1946 Meeting Minutes i • _ _ _q„ ~ 'r fr ~ a ~ LL_ , S a - i , ~ , 9... - ~ . fi~.. l~r 3 7 .~G r Meeting of December.17th 1 c 1 1 Wilmi.ngtan,.{,C,, 'December lst _ , _ 9~5, ontinued. 3 9 ~5• , M? Upan motion Mar Ella', m e ra ular weekly meeting of the Beard was held at 1 • .h g 0.00 A, td, I, y }tooro Peels, white indiF;ent c~.tizan, was admitted to } inmate, on recomaendation of'the Su t., of Public YJelfa " th0 Count I{ m P ra. Y ome as an ~`i nreaent: Addison I{ewlett Chairman, Geo. 'N. ;Trask ' IIR.Gardne r, L,J.Coleman and CoiultJ Attorney ~k ,~'`d~ Applications for lie den Bell ense to sell beer on :the Castle Haynes and Carolin tllars an4' ,l,J1, R. H. w a Beach Roe, Le is and L.G.McLemoro,'respeetively, tt,e same bein in du de' ~'hmztted b h', the S g e forty and executi Y ~ act n od uera ~ heriff, were upon motion of }fr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Coe •on'and endorsed b -The minutes of m i_g , mberl7th, lyll5, vrH:o .road and approved as retarded, 1 man, granted, Y ' A,' r art`of 4Y', oast of ldr` H. Id. Roland Sint,.... of Sc eP i.n:in tnn Public Libra ' A req , 1 hook, to increase the uohoal Bud yet Ilui rl ~ b ! ry and Baokmabile-for }lovember wa ~ ~ , _1 ing Iand,. y a ifi rocezvac. and filed.. ~17,277.(~0 of the unappropriatod bA1a::ca of ;~f~2,~15.1> to meet expensoa fnr ronovation arid-remodelin ~ tTpon motion of }dr. Tr g _ ask seconded b t sahool building class rooma, o ba raimburaed by the t',overnmontvras a on mot n , , y }dr. fall, a,raques of John A. Stevens, attar , P fn of tfr. Trrsh, the difference in a~ses:iment char nor, to a ascended by Mr.`Gardner, granted. gad against Vtahls Departmont'Store and the taxable.., bite against'Pfilmington Lod e of.Elks b o - assessment t g , 1 ck,~190, whrhwoulde ual ars ba , of ~21~, j00.00-for the ~ ear 1 1 a q a tement' of tFU;es on a valu Ana l~tcat:on for license to sell beor nt Seven mile ost + ^ aticn PP p on ha Ga.,tI9 I;a os Rond sttbraittad b ilc J 9 t5, ccount of sale` Navin bean c ~ • Jn , jk ' g lased after Jnrn:car,+ lst I " J i upon motion of ?~dr, Trask, socondad h tdr. ]tall ra 945, .was ~l,R.Bntaon, the sane being in due forrn and execution and andoraed' b the sheriff urea a on motion Y , P Y g nted. hir. Coleman votin- n Cii'i o. of 1;ir. Coleman, ascended by ldr, Trtisk, granted. Upan motto:. bf tr. Gardner,: seconded b Mr y Hall,:authnrity waa (riven to cloao all ca .in observance of the Chr 'a unt olfic e art of Jas. balker:.I[os ital Sor 30 iatrn s Holid»ys Pram 5sj0"P,}~t., }londay, ])scamper 21th 1 Y es A r p p 1 Member was received and filed. . , Thursda` ec ( , c ntfl 8: 0 Y, 1l ember 26th, 1g1~5. 3 A.?d., ,,,.1 ?ayment of f~3.05 to ~.C,}ScIntire, Atty. ,,for noun r,asts incirrbd in tho Su,rame Court n a ea 1 i pp 1 A repor~ of theactivities of the se C n v nirb 'C 5 t ca of flew T?anover ou the office.. of Contest Represontative of_4lilmin~ton °f ty y idbary an back tax ,,uit. Legion for the month of .November, was received. and .filed Post x'10 American ~ ; The f~i? louring. good and lawful ;man vroro dram to sorv© as ~arars in the Su,erior Caurt for the t ' a w.., _'L, on I r~. 1 F ~ p motion of ?,tr, Coleman, seconded; b },ir,' Tras 4 of criminn7. craws for the week beFirutin Januar 11 th 1~ . ~ ! Y k, I,tr,.. Dorothy Mnnt'romer vraF r G Y t ' '1ab• payment of penalty for not listu~s char ed a ainst Y eleased from the ' 9 8 . g g praperi:y .in block '1 for ,I the reason she was i* 97, the year 19~, for t }doors Geo. F unt ' not familiar with the listing of ro arty for to es Alber , H , >a.H.Wattare, Robt.L.Hall,; b.Il.Page, B.C,Evans, _ Vlaltar Godwin, P P . x or that it is re uirad r • r, t} list the 'same .each- .ear. q to ~,rI,B..fe ,A,II,Youn blocd E.L..ulchar AC.Sandl n 'C , ~;q,l( Y , g , i , .R.Ple:ce, Ii.19.Turner,Jr.,- J.J.Garris, ' C,D,1/~$rill, IY,H,Brown, tLS.Truelovo, il.R.Brdwn, Thos.L.Dean Graham lion Jas, V'!m, Ta for ~ , , Y , ~ A copy of the YJilmin~ton Port Traffic ss E.T,Gre o , L.B,Tille ,Sr,, L.D.Latta ` T.B.Colwnli 0 Brb sa 6 A oeiatiori Intervention in the Carolina Coal Consu g ~ ~ _ , .L. wn, A J, Brotirn, Thos.R,Orrell, mars C,L,Kin HRdla~ H; Hewett- 1l.A1lewbar Cla enc " r " ~ ~ -complaint 'r5-Aberdeen & .Rockfish _Relroad et al to g, J , , r a D. ~ta.nber er, R.L.~nakonbur I.A..dcCarv Jr. protect tht coal consumers intr~restbymai.ntsinin ~ g' ' ! lower rates on coal in thin area "was S`.S,Ear1e Paul Averitte _R. S. IdcKeithan Jr, Harold G BeI£ord ` }Y ~ • received and filed.. ~ , , , , .L.Dixan,Jr., S,D.Bordaaux, ' Erle }Y, Thomas, John 'iV. Clark, Louis E. Sclutidt,-F.Elliott Liviri~stnn `SS.Dac~!'~t 11d}vard Bart Jr. 6 rY, , a Upon motion of Dir. Gardner second bl G,P.Gormnn K.1d.Ha11 Charles Ba*son J.L.Ulhite Eu en 51cc] va , ,s,,~,~ , ed by r. Coleman, authority w ~ , ? ? g e If cr od, 0. J.Criswall, ~€.D.McKee, for the Welfare De artment at a e J _as given to purchase a new'dietaphone F.A,Babson Ra nd }Z Jonas J.11.Brittain Pleasant Batson as ~ P ost of ~300.C0 to re Inca h Y~ , , Ch R. Register, R..{.}{ubbard, ' p e present seven veer old b dictaphone which can be sold` far ~100.C0 makin ~ adlr worn Fred. L. Bundy, ,J,N,Browne, ;V.Ii,Pr^ de E.Bornard k;. S oonar tlydon HicJman Stavrart D, .Stri.akland Jr. L.li!'i , K a net cost of $200,00 for the navy mac}c J P _ ' ~~,;,;j will save th® rice. of ones ins which _ P . tenographer as recammanded by the Supt,, 'of Pubiin Ylelfare, _The moating then ad,?o~srned. { , r ~;1, pon motLOn o£ },lr. Trask, seconded by }dr. Gardner, authority waa •iven tae - ' 1 t J € mplby a carpenter to , repair .the woodwork on t},e Co~,rt 1 n s ' ? u e Annez and b `~1~<-~ , ids for .painting to be asked for when he re airs • have been completed. P Cle.k, , i i!;: ,I, ' The meetin } ~ '~lilmi ~gton, ?d, C., Janua 7th, I)lrb. E t,~en adjourned. rY a!, ~~3 TFie regular. weelay meeting of he Board w,zs held at 1fl:OQ A,L. •-~,~1" - Clerk. I:~~ ~!r;~ii ` Present: Jas. }d; Hall,.'. Vice Chairman, Goo. lY. Trask, H. It. Gardner, L.JColaman and Count !I r" Y „i ' Attornsy ldarsden Bella L ~ ~:~i ; Ilia, Wilmington, N. Decernbar 2~ th' c+ ( , 1,1(5• Tho minutes ofineeting`of.December,jlst, 1945, xere read and approved as recorded, .i ~ A report was received from tho Back Tax Collector shavring ~8,b26,61 collected for the month of , ~ The regular weekly meetin€;- of .the Hoard was held 'at 10.:00 A.2v1, Derembor M I ~1},024.~}O for the City and ~~~,597•rl fa. the County. ~yli Presents_Addison Hewlett Char ~ , „I„~~ 1 roan, ueo. W. Tra~k., Jas. 1t.'Ha11, nsnd L. J, Coleman, and H.R.Cardner. -A lications for. s b a est a es d gust}Y `b ~ Pp ..licenses o s1L ..oar t C Ie I{ yn an ilm.~n€,tan, su mittad by lurnie ilixon and Th ~ t ' ~ The minutes ofmeeting of December I th 1 1 w omas T. and Rus.,eil L. Rochelle, respectively, the same bea.ng in due .form and exoaution and ~ 7 9~5,..ereread and n roved as reco d _ red. , i PP encforsod by the Sheriff, were upon rnot.~on of 1.(r. Gardner, econu.ad by «r, lrnsk, granted. ' In addition to the Christmas Holida s ranted. v Y. g b~ i,he Eoard at meetin of Docomber L th, !.'r. Kell ~ g 7 "A re ort oft t at Dec b' wa I moved and it was seconded by lytr. Coler~ran and parried t P he nctlvit>.es of he-Bureau of Iden ifxc ion for em er s rr~eeived anti filed. ! , hat tho County`o1'flces olosa at 1:00'.'. o clock P.}d,, this day,'in observance of the holidays, ~ ,2eguest for ad justmant'of the Back Taxes o r the ra orty of J.}Y.}doyland,; bloc}t 1;`2b, lots ?.O: and 21 ` ° P P , Carolina Place J.Lt,Hall Jr, `10 acros Ga e Faer Tavrnshi 'and lot b block 2 _Cnrolina Beach we P P , 5 , re A roport of the Communit Nos 3aA1 for '.iovembe a ' Y P r was rece_vad and fled, upon motion of,l.fr. Trask referred to'the Gor:~nittee vrith ower to act. f l P "i Acknowledgemont was received from Mr. A, H,-Graham `Cha ~ , irman, State Highway F: P>>blic }'locks-Commission,, ,The-Board act ~ tt ne and a on mat on of ! ' of-our attar of December i th re inl, upon the opinion of the County A or, y, p i Ix. Trask, seconded by , questing .repairs to the .stockade and re-•occu ation of State prisoners ~ . ' P ?.x, Coleman 'ranted author t to abate the advertisement cost for sale of ro arty for texas ahe,r ed for road work in this area. 11r. Graham stated that he ho ed to be `a that will ' ~ ~ Y P A ° ' g ' ~ ble t ant I ~ be mutuall satisfy t P o work out an arrangem ':..against the property of any person in the armed forces. y cony. i ~ ~ Ana A-request of 4!. F._Kin for re-a sisal of he puildings'on his lot 1,`-~,1, 1Yinter Park ,and reduce.the ~ pplicatian for license to sell,baer on the Wri htsville Beac ~ ti• ~ g PP ~ ~ g h Iagh ray 'at „eahete submitted by X3,750,00 assess 0 00 as is was in 1~1 ti°~as rofarred to the Tax. Asa s ment for ,19115 to X3,05 . . e sors for i#~ ~ David C. Lambert and endorsed b;,~ the Sheriff, was open motion of ?fr. Hall sn d d b ~ 1.9r. Coleman I,f~l ~ i granted.' cane y revievr. I~,1 - i~l~ i,,,l I! . , m A statement was ~ State Bo~.rd bf Public 'Jelfare showin 'that 10 2. Q wa:r s a Jpan motion-sYf }ir•• :cask, seconded b :y, xa l }dr.' c SG r'e„eined from the 6 ~ ,75 1, ant to , ! ~ Y Ci ero Yow, A. sty 'citor ..was f i nt Rec,order~ Court Sah , this County for Old A e Assistance and Aid to Dependant Children for thA month of December. g allowed to share in the monthl sale increase e ~ sale s l Y llowed i'Y rJ' CountJ employees as of July lst, 19115, and increase -was :.fixed at X5,00 per rionth as of Jul lst ~ r 1 ` Y X45• >tio oh'eations war a' b t oard to `the Texas Co anv's a~nlication to he Dtatr c • ~ J e r ssed y he B mP I, i t En sneer la , + to const ~'d f t o s ann ~ ruct an open pile timber wharf on ,the east ~a e a h h p ch al ripe,lear river about No fur~her business a earin the :neetin ad,'ourned. , a 3 i t PP g, g 7 2 ~l,i .7 miles south of Wilmi.n€;ton. h' ' ~ 7 ~c . A Clerk.. r fir, ~ j ~ telegram received through Fnrt Bragg from Atlanta, Ga, granting ?1ew'Hanover County itnrrediate ~ right of ant to use Bluethenthal Ai ort ending execution of final liconse and sub'oct to certain , i rY r'P P J , J cortditi_ons was discussed at loo th, also tho matter of giving; the Airpnrt Cor~~ittoe authors to g ty ~ ' 41 negotiate with an interests for the use e£ the field, suggested by i-fr•, t',ardner, but nn action wa Y s ! ~ aken, 1`+ss , Iavina Se ' `I llers'Hewett and Janros Wile l~tarle ,-white indi ant ritfzens, vrere a on matio ~ ~ ~ Y Y g p n of Mr, Trask se ~ ~ if t d to the Cot:nt' .Home as inr~tes on,rac ~ , , conc.ed b~ r, Ca leman, admi to amaeirdat~an of the s Supt., of Publio Welfa re. I ; I ~ ~ , `L. ' }.x. J, R: Hal blic li'elfare a oared to ask that the a o ' lis, Superintendent of Pu PP PPr Priatron for ~ Aid P , , . to Dependent Children be increased by ~2D0,00 manthl5 for the remaining fi.vE, months of-this , d' j fiscal ear to' + far which the S+,~te and J'ederal Uovarnments d l Y mee~ increased needs, will aontripute ~ an a id dditional $600.00 monthly, Upan motion of ldr. Gardner, seconded by r. l~E,sk, the requflat Ef ' t-! ~s granted. Coleman votin no :for the reason he did not feel the Count= ahauld he called 8 on to care fora n 'c dren abandoned h 'their father sore three.rnonths' ~ ~ ins ne ro Nil _a ~i~ Y o why shoo d' l> g 1 i~ ba brought bank. here on"wa nt-issued about that time and be made to ak i rya , o acre of them. i ' ~ ~ i ' ~ . r T } i r r~ Z ' ;,t ' t~ tr. ~,.,t " ~ ]lasting of .Jan 7th 1 1 co Y , 9 rb ntinued, ,1, k! rat ~ 11.tth - 1 ~ o }9aeting oi' January , 9~6 ...continued. a,! Mr,A.B ,Rhodes, Register of Dseda,appeared-and told the B oard that N Dr. Elliot, Health Officer and 1Ar. A,"B, Rhodos, }register of Dvode ap eared and :the iae.ttar of j iilrnington Poat Amer P - is preparing a roster of service men from this Co ~ ; ; ~ linty and caked the lean 1,e improving t}•ie photogrephia copies of vital statistlats prepared b the Haa7.th Ds rnrtton f ' t in lieu of re ,a glen ~ Y I n t or record in his office out of the 194rj-lglth bud et"a~ r P P rin 'th the Re later of Deoda records,<praa further drsouNtaed and it wa d`~~ ~ , g , LP o eiatiort of , g is g s rd road that Dr.' 1 ° ` a P ~1,~00,00, as g E lint h vs t donation be granted American Isgian toward the Planned uch necessary ad~ustmenta made to the hero ra his ru~ch ` expense of this wor , theta s P g P ina;by a ca, stmt arson to correct ~ ~ an officio k for which' mP P ~ 1 cop each to the the tivi the end that a ant , Y City turd County thereby aliminatin a du l Y 11 turn over the trouble to iafactory solution of the matter may be-worked;out bettivssn „I:.i engthy discussion 1~1r. Coleman moved a g P ication of the war hodas and Dr Elliot. nd it was seconded b 1hr•. Trask and cnrr k• Ater hlr• R Y led 'the Its;; ~J.,80U~1J0 appropriation bs he t ld in abeyance pending further consderetio the ; ~ R All voting affir•mat n of Mr. ~ 6 iyely except }dr. Gardner who voted no, hods..,, request, Upon motion of i~r. Hall, secanrled by,,, r. Coleman, ifrs, }h,F,Penn ;was ranted an shat Y g smear of ~ taxes or} a valuation of X200.00 }iotasehold and kitchen Furniture s • li tad.: above its true°value for Mr. Rhadea also brought up the matter of photo ra hie co ies a earl 1t5. g P P of records of vital ;rtatia th y 9 It}, ' sent over to hts office by the Health De artment` a ticta P nd complained oP..thetendene of the i,~ ! to curl'up and cannot Ue c y re proaerly placed in, the hinders?the sheets ate irre u ord A communication was received fangs the County Audii.or advising the'atnount an do osit n ea g lag in size P i ch i ; " on a number of them see th'" . , e,vrrit December 0' ' ~ to 0 ,gi illegible and snags]] unaat i of than w t g y isfnetory, and that he had adv ng bank as 3 , lg }5, g i h a momarnndttm of securities held in'eaoh cage. Health Officer, he would not secs t the, iced llr.Ell III ~ p n zn. the Enure. Cansideeation' of th© matter w h iat, next meetin at w}rich rim as opt C g e Dr.Elliot and },lr. Rhodes agora asked `to be resent, P . Ponsd until - A report of the Ladies Rest .Room Gorrt~ittss-f'or Lecemboe was received and'filod, , ~f i P ,p r, E ' A moticn affered by J,lr, Gardner, that n cor*mtittAS b ~ we e raised b~ the.B"e ~ ; } e appointed to lank n c ho ob,7sctions r J ord to the lJ5 },n lasers ro ~oaa to i to ..lr. Rhodo!a re west 6 P } 1 extend the exiatinl, harbor iii ` 4 concerning the American Legfon preparin the roster of ~ ~ the scut side of the r ve g. service mo7 for th ~ , hne alone i r southward from its` resent soutttsrn , o ,,it P terminus nee th ,r and County and-re ort Feld Creak for a diatanc a r s mouth back to the Board,_was seconded by}t[r. Coleman and,cc:rried p r Grsenfi e of bout 2 of miles to a oint about 1 U00 and b ~EI P , Y a slow the existing. e'!"~'„ Mr•.}Jalter H B a Shell Oil Company s wriarf, l ir, Town Clerk of Carolina BAach,:~ppssrad to ur e that the matter of drains e`at Carol n ~ ,prompt rausideration be r , g i a Reach, as a reed he,_ore ; given e art of W11man ton Public Llbrrt fa ~ , • g , the spr .rg rains bel;in, l,ir, Gardner P' r p G ry r 1 ecember was received and 1 sled, ,i{., ~ and it was secotidsd by '}dr. Coleman sr..d Carr' moved c.. • ied,that a corvtittee be appointed.. to meat with ' G~? Beach Board for further cons' a she Car ]der tlnn of the matter and report back to thv Board r alias A.repart of the activztias of rho Uuroau af-identification for llecomber wee reoeived and filed. , • ~h•, ask at this - , point offered a motion to nn otiate far th g e purchase of a dra -line • dp 9., advertise for bids 6 for-caunty;draina€;o work an . T}ts Chair named the Hoard d r sl ass cormtittes of the whole Lon°motxan of 11x. Hall, seconded by r. Trask ,the matter df urchas a- to aons~dsr hot}i aft P ~ P zng dral; lino foe Cotulty a , matters..... ,ha abo Drainage work discussed and taken under consideration and investigation, C~ t~~` , ilpon motion of }rtr. Gardner servo • i ; , ndeii by }fir. Uoleman, instructions were ,.'t'rsn t t Ttis annual report of the 'calorod home deman5tration a ant vms received nrtd filed, I , o r cknoyrled},s reosipt of g k ~ the telegram concerning the. airport,-ta the authoeitiea a t Atlanta,. t7a. 'I' ~ U an notion o£ 1~r. Coleman seconded ~a b1r. Trask o,~ ~ p• P , y , p ,/meat of X2,157.00 to F, .S aver d; Son far ; ?lpon motion of ?"r. Coleman, seconded 'a 1~Itt•. 'frn~k Cat + a 20- . "for a ant. Y tnty bills }1os, 176vj to 201{6 were approved apply..ng year Barrett Type AA Bondeo Raof on the Court}Iouse Annex: as per canttstct, the: ~ same having Been inspected by 1dr. Coleman and approved, was ordered aid. h:, { P 9 I The meeting them'ad~ourned, r Chairman cart u ha t ' ' 1, T}s o Hoed t }lr. A.H. Graham, Chairman of-the Mate highvray f,; Pttt~lic Works Commission and llr. T,T,Betta, Division F:nginaer, would be here ?.;00 o'clock P,1". S'rednssdn Jnnuat bt EE; J ~C ~ lork ~ Y? 'Y l h, ~r,:~~ ------=.~='Z._.,. to confer with the Conmissianers conrarnin the stockade. g !~I ; t' I~~ r S `I~;~!'~ j Wilmin ton 1f. C. Janus c The meeting then ad,journsd• , r g , _ ry 11th, 1)L~fi. ~ - The ~~~~p/~ a~l+ regular weekly meeting of the Board was`held at 10,00 A '}d. Clerk. 7~n /C.f'w?~' y ~'II , .I. iEi . F,,, Present, Addison. Hevrlett Cht:irtnan, Geo, 4'f. Trask, Jas, hi. Hall L, f J. Colemam acid County Attorney ~Iilmir.~ton Il, C. Januarv 21st 116. t~ ~ Marsden :Bellamy. , ) t ~j. f-,, The minutes of me The re fular waskl mist' tl ij • .1 oting of January 7th, 'lgl~6, agars-road_ana a rover t, y ang of o onrd was held at l0.OO S, ta. ,I I"r I ; _P l as _recorded A request_of Mr.,',1,FrCox that t Presantt Addison iewlett Chairman Geo. 1"i, Trask LJ,Caleman nrrd 'aun'~r , he Tax Assessors be'allovred;~5.U0'psr day inorease in a on account of ~ ~ ~ Attorney liarsden Bellat~. f i,i inoreased w I P Y I,,~,R ork, }vas upon motion.. 8f t~ir•. Teas.;, oconded b iir • r. y .Col©man, takort .undor ronslderation, The tninutss of maeti:n bf Janus -11~h l 6 wore read and a roved as recorded. ' g rY t g~ , PP i+iemhera of the Real Estate Board a scrod 3n the interns PP t of Governrasnt_ operation of Bluethsnthal Airport, A ~ , , r- ; f~ls" 1Rr.' Etmnett BellaTrgr s sakin for the dale a rs}ajst of G,-Dudley lauaphre , At,~rney,:far carroctlou-of dasc:rs attc es and double char es of P g g tion asked what .consideration has been iven to Haas the y P i g ' ~ Government retain the f e f ror>ert in subsn a a v's ens ' f the tar tact, f i Id, and what effort has been tra P, Y quent-various s lee nd di 1 i o o r 9 0 land aonveyad by the First . de to continue ,operations at the sh>, yard, and • . ' offered his services to fu P tlatzonal 13nnk to ~Jo a Ju s t (3lI© contri nzn• 160 .and 0 acr s a • rth©r that cause, 1Ar. Bell s rd n Nixon n 11 h, i , 1 6_ ~ _ e d~o~ning Alexander arr~ aid Bluethenthal field is a utonstrosi , toa;big , • for New'Hanover ~ and rutch ~ r , ~I' ~ County ::and asked that the Co 'sk` , respectively, Harnett-townshzp,,ta anal}le a1,11,31r.l~an to_pa5 the-deL.nquent taxes tnm~. loners ro~louble heir efforts=to have some Government" rorerly c a + ns s l ti i i { operation" here,` Mr. Vr h r ab e a a xa u on rant on of L4r. Tr 1, aoondod ~ r, Colema m,}d.Hill stated that the idea prevails that the' Colin °doss not want th© Government P I 1 G ins ~ him,. s p i , y _n, .referred tY. to th } r ' ! retain the airport s C to a r.rman and .,aunty Auditor.. vrath power to ct. , J, D Hewlett exp dined that Avery ©ffort has heart rr~,de to ha,va the Government , .E;, re in the airport an << as been continually ,pressed to that end in 1Yas' in -ton. A to :the out ushin r g ( s C n y p g The rnatt;er of ascertain n vrtat 'ntsrest if an the'~oun rasa-have lathe A ]antic"Cos t the Arngr out, there is no semblance of truth in that statement.'Thsr i g } z y, ~Y s Line ~ e is no dl~agreement botwasn this • Railroad s ur tra t a - the s foemarl ~ or,nod b>'l~ow ion ve ' oar an a Real hstate Board as to the Government using the air ort and tivelcome-an sup actions other - P ~ g P P tY J y Y, , c t „rnlth Croe}, nlan ro r F o r Count 'sold t, than has be , P , Y 6g to I'r t c en done to ]lava the 11r, retain :tt. Idr s. Dexter, to vrh~eh -the ,,ounty made a con ~ributiott far _r.ts Han. traction for the banofit rlY Bellatri}r agalns asked that the Cotnmasai.oners redouble: t}1e:• of , , Ui't} ~ l~l p - it forts and employ. former: (,overnor Brou ^hton - is property, vra:, upon rnotzar~ of Mr. Trrtsh, seeondad h~r r• Coler.~n, refer.. sd to the Chairman , I~ ,,J ~ 6 to help zn ths'rw.tter. ~ r The Real EstateB a ` • rend ~^.ount ~ a ~ t back to rho Bottrd` at .the next meet' y__Attcrno f for _nvs,,tigatzon nd reI or , ing, i ord ryas preparing to leave ,and 14r. }Tsarist dy t asked what su estions the had to offer ~i concerning the shipyard„ and explained that persistent effort has been made to.kes them here:-from P App,licatians for licenses to sell hoer at Moffitt Vllags,and lacntion on the Carolina Beach road ' the ;day whey started operations.. until-this tithe, f ~ submitted by J.H, J.K. and T.C. Davis Jdaffitt Sada Spar and Ilanrv Omiel 1 ) r y,:~ Plantation `Club , i ~ A e the. r ~ e neat of the Reveren sane bola 'n dt a d •aett'on nd endorsed h~ the Shotiif were uton;mo~ion of hx.Co ems ' 6 , 4 g z to foal n as z z a 5 , 1 1 n , ~ q d Pf. A. himberle tci exam t lot ~ fo Y P in block # 1, I rinces." Plane, .:from axes sec ~ r r the reason the same was purchased August 25th, 1g1~5,'b Southeaste Bran ondsd bf b1r. Trask, approved. Y rn District iavan ela.caLLuth g Synod, and is used exclu3ively,for religious pu osea and is ocau ed ~ ~ rP i by f p , hs i+iinister in charge o t1r. Walter H 3 a a 'n Bsaoh a°nin a>tearad to ask for u t I religious work in this. district; was union motion of I:fr, a } la3.r, .Clerk of the fowrr of C r h a t, 1I Con y lI 11, seconded b • Ifr, Trask ranted. I y ~ g assists.nco to eke area at Carolina Beach, The Boards reed to meet ' I a.mpravs the drKZnat,e ~n the 1 g t! on in • p motion ot, tir. Trask .sec ~ .onforoncs tiv th rho ca • na Beach Hoard &t the Tovrn Ball at Cnrali.na_ Beach Vlodnosda _mornin , ondsd b Idr, Hall South Fos herthsl roll y, g, 3 , t Azrlanes wsa (,ranted ter~orory ass of Bluer t ' Airiort forthe o eration ~anuar~ 2' ~ 1 ___p of its airline sera' _5 ord, at 10.04 o rlack`to see what can ba dons to impravs the condition.: I . a.es natal rnattet s pending bottivsen rho County and-the I Government conoernin a clearer inter 4 i g pretatior.of the Gountyrs r>, hts zntho rern'ses can be deterninod, and the matte P a _U^on , ~ ~ f I r of office facilities` and other workin Arran` gg ticnal and r na~inn of ,,1r. Colsr~ut socauded br hir. Trr..,l., Larc~llna had YJril;htsul_le Reachsa were each allowed ementa between s two a rlins~ }1a r IF 6 g th i , i South act ~ t eld" two , " E ,was. referred to ohs .3oaed as a eorvnitteo of the yr vas on'the fi Deputy Sheriff-Police Osficars to' su, ilement_thozr polies (ores for a°period beginnin .'June let, `l 6 ' hole to meet with reprsssutati 1I g 94 , i ~ A11 votin affirmat' char a end , g ively except t,lr. Coler~n w}io requested to bo recorded as not"votin ' fealin that s € ending through Labor Da 'llonda~~', September 2nd, lyltb, at a salazrT of X150.00 each-.per .month, same as t g, Y . a y should be made for the use of the field. last oar, k~ i f'. request of 1.}r.J,Roltnan Robinson, Aldprrutn of YVrig}>tsville Beach, artd is }'7alter H. Blair,. Town Clerk of ~ 3 , ~ a' 1~ An_ nplioation for' license to` sell beer a Omir y arolinn e ch beach resort toad n t M r t a location on the Cat ole.na sack as ubr tied b Henry. Ranch, ,for an arinra nation of ~25U•~0 for a i i heir lg~b sdvertisrn I B R d, s n~ Y ~ P ~ I the' sa r , me being 'in-due form and exec,ut>.on and endorsed b th© Coleman, n bulletins narva e a a d br.tlboard~ eras `u ran r:tatzor. of 1~1r. Coleman seconded b ~ ldr, T as i 'i 1; ~ y Sheriff, was' upon rtotzon of i,lr•. , pap... rs, r die n I y r k, seconded by 1~r. Ha11, granted. granted out of unKtrpro rioted funds received i't•om the ABC stares. p I I s ~ e , The.Coun Auditor`brou ht t t c c ost ;U on . I tY g o hs ati,entaon that l)1t3-1 )1 and l value a half ton Chsvr P motion of }:1r. Colomntt sscandsd by Tree};, Lansing J. }}r•otivn,Vizlme.ngton townshi ,was ranted an . ~ y~5 son 1959 P g , i~" Panel trunk is ~~+35.00, and he l ~i ,Rod Book which ha • °b'0,00" flbn'testant. of to O~t`.OO P1 mouth automal>wlo ko twith him nut of th I ~ ~ 9 5 s bosh adopted for the lgl~6_val,res is ~ ~ xes on a valuntton of , ~ y P e Sta e, while ; ~ and asked Hhat to 'do to corroot'this and future discro anafee, lJ on .motion of 1ir•, Trask sscended by in the army, for the voar 1t~.;' ~ P P g ~ ~ Mr. Coleman, it wa3 agreed to continue to use the 1 r ec duction an i ~ 9~J R }Book. values with thci view of a re t !i a percentage basis, if future observations warrant such action. A Petition,be•~rin* the names of 1 ra ert• earners abutting the road knovm as }'urviance Creek P.venue' E. 6 g P P y- , I I, located on the `South side of Ptrvianee Creek, loading frori the hard-surface ilasonhoro road to the-Sound ~F r ~ re , ~ questing that the carne be hard-surfaced, was upon mntlon of 1:1r, -Trask,; sycandeci by 1,°r. Coleman, approved ; ~ and rsfsrrod to the State Hi •hirn~~ Yi,t~li~ l(or};s Carv:is:iion. ~ ~ , ~ ! Ik; 1; ~,1 i I I gill , , / ~/F; .w ~r~, , s. t h i `s , ~ ~ , Meetin of Janua g ry 21s~? 19~1G? continu r SII t, A i, C J ~VILM3NGTON N, ; I°, : _ s NUARY 2$TH; 1~4fi, PP 3 ; _i ~ A 'petition si nad b ~P, ~ g__ y 117 citizana of 111asonl>oro tovmshi recttesti , . ~ ,,outhe a p l n .that t ~I t rl rids .,tore to ;}?lyrtl6 Urovo Sottnd a distanu j' he r°a$ loadinjr frq, REGULAR WEEKLY-MEETING OF, THE BOARD WAS, HELD AT:10: tat , a of about throe t2 THE d0 A. Pr1. ~ .cen over uarte •s j' ? I by the State Hi ,}~vra~ 9 r of a mile, be, ~P u to f J Pitblie Yforka Cormtissiorz far re lairs I n mot on of hfr, Tras3k, socon~ied b 1.{r. Co I and rnaintenanoe, 1'ras ADDiSON,HEVJLETT CHAIRMAN GEO. l~, TRA ~1 ! Y Iemttrr, a ? rovvrl, PRESENT s SK, JAB. M: HALL H; R. G RDN Jp DNB M ~ A ER, L J,COLEMAN ANp ~i ~ti 11- COUNTY ATTO$NEY ,MARS E ELLA Y, P o ob~ectt.ans vrere raisod by 'the Board to the a7 I; ; I plication of tho ` xc~P Service Inc,, to the United States I)istr ct •i Nrit;htsville?.{arinv Sales a NUTES OF MEET1NG OE JANUARY 21ST WERE: R i PnL..neer for a por>+lit to dead o mate nd THE. MI s EAA AND APPROVED A5-RECORAED. ~I.1~ ; area in the vic,nit P riu ' ,S,A;' y of thair wharf and i7~rina railvray< on tht1; oast `s I t rorn the ~I.,, ~ Wrightsville Sound. ido of tho Inland Vfatervra ~ D CHAR I T I Es F D vd " ~ y ftt THE AaSOCIATE ACE ITH A DEFICIT OF yp1f3C0.00 AND ~21 CASE LOADS WITH DA} IN R iN . ! _ LY c EAS G n- r~r ~ A report of Carnmun r DEMANDS ON<ITS ALRtADY: DEPLATED FUNilSl, REVEREND nLEXANDER Pal{LEER, PRE5IDENT Of'THE ASSOCIATION AND i~ ity Ho.,pital £or Decombvr• was received .and filed PBR~ c•L.YOW APPEARED AJVD-TOLD THE C06'6d15S1pIdERS THAT (NSTRU ~ ' p ~ C?IONS HAVE BEEN GIVEN MRS. L•O.ELLIS~ tid 1: l1 Ori motion EXECUTIlE SECRETARY OF SSOCIATED CHAR}TIE5~T10 DISCONTINUE OPERATIONS 'AFTER TO-DAY OR UNTIL FINANCIAL : I; : P of }i1z•. Calerfan secon ~ , ~ , , dvd by I+{r, ~•r~„k, F, g. Kin pUfl "out ARRANGEMENTS CAN EfE MADE TO CARRYON. TH i S~ P1EV. ~i I LEER EXPLAINED 15 DUE LARGELY 0 I admitted to the State L_ h bth .,tr T THE FACT THAT IN I' Hon zta , aat- i ~,i p 1 at Raleigh L(a 19~J1. was e , vrho eras URRENDERING ITS fORMER P061CY OF SOLICITING FUND , I' ac Y t, xempt horn the na S S, AND. LIEU THEREOF`PARTiCIPATE N bi R yntant of t ( ALLOT ENTS TH OUCH noun of disabilities., and a refund of the 1 I taxa~ r I' 'I1 ~xha on r4' 9~t ~ aid;Janua c THE CO'J."r1UNITY CHEST, FROM VdHICH NO FUNDS HAVE BEEN'RECEIVED SIN • P ry Jth 1 ~ CC THC CLOSE OF_ITS FISCAL YEAR: DECEMBER 1y45, t' ' , 9 t>, tras ordered rN , , E6 „ , .f und° tJD SUCH FUNDS COh1MUPt I TY CHEST MAY +JOrr H V 1 d, A A E AVAILABLE FOR AS90CIATED CHARITIES WOULD BE FOR -0RGANIZING A I Upon motion: of }r, Trsak, sooondcd b` Jai d.t,~ Y r, Colerr>rtn the .,tandard Oil Co FAMILY SERVICE AGENCY. ''WHAT V1E.NEED ~J04V~ AEV. PiIILLER SAID' I"S FUNDS' to in to an era : TO FEED. THE _HUNGRY MR, GARD6ER ~,u s 11 an under-ground gas tank at Bl>tethenthal Air ort ~ Y ti j,ranted perrni.ss~ .on FEELING THE OBLIGATIONS MOUED THAT ASSOCIATED CHARITIES CONTINUE I S W t the Coun p to serviea-ai Janos T ORK UNT.ILr, J01NT MEETING OF THE rr til ' tY ~ , it}coot r,Cat to CITY AND COUNTY AND tX1MhtI TTEE5 FROM ASSOQI ATED CH I ~,~yy,t AR TIES AND.CHEST~eE.ARRANGED TO TAKE CARE OF THE "R ; SITUATION TO CONTINUE THAT SERViCE~ HIS PdflTION WAS SECONDED BY ivi . R TRASK AND CARRIED, , iJpon motion of 1;Ir. Trask,; seconded by 1.{r.' Col©>+tan the I'd ' ' Board a 's~~ si ns be mad , ut}torizerl and dirotae ~i g e and ostad at the dthat thre „r • ~ p entrances at Bluethenthal Ai ort warn ° UPON MOTION OF ,iR. TRASK, THE BOARD LIRECTED THAT. A JOLNT MEETING OF rP inj; a ainst the THE COUNTY. ANA CITY AND: C0,14rAItTEES motor vehi:clos on the airport r•unvra s tar, wa ~ driv_n~ of , "J,~~` Y , i ys or area. ad aco FROM THE kSSOCIATED CHARITIES'APJD CO~~~,,9UrdITY CH EST BE CALLED~'TO GIVE THIS MATTER CON5IDERA710N WITH THE ' nt thereto, and the sheriff is h°roh w~ authorized and requested to enforce the same, v I,~! VIEW OF REACHING A SATISFACTORY SOLUTION. IL', ~1 Are ues , Ili q t of thr3 US plstrir,t,hng1nHar that' ha Coun, ,,i . C: IJuDL HuMPHREY C ~D ~,,,.d ty, >.n accordance with a r I,R a EY ALL.. ATTENTION TO THE INEFFICIENT LIGHTING OF THE GOUN Y F e.,olut;torrof this T 0 FECES, ESPECIALLY Board parsed Deeomber"13th, .1903, furnish free of`o D D n bar e, the lands THE REGISTER Of EE S OFFICE AhID ASKED'THAT CONSIDER rJ' easements and r•ighi;s-of-wa ATIO BE GIVEN: TO IMPROVE THE SA~~E. UPON MOTI+7N - and spoil d>_sposal areQS for the;rridenirr• and d + Y ' f r I ' eo on,.n of the OF ~<.R. aARDNER SECOhtUED BY +.!R, HALL H - ` ~ P j> channel. > > T E vFiA I RMAN WAS AUTHOR D' in Cnpe Iaar_r~ver -h IZE AND INSTRUCTED TO MAKE THE NECESSARY . acquiring -certain arcels of , p land from the Atlantic Coast Lino Railroad"Co.~ r ~ ~ y IMPROVENENIS TO 8R1NG THE LIGHTING SYSTEM UP TO THE' BEST STANDARD OF EFF N iir , 'r n an 1 C I E CY .E.Idurrell and J. Herbert Bette. CompRny on the x~dst sido I J, Tak,Sur,>rtor, of thti rivor n ~s;, ~ i , u orth'of Point Pater was pone motion of }dr•. Tra„k ~d p ~ ~ ~ , seconded by, r. Coleman, roferred ' ,q RE,UE51 Of ~!R ~ D. ROGUE FOR A REDUC J ~ ~ a E I to the Char, '1 TON OF THE ASSC5S,.IENT ON TN PR P a, non and the i:ount Attti E 4 ERTY OF THE ,JACHOVIA BANK AND ~ to confer with Colonol Gillattn, US District ~ Y rna ~ l,nglnavr, and make an investigation of the ' Y TRUST COMPANY, TRUSTCE FOR }iLIiAM a•_BRDADFOOT, ON PROPERTY IN aLOCK ~~'~P WAS RE CEIVED FOR' REVIE',V BY and report to'tho.Board at a'subse matter, ,.~~hi quont maotin~. THE BOARD OF E UALI TI N d~i~l I . L Q 2A 0 AND REVIEW 'j'i' }'i A ro ort of :~:,~11 p tho j;rand ;jury Januarytarm l9~}(~, was rocvived,and filed. IN VIEVr OF A LARGE NUM©ER Of TAX PAYERS HAVE SO FAR FAiI D 0 ~1' ~ i E T AKE THEIR 146 TAX RETURNS THE TIME WITHIN. f~'.ai! WHICH THEY MAY 1~1AKE SUCH RETURNS: WAS UPON J.10 - i--~ iv TIOrJ OF .R aARDNER~ SECONDED BY _R. HALL, EXTENDED THROUGH Trio Chairman advised that in recent conference w; ' THE r~ONTH OF F BRU ~ G: ah c~.r, h.H.Graham t,hairrutn {~lr', B E ARY-1;46, District ~ngt.near and ldr, T,9'.Betts ) , rirgt~rs, :`bird ; I ivis iori Eng? nber cf the Sttite III ?hwa 1 ' c, It was ;Ind c t ~ j, y and Pnb,ic ,,York z a ad hat the .,tote would= ut't s Gat.~niss on, I P I,t ~ + +•i ^ p he ,tockade 13ulr{in "n ~ ON 07ION Of . R. .,OLE,v1AN} SECONDED BY R. TRASK THE FOLLO'?J INS WERE R LE S D F g t good-ra air an ace t : E A E_ ROM THE PAYMENT OF ~ i~~ ~ rantract h P ort,anc I, „ , ut itwas not the ~Jolicy of the State to hrntse is ~ v vrzth the:': PENALTY F4R NOT LISTING fOR THE YEAR 1 4 ;_ACCOUNT OF' BEING` NON-R D r Q p oners Yn a_ huilda;n E, ~ ~ g 5 E51 ENTS. I,~, i., nd as that would require a large expendiaure of funds a f t t wn~ net ~~,reproo,, ~t fire rco • ' nd also against the alav ,~f t n S ~,,t, ~ p f a building it does no ovm, asked that considvrat~ p • h tat., to A,. D. r~,iCH, .:BLOCK 2 L0T5 1 X16 `CA,ROLINA PLACE ' I .rounds _on oe=,given to doerlin thr s; 5' C .o the State to enable it to fire rc.of th g ~oekade and:. tBEATR?CE' .IRV ° ^ p a huildin~; and ret?lrn the is L iNG 22, LOT, 20~20A CAROLINA BcA,CH• I ! this area, {Jpon motion the matt P ~ pnvrs-;for roadwork in •,,1 yr Ives raferrec . r„. B 1 to tho Gotmty y p 1 $ URSHELL,9LOCK 3, LOT 1 PR1NC-t SS PLACE:. Attorne• for o in~on enc. re or+-rt.the i G~~ ~ next rreatinr • P iP - , i l I UPON ! i, i .OTION`Of R• TRASKy<SECONDED BY PliR• COLEMAN' HLEX GRICE, COLORED INs~IGENT C11fZEN>4VA5 UPON fBBCOMMEiJDATION ~ The.. f' 11oNrin ; Pcod and lav ' E v rful men vrere'dt•avrn o sar•ne as jurors in the Su erior r OF THfi oUPT.t OF PUBLIC .IELFARE~' ADMITTED TO tHE COUNTY HOME A5 AN INMATE ION I ~ ~ civil case @ ,curt for t}ii~' trial of s for the tyro weeks `te ;i ~ _ rm bAginn:tng February ltth 1A16; IL, ~ ~ ~ ~ STATC•tiENT,OF'THE.. ACTIVITIES OF THE VETERANS SERVI E CEN P- C 7ERy O CRATED AT THE AMcRICAN LEGION HOr,IE FOR l.,,r,; ,D.T,allard, J.h,Wenberg, tF.C.Vick, G.L.Aiken 'Ebon DEcErv~BER ;v;{s RECEIVED AhID fILEn. f~i.. , , A,aines, ~F.L.hfu!rland Harr , , y Y. Coll-.ns, , , L,H.Bringloe, .„IY.Cro~m, ,tames Edwsrds, Arthur 1''arrow "f1' ' • .A.Philhps, Jas.l`f.PO111zs, J,lf.Laxther, „ I ^ ~ B.h.Bush, :h.Vf,Freshwater p , , ~ , Henr H, Barnha.l U ON „,071ON' OF ,,.R. CO M ui , f l G a 3 1, $dward H. holly, R.H.Jackyon, 11.C,l,lerritt P,F.O'KoeP LE PN, SEGO,DED BY R. TRASK; P3,R• tB.A,PORTER NtA5 ABATED.THE ADVfRTi51NG COSTS. AND p - r ^ I, .T,,,ullivan, Robert Batts, E.YY.Levns,-I''.A'.Jcrdan 1 ' • E CHARGED AGAINST H15 PROPERTY IN BLOCK ~14-~ ,j M P ' ' 4LL TAX 5 i „ ^ c , Hernc.on T. Irilson,_Jo}in Earl Hunt C 1•US J, Rhodes Z IL INGTON 70WNaH) FOR THE YEARS 1y41 AND 1;42" R.A,1Jlmore, Cha,,.L.Ta for C. Hin~erty_ , . Y AcCOUN ~ r ~ Y , j, Herman •ting, Pf.M.Robnsan, A,R,Ilusselwhity, C.}d.Johnston T OF BEING IN THE- AR+dED SERV) Ct. - L,C,A11enC ~Y.S sneer Vf F T ~ , ~ P , zllery, R.~.I{a 11, Gao.IIl3rinson, R.J.Lowis, A'.F,Gil7son Jr. Iloah D. Evans ' as.E,Russell, E.A.}dcFadyen, :Chas. Gre o Pa ' ' UP i g rJ', ul J. 13aschon R G ~oTloN oF'4F,,' R ~ , ' , .ILRobinson L,H,V;<e 5 a GA UNEP, SEGONLE.. EiY R. COLEMAN THC GHA I R,.1AN YEAS AUTHOP 'i !I Fort , 1 h, Thomas B1aclth m, ~ , 1TED TO PURCHASc N[CES~ARY , ha second week beginning February 11th, ,1916: TVdINE AND- SUPP LIE& TO ASSIST IN THE PREPARATION OF'CLOTH7NG FOR SHIPMENT 70 THE NEEDY OVERSEAS, Wm. P. Holmos,Jr. T.C.Jones, Chas.D.}lohr S,FRobi r , ~ , ..neon, ~.A,1'roy,Jr., /t.J.Carrall, J.l1.D,Harve', y I l 1 i .W,lfilliamson, ll,uf,Coble, Chas>S,Rau •hton B' ! t, a, UPON ,.10TION 0 ~ i I L , a.11ie C: Justice, l,C,Bissette, Dsvid Hnrowitz l)eltis Cam bell, F R COLEMAN SECONDED BY ~,~R• GARDNER =.R. THEODORE BLOCK t4A5 GRANTED AN ABA tr! , Henry H. Veach, Jas.L,Wells v . ~ P > > TE ENT OF i I'..k , • .R.Smith, A,E.Keal ~ _ ; ~ T x ~ , S, H1R,R>.venbark, Jns.K.ttrost I',1>1.Jo11 J J.Allen AXES O.J A VAIUnTION OF - 60.C0 ACCOUNT CF ERROR,IN CHARGINGHIN WITH NA H .iEU N A S A AT a5}C.CO INSTEAD ~ V Chaa,P,idurray, W,L,Warren, E.A.Blackham, E,1d.She and Lew s:' ~ 9, ~ ~ OF " 0. ~c ~ i J. Stein, }fH',Y,orne a J,Aalunn Jr, ,r47 CO,, THE CORRECT A+.iOUNT FOR THE: YEAR ~ , p ' , , B.GPage, V.L,F'ountain :JA Yjof g Y ~ S , . 1 _ ford, T.A. Tart, 4'fm.}3.Head, Varutie Troy E11is, ,]ahn Vfrode Edrr.F,l~chr, ' i B.E.Iiollis,'Vf,}l.VOllers H.L.Bell ,T , ,John J. ..eGtra.n, R.S.HOrrell, J.}Ylndor'1{u+fhea - ' b'r s n h REPORT DF'AUT-p ~ ~ - I ` Thurston I• Watk , ;,.n.llo it o, ATIENT CARE OF- INJ)IGEN7,. FOR`DECEA4BER WAS: RECEIVED FROM COMh1UNITY HOSPITAL AND: ins, W.G.Chaney J.1,.Hr+nrn, Joe.L:Bt~nton p' ~ REFERR P~" ~ Iva B. .snny, Loulie Dexter, ED TO_,,R. GARDNER. , , n The meetin th© I I g adJourned. r1 REPORT OF .JAS. "1ALKER !-~0 P D M R Vt S REC£ IVED AND f,ILED. S ITAL. FOR ECE BE A I I _ f - 1..i l . I~~I PAY6,tENT OF ~,,25.CC T06'dARD 1HE'BURIAL f0R "JALTER LIt,1PHREY~ JNDIGENT, ~~JS~a'RALEIGH STREET ''y'AFFLTT VILE G ' ? A E, - ~ rk. REYUESTED BY A5S0'C ATED CH RI i' 4.'AS UPON },+.OT I ON OF ",1R. GARllNER ApPROVEI). A 7 ESQ , I~ , i ~ :I~ iN 00N5 ' IDERATION OF THE STATE HIGH'?AY f. PIJ~'~LfC +fORKS COh`I'v11SS10N ,NDICATING ITS. YdILLINGNESS TO'_MAKE i ~ I E'/,TEN I SIVE REPAIRSr ADDLTIOh1S AND ELREPROOFING THE COUruTY STOCKADE BU]LDING FOR HOUSING PRISONERS FOR.. i RoaD t',oRK r ,q ! ` N THIS COUNTY; FOR WHICH PURPOSE-THE BUILDINt3 WAS CONSTRUCTED, ~~~R•GARDNER h10VED q ND IT WAS SECOND i'i ED ~3Y +`~~R.' COLEMAN Ai~1 CfARRIEll, THAT THE CO~';,i TtiAI~SFER IT5 TITLE' TG THE SAID BUILDING AND ' I,~i APPROXIMATELY 1 ACRES OF LAND SURROUNDING IT TO THE SLATE HIGHt°t Y:~ YUB ,`f0, KS GOI.t115S10N ii 5 ' a.u,..lt'} TO BE USED f0R T °`vj , HE PURPOSE OF HOUSING PRF50NERS FOR ROAD WORK IN THIS COUNTY~ AND WHEN NO l.0} R USED FOR THAT I I PURPOSE TO REVERt TO ^~EW H N R OUN Y' NG TNE,MATTER OF NEGOTIATING THE' TRAM ACT ION;YJI I, i; BAS1S @1 A OVE C T , A TH THE STATE ON ~ HAT AS,iTEFERRED TO THE CHAlRM N~N TY< 7.OR' Y. TH CfOU~N~TY '7 P,NEY CONSIDERED THE LEGALITY OF THE T I TRANSACT ION AS DOUBTFUL BUT I F= T ITLEICAN E LEGALLY'' ASSED TO THE STATE ' WOULD. BE ON A BAS ~ fn ~ I S OF THE SMIE REVERTING N ND PR M ~ P, NO N, ^ l'' I~' _ TO T H BUILDI G A E I,.ES A E LD CER U D ~ HE COUNTY IF AND V1HEN T E 5E 8Y THE JTATE FOR Ili HOUSING PR 1, . I ,i. ~NERS FOR ROAD WORK IN NEPt HANDVER COUNTY ' r11 j it I ' , , li+" s I,PON h40TiON OF "R• GARDNER SECONDED 6Y +•!R. COLEMAN, THE r3OARD VOTED TO INVITE THE.NORTH CAROLLNA I ? i S ',P ~ AERONAUTIC h" Ilse GDnd1,.51DN TO HOLD' ITS ,,ARCH MC£TING IN THi., COUNTY. !,,A . BFI Ilpi f, THE MEETING THEN ADJOURNED. I`, P, I'• f~ iii r • ~,r~ ~ - I,` LERK• iky„" , , i. I~ ~ Ali' ~ i;,rr ' ~ €'r , i I itt 1, r. ,,1\ i ~t f l,' r ? /+ff . , ! k t,' i i ~ ~ - ~ . !~~!I i a.. ff.fl, 4!! { ~ f is 6 NG OF FEBRUARY 1~THt,1~1•hs CONTINUED. a r1EET I ,~FId,,' - INiLMINGTONs N, C,, FEBRUARY- 4TN 1 . ,yfi ~ . I," ST OF-P;!05E5 NEVJLLE ~~t SPOFFORD_Pf,ILLS OR- ~ '1 ' (IEQUE s F ABATEMENT OF TA F 5 nrt r, + G' A X_, ~L,. DfTG 1.1^*r*~.FOR THE ~r g; 7H . J, C REGULAR WEEKLY PAEETING OF THE..ROARD WA5 HELD AT yEAR;1~4~l,TME SAID::DOG BEING IN H15 PO;,SESSIOPJ AT LfSTING TIMES NO ACTION YJAS TAKEN ! < 10 00 A. tt9. ;;I r~ ~'~i PRESENT: ADDISON I`IEWL UEST,FOR ADJUSTMENT OF THE BACK TAXES 6N THE PROP• rr (P ~ _ETT CHAIRPdAN G 0, ~ . s rLREQ CRTY OF THE hIEIRS OF K TAYLORs.BLOCK ~))6, 4JAS' 1 s E I TRASK JAS• M. HALL ~C.~COLEMAN N ~l, MARSDEN,gELLAMY• A D COUNTY PON P,10TION OF :.~R. GARDNERs SECONDED BY i.jR, TRASK RCFERR D i S ATTORNEY U s E TO THE COh1h11TTEE wiTH POWER TO ACT• J 'i ~ TO ABATE THE ADVERTISING C05T AND N ~ I THE MLNUTES OF MEETING OF ~~ANU RY E!~UEST I TERE~T CHAR D G~ r~ , , A 28ry, 1g4bf WERE READ AND APPROVED r, . ~ R ~ GE AGA I N3T ~,C.KING FOR THE YEARS 1 ~~3 AND 10jZ4t •ri~i AS REG.,tDED. ON PROPEP.TY "IN BLOCK ~5®Os YJAS'UPON MOTION OF i;1R. GAPZDNERs SECONL'ED_BY Pd{R. COLEM D . I ANs ECLINED A PETILiON SIGNED BY'.~4 RE5IDEN Id AT TS OF SEAGATE REQUESTING REPAFRS AND MAINTENAN ' SEAGA7Es 4dAS UPON MOTION P{ a CE TQ H;LNTON ~PLIGATION FOR LICENSE TO SELL BEER AT KELLY~S , t ,fir' 0 GARA F R TRASKs SECONDED BY I•~R• COLEMAN P AVENUE ANA GE ON THE CORDON ROADS SUBMITTED BY PETE.H• KOENs s A PROVED' ABD RE J D 1 :i STATE HIGHWAY PUBLIC'7ARK FERRED AME QEIPJG IP UE FORK AND EXECUTION AND. ENDOR D TO THE THE S SE BY THE SHERIFFS WAS UPON MOTION -0F i'd1R. GARDNERs If II S OheM15SI0N FOR CONSLDERATION. r .,1 ~i t] SEGOPJ.,ED UY LZ• COLE:,ANs GRANTED. I ' A REPORT OF THE UUREAU OF IDENTIFI ~s CAT ION ADII7 COLORED HOh1E AGENT FOR JANUARY W 'ip~l ~ ERE REDEIVEI) AN fuRS~ ANNA iiRANDON~ NON-RESIDENTS RESIDING IN NE4J YORK R - ,x~ AYMENT OF E OF U, N s EC,UESTED RELEASt FROM PAYMCNT -0F .;~c.•C NOT. _ P THE PURCFIAS _ D Fl LED,. k iC ~5.C0 TO THE COLORED I•IOME DEh1ONSTR LISTED PENALTY .CHARGE AGAI 5T LOT ~r1t IN BLOCK ~r10g_CAROLINA BEACH AND.LOT. 6 IN BLOCK 1 FORT FISHER ' AT I ON r4GENT F R t rr 3 t 0 ARTICLES USED IN DEPriONSTR i~e . uANUARY~ WAS UPON h10TlON A,q AT 'E YEAR 1'~ VYAS DECLIN[D• OF .R. GARDNER SECONDED BY Ivl IOPJS FOR FOR Th Jas s R, TRASK AUTHORIZER. .I I , Ir ~ I ~ - ! T A STATEMENT WAS RECEIVED FROM pO,iMUNI CATJON VlA5 RECEIVED FROPM C, P, t,~ORSE TAX COLLEC R ti" THE STATE ISOARD `OF PUBLIC i`IELFARE ADV I ~ TO S ADV 15ING THAT. THE ,BFI ITEHEAD i,~US I C COMPANY SING THAT 11 'J G ' THIS .COUNTY e Z 1 R" c ND M R H D ~I r FO OLD. RGE A.,5I STANCE':AND ~ ~ t .t WAS SE LI.,TED.GODDS A E C AN ISESOFFICE. FU RNITUREy AUTOAIJD.:FOUR .TRUCKS T-~'+. Z ~ - AID TO :DEPENDENT-CHILDREN. FOR THE MON NT TO A r,17S OO A5 OF-JANUARY 1s 1~'~t TH OF +.IANUARYe ND SOLD THE' SAME BffORE THE EN[7 OF FEBRUARY AND THE SAM 0 h~ A E OU D E TO VIEW ~CRSEYS' AND: THAT {r:R•h~1000RMI`CKS ONE RECEIVED FROM'THE BACK T X K OF THE O,~NERS OFFERED T~ PAY ONE FOURTH 6F' THE ~3 G•4 TAXES DUE• ~VIR. .J!•b! f,~,. A COLLtCTOR SHOPdING,THAT' ~ 4.¢ j ~ L !ABBEY THE :OTHER.MEMBER OF 7HE 1 J AND '~~573~•J~1 FOR THE CITY v`F~'s 9 O WAS COLLECTED FOR TH ~ RM HA5 ALSO 1MOVED FROM 7HE CITY. Oa A RULLNG S FOR 1HE h10NTH OF JANUARY. E COUNTY, FI OF THE COUPJTY ATTORPEY THAT=THE FIRM INDIVIDUALLY AND~OR I~ i J ~ THE GOODS ARE L(ABLE FOR THE TAXE5• THE.OFFERy UPON P:10Ti0N OF P;R. TRASK SECONDED BY 1'ti"R. COLEMAN WAS UPON hIOTION OF i'';R, COLEh1AN SECOND ~.j ~ DEOIINED AND COLLECTION'OF THE FULL AMOUNT 'OF TAXES ORD R D. S s EE ~ i° a s ED BY („R, TRA,,KS ~~RS. CSTHER A,, PALMER W II TAXES ON A VALUATION OF ~OO~GO HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FURNITUR AS GRANTED AN k9ATEMENT OF I~ YL`AR 1;~~, E LISTED IN ERROR Af30VE ITS VALUE FOA iv"R, RICHARD SHEPJ APPEARED TO ASK TO FIGURE WITH THE COhR"1S5POPJERS ON PUTT NG N THE I 0 AN AUCTION SALE OF THE ,'~'~,I~' OUNTY FARM LANA ON THE CASTLE HAYNES ROAD Yd S P h1 ? {~1 ' r R C S A U ON OT ION OF Pr~R• `TRASY.~ ,SECONDED BY R+ COLEPMAN~ TAKEN l ~ AN_AUDIT REPORT OF THE ALCOHOLIC SEVERA ' GE N UNDER',' CONS fDE RAT I UN'. i,IR ~ GARDNER DOTED h~0. ' CO TROL BOARD FOR.. SIX MQJNTHS PERT D I PREPAR D 0 AND FNG ! E BY ~.P~`.G+JCCABE & COMP Y DE CE:„BER 1 G I AN S WAS .RECEIVED. AND f I LED, ~ ' 1,~5t RECEIPT GF'A LETTER FROh1 ~)AMES C• AND ~dARREN K~ PENNLNGTON FOR PERP,IISSLON TO PROVIDE `UNL,1P.11TED FLY ~NG SERVICE , - l~ '~r~ITH R 3 J~TN4 NTHAL FIELD WAS-UPON P~OTIOPd OF I,"'R• a n AT L tARDNERS 5 EC6N..ED BY .R. CDLEMAN, ACKNOWt_EDGED AElEYANCE fFEREhJCE TO THE h1ATTER OF COLLECTIN ,~Ii', _ E BACK TAXES DUE ON THE PRuPERTY O.F. THE: HEIRS OF ' c PJ ( THE COUNTY'S STATUS iN THE AiRP R 1 DANIEL ~.EEs SOUTHEAST -0ORN uOS.PH U T L D T 15 LETERP+"INED~ ANu THE FIELD TURNED OVER'TO THE uOJNTY• P';' ER OF 13THS AND. DOCK STREETSS ©LOCK,~ 4CjOs OP; WHICH PROP ^ E ' HAS ERECTED TW0 BUILDINGSS THE COUNTY ATTORNEY REPOR RTY KiR9Y 51DpURY J, 1 ~ e, ~ 1ED AN OFFER MADE BY P"R, ~,11I IF THE COUNTY 4YILL GIVE HIM A ^UlT SIDBURY TC PAY THE TAXES Ar7ER 1O YEARS SERVICE A5 CHAIRMAIe OF THE I31ftF'ORT COPM.;!ITTcEp +,R.'GARDNER ASKED 'TO BE RELIEVED OF THAT ~ .CLAIM DEED TO-THE PROPERTY. NO ACTION WAS TAKEN. ^ M1 9 DUTY ANU PAoS IT OPJ TO SOh1E OTHER "1Eh1BER 0~' THE "OARD~-+;VHICH NE SAJD 4'dOULD BE DF.GREAT EDUGATJONAL s ~E.i,l: C!R, P , r,r TRASK ADVANCED THE ~ VALUES AND A !JE.d CO'.~. ITTtE vJOULD GIVE IT NC4d LIFE • ,+:R• GAPDPJER UGG D -P4 - THOUGHT THAT NDr4 IS THE TIME TO SELL THE COUNTY.HOhi S ESTE THAT .R COLC:AN BL- GIVEN 'ats'~; E LliND ALON ~ G THE CAJTL F:„RTUhITY TO 5 RV PJ Pi ! - .ROAD AT THE HLGH DOLLAR A ND BUILD UP X E HAYNES THE O E E 0 THAT. „0,,,11Tt E INAShiJCH AS HE HAD THETIME TO DEVOTE 70 IT AND THL EXPERLENCE 40UCD TA ABLE VALUESS' AND BUY APJOTHER TRACT H1GII + n ER UP 1HE WOAD ^ - • t r , ~~~i COUNTY'FARh1• ~"R~ GARDN R FGRTHE BE OF G!jEAT 3E:JEfIT TO NIPd. ,.R• tALE,.4 N FEF N E DID'NDT TH'fNK 1T WOULD BE TO THE COUNTY'S ADV N ~ A _LI G HIS. LIIvIITC.. KN04dLEDGE OF THE FUNCTIONS OF AN AIRPORTS ! ULD r ~ i A TAGE TO SELL OFF T _ r, ~ ; z',,,J. INDISCRIMINATELY AS NE LAND DEGIINED TO ACCEPT..THAT-RESPONS ..N u. ! ~ ~ S THAT WOULD NOT, TO ANY, GREAT EXTEN IBILITY OI,CVER R, aARD!JER S RC5IGNATIONAS CHAIRMAN OF THE COrn.11TTEEf- w TS INCREASE TAX ABLE `VALUE5S THE LAND.SH " _ RESERVED FOR INDUSTRIAt DEVELOPAI OULD BE 4dAS JON hTOTION OF R•-TRASY,S ?OSTPONED UN71L A FULL MEETING OF THE `~OARll FOR AONSIDERATION• 1 ENTS.`WELL LOCATED`BETWEEN THE ATLANTIC`COA` c , PiIGHYJAYS AND COORDINAT JNG OUR EFF 5T LINE RAIL(#OAD AND MAIN {I I ORTS WITH THE INDUSTRIAL AGEN Tt .SHOULD-ATTRACT LARGER INTERESTS hND I r, ~ , In ;a AN' INDUCEdAENT T~ MANUFAGTURiNG INTERESTS, hA HEW"' BE I;PON :'.OTION OF .~~.,~OLC:.tANS SECONDED ..Y R. TRASKt THE ~OARD'`APPROVED A REQUEST OF THE OH AIRMAN, TO f!{ ~ :.R, LE TT WAS OPP05ED TO ' FEELING IT SHOD ~ SELLING-ANY OF THE SHID LANDt GO TG TJ•IE AIRPORT AT 2:~0'.OtCLOGK THIS AFTERNOON;JJU PP,CPARE'A LIST `OF SUCH'EQUIPMENT WE SHOULD ASK I'''' LD 8E RESERVED FOR THE SITE-OF THE PROPO D ' ' ~ 5E NE4I,000NTY ,IOAJE BUILDINGS ;A ND OiNER ~ , , r n r _ IMPROVEIy1ENT9 AND` ENLARGEMENTS TD THE ;COUNTY HOM THE SURPLUS: JO,IAODITY fL,,AINiSTRAT 10 1 T.. A ,f.LOly T., ric •,KI„ THERG FOR -THE FUTURE MAI NTcNANGc OF -THE E AFTER fURTHER DISCUSSION I,IR. TRASK'4'OVED AND I1 WAS SECONDED aY i;~R, HALL AP!A CARRI D ` FIELT~, ~r; E S THAT'THE PUBLIC E!E INFORM rl Fk ' FOR HOMES ANU INDUSTRIES WITH 8U1 D ED THAT THE LAND IS AVAILABLE F~0 SALE ~+1 s L ING RESTRICTIONS TO BE DETERMINED AND FIXED 6Y TH B ^ I `fIALL AND: E OARu, :rESaRS TAASX I + COLEMAN VOTING' YE5 G•: ! {,PON :dOT10. OF :,.R• COLEP,IMI SECONu~:D BY ,,,R. •~A+~.+I,Er3 INS RU IU ~ NEB- GW N H V • i y S 5.... T GT N C E TD A C.TIE CIVIL. SERVICE ,;~I ~ THE CHAIRMAN AND .:R. GARDNER-VOTING NO• , ~ COih..115SION. HOLD EXAMINATIOcJS FOR APPLICANTS FOR THE POSITION OF SUPERINTENDENT OF THE''COUPJTY HOh1E• , ~ THE F0 ' RE GOING hi0TI0N WAS CARRIED AFTER A FORMER h.OTION OFFERED BY'''R. TRASK TO SELL T ' i!i.' HIGH DOLLAR FAILED HE SAID LAND AT THE ` THE iA"ET G + TO RECEIVE A SECOND,AN~ A'ATION 4JITHDRAWN, c IN 7HCN ADJOURNED. I'li~ _ " r , CPON hi0TI0N OF t`R, TRASK S ~ ..t A!, P. ~~~/c: ECONDED BY .R. .,OLEMANS ,.~R, G. aATSONS ,WILdMINGTON T04YNSHIP Y) ABATEMENT OF TAXES CN ~ S ::AS GRANTED AN ( A VALUATION OF N2SOOUw^O GOODS-4'JARES APVD hIERCH ND K CRK. r A (SE. L15TED IN E~',ROR A l~~d,~i~ ~ ~ FOR_JHE_YEAR 1~~+). T ~S 'h11Lh11NGTON~ h, C. ..FEBRUARY 18TH ~ . , L, ! f h I THE MEETING THEN ADJOURNED. THE REGULAR , ~ F1 WEEKLY Pv:EETING OF THE BOARD t1AS MELD AT 10:00 A..:. I k r ! ~ , '~C. ~~a~. ERK. , ~ -~"r`" PRESENT: At:DISON HEWLETT: CH IRMAN 0. • TR SK AS.P,',HA L H.R~ FDN R ' A S aE ~ A t e L S GA E,S L•J•COLEMAN AND COUNTY ; kTTORNEY P1AR D I CT0 S ~,t C.t FtURUnRY 1~Tht 1.4.,, E BELLAMYp I ' ~ , , t ! II ! ThE REGULAri ,lEEKLY MEETING 0 n THE h , I I I ~ F THE ?OAR6 WAS; HELD AT' 1O•Cv n, 11NUTES OF MEETING OF FEBRUARY, 11TH - 1 ~Fi WERE .READ AND APPROVED AS;RECOHDED. t 9_ J _ , I. i FRtSEPJTJ :~DDI SON ~ ~ r :r ~ ~ A ~ DEED FROM P i ' f~EWLt.TT bHA1.P,,AAN J TRASK ~EV4.HA .,EO• ~ c } I rr r r-n NOVER COUNTY TO 1HE STATE HIGHWAY AND PUBLIC .IORKS CO4~PdLSSION CONVEYING THE .COUNTY f P^. R uARDN_R L, ,v,COLE,,,AiJ A,vu ,,vU~,TY n: !vRNE'f " It!ARSDEN BELLA',1Y. JTOCKAD~E AND TRACT OF LAND'IN CONSIDERATION THAT IT BE USED'FOR A STATE PRISON CAMP SAME TO REVERT 9 TO 7HE COUNTY IP! 7HE EVENT 1HE S7A PRISON SYSTEM CEASE TO USE THE`PROP R7Y 'P TE E AS A R I ON P ~ ~ _ S CAM FOR A 'THE Pr,IT~UTE~ OF P;1E ih ~ , G _ n r _ PERT ~ j4 n OD uF OPJE YEAR ! S 11P P tT G OF FEc.tRJARY 4THS 1 ~S Y~Rt REr,D ANL APPrsOVe:, e _ :A ON .10TLON OF n:,R• iaARDNER SECONTED BY {~1R,:COLEh1AN P t ~ ~ Aa nc.,OR.,tD A~ ^ S s r ACCE TED AND THE CHAIRMAN , uLERK OF THE BOARD WERE AUTHORIZED AND DIRECTED TO EXECUTE THE. .SAME IN THE NAME OF THE COUNTY. ~ L{FON h10TION OF a,"R. GARDNER ScG 1 " ^ t _ I' B I ! S DNLED BY R. ,,OLEh.,Atis A REQUEST OF „R. SACK JWARTS REPRESEPvT1NG Th: r ~ CAST HAY =d ~ CPON n1 Or! oN DF ~r~R. ~G Rn , R P ~ LE NES ,~ULB GROWERSS ,OR THE RIGHT TO USE THE RUN49`Y ~ + o r a A NER SECONDED pY. R TRASKS_THE HEI 5 OF ~OHANNA E5CHAU HERE RELEASED FROh1 I d, S AT ;~LUcTHENTHAL nIR,ORT FOR AIR un.GO s THE. , PAYMENT OF NO - c I O ' SHIPMENTS OF FIOWERSS VJAS GRANTED TEMPORARY UNDER TH T LISTED PENALTY CHARGED AGAJNST`THEIR PROPERTY'IN BLOCK 20~ FOR THE YE R t{. i E COUIJTY~S AUTHORLTY OF RIGHT OF:E~TnYS tITHO!JT 7~- A ~S;FOR THE. .ACCESS TO THE BU}LDINGS+ rt ~ REASON I•lR, a . I THE CJiALR~„AN TC USE .HIS ~ p P 0 0 .rFOR75 TO-GET ,ER.115S1 N ! N R U~JTI~ ~ {ENRY FESCHAU 4dH0 HAS BEEN ATTENDING TO THE LISTING OF THE SAID PROPERTYS OVERLOOKED GI5TING T JSE THE HA GA THE SAPAE 0 Q , , ~ COUNTY'S STATUS IS CL~4,IFIED. T F SICKN SS IN H15 A TON 1AS OP FR14 AGCOUN 0 F PdILY•°THE FOREGOfNG RE50LU I d r i R ~ 5s E AD 7E...FTER A MOTION I BADE 9Y +~1R. COLEMAN TG' DENY THE REQUEST FA (LED OF A SECOND, I i rRE UEST OF RAYt1OND ~;'URPHEY H ~ .D _ GOLL.CT. S~_A NETT TOWNSHIp1 FOR RcFUPJD OF POLL:TAXtSS ACCOUNT AF UP.DERAa~S ! THE FOC J , LOWING RE , BY GARNISHh1ENT FOR ThE YEAR 'P~4 WAe UPON h",CTIOPJ ,'.1 ^ , r^,' TEA SOLUTION t! . UPON P,10 ION OF haR• TRASK SECONDED BY Pd1R~ CDLEEA N P )S OF R. TRASK vEGC:wED BY +••R, O E,IAti _GftnhT__ „F AS T S A ADO TED S L L S ,;riIHERE$S THEN: } , CHECKING 'HIS BIRTH CE^nTIFICATE'T0'ASCERTAIN Thf .DATE OF BIRT s COUNTY CO.:N!ISSIONERS OF i~EW HAhOVER COUNTY kT THE-P+IEETING HELA JULY 2 1 U : .N D 3s ~'Ss A TNOR IZED AND IRECTED THAT THE SUM OF ?~1OSOC~000 OR 50 MUCH THEREOF DEEh4ED NECESSARYt BE SETUP IN THE ~g45-1~•~7 f . { s ~ 4 n REQUEST OF JACK JAIEEBY FOR.RE`FUND OF-TAXES FgID ON STOCK c , ~ ND y0L>tIN COUNTY BUDGET T0-ENABLE THE COUNTY O.CARRY ITS O4VNrINSURANCE_FOR COUNTY £MPLOYEE5:UND t ~ I OF G~ODS.LIST,.D IN CAhUARY'1~~ A T ER THE ,WORKMAN S I I -+PRI L S WA5' DECLINED. COMPENSATION. ACTS. AND !I! 1~ ;VNEREAS! x °OOO.OO r. ~ D OR PURP I,, 75s WAS SET -UP IN THE 1~) BU GET F THAT. 05ES AND U O .OTION OF R. CvLEoIAN ScC:,iJ., - ..1 T , , ^ - ~ J. EREAS i<'~i S ..ED BY =,.R, ,nAStrS ..<R, vl. C. LEut91N'lVA~ GRANTED::, rsErUND OF T>,X_- ,A f THE`BOARD OF PDUCA710N GF PdEt'J HANOVER COUNTY HAS REQUESTED'THIS BOARD TO PERMIT,IT TO E I;' CN LOT ,1 IN ~ r ^ qc _ ~ , . !c PpR L I 7t~~ BLLGK„17S ~Uha~T FARK IOR THE YtAr'S'1`-+-• THROUGH 1u4 r^ .PEE r: ,A4. TICIPATE ON THE COUNTY E - N URING BASIS. I q f ~ . 7s „~COU~aT CF ..LJBL.. GH„ 4 t S LF I S THER I~`; r'~a AL SG Cy,ARGED TO G•F•CARr"ENTER FOR THE SAh1E YEArR9. ~{OW EFORE C C~ F D T 'L,~, s E IT RESOLVERS THAT THE 'RE QUEST OF ThE OARD 0 E UCA ION E}E AND THE SAME IS HEREBY , li.; &RANTEDS AND THAT THE PRESENT COUNTY'S SET-UP UPJDER-THE IORKP,I.AN~S CGh1PANSATION ACT Bf EXTENDED TO 1~,~,; 1 A LETTER ~,J. _ ~ ~ r Pnu ~ ry Y _ " :n°J,! INC C ,4a RE,.E 1 fE:. FRt61 u,.rTA 1.) t.,4;A+ftD J, LIOH~iaON J Ut ~ ~ - t„- -z,,,t W ~ LURE THE EPMPLOY N OF-NEVI F{ANOVER COUNTY FROM TH D ' I' _S L TH,.JTHAL FIELD ENCLO51.tU LL_,1J,JIC EES OF THE .BOARD OF CDUGATIO E ATE FIEREOF UNTIL T II€° I' CII ON ~""R. s ~ END HE i51GHARD r4USTIN DU"SL~A!'" PP A ~ ^ a, ^,,.,-,:eT OFT s A LIG„TION TO Th,, rE.`E~AL w':~:UN ^ + S_ 1<~.,,,in. HE COUNTY 5 PR Y R J NE. OTH 1 ALL VOTING AFFIRhIATIVELY EX P 1 Fn I ~.AT IONS w.~. I _aivNr i ! .~E V' ESENT FISCAL EA U ~ s ~ CE T 1`. R. GARDNER- I`J' NE,t H l"uH FR4,U" Y ^ • , r, . ' „ JHO i cNC ~rOADGAaT STnTIt,tJ TOYER TO Stn4t " - !n idlT... VOTED 1;0 : ' a!ATJJN .t,.FD. I.JAah1UGH'AS I,~ri JS F~Nll~lh s FEELING THE LIABILITY V40ULD 8E ;TOO GREAT DUE'TO THE LARGE NUMBER OF BOARD OF D I ~ , E UCATION IT IONS' FROM A STANDr01PrT OF AJ OBorRLG! ICN TD iIR NA4±IGATION~ THE MATTER ;'dA5 REFERRED TG C~t+ rG~ l1 EMPLOYEES. t 'I ~ ; R"t COht.tifEN OAT' I ON S I~ ~ r j' A REQUEST ~ n1 i , ' OF CR, I.F.,.<CCASKILLs PRESENTED BY {+R, ~,E~L,:IADES`,TO CORRECT A DRAINAGE CONDITION CAUSED BY vJ=DN r,{O 1 r;, Y n ^ _ tl` q~ W 1 ii 1 ON OF .R, TRASK ~ , ~ rt , : t r'- + AT a,: S SEC.,V.,~, ~Y +..R.' CO „I , - , s . ER DR , r+~' iHi ~I,IL n..nO:',n~TiCS :,...,I!:,taTnnTJGtJ `fiA5 a•-Y AINING OFF `THE H1GHtiJAY OPJ H15 FIVE ACRES OF LAND ON THE CASTLE HAYNES ROAD NEAR'~0 IN TA c w,,.;uE p "a, HN NUCKTON S LL TH£ RAB iO 3.AM P r ~ LE. LAC... {i EQUI hl_NT THAT:Ih NO4V ~ nr.UT E Vd „ ' Ar ; _ AT uLUETH~NTHAL FI_LJ TO P~JVILt Thni S~rs41GE,~l! f AS UPO,v P,10TiON OF ,R. IaARDNER SEGDNL;ED BY +;.R. CmLEh1ANs REFErtRED TO THE STAT TG THE GOON Y F i; ia0 0 s E IGHWAY AND PUBLIC r+ T SAFT..R p 6/rOTlON TO AUTHOd3lZf THE CHAIRh,1py TC MAKE P a ON H in AUTvRITI--} RKS ..O.TdIS510N ~ R N7 D. : , I~ ! E. S AL CONTACT WIT C. IITW' REQUEST THAT THE RELIEF BE G A E NECESSARYSTO HAJE A HIGH:FRfsUENCY RADIO 9EA!,i k'! P:; ~~4 ..;L1 1ENT I„vTALLfD.AS 5Gc?N AS PtOSIcLf~ F.;ILED, I ,an 1 '•'n$ • v.T,1I ILK APPf'ARED T.` ASIS THAT A CO I TT.E Fnv,~.l t n.. ~ , «1 T1:,•t di , c ~ ~Op,nD INVtSTIGATt !HE DRAIN~,Gt .L` , ' PREMISES Nf,#R SEAGATE aNT IF FpUND THAT NO RELIEF GaN BE GIVEN TO R~;,` c ~ ~ =-F~iltrdT G;sAnu:y AGAINST 4EfH LANl1 51 R,. _ ~ " ASDN ~H.q'Or. 1;' ~ ;a+ i. ,a C~ L ^,'r> ,l t r 'arc , td ~ ! ~ d>, ;i: t } hi h.'1EETING OFF '~.t d EBRUARY ~(~7H~ ~g4~, CONTINUED. f~~;: ( +t~r h . F tJG Or"" FEBRUARY ?