1947 Meeting Minutes t w ~ we^i1 ~a i ~ f. r R etinr bf Ii*apv>ttber zGt}l, 191~~' 'coat' 1k,e inu9d, }rleatin~ of Jecel~rhe 4 , , , r r.,rd, I~ contirniad• 6; `A bill'for_' 1.1 r ~ r i ~ .ost In ,,uprame Caurt "in the case of Scat , bt.W.I{arnvd.v. Hovrkrd A, Haab ~ ~ , e V. Len Baas©, Alitis ~ Ro ~ y, }t,nr,,c}en E. rfard. C r 1 charged w',tti murdor :n 13runswicir Count en h,mr1 Gaune i, •uMftrtue_son, I). J, I3• rd y d raovrid tD bhis Ca , ~ )Jnltch. salter StokJ.., ~ k unto , ar trial; vrrxs a ra 9Y, O.1r.Hyatt. R.P,f.Dunc an,Jl. Jno.Hell t payment h91d n a,e,rt(neo to t,irv I3ruasvvicY ~ountt o, PP v9d end ~ r rd. L.P C i ~ r ,t.intl:, ~ ~ I'P~rtrutit,, to ,rte tho sn p.d,~hvpe . gmp~uel... veo,"1.Harr s b , 1 rlo. I C is . Ra,~ S.'L~ncler.. J:i~r'+'u+.,rh. Taex. ue11s. ,K9.nl,• R.Ir ^ ' report a~ JQ s ! ,Drry, Clyde u, VrDSantt. t,}.H Tra don; Tal};er Hospital for iio~rvmher eras. roceived atici ~ i it9d :,,L,Robinsnr.. F,L:Chadrriclr. L , r .A..,~irsh,}u. n. t; . F3rre?1. iJ.C,Hrnd.e•. } ..,J.Drimon. hnvid 1{. }fawers. Irr, G. J L,}i,tsarsh,)urn,Jr, G,L.}?r;rrelson. , f :aplllichtions' for .llc9nses to roll beer at loca,t -1f.S,1•lowers: ions at Four. tlala ,ost an t} c~ ' x.J,wvorett, J.Elwo , J.':,,Everett. od u, , attrance , traot }rfaf£' • tr 1 I 19 ,,cotta •1 how, L , ltt .il_Ft.9, ubrtitte~ bt }l~..l rcad c.nd .1,.101, rs. ' E d J Ii.:.. anon and A . , ..tau? t3 ' ~ 1 oar res •t, samo b~in~ in due form a r ; 9n ~yvP tt n 1 D,c9cl.t:on and anddb5crd by + ~ P , the: mhe m9vting .then atl~attrnad. ~lio ho •iif,,trera tt, u•u~rvd. }1 j Areiiest o ~ . q f _t.1r. J. W, ; RvavP,s . or tort@otion of arse ss~ivnt c c Glvr - on 1)1.t1 ac, r:r, of land, ptlrc};a;od ~l 1`. havis }3rnthera, Fedara.l Point tovntchi es shovrn b ~ ' Crc ''lt„r ~ P, v rfcont survey, herotofor m _ v their od as 1Cr` a ss and 1'j) acres. e.d,j, }'itrriss, inakinl; a tLtal of ?.G1 a r r „ ~ , ~ eras 1 c. @.>, wa,, r~)ceivvd for ~ .iriv.,s t~:.a, -6 icn, , • iPllmin+'twn .'2, C .'rt• nl-+ I J ,07~ mo*,; , _ ' .on, County hills 22os, 1C~2 to 110i„ Y~era a7) rovecl t, , .ularJ• ~tl., 1J.1r. j f .I' or paymant, , - rf r . The meeting then adiournAd. T)la reLv1A~ r,~aE.l!,t mbcitlnl, of hhv :'Darr', rr,4 h"ld A+; it;;tJ1^, '..:2. )1 ill : /l.` nrrgP71',, ~-,'Ti50n llr3tvlctt Chrtrrnr~n, Cifn. rf, Trr!S1~ r +t , _ C arl~. - - Win, , Nn.ll, ' I~.,}.Cnlol~lrtn and r;o;lnty t.ti:ornti~. "arsraPY !3allam~. • , T};c: mlrlutes of "eLOrnber jCJi-n, 17} h ,mere re'w,~J fc• : ,P r , t .1~1 stpprol,„d a.; r eDDrrlad, ~ ,lilmiltEton, 2I. C. Uec+t,*:hvr jp, l~(lh, ! @ pettaaotl hearlne `,21f1 signnturr?.i af_`f rPS1r!•;at& pf '.r,» r,.: r lkvf.nar,, ',ir,l» ,ear To„~is}r1p, rerlue-tl1 • G that a dead anti raal or: ~.id tiV'7ni1~g he hArd surfacr~rl f •r, ~ , The re6.1a 1~:r weel:l motiin • of the ~ 1 n a D lr e Y 6 lk)ard .vat :1x14 at ~O:GO A, 1.i. P } .v I,err ArDnac ronnncts th? CP StJ 0 ?iaytle rand ~;0 thr?, Ora;lBrt t of ;2erlr r 11a, „ . 'rA s ,n,. ! ,t . 5 a,,h, t .~r. rwula,. cf ,~r. TrtisL, ,;ecane}ad b~; Pr9sen a' • r L , :r, Coloma.il a') rave iin(1 rf~^EIr n ~ i' . , is ..ddl„on ,It,,vlett Chalrmall ~ m . P r d tzl t},u ,)trite hlrnv r; } ubli^,11 ; 90. }T, _rnsk, Ins, };I. 'IlEill, L.J.Co19r~in and Ccun At~o ~ ~ D. ,.a ,o.L,~l„na.D.l, t~larsd9n 13vllarty. tS' raa u ~ p rl~l~a~st of }ar, 'r ictor Ster'ar.o " ~ • , . .or nrr~r,..;,.~,r. .u,sohe,julrs se';@nty rc.•;ab?kll •ortr~s far th;: j y L I m Y i`ir, •l;on p>';eb i~ ~ t, p.. .rl(i minutes of moc~in~ of Uecvmbor P rd F ~ 1 ..L..:, ell la ~ .,,,'an .`'tr.7ium this ,PaSr~n }vas ~i~~an mD+,:Dn i' ~ b 3 19~~u, wer3 r:~a,;l rtilcl a~) rovitd A , o }.r. ,c lateen, secondaa ~ P s retarded. ))y 2,^, Tr r,s?;, ~rar;ted. I tJpan motion, the V9t.arens of "o I re1Gn }lava Y+vr9 ~rr~ntad th9 use of six.:soP,tions T' . ~1 bleacher seats to provide additional seats i of Le I.an "tli,!iara on motion ~)f' 1':r, Cola>T,cn ;t3contJed ,1,, 1, }r .tan, ~ rDrlet-icks j lip uePn 4 trrint I ' , T, 2a - ~ , '.r, ~ ,,Trk} } nr• P t 1 •C , and n the t,ap9 .'9ar hrmor'~ f. or Golden. t~ ~ 1013.;, ,.a. ' lrjth, t}lrallr}l 1118 18tH ,Vd.,v JanU)3r,7- Jd:;~e :-r •~,nt lil.;ll,.."t5r Yf}ill? CD).tl~• s 1~ H;;-, Vri?rrS t~ ~'1'}nr + a.~, n , r a , d v t r ,r 1~,,. 2 .G ,.rP t1D,.,rv, }pma t}*i rt=.C~1!U"irlnuatlJr! ~ ~ , samo to bo returnediu good r.undition. , i ~ c, .hD :,tap , Df 1 ,.Jli '.Ielfnre, Paym9rit a1' ~IJ10.OU tu, Colt}rebus Insu eat r ion Ca. r >n env . + o r t f 1 6 , a tor.. , P r,i in t he old c ~ x perbid P=iay 18tH, 191~f) ..and.. 1 ,35 pP E ,aunt bolos.,,. aU }'r, Glelul 'iliclcer ar:rl delo citlaTt re ar~r>n~+t?•1 ° n r r; ' 3 for +9~ sash cords installed at .l~'i~ ranch Dn ins G 1' J, )li?la-,;Gar.l': Cnrunit+t,,, tt} raisd fu:tds 3'or the WDrk and'.a rUVai oE' t peCtiDn Of the • '1Rr',r15e -0f ''nt)rDlvinn ~1a ~a•• r, f rS+',;•, f,~, z ~ tt PP ~ lrir. Coleman, was; upon motion of l:fr. Colrr:lfin sAe } } dl lr. ~,t7 to ,l_~1..natr~ t.r.,a . ~.,<)d.~n~; ca:lcl?,,;.ons a„ t.n.ra~_na floaclt, which , ,1 , ond9u by t,ir b th , Tra3k, attPPCY~d ~.TM ~ 1 „ . n ! pi„ + s•, r r n f ;r, ~ ~ Y e oard, t.,, es~t.,ri~ac, to cost ~J,:,J„u,(,t, :rl~,:; ~~~,~a{)u.~r, ut r,r.I1dA ap•)er:red to asx t}~nt`;he Crtitt' niel them • .t 1 Dy irirlh;nlI1~ tt1U1 tluepentri,, r;9rlCkp ditch to i,a}'H ~hF ;'1f1;ar "rDl.l "L}i8 tDrLi1'1t13 a!' ltS nrU OSed dr8:~ i * r p inaga Ana l c -,,,;~f..,, . 5, a . tD '.h.. (~llha J'Sar :11'Jr7r. flp h a.t, a,, "'rt t' ~ 2 pp 1 a.iou ,.or liaensa to sell beor at Vjlttter , n a,>_~r: of , as. seDC;nr}acl b~• i..r, , • Parl:, auhloitt9d by ~t.}f.Kin and A"t ,.alerlan, :,}la 3aard.a rand 6 .1, Trask, partneri:, +r` „a-: .I ~ rl...,«t-its su., n,t to a r. ~,n , r- - r + , the sD.~e ben in cue , brrl and exErr n 1 in , r.r.~lnn G t, : , R , 6 utlon, and endorsP,d bt th9 ;,heriff wPS a on motion pf ttir, flri ~ 1, e ax~er.d_c. .~s lat,ai aut.IaritvT, and that ed,Cart J8 . ; secardod b hit; "ol.erutn rant p 11, ma~!~ ~o s~oure to is?.rrtive nuthor't~r ; r„~ ~ rv r , Y g ed, L; ~ to 11o1v the expendltilrD of . .du A a. dra,.nal,r; rurposr5. ; ' 1 Ij . 11nOn I1DulOri Of ~ " n-T , T ..r?- a-1 t ;hd followin reaalut.on was ~.1•tan r~otl n f ~ -r, .,alvratr. sc,,v...~ld bJ 1+,. , _rE=.,, _.,,aE1 TJD~ a a, r _ g - t o o ,1r._ arask, ;seconrlod ht• I••, Calal~a.n adu tPrl at t ~ , r _ ri,..n7 t,,od ylln, purcha~o of nelevssar roller A }te shillttes >for the ';e~*istPr of Deeds off iaa. Y request-of District fiolicitor, Clifton L. }riaoro: „ ~ r1>a,~on c: ld~~, Coletutn sent,},~r, b.r }.n~1 a,rth r ~ ~ QIGRLA.,, ..there 0.re such a lar6o aacinnuJ.atian of crlnl~;lal castes on th9 doo'•e " ~ a. 1 ~t °lr~~ll t,) xr.~tr1..~ . luorG.,aent 11 hvin II i. t o. uhe ,>ureriar , ~ , Cut , t a r of N9w Han 9 ln't?la c,~lcr~a ,,t, „-r ' i~e,n-~,. t„,- + i OV T Count for trial ' an Da ne t.9 ...,ter Uf C.,.,r.4 ,.h. t,.. , <<1' ''G',' i, u' 's r ~ , J d _ _ r ru- . k t}:e, .,f.leta -.rli~r•r nl,ogerl - i:c 're )Incq thD , rr;5ent ina~i, u~it;D `~•r VVHERF,AS, a lc,rga numb©r o.f rlsoners are now confined 'n t c 1 p lt.h 1. P 1 ,he .ar.~~lor. prison of the (,'otint;~ o r, g r "few }Ianover awaitin, trial of crimialal taros, and I j. , I}iPR1JAu, as the next ro ular.t9 r' r ~ r ~ I~ eDnt -D' a r9sGl~tt;,_Dn ~,'n„ rFrr•,lv',,1 ~ r,1' ;2 e `Di: ~,lr ,.-`t • ~ n , • + • g rm of tho „uparfor Cou. t for the Coiuity o~ .iaw r,nrlDVnr .or th© . t nr,. . 1 t, r,a ,E, eri n,l Z„n,.c Jt,n.~.)1 Cc.11,,1,D , al trial of criminal carer>, fallowin the Juliuar torte trill riot canva 1~ t c}i,ry far lr~ni:ai: • ~ , 1• n s r~,crived ttnt' ,1rrl. ' G y , ne uutll }.ta,, 12t,1, 1, G, , and that from his date there hill b9'a larJ;a numver of'additianal cnsr,s dot}:3tvd far triril fn thN 51, ariDr 7 S UD trt Of S,.1d Cotlnt 011 t} D. Y: P.5 rr)CD 'Jr;'' ~'t.e '"A ,1 q.+ ri !.1 ~.F ,'I, C ~ 1 - ,k i Q r,c„ . ,,,,.1 c,~ar n ll,.,n ,,.nt, ,p;,,~, _.._J ,rut; cal.RCtct,, ,ct .he to crlmll~lo.l cal9,lder, and ~ - i- b U r. U Y i tr j r t •r , „ } o „ n L_. n ~t. .-:3 C' n 5-, r. a 1 ~ t 31FiERk,A,>,-it is t.lv lutanl.naaa-o ininn of the ,1 ~ , ,,,,2 ) .ar thrl ~c,,,.t, m,rv.~n. a tatr,,t of ,t,. Cc~~.Pt. r.a~.lr.r,uari i1,,ilir.,: t}1D I: tr p oea d of Countti Gartr.lssianers a~ Leer ,.anaver ~oant ~ (3 t, an : of .lnnemaar, ~ that at leaat a one ivev}: sgpcial criminal-torm is noc9ssar to d;u)os r' ~ na 5~' ihe'docat • Y 1 a o, tae s.., nol o,, I. far trial lri P2etY }ianovor C !,1pD12 IiOtiG ) t,, r c ,.,,t,rt„, t5,. T , tr i 1 , . , aunty . n c f , .rl1,,1•,, sat,..., r. i . , ,t, 11, tt.c .,Dal t. ~ ,et} ~D I c.qu...,i our r eprosentE<tlves 1.1 t}-G A~.~ ~ lrt t + t 5 i rr t , t r , ~f fir. IT T}iI,REI'{bRE RL5()L11,D that :the Uoard al' Count Carulissionors df lievr HRrlover:Gor,n~r n +.urr ,a ,uppor. a utFo-l,lr., ~ti,t ~}:a. Drld n.ut.~J_,, ,,ae ,rr~c o, ilreworl.s, , Y i; unanilnoizsly request-his Excellency, R, Gregg C}lorry", Governor bf the StatD of tlarth Carvlitir., to ii order a s 9alal to ~f t ~ , . , Dan .,r~ t,ln , p _ rrl he Snp9r.,or (,Dart, vritnoui, a },rend aunt, far thn ttlaJ. of crlmitll,l cases ,n cf , r. Co,erlal. ~1 ` ' ~ , snt'~,lt'.r;rl 't" .S, l;itll, }3aV~sr.r" 1. ~'1'"G, l X+ tvalarilal rlllat~tl, WaS • J , OIiI t0 ConVCnfl 9 tat , , •raa+ ( E1 } f' r » a; 1 } 5 ,i i i ? r : i' i , , ! ~ y, n t~oni ,T, labruar,{ 17th, 1917, and,to tont,.nue for-one wave.. L 92 n e.ba~gmen, o. ta..tu o., ,rilua,~on of ,,~76>CG enc. ~.,CO tax c,n tale 1Gr•, _r•. 1H y9at , ~ I~ , t 1C , _ s 3 Be It furth9r resol rote' that t} D r, 1 • hereb ~ _)1,(~ :Ant ~ , , , , , . . +L 3 '~r=; y .n h r~` v c lsly 4 d a 1 r, to CI rk of {,he 3oard of County Carlmis~.oners bv, and .1~ is ) 1 , Drat a~ c,cthlE llstl:l~,, ..11r, ...a1r L<l.,n~; e_n I.ra a i . lxs e nn included on t,le real. i directed to furnish a co of this>res it' a t fl r r eatAte 1' I~ PY oft eon to th Governor- of tho-Ste ~o a_ ,ortn vai alit.(. 1st. i i n _ ~ r Pn a , ,..,z fir} l°~ n The followln ood and lawful... Pl v » " ha ...Drt " ~ , , g g m t vane dratvri to „9rvv as Juroru an the „u,,Dr,:or-Court for ~ oA th5 ac~.~.ter;., Di the color9n :.o,.,t. .v,)...,,~r~,,.o.. Al;ent for 17ecvlnllu7° 1^•as rr)cvlved art:l 1 j:. trial Of Crllnill&1 CaSe6 far th9 0 @ Yr a r )rzJ?t8nt • q ~ ; ~ ~ + 'I , ~ ~ U` l: L P , ~ + ~ t n e k term lat,ltlll,.n' 1+lOnda , Janllnr 13tH, 1y117. 1 Of ,IU.,C art.C1CS USed _n dF.FAnstra~lDflS 1Or8 UPrT1 marl0n r . r. pl.rlnn, ~,8CD.1dPd ` j. b Y Y It I Driz c , , ~ is 1'{.E.Roche'le. GV.P.}iolmeM. 3.L.Go1@v. ~f:}d.ldilliken~ Jas.L,r;in F,H.Fftrkor. , 6 Jna.L,Irinrshburn. C.` Id, 1Cing. Jaa.J.Darbv,- VI,U.}dvwl:irl:, 2lathan }i, Jacohi.~4R,Godloy, "~}~r: m9n~;i.n thyn. ad our e P n d. J ~ Jno; ti'{. ;E~11vrs, Jessie '3, ?'nlbot, lIorbert R.~ Lntir}er.V{.F.Corbvtt 1r.1 ,Vtaad Jr, J.I.Crecvs. ' 4 , J ,G } iz? Vesta • t`Pa a * r,, .r,. t J,'i,Reaves; , . . { g I L. 11 cd. Geo. ijost, Gao.lt..arrovr. ,,,rgen .iaar, ~ ~ aer};. ' R.F~.Butler. L,J.I3rid•es. iIal,Philli)e. 4f,A,Crete,~.u. 1)an G. C7~11a11an, Ja':Jones, j .i r~ L 1 ' C.I7Pnrk9r, G.F.Justic@, T.K,L ch: G.L.23unc}l, E.T,2}u 'ins,. Jno. Tingat , ~ , Yn G6 G9a, G« Lett'iS, Cl tdB E. ;3ock. L `'USa. J,}ium hrb~'~, ,I t 'ri"t,t r .rA.I?tiriry r7t}1 'l• ~ ,L.lioss. Geo..t P c., , .:j-i, ~ Abrillrt Soloman. 5 C,I).T}tompson," VJ,F.Saunders. Limor9 T. }Iinnant. }_.D.9ordenux, 1~.I.;"iard. u•R.Davls. ! ton, r,: s ! h, A . a, tr + "Dail r,}Yething 71:`1;1 t. ,tl),t_'i,,~', ,u, .,"aka r 7arae y1;1 ' C=1- ~21PJ ~'(i r1Cu ,rc q ...H,Hin9s, +k•. .f,ti'1.Vlatkins, Jessie F. PridLen, b,.trrvnce Cuiuon,.,.H.Ev9rvt., ~ •r~; l.i.~ i, • , C.F.Settvr,Jr, J.C,Pi~ott. ?;.?}.Pa.drickr Jr. R.'+'t.Calltl-rell. ,7,}.nobarts. R. A. ?Selland. , T...,..' r.. c~ k• ..t.tt , t k, ~1'F. 1.. tt P 0 ~ ~ar118 93 prae { t ' , ,~k , k;e.., 1.. Il.,.u~ u'. 3 I. v, Go G,:"c..!A.ni} . etsr 23rook, kiahard Sissotl, yam 3er vr. J.T.liardason, V1r;1. a. rsatler, ,..L• ~ B , ,nt; ,.red?.son rle,tlet+ ,hF!lr,<<_r:, ~ . ~ a b 4 Count•• Aa;+ ~ i ~ ~rna;T }'rlrsdvn ~],~l:.nrl~=, ~ The followi.'1 ~ ood and lawful meta wer9 drawn to serve as u•ors in the Su (riot Corlrt .°or the t',rial 6g ) P , i ' of clvi.. cases-'for tn9 two we_,k~ tenet boglmllnb I~onda~r, Pet)rl.ary ,rcl, 1g1~7. h,. minl~eu of ~nF~.,xr,rt .TEUiuttr~• /;±.ht ltt.;; , k.c.e r5f~n ~ -.1)provecl as rDCr,rar.fl, „ I t r1,1").llarl'13, }leA.ijUCtC• `r •t 'at}'odi:,t TJt211rr'P. tr`1" , CIt',,a{i F;n abet rt f_ ' DeL.}?ettit, IY,D.Hill. M, Jon Cason... it r n 1 parSft...• -p ,p t , liar , . E, 8IA0. , rClt;lDn of '-ir, Tr1i51. r•C()Ilt.ed J, }r, enter }tBSle,nl' 1 F ~ ; S t,.T.rarrOw. e 1~ , , t.,t. T Dnx ante ~if~~tJ Un 0 7Ii srt ~ aUil.din" . C:S,Strou t..C.3al doatix. Sam Jol.es. .R.L. to r + t , ± in .)~~t.. ra, _r - . at1 b f' I ~~1~~, 4r t 1 A,A,HDI!hs, 1 .aXE+a an a ~r°:,aa°t10,1 Of ,~j7G«tJ ...:711 .t. t r ~ T.F.Pifitchell. , T r Q.L.F,ardeau~, C.D.ikfa..fitt. C.I,.Kerr. 1,.i..farin9. 4 1 eftrsali, used exciias ivelY~ r,a n arsona rr, and }}le s.2lae ardererl 't?.acer2 art t21! tax-J'I cn ' ~:=`c, ~ L.L,IIri h~. N..ri,P . n ~ , Geor a Carlton. 'rJdvrK.'r°Iilliams. S.G.Adams. ~.G.Gt,,~ton. 6 , n. •ai"ord, ; g R,t,,,,nftah I'1- t a m -1 r L F :'utdrr3la:,. .A.4T,Robbins. r, ~ ,x, 4 .C,I} r l S, ,G, Or ~ r: t l,v „,t'. lrr~sk, wPla -1(`t~nS. e,• 1, a lk , 58 v}i@ G®0 a r•S Iw,.atilar, }],{wI)DJuon, a r ' • r t }lobbs,J7: C.R,Dsn, p , matin7l Gf r, Gardner, se~D..r.Pd ~ - , } .J, , Q C Johnsen. Odal 13r1d~9rs. 'C.II.Sandvrs. , J R Bo:deaux. . . - , „ c .r r'ry•; to *}ic hi,}tnsu ?;elder, nn nn a;lu(lnl bPS1S, . ~ u 1 ady anc~-.,sion., a~ La on Stad.irurl_ a. lv~~ ~ D.h.}3arnett. . ,.k,~nn + ~ gl f ~ ' 1 V1.C,Paarco. G.}J,lYhavlor, J,L.I{noa. Fran}. MalpasG.- ~ ,'ttaln,~lr, i. - ~ , . , rLC;GDdl9". ,P,,..d.1 , I.: u , e r J „Blanton, «P.1f1 ` ; r J,iri9.~'}C was sr+nt ,1,}3.Shrtu, ...C,~.orrls. bG • • I statem~Itt vra~ n' d from the .."tFtte '?orAr~l of ??urilia .'tF~llr~rr- n i • .r.=- tnnt >lt ' ter ' 'r ~ ,q,}1,Yonp~ u reC. xVe r c ?:iau lic.race .dual. , , 1111st1« ] A 1 ~ Gl:zldran uncl 1'or ndl^.:uiiutrEition }'ar the ; ' _.K,Jaekson, I~,t.,,,olf9. },H.. .ltllnn. I . t. ta' tha<s n . ,.,ls~,r'.nca, aid to Sep ~Itt a,,. :t h CDUnt, far Cld e .i"•' ,,iartlrt ,,wart, L GHerfin ~,H.~}i n. G.D.Cu_tis. E,t:.3e11.- >•,.Vt.~.e. L, g P. r LL,, ~ moo+,h a!' Decemi~tl;°. rte Y q r r G,~tlr lea Ol{, V,m.1'avrler, I),VJ.~fint~: d,ld.}}cbb~« I).T.B. aw, },.4`,.}Iaskett, Il l1 r fl } Ca;ihitCuG j'07 liGCPFI},r?I liEtr> T'flCP.1VPr1 3rld 11.~~?C:. ~I apart a. t}lt? Laules }.cst .lacm . i { +i a the nrlaunt nn d=.a~o,• ~t al e+te} br~lik ns ` ~ ccrurunicntio:, rtes retE~lvad frGr'. the r,DUn ~ J f.tl ~or r oYt G t = ° . i ,T . ~ti , u - - _ - I _ 1! _ ~ ' ~ , ,a }geat.~rl~; of Janllnr lf. , ~ f) ~ c7 , r, ' i j"' . of Dr~cember ?1st, 1 1 t , ' ~ , y ' ~ , o~3thar lg3.tn a 2;~11rorE~ndu*'1 of sac~ar t 1 . i ies ha_d b~ ,I J llu`in arah casa, il.Taingt;ori, }I. C., JEnuar~t i± {}I,'r r FlregEa, thi.R Aoard on 5epterlbar 3rrl 191+f, entr,red t. , r i; . ~c ,.h, 1 , .n .u tr. a~rers,;,;ttt ~rr'Lt}1 °,rryar~',Ir,c,d Pr , La ;an ~ y '~0 leasfj a bEl:ri; of th® 1 ; ~ n ouu t' i,i Co ulty s land a. f .thQ Cast e t ~ c .s 1. h. Ill~lkf) end ACL sidill p 1 .ia~n,l rand,. Etd~aln.tr2}; t:ia lrtt;dr' ,'af i g, at a r„ntRl of ~50.CCtpar month rA lanun. r J.st r r},r, rel;tllar yr©elay m^;rtirtl; of the 13osrrl 1'rns . ~ Ilc1d at, l0•, Ir to purchaso ` a rice n r r. t , ,1)1-; , uit}t t 0 C ap .ian , p o ,2, JOU.,,O ..fiss credit far rent:Il paid to an J:v oft 1• , is a , . P . ,hu ~urohas ! I tJrtc4, and ~ , t ~.~1rIisan Il~ss'rlet,t :hr,.l.rrr~~n {)eo + ` ' f~., IrU,Se'1 ~I ' , . i(. fT'U.,n J.^,f 'fr , i !1}lf;rans, ;lrGCm9 'rfoad'iarndl • , . , ~ ,7 , y,, ,,.:.t.'. y~. '...{n rr n(. i .Incl.., II..:.}l,,('ttlydllC 'n$.~.,i u s Cazn},a:l~ wishfls t,a .~..t, ;.r r,,, r, L,J.G_.r, ~ln r.~ ci Y rc:ats lts o~h_c,n{Il accurd*.1nca . ~ Cattn t ~Drnf,; Ir,...le 11.ar,nr, n I file a~T•oeraent and tendr~ ~ li,h ~h t recl e. en of , , 'rontel nr~' p ~ a1,~CiC.,,O ~:1P. brtlanaE«.flux A.ftQr r;rFlciit °ivan , ld, vrhich ura~ a on,mol,' f, L .for tho nnu' t Il t.0.. G~ .I'. `l'rG'.Sli,;;t9PCUnrlft(~ 1)+ 1[~-~ ltrt Ot i t1.Ut?:~ a{' 21FE!t;Atl" r, t',r,r I. I~ :.~;r, the - ~ Y Caleraan, f+cce ated a ~1 , Thfl 1.. Ea f J n 1,.,, 13th 1.r,. . C13r1 raf thls ?onrrl vrcre rtuthorized and dirr~r;tet ~ t nu tI;,3 4„e+;r, u , ~ t(, lv~T e reFtd and ai)Ilrc)ve i r,.s rr; a !i 1 to a.,ecute f;hfs dr ns". CDrc.ad. prepared.by thfs County: Attornay fdr cnle of*,h~ ?e: ,ad,111 thfj•llE,rne of tha Caul ! nd ns flforesad. ItJ, r, , Tha _ollovrin}; r,D111a'.utlc£~ttian .`'rnrl I;nc ~saa ' ' r': o,. ,~rhlcf~.tion lrns ur~2•>rr:tad ,:n ~,rE:rd, ?4t5 ast:;rr',er:: .c .hf1 Iiriard b + ??r. John T• E,,, y F. aa-~r„unicatian ~s rcceiv9d Prop ;r. J~ 9udo i. Gnra ur . I,irl; car al, chKnt;or. aatl inprovrir.,ents to Loglon Stadium ,rrPS'tteknolv.ed~ed and:.filecl , d fol ,.,,taro cansidaration, , '+Ta;+:he r?o~trd c,f Caunt~..•; Cr)rrl~.ss°.oners (;R,';' 19r1t)'rP,r (;aUTlty A rf)port of the :activities + + of ,}:o I3uronu oP ~danti.faca+,i.ozi f'or Decorlbnr 1•ras rrcaivr=rl r , Lu , lied, , upon notion of Iar. "trr;,sl: saconcled by Iir ;•lall the 2 ~ ~ 1 I, 3u111.., .vcrP },1Etnr,au 421 E•br~trzrant true:,lanG)n. ~3.J7 not is.sted ponn.~t chnr'ar, a^a'ns o t Y 1 t J.1 8urrir on prDl,ert,' in Mock ' r ,.1 i , tha rhyan l+x. ?urris~ rl arl ~ c } r ' 57~ 1ar ~,le y~nr 1(~1,a . , , ~ar „ _ .I_ 1)a~. and t}:a pTOporty wRS,sttld ts~ }SEiy a?is debts. .~irsLlant tr rat-,ter loco 5t ~ 1 , r: - +~,t, L.lvloyl2 fi fill r,}m n :1;+ i Ir i~t,l~ ani+ n r,„r .,1 a.»C ..+_",.t t'r,.r Cp,)r_n~tion of }ar. CDIa*:lan snorer ,anl , the.19 ,taxr),, on a_valuation af'~',rU e 1t~r, ,,.C., +,1,~Y i;ev, l'rlnrlr!ir r+ , ,f; • , r, 1' ~J • © On lat:U aTl b10f,. r,. 7,t .Fi.1iry,1,' yt :t;c rai,.i1"r t5rt.•' ~ •a,. . jr.Fll~1 of r ~ ,,a 1s. cl.ar ed rat aln: t x F.A , ' k la3, t , >GJ:;In i„?1 - 'c, iIl(~ held OL 1i 11 ..E/, ~'r;tl)r!I'v 7,"i)al' J "r ~ .a. P g s ~.L.Ro,,,,rs wnE; ordered cancollf~d acc;oan, r+, ln.r l . r : , r~ " n r ,r, , . T double liilti:'1 • t r r .b rn• c ,r r+ , .L,Dt,l,:l, ,Cd' t G !1 he 1 I u~, n ~r ,r , c r 1 As „ I . , r :>E:,: J ~ r rray _~;nftrr r ,,p ~ ` 1 }ta 1 f , „ ,aT t, m v I 1 ti ~ 1 , „ a. ? . r d n _ n + ,o _l< i o { 1 try. r t 1riG n r r 111' b b Pen p. aperi , c f, .J , r;r an elect .pan as I E,,n a .ve ri:an, t,.f+ alrnel , and t?1e taxes r,gid. Y rrav,r.ed i.n ,he act1D1. I'Hlrt~'"8 tD t1;C r' '£t\'liStt'1'T't ,t" r „ r7 A J`U. ar vCi1FU£'': +;Cir(1T'?•l,r h., ,n. ~,p ' m a-,- - .r i, : + hj, , ~ r ..t f`t0.1,' to ~ }.C :JGB.rd, T efU ' .he demos of h1r Etu, , . .n , a , a~ ,,nl„ acaa',=~' , Haward. A. pftllt' d .r ~ ~ a ~lOn ftnfl I?f)J+nri•! Ctailyp,r i;0 „a„ u . ~ . c ;,,E i'.:,t 1:, j.: ';1 Cf ` i 1 . j, , i , l..t. .an and Lr. L,ilbur .1. ho,,her navln' haon sut, + ~ , i Z C.E r4 ,t. I,ri.,c,l y c, sir c4 1,. 1111 ,t 9,1 to ` ~ r+ tl,r. r , P , p r f. t.lft .~.r:-r.} , a„ - ~ _ 1, o. , ac.l ~n ,lf;,,t.c,n, ' con a. ora flan ralativfl to the anpo in ~..rlEjni, a_'' e successor to }.r.` mhonvxs TES F n - ~:anagers Df Co:•uaunity'alos}lital. ihRt byit:• R nattar to b a Haar arr ~.he t:et,rd o. T e h ndled ,j,~ir,ti'.y' vrit;h thf) Cit~~ iiol;n~i ,r. _rask moved rnd it was socDndad `tiy- r. full £ull r•;,r n , .'a ?r~i -r~r•`. ti-~l1• ; , i - ~ r:it)d that. th, sane be rer'arred 4, , I o con.. cr wl~h the City. ColtnDl.J. and +rrith power to sat, , nh2' , I r)^r/t"+, ~ i , , , , t ~ ;,~}r,. r ,rr , i { , t,:l i Itpan 1:wtian Of ~Y.(:D1P.11?aT I< , 1,; , : + A^~ ,r 't n•v .~,.:sr , r ,+1i.1:. j i, seconr.o h ...r._ Trasl: Geo 1 n , snd abe ~ ~L , h A.llar., calor~d,.l11r Dacl: (+rae';, wr+s A'rrtntr ; , ement Df taxes an e vnhldtioa of C~,(J~ on 1 0: Pdar+, r;cco;tri' 01.' rln'h ?4lrtntl j I, the samf) car having alse been prev;oi.tsly li.si:ed on his ?'eP.~ erli:e:t;fi l.