS CUNTRd.CT bl'ITH ,_H(" CDUNTY PERI:4iiTINB THE USE OF `3LUETH:N H RP R R ~ rTnLAI oTFO ; n i APPRQf'R~AT~I~'d ~~QLW'~ ` E,1h~RrIAL A'~ll CIVILIA~J lJ5E AFTER i iU,Ai IOiV, ,AWD THAT THE: CHAIRh~1AN PR~Srid T ~ `I T , ~.~I, I CO - ~ i _ T HC. RE~JE~T 'f0 THE AIJTHUi 1TIES ~~G~:~ iV'ti'ASNI'~07U"1• ~H'= iAATIDh.kL AIRLINES E3F: REy~UESTi:D TO ,:nJi)i'EHATE ANU 1HE CITY GGUNCIL AND CHAi~,1DER OF COP:IMERCE SE CT i ON 1 . F3 , ~ E 1T RESOLVED B'/ THE BOAFID DF COUNTY. COMi~I{S;iIONERS 0 N JOIN rHE CO'J!Jf't IN ITS REyUE$T+ • F EW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAR ';'I THIS 20TH, DAY OF AUGUST 1 4 THAT THE XP OLI I;, _ g 5s E ENSE FORCOUNTY GOVERRIMENT NA, ;~!4~, FOR, THE FISCAL YEAR F_NAING SUN 0 ~ ITS ACTIV)TII:S qND INST'i h ~ , Ot,"':I~NiC~TION Kr -1v D P'^ , ,11, E 3 THC 1g4~„ HE AMOUNTS OF"THE POLL TUTION& ;ITN R£F_REMCE TO F C ,_C[ E I C ,~~~~~H .AR?LiNA ~1L1Li~nN AS~OCI~TION ~DNC,ERNING TILE i OWING SCHEDULE, OR SO MUCii OF EA 'yHMEPdT CF OFFICES N THE STATE TO AID RETURhJING S:RV M F r ,.1 ~ ,~,I AS SAY 6E NE CE99ARY, ARE 'HE RE BY APPROPRIATED4' CH ESTABLI E ICE EN, TH.. ~iOARD:ON.IOTIOtd Ilvl_ICATED IT5 r, _ i I , i~,' `WILLi!*GNESS TO CGOPERATE'IN' f"VERY WAS PC`.".;IBLE ItIT iHE` NORTH ..AROLCNA l t I ~ IC ERANS GOAivJS51Crd iM E3TABL15HING ".E~< SEGT{ON 2. THAT'FOR T > c ~ ~a HE 5AID FISCAL YEAR THERE .AREHCR BY CNE OF THE Ti'rELVE. OFFICES N!"R~ INAS.JG.s n,., rHl, C~,~1..uNITY 15 IN A t,1AJOk 4,ILITARY AREA nN1) A PLUMBER OF ~I{iii:.' „ ; << E APPROPRIATED FOR. THE , . ~ ~ - ~ . ' MENH~tiVF DEE~JC~LLEDI..TOrHE .,EFtVICE FRDI,. ,I, I,; ,,r~.~,Tl~n, ANJ RF:,UESTfII TI'AT AREPRESfNTATIVE EjE sENI H=hE ;n I Go ~i ~ UNTY HOME ,~.'.,....r.....,i+„++,-~,.,..................~...y ryr TO DI$.~~.!5~ THc..MATTFR., Y~ 7, 537 ~9~ t~ COUNTY FAWN • 3 OUNTY`DRAkNAGE LPp^, "0710', CF .~R. !-ALL, ~cCCNLED ~SY •R. zARDN[R, THE. l`OA,tL RC'SCINi)ED ITS ACTIOfI OF ,11!L 1J~TH, sErTfrJG 'b o ~~o ,It, -~r EMERGENCY s 75 5,° THE RATE OF R'P1TS ON S'ABLFS`AT LEGION STnDit!hl ,ud;! FIXD rllF ;nr,4F AS FOLLOPJS EFr[CTIVf' ALGIIEiT 1ST, 1'•~4i: r ~ 2~p~9,7g ~ 4~,~(,h,~~ ~ 3 THAT FOR THE_S D- .OG Pcr, iY~OivTN FOR BAnN, A) F15CAL YEAR THERE. IS HERE Q'( <hhil~ APP P C,>U n RO RIATED FOR DEPENDENT CHILDREN P:R SEABEE, 4~sjt.>U.Gp ,I n OC FOR TRAILER ~ITE• i';' , i`: ~q I SECTIUrr THAT FOR THE 5AID F'IS AL YEAR }'H R THE. COUNTY TO GET THE. MANURE+ E E 15 HERESY _ i APPROPRIATED FOR THE COUNTY'GENER I'E CHkLRPtAN, °'R, I}ALL AND !JR. GARDNEP. VOTINt, AFFIRMnTiUPI', i"~~• YIU.SK !'OWING AFFII>,M~tTIVEI_Y EXCEPT AS TO AL FUND ~ r 75o6,r { ~ , i RENT CN~,RGEFO~s TRAILER SITE, FEELING THATNO GhvvFtG SHOULD UE h-1,"ODE iN CON~{DEr~ATIGN Of iHE~5ERVLCE REiJUERECI i ~~-I SECTION + THAT FGR THE :5AID fISCAL YEAR THERE. ARE HER BY E THE PREMISE5 3Y THE OCCUPANT OF 1'HE TRAILER 1a0 IS EMPLOYED TO CARE, FQR THE INTERr,ST CF I4iR~ $UtTON. APPROPRIATED FOR THE-HEALTH FUND: ~ C R, uLEh1AN VOTING NO FOR THE REAS061 HE FEELS Tftf+T TttE BARN AND STABLEa RENT SNOULi1,BE ON E~'UAL BA5is, i i I THE A~ETING THEN ADJOURPJED. BOARD OF HEALTH,,..,..,.. 20,786.00 ' ' U17AL $TA715 r S TIC 350.00 ~.f ~PY1o5 ulro iI~ t CON R ~ •..:zlc' x ~ A C RK. . , 5 ,OQ 223~.Op j ' i f,. $EGTiON .THAT FOR THE SAID FISCAL YEAR THERE Ai~E H!_RE9Y ' , ',dILidINGTON, N, 0, Alk3UST 2';T'H, 19~~~i. I't -APPROPRiATED,EOR THE WOSPITAL FUND: , L ~i I~, P''~`~'',I~ ~ THE I'~EGUI.AR 'vVEEKL`I ',tEETING OF TH• ~OAFD P: ~ H~ 15 ):Til .i"'F~, , c A~ ,.L AT 1t A , , A,1ES ,s'ALKER HOSPITAL, REGULAR it le n n c " ~,'I) a SFvDIAL ~ ~fOOO.OO p rl u , U ~~I ~ ~ i RESENT• ~~A,.L .ICE CHAIRMAN, uEO, TRA.,K, FI.H,I_rARDNER, L•~•I~OLL-~~~dAN ANP. CUI,JNTY ATTOP.NLY P.~~EDICAL SUPPLIES FOR INIJIGENTS ~iQC+CC 21 ~~U0+00 , II ~ i:.ARSDEr, LLA~,.Y. `I ~ , ~ ' ,ECTiON THAT FOR THE RAID FISCAL YEAR TH('RE 13 H~Tf2E!3Y , P.--'~ ~ TNC M I PlE)T ~ s OF 6,9C I ~ ~i ~ ~ ~'1 GU.~i u . r ~ • , - ~ , L~ _E711JG OF hIGU,,7 .TH, 13T1~, ANU ,;.l,Tll, 1,~,, ~.i..RL ~~EAh AND AiFf101E1J AS RC CCRI)C~D, , I APPf,UPRIATED FOR CLD AGE ASSISTANCE 110 1GU. O ' , 0 ;i~i;i~~~~ ~ , _ 11P01! iSGTIO'1 OF' I,•lii, TRASK, °EOONLED EJY I~~~R. COLFaL1rJ, THE. ~~j!E,iJ.UQ A:SSE-S~hdEN7 ON 1.OT j~11~~, IN CiLDCI; ~ il,l !tp~ SECTIOrJ 8. THAT FOR THE SAID FISCAL YEAR THER 15 Hf~REBY ~ ,)RlGHTSVItiLE BEACH, OWNED HY :nR3• ISAEELLE B, rrOOfEh, WI~IIGH ..AG :iE:UUq~D TO ,,,100.00 FOR TITS YEAR 1~)~t,), i ~~i; A PROPRIATED FDR THE ,71LMINGTOtJ PORT COi,1~~1IS5ION I'b ~7r ~ 0 , ~I,~,, ~f? 3 ) N AGCOIINT OF :DAM AGE: BY TIDF..ER05fOrl, el AS h1A3]E RET170AGTIVE IN EFrr:a1 Ful1 THC. YEARS 1~',_, AND 1~~1~1 AiJll L~ r THE A55ES5r~ENT OF ,"~OQ•OO ON =EACH OF LOTS ~ l 17, 1 ~ Nvli I. ADJQINih;Gy AFFECTED [3Y THE SAiv1E CON)ITIDPI HERE ' ' ;i SE CTiON g• THAT FOR THE AIG FISGAL YEAR THERE. IS HEREBY !.I APPROPRIATED FOR TH r ALSO REDUCED TO°;;500.0 FOR THE YEAR`1g45+ ' E SALARY.FUND i ' ' S1,G13+oo "'''~'i SECTION 10 PIPOrJ 1~10TION OF 'IR. _COLEt,1AN 5 C NT)FD EY NIR.:~Af',I)rJ ri N R1 T i T W~R GIV N 1'O 1JV 177 c. Tr ~ ,r THAT FOR THE SAID F15GAL YEAR LNERE;ARF.-HEREBY t ,E O L , 157 lC IOV f E E A L i.E Fl 1 LII, , FOR ;1 rJE'#t ROOF'FOR THE COURT HOUSE ANNEt AND FOR PAINTING AND REPA1FiING THC EY,TERIOf1 Or 7Hf:: BUILIJING APPROPRIATED FOR THE SCHOOLS"'TH FOLI iI~'1 E. ..OWING: IN ACCOR::IANCE WITW SPE~CLFiCATIONS 1'G ESE PREPARE"D H1' !:",~il~ VOLk,u1AN• ~I~~i REGULARTERh1: I ,i , ~~'~'Eh1SERJ OF TIIE ~iOAFNJ GF ALDERMEN ANTI DELEGATION ('ItOhl CAFOLINA i~EACH AND VICINITY APP[;AREll TO ASK THE ' SCHOOL h.?AINTENAtJ CE c !',Il~,ll, 114,)00+UU COUrlTY ~ ~ , . t d 21 TO ENDOR,,E A F ROPO.,AL 10 HAVE iFiE ~ Dti EHNhIE' t,~ I CHOOL SLOT SERVICE • • • • • • • . • ~ A NT CUT Ah 1tvLl_T APPROXIMATELY OPI~ AND GiVE HALF i.~ 7,J ~ hIILES PJOn ~ ~ ~ , L: . 000+00 TH OF ,AROLINA BEACH• IJR. , TDI,N DF CAROLINA BEACH, f(1E,Et,ITfD THE ~ _„I APITAL OUTrAY,.., >IALTEF4 { FLAIR, CP.ERK OF THi: ~'i'~~~ TO !vrATCH ST R- 3f RE.~UEaT nhJL URGED THE EPILIORSEIdErIT OF TFiE PRGUF'GT f3Y THC. COUNTY CO~YI"~ISSIONFR5 IPI THE: INTERCST OF Fl"5 R ! i 'VrS ATE LT ICI,.rvENT 4 c ~ L TO LNG 1.500.00 1 C >~1 '~J ~ THE F ~ _ ~~;I, ~I;_~,~'~ IoH, CLA`1 AND OYSTER INC~IJSTF.Y Ila Cli`fPTLF. 'i~IROVE SOUND 1:!r-STADY(D @Y THEFLOVI OF FRESfi WATG:Ft FROM 'T'f~lE CAPE I ;I ~I II S FE AP. RIVER THROUGH ~y P'r^ ~ r ht~ ~ , .s,, ll CHDDL ~UPPLF.MENT: ~ U ~ o CUT, JH I CH SAID I JllU<:TP~Y PJAB TIiF CH !EF CANS OF I. IVEL II OOD FORA rJUMI]EIT OF ii'~' ; 3 i i j ' ~ SCHOOL FXTENDEI'7 TERP~i E91DE;NTS IN THAT AREA PRIOR TO "rHE UPENINt; OF THfi iNLANIl !'Z ATERIYAY., JT' 'dJAS A1.5U S'fAl'Eli BY P~JIR. I'I. L, FARMER i, 1 ~ 1 &F ~OO.CO ~ T ~ y , r A MEhl3Ert OF THE DELEGATION, THAT 7FIE CIATERS OP !'r1YH7LE GROVE SOUND IS T'HREATENEIi E3Y PULI.USICIN FROM THE. RIVF•_R ~~T' ~:'ATIUNAL DEFENSE AN11 CHILD CAR E' . , , , ,~~000.00 ~7y:~iUQ.QO WAT[R ANL L s c i c Xc ~ f t if IKELY TG BECG~E A rl!~P~AGE TU THE HEALTH OF RESIDENTS ANI) V1~1T01.,, tVHO OATHE Irti ITS tIATE:RS, AhlD ~~I>-, ski,' hIAY PR I ~ - ~ ~ i ~ H. 11 T, L~GIOLATIVE AC'fIGN THE. TANIPlr OF •LA FOLD FROM HAT ARD ADUOIiJING AREAS OF THE 50UrlD5, A5 SCHOOL BUOKS•,.,,....,. , 1~ o(~o.oo ~ r, it ~ A HEALTFI ME ASUrI[ IF NOT COR6iEGfE:U, THEF{EFORE, UPON MOTION OF ":.R, TRn$I(, ;~CONUED RY : GR, CULEhdAN, fI1E BOARD III f.. i.: 5ED THFi PROF05AL TC HAYE TFiE ItJLFT CIIT AS REf~UESTEU, ON TWE~APFII+_ATIVE OF .,01'MISSIONF:HB WALL] TRAGIC ANTi SECTION 11 TIJAT FOR THC SAID FISCAL YEAR THERE IS.HEHEuY ~ ~ COLEMA'. L i APPROPRIATED FOR TH , ; N CO'.IMIS5i0NER-CARD R `V U h10 FOR 711. R•AS(1P! E1E FEELS -tfi 'AOULD t?E TO iHEw DISADVANTAG TO' TI NE OTE F C E ~E E ~CHOUL UILDlNG FUND 10,Ot~0.O0 COUNTY" ~"d: h~'II t A5 rIHOLE'AND T}IEREFOit ALL CITIZFN6 AND.PA01'ErTT~' G41fJFHS gH011L:: F.E GIVEN AN OPP E HEARU+ ' ~ ~ ORTUNITY TO D ` I THE .CITY COUNCIL 'itAS ~>iUEST^D TG J01N THE_GO'JNTY IN rPJL`UFag IN~G THE PF~,QJFCT. I 1 1 `'rl SECTJON 12 THAT FOR: THE. SAID FISCAL YEAR THERE°IS - ~ ' APPROPRI 7 D R c HEREBY I A E FO TH.. SCHOOL ENSiON'FUND '1. 6 1.20 City " I' Sq n . , II' ~OUNCiLh P L• S ~ ~ 1 ,1+ RONALD ANF PI. Y r RLAPJD S, CL .RIFF ~BOF3r,RT 7 LEGW iN AND tiJAS+C +~..,rPADF. APP R D !,I L _ A OR,, aA , E A E AND A JOINT c _ A 1i' M..E~ 1NG t1AS H D" R U! FOP r' PP INT !VG A CITY-COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR iN ACCORD AN C- w' III"°~ SECTION 13 THAT FOR THE SAID F15CAL YEAR. THER £L r0 ~ HE J , OSE .1F A O ( C I TH THE LAw • .I, ~F'i:I' E 5 HEREBY hI,' i i i APPROPRIATED FOR THE IELFARE 1,~iEPARTt.~'.N7,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, '14°20 • , TION GF :•R. CaARDNEH, sECGNLED BY Ia1R. ,rADE, h..R. C,:_(t, IrJORSE ,YAS REELECTED CITY~COUNTY TAX , ~t, , OR ~ ~ .a a COLLE CTOR F y' - THC TW0 Y,.ARS TERM F1EGir~PJiNG> GGTOEI€R 1„T, 1 '4,, AND f30PD FIXED Al ~~7,5OO.v0 rACH BY 1HE t SECTION 14 THAT FOR, THE SAID FISCAL YEAR THERE `ARE, HERtiBY ' CITY AND=COUNTY, '1 I APPRDPRLATED FOR THE C'JUNTY;.BOND F'JPJD, ' ~ THE .FOLLOWING. ; ii I 'I I f: I t~''~ COUNTY HOME BONDS. . . . . . . . . . ~ ~PON h90T 10~~ OF 'R, UARDi`JEFi ,ELJNp" ; d'( R, rAK , . 4 , GGUN f I I41 " ~v~ ~ I .'I, BR(,;lil ..AS Ai POIh.TED ASSISTAPJT GITY~ g T TAX iI, 1182+g CoLL~ rFt ~ , i, ~ _ CT ~ AND ;sOPlD F FRED AT g• ~ G . _C} 'C AGH BY THE C ! TY AIJD COUPdTY , Sll'?ET Y BOrJDS FOR THE OTHER MP yr . COURT HOU5E BONDS - E LO ..3,77.3 I Y-GDU ~ _ 4 _ . , ,i $GNOOL BONDS r °i NTY TAX I,FFItE 7O tPE CONTINUED IN ,HE SAME Ati,OUNTS OF .;~..s1LQ.CO EACH 8Y THE, CITY AND COUNTY AS ' ,,t...,.... FORhd LY. ~ 6 4 0 _ ~0 ER [ ' .TOTAL BUDGET. 1r ' E.; ~ ~1,10g,4 ~~7 UPGN a,tp l ~ r.,t T O,t OF -R..IALE, SECONi.~ED BY iltR. COLE`~AN, THE C:0',°~.1UNITY 4~AR CHEST P,AS Gr',i,NTED THE IJSE OF ONE 1'YFEYtR1TER TABLE ONE TYP YlR1' R AND T'1I0 S,41ALL TABLES FROhd 1'HE AJAR FRIt~ APJIJ FATIGr1IPJG BOARD.. ~ ~ : ~ °y ~ E TE ~ FOR !JS CAME A IGN i,, CORK UNTIL OC1O R 3 @E .,157, 1845,. ~ECEIr'T TO 9E SECURED FOR TFIF LOAkI OF THE, E~,.UIFt,1EHT. I, R. GARDyER ,~ri ,F . BROUGHT TO THt; ATTENTl0,1 TWE h~1FTTEFt OF 1HE' IX. ,..-ITT.E P.F'OR11,1G ON GE:RTAIri EXPENDITURES MAD1: I' 1' i j~ 6Y NIR. PALES IN ~ i~,. ~ t• r CONNECTION 4UITh' TH OFFICE OF TH„ _UREAJ ,F (DEP.TIFI,ATIJN A,iJD ,.A5 N]V1~3= a c: , U E Y CAMPiyELL, CiTY ~~ITTORNE'r THAT THE. CU`~1I,IIT~fEE HAD ^iUT YFT !.tCT '.',IT'H h1~R, PALE:3 TO GC?h~iPLh.T!i TIi ~F'')i' ~ E RC ~ iT, j'; `iUT EXPECTED TO BE AD 1.1 R F(]R7 '.!'ITFII'd A FE1; DAYS. LC 70 Sl I T A E r:; ,1'~i i ! ' ii, `I'' i' , I ii'; E~~af ` , Y Tr~~ i~^" , -'~.i., ~ - "i~ i C1E E r °',,R;;~,~ TING OF AUGUST LfTH~ 194y, CONTINUED, ll rl~ ~ ~ r'r u' rl~~~ : 4!: Nir I r HE COUNTY ATTORNEY REPORTED TFIAT 7HE COUN TY HAS NO RIGHT 70 REF'UN _-------_.•_~____yi__^_.._.__._ J I ll TAXES PAID VOLUN ~ , 8Y 6I.A.P~SCHAU ON PhrOP RT ~ ----_..._.__-__.-_-_r------------_--------__-._.__ `G ~ ~ E Y T IN ©LOCK ~b7 ARILY AND WITHCU ~ .._.~.:r.____...~, c;;, MR,PESCHAU SINCE 1 2~ •TNR ~ FORMERLY IN 7HE NA1~E OF LUCRETA GAUSE~ AND T PRO i~ 9 ~ OUCH 195, ,91TH THE EXCEPTION OF ON• L15TED FpR T 1EoJ par,°, IN ,tILMINGTON TOCrNSHIP~ WHICH SAID PR P ~ C YEAR, 1944, WHEN HE FAILEL T AXES gY Plilmin ton N. C 0 ERTY IN FLOCK ~r~n7 HE NO',9 CLAIMS HE DOES O L19T RC g ~ September lUth, 1919, I f i!j TAXES PA ID BE REFUNDED TO HIM. NOT pµlN ANY P PERT i~, i'~ SOUTF ~ THE COUNTY ATTORNEY CITED THE CASE OF E,F. i, ~ AND ASKED TH Y TERN RAILROAD COMPAiJY~ 2~4 NC YyH a MIDDLETON V ,~ILhIING AT THE ~ ~ !I 3~f ICH HELD T TON ^r~; COMPULSION CANNOT 8E R HAT TAXES PAID VOLUNTARY AND W) ~gRUNS!41CK afar we©}:1 meeting of the Board was held a p S'i c ECOVEREA~ EVEN THQUGH THE TAX IS LEVIED UNLAWF TROUT 08JECTION O k"D 1'ho rvg Y t 10:30 A. td. fp TO GRANT HI„ REQUEST. HOPIEVER THE CITY AND COUN ULLY . THE BOARD F i TY DID f THEREFORE . TO TRANSFER TO h~"R. PES H AGREE, UPON hi0TI0N OF P,4R. ;'JAD ~ DECLINEp ntr Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo. VY, Tres I° . I, C AU ALL RIGHTS 1HEY MAY HAVE TO ErJABLE HIM TO E~ SECONDED gY~.r! .prose k, Jas, i'd, Hall, H. R. Gardner, L. .J. Coleman and Count ' TAKE SUCH STEPS AS R TRASK rns Marsdon Bellamy, Y ,I~j; TO COLLECT OUT OF THE PROPERTY H H ttU Y ~JII, T E AMOUNT OF THE TAXES HE HAS PAID, E MAY FIND NECES + ~ i' ~'~C ~ SARY : THE JOINT MEETING VI tee of mouton of So tember nth r A5 THEN ADJOURNED AND TH COIr The mznu g P I , 1945, were read enc. a proved as recorded P. s 1~,, ~ E LITY 0~,1~.~IS510NERS PROCEEDED WITH THE gUS I' ~Li' (NESS OF TH UPON MOTIONS h^~AS, HELEN P':I, ALLEN yrA R f CouNTY, p request of h1r. Thomas R. Orrell for a reduction of asaessmonts o I I :I 11 I 6~~ 5 ELEA9 D n four tracts a „ rt ~ E FROh1 THE PAYPrI` NT OF N ~ of 1 nd containin 6,230 OT LI„TE1J PENALTY CHAR :acres , Cap© Hear tovmshi.p, with the view of seaurin a a g IN ULOCK 7r1~, NORTH SHORES, 'IRIrNTSVILLE BEACH FOR or GED pN g n d~ustmant of the back taxes o r • Lo7S 7 ANO n same, now in the ~'~"~'I OVERLGOKED LISTING 9 THE YEAR 114, FOR THf_ REA50N H ~ attorrie s 1'or collection w ~k'i~l,; 7HE SAME AT 7HE TIME HE LISTED OTHER PROP ~ CR HUSBAND I NSDVER + hands of y , as upon motion of ,Jf7•, Ilan, reoaived for invoati anon and the attarnv •s Ih TErJTLY ~ E ,TY IN HARNETT 70UJNbHIF FOR g ~ jiF' p THAT yrAA, were requested to hold the matter in abeyance until the invasti atron is made. b I ~1.`l'i~ A. RE °ORT GF O'J ;S~i UN I TY HOS P III TAL Fes, JULY '.VAS RECEIVED AND FILED. i'1°; }Fr, J, R. LeGrr~nd and }fir, Brice again nppsarecl to discuss the drains e condition at R a ; iv rs_de A nrtmenta area '9'H + A CU ~1UN I CAT ION WAS RECEIVED in Sur~svt Perk, and on motion Of 1'u•, Trask seconded h ~ g , P i' r. Ifa11 the (eta FROM THE COUNTY Y to ~ yr v ~ AUDITOR ADVISING THE AMOUNT OF L'EPgg1T r • } ic,h a and P.rblic V'/orks Conunission ~~!,i TOGETHER WITH A MEM ~ " P r.!vstod to com l~,tv t}:rr surva IN _ACH BANK A5 of J v'es r.q P y of the proposed drai.nago by cantinuin}; the surv•, to the Lake showin ORANDUr,~ OF CF: SUR I T IE 5 HELD :1Y US I N EACH CASE. ULY 7 Y , g l`y'; ,1 catch 'nasins e , a. + ' r~i,' r size of pipo,~ te,, ne. the Goimt:y to ~ontaet the property owners for permission to Dross their , UPON i.i0TI0N OF PnR. GAADNER, SECONDED BY ~,';R ~ property for ~nstallittg the+ proposed drFinage, after a similar mot , ion offered by fir. Gardne vrar, w ~ COLEb~AN I N,TRUCT I ~ r ithdrawn PROMPT IhJVESTIGATIONS OF ALL REQUESTS FOR REDU NS WERE ~iVEN TO HAVE THE GU'.'~;,iITTEE 1:7 I'i~;''~~ CTIONS OF ASSES~M ~ AKE i~~^,~, HAVE NOT BEEN INVi.STIGATED AND ENTS AND ADJU~TMCNTS OF BACK T Gardner asked that n drainage condition at the Sho " I ~ 70 HANDLE FUTURE REQUESTS !7EEKLY, AND THAT WRI AXE,, THAT 11 qil Plant he low „tursvt Yark ba looked into. ,'ty,l; OF SUCH ACTION BY TH. TTEN "v071 . i p L CO~:Yv11TTEG BE MAILED TO THE PERSOr' OR PERSONS MAKING TH CC OF THE PE5~1LT ~ E REQUE5T5 PR r Mr, Garland S, Cumin and b1r. J,I;.L Venda c O,IPTLY, . ormittee t'rom the City Council appeared to asl: the. I]dard to ~r ~'~~I P'~r~ONDAY.JEPTEMBE 13 RD ~ ~ 1~4 B submit e price the County would accept for its interest in the 'rloadrovv lYilson Hut Auildin an a ~;Y~l 3 E ING A LEGAL HOLIDAY LABOR D d eked I,,~ ~ AY ~ APID THE DATE OF g~ ~ THE BqA , A RECESS WAS TAKEN UNTIL 1U: U A,~~;i, THE REGULAR 1.4EETING OF permission to cut a door at the southwest ~•orner of the huildin ;'or :Its r ~ TU ocroations, , ESDAY, SEPTEMB R 4 g 1 uartors, iGz•,Gardn+yr CL RK. E TH, 1G4 j. su estnrl that inaomur,i+ ,ts the builriin has sarvrrd q E gg g its purpose as a ronreational cantor for service men Vd I Lr,1I NG I it could oantinue to servo vrel by looat:ing the off icPa of the Chpmbar of Conracsrce Po t C ' TON, A, C,~ SEPTEMBER 4TH 1a¢~, , , r or mission and ~ ~i =;A,'' ~ r J Por~ Pruffic Assoniat.~on there, and rwvad that a co.~mittae b a appointed to mast with the committee from the THE REGULAR WEEKLY MEETING OF THE .30ARD W Cit,;~ Coun~~il at the I?ut at j;00 P,t1., Tuvsday, Se tember-11th and that • i As HELD AT 10. U A.i,. P , azpraaantatives frrm th© Industrial ~ Co~~nittea, Chamhar of Conreoorr.©, fort Ccllimission and Port'Tr~ffis Association b , e requested to attend the RESENT: r',DDISON HE',4'LETT CHAIRP4gN GEO.°rV.TR confarvnco to discuss that mat},or, riffs motion was srjooudnd by fir. Calc+man a ~ ~ I ~ ASK H,R. nd?aarr:rod. tiz'. Hewlett tdr.t,olemen ~ ARDNER,L.U.UOLEMAN AND COUNTY J~TTCRNEY P:jAASD r ` ~ and i1r, ~~ardnr3r •,vera namarl t0 ser^ra as` the r;orci' t cse , ' EN SELLp,1Y, z l and rir. uardner was solrected as 't~ c a z 3 h irman. THE n41NU1':S OF h1EETING OF /iUGU3T 2 TH ~ ~ 7 ~ 1O/~`~f t"r6RE lU f~D AND APPROUED.AS RECORDED• ,1n an lication for 1 cA r ~ ~ a, p i .,nee t~ ,7c .1 beer at; Smith CrE)a}; suhrlittad by Delmer~A„?,.":oCovran, and endorsed the ~ A PETITION OF ~ ~ Sheriff was u on motion of lr' RE..I LENTS OF F• I SHERV I LLE REQUEST ING THAT THE UH ~ P s. Colar>an, prantF~d, I~ ~,'E,~-r~ !'JHICH ',rAS FILLED IN WHEN THE RO AINAGE DITCH ALONG THE FIIGH;"JAY TO CAPdP I} t AD !'!AS WIDENED, BE OPENED AND A I)RL'f9 DIXON S SERVICE STATION BE CORRECTED ~ L,,O A SIMILAR CONDITIOrt ON S41t? HIGHI9AY NEAR Upon motion of i,fr, Gardner, seconded by '~r, Culemrtn, Chester 1,4urrav f,aoblo minded a , ~,vAS uroly ivloTlorJ of ~~~R. ud physicall disabled i i Y n;. REFERRED TO THE STATE NIGH'AAY ~ PUB „ BASK, SEOGNuED BY PaIR, CDLE':'IAN, hPPROUF.D AND white oitizen, rasicJ.inl; at ~~f30r) $laden ;;treat was on raoommerrdat' ion of the ,~..pt., of Pub~,ic VYalfara, , L i C + ORKS GO,.,M f SS I ON V! I TH RE r~UEST THA r THE, RFL i EF 6E GR admitted to the Co+anty ro p ~!I f F AN I. m, as r iI~,,, TED. ~ at .mm~te w~tn the understanding that ho is to do such li ht •,vork around th© ,promises ha mad, bo cal•_ed ~.+pon to do, g J II . ATTORNEYS ~ .LEGRAND AND {AARON GOLD!?E RG RFPR c, i , E..E NT I NG THE RIVERSIDE APARTiv1ENTS Ark CITIZENS OF SUNSET PAR d RESPECTIVELY, APPEARED TO DISCUS ~ K lQ~ i~ ~S THE B D ~ f I~ A DRAINAC,~ E Cl, Nll I ' 110N AT TFIE RIVERSIDE r`>,PARTf~~NTS Aldll ADJAC r Reports of the aotivities of.' the Ilureat + IIIr,i~ AtJD AFTER LENGTHLY ~;ISCUSSION, THE COr~1MiSSION I E!T ARENr t Of Idon,ification and Ladies host Ruor:~ Coru.~iti;eo for August ware I~, E S5 AGREED TO V I S! T THE PREMISES AFTER ADJOURN:^E NT OF THE I!~EETING~ received and f.'i1~sd. I~il: i. G'I I; l1PON ra1pT i OPJ of C,^R . ~n•, - GA~wiv~~., SCCONDED 9Y ~~~R. TRA51t~ ~rI,C,CGLL! ~ '3 ~ _ i;~,'I TO SELL BE R E AS GRAiJTED Pf_ RM15310N TJ TiT h' ' statHm~urit wa, i r + r, ~ E FROM H15 PRESENT BUSINESS LOCATION AT ~!~~02 o ~ AJ~Fr.R HIS LICENSG s rtc~ivad from the „ta~q Board of charities and Public i'ivlfarv advisirrr that 'lU 1 1.c 6 ,3 , 7 r• J7 1! f 'I'~, THE SHIPYARD, 0"r REC01~I~+4CNDATION ~ _ ,r, o0U1H ;TH, vTREET TO A LOCATIO-`! AT vuPI,C7 FpRK NEl,,R I'erlvral ,+nd atato 1'hnds tvvro s©nt to t}tis Count for th r~, GF THE SHERIFF. y c m nth of August fur Old Age Ass istanco, Aid to 1 Der End7nt Chi A I ldr_n and for adtnuristration. ~ ci ' ' AREr'ORT UJAS RECE IVEll FROM THE BACK TAX COL ~,~Ii L .CTOR 5~101JJ ~ x~ ~.•~1: COUNTY, h.1 AK ING A TOTAL OF ,Mn NG Ir'~e)7~-'~~~ COLLECTED FOn T}IF SITY .MID G26.? FuR THE "1n audit ra~ort of the Clerk of t ° ~ ~ a/9594•~ COLLECTED FOR THE ha10NTH 3 1 ha ~upar~or Court, Ho[,ister of Deeds, Sheriff arrci Garret Auditor for the f,~~~'; OF AUGUST. fiscal +ear o, r ~ ~ Y I J nd.tng June ~Qth, '191}~, propary4 by Edward C, Craft, CPA., was rocvived iced raferrerl to the { i'ii' A Coup ~ t~j Auditor. Payment; of ~~l,pf,?,9O for making the audit in aacordn~rca with the contract was cut}r III,;; RE 50LUTION RECEIVED FROM 7HE ,`+EW I~IANOVER 'r10!1NTY BAR`°ASOCiAT IOJ , prized, W,iI TFIE SUPERIt)F{ COI;R o f REQU~~71NG TFIAT FOa A!.L SIVIL IER015 CF ti'~li T, THE FURORS ~E SUP,ir~,10PJED TO APP(: AR ON i'{'ONDAY GF 'fH~ - ~ ~ [ FIRST !yEEK OF THE TERiv1 ,4T Z. 0 P,w~, •q ma~tiv!! rtarls~ b•r ilr Tae - • ' ~i1' IPJST.~~~AD OF 10:00 >~,i,~., AS HERETOFORE FUR THE RF ~ r r ,h and seconded by Cdr. Co1~3man, to aeor) ± ~,~~(1(;,rJO in svttlement of t rF I~ .ASO(1 THAT AL~.