~iTH, 'I1~'~~ GO~ITINUED. s` j: ~t , r, P;~R. F. P. CrCROYiLEY PRESENTED FOR N REPAESENTATLVE GROUP OF TWENTY OR`MOgE C' k et 'f TO URGE THAT CONSIDERATION B ra.,, ~ E G iTI ZENS WHO APP ~ IVEN TO THE IMMEDIATE APP f,'.R.'G RDN R ~ ,.r d;: AUTHORITY WITH P OINTMENT OF qN- , EARED'. UPON hi0TI0N OF A E , SECCNLEJU BY (~R. COLkMAN 1N ~ ~ ' J OWER'TO MAKE DECI AIRPORT' C04,'~i 5, i 5TRUCT IONS.. 4IERE GIVEN TO ACKNOYiL "D SIONS IN MATTERS PERTAINING'? ISSION,`pR E GC RECEIPT. "I Of QLUETHENTHAk AIRPORT 0 THE MAINTENAN pF A RCSOLU710N FRROM THE r'~INISTERtAL ASSOCIATION URGING 7HF. CLDSIN + ,AND:: TOM CE 'AND. _ G OF ALL BU51tJESS Tc AKE RECOMh1ENDATIQNS TO THE CO h1ANAGEMEtJ YS ^IN50FAR AS {T DOES NOT'fN ~~n E5TADLISHN~,EN `UNDERTAKINGS•:THE COUNTY UNTY CO,v1h,115S(ON T ON SUNDA TERFERE WITH 7HE'5AFETY~WHE ALTH OF THE COMMUNLTY~ AhJL TO ADVISE ATTORNEY ADVISED THE COARD -THAT ACC ER5 FOR MAJOR` V COOPERATED 50 FAR SUPREME` COUR ORDING Tff HAT;WE HA E AS OUR.AUTHORITY P RP.i ' T SU CH A A RE C T E 175 . t:r COMMISSION_COULD N ENT DdO1510t OT ;BE FINANCED QCT OF .'TAX 'r10NEY J OF THE i PEOPLE, BUT AVAILABLE'UNAPPROPRI EXCEPT t,Y A ' ATED FUNAS RECELVED VOTE OF_ =J I(', PROPER LEGTSLt~71UN FROM OTHER SOURCES COULD 'THE. i,"R~ GARDNER 3ROUGHT UP FHE tviATTEP. OF GENERAL CLEANING" UP R P GAN DC SECURED AT THE NE Y, BE USED UNT ` f E AIRING AND PAINTING A T LE610N STADIUM T SESS ION OF THE GENER IL STABLES ' AND -ASKEll' THAT THE {,Or+Vt~ I TTL P THE :MAT TER WA5 D AL AS ND ~ E UT TH PR F SEhiBLy, A E EdISES fN FIRST GLASS`CONUfTIOPJ, A ND SUGGES TED ISCUSSED AT LENGTH AND i,aR,. GARDNER MOVED AND Y 0 E-0uRLN ,1 ; UNANIM ry LIT F S G S P IT WAS SECONDED By h.M1 THE PO~SIBI UR LUS GOVERNhiENT'`FENCE-TO REPLACE TH 0 f,1Y . DUSLY CARRIED THAT A FACT~FINDING COMM R. ,f'plFri E LA fENCE~ AND D15CU5SEH'THE ~fI) 'TOGE' 11TEE COMPOSED OF AN AND DLISHING A ~IHOM ~ I FHER WITH A_COMv1ITTEE OF T THE ©OARD OF COUNTY C MAT TER. OF ESTA E RUN FENCE FCR THE BASEBALL I71Ah10ND. THE hiAT R" ^ i HE CHAMBER OF COMMERC • OMhrIISSION n' TE o 4dERE:POSTPONED + THE OPERATION- E .ANA ,dILMJNGTON _ ERSf iL (~~R+ HEWLETT RETURNS FROM PHILADELP _ - %t AND M HERO C UNT HIA WHEN TH t~,„~,y ANAGEMENT'OF AfRPORTS llsl D R LUB MAKE A SURV ~ E 5 ME tiViLL 0E'1NVESTIGATED,AND NECE55ARY 'ACTION r~INSTON-SALEM TO ENABLE TWE U HAhi~ RALEIGH,GREENSDORO~HIGH POIN FY, OF TAXEN. "COARD TO DECIDE YVHAT;PRpCEDURE TO Ts .CHARLOTTE AND <OF CLUETHENTHAL' LAKE IN'TH ~ .AIRPORT. E MANAGEMENT ? a,,. ~ AND OPERATION ° , llb . fr1R. HALL .BROUGHT OEFORE THE .BOARD A PREVIOUS RE~~UEST AF f~R, J. F. COX-FOR INCREASE IN THE TAX ASSESSORS A PREVIOUS hiO , ROM I"1Q,C'U TO ,00 PER DAY ON PAY F ,r ? ~ THE GROUNDS OF INCREASED VALUATIONS OVER PR V ~ TION OFFERED-BY !+.~R. HALL TO TAK E IOUS YEARS S ' E THE MATTER UNDER AT LES , F I AD ~ , ED OF A SCCOND. SEMEN? WITH THE COUNTY AT TOTAL GOaT PAID., FORMER AbSCSSORS. HE MATTER 'NA5 DISCUSSED: AT LENGTH AND -0N Ni0TI0N OF "d'R, tR c Jli I. ' TORNEY , TASK, .,E COt ED DY r,1R• GARDNER, .THE RE..UEST bA5 DC CL(NED AS IT IS T00 NEAR TH ,)I!! ~ E END OF THE BUUGET'YEAR 10 RE-OPEN THE MATTER.: I Ir UPON MOTION OF''R. GARDNER SE CON" L' ' :'.R• COLEPAAN NOT VOTING UNTIL A GONdPARA7IVE STATCh1ENT OF PREVIOUS C s UED BY R, 05T OF OTHER ASSESSORS 1 5 R HALL, THC CHAIRMAN 1"JA5 UNANIMOUSI S ECU EU THE COUNTY TO TESTIFY AT THE HER Y APPOINT D A ING OF THE CIViI E TO,REP I AER R ,r~ (VATIONAL AIRLINES APPL ONAUTICS 80ARD IN hHILADELP FSENT f)POhJ hi0TI0Pl~ DULY SECONACD Pp,YMENT OhJ A W t" ~~J+;, ICATION TO'AMEND ROUTE ~ n ln~ HIA, JiUPPORTI J EEKLY BASIS, TO-..R• E. H. DAV15 TAX LISTER FOR TH w0 t NG J , E T r' f~ICNh10ND r.,~ T_ L.,LUDE AIRLItJE S R ilI _ SALT td E VLCE F K PERIOD HE VlAS-ABSENT ON AC A f I ORE:gND "WASHINGTON N ROM d~ILMING ff` IVEE 5 COUNT OF SICKNESS FROh~ FEBRUARY-47H TO FEBRU R ~j " TON. TO J A Y ~ TH, 'gdAS AUTHORIZED ,i, 0 ITS h~,lAMi Iii NEVd YORK ROUTE. AND DIRECTED. ' AN APPL I CA TiCN,OF'GAROLINA:SKYWAYS FOR THE PRIVILEGE OF P 0 ERAT,LNG A FLYI : fi 'NA3 RECEIVED FOR FORTH NG 5ERVIC THE FOLLOWING GOOD AND LAS9FUL P,1EPr MERE DRAWN , E FRJM GLUETHE + TG SERVE AS JURORS FQR THE TVIO WEEKS"MIXED TERM OF THE itI ER CONSIDERATION. N THAL nlfiPq~T SUPERIOR'COURT 9EGINNING 1t!ARCH ~T~TN, x;+45: a ~f Po:R. JAMES C. PENNINuTON WAS UPON A10TiON hf ~ GRANTED pEPMISSiON f,z,~^ uLEUTHENTWAL FIELD IN 70 LAND H15 PRIVkTE'PL ~ RAYhiQidD v. FARR019 RODERT CHARiES NORNE A. '1 ~t CO ttr,UTING BETWEEN H19 HOM Q ANE:ON THE RUNW _ J g SMITH}_J,.,..+ENBERG~ HAROLD: G, ,TODD R.L,DOWNING u, 1 EAT :~LUETH-N AYS AT f ~ C THAL AND PENN I N R , R R (r1. K , ^ ~ 11 Cf~ROLINA BEACH ROAD, GTONS FIE i~OBE 7 C OGE S, ALININ, r11LLIAh, v._K4NAN D. hi , LD ON THE I aR P v I T H, ~O7D CROIdN, N • LUDLUM, :J.L.GR f SSOM, I+, ~ H. C,, ••.ARSHDURN~ I~EliEY R• GVRLECE~ CLAUC T• JEWELL, 'rViLLiAM L. ;`,!ATSON, L.S:RILEY GEO. L• PERR>Y ~p f' N1R, A. L. 'rV00TTEN gPPEARED TO SAY ~ ~ J i G.C'•PIERCE H. E. LONGLEY GER R' M` I f ' 1 TH„ J , T A L ('AYES, .a •L•~ANDERS, E.C•RAY` J.F.,~,URRAY H.(I~,SO M s , LO ON, J•.,.CLAJiK~` ` T IN HI„ OPINION BLUETHENTHAL FJELD COMh1ERCPAL AND?PR CAN AC r„C~SNEEDEN ~REX P. ~ ~ ,i+ IVA?E FLYING ^ COmJAODATE , EL HIGH, T .,,PETTEVJAY J,ta,uRIN.:ON L. i IIITHOUT GONFLICTe BOTH ~ ~ , C ALSH, J.HENRY GERDES! C•T•JORDAN, + C.~.FLC`,YCR5 ~,.h.LEA JR, C .vG. ~ 1 1 J ..HRS,F, JGHIJr t' ) ,,r ,,r. Ir~:'j A REP h, , E•,~(•DElAtJO, RDEiE:RT L. ,VILL1AMiS~ FLOYD ~IILKINS, E•C.BROwN, ORT-OF THE ,~ILMLNGTON PUDLLC LIBRARY F N.N.PHf'_LI?S,JR,g ROBERT niATTHE!^US~ ,~,>),JONES, E+J•HART JAMES KING OR JANUARY YlAS RECE ' - i , C L DAVISI A.F•BLIZZARD BRUCE YANllLE ~ ~ 14 Ep A hJD F IlED. s f j t DAVLD CRAIm, FRANK )A50N, J, a,F:EYLAPJD, LDUIS LENINER, A.L.JEWELL, PEP,RY D. P04YELL J.L.OT R , E URG, ~,it A REQUEST OF J,g.EA':ON f R O ADJUSTMENT OF T F ALDEN LDVJA'iDS, DAPJIfL J+'i3LAGh:p IJAVID R. KI1JG HENRY I'r~OHR. H_ QACK TAXES ~ t' i'+I tVRS REFERRED TO THE COM~dLTTEE VIITH.POWER T' CHARGED AGAINST HIS. PROP RTY IN BI.OCKp~Q7 G AC E .~i , JEGOtJD `l€EK ~ T' r J s PRUGE V. SELLERS, HARRY E.. SH"cPARD, J•'J.DUKE,'i),G•GRA!_WGER ,E.C.LDUGHLIN G .ii. EO E~lDDLE, rPt,E,KURE, "rt ' UPON P,10TION OF ""F4e.H h` '~.L•!~ARNES _G.('.HO D i ALL, SECONDED BY ,r+ C ~ LEN, RODERT-L• JACOHS ASHLEY C. JOHN 0 , R a f 5 N R I CHI RD FREoHw ' ARDNER,,EUGcNE JACKSON,.COLORED'_IND s 1 A7ER, J H ENGLISH,:.. I~ ON RECOMMENDATION OF ~ IGENT GITIZEN '.a,F,Pt';C~APJIeL T. C. DAU q + - ^ ( , JJAS J IS,C F•„~ATH)a, J•(J~.~INtS F.H.BAiLEY' n•L.SN rV THE SUPERfNTENDENT OF PUB J 0 C F THE~D D 'Il ! L s AL J s I , I C_ CLFARE AD,~t s ~ LHM K LNG, ITJED TO THE COUNTY HOME AS AN''14PdATE.'"` JOHN E. GILLARD, KIRK ++~AGENSELLER, '.V•F'.EHLERS . J,Iti•BRYANT HUGH FENN ~ , ELL, J.RICHARD FARROW H.T,NEwLAND JR. THE FOLL0691NG APPLICATION FOR LICEN I G, RAY ,r,,,SMiTH .tl•T•JUSTLCE Z.V,CDW rl' R JOSEPH L. K N r, r ~ J_ SES TO .SELL BEER J ~ A , 'iLF ED TLACHEY L.PJOSENHAN D.C.SMITH FR D AT THE LO t J E NEWBER CAT14N5 SHOWN,, THE SAPAE BEING "IN DU DONACA 3ROyYN F,tS.STELJES ' F. :D ~ ~ I AND ENDORSED PlY THE SWER1^F, 'WERE UPON MOTION OF `,"R. E FORd , L AViS, E:C•RUARK,v~i•, GANNELL TEACHEY P.C•JAMES '7.K.GAKER J•VFARR !''f COLEMAN, SCCDNDED BY I';+R. GARU ~ n ! ~ , OW, ~ HER, oRRNTED: ERNEST P, VRAWFORDe SaEO•H~ROGERS' C•G.AAINES 'F•'.l.:CUDr, ~ qr f ~ > JF+ ~ y I•rC•SLMh10NS RJGER N, RUDINS PERCY.iaARTON 1¢JTZ, E•i,~., ONFIvLC•, >d.R.LEE, J.L•BALD~"IIN,U.I,.f-grtKER~ .i.G•~AP~tES~ PAUC R, ';dIIITE, O.B.GRIMMETT, ETER50N~ CAROLINA AUENUE AND' AIRPORT itOt~D. DAN PHILIIPS,.SR~, "IRIGHTSVILIE HCIlARD 9. PENTDN, ;~t ~ CAUSEWAY R, A, YOST, CASTLE HAYNES I ROAD NEAR ,ROOSEVELT GARDENS. THE P;1EETiNG THEN- D A JOURrJED, ;iR, ,IRA r~ + SK ASKED THAT ,=R, H.A,YOST BE NOTIFIED 7O RE PLACE. THE. SOIL HE MOVED FROrd THE SIR=" HIS PLACE ON THE CASTLE HAYtJES (~O D CLERK. ' A .NEAR ROOSEVELT GARD N . i.7 f? A j - I; 7`t.V ('~1AR-0H 4TH ` 1 r~ P)o ABJE,c7 roNS _WERE INDICATED GY THE BOARD TO' THE DREDGING OF A BASIN 288 i ~ FEET DEEP, IN 'FAGESr `ORE FEET LONG BY 1G0 FEET ;YIDEy' I EK OhJ THE WEST .SIDE OF THE (NLAtJD w'ATERIU Y -r- , , I!I' CAUSEUJAY"IN ACCORD A ABOUT 4~ MILCS ~JOR7H OF =JRiGHTSUILLE -THE REGULAR W K ' P ANCC WITH'THE PLANS SUBM)TTED TO THE U.S.DISTRICT ENG1N " ~ a,, CE LY ,dEETING OF THC aOARDlUA5 HELD AT 10.00 A.u~. Ir FEBRU R EER cTY +aR. PR A Y 13TH, EaTO~J ;,jASONt PRESENT: ADD1;30N HEW LE H R~U , ~ I TT C AI AN GEO ,I, TRASK JA ,`)ALL H.~'~, a RD , _ , , S , A NER~L J COLEMAN:AND CO UNiY THE H1EETiNG THEN.. ADJOURNC•U. ATTORNEY PlIARSllEN ;~ELLAtt4Y+ j-y - THE M t N '7:; c,, 1 l it, J~ UTES OF MEETING OF FEBRUARY ~~Tr1, l;!~~, wERL' READ AND APPROVED AS RECORDED. LERK. + : i ~ , ,i RE U t a ~ E5T OF .:R• K. RHODES TO PERMIT AMERICAN LEGION TO+USE LrGFON STADIUM FOR ITS AtJNUAL SHOW ANll I lf, .ViLhiINGTON~ N, C.,' FEBRUARY-2 TH ''IC a. 5 ~ ~ R:In~S WEEK:... ~ J of w1ARG 2 i 5TH, TO 3CTH, THE-COUNTY 70 RECEIVE,10jo OF .THE: GROSS'RECE'IP7S,,wAS UPON-MOTION THE RE ~ H GULAR ,VEEKLY_MEETING OF THE :`30ARD tUA OF ~•~R. TRASK, SEGOtvLED DY;f~'R• GARDNER GRRrJTEDr HI5°RE^UES7 ;FOR THE USE OF 7H S D SHE L,. AT 1O: CO r'~• ~ t x E TA IOM FOR RI-DES AND CARNIVRL,''wEEK AF SEPTEMB R 2 RD w IN Y { ~ a E 3 , TO TH, `AS HELD ABE ANCE• ,I RESENT.. AS• w~. HALL, .VICE C13AIRhiAN, GEO. ~r'd. TRASK. H. R•''G RDN' ` • Pv1AR5D B• J A ER, L• COLEMAN AND ,.COUNTY RTTOANEY rp " R, f~HCDES-ALSO, PR N P EN GLEAMY. ESE TED'FOR A DELEGATION OF CITIZENS AND-PRO ERTY OWNERS! A PETITION TO PAVE THE F STATE MA I NT'A 1NET)'D IRT ROgD FROt.''.THE CORDON ROAR TO THE I,iURRAYV I ~LE "ROAD THENCE THROUGH THE P1URR Y ` s A I~ ' THE MINUTES OF MEETING -0F F69RU'ARY 1~ SECTION: A DI STRN ~ t+" I TH ~ ~45 NJ CE OF AF'PROXIMATtLY THREE AND?ONE HALF rdILES THE SAME tiVAS UPON ,10Ti0N"-0 .~R. y , ERE READ AND APPROVED AS RECORDED, J F TRASK, I SECONDED BY t, s , ~~R• COLEMAN, APPROVED ANU REFERRED TO THE JTATE MIGHWAY,ANll PUBLIC 1dORKS CO~b'e~ISSION ,JITH ' RE fUEST I A ,REgUEST OF (,+;R. H. i'v'. ROLAUD 5 P - THAT H ~ ' ~ , U T , OF SCHOOLS, THAT ALt.AVAIL B + rN6 T E 1~1PROVENIENTS BE PdADE AT THE EARLIEST P05SIBLE h10b1CNT. A LE tv10NEY REMAINING Ih THE GUILD uOND FUND 8E MADE AVRILABLE FOR EXPENDITURES FORT r H15 YEARS ..BUDGET T0'MEET EXPENSES FOR THE PURCH(1SE ' OF LAND FOR ENLARGEMENT OF A`LARGE D THE'FACiI,iTIES AT '='IRIGH ELCGATION'OF RESIDENTS OF KURE BEACH INTERESTED iN -1wPROViNG THE DRAINAGE THERE APJD A NUMBER TSBORO,.HEMENWAY AND r"dILLI M OOp R OLS V4'AS A H E scHO ~ AF oolaMr7r_ T + „ i UPON MOTION OF fv~R• GARDNER, REFERRED TD TItiE GOUT EEPdEN FROM .HE AIRPD(~T GO,J,~dITTEE OF THE CIiAMBER OF COh1MERCE APPEARED AND THE CO~+,PdJSSION R ~ JTY nTTORNEY FOR OPINION. E 5_ ADJOURNED TO THE SUPERIOR COURT ROOM 70 LARGER;+;UARTERS TO HEAR 7HE,UELIGATIONS AND TO FUFi7HER TRANSACT , n KID n ELLS OPERATOR -THE COON t ' ~ OF THE SODA SHOP, ASKED TO 8E EXEMPT FROda THE PAYMENT OF ADVALOREh1 TAXES ON TY S BUSINESS.. 1 PERSONAL PROPERTY`, S70CK`AND FIXTURES i , ACCOUNT OF PHYSICAL DISAB;ILJTY, PJAS UN RULING OF THE COUNTY ;,s ~ ; •=.R, C. t ~ ~ ATTORNEY, DECLINED AND W 5 R ~OGU r• PP " , A EFERREp TO THE: CITY AS TO H15 REr>!OEST FOR PRIVILEGE TAX' EXEMPTJQNd EJ CHAIRhtAN,OF THE :IILMJNGTON-r'ORT v0 ~I41~SIDN A EARED TO ASK THAT THE CO,+~h115SI0NERS URGE JLNATOR J• `+I, °AILEY TO OBTAIN ADOPTION OF A RESOLU7fOtJ APPROVING THC-DEEPENING'OF THE GAPE FEAR RIV R E ~ REPORTS OF JAS. CHANPJEL " _ ALKER N15PITAL ASSO4lIAT"D TO T,JENTY FIVE FEET At+D TO MAKE EVCRY EFFORT 70 GE7 +HE APPROPRIATION ALREADY APPRCV~D ~ i r r CHAR I T LES, COQ+..tUN I TY HOSPITAL AND> LADIES PEST t~00h1 s. L FOR: A ' COh,~u11TTEE FOR vANUARY WERE RE CELVED-AND FI THIRTY-TWO FOOT .CHANFJEL BACK IN THE' DUDGET ^NHIGH WAS LEFT QUT IN EP,ROR.' ! - ~ LED. v J UPON M07CON Iv. .R, F. t'' ~ ~ - I OF +R TRASK, SECONDED BY R. COLEMAN - A%ES O I,RO.VLEY PRESENTED A'RCPORT-OF THE AIRPORT FACT FINDING CO~.,PAiTTEE COMpOaED OF THE AI'.RPORT ' ,CLIFFORD HARRIS WAS GR N •D B 'EMENT OF T, + ~;'i ON A A TC AN A A A COtdP,il T TEE OF THE C PA ~ " W R PR~ SENT AND THE COUNTY: COh,1?vJ1 S5i 0 ,,iil~ A V LUATION OF ,~COeOO WOJSE OHARGED 1N ERROR ON LOT 5 P HA BER OF vOdwiERCE, +UHO E E C , NERS,,WHO INVESTIGATED , T• BROWN .SEAGATE ,FOR THE YEAR,~`14~t Ai RPORT OPER -I, THk SAME'HOUSE LS AL 50 CHARGED TO EV f Rr ATIOtJS ANA iJAN GEta NT AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS IN,THE JTATE WHICH VI AS RECEIVED A ' A ~ HARRIS ON EATS 4 ^ T ME YEA A E ~ ND THE hiA7TER fit, ,i AND PAR VR R HE SA - I,f ~ T 01iN,. SEAGATE, FO OF THE II F?- V OFtTANCE TO APPOINT AN AIRPGRT AUTHORITY ANll MAKE lhihlED ATE ARRANGChiENTS TO PUT BIUETHENTHAL i(~ p A I RP a ~ ~II U ON MOTION OF „'~R+'_COLEP,IAN, SECONDED 8Y h~R. TR ~ GE ORT 'IN OPERATION VVAS D15GU5SED A7 LENGTH. i:~R, GARDtJEP, IAOVED AiJD LT wA5 SECONDED BY f+iR. H , ~ ASKy 5,, T, JONES , i~ILMINGTON 7OViN5HLP 51 YEARS Of A C R J ALL AND A RiED I APR LL ~,TH, 1 4 WAS GRANT D r f THA7_THE 3D R F VOR NG THE APPOINTP~EN7 OF AN d~IRPORT RUTH R li,rq ~ E A REFUND OF POLL TAXES COLLECTED BY i R 1~4 f „ A D GO Oh RECORD A i 0 ITY AND'T`rIAT'A ~i~'~ ACCOUNT OF GJERAGE. GARNISHMENT FOR TNE.YEA 7 + vObihllT?EE FROM THE:'30ARD-0F COUNTY COh.4FAISSIONERS A ND A CO',5•iLTTEE FROM THE BOARD OF I~IRECTOR5 DF TH II+~ ER r , ~ _ CH AMB E ,I OF CO.iL:ERCE BE NAtviED TO MEET ::AND SELE07 THc NAGJcS OF THE PER50NS TO SERVE ANA CGtdST17UTE THE ~ ~ AIRP 1 A REnUE5T OF H.P.yALKER FOR ADJU TM J-•• ORT AUTHORITY AND SUB~biIT HE SAME TO TtILS BOARD FOR APPROVAL AT AN ADJOURNED r.M1EETIN ,'I h S ENT OF ;P1 O1 .1&, BACK TAXES CHARGED AGA1rJ5T LOTS ~ AND 160 _f T G 70 Bk HELD ' i? 11 NTER PAR ~ K FORT C TC nGT" IN THE OFF C n r , HE YEARS 1 T ~ R I! E5 OF TH ,Ah RCE :WEDNESDAY (;JARGH 5TH AT :OO P.(,;,. J ,31, HROUGH 1,44, WAS'UPON ~..OTION REFERRED'TO THE COr;,MITTEE WITH POd+E- E CHaMBER.OF v0 tE , s J 3 ; ,.ILLIAM ~.HINES AF ^AANTE H,,dARU PP R~D -0 5K P Rh?J Si hARNETT,;TpIdNSHIP, t, AS UPON NfOTION'OF ,d,R. ~„R, TRASK' ~ 10 CAROLINA AVENUE, SUNSET PARK, A EA C T A E S ON TO MAKE IhiPHOVErA~NTS t0 THE COLEMAN, SECONDED BY ! COHSE AN ABATEMENT OF PO `E" SSION 5T P D P LL TAXES AS 70 ,,ILh4iNGTON TOWNSHIP: ONLY ACC c NG CISTED ANDS AT LEGION STADIUM, STATING HE HAD URGHASE THE COJSESSION RIGHTS FROM THE CAPE FCAR P OUNT OF DOUBLE CHARG_, NAVI FIRA - ~ , TtS .~gSEBALI CLUB. ' OLL.TAXES BOTH IN liLhiINGTON A ND HARNETT TOWNSHIPS fOR THE Y C f.iR. GARDNER RAf~ED TWES~UESTION OF THE PIRATES RIGHT TO SELL CONSE5510N RIGHTS I i EAR 1~4'~. THER ~ ,;i E INAS,.IUCH AS ;THAT 15 THE PROPERTY DF THE COUNTY-.:AND THL° COUNTY I5 ENTITLED TO THE R V M JJ E ENUE-FRO THAT l R. D .THAT E EC ,t i 50URCE, THEREUPON('," ;t H -W'OUiG~STOP PAYP,tiENT OF H18 CH K ~I _ ~•AFD InDICATE TO THE PIRATES, AND STATED E WULD PAy THE COUNTY ~~,~OC.QO FOR THE SAME. UPON h10TI0tJ OF ),'R. TRASK, SECONDED 8Y °~~R. HALL., THE 61ATTER WAS:REC EIVED FCR GON5IDERATiON TOGETHER AND AT-THE SAh4E TIME THE COtJP,iiSSIONERS L00K INTO THE NATTER OF ' PAINTiNG..AND.REPAIRS N ADIIIM. i. AT LEG 10 ST ' s: ~ _ .,gib i ~ i; ! . , r, ~ ~"I r ~ ! ~ ~ "~~I i! + 'P "'t 1 ~~r a ~G! Pt,EETiNG OF ~M1ARCH 4TH, 1Ci4E ~1+1J~' ~''~1 . ~ CONTINUED. ~ ~ , ¢IP~;~t~ ~ ~~"'iLh1,INGTON~ f~:, l,.s P,~AR!;H 11TH, 1.;`t~,. ~$IT ~R. LAYtRENCE'KURE AND UELEGATtON APP EARED TO ASK IMPROVEMENT5 t0 THE DRALNAGE C - T ~ ~ [ l;l, i ' ` r AND gREA AT KURE °EACH. ~^R. L, ALONG ,u ,~rC,U;„A~-, YlCEhaY [v1ECi I,s~: OF,HG .rpA~•,. .':l^5 +i.LD p,r 1';): ~ LASSITER~ SANITARY ENG)NEER OF THE:CO AVCNUE K- NSOLIDATED E1' 49AS PRESENT TO EXPLAIN THE VAR 10 pARD ' U5 GRADE9 NECESSARY TO' DRA I N 'TH OF F{;; I ' H!:' s Tr , ~ ~ ' i I'' ~ 'P SG COhdD'' ^ E AR AETH cr I EJ 6Y P~,~R. COLEMAN EA. CPON-MOT ~?.~,,~•',i St, , Jll_ETT ~H' If;li?,>> ~ . r. „1n~lts ,,A,,. I. , r1AU, f r r " • „ A i0h1~OF irifl. ;aAR.J!1.R. l_•,).iJLLF.`.A11 ANU II I;: i s > CONFERENCE WAS REQUESTED W I~TH ~~R. TRAS' „ v ~ -R. R.A.ASHE!"JDRTHs f3ESiDENT LNG N T~T•BETTS~ DIVISION_ENG Rs CQ'.I.T nTTvi~NE, tsnauf:h :C~LA•.~. ~ " I EERY STATE .:HIGHWAY COMMI INFER AND r~ s S510N TO LOOK INTO'THC M r !II ,ia CACH [JO~b1h11TTEEs ~'.IR. LA551TER ~ ATT.R PJPT AND COUNTY 'COhTd I S510NERS H T - ,Y- _ - - - ~ ~ , (,I k .JITH~THE VIEW OF CORRECT HE ,FF11t;ic,S OF "a)EEITNG~ uF _xr:GH '•~TH~ q ND ~TH~ ~~,yf~ WE'RE-f1r-qIJ AMU P% ' .r, f A I E~OdE.• A5 1'(:~~.'iEl'la ,',i P J ING THC CONDIT ,`I' , e P,,RS. n,,ITCHEI:L F. BUCK IONS ~;1 LEY :APPEARED: TO ASK. FOR HELP FQR LDD1 r-"c• pc 1 t:1' , RESIDING E THOEv1P50N HI :~P. .trr.n OF „~pS,,. .4 ,.,P.RDs 'v ti,~iCt=I;:TCR A~iL` t? „ AT ~ S W , a C HO ~If "I ~ 7 V AND' A OLI N ~'ON , ti r ~ h~ERCER'A f IFE J AFF FOR THE v R rr ^n v FOUR CHI A ~ E.SIJ.! C~,~.AN,} TO X16 ENUE. HE SAID THEY. WERE IN DESPERA7 LDRE nr ~ , ~ _ - r k °i,~y ` 1JA5 UPON tw1O E NEED OF FO ~ N is TION OF Pti; ~ OD THE s pURGHYsa. TnE C:JtvS,.5514,v ,(.~HiS AT LLtzlOtt ,,TAUIUM FOR ~ ~t;,•~eCQ t , ii , R. TRASK~ aE-0ONDED BY 14~R, >IELFARE D p rr: wn r wk FOR P~RiOA T 0 JA 1. ARf 1~T, 17 I TO THE 3 HALLS REQUESTETJ TO INVE E AP,TMENT "RL1 OF ~ STIG O,s Tu ;;1y2~~.J+~ T<?' BC PAiD ON ThliS llATE ANTJ TH` 's i~ r1 , h. OARD. ATE ..THE h1ATT s L DALANOC .)F , ~ s~. Qa,,C TO BE FA ID Ot:J TI , I, ER AND REPORT` Y ~ ~w 1 IE DATE DF, ,HE t~frycWivG OF THL PR:JFFES~IOIJAL ©A;>EE3ALL &EASGN~ ~"AY 1~TH 1 ;Q~~ rYA.S :IJPT1hd ~ ~ F,1 P „ ,w 'LI + f f hOTI.JN OF ,..R. TRASK: b ,.7R. ~ .E .L .r~ADE APP ' EAR ~ SEGD+C:)ED ?Y R. ,,A~L> AuGEPTE^u~ 'A'ITH .THE UNllERS~tANDING AND Af)R ,•i n „ EEhENT THAT iF IRDFFESSIOFJAL BASEDALI. ; D A,JD ADVLSED THE BOARD .THAT ARRANGEMEN - BASEBA T5 HAVE 8 +JrsT PLAYE:~ AT'LEvION ~TAu1Jtl AS NN n. LL AT LEG ION STD EEN MADC TO t., v A QUNCET3 FOR 7HE ~I ~7 aCASON H P Ire A I ~ H T E URC A P I UM J3EGINNING..IIAY TN AND AVE.PROFE5 ~ e H.aE RICE PAID FOR THE ~ ASK 7F•IAT THC P r THAT CONS REh9i5ES B 510NgL N5E551DtJ RIGHTS iS T0'uC REFG'NIaED. aLL V0 t IDERATION'`DE GIVEN TOR E Pl1T IN GGOA ~ TINt, AFI'IPi11ATiVELY EXCEPT ,.'iRa COLLh1AN YrHO RE+;iJEST TO a'tu EDUCING THE ,-"r2J.CC P- CONDITI ,'r ED RL•CEIPT n ~ LR NIGHT LIGHTING CN ARGE AND TH ON-A,ID ~E RFGOftUED fi5 N0T VOTING FOR THE REASON HE FEELS THE sA~• ~ S TO ..THE COUNTY. E 10` I ~T iG V N N vCDALi I'J1ERE5T5 nH01,1LU F R^ r y I GR05S GATE E I E A I OPP;,°RT~'NITY Tv BE HEARL'+ 1 A PETITION OF'ZC~ RC•SIDEN S 1'iI' T IN EAST ~~ILMLt~GTON'ASKIN w i[ " G IMPROYEM N n OF i,,R. E 7S TO ~.,r J 'a' R~ v F , j ' ` ,I; TRASK SECOND NEWBORN rtVEN ' n-31nTciv,tLI A5 CE! €L nOM TE,E ~_:qTE :,pARD OF CNARITFE- F ? t „ UE~ ItAS UPGN h ~ A,JL IJLLIC +ELFARE Al)Vi51PJG THAI !v~UfJ/>4C „i a BY- I+"R. ACLU APPROVED `AND REFERRED Tp 10T14tt P , , , FOR THE_JTAT ~r^ tvL S AT FUNL' y i CONSIDERATION. E H IGHYlAY- AND P „ _ L;; AG" I r P ~ UB _ FE~~~P.L A' T . E ° 'A'EP,E SENT !U THIS GOE!NTY FO"~ ' E AS~I,TANGC AiD TU L P ND ~ E EhIT ,,RIFT}REN AND L C tsGRKS CU~.1,11;,1ON FOR nDf~lA' ISTRAT iDla FOP THE '.60NTh DFLEBRt1ARY~ •i, NO ODJECiiGPJ S WERE MADE TG, THE gPPL I GAT LON OF A.T.°O1YEN TG .r - ~ _ T . ,THE US DISTRIG r;. r , Y r< f., . „ , _ VYHARF:IN RANKS CHANNEL EA T EFJGIAEER .0 U~JE„T,Oh., Lc ,E i. ,.I CA, EL ,G iHr_ A,PI,JGATIOw DF t~.V,rrHI,EHEAD TU Ii ~ TO O~NSTR THE _~a 1)L~rRIGT ENGINEER FDR A ~ ST SIDE OF HARBOR IS' U LAND AND `50UTH OF THE N LGHWAY DR OT A, ' i I~ IDLE.- PEPI,fIT TO .~:REDGE A'rPROxI`LaATELY ~4v GUBiC inRDS OF 44ATER14L FROhJ'C;gNKS CHANNEL NEAR THE FOOT-OF C[?LUME3iA i PgYMENT 0 } w . ''-'~F GHTSV.f ~ ~ II F ~SOe{.O 70 YOPP FUNERAL f~Qh1E FOR C K ~T.,~~T, 1 tLE Cl~s>~1 AS ET AND, SERVICE: FOR COUNTY' CHARGEt, WAS UPON 'u10Ti0N 0 h": THE- BURIAL.. OF EDGAR ;`L:Cp f , R, COLEMgN~ SECONDED DY '~"R.% HA LEhiANt . LLB AUTHOR12EDa ,iLFORT Of THE LAUIES :ST.ST "i?OtJ', CD`krt~ilTTEE.FDR FEBRUAF+.Y YiAS REt;EIVP11 ANt; I li_f.ll. 7,1i'~ R A EPDRT OF THE ACTIVITIES OF THE BUREAU= ' OF IDENTIFICATION FO - - ' , 1^'!~ R FEBRUARY WA5`RECEIVE .es!' D AND F `~EJUE5,5-FGR AJJLISTh!EtvT Of !HE 9ACh TAXES CHAFsGEi AuAJPJST THE ''Rt;t'~ ~T~ ~`F ,.)LILIA D ILEDa 1N C TELFAIR IN B_OCk,a uG,'~ AtJW "~1,RESPECTIVE Y Y'irR !!o ,en ~ _ r.,,., ~ • I~ 2 EST FOR. ADJU ,u, L ._E y. 0. ;N , r ,GR STMENT GF, BACK :TAXES CHARGED AGAINST ,THE. PROPERTY OF B s, vTIC R. F..R,~t.x TD ,HL u_ ; I ~ Tl is s4ITH T01dCR Td Ar,T. pp mYE~ ,`AND GEO. L. FARMER 9LOCK 0 ELL; B. LLOYD: DLCCK ~ -LOV ' ,1, 5 E r~3_~,LOTS-1112 CAROLINA PLACE W ; !,.i POWER'TO ACTS f ERE REFERRED TO -THE CGt,r.9 ~ - A-PETITION OF X01 RE5IDERTS'DF ~ A ~ . N p'~,;,' c c ITTEE NIiN E GATc t,RGiNu T-.E ~u .,•IS.,IOti~R., 4.,DP[RATILN IN 0t3TAINING A STRECT t rl ' P,sVltr,. PROG°At.S FOR 1MF.OVE. ENTS OF THE STREETS IN SEA"wATE.:h'AS R'LCLIVCD AND t'iEFLr+FiED YO J ~ ~ ~ THE STATE ' ~ UPOPJ h h r,, , ~!IGN',SAY rte. I"UBL'I C ~r'CRKS Cb:!,"I SS ION TO I NV`s , ~ r r 10TIOFJ OFhR. HALL SECOND-D ~ re ..Ti~ATC TNC SiTI.A,ION ANL t,RgNT i,JL RLLI F 4z C OY R. R - - E A CARLi A5 T ASKS uCORGE ~Ah1UOL~ .~ILhJIPJGTON TCWN5HIP U P ADATEh1ENT GF-POGL TAXES COLLE e 4,AS GRA.PJTED PDSSIBLE. I CTED AN BY GARNLSHh1ENT FDR 7HE YEAR X04 ,~'II`il i ..ACCOUNT OF-DVcRAGE. I 'UPON MOT PO _.r. , P " = r} a cv ; ' ~ : , il.~, N OF-iv.Ra TRASK ~ ~ " _ :.rT10._D1 R. ~OLO,.Ah dEGL,,...C,. ..Y R. (nA,•:,a {1,ST~,JuTl.,t~q R V n - i ~ SECONLED BY h,IR. COLEMAN ~t.L.SHAY' r ~ , E c.l LR T4KC OF ,,I1.1 THE I a s J~COLORED RE51I7 "WAS GR s ING IN F D ^T; a -C, E ErTAL F01NT 1Y 1,nTt IaH,.AY , JBLIC iORKS CO'1','ISSION THE 1VG`TErz OF r I,)CIWINCi "I, ''!;;1} ' ~ ' ` f c , ANTED AN ABATEMENT OF TAXES TO_N5HIP I I. EE ~sU„D ZOAD t,HICH It OtJ A_VALUATION OF ~uOS.GO AUTOM081LE LISTED IN ~'~ILMIhG s r i' _ FOR THE' YE AR 1 ,45. C TDN IN ERROR EXTFEt,1ELY NARROW AND EXTENSIVELY UvED. t{ I, I. I~ 1 L = r.~ ,tiJNICr",ifG^J YIAS RECEIVED FIi0~.1 iH "'0 w: Y . ~:T;~I't~tt h , >,n~ T ~ (JPGN MOTION OF'iR. TR K ~ E u U T h , A I.;i A. , , ~ ti' i AS i •R• F• V. BAT SOW' HARNETT TOY7NSHIP r _ i. ~ ~.I~ i ,Al,I ,~~.(Ih, (il OFPOLL TAXES CHpRGEUtNERR ~ ~ f ~ YEARS OF AGE n CIAS GRANTED AtJ ASATEL1Fh;T DF FEi;'RUARY ~2TH, ~~;''+~j~TGGETIIEH' ;'KITH A 'JCh~OF.,.~:?',!I' Sl:,i;l!,; i(;_;: 4i.:Li: fs1' IP! ,~1('ll t. "I r~, i _ OR FOR THE YEARS 1~~14 AND 1 ~ f.. A j 4, j A RE(;UEiST FDR ADJUSTMENT OF TH ~ RtPORT tiiA4 RE C~ I VEU FC'b}1.1 THE LACK TA); CCL LC(7~ f. ~CD~ I i"•:, n.. ~ ~ hf: ('i)I_r i:~T 'I; l)i~ E ,~C .UO 4pCK, 7AX@S CHA'~~.GED AGAIhJST F~;.(~,;~'ALKER LOTS rC: n ~ ~ ~ PARKs FOP, THE YE ~ G• G " 1) NNi) 16O ~i16 A CITY AND O - , : I ~ AR., 1/,~1 TO 1,44 INC.' 6'lAS llEGLINCDy INAS!aiUCH A6 THE UACK r. i•.~ ~ TE r, d.,fi~ l FDR THE COUP,iYy 'J~Ak'INI: ~ Tl ~A~ .il' ~.i`; 1lLCi;TI,: t`~',~• ~'HC OF SALE DETkTE~:EN THC PARTIES. TAXC,, ,rr1S ~~J~1911JE~~Ell IV THE r~.sr~,r;;:i~Y. E , ' ~ ~ ~ n RECESS 'FLAG TH'N t ~i. I E TAKEN UtITiL j:OC 0 CLOCK F ...s r'r'EDNESDAYs ,,'~AftCH )TH _TC s.'~E~7 i f _ c "tITL TI-;L AIMI,,ttT ri 'iEPORT OF ThE.AGTJV-ITILS DF THE 0:! O.E:. -VM~E ,}Et.":;'~'", -.!TIl""~~ r`4.,8s'i FOF fl'iD~iitRY -Ui,1." ';I_('1.11'I:.1) ,1 N1` ~ i COl.f.~ I TTEC~I N THE OFF LCES OF ?HE CHAh4DER 'OF COr,!h1ERCE . _ UP r , ~ • / OiJ NOTION OF ',=R. ~OLEh!Ah~ 9ECCN~EL l,iY ,,h ^ Ln;,:~;• s PA1^N~LNT OF f .11+ FOR ART LOLL„ L 1 N ia(:MONC~TRAT ION ~~~il-. ~ = `CLERK. :,ORKf ,JnS APPRQVFa7. I~ hN-Ai'PLICA'TIGN FG„ LICENSE TO S LL Uk'R T TH INT'R a;°i,l:~ +lii iT=V r 't i ,a E E A C i. u~ i GI _ 1LLt i~R\I IKC ANS' ~-,i_A+.,,11C ROr1U5 ' +~IkMING70N~ i~. 1 I ~ C. P,~ARCII (TH, 1"`46. n~, y SU~.ITTED BY I?.f3.~RO"JN~~7HE SAME DEING IN TRUE FO~h^AteL LkLULt"uti ANL ENJJGkSLi. t?Y ,IRE ;~I(;RLFF -A'AS UPON a tv10T10N DF t.iR. COLEh1AIJ SECONi:ED BY ~`;R. NALL Af`PROVEUa URSUANT TO RE CE5S TAKEN ~~ONDgY ~ Pd~ARCH 4TH ` 1,46 ~ s COhJMERCE AT :OO-0t ~ i ~ THE BOARD MET IN THE 'OFF ICES OF ,THE CHAh1DER OP i CLOCK F.i,~:~ 141 TH' THE AlRP n ' ORT COhlhil TTEE DF -THE I,HAMBER OF' COhIMERCEc FOR F ~ •u, r: DISCUSSION OF :THE hiAT ER URTNER A STATEh1ENT W c r c ~ " l t T OF CREATING' AS RECEIVED FROM.A~SDCIATED:>JHt.R)ilCw aMJtPINt, tRLH ..7 uEEICPT ~A 1. ~,,e~ AN AIRPDRT AUTHORITY' TO OPERATE DLUETHENTHAL'A18PORTr ~ a ANTICIPATED NEEDS FOR THE FOUR'b10NTH5 ENL`PNG'~aUNt {~.iTH' 1e4z', ..r ~CCaCC PRESENT L 'COUNTY CO'.iM I SS I0NER5 A:)DI SOt•.' ~ s~ t~•'~: i HEWLETT CHAlRt,1AN~ !;EO• TRASK ~A'. ' r e,~ , q ~ s HALLT r~•~.GARDNERt Ald'(ICIPATED RECE'IP S t F1', COUNTY ATTORNEY ;,!ARSDEN `SELL M T I A Y AND COUNT Y.AUDITOR h. .._:t_~!,~_~,~. GRREEL. CHA"ABER OF COMMERCE h9EM©CRS ND riNTPC1FAT[D DCFICIT ~)UN 5U H r A OTNERS PRESENT I~ERF.: ~I. P~ r2 'r . E ~ T t ~4~11C~+~r"l) i ,EERY E,A.LAtJEY, f3.,:°F AI,Et ;~~•F.~ EAAY^ KENNETH>G. ',~VOOTENy ~L'JERT ;1DOTEN O:G.3 ~:t _ r AIN~' SIDNEY (i. i;•AG"s"iiLLAN~ i-~ARGROVE ~3ELLAit'~Yi ~.I_.,rHITEs - I C• NARRINGTON, N. L. HICKS H. C, RDRI ~ 1 ~,'R~ GARDNER FEELING THE ASSDCIATIi) CNAf;ITIEA ARI. D(rlh;( ~Wi_ t1E5'i TrfE.l t,A~! 1'i: 'i~rl_'f 'iliC L'i;~"r,NP.S ~RADI ON -~t ITt f SON APJU FA~iFIELL, ANll 115'dOARD OF~IRECTORS SERVING WIT19l`t!T CG!!f'[tiS?"~'IGN. 1,^GV i.~ i:~','f TI'Ic- Ih~S001A1(•a GN,AiiITIES 1~G ~j~. IT h.'R. A. F. FE(~R't READ A REPO ~ INSTRUCTED P~+ i~ u; t - r r RT OF THE FACT•FINllLNG OD,. s OPERATE ASECONOMICAtLI' AS 1,,91PI_c A'vt i 1, - It,. (',111_ ,,.E, ,'.,~-~H,.,.i Itn' llLi_A~tING ~Jti~ N , MiTTEE COh~PILED FRO,,d INFORh1FlT1OPJ SECUfiED-BY THk THE DEF ~ l~~r ~~4~n +,°~c , COtv~d I TTEE ON A RECENT I'N;tPECT 1 ON TOUR OF AIRPORTS ;AND -THE S M _tY ~ ICITa HIS MDTIOiJ 1uAS SECONUEIj c"V . ~~t,l.., A-.u t,.,::~,lr.?. A E AS DI.,CUSSED AT LEPJGTH AFTER WHICN ~ P,"R. GARDNER MOVED .AND LT WAS GECON ~ LED BY R. TRASK AND CARRIED THAT AN 'AIRPORT HUTHORITY DE APPOINTED THE CUUNTY . j TO h1ANAGE AND mPERATE BLUETHENTHAL JT,LRP ~ nTTORNEY R D T " Rll Q 4,)I;,:P, i01 HAS;H`c "~I =ri" 'il' .c. UIL+:,I!(: ,.l;~;U ULE ,HAT ,HE .QA F _ i s.RE.Yf ORTa IT NA5 SUGGESTED THAT THREE PERSONS DE NAh1~D 70'CONSTITUTE , THE COh1Mi SS I0N • P!;'iR. r~LD E DER I V ~ ERT .f00TEN SUGGESTED THAT F IUE B ED FR0~1 THE SALE OF BONT;Sy TC PdF<nMASL L,A"'I: FOR ,FHs,OL ~ !r ~ 5. 1}ARTih~F.~ "!t V~,~, nND ii 1Y1 E NAMED LN ORDER TO GDTAIN A BROADER-EXPERIENCE , IT YrAS SE-0 N"" , - . J ~,r -,..,r ' C;"•'_, D• ' ' THIN THE COh4MIS510N~ ,tHIGH,SUGGESTIONs ON h40TI0N OF °.'"!R. K-+ D iltD 9Y •R, .,O~.EMAN AF.D CARtiI~I)s, ~ .A. Nt .,t6tF~ T ~FiUC~s"It,.,4 ~(•tAT,ALL 'i TRA5 ,y _ NAS `RE-0E IVED FOR CONS IDERAtiON : , L V c , AVAILABLE FUNDS REh1AiNING IN THC 5GW_~OL FUILDiNG FUND BE 9sLE ~I .r,''i.: OR EXPENLITt!rsES GN THIo ' A 1~10TION WAS THEN Y - EARS BJDGET W,` .r c Ir ~ ` ~ , rv, , MADE: BY t,~R. 'CgRDNER AND ir, A5 GR N D J F 1, A. R i D V , SECONsJED BY R. TRASK AND CARRIED THAT A COP1P,iITTEE OF I`OURt ~ ATE ~ INAShUGH AS THE SA AE 6 IH4 ZE Y LTt. uF THt ~,t3PLE AT A oFEC1AL BQtvD COh"POSED OF TYIO P.'EMDERS EACH FROh1 ELECTION ~ j THE COTINTY COt.T.LI SSIONERS AND DIRECTORS OF THE CHAtr1DER OF C,OtiMERCE ,I HELD sJULY 1~TH, 141 * i _ ,1 ED, TO SELECT THE ,NA1dES"-OF N ~,!D I T r n ~ i. i s.. , , . _w , r . - ti, ' TON OF R. RA SK uEGON~E% i?Y ..AnD,JE.., UG .,TY eI _GS ..C_ ._.s .t T4 ~ r;3~iE A P„~.1Lar• FOtz I THC. PERSONS THEY WOULD RECO'aMEND`TO SERVE ON THE AIRPDTtT AUTHCn1T J t I, I ; P AY Fd1 . L'ESSRS GEO. 6~(. TRASK AND SAS. P`,1. HALL YJERE t EiJT• NAMED FROM THE CD'JVTY BOARDa A6D ":'1E55R5F E.L.'sYHLTE AND , I , C.P.~.NARRINGTON FROM THE CHAMBCR OF COt„iMERCE. THE COt~.3AIT ' i i TEE THEN RETIRED" CONSIDERED: THE MATTER AND DROUGHT 1N THE FOLLOWING NAMES RECOMlMEND S 9 THE iMEETLNG t''•~~. i ED TO GON,.TITUTE'THE AIRPORT AUTHORITY: THE. rsuJDlRPiEDa I I' +h - J. ,riE55RS HARGROVE BELLAMY~ H. E. HICKS A. F. P ' _HARRY ~ s LENOX a. C00- ER AND. lu~lr R. GARDNER. !:J ~i( i' f ~1PON MOTION OF NA ~ " ,1 LL} SECONDED BY SIR. R TASK THE RECOh~.1ENDAT ION DF THE C0,:~41I TTEE ,dAS a ' j ',;t UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED AND h,~R. ADD I SDhJ HEY tLETTy CHAIRMAN OF THE COUNTY BDARD WAS PJAh4EU EX pFFIC10 it ,~,l CHAIRMAN OF THE A iRPDRT AUTHORi TY a THE JO ~i,,, P - INT MEETING THEN ADJOURNED AND THE AlRPORT'~UTHORITY i il('! ROCEEDED TO ORGANIZATION. + , a ~ , i,. jil I 'Is I J 'I ' I{i~' ~ ial jr ka L° r I~i 11 j 1 / r. Y ` j, a i p, b. ~'i ~ ~ ~ ~ { ! i ' I ~i 7'` S'f r!~: t~'I~ 'iIILPJI"JCTONy ~J, o r., , A. CH 1d THt 1'~r~, :)ILti,1,,-;TOri, j,l, C.r ''i!AFICFI ~~jTHt 1`)x+6+ 1 '~s ? ; THE REGULAR Pl J ~t,1~ EEKLY 1~1cETING of THE ~oARD v1AS HELD Ar 10:00 J I 4 ~ T!;E REGi,"LkR 49EEKLY V~cETING OF THE :_~UARU YIAS HELD !aT 1Ci;;jv f{, PRE =r n ~ I SL lT' r~I)UISO fq f1E61LE'fT ~.,PIAI R~tilA hlr CEO, '';'j• TRASK I !~1 + CGUI'!TYrITTORWEY ~~;ARSDEPJ I~ELLAP.JY• LLy E . i~. aARDI'JEA ~ r ~-•~•COLEts,AP PAESE"1?~ kuDIFAtJ r'EwLETT CHAIR'.1ANy GEG+'~), TRA~,Kr r~AS tiALLt i~.I,.r,AR'APIEF L,~,C~~L'cMAN AN?i r ANA CCUNTY i~TTORrJEY :,iARSDEN T;ELLI~MY. Ilr C THE MINUTES OF h1~ET_JPJf OF (,':ARCH 11 J ~ - ,I Tit 1CJ y „tRL READ APJD APPriOVE'L' AS REC ht " I'1 C + r, . It,_ , ORUEU+ THE. t.11NUTE5 OF EEI G F niGN I.,THy 1,r..,y 'r.'Ci~+t_ FiEA11, A.PJU APPRUVFL ~ 'rr• ~~„I A~, R~.,,,i'tuEf~, r ~`'R I'ORTGN APPEARED TG kSK THAT THE. CGUF ! ~ JTY REib10V r , , 'P~u rIRIGHTSVILLE LEACH HIGHWAY D E THE RUdB15H ND CLEAN»UP`THE 1 RE~JtJEST OF RS• G• d.,LARSON'FOR A REFUPJU` OF THE TA'/, 5 a r , 'P d1 ACRE P ~ C SHE : AIJ3 QP, A VALJAT IG,f 4F •:1(JO•C(} GN r ONETED TG 7HE rOUP;TY E'Y H15 GRANDFATHER ~ v-- ARKTuN THE J r I~'j; FUflTHER DUMPING 'OF r ~eR+ HUGH f,. GT ~ SEAGATE 'CP{ARCED TG K-R IN TRASH.. AND RUB815H APID THE ERE ' i AC~AEy AND;p FART OF L r r C ERRORy 5HL HAVING PREViOUaLY :BOLL tHt !AID LOT T~ .'~i.1E OTfON Of SIGNSON THE PR~ RGNIBIT 1 . vt ~ ea µ SEGONDFIIBY i,",R. CGLEP,(gPdy -THE ~OARD EMISE5. P He , Y E ILO,IYEN 4+HO LATER .,OLJ T G iNOR 1 Cr, 31 SWOP .JHG LI;TE>3 AND PAID'THE TltiXEa iuE aAh>nE WAS llr'ON ' V07F.D TO SEEK 'I'H;, CvGFER" c ,1 L GN' I•t,OT1GN CF i;",R+ ' . ~ ' h f IO,J ,t, r-,-IE ,~I NTER P i Flnr y R+ TRASK' REFERRED ' j CORRECT ?HE CONDITION'AiJD 10 F INL A St11TAB - ARK ~ 1 ',1C710N OF R• COLiMAN -SECON~,ED BY y TG `THE COUNTY riTTORNEY F"ON UP u ' Lt PLACE FOR THE DtBP kRVICE CLUB T li IOP1y Ar"TcH A tl~ GSAL G n R- Ir, F TRASH, PREVIOUSMQTIG,J OFFERET RY f..R.:'COLEMAIJ AiVL ;;t_CiitJl;El, iiY LIR. {RASKy TC REFt11JD THe, [AKE:`3 PAID UY ~,'+i5• ~ "i~ JOHN r1. STEVENS~ ATT4F;NEYy REPRESENTING 7HE-CARD ~ r,, I v L„ASGPIy s"~'r5 4'JITHIIRA4aN~ THE COUNTY TOr4NLr RULED THAT THC CO'+M151GPI R ~ ri E 5 HAVE ,JG MJGHT Tu,RcF ~~W al, - :v LlNA ~OJSE53IOh COAPANYj AND ~lt1E5 ~ - a AND ~.E+L+rVADEy'`REPRESENT LNGTHE ,JILMIN SRS.LEr4T h1TE P -.THE TAYES'PAIil-4GLUNTARILY A,K>.1,YlTHOUTGriJECTiOPJ'URCOMPULS'ION V GTGN PIRATES ~ASEBALL CLUBy APPEARED v t CL40CK r E EPi THGUGH THE TAX BE LEVIED UNLA,.FUi.LY, TO A5„ TIi P E COtJSIaER -ITS ACTION OF r'.1 oA GARU s , ~ r ARCH 11THy 1, ~(~y LEASING .THE CQNSE8510W :RIGHTS" TO RE. AT LEGiUN STMT t ~ p p - ~t uOhJSESSION COMP;1NY THEREBY'DEPR IlJr,l TO TH n,RE.Uc~T GF ,R+ n.,.„HODEur ~SEGISTER:OF liI,EDS rJF, h ^ c ^ r IVIIJG 7HE BALL CLUB OF TH E CAACL r E T A HELP FOR"INDEYItdu VITAL ,TATI~TICTS JTATING :IiAT ,r A DETERMINING 1E IN40P,1 il N n AT SOURCE OF ANTICiP IPdA r A D E> vJHICH hIAY Hla OFFICE 4dA5 ~ AY5 3~I,I+D IP. IT~ ..JOl;K 1,T TH15'TIMEy YJAS I~PUN t,1GTIGN Of :,~i, D0. r 'I FACTOR IN THE A$ILIT'r OF THE': BALL CLUB TO MgINTAJN IT5"- gE' C UAR +JE'rtr wcCUNDEU BY R vOLE,.ANy AiAN s :I 31RTH IN PROFE551OP' ~ r„ SEASONy AND-ASKED THAT A SAT ,AL sAL GRA`JTEL n+JG THE uHA1Rh1AN "AS AUTHOJtIZED TO FIX THE 5A R 15FACTORY 50LUTiv"rJ OF ::THEM L THIS r LAY IN LINE ~rITH THAT PAIR FGR OTHER a1MILAR ATTER BE JVORYED OUT IF'PGd,$iBLE. ° c D hSGUSS'JON r? FOLLOWED ANA IT WAS SUGGESTEQ THAT 1~ OF THE NET ,PROFITS FROM L,.NGTHY 4JOdK+ ~ b P THE CON , A PROXIJJ,ATELY AS MUCH TO THE CO - SESSION 4fpUL1, Y R ~+I~ UNTYy AS THE 'SALES:PRICE OF ~;~2~ OO.CO FOR IELD , F WOULD AL50 GIV ~ r THE.COPISESSION RI ~ P, IOrJ OF Iz:R. uAR„NER SEGONU L r , E THE BALL CLUB'OPPROTUNITY TO MAKE SOMETHING TO 6' 4HTSy gtiD " vPO+J iC1 y E B R 1RA~Ky THC CHAIRMAN }VAS AIJTHURIZEll ANL DJ~ECTED TO eq iECT EXPENSES+ FIT T r ~ , , ,,,R. STEVEN5 A T HE _SUGGEa ~ " Y NECESSAr?Y:,hUrr1BER OF 'CLERY,S A.JD-.;C - ! P- - ,l y T GRNEY FOR THE CAROL{hJA CONSE8510N' h p` TIUN OF E,~r'LG :.T ~ A COMPETENT ORGANIZAT1GPJ Tp E,TA.LLISH A PERh1q;NENT ~ CO iPANYy THE :~OARDy JJPON v1OTIGN 0 " T , . 8Y ~4)R. av F ~„R. I P,A5K RECGRU OF' ALL THE SERVICE P.1EN AFJT, „O,1lEFJ FROni THIS COUNTY Y,HG .,LRVE.U I HALLy RESCINDED 1T5 ACTIGPJ OF ;vARCH`1'I ~ r SECCtJuED N (URLD r(AR IJO. 2.' + II~S ,n THy 194c~y IN LEASING 7HE GONSESS r - µ 14N R I aHTS TG THt CAACLINA ' ON~ESSIOtJ CGMPAN Yy AND THE ,~1y~50.00 CMECK GIVEN 'IN PArRT PAYMENT F ' AFJD THE AGREEMENT CANCELLED. GR THE RIGHTS 4'tAS RETURNED TO TH, IPGPJ'OTIOtJ CF :;,R, HALLy SECONDED BY I,',R+ CGLEhiAN' THE ~j1 ~iUU,uO is!JD EM y y GET AFPROPR I AT ION THAT WAS ',r PROVIDED TG hiECT THL ExNENSE FGR THE AuOVE IORK AND Vii""HIGH VlAS TEh1t?OP,ARILY 'JJITMDR WN ROM ` P, ~ _A F THE BUDGET il~ ,,:?'i+ ~+ARDNLR THEPJ OFFERED A P.10TlON AND IT +tJAS SECONDED BY ~1R. TRASK ~ ~ A7 THE MELTING GF JANUARY ~THy r'JA5 4J;3ERED REINSTATED. , CONSESSION RIGHTS TG THE HIGHEST 91UDER. r TO ADVr,RTI..E FOfi '31DS TO SEkL THE A SUB5TITUTE MO710N WAS OFFERED BY ':?R, HALL T ~ - ~ 0 G IVE> PRCb ~ , OF EVENTS'JJELD AT LEG (ON STADIUM C IOTcRS I,'POtd !1rOTIDN GF ,R+ GARDPJERy SEGGh~cu Bt IR• G~LEP,IAN `THE TAXES CHARD D ' q E nGAINST THE NORTH STATE I y ONSESS ION. R IGHTS GN CONDITION THAT .THE COI,P~TY R . i EGEIVE IUpJ GF,uR ~ P MP FJY td 141 C rt- GATc RECEIPTS'AND 1~ OF Otis CREO5OTIJG C4 A O A HINERY ANu EQUIPMENT. IN t3LOCh +~1, , THE NET CONSE5SION PROFIT:Sy H15 :414TION W rf)(ar GN A VyLUATLC7N OF ~,~Sy6Cj.(,C1 FOR .THE , A5 SECOPD. r" [ , ON TH ~ - J CD 8Y :,,R. COLCP;JAP; AND I~ E AF'FIR,dATIVE VO CARRIED YEARS TG 1r4 Iti;GUal`tC ':'iERE Oh; RECO';iMENDATION 0 C'. F THE ~UUNTY hUDITOriy ORDERED CANCELLED FOR TE OF ,tlfSSRS HALLy COLCMAN AND THE CdAIRMAN I,' ' J ~ ' y R aARDPdER APJD i,~R. TRASK: VOTihJ r' ~ , , ; AM) UPOPJ P,10TItDN OF :.:R+ COLEM i G N0. THE RE!,oO,J THE COPT ANY IJA, D18SGLVEL.I:r.1 4'1 nPJU THE MAGHINLRY-AP:D L: ANy 7HE: COUNTY .AUDITOR AND CG N ~ ~ r E,UIPAt€NT L15r05ED OF• U TY ATTORN,.Y ,JCRE INSTRUCTED TO PREPARE q ~ k~ CONTRACT BETWEEN THEN COUNTY APJD q r ^ THE BALL vLUB FOR THt U5E"OF THE STADIUM AIJD CGNSES^ ~ ~ ~ , ~IG~J RIGHTS AND.' , . v_ yll;' I rAATTER NOT.. CONCLUDED "OR r TdE n RtFORT GF +JAS• +sALKER HOSPITAL FOR FEBRUARY-AhID T y TO 8E EFFECTIUEr UPJTIL THE CONTRACT HAS BEEN SU6IAITTEU TG HE GRA+.U ,JURY (?EPGRTy tsAATtH TE;RM'I~7y WE ME LOA RD. AND. kPPROVED 6YaTNE- 5 y Yr F ' ~i .EC_ I Vr_,0 A,JI. F I LEil r~ 1 ;u J, 91 ^ , , 'r, R. TRASK ASKED ~ ~ . - ! , ,I,,, ' ,;il, `;1CrTI0hJ 4;F n. TRASY.~ SECGN~,Ey '~A~,iitJEi,y „NAIP r,e ;;:UESTEI' TC CONTACT :THE CITY tl~,~! TO 9E ~IcGGRUED r,S'WEIhJG rAVORA6LE TO THE COUNTY RE CEI'JIIVG 1d~ OF c, ~ ~I,.iq PAOFiTSr UU"f NOT 1C,%~ 0~ THE NET PROFITS+ ~ ~ E 155 CON„CS,,ION AU:TNOP?ITiES AhD ASCERTAIN IF THEY ~'!L! Ji)I,`~ TNT r„J"1TY II:~ ,',N ~1,~ti1,.,.~J i,"t'tvOPglhTfON ~"S~aCC.00 EACH ~ t ~ ,t rk +O JUPJC ~C7Hy ~r TO ENABLE THE ;UAriD CF r'~L:4LTN TG Ct,'?kl v'. THE :_A' IA- i)'s:J O ~N R F I 3 ~;~R. KITE ASK~D I7 GOT OL ~fORK ROGHANI C THAT EONSIDERATIOFJ B n r _ rti TER,;~ItJATED''CY TIJE ~C':.`ERAL F'UULICHL.ALTh~ 11'IGF LA5'i FiSLI.• TliL R- , dA' t.lE.,i rUL cY IJR. LLIUT7t COUPJTY E G14LN T~ h RCuUCT10N OF THL ,,?~.;}Q PER t11GHT CHARD[ FOf-, LIGHTS, II-, D^ J, ~ l'INICH 47A5 RLCGIVED FOR INVESTIGATIO~~J. ~~LHLi:, •.,FiCt1,. ;i I L)POrJ fv10TI 0PJ O ~ ' • F ,~R, f1ALLy SECONDED by +:"~R+ COLCI•'~kN TH H' r~~~ ~ ~ ~~HO'J :~gTIUrJ OF P. GAP:DhiL~?t S~D~~rl..cru .:'f ~~,~L;'ai,y I 'ST N,I'.,I~.J:~, ,Jr'L _;IVL?~ TL 'SECUNC ~,;~UOTATIO,JS FUR ~ I OF LO ~ - r C 'a~•i" TAXEu CHAriGED AGAINST THE J',EST o-11,J~Lt PART ~ I T,, AIJD A,IL Tt'JOy IN IiLGGK ~2y IN THC FJAPdE OF L.Ii.PEARCE ;SAS ORDERED C NC'~ r STEAt,1-CLEA!II1JG THC EXTERIOR OF THE ~i_I,P.T ~~.,"r..;.. A cLLED FuR '(HC RCASOP! THE SAIu j I PRO PE RT'f 4'lAS ,tillVERT I SED AfVD SOLD FOR T AYES AIJli THE ~ ~ , COURT 1;lrr TA7(CS ',IBS l~1CLUliED I~V THL E31ii. r THE F.iLL09iIIJfi GGOD AIJD LA`„F':L 61f~t•, ,JEFF i:riAPd!J T`. ~,;Ci1C Ir:, ~l~_ I!v' H, ~~,!;,.RICIZ%FUR 1'HL TRIAL OF CI','IL 3r.5 FOJ? THE T1'lO ',VECa:S TER1ri ;5E01 ulw~. hPRIL ~~''ir j A RE~;UEST OF THE COLORED f~~OST if,JERICANLEGJUN TO USE LEGICIJ S L' it ~ r ~ ~ TA I J9 , 0(1 3ALL .,A~,1ES F,AS HEARL APJD. ! ~ INSTRUCTED TO SUB~'~11T SCHEDULE OF GAME5 TO THE CHALRPkiAN TG E'E GIVEtJ r,~iNSI'DR OF V N - E A710N YJITH GTHER'SCHLDULE5 i„~.. - 1P :1 ~ ~ I ~ r, E E 7S AT THE f IcLU+ ~~~fIELLr_y A'.C.RIVESy .ERN'IE t:ICK,.:,t.r:t v•v•~•tNu~ _41T!aLr: L.VAt4„y r.hl~e_i-:T :rILl.1t1MSy ~,L,:~NbRAMy I I Po6T, ~,.:IEPJKINSr GLENN C. ".''ARLG'sYEy LE~ivY :0:~;OCKy L.h,CA;=PSr ;.?,-P.NL~ F.Ij,.SCOTT LICATIONS FOR LICCNSES TO SEiL BE R u -;RRNHILL~ •I.~,~EtvY.INS~ v.,,..lP.ESy ~,~•~,i.,nDELy ~~:`.~E:"LENS ~A'• y.,LTS6Y IR.H.CHR15T1 E AT LOCAT10N5 AT KURE BEACH AND ,rAJABOR ISLAND SU9'r11TTED 3Y r r Ey ~..1.,.:JLCER L•~.i, INT' W :.J , c , r. R, r ! ' ~•L.LANKHEAD ANU t~OY L. HAth'KINS RESPECTI'JELY THE ~ M r, Ly LO ELL E hCTTy ~t PfE A,RPdy s?t.kh n I:f_Ri.>,~y I+~,..,,iRD~ v.H..ILLCUGHBY ~A E BEING IN DUE FOAM AND EXECUTION ANU ENDCRSED- _ y q UGLAb vlr,la .,,.,URv,YN r1,i..1JIZOR L,t•,''.Jil,~,Jr, R+ r,t-..7~CI,tRS ~~E.RY T, ~{IN P~. ,J "s' I BY THE 'SHtRIFFy VJERE UPON biOTIOIJ OF n~R. GARDNERy SECONL'El) =:Y 1'R. COLE!1AN APPROVED. r O -r r YtC r r ~ G, H .~,.15y C.C t-I^4PJ"c ~.r~ 6 ~ - ' ' ' w y DONALD , y,n,LEYy i1'ANLY TAYLO~r •L.,`)ATKJNSy R,; ,ALKERy U.I,c:PUSSy L.~'r'•HALLy r UPON 1.10T IOM 0 ^ c 9P a tLG10 PADGETT %1~. .D ~ ' ~ Y q t" a , F R ,aARDNER ,,ECOIdJED BY p I J' y C AVJSy ~.t.R061PJ50PJy ...k.Ey "CL,ARCNC~ l :TON. I AGt, n. FCIhLER 1, +L.KERR r r y R T Ash DAVID „I..LIAh, i ';i J:.1 r 5 kNDERSy COLORED AND f AP,THA SANE , t.~ONLSy', H.F~..',,ERRI TT • TURNER} 4"!H`ITEy (ND (GENT CITIZENS tYERE UPOPd ~ P+ ~ - : iE OM N _ C E D T A IOty OF THE COUNTY ~+!ELFARE OFFICER ADMLTTED TA :iECOND !WEEK: THC COUNTY H01v1E, AS I NMATE5 •~iGRBINS D~L•~ORDE Uit .CI LARD 'aELLAJ;Y OYiCN'L(V1NC+~TJIV. <~~,tv.`Zi~~~i - , a , J L y L , ~ F41L~Rl~.;rlT,; JNO.L.uL'NN, A REPOR ~ ~ ,1111 ~ L L r. • TE ,JJI EAN JJJO.{. PP+.A. vU:;l1OE llI,N1EL KELLY T OF THE :~ILP.iIPJGTOP: IJE1L1~ Llc'RARY FOR FEBRJARY VAS RECE16'EL APJD FILDr r P CL r NARkERy r~•,.FUVKETTr ,JJ,~~L ,..t 1 , ! _ p•,~] ~vCUbt ,''JM•RAY `~AS.Ia.FEIdPIELL ,i.u. ,RGE~ AX ~AiiL''i},l![f, Pl,t~;~ ;>HLPIv L: ~t ? . , ~AN, I_ • ,L~.+t' 15, JNn.N,+, rcGEL, t ~•;~ALYERy `~~-,A,POWELL LEON ,BARD ~.,',~)OHNtiON .'i,r-,.I~AH1+l.G V •>:'A~~.TEN ~OY.AAD ~1EIJKINS ~~.C.LRE1',' UPOiJ !'OTIOIV OF r'R, COLEP,1ANt ;ECCPJDED CY I~~R, HALL ADOLPHU$ PALL " ' ' ~,'I!T OF y y r ~ y t r J r ~_T AL 4:CrZE GRANTED ANGA~~ATLt1E S ON A V + ~ EELER ) ~ 1! r i ~c i~ r. ~ TARE ALUAT 17tJ OF ,~t)L,~.CQ CNA~RGED AGAIPIS 4'I .1 r~1 - t R 'H > ~ •L•PIURHAPdy HA~~4RY ~,~L~~1Ly ,'AL+ct ,~~uCF,G:ITHkr,t ~At,1L., t I: NrW,. • ,`OtiC` v•r~.f~.~IOYNER I T Ear 1~~ LoT (1 F CET) 1 N ..LOCK J~129y I N EHaoR Fu r r THE YEAR 1r~~. ~ ~~~I,'~CIVEN6kFtKy R.Yj.EVERETTy ,~•~.FUSSELLy ,i..~ Af:WIa.Lt •,.':;L4IC.Lv ~..PU~SI:hLy '~U~:H JTrVENSr °~E^lNIE LATTS L.LI•~'~LLLcTTS ~.n:11.LLER CLIFF ~hO~t!v, f' ~I~~ITH+ y r r I r~ PCTITION OF PROPERTY OVJNERS ASKING FOR P~RM,1'JEN iP N i T Ih ROVEP,IENTS TG THE I,EARES LOAD FROP.r A POIIJT 0 THE FG.,~GWlNG COUPONS ANU,BONDS iJERE PRESENTEiJ BY THE,tLUr.'i" '~'~~I1'G 4.~ !-~I,VI^'v CrLC'v !'AJi-ANDW~R- THE "dRIGHTSVI~LE TURNPIKE AT HIGHiYvGD PARKy TNROUGH,~TO THE' INTr=R SECTION'OF THE GORDGN HUNDy PlAS UPON L E ' y T c r •"J"~```. ~URNED IN THE PRESENCE OF THE uGA2D: I MUTIOP! OF -R. aARDNER SECONDED BY R. RA,.K AND REFERRED' TO THE>STATE HIGHIVAY PUBLIC OINKS CO',!-ISSIOh' ~ PdITH RE.;_UEST TIiAT THC RELIEF BE GRANTED. n SCHOOL' LONDS; _ 1 T o . 5_ _ , . CpUPGN rt10, . PsOND g;0. ,r~ _ C ~ .l~L . ,i ~~.4~V I ~P tJ fv1 t, 11 Ii h n It - q r C n ~ ~ , O,• 0 OTIONt LT, .w. uHISWELLy NON-RESIDENTy 195 RELEASED FROA1 THE PAYPriENT'OF-NOT LISTE PEPIALTY ~ 1J1 ~ 2,+„G Ic;+4v I it I, 5~ u n ~ u ~ " G ~.0(7 1 ~~'G .OG CHAffPBED AGAINST PROPERTY IN BLOCK ~ G FOR THE YEARS- 1'O? r ~ - 55_ ,~3 TO 1y36 IN.,LUSIVE• u n n n ~ I " 1~ +r 2 00 i Cr;,"~ +,'~0 i { ~ ~~R+ COLEMAN ASKEll, THAT A REt~UEST OF ~.~R+ SANDERS TO HAVE TH D ~ E GGRDCN AQA~: n u ~4 n It lJ / ~F '1 ;!,~~,,i~C Ids;+~'C E ITCH. ALONG HIS PREb11SES pN TH ~ ~ r--. NEAR. THE ASPHALT PLANTy CLEANEti OUT, 9E GIVEN: CONSIDERATTUN. tt tl ~ tr ° ~2 ONE OPJLY ~ It G1,CU ~";.••~v `~r .I ~ ,1 +t fxl• To `66 - tt 2=,i~0 '.Cv I ~ i- n it ,t n C' II err rt THE PIEETIiJG THEN ADJOURNED ~ C ~•,Ov iJC.~1C ~ - u sw J1 n n a _~a~ 1J'It C7;n CLERK. ° tt ~ ~ , j tl p s'1~j it 1C ti ~.if`+:u :I t) N 1 iY ' III? 11a w n,p ' l ~ `,3J ~ ~ jj'~ I t , n-:-gin - - rT" , ~ It rl r7 n n n p _ tr r ' ~ , 1 1;1 ;11 ~ ~i ~~•t~J I~CJo.,G [Jt it tl 1 n n 'T !t i.t~ ~ iC" tl 1 < f., , 11, n r - „ ` ,a ~w n, ~ 11 u 1 11 p ~ ~y~ r1 + _ , 1}.1 . TG a / ~ II it n II I)F~ H r~ (5.11 1;~;?, +r'. t) 16 Ir ,1 '7C I! r ~ II 1~ ~ ^r7. ' it tl 1( n' a '~c' tt ;1? ~i0 AND. ~1 Za +r J`~1•; " u n n r 1 J u : 3 r 1 Ir Ii 11 ,I ! h to N. it~~i."~ II 14 11 I1 ~r 1 ~•r~ r; u 12 i+ t, 1 ~ it fig +-;i~: " 'I 1 ,2 j jG °11, - , w._-.._...... r' ~ , f a. i , . r ; ,,r tt1E E T I NG of J~ A ~ < r Rctl 2 TH 1 ~ ~ > ~ , car,Tirv~~n.' , ~ ° ~ SGHOGL 90t<]U st ~E ~ ~ S> i3ROUGHT F^oR~reARO ?!eating of April 1 191~i, contfmred. ~ OouepN No. 12 BaraD No, _ K - y, X11 1r8. } < ~ 82 To 8h ~ ~ 11.2 75 X61; .1 1 70 13-81 ~ It 11.2 ~ ~6.2~ 11 cA " " 24 9 _ rr '1!}!L}t~;r.5, II©vt Ifanaver County i,s desirous afar r , ~ 24 10. b .ai.rlin th~r , r ~ .1 „ ~ g 5 00 0.00 : is Ise`nf x111 t;nr, Ara,a t , ~ c, n 11 1, 5 +ioned Dose > to ether w, th J r y covered by the ~ 281. 0 - 10 nforamen. , 6 i c,nrt,ain aregs of etl a, n r • . 11 ~ 10.00 400.00 1 i tf, prc>r,Flr.,y o,vclod t, he 'k~ovarnment e.nd Il " 21 „ EO - fl0 " also of acquiring the u>aa of certain buildings lnra;#,ed on ,t 11 r, n n II 1G.G0 ~OG.00, 1 ~ , ~raperty bri~lr~nf,]tt}; to t}ire Jnited atAt9~ ~ 1 1 7_ - " (,overnmant in i'ee, and the United .Mato;, is vrili' n . ~ + , 3 44 114 10.00 1 X140. C,,r ilew } e.navnl° County to ne~~e th u u Il II II " r II ' ~ first b a ri •ht of ;5ntr to , } 8 sa of certain ~ , 11 2(-0 - 11 10.00 property, , Y 6 Y, be follovrt,rl nor a f'r,rr>r,l li,~ensra whn•, I~ i rr. ih 11 C, ,1 II „ c, n Qd.O'0p et irmlediato assossian end :;^1 ~ tcl! .iew }irznc,ver County 11 ~ 2b1 2~~0 - 20 10.00. 2 would D p a ame frill re.,hr,n~i},ilaay, ,I i ; n ~ tr n 21 t1 00..00 r ~ ~ - 20 ° 10.00 i. n u wl a 200.00 Y + ~ 41 " 00 " IT IS H:J?1TIHY Ilk;St)L'JFID, ..`T'hat How Iianover .Count,. • R ~ rr . ~ ~ 160 8.75 1 40000 ,r make rantin~lad cri'f ort t<, ac uire necessa a ~s " ru t n e 61 100 - 40:1t 10.00 ~ of the pluathonthal Ar-rtry Aarfzold by-the operation of a ~:ivi.lian' n3 n t'' ~ i• ~ ~ P IF rt , r anu , at ~ n " 1 q1 00 QO ~ , rP , h ,full an.: complete 110 - 10 " 10..00 authority is hereby {,ranted to' Addison },ewlett to rceei t for and • n , ~ r n „ ~ 11 II „ 100.00 P ex~ a l ,e all novas.>rtry pe pars arlth the r ' 121- 200 - Government rvherehy the f~overtunont gives ar Tends to !levy r' 0 ..10.00 00,00 }.anover Cnllnty l.anc] and' irnprov~mQnts at u n ~ rr cl 28 It - n lr Bthenthal Ar Airi'ield .n connect o . • 1 4~'' ,1 4 3C0 1( 10.00 1 p,Op Btu mY i n tirita the {:s~,al,lighnr:nt of rt c;zv•lian c(ir art. I r ~ n a ,r ~ p tt ~I i 1;1:1 130 - 20 1o~G0 . i, a 1. 1 200.00 + ~ 1 1• ollowzn - Jnint ns ec 113 a~'E OPdLY 1 10.00 10.00 The f g I p tian and Survey Rrpart (Cierritznf; u ni.nnnnt flil~ethentr~a • a: n n $ u , it n ~ 4~ 1 ArrrX} 341 T`~ 6G 2a a.75 1 00 Arrf ia1d, IfortTr Carolina, Lasso IJa. tl },n i ' ~ , + ~ ~ y .j C 7 g I~~,- ras resc.nyerl. ~r, he ~,aarrl l},r the t;hairman: r , 86 . F GOUr.ITY HCf ~L UGP~ : ..~1 C'2 . tt 1 ~ 2 t,ew r{anoter (,ounti, Itorth tsralina leased to thq f;overnrn r r x I, ' CaUPOP! r;a. 2 ~ t;l ant, 3j,1 acres of eland zn flew Conover ~ ~ 1 ~ahrD ,,a. n n ;i, ~ To 12 - ~ 11.2 Coun , 1larth .Car li.na, L~ra.,e Uo. 4! ,.2Q },n 5 tJ' ~ 7 g 125,;;) in corrreetion with -the a;(tahliehmant o s3aa~ BGr,>~ . o.oo f ' ; ~ Pliaothonthal ,;rrry rficld to be used exclusively b the Gnvcrnmerlt f rl`' renewab a a ' ,Y or rho porznd 1 Juno l~cl2 to t~~ , - GOUPQN rla, ~5 BarrD Na. 40 " - 11 1f t7-June 1) la rlnu 11 tttereaftor`,unt : t b r~ , ~ 12.~p - 3 Y z1 jU Juno 19G7, .k COURT f-iGCJSC,,,C,~il~. 13.50 U on instructions from the ofi'ice ~ r~ , P , Chief ai_.,nginoers and approval irota rho Army Air Force, ` CaueaN PJo. 43 uOND r,o. 1 n . 1 AND 1 2' n 2 ~ irm~odiate ril; ,t of ntry on rho remises - aavorad b ~ , 00 }0..00 P 1 the afore-mentioned lease, ?ryas granted b r n 1r 43 1r It 2 1 Ta 20 - Il , ~ y : 3 3: - 2 .00 telegram on 3 January lyltE, to I1ow .!ancvor Count to use the f31u t r 11 n ~ „ it - 11 , ~ 75~~0 Y a hanthal r~r>aiy, Airi told and certain 1 3 210 214-225. 3 2 .06 ~ Corernment-ooved buildings in,:cnnectlon therewith ~erdin "the execut~o o • 1 n '~~.00 1 0, _ n f a formal license and 44 ~T, lr ° 171 TO 225' 1t `2 00 o sub;ect to the forms earl candatuans thereof. A Joint Ins act n a , 1 77 1 .00 1 1~ p i n nd Survef ]lopart of necessary-.buildings I,. '00 and. insta,led equipment thc;rein was erocutacf:by 1ddYr Hanover Chun and ,t}re t' ve r , 00rLDG PAIR tY ~ r Iment'on 30 January 194b. , 1 , . i ~ ~ 7 BaA>s ~oND e ' ~ 5 - 1 ~ A,+tharity hr~s been` };ranted.` to the })ivisicn },n^'nn ' ~ .00.00 700• l,x er to include in the license,.for use of 'su lus i~, GOURT HousE BONDS NOS 171-TO 181 ` - 11 air errs;-, necessary o er~ltir. -o ui mt3nt in accr,rdan vr• ~ ~I ` ^ M11 1,Q00.00 -11,000.00 P P g q p ce ith ,},o .terra., and c,rnu.zt ic,ns sat f orth irr the , JCHaoI !~oNDS ~bOS 1 1 TO 1h farrtal license. 1'hn necassa ate a ^ ` ' ' ry I r tin}„ e uznmrnt located at the !llur, °h . ~ _ 5 ' 15 C: 1, 000.00 :1- 000.00 ~ 9 t arttha l t,r . A.irf ie ld has been ' ~ ~~5r~2U~7~ datermiziet{ by Er ~lor.rd consisting of s roprosantative of 'the Division n •inear and a ro`I s to ' h 1 ro nn five of the Awry Air }Forces and it is desired h~ the t~ount<r of ?tezv ~?a r y • Haver, .fa, „h ~,aralina that the necassar t aG1G'OL '~O°~ • Y _ apr,rrrting equipmdnt be coverer.: fi;t the; prnposelr license. CDUPON f']a. `?aND tie. TO - 1 ~ C 3 17 ~ ,;2,1.00 375.00 ; ~ :receipt s hbr6by rxeknarrlr.c, ec: h • iiew 1{anovor t;outr ai Icl tr a , 1 "52 ONE GNIY- 1 C 2` CO `2 f~ y 1 ,tc. ac lyomcnt and o u n n „ ~ ~ 00 tY i Ar ports listod- rt1~,l 5 ~7 To 70' . 4 2"~00 r, ~ below. ~ ~ 11 -tl it ~ 1v0•v0 € I;; v ~5; 1, 124 11 12 . - 2 d r _ a' 5 ~ ~ ~ ~'ii~!'I rt ,1 n n ~r J• ,CJ I hf,~~l ?i 80 - 1C-•' 2 ,00 t,a.t: , p 5 :25o.oa .~t_a.l , '-nit hquipment ` ~ rr' ' r 9 11 it ~ II O II 3 , ~h 71 8c - 10 z5o0 2 ,c0 ; 1. 1 11 1t I, ~ I, ~ t. ; i '`9I~: 7 50 1~ - ~ ,1~,x 1 1 .rave, 13onrai, nr~lnte °;°~aar? ~n~t 1'ntnr', Il u 1 II .1 ~J 1 000 ~,r 7 G ANll 61 - 2 " 1~~'~ En}; J;~OIIF'U7alA, utr. f~er }err r,:'~ ",!}C,Ila~1 11 1t ~ r, 2.7.50 , . ~ 17 6; To 67 - ~ .1 1" ,7r 41.?r l~)Itr!!P, 1 Phase, 0~ 1 i' i I II 1L II II ~?l ~ ~ _ ) ^J rn L v1 ~N(: Otdl.Y- 1 ' 1 r' 1 :'u~lver~zr-,r ~I~il Douh~r- t: n'. rn n „ g n .1 ; ~ 1 ~ 11.2) ~ 1 G40.C0 - • ~ c,.ar . . ~,I. ~~1 T~ L.~}(J ~Q 1~~.U0 ~(jQ,QQ f ~1f-f°,~C,}l, TrEIL'tUr-Ur•R}h1y l~~' _31;5 C!:iDYV(~tS. L1F Cf'P,`,:ur9(; discs In Tancl~r~ 11C~Orl~li;1; DNering'1. ToTAt_ riU~~US PAID 26, 00.00 ~ S rraEtder h'ertiizer Lime - Interrtat'onal 5 p_ i m t ~ P r,. r' ~ r,~`i 1, ToTnu CouFOns aklD 20 2 8. vr~irla.-,vr }i„t,h, (t.o.,,,er .,a'aaoit~, 0 lbsr i'' j , I' 11}'I,1. 13 Lk, U-'?9911 02 `A r7~•7 ~ : 1 Rsle, Ha•• Self=Dun ,harry ar ryas unr I, 5 ~ ~ E,,., ~ p dralm, ]del ~O~b7, size - lt)1,' I+ic-I)c,nr•i.ng. 02 l _ }{arrow, ..Spike Tooth, Har•se, cr `."•act;rr NE MEETING THEN ADJOURNED. drawn USIt-R ~ U HS-'(? !,fade! ~2 Idr.-lrc+c,rin ' , t'~ F 0~ ~ , ~ I r 1 Harrow, piss, 7 ldz.~p, ltr ~rsc li-u?2~ L. GLERK• R ~11.J --Ff1)•A2 'tldcCormick-JNorin: ..arse 3z i, ~ 0 f' 'tractor 1}ravrtn 02 1 Troctor, ifed. Diesel TD-li.t 1+i-i 1•'uil T:'ack t ' Flilminpton, T1. C., April let, 191tfi. Laying, vr~tnols, U.S, ,:1~J2rµi~1 P6 r,; )~D~-;?f}.' I International ?02 The } ~ f ro},ular ws.ekly rnol~ting of the >3atlyd wr,s held at 10;00 A, li. 1 Hewer, tt~phalt ~i.rzac,,. Op i r + I 1 I,,zxer, (,oncretevr:..olne *r'-.inc! 1)rivon l,i-v , i Present; Addison }}ovrl©tt Chairr~n, f}oo, 1!, `(cask H. lt. Gardnet• ,v Yat,}tying Cn, halvrr.uf~se,~fise., f,~,, , l,~G~xh, i 1,'arsdon dellrcm , , L.J,Colon>an t,as ~;ount~ Aztn.ne„ y. R f. U 7~Ctd-ibl , lta Ca }°t 02 1 llistributor, P,s~halt,, Liaint 1; t; {I i,'~E;.ati,, iS1,r•r,r 1 The minutes of maeti n ~ ci ' ' c c ~ ` % r2-T' e Ai ti 'i~•a? l:er ri' Di~tr, c?:'; }ip Air•» i, f 1~arch ~>th, 1)Irb, were rand Einr1 a, roved as recorded, ~37~}3 .'P , .'p I P Coaled (Gasa].ino T;10 7a1, 02 ~ A request of }'rs. Hlock far a r ' + , 1 }fettle Asahalt }'ra'refy }{eyed r-IPorlel'S 1+~5'Gal ~ ionation of x,500.00 to hol,+ Garvlina }3olcch First Aid Station employ'„ 1 r OI' I n trained nurse, stating thEt as many as '.150 persons vvare rendered Hid at rho wart vane da ,was Tar' }~.rtt19 Cor~,l~te til~op`~s~dcr'-:hand nrarm h spra;r r i Y , upon merlon of fir.' Trask se id and .7th hr0 X 1fi Ser, t•3%r-6' rl,li-11.0'i!F?' conded`,by r. Gardner taken under t• • aao of a. 1, I~~~ . ~ ,t , _ colr~adera ,1alr, c}nd a commit ~ . _ 1 1~'r. Gardner sad I11r. 'Hall, ,were named to .look ~ er R. £4 U, K ,1# SAD .0 :with i3arner, Tar~h .J o , O~ into the matter with l)r. Elliot Gount~1 }felilth Offic p . i and report bank to the Board. 1 Roller, Sal.-' ?ow},rad Patch, L3.ttlefnrd 'aartablcr Idaintonance Roller, Sslf _"cmrored r;hrcfn })riven, tt on motion of ir. T :is r • ` r - Fac r ~ -•~n ' 1-, ~ P r k, seconded ',b ,,rr. 0111erlen n from i c cha ed ia,iable Speed, Air +.oalel Iintn, er r, ,1~~_lrt_s, i a ~ Y , a of ,0.02 .taxes i or {,ho year 1,113 g gainst'?lot 11} in block ~ s ~ r Ln ino '~lt3f, '0 e AGi I~ndel lcr Somas "TIr i ~ 5, . un crt'Park in the name of " ~ Mate 6 rl 5~ ~'p ' , 'l.l. Jtclufillan n.: al l5rustee~ far the Bartist' Convention wa _ ~ r 'Illittle;'nrd Bros, C'n, 1 s ornerod eanc,ollea for the reason th© sane wa 1 Muster and 1~ sire; ? p teh , alley ~ I~ I used ax s 1 s acr,upind rJ._the mi , , r Dhzo R ~ 173 Ot, I I c u ive,ly lore:<religious pur.,,o:os as of ;January lst, l~)~~j, y . ,I ~F 1 _Grador I t !;dad Jdatarzznn Diesel X11! ~"ne Dt•xven i ~ A request of Irir. l ollock to bo armitted to erect a "e1d of the i}eiY iJorro ~iotr, vrf sca.rif~+~r - 7liasel ri~r I F~ ortable'.home rrln fence n rho back i z ~ Le ion Stadilun ba^ n_ i , , ty - u :c_i,rc~s Sca• , ; ~ .,etlall diamond and die 1a adverbs ~ rho (,Dun , , lntornatianal IJIdtLntecl on . }roumeti z r I p Y ing signs:. thereon, without. aXpan.,e to I~'"` '-with the understandn the samosa =Dl tab R pc IJ Gh12T . SAD' lr1'r' a ` 02 li g h 11 be removed at am t. . le e of ~J 3 ~ rel. I .Imo upon :request, -with the privy. G , ray • ,,i other orgxnizat ryas o use the srtmo was- ' - ~ • • ` oceived 1 ,dower Toyed 7Gan Vlo•t}r1n1_tna .,x v.,n. , ~ upon maroon of.'.,ir. trardnor seconded bs^ r~I. frr,,,i., r , , g, "or consideration with other matte a t. ~ , R tY IloelS .ll}?; P,r 1~~ rs tt ~E, he stadium ,OO o, cloc,l. P I~ ~ sda r _ f ,fi,, 1 Bucket, )rag,Iine, Hnndr•t~ -a Cu '.d ~ar° it°15~), ' ; ~I Bids for new atimin s re lacementEo + and Assi"nrnorrt Card Ifs, 3 , 0~' g p r h© Court:. house. vrere received fxom 13o1k-1lillfams t,ompanY g King Arming Company,;but neither s evil yin the. tvef ht f sad ar 1 Dra~;line }d4`t x`20, Crane.ne~rol•~in{; Crat4~ler•, ' p 3 o rho motor a sod a be u , G g i 1 propo 'err los'thereo : . ,3 rn , ' t'c•n 'le`er h c~° iansr.i l~rc,±.clr mp f, Iir•, Gardner moved that information bo s ~ blailnted, ,_ot ,~>r3 Nj I ecured. before acrardinl, rho bid. I,iodel 3-113 w ~'1'' Beam Fc i air leads `}AD-I23 1Z z, U 1 ~ DE-Tl~t Exaavatars Cl"c. I Upon motion of ,tar. Gardner, seconded by hrr. Trask the fnllowfrr rase u ~ wa adp tedt g 1 taoa s p l Tank, ~s halt, 1p,000 Gal, Cnrrll(;r~tn~i `.free! 02 p. Y{J{EREAS, New Hanover. Count Ilorth Ln r'r"U acres;.'.. l Truck-Traotor, C-~ '+'lrsck©r 02 Y, reline, loosed to the United States of Arnerica_)J Ida. , of land'fot u..e in connection with Blu t by basso.. 1 Trailer-Refual,in l4raa 1• ^.-A 0? n e henthal,t,rrpr Airfield,` which property is covered g iA ~'_«7-)!,\G-1;2j, which term is from Juno 1, 1g~12, renewal at the `option of the Gavertunent until Juno 1 Trai.lor-Type C-? ~;0 0~ 1<)b~s and 1 Trriiler-Typo C-2 251 02 -1 Grader Tarracer, Cat.i;~2 9cr .:"~'~'-i4,' d. it !:.~ri;„ I PfHL'REAS, the aforementioned lease is sti l in f : all forcoand aff~ct,.and r r. I '+{}iLREA5, the ru er covaroll b t a t 1 ,SAD ~ 0 ~1~.) 01 P P ty y he faremontioned lease along vrith ad,joiniug praper,Y J , t required by thn Government in f'oe has been declared su a artment and l Scarifier, Raoter•., Cleveland, 2 Stool '~!}cocl mnlnlted rplus to rho needs of the lif~r.I) p * ~ is no,v in a surplus catel;ory, nendinE; die osition bl the Gov©rnment• a d tractor drri~m, manualll• cauvrollod rooter, 1 Sp.tites, ' p J ' n na, +a Farr; r' ode o '1 >Radel l?I~1 ~lavo. nd ~ ar r C t)P 3t ' ~r' , ~ : ~ ~ t .d. ~ , 6 (,:l ~ " { ~ '},looting of April 1.9t 1 Ih ~ { s~ 9 J , ..continued. w~, ~ t,". p , Unit E u nlent ~ • , - q •r~" ~ ~ r - C~. 74r ~ a« .ail. 1.« a l q tr.~, C;ti7i1'~~,.•,IF2rxe }rfi..., u,.~, ~ 1 Roller, '}oad, Afesel' lvtotor Lfanua Condition 4~ l kr I , , starting a! >0 1{P, b to lp tbna U.S. Ror c r NE L;~ ~i f,• ~~tiC}27~6-R 2)7 tGod~l 91 ~ fiR-2<~206 1 ~ -fi ,=i1[ID~i r,I~iRr, tI3+? r~!+"P. 4: 1 a, Tractor Case • 02 A reques r, P,.. 1~1!,~;<t racks.>a~. ; , , Rubbor Tzred yr art 4d littr^ h, sa. mn. .~.r1 r.r .cr..,~.ao~i • - f 8, t ? & 2 tir e2 y, Nf z, . tyCf,'I.PGir, nt;~ ,,,:lSl i(7; "n i:i Gll Tt)FSSOEi'.` 9.ftP1'?1s3+}?t, 0 750 X 20, 2...tires, 13-3Q.Ser ~ ! o~ E7 057, (J. S Reg 851271 RT-bll .-ti , !Y 1 .i r!'o., n, i ,cC ~ ,r n ~r_ „ri O'l,.fi ut; 4: 0 i"C~~1]...,u c ~ li, ~ T,ST';<ail r a rr~t' 1 I r zllzng;Jdachino, Pave eltt Jo ? a. . uric. aI th« ~'~-.at,'s s}?c l,aiti an ar.r~ f , ~ ~ int and. - ~ + ';aeElCFii:6 1•'}:5C':'IIF.tS &,1.:iC1 a1<,.~:: fi, r' ~ ra . a Crack .,ea _o~ n.~ ,1r~ t>~.,..a tafd lsq tl lld• n~~, , t r» , » lin h+arh ne 1 , a ~5 .,,e ro; r~n,.ei. , ~ ' ~ . ~ _ n , ~ g z drain nozzle ail,,. ~ fi.._,, ~ i:' I , T, 1 1 . ,..,,}.ot~, ,1r, rtsk „avF,.