`~t ' 1 ~ fcr 1`? u, r:r l`^:,- I 'I ~ _ w for t.te ,,li" ,r 14 v uf~r, ry 1'41'• +tr I3. }:errian, Otl"..rFlprrh3Gntaf'LV'f9 'tn the L8 .a~Slat'.?re r , G t + 4~ , tI Pe rer, t nl„E us , „hf) nla.tt^.r of securing , lo~islative authorit\ to f3i~al?la tho Cnun 4, , t• D ..,-nf)TId fugtds to ampravQ drt,lna}e' Danditons in the , , ..,1r,,.T1C. (.r u(=.. 511-, a!?Grt ai , ~ L, q „ . , , VarlOUS 59,,,~OnS Of tuft t;Ulln'~r, qnd for , ~,ft , f v ..E. °.~,w3.,v:, a. t,ttth, 1 t.i rA , "+1 scmr~dir>to llo~r- i)e. ore t~ho sn . sin :,or n . ,r1T1~~,rR1Tl9 ItF~'IT; ).f' nrJnsin'0 i, r. 1 f1, a1.dy iliu.~l.+h,y zmn `,U+:1 7.1, !!t, . kar',• S r ~ , : •n . , , i The quek~tion of 9vflllrible uno ronriated ' .,nn,, tc rt ,ertd c,,)h1a t , „+i '::'c~ 5 0: }:1'"t°, r~ • tr• t, ,,..er 1 l.-rrl.~. , pp funds to nf;at such an e: erlsa a ; rthis tirde yr s 1 , ; P a c seas°ed +~rt + r; r~ , . c . , a..t, T.oir ~Va„14 ~l~.r,, ~ z t'' . but carallot bD deterrnin~d at this t;m~: ?Ial'rov5r It l'lAS tha f+nse of 1y r.~.flf:t' + - , i 111 t}1A t}'6 r p ~ ~0'.'I1LV t~ttC.r,t7l' and 1.w , n ; . u'r, te.:.,cn ~ ? . t'" .,ri,;;, tt ,s i?fi,,srunla ru ,t.~ lr,.r};-.n tha i•e , .acn'al .L TiflrDC,r?e .:t:rticu't,rl;, , - ~ I rePrr,~ ...nrl s zbr,1-t a draft of a rn asarl ;bi1J. to ~}t1s '3 r , , _ . .no otur.. , 1nI, ;7~n,oar., i I' P aara _ nr , .ud, • nr r. ~:lf. r, , I rmf)d r)1 Cfl;;, tC 11+ (i3G' edUCat;lU'1 4}pct 1,,, . - . } +.1 I?},l, ftT. t'1tt,.In:V '.Ii:, £I(Ci ar;r,ul { r"C,P 1 .t ars? '1~,:1i fl'lT. LC eti 'ir; 1-C.,l '.V~JT C~ 't.:i 1r,:1 riS ~+;';lr'i' n3 '("i' n •i' ~ CDOn motion, duly seaan'led, (laralinn I~R]'18rf3 ~.i't , _t ,.tCi'i ; G, ~ • , '!'.s.l ~ . l;Rrft3t t,rpOt l7Ei^ - ! A^, , I' 1 , ~ 6, anted E.n c :f)rlent DP tisr.es on t r A Va111E1.ti0?! Uf' ~al[l,~h)Q,Q~ rs0{)r18, larO;i n1?f] lirt;'C'!E',:'1r11,SC ~i"ui',91~ ft+.:,'t c •rr, •r! ' } a1,200.t,U for th, ,1tr ~ 1, rl r , _ , f, . J r a. n, f .fir,: ,:IJ +d L.•t !r 1 ,t ' 'i' '~f 7. r+ ,,I T:.. + i char; d In e ur nt r12,0(1~ OG ~.r +Y „ t. , , - ~ ~,~.,(;.1:11. harsh, •nr .iests , i ~ . .,.3 ')r2'~_ „ l.il..,.t--. f°ra G1 :r?..'Y7::£l.'-{P~~" 1 , r,1Clo, t- .t'{I, , n ,Y. G;' ! A . ~ ~.l,rj n.t_ ' if _ft+l i. Ute. U : n, ; , •^c. r 1 iu d.`~iilytr ~3.t t'f 1,1 •r:.!-L.s `5 A letter wac oe ed J r s ' . cUii..4a.4 Elam., tx...'v' rl Unflai£E_ ,.tiy. Hat iV f. Or? I r. 3cn, n ~ r lilt. r c : ,t 1C ~ It_ t` S{„rl t,,:f.r _,tfl, i, l Lfs t E;'. ~ 1:.1 ' n ,~-p ? m „ ' 0 , ,'.t~ tnb.l~- , re~ua. tln,: tae (iOantV ,a?'U:idS."lOrPr6 t0 , iv3 aerlo c d + , , u._ r„Ir.v., t}r, ~,r, , a>>~,.:.rl,;,r,~..:, u..o I, n.,2 c ..it. r.u~_GI r_,_s,o~. , ,r n g us ons_ erat:,an to 4oarera~iTlP w t,h thft Glty;govelnr.Ient, In rl9e7nnin ~ 'd ,r_clcr{ar • ?'urrt 1 n u~ , r.~; ~r.., .or i,}la )ar ase i i ; : . , r{ .,n _ ,.nd., tt.er : t n,.., ,,1, c 1,aI1 Creex In an effort"to rotrAr.t floadi.n A of wr l ~ , , I, ~ I, tl.e r. z.l„ ~c „r; r,.,: l.or; on ~t: . nn . , , p , ~ mars rlcnin t}>s new Cltv lam..ts wh~c}, or1 iTln+:es , ~ +.._ch shc._1 cc,1,,,,1,lltt, E{ l I _n _.r g 'ti.'{; t"vtt` ~ rt ~-1 -'n-r i~.141 ~-q n r' , ,,r lrnla,l ,~.,n , . r nr, F, + 1 , , , Ili,,.-.,.Dn ,,f: 1. . , r2 e .rt M, „ largEyly Dt.tt9lde tilt3 (%1~y,J.lT11'1:9 P,nC1riP TI9Yr l'ESnover t,r:I1T1tV OCCa ,u , , , +t•,_~ c' 3 a. r}, ItC,.. ,c.,.t. s,.E.1~ 1:E._ r. ar , r" n' ~ F., ,tlt..c _t,l, ,.s Hre I' ~ sicned ~npraticmants tc, ..,,...r~1nE:. LL , h.:. ,,p ,Gt.. ~a!',., !.!'f! r.+: rlt, , r.... ;,r r` ,P.~. ; s r, ~w ,.t , .a } ay Stem espe~ialltr In Mlle V,1Titer .Drk are8 aS r,l&)119:1, lug aCt).On wa„ tflitien at t}1-~ r) : r - ~f 7.~~; ~ .,.a.., C and to „tir,.1,,.1!.?,. n,; , uo tl l . - I~ , ~ .the ,f>.nt , , r - - ,n v ~G' ~n£:S ,xs'rI4r9C. 'I•ar1 ':t11~tUT #nr?r tr t. lh:;t Cft ld rti .1'D r, :t}f'.1 :r. r1 s nG 4 bft stiff ic' prt ti i _n ; i t. I to "1rt'r ~ c • . „ thtl entrtrfl ~.cIt o:''i':~lntencrcc n.{s ortarnt,cn, A canlmunicat_Dr. lve, rece_veu cram }:1 . L,.J.I~ne,r, rw.rchltset, concernlll}; ''ro as9d f;nan•ea lr; t;1c .I_=ttl^,. _ •r~ r , + P . r 6 a•.. : do rn 3-1 ~ q p ' . , cr .r • - 5 „tom. in thA. raun(1 f1Gar rDamS Ott t}18 D t w C ~ tr 1, ,r`£3r.: 0. i.raira,}, `tl f'„i ,,•rt, ~ t, _ ~ ,t ~ K s u h in ' ui she a1. colirthauu9 hullrlir. ,l r rlnhi*_1 a.,2'+~x..: .4 t ur Uc 1r , r, .,D. .,Rr.,_...tr, CDn!1eCt10nS Wl+ii tilf3 St9am bai.la*• in t}'.f+ vailr+ HauE9 gllri6X ".'}1f1 SEtme ~raR held for '11 D "8 lOn, e , „ `J• I.ilrr,, . ~ ! ..rthar c. n51de, t ' . r, j r•. t , . T}i@ glleStlO.. Uf lUln :t}la alr7art aU3:i10rlt SUmB le' Il' + , 1 r 1r p . c h - r -lti,ri 1. ,:U . hrd (;l:&..1.`k:;t g g y g sta,us, h,l .~el,ls.atlve .,naott~ke:.{., ,ra. ,.rcu},h~ [.E, S, n , I. , tC.1EtTtd, ``Qal'etN.1 to tl-,e nttFl,tion b_, t,h.~ „l.ni.rman for `such cbns~.deratlon the 3nard may chaa;,r; +;o t;ivP. ~t was "doDi~led E,, f~ that in ordf)r to ;rt a cloarRr vision Df the thought, tD enable the 'Joarrl to drrive at a sati sfecr;ery' ~ ~ .,f?1r ::cr:o•rer ;'Dent'. I ; soJut~on'ol the matter too ifts cf the C,reenshora n is r C, : P A rpa. t Act he randy _Dr the oards study . , ] ! ~ _ , . Unon mo,,lcn o 0 1,1 ,m t•. 'r , ' +,t ' +.,•„if7ilt8,'treSldtlnt -.1?B ~Ilkrl,)+;, a_':.,UI.•.:'1, C? Sn"P:.~.nr D1' r. rD::n rtf SGTlE! 1(1~^.::.~? :I. ; i i f Idr. C 1en1.1., sPaondf3d br r. .rest., ,:1 . J,-1r. I'aJ:D E)_r9sidnllt (af ;.in:o Cit• t;a.ro ,r L 1 Y h J, n I~ , TOWpSIli Was T'ant8d i?. nba~,emont Cf ta.r` i t ( »c ~ t, r,+r95Cnt~ri+. ,1.X~P.rjT? ,;t+~C, Ga.:O" ~;tLirllaS aZ:d Ocher C_-<.,,.,.!t,.r27U .,nt}u.. ' r ~a p, g css on n valuc.t.an c_ )0•Qc7 Ala. ~nnal''and '2:00 J.,z.. na I r- ~ ,_o ,lnr, >..4 a. a„yet, _ i r' t t e ,Itv ,t r *„he .n , ,rr . , o h of ~tllrrinl,,on only, acrount of errcl In r;harfan:, h.tm w1t!1 C~.tvf t£>x fc~r the yeElr ,191;x, ' uanr,.., re r,railt ~r.p rftnaee,t D1 ,,,t , . al:ft, ..uron , ! i~Ei ~4• 1'=as se^Dnt •"':?e regll...t o .ne .~?rtr., cf: I,rt,ae:ylon to ca.? for ar_ t.a13;1F t a..d r. , , ~a.l r-.t 1 . ; i. + ~ , r` „ ~ ' 9.9C{ti flC r•• A r t, 1C„ s 1..~ I''~ re uest of Sadie HaJ er for ad ustmont of ~he bac;k t£txe~ a,l nrollerU t 1;1oD. 1 1.as sn,t;ll srot..on .an .gvlde,~ ~n Chanter 1'Jfi., .+P,sla....r,rs o. ./.,1, EJ.t.1=.,. ..I...t.., tD`E?r~,.:.dfi far +.na r ; , Y ..l . , of - ,x,+ + S. r+ .ry , , , , ~ Df Ifir. - Olama Se dC .'D l,t T' ? t n + r { „S „ L ~ r.}tT;1C 1 r r c,t t , 't ,r,.;, - A fl 1 { r } i.: ~ n, con d y r. ray},, refsrrer .o the t,o.u l~tee lrltl, nosrft. nc~,. n~ 01 e ,Jan_.,r ~r .~q,.n ,lelr „a,7. ,.,r va....t',, ,,r r a_ ,t.c ,i-e Co ant,, ..t vrno,~ DES„ , . 7 • j, , lnstrtlctad tD renar~~1•' : a , ~ r } p . , t '1GUess'r;I P r,,.:... 1'?,;~~a.iD.t .C# h0_G £11:1 r+~.CCtia'1, far EdatJtioll ; ! ' It i t: 0 t 9 r, d ,v I;: A - ' ~ n 1 t, :na '7a6. f , ~ 1 r , .t t,. r+. r. .r ; + , I' n tR0 ion a1 }+J', u, rCln9r, SP„ Dn .c{I L~ r. .r.,AI., CCUnt',' nlLls .iCu. ~lf)~ r,0 1~~)7 WHrE an rOtired d - rn ft , q SUC?5. 1Cn ~ :189.,11: N.1 I.lartg8. y0 .J.nf; ....r..i tl . f;xc9pt -roan w.,o ' : P [i E, 1 1. . ! , for ~sJ'ment, r? ,~Uested to 1}e recar:I-t: qs ,-dt v,~tin. f.. ! i; t. a [ "tun it P i,H " ~ r, a-1 p , , n?'tri e •rp:r , . al,r -na T ,e mee ,lag thnrl adJourrat,. t ~otlo , o, JF.rdnC: SBCan:?!~ p r , .<,P 1.~,,_n£, 1,, a2. tinP.nlla~.,,J :.lnpt5d; , + ,,r - , - - _ C19rk. ,;.~'7 ::x t, , n, '•Ib.n?r iil Crat;;lir llr:d9r 'a:,9 rr'.t;a :1£i. , ~1 i 7~~ lC, - .FAQ, ~cr;,r :no a. - 1'9I1. 156rt ~a ..1VE7„ Of a"T'J IIR ~ , 1 ~ i• . ; (i&1'fi~ 'r i i~=r " *f~' nU:,.l_5 .tCnerS.a' tCl'r =,El*' y „n} : ...H A. ,._..,Etv.:, a')T1FRrflQ DCfD2'ra '...4 !5('.C D_ L . ,.C er ra ,V, I , 1' i ' v i; - Il•J,+l~ !,'Arrl' r, + ,1 nY;n;- nfl, ?Cnlaflrt' Irv ?ni 1 £1:,, rC:' ri ,yP r r. tltr,.t t !t _an„ r,,. 1,,.. rent lar, me.. ,.,..d Dn v , . +t , ..Dr,. d i1f3 „ ,,I~ , ' ,t +i +-L. a. • • ~r. • c i r;' i,.t t 1 r,r_.. n I. UCriD£z?"l~r ;r:aS f 1J:Bd app1:14_t`;-i-Un "r~ _1..!3„ ,-~Cn 7 v~: t,lina ) Dr : rE?nG}' I S8 5;.1 ! I , ~ ' , r,, , .~r~,G1...,fl ~Ij "'b,. .D ar,ersee buses aver `a rcuta .r ,"~.i:....;,van ~.u ,2,-5„c~.,_.,, v: ,+31i{i P rr.._ , ~ ~1. ,1 = t`1'F nature C_' ',},@ .s£1"riCCS ".;}1N\ rralllC ,1. aV14. SU:1~'`ht I '1....r,Y.j:Ci1.1tiH.., a? veT a.ct aEl_n,.nE., v , o n n,.1~:1 r`;,tt: t},a ;"11~'^:i (1riT",'O1SStan. nntj 9");??•Cl'fLl of t}18 °U;,?•tl E1 af. ri!I~1«4r 4, D ~ £ ~I'_ :Ca v "R,~nrc ~ ~ 1. -i, + .,.3 t ' r A... nmit,e,:l2ll^,~aS D yrri'?nr' rt°Vl an i r' app9al,e,:~ La ~.le ;kYr?rd v _c cert7 p ..c: 9..@;lli8 ' ~ A, „ t'r•CP. v,»Pi I r E n a , . 1.5r~„ r,..+~. s t a E,-' _..t, m ,C...P.iJ ,ra1.:. P - ,,r.bv ~ .v, . a. ' ~ ~•-ua~ren r.nrL 4r -or._ n......2, : s - ~ , r'rU`JI-(t9 1 r. n +,c /i.. a f'r ,r;.lrli,r } ,r ~ l n.t rlt, {,I.1 & rift t; ~I - _n, ...,ear ~Dw• rohnci ~rl,. ,r311, en ~ t,-trrn o ,o..o_.. ~ p hog, • I,. K .1 L.<:} P_6,,,,F:n ers t0^han U ull.,E3a, f.r.t: 'v ..F' rG'.i.C E^_C,rF.;£ted ir;,1~= il"G'r'lda I ' ' "fi, f ~ SNr r1C(?ri,rar A tnrrtt 1';, N,.,~,, a2?(? ft ;,i:. ~CBr,,r~; c,,,r rfi rl`'Y.n l_a~r; e,i1 Ll I a , be „'rl c is v r; ,.a„e f:':il " Ja<.r.l : Dtn;~ rCt-a Ar a + ; ;;rc,, n s +•s, f}?e ..frl~~ _ t r,.;,rdsen~at .ons _ 9 ilf,r"CTU:eI a_ ,-F4 , jI 4~Dr i-, tD era' t' ~ It , rl8 l'T :Sa\ rl Cri"„Drt,;l 6 rE' r F,ri Ala+a~ r '"C+ET:, irn Cal +'r C . tt tn_ .7, 1 n r tL)n ~ .w " r , • • , ,as :iw'~- r.f) a-~:,rr,t°rs r. sr3~a ~-sa..._r.E~1• ar'd .raald ,ro,'°:out .-,.-t. ' _ , , „ ry ,S- inn , n , FV7 ISTirrVr3r ;:G'rit'" r I, , ~ t r ,r. A ",t Df ~ 1, ,_:.an~. J. ,,D. : : s.:="'v"t ~1r,4r. .h~ . o. k,. c.1r. ..ow. 1 r rftI•Ci A ' c i } ,~.t, : ~ _ f nc: ylp IP n ,f? t,tlbl;!''-ntE r : 4. `:=h('.',; S6 :v t''r1S. _x1 Df she ~r;~.'z7on _I-:r,:_ :s .,_.._r.,.: , • !i `'`'1't/iCf?.t18 1.' sr _!'~,7 "rt: i`.a~.:Lt r., i' ~'+i vT:~' r:Lf1', rt~'eUila C+~~ ..,tt.,~?71~Cr~ .lC.r+ 1 i _ r 1 4 ser lcri 1'r:11 er., a i ~tr,lume r)f lersDnG1 `Axe nc9 t.le _ , Syl•CEl"'. }t nlri}(s''Qrir: {r',, :~a 5 I;C ,'!_dn, i r{.,, ri 1.r ~ 3 A 1 , E, r' P leVBS tilai .lft c;vr,. r'C ..B..x:t ii CU: •IixnF. r., -A, _n ~A•, 5.1 1 £,j;f,. - ir'. '.!1 ~ Vii. 4_,.. i'i Carr; ; i*l q _ ! ~ i!,~ is . ! .i, ~ iI ~1 I 'I ; iI ip, I ~ , r _ ~i ,)i~; _..j ,~f; ' 1 f~;. 'r' r, ; ;111 ~ +1 ~ is 7 ~ , Idaeting o,^ „nr:uar 4 (?th n1 ? a•; Y 1.-Er, cor..,,nuE)d• I. ; ; .~'}l±;atlRt',, .T 11};~Cll.'tL!1 by the 13oard`t)f Crn.lity < 1n I(r'r' `.1nC flS i , nOT,12:_BS10n2rS of i}UW r' . ~ ,6cmblAd"an t:li;? Januartr '[!~i ..R..07nI• i;01:t1_ty, 'lOr. lri11,17n"t t+ ~ralin~ ~Jllnurlry 27th, 19117• 1•m}3at the 1loeru of !'a',r~', r; r . - gr •rvElEjkl neetanr Ti,e r_~nl y o~ thn Ila7xrl }rt}s held at l'J,n7 1,, ,r , 1 , ~ .,r i I,I,L:S6lOnUr ? Vr )Iflllt)VPr "0'.Ir'F+r ! " e .}nrth ~,rtrc;l. tho U.~.~.±ies ?,orl~{s£ion ,,f ifort}t ; , na E3X 1•ESS t ~e,rol_na a I r. we ,}le ' :.1 J ,,n{•' p ,hr3 .tans w 1 sl} [ lx.,~ ,ian of Cnrolinh CGrI~:.}' C'aTl Mitt;, t, Fi ; franchi so RnE{. right tc aperote buss ovor ,*rw j a f far Ei "t.i;;;+3nt h.(1dlsan, HE)vrlatt Charnar' Crao r - lt ~ _ a ro, fr;~rl ,fw...minrtn , fvr „}ia r Q b n to a-,rY'att^~rl' , . lr, rJn;~, }l, }rnll ?l, r 4 ' . .le V.,R 13ur aYr J w' a e ,l t „ , eal'drl0r EtI1Cl (~011C, ~d aald +o_rd niter hrzvi -F C .[ort;}1 r)Qr:,)1 ~ ,.I,,tl,y hrrs,en '3nl~ri.'1,,'. • a1g ~nvPStit;atEd `he mctt;t.;r of sE:id tL; ' •-na }}1iloal;lUn anu hrlar+:. ' ma(lo br`hE representatives of Car•r71in£; Cnac}r Cor.Intlm' h -1€, "LhEt ropl'Msent , n t t} t, on. ~ ,a,..rlt, ini;a anclilini, {:hE face- rttion5 is o, ,.s hrire,n . ~ , lr.:atl that. It 1~-t.r. rhn >n, I3u:,,.,o-illtHrest to " , .o_,tPd the mi.rtlt'u rf,Inne+;lnU of ,Jr.'1+'rtr•, ~tJ{.:lt lrll , rrU. ' ~rne.t aal.d a,> 1leRr.lor. and .'r£(ncl•i~ ' ; 37 E l~nan, n.nci £I}3p1`ovEltl as rticarde the Wahl:lc Yri:Jl bEl ?ire'- r an r1. , vter sE3r r4;d , nr,d ?,n sn Ur,n . ;;ir• L• 'u'lock n )ear9rl tc ttr•n;r , PI t su},Ilr.t llis atfor of Jannar 2(t ~ ; ! ~ r, y ° 1,h, z or 1«,,}68 c. t o LE on ' ~ ho ' . ',}10 U11-1.1P1 Of t 'r' rpr } C. C 't:S£i~0 9_' , r ~ r t1 ~ k+ hr., „t/lC lUrl _ OI1.3 1 n } Or t}; ? 1'i. at9a }f>4:3C vTl. , t,ltlb -17 j, . ,,:nll,t.on orr rondo-a pElrt of '.he rainiltvs o ~ nlc.. Bras anon iaut..ol + ' ~ i ' that c~, bra cerF' , ~ f thE, I.EtEI+in l of ls. ~.rRsl , .,HCanc.ed py , if ~ed +,a -the 1' , ni'cresuad m , ;,r~•, hall, r,ontinued inn.+,h the ,trillt,m Cor p ' -liti(sa Garsrtsstar, of ?lo•t}r t` 1„ ?'.lttn, c„•rr , ' Cara-, lrl:t, s l' lrl e v ~ y r 1 f'nCti Y,'itl; n0 a„~;i0rl Cf Ja1l.IN.1" ~ ~ m ni-." rr(~ort „tn.- rrca^ ll3r,a ;t ions' t thn nE,)a- r1GEtlr, , p foregaan(; resolutlan was club" r,nr} u,tnimrnlc?v n(lo7n,tEjr{ hr the r, , •t~t, r ~ • 1'; • (;a ]tl. ,atr:'ll .lit lanors n+' t14jrl n , County in mPatinv eE;sembled ~s nfo Asa', hR..o l.• 1. , 13,),,_I maUlnn tt_l,:r. Trna.., t,nrtE;d,~3,~ ..[r• .all b£tclr ~t.,.r^ :'r , n •7 F . ru1c,,.ttl..l, tc. ,,1(.a6'chnl rn,}R•a:rlst 1~tS 1.~1(,~l~l s }?r00}cwaod .ln `'}l E) iltii'!P of I) J'1Si 5r c C 7) '••1 t, , Er i Gr ~h9 ~ enr,, 1)~;, 1`1?~ Eind 1~) - I 3J1, were li~;on ' An of!'er of "2 rho 00 for f-, ~ ,.t~ ~ eF+- • ~i i ,J • ,hE COn313~S1OnS at LC,.iGn :'i;H(?'1 ~ , } ,x - , rt1;31i,at NOU,lUS ,t7>.1.1I(1 .....01.1E a: n i ii , i , ~ ,1 II. 81 )t,r+,{,E,f? }),r }J', }n 1'. ' 1 ' nd.,OGCI.,l,, t1Gei,~::al? Of ':}tJ (;Uli'1 p.r. r r ! , 1 ' . PG_lock fot the p , ,,r t~ :,utotney, ordc.e(, c,£lncE,l.ea ~.1seb211 Clzb for their lO~}''_ sEason . to i r ~ irtt i, ~ + t, 1:. • ; t3 rea ,a., P.r ~ , . ; ' , , :.n..llldE) t}tH 1(>i, (°at0'rQCU1nt6 ltl?t t ,Ur ,h8 oltl.. ,U .}:f? at}i(} OtS 1"rA6 11_,E. I r ~ _ . , no . to ,,::elude t.hn 'a-n r _ 1 ,.,18 thuae a J.r. , lnor :lllt uc,-:I .:~i t?tu li hts vas rl•'sc•t A ` 1 , ~ , z:. , l,ts.,d an(, on matlon 'ai l~lr m ~ r a e ra,k ~ r _ ,..ran r ..r rr 1+,r frUrli~nr` ! ~ xh r' ' an ,onr.e(1 by lar. ' Cnla n ? : . r I~,r...~ i v p1 C, t)I'n na't fit' pE:r tIt`:° In t}iw L r ,1 a:~ r 1 ,r n l n " t a. • r1.Jl, r(ifE,rrHC„tn the 1(1.1on s1,. .l'' E, < _,~{:_J a. vhE) Lrri)n'wc~Jd Gomrlittec~ For investiratian ri ,nd _ , . , n ta, ca r„ with the BasHbal.l Corlrlittee `:an(, r i • ~erzL •,y~ Camr nn~ , era,, no r.l.,,,~ , ,rc:. i~ • uhr~ ti:c~ :nJ.t t° ~ltl' - • 5 1G ..ar nc,, . to +hP '?bn''d nt thr,` ne- t 1 r .pol t thE),,J r3c;,t~lPrdat is s a - ~ ns` mHe to • i "tcln r.ntlun Gf ;r. rra,l~, serandec' b` 1°,r, r• 1 t + .y . ,I£.:.1, i)r . ,.>..._larl ?tt3aro' „ta+o irn+,,l ' „ ' , 'U" "1£iI1A 1I31S ,1,. referE'nCR:tO ..}18 fi£1,tB, a. 'tilEi a'! t i cf- , r, ~ r - $ t, , + ~ r ' 1 pr;lntT~ent of l,r. I'ttvdr' ::a ' I'd..1P,., ,3u t0 rc.;l.. GE:IJ1.,,a.,().1 {,Q 1,1' C+r I. ,ems t- t , . ; ~ ~ GE n,. s en' toll ~ ncllln na Gouni,,r LlE3ctrwr.ian +;c ~ n,.= rrrl:. .'ont nntl .r. ) , ter J, 0. 9rock'r~norted as 5e' s~ac•cE:ed. s, ~ t, , t. ,ilr. _ _ ' . ' ln~ nUtlpnCltateC~ YdaS.:p~st00riel? 111?tll *;}'El 1"Jr , ' 4' ~Wf.r,,, ~'.G USC };Og U'}1~I.Arti V1rU6 lrt o,CCartl(t2iCt3 +h t 1 ' t 1 ,,torus o, },,r. ~ , h .nG .net. ` ,lock cRn hs escertr3ined. • ' A..r~ll LnrShrEll r.,tv• lar '11 nd;,...,- ^ j. } r , t: r9C1UE5t Of J,i_'. ) ' , " 1 .;avll9nt U~ .}t£? JaCl ) r ljpon TCt'r,n ;;f I`r. TrPr,X: 6C(,Gn ' did b• o , , : - ta.{t,., c,}tar(,8t1 a„a;lnst ,t;.,. 0'i r U(,_ i1 ntiCrilldOU"all' nr J. 'Y, }}rt'S:It an }IOU^0 ar: 1.Ot i'([s~ }`.lU:• 13'11 ~ • . . .,dor..yn+; ,;,Ei J „k EJ . itlehurat, uc~uvn., n1 lts t!ll£+*tltl.~'.±3d t.ondltloll ~rpl:toatlon ^ronarESrl b, £I ~G • - e n- • ,1 ley ,OrTE...rtEtO, r'T31'B;iC:nti:1, 1}10 ~ , r 4'.r*•n, i;' _ t ' ,r of u..1t1.11 tcr. n.url l]cn. „ ~ b - ~ t!a;, (il' I.t ,.r1Cn" }!r.., . E1, V.. ~Ct t.} .he CG1Ill41 r3 fur ?nVP,StI''0+:i all aril Yr,';}. CtatrL'r {IO CC~',• ~ ~ :eg ton and 'eterar.s of Parol n iJa,rs to ?~e resdnted t . ,r,',r.r ^p 'a ~ r . E', p .C C„ 1 0, . r .,rnEl ^f-+•r i~ r, , ~ ?rG~P?'anS At° ~{'1i3+ ^~;t., 6r~,,,;.., ~ i,t~, ~ '1 3t ,1(lr(.,17.~, ttL','; i ;tl tfl185 , , I .11,.0- -=110 ltl:..,ln,~,nn t,rt:n ad rl 1 r n ~ , lo~,~.cc1 _tic ..u c t,'. rcrr t r, , ;,r „ rE„8 -aeil r"lfi' • j . „ + 7 r. t.4r - .t )O{~ 7 i.. 191 _tl, 1 ('i. vUII l.alrt,_~ 11ttU; r: r nv t. {lus t,, _.,cr,,, d .r, ,tie,„_°1(; ,}.n . y,." 1),3r,,. +;c:lc., .,i,arge,. against I 1.O.s[`.. vat prupoSErl t0 bB lOCatRd 7.I1 '1.~' aastnr?1 ntlrt Cif' iUr~r r+ " ( ,t. ~C, ft:~ , I. i v t ,,a, allltn rt 1,)1j€?, nCt'CS Uf 1£lt:(1 t,n ~,''lr€)} 1. 'n, pr 7„nr? • .T r , w j ,r; ~ ,.h 1:,,-,. in ,nn nEi.>xt? of }.w. ~nul.a f r .-ae ,a3txrs 1~;-/ to1~~J3 l:~c., I 1. r. A., + ± fc: c t€. rear rii: tb.r: rt',r r;,,,:,,. 1« ^ , ;+".1, lr. :1" Cn:7Ga a}lE',;tiilll 13 r t P, t3 'rt n. 1P~ v wAS ) ~ TE3T'„1 eras "GCC.vs(1 a { :,rt of ,,rr'r ~ar'T Jlr. ,n,;,. tc!I - " . 1 4' r , • v v E + .n 1 1 1.. - , I aQe3n .=d, :.,.011 Of },r. '.fal U7. , nr'CG rE,C. ' ,,a'. rr ,H: rai r ...ptt d.., a.ilf? "'l l ~r , i , ~r t .t . . t , ,nr`nt3,, '~Jr ..r.~E.a lgntior., n~, _ f, . ~ jJpan rt ,Jl t-E t,_r' t,AJ'CE7?r, SeCCn(li0d 1)" ~ 'n1 r,r r= r. t,_ ..e...,, ~r.., t:.lc ,ion., i,r~n tc r,)ra ^t n 4'+ . - ' ; . , ` Tt , ~ r, 1 , . ,ft )G.. mt.t tan of , r, t-arrlr.'t:, n .i!'( )11'':.,(1 ! , i?'• .tb;; , U!''l. }'~.L Ct'r(i "1101 can t Pt1. ':.:~nrl 1 r.p?1 C' I ' Hi(,hxay a-efia.tmh::t to ma1;8 ~ rO1:.i P,;',''U"+" ~ ,.t ah r.3i-. 1 r ' , ''').tCl' U 1 »LO1, f U " - • ,7 / 1 „r n.. C.a?T!lrt F ',I i1Sh Ci,lf,)`l, i, s= ~ , t P , Ct t 1 r • . , - _ , l-ta , .rth h, ,r ,t= !?n r 'a,^,» r t' to rf t}lE' ~ t ')E 1"1 !li' dA r r P fi . ,,rn(.t ~ ..an, lit :.1131~c iul_£>.r,, admitted , , .ughht.~„ , ,r!11c1, , s most +lr,~t,ei.tl,•. y . to .ne ;,(13tn!;r ;!~mr: itt. ~{rrirtC, . . ?Jnbn iro ion of Ir. Tr~.sk aE;canrhttl 1' k . n;. . . s .r S. -I,OlOiartri~ t„(. .,atlrlff y::'u,a ,11StritC~;r3(3.1' lr,wrl• .,1- ,,m,, t r? .r t• m ,r , a ) R ).,J {l.,,G}: Can + ,.,,t..n } „t r irfl Sf:C r ,1 i 1 j~_ . l t p,r, h , ~ 1 ..tv i rt,. ).U. ,..r, t., _ ,c,nC. ,.x ..r. ..n, I, , c 1CS t,i111af1G, ~,Urat?, r7%t.:, ralltdt, £tl. 7UR't9mOn{, Coilnty s tier}, ner> r ~ E7 ,r ,rlntEr _3r,!, Rnd b, LrG an 1I111Cti,r)nt a'alrt;;t H.nV er"!''' 7r tlrv? ..,I ^ i• r . 7C^. , r . , '1 (a , . I:i l C. _ „r(,£,,, ,aa faUnrl tE.XBS, t)n 'a1UKtlOn G, sc .7~ Ijr)iIGE,},t 1Ci G ( t=. p t, -t , ; i - , , , , i t ? rr • n } ,ltr,h..n , tl,t,.ta1 C . ~Ht, ..nave t,at.t~<I.i,lan, .I. t?. _ of , ; ,I dum~in;; fresh oi~ot:her rl~brls on n t t'rr . ,1 •r ar l,..lt)• 11~;n mottan ba;`k taxes nrlnunt~n r~~ z -H , , %s ` , ~ . U yt.a . ~ chal'{ .rl R''t..nSt ZOt `7i r?l0c,c lc ~tl ,1 ,1, . ~ x•,, ~ , E~ , , r.llnn aC~U., 11 't.,C II92C.(1 .,C=..I.t n let~aer i.nL, ,,,C <J• tluklUUr +'Ui~ r,'ij, 11t1eriCPn I,E;''lUll, Ct>lOrUd, rtJ ltE'Stirl' H flUnBt{G'1 I ` T ~ is of Rodnoy )3rvarlt, Yras arrL raE? c". ;Eiiled' on !tcrottnt' of dotlb , 19 Chn.l ~,9, F Iltl far .tlr, ? trt}1Cr ?•ettsan f-' £t qq P ! ~ rt t - r , t•'., , o , bat ..0 rOVyRla.. £,r )r,. n n , t M , n• ,,,5 n t .~.:r.,..~ catr.~v . die,,,, I 1 9 _ m.Id~ ln, t>. ,,r:ltr'w~lll ~lal; yll(, rncluF„ ~ rrrlg rl.,~.llned. ,rent 1tAvrr awrte,i tho,},., ,.I~>~ „ , y,)E;11 w0? 'v1 .r,J • .xdrGri,t', .()CJ..,.C. })r /1" ra;}i JGI4nS m}IUJ1ai }OllE:tr ?ll }:Cl'tl'i '~t?. ,CitrCE',; 1'rPi • , , ' ~ SEtiziuil r(i uesrlnc• i v • ~ ~ 1 y , „ ..mpl•o e.1~n,s to tarp t1rRilla e in I'.RSC~lboro` T cm;s},; v r ~ I ' €'i a ...p 1}l1C}3 _ all(3(1 to tler,l, "nRtH :nVrlC,'t'.'.1~iQr "•XCP, t fI'[P,1 t}`.P .,r'.t~ t t) 'a p," (trlr" ll T, , P) t, a T . , 7nr , I? ~ n .1 of , oil t x, on ~ nv oI _ ar. ,r ncl li. _rm~t_...,. ,.I ocni-.~n, `rrRS racelver', but,na action td.[;nii, ~kk i9 : f • ' y, i,' rr::t(.'!'t of ^ a It(,c.l,&.j,:fOr I,P,OH11.)ar eta,n, rOCP,lrt,tl rll(? f11C(1, A COIrr3:In1Cav10n frOrl f' ~ , ~ ..o a.'„11...,, .x. R. L. 'lbn. un, earl. of the oFr l of Al(.:~rmen of tha "'Dirt of IJr'.€;htsvJ 11e 3Haclt; advl~...r.ecur!unt.pdat~on o, ,n~ v ~ _.u..,r.,.an r.+. .,~a._ a.