~05T ALL OF THE MORNI;"JG OF THE F1~3~T DAY OF COUR1 p ht9 ~2~''`~~ back taxer; ;!ue, ~n u vacu t lot 1 0 ~ 261 in size and loce.tod crr hn r r ' ~'~i, IS 7AKF.N UP V;ITH A:FRANGING THE CALENDAR A D 4 S 1 t. v0~t sine of her r Avenue battvaen 1'~ ~ i•1R, TA ~ N ARGUNONT OF r,,10TI0NS, fJAS UPON ,AOTION OF ;~~R, ~ARDM R 'COrJD D 8Y the UCO~;ts E , 51. E Ihll Road and the Railroad `1'rFacts, failed when t.fr, Gardner voted no for the mason ho was ~ ~i. ~~.g~, ASK, A, PROVED SUBJECT TU THE APPROVAL OF THG RESIDENT ~UDG ~ ~ r E, AND rHE JunGE PRE~I.)Ii;G AT THE ~~IVIL TER1.1S opposed 'to a compromise settlement on a f'lxt basis instead of ad'+.rstin~ r+ a h ~ ~ OF THE OUPERIOR COURT, th t sos On ar a~• 1 J L 1 ~sassmant reduction basis, and P,fr. C oleman withdraur his saoortd, The ef~id lot is owtred by J,G.Rrinkley, 1, ~ r I, `h~i'~ A PETiTIUN OF RESIDENTS AND CITIZENS RE l! ~~~I' GARDENS 8' P + Q ESTING THAT SOUTH ~7H~ STREET AND LAKE AVENUE IIV '~IIiJTER PARK Upon motian the uta • . to ~i hvn~v and Y~Iblic YYorlcs Cvn>mission was asked t ,'i > L AJED AND RE,'dOVAL OF THE !XUliDY COND I T I ON THAT EXIST IJOVr WAS R ~r , n ~ o rV34.v nn inspc,ction of thv sorioua dt•aina ~~'~'~i «IR. TRASK, SECONDED BY i'J~f , ~ ECEIVED ANI) Ur'Jtl r,~OTIO,I OF gv condition exiatin along t;ho a ~ Ij 1 GARDNF.R, AFPROVE:D AND REFERRED TG 7HE STAT 1{ = b t ; g 6 M rious highway in the County and vrhorr, it is found that the pipe laid !'~~,~j. sl''' E ILHVrAY PUBLIC (OAKS COi,tI,115SI0N Y he r0>ort ~ ovnors to make a e sal n' ~ , + FOR I'fs OJNSIDERA7ION. THE STATE H P ? 5 ro .,~r: to th.,.r rn rrrt is no~ sul'1'ic v t; til,~ii IGH',yAY COi~,Ih41SSI0N 49AS ALSO R~ c t _ ~ y L P P J i n ly lnrf•e to cart the water i ` ,Itl; ANI) CHE5TNU7 STREET EXTENSION FROM KENWOOD A ,!QUESTED TO PAVE r~iLLlAr~,45 r~;rUNUE IN ARCaDIbr at they be notified of the si7v of the pipe nacvssary to a~,ivw t}ur free f'lov: of water and ' ~ VENUE FAST TO u~ILLI i Zf such i. a is , i AMS ~,VErJJE. nog I urnished by the prc};erty outpace that the "trcl;a }Ii hwa cnri Publi.o Yorks L'ol m' • P P g Y tr,sicn exercise its authorit ~ ; ' and remove I.he ;'mall pinE, that is obatructin~ the flow of crater and o~c~~n thr rlraina e t ~r ~ ~ ,il UPON r;;0710N OF ~";"R. GARllNEH, SECONDED BY i'•1R, ~ ~ I 0 ~.tr r0 er rn v(1Lci~AN A RE~;UEST OF ~..R. ISAAC SHAI"J FUR AN ABATE'-LENT OF THE g P P g da' jl INTE,RE;iT CHARGED ON BACK TAXES ON PROPERTY H F . ~ E URCHA~F.D IN BLOCK ~_82~ W 011 a,~S ro ua;. I, ~ I DUE ON THE PROPtr3TY AT 7HE TIfu1 RICH BACK TA,(C., HE DID IJOT KN q t of the $oard of Is'dueation to increase their $ook Nlmd Bud et h r,. Ii ~~,I, E OF PURCHASE, WAS DECLINED FOR 7HE REASON r..~ rAL RIGHT Traasur A.,, g Y ~1~:3E,.1C- turnc3d over to the Coun~y ~ ~lll! 70 ABATE THE INTEREST .ACCRUED. THE CO J~1IoS10NEAS HAVE NO LF~ or, eov_. D:g saga of textbocks to the Staty of }forth Carvl.ir?a, t0 enable it t0 disburse t ,t; ~ - 14:, r th~r purchase of additional c + ha amount for c.utty tertbovk.r;, was approved and referred. to the Count Auditor vrith owe Y p r to act, ' i~~((i L)iONMOTION OF 'iJr~R. GARDi'JER SECONDED BY ~:'iR, COLEMAN ~ + NG ii p~~7~, s H ~ ~ I v _ 'i ! ~ T E ~OARD AGRL'Elr TO 000~'ERAT~ WITH THE JtTY IN ~ROlID P n motion, County bills Z•1os. jj!~ to 700 reor© a~ roved for arnront, ~I,I, SUITABLE OFFICES fOR THE DIJTRIOT SEAV! _ }P P i CE OFFIC:R FOR RETURNING SERVICE MEN, UPON THE AFF,IR(,1ATIV= VOTE OF ir. j I ~ (~Ot.Tv115SI0NERS HEWLETT, GA;~NER AND CO h m LE 4AN. ~R. ~;~,~,§§p TRASK BEING OPPOSED TO RENTING ~ U + "~H S THE ha meet~in~ t `f v! ,~I~, adOODROW ,dl L50r1 H'_'~ , l ARTERS JNA5,+1UC A hen as earned. T COULD BE ,1ADE AVA I L.43LE, VOTED NO ;I;]h f} '~1F1,'! A Nh1MUNIC r. - 1~t '------~.~7;_- ~j.,- >lerk ATION +rA_ R,.CC IVUD FROM ~,~R. HARRISS ~1E4YMANREpU sTl aulN" ~ ~ i ' l;' ' E NG A CONFERENCE -WITH THE COh4M13SlONERS CONGE ~ ' f LASING OF CLUr_THP.NTHAL AIRPORT 5Y LOCAL iNTERES !J THE"'hr`s' I;I~~'I r T INASrdUCH AS THE CONTROL OF THE F1=LD is ST{LL I ~IiuG i OF 7HE AR,".Y r~IR ~ ORG_S, AND VE~iY LITTLE: CAN 3E DONE AT THI i~I= ~ ~ oNS'~!fsf ~ VJilminp;tOn, id, C,, 5eptvmber lath, 19115, 5 TJ L TO,rARD LEASJNG THE :FI[rLD~ iN~,TRJCTI GI'lEIJ, HOWEVER, TO ADVISE ~"'R, I~~E!'J'dAN THAT THE. vOrM '11 ~!€iFll 15SIONERS .1 c N TNe~ T OULD E3~ GLAD TO NAVE HI,, GROUP ~:~E.E1 WIT he regular vraekl mvetin , r b IN CONFCrlENCE A1' ArJ'J TII.9E. Y of the Board wr~s hc,1d at 10:0 t,4 ~ g '~';i; UPON idOTION OF ;","R, P ~5, •~i ~ Frvsent; Add is nn Hewlett ; v r aARDNE ,y SECONDED BY i~„R• OOLErr1AN~ INSTRUCTIONS !7E RE r,IVEN T4 WRI THE }'1ATIDNAI ,a13LINES t~1arsrian R Chairman, Geo. .I, Trask, 11. R, Gardner, L. Cela~n and L'uurrty Attorney REQUI_STING THAT IT RENE!'r ITS EF OR TE el].amy, I , F T5 ,JiTH rHE ARMY AJR FORCES WITH THC VIEW OF SECURING PERh41SSION TO USE i'; i'i 9LUETHENTIIAL A I Rr'ORT TO r- ~ - I -iJA,>LE IT TU INCLUDt ,IILMINGTON AS A STOP ON IT5 FLORIDA-^~E1f YORK OPERA71grJS~ The minutes of me i ~ r { I i, . i. _ } , ot,.n}, of Dept ,mber 10th, 1<l4>, vrere reari and approved as recorded. };;ii , A OOr:1MUN I CAT I ON WAS R(: CE I VED FROM THE COUNTY 9'J1 T ~ELFAR~-BOARD CONCERrJIWG SALARY CHANGES IN ITS DEPART~ti1ENTr .he Chairman called a I J1i NO ACT 10 r;,.; N !vA ~ TAKEN. a ttenticn tc the omrnission in the advertisamont for bids Por ~aintin the apex and lay,ng paw roof nn same that the succoysful hiclr,a wo I g court house r old be required to furnish surot hoed to ` insure the fa Y f;~; TFIE 1,1EE T I NC THEN AD ~ i hful Dorf ormanev ~ r a 1 • ~ JOJRNF.D. Mr ~ I of ~he ,vntr ct, therei'ore /u . .,olamc:n r~ovad and it was seconded b I ~~ardner and ~~arriad the Y t the Chnsrmen proceed vrith the vponin}; of the bids received acrd that the I~} I~ successful Kidd _ .f ~ 1_ir ,~,•FRK, to or be required to furnish surety hood accr;ptabla to the County Attorne and r~ , r I,`:,; ~ br+ Y~ r..mi>,m on same P I Paid by the County, provided the payment of s!rc}t premitun is not prov9.clocl for and Flil r _ included do the bid, , rd i ~tF~ ~'i The n b • lii'~ r i'" ~ ollowing ids For f~ r v r I , arnishin}; and insi;allin}; .Dot' on court .rouse annex tivoru receivadt li i!,`~!' i;~- ~ ~ i f~~ ' Hanov ~ ' z of court ar Iron ,rforka; ROmovo present roofing from entire roof surtaca of new addition 'II!I r ~~y~~'' house b I Pi utlding, novr covered vrith asphalt and fait facile tap rco;'in ,and ';hart tch and L'ravel roof accord' , C to a}>ply a Barrette { j 1 i to bn lnl; to specifications, Install cnmrleto novr flame " ~ ueed on now roof. Install. nevr lead flashin I uh~}i• Presant copper cap flnshing gs for all vent; stacks nxtar,c,ir: -r thrvui;h roof ~ 2,3~a.00 ~Ilir,,, _ ' , _ _ . Sys. ' D , ~ 1! { 1 ~ * ~'fa~ ii , it _ it Meetin of So tamber 1 th It _ I,~ g P 7 r . } 5. rontinued. _ L; ~IIL~INGTON, f;, C., SEPTEMaER 24TH, 1~4~ , •'i Ra-roof in Jail ,i ~ Dose. h. S. Piver Son f '9~Ys ro ose to P P furnish a ll material and labor necessary to do the follow ' ~ an the ab in ove named building, as per your specifications for the sum g work J ~~~i ~ of THE REGULAR 14EFKLY IJ~EE7ING OF THE ~UARll NA; N,ELD AT 10:0 A.P;i• ~x,l Hundred Sixty-two ( ~~1,662.OU Dollars; A ~5ixtean pply a 20-year i3arrett T e G Roof. All nacessar flashin Th yP AA Bonded ~ - ~ DI ~~a - , 'r~~ Y g o copper flashing around the tyro ent PRE,,ENT~ A11DI..G HE LETT CH AIRh1AN, GEO. ,I, (BASK, ~Aa.P,!.HALL, H,R.GAP,DPIER L•J. 0 M E!,' ' ! and t P houses , C LE AN ANll ha co , r o ea va ~t ~ PP rip, we will r.lsa ever again. ' COUNTY ATTORNEY CQARSI~N '~ELLAMY• C II ~,~li ;Inasmuch as the bid of E S t• .Piver „on did not specify that all of the old roof in wo ~'~I Mr. Piver w ~ old he THE ~o~ETING WAS OPENED ~uITH PRAYER UY THE, r~EVI:FtEND v, S. CROWLFY. ho was presont, statod that it was their intention not to re g rotr.ovecl, and move alI of the present rocfin , } it and i.f required their bid would b© i'noreasad b~ a - 1 Y '~1~}O.GQ, t~,r, Trask moved that the bids bo re g THE '~91NUTE~S OF !.,FETING OF GEPTEhr1EER ~ fTH, 11~„ WERE READ ArID APPRO r~ County furnish all materials and ,jetted and vED As RECORDED, have the roof appliod on a time basis. His motion faila the d c,f a seco I s 'j A motion was then offored b 1Ar• Ga nd, 4~`~i: and advart's y rdnar and socondod by },lr, Colemn.n and carried, that tho hits A DELEGATION OF IADIES APRF.ARED TG A5K THAT ~7,).bb ht";NTFILY DC Pi~OVIDF.ll FOR TH 8 N R III'% ~i 1 bo rejectod E ALA CE OF THE FISCAL YEA Qa41:, t s for new bids ragtriring the successful biddor to remove all of tho ~ ISTANT TO TH N01~, ~ y old roofing anti furnis TO E1,4PLCY AhJ ASS E COUNTY "F EMON,~RAT10,J AGENT, TO TAKE CHARGE OF THC TRAINING OF THE 4-H l~,l surot bond insuring the faithful erformance oft h P ,he con~ract. ~ GIRLS ~N S DENIED v~11Fhi A MO t C ~;y,r BOY„ WdD f A 7 ON Cf'FEREU BY iaiR. .~ARDNE:R TO PROVIDE THE AMOUNT REt~UESTEll, FAILED TO I r,~~ 'i; 4 A °C The fo1 w Re CE I E COND l; to ing bids for l,a;.nting the exterior of the ne'rr court house br ' ,tldin as a dvertised, vrorn race. I',"'~ `i l ail' g, weds ,1~ ~ ; ;~,i fl. }J. Nawk' R kEGUEST OF C.R• BROADEN, HIGH ~CHOUL FOOTBALL COACH, FGR EXTRA SEATS AT LEGION STADIUM TO TAKE CAFE OF ~G X00 z ~ Irk ,~3,~ ,Q~ THE LARGE ATTENDANCE, NIA: UPON L10TION OF I':"~R. (iARDN't'R til)~'1 I'''' t. , ~ECO~ EL r1Y ,Ir ,TALL, GRANTED TO THE: EXTENT OF 1~1~,~, C. W, Garrett (3G 00 ~ ~ , . ,~i,~~ 7 PF~vllll~'G ..UCH ADl)11'IC~NAL ~,-ATS~ 7HA, CA~J DE MADE AVA,IL,ICLE FOR THE SALA.rVCE OF THE SEASON. Fi ,i f on mot' d , p zoo of t.4r. Gttrdnor, seconr'ed by 1~fr. Trash 1;he hi.d of " f A D: Rh^ N A a I{ t'~I being the lowest bidder, and ho to ft ' •~}.,nrrett eras n~cepted, Ire A RE'}UEST OF THE L [ E OF G P,OLINA .~FAC'H THAT THC COPnMI.~510NEiiS AP.OIWT A COIJ1t~11TTEE TO AID THEhd IN N~II trnrsh surei;y banu,accei.~table to the County Attorne , to insur• 1' THE STUDY OF AN ENGINEERS REPORT ON THE DRA.IIJAGE CCWDITIOId EN THF, LAKE AREA AT CAROLINA BEACH FOR THE faithful erformance of tho cone a y o ,,le a ~'nl~ P r ct. r PURPOSE OF DETERMINING THE BEST hr1ETlI0L OF PROC~~EDURE TO HADiDLE THE SITUATION AND TO COOPERATE TO SUCH !"i~l ~E; 4~~: Are ort of t EXT,,NT THEY CAN TO COP,R~CT THE TROUBLE. AND PREVENT F!JTURE FLOODING OF THF AREA !VAS UPON WOTIOhJ OF i ~ f p ha colored Home Demonstration Agent for August was t•r;aeivad and ~ L` C hD- 8Y'ti`'~ ~ ~ ~ ';I filet,. R. TRASK .E OJ CD R. COLEIviAN GRANTED AhD A COP.r~~~ ~ ~ f f f I1 T E OF THE ,OA'~D 'CJAS NAh~ED 70 MEET V. I TH THE ~ CAP,OLINF~ BEACH '~'-9AFtD AT THC TOVrN HALL :~~EDNESLAY AFTERMOOhJ P,I;';, !(il'° /,T ~:OG I.,~11~ Upon motion of ;,1r. Prask, seconded by }rr. tltcrdner the North "n r ~ ~ f refund oi' '~E>,7f~ taxos nnid an ~ ~ r>lznh ?laptist .oundnt;on tiros f;rant©d a , lots 36 and ~7 in hlr,ck b, ~,unsat Park for 1`~~J usod ta;c ~ AN APPLICATIGN FUR LICENSE TO SELL BEER AT ~~l)AV;6pN' Pt 'a ~ 1, c luslva.l,~ for chum}t S .A„E ON THE ~:~ASI,N~ORO ROAD SU~hIITTCu BY nurposas, iliZ,.:~'~ARGARE T a~R1;15~~ RONG, THE SAh9E CD i F,G I N llUE FORM AN1~ EXE CUT ION AIJu ENllORSED DY THE SHERIFF" l.' S , A lr ~ rn;ort UPON V?UTIGhJ OF h~"~~R• COLC{r~AN, GRANTED. } of the li.lmin,;ton Public Library for :h.,.lgust; vms rece'lved and ordered " ' ' ~ tied. i~ ~ ~ I.I'uN vTl~)N GF .~R• COLEN~AN, SECONuED 9Y i'!•~R. ~RASiC THE HEIRS OF ~~'•i~S•Ev F;S G9-R~ P~Rwll D P r A C C E T7E TO AY FLAT TAX I, .otter was received. , tom the }'onoranln ,1ohn ~i, Durne !;as irlent Jud 1' - r ~ r w ~ and the resolution of the " y' tae, ai'Prcving the notion of this; Noerd UN THC EAST ~:'~IDULE PART OF LOT ,f2, IW BLOCK ,f1bP, A!,10U~'1T IhG 70 •,,,~4.G1 FOR THF. YEARS 1,{3) THROUGIi 144, ~,ar Asspr,,intion, that a'1 civil terms of rho Superior Cr~.lrt, the ,furor„ a - FUN THE REA50N ThIF. SANE SHOULD HAVE i1(:EIJ OHARGED TO A•A.FCX CiHOSE HEIRS AR' P YINr, X. re to be E A THE 7A sur-monori to appear on h"onda~" of thrr , _ _ f irnt wr~ah at , tiU r J:. iri~,tnhr' ' _ ~ , lr~:oo a .m. he r eta, ore, ~ i;, , I; ~Ir 11 on mot ~1POhl L!OT ION GF `'.'R. GARDNf:R, SECOND@U fiY ",'P,. COLEMAN J. "I• GA~tRE:T7 TO ~`1H01.4 THE UJNTRACT FGR PAINTING ,,I~~h,{ P ion of P~ir. Coleman, 4;ha heira oP '~Y.G,llizor was ranted tin nbnta ~ - - ~ f r' _ g rlant of texas on a v>,~uation of ~y~00,u0 THE EY,TE~HIOR OF THC COURT ,OU,,E AN„CX vdAS AvlARDEU ON BID CERTE1.rE3ER 17TH, 1y~~, WAS RERh11TTED TO I'~~~,;il house charged in error on ] ~ acres oC tend ~~ar 1FI~~{'~~!'~ It an ea i ~ , t~ .t Gilos, N.nrnet~,1; toms?lip, :or the y,:ara 1'~~) 'I;hrou•h ~I~ PIITHDRAl4 HIS BID ON STATEI>+rNT HE 'WOULD P;OT BE A'.3LE TO MEET TH RE UlPS~h,'N7 DF P ~ ' 1)...~1, E A F. L THE S ECIFICATIONS, L I,~, , p rod ~i;hat .hero arc no buildings on sai+i land and t,ho hn~_lser,har •ed is thk~ ~ a ~ ~ , cY 1 g ,.,acne that p ra i~ AND IPl~TRUCT ION; 17"R ~ to 1~i~iss lduxinc Dizor on fat ndCo7ning, rro,,..r-~ charged 5 ~ E GI.E 1 TO ADVEFtTI;E FOR NE~I 81DS AND SPECIFICATIUN,> TO BE. REVISEDo r,•;;r I~''' {'~7 s A R~_POFtT OF JAS. ~'IALKER HOSPITAL FOH "UGUST 1'1 R ~ D rP rl AS E CF I VE AND C ,DE RED F I LED ~ jji i M1 request of the Hoard of .,lanagsrs of Conuuunzty t}os itl~l t}fat the L'it~ a P r nd Col.lnt,, incronsa its hud6ni, i%' 11~!... '~;i^ nnpropriatton by :~3r97,1}p to enable the hospital a~ , • to p y that amount to tho Git ' of '~~lilmin:-ton .Co •e_ A pE T I T l oh,~ OF ~ surfacing rlrivoways in the rear of the hos~it!c ~ r s 7 CITIZENS, RESIDENTS AND PROPER,7Y OvdNCR~ FOR 161PROVCh„ENT TO THE DRAINAGE OF PROPERTY 1 darnared h r• l19 1 i. the ^t u ~ ime t - Y -6 an soon e.fter having, r~rns ALOrs'S THC i;'~ARKET STP,EET ROAD IN THk. VICINITY OF DIxON1S STORE AND I(OZY KABENS, 'NAS RECEIVED AND REFERRED i,,l, l referred to P4r, Gnrdnar for iiwest' r, . ~I~,,I~I ~I,st..o.t and recotrnnandation,~• TO THE STATE HIGHVIAY C0~'Pd"~~{SSiON FOR CONSIDERATION J9H'N TFI~'NINT f3 PARK G 0 DR N ~I,I k C E S H OL AI AGE CONDITION HAS BEEN ~;1 Payment of ,~119,?7 and '20,?' to , I ~ ,.",lrlclntira anti i3e11Am~~ ,e; 13o.~lnm~ Attorna"•s res ~r~ct~ve ~r i:j('; d J 1 _ 1 ,for ocr~~rl.tssions ua for calleatianof bark taxos, was upon motion of hfr. Colotnnn seaondad b~ i'i J Ij , r. Trnnl:, n ~~rovad. UPON 640TION, DULY SECONL`ED ~~~IR. UARDhdE,R AND ~'~'~R• COLEiMAN WERE NAhrD TO CONFER WITH PlR• L•N.!301J A it I Pc 9 p EY, RCFi I TE CT, I ~ A. re^,ess wa + - ~ COPICER~`IING THE NEED OF ADDITIONAL BOILER CAPACITY FGR HEATING THE COURT HOUSE FtNNEX ANA HEALTH CENTER ' f L~ s then ~aken at llsly a.m,, un~il ?:30 P.i.^,, tni.s da~~. Ah~t RErOR - r T SHE IR RECOMh1EPI~AT IONS TO THE BOARD AT A SUDSF.UUENT h~1EETING. ' f`~ ,r~;'~; Pursuant to rooass tn~ ~ s ~.en at 11;1) A,_d,, thtt Hoard mat at 2;3Q P,II;, THF FCi_LO~;IID13 GOOD ANA LAS+FUL h1FN VlERE DRAWN TO SEP.VE A5 Jt1ROR5 IN THE ;iUPERIOR COURT FOR TH TRIA 0 j. ~~'I' E L F I CIVIL CAS[S FGR THE TWO W r. S ~ RM B Jh N C,-i U r: E_K 1E CGIDII G ONDAY, OCTOBER 7H, ~,4) I ?resents Addison Hevrlett Cha~~.rman Geo.Y~,Trask ? ~';i , , LR.,,ardner, L.J,Colemtut and Uount~' A~tarno~.~ }~!arsdau "lei n 1' h; I~ ~ ~ 1 ny, it I~i.FARFt:LL• ~.A•ih1ALLARD, H.1,^~.SUTTOf~,C:~l•BATTON, ISREAL P+°~ILLEFi, ~'rI.T•~tiiILKIN50Ny P~.L•DAVIS,JR., ~.F.000NCIL. i ,;I; Third llistriot St~ao Highway Corrorussionar Dr.G.7.Goodin ~ Pdr 'r - ~ li,l; Mr. R.`J.}3'b , i,, -.~.r3atts, Strata }(il;hvnry IJivision r.~'n;inocr, LCOI~IEL r'. POTTER, II.A.~',1ARKS, HOMER EI.L15, i~•B.HALL, A.(~.~IORllAN, D.H.P,'ICGLAUGHON, ~ •BAGGETT, H.S.CORBIN, z erstain any A,K.Mallard warp prosper and Dr. Goading brought up rho rr€ctter oi' needed ra airs and j ~~d•F.REGISTER l'I.C.P.3ETH~LL 1,1.A.P N R C Y70N Y UR A E ~aT G. HOhiAS B~E~~ K 'r'. . ` ~f~l A f E , IE, LA AL , L~ T , C T ITE, ~ L ARYAN, I improvoraents to they (,panty Stockade sod water supply and asked the Corlmissionars ,tndor what torms and R•L.KELLY f` ~ ~ i~ ~ la t conditions the~~wuuld be Willie f A•C.GIDEON, a•I~•C001C, FI.L•KELL'f,~R.f I~I•G.LAiIMER, ~,.P•uRI1J.,ON, ~..F•S~LLERS, 3.H .ilIARSHALL,~IR., ~~i I I ~E it u g to continue the lease pf the building and grounds to the State Ilighwa• ~ L•T.DgVIS, ~.A•PRIEST G.AA~THUR ~;RO,',N C.~~'!.QROUh! P•t',°~.GREER ADC7LPH LARDED! GILDERT BATSOPJ GR M ~ '='~I E Cor:rnission to enable Nita to resent the manor to th 1 r' r,• Y f f f ? > f AHA H RUBS, I r I{;; P o meetuig of t.ta .~tZSte .l~gllrvay l; public Vrork•5 Corunissiorif ALEX BRADSHA'~'1 CLARENCE E. TEACHE.Y PAUL T• i~;'~ARSHBURN C• ROGERS AAYhIOND QOR^l,AN G...K N I~ cl. ? F E AN ~R 9 1 ) f f f i Inanmuah as the State prisoners ware tarr~orarily transforrad to Ilur aw aooount o LEO•P.D a a i lied ~~~li that some th g f 1 •aks in tho bulld~ng and AUh,~, ~~I.E .TAYLOR, CLARENCE G.~CaOY, C. STACK, G.H.CURTIS. aught had bean given to the building of a state prison in 13runswiok Count The Iionrd, therefore, 'I ~V~[~~;; in consideration of the State rookie ~ such y ~ E~ ruvements and rapaira noodad to anaLle the >+,ato to continue rho UE.GOND MEEK BEGINNING ~l'IONDAY, CCTOBER 1jTH, 1G4j: ;~~i p II~ S off ` use of the utockade for the detention of prisoners in thus area for hi h,va work a read to lease t},o said ~ r':I~. c g y r h g 1~ ~tookadct anti grounds to the Mate r~it'.hwny ~c 1'ub11.c '+'forks Commission so loot as iL' is used for the detention H•L•~LLARD G.".4, r I ~ s r~I~,~~j 6 , GOODRUN E.C.~ti~IERRiTT GEO.,~.SANDEIiS T.L.BARKEP, G.L•EF{RD H.RERGER D.R.LANGL Y r~,~ of prisoners in this area for highway work, vERY C. LOW ,M. - a "F A s f f f f f E f E`. , R iJOH..SON, J.T.RI iTCI,, T.~~.HENRY, 'NALTEH A. PENNY, ARTHUR F3. ~J.,EKS, C•D•I'dHALEY, CHAS. Ip'!i ~'i~HITE O.'N.DAV15 C.F.SEITTER FRED `~"~ILLET7S, A.Z.SHF.PARD Ir~.C.HORNEy ROY HARTS, L.~.LEWIS, J.a. "'~s i( •i'.. I~~ Tho cation of the County Commissioners in joint session with rho Cit C , r ' ~ i BURT f ~ , f f r I~n.~ ~ y oln,il, ooptetnber 1~.th,~n agreeing to ON, 5.~,(,pRBETT, ,~ILSCIN ROGERS, C.B•))AVIS, ~.rd.HUNTER, E•~I,HALL, l3ENJAh.11NE h~l• HOLT, LEONARD F. NEEF, ~ii i' ilk sell the County s interest ut tho i'Voodrow }'~ilson iIut to the t ' ' I ~ ' Ci y of ~Y~tlmington, for •`~2,000.CO, provided the ~•R.'~'aILLIAMSOty, B,~,SHEPARD, H.S.CAPPS, G•~~d.'~~OOD000K, ~r~. Qr GREEN, CHAS .A.~ONE5, ~R., D.H.PENTON,GR.f ii F;i City will furnish and equip offices in said builain for the' use of L. ~ ' ii~~ ~ ~ hll' ~ g the Charaher of Cormrsrca, Port Cor:,nission, L.PALMER, JOHN VERSAAL, 'J~1.T.WEEKS, R.a.PETERSON, S.D.COLLINS, +d.fu.frIEDANE, RICHARA S. i~OGE.RS f .or •affic As;ooiation and tho Industrial. Agent when Haar©d, at a rental not to oxcead the amount Hid for ~dlhdFORD H. KIN ~ i,'~. ';;I!': P G, .HERBERT JOHNSIdON S• A• CROSS, SIODI L. SMITH. ~ their present respective oi'fiae.,, was upon notion of 2dr. Gardner, seeoncled b ~`r. Coleman confiratnd, s i~ ~'I I ' Y ~ ' I~,yl,'' TH ~1~1 1: E MEET`I'NG THEN D j l A JOURNED. III; I~~,e41, It was agreeable to the Board to have klr, Harris Wewnan and nssoaifctas to nest w' the hh~l ith tho Coautissivnars rat { III~i-. i~k,~, noxt regular na®t'.ng to discuss the leasing of }3luothenthal ~liritort. , ~ _ CLERK. F i'~', The natter of purchasfn a boiler for the Court Hots j g e Annex and Haulth , Contar heating was discussed, arld it ~71Lh41~'JGTON, N.IU., OCTOBER 1ST, 1~4;i. ,i'; {I~11 was agreed to investigate the boilers the Housin Author' i I g 1 have ova i s ty 1 ble. IF i. II i„ i"~~-~~'~~~ The neatin then ad TH[ r~.EGULA~~~z ~;v~~~;<t.Y 1;1G~ TIN' of r ~ ~~nnRD rdAS HELn AT 10:0 A.~q. g ~journad. ~ . E G NE _ , ~ Clerk. ESwNT: A~,DISOW HG~ti'LETT GHAI~'~~,~1AN, aEG• Ti~ABK, LA3. i`,`,. HALL AND CUi)'dTY riTTUh~hIEY J,ARSPE^d ~~',~EI_LAI•1Y. III ~i' ~i _ . _ l` p. THE r1~INlITES CAF h,9ECTING OF ~F ~T~+~BER ~~ITH, 1`'~~)> ~~~FRE RtAll AND Af'P'~iC)VEII AS .~ie CURllf:D. ~hi; - ~ ~ I ?Oh! ',TUT I ON Of I~.".,~ ~~~A : ~ ~~,~.rr . S "~R • TR„gK THC 'BOARD C00~'E RAT I'JG ',d I TH THE ~ I TY f ql~~; ~ ~ LL, .,_C ..~E~ r.Y , CIL ANll ~~''i~'7I CAh' LEGION r' n ,yr M N Y TOW RD ; H . 