} t{,~ ii' " ,n ~'S ar, r a f ~ 3 ~ C$n 2 h0. n r ° y , ~ X11 1 ~ Ej ist t.rr { ~ rn t 'E, . , rd rubbor wfie w.,.. rni., ,r.lc~..,nr, ~u.. !'{t; ~;t csc' i, r, ols, nor q~B-183 R k U ~ t r ,I , s ml...,. rry nr, o,_o '?ar~` :r e4 a. ,.r. .,fi.rt'.,aer aafd'a:.he c;ha~.r~ran ~v}},; ,,,~-p . ~~C„M- c ~zve , ti . c, ._.,d na r ; T ~ , ~II ~ ^ ( r 1., (}.~tr..J.! OI 4,~e !.r)11!lt,' J:.t}'tr;lny B ~ I , 1 *•rr~$-:. a.trPai, f L.GardanCC V{.1:,,fi >t d6CiSn,t)rl , i d ° U n 'Trnetor' },Iawer Case5er 1~! 01120. 02 x~h of F,}la ,,?,trpmp I,u~,{ri,I,11p C.nl,sns~t,rtnA,.s }ta'rr~ slo r1~ht f ,J, - ! '~~ti'~26t~t3, Lng 112711 R & U r r - ~;r~,c ,;aaes. 1. ~ 53 - s}"over 5er ~ i~~ ~r14553 s+, 1 Tractor w I ;"~e mre,.l.:xg y`o~:r s.t-,,,..a:~e;'.. a2 i,ll 1 , o er, Case-Detroit Tractor, Ser 'rVAI-1~126l~}1l 19owor Ser ~r1~5, }''ir•o F:xt., ~ X8832)26, comb>leto wall atta ~r„~-~-~ c..e--, k, ~~4 ~ ehmants, ba i n g p; . , . of .tools (IAA-810277 D Orr ,1 , C r, R ~ U ~ ~ ~lr1~-66 ~f 02 }4oans ".t l i.4r l ~:r, r~ 4f, ~ cy ' I' N-New - - - - - _ _ _ _ - -1. Excellent , o- ,,i, E Uued - Reranditioncrd 2, ;G , r.• aad ~ ~ E. i. ~,i4 4e.. a .4 ,In 6~ A~` i~ 3i,1'.. <fl 0-Used - usable wit}iout -I ,fl ,.4 . , , , . „ E re~lairs ? , . , ) Fa~:r S r_:,-t , 1, 41 tt E.,1r'~ ,~tr,,ap~EY - : r R-1Jsed, - repairs required', 1J, ,Pao „k . . , t - , I _ , _zs _ _ ~ _ , n understood end a reed b E , , • y the parties hereto that irulodicita < " ".1-• ' right `to tak© oases i i~~ ~ P son of and use the above listed equiprnant is rrEt i North Carolina and that IJstR l(anav J, nted tu' Ilew r{Anaver ref E~., . , , n,, , or Corm }lorth nt H_L: ' I- tY, Cnt•olins assumes rusted r+nd r,~r . r. y all the ~ G r•esponsibilit for Y late propett listed abov E'~~ µ , s' ~ ~w~_a E Ruti r r I Y e _and that this " f0 1rne11t- 9 a . + ~ i Cw.;! ~ ( i ttf f i.'= 1C.~ i, I'~ t ^s ~ ? 1.. ' L `ins tri ,1~ 1 n ~r a~ s i n' ~t.r~ , _ r the propert until a:forma h ll boa rscei , ~ ~ . wr.;" , - - [ Y 1 license '7.nC1i1d1nl, t}le ftbOVe r0 err ~ i" s,: ` ' - E i ~ , ? , , • , ,c- 'I;E ~r'I!f' Z V 5 a1 p 3 ~ oxacutod. , ! - „ ` `"i5s-h„ ?,T 1 FL II`{~ "S~.I.E~{ qF Ci!T ' - 2G '}r1arC}1 191}6. _ . ~,"ti'vi iU+;, y.. e iY -,1,= t 4 ~,ii t=11 il,+F,j jj.{C t,~QFE j,l r~, t:T ra Ti,:. I.,n.,_", ~.~W, t."'.I Ut hK ,l-~._ , _ ! , i. r~~ , , c ;re P i • g; }Jew }irv'lover:Lounty }Jar ' TF•t ~`;rR ivE.. 4.:. ,.n ^:.I_t' . i't`. r. I r Ii"v t~E'! ~AE~.i;i °r{ a;..j,, 4t^I;F 1 ' J , , , th CRrolina I t ~ .c ~ , I ;;Y r,~ ~~iE R U:.vi .,AS nEGtlt` ~i; t. r, , ~,r D Add Lhairrlr~n ~ 4~ ~ti, ;t ,,~.;,f, 4;4 ,r, ra iv i i J z„nn Hswlet ~ ~ _ h;= ~ I r~t± ;a u , I.~ r i _ I:t Iretiv ,Nj iuJ AT LcuEJf. A r.. I ,rp.. u,, .w 'is-.°1 p r` t r. . r }Iflnovor Colulty` Board of Caun I' ty ,or~ulissfoners F kt~ OF THE AGTIVi'Irs` - n--, :i~ f z , t,..t I'I~'i~. TFiL,QrJITLiJ STATES ~ i Cr Tr~~ Y,:;,~,,_+ ~r;.r. .r':, t-,; i~ n~t~ riEC?` , , } A}.,r,RI(,A la l{ , N _ , ~ TI ^ CtP R, nhtrp: r Jiy }falter F.-}1i11'a , E~:,:rt . , z ras, 1'ro fact i.~nager G , ii ~ • i~ry",, vAivi~Alv''~ I~"~O '~`JTaEz, „~,Y ~ ii' , `r 1ilY !3y I,dwFt: d Johnson Ca n I n, I ~ , ptain, C, t. I - Y I i; Hn rosontat' ~ n ,r1r I. p zva af.Army Air Forces ~;F ~nEkEA~3y TNIS,H~JSPITAL Iv A w'1 :l"} ~ - ,,I''1"il,t~-,~.Ft)_ii`,. ,I E i! ~T"_ SEr1VIGE, TrU AtL nEflf i, 17f 7NDUT r, }.i~ ~ aPPTication for license T .N=~ " _ EASp TH13 r~Oa. ITr,~ ','SILL .,G7 OtiLF , se_ eer on rho 1:lasonboro hoop Road nsar Gaff' Corarse, submitted b ~ t1T . , I ~ D. }d, George and ondorsACl br the E;har,i Y r,l~~ ~L5o ASSIST ('•t r.t I;i>< :'li ~r n'. - 3 - f, eras upon nation of I'u~. Ga ~ ,.r A G L I ~.,T ~ , ' e , . ~u i nE ,;;t,' { i,. r. . .Tr 0rant©d. rdner, socnncied b r. Coleman f ^ , i i,'I. Y ~[,D PROGR~,SS, THEREFORE n.: , p. . . ~ ~ ~ i U (E I' '+t: i i ~?ESOLVED _iWAi THE Et'1 A J . , o . _ i ion mot_on of }.Rr, Trask, ,seconded b ~r . h , r . y Gardner, authorit~+ was •iven GA,t"Ai,,li aNB TNkT sJE r~LELCE T;1 rw[ ~i, , - , ~T, E, to rorrort the discriotion of a lot br arcel of la P nd charged in error on the bark tax records to the-heirs of T}, j,' at Carol 1 ~ r? o- Lomas JJ. },;cGae, ~ , T , ~ ii a 9cach as } t Lilt „ ~ ~E~.:;i7 r1AS RL GE I UED FRt?I~l T1{[ i, 7:. J, , , ' i. , = i~E ,t T? 51!]1 r , 5, zn ,dock (~7 ,the .car. ect rizs~riptzon; is GO X 110 feet I , on t. Jos e h . Street. hot) zn block 6 is arms . ~ P 112.E FoR ~ ~ , , , . _ , s ..7 TH.. v0UN7Y; {.AK1,.+,. t i,: , , . , : , fi., t,c ,t. •i,t{, I I 7 d by J..T,Ridouf;ht aE;ains vrhzch no bawl: taxHS a ) a PFe r. _ .Upon. motion of ?:ir. Trask sec . r,, ~ ~ , . an.led b s LIG;,TiONS FOR LICL'NSES TO SCLU "'C. < ~ " I, , , y r. Gardner, L..r.l3urne L11K t. . , , . , ; Sr.a n~{ ~r.:,r}n>~~~E, y, Levrzs and H.F,YJilder rverP released from the a oat . of the , u~:r;} r „ ~ , , , - . . , u, . _ P Ym not lzstad` malty cher r ITTcll 3Y ,,•~,i~RAY ~aEO. aTnTl,l.--,t~, 1, 1_r• r,,. , , T .i, . tC_ ~r7n~5A,N~ ~ ' P . goj against-their ro lor•t in bloc r- or "a 2 ~ ' ros ectfvel :.:for th© ~ c c P I Y ks nd 3 !t Ex , ~ P Y, year l)1~.), for the reason th , _ , LuaTIOrJ q,lD ,ENllGRSr~O df TWL ,F(L sl i"F, f,i " - , ,5 ` e same w.,re znadvert,3ntly averlanl:ed by .the Agent LL ~'lAVTF.L. i wha has -hereto ' , • p fore been lzstsng the property, I,1r;:Ca-lemon voted no, ' , ,;"09UECTIOEJ,, 9,L~?E IPJJIGAT~D t~Y Tlu A ~ ~ ~ ~ . . Upon motion of ;h1r•, Gardner second hi ERP.t l "s^ • ~ - ~ ' ' ~ ' - FOR a by t r' ~IO,J Tv,Dr;Ei~6E A W,,UxIh,l,l.l.Y ; , . r, ,E!<~ {r. fn1 ed r. TrA~h,-abatement of the;l 1 taxes char ed_'n error against Sylvester IJzlton an a"'vahia ion of ) g z iiricDGE . t; lt: , . a i"~ CAPE (•LArt I v~; 5~,,,, . . . ~6lJO.OO personal and ;poll eras authorized on account of ~ duplicate listing and ''error in name of the tax a er. Tho core ; , P Y r ct name. _s S~ lvaster tuzddleton and , not 1Jzlton,andthe prauorty was properl lzstodb I' ~ G,J iME: I,JVEST16„riC!r~ rr Y y J.iddleton , .`JELTi;,iJ u, ; ir, ~,ri , ~ b i U i ~.vJESiAE,~ K 1a,~~ E1, I I ~ E Ai Tr?E on motion of l.r. Co ~'oi,lrriY " ~ s r~ , P lemon, seconded )y Ir1r, ~O.~E 7~13'ri I T Ei i~ .1Y ~ }I~, ;i(~, r I • ~ si. . , , . , y n': q1:.T i,-}« ' an_aba ~ frask, ?tabert L. Carraichaol, Glla }tuJi Street, ryas granted J ' , iii - . temellt 0, EFE.,nr~ U~JT i L 7HE l: Y,T !'tLr,~lL f, T ~ _ , „ , _ _ . { , taxes on a valuation of :~1~65.90, account of error in c};ar'~in him vrfth a 1 0 Gad e I ; I .r,) g 9 ~ , j Sedan at ~`i~5.80 whereas he hould ha vo been charged wrth a 1936 - 2 })oor Podgo Sedan at g?)0,40 for , ( r , " the ear: 1 ! r Y 9 ~J~ .rE, .'771w>, OF eP. ~~3LErriA{J, ~,r~~~~'! n+~ _ ~r~'~~(3 " , . ac. ~ 5 .~R I ~ . W , „ p I I TAnE5 OrJ „ IALUr.T iv a OF „1,!!t i ,a a (M T t~ r, , I i ~J' O11 mOt10n Of 11 ' , i YEAR 1r~1~ r~ ri+r r ~ , : , : ; f t A,, A,.,rT vf. I~t11 i Grt 1, l 1 . , 1, , t, , ? t.,.`. s~, l r ~,s za fr. }1^asL, }virs. hva L. Carer was ranted an ad'ue r -axes - ' . EI J tmant_o. the X2.,2?.2.)U back t i4E SAID a _ ~ charE;ed against -her property zn block `on a bas' Y.A.,, ~ °lin A~itr<n~,i, ~.n c ~ „ qY ~ - ~ . , ; 1 1 ~ r 73, zs of he present assessment for the years 1992 t~ ' 9 zn.lusive, ~ IC JT )'..Lt~l ~i/) ~i~~{ `IIr` :1 ~ ~ ~ ,t[ t + j~ rA r,k _4{`C 1 'iii i A E"~ , _ i r~ `i i~ _.The.'.ma ' . A~(J`r ~U+"t. „ r, - • tier of replaczn the fence alon° the • T . A , ,I:~ ,.a r f. ~ , , r- _ ' f` 11~ T,f~;> i,, a t, " + g , hzE,htra~ at Le zap Stadium eras received for cansidel•atlon ? _ ~ _ ~t i . g ' ~ w by t}te Hoard nt' the }''fold. Tuesda y afternoon.. d ~t ..r ' ~E GEv L':~~ ~ .:y, ,a• JiI_i,i i`~'•~i ~i~~ 1, r'^~r": ~ ~a rrS?L~ 1~'i Ihj r. : , i UpUn motion, }sie58rS `}'ask and {;G1Bma - ri.,. , t • +,~a i ,1 iI" r .'tail ' TS H t' n ware askocl to investiE;ate,the rnattar o;' assessr,ent rc~durtion , a ~ T.. r r, , requested an Lire lands of Thos.' il. Orre11, Ca e I•'ear Townshi t a ns to P I , nd report 1,hezr rocornmPndatzo CN;n r board ~ , the ~ r " ~ ! l:„,.,. - tn,.':.~}? r~u~n,~ir t ~ ~ 7-'+ ~ ! ! +.~mf~-;~jU iNr~~ _ i= . i it ;f,~ S - Ii•,.-. - - - -~aa 33 f~ °,77j s)A^. gr.rr n:,. „ ~ , rr, The New iianovor County Civil Service Coruafssion ce of I ' ~ ~ ~ rtlf ' s , ' t zed the following persons for the p~s_tion ;~R,;, ^ _ ~ I + I S 1 erintandant of the Corut H ~ o y .,a i-~ , 'a , , -~-~..,E~,', _ ii, P ty ome and Iiatron of ho Catul_ }1 ~ E;arch ~o,' , , n,. ~ , , ~ ~ i a f tY ono at zt.a_mt}et~nl, hold Tuesday, n _ _ - r-.,° - , E;i No. l Irlr•. Charles 1<~ ; Cartar, „up t. , County I{ome n , „ 1 J[ ci ~ ii 1, t I ('9 Ill. }+irs. Charles }I. Carter, i4utron, ~ i , r+, .F i rrt~ ; . _ I t. I E Jr ,,,i•~l ^n;.- At•I,.ni+ ~'.ir, M G1.;.1?4a _ I 2 Iir. }Y. Cd Jones, Supt.; Loon ~ }fome - ~ , 6~,.:, I ~Eic ' ,I i., . ~3 • - ` C. Janes _ , . ~ }.4rs I'f Jr. , 1Mtron. _ rr~~ , , ~r ! ~r. - , E ~ ~ . . ~ , „ , a , , ;~l I ~ i~ p i o ~ a• n ~ , ~ : .J 3 }ar. H, B.; tfzlson, ,,u t. C,ot1n, lI , _ " ~ 1 P ty ome ~ . ,z... c+~ I }r, D, tJilson, hfatro ~ ~ ~ ~i ~ , ! }€rs. n. _ ~ , ~ . . r r - I , is T}>e Lommisszoners`feel n t. - , - ~ z g they should l~l-:1r mare ahout the<fitness and educational ualifioatfons ~ ' • = . _ ~ i,~E ?rEAR t°i.' ; • p I of the persons certified, referred ,ths sa ° . q ~ e ort I me to tha o-relfare 1)opartnsnt ft~r investigation and r p I iEl to the Doard at its next meat ' , zng. ; I{~~ 4 : - r i r ~ } P "~y',,' ..ETI~.G OF ,-tP,21L c.,TH' 1~~•of CONTIFIUED. i„ ~ E ~'f ' CPUiJ h.10'CI Otd OF i'„, r ~ _ r . ' R,; . ~ P , ~'ULEt;A.tl LLr T ~ r., GU,., I,J[t i 9 ~Ui.LL.. _cT ~ JF t;E^~ i ~ 1 MTh 1, ! .~D. Ira ,I OF-iJANUARY TH 1rr~~~~ r'.r< ~ TP,ASKj ;THC ACTION OF THt C01:;M1 7 f T~f aRh,JTING AUTHORITY TO ABAT SaIOrJERS pT tVfE: 4` E THE'ADVERTISING C09 ~ CTING _ . re~ I FUR °TAXES GHkRGcD AGAINE Tu FORS , a r , . wT THE PP,OPERTY OF AtdY P ~ , ALE- OF PROP :,O . J I C"., IU'v 4,A.. RcCc f VE~7 FR04, THE COJ;JTY rtUDi - ; GRTY TUR ADV1.7iNG THC r,,,ni.i, , P c CRSOhI IN THC P.R,,1cD FORGES t-,n~ Q,J D~r'C)3!T I.a ,.At.H ..,A`JK v I. IrlGCUDE 't ALL itJTERE "tNAS tdr. , I ''~.rr a, , ST CH'ARGES_,THAT H' f rti,kIVLED OF -H',ISTp 1i..:r} TJ~~ctNt;,,6JTH a,r.;"4t r, 1~; AVt: ACCRUEL' UNTHE TAXES OF ANY 5U ~ TU A, A C~t.tgy„U!41 UF =;E.CU~riTIFS 1i.:L!~ :~`t ~l~ 4rJ c.AGH~f,"SEA ARMED SERV I CEStr CH,PEF~56,J a ,H I LE JN T pp E H . , E '~F! t!~n* ~^TiO' ;rr` R. tiAN,Dr,C=R S~.r, n ~ o, ,,,,.,,a f ~EC . R CULEr AN t,~,.. , . K n Fa., a ,~E, ..,Y r. 9 R• ~ OtIR `a ~ r~ ~ „ -r- n , Aa G.,A'JTCD'ARcr t~t,- OF TAXES RE,<UCST CF ,rr„ hAP,ON GOLD > ~ t . ~lll, BB -rt a, a r'l , ERG THAT THE CU,..L1fSS10NER rN1:. n UA ~1..J ,,F Y__.,.,)U PcRSO~JAL HND POLO Ft1R 4; t 1 jrkl AND AhJ Ar ATL;?,EiJ7 1F f ule. J s S AEATE THE ~„,~.0~ TAXE _ ,At..JaTIOr LOT ,5 IN 9LOCK j~ LCT 1' ~ 5 CH ; n p iI• s ~ IPJ CLOCK j1r~i0 LUT ~ LN ArtGED b,C; ~ pc `,'>1O.G~ PERCwrJALi POeL rLJv PE,~ALTY FOri TH C.cl' s ~ f i BLOCK AND LOT ~ I , C, P,I~JST C YEAR 1,..,~t AGGO!JNT OF ilOUBLF. GHARGE< IrN THE NAtti1E' OF E`.SKN Jr N BLOGK_+ OTT FOR THE YEAR 1'^`~'~, AND PR X79 CAROL`IN P n ~D IOR ^ p _ YcAP,o FOR THE P,eASOiJ TH CCnCHf _ „ F ~ rT~UT)LEY NUtti"PHREYf, I1TTY'< FUR D ~ ~.SAME_4! r e , A ,1~~', AS SJLD Nv r,PPLIUATIU,+.. rq. L1GE,v.,E~ Tu CELL ~:ER ,aT LOCq I f' ' _j TAXES DUE THE T01YN GF CAROLIN T ON5 AT ,~A,,T! ~ FI t~ `7 ~ - ~~~{I{. tgADE APART A C::ACH,:AND ~'i Ur ~ V . ,..w., A..._ ..C AYJESj ,u,.AwRe,E7.E AND ,rf_A,~ATE 5U3?,tl!TcD _ : Y TO THE SU E NANO cl f s~e IT P c VE u r r f AJD THC. SAME DID NUT BRIMG R UGUWT( ;jq ,5• ~t-~~It A, LE,vNITEj ,i..Llw., 141N AP.D:JAVIJ ,e -r-,e' ENOUGH kdUtJE'I Tti P S C LAh,JLRTj 7l;=rr LCTIVELY 7NE 5Ah1c B rIG IN-IJ 1 ~J UPON Pr16T ON P,E F - ! AY ALL _ s E I lE ERRCT TO THE CUU~ITY<AT THE THXGS D , RrJ ~a~ tXt~,.zThWtd krJD c~+.,~~",°tD ?y - _ a J,: • . TORNEY FUP, OPIP110iJ< ~Ej Uqg' to THL JHERIrFj 14,„fiE 7POrJ ,OTIUF(U ft r r., F R ,.1LG•,A,a ,~ECJ,JilCIr r3Y f, ~ . e, ti.. ,.r,i, `2AQ D". 1.r7,' :(:.l'S b'~.T Ci-•,.. 1 ! R+ LDBEP,G bLSO-URGED ArdD REG tdhl CI=' ~ O ENDED THE pPP01"JT'+1Eh!T OF i^" " s P rt. pPJD , a, t~, ~y~ U51T+ONS OF JUPERINTEND tj ,S. CH,,RLE5 C =n_ .a ~ r r; r,u n., : , ENT. AND w~ATROhJ R ~P ARTcR T G,, ..,ut I OiJ GF ap.;C..,.ti ,.:c.-- ,R, ca. ~ , j E~ ECTIVCLY~'OF THECOUNTY U THE f „~,L~.•1A,aj THE GHr,IRi~r1AN '~rAS-AUTFI4R12CD70~N V ~11`H r d' RY i. NOME ..f I•.rFR.,tic'+Erd,a `.1A:Y- _ ~u. 3, ~ ~ A L U JCGEuSA it , ..I t,,C .,nGc :~AGhS Ar!D aRE„s1:~La AT t.Ct,lGN 5'C ADIUtd H' r:' Y F " ~ , , _ L A I JD NEC ii , E:~,,A Y 8 PUN. iu10TIQ,J AF •R. F1ALLj SECGtJDED BY * =E`,DE°, J , ;,uGH A`~SI;, ~ ;r°' ' ~R. i RASKj THE GUARD R ' r ~ _ ac MC „K,J. ' ESGI J,~ED-!TS ACTION AT THI; ;01~` ' I PuSTPUNE THE $ELECTIOhJ OF A CUFERItJTENDEr~T AhJD r r I-tTI,vG . ~ ~.'AT~AN FJP, TH- ~ ~ ! Tu UPaE Ut , „ ~ a ! NAt,1ED `:':R: AND,. r ~ E vOU~JTY I, : ,5 r CHAR : JTI L hJC„T . c- R TNr' ~ h, . ~ ,r , _ LES CARTER,A^ iP: CcTIN^ .r.,,v,>cn ~F. - t F..,,_LU,rI„t, ,~..CLJT'I tv r~ t_..rc~ , ,t i, . . a ERhNTEN:jEN 'Y _ ~j r,IID Q „N.. „„1~,. IT.a ,,uUFT!, c: T Ahb ;,ATkiOtJ yT tHE COUNTY .t > > t IGh ,+Ab ~CCON;;LU .IY ',.E ! r~~ ~ 1_,L~,. , . y ..~;''i`.- ; L'r ,ter. + I C.. ,'a' :;POW €,10T10N of "R. iRASK 5. Pa; r p ECOIIDED fiY HALL Vv.1r!TY BILLS P:oS< 2( TO '~j5,,rn p ' ; ~ PAYt.1[rJT. f ~ .3 ~u( Y'ERE a r ~i-.iC.11LhJ C 41F is ~ 3 . v A, PR>1VED r- s ~ FJn 3 v.Jt... A:,L.. . NNv '~LJ E' , 1' _ ,h MNC A7.UU'.C~v MI.~ 4.A,aNILAGY FUR R ~L L TI _ ~ C L G Ofr Aa ~a ~ !Cv~ LttTAT IVE OF ThE JvV "'W .u r~ES~IUNnL a`I~ u ` a..n .:T•'IGT' AND THC MEETING THEtJ ~F` - , " ~ ' AuJO!!RNED. t r E I F , .,,.rrJr ,K ,a uU ~L ,rIE a't:FIT` RE',DE`~EU TO dC,R , ~ ' u.:, •TY TMRt,JuM T17E 'tC AR~a OF H I S r v ~.7Y .µtut ,+J,:: ZLaP~s;~I:~LE FOR fMC LSTAsLl;4.'.LNT - ~~.".'Vld1 e ,~1 - 'J ri ~fr~`_'Jlvt i'IH(^H. I"!.`^ ..~i t`t' - r a ' -a el: C - r ~ - - .,".v THE .;iRTH ~AR.LI~r ~ ru!, ti LERK. 1 l° J .,N..~ ;;„d l .9 . A JH! U i L ~ 1 dG ~,~J!,dPA!Jy : ~ TML ~„n`~TI'JG OF_ FCa7E(tAL yGHUUL AID THE , .,,r I E.,_L ~,,,taNT OF Ct:rz r`l:fiT} AiJL Fr,p..Y G7•tCH ','.AT its,;~j I'vGLl:.i`JG THC EXPAhr31QN OF N U.. ITALu! AND i ~~ns Y'sE kECuC!rI2E A vEr.•. _ / f ~ ..1_~.5c v, .1sLiuATl..Iv fr',u - ii e {'i p, ~ _ I,, t,-;1".vwF; 1r Tv :;Uri QUiaiY: UNf ~r~: hPRIL q - G/,~, R.". ,,.TUh h,,I . - i 17I.Hj 1 `ttJ. f1. `~j,:~~ I! ,,..J„L ~tll• I „hT Tt'~ C4J F ~ f't' ~ v 7i,., , r , i ~ - _ -;AwJV..?,, !~0_~.TY f u.~,~.TY u~ lUbIONEt~~! IN REuULAR »J,,i J~'.HD~t.+,;,L„u vU'rw,tE ;Y..L aLJ'i v~ f~... I . ii E riEGULAR ,1EEKLY hiCCTING';OF THE t? n , r t C .re J..I..AeY Ur t H~ ' .u-,r„iLE t~. ` AYkRD :CLARK AS ~3[.t?RESEN V TATI E onRD ,J,,S HELn aT 1G:00 n t - ~ ! ._r, r . ,~F, T. rtL J.-:ic`_o t,F THE ,.'a I t ~ c , . °<< ; ,r i~, ii ~ t~_ ~~ar. ,~..lL, .."°~i_'-_USI~,AL J1~'"!CT a[.D 3EF~::AK F~~R H11,1THE t fi,~„ FRESErlT• ~CDISON H-;, 4 F„~t -;',.E ACTIO'J flF THC GITJ2~.`!5 OF ,,~+M ,;,«.,-v< CJLETT CHAIRUA,J Ct ~ I s ARDh1ER L „ , ,Y s ~•CULE Gf.tti A,JD CGUt,TY ,9TTQRNCy ARSDErJ ;I aELLn~.,y, _r, , ' ~ ~ _a E F1 ~ r ~ • TH r TES OF ,r1E" , ~ L .E _ u, s r j , ; . ;~e,..,, _ , , J . - ~ „ it: ~~_c.;A`cy .,:~,,4!, :il~" ,vu Ul"•:~ Ti ,It~:..s+tR`t' k:,nuVED FuR PAY'~fENT. 1i,; tT,iNG OF APRIL GTH, 1~1-~~r ;;CRt READ ANa AfaP OENT Iii ROVED AS t2ECORDED. ` ~ _ EC T 1."v. '~E"'J AilJ'v'U? .CD. ~i;l ~ ~IPOrd'PUTION OF LR. AARDN i,?, r, - , . n „ EHj SEGJ,J.,E.~ ,sY r'R, CULE'tr,Nf THE r3UARD UJA?J t.~,1 F s,r yr I ~UuLY AD,,! TEv APE ;VEST I ~ - O. n. R rj. 1^uLELLAtJD PRE51f) ! s CPJT CF THE I~E4V ~IpNOVER COUNT` e~ ,-jam,. CITY riTTQRNEY ~C 7 „ Y _AR HS50GIA.TION A ND '':;R, .r ' ~ rc ..,~..all3~- i NE I TY"OF jai L!:11 N! ,.~~r,.,~P,t„lL m~w-_. ~ _ ~ ~ i !rIE;1 LI , r GTON TO RE-ARRANGE GR AitUUST THE TLRtrS OF f Ah0VE9 BOUNTY 1rJ ACCOR" tHt ~J„t.,,,,,rt „UURT I;, ,r ULE?r:: ~ r j vANCE s91TH'ADJ ACREEF?ENT R: , ~AChIED pT A CONFEREt~GE BLT44'EE!! ':JUD ~ ~ j ' `u id _rARKER JULIGI 0 , , ~J: j T R CCIFTGN r'a'flCRE A h:D ,IJT'^ ,r GE ;~,HUr;T`- X - CHESTED N.TORNEYS, ?Y GHkrJGING THE ON !!1 " i " r ~ ~ 't SCHELULE:D 1'U CONVCNE Otd r,a ? ~ E , t t C"r~l!:Ilr!i+L ~ sl,.tr~1N_.T~'t;< P, !,n iu•„h; _ Al ~~TH 7O A JP _ 7 TER. j h FIL ~wf s ECIA.L ONE. 1EEK C _ ~ ,JUr!E ~FtD `a' ~ ~ vIVIC ERf41j A, tdD THAT tHL C ~ E UHNIuGcD TC A APE CI AL Ur!E 4dEcK CR'IhA n ^ ~ I V i L i ERr•! dr_GIt1ri;;! ~ ' I,!NL TER,A< THE CIVIL" 4l--K n _ , I, REt+AIfd A~ 'JUG""'S- _ EC __„E.~l,.NIr;6 . .,y="TH ' . W i:cGULAR 'rc' ~ , r c _ ( j TC v ee;:,tTlk:' !iF; ,t'r , ~ ,..x rt4L,. , CT IT VJAS FURTHER REvUESTeD TH 1 AT s.UmGE rARKt c B - _ f'. II; TL~R!„1;. ~ L A IGNED TO HULU tP ;-Se-CHANGED 1HI., ACT(Ohd 'NAS TAKEN T(' ENABLE THE CUl1RT AND r- , ! Ga9E OF' ia9'~'.7~ hr THE 4~TORtJEYS Tq ARRAiJGE FvR k h~ARt~' `~Tt ••.~,;I~C`, T" T ,T „ yr} " I du OF +i & S. c ELt IitL rLARhd ,.,Y, rU!t1FAhJY - I ~ ~ A~.11t. TTHECI''Y uF rIL!; ING ON r _ i ~ 4. 1 ~Y 1~.,~Y ARID A,L:`uJ rii,r _ T OF „C'~..,tJC~~1r !I ,7irr , TFIC~,E 1, ILL ~,1E. N0-NET L05SOF `t .L ,!uclC IhipOrtt, N :L,.k 1, I' E i HLR , CIVIL vR ,il:'IHAL ~:R'~dS LV[.~'c T'~;L tlt!i; ;1EtaTIOtJ:L, I T - , ~ . I~ CS OF , - l" ~Ti 3 F~! T, t P x U T fr I.T.r~HYNk Tn LEASE A-i'A,ri ~ I 7 (.F THE COUNTY Fp"?hS LAND FOR:IERLY O,,(;UPJ ` ~ , F •~1,UL INE COt1dPANY cD 3f THC AS AN ASPHALT t:'tXIP!G PLAr,tT ON !;rH 7 f r ~ j ICH"TU ERECT A _C X ^n ~ , _ 1G_, it y- F'_.T BUI D ~ r, ..F, ' \ , L ING'Ar,D A c J'Lu'f OF ~ FOB. T CUFt i rv, ,HED FOR ,rt, ,ROO`;" t~ A~ '.,t,E A a„;L., .,,R!. ~r .,i:r't,;!a ! A`it, L a, a SACK X07 :?F'TH~ EAST 51I7 THE taAfJUFACTURE OF. CONGR~TE e t' -r e~' A TC.,,++ JAS.,NOJ' HE ,.tATc ;;IGH,iAY . M - ~n, , t.. ~ a c` c ~ ;!vim ,:q OT ON ,F ~t. uARDt,1Cri t A..E: rL,. ~.r„~,~.,.... _.~.,L,,.4, r, F, ..,r7,. _..,t,t,,. .)r ,.,!,uK „CG~1N_. ~ aY W< StCOrJ;.ED BY I, R. 1 r C ,LL< '.T r ~ ~ COLEhANf REFERRED TO A ;GC " 17 I ,tai I.:i~ [y;,. ,c, t rtt.~ TL A' r - r cr,, t^ , 4r - ITT~~ flF THE -yr{.,.., I 4t Ct~~,t~ ,Iw ,'.>A~J% 'ivl?`h Tri'~ PEtFi IES G!a THL_PRr~MISC.S~ . : I A REQUEST Off ~~R. r~. g. II! RHODES] t~EGI'STER OF r7cEDS, FU7 TR ' EX.. A HELP q r - - f TH 7Hc riC~JLAR ROI..lc ,LIt,tEP~ F, R ,,a s. ! t , „r. I ti 41Uh1K IiJ HIS -OFF ICES !;JAS UPON 'sl t, ~ T 4~ :.R„f,vnuc GU~.;1 s I(_1'ti I H, ..Nh,_ »„emu N~ ~r,~1U..I..A ,~kAua ,rAS,ktv:.I1'!T1_= Frsvt." OTIOrJ OF 'r';R, (ARDt'IER SEGONiED Y t,i ~ rz r 8 R COLEh~A"J ,rJ - ; r,~ , z . , , , v, n. ! - „ !,r _ r GR,, TeD. , trd< 1-. 1-ntC,P,,p,lj ,r.l.v„!rL!la,. ;.,;mot trct,4 t'01N!j u<y Atlll UPflh. ~.~OT'IUN OF R. IaALL. ~EGOtJuED BY ,+NS ~,.tC•,RcD l a ! Z ~ .,r-< .u , f n. HE FOLLOtrING f3UDbEt FOR THE a11LrM1JNG70N-DIL4J NA,"JrDVER ~ .'1 s J T1,. ,'ttTi:vu Tv G1V,, i I",.:~,,I,tr, o rOF.!Ut,ITY 7"U STJDY !HE ncFvriT< ; IRP„RT !'IUTNORITY F~ 7Ni: E1ALAtJCC OF THE Pr,EScNT FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30TH:, 1~4G 44H1 j CH 4V AS UNAtJ ltut'2USCY-ADOPTED ` , , _ AT A GCNFER N _ r.T ~ , , _ ,'n _ _ _ ~ _ C CE OF THE „OU'VTY , ~ , I COL1t~11SS'IDNERS q ND THE ' , - ,I.,, „r -R, ,;aL~ ~ECrJ;.t. a,v .,wit„,Ate t,!U. ,.,Ur,t~u Ttr.tAtl+..LO A!PR~V Di HL Ot f y f* j t F ..LG.: ING IriPORT i~UTHORITY, t1PRfL 11TH 1~4b , f AT 'NH I GN ~ ~ , r ,A w v i v CONFERErJCE EOUrJTY UU,.,,LS.,IONE!iS ri:...' 7P,1 ,J ~ F.r- ~ cr n_ `NE,LCTT THASK FI ~ = t 7S FaR CLu riGEs y~5l~TA,ttit k~J<, nl.a sU fir, C+,vL:,T :,HILnReN aNa,-~tID t3 T i j kLL AND .~ARDNER sJERE Pr7ESEN T, 11C 41ND~ RCCC.,.1t,4ENvEL' T tJITH ItIESSRS r~ER _ _ RY CUUPE R AND 11 ~r t Y ~ _ . , . ~ _ _ e , ~ u c _ c _ , c , ` MEMBERS VV 5 !JP r ICKS} HIRI uRT AUTIORIT Y TNt ,vGJIrTY; s1ELFARE ~C r`3I'i Cr. T.. ,FI GA t R 1 1 Yr utl t A F ~ L ,.A SL ,.Gt T< REDUC, IOA E3Lr ARE FINAL' kDGPTiUPd : A Or7 tiOTION OF''ha'iR. aARDtdERi „ECOPJDED BY Pr1R , i . NEraLETTj RATIFItL AT THIS RLUULAR'J'EETING~ ur THE '~G~h;TYt5 _'UDfiET: i I ',1R. COLEMAN 4VFI0 V1AS iJOT ~RESE,JT AT 7HE SAID h ClCJFERENGE VOTED NO,5TAT1~'r, HE FELT ALL ,:E.!vEts OF THE ' f I' 3UARD SHUUL"u SE PRESEN!T3 I I, , U r t ~ ' ~ ~ ~ l.r_. r,..eC hJJ I J, ii~'kt~~ .C~++ iAr1f71,tR 'AIRPURT'NUTHORI7't ! ~ST!'.1A7ED NU!J15ER OF PiRSONS AND.OVEFi rrLl3MBCr ZUDGET UNTIL DUNE 3O, J ESTIt.aATED V R x~ ,a C i A E AGE,.,ON7HLY t;RN~a! PER..t~,~.'; '1 .OO I 1 r-~b C5TIr1kTED A"dCUF:e NECESSARY FOR CtLD .SCE .'.CS1ewt,PICF 1~-~g;C~.~.O I , • ~r~:,JJtJ n v F'Eti~U !NEC ~t r T TG dE RAlSEv CY vOLvT,4 ~rs~~r.~0 h~~Ar!AJJER'AND E`iPLOYE ~ r E5 ~ , r." 0~!~,4T'~t~J ~~~t~'~~ .;t(`.,AIEai tJJF.ri;R vv^r Ft;':'iLICS '~;,iuiuLC 1~ INSURANC[ - I _ LSTI..ATED AVERAGE ',1G'''TH Y ~~~!P„ ra"~ ! ;;1,.Y ' T '.Jia ' ABILITY r L u q. t., A . '-cTILJATED At,1OUNT rJCCESSARYFOR ~;1DTG ~jLPCNuE"JT I aFFICE CUPPLJES ? TELEPWON CHILDREN E ' JaNlrop ~uPF~LIrs ,r. f i A!1GUNT TO B ~ uv r' w n INGIDENTAL$ E RAI..Ev ,U1,,y7, .'1 ' .~G'G ' I # . E ; i c.i~hTirJ,J- al ,n j i ~ TRACTORS U'<1BER 0~ HIT! TO ~LIrJD GASES !1E"l1ESTCD FO° 1~~-l~7' ~E UESTED r ~ # -a* ' r. ,c. 1. aps TR!jCK I Q NUMBER OF ELIERGE,JCY aNa,,4r.MAt3,Ll,,,, IO.J Gk__S r,, I Ijj TANK FARIv1 ~'CEt'iA7ER c.: CLEAN , E. 0E5TE1T AVERRCE .10NTNLY a=~ANT "ER RCCIPIENT ~5<~~° , ~CPAIRS TO aAS'TRUCK t1 .r nOJ.a7, ,S ,,10NTHLY ra5,`3T kOS ~tID !NC ~LI!tL` G7A,iS {:U~.~L :,37,x,, _ M J 1 liUt,'taTYiu c..Tl";1ATED MON.THLY`Pt?RTION 1JF THE`:1'HC ~'~;GIaL ,q r ZtPt~~r~J TO .`~II!~;I~ iJ ~ t CASE ~ORKERrS'SALARY AP!D TR 1'EL ~'0*C'C !(',i ! I ~ TUr,~L `t7 /!~{J QO CflL'N iY t ~ r ~ , ~ q ~ nr: It h , ,OTAL y. h1UfJTNLY Nh!i! OF .JU T t, H4. . Ll,tu ~ GRA"JTS A"!D ^P r ,1 j;:~,hC !;r ni(, J ECIAL CAS,. ,UtiiCcR I' ' i¢ aLY LNI~!inaeD A PFi' PF ~ . i YEARLY uT10"J OF R. T ^h ~ ;::'r _ RAC p _L1,4 - ~:A.LL' !HL 'flA~ L ,,..J I ..U!-, JaAL dF T,rE I TED , - - . ' , ; . !a r rq r T , - _r r - ~'t - - 1 pE.rNi!~GrU"J rLYiNG ~EF'iVICc" FRI'V JT~,TE5.~18TRlGT ~~•!t~I,.LER iv...Ar~E FU!iTHL,~ I,,tC.,,I.,.Y,lQly OF iH~ ,,HArNc.. OF 7HL:CAr~ FEAR ~IVC.R l ILL„t ~ ~~a oo ~I THc V I t,9 OF r'r-i I v taMANNwt. PTN t ~ ~.T LEASC r c.t.T T!~~,~t,TN° R r , u E. ,;,0€uThLY TEL"TJ OViD N'G INGR!_A,c. ~f r ~ ITI. >TM R t.t , a ~,,.ET FUhTH IN' M._ _..ar,., r, .ir t.,'s>!,ILLLTTC I~taITeL JT ~e , ENNInGTON FLYING SERVICE _ A CJ .r,I~tiIGA! IUN RrGEIVE.~ rnw J~LOt._L s ATC,. ~ISI~ICT ~t'iCINCCRj nl; t~. ''PHIL 1.~7N 1•^'~~, i t ~ a C ~ ~ r, . VALE CF la~,';i!I_IiJC ~ ~t;'UEST ~~F ' 'd!. Y .-t)~~ ~'l~+TH;-u ",f-4T1!GTIbN dry ADJI!°T:".(~"JT i;F TH 1 '0 <00 L i T c Lt..a` L BAGr. TA;';'~:;> ~;Ui_ G1' T07,~L 1 ''40.00 ';a. r~ ~ , ~ , f~ ~ ,,riA;~, ~;.,'v ~ , ~ i r ; t T 1~ ~ CVIE4;ANU ,4'I + I I :.LL GIi ° 19 a ' L E'; ED T ~ HE ~G~ :;l i ~E rCiz•. 3 t t1 '6 !t fi T;r Al; i . ~I - f H fiLPURT OF THC LADIEJ i~;-;;T i~; l,,' Cv~,' ITTEE ANA'.'~IL:IINGTON FUGLIC ~.1Rr,ARY-FJR'9.'~Ai?OH ,.ErtE '~,GCCIVEU qND FILCU. I ,.-9- , , y , r I ~ 1, ~ ,rEETI JG 6F ryPRIL 12,-1-~+F, -CGrJTINU U, ' ~ - 4dda, 1 f E i f'' I i p ;-:L1,i n `t€ ~ wl - ",1EETIA"G OF rPRiL .-1e-~;..., ~GNTIPJUCU. THE FOLL04VING'APPLICA710N5 ' ~ z FOR. , , LICENSES TO 5EL1_ PEER AT .`TIiE LOCAT IOPJS SHOWPJ ,v P, ~ P,. HALL, 5[CONDED gY r`~R. COLEhr s ERE .,PON 410710N 1AN, :,APPROVED: OF d., q, : HANT C~ vH1ELDSf SEER 7 TILES ON CASTLE NAYNES`ROgD. ' -'J. B. ?ROUGHTON ' CAROL I N Cgp (C Jr11 T!{, t)ANCE EI,hLL, SCA©REEZE. n A EACH ROAD.. a . P10tJ uEER , ~ ~ , }t i DAVr>o J CARR r, „ L.,IAC,n f A~~NUORO'LGGP ROAD. tgll' f ,v11 LE N T - J ~ 7 S 0 HE vAaTLL E.AY.vCS ,TOAD. u , ~ '!t rr , - ;rlr~~J~ ANNIE ELIZA`'~ I r,CdRr C,,,If,LY, C~IRQLINA ukACH !jGAU t ,j _ , ~jl~~~ n A LEYf ]EA9REEZE. _ it , hENRY S uRFVE ~N- I~,, nRT a r,„ Qh,tlRL1 C R !r I IE FAI„CLOTH, +)RIGHTSVILLE SOUND• ,Icl,ftY' s r A ULINA-vLACH RGAD, RLANTATION CLUES° gIr; l;i taU~ ,."ROSE, o S• .:r. ;~IDDIFIEL , CAROLINA SEAGPI RGAu1 - PJ. CRAVO'V TRUING ERNC~T ,IILLIAIS, CASTLE HAYNE~. 8 f SEA3REEZE~ LA4JR P ,E EJCE D• JENKIrJS~ P',JACUMBEftS STATION. , ( Otl OF ' tt, TZ;ti'K SECOPJu'D ~ ' r , , UPON f41GT l , E ,.Y , R. CCLEP,JAN ~ , . #1 ' ` R. tl. LE.rls, "CO rdASHlt,~ or ( ; : e CASTLE HAYfJES ROAD. s T .J ,lURGAtJ, IrHITE, AhD JAr.,tb THG„JAv, ~I ' t '.BAUD P:?CfCE ULOREU ' lhJL`IGEN7 CITIZEPJS, `,SERE OtJ RcC0iv1h.1ENU ` fC E, SEABREEZE. G s ATIO,v OF :THE SUPERINTENDCNT OF PUDLIC ~~ELFARE ,ADIldIT7ED t ~`a, C. F . AND J. T~ PRESCOTT> ? F,~11LES ON THE SCOTTS HIL 70 THE GOUNTY r~0uiG " : PUTH INE2 :iON L RGAD. c.i~Eli' SKY, P'1EAR. ~N p~. nn LAND ~ATER4JAY ~P,IDGC, vr,RJLItJ„ ~jCACH !)OAD, r~,-~, c _ s~,:. r§ S. ',`I. STAGY p. prvtd twTIG,. GF TRASK, ScCOtJllE., cf HALL Id ?P P r. (J f GARGL I NA _;E AGH ROAD+ ~ • , A A RO R J AT I vN OF ~OO.OC 1"IAS GRANTED THE ~10ARD T. . SUPdNGR f POItJT RCTER. OF +-iEALTH FOti ".'IO~z~UITO CG°JTP,OL YORK TO JUhJE ~O, 1ty~~. t~ ~(i lw ~ , I,PGN tAGTION OF ~.'IR. TRASK I!P,,rJ ''vTlOr,l OF ,.~R• .HALL, SECONDED G'( ~,r1• GOLE;'AN , I; rl ~ t 5c~ONi,EU SY :P,. COLEP,IAN,,ALLIE ~ESTON VIAS ON RECDrvU J. , INSTRUCTIONS V1ERE GIVEN TO AAVERTISE, FOR 81U5 s t1CNDAT IOM.OF !R,, f' , r ° ' ~ r~, vOUHTY t'IGENT AND AFPR V - S '~•aA fOR THC r URC ,rauE OF T,YO-~~ TDid TP,UCICS CHAuSI , a ~ , r 0 AL OF .:R. ,J. KtRR SCOTT CG'.'a.11SSI0NER AiITHUPI LFHIrJ,- s S,C68 ANU „TAKE CODY~ SHORT VVH~EL t,ASE AND .DUEL uHLELS. r f , ZtD.TO UACGINATE HOGS IN c ^ t,n C BE ":1ADE JUN ~ C: ~Jh; THI„ vOUPJTY" ,SELIJe„ILS T E ~,ST, AN., JU..1 1ST, '~,4.:, i ~lr I)PON P.iGT I ON THE ,CHAT Rt;" ~ ^ " s AN ,JA$ N,,tvtED'TO REPRESENT THIS 3GDY AT A h'EtTll'1G OF FP!T c - n: r ES,r r _E~TEJJ GrsOU, - 1 r i~tJTIAI N..cD FOR THE ESTA~1.,15Hh,ictJT DF' A"J OFF - k ,i,,, S IPJ iHE` }it.;IJtST DF .R• !HU,JI,;a F. .aRI.~HT FGR AtJ At`sATE'E'JT OF TH N - - ~ ~ - I~ ,i „ I Cc OF. THE C I V1 L I ArJ P„O);,, .,T I DN D;t1 aJ rt ~ " r , r ~ C OT LIST CD PEtvALTY CHARGED AGA LNST PRtJPLRTY GOr:;rdERCE OFF _ I, I aT.HnT ldrJ UHaV H ' G C, ~ 7r ` ICc, OrJ :'aEDNEStiAY, ayPRIL ~GTH, A7 3:~1J t''. s 'JSEROF' I.: -LUCKS G;f, °r~, ~~I'> ANJJ jG1 .,HA(,aED 4`1ITHIN THE SAMC YEAR THE FROfERTY tVAS PURCHASED 4`tA5 UPON I. - , r it ! r !,~"'1'IDhJ OF ` R. CCLC'1AN DECLINED F R ' ~ V , r O THE IIEASON THE TAXES CGULB IiAVE cIECN PAID, dlITHOUi PENALTY , HE~UE5T5 FOR. ADJUSTMENT OF `THE d C A K TAXES 0"! THE PRQPERTY DF ERAtvY, " ~ Jr+r:UARY MST, F:1LLO;'JI?JG :!pTE OF: P!:!t?CHASE, AND r: ARGAF?ET ,ING r~LOCK ' AND iJ. R. {~IGOTTt OLOCk r,~;1, !rdERE REFERRED 70 rl s t I~~ HE CO:,IMITTEE ',;ITH PGJ'JER TG ACT. rA GD "r'UNICATIGPJ YlAS ~;EGLIUED F'z0"rt :~R. hC?UIS T, ~~DORESUGGESTING THE PAl~ITING OF THE wRICK PORTION ~,.nr r i J~t.1ES ~~nauRY ~ r ~ r.,_ . , COLORED D15A~LED IrdDIGENT r OF rHc -~La ,GURT'HUUSE r..UitUl~iuIO t;1ATCHTH~ LL,.E~TD~JE rG R ~ '.~I CITIZEN H P _ ~ LO OF_THC Ah,NEX 6 ,J D , ~ HIGH OUL P3RING THE , , AS GN c,rOlm~,IENDATi0,. OF !riE SUPT, , k a OF rI':,LIC ti r; ~ r P _ _ r~,I LFARE,"AiJD UPON P,1DTtUN OF .R. TRASK 5 E,JTI ,E ,.TRJ,TU ,c I(, HARw.OtJY 4aITt~ ThE RtGErJTLY PAIrJTL!~ :,,Utll 'IP is i G AL U I LD I tvG, AN.! 110ULU AFr ORD A kk , ECUNUED E3Y . R. ALL, yUMI TTED T5 THE COUtiTY "Ot,1E A; r,'? - ~ • ~ , , ~ , . , I, ,rJ I <,IATr., Gv f tJEU it i U LG F4J~ CO!~NTY ;O Jt ,r.tst l•JT ,;Lr.TR° Pig ~ ~ ~ , . ~ ~ t tt ( nTtAU GF ST~q„, CtE„r,I,JG The ,QUILLING A5 P3OtOSCll• , i~ .IOTIGIJ OF r, R. TRASK r'' _ f I". ,T?'J;T10;;5 .ERE G!'lCt. TCf ,~..I t .r,. _r ~ r•i . , c v _ ,c r,N.. ,,.Ar,K Hl,,, F,.R HI„ IN7Er,cST. I , aEGO JOE.. 3Y • R. ,,ULErrs.AN THE UTA TE H , . ' . r . ~ , , , I Ctl„r~ Y s JGL IG .aGRJrS UO I SSFON VY ' ASK TO 1,1AKE A REi'ORT OfJ UUR'A~ PROUAL OF '.''ARCH ~dT A' ~i~ H DF 'A PETI Or r, : t k ~ r i , T I J OF ,_C1 v i T I c~,JS DF atAU;1TE FOA T ' P - ~ ~ IhIPROVEMENTS-TO THc STREETS IN ~EAGAT f.c. F'JLLOtVItdG GUOU A,JJ LA';1'F:!L ~.cN ,1,.'r. ..I.n,:1J TU SwnVc AW ~U't1r<5 IiJ THE JUPtRIOR CDUR FOR ! R T TN T IAL t ,-IVIL GF,SLS FCfl. THE ar"'L~tAL 'tr,Y TCRP1 GEG1';~JII;''G 1C':y'~' CrGLOGK ti."r r:',GND Y tr=AY ~ ~Jr~: , • . , q , ~ U, , 1`( ~ "t I)POPJ ',JOT'IOI`J OF t`~R+ TRASK, SECmNUC•D 91' .,R. H r ~Sl~y`~ r= ALEp GOtaa{DERAT1OP1 OF THE CiIUS RECEIV- ~ _ tD.. ttt,l„ rHL f !.1!,. ~ l F L,~ ~ ,-r,, r. ~ !.~„ec ~ ! '1r r. i , ,~ATERPRGGFIrJG 1=NGINEERIh1G COMPANY T'L PJ ,t'.'1%i.l. l.ic.rl.HT. tt.F-.RED vu;.~v. Hpf.1C,5 F,UNTER. ,.L..;UZchdANe ~ . s A A TA, aA, ~ AP1D THE aU„RANTLEU ,tATcRP;?^. .r• t .,UFIr,G CG:,,rru,Y OF ~ ~ REENS'69O h,i C~ iIETT, .....ILLS. r,,,A~7cLrd. vOY. i:':, s , FOZ 6TEA'rJCLEp,NING 7HE::.EXTi:RIGR DF THE :OLDi rr - !a~ r ''`t' , I'•.=,•I` C I,C:.t'UT!tri.... 9l^ K~ 1 n „ ~ ,,.:JRi Jlf,at ,,UIL.IING, )t, '-;E Ai',OUPJTS tr r I n t._ OE 00 ~ t.J,Jr.r _ _ ~JrtR= , ,.GH:. ,tCZZt. ~.J.r"IUtrJLARK. L,L.(1C„ELL.... ;i ;~.,14r~. .AND ~ , U~.wG RESFECTIUtLY 'JJAS PO^ P P I~ ..1 , aT OrJEu -FUR THE PRE~cNT i l:.E. g v, t'. LI11hr...,TON• L.C,r:.ARSHALL. v, ,1~,1r,KEri. ,.vE TLntN• r'~ARRY ,IDODCG K. G ~ : ,h,t'LtTCHCrI'~ . ' ' !F i THE MEETING THEN ADJOURNED.. TD':'1NSErrD, WILLIE {`i1t.G. C. •r~:•vOVIL. ~r.C.(~IPER• fir. "9, ';`Lp.L ,'J, ;_;AHrJ. J: F. ii°PL'ct4HI7E:~ RU3EPT 'r'. COLE SR, F?.L?CDUrCIL• {-',.T. NCH." ! t F I 4! ~ ~ ~ ~i lc~ c atYAtJ. I !1ARULB ~Tcr;r;Ot~'aER. T.+':'xC!.~DtJALU. J,L.°~OS'tEN. CHARLL'5 S. HEPJITT• p _ EnK, LVA.7~, nRCHIE CRAIu" ,.I.,uST~RUOK. rLEX J. I,HLL? v.,M,nCrHtR,SON. 'I.~rl' - , ~ ~n ,y Chit",LEE N;{RT. h~USSELL I~. JOtJES. LI ,.'JOuD 1C. I~r1RllY. HVC•I'LATT. ';.5..°aUNTING. ' ~ILMIrr~TDtJ { / ` ,~,•u,, KPRIL t I f W~P ISAAC JHAI'J, „ . =r ~ Lr ,+•K•,~ACKCR,vR• IL•ER JAh1ES J COLLINS~ T J RtIVL.N6nRK. I t TH. REG!JL 'tr r ^ - . .r p ! ~r ,i c ,f 5 ~I, AR nEEKLY ,~..C, I,4v OFrHE ~~A',L CE r' T•,,!~..VIS vR., r,.(,,TNOMP,DrJ. I, rs,"-: E ALLA s ,a.N•CDLLIrJS• v'L•TYREE• „uR'Y a'~ .t;.I . : ~ ~ t ':,5 HELD AT 1C:;;G rt.,, . i I ; ~ . r • u.~'1 l L • ili,+ , PRESENT. r"i>JD LEON` HEir/ ~ + ~ r n- . I'+ Lt T7 ~HpilT..iA,v, :acU, :BASK, J,;S.°,~ uALL, L'.J.COE''tri 'J ~ r i f r~~ARSD N n A Ar~D COJtJtY .,TD. ,,CY ~ - E aELLAtirY. THt t,IELTiNG ,HEN A~~JGIORNEu. ~ 17 A - ' l~ , i THE tv1iNUTES OF hJiEETING OF ~ ~r'~K' ~ /C' CLLRK? I I ~ ~ f ~ s E A:JD ri, PROVEL AS „EGO;,lltu. i , ! I L! n ~ J~IILt.JINGTON "ti. C. ''hY ~ ~t:Gt}, s s s , , R. rARDLU vTERNUERUER RE~i ~ . I ~I ! ESEP,Ti~JG THE CHAi1i=ERLIN ,ILATHER ~7eELY' CO>.1?ANY U`~i•.11T ~ ;'iEA~HGP STRIPPIN s ~ TEL A` ,IL tJR G APJD GALKILJGTHE OLL'...000RT r1GUJE 3UI li °r - r..:h, L I ,G, ..H I CH .,AS J6T OP'td." ~ .r ; r'r THE R:. U, t n - •r. ar . . i t CJ „r.I~ ,iW.-L r't,,,,ING fiECEIPT kG ..„i +aLc:,LY ..1ccTINi, vF THL -u A...~ „AS riEL!~'A~ ~v•v0 r1. .;r GF OThER SIDS. UPUN t,'OTdON OF ` R ~ , i 1ALC ~ECCJuE;; y I j~ _f n, v'Ja.E'.iA\y IrJSTRUGTI0N5 V'J::RL GIVLL T,. .,)aL^,TIaE,,,., T u.JISU. hE„I,tTT t,Hxlr,,.p.r:a .aCU. a.-,r;A.h: vA...... hALL L.~,vOLEniAI. a1NU v4JtvTY N!TUI,,JcY AIDS FOR s s THIS 14QRK TO GE REGE LVEDt rUOL I CLY GaEN U h ' . , ,..r ~ , ; E A,U~As. AT nc~ ;ri,.ETfiJG TW 5E HLLD DLB;Y, ~ .1f ~~n+,3..L:,.~tLLA~tJY. Ur'erl "tGT>IDN CF ~`R, NAL i„ _ ' L .,tC,.,J".tD ;3Y R. ~ ~ ' ~ ! ,,,rr~,_ „ T _ , , .,oL4..a J, CAU iD ~ " ,r~, ~,n - _ r , r<..,, e_r r a „hL z., ~c ~C'_n .c-r ,r L, f r. a r n - u ~ n ,r r,. , -,,,,._~,.R7 „AS GrtA'~JTLIJ LICLtJ.,~ TJ GLL cEcri pT I,J!". ,.,L,.r i.~., vF nPRIL ,~'-7H ~ r_, ,t,.rE :,EAL AL.,;) M, r,~G4t.J AS R~4u,,~ED. GAEiANA uLUS vEAUATE LDr s ' ? rAT[D Ili FEET....FROM ACHUB p • ,a u` GH ,~UII.D)NGs Pr10,IDtA HE .,JILL NOT SEa_L 6cE'T'9HILE fiEliel'vU P SEZVICEa ARE ©EIDlG-1iELll IhJ SAfL t~HUr.;' '",r~r c - .r , n.,E ,1 ITri , tlt Cv,J~ i,U t, , r,- n U F , ; 7 ^ir r r -,,i. - !t ~ - ! C7ivJ Or ,nL Cx,a „f Trt ~~Oc'yTY .-?T l,,,,t,r R? ,~4LE~AN ,.cC<<,:;c., TR~Jh Tr6 _:uAru. JJTtu T.O. Af PRU.L 7HL ArPGltdil.';CNi OF ~ 1 KrTORNEY. A PREVIOUS t,10TIGt~ 0~ n` u• r ~ s t PFct,.. ~Y. R. TaiASK TG TnKE Th taS 'y.,r r1 a r ~ : , , E_ A7lER UtvucR AGVfuL.ir:r,J 1 i,, _Hr CHI-IRCh 1'r. .r r c,c - l,~i Y r ~ T ,,fd vlVt ! t ,0. S• v,OK Z 1 a.,.l v "H' COup: / rrb-N OPPcR,I.NtTY TO 9E HEARD i:; r t" OF DA vKt ,,.yP1,JS, x.. A,:,I,.T T' C T t 7, REt,D'.:rrJLtyLIU t1t,L r'?E,;UESTEll 3Y 1 , FAI..eL ~F..4 ;,,.vGrvu. R. rv"~. s r,, r-,;.,-,. r' U ~ LA1_CRT 5 A PLI,,,,Tt,,,d r.. ~ - r: r ~ _ ,rr, r n n n, , , L,;! i- .,n. ,;I, r,r.. r)!PJ Y R., Uk ~ 1U:Jr 1 T >,cT., n r• ruR Ll,,,..l,.L T_ .,c.~L,.I..E,.A,, Ncl ,,tITTtR ,_hrZE,t<, iri.. : ,L A,,,.VER ~.l 7 FA L 5 ~L , qa F t ~ , ~I,.,C A,JD i,J r,~EYA'JCE PENDI NG y T „HTIN'u OF'HLS RESTAURANT 5Y THE STA E D•r~;,i, r• ' ~c t. t t T C Tr,ENT OF f,~ALTH+ ?Hc, , „a :n~ r, - - 1 ; p ..I,,~, r " r.ir t .,:.TY_~ F,,O..c,TI .J, r ! -..TY ,..x„ IX~D Ar 1Cu•..C c., ,..,.,JTH TO .,t ~,l'. L h,L.,,t.] ,I I ~ ITE T u ~A_, _ ~ ITH , ' I ~ i1 R'c'eUEST CYr .,.'iARO'I ! r , r , LTI,T,. AI'iL . c,~(.RAL F~tl~!W`~:. ' : ~J_,~3cFG THAT THE u0.rdiSSt4NERS ABATE TYE ~,,Ur',',JJTAXES CHARGCJ ~GgIt1ST L0T ~ ItJ (]LOGIC r~ ,LOT I J r r , ; r ' s , F 0_OCK ..0,, LOT ^ _ I r, BLOCK t'+ 't'' ~ " ;4, " ; /s ; AI J LOT" I h (3L nr+ ~ ^ - tVD r~• ~ „i , : , K (r, , OCK CAR7LI.JA _+EAGr1,, FOR_~ c, n at t rr , r rc -r - r ~ 1 , ,r ~ PRIOi r ~ t N ~.-.~yu,c,rT .r AS 4~,,LLVcT ER01> iHc v~ ,rt _GARu v ~ J~LIG «LFAr,G Avt!SILG IHhT .,,1,~1C.,.~ J„o ,rLuT ' YEARS, FCR THC .;EA~OIJ THc Sr,r:E t'dAS 50LD FOR _ n r~ .n -r. ; U _ , TAXIS ..UE THk T~?la~, ,.F vAnVLIN nCH r,~ l: ;J ,,A,rOVEA 7! ~ f' .-^c r,r <i - A c. n E THFa ,.dUPJT r+rr ~ f`r c r'., 4; Ii r~tJ,.-L,,T CHILuR~.:a. A':,; FOi, r1.-:v11tJI:iTRATIOi" F~'r1 :CGUNT Y; Yd Y , DL.a A..v A..., I ~.T,,r,uE A! TU c INL AS ~.IADE 'A PARTY TO THE 5U I T ANU THE SAt~1 DI ~ ~ s ' s E BLOT, 6R IhG EfiJOUGH i,i0r+EY TO PAY ~ ALL ; hiE TAXES r'!E> ';1{t'~ •tr ` ~.v , „ ,T . , I t 'fJAS' ' rOrJ :CT IOC: OF r- r, n. ~~„,.SK~ S~C„r.;.c.. 3Y r.s. H'Ll. ~ - ~ x s O,A,,iC~, • " _ 1 i %;T 1,7 , '';n ° C ,1, , ' H n. N t TL% ua1Ju. TERS OF THE ,O„FEDERACY 70 " t,: _t , uPO~J r,10T1 Gw OF TRAJn :;C"i",~'.,E'fl <; l.r.~ „a 'r ~ _ a ~CE 1 Jtw F i,~ L ':n v L• :~~s ATTt a. , , i ~ s :.1 CDLt AS A.77HURIZEU Tii F,litJ AtJ- !~tt,l ~ r•_r, s i ~ 11OSS. JA1 LER it I A'GREEn1ENT A,ITN-i ~I,iGRIAL SAY L^;G15~G ~'.JTh, ''•vu ~"•"°•a AT ~f,,,~:;LE ~L'.IETE-;l''. HE ~dl:tD aTATES ENgrIT,,.E`.T 4F-JUSTICE, It,"`ll,3RgTI0tJ ArJIJ "•'ATURALIZA7IUPJ JCHI'IGEr ",OrsFQLt;i ~IAt, FOR :THE DETENTiOa AJdD hiAlA1TENEidC h' n- - ~ _ E OF NLIC,,S HELD,Ar ~:uVERrJP,iEtrT ~ r- - + ~ ~ t;tPE:'JSE Urv..ER ,FIE I ..A IG~aATIwJ I r1, zr r' T „ I~-r:- Lr,u7, S!"°r •r „,~,.,r:~i, (`n~~-(r,, t.1 ^n n. J ,u-_ I N TH t CGURTY JAIL FDr1 r HE F. ° ! c- G 1, rn r; , "1~ .t I Jt!, Fnv,.. i .,E ~ w'us UU f ERIvB Fr~s t, n a ~ ^rc tv„ ~-:..~cCT_R a,iCt I G 4~1„- ~uLL,~~rE FOn r.~,. ,.TY A.trD c uuLY 7~, OF !~~.;1G F' o r ~ ~ J s_ i*` , p.T A r'tr~ JIEL1 Cra;iE ~t GridNu,. ,'Us~ti';•`P- FOR TH= "U "rJ° r:" iv AL OF ~ .-"r-J,-~ Vr~Gr, TA1.LS Ct..L..Crvu ;Cr, Tf,,. I,Q,.TIi Ut nPr,lt, ~ ER , ER~UN, : E ~ 1 IY, 'IAK! v n T ,r~s / i i T ~ , II,_ vD.J,. ;r „ ~ '•aJ:Tl IS_IG,CR~ .,~_l Tt .,TI ..,_.;L t,,7ct+urr. A?J r;4't,ST;;TIt;Pr TO ;C THE G'ucoT DF i;ic _ , 15.,IORERS AC~Et aEL AI, Ir,VITA'(IJi9 TU tsE THE DUES 1 ; i Ot,J THE: _ n I T DF THE Liv17ED ST E NG Iv " LcPx„TP.,ENT. } t .,r,V~S :A~t:;a,l_L vL U A. ~ P`,rJi,+v ",,t,:,lk'~, nc~ „t A,,?,, AT LL4Id!J 7Ta..1:., _~i,tSurY c,e!'JIi;G ,„nY U ~ T,iC J c , AFTcRNDON'OF :TUESDAY, jCl ,1PRIL` 1~ FRUtu1 TWO TO 5EV N i s E D CLVGK FOR AN- LNSPECTIGN Dr" THE CAPE '~-.Ari iIVER' r AT r UPOPJ t,10T LUPJ OF r;R, HALL SECONLED nY i.'c, ^ „ ,~-A'TE i, tl s CvLEh.1AN, THE_FULLU@liNG LI "N~ Pr 'ND Tv ire n CE ,.ES TO BELL FJEER I J~ . ~ T- , ,rr , , I~~I p N T ~ _,I s .uf1,_, vF irtA~n ScCur.~,EU s; n ~~,.,.,:,>it,, ,yJTt,0,7 T{ :',ri5 JIVCiJ TO CGr~RLCT THL 1~+j TdX F q A .ACE HALL AT , HE EUCAT 10N5-.,HOtrN ~ - f > _ , : - I , ,JE .c GPANTED I , ? 1 a 1r 'ti" r A t, 4 n tJ ?1: ,.~.r lr.V •~rV -M+. ,s L_-.~,.~hJT G •1i r. ° `7:. ,ist { r.• s s .1~,.,r.,.,.r.;, u~~,,RT ,7PT.,•s Y rtC.~UGI t E t~ „ N r,TCHcS AiJD: CLv„try, , ~.UHNST„.J , .~-~r~ , nL'JATf OiJ.Ot;'~1 , r1S GRa 4'4.1.:. IAtl f I ',Iy i, •v,J it 1{?R.COENtd PF r, c Raiff, Tv AN:1 AP, A-. Tt'3,t T Ta,XE,: U'r A t~,i1 LP,L.J• J ' + rER P ~3 ~ ~ , A E LAB. GiJUNTRY CLUB: I CLEO (3RlDGES n ~ , its; s JcAnREEZE. Ilp r _ i •'r ~ JI,_:.vTl, . ~v , r, 1 ,l r: C" a::ptiU IILSDrv 'rJHIT. Il,..la` i,' ~ ,I ~ , J COV'I'L rr J D vF ,t, TnA", a CJ _t f L CL,A c J, t T G I T l ~t,, ,.'AS ?+a . , i ~:IIt~! r f (h,11LES JGOTTS MILL ,RUMD: Dtl ~ ~ ~ - _ , ~..r t, rt ~ .,ECv,,,,.1cr1;,ATttld U TI-- '+IF J:%CiJ! :,'F r'J,,LIt, ,cLr~Rt_f r,~-=rlTTty T:, lh4_ ~uu:rTY f,0'viE AS Aiv tirtlATE+ F - vu E,.. t ,,1,,., tIoHN h . Dnv rs, t:,1 LES CaRDL I N iE~ { ~ ~ A .EACH ROAD. iii"f JOHN. I{. DAMS, ,VINE 3 Pr11LE5 CAROLINA SCACh ROAD. ,r.:, „ - { 1 _ _ „ _ I ~ ~ a rP ~Jf, f, ~ I,T =_F THL AC rI VI T I ES GF r l-E C~_~LvE`kB ,h,,.,E DEMONSTr.AT 1UtJ A~c,.L FJ„ R I L „r,~ HcCE 1 VED ANL F I LEL. ,.L.HARI~Is r r ' I 'r I s SEER- INTE:TSECTIDN,vASTLE hAYrJE5 SORIQN TOADS. , #L~ I Ga~rDN G. , tt Z`aa , r~ NUSSEY~ FRINGE S ~ 5 UTR[ET ROp,D. 1 JAS+ JACKSGN ° "A q ~ c ~ > t, ROLINA ...EACH ROAD. , ~k?.50NAG_S"JPt:RtLISIv"PJ ! r!. t)A5• rJ. JACKSGN," n RIGHTSUILLE SLACH !~'IGHti'IAY UTH PL ~ i FETL H• nOEN, ° '~ORDOtJ ?GAD=NCAR`RED CROSS SA"vgTGRIUt,1. ' JASaDVJARL LEtt'15, a i4URE 3EACH ~ ~~~t'RiTT, n. CDfvrt,lERCIAL BUILDING VAN 1 ' itJNIE I`'IXON n ! s CE aTRcET, AF, ITT VtLLAGE• f ASTLE EiAYNES, I, S.CPETEi3sOrJ ~ R;~rNGR'J- 1~ERa ;,v-N ' EuE hS17, F~osETTA SwAw ,r s 5EA8REEZE,' ! CELTS SHGRA1gN tl r,P j ~ ,:.AEONS"~RD LoGP RaAI~. I - ! , ' f B i J.,, ~ . - - H k~~ a ~ 9 '~1 r, F~ 1, _ ~ f~ ~ , :11, ~ i ~ s. _ . I ; , , ~'i I,'-FETING OF 'AY t:F r., i } Ism 'C n': a , 4~\T 1`iLIe2J;, ~ , ~ . I ~ ' L' I - i f,~, i~U ,':OTI Ut}l OF [•'?,iLL I 9d. i (j~ _ f ~ECOL,.LIl tIR. TPAci!(t TH, F'17! + N" n ~ ~r f1 r.l d ~ .CLL 0 1 r ArP l -rlorJS r~~ I%;. ~t,l'Jz,, ! :C,1• ti` ,It°N ~ r'~ Fu , _ I, 111. , 1 ~i DER, P,iJu TO OF't RATE A TO;,'R;I ST CA`,1P, AT 7HE COOAT IONS SH04Jr FOR I_ i cr f1s7E 5 TO P, RE IMP ~ 9 A t ' ROVCD. h• tit P i ,.,tts. l~ I 4 _,.~t, V• l,. ~(l tt(i~ . .It-~ •f1 ~I,I, J. E. r1Rt~TSTRUNG ,y. ~ , , ~ 1 r ~#EER ,,ak,,Otar'sORO L00F3 1~4)AD+ y I , ~ i .3 ...°~.tl tg. I,F I~ C. V. - n ~;a„~et.+~r•:_.,..P-, .L,Pr,IrrcE, C ,C,IJ ~(PJ I . , , ~ f~iRl<LAND. ~ t 1 , ~tl ~ I ~ R, 1~ U If ~ :rr~? fpJ,'i ,,.,'J?'YTC~PJt. f''LfiNAlll! {S iL" ~~ar „ :i"i r rt~~ A KET Jl RAAT ROAil, [ .•I II i r , r E ~~;',t`,._'iLi.S,, wa,L.,,;1J4w1i' [1C7tPLli 41: :?.f,r ; 'ti"J'IE' F~I(GCIN a ITIJ` I t' <I ~Eff Sr SE(iUR' , [~lrPtt(, ' I ,~!`I'~ .LE ZE ; } .e, li. tt ~ ...~n~ n ~ a f ~ -i, ',il'.,1`r, ~ L!a. 71~'tli, i !+f l ~EWLS i{SJOX tl )i,W I',t„(,J11..J.IIIAN I I E r ,t,~~ r CAROLINA uCAGFI I~t~AL', I r r,_-t,~ r # ,,'J, ~ .,+'1 I i.;,#, ^ `11E.1.1 ~I,, fiUVtR LEVJ19 f.S,it( 'Irlnl 1 .4 .C~rl a .r,J ' CARt~LINA RLAGIi I~GAD, 1, , va,, I ~ t , .,._,.;rpt , -r,~i.,c ~ tl;<i:^, I ~ Gfzov a r,. P n, ~,,lsT, ~ .r ,411~u1a'i~N r E f LE,.Iw, TOURIoP ~ _ , rl._,,,[~I,kl'~; ,1rPr,rl.'f.~J~;~~.,+.I i g ~ CAL.P CAFOLINa !3r,:~cw ROAD. , i u-. rv r , . .I L 4.. 4 i,l:-}N Iit4;,~, ~.rTUTLtt+;, 'ntl.i_'_I( GII~ 1(. jT'C , f i . ,s ~ hLTON IIUftPHE' r f it r BEER i+r',r ,J ,!~.a,' ,n3S ,.JFI F: rdf ~ ,FILES i,1ARP:ET STRCET ROAD, ,J.".I\t3 . r~ ti,a hL1 q ~.,~~i l`ICY~ l .(J7TA:r1Y ,V, , ..A't ~ ! ~=n~ ~ « ' I ' 1~ ilUJERT '9'~. r,'G'aEE ~ r _ r i l _ 1 , .,1 I t ' ~ r ,n , CA~TLC NAYNE~. r„A 1 . , _ _ ,r_TT, I ~ PAUL RUSK,15, tt 4.,~,.~., f ~3 CSTLC i~AY'iES. f # L~. I tJSO,v, ~CA3REEZE . ~ , _ j; ROfiERT L. `SH=1'J #I ~ a _ P.I .r.,. .:.~Ir,,l^:', JUNE= 1l~Tt{y 1r,~+li: . i C r ~.:YRTLE .aROVE ~UUNTi. I 8 JAPiES STATHISg II ~s ~:,r rt r ~t JR a III, 4, `C. F1 T II C Lr1.+H, ,.v, i.'+.l..i~ ;1„~JTH;'Itv'', L.F ~N:. II•, I ,Ol)T)~ d-# ..U.41,i1T v.i4, ,,t",;{ii!{ (,4 a, f ~~J,, PA, SCAGIi7E• ^R 1 # ~ . 'iiT ` I ~ , ~ L1„d ,,F„1CY, t~ , r ~ f1UA ,`.IAE r,~j L1" II z, C ,4~., .c P ~ Pt ! I,F L lr4i(t L { I ( ~t A L, 7EAJREEZc. - - ; ; ~ : i U~ IIFCG{1 J,~ r , F ;C1~L'fAl,``T, I RICH '`,rLKCR n , r.,.,:.~ I.~c .„;,;,HLk.. ' ~~~;.G ST11~L Y, I ~ 'I J;dL1~, ,'[t,~.l~l{JCHTL,~d t„r~.?~~,P3ail:~ f GArROLI.IA 'EACH r1i)Au, , 5 , ,1 r ri4P., tw. .,11_i~kri}~Ald, (f,17) CAIN, ~[,S>C~'ttAii> 4~nit.# ~ w If x RLl1UL6 ~ - _n.4..,.,:N.:_., ,II:':I'vlt':t:, ,I.!1EAL •I,t~1 ! I., F, r I c T FOf, I ,.I?ROVLGaCPJT9 TU ,i"I - d 's, .n rl ~ # ~ _ trI,1:N;'.IL, 4 a,.;,t,1'ijR,,J ~ :~.C OY ° T E I r,_LAC ~ I .:4~ a r , L T.,' I L VL,.hc AT I!+TER tr1Rn LI`Ia1S , , ' 0 I.,. u' , A dD PROJPUI,~ ,_.,~r,_::# ,..~.,E,G'ACK ',+.~1t~""= i r r . U A .iRAPt,+ # Lr ,wt, a,,..,.}LAPJ(,IP (,,~,,a.rl. rJ ~'PJ .f%r•" '[I A 0117 c~.~G FtCT LONG Ff10P.' FLACHTREE RVCNUE '°~i 'rG:iITC~' , A Tv, , L..I .:ut~LRS ' - + TO PARK ~V tl h `;I~I _ ~ c.i, E, AT ^,I!'!1'Efi Ft1RK ,':e ~ ;i t I ~J i rc n I I a 1 Ft ~LCGtJ.,,_TJ Y ,e , 9 ,1.~...F ~t, 1(rT l,).,• ~f. .53. 4E 1: ~.Qir la t - ,=,i ,ps r,n ' of R, T~ : , ,+.,,.~~Lra,.t~;;QNy,1R..r~;'.T,+~=f'11c,o0a: .=.IIF'!•~I Y ' 1, ~OLC.: AP,, r~i~FCiiRCli'T0 H' I . ~ J T u aTnTt ;,14-H',4A,Y,~.J,_~a,t'.T!,'E1vT FO"~ r0.,: ~ ,,4,, , ~ , I r, , :I' , ~,:°i.wi~-TER, '.L.:J'JF-FY , . „Tf`)t a ~ 4. ,1.[ .5Uf11t„«;RLIN - t=. ? # L.,fi.C+IjAL.,H'A~JJ JI-JO.~.:_".F1AliY I ~ ~ r , , I N.ON f.;! I i• ;'7 ~ .L, L.,u::. r:, 'j,4' 3 ~ i. , HE;4 1,_.;i N'ti' ?FN I h. '~I C „ , ~ r,, COLC+,IArJ, ~CC,,,,,C~ y >u , L T O, _t' t.-. , 4.,i INk ~t.1~',.~NC.EIiI`.N ,F. rL "F ,rtiAil, {'OI'NTY [J LL, I, ~ ,.n ; ~.F r r1 'd1 7+:rJg , S .v.,, a1uJ ,C .~lJ( ;,Lai(. i+;:R vY i u3, j rf[° FOR PItY+.'UJT . J OUCi] - ~r rt ~ ThC '1L L T1"JG TI?CN ltllJOURPJt'D', I ^ l ~ r III ~ h `i i G P I s l i '4 ~ ,1 _ irl ' '.'~FLPviC,`IGTOIJ, C, ['!r'tY 1. 1~~1~j. °tl r 3f ~ . ; _'~I ~I TWL RL"GULAR '1JECICLY 6.1EE71rJG OF THE ~ 0,11°1D r,. ~ a.r, a°,I i i JA5 HELi7 AT 1~.CQ . ! ,Ili FRESENTc AllUlsa°P I~EJLETr CI P„ . al, ~ lAIRaAN, aLr,, ,J. TRASK, JA„ HALL, L. J, CoLLh1aN N>r I, A A GOUI>TY nTTJli . _ , - I~ 14r i15DEN REL I,, NE - _ r ~:,a,,l LA 1Y, Y - .y, , ~~;i I IIC P}11NUTE".S OF h1EETING OF y;" c, _ _ ~ _ il! 4;! ,,AY .,TFI 1 ~7 f9ERE RED ~ ~ t ~ , ' J 9. 9 A Aa7D A-r'ROJL:;.J AS ~ECOR:iED.. ~ - - i LI~,t4„L 1 )4~ ~ , , ' , I/ w ~ a .._.Ea .r .c- . r,eL:_ .,-a, f: ".-:i.. ~ :i[:I'JG ..~d :F ,11TH REfEREhPCE Tf~ A P P . _ _ - OSAL TO USE EGPON ~TAiJIJt,4 FORA 'MAJOR FOOTf3AL L GAhi=~ P,I r ' ~ ~ ` `1~'~ , ,L - . t !,11.. I1 VIRGINIA ~NSTI - `r ~ ,OUECrIJCr, 1fJ, 11~G~,y ' TUTL V_rtSUS CITADEL A5URANCC 7JAS GdUEN T A RA,.GCa,~ ~ , ~ ~ < ~ , R ; ; Y THE 'ART . _ hJEGOT l A1! IONS BETWEEN `THE T'J0 I VST I TUT I ONS B ENTS COULu 5E ,:ORhLD OUT AFTER FURTnEP, i I_5 I~JTERESTLD. I I I r-~ ~ - L,_ P , . 'R . r .a S' THAT „ p~ l.~ ~,J ORDER TO LSTAsLISH AN E'UAL t3A:i15 ON %,GN!^ ( :z - r r ~ r. . _ , .S :.AS`s.. , r r- „H TJ 5U,3=llT u Ills FOR JLF~7HcR QTR I,'P I Nh_ AND C~Lh' ItvG THc ~ U'HF` `iI~IIi tVINiJO':'J5 IN THE OLD r :r ~ ° !j ,1 ( COII'TT , IJU~C stl l LL' I NG y AN,~ TH (S E3E I NG TLIE DATE Dr z I : _ 7I EE F'JP 7'-`~ - _ - [ a ILRE ADVL,RT15Lu T_ UE RtCElUE1;# ( , 1 THE T i`IvtC , ';J r15' t1POt9 Jy10T 1 ' " r - ON OF R. TRAaIt~ SI~CONUEU: UY [.,ft. '-1 _ _ _ , ,,ALL, LXTLNUC,. UhJTI'C TAE Jl,T I;CGTIMC } =:.'T ~i AY TO r I VE THE- f31 ~iJCRS OPPOt . . . - TUrJITY TO CHECK THE tdUP,1;3LR OF W1N~10'JJS ',°JLTH THE S° Ir;-w i _ ir;. . ' A „Ia,ruJaE OF ~:;F~, ~ULL'.I„h, I ~ , TO CLEARLY I NJ I CATC JHAT TO 91D ON t I ~ . i A RC SUEST OF „'It5 , CHAR ' ti LAS .,LOCK PRESENTED TO :THE _:QAfTD hPRIL 1STy FOR AN ,1PPiROPRIATI~?id :;F .~•Pr:O.UG ~-r~-I1~., ~ TO"JARD THE EXPENSE FOR Et}1PL0 r 'E' YING A TRt11;yED rJUNSE FO(R THL• FIRST 1~1D S1ATrON AT CAROLIUA ~CACH ;JaS ;i,~i';= , UPOiJ ilOT10iJ OF "R. , I~I V7ALL SECOtJ1,EJ JY ~rf ;,I, r 9 CJLG,.>aN, uCCLIED O.J OPINIOiJOF THE ~i'UNTYATTORNEYfHAT THE ."L I':S L,',TI_rl ~.r':','. .i..:. ~ RIGHT TO APPROPRIATE PU3LiC FUNDS` FOR TH T o , . ~ A PURPOSE 15 17 - r, ~ tl rl a.. UBTFUL A5 TIiL oAP~1E IS NOT'A COUNTY 0ULIGnTIOr+ I I a , , UPON h.10TION OF',hR. HALL ,I rr ~ _ _ _ , SECONuED uY 'uiR, COLEMAN .THE: FDLLO'J! ING Ai~PI l CAT IO1J F'OR ~ ~ - F R , ; S L I CE,Jo~ S TO SELL E3~E ~ , , ,JERE Ai PROV(Di rl it . . 1 i'~ r ~..v r . ~ C T.C., J,H.,,pPJD J.{('. ~AVIS,;TRADiNG AS ~r~AFFITT SOU I r _ A SHOP, ' '.'AFF I TT 'Vl LLAGE , " u !r _ , r,i, ~ I GEORGE JOHNSON ~ I ' . ~Ln T J,,Er~RITT, ;CR ~ ~ ADLEY ~ReEK, , ;r., • , r ~u7TOrJ F:. , ~ . H I n , , ~ ~R i -~HTSVILLE ACH RQADn ~ ,:_11'.v, f, a ~ AUN I A ,~I Li7ER, SEABREEZE. r.'. yr Iry .r:- ~ : , , _ ° UPON t.1QTION OF '."fit. HALL SECON::_D ?Y f'' ~ _ I i , ~ R. COLFP;"AN, .THE OFF ICE OF CONST OLE °ll '1 v 0 P 't ,r a , A OF FL C AL 01 T T ~,1 ~ .4 .1 , , ~ 19AS DECLARED VACANT ON PETITION -0F ~ RESFDENTS i ~ ~ ~ - =i i ~a y~~- ~ HAT J . i .vR .I . Y -uc ~ . ' . Cat +t r AIG, .,O~JSTA"L~ OVLU'A°1J,1Y JA,aIARY 1 T # r'.'n:. Tr~ ° r: AND ~,.R,-K R PI?aP:~..-,,1 UJAS Af;P01NTEI) COtdSTA~3LE OF 4. FE:,[RAL`POINT TOt'JNSHIP TO SERVE CUT'7HE UIJ- ~ :-1~; f:~~W:. I CXPIREI7 TERM OF `"R, CRA16~ .::;;aL. _ ,a , . F .,r'ON ?"OT,IOh OF R. TRASKy r; r RES tiCCOJ ED !'Y .R. ~OLL,;AN, THE i;AGK TAX1:5 CHARGED AG1' N `F E CRAIG 1U AC 'F . I ' I „ ~ - , r ST F1 # r3 r _i 4.ii_ ..,i , - , I ADJOINING ERGUS, ;A50N.JOR0 70FJNSHIP, :UAS ORJ~rJ~ED CANCELLED FOR THIN REASOfd THE 5>11D LAND IS INC4UiJED IN THE TRANSFER OF ~n ACRES FROP," J.~:CRAIG TO J,F.HOLT JANl1 RY r' ~ r JIAS ORDERED 1~~ AND. THE aAID ,HARE T'S . •..r . ~ GANGCLLED ON THE A55i_SSP,IEN7 f3O0K ° , . „T - REPORTS OF THE, REST 1RC7O`,1 CO ";I TTi1C AND " t , ' UiEAU OF ~l,r,NTIFICr.TIOPJ FOR riaRlL ~J RE Re CEIVC~J A,"JU FI!EC~ , T I ! , P' t-,,al _d... . ' UPON `;POTIO~J OF ,}R. TRA~Kb acCOPJULU DY ~;.R. ~~LL1{IAN ^ , ~t / pR , , I , CGJ,JTY DI..LS :OS• O.rOu TO ~JOrJ `rJCRE APPROVED F , I _ . I I~ .._~n I ~tf; t !99 .I L! THE FO LLOVJ I NG G OD 'I) , , , - p,. pl, 0 Ah CA.JFUL ,,,CN 4. l..rtL ul~Ar.'N TO SE:iVt`' Aa JUttiC:ii I i - - - n ~ R THL. 1RIAL ^L~ - ~ r 5 h THL SUPLRIyR "BURT FJ ,F ~ ~r,- ' -I L I (`'r Tyr • ~ { ~ ~ , ~ ° ~ ,i a.~,t+ OF QIVIL GASES FOR THE ONC 4JEEK TERt.f 'JEGLNNING ~:AY 1`'~: ~ Ala:- 7', , • I .,r. , . - , f: TH05.~.C05TLN, J ".NUGHESr (.J•JONESr J.~.HODGES, C.I~.COUIdCiL T,~.NUuGiN59 _ I,q' LA';RENGE i~~. '~RO;,J. ,9 ~ r L. i , - I~, t. ~ CRA'ICr J'•,'~•:~AHL, ~.,,tirrlAN, :al.~.~ocK JR, ,.;~.STEt~JARr, _ n # JUE MINDERS, , A.!a.r~LDERPdAN LEROY CEASLEY t{.a.;.NOfJEiS, , f !z, t , ~.F.hAVis, H.n,L~ru}+~r,auRC9 n _ IS_y I, , C•L.TIL:NKEN, .F,BCAL I 1, . , h:. C ,~I4IPPER, PERRY f; NTER L.G,E i I I c , ~ 9 9 aORE, a£G.i_,HO`;4ARJ, :T U ~ ~ ; i CRCAaY~ O.i~.HOLMES, D.i).HARBER, J11S,STRLCKL~tND J.T.SOUTHERLAND J.HARGROVE TAYLGR, r ~ Ye~r •.y h ~ j I E.F.REAL, J•".,,HOLT, r g I [061h1AGK~ ~LYllE NARRELL J.C. ~ ~ , ' , KC I H J G.tiH I1'TElir ~ ~i. il: - Pr;• 1 .4k~ARt'J 1 GK J ~ ~ is. r ^ T _ F;.;r ~.+t I t,~ ; : k. ! i ..='i.1. A' ' ii I , f~.C!.F,UFF4aAN, 5•L,KIRKUttt FIG4,QOONEy J.L.SEAGO L.F•!°UFr'AN, r, „ , , r. „ J.E ~T ~J.At,,, E r=,("LrNON J,:'.SGaROGRO, L.',VSLOa^J r-; ' r q.~,TAYCOR, ',~.~.~ll''JARDS, ~.,C.'.y~ILL1Ati.S, f',C,KINC, C•'.`,JErLJE ~!.H.CO,:'LEf:f; ~ ~ r y _ ' ; ,P, ~ ERA,<CH. ~,.E , . . I ~j + , V ~ I i ' ~ I I ' i i ,r - "_ss` : fY., ~ ' ~ ' r ~ t,.,' r f'lr' f: u~'~ ~,f~~{ f, r , , , I' rLET i fdG DF ;,°,AY .-_'~Tri n/., r,r ~ ' t ~ ~ ,~tt,s 4~;t,T I IJi,lEU. III , ; , ~ .t , T CF .,I.t3, ~IL.!JRr FUG{ A i:l~rlSlw'ta ::"F ThL- :155" _,r-~~ { ;•p (.S3f.1EtJ7 i.w fk; ACtF- I.JT'TU,ftluHl~ r, -c >rF LAtJUr'ArT ~ ;V• . t)t,A7r' C4t,. ~"bR,,L{l:'f 04'1NEIt E1Y t:aCAR ::itrl ~ rr c,, lb,K !-c J 1 C ~ v i s IT.! k , 9!: TCI 't.. r r_r~ i p b„.u GL, iY: , ,}«.,,.,HSUr'J. 1~ "t.. - , cllt~a : ) f. ~ L Jn..Lt ~ I;)::URY Tu -CL[ -R ;ht` , I. nY ,J.. r1CR ri THEi G' ,,.v u r , ' C ~ L »F wAl.) L I~:•I'~Y ;1. ra+ ~ t ;.i CTG,IE R ,r ALU r' fi ,I ATM, ~ JI•;r+,~ n; ~ UFtCrlr,?cTJ , s :I1C. TrE'U.»u: ,r r,. f' rln4" th{ `CiuIC~ J" r r ; s A , l OF !i t ~,v GTi ,:J r Frt„,~: ~ ~:z :LE`,L:, i "1 I;`ii,:,:~ ~ C' ?Y 'ELI, , _ t,~,,Y Ln~ ~ c. 1L ,4r r, ir_. ~ ~ AUui7CR TG IAnL THC ~ }1GPc , c , i ul 11.,IG~! nt.>; ; I ~ Tt, _TrIL I I L i j~Tr.E11t: Ht<~a>.50.1 r.r',';iF2:t ' ° 1,rq' ~ : „ , < , s s THE t„r•.t:T LNu. ' T J . Go1~rr,an ahq Count _ ftttcT~nev _ T L., AUJOJ.JRN,.xi, u. U ~ tr,._.rW,~n t ~_4tar;~~ ! 't, ~ ;i 1,,:, ~ n - ~nlnutc~ c~ Ir:eFtln .f . u~" r 'L' ' , ~;r „ ihG . ~ th, l; , r~~,~ arr3 ~z,~~x~GV~~d as r~cort.,~ra tl4 I r 4/ , f. , x r~q~u~!st of J .E,~naa5 , a.;u~~ ~„;r t:`r.J1 ~ect;;r , i +I vr. , - s : ,..~Ci CrJri{f:I t~'E' CuCI',',v1.f=.... `,~"4? . r ~'Or {.hC, r,.. ' IL:,11,J~TON, i ~,Af ~~,1'rv~• • ( ~ G. "s 1, ~'t)L1GV Inc' J'i T'CJ U "tj' ~ ~ , y'FdI''S St".UVJ;; 1`Cr thF: pna .1 ) r„u.JOn the r..I,C 'J, tg GJz.Er CVr7, , y ' THE r3GGULAN ';iEEKLY t;lE c ,r a t,p;r ,:t)1l,,1nr', r:,Vtl'€CJ,.tt;y' a.ICl StA, - 7r 6 i`ic~cnt 1unc,,, u C T n{)t ,'E-al~.~:e~; ' Y~ r ,r , f,~ ETIrJ., t.F THE. ,GAT{D '':;ASH Ja .r; , G1rt ,Jf . r,JT r , _ , ~ I LL AT 10. .,0 h , ~ ~ , , ~ GaCar u~~. she t~,<cs, 1as , t.cn:.Gtlt~r7: of r r } t jjt ,f:,'. v;; P,. '1 F1 ( `fir' t {J e ' " r `con': + , FR r , , , _,u ea. r- 2 ~T,.r2t,oCt. , .1., ''Ej;~~ EaE;dT, t>~J15C4 E;L;iL(.7T u'HIAIRC,AN aE "i LJ ra , cr; •c i t;~.r.,, ' ~'AFiSD[Id s G ;r, TRA:~K, ,.,,faARDNERsL•L.I.CCLE:r'.AN P ~ , ~;"..!`.~.1 tt: ct, ..,i 2~ 1{,,,cJ _ tia;? `IItIjy ~~I LLLAi-:JYe Aall .,GU~~tTY t1TTG~tt,•- 7 ,:~:(UCn a~it. `4^<` r''ar. Mn C,ir;i: , JtY tt,; r. i 1, ~;.Jr- ~_tJ i Vr~~ .~0 . p Mfr U~, ' 1 ~Ii~ I THE i.hhtJiJTf:S OF . i T G .i", tt 7 1 L'~i •GO •GQ `'ii ' f I L 71,aG CF !,:nY ,_~TLi s ~ ~ J:RI RL I;U r-. ar: (r ! 1 2-'r ii 1 t;~J ; { •J = ~0 _i-f~'~ ~ 1 ~ ~i - t AiJ.J Ar:riOJ..., F+S t~tt4r,?.]}•:u, r. .,~ue.1.G,r,E..1',. u:IJl,~'-- n II, . ~ r.. !t ,Vi h, -J~•J3 +'s , [t) ut.~ ~V~,4-2~.IJ. r I""~,U {itiF ~r"~' Iri.7 r, '1 . 3 'i r,- r•, h 1.t,.J .-r'„~,t: 7J,- -iJi ~U.34 iI C:'UEST OF : ~i. ~ LFlc. l., iii:it:, la r, t}, N„ STEVEiJ5 FvR AN A'JJUST'r;t't•JT CI F ^r`" , n ~~j I-4,I 60C1 c~ T't:,r lG'' CJ?,`` GdCr ti ~ _ F TH_ ter.-,.. . . , ~ t-~~, -1 11>. .34 38 : ;z flF lDT C} ttld'i7 itnr2T LOT t? °'!t.{' . r r, 4_U , ~r _LOCK t{v't FCR..i,.F{LY - r1:AItJST THi.' u~I;.rc, t»a;,r,IC'•1) ;f~ r'n~; ~ ~ ;C;? Ao ,~„GrIEs t,!, ~"°'L ";Y I _ n - ~i.:~ ~~•7 tIC 9A;i RLFrR1"{GrJ ri; ^ J U„ ~,r' 3 ~ l i )r, . 73 ~ ,^I TT(}; FOk INVL`aTICr1TIGld Alr. iITM r01"dER Tm A.i;T, ;'I A"> } . 1 i 8'}} . 3 31 r~ '.J"JtY GNE: ~I~ ;r,~ ~ _ r.1r..II~•to; ..U, n C_ Ivre•: FU., THE J ,i.t.cl.rASt_ Gf T'r7U TRU^ ~ = C T E'c;(~ t ~ : ~ i,,r+ ~L44 ~C S< G .37 'ITTE!, i ~ t""`1 c ~KC AS AIiVE'+TIakD~ f3AIt,FY-E,Ha t it r ID C, i,-',_, I' - r,. C ! ,t.»LT „ , fu. ~UT','"tF.tt c;~'~ , ,:,s +''r,' LAaH Fltr'. .J}I%V•.CJLET TyUCKS ;ITH ) Jv.-k`iY 9 ~ .L w~ t'Jt tiE: IC`lITC: Lii r ` T G C it J I ` .~cL I VC<{ JGULIJ UL ;1Ii11iE AS SuJt•3 A5 r' ~ ' ~ - r~ i _ .,r, i ; ?P, y: L I V ';Y, : ; ~ ~.u F'.t,r,, ruE :J 1,3 13,w { 1C f r~Cl`CRY L R,..;, Tip.. - ;1 L~_ T TF:R , r -r; ~ ~g''~,~ ,.L;al;. „',;TUrt ,rv,Jr'A;;Y Ai1V151;!C, TPIAT "I-;' rn,:tJlly'i.i ; ; . - , I._Y ,r~uL'J !.oT l.~ r;R r }L Nl.. Ili ,LQ::iE,J JOrvlr II`:iJE:F Ia I t"!, ; r, r nna Ti?ri f' i AC rit"' c non, ,c Y _ h _.e ,Y i„ , :t , t; ..t t,v ~.",..CG~. t..C ,.,,.C... t. C , r. •;;n,, , ,r.,,:~ r.` ~ , ~ r ILLY ,t:,., ,,JUL ! li;a'U`,al s E ~ ' e ~ cl_.. 7.. `~1.,.._,.. ~e,., . t., r - r ) J . , .L rv J,-r~n~ r,:JY L I Vt.f? I.. S .,Y t, , . . ~.E".1 GVfi: : the ~1t3 Of F ,6t L,,,::Vss v!..,Uv,E- :iY ''r{ 1 T t..r T u „1.~„ , ' ~ ~ LY F F i ,ri , I,, ...~<..?:L , -rJr T Itrt; ;llrr,lri. , ,1 v: t. x,:_., c, »..a ? ,on t, a. c. .:r z. T r~ L~;, ~ , ~ _ a , I,,. n,rt:~..,,,~ F:.rr'•I:.~s t? Mr ; . ) s - . t;._.~; "i:.1 ,re~on..e t ~~ir ,sk - , Ii it t UI,CHA.,E i HE Fi;-?.`iT T~.t' „ ~ T T~.,. }"a I ,r: r,:J }Th , r1 Tt{rj: 1 ,cK nl: ?ITY T;; .'~-f~_.ca tr: tt:e tc:i2t- ~ut1 r r t, , IL ELi=.. t% t,. ~ + ' r Cr t:G OI'i? Ot:t 7 .C, -t r _'SI,.t'• ,..:4 (iE ..u>,32 lc..', t,UllE'Ct) '7 r _ x t fTCC:.,nrt:.c..:G, t; ;f,. C`~_. -,H1;cF c. r,± p+'n _ _ . - . - r. , tf, It, IHL trtlESTlurd ;JF TH(i l9EIGN7a k'JI`u'rH At;', aUAGL GF T.Jc t.l" ; . _ . #L i,l °>1 TERfALS 1 ,~6, ra.c 1 , r i .,G, , r» I:, TIJf i~L, ,::t_ ' F G ^r r iI r . ~;.J:;T H,, l) J;4? `,L I Lii l ldr " r n:l 11Cµ . _ ~ . , . 1 . , 'hl ,i v }~T T °Hi'. ATTtt-, s, r , TC ~E i C.. ri F ti. a:, c;il. ~`.12AL7 ull~ tleStaurant ! , I TH,,T trAS f1CT S1-'ECIt'I"t ~u- Tll.. ,,.IJ ~ CN , I _ . , 91 f' t,+ I I'I ; ::L C.IIiS f}., , ~ ,r , r, ' I lv t 4... } ~ ' t r, .i.. J,.'l ~ i ~''t ~ F f . 1 ~ { _ ~ „ s iA-,K ..,U.L.. IT :,nC ~~.,..,t..tL' )Y - - h~ ",tl F;pr'ct~;clt?n u`IN E?:'1CjOr.°j'. ! HKI 'THE IuD s r. „aLt. r, r', r , • r~ E 5 ..C I :S I r3l,CTLL T , c,s G,,.;{ylw r t:.. „r~ c ' t j Y-. ~ CCIr{ - Ls ~,.C iJrly ~~w;a. _`t 's c. ~F 1 -c cn~'c ~i , HC "'"I"HT tl) F+ :i r„,,, ti... , !J~" ,,.t t _ r ~ r~ c r• ~ r: ' ,,,r„:E OF ;,I~ `.'.,T qL; ,i1" t`-CCi.`12"i La.,E ~'Y Lk:T"fLRs Ti% E'Ai;{_L , , s A L~tl T~ .Lu. it tr ;.ti_, ~ ,r U r, : It. tL , C v IVE FJrs k ~r h .~~i1, C7:; :'t .c, LtT'i::t 'r. t; ~ ~ ~ Ti. C,t,,Ja1Lc,3AT1+)C Tet T-ii_ ~ :..Gl,. _ _Uw2 c:iL.. i`:c is"t~±V LU41Gii r;f ~ m'; . :.4 ;v , , T it t. ) y i,j; ' R!_';'Ut~T OF ThE ~EVErtC,r1L ~i.l-.!}A!.LAS T^ OPEN ANu Y r;-' r, 't ,Jil. , a. L ,1 s .»r i:. ;;'OAL,rr,Y L:.,,.,I"G t UR;}I:,~,<, ;;°4 t,: } L( `a vL , :._Afs Pr,CS.rYTLiarAN rH "n.-. - _ ,ui ;..L ~ ,r + ~ 1 » UCH I(, a~ <SC7 c .h, _ ,i:. C ....._,?C''t; ; r+, f' „C , 1- , rrRK. FCtt A .J I,,Tlti. t.p nGa l~ _ k . ,...t. _ u . _.i E ' t 'C Ir I. G_ cJ r 0~ Cu . , .ln - . _ _ 5^N i;i{ r „ 't',>(I;:i+Tt:LY T:.:: GI ii - - ~ I ` JTIG.: OF r. l~~nol, i- - Tl ,s 1- s a; „ ~ ? w s aCC,u,,.,~.; aY tZ. ,r t ,r, ~ ,r~ L,alfl;c y[ rvr)'t u.~ tr.'1 1 ~ r, (',7' t-i ( t ;.,d ± .r~ ,.L. ar, fj,.Fw•.,~..~ T,.: r., . F, , .x Cv_~.c..ce r~ r L:ect v, lt:a` .'Qt"r, 1,~as r s ,t{L. JT.dTL 'il~l;h .,Y .,u J ,_L..; ITH T 4 I R~ _ I:E.ST TTir,T IIL REI_I~F 'i: ,,~r,,.;LiJ. r.,'G7 ;;:;Jt,JtJI Cif ,,;T'. U' ( Fr r r ~ ~ ,,tf. r ,~i., n e.:... d,~t..<t~ t~ ,_..E E..ia...~t4», Insl~lution Co.j I . it +tl : al ..w;. E'V].'~.~G L rE-. r, f', i'FC 1-4'...C.~ + c ..F ~ S~[~n; j !~r, p ) _ .S .t,. 1~_I _.r, ...a,•. Ct wt,,`,.iaO to b£' : , OJ ail' GT1 r C ' U1 :.