•, , , ' - ~helr refular men ~ln•":he11 Jrtr3uElr,• ('-h + fr r v0r,3 ~a~,...:. ,r,C ;7T)an mat:l0n. Of ?.,r• Jar(lnt3r' s8oOru'nct' G" iit'• mr£tSI: Ja'^.1CntUi ss't,.~(t0 l)l3Kt)}:OS lta_far a Erflt1021 i n 1 i , ~ , . .r 3~ T? P - n i-' , £t 1 lOC 1 ~tat8: p „nt 1V86 t0 ntrOdUC@ R bill aalocrirl" 1;;19 T(!YRl f tS r' 1 '{~c ~ •,n n , , 4 ,h,. : n n _ , G 0 ir1r,11 11..1f3 ).U,}l t ,,.t.,.'rb .,p In fine. ~r(' , 1" ~ pr, ::n}I ,{Ct, r •i'': )a' "r E1 t. "il r C8'r Cl 11~ ~ a Pn n` r n f, n .:1Cr',, .,lr.- Ll,~ la. J._ f LUNG. ,0 .7t• C 1 I l r{ :7. Ell' tj .1 ibi, f G._ . CE,E' tt.6. 1 st£1t1Ct), ..xc .•s o, -.~10 OQO.C) -.?lnual lv r - , • v: , n r A , • Gil- ~n0 _ IOw 11P.nOVOr E, tlllty pr'o_ 1tS ,U lEi }l ,du ,.n n, ;1I ,,..r. ,.tDn Jl 4 + a i P •t„~'`• " r n t , r r ~ , , . , move,. ua l..no..r .,o,,,..~ in t.u .lst. 111._,, i,aa on r,earnjn.l,_tlor, a, t}ie ,~t:nEr-.r+JOndr.l{, a, ,un.lta i,Er.nre, :,here lino far the ~ret~antlan or BrGS'an, crFa received ^.n;: _"ilGC?,. - ; • h n )hl ova(:, U 'an 1'lOtiOn `I'rl7tr alltrra COlOr9d :1 ' r " 1 t ^ r , ,f•« r ' ~ L } n } i n : • , 1 ~ Y, , .21c ;;oV3 H..:.,7~ , SYPS };rEIL 3.( Etil 17. L....CL,41n,, Da ,aX€Jfi U1 a'lr~l}a,,:a. ,t, 'a.,., , P 7d r• n 1 ~ r ' i' ,t „-„i"'C.L'.t~On 0<. ~rr .h• a. 1.11E11 aS ~Or011.r Uf ,+a}r 1_r,tlU11!,.r (raUnt~,_On aC'CGtill:. Of faille+, }10£i_r.t, , 1, ~ 1~r,G0 aersonHl and 00 1 q r, r b , . v~•, ~ ~ { po .l r. .a,, ll..E,d Ponalt ch..r rc. a ~Rinst }.lock ; for the I E.asair }.a i ,i n i •,ns reetlvect, ~i?ld Elctlc,n ''a.~t?iorcr{, i'. 11Stad a.'-'_ `Led lEraCllal r'C"U' a ti' irn~ } p .'t ~ +n ~ ~ ) . p } h 1 r for s ld ; t, i ...r r)tit t.l„ n.-ty ca e ert,.5 ln.tc ,.r ~er,., a ..E,. t o! . ,1;'~. 1 d - - ~ t;0, •~c r 4;.. p., •F,rn r.'~, 1 '':lt t?{5triblltn(1 to ~:}lE3 T2{71i})Cr.''~ ,f t}tq i _,r r, 1 - 1+. m, ~r , ?1,, aA the Cl...l 't rd .rOtln,f;_....OOrt, .w el_, c , . G ! 1 tl-,,un PlG ,.lar {)f- _;.r. :.,Or'3man : SCCOnr1L~.j 1,V ..p . ft.^, ;.T T v , r; •n r rr p. 'r , , . - N. - . L. i .i. t,. ?3c~ d, i()Or} Ann , 114H~, lra.. t,-tult.d ~ 1 3o£irc °~ar -tuc,y m - ) / , ` ; n crllnectlon ,Y„~l. I)`orosEd ~uglr:~-rli,.u)rt ; rh,,1l11t... ,ton-1! _rnc w..r l nttntr i; t ,~.,•1,- pfi.i.3 ,JUne ~2th, ~9t}C,r. On ?)~'1 "Weal 1£1X0; CILIG OV 1'. '~r'i1;f;t;1n,JY•., C}ltl.'€iE'(1 ?~£1.'.rSv 1U~ 1, ,:1 I ~UG}; 1', r 1,, a . irPGt t ..athn: xtv. ~~.rdr.,oro Far „n(3 year l~j~, whlch_wtcs _abatatl ~,,r the`''3nard },}arch 11th, ].gjj. - 4 I' f , I r ,L °rta rn 11,, j-1 T. ,i' ci211C3a' an(1 1'bE C,l ~ T TnC; I`ulttEr C_^.n:l,lin ^1£1Ct•lOnS .U Clr)C1..i• t.,~ C. „+..'-~tl 0,• =tr? vJI...QI' Iil(,l 1 T, r lOSi~ El ~ 1; " Jnon m0tlan Oi 1!r. Tresk Sf,GOn(lerl b t .:rC iR ` } r ~ 3 ~ " 1 i S' NG , J, ( rdrlo. llr, Lr a. Pc,~,rar1 Yrae grunted ar, aa:.tement o~ no.~•.._ x ,,j ~ , , . , . ~ ; ~ , ' „r x - 1.' . 'rid • tlto T ~ ij ' I ~.O.t}tlvrt,_ Can 1::tE3 5..,t) 118 t'JfIS Q.LaUl1SS@~1 a11t1 a~t1U1. ~OSP„rEU ..tll nd t _ll. ~ tit, lIl(; Of l0a,d. „ 1', analt E C}lar Cd 9 rn in8t r0 C2' In b10Ck, L~r6 f iJ a C 1- n , , ,n a r ~ '1 I BS1C1, "4 li i 'I tj j I i' p y g P p _ tY ~ or he ; e r l )~16, in ,hr nnrlc c, ,E£u.., .,,.,.,•r,.E3u a na, ~ F iI ji fron wharu }te lirchased the t ;i ro~ert th 1111•ln i ~ ha boon is d ? s Co,lnt 3111., to 2,~ ' ? p t 5 G ~ r,,. 1~. wt3rr3 E.'t lravo({ n '1 , " ` 'e ' b :..r. Tra k ,T 1 1 f ~ +r, 93 r at an cf rtr, '.,r3rt}rter :ecr,nt..d , , 1L I.. . ~Q„ .,r,,;, , ~ I 1 1':. ^ a a- fr_ E? ~fi.. Val n3r ae gu© r yid nt o~ ,1 Pf tt , l_le;ge, l.gr ;onbor,~ Tolr.shlp, 1istEd a-.lot AIL ;`,u;,u1=31•rll, ?'1i?23_n(,tnn ~,aen~. jf ~ , . I j. ~OwnS,hia, nnG ')erSOntt.! arld p011 'NAr 1'.C111(:t3t1, 19n3 t}le]'cifortl Gn l`1G+;.On Of )'S~ G£1rrll10r} :iCCnil'1(,(1 U'j .d', j`r£tS}:'r m, , 1+ .}.e cler:±{n t?I()n adiallrnr;::. I' "ranted £in ebatertent of t2Xes `RS to ';he City of ',(lmin Eton only on n 1•a'lue.tion of ~'1 Q OCO iElrsan£lI talc. ~ f, ~ ~,5 • 1 po l for the yt3ar 19116. , ' ` ~ 'lerka ' ' j, ~ , " T n r. ,n, r• t c r- e a C+ ,c ,'t~r+.'~il 1 r 1`f`brlf-,r! )1',} 1`)~" r j 1,pGn mOt10n Of itlr. Gfiirt?nt), , ,,,OCOnIOd b~, _Ia6J., .:r. ..02 C.t)rl I..• Gh0.s60n ltd ,rl•U'OIL lttlu .~tr00t, .JF.v ,J~1....t,~E~,.."1, 1,• , IE • r , ~ brnnted .lu aba „omr3r.~ 01 t1„e,> on a va.atatln.. cf .,>,J~O.O~ on R l,l,i) , ar„ Caac.h nuI c}tnsell 1n I E)tl aar~ i , j , w ~i~ r } .1t. ,r: C 1,C.,, a } ~ ml.. ~r+• i• ]r1Rt.,'Q'Qt~'.. }F• i.. anti ahat ged to llrl l . CiI r(~. f r t. ~ e r 19. jC, td r9, liar lwe,~:.l:r :,agt~,l t~f t:.r, a., d ,rRS ,tE;w , , r i II ~ i I w'' I I j * r n ~ 1 , r . ( 't• '.Eft ,.r r,t } ,.4 `'.r. p n. .~r 'n"• "t r.r(lt!J a l.P ~.(}n 7,1 • r r n .i r Trask, J,.. t. 1, • (R. L r, 1.. . vl T. a.lv t )an rna.,lon of ;:,r. Garcl,el seconded .1r ,ul . T n., ~ Yra? xr,2 )'t rc r.. , r k ,.I , 1„ nr,n . ilnl.l uI. tolrrlahl e t: ~r .,1'11rJ=1F.n, ~r€)4 I I , , , b ~ i _ :.,',son rlev.lp _t _ , ~ _rn„ the naymcat a. pal,. ,axts an £,,.c,ount of 11t,~E..t•r and ;nI_Iml~,.es, end Eu', .?,a,c,lanv o. pa..l =.i)Inty 'ittolnat• }:;arsden 3P11~r:-. ' . ~ ; ~ f t}?e yaar l~l;( Yrtis ard~#red, • n ~ , r , ,a .r, l rls rc~ or~l,;,!. ' ,.119 _ , .r. , t;r; . E~,311rc1 t r~u,~l.tea of meet.~tt ; ql ,1pa. ttlr• ..r ur!, ,.1i , w . . 3 , 1, '."ha rleetin then'rtd~ourltHr.• ' „ ~ , 'r` , , naC '+`.U?1 j•, a',tn Bpi^},; n ~ r C,11c 5~. udC t?° ' ry , ~c1.~, :r. •,Int1E;''~„ .f'.1'.fJllr err^,yr'f'n~; c(' ,rc,,r ;in,a,vcr ,.ltl "'tUlt3r t, t, > t• 3 f:t rns'r {':a t.2 t}71; £`;11 .9,, I r, l E.r , } ~aC I, t ti';1 i I,C .t)?i L/J ~C C1Qrn. .w " , . i rir `,1 nn,l C 1(' ` ...r bbl., al , ' , , 1)® f'+tll,,(a ~.,Et '-,p rs , ~ i' t~ + } n,~,,;'t.a.l tU U? held tU pn. "llr)Stiari of t}iH tl!t:110r ' ,..1~ L , , , 1, ° 1 k,:. ~ c' nt•~. C, 'r;.: C...,.'y. 1u'-!rv a"I( 1 "tYiX 1Ctr'.t^U,. UJr.,' ~ t..., nh,rcll1Ca15 rta.,.l..fl 1 . _ , . 'i~ l - ,q•l., 1-,,,-n n '1'i. 1 a' A ~ r! .pr A. U1-,. ~'..C~ JIt'-' ).lli.~ir r•!il r~p ;.I't°' ,i, m , ahOC . ~ ali; a a-1,0 r,', Ut)at I)„ '.':i_{00 all... una~ afltl ..,..lC ut St..,:l.r'"t.t s. .ltl SaA1B tl^IC ~ capon , tE l .?,tE9I Iwuvet. ,,,;1.. q b n, a-' fl i; ~41u .:051-i'(,I' t}lE, CUI,i+~1'llatlC~Ii t:+,. tl vinnzll ,~,lt:' tllE3 ,1>>t1tOr (%6~.1n(ttl f(t,+,'u v1, 3, . .1 G .i ? 3a Cl. ~ : , , li^r, rs+ t fin., •1;Y2~ IJ'. Ililll Ui, f G R sUb st.?,t,Jj e IiU~laIt %}la"~ 1}10 rho 1,?,",pl};t11 t.)'~100 C(~~j,Q~t Y!£15 ,at l:',,~U W _a,. ~ „I ' I' Eloc g 1 i W u, nrtd eau~t)ing + : . ~ I'j,P. '['UC:(t20n Di BrOi,tiJ1 ' E tllt)+'r011~C~,,." Jiff r+,x°al ' . I floe ~a-. call;>;, an a held to pR. a on 1 ';I t}10 a., a • U'Q~L]e{l~°£El:{~ n t.;t„ i0u~, 1U. ,.n .,8 ' t ,1r °T3tCI1pIIC t1 11Ut tU B$COed :1V8 nn t ~I . sill®,a~ ~ cast nog to ,,r„c.,a X10 , . • tt t' t'et !'1:G, E;!«IlE: ti? ~ ~ ~ttxut ,;,r,11,,G;; r 1.Gr ; 1:' ~)0 bC held• ~ n t}e ar:~~ l~,undred J~:-lrr., :'ctlltt, of protEtr ~t , s..e ut,ta,1:; .~ittol•na;• tr, ~ 1.. ra';t__ ,o j ' _ r d llnstnxtauusl'- c£,i•rl+~cl, aril }'l., rnci, rr b r !t? , Co.E.nnn an ~ ~;i nr a ~~itli an~? }'olci sE~xd a1,)ct~.c21, . i L. '1C y •esalu ~::a is I 1.~ > I h' i. £.,,I Ii ~ij !lJ; .,~E. F ~~5, i y., . 4 i r . r.) ~s . . - ';t ti: , i) t , ~ ~ , 1.{9AI;lY t71' }''r?~i•Ual't, 3rri Cl ~ ` ll 1 - . - . , I , c,,,r•,,,_n.t,cu, 1Yilmin};ton, Aj, C; , 1' , Februa ~ ' ry ..loth, 1~Ii7, 7 I.`r. Iia1.l rFE r. ,,1 Eh~,°, [ n~rt•t~t, ~I ~ • „ , ~I ,,t ct,r,[]rl; ,a,r rrnrrlcd 1)cst~reen I;i~® rc~,ram' ~t=, r,r ; The regular woakly meatinl;,of the !loan , d vrae held at Pr3widetit of t;ha Ylrilrn n•t-,~' n ,y .,.~.cr. L•'r " _ ..,lc, :r. ~ 10 "tBd , j,,,tl . i1 nt,'7q U~16C?7Fa~ (;l!,it, {UnGNiwy=r, a ~ r ,.•1C, .V, a,, t O A. }i• ium, trot P,,r. PUClar;lr v..+ ..:t, l,l.. CflnGt).,sion i•i"ht~ • ~ r ~ +4; -9 ,}o . e ~,rc3s~ni ,,,vc,'.ll.{l ~,~lzae tx) ;,l r , r, nt LaGlon t _Addiaon F{sw et .e,r~,,, , tlo.,. _...er c, of ,:a; Prssen s 1 t Chairman Gso. r),.uE,trharges ficr'li'hts p'~- .t, 6 1 / o, tn., .r , Yf. TrABk , c ~ r: rr, , H R Ga runsr ' ' f, , .i ~nr deduatlrl' a"t;n. > tea ~ L. J, Co ~ County Attormey, Maraddn Hello lemiul and ' ~tadi.urt s.nd consess • n tr nnc} r ac,Pra•1 trlxe;, tab . mS' r 1 1 .n1,; of t}u, 14'1., or tllCi slat^? tll~ nirrtrs fa.l7tiu 1I't' tt r, ,.J . And B2]d iri r ~A tNi7uu , H,y,ocl l,a °ir~ ? irirr „ 1 ~ I 5 • 6 P r .t t, 1k~~1 ~vllieh ers r. ; ~ € „ t71 ..e Qt,h 11 _l., a. ,r r:rrt,lUn i)f ',lr, lir,ll 1 '°J~tr The minutes [if meson of Fehrua acnnpted, and the t;oltrt'~ 1~';i:nr K r , scieonded by .i~-• Tro.~'• g ry 3rd,_1~1t-7 vrero r ri nt,y ua., ~rl.,tr:lct;r~il to prr•~,}+rc n [;tntrrtr;t c , • , sad and approvorl as recordsci. a rov,,l. h.r ovl,r ,Il •}.n PP hn Ilctrtz'r3, l.. rK , t, , me for Cyrus D. Hogue Chairman of tho l'€ill~.n~to n Port L'nr,¢nission and R• B. 'Fags Chairr~arl of the State Porto Authority appesrdd to ask that ,'~1,5U0,00 b n ' T11F follo~rfin€; resalutorl wa,s or"frreci b+; r , e ' t.r, } . Utxr ri ~ r , , , PPr~lriated out of the Port urlt nt.; oEasly !~r'c ia.er}, ncr ~hcouc,c,u .r, L.,?,C,~1r;ne'° Cozrunisaiona accumulated surplus from ABC funds 1 ,Tl tAn,l, to bs used for t effort to,secure the paaaa~e of an a ru +he PurpoE© of o,~rense in an ~ PP prlatians bill b y ~he Genorpl Assembly:for the Stets ' ~ 1'orta Ituthority for' the next fiscal veer. U r ~ ' tl'}',t?.]~A"u, 1»'r• ti.;n r'til.l ' t , U Ia .\llo,l ;vns al,poini,;ed "c,,'oitrsr of ?}err 'tn. r • 1 n mot~olT of }"r•, t,nrdner, secondod b ]1r ' n.,v,r ,,uT1ty bl, i the request was ranted all membsrs re 4~ Y .Coleman, October 22nd 1.< ~ ~ t. g , 3 vr~r r.~turrlyd to tree c;ff icr, 1„r e L,,•. 'h ; t x, Co+tl•rl P ~ rt • votln€, af£irmativoly,exca t Idr. 'P as P r k, who voted no. (irn9ral 1'l9CtlOn 111 ,t t1 E, -T"fi „C'I a,,i: .,f i;b, r, .Cil f.'rS A j -I, !ir,d • t , F~,, Yr7iERE;A;, n1'tor t;~re tv''t; The following resolution wns introduced h n ~.,re(, eFtrs of tiont.iriir,y )~,.r;,r , r Y Commissioner H, .R. Gardner and iraa duly ' l ,r, t, Y ' . . 1'„ rte: ru! ~ ,.,ry ~ ~ b the followin, votes: adopted : lt; w11 C r.t,,l, t.;1. u'rf:' t lir , ..,V1ec, - try Y. n .o Mlle l)ett,crr e f . r,~ 1;:iarl, n-n~ o. h7.s },[ra.lth tci !'[;tiro frU• ~rauUrel his ra[li nttior li ~ r „ „ ) . .t act,ivo ;;~,i•v r` . g 1 h1ol, 1. a., . ~~.hct~rltly nr; 1 xco, .ttal 'r~Ilr»rR~l_S svr, do H + 1 y is ,3ody, and AYESt Addieon Hewlett Ceo }y s1r., ,o €,o on 2,+c:ord with rln rp. .Trask,.}i. R, Gardner and L. J, Coleman. • n . ' ~ Pro„Wa.o,. ' :our ' a. ~ ,.c, ~f'h1 • ^`1 r~• n.±:,l t, l ' I2> BE i' r NAYES r Nona. I m}il:.{};,('(, P 1iu;a.hlEiI~ 1',.t, l'!E ~;`ti:a t c ~ to , ,'-'ter„lenity tv h,ctr;nd to him our nnrre ;a ~ for the;lo,~al, fa'.ihfill t.;r:d P"f, * 11- c,,t,o.. 1c1c;n , scrvl;ce he has rer:<?t,red th:ia ~nLlr.' ~ ' gin,., . t t and h~ hn,; ar. A }i~ 1 ~s VYHERF,AS, he Bliard of Education of 'r•v,.d ' ,ublic servo +~i,, r tor. ~ I1sw Hr;2lover Col ` is lntj, in o,lnfonaity with Cha ter 0fi0 of 1 .nt .t .,r, .o.fice o±' his c},r,i:;~ the l~la5 lawn of tho St,~ts of P , P.e solved 'urt}:er ~.},F t . r , North Caro • line, .the acme be1n~; entitled. " Arr Act to Pruvid ~o_~ of „h l., rocn.:ui,rnl be. ~tl~ncr.t;eri cci I}r. Etl'_.~ n. F tab e !`or I Ilene the riinlitas ctn t}t' ~ lr. e,,, i c' r,~ „ tee s lishment of a Junior :Colts a. , ,:onr d• i. er. nod ge in Idew }ianover !,aunty, tiel•th Carolina", has. re usated the ' Boarrl of Colnmisaioners of Idely 'ate q nnvor County to cft11 an slectlon for the purpose of perraittin• the 11t~on rlot';~n of a `qualified voters of said. Count to detsrm' :r . n11,, sacondArl by dr, Ga.rul Y one .whether +.hers sh13. it be levied and rnllffatod entnlall le r, 1.U . ri. ('rUr!},UY1 ] Ur::n~, JY rial; C, i'?U`' ' t a S ecial tax eat OSC88d Y 'I' pf ?tPw tienov~]r t;cunt; ;ta fill t;h<) , Y ; I. xr.ts~ t,orrncr P , ing five canto on'the 0 r ans..p, rrid term of . a• • Aso 4't, t,. (5~) n4 ].unfired Dollars (~lUU,00 vrtluat: n2 0 1 1 f lint'., rr~i r ed. 1•'r. r• ; ro sr„ real .and ersonal for rho sncgnd highest !nett o;i thH ticl:e,r €>n .,rrnrlvrna L,,c P P `Y. P ? y ur]ose of mai _ i .-nr coronfl2• Ll t}:e lest 7ri~anrv ^r 3 '~a r P I ..ntalning and 9quip~~ing a Jllll;or Colic: e r u t„ else i g ~ , ' coroner in re. ~ [ r.,, c 4ti11 New ftanover County as is provided b acid rlct ~ ~ln :est. Oth,,r n rnlicant;; f~,~ r , r; E, Y aril • ; t e G..'lc(.. !`rare .,r. ;r. rd'v:.n ~ t,Itl2) - and 2'r. WHEREAS; Section l'of as d a r• atricklnrd• L• i ct ivos author t r , ity to the .tOard o_ t.otnrnisr;ionsrs to submit to hequalified voters .the usston o q f levying and rcllscting such special t~xea for`tho urloses f . j, . ' Upon tnc~ afcreaaid; and P 1 t10n Ui iir. 1HLV^..., i,f!'CYl(}C' } lr (Jrt,.~n,l[' UF° . n t , a. „?1 lt,, nj r~ i 11oSn1tAliz t+;=tn for S^rrl Lrlrls^ ;'.hie -n' S >.UU o*ali,l;.t;'; :!r 1,1'.E,t, rel. Yf}~:REEAS, this 13oard has consontod to call said a e ' 1d a.no,l.:t vra:; turnc;l t,~(tr +n ~ 1 coon; , vrI-,L1 an• , Colint~r nuditt;r }~w thy, ;;I rr•. - f, r , l:r . r , `'_T rc. r NOW, T}iERI'1}'C1RE, the t3oard of Co ~ : a ) _ rtr'li sinners of .taw ;danovsr t.ounty does hers}iy crlll an ale<;tion , Ct „n0 ,in1.P,r_tr3 uUtlrt, r'Uril'.C11Ut'r %lit' , J'~~~ , n,, ' c,.^ ;r~ C. L. 1'~rPr,. A,t;rialit • ,i. ~ n , crrr~ ,rn; nrl r~;'-~t to bo held on T<.esda , 1r4arch 25th 1017 be t,l.n.• or uun.rlor ',.r~;,r., ~'rantHd Y - , , t,, trreen tho hours: of b:30 o~clock A,11. arld b~" ~ , n a .,O a clock M. E stern.Standard Time,:. on said day. - T'1a Sheriff rAi;c7rtec3 t},nc ~ e All qualif ed voters who favor'th t .lr n~, tn...r.,rn sod }n rbrsnd `PhoTra;; 11;11, It e levtring and col~ectin}; of said tax, shall Vote El 17allot ~ Flay., y ; ~ r l t to ulson nt "r_'abreeae ct(Ti''. on' which`, " , J .:1 earn.,.. P t 2„neuT,1'? + „ ~ shall be pr lnted or lrrittan the words, },'OR GUr12dTl ,l!i1tlf} ~ A c,f7 • r. ~at,'ec.,. nr-re , ,,u.,. €;n11t.=. In ~ryr ' , , R .ULLLG7, ,.:.and th0ae 0 a Caed „ l~Gr.' t + f ,02'G£r6 trUt12' _ < 1 tr1 ',.t.ta~: +h;" 1 P Thera! pon ;Ile }3onrd r,n rr:o''~,on r ' tAt;uvr shall vote a ballot, on lvhich shall be rlntod or'tier tt " .r r ` , ]f ; 1•. Gnrt}nr)r, .cac,nclat? htr }'r, :tc~7:ez;~;r • : n P i en the v+ords, ItGA,.N~T-COli1iTY',NItI01t rave}:ed t}:eu lic~~Tlse COLLEGE . I to soil behr 1n eccardancc l°zt;h the 1 nw. Frt o he purpose. of this election, as ailthorized by said Act; the -}3oard of Cor,missionors of idew Hanover Count do hrreh corder a:-new • ' ' Oscar Chisel: cr,l7r3d pis':±en': iTI tht, 2;(~rtll ~ Y Y_ zeLrstration and the fnllowin a g re der,i€,natsd as tho ' ~ i+ , o, ._nn ,~!rnrttor.ilrl, urns hpon Iit.t ict,. ' c , :*r..., sseco.l u,i ppllin J.aces for the Tovrn ~ b~r ._r. Cale.nnrl, exempt froT; the uh ,t 1 g P sh.. s Preerrlcts and lfa ,d a I P r s nd the persona hore>.nafter named are ,mint of pt]1. 1;r,xHS ort, t;t,rnGlT:t of IttnTrt~'{:,r t'Il[! illfirmities• e.nno~ a ~ _nt d a,, the Repistrara and Jud'es of elect i g ion an said Townships,..}'r• e7nets and Vrards. i i 11}]r_n motion of I'r, T. !rs;< secan[}[±d , }J, ''-T• .;Q1r',r;Pin,;l2'S• tuL;h~A 13. 1.Gk)StGr '~G€~ trl'»CC? :'.'P,~' l+a r erantei' arl at~atelaprr, of iiot l_s~.,i; r^t ~ z _ . e, WILMII•iCTON TOYrNSHIP n,, p n 1,f chai~Ucd n€,Eil.,t;' l,ur ;tr~,l;Ni.;.., °n }lot<.t. ~~U1 Pc'. r ,car l~tr.,, for the r0a3on S}le PraS nOt ~'z,:n~:] .Itr ttq ~ ' .t}t '.hti 1, o_° }IEtT• In'o.:erty rt2ui t.} hr tls ._r~~ ~,.e F'irat Ward Firs Station 1~th & Camrbell Strosta firm', time, did not knnia~ shb was re aired to list..... +r r .Y..~ t!pUYI r1i;tor' of 2'1•. Gar{1z1~)r srtccnded t], I' A. l3. {,r~msl lO O 5 Re istrar - ; , t ,I•. »rE«5:(1 ,1aIi1H" P;.i~i'Qrd, CU Cr>!( 't r ~ €ri 9y 1 NO. 1jt}l, t., 1 1'k.zUt;Itt; n:fi] ,,.,1 ",'7" . ° hldge - Ydade A• Jenkins`1010 ld. 11t}l,'St., on°rocorr~rt©ndntio.l of the ,.upt,, oi' :'ubLc "'c7.fc.ra, aclr,li*3:erl to t'iir Crnlnt'r Iicrnn ,l, an inrTa; e, Judge - H. Y. Fussell, t,.U'j Red Cross St. ' ~ ~ _ .ru_3.) to ,,;'1'tD'blls , r 1 , Upon ^urtiolt pa~,~nent _,c .y 1,1.,11-?1~,..Url ',i37iTL7aT11!'for bleat;}1E.r.,.' ,~ir1't .]r r, ' ii _ , - r7,A.~1~ the u.,. .rurt house ,n' acc,c. dance vrlt}~ their contract a_" ha, }stt. ~ ' , ah, l°1~6, cra.s attr:r•cnecl. C~pon matirn n? i'r• f;ardne^ rncon:'ed ,r Pr r• a. SECUND WARD f ~ 1 : , ]i. r ,CL .r ,rill, .}iC '3f)-T•!l Ft'il,l CVh(l t}ie 0£18ri,~ 'r' t}IF~t wUt2ld' i ff t} ' t, ^i r l,° C. nn t C;u ~ 18t POtr., , . HE1,~Nl'VAY SCHt1UL - 210 Ido. STRr~E 1' V TP LU11nty vq r".l(i&lUriEtr r}ienr nfl 2'~Dnar~r nOVler i.n r'raht' _ a f, ~ 5th, T • r. 121€~ 1.~t,t'rib ,S 0„ t 1. ....ef; U. beer in tlfa County, r.nd-the Cotllty + _orne~, Ives irlstruc„ad to prennro i( },ill ;ct ,.};a+ A'i'[,c~, I, i'o±+' su},mission to our I•e resantatives in the:.le~'s1rl~'' „ + , ' Re istrar _ R G Davis 18~'Graoe St g 5 I' P 1nv.• lre'for e..Elctmerit In„o r , o' Judge - R. E, Ydillalas,Jr. 207 No 7th St. ilpor: matioT: of itj". tiartlner, 3eTC4ntlr•tl Ire ;}r. '"rnsi: ol~, •,r } j'1 tt c r> Jud s - so Ob r ^ Geo H, Rr1n n L; Ito. th ~t. ~I , . - , 'r , ~~_s . c,,,. 1?_).~ tU 1. ct ~ ..:,,;t c'ved ~ Wpr ~ ~ i for 'pn~n~ent, i i ..-.Y _ , , ' ' t SECOND WARD ' The .:following Bond and lal•rftll 1`tr)n wr'^,~ t.rarrn to servo ~)s , furors :;.n the Suporinr t;o'lrt_for t}ia , li ~ 2r?d Pet. 1 , j triF.,l of cri.rninnt _o,lucs' ter t}i(~ one ov~elc ~ ac^.e.l to ,ice N H COIJIdTY COURT HOISE ~R• rd and PRINCESS Sts. ' P 1..1 bt;g1'.:ri2'.g irUnUH",'I'9~rUEtI1r 17t}2~ lr=fit ~ ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ , ..j _ i, : ~ T r..ar. nrman. ,i 13 r ~ Registrar - S. M. 9ostwright 150, 3rd St. ' l~• ata0n• t1nUeE.~C.~:tdl• J.2?•SnndcrS• u11U• .~,di.lr,Ut. i1•i .13."any't,.i, ~ 1~ ~ ~ S• ldnridHll. T , ~ Ir, r , g 5 ~ ~ , j ' z , • ,1 Jud e - H.-T. Carroll 0 1,4arkat YMCA , ; f i i ii ~ . C. •..Ca.trllJ.n. !j.•. : url . i}or P. • •r .h.?\-.T: _ . : t. 11 c. C1.'Y.!5. fir - • r, . , -r: it-„ ~I .,i•l l,,lt,.• ,rtt. J,_.. g bth st. ,,lt,r LPB' •,Arl;c... JC2n,.., :~1..h. J.rlttlbP.r rd1lSJA. 'P ,r1 'n s r;.' ' + , JIacI 8 - LUUiS G00dman 10 ;'N0. , g 5 !tier .n ar.i. ,Jnck,;,cu, ..lal ~c.l .,I,ltr,. - R, idilllam". J05.1't~rl`}1O11tS• t%•:~.IIn.I1Ce• _ `1";,t}.Fl.r'lOn 1, r TP 0~®nr ' ,,u H• brr11J ,i0 , i • I), 21t+r,lor 4nr C1?ndenirl. ~ ~ , y !finer„n S . J n 1. 1 ~ , , t • , ) , - ( , won, „dAri}cle. ,,....,de)rvcn,~ C THIRD 'rYARD tl. ,,21c.aL T. honor::. Gefl. ii. S;•rinr,~r., , ' };.".Jo}irla•!r, ~.I'•,foyn+):. Al:i•_a'La'.il~. , l Pi• A. l,!}1.1tnP.y. (i.nll 1'r' ^.e ~ n' lot 1 f , oleo, ,r,lll')r,~.U.1:1,, }I• .rTlll_lI)i•'~ .1 ,fie} n PCt• r ,.,.~.{.r:,r' U is r+ 6 CROVdLEY S CLEANERS -:8th k Prince.,a Sts. rY. Il. liry~en. ,1.A.131ltrlttili, I,ohert F:l;l.in I;.iT.Sl7ith.' i'.1i.llrllir,r,~, F',.ani~ I, Ss>or,. I C, i~. A,ich. 7V, ?i. ,lritso^ C r r, , 1102 Grace I, J.lan ,\,r. Registrnr H. E. Hollis t. r! '..G, 4lnlt}l 1~sJ,1ltllit,.. . u•...raia: L.rr1Un.. - 1 ;r };icliard_Proclks, A. R, a.ynrs. T• 1?, ?roctor, '1,m,~3rc~it71, t ,,l-,~ •r r f :7kir,s~ J d s -Goo. H. Cannon 21~; Wo. 7th St. i, Jud o - G. A. Hardlvick 16 Ito. qth St. ' Tho me?t.i2r~ t;}lcn'nd'ow•net?. ~ t, J cam, /l ~r~ ,Clerk. THIRD WARD ' 2nd Pct. b. SCHi7i)L - 1210 A4ar}het St. ISA _C BEAR ~i f 8th St, Registrar - }9re. J.H.Williarlaon ' 15 Ido. ,tad e - !firs. GeoR.IdcKenzie' 808.Ik>ck St. g ' R.FUsaell 217 So, 8th St. Judge - H• I FQURTH . - 1It ST. AET. t e.nd 5th WARD TIL?~STON SUHUUL, AI 4 ~ ~ t` ~ ~ 1, is Jr. 119 So. 11th St; Registrar F.L. 4i1 „ ~I ' ~ J'd -R.k Kin Capo t''ear Apts. age g i + Jude Joseph J. Eiden 60g A13n t. ' g j', f 'i i~' .FIFTH YdARD I~ lst Pct. `'T..'~tE STAT'Liid-ath & Castle Sts. 1 - H.F. Trotters 215 t~ueen 5,,. ' ~ Registrar Ides • I I J~~ C r€; 60 uean St. - 5 Judge... - 1-d.E.neTln r; ~ / ` ' - J•T.J:ieshaw 1516 Castle.. y,= Judge r 1 ~ r; , ,1~. 