'r.:!PLOY!;"~ N7 E.';~ ; .,R,1NTE ~ A"J A~ r ROr R I AT I Ohi OF )O.OO 0 THL A C F OF A FULL T 114E i'-';.'~ ~ 'IGRKER TO Alll RETURNING 'lETERANS UNTIL THE DISTRICT ~~FF'ICE FOR AID TG r~l"TUhINIfJG SERVICE w1EN IS n - ET I UP Hr~.r~E BY THE ~~~IO~RTH CAROLINA ~IF.TERANS ADhr11hJ13TRATION. i i if - i I ~ THE FO r ~ - r ~1 ~ l'!:. LLO';+JIN~ SEALED EiIIJS FOR i''.~~c~GVIhJG ALL CiF THF:, RhiFSCNT ROOTr"ING 0~,' TH_. LQURT ~,OU;~f: nNNE:X AND i ' ` FURIV I ' ~ n i SHIIVG ALL h{AT RIA ~ "JD A.9 RAND liJSTAI.LIPJG A NEC! ROOF THFREO~J IN ACCOR.,Ah,CE '~+I ~ „,,I, E L., A L 0 TH TH,. i~': til~: il~';- SPECIFICATIONS AS ADV~ T ? ~ c OP~~I_D AND READ: II.?I ,RTI.,E , :'v~.R,_ C F ~ ;Ii~,. i I i' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ HANOVER IROrd ','IO~BK,, ~,3~U.G0 fE! P. S, PIVFR ~ SOId ?,1 j~.OU ~ ; , ~I, i~G r ~j G I TIJ ~ _ hr d C ~P ECI~ICATIONS HA'JING ~UEEN RRf,PAHCD UAI:iEI'~ .HE DI,RCCTIOM OF R. CULFh~~~~AN, AIJD FiE BEING A~3~SGN'T,THE .4STARUIPdG ^~,I , O F i ~F{% I:~ID t'lAS POSTPODJ"D l1hJTIL THr, P~'I"XT LICCTING. '"I~~„•' ~'*~.j~ *~'f~ ~,n_--,. . T I ~ i a ~ ~ ~ _ ~ `ti.::~,., t,t , I ~ ( j,,, 1. ~ ' r" ,EErIN~ aF OCTOBER 1sT, 1r!45, cot•JrINUE~. ~g ii 3 pF ~~GTOBE:f2 1ST, 1g4~), GONTiNUE.D, ' ',I[ETlNG f~ AN A=PL i CATION FOR L I CEN5E 701 `?FI~L BEER A' " ~ o'- f ~~F.AGATC ~aUtJtdITfED 6Y ;,.URGAPi !~itA^.';,H A FORM QD JESIDENT OF DETROIT VJHO H ER _ r, r R. r A5 RESIDf.U IN THIS aTATE A50UT FOUR MON VE A_EN ItJ U.~C ..INS. 1,~~', WHEREAS THE SAtdl. (1CRG, REPLACED IN 1U+~0 Ap1D APPEAR TO dE IN GOOD CONDI ION• TH5 PRIOR HA ~ T APpLICA710N FOR LICENSE 70 SELL B~- r a, TO f,1AKING ECR, l4AS UPON .vIUTION OF ,~'R, TRASK, BEGONE"ED E3Y Iv1R, DE CLIME U, FOR THE REASON HE WA ~ HAL ~ F ~ ~ S n0T A RESIDENT OF NORTH CAROLINA FOR ONE Y L, UPON P,IOrION OF „~F,, HALL, .,LCONDED BY ~iIR, IRASK, 7HE. APPOINTMENT OF A GOt:IMITTEE 70 CONFEI( PATH THE 'i ILI,NCr THIo ArPLICATION AS REgI)I-~~'Cl BY LAJ'J. EAR PRIOR TO 'I UTHCRITIES IN ~1~A'SEIINGTU~! lvITH THE VIEVI OF SECURING GAFtLY U:9E OF E~LUF.TNLNTHAL ARMY AIR RASE FOR ~;i'~ ,I A COh,4MF.RL'IAL Aii?LII4E SERVICE, INAStaUCH A5 T11E SAME HAS GEEN ORDERED IFIACTIVATED E3Y THE ~AIAR DEPARTMENT, • G . R, ~~,,oRSE, Tax Col.l_F crnR:. ,,,Ater H I s REPpl3 -v, T OF :iETTLEMEN7 OF 1Ci~ TAXf:G AS FO " 69AS AUTHORIZE.. 1i ~JIAS UAOhJ 670 ION ,'w ~ 1. T OF f~ ~q(,L,,SECONDED B'l i"""~R TRASK LO`!g, ~9HIpH ~I~' AUDITOR: ! , ACCcFTED SUBJECT 70 THE CNErK I~R ~ OF THE COUNTY ~ THE pPATTE(1 OF COfth'ECTINu; A llISCREPANCY IN THE SALARY OF IdlluS ~`,ATHERIi9E I-IASHAGEfJ, CLERK IN THE TAX OFFICE, y~ ' 'A BY ALLO'~IIP;G AN INGRLASE OF ~,,<'.;~0 PCI~ P^~7P!TH AS OF vl1LY 1;T, ~C)4'i~ TO EQUAL THE: AI;10UPlT r^A ID HY TH CITY AND E LISTED AS PER ABSTnACT REAL E57ATE kND PERSOPIAL A' C ISO YUPI ASS AtJ r f; ~ ~ r , ~ ftOPERTY - (~r,UEST OF .4',R, Cif E , ~ I.,T T '~E- RDGR,, COURT SOLICITOR A I C ~ , TO SHARE IN THE ~,110.U0 ,iONTHLY SALARY I d j dacK TAXE5 ~;~1.7~,56G,;c • ry' INCREASE ALLOWED C(7UNTY EMPLOYEEv, TOGETHER WITH THE; 61AfTER OF HEARRAfuGINiG SALARIES IN THf_ ','IELFARE: I'~ f SOT LISTED rRGPEr7TY - '~I P MOTIGPI R.F FUj I) iii,. i ti~,GQ ~ n ~il h 4 HELD d I DEPART~~~EfJ7, Ao U ON C E F. 70 THE COi,9E.11TTEE ,J17H POIIER TU ACT. ~~i gg Y COINTY 12,0OO,Oa R~- a "J8 'OtJ I,'IOTIOhI OF'i'R, BALL, SECOGJU(iD L'Y :%IR, TRASK CO~Ji4TY BILLS 105. C~1 J,'0 PI-~. J~'~~ . UI f 7 10 , ,U LI,E AE PROJC.D FOR P,1Yt.G,T LESS A©ATEMEN7S ,13~.~~ , A'~. 1 G40,~;4 i" '~.i a ;y;l `-^-;r~'-~.7__ UPCN,:.~OTIO~. OF ~:R, HALLS vECOt4DED B'f ~.~P. TRASK, 'fltE TIME FOtt hiOLllIP;G THE REGULAiti INEC,,LY A4EETINGS OF s 1D~91 OG GiCLOCK A,I',~~., EAC1~1 P;''~ONDAY I^JSTEAD OF 1~):~O ri.".'~. THE LOAE~D '.A9 FIY,ED AT1Os ~ ~G LISTED AND COLLECTED BY TAx CO ELECTOR r PENALTY GO 1 ~ LLECTFll s7~,~+7~ T J.a ADVERTISING COST COLL"'T ,q ~R iNE !1Efi.rI~JG THEN A,~JOt1RPJED< ~ Gc ED 1,0~,~.~w 1 i,, 2 ,2~ _r~ C7h~~ ~t CLERK, 7, .42 ~a}~~ ''P,' af~DITC li~~~ , r,jlj 171LI,IIrJi,roN, PJ. C., ~JcroeER ~~r11, 1~;~+~. l REAL ESTATE SOLD FOP, TAX" I>. ~ S rJ,,~ NOT LISTED COLD 1~~u~':~•~i~ p,FGi,il.l•.ii '~;iEEKLY tJ~E~ETIP~G GF Thl[ '~~OA!~D '~:~l+5 H-' ll 1 I ~pj•' hli,', r ~ , THE E~ AT 10 )C o cLDCK A,la. ,I HELU DY vOUNTY SOLD _,f~fG,r1-G ,j INSOLVENT rERSONAL PROF','HTY 7114 G, ~ C PRcS~!~:T. ~aDISOtd HE'%Ilr E: TT CNGIN,1,1AfJ GEO. ,`I. 1~1ASY: Fi.'i~i.CAftDhli'R I.'~( .'r~,^'i ~ , ~r ~ _ v uTL "L ~ f 44 ~ ~ E v. i t,OJN Y A ,N' s T 0 Y ~ TTh~ 5 , 7 I } POLL TAx r~ x'',00 ~ ;,r_ ~ 70U,U0 ,iARS:._ ~FLLAMY+ .fh. s i 1 oG TAx j01 .CC q /,n , ' ,2,~ , 9 THE I UTES OF f.,cETIi',G OF GC TOBER 1ST 1 A~ V~E'I;E BEAD AfJD A, ' OJ ~ A" R 'ORD D. , , i ~i TAXES PREPAID . ~ DISCOUNTS ~75~~1z,59 ~ ~ 7 ~ r ~ , , t ~ , ri HE~,~U_ST TO REF„IR ,He. ~~~GRQ t4E.AL ttOAD Jf,tlAGED BY THE REC~'tiT FL00DEu C0,.J117iOhJ IN TWE FFSHING GnEEK ;,:,,II I,OLL.ECTEll aY TAX i;OLLE0T0~R ~'cDEP051T D ~ A 'l~J'~~ ! SECTION ~ENDERJNG IT {',fiPA,SABLE VJAS t1A0N t,"OTION OF ~~rR:C RDN-R ND ~ a~~l E In _.ANK s s A E , 5[CO ED HY T, COLEfv1AtJ, APPROVED AnD REFi.,~IRED D ~rli ~ ~ TC THi."STATE Fi(fH:'~AY ~UBLIO'."109KS CO'.'~MIS5IOP~i C;ITH R[rUEST THAT SUCH P!E1?FDR-PAIRS f,1AD ili E _ C aF E I ~ I. OTAL x ~ a: r~`ii Gv~R .~+J~,12o,T ~I _ ~ ~f~ ;l) 0~ 1 A RL;UEriT OF THE `~Ui T"., DF FIJCiLIC '~IELFA~',E TO ItCREASE 1Hr A'. PROP(iI1~710tJ FUR OLD AGE ASSISTANCE DY %r~SO.OO ~;il v~,~~ rEP, P1~O~JTH FOH THE [?;,LkfJGE OF TNF PRFSF'iT f I ;CAL YEAR. F0;1 'JlH1CH THf '•~;TATF rIAS ;,(,Ri:Ell TO APPROPRI T~ ~ ~O.OO i~ 'IHICFI YJOU'..ll tnAICE k TOTAL OF .;;;1,000.OO ADUITIOPJA,L PER I;i'vi'JTH TO ";!EET PRE'~E:NT IIVCREkSED DEMANllS (`JA5 UPON ~J,OTIUN I,' s G _ OF ,'R. '~.ilf+U~~'d~ I~ ~"CO~~~li. J 3' ~:;IF. ~ i ~ ~F c T E f / s TRI,SK TAY,~~. Jnll ADV I a 1,1 NT APID l'p~'FA T P H 1 4 E n ~ I T o o Ja~rD o J E c~ s EE T T LGOK I( s T ti 7A;( BOOKS l~RE iHEt~, PREbENTED TO THE ~iOkfiD ~3Y THE CGUIJTY AUDITOR AfdD UP°~~ ~1 OE 1,:1 uN w~DTIJiI THE t.iAf1E~(• R, ALL, SECOtJUFB f3Y ;`.'R. TRASK, ACCEPTEJ> AND TURtJED OVER TO THE TAX COLLF 'i I ~ .i', ALL ME6,1BERg VOTIfJG AFFIRfJ~gTIVELY. _CTOR FUR GCLLr.CTIOIJ, " h _ ii:. ' i ~,ON h~i~TIG`~`i iF •R. TRASK, SECGrJLED ''3Y ~'~R, ~iOL'iit•IAN, f~OGEi'i 1}. T~JGLE, UJ iv~iARItJE, l'rAS GITANTE•L' APJ AdA•IElv1EhlT GF ~I UPON ~110TION TAXES GtJ A YALUA'f10^; DF '~'JI~'%G,UU FoRU AUTOt;10©ILE LISTED UJ [i~.RGR FUR THE. YEAR 1~~~~`~. IT AI'PEARp.D TWAT l~~i,l OF -R, RASIC, OECO~hlDEll a'r V~R. H,~LL, I7 '~NAS Oi3DHRED, 'f HAT ALL TAX PAYERS '~IHO H 'l~ i'R. ~i` c ~ r ~ ~ r~ n ~r TO LIST THEIR P P~ A E fRILEU T ULE '>ECUREU HIS :iTAT(: LIO.N.;E HErE sUT Ei i .HE GA.. ,.ITEI HItA UUT CF THE CpU1JTY A["_~ THE SAf4E „HS RO ARTY FOR TWc. YEAR 1G4 AND Ark; r, ~ ~ t HAi~OED ',JITFI A PENALTY F'OR FAILiDIG TO LIST SUCH LISTED dY HIS F'ATHEPrIN-Lk',+ OiJ r~;GTIG[ P, C'IV'll '~1H'N CH~CKING TH~~ FTA ~ AU U I'' PROPERTY AhID E L E E ~ TE T LIST • i HO COtAE F0-11'IARD AND SETTLE THE I:R TAXES ON O~.R 3EFORE JANUARY 1ST, 144; SHr,LL U~ i!I 1~ ALLOWED TO PAY THE A',10UN 0 's E I T F THE TAXES 141THOUT THE PENALTY. I~'POfI ""OTI01•J OF Fi. CARDid R SECCiNi ll JI IiIR. TRASK THE F~~LLOdiING R~;~OLUtI0f1 ';'l,i°, D P D. o E, E , C ~ A 0 TE , , TH 1 E COUNTY r,UuITOR RCrORTED COLLECTIOhd OF 1;'4j TA ;ES AS FOL.LO('ISJ r, ~ _ ~ i - i', i R. :ORSE, CONSOGIJJATED CITY-COUPITY TA+( COLLECTOR ,Pd~ L~!I•.ECTr.D TO MAKE DAILY DEPOSITS OF THE CQUNTY~S-PRCPORTI-0NATE PpRT`0~' ALL N'fONIES COLLECTED'BY Hlfd OR THkOUGH H15 OFFICE, RLAQINC, SAME i ,r s ' TOTAL COLLECT?`D ~~1~~,~,~?;T.~~1 TU THr r ~ 1 ,R,.BIT OF THE COUNTY'AUDITOR OF hkEU ,jANOVER COUNTY, IN ONE OF !T5 DULY DESIGD.ATED DEF05170F3IES, IJ.~! RE'Fl1ND ~a01.2? ~J,~i' ~tN? TO F!l;~nJISHTHE000NTY AUDITOR ','JITHA lll)~L10ATE SLIP SHOW INGTHF At.tOUNT SO DEr'OuITED, TAKING A Lc A : I ,a k~, 1 3,4,_4,x' R PT I~, 1,~~1 COU" ~ ~ ,r ECc I _ rF6A,. 1, 5 JT ~ o,~ ____~~L_..... n I' ~'j y18o O~~a F H R "CRT "Jf C;' , 'i', _ i "i f i'~7 ~'IIT•f NO.:F'ITAL FOit '~EPiCI'~~1._ri •.A`; R~_;;%IVFT A`i FIELD E U s FOR I SUR TY 8 ND 'GHE FOLLOI','1tJG Fr.;PL0Y~E5 IhJ THE: CITY'~COUNTY C~, r ~ C R STAT..C"1` 'i G r l' t ni ~ ~ C"TSGLI.IATEJ TAX ~OLLrCT.~rw U~~FICE i ,Af3 REC_,11ED FRG: T}~IE :~ThTE ~QAfIJ OF ,~h~~RITIEG A.JJ I'II~JLIC ~1F.LFARE AUVIE;IPN;,; Th1tT ,;10 ~Q~.O~ .)t-~ 'JI I T H T H ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s f i ~li E ,~TIONAL SURETY CJ0~19i kJY k5 SURETY, li4 THE P[DJALTIF.S F I/,~D BY rH= !^Ir!T r,r.,TION CF THL STATE ANU ~;~"UERAL FUNDS ,ILRF SEt;T TO Tf=:E ~ OUNTY FUR ThF. ~+10i4TH OF SEPTL'~:1f3ER FOR OLD i~GE ASSISTF,NC E IL' E, 1 ~ ; ~i; TTY OUt•JCIL AEJU COIJPJTY COr,.iMISSlONERS nUGUST 2;1TH, 1945, SHOvIN BELOW;! 6Y R UPON r.1 1:1RrTR SK TO DE PEPlllE~JT .%tllLilr(E~,.I a~`!D ~ R ^Dt.. rJ '7RnTIOP1. ~ ~,,`'~~li , E E OT I ON OF , A, t O „ I T S ~`Il,til!i SECONL`ED BY I~r~IR, HALL, ACCEPTED: ~ ~ j f I ` 'I ~ i r;I~E;';' r', AEFDRT OF TEIE ~~UR AU OF i~''tJ IF I 'AT ION FOR THE f.1011TiI OF OTPTEi,1DEl~; '.lAS REGE IVED AND ORDiiRFD F I li. C R ~ ~ ~ T G L~ tt H ISTOPEIER ROGER i'v,ORSE ~j iJQ.OO I~~~ I li~ .3 s7 I. JOHN i~ILLIAM ~3ROl,~N 2 ~U0.00 UNorl l~lcTloh ~"1~,. , I ,7 ~ OF ~ hA2J(l[ii SGCGC'..~u t3Y {iZ~1TiK, IiRTI~T i-AIi;GLOTH JiAS, Otl i;EGUJ.16,1EPdlATIOPi OF THE ~H%P(IF'F lllr,:' Ali I , ~ f t ~ JULIhN EARL LANADY ?rjQO,QQ PER',I'rEU TO ThA`J~FER HIS LIC((J5E TU ~EL'y ~:-.R r'(?C _ ~ (I'( i_OC?Tiv l' :1;tADLE"Y '~'rT(.EK TU HAIiV'JY ~O~VE~p i:' JACOa i";'IARSDEN DAVIS ~ PLACE: AT Ji - - "r I r_, 500,00 TICHT;VII_LL aJIJNP., i. ~ ~ SAMUEL '~diLLIAM JoHNSCiN 2,500.00 E'`'': f t' , 'Y~ILLIA,P" FRANKLINI REGI:T R A~J APPLIC^ -r~ ~ I~~ E ,,,00.00 r,TI~IV Fins LI~~~:iIS TO :ELL iftER FT A LOCATION. 51x ~'I..E:S OUT OfJ THE UAR01_INA 3EACiH ~rUAil SUi3t~iITTEL'' ANNA I~IAE HO'NARD 7 r HY ~ ~,rF~~ , ~ , i~i% ,I II ~,~00.00 JA,~_,,, TtiG SALiE E~rING If: DUF FORt.1 At!D FX"CUTIOfJ AP1D i;NilORGEll BY THE 7HFRIFF, (1 AS UPON A~IOTION OF RUTH I~I. LE'IJIS 2,500.00 •~R. GARDNEN, SECONDED GY '~~~~R. TRASK, ki'PRO'dE:,7. if~rl~ ~,ATHF,RIME 1~~~AR1[ HASHAGEN 2,500.QQ t ~II?.:i~ RE` U ~ =1 n . l{ ,I ` ~ ESTo FOi1 ADJUSTMENT OFTA;(ES UiJ PROPERTY IN 'dLOCK5111j A~~lla ;1 CITY, AND ACREAGE IN CAPE F~~:AR TU',vNSEIiP I~~a~'' A PET I T I OPJ GF 1 C 1T a,~ ~ . . 'i ESIDENTS AIJD PROPERTY G49tvF.RS kf.`jl?IP.G Ofd JACKON'!II_LE NVEhiUE IRl FI.'RtJ°IUE, SU~'~'ITTEU IEY JC11il'1 F. ~i"~Ct~AF~ ~ OOx AND C.~.).'~IPI?(;(TS, tiC9i'EGTIVELY, ';JAS ;1t?UNf.~i0TI0N Of `';'~R• ~•~idDh1E~:R, SEL'ui~::,EIJ I~" REf,'UEST ING 7 ~ _ ji i i~. H.0.T ~A ID nVF. NUE BE GRADED AND IIJPI' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ R'~ ~ ^ ' ~~,~(p,; ~ ,OV~D, 41AS ~,POIv f~,OfION OF i;~R. HA.LL, SECCIP:EU Ut ~ TRnvK, REFERRED TO THE GO~:YuITTrE 't'l1T'H PO,IER TO ACT, ~ r''I~~I P.,R, TRA5K, APPROVED A'JU REFERRED TO THL JTATE HIGHPIAY cc PUHLIC ."IC'R ~Gr , K,~ CU t.l I x,101, . i; i ~ FETTER "IkS RE CEI'IED FRO! -~ii. T.~.~TETTS 'L~1UI:'~101! [I"JGII:'..ER '7TATE I~-ilGHllr1Y ~~'U`.1''l15`.iION AL'ibllT~flf`Ju TH ~~J1, ~ A '~~EC;UES7 FGP, ADJU° M P '"r ~ _ s AT ~T JT 'R , E OF TH ~ D _ E 0, 1 ~ ~ r II~'~'': BACK TAX S D f ~ ~r - t ~7TiiEF ~ ~ i . c - ~ r• . , . I~ „ 1, E l1~ 01J THE FROi[.(TY OF TEIr H~I~,o OF -Tf I~a n PcrTY t, C7ftTlIY fP.OJF.CT, ~sUT lluC TO THE „IN:STf,GE Gf ~,~E,. ,'i~,il ,.QUIf.,1GJT PER;4Ai~~_NT IhdFr~pVEt6ENTS ~i' ;,t~~' rl. ~~FYLA;VD, CLOCKS "b~. 1~i4~ ND 4%'~ - _ CA'1N ~ _ ~ A 1 ,1A5 PC FErtiJED TG THr. GO':'taITTEE IJITFI f'O~J,_R TO ACT. OT uE •'~ADE Uf~;TIL NEXT SU':'~:!~1ER, PROVl~ED CD!llililO~.~S 11:1PwJVE JY rIAT TIf,E• ~~h` i~ I r ~ r` I ~p,!~; LE7TEP, ,lAS RE CEIVEll FROh~'rP. A•H.IaRAHAti1, CHAIR`:1AF! OF THE STATE fiIGH~'IAY P.ND PUBLIC '~iURKS r,0'•IJISSIGt+ ~1N0°J tgCTIO~J OF ~'R. ~AFiDfd R _ COf,D D UY I',;R, 'IRr',C'G li'1STri;~C~ l i~r ;I~ iiE GIVEN TO PRi'I'gRE A NEC; JUF;Y - ~l', it E, '~C E , L I S7 F ijG6-i i HE ~~E CGNCERNING 7HE PROaLE~'~1 OF DRAINAGE ALONG THE FIIGFI',lAYS AJD r ~ Ul~CH 64HICN 1;' , A ADVISED THAT INASA~UGH-AS'THE ii ~IE~~ - OVERFL014S IS ON I~IGH1'IAY RIG1{T-OF-IIAY 1'HE STATE I~IGHIJAY ~pP,aMISS~FON 1S rRESFGEJSiBLE FOR KEEPIP:G SANE I~V it ,LIP PROPER COND I T 1014 taD 4' F ~ ~ r. Th. ~OUtdr ~ A 1H...RE PA14g7E O~NEr•s ALOr!G T1IE SIDES OF THE ROAD,HAVE CNSTgLLED INAUQUHTE EIP°~ Y AUD(TOR5 CASHRE°ORT~FOR ~r:PTEt,'EGR "JAa RECEII~~ ANll FILED. 1 E,:ii SAME SKILL HAVE TO BE nEE40VED AND LAR'CER SIZE PIPE PUT IN iHE'PR P ~ G ~F yH THE FIFE ANA E~i!', ~ 0 ERTY-041N,,RS fi0 FUH~I„ z. ,E N,,TALLATION OF PIPE eIILL :~i DOn~E (ir HIGHI7AY F01tCFS. 1jRSfIgfJT 1•o THE AC7t+JN OF THE 30Ai~D 0CT0aER 1ST 11~~r LN'POSTPONiNG THE AI"IARD OF THE 810 F t';', ; ~ TH" ~ s ~ , s OR RE°ROOF LNG , i Gi ~l ~ ~OJRT MOUSE nNNEX, ',1R, COLEMANMOVED AND IT ;UAS SECOAiUFD BY ~.."R. ~ARDNERAPID CARRIED THAT THE BI,D OF i )P 'j',; ~ ON ~::OTIO'J OF °;IR. ~ ILL ,ir T - ru , .ECON,.,,L' BY ~•~R. TRASK(, I~'1STRUCTION~ .+c RC GIVEN TC PJRIT ~ ,l .~FrTS, ~ ~•PIVE? Sphi BF r~ - e y~ rJ"" ~ 6~,~ 7 J c ~ ~ E AC„~.PTEDTHEYBE~fNG THE LOi:i:ST GIU.~ERS AT ANi FOr? TH,. 5U^;. OF ,T,m,1~ .(~O ALL VO j , TINE HIND OIVI.,IDfJ JTATe ~~IGHJFAY ENGINEER, RE;UESTIhJG If,'FOi1tdATIO,J AS TO ~NH C^. `F U ~ N TAKEN AFFIP,t;,,yTIVFLY X is - - c I'' AT ACTI~J H,,. L~ - - F. C.PT `,'rt, TRASK .IRO VOTtD hJ0 FOR THE ~REA.,ON IT IS NOT NECESSA~XY ITV HI' ~ ~ r, ti' ALL , , , 5 of I N I Ctr, r0 NEb10~ E k~1~,t: OF OLR SEVERAL REQU;;ST FOR PAVING TK' N Y- .r of r E T TFI I RD ~TR[:ET, JH I CH J9A5 REFERRED TO HIS DEPARTt,1ENT i HE OLD RC,rQF I MG 11NDEfi ; HE DARRE TT r0 YEAR GL'~ARAiVT;:E, AND I+IOUL:1 UL A SAV 114E OF uO.UO 7 ~.`'i 0 THE Wl1MTY . aY THE STATE HIGHCIAY CUfstJ,IS510N F~ r'? Eft!' J REPDRT, I ilf i . UPOf ;•I J TI :0 0'J OF ~'IR. GARDNER `iE•CON!1ED I1Y R• COI.FRf~AN, COUNTY HILLS '~:D9• ;'~'O TO 1o~C Ii4C. J- ~ r:, F o ~ > 'ERG. A.'. ROVED I'~ AN AUDIT P,EPORT OF CC'.t,tUNl Y a 9P ~ ~,.r OR iJ T ~ 0_ I TAL FGR TH' T AY' ~ .I. 1EAR E'1DIfJG UllNE 'BOTH, 1~'4), PRF.f'AFtF.D 'iY FUEL „~J •1EI~,T. '1 Ih!~'I 01YRIMpf~E CPA, JdA, RECtiIVe.ll ntJU REFERRED TO 7HE COU^1TY nU?1 r, j, l T0, ~i'' l ~ , '1i ~ ~I "I "tom ~!y C ~ ~l ~ CL..RK. i I _ 10 C - _ V ATIGNl7 Ao f, T K N z E OF i~ TH E OP(' f. _ E OF THE ,O„ARE (;LOCi~ O~J4,1Pr1tJY TO REPLACE TN,E TO'~JGR CLOGI< CA~1LG.~' A'C% ~ iili ' -i' f 'E I' ':TAKE OTHER REPAIRS REC04,9A1ENDrD HY THEIR REPRES:(14 LGS ~i TATIVE, 'r7H~) ,,AS OF THE OFIhJIOi~J THE PAESEf.T GAE i~ i ~ ':I ~I j+~- , t f ' , 1 _ _ , ~ ,h~ . e ~ ,''`i ~,a t j ~ `y ,"ir~~ V . aF; i'~";9j'~ .s II. . 9~ ' , Cr,tober 1`~t;}t lc)iJ~j continued }l~' i 'r'~ILr.91r~~GTaN, I'], OcTaBER 1"Tf•I 1C!l,c' },,eat;.ng (f J r , , i. i f f'i i o THC RcauLAH ,JEEKLr t r ~ ~ - fi..._TIrJG OF THE BaAFiri uAe HE:LT) AT 10:00 n,f;''„ Far th+3 mix+?d Farm .col,inning ;,4andoy, „oYomhur ath, 1`)~a~, Y, ' i!~' t S 'd(.?wirk J,2;dwin {3untln ^ 1 ~ ,J , _ - C,,,.{,3ut.r+r, I,?l.lc.,ndo;(ter, J,P~i,Futroll L,}(,P!~lo I'o n 1• • .t , PRESENT, ,3L~U 15aN FI '9 , r oro• Elc.lc Is, E:, LE TT CHAIRrviAN ~aEU. ~~I, T P, C 1i.;mi.t}r, `':.r'~.Lr,nilrr, Gao,A,~7hstir,r,, :.,??,,,ellrtrs, Ceo,D.I'^rrra:7 rloa !;}A ^ I?~: tr f riA9K, _Ar,I)rlfR -,e , , ~ 17, ufll'fra' , .D,Pinol• , , 'i '°i R,L,P:N .E! LA,,~Y, , ~ .,OLE.~Ah A~JL ~'OUM7Y ~ , ~ITTORtJEY l1,If,I~Ir,ako~tt, ~I.IY.Ctalaey, O.~;f.'Pionken, T.D..oller,, Er,'3,}(:in', iLif,l?~land J Ir P't ' r ll~' ,P 1!,Crooc;h ',r Ii.P[n , , i, ~ , . Py._liams, ~,f,,,,auan, . r,.~ . ~mozl 1;E,tor., L.L inyan, rsvrrd, lain A. 1sl{:irs . 1 : , ,.Jf. r z idi,an, J.C,Latimor, it ' I EJ~~ HE ~aINUTES of M~r:ETINa of Ucro9ER ~',~TH, 1~'~~; vJERF Fz ~tnr i.arlana, C}tarlon P'ato, ?;.J.A.iddln, Thou. Edw. Iiowl:irk A n r f _ E ,LL !.r F ROU,iD r Vi J,',:fat}ana, J.},,,,ollora, J,:'.Stack, A5 R[CORLEU, , Kenneth Ii. R©r13ar1, P.T,9~~tson, AR.CroH, 1',S.V~tughn,-if,R.Dktnon Bern co ~'a , i E rr. J,3„1N'ilsan, PI.1,.9ardan, RJ Af pL l CAT I Old aF L I C~.aJSE ~ r _ r Clftari Gr+TOr h.A,2tari , My II TO F.LL f,-f"R GtJ THE ~H G" r''• }I..~tf30I8 , r 8 y CI10.5.tf.2',Lt110r ,1', f r I nTov I LLE ,r ACH H I cFi,+aY Gr,o, Y , .}S.Pat .or , 1{.J.•,vroonoy, J.P.Garrott,'~J:H.Davis, Iyt; BY T, J. gaEt?p,ITT, THL" SAfdE 9FIN6 IhJ LIIJ A, AT U12AllLE:Y ~RF;ER a d Rab9rt lrarravr .J n J 1 F_ Fort, AND ExECUT IOrJ ANn r_~,1~oRSt:I~ uY THC ' 'u',~~1j tTEn ~3.F,Southarl n , .H.l oirsa, atone C.2'tilliam, 'J.~.Dataholor, 0.1i.I{andarson,?I.E.31ook, ;d,OTION OF ~aL"th1AN, SECOrILFU t, ~ ~FIERIFF ~ r 5 p. II Y TR,,,,h, GanrJTt.n, ~A~ uPOrl {f,B,?iewkirk; pavid ,lorroc, ~r,, I. Farrow, A:,L.Hugt;ins,:2,forris.2). 219nts, Harbort Bordeaux, i I , t nN A~~pLI cAr lar, FcR ~ LIC , ~ _;I,E TQ ,FEEL '~CEft AT A LGCATION OIJ THE ~,;nRS~~LiNA PEACH r 1'ha me©t:iz1(; th©J, ad,journail. I r J.''i,~IACKSQN AN17 n !i.)A,~ ~•i r E ~ t,11TTED 9Y li!:,,_ a EIJLOREED_„Y TH 7HERIF°F yrAS 11F 1N AaTiON 0 ~ ~ ; COLEPIAN~ dp GJr1L~Iy HY ~R, T ' ~i' - - • Clark. €IJMj , UPOr ~ RA9K, GRA'•lTEL"~ .~~/Y`~ ..al,,. , 1 ~UOTIOh OF I!/~?. CiARD,rER SECOND'D r+ i , I;, ~ ~ ~ ,.Y E,~R. CoLrr:JArr A aI r, v LL FCri 2~. . I UIEEii BY A UFPUTY SFIERIFF FOR RETURNITJG JACK'-? /C FAR AIRf'LA,YE TrRAPJSPGRT.A / . } J`uJ;i EIJTEP;IN ,+IALL"a FRO,A F.IYETTEVitLE ~tANT•D TIOrI l~ r,1, G ~EPTE~r19ER 1 jTM, 1G4`' viAS D ~C } C HERE FOR u9REAKINu 'Nilmirr+~ton, .t~', C, Uctabsr ~'?_nd 1 ~ r~ , , , 9 I, ~ E LINED AND p YM NT APpROVEU'oal ANI, , ~ A E A 9q,, I S OF AUTOf,4a91 L c ti I. E TRR,J„P ~ l GR • fATl~tl, 111~aN bAa 1Orl r The regular- weekly moota,n{,_of thtr ltaard wan held at I0;00 A, T ~F :'R, CULf'P,4AN, `,ECONUED _9Y i.1R, TRASK !'.1R. ~A6.4 TAKES ON M t ES D. ~RRELL ~R. Q e, ~ ~ 4JA„ GRANTED AN A9ATEI~ A VALUATuar! OF ~+Q.O~! 1~~g'HUDSON:AUTO~v9091LE L15T U EMT , E ~,T .~}']d.(IC ¢JHER OF ~ 5HC1lJl,U J•inVE SEEN ;~'1 U.00 FOR ~ r r , EAS THE COR t• Addison }IPwlett Lhtcirnran G©o, {J, "'r:csk Ja:,, t a • ~ r ~ 7HE Y, AR,1 J4~. _ RECT gt,lOUrJT Presen , H ~1, E~;P„Ga, ~acr,. , r,.~,Calamnn anu i; Co},rty Attor•n(ry },1rir:,~3~n Y,oilarJy. CA T I CIIJ A:, Rc:CE IVED FROM .`'1R. N !a 3 1. ~ Et~ORY, EXECUTIVE 1~IR. I ThAT THE IAh ,!OUSING CENTER t`!}LL 9E CLG -T ; ECTOR GF THE NOU5ING riUTPiGRITy' ~ ~ ~ T}~f) m~nuter, of`7~entlnj; o± Urtc,t,(ar' lrj, 1;J1}~>, Ydare rcr;d ri(h1 r:r;,rovcrl ns rNC•urcird: , I, ~ 5ED CG,09EK,U~ 1gd AN i , A,)VI.II,u ,J FOR RENT OF (kUAfiTER5 AT ~ ~ ~f D THE COUNTY S- .4O 't'-AOpJ i'~~ ' I ~1 J ~DUTHERM "UILDING 4JILL'NOT E3F R TYL1' A,PROPf~IA _ ~ EC~UiREI} AFTER iHAT l) 11GiI ~ ~ 1,, ,r ~ ~ ``r i'~ ATE, p., r,aquest, ~,1 1„r,,, ,.rnc.,t Parlor of ihtilykd.(l};e,1,.C., War adi,u,t,~,ent of tho ,~ti.75 lack t~;xes duo on A ~,,~'I REPUHT OF THE LAD I ` , ~ , r a E ~ ~~:.'T : ~ : ti .:0'rrI TTE ~hr~ p. of of L,h'.r~ c~n~. or a, 2~ aoros part Fa,, }iernatl, covmsh ip, rrc~s a annzata0n. of },v, Tra:tb,, nj'' I EFOR E P ~ C T_.E. J R Aa REGEfVED ;,ilJ ~f'L' FZi_D FILCJ1, ~ 4(lI''~IC)1 rhforP$d CC1 ~ e"{ i r, e c ~ y t1r. tr:zt tri Iwcyar to .act. j.' ~ Sr7C011:a1i U i :a1 ti; rri, ~ Ili r~ ' r , ~ ~ H,. Fa LLU,J IrIG RE50LU710td uAS r;;FG" IVF'D r / I~ 1„ ! ROtA THE I ELh I r,GTON r~OS , t:It T y~ 1U, rtr:JERiGAN ~FG10hJ: „ACt af' t;r%)I;filn I{U9S''ll 1JBI.lfi71.` far a 1'9~llrat Urt P s' "A ~ 1 ~ ~ 1 - r. ray 1 ,r, i. of th, a,.,e,,..m-nt (,n _ut., janr. 1 1r, b1eg1. ,~0, , ( s s ' 'rHF.HEASy THE FE DE~?AL'COVFRN"PENT Carolina 2'lrzce, was r+;ceivr~3 for reviow by the'Doe,rd. HAS CONSTRUCTED hND NtAINTAIN D ~ I HO~PiTAL FOR IME ACCOMAbA710N OF THE ARP~IED F0 E AT •ORT FI„HER, A 51ZEAk?LE " ~ ;VH c RGFS DURING THE '~rAR, AND " ER~gS THE;GOVERNh9ENT HA'S Are ore of tho Ca1ar,~d Horne {;ertonstrati,an Aant f'or ,,e tembar was r©caived anc3 fi s(1 _ t ~ ~iNGE THE CE55ATION 4F p t; P ~ HOST1L I T I E S CLOSED A~JLi, AdAI'JDOIJED ; ,1HEREAS, .THERE. AR i 1 11D i HGSI'ITAL, ,0 E ONLY TNO IETERANS H05pITAaS IN I~OR7H CARaL;INA 0 , s a , , p , .'IHEREhS, THE=CAPACI r NE A7 FA'!