•F r;. ,,A["tU,.LR C . , r Y, ~ s -L .-L.. .tY ,r{. l tr , r;L r a, V r vUL ,.nl-, .1G.,. t. C,,.. •lctJ',J.2 . ~ T' T', , I I L ; ,"„ii G1 ,E .'1 i%% r r, rn `c c ` r ;'.M u u D v~ rr _C ..1 t , ~ . ~ ~ . : ~ JTr.u `T., .,,ta, ( ATE ;'J I . ~ ~i r; , ..t _ =f rzt , C c..:: ._on~r.:, , I I L :11 ra~TC N L:v P RB" U t. ; , n• f , v I T, :,F - , I..T »,J,J F T _ r,; j ~ r... ,f ~T r.r t n,-, : ~r r. C ,_v,J FCT ,H ,,,,..,.r.. r ri , - w,_ ,r;f.T„J,~;:a-,:., G .,ln. 10 _vP ~I:E. , .x ~.,J.:.. M `:G C ~t-•,' r: 4c -~h r _ _ C ; L '.,F LI~UT ,;r 'AL -1i:t' ,.~E..tc.Ea t_.it..i' cL:2~ _-c.~l.,»c,Ct0.1' 1Tl..tctllatvl. v,~,' L"aGI'uFEi1S AT'TH- r. P !°i t^, n ~_LLrts,,,r,IE.FGF T Y f E ~A f_ , ._AR .,Jt;,, R : ~LUt3 CN H1 . y ~ r, , , T~„ 1 tdl:. ~ , _ r , , , - I.,IT ,I~,.I,„_, Iv vtl Y w. d rUt, iE.1t:~_'E:T~c:i2CI +~.',.t.bTEvi1C'C t,~ "..t r C.i~'.E ;,.Ft,c;' l~l ~E'-.: ..r ~,t' ~s~~,l; L ,Ls, 1" rr _ .,u ct tJ Fc,t~c. A i) ; I Ti1L FOLLGI; IIVt, ~ - r r : ; - _ ; 1'iIU..S Fn:, LIC+~,J7E.3 " r'r--', f , ~ TC, jCLI. : it a^ ,i uJ..Sl , t c Yc, r r r AT 7Ht:: t.l t n', ut1G, G~ ul °S G- rir; , , s; r,• - ),,,,i Imo,:., ,.H~. ',4LriE UPON G I l ~u.7..tt,.. ,t, .._:e r ,s....~' _ttU:`GC: Of ,x.. ~..~1t. k~~. ~xLB ~1'-Ca1 Ih ~ , _ v7I VtJ OF ~'R, TRASK, _ S(:CL. , , ~,,,xHlrht„ s A+~P~;CV' J ,1 Hr_ ~ r + - ecT .,:...LLc ~L,rl. ,J 1 ,L La., , • Li .IT. ,"E-1 ; s _ .,Ai.;% H„J I1Vt. f3L-EN-ENllORSLD HY T}lta rhIEF? IFF; y 5 / ) , ~-xt • w i~ f I ' s Arir,Et ,.Tr1L.cT :Cx1a' :W r; ;.T rlL;I';.,TurJ', Z.h@ fOa~.OVJ1n. k' ,11Cct10nS TOi' ,t_C_.,::C. r;fBT' Sn:I .0'v;Te=;'rat.E d. t0~~`a ~ 1, l,.t C4ii~i, 1 ~i.A+'+RELZL• V=E.E U."!JIl I:.Jt:1G;i cf s7' ~^lEI, :.CC,~'_~ C' ;:,r c, Z,. c;•"TvtC~' » ILC:S O:I CARU~IFrh .:CAcH ~I:rS.J. ~ Aa_ ~ ~ ~i, JTEPHEIaSCN a+ -a 1 ; : r s^- T _ 9 .:ICED V.v Tri~ I r ~ ' } : t_ VtIR„~ tJn A~uH 1tJ ."1:i, G.C UY'C. • F ~ i { ~ ~ r r L.. t.'i V...,1 ~.1a.1wCt a.. ::4( r: '7 ) ..;u,.l ~LLI::AR n. C.aUr';APJ , r, T. „ n n n Y s ciGJTE 1s t`L.AR ,il,tlTH .a2tL.n ~RI.•fc ,t ~r + I, T v. .,,.vluy .J..:.~5~ r iECiRGE 1AtiLilYs ~raLANll'tIATLR-`67AY Dn' '1, ..i r~ } r , I:~ .'ll aCs J,~sV_,LILl1_,~,tvH:"fG;1.J, LaL.t:E.:.21G Grecz LEE: ~c.S41G 'i,'nE':J ) ,1 i , , ~ ,'INNER, FORT ~ 151VEN. ~~R1tEr Lice ~ r: rr Ara ' ('P r ` . ~ ~ r tiJt,Er. ~ i , ~ L t ;:c Gr~~, Ira Uf a I'.1~2et ~,tT, {-t L~Ua ~ ICATISN FvR LICtr°1SL TU SELL f;EER AT t~GCK HILL SU3';11TTEU .Y ,IEfN ~-+7 -c -.~;r I ; ~ Lf{T a,1r,JY Arab L15n r~:}~vE> Uv R.A.''.~'.~Ct, tr TWLJFIt~R I FF tV ; , ; l.c-.. L,1C ::;~c:,., . as uPON ..cTl~t>; cF '"!t,: T~A~~ 1 ' I s t: r.CO!JJE.J a'r r,, _itRLPlt.r; UE,d I tit _ , i .j _ _ r, U Cn .,..,t,.LGxx 0 ,.-:r,.,, . " : ,,r" r : t' i:I`, ,.,o; ~'1 u1Llt~' 4'°S ""-7"oc~ n , , ,L.Nt7R t S ,,t1{r tibCF IVLD FR' ' ~ l-+ n d~ ; k 1 . 1 . l.uTtlxtCi , , t), - vv.,.:UNITY ,.t ,tC'V., It i A. ,t at._t~..ti~ ~i'Glr, CSPIT„L FGf3,:,Ai7GH nr7r, r g-.= .,-'x•, ArJU riC'R I' ,r , i I - AII.J tJR.JE +°.r: i1 F I! tc:i -.li.~.tL.r G t,:.. i,Ap ..t j, 1.. nc. n ,-.1. .r ' 11P }r .~r,1S 1 41 t ~rt~er U } o I~ ~2; c ~=..t~, _ t -1. ~ U u.a~ . , ,~~..:u.-t. ~.xt i.,r to i ~ w re 1 ,.11G1. 1.C'i u'. ° tlx:. y,.. t{`i F'r i'; r' it rt ,r r r, ('/r 1. g n`ll~,, lcr 1 c_ r..~ ,ct tc~ t. 2 I.,... 4E~n~_..y 1_.t ; E LG., 7 I~~ A LITTER CF Ar PriEC I i;T IbN Fu~f°i ; ' ,I THE- PATtT 'fHE-CuUPJTY JDCK I:`t H„:LFINO a;' ? r : 'ic G f - ,s ~ 1 ~SS uCH, 'a r:, ( fE:.T,,l;l THL t»f1 }UrLv,_L ~,f THE 1~~~ c:1iu' t:rJG1S i,~:E Cc.,T' 1r'~1.f. :11:::. N ICEKS .;}:ILF SNE ,.AS`IN TN1:: POtTs ;uF5'RCCGlVLU FRO;°~ I ~ ) ~I I ~ LJT• I„• r+ P ~ ~~r~T .~1;3; GTJn. .a ,Y U,.Ts u5,. i r r '.r, .~i ,.~h. ...-r1 1n ' v. F.,d C' C'~ C „-C'.C~ 'i :.r. I' s ti rGt.,i,..Ut of r,xr n. ..t ,,,_._:tC': F„t l.ti ..uis. tG.,t» .~n.... 1.21t±TOSt C!': r _PUN ,,,OTlOPJ GF'rrT. ; r r_ t. rdrrOW, ~v. U : - a~ I"~ LL.,,iV,l,' S:_.Ur.a~EL ,R, ,.7 r;UP'r. ' c L.r,~1Cr`; r - ~I A k y Trl~ ? ~ t.. , ,'r T3UUGET FJ}t r tJ':L (C LFtG; ;t ~ rt a _ a , i°:,u... c : ; _ t r,. , r :r- ~~,F~~nSt rG~Gi ~ ~n ~lOCe, v t'ik. 1,~1>_.:,t...:E.u c.12.C: ~ i..r.nr t1r,E, „u., t~,.,I1 .Jt1G,"1 Cf tJ J. r : ADtsl\ISTRATIOrJ 'tdAS TL`TATIVELY 'r'P;+; x ~ • H RvVErJ I"J T-~E AI,IGUP,T OF rx-`z1 ?f'r ~ a : r;, ; r . , i ~.J~ f . •-t~s vu.,JtCT Tv i_,^Eul)CT I,,i ;;t:FuRr: ,.r rl , , ~ -,q i• a n 1, { FINAL AilOP"rlQr; t7F TJVE ~0i1td s c~.~ n ' CJ~Er.:un, Sf0021..6~.. a~; tr.,:. li'.-.r., te''C'LiJ12G Ori Cp1n1Un vt E.?U:>u~ ~:t~ornc~r ,.:~.t the I TY 5 f4;L1,AL ~UL'C,LT, r , G;,,I:.SS~lOnGrS "uV~ t:U I'lf't.t Luc.::cttC i.'C ScJI',Cs }~P{:'1 '"GTIG"> GF iii"tRDP 1, .,:T , A~, Ira~r~u(.,Tr N , . ~:+~w;: r„ r.r{ I , C I I ~ i-,, at_ tL.J rt ,LE , G v .11LPd .,_.,L.{L .lu,, F.+t.;, 1•i Y eST. L•t : r.r.. b. Lu:0UE5 tt t .i..,.{ C 2 ..,w , n _Et1 r; 3. L" A!_:~, ISIiSt,1 2raVi,;;;'t ~J.:,,Cr t, r T E. L:. CAL „LI~Tr= ICU PUBLIC iiC(,CUrJT .a t,, , ~ t.,,« r Ta tOr AUTJfTI~.., TI,L_ ':,t~1P17Y a ~.Gt\S P!u {:(,fJ „ .I< I.;~nL • C _ ~ J' A:,s ~ ) te~,111cT E:,.;.1,ptEB lti r:~. U•1iCCV J_x.tC.sC vt t;t, , 1:C1~. c.~ .--,E'_viU.G r'r.. 'ul"i. t. U,vtiC+11 ~ YL,1R ,cNI7l1'G ~UPJF ~`.'-rl; nf` d ,;t " , - a- ; . , . yi _,i. Gci7'ClnEr, SNC'Gn.;GC~ ...r, I-:rl.~, ur';J1'G1rCC l.ul' C}"f' ~G.>_ui1C'.E r1f :t ~~ik;SE•t1i, ~i.~Cc1 i s „EIS E r ' C~ ; c r ry, r , h, „,C , p ' : - ,:P+_P! tIGTI+JP, OF TRA, ,r "t n n,. J .'1Q1n~ JL1nE; ~tl'l 1 !C>_ N>t;~c:T• T, t: tf °,~1?,C_i k~i,, f .f .c1LLra11 lxt .LinE 1~~! Gt.,E-!' y _,Ky CO,v.-L.~ ~Y .a. L:. :,n^J THc t,}+nl ?:1A:'',J =t ~:7Y 7iT ~IYa ) ~ ) a s r1a N,,,.,.L Tv L., nL,a,.,.T THIS S1' i 1,, - ' r. OF - ,.,i.»u2 rrOT' r , , , c, , tG' }?C' _VOn 1Pt tah LT"ei, ATL.,ItTIC JI,A,aTrtl. .;ITILa rtl~: v ";,d - ~ - ~f• Nr,Iit};E. C.U....»t.Ex.,..i~r GI I.c;LtC'.i' c.I'rt~.n G,.,' . ICr_ ,7,,oC>ZrAT IC"ds +{IUAY ~ _ { t, r` *:nY sAT T}i;_ .:AYt ~ C. L{ , .T,.Ls t r I ,:I-„,I,s T "i' ~;CJUitt ' I S t ud~• I 'v TG PRGTt:S7 ..THE ^,CTI r i`: r 'r ~ T - t. ..I IL n r,Oi,,,UTiGS :vARt, r,;R Ata:, IN ~Jr ,rI ;G v.;LUvl,L i1:.Ll ~ t rklt TC PROVIDE "iTLA;v;T l r ~!:ASTAL H CF ' t v' 1'^~Rfr, , ::,,Ru _ , . , I ' _ : ~ 3GUT , _ iJI :iE,,T nUGESS T:? 'rHL v.,?,i`I I dL .t; A,Ln• A!VU TG ? is ~v s r:vn I; ~ ~ <cl ' 't' Cj~. ~::'ti~, j. ~ x.E• Ch' ,:8~, ~ rC ( ~ cFFURT FOR A ~IaU Dpi"+, , - ~ ~ ~ - C7,,_Gn Of b, I'. 11c:.,f. :EC'c;I1''E=C1 I_, :,.1 ti.}_ tElx lt, v, u: L~. c;~'1._l..t _uN b,. ,Hr. Ct..~Tl I,La L;IaCr;l:,?I J,v71,Jr. tnPLP.aE5 TL ; i F TfiL ) - i : I + ~i~ HI i/~; ,,It~.,;hT 'r i _ , ? ~ L. - .,i F; r Py 7 t'-,- - u ~ .;Ol.SE Otl ;V~LCcin ix:nd r,]l;"tTtSV~!18 i:E~'uC;~`i :l.2'. ~,7:r ric;..E L`?i UCtSe };1":~Er :(v., ~.ar'1 ,~LI'_:-1;L~h J 1,J"H~_RITY cUUGt.T, 7 _ , r.r 1~~7) i'a"1Cr S^1Cl ;?CL1S8 hi:S lurir ~j.ixi:`E C(: n I t.'()VE'C, dI't:; ,!;CJ ~c:T1C'. !1t71. t)~lt u' ~,t' uit In , y c. ) , r ~ a ~ ° I TH~ :;JU,JTY ;;T ~ S,.i Y iT'~C'L, ,Tsai Tlt' , , ~ Uch1G StC tE ~Ci °'-OI'~iti021 4fr<;S ~w~1Ci~:'ttc C":nCC .1<1 r,~,.. ,C r,T , ,,.Jnne:Ll_ rO,~X:XXXdKA,.: HAa Ia:IC,TED HIS r'il'.LI,,.;;u::5 i" blVc .C } i9,;'il r';,RT C~' LAJtiiJ FOR RI^ f., l HIS BHT-OF^.+AY FOR ,THE llLEr~NItJ,' ~ Al,.i „lucr,l:'d: l?F THc; 'vnr~ .•t.Ar ;il+drr .;~~1;Js } , t~T b lla,. Ut i, - r utA r: r< e,w L, 'TC t....C't~ '~1`' 1~)C~~, ..r' S Z'r 'F f,: ; IVLfvs ?vo.,TH OF J~vlt,l rLTER a~T '.':K. r)(Ju ,I,',,L", s:C,, qli, 0~' trb tilaC GuT';. fSGI I+EaJ-~,tV v'_ili, ..t' 1, - ~ 9 ~ C.~l.CI `I'~, E' s y r Y s ,r1;L~H~Ir{ F'vM r`fLtJ„+ ,.t;,l ~ATc a~' ~ :"AS I CV H 1 5 QEF2 CL THIS ,,'v ,J l `!G ~ , - , .,y ; .„,5 1r~Q . Cl I 1 , i , : is >v,,JiJ vTtTt11 THAT 1T a:'1 ,,t.UL"J ,,UuT THL".• rrtv~I lt,slrVevl TU ;~~r,v.-V~v\+ ~t~`°~ t' TU ":CV,. THt I t; tcl J LL n.;~- hf rG Gu A C j ` . + y ,.Cl k.Lt }7~ .1.>~r .7:? G L e+~i iJ~-I C;Ii=C} : t.G t,l.,' _ ~i,,CtOn., 1 eIe 1i1t.lCLzt+~c1 F; t„ . r , - , ~il,,, I iIL '.JLeT Vii T HL rJ A.i,1c~JR Ci:B i , , , r t e'c }l . ~ : r r pp I,~cs j_ °nt_Er ~e t, c:2 Lt.c~ (_tt€a~I,IOi: Jai ,.L, -n_tEQ - , I :,iis1 LJ1. mot."-. ,..x," t._ cr:e ~cutri iie Gf 1ar:x t c'r .r4. . i %QI~; ~ CLL~K. till.;- - ~ , _ - >1 1 { / i ~ -i F . a ~ , - ii,l r I "Gi4 Oi 'hC iC:1i tt~_lre,_GI Tu: ,r_r, . , ~i r , r} cTnG I, ~ f r . , t; c:l , C ~ r; ; ~ ` w J G'vv . s: tGt'° J. C).J. L _ . rl w~~.lE:i . i~ •,1 tnr 1.r,F I,v,tatt I,,~klxr ~ ,4c.' i; r; I~ :{E _ t'. 1.:G1,F.r,u1 _C,v;7' ,Fac,,y9 ~t,.,:t ~ ~Gr;~;~ ':~;II i;lOn :.:Ct1Gn t,;r - _ ck"", 'Etl t , i, ht, '}71~' e,+llnE` ~i~~, , - r., 1 .I.rl' a~:tS' ~ i, A.~ C. : ~.l. CJ, t'~ ' S.i:. i;~ L I'r L..i t t _ a u l:iti Jib'`/ ~ ~1':', ~ „ x t.i Gt-C,• . ~ , ' ~ ,c~ , ,-,i i,..,. ,.4: , ry., ~i~ ~ ice -c " 'P:~t te.~as r~rca: rctt Carr,, 1~:lllt~ of d,_..c.~r..Ea~.. a ~ : } I t ~Lli St'iL'C. , : . „1, : 1 te, ' 1 I 1 E 4''I,r .J 1,C7i1 ...C`T1C,i L,i ;7 E" Cr r,±(~r _ T'. C111S Ga E~( , ~ . ~T4" ! , 1:' ~C i „ ti, L- i : + v v.~tlr lv. v.. C._ I ~.r1yr ~ , ~ . - - I'.. , C ' y t`:G .""Ftli." th4-I1 "1':t ~'+,1,.Tx.t'.:. , ~ ,1 . w:~, - ~;e.. , ~2> : _ _ ~ l . } I _ ~ , ; ! T~~~ , ~ ~ 1, i ~ !4`;141. Ylilmin~ton Pt. C, c Y{ilrninl;ton, t}, C. J i 1> , , Jtrno 1Dth 1 1 , uno ].7th 1116, 3 ~ c i h; 71'r A arwe©kl r mevtin ~ -0f. ; t, .4 ~v The r0g 1 y f, .h0 ,3oArd was held at lO:OD A,i~(e , l,. 1 t~ The regular weeklyme0tirg of the Board was held at 10:00 A g` lr:?i Presont: A~~d }son. I~ewlett ,ChAirmAn Geo. ~ . , ~r r,r, , Pl.Trnul., Jas. 1dr hall, }I.I{.(,ar , n 1,~~ Present; Addison Hewlett Chri' C ' County Attorney I,{arsdan Bv1lergy. dnor, L,J,{,olox.~an and IE` ?larsrien B zrmAn, jvo. W. Trask,. H. R. Gardner, L.J,Colentsn and Coun ~Y Attorney ellamye Cf1 ' I 1 , The minutes of ma rung of June 10th, 191rb ware. xda !-li~J-' , d and rtpprovod as rHCOrdod. I:} i, , e mz;nut0s of meetin of dune: rd 1 g , 91~, were read and a irov0d as rec ~ I orded, }fir, rred0rick llilletts, Acting ChAZrmr;n of the 17ilmin ton ~ ' r g .Tort (,~rnanzssion subnztted a brief resume ' j . Lliss Anri Maso ' the Commiseion's reaent activit e ,r ; n, Home Denanstrr3ta.on Agent prssented P;iiss ?drlnoyT.n rflM of Anson of i s and its pragrran for: the futuro, and announaod that ' bxe William 41' Assistant Tome Demonstration Agent to take `char ~e of the ~ - ~ County, as G, Broadfoot has beon appaintod by the Cprunission to take th0 a i 6 1 H (,lab work. I,{iss Ingram is n - -cr, ancount of i1Z health. pl oe of Lr.Horuce Pearsall who resigned 1 , recent graduate of the :{omen s Colle u ~ i g f the i nz.v0rszty of Nor ~h Carolina and cornos hi h ,r 47` lletts also submitted n . ~ recommended b1• instruotors at'the g 1" p,lr, z tvntatzve had et of _ • 1,;~, , L collage. Dpan motion of P{r, Trrisk, seconded by };r. t ~ r- g the 191,6 1917 ostznratos for the Port Corvnission in ~~r, the appointm0nt of Pdiss ingra*n was approved by the ?3oard Co..eran t.~o Dotal arnaunt of :~,'j,6e50, wha,ah eras recezvr;d fnr consideration di , . ~ tang tlro prof€~ratiorr o£ ..ha lr,;,~ i _ t,ounty n goneral budgete 1 ~'4~ r~x. Coy Cook, recentl a ointed ass • ~C~la Y PP istant farm demonstration agent was also treso „ Gognty Agent., to meet the members of the }Board: 1 ut wil;h t`r. r,alphin, Upar. notion of P.Ir, Coleman, second0d by 1,r7,. Tra:;k, Jack i,{artin co r ' fore l indiC;Ont ritizan was on ;4~, ;I, recomraendat'.on of uuper?ntc".dent of }~ablic ',lslfrsre, adn.tted to the County Homo A s an inmate. The County ,allotments- for old age assi.starrc0 and aid to ds e p ndent children tenta+ . , .ivsly ,approved at A r0quest o~ the Red Sor. Celar^?rl bail team-to use o • 1 " . , of, April 22, 19t~6, in the aMaunts of ~ .OO a d . me9 L zon .>tA r , ^ I 65,3, 7 n ~21,g96.OD, respectivel~> were tins f3 ci ire fot a bull ame tras reforred to amenrlod by t0ntat' th0 Chirirnwn to ascertain vrhat dates are i' ! ~ increasing Dld' Age Assistanae h ~ avttilabla and vrhat can he vrnrken out Y •65? 157.•00 earl Aid to UepOndent (;hildren h : ively to t}rat ~i f~i increase of 1 00 ~ Y ~,(.xib.OO, r,utkitt« u to and. rah ,d,. ~ .4,.553• , pres0nted and r0quosted by the ~u t, , Public 11 ~ tal 1'• ' h1r•. f~ardner P 0lfarv, eras upon notion, of Reports of the Grand Jury for the June 1 ~ ~ ,seconded by 'nr. COlvrtan, appr•ovod on the affirmet va r" 9 1~ spsc,al and regular , i voto of t,x. UardnOr and I;r, Coloma 5 terms of court wore roc0rved and filed. I and .the Chairman. Pr. Trask<votn affirmat. t,,. , , n ~ th a g ivvly pro~ncled .the ,>„ate rva..1 m~atNitspro ortionAt ' r' , P o art of A co.ununication was'rereived inert the ~tnta ' ~ e 1lotments. Tho fare ozr,• act o tr ~ t + P~ H era : ~ g, g z. n au r.ecou~arv .o onable tho cl ~ ~6h ~ Public tilor},s t,or,unzss ~ - epitrtr„ent ,,o tnl.© care of the cans . of certain strHets anti roads duo to t a :on adviuzng the Abandanm0nt bn our rolls and urg0nt onos.'now` endin r h oxt0nsion oft f' , p g. Lovrov0r the caiuuss ane ~ `tnw he Czt limits as s ~ v 1 r•s f0el {,hrtt the n0xt to *zslat,u•e l n which action the Boa Y ho Jn on cop3 of rnhp'onclased, sake steps to rovzde funds fort ' ~ l h sh~u.d i rd, u ©n motion of l[r ~ , P .Trask, s0ccrtdecl by "r. t,alomarr, concurred, P he ~aconc. half of the fiscal,yoar, in order that the StAtO ' can r participats in the usual mzzrmer for...1 ;ir tle second half. of „hs fiscal years ~ I ~ Are ort of the I ad es eF, p 1 Rant I?Dorn Cor:mitteo for Piay eras' r0ooiv0d and filed. ' 3 - I? ~ o The following apnlicAticns for licenses to sell be0r At tho locations sh r';; Vii' ondorsc~c' ~ wn, ,,h0 srim0 havzn br~en ' tc~l f;_ ~ + r b~ th0 ^,h0riff, ..were upon motion of 11r. Gardner, sacondod l;Y~ i~• r z , . F fhe _,.a 1,t~7 budget estzma"es were roaezvrrd from the Cour,t• I~~irm E. Font f'ar c r. La_1, anr.rovod: r ~ J 6 onsid0ration duritrF, the , p.; , hudi;e ~ .,tudy. a',; i F. C. Baldwin,.' Beer Grist e r 1 Mayne, ,}.C. '~;i C. rredare,Sr., " i+",arket t• 1 r A co~,~m+inication r0ceived from CApt,, I;ussell 3e11a, ~ a a, . ~ , r set .lon4. ~ g ~n r0questzn}, the cauc011atzorr of the .tax tl.' . Trevis tle Stron ^ ' n 7 0 Can ' s , assrssmotits ar, lots b and block u, 6, CAStIe HaymQ Road, Piil?±ins Stores ~ ~3 , r lzna ll~ce on the 1, rounds he zs urtahla to seta e r a loan on ,r!~, _ the nano, .n ar.~^ amount, and..{.z thereforo ~Yithoiat vn. r lue,_ eras r fern 0c, to the County Atlornoy to write 1;~+ Are ort of the. activ~ •h' a him concernin the law an this matt r +i P ~ i,s of th5 c~lorecl ..oma lli;ant for Iia)r orris r0r,s7veil, And pA~rrtent cf a,J,6C ~ e . t' ~ for ~~i~f, supplivs;userl in demonstrations eras a rov0d " PP t~. 1rr{,tor was received f o , t r ~I r m col Ge,1.Gz~lette, ~z„trice ?;nLS,trec,r, oxpressiri his dee a nreciat'or ' r• n , the ecu:~tes and honor oxtended hi0u GA f r h P p. i t for ~i~R~ 0.-license agreement front tho United ~tat0,, t~overrunont to Nerr }[anova r ~ ~ ° Y ~neral .1.A.tVne0lor the Chien :vF ?'n r ,,cunty camraencinl, en ,.1st, day of l,zna rs, during hzs vi~za ~a•Y 19~~, but revocable at sing time • a:re res to r herc; 1'riday, June. 7th. " I, , 5 by P en tip e of the UovOrnraent }~vzng ,juristlzctzon over tho property, to use, naintain and op~ra.t0 the landiri~; area and or'airmrt i'acil't e } ~ I i i s 7luethentha ,114 `included vri.thln tho r ark,- shoe r~ ~ n rr „ , 1 Airaort, Ttre follawin A lications for licenso^ ~ ~ ' P dP " rn on Fxa~,b_ts A and }3 Attachod to tha',a' , g PP ~ to ..011. ge0r at ~eagave and 7 mil0s on the 1,:arkOt.St ~ ~ tr r id hcer.se,agr0ernerit,' was. submit c ~ 1 ~ root .Road, ~ ~ pcn motion.. of ..ir, Coleman 'seconded by i,} r i a I hJ l,U:Lackam and_t,xs. B,leno ) , ~ r. GA, deer, e.cc0 ted `,e.nd +,hv r ~ ~ Y r I . Roche;ls, rosnoctzvel the 'name bazn ~ ; P , (,hl~.rrtan era,, au-,}.nrzzed ~o ex0czte - Y, w 1, ~n ruq forzu and th0 amo in the name: of the Coun 0nr,arser, ilv the uheriff wore ~,'on-r.tot' ~ ~ r , ~ ~ tJ . " , P .zat. 01 t~t•. .,olornan, ~0conded by r. Uar , I ~ . dner,_.t, rovea. 1P ' i' ti on mot' ~4. ~ ~ p ion of .,r. Gardner s0coru:}od b - A reque>t of ~d i}ixon far an ad'usti e r- ` G , ,1 n nt of the ~~21E3,~5 back t}.xe., c~u0 or. j Acrr>s of lean ~ y, r, Colsman, the Board Author:,zvd and dzrecthd t}:At rAeces~ar • - 1 . t..,rtn0tt 1 tlornntt tovrnshir, for the vr'Ars 1 1 to rr~, ' 4 I ~ steps betaken to acquir0 from th0 united StKtes Govornrlont' thaland_not ' ~ 1 9 7 1,3~ inclusive, eras raferr•Hd to the cor:>rn to i , ' ~ -a' i l , irtclud0.i zn -,he above license, i ~ o vr._th Lotrer t o act, :for the futuro devvlaprnent of the azrpor•+, P. cammtuticatzon eras roc0,_v0d from 1•lr. J.S,Sinmcns url;ini; that provision bo mAda to omizlo a ).ace ii' y 1 j'i~ A r0quest to reviser the Assessnent on th0 r~inert inspector of wainhts"and measures stnain cond't;o s tv r' p y charl;ed as "iin}~~ztown" the same boin tho east art of ~ g z n Ore bad and th0 Mato Ue rArtment vrith it 'I~ ` . r G inspoctcyrs are ~anaable to co e vr' t' r ~ , _ , „ I s 5 lots ~ and b, and pert east middle lots 5 and 6, in block 02 vr'th l v ~ ~ ` p zth nl Situatz~r., fin rnotxnn ~lf .{x, GardnOr son , i. i tee iatr of ad;justinl~ th0 ~211,,y0 , onclacl Ly r, Trask the letter eras ref r ' ~i erred to .lr, , tax0s due on 'samo to enable prospective purchasers to aa.r;ire the sarna`and av t t ` u'a C.U.Baucom, 5tatr, Su erinterui0nt of ,fei hts And '.rleasu 1 p , th0 ,axes .h.rson, s P G res for causzd0rat~on, ~ upon. motion of ?,`r. Ci;~lOrnan, seconded by r~tr. Gardrior, referred to the corutittrxa }with nov'<r: o act. ;l~I r t A l•equest of_It.C.Sldbu to arzno0 t~ r ry 1 hc. taxes ohA.gOri age{.net h{~ property in blocko 335 and 572, taken „ ov0r t . ~ too Hausin7 Authority was a , ' t}pon motion of tar. Colarnan, secnndod'ln~ l~}r. Trask ' the contract` + + , ; t, on motion nf,:-r, Gardnor seca,.d0d rr " to audi ~-~ha .books And reco ds of the J P , Ira•. Trask, refer red to the County Auditor fcr invr>st a n. ~z County,Offieers for ttto fiscel year ending Juna 3U, 19)16 was awarded to P. ~rA ig tzon nd re ore to the ..oard at a subse uentxaeot n• . Ldv rd C. Craft, CP P q ~ c,. I; , I~ et a total rose not<to exceed ~1 SDO.OD he bein t r w , ! , : g h 3 to est bid.ler. Two ,other bz.ds wore received, ~ I C. S. Lowrimore Co. net o exco Upon .motion of '.~"x .•f' • od '?.,500.00 And J,}3.I{cCabs Co., not to exco0d ~1,B5U,Q0, Gei liter, seconded by tin'. Colarnan; bz11s }ios, ~14_'~ to 3515 trer0 ,approv0d for, a eat, f I? Ym i, Are ort of the act'v't'es ~ 'his is the dot P i i z , of the `?3ure.AU of Idvnti:fication for itav w s ec e set by :the hoard to hear come. laint,> of asse~srnani;s an ^e `l P e., e.,tate as " a r oYVed and ~zled. adysrtised b ut nn onea.ppeared. A communication advising that in arcordancA with action oaks ' f ~ n at a meotinl; ~f the City Council en Tho mgr ; I ~ Jane. 5th, 191~b, tho land on Federal Point. which i_s boing used as A memorial of the llattle of Fart Fis}ier azng t}-en ad;lourn~d, ;1 { ( will be deeded to Nsw };anover Cotin ~ was recv'vvd ty , i from I1r. t3,13,Pad •ett, Assistant t;it Clerk, and Y taxon tinder consideration by'tho Board. Cler}. C.--_.______ I ; i4 P.r. rdnar broul,ht to the attention the. matter of erecting a r~srnorial to tho ururld 41ar II tl0t0rans 1lilntir.t,ton, Pr. C., Junc, rrEth, 19116. qI + - ~I from this. County: and moved thAt a corznitto© from this 13od;,r con er vr.t}r the Cit Council,: Local Post y. 1~ h Americrin Le ion and ath0r or anizat' t ,r aired g zon~r to hat end.. ,,otu1 Corunz.,~zoners Garc'me:• And' Hall wer0 n ty The re~•ulA t r r by the ChAirn>ftn o Represent this fiody. b r ti;001,1~ mPOting c. th° Faard ,vn,, held at 1U:QO held. ~ Ar0s0nt: A r r upon motion of nir•. C~.rdrrvr socorded b~~ I+1re C e coal, ddison Iivvrlett Chairman Geo. yl, Trask, .Jas. i.:. 1ia12, R. Gardner I„J,ColOman a d , r , of man, instructions were given to asl: far hids,on @ttorns~ r ' ~ n GountS ~ to by received and opened at ha meotirtg to be held tdonday, Juno 211t;h, "at 10:0D N,1. J P.arsden Bellarl~i. i ilpan mcztion of t.lr, GardnOr, socanded h ~°y. Calernan the Chairman era a b ~'n the reparstian T}1e minutes of meetinC of Juno 17th, 19116, w0ro road and approved as recardod. Y , s u~harzzed to el,i. P j,;,l ~ of the 19116-191.17 County Budget by inserting the amounts ostimated to bo 0xiondsd for the re-rules ,'1'' aeration of the various de_A 1 G 0 to i.isssrs. Lloyd b{eons' Chairman DonAld }tin. and A, E. Jonas re r0sontin the ireteran's c P p rtments of the County, sa1Ar•ies and other items-of a debatable natur, to ask , g , P G oru;titt08, appearod ~f'`~~ t i,.''+Il be considered and. determined b the ;l a }la • the Ci and Cotmt A. ro riava 6 QOD.00 ointl for the noxi; i'isaal oar w i• ~a;l~i, y ord. a _ tY Y PP P ~ , ~ Y y tp tied estab,.ishing- 4, nd f inane err . a ~ ~ ~ a ` ma L proposod Veteran ~ervie0 Center to aid r0turn_nI, vetor its zit hu.,iness advis0 and other- tters to enable th - Dives As s eedil as ossible oral vrithot. ' 1 ; CI on motion dirl seconded 1,xs. tdar a ~ u Lion of em to - tab xsh theme tt i , , ~I P , , g net C, Bolles. was Branded an aba~snent of taxes on a ve.l a rv es l~ P Y P unnecessary delay, i , 2 i ohar-e, lijion moiaon of , ~ , .r ~ ; ~ 3 5e0(. on 1 3 4 acres of land part (rare, Harnett township, for the year 1933 account of double b lIr•. Hall, seconded bl 'r. Trav}., the. same t as r~ferr0l to th0 County At--orney for opinion and for consideration durin th© r0 arAtiar. of the Cotrntv's burlCOt. r; ~ g P P E !'~11~ Cipon motion of hlr. Gardner seaond0d b~ P;ir. Col rnan ~ ~ ~ , a ,proved _ " r 1, , J o , Count) bi..ls IJos. ~3O j to ;43b wer0 P. ii for paynrant. , r of Pon motion of ilr, Trask seconded h r I>lr, Iinll rho contract to furnish and deliver ono ea ~ 5 stoYer i L ' i coal oat , h,in the bins old aotu•t hous0 and annex '~~.1~1 por ton, Ancl i~ro cars Pocahontas run of mine, ~ i}~ ~ 4 Count, ~I~ ji The mooting then ad journod. n J }come siding t~ ;k'; .72. per ton, we.n upon mot~an of tdr, Trasl;, 'socanded h1,- ~'r. Ha11, avrarded to th0 , ~prin er Coal` Com an the be'n th0 on1 1r~tar delivored to tLis office h ~ tho N t _ , . Ir~~ g v i bidders.. f: or h Sm'th ~ voal Co: A P Y, " 6 Y 1 4 _ Clerk. mP ny indicetin .that their bid uotin• 49.111 er ton doted. dune 22nd, eras not voce d ~ ~ Colo q 6 P 1, iva . }r. ~ , a. }•I n voted no, feeling thAt the awarding of tl°,e bzd s,:oulci hAVO baerr patl:ont.d un~il the ether 1?ia ij ~s rec0lved. lf~,~:. ,,f,~ 6, 1: c~ ~t~;, i i ~,4 ; f r' ' fir, ~ _ _ . f - .(~f ~ _ ~!;~.,I , (j ! ' ~:x jr6l ~ - ~r lYilminh:;ton, N, C., , Jirl~ l t ;;i%,! 1,4aetin• of Juno 2It s, J , 1gJ~(i. u ~l ~ ~ I h, 1g1}6, coiltinuod. - , ~I, r~ € upon' motion of },ir, TrasY, spcortde e ular wookl~ mtlet d b~ •r. hall, n _ra<rsest of'' rho The r g ~ in,, of the Haerd was. i j ~ the rorrular and G' , I Hoard of };;duce hold at 10:00 A ' r uI. elementary budgets ' on th© f'cil'lor,•irtg has is was ` e: tlcn to ; P.., ~ncroaae i, } .raved b~-.1~ ~i~ l advise f P , ,d rqm th© Caulity Auditor to the effec+, that the fi rtir ho Board a.ftor ha ~ Present: Addison:Hewlett Cha~rmstrr, Geo. 'P Trrr;sk, Jas, ]11 I+ ~ =F~ ~°,~0 000 , _ 6 es oars a r!•ovod b,r vIn „ .00 }ava.n . been t,nt pl him exc 5 , A+,to ne Afia J}all r, l.cipa~ed an naking-up the and€,ot; ePt for oountl r y rsden Hell.amy. , l,Gardnor, L.J.,,olemart and -•I , In lI g 21 n Ro' The minutes cf Jnoetin of ,hzne Fedoral Furidc h Z, 146, werW read and a•I r"~ a J }lrOVed ae racorded~ t!, . To Sus ,lorlont 1!,, } July, 191(5 Budget An appligation .for liconse to sell 'hoer a fi The, F.Fl,A' allotted to Now Iianover t . ea Hreoza submitted b~ Everlena I i,i'( Count r by ~:he ShArtff, eras !JPon motion of i J Noble ~ e a Y ,~02,c)5c),UO ii . Gardner,. seconded h,r i4r, 11x1 y , nd enc.orsad '`sll;; In cash to date: the schools have ro ~ 1 rantec I I,~~ ceivod 1. 62,2.18.25 a 'cn „ M ppll tlon for licence to sell ?Ic or on Castle HaJme hoed, two miles..+, rs Thr~ Federal Plorks A(enoy~ has. a roved th submitted b Alfred }}rlls , rom t . pp e Y r.i and. da...z~ roved by + y imi.ts, ` IP ~ he .Sheriff he Cit 1 ii~ cxpondianres of this a11o ~ wog ~i }j,.. i, (moot for tho by Plr. 'fr+isk, doclined by rho Board, Pon mot.ou of }Ir, trardnor secon dad following. items , as Clerk to the Count Auditor j ! f Surety bond for Jrlm©s Stnnlo iYlliar s ~ - Y + ~ 1. For d© Y v an ~ rho nanalt~ r. J of r~1,00t~;t)0 with the lndomnit Insu a .,i! ficit in collections for Rogular Budget ,,r „amn~ny as'sur©ty, the said amaunt hav' r• r nce ~f l' ?.1t,1.21.~. , g , lxed ~ Y .I 2r. For ' n haen b, t} ~t l.ncreusing P.4aintenanee of Plant buc}g;et ll ~ form. and execution by the i;ounty tlttvrnev yr „ ~ le t,ou,lt~ Larmlassivnors and approv©d as to ~ Total of cosh i.n ba , 00,00 . , a„ upon .motion of Nr , ! I~ i nk to applied to P,e uiar Bud a+, c anceptad., .hall,. seconded by l~lr, (;ardnal• p,,pr g g ~>,121... , , I+; a Il,~ r Capital. outlay , ,,upplementary Httdget U~-:an notion of Lh•. Trrisk, sacortded h I{ r ,fl~ For Su lamentar }31 r „ ~ It, 000.00 y r. ,,ardnar, Ranort Henry He s t I Pp y 1ri et .n„tractional ,,or~r r{is!Ibled and livin alone wag adrnittad to the C , , non, 7(3 years of a€;e, physicall ~I;.; Total o >a„ ~ ice '3,a1t3,00 g want klme or Y c...,h In bank to br; applied to the ':irelfr+ro, J .I recammendntion n!' t}te Supt,, of Public ~ : Sunc,lelnontaly Budget ~7,Cx)E3.OU ,I A report of Jalnos 'stalker }{ospt,tl for J Total of cash .received as appJ.ied to bdth bed ets o ~ one was received and filed. ~ ` g 6~ x.19.2 a r A netvttan ben.rin~; t};e signatures, of 21 citirrms and ,~bl!'~ 5• A11ottAd to Drew , Pro. art otmal ~ , ~ .anavor County Sc}lorls to be used as > t,t t . Avenue zn Aur,uban, asking the Carlr:rissioners tc , i p Y s resldln}; on e.nd using Page, , supnlem©nt tr, taachera salarie., if needed, to I P loo the State Hl€;hway and Public Yfor•ks ' Corn:nissnli to iJetke avAr and. i.rnprove and. add t t d~ a ,he ~>tata Hi};hwa„ S, stare for . t~" hrin~ supplement. up to the amount of su~?o a : J malnt©nanc , , , , .1 roan( Avenue, war, upon motion of 1°r. C o, the said . 01 ,man, seennded bar ..:r, Hall a rove l; k paid since 1glw. . d. c L0 7~C c: ~ Pp r A ao;,;, r,~ tt;r; r.r,Inp?aint in the suit of hl.len I ~r,1 hC, The 3oerd of Education res ,ec , in^eley-V - Iiow Hanover Count r, ~ t tful.ly requests i:hatitems laadti in I,a,,,, rrilinin'ton said f „ Jet al., to recover the j~ 1 2 = s d ~ or trtxe, by L, Ic?ri;ire t;ohrisc ( ) (3) ,n be allowed as exnondablo under t t:Iat ra tr,x+,r vrr..re ~ ~ ianar ~o Ja~tt~s James l;ixon ` a r; he du~ or unpaid nt the ti ma nf' +:he Salo 1v „ , L1 xntit>g , bud e t of a., „l : ~ 181(5-191}6. And, thrtt item bo allowod onl' I r,f erred to .ho ~onnty Attorne'. J s ~L il~ when cash is received. by tho 9oart, of Education to cav 1i,an rnotian rr ,.r. f,- r • ~ ' or Ul .,..an, SH,,an,. ed by r. (,ardricr, t;01!r i;tr }s' 1 •r rr_ ,`i;~~ ;~I' in full the rhedks to be issued 1-ls J,ns, ;?Gt) to 76ti? were a. , ar pe.yrlent, ppravad l,.r, ' ~rt it R!~ The F. Vt. A. Latham FI Jnds ,.n Janurlt 1 16 n ` n r~ recc,es ~rl: i ro s ' ~ to .a,t 9 t , ~Lded ~~nd.,.. ,hen tr,..en 1utt11 9;OU l.,t{,, sfednrsda~r Jul~r Ord rt • ~ , ~ P , the sun lament for the c},: c ~ . ~ to ,~a..,,ldor the laude ; ii ~I . P oat year lAl~t-191 J, t, I is , I This sum ^ As a rocord far the Auditors o r ~ • - ,4klf 3, , rt..an this r~'3, z7.1, i , ~ shotald be added to the 1g1;5-lrll~a` budget as a' seortrtite , il.-lmrn tan Ir, C., ,Jul~'~I•d, l~)itc~, (,,I receipt and expenditure, l> ! ?'iirsunaa to recess tnk~ln f ,r ' „ ~ ~ Htiah fu nndrt,, au13r tat,' 1;?!i6,+,ha ;ioard r:,at r. • ct, rther I eferenee to t}:c irts roctior. of w + , ~ t ; .Uc) A,Ii,, tv cr,nslder t}; , 1 e_},ht,,,and maasuros hroul;ht tcl the- r,ttention in a t?strnatas for tl,rz fsral ?+r;Ir 1g;tf>»1`?!•?, ,e bodge( I` I, o communic:.tion from ?Ir. J, u, S.f,7 rrong, Juno 17th, 191(6, an which. was rofnrrod 1 Chief. „fate Inspector. UIr, Hood, Stato Ins actor ryas a a' a , ~ i ~ p 11 ble aLd uas v, P.11. I~ertbers wero iresent r• rte ~ in ,,red tvcome before the } .x,~pt, 1..r, t,,,le;;1n, ! Fi Board to discilss the r.Iatter. It appeared that the rrei hin° anc . g b 1 r.IOasurin devices hava heon checi;ed ~ , ~V~ ovary year since 1a30, and i;hat the ~rork is bn .ho .3 , ~ _ irlg carried an as bc,s ~ can ,.h i,he n to Us,• d h_.a, d. I e uos~ s f rnir: +,he 7r,,,•, • „ , . ~,kF~,. ' under State Irspection. ~I 1 d force n kt„ 9 .,ou„ daps, ~,mnnt hetids zor tueir needs, and that, t}Ia Co ' ~ h d ,.r ~lUd(,mellt, c10 rho 1)est t};Py t;'an in. 'ialar~" lIlcrOaSt'S t4 }1G1> tl:c t, ~ •,r. J~Jly' lOn8r5, I~ of ? lying, • I rlPlu~ oc,.: m~,ot tl-:a advanced cost , A report of Cotvrlunity FlospitAl and Ladios hest P,oom Gomrii.ttae for 2lav warn received. and filed. l A recess wns then tnir , , { , .en J.It?1 ) a~t? ,"..1:., }'rida~r ,lu1y- 5th, lt)I-1G, I I Applications for, licenses to sv11 hoer stibmittad by TJi:llio r" I. arvirr and 'i.A.Jloore at locations at the ~~I l~ milepost on the 4riarkot Street Road and 4'fintor ~.r r " ( p. k,.espec~ivelyr, I'}lo ;larla hein}, in dtie form and 'ark. r- , ' ~ 9xecution and endorsed h the e». , 11:~:inf;ton, Jul'• nth lei! E>. y ,h , iff, were vnon notion of }.u•. Coleman, aeconrled h, i'ir. Hn11, approvod, • ~ ,I 3 6 . } _ U} on .motion of }.ir, Hall; sseonded b 'Lfl•. Gardner H , 1: Tli.is i s t , i the oa a , F , , i, , Y rd ctinf, nn t, gpinwan of the County }1~ date t r,t +,ho raoas:,od rvrlat:~nt rif Jul, rd tc resumo r; ; r ~i~ Attorney, found that the Ai ort },mrlo eos a ; „ r due ~ ~ 3 ~ ons_derltiar. of the bud rat b rp J y re o.nployeo~ n_ Pletir Hunc,vor County and are to be ` to the cleat}i of I:'rs. Raehr~l Cazntsron sister of t`r. Geo. • ~ • 6 ut considered .members -nf th© Count 'te,t' , ,f. ~rlt:,k, B Inelrber o~ t:us 1Jod t};e f ~ y irem~lnt Systom. meeting was not h:ld.. , ~ " 16h~, ` t ! i,pon motion or P:4r~ Gardnor, secon:led byr J'lr•. Trask, .the 'Board directed thr, a >r ,+a repared ' ~ I it n brief be P ~ C1er,., ......and .submitted to :.the. 1)i.strict F,n ;sneer at a Public H ar ~ t`, ' A shouse 1 o in€, ,c loo hold in the Courtroom of the Cas~osr , I ~ , 10:00 0' clock A.h. :>'rlesda J ,r - , y,. ul~ S0, 1846, suilportinb incransed channel depth to nt lease j5 fast :aw` I tide at and b ` t, h . ' elo r itilmillftan, ; t. ~i lrilm..n_ton 1}. July E3 1c16 ) t . ti on mo , p tion of }+{r. Gardner, secantie~? by I,ir, Colonan, instructions tverr, •ivcrrt o contact tho ronerty Tlto re.ular ~ , ~ .r P• , g weekly medtin}; of rho .Beard was hold. at .10:00 A, Id. ~ ~ ot7rJers in the aroa from'the Inland ti'tater•wa to Ir;asonbaro ~rllet w't ~ n P; ; 1nlormatron ~i Y i h ~ha visor n. ascert~.n._ng concerning permission for right-of-wa and sfol disTlosnl ermi~ - n sad Prase , i Y I p i.n connection Frith the Jlr po nt• Addison Howlett Chllirm.nn, +,ao. 1J• Trask, ,tae. I,?, Ball L. ,1, Coleman. al c} , i channel iron tile, Inl!>nd l~Intol^vaJ~ via 1lotts and Iirtnks chance t " „ r i~arscl - I i + I t,ounty Attorney 1 o I,a~onhoro _tllat. an Bel..arvyp A roc}uost for atl jus meet of .t.}u back trixes char ed a •a' r ± , , rt ek ~n _ T} , ~ eras referred + } ~ L t, ln,t ,ha pro}Ielt; of Alan. YeaCer, ~_o. Ie rninu„~ of meetit>€; of Jttly 1st, j~d, and 5th, warn r©ad and a roved as reco•re C to tho ..rn z'lit yea uit.t pcvro. to act. Pp z 1 d. A , patitio , , I r i of , , r P el h , r , a. t r , r~ ~ , e -de (71 r , l nt I Jn r, lI7I r a g u c. , C nanvi..le.Sou d t - ,II request to eanr,al she back taxes chargod against J,A.Cooker or. the ll):;;~,lot It, sat block j,~~ , to tr;e rn,,r ?t,r ~ , ~ 0 In the ,s ,,~n~~ n c}n ,ltt€, that imprc~vemllnts h,, m~ tic (!I amount of r r rilnrT, oast..:IOm rho 1,lasvnbnrnALnop rc»'.cl, seven ~anths of n mile nt a~ for .the years 1C1; to 1;119 i.nr,., .for ,the reason the .said tr~x vr:,,s char;;ed °~aiust t.,~ on the saidloo ~ a point r v+r•nn ro er tho .,:pal. . , 1 ~ road n.bout nee rn~le south of .,angers, ,vas prtlst.nted }~y Hishvp iltaruis. G, I)arst and t g P p tY, r ' lot 1} owned b ,'Im. ,rlrh. hl ~ Ted v nins4 un ~ ~ • k ~ ten,, r., vrhoreaa It .,hould hnv© boon n.,ar~, ; on mots r;,1~~ J,A,Cooker on the SEA was , , I o` on `of ;~,r. „Diemen, seconded by };{r. Trask, wets a;,provHd .ant} referrod to thootatfl t{• , w r i€,h rai and ufi:.i ,z€, tern rnotian of 1r. Gardner, seconded by 1,ir. ua].anlan, referred t.o t.lo -ublic l"forks Coi+lrlission wit;°, re cost that rnnlediate rr11'e1' be s ~ i €,ivc,n. Coinmi.ttea with potvor to Rct. ~1,~,,!~ lipcn_matian of I'+r. T` r a r 1 j' , I P , 5 r. Ha 11, the „tato Highway Public 'ilorlcs :,'nl=llai:ssion •,icre ',rrar 11 r ~ ~ 'r ,tohert Chahbc, a disabled veteran of 47csld D on motion of:>hilr. G~rdnor secnndod b r ''i rack secon«ad by 'r },all I asked to mal:a a ro ort on thr; stir ai ' ,nt cr^€'n~ , gsiciing at r~10 t,entrEil Bou,evard, Sunset ,'risk, oyes upon niatioil of }ir. 'I'rr..,k „e;cnl,•le e p i I of -l..t ns at .,olt ato to inau orate a -,ta•ant im . ~_t erlr' .,,r. H ' d by s~ : r, g p all, and on r~,colnmendation of the. Carnt~.• .`tornA• ~^rantecl • , in „ea ate which ryas a raved l t i • r ,;nv ? J, I Rl;}: LIG1,11.,}, to soil. i'ru' L Pp 7y this Board r ar ch loth, 1)1fE, and farvrarded to rho ~tata [nrhr , Jei;atables in Nevr 11ar;o~ C I ,r, it and , Corunissinn for c:on~i deraton. And acknowledgment o" .>•nczint of a letter from tho aa;r •ate Caau,unznY ver o Irty for a parlad of t< ~lve rtor.ths. i g (;tub concerning t`Iis matter was ordered. ' ~ ` APPlicrttions , a , ~ t , for 1. ..Ense;s .,ell br,er at 5ee€;ntH and. on Ohl. ,{,rt1c,rave Sound ;toad, su+~1•~iti,:Ud b~ f ' A, C. t;ideci , , J Instructions were rc s - r, , ,r" n end ;t, t,..~outheryand, rnspaa,.ively, the, s0.I9t1 be .n{, in nuo corm Ilnrl a.xenut' r a 1 n f,ivesn to request t,ho Stxto .{.~(,}nra},r } ublic; 'storks ?Cnzva;t: inc. to reel^ce b+r i;ha ^t ion. erlc uncor„ed •,.tarlff, lrnre 117011 Ot1a?1 of ;r. Htlll, 3E1Ci~illi.'•(1b~,~ Jar, `~I'6tS}i, grlllrtfid. r,li rail om the I'urvi.,l2ce Crock l;I•id~;e. ' ,s~ ! It®UartS Of t}I!~ La 1 , ,>r 'Z r; 'r` ; r! + t ~'~,I ~ tt ~ f rho d ..s a..,t .•or.i ,orlm~ttee nn. , uroeu of Iiientifica~lon for J~ , ~~+i,. })on Cint.,pi1 aI . r. I;ri;.:)39:L1~ SCCanrlat" +•'r. (rardIlel' allthC11"t`r Yra:, r' ~ I? n'Jnrl:t'.OiIS ~ ano ,r(.. H reat7i.Ved and filed, ptl",III VariotlE Y ' ~ d ~,tVP11 to r LIIt .site , : 9 , r , County llepttrtmonts a:r a h,tsis of the 1c~l,r-1.r!!E, hud•ret rc l n•o r at;ans nendin ~ t}!a .adoption oI _ ~ 1, lI P1 L I,,,1I,, [ r , i, l ,t.. rj'',i ~I~,an notion, CouY!tr b" v 1 " ry~ rr , , ~ ~ll„ to.,. ~>16 to 3~~9_i•tera a~,lroied 1'rtr •,arnlent, !.<i;~; i ,i ;r;,19 mo ring than ad tour•nar9. ~ ~¢._,t Clerk. ~ ''r'' 0 - r ~ : fig rc i ~ i~ 4 p° ~ . 14setin • o ~ ,Yi.lminE;ton 2fi ' f Jtulo 2 th :191 f , C,, Jul,? let,, 19116, , L g - conti.ntz©il. , ~ ( , y~ ~;s: iinon motion: of }„r. Trn~}r p sr~ronc}ed b~• ~-r. Ha 11 r, r~ar+rost Thg re tzlar vreskl mostinr of , i of the Board of Lduc~tion t Y the 1}na2•d }vas held at 10:00 A ~ ~,E H ~ the regular and siapplemrrntary bud ets on thri 'ol nvr' r o _ f a ~ 1 _>.ni, baser was are roves ncroaaa t dose from the Ca .P ~ w -the. } a , 1~ ,i linty Auditor to the effect that the fi •ures rrr;r ~ rd e.ftor had' Prssent: Add:tson Hewlett Chnirmrtn Go 6 e a rovod'b•~ ~ , o• Yr.> Trask Jae. I , , °w~0,000,00 hav~n~; boon t,iiticinatad in' oak n ^ 1• PP him errin t f 6 Coizn ~ Attorne - tiarsde , Hall, -,.}l,Gar i L up ,hs budget: P or ty Y n Bellamy. dnor, L.J.uoloman and ~i+i , - li~. ii Tn Ro: r,; Fedora. The minutes ~i' mresting of June 211 ].a16 t 1 I'tznd., t , vsrc, read e.nd approved as rsco mo c rdod, , ~upplorront July, 1915 I?ud An aanlication for ~ , ' r(~ i oo " get 1>.cen„o to ss..I b ~ r a,, ,,ea Breeze siihmittod h~ ' ''1 ~ e F ^~Y.A. ~.llotted to :Now Hanover County r by t:he abet ~-ff , was a on motion f F,verlena h)oble • + y . nd enr,orsed ' D2,~>).00 r, Gardner, seconded h„ ~•r, Hal , :e : In cash to data: the schools havd received ~ 1, .ranted b2 ? ~ c, ~ ,•19...5 An applicntior, for license to r >si1 beer on c i The, Federal Ntorks A •enc r , Castle Hmnle Rea 1, J has approved the submittsr. by Alfred tlslson and die.1 ~ d, .two miler ;'tom the Ci.t~ • a roved by t lYn.a.ts. , ex nrid I Y P ~ ,he Sheriff was ,r , ' i.t p tares of this allotrlont for the b~? ?'r. '!'task, ctoclined by t r ~ pan motion oi' he .ioard, ' }:r. (,ardnar, seconded fol?.owing. items.:. Ir ~ as Clerk. to the Colin • t Audito i . , .,arc eland for Jame r I ; , s Stanlsv i'' r ~ , 1. For deficit in collections for ~ 1a.,liam„on n the nenalt of ; 1 ; +I ; ip n Ro~;ulea' laud et . Comnan as curet the sa Y ~,0)(~)l. with the ~ , g 21.1,121.2,. Y Y, id amount having; been fixed h~i the ' ~ , Inlmm~it,~ Insurance 1( 2. ror increasing; 14ainterlanca of Plant. bud et form and erecvt' Lou,ltr Lo; g ~ 11,000.00 a,on by the County At;tnrroy, ryas a on r lma.ssionors and apprnvsfl as to Total of cash in ba lot f ,~~~;L nk to applied to Re ,ular Hurl o+, -c ants tad. P yon of llr.Y}[al1 socart 1 1T G ~~,121.2~ P , fled,. by 21r. Cardnel ; 3 r Capitai Outlay , Stt 1©mentar , ?it + i.,n , t PP y tcg©t ~ t, ..n motion of 1,1r. Trask sncnudsd h I~ir, uardner For_Su lsmenta r 1.,0(10.00 ~ y ~ , PP .r Bttd et, .nstructional Sorv ~1• , Rnbort Henry l}c~nson, 74 lrsars of a e a Y • g icci ?3,Oy13.00 ~lsi~blsd and living a].ona, was admitted to ~ , g h sinal_ t},e t,nanty tiaras on repo ,1~ ~ p Y Y } Total. of cash in bank to bra a•rilied tot aolf arc;. mn,nc 1, he icltinn n, the .,,apt., of Public. 'I Supplementary Bud st g 27 ?~Ja.oo , . . ti re ort of Ja p rtes ulalker hqs rttnl-for Total of cash rote v o 1 Juna was received a i ed s a ied t nd filed PP X o .both b,zdgats b2 21c} r ..2~ A petition bearing; the si natures a 1 f 2 Avr;nuv in Palc?t ~ ~ 1 citizens anti property olmers ros'c . +,,I 5• A~lotteci to New Erviover Cowlty Schonlr to be used s abo ; • , l.lan• ~xi a n, ask_ng the Comr.+lss~oner^ to r;ta Ea on,e.nd wing Page ; + supplement to teachers salaries +f e r t P ~ ~tiort th® Stets }{i • n 1 , _ n edod, to .oin.nssian ,o take aver and i.mpravo and ar}d to +;ho o (,hway And .ublie lYorks ~t!tte I v ~1 ,'~i lring .supplement up to the anount' of r .i h,va, „ supplorlnnt .tv~aue, was a ion mat' ^ fi ~ J ~sr,, for maints a ~,~11 a ~ 1 a.nn of t..r. ColFaman sQr, n nco, the said S(i+ I p id since 191.12. h~ ~ ended 11 ~ °r. Ha1_.l, rrpprnvsd. r ^E, ; A cap; of the r,olri,laint 'n t _ a,;(;,! The.Hoard of Education respnctfull re uost t r a ~h., suit of Ll.1en tiosele5r-,,r - reeve Hanover C ~ t•~ , Y q s hat items ]ends in Isast liilmint;tom sold for taxes 'r, r ~ ^,r o.tn.l et al., to rscoyer the y t„ I.,r,_nttr,~, Gerais^i.onor to , ~~-~2)-(3)exld that ra to Ne ~ , be allntivod as sxporidablo under the x,. , c. s c ~ Ja a Y .u~ nr unpaa.d st t}te title of ti:e Saln; jvar re}'rtl•r„ ~ ms. l,i..on, Llainti/rg t ?aildget of 19115-191}6. And, that item 5 be allowed . ~d t , ~ anly .o ,ho „o,rnt ~ Attornwr, l ~ trhen aaeh Zs renewed by the Boarrl of liducation to covclr Nihon i!:otiali' of lit iii i ii ~ . ,c7len~ar. SeCnnC uy+ ' i + .n full rho checks to be issued sd b; i7ardner, (a~.zliiy bills ;c,s, v~?6O lr"• ~ i for payment. to_a,~d~ veers. a , 1 i i I'l l avsd ~ .Lanham I'rznds ~n Januahr , r, r , ' ,k _ 1911E pr`avdsd funas er.!,:~s err-y then tF;,ren 1 ;a c?• ~ a znt.-_ 0 to air the sup lement for th~l sc}±anl year 1~1~ -l) , . 0 /••I,~, ~+ednr:.;da~,• J1tly ,3rd, to onsider t}to b E~. ~ ~ P, P 1 9 ~5, , lid st. ' , . L s~;,~. T}t>.s rum is • 1 4~ r; C1or}: As a :record' far the Auda.tors ofI'i.CO this 1.1 ~ '23.35' !I should be added to the 191;5-1'}l1o budget as a seohrato receip and expenditure. < d1i1m3nl;ton; A'. C.,; Jul~r ,.d ~ "f II I ! ~ , . 3 , ]7 1. i Ptlrsuar . r , + ; ! i to . ees,as taltien r:onrlc~lr, Ju1~~ let, 1c11iEr rho ljoa ~ , . c •r Y6'i th further rofnrence to ` the ins oct' on ~ : i - , rd rtst c,t ) „10, z: sp i of tvo.,l,hts and measures brnur• t ~ art}rirtte5 .l or t},e f"sc. tr,r c+ ~ ~ rt••l,, to canszdsr t} i:! ~ ~ „h to ttl_ r.tuentinn inn t ,r, c~cr 1a::E~_~~l, e bud at' u ~ cbmmttnic~aion from t r. J. 5, r ~ ~ ,,a.l dons, Jun© .17th; 1n1~ an which w ~ , as referred to ilr.Bnuaom, C ief .,rate Tnspectcr. 1,Ir, Hcod, State Inspector, teas ailabla and ryas 'nv- to P.1' r^c,r,.bers •rere , s a. .lt cl to cam:. 1?ofore the )r,sent r,xcept t.:r, L,,le;lan. I.ff'~ Board to di.smzss the rts,tter. It a: eared that t e yr irf! ~ _ PP h e_(hillb and moasurS.rti~ devices have bee i'il~, f rave,y year since 1930,. and that the work is been car t+ ~ n,choclred '}ie 3 G tie, on as br{s„ crrn r, ,)1 t,}+ta llm>.ted force afzrd h~arr,. raquast~ fret: the ~,,u•iaus de~nrtmant heats.' t . !!;I~~: under State Irsprctian. I i for .hr;a.r ner;d~• i~~ .n ,hE...r ud•ment da t .best they can in. salar~~ A ~ndghat she Commissioners, i .i ho v itlcroases to hi:a 1 A r c al'-wing... "1 , l or..: m~ of t,hF advanced cost ' eport of Corm;tunity }}o.,p~.tal and .Ladies hest hocrm Comrd.tteo for iav ware roncived and i" e ,m . tl d. A recess was there taken tcrti , + c ~ .1 ,1i 1, I r a . ~ Appl,-eat>.ans .for licensAS to sell hoer ruhmiti;ed hlc4`~i11io 1, Irvine and ,R.A '.o r ~ ra.daJ dull ,,th, ].9,1b. I!i ml ~ ~ „ ..Poe,. at locations at the 1 le post on the r,,alkot street Road and 4~xntor Park,res eatavel~r Tho sumo be' earl i P tnl, n r le form _ ~ /c erk. 'illr*.in};tan, l?. Jlll!, 5th l<r execution and endorsed by the Sheriff, were veer. motion of t{r• C ~ ,1.~>• ~ olerlan sec , ~ ended bl r, hall, approved, ;I, ! Illion motion of ter. 13a11,-renanded b Irir•. Gard o s ~ `l~;' • y n r, the bard act,.ng on t};e ol,i.n~on 01 the County is '-s.~:he datr• .,3t,at +,}lo'xecess ed. mset.n•• n' ~ ij ;Attorney, found that the Ai ort E •a i G 1 ]u1~ 3rri, tc resume r,onsidsrrl ~ rp ,nlloyees are'om:1o eos of err ra riuo o i tier. of the bu P Y I) 1, nuver Country and ere to be the dert.r of I„rs. Rachel Camr;ror., sister of j".r, Geo. 'r m diet, but considered numbers of th® Count Retirenent S s ri -r 11^+r.t,k, at mer~ber oft Y y toil. m ot_ng was na+, hc:Id, h>,„ 13od f, the ~ I~~ . Lrpon motian of t.9r. Gardnc+r; secon..icd bl~ ,,ir, Trask, the `3oard d~racted their w •'t+en h b reo9red • t a reef o p ~ ~ Clt'rlc. and submitted to the Diatrict ],nl;ineor at a Public Henrin* to ' ~ spouse ~ 6 un held err the 'Caurtreom az the Custom ~ 1 1 10;00 o'clock A.I,, '~tesda Juhr 30 1 G su•/ o t' a, _ J , N, , : Y ~ , 94 , r p r a.nb lncrr~ased channel dr.p ~n to rrt, lose feet ~o ide at and belovr ^filma.rl};tan, , , • ' ,{ilmngtnn, t}. ,July 3, 1)116, , ' Upon'. motion of blr. Gardner, seconrted h her, Col e a_ y em ,n, a.nstructions were give! t o con~,nat t.hs t~ronarty , to regular weekly meet1n} of the '.3oard was held at 10:00 A, t1. ' ovmors zn the area from the inland }'latertvay to ,'.{arontioro Inlet yvith tha view of ascsrtrin}n~ Inl'arnot~on E, ooncern?ng permission far might-of-wa and s oi.l. dislaosal .e i ^ed nr s~ Y P ~ P rrl..t in connection with rho prnpa e~~nt. Itddison Howlett Ch!+irtn~ln; ~rso. i"(. Trask; ,ias. i.4, fia11, .l. Color: n channel 1'rnm thE, Inland 1Yatertva~• vi0. 19otts ~ lan and „ov and .~rtnk., chanusl to lasonbnro Tllet, 1,iarsdon Bellarzv? my Att~rnev ~h A request for adjustaent of t}ie bath taxes ~ , ~ , .,,,a eharg~d ai,a,.n.>t the propert<r o1' Aler. . Yes -er, h_o~.} i,. The minute; r , , t of mo etin ° 1 of a st tt , 1 1 3•d and r esro r n a v ed nda + , ~ , rave i, ~q eras: roferrec( to the .,orulit~eo lilt}. pov;or to act. Pp d a„ recorded, ' ,f f A potitiun of ~t; n sight resident pra~lf r~. tamers G c onv..lle Sound re 11c;>tin A request to eanr.el she .back taxes abet od n ainst J.A.('ooksr nn the }i},=~ lot 1 i,n Mock "5U, in the. t,o tr, -a~~~n~r' ~l ( that impro~~amt,ntG ~ I C f I yy g g ' ~r G. - fi. 6 "nett ~8P 1 ~ n, ~ r 1`511._, }ci!.E ' amaitnt nf' ;,•~5•5> for rho years 115 to 1~~19 `na. for t;ho reason - ' ' ~ a ^ >aiiist dxnf; oast .tort the tPa~nnborn Lnop ro..,i, srlvsn Font}l„ of n mile; nt zti oint the raze tax eras char,;eu ~ C on the. saidloop read e~.bout one rnflr, sautlt of Seagate, .was nrosflnted b Bishn P ~ r+:;~ vrrong property, the I~Ihti~ lot 11 owned b ,'tm. Ifr:h. All s~einst Y p .Lamas. t;. Ua,,:, i. I. e , y ~ en,. r., vrharons it should have been-char~,G upon mation of i!;Ir. Colerian, ,,oconderi by i`:r. Trask, yetis a;~praved and referee • ~t, ant) (~,,;i ,1,Ii.Cooker on the .,E,~11,'was n nn r.,otion oP Ir, Card ' , the d to the State h' . I,,, P ear, socondou bl llr. „n?.oman, referred to °~z'.alc hrnrks Col~u ' ~ ~ ighwal and ~lis~ion tviti+ re hest that al*mledi;;ts re.l.ief be a,vt.n. Corlmi,ttoo vrith pawor to act:,. q F ! tips;; meteor! of I-ir. T is ~ b ~ `'r. Hell }`r. ?tobert E. i.'I~ Upon luotion of :at,Ir. Gardner ss+sonded b r l:i t , r •rr+re rt k, cocoa tsd l Chabot, ri disabled tiretera l r, Hall the .,tate Iii }lyre ,,c ) nhlic ilorl,s .,arula.ssion , ,'Par , a „ n of Vio, ld ,E: , G Y II rt,sding at 110 Central ,3ou...,varci, .,onset ,.ark; was upon rtotioll nf' ir. err ,k i+` ,i~j asked +„n m~x):e a report on t}e petition of :i+.izcns at :,oa ate to inau*urato a street im rcven:erit sect,-am I;lr. H ,ocol:~lsd b I ; ~ g ~ ,and on rz~corcrnendtitiarl nl the (v=,nty ~ ror„sy ranted h'R.,h LICIaL,I1 to roll . Y P ai~ C a 'rt I in ,:eag;ate, which leas approver! by this Board Iiarch lhth 171 E a r,:rhvrnv iJ;;, tt a , 1 , nd Iat•trarded to the .trite . t ~~;:ntables in Iletiv 1iar;uver Cnur,ty for tz period of t?velve r~ol:ths. nd .i, Cnmmissian for consideration. ltnd aclrnawledmmont o" *n• + t rulur.at ~,,p e e,oapu of a latter from the .,oagate Co r,~' Club nonnernin t'lis mrtttor ryas nrdead g r' ~ A17l~liCtttlOnS far 1:'Cf•1158F t(. Sell bit3l' flt SB`l(itit8 rxild an tht) ii;.'rtle ~rl'OVa `nt :4 ~ • 1}.,..attar' by i r C, (ridean and ,'i, Sottther.~and; respcc,-zvely; the same bN ,nl; ir. iue form. rind ex . A Instructians ;veto. alua •ive?n to ro cost rho S 1 = • t; x, . r a o . „ ~ scut;o i • t, 9 tats ,i.Li,heray . ul>lir; Ffnrks .,arvl_ a. ion. to r,pl c b. ,,he „}1e „ i n 1.,, „ _ n exlr, r,naorse • r>fl', tirere rmoll ni..on of Hal, .,ncann:d r, T ,r, d ,:r. rt ar , }rrnntsd. rail orl thv I'urvi~i,lr,e i,,nok lrid'e. I, r~l,i 6 a„~ ,°il , < ; ~h, !te;arts of rho r~ ~ , ' acre Corlmitteo and 1?ut ono of lrlenta.i inrttioll" Laaa..s 3.lst .t far Jttno erctr . !1 ~.1pon nata.an of + r. unl ul:nt cote r,o,a t ns of ..,t o ror- , n . ~ rv r. ('rflrdnn. , authoz ~t;? lies ,owed anti riled, ' ,r gtvsn to c.ant}.rlue opsrc.t.o r ~.y vfrrious County 1)eprirtmonts an a hctsis of thelglr_lnl'(, r,,rM adoption e. 1 ~ 1~ , 1 t. i, et a , pro r lat..nrl.> nr,nda.n :the i ~ II I ; 1~?~ifa-1911 '.a,ull;et. ~ ~ ,I; ~ i' jf ~~,nn oration, Countlr b°_lls elec. 3>1F to 35~i9 ware n•1 rcivsd far •ia rnlent, + i' 1 P 1 l €r ..lo mo ring then a., r:,urniid, i 1' t , sir ~ Clerk. h5i. : ~ /r,~fz. , 4.~ !7.~, ~ E+ ' ? r~ , ~ ! ~r.,9 Id@etin~; of July s3 9 1 , cantl.nuod. O:i ~ ! i ; Are ort was rrc-' , r~ , p h1vPd from the Hack Tax Goll!3ctnr showing that ' ! : r b.eet>n; of J+xly Ls,,h, 1.)11F;, caritirluPd . ~ and ,2 7f £ rr DJ,tf~E).Jlt Yrft^ ollfsctrrl #or ~ t ,9 r .),5j for the County, m~ka.ng a total of I f .12 hat' - * •r , ,e qt , v. , , .£!,.ee co..1P~t,@rl for +•hra , .t,~ , ~ rlunth aP John (essr.l, Jr,, a+,nr°ne~• June, appfsared i:o as>,: that i,, , A statement lva;, rPCaived from the Stn • Sanitariuri or take. s1 c } e L ~ r, } to r3a !h ~ ou ;,tPps; rlPC9r•A ntr .lain 1'r a rc! of I'ubll:c ,ieliara Elrvi.sl,n- _t;hflt "7 , ar r to ~ ith tncs . Fedora,l Fonds 1'rere sent to 1; l; 311,~t,0.12 , ~ ` ' ~a a r ~ . larif th tilni,u to r , hes caurty for old rz:P a^sl.stf,1 ~ 'r +4r~P an tha me nl us., the I)roreads t Y © t1Ula t:a at .r n .I<,d t,ro:rs :1 q ,a l _ a _ f; na as to flase;idr - v i u ac 11 lro- s Isro r@r drnl.nl.stratlon for'the nu)ntn of J r snt r,}!.„1r?re, an fir the trerit„moat ti o~:hrr pro;rr!•ty I tY to rsnabla 1!.I. 1rne, d I or _ pf ..zbt,rculpsis afi ' J trJ he ,a~ed for i~ t to sP11 Tn vrars ~ r. ,}Ia "Ano") , ';f ~ - « pcc,,t, .-,r, rJesse ' ' „ } urt~ar,fe £ir:d sn..;.; 'i' ccncH. nln?; ,~aosP facts to br, t,. r 11 u „ • +_cP r ua.l aver tr, i;}Ia +;punt~r a+ a° -n.,truct!!cl to write *'r• ' ,j, A surfsty hand far i(enoi;h Ray Pinkston as i;prlstpb •tarrp,' , l,or, " 1P of ,_derl..rJin+, ± ~ . far oplnZOn nnrl'£,d.r'r, ru t,rrrlr;lil. ~.n the. r)rsrt£sLt,; r ~ t~ z a., X1,000.00 >vith thcs `rlnited StatPS 1'idelit rind Q a• t,r ~ ~ p' a, A .e nest of "'t, ;,ho ' y u I an t,a, u)£im~ , sure+,~• ~ ~ ' 4 des to a e Le ~ • ~j , ~ b~P i.} a -r i or , E »n fixed hJ the .County Gomr!iissi.onei•> and Ern roved A~ J*• ai~.l ..,7aur;t }':avin- :October 21st, thrau.h 2(> ~ ,tar},.urt Yor the Am@ri . p ~ to form alld Pxfscut.jo~ t, +~i , (a f; th, was a nn aen Le ;fan a JJ ,.le: Coo • P moth to of rJ nnual riti , , ~a'i wa,"> U~an f10ti On Of 1", T Ttt~' i f-{: , r ~ C^, n t r. .task SFJCpnr1E7(I b, .w G' r. ? nttCrnElr ~a?trn_,,,.f,8 YYit}? "JOYrer' tC .act ...r, T.a.;k, :'aCanrlP nn.? ~}taiYA, wCe .l r . ols~man, £1 rFs , ~d. inh,,murh as d b ,..I , k of , . ~ a foot h,,: it a Pars Y }iall, rafPrreu .l ,r :.*te 'an ~h~~ ni,rh ' r.. pP that 't}te I!olr to she StK ' t of , r,tpbar r' ~t}r. Jianaver rrl ;h Sr,}ionl dzl,m A request of twrilvo ca+, l r 1 ) il~ ;,.17,Hn8 fGr ! I'aVf:aailt;r ,t , ~.i nC:1ae? ' ulna, to })lay... r~("+ ~ ~ :iPCanr?Rd ,.i m t ~ to . Unt.j'amE.ry A':ronUfs,. ,,,a~ !k lU„ ' ,at:•[ ~ r a_ by r. eras{,, ft) rGVar} H (1 } ~ 1 tali tr,' CL'n jj rr to°N~ Of j,+ 1+fJn~7i •i • ` { } Jp n . I'9fPrr@d ~0 „hf; •'t:1~P .;1~'h6Yfi'r find ,'1t'~` 1 c Irxr', . «@ r C. )I:r)n ' ..i Cans 1df:Y'ELt` " C a 7.`}:u .r r„71., ^ r T n , 1i 'arrl~'Sr, t16 ,r. ,.on. ,;..,,1 'or to enable r;,rura Jahnsc)n t o..rr;,t@ the) '.>Elek ~ o pay; t;}IP hrirj, tQ.xee t, ta.u7U due an lri+;, '1 ~ ~7 _ Itort,, Crir~llina for th£s ;,cart ci r r-aP an ht~?f of lot 2 .nrl I'ishervi.,'.a Iy A CdICw1f1°,• m ' 1L.~.1,. 1')x'1 ici' r r 7i71 v11G Writ ~ r ~ .lCat'.ari 1•P,Ce VH Tf ,r Tr ( s~ ,nrn,t , , , , a r 1 1f3 .tf Tr C„ ~Ifi. i .d frarn ,.,r, l:u nN ' l~ - „ . rr Ir....l;, rsd ,7~ ~ 0.J 1 pj it J,. ,.,r;,it? ~ , _ , „ ~ -~r, i;rll. , „ ~l, h_.h lvould Pr ual ^'t ! A.ncl guns a# or ,Ln, es 1r.,,nt a. liu ~ ,..ac lt,e CrJ, ro , " , (;ral,tsf., , 1,. t'::irt, t. r,r ? l1, waR tl,:in r',t)ti ti? ship contribution far the I'}arth C4rpi3na Travol C ~rtt., _ ~r r >n ) OUIlCi1 Of ulna}lUrS t, t:a1'r(tl'(1 I'P,is' ' fC 'r t,. .is aroas s}InrH ,a „ s , + x, ~ ;,n ~ of the of ~n.,a ~ llll? .~+J.1,!;r; , , , +l r, p ._ar ehv louncla.n- o , vL' ccv` r.p1nltcet Gn::.,.r lice,te~ r ~ r~i to the irt~lm' ~t L , ~ho arP;a,l1.<,atl.on fdr thn rrnru)'°.ian r .r to aH11 h:;t,r r,t I ra } ! , i^, a.n~,,On :lrB&~ W£lS U,arl ri0i:i0n r; r, 0, ,,flllr_,~;, } o„ , r :ir ,r:r}£,rl;Cn , } O,C,t_On8 it ri^{° +r , . h of ..r. ~aleman 7 ' • r.,. ,u / Gff,,. G ~aaa. dac, h si r • uz !nca~ an y „1H r.nvnes t , ~ ti A. U, 'Illo r, i'• , ,,a.l~?£ttn ..r r i,, 11 ~ Y r' E.) 1, t£th:f3n" „n4?nr ' a llrn a u I ~ ,r , ( ;A~ G •Sili{!r&t;ri!'., BC~prSn'i };V tnt? ,,},@1'1''f wp' r , r..,,l)f'C!,1VC1'/, t11B L. M .nt£;r 1=Grk. S!I}~.il:li;.tt r rP 1,p0Yi ,'lp v10n Y r rflm0 bB7,nr xn dlL r ~ H'' b? i,; s J. a i , f tipon motion of ~:r, Tr<!s s 1 1. tlr, o.cl £t ,n • k, Pcanr,ed v,, r. !~alarwn, n,, t ~ olersA.n, saconded by '•7•, nd a~,,,,!.,tLOr, fled . f=,r1_ l,Pl„otl, oolnred; and }?orlli)fj }{u ~ ;.~r .Hall . !~i I~, irldi Prlt C t a r.• n,. , rE: l,,, ,l g z izens,' w.,re an recarisrendrl,,..au of t.le ~ ~1 ..tle ~leerir;ts tar ad °,rs ? trted, } c of 1 u, ' , lfare acirl~ t+;r,!i + ~ , ,,d, :a trnBrit; Of t}ln haC',; tL.•• r .r, ,.h£, ,,t!,,,•. r9et?BCSt t „ ,n ~ C., due Frarlcl$ Kennedv aI" ' .,~e,e, , r rra1,, , rrnra rFforr@d 'tn tr ,d Al • ~arzr:u.ti;« + 1 P,t Pr?ri(~ar, blocks r-S a , . ? !h The follawinF, };aad alid 1,Tw;, :1 msn vif> . , _ g 1v1. „h )aYrP r e ,lrarnl to r to act, ~ nr, (9, .,,rve as .jurors ir, thf3 uporior Court 1'er i;};~ ir. cr:!.lrinal caso^ far t;he week bP inn' f 1- , ,.l,e,l Uoan mat'1,• • m ul}, },.uliday', ,'uly c?., 1G1r6; tit _ •1 n• ,.r, .task sr~r,r , ; ;i ~r r r irl' ~ .1 I trLxf=s „ ~ :)y r• C,,ler,£,n • df!. r, iT 1 an £..r...u'itivn of <(3~f).rCO ~ , J J. F{urr erns :r4 au uompbl:lP r~nri Doll nr• , f, n god an E.britr~rlont oi' - c ~f` l'+• }i, I;'It,lnSOn. f,'arl i}ar(iEI T A.l(.F£trr06Y~ AlC}??10:1(?, Sra,,, ,Janllrlr' lv`' ,r , - aI ! a , .r i?ohort r7v ' a .olrnt h th l~r~ I'„ L nr. ~ , _rsxn(;;a Wan-rfs~' . , 11+~, and hail t, 1 ~~klr;nt, rasdi (t }j ",'J,LGV;'dv, '<Jalter l'!I, ~ „ t' l.ti.i{,li.,bl.., r,,IC'tarSO! }C C£tr Ni.ti,ll }1 .Ilf {.n ,,,1 , « Io _li. C ~ }7 L~,a „ im rrh r .ruthar„ von, r, o. i,h ,r ,JA n ~ ~ " taer~a7•, _,,d.LGYr, m t, ~ a5l~sted ,.t/I.:aLJ~n, d rnr. ~i, k , IYl his nam@ by a r a { mss ~ot.i.u,.i,,. l:,F,Inrt. 1~,C.};ort.son, L,}J,}tssrsrv, ,,ort re calorf .I .,d .r,me f.n!}rl+ nar..l.r aers,,n, }i. iR I3. TI+iQlton• T{ r1a c T: , « d.t~~l.lbll:'n. it v .iCi';ra Fy_ .ar tT1n!j.YraS rC ,1 - ~ , . ,A . m.,, ,,arn,a:rd flflJeili, r.;,P,K(ill£ird, - ,cezvr,;, +:nd S'lled, t ih! ~ ~,arfz slaln'Gr. a „ 1 c . r , r •'!.?1,I ors}.})llrrl, '~J,u,r;0 r 11 6, ?lil0n P1atIGr1 Of `tr. ! '~[i~ t r r.:P.. s a .1 ti(P.r(,a£s.t, ua3,}' G'}1011. 11U~ih i'`PC}la(1, C,ler,n 'tJ, I:11 'ta .r':1s:c, '?nonri0d },r SIB, iHT', ~ itai8r5, a 31na11 te1H' T'! J~ ~r, ,{d i1, ti`!, ~r0"t}lOrn }3C ' ?),l .r,...rlga, A. b>moJi. li.}s.lrilson• J.1,P,urin. ;r' p._one cxb1P tw 11 1..:.,, a111,,,,,ip. 1,:?,1'ailr SCUt}r t1- r• a G i'eCt !1nr'lar~rallnd a*I ' 2,f elPr7}lOnO 1;G,1I,ariv 1'rE1S )@ Geo, T.:,hew. 1t,1',.Sm9.th. Grnlnt .,e .Iaril G@nt;er l:u' f • , „ lflnd #'rar:, , e 1 r,1t,•teri tc bury 'I, v,A,LGlY18. J,1'',}iA.r7?.r%.rl, ~ ..t J ,J,C.R08• t i.}i~1.I1(1r0Yr$1 `ri,v,}ir)fj" n'rl,' + ll..l~n( Ftrlri ?a''1 t T ,t}t, .reef ?)C-i , , L. .Iiintan. • ~ t ,e, of .,.i.. r, e di ,..p1rr,>i r Q ~ ~ , r , . , t t.rtan ~ at a ~ y una.V{.IArc.alr, i~._.,lilirEt,lt,Jr. ~.1°;'ii0d Jr ° n 1-v, l.n t;; rPCt1Gn Gf rl i Ia Lp'Ij; f:Y1C? F1,. r1G„r, £i,, )Lot, )c,1P.t, )ust , ,tt.''r, ~ .,frng~ far t. ~ f ,..