'e. . s~vEN7ix wAr ' , lst Pc ' t)LINA BhttiCH GAIL I: NFV! Ht;NOVLR COUNTY i~`'IGH SCHOOL. (Gymnasium)Princess S PCT T04,~I H.tiZL. - CAhU;~Ia . • . t. In ISEhGh ~ . Registrar - J. E ' .1$11 Grace St. ~ Registrar ~ Pe J _ earn rc H.Mort udge P, J. Baschon 210 I~ Y on Carolina Beach N.C. Jude Io, 13tI1 Judge - R. F. Eakins Jr ~ ' - g - 1°t. K Gaylor G, N ~ Carolina Beech - 20fS No. 13th „t, - _Judge -.:Frederick J , .C. .Plath Carolina Beach, N,G`. SEVLNZH WARD 2nd The re istration books of g each Townships Preeznc and Ni ~ ct. FIRE STATION - 1 th ar s 7 do Dock Sts, there~istration of voters between d hall be open.for the hours of o e of ~I rch l 4' 9 .clock. A.M. -on Saturday. ° the flat day a 9 1, and shall be closed at sunse ~ ' Registrar - E. V, Hunt Jr, ton ~~aturda March 1 4 I 4 ~ Y 1 ~ 5 Hudson Dr. and an 5aturddys March 1st `March 8th an ' S~ 9 7, Judge_ - H, Habenicht ~ d March 15th, 194, the Re istrars shall 1903 Pender Ave, attend the polling laces of .the g Judge - VJ. T. Beck P respective Township, Precincts and NC 113 Vurightsville Ave, the registration books far the re istratio ' ~ arras, .with g n of electors. EIGHTH W The Re istrars shall ARD ~ attend the polling places .of their Townshi s 1st Pct: c , and V:ards withtheir. reg~.strata.on books P ,Precincts CHE~~TNUT „ZRl,F;2 SGHUOL 2150. Chestnut C; on Saturday, the ,22nd day of March 1947 ~ ~ t• (Gymnasium) between the hours of 9 o'clock A.>VI, and ' ? 3 o clock P.M,, when and ..where the said Registrar -Parks iui. Zow -books shall be open to the inspection of'the electors. of s 3 2308 Chestnut Wit. t nd aid Townships, Precincts Judge - J, E. Rose ~ and tJards, a any of said electors shall be allowed to ob ect to `t 2204 Princess ,~t, Rd, J he names appearing on said books. Judge -Mrs. J. A. Scot _ t 114 Kenwoad Ave, Be it .further resolved th t a the CY:airman of this Board give due notice of e' EIGHTH Vd coon b h • ARD this ele y e publication of the same as reciuired b law. 2nd Pct. FOREST H L I LS SCHOOL BLDG, FOREuT.HIL~S ~ , Zhe fo_1~wing_rtesolution was in~ro do , ue r db f' C o y n,missi7ner Gar.aner .and was duly - _Re ado ted by he followin votes.; , gistrdr H, L. Herren 102 Colonial Vill P g age. Judge - L.,G. Gore 21 Keato 9 n Ave. Ay.'ES: Addison Hevilett r Judge -Mrs, .Helen C. Doran `10 Columba ,.Geo. Trask, H, It. Garaner and L. Coleman 5 a Ave, c ~ NAXESs None: CAPE FF,AR TOVrNSHIP ~ c V,NiEREAS for man ears , ~ o y y The t,ilmington Red Cross uanitarium~ Ina,, has ` WRIGH7.UBORO uCHOOL 4~R1GHTaBORO o r~rated in Nevi Hanover Uount~ a Sanitarium o P r hospital for treatment of Tuberculosis and I; Registrar - N~rs. J.A.. Westbrook: R.k.D. #1 ' Jud'ge -John A. Westbrook R.F. D, #1 VdH)hI~AU b~ reason of t e ~ r} Judge -Mrs. Eugene Sava e Castle Ha•ne ~ h e~ta~lishment «nd building of an airport adjacent g y ~ N,C • to or vrithin a short distance of it b~~ theUnite ~ , _ ~ ~ d Mates. Goverrnient ~ it has V Yiecome necessary to discontinue the. operation and maintenance of said Sanitarium HARNET V - or I.os _ ital and T TO IJSHIP P ~ mile Post Pct ' ~i ~ OLDEN FI~LLLNG ST~TIQN ,'7 IvlZe Pout U.S. 1 7 VIHI•,REAS in the o anion of- the B d o G , r „ ~ p .oar f o...miss~oners of New rianover County I it is for the best interest of the .residents of the Count `and desirak~le that Y~ Registrax - firs, Sall E.Pierce R r ~ Y .D,;#1,..Box 202 Judge - L.A. Covil RF,D.'#1 hire,shall be a continuance of the reatnlent of persons suffering with Tubercu- Judge - P.B. Willetts R,ry,D, losis in an institution erected or purchased for`that purpose, and #l, box 220..: V~'HERI~AS the Idew Hanover. Count ...has on hand the sum of ONE HUNDRF~D THOUSAND ' j ~ Y E. WILI<IINGTON ~ DOLT~RS' 0100 000.00)'v~hich is una}?pro riated and is available for the ur ose > > P ~ P P Pct. HUGHES BROS, FUEL OIL CO. 24 Market S ~ off' building, equipping and/or purchasing ,an institution or sanitarium for the 35 t• treatment of Tuberculosis and'addz Ions thereto, and for acquisltidn of 'lands' ' Re istxar - .Grover; L? Ri s 22 ~Ia'rket z P P ' therefor which said fund has been et aside and is de osited in the 'Ca it~1 Reserve g _gg 35 t. , Judge -.H,P. Garvie P. 0. Box 4 Fund of Idev~ Hanover: County, as permitted and authorized by the provrs~.ons of 75 , Judge - C, L, Munn R.F.D, #1 Box 2 1 Chapter'S93 of the"Public Laws of 1943`Session of 1Jorth Garolina~ now 153-142 ~ 7 et_seq. G.S. and a VJINT}~R PARK PCT. V~`H1itLI::~ this Board is desirous of subrriittin to the voters of New Hanover ~ G VJTI~iTI•~R PARCK SCHOOL Vd NTi! Count the uestion of v~~ithdrawin -from staid Capital Reserve Fund the sum not ~ , I R PARK Y q g exceeding OJJE HIJIdURLD THUUSA'.ID DOLLE.E*~S 0100,000:00) for the purposes aforesaid? " and Registrar - H.O.Thomas K.F.D. f 2 Vdinter Park ~ rE , Jude - J L g ..Lamb R:F,D. #2, VTinter-Park ' Jud - 1N VdHERI;A b virtue of the G. S. 1 1-30 the board of Commissioners of Nevi ge .C. Long _R.k~.D, #3, Box 2. 4 ~ Y ' Hanover {;ounty hive the.: authority to levy a special annual tax, no ~ to exceed "5~ F ~ on the One Hundred Dollard (100.00)` valuation of property, ' o be used as fund- ~ , SEAGATE PCT. for he maintenance of a hos ital for the care and treatment of persons suffering P j ~ ~ _ -with't ~ e ulosis rovided that a ma orlt of the ualfied BRADLEY S GRhEK SGHUOL -SEAGATE he disedse_known as Tub rc , p ~ Y q .'voters of ve their a royal thereto at an election o be called for; 1 the County g~ PP ~ .that C F ~ I Regis ra.r --blrs. C.Taylor' R.F.D. #3~ Airlee purpo~e~ Judge -Mrs . `J : W.Walton It. F.D'. #3 ' P ~ NOW THERFI+'ORE the Board of Commissioners of Nevi Hanover County do hereby Judg~ - LiUton Larkins R.P.D, #3_ g ~ j~ order the vrithdrawal of a sum not exceeding ONE-HUNDRED ZHOUSAND DOLLARS (~100i000.00) i frora the'Ca e Fund of New Hanover County aforesaid, forethe purpos6 of ; ~ pit~.l Heserv ' •r securin :elands and erectin or altering buildings and equipping same to be used as DIASUNBURO TOy~N.~HIP g g • t ~ C ulosis. rovided that the voters of iJPw ; b~ASONBUhO PGT. LUMSDEIv UY.,Thh Rux~T -WHISKEY CtthEh a hospital for the treatment of Tuberc , P Hanover G'o s ecial election ta`be held as hereinafter provided, give their - unty, in a p • ~ ~ a rov tend the Board of Commissioners of New .Hanover Lounty Registrar IVIrs. Rebecca Lumsden h.I ,D. #2 PP al thereto-and to tha _ do he to be held on Tuesdays '"arch 25~ 1g47, between .the hours I Judge P.K. I;Ionford it.F.D. #2 reby call an election • ~ ~ .Eastern Standard Time for the ur ose P,M P P , Judge. Mrs. Rtith ~i.Ottoway R.F.D. #2 of 6.30 o Clock A.DI. and .6.30 0 .clock a of determi ,will of the eo le of the County whether the Board of - ning the P P 1 , Comm~.ssioners of-Nevi Hanover County shall withdraw from the Cep to Reserve. n afo ONE HUNDRED THOUSAI.ID DOLLARS (~Z~~000.00) to be SOUTH WILI~INGTUN resaid, a, si~m not exceeding VAN('I~ BUILDING IvIAF~~'TTT VILhAGE GYMNASIUM used for the urrose aforesaid. PCT . ~ { ) P P c then submitted the uestion whether Reg~.s ran - F. A Cashvrell 205-Vance mot. A+_ he same election there shall be fur a, q ~ 2 a e St, the Co e ri ht to levy a special annual ,tax not `to exceed 5¢ on Judge.: - A. L. Cashwell O9 V nc unty hall have th _ the 00 .evaluation of property.::.for the .maintenance of Judge G. C, Cashwell 209 Vance St. One }~undred Dollars ($100. ) said hos ital for the. treatr~~ent of Tuberculosis. P ~-ballot u on vahich shall be printed li'EDERAL PuINT TUV~NSIIIP Bach ualified .voter sh~:ll be furnished d P 421 a Old the words: FEDERf~L POINT PCT. I~UB1~duUN 5 .~2UhF, INTt~It..EC'IluN U.~.. - ' Masonboro Rd. I' ' 'nom the C~ ital Reserve Fund of ' "1+'or the order authorizing the withdrawal, t P R .P exceedin UNE.HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100000.00 e istrar - J . D. S kin er R.F.D, #2 g New Hanover Count a sum not.. g I g f n and/or purch~:sing of a hospital for the trcatmen ,Jude Mrs. "J D. `Skirper, R.F,D, #2 Ys • ~ - or the erection of~ equiPPi g~ Jude - C, L. Bowden R.r.D. #2 se_known as Tuberculosis and additions to>said ~ of ersons n with the disea ___p suffers ~ g ` 1 i 1 I ,.i ; i i is !i ~ 1 i. ' 'I ~i , i ~ ~1~. - : . y.. .e , - - . i ~7 h . ail ~ . , . ~ ~ F. _ f i ~ - i f ~SFCUIJIJ V~`ARD I ct grid P N.W.. COUhT HOUSE.:: r s t,OR:-3rd a Prince s St,. ` ,l i" Registrar - S.I~~. Boatwri ht C Judge _ H ~ g 14 ao. 3rd St. . T: Carroll 0 _ib1 Judl,e - Lo _ 3 5 arket (XMCA) u1 s Goodman 105 A'o . ~ th hos it _ ,.t. ~ P alp .and .acquisition of lands _ .for the same i ~ ..and t FOUN`IIf WARD , "A ainst e order authorizing the withdrawal T, of New Hanover .Count a sum ,from the Capital Reserve TIL~,~~UN SGHUOL - APIN ~ , Y~ ,not exceeding GNE HUNDRED TH Fund ~T. BED. 4th ~ .5th ' ($100 000' GUSAI ~ .00) .for the erection 'of e DOLLARS ~ quipping-and/or purchasin of Re istrar - the areatment of persons s g a ho's it~ g F. L. Mi is J uffering with the disease knovrn p al for ~ s r• 419 So, 4th St, additions o said as Tuberculo Judge _ R, 1,~ hospital, and acquisition of 1 sis~ and ,.King :Cape Fear A ts, ` ands for the'same~n' Judge - Jose_sh J. Ei ~ P P den 609 Ann ~;t. :..and all _qualified` `oters shall be furnished. a ballot upon which shall be the words: printed r~I)+TH Y,AItD ' "For th lst Pct. FIRr; SATIUN - - e lev of a s tI , y pecial annual tax not..exceedi 5 1 a Castle.Sts,. ~ DOLLARS (~100.Q0).'valuation o ng 5¢ on the, OPJE HUVDRI;D f property, for the' mai?aenance of_ a hos ital f Re istrar` - l~rs , treatment of Tubercul P o g H osis. r the WattErs 215_~ueen St. i Judge. - W. E. Keen 60 ue.'O Jude en ut . All: qualified voters who are E ` ,T. T• ~Ieshaw °C ` in favor of the erecti 1510 Castle ,.a. purchase of the hos qn, equipment and or pital aforesaid and additio / ~ ns thereto and acqustion of 1 therefore shall vote a ballot u on w and P hick shall be printed'the_words: FIH~II V,~,RD ".For:ahe or 2nd Pct. WIL', - , der. authorizi .IAI!i Huc7F:.x, GIIU ~ _ c GL 410 I~:eares ,,t, r New ng the. withdrawal, from the C~ ital Rese , P rve Fund of I3eglstrar - H. Johnson 21 L ke ' ! anover ,county, a sump not exceeding 'UNI HUPtDRE • 5 a E~orest- Pkw D THOUSAND DOLLARS 0100 000.0 Judge - H ~ y' for the erection of~ equip in and or ~ ~ C areld h. Chase 16 P g, / purchasing of a hos it~l fort 5 rznecrest Pkv,y. went of persons "sufferin with P he treat- - Judge - R. A. B ritt g the disease knoum a Tuberculosis and° 11 C Lake Forest to said hos i ~ ~ additions p tal, and .acquisition of-lands for the s- dme. _...~.r_ and all ualified SI}:;:'H ViAF~D ' q .voters whoopt,ose'the erection e ui in the hospital aforesaid and d ~ q P~ g, and/or purchase of SUi~iSI~;'1' P1~lu. ~C.HUGL Caz•~~ ^ • , , a ditions thereto and acquisition of lan lina r.e~.ch highv.a~ !,„I shall vote a ballot upon vrhich shall b ds therefore I, e printed thr words: - c Registrar F. D, ~tel~es 7 ito, Vrn Puren St, SS, "Against the order authorizin the wi ~ud~e = 4'. G. Hatch Jr. 2~ I}o, H rriso ' g thdrawal, prom the Capiaal Reserve ~ ,1 ~ a n St, Fund of Alew Hanover Count a s Jud e - R. L. Burris .1„ C c y, um, not exceeding OV3; HUNDRF'D THOUuAND;DOL R X705 Add,,.s ~t, ~.u. (~100~000.00) fore the erection of e LARS for-the t ~ qu PPing,:..and/or purchasing of ahospital reatment of persons suffering with tYie disease know .~C ` and addiaions to said hos it~ ~ xhD n as Tub~rculosl~. S :VEI}ZII V p al, and;acquisitlon oF.lands for the same.." 1st.Fct, NLviJ H~.NOVI•.R COU"Ill IIIGII SCHCOL`(Gymnasium) Princess St, _ . and a11` qualified voters who are in f~ 7, c avor of lei}ing the „pecial tax , . sforesaid shall vote a` bal ~ Re lstr~z J. E, ,~edrn lot ~,pon which shall te; printed the words: g 1811 Grc.ce St,. 'Judge - _ I'. J Baschon 210 No, lath ;~t "For the levy of a s ecial Jud e - K..'Ga~lor 208 No. l th S Z p annual tax not exceeding 5~ on the :One-Hundred G ~ 3 t' ' Dollars 100.00): valuation of property fir the maintena c n e of a hospital f or - " ahe treatment. of Tuberculosis."'' 1 SL'.'L~I'1H y'rA1iD - , 2nd, Fct. - c and a 11 ualified voters FT . ,TAT C N - 1 th o k q who oppose the levying of-the.-special tax aforesa~.d ~ I J ~ D c ~ shall vote a ballot upon which shall be printed the words: ' , Registrar - E. V. Hunt, Jr, 54_Hudsan.Drive !'Against; the 1ev ~ of a ecial ann Jud .e - H. Habenicht 1807 Pender Ave. . 5 p ual tax not exceedin g g 5~:'on the One - Vt. T. )Jeck_ 113 Ytri€hts,ville Ave. Hundred Dollars (~~10000) valuation of ro ert ~ for cre m ~ Judge P a ante c i. far the r n P y ndn e of a hospi .al t re<<trllent of Tuberculosis. s For ahe.. ur ose of this I=1{;II1'H V~hFtD p p electl_n ds authorized by the Act and Laws aforesaid the Board of Cocnmissiime' t st Pct. ~ ~ 1 ' ~ ' ; ~ ;CFiUOL 21 0 Chestnut St. G °ir~nasium ~ g rs of NEw-HanovE.z ounty do-herFir ~ order a neur Re istr~tion GI}IaUI„L7 .,Ih FL , 5 (y } and the follov~irrg are designs-, ed >as he polliri}: places for the Townshi s Precincts Ai and Wards and the persons hereinafter named area ,~i ~ ~ r~ ~ r ~ Re ist.rar -Parks°, i~:. Low 2.30II Chestnut ~t, pp ntEd a~ Reglstra... and ~uage~ € r of election ,of said Tovnshi s Precinc = J. E, Rose 2204 Frineess St, Rd. P ~ is and Yards: _ Judge i Jud e - iv?rs. J, A. Scott 114 I:enwood Ave: , g WIIAiSPIGTON TUVuNSII'IP ` i First V1ard F1RF STATIUN 4th ~c CAIuIPFiI~;L c ~ - ~ EIGH~'H Y~hPJ) ; ~ L ~Z RF~IJZ FURI:ST HILLS'SCHGOL ELDG> FURL:ST HxLL5 ' ' ~ 2nd Pct.... u , : I Re` Zstrar - A. F. C~rimsle~ ~ ~ G ' g~ 1C10 No. th St. . ; !i Judge - wJade'A. Jenkins 1010 No 4th S _ Re stray - H, L. f;erren 102 <Colonial Vge,. L! t. g ~ ' ' f, Judge - B X. Fussell° 40 xed Cross St. > Judge - L. G.-Gore 219 Keaton Ave, 7 ,i i Jud _e - }~Irs.:Helen C.Doran 105 Golun~bia Ave. g ~ c - - uFCOND Y,:ARD' . , ~ CAFE FFkR 'iUV;NSHIP lst Pct. HL'hFNWAY .,•CHOOL - 210 N0, th STI~:F.T 5 f '~t IT'S,hUI,O,SCi1GOL ti;tlI(rHTSbURO Y. RI Gt ~ Registrar - P,. G. Davis 1.8 - Gr ce St. uecond:War 5 ~ a ~ d J , ud e - R ~ _ ~ J•A. Westbrook R.h,D. #1 I .?.nd Pct. g E. Williams Jr. No. 7th mot. ~tegi..trar lu.rs. I Jud e -Geo. H. s c -John A. Vdestbrook Ii.F:D. #l ; ~ . ~ See. next a e g Brln on 406 No. 5th mot. Judge PH i t(rs. Eu ene Savage Castle Iiayne, N.C. Jude g g j, i. f H1RD WAhD I. 5t PCt. 0 CROYvLEY S CL},ANERS 8th c~.PRINCF~„5 STS. HhhNL~T TU4.N~~NIP 7 Ivlile Post. P OG N FIhLIIJG STATlUN, 7)yIile Fost, U. S'. 17 ~I ct, DE I Registrar - 1?. E .:.Hollis: 1102 Grace St Jud -Geo. H. Cannon 214 No. th St. _ 1rs. Sa1J. I. Fierce R:F,D• #l, Box 202 F 7 Registrar b Y a, R...D. l I Judge. - G. A: Hardwick 16 Vo. 9th St. Judge - L. A. Covil _d e - P. B. V~illett R.F.D. 1, Box 220 i. - - - - - - - - Ju g THIRD VfARD 2nd Pct. ISAAC BI'~AR SCfIUOL _ 1210 IvI ~ kt S , ark t. E, tiJI , L(4IINGTUIv t , - 7 c Pca ',GHI1S BROG. F'UI,L UIL GU.,3~~n h,arket mot. Hl Registrar - 1~?rs. J. I{. V~ilJ:iamson 15 So. $th St. II Jud e -'blrs : Geo . H. 14I ~ ' ~ ~ _ . ~ L. Ili s 35G2: Ivia? kit St • ~ g cltenze 808 _ Dock ~t . Regl~trar Cro~er ~g Judge - H.H. Fussell 217 So. 8th-5t. -H. P, Garvae P. U. Box 7 4 i F u Ir}unn l~.r'.D.. Cpl, Box 2'~l . Judge - C . ~t 1 ji i ' ~-f ; r f,. ~ • Vr 1 NZ11,R PARK PGT t) r) , r ~ ~ bruar r 0 ~ s' ` ~ 11`r _ Fo t t of 1 h IN ~ 11 !F x/11 H e r ao P e A 1 9 tr nt RI< 4 • i . . , r ~ i; , I~ CF.OUL~ V I}l ~ FR PARK ~rrrred, I;~ , Registrar. - H. 0. Th . omus P,.ii.D.` 2 V ~ , III ~ ~ Judge - J. L, Lamb ~ inter Park Upon nratior. of hire Trask, seconded by'lire Cal9ran ReI+.D. 2 1 , Judge - Gar, # ~ V~1ritE•r Park on a value.tlon of ~'~®5.00 on Ch1 •sler Ar was !,ranted an abatement of to "Y rtamab la and doll listed tsrian x©s .Long Ii. r .D # B F , 3 ~ off, .264 far thu ~ oar 19r~~, f !rse L;nuise D?nlea was char ed wit uFAGATh; PCT . 1. K h a Lincoln. Zepher nutonobile nt was also and properly lasted and .char od i X1,1135«l10 for 1916, tho sam© arir g to ,;;adze Station 1Y11F1, l.;rs, Drmle $HADLEY! u CRH;1?:K SG tivith r 1939 Faard Coach at X35 ,00 Tady~. _ R should linve hoes char ed IIUOLi ~EAGtiTE 5 .anEz a .net. s.batemer>t to }irs r ~ upon matinrr of 1dr. Trask, secnnclecl by ~r; Goleta ~ Dtrnlea of ,~1,100,C0 vrhich wss ~.E grunted. Registrar =Mrs ti"l C .Taylor H.F.D. #r~3 Airlie Judge -Mrs. J. W. VJaltori H ~ ~ A report of the Tieck Tax Collector waa received shovr~, , .1 =D. ;r~3 far-the Coon r r;~k' E, ~5,41b.11 callevted for rho Cit• Judge -Liston Larki ~ ~3~SRl~«~ ang s total. of ; l3 3 acrd ~ n,, R.r'.D. ~ ,Il?_0,l~0 hac1: taxes na1 . Jam.ra laatc.d far tha maxtth of h ~ rJ ~ r IViASUNBURO T UV+IJ~,IfIP A st~4emant wr,s r~jceivHrl from the Sty e ??oard.a , f i'trblicYJelfareshaSVltrj, ;~l~~,p~1.0t)_wassont t' ' Maspnbor0 PCt, ~ r ' County for OId A e Assists.nce Ait o this..: LUIt,~DIJN OYS7, , r , , , , . G to I RUA,.T~ VtiHI,SI<,Iiy C;F{1,Ex Dependent Chaldron ~rncl t'ar r>dninis n tr tlan for. the month of January, He,istT'ar Mz'~; ti on motion. of tr, Traske seconded h 'I~i g ~lebecca LUmsderi H.1+'.De ~{2 P y r. Cnlenan, tha ptirehase ~rP six cn+ies ' JUd .e - P ~ Directory which vrl.ll`ha avail,~ble J>ui J nt t}ie l9~>7 City g h. Iu1onford H,F,D, 2 ear v4rly, far the Sheri! Re istor of ~ . Jude _ r # Clerk of the S:tper3.ar Cnurt rind tlcrun ~ n. adb, P,ecardors Court, g 1iI_s. Huth 1~~, Gttoway h,r~.D 2 ty Auditor, was atrtharized, l arc h , Clerenae I). Hill 1'rilmin -ton toy 1~ ~ ip, clisrharl~,e,l from the r~Irrn>f 1'ebrunr~~ l~I~ ti and $UUTH VdTLI6lNGTUId b ale in th a , ~ : urchasecl an ~utona i e same raar,th, wow upoir motion abates the 19f16 tax on t} P PCt, re car vrlltiation bf' X710,00 VANCF~; BUILDING ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ and pall. ~ It1A1! 1' I7 7 VI I:1:~1GE (G~'.IvINAPIIII; } j Re istrG r - F. ~ C . An appl~catzon for license to sell ba®r at ~~ril;htsville t)o+.utd s~.tln,itteci } •F g A. Cas}iwe11 G05 Vance ~t 7 as JUd ,E heir. in duo faF•rrr and executrnn and enclnrSec. lay the ,r lph L. Riggs rho same t? - A. 'L. Crshwell 2.09. Vance m t ~ ' "heriPf t'+ns 11~an _ r ' ~ ud .e r,t • by }'r. Coleman, grautad. } o pan of I.r= Trask, secand9d P G: C. Cashwell 2 09 V~ nc e _Ut . The mattar of s praposod salary hill wee brrn r , i~ht to i,ho Ott+_+nt,an. by lair, Gardner vrho moved that FFDI::HI;L PUIPIT TOV,'N5N1P "The Banrd of Cammfssioners - ~ . of !dew Hauavor c.alrnty this clay wont an regard as uein • o , aosod to ~ _FFll>;>tAL-PUIPtT PCT . rr r.n, 6 }'1 • HUEIN,~GN ~ .,aUHIti~ IN`I'1:R~~FCT1()N U.S. 421 hill takanl, away from t.ham th+~ f rxurE; of srxlc~ries af'elected aff'cF3 , ! do Old ~ rs as ..roviij©d b ltlty ns tha !)card feels it ~s >n bettor }aosition to da+9rrninE'sama r~s it l v ~ ' u1a; s b~ 1ala s onbo ro Road a tar the c nn ~ +a condition of t}ro Count • as wall ~ i r c~ l ~ y a~ thedutias of the o.t'ficers inv • clued, The l~aard further Registrar - J. D, Skl er reouastad that introduction of bill he dola~red far l;h' i•+r t Pp rt.F.D, #2 ~ , xr.,, dots rn ardr;r to t;ivca thr~ pea~lrs Judge - Mre J, D. Ski. er R.F ~ here_oppartunity to vxpr•oss thhir c~pinians As to merits of th? b PP .D. #~2 s: i11. And that the same be ',G' Judge - Ce L. Bowden 1t,F.D, 2 transmitted by mire to ,,trrto ,,anrttr;r A1tan t~,, J<r3nnon= ^he ration eras seaoneic~d b, r~ # 5 ir. Jaleman end s- unanunously carried. 'CAROLINA BF~AC;H Tha rreotin l then - 6 ad~aurnE,d, '~I , i,; `Itr ,N HALL - Ct~110LINA BIa,ACH J ',I , r~ C. t.lor}.. A ~ 'Re istrar - Prec ~ R t~, ~ g 3 .Lorton' Carolina Berrch N. C. Judge R. V. Eakins Jr Carolina Bey, J ~ ~ n ch, iV.C, udge - Frederick ~ , P1uth Ca'rolitla .Beach Pt. Cr i Ydilrrcin~tan, tl, C e , J'rrnye , l l t}r, 1~1>7, , ~ The re istrati.