„TTEVrLLE AWl) ~I rt moi;tart of la.r, Gardnor 4ecoruled,}Jr Ir;r. too rJ a " ~ TY OF .90TH ARE NOT :BUFF I C I EN7 T J GNE' AT GL Rq po , I m n, l,r, d. It. E3amn tm,, {;ranteu an ahtttament of 4 0 ADEr?UATELY_A~CO'4GDA1G fH ~r~~:. t~ ' I ' ~fOF+LD ~dAR`ONE AND`Tr0' TH R ~ ( t- , I' ' c rJ~_,-„v of .r:TE;t„i~; pF taxed on a valuation of :~~j,rj0(),OO. far .he yearW 1~h~1 thraur,h ,l)1rJ, on e.c,cot.,nt oi' hau.,s an lot I ~ , , E EFORE, r i ,I!l';' ~F 17 RESOLVED TH r > ar tHF Ahn - I~urah~~sod frern }6rs,- ,,~rmatr asserlsed at rOC,00 hurnod in c;7te,be =i 0 ' ~ { n r I); ,fur w}r.lah na c, edit ERIGAN ~FGION} REALP~I dG ?Hi: IR afiLIGATiGN TG THE ~ PTUtr.tl ~r I! OF .'daRLI) ;'IAR TW0 APJU I , c r i~ , FURTHER A8 AN ECONGt~IC M':A~~3R a ~ ~ t ..1..F,At„ eta„ i;iven, and lot usses,,ad at MIOt00.?O whin"r. eras incl^tded in thrj aasdsemtint r,n tho hotel situ. ~ ~ r ~ E, :IIL,AIN„T..N PaST x,10, A•rrF EcAw !-E~,ICra coFS t ~J~~,j i?r.rORO A'PROVIiJG ANU RECOt,1l~N ~ P '''`Z Cd u 11 C D I r1G THAT THE ARMY hO;P I TAL LOCATED AT EOR7 F 15HER ` i'l . '~f~, ~ ~ aVER i1JIh4E?1ATELY BY THE t~ETr'R _ s , RF: TAYEhi i~ on motion of PIr. C~~len>FUl s,ecoru'F;l( °,v I}r. r;n.•,lra a aru„ n '•n ~In' ''^1 F•.. l~ll ANS FJ,Jrl11NISTF(ATiON IN R" , P , ~ t l r, r J e;t rf l'~r. ,.n. n __rif~arJ,, tr,rn~,, a ~uE~ 1r,AT Au?1TIONAL F'NGILITfG~9 [3I` PfFa'Jlti L + ~ 1, ; 1 i it 1ETEFiANS Ja!-rIuJFIIpIG IIOGpITALIZATIaPJ. E3~ E FCP .hay t,ha o,n~n~J ack for eftra,it.t,.on fo. thr raturrt of Roasevf,..t ,i~l~,ailinrs from ilorfolk, Vir-inia to - i h 6 !i, ~ C IT FJRTHFA RESOLVED THAT THE L('GIOiJ OP,IGG THI~~ I!, , , ATTFNTIGrI OF THC CHPt.~,,,~lt of Co%1~f.;-N F 'n ~+~i(R TO THr anstrer ~.i;t;r~,= oi' ahr~ucloment errs: t,pn-su,r~;~ort pf }iis vrife arui infrrnf tea:, -ranted f' j'. I - E C_ AL., ?H1i0UGrl IT TO AFL aTHf;N. CIVIC !,"l? f3, ~ a;~~ f 'WELL Ara LaOAL GOVT iZNiSF. NT UbJ I TS I N 7H 1;; V ~ '•i _ ~ I,.I„ITY R~iU Ald'tJ THAT COPIEE~ OF THIS ~ r E ESTING THEM TO Gfl.,ORGE. nPJU lJ"t.a~ i-i01{"T ,1C'f107J' 11 n et ~ ~ ftESOLUTI s a r,t. Lnr~, of !;'.r. 'Prr.°1; ,,tu'cur.r:r1. by ,d$, },n~l the ;l ,ani.sh-Amrrican Vot,orn.ns vrera allu A T erect th.er ~l UJ LF aENT 70 ThIE Ir'LTERr',f18 AD'~91NI:Tfth'ilOtd Ah,? !.,atJl.'i~F'=b'.Airl v, 3 I ~ CLERK. UPOrI t;;OTI0r1 OF ~,~R, TRA9K , ~ r AYARD use ai' the' ur' rrrr'm 1br }',alr'~.i.rl~ their mootinr's, !r I ? ~ ~ ..,_COr14EU JY iJ.iZ, liAil?NER, THE FUF,Eu01rdG itE80 i ai•~ ~ y E' A OPTED AhID THG uaARD VOTED UfJAIJII,g0U5LY TO LE~~'Vli LUTICN .'J,^i, J.,,,~,I~,;uUSL'f IT.. AID TO - r- I THE FURTHF.RANC^- aF TH I tip. , ~ cA ..~r. , Tl on rlc t ~.on of Gtr . Coler,>Ern secan~Iad b ~ Lir, Trask l;obort C. Carrrichaal Vfilrnin,•tor tot s wa^ ~I A P y t m }t.rp, RE;!UEST FOFt AREUUL'710N aF THC A"5 ~•~^rr,~ , rrcntc.ri at~: sxl,ate:ment o'' taxes on n vr:itll,t~iur oi' ^1!(,j.OC Iiocl!~n autarnobile shotv9n• 131ua Hool: value of i'l I J 6~.;.;_i~T ON THC , F,OP(,RTY OF 'rR, f3UFU& ti~aVr, :3LOCK 'JAS ?~",O,QO chflr'r'd o r i! i REFERRED TO rHE Ca',J:!ITTFE FOR REVIEYr, ~n error a, 1~1~o r~adal at y-rr~,CO, i . ~ Ur ON ,~noTto~d, LULY sECarJDB?, THE COUNTY AUDITOR w 1: report of Corunurlty 21cr,pittExl !'or eptornbar i;ogether trir.}l rz st,themont of patier;o,~ tre,atodin out- A, AUTHORIZED TO ACCEPT A:CHECK FOR ~O.G~+FHUt^~ patiei-it el%nic for',tha months of- Jul Auustand So'tarnbor worn roaoivod-anti ri~f,r rod t THE: t41TED sTATE9 CaOVERMI~9EP1T FOR CAST OF REPAIRa TO THE P Y, p i i ; r .0 2r,r., Gardner ' LUMl;ING IN THE C!~~LDIERS n P!? ~ ~E7ENrlpi, ,,u;,RT~as, County itepr~santatxve azi tiro }EQS,.ital Hard, 1 I';SUE COUNTYrS CHECK FOR THE PME Ai,iOUPJT p AY ABLE TO THE (UEAL f~L I ~ ~ ~ T REPA IftS• UA(31Nc, ,,Oh,1pA,JY FOR ,:-AKInG ,hl; SAID ~ i I !'I' upon motion f,f P1r•, Tr>r.ak 'soconded b }dr. Hail tho tax'.^.cllector wag authorized l,o accept r( mc~nt I ? Y , 1 P Y A PETITIaN of 2v pP~opEFITY awNFJt6 aS' ~~2~0,OOin full settlement of 1 .'2 taxosuua b ~;d,G,Brinklo on 1otslr Viand 2G~ 15U Y. 261°~. feat ° ~ ~3 5 , Y, Y z9 c, Jti i' _ 1N THE !'r;ARATH01~! CULONY AT C OF P;~AR ° A~TLEF,AYNESy RE~UESTiNG THAT ThI~ 1.AI~JT^,,,1P1CE n ATHOiJ r;vChJE EE TuRrIC? ovER T(, TIME OTATF. HI 11!'lAY P e ~ r L ~ in size,: adjoin9ngTEao, Harnett wwnsnip, far tho yeas 195 to 1~1,~ i:tclass~re; dntr+aled c~ fnllotvst ~ U L I G IanK~ „G~ ~,1 I S510N, ','lA5 APPROUEi~, f V ,i Real notate tax including-tax on Eiouce to clnta destr•ayed by f'.re- X223.30 ~I. P. memorandum of ro sass by the ^ r, I Personal 20,22 P Y United ,,tote,, ,uL•,lic Health Corv;.ce P,Irtlarln Con';rol from Danner 1st, to , Cctaber 1st h!5 w s Poll ........................22.0 , .j'~.~ , . ~l- , a recoived from P,1r. G,T,P,lorgan and i'i 2.ed, , p l ; , ~i I)og, . I~, Oa , i ; ,rl t orl motion of 1ir•, Tras , a t~. , , Not List('d Penalt~ . , , 10,00 ' J, ~ €~,r ! p ~ ~r s con.lor, h r .la . ColErtan, 'r,~:,s gene }{ixon vets {;rantod an abatomcn±; of taxes cr ~r. z ~i ~ f '.!1 a valuation of ~~r_ .00 arsottal ,ro•,rrt, Advert~isint; Hosts,. a~,,,0 92.C9 i~~;j ~r > I' I t ~ J listed abavo i.ts tr';te v,rlue for tho oar 1c)! 5, is ~ ~It'~ Y J. ---~~1~ I:1 1 : ~~?'~~11 Upon motiwt of 1dr. Coleelnn, seconclod by 1~}r. T ur • ~ f;r, , , , r „1~, ~,t~ (,ha irinnn an~.~ ,a . t,ardnor tvere nnmc,d to s©rve w~1th Are nose of Mr far a ahatem,Ant of t xo~ a~ V , a committee from thrr Cit nn tl~e i{ouHin o 4 e. E,V1,Chahoa, hilm`.ngtan Township, n a to to fzlmington j ~ i Y r C.l.mattee to deal grit}t the r,attflr of rlat.ermin~in •rrhat Government - 6 ~ tovnt~hip only, on ailtor.tabi le st;ar(Id in a garage outs.ic.e the .City. limits for tho your 19lr>, woo ~ t;~ huildings arc to bo ror,cvod or re~r.inell in the (lavr,,•nrnent 1fot,; in° PraTaats ~ , { ~ referrod to the City Council on ruTin{; of tho County Attornoy, that the County has na rL,;ht to i , Thrt n,indit~ian ill the ngreertent arid. tod Sootor:~b< - c r ~ + _ tr rel~~ara Ciiy taxer. I ~ 3t 1 v i p 7, 1,)1~), tU st,l.l ~)!9 (la~.(n'~r~:S 1ntH1 ~Ut lll .,}1C u00i,.0 ,It ls,+n Hu+, to the City for ;'~2,Q00,00-; TO-vrit 'I Provided tho J' t-' , r'.°• ,c' 'n sa:u (1ty +tl; furnish earl r3r~uip u,.lc...s ~ lipcn rlot:ion of ;,ir, C~,ler~tn a©conde(1 by-Mr•, "bask Kuthort wr~s •ivan to issue a-durlic©te check to ' hui.lding for the tree of the Chatnb4r aF Commorc p , Y_ 6 I ~l o, _ort Carnni.ssion,:l'art mrn,'fic Associatlan once the liis:, { r r .ouiss :Hill in the emouni; of p119.~f7 for school pension due September '~0, 1~1{~, to raplae© check , ludustrial Agent at a rental not to ozcesd the amount paid far their' resent-res oc1 vo offices was ~ ~I p p ~i , Ir`~2y far the same amount ad to her'Se ternber 2©th ` 1( but was not delivered and a sot . upon mottan oi' ;~1r. irardnor secahded b, Ja " mall p , ~~f5,, P of the.:.. , J r. Tra„k, elimr.ngted iron: the deod of convevanno to the Ci ~,l, , ; ~ , ~r arigina'1 chock vraa ` d d w)ten resorted at' he 1f11min •toh Sevin s i; ,Trust C or Bred sto red if err o an . a;-~. PI P g Y A r{~ ue„ o, P,1r. Lrnmet 13ellarn,r , !I ~ 9 for: art ad ustrient • r ~ of tEro bac}. taxee on the ~ r, yfilliams, ~I I, ~ ra art of ,i,. . s P p y A report of James Walker 2~oupital for 5opt,smber was raaeived and filed. ;5 Ifg;, block 63, nud Davis Joe i;enry, block ~L_ 52, was rofarrod to tho Comm t c • • } t i t o frith {.otrer .a ac , ~i~j lipon nation , ~ ~ , 0 2,1 T Y7 YVorth lie nett- v ~ f 1;1r. Coleman, saconcle(. by r. rr.sk, idr•~. C. , r o m,,hip, -rags grantee, an A copy of a lottor trritton by 2,ir, A.C,.diahol,, y1t,~ PI, , ' G, 1,- ~ ~ ana or to the Rocahstruction Finance nhatemont of taxes on a valuation of ','00.00 ersonal ro or•ty axcrrt Lion for which she rras tla t °iven Ili,,i, Corporation, {Yoshio>ton rt, a p ' P P P P Il;l,, , onc,rninc, thA acgilisitian of that area of ',ha s'rri ,ord ro Art , PJ P P Y credit for the ear 19~ R no+ hnvinr~ li tad ersona.l ra ort~ el;)ew}tare in the t;ount• for that ear, • Y t, , ~ P P P J J y , } l~ t~ ilur,,n o+" the s1,~i}~errt~rs and r~tost of hhe chaps ccnd stororrons, : ar tho devela~ ,ant of ti!e Fort Ir•?•m~nals, without oncrnaclttng nn that ~tr9a vrhic}r contains t pn I' : he shintva* s vrrss recaive~, rl _ . I J , IE CDUrJT I ~ . r;, ~ ~ , I I,,, Y r LDi TOR T 1RNE,;1 OVER TU THE CO.,RD 0~ ~JA4;t 13S I ONERS, CH,. CKS rPl. CF LVEll FROM T NE LO ~.~UNLTY }'~O;P 1 TAL If''i;i ~ FaR,THEIR PR P > nl r , ,F I 0 ORTION OF THC' PAY~,iENTS TO 'THE ~vEld HANOVEF+ COU,JTY ~ETIRE~h_NT FJND FOR THL•'iR Et;1PL0YEES t-JITH ' ~ :~~sr,,xrg F,uod and lawful men tverc~ ilravrn to serer,. as ~urars ;ri n-ho Su orior Court: for tho T : p N, REQUEST TH - .1 Itft;~~; trial of cI°i~l~laal cHSes for• the week lire irrnin llandat " ~a` c A7 HC 9r ADVISED AS TO tiJHAT UISPOSITIOh, ,GHOUL 9E .1ADE OF ;F,EtA• AFTER D15CU55{NG THE rtATTER . g g J, Oatobo, 2<,th~ I~,~11~1 ITH T a+ rr ~ HE CaUNTY ATTORN 'r r.1 a OF ~;~R. TRASK SEGOPJ:7ED 9Y ~~iR~ ~Ar;DNER THE. ~0 R C, h.l{innant nr ar ~.i a ~elns E.(1,Ha11 - S EY, U ON OT I N f f A D AUTHOR I ZEll ND , .,.L.i Y s ~ i ~ n + .gall 1~6~,~ , . .lOUn,.tllCr, L,P,{,. arrlen.er,'A.lf.ft{i'lhnar,'lu.4f,}~ea1~ 1 ?I;;~ A CTE. JJ ~ 1 THE COUNTY AUDITOR TG ACCEPT .THE C}~IECKS AND PLACE- THE 'JAMES aF' THE- VAR I!OUS Etv1PL0Y - ' I tu.:,:,ell R, (,lark, L©nn P., Howl©tt ?,{ar~otve S.T.Foun~airt " ~ ~ ~whrte, EES ON THE RaLLS t , h.C.Ad.n,, };,u.9ravrn r~.!' 4 I of •,pP ,r•'er, IRE ;pETIREMENT~ F;1ND, t,,,',' A,}i,I,otvrirnora, 17i11~La.m '{o::oruaann, l;a~ " C,,farx ~ 1 J ,~oagroves, Gao.A,Smit}i ~J liam : ,J,?{.Foam A,r; , ,T.Dalchor, J.LJaffreys, tirr.l J, .Diehl, Clydn Pd, }3ordnnux, Er,Gl~,l^(},itlo';{- ~ It , r-",., ;g„liven, ~ .,,..lIirroll, t.,l".,.,,~t :.g ,f::J,C~ttle, ,,,P. .4 R ~ , R. L,3trtler, Parry G, ;Torpor, F;,P.Ct,rrv, 1„1{,i;'_il L:l.lston ,nn ,?labbina, E'~UE~T OF '~,1R. PJ)GAR C. (iARhAC3RArJDT, PRC:ChFTr" ~aY ~~R. 'u,ARllrJEq, FDR ~iEVl,v OF 7HE AaSESSI,IENT (;N H1S HOraE, ~I~~~il , L 1.31', JOEL ,r_n},lota,y,-)~',A.T)abllar.., Ti n LCD % 1 ~ , r 1`t.H.Long, E.Li',?louShoe, I~.IV.Ch©1'VrUad - , ,N ~JIJPJTRY uLUe rIN![S INOREASED ETY ~ j0.1i0 UIV LOT ANl7 .~)~,~UO,UU aN 9UIL1JIt~G ;.CAKING sr!I'~ ...;_}.ticltet~han, . ,,.,i,l,k~j ,7,A.,lloberts' P J.,'s,Fsrrc , OF +1 , ~ s _ A TOTAL I~~UCREABE r " ;loot.?l cpo, ~ 0, -,,r - J.% ,~na,. ~.,yka '~7,rLPEases, }adward rJlhs, ',f,PLRase ,.1 si!' ~'r ,T,'~O1Ve1't' } jjrAGV, ! AS OF JAIVIJAicY 15T, 1`;4',, ~.IAS CI~UiJ i,9ailUPd al' ~R. CaLE~aiAtl, "~"CUI~-[.D tIY i~~H, Ii4A:ir;, ~t',-FCI;F;ED 1'a THf_ i,~ ~n, Jr., .J,};,{?a cis, f„A..ilal:e, C,, rC J.J'I,u00drnan, Onzis }''owi,=r, Arthur '3,1'fillis „ " r 1 ~ '~'ITTt-~: ''I'iy PO'i,ER TO nCT• 1111 P~ ~CP~' , a , ,.i lr',,, ;'I,,T,EiN.BJ, Cfll'1 Lr ,~C;,;1CrG, ii}l~.". ,Rr It'IUOr , !'ii }'r',A.P,Iantras©, L,R,'afatsor: ;loht, t' ^ , ~tly',' Dt'r©11r., David P?. ilixon. E' i t'I;'' I j`'`r ~j I i I I' :I I ; ~ jl ~ 'i 'f~,; ~ , - ,a 1; ' 8.. , ~ . 1 ~ ~ n , ' M,. ~"D~_ t! r~ i.. r,n,~ - •I~', ~r".ETINr,, OF i)l-T013ER Ina°7 CO Pr ! r~ ~~"r r TI 411..U. _,l ; i';,i al ~I,hf, CULE""1Ah: C'0"T~Ph~ IN[D OF n THE ~UAIJ7ITY OF PAPER LEFT ON TH EJR %r ; c01'ir,LUS I ~JN of n ~ E OUNDS nT LEG I Ord ~ THE Lf`GIIJN ,IFICU;, ':iCi0f3[;A BOTH, A%aD f?10VE'D AND IT iPl ~ I[:Lli AFTER t~i,}IniRl;r,~li, )I, 1,t ?fill„i,a>tl~r., r;,;1, ~Ifpllr;r } AS SCCON~ED I'iY ~,"{Z, " ' AhdD GAP~(;IF11, THAT A CA=~td ~nnr ~ ay IR ~ - 11J Or j~'.~iQ E1E RE':~Uli?ED OF ANY OfjCfArd11AT1 ~ Aar;l ANY OHOI'1Sa CIF?CUB, OR OTHER E%HI UI1 OR Pi~TOG~OTER:i OF ..~r.,' ~ ,x(~ 1:':'~' r, r':.~' c;" t;lr ;('taY,: 1sTi,t h~ " ah I ! (I BITiI)tJ HELD ON SAID GROUPJDS, ~ - r,~,e .ck...gr '~t 11 ll tuf ti, AUA I TOR TG 114SUPii PRU PEN CLI; AN I NG OF ° TO UE POoTLD "J I TH THE COUNTY THE PREi~115E5 AFTER CONCLJJ510N OF =xH181T101'dS. , (jr I,I t' , 'iHll .ul'I I,',llnl~' Al.:nr•n,riy f ^I ~ ~'~0 (}F3Jf:C'fION VJA;i RAIBED TO THE A~'PLI ~ ~ CATIJiJ OF 7H[: ~TANuA~ ~11L OOti1PANY FILED ;'i17,~ 'fMF ;lcrSGC 'r::1e,:f~', °l,k~ ~IJGINFER~ TO GG?1STF,UCT Al ~ i'JISi+i OOR I ,JW UOt . r I C x1.1 ) HINS ALO~J~ THE FR01~lT OF T'HI'f IR DGCK Ir~l THE ;APE F: { ,h '~9; ~`,UHTIi iJF' '~E1r'Cf10}S :.iTiTCc.T ~X ~ LAR :p + - TEIdSIJD;, ~~IJ' },.;a 1vr•1"I+ rr~,,.~1 nl,l 111 ¢'~l 1;:C 1 _ r t . i.lii'ir'll,l~) flR 1 s,n,ll ~.P!}., '4, i _p 1 ,I O.J C10T'f Of, GF i ~ , L1, .r1• GARDPJF.:~1 5~G(}U:,ED 'r"1Y ~i~;t. ULF1`a~rli~l TH,r 4 ~ lrs~ :eLk'1 ''t?r 14~~itlsi.nit?Ilt'~ US' {.IiU :!(,~Irl!~ I?A.(Ib, 1.Arr,~ ,Ilgr,.ro~ ~ I n e a " i I. 1 ~ c ~iT'IOr1idEY ~ i^ ^r t,,_ HILL GF SALE PDENFiFcED 3Y i••. „c , rrl 1('r.9 t, l' , ~ ,i ~ Ti Ai~,,FFft ' f Rl ~JG THE ~~Jl11dTY to I i! i 17G 3T I l`d ThIE ~1UO:iROCJ '~~i I `OP Thl T( i, GL,.~ r r t> 0 ~'~i'1'1~., lclt' i nr~ r#il,•°+ I4 i'~ 1_p 1}lf III i)ln I~I~ vr,, ('n)` Hie , uu r,r~ Il I ~ , r,- L~ 1 I.1 '~i I L .f I N G TO rJ FO iJ ;tr UT- Tt7 T WE i, I ! _lliwd.'~;Qf ~'lA~ APPROVED r",Fr R ~ ,I ~ TY GF ~n F 'q, ~A'~ ":Cko 'ill '.C'.i 91::•x'• 1Yti:' IIP~iII ldr , ~i. . F ~ A ~D I IJG ><NI7 1CTUGER ~ q Il a„ ..Ct', ~ i 1 I,l,' I~ q n I ~ THE ~.Th} ~ ~ `r l ~{t';l , I'" f, ~ ,i~rln~,1 i', 1+11", 1;n1 n!~ln• I LAST LIrJF IN TFI~ ' I ~ y LAST rARAul1APH OF' 3A1''J IIJ'OTRUItS[i~lTt ArJD THE ~~rl 7 / ~Y AT THP EiJD QF A'-•%rOJFi' C:; F. k;i.,:5 ~`Fti;•,I9 t~' lidt~~'lll,rii~ }1S'i~}~"'rt;'. !.~GA~I t:i1E P+UTH,,RiLEll ANil liIRECT' ll T ltlRlvlAll Atvll Trir .,LF.RK ,~c TH. " E ro Fxe cuTC , HE :~Ar,-'.E i rHr e~,1r- I.' ' OF THE. COU?! I TY C^ ,+r~r.,.. e~;i7a .P 't' L~r•• t,,''I lllltt '1 i i n 1 r t~ •r a 'l ~ ~ t n '~iac.n C ~ v A, la i :11 I 11~'}-r,lin,', r•i~1r,I~~II, Ir' I ..~,~illi I ,~11e ~ ' , t r ~,IH~, '~.ERt Sf::COPJ~,~D t3Y ~~P. ~ TH is c'~,. „r ~ fi. ~bti^ ~=3; ~ I,. ~ t<II~ MALL iTEiS 5.t.lit,9 t1 v~±7SEnu(;F~ It1„ ~ (il fi .,lllll(.l„ll ~Ii(l,(~~(1 llnl n?liit~i III '1 ti s t_ OAfIU lll tE07a THAT la!?OE3?;A~ZY ii~P r. r• ' 7`, AIJL Ii~AI•lt,i7V~~h,1EP!TS ha 11r1i.E TD TH - I' h. -~T1~L,_~ AI~ ~("GIOrJ MELD g, r .~I..~ flf.^:7~~~~15'~' Sn'- r&..~ll~~ ~hEtr~B~ ~lt}X06~F O1' SP~.~; 1,1'tln t'It},11~ f'sll' I~IIn "artl• 1'.11"i. n.i druinrl.n r; I- I stop the oras ton of thf~ sail and bids securad f onditioll 1mllrovad to Pi or paintirl(; `.hr1 5tn:blrs, I.e' Acticl; tisE`~~~ .}.b. r~.~ Ta~~ a~t €Y~ t~t'S. ~I,C,h+l'vl'~?n f'or 11 rn~jnnl,.(, i t.11 1, Illy i~!"~ r.11~1 r1 (:AJ1 r:cmpll 1. ~ 1. ~ -br x a ~ a 1 - iE:. TIdE ~tEC_Tirlr, r~ Ir, IFW AD OQURNED, p"; A l9uc ~i:FS'rc l?t~ fiL`..C L. rJ~~l('. Sh"'r Cr; (,(1 .11 ileC elgb cl• },)~7~1, N.tli1 1'i~11111 1 Urail i±1,11, Ot~ 11'r r' Hill (I ~'a!r'11 IU11~~ t' ~ ~J CLCRK. 1.r.- "ol'~rlar: ~A~l.:~fir ~ ~i, _ vwca r-t:.1Ln~0 , rt..t• }~,l:l"10(', (;141.Ir ('~(?!11' 1_UP111.,1if11, WlitS ~~)•rillt,r)n Rt) rlllnl:nPl9lkh: t!f I t&X6'5 Cn ra l'Liilt0.tia;. 0:~ •~(;v~~,l1U UL Gilt h0i i,1;tt1''~'ll 111 I'1't',!r tih tkY1) f ill" l.lln '~nRl' I'll L ,j~` i. Ila .i I i > r i i' i ~ G r nr i,r s•. GArd.nc~r se~er.r-eti b~' 1i- ` r ~ Yiilmin tOn 11 C 11'•c." rr.o.. , , . I r+k, 1,1 Illlrcnnnn nl' 9 11~1,~ 11f' 1.ltn [,,,,'~~I irle IJrll,Ol' r:inb r; October ~Ih, lyl ~ i l~ •r , r a = i ~ 1al;~j ,:.CtOr •5:`,1Ci!. •~,.IC~~Qr~' SQ:' t}k; Lltr,rll'~~;~ 11.. 1C,) Rt .y ,711 l~nl {,Ipplr,!1tL1 11Nptnr, Ln n11Ailie 1,11? lh8 regl,Illlr vlcekly rgeet1n(~ Of t}le I3oarrl, 1TaE }lOld 1 U8i)Qrttilvnt 'iG &5C(3r~`iin ~;!t, ;111.^IFlS pj~ ~;I~lll Olr11P)'F 01' CUI•t~f?l.ll (`.Ili';; 1Yhr'+Illi Rr'(`t?I1Pgl-l~ tt~ 1IIt711t. tIA R ~ tYRn lit 1(Jt00 .1 lit , r 1. I, \ , LI 1 r &Ut}1Gr~.Z9r-i. Presentt .Addison }few i left; Chairnuln,, Ueo. YJ. Trs.sk ? 1, Tl, GSrdnar, L.J.Coleman and Coll 1= % I~Krsdott H llarn ^ ty e ~ . n Attorno r F b i'., b Il n ' , r , ~ - , , A,nisti.^~ aa,, ' a ,m ar ll~r.~ 61nt; ~ I,1~ }tt,l}d!1V' t1ll11 ;~I,1 ~ 111r nit ,r1)IIriA.}~, n~lr, 1,11r I~lr.plr r, I1r31~ illl }l~rti i r } ~ ^i ' , ;,,.,7 , j~ advised ha; the Honks ~n the w tv wily •c~Ail. ~ , rl, cYrj lw~+n;P.`' ill ~bc=elrvAnco nl' tilA.t: rtny, the }1nAt°ri. i Tha mdtiutee of-mao~ng of Ootober 22nd J. 1 sacnndEld • f4l ; Tra :k al~til()r i-e,: ' h~ r~h; r+rvr:nrr~ ~ , I ~v~t, },A ° ' 1`-' ~#5, wera reAd dnd a upon, motion' of s!r. Caloman, J of .,fctl iH I , I;'th, I.; , directing the pa4nting nrld ra airir. of tho I pProve eftar rorractzng tho resolution. as a h~lida ^ for'courtT F~nalnv~ea. ' draitia a to ri;o P ~ ,ag_on t'zelri stabla~ by i.ncludirli; ill~rov~monts ±o ~ y } V dl; ~ ,g p sail erasion at tt a ' the , ~ a .,,iv rs ~f the jl ~}li , I~ , ' ~ 1 .1.. , , ~ . 1 5ta~103 sit©. h, ,}7Cr: Df '~hr C lti rt, 1 Uf .1t1t111t,1, tOliw~,r t, r l ~ , 1 , r 1" rvn? Y• , r t\CI} nll'I 11 1~(,. I' f ~l! !'i{l;~ Y[ d0 a 882'ed Qnd'QX " F,: i t , _i~ (1 :i.' 1`+; - , tended fill 111V1tF14,` 1 it r ,CG rz h,3 '1-IICC.. V. 13.E C L,.~U, 1'ta't,r~S~- t11 t,1}, i r ( 1t',, }'1111) i.C lhn I, I 4 ~I 1~{t 1.01 to the Iioerd to attond thf~ Ghrinorc barbecue ;l ' I ~ rl,~ Ira- i, I, ,ly luncheon At the Cit 1J[nrket Thy ~ , ,Y i; Y ursday, Jovernbar dth nt 1;C0 P I' ~a : eve '.he r7v1,, r,,ad ( .,urn ,~t Hol,levnrd} t'I•(,rl 1 r „7lt , , r,, 1~~ t„r~ I'~=r~>Llu~ lir~oh )11r11way Ei ~ , , ~EI1:dy &t. ,~1if w' Ll't, lNau L1iJOn ;nOttA Oi~ I„I' Gn ;'I'.n F?•r ,7 i, i.(,I: ~"~i• 1'1i:h:. `1'1`V('i}, . ,~h P. rr~quost pf 11r, YBa.da that La ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ! ~l~jl pion 5tudium be uve.ilahla l' ~~t;' through the sur~lmer Ironths at a roasonttb or professional busebrtll practf.c~l games ~ ? 1, ,,1 ~I~ le C}lar'e fOr Ina , + ~ t}~1G1i ;fi(~t':OII fif I~}r. G~1rC~ar''1', St,IC~C;l1(Ll:;~ },V .r;r, ~~;I? ~t'1"'1i, ',~'li ,,,(';'~i ~ ~ ~~1,, ( , nr-rl {(il (ttl.ttJ,,l~4 !i t~~~lE lrr ~ lntenal.Ce Of ~hU hold, Plat, l1I,OrI I~10t10P Dl + rr I' •trl ~ , ?p,tl Gar~.nar, secnndnd ti 1'~r. Go111~a a r~r , , y J1 n, granted, ~0 ~l ~t.~.r u, ,,.r.1`.;..., J;1 :?I'[18r (r ~.}Ir t.i11~r~~, i'iU' "pi S',12r. _ i ~...;.'~r'1'-n,l ,..I ti.Itl r.~,lllt.llll~ ~IU'if?I~iI IY}.t.l'?f1, li~ r p~1f-j chur~;,,l rlit}' murder, (Jctober Tf=1'<~,l I~i~;';, .',~,e ;r,?'rol•e~d. pj ?rtr, V1uclo alto brcu,;ht up the matter of refu . nd of taxos pal,i by I`r',P.;'e;c}l[lu un tho }l1; plu't of lot in 61ock ~~267, Tnasmuch as this matter ~31 tntc^~~en`, wa, rr,u;y~}ved `'1n "'t..t~ ,;l••' ? P r, n: ' 1 irltr r , ( ~ ~,1 } nlfa ( ll ~1 ,Ill.,,; l,'.1~ ?'"~dr;rAl ,all~~ ~ ~7 a was handlod at a ,joint rncetiug oC the laty and ,;Hunt r,Au ust ~r;; th, 1945 on a mnti011 IIIFtCi@ b Ia}• y ~ rJwStb X11 ~ 'r I " y 1, .lad©, nD furthdr KlrY,10i1 WAG takntl, 1 n4.,, w,re GOr1t t0 Mlle LJISnt,V fOr (;)~7 AI•t '1.~;,. ;--.nPr+, ~ ~ lr},.11,in1'~t l;)111~11'rrti, A11~1 A~iPI1111Ftr,1t;1~,1; ~'.~l :'cr ,}lc~ Month q?' Or,~:oLrr, A col,mlunicat;ion was rF)ceivod f'rcm t:he Coullt , y Audii;or advising the amount an deposit In e,ch ban}; as of 5e tember 0th 1 1 rq ^q-'rr r = , ~ a p , ~ ~5 tU .t.hOr H me ndum Of :U(:Ur.itl i.,. 1'J71, `F 'r"!. rC14 t„r3 Illi,,r. ~I~l:. l.r,, ~~.r1;i 'l'1" ,{~:17 ,.l p~,l nit 1 II~ f;l I~,, ' 6 ith a rmra os hell . rec., iv ~ . ~ , , ~ 1 1 i , 1 rh d b'd li; :L'1 eaC}'~ CAfe, i f ~ ' h:1d tr I';)r r.,011L'~,' Ift'tl;lll (1 `{ltll] r~~t -~~!,-n.(.. ~"ir' II~',~ ,ia ( . i! .,!1' ilt Ilt~ll1,11 Ci r!!'ti~}i~1 . 1 Rn appl:ication £or lioanse to srl r= 11 her at a location on the Castle Flaynos rood, sevunmilos Crom l~' the Cit 1 in,it5 a.; b,. Y sllbmlttad b~ vt' A - ??.7~ i r ~ a . e 1 •e, ..1. t rl cl ,or, lur li.,n,r,;,q r11JL`~otrr 11 tl; tl~tn,~ i- 11„ 1~ ~1 .~nf ~1•r~r,l L~,~nli~ r,n u~llln~i ~ ~ ils, T,I~,,rlcCuskill, the same~bein - ~ gin dos form Qnij oxociltian and I endorsed by the Sheriff wa Mon ~ ~ I 11,z!„ rlnrl 1 I r~, , 1 r I;',r~ I, ~ , ' 1 :aotaon of hr, t,olclr:A.n , r S90nnCad bf ~'r. Gardndr rallied, ~y 1;.~.1;,f!.r:. E1II ~itlillr'{11~ i\ ~„L 7c-,~~ .1.. ;'a•i ~ li~iril I ~ i. Lnlnn}nn, f ~ , R i, . I q ro oast of the ~ ~ , q Carolina foal t.onsumors Confr,renc©, ~shevllla, IJ C, far a Banat loll e ua' o CG'rlt i)eI' tOn on -0Ur 1 ~ t'.a'18 ~f t Q 1 t0 On P,~i;l `!t r 1' a = + , ,J + • , r 9 ~t t10n 0,. 6011 1'. ~~~I.3 i'Ur r;r~ , i r'r r' . ~ 1 ~ Il•: .1~r ~.c ~ ''i ;1"r• ~ ~ r i'.~ } H ~'n I, , ' ~ 1, Or a i.11111illtlr0. Ot yy1~j'QQ I; , f, r? ~1 :r e^ C it} t' ~ r!' ~ n r'N1• in(J11, ~1'I~~ ;P . , to flid t}lFSjfl irl i., D .)r S4Cl1ti0n ; n.