})1C tt7 t:}lp , }`elvin Lubanks, Luther Eiieris, zl r, , 1.ric ~ , 1i,I,t,!raocis „ is ~_1nc r xail t larisr.cP t ,@., 1r , rr e o + , , . Jar +,},.!!P5i'braak, %c • , , , f lj) iC(;.,, SGavh -:de lt, ~uhall }l, la~rlar, '}lara~.d r':!a'r. t• ~ r .,~r~7£,. t,Ftr:r ,rla0:.".iG}`iail r' 'r,l _ t `I ~ I~~ ~ « „1;,1., ta„y, i.f.Pirlru;:•, Ji'> !Jno.L.'_'uttl~!, Ua , _x i Lr, ..F :,1, •;,r;a*l iF,d ,,:r G. F. SPllar:,. r~ „ n,},,l.a..s, .,ash;.. the , fol.,owin~' ordar , ~t.I•,.Rucker, ,..,.All.pn. 1,1',Jr>nes. . « c ,ra^ u ih';' ....:,trl,ora `h,,. r _ naninaus 9~,. , .,~t1, ~!s Ri'}"OL'~,h b,; t, z ly atloptpric .ne ;,Gard Gf Lc, +a?-ssiailar; p,^ •r A iil T}1P r,,a@tn[j than ~,jo+rrnPr?, the r;Flt.~ }i~r•aof rlci i; c,vr r,ana , ~ , , £irkr.n~ ac a,,ttorar s. e: vat (,aunt', that.. a , - ~ G pr ~ , S c)rl anc, r,, t}1er vC,ii c1PS sh£ll.l rye • • ' ter d'~I ~ - .,pn.. ,rrc.•rlded , Gr t_};P , a.rhi.n ~ ar )c,rr,.'i- q ~I ~ le r,uTl ? r!;•.R - `Eh~ 1, _ ali ,pT;al;xles <Jn` ±hP • • T L ;z aeci uit;}`.itl the ,r, !,}:oc, , + 10,, ,,au~h of t}IP eL~! l rl'., e. a/,Cf.i. ~ , Or• Cal7r1t4f t r - Ca111 .,ar13C ~ ( I~ k;" ~ ~ 1 £;rl£: tr. ,e trt hr?i . ; 1, t . ; .F T~., o,.aos~ alto .officers Yrar}:zti•• Ia.I iti 11ilr,tT1~ ' l n •ton,,lt. C., July 12tr1, 1') rnh!, ~ t, ~ tha , ,,.,,~..,rr, A~7.th~ court ..Louse e , « ,r ,,hat T:he 1,1 n Yr}'t h!?,•n ,r 9rk (7, t}.lo faEi.rrl-fUr, +•75 ..hY ordPr,3d to en ~ n t.>,, £1 ,,-~n~r of t}t ~ r At a can: erfsnce of the };oard hPlc} 'in t}1H "rand',Jury rood at , ar,,a it, , • ~ ' a. ,lar to rho i?hrt7. • f i f i .,1 ' .prasnntl Addison ?{ewltf 't'ri 'JC'.lar1 of T r .jn' T , , ' , t.i..T'Glftn, ti4;a. ';1. TI'ask- Ja3r 'T Fall. s ,r ~rnt!far, }J~. ta. , , ..r. ; R. (,ar~tlTsr anu L,J.Cplrr~trl th., ~ , r • La1r=,,,~}1 , n f,(:72',Vr3r,' 1,t)uI1*a,. i~i71; :{,ice 'f t o. r.rzvrnPnt, .r, ~ j„~~ ' follc~nir..~ actions .trots tnken: « ~ • to :h@ n • +T ..1,.IS .va, vrrsre ~ , I ' E> An e.d,;a'u'ri:'fl, ~ - , Mess ~ r i ~ rs is ,,,..Perry.: and_ ,,Doper of the YJ'ilrninfctt`n->?Hw J{fade per Atr 1a. t; ,a-T s.,. !a f. } r F,1.!„IOr?t<,r Yrere pras!;nt and presented a their hud4Pt in the a:mauut, of •'35~,n?0.~0 wha.c'r; ;vas dia r r, r ~ m, ~ C erk. , 11,,Sa, tt ..Etnf`1't}l, anti }.r'. ,IEtu4, 1;LTCG and 1t'8P.5 'I sPcondod 'w '~r. (fall an t . , c j¢, y d Ia ln.,r.au.,l n£lrr red that tho bild(;et be aTi ~rav@d far ~ )1 gU!:;.'7a rn i.".o basis ot" I' : , r , r i li' '1 • ~ • ~,5GJ.00 ant_c.nated rnceJrr,ts and ^1? r`t~CJ, 0 t ~ ;-rtr711;'~ C , ' ~ ~ cr 1 ,,I,C ~n, I:, ullly cc, 1;fkEJ. ~ : `a . C ~~,i.l ,r~ r, ~allowanco praviie.d t}u~l o `';3.1 be no incrca".. r.re the rP-- r„ .;,11 Yre fJ Yi1~ ',r, 4 ' prescszlt 'tax rate. J mY,.,,;ir~ p{• t is, R.13.Roebuck ;nembe7• o ~ ~ , 17a=iril wtis 11f31r? at 10•OC ra • :L f .}.w Ga!lrit,r ItPlfara Baar!9 anr't i`r, .J,il•1?07.1iS 1r J(iY'.',T11;,,:Ir1Cnt wr?rN nra5en'~ and :rC ti a « , } , - ~ba~.. r!1SCli .UT"rlf3+ ,n - .the ';Je1fNrP hod et vrrls disclzssod. Sa ar•r i ~ . ~ , r r ; ~ .t C.... ~ ? nCr8450S YJE,2C t`i•„C,Us5f1G arld On mu.,:Ort 6f' ':?I. ,.:k SeCCnded Atta , i~, Sri"it<il, tik;a, ifi m•r 1 r•..e ~ .I ,i .on Jas ' Y ,_-~rst,an };e , t{all TT , '~i by ,;Ir. Hall , lla. , ~ m.•. , ..~,tta. c'u'~er r t.1e some vras rf~ae,.vtsa far sons Ider£ttiar. 'n the ire•J,1 ' ~ ' ! ! , ~ L a, +t~~: ~ , • J 1 rHtiail ni she r,amt"r ba3eet. , .~.Cc1c..7an c,nd C ~ ~ m o unty ~i~ :ha i I r nr rnnu acs of me 1 ' , .r . a fi , ~ , . R 1 nd, Sipt,, of :;c,haals, presented t,},,F school ouda~ets in t11e total f£maltlts c7' .''O Gi10,0i1 r.~nr~ a#' Jizl}l lr7t:rt 1 ',r! i;:'~ pp ~ k~ , 7 ,rf.rp rfrlri fend rl7nra* `,i " ! 2 far the rogulfir and extendad orms, vr'n?c1h was u on riotio r. • „ 1,:• akau ~ red as rECarded. P n of .,r, taadncir-ser,ondad b. r. Ctilerrr,n, t _ tno - n notion of „ .,,I•, Cf,rtlnfar i under considpration'lYith cstller ?radret matters. ' n» secarr,Pi3 b' r:, r~ Gtlbar'cf r, ..alemrirl ~h r' +•r .as onto . + . a~t1 r~ .orU ~ , e ..oun_3 Auditor x'as rult•, F rlr:lnt!yc for tiis~.ribut° .},rrizetl .rJ T, t?pan motion of li,r. Carcrnnr serandPd b ii r • p -oved uu,. dent y r. Lnll, t e bild},et a. the. 6J.i~.r,rnk,tan . ort Lornml~slan !ras rpp, -Tt is t ss resented' in the amo11 r •r ~ JlP sensa; of this a. ! p , nt ar 'x,7,,6,50 on the axfla.rm£aive `vat1P of lit,' Curd;ler l:lr. }?fall and i~;a 6ha1_man, „an iG£.rd Thal thcj C r I , itarium prn @r. ozr,ty: e.~err:isa its control dvol- th 7• , IFr. Trask anti T.'• r i , .,o_Pmr,i. voted na. b p ty aillhe GornGn ? P r,>.s )n,,:. - , ..!r. e pb ~ load, ad ace 1 _tio,I a e J nt to tha na.rr7art, >.n Griier tha+- ' , ~ the Berl Cross , ! # J~~ t~onnhla to tha euccassfu ~ it, , T :.pro @"~' 1 aparatlon of the al.r_Grt arld ~ :uturo ass well no 1 i!pon motion of }•5•. Task sPPi c r 19!. 't, ,1 r; c- 7~ P, A the i)rcrrr7d.. rail 1 ' p that .~n the t , . n1P1 c. ::n..., .al>,r.,t?1~,,,0, .or at ?f)r~s'., .~Iu,,)OO.OD rras ordnrac lncl.ld,, '.othernroTi~ 1 Je nl£r,,ar{ xn a s aa7al flzn event of sale oft ~ ' • ~ .,rt t , . P d n"; the Count. he „airi , 1n the b..rdCet far the pzlrchasa and o oration of a d7•a • line urovscieil it trill not increase +},e presen{ and J $rld .he erpc4>.on of builriinr, J for the usa arlrj nlr • ~5 to crrrY on the sc I polo of £ac p L , ~ I°'r. Gardrlfsr ~ r. , loved anra It 1v£ls seconded « •f• ~„rnce forllarl, quxrln~ tax rate. wit}' b . ranii ,the County At y lu•, 7}all .and afirr:ted that oo J erod, and to t}lat. a ~ torr.ey to rle rotia+ mrlittao b utharlties. ~ L ..a alonf, thfs 11nP Gf thoul;ht r;farri;,c, ~ a apJ)ciinted tG serve ~ Iir. f7ardnPr ani# l: ,d 1r~.!.., 7, The canferenee thon ad,joT:rned, ir, ua } c, Ic r+ t• 11, .,veto ilrtrlyd on tha Comriittee. o • ,.rocs ~an;tarium ~ An al~plic~tio r 1 1 r. f o. 11 : --z1-f~c~ limi.~ cerisa to still u,,t~r on t}le + ; , r -----_-~r---_ s, suhin.itte •r'. :,astla ?.a«/na :;Dad 47) • dots .to- } ~ by A1. r ed t+oJsan ;filly Ist, 1~:` ~ 1'ra'~ ~ , } 1 I•o,ri7,l£1telJ tvro na?1s fro « . l , c,ecline!1 an ciisa,~ Jrp• m the City Wilmin)-ton Id, C, Jul~r 1 ~i;}t lr); h, sel pro -asp of nez6h};ors, alifl i(}IPreris I' 'z I .zll of '~hc sa ; , , t 1.'Jeer at th^ same , ,.elson ngain,cirl thisditte Ira£1 T• mu by the: aheriff , , " , de app..icat.z , ' <.ocat~orl anu 1n su 7 or ' • an { neighbors lien for lice P 1 1 A t of n> s an 7 tl.an n„ n th:j .Immed1ate vzc;iliu,r ~ ~ n • ' ~t I)resented a p.>L'ltiuti a to The. re6ular weekly rnrsoting oi' tho Board leas held at 10x00 fiL Ir{r•', [xarc I a, uhf, I(ol~oW,,rtll sil,ned br lnrlr mo^recl that a nub1~ ~ , „ approv,_ng tho grantxn~' of 1 16 _ f`ondav _t, hea, in' an t}le r'!atte , a 11.r,Pnsa, T ~ o„ ~ ~ ~ , , t?u ust c' G r he hold ,,a. art3 th' ~ ,s horei'ore 1, , event, A•.dison 11e1v1at~ Chairman, Geo. 'rf, Trfisk; ,Jas. ?'i, 1lnll, L. J,Colnla£1n arid. County zlttorney the h ~ Jth. his rnotinrl eras ocandedd ?n,~ 2; i„ ..uercl 10;00 o'c1o , . e r, r7 a fed. fir. Calr>t-ki . i 7 I9atWsden He11p,,, arzng should Ilot be de ,.1 , . + ,zll and c£!rr• k A I ,;I ~ Za« ,!c, .an er ;,?ion the •r n vatin • ro_#,e ! . nP„t r..e@ting, ~ Plink; that ! i-,: 4 ? A r:n r+ a. - A t ' ~ r, + , ; , , . of Jas. !iJa1 ? ~ •a. , de1;?ga z.on a# ,ro Hrt alrnfir., l.n the Gas .1 1,, ~ ,rn , T , c, atner ker _1paUlva r r , I J 1 r ..r.,, l soct.,an, >_n tha vle,,.nity of }.enr"/ n 1 Ia. , una 1,,t5 rt.ec+zved and filod. ~ , parallel streets- a earcci to 1sk ghat a Alta ben + • r1 to rells,a , I'P h I)ellnd ~a drann uf# the waiter to that Oro ; est A r'scluest of C.. !,~,~1 the bad condition thHrP. Gaon motion of r, Tra!,sk socon!tcd by t'tr. hall tho Huard'receive,d +.?1a req) pl Karl@y's 'r'isk Iarkot far a h ' ~ . i #,oi, e t. ~ , ck.ip Truck tr;d n a ,,...rlnn4. u# .he 1,)r+~ tiixas nn a , , ,r , ectir;:>.s by ,an a ent cla' r• + , Jaluat'o r.- irssp o lon on the promises 1minediatal!r followin- £id'ournrent G{. tha meetin ant, take deli ' ~ snof , " 6 , sln:ln„ that ..h@ true,( .was. used „ ~~'~~.00 0 7 F; 1! : r 6 J end was lis n c te!1 _ o I taxr7s , r 1 transportin - ' . a 1,~0 r°,~ necessary to ralxevfi the r,iindltion a.f L~os~ible. for t Pend3r Cauntti• was lr,or r ; ~ 6 # ash.. into roves , , . i,ot..on a. ..;r u1 ; 1m' !r i / tigation wit}, •1 , Cdletla~i, secul rl inP;tpn ! rl,;! the Ponder County i l .ed h,, m ~:;:~,1 ' " au .hrlrlt.es. ~ r, 1rask ~ : ~ , u ~ • ,,:..bf roc~xvcsd A request of City .t~torney ,i.,,.Carlibf,ll apd 1!ran}: I[ackler, Attorney, to abate llal#' yaars taxes .cr Are i~ it q pest' of + , .h r chfarged against Tha Sunset i.amp~.ny all its water and sfswera~:e sv,ci,en tlacollnt of purchase by the t~ e :ioard of tlldarr'ler of tha To• i , b ` a orney r©move c ,m cf rrzf,ht.,v..~le Baacri t},a fi ~ tt A4t ertaln '7oat u~' r t t}i© Cal r ~ ' 1s.,_ wa, ut,nn r,n ,,.an t;I . TrAS}•, saoonded b,r Idr. }fall rn'erred to tha Lour tsk .reeks . earl the beach rtrcir w r 'ntj!, u.,e ,co« ' ~I'. 1! fi ,,rl. en undar ao td, a~ anon r,atton of i[r, T.ta,.. *lv~et l~lbor nslderata.on. t _,,1,, sFrrorr r , }p~ for aurthar study of tha mattsr with:..(}te znter~sted nartias;and submit his rr=corlrlaud~lt~ons a;id t,I.I .le] h. t' '~~i l ~t . _ i~n± to 1 t,r• ~rdrier the next meeting. niter th@ County Attorney had ruled that the Carm~asszoners have n,~ lel;fzl r r, Abate the: tax. 1 ~ i ~ ! i i ,,5''1~ f" a l • , ' r C' . i , f ~ . . ! 4 :i - 'b , .r.~ ~~1 5Q/ , E J t t, T~.:I~ Id t . I ~ , .tie ,i.nl, of Jal•J Slth I , 1 ,~,r , ly contl.tiued, I , G': f It rfl rarerras rl:cr,i ~ , etina of 1tu1y lat}1, 1>)l)E_, r;ontirrznd. r! , ~ I v.r~ from the ruck Tax Gall.uctnr shnvrin•^ that 'T ((;f r ° 1,;+,; ~ and . 7~,rn i'or r, f: r~, t 1.11 wits' callnct ; ,II ,fit a the .county, maka.zl a total of 16C° r ~ ~ + . ed rar the Cit, a >,11, Lank ~n,cas collected .wJ t' sell Jr. xft:arnav fin ,a`, r fo. t}ta r1nll,I., ,lohn C. fo , a , t P( rcc, i,o ask that i,},n Gotlnty o r r t,, in t ith tact „ t 1, Uf Jtt:18a ~ ~ .-J 1T,11,Lan ,(trdGrn„S 1{ •Q 3tsitEfmBnt Wa.", 'flC 1 r t itariumaC t¢ka S.iCh utHpS' nnC93F0I V ,,n rlarif, t .San a 11e t1.tle 1;U J t 1 nl,ver, f.om the Mato I3o~rd of ab J s pr•ol,t3r to fanal~lfa' it to se : rt~'6 1'>. lic -!.+'rl ifar r' - tY 11 - n .dul.sr,nC.;ahtt t• .r ~ , ~ ,the a ~ , rr r edoral, tilnds rJ t 3a1 J.iCI . J, t ,:nme and us., I roceael~ to ac ill.ro n I,hflr r r ~ , A C era sel,c to thes oount for nld a . , ,,,,r,u6 a ,ho ~ p olr i. tr to be us.,d far thn :;nrlo ,url,os a'r ; nrl_ i + • _ l h t, l _se, J,Ce 9I , y 4e a, 7.., tartce, a lf1 to- rie )e , . < t ~ t f „ -a ~C Adm n,lont c raa.rlor.. c~ .tzb~rt,ulasi., n.. ~ r . i~ 7.ntstration for the rtt,nth of Trine, I }t~ldroll and 1'or for that n ~n y,ars na,,t, , 1tf:,,sa11 trrrls wtistructr.:rl to rrritn t}:e !~naru f a , ccncerning thrasa facts to la.^, tizi•nari aver to i;h(i !,aunt,, :Attt2 • , . rn , (or np_r,>.on n:ul r..dva,cn, ~ ~I` A sure+;y ?)end `far ,rienat,}r aa9 p „ ! Y .inks ton a,, t,on,,table of , ,,,f ~1 OUq ~ r r . ;'r~rlftrr~], 1'oin+ to•rrnahi. i.n is ! r. •r '7)1odn, , - r , .q0 .vith the Initafl ~tat•~ ~ P, lif: nenal't~r A rrque,t of a, l:. stn z., f) I.oPion .,tadi.urt far th© z f., r ¢clfllit rtnd c,ur;ra t r " ~ . of } Ame. i.cen Lr; •fon rintlual r•' r `,9 „ y n,y t,t)r:pftny a„ 3tirf}t , it}IEi haj.(1 0: I_, 7.dt3, an-. .,}lal;r9, wYt;9k Of 5 , been fixfad b rho C , Y ..ltolmt , • . ctober ?.lst, throe ;h 26th, tivas rz on'mott.r n ' r,r „ ~ Y aunty Cct, l,t„ hrtr~~ 0 P of ,:r, T"a„k, .,aco7rind. 1)y llr, hall rfrferred to the to ,y _,,,,~.onfars rind approved a:r to f'orr:1 tr.nd r?xecu'•' S dat.m ' ! sues to ' ~ .u ta.nn h t;he . -r=~ v ~ w •-t a r' nn ~k , , • Y (aunty Ai,t,or F,r Comini.tt,., 1 ith ,rn er ,a ct, inLsmuch ,Fls it a eats that 1;tiR !eYr t' y, p rla#,1.on of 1"r, PraC , sfacondfrd b~ r r ~ PP 1. a a { , l., l,nlnma.t, rlcc~;r,tfd. _ ,_ar, • ' It n J~r }agh „rhool 1., ~cheduladto tale i 1 rn, P a (in I y a foot hr)..1 ate oti t•ha nr.l,ht al tabor 1.51;1'., ~ , ° it ~ rP ~ quest of twcrl.vo caizftns r , „ r • far ..mp, n JG17nT:t,, to ,.,Untr,()mftI•y A'rnnlzo 14ari ll ,Ul 1' • . » 7 r., , a•~ s~canried by m } r . o.,ns,Yl E, ' r, , es+,; of 19, . }.n. t.ia rer •1 ~ t „ f Golf, A r -q.t z..an, ra,arn.,~ . to I o•-r•!~tn th(! xtr• - r „ . ~ o ~ r. ~rds,c, ¢pprovarl itnrl rofr?rrad tri t:}tr -;taro ,t r;, t.~tr, 1 ,k ta,, rhr., on lat., =t find „ 1 . 7, ~ i.,h~rrvtl._a, i.},trat rtnd ?Il}71ic ':I'r,r}:s Cr'nrl „t~; r I• n able I,¢ura Jnhnsnn to kz r c A cansiElfarnt;.on, „ .t ,,-.oa p Un n p ,r .}.n }rank taxr.?„ rlue on he,in ~ ~ r c. n, lot 27 :.n thft nruu? aI J,?I.,,laith rtnd Dons of rn 1' ~,oar^ lc)1.t0, 1=~i1 l~a~;l an73 I. 1,_rth (.ai•;t_1nr, far hra ) . 1-): arh r il, m ~ . 1 I tll, i~h tv(auld aElual ,$lr).?tl, ups l!}>on rtotxr~n of ;ra lr~...l. .sarncled r, ,tr. !r9. 19:~ A CalrJntlniCntlari 1'Pr)Bi.Vad f ram. 1}r. IiU,r Ir t` i ; i r 11, (;rFitltf;f}. Lr , ~ ~ }'nr .un, Pre,,i(.ort c,± I(u ^h Iiact E?~ r. , shir, aontributicn far the tnrth C~rolinir m _ n. ~ ~ , Gn•, salz~i';n€, r. cunhr.. iV _raVOl GOllilal.l Of q „ r t;, ~ ln,hUr.,v, 'tOW«r(1 rft1."irl" ;}r(J!) rr - CAtiCnti .ar 11r`P,11^ta3 U sn 1 f ~ ,t,fr a., lc;r, ,_~n,= at, Cr{^ r n arflQ9 S}1ArP, ?f thf) r)x dnr,tl , l' I, d,1 at.l.) to CUVa A}a~li t 1. ctt"I. ~tl) 1:.yneS. ,`;na""ti_t' r~ , »r r j ' p~ . ar' ~hti i ounr,l n}; oa .hEl nr ana..,ntr.ari f r ~ f, ~o .nfl ,r..nta.r }'r:, 1. .,ubm , kter, b~, a , !lair J, r thn arcrri tt I at7.nn Uf ,°Vrlr' aritla2':i;Jn, trlh/ (;a.l.rlr) • arld L. `rtlbtlrr a , -0 thfl fJ lining(#:an 'iraa, Was. uparl I'ati0tl Gf J:Ir. Calema t,Ulir.'t tpairti,~ a y r,,,p„c t, VCl,,, rile ,,ama b!:1n-" n (hl n, 8nC(ir.tlF?Cl bt ,lr, Iial1 tfiknn ~ ~ c- 1 a 1 Q, rn ltllfl C,nt,GtltlOn and " ~ i € ,r , under t. r; snr, by thrr . h... w r ~ r a.,sideratlnn, en nr ~ - . , nra Ipon ,.tntlan a. }:Ir. ..,oleman, soconElt~d by "`a•. :Half, i;rarited, .,j ,~,i Gpon motion of ...r, Tr•r?sk, saconrled b;1 1''r. Cnlana.n Pr,•ul lie s indi•ent c• ~P>-,„ , 1 on, co.tnred, anri }lar€tco ICun+„" r, „ „ a ad~~,i~ + r ~ ,ahln, sr}it' no,a9.,t,, C r stmRn , of tll. ban,, t.:.as due b Ir anc; - a ~ 1 , ~ ~ _c.ti,.,,.,,,, prEarr; an rncarrmtendu.tzan cif the s • r o _ Y _5 Kenn,,d~_anr, ~.1nx Yr,a v } , E pta~ of PUblx,, ,rNlaarE? e.tn7j.ttrtt} + 1, ' a , (,8r, )10(,a3.5~ and j~, # }!n (:,illt~r J?OIIC r8&paC utVt?l , PrF?ra rr;f errfld to #:hC ~nrlT:ilt'tN.9 ';ri'tlt anr`rnr tQ aCt ' r, i , 31~ The fnllntai.n~ good arld lavrf :1 ineti vrl?re rl w t ,k,, ra rll to s<~rva as .,jurors in Lire 6=1.1firior Uor s • T t lrt far t;t n + Cr'l,Iflnal CQSfa^ far :'the w(+ } p r n - 1 .r : UnOn rrnt,irln n, l:r. ~rauk 5f'CUnt1Cd 1,, i.; i ' w . _ek .,garinr.rl },.utlda ,lu c icl cP J r, ,ulerlan t{nrrt J. }3u:r rras ct - • ,,I.~ lv r_2 r , r prod an « a r 1 ,t , ~ . ~ , l,1,1~ . f, ; , ~ , c f, ~ ! r, h t ~mont of the l~i.~5 , , taxes an J i.u,,tiun of ,li 0..,0 au tamrbl la rl ! , , nt, roll, accorant of boinl; anon-rusirierlt, ~1•asiding irr ~ ~ , ~ , H• I;futlaan• rarl L. r •a ~ >?i:chrnntld, 'J¢., +}rtsuzar~ :1St 1(~I and ha'1 the ,a v . 1,, n o n, A,W.Fa, .o,r, t5, , r r , ,t}. him, whir,! rras. listed lrl his'naxalo by anotlier uersan. ~t Itohart I',. LcYr>_sa }(,A,}iutnb?ea ;I,7 L . )F' - aJ.ilUVrdy, 17alter I't. TUddr ]i,€i 'rt't ~ p .o ) • , 1C,0r5rd:1, 1t-~li~,.. " i „ , 1 Finr.,p,Uan• t..LR,,.nJ' a'/a0r•a :'~r,}At'ra. ~ y G. n `rt t.}- _ ~ . ° ~amf;., Cotraulas, II,F,T¢rt. ' u ra..f.ntscr,„ r_n(,.. of :.ta aolnrac, r.nmo ar,t,llt 1'ar .June vras r(.==ce'vt,r , " r ` i Indlxln(.. • 1.,La,.oriaon. I..E,t}sser~•. LG,lrilbt kl~,. A.~ I3a r,alton Y „ ? t trn, tr l: a i, .f,L,Ad~.l;,,. }ivrnr,rEi O'iJeill., r,, ' . r>.,,e, . .,.P.I•r>.llrtrd. }i,}3.I:ar;ithnrn, r ~ it ZnrQ ;7. 1''trllker, J.Iart2ha.. E? r. s, k c ,on led , 1 1`d o . ,f.li„--01195 ' i}nnn ^iatlAn of ;.'.r. Tr':lS ^ r` ' r 'ir + 11 i , rr! 31!~~ ; l o .t, Jfts,h,Cchoil, }iu •h }•'ac},an. - t; ~ , u ,r.,. - 1 r. Il t..., thr, ,.o ther•n ii(,11 lalpnhonc t,ora rrn vrris -t,crl'lltted tct burl fJ l.,r.n 1., _1f.t t t I Y ~t,~ J,'rl,L~dga. r":a i);.lr;alla 1,af3aYirilSan ti , •".al.i.0~9rSa Q SA!r.ll F31Yp.lUnrf Chh~;U tVrn }'CCt 11ndCr"'raUn(i a!1 ~iUtlllt~,'{,S 11tnd 1'ra.1 `i ±}.}.al,unn. r kith, . t.aet bu itutirl" at a of t r p Gea. T. Show. t? ~ ~ ,.i„}'aul;,ner, 1, ',1"sll, south a; .rho.}laalth r;A -f5 r), r ) V , - , f; r. ust ,nt,r t11..,1n€; -tad .o17.nrr~ly nyonl; e;nu rtr; closfa as riussilrla to i;}in l • r „ ...P,~rl,..,h. ~ )rl,a}, roll out}t , r,~ : ,J,C . ' 1,..; ,1.n(lr U1V5 a ;i: G',l:ry~^ ,7 `!f. 1, n ,,._de t,,A,Lcr,l.s ,J.P.lia.rr~~tn r~ e, of 5>',., ..}t, z.n r,,e direction of ',rd, :_,treet, far a distl(ncn of 175 feet. tf'~ oe. Z, L'intan: Jnnat,l.I'ardiacv. ' ...Lur•ant,Jr, ,r.4°rtud Jra " * •'7 }.,elvin hubnnks, Lut}lar !dons. }I br I`T , „~t,.., aa~}s. .a t, tan.,, , ,i:r , j clart)nc• I ?t I[ 1Jasi;broal:, tr , r ~ 7 )1 r~ , , ~Ul.all 11. Ta',,+1 a,,l ~ , , _ w a a ..CrL81 Gala' iJI)Un a.:,.U,1 :!f :r' n. 5!"{,' , ~ ,r n . 1 , , I _6, ,cn.lcd n, r, _rn„i,, t}.n fal.ovr,,nr• order iras linttniraatt.^1v ado t . dt ,l ~ ..Cr. Ilarp].d :,.a~ . ;7a}„t,rt: FiSVa `1,},,: LTlnbr 4j • . G to i. !!lh~~ , . , t , rJrlaal.:,iu,, n, , 1 P w r H .r' . 5ellaro. t.RaRucker r, 7' ,r , .F.11E~n. , Jnnas. .l"., i'ftrl)u ~kfp ~ rout;(.. ,tu.",'ioddt ~3L? aT ItI,SgL>€~C by thn ~~arzrfi " ' ~ r ' ,r,, ,r n~ Ga inti~5,.att.,r,, of ,,tw ..rtnyvor i,ounty, that ":•orn and attar ,,n T}le taeptn .then a 'oiarneE? thc~ .('ate hEtreof no r,ttrkin of n~a+nl7c,b. ~s o r~ ~ • • ; , J f xl. , r othf;r v-,h~clss .,}.all be )Ert,,ll,tr,c} trit},a.t th© 1` } . , p, 5 ¢Ce Ura`Jld- C t; n - - t. ~ p nd )r ..h., l arkan€, of nutnt,.ablles .,,r, the court :,ouse lo,: soot}1 of the ~ it r c( Irt hart,,,,. ~U11.;,,1i,,,, aiCf.r.t nl' ~niill'",,', ~4}t;Eil arld "tat8 er1',laveas r ~ ~ lar}:. , a roll offa,cors war}:in, n t} , a la canrt l.ou..e , ' , ° 9T111ultlf; ton 1}..+,.,July t Ii _t i' J• _ n.. r, I ? , lr.t., 7.3r,ba ,jsa...r;.. ~u..,}lcr ghat t.h;a_„lgrk t), t}lis c«rd furni.s}1 rz c;~~p,~ of this or+ler to rho `lhnr'+' : _ , 1~ f , . ~ I vrhn o- c~I!ebtr orderlad to nn.oree tt. u ~ ~ i, At a co?u°erence of the I?oard~ held 'in the trend Jury roar! a+, 9;r00 Alta ~ i , , r 1 ,r(. r, :ta ,:C14'Uf I'r? ,r!l 1 r't='~cr rif'. t,:, a, 1 i. p t , of r. lu, a , ~C87 to ~/r-1 lnr,ltts:lva, .,Jere.. i . rPsElntr Addison, ilewlF. r„~,irt~rrr,.n, tJeoa 1€. Tr+;,k ,J, .,a „ r 1 f , , . ~ , ' l.a_l, Il. Gar~lar andLaJ.CnlEc~r:n , QU~)ravnc: ?or ,,'~me 1G , n . ,I ! folla~rr~n~ actia>zs :•rere tnkano ' m •ho,]'lari;,n4 than a.d„otu'rad, , , e! ~ _ r I:j l!9essrs: Hioks, Perry and 4ooper of:-the 1'€il;ainrctnn-}law }'art(i§Jar ~.ir art Aut t ' f ~~n?. P ' !t~~ ~ p }arty yrar~ re,_..~ andbrestnt_rl ~ Clerk. ~ their budget in theaMnun+, of '~St?,C?ga0q, Yrhic}, Was discttssad a t , F!,, m . - , . r t ..en€,th, earl kra.,k I.crn(: and >t rras ~ T r' _ IiI~ ! ' SeCAnd : ht u:{. ,x ~ .Y 1,.Tlltl(,tC,11~ ,h a G, , tall. c. c. lr ~ ~ , r 7 1 roc' w r ,.rill' and unnnlrlolis 1~ ''a. r ,.e(~ that the nld~;~?t lic a') )rover! for" :k;] y , ) i ~,I ~ i y, • t , I , ,~'.)(l'.'~0 :an t}:o basis of ,,19,5CiJ,00 antAcl.nated rr;ce?.nts anc} '1? C(!Ci r.n '•,,r ~ ; , , ,,.r R:;_ , ~ ~ , . 11(;f),, tllaWarLC(,, prnvcdE)d tnUl o 1r;.:-x I]C IIO 1tlCrbaEC-'n ',,;n '.tC rei ular wE:c{kl~ .'Ah - t' „ h 1 ? ti Y m : ~ln€; a. t,1r, .,ar~rd Wfl,, ,.f?lc, at lgagp .r, ,L p*esent tax rrtte. ! fi t }:S, Ra}ial;af•'})UCk"mnmb('.1' of t}la {iUtL`1 €n n p J) ? U r t i 7 ty ..lf r~ ..{)¢t•tl nri(1 ,:r. ,},,,a}.0],115, .,ll'7t3I ~i,tttnClnnt, w'?rE? Dre:,Cn;, intl. ,rf;56t't ,i(?ri ° ,•1 . , Tt ' t A . c „ r, , 1,,an .,9)I.E,tt_C..l..lf'IaTl, 1rP,n, ,i. TrGan, t)aS. 710 ha11, ,:./t,Gardrif:r , , h H1[rlre rn.rl et vrtrs t1~Cus„fad..,alA.r•r , c n L.J,Cclctnan rtnd (,aunt y d .,n re SeS Yre2•a tliSCt1:,SI?d aIld an r4ntiarl ^uf is}1'. T, tEi;, SCCOndP.d trti:orrl©y ?!arsdran 13911amv, ~ , , by }.#r..f~] the some tvac r.f,cei , . I ` vent zor ansldHrFtt~nr. n the prnparatian cif t}ia Comity btid*et, _ . h ~ ihEr ,rtinutErs ~ r. ! ~ . . of mde~irl~ ai Jul 1 t,, 1-:!c, „tl.) rrnd ftn(i'rl)tatovtsd its reco i t. , y ~ , 7 I- rdfd. ! t:r. IIa Ro !tad, 5~,tpt., of ..",chnols, rresentE)d the school b,.ld•^ots CIA t• •z t GtS ' ~ 1 t, _ t}tr, .otl 1 r.mnunus t)t ~2G7,ct0a ~ for t;ha'ra ul.ar'and flxtNndarl tarns wrr r, v n a• „ ~ ~ , i h r a~ upon rlot_an of r,r, .,al dnf.r ~er,onnod bar 1•.r, G~ler:,an, taken tuna root " „ „ r' >,on of -.r a GA, Elnrtr, .,ecorrlr~d try 11. , .,alamait, the Counter Auditor Yrns nut} n - , . , ~ un(ler considerrata.on vrltn at}ior l)uri.ot radttars: ~ ? rzzed to have su.l iclent nttmbar of }:a.s nrulual r(-port prultan for dlstribut~on ri C Unan motion of l,']r. ::a e - , - - • e rdn r, sananr?nd lira I.all t e bud'"et cz? :the 4I rn~n't ) G ,s5 an eras e ~.~ved It ~s, , r,hY , z.l , l,,on,art atvn_ 1 pt the sense of tnis rioArd that, ,ho Gaunt exfarc>sa ;.ts_canti•al aver thn d' Y sspo„_tio.l of t}ic Iced C ?as presented, ul the Amount of 7,)E~ 0. n, i ry _ : , } -k e mar. r•oss .5 nn the af~ ~.rivr.tivfa voi.e of .,ire .trt riao ,,lr. Ln11 enc. {,,.e th z Bonita • ~ - ~ , r 1 , t ium rn.ert on ~.ha Gordan r?o~d, adJaaent to the aa.rnort, in order that z~s future use vr' b p P Y rll not r. Tri,sk earl hra Crlemf+rT'votad no. • e oh' , t eet'o ~ A• + ~ ~ J n¢ o to .the ,,uceessf.ll cp..I orlon of ~he Rlrpart arld that. 1.r1 tho' avant of solo of .'the. said ,i p"oparty the f7rc~crtlds etill bfl nlctcat3 in a s ocitil r and b+~ i;hfj Count far ' ~ j 11 on m t~ ,.r. „ ~ u ; - P ~ y the use. acid _,ur osn of 'a , p a ion of ..c, Pre„k, secimuad G. 1, , :,a,? acl ~Oi).Op or At 1r?c ` , ~ )t~ r . ed lnciacec other T P _cquirino , , t ~s„ 31(,,,.,O.JC' ,ras acct r pranorty ,and: the arect>:at>. of aua.ln.tnUa to ,.r'.rry on-theesrr.-.e srrr1ca former•l~ retlr - lf3rod,. and to that I i I in the 1)uc}get for the Utzrahasa and operation of a dra • r , • ~ • + n ~ ~ nresen#: ~~nd r t line, p.oriuad It tv~ll no. lncrawsa• ,I.a Ir, Gar(nlar moved anil :lt wfis saconfl(:a by I,~r•, ]}ct11 and ortrr:led t}lat ft comraSttco he a oint i-• ed serve ! tar. rate. r+ith ~ pp the Gounty E•ttornav to negot>.ata ~:lont, the line of tnnut;h~ ',:i`ornsrt"id cult! the Itad r,ross Sran.i.tnr' ' l.um authorities. I9r•. Gardner and I~ir. Ilnll, Wnre rruEa~ nn the Cornmitteo. The r_nnferonae then nd,jollrned. An aj,plication for ?ieense to sell br;er an the CaStln liana Road a rra••• . . v- , J , p} ( uultely two rt;.los from the Czt~r ~ f = ...9r,ta ltmi.ts, submitted b Alfred ;}t} son Jttly 1st l~}U ..vas. declined an c ` „ F Y , , izsa; I)rn,,°a1 of #;hu 5a~1~ by the 5}~er9.ff g due to retest A c } lereas lir, .rdelson n'n. , ' p of neig}ibors, nl (t 6 lrt, r. this date, 1r~tda ai licatio 6 ~ .I, r s t IP rl far-license to . g ~ Vll.lminl;tan, 1I. C., July 1 1.., l1~ O. e1. oeer at the same location and in sti art of his a i al' > `J , 1 PP I 1 iantian pro sf,nted n pf;titiar. ,>i °nfid b r ib ~ 1 neighbors in the immediate vicini±y of the "Ilolsa~Gr111" approsTinl' the rnntin ~ y rr , g of license. Tharef o ~ ~ Tte re(;tllar weekly rnnatl.nr, of thfl !nerd Yras held at lU:gC r.l... f> rd ' r .:,r, t"lardnE?r nloxed that a nubl!c hearing on the r,attar hP hold hafare this ?oa r® ~y a , - 10 Oq o clack A,Id, ! lt;onday, Au •ust th his ;notion vrAs seconded l:~,r tiro }?all And eftrrle(i. + , , ~ 5 , +t 1r, Calat,>rin vntznl; no fenlin- that ,d;~ Present: Addison' 1lflivlatt Cha' G , • t . irrnan, oo. ,fa ,gas}., dos. .l. ,.ail, L.J,Colrlrnan and Gnllnty :tttolnay he hEaar>,n€, should not be dela~red longer than. ~,le next mooting. E' ~,i.. }la~SdBtli;all,t. a ,iii !C A rr?oort of Jas ';talker }lastrital far :}one urns received fLrld filed. , C, ~ fFp'! A delat;ation of property. ovrnerc: in the };ast ,rt1T~:z'_;,`.crrl section in the v c n't of Hens' e'nd other` ' i i a. y y ~rl. arallel .streets a. aai•rlt} to rusk that d:4tch bQ nr,anr?I ~-o a' t. • ¢re¢ to rel:~e C P , FP c v dr 111 of f the w« ,or to that Are nest of r a ~ • I`¢rket for an ahftj;ftraent of :the lril I + - 9 „h rla, s } 1sh r ,a,t„s r III'!I~' , ues. .r cn a vnluatian of , the bad condition there, Cpon motl.on of ;:r. Trask, saccmdad by 'tr, hall rho Board received the gel ?'iclctr Truc r «Cent claimin{r that the .truck vac ~'3~'00 °p ¢ 191~q , t, s u.,ecl t A k 11.>t,d :,n 1n transaortin° 1zr ~ Ior insuection nn the promises irntaediately falloivinr ad ournrient o± tree meetin° and .take; such rzct and,was liste(t a s ;n Pendar Cotmt', was ux?ri motion of I( r• a tizlmi1lt;ton J b J f,, _al t xe y 1 ,r•, „olt?plan, sfico,ldod h+j for in J r, Trask necessary to call©ve .the ~^ondition if uossi.ble. vosti anon wat}i the Pendor Gouni;y authoritiosa , reaei>od i ~ g , ~ r or 1?aa) Are oast of Cit Y~torne ~ tia;3.Car, bell u d Iran}: Hac}• A tarr n ears taaas . A reou • glen of ,..he To'xtt of l~Tri-hts q Y y nI? .leg, t ley,. to abate h if y ,l; a5t of the' Hoard of Alder r, v..,=l0 3nac1-i that t} , :;1! C.v , r In Colar?ty.,u.,a conv + charged a€•a>:nst- rho aunset t,nmaan ell xts ureter grad sewet•a e `s~+stem acr, t of nurchasf+'av the } to remove . ticks tram the ,b©ach .,trend rras u o t ~c~.lobar r ~ Y 5 , o In certain onat },r , p n merlon of , . r, ~ r ttorneG lr. !cask, sf,condt. as ar ,hll.v 1st;, ,l~}r<,, wAs ,lr,nn rl~+,~nn r,f t'r. Trnfik; ,~eaondt3cl by }dr. ;loll rn~'f3rred f;o the county A taken under orlon. d by Itir. Gardner, I;r ~ cons ider ~;,I , for further study of the matter With he" intarestpd nart•' . a s ; , ei rintinris ¢tlc r'Prn'`". >.e nd ubrnit h1s rccarlrl, 1 _ • cT¢1 rid}1t to 1 at the next mee 'n 1 ti g., after the County Attorney had ruled thatthfl Garnru.s„inners have n~ f, i abate the tea:, J , ,r0 i,,l I ~~~h~ - ~ ' i~ r~ ~ ~ - - , . ' Y- - . i. • r..•. ! , ' _ _ 3w~, v) ,y .y ~ I , „ ~I t q~ ~ ri,l, t'1~ ~ ,.r. ; it I, ~ , , `'i~ l ~ ~ E r, of Jul 2~tr 191,1, cnntinuod, beating Y ; Lloeting,of .}uly 22, 1.g11~, rrsntinu~c}. i . r y : I I" `':ill' + Crimi'rtal Termw~9k }ae inn'',, F'or ~ha G Yet, ,,tonrlay, August 19t}i, lcjl}!~; , 1;pon 7nataon of J,ir. Gardner, ;cecant}er{ b 1~r.Ia ! 1 ~ r. 11 ;the B, a , ;I Y n rcl vottsd to ,Incept ~ dead from th City of Vrilmngton, as ilidicaterl in .'t^ ry r ~ n e .I,t,Jnhrtson. ~ , ' ' 1 ,r CnL1!111niClt,lon Of''Jlln~ 6th t , : Bovren. + ,1{. ,in" r ~ , a r.onvny tztle'to "Brit:. ) ...Harry ,F w,F.Britta.n. G,(„l,asrlwr~l.l. i ! Aarc " a memoraal at'Fart I''ishar, to Ilavr Hanover L'ount 1,1a 'f Gora. C.Y,DoVeno , Yanc Phi 4, ~ 1 ; ~ h{arsdsn J. Y PP~ Ro,art 'ale~~ '?.,.Vrillirtras. y' ' ~ , : ; . f ! ; Jaasr, Yar'~orou~h. 'J.S,L.B•own. ':f.C,ltancon. 3 j } , . An applzcati.on for ,license to t .Lannon, }LC.Jnvis,, all beer ay minter" Psrk i:n the na 1 ederiak 9f11etts. Cars Vt. 1:{irttz~ John ~ I rte of rattsnn Lrn - •r Y hall. r,B.Gur anue ; : thers and g r,.,r.Csrl . exseuterl by i?loyd >+ratnon, Sues t:t nn oration of l.I ~,~~I P r, ,ardnor ~ l , la• T,II.Rov,ell, sec;,lyded .II I. t.alnman'0.' R. P.Joh.lsan. ~l,T,Bantnn~ J,F.B~ttohe'lor. 'P.'rr.l':eith. ' , E ' sub,jeet to the: ro er ~ ~ I rove , p d _ , ~ P p a ,station by i,ha par{,y svho wsll porsonall~ o era a fi J,}S. James. tr.P,}dunson, ILA'~1{in ^ t J P he buszn©s~ ''a 6 a,R,Bordaaux, C.1{.Sidl~~r ..the np licatio~t to , , nd Y ' P shave the names of all-thcz rtrties intrsrast ry ~ Fa as. Oarum G B r r 1 , . „ . 'i. ~ , P ad _n the sarnG, and appI•oved „larerca l e.ry, ,1n.ph B..lf~l.~tnms. r,.D.Rivanbark, i?.T.Bissin•er, i by the Sheriff. ,r , a. I R„..,P~.vsr. (..L.Ro~rs. ,rgadrrnv H. 4rard. 11.DJrwrott, ` 1r.G,Robortsnn, II I r. r ~ c" I I'JG B, ,,tricYlani, ttonroo L. ~hrisr, t n I, Y ,ltarne},ay, T,,,,Brock. , L . A requoat of lr. J. Boll far. an Ad ustment of t, ,1 ~ ,1 }'e bath tdxes an hi,s r , • Stol.le,t. F.L.Hu ins. m T,, , , „ GG . ,sr.,an, t,urtxs l eter^ar., ,t.A,YrilliRms. Jr. ' , ~ p oPGrty :~ri block 1! to .r,r{, ~ I : 1. ~ xrte upon notion of l: ~ n r r, Coleman, ,,eaonclec b 1%ir. vttrdziet• rrlfa + d X18 ~ Y , rrnd to .ht, co?rti.{,tiro }•rith owe T.D.Pinar. C._,.Thompson, Irnnk Retchin, t~,1).1~fa11Gtts. !.}{,Bat.`wbn. ~ ~ x~ eiat, i p r to , ;111: J.Lovr+ Davis. _ S, Behrrandn, Llr,;,;a Lunn, r p pon mrstion al' 1,r. Coleman seconded by-}M, Trftuk J'ir I' , i ,1p1 ly' , ~ , '1'NonAr; A. JFc e " I re.etss vras'thern tal:rn until 10;t)U G~cltick " }t o, lcl Lourt h» I ,I h ,Lt,, Iratine,.dau Jul lst tv e© ~ ~ , l r roe s~ .ak , m t w t}. the o I'ors,!t, ~ , Y ~ , Git~ ; 6r?tnted an abatement of X1.04 taxes. Gn-male do listed in a•^r f, ~ to da.scusn °oitit got 11at • ^ , i l;',~' g , or or ~htl _ „,,a.,c~l 1,er~ am, to to I" ..y year lgt,y. J , ka such action fa,Ind_nacosnary., dzid to-rosulao Ii I.~., ,ulaner .Sttld'r Gf t}e Count" 17Ud'at '•00 0" y ^ t 1 ~ G clock. P,,,., T.tur~ue~j, August 1st,. lgrt6, { pen rlotiou ,;f Ltr, Gardner, senanded 'by i~r. Hall, Dozier J'iixun e ~ ' oloret 1 I , • lndzgellt, vrc,, -an recor<J;PSn ; a of the `Suparintendant'oi' >,ublic rre fare a . , ~ dat,cn a ~ , dnlrtted to the Caart Ifnna c>:s a - `~C'lork- Il~lf f, Y n lnmrrte. I , I i L ,I,~. • i I . ~ Upon motion of r,}r. 'Prabk seconded b L} t Y r. ;Tall, au+,harit vras Ivan +;c7 ' , r n, „ M Y G 361aI•at8 t}le &,^,$P,^i5r!l©nt ~ILi.,liulv,,g veg ',;,)Lr .~~",C1J! 1;.i.u~s i the Timken 'prr.~perty in black ~~jfr i;a enal-,ls the ovrrters of ~ ~ nn I dear the bat}c°taxas due nn theil• resnaotive in rr P, E th„ mrious c{ivis ions, ae'showri ozi ma . , , , P T rr ~ n t0I'l3, S. r'_ ,5_u~r,l .O 'trnF T;~,'`C' uJ[_'( _i 1~,k;; TN ..t;A,Ril;.,_T r„ , rr` r'. - s...,, l U..I; THc. ..iJUGE:T , Tha ma+ter of incr®asitt assossmpi t „Its on 1€lrtd on the snt~tharn .alt _,a7Y t' :;P t}af l'fri~ht^vi11o B ~ ^ , w ,_,IJ,~,-,_ ,1',i:. ,r.,L~:T I: t, each vra,, d,, s ~ T .+Hn{R.r}P!' a,~.~. ,r,nSK~ BIAS. MALI, : '~s,, .!,.R" and same to be tivan ennsidsration at t -scussed, ; i , ( ~p, pp , he next taxable ariad bo P a.tsnl Jana „ ,r,,, _:Ty [7 -'ti u r l,rt le) O ,l, IT,.', i I_L rv... e 1'JL 7,{ (".1 r , ,1.. ,r i,i •i - ' d , w'. „ f ~ c..r,.L,,:.,.Y uh "fa.c, JGr i A r : Aces r s wa^ ~ ten. akeu ,tntil -1:~4 A.1,t. Tuasds~~ ;t w _7.. r,,,, - i] htlcl:a ~ ~ .,~~-r , fG. ~1TI't;11f'r' C-7Ti9ir}CJ'at~9li Uf ~1 .L ::~....:1 Jr s t., I,'elt~.`, li~!ftL 4w . , - ulr G., It I f, t t• ~r, 1 i i ' ~ t. ~ ?tB f M - I ~ , , i]UlY i ; ~ww . _ r / _ : r , a i n i I n I. :.I , r '~,i n -^r- .:P.':.i J • r, .,t 7r~, r}LL VU`l.- f` iT, F yy~ ' 41e - • ~ , • j ~ 5 L, Lt n:. aF THk, VV ~!_'v, u,l~ ,?L GA~i; ~t;,,.,TY r,U~i114'i ~i.~1PLL. 1'. J {r , I l~1~~ 1'filrrdrrTton Ir ! x r. ; . ~ , _ ~ _ ~ , , t,ul. { , T,;:. " I i ir,nlIT J._. t ~ 1)~4. , y. , , , f =i: a L,rI 7 T r w , TP~:~ I , r r- • ~ :1 n, 4 ,a I ~E I r{,. cY IiEI'~i~ . i I. _ n,l ~ i `i x,1;;;3,. a~'•, a, ~,,r"Y~ ;,L ri= w,!`I ~ I t°~, ~i: _ ' 9 • i wi 1,.:L~:.-I,,,Jv~.,,:, lilt FGCLC}„1IvG ITc~.15.,ERE ELIG;t~riT"a I .,te re °ular vrao}:1• motton I~ a~ ' ~ Y ' the Board wrts held ~t 10:UO A. 1:{. i' r ii , 1re98n ~ n , cr ALITt'..d~IL-:.~ ~IrE•t. a T p 'r`!` . 6,,r v,.,~,.v ~ ~ ~ ~ . p, . ~ t A a , ~ - i 1 ~!I f isan HalvlettGhalrlnn,it }r9a, u, Trasky usS, I,t• Hall • ! ~ 7 e y r ,,n'~ , , h. It. Garrlr.ar 1. Calemriz rli ; r ~ , , ~ 1 I(} ~ Ir,,,c~1 s,_:.,T, t;, ~ °=vU,l+~ , „ 9 ~I oun ; ..ttarney L.arsdelt Lr;llarnv. ~R N ~ ' A Li E FQR DRAINA,,E,dIORK •RELUGED nY,~'~•,•~• i t ~ v..v.Cv r, ,~14: _he minutes of 'ee~¢ 1. T :IL_~-. I 1~0, ~.Ct; m ,.~ng of Jul,,. 22, r . • - 19~., v,eze read dnd ap}Irovr,d as retarded, - i ~ ~ T , I'i ~ 7 : Ln 't ~J,, ~ ~ E f .^.n annl.icatian for license to alaz'rta~e a t;lil'iin Cazr 'r LI " licat'a r * ~ ~u . le r,tnrl.et .,treat road, ,pubratt~rld by J,J,Ifobbs; anti nn }.pp i n for lcen.,e ,a s "1 P . of _ ue ,r cn thF ~arohna Berich Rorid s ; _ ~ + i - , - uhrli~ted b s - , - , r ~ u1 ,1rI3,Btlfd, t : 7,,:.,_, t, ~ I'4 .C,.:w ~1• l 5;~~:Yy 41, Y i ~ _i: i li,l ~L....IU'! ITH THra the sales having'bean ©ndorsed b 'the-Snarzi'f vrera~', ~ r „ nn i II Y , tpnn mat._Un 9i , r. lire dztur, SsCUndad h'' air, CO}C;li£tn ~ LTY I! ,C' I r I;T f iti'~`'d 1 ST li) r epnrovcd. ' ,I; ' 1, ~l..L...._. -d P. t'lta e I' hUraty bGnt}.", 1'ar ;{envy L,1Lll±r 1rr.11iifimSnn u'''':I1E ' ? ~ fl ,p , oyG .3rsd.,nasJ and Luthcsr }{I ~,t~r,n Itaurk as Justice of , the Pegcr~, lIt the amr,i~nt a. ,.l 000 ' , ; ~ , ~ , .40 sate vr~th the ,Tat tonal .,urea t,a ~nratlor as_ :nrrGt," >h•,„ , , _ , f:r _ ~ mn+,~.nta of I,tr H i r; Y r'1 t,.e upozr Il..,i~:,.:TG,,, ,,,..!.,oT 15T9.1,•I~~. 't ~ a1., ,,P-.onrled ,~t r, vaz doer, ncceptnri, the said amatlnts Navin};' b~•en 1'ir.Rrl by law, r , , v'JL, f1i, 1,`~-aP IHc .v~;sA} 1 aT 1 ,v . r.ri FJ`~TPL., .!I.,,.,tl~aly~. vF THC ,_,Uil~ar.T• I ,r. Ae.ron GGldberg_s ©akin Per a;dGle ation p i I• P G g rem Kura Eeaeh, askedtNa ' } I t the se vices of the speoia , officer ~ln the area: snutn oi' Carulina B ar; , ~ I ©,h ba can'.:nueri for 6U „r^ ,i • , ; n: ~ , t . : G. JU d-t ~ be Jan,, tl,:, n-.r iod a ~lowod T n. , J ~ ~ ;~L:;_~ ,.:,I_;:TS ,,!ir;l , . T~iaah ~i,,,~i7r,ar{ ,R •^•'i APa,, a„TY , , in the budget, to afford polka ~r'otsction for the-2©4 ar ~ i I } more fnmilias that reside tllere t?;a yenr- L - t i . i' round, or untZl flare Beach is inanrnoratAd as is nova r..nntElmpl>~ted, vrhon'i;ho~r will take over this , J , c C , ex nen.,a a e nd ~ _ rv rra , 1C9 : S .l UI t m0 , tl r i n 0'1 , of , I}r „a e _ P ran s , . , CCUIl(iCd by l.r, fin18L1a.1, IUGC1VGrl IOr c.U?151dBratiOn ~ .,',~:-';IY U , : ~ r,~.. o _ +U (Tv, ,t_:,,(! r}:,I.~<.. Ir,t,T ,ii E: :IJi~'~,FT a~ li ,`J;. :Tr1~,i,~ la Ii. C~CE:SS t~F THS ,a:I.0UN7 wt~.:GTE~t ~i r with other budget matters. ; „ , r,, ; .I ,:°u ,,f ~ v;., i r,A rtJ{ I~., .,,'I..r;k,,,,;iJ Il.,t 1,,71t7,i,.:W t~ruC; u, LU T„ ..,AKE .,ITCH G.,r,TA IL,~,E,uT I 1 1 , ! ~I I I 1 . ,t .,_JI t_.,T-; T~:- "~r'-. 1 r ^ Trl -;.l~G'~..•'!;L Qf,..fr1 IGe j..' ,.:q ! , ~ L: J~,~,:.,..T ,r~lL - ,,~T _FFt tT c C, Z T f I H~ JLr .RT.E:IT 1 ,J I A I•eport of f.he.Uranrl Jar fore. the Jul r-Criminal to 1, i Y 3 rn was raceavad and falsd. l i J I , , I;!, 1. 4'F' i. ,.r„ c=t I ~ lr; ~ .1 r' t:,m '.I T;:' ,r,,:( X1;1 ^.q it nn motj r n Tot. , _L~r...,,T„}:..-,, A571~TA G~ N L+ I~vl..~' T ._Ttt p ..on of ,r, t,ardner, seconded b hex. ColAmrar it Nos a ~ r t < ^.4 , Y , Gr•e abls the Hgard t..a • Jur ~ ba : , . ' • . r :~P y v,,~;T .,,U. U nJJ IL:, ~ ,r t<,i#:E:.. .Y t, Tr,aJI, rlra, v,+l,;,i~e~a {rlr~T IidAS=U CH ,,5 ,L V~ ~ ~ M _J. a _C ~ A rt c.~ Aid , 8tlIlirianad t C. o attend the f zest d:i of :~lu gust 1c 16 -Civil Te ' ~ . I Y _E, J ~ r:n of 5u error Court of 11ew Hatlovor Count' 1 _ - C , ; g r , , , r . I, P Y LI ,.TI•~,! '-F TH, aT,,Tt: 'JF I „t<Gr:.'v tCtH ~~L~ ,tGL n,,alSTp,,lGr y,J., ,71U fiG .~Lt?;Ist}LIT ,,H1LL~r:id_FGR THE tdcKT ~ I' s ; ~ , at<l(1;00 P.'.1d., n.n accordance..w~th a rc~soltztion ado to b n ,,-;-r, . ~ P d y the Calendwr t,orrll.tt©o Jul 2 th, ~I~r t,~,_„_n:, ~ - ~ 4 r„s n. r. _ T , r, .r. r I , I~ _ y 7 ~aL Y~MR 1 , : , . Lr., IoLA,J..:! I GO,.T..,,,r'Lr,TL_ FLr, I H_ , aTi, o (nOFvhiT IOtJ OE MALF JF TH r.: E I s ~ r. G Tl cl it II ` - i r 1 i..•. n~ r stn 'i't Th'~ l.~U~JTY rtUJITUP< Iv l~~3:F[l~c. ,,1JTnC7;iZE,.I Tv AraTICII,tTt t,., A.,~IT1~:,nL •r {~..~+•(,G FR4„ ,HE ~T, i " r. [v ,/s r~TL FOR l}LI,; ~ 7 3 - , request for ad,~ustment of the beak taxss charGea against the property. of Jerry T)anger'_'ieid, F .•,z,, r I' block ~p27 was it on motion of fir, Tens}' + P referred to the c,or,unit se trlth parrer tc? set.:' . i, : ,a r t I v e „F _.,r..)P,~rt '~,-Ctz ,,f 'si, I,ULF.`,iAI~J y I T ;'i„•a }.!il,r~n~,. ,,,aT T}dt-J!drr, I FF a i5, ENSE +'r i TH .THE U on motion offer r , ~ ~ . P o.l by _r. R. Gardner and seconded. ]d y ,ss.onas ~ I , r, Lr J, Coleman ~11H 3oaId of UO"Ittl. ~ .,c ~:c °'i:- ~ , - t ,:r . , " , ~1.I:,Cu I?.,, ur rti ~IE.~LI::;;;+ -~E~UTItS :,F7ct~ n:iCi15T ~iy ,,1.? I•'AT liJE ,.,_r,VIfiE~~ Gr rhb 51''~CIAL C~FFIGER lil ` i. I of Nerr ltannver t,nunty, unanimously ado ted the statement cantnirted 7n r f b the. - ` - ,r I P _ a h iof prepared Y. IiE `AP~,EA 5'.UTH QF ~,I~ I"" P'r , Rr"iAIPIEL~ FC~R THr, rlat~nG 1cr,H• t L _A ,I: a i Iilmingtalt Port rrolvniss~an in the mstter of the CA,pa Fear River L'hannel at and be ~atv 'r~ilmintton, m I i , i the proposed pro,Ject to ` rotride a channel do nth 5 f ~ the oes, , ~ ; p I of j, .e©t ai, lotir tine thatvreun 4ialman.ton and ,;n, h,-. , _ r r r. ~ ,,r- t„ .11JN rJ~' ; u,H:-~~,"Wt? a.CVr!,.[m :Y Z. ,,Qtc.:,,i1; IT , .uc-.r.;, THAT 1"'.~.L) NC^2 .,.1i'Tr± I'G-?Lf:,E': Ih: :i1l:F~ftik:S' i AR I ES _L4,,..~. a-;; ,P tv ;T 1.-;.,: ~~I1T ivvT Tv'a.tLY T PA!.T T!f„t G',it'1.4Y'FS. ~ I' ~ U on mot,.on of tar. Iia11 s c ' d _,EuULA,'~ Gt?U,.rY Ei,i: LijY, e.. .,s ~ 9 t.. , P , e ended by Ile, t,olemq.l, }tr, C. R. }dorse, Tax Lolleetor, was autharzzed ftn I _ _ , instruotad to advertise the l ~ r tln aide texas for ~ + ce on t}ie _ . I 9 p sal. ..n accordance tirzth the law to sake nla ~ , , ;vTlv~'; C=F Ild' q ;<<;t.._t~ ;f ~;,t,1Lr~,tF: ,~,L .a}Lr,,,7 :;F ~I, ,.~t~l:i UUI,~„I 1 hS g s , ,T~ aT ~~F rtJr{,Lt; ~ t1 Pirst }Gondey in September 19x6. , ~ , sn ~ r - " ~ . , r. IPCFicI;SE,., r?... . 'r.. ~.v;W. rv ;Ct.,,..:v v:, , - nrFl,,,.,r,TIJL ,u,l OF .ir7cr~ ,:.,r~.~ I , a~W ~,E -Jr AI Ft':IAiv L.,,jPl t.)T~«: . il.y1 - v L k ~l T , i f , a , W , The folio inc, good anti lawful s.lGn trc.. , ~,l avrtl to serve as urnrs in the Cou t for the leis. 7 Superior r , of Civil toads for the week ,a~, •intti:n_ ~rG, ds~ c f'. _ m . ` m , ~ a n y, August lath, 1).tb. ~ >i; ,JTI~:! SF ~f, .r-.,, - r .sa t;_ l!,t `3' T ThE Ai:.' LtF i,5 L: ~ n „A r.. ..t~~~l, _N ,-,i .,:1 L,. t., 7 I } ;,1U i.. t-11i1t+%i'I Iv:, ~ I: i > , r ; t'~ t , lr fl ~,I,„ m r c H.R.,rillirrms. lrm.,9.riazelhurst, Ronzl©y Rouse. x[,I',~;dvrards, J.U.burray, ,r~ > A. J, Carr. J:I{,lrvin~ Sr ,t , _ ~ _ !°d! i;, C.S.Perna, >t`r,T.}{a kirs. J.L.,rillard, 1r.(7.Fickl~nb, ~-,:1 n• , , p ,.NUP. ":UT (~'.I ,`rF Ei r , .d ~ ' Trl:. 7i:}{~'~P. '.I~irL~-:-v:,T{l± . U~,,CT „r"s S' (5.;° , I, 1, 1'x0 r 'T r t _.i+'; 7~`1 , i~vl .t.`- I f U'dL;a A; I' .P. rle z G Ira n , . 4 5 1sh. Oliver A. Bell. -,.R.Dri ears. Ra..,l,,eredith. A.R. "floe. - a: ~ r . . . _ _ _ _ „ - ,r• r r r w "I~FJ Iris i'„IVu'' iWA, fN~ i:;rI,,.~rtS At.RFw i:~ ,~,u,l.,~ ~~"LY 7.uH J~a J J J'i" TH~ 11!,;Il 'Z.o,Johnsan, L,.1.}{urrellr Lnvvis Q,mond, J.u.Ca~n. R,,~.C.orm•re11, ,,;y, ~ J.H.Pdillor. r , , , ' 1l~,, „ ~r z , ~ -.v,--_, TAt h„T"t. Arlan :+,t~,C'TP.nES- v - ~;2'w• it }{,,.,A„try. L. 5chvrartz. ,+.,vf,fraad• ,5r~ t,.u.}"rRtzte,, G.Lt."lids. }i.T.V amen. ' ~ ' ,r y _ 1 r , T. Hobbs. i;,F,~lndorson. A.J.1,Ioore Jr A • ~ ' •m ill, - r r,,... , . , ~ lv~ e 'G. ShapmanP~aul A rfel .,n. 5ar, H. H i , f, ~ L,. U;! lti ,~r ~ =:1rrs !Ir:<THE ,,..,.~'+T G'r "t?,.r;,~ FCN. T~E Lvl WT't _at1~' b'F,~-•, " f, , . ,TY . 1 ...~vLT ,~.,71;'.aT._., .i_ C ~rt...lwuT:3 17a 'P Dagid J. LeN1i s. H, f,Bor'es. Jss.lf,Carne~ . Jesse C, I~l; •h. J 1 `,5uues, r I .7 J E, .I~.Brom, rt.}, ,r~ , rr ;~r• ~ r , ~ , L: , , ! ~ 4, _ ,r 1 v: ..F „~:,_1.;,.<, w= ~~..~~J i'r . it,, ~..s...i.!f`iP~l t r; , r=_ ,"a ' , .ir' I~ , tf r. : • Li. ' ~J ~hPvta I I.I J 11;1., ,n_ y , - ~ } ; 4ti ~.J a i tl~ .~`1Ei~ I~ ,,aniti-,rea. ers. 1r.H.Bullard. 4'.A.hall. : ~ r:,. , S . ,7 J.D.,dcLOan, A.C.}~roada~, . I..;Cv~ 4 n.., n ~ c ll.,t h.I 1` ~ttt;U vF T,,_P.IY ,.AY,,.F ,Jv r ,t, I. ' ihl ,,.~r.x:1,:~ ~f Tr!r" vL.~,,, ,`J1 ',`_I'" ! 5 wTlv`a FGr; ri ' E 1 ,Ht aLJ TIti)PJ i~ , ;i 1',l1rldanrtin Patel L, Yfebb, ; }r oft , ~ ~ Golusteti,, ' G A n , }Iarnld Abrta.hnm _ ~ , , 41 .n rr.n6t n t J Bran. _.,andlxn. p T, r ~ h irt__ r~°n, n ii-, . ;r p l,,J Y ~ !a n a1~ . ~ , - ,f',I,Pn , : ~u,J..,, ..TI,,..-r,_r ~N , r1 p ,t:JuJST y,~.T, ~ ".l ~,LLDT.;~c.i,TS Fl7f, ~~n~ ~ , 'TT" L I a??r 'r? c , r .-P; ; Nl;;: P,-?~:. T~, , ~ I., CI„ : F , r;:` F I T„ H: - I Vt.i ,{~:i 5Tu1~5 F i E r ^ i;;,ti f' I ~I;. E i r i- , ' i ,l I i i , j , i , E ~ is iI I! ~'I' r Ii i~- ~ ? d :r . . . ~'4N"" , =--m 1,;..,, ~c~r~ ,I, oac~oodadc~canaaooaadoo _ . OOOQdOInC~C,?G7C)C7OdOL7dOpp, "C' u1 OOC3tJID0 .OOdOdQ KJ' »ttir~w,G. , ail ! r. r. y `,`'~r~ „{~„~T ~IST t - C}DOC+C7 to oO0C7OddC7G I}n r~ r i r.._'t C fIT!.`t;,'rc Q' ~jnO1!'IQC7UIN©Otf1O`OOOOOQNG O OOC3 ONtTOOC~ G NOgO ; a'; .1 1~ ~ _ Q.-••-N CV,;^O N p:C? ~ In tt1 n to tf1 C7~In In d ~t1 fV ICl CJ ~ p G O 0:0~ M O'O Qc {I"s ..a~~ " I Wilt! '(~t i`sJr rF v _ . _ ..Si' ~m~ ~ _ u'1. N rfi e- U1 iC1 cJ- _ N;N I`~ C) C7 O ' i d r Int r,i ,f 1~4tr,.~W.7 t j,ra , N.- W t; u1o;."r } it1L t rLL'_I'v! i.1', I" +n _ r ';i r r N (11 (v) --'7. r__, _ 4 r , to O N th 1 Y _Jr fTo 011 T!HC uf!' I JItitiTJ U~1_ ~ l-GF P rN ' , i. e I ; ,,;t Litrt,, 1,~Lssr1TIU'= RC-CftT( A ~ t?r',;,; - r5r ,I, _ i , ;I;: ~t{7!,1;TY FtU~, , DN 1vH.Ct; rgLL FCC I ~ , I I TqR _ , _ ~ , ,SAS ~>;„,'I~>~q~ 1~ TH;r i51• F l it ,+1T 11l't VGTE ~iF Ai. " ~ ~ I ,r c,s ~ 1 L bCl~ I F 3 i t. ~ r: I, t - I _ ~ ; ;L - ' G ~ r~.~uL.d~J~ ~ r T~J r ~ ~ , E i~Ar~l} JF JC7UITY r , t ~ A',ri F,CvLSva%!'~TS UFxgh; >r ;x -'q,., c d f AlI>/.si Cvl)JTYf iNAT TNG ~„LL4ri -A 1 ~ ~ ri t?LL Trt.,ISJLh I.1(, p ! . , ;Wr c1:TY {t~ „t5r_f'(rr OVE~~• '~GI11"1TY t !nX I ~y , AUTriilr~(ZEU Y TMl ~Cr';-ftA r I s i ,~d5, 1;, a +'N~:s tl ~ ; i ~3 ~ ~ ~9', ~ C At~S ~;=C C'i AL .\GT^~ CF T;.E c.E.a 1 aLATUfiE ' T q x,': a; ~L., trll; a N I Ir .i ~ r ~ s'I JGC rr.(lE `.uC;ur~ Fqr"t liCT15IL. ' a to 11 l t^. ; ' i 1,, 's f. N O d Q i . -THL :'F.FT I PJq ` il1EtJ f•o:JuuRt!'=h. G , . ~ Ind I " ~ W No ' i ~ CLE,1Y,, N G N I u~,n i r _ N ~ ~ ";',,'ll 1 ',~I..t,'i ,i.:T:iPJ? ~.i,i ,U;U,T STN; 1`_~r' '.f'"°.-,. ' ,j , ~ Va',ei'N~OA-'- . 'lIr: ~H_ +fifidl_,t:~, SiT~I_f.L`f '_Frl r r r,l I ~ CON~h~ _ ,.l, 1 , # 415„ . „I, s`S1 , _ , b,lf ~ : C7X In~D.tC1l7~q-r N. ' I h Rr. aLrT J i'YsG' , :Es'iLu: T T vtir'~,; } ~r;l r k' ~ 1 w d I~ O 0 U1 N ' , . i I .n..~ ;,.t.,. I,,AaK ir, J...S .,:)l# I,.. V'# 4UG _ S CT(~- ~ ( : ' , I ' t1.5 ,i ,.J Vx ' {I ',,~sJ:.t; L , r f r ~ r r- tf1 N r. : ~ 4LLus,t , 1 , ,.°Y ' . L ~ rr ' _ t, I~) ~ ~ 1 rM ~ r. ,.TI..1~ ~uLf 1; a " i1r1i H ~,I}F,il1 ~;;7~ ';`,1 1 , 6t3 , ~ } W r I I~''t ~t; f3,_~F'OIJJL 1 IH'c itCTigt1 !;F TFII"` l' •1 , Lt i ,11Y z I{ _ I i;_ ~ , „ ' I ~ ~ CASTI.~ .',SYt,~.~ ~r}~ ~ I y :J i ~ r ~r,~ TL } _r, J i I.,L ,Ta(~~ _,F rats= npeL I t..r iqr~ , r .I r , _ 'L LI I Vii, a..,i. I ly Is L;u3a,: LCLF.. iuP ,F <; v r 7: fir. i„ T„ U N I ~ ulTlcl A I'~rr.c.U TV t)VvfsG1 z<r {v P c I I L.l'~A7 11 i 7!_ ',tA;TL:_ ri'r ; I i ~ „ t;1 , r rt +q? i 'i,T LY . I. 1 - to • ,:I_t_`3 F SCI. TF1 ,;lTY L 1 :=1 T i . $ ~ ~ ; I .!,`1'~e tYf l l t L' i'~x+I.Y ! , ,slur; ;,F Tµi , .;',q _E b ~ ) I ~ r,r,i; L_i1 of I,1. '(r;4 ~ x ' !rNq # f7(" i,tLF p T "Ct. I . , r , _ . w ; » ,:i' 1 , l ; fllr?, `s'~: ) .ITY t..,~,~t l,;" `i ~ yl F° G N N ( ; ' R Pr > ! I 1, 1,. ur,7,a 1 1 t,> 1 f "1 ~ ~ r r:_ 4 ~ „t~_:_ 1,, 7M AT IcT 1 A.; i5 ;.,I,, .AL~ .r e- I I .x C~; x 11 Y I C~ r r a _ ' I, i R. r,A.~~ a J iV LL'h1 C'3r614 I'I'Z. t3-"? W OQ I I 1 Cl;f ~J , qr, ';;I_' r1 , h ~L~ + ..._1J ,af T'!, + { r~ F qT~ Ct" lr L vhf': i. ,~13f1 C.1J 'I l ~ : 1"` rF A. F'L IuR1+;T HAll , R _ I J~H .I ~I_I n _ - ~ .5:~, a.. Tiw F,r'r ,s. ,.,U: i mj ;s'.Iq .,q ,.i) vriiQhiC`~t:ii ,F I !_~<F'.,'r+TFtLi{ : I ,}:_R ,ru _ ,v(' _ ~~{r .Iq ..tf I.n`'a l{.l1vF. l.; 'h`d..~ ITnJ (i'.r ~.7w-r. .._a r'r v,. L1 ~h T~I;ST TTiFr" w{r r- r, , iG T~:.31_I.L ibLF, „T THE. L,7';r,T I v,r 1; ul u ;AID `r~', i~F'.151;i~ =.)tle:,5 ;a b ~ Y G b 1 ~I : i• V, ;r,1T1.t,Gi: ki'lu uf''Cc'S tpl'ITi?iiiC.i7 li'i ~,re. ,iii 4 ,1 , _ 'Lr51.`: qF A L rtrl,ti'EE ',:,i„)ITIf7+, 1'"1 in>_ ,I=. r1 d~ O p c, ~ ,t,., ~ M1. TNL .+r`I<F1T5siiLLC Tt1ANPIKE ~A~l :~F'THE ~L:. u, C; F~ . ~.iv f'~' _ E~ . Jr.1+~ ~AJ.dc..., _ Ih1A~l~'~UATG ih ,t( I-;uE r5 '.;x Tv I _ d ~ p 1 !,;t;Ue,` '(fiL i 'kT$VILLF 7JRt;F K i) r ~ , - ' I'', ~ C~ f 1... , _ to u} iIuL..!~Jr7 UI I>_ J^• r,Ut. r, `i grit nlr._~.~ Kf ~.tl._i. I'yi f. -JTnI: ~ N fv ~ uvl I S:7Igt, 'i:1S ftC ;UESTk~ Tq-PIJ'f L.,U rr p R . ,,,I r . ~fI ~ ,.,:,ir °T~ ,.W , h E°~T ITI.~:i ~ I I q i~i ~ I- a' d o a-7 ~I~ _ ' ','I'qN (arlgt'v tJF ~ ,P,_ vv'L 'AiJi [.Ct,iJ;7Lu 7Y ,,:Mi .1,'iTr `~F= T,;: ~ z ` ~ c o to '.Ili .;0 J '1rIJ~h~ f,iR., I~ I _ w w 1 rt ~'fATt r »iiJT JgNGC L._,,;31>tl~ F;tCtr JUUTH!.~,LAN~',`t BTU Tt ;',;Til I~ v 1 I I1 u~- G N N t, q T': { x; :;JCN Fii-.Trl: It~_!_II F ';~,i"3=;liri're ~ ~D L.: C q LI ti M U', r j ~ ~ ~ ~ a) V' Ur 1.~ q r. I, r~{i l ,i I;IrS ",~%lJ ri;.i `,~!xl~ '~Kt. P,*1 r - r' !n CI' 'III it { i 1 II I rl TI' _ u'Ji)5~ ! PTAR I'. - ITI R1 q , , ~ _ ~ ~ ~ o G tp I J, r. r ..R iI ll. I I II- j - III I ~ ,l. IL W u', I 1tJ1. q"JI'~- i G, qc `NL `~~[L I: iutl ~[li n t. ~I I~. I I 'r`. I - t1' O O t' ~ 1 ',,,r~ ,lt i;r TY I~. Y U I, .I°t.1hi; T+; °Ta,r;.; ,1 f` I j1. tt , - c' ~ d G U _ , f T i IJ o T:: `I;. C, ,I I "1 FA01,1 THt N r" p~ ~ .~i5 is ITr?r.. Ilt_ ]C nti'i:. ';L T'~. !-ll'S is F!!i. I H" 4 I. ,.t [jf~ rr plry t.. - ~ ~1 : 1~ l('1 (ii. I 91 ~ Q O 1 9 + w , ugLl?TY e(r'' I TC!1 t.l .n .;ifiR[C 'r; l , h.' .r r r- 'i!. ~f ;i, I L ~`ardTCSHI., r?.,aU.SL HEI't"f~T, 'h{1x1{ ~ ;f ~ re _ r, n ,sty .r,. , r IU'r '7. ~t . , „ ! ,.'..LL1.1~lr,i ?FJciVE'.1 ,:IIFI 45 r, 7F{I,, A!`1?7 t:JANY Cr113 r r ;1 r r. R ~,Tn FC; 'Fi;: ,;~T ;t r , ~ v _ ._~1:5.. E:.r,wf 1,.~. C ~ G ~ "r R[.3,~ i,A ar F°,i~' I Rla~"~ ',71 T'1 "5 ~>;PY '~F T'.. _'r?t:r. tl! ~ O i ~ i ~ + ~ I q C ~0 C.:i ~5 ~j ' Il ~ULi t, Ahi ca rr., I r~r• s: - r..--r. U°•! 71.dtd t~F ' • ~ Ei Y i~R ~K r r~ r ;,cr r , . - t+• N O n: ~ IF{C F,,_.v,yl.!_. LlJctti,-- T., +I t ,r „s;I 9 U, , i "~NQ Pd 71'V SA'7E Ef I Nr I r;11r- c~,, 5 - r r- r r , > hLJ L1,_~.,II., I :;i ~(~'W JnERI=F`~ W W x~-- ,a.._ ~ I ~ ,1'st~vl`. Sri Tom.^,t r! `1 -r1 r<r ~ r; IW , ~ , 4't,' ~ I I I 3 riU.11;a I..v =~Ifa 1 ARI{J ~,rtl:hl ~'~IGLIa ,_t.t,H i-,IuM,-,~Y. y I I I ; .J, F4+Uh7~,ItJi ~i~ ~~ns :,11x111-;IL'R ".s1Ll_ r kC':,I °11TY L1':ilT.}, ~ F CC O G 4~ I ~i i O ~ C~ ~ r:ltl,i .'dRISIiTS'JILL~ ~tlU='?Uf w a ' J 41 , I I- I i a C' ~ ~ O d ~G I E~ F _.'iRC I~LUTZi ~i~r~gLI;~A ,.r?GIH ~ A:.1? Q~ir ILE`rt,u,„ , V -i ~i'' 1..I~. N~iCl f I '1 .L(i1n •t tlulj „gAus ~ J r; G C% ('1 , i ~',1. t. TATL gilt 1. HTS-q+tq Pi U 0. l~ O h U, II 1! ~r it ~ f I V'. Il' !I '1 I _ to : 1i I ~ ~ ~ r , _ r , i ~ r r, _ . , ny :sY L, ~ t,,71tr vJu,,T I.., _ 'r ~ ~ I ' r 1 O Q U^, G 0 1 Oft I iiE .1 .I .I`i ~ 4 JIB ' Ln T vF rL!L { G .r~. . 1~ 1 f3 -~~T1~.1'« r l I t rti Tc6u L, ~ AAh ITTEa l J ,H:. J.,,.raTt' W GG _ GCa p b G I 'i I ' O.p I S ) i roc n- T„ rry~ - 4 t 'n _ Cad' O ,(3t ij Ii I'' I ,i: IrLI t (~T ,rA.~ P tr ~D ) T - r C OG O uLL~,1q,T o,1~57iN~ ~ - vi CtLC...,T,_u FC,S ,~L Ili ,5 z Guy p.'- G G w ..+1 ~s~ 71':0.1-., y.. v: -R f ,4~ n.9. C:7-5 , p :,:n. 1i,. U W- N tC1N O ~ Ftt~ iH~ 5„I .G A rrJ t,L F ,1~ :5fti.s~ L.'~Y, I «'-t-~-.; ~t ~::I r r T .'_i; •r.J UtSt,r, 1,rlir.~ :~trC.L,V CTr. Fv-t UI NN r 6. CY} I ~ i r:C\!' m u-i ~ . I , ~CfUu~l,, FgrT r?rx,)t,~>• :,_,,T3 ,.-r T!rt_ ..,OF. 1x5.{L. L;tJ T4` t~.r°ci'.7Y f;r :',;i~! ,~~'1~ ~f ;!L,".Y, _h.,'r, s ~i~; ~ _ r • v.+ :;r5T1 ~y `ir`3 + i ~xi r . Tt. ,rl~ JS' r.'~rT % ':'iT,.'Fv._ Tr~' x+.^T i. lG;~t. J~'vr 01 I,,. i_ Crt~,[J ~ T" ' G C}CSGC7OO~iCG5G0GOO': O It` O GC1OOOO 1R G ct7OdCTGOOOQCCJQO G N b OpGObO C' lil , 4` I .,tr,T~l„Cr;T r n.. ~~tk:lV,~r FrTls,;: TH~ :JJn ~ ~ , T` L, TIt1S ~ ~ I 1t+T,_ vF ,,JS~I, rx...,.,rSF ,I., ( I<_S1, a.. , G C]GG~'OInGC]GC?GOGG Ci t' a GGG 0.; ' 'I vq',,NTY' F „ ~ i itit, . ~ L 1 .1r e { ~ vul:y r- ~ C.~ t[S C? G C? (r. G'C if G ®Ci G G N ~ O ~ I 1 v ul. C .,.al.dl,a<,G..i~Il7'I~.,,F_r~E1.r drMlLuh~,d n1+.? F4'I, ! Iv~ rr;T1+..' F%t 1,._ ,~I.I. F r p lt^ Nttlrti'GO ~1 CJ Lti, G O O ltl U5 C- t" ILS tll Gt ~ I I . 1 n N1 lC'sr-CT`Cl'.lC'.'41r w(~_*-r r, r Nr (n. ::I, If re - r.,~ , r, T,. _ _ SI _ r;ilC') ter- (t. ! ~ F'I). ,.gllq, t')F. ,.i 'J=Ce.tti.y a,_C.r,..E.dJ ~Y 'R. 1'A~h.' T,~',. .'~;?tt >J "~GL1.--rr ,~5 f;E t1L:31 GF ',o. ~ N I '1 i i tl r f ~ _ . ~ <d r. ~t r, C y r, r a r?Sh i.{L JTi?T1 CuhrAr r 11 S ~ rs; r Y ^ ~i'" ll; ~ , I I~ al... :..r.lh _;1C°r IJ~ .I:;a1J~, TG hCr.~1.;~ ~lt?~ x111 llt?~, C 1ri;_ -~1N16 : i. ~ R . 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I' i ; (J I X' X U W L. rA 1" : G . ~ . N to ~-+i ~ r~ i'_ 1. n,, ~ r.., ^ .,r ~ i Q` _ ' r N N L..M U] Cif U? d f3 N • • p W _r h 1 C7 I r I .t, ITY „1. .~GL• 1#-~#. C,,L~LLA,aJ F,.r, 1.it° SAT L I I ,ir ?C 4d (f.:d •U,-1 }-'~L1- _ _ , i;'. ~ • h .tr i U' C'.rC"t~t'SC7(a W W WhG-- ~~0•~ I i r 1.; , ! : $T Ft<~s TMr° w,1',`C. llwgl'1 `:1qT lqt! c~F A CQLG1+t,,P? I ' ; , - I.ta h d h h- ,.1 {7 G' ~ i 1 i 1 i ' C~ U tY a. d - cn Ci: - i I 1 1 N ~ d 4 Z ~ Z ~ ~ tL ' W ~ N tGt I ' II ,.4r „J Y 1! f , h US N.~ to W ~ ~.d C+` d Q G W lfl W } ~ ~ F- W 1°. 4 r N it ~ I I I tdl',r• I'll,''.t?N nr..? TN " _f> r `,:,.-E>a t ri 4r. r.. 'rf -r~ A~ W W J lu C ~Lr_ I, uF TH,. gAFt~7 i...t.. I,JGRtAWEa. sY' \ iii rGf? _U.Jitl t4u ,dr L,.C ~':Ti" I -.i L7' U V.' Q.'W W W W « h 1- 1- F- M F- h, t- F- I- ~ tk h h, ~ W''~ U d 'r~ UW ~A7~ D•JCY.hk I; it . TiI(_ ,..Ilan TNE'r ~i::~~"i~~:Fl:i Q Q. t['~:W U.4 WW.W W W.~--~ G Z~~d ~J W W Q?- Q I-- • A-~y=7-~~t~ • Q. A W N¢11~ +1:d Q(fl G^ UU U q ir.IL b:. 11.1E :...,..-.:"),L ~ ~ U7U) ? ~ ~ ~ .I I i ll~. jt Vii' ~,d; s - ~'`a~Y _ I r I ~ ~ ; a c, , Vii: } _ E , ~ e~_.- _ _ _ _ . p _ _ . ~ ~ _ _ - r . CV ~ O Q, ~I i' ..,1.11.,(t ICI Y L1.1 1 1(~ t." H;a I,a N ~ r ' C> Q lC1 O O O L:, HT 11,,, , ~ • • • • 1 I ~ M 1 O I`~ ; N lfl ; I i^ , l1= O O N N N v { Ca ~ I • ? . • ~ i ,t iT5 I L ,LI- lr ~ (tl riij 'tr.J. s. r(tACi;f t}AS• 1.1L1: L; O N O Ca O . t{1 O k"it7t~..TY 1°t7Tt1iA1~Y ,~ftr, FleLr, p t7 p O w R i ~I rn TrIC ',"I!~11T;:5 uF ,.,Tlpdfr GF r4Uui.,ST MTH ~~`.1~, +'+.a ~ , I' a O tri p~ N f . f „f_RE FEItTI A,I>[zi nt't~F~QV~D AS 'riECOktU(ra. , rn_m~ ; :i a ~ h f' 2(5 ~V ~+1..I).i,`T CIF "h,ri x vl • r •~iC?LEiY F cl , , t. ~ ~ Q k i~EFJ.lJ OF ~i e ,5 . 0 t17 r r- /w t,CK TAKES ,~ltE R" 91 'i r~ ...1. ,.a 1 r. 7 tGV TI,~ !'(,ID G., lAT 1, _f I,, !.I,.O~t{ M v' c+l ~ N O d C- ~ [,j i,:lf WI +~,1;E:iJ TC `HEF LA?ii till,t!talv'1~, 5TAT11C TF.9T rITE lin:l"u 1 r' 'N ~ , . a 1- n ~ _ F'Jfl TiE: :kl.J LGT ifi Lt7ST >1ti~ NAT jl, e7' w M ,1FCt~,.1Uf r+PJ.7;1T ,iP(Ef,+S T~InT rti!w .,F Tr{t< f't'CP':.TY I'; Al i1 m r. ' O rt1 . ~ ' Lt„k GtJ r ul r- Ll~~ta'+ + fI(,1[! QF ~tEF' X11 J hC'1 ti ~ tLr1 5 ULJ Tu ~.lT ,~.f~ ',,iTlf~S AS I T TN. .r.,,J„TY ~Ui;ITC~, A`°;? (;{71,Jt.;TY' } ' tTTuitt;CY ,,"t;7 V:eST-I+?~~TIGeJ, l .i: RI r ~ 1 ~ ,k_,'',iE?T taF TEAL ~,,I._,. ]ir.1 ~ ~ ~ it v.' v(: ITTi_. F, ,;U1_f C;. °t - Uf C7 4 iCt ~ ~..IVL.2 r°.,,. FiL~n? ti G I , o- t!t N" ~j ~ DC ~ , ti :;T I G'1: (;F ~~1L_ w"F Ji.ls"',wLiJ~ , t:,, , C7 ~ N ',C ~ : ,;L N:w'i t•:t ._v:'wlaf i"';5 GF r,(r'ri`t5 LF LAi~ID M t:3 N N C~1 ;IILL~:,~",Ir,rl ,'•11"N I" ( , a T ~FF'17T ~ -•T h * © O 'l(I lf`1 L..G tT J J~;7~;`rt Ft, ;~tLS z t_,. , r•'t , , i r,., r1 .t.,`;.Lit•,ITY ;_t IL? I,.,i ",8 air 1 L FiLG._, p ~ s r t(1 C4 ~ t t- 1. f O ~ r ~ j r A ~UITGK OF T1=t il..':i'r.; T~.'i; ~TAn c.ua 6 as rEGE1V;:,U'i"ROi1 uLi«Gii: T• ?°i~lf~f. ` i. a M O o O O ~ ; O O m ` o G lC1 q•, N , , ~ L= rTR ~ C T,trt.lsl'(}Itrflr IC(, L I ; . n„ I ~ O O O -C7 ~ N h• t71 ,11 ,~I c, .`"'.,a T;. Urrc,dTt, k,t.T„Cr~1 ,'~IL41i+~,t~Tw;, Ah;3 TN1 1 N w ' m er u7 m O , O tp i ~ Ot'i r- 1 T , _.t G:i~, . ~ ' Cry aj Co ` N ' tl`t C7 o O O G P- tt, Op 1 ~ t1' 05 O N ~ ~ ~ ~ O Q C5 r _ tr ~ ~ O CO lS3 „ ! j~ ~ 1T N ~ o, M o ~D, r ;p N o', ;"al(~A71v1 ~ M I,• ~ r t+ r;i: (,:C I t1:~tJ ~ F?G., ,.,i.• { . 1 r,., i C!I t>1 Q, I•• CM et N e•- N cr ~ ' - w'tr;„ta. i T(r• i t, ' v ~ • «hE 3QU,h1Lr,,T~nF! 1=yJ~TH N N ~ N r tl, ~ O W C`° ~ r m O w 1.! .1+. ~.':r~CH ,.},;vC1l.7ICil nt -I r. `,TIniC ~ ~ ~ _1 M r tr.. ~ tr7 r- ~0 O it 1~ 3 r~ ,.s LV,,,,T IuJ TU„A~i~ nI; ~;.F'Ep1~F Fttr THE S TAGItdG OF A r rn Q C . 7NC r,,,,r G,.k Uf rOCt,,IIIG ATl'('~!T Iti r ui'i~! THE PrGrOSE~> E ;7 1 [;,1510,! CF t , .N~ .~LA,FI ae.A50t3 r rrf~t~ :~',~1 GT i(}(-.. v~ F, x II'Ch,~i rrr h-. ~ ~.,r ,tk S f f UllU J,~iy J ,r}~l,'s T.l.~f`Fl i .-t_if I re ~ l~- O N CO t`' O ; i ~ J ~ CU w CO QD ltl p ~ w m ~ r tY3 ~ r tt ~ i N m' c' ttr ET I Tr;c:r: >aJ~ JCr'' + ,~a. tD t7 N ` I`•• s.0 O ~ - a' V CD lL} O Q~ r" O m ~ N ~ ~ II i. fi N r it , M ~ Qt tT` O tf5 I; O ~ ~ r ~ M ~ ~ M N t0 _ 'N to N r L~ r < / , (~L~ ~ 1 o ~ r- N N ~ [r Q! v ~ I' . ~ to N y , ~1 : r ` i' ;}11at,iatiT.an, ii? ris, (,-'1`"tl:i*. It}tlt 1(iG I~ ~ « t,, O tf1 N D C7 ' ~t'1 - m ¢ O „i u r~i~1J..°.r Yrce}:1;7 11f(3+;1I1~ t)f *;1t3 2j0E', ',fa.,i :IE:1d ~at r !I! r tt a ~ o ut F.. m a'+ ~ N ~1 ~5f3n1;: .c.dz:L.t ?[n.,'w~4t t;}t.'. .r;s.r: ^r-•r; ~ t; 3, _h~~.. °.iicix, d w m N Uul.j(nfal an bou.l~° Ett':c;.~IC ..f rs,s, , £,1.~r,,n , o a o c o , c~ o o , - ° o o c3 c. o c o a c.. ca o o _ 0 , O O O O CJ O ,U, ,Ct;G1`UI .I'. .:'i,^,jlt'~i',~~9 '1C1'a~ U. il~u'~~V tU I)!dKC.}"itl5il~rll ~'0' 77 t ' , I 7 c,., w p p I I o.£lre,tlol. i'ar' ,,l rhh lSa.l„U>;11 ~sl r 0 0 1 x to o r`' Cz o o O a o metrf 'qf the ;it(tte `,-1nr'r.:'i~l:a, 'N!,s .~utncra.zcc', nn i•e n,, , ~ ¢ ~ N o 0 o tr. p o p o 0 o to ~ p colmnt;n .!~.tnil oi' +,.te ;;;Ipi;,, .>t' , ltulic r,a1.!'cro. m lrl h C't Ri In p r,; O U O O 0 C:7 i C:;' q' nl r- C~ r1 ~ ~l O CP ~ p © ~ ~ :~C .,rs iaFJiS CtrrCl ~ `(`1'} ;~R.~tdr Jti .,..'•tior a7i) t r r{ , i' a ~7 eer'a4 .na 1r aatltltia~ .c.rrl iit)r , 11'~;i~.lft >jf;f1C}1 twi r ,iOG l,Gri s..r Rv 1 5,.,, r ;r a~ i, C}.t8r1t} ~IIdS£t o Y. 11 C t1C~1.G?"'~ v i , rd n n' .r an .app opri•tiGn o a°c~n 1; tho t;nal:uc r„ - ,ii GJ ~ 0 O, O O S7 O O C, _ 1 , ..t Y W O Ct O q O O O O O O O O ~i O C5 1iIfU11 Inatinri, an)li.entians .~'Ur licHns , n , , -„a i~ p G ` O ~C7 r I C s 4a SCal J„ei 51,1,11 '.t~. ~lY. ,i•L?iialltil'u .tired (ii)drt I1&lb Cla0 ~ U X O O ' O O' O O J.