~n boo 5 +1 The re ular vreekl meetin of the }3aa d yr c r g k, oz each ovrnship~ Precinct anti ti,ar'd sha l be o Fn. g Y g r• ns }a~rld nt 10r.)0 J"., far the registration of votE~rs between the ha rs ~ c p u of 9 o clock A=I~,. on uaturday, ~ , ?re~entc:Addison I}ewlett Uha~rmnn, (,ac, Yd. Trask, Js*!, }:i, }Jail, H, Il, C,urdnrrr, L J,Cnlamatr nzrd .the:: first day= of ~,archr 1947 ~ an,l shall be closed a sunset on S' 1 1 4 A. , aturday harc,h Count• Attorne ra 5, 9 7, and on Saturd«ys it~Iarch 1st 2~~arch' 8th unG i~:a y t. cedes B©llamy. ~ , rch 15th 1947lthe hegistrars fall attend 'the polling places of the res ective Tovlnshi s ' ' P Precznr.ts and'V~ards withthr re lstratii;n boos p Tho meeting way; o enod vrith re or by the ?1HVerarrd l;lort3zar,r, r'ovo„ nectar o "a' t r ,.s'~ s, ~ g k for thy: rr.f;istratnn of electors.. P P Y xn var~o.. },pi~~c.apal ' Church. The Ire istr~;rs shall atten the r g d polling pl~lce~ of their Townshzps~ Precincts G „ • G and U+'ards r~ith their re istrUtic,rl b r ~ , ....delegation of ladies from rho:}lartl7 ~arclina 7arns~s 9 narcad to ~.rr a.than¢ , ~ D ook. can Saturday tie 2nd day of,arch, 19,7, + PJ~ ~ .,t~p~ be taken to snap between the hours of 9 o'clock A.II'. and 3U'clock P.IVi, vrhen and where the said ~he dumping of tre.sk gland; the highwa.~•s in this anon., Qspoci~s.ly along tha Ydril;htsville Turnpike east:.. books shall be open to the inspection of the electors of s i K~ s of YJinter Arirk, Upon inotio;, of Jir. t'fardnor, s~rcancled by Jar, Ball,the ciaoparatiori o' the Shariffs a d 20 n4hzps, Precincts and V~ards and r~n ' of sr~.id electors sh' Depar*~nent and-And state 1?i hwa etas asked to the end that this- ractico be ato od all be allowed to object to the narr:PS g Y p }aP = appearing ,on said bcaoks. J1panoration of }'xe Gardnor, sacanrieu Uy'°cr, I1a'll the; Americen I~~•ian vm:^, •ranted an ~,i rarriri4io da } 1? _ 1 n ' Fie it furthEr r. e.olvEd that;the Charrrran of this Board. ive due' not of 500.00`to~rard,tha exposes o~ she ,~tata Legzan Canventia~,hrrre sane 1.,.:., «;4rNc„~rrr t}ra 1",th,'~:hpn y g ice 15,000 or more persons aro e~ eoted to nttentl'the canvantinn, pravidad surf ici,>nt'furrds nra in the ' this election by the publication of the. same as re aired b~ law 'P q ~ ' budget t6 me4t;that a endituree All members v~tinr af'firrr~tve7.v exca7t Idr~, Trask, w}ro voted tro xP k 11 feelin the , Upon motion of 11r. Gardner, soconried b;J_ r. Colenrau, tha (,hriirrrarr was authorized to make ftppaintvrants g merehants,who will ;be benefited, s}rozld pays a , E of to fill' vacancies of Registrrlrs and Poll. }dal~lors whoa noc~ssar•y; for haldirrg the tti~ro elections a+s ; A ra3quest of lyir. J. 13. Funderber far i ~ rovAments to tha drrcirra t,• of rr7 ~ ~ J'ur.~kin Kiln. Dr•arrah on the ~ aforesaid, Blue Clay.~oad eras u,on motion of J,lr°, Gardner referr€rd to rho r'.hnirttan. ! ' f ~ A surety bond. for`lYilliam 'Gordon .Doran, Jr., as'Coroner of 'flow Hanover Coun ~ vrith the Groat American . ~ Indomnity_t,omparr as surd ut th© enalt of •2 000.00 the s~'d r.ou' • t A request of Dr, A. K, Elliot, County 'rlnPlth 0f'fi.aer, that's ohemcal analysis crf the st~mac}i f'or poison.. of Y tY P Y ~ , r,1 a r nt hav~.nl, assn fixes by the , .Coun • CarnmissZOners and a rov©d as to four d e ~ -r's G, 1lachureh and other. victims ~~ho disc! slyddenly ;}unria~.~ olre~iinrr'ebrirartt lath and it a oarirr ' ~ ,APP an xocutr.on by rho-.County t~ttorney, vras .upon ,,ot.on of , ~ . , PP K 1dr. Coleman, seconded try r. Trash, npprovad. thet in the opinion. of the Iiistrir~t Salibitar that s}iatri~l Ue dare, eras upon motinn ar` }~rr,Garclriar, seconced by r Mr. Coleman, !,ranted, i}pon motion of 1"r. Trask, senonddd by i°r. Gardner,` it was. the sanso of tho Ilorcrd that no chin e ba ~ ?Jpan motion of t T as 9 r },ir. a, , • ' r ~ ' made in the iositiorr of Count Electrical Ins ector at this rim J,r, r. k, s. or`nda 1 v ~a.gr~n, an apllroJ t iatiar of ~3!>.,Oe()0 r~rar, me.de h.re..,lahle ~o the 1 Y P o. . United States Ilcialtli iarvioe for leUor in ,~ao.erFtian snit}: thou, J)DT sprn•ind; prai;rrlm for mrrlariar ' I' t f th ~ a 6 ( ' Co a`l of i.- +hi s a !)H moraha i#? ; 3 ~ t l9 7 s A reror o e ad. s I et Raom (,o:°~ ~ ~ nL rea far n the ariad 1 i. r.~n~ A•rr•il l t l~ } 1 t rni .tee for January Yui~ r~caived rand tiled.. P ~ ~ t re art of the Colorad :come. A eat far Jaruca eras reca vecl a d na o art~cle~ usod P, A1an~on a•~ ea pc, can slain of .the drains°e condition slang tha castle I}ayna canna nrrnr' A P L r"J 3 rr Sir nt of 5~1~.90 for r P ra ~ 4 L in demonstrRtions was approved. Faru;t;ain°s Service Station, causti-d b too sr~ill pipe# filrori motion of J.ir. Calaman, sacanded by JAr. Trask, the matter was refs ed to the utate 11i•hwaV ~ ?'lia?ic 1'dorks ~onmi.ssion }°rith roq,rrst that roliof h~ iaen rr _b ~ A re uost that tho State Hi*hwa lle nrtr~ant rraehino-~rado Kerr Avenud 1xtorision bn tha Castle }{P' e ~ by npenir, thQ ;litohes a on ;jaid :^aad rind in:~ta.llin larger p3,po to he "urr:i.,shotl b~.r thn property avvnars R b Y P b ~ ~ ~ 1~ ~ G Road, beyrond tha bridge racently installed 17y J'r. }3otrrtrsky, to wake thy road r,ssable, vine upon emotion:.... rn a~cardance with t}rain Rascal pragrrm as crlrried art aw i'Jinter ?'o.ri°. P of fir. Trask,_aPPrbved. An ajnlicatia f ~r s r1 bn9r an ~;}re J:tarket ;:tr+~?t rraera Gix and half' mi1Rs from the City, n ar license aA ~ ~ a o t of .rho Kuroda of Idontifieatian for Januart~ bras roeoi~roci curd +"'1 cl submitted ~ ; a U ~1~'rn }~c;en Ejr,dc>rse' b* t}°,e , hcari~'f ,ens lrpc,n oration} of A r r i e h A. ~,hur J. Sanders ~hn n P ,r Y , ,.r. .':clemar~, seenndad i.ir. JiF~ll, rantedm a" • t e d c a T; t 1cr. Calemacn -y The matter of cleaning and rep irinL h it h 1nn;; the : luo Cla1 road eras rlpon rtion of e red o the State J}i hy~ra rsc Public 'forks Corvassion. A enrvnu ~ p r• `Aliditnr• rtdvisn *hY nrralant of dr,I,ar~it in each bank as oI` ref r t 6_ Y- n~arlt~an ways recezv.,d .ram ..he Ca>tr ~y D Januar• Pl~rarld?im of sealarit:ae, bald'.?~` lrs i:, c;ria}, acne, 31, ~9~r7, togather vrith a rr Upon emotion of r~r. Coleman, sacondod by dire Trag},, i.~r. Grely CRrter was granted an abatecrent of taxes r~ ~ C QO r ; ut rl , ' , • r T res)t . tc,I.~nra,fi„~d, rosdont , f La e Fear ~a~rrrshi -_on a valuation of 1 0.00.: an radio listdd at .>2Q.00 and ohar od at 000.00 ;n error and ~2,~7~e Ion mat ; ,,a i ~ b t~•. r L _ I' P ,9B G ~ , P i ,n o~ ..r. Ca,.eman, srrcanc. ,d ~ ,,lieu on n vx.~lua+ion of 3.00 jrersnna~.1 nndpall, as tc~ tha City of ';~ilmington on trailer listed at ..":00 and'ohar ed in nrror'at ,~2 x00.00. ~5 g ,J was ;ranted an nbetemotat of t_ . ~ r ' th City t+.xas fire th+a :~iuar 191rt~. and,'. , an aceaunt ~i" error in ;:hilr rind ]tsm l'rl > a f } II I. ii. ~ , u' i~,f ' E1~ -;r s..,- rte`"-', 1 i' wn . . ~ . r t~ '1 is 7 ~i~ 1leetin of F b etinP of February 2llth, 19117 want g o ruary 17th, 19117, cont~.nuvd. Me inued. ~ : I i i ; Mr'. H. G. Clark ]daso li onemotion of fir. (,•>leman, seconded Irv n}~aro Totmship, srus also I;rnntod an sbatotavn+, P . 1}•ask, P,.H.Risle of }'filmin Plilmin};ton only, on a .valuation' of ~ . of taxes ss u the, City of an abatement of 1 16 tax .s on a valuation: of ;1.00.00 _ 9 Y gton tnvrnship wAS granted x,655.00 personal and: poll,. accoirrtt of er • at • 1 1 0.00 I 1 nn 191(1 Ford Clui~ Cou e 0 0 vrith City t:ixas for the veer 1 rot in char in • in error $ , 9 , D, Potter eras abetted P X79 . 0 and charged 9;6, g L him r 19~t taxHS on a,vnluation o > f ,i, property and. X1..0 do}, tax account of duplfcata char ~1,16O.O0 poraonal An abatement of taxHS on a valuation of ge, end 1), Pigford calorvd, eras ranted Upon motion, 'fir. ?{.D,Cottle a ro^' rO.O g ~ldant of Floxida for the lnat t} ~3( 0 overc}iarge on 1 r • :eve years, `eras granted an abc ~ International Truck for the ;rear 1y116. 93J ~ (.hc)vrolat Coupe And '193ii of taxes for 1916, aacoimt of being anon-r©sident. +t~ment i Upon motion of 1=ir. TraA Are nest to abandon the old }Reaves Ron k, soaonded by Idr. Colvrtan, 1dr, J, E. Hordvattx Jr 9 d from. Karr .Avenue at 'r'Jinter, Park to a sttulvnt at VYashingtan D and sut}stituta in lieu thereof. Cedar Street from Korr A+i , }.iar,}idllan Avenue latter part of 191i5 and all of 1 eau 9116, eras granted an nbnteraont o£ , •C. o to lies ' P1Ytnouth automobile he kv t with him ' taxes on n valuation of x(315 Op ~ until the nex+, mooting. }iillnn ,,treat;-teas deferred P in Nash>,;tl,ton and listed bore b~ are . ~ year .1916. J In give in' error' for the Iir, H. A, }roll was granted nn abatement' of texas an a valuat o ' error on lots 1i7 and 1(Ei }iant amore U' i n of :1,300.00 pause charged in Upon motion of sir. Coleman, seconded b la T - F} , ivision Harnet+• • y r. _rasl., H. A, Hall eras granted an abatement of to . totrnship, for the year 19116. valuation of X1,300.00 house cha xvs o egad in error on lots 1~7~1~0 .aantgonery Iiivis fort Harnett n e for th© ear 1 6. townsh Are asst ^or an ad ustrnent of the: bnr• Y 94 ip, q j ,k taxes due by the heirs of C uuan motion of 7,1r, Trask, socon~lod by 3ar. Co •lsd•R.Ahrons, block 323; was lemon, referred to the Car.nmittae tvith power to act.. :A report'of thelVilmin,tan itblic 'b a, eery for Jcuniary wau received and riled. t'on of } .Tres iJ on mo i dr k., secanded by '"r. I , P iAll, all bnc:e taxes due New ilanovvr Count• ibr the f' Upon motion of 1,9r. Coleman seconds , 1a a year 1919 and the yctars prior thereto are beret J d b r. Hall ir. , y declared to be barred taut unollactablo under } 3 , Joun :q..,ellers vrr+s rHleased :from the a ant +,ha revisions end authority iven t j' of not-listed` malty char h }l P . god agF:inst lots 11~I?, block ¢,=1U, Carolina Plaoe for. th© p ~ P J G o oard of L'ounty Cor;~riissiorif;rr of liavr Ilnnovar Count b year 19116, he ChApter 181 Public. Laws of 193'3, and ordered cance Y Y purchased from ldiss }Mary P. Aell Janua 28th 1 16 1 ed. rY , 91 , thinking I11ss I3v11 had listed the sumo I A request of .the 1Yilmin n }Iew U on motion the contract to re+rair the dam ~ ~ gto Hanover Airport Authority than the Count~• Cu<.ntissio p t nge~ caused by lira to the 1'rr~me cotta a et the lied . nuts make avnilAbla Cross Sn^itariutn, was .awarded to tlr, I?. R, Cavanau h at ml f r t g 8,000.00 for renovating the building 1:notivn as the "OSficers Club" g a a by su into An ndninistration buildin , rt of ~.~0~,72. plus X126.00 - and "~25,OOO.OO for the canstructio~r of a rermane • t; for pa{nting the: extvr~.or of the buildin , riakin a tote fc } nt conor~te .apron loading to the sa:~v, 'tfl -match .Fade g G 1 of ,~~).7.., by being ~hv lorrast bidder. Funds, eras raeoived` and a on motion o rn1 P f tir._ ,ardnnr ;..secanded bye i}r.' Ilnll,' ftction was deferred ice. f, a point mveting`of the Count Cot~rnissiono s tit non rnotib'1, c}u1y svconried, County bills i1c}s. 12c t Y r and the Airport Authority laru•ch 12th, 1911?. J7 0.1559 vrar© approved for pavnent, Upon motion of 1'r. Gardner Sec t d ~ The following gaud and lavrful morr were rite r wn to serve as ,jurors zn the. „ul;nrl~~r r.qurt for the ' of vi rlr. Co orun, the Comt~~y lculitar :ma instructed to furnish t a. • two tweaks rtixad ter•tri }~c •n,rtn..n ,.{nrcn l~~n ' the Board v~ith a brenkdorm of th a' 1 • v zrport operating expense for stttd~~. I, ~ X117, 'ipon motion. of I r•. Gardner seoo v Jno,T.'rtntts. Prank Frcrrovr, i? , ~ , h pried b, r. Colotnan, fir, James 1.i. I{n11 eras authorized to nv + . J.Turne.. Chas.}d.Atl:ins,on. L.H.}}epee. building at Lagion_Stadzurt, occupied by }dr'. T.O,lfurra tori d v e "he F,L,,~arlick. J,A,Davzs. l:lhert I:i, }{incr. 31.3,kI}tita. y, t o rn and the Stadium premises oleaned u , , c, ..dt,nrd Iler~. P• to o F, best. C,L„gartart, Jtta.r,Rogers,Jr, 'rJ,H,I,ottor, t1,G.Sl:irtner. Upon motion of Tar. ColernAn, seconded by ~r. Trask, i~ 6 rollectvd f L,1~.Todd, C,C.Chvathnm,Jr. J,P.Graen, L.R.Kir. Patric}.. J }I n 3 7 tom 11.A.Hritt, an om:loyaa o" k! ..oderick. '3vrnica C.Hryan. E,S.hnott. C.VY,Hloomo, 'wt the Q do 13 Stores, by harnishment February l2, lyli7 and credited 'n e• essan. iclie > i t tar to ono+,hor R,A.Br•itt en A1~ c rd. J, A, Brown. L,E.1Yillinms, .1,L.T•hlbri~•ht. }J,H.La. r employee at the'Shipyerd, residinr at 121 Davie Drive hici , r' ~ •rlen 6 , fii<1 1 -ling©, teas ardorvd reiundod far 6 TnaJ{, 3tun,aas, p tha_roason tir.i1,A.?3ritt e +lo~ rtd b the C Jno,A,T.'ago. T,4'}.Tucker, (,'rover C, Hines T ~ m4 J Y d. 3 Stores eras xtot a resident of Ii arr. }ianovvr Count r,.A.llrgtm. .{nlph V. Ifube.nd, , i,, January 1st, 191V6, and the taxes duo by tit. R.A,9ritt of 121 Davie })rive eras ro y J,1'..Cnnk, Rawlnnd :Greer,, F,O,liorne, r1,Il.Ii~~nr•u,Jr. liarvin F(,: Horn s apenvd for the IY,N.Kinlaw. 1`r`,'.Hrock. C,Y,DoVaut i~ e . 'f;l collection of the 1916 taxes c{ue, ..z m~ ?av t Jr. 11,D.1f_1 a ~ . . id L, Srxath. r, i ~,r u.D.Patterson, I:. ,.'Johnsen. Jns. A, },rovrtt. ii. Verz«al. Jns.H.Gralrr:m Jr, , I TJpan motion 'of ;.ir. Hall seconded b ~r ` ; J.YJ,Stanle' _F.B.Overinan. J x' }nl ^ ' y r. (oleman, the; ABC Hoard v}as re uostod tc, •ive us a a Y . } 1, rn.,,,o Co.,tvllo. J.Abnvr Pitts.. q n e timete of the amount of prai'its wv'ma~ a act to rucr~ive for the ba a c ~ + I' J xP 1 n o of the prv.~vn, frscnl year i Second waok_ Upan motion of 1.ir. Colortan seconded b~, 1+Ir" Gr~rdne p ~ + r, }+r. 6l,P.Toan, Jr., J,~j2O . rutcasa ,,tee©t,was a 7 painted „ st a ~ti.ntras Oliver r 11 °agi r r for the Second t'Jard Second l'reonet to ra a r -r ~ L n H c ~ Y'1,L.Russ• J,l3,IiarVH ':I,.,,r~lei~mOn5 eo t pl ca t,ir. S.1`..i3oatvr, iLht vrha advised Y P torson. ~ that he cannot serve, for the two acial elections called to be ho d Tt s tr ~}asflph Harrell. C,1w.cD.Jonos. A,T.Dotrd~ , L.1'.Carter. }'.}i.Grnv 1 tv da" , March 25th, 1911:. ~ ~ „ J r• .,~,.L+.q.,h.. ,Y,h,Spaonvr J.r~.Iinlo. h,n.lton 13at5on, I{erbort i„ ,knss, 1 Upon motion of l,ir. Gardner, seconded b Lir. Coleman thr~ Chu tra^ t I',u,ilvtvtan. Eti;,h Lone Jr. ii,l.i?liodos, Tt,li,Pvtttivav. A` l Y , irtnan „appointed to rv resent: th_s _ .13.11a}:v. P ;}~l1,Hi hsriith.' Francis' A. Janes.J FI Vacs ~ ' r , County at the hearin}; on a proposed bill to give Counties all r>Ftrriare 1irvnso fees at the l; .Jr. R.!}.tllan. r„•,.La,,Io ce. A ricultural' 13<tildin at aalvi h ~ v ' it,S,}acKeithan Jr a ' s t r; ry ~ g ~ g Tue.,da~, 1'ebntary 18th, nt 2;30 P.: L(. : J hn Iona.., ,f..i.T'ishvr. ....,1.}?tttto. J,U.^}cornton, n. ...Dan Pli _1 s a i i io . dorm n }{err..n <l.G.Stal.le Jr. 1,1Y,Soldan t, J, . The meeting thou adjourned. 1',}±.}las::vtt. Jas.H,I3urriss, D,'a?,I{olmes, };.;a,lfarshall. }1,P.}acCla:m:~r. _ 1 J,J,H1and.' J.L.Davis. A,R,Kaith, a,}i,Ta~!lor. J,I}.Shitul. it Clerk. Richard Hatch. .}Y,},(utahv . li ' y J,C,Sharp, O.u,?3ishap, I,V~.1Yillis, J,S.Craig.' r ~ . t h,L.}r}i11- ,Jr, t,i,evrj pantages. ~},}{.I{lender, ,lorvin G. smith. 1' Yfilmizt •ton }I, C. h'ehrttar 21 t}t lc 17 The mvetin= t}con ad oi~rne~i. ~ Y ~ 11., 6 ,j d, T e raga ar weakly: nevti.ng of the 5oard was held at 10;00 A, 21. ~ ~:1~ _ tort..' ~ i ` Present: Addison Hativlatt Chairman, Gen. '~Y,'Traek, Jas; Pi. 1ia11, L. 1,Cnlernnn and Coitnty Attorney ` f 'rizlmin°tart id. C. 1:iarch- 111 }rtarsdon }3vllamy: , 3, 17• i' ~ ~d' Upon motion of 1:1r. Trask,'seconc}ed by hit. Coleman the l3oard a;*;roved a rocuast ~f t"r. Gordon Doran,' I, ~ Coroner, that lorislntiva auth;arit be secured to a a' t a de ut~ cc o to stirvv iu the absence The regular wavkl mvetin • of the ?bard was h€.id at 10::JG A, ti. Y pP ~ P J r nor Y g „ of the :Coranor, which would eliminate the necassi of a ointin a vrsori to aot in'oach case, wahout ; g tY PP P Present: Acidiosn Hetvlett chairman Gvo. VI, Trask, Jas. }}all,. }I,R.Gardner, L.J,Cvlvn:an and : additional..oost to the County. , ,ir. R.-1i. Kerman, our re rasvntativv in 'the le islaturv n •warrd to ask ibhA+, the.Paard iv+~ its County Attorne },iarsderr Hv11Arm. P g Pz D Y endorsement to a praposod bill to increase fur foes from ~2.UU to :~5.rJ0 ~rar day eras left with the ' Y ~ . - Thv ; ~ pastor of th© 'ou th t ' 13oard for. connideratian after the County Attorney advised that.. the Colutty c,arnrni.,.tionor,, have the mvet_ng was opened vrith prayer by the Rovarend Il. J, VJil,,or., r I r ,~treet Advent authorit to inaroase th®` a• tv i1~,OO er da under ha :roseitt law, It t.iat' or: affarad ~„r }`r. Coleman Christian. Church. Y pJ P Y I " to approve the increase to ;~5,Q0 per day failed of a Sacoaid. , - _ r: The minutes of rnvvtn•~ of Fvbruaov 211th, 19117,' veers rand and a,:hroved hs recardHd: ~ ; t+ir.' Kormon indicated his intvnti.an to ass'a bill to rohibit sein fishir?r at lYri htsvilly ~3each, bi:t b P P 6 g ! la ~t t r t e at +i• t f;ha ter 1011, A r ~ use r~_an Stadiu.~ for n 'b'it decided to ok f r ho .n o th m ter after the (,onnty P. ~ ,arney callarl hi:r attHntion .a p equvst of It . ,1, I;, R}todes to liermzt ~hv Amorici:rt Lagoon to ~g ^t n axhz . z..on 4, ?~tblio Laws of 1915; which prohibits sainting within nna mile of shore botvrvan biasauboro and. }foore's Inlsts. of shows ~tnd rides ldarc}i 1st through A nil 5th, artd Legion Circus Octabar 2t)th, through 25th, 3 P ~ teas refvrrod t;r t}ta ion Field Carsnittav far further considorritian,and irtvvsti~atian vrith V • ~ 'ssian, Log.. ~ A latter was received Pram }ir. A, ai. Graham, Chairman of the Ltate Hi borne i'ubl_~'V?orks t,ommz }ar'. Illtodes'. ~ r the }iv 11 Divers :thaw hiay +.2 and 23, eras grn!rtad provided g al.ed Thv use U. the ,,.tedium fa i, concern in the dam in of trash atop the ri ht-of-wa s of the hi }tvr~ s in this area. ~~1r. GrnhAm c ' r g p g g L Y g Y ~1~0,00 cash bond is ostod to insure against damage tc> thci field and p ~citisvs and the proper P attention to Section ll~,l2t3 of the General Statutes ,Under this law'atty person duu>pin( trash within aleaninr thereof L I one hundred yards of any hig}nvay or public raac, rutd not on his ar her awn premises, is guilty. of A misdemeanor, and the matter was, therafare, referred to the Sheriff tad the Hi~hwa iiatrol to stop this s y Upon motion of r. 'P s • r triad b r1r. Gardner, Idnry I?,ettztir, Cattnadrr, Count;; incli~ent, 1.103 Nobly .as•. ra.l,, 83COT ~ tactics of dam in trash alon* the hi htva s. Aver t^• Y the Su orint~r+?+,irt of }'ti}71ic Yelfare admitted P ~ p g b g Y tuv, YzL•ninoton, }I. S,, tins an roco:ro;tendatinn of p , to the Cou my Home as an i:>rnat®. A report of Jas.Yralker Hospital for January teas received and filed. by,the 13onrd Un ~ • t t,. ,,a, '26 9avirt twam:e, Ihrrham, 2}. C. moved from an mat;ion o, tit; Trask, seconded uy dr. Hal.,, L.,r.,. 3> > 2do objections were indioato to the application of the Atlantis, Coast Line Railroad Co~rnry to the this Cotznt J A was ranted An ahatemont.of poll taxes and not-li.stsd ponrilty charged use 28th L lr3 , United >,~tates 1)istriot En ineArs,for a permit to oanstruct a,ta erne woo ile iar itt thn navigable ! a a. Y , g y ! artd l~1 r account of bezn a ncin-resid©nt. K mP Y d P N g a.nst property .rt block j;-52y for rho years 191k1 J 1, , G channel at the'sotrth:end of the `'swing drawspan of their bridle over 1iortheast Gape 'r'ear P,ivvr, neAr Castle Hayne.' r I, f i, r aF ' t) . 4 1 4 lt, ~ l t, 49 Meatin(; of liar•ch r , r • 3 d, 1317, continued, }?eating of ,!,arch 10th, 1~~~7, contrrtuad. ) a ~ Yf}iFIREAS, it appears that t ~ ha commun.ty and the ,t,:blic r , i~ ~ that part of tho County 1 (,enarPllJ wi 1 hn best aer w r.o r , road knovrrf as the ldoares Rond front lore wed i£ A ral,ort as raave l f t om thn Bricl: Trtx Colloctor s} to},sin , , • r . at Yfinter Pnrk _is ab Avc+nua to 1.Iacili nnd~nod and -in liou thereof st}z llnn Avenue t~~,23.f~1~ rolloctcrd for the Cnttnt+ sta.