~. ~ , , Of a OOri11J10illt On oae.1 fr91 tit Tflt , i-.,.el :~,,~t;t r 1, I ,rl { 1 ~ , is ` , ~ , 1 ('.1 J1' Carcllznt'a .S 1KCn rlU(lL HI,.. 1CL i'1 ;t, „•,r.„ . fi„}' L1. 11,.111;111.,111 fllitl 1-i1'", i.Iv11111"ill. r i g es of ore the Intorstute t,ornmarce t.olrunir,ean, in au ofl'art to ,ecuro ' ~I lower frPi~;ht rate5 fortheCttrollnn.s, VlaS U)On P10t 1T1 Of 'a rCSpeCt1VD).y, t}"l $aIPie t,!?iIlr 1n la'~f'~ I~vi'l~, 1"l~i r` ~ i ,]C i.il' J 1 1 l., - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ hr' .11 'I`}.,11~ Hr),~„ ~~I~ X11 P.1S~t.1(111. a >Ardn:er, secondac. h' ' I n}cen lII1dOr COn6idO r9ti0n, un('. fA CU7S1i ttGe }ln aJ101rlteC. r 1,}1', Gf ._~r:fin, t „r, ^'r ~i rr,r I1 ' to 1 )ak into ~t}te rAtlttor. ~ seco.l.~d '"r. U(')'I"l~ln,~, }~r•nnLr~d, ( { ' ~ , I)pUII ifl0t;i011 of '3', T:•aCk L'0(;Onl',FllI }rv 1,I ' _ ~ re~',,S"t ri ^ 1 r , ' ,~r r ' r , •.I,'IR i v it Ili ~ r,r~ ~ i. l,`,!f,1~,1 `I'i~r~, ,".I,~fi3bl`!,}~. c.IUF ull. ~I,,I r. Lolarurl.n, :.1ely L'atharlne Abh(1tt, was ml :•r;corirl:lnc!etinn oP .•r. ~r' " I'cr c li a 1,1'Ir~' .1.11; .hrl Supt,, of ?'11h11o ,lclfare, ndlaitt(~,d to t;ho o' ntv i[omo as un i.lzna r if 151 Brc~;;cu'ocd, `hut lvr;s Dv~)rtu;~krri nt } ~ ~ '~'n,n - ~,r~ ~ 1=:'.i ,1~.I1,1?r~~nn1, P!r1~,~ 1';`11, i'-)li'• . t3. , Wad U1) I'Ot1uL Cf °~r. ir'!iri, U(10(.1r1!IAr) 1, i~,. i ~ ~ ~ :r „ f11t_f~, ,il• oc:l _ j; ~ , t'll, ~ 1111- .}~.rli iill; It I ~ ~ t1 . ' )U11 C 0 CU?li I I 1 tlnrl Gf hI•, ~l•ft.lk, 5Ei 'C; b' i~ ~ .~PFi}lOr l an! re (irt „F• tic, ~i i 1, ~ilir~ in',~ ,h ti . ,lr, Col awful, fJ.C r o. ~ ~=r~ rr. P ry r. t,c~ Dare, 1 ~ I; . abatr;'rnont of trues on a v".r1u~l.t til r J I cI I (1 d P.;.l ~.s l,_(., granted inn of ;r.1~.00 on r~~di.o hlor,~hr. ~ d ab ~ zc ,,ofri'^errrtor earl PII+s?1~inr• r,_.chine listo ~ ; ovo t; oir rrllue for tho ear lcd('~ " !t 1~)ttor rtl, ~ --n ~1,~, ' rl. y .J, Y! r`;^,e1V(1~. ('pf)if, iii. ~I(~~Iili ri'. _ , I•,:>~,~ i~1 ~~l,lli!p'>1'n!,• ;~l'Iii,jr I L~ i `}I6 0' ~,i~ ra ti nil ~ ~ ' r„i" , n. ~r` .r r' '.1;' ,~5t)o.l;r.1 '.t `~.r `"•h 'itl ~Ii 1111, i,. lili ~ ~ 1 ~ IY' `t ~ilir? .11n1 n,,7 sr• 1_ ? Fi r@.1.lOSt Of I. Ili • = 1 / Ur' ~ °n m• i - i r r. c„ ~ti Oi h...~i17,ZCr~~ ~Or a ('O(,lICt10n OP v}10 aS,^l>,;itl8tit On }lUL1S0 fit 1~0(.U1:OkU lil.l H I''H&1' t0'7R15}il(1, ~ uU~ .C!?, .n "ln:'I;rr.l"•, ~~"f'~.~',~ rte ~ ~ ~ _'~,-'~'~I ~ 1, ,,x`11;;? nl(,I{i~l•,I ,•ral~a) tell; l,, waS 1 , ~ / , , , p 1 fi\ i rcforrr.(; to t`r, Col(3me.n for investil;at.ioll and wjt}1 howor to I(~t. sue°`~`•nr~`" •'~r ~j~. Pers. J. T, ',ril;k - IS appoarod to noniplajn of tF,r I'luodori cotuiitlorl afthc~ pone. orr 1>er land 11eo.r Gee.6nto, 1rn r,) t-, ~ l 1 , ' and bad c • t ~ I,.,~.,~ ,r~~ i. .t ~ f 1.~, i e ~ ~ i ou}ltion:of t.1r, ;}sort dirt roa(1 on t f~ 1 '•oad~'1~a, r~ ,1 , l .}l t3 I!';iti 0. ,~f?r .R $ h n )i~l~f; ql,~~~ f^IS+... ~ ~ ~ ! ,1 n 1~, ~ y,",. ~~~r1,~ p n es, w i.ch leas u11a motion of Idr. Trask, seconded b Ihr. L'aloman r f Y e awed to the state Highway rc Yublic ilorks~ Co;fUnssi:on with rA9ue~t that thn r,ulvorts undor th t1r. ~ , , , f i0 l g}14JaY ~anli aid o};r~,, d 1 ~ t Gardnor r9!~~1, , ru^, r.rl r7 r! 1~r,P } n . li r I , ~ { ~ ,.,r., ,r, r r,t , 1 , Ot ..aI' r,.},ht-of-Ydfly b63 lDlll8r4dta ro~ioVa t}18 COI'u',lt.~On ~In }'Y~~ ~q~ll, ~r•'.' } 1'.'. lVii,t.~l~t }1q r'r~t'rp}.><~t,~l j ~ Its nnlch ns possible. anonV, o,r, + r„ 4, , + J'9 41~ .a,vl~~7; r1 ,'~,r, r.i, r~n~'n• i11~. 11,u I',~~ .1~ ~ ~ . ,1,••,, ;'c It i1,i, .IU,~iI t, }In,n, rm o. i . ' ~ = r ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ , n , I..C;,. ,.r „I,, li il,.l 1 l ~ ` 1~ e ~inll "i,!'nn, , ~tjl V13.1,litlrn ~pBTICOr CO1 '1Cti1'16(I U}' {;}It' irk 1 ~,i IJ CD+3r$t c, ~ ~ t ' j .Or1'a,ie.. USSfiB~):9dllri r~)Il })u]L~iings in blOCks lt,l} f111d lYft3 rdf01'I.tt ian, 4~1fi:°9.•",, .4, .11!? r~ll+.igl"~ )~~~1~. I}nr,j,,.., ~ i,,, t~ i';,.~ ,~ntll'~I' 11r1F I:rt~r.,i. I, Plll':illi'R,:n i.~i 1,.. t 113 I 1. a 1 ( Corunitt~n w.iLn 1ow~,r to act, ~h A.r~ Irv ~u~;~ ~ v~ D~. :~7 l1fI~A 'Y.(' _F n'~L.I~ , I', 11 ~ ~ ,.,l,yl. ~1„ r,.};,-+ ?lu',,111'11t1111~. P,tlr} I .l~,,i R 1.,0~ .bit .,fir, :l'r o,rr r1.. ii'n~r Diu l lien ~i 1,. ,'r Sr ~ ,i d.. ~..i 1 1 ' Y. ,1~,. f 1~],St,F1,t,rnrllil~ u.l~ 1Va;''' ,a request nl' P,irs, '='~.1~,; ;ur:lin • t=n ~ 1 r ~ ~ I 1~"1^.t5 1,. 1~,: ~ La't~a f, Iq Col;nt~~ ir.e,t:.ll )i e in t;he elite = ~ the i;harlel nt Kure l3eac11, rrE.c,y a ion nlutinn of 11r. i; r, ,1 P 1.:~ I'I (,nt ~P r } k I RI dllflt 1 1. c.rl U~, t0 file (;IlEI l;l~lEltl 0.U tl L'U:~L'littr1(1 irk Ullf3, tit a~'• Y'1"(" A"t'FI?ii 1~'r'~ 1. fll ~ aS5 t 1C0 U';11 }l E1 ^1V(+!', 1l?1d Y11f}I ) Y; r• 'x;10.1 C.c'`~, !t>~~ 6 ~ lalfr to n,t. -.~r ~,~,t,~,l 1, 11. 1''c 1?~I "~~-rs,'1 , ~P 1. ~;I ra,1r~~,;~ , ~ r•,• .1,1•,l 111,' .~'i qj,n Tcnl iliir c~,~ ,L. . 1, 1r. ':7, ^,m 1.'111'1?? 1;1 - Lir. Golerlan hroulrht to thcl ~ttEttrti n } ~ n, 1 h t "°ccu~ n~.':'-, ~ 1~'` ' 0 t la matter 0. hardSurff>,Cin ' t}'!' rtr i i ~ U 1C11 i;.~El . _ ~ .1%~ ~ ~ / ~Ir; ~ - 6 i~iuUo, 1{Dad ?loll ~i w) I ' ' llrna in 11evr uf(novar and Uandar Counti'es'for d ~ 1,'~ evolapmflnt tend shortRn `lyd d'stnnr,e of trf,vel :~®tween lr~~I lYilmingtorl earl the t:uor~)s nrNS~ ~ z ":1e n°.a r 1 I + , k t,arrze- At,~ ~ ~ :.Stain 4-~,.. 1n ,On Dr3 n l,~lc Lr~ 'l gllr f, I;I~~ t i. ~ o v10r1;-aF ~8nd®~ ~iOUli~r, a11d L10VUCt t}lal, tho' 1 ',`.:.~~,~,~d, II ~ ~ ' r1•} lr+~._. 11'~, f'tl' tl(11 t}011!'~ . Iili;hlYa,~ wad 1'ub]ir, 1(orns l,on 1 ~ o1sr~ f i;{,' :TAISB'..Otl tj1V8 b,l,a I?lRltBriNVDra1)le ~ A:11 ...~:E : ~~'19i`,' nn_1 i., _ } that Pander C 111 r3 conuzderutlon as ft pa,-;_;•,•n, pro,jeoc 1' ~ ~ ' } o tt^r b no~1~r~ , ~ I~ el 1,~~~ 1, t~. ,1 r~ 1"13 ll a„ . v `'(;1 znll ,'.)I• pt; ~ q ast~d to join u in an clLlor'h to t}ln by • .~,r 1.,, ,.1„ , ~ l..„- } t and, 1~i9 IaOti.On 1'laS FUC071(i P,d • ~ ~l t::?e;'r, Y. i r:~vl l~,m ~ r I!: Irr. ~aYd!li9r wall CEIr'rlod aDi;C~~ , , . ~ -U 't' 1 1 C„ 3 ; I 11 I } ' ~ ~ ~ .r., ..Hen o,. ~ I '1 ,i. 'iI 1"^( rt,~ =.•i- f`r7,. '1-11 ~ 4 F~ i .b:. ,'.J` ','1"i a`, r.-~ r err ~1. ~ - 1 'ii1;1t° l~,n rrrln i~, ,1 n j r ,kl ll a „ t~l1c= ~;orl:l,tt to<l rc ,art 1 t a; ~ nhnrEe~ .r,;'. ~ ~ _ 1 , 1,,, } n 1 .hc ar invr~r, ti ^Ation of t:he (lut~.'~de v~orh ally ~ eo., „~e; (~1,,r r ~ r^^ ~ ~ , T~,r. ,r. for miscellnneour; sorvices randerel'. lr~ R n' , 1 ~ the ..uroau of Idc;nti~ loadsion, to ellahle the (,ity xnd Caunl",? ! 11?;- estnhl i~sh n prol=rlr system of oprr,ltion, is ' i Upon oration oi' 1.4r. Gardxlor, sor,onfiurl by i.r. Cnlnr,~nn •1 + ` ,1 , I ~~11 ~ , r the ~Joard aui.-lorizr)d „11e: nr~) )nrat~o'~. o, sr L 1-~ ras;o]11„zo,l to rogues } t the l,'vil Aororlaut~ics } .nrl; f,c tl.lke ir~a:,ed tllto fleton on the annliaataon of 'j' , I'Pu t ~olln 1 fir l,inc~s t 0 c - a• on E l r1 it + o ~o f,,,aillish Early air lino sorvioe far Ih ~ ,ul't At NL1tIt}louthn} , i~ ~c,r~.^I r 1 I Fte1~l. Y ' , 4 / ' The mee~int; thl~)n ad~~ourned, Clork, - ~ JJ, ryJ~~ }.r' n 1~r~ _ - , / f Y ~ r _ ~u~. , , ,r, , a ~ ,~s ~r i ' ~.1i ' frJ ~ ]deatln~ n° }Iovembnr •til l G t 5 1 cont i~p~ ; 9 F~, _nue;l. 9ri:,; ; ~i _ ~ 7;' '~}illain~tort, 1!. C,, ifo'~at l)flr 1,r i.'n ~'r~ ~L~ s" J 1):F~. .4 report a£ ~t;he Gralld Jur y, October Torre, wfis rer,friv©rt and notarl tVlth refcrrnr,© to the IrtA~t ~tity ru;uls~r lvo+)rl, mcutlnr' of ';h~! Hoard era, hnlr"", fit l(~•(';(Y ~ ronstruating a new enunty home huilrlin was discussed and ter o 1 G. ,a. ' ~ zt vras agroed, as nrnvioun + ~ ifB ndt et o . ortune Y Pp to hulld. 1dI•, Gardnar stat©d that mo. lat tho t h the st of the trouble eoulrl bn ime n q~ y proper mana~emnnt, by plar,irlg the CotlntY Hcm© and Colutt;~ Farm ta1;ol1 oars of I'rr;sar,t; hd,.i.,on I}cxloi:r, Lhuit~!tn, Gco. W, Tlh:,k, Jas. 1,i, Hr,l.r, H. 1t, Gr(rdltor ~,~n~i Coun1,' 9'i thA met, 3 nrlor se , r,^,t,z'~~icn }sa1lo.;nv. ~ } ; ~or was rtlferrerl to the Cnu 1 1 flT•atr! supervi rttr,rnri• . It n.,J tOroo Cor~.it~tt,o to c aloe a 6 1 )olt into an~~l rr3por,. })FCeir to t};r r nd 'f~ I Joard, °r~(~r T}:~ Chairman su~~neted tho build r d^ TI1H p1lnUtfifl OI' h.E)s't!r,t~ 01' IIGVEJIIt});; ~ ~ ~ ~lr), r r~Jrall r,prl F: )pr ~ + i ~ n, I>, In ~ of a socand a r 1 ,th l i. rre N 6 mp loa_.ng ou,, oP the Court iIo r, o~n(, r,.cor,,,td, x~ir' at sufi'iciont dlstanr+y from the ro.~ont nna ~ usa parking lot 19~~ visibilit of redost p 1nlnJalr.o th© pro:;ent ho.zard by providin'~ b ~ ~;oI1 ai" ~`.r. HrAI? rccoltd~„ m ~ Y p er>.nr approachin° tho drirrslv~~, ~ e.l.or flpur r,nt ~ :,r. .rr+r,.,, .i, n• Saranl~.r,c rL r~ N 6 .c J n,,niP~~1J~1r 1~~.~1J., vlas ~''~i•r.1;~1i1 A.I' 111Airr•,C.r i~, ~ ) ~ .r(l..t, )1 iMArl. 0~ Elf~B I. i r,• ~ .1 G1 17C) ~.l tt'i.Y,tl17 'r,! r(;('('i. Ti r~rrOr ;~Gr l;},) I/9br i l " ail 'I'l10 me6t111 t119n ad l ' 'f , iilron rlo+~,irn. o '.t t, (ci;;ino,i'. ,,,r• 1',+A:i Ge ~ ,h, , 'J o ,hcrri.s, trf~,.~ (;r~tr~.tr,r, t;n rtnr.tNlpent oh 1'?~~l i; ~rs.~, G~7,'C,~`~?~r~ + O!S OIl V(~ZU4,tJ.0'.l U~i' ~ ,~~.(J,7 IA,~~ullrll n 1,~~ ( rs ~ ~ -i. ~r;, Z~ ,RX iJ 0. ~rc,,~7~~~~(J 5t...,,<,S51T?n~.. U11 i1o+19e .t I1 1,100 't+~' ~ P~' r . ~ k r..~ut,e.l to Clark. ~l?,%,0,00 !'or ?he u a i1 cif ~rir t:hn 1 n x, l,nr,lrs etert, v,'r:ctten up. , j i~ } !7i1 I '.)1, iUl. ,aI' llar:~Iilfi', Jh;CiQT:,, 9.1 1•. ,i~tA~Fy ~h:1 rlt%}:;i~tnr:.nf~ i)rn?(1 °i ',laa A),1o1T (1 n + i yy,f, n ..x~rr. f7~~ ihlriil~~'r, ~ C.I+:~rd _r `Cr 4~r,.1,'.lr' Sn71?G Oi' r1,,,r,;,tp" ,"Oi"diSClYtftl'"r~d~11~''t ~rn i :r , ' . linvcntiFrr 1 ";+1~ 1,;1 r~rlxns rt I;r.„t'.. :a lirl~ rith ~ T)~t? r'ur ~ rt ii 1) r• :rrrr}~. 49 !i 'f'M1n , r'E;t,1r,r (,r,~i1.1 ~ nr~,' im , ~ ~ ' fti, JcD rt, tr,+', ~ r . 'E ~ .~r;•rr 1f';t!vr; , ~ 1 ~ "lt~.lrrl l;'1 uir 'ft't„L, 'l,r. ! r C~ ,r;'.. ,.t,. ;t•r.;u_n„ i ~ El',,' Pr'',sc ;1' ,.unlt}; 'nt; ' c r 13U, 1 t,YliE, } ,1',fl EIII ~ ^ , i tt t{;,:~C(,: ~.0'". r1iC (~r~:Pf ~L i i..l. , ,.i . _ C, rJLiJ.t,i) i:, C.~r~ r 1 .i a hi:.- ~ , U~l.. r'~, Ir u,l_, a,. i:IL~l L.,r•~)C, 1°~r~R. hl] 1~ - ~ l .n 2.; r ;n;itl,,,ir1l ,.1;rtirt~,, ;rculo~Is. I 1 .I + P, 1 x.1'1(, , a,~~,rsdr'r: ,1!:llc.Ltf, .c: „outtt, ,r.t,~nrrlr;~' ~ _ ~ ` P ,I 1 I ` bred r. l:r. r.' ~q ,+,F~ I' i~ , t ,y ,i. hcr::. Lr , ..,t n, l: + "b~"~ 'I'rk, i i t';;r<'1i~Cl(~ r1IL iI!S,ft.]ili ..I ~ 1 11111t6S 01~ P~.Hr ~.1;'l~ C: ;iUV(117.1.ral. . i ~ ~ ~ ~ ±;7.'C, vpl ~Hi" rn±~i t'j .C, t. Or U„r ~C `i, i ) ~'fJ, r:,.I'f. rC,~r, }~.1,', FtU ;t'i,VU.. z' I o it ~ 1 " r , rFi, .1l fl ~Ollr• ;C)1.: ~TIOx a ..)1' '.f{ti'll' ~,;11~ ~~.n'L';% rl!) ft~ (,~,'„d^ .Ir. ~.•,•r:, ' C!L10r1 nf~ , ' r },~1'. vG"!11,01' ,,i.i,0l,ihiC; lip' i,ir' J ~I n , . ~ ".a•.sk, i~fl ~~1 Ll,Unt,}~ 1. 1f(} I. 1;Clrg r, , 1:.• ~ ri.. ,nl p., .,rte= r !}.~ii hf.,I' ,,:I, 1(101,,., ~1;, .c,hf:'1' I'lLS,i r'FL""r,l'lt;fl !irl~ ~~l€;(t, ~i I 1,... U.IC,._ heir i'll1l:_, i.ll;,y Ctilu 1, t:~t_uin~ r7 ,t~; ~i ,r .i1 ] r. ~l, , , I t ~ t + , ~ ~ tt , ~ + I,S, ~C, },C rr .',;1V'f4 ,.rl,. publically ulinned ,r~i ,nL ~t3LltitY 1LrCt~.':ri0'' 7 F 10I'1;6(1 thFit n i ~r1:". , , ) ;r'G ,,.[!t,ll" „ r ~ t , i" Gtl'.In~ htfq }',t3~~~ri 7F.if1 rY,l t}1E; Ul.~%~' "1;I•Bba; r>,~ f, ';1:'sr ~I'~, _ Q,)Ei111.;t 10 t: 7,").:], H['uoklYl)p~ly '+IlC1 `}IS:t (J1~.00ti0I-: f)i t}liD ;2tTil(' dr<t -1. , r. L'."~ ,,u , .tat ks r' ) P ~ J i s. r• s 1r ; r,_.cr ._n ct ~ It! c•a II icn.rs , , r a11d I fi' ~ . tr,,,rol:r~~c m p t c ~ rrJ 1^G5 ~ 3 r ~,y 11 . + 1- ,t ~ Jt~.. .aFi F~ L11,h 1„T'• ~~a,.th.L;,rf.dn !t~(i 5olth ~ t(?. ~ xa,,.:c'r ~ 1 ~ ids`^i~~.T"4,9 CCf~nti56ibn ~I , ,,o , r r 1, ~ , ~hra ~a.,.d ]..Ci" , . IG., ~r~+~.n~ ~.~)~a.Eib-iY1-~C}I;, U, ~o ~ ~ ~ .,rJ,- i~,~l" ~t ,s'r,~? f!;, 1 ' 1 IT< br _ R 7`i. _t ; ]'(':.i .fin tlntranae Channel , .;i ~ y >m tho .,tl e~'t'rrsseG~l::r'nt: crlnrgr; L'ra° `I`ll-oi s ' l „ ni~I,,,:nzTt(; 4.v~~Cirri9Y, .hCIrf1U'bn L'r , .1; l: t),,,C'r ~intl l}i~ ,ir 1` . ' r ' ~ ~ ~r8.rsk fi0VeC1 a71d 1t V1£tn g 1 r - _t,. ..,'1 „y,l ie'V~C ~ .a etsGnt~erl !;f l ~~d i;}"n~ i'}t i , 4y liy r. 1':all fzTlt, G 1'I'1CC}, r_.. x ~ ~ r1 x .:i I v vC°'':I , , e'COUn~ rr.,CE? "t i.1lE~ ~Jl.~i 1 • + 1 , 1 I:J,".mot F..r,B: !e, + t y P ri.ncfnr,iv+ithou~', 7 ~ I ant,i,r^S~ 1T1.`iett.4@rtl tl" tart-r' . .UW I, ui'' i.~.irf3 a,d r.he }~i~'a7El • n., . }31 ~h,, ,,.i, nncl cn~lcel illy, T ln.~'r©~t FlCOlllf.ll~ G11 JO~;'In(.~ f,lylrlilt~tj,VEj~.i '.'•XCi!r~' I~.rr {~GIC',*A., r,~.~ tho ~'ul_ ~ J .n I. rrci ~ra~ed nn, 1'I:el n _ 1 1 autourrt o. nri~lc ~~Ln, nett in~rerost should be ~1f r1, rcl:~,),•t: of the I1~(lies '(~rtt I;r,urs f ~ ~ ; f'or )r. ,obilr urns rrcci vt~d f(r.(. t'a.~od, ~,Eo-.~ . . 1 rig' l~'d.~U .S t71;8i1t oP t}'1.j vfJ -tfl7: h)S Orl i:llt% 7rC))( t ~ ~ .~1..~ r 'vI LI,'a 1. ,_i:'i r !t E i~ , ~ i I ~ )r ,~I O1' ~hfl }l~, i I',, Oh 1..11E'.r~J'pV~J ~~UI' F, ~'r;Etl'., I ~ , r ~ . a. f~': ,('n., . :,t) j'~ 1J4~ altlU.D178, 1'. E, f; , lrm ~li)t'1Qn Ole 1Rr, )~Gb 1' . ]y~l .u "l".Ill, 1:E ~1 ~ 'tl^'~ :'~~I.,^ i _ ,Ril` f~ ;I , 1 CL i 1EtIL rf,. FJI'rHr: t0 I:IlU '.'r'~7,Ii11, ~i, ~ 1' i , 1 . `C 'i ',;ft'.+ ^ oo f'or irtv(~;;}.i ~f,+:;on fins _ <•a , ( ~ ~ W1t}1 ;10Wi,1: ff,, Cl.(_I;e A ",~L,, .:.,i: _ ~ (a.,'+' i<`i'.,," i'. ~ , r. Etf.Y~.. ~t ,.I ;,r; t + ~6 1,C10: ~r.L. . ~pi SCI . . (ip0? il~otlon llf f,(1 . (,UlOr~7aT'i SbU0111~bCI 1l `(r A } i ~l' ,.G(i~l''.. `r.r, ",~!i ! r "i~ - ` i .1 h , tlEt I)jJ tQ;(,):. Oh(11'(;IR1 f;n 11,11 01, r' q' l;Il r f• 1 '.GL .~P+1, ,i .hUll.l ) C,rGS Of lflnd, fafi.lSra I't?f•,I tUY'?llri}i1I7, P!'~;r Uj)or, rOCCI('t)Ililrli~fll;lGtt 0" t}IC+ 'Ot! 1' Lit ~ _ Tl ,V ...,rl'tUr 1 n ;~~;p ort.nl...rl rencF.~lod ,or }l1'if' r'a ;oI1 1.}1!; ;l;.rlle S°6.5 _IlU11I;1)"!1 1.I7 t ftCrt, , •r t ~ , :'Ci C`;lil r .r` ° '...t. ~ ~ i ~ , ~ ~J~ uT 1r,IU'. },ul.~harNrl ~)~r ,!.I!.i,ol'~~1n tha i~(t ~ ~ ~,i, ~n~ ,,,,f,,.. 1'r•or1 aorel ianc. Htlrlk, 1~5Ct?ri^1iNI° (ittl ~C)~''7 r f' 7' r ~ r 1 i - . J. °r,. i a O:V'' ~ "r, it „'.C, 'f:".~ H ' ili ~ w _ , • L~ rta4 fai QU~~1t rr ,c1r r ~ q r, ~ ( n,',F ~ci . } i ~ _ y ? ,1 .l` . r106.rC 1.'~/l' i,}'.0 i,hi't,t: I(101.i;hD ;)BI'.lUC1 ;Iir1111.' .~t ,t61;11ibI' )t' '~~I ~ 1 l _r. U flri(„ t i~ r7 r'. r'! .r t.;: ir''"r''; [ i'. ~C lt~i. ''n 1 , -f~ 1, ~~rnr ~d r~ , P' nI; , ...,dnG,(}iF 8; Gontnt~.I(„ 1 nr.. ; r ; t - .1 A., lYafl r,Ch'.tiF7C(. ..r ,.ll,..., 'v. '.}I~ ~ Q~ppL105J,t~ ,..L'.z`f, __.,r, ..'..~i fi. r,~A~. f,:rl. t ~ rF)})nY~: O1' t,~10 ?tCtlVitlf)S Uh ~~.110 V13t:r4'.S ',r,L'i,CE3 ~~:T1tEr(0 6rEi.tbd At t fl - (,tr1,'~,1i, C1`(,' 1., I:r ,-hv. In {'iG ..'..1. ,1••Or.'.vr.':.I", _..t. 1.1,.E i i r~ 1 ~ h tl11dr1CH21 ~,t1~.on "glf,l', i ~n .r:.~:~ u: . v'. cl,:,r' ~ n'a;, . (,ceivec. and filed. uoaelnr,i;:' .~I' 1)~~,i: . U~)oa it 'cntlo~l lr + Jr~s , 1 11 1 laotiC)n CC ].;r. }?p. ; E3G , ~ ' i1t:'1 ' ~ „ , 11`.:': ~ J:1 C; n , ~ ~~r. !r J1{, t}lt3 li0ArC1'llTibllltitUlLll+r r. ~ _ ,A. ~.5, ,la 1, .h.~'h0T1£1~, a;"C,al. of thri Hoard o~f Alrl.erm~.)n ni' t}°,~r Tol~rrt oi' ''r ,31 cnfturcod r~ male;, ,1 ~l:c ,,rc. '~~er ~.frrts , _ t.r1i'h1,5~._lL' H©ac}I t0 1 ~ , I: i71'~.:, ,OC~,.1',., r;"•, ...L ;.r...;, v.~.}1GY`PAlr.-.~..,..)11;:~1Gr ..,...,1<'L. r; h Ct ~t, ~eourf; .OT1(jl'(7Si;iprltl. NC..{0I1 ~0 ^11t r _ ' let, ('I 0 ~,l;fl .,UVCirlllllf)n~5 101)OSP.] ~ aC t i0?:, ..t,1'1 r.CU ,CII!u.' (~„ti ~ ~r ~ A ..i,` I,, 1 p 0 ,gUlrt+ :`.l ritC Ctrli} Psi;r;J1iS}1 a CCE~Gr (~l.lar(1 :,L.+,1;10!1 Gil h,},il t' ~ ~ , _ ~ • C , C,,(t,lt, J..,.JiCI', , 1:,..Cbnver.,8, south©rn un~.l of Wri;htsvillo 13eacli. ' i 1 , ial ~,,H,. ....,ii;,, rL•.11. ,,.,.1¢ i, IP, ...~,L. C'1(. ,,.GL.,, G•...,~0;1C~/, ,,.I~.ti~",_~, u.,i.l(~e,~. .,....r'.lll"~ .,.1.(1! ilF1:? ~1•y1Il :UL:I'k uICC, , ! 1`11'• )J,~~„~Un(!B ~l~r ~I196t7tLIt ;,t 1H ~ ~+.1.` .GF1r1 ,C.,'"lr'^ „U}' `H r ?f:U_ J. pT'OCtGl' iiI'P.1? ~ ~ , J rt t~ rY}10 was _I1dU~t(lll lei. t ( ~ ,r L, l;f! I 1...., , ,U7 ,.~',:(1: i 0 }lE) ~el'V] ~b }U Vrsr111r1]' J~)1 Rea„ ~ t ' 115' ~ y ~c 4;1, ~ u1t . motion of ~ t •i:.Glr, ~ y liir• ~OldLlan~ S(iOUn(19C1 U 1a(I' 'lrr.F 1' n ~ v, ~(,rl,]_,.Ilt:, r, L''1 Q. 1JR';.,, 1, ..ll.:, J.~~~ h I.~'JY'1, ,~i:, .1 ,~>'(11C:f,r• Q • h ~ ,r Y, k, ~;r~.n ~rrd Cl. r -fund of the 1~)1~,~I po? l taxE~,s 1,f.id • ` c,to.er 30Th, lyre, rocr,a,t 1.0, 2;i~.Q, rcrld 1',~.s ahn.ted tho 1Q~c~ t~lxns cn va Ici } Tuft ~~~tnl! Ul :r'~i)`)r~~ ',i,; I CIIl Ll.U XlI1.OJ_le And roil taXti;l, 1'Ur ',litd rPasoll }la; 153;1 s'!;ationed .lIt ('rf3pr'lR JBItl1ftl". 1;; 1i l'~1 and ~C('~ f. ~ ~ , a~ - ~i }tar, thr~ automobile ,v'._th ltim, , , 1; . , , . i I1 n' rl .'1:; ~ ,n :')r i~,,lr' ~i r' F'' ^ 1 ~ ry i , • 1.'ta). ,l" d, YI ~I 1 , , .,li l .dS,: , 1;....hf.t,t~, _ 1BIl Jri., SGII s (10'.1 Ii;Ot.lOa q;' ICr. '1'1'A3k S(;00,'t(1Pd ~ 1,. •li: _'1„~L, J,:~~?1'1:1::011 ~ „G ,(';a •UI:VI' n'.1_i".tI ~ .:l.11~a1I' ,~Oi,•"'i 'fl::'1.l:.III 1• . 5 „rr. hn.]1 t,c; ~t lU.;'0 a' t 'h ~.1.~rr,e..Urd ~ ll'Cha°'t , aSC~,.Sln"L OIl }IOUi(3 .ill 1'1UCk 1~`,l, l.`.,+~ '.OI'1}i° L, , ..i ,a r. 'J~'., ^l~„ "'r + r Ii.A n ~ ~o.~~ .t,";~'r. ' p I .,t .lixts from ~ ~ i. 1; 11.r.," 1 r. ~ i Y ,FIlC 01'501! ,?;i r~l,r L, E1~~ ~ ~ i i:i.'.1, 1:. 1 ~ F~ , ~ r and cUndr~ ~~n t' t. ~ , ~ r, {:d 1~' I10 C1ty Ur1.01' U r •'i ( r .I,J. S r,. .Il~"},G ~~r tI1~Inr~+ 1~i41, and rr;novc~ri i,;f:rc}t 1 err;! 'c,' + , ~ - ~ ~ , ~'k•, I C,l1Cdd „0 ~ lU0 (JO a 'n r , rl }?r`r r.. h:C't ,,.h•U(,~;" }i„~l•;'U1I~,1i3:.i(3 ~ .1J•if Oit"h - . rtlll: (i'1 1 1I1 ] . , I! r:.,l,E. ~ ( ;'t," ~ IC. + `i r , ~rI .1, , r;~ } , ' ~ n n,..l,nnt of to„es or. e _ ' ~1 Vr11ll~.t10r1 Oh ~~r)lO0 ~Q ~'BRI' la)-> Y7Fx5 ~N ~ ,...rCl~bl."_u., ,ril.~.`,Pr:`r_11:;GC RI'C L. of 1.1d„ :~.(~RI't Ii i , uCSC i. r'ID i, ~ , - , l.l,b, `ll + i' ),i . 1).CV. , !,('lf'~tbr~ 1 d~, ,~r i 1 ,f. P . I'01' ,e. C ~ 1'r1Ci(1 " C „ ~ . 1.(7JL•, 1~~. Vfrl.,,.C'1:, ll.1h.F'i"il:~'1~1.G::1, .•u~.:''(lIl, ~r,:..:'tlrl 1. 1 ,,.IlrJdhl7st,I1, {'s~ia~til'~`•;,',I:1hBr~ 1_UI'harll i' I ldcl nU'tiCt;U?i l7f r 1,•'i. il' 1 l~r i^ to , p i 1 i ~ ,j s pro inrlicat~l h'? the hoard f u + _ , ,t •.I~.Jro~3 fi.1d a ~~r , .R, G1. su•(rI i~i:til,, .~;~;rrnal. L. ~~1-u tlr . ~y OI' n GA ,0rlr ~-011 0. t1l~i {;I F' ~ r x,10 ~ LE i , , la . i ..1<: 1, „f!.,J'y a",': i5 , % n icI ,1, 1•sc~,,,rta•tc,;I,n .)T ' f _ , Gt: ,^•,'.~~..utt:'~t,, ~..1'n111E: Carr. ~ hi~hwi~Y brit?t;et nrld ~he const;ructi,on u; n torl )t)rt>r~ hrid~ ar, r t~' a, _ r` J l,e rocs .3r'unsvric4. ,;lust, h,~ ~nr; ;,irate }.l(;hwu,, I:, .,lie 1,orks (,'OLa'1]CJ10Tl in f,,c.;ardtlner; er'tn r' near 1 .CtEI";I' Cl )'y "V i.' 1 lrf~~t'..ar I~~,' tar , Iin i ~ i r r t ] ur_ ,ho ,.1st,I , G ~"I r , 1.1.' „F ',I~i111 i,t~rt F~I o,rrlo.l• ~ ~3 , to wirlo~t ~.he ~a~.d tlighwa.y br~(i~;o. ,I S 'I I'~'; I~',1 1~'; Hon rot~ort nP i,,r, III.I, ann(,IU'.ar} 't'~ :[desk tonni; }=I' r-'~ )t• p~a9@s'''1"' i ia'~.. Ci i sub 'e Y , y i ~ . 1„ I(u>., lOE3(1 to 111» '„'err! a1, ,I o•red i t . Jot to approv~.l by thA i;ouni;y ~.ud 'tol . ~r?,,ti,n, , ;;(v,r~''f . . +1;, - ~`''i ":'he ntotitin" ±hol t ~ III; c, I ad~outn©d. ~ 1;111 i,,r IIi`i ~ ,,.y~ rk ` ~ i"~~ C .:('i ri _.Il~ ,1. _ ~ ,..,.~1.,... i!`. L. ~ l 1-:P.(~ v, i.. ~ ~ `tC~l< it f~l ;i' p~ i `?1St` ~ f~~I :~I~ ~4.: , _.r ,,,=i'_.. .:.r. I .1.'. c~. 1, a. , r!is , . 1. r. i. • 'I - . ,1,._ ~ . nI , : l', ,1 ~S, L! + 'ii' .'fir.. 7l~ .I 1,, f. ~ r ~ A f„ n . 1 psi I: I I'C' IfJ ~i: C' ~ 1 r '1.. i n , ~ " i;,? ~ r'~',' ~ l , Ic Lr ,,r:; ~ ,,'u , ,c :i(,i~.lrt., ~'.rri ~ ,I,,_;c 'iork; d . t,.l:., a i~ ~ . ~~tt' t ,cr: ~ li 1 ~I' ,..(1 CL., Vt9 i'„ L`", 1,'<,' (I11'. ii 1!)`i~C',~ ~ L, in ~ ~ i ,,,.r, ,'i_l'ti~ ~ i. ~l "~r' , a ~ , • ,r~' .:I, 'ad;: Fj;~~'," ! ll,~, Pi.IC, ~.HI:C U`lr+1' "}10 ~rt1~: ''C`~C ~,~C !U; ;O, ;r1,1D'. C`; ,:I u'~.l• ~ `F, ; ~ it ail ii i~ .y ~t` l~,w F, 9 J, _ P ,r:'. :~9 i`; ~~i ' , ~ I° ,r- -t' ,.,UF;LJ_r.(, .l,v`I,iI,Ci r, .,1 ,i t,i. - .;lis .l~ir;i, ~ L~..z31111~..,, ( i' I@ ^t`e I7., r, ,:I i:il'. ii. li. Q. :,il:.f,r ,l. I } If(1 t: ~°r k. s ( `.C:i1T1„,Ail, '.V"iU ~;IS'. Ct';~,;Il tU'i1',J (cr ~I 'I=.t!litra. r, ]~n(;tln{~ Of .1H.,UfIl)Or J t 1,1~)s CUntiC111U11, rl _ t C;N (,r riz ~,i ~ ' ~ ~ . Jl} „ , ~ f r I r-,. 