}~.iiCl 1 1 „ ~x• ` r , •-r F~, • , p O C7 I~.stST'_R..t,} v l.o.,,rt,,,,,t,> On Uo Js1},. s..ra,~ (3Tid ,,U; vla urU~IC un.,«I.'i, ."r,Sj1C(:1;:V"1',', t:}lt: 5t~19 }.ft~in~' O lil s ~ ¢ ' ¢ ¢ a zn _ O_ o p ~ o o ® 0 a _ o ir, ~ > m •a' v m «1 w p N ' o c, t~, r- .tt3nn Andnrsdd ay thg ~hdr1;1 , tyre :aTtU,lavod, N ~ O ~ m CD r_ t` r r fu ~ (',i G (T r w 1 >+n ~{'°i f'. CUl]niiinlt"t. ~ ! <v,' . n , is . „ `1 • __v,'S..5..1.•..,,1T,d l~rv1, .,}'i£. .,t7~,.,._ r.Ut,1„Ur _irj~'?_"';i~ t'~+ t UIl'dC OSlt 1i1 u9Ch ~f!Ii s ' - p. II , O O Q ~ a3 a1' vUl rr ~'1 ~ l~~{v, t~JfiUt}1Cr lvit}1 P. ;`13r?U:'F,T1dUI1 )f G.irl::. ~v: }1G.,ii J;i S 1:1 u[iC}i C'1 C. ' C'J Q , to , ca o 0 o p o o a p ¢ -nw cr o 'o 0 0_ c~ ,o a ~ ~ ~ c+ o _ o In n , a' o a Ie >orts of tho h • , 1 tr o } hlln..n,_,~or..,it~~xc usarnr`~ `ll;reau of itiertifina,ti.n.t rtni-r't(;socirti,eri Ci,~:ritiP; y, fo. r- r tr. m ; m cv o Ju 1 : ~ tram receiVe3 and filed, i tr. m a, I $ ! II i 9 - QnOn motiail the 1 'l:r' 1r f 11`+n ,•ras •tuthorizud io con. or wiyh t'•ta City, end report bktt:4; r el;rtrdi,t ~ e•.cra P to m a t' `r' to ~r~ N w o o ~ ~ ~ a91p n'sked fcr ~}ic Hure~ll of I(i£°nt.."icl+~-'an tsG ^1Jrnisli tott~staticdo ias for ;:Inrv'c ~ '~1 ~ F- u~ tr tr,. u-, o ~ o t~ twc,` o~ " lY P p 1 e , .t,., . i 0` Cr; 0. q' C, C- ~7 , ~ r a~, o w o tr, w~ ~ I r r n a, i w } w ~ o ' ~ , , ~~2•jn~,,, ~+3port<~-? un the rErent lira irz the :,c?,oratory ~ ~nf cantrtc't i'ur re art ir:l • ~ 'r L U' to w N 5L ~ ~ ~ O YO ~ U^, CI N r p ' 0'` 1)p01i ;7ot.l0ll " 's , r ~ r ~ t ~ ~ r ' ~ . ~ ~ j W N ~ CJ ~ (rl ~ n C:7 rai 22'. lftrdi.o. , .lrlbt! UC~lUn.s iVCr . ~,1VCTr A ..(}VP,. tlut _or rCpttl2'S tU t}i(: ~ r ;i'~ r r C ~ tG" x.,11"~.1~ BYIa b IJ O !11 ~ Q v tp ~~+!y r 't-aC - ~ r " 6 p~ - p i tY w N L. C11 1 ~ t tU rT J'? irC ~.IP An6 a t' ~i, .I L _ .J N r lCl i 11 U`r ' I , V i . X f„r• J• :'j. B1a2i*all rPgllOSt@d nq?'.iStl".qnt Gf t119 }iEO. tn.X.,r: 0I1 ~klntT lfl _'ItI'Yltit'~ ~;O'rr;l::}.? , }1 r h aul,ht frnrl , ¢ ~ , L J,A.Uur•Anous. '~G actiaa rrkls'ta.I:en.` ~ , a Q, c7 m ~ , W ~ ~ ~ m M q O t,t? w O v I i p= ~ b w I v N' m cv c ~ o., o,, o upon Inntion, I"r. ;I, D. Ct,llins 1~£fis >rn.ntd~l tin rtt)ktenent ni' ponal~~' far not listi2l~ bh~.rgad f~~ainst v ~ . O 0; N- ~ ~ `r- o d q ~ t,, rt w ~ N m s 150 ~znd 15`l id~nter Park, in the n,,::c of tlari•nx,,:., for tha year ltjtk'?, art ac<;ount' 01' nd~otiations d o c- ~ ' m ' N m c w ' c- ~ `far t}io larcha ~ 'r .tin 6 : tembf'r lc ! 1 iiut head i~ot ,f.sse;l nntil'raz -ust'`1 1 to ib ' w N N M w p s£~ G~ th_ se 11 loi.,, uel, lr2 p ,I k , 1 E• 9 !2, and ~ , - cn W f to 16r• Colljrls thnu~;ltt tho other •aa:rtiec had listed the ratan, i ~ , ¢ 1 i ~ j1 oc t`,~o ~ F h- l ,ii 7. non rtotian, t}-ia histor,~ of file Ua~ c} ,:f?no~~er, A.... j,t, a carfo ittaak ship bll;.lt at Il:~rth Carolina : * . • ? • • r • , a chl h1I' r R`•:( OUn'ii`! 1daS i"`C$1V~' "1'Ul?. ;bS i t nur C ' ~t aIn 1 fnr d . i,cl . c 11d l Hied n 12~~ n I i1 dr • • p Cornl an arils hc.a In 1 I i . ~t, ~ , . YY • • • • a • • r • : e «1U}ln Richh' •P ^t Cn ~cd 1ll_t}1P !1;iYIUtP,A Gf -t}lU %pal'd an('. h0'.'.J:itkCl;1L t'a1V nado A ' ® • 2d Hairios, US~,P, kind crn,r..G pl p I. nil ~ } i • , °ramed end the on ~infll f~i.lq(is • - ? , e • ? , , • , • , - • , t**r a 2P _d,i'A_ a I>,S•S. ?,utt ,at11'IOVL.~, 1~ - • ~ , • • • , , . • 1 • • ? R , , ? ' . ~ On tho 3 (A ^t 1£}~_i t}:a keel for hull ;},,-111 eras le id at tho I';orth C£lrnlinn She huildin , a : .1 } V Gf:'~U~,lla. f _I•,. p Tb ~ , • • . ' 1 i , . • • • • t,DtnnAnY` iTl ',jillnlnrton IvlUr~;h ('ari'lilla• Virtll0 Of a Vsa,Stly f1CndlP.i'P~tdd, tlln~2'fll;7 of CnriGtrUCLiUI"i, i r ' ~ • • • . . • • , : , ` • ` from the^a F ° • ~ V'1}11C}1 `,;P+a 1a.unn};dt} t1Yp I^tCr;thS lklliCr--ail ;)1 ~Ctl]t}{;r'•°tirtd n}1raStUnUd Itic.,l . aso a £.omlcta4 }fall • • - a ~ e ^}7a UnltedutC,.tPSr '...7 lvP.W.:;ie'.U5'dr, ~'.~ol~~ 11 ~ ~ ' i,' I!F ' ~ , G a i , iil 0.• ~ 1° • Cg, • a h • ~ A1s0 Ul'1 t}liS 1lit'Cr r18tp; Jk=,"1UU5 a' i1Cr']':i And }:C~: Cn11St`s'I ,te1 solLlel 5!31'£; I'';C(f7~' It;I's tC ' ~ ul ~ - J.n'~ nrt ~ N W ~ ~ r9'7Grt . r, + r 1tll'Qi mrk.ltl,.n(* tilt t9r "It, l )Gi t ui0cln S.•1,1nd~ • . W . d 7_ , • 21J N t .Ur I;rC t'U.1+11SSIUn1T!r tl'~1I1111E~, C~ndliC..BU Ht th~ > r 1 r I 'I~ -t ~ g t- ~ ' ~ > ~ r ~ ~ ~j • ;3ot}1 the she a:nd ~ts cre5v vr~ro coi.structed At A spded dis',.Itted'_,')y vitel needs for ~rr~uctnnrt~tion oi' ' ' I z A ~ ;I ~ w ~ z ¢ tr ~ G q ~ ut cJ ~ ¢ z mr..n and"tho implorlents of '1•rar• tL p a w ¢ F- 0 , T ~ 3 0. 0. , in ~ ~ 0.- 1 ~ J Q W W W~ ~ ~ U`` i F- ~ tY I- ~ U U £n ; W w ..1 11. h O `G O' O O lr.. a`a G n. ' z <L cn Q ~ ~ r ~ S z y I: ,;i ~ ~1 . G W W ~ U J d ¢ U !U ~ ~ t) q ca z 0 a N to to u1 In cn ~ , ii ~ m .u I,i , iil~;i 'I r . r , i%%% !i , ar. s r°j , A .Q.~~ ' f~~ ~ ~:.ti ~t L h . , •ti V.. , ~ , , ~ .t,. ~;ti d , ! f i it ~ t.i8rtn~; of tiu rust 1r t e ,~4°tin' of Alagua} 19th, l;al,~, ~:clttirtued. ,1 r, ~ f f, ) h, r:ontintlp;l. , ~ '1!; Un fieGBmllGr lgJul,, t-:}:r; ; . (,a~x„ens of .,nw Hatlovar Gaunty, },tart}1 i;arHlina f,r''tc' c r,~ nameil~ prFlsnrttad to t p n „ 1 ,r}1i.Gl.i ±}In 1)ur°Iri r the cruit.°,:,°n -zr;r, fE+,i].uT• r Y , , h !,hi ..tar, n 1. t~ ac .urr e,l throe t r rt,,pacta,vt' +vatm(u'lndinr 0"ficfir 1 . t a., t. , , i11!s. I'h° fxrs yr P t ,i ; p -5 ut 1,0 _ bo s i.lver cof , ~ , .19ut. (,rzlnr(~int.°r a.,t r . y t, , lv s :'the furl o» . , 1. llur T7I iman , ~ , },Etlrl(,s, 1T,,}~{ the second a _1 l,trl.lrlt,r cEt cJt, t iod nwa~•; aril t _ 5 , ne sarvtGe insurillad: 1 A To}:nn dC 8ur }'ride: aIt T11i> Ve r p a. he t}-tird tune tvhttn lirl:o a• ' ' n _ al pro~sure wRa lost. Hanover Coilnty, }for ,n'Carnlirl Jr.,ol frcra thu CitlztlJle of 'A,, 1 a. h.,r After anclyoring nff I..un[;>i Faint, Guadalcanal t}lf'. , ~ n , -`l r a , , . ' I f , pr, son 9rs , r9rt ; uarl };arbor vvr3r° dischar ed A.ld i 7 h of ,,Hcnrabe thn J'?GVr Hallavor re}iort9d to Coi1P11ikis()rcu ~ g p t or dot an j };larch. tmtil 1T }'t . -n era .9st run held nfi t,iz;rlxlu;ttan on fl })?eeJt( - ~ , . t f Ll n i ~ t(r ch ,.ho rmm~inad of t a ' ' was dr,livared `o thn llni ' t - I* ~ , )nr thn :}tw ' 'Hint nvvaltan order.,. I'lna.1 ordera ' g , 3 lllayt3 j , Y, nrra JOd .,F:n(i.,n r }19J' to 'r, r to I ,,tntns i?evy, S}in was r 6 ?ur .s ,3a~ 1 for do ~ ~ , iruncd ai:a.ly cab.~ti£3s ionat t , • . t i . Islond wn°rv she i commissionin Datn:i ur ' . " , 1 ~ nartrJtTi,o C}.B ,,alamrns for-dui;v.'b ~ nn(. lrlth Cr',,•r ),1, l ra. rot 'ua] and WAtnr tKnks wuro t ' g 1, t,ilmin[,tan, lluoEtrc, sh9 sai!18r1 to C}iarlh'; ~ n at ,at} afl re nrfi • t tort, ,.;Hutt.. trartllillf+. r t . I ~ p .tor}.... to .,ailing. On 1~} t) })ecginber, E;nd'the " r' r tt {1cnr:'~n'~,; +nrcll orders wf3rb'ract~ive(ifar A tyre-dn ~ i. 1. ~ 1,. y aruz,.e to c,xrizratu Santo i it i 1 tin t,ut t)I~orat,ion rrra aI,'~ cn },°w re cpsnnrcct; tzt trnntl. ) , ,_e)ridE,rJ, U an },er a, r..~a?, there j on 21 .+nrch, she'r9}xirt9d for Clli;r to Com~ransRon 10 ;;o,':riodorci ' r ~ t,p , , :3. },.etro.~In, U,tld. In the (alloy}ink 1)taring this 'ar'oci m ~ four dnrs A cnr.ibnt lea{~ of 21rU tons ,rare 5 ~ laatlad abaurd ~tlon w.~,t . r + , , ' , p ore mrn rlnd of f icr~rs vrr~rn aoculJUln.tin in " . Ii h n Ia., .cin or camnlemr,ri, tht? ilex, ..nt,nvr;i''rs ~ r ) 7+ _ c a F, o. 11 Trapp 1)~;tnil At t~1PO• ort~ A rr~ , g rri.r; r••„~~ leers arll 1.2r tran , tf tho ; • or,lz,t u,;,.or.l,a oif p h L7..vl,slan, lI„,.;ArmV, On +,}ie 2Cth ~ , n ~i, , + efi So, 11 n, [ 1CGrn arld 117 m9r1 (Vats <`a);ip1at1111 ari +.r1tElnr' ` r i r• 'lo } ~ t^ ~ 0.~ }fJtrG,r h9 7"t tYAB llnderwe In • , ,lvo ,cw.>8 aa' inns- ; ; onr(i Wt,,,l Paste. rf!,. _y -out r ~ y al tr "p J]•> rrtralzt9 to }f1` . e apart., on of Aalphihtalrs 1.nnr}in[ rrn±'i; r'fy . _ltl.l, (;orirr.odal e JdcGovern ns C'G r - tart , Terre, 'rloridr., Ton rjl. ,.ha sh` was nArt of Task 1 . `Unit ?1'.13.under Cn)~ain L S,, rt ; ~ ~ ~ p , ~ } . T i.h;r.> oon U~ n this cruis°, t,Jti ai f , , . p ' } ~ l 'f ic~rs o, thu:}}evr .(anovo r became AJ.l t}lase GierlStatllFlli:; 1'JSt n .Uaultr:tl w1t}t the fiar1J)],9;tSt1nS r ~ ; • nc(} if .ravall,:n in rozmiEinv w5th n ' . r., Et.,..Grnitled lndp lrndrntly o' r . 1 • f nr1FJ .tnotherr tilt ~ ;1 p } b 6 . (tear shl as ,tlcla.lli• in re -ard to aritltl It , t'rErP a n P ~ c - 1 ~ R' e p n ern n,, ~ n one ixrtit oar^.rilr!i,(t ;fin iiaolf. ~ n~ _ , ' er ~ i, . , tnaton aJlznt; an , ih Y. ..1 ,n_u 2 J cats wt ,era ` F i h a cr,.,r~s, 1I. c,lminls}ling numbers, ' nz:d erlorGancy rr lnP,nCU're2.5, ,,'r`Iny rn'dtlrlt9, `"rH.'lnln(; ai' p9rsannel aCrltLtinnti »1 , •ntir! _ ' ~ n ! r h, 1 t J , rE.,,lUt', -T'UY t}l9 nCt,.On is Car76. C`n tn,. 2vu} of ,JrrombEr 1' . Anc};orf,(,e nt Ullt,.l. t:fts over-z1i}rht f'rnn ittt9 rd tD t}t r it ~ e : tth 7f Apri1, at vr}liah til,tt) the 'coriv ' the li. b._S, I3bvr tianovor '(t}I1tz ~ tra• o Gontlrlued '.I t Y li"If a ' , t , ° 7, S LnLI, lia.% 1,7rir'tt flit • r n r t}avy yard, C}irirlasi~or„ `",;ta ~-a c r r , ..pier to Yeramn ?tetto yvh°r(1 ~;he shi.n annhor•oc: or. r,' ,17 . 1~ . 11 l,r.,5, ax,_ nobEi JinlEt. C'n to °vr' { „ 1 ,.t,mplr~I,,.-nt:ui 7~C ri~11 stn(} ~(a ' a n . , , i; i of uhnt (late ~h° . , of ! lc°rs rt}pt)rted alts( , r1 anti }.;rout. {orrtatder HP.'r n t• 12 (i fted berth tt t„e rotr.at°r. P , ~ nr - 1 tE6 t-o~ carnr.,Anu, until i ' , shi p .a„ anchorp~"e F,.t };9rnraa Itr!alkv ` ~ , 19r,e,nu9r stet, rtlr::nin9d +1 ; , ~ • ,o• Tar :hr, flrot t,.1.9, Ohs rrixvr wits caJ.lad ; i.. .,tares EJ . * ,,..,r ~r,rc, taco!'''., to :•,~I19rf1..uar r, .9( use of t: ~ r • nd llbwancn,, auwfzt find ur i, ir[r, , 1 h~ rr. cx...mlt_ ' ~ ~ c. .,nem~, planes, nut nn 'tlriJlns vrertf s ' ,u „ , t rE;Ui!tt; r'i111Ur ftitCr,ltllJn;i, l,n (i}lriSt:;+?AG dA:' t.}lC it , N 1 a Lod anti t}tFI ..1 rt.e-}„r.llor' „ ,s~ ~ ~ . ' ~ n} G , .i,, 2; ,:aund9d. J Jr t,oc,,,, t. £1[irl CHi> 9r-aiv~r nr• t, d , aveu Go rt1 olfiar . t, it ~ HI,~ t„ to cai,lfllci;e rcr:ript of stores sr~a , a].lawanca otatfit. `ur, t.}tti 2H t. , h r ~ j of I .:8rnlier sha .was depMrrlet} Ett Can~,fJl• ''i, 1 , Un (110 fo If±I' , t)ha1'.. , „an liar f a• , . , , , 'm r - r llavrzn d~JV n short •,'Yr ,ar.' ,n i.;l 11 )r a.l., ~,r, ct,m,a.r,, vitth {.;L,1 r t. t? , , G . . lI[ as rlFtde auts;IdG t;he bathe r 1 i ~ t„ ! l.ew .(nrlaror r~roc°ncvd to the lie °iish (=a f'~ , , . r burin}, vrhlrtt ma •rJ°t='c r a B ch_.;, Cir..!levra Jirna Hal, Gn;iated c - L , t .at1 a,"50' , } z r r ,..the, crelf tray t.~,.[ n,~~ , p „ vt,I~ to ir,ur t},,, rarr(El.,.nt,er of _CG 1. ivh r, o i~ a 7 3 i h, n ~htl nrevaan,t c.Et=r hE,,d bean dote rci,,.,a nt, °alar aric,,• (}.ri}.ls n nchf. P don s,pnrnta ord9rs. . , Ild structural f.`irill[, tb;tts v;,,ra t;nr,duct• 1 , on all [;ul1s, itt the conclilsian of t}tis cJrcrrrc . isa, sha'rrturr;ed t.n r'.hr lI-I Pl~lv<r.'Yn .u 1n3+,_i~in1lt 1J t, , rd, Chrtrl ~r+ , .1 , , a hlternt~ons reI„rt,.n ,~.,an,ur until 1~, J:r_. r'aur}, cnlsi.i:;h9r and sw: , zng `.%harruntal 1 Jarular 1t(~ r,, t: [ r i ty ells fora.,tal]Od fsJt-ort., to c,asr,}lar•n GEtr- t • , , ! 1 • , E,u., On hilt da e, nrld On that c,..tt. he U,,,,,, fir:at .*1Et i;}tn n 8r , n Y ..(r:..;auovr, r [ r, ,n ea rJS'A t,H cr r cant;Ina:ln° .,hrnu>•}1 1 .,nrll rarro vvf's c { •+1, ' I„t.t5•,io.tnd ve.,.,el ante t- ~ a n t. F, 7 1„Ctlar 94 Yfl,•. a!1 ''~a581b16' a )f,~r f g J } ~ i. ln....nt, thl.> tune th(l nraw was , , n, u E f ton t„trtl leston, to }!Ur)'c'.tl:. • ; A . lrurltl • i.ha pn.,se r, of 1 VaJ °xni cn119~ ~o :-et)'~ral t u'irters n t;• . r , , I 1 1 l pr .camnt9ly ,)q tlmas. lr:zs r,,.l+, lat. tvl.h Ea f nt tterns, storirv ^eas' rnl] eci t}.e + f ~ e' -a , n n con a„te • , - r r ~ - 5h ~ d cal,d t t c . lI ~a ,)U tioP;rras. art ~ . a. ll n t.,e beach, ; „P.ninr'.%_ ~,I„ shy`, n, , a J "}.a14'F,(t ':IP.` ?t n[ ~ try pr 1-• f, y r , r.,nahor;;d in `.Borth li, }?,irn ton a(i~tds ' (1; cn;t dyr 1 } n1o . z.n P ,.ton. ..r, I+ t : ~ ( i ~ p rt t11H fo11t)win• •n; . t, t ~hc 1. or ttprl.l, ttrn dnrs Etf+,t , h, a, , CFist, .n 1'. J, f~ ~H .It=. ,rrmlt ~:an a. ' Thee, L,,:: nrlJ', (stye^.n ' L~-,IP7rlilr3il~..-j. 1)i7tti}i U~t"1^ C1C, d: SCh{I':ln' }'.t'r Cnr"'! ?t!A ^h T1 t :i .y..1 was n ~A~.n .tr,Hrvrfta ,nrralte `to . ebarrd vrlth m~ttr}real ftiui Lhakel..do'rrl; ~.}r,F• ~y i h U b blrttti, an cam:,rrv t'rlth n rlerch , v not n~n~ g . . ' a. • , S . T ,C ~ tatl IIAr*.1(; S, I't9„ ,nGt,ivP V nr 1 1, , Jr,H 1'},r7 ,UPtt vras;o?a banrd thrj 5~ ~ ta; ' , t „ ; , , ln5pec,,lons r{Er ° r,ornc~lr,t v „ a° . ,,ar.t,9t . Cn .,1.~ ~ru1,,9 ,vh t, • 1 , ~ ' . e;d n~ld ta~.l 'lf(rt:xcs lnf1, tht; (•lc' ac 1 ns c,.lnn r , , t , ip, , .o ,e, or1 r.7 },}ral, Pn[,ine 1e_llura OUC11rNrl tVrir9, '161.}i nI +t'tltC}?`~,'rF;r9 rlu,, tt, t"i1n01' t}!'~eCti -ari t11B fal'Cf'd 't ,1 n ~ ~ ,rt~,f.. blovrat.,, _t).1 ..prig s}1t. , ,.,n i. Jc.naA. •v 1 • I I l'le ahF,ke-. V , nilahnr*?;t, ;.n lf.iii:h» l;~C1 q'!' rl~;. . 7 i. a, _ ,.har[,t~4 .hr9a lia,n; ~l'ficnr-r,asserl °Hrs nlid 1' ' , o rn crease aorrnnsncod, as tltG t;eu !frtriover elni:ere 1, . - .Irian; nnlist'nd nersanni~l-- d 11U,, , v v t,11t1t~U OTL 1l silt t ~ + i r= r , r, ,;i , ll} CA ; a+. r r!nCt i r, r, ,t, n . .t act ~.u. ~n + „ ,,,c{ b9 ,c.! ,,rl. ~ nl-, th9 f,:[, , U ' 1 r, rt ~ n , , .h , I . rt- ~ . rrh c r ,r° ,,zln.. mn}"n.~tlc ciotmiE•, ,son v9re A ° ' ~ + ,r }"i ht,.,n ,r,~.tr 1. „i ust prior to tlrn 2hi:.)' ^ r,ranf(" .1 , tar© from U[:annwa. , ralrl_.,ottlEn.,a,9(} and r.. , chcc~ rut. was 1~ade , '7 aognu's°r . a Ht-Jl h~t,r full p;ttr8r r'an wets ~ ; CUtt(luCtOdy Yl.l.t}t a pefiik }iallr' 11'triI'n rti aft `Jr iB.G };not,. ,_ry .,,1 r m ,~i; ,.1,' : l , , , ( `I) aetel r~nnd: ant} ar~Ctataat'in l ~ r p ..n 1P rt'mA,,P.nr, At :inChCil' 1n +f l.tr.l r:t, t tr,. ' ~ „ ri 1 , r,. , x _~nrorl (Etta were cI7tF' ed t; 4, r ~ 1~t, vr,ion u1.r ,,ads ccft~t, ta, e anrnut,t to (liam with'I3 I~ .in. ov8r hpmPr,ureldrale at lne .>n lif<ri(IUS taCtlCa1 flit?:.(( 1.^ ~ ~ , ere C1bt.A t { ; r , r p lly, 1!r,,.,UltltCi V ,,,^.flr a t' Sin t,r.a' i_f 7 It ~1, ln.: .La _.rc,,. va,. e r ~ .At , , r,: to l ,lc _ n trb. ,.:lt~ )ru of r) . • I , E. ~ ...ft,, ,,,.o nt r_~9 n,{, a+ n t . ntl an i.hH f c ~lnwin ; dnr~ dischar°°d or, r asud r, tarsi t;r ii ~ ~ . ~ x..~; f:t1d ~'.~ltllflt~a r t b , . E[I'Ip i„SUUo eXCECa.,eS In ri n ' - ~ her J.J+3Se'1.0.„, !gip - , n r` n .r, a , y ~ , , „ lt) to-5}101 O f'Val!Kt:,:t?n 'r'lGrC axr.Ctltt`d S, ~ }a9.,~ ,t.C COI~1m..nG.,ti r.,G ,1..7.111 1.9. („tt E,C--S!1 1)]195 fHr lv f Vt> ' P" f And landirt[; Ur'+;'t tC rc'ilstcn i;}t7„e »;I•en"J't,7;I•,:r; h7 ;'and t;n1" at Ok?.nn.'rP (1 , r , n ;rr ~ t n n ,tE y , 'rrl.,, P.l h. r Gat Up , r'ram the th tr} t}, 1 ; , , , . , f,. ft +i~; r i. ~r,r r , ; ; , , - , ~ ~ e ltn of January, _ltlcu,,, ` lt~ , r ...r .,a?.,,c3. ,was unt~erua far .Lc. '•r'~urn tr, iflit.hi. Cn n r , :h `f,, , ' , , , Y , h aa; f al.lo,r.nt, c,c,r retl,rri to , r . ,trm_n L,ua h,,hIt yr , • n ns n~oru'd 1,1±.,, P [)sJ•` , f ~Y f'1»+'^i n: l c,;...o ,lrn.s rl. rn},a n , , „ ,t• ; . o: c.IVlliEZn flest,vha repr8santed various inelustrlES alld lRnar or*aniza:`' t, , rt, d, n 1>iay, Y:v.,irtg hren .,n-oldnlr~l bt {>orw.alrtc, :;,hFt was (?c)1;nahed frt,m 1 tolls iris(?'ulnelital in ttrvnl F r,11d YlAr .radllCt'tt,11. P!"»;.t~r ~nUthe r r (;Crc',rfln9+ n r r; t d ' 'r .q;,n-u1n 7„~~ r , r'fllll i7aY.P„ run (which wits irttt:rrll r 1) i ;tan l~ .,t,'i n, OC.,at,9,,, ,C..: I,tll,!„[..,.1 t..,,,1, :,n ..'tat,, .1( ..r'1!., ','it}I r ,,;'all tsE'1' ;u cl~' n vH ptc~1 y z~tn aver-,Inf,t:irl' ~,Jrbine t. tl. A. a r , b ' ; , bas(ting) thn NBIr llrtnayer rr;turned-to Norfolk Ili;(', 1( ' :t~;,!t t, ,ras s:.,,. iclerit try d,.:,.,,f,I,n t}:IS r,Ar o rl.rd ; , • r f ~ ,n E rd vrharG „h8 Ghiof }an 1nHer ronurtod ri t, ' G , nn 1 ~ t,a }a rx,oa let,..,n t„1~ .tu, ,a.ll ~„lrtr~ils. I'''i • o arts to t}18 turbine bi^ftrln )x.cessa'rt; .'rictia i f.. „ of :`:av }.r ,a~.a, r, t,o ! t !tar=},; Island.: nizsrt)11. Islands 6 n d c-urtled t}le care-an pa:cl.in[; tihaah wai rnphzc~d b'• i>}ti 's ~ 1. n' - ant; t~,~rut! lon.r3l.n}, 3~.`l ti farce. y ~ r:F .rA].`CCr•.G, r 1 1< , 'j t ; y ,`r !r.~,: I. a ,iH' , L t ,;i - lCCr ?7 (t~.,.0.tutr~ Lt71~ ~~u t,.,,.,~ ,rtl ~r„~, .ryl Lr,,i)i•~ ~ X71` , t'r ~ ~ i ~ 1 1 1 !I '1 ~ On. ~1 0.~•} r '!15 r t;ri1,,'t t, r,~17. iV. ~ii ri r.. ~_r,v nrl,l X.}1(' , {.t " ctl . J near tn8 c , E - ; i J:~ ~ , >r, ~ , , , , _T1 , , , 'Od'tht, z I Ut t;C.,.,J .l,.t , 7„..,..._,,: t t u,a .,u,l..I: , i . I. ; ! at-cttndln~ ,,,,c.pted }las pI t~rtut,.on to (.arminl:der - ' I.} n' , t 3 v ftrtd .r,i. .;,u}) .iu},r r tod ; vc~ rculs. ~ tom L'J -,u~ust 1,~,), ~ j G'11 17 ilarn!rtry rl:t 1G,^J, rr}1118 Int:ored stsu•haf+.rti s , I r ~ 1GC t0 1P,r [ ;,er+,}, 1 f' + n a ~ } t ta, JGI3, .,or_olk, ,;,e Ciro. r,A. _ rm , oun..ed ant? f, • v r:~ fi . • , nr :..n , ~r• _1 ~ t as rr, artd(..tn t1• , r >.r, ,r , ; . ~ ~ , ,i ' .:3 ba 1.u11n ;)1 ,°!*~lt f'or'u..tln.,.l. :7 tU ;un, p tlc }lOld n. t, jY'd deck, tt~ lUrf~ t}1D fil'n wa" rB')a2'tP(. t • ~ .,.:1 t3 1,. ~,tr ,:,nJ ;,;i'-.'iF~'f: ~ ~ tl, , , m, thu efts 0 P, t to t aa•. , F; rfi , t.,?,, r.,, n :z n-.1 , n I' }1 l_S teas J.,en CUt, .1.21 tri8 $1dG^u Of thf'^ , . ~.e. t,t.1A.,at,t. v; t.,!tl i;Y(iC)Ci5 ,9 • `1 ll' ,,,i ,7' ~ rn , r i , chap ~o ,tt,alat?itt, ft.r8-f z htitl - c, n E,.ti r na u l t , , ~ ,r ia.t., t2.nl ..,nA_r.1 yr .re r.,.,.,, ,,.....uvh, ltrtt.ttt 1n lan.y dantr. ~ ~ [ p . „ ly ,j r o n is _1 ' r ' , . .r: ; a 1.rG deSt7.0 t..a t.1t, mik0 Ca'..1' rl r r: ~on5ltlt~; fl0_t3 _.:If 1 G,1 +A' t. ~ , , ( r. n Y r to , , _ r . ' 1 1 a., t... ).t „t 1:1 t,,t I t,r~ t. ,,..~T; a,. 7att.r. i..1J.~~U,.. U.. t}10 ,1llrt, t)1 -„I1u,.11.L+. r' J , a},aussing ceh18 vras dimtl. nt[, and nlai~es Pr' ff1c;Gltt ,o . „ e f 1rA 17(',rC distort n a n f.ru~,', r , , , ra r } : , c- .r.:o r, , .;,a „t. a, .,d Uf ,}IP, }It9at. 1'i.,vl.,ta,I1C° Neu 2C11ri9rn ,',r 1', f , , ,_S. L . .I ,l,.Pl ,tl, )..r t ~,.a. _a .-0,,, ~hC _N ~(1 ..,114 9111,..~.J..:;, ,,t 1,,, ,1,I:tIV1., Ult.. w .t ~ t ~ protyn~,d d tRU , .~rG tu[,tI earl trtn :ttt!S I' lr° _ - . _ . t. A'comnl ,i,E r,.nort ( di5 atatl lEi-161~j cf a ct r c i r ,ae recui. e,t~e o. n r;^art^ •e, Un,lt; J,tnrt t,, der., rret 9 rt (:.,x~r,.c, E.ad r,,a .?11, tt P J rtu r5 1),t~ to Gom~PrvLnnt acid (,ortl?}abs Lent t, , } n., ant pu a i,u Uunm. a., uub,.t .tp(i by t..e _,omin,~.nrl ~n}; officer. Z.r. ,11 i:f.l . u ,stn..:el rzl r~ ral ,,t.<rt, ,,,1G e;.yn};r r r: n.,~t.n! tIr aomnlt.m9nt n.nr1 .rns or drr:,d to de art ~ [ , t, [ ~ p '(~}i0 1'i,]litwlt!~ day aU. iJ11t,f,r1 t0 ntra.lt C1"n1'?lYICf3'far 119r Crzt'(,a. ,n%'tar 1'ra;41M111U ~•`!n da~,y at uai7nri, Clr:t.'1'f111Ce 1, i) l - ; , ,e air^ tiv9 , u ro P, fEatBd aJilllriciln :el Ei j , tva8 .rflraed tt a 1'. t i t , , r 1`. •'s r?t' .ilt p y nd lt~ },E,r.~rd of JArnialnr<the dh:1 had r• c tl +=1• t C n~ -}•e sh..p r,au,lrnF.d to ,aam, arraving ,Meru an t._ tae, [rv7la..un,, nr..l startr,: w9ro ~ , i c~.tr(;o--~300'!tuns of it. • p n case, _,ar . _ s re lenished At ar.ct~ nrld on the nn~t da'1 the disc}l~r••il of car o coruaonoHd•`Tnis pint v`t1% tr s ~ `'f p f, g i 1, a camel ,tad v'iithaut it?'' 1t}ant sail on ll Ju1'% Yrith ii 1 „i n ,r ~ _ „ sn1P.11 cargo o~ r1aa1: Ahonr4 , tho l~tr ~ ~ bn~illl tilri - mri ^ic•-car tat run t, p Lurtrl i:he c ~ ~ + M , , ~ , , , p rand frnJl, r.lt JElnuar5 ~a :.7 Jnrlunrv ~re hA- arts ~n -n. ~1: + 1, 1 ,c 5a:1.)r~Ilt~lsco ~~llz.orn:tn. .h.ls rrlttsri rtxuared'1() t:aJS durzJt' tvhac}I<tlnl° v^.rious r•autine Ens I 77 1„ d f r .rl hat fn vn ,r.an ana„]® • I , 1 ~ d , r ~ - , ; ]'olnt, l,a_an 7nnE, In Ta.,k 11n1t r.~,b, lU, ;she was accom sale b r r • r _r ~ J eclal drills' wire }i~,. d battle n -Hi)lems flare cc.r.r,u,.ted aft,: she ~ltl lrrt. .r, ei )a_ 9d f ar lle n _ p d ~ t}I° 1 .,am., l ftt l) ~0 , u;~ t alai 2 , ~ , t , _ _ p 1 1 gr nd entr anasr ! i ~ j' ~ pllir p (,;I " Nrji, Ccmm°. der a . 1 rr, • n , n H ine~ xn the ( , ,:1 , , h , ~ , . )n- t}.la<ar111SE_ t~ .r n „ 1: arm tl c , ' t ~1 •i , 1 n ~ r ,r r ~ }la rl.rlt).ro,al t}te C28tr trGT'e CYCr(.1.>ed ir64llElltl,r pt 1!t i,_Ct..an., .v9re ,tfi.., ..Dt '1_1 t.,~l.t<.,, ,tar}, rElgtl(3u,,b .21d regt11S1~1r,n. B.O .,Ub111ttOd ;IH t}lat 110 I" ! i ; , i ;.I mergelic dril_s s.nd 2,UCh ire ...5., ilaS rand (}..,.nr Y,C1ald • , , n , ,J, nI'a }'r t; r'1 , , i i •i; - ~ I; I Y } G e an >,rldortl ina~ang (team In (Heir' duties n'lorrl ;hl ; result rFa. ir,g ,t.,r avazlan.l..ty, Gn ..U uy, a[u, g° a nde ~.r, )F,. h h auclioraga 12, ~ i A k , 'Some; nn In o b na 5 , , ; . t . ; , n rule daveloperl necessitmtin ,,uc~}r:l.l _tho mn.:u1 an•altes nn Iranctsco Harbor w}lere Nosh ruvis,nn„ r,i~rF, r,i~~,rt.: utld the r.al o c,f 2.,£iil tl~:,G,lctt •ec., b on tap accasiorts--urtce,:cos , p ,y ; to less of babe oz1 pressurrJ, and'nl;airt becausd of failurf! nf!thr forced-draft blot,'ers, ldether , I~ ~t l G of thy. e . aqua. ed ot,:rr t}ian ml.>zar ropai-rs. [ an r•~ .nr ,_n „o t,am.le„tSenF. ar. It iras a ua?.d ,n.. t..,rtc 1 aFJOn r nt d Et 2 o„al,,:ttnl ~NO vreo,:s j; a g pp ttre ; l ~ , ' nr-ii,lit,~ far IAru rP Airs nncl fzlter':taarlS. m}1US0 YtP,raJ :,~bitn nI1 21; Ju1;; '.!}le?l sht~ r"onrs(1 tU Ter 27 ! p p t. y On arrival: o . r ; , an C lair an tx, t „a2lllar Ta,^,k llnlt ~°).~7 ^ 1'„ I. r ~ uC,l LOt1~G Y ^ t nr 1 r l Yr U t r;'1 21 d haeI lrf.t Y, . ,10 lra., c.a.,alvod and the Ilosr :,anover . el).)r la.s [;rc;nl;~,r. As a.lntt, a.,.? t as ~osslbl9 and tliase= nl°r, h r, nl e a ( . t, :~rrtnted 12aert,y as _ fr ,rt , 1 a duty ,o t,1nCPac, requesting A d81a r.t t,r:Istobftl tows}1 'down l . ~ h, levi.,hlu e„ ;n» v~ - • ; . 5 a feelers rhicl; had sn~~ea .IQ nn t.-" pts gar)` perml~ted. , ,journoy. The: request eras grfintEd, f.ha :mailers Yl-re cleR,rind, f,:rtd at r~) 1 }'Gbruar the st: lvns - wt , , Y, p tinderv)a or the , fir ' ~ } ~-1 _ , y f 16 tour. p 1sEt},e t}irau},}1-the PElnarrta f,EU,n1. (,n Au ust n. n,. ,,Pi,,n cot, .P. ,>es In +~a° ,)e:, U,1~ nt ocopaFJd ~o ,:.trr C f nitlt }.,o1Rte uan 1{ra. ~ • , .i z - r r a; , C, '.1u1S(.0 }~r1;7 far f.i .1 ,Anil ~;G ,.v nu ,1U0 tart,: of .OF, nil. `Pais °1'!a3 CHrlp1F' ati nI1 1Q .1U 1151 a.Ui _.,1 the :1 l; g , tf )nti c eEl „ } 1 tall the canal, the crEly eras anfarrl8d th't t ~ t•• ? rttroo,, next da'r s , o'~mni,rlvv lOrO tans of on©ral ccr a ftnd A °'~,~sel'. ~ 6 a ,h,, snap.., deutlnatapn l.n., Pcnr_ a , ntt morel to nler 1.~, B ta_r,.(.n,.va ..}pr x . ~ n t 1~er r i, ! Us1hu;; m,H,, t+stimnt8d time of arrival, 1?.UO, 19 }~'8bruar r. acmol9mr~nt of H r - ~ ;~P I ~ rs and trc:r s if. 5, A:rI°: , ~ lvavy di lc(~r as ,a ,t g9 1) p , Y , , i It w 5 on this CrU• ,,a; , n 1 G r-n t r r,„- , n & .SSG, ,:ling independantl , (teal; t}l,. Ci'CW anti aJ'f'iCOI'S of t}lE }f{., )e~n1I1C (}Ct 1 , .!!..I 11St t ^ti' ft :,sn 1't nriClfi(10 8nr0utEJ to 1.,_.r_ ,;etl nor , ~n,lu, tI, C.. C, df,r,, frn?n 5 73 ~ g hey lp le mall ac ualntad with t}re sh _ 1.~ t,o 1. y q ip, their shi IJu>tes itnd t}lelr dlltaes. In addatlGr. to frE nt~nt drl m,[estSeA. ton. _ aE!.rl '.{r~r?ior r;n .-.1 Flu °usi;, ~ne lrr~ti. (,allover report°d i=o AdCcnlPhibs}~~:c p 9 apoJt a.raral .n P , „ r ; r ,'ulJior for ~ ~ i rt t 'r . 1 ; . and flrlrg 11, act.oe, a en,trsct of iristruGtion washeld,fpr o~fras Hied anlis'tod el.,onnal an.i ~ duty, t;l t~ r 1 sseti erg were dlsch-.r..ni ano „le moral i~r a ,ra., tlz,ea~r ~d, ; , . 1 J.e fcllowarl[, day aL pa g ey n _ _6 Offi..at'S bC flri to k..en under navl.ftt a + + . ,rEl'E _ , ry ,r n+ „ _ H i n not°bnaks. }:,edlcal:par4ies oars. ~.rEl.lnad and CIG'trarn5 .,girths vrflro sha.f'ti3d sevortl.t tunas bEifore +,he cnr~o of tn(, oll ?rn., t.ampl, Jul, dasr,}lar(,ad oIt 1 5eptc:nlldr. iY n , porttltllt to demanstrFte tJ1E'1r s eG 1- i) +a ~rt r~ + ' , Yr U I 1} t?" lit r ,1 _ g p zaltie,,. ,(°1~ formt,..atEjd battle ~rabloms were ilsed .t. ~~1 temb,~r ord°rs.vrero received to ::,ovr,• ,,o !Io,IVlulu }narool .nor , z1 .I d c yc, ,,1e tnsl; of loac3i°. ' P p g i" lustrPte to All hand the noc8ss `trr n' ~ te. as , 1 , fat m a.ntaining a high. de rGe of r.fficiene~• and disclpli.r re,o erld ~ersonrol fcr transltortataon ryas cam111etfd, ~'?n 1~ anp~_rlbt,r ,she .,.Ja.[! trr~s .,gala inlder•,vq , g .r l , y { t'nas tim°'anraut lv'th the car •o o" 5"?~ tons of vri}t:tclt):G Ind apausurt~;er list o~ J.l o.'.'ioFar° r a t T1lllan i [y , On' her ftrrivnl at P girl a , s t„d siat% U t' ;R t ( , o that, t}In stele was a,.sl ned ,.,.cr whalo 5na rlaares .:tarbok, 'trl~jr and E.U ~ ,n ~-•r rrtf;l the cruise c,.I,l~intod an 21, ~E.I,t ,.,ter, 1n l_ So to-mbar, tvliil° . ; H 3 _nl ...,ti.d .'nvf p r ,a , t p _ d , , •.r 0 at:l b to di lah~r''e"11 nt , t iph 11P.r i m , - c', ,~:y ,r,,,r ,,,a 1 o 3 tsr Ga2'g0, ~t18 lmmediat915 reported t0 Ad~Qll}n1bOPaC far r1Uty• Cn 1 wr J 9nrUUtP, !.0 tinlan a In6r;rbElr of trd OT'U0, ~f11os,D,D,, ('21~ u~ c;l, Vl~ t~lrt{. f..t.a_1~ ln,]urttd 'illf1Sa11 Wll;le • , . t" , , c- un].aad in hn.d bee}I corml8,.ed an{} the sh _ r a,ul for y h> • ~ n+ t t} at th su?)' - , „ } . n ~ g ap ,vas tzndertray wt.th six navy of:lcor pa.,srn[;ers i ndlin~ a carbine: i.n thw nrmor~r. lnvest,l~atlan ,,t?~I[gly tulle ,el t 9 ,f°ct r..,2, .l+lc, t}..liberately 11w:C enllvted lnen who ae 0 A r r + r m , , to }tit m , t:., r n.. , 1 d rap r v8d nbo~lyd #J8 nrnr,,dxns, da, far. „rEtn., ortatlan. .his cru_.5e, ~ ,:en nls uvrtt 1 ,r titles yeas irlt9rred o.1 ~l[t. claJ of n.rzva_ .ar.ant[ an the ~rmr Celilptor • _ P afe, _i.., ,.ods at 5 3 Y (,uadnlcftnal, ~,r ]rn:lons Tslfulds, r©gilired xiina dntrs lvhictl vrorG for the rlost ~ar•t unt;vtlrlti'ul. "rfltnlr~ (hero. and exercise I~t drills continued tvit;haut intDrri,~ttiau. On 2r'ebrilnrv lonkt°ilts f3i ^}itad n lailann t 7 , , t, , ; tYniah a .OaI'ktd t0 l,A deSG°?1Cilri'• Tfle 5h1 'r'ra3 Ilk~.n^,llY°T d r;' ' ft t ,,"tr'tlCK bt[Y :.rap 6 ~ o to _ ack ttl ,cth7ect up after - ' - _ yrAter•Upen examination it proved to be a self-dest;royir. i. g mFiteorolagiral or firq-bomb balloon of Jap?n~ise rianuz'ctcturF•, It had. apparAntltr b,-.en dnann •ed w}life aloft and alas not car 1'~te, .Io:vt~-tor, au . g ~ , seemed to have`elaborl+te autorlatic'ror:tr~?s ar,d`th9rFt.rAmairt~id attneh d n ~~crato'exltlo;?ive c}trti'na wei bin about 2 ailnds twit} a detonato ' . ~ _ ° tyr construe+.icn , ' K l; P r, ?'}ils ah.r},e }rnrl be°n I9nuered harmlo,>s b,, ,a,,l v orb immersion in water 1' of a , ; ° writ tP i y h ogr phs which were taken of tho balloon and ftll ats ,par rrcr i ; iI i ' O2II and ha bn.llaar. itself was z}estroyed, 1 ~I'' II lij~ _ F,' 'l _ r. r; r. q~ - . r.y..,. ~ a) F _ t : ~ ' L I,1pCt n Z "r, n ~t~l...a~ w r'Ui:.lt , t 1ny(I _ ` i a °aatia," Ul ~ , ~.!~l'; ::Cr[t'71'~ ~ ; 1 .ng a ,ugu,, . lath, lc?1tC5 rc,r.t':.lt~tad. , F F , T}ie car~q wn_a c~irr,lptehr unl.DCU f ,";r,• t~ , .}o i c n r.u ~optamnar r > ,r t ~ . IIUn ardf,r6 Jr,rH f , ~iiU~l?t?rt r~. 1}:Ht C. .}t (ti f~,d il;;)CFxI ' ~P.r t.h(3rr:' AI'e n92'ab' movod to uaippat I{arbor to ~;r , r-,c.,irad, nn'1 the ' • n,' • ail ~ arthor n,>sigra,t<rnt. ,lhile vr~it:tr;g far +hpfia i,rde • enlp ,r ~;)t al,, .tatfld icar eha hiuh lvilids sod A 4avrerin ^ bc,: + ~ I s at ,,zli n 1, rarna,pr eau,>ad soma- concern t'or tho safat of the` r,} ' ' tr P'p' , Cal}rt;,' rtoma,....~ .warp reported rlov~.n alon . y up. .,urricanA , . , , . , , ~ (~/~~}p ~ „ r , , r , r r , . r „ e s., ~ L. o , ~"f V U , 4.111 E 6 PK _ts nearby And all:hElnds were an;ciaus tD et uncle w s Lot;tl ~y tart. , g ray from th r,;.,,i,.,,r~.rr:,. r, zone, ~n the 1Jth of Uctob ' , n-,xn o da ,.,r,.,,,..„ or the f was crdprbd to nrocear „ ngor' + ' • . , , : , - ti11 '1 F 1 i;>copr.ldentlt' to 1,111 ~ v ~",aun ay Dr~>.nc.'a ~ . r , , , , , , [..1G , n an A lslerds yia Sr+:n i)arbexdino Str •t r . €s . , hilln ' n° , aa,_ .alit Vprc,~ lslana ln,stiagavr€ty, U rn bar amty .`oho 1g,4-~P0,1~ ? ' shp anohared of f Point _ al t;hEire an 1C , , , , , s , . , , Aringay far onp ni ht while Information was ob o n, Lctabor '..,,.,.•y,••:,.,... c',E1;rt.,t,I2 w r,,) ?1~,. ,?,t} 1 of th9' Army fict;tvit to wh ci laraab ,ts „ Y c _ the ship wes_ta report. Cargo lnadin `carol=.>rlcat} of ' fu~ '•1• c , , ' g t the l lth off t~ aectioll ,is, 4 ,..,a ,,sacs I'i;arrb1 1•~ar t}ir', c: Bt;a.ch. High swells and rt cliff is ~s }.f.rou'- , a ult br,R.ch.dolayod the ooerntion-cansiderabl' ~ t- ••boc , cargo, 1700 tons - 3, u , t,.o 1F,}t}t nt,T~rap ~ .ii., , i'a~• l?anandert.Chilclren: i rya t,( ~ .r , i i - , the ant ~ ~ r~ ~'7 and pNSSanI ar cam laraan~ Df Er . _ . ~ , i m P affa.oprs gild 1(r) ~nla.stgd '3rsonrie ire ~;,)t..+,1..= r A,)aArd. _}la `•r~~ , „ P 1 IJ, e Re..~ t ail CaD 7fln,r J, r ~ l , .,L.. tY , d,. t}l t}101,,. v 5 Ap}slip (.•IIA-St,) A"u Ta91: lltllt r r' 1? _ J, B& ~'Ct'U!I ~ hCit IU:' t-r,a 5 t ra , Jt•~7.i(, uhf, C „L. ~ j sa.Cl .1„Crt. 1t.Fr,:t}lf)1'E; "q I' $a5EFb0, ;t,yushuy tlnnan CgmlQan • , tt ru ^r .t, }Tarts}, i., ~ to y , ca vra.t}, uTU in the ,yrw ltartover. i; n'. ~i?a.a 'royA ( ''iRFI Cali'-.18 ':r. fl`'°?r.. ,rfa(;a i'Gr°',rt' `iw`' 3 , r,,. S -r : on ?.3' Cctob.r. ° Twa dAVS t lac wl:.hsu . t , ,urt'-',, ,.r,ern ~ hart(] ~ i la ,ar s}2Q wFlS ardal•pcl t~ procar~d fraLi ilia au+,<~ t- nctdpn± . . . . . ~ ;,l v?-,..,(> ` • 1, „r .other to t;ha inner harbor o Sarabo Ito yr}tare unloa.diltg oprrAtionsroi:~(lancod. This cA:r ' 'r f ' , o v A,s cq I.~,tell' !IiFlt fG. t,~t9 -n~.d t" mP ~lischar f.d qn t r , ` , ltcel , all pe;,sen pry wero 'ten e" .he"~lct _,,.c,t`Vn , t;~.r I,,i .r~ h~rely P t .shore. comp dale ,ras noted t _ and - , . - Y D ba cluo to Excasrrlv~a gongestlon nt d' gpproprnitac .ter t},n :Itrlll,}1 riahd• paints on the bfl.~c:h. 3lovravril•, the, n.~;r!l~tar. rra zct.h,,r a ; g 3 a7C9CU a irl a raaGa!18'alb Sati3faCtar~' r!t£trinar Ani} s'.~tip vas rEI)oi•tod rf;ctd~~ .Corn r , .,oa on ~hc last day t r the J ai (J(.i:o4~a.• :;vr,I' ;'..lt}i,., r iar ) i)d l Sr1t!.iiitatlu ,,C'5.. .,:r ,~•~C• , _ Ordc,rs vrero race:lvad f~ l}ovamb i' , , , , , ; , , , , , , , r ' 6r ~9~i~, to .return to the i}nit , • , , , , , , 3~O,CC a totes vrl.t,l a cr,rt Iaosqu;.to Catttrbl . , , ~ , ~ maim ~,f ca.turad'Ja „o con,,t.>tlrC ) ~ , ,tJtr,{~t, Y P panose oquiptnant, and the 1onf;Iat o,nratior. 1' v ; m' DDT. 1!ustittg I~ragrar,t, ~ , activ'ttl g „oz;~loncnd_an , .rDVCr;nFr, 1 J proceeded slow], as it wtls oar, ~,is rr, J e.,,,ary to lobate and prt;pfu•o for stav;a{a 7trfrt,: ite,r~s oi` 're , , ~,?,{Q.C,O ?j,~; s.;,i, , , ize and ivaght. r~ t,t r r. , ' u.r. U11 . .li%t~ fCit. t~.l: `:Gilt ill r,,lr .~„vrt< p „c aby On ll~ Nbvram')or 10 t n ' . a etpi,r~},. if" r4Qd i`or ' n(, ,.LSp a..r'."~ h'uriif , on, pad wean 1oncLC,, 8:'?ri isle shzp wAS .'ualecl and.. reported rf,~.t}v ' Grt thn fallovrin • dE,~ uith , .far sen. ~ ' lj officer pru,sengar;l and ~l ai• r ~ g J' enl.i, ,ad ,aa~senl;ars nboArd, t},t; shi r• ' .1, , ubderwf+f from Sasebo li shu n A 1!, ,.._,~t,a.c,~ , Yu J par. _nraute to t}te Cnnal bane vir, Poerl i"Ifarbor, „ „ , t , u< ~ :,u ,l .Cir;s for inn, °grt-4 , ca ~1,tC0.i.C ..Stormy seas on 22 IlovernhAr forced A reduction ~ !.rl ~ll,'ad tU r. 1D'lOtS Or aballt 12 }'.altr3 .1 f r' na. ~ 7 i.y.,n•. f, , i. ~ ,P ~ z ;1t1b56gitpnt g00d wa9t}ler' ',armittOd t . 3i c ,1 , )U . ( ,.t„ _.u l,l _ ..;c..~., v :n r; iS ,r , :,u'•,' . r h~l 7, ar. a.vb.l In I'Fter,, }>nrgar- t•tfrl ~ n ? i ..1, } n 2, }ia..,r,r,,ar; A'il7ru~„ lt'.'a~' fU:' t.zri ` • ~ . ~ , mhe shi K f il~> p a, .waled, ants Provis~ans were o}atr(irtcd ns sr..Tt as nnrus:~;ar,' y a , arrall'Elsunt;i' Ca c ill } 'Gf? ri9?}8, ,,.lGt_(.'i C;, T:1 R.~'. t'ar tilt, ,,,ald _„(,"tl 'r^.r ~fiCit'G . .,q. Ubw Twa ~ n SS an e af'f ' ~ ( f 't')r)ra,r:E.ta'i . f Or '+"7.v tl, i_: tt s„t. , .~v '.t g r , _ 1CHr,, l')n l ,1C enlisted P. ai3E)n' ^rS wE1'a r'4'nni, u ~ r r n. _ . } i, Urt , C.. ~C,i.,1ux,,,.1G 1 . , , , . , , . 7Cr~; t; 6 J. t} hatlrcl fo. trap,, )oI ~nt;inn to the ~ , }',ast Coaet, w}iilo 6 oi'ficer5 and 3 enlisted men vrc.c rl;It. r,r • as}1„c, for transportation to the 'rt f . ~ , !,c,os . , , "a.ra..~`! .{:f~.+: A~;r # ,C :aa.ra ..SCil.l '=,a i ,wr' r 1. , , A':;r72'UT'rlat~31 fDr ~,1iJ ;half*.., , t~ ,4fter Civilian rrorkars frDta tn© rtn` ' Yarc. rf3 ac1.~(1 thQ ^t'c t. ~-n r , r, ) ~ ~ ~.,rn tube the sha,p a"}i~,rtad frog: Panzl )r ,?>';f.uG _ finroa e 'to t11p CfL~lal Zona on ~?cj }}l)•ramber, ur i(:ri 1:;.;hP ~ .'Gr a;,l(~ A ;aid Jt-..:' .~.'r_r,r( :,i)t, ' ' y „,;;ru r1Ei'4e~11 far t.:(. vC}tDUls ~ ?t,-,, ^'hQ s}li nrrived et }}all~oa rr.>.dA,r r .F P tq a. ,v„t;t P 11~ kacF,ntber l~ t n rn1 ' : `a'' ! ; ' rs y t, >_Imnpdi t,oly tI ~an.,ita,l t,ts . r nnrr:a ;,coot „ , and ir'onr•E'd at Coco Soln Fr r h' _ r' n tltt~'e P 1 r~ ^r, , a.Ll, Eras vratur nn~ -rrav.. ions l r r. • „tire tnt:en n~ICxlyd. uaturc_.v ' ' r nY , 1~ ,,ecErber i • 1OL~ t}lf3 S}tl ` ~Ot , , ' s,r r, ,:Cr1LV1 7-n ! 5, P r. undervra3 for uorfol,cVir a_n a.a', „torris Jrf , , : 1 , ,:.hLn ~ . t,,ce , . , . ~ , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , r ..........1t0 ..J).OU )z e anc.culttoral, a., t nuff5 , l~,• f ' . of env -f OUr- }laUr i bUt nO damA . ^ cp ,r k ugilOf)l ut? .v3. V1L't:, , , , a „ . , . , , , ~ by wtls .au d b 1- } J riE rilc;,t S+.FaS'r'::' t}1.~. <lhlp tSUCl;ecl .all r~.c IiaCn11},et' 1y~;5 n,~ t~PVal ~ 8ratln^ }lab ? ~ ° 1 -y,-• t' , Crt i.,nl OUtlair, p E , hot, ol.k, T~_ };anl,a, lilpvan o.f xaers anti an„ +,r n p . . . . . . . . . , , , . , . , J,ttr'ar;yCiO ~ l''. CO.OQ • , r.urac and .h.tr, .,,.v„n enlisted men, I passengers, and tvro,officoru lift -nin© enli,",ed ilan , J ~ Y sha<p s cgttpan5, stare deb>"rked far cicmot,iliz~tioll: ' ,t n+, i It is i,elioved`tnat a lar a i•la'orit r Di' this ,a „ . ~ . .,cr,c;Dl Su~tnlf,...L.,_. , g J 5 } rtJ a.r~,ad holm axt ta,:ae, , Dr l,hr_str^,as. - ',i e ~ S c}lr,~;~, i;xtr~r,(? a;~arrt . , , n ~ n " 1~1~.,~1~.,.,o Tho cat o oI ,PiavTacJa Inttte ~ ' ? K _p rial'was aischal• ed ht ,Iava1 Cr,erat' ! ;;Conte :?nq}(s .,....,,,r,,..r,,,.,r.,„,..,,r 12 ;JO i~ f; i art lase. C'n S~ hf3cer~ber,lrt , C ~ g i5, I,t, (~g)'F.J,Slnvin, (t1C), USIIR, re;,orted at,oard as relief for +.ha tenu,ol~Ar,r rradical aff'D , a '.+1, ~ ~±,C1;aAi; 1.1 ~_^}it?.t f r n t. F,; t •'o i",r v.. i ~ Dr .}rH .~A1t _ 1a,,a: J.,ar ..}t„I C, 1„ a}i~ . D, 1', He:rr>.ngton, (}fiC), IIS,iIt. _he ship ont.,rna ..:.D Ilorfalk ITaveI „hi vnrd far'vova°e rEr,A n ~I 1 P. ~ .115 nd . _ , , " r docl:in On 10 , h to }r t= enu. u }r° ~ r 1' r , y g o rl. . ~ l~L;J, I,1eUtanan~ Ualnrlandar 1~ , Ilarr~ II.rI~t. rf'i 0 i a( i -6G 1`Or ,IIEi aCttU... ,1it11t,,.n1, Una . ~ ~ , . r r , , , , , J G, • 1' J, , r , I as 2 a~ipf iar _ . ~ , r Liautpnant J, Ct, iQc}coney, Lxocutiva` Ca'f ices. ~n 1G I'e}~rur•.ryr loll ~ r , _ i + , .upon .omnlatlon a. .Jars .nrd worst. ` ;,U , t l CLtDI't 14. m.;P n t ci st °,ii r?'.r 1 r. F i s t ..r and drydoeka.n}~, thnship,ntove(i to 1Ja~Ja1 O,arat,.n~^ i3ase vrhara 1 tcns of ve[ 1 ~ a ~ t n_ .,..A~ :z.ca.. t,a. ,}t.,r, ,u,.al, . I r, > .lt~los vt,ra racElve~ ChoNrw l ~ Cne navy en7.istod pASSenger was rocelvod fqr transnorttttton to Port , h'~' - ai' a _ t , 1.t4, , , , , r, C n• ,runrtr,tfid far ±}.F ,:chi),. , c.,..: , r t t . }iuonatna, cnrc,tita to . r.L1x,,pLw t, .1 ~ , _ Islands.. Tha shin F;ot `hndar'rra„ far Dnvisvilla Rhode Island nri 20 ''nt~ , r , ~ . l ~ , r r_le., l and ..,t r..vod Dn 21 r'ehrusry ,4 , : _ t;:,.,. ,1~t t`Lt, ~ Johlltue J. tta,lkes re:iort ; ;s .n T, r ~F,ctian 1 , ThE;t for the saif.'isc,~I. vcaal t,hare` is .,t,r+,.> (Jo) , } od 1'or rF~laaf for Lxt3ai,~aLfult R, Lll};lt„h,.t.trst ,~tauta,le..t,- ~ . y A£tpr laadin ~ 100 tons of , ct, A •tr L ' a ,,ro . A d . , „ , , , t . t ~ )c . g J mts 11arl.,ous rlt "o, :,ha ship got undo:•vray fror~l Davasvtlle, ~chode Islstid on 1 FI P z .4~ f o, ,r.~, v..,.... ,pal . . . ~),~,)aJ.~,J I~~Areh 19L;6 enrouta to t;ulfnort, I,lississinpi, whore. she .loaded an additional 3 {)00 ':ens of .r:,rterel c~l•'c` , • C a i M, 'r, , } ,r z of,CtlGr r + ? n ,,ram„ • c t and vLnscles ar.d othor constritctzon tn,~c}liner~r, ilia shy , =ot t n ' i•d, - -}tat.. v. uha soli, . t.,ca.t ,,.t „e. c, .~a ,.E. a},., i, ~ ~I E, lnda.ua~. Pram l'tlfpn,t on ~?1 l:,nrcrl-c.nrout. a - ~ 1! . ,f 'y to fort Hvena.o .rr'v. c_ 'n ?lt);,rD-irii<tad-er tr:e Caurlty r3D?t,l rullds thefollovra..l , ~ m . ~ _ a tog ~.t GhI a.stbbal on }f(irt;h, sDVen nai~r enlt.,ti3(1 pa.~senl,ct e and t};reu . - t_ _ _ , h ~ {j i ~ a3,vilian<passpngors war3 ta}can nhDard for ;trnnslt~rtatiori to Part }Iuaneraf~, The s}?i* transiten the . .:i 1 I `'r , . CklIlft 1 and t,aok de'larturo J'br Pgrt Iluaneme on 2 ~ 4 v n n„ , = Colant Ho Jl . , , , , , , , , , , , , , ~ ! g ..Arch 1,1.u, t hero the dnr t} .Ja., ct~.,,..l.rtr ud on , 5 y me _oltds , , , , , , , , , , . , , , , . , , . .1,1 d• >a 1, , d ,.n t ~,r 4 pril. ~'}lea S}1a 3J`t., ,oloa(lE(i,vrlt,l lUrnb01' ~G1© tonG fUr tili 'l<' ° t, ~ .-n ftrr ~'OUrt HUUSp -,OI1tlh „,,,...,,r,....~..~.t,,r.,,..,t,..r.:.. t.2, c?lt,. ~ ' u ~ , ,,P,tC1ft AIuanA1 wan 1rnnG1,>CO ,i • t i U„laad L a " ar-'' ~ r - .,n ; I~~ r.,. ,r C ,;...,..'„r.r~i,,,,,,,,,,,,,~ 6 ~.U U i.g na laloac,.l,lg r~cl.zra.i .atlr ~reL}.s, .,Ita „he saile(I for Plarbol: vI _1717,a c-r :ta• 1 tftar ,.,~f:rnl r;a.,t,.. E , u . ~08~b ~ ~ 1, J 9~Wr ~ 7~, 3 r ; i ;I j ' I a7 plaasnnt but uneventful ;Fist va~ra~f, the Piero iIanover arrived fit :'orfolk r?(l Jltno, vrhara sl?E was i'' ji i' dacomrnissiar?Rd qn "C July lcal~ " } ,,r.....,,.:,..r., as1 206 1 2 ~ J ~ , to al ,3uci f;t (t~~FF '7 : i~ j 'r .t0 a;l. , aa' .r 1'{ .7• n t 1 ri' rl. ~'7S , r 1 . Tha moet~rtg than: ad,joitrned, (if,(.n n lion ...e 17s-t,,, tt.x„~ D..., a~.eu ui la.t~, H ln.t'ri ~c ~I.s.t1p, ghlr},e(, cti,aan.,„ y', ~ 1'a. .''.1 ?.CL" 1' o „ 3.. 11 r• 5 l tA'C j'pl f .lr~r;r~ uDnFl.,, rra., n.,aFad an•. orderod s~ric';.en.._ort the is at;coljnt or I . r ~ Clerk. r4av;n6 bdan char{;pd lil ~_~rror. L L , f - - / ~ mat?.On of a .5. r^. ,r. o r :a rl;;. it^.iiftY? t()raf lrrlQ ,,.~}lt, beak ;'£1' ~ r 1. ask,' a.?.i .:ec.m4cf1 b~, r , .cep t, i.,rs. i .,_f„ro,i b, Fanr.a.p .t, ~ ) .,l~.s.:rr ,.,,.1 a..cUtrrt of .,..,vtg, ..tt. ..z1,lq I~rard tl_1rnLn"tan It, ~ A+lust :?Gth 1;}Ilbr Gol., r.~u 0.: :,JC xc'. lr: nlo(,r. 2 , , f, , ! 9 I- , y r` ~ Pot: . , the sa a lot, vras wi±}tc]ravnl, • ' ' m}ie rnC;ular wea}tly moot ing az" tho rloard eras halal at 1; (?0 " , , „ , _ of l 1'~ and 1;',.I ~ ~..e5 c,n I,rn ~ 1 , luUP.`1t1 ' 1 n' r; t, `l f~ }.f. tP`., i n ,cotton, }sr~ C t v,a,, F t +~d o„ sfltr. is 1c.t5 end 1..1 , ~ . , i t t n .1 , ~ r•t „ t R 1( ~ u ~ - ,,,r _ r , , , , t it , r) Present; +t(idirDn t,9Vr_a~.t ,..tF.,r2latt GaG. Tra..x. ua,,, l,. .,a!1 & (,err ~ t(;T"All ~n GlaCl,. t n • it ~ Lit r t.1 G}.tLt,, dtGc1 (t°..ett (,Globe. £4aL: r'aD '1 , , J„ 4, r...i. .,.J,Go, , „C CarolattA. 3e...c}: i.an to }l(i ,:,.,,t, , , orteu i , i i,` ' County tr_ttornay 1lflrsdan ~'allaa~r. ' arch 1• i~~i. ~ ~ 1 " . ~ 71 . I 'i I r.. . d..z .,D, B I, ~ ; t t a~ fl ,t ' r •''•ad t}iR ,t.rcha,.~ (;i .,ha F, (t ~:Dr>s ,tttldut°s R r, • T.ta msttor of ad,iusti.nf, •~:.a bet_,.. taY.S }){ft4'J6g11 ,4r, }irllnch ;lT°.(1 .S. .1021ham tln I~l (.t='-,rte --.,,s - i, ~+~n r,.0Y,y0ri D~' },7', 'vArGngr ~~ha .lUfLt< al ut.al le, G b a l,r1Ca ' ( A , 9 (1 , . ! a.,, , Df 5,, ~ v , 'p? ~.,,;{1, r., . , ~1 't} I 0 ' } f; „ . n . upon rrotaan .Efarroi to ,hW ....1,?,.y ,.u ...t,or .Dr ,rlc.,t,...t1_an filid vrt~~}l t,a.rel to ra„t, F1~,,,,00.0(I for the tlualnt,T s-a:ld ~~,OO~.t)0 ~c,r fnlr.l~t1 , ,tr tiZdac. vela .Ijd l.Ia„5 ~x..fltDrlttm g vrlly da 1 t t p!"} t aU:ld;`,r, n;dt t}tp {iOUllt°`,itU(ia.tar was ed t:lC .and: ear t}:e ban, t a of the atrp+-rrt J u(1 thc. ( Y 3 t ;n , ; ^ y, ,r w , • r'rn . i, r^ 7 rni ,.t, r,: tl ^ rC,) 1 e s ' C ~u 1. o n , r. 1 , „ , , 1, D,n_ pl; h - , r- , , r r due -t o_ ..a . n. C, t . t ar f . a r d t. tzgt, o. ~,u) a.,,,e..~rltal.t on -~hE lre,.t,. a _.,arias L, t..or~ze.l to :;ell a.t nacessal,r 1, ct,OrGil a~ l,DVa.1 nf,n,. ,,.t(,,, ,i .,.f. fc,r t}le ueTlarnl Fttlld ~ ~cau7.t i black _t}l ,.}la J1a4 of _.,~ll,.,tl1~ ,.ll„ .,acli tfLX@u, 17,:5 ,3a?'ra. t0 t}~a 'vQl,?t7?.tt.!?C 4rit}T pa':7er tU FCt, i ; _ ry E4 „ , , r e 1.~'} fC't`t t?il tl(:L 51t11',l r,al•t ,',j t}' „ ;I; i !'a U. t,„t, l,rn9I'S ~Jt~gd PI•aGUCtS t~Ltil,la€'1rC; iC, P: t „ p la aunt, ~ i ~ , n ~ _ ~h ~ a., 1 ~ 1 , ra l n ~ a• , t: i, 1~1. ?I. - +tt'!-..f,. , )1 1 l _r ~ ,i1 ~ _ I,,) i , The Cqun~ s 1 1b.I ~ d ranrii?.t'.ons ,.~tL. ad.rer t servant , A o ,}fl .Ln t...~h , }lo...a ~r, ~ , ' r,n r t .,r..(I tt, o c..,~ _c 1(o , r:pr :ne ra t y 4. 9 t`~ tI , . , rlade ._t au t . cat, lves qn siz ast,,Dn ~.i ,,,hrn, „h,.tl,r! _ G 1 t,er n~ Warty a'llally dn:ttod A'tBr iriSa.tt.:=_ ~l~i ':.;h A Q r s1~ ii s)Ilti 10' , r e iurchas. of th., lu.t Cra,.,, . n ~ .00 far , F" ,a,...car,g ,OO,A.,,1., lr(;dnpsda . Y furnituro,, and upan `2ot1(.I2 DJ' I,:r, ColRrlnn, dull; se,con(i~d, '~}-,e f'aliL.'ritt'° a '?roTrr:intDli r~;,oa',ian ' 6 F1 r , w s sldo t d m oa s ~,ot'•t,^ rii'f'rm;lt 'a , j' ~rnRrla Cf }:(iV('7rrUa, vrar G;'i'arf`Ci ttl(i UrQ U t}la ~ p tl ,.:all pIn r a~b x iv ly. Upon i;Dtian I,I'1-, P,.J,LArtb Da ul' t,or.>i"isslarat S~r,.ta ~•a!,ar 1PPRt`ll'RIATILi; 1'W'Sc?'I,1iTI0IJ J _P ~ r + rnCIi1S fiCroSS f,}la }fall ft'ULi his T?rnS(?rtL C~un_?`~~J.,"., iar ;:L~ a, 1CC'9. baati(,11 1., ua It rpsUlvrld liy the }lU(1r'd Cl l;ollnty' l,U,u.11S"lnll.i,"" l.i' 1C5i 1}f+~:0'Sb! i.Clilluti•) 1.Dr,,i Vasa , vt r ri„ r v-,. r• Kati, t},1& ~~,t a _ . , ,i . 4a f r t r d .,C,., .1 }l, , ai AUgU.~v l~,), } 71')P?,,,1 LD7 t,gUtlt, rn~l,I,ll,,U=.t 1tn FtG-.1r11._Et~ E.t !y ?^a•rrj i.- r L" n ,.,~.fr*,^'Cri Ent, Ia. ,'.'tl'tl~: r'(r;5 Gn1i%.,ti C; ...sr?C;. . r ,1 - -r rt of he aolore.l ._or:~ ~ f0 ~'r h., ar 5 tQi7 "r. '*j , ' ~ of ESw. r „l.a . tsq:tl t, ,ttdang ,tuna ilt)t.t, _r, , ..}:o nsaount5 t,. ,},L faltotrtra -,,t:},at.ule, ..t inlf(,} ,a„ may h~ nace~,,ar aI a };ul dm ,.r;i,I o,ra.n~ad: ,.r r , 5 ~ b, t;tc+d ;t,r }lk[nr~> c ~ . 1, 1 a ,)aca,,~on far la.cEnse tr, sell .)f'pr at rf:,tt.t(. ,.t .,a_.,tl "t,. a „rlf(r.,nrt, thL sn:t<n bra~ll}; 1t1 !?!;E farI:i tints t~ 3 ` f ' nntu Crldai'Sr1{: by i}t6 .i}tar"a.ff, leas 11},all rf.{)tltill n'1?7•trv(,d. xf. ea tan r,f r t - • ~ v'=tF ,'ton I.?•, T. J, lIowatt, Actin, t?;. i., ~;rict'i}ngiTrear, reiluasting ifith ' ~ p onco-tan _et1,pl ~_.t • An EX* Fc»• ~h-, r? i°a"Ect; 1rl i,.it, rtt%tpI• of CUltirii~ a.I °,1'Cl;t_ tj't"ell 1 t.=E: 'Gd++_3C}1 Abaat ~rnLt ar J , . _ ~.,tclt of t„~, t,cwr.t s tr: ~ . - ' il~tla - " .,R~ ;,-,tructnd tb,furn~sh h).r:~ i.;..t,., r: rtt:,r„r ai'~: ;;ha ~ra•rtqus I nt,rthv.f~l ci q, ;;,r;a t,r'~Fze, u}.a ,,nor., r , . t i , _ S' y ~ ~J: , ~ ! , ht. ' s , ~ `Iilflfltill r Cf ri r 1. G . rr., , t, 1. r f, t,;a,a , f;af;°~inl; of ..tlt~:ASt .3.i,1,1 qJ,l`, C!illtilll:t;`.). ? r ~ i.. I ? ~ardnor repartfld 'a rfquost of 1°~ Triter I'rtrr rc:sic}~rtt,~ -tt .t 4~ 1 rod I oa.lt, t,le a .a€inxn€'; r;' ditchos ; , , C}:rtzrrr~n rag4rtF,d his irrvnst;i~e.tian mxdo `e,^>tardn ~ snr. uh~' t Y Y° E, r• re~uP~4 a£ thF RE,verfirlr,I 'P. rt. rr,,rl;.ans ?aat4r ' °f: 01 ,,,tti4nt} , , , . 1 ht f. ~ „ , .°{t-( ,'1 Jtilltl:st i+:({ rr , t , IrCn t0 t Gh' ,Ifi 1 tS7C r ar le On (7rrt1rt3r';_ 3t 7..rG ,~,,r! u11U1'C}t ,C ' #=s ti' , ' ~ 'a L"flEi. u t ~~t5 r G nt,rLt. ^ad~:rarn Ja} Upan motion of f,t,, {r~rrir.er ±ilfl ;I}aPxd +rateu to tc°~; • , ~ n I trt It Hnnb rior to , r down .thfl o1n _ once P ' t deed rocro{~o. r©,..ruax,~ ~Oth' lit ~trtr - ~ Y P Jtn u,l. ~ ~,5 t, '1~~~ ~Grig i;l,r. 1.a.r;YUr9~ bU , . 15, , ref..r'red to-Lhe wlint+ Aft( Stadium, Gleam the ditch r)€>rlk J I, 1r,,a: n.. and pn?nt th© bilildin~s, €lnr} ilo+,:~r'~.~ thy, +;our • s onion ` J . 1 cr c,p..ll_on. , t is Vncat~ , sito by ..,,talaer lst' end to niremorn t4 do t}le-w4rl~ ~ ~"the ~ . . • C2 ' , ~ 1~. rCpart of vOb, r~al,rrar 1'if1.^,~;~,t(11 ~'ar AU'"US~ {'r.q€1 1"OCff•' r ; b ,red F1.lr, r,.~~d, ''i : ' The meeting then Pd ourned. ; _ ~ co ~ 'af the r et~i€ed ra~llar nud'ot wns rE~ce ~ , r pJ g .~vbd fror: f:f{a nanrd UI' ::ductrt}.411 sh ',v'+ i u i.tg a reduction of , r< a21,~~50~0. ' _ C erl.. i ~ a-y , r The mc't':{1r cf lrlfarr:°uij Lra p~~i,liu tnrou'Il rllo r~s r. a-" ~ , L p G ~ t4 ,,rl:, Goanty'c lefr~l roo},Grlsib,.lit+~ i~,. uraU..rl,, to t}14 ,~ti;rntlan by >}r. GtIT•{}nor iVt;,U t r ~S r i u i ,lf. , } r. b ~ pU,,Ll,anf'G U , m. faili _ . ter ~ I ulltln~t'7.1, u., Sa tember d r i, P 3r , l jlrf~. , • , `~P.d 1."taCtJ,a}; tnU'n Rd~r,ilrn(,rl, , e regu ar rrel;kly ^ieatEag at the r3oard bins held at 1G:C0 ,r,.,In. ClEirk. Present: P.d.rlisan }}ev;lott Char r ,:r . rz:n ,r4G. , „ .~ttsv~, a:l. I,;, rlall, }[.13.i}archer, L.d.Cdlc~:(€11: r~:d I Attarney'ldtzrsder. Be?iaa~t,,, C„~.~,; ~ ~ I Jpon nlctioll of ;:.r, CrirdTler so~f,rlded b•.r ri r. 1rrx.,t; the }3 nrd a , 1 -;;,f - . , i _ t , , n }.rend ti; rza€ I}r,5. r' i en ''he premises nrse:r ,>an7ate Yladnesdel+ ,r;ornin rii, a,• r 1,w °~mit}: J in Pn'e"Port t + g ' A e s ' L ±}'io Gou.it,r rn~nsGl'rrt ',l _ .ttsh L}.a rl,t;ht-o` rr-.. J ~'A ruri:d r,~nr:octzn tn4 ;lr•i •h';~^v~il • ' ~ , Ea f. e Beech Iil;hirray l•rzth the Sf,€. •rl`o „~)n•, rn the, , "ha,fi b~;dn cons3;{lfrr~ble con 6 ~ ..v>r ir} - . , - r:, r, - troversy in annul, v,, t I , - , ~;an with a drti:inage ~ • . _ r . ,aa(11L~4r,° ; _ , _ ' . t?r. J. m L'tllbrath of P9.ke•ri11oY, h rte u' + f ~ , _ , _ ° U., flar {I .p c,,rtr, aln _ -r _ . . , ,r I p ;1, of the ;alfl 41 }txs f,0 nerr { ! , , _ , I : i5 C: 19214 ~~1't C ,,aystone I.Etnd end Lur~bRr C~mnanr Iiflr , . , nett township, ~ ar *he l'-i~ ~ and is ; i ~ . ~ . 1 ~ ) tAxr , r-_LJ1r,t_Tl~ tta 'rrfl5,10t served with notice of the tia,x uit . " S , ,ltlb 11})an Y24t1:an Uf :.ir. °Trtt;k S4Can{IAd 1)'r i, i , rFfdr.~l c ~ , CGlrnt;,° nttorneJr far investigatia:l nnrl re fort his aair,ion nt * , ~ ~r'~' I ~ I ! . - r 1 - complaint of . :,lr. L', v11:rd a: r; drf~ ~ ~ , , .lna„ia evndltaon rit ,,rl. },Lsbaro causec} - - . ,b t . the ~E15t ~i , t, J„' '~uu'tiil£It1 I}1 b Unt}6r .I I 1„_, , . I I, Jh r'+LTr, la :.ayn9 :.OOd Vl~ rOf'r~rrrid %4 tI`ff ~-u~', •t. , , ~ I ~ t ,.A ~ _ . L3 Y11,-„wEtV r.. 1'U1,11C 9Ia2"i { oa(7~"l , ~ : I . t 1 1, tun ii ti r..., ,r',r _ , , tr, 7 I I . , i :'v ,t ~ ,i l!. I 'J~XT - v ~o ca sect tae troublfl. . r~er :,..;r, 1 , I I Cal. R~ S..'}oCJailArld i), a r _ ,.m a r.e red fa. I " ~ ,.r. r!. A, r~.,,,r.>:lt. to rr. oast F'~.~ ~sc,~r°I - C(r r. r, . , : , 1 , , T:, I LN1T Fi=' ~ ah~rr-,ed P, rli.l?s+ ,yr,( ~n nr± .,=-tad ±ax~,s , 1; 1L l L of lvt „1 , i, k 3, J.~c., 9.=2~, forte ~ ~ - , ° ; - , i , ° ry ' }1 I`~P,r011 }1fl }'efi8 riG ti:a.e LU ' ;i,e ororJe„, , .v - - ryas unor, r;n'.:an of }:r° ~srdna,• 's~c4nr.r:r~ n,, r . - , ° valf'•i;,I~1;, „ranted ?Ttd ardCr~",d °Yl l,.i:t111 " * n a `t Ets to I,tr 1'•;r r` rr cn,l,a; Pnd rha. E,oc Agains`, the proper uralers, _ _ Jr,an motion of t'lI°. Hull, secon=~Pri b'r },lr r,,,,, _ _ _ , , ° ~C,ln,s'1, ~}rE. ,t.'.GrlCrln }.a~lan l'rftl's !'rF,rl~H(1 t}jn , n ,a 'f; - ~ ' 1,`i _ .:1, r{; i. ~i;ArI3Um, _°ar ',:1'v'lr A.''inUr11 Gx}11b:it].0;1 Of 3}iGiY3 `lnd' r q r E' ' r -"~<Cl: - r _ id..s, vUiri ~f - 6.., ..~rr* c4vlcF ~ *t o ° r r 1 ~ i .obar ~1. The. Coon„ ~ r ,r +,f s r ~ 6 _ ..ol:sll. ~ r-t,h., +,v clt,sa em shol.r.,' + J _ .-,Or trf ,lf' :1(I i.lYi ~l t: ~r3_ i:.,f ' ,e- 'i adgment €1pbePr v4 1)eob eotivnEib'e PnF~ • • ` ~ . ra"I:Lnd:'-t: u` 5E a9 =i ~il ; ,let f ?a ;t. t f r.: d• , R' ^ ~ - . i r nse.a4.G' t :tt; a'h v^rr,W raotball; game °sohadule,rl to be }=1€ayed at Le`-ror: 3tadiurl n-•r• ,t n ~ b 1„h of --ctnb~T. 't'' ,.€ti, S8~i5faG~r•)• uliderstand~ng to theta"fret 1 r• ~ - J(' r'lade w;,th ~ha {i .,c}:{),i dt}lletia roll; - _ _ - i e ,orZties. Pro'rid€,u fu•{.her tI ;,+aaf ~ .1:a, :T , , thPt ~150.Oa cash, band bo de ,o 't _ _ , : ed with the GOUnt'~ 1 • r - r ~ * - - i .alGrtor ua, n aarnN t•h~ - ii ) €r ~ •_pTa}'CI' C1Vn.:'th^.6 Cf t;iF :_:_i:. I. of _r _I,~ .:r.,'. I•„ r .li- 1 I Ij , pre~;ises nt +h';) vonclusian of the eY}libi~;cin. - , 1 ij I ' ~ _f ~ I a.. RAYLIENT GF _ "v -r., t;Y `c F,.. F ~ , ~".5 I ' F't<r , y : ' i}an m t~ , _ p a an of I,tr. ,~ardner, rr,'v~r~ctod b' I,.r. Trask to - r= • - e onr{1 P r ed to lan t, a ar+ ~ t n, , 1 ~ , , G - d a hi {'.(Uritl,'u01". .;t=r '.'."T i f",._,- G'._.aC u~uZ' Iii ~~1 tril=., Iirl 1117 land, r!;a' rox~~tal '2? feet o t T : A ~ ~ „I r~, - p Y 5 n J.C., si(t ~l nt ~ r,ntal of U.UO e r + I : , , - 6 a5 p r m.m~h o JanuPry l„=., l~r,,, +.o the . ,7f I~._., . ~ I r:.,tlt._ uF la,. ~1T1 -.~.'J ';t,'~"1TY :i =~F ~E` 1 , Broome vyocd J'ro~lucts Co arttr, ;rith a t'-nn c) lurchase t- ~ ~ - , , mt' ~ P } a apt ice of :?.,t)OC.CU lv.rs cr4c1L Por rQn,,91 i R .;:.said to a *~1 or. t}Ie urnc~trv r.'ra.ae' nd tP ; ~ _ R,.. _ _ p? _3 p . , F. LUt,P. ~tttGrna r,R.a €tU :}iUr "H 1 5;+r r , r,. marl I. r, I, } „ r H t the land for he purpose of :ieserintran, 'dt. ~ I,•~.:,, I. E.. 'r(; L.,I c f _ 1 F'-7 I , ":F' ,o vt Gs .,Y ' : - - d, , : I' ;::w , 13`r.: J, :i'.I=. r'.ei~+' ;L1,_ ! i FI r'iT i't1.. i clan motion of I,.r, dull secon,.{.d by Iir, Trtt.l', 1 ~ _ - - r", ,,r l0.'~4oa .+r,r+~on, Y,i?iii?tgtcir: .u1ns:,,llJ, t`r€ls ~rQ.nte~ 'm~.l - _ . P. refund GP no l' t,n.xvs far lj1r_;, nc(;oun~ of bain" in the tl~•rned fo?ccs ~i _ ~ i' i 1 AGTiViT1`~`a ;ri 'u r_r I.; iF`( I,~ rte- art: r i..,~,,~ } I ~ f • w lDan ;T9a't2an ai` ;r. Tr'C(S}; SCCal1^Pt~ } V I,I an,, t+ h, ,.t t t_ t ~ ~i f , • _ • r. `'v01 ,..an, t..C ..JP1 a Etl,,,}Iar1ZCG ,•}te Y{',2~lin(. of 't(IC ,.N'85 CSUt't I -7 1- ~ ..r ~ , ! I I1 , r . • 'cvsts end edvertising..nxnonso ial Jsnvs uixozl aolectod b„ ~alfl of `lo$,~ ~ z ~ i+-,. ,,r r .r 1,~.,,, },Ft., . „+.r c,. ,19ce 1or,':cr the ressvn +he said tuxes ';r va' } ~ , _ _ ~ ~.d r a.or''t4 t.l , suit cold 1•rns ? " , , .-t „ : , fl . I , r rv: _ , , r - A ,troneuut,l~ crodz,.r,{, b~ .,,1, ,P,c c_.iae, T. : , ;ur - ~ ;T I,i 1 tC~ T: T ~F Mkl~ 'r`te,.,, Tr,: Pt,!i 1 ~1s nrld on rF art 01. sn 1, n-n: _.t,. . '•.ror n. ,-.h n. ~ p ,he ,,allnty:Attorney that the I1at~ar hav b-, 7n 50tt.-f {1 4:1,1F'!??t J'. ~ ..{'?t ~;}iG'7Ut'C,t9S,. r , ,I,,..~ ~,I r_., : I lr'1 ,l r ~ ;",.~,,li, ~ ~ i, r I ,,n( r T,L ;it_.t,. ~ ,1''ia rya 'I cf t}te pranerty et the te,~: s;3le erld the Utrmer, lillan L`osle- . ~ , ! , I _ ` . i irron motaeY: of ~}r, Tra, k, sef:anrlad b+, LI?'. fall rtrs. e r , ~ FPnIli4 - , Colev :v, es °r~,ntocr n rei'und oi' a'I n 7L , L -r , ° , , u taxeE paid nll 1Ot l2 - ;n 1)lOC}: rfrl, , iiU.,lr,8r :till On +11e t+Pf11'iQ€:t r4 Vat t' t„ °r . . € 1 rl rl Glnid9r-t , - , _ r,~ i , 11: 8 C.. L,,. .LR.,z{, lI(1~ n L~i r ltl.~, u. ' i at ;11 I r. i .,I t~{4. F i ,uG`1,; uT,raT Lt;J i - - ior the rexsc;n s}i9 hos no record titlfl f'or t}le :laid lot char eel t4 },or ,ftr, li ~l,rt find :;hilt tell t11G ! _ - , ~ - ~ _ i - 1, Y14, ~ , , ( 1 T Feu ~ ,I tltallYf ,,yti• ~ ! - ~I' • -pro „rt an the snia blacl. }uts ,?eau d~src,sea cf gnrl tttxe,~ a, fl I,,, ~ ~ ,{t,tnn i1~^r~~ p Y n _d (n s r. a t .r - 1 a her,. not t~ . , din u. -i r ~ ~ ° :it.~. t. { - e , :,.-t: n, ti, N.I.} r~.IL 1 .1 ,h i::i a rulin - b ~ t}iQ amount ~ rat.. ~ , ~ , , g J 5 arne5 thr,t ,ho ,,c.mrtle,~ioners }is.va n4 1vgnJ ril;}:t to:refund 1,he '±:xes, it: r," - • . q ° ~ , V1p1'~ Of' the apzr; all of t:h6 Gptlntlyr,llt*arnBy, 1,1r. '~al'(1nGr lil d the I. :HI.I'L>f1.7 rayr:r! '.?a, - I ~ .,r, a.y,,11 iCi 1;F, 'T( ,t'' I~.., ,Is,' ~ -C)~. ~ ,'x':;17 I`, .i'w !Jl ,u, , ail ~ , ;F i II ' I - _ - _ , , . I , , Tt-ryas nought to the ktt4rltivn .h1t ;t. ,U.Tr,ts is sflJling`')ar?r ~:n c,nnnf~4{._Uli rrt.l ]tis !u.,..c~s~ at _ .jl'a ht.,l7Gra _35,r l:at..rt ~~t, fl.9t f rn..,. i C, l 4}: 1ri tT°-ra ~tiCi' pt'r - r: •r ,a Jain rJl{l , ; _ _ ~ , _ ~ ,r-,. _ : , c - F a l 1 i 1.,, W}lfl.etr1 Un u...rdltOr .,.0 :A , „G ~ r, ;c - , "1 C._°_ -li_t:~~ - , - I r ~ A I , , •r r r,nr°c, •r- r ~x.4'r, ;-t, ~ -i-.. e. 7 t':-'. ~ , ,t'`1+ I ~ i' , It 1. R," tiJ(. ,..~,,-,d _L , .Trn„}: E,.a -_...A-~. '!..3 ,,-1-,f-f:I?Cr' Gtr .,.49.,it10(t [llt. f:.l, 1....£.15c+ ~J 5t3_,, i , t Ca Uu ttiUS ,-.1~ ;t {1 (<Jt, „ r, : -.v i' `t ~ .;f'V Iu , t , - ; ' ' - r _ 1 I n , : I is..o i r ' r ^>•f' t ~ '17h6 i,41.1 -a.., QP r'1C '1•g t t ~.1. , i1L i. i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ j 1 ,iii ' `lU+ll,= - Glu. F iC'?' „}I l•Gn' ~ C9ip G.l..._t:}; ~„ii(l~~,3 ,-~/l`;p J1 :}!.r,. ~ tl,..~'{, vin .r€~„ r'.aCd.1Vt.,l .(i.tl.U)vl. C,=~Ult aI }.,r, U:trC Gr. „ ~_+r r.1 I, , „n + •..,~Cc!-f 4., ,;.Ua U. _ , r 1 U1 , a C 1, t a u x. riS}~, ! ,r - 3 _ a - M ,+i ';"I is t r ~tij>, 1 'aTlL1~ ''~1_ • i I :}lv riJ rov91 of` tu4 Cr_itility kudltor. '=11, I _ ';i ' , 1 • ~ .r: y (IpaIl T14t1a1r Uf ~..Y'. ii,",11 5(t , , I.t'.,'. i+ir.. ~iG1P,Y'11n,: ~~SCFr ~;B.IrU~`. 'a~ f=n(: ~'-la.!)°L''C}%Et£r.t C -J.' ts, • .:1 L t;. ita11 r7.w-Clul~t3l1~ 17Th On __a:a: .},.-_._.U-. J: 1:. vOll,l~ i U.t~ JU7t. U,~. i`U1711C ,~t111t'rv r-(,i!111:te{} La ~ ~ T - 3 _ , . _ ' L i i ; - ~ I r_ , s„-'!,• i•n r.. r„r ,q._,n a'lt r.- • .s ~ I,C". s, .-1:' n ,t t!~,~a- n c tt18 - J;?a,l ,.IU~7.4n t1U...{). 1t~ .,a ~ f~.r.uv., ,Ul rf,t)1. ~hr, 1 it+.} t..?.- ..15t t,a. i,. ,.,r. ~:,Hl'r,~~:., }i~ .,al,s.r ~ y,, m .1' tElXa'i a'I 1'ytil estE.ta in r2k'-T':1tpt~ t4Vr'l°~},_) t!11'• ,}'i' t3 i a > n: , n' f.t'.,"6 il'° C,.~G Q}]Q~' b r_ 1 .a.c, hou1G h©v„ 4d(,u .,,lac ~dt. ~a G.II.,I ,o. i _ ~7I I ~ t110 ttlrHS an 7 ;*11tl:itiG'.1 Of +'i~°`.~() pt?I'iGY1R1 {ll:d <~~,1;±? 'Crli, Cli€lr "ed tl "E(lns: '+ta °iFltter7,J1'., " s , } }S • f 11€is ,i1T1Ca dlad• ~ =j _ - ' , ~a 11 2'E'.p4rt (`'L is}le til't;ll!~ JUr~r lUr ~I18 I;Ur~'USt Ci; 1 ~ltt:, ',YPS rUCCi'Jrnd F1.,, t10tQd, 1'i"t}: r"feYG•1C8 i I. • ar7,i ';1, a- r• 7 " ; 1..) ~ ~ _ ny-- t „y,lai}l iti; rer.ola,'itw.(.;.L_ar: ,:,°t~ ,~na o;ll.,a ).lac. avoul,~.eG ~~,t~.la 1(es7~,~ent, ~,aE,sn{.vt aT Lhe.„1,4tL hlgrtw~,, I ar ~ r I+t~ °~.t it v; as Ir~r1C8 CO>?lI"25,,..an~ be rCas.,-linEtd salffay` t?P P, gr€.tnd ~U1~' vritIlHS3 .aaLl, ,iPrtl.'!I' ria'+uu rrtd ~ ~ I! 5eC4r1 I• E1 r(•r.'; F'-!, 1 „ i ni is ,n ' rs; :f.r ,'•rt" J rq,` tG, P. L,U:.11~ Q cF dC~ JJ } r . 