}: ~~3,~ l • l r' collar°'ead far the . r stittzto (,edar .,trnot from said J, a totftl cf ~6,r,321,~1 bacl- City rand venue to Liftr,Li~.llan Avanua, Therefore the Korr r~anth of I'obra~ry. taxes colloct I' , Board, an' seat' ~ ed for the }dr, Hall, artd under the atitharit vested sort of l:,r. Calertan, secancled b • i hereby abandon the Y in this 1?ody b+i law, anti thin act o 5 , t part. of the aforoeaid Iriaares I~rnd as a c , ~ i n, does >i; repast cif th,. I,ctclie.: I:.e:st }(aom rYornrtittae t:iacldillsn Avenue at Ylznter Park r>nd in ~ outtt5 road, from Karr Avenue to artd Calorj+d }Tares Agat:t for I~'abruar I , r+nrl filer?., and payment. of : l r w lieu theroaf requact the.Stnte Ii 1.3~ for ar~z.clAS t~,aad by J ero raceivod i'lorks Cnrnmis;rion to includo a ighway ani3 ?~lhl r a roe d ll.a oalorod Hom ? C der 5tr~avt from l{err Avenue to L.a is was pp a e r.},oat for clamonstratians }da•: n, i c1ii1 irttairie o lftn V I~, d A hn County ,;ond .,ystom. uo In the State I - L'parr motian of J',r. Trask, sr3canded b y y'. Coleman, ;1r, I1, 11, Pnd~,ntt eras ~rnntal Upon mation of Lir. Colnritvr, sacondod b Lis. of X2.00, oll tax for the ea ~ c a Y I1a11, Y.. 0, Bostrom, 13runstvick Ga, eras P Y r 1`~11(a, account of ovr~rn~'a• .was r' ,l' r, nbittemant nb~tement of texas on a valuat,,an (~rantad ~ , acts., a« of ,'000,00 on O].dsrnobilo 2-U Sedan 1`~ ~ y - n(;a`Apri1 16th,19Lii,,, ~ for the a iatod i ye r 1016, It appeared that thr, car was in error by his wife A r©pnrt of the i3~;rt:r,.u of Idant' , l.icen5od in Georgia anil ices never • ifscation for Lobruar•r urns ro State before or since- tea . ca , li.. ~1ng. n . to ..his ivod nrrl f filed, ,t` Gardner, sec;a - i4 , m •.rr ra motian of fir, nat.. ^ 1 bJ 1tir'et,,,~, ~ha °ionrd, in cart lie ,ha house and lot 1*1 and half` of to+, 10 } r :and lOt~3-12 of thtt t}9ne a ^ noa uric " ~ i 1 Cenwool, char(;acl i.u the nano of I~.A,Pichan st r.l „tfttuta„ of 11arth Carolina, nnfic~~i P h ~o~.tivn _08-11. far the Faurth Street Advont ~ al Tru * r t, , 11rs. Thnrna^ t,hurch and used oxclusiorl+ stnar, ,.o the },ow .anavar County rVe,lfnra I3oArrl for a tarn, Grt.rse as its appointor, ulron mention of lir. Gar ' J as a pr,r•sann(;o for .choir ristar t of three arutra ! dear, senoncied by Llr. Coleman, exornrt from ta; P ,was . }n„irtn7n{, April 1st, lr,'r1a7. on tho tax.. free list. 1 , ntzan and ordered pltccad r, statement eras renei r~: 04; vad frarr ,,,,e „,r,.to I3oa.rd of Char' , , I ,$1~a,71;11,00 was Sent to thi,a G+,,,nt itae•r arts, .'ublic '~iolfnr~ ndv;.sin .that y for Old ACe 11ss istnr:ce h zd to 1?0*, ~ a request of I,awrHnce George, colorod em,lovon of tho 1 adrntnitt:ratiorz for the rnent}i n ' , ~ , andent, Chil~lrnn artd for I !Vert toirnar Sag Cofapturr, for axcm tion of f ia~,r-ttary, poll taxes .account of bai.n~- a P paroled prisoner, vvns dc:ulinad. Upon motian of Tat'. Track ' ~ecnndrs~ .1 • a bkr r, {,u, gran, 1:1~1ach1 Muss, count • intli n ' . I}pau motion cf ttr, Trask socondad b+ of a-e, was nn reromrnanda ~ go t, 7~ ears: , Coleman lr roe F.ldo C t..an o. ra J . rrrnn, colored, teas axnmpt :Cram the th..,uperrintendAnt of l'ablle {Vr>lfnra acirnittnd paytpent of .poll taxes on ftecrJUnt oP ovort and ~rtf ~ : at:.e a n an inmate. , to the' Count P Y irrraties, loss. of lag. Y An aPPlication for tic « n ease to ,,a11 hoer at tho faur milo poet on thc~',",cotta Hill. P. request a_ Kutlaw Fuztrtral flame cf Ializ~br~thtav f r by Gladys R. Drozd, the Sarno being in due form and axacut o .Road, submitted. n7 .a, rnirnbt,r.,araent of ,30.00 for an;b°,•lftt:ee ser~•icc, i n and andorsod h Arid far or?hal~ii.nV, t:!r~ ha v of ..1r,,. Luc t~ y ,.no aheril'f, urns r : A ~ J• .,lz~°a-cl echo c3aari rncnnt'.+ f'r upon motion of 1,ir. L'alaman, seconded h }:1r, + r ~ . J or, ol„onin- eras .n ,,a rerisam th~~ nxP~~nse ~s not nn obliat;lon of the Cotmt'. n r u, daelined ~ Y r ns bran ,ed, It a n ~ . •,°+as a ;rembAr of the .!laden l4ut:tal ;lur'a 'V' P. e `r ~ f }tat 1.1rs. lilizznrd »orintiott An a>> a ~ r t l ~ of , ,t , 1 }lit. tzon ~ or license to operate a public Dance Hn11 on th a t ' , I.li,.nl otl. ~nwn, }i o C ra_Zrta Bench i by Y,auno A. Lohto, t}to samo having bean endarsad by tl:e "t ,oad, submitted 11T}on ration of 1r. Ga A ~ n ~ i , tariff' .urea u arl , nln.,r ~e~anrl J p rlc,ion cf P,r, Grr•dn(=r, , a. i?r r, Coleman, the fallnwinl rr3salution was ado ted~ soconded by fir, Flsz11, grwtted. p , ~.r, p,;c}icon I(e4rlatt Chn~:rtnan cf t', , ..e rionrd a. to,tntY Carnussionara of flow 1lrtnaver Caunt• urns P4r. Gnrdrer_offarEd his resimation as a mambos of the k7ilmn-t r ~ J, on-Neer }.anovar Air1 ~ daail:.rr:ted as thr? rearusantati.t~a of t;h r~ statirt• t};nt he dovo+.ed considorabla of hi.,~ tir:tn to P • last Attt;h~arity r., 3olJ and authorized to nccapt'deli.very of the irstruments th. affairs of the Authnrit~ siri.ce J cl transfer for tht+ Gatutt and e r(res to lte t; ~ „ J, relr rand Y g ou„d b,, tr.e +,arrrs, res~,rtrtt;i.orrr, rer;tr:lctions arid. conscientiously far the gi7od of the County rand far the irrtorast of +.ha cvnrli.tions see; out in +ha a Airport, but having receivdd pplica~.oz; to +.ha 'fifer V.ssato Arirni.riistrntwon, rand he is Furth too much radacula and too little cnareration tic ed that h ~ ~ a'~-n t a, - or autharizbd Ica ltoatiau for treltsfer cf the ror,ert 1 , g a be roplared_ b;r' same other b,asinriss t,, 1P P b ? in cr,nnect. vr7+ mart. Therefore, has rasiQration eras u nn snot' m i n _„h ~ha air ort 'li ~ P zon of 11r. _rasi;, seconded b+r Lir. Iin11 a-+~ ~ ' ,act -}a ~ad. ,,fir, Coleman vating;no, feeling iir, Gardner was thr~ best atlalifiad nrsor '"ho resi. nation o ~ a f Iir. Albert } , Perr^~ a,z e. !~l , r - + p t far the jola tc look a''t G r^ ,eh t , , the Gounty ~tn„arost. - ar ~ a , Gf ,}.r1~VilmYr.(,ton-flees ~:nnovor Airport Y~uthority "a:, r°ecetvad e.nd uian natzan oi' lr, Ga - a ~ , L rdnar, seeon,.,acr b ,rAr. ,,c,lerlan `rte: y , s t;cceptad vrxr,h regroi;s. ~ The lnstruat~ns warfl gwPn t~ execs Ss to }fir. Parr' a; roai.at'a , meeting then adJourned a 3 I P .t n , or tl,a *~tlt,ftble nrtd untar~ng sec+rt.ce he has renaero,. tho Authority hirvin cat + i of thA , , g z ribnwd generousl,~ a_ hxs vrlitablP t~ta in the interest . air! r r r • co ~ . . Clock... >;V } upon r~otic.n of }d,• , Gardner r° l , ~ r ilmin~ton, N. C„ l.iarah 10th, lgl}j, , s~c,nr.td o,r r, '14•ftsk, Lr, },rt,nS.l°an I;, I{ic};s, Sr,crai;arv n:J th n ~ llilr„in~~tnn-Clew ?~anove~r F,ir•,nrt .iuthari.ty wno r t r c , , nc( rested to sop. esrtnt l}ev°r }innaver County a t.l, •',i:o ,a ;1tr• „~rf L`.uthor ;t,i beforo , ~ ne t;ivil ~,eronnuticr: i3anrd at',rashin°~.~n a,C. I.',tArah ~ i, 1~, .y117, r, , I T o regular weakly raoeting cf the Board i~ras held rat 1J:OD A. ld. uric}i ref<.,rr,nct3 to the puttinl^ in o eretian tho rnrlio hrhr~ + , P on Flu, ac>EC„ ua1 route. ' Prosont: Addison hew rT , lett Chairman, Gov. lV, Trask, Jas. I.I. lit(11, l{. R. Gardrtar L.J.Colarann and L~rar mation. it vats egraod that tho rtf~irt; rat' th(r atr-rc~rt cr~r,t:i.ruro iri th3 hr:iu<;; of i;h~ Airnart u, t Counter fcttorna,~ IJarsclart i3allrtmy, :.ti;t~.~ c' t.r~ ;o+ird t.util detaraiinr~tiatt of thr, "ta r' n" r ; o tug . t.t. ,.irpurt Aut,~or.~ty. _Tha mation tivas o aped vrith rn ?,'nor t , g P p ~ nr by tt r Revarard H. J• rrilson; pester of tho Fourth ;;tr(rot Advent ~ .no .for. Co°.tnt;y b• ; rlc 15c0 to 1.~~'' ir.r:l a; five, ware aL~l;rovnd f'or n~nnrnt. P, Christian Church. ~111t3 fo l luwin r bOntl& 'l1iC • ~ r „ « M 'i b coupons r,ar© nresetttad by the Uo~utty Au(,;,,c; ns havir:n h;a~n oa'~d 'and vrorr: The minutes of meeting of h~`arch-3rd, 1 1 a , '~~urned in then rr?senca of ~ ' , 1 9 t7, rlera reEtd arul'at> rrov©d ns 'r p h ,3c~r J. ,1 oaordnd. j 1 tJz~on motion. of ;ur. Gardner, sacrmcled by I+Ir, H ' SCHGr~L }30}IDS , a11, a request of Lira Spurgeon Baxley for s dana.tion c , of X25,00 toward the. s ,ease of llr. ftn '.F fl .}o ~ ~r r. Goant,21^ r x} d .,rs. Burt o.. the Duka tlnivrrsit+ Staff a ' ~ 17 bonds ido. 16 ,.7 it?c, , - ty 1)., 1 tt,OD t the Hl„h School „ „ J ~1 i P+~trch 10th, to leoture on Home J,ife and k'er,i ly 1'roblsms- s ausored b ~ 56 " ~ b2 prd b' - ? " 2x.00 C'D n , P y the harni.ly Lifa Institute, aces „ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 granted. Ltr. Trask voting no feeling 'pro marry. demlrrrtds for funds pro heist riada a on t} P x a s ' 56 it ,t h=~ Arid 12~ - " 2r;.00 r , G p t. t x Or . f >O.CO P Y u j'~ ° 1 to 7D Inc - 70 " 25,G0 1,7j0.00 it Upon motion of Lir. Gardner ? r° „ r, n 1t n r , socandac. av bir. Trask the t:ounty V~ttar•r9,r }Ir. ,;firsde }3 0 ~ - 1, -J ,hr 'D0 11 .00 , n allarr Trusts .r7 Hl 1?r I r, ?',0U ''J• 3, t was instructed to cRncel the dead of trust batrreatt Herbert P, Stnith Red ' ~ (i ~r ' ~ the Lounty cov9ring the sale er of lots 7 and 8,_ in block ~1, Hanover Gard~,ns, drttod Ocstober 1st, 1926 a inn a .Drat of the balaucr,. ylj~' ~ 3IfIi,I1TI1tr 13(;1;)5 due of `,~Q,00 without interest. 1 P Yen Connon Lia r^ ~ , ~ ~r .r t l;ar.~., .Ja. lll t~ 1~0 1nr,,, 1D.(, ,.),DO 1GL.,CO n t,. e n rr n ~ 'J nn motion o , _ n „ r ~ ~ 111 rand 112 - 2 t 10.00 20.00 p i f Ltr. ,olemar_, sacandad by .lr, ,ardner, the fol.lcwing resolution ems unanimousi ? ? i.l1f to 1j0 ~.nc, - 11 10.00. 17D.00 "i adapted: Y ,r 10 it ,t n ~ _ ~ re t, 101 llG l,. lU.DO 120,00 „ 10 „ 11 n r, 1 „ 10.00 l U,(?0 t 1t 13G 7 7 '1VHLREAS, the mombars of tho ;3aard of s',lderr'len of th r, rs ,1 so- n ~ r, ~ ,r r a Tolm of Carolina Boaeh arlraared hefare t}te Caunfiy 10 X21 ~~(0 - ~D 1G.U0 200.00 i~, Convnissioners and prasentaa a certlPied c,rvy of e rasulut`.an ~,doptr3d by the said Aldermon at their " 10 „ 2f12 " .3DJ " - 1~) 1e lO.OD 190,GD special meeting held at 7x30 o?clnck P.iR,, in the Tovrrr lfr+ll of tho said town on Tu sd ttarch the ll " lrl " 110 " " 10,tJ0 OD,DO 1 th 1 ~'r re asst' t 1 c , Q aY, n it u i n n - 7. „ 7 ~ 9~t,, 9 ~g h.is .?Decd to ask the ~tnte Hi(;hwny ?'tlblja {'larks Commission to remove ~~arolinA 11 ' 1 1 ~1J - 21.(r 10.00 ?,.100,00 ~ Beach Avenu9 1V ^ , 3 3 t ~ rt orth, from the pro„ant State Hi.g?-irray Systom a, r'tnruis rutd to substitute. thar•afor CanA~ 1-1 ~ l " X00 - 1t,0 (3.7~i '.,1100,00 } Drive from Ca a has l ~ . r, „ 31 ) „ sir r Bo tlevard to 1 th ,,treat and 11tth .,trnrrt from Canal i3 Bl. only - 1 11.~~ 11...5 p ' ~ rive to Carolina Beach .Avenue, ~ rt „ ~ . Ncrt}t: s u „ 11.2' r, r 111 ;.0 to 8t~ 7fic fi7 5 7»•r~ N04Y T?11s'IEIURE, NI IT RESOLVED that the Board of Cora~tissioners of idnvt linnavar Caus ' an rove the " 17 " i0 ~~nl - 1 13.7ri 13,75 tY .P , Y request of the }soard of V',ldermen o.f rho Tawrt of Garalina r3each and do h r b+; a Seta Highway ~ rt it 1 " 1 , r 1' .7~ o o , r a, rest the t b 17 77 ant?~ 3 ryr3 and Public Works Corntna.snion to remove Cexolina 13neeh Avanue,llarth, frost t-.ha present State highway 18 30 on'. _ 1 " 1~,; 1.75 ~ System of 'rloads and to substitute in lieu theroof Crannl Jrivn 'ra. G t Street n' n +r F r. _ " l%>,7r; 110.00 f m ape . e.ar !3oulavard f:o l1r~h, 14 U to 7 ,.nc A and 11tth Stroet from. C a ) r r~ „ 5 ,t ~ r. , an 1 Irive to Carolina BeaohAvanun, L,orth. 18 " " 60 rand (al - 1375 27.0 V r, lt, 7.1 ftrt 75 r, r h regzost of tdr, l'V...., ~,~nders to o}ran the run qf' Lid Gtun '3rancli tr .ml>rovr3 the drainage in .the uorcon " lti " ?7 only _ 1 ?•:)•7"~ 1"r•7•" section, wns upon iaotian referred to the Gha=rman to pro~rirl(i the rolloz' as saran as ossible. " " In "'r n~ to 2r' lac., - ~i " 15.OD (iD.00 ,i p ~ rr ~a r, y, n cn +t p " 13,75 771,5 , ,a J, - 7 P.n application for licnsa to sell hoer at 4Virttor lark "4)hi+R ~-,ot (frill" submitted b Jarvis Jesse) ,t „ V » - n~ k+ ,3.7, ~,~{,,.~0 r ~ Y ~ lc~ tl i4 r;~ } 7 _ ' James t}1e same bein in due form and"enda~'sed by •~ha Sheriff, was upon motion of Ir. Hall, srrconaea ra -1 r, rt ?r;E, 15n - 1?0 r:.~i.7~ 11, 5~ by LJ.w, .Coleman,. granted, ~Gllivi"r' 1iCJ1~1E i'nl,;i):; Couorrl IVo « 12 Tnh, - T ( ll.fC 7EI.75 l~f bond.. Ilo. b to , ' GOURT HOILSEa,D, i , Co~`""' Il., ,t - n ~r; iD "2r~.t)0 aeon P1a, ~ b~~nds Ho. ?E}2 21D 2;) I ~ , !t n it r „ ~ r? „ l2 " 25,00 300.OD 1,02~i.U0 .1(. 21r1 ?.25 Bonds Paid _ 'r , ? F? to 192 rec., 11 " 31,Ur)O,QU 11,00G00 n court t o.tsa L.os. 1 • „ r. ~ i= •,oh,,,:. r3onns Ua.zd 16b ?.3D - 1~ 1,0u0,(,U 1. ,U ,000.00 ~ :11,~f~5.00 f - T}le in9at' ln(; rhea nd?aurnod• ii ~ Clerk, ~ . ~Y{ rr~~ c) r ,=t, A awe. t~ . ~ t. ~)e 1~r hL . ~ 1 ~ ~ ~1 i ~i i U k ,i: 17ilmin • ! i~I f,tcn, ]d, C„ 1.1nr~+n L ~ t}'., 1~J1' , ~ieet{.n ~ of Larch 1 Cth, l<~ 7 Dor ~ ~ 1 C, 3 , 1t..nllod, the regular w6el:ly mentin, of the BGa; d wns h ' eld it 1,1;i1D A» l.i. f s} Present:' Addi•,oll HAVrlett_Chnirinrn, Gaa. }Y, Track Jt A rapart of tho Irilmingtorl }'ilblio Librtf.t• r far. t; , aprsden U~311a, , , 'l. Gnrdnar , J ,ehrunr? trllr T ' my, , L, , h 8r1nn and (%Ot.lntV jlttarrl8'! ' Jt. raOur"st for Rd,jtlutraArtt nP t}iA ba(:k, tnxo • son the { rrr,"+F1r+u f ~ a Ininutrrs of maetirg Gf llla:rc}- 1Qth lrl' an(l +:he heirs of ,iahri t. ilawas h ~ ' • {'~G»Suuth€lrlnnd ;C;r•i ' ~ij, vrero i•Aad and s > {rov r r , ~ look ~`bl, vrPrQ r•©1'flr 1 , J1 ,t nhura tavrrlshap, racl tc t: 1 I A ] .ls rnrarclnd. to c(ir r , 11_ttGa vrith raxtlr - to 1 oat, 0 A req,aest o. 1",r. J. B» P~cl~;ntes fnr tln nhatr ~ '.)r, r;~latian of {`r, Ct)lemart 3GCand , r ' 3r Ant of thn 1~1}? nn(1 propert in i) , ~ ]~L. _ P Ad t,J Crn:,>t .1 1 hltck tnxos (lllnr},a(1 a(^ni,ls a Y loc,c J.q~} in the namcl of the Freew` ~ and a1)ataetent o1' tax,GS on i vtiluatiort ~ c , liu{,.tas, ~.1G(} Pgnder A~.rr~Itud vras n Aril 2 c 111 13a t.t,> t t f 75>.00 c. ~ ~ ,I ttrlhed P . ch pul^c};nsr<Id from ; y p r„or1c,I nlid o11 tE;x . p nd, 11.15, wns roferred tat sn..d c , P e~ ncc I r he CDnnty Attarnby fore o inion. Ilalah , a rnt D.. double listing. !In(tn Tnotion Gaa. 1,• }jawcl€ yr n., {,rfint~cl ar. ahntoi1ent c,f' tnxAS on n valua ' + ! I Upan motion of '1r. Gardnor so t+ m t' " , can .ad by Iar, ,:risk, the Iiaa• pa]l,is to .he Lltr an1y, f<,r 1y11(~7, I[a is a „ tlo;l cf .~jrarj.CO pQr•sonaland I V7r i t I d EtpprovAd a re c i. rc5ldvnt of gaff' : ; . , , gh svillo I3rsch and int u is , of ltt h !r . ~ Grestad citizens present, to Tea ~ q thG A~(lt~lrnnn aP char~ad wlth (,ity taros srt arrDr, z -tt,a, i:a.,unbora townnh;r,p snd the-inclus:ior. of ~ arulAnd to nor rr,* , Lrosian (,Dn~rol iIl tha prapnst)d not to ,,ra3An1r:L1vAu iSl th~l La:~is to expend 'InusAd a authorize the (,Dtl ` ~ t, lnt,,re _ , nd u.ta, ranrintod f, rt~r (,aran~.ss bllArs .''rcr ~aatlolt;,t~~JIR Jah,Ir~uY. Il{;o h ~ FP _ zrlds far dri:•in};a t ~ ~ 7th, ,,treat •v~:;i r z ' present bill orb th inprc vrtellts iCl t}?A tlrltl ~ t , 1,rE rated nn nu , ~ , Y e passage of a new one,.`not. to o~need 1 A rtty hu r ! , ~ n,,t.I.tlnt: ofi tax4~ t nI xnPnclittl ,,t ; , nlnandirlC, th© oI >,:.1.1..C ptlrsc)nal {,ra{, (1• ;y ''ar 1()1rri, ar;catant f' dul:il:l~ t , ~ ~u an a va_uat>,on , ra of u,..u,, ) Y~4,arlt),~U ill rally one rrHS(1;, :Ile citiz v Ans of tho tdurrayvilla Co€ununity ifnin r© art l,r;an m•1±i(m, county bills; liar;.:;..=c :a t n; . t~ P p el nn(i {rra3t3ntod another rt:;±'.o , ~l-~ u lf~~.-) lnr;],le>°;vtl, vrc,ra Urraver] fa• , to the sriicl road by 1)a.ving th4 sttrne fro P n u l 1 I In rt,Iant I. m a trordon ?fond t}irou ~P, tli,, i; ~ zr~ manta of h'r, Gardner, sennndod h- '1 + it Iurrnyville curtiltt ,rl' lave a, ! i''r. lY•ask .ha rH ; init. , . ru,n mot' , Tltr T1AE, 4.:nlr thrtn nd,jotirned. 'I harks Carnl c{apst wrts ignin a) rnvod FtI t, . , al , nisslon was tlrgod tr rive the r~latter conside 1 p Id the „i Rtc, ;{;.~;}nvny caul 1'ubl . I at.,on the and that ' is {I xrn,nad,.i~}ta r~lliAf ,)e U )on mot. lr?ntoa. 2~ _ lon rt i',ir. Gnrdner, soacndec 7y i,I r, 1Prl - , ' r, olernin', .the aHrln •a o , I that woulr~ lac< t p f n r(. o:;ail lr ~ • t p 1 he control rand oparntion ai' .the IIiII•Gftll of d , P p ill uttunlt{;c1tl ,),,r }:;r. };ert,~ City Council, was a on r :f Antlf .an.tion entire)iv ilI t} ~ n, p nation nfl ]dr. GarclTlr,r, ^ncan('ci b, I,Ir, C'nlal 1. hnnr,a q1 the ililrrir • I nraportionnte part of tho e ) J nirt, ra)provod and t1;~ Ctn/l ,r, . 1{,,tnr. l{. i;:,, inrch ?.~,th, 1(1 Its s 7 i7 xI Anse for '.ha opGrnton a^ the r n n• per annum, iristaRd of 25?; of the costa 13ur iau wi,, ~.:ed n ~ n:Jt trtceedin ~ +a rnr Tlln rr: tlRr creek lt~ mne , t . , ; f t!1D aparati.on as prclvided ill .;;action oft t, J,~n 1% ting of t}1P 3an1 r, amts hal(i rat lO;OU .ha sai.r'- {+ror=osel Aet ~ Ara-ort, , of the Grnrld Jury, P:iarch Tel•rn 1 ~ wns receive a °~y,or.t; r.,l(;lsnn }tAV'r1Dtt G}i~Ai :lan Ga", " , : , 917, ~ i d 0.nL fi18d, , ,rx,_k,.,. ,rf:l t~ilf!r'L. ~ ? + , , J. Cal.orlan t~..+. (,t,un,.y Attol nay i II m r5!laIl '3ellart,•,d» non motion of 1".r. lro.sk, seconded by l,ir, Gn.Mdned i.nst ' C. Ddvid.Jones ill irl i + , ructiol,s rrnrA {;icen to vn•ite our `hei'.'r'^ m' } , R_e}>mond lion itnl vrir' i. ~ ,nP meetin ~ lvn., nnana(, rr7.th r,rr,t3r 'n ;r lr,,~ Ili an P ) >n.n~ h11!1a s{l^edt' r0a0V8rtr I( .~r .:oVe?r(1*143 1~~)-C.I'tr1.13Dr, )f' t n, _ .r , friends }tere~ at }lomy~ • R11 rB~.lrn t0 }rJ.S )'r;1111Jr , ~iti)r' l iI',r., ..x,1'1 ;t,,an l.haro}i, i1 y r , Ih,,lr, U{:;r'n Of I Y ,atii"allot', ';a3;GiU:Q(1 b" 1d..• I•t..5{: ±i ~ t h 7pon motion of lt;r. i,ardner, sflcondod by Iltr, CD F z, J . 11 ~)t t. '.c ,irl;, a on t,htl t•ecammandntian of ,rain 1aIlA „ ~ , t}IA ;"ci,nr ' tt,urnt;v, cnnct; ].loci thE, }~a r, i Gr. t .,,A., c.h lr€,Ad n€,'1.ipll,t the I',a;;t; *I,,,r`l tIi' at :,iX In l,inc' in his. office far two months. Q(;L,,t1r Df I)aeall, vrar ~;rtulte( ttrr Axtrn clerk -t ;1i ti r' .is , rr , x 1rl th 11p!r10 Q , rAatrll,. tlHrttlSi. (,htlrC}t 1t:I` 111!1 '/a^r 1O~ ~ '111(1 ( I1 c ~ 1~1 ,far` the rAa3n11 the , a .^,fi.11e) -Tau Iaar',, : ar Tali~)t~), ?)'ar},OSr~I: .1 , ' t ,,h+, , ,1?la. G"r1ac, b,f " a3rltt. s Aril 2 c _ t - ~ , u•rj•I, ,fie 1nCP 1' r.. Re..r~gnations as membors of t}lo 1711 _ P , r 1 I, m.n€,tan 1}ew 1{anovar Airy„trt Aut?~arltJ ware racoivc3d rr' . r~ from trlr. Hargrave Belln r. 1~ 1 r e grata my and ,.1 . .JBnOx G, Gor© Arid in3t"tiCt{ ,rig t %}1G., !;r)f;-()rl Ui' r. CDIAnu:ri cHCpriC:+3 ti t{ iv.- , i, + n r;.,•t_. ..c very r, F rrt,.l ~ . va rf, 't, Ctiverinu °h f'oI• _ ' 9 the BoArds' appreciation fnr the sarvict3s tl o tavsn t(a trI•itA t}IAl'1, axprossinL F• + , ! „ ' t p t . x, , y }laV. 2 AI1G8r8d t0 th8 atlthar' ,r , , ) , , t rii},ti -replt l.., ..0 dirt l.l.tril, 1', ;7nr, „ra>S : it~l£ttal•lt.trl Ili L'.nr r u " "`i 1' s n , , 1 moved thnt the • 1tJ . ThorAU;lan hl r, o. d la,s vr,t,.l „ls b,.(1 G: }curirar Airport Authority he obl tshAd ns of tlla s (j nrdner ~h+trl, 11.11 ~'tts ao 7ravQti 1 ' rt y r r ate rand that fir. I{icfcs far; ; } , ,1 r,,1JJe.. .c .,,,rl'ati.c)n• .ecretary of t:10 Authority bra rAquestoti to serve .this ?3u nor mt.ll,)e1r and and a.n in rrdvisar~ cn ~ ' ?iis motion vras'secanded b„ fir, Hall J - T'-ta-tJ un rtzr;.lnrt rantt®rs ~r ~ aIld anl•]'iad• .r. .,.,1!'."1tr lrOll }':t i;G t}la nttf,rlt'On t}te r1lti;t;~ ~ t,. n „ E; -r of, {;ivu{p, a . t;arl ti•• .ily~mn] ds, ,ta:,e 1{AF;lth Ul. i i(~r, , ini7~ari .."i n13 8.'102'1;"u t(7 3acurG t}l8 OqS,"stt'_C rl{• n utt -'dl~ z ' 't t nV I tta .lt..11_k 3111 .or file ilul{)t3aticln rand i}pori riGt.o>1 01 kir ~ Trask sec,, „ t, ndAd h . i,.r, Crardnar, the fclllow;n:• testin'~ nz TM.lk. ! +.tr-4, r;~,. • ,.I. 11 r9aaltlti011 t!(lF , b I.r, . 117.CJt, ~Dt,, ,,i ,,r,_t.,,,,, 11CAI , r., 10 l7a3 re lIBStCd ti, 1)H rC rat'., ' f Rd,nl fed • - t.nt.lmaus.t - 9 . ,~t..lt _t.i,ed A ' °,t'zt hr didn't >^~tlli@ve +ha bill to oA prrtct.t;nl, ur, r'llzat &.1CI that Iaa:lk tt ) ~ - I 1 ~Ar { e.taurizr,tian, ,a^t• .k,l rera,ilrtunentrl Df hi)Rlth ,tr.nrtl.r(ls. I:actilly Bilk is tDStt,d tS1iCG +ltt9.ly, tlndor the pro osed Tha Gaunt t'. r 1 P ` r ~ Unucli..Siar..,r',~ r'ra m,tl{t a021Ct'rltt+ll Y.r'rh + A ;itLtttl-r'7'Ctt R~ 1 , !I 1.,, "hC rE'-lOr,. •.i,_ r -'r r t' 1 t 7 ..t,:'i1r5T78C„laP, lrnq] )4 .'Ittde UI1Ce .li (i'v F r n) *`'i' •r, r } rat ilia a)oratl.,., c). ±hc ~ l,. r.,.,,ts. •a3• G.)t.,idorr:ble d,scitssion, no ',f radio ,J, H. k", rr~ngE,s recnlaly ~:rt:~lled and ac; ~ , , 1 c(' ' + + ,r - r`p1D~ei At i;lizrt~A„1 amity, ,tGt-r Barn, all *nRS..,a,tien, n } 1"<7.?1~ Y, .tin e.