1 Ill' ,}1I'r~ P, , . ~ju::I',I) 3i ~,r~ac„c;; r ~~rela •lit ~ e yi,rt. . r • , , ~ ~ r.. , ('r(3V1C110 11.,1u1t.~ llll'.! r,tY'E,I'y~,,7 't?; rr,' ;,i;`d'I 1.} ` a? Ilrlr'ir9 1~~ ilpan IibtlOn Of' iC1'. Tr(',;,%, G9~:ont}tad lly l.~,r, r`t7ldmn.n, t,hd I;OtNt,3 ,;,7 "r', i r.-, ~ . a :U yaYu' ly1{), /411(1 ll~ltl L 11. ~ r.,. I r 'lJ,7,'. i.l .1 fNr' ~ ' , ,t , f+n n,~n ,amtlnt 7_' ,.ax3a ora 6~1T11' of t:, s ; n! I,a.~ I,lrrr.ut:al }irolirr:',J 'a;,, r;v ':t~ hrvc3 r1ir;•;(ul ,I valuation of j~?5.U0 f'or t}~,~ yaars 19`,7 thrn)Irh 11~ ~ ~ J u n, ~ t~ , u„ a E 1) on ,ar~, t 1 t o era • • 1 n 11u _ U I i ~r 'i'~~ r t 1.(pl, , h , C,, 1~ s i`LaF~91•'1,L.ts), (ra;Y.+',~, „ . ',r ark, r artli' (r 3, l 1hi~ G. ~ ~ tir.i,, ^;,cunr', hi nsco~ult af' double cht+r e tho ' to + at J ~ ;I : I' ;ti: 1;'i4 fi , t ~l, L` tU}YIiS ~s r J m0 r}3iV.t1}~ hoUri :i!tli( Y,r. 'I(:.,".t.%1 a,,., ~ sri ",~rirG)rlt ~r1 .h - ,a.l.rytl l.t A'I ,r' ,L ,I .r: , i - J - r rl ;:'J•".l;r , X18 UIl 'J,: (I11, ort)nCO L: Vall.O 41~ iL ;If ~Lrl rl,; i.l t 1' }~•f,ll'~',f `L'I ~ _ ' r' !'j ~r-ll f', r ion. 0~}•°~r. .rt,Gi' st9CUI,(,fa(I h~ 'd s (:k ~xrl`l r,hri ~r~ r~,•t 1 nc ~nlon IILa~ , r. Ifa}1 tha_t,H r' ,j ~i},~~~ ~ ° t ~ a ~`i~`ear Tov,'ns}tin r: itU„ , ,rs .an,~i Y Rock 1.i11,'C p in thonaute af-Jas}tuar)rllilaa; nr FJ 'rr,lll+:k>.o;: r,r' ~'~zr; r'~ ,p ` ~ .,,1, Or CI]H ' l%' ra. t 1. i .tk i,ni, o .lur. (')f 1r 'ir 1 Jntlor 1~.';T, Li,I rz.~8 ,ri , - gars 1y2~ t}troul}: ]r j6, >~r8re abut®d on aGGOUnt of t , r, , , r • I,h, .z ot.bl t ~ c;it y a °n ~ , , , Il ~ '7~ l~, • I` s i7t~n, ';~"k•~ i,]l z;har},t., i,tl 1 Z Il~',~i 7 . ~ .:'1 : U.i"). 1rt;erl(In U(~ 1 i,,tal: .fi, t e, ? 7" ~Cr..!IiIGTl~17 { 1, tr.., ~r_~rl:,. .+,,itt f,,, vi1c, lr+,~~n r . . ~-lot Gr aeros of lend lists): and-pai'tl }-y llaatlel Moore: ~ ty :nr1E, ta(t '_YiI",fti;la•' r~. ! t l~,:. 1'HL}tl,;,', 1, f)i ,.,.4.~(ILILI'ii. 7J1t 'S1 t'ft Ct t ir~n , ":n t'l;& (;',1 h d^ r n 5 I ~}1 r 1.,c.,,,.d 3 rE,r,i tha pe,Srl.;ent~ qf. t'rE s'hs ,oilow~.n}; ~ 1 a ar fur.ushittkr andirt.,tF}7,.: n, onor,r tvrobv~ urr .,1 '.ho Ct~:~lrt :'cus': „ ~ ..ta _cErrl~; an liit ~ P 1 r ~ - '~r'~ • I , t;H.•.r, ,lUia 1111. rC. , • , - r Crt , i,P,C - r w, ,t, lu~iu;'i , ,f ' t . P i I .tt, blue,, '~1D' '~t,J y ~Eir 1 I lurcllia ~ ~,.a r, hnrrsx, in aea,)rd1,.I,c(, }tlz e,her plan:: ar?,r1 spaciJ icr~titms re3 cra . b~ ri1' 3 i r , +r t,~ ~ or ~ / 4t, 1 ,,ed I`w.l3rttra 1 p f? J hr t lEti }unoy, , , GAat; . p , ~ phi ;},Uli I?U~;:.Jll Gl S,r.< ~.'s,.;~,k., CU?H1f(} , ~:T 'ri d .5 ;r ~3 ~Js s,t d zs • 1 y 7..t'tHn, dtrc,~_,;nd foT ~ ~ as aovertSs~t., vlere uptlli root' on of l.r, Uarrlnor, soetmdarl by` ~Tr, Cilloraan ' )tal)licall r ~ • f - l~ „no rF~( ,;a+~ t.?'t, , car , ! I?E rr. s . a.ncl read r t,•ri, r,o riE;ht to ~i)a';o i,h( :twt~,~3 usisuionora ~ 4~;~~ srl,ft.ratin" 1-fit- s. ,i't. •at, r E, I t gut I} ' li UTI RG,,ipn~lf l,:r', [iU~;3Y1ari,;cGUr.t,rd ,t ~ , ,5 , , .;l<', W}rG ~ t=1 _virl.Ti r,r- 1 }lalt;rs (tq Ilar l~abtl bailer'aa pE3r altorn(>.te ~ a. r. ,~.a~:lan vrav1 , .r, ~c,U}~~t.(., ~ zt1rlT~tirlKra:tl, . . ~ . ! a,d, , ~ rzd. ,r~ _ . pLl~ /i. 1Ti1i1ilil t 1 r, yl. .,,Yj , - •f ff } 1.I. ~lt(inv.ll , . k' n s a , rrpur u, irllru.f. 1rc,71 :tat`t,}1 ' a a v,i`a}.~Zv(., x c1}tllsr' .,llUi',~~7 ha t}i{: Gtr,; , n }1Cin{7Vlr itrttl_t}la I't;l'JT•Ell i/l)J~.!Tt1T;frizi;~: (..}~i r., <L' r 4„ 61 i61'r',' Ss ' V ~ ~ t ~ r_t r Ilo.r }i.,atovt;r „ ~ ~ i ,ideel . lu;ab,.n~ CctiTprin ``'r : : , GoETn , t 4;, - , ~ s ~r~tr )t U,UCl t}G.(}G y , (a..t the i~stlcrnl Dover; r nrrt~: , and r r v t>~ot,~ Cuiaber-1,9oore „or,.pan;, 7, ji}~.},G~l 1~?C).t ~ +•7 „ ; v,l~.v~rz(;}'{~:..t vJ^t."_~rtrT`r, ~f3lJi).UU T ',ri I i6 _ ft3rrt7ru' _nr; „r } r, hlcy boGn it;ri~ad actx`a ei~;~r c- j rlV1r'.',0!"" l~ar U.0l,1VU ,e, `~P 'f ~ ~,fl° IRrV~•i .~CIiG i~U, ' j~ ' . Jlu., 1It thn }'raT', and 4i "1.17' L iipGit fartl0"' U: iF.", r'9rdnF~i"r S!;S(r . „I'. t'1't• 1 y r I~!;i ,r. t r,r .r-cl:, `rsoHrv vatt~u tIr_Ilur^char,u t,iu, Jl>rlur bailer. ,J.I_I:T~i.~, ':13rC 11U S..iU"~ r~:f t;ho: Ylu.l' ~.,la f'i r r:s I l si'~, _v~d is nu ~ 1,.,:nl;used > ur I1zc}; i.t•r. ~_nin r sz.i i,, i.: r, i r,. ll'tl ,irr.°{ ~l(tt.l,VE%r tiUilrl 1~(} * ~ I).tr23(J,ih.G ~,I.,} jF .i:Jri G. '?r. ~i41U'I,1F.l.; r , i ty r,UGUrU' to 1;:sU ci' tiiG hold fr,r Gvrit,r,r~l(i,l tt7''a' _ _ r (;a-rt.,,trr, thn alte.ictr,t+,r tlid 1'or turni::lt3n}_ rr3~cl in .;t+a111n° , 1( ; ' .pa1': If1Cr" t~ -~Sa., -t,tl" I; 1, i„ ~ b• narcJ•(i:IE v~ M t ,I.r,t, E, r, ; ion. tTS(cf ltr,<iso t r~,. • tw e 1 r P G , 1. tit, „h 1Y?. ,1T' u_1 {;I1f' i}, ~ ~ , .'.b" v 'r r rF J ! ,r r `~k' , an,l' GCr,i i .x,.." r. ' r ` ,(',1 .n aCCO. l4,ITCa 15 ; j~lhn.5 a„ bt,[,{;f t .',4lLtUIIS f'Elt' Glta at(m al' , ! ~ etc[,(,, t3rllt_i;rt,rl;~ ,aa1 rlt,'ur~cr.'ertc I,I I s , p(L 'y br3~r~n(;frii;, ' i`or. ,..Ct'UliCa'(:t!.U'i a!` tttn :'ir,ld- 1 ;`r~. r;; ~ f,+ t,; r, ' .JE:V^,F,, {7Y{ra~"r Ctf' a}:~ lr1r;lil, :"umbirl}' (~t:T1,r;EtTA! }ll:;, RCCt; tad t}!at t', ~ , h~~ f r` J 1. I, ~f?L,L rt It {r_~"'.t l7i(x• ,1,~, hG':'t T'It~';)?,I3;~Ft1a;, in c;rdor tt~ tec:~tre tarn Hb v 1=; ~ ~ G o, , .,,~,.,or, ,L~t,.t,~~,~ i.rt(,ltr,~r; ante Tl r ' tho `saF •rl ' ' r, _ .}t.,,..LU i„ ,::er,},dr^ ~ , , „,)tang GUl u:,x s Ari =r., aJ IiFSV{ ICi ' ,n ~ U, . U ~ . .hl , .+a., s , t r r r : rt r r a 1 ..,G,~~.., ..x_,,.t,,, a, rraa. or. t~.: )t,:r. ,hay .,ho ?tr,,~ru Ia d C k .~L~ TN 'r r. r,. .r. - ai , I. rIaV9C ~,alirttys NC)rii: ,.la"<a~~la, f«T+ },(;I'?~}1V 11v + s ~ Li n i.tb ' f3IId Eirr1(101eE31`t?il t ` i. 's't, t * t +iw FaU~.~;C~t .7'. a,: v . I ,,i' r , ir'~ . r 2 ~...t~ t,l t.' ,<a}l f ~ G. ~;r~-v, rt. ,'r rr rr~ I. Jf,mont ,r z....l I.ha ar. r.: r ~ ,t. {„d.._ i.l ,I=i %(r ;r£, Y,.. f f-ar¢ ( I:.7ri" -k.. C t, s . aJ ,...ln}', . , f<,7it u= C= : u ,*.'t^ttC f'<5r t;}tU H,tti ; •t. L t,.Cra. (ra}r.tI,,.lt,ttt ,Ur'{;t1d :iir"p"b af' ~ .V~t~1y +he aGntlllU,f.(i ,i,-(, r , ' r i t t orasald or' , r , , - is , , . ' ,'•,r , s .:.af t}la.A.i.C"t,. ~ ,,.ic.i.. n ,.N • 1iT ~:,a vd. '.'r, . rr 'r rka .f..2 ' 1 .V3_( )Iu,i Ti;; Sl rJ. .r, _a,U i, h„ .ri:~...tL.,_ +.G IsJ`r=4P. ..:U w;tT<L:L~a.S r, {'7 !'r~ r r t aritl to i:t. r rI 3} I11II7ajr. '+rVXCC.' ~a~l.._5. to .,1a GrtV vr1Tr.G,I isi(tbrn}1G 7, ini ~i~ Fir". t!.G G.. 11t~1Tc(s :.-~5. IU r:CttF':;1 Jr: rikr'F' U'rYrtU„ Tirr~~s rri:`.r. • , i <;r u 3 r,n(l r i rp, a-}t, r i ~ , C . ' t_nl; Orton" ad~t7ur..ou. , ' i Neil:, i mho vuiln*''r tit.;:~,!'r r `3Cirtt; , Y,}IN's, rriF, 4ri.lTlui ~'~,JI. .v. S i , . fi , _ ' ~ ~ r.,4 r": ,.,k vt _ ]+ater , roa. ~f~ 1 J L___._ r rF $~.'I!, rfV '1N~ !a184a" 'T~. I s ~ ~ - ' ii;! - - rtl v.s uti$ ,)Li:y 1 t , ~j. •'~,1.t3~•i:. '.Ib Et L>FOfi r7; S(. l.! 1: t` rt;, ! ,r, t. r t s h % r,, ~ v i ! , i,•.,J., nu r ,r(~I ,1„_ ~ „ rd ~ t,, 41'p Plilri~ni•ton, :f,'.', !"~ccr$,nr ' r , - .,~7, , i'oT: r_I: cou;3clua ~I ThF3 ra};ular• vrt~eiay Inos';ir1t; n1' t}lr; on , l;n~,I lOti)0 il. „ . .:~t,;: 1~ ,~r,~; t'' rt,' t,'_, i.he r ':rns i >tit; I ~ ~~~sl Pre:;ent~,: f_ii(lisan llr)1'r1Ctt ;;liairmBll Goo. 'r'I , 1 r , , , ~li~ , tt , 'Pr, 1,, Jn^. .J. ll~,.l.. ',.~?,~1~~r+.rlnr, I:. J.Cr!~n5.r, ~1;',r; ~ r~ . ~ ..,,.1-' t, ~ ~ i~ Lo1Tnt ~1tt01'nH. ,,J1r.,~Rr' 1,t : - .i ..flL ,i, r'.., 1': J :11arly, ~ . , r~, , , 1., ~,rl ~I'lli tJ-'i E,,. t- ll ',l'C 0~ 1. ill; I ~ ICI " ~ tS ! t ! ~ l.,„- F' 7~.• t i'It (rl' ~ :~i',#: Ila~rv~ ~:(l .,blue ' _-.q !l_ l.~r {;I,F ri'. rt3' n;, ,l'~.n nnnutr+s of r:lcutinb of IlavsntbAr 2Fit;!-,, l~;t~ ;ar~r"r, t` ;p;a ~ a 1 t, , j i` , t'q(,d F.1".G a*tnI•n ,nt nr . . ; 13' l i r ti a,, , . r7.-,'' _ , „c_,~ ann t;.,t~ :1u}~:.ru uc;~ o. ,)r.t,:,c ! '.,itt; lur; t:At'a)r,'~s : tJ I,IU'^ I . „ ,:I'UCl'F:C"nd tt? rr-Cr~r1n17.P.t'Un I1 I ' a .'°r. Y. ..~T7gnClrrr rcGE',I't''r * ,t a-- r~ s , ~r}rtE,C: cte3}7.I'",'4' G1F!t:. G~' Gtlt .(eGt)T'11tr'I" ti{711, '..C: ';I'tl -:t I.,~ ti'?,Ir~` 1.,. ~t)bh(?7. p ~ i tt rc . tt,,t 'r.: a ..l ; . t ~ d: Thu :terL1 Cif' ,}`lU' H' ss pC}S''t:CrT`i (t.nf, Kii.il:irE fit, tiaPC Gwtirr: U; ~tIL rt)G()r`l1t.I.I> L,a'stlr' tlq (7: :iwt "tsl::tr!i , r' lr. } G1 rna f' a t~,e I r rt cf ,}Itl Pelt:rd hay-inl; txllire"; ,.h i:, r3a and 'th':r b. ~ tt"' y 1 n_n tha mdt, uin at Khlt!h + L't!'€° ,:..y~Ce Wa,^ t nr n Y : r t l n~:,r r C11KiTP.lari i t r b p , a, J._ TIItI .~.6I. Gf , . , .,ls~,_. 5(tC:U17t1. tt o,t,1,GIaar I,, k:i,,vE't: alE Ft+ UPwU tst~ • 1 t:~'J _ , ~ ~I~ I r s .a hs' _c laded, t..r. Tr(ESk tjavod hat 1}r, r.dri.~ t, + _ , r , ,ircT he:,Jot,. he re-olecti~ti t,he,lrman, hia ca v~.(• t' B{l11GIi r!U wt,o.,, An~.~tl~,.. i, motion was second~id `bv hr. ' ~:ardner and, hlr. }feel `ei: ~ , , . . , ~ a ~ 1 ~ tr 1, ~rnctn.rtcll~ly .tlrst,i.c,t,- C}calrm(in cf the Heard for e farm c)f, t,ne_ytjar, ~ ,r, . , i ,P . ~~;'.i.: & iC)rmer Tt_.;,dtsn" t;. z~{U+i, Hl UI'L, .,.t' kr?" i 1 t . ,,cori-,n ~ ~ r r,. r~' n, i,UtRi~,` i'fam. fia`t', '3a t,~1, n .,I, ,i, nt ~ ~ ~oa Trio ~,ian ~ ~ ~ ~ :t~,r, , a I:f' `trFi9k ^ r' i,' ~ . „ t, r t, t,l. ; t . G.lr~_,: , . t 1 ~ _ ~ „1 . „rts. 1.1, riall cra.s ra-clectod;-.Vita GhN.1rm^n , :~~rfrt _ •,a, lr. Il,r ca,i . ! of th9 Uoard rlnt3 aathertz~r' t;, -n tar;w ~ r :en~.:; tip # 1' , rrlr.t.s ai t}tc ;;,tr,:~r 6.urlt tar for couttl.~' ~v,T Te~~ it c!;:in cP i igl the (,bsence oh the ,;u(lirrr>7;1, , Ilr. 1,4arsdPn H ' e t il? (liltlf?I~ V!' rr' '1LC1,("(: 1,[,llT'rjt ~l,tUI't19 411(1 m}.Ol",;:; h, 'IU~U' - k' t S~ J !,Illl Ir GN11EtIi1 r r+,:t17 r'!+.? Gill. h. l;iorr: oP '~.ITO }Sc',crd, J II a ~;,.t'1~,.~iollut,', in ~,:,J'`., „ut ~ i;C L'~li, '1 ri~~ll :;UIl!'r.. FzCCt7''~T },'~„t,„vt ,r(,. 1, 'H, ~ °Ut i,llt+ ul'vn'.'lil;rl. `,I s i <<~ aid - ~ ~ C11: IiU.It l1.~ 'H,'L. ,J3ll; F.I,fl. lot ~a'~,;tt'...i1+1~; , ) a..mu r,r~ tn(lt wac :10~. r, ~ o7~r,1-IUm7t,'i, ' ' uu~ i.or„ I)is~' `"hn !'nllovr.a~nr ,;i+rr~ ra-rl~~o~,c~ 1 ~t1 ~~I L o ...,r. r ~ctiv ; !~'I _r r Fo~..~,ilns _'a '~:ho ~--'~~r ,;r.d cl. ,i~trl 3tN};, 1)i;b: I : • d; t a Q „1_- 1LF','h.~ i' "r l.t._LIl!.t :J1, ',C :(71f11.~ ,:I~.,rL~: 1'i:Vr. ,)u L I 'i, ,l.cTt ~ , ~ ' ~ u u,dr. ~tt' at., ,i.1:r~ t :~(~l c~:u,cr:I ; p ~ , Up i;. Gallrit s IIUFtt; B;"!!, ^ 0." '1~ r; , ' n - i,.'j 7.T flip tUFG1i .,`w4 t..iL" ~,l1TIU'~ 7,:,.',, ~~i i,rn, ilea, .j, l;rftIlrl"1 Y$~ ' a~ X11 , „-dtll':IT.i«all; 'llf:' k;IN;?,~,'~r c slot i t ak G ~ r- rnv , ~el,.ete , . , ~i, l ry. ,,.'.Clr1i, ,',t' i'~' t ,t' ~.rn; +,t+fd,t:,~., 11',11,;1' UI ~ l'.'. ~.ft t H...'!}~ltn9 ~ , 7r , 'r t-APP t .rl a~lt~ It 1 li, ra. 4' u: ,.'tr' :t: I :~:tl~ ' y~ Carr: of Co,rrt ,.r h..s , ~ vov~a 3 0,... 'TtmUI i5„ '!eC~Pri '°11• B..S't)I':: "}1$'7 eta, ,LE7 'Yt1 :,1~ r71 r.i; xr^1 ilt'' Ct'.•t .;t~ ,r•'- l.t`°.Guth , 'i. r~.8, Jarrltnl ~iUilrt }}nli,'si?. ",.L` t;, p,l:lt;ll',t:1t1E3 * r 1 , pramn t`.C'h1U.. W(%fi n FlP,(i;tr~tt±•, L`G r=c i,rtt 411 ` GhT' 1' 1 hLn(_.. ~ ],I. tllta,,,: is ltt'~ mo.`.1 V i id- ! ] v }I.C Grirrison, - .ianztol' ~it)'(rt ;;rl}{^R~ -T,I,t@rFJ ~t?tl- L,`2P ".aVPrilTlf,'nY, OY{Ilfl(: Slttl(.. t}lr^. H(It11r}iR~`?)li AI"it1 }t11~Jt)tn';(, h;'Portar t?FV~-, 'srsc' 1 G^~a, ' i~ ,.,stir, I ip Gro.har,1 I{nonce ;~sc'a . f'a'~r;r l~ I. UTT I~ ~ . as ~ _ I 'tl.. fa~.:1. G21 hla ' Fr a ~ t+• t-~ f}i. . - t` :,i i°.. .Ur}. t? NI}' ,r ~ Er3. _.,-,i7 iI , Oi~1t3,,1. ,'uIi C~ t , lT ,e. U. TLL~ t Two bids Po . _ l~ - ~ r the s , zn foliation of boilers `for boat ~ t irtt; tho Court douse Annox and Haalth Canter }+es,~•tc, ,arlnlit~~;? to thei',~ai'nt~;- }{amt; Fit; aIr ~Iilltl~rl» , ( havzn~ been roceivod and the Board born+`advised b _ by ti=lcr ram roc©iuad from J.k.I3a ,yell Com~lany, Durham, N.C., that thoirbid Ylas mailed tat t~ ~ 2nd i rv+ s #°o he 'Chairman,..,, oc1a1 l)elivor Sunda December , P _ ~ y, y o uUrf;mC:I'. was 1"E7Gti4E,:l f'ra1r, thrr .~1,h~t :}r T Hr:` t1t'Ct;"; st'rt i, .ifk ~ t s - ,4 ?i.~.11 ~ tji(t ~l~. p,.it~ i ~"r(1. ~i .~T t:. 1~7 ~r:~~'. < . ;::hit. Gsrdnor movod and it vm 1- I s c~rr~ed that the o on Yn of tho b • the arriva ra,} .t P G ids bt3 Bala ed endini,, n,.r foI° t` n .r; ':1 y P v thf` ma:It:, of i'i.,~ramlltl~ :'i7±° (11t t1 , ,tH*it° ~t i '!tlla r f°(y i . ai the morning maul, and ~raooed'watll the ro~>tl(+r b" ' ; 3 b uslness of the'County~ „am~n~(:tre.u'~in tit , s f' #r~ j On racomrnendation of the C Ha11, ~ aunty Auditor, ,the Hoard, 1,1 on motion of iir. c,ardner sdeonded b,Y Nx, I I~h t , t;`0 rE1;rU, Of ttt~ aGtiavi`le} a?' 1}t{I nrtlc)r€,rt 1Sainr. gnT~?nYt:i`1. ~ .ct'i Af brit: f'ti, 1rPrl'?aa" ,)r , :rl I. , (tdapted tho 'verat;e dash valuo of `mo or v 'r ditioa o~ . o liclE3s shatm in the Itovamherlst 1 1~ .Rod C3aak e _ I ~ ' 9 5 ehicles, f,i Idataanal Used Car Market RQport, Qs the oi'fiaiea valuos far t} ` ~ son motor v r`, ` ,ro 1y46 tax a~aassment t+,It)ru ca .,nnrAip~ , ,r t~ , , . r.t,~,a.~a : .,,,,la,t, .o.,. ~~,I,~ -ac?r i ov,..m?7- . . - : , , 4 ro oast of I r. V! G ~ t l~~i - f (1, R 4 .Chene,,_for a reduction of the a:,soss r b a Ave,,lo ~ 4 : ~ ; meat on h1y homo -12fs alum i 1,7~, _ . ,1 , ut.r r ,;i. .41f7tTk p acti [jr`Ii; ~ r " ! f?'/ `t.l'T t3. ,t?t t.. ~nG, , y is 'a s €t section H', Pnrest Hzlls, we.s upon mataan of i~r. c',aI`dnor sorondod br75r, Coleman refarrcd;to the.. r~crs • , ~ , ~ G,.. fain chHrii;er; Karl 1r, n et:~,nr r i, r. J.i 1`T~esl- a,_ ice: i i~iil Cam!' !,!I: corunittua with pot^ler to act. recce I .,_vou and fxloc, ~ il/on motion oC h1r, `GHrdn r chssa I e tocrnded by,tlr (;ola~tn -tha County-Auclitt)r was' authorized to Pur IIncI:' ~ . t t,an tr r. 4 ~ + , , 1 r+ : t l 'y . tt~ Gt)G.~G 1).ri ~s ~ p y~ ,T ma t }lr i ~ Hn1;gr,)t, n i 1,It,~ti,' "`t' I'? C.rjll : i . (7, n ill:"; L,,' , . ' r ands for the Gonaral Fund account Had . SOCG 0 tS~/ b ds'roTnveStrus it""^' fol' } ~f,~ • Q Iw ,/~la an , 1<~~: paruanf=~ ~T'a~;t~i'{,ts t~l);i.l';'rHl 1i,.~ 1-~~~! !}.1'' !,'It.,:;' f' 1 .t. t.ta Capiia.ll iioserve I''iuld. ' , . ` ,,ttr - iil. Y1, hI01t Ii f, :i,'r'ld7.1',I ,'I•nT;; I,;. r'=;~i,r• ~ 'i.;,' 1 t' i.,..ll.~,{; '(1:.,:',rt,C. 1, e ..i _ ,~'.1,. t'(,i 1!r'X'SDTI~~. 1 Cr I,', r, ti; I,'?i ~ I ~ -i11.[ t ' l~~f I{7 Ctrl r1o i~'_Ur, r l.,lt. ii~t,1'=, j'1'n.p i'.pl, I (7 V." , ~C,• ' I"' f',;" I,. ,lf:' l.c. r7; .~t.,~ Ci], fl.',: - ~ _ . P i~. Y` I ;n1 ail! 't. 1;1 111t~ `:}I:II1t.la ilOC'.!_V 1,,1 ~ ]r7t;~rj f' ran ~:'1, , u,.~, a.° ; y 'LO ::.Ii,-I:'r G~li..l I.~. f:r~(,u~r:1L,7,1(]1a'i, i ~ : ~~('r - ' E; l.Tl(' ;1"F r. , ~ riamb lll•y11 i.t 7''1 i , l t' ata[!1P,. ~ _ I';I ! I I'';# 'one litre{;1nr' L!1©:1 4(i l 7i, i~,~,, „t f s" ' _ ' ".!t+.+..- 1... ,.q err r?r;;~' ,tom- ,in-. ,r r, ; r, ! ::.k. ~ 1 ~ i ~~,r:`> y , ry.. -`q~~s '~if' - r d, ~ ~ ~ ka,, r,~p~,, , if ~ }'(ihr1~I t lf, ~ on, }i.C., llaccMbor lUt}1 1'" r i'l iii',u' 'curl :1 r • ~'S jr;j, ~ ~ ~ , . 'C}u; I r7 ' ~ m ©t in n i •°1 ~~r ~ ,c. it',7ti,t ' . at' th., , ,l , ~ !;}1F' r;vr r+1 ar+tr } r , r; r ~ , r ~ 1- •e'•ular vrrrGr• t! U , . , I °t; 1 it u iu . -J ~ ,,rr f ;rr,.; „r..l„ Fa at ;C;r] 'I. ,a_ (t It . k r i an tt Nn i.,}..iSO1i [iHl'r ~.R±r ~ i(.' LI'F:',1 '1' ' . ~.i , t r r~ r ..,i ~ Gc,G. tl. ,'"t-, n: ~ r Frew lnt:.i _d ;s F r . • rL,. r k J . 1 I,.,u,rHLt (,,lUlrt%F1J1, ~tAU. r(Y TrAr)y, t]a6.P:F,PiFii1 I{•it,GF,"i I• 1 N- r 5t,'' ~ r I'N il, Ur:, ,(G1', L.u.~(+1.c;:l(r, ?.tl:.. 1, a."-:C,~ ~:t,tornc~r liar;>den Dr)I1e ~•r r r rtJ ,r, .,.J.Co1« r~;nn ;tnd r' r•.~ttur:~r~' :..t.I';afi~.t h ",Lrr, ( , r the lll~n'a'~!';i Oi' I"F i- f119 min4tfi;~ t~f m6f;tin}C11, l~tsdnlrt3br 1~~ i' C r ,lut,._r Cif ;'r .i, ,.:L;,, Hrrr'.'€d erl ~ , r ' •`I , i . }t} rov ,ct +15 rgr;grr.E4, ,:,I ~ i ,_rrL,nr ~r{1, 1!',11,;, rrr:ro rdFir' un,~ rL'r)r~„~:, r', a I i ~j ,a'ucr+Yea, rtr~ir>%"~~ CIL ;}IG LJl.til?;.i I~ 1),. , t, rt'rUf1E'~ Ui it. i;'Illcl;,r Slrl~)}irFr~r~ l~aai`• to ,GrmC}- •'Ca t + r~ r s .i. ~ J•, I~ it Pill•i;}"1'r ~a ,,a~ }Lf~r prnport;ior:L.te part thf3 tr~xr;; . , ,r~ ommittf;c ~nc3 ',u:` '£.u 1~1 IdttntiPi+~'st' ' ! i, th!l .p } trtLd ,ILr°~ al` 16t,r 'j: anti :'ilrid, ~lozi Par .Jovrm};e•• , r o-1 ~ Fc f~ x m ,,rr:rt. received ,le r r~.n rM1l ~ Ln t lock ~,/ti rIU'crudfl a.~alrlut LI'.orlas Pio~ne _'rr yhp y~rrrs 2,r } I, .tit rl 1~`Jc, on k }Fa a1,, ,Jf ,F..,.:,,..:t J ~ LY. Ftl ,._C? rk i. • ~ 1;7 n1PP 4 ' .qU i t'1. [J1) f`. ~Ytr 'a.'/.t1' ~i'i LT k,. ..e r~ d ".j1., ' r... .}tb t1'.:, r. . ,f,. tj_ hG C. ;~ff.Ck ~'R ) . Enri `7 £.r F io s,-~ iu i, `'rl`C }11.if?(: {'rflril. Trt F'.s s) p » ~ ~ -:ry l P o ~ . D<,t)nc! xr..c.~mb~. Lr~>~, vtaa 1)t,qn r:,atian GI }ir ~Trr~s4~ „ ~ ° Cq,,l~ c.or for !rovfrt}:er hdrrin t}' - t , i.. ' ie, ~ .t, C1 anF! , G;1CCir:tt., ,,r 19.1'. .,gtFLar,, ~,rC.n,,t. fqr thv Caun!,y, mFtkin~ a i:o wal nF ci c}i 1, ~7,, ,,a,, t, 'rFl rtrae v d ~ ' ;t , ti ; i e er~d _il~r,,, ~.~a,~r, r I ,Y, i - i 1 Ilf:r)n rApf;ian af' 1"r' T„r;~' t' iU{ aCin O. is lrx..-r1Cr .,!:C,r~t dr-'° ,.Y °1 i' y ~ ut!:~ 3F;CC}nFrjd b,r I:~ < vpn,. , t .sl UJ ra {~U fl:'tart x. , 4 r k. , ,.r: `JqT: t;i#N'lt§~t {.}1t4xrLifr. rl.' F"tlt3 ;30r?I W r~ r, ColETIl„ix., r, ra , n., rR r i:V a.. rC. rt!'ll f' t I....T. r• nyri;mt~nt qf,;4 ri a-1 cl,.,a}rr,;: rh ,:,t- g culture for ~;h@ Count~T n ~ ~ ~ as ,r , r, } ~ :r ; l a1~{}, ; ' ,ll ; 1 Ttd a:t ,tl.rh „'J~e PFt_'"r r a l ~h3 f;, Oiti:.E'•G ifL?'..,Uiif~rll'Ir .>`r ~PE± 'j,:f f is r . 1. . i )=aC,itg!}, far A, al•'.L1Ll of Gnf3 :,J~.h A, t i P' : , , i t f tit7r,tOr r'Car t"~ ii i , P ~ r .n i n~ ,IrF~rT_.},.jr , , ,1L; . k) ,J.L,., ..,7 .,fiJCCEI ' J' t^t P r 7 rtr. ,-Ir 1r)a2, t1v.,.r a. ,'-r. ,.xrtrrl.. , .,';;;Ut,CIE.(~ ,1"r :!:r, {:!7?r-m y i Y f',: r - ; „ _ , , ' ~ J ,r r., .itr...,__r,~r,..,(, lrc;r~, et7L.r..ni,vt': 'F t, ,sNrro r „ flax liszars 1, ;(tI Gb Eq ,.o ~ { ~ , r I . . r.,, .vLiV9 JVrr.,,}1 - rc t. r , . 1 p.: , tr .,lr_'year I~LEU: E,, ~ ~ 1 , ) flit, f1,1trY 1L,S. i , ~r ~,1. •_cn o: a,,J...t,~i,, t 1 t+ (I` 'rr 'r ~y@ ma~.r r v! r. r; . r'oa . r•',:. , j.. r' u1liriCh =;r t9 nci ` t rgtl E.., 1 C}. . .tllkrl 'Ii r, l,r r, fo, f r f'r' rT'C e.i a;~:atl QP ' : .1 " i,: rt.,; • : vteY, `Ftuoui, , . ,)c `P c . ,qrm~+, ~i I:.r~. . , ~ 1 frat 7 t , Ire.,i,. urdE' tl~~ll .raJ 1!. " 'til,:,} t;&tnr„ ' .r ~ p ~ tsac. ,J, ;fllklrts. Fi }'€1C1F;`8.1 t'tJ7.Cii, ie PirS, r.~.~.}, '£tt~t, ' r. f., , 19 un ,1F~rr.nt;#; F-i ,I i.>: sr~ ~:.ru'ra r ,{I1;..:,E>.1 J r , , , v , LrA£.o, .J . iti ,1F~~t „F. },~Ej»}in i a Uir. Ja' }1J .ri ~+;r t, I 9 tin t .p ~ . n °t, , r ,.,ti „,.!a,f• r C , a r , d, 7 i:. ,i r .r :g, P,~. a - Ci v?I I(~i Gltflr't va: I r'.t.tiT.:lt't'_~i.(.!i ,.r - t'...~-,s: ! T, }'t r r i. i (;~£,C~n OrJ Llifr }1- .,f : r» t, :E „Ci .t, E)}lirQ~J Etri(l 1'U.7~' ,'t t „ir it , F ' - ,.,t' 1 f `t ,Yt r'YlaTi'.,t„ d , ~ r'Cn .i,t U1lt1C. ,t».• I } l,r, t , ~1I"~:rt'~ ~ , ~ , .ritl a. 1rEF1.kv'~ (UY'?xQ. ` ~'.~t,)n„ ;rrse'r t .,....r ~ ~ - .u , n.Jt,.t. h' :rtsottv~,.. gg t ft~ n _,v C 10 1 ( ;I'.'f _+rl.;rlf GVTlb(i C7'r (i8q. 'i`:::P.1'[tS {/.':'};•{,~1:11Fii -lrr F} rUi.i ]E;r,;"~,}: 1'IBS 7!'7t'rim!1<,lnr: ,~r~ o~, a,,, ~,r ~ •i ti. ,f»J,.Trf)f, TEtl1~, t,t1; t+ Yrl,Irsirt'•tart p ~ cl. r m,_~ n +f,.i,fierriss f ij J .T . r.:., .,f:GG~n, r r! „1,',~ar. tiU1;1b7C11]r r~f!~7rUV(3[~. s, i It i; I ~ 4 r~(~i aI!Iy,LG'' ~',l!i). 1'dfaa 1 f:~,{ r nrt a t~ n ac, t - t. ~ ` ` ,.J r. U'' Uai'r ~c~: 'yr E'°"1.: r cr £gl1:i~.IT ;r F a t:! P... I!k:Yt~J'f, . ~ ta,rar,};ar f r ,~t, ,1 .rlfllln. Gii r:,iulilt t;t n, 1 1)1tJ i~a r nnr W'+} ~ ( i'rirt'° rt, , u, ,t ft .iar~'.nfi?iI1 a •,..tii.l,` t r'a.. lpir{ •s z L t 6f , . , - :J- r ~ftj1C7:+ it . x„ 7, ..t f tti+):. CF."+ r f. r., , t.... 1;;1 . ,r!!.1'fll'Yfir ,rf;^-f7n+. C;(i , rt } ' , i .-r f`; ! r 7~ _.ly . .i3wl, ,.ne, ;F;.irltErl ~r'C;.", s,tl F'i;Ur~7.E(~ ~G u r t' ? ~}•})C ~rrfi such addi bona. i !~`rC qrt 'YrA" »t: `d n-l: 9~''t.1,':f'r! flr tdagi."StilTtt~ i1, rF r'r-, 5r;,. , LE., .tt,CE.,,,zi, ~l. ! p 3 cFl,v_,t. I rrsin Co:7~,lrr~.ttr Jtu,} Tl.a? I•; r , } sl,utr.L.1 .f' ~ n rr ' ,1_ to trliFtfY;ri 1T1 i,ir r Vii,; e11ni:I far +,ha mozlr,}IS flf t)c- 7 ;rr: L l,, ~k,• ,~I4 I,iiCC4-,.L . , " , ,GT1Gl ;.i D'/ U"• „4' L ;:rf ira ; • E, i k F• - , ~5 ,.r t,. 