1I 11 a21d C, 1.18 , ,}ltt , (,}ld ~rla..r,,tlll I8(11.eS „ . arH71€1n 01 , ,.fIH sl . t.d U ~ ;i ,;,,.I 1 cc.ulittna tv collf'er rrit}1 tl.is 'l~aard ~vit}: thr, vi41'r;of rF~r~c}iinl; rl sai,~..,. ;:,Lac;; soiutivrf c: th.r 4, . - , ~ ~ a: h,` ~ file Glt~~ A .,t°-ttement ,r€1G r oGOivcd f, oin tlt4 bn(,k i,Elx c,v11c1cLor s}la~rrvl uha=, ,~6,- ~l. r) .was oolleetoa 1 or } , L rJ ;,u~=est. end ,,<_().t.~r .a, the Coulttl~, l~iklnu• a ta'<;e.l of .611 bEtc,, taxes cc~l=JVtat. ,cr .n'~ ?larith a i i it r„!.i? ~ i, ,r ~i ~ ' I i' _ , , JIB; . _ _ _ . ~ . _~,.n ~ -.,a.~ . w~ v, I M1 ~ ~ : , - , 1, ~ r:. I I ~ i r. I lr,.: .lA i.:.. i1 ~rln I{• 'J• `E' Ifl ~ I _ II 1111 Lr1(;t(,I1, i If. C. i' ~ i 3 • t I; j 4,FI~t(:r:Iltor lf,th 1t'1 f µJ• ! m,,E r0 ltlrir trE! r• , i v ~ ,1, Y:IeE?tire, ~f t}10 :int.r(l 'rJEta ]leln rl7 1t` ~ r ' r:U., i=. i,. ~'}3tt r~?^'fk?r r 'a{.°~i< ,+1~,~:7?1 ; o; 'd.ht, i3r7Etrr1 :"ras t'~ld rA'2, lG'(1.' t,, .Ct„ I, ,rc„Ernt': A(}d'ison HcvrlEad`t' Chn E: n : , i ' , , .T I111t.,; G: D e if, 1rE1,:>}., Jas. I{. hall n , / r, 1', ~,tr'.. t . 1,•. r„trrlrti?lc?' f r". . r (t.!'in- ~i.; •51 `Ir :~r. _~_.I, ( ~ ,,t ...Ctta, Crf,.. rl. T Jt ,.r•nea },!ar;Idel? '3~a? Ir1I~1~ . Eln.} t,nt.Ent~ 1 ,,,t cti.. r .,r: tEr,, ,r J .1 r I r:. ' +0'r,{, t..~JrnE,i 7;)lr.,C:(311 e t,Lt~. f(, rl; } t,'.~.flT'VEP 'tT1U c r 7ha r„ nutt,s of Yno~Jtin of t~ ` C n „rriber stn 1)r.~ t`r-3rt, r. ~ r ' ' ~;t.(I and n »rDVCd ~ ; , , , I I rGCOrC{E(i, : I..11'-` t,r, r . ".1+, • i,t, t, "17 t,r f , °-l r r rl• ? , t , ^ rite. r ,u !,,!)t1 r i . ~ (ir.:'c., f rci;+r:-111nicrtti.~n vJe;g rf+(,r)lv(?r{ 1 ~ ~ • „ . ):a I „i,Eti,E, t, t;;}IV,ra,,r I'tt;llir, 4'forks ('orvl' s= ±s mertl,n~' n r. ~ ~v .Gn ed r r (,1t~.';r, , , . - • , 1, r. '7 I r I° n M t, Dn ..U~ :CD1C1(i-riot "'iP 10 it n~ ~,.1C1~ rha~. I',. : , Lf, ,f , it , .off. , 1 i. 1.,.: .19.7 ,r.k.:.Ct:r t{) it)1)rOVE)_a. ? ~ , , c r.F?f-tt •ry,r l,, ' tsan,er PrLrU 1{~,_~ ~ 'a., Ii D_ ,,,i,i, ,r.. ;r , t' r , , .,1. }I -..S t(t ,Ur t r J v 1:..; (%f3 t1VC'- ;T;. .'J t f , }1';.l r z. ~ 1, , ` . ; i ~ JUrI }11'*}1S'!ft a~rCitPr:i SI it , t r1lIC t: i°[7 t .l t! ,+`)C„ .7,. , ,!,F r :,rA 1 Y ? ! i .,1 , .t .+e.lJBft:C(i.10?1 ua rr" +-+i L } .,,4•,r r_E! Ltr ;eT i , -lY. • 1(' (i IY,. ,r,,. , t.t,+% „ I t ri' r ? r., rBr(}e nr1 la1 nOt ,},1.,w;.I'v .,{ll„ t?.~ ?rCi t.t n } ~ - }1Pt 9 T'J1CF ,t.. " . , it,i~ ti t .,.t + a..• ' r G •i,. t ) 1. , r,. r.Orr• fl fitltOrE Itti'f;r.t?tJ ' { ~ ~ I - :r .4-},-.n..rl- , .r£t,i~:1s 'fL". ,I .I-- ..,r: n Et r.:~,?IC1 S!r t, , ,'YSFI c; t,• ir_ `t:,~, i,i Ir1 J l.;'7,0 llrrtt , ;T? ,t r, .11rPC.. 1-.{. r. ,-t.. y • - , .`,?.r :'r•f~l; ..rd t „ iJO mrllute)lr. r, . 1rl;1(i'' ~ C.,' ,,t..l . „r.t~ r.. .C,,, r,r 11=, td, 'r;., t,± ncG ;i,, . tnc3,, rt.lt:1 Iauluu•It, t 1?.1 , , r w i nrrllt, . , r , ~ u;~•"^ ,t).. ,t t,ytr 1, a,f r, '1tr kl^. ~r .t. u I;~, cnloc";;,r,n.; ;°rH"'C; :n(}lc(t+ut? h,r i'{tn stn t + „ _ r, J r,( ~.,t; r n 31,.tr~tt.:.oTr D^h '~h„ l(I, tr the ilr trai" r n It ' „f: ttc , :ir,rral'; ~tn.tcs . .,,r].Ct;, P'r ..s .r;. CIL.j"b'.., IIC_~.:1.1 ,f, P' nt,.U•1 f,. ,:Or t},9 r 1 S t,c . , , • .r ` .1-,, ...`lt -J: C3 rQ.^,+ r t t ,t, .,,,1!,,. •..7 , t' ''Ur t ' 1 ;,1' ..ir Iir1,n1•r nt. ~I1Gt.).{ .t,tGuU? c.a y i~ ,r lIt a , . r } y.. , , I , r.~ ( ,nom f, ~ rr: 1 ,;w A.. e r` ...,y - ,tr I . 1,11 7 t , t nt t s tITJCir: I!id!,lU1i ,Jf _ ~ , r+ ,^r r, , , C,.. +:•h, t. _ a , ~ 1 , . ~ tl r., .r„ra.L.JO i}fir ..r. }{n?1, QYICi Op rt , s;,C : i 1C01'L1Cnrif,•ti01"! (,i' ~ ~ , . ' HStr;'liP.'.Ut i, .,'r ,,.r a-. ;,}1 f?. „J li .~tgpr:-: ai.. m'lr rn~.. 7-. d-.,1. , .a ~ , 7 ,IO},Y. oft. 1,, 4 !'rtt?1,.?,~ G r n , ,r ..C~ , fn a , ,y r~,r ,t: } , f1i '^T,., ,.t , 1., 1 r ,S'und a~ 1 y~c~.~!<7 6JtI1C}1 It t ' ~ n , fti , . Lr:. ~ , i..,0 (,!r ','111 ~ - a• 1 ,C'.. l., ) rllt.n,, o_ the t)£'c~ _w, t,..Ul , ~ + , ` J i +r•.,rUS t)!1 d:( tt I _ ,i.. t 1 _ _ t,l „ l : t ii't? , r "I r 'd , , i uL'e _(Jt , to :7 0( ..rfJ H(~, t a t 4 r ~ {-cr,, ~„a r' i 1)£~Vis lr tT ,A~ r'i, v- . - , , t.,. I, - ,t rTr G: T. a Us a7~1~•(jt/ s7J„1~!)r; b, r. ,,.'..1 , - ~ 1 t .n , xl Y Ca d,s ~ „ , . ir, (,r ._,.t.1;U? ..t;r '1,110 3a}ti nl+t'r?^;~ rr' n ) Urri . J .1l'~88.11? "4!t',rI'f7r, 4- nr'., s, a.. r. ..t I, f, . td + ~ • , , ~ _ .,r.. n.:.,rt r} , t)1. , ~ ; r r , , };°'ir,, r, ';c. , „ a. , :G . J€; }f 7J, ,,_n!J, Jt)1 ' ;r'f ~ a..;,. ..r t• t7r_ .i ' r Ft-f 1 bs.l,..y,1 .~t`?t;lr~+ t:a1IC r~nn,, ~ t, yrc,rp r^1V9:x A' ` r,*`; n a , 41 , 111 C}1. ;,,TI;v.. r,fl +n(, 1 r. r• ~-1 , ,G , ,-tl .,Ulf, OT (t ~ >r; n t.:., ,_D,. t}! ?;#',I `.,,.,a ~7,, ,,I~,,l{t, i;. ,,..r tl: .%)1,.,C,.?.+.r° '.C:,1 ti r , , a. ^'b:r . r J r+,. - , ;l t r.r+ •1, ,.,.h „i.•'i'r .;:l j'C{Iifi1. r. r ,r 1. , t,l ..f' r, ,-A.. - Crlw.r., ' . , , . . . r ° Ii1G,r ,.r,I c 1 r,c.~_v d rer.ttsr , ' • .U „f Clli.rl L,O".=.1'uC lf;?il~ 1. r7 U. r ,.f a~ !`i,, ...a. n.: (~.r r, f zrC. (?8r1a t' • '}"x 7 *'t M; , r _;,-;,.L, Ut ~ .-C, t, rIPr,35 ;itt` ' {,71 r (r,,,,r+ f 0 r U - ,I .l).,._,.1.7L )1 .,1 . r,. +,.:flr, qr r f,n rt,-; ~I }1, `,t~+ r? (~..ct ~ _ t , rF,o y .r ,,r.•~ ,:..r, 1•aerh r„n rc! r ' , ,t t{ t.;P 1 rlt ^ f ' , ' , ~ ,u '^l,.i l „ t i-' , , ir.l tT in_..1. .},f, a G ,„l),J- I?: , , t k 1 7,: t lift~1G? !1, J; ' , ,-:.1. :,,x. r:• :a...::~~, ,I: LT ri. t'• a s t;ry, ',I „ ' r _ , , , ' t a :s , , r _ J ( ~ ( Y al'i't, ~_'k E T.V tJ,1, tp1•t, m 17 ~I~f , ,,I,tr3I ,,Dgcrs, i3f1,E h i '11r1,iri~nt; (1' +,1 'at9~1,•t°, r r, r, t ~ 1, ' . , s~ ~ t, J ~ . , . ' !,f~?il{, .1- It i."~F-t `,Trt~ d.. ~a. {~,i;i . I-_ 1 t.` , t r~, i a t i t ~ . t' „ '-'2"'i'-~ (ir : _ r,r r-- v rd, ~ ,'1: :1,t ,s't.: _t , ~ , . , _-1 i. • . i f. "_!:t-: ,:.J r - d _ a t;! :1:, „ Ut,i;?" • il. r c,C1A.U_}lr tjF,St? 1,w.? , 'a+ . , _ , , f: r7 ti tsr I,;.' *?1E? ' _ ,a;, , .l.,,t,u _ ~ - , ..u !)£t:aE3 ulr~ , .air tJa„J u , , i, , , . _ ~ r , . t ~ - : . e ,'.1(i ir.l; iidil:b the .r t_s~Dt , i `Js~~a~•'~{r' i!~ ,rv;~ll'ti ~F.1 $G ~ C~ 'r E, ~~}{'tw i.~, , i. is '+1 1t,'( / ~ .1 ~txTS1Ey 1, J J_!(. lr~a,jlat,(_ v '7 7 + 7 - L9tIUC ~ lf' 711E 7Ift:1f1r,G(SL OTultrtall,i 7 l r . - _~t 'tJat,J , 5, , . , }r rrr .Ea ' t{;~DYI rtot:iD:; rai' r. "'r' 'r. ::ntlu „1 , t , , t , , t,J •r, i1A; 1, {„13 £1U~J1T I 5, r' l.t • , . j; rsc(;u})ta;(1, ~it-r.llet r • } t .l .j, .hE; tl~r3 ,rt,.a.ns;;; ,eF':vi,l nPt t5 d (tf° T• r it rl i~ iJt1• UI)Urt 1,}1L'Gt lrs' .!J ;!t:5 G„ i, I- • ~ 1 „e .a0ri8~ hI GI'i.~PCt t ''r t + J + ti .,iU' 'i :i J, 1,. „J:, ~fj'1Ttr ~;}?a~: ;41". i;01Ero a ,d t r ,lu 'r ^ ;IC„ F,c(,'.'r'iAn`'FfE l+ ; ,i_ A , r' ;,i± 1 ~ 7 1 ~ Jlo u_.. -.,.•1J45it; !.•J, t.l!' r to .1~.. i,rti.r `;i . 1, . ~~.,L_c .l.;rlri., ` n,r rG~uarPr. h~,i 1`;.'rr ran({ ill £,ecur,i(.r:c~ uith +,n ;tt~." ' .F, y ~ , • ; . , ~ .7 , ,c: t... ,,..i „Q•,r LR-.Ir t. ~ L.. E'~~?@lTt'U" I , L' a.; ,.1- , t.t 1 -J~G,irtl l,.r• .3~1 `.tC ni-r ,t f. r• : r ,c t ,r , i . GC7U.. °ti711"EJ L F,. { ' C,l 1 ,,s , . r , iE, , a . ,,1, .;i , . '!Sxa ,'T.' d .J tl.. :;n C1U (t `i .:;.i(;,n,-.'h! 1- ~ t j. i t ~ 4 ,,.1Fi iUl ::1C, tSj, ROeC2'S I lt. ?!Ot-CuT't„1°. { I , _~}%rJ 1i.',V fl.aE C{ "Ifj ^ i` u , ( ~ ~ GO. r,.^u 1'.'J.`.•f' ,'il'u. r t,. r, , x P'', , r ^ Y I m a , m,, t t , * 'at:, i; 1 .Irt fit, ~ i ~ d r. , , - r'r t , T r . ~ , lll.., @Ut C)n ,,1 .ra•~r. Ll',:+Jt,ri rill+• r~ if<t~ (E, r,„ ,r r „t A , ~ " ' „ tr...... I,t.. G£trciliEl. , •,:,:t ~ w„ : ,,:.cl..u , r • . a , r.~ ! : ")rfIV10U6 :;U~? SC r' i;" 1 i`. t a• { ,u :t.r, r 1 ,i :1•, I:zl.. ncc_a. ,~i; ,,IS? :..1_tlur r. 9 ~ b O~f:r.r '1(i 11,1 7G A{ t,F"! t}, 7 ,rJ j + !'C. ~ _ • , , , r • 4 , } 02 i„Y", ' a • :i ~ (iRV2T19.:1 1 Ut •,~h, t (;li ;'r l' 10}l ^,:'11~a.C'( f ' ~ r'; , . , t~ •.,lu ,tayL,i(%(i+, I l ttT'l:ul. :;^.i 1.!.1.1: 1U+, u, ~tiC ` ,t , ,r ' r , ~ u : r : f.., I: , t v.r c' ai I' ~ sr ?'GCC.1 rU~ P.Lt:. 'I I E.'nC1C';tU*•A 0~ CGrtiI160 C'.^.:'C'°, ,.,,,,,':f• + „7 1 .1.! r. _ .a, r ~ P t r., , .yi.c.._. _t) C)F; T.,w,.0 i,l)UIt '..ul.,,.@~i(i': yr t11= ,';+S'i: Ctl,(I (l:'',f-r .,?,,•U'i<° i i • r: . J to . I I '~}la `}ioEtrr: of. Jlait' t,~. t'" O.,urS', r . I f - f t ~ I _ , I ,.n .,.1 } t .:;.t, r t l't)..tt ,ir:',t ,~ar1. t;l,aC,, it r .,L, i 7 r , . R _1t,E.,,lOn i0r a1CE;r1,rC3 t0 CpL~rE1tE) f. tOll''1.,., t.~..1) Gt; A1. r, j,~r}-{,'„ ~„rH t .:ti ;t , L ,t ` ' , „ , rsi 1,. .r' r.... 7 r I , ; Tttr rl7r,~-.i r r1'n '~•rr 4 9' ~:.a _i :U-,' ,;'c, v.l..,:: '-lii, .,i:.,. , u . T-. 4. tri..~r taC1Ci .tII al:I.l1U~.~.0.1 1Dr 1C8E1.,0 tU F;B!.t bBEr 0I1 ':Iitl' ~,ftl'U11Ila 1}rr'.C}". .~!,Ga :.,..,I,. ~i;C:q 4r ~ ~L y i~rndsi; C.' !_,~trcion ';oth r,?: , , .rc ~n .!I1 cue corm aria en<'ornad }r~` ~,he 5hlarit'^ ~trJrn ' ;gin rig,=: >a I( t; ~ ' ~ , . I _ 11,J.,J,gIi Of t:L•vR.t.nvC , I ' ;:goon,?~'c? I L,,• , art ~ 1t ...._Cri: t +t, - , 1 , ~i ,_1,. ! , , , - r:' " r. `1 n, R~• a t,1 ti41 1 ' 'I ,,:..i"y.,'.'' 1^r 7 •,t:.-f p ,i~°,, .-(?l.li , ..U ":U :1 I' , . _ : . - 4_.,, t ~ :t,r a ,.lf,d C+ I4i C m.isr. ir'rl i;" ! Lf5 i. c! i rep Ort D ( o , G, . ~ a . L1, i .t + ...C.{ t.. ..ts., .,.s({ 1 . _la,r t~, t E, :.riJ ' ~i : f _he ,(.lor.:(i ,,o„lo !_tJII,,,II~a <rr. •~TO;~ E.at- or !Lu •a._t r , s ' Y di> , fl:','±VLti hn(i 11('t;. , I'.1... rt+t :j J CS r, t r ,,1 E:' ~ ' r~)' E'r d{i . r;: ..U t, t t!3 `1 C; vF(1• .,},(Et „f, U' :7111 !,Z r? J! ,.X~;il I: : ~ _ , ' ,s. x ,r, - . tc tt . IiU` of ' E," t{. C! :1 .,tl • ? a. 1 r;~ rt` .,.tint,, ! ..1. Il C.U.. 1 9e ,1 U{, C u.. }!t'IJ;::i 3 J.....q ...i...a l_ , `~hE3 ~;hc~.1r11P,,1 AnnOLInCUt. d }tn,'S: ;,I11,Y ~(tr.T.1 ,ff' c~ 0 7ra..;; ~ + . s .u_.r t, ~ ~I i ~i! ' , 1 ! rl rs I t, I.nvlt~?r!. to rtLe?ld n I~eetx • e. r(;,._. { ~ it 'I'' `r F~ . - i. i 1- ry ~ , . ,4 ;:a- t,', GU7. „r,r, , t , i • it ti i11tr..1 {'ar:.y G:~Q -0 G1('G.. .!'i. rfr3(ir1E5(}A r 1A (l1Sl:U"5 t 5' t rr , nX y,- t } i f ti r 5 1.P 1. ua...tyy ~ :._,u,a.tn(u,, . ..1,., t ~l.l; tE. • _ it , • ' Cl 5` ~ ~ v , " „ . 1, t lr,, 7 ~.J ~ , 1,:: l , ^';rii'1' r"i- ..r,'- i,' u, ,...k. ,ri,,. 1'', vet' `GI'(a I! to {~ilf ,.a,C. ;d.t„101- ~ i i~ f ~ _i, . ~I i; _R,. 1 ,r,.,' t:~ } n,r,' ,tl t 7.? ;!;li`-L.1t,i?. ,,1'• '{(?lil° +fi?;1S'0(i a T}t UPr 'lOri Ui t}' f'Ol lit I , 5 , n r T v} ~ i • 'U ' C''1.:, r,0 r. .t,. ,.Ua !..a,1 ..tJ i e g .E! 1 Y a re ponslolll~~ far ,,n., d.alnrif;P oi' letrd crxrne u*1 for (,lsc:is,;,r;i1, and r; , , I, , „ , ,i,, . n. , , n t. f. r ,r ::I,.,u ~ .-F., , _A ,.,a., , --..1 J. 67 `tU[1 ,UIiIFEn d ^1L ; , ! ,.I. ~iGUnt E?JOI ..t?C} t,lEttr:}18 15 U1Ift}l1H t0 & i. l Pi Fl nj- , ,.a.,y r: , r a ~ •nn *l ui ! ° .t,. ~ -I to .u?; r t... ...t., ~.,f.l b flyd nu frt~'liu also the Lc,,x„r tro,ll~. _t.r.,r., b I~ ? r I; i to 1e~..; a t'x +_cr thEi dra nti~ , Un© e-rt;r• _:t r:cti - 77ryy ~.r v i e of 7 hate. rc erty~ 'r.fuer ,.nF; Mate ,.oak over the ,carts rl >.,;1 . b 1 C U ' • • n•„ : n t ,d.,.ry. oi„ r,,' i' -,.U•,{I r ..l t. .'1+.4 ~•}tlt , ~ t, f, 9..1i'C,t,.ltlt'.:1}; - 11 • ~ r-,i1.,u„ : 'v0 , ,,,U J ,i, ,tl-. } L. F!.? I), r tTl C • : ti0llrlt}/ lYF,S ~1YGC1 v,ln runt t0 UEIB CDr:V1C1S £:CJS1'?U'(t t.0 '~G'11 t0 t0E' U.iC`t{ t'DI' CDiIlT~~t,' ti'JOI'ke tlif:^~l'1.. USC, ,t 1 r. !Y J . I f p' - ; , , 1, ,A. ,rr }.Y)~ p is er , p.~.! N, ! rtr: ,,..,,f:,, ,i•7 t .1-. _ _.tt, ?.n., l=Uta Ur _,1 .1.E .l.l,ITrti .vflti r• Jt ,7J1^,° ,rrst~ r I,.a.... ~ 01 SUC}1 COI'ViC+:i :ir0 drUltl t}"i0 IIiaiI1 S1'!ftt?I^S EiIIC} CGP.&15 Q t f7 + ' c t t l~ ; I i:};Elt t'IOild.. vE` P, r f ,aj:. - „,'lu ,rfst.•.?t~ ~i . . f }1 ..Ol,nt~ • ].1 1 r t(l,i rirl lLE ~i0e_ v_ a ' ; r7+., r, + t F i i. i n, n , •n..• . ~ , ::1 ,r' 'i El-7t? U. ,i ..(s,rb[i;3r 1. f „t,-te;• ,.},r) .matter entiral' tv1.t}l t}le '.7tatE? }11'}1'.erftv lio;JE:.rtriout vvhc ;"Hold hEivn t};e rleht to eraln e.cross rlvt.e (..e, +.._..r-_1.,, t,, 1 . ~ " ' 6 t, P ~ ' rOlBr'tt.. dra, nn r. 4 Str':L'{: t 1 - { ' ter,. n t t, ' , ~t n Y,•r • p { J ~ 7 ~r`T 1 OUId DO bS1Ftx7»1S}10d tv (ir..l.,r~ 1 J(.,,~J . rUl.!?r On {i t.,.t.t011' ~ S J.. , ~ r ~ _ ~ r I„W,,..r li .i.S r,T,, .~t. 0, :cJ ~ T.. ^'iR `pc •..y_ + }„_j. be. }l da.-<;, , ,}f. 1 j., i, ; 1,; JO1:1.Cr oi;"- ~ : O JCxET'S. !rl rzna.r,r' t0 A Ctll., tl..? I7Uv .nr. l7Ar~l,rr, ,,.iP,, t,f.,.nt,! ~tt,t,u,rri,: rlla.!.Ci .r}I£it, ,..t i:~S , • _ i ' _ 1 „ ~ t ,r». ,r a , ; i,t ntD ',:.11@ S I~ ,~6'1' Ut . C'_T1 1YF'rT u.. •r ' ~ 1 tl, 1y t t~ a TFi" 1 ' <r', - fl t.y , • , , ..t . , , , ,n D.11 , V,, n0 t (l,~ r1 i.~, t0 1LV! A tP.{ , Ol' i ,1N ^rE'- 1£e ^ G a ' c ' G al'R;£i a; 4'`.L iri',l;? .t; . ^ 1 •y(,,li s ?1 t}uCLI'd . C;•: t,. r- 1. 6~ f n~ rl;,cl~i ~ , , : b u v ~ i~.f,,c ij ,.q..,, r. t .,s:-• , , r.t)t _lt ~+1i,t ii? . tl'~..,;V.._r€: iii;('}. «U';-i?7. ' ae ' C?1U 't~.rtc~. + , i ~ ~ . , aC;:' . }.G U:: t, , 1'i'r , . _ ( . .t, Ea E) I _i-• , ri t-• ,i-'i Ui 1. `i, ;(i til_ 1'lt_S . n _ II ~ r n~~, il'iaV_ .1011 k t i. t, ItTSUl: ' &'ilis" u.ili7r r ! 'Yilr. ,t.`tV1„, 1., r',+:- .111 , 11 {ftJCtn m0,,.i021~ 'dU11•` aH^=Ont{Dt~, {;Ollllt'-r >>'i~1S OS. 'h'•~ /I~C) t+'rt9rU Cl*)t)I'07r1(~ :'C`r J_.1.71F;1?t,. 6 ~j i 't 1 . J 1,: ? . , 1 r~ t , , , a.. > • ''t.-(, ..i;" T (Y. .,1.,V!jE j s a .•.(3?, i. i. x , .,!1 ,t.i il t,Uti?.{,. , 1~, ,J ,Lnt} y,y ~ _r~ ,,;-C,tJ?it}., , ' .,~r , trv ~ ,'•.,l y I t , i. 1° 3 .{l E? lilr)r~tlr ar, a iC }.G J 1'tl. 1.,. r(r}4 DU. P. Cit., i, ~ i . s,1 ~tJ _;U'-'1.1 , ~,i. 1n t; ^i t 'Tt J .,t,1 - ,.t ,'ai,t T"_ - a^` ~L~+ (._P.rL. ...Ej ct,tlG _..1,~..L., tl , ,.e;,•t, ~r..l _ u~ l C . ~ _ I , ` ail C1V1it,' c, f.S t!{, '.ilr, i-t~ , { 5>•,? U E, j, x, v t`;fUt,t N } ) ,rU tJF'.'?.,, , L , F l i„ ,?;rir,lU-„, L7F(`.il.ItC}'~'1 'r{P11• d.,t.tr0-~?~-"• C t UO'; . tc ! I~ i , ij i ,il wr { 1 f_ ii, 1 lr .1t~ •;r.. .`-!1`C,'. '.t,'A1.'. 1 .,0,.,,. trF 1 tE.a' Lrt.t .Il•re}i• , r+r 3i. : •C ."J„~ . 1 i'rr l",,( -i'rl 't', t.elr• -?'va - el .'l`Ul!e v •i>.1i1 :,.t, . a, ~{lll~£lr. i'l,lil, T C '(•1, it ,1_ '~__tc.1.,. l,il'r' i ,.1. S1Uil1ii0t'• },,'C:id' i, ' • .al ° „ , lr t , ry , y t t 1, f,a' t•i.9nl. , , ^t;. IJ r.t !U,;, 1.1,! 1 - : I 4 ' M _ , "l t:..?..)'f'.,ril., s' i• ,r{.. t;?.!,I ..t tt:1_ ;.fi. ..:t : ; I, v ,i r : I: : 'I I ! I' I '1 . . f~J f -1. Q.~ .r . ~ •,~+tz 'T C~ Q~.~ r, ' 1 P f., '.'t lrlf~ J~~ u'^ laH' ,{3,. `'dj t, ,r 1' 7 5- ~i , ~G., ,_t1lIUt• ~ I , i Y : [ , , ` ! ' 13 .v A r ,•1J(:U'tt} Y(EtGiC• r P „ ' ,.....},}7.i1tZ r }q,,i`•e/il." t7. < r r , , . , 1°' .,r .E ' 1 . . , r 1 , y t 1 Ej~r,(?Cj lj{I 1.}t'] t,'t. ,5,7 r.1'r•.r•}.ri,:ft7 lrr?^,:. ~ r 1.. !3 1. , , . l r }Jr 7 r rr 1 •4} I . „u f`T £4T1C 11; ,sir vf)a lt;}if:?'~ /lllll~ t+.3. , r, ' • t - a.q j• } r,,;.,,.} .~O:1. ,}r}{r,1 j, li, .,)h, ~.,1 -.4 7 - r. ~ , , , . ra .:(.ORNl tJ.f.t r}r}%t,l8ll.r n. t. '~I ,,45 i. , ~ , , .4 ,,r•^I'''iPCit'/t- n1r ~ 1r„3 Cl,r,.;,t.fi 1? L,, S. '-r,,. 1~.~1G:~.'tlnr3r. ;rill+ar zir'n' ~ , irr, , ~ r ,1 r~•~+~I?~G'.'rtf r„Lt t~. .iI-,(Ni1'.r e} ,rr;„^=,1 , 'fL ..(1.1. t,.:T 1!11i:t~• r2} rl,(1r t11 T'f)7. •'i+' •,1 ;rt,,„ (a, • rt , 1 6... '.il ~ r s:; i . 11 , s, 1 Y ' .,I '}1.`l:`t, ..C},t'r i" i~• i1.t.}1 n /}ja rft ' t r-- t, 'Cl r+r ' r ~ r l:i7tr + 11 r:. I r .t,•;rc Jrt.nr, to ~ , t t;C1F!T~il ,}7l711(4i, t,=r ! 't' ),l. ~ I v .,r ,:.JI r _ r e ~ 1•.r.y 1 ^ r!1 +r^,~Ur })l11~75• ~t1Pr .t t: :.l +•+4lai! ,C, ,y.- r l.fi 1;, Pr;j~o. irL a?1 ,7,t' n `+r r • , i,I . I, r,}„~';1li1SQile ra~rt}. GT;'1V8L +.~t m r ,w i, r , ` G?, i r' i ~ ` Y .4U}. t: tl . d£Lj t •i: tr?10 • ~!1!I:. .~i' a .,r'c 1.. ' ?-T"1 t t}•it.?l~. ! 111'it;nrrl. ~ ' r ~..,l,}T n ,rrG~l.1. r, 1' rt, , ~ i •1}£',.:, c•T'rlt'.lq lI ~ 1}rittrar r , r}., r a , q : } .rJr,~ ? i , a. ' r a J ~ 1'1? rI111 ;'l,;'~{, it• . a'•n.5 ,,.,.1 , r : v>?~V1n ' r'.t". T.S 3? `1 ,:r., ~ :.,~4 1 SC L. a ,{1. f, .'t 1 »t ;`i , T2'r I . I 1 rr,(1 ~'E'r•ro1~r. ~ , ;rf!' , _ , . , t, }tt,r +tr 1)r' t r1 ,r.rr t.rI/, } t;}... , . , 1 ! ! r 7 S t, , I.,^r, „`4r. 1,1~• i•t.q ic:t ..T t {.1 u. f ..l. / < ,,.,ir l i •.r.Y 1 : Et ?'III fi - _ ar ,,,;r ,rr:.. , . - .t ,y l.~f)7• ~ 'e I.,.r; ,",l, t: • 1/ Vt,. 1 /,.1.6 , 'ri.-.1 ~ nryn r,. T11 Jl`'. ~ r -r•r. J;i., - ~ , E,, „ . , ,.r ti} a,. r` Lr'.' • n, •.1 1: I.• #il.'r„ ;~I •~,r!I fy`;!1 Yi• t.r rs111?.,; ,47i.r1. 1..-. •s r rr, r ` r .t~..:r.: this , (a 11 .1{`r+. t . .,.,11' ~ T "r; r i i ,..t , , a.- ~ r r 4. ,,,i : tt,, 4 i m'!? illfl s, ?-t" ~.,1. +,r ji A'Otlr lr.~(}, ldt' lr= ..r ;r r+ 1 ! -s: ..,1 , , : _ ~ } j ;l ~ . • ~ . . . ; r , -r. r. .f / , i , rUt;411 it ,r. LI1 i. j, 1l'. ~y. Cj /,}1n G'ir rlVli„. t ,j, 1~}, r,r{ 7}'. t ?'rn;?.lit, l+'dl i"'in l t'Url O~{, id'.+1r1,.£J; ~rBn• ~i it rl'^-1' (t:. j 7'! i3 r .:°}".i.y , .,e<- : , _r, J t. , (i , 1 , , _ ul' Cc ul .c1I , o r eI-•, t, .nrr t7• 4 Ttl?'.arl: ",i,`;ilr(3(l nllti T''.;r r y , r;l a- d 1} .}L13~4(3t1 A,. 'EL!,r)~1t3rtt 0,i' ..lC) r'?r),.L., .1 . „ •y- , 1.-',. iii? n~.. C, r,. 1. -.;r. : n1t,11ysV11Lf: J)f?"tC}1 j~Or ~}l{:'?,tPr., 1 a' 7 r, i'` kt U j , J;~1 .1. .1.1.98 f3, j ~ Tlr t t , 4 E15 11Uj; tiu{,`Cl'1r3t~ Gr ~}It; t1t'tiBS (1?18,C•1• }rn ",rr l'tl ~tTVf r5' ~r' rl-t. - , - I , 11,.1 `i`.! xt.,r 'rw, , r Y . a r F i , f ~ ,L t, I ~ ,n ' r', _ ,1 '1 ~ 1. 1. .,val4~, .llf..t-.~I' t0 fi::{,:;1'i In +?''ti {t;Cl)? t*1 ,1r1-{-g. . „ 1 r pCl 1!1E}r, ,UI1, °h„ti3 1 f?r4 r .40,11, 1.1 t;rt lt" r ,,t)711I,u.,,v !1,) t.E .1:. r tf htP.iTt'4, j:', ra _ 14 1 1,. t... Ut1•(,.~1ri, ,jr,y , •.n t... :1J.io~;U. 1`. I 'r..1T1E1 "C '?21G R Iff?f} _.,}l :1; }+i ut i nit n, 1 q b )r9i1. if ;.n„t. r, ,r,,u.1r , 1 a}1r. i';.,lt T'1} s 4 ~ r . , fll,..: t ?,q }hn t~011nG,T ~:O nii }`nSU Ct7(',13"!li~(7 't{}U1177-1t?r1'}i gI!f1 ~',C' (lt Ul G11;., .r'a" !Gf, - y1 : „ . :1n.,,ro Co1Jr:f•t and to nskthst~ `Ln 'i ,t..t; r y, r:, is is I - - sUI t- t Ur l?, 41t,1. ! ~ t- { } . t T1 ° u * ,:1 , 'i!0I'}: ri., 3 1`f; ,>J?"!'(: ~ n rnn'r 4. r rasa',1£l / 1 t `r• . r ;;J .,1 .,f', i,i:Rt1t'? 1,i,tG11Ir: fll,-;.,. A r' i ' , r ,r ,t,4.?.1~ f conc~rnul}, ^9x~ie. 1 ( : 1 r L 1i' , +•,t tt 'r ,s,. a,.,:l a t{' nrt . ll. ~ , : ra,rll . C' 1'1 1 i ~ v , ,;ice a ,.r '?ar'tr.~ft.,c„ ill{,t1 55 .r 1: „f.if! P1-a.i•' , ,r t ..11 a. a- w a. r-. 1-, i, a t'v.:I . I'.... t tiL 4, t r) y;•' a ,4rT 1't ,1, t r i7 1'4 .U ''J i.+r t)t_. ,a q r, J' A. .,U r, ii`.. t; a l,.r....:,C:_ Oi' 0.1 !i3+' .:)'1~ ' ; i Lu.i2o 4F,, r•en;,~=. 1 tt .7;, , , n~ .a ~1.. r, , t - y r , r^CU!':,1, 'tf Ttt!' .,t',.lt ~Li 1:?s, ~'..}a.,:'1~75t ('},1,nr;t j,r l'•, 1 1-i! C' ? a. 7 1 i ,t t3. 1, (a? 1 F, f,1, ,I^~, r.,. U1,: n l/; Alal C',.t:rtl sc~ty r canf>,I f Trl 'i") 1„r -ulf,. 1z(3 C,fl:I1}, (..)4" :.,'r 1I` r r' f,.., ti, Q ,i 1ir },.1 (i?+ 1•_pt t }~uru.l , , . r. ,er 4J n.. ~t,l ,4 1,,1'` p , , . < , -)r ,,a3 (}rf'1 tlln(r e: t• 1__ , , , ! ~ r , x_ ~ L ~I I, ~ L a..14-.1 ..(1 ' j th 1r t. :ir i.if t'. :'f E; i. 1t7fIJ ,..I ' ( fi!'rj „1} t i t 1E1111J1-' ~C1 -.....tea. ?J'U _ d.~:,, k., .1, n ~ t t- n ~ 1. l.~t ,a?ICIl ' f ~,7 i ,,rr , } . ~ ; r 3 I r3 Z) . t1 ' tta .i 1 .7 ~ 7 .o„ .,.r.,z T u. ,.t)_. uG tJ.Yi ,..Y:':TU 'l.ltl ..y 4,.... -,.r.ll tIl z.l I Ptl, ~h;,~ ~:IU1l , d ,1 i ~ . , . SiIT'(,., ( ncl,ld f t7, ,j.,.r53 ! R. }.G.) vrrl >'L'Cfl•'E1 U; t}lfl 141;'I?Ort :.11 'Llira '1t3t1 f' (`rv Y11~11 t i ! ' 1 z 4. , J F.~v Cf tr'~i s. 15 Ei p. ,.Ol;,°:r}. iJ a.V t • kr- - r---,. j>=~'{r : ,,}y r tr Fl. i t',r ,,i -r, asr on .~},r t- + U Lf~ t.4,,l..n 1I.: :ai La.:liylt. , t. J. v`, .1 f3 P7.1Gll~J -n l ,/ttl.,,- lv, vJ.l,t~tnt ,'1.,, .>lll+,:,. 1' r. ,C-irl 4e;t~u11'~ 1 f ,t F ~•~r by f On,rt, ' '.i , . , ~ 1 ~ Er I« , :Leif 1 :;.hH , t v l'tl15 rlt)tln ?.n1;]t?11 tt`' irCVU{1 "?I1tr 7`^'r1:C;;<t t)~',~!!17 C,'t t ';a ,.,r; I t' i ,r r l~. f } • , „ A? I 1. f?l.lllll'1 4! . rft, 1.,.,r fl) )rC) Jt7t. G. t :_i' -:1tC .4, 'tix - . r ~ , I,Lt:.fj"~ + , rl... +r ~ h . L: , A r ,CU:::'4,I1t t.. U'i J. ' yit=F. ~f);I Il,:' r 'r,--r, a.i n}. t J C 1 tl I , ,(tl.:v, 1.,, 0 . 4. .,„Clr.:, 1 C 1.,.~.J.~ , I ~o via ,lt( c~.. t;l t,n hs .a , ia:~r ,a,_.. t) „t. I`(i 1, .i yG(. .L il`ti:+, r: J. E - , i ,U !.L ` t y, CJ..L va , , c: , t : r,ft: t' .CUt3t;'a 1 f;,' uti t.,.7E'.r =.n41 lC}. (11}CI i.~ - 'u;' ~'raa I~ J nn ?dotl ,r ~ ,~r„7 t,. • , . _ f ~ ~3 A_' .,t. E C t U1111' Sr3Cn11i uq t}.,, L,I'!n?I°l1'P.%t':1 L1?1 I: 7)~ tit]"n „1; {r, ,C. k Y,.? 1 1,.=t } t , ! `1u C'. .G f,_ ~ + -.'..r~Fr:U v, •~ll f..?' : f, t. t! . C , .,I.. t 1. ~ 11 i t`t: nrrr v n-,. ,rl , . a. t J- 7~. ,ri .l t~ .,.~-:.uU 1t, .,11 rU, IIU r ,,.r. 1.G,1 t7 I ~L'1,,,OTl tllP. (r.t{„, .,Ctir.1 as ;1,1., , Et~E.L tl] GDJt3rlllllf3:4v-0i (fit',: nl }t t,!1 , -t' i- r 'P ,k " `u t 1Hrc.r}_,k5F-.,,.,i „4,1 ,RL.Ir«?.:(~.~,, t. r..,,t,~ ~.:.r,,.. i, n - U )t,. (l. 1t: r ~ a : 'i3 .l ?r; ^rr.r i, t ..11 r ~t. .r •1t w.•.•'. )_.t,,, _.c::-, ,tI I.1f c. t ,.c L,v.,.uct~r. C;'BCOnC4 Atlt, QI'£ln'r' i +nr r y p , i.., h ~r,~r;''~s c,tt~.3•tt _ i s 1 1`U~ r• lU}; , 1~:~::1 o:c~c'I,a n.T rif'}.r.l._ (1: F,11t? Cou>~ ;,un c t1:1. ~ J~C;T'9(3I`IP?lt i11O• lq l"i?.~}I dl.n ~i?.f-t L:1` 7'it~. L. "CrC ~:U tJ't"}:~~ i' y;(3 0!7F3 •;t . ~'j r i}'t 'Jh,h_~.i, ..t 1 1,8 , 1,T Ea~1~.,r8',", I Gy v. ~J„r - •t, „1,uli ,ava,lOli t)i ,s rapt; 1" 1rP.I,! 'r It 4t;,':~~. U:. r iF. ...L.i3?I hUr F;rPt(rmBP.~ U • t0 I91. A~.l.l%'P-.r.,t _ ')+,t,T t''P ,i."; r '?S 1 ~~•'TlE;ifi~ ut;•;ilrt.li~- C „lf:t7'". s.; t8 r) 1j=';r i'r" trt't ,ii}~P. .'.L~(!?1 (il lt3a.R t`. V.1}19•,,tt{;}4 l:nt, ' i.: L.1 t. 1 tE1....3,J lllyt, J. 1., Lc 1,. , 4.r f ~'~i,. / L . I; j r,' r, ; . ~ -Ji v.)•,, ~ .-lr t= G(., .::.4 , .a ~ J.:au a 1 1^tJ*}t.,L µ _ _lla, rt,,, n'.lti I t,14 t!.itl y(I, ,•Jn4, ~ C2' 11CHi t' n qn ?•:n ; i ! , G. ,va:,l t t t t 0 Ii 1 • T:S:. i l Hr rO t fl 1,0~`tf:~D11 C1s .L'3 .?'l~nI1V1,_ tt `.?GUnt: t,:~ '.v,.6 .t.i • r r.. I f ` ' a n r , „ „ , ftri 4y , C_' r t. ,,.1% "•r n ,+r'.... , r 'r' l,:`tr - 1 R~•t;l r_J „y. c }Sp 1 a1,i a. t5 t l., , ~ It j, (i, _t..t, ..0: ti i15 C.1' t. J. t 4£'4T c, 1 1;' r. „ .rrtnl:~, ...t. 6&Al(: nN'.nl, l., i}L10 OI'I'. 7111±l F .tL:i~1 'lt(1 r2.fcT3Fr1 '-LC :~il{i'l.i, a L ` 'j rr 4:: !J')Crll ,10 t' '1' rn ,=n,. 5,1 tE, t~r4. ?{,>J ~1f. } t}~, iU?; l}Ir JH`)1 JP1 'r i rt i t'?-" r~ - -r-' r. n ^7.,d .-c 1 sn'1 r. i_..^{t;!,.. St~'CfiT:'t ,.1', t. ,,,C` ..v , ~ ~.I~, t !l f' -~1 ,10,, t,1 ;)y rH,, :C1N11t„ Ci kilt/4J.4i t1 1,t, r;}.t?F7t1 n4T:'1 ?1CI IitCCll y ~i-l:,l,:i:?' ~ r : T1 , ! nr rnn2?Il av t , 1 / ,..i f, 4 P NS l...n r1. pna a.a; ,r J'~I nl,:r G)4I' lJl })~CC}: r3) -.a ~ a,. !l •.;n v:a r ,a~} „yt, L.1 '.;Tll. I/!'. (.r. tl,:uS .,41,) • , --,1 1 .v ir_ lal„ 4 ` L,L(lEir -T1U9 Fln(1 G'.at nt'.%l, ' rir'(}S-r .'?l4IiltG' {i0 :4JTr: A v 7,17'8 lr"l~ a ~ i i f) .~'''7' .t*'t j n,r a Ears N.. .,0 'c . i, J' t v , l,I. 1C.. 1. lr , . ,r. ,-,in 1 - c gt,ar 1 i t:^.,r ,..1 :.c,,'l~•~y~,{ 'w'ICIS UF.LL{iji'3(} jrUl,l t..'! :iJ.' „?t,:;ll~; I1,2•'ti:'~i! ij,; ~ ~ Ir j, t t ' r ~ i i i 'r . t., r,.,, :.L 1 r1(1')t1A. G s ,Ei}; ,(lU ..14 1., ,}t .>t. 'te ,>i},,;;rar, . „"L 1 . „cr ...ct; Jl..-, . c . t: flt,t, -,tst1, r r?1 ~ . ,r, I . 1 r . +C ni, i:. 1' t S ;:'lf7 =i'1 iii I' - :flx u:. 1"f' ..1r ~(r ~ J .:1iil 1~.. [.1 ,,L'^.'3 OI' af11IdBIttr .l.:'sr.:C,o ,,Gci .Cs3. . U: r , t`t1£trS n rat , ,,.7 • ~ 'f.' `11 ~F,. 11E:5 : OIti`: rt LST~SIn'I. e ' I"iQ21 i (,t t3rl .t,E t' ~ t r, t r+: a „i r:, 1 11G1~ G~i.: ,Iltl' 811 C1 , rE?Vlul'.:,, .rU..yCcJ ,tut .,14 y. , .l^,. ti rt ~sG. t 02:1,..., _ain , 4.,, I't. I R:, , t 'iJ - . , r ut13', >%~j•, l) , ~ `fir , r i , r~, r• -v , a,t TE ~..rr .-c_t _r ,r'J ,_-f.:.lie• .t Tltt3r810rP t , a t1(~t. r ,.u !1' rY', t, `:.r' t•t~r,ll{',S'C 11:' m, k„ 1i0t1' ;1I'. ~ i , .u. ,h:a ,.o ,an of ,.T ~ , : •r,--. °•..r ~ st?tr I"gill, tit' ~i. r,. rt 1.: iC.-1 ;'3tle ` " rr.,l lllh)1?i1nt!Orir i. ^f3C02h,C'lq.~},. UC'li!t. •1 G~'a). rt ? C.'.!I•{ _i 'ter'} .:Cii~ Li'v^:.. _,..y r. ItE3 .:,tl., iS., ;:3 t;...... - ' , .c+r (F3 E (1 A ..r Si)y t.1_ i 7)r'jt)t'rt~J `,:'-1i'.' ;t'-r,'u,,. "ti,?. .5x11.. . {i, . vi / - , . . , i -v1„P.. ` r tr. `r1v1C:+ 1,1.. }Lr -T r 1,. ..}1 t' ~.r. : s 4,.1"1 t a. , 4 ,r'r. -l. t e.. T1HIlt t!(1S Hi' .:l;Cf 1CCLru vu.. , :i 'i C 7 C.--•~ '~tC „e-v ruC(i1V_ , 1r017 „l. } ,l',, r t i11i1 1. •il)~,~, (}~j, nlil :;i ,,(7 { a ,y a d[; (t Ct'''• ' 111a +:C, llaf' ~~Ur l i(1 f _ ,zi?ri7i J1.411 ui;{, t1:. hti 7,(`+1211: u':` "'C;r tt,, J • - 1 ? ,.1 rdEdS E.L+ . r:?{l ;'(111 ilE.( r. ,13:•: ~ A:.'C'I,t1, „'ip ,11( t'" ii a,a.'r` 1 (?1 a,'.. t {e R,. "tr - f~ ~i.;li f, 2. ~.t.r ;c~i na ' !'ar {.h~? ,;1{., ,f' r , I I 1 t~ "1txr. t j 1, , _ r+-` ; Et „r,t..l!=,; „ ,)1~, 'tntl l,;i_ ,.-4f, i "'l.t.I , •.,1t' Lt?].tlrn,: }10177: ,d; l': u.lr,-,'ICI, E~.{~f'nt ,cl. t . ~ 1 , ln. Fr ;3,. ,U G a i 1.' S ~ 1 .Jr i t, J . t)T m ~-r .a . t t: +,1 ,.aL,(1n., t ' , , . r I,, „t. LiC3t,t...t(t ,-.,,1, 13 ;0.1U nGt}• ' - a , t.r. „n.. r{, s,, - n '.a 1 u'e''( I'!; '.ht;]' lii , rE, ht91. °..lii! r",, 1'.GT?U. ~ ,lii itt"t.a `tti. (.ri ~_}ls, ,r4ttt:.:,<t v, .1uf,,. „ . , --t.7 J.CAf, r', I, t .3 .`,t ! ..,t iT .141:111 ]r. Ut' . i ~fl;h, ' - 710Th l nr 11Gt?11;i ' i i, SU.., l3r.4 r C1': .,}i _ t . , . 4 1 , 4;!c, L.1<itJ , , , , , ~ . I, ~f'.'? ~ Fl., rtU ~r,lF ; r:) .,£„i ,:1:'. 1« .U - ~ .t.1 . ,..r ~1 T` . t :taut ~ ~ 4, " t, .,t , uI !i E,1!( r:.:(i 3y trt ~ , ,,,,.t 4,°U. I. ` i ,,tit -.r.. 1, 4 mow.: 4 , i ~ r //J , r?, rt: r. ~ nl' ~ ~ ; t . ' , t ! i + , e - I, .,1" aS' ' r . , t • s , I i m - 3 . ri f, rr . ;.I a ~e(ljfi;at, ~ + ItVSirE. ri A ) { r . s.eZntlr~ ,tit,torn-~• :•s ~ :r,r~ ; , , r .,'I,rF,4~.GI1 . , „ ~,)=:T;t, . n. . s li! Sf3tl~ar nf.T:.e. Gr' Y ~ t'~{ i, Y -d.. ~ ~ 1 '~reenfield u3T,, f rl'1 i, Fr,','. `an C.;' 'J, t r..; n r d y, t, I,, t.n`: ullil 1=;i ~ . , I1;' l' $t' °f f ~ { rz~ a1. • , hll7 r,}LG arl „;','l i'I,' ~''J i; 1. , r t _ p t1 ~ .,t 1 JnCf„ r."7E;n...:,.?la A,. !i - . o °rfLLC.ICrl { rf#. r l (,il, i. ,1,o,i:,G .I r:'r, l . n l- v2" , 3,. 1 ~ C3!;r r"' r. {,r j. ..Ca anClll{1[3 y w^ t y.. Dr d '.T' tI l: .r ~ , ~ _ ':Irt' l t~ C~..21r.a f.._:h.~" .r:..ll..}~~.' r-.. ~ t r,-, r,. _.z . ; 1. ~ ~ , v y'{ ~ . er r. o . .172• . (t17 I r.. - l ' 7, 1 ;,r .1cI lti, t, s rr;ar,l~,lan+lr.t' 1 , d , .1(511 .,[s .{,.n ,J, , ~ , ; ' _"„r mE•5 f'r T ~.rSr . r ~,a'i Ci i~. ! `a _ . 1, i .r ir+l,. ' , d .C1i..l ~ 1t,lr;CHj' a`.{} IF;.Crt tl i (,a,{f r, h f 'Fr` r' ,r 7. •1, _ JF, ~ ,:'.Qr , . ~;Yi+ il,' , ,C I { E,. ! .,iii ~ 1'L.[}al.,i„~, [~Vriin', r,r iEr.,r . 1".fi T1r, ~ , , a `JI 'j;. i j{r . „ • „ + , , , Y d , ~'r ~ rl2r:. o. 1 , r }*.ti rt 1~~, ~ 's i tl c, , - 1 llLr l,?cr i..,.I Ll t.it,;, r+r," i_ , a. j .2'. C: t. ,1. ri , " ~ ~ ,1i z., kf: y l , r.. r v,; a~rirbrttL, y h,r.,, , ra.. ...1. ,[l, t.,NE; 'a ..,i tlki'-1[ , . ~ r ,t_., _t- r,. . ' , , ~ a , r ` . • It• t.~.J1'11etTl. ,J,~I, r" A",., , `i_., s '„t),i71lit.(?r2, .{n,, f1.a ~--n t ya r. - . t , • ~.T..,)2111Cirl. :.1.. ~:i ,,d.r:~;.6.1ii:lnr ~ .1, _ A f t r, , ~ Y , Mr , , , : , ,._e , c _ . , II , • - , . . , . i y 1 t . . ,r l ` . 1 t ~ , ° F. , , , 1 r. ~ r,t-:l ..t 2 tf'.'(.~ Tl:.j d {i',' i , ' • , : e t . . „ _:'Y` ~ I i ? , , . • 1. } 4 - , ' r, i e e a _ r r, .1 r,, r ..a is ',t, ,n_„i_d r „ „r rt ' ' 1'ti.lmins;ton, it. C., Uatob~r 21st 1'--1 ti, j The reguldr w$$kly m$etin of the :~cia.rd we.s held at 10•UU ' r lrl s , ,,rr1 i .,n>1t +r, E. , ' , ~ r r,,{ant . ; . , ~ -t , ~ _ _ , , , ~.,1 , , r,~ , ,lr Pres?nt: Addison Hewlett Chairr.'a.n, Gaa. H, Tray}; Jas.` t~. Hnal +.:a drar r • , , r , , r~ ~,r, , , f lSs r , L.v.C01$rt~n and ~ .C::, , 1. ; t { 4 r . _ . " ''F' Counter Attarn$y lrtdrsdoli }3ellamv. t Ths 7leoting was {.:paned with pr~Eyer by the Reverent't J. . 6`laltnn pastor Gf 5outhside $a tier Church. , c 1 F'71t;'S a,: C1 I_/:} i~~r 1'_{',t ..:1 er .,}::"r.,• ~ d..r , p > .+r , - U, l., lj a biJfr f{ Ull,, ; Ji~Y: 'f r.l~ 1.1 ~tlf,t `~,=.1 v.1. d. - , i ~ _ ~ r . r' , t.. The rlinutes of maotizlg of Uctabar 11ath, lg>ab, .were r$ad and a rcve~t as record$d, I ?`rs. Sahuyl$r 5tanland, 2202 Gibson AVp3nlle, r ea.r$d to as1: for tax axb t ari 1~ p i an rsana _ , ~ t 2-'it J , J t, , d +x, P mP P 1 praperty . ° u ~ for h~rhu9band who is in the Coast Guard 3arvica, It appeexedthat he was net charged with all tax „ ' T~ •f, „ . ,tF:,r, t 1. •a ,rt, for 19L{h account of being in the service, but yeas properly taxes on a It}~rU 3)odge S$dan listed in his , , , 1.1 LT' 'Ci, i is , ~ . 's,: 11'' i:`; :'1' ,d . , - a , an s by ttt,L,i :~i'kr':lac ~ + k n ma d u ed }is wife h$r$, which the Aaard declined to abate. , f ,o' s i. , .;'h , . " , (J On ~tiari 0n r n n cl,:ar., ..J,.:,; , , , , P f 1fr. Gardner s$cand$d by llr, Crlernan, the follovring re.,alutia.. yeas adapted; hra 1)e[, , , , , ~~}':1,NAS, it has been called to the attention of this Roard that the Garver lrn,nufacturin _ ;;a Co oration has arches d a t cat d ea th a d d o$ w ' l r ,r , r.; 4~ , ,,•a rP o si a to e n r 13 , n Kid sr ate ts, ithin the limits of . ; ' t.. P , . ' • the City of Ytilmin ton, u on which it ro 5oeas to erect a 1'actar for the i'~tnufactur$ of `shirts ' at, , , ~ .L , , . _ g P P p y ' ' • . " and,o y t • . , , „ , , . ' " ~ ~ - ; . _ Char garments, and that it leas obtained aizd paid for ri~re than 1;,1}0,0U0 brick, all necassar ' - lumber, andoth$r materials to be used ire the construction. of saved plant, together .with fabricated ' I. material, and has obteined and nor owns machine Y nacassar• far the use in said. lent when constructed P , i ii I( 1 and . _ conter2 later am o a) t t}U aersons a lam e ortior; of whom will be vat revs n P pl ying 1 proximo $1y I, , g p e ow , . E 1~r litCA`.' e {"trf'.( 1,, Ct'1~E~rt. {aI. ~:(7 •}'r.,r'~, .',c. U'; ~,i ' ~ , ~ ` out of employment; and l l 1, 71ly 7f?(:~tr mil+' 2,r?d -}':fi2' '„~t.u tt `:Y^.`.t, ^L,1 ~,A i i'u.'° ~ - ~ 'a „ }YHE1tEA5, there. is at thzs time no housing shart~age in the City of }'~ilmington, which is the County. t u . -seat of`New Hanover Coun but there does exist n serious canditio2l of zm~llovvment due to the fact that k , , l military camps ay, whit at one time contained., ro. 5 U, ~ 64 OUQ troops, hav$ i ound the ur f m ~ 1~,7 ,Il i.2~'It.'1,r,21 t?J I , tir;rt,•,E?I' ,,t,,...,i{ n .,a . r ~ , . n and ar CO h QtQ r ' r . . , ,iE,,,._. a, , , :t~:..,' r now b$en a t j e t'on in this County durin the a ' if [ t , ndoned that the. shi and which Leas n o ra 1 a rs 1 1 d t.;l,ai for r' ,,i, v+ P g Y 9 i i 1~~1.'~tJ . al E1 Jklt L r i„ 1 t p r~~: m, „ ' . r . , ~ rl.,- , ~ ~ g 915 and emplo ed a maximum ai' r>ore t}ian,20,Q00 p$ruona, has nave been abandorad and turned . scr.r,,. rt,, u,I..t, ,ra.. I f , t _ , , Y:. t~')', y ` - aver tb the 1['aritime Cor~rtissian and is not. in :active operation and has car,~)aratively favr employees, and , other industrial lanes in this irvlodiat$ area vrhich tY$re actively sn;,~Lged in war svark have poly turn$d a C,dt,ll...Lvl~t1a11 ,1.`•1S '7i',Cr'~vP4.l i.`~ii the ~t't; ,r{' 't7}il}it ti-r r} "L, 711`;:Iv 'r i.i.(Y Sj al,: V1= it{. - r•} P ,L, r,} F; f, } y t, ~ `t off a great many pf their omp loye$ s • and , , }t10rCE'r t!'2=~.If: L'.c_i ui' T"~11U rt. „ •?t , , f~, r _ . C F lt_ t .a ~,t ..~,,r.,. c-. :i" C u, „ ! i ~ ilt 1'~i.^ S'tr:,.,,1.; rii' :.~U[,ltrarlSul' ,-?j':;li, 1:0 lctf, i.lllTtiC_,^,: [:r'lTl{'C{:''v!1 t). 'tlr? 1F,~; 1,vC1?tle. I t, 1.1 t ' ti+Hv}~AS , t=,..1, d~ , •.l ~r r ; • ,the fioun.}~, of ilfw ??arovar in conilznetian with the City of }'tilztingtan has been making I U. ,..WCV ..J..,llfi .rattl .tl, ,,.li,f~t..1L 1., ,.1,t11.U .N „v ~l..Ia f;., ,C. r ie~.,..., ` $ °J r i:l -7 t, d-I d- - f'a ~ ~ very $ffort to attract tlavr industries and manufaattilrin; anterprzses to roliavo t}ia veri serious l , 31, t.. I r)ns t..l _v 1, ,c c• 1.1 ,a~. ..xlvx ,.o '.r[=~ t,. .:1.E. ,a, a, . ' unemploysltent condition vrhich novr exist and particularly. to giv$ employrant to returning veterans, ar.d ~~D,r.., ut7?1.,35~aT. :itl CGr ,t,td,OT;. a.s a result suoh ,~c,rtr rl nurrioer '-'f rlanufaot±Iring conc$rns have expr$ssad th$rnselves as being ' interested v rcvided they can obtain th$ necessary plants and factories with lliC vl;!.-.11Lyr ,,L1Ult,,) .''?1'JI`t.Ftt} t,a.' w f-Itr'. ' 7..{l `i- U{ -7 at..~l } - ~ a thi Can P 1l1,r 'nr2 tY a~, t. aamxng t nt 'Vhich t p d 'i n„111 ..C, - ,T~ t,{, } ' ~ - , r' s E• `1, + . i. ~ } ' 4. 0 0 erate; an lanl . co. , ,I. :us., , . , ~-l.,.t a,t , . F-'•.ma a'1 i }1{ 1 • [},P ' ..I 'I'tl l+:n'1 tai 1`l.r' U 2rLrEi d?. ! l;+.i {~~,-t, 2' t~ L,. 1._12: _ • . 't,r. t. ' „ n' + ~ , , t . ~ , , ~ i l.s she o znion of this Board hat it i., noc$.,sar~ to .relieve h$ sPI•ious sittlatian that _a., l.av~ aI e[...~t_ , _[a 1~}i_ Ii, ltl ~.l ,~a _ .1 _ ,1,.;)~,. . u11e l.ar:, [ : ,n}u~},2Itx1~ a P _ „I d-,, ..new exist due to thawide sheered nneranlavment, >~hichcandition trill. becomo uorsaunlsss reliefis i 11C.z,. t=.I , w..(:21 art I'U Ut U. , .;;i:, i,.,.. "i'. l1Ql iL^)'i, ,..,ty ,:Ul~.lIT ? . .U 1' + _ . E1.1!t ,u ?;"t} { - '11., d .7a ,i -f i' R , , 'f ' ,.i , .1 a_ abtain$d; and .1. ~ ?1u .,.L:, ,1.~..,., .n[ ,117_, C,=,fi 1 ,,{i 1 , .11•r Ulm tT1r,; flc ti[ ,ti '1~. i , , . i! l}ig?3EAS, it is th$ oonsid$r$d 8pinian of t}tis I~oard that: the construction of thh$ plant proposed by , r , r, + ; the Garver l~nnufac - anon if and when autharizoa, ~+ill bft of t~•e2'i$nt}olas hale irz raliavinl; u I ~ u;.> r!r• t.r; . axr'I:rI <1... , u t..t ; „ . , _ turin Cor or , r,,, ,r : ,^r, l , : t,;.' the present situation of unerniila ant which is bocaming i.•~re and rlaro aauts izi this area; PhC_.1G ~ _.~,--J r. ,t ,t, .u„.., t_ ,,a. .}c.1.~, i., Ji. .:..1_. _U_ t.t)..a.-..Y, Ir,.,.,r:., tt,,, ~ • • r 4i talT -Ill rn..t, ,t?'it l ' d ? ~,L d i t'., Y vi '"1..1., r,.C)'.: i~ , . rG`.~ h~ ~ Nr~rr, ~ 1T}~s~~~,1~~ ~x ~~t,,~ ~~r.t ~~;~~~r,~~!'r',I, 1~irl }~~rrtt~., (~uN~'Y eta ;'.t1 911th' Yr'~irrt [~l ~'}t•'. 'f{1~}; 1 ~"t"tl"{::I,t'..T. "t r`r'2'ti{': • ,,C?,ro'"tI t ;2 , V~..., iC)r i ~ g »ar meeting on this the 21st, day 0i Cc„ah$r, 9 r s , , . , ~ _ _.-l, n ~ ,a ,r. a 1. r t , l ~ 1 - ( i ,,.r.~, ,t; C,,...I 1 1r:. ..v .,t ..tl ::.,:1_{_.. i iI ii I~ ~ii - 'L : f I w ~ ~ L t~ ~ - , . 4 Meeting of October 2 a 1 t, 1g1Sb, continued, , ,y 4.1n,a.ilf ~"~;t'7nt i`} e ~ s s ~~fA'(..!)}S,?Ir ~~~I O;h ~C~~ F ~ y 1. The Civilian Pr 1 eduction Adminiatr ation be urgently requsated to ap rove t of the Garver Manufa P he a'S cturing Corporation of Wilmington, North 'Carol SPlicatian n ins for Ths regular weekly meeting of the {ioard rrna hold a;. 1~;v0 ,1 «ts. necsssar mate t " y rims for the construction of the pro coed lent he use af;th9 1 by to grontly relieve the unvm to s P P the sffsat of which w feel l~ ym nt "situation now: existing 1oca11 az ill proasntt Addiso;: Iiewlett Chairman, Geo. rY, firarlr, Jas. P~11 " ~ ~ ~ ° ~ s is of paramount im~aartanoe and rapreaents an ur Y? td which this {3r~, , ° Pat dne, , I,,a,c.ol,~mnr, ~tatl gent need oft rd k h Count• Atl;orney Marsden 13ella~yy, unemployed. is c:onmtunity and ar its meson was opened with rn sr b the Rr-,vsr'>1 , ~ , , n 2. That a certified co „ ~ Ths g P Y Y e,,,~ ,t. ,ta..,an, pos,,,~r n; f,octthside ",aptist Church, p, of thus resolutions be furnishe tration, 4tashin~ton U. C d to the Civalian Production Ad ~ r • ntitti8- The minut9s of meeting of October 2lst, lq(~, w9rp r9s:.d arrd a r~~vsd .aa :~•scat°rtt~d PP , Ths i'ore oin rasolu g g tions were duly adnlitsd at the. meeting aforesaid. U on motion of Idr•. Trask, socctnded by C~lsnan' P , tns j.cari, on ~t~.-taon of the :.octnty Attorney, A letter was received fr ~rnnted Hugh MacRae. ~C Company an abatement of taxes on p •r•lr.ation of -310 Ot)O,GO svsrls< "r~.nt .t om the Reverend 9. J. i"fi.llis, 2100 1,darket :;tract co, ~ P~ a ' Creek floodin•' lainirt - Oleander taken over 'a1' the City of Ytilmington Jenuar• is his ro er ~ g of Hurnt Mill ~ ~ P P , olaimfng the condition was caused by turnin too Mill.Cr9ok from Winter Park. g much .water into Hurnt ' Applications forlirenaos to sell'bsar on the Caralira 3t3aeh read ~X>,~ "i?loc~.~ n~ , . cm ~.na Ci f fmi 4a i Are uest o and at Printer Park, submitted by Junior 9at`,~n and F, A, Utz ~ +t q f }Mr. I{ugh IM. !Morton that. Hugh }MacRae and Co ~ an be re si za, d, rsapec .~°~c.~r, the same b a . ng sewage s atom in Oleande + ~ Y laaaed from the 1 1h tax o in due form and execution and endorsed hnj the Sheriff, vr9re a cr, TM~t.~,, of ? , , Y r for + 9~ n P •S". Co,.9maxt ssrondod b „he reason thtj same etas taken rwor b he Ci o ~ the , J Januar lot 1 a Y ty 1 }tilmin ton Mz•. I{all, granted. t Y , 9~, nd that the City has since collected the ss N, as of of the transfer did not take lace unt ~ wage char};es, but.nctual aignin~ p it A ril 1 1 6 Mr. I{a1 P ~ tb? eras apart motion of I=Ir. Trask, seco Ana lication for license to sell beer on the Carolina ea ! t* 1, referred to the Countytttornay for invasti~ation'and re ndsd by PP B ch ,toad submi,vsd b, rlrs• ,t. U, 3rinn me port back to the Hoe. and endoraod b+ the ,">heriff was a roved whoa z , a sting. rd at a subsequent J , PP }roporlJ filled a!a~. A{altlicat,,on zees inadasrtsn~ly submitted in the name of 11.D,E3rL7n and executed by Mrs, {4,rJ.Hrizut, .Upon motion of idr. Trask seconc! ~i A report of James {"tauter. Hospital for Ssptornbsr vrea reeaivsd and ftlsd, ? ed by r. Gardner, Hugh }~oRae f Cortnany tivors raittod abatement of 1 taxes g an 91-~ on a valuation of X2,180,00 as to Cit to ~ C• y xea only account oi' error in A r9qusst of the .,ixth Street Advent C}trastian t,hurch for a refund of taxes paid by a Building vharging them with ?9~ acres Noble and Kline trnet ~ • , f in the new t,itJ limits, whereas the• and Loan As.~ociation on its ro crtA, cart-East half of lot ' hays been charged Frith 1}7' .acres in Yail n y should P P J 2, in block r-`~,1 for the years 1g1~3 ~ mi gton township And the difference of 32 acres in to lgl~5 incluaivs, used sxcluaively as a arsonn a was a an motion o Hnrnett, P g , P f tir. Gardner, seconded by A etition bear',n }Gr. Trask, declined on opinion of the County:At'~ornsy that the tax should .not have been char ed P g the signature„ of fil rssidento of Cape Fsar Townshi askin~ ~ g hardsurfncin P u for ir!gtrnvetnants but }iav'~tig been paid the Commissioners have nn rieht tct rsi"and the s Iiow©v9r their re neat g Dakley road, was upon motion of i'r. Trask, seconded b~~ }Mr. Cols. end ~ q refer ~ ~P, ap Sroverl an for abntAmsnt of .the lgl;h taxes, the same not aid was ranted and the ro art red to the .,tats li(hway and Public 1'tor;cs Coruns,ssien with rs asst the I d p , g p p y ordered placed q t the relief be grantad• on the tax-free list. I Appli.cat;.one for lirenses to sa - 11 bssr at locati.ona five miles from the City limits on the Ca c!~ ~ reline Upon motion of b{r. Trask, seconded Irr ~jr. Hall, t};s bac}, taxes for 19115 and 1).t5 and currect taxes ~ Aeach Road, Island .Grill Harbor Island f and ! ,and „OS Cluh .Carolina Doat;h RoAd, aubmittod by Harvia L, far 19~Sh, char sd a ~inst the heirs of U, Grant ar_ twc acres of land art Aonh + Robert C. I{orne , Chaa i'l. }dills & Juo.~Y.t3atson,Jr., F"loyd llhitnore Jr. g g , P am, Barnet., township, j having been endorsed by the .",horiff ward u an t7 ' ~ r~sPaotivcly, the sans was Un rsootzanendation of the County Auditor abated and the chhr~e ordered canosllsd an the assessment , p no ..on granted.. hooks for th~.renaon +.hs property we,s surveyed and. divided ar.~ngthe various hsirg, i itotics wns r r eceivsd from the utats Board of Allotments .and appeal of rsviascl 1-15~-19 al o A ~ * c ved and r9farrad tcs 1tY. Hall and fret. Gardner :for stud , 7 1 ttmonts ,per., of Comlminit~J Ho,«,._~al was rs ei ,y , ' for Old Ago Asaistano©, .313.01{7,0O monthly, Aid to U9pendant' clhildron 'Gt} Ftelfara Administratio ~,h .60 monthly,. Public n eatimatad to be paid from 5tato and Federal }+'unds for the a ''r ? ~ based. on increased Federal artiai a ya r ,,,,,60,00, Upan motion, }4r•. J.R.?,deltan was granted an abatement o~ tax9s on a vral~aa~_on of (E1,~75.00 on house. p p tion, effective October 1st,.19l~G, chAr ed in error an lot ad oinin the Ytinrtsr ro art~~ nea,*• t.ralina B9ncri and'th o ~ K g P P s , v earn ordered ehs:r edto the, ownor'}.Sr. Cliff. H. Smith on the tract ad~;ci.*~in- wriich he purchased in 1 ~5. ~ A request of Mr. R, H. llorthro g ~ a 9 p concerning a double charge of,prcperty to Comila Robeson in block ' 135? was referred to the c r; ortmitte. Eor investigation and with power to act. , Upon motion of }'r. Coleman, seconded by fir. Tras'r., }!xs. A, C. Diehl ~s granted an abatement of ~ r f ~ U on motion of }Mr. C ~5.~ Hat listed malt .char 9d a ainst Lots !5?,kv. ~ tcv"19 Ham. tt';rt _ ..ns Hans of kits, Anna H. P olemaii 'seconded P Y g g ~ _b~ - ~ by r. Gardner, an appropriation of not exceeding ?360.00,vrae ;qt S t,,~ ~ , z:;;r~ granted to match a like amount appro rioted b the Ci for ants ; u imor, .for the year 1936, p tr,}tasan br I_ .~ieh. J:.., P Y tY, rta„nment and banquet for the offiaera of the vis'itin seven lta shi s Na , g vy p vy lley Saturday, October 26th, 19L~, on the affz.rmative 2M, C, Vause l Davie Ur•ve P>affitt Villa; lZ stsu hc,usshcl4 ~oo~s e., 00.?O far 1 156 which vote. of 1Mr. Coleman, 1Mr. Gardner and the .Chairman after ' ~ g r. ~ , a motion offered b }ir, :Hall, and seconded ~ tine t'la, h:;= ~se~it!ld ids are not worth more Y hs says included Government owned persotr=~ ~rop~r~;~, w.u g~ r' by Mr. Trask, failed to car t than -X200.00, and asked that ho be ailow9d an abatatma t c.. a ~-alurtion,of ~~2Ov.0O above exemption Sk ~ charred a ^ainst h.im. U on motion aR i`:r. Weisman, seco...isc bt• T.:,sl., 4~u reoliost't,F~as ranted. ~ P g G Pon motion of bit, Trask, aecon{led by fir. Hall, A, I,. }9ack, colored,. 60l~ Gatapboll Street was ranted ' an abatement of X2.00 poll tax char ed in error in Harnett T ti g , g ovrtship S'or the vsur l)L56, hs having also } ~ , ur ' listed o.ll tax in the Ci pen motion of irr. Hall, seconded bk' "r. c,~,sm.. , ...-.a,'a~1~amF, ^i~ "cells Str,~st, rtes granted an P tY• abattrm9nt of taX03 On ~35Q•~Q FOrd autamv^~i9 iF,r~P, u.S _`~t. '„ht? `fl.:ti l,isver,i.zt error,. for tl°e Isar 1 6 A request of bor. D. H. Williams, 316 Castle Street for an abate c ~ ~ X13 ' t;~nt of taxes on a 1?36 Ford 5adan charged-on his tax list by the Tax Lister in error fortho year 1 • J 9156, stating that henbr any momb or ~ m fi, of his famil ~ Upon motion of kTr. Hall, seconded }1>', _ra.,l~, c,clo..~~,A ..aus:a•:;r1, ,acl, a ~,.o , ti+llrangton townsnip, y owns an automobile prior to March 19l~6,, was upon r2otion of u!r. trask, seconded was a a va'ala_t~~n cj" ~ ~"'~,.O,r i~utlsr ~zll, trnacl r-urche.sed in Kansas ?r ntsd an abatement o~ texas an s,r by }Mr. Hall, wt received for .investigation for the purpose `of ascertaining th9 oNmer of the car, City after January lot,. lgl~a. His. request for ab>stsmsnt of C~.4,f ttcrcas cr;~ a 'rlr~it~ truck: used in the • wr 1.»• C 1. ry~f"~ 1-. . I U City, but asked outside citti~ limits on acatiuut r, pank:in} ;c+r,.r~etian,, ozA ohs 4..~,, s~raets, was pen motion of kit, Trask, secona.ed by Mr. Hall, Miss Irene Jtixon,,192U Chestnut Strost, was granted P an abatement. of taxes on a valuation declined, that b9ing a otter entirsl}~ wit}t the „it;-« i of "3200.00 Household and kitchen'furnituro listed above its value, in error, for the year 1956. ~ ~ }"xa, C, 'tt. 1`lorth, Harlaett towns}up, was grar:ts~ an t~bet.smsz?~ df ~a.~sw on,30QAU0 }leasehold coda r 'char ed above axe lion for the veer lU~b, It anrlonrec th}~t shc~ lisisd hnuss}gold gooo.s at OO.OO; Upon motion of P-r. Trask, seaonded by Idr. Coleman, Mr. J. A. Cane, a resident of Caps Fear tormship, g mP - 1t~Vt for. several sera- was and. was '.not given credit for the :3300,OO rxemrtlc?tl si:lower bi• , y granted an abatement of City po11 and personal tax charged in error for ohs year 19l~6. 6 r ~ Vii') ~ t o lal ~ inr`, tx ,l isr c sr r tl r .r ~ - t< a .e,~ A r r} z,, ' N, n.. rl P us I a sq e t o, Idessra Alex red , . ,.,a P P 3 7 pro- art .axe tien on household oodt< at 1'tri°}ttsvilf Hei~c}-r, ;tt~t~t} the hrusehralw goods izz the Upon emotion of 1.4r. Gardner, seconded by ur. Tratik,-}.Ir, H. 2. Sirnpaon, 21 Spofford iMills, wns granted P Y mP g ~ ~.5 Clt ~ 4i:'4~e6 wsl; lla-!an T1Caf;~,t~I; {7„ 'a~*. 1.,,_,f3tl'llr,~ : f1,~~ni~HC lY~i"• TraSK, an atlatemcnt of 19L(6 tax on a valuation of :~l5155,00 1935. lord truck valued at .;230,00 anc', assessed Y was listed b•J their respsc~ivs , at ,,6 q,0O in e 00 rsoFived for investi 'tion. ~ 7. trot, and on a valuation of $620.00, 1g3t3 Ford Truck ~!cn}ccd in 19155, vnlu9d at X65, ~ end .assessed at $685.00 in error for 1916• :x. , o , P p9titivn of 38 ro 9rty owaars in 1)'i,nter nor}: cxsl: int. t}Set i;h},~ rr„ o~ G, asr~ ~,;;ed .:tr$st .:r: Ytin P P -hta `ta^eet t:. 'I)~nit: E ~;r~tat~t, Naar; thee, pazrl: of` aevsnth Street ' U on motion of k{r. Trask seconded b "4•. Gardner 1{ra. Vera Edwards 2(l0 Pander Avenue, was for Park, extendint; from South Dih - ' 3 w ranted an abatement on a valuation of ~ 00 OQ above its 9rterding Pram thN ;tP.te Highway, on St;^awbs~:.° r=vsnut~, tu~ r.~ .et~t ~ lt: , tte .,F t.~ksn ov9r b~ g 355 ,household and kitchen furniture listed th9 State Iii~hw Corvussian for maintenan©s¢ wet. roc€,zrod artr~ atpat ~~,t,ian of }:1.^s Colsmara, seconds:. value at X1,000.00 for the year .19116.. . , 6 _ tv, et, ~tl, {,3 }lnr~ c [nzzrtission, bJ U{r. Trask, approved and rsft~rrsd tc, °khs ts~.to {Is.r,}a ay ' Are nest of Ro er Moore that .Shore Acres Com an b ~ l and arsenal q g p y e released from the pa,~ment of po 1 p ~ ;t ar itt I~'• Trask raised ob action Estate chin=?~1 s}tosrl here~< s~.}in~~ che~. it, rtbuld hr beet :for the tax of the late Dr. H. Wysong, charged against lot ¢x1153 in Hloek ~1, Shore Acres, taken ov ~ ; ± tn~,~e ;r, l;, '~ltndrJC>. ;hc>,irn~n of the Lr~ral aoruaunity to reuse flittir9 6 lioat'arie, ant; movtac, .h . trade in 1932,: was upon motion of fir. Trask, seconded by Mr, Coleman, dscl':ned. PP a ,3, S• _ . i + ±t;tt „ A,„t Itr, nr,t: cln c.ar ttot rscszv~ a American Legion entsrtainmsnt cot;rni'rt`.ce btu nc.z,~~ ~ t, A s l ansad s9~'ond. I.Sr. Hall felt that oa~:h Ss nli,ttt'!ori shn~alt bt` oorasid'?rsd o}, its mcritaE and Mr. GarJnsr. reque t of Paul Ambrosiano for review of the assessment on building in hloc.c#~l~a, leer P. rrin stated t " ~ uld ba fleet; 101=.1~- fo.~ r `,1t~tio av~l~,~~ R.t1(; {uocrsat~onal prograu, from ~1,800,OO to ~3,OOO.OO in 194b, was referred to the committee far consideration when revia G hat Legion stadium .ho - complaints on other assessments. Tn9 meeting then ad,~o?Srnsd. Upon motion Coun bills.}toe. 617 to '6 2 ware a roved for avrlent. tY 5 PP P . lt~t°k. Ths meeting then ad~ournsd T r e~ ~ lark. i . ':m°[f' rC _ ' ' ~ i Yfilmin to r g n, C,, P,ovembar I~th, 191,, Ytilmin Eton N ' ~ 6 , C } i~ i Iovembvr 1?th, 191iG. 1 Tha re ular w ' g vekly meeting of the Board was held at 10:00 ore lock A.G,. Arasent: Addison The re ular weekly mooting of the 9oard was held ' 13ew1ett ChalxrnHn, Geor Vf, Trask, Jas. M. Hall g nt 10,UO p., 1,q, County Attorney Iiarsdon Bvllart , If. K. Gardrtvr, L,J,Coloman y i n n ~ end present: Addigcn HU rletu ahairtr~.n, ~rao, c;t, Trash,. Jas. 1~, Ball • H, R. Gardner, L. J,.,,oleman and The meetirt- was o e' County Attorney Maradon Bellamy.. 6 p ned with prayer by the Ilavarvnd E. C. Chamblee, ' ha mevtin was opvttvd vrith pra• er by the Rvve a , T g Y r nd la, -C, Chartblve. The minutes of meet ing of October 24th, 191}b, were read and a roveda PP s rvcorrlvd. The tninute~ of mvetirg of November. lath, lc 1.}6 warn r a ) o d and a};provad.r,s retarded. . ' A rvquoet of }dvssrs Alex a ~ ' nd J. Lawrence aprunt to ba allowE+d the ' U0.0 ~ ~ ! r exemption on household Dods at lYr ~ O p©rsonal pre- vrt ! 1,p~n motion of . r, Gardner, seconded oy 1~r, L'olortan, Charles Stanland w , g i},htsville Basch, their respective wives hav P Y E bite indigent, chronically exemption on household coda ing claimed unable to qupport himself, vraa,an recommendation tf the Conn ~ lion g in Hilmington, was declined on opinion oft ~ the ~ Ith Ofticvr rv-adm,tted to tho' the-X300,00 exa tion is l ha (,ounty Attorne Count;/ Nome provided by will abide by the ruled and ra~ulations o mP invited to each household consisting of the head o Y that E, f the inatitutiau under the all of thedopvmdents, one ~ 00.00 exo f the housi;hald and Supervision of the.Superintctnd9rit. 'J mption to be distributed amon• the mo E, tubers of the househo ae they see. fit. Svctlon 1Q5-297 Sqb-sr3ction " 1 8, Idichio s Code 191,3, d a motion of r. Trask sacanried In 1.1 l Upon f r, Gardner., and. on recarunvndatiarr of the County Attorney, The .Chairman reads letter from ' the bond of the Clark of the Superior Court coverin ublic fu }Ir. T, T. Betts, Division L'n inset S ' g p ncls in his hands,, eras increased frcatr ,hv would recommend adding the S foot roe f gr , tats Highway torani.ssion, that I ?~20,OOO,OO to '25,000.00. d .tom Southerland s Utoro to h~yrtle rTrove S , the property owners will ai n ornd ra g the right of 'way agrvemont, acrd the Tide ti~ater Pow p vieled j p their polao to enable thaw er Com an w , A rd nest of t.lr•. 3,rt rJ. Blake i'or abatement of to ~ idvning of the road. P Y ill mane q n * , , o advvr~ising cost ahargod against lots 9~IO ir. block ~'S1~ ~ar.sat .ark, in ~he name of t„~.Horring, inadvvrtvntly left off the tax ]ist of Mr, Blake I, tlpon motion of Idr. Hu in 1 ';1{ and 191:}5, urcltase,d Jurta 10th 1~1 rtes u o 11, seconred by Lit, 'Coleman, instruct o ~ P , ~~4, p n mottan of hr, t,oleman, saccndvd htr, Gardner i ns were given to asevrtain fr d dined for the reason it is the ob a ~ " State Highway Public lYorks Commission the om the e lig tion rr ~ha tax pa~rAr to sea ghat all his ro art is amatutt of the County+s share of th P P Y i a.lloted to this Coun for ro e road tax fired ' listed for texas. ' tY ad work. ~ E Upon motion of }~Ir. Gardner t, lu ~ ,q rv ort eras recai.ved`from the 8actr. Tax. Collector showin= r f ~ ~ n seconded ry r. Trask, the Comrnissionerg vatod to su> ~ P t ,otal of ~1..,29..,)l} ce1.l..cted for the of Education in its ro osed ex ens on l port the Board month of October,. $5,9jt9.1~~ for the City and .~,,1~;',~'1 for the L'ount P P P i to continuo .Junior College work in Ilew Hanover "J ~ 1 lrir. Trask stated howeaer, that he is apposed to the laoin~ b County, this ez ansion p 6~ urdam on the tax payers to uch re.rest of Robert H, ',~illiants for . d t t • p ieve A q e ,j rstrnen, of the ;~1+'t7.~,j ae,c>r tEaxos due on the .vast part of lots 1 and 2, iri block 1~1~, for the ;;vars. 1930. to lyl~5 '.nclusive,.eras rei'arrvd to the Cu;mtittee for A report of the Bureau' f ' de t invQsti aton end with }fewer to act, 4 I n ification for: October, was received .and ordered filed g ~ An application for license to sell beer at 31~03~ Princess Strvvt R llpan rr~,tian of ?ir. Coleman, seconded by ~~r• (,ardner, Taylc,r I.1. Jeffords,Jt•., vrho served 7 years in r Dad, su}mi.ttbd by Levi Llott, the armed service rrnd discharged in tlovvmber, was ranted an abatement of texas an a valuation cf the game being in due i'orm and execution and endorsed g I Colem~nrt seconded by 11 by the .,hariff, eras upon notion oC br, c'O.OO an 1 Packard aatomoblle kvnt w t'rr h ~ ' , r, Gardner, granted.. $3> i itr xtt California where by was stationed, and listed h?,re in error r•rhile on a furloul;h in January. ~ Ana a pplic tion for license to sell winv,to be served with meals at the S Aeach road,.submitted b Flo d lYttitman ' J } Uu club on the Caroling Upan motiau of_}~}r. Trask,..svconcled by "4•, Colerutn, the ?card voi;vd tc accent the resent insurance t Y Y r., the said ea~inl; astahlishment }raving met there uirements t P of a grade A retie ,and the:same h r s 9 policies on the Rvd Cross Sanitarium buildin s and contents urchasvd b the Count October 1 b g P Y 30,9~t, ~ r g sin}, in due .orm earl execution and endorsed by the 'Sheriff was , ~ upon motion of 1 r. Gardner, soccnded by '"r. Ball, granted. tv run to data of oxlsiration vrith endorsement attached fi.xirtg Iiew Iianovar i.o~.tnty as the insured -under said policies.'After expiration of t}ie presarrt policies the said insurance to be included in ' ~ U on motion of Ddr.'Coly w thr, Count rs general nehadule. Y E. man, seconded by r. Hall, J.1r. Hvrt l~, Blake was 6rantvd an abatement of the not licrted penalty charged against lots 9 and 1Q in block 1 ~r`51, Sunset Pat•k, inadvertantl loft. his tax list for 1 y off ~ report of the Rvst Room Corvnittee for October we.s received and filed, y artd 1y1~5, A request of Han Harrell for an abate °ayment of ~2,IE30.OO to H. R. Cavonau h for r airs: to the ilaard of }fealth'I~tborato account of rY meet of taxes on house char€;ed in error on lots lc) to 22, in g ~ ~ block ~j, Yfilmington.B~ach, was upon motion of }.lr. Coleman seconded by 1~ ~ firs damage, sad $104,93 for temporary repairs to continuo the laboratory vrork tvi.t}iout interruption, , r. arask, received for estimate of firs dams s stn,, the same havinT been ins ectod and a rrovvcl by Mr. Leslie N. Bone i investigation and report. g 6 P P} Y? : ~ i Architect, was upon motion of }'u•. Trask, ser~onded by lira Coleman, approved in accordance with the bid Y a raement. Notice of termination of Government lease coverin• f E; ormer ?i.S.U, sttas in t} g to City of '~Izlmington as of September 20, 191+6, Yras recr;ivcd from the o'fice of 'he 'v' r. - Di z51on „nl,~naer, Atlanta, Ga, Pa ant of b q ch toct for services rendered in r a r ~ a ! ym 1 3.50 to }Gr• -Losliv 1f. Bonvy, . r i p vp ri rg pl ns and ~ t?non motion. of t~lr.-.Gardner second d b 1i T stecifications and su vrvision for'ra airinE7 fire dFimagv in the Board of }lvalth Laborator•v, was P P ~ . v y r. task, the .Board, acting on order of the Judge }'residing October Criminal term. of the Superior Court, appravad the payment of ~br.00 to Ac!disan llewlett Jr, approved. > , Attorney, 'for services rendered Moses Bracy, charged with first de roe bur-la and ra v. g ~ ~ P , An audit re ort of the Alcoholic 3ovvra e Control Board fore throe matrths ceding September 3G, 191#b, 'i P g Upon motion of Mr. Gardner, seeondad by tit. Colem ~ proparad by }fir,' J. }I. Brand~Jr,, CPA., eras rviceivitd. ; ' an .