`li} it .:yrtle 13encn on thH now Coastal Air. a;+: r ~ ~ i, , t t l ,pan n I r~ , 7 J aiH Civil At:rannt1t1a3 1':L`v11D2'11.y, rirt3 1'~P,'t17~ 6 held up from airlr irate, o)Arai,'~r b , , ' E. { l 8an.i.,C. of t.) I,nVal ?i0P,11111« r"*l.E; n± ,ri11i8P,1nr1() "Ut'ra ,'rI h" !•r• v..3,,i1 TUCl:Br !3n11 "IDrzbc'rc ~f l}t8r1i(1t'I'r1aI1 of (;a1'+illna I;Fn'} R. , a. ?rm• Air Car s ci~)ara ri• „ o • '.t~ t:,. ~ G1 €,a1rl ,{11ea3•ed to url;e ~htlt 1,ilts t J P flans -.t Iriy. ale B,'z^i , , + , ~ • t,r , ,,oa.,rl ,,-,.tl,lna, rt.7cl Coun „ t,., 3n r,.,,l ' 6 un8 deapenn{; OI ti i,;'cr NitC1t to (`r7711Ii1t314 t11C tlrnllit't~A n+: '..rtrtllinn BA[tah RG r ~ p?.tsned, a soon as paSlolPi IJ':Lil};A.i, T}e so,lrt„ nf' iierr rranr,ver rertAntly acquired tat. luathellth(tl , _ ,r ; ~ , J . l,n( DOQ t.rI~~~' air,)Gr : rt ,{.iI4~n~tOnl and .;,11(1 i:GUntJ D1 '1C`r" ii~l(.,lOi' 15 S Alldin" t}i lc•ni,~ )1, 1 ~ a- ~ 1,4 tat t , , ~ p Ut.,,J.lu Df dU_..1,'v ~,;fittttl iDr ~=1tf 1!'.;ul•U• 1'OgaOo~ al ,..r, lt. H}lode>5 ~}tPt QUA ".mP,rlc.Rt. ,/3"'10n bA 'rnn;,edt,18 trSD Of the ~"r l; tS ' t, o n i tmdar the rementnl.d n2iinten!Ince .oft ~ ' }liS ]07•u,', r.1rf181dfortllB t}8Va1(TmE'.Iittiptl8}:)fi rr+hi, treP,9 and&~~ {re , „ 1+ ,'r 1,"„'-= 1: c t- t) { 113101.' ,r: c:L:dil A3.OI.a.Idi;, , Ul.~ lCQ feGti it(1 .,,n:,rl" n., aDCI •1t..,t.• i~, (!n (r,.-at...u,,Un Of ~}1C 1, r rr , nlld I:ar tJSC uy I`l;d8ral lxaFBrrJ:lAilt, :,I, OR"}0 of R 11tt110Iif11 Eirit3l"'Crlt+' ~0 ttt t ~ tr ,a. ~ , mp lu s shove„ • 1, , - t G ~ t, .J, n'ld .lsr•.:h jly:,,thrnu{;l. I,rll f.,ta, was a{=an l;atiOIl ol,.r. o~.ariinrr grantt)d,pravxddd' ' only c~enn and decent shows and ride,:, Trill })e used, tCI.F.A,,, ;h';3 CDUI.t~ (,or~uri.,slolltars seal. 4.1~i caoz)eratlon of our 1(av~- ra-nd hl•1;•> nffi.cit+ls t. '-rtstcjnr rl i ~ , ~ a r r.., 7in~. ,..t1r In„ta l].ntlUrlS a-t A1ballarlA vCUnd rand rat '1•,`i•t1 9 r ' • ' x ,n ~ , i _ ~ . v 1l•ra(.h .)_i ..,.ldrt t},G corlrso c., t};~ %n>nst-rl ,h,, : ol] awin - rel:oltatlon l'ras ,un Iiat ..ur! ;r;r. Girdl,Gr ecal(;otl bar .;r. t; It>r a g } u , ttQ>, dop,.ad n 4 the ~~,ir F,oute, oecQ.itse n. ~a,e +~rolnrt • , ~ . • ,ir,u'~ ~conomi(, hnrdshi ou; t:~c r, it.it,s and ,:1I , n? n t, 5 re u(';; , + e ) c P r. ln_ti , anu rat, q ~ Df U-.3 ..r lc ~ ..a1ic,.i,ar C.:... ton L, I.iooroa Coastal Aj.r Rouge, 'betrrean Ivarf4lk and CherlA3tc~r. s!1DUki ' 'r , ; . ,u, ne,r _1,.I rau4G .:6 rl,nndane(1 J, L,~,,A. becfuse o~ the interferonce rrlth mi la + ~ • 1' I J infi ,0.. latl0lly, £lli/i t•1 . t, r n ? n t+, . 1t{,Ri:,l,,,, rhara Qri~ stlell a 1rrhA t+.(:ctunultttlat, o; cl vnlnnl eti,,aa c,n tnA r.o(,..ad n: t},u aapt)r13r unurt ~ I~ . of ligw ';anavar Cuttnt•• for trier and i; ~ MYI:I~~tt;11S, The Co!lr,ty o;' }ie5r ll3.rovar r , I. , t}1D C it18S'Of 1`1i11Sin 't011 Elizab9f;}1 + ' nr , , t tic„tt„ •;rj; n p , t . t~ , 21,,.r er.,, aI.(, ,.,r : .iltnA,,, a large nttmbar o~ rsonArs are novr ronfizled i,•a the conmon p: isan of the Co°~;lity a. itew Leach a:n~ a...l other cai:;Inun;t'a.. ~ , ~ 1 i.., lnrg t}re Garzuvfll A1r ,(0,}t0 b8tV1UC)n ,10x10)1' Etnd iilnl']fS1Gn, 'taV" Ita110V0r Rwaii:ln" t;rln] Df CrL'!1].,`lii Ct:,ies, Rnd tzlt'otzdy Axptnr~ed lar(38 S1Im3 O mane fOr )OSt`+YISI° CIAVEl1t) i r n ` ' r q Y } p,1l,t a.r: t}le fiH1Cl; {.f.1f'..llltt~~urln''~ '1til~,:i{F,~tS •t ,r, ~ c, t',1 t'a y118 i1 nr1tV ir?.r ti • b , a5 th8 nea , relUli, tC..a 0_ ~l:A ~rt,I)erlar d it r a , 1 t ..nitC rAr I~x .xit.~- a Tr iCU1tUrA riaw CamraAYClftl entUx?)1'138"u, q+,;t,, pr, t' - I r a., b , 1 laherlas, fiTl(t OCAnlI rCfCrt irt/a3 bnsorl Ol' t};6 9., ,..~rt1711."I,. ~f 'm+n ,c '1 •I ,r ~ } r.f f` r +t . ~ t t of the Canstai Air Route vrhieh ~v]1 ~ } crl...;..P1 cast,.:, will noi, can+:.atitr t:ltl. r,:a~ l~ti, ],qtr, a:lti ,nl;t ..orl i1~ ,t!.te ;,1,,7A u11.. Jo> , ue2 VC t.la aGIn1n1ll11tiD" On tilt: At1a11t1C .r,9nbCR'•( }1flr8tG10rE7 & r r • .H , I.. ;ct ; , 'r, ^ r+ t' t ,r t lax{,e a 2r,aer n}tlitior.Rl ca~ss (.DC.~:Htad "Gr try.,,. ;r. th,l .,apa...ar ~(>ll. ~ a: nrll,, i:at:nt~ on t:la " most inndaquntnly sarvod by ct}leg mends of tr2aTla}Dr;e_tiou rand in '1r;,, r;R. , ; „t, tataoll } 1~ , sAS r.a mbl_c t, n5p.r criminal calendstl•, R:ul I service at all, and - , • a. n , , + 1 , ou, (tu~nion D1 the dunrd of (;aun~y t,armtsslone.'a JI ;1A1'v .IUlloror Co~traty , ghat rat r•. . 'S TIHoUSt;(ir` rt0 (}1SUaSC of ";}IA CRSt7Ii r10w 1 ,o.st a nna wn,ok spt,cinl c~ Jllinal term l I. nn thD I 1li,R'L'1.ti, 'Phe GOUntJ' Cal!>r!liciS:tDners, rA1,rN5Prit1Y!€~ ~}{}~v(7Q Cit7,w:,Il.i rB5?.(fill' 121 110tr ?'nllt)V8r C011I?t„ Arc rj , , oal.ot foI tr R1 in Mew hr+rlGVt3r (,aura+.v. si. r, illd(:ed Very pxalld Of C1i11' 1',tiVy and Army, s.nd c^.rA nlwn S 1'1i111I"i• tU Ca(})8rRt8 111'] tYit}; Ollr ~,r[!:eG faYC'y5, Ana m n n r Y ~ 1 Y I3E IT rHl;k;;F'G «t r ~ )3o d o. Golintrr {,c,l~lis3onars u: ilevr ,1nt;uver i;Dtu,t• ilnailiuluusl~r , ~ RL .t.,.,(,t,JhU than the nr J n c request his );xc,,;llenc~ (`ref' ^ ^ Ch,.rr•', Governor of tlla Si;nt(e of '.larch Garulilln, tD nrdaz• :1 Uiecinl i Y{M',R~P,,,, .'plc Gaur:1J. C.lr°r.:;f.ssiancl:, raft.lizo that the Ilrzvy a.Id Ar.~.J desirt3 to coapernie in hz. tci^rn ~ aztd 'ur+ o t}IC Count' .or tale tI'1[ly o' c o. the ' i ~ tht. regular r ~ I rz,inRl , ,.1 ,r'a clud.iT J oc r ;otlrt in € ~ J 1 E, , reviewin anr, r r, ~ t . e ansldclrint, ,na aiviilau silo of t%lo plrture, lltld cases anl~ }r , + r„ '1 ~lst l 1° and to contilxlG far Draw rret,l.. , to canvrl., arI .,u.u.A.e , ..,1x1 9 Ir , ~ '~i !SC i., + ~ + 1 tt 'OI S:1' SS;tOn81'3 by art!1 llf • A 1 , lrir ,rr n_, .,t; , , It further r8SD1Ved tlla'i, ,110 (.]P,I'k Of i,.lt. ,i~ard 01 vOIII J ~ , i 1 ,1.32 e , i!' .,HF;.r~:5, .,:G CDUnty~ Cnrlmirsioner•s DHl that radal• and boiat~in~ Arai merit cl). h, )•F n acordinated : , ` , , p n t, I1( ryd r lira ~ to the Go~iarrlor of the ~,ta.tp o, .1ort}t (,r,I Glint. cted to furnl h {t ;;l,ay cf thi:i re„alutlan Il fAUC}1 more 8a..;11J! t}larl C1T1J" CEiIt bC rlavpd, t'JI1CCAby t}lEl CCGt 01' mGVln' this milittz'!' 8(1111 _^t(1,tC 1'faUi'l lj° t';.`I•b ( acanomica"t than t~~ ebnndomAnt of the ro3t3nt locit'nn D' t-' t` r, . li ~ t P e•aandous p 1 J ,nA Coab ,al ..il ...Dote, this catlsinl; tr . The fo + r•, • rm to t~rrve Rs jircrc in tho Su' prior i:ollrt 1'cir the trial 1 ~ T r i llavrin too(, arld lav..ttl man vr,;r© dr n P a laSaA3 ir1 L.p1,, p10aFJ , and l.nC.l'nery by a1Q CiVillEn CCrL;a:it?ari lIi }1113. a't):LS twill: CUI'LrtltllitlcS [.'Fu.E.:, „ g ~ ~ i of civil cas:)s r., w re}cs form 1)G ~irlnir. ~ A ril 7th, 1)11r I ar cite t< ~ c t, li P }~F.l:l''(]i~I1, } !G'S.rLJuDI Thf. ~ f:.,u r,Al~lr+G1'S OI' t}le Atl' t;CJrd.~rll.ttirl ' I.DrSllt'1;t'8 1)G rA', ,:'C'~. L.; 1`? .."P3:r!IQS~Bu ,,r I) e• ' ,r ?t ~ i, r' }3„ t.UunhRr t , ,t a ,{r;ssa L, }.darshall, ,rJArl,,ou, i;,i,.r3,,rd, R.Lni)aIl ,.:Arcer, 1 ,r , T,n n a 1,1t,t,].7ntZ ir•r . 1'..~ 1 r, u; J „h•a t.','r ...Ilal'Or Galtnty (.G'~J11ibia11.;2'8, tD 1't,CanSidar all°i faCt3 J.TOEl tl19 ul?'lllt(r; )ai.nt JI' V~31'f ,`i. r T t" ~ 7 n . ~ b J L Gr' tr A ~ 7~~t f n, hn • • 7I1V'r. Ii.AQ v9ndall G,A,lVa1'd J.l',JOhllsan, l3.1:.u66, A.1}.'"1111`1"~(;',JnC,,-,u11apR1'L, h.11wi71q, ' + t mn±ter, , , F•ressr.., re„.:, e.nd ~rQ,mi1 •,tpan the r1a-vy and P.rmr u1. icit,ls e.onrArnsd to rr.viAVr ~}tls c.ttir, p ; „ • i ) ~ ,11„rid an, G t 1; R.Inne';t l_..r.,tOn+3S, 73`ltay JACa03, Jr10,t;..inr7'an,Jr., JIla.l),lrtln~a3, g .I,:,tucler , . so chit a s~_tttinu, i'ayr to all, Dan: be sntisfnetarily vicir}:Ad out, , ,i klurAne „ r t,, `1,Ym.0,iinvis J.J.FitrrDw, Lrttrrence Juhuiion, ,1, ,3.i:,n_..nl•d, ;,,G,wraL,, b Glark, ,,.,,.Kerr; .+..~,}3ishap, , ~%.L.Y"n . „ ardison }I,F.Innier,Thos,Earl Allun,G,l'.~.rd. ! The Airport Authc)rity hnvin{; bAell nbalishcd itc l'unctiarls v~Gre takers over by the Airport Co; rlittPn .uty, Lacy i1. Atkinsan,~hns, iY• R . , to take invantorJ• "Aral d lterrlina its course. . , 1 t , F ~ , r1,,3zn,:ta~ Jn5 .,.Ital.., A,,,,.{ill~im,sOn, J„'•.,TIr78deI1~ r }t.L.Smi.th, J.Hoims3 Uavic, IG+"vuld, J.I.hord, L,.. r . _ - , } _ i 1T } ' l.L,l3nl:ar, }Y.A.Lewis, an motion of ...I . (ra d , ' _ ~ • tiNs L.E.Royal, A,it C~uner, 1~.?].C(lisor., lamas lie.lc}i, Jhn:,.S.uralnf;Ar L u ;.:].ls p r r.Ar, saccindod 17J ~u•, t,oler.Itllrl, the Chi.rmnll wa,, authnrizod to ne azln~e .or „ ~ ' iowis 1, 131°•s " 1 r) " c ~ Tl C` , , t 'tlltan i,inawPl..n, C,,)w . €.1, , L,:.•ra.nda.„1,...tr.Jn kson, r. r •~.~~outhGrland U.H.Lo~alaca !,,.•i»uargh, , ' I~ foI moving approximately 2?.,0()0 cubic yards of nlnterinl fraTn the }fellrla}:Ar (}itch to Do1i~latA the ' hl r. A.::.rlo r,ar Jos.~Iu~dA ~itul Linderibar er , Y.t,,,JRCks n G l7 Croom 'ia: reJ l,.~are,J,u,Lu ke , y s, ~ g , , draa.naga at Girolin.q Raach from the Tow21 s canal. to t}le raver. o , Jas. ,HiuAS, , ' l~( It.E.Jo' r v „ r''chnr!is Jt'., :fob±aatl,lla, ~I nnaon, . ,F,HaU(,n, Armond .a , ' r i tnor, motto l tc l~:rl v'ai`e 'tPprovatl 1'Gr paJ~iteuv. I dvl ~ saaonderl ,ounty rills I{bs, 16.1 ul J qif', A races •CO A. Pt., 'Phursdny, iitZrn'_) 71t}l, 1c~It~, was then taken ant... •.l. % i,) rc~ ' :7 e) ' _.,4 ..~R C.. = a a, I 4~ t. t 1 ;i ?,1ea~;'.nt; of Iacrch t}; ,n, 7 ~ 1) , cart ~.,nued, I. ,'ii.min~;tar, 1l, C, Ilar ' c}t filth, 1' I ''1 ~~G7. lq, , , aura},er , ~ of a , Vo,,es ~ ot;es i The Does of Commissioners fnr t}i o~ers for e County of New fisnover met,in. 9u`-~li;'iad ri;~irtst nt 1.1:00 ofclac + k A. }!I,, adjourned re ~ ~ .u9s„~F 1rlr, ses5lon Pr czrlcts i,o vote r3 ~n quostion ~ !'t'osentt Addison I sub iewlett Chairman, Jas, 1r4. Hall H. subn;.tl.ed i , R, Gardner, and Cot + ;:r~r'rlett Ta'rrl'15Ai mty AtArney Zdaradem Afteraalling the meetin to Hollnu~y, I , order the "lirll'er Psrk I'r•ecinnt ;7< Dortrd receivod from th 1. in the variou e e ~ - s precinctg'of the: Col R ~istrArs cued Jud es of 15? utt the`.' ~ E1ec 4 re t to io Y rns of n the speo nl eleotion hold }Earch 2~th 1 I Nernst ~ Tavmshi After s , ~a7. p Girl risttirns had been cenvassod 'a~ ~ieQ frta rGCinct . ,r the Enid F+anrd of Coruni,s,3ianers Car,.':;` _ l~.~r! r. introduced the follarrin 're ~a_„~ . 1 "1 6 solution vrhich was seconded b Carmies +cnar ?I. G'An'iL1r,r 1 Y ianor Jns. }A. Ha11 cold cArried~ }J ^.s~nltora Tornls}ti ~ ~ ;3}; IT nESdLr131u bq the i3onr•rl a 'e~.so*=4 p f Ca.vnir~sionars for t~.~ dar,I~t,: , T" ..aaro e.,...nct 7~ "GCi;i.nr 1. Thrlt t r ~ of ilF;~~r :!lcnovnr; t- .,lie. , eturn,, ctf tl•~ s ~c1al ~ t" 3 p w18Ctia., hrld r from t}la ro r.;- , ltnrch p th r ~ P .:octlan o~1 icnr:~, ,,~d *hG ilarrd ` ~ , , hnvr, been recoiv~; ?v.a,.onborcr TormShi hereVy , aund and nn:lnr; cenvFi;;crjd tt; ~ , ^ d p !Ietermined; n „a.?,, .,ar, f allawin ract~ ,south 'almin~•tor; n„ J t ~n ~ . 4 nr, c, ec.rct u5 , , , (a) Thnt the Re~istraru and Jud one l' , ,.for t.,r~ ~ oc~.al.:", ~ t ?,,i , G }larch ?5th, lq!~7,"wf,rt, duly p lsc.;.nn ..r,,.d ~rt the Gaunt; a.' „ ~r ~,e~ ~ , i nunllfied by lnu. rrla Bari +,~,kr-:~ +,l A ~ .}eti enavvr o:, r ernl Port, Towns,l:1.~ fib) ThA~ the a'.^ci,, „ ~ ~ ne4:esru, ae';"i, 5 a., ra_ . iaUrs hnr3 irr, * ~ ~ Feda.~:. Point trscinct I vo•'•es aa,,i; for orporr,,ad .in `.hair sai;.l roi:,,rn,~ • rnd a •ainot the uesti s nG,. ar~,r x.,18 nunber c^ 2E~ ~ q ore ~ubt,litted, ^lro t;he nu n , I' q=:=alifiod to -iota in each `re^+ Tabor a votr~r• + ~ . r.~,1S „Ar~rl 8 t I'Gder',^.? t'Da11t Ta,,2tati.,. F ...net i~ +:hr election - , ,a ic) Tiln'; this tloarrd has. exam,nod the s ~ ~ ~i~rolina l?rncit I'rec ~ , natal .a i:~trA~~~•,, inet 14~ c7(r ~ d ~T,At n,: s ry r= "'bc,oks 'nnd,~ far say ) r;.~a 81Pc}'r,: n r .'1 P.19Ct].an. on th..re t•, as 3ubr=~t~;tnd to the ~,rrt • i. E; fcllavrin~ ~.tas`.ianal q lfivd vr~erc of said Ccvr~t~~ ~ , ~ G , .the ~1i10 I' n C~ 1. 1~_r; order ru+,horizin thn vrithcir„r•r ! ~ al Prom tri;r i:ar,lfAl Tar , n„ a 51AP.1 Il'~ f,r:' r?:':^C a ,CrVC ~ tl.ld of a~U :~arayC ' ? a, n , t • r t,aun~,, Far uha TA:{ ;.cr t.:c ''aintonrlncr; m an, L:un,irtJ,.. tbausr~rtd dallnr~ ( a} ~ ci'. a ~uretrcq'o~~ a7ld/or u1c ,,1GC,U4(l.(l,}~~ ,:n1, t}:r~ t,r,.c,+ ~ . s p l,dslr. of a hos.i+;, t• ,h y,,.an,.r7l.i in- ,.,,nitar:;uns a - A F 1' 1 . ar t}.,, i;.... r e:t , ner~,r..r: s,.tf±'nriri~ •a. a ; ~ 1•P t:., ns t, i}?8rat11aSl;i, Altl r'(t,~?ail:; to ca J~,t t, i55n4e ,?s, ~ ~..al nru, ncnuisi+i.an o ~ `}unbar Va;,es f 1.Ands tu1• ',}•e sn.,a." ~ a 7ctea -.i n. Yh ry t` . 1' kL Oa vJ:._~,ru nril,l' or la ?ti' , for r.. Uf A soea.t a1 C 1 ~ y ,,awl at ,1 , ~r nn11a_ Ali nn~ 6T,~ -a. CLlN,1 A r ~ ~ .,.©edinD five` ; ;lt s an t}ir . lx c..,~ u~ISt.irr 10.1 t3r.". ~.,1~)r,n(~~ v"Pilll :;.Jil c;2' prayart'' {'ar {•'t1:9 ,.n; 1; p , OrlE+ %1 ?.lrn~" ,rGCiTiCtS vIG q ~.,t,CSa1a1' It il;C:!r.,.rt{;, G« rl 1?0', a,, JatG Sllb?~1+y.] <iul„ml~'.6 ,j of tuborcl?losis pit~._ Tar tl.c, , +r,t,ePrit. d 2 ?Al•d ~ ' + t r; r I'. An ordo: r t.ac: estHblis}uacnt a Juniar Col c r / ~ r~ •a 1 bci end le` tr . thnr•n£ , „ f:i'E amts on the ono hundred dollar ~ F a1 tax na ~ .v pn;~~e(1 ~ ~~f+cand fiYr~rd ~ s ~I . r, u ~ :,,a ui P- opa, , or _hn ~ z nC,; r r• n ~~Iti'.nt, r},~. maintaining the J r c. . ors a f'l°ec~.re v lt~l rle, 121 1~ ilecnnd l"Iard {c)' That tilr follor"rinr schedules r n,.;.,. , it c, cc.roctlr ~ , l r~ .l.a us,,.~};.tt;t:.an of tlt~ sevcrnl t,recirctd in vrhia}i such. rtlnw~:otr vra;, }Tel ~ -,,acond Proci7lct (~j .th^ ~l?;r.~ber of roto:•,: ra'•isturri A + ~ ?2' ~ ~ i .t ,.he ~OI~G.t31 reEistr3 :ells ~ ll~ 1~ j ~•c aded . cr sn,:! ll clcntian snd ~7rc~ yr-r,~ ~ccc,t a. • d~tlulf ,u(rlif.ted to va~a ah rG^r.,,l Third }'iA• th^ al~iction, ~}le ,h , , ,.n In r•e p ' l d .L1~~C. Vat..u CA" 171 G,~~17 t]t'uC1I'iCt ' • ~ . ra, ~r:e nurstl:,rm subnry ;.tau, r"first ~ Alltl t~la rill~lber uri "E,-'' r~ ='tl1C1St 5!1 ~ r r• + ~ . t Pracinc b 1 r}ue,tlonu and ~he: to~Fa. of s uviti ntulbars ; ~ l t~ 8! i 1. For t ,y EstAbls}unent of Ah1rd ~`iard ' a Pubor„ulasis ' r ~?r, lltat ,luril: r : „rloond Preox.nct 1(~, , 1>G ~ , Ilwnbar _ ~Jatos Votes ~ . of voters far ry Fourth Itlard ~ n},a_n5t x.10 , 1G qualified !instior, r 1 u+ ~ Pranirlats q a lC, ~icr. Elf` rr ,a vnta hu!amitted aubmi"•a~ r~~rd j ~ - i~irst Preainet if list r"ir-.r.~ p~; 32 b ' o.,. 1 ; R Seran,i ,,a•~, Fift}r Yi " i e.rd ' "first I'rt;sinrt 1G1 Sccand i 1jC c Prec_rtct 218 18c i, ~ 6 ; sdcond 1Tc~rd l d n - ixt}I P!a • , I ~eaond Praa.'~ilct ~o~• ; ; ~:I? r ~ lrs W Seventh ti"lard. f ' Third irr`ttrri First ~-eC • , t, I; lnct 5 4.~t aid lj ~ I''irst Prncnc;t II 116 r ~4. J it Seventh VlArd I Third 17ar~i Second Precinr.ir ?'ll ?.21 9 ' ~ Second Precinct 1~~* l:rc j r.ighth ;'lard I' ' , f ~ , Tour`}, ira7•il p~?) 2>8 8 F.,rs+, Precinct r j' ~ ' LI l~j} ~ , ii 1, .r t q t t6~ I~ i . 1.. L} ;r L16}'l i,l t: li~rd.. ; First ar~ci1lct 1~, r;/ Second ~ 14 _ recinet; 335 r'1 i` •t V, I"ifth Iv l C m aGFe ~I p a!' ~OYJnSIIi}~ ltr~ l;~) 1 , ~ ~t~~n,l Frrcilia: ?18 lcr u . ri iltlrnett Tawnshi 'li 1G.'i 1' i }~iilorest _ ~ rj0 21 1 ~j r SdYrflltn lrlyd he-r m ' .,ett ior~lshi:a ~3.~ j; Last Ylilr„im~•tar 33 21 ~ Sevonth ~"~Ard Ha rnoti; Tawn~}:ip i ; Second Precinct; L c i`iinter nr 7 Perk orj.n~t 'l, 1, ~ 11;9 t, ;~6, Eighth 1'r'ard Ilsrnet ~ Iovrtship .Firs':. Pr€~ainet 1~5 1nE~ ~ Sea .9.ta , , g oc inch lc~~r 1!.l8 ,l r Eighth lard ?.,asonboro Tarmshi Secand Prccinat 3~a ?.31 }lasora~o n p r ro , r9c.net r ! Cli e rr"car T~mshi 1G0 8 } a p p 0 4 scnbora' Tcwnship r Southl'lil r min~ton Precinct. ~GS 5~ 0 liarne~a~ .Towns}lip. "r ?+lilr Foat 5C 22 0 n A deral : oin~ Ta«nship ~I , .Fade. al Paint. Precinct ?Ei 0 IIArratt Townshi}a East. }yilrn:;11 ^ta~z 21 r , 6 ~ ~ ,ederal, Point Torrr_s}lip. n ~nrelint~ ?each me c ~ ~ cin t 1_a 9 t 2 ?,1t o , 261 ~ ~ i~5 ~ i, _ u .i y'+ iii r,' a f, f f I, 4 ~1'M1 I r• r r 4 e~ e 4:: , > 5 1 i<;eoting of 14Aj,ch ~'jth 1 1. , }ietltirt of "oia , 9 t7 coat 7nUed. ~ ~ g rat ~h, I~~d7, nontlrtued, r~ ~II _i 1 f + i 1~ 3, For Caui•.y ,*unior Calla e ,I Third ~ 3~tb3 vott,rs ;rare reE,istered in raid apeainl re}istrntiatl nnr', rye d vote for the ardor aatho re uaT riz:lrlg the astah13,3}>ixnnG of n 4 ified t;g . Jtan.ior. Co lle r .therefor a tax not to e it • I~ }}.t?lbrr r' ~ , , exceed Fxvc cants .on the „ nd lavrng ,e e., valuat2an of roar+, ~ ' o.,~ nunrlrnd dollars (~1g0.CC 'lutes P r y 1'or the nlti•noaa ; of voters of for that: at .raid olectirir, ?1 l tl1 equ>.p}t~,t}, and ruiintt,irling the same and ' , aEainst ~ nrraf t , qualified utlatiu ro.ed nor the yr A q n q ~ orcar_nrid llp votcTS .ware cast i rarinats a• uestian a alrlst said arclar, and that snits order w i ~c •rote submit+,3,i „ as thcreb~ ' - nu7mitted Nor. ,.ttnavar County. at said nt_rcti~jn .and. ' ? aC7Provod }~,y the voters o; I ; _ is in farce rtnd @'fa,.f, First Ward 92 L6 i}•;cn TMtavton of r:r, r' 1~ r rlydnar, r,r;carrietl by ir, IlEtll r•,)1e 1are'uut: rn;;alui;ion concernin• t'a Sacdnd-Ward crtnvesslang n" thn results of the C, ~ ' - t," ~ t I~ '1,cia1 ,1. r, ~ , G , First re:;ult tllereof,',vas ado- to ~ctaon P,a.1 }iarah ~~,,tn, 1~1~.7'. Nld dee r+ Precinct 161 r P d. bring the f 101 30 ',I Secrmd'4tiar <,hc roetin~ f},-n r.d earned. i d I 3 1 Second. Precinct ~ rc~ , l1 ?EJ ~ Ci"1'k. ' _ ,I Third Vlard First Precir .ct .1j , 7~3 ib ''i Third V! ar ti _ Second Precinct Iii 17~t 1?~ 1 ;`.il?, ' , .a. , ry, 7 ur.ja .nn, la. u. Larch ~1, 1.~1{7, I,;i Fourth l'faz•d ~ , 2i3) 2I1 `-~}',e rrsf,ular wAr~i;l;• maatur ct t ' .a Raftrd wt+s )lelri a}. „ 35 ~ ~ lo,~,7e A, ' Fifth Ptard . ?'r'esrnt; .c.r?{isan rla)vlota; 1Jl,n irr~s.n (',an, 6'd it First Precinct t•, a r .rack, Jns.:; .Hold., OF rd e r 7b 22 Cahn y, .t~a.nay }arsde~n 3calnrl;~. n r, L.,,.~olrmn.'1 tend i Fifth i9ard , xnaet:iri~~ ll9,i apa,lad ;°r; t}, ,ray%nr• ~ )^.n a Second PreCinat ~ P 'j t. .,'.,d(ir+~la q l art 11i.".l'; ?7~t..StO?': tt!` 21?? 188 9 Church. .l.o st Cnristipi~ ~l ' '"I Sixth hard ? c c- , hp *.r -.n Ip;' 1~ ll~t 2~t T:,,, mint),,.,> c:t L1t`rt~,~} c^ liarcn 2~~th, ?~:v rrrirc n;a )i , r , ,rl er.~, anprovt.r, as rcr.nrtlyd. S vent , » a r r C +h ~tTA,4 }':7~,, 1;ui'~C?t Cu 3"r tiSr,Il 1';r,,:r;nj•~,l i, f r•A 7 y •t 1' ~ 11 { t: ii}: %hrtt thA s)11r11.,, p'ttC10'P rt) ' I F , t . t. , ~ r, the ' ire ~ 1 rocil~tc ~ Sul, lbb 1, .tom uha Cou t,/ r:nr,, tt?;, :t.l<tu `ne ' r, , , ~ lu, Gish r , , ~ ni:;}t '_t ,s .wn t}Itr IE:LrLi.ar ;'tt;•}: rrrt7. Cal l ..,i?17San Ca„lOd th~ ?3oard_s aatcntcn to G,act~,,n 1~-1?} , , : r to d•,,r.1c; trr~sk vr'tt • r . r+. f, 1 a, tnc , c ,mac,.. ,.r)r;; a+. t)~{3, r)al;irt~ it r~ raisdamenitor ' Seventh >Yard z .tzn l0 1c.At , 3 ~ a- a hagnara,T, }:.r..,;ortctn alzgrad. the ;tsa oi' t r ar• a.rc, of lend I Second Precinct ? l ~ sit ~.hc 'Pinter Prt•r: r{ra,n fo i ~ 7 >:.00 3p r r n >ra;,h t,urarz,- fi..tar fur~her clisutzssr,rln of the ;tGVery that vro use vrhat aveiil^,. ~ rlrtttor, ur, Garaner ..ul. Farce vra have tit cle=an tr, this t s + , R + r , ,ra, h a , r:nett, ar_d Ar,ceot I, g rd r ar. c. ~ ar to use tan t eras o.^. 'o~1d for a trasl: di r ' 1•r•r+ hA ~ Imp. Instr.)ctian,, wEtre nls~riven to i. F r.,t Procrnct 1]~ 9j}, r3 i .ua t,., ,,rrrii'1 ~r1a l:z.;rn°rEt, Petrol ta:Nnfarca i;lta l.at°i at,rr.,. ; ~ ~ 1, t t., n .Il th,, tit)m ~n~ r the hi htva s anti on the t;ounttf, , ~ P - of ira.,lc along y S tkrt: knC} h?'121(~ ?it1HC1;!'ir_:ltd' fOr Emir V'.l x .atians. ..Eighth ,lard u Second Precinct a -o oast of iur ~ • • r 33b 217. q I~t n anoa ru. e to :cP.vp t}ia St!tte }[i:;hht•ra'~ triden and 33 surface: an elan` whore he l.low "aad ant ••s thn a, r ,r, r, C r~li ,e. }l„ach ort "fisher }}i •hvra t t> y ~ Provide ft 'nor}~in ;elan ~ t* to the narL ~ . enlaco I,~,!i Ca a Fear 1b s p wn hip: 99 gl .,~ng nr7a ln,~t '?v travA arusicn., uas tjpon-?