1r,.,'r. Fir. , t,oT. an3 Iu. ,iL.Ir~ ~ m , y. ! ; ~ ~ t9ct,1.t rvt~rc ktppointed ' a''n1~c=tti ,:r r, , ~ ,e,~ r„ ar' F, ~I: _ qn for l.f:.n•,v ir3 r, ,r } v ~a:. 4r1 'ro(r 1;37..x, '~.S4t, ..1, -..D,.. tr ,!-ltt„c!r ,.kl'w, a r''#.r,l r i 'r a,if, ~ x@ru~- . vat . , r~.an and crnrlnr„"-; 1:„ 'tika Ctit~'.;~n i, tc ,.aJO i'crn •rr u ,rp,,n r~F on u:~' I i•t ~ , ,i _ _ ~ r U1ltiC3G '1, ~ :}1G f 'l l Yr _ r,• ..r ~ t cry il^ n, ~ ,7 „ ,t' 7i,-., t +,x q irl 1 - Or Gf L, t I.-v 4,tt71t"' h, s 1 r •t r.. A ('cif-. _ , r lrc tiun b ~ „ , PlE ITV a, .,....U:1. 'rva J. f ^ r r r d 't ~t . i,, , 11 7.6. Ifl, JU. CUilr:,~y, l,Eiu r9UfiVbci irgm - , Uf n r U S (It,tIO(I r,...,rr+ v , ~ (,r.p,,Ftlrl C1~,Lrilt h Lea ISUbi:1C 1T2?'p?""rla 5(1T? (j "f1CEr U;1 £t V;..,. i. ~ - ..t .r, C'. C' P.Cl " t~!l:1 1t.: r18 i]•.r (i , ~ f . - t', i., il,r T ' r , , Ii rfagTl' J`,'ia „flit Uf ,.1 ("i9rCtr,Gdr , i%'Cntled i,~''~~ 110 ~(?c(im7nr,,nda(;ion^ Or C'1,1 ''"nr,~ ~ J 1 . .,...I}unU, i J: ,,,~rC1• , , ~Il h O~r'~ U;f ~r~, UrfiC3rf3r~. •Irth.f t<<i ~7 - t, J,u.,. ,:U'.A",, lrF7, rY'Cf'ttr 1'-; t~ ~.J C: tr J L , _ Y7_i2U~Eu U. 'hF` Daaral '~I~I I y , f , 1 + . f I r ; fU_,1~„~ i11t:.It ~;t'i0 . 1r,,)llfy tilt CflLrllft.lf ,rr• t ~ i C'~. .i. 'laC.i , + ~f:' rr, I~ 1.ii CLID1 P A : ~ I c - 01. ((t t.l r ~~+•S'].'•r J'r Li7;'r'G? Ill ~ , 4L„ , t" i~J, +J.:.., a~. , E}~I'~ ~ 'i.l t7rl~, .JUr },I .lL"' !i °;}~U it lll~; prti.^, r l,('ltl,.lri; C,,'I i,,, (,~,fi 'CL, fOr '•.Il~, f .;'r f.. .,l - n! 'n}a, F4 ,.t,,i r'.!n , ~ Ir, i'Or:7. L' .•c 1~' ,'1 ~ ~ ~ f~•-~ ~Cl r'~ Gf' ,t. t r } ( 'PIt . 'r. , . ,.S 1, t r. ~ s1' rl ! , , 1 . , . r, _ . ~ ii _ , •tn r•~, ~ 'r ' , F. , ~ t ,1,~., ~i , , ' I , t,t..: , - - ll,t,t , v E, I . , ' r ~h , i • r ~ • t 1 ,a rl _~ll-" 1 r 'n jJ~ t u v li H^ a r, n• r A. r r.a t n,.,e;:srtry i A , ;r Lu, r. ,:I+, , r. . 1:. , , r, , 1 rr;naC}; u3 .;hP (;r,n~'iv , 'y ,;r_, t., a •l:,l 'it ;t. f ? ' -ri'iI 'i ) _•u 1.;, ir><UTtt: i'0>ri .,i;i; ]'.l, ii-Li+. h: .t f' , - „:k-. .:t.,,c.,. ~1.r.h ,,..t~.,~, , „r;ftt i'rU?1 F I:,OrFLl stH i r 1~;1- ,I C_'rJ,l'..lr!I~:;rC t,r,r~r ,1••'~.' j''.Y) . rl~ I rj r f; ,f'J norf't,r to ro+zii'.., t}~Ft ~t~• i''o;,i`iur. [ - t t It,C~,,~.cr1C,,;, »~rZ~;t;~. c,i' )avid ~?rr,r:s},a-,t • i o r' F1Z Ft ~kU tblC tf~nL uf' I'' t~f, ,trot ~ l , ncr l~ t,rost inc?urlgci irl i:'^,r me}: ~ 1,a,. ail agairi+ t'~fi` ea:>t t`tir!ci1_f rl£tri: iotc, ~ +zrd) bloai,. ld far t.11f~ uF~t,r 1~+1 ? , • rt ril , t:h , r-, p archascl.: i l art ,:,r. f:.r,a.rshbura ' , , r . r, , j,^'; .p ~ 1~1;1' Was t~ an m r 1F , 1 n =rr F ot.,.ta ,)f .s,'Trayr,, s(~cgnr,eti }r 1 _ _ tJ.S,S• l~l", PI,.,IQVUi;,_.1,J,-(~F 1u . t,gyenle.r,, daclinnfl, a! I`~i IJnon L motion `of Pdr. Co ' , , ''r.c ~'.-t , ea b I rt , I lelnan srlcona `~.1, ' _ . ana i,.,;l e,=,, a: , v l) , r,f ' r u „l. ,v ,,L'.S 1,~ a , CVO, .hxi ~igrth 'I3, n ~ r•',., . y,,,~2. lrr,.,,,, J,tr., it~,.rs• z,, ~r lF ~ , r ~ ' - G r 1 ~ (II a ~alue.t `1•.;(,rentnd araturit4 q, to s o t,ul#rL, i'. -+r• l.° - 6 1 lqn Of ~~`,CflC.CtC flrl }iq G Y,e n ~ J ,i . , - .r .Igrt.}'t i,1..rL'll.it>. ,<i ,•rt•, , oss , u a crru• qrI ter. '7rrcr ^ ~ , ,ue a. n va,tl r.U,,r,..are.tet} ~ir'v+Iarl 1~ D lot ~ r,;,,.~ cn c 19 tU' b10C1~ Ur P + f , ~ ,,Jli" ' i o ~ z L , ..1'Ui:tlaTr, rCJtr ,I .Cr_.}1E, 9RL q,. r!UJ (<r! ,,,.,,.,tr i 1;3}1, Flis ret~ue.:t fcr a corrF~ct:'or .i•'' r' ^ ' YrFir lntt;f, f. ,,t, + 1 • .a z L cf - he , t . y .I, _F.tri, s..o~n ,1 ris "rrr_-a I ..1F? asep;,srlent on 1} ; .L t:t.: chrxsts i, lcfin^s _ri' b].oc~. ,?I. '<•r~. r A ;cl,, i n; o- . „ nau :fi _ c,~IFkr;ittao ftrx .mot n' J1 'r ..c,lerred tq she ,1-.. H ~ i 111VP,, .LE,a lq(1 a t( nth j101^rct.° {:a art. • , !'t CUJ~It)laint ~f )`1Ci5 { • i , s ?t` . t'. . •t r t ~ n:. , - + rf."1 )UO~iCU, t)1'j ;UU~"tl r r{' ~ ii: If1 t c r 1t , > i t,. a..('i i'-e fnl i$tefi )r....wV.l:. r.", L _ _ ~ :fir,., „r,~ ,a , O1 the ~i?(~t~ i% r r _ ~ ; , rd n r.+ r r j `'CEiVi11' u...J..b , 0 r ' ~ I;U! ~(i].r1~S In UlCnty f. C J'or r}lEl ,,~.,,r• . I ~ 1 , _U !><,).z s„vi'I/}nt tnt,I pa.,t1 01, r.,nq• !1 ~.r`''.nl.:;' ^n'. ~i?rMtsi- i- •F ~Y , ~J f,_ '"1 r _ fa „h El t , } ~~'~,t, NaS 11T+f7n i+lUL1CY.i r, ';r, tj+ U i l- i , .Iiyrtl n_ ,,,i", ,tAFt~;at'1, X38 ~ + + rnr ut1 q ,tlCr ~ ~ t. 1.0 }h(. CC,I"if; t, nr rJ 1 n,. Irr }la~ i I'f)f~rr0O 'r In a, ; a. , i ~ Yl~, 1 ,3 Pot ].CV,.', trc , „ . f. „rF. ; ~ t ,i ,a a ,...ion ttlt ''tt ~ ~a °o-,~ 'r'JC+ t d r. P , 1 ll I i I~. f16;4(,r (i'1 ~ '1 R f. SnpP] 1C~; n:tU,t_ '.rqt f*.~' n v r, ~ 1, 1..,1 ~ . r,r)" Et a. ,.r t.~~ii?8 T)1:'U!'~, f~~r ~Ci,itl,ii~T!Cn~l a~' 1;}lE ~L 'F°5'rl~ In- , i / ~ t r„1 ~ ~ .t't: ta,r,DG lill6 a''' t 1 n , ~ 7 1-{'.V Or i'tl d!;E.Y 0 i 1..Cr r r h n ~(1 , r r I•, .I i j ~ ~ c-~, t.. 1'lull lili ',~rri J.' t , !ti ,i'...,Ili.' i;; ~0::4' G' ty.,r ..1 ,''•I i n.,.}. 41 f l _ .,JK ,fs ':71itE,Il b:r Lair ll - ,b:' !'(11Ci1c:.U Slt~ NI ~.II ')Ol'ft7r to FFCt , , FI , r^f E7I'rf?li ,U L!15 !'irL,^11:.1.Pp :1' ~.utJ r a~, ' _~rr'. r . - ~ - , t. r•.,. ',1U ..1)!et :i?i 1.v 4,11(11i~ ~lJ1 er, a w; Y• 1, i' n,,' - f~ ~ tr.,.u. ',inaS, U4,,L,, ..l u;a ~ 1:LUtt lll:,wi',Lher ,r ,P' t, l I t , i., ~r ~ , , r i .l IV,...,.r C-.!'; 1,)L' 1.: .iii.. :~/.i ~I,i. u,t?'1,..,:;U l~J' it 'r. . ~ ( r P m ~ ? , r; e, i,1jn tUulU~~.i 4c,li;+P.-~, 'j 0.l ",0 all C _ „ , I: 1rUSf,, .,C r,L,l+u U~,i.1', I;B~ly titb ytrmftnt r)y' ?1'f; i ,r _ ' ! (,,CO iq r. I~rl1iF ,,.-1~crnt ,.;•t.lii;t't:, ti :RUC Drr^pFl:,t,l(° ~:Ilfl ~J].fzilU Elilti, Utt?CjfiCAtlaY.1S 1'Qr ~hP,_nBW ~ _ I W ~l r ~ ! bu.klrsT' .ii 1=t~ instftllF3a'in'the riai.lrii tlaU3') erne'' ih - ~7 }llv 7 ~ni' tLI11UUr1,, 1'E ~r1 ;7br1~S F'jao I' r t ` •tt .n, Jj' Il , - , F~ f 5 ~ 4CEUI);, ^r`%Ul cCrt r' .it!1~1 0''n , ',I:L.i t U t I~' .;U ~ .,;E ~ D- x of thr+ ,_3,~{}C.JC h,d we,>"•t~t + , ' - o r ~eJ,u,ur thq , r y . ; .,.i t}la Zdga) r l'imb;;,+tI (,aJ,li,C.*C,, Y,tLS F:7 101'dGr 4c)1 ' - ti y. !p ..1, ~ lt' :1t~'(i`.11~.a :;t£ i rM C, e E: ~r r I 1 i.tU-J E ,a E~ j,1b±A 1 '''t,, t.,:., J .,.1. .I'::' {y4-; v 7 ,ir'ii~,aJ'.te3l., k.:f, 'lr!"I 4rL',Y j 1~ ,~,t( ^ ..U ssiGnin~ . ' , Yi l... 1 .tr ,LU .iu sh''? r ,'.i. ' of Thv C11~1I mr,.r rvafl a J o t:t,tlr , ..er..ur : , , , :tiff '~a L';:il•; ~t:olL; ,1t~F: i,.trt,lzr.: i ~ w ^ rr_r.t7lVati 1 raP1 P;r•• l{• RO 9rs Jl• , n r ~ L, . Y74' ?°!_a , vu q. r Cvtria k,t, i .t „ er, .ln ~ .l ~ , 1i(}Ll..t ,.,,rt ,.v :.sS>,szaJ.u .,t>£ItE'P1irh ,v ;end T'clhlic Vrorks _o s. - , ~ ~'itj;' u„` „.,o ..uns .'rdr' a:ru C IN'11 r5 ion adv.1.)zn ~.la lnr.ru + t,,-" .o:::.d I t ef?tor t=he ra ~ ~t oLOL, K } , d t rc bstirnates mado o} tiic> rcytttrorlnnts Pqr . , rvp~;ring the „tackacic, anli',uttin=~ it in cand~t~, , f _c n far,usi~,_ were too. hl h 1'or-rf;asanabl9 ac.r,s:tl?ErtL~IOr+ _ fihErt,U1)Un le,r, ,ial trl , i f ~ . , r; 1 , ~'t,. J-tJa 1 v., ,.G'1 Fr nt. ~ i9 U t ~ f 'n . 'i C...t„ Qr3 C ..a.l,.ld.in lIl the l+t3 r, }1'~I10V5'i - r , 1 1pU.f d ri..G 1., lJa.) SE,CUJ,dC,, ht, r6 - 1 , rf. t f j ( 11~~Y~, h L i - r. Task ant? carriCjd that,: ~ ,r 7+ , "ub.tic r,~ la .,.L.rnln f, C J l 'vhn f)L44tt3 Pile)}1rtaY -t.l(tl 1.G t,all ;.i'1 rt „nY .»1- F h f ,^'7. Vrorks o.f ,E:.,,u. it-t 1 t ; . ~ ~ u7 `l.. Utflf;i. l..t ,1G', ti t.1')1..1. ti' fir, c, y .r, ._f t , ` f 3L 1!~ .1 ,L1. n„lvd 4aar St. 41 ,ri+r•~ . ~ r t .ion be x@fluastod to ruxka such repT,:r^ +o the :,tiLZk~LCi9 Fis a + ldin~ ~n r- , - ay r@ nnc@.,sary tq j3ut ,hn bu,. 5 uhb o)t;r~t~'a' ionln L 1 n ofC].t.. '.11i)?OUS ar'-• •+rr r t » 7i, „ 1 I oondition P.lt e.c~:nrdtince wi ~h its f~-;req. e~ r t, n dF p _ , 1 ..dl.. , t r , Fc,. t . 7,~rcra J ~,1_ ida. ' . ~r rn ,,t o}' ltut,ust l)th, .h and' to- a ' ~ ~ ~ t,o the .ito„ka ( , ~ ~ , r turn tha 7r 1. on r r. I( for . oaa wgrk i.n this County, the- narthet~tL art or ?'ri. ` 7 , - vould , , P lns'~ic}, anf, .the:. sgL~thL•rn nFrt o. t'dr~agr rthlch r ~1i ~t,,:.,, , ~ 'ql m at , r.:'__ t..;'It7; r:^;•t, Pl„ ;,:U;:JcI.Jlf1f3:) •:1.,,,1tld q.. Onfl AT ' ; n , 1 In a tha lnacr,~ren>.enq~ and logs of i;" r i . 1 ~rera lo. , , . t lmv In t an.,;,ortir?~ Che aricrinors tr; ~a*Id f • r1 Durf•avr. ~ v ; i mar a i.,. ~~i~ i~,'i : ~ L , S U 4i 1. r,w,. gIFiIJ +''"r+ 1°L t r•l 1 s4 ~ u ! ' I~. , Chalr..an allrgl.nc@,t that'I,a~ianr.l Airlinae dill mire. its initial ~ Girt :ri ~''l ~ , , ~ - )tqp; at Div@theuthaLl.lra tan f., } , r. i f- .'atUrdatr r11 ta' 1 i5 }1t< J3' I,t,::E::?'t r i t, r, r t° ~ rnca.. .L)oct1m11gI 1'tth t a - ' _.r SE. ti Y , - rt .u ,;d,r «.11:) T~. ,APilt-r ` lY e:.u. UU:T , ° n ,r.,.. ri r~ r dl, I I. , Ii ~ ~ o In u urate a~ , , t,r 1) , i,.. - J 1cE' far 4d~.,,r:11r. tan on it,i Iletir York- Pfit{rni ,~,al.~r~t, 1 , , - - I , 1111 _1;I„ ,n 1 t- , r n „~rl. , ,,1_ 4U s~1 y ? t 1.3C1'F, Ut .7 r:1E.I1 rt11(} f`, ~ iCr3rS moor ' f~,'tr+~ F3*- , t ,hat re~>re.,c~n,>ELtlvf°;., Eton t}Ie Doa?-d ar Corul~=Fslar+-ir5 r ''qf Gcn°ler~ , f., ...d Llsttt, : f~ 7 , , i,:''i ~ ,the Cit,>' Caungll and_.,hILJ.tbgt ~u..Tl~.„tlel ,r Jl!].ln()4 1~')UA. t:Cl~'lA-i1'.} I}2 l } t,< ) M ^f » y ( ,I f° i r _ , ~ . 1 } a , s, forla,n a cor::r:f'"t@E tt, arr€~.r~~E for a t . In r- 4 t,lx ~ Itice:nbcr. ,).tc .t,:lnlt: .ut ,Ilt, ,,auk Y_<JC rt,cnlf .,:r , ' ~ 6 P.prattrlatfa `asrer~IOn©s for={; v,;,: uto, w~ F ~ Y h@ avant. trc y ..u -.J :,f _'`5 Uttli+, 4.' , r,„- 'nr Y an ,'Y- c i v .`_r'+ ~ : , . i.:i til.cl.., t,01.,~, ..r.t.,Jr _ .CI ,w'iliS. '~.l i,}d 1,- .„,t,.,. LAav t/LG ,3.,,. } I;1, JL:ti t , n.OCI'r'r z _ 1 tU`(,~JGd iike.110 i. -Tha Co r ~ „ ~ artd t,oc, , ,j , ~ r.. , , , . Sy r`~ _ xY ,I r UltJ /?U C? .thr., t, i.,i1 r PI)Urt fO1 7bVa,1h1 a - n~, 7_ t ~Ur ..1VFir, Vr. it ~.,5 ~CII, J. U. tJ I,q/111 ,.Q , t.Et )t, a_ v p$ F;11d Fi11 ,Y,:„ , a:t•i. f ,a~ i + 'P r +r ,taS r+,CeY!'., ,.Lt f71t~u fl ry ~ P ~J.t,.,ut: Utri.A : !t ~tn Or ligCb]nbEr iI18 'tray tie )erliFJ~ tl1 ' r f - ~ , i-- £ i r )Jr t r 1 •t ~1,~, t } trUUl:t,. ..tr%~., wlt:.Ltlir..~11 {a [ , ;tit U I. , Fi wlgr 1. t cr,t. ` c, rl, .(laud ?Ut,, ti9 'i-::H "sL U li, I rt rrJi n nn U~., ,,v,1:7 , .rdS ttt.: U `".G;i , _r.^ - P?,r. G:~rGnor pre„sntect ft,l° th@ ilo~rc?t t~satis;ril~ra ~ ;st u, ~ t oI 3.I}., L., _ .b.._ L-lcn,,ti, l 1 dtl, t,ln. c.. c~ Y ~;!I' i t,or,, ari q;'f er cf !".r. ~nr~ett F;IIt l~ t,r, -uo a,,s_ Was v~ t o~. an '.c5 , J', J ,_rcisva . , 11.: ~+r. ©ffOtt i,tr }',9VP tr.,i A dt y rtt ~IAa, d..C t,rl.>.,.u Fln(1 Str4(.11{l2"Al a. all+ t,8,,.r~ ,Yarf3 CGrtltl't 7 „ t, :•,,i, ..rtm,, .,..rfnrce~ t e ~a,1tL }tluo,hortt}iftl 3,.r•',~rt n' ; ' ~ . uo it q • , . „ G ~i on a.i guns Y At t,,,l t. , h., ta_bc~ a_a far .,uah ,,or~i onclu.,.tt;l . , . r;~ the y,. ort 1 Uf 1S t,;.arOlSli z)ha rn',Urilt U *i) r,}fyi' !r-t a^?' YL;r fl ~:;H'~FLY"r • SUCCCSSI U; , Ut,ldT'Yi._S@ P;"0 tY7 11 11E1 nF+ C;flar(;9, ,'n l ~ a„ r'`."' tc' Ls „ • , J , I vJll 1 q, t .~:ll 1 f r ter, r+3rflner corlrrAndeL, thrL}; 1}". }3allaln`~ ;igin ,.rs in'an eff , C;~~:,~' ^ rorna ~ ~ < .era dons 4~ i() .,t ' ' a .G;, iIlr~ '-':I,.rE lalt,ll 1,,}a;IllrrI'" ly-•~,~, ~'Irl t}la~ tint,,,, v11i? tl,.,•r ,,b, }1IlUVtJr' 9lriy "'+aa " t } > ~cui•e cult .inued trsr; of :lie air ol't, b the I•m• c1~1 ? ~ eJtt; t~<~( ,I p y A ji Pit ~+~CIYCC5, }iE C}1f1039 f00, RE EI:1 :T!t,f l•ti;,',.[,'i~ 8 "g7Utlia y., r ~ t ~E}^ 9S ~ I ( tEtl;Cn. }I ; 1Glidd VtisShc, t+rcrUUt@ . ?'pr. CP1::T} 'S vaI., a 1 :rJr(YG3..:, Y 1" ,lnlir. ~Ur1.rt~T {,Ii@ n~ cF ~;C; „o~oction w;, ~ t t C p~ off r r lr6p.t 'CI'.9$., ~tt,rlw 58f3S ro7.laa ~:nb 5111"1 ~U'. ld..Gfs rf'Ua, tit ~~t'•.al•9r4 ~',;U "h', fi:^p} : b A~I~ hn F,t~;?~gll~i,iurn for leer ' ~ for to s©11 b(,t~~ "~Ft,..,i',• I,uir, rcF d °~uL• ' 7 r'1 '„r'7,~t}I i':•n,.4;,,, v,.~ .H , 1 ~ , P loran ~h, I , 1 r r'. tho 1, L~ ~tf d , .,_1., ,{..m 1tl Dot. ~ ' ~ •i~ i , , u ptOn .{U'1(i6. AI > > <g , i,,.,. , rlUf~iC1I1 'li t•i ^i r ~t ,r? 'Y1 ra ~At' ~.1 ".ti u}ltjrl .l.,li 'Q, L'U ;a r I t YE , ,,l i) t. t .tG in ll Ca !L~7i fJ.a , : 1 Iir) I ~ ,1 'L' to ~.'hf, •.'1rf.vT',`,OIn+';1'~ h ~,}1U }Iri. if 1 . ri.1. r, cy ~ p: , G, P4?r5,y,ln r • n y , u..rl, ,•r; L1 ~ DS.P.f c~nl:l 1 ;'if.,,,,•1,;], r,;,i, S'1'akD-lig171'k infipa0tian 1)+trt,1US rO:;P~tic!1'J] ;ir, la' ly. V' ni.r illi(: ~O f1 F' _ r ~~1D iYC -,1 `)gib CI L ,n rla',rcr, ',y;•, I a , ts'^GF'•` , Ilr .1~1;, Iaf i;it,: . p'' of Cclf,clar , tie~:or,l:ed htir r'L•. Qrl •r r;:- ? 1 of ~ r "k1p. 1 .n Hann iai is ,ln;,, ~ 7~,0 ,~1°uvnri ' i, J lr to 1, lr ,:r ~a~ ~ , m}kd mtietirl~ thr.~.I td;i~l:rnFff, ~:l Y , ~C; ~xrz f,'ork. 'u~ r:. , ):l 5: 1~~.. - i ~ _ , + ~ 4F - -~j: . . P 1 v ry S11IP~.^, I?IS'I'G~RY - TJ.S.r; ~ u t~ ,.A. ,rr' .~r~rw~ a ~ ~ { P.,,,.~1 a, r SHIP'S HISTORY - U,S.S,'NEW HANOVER (AKA-73) cr (~n ~?nnuar;~ the shake-do wn oru se carnnenrecl, as the rlerr Hatrover entered ~hoaa ` andad on 11 Janua ~ PNake, ry During this time magnetic cornpassas wore a airs a ~aY, and ~~f` check run was g pmpensated { I made. A. four-hour fall power n:n was aouduated vlith and 'a degauss fintil 12 April rough weather and .swells: forestalled efforts to diae}te.rge enr a. On that date, R a peal hour r~vora a ing t~:nuin throw h 17 A ril oar o `was °ohar •s w g ' 95.1 rpm (15.6 knots) daterntined and add a d son. g g_ P d ith al ' 1 osaible eed..Durin -this time the crew was iticnal speed date were abtainad over g P an g p sp 1; ~ the a al uarters a ro 3 milt at Annapolis. Various tactical date were obta~ a g d w a meanur ailed to ' en r q pp ximately 30 times. This cow is p it congested condition on the pt~, ~nad, hs craw was exercised at °d td and aimilaterl amphibious exercises enera considerabl slowed the arnloadin ;o oration ~ Zn a ship-ta-shore evolution `were executed; g 1 drills,... beach, Y g p . On the 19th of April, twu days e.fter the completion. 4~ ~ t~ a 0 , ~l' of discharging her c rg , the-ship was again undsr•w6.y enraute to `tllzthi in co an yr th nt .rip y i a mercha ~r`~: Frpm the 9th, to the 11th of J The SOPA.was on board the S'3 Sea u?~ - ' arrua hi ut ~ nv R ner. On'this cru g) P. A. Birmin ham -.USN c° oy ise, which was completed on 2~ April, with a party of- a rY, a J. g , R was . ~,r 3~r ivilian guests whu represented various abom•d en fine.failure occurred, twice, both of which were due to minor defects-in the`forced-draft blowers. induatriea`and labor or a g instrumental in navel and vrar rod~lction. A t P .f er anothe ' g nization` on 23 A ril ~he,achorsd in Ulithi Atoll and dischar ad three Na officer- as r full :power run (which;was ° P 6 vY p aengers and 38 Navy , by an over-heating turbine bearir, t interru tad ersonnel--the beach art from the.APA- , ;,Ig; g) hs Neva Hanover returned Pted -enlis p P Y 70 which``had been embarked ust rior to the shi e to .Norfolk lua yY Yard wh j P P r4yi ChisP Engineer rsparted na damage tc the turbine bear': srs the ds arture from'Okinawa, irtg. Excessive friction bed burned P ~ , carbon ..packing whioh was re lased by sh the p ip's force:. Y v i a The ship remained. t nehor in Ulithi until 2 liay when she made depArture enrauto to Guam with r,i On' 16 January, the commandiztg officer act tad his 28 ambulatory aasualties onboard. On the-3rd of; Ma she arrived at 'Guam and on the fol owin -da ' Y 1 g Y ~P_ ...promotion to_Corrrander, to ra , i~. i 2? Au at 1 1 n i gn 9 t3• k from discharged her passengers. On 5 relay she commenced' receiving her cargo--supplies far CTR 16, five elf ~ TD2C's (drones), and landing craft to replace chose transferred to boat eels at Okinawa, On b Ma P Y, +,~,t~: On 17 January at '1b33, while moored'sta 'vr th all hvrcar o aboe.rd, the clew 1lanover was underwa fo i g y r the return to T111thi. on $ May, the day r acrd aids to pier 1~ Bfirth ~3, NQB, Norf fire alarm sounded and firs v~ olk~ t +F.'' ae t eturn to Jlith al a reported in #2 hold aft,< 3rd, dock. At 18 h° follovring her r i, 1 c rgo was discharged. On 9 racy, havinr; been, so order~dby Com~oPea, out after holes had-been cut `in the 37 she firo'was re tachAed from ComTransRon lb a ' sides of thv'shi to facil' Ported she was de nd procesc}ed on independent dutv,'to 't,fanus Island with a small ; Seven car o .nuts .were. s » » P to firs fighting operatic ~ g de troyed, the mike aoil''de~a car o o£ mail. An over-nigh, stop vrao'cufficient o dischar e this car .o and. on 1 raa she roceeded usain cable v na, g G , 7 Y P ad,jacent'to the fire were d t 6 g raa damaged, and plates s ands.°On th 6 a'; is orted by the heat. Assistant to the Russell I e 1 th of }day she moored to a dock"at Banake Island "Russell Islands end e wea rendered by two fire to s ' ' and ttke`NOB Fire Department. A-ao lete a g enced loadin 600 tons oP` anaral rar o. 2 by r part (dis atohatl-1f,15 - comm ~ 3 g _ g On 1 May,;1 Navy officer.': asaen er, artd`120 USMC P of ,IanuarY 195 to"ComServ P g l~ end ComPhibsTraLant) .was submitted b the,commandin lettt eraonnel re ortsd aboard for arRnsportation. All loadin. was co` leted on the 22nd of .a a d the Y g_offioar. P P g mP IT y n 1s ship proceeded ao Tulagi Harbor for fueling and water. On'the 23rd, orders were received fromCNB, d Repairs wAre affected immediately and by the 23rd of Janua South So omens, and the ship departed enroute to Eniwetok `Atoll. ,J~, ~ - ry the ship heel received her , i :l f..rst cargo--3300 tons of itx ~ The arrival at Eniwetok on 27 racy marked the bs innin of a'20-da wait for clearance to Guam r! During the; period from 2~ January to 27 Jaraia 'the: Y - the destination of the troops 'and cargo, During this time, minor rv airs vrvre made and'much aintin Ii ~ 73 cruised from. aiorf P P g r'Y, o lk to , ; >,1an anille:Point C _g olon, Canal Zone. 'In Task Unit 29.6:14, she ores sate a ~ was done,Conszderable difficulty eras experienevd in the regulation of water consumption on t;he part rJp nied' b the': tt,g (frj,- 'Sims A -r * , Y .S (PD ~0 , 4TU being commander-Haines sin the: of embarked troops. 'A supplementers su h~ was obtained from the'YY1-10 and subse went strict su er- PP . 3 q P , { 3 On this crriiae thv.membsrs of the crew;. were exsra~sed frequently at emir ena 'drills a' vision reventedtherecurrence of a aborts e._On 16 June orde w a ' wa g Y , nd much progress vacs made in indactrinatin P g , rs ere reovivod n4 the ship. s them in their duties aboard shi S g e Guam, mme~3iatel `u on her a e ' p ome engine-trouble developed necessitatin securin enrout to I y p rrival th re, she discharged her passenger complement and was engines on tore occasions-• g g the mesa q'Ii~r once du de eel to de art the followin da for Sa a t or r p b ip n o await clearance for her csrlo, After waiting two i b , e loss. of luhe oil pressure, and 'again because of failu 9 f the forced-draft blowers. Neither of these re wired ether than ; rs days at Sazpan,'clearanca was granted and the ship returned to Guam, arriving there on'25 June. z. 9 m.nor repairs, Provasians and stores wvra re•ilenished at 'onto and on the next da th© disc}u;r•o of car ro cormaenced. 1 b L On arrival, in Colcn on Ja a r • 29 nu ry, Task Unit 29,b.10,was,dissolved • This activity vas completed without incident'and on 1~ July, with a small cargo of mail aboard, the and :the how Hanover reported for duty to CinCPac re estin KA- 3 be en the "ma is-car et run" to-San Franc sco a h qu g a dais at Cristobal tow 7, g g p i C lifornia. T is cruise re wired 16 da Y ash_dovm boilers: vrhich had q Y ' , salted up on the'~ourney. The re west was` a duran -which time various routine ands ecal drills were held battle r b e~s wa co a d- ~ q gr nted,the boilers were cleaned, and at g P p o 1 m re nducted, n the 4959, 1 i February, `that shi was undo , ~h.,~, P rway far the 10-hour passage through by Pancras Canal, hip was prepared for her grand antre.nce, Un..form napegtzons were hold 'for alY hands, Work requests ~'hd1' and requisitions were submitted so that no delay would result during bar availability. On 20 .July, fI{. ~ 1Jpon alearin ^ the Canal the c e ~ ' h 6 , raw was informed that the shi ' nahorage was made in berth K-~, anc.,orage'12, San Francisco Harbor, where fresh rovlsions-were reoaived p s destination was Pearl Harbor, P ;jjsi~ Oahu, T,H., estimated time of arrival, 1200, 19'1''ebruarv, and the cargo of mail discharged, ~11 i It was on this cruise Bailin. 