}r, Ii. L. Britt • 218 l'tillard „treat was ~ , i granted an abatement of Po 11 taxes charged twice for the years 19115 and 19116. An application to .transfer beer license. from old location at Svabrevze to the new location .two ~ o rnileg out oi~ the lriarkvt Street Road' submitted by Sadie Srnith, the same having boon endorsed by A request of tdr. H. if, Henson, 302 }ularstaller Street fo _ , ran abatamart of ta..os on ~ ixtursa in store i at Third and Meares char ed at .1 OU.00 st t ~ the Sheriff was n on rtotian of llr, Gardner,, eveonded by Idr. C~lertan, granted. ~ g ,5 , a ing that he rented thr store and the fixtt,rvs consisting P , i r~' of two cash registers, one scales and ice hex is corned by Jat•.' D C G wss :I. ; . .ranger, ,21tOg Chestnut Street, 1 ~ Y. vo . b t't yr h'.i received fore investigation. lpon motion, duly seconded, bills of a..rrensv for holding the election No m er ~ h, ere .approved i ~ i ~ I,', f .for payment, The Grand-Jury's re ort for the Octohar Term 19 w ~ ' P , i16, as received and f..led. , A statement was received from the State Board of Gharitios and Iublic ltelfare advising that Federal ~ i a }"s county for Old A e Asgistancn A t d t to t o id o it 1 n S 7 wsson 7 n to a o t` 0 , mo ion of to 1 }dr. fo lui funds t unt of :1 g lvman ec h it the ama . s e and d v ~ ~E 9 , I P r. T as , r t k he Board to , authorized the payment of X5,00 A, L, IJeyland, CItC, to reimburse the Record ~ ~ Dependent Children and for administration for the mocith of October. i ers Court fot ghat amount paid to {,arl S, Gregg out of cash on hand restitution of a worthless chock. iven I,ir. Car•1 S Gre• b J ebb ockat p , g },g y .Ii.H s, D Are t Authorit for increases in salaries .^or T~hr.Geor e 3 8, wh:tcn said amount inac,vertently included in funds turned over to the County Auditor 9~21~0~ i quest of the Ylilmington New }ianover Airpor g ` iriatto~ from ~ l 1 .00 m~_a~thl to X2.00.00, and 1:",r, Alton lirench fror tj2t?O,00 to 2?.O.UO monthly, was 7 1 Y A. report on visit to the New:Ilanovar.Court r dome b the Junior Chamber of Comtnvrce October.23,19~~b, received and discussed, but no actfen taken. ty Y ! offering eerte,in roeommendat3;ons, teas submitted by I,tessrs Rabvrt llatutvnbaum, Chairman, Lloyd Dunn r ~ b r 11 ,t .ills lies. fir° to 81 wore a roved for and_liallacv Fiest. I.r.Gardnvr comrnvnded the conuni~teo,stating that st ~s t}ra finest r<,pcrt in a nurt e pen notion of }.ir, Trask, seconded by •~r. t,ardner, Count,, B » 17 Pp y i of years and the. reaotratvndations should be carried out. PaYmant! Is N ;i .The meeting then ad;journad. .f The mavtin then ad ourned, g ,j ~ - - Clerk. Il _ , i i! jl t ,f - i i~ i 1 j 1 tj gr 'i . j l~j, . r~ F _ ti., ~ t r. ~ , ( ington, .J« G., 11DVamber c es~.r. o. .,D an a. i. .ll, ~„it,, oontinupd i ' 18th, 1)l,tfi. G c ( I The regular waekl•.meat ~ t, iuL of the board was hsld at 10:00 A, I,i. c ~ I. ~h:1~5 .,C:ItrG D;rCJ~t ..^art~ra.rd Preactnt, Addison He'Hlatt Chriirman Gaa> 69 a CouFon' 11o-. ,<,u ?end=> .vCr> 13 to 1~7 - 3> t~ X13,75 - ~1181,2~ Bellamy> .fir sk, L.J«Coler,~an ~.nci County. At+,~rnev + n " 13 " " 15 tD f0 - CI(~ 11 r i ~ l,arsdan ,E ,R _~r ~ > 7(~?,~0 5 1«r ~ ~ ~i(i, G. The meetin wa " " 10 " " 21 to 100 8 ~ 7 g s apenod-with prayer by the Reverend John D. flat ~ „ n ~ ~ 0 11}«.JO ~ (10[}.00 ~ Presb t Lood, Ialtar of tho Ca 3 ~0 1'~1 ~r, r2t) _ ~0 h~ , ~ y arisn Church. ro.irln Bench lU,t20 - ~(?0«OJ x" 10 n n 21;1 to 281 - i 1 d The ninutes of mutton of i r 1t).QO lovambar 12th 1 ~r1~,t1Q ~ G . 9~~, were.. roAd Qnrl appru'~rad as recur *F_ ~ 0 ~ " 0` t ' ' dad. 1 3 t o 3,~0 - X10 t~ 0 r r Upon motion of 2,Ir. Tres RF ~0 n n 3~t1 t-~I 50t3 .160 ~ 8, - 1 k, seoondad by t;r, Coleman idr« P n 7,a 1, x()0,00 the . 11. 2doorin ~ wa5 ra ~ exhibit building at Legion Stadium for boxin~ nratf+ho ) g ntatl the use of 9 101 to 110.- 10 c~a 1(),~0 _ 100 q0 • ~ a,~?0>00 L a ecembar }th, and 11th _ lI',~?0 (7 ' ~ request to use th m d ~ . 0 e building for boxing matched each Yrecirtaada after Ja F hie. ' ~ rights,.. makin ra a Y nu sry lot, vritho r. p11?;rT301~= ')025 ' g p trs to the windows and reinstFalling the blancher ut Axcluaivs ~ referred to the'Comrlittae with :owor to seats in the builcli.#rg, was i~ I act. , Cctlnon lMc, 13 Scnr:s ?do, 7 tD 1P - 8 tt ll. ~ r?()t10 u , c J>~.) ' Upon motion of }M. a Tr ak, seaondad b 14r ' ndo tad; Y Coloman, tho following ordinance eras irnanir>c,us i~}USE HOIdDS P ly COUR. ^ • our, 21a, a ;'3Dnds 30 1Fr2 to x~'~5 . ~ i ~ n ~4a_ ~ ~4I . r~,C(: 1,lI:iU>t?0 2. ~()()>(lU tiYIiEREAa, it has :barn reported to the Board that.Gear e ! g L. Paaahau, Esquire, UaPuty Recorder m a of Raoordara Court of 2dew I~rino•ver Count ~c „al Cautions y, has ruled that the antion of t1:is I3nard, taksn ~ 1-3,88U,OU June 7, 19~t3, did not nmuunt on in law, to prohibiting the.sale,af beer and or wino w limits of 2Jaw Hanover o ~ ithin tho r , .Rc C unty, outside the inaorporatad rmanicipalties thoroin a 1 uCtltr~L HC~IrU~ ,+o. 13 tc l;t - 3 X1,000.00 3,OOU•QO nd n n n 1~ to lCS - 5 1 OOO.OU r a l0. )t} VftiFREAS, this Board did take ac+,ian on said a " " " 21 to ij0 - 20 ~ 1-0~)) r -t , , / d ta, prohibiting the sale of bear and or wine 1 n „ „ , , t •00 ~.U, fit?(.>UO from the .hours of 11:3U P•2d. Saturda u 22 t 2 - ' nr, ) Y ntil .7;00 A.Id• Dn tho fallowing Livnday, and. ~ b 5 u ~ 1,.~~., .00 ,(,000.00 ~~_',Ont?.DU ! ~ - ' 1 - P ! 1HEREAa, on accaunt of the ruling aforesaid, this. Floard desiros C~irty Ir.ome Iior.d i,~ 5 only, ~ 1,Uci0.00 Or)t),00 ! to uiako oartairt that it .was , 1,Or10.OQ tho intantian of this !'decd a . »..~-.-..~d. t the meetitll, afarosaid, to prohibit the sago of ba3or and ~ ' vitro, dur in the hour ~ / Dr ; g a s1'oroaaid, whether thr, minutes o: the Beard 3a shovr ar rot ~ 1t6,C!ElU,t10 iJ0}Y, T}~REFOR)•;, be it ORI)AI2 r,,= , , i r r , ' ` 2EA by the :~3oard of Cus~missionore o .t,e .axla+r_ng geed and _aw ul nr,:l were c,rcawn t" soma as ri o , . f clew Ifwtovor Coon ,i r r ~ th~ .,upc-ricr Cotn•t far the ty, b, virtue I i of the powor and authority,/ givon Scotian o 7 < iral cf civil cases for th tw w_ ral• » ~ • ~ 1 ! • ~ . r, 3 f Cha ter 8 a 9, .5 ~a. r# 7C(~117,1zn~, ,na,lt~tt~}t,l)aC0Iti15Cr l~'"~}lt~72 p X33 cif thaPubllc 2~.vrs of 2lorth Caroline passedct its 19~a3 sesaior~ that the sal i I o of boar, as dofinod by Chapter 780 of the Public Lsvrs ofltJl~S, and or seine from 1 n , . f 1:30 ..21. on each Saturda utrt r t,adraw I,orek. i,~ax G. Bnatwrt.~hv, 4t °)ft • f= - y it 7;00 .4,.1, on .the following Idoriday,be cr rl t, s> ~ .°;.Hl,iclttars, , ,,,,1 ~el,nrtl> rand tho lama is herabv o h , d pr hi itad, _in that part of IJovr I!anovar Coon not ambraeDd 21. F..,naw, 1~> bunle„ i;,G«S;aith: I=iurra~~ 'ansz. ' TraH icJl+~,#r=a. lirnita of an nnrniei alit or ~ in the corporate. „ „ „ ~ , Y p y incarporatad tovrn therein. „n.ntes R.:,aid.; Aaron ?,Drs;°ts. 1!,.,,,,unl,ir,n, T,r}>Icabirtsr7n, ,3,'a>I,I!ton, !1 0, I>> Simanons.` L. fir. Dickson.. S?_:'ord L. `~mit,h, ;>~,.'~?or.~I.~n<> ll.t~«{Ii,n?. r, pun motion. of 2,ir. Trask, seconc}ad by 2dr. Coleman, st;raty bonds for tlr, Chas, h r ~ I ~ ` ' ~r ^ . • F. smith nevi Ed;~rard L« Davis, J, J> Pugh> .~aonax., ~?atche or>--,cn~=ply t117~to> , >r,.l'an.a.t, , y r_. l r a ected County Atiditar, wara fixed by the Board f'or the for;r Saar terra be it • ~ Llat~•, '~rrdaaux. L>F.lh,~a11.' I m ±1=, ' n • i r . g vri.rl, First Idonday . i ~>,,>Ra ties,J,, 4« I., hinllatlt, in Daoamber 1916, in the following ~inaunts, all members rosent vo 'r r + E p tinl; affirr~lativral Zn~ludi.rl f..i, ~hirm. Jae ,~tmozt, ~,~>l.innar;t« .i.ld>,;i,41y lla,~ Sullavian> Y• the Chairman; g , J,I,1,ingrar~, Robert r"oIL'soll I:.I.2:Jo:r.,t•,~.n. ~i.E,C.r~r4ar, Icbrlrt "+~at#;> l _ Rc~cert 1d. Ytilliams. Jas.G.Handarson,.. 1'+, I, Ile+illah« 'n s~l'a F - T l''aithPul orformance r „ , ~ s-; r p ~ >.!}OO,OU k."i."`h~r:nton. Luke I.znos. ,..:.Futrell. .,>,t.~.rlrom> t .h,..l~lltrh~r,~,r , .~I. ; - ~ i Aa County`Accountant 5 000 00 ~`ocond vae,3k be•innir,• r'ortda•~- i~ec~raoar y ; L 6 ~a., r rt,.T; As Tretrsuror of the Hoard: of ;ducatian 25,000.00 As .Treasurer oi' County Funds ~ . 1t~,Ot}0.00- },_„,~alL •).E>JDr!nson rlr, I:. I", t,cC. .ht,,,'' ".'a?'"ir. is T "'Jln ~ - i a- , .14e! -rp., For the u in}: iu Hlrnda ~ - - _ a. , r a g X0,000.00 I4ike I1Qkaa, }Y, C. Ccvfl« tt«rt•,.t.tntsr', ~,a.ri,a,> t,l.>(,c,lartan« fr „~'«~Yillis> Vi ,D,Smal1> ti>C,Sm ij~he. (set°.s~aC}::la~f'> Vi tl'iHnrV':. Iitl(~(;inHe application for liaensa to sell beer on the V'drightsvilla 9Dach }Ii*hvra submit~~od'b Ira v,, .`;catt. I; 2I V?illiams. clots. ~ ;;r.i:}~. li,?. i`taCDVer ,?r'anr>ld~ .c>'tli r It I cr,or~. t 6 Y Y . ! y h1r. Atabr•ose P• Aale, .the lama being. in due form and nxacutian and endorsed bar t ~ ~ a n T r~ ~ • ~ r 7 ; t~ . h0 .,hariff, Sa.fD« ..„i"!>Gra,, .,,171rC> ,}.CDanr'ilil. f:,,.,1, :t'e, 1.>,7«~ri{}terr~~{X!rl• was up an motion of !`r. Colotnan, seconded by wry Trask, ft roved. , , r7 n. ~ - , ~ . PP .,a~, .,new Ta,?,.ot > Donald Pala. P, ,.!r., ll.. ,Cnrli:a, . A«c:>1?tarnait,e> ~ra.n'_5h I=erDar, a.laX 1,4« S};c,lar,+-'r~ fI1C~.Ik.Lewir;e ,1 ,1":1tf~,51n«h.l,>t;lin!r« ,dra• Clara }3o11e Copeland, 11y Forest Hi11s Drivo, complainod of the ,'!6,500.00 assassrlent an `',>iF~vrl.s> Chan T : ck1Ely t,.1,.1'.illiaT~^r.:r„ Thamar. ?icDan!~l«i>I~,3retti,t> .house on lnt 88B, in block A,-Forost 1ii11s, in tom orison with other similar bu ' w Tr ' ~ ~ • - ^ , dln~a, ae ap0n „t,DkrnDan, „«tl.irOrra..l> «I Ju ticF~o }~«b >,.~V,al.t. .•u>(,arson> motion of blr. Trask, seconded by hir, Coleman referred to the , i,' t ~ • . Corvnittae iar investa.gatiot. and .+.,,.«,~tc;u.. D ll Rivonbfrrl,. c, _ D > • r , . „i«nll(-.ln.. le r.a`J.}"+:t)r.'ta caalYitn D].akinaon> v:ith powor to act. r '_he r:eeting than ad ourriad. -,pan motion of }dr. Trask,- seconcJad ~w~ hlr. Colar!uul, }irs« P. L• Eftstarlin};, 210 lhln Strnet,crne granted s; an abatement of texas on a valuation of 00.00 diamon ~ , ~ , d ring ~•isted at X300.00 for the ;.ear. 191tG, Cluck.. ii claiming tho lama is net worth morci than X100.00. iY12t7]il;'t~ln, 2d, }JaValnllCr i~flth, l~~~t)e i ~ ~ ~ j Upon motion of 21r• Coleman, seconded b~' 1'Ir. Tra:>k th ` " ; f; , e following „tote Institut,.ona and training ; ~ t i~: schools were: grazitad` donations in the amounts shown to 'sunlil e ~ c The re ular w ' .a r#rlPrd vrG r ha'fJ a+; 10;r)0 I.S. , - em nt their Lhri.>tmas fund., in g eekly maatinE of wh i li oonsidaration of the inmates. Prom this Count' in eaid'institlit s• ' ii k: , Y ion t r ~,ec,, 1't, 'eras};, ,?as, 21. ?lolly H« I4, "~~r°cin,~t•, L.J>Co2.emArt and i , "r•os9nt:Ad.jaon tlavrleti; Chrxt.rt~an, Samarcrurd 2danor 0.00 Cakinty At*,~rn© }A.arsden "Allarir> ~ ~3 ~ y U Stonewall Jackson Training School 30,00 , Caswell Training School ~ ~ , r „ , ~ r ~ ' 25,Op The m9atinl; •qr.s a o:IOd hr ra.f~r b', .,bra , etcr~nl 9.n tss{,ry. p P Iaorriapn Training School 2x.00 Eastern Carolina Tra n S ~ ~ , ~!!h, vFl,-r; ,•r,aa, nnI} s.;,~;,rQVacl as I•arnrt1ad> i ing , chool 25.00. ~'ha tainutas of maetin~, o. I ecambAr lr .h, 1; r. • , . State Training :'drool for Ilegro girls, Racl:y }:fount, 2.00 " r, _ }r rl r ra r f'C,! , t<r i S, ~ a ' ?pun Tneit~-an of i~`,r> t;arrner, saronclaeJ b~,= Ir•, Ilnll, ..the ,lat. .z.n-,..s. tote "11 crt~ir_osi,.. And }ealth A report of the IYilmington Public Libra qnd Colored Home A ant for Octabar wore recaivsd and Associate r era d!i r, +~`Jnt+il~n ±~f 'i~,t}ry,00 ter aici t.r ats ri„r,ual eru,itriln against t:_Il,erDUlo~Fis. r'J' t; _o . s grant: a ,on z . filod. ~c. ~ P , ~r r= f r n 3c,a d and th~ ua r t ~ + , In - , r. ~ ,,>_n # t,t r to an .tich ,ha .,,a c + nda. t . . n ex., .e_I_ r y, I'ecembar 2nd, l,rrt-, Davy n r u upon motion, duly aecondnd, },dward C,. Johnson, a resident of t.iar•rland was ^'ranted an abatement of ' nowi elac t ; t1 ±riks tllf: c.~sths car o#'? i^e J~c!?'t?I°o the ~hadgo PrAsidingf Su2lari:nr ~ s , b Y tad County Office, . . . poll tax inadvortentlV char god a ~ainst hire on ro er at Seahroeze a Ida I t wrlshin for Cou r r r ~clll,Ti _ ,tt,E r t. ;!!lr,, r{-ot~n , c,f tl:e ward eras then°efare, b P rk son>oro o rt ~ r t o , o. 1 t b at C • . f t. • P P "J r 1J,40 D C1tiC d}t_ ha the year h<r1~b. on mct' vT ~ ' .xtr A,>h"„ ~ iDn of ,,r, Ga, doer fixed a 1 t0. ~ ThA fO110win OOti Ong and tV I , w!3r9 r rs1.;r, ft 'i!E °.ar!~'11nf .tD~r,}? ..t.['}t;,rr~,r ~pn m918 g p Jwnds era presented bt the .Conn Auditor as Navin hcon ftid and. PSI a , r - r;9e a lo..,..._r. -n _ ~ g p pllca,~on ,ar lioe,,.,e tD sell r ~ burnod in the prosc;nce o1' the .Board: l~lorth of Carcl. "Pe^ a `tied b, .{,i`t,Herr•i<7(°, the wa:,e ',ein~, it: r}it t; #'orca arid. r,x{ctattali and fins. # _ .h, s br7ti enders ~ ~ ~ t'on of I!r'> }iMll, ~t,cc?r..c,. ~tr C,arrJn€!r, grant.ed« SG ed by ,ha ,,h?ri'f, eras ~?pcn .,e .,t HOO L BO2dUS Cou on No, 6 }3onds 110. 1 and 2 - 2 t3 ~ 00 _ 0 5 • QO ^U~r t0 i* . + ~ ~ft ft ^".;1:1,^. }t:' rt'. 2:S s1?1C 'ur i"!lt l (1~^a!i.,n~', t!#' ,,;lf? lin[}a.''n8(i ~natr'?ina$ r. P $5 , 'nil ,criers wending a~~z tih . 4 n n tt " „ 18 to 2 - t rbrni 4• .and co'Lirnts ta'.:fan t:vet~ he a~hc, Gor;nty by purchpse C!eta}jar 30, n n ,t n 5 75 ~ 25.00 - 875.00 P um Dn the .,anitar:lum huildirags " t 6 - t1 1 7 ~ ~ft,~;gyn.;elm Inc., flirt 1?of;rd, rn T*,tiGr, of Oardner,sacondad 57 0 1 5 25.00 - 125.00 9 ~ ,Pram the '~?i.u~lnl~ton .~ed dross . , n n n n ,r 6 to 0 r _ b s~ Pe to 'r ~t t;. ±hF t ~ i t t.4r a } f Vr.ti.~ :i, n n, I _.r.,arr,r )°a~lrr~n,_.on :1 'd ~r'rCl.,.. ;Fin aricm, n n „ u ~ 7 7 Q 2.00 1J5.00 Y ,,,l~toan, directed ~he.t P,r. ,la ; t1 rjr 7 p. r~; _1 tl,n .,a;d lI,;,l,rartCD, and t1.rt; i1Ci:~0!15 wq;!' iV@n to 81 to 123 - 1r•3 r^? x.1.00 - 1,Or5.00 ba nati..zed to have }ti.s ,r,surance age, .s cnnc~~ _ . ~ n n 3 166 to r -1 0 ~ 2 . r - 12.r0 ask for b d , r ~~sul°anr;e vrith o;trancied cover°nga 1n the br:ldinl;^ a~ld ccnt:onts, after 3 3a5 9 3 7~ 4,5 ~ ~ ~ r•n ~p,0_.0>00 ;.I n " 18 " " 22 to 8 Ca G _ a mot fi + ~ ei~rant'+~ the 5nid l,uildinl-s f'or ;1~,0(;t5>OO, tho amount the CDUnty 29 , 1,.•00 120«00 tion of, aced by 2~ir. Trask ~a an} ~ n n n q t~ ,,r - ~ r t ~ aid r ~ GOlrnti, should assume a rrf~r~ r°a' the risl~, r'atlad of a sacond> f 31 0 t9 - 19 ~ l~.t~ ..b1.2~ p ~or ,;ha pt-opar~;~, .ealirtig ~,he rE n u n u n - ~ - 58 and 5g 2 13,75. 27.50 n `t 'a " 62 to - 12 4~ 1?« lb 00 73 ~ 75 - 5• ,t n n n ry ; 76 only - 1 (i l .7r - - 13. 3 ~ .75 ~7,L~GO.~o • - h i~ 'f C' ~ - t t) . _ ~ r, a t" ~ 1.~ ~ ;t. # }+19etine of 2tovombor ' 2 th ~ 5 , 1911b, ccntinueci. '1+11,rI1;it=!'C~n N ; ; r ,1flcc)X1bGr 2ndg l.rlt/>, ~ r A. r9q~ost for abatement of cor ~ f ~ and ponalti,oa and adjustment of th9 back trikos ° „ _ *r ' amctzrit • m;, ukrr vrr,arl.l nf! f; t,~s t1, ~t tl , x+5.51 for t;he Fxars 1 i n : . Y 9.31 .throw h 1 ng to ,..c , y ~c ,akrd wes hf...a nt 11tOt? A„ td. i of'land a g 935, charged a~,ainst Catherine H, P,ussoll an p rt of the Harper estate, MQSOnhoro tovrnshi 2b 2~3 acres • p, .overlooked b the oxar#~inin a. in paasing title on the sale of Y g ttornA ~*esent; tt(i, ~ aamm ;to the At a ; < izs~,r. 'i~,_se~,~ , ~I~.;1,~,.~, ~~t,, ,'s', x7, ,k `l t,, i y ntic rcef erring Compan r claw i>= , ...1 i 1, 'nrt}zit~r° r „a 1 avisd<Cla'r"~.n t~?t{} ing I.ar9 aCreB t~0trity f.1'i„•rr!^.'' i. ~t}f-Y, ,1F..i.l(z~,, 1 charged, on the asaeasm9nt baoks than artuall were • ' b ir1r. ~ yawned, was on rnaotiun of Jcr.' y .}call, r9~oried to the County auditor for inveatiafc Cardnor, seconded next meetin tiort and report to;the loar• ~ n , ~ ; i, g. d at the *;rt;lt~,/ae., c,. ,h rr,1:Fr9 in,},f,, ~,tnpr,4-, lanrti t,f tducat;i>nn~pddt!tttr r;nnnt„ „ w fief!&G ~;hr J)r'1`tentF.iti.al) of f;. ~'silCi ~1F.r^~lltnri ,~lnt;e~r rl t i ~ 1 , a,' rll)IU~J€i a. ,nf3mbl.ed tC ~ G_ft (.f ,.}tt, f t~' tl 'lrt,tlt:y'er~i f:n }'.ra .1 a Gpan motion of PRr•, Gar•dn9r socona9d%b Id nr A' x~ i "L ~ C,, v.,fl etiri.nl., {'Oiil`t vi (i "i t,ttr E.. !,C,t' lrrq nax - r. co19m r.,..l r , Y an, bat'}; taxes charged against Luc A, S + m~~ : ! • . ni,hf,ll nztd r)i'ficinnt irrxrvicfl tc rhir County, on the 11E ~,~p of :lot. 2, in block ? was` mttdf, h;~ frr, !.f.: l.,om ,iflvr r , 5 orders a Y m.th nr€irflntni;ion wft£:. ~ I 1 1-.~ , r .t 1 d c nc9119d account of daubla char a• T'h ~ h irrrnn a1 thf, „Hard, an lieh+tlC of i;hc t,Glallty ' eat was also claimod'b the-hflir"s of g & said . Y L.D,hennoc.y tvho paid all. the to I since sold thesanr9 to Mattiv Thomas and th xea duo on the property erd ns a charge .against Lucy A. Sixith eras ce easement books in 1 nc©lled cn the ^'=~t~ ~saclr ~ :.}tr,r rt!r•f;r!~?nr? rn-,;r f;r,_~;wtion, ~e 9 5• - i. }lpan 711Cttian of }dr, ti010mar ~ T rc. s: ~ " t, fi~`a # t r, seconclod by r•. -risk to ~..,rr.; t,' 'h rar*, ~ t:,,€s io,lr,:~ hhvinr _ a~~ i t, ~ ~ ~ W. F, Griffin an how , xoa for lg }and. 1yl45 charged epainat b':a' ,s ° , ~ ~ q,,. , , } .r l i.. ~ aT= Rn~~ t;}lis }~,'.ncf t.li~) e,n,?t.ing nt.. eo on Govei•nmont Pra,ject ~~31022 I~,sonboro ~ .lor V,..,.a}, .a ~.,......E.r. y., ,.c..,6 e,~r.,,~en, }/,r, Prase tanvfl(t a.t,at d'r a , t tovrtiship, which said house h£~s b . , t}d...o.) I:et,lett be t!wr,lected Y'0maV9d, wa8 Ordered Canct311fld. 0tln t:l.irryir:n }iln fiGtl.Cari iYfi.s :`;",i,l^tjfi" ~)b' }rb i } i : ra :nr~inflr n,nt. ,1r, t.ewlett; tins uttntlirlottsly e:l~c'~. The Cha t,:.....n c.. a rcI , ar f: ,.arm cf r,~ir•, ;;c£t.r. irman brought to the attention the sirr sus oituation at ,j f; ort 1'..sh9r a c used by erosion whz.ch ' ' ue .praotically destroyed the mound and is Hour ondan erin t ; rJ,,.. fie'-,gin r,' 7rr,'•t=, sHC,,..f. l,•r r, ip£~rt':z,tti' ,Tne •,.r ;r g g ho highway ant. recommended the _ 'roll t,,,., rfl..f,lect(,d ;tc? [,herrinn State Highvra and Public 1'!o r t the .w f + ~ Y ks .Commission end the tJnitod 5tatos District E;n e c. .u!ari rind a,tharited „a ,il,r, vrftrranws at; t}zr +,rn,n`;ti' P,tadlt~,r ;'c)r Ctntilt°.~ P to s~~ gsn er coo ertltlr• , r ~ n Y , in rases " requested to Hake a surva oft P be „ r ~ r ~ ttr . , y ho condition vrith the view of ascertain in what crin be ~n, e,., ,arloc r. .,hfl „ ,a,zrr~t.,, , },,nrst}tsr, +seilar~,° v,r.:~ rn-`i l!sc+~t-;i ^riltn+,- At;!•rrnav nnt? Tr,omns X. ? prevent. future erosion of the sail. g done to • i `'r.,r, ti19r1t fig" ti!fl `)rr~rc', , iJp on motion of }ir ~ Gardner rrl , T.' r , , ,,c.n rl.,~,.~.: o. .,r. 1a, ,~n~°, sc~et• .,i!,r. ,,r; ' • socon 9 by r, Lolomc,n, .the G}lazrmari liras autahorized to dis o ".`r's ti1.-~~. ~,`•4 h~r~t,s fni` the t°t,t).tt'rin Count;. C+.`ficcrs the X00 ~rxllan water tank n:,+~e p se .of g i ° 11.94 t0 BU ) r ;N*'P ,~acc: ~'Htl in +r r u. a; a , p}ly water far the old forr wai v- ,.rG~ ~ uhe amcl..t a, ~}le Pet,f:l~xen s};t:tvzt, thc,,,ftrl@ Itav'Lnl ,)<~fln t'ixpd by tr.}iP Rtanrd of of riv9r,`.about l 2 to the b Y tang rooms, vrest side ' , „ 9 5, Bat advantag9• ,,.~"1....:la.,f., r 1rFrF ..n, ,t.nc,l.,.l?' f!t;^.frt'~;f•.~4 tl';(? c^ni.t C i iG(lt " 171+.Cl.Txt: a1 F I . ~i tyi e t .i.r ect nl ixib rrsir ,#C aF' _,athrz Cif Ci~~f ne }7ei Oi ¢'`~"ie ,tlT:t7rA~t18 VJns';flr r1: ,4E7' f ~T! , p t7, tl-, ,_l,t~., ,l9Rit)J.1I i f ..ul,ai°i.hr t~4urt;, Deoa,_ I1pon matzoh of 1:1r. Calaman R sac~nd9d by'"x• Trask. t}io Board r9s , ,e;-m . oint,9d i+.s action of }lovember 12, ' E 191{f,, declining to grant a re west of }ir. Dart ' i is N. 91ako to nbat9 the advertiain .charged against lots and 10 h l; cost anri in~erest n, ~ , , . r,, ~ . ~ 9 in .lock 5l1, 51,nset ark = 13ft Off /l7u .,:I,.. -eE .,r:1 v . r.et" t : ~`.f u , _ ,.,~r.' a, t, P inadvor'tentl It G", ~t ! fiS~,lt ; :t:;';t°t7~s'lt'r"< u Jrt~l'~}eti~ I i and 1945, purc}•:as9d from I',.?,Horrin J ~ list for 1~1~; Jung 10th 1 a Cr,!~rt„ n , -te r , i-, g , 94~}, };Ira Garcnor voting na, and A n, n x ~ -,tC?,0,;_~ i li ~ ~ - f,n4ilt=;,) tlt 1:f1':1! r': ~O1Tfrtt~~na~{? pen motion of fir. Tra.,l., seconded by '"r. JIall, }.fir. Dort Dlake tray reloa "r!-h,.• r' =t'' b3!' ds ;try ~ of the advertisin cost f sod free:. t}3e payment r : _ ~ 1~,,..( ..,0 g arr. irtter9st for. failing to list lots 9 flnc} 10, zn block 4 Sunset Pa ; .r11..Rr:is } .tt'~s `i'?~Cr~O.t,%0 }I for the ;,rear 19115, for the reason he ~ rk ~ ` .thought. h9 was listing all the lots Q, ~ and 10 at the Limo ' ha listed lot Q, iir•. Ga*• r ,dner voting. no. .~P.iii :;ar`tCS, rhflt•i,~n c,ht~;°r; i ~ , ~,~JO,~o ,llaon ration of }tr, Trask seconded b ; d, ~ , y r. Crardnor, Cglmty bills tJos, Ql~3 to Q9Q vrere approvt)d for ;_,~,,1FCt on :,;,rL~~, "'ftxea a,000.(?0 P yment. ' , t "r , e^;eE:ls^!i t.lFr}: f u;.E :~i~•, €:?.:a:• „i5L!r-i; '1 M 1}10. foe Vi ~ a 2~~,~UO,('0 to ing bonds and coupon,, rrflre presented by the Count;, Alad;itor as Navin been a d G p i an:f were birrnod in he presence of the }bard: , n, . J,,. rt.,t•arr o. c:ra dr._., .ccc,,:ded }?;r r. -r€.,,, , .,;Mrs }sortzr~t n~t',}tc>riz€,r~ t,hF, n,trc,hke,, of e nsv~' ' {.°:FVralet au~omob~ ~ `r ~.`f, '''r'R ; ~ ~ n ry 16 f.,, ~..u` 1 r~, _ 1PR£ir,,r°it~r+ _ a+ r: t'(?,5t .~Sa.,c f? ~ 1f).,L ,.r.,ttlt £a ~ tt?1rat1C? S CHUOL }30NDS f' rf nt~, r;~+; , ~ ^ „ r , r ,>t - G. a.~vl~a4.4 far i'artl CAr !rG• l~: ,r t`f,Il (tt fi{t'}!hula€,, r?Eel-5th tt rit,t !:Ort ~G.l'.,:x~ } # Coi,non No. 3 Band 1}0, 12l1 and.12'~ - 2 Q 2'" 00 - ^ ~ r a ~ ~r 50.00 „r .,p t.a_t; c!~t a. the. e..rprc,.,nc, ,>lnd. n 54 " " 1 attd 2 c 2,00 - .50.00. n 54 " n 16 t0 2' - n ~ _ ~+r t- 7 r n 5 35 2J,97 Q?5,a7 v?:~.,.tC..iCb. :r':7C:rt of :ififia 1,f.it;el' arplt'.r.,l ice,` t~li;0}'!€,r V''•t:S r£;Cls~t)€:rt er:fi ,'1).'de n n I. IF tY tt !t I" C 54 57 bl - 5 2,.00. - 12,,.00 : ;t tt n tl F n » t 54 ~7 70 - 1L 25,00 - 17777 trf'On t1C7t~Ori of 1".r. T t?C} ~sHC(ir't d ;.ir. 1;C'€?nftti r' t„rtG(}..t., F^ :n q Yr~6 t''t 't.,' h.i- .a u n . r e a . t r>n n• .;z ,x: _er, an n e em-_nt 54 Ql " 125 tr•5 " 2r,0o 1 12 Mnn ~r ~ , ~ ~t ~ ,!,Y n tt ,1 ~ , ,vU. ttY.t;uan Vf..llat ion ofkf ~r,'f`-'i,t~~' '1tj: tthPttt, a.,,flfiflrlrk',Fttt ill rirrar b'° ~;}ifs h$ 1st~r Ft ,~,:~,23~,~~} , 31 151 295 -145 23.75 - ?,1~~3.75 _.htead cf ,?r~ 22 ~u f~ } ,r , • tt +r ,t ,t_ ~ , 31 3 315 - la ' 23.75 - 237.50 t, n „ 1 n r' 2b n t1 3 3 3~5 - l0 23.75 - 237.50 on r~• f ~,r4 ~ ,n,t,.: , 1;~9,,, } R „ ~ t tt n ,1 n r.u.lOrl a ,.;r', Icrzll, ,,t;,,....,t. + ;;d°, t,•G !,..~C, t. 1, ~ }tathwct,1, r z.~5.};lfln T{!,,9dF w~S i 31 31}b 355 - 10 " 23.7.5,- 237.50. rc..rrt~d an abaterront of takes 0n t~. •anl!,e!.t;iatt of ~20t?,()tl ItOU.:,ehalt~ nnrl I';itrhtm ('trniture listed ~i n n 15 " tt 30 " ~7 - 2 " 12. r' g ~ -,.E1C1r+ s.S nC!t Vert, 1, ~ r~ n ! tl i 5 27.E ~ b,5~.75 ~ >wn error n.t •~1,000,~,0 for lt)its, ~tatt.np, t',},e }t )~,o. t:,Etn d)..t~at?C!. j i • _ ~ ~ a ,t 16 n ,t 1, , . 19 to 29 - 11 .15.00 - 1b5.00 r. rP;art t'iEts reC9iV9r`, fran t};c, `t.r,t;?~ TY.a l.rzlact,ar I'~ 1{}!~, j4) Ct,tl c+s t • n,r~ttg ~t ,td zt,r tnR t,i#;J~ and 't 3 3.t - 5 13.75 GQ•r5 S'~1,E;7 for thf~ : otl r nr}~ t@C', ~ ' 1 tt r n''t, mrtl~irt}; €t tC hl U" SL~:;'1,',~ ' ,cti :'G:' t}1f! I^.C!*tt}i ttI' }'tQG"flrlbflr`. . n lb n 5Q end 59 - 2 n 13,7 _ 2 . `o' 5 75 ~ , n, ' ' " n 16 " n 62 to - b" 1`. - 2 € I S 75 20,OJ ~xl a,r;lication fcr liaense to sell bflor £~t turtle it^.n!G stlhn'.+t:fld G!-,w. t„ °'idges, Yh? nt~m9 ~ I n ll t, ,t to " b - bo 11. ` - 6 ~ ; I I: i 9 25 75.00 }!E.'lri ire t'U9 Eerie and exflCtltlari and QridClr"flt; C," '~})a C,hc)t'lf~f, 1",'i;, !7'Ur? ii!!t'ati i?f 1 r-, l'0,1E?IMY,e g ' III, r { 7 . 5 ~~~7~ sccon(,ed b,. } , , r 'era ~rasx, grnntFd tt n 11 a it 82 " 8b - t1 ~ ~.2 5 11.5 - 5 5 a u tt n t, n a 11 100 - qo lo.oo u 9ot~.oo ,t , T'nGn mOtlan Af >r, Gardner, BP,CCt:!ri t,`r•}rat', ?r„:1, 3t1.',ri;Ct -att VJP t' liVf±;, tQ 'ln~:luds eXtended , u 8 t ,t 201 t. ..220: - 20 " 10.00 - 200..00 coves r~ , t,f-t'; a~'nl,>(' 's i'~n,~ l~r~' ,1ezMr ht`r'.tbr~tr Rtiildz*t °1! }rnrkflt "tt-a ' ge insurance on .,!F ,:,l.n., ._t, g, I et, tr n I, B 2111 2Q3 - 1a 10.00-~ 30.00 3 4, tt Q a 30l " 31,0 - llo „ 1o.ao ~ ..100.00 , ~ r, ~a, , i l ~PCn ?!iat~an, it Was al,r€ienhl9 to thfl '~C~?'(t 4 r!~, t;hE ('.}tr_it'i,Etrl d15t.~i!t;t;t~ ~:hf~ r)##~t,l,.(~ 'SY15'atanco ,t Q !t bl n 00 ...110 " f3•. ~ - 1 ~ 3 5 l 7, ,'-25,J0 ~)lNdf).25 Gn t}1P, Tie t; nr t,Cl t ,a ri- ri' , h t...,,,,,n ~}tn }ilzt`.lal E:nt} ~tQi:.}; [i~, ,t d ro,,., , ,ry,,aziuzl t?uzlci'.n~s an. cc.,.~...,_,, rzr,an~' Coie,_~nins On en 0 Util hR318 Cf '310 70f?,t;G aaC}l, st_t.aY` . F~_ a , zn(, I -.(l,F.'3t.'d, C41'11TY Ht`},~, q , Cou on 1do. 11 bonds No. 4 to 12 - 4 11.2'' - 0 '.r ~ • l~ 9 J 1 1.2~ A netitian bca.rin' the signHtur(tn o° f~ rit,i~!,ns enrl Propfirt.~.• att~)cr., .r~;inr, .,hr! af':!xition of the g , DaVia road Ono m.1lA SOtlth Of ~itrt'. }iri?teh, r!tl":1'nlr 'raP.l ~}'if! }'Crt ;'i.:hnr T.'i~.`t°t*t',r '}C +r}1fD i;~,~j~, (+'C}f,r^ rOLR2T ?}(~tiSi, '3aIIDS , r., , , r , t , River to the Stat '"a.~ntainRd COUnt~ :apd s±'??~t , a., 1}=cn nc:t•:t,.t c!f d'r, tn, t_rtar, sec«ndfld h,' , e x I!r, Coleman a nrave an(i refr,rrecl to `.he "+..+•e "'l,hv'~;~' l,. I'u}~.c ,7e,rLs Coi.~*,i.~sion with request Coupon No. 1.13 Viands No.171 to la0 - 20.a ~ .00 500.00 P` d n n -n n " 200. _ " t- to make such`.rapairs ns flrfl race,nary,. 43 193 a 2>.OU - t_00.00 45 tt " ao4 n 209 - b n .25.00 1'-0.00 ~ + ~ F n n tt ,1 ~ t+ ~r t?eon moti.an of 1,Sr a Gardner, vendor Ccun{y vras e.,kt)(< vt) .10.7 a.n Zna .,.te. r -.qu ~,.,t u,. thfl to t,e ill 21 - 25.00 - .00 n t t t , lghtvP"r }'tlblic ';!t)rl:s t;!lTrr;,S5ioA for imprGVerta•t* to twi0 Nigterhead }?0f;d, vrhich in on the mnp liar ' 43 ' ~ ~lJ " 22l~ - 10 ' 25.00,- 250.00. 1,175.00 ~ 12,231,25 State ~ , -ra ~hart~n t}sr~ ~.~.>t€,nvE c+,' tr£,v(l hflt'vre.nn ?Ievr }?nnc,vflr° t!sld the maz.rttennncA a This vrGt,ld },t , tl; Southe r , = and ttiotlld N id ir; thfz dF!~*f';n1!rlE+n~ t~.' *„hf, t(?rI°itor~~ ftlonr t}lE SCHOfi}'L !}0}dI)S PAID nsterr section Gf Fender ~a intl ~ ~ raadWP. to ~'7"f!F3t' ti ? ft tf! "@ a{~ }7[3t}i C't`iltltiPC, 411{} j k€ f..'f'iitl(" I;tlbl ~c, Y _:d i_n r, t Rends }10. 16 to .1! - r $1 700.00 1)00.00 •a , 1 t ~ , 5' The Annua' t. ' ~ r•,: thfl Stt;>0raar r,,t,.rt; ci t)ual3.c .~undts ir„ °.is ht,nds t!.n a+, ''0comber i n t' 11 " 12 2 t° 1 000.00 2 0©0.00. . r-tort a1 .,h . Clnrlr , I 11 t , H r ' i5t, 1911 :v£1.Ei r~!C€,•vod Rnfl re!'errea t`0 ° t'.C?It7. ~f%" (`l :v ,~..t,;.aDf:.ip ...wl and u.ra ,tardner tf ' 11 ' 20 - l0 1 000. oo to 000, oo tt t 9t C}1P.C}{ t},a stLfi19 andt",}1en Cirtter£+ti :et(}'1in}Ifld £.n,. ""i1~G# .r. :c, ..1,,° 0~' t!ds nC t};E ~ttt{ uir'°Cta, 3,000 ~0 2c?,ooo.oo n w" T ^ )~!1'`'r'I"Cflr ttiV3nt?fly +'G2 r31't+Vr '1t1{2 oqt?ft,L;'e.~,'.fln 0f t}"@ afiat?a5ment 4n A re neat t,~ .,,r, ; nnfls a _ - ~ ' r.. - i- a ~ t. ,1- f ~ a nth +Oti9r tC acts tTfJTY }}OME ?10}!DS PAID h ~ n i h a- lJ~st !fiercer . znc , tur;s rotpz°rnr r~ ,,h!~ c~Fr.;.tt-fie rr' . ! - ou„9 ~n lot 1, in t!lock „l_ + a~ tht burl.. tn);;~s ~,;i Gsi°a'1(~!ru,~ rye block ;"r~M~b condemned Bands' No, 4 or11 1 ~ 1 OOO,OO 1 000.00 A r!'quest of ,1as ?rrvrn for ed,l,?~~mon. Y , ' .21,000.00 b,r + .•t-~ff<rred tr`''}i t;ar:8?.i'~% ;';t-1 n t .he, ~,itv },t,+ nt;, 'rt rorod vet., ~ t e ,r.. : cv;c#r :s r-ct., 7,31.?5 T ~ a` .h.. mflct• ~ , - inPe When nd ot.rne,.t. , Tho meeting than adjaur•nfld, , f C1ez..;,. . _ i • , c.~ Clt~rk. i:~. ~ - . . . ~,Y, _ , ~ r _ ~ _ ` e. ~ . _ ~ o + of Claasmbar 16th 1 16 co. , lies uirs,, 9 t , n ~inue.i . ~ i f~ r Wilmin tr~n, lI. C. ' g , Dacembnr 9th, 1~1~,, ; r, ~ re+, hon(1 for Aaa_ Willipm 1'.11on as , A. au Y Coroner o!' },e;r It~nover Crnmt;, in the enalty of, 2 , ~ m ra , .the Greg+, J~erican ?ndamni+, :Co ~ P, ~ ,JOC00 , Tha regular vvoel~l m with y n as Surat , y actinJ; of the 13oardwss held at 1~J;00 A, }3 1 3 y, the eatrl araunt having been fixed b .this:- y • ?tbard and approved by tho fioilnt Attornav ns to ~ , Y . forrT and axactrtiar., vra:; i~pnn notion of brr. Trask Presents Addison rr 4 conrjcrd'h• P,ir, ,,^,nlernan, 1 , aaro ted h a una~ .on+.lott Chairman,:. Gen. lJ, Trask <las' 1d , so P Y . imar,s vc,ta, ; , .Hall ` and Count Attorne„ II. R._Gardrlar L.J,Colemnn ~ Y Llarsden Ball v, h req,.lest of the Amer7can LeJion Moms Carnnttee Por adjustmettt t • of ,ha ba,,l. tares on its I egzon Home The minutes of meotin of Decembe rap~rty ~.n ulaok }~11y0, wan upon motion of tir. 'iY^ask sACi>nda( v Li r 2nd, 191F6, wore read and a roved as p , 1 b, r. Colat7art, receivo l for PP rata t Rtion with a carnmi.ttaa fro t• , riled, inves ig m ,ha C..ty Council crttn the view of vrar}any out an ad'ustment. 7 On advice of the County Attorno , tho Board d Y oclinod to execute a terminatio tion of,Mr"Trask sacoide the Creat American n evicts: 1JDan m0 1 d ~ }x. Cule n Indemnity Comprtrly.thatworzld release it from n0e f°~ for Y man, tho ..,card granted a request of .Rabb; Samuel A. i.ts obli attin ' •'sdmtu? ,T'resident of the Community , . I David F.-Sandi i . ~ Garr c ir: as Constab.,o of r~Iilmington Townshi ror• +}r g, as surety ,or 1'1 , n n th(, ~levnrend ldortimor C]avar and-other members ,of ' the .surety. compan from its ob p' ~ ~ a .oason the Gaunty cannot re Ihe`Comrminity „o,anail-dalegatfnn prarent; that this hod Y lil;ation in affect during hie tarn of affio , loose y recorrl~nd and request our represantatiger, e a~ eonstah,e, in tho Logisloture to amend Chapter 313 of the Prtblic ~ ~ ` roc , • I,ntirs oz 1,...,1, by striking out New. }',Hover I Ra orts of the ~ ling 6 Suction 10 of .,azcl A.et vrh • A Lad.ie~+ ..ast }loom Cor~.ritteo and Bureau of Idant, in , iah world rnrtike the Act rappl~.cablo to New hanovsr• Count 'and ification for PJavombe +a astahl. ~h a Domestic '1(1_a ~ i ~ Y e aut.hari t~ { r and filed ? !ainn, Gaurt ant •+r , r were roc J ived ~ L vr~,..r the Gay of Wilmington, A:statement was racaived noon motion, dul~• soeanded, Dalton Edwards 9r r,• r from the State Board of Public Vlalfara show' ~ 7 , Plorth 3rd,, „i,root wa„ (,ranted an uhatament of and Federal funds were s r, :Vag that ~ 11f,1) 0 0ll tax far the. yoar 191;6 a(;count of 'bcrin mrara eat to this „otmty far (~]d Aye Acsieta 3~.5 , Sta+,o P l",e• neo, Ai(, i.q llependont Chzidron and. ' for admir..istratior: for thQ month of P?ovember: p, report Gf i,ha 'rtilrn3.rr;;t,:,n i'ublic Librar~~r far itavorabar eras racri •rod n " i ncl z clad, I lipan motion of }ar. Tra , sk, seconc.ed by }fir, Calanan, a renewal of thr3 1ea~; , oz a tract of land A ca:mnu~Gicrctian was racnverl frarn the ('.aunty Andit;ar n(ivisin tho t,,rnl ' oca-tad approxiraataly one mils west of Castle Iia e tot g r. nt on do osit in each be:nk ; P Yn , e Govorrunent for 1~ark, Comp, was as of Oetoher 31, and ?lovamber jOt}i l~? 6 to athcr rr' 1 ' approved and the Cnairrnan was authorized to ex , t , g tr a rloma.arl(lum o s~ •1 ' .scuts the same on behea,+' f .rc rrzt~,as hold by us an os thn County. , eac}i rasa, A stater,~ent of Clinioal Serv ice Comparisons, for 1 1r four. otkiei~ hos itr l 9 t~, _or the ,Jamos tiJalker emorinl Hos ' t t' - o T nc;'• r (r r,,, r • , ' p ~ s in 1lorth and South Ca role _ P e1 and pt,n r~tlan f Pir, r ~acon.ad b~r }4r, .,,lar~n, Ir. Ar3rll;,an ';awlet~ • inc. to vrit- s City riospitnl, 1'Jinstdn-Salem 1 Ghailman of tho 13anr d, was Columbia Hosptt;<?1, Columbia, S ~ C. Green ,r •C•; a~+~,ointed '14~.x 5upe~r~risor 1'or Piave I?anavar '„ounty "ar th» ,,ae~r C ' j vine General.Hospital, Groenville S. C.~ 1~1t1• Spartanlnrrg General Ho ital S ar c ,.and P , p nhurg, C,, was racaivad end filed. , , ~i m r'~ron •^ntian ~~f "r: Iraslr „ecandod b~ li Cclenan, t}((, fol.c inr• crcra a, ointed .a s , r as- i c r, ' ~ ~-'~'r ,7 Tp ~ erg e .ax i ' `Upon matian of I~Ir. Trask , , s , „ ~ , sncondecl by I,r. 'Cu.laman Huth r' • • :;z~ters ~I thei.r respar;ti e +,avnlsh. ps for the , erir• 191)7 )..and salaries fixo(1 at ;1 ',1, ar weak ;which , o ity eras bivan to r,losr all caunt~~ ~ ~7 7 p offices in observanc;a of the Christr•>ae holida+ a includos nn increase o•rer last year aria b~~si.s of ,1 :00 iar rnort}t allovror t • Js from 1sD0 a (.loci, P.il,, ~uesdr~}r, December 21th ~ I a,her county employcos. . until, a:30 Aai., Frida , Docemoor 2 th ~ , Cake Fear Tovrirhi ;"rs, ;loo. ;^J }iilY n Y 7 P I "crieral i'otnt " }tr, ,t ~ t+ 1 9. - . ,l, l,,rfl, A request of 1,4r. Heur }I, x }Iarnatt; ~Il " lfsa. S 1J ;t, ' . y _.oul,h that e brid' e be rovidad • • ~ r 1n5an, .Korn Subdivision on'the +rastl 'a p 6 P. over th~.da.,,ch on hart Avenue in tho _Ilarnctt " ,cr r 1,Irs... ,11y . iarca. e :i yn. Road, vrar received for investigation and .render an~..acs we can:. J istance linsonboro it ~.lrs.. La;1a .~...orne; j'Jilmington I+.r. l°1, 1f. Iiarriss. ~ upon mat'}nn, duly: secor_deci,l,ills Ilos: i399 to 991 were a. roved f " }ir. G!. I'. Taon, ,ir. pP nr pay7nont. ~ n r ~ I' Tae following coupons were presented bar the Cour. ~ Auditor a ty a hating been poi+i and wore burned rf in the presence:af the Board:-- Upon r;at':an of I}•adk, seconded b~~ I-ir. C(il(~r~n.n, t}:e Chriirrlan 1°ras authorized to a o:int such' PP ' .COURT HOUSE l~}IPS a(lriitianal .tax linters 'or assistance 'if and whop nei;essar'~!. _ . Coupon No. 39 bond ]Io. 161 to 16L and 1 0 _ t 7 5 Q X25.00 r 12 .00` ~ 5 ; , ~ t?par. n;,tion of Pr, Trask,. sec,.nrled h„ '..',r. !;'~larran, l`r. ,1, h'. Coy, ahd ,fir, ,Tarry 5, .~c01rt were i r EP,RY BONDS ~ appairtad zax A.sse..sors i'ar +he year h))~7,rsnd salaries ~~.ced et ;~].?.5U plat day. instoed of ;10,00 as ' ...Coupon Nn. 1~ bond No, f3 fnrr.arh , - 1 (3 25.00 ' ~S.OO J 'h~on motion a^ }".r. 'h^ask, secanrird by Colerrgn, l.ir. Ches. F. Prime eras granted an abatement of ii O L BOIIDS SCHC ta. r± nC J 'r • ~ + x s on a ..tluati.or. of ~1QO.U0 hattse chnr},ad i\ tar on lots 17~ 11) },ant ,filmin,,{~an Park. for she Coupon llo, 50 hand 1Jo. 31} to 3© - -(ll 2r.0U -12r-. ;soar 1 1." The. honsa assaGr n , 5 J ~ 00 _9 7• - ~r^ent was canar,lled in 181,5' ~ n , ~b ~r 305 =10 G~ 2 . =2 0 n ,r 3 75.37 5 27 31Cy 325 -10 Q 2~'. -2' . 0 lJpo.l r,a~:•'.an of 1h`, Calp'n+~n; saa_.rr~~u },y jPir. TrFxs}_, 1",r. F.1t.an tt, Lonnoi~~ via.; e(p},aintact n mombar of ~ 75 27 ,5 u ~ n 3 ~ s, ~ r _ r th> ~ n " , n co; n ndation of the Port Comrai4^ian,' to succeed I9r•. P,h,lialse ~ 3 31+5 -10 L 2>.7> 237•Jo c ,llmlr.p,~an ,art poi ~~ri;:;?ion o re ru o y ~ ~ 'r " 101.." 110 -10 10,00 -100.00 resigned. 1'.rr•. lialsev, Vica 1'r~,s~detlt of the ?ivrth Caroline „}tip I3u..lc'ng Comp(.ny lids moved from r . ,r n ~ „ " 121 130 -10. ~i -10.00 - this (sormnunity. i 1 0.00 , n n n n_ 1} I n 00 . 5 5 -50 ~ x•75 -137.50 1.1F75.oo ~ 1,625,00 ____r___.. 'leparts were -rPce~ived from Community i{ospa,tal and :clorod Hama Donanstratinn A};nnt for 1loverabar and ` and . ared filed. ~ , , r: . SCHaOL BOJIDS , ~ ? ; Cou on PJo. bond Na. 6? on ~ ~ ~ a (materinls_uwaa .rl c3omoustra,ion,, b the I,alorad P ~ 1J - 1 c~ 25.00 - 25.00 A btll of a.cpopsc .fir X1,90 for ri~raeo},raphing nc, 3 , ' n n ~ n 't 121 to l 0 -10 - Q ~ ' ; atrment. i ,oma-Agent, wa,, approved for p , I 3 lo.oo `-loo.o~ n 3 n n 121 ' 13o ao ~ to.oo - loo.oo !i 225.00 T 1 ~I ~i, vi cn motion of }.{r. `"rslsk, soconded ht lur, Cpleman,, grxntod an i xs. C, h. Brevrar, 15>b4anhattan, e.s ~ The meetin than ad burned, ` ol(i' and I;itcherr b'urnitura la,stad in-error at g J ab~rternent of taxes or, a rs.luatlon of X200.00 I{ouse}-i , , 00 1 s ~ min ~ the same is no t wraith more, than ^300. CO. ~ ' ' 5 .00 for the year ..4Li6, cl , ~ , ' ~if " /l F ' Cler . f f r • ~ 'r C,olernarl: Count,; b'_11s ?tas,,99?_ to 1(x1 warn approved for paymont i}.on rra,.ion o: 1r. Tro..,k, secondod by P.li. _ , . , ~t ~F It V VJilmin~ton ld. C. .Deco : b ' s, , m er 16th, 191)6. r ~ j The mactin than adjaurnad, E ~ Tho reE~ular weekly moeting of the hoard was held at 10;00 ,5. P,1. I 'Clerk. , 'i ( T 1 , r s t• a en . A~iison iiavrlett Chairln..r., yen. V'f. .ra„r., L. ,J. Golan acrd Corult,~ Attains ,?ar,dkn Bellamy. ~ . Y _ , }"tilnir.; tan, lI. C., ?%acember 23, 191,• The minutes of me~ting.~f 1)erember 9t1:, .19116, were read and a ~roti•ad a ac dad, P, s r or mhe re ;lnr w ei-7,; , of the ';arr~i •.vas held rtt 10:00 t,.. I]. i gl e m etinr, ~ A re ua~t of Ptaodus Kollura Es(~ to refund H, F.. Hord . a a'(i Jun ?0th 1 6 ..r.,ona] :property ' q a _7 : ..NHS p. X 8 . 74., po c. , r 1 r I , , M a. H It C r lotion n tax duo-by B. Frank Brit+ain which appaarerl on the hack tax rocords ns a charge agar.nst loU ~ resent: 9ddlson Howlett r~hair•man, Geo. d. Trrs,~,, Jai..., ,I .l, i i block F Ardmore for.. the years 1932 .and 1y33 vrhioh said n©rsunal tar. vrar se crated and released es Caunt•~ ,?ttoi•no 1,larsc}en Bell . p v Y ~ a c}-,arge -against he tool est€.ta `bv tho Eanrd t4arch 11th 19 5 was referred to the Count • tlttornay ' , . 3_ , y ; . , h .u o: meetirr r of December 16th, 19I~, vrrra rar(r] told apl~r•n°r(~d ar, rF,cardod, for investigation and opinion. T a minutPr b + r ants in:;trnctt3cl to full nut the. forms ; ~ a 11 , or ~ha Cla, k b G do r~f Botot a ea a r a a ar rs. sky red to sk the r _ o d n 'ar•. , t her.. Avenu r s C rlo ,oil b. ' pp o ..rl Kerr .ub ]ivision on thH Castle HaJrro P t. nn ai I1r, Tra.,l., estop( hard surfaced to rovide much needed i ravements r"or the reside a rye t • vmors us ir.- the furnished h~ + Ca , ?ndtr~strial Go;vnssian to anabla the, County to 1•eaome x :~_+lf-ins,iror P mP rltti ndprc~ r y a 6 J the ]tor~h r(lyna road, Thnt bean a State Hi hrtJt roblem Pars, Notevsk~• was advised to lrava the residents and Guider the '~Jorkm 's Compensation Art., and the Chairman ;vas authorized to orecute the soma an boha:If of g g Y p , an i propertyr ormers'nrepare proper petition for he Baards~ a a ~roval and racarnnandatians to the iiigh•,vay the Coon , II , tY A rr~ uest f }Yarrnn fore err ad~2us~aant af' tho ;~1,1~03,1i1 back taxes duo an praporty CammiSSion. q of the hears of ,.A. • :;econdad by ~'r. Trask, i zn. r + ~ ino. vvas tr on motion of P:u . Coleman block 31, .ar ,.ho ,year 1929.. to ])I)5 A Surety Hands for Ytilliam J. 111ntz rand Thomas H, Y,n~hee as Justices of tho Paaca, in the emounts cf referred to the Corriittc~e vrith r?owar to act. ' IE; l 000, Q0 oath _ and James Frankl ~ ~ r ~ , in rordan and Robert PI. I'now e - 5 r , f l:'ilmin~ton and , ~ S, a. ,atl„t lh1CS a r, Harnett townsh G ea ec v r t , h the :,ir T L,~ ~ • anon as a merrbor of the Boar(I cf l~inagars--of Community ip_, r p ti e1J, i r he araar.nts of '1,400.00 each, Al.l of t}re above wit Thames L. µ~na.er submit~a.~ nzs resi},m ! , . . erg ~ ~ t National=Surety G'ar oration as surety the said gmaunt l a • h • ' + unto ,,oirreisszon I , I' v, s 1 v_.nl, Hen f.~xad b she Co . Iuspital; ez~active as_of this data, inasmuch as he exPo-.,ts .o ratu:n to Ilerrpar Iews, Ja., an or shout ; i m ccrfietl , se s and u on motion of P:r. Gardner, secondnd,b and annroved bd the Gorrnty Attarnoy a.s to farm and (,..acut~on, were upon'motion'of ,.r. _ras.., Js.nuary 1st., 191Fj, vrhich was. accepted wath regret , p Y . P ~ lemon xnut.uctions were •ivorl to vrrte Pir.,l,rur`_ar and 1+.r. tIalsey vrho rosignod ss a member of b?` btr,' Colema2l, aCCO tad b~~ tina'iiP.rauS l*atar 1;1r', Ca ~ _ , ~ ; Oth ex tannin :the 3aards' appraciat}:on and thanks for their the chlmingtotl Port Canrlission 1lovemntler 3 ~ P g i „ va ] , r = ' ~ ru!:un itv. , un1 co ~ 1a ,,a, v,.cos rottdpred th1.> I - ~ I i. I. ~I ;j l~ y, ~ , t w ~ we^i1 ~a i ~ f. r R etinr bf Ii*apv>ttber zGt}l, 191~~' 'coat' 1k,e inu9d, }rleatin~ of Jecel~rhe 4 , , , r r.,rd, I~ contirniad• 6; `A bill'for_' 1.1 r ~ r i ~ .ost In ,,uprame Caurt "in the case of Scat , bt.W.I{arnvd.v. Hovrkrd A, Haab ~ ~ , e V. Len Baas©, Alitis ~ Ro ~ y, }t,nr,,c}en E. rfard. C r 1 charged w',tti murdor :n 13runswicir Count en h,mr1 Gaune i, •uMftrtue_son, I). J, I3• rd y d raovrid tD bhis Ca , ~ )Jnltch. salter StokJ.., ~ k unto , ar trial; vrrxs a ra 9Y, O.1r.Hyatt. R.P,f.Dunc an,Jl. Jno.Hell t payment h91d n a,e,rt(neo to t,irv I3ruasvvicY ~ountt o, PP v9d end ~ r rd. L.P C i ~ r ,t.intl:, ~ ~ I'P~rtrutit,, to ,rte tho sn p.d,~hvpe . gmp~uel... veo,"1.Harr s b , 1 rlo. I C is . Ra,~ S.'L~ncler.. J:i~r'+'u+.,rh. Taex. ue11s. ,K9.nl,• R.Ir ^ ' report a~ JQ s ! ,Drry, Clyde u, VrDSantt. t,}.H Tra don; Tal};er Hospital for iio~rvmher eras. roceived atici ~ i it9d :,,L,Robinsnr.. F,L:Chadrriclr. L , r .A..,~irsh,}u. n. t; . F3rre?1. iJ.C,Hrnd.e•. } ..,J.Drimon. hnvid 1{. }fawers. Irr, G. J L,}i,tsarsh,)urn,Jr, G,L.}?r;rrelson. , f :aplllichtions' for .llc9nses to roll beer at loca,t -1f.S,1•lowers: ions at Four. tlala ,ost an t} c~ ' x.J,wvorett, J.Elwo , J.':,,Everett. od u, , attrance , traot }rfaf£' • tr 1 I 19 ,,cotta •1 how, L , ltt .il_Ft.9, ubrtitte~ bt }l~..l rcad c.nd .1,.101, rs. ' E d J Ii.:.. anon and A . , ..tau? t3 ' ~ 1 oar res •t, samo b~in~ in due form a r ; 9n ~yvP tt n 1 D,c9cl.t:on and anddb5crd by + ~ P , the: mhe m9vting .then atl~attrnad. ~lio ho •iif,,trera tt, u•u~rvd. }1 j Areiiest o ~ . q f _t.1r. J. W, ; RvavP,s . or tort@otion of arse ss~ivnt c c Glvr - on 1)1.t1 ac, r:r, of land, ptlrc};a;od ~l 1`. havis }3rnthera, Fedara.l Point tovntchi es shovrn b ~ ' Crc ''lt„r ~ P, v rfcont survey, herotofor m _ v their od as 1Cr` a ss and 1'j) acres. e.d,j, }'itrriss, inakinl; a tLtal of ?.G1 a r r „ ~ , ~ eras 1 c. @.>, wa,, r~)ceivvd for ~ .iriv.,s t~:.a, -6 icn, , • iPllmin+'twn .'2, C .'rt• nl-+ I J ,07~ mo*,; , _ ' .on, County hills 22os, 1C~2 to 110i„ Y~era a7) rovecl t, , .ularJ• ~tl., 1J.1r. j f .I' or paymant, , - rf r . The meeting then adiournAd. T)la reLv1A~ r,~aE.l!,t mbcitlnl, of hhv :'Darr', rr,4 h"ld A+; it;;tJ1^, '..:2. )1 ill : /l.` nrrgP71',, ~-,'Ti50n llr3tvlctt Chrtrrnr~n, Cifn. rf, Trr!S1~ r +t , _ C arl~. - - Win, , Nn.ll, ' I~.,}.Cnlol~lrtn and r;o;lnty t.ti:ornti~. "arsraPY !3allam~. • , T};c: mlrlutes of "eLOrnber jCJi-n, 17} h ,mere re'w,~J fc• : ,P r , t .1~1 stpprol,„d a.; r eDDrrlad, ~ ,lilmiltEton, 2I. C. Uec+t,*:hvr jp, l~(lh, ! @ pettaaotl hearlne `,21f1 signnturr?.i af_`f rPS1r!•;at& pf '.r,» r,.: r lkvf.nar,, ',ir,l» ,ear To„~is}r1p, rerlue-tl1 • G that a dead anti raal or: ~.id tiV'7ni1~g he hArd surfacr~rl f •r, ~ , The re6.1a 1~:r weel:l motiin • of the ~ 1 n a D lr e Y 6 lk)ard .vat :1x14 at ~O:GO A, 1.i. P } .v I,err ArDnac ronnncts th? CP StJ 0 ?iaytle rand ~;0 thr?, Ora;lBrt t of ;2erlr r 11a, „ . 'rA s ,n,. ! ,t . 5 a,,h, t .~r. rwula,. cf ,~r. TrtisL, ,;ecane}ad b~; Pr9sen a' • r L , :r, Coloma.il a') rave iin(1 rf~^EIr n ~ i' . , is ..ddl„on ,It,,vlett Chalrmall ~ m . P r d tzl t},u ,)trite hlrnv r; } ubli^,11 ; 90. }T, _rnsk, Ins, };I. 'IlEill, L.J.Co19r~in and Ccun At~o ~ ~ D. ,.a ,o.L,~l„na.D.l, t~larsd9n 13vllarty. tS' raa u ~ p rl~l~a~st of }ar, 'r ictor Ster'ar.o " ~ • , . .or nrr~r,..;,.~,r. .u,sohe,julrs se';@nty rc.•;ab?kll •ortr~s far th;: j y L I m Y i`ir, •l;on p>';eb i~ ~ t, p.. .rl(i minutes of moc~in~ of Uecvmbor P rd F ~ 1 ..L..:, ell la ~ .,,,'an .`'tr.7ium this ,PaSr~n }vas ~i~~an mD+,:Dn i' ~ b 3 19~~u, wer3 r:~a,;l rtilcl a~) rovitd A , o }.r. ,c lateen, secondaa ~ P s retarded. ))y 2,^, Tr r,s?;, ~rar;ted. I tJpan motion, the V9t.arens of "o I re1Gn }lava Y+vr9 ~rr~ntad th9 use of six.:soP,tions T' . ~1 bleacher seats to provide additional seats i of Le I.an "tli,!iara on motion ~)f' 1':r, Cola>T,cn ;t3contJed ,1,, 1, }r .tan, ~ rDrlet-icks j lip uePn 4 trrint I ' , T, 2a - ~ , '.r, ~ ,,Trk} } nr• P t 1 •C , and n the t,ap9 .'9ar hrmor'~ f. or Golden. t~ ~ 1013.;, ,.a. ' lrjth, t}lrallr}l 1118 18tH ,Vd.,v JanU)3r,7- Jd:;~e :-r •~,nt lil.;ll,.."t5r Yf}ill? CD).tl~• s 1~ H;;-, Vri?rrS t~ ~'1'}nr + a.~, n , r a , d v t r ,r 1~,,. 2 .G ,.rP t1D,.,rv, }pma t}*i rt=.C~1!U"irlnuatlJr! ~ ~ , samo to bo returnediu good r.undition. , i ~ c, .hD :,tap , Df 1 ,.Jli '.Ielfnre, Paym9rit a1' ~IJ10.OU tu, Colt}rebus Insu eat r ion Ca. r >n env . + o r t f 1 6 , a tor.. , P r,i in t he old c ~ x perbid P=iay 18tH, 191~f) ..and.. 1 ,35 pP E ,aunt bolos.,,. aU }'r, Glelul 'iliclcer ar:rl delo citlaTt re ar~r>n~+t?•1 ° n r r; ' 3 for +9~ sash cords installed at .l~'i~ ranch Dn ins G 1' J, )li?la-,;Gar.l': Cnrunit+t,,, tt} raisd fu:tds 3'or the WDrk and'.a rUVai oE' t peCtiDn Of the • '1Rr',r15e -0f ''nt)rDlvinn ~1a ~a•• r, f rS+',;•, f,~, z ~ tt PP ~ lrir. Coleman, was; upon motion of l:fr. Colrr:lfin sAe } } dl lr. ~,t7 to ,l_~1..natr~ t.r.,a . ~.,<)d.~n~; ca:lcl?,,;.ons a„ t.n.ra~_na floaclt, which , ,1 , ond9u by t,ir b th , Tra3k, attPPCY~d ~.TM ~ 1 „ . n ! pi„ + s•, r r n f ;r, ~ ~ Y e oard, t.,, es~t.,ri~ac, to cost ~J,:,J„u,(,t, :rl~,:; ~~~,~a{)u.~r, ut r,r.I1dA ap•)er:red to asx t}~nt`;he Crtitt' niel them • .t 1 Dy irirlh;nlI1~ tt1U1 tluepentri,, r;9rlCkp ditch to i,a}'H ~hF ;'1f1;ar "rDl.l "L}i8 tDrLi1'1t13 a!' ltS nrU OSed dr8:~ i * r p inaga Ana l c -,,,;~f..,, . 5, a . tD '.h.. (~llha J'Sar :11'Jr7r. flp h a.t, a,, "'rt t' ~ 2 pp 1 a.iou ,.or liaensa to sell beor at Vjlttter , n a,>_~r: of , as. seDC;nr}acl b~• i..r, , • Parl:, auhloitt9d by ~t.}f.Kin and A"t ,.alerlan, :,}la 3aard.a rand 6 .1, Trask, partneri:, +r` „a-: .I ~ rl...,«t-its su., n,t to a r. ~,n , r- - r + , the sD.~e ben in cue , brrl and exErr n 1 in , r.r.~lnn G t, : , R , 6 utlon, and endorsP,d bt th9 ;,heriff wPS a on motion pf ttir, flri ~ 1, e ax~er.d_c. .~s lat,ai aut.IaritvT, and that ed,Cart J8 . ; secardod b hit; "ol.erutn rant p 11, ma~!~ ~o s~oure to is?.rrtive nuthor't~r ; r„~ ~ rv r , Y g ed, L; ~ to 11o1v the expendltilrD of . .du A a. dra,.nal,r; rurposr5. ; ' 1 Ij . 11nOn I1DulOri Of ~ " n-T , T ..r?- a-1 t ;hd followin reaalut.on was ~.1•tan r~otl n f ~ -r, .,alvratr. sc,,v...~ld bJ 1+,. , _rE=.,, _.,,aE1 TJD~ a a, r _ g - t o o ,1r._ arask, ;seconrlod ht• I••, Calal~a.n adu tPrl at t ~ , r _ ri,..n7 t,,od ylln, purcha~o of nelevssar roller A }te shillttes >for the ';e~*istPr of Deeds off iaa. Y request-of District fiolicitor, Clifton L. }riaoro: „ ~ r1>a,~on c: ld~~, Coletutn sent,},~r, b.r }.n~1 a,rth r ~ ~ QIGRLA.,, ..there 0.re such a lar6o aacinnuJ.atian of crlnl~;lal castes on th9 doo'•e " ~ a. 1 ~t °lr~~ll t,) xr.~tr1..~ . luorG.,aent 11 hvin II i. t o. uhe ,>ureriar , ~ , Cut , t a r of N9w Han 9 ln't?la c,~lcr~a ,,t, „-r ' i~e,n-~,. t„,- + i OV T Count for trial ' an Da ne t.9 ...,ter Uf C.,.,r.4 ,.h. t,.. , <<1' ''G',' i, u' 's r ~ , J d _ _ r ru- . k t}:e, .,f.leta -.rli~r•r nl,ogerl - i:c 're )Incq thD , rr;5ent ina~i, u~it;D `~•r VVHERF,AS, a lc,rga numb©r o.f rlsoners are now confined 'n t c 1 p lt.h 1. P 1 ,he .ar.~~lor. prison of the (,'otint;~ o r, g r "few }Ianover awaitin, trial of crimialal taros, and I j. , I}iPR1JAu, as the next ro ular.t9 r' r ~ r ~ I~ eDnt -D' a r9sGl~tt;,_Dn ~,'n„ rFrr•,lv',,1 ~ r,1' ;2 e `Di: ~,lr ,.-`t • ~ n , • + • g rm of tho „uparfor Cou. t for the Coiuity o~ .iaw r,nrlDVnr .or th© . t nr,. . 1 t, r,a ,E, eri n,l Z„n,.c Jt,n.~.)1 Cc.11,,1,D , al trial of criminal carer>, fallowin the Juliuar torte trill riot canva 1~ t c}i,ry far lr~ni:ai: • ~ , 1• n s r~,crived ttnt' ,1rrl. ' G y , ne uutll }.ta,, 12t,1, 1, G, , and that from his date there hill b9'a larJ;a numver of'additianal cnsr,s dot}:3tvd far triril fn thN 51, ariDr 7 S UD trt Of S,.1d Cotlnt 011 t} D. Y: P.5 rr)CD 'Jr;'' ~'t.e '"A ,1 q.+ ri !.1 ~.F ,'I, C ~ 1 - ,k i Q r,c„ . ,,,,.1 c,~ar n ll,.,n ,,.nt, ,p;,,~, _.._J ,rut; cal.RCtct,, ,ct .he to crlmll~lo.l cal9,lder, and ~ - i- b U r. U Y i tr j r t •r , „ } o „ n L_. n ~t. .-:3 C' n 5-, r. a 1 ~ t 31FiERk,A,>,-it is t.lv lutanl.naaa-o ininn of the ,1 ~ , ,,,,2 ) .ar thrl ~c,,,.t, m,rv.~n. a tatr,,t of ,t,. Cc~~.Pt. r.a~.lr.r,uari i1,,ilir.,: t}1D I: tr p oea d of Countti Gartr.lssianers a~ Leer ,.anaver ~oant ~ (3 t, an : of .lnnemaar, ~ that at leaat a one ivev}: sgpcial criminal-torm is noc9ssar to d;u)os r' ~ na 5~' ihe'docat • Y 1 a o, tae s.., nol o,, I. far trial lri P2etY }ianovor C !,1pD12 IiOtiG ) t,, r c ,.,,t,rt„, t5,. T , tr i 1 , . , aunty . n c f , .rl1,,1•,, sat,..., r. i . , ,t, 11, tt.c .,Dal t. ~ ,et} ~D I c.qu...,i our r eprosentE<tlves 1.1 t}-G A~.~ ~ lrt t + t 5 i rr t , t r , ~f fir. IT T}iI,REI'{bRE RL5()L11,D that :the Uoard al' Count Carulissionors df lievr HRrlover:Gor,n~r n +.urr ,a ,uppor. a utFo-l,lr., ~ti,t ~}:a. Drld n.ut.~J_,, ,,ae ,rr~c o, ilreworl.s, , Y i; unanilnoizsly request-his Excellency, R, Gregg C}lorry", Governor bf the StatD of tlarth Carvlitir., to ii order a s 9alal to ~f t ~ , . , Dan .,r~ t,ln , p _ rrl he Snp9r.,or (,Dart, vritnoui, a },rend aunt, far thn ttlaJ. of crlmitll,l cases ,n cf , r. Co,erlal. ~1 ` ' ~ , snt'~,lt'.r;rl 't" .S, l;itll, }3aV~sr.r" 1. ~'1'"G, l X+ tvalarilal rlllat~tl, WaS • J , OIiI t0 ConVCnfl 9 tat , , •raa+ ( E1 } f' r » a; 1 } 5 ,i i i ? r : i' i , , ! ~ y, n t~oni ,T, labruar,{ 17th, 1917, and,to tont,.nue for-one wave.. L 92 n e.ba~gmen, o. ta..tu o., ,rilua,~on of ,,~76>CG enc. ~.,CO tax c,n tale 1Gr•, _r•. 1H y9at , ~ I~ , t 1C , _ s 3 Be It furth9r resol rote' that t} D r, 1 • hereb ~ _)1,(~ :Ant ~ , , , , , . . +L 3 '~r=; y .n h r~` v c lsly 4 d a 1 r, to CI rk of {,he 3oard of County Carlmis~.oners bv, and .1~ is ) 1 , Drat a~ c,cthlE llstl:l~,, ..11r, ...a1r L<l.,n~; e_n I.ra a i . lxs e nn included on t,le real. i directed to furnish a co of this>res it' a t fl r r eatAte 1' I~ PY oft eon to th Governor- of tho-Ste ~o a_ ,ortn vai alit.(. 1st. i i n _ ~ r Pn a , ,..,z fir} l°~ n The followln ood and lawful... Pl v » " ha ...Drt " ~ , , g g m t vane dratvri to „9rvv as Juroru an the „u,,Dr,:or-Court for ~ oA th5 ac~.~.ter;., Di the color9n :.o,.,t. .v,)...,,~r~,,.o.. Al;ent for 17ecvlnllu7° 1^•as rr)cvlved art:l 1 j:. trial Of Crllnill&1 CaSe6 far th9 0 @ Yr a r )rzJ?t8nt • q ~ ; ~ ~ + 'I , ~ ~ U` l: L P , ~ + ~ t n e k term lat,ltlll,.n' 1+lOnda , Janllnr 13tH, 1y117. 1 Of ,IU.,C art.C1CS USed _n dF.FAnstra~lDflS 1Or8 UPrT1 marl0n r . r. pl.rlnn, ~,8CD.1dPd ` j. b Y Y It I Driz c , , ~ is 1'{.E.Roche'le. GV.P.}iolmeM. 3.L.Go1@v. ~f:}d.ldilliken~ Jas.L,r;in F,H.Fftrkor. , 6 Jna.L,Irinrshburn. C.` Id, 1Cing. Jaa.J.Darbv,- VI,U.}dvwl:irl:, 2lathan }i, Jacohi.~4R,Godloy, "~}~r: m9n~;i.n thyn. ad our e P n d. J ~ Jno; ti'{. ;E~11vrs, Jessie '3, ?'nlbot, lIorbert R.~ Lntir}er.V{.F.Corbvtt 1r.1 ,Vtaad Jr, J.I.Crecvs. ' 4 , J ,G } iz? Vesta • t`Pa a * r,, .r,. t J,'i,Reaves; , . . { g I L. 11 cd. Geo. ijost, Gao.lt..arrovr. ,,,rgen .iaar, ~ ~ aer};. ' R.F~.Butler. L,J.I3rid•es. iIal,Philli)e. 4f,A,Crete,~.u. 1)an G. C7~11a11an, Ja':Jones, j .i r~ L 1 ' C.I7Pnrk9r, G.F.Justic@, T.K,L ch: G.L.23unc}l, E.T,2}u 'ins,. Jno. Tingat , ~ , Yn G6 G9a, G« Lett'iS, Cl tdB E. ;3ock. L `'USa. J,}ium hrb~'~, ,I t 'ri"t,t r .rA.I?tiriry r7t}1 'l• ~ ,L.lioss. Geo..t P c., , .:j-i, ~ Abrillrt Soloman. 5 C,I).T}tompson," VJ,F.Saunders. Limor9 T. }Iinnant. }_.D.9ordenux, 1~.I.;"iard. u•R.Davls. ! ton, r,: s ! h, A . a, tr + "Dail r,}Yething 71:`1;1 t. ,tl),t_'i,,~', ,u, .,"aka r 7arae y1;1 ' C=1- ~21PJ ~'(i r1Cu ,rc q ...H,Hin9s, +k•. .f,ti'1.Vlatkins, Jessie F. PridLen, b,.trrvnce Cuiuon,.,.H.Ev9rvt., ~ •r~; l.i.~ i, • , C.F.Settvr,Jr, J.C,Pi~ott. ?;.?}.Pa.drickr Jr. R.'+'t.Calltl-rell. ,7,}.nobarts. R. A. ?Selland. , T...,..' r.. c~ k• ..t.tt , t k, ~1'F. 1.. tt P 0 ~ ~ar118 93 prae { t ' , ,~k , k;e.., 1.. Il.,.u~ u'. 3 I. v, Go G,:"c..!A.ni} . etsr 23rook, kiahard Sissotl, yam 3er vr. J.T.liardason, V1r;1. a. rsatler, ,..L• ~ B , ,nt; ,.red?.son rle,tlet+ ,hF!lr,<<_r:, ~ . ~ a b 4 Count•• Aa;+ ~ i ~ ~rna;T }'rlrsdvn ~],~l:.nrl~=, ~ The followi.'1 ~ ood and lawful meta wer9 drawn to serve as u•ors in the Su (riot Corlrt .°or the t',rial 6g ) P , i ' of clvi.. cases-'for tn9 two we_,k~ tenet boglmllnb I~onda~r, Pet)rl.ary ,rcl, 1g1~7. h,. minl~eu of ~nF~.,xr,rt .TEUiuttr~• /;±.ht ltt.;; , k.c.e r5f~n ~ -.1)provecl as rDCr,rar.fl, „ I t r1,1").llarl'13, }leA.ijUCtC• `r •t 'at}'odi:,t TJt211rr'P. tr`1" , CIt',,a{i F;n abet rt f_ ' DeL.}?ettit, IY,D.Hill. M, Jon Cason... it r n 1 parSft...• -p ,p t , liar , . E, 8IA0. , rClt;lDn of '-ir, Tr1i51. r•C()Ilt.ed J, }r, enter }tBSle,nl' 1 F ~ ; S t,.T.rarrOw. e 1~ , , t.,t. T Dnx ante ~if~~tJ Un 0 7Ii srt ~ aUil.din" . C:S,Strou t..C.3al doatix. Sam Jol.es. .R.L. to r + t , ± in .)~~t.. ra, _r - . at1 b f' I ~~1~~, 4r t 1 A,A,HDI!hs, 1 .aXE+a an a ~r°:,aa°t10,1 Of ,~j7G«tJ ...:711 .t. t r ~ T.F.Pifitchell. , T r Q.L.F,ardeau~, C.D.ikfa..fitt. C.I,.Kerr. 1,.i..farin9. 4 1 eftrsali, used exciias ivelY~ r,a n arsona rr, and }}le s.2lae ardererl 't?.acer2 art t21! tax-J'I cn ' ~:=`c, ~ L.L,IIri h~. N..ri,P . n ~ , Geor a Carlton. 'rJdvrK.'r°Iilliams. S.G.Adams. ~.G.Gt,,~ton. 6 , n. •ai"ord, ; g R,t,,,,nftah I'1- t a m -1 r L F :'utdrr3la:,. .A.4T,Robbins. r, ~ ,x, 4 .C,I} r l S, ,G, Or ~ r: t l,v „,t'. lrr~sk, wPla -1(`t~nS. e,• 1, a lk , 58 v}i@ G®0 a r•S Iw,.atilar, }],{wI)DJuon, a r ' • r t }lobbs,J7: C.R,Dsn, p , matin7l Gf r, Gardner, se~D..r.Pd ~ - , } .J, , Q C Johnsen. Odal 13r1d~9rs. 'C.II.Sandvrs. , J R Bo:deaux. . . - , „ c .r r'ry•; to *}ic hi,}tnsu ?;elder, nn nn a;lu(lnl bPS1S, . ~ u 1 ady anc~-.,sion., a~ La on Stad.irurl_ a. lv~~ ~ D.h.}3arnett. . ,.k,~nn + ~ gl f ~ ' 1 V1.C,Paarco. G.}J,lYhavlor, J,L.I{noa. Fran}. MalpasG.- ~ ,'ttaln,~lr, i. - ~ , . , rLC;GDdl9". ,P,,..d.1 , I.: u , e r J „Blanton, «P.1f1 ` ; r J,iri9.~'}C was sr+nt ,1,}3.Shrtu, ...C,~.orrls. bG • • I statem~Itt vra~ n' d from the .."tFtte '?orAr~l of ??urilia .'tF~llr~rr- n i • .r.=- tnnt >lt ' ter ' 'r ~ ,q,}1,Yonp~ u reC. xVe r c ?:iau lic.race .dual. , , 1111st1« ] A 1 ~ Gl:zldran uncl 1'or ndl^.:uiiutrEition }'ar the ; ' _.K,Jaekson, I~,t.,,,olf9. },H.. .ltllnn. I . t. ta' tha<s n . ,.,ls~,r'.nca, aid to Sep ~Itt a,,. :t h CDUnt, far Cld e .i"•' ,,iartlrt ,,wart, L GHerfin ~,H.~}i n. G.D.Cu_tis. E,t:.3e11.- >•,.Vt.~.e. L, g P. r LL,, ~ moo+,h a!' Decemi~tl;°. rte Y q r r G,~tlr lea Ol{, V,m.1'avrler, I),VJ.~fint~: d,ld.}}cbb~« I).T.B. aw, },.4`,.}Iaskett, Il l1 r fl } Ca;ihitCuG j'07 liGCPFI},r?I liEtr> T'flCP.1VPr1 3rld 11.~~?C:. ~I apart a. t}lt? Laules }.cst .lacm . i { +i a the nrlaunt nn d=.a~o,• ~t al e+te} br~lik ns ` ~ ccrurunicntio:, rtes retE~lvad frGr'. the r,DUn ~ J f.tl ~or r oYt G t = ° . i ,T . ~ti , u