11 on rv o t 1'J 't yr a a ~ g independently, that the craw and officers"of `the YJt-73 p p r ing to Com eatSeaFron, i as found. th ~ she h d boon granted approxzrnrttely tore-weeks h bees me really acquainted with the ship, their ship-mates, arrd their duties. In addit availability for yard repairs and alterations. These mere'begun ors 2~r July vrhau she moored to pier 27. s ion to , frequent drills and firin raatic Leave was- r t d_ _ be `as a `:tie R g p e, a course of-instruction ~~as hold for officers and enlisted _g an a as li rally, .possible nd those men ho r.mained aboard were granted liberty as personnel, and junior officers began r keep their nevi tion note books. Ma ca a lavishly as ship's work permitted. ~ gfl di 1 rties were ~ ~ trained and CIC.teams were; given opportunit to demo~rstrate t P ~,i~ Y heir. spocialtiea,.:Well-fornmlated i~,,, battle problems were used to`illustrate to'all hands the ~ - On'Au ust 5, after com ensatin ;cam asses in the b ,the shi roc;eedad to ier C, Point tfolate nvca~sity for maintainzn a hi h de ree ~ ~ g P P P P , of efficient .:and disci line. g g g y' _ p San Franciaca;Bay for fuel and'to load 3100 ens of fog oiL This ws;; complvted'on 10 August. and on ,the - next da she monad to ier' -B to receive-ai roximatel 10 0 tone of oneral car o and a risen er ~ Y P ~ 1 P Y 5 g g P K ~I On her arrival at Pearl Harbor, the shi was'assi od ier M-' wher a complement of'8 Navy officer-passengers and troops;..US,Army. P gn p ~ e she moarad starbo rd side to at 133b` o discharge her cargo, Sherimmed a g i tely reported to AdComl'hibsPao for, .duty, On'Februsr 2 unloadin` ha r Y 5 d boon co leted a d On l Au st the sh i ft San Franciscoenrouto to Pearl }iarbor Oahu T.1~, on order fr ,all E; mp n the.. ship.; was underway with six' Navy' off icer- 5 gu ip e , , s om ~ ; risen ors and fo USrd ~ P g rty C on-listed men who had reported aboard "the recedin ~ da for trans ortatian~ Com}YestSeaFron~ Ttpon arrival n Pearl Harbor` on 21 August,' the llew Hanover reported to AdComPhibsPac P_ b _Y P This cruise, to Guadalcanal, Solomona-Islands re wired for duty.:: On the following da' all asaen ere were dischar eel and the ,eneral`:atcr o was riischar edx ~ nin s t' g G f g , ! q e days vrhich were. for the. most p r ~ 6 Y P g , uneventfltl. Trainin and exercise a P.erthswere sh `P v b or the`aa ro of fo oil was ca` letel discharged n 1 e to b g t drills continued without interru Lion. On Februa ift.d se oral tunas of a r6 g_ mp__ y o S p m er. P 27 ry, , ! to kou o is sighted a balloon which appeared to''be descending. The shi was maneuvered to pick-the On _10 September orders were reaeivod to move; to Honolulu Harbor where, in thrao days,;tha teak of P loadin car o and 'ersonnel for trans oraation was'com leted. On'l 5e tember' he shi was a sin ' 1~~i', object up,"after it struck the water. U on examination it r - a ~ g 3 P_ i,i. P p oved to be a self destroying mete g P P P P g , rological`or fire-bomb balloon of Ja anvse underwa -=this a' e u e to tFr the car ro of tons of .vehicles and a risen er list ' y;+,.; p manufacture. It had aliparently been daa~ged while y ome nro t Tinian wi 6 599 p g of ~ : H a oft and was not complete,. owevar it seemed to have had elaborate automatic controls, and 11 `officers, T1.SArrn3c'and 60 enlisted }davy personnel, the cruise completed on'21~ Sep~orrbar. On 16 ;!iii' - ' there remained attaahdd a iorate a losive ,c September while enmute to Tinian a member of the crevr Skiles, ,D.D. r~4lle G21~ 00 27 V6'T1SNR m P xp barge .weighing about.2 pounds with a detonator. , , , ? , ,i~r,; ,his charge had been rendered harmless by faulty construction orb immersion`in water. fatally injured himself while handling a carbine in the armory. Investigation strongly indioated Y Photographs which were taken of the balloon and all-its. art, ,b 11oon.' that the sub act man had deliberately taken his ovm life. Thv bodyr of Skiles was interred on`the,d ~ p 5 were sent to QIJI and the a ~ J , itself was destroyed. of arrival at Tinian in the Aran Cemetery there. i Y { ~ - During the cruise, ;en ins .failure occured th o ~ The car ro was completel~unloaded on 26 Se tember when orders were received snc} the shi moved g r e,tfines. The first way duo to l boiler 6 I y P P priming; the seoond when the fuel oil-strainer ca' oarr; en lube to Saippn Harbor to swat'further assi`nmant. iVhile waiting for'thase orders. at Saipan, hi h-winds .and p _ed away., and the third time wh g g II~ oil' ressure was lost.; a`lowe uu a e P ring barometer caused some concern.for the sAfety of the ship..... rri anal w ro xeported moving iI , alon aths nearb and al }lands were anxious to et underwa i'rom the elan ar'zone. On the th of g P 1 F_ Y g ~ ~ ' 1- After ~ d Oo n » Y ~ ~ anchoring off. lungs, Posrrt,- Guadalasnal, the passetc ors-from Fear1 Harbor, were discharge,. tober the 73 was ordered to proceed independently to Lingayen, Philipp ins Islands via.. San g ~ ~ and` the New Ilanover rs erted to C fined Bernard' h err ve.l hem on 10 Oc be h ~ + p omPhibsGrou f - rams fine Strait and:Verde'Island-.Passe evra , U on or i to r s v anchored off , ~ p ~ or duty on , lurch. Until 15 March she g y p off Lur,ga Point ,awaiting' orders, Finally orders ar ~ lorida 'Point Arin for one ni 'ht v+hile information was obtained as 'to the whereabouts of -the A activit f rived sendin her to Purvis Bay, F gaY i, Y L f Island 'where she're orted a-' to whit ; d' th th o oa , p to CNB Solomans for duty. Fusl`and'water tanks were to eel off pr h the ship was'to report. Caro load~ng commence on e 11 ff Agoo B ch. High swellaand orator to sa r FP a, d p y ilinl,. On 18 btarch orders were roaeived for ataro-else a u se to E iritu Santo,' ifficult beach dais eel t}ie o oration considerably, but by the '15th, the entire cargo, 1700 tons, r i xP Y P i New Hebrides, Upnn her arrival there` on 2 6 ar~d .risen er ao 6` ffiaers and 1 enlisted ersonnel` tJ, S.` Arm ` tras aboard `The ~ 1 Ifarch, she reported for duty to ComTransRon 1 , P g mplement of o 09 P , Y, r `I~ P iii.; ; Commodore -J, B.; McGovern, USN. In the followin feu s was loaded next da in` co an with the U,S.S. A lin • APA=55) as Task tlnzt 5l~15,17thv cruise to Sasebo , r da s`a combat load of 21 O ton Y, PP L ( , g Y_ 5 mP Y r ; aboElyd, .Along with a ' risen er,co lament af' th Kyushu Ja an 'c n-the'rtew }.anover. This: nova a was com~lrited without incident e f ~ , P g n4'__ 11 tree officers and 1 roe s of the 27 , ,p ommenced, with CTU z ~ g _ I n i N P 29 P_ ,2 , ~r D vision, U.S.Army. On`-the 25th of Marsh the was undo ra w th Task Group 51,3... 3 October. Two da s later she was ordered to proceed rrom the outer }tarbor to the inner .harbor of I, ~ "73 rv y in convoy i Y enroute to U t ~ _ er' Sas , 1i hi, Comr~dore rdeGovsrn as CTG 51.3x The shi was art cf 'Task lnit 51x3,13 and ebo Ko where unloading operations aorrcienoed. This cargo-was completely discharged on the 31st and I~! I E P P tad a Captain A, S. Weth~ars on USN. On th a c wain 11 risen ors w a Some delay was noted to be due tv excessive con estion at di c ar ~ Po : is nose, the offioera of the Nev._hanover became a 9 P g ere sent shore. J g s h ge ~ w i ion- i ith the complex ties of travelling in no an~~ with other shi s es ea all in re ard'to stet po_nts on the beach. However, the o oration was executed .,n ~ rea.,onably satisfactory manner and the I ~ keo in 'on z- a » » ~ P, P i Y g sh P p g fig z g maneuvers. Posits. were'reoeived zn diminishing numbers, and emergency... ip was reported ready for sea an the lash day of October. ' maneuvers beoan?e routine. Trainin of "ersonnvl a a tion to coma' I~:I i g _ p ontinued in preparation for the o ~ ~ Anchorage at Ulithi was over-night from the 3rd to the ~ltti of A ril st which-aims the convoy ~ „ P , ~ ;s continued o Kerama Retto where;: the hi shored on-c A c On ....the `evenrng ~ P a ) pril 1)~5, off Koba Jima. u, of that date she shifted berth° he first I~fa~ to the protected fleet anchorage at Kerama Kaikyo. Fort I time the crow was as but no' + _ , lied to ge,~eral quarters because of he proximity of enemy<planes, planes were sighted and the "all clear" sounded. Sf. ~ ~ !'~6 { On 10 A r' l in com an ~ with CT ~ ~ cashes, ~ P p J ll G7, the 11ew l,suover prooeecled to the Hagusha B Okinawa Jima to ,join the remainder of TG 51.3 which, on the previous day, had been detached ,~I~~~~ on separate orders, + ,~i. ' i ~ err { , t; f ~y „ " ~ ,¢r , •~a,. w..: ~ : , 7. , ::r _._..,,,,m„„~ ~ . i • _ _ _q„ ~ 'r fr ~ a ~ LL_ , S a - i , ~ , 9... - ~ . fi~.. l~r 3 7 .~G r Meeting of December.17th 1 c 1 1 Wilmi.ngtan,.{,C,, 'December lst _ , _ 9~5, ontinued. 3 9 ~5• , M? Upan motion Mar Ella', m e ra ular weekly meeting of the Beard was held at 1 • .h g 0.00 A, td, I, y }tooro Peels, white indiF;ent c~.tizan, was admitted to } inmate, on recomaendation of'the Su t., of Public YJelfa " th0 Count I{ m P ra. Y ome as an ~`i nreaent: Addison I{ewlett Chairman, Geo. 'N. ;Trask ' IIR.Gardne r, L,J.Coleman and CoiultJ Attorney ~k ,~'`d~ Applications for lie den Bell ense to sell beer on :the Castle Haynes and Carolin tllars an4' ,l,J1, R. H. w a Beach Roe, Le is and L.G.McLemoro,'respeetively, tt,e same bein in du de' ~'hmztted b h', the S g e forty and executi Y ~ act n od uera ~ heriff, were upon motion of }fr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Coe •on'and endorsed b -The minutes of m i_g , mberl7th, lyll5, vrH:o .road and approved as retarded, 1 man, granted, Y ' A,' r art`of 4Y', oast of ldr` H. Id. Roland Sint,.... of Sc eP i.n:in tnn Public Libra ' A req , 1 hook, to increase the uohoal Bud yet Ilui rl ~ b ! ry and Baokmabile-for }lovember wa ~ ~ , _1 ing Iand,. y a ifi rocezvac. and filed.. ~17,277.(~0 of the unappropriatod bA1a::ca of ;~f~2,~15.1> to meet expensoa fnr ronovation arid-remodelin ~ tTpon motion of }dr. Tr g _ ask seconded b t sahool building class rooma, o ba raimburaed by the t',overnmontvras a on mot n , , y }dr. fall, a,raques of John A. Stevens, attar , P fn of tfr. Trrsh, the difference in a~ses:iment char nor, to a ascended by Mr.`Gardner, granted. gad against Vtahls Departmont'Store and the taxable.., bite against'Pfilmington Lod e of.Elks b o - assessment t g , 1 ck,~190, whrhwoulde ual ars ba , of ~21~, j00.00-for the ~ ear 1 1 a q a tement' of tFU;es on a valu Ana l~tcat:on for license to sell beor nt Seven mile ost + ^ aticn PP p on ha Ga.,tI9 I;a os Rond sttbraittad b ilc J 9 t5, ccount of sale` Navin bean c ~ • Jn , jk ' g lased after Jnrn:car,+ lst I " J i upon motion of ?~dr, Trask, socondad h tdr. ]tall ra 945, .was ~l,R.Bntaon, the sane being in due forrn and execution and andoraed' b the sheriff urea a on motion Y , P Y g nted. hir. Coleman votin- n Cii'i o. of 1;ir. Coleman, ascended by ldr, Trtisk, granted. Upan motto:. bf tr. Gardner,: seconded b Mr y Hall,:authnrity waa (riven to cloao all ca .in observance of the Chr 'a unt olfic e art of Jas. balker:.I[os ital Sor 30 iatrn s Holid»ys Pram 5sj0"P,}~t., }londay, ])scamper 21th 1 Y es A r p p 1 Member was received and filed. . , Thursda` ec ( , c ntfl 8: 0 Y, 1l ember 26th, 1g1~5. 3 A.?d., ,,,.1 ?ayment of f~3.05 to ~.C,}ScIntire, Atty. ,,for noun r,asts incirrbd in tho Su,rame Court n a ea 1 i pp 1 A repor~ of theactivities of the se C n v nirb 'C 5 t ca of flew T?anover ou the office.. of Contest Represontative of_4lilmin~ton °f ty y idbary an back tax ,,uit. Legion for the month of .November, was received. and .filed Post x'10 American ~ ; The f~i? louring. good and lawful ;man vroro dram to sorv© as ~arars in the Su,erior Caurt for the t ' a w.., _'L, on I r~. 1 F ~ p motion of ?,tr, Coleman, seconded; b },ir,' Tras 4 of criminn7. craws for the week beFirutin Januar 11 th 1~ . ~ ! Y k, I,tr,.. Dorothy Mnnt'romer vraF r G Y t ' '1ab• payment of penalty for not listu~s char ed a ainst Y eleased from the ' 9 8 . g g praperi:y .in block '1 for ,I the reason she was i* 97, the year 19~, for t }doors Geo. F unt ' not familiar with the listing of ro arty for to es Alber , H , >a.H.Wattare, Robt.L.Hall,; b.Il.Page, B.C,Evans, _ Vlaltar Godwin, P P . x or that it is re uirad r • r, t} list the 'same .each- .ear. q to ~,rI,B..fe ,A,II,Youn blocd E.L..ulchar AC.Sandl n 'C , ~;q,l( Y , g , i , .R.Ple:ce, Ii.19.Turner,Jr.,- J.J.Garris, ' C,D,1/~$rill, IY,H,Brown, tLS.Truelovo, il.R.Brdwn, Thos.L.Dean Graham lion Jas, V'!m, Ta for ~ , , Y , ~ A copy of the YJilmin~ton Port Traffic ss E.T,Gre o , L.B,Tille ,Sr,, L.D.Latta ` T.B.Colwnli 0 Brb sa 6 A oeiatiori Intervention in the Carolina Coal Consu g ~ ~ _ , .L. wn, A J, Brotirn, Thos.R,Orrell, mars C,L,Kin HRdla~ H; Hewett- 1l.A1lewbar Cla enc " r " ~ ~ -complaint 'r5-Aberdeen & .Rockfish _Relroad et al to g, J , , r a D. ~ta.nber er, R.L.~nakonbur I.A..dcCarv Jr. protect tht coal consumers intr~restbymai.ntsinin ~ g' ' ! lower rates on coal in thin area "was S`.S,Ear1e Paul Averitte _R. S. IdcKeithan Jr, Harold G BeI£ord ` }Y ~ • received and filed.. ~ , , , , .L.Dixan,Jr., S,D.Bordaaux, ' Erle }Y, Thomas, John 'iV. Clark, Louis E. Sclutidt,-F.Elliott Liviri~stnn `SS.Dac~!'~t 11d}vard Bart Jr. 6 rY, , a Upon motion of Dir. Gardner second bl G,P.Gormnn K.1d.Ha11 Charles Ba*son J.L.Ulhite Eu en 51cc] va , ,s,,~,~ , ed by r. Coleman, authority w ~ , ? ? g e If cr od, 0. J.Criswall, ~€.D.McKee, for the Welfare De artment at a e J _as given to purchase a new'dietaphone F.A,Babson Ra nd }Z Jonas J.11.Brittain Pleasant Batson as ~ P ost of ~300.C0 to re Inca h Y~ , , Ch R. Register, R..{.}{ubbard, ' p e present seven veer old b dictaphone which can be sold` far ~100.C0 makin ~ adlr worn Fred. L. Bundy, ,J,N,Browne, ;V.Ii,Pr^ de E.Bornard k;. S oonar tlydon HicJman Stavrart D, .Stri.akland Jr. L.li!'i , K a net cost of $200,00 for the navy mac}c J P _ ' ~~,;,;j will save th® rice. of ones ins which _ P . tenographer as recammanded by the Supt,, 'of Pubiin Ylelfare, _The moating then ad,?o~srned. { , r ~;1, pon motLOn o£ },lr. Trask, seconded by }dr. Gardner, authority waa •iven tae - ' 1 t J € mplby a carpenter to , repair .the woodwork on t},e Co~,rt 1 n s ' ? u e Annez and b `~1~<-~ , ids for .painting to be asked for when he re airs • have been completed. P Cle.k, , i i!;: ,I, ' The meetin } ~ '~lilmi ~gton, ?d, C., Janua 7th, I)lrb. E t,~en adjourned. rY a!, ~~3 TFie regular. weelay meeting of he Board w,zs held at 1fl:OQ A,L. •-~,~1" - Clerk. I:~~ ~!r;~ii ` Present: Jas. }d; Hall,.'. Vice Chairman, Goo. lY. Trask, H. It. Gardner, L.JColaman and Count !I r" Y „i ' Attornsy ldarsden Bella L ~ ~:~i ; Ilia, Wilmington, N. Decernbar 2~ th' c+ ( , 1,1(5• Tho minutes ofineeting`of.December,jlst, 1945, xere read and approved as recorded, .i ~ A report was received from tho Back Tax Collector shavring ~8,b26,61 collected for the month of , ~ The regular weekly meetin€;- of .the Hoard was held 'at 10.:00 A.2v1, Derembor M I ~1},024.~}O for the City and ~~~,597•rl fa. the County. ~yli Presents_Addison Hewlett Char ~ , „I„~~ 1 roan, ueo. W. Tra~k., Jas. 1t.'Ha11, nsnd L. J, Coleman, and H.R.Cardner. -A lications for. s b a est a es d gust}Y `b ~ Pp ..licenses o s1L ..oar t C Ie I{ yn an ilm.~n€,tan, su mittad by lurnie ilixon and Th ~ t ' ~ The minutes ofmeeting of December I th 1 1 w omas T. and Rus.,eil L. Rochelle, respectively, the same bea.ng in due .form and exoaution and ~ 7 9~5,..ereread and n roved as reco d _ red. , i PP encforsod by the Sheriff, were upon rnot.~on of 1.(r. Gardner, econu.ad by «r, lrnsk, granted. ' In addition to the Christmas Holida s ranted. v Y. g b~ i,he Eoard at meetin of Docomber L th, !.'r. Kell ~ g 7 "A re ort oft t at Dec b' wa I moved and it was seconded by lytr. Coler~ran and parried t P he nctlvit>.es of he-Bureau of Iden ifxc ion for em er s rr~eeived anti filed. ! , hat tho County`o1'flces olosa at 1:00'.'. o clock P.}d,, this day,'in observance of the holidays, ~ ,2eguest for ad justmant'of the Back Taxes o r the ra orty of J.}Y.}doyland,; bloc}t 1;`2b, lots ?.O: and 21 ` ° P P , Carolina Place J.Lt,Hall Jr, `10 acros Ga e Faer Tavrnshi 'and lot b block 2 _Cnrolina Beach we P P , 5 , re A roport of the Communit Nos 3aA1 for '.iovembe a ' Y P r was rece_vad and fled, upon motion of,l.fr. Trask referred to'the Gor:~nittee vrith ower to act. f l P "i Acknowledgemont was received from Mr. A, H,-Graham `Cha ~ , irman, State Highway F: P>>blic }'locks-Commission,, ,The-Board act ~ tt ne and a on mat on of ! ' of-our attar of December i th re inl, upon the opinion of the County A or, y, p i Ix. Trask, seconded by , questing .repairs to the .stockade and re-•occu ation of State prisoners ~ . ' P ?.x, Coleman 'ranted author t to abate the advertisement cost for sale of ro arty for texas ahe,r ed for road work in this area. 11r. Graham stated that he ho ed to be `a that will ' ~ ~ Y P A ° ' g ' ~ ble t ant I ~ be mutuall satisfy t P o work out an arrangem ':..against the property of any person in the armed forces. y cony. i ~ ~ Ana A-request of 4!. F._Kin for re-a sisal of he puildings'on his lot 1,`-~,1, 1Yinter Park ,and reduce.the ~ pplicatian for license to sell,baer on the Wri htsville Beac ~ ti• ~ g PP ~ ~ g h Iagh ray 'at „eahete submitted by X3,750,00 assess 0 00 as is was in 1~1 ti°~as rofarred to the Tax. Asa s ment for ,19115 to X3,05 . . e sors for i#~ ~ David C. Lambert and endorsed b;,~ the Sheriff, was open motion of ?fr. Hall sn d d b ~ 1.9r. Coleman I,f~l ~ i granted.' cane y revievr. I~,1 - i~l~ i,,,l I! . , m A statement was ~ State Bo~.rd bf Public 'Jelfare showin 'that 10 2. Q wa:r s a Jpan motion-sYf }ir•• :cask, seconded b :y, xa l }dr.' c SG r'e„eined from the 6 ~ ,75 1, ant to , ! ~ Y Ci ero Yow, A. sty 'citor ..was f i nt Rec,order~ Court Sah , this County for Old A e Assistance and Aid to Dependant Children for thA month of December. g allowed to share in the monthl sale increase e ~ sale s l Y llowed i'Y rJ' CountJ employees as of July lst, 19115, and increase -was :.fixed at X5,00 per rionth as of Jul lst ~ r 1 ` Y X45• >tio oh'eations war a' b t oard to `the Texas Co anv's a~nlication to he Dtatr c • ~ J e r ssed y he B mP I, i t En sneer la , + to const ~'d f t o s ann ~ ruct an open pile timber wharf on ,the east ~a e a h h p ch al ripe,lear river about No fur~her business a earin the :neetin ad,'ourned. , a 3 i t PP g, g 7 2 ~l,i .7 miles south of Wilmi.n€;ton. h' ' ~ 7 ~c . A Clerk.. r fir, ~ j ~ telegram received through Fnrt Bragg from Atlanta, Ga, granting ?1ew'Hanover County itnrrediate ~ right of ant to use Bluethenthal Ai ort ending execution of final liconse and sub'oct to certain , i rY r'P P J , J cortditi_ons was discussed at loo th, also tho matter of giving; the Airpnrt Cor~~ittoe authors to g ty ~ ' 41 negotiate with an interests for the use e£ the field, suggested by i-fr•, t',ardner, but nn action wa Y s ! ~ aken, 1`+ss , Iavina Se ' `I llers'Hewett and Janros Wile l~tarle ,-white indi ant ritfzens, vrere a on matio ~ ~ ~ Y Y g p n of Mr, Trask se ~ ~ if t d to the Cot:nt' .Home as inr~tes on,rac ~ , , conc.ed b~ r, Ca leman, admi to amaeirdat~an of the s Supt., of Publio Welfa re. I ; I ~ ~ , `L. ' }.x. J, R: Hal blic li'elfare a oared to ask that the a o ' lis, Superintendent of Pu PP PPr Priatron for ~ Aid P , , . to Dependent Children be increased by ~2D0,00 manthl5 for the remaining fi.vE, months of-this , d' j fiscal ear to' + far which the S+,~te and J'ederal Uovarnments d l Y mee~ increased needs, will aontripute ~ an a id dditional $600.00 monthly, Upan motion of ldr. Gardner, seconded by r. l~E,sk, the requflat Ef ' t-! ~s granted. Coleman votin no :for the reason he did not feel the Count= ahauld he called 8 on to care fora n 'c dren abandoned h 'their father sore three.rnonths' ~ ~ ins ne ro Nil _a ~i~ Y o why shoo d' l> g 1 i~ ba brought bank. here on"wa nt-issued about that time and be made to ak i rya , o acre of them. i '