~lotla,n cf '.;r, (ardnas• secai . ~F; 2' . bled tr~? bit, Calen~rt a~,t. Gvod. . , Isola t , c To,vctship . , ~ 1~ile Poat Prtlcir~rt ~ ~ t rrouest of L+,.. Aeran r,, idt;~ , ;I >5 ~S 2_ 2I; far an a~prapr.Ft;u,n of ;i1E00.Ji, tc7 a'.,l in t}~ rcar•nrt• a ~ _1z tlor. E.'iti '1 {luaz tar, i ar Lomne.n;r I,' l;st:,onrLl ['rctarc3s, a similar rat~u~st to bn ?node a2' rho „ ~ . Harna u n_ , , t t,it~ t,a.ncll, rues j, tt Township n Tl mUtlan }:1'. Gartintlr, , ;~'Cnrirlac. uv uS, C!OlemAn rCfarI'ad t0 n Ca7lmittae of t A • h.. I3oarcl to invasti6ete East Wilmington 33 lg t'r,A reque;it ;tit}1 R ~onrtittre f?•am thr rtfiiter•~, co en l . ' y b ~ .y not t,it~ ,Cou.la;<1 and rt,part at t11- next L"lAat.'~"1~, attar. rJ. Iilat}110h a; i -red hb' i`2•. Trtxs • ~ , ~ + ~ ,r t ' , , 1 nn 3 ..ec un .eu h. C:~:•lannn to ta}~c +ht• lac uast }iarnett Talmshi, ion s u t 'xndar CartSldarat' _ •sl it ; ~ P .,.hl.ntrn. ter,Pal•k Preainct 1.76 131, 1"na C}n.lrrnem vra ac;'~) ,i, , • s pan, t c. to tale up rri„h tho proner,E;avernnr;rlt nuthar•itie. ~ + r Harnett Totmch~ . ~dor., ~ ~ P snr.lr'n~ °1 fur.•is to aid tr, the + s, ~.t. )aa~tnr o_ ,G.lstruc~..an of hr~ ,uh~•rcuosis }ias stn r f ' p 1, x) ; ai ,ne Seagate Precinct 1b~ 1~,2 10 AppraPraation to aid hc,r_~tlt;ls thrnu~h out the n<ttan, .f avnilablt;,' ' , . is i. hasanbnro 'Povnsl;ip ?lr. Gardner Chairman cf the Airport CGrjmittee n - , } , ro n. tad that at a 21Getinl; ofh7..9 currnittee, tho' ' _;~4asonboro-Precinct< r lass :at3:on oi' 1r. J s,e „a , , - 7y >3 b g-" a s rr,er, r., ?,nnahnr_,oi u}ta A,i. tart eras _re 1 , , , , I , q zc stoc, p.nd to become , ) _ ef'fcotiva as of t}!i.s data ,,taro}~ '1 lc1 ul °Ar T . , , ~ 1d7, nr ~a.;>rne_tded ~,,1nt ha l~tl <tlanlYtld ct full mont}is av P. Masonboro TotvnshiP P G };fir, ~ ~ + , throubh A ril, `claclarin•• the as'aian vt~cftat,as of to-da r j _a r; P , Caleb-an c.h,loetad Wo pa;~ment for I ' .,cuth Vlilming+,on b3 1 30 days after termination of his `services .;tatin- that he s}: - ~ 5 1 , 6 auld beta ,teen .,=v r tln 3. t~a3 s ?,erica . , before he quit the ;job. 'I'?ie Airport L'artaittor, declinr+rl to ::^acomrncnrl )pn~naen ~ r I'' a'! r7 t of }lj . . . , } nz kar s ,i e eral Point ..rnvhship ..xpcnse inc)}rrPd in 'no~~inf, his hGUSahald to rfr,lnirltan a;; he r3questcd, fcr rne::ea:, tl +••r, yr ' . u. , as I; ! i Federal Pair,t Precinct 29 Ti ;•acairTlcnd n ~ L,~• ~ p nC ~'tgr^arlant t0 t1i31 °ffrC+ t)le C^.mi'-~:`A '.1SG dr:CliriAa P 3 .,,alp ; ' , ~ ~r..u~ 41 ,.1„ a .v eG ~ _.2 ,i ~'na flzli yrFnr C,,.t,1,'... ,qv , .';74~, n;i }?8 CC1trAC„ ,t.t~ rlat Jrl t,. `'t;nUa ii it z tipoi rlo,,: a?: of Federal Pa i~ir. s• ~ r~ t , n 1 ba; , fiat Township Trn,h t d j .,aoohded°hy ltr. ;tnl t.1t recormar,_ ~t,ot.. r.d ac ,.won cf the lnt~::.~ttea urea ' opted. Caro fine Beach Precinct 129 9Q }Pr. Coleman not vo+.iT1 , 7 ~ j C, I', h , llnon merlon 0 AC fill}8C! ~V ult. Flftli t}19 Panrd n ;Tpr ) 3 ~3 1~-- f3 f ..task, s o ) . aver. ~.1tl race . 3, rarirrt.ultion of ~.i,r. tits^dnar j . to ? . . ;)dint lJa•, Henry H, Hoyd,Jr., as Aerial; }innFl;r,r of .the Airr;iirt E,.t; the antra u¢t.lEtrv her>tnforo- L f That no com lEti . I. p nts hav+" bean made to this Tioard a ainst the rc'ularit, df ch action r,nr} ns.r.d him, ~111O.OG per rlanth. 1 g ~ y u e that this Board believes that sn.id elesctior. wr,:; cattd • t r' i ~ • ~ uutac ..n . ul.. accordance with law ar ~ ,vi4h , ~~nor. motion. ra^ }Er, Coleman, seconded b;r }~ir~' hell, naytnant of exnrnrA of t}re l0 3:t r; ~ r ' the orders of t}1is Aoarti. r>.. r rs ann ,,udar~ : of election for prrsonal services }'or hGlc'.in[a the election 13arch ?hth, 1~1i~j; vrsrn an7raved U ~ ' Section i, That flat: the cun~rass sa made by 'this i?onrG it is dot r?-t• ed'thnt• i, ~ ~ }+iT'. }1Rm11 an xi'„'.6 an hi,:, 1•?^.Ant *rl ta' i'lA,'riln}?ttil, rr?n?'78~'nt)ll'' t))a n ti ''+r ' f' a., 1 ~ it,E. p to t<a n 4 ne. ar„ cl ril ' , ( First - ~ ~Q VO W •H 1 ~ ~ Ae2'U . • r r) - , P r7 +1 tit alt 3snred tl1nt n °atlSfnCtarV 4 _ i r i, 3tr tors are ral;iste?dd ..n ::aa.c. acial rn,_,r.,trat?nn nr.ti vrlf;'r• uL~lifled to nnutr~s Bc~.,., r,),.t~. .1a .I orrttz,o,t al u ~ , P q p .tn~ t.ta radio j: vote for +.ha ordar'authorizin the vrithdravr~I fro of V,H,F, rnr. a it o•~-rrrtlon' nlon~ th^ ca,~stal '•ou±• 11ay t,e,r.•rtrl:rd out trit t},n n,a r r G n the capital reserva`'fund g 1 t7 _ . c~ nrler«, ecrctprv T. I l,evr 1?nnovor .County, a sum not ttt exceed anti h)thdred tltattsand ciollnrs lOrJ O('C,CO~, of the ;,nv,• 'lrovm who sits an t'hr, P.i.r cnrd:tnat~nl, +tt..~:i.*t*~t? • r t~ , for the erection, e uipp.ri and or urchnsial* ctf a hospital far sore treatment'of , rl d ! P t, } ; , , ^ ~ t. • ^ 7 • t, r . s,:,. r • Mme,-, ~P) 1)Odr F t ~tlrn7}fit S a~r;,A (`rt ri1P 'r^r,! •n,: ' If par•SanS suffarz,*tg 1Y1t}; t}1~. Cl1„9aal~ r,natnl nS ttjberCl11a,41a, ai?d !tr1l..Lt ells to ~nxd T. 9C,1,_1Catlnrl t~ ~1Gt:.,a., tC .,,...1 v_t, , ,,t, !?s 9,C?"i stand u i}` n't " _ a d ...1 H i }lOSi?~.tal a21C}. aC UlS1t1Un of lands for the ~ ' t`• •7rG thereof h'' }'fr. '~E,l, ` '"Pr same lpA'n ' 'ltlr, iI•lh E1 ^:~pGnt)nn a?1'l ~tnrltJr`htl r , q ~ .,aL1@, anti at. sand a~ec a>.on 2, 1.. ~ •rnet,,, g - bJ . ,e _he. a„ s f er rho ordr~r ~ ;l, 't•. t;? , itr , turd `1r sera cast against said order, earl that said ordr;r ''r as thereby -'part?neat, Suns .n . o~yr,;; a: .,r. Gn t, 1Pr~, ;tt11, .;"`;t;'-~d. II'' approved bJF the .voters of 1}vw }iancvar Court at said Flacon and is in fire and IY ty , I. effect. r, }~tll G;~ aXGC^S°, {.nClli'?'9d :4r, liarr,f 1?. .'nl~~ n-~qr-r,. G,r ilur`Stii' 'C#' , ~ . I'101a11 -Cnt1Cn, i?t 4 1. t3 1 fa. trn°:cp c}?.t1rr 1~T,tn1 tlrts ,,ak crt trot, 4hr ))r „ T„ + I t.!ir nrro•~~tt of 5 p t f n ' ,v}iltr^li, }`rr•tla . ' - , $aGtfllld• ~ ~-Vat01'S Ner'a ~ 1 1 . ) } Pa rt} t n, ? t1 tC t},8 Taaiuzlcal ..a.} ;rF. Jr' a. thy! 1~,r ;arA.1 r n.,ni e- '117 regz.stered in sa~.d ~ enla~ ra•^..strat~Lan and troro aun.af>.rc, , o gn .and ...yss L.t.. ~ 3l s,.~ ,r ..,a o., v,~+ P t, . ~ r . ) ~ ,;~~~d; In C. .1~~t1.Cn i ~ • , , ~ 1 1 , a t tr( S• j r Un , tuns nT~:7r!1S Pt. : G' n i vote for -the order akt}1ori..ulE, t},c ~o, of a s nc,>.a.. aninta_ tax not e,.coeu_z,~, ~.a.n_n~,n.1 fl:r nna.L,r:.xs ,ar naz.^ 1, . a~n...,.,u. ~ "J' A , i five cants on the ono hunctrcd dollars 0100.00) vt(?uatiort of ,ronarty fur .the } j mantenrinetl oi' >z hospital ±'C~ t}~e treatment of tubarctilosis and. at said nlectian I ?.bL}'j thci•eof voted for `the order and 1 r wore ci~st`a•ain a'd a ar arts} that said ' ~1 st s i rd , "ortaer was thereby a iroved by th€1 .voters of 11ety ',nave... a' ~•E,'d'elontiort and P} i n r Coun , t ~ z i:; zn force nrld affect. I I! ~ i~ _ ° I 5,,4 • ; _ _ . + I1Y ~ ' M~~,., , _ %~f f R ~ , -,hW , 7i e, + ' L I} btevtlnf; e, f' lipriJ. Ord, 1?t:~, (•Dnt;.;.nusd. 1' Reau>°sts for Adi•s+;h~ , y i ~ i •v o1 ,.rte bnr,}• „ , ' - - I}1(1c~' .}11 r7 f, 1, ta?:G, nn trin.}7r0`0!?rt}f ,:nf rr".. y _ ' ti ,iP}_rS 7, , tr,. T J .'I,i.h~,t .,.d' ;'rirr.i"s, ,t r.+lDhnson )t, f;r,,., 1 ~ b1:oc}: rl 1 ,.J , r, , l.~ [~cdera_ Dint ~ '1.• t}tf+ rH c7e~st of . + v,r,?,T...II+ r'rd lir,vc -I.rr,~ At q Jnr, Traak, ltr•s. 13r< ant the s, ~r > cr,. , A, Crrcd t:1 ti1!) (.7.,, n , (rt a tCr1fi, e 9'13tftrlt rifl~rOn w r rli. ,c vr:i , I)a,r.a a., fl ,a n<. s• cnvatill~. 5110 told of Mr. tarter hnvir,}• her Dorne to - in agJceti to co1p~ bvf'gre3 t?•e hie }rf'ficv where hfl t7? , T}1., rt~l';i;a~ s, },,,~:n ~ _rt he he.vin n 1v - ._d L t r g hale lot to aay Fi . too metltfrl * yr h(+ yr„s ,turprisod 1,, , :,l,s i,r;e ~'rcrJ• Df vr, ! ~ , 6 yesterda w}Int taen'al ,lld rler,thrlln~ a.. t 'J. . r r { y, she sald wa , i, v;r;ft -,.e; Carr,lixu+ rst,E,c,, ,t ` ; t' I f; ,lta .[F..at..r"r and Tvn., not plencfld. ttha saiu h~, ~r s ,u~, but. said tt~o 1, w,,, envASdrDppinr', aria. aaiti 1!:~•s + ~ m!,c.. ; ..a:,.,,t eras, L... , rM 1{ .Q CDnf C1' Y„'i,t;l'; El ,y. r Ii<i the (,}J'i'r r m ' . liar„ar irlu r1iCtOd .her +r ~ IOC,.rI iyli r' .n r a T L. t,.Iltl 1'r, rr!St. _ , the 1'J?.LIlgrnnTO. And VrC ,C'i 1,,= e ri$0• ~ , ~ t0 9ta , t.., , . , r. , ,ter,. a r - , .n .t N c ,.r t P nd t, F,1u,lr,.. lay nwnY frDr1 the ~Ilr:?ates. p:u•s. iirv + ; };Jue pri.r:t V1r, ttr,vG n r. r a rr,iri f thr; ln.:r.,r^:E,,±xun a1u; rrr a a her thin.~;J wr_~ra naked anjl ,~}-r, v , nrl,, told tr ,a Col:missione, s r~, fi,; r #des ,thuvrr tifr; b P 1. rry lcavlrlf; ~ .,(41?T t0 })rP}ld;rd .r,t^Cjr' r r. , t un . . ~ ~ 11Jra Corn,~;>.ss, Dnvrs trlan dacid~ttl tc= tI t ,t. 1 ' . ,hN t i , 1 .Hr w r , s_f t, to .":1 , ' lv t.1H irrlnto,l 1R ,?loir r ,;•r(1Dt".., r r ~ } _ xYlr; t)«' 1+!"t~ ''Jilab~t=,, a, 1 a,,_rCOf.~a, Car t,B. t1~sn«' .1 F ~ ..t,n, ~ir,tar; tV JIr,, , . ; ~ t _rttn7;(tent end ,1,,,:,,,• r. , , • rJe llxlrr(5n0e3 Pu.G tii? 1 - 7. r t t.,.t ni, }-1t)14tP, i,t .."i."+~ f•- a,; ~ r',iiSS (ir159Dm , . r. / ,,ir€~t31t UUI,' '.:t a`'„ 7~ y94rS Of a(~G, t01([ Dj br l°1" r(rr t , i , ,t: i,lnei;e ,ralr i;,^+ rr: .',.t., { E, ,ra ,nc lL..xH v of vl t~ ~ , , by i:iT, C'.t~.!:rt ~ Ua.n, r i ..1 .1.,t1 "t , r' ~ t t ~ t ~ , • Ia 1 ~i11 rt.! , F~... rnxf,lrHd : Q. a. J ~i uiX tGlrs lUC=.ed ill a t!9~ar(t, , 171r1f1te fr],ont, Gni ~ t + e tliC , `1",'~. i'D" aiV^bt f ,tn.n ;r u,; ,:~OU11ri~(j Url r6rim, }f•Dtl ,rd5 nt,t ;Uod. 'rl! , t n nc .,Gn . n. f afl rt.n d,tF; „ G 1i[ ri t~,e ,n + cWr, c, r tr {r<; +(;:'nroll ~ +rQpted h(Tr br'.;tr,. , ~fas t,eatr; a ~ ; , ,n r,.•,rs, ;he .:r, Car4cr+ r~, ; „,;t; ,t.n { , an= ,t r. _xu. 110 , Y I ~ -•.y r^,m,,Dfa,, hy. t};~ unrtere.. ~ i-„ i i 1.,.. 0.. +,ri rF' n~~ :f:n s•,,,, *l. s ~ , r t,n+ln :,inure, fna.'nd v' G,l.s . ,i trt~~+ -,,~r+ ~ ~ ..h r, , ' P.i'. thD other nrr n1 nr1 ~a, 1 vrr~re vi;,itr)tl arvd ruly:~tionf,ri „ a , . , ~ and yr • r~, ; ; +h 0„~,p" ~•!r+ + ~ a.a 111F1n11 1 l,l UG ~ ..,ttil• statfimont;~ of n- . i b rJ At.1r,!irrira~i. tx:atman,,, nltan~lanvn of °no,l f(.+,r. F d ,.y }a n 1:lt.d s.ttEintlor,'fr± tt.o ',nn;l_l J' ~ r ° nlas.n +h r + r ,.a . > f ~h(1 Gnrtvr.t, l,.nw n a - a ..n.,r,wa.t an•tan t a_ , Tlle_ 1•DCi^s D , li ( r st} bH nppraC',"..db of ;7hftt P,r,^ bCitl ' l,n r - 4. ,rt., I!'1 '^hn T100t~11~ tl,tan if';10UrnC+?. • J~ . t ,.:7 Ylilrr;ln;ton, It, C., itpril 3tct, 1~}1~r', + i~ : 'i , ~ ' ~,lr."ilarlt tG t ~ t-, ( :,f h., Ar ~rrl De this t'sorrd !•r~rch s' 7 ti, R:. '#i(,(J i.,, C ~ t r A- ',0. t ".U,t:Tti !1'3t s,t. , ~ ,r , In ..~.t., fl ,.H ttl nt .r,.= ~ ,}1G UGan,. ..,r1B t , H , ey0d Lu~~,117t1 t.rriaT.r+l£'.Il"G Of+ '}i ^.itb';,ll, ti. (i.~ J',,r11 7t;;1 lr1' ~ in charF;o, #;LiO ? .`t`,tt':;A 1t=• x;,r) tUClnf+, i E ) tj+ i~ ran r + , i,,. 8t,luf ;,(tGi:l'y TiA©t17+a +Jf t}i9 !tUEtrd we:, ,aT. + : NrrJSe,'', "ld1r n tc,,l e. 1!~.JG ',i '1 , ( r, `Iawlltt; ';h>e].I'N6;tYl r9C. rat. T,r , 't. : ,j ` - . J - t.-'.tl :aT'r tF ..t;r 1 ti t. J. ; C'7, "r~J.F;a t ' +J,tA:!rlta.ll, Uec, it, ?;•ask, Jli,:. }If~l}. n , , 14' tir. G. J,4. CACter'~ ~Upe1'iilterl(:~i:lt 0: ';J1t~ r' i• i ~ vC,ant` /!.tt(>I'na l.ir',rSdDYt ~r , . (tEt.r(.ndr, a.,J,CU1Hrnrln and JA.,t?t IOmr) 511~2',.C„r~,{ r,. „ ? Y J1 ~F.In, . t}^ 1 `s t,"'s; 3C)te±•rl Df P , , y . ~ { f- 11iGrtri Gx 8C1 2°.:tt3S~,1Jkt',' ; J , ubiio rf31.1 <'ra „'al :11. 1~"'lt' , t • ~ ~'n ;,rx oy Y , ~ ,r:;lctl ~~rvrv roa(i r;r,4 rti}t} . , } i 0 A hai ~ Of t}l~."- rU;.D ' n~ n ra. ~.9 m7,ratfl5 Of lA ,G •lil~ Ui }~arCll ~15t , 1( t~+`~ t w+?.•H rOtl'! ni'tf} fir t r~ Jars, .Carta, n r T ) }i. o rt } na rc7ccrd~a,1, h, ..tatrc,n 't, ii -hfln p. r/cr1~,,dari vrii,h ht. t r+'',;: # _ she and I.liss ° . i - , - .e., 1 vr; , . , ~ t;irlj; i,}?n y tlta ~:rou} ? y S~, r~ „r .,TI ttl, ~..71e Il.lr•a"a nSkOQ 4J -yr, `ittl8:i UtlUr: Df }i1 ' n' n , ~ t , > r. liuiet t f 1 n i(:]r tl', e _ , SCUt?'1 ~G i'{;1 r Mr .,nrirt F#n aj,},.: ~riA.tian Df ,piUti,t~u {~e.;l 'rn + t}lfj r)orol, :vld hin/ it wn: ~ , ! p:lf)Da ni }?nper +:hoy' av hi;:1 +;hrcw Dr1 . • to n ,e , '„t,..nF,ny I. t , J 7 Tr fnntr ~DrrF , . S .,L,r,i?ly Anti P+3r'J fl:. `!;Dt:~'1 r t-'"~'' ~ a '`t Y .rCi t?~c.rn30 !'f,r :^flDr rrint7, n 't a. 'l,' 1.,_'vOrh tt, .lUt ,0r1O tt„Tl(, Yrn•ltDd tU I'NU` t}1F,' to ~ L.l, . t1u I?rDvlrl%:,U ,,,()„tnU :'Un1 ~Ur9. premi„as t11©arl. i3uif; rer:itlrkad, "~(tlet'3 t}tf3 , , , ~ 1;}it3 Oa*,Hr jntA }}t#, ~ ~ matter, don t. ~ Ull like tri1.5 UUm}), t"trtd t}afltt;'';;., ";}trrvr t • o,~ , , , I, [ y r'd, lir. Lamer i.}ien lOrkH(} h' . A , ..drl l.-i0.?r11 +"rli.,+•.,S!'.`j tiaV;n - at?`,flnrod Ufti'tJ a t 1. ~ p.t t, ,i - ; ' , , .a lm 121. rr,Clrl aT?(# 1,hB rtJ / t r 1„9 Ca. a ,,1 tU,.`1@Ctlnlt Trl,t}1 ,'Za ':(!Ilttv'" JrDInEt * ~:Ca. Want to r )~a, r1Crr..tn ,tr: .,;x1 1 , J..1 fy.. ,1 (tt10n, 'Jr, '.rElsk :wit." +,}lc lrlettar, ~,r . , „ , , n ~ , a) - r Pr ~ trtat the :?onr(i c~ntinuc~rra,, i,};v rlDnraar, " ,.r t, ua, tur told tr. .yk t f+, r~ to rrt,uld leave if 5}1H •Vf~s nUt 6 . parT~itted -ta disci lino Jar + { a • ~,,i ;rr P Hu_e, ant, .ddad that. Jiula vrrxs t}tc rya ~leadpr tr, ' , ' r-, ,a,lf, , , flekS, J3l1 :vn, I~f±slia a,Rd A i ~s xl.~ 'o7it}! t.2•.,. 1 r'~ 1. x z a„ by ke , ! J1a.. >r rn „ , , C r-ps w nt than r • I .,tl of ~unr,-vr, r It 1 , , bS ,n. n- ,.ar•r1011: and 6tt n t!: .1 ti x, ,1.: w+l .l_.! ,:O`". F..,^^. :It lu~nt„nf' :.1 fl..n r' _ as .i,aed ti _.J r.211~~ .,.,i...., t, .tttf 'Itil(J 1?i } 4E, Uy atti.tlCl, ,Udf, n + r', r 1?. - - a •r• f r, ,r L.t .,a, rai..,a, , , ~ , ~ x. 'CNrwr and crt occasiona , ;,s ,,..,t „ ~ „ , 1 Vi51t;1 tt) i',ilI+Yln 'tQrl W t l..1. t,rt, t V,., ,.,t rWaS : a.Inn~t:rn;t,At} ' , . , !.n. x.n thr- tr(atment ~ br' ~ t, o.lla rc?;:arlt i+i furl into:,'crit, a ; + r•..R • r ing_nb sorlfl of t? ,r a. 1,. ~t,tli:,lD,. ~:1:..., t.t;- c,,~, , ~ , lfl 1'I1151:a? Tr,ltn t}?aI11 W'.^,2C'.rl ti~(aS ~a" i , * i }re ,.l ,a a/,, ,t,r r,n., riot. :.!;(3 fi t sa 1. , t,t n tc? „ar,3le t7. i, n ~f ' nt ;on t 11 ns ,an _.vm .,hour and 1)ut in thy) :a(z(iic:l ra r' p : (?thvr inlt~u~ites ties t cr^ tl our, nDt t . r t , ' . . li, la t ,h~! tAc. ._,ed :,or!n cr,cJ w 4,l thn ? r, 1 r.., • , . , r ,.1~1...,f kin,?.les,t J.,1 .a1.,-,,earl , , f ~ rt,Ub10, &ttl 1I1 anS':rer tC IT•. t?Eertlriar}3 Uti3t107 •n,. t . ..l a. tr, Jn,la!' S'?n}.tJ Df Rri foal urrJ:in , t,1 - , rl 1 .tale-s.,, dirt roe ~n~ ~ 'r : - ) dl i tovmr l t a. 1:. ..n.. t M .71os;~tiorc, nt ~,hD ttf,r,,. to •.F . , , hr#•,, , r, , , , , • • Y em. ..let on or.H ~Der,sivn It was rter,;3sarl y t {y ..a,.,s Grl:ts,,t,l Axld atrt,ed v,lth u.._nlrtr;,_s I ,.?,1.,_„ ,r,*lr.u e.t tit, nl? tt , , r n ~ t,D cDlliit?e idiss Grlasora In a I.( ' ...rs. , dC'tentADrt i'Cnm 0ratriJCj,t?2 }1(jr Wit} (.lartr t}?at '.J', t<n:r#` r + i•l,p »r l n cane w t ~ 9 I?U , nrn Or Jt?, .,r, .fir ~ n " her. sh(, ,r.,ed to , Hndrr hrjr a,sr,st,=,r c;r. t p } n c . H for t .D ,t,rJ.te.t, ' :,'r. Cartier +,,bld of sv7no' ref +}lv i.. (t i.. '?r',E ,a5 .,r illga.lr. wh~SkHy i,.t4: t}t. i , ~ , r,' + 'ri.llrl:,n.'"ton AI f` d ,}Ur1f, Vr,lHr. T.dt..,ltt,3d t0 !U r ~ { t t p , ..ld ttlu., ar. 3u1H wt" rr• ~ irirS, e, V. ..:&xwall •+t, 1', ~ r,n c n„ n ul( ,':Cn,,-~ ;t I1,) dleCtr1:41"}' + t- r - . S't . ..?.,r., ,,r.,Da_, tl", })ut r'fi%,~. Ob'i(}2.'tr~rl nl?~r tilt}.' i' ' lnd .rez~lt,nt. ":71E, l(a~ld s„ .o. }.l0. ,as it; ~/Jt.e Df t}la i'rlt}lolat-pdrmisSl_(;.r~ L,II~tc,", rpOF.;, •reoot5"°r;l'e c .a r,,„, ,t~ b , , .uti cleat"i a,l, .,'Z Jr„ lr~ t'ttlrfJ ,t,in"' ft 'nJ,l `~E) rni{l,~ Pi V t, .J t Ihh, .r5.umit.l .P7f,;r:i1 tf) foe i1!1'.1dEly f,+ r• ,t.,,~ - :.'I". ~.-Jlllllnlnrtrrn t/;'~ ro? P+ti:+,r ':J't~l t _i,i,„ o•r-.-,:.,. c~ ? u;ftta_, et,azCin'• 5nV JraS Cil }lar lraV tU t a t .1 raJ. ,,(r,y iz :..:v~. i7,aU Y._l,, C('1(1t1Lr8(i 3,21,.Ut,., !;t t};C }tUI:10 :Dr F_ n?it'}}(#r b he r1~t3'r' , , t shf) aaw 13lila' tJ1rOw t . . , ...lna r"' 1a W}'? 1 Gx Ut)I C i.-7 1 'r . t 1~ - a,. ~ 1 r ~ , to 5`t_r., ,.aS 1 AL, .-J ii{-~• ,l?8 Ii'iftnri"E911:O.1t .tfl," ~ In,03~,t7.(3n tr ~ rT ~ _ 1 p1eCe Cx /f?r' UI: tt:e f1t:Or. utla Fl.skr?t} }!lrr, t'C ?.r N{ t r , ~ f. C oleo., tVi~}1 ,r ?n # ~ I' .k It a. r.a v t:,n t,., -,P - - Pr rH~,.can~, L ~ 1 11..}.fr~ls r ,TO,,tod H.ntl ^r1tJ ,•raIlteQ tU -ate a, l C1aaCtUS "t RP!1171C' fi. } : !i„ln ; F1" +1? t'' } ~r•+r ••ir . , r~ r U}7 { t 1 Jan, }ie G,, . r a - - G i ',}.n.cF D + ,.,}.ad zt' . , _ r.,4 :r, .ld l,•s t}le lace, r a1t3 W.5 aS,tumO~! ftl r r y , 1, . •8 a,. _r _ l t .a„ -J all cUn,,~' ~E:ll. fi' Jr' kDrlg She res ,A .ari 1,. S.tty:3{~..-`)I't•; a r a ~ ~ ro. t~~' nlt: r „ p.r n,,lA ~ •r; r' a, , .a . ACDmi.:.n 1(,( n .t r, 1 . urD.t . r. i r,{,i._ .tl.),.s b,. 1 a: ;rind:. cr + re S't07 e ~ P enttld ce.rcn.,,tla rar)ar~;s or ,~i5e-•cracks, end stnt(d the laci~ vrou , ~ ' n•+ } p 11 b„ ~ art cl(,.,.. if 3J1e staJt7[~ t y. r• GGt,UCS i`J.? n(;-7rF`.'rJr a~ t.~,P it7r'D. here. Idrs, 5raith than axhib~ted b. as(3s o*1 }zer 1Hf arr.. t~ u 1u111Dtvd by ,r,r•, 1~H.ks, and I ~ rocommended tttnt he' be placf3d ir, an- itastit<1tiDlc for 7: ~ ~ ` `t_ntal cases. ,.s ,;r,11t71 further stata(1 thr,'i: , 'I ~ moa_s vrer:3 refrlsed nr t 4' I., C, 1 7 - . r,:.,unu' )Ul.r~,~,r ,.•u'?t. a?"4 f;.+~,# t}1~ '~'+t5ty U• rr~ : _ c ~ ntt~i la•,,i a}:an nn~ay from b, , ''}f ~1,, , _~ycl cl' (5n;, l ..t.r:s'.o.l , uno llvatitas rt;; n mHans of t~t:nis}anent. . , iP "1'..Cl, ,.6 Yra:i 74AGe { ;r'_i.t,G7:df"1~ cl fF!r7:i UltJ'! 't} v 1•,ali;:'Ji,J Df ttt v . ,r.I ,1 , .H .,lla 1. , , l:i :ai1. L1 t,}10 1lh (T.r,, _ a., A+, this. un -,m, r,. n > ; itlt l.:r. r,~; ~.,n „rated that P:tr3. ( S - ,-i c t rf •t2 . U . i+~f.+ i . Fr+ ^ir. ^-r a', i +t•.~ {r t, .l.'7x... U, _r ~J 4}ie r.l,I,tt, . v .,J1. 1,dS .i~ f-5t,'Jr- x Or U.:G1:, Ilt;1'e r10t U5'3 ; . Gnr~.t rns de:'ic..,, .,undny ns roilld ba and asices if Ruie ~ ~ t 1, .lit... was oir: • to rut ~ :,e , w+ - , r , e th8 ,nwaca } U ' „ 1 C ,rr I . L .f3m Hl tort rt>~~ ,t, (1!,, .t, rr, ~ ~ r,n , ,i , g ~ , if , SU a iH W Uld ] anVa , tOr.1U, rOw. iJOt}1 l.iT`, find n I, 5 },n, , ,,Fr P.uS n p , r . 4._ a, rDU h -.?,....I1br t0 5aV r Wa .~r. a 5a d t: b D Bl ra insul ra. Cnr-~ tang tovn;:rd hlm. ~ , T. ~ , ..tr• s ~.r f ie B, ant /!s s j ^t J,. e ~ r a , _.t ent P a t;.. r , ~ , Y d ..ton, testified that Garter was ~ r ; , .tk .,Nid 1, lns not nis;stt;onv_p., to persecrrtH 1.r, i'artar, ,T}.a mans vmant of the Jioma--nn! i' ' • a },D,1(i man tc ,vorL v,ith, :.lnu _ g i Fnrm , tD i' rho lnmatas, but ra.,flltted nD ^~D` erativn f r is laD rlaaa alwnvs f'r ctio!1 and Qll the com-)1F#.ints ccme ~o home.... Tt s * t i 7 i ,lot bnJy the uvstion of p ran- ha ,,iatrvr., Jdra I3r• a., ~ sr, ~_d IJu ,a .vn€ raven nn - 9 f n elerani.,le , a r brvekfast yr lunch J4ondny, eras hun r~r and rote same fv m: ~ , ; ; ss but treatment Df ttl~ lnmates involved. Conflict 1n the r1nlln vl:lvnt o ' I4 . g ~ b ad In _~nvrn. :}let ,+Jr.- Ge.. cur lras ewer+,' at tnv , m g f help gn~nt,_Dn i bfltvrDe r . ' i, + 9 ' i= , . 1 i time and when he returned" orders<i thr.t' 1nt 'r t: ~ t n n t.lr, ,ar t r s d or. for ahfl last s..r, nontt.s. the zrlmatv.t s}.ct v n ,ir, ,J g } u..d I Hci..vv kind tr•estmant ~ I , P e ofl nrovl.}k d lur I.ir, `tali s su}+};ar, .,he added ttrst , P:9r•. Car tier >,vas conslderr>.ty oL' the ilimatos, ~ arid proper Atten':iotl. , ;I ; n ~ + • iir, aartnn tDld th0~,Df1IliR5i0nRr3 S'J r 'r ;r3. I,ln a d .r18r am )10 HA at ~ " tt ford Tra:s1: an 'ox})a. a.6licod nurstJ n o r y }lo home 3aZd ee.ch case there 1s an nu ar: _.w:fl,.ed to'hia bead five week$ r{nd era;: v s i iti;d trice dail b the tlur$c individual nroblo:n. - ' .,ut J,ir, E;rld Jr1rs, Carter cane to sfle hi~l an - 'm 1 r Y Y 1 tlv + „ ; }".r, Ce;rtSr nbuaod him 1 A Y ice during ttla ,i...e, r[a ~o... ald_vn Dru cf his visits lvherl Jlo wee sick raferrnli to hln profariel' far rending his P,ible, 2:L". Barton Bald rosAnt treatment. y }.Its, I,ivin stun fvrrner nurse said she was discharged after vror;:;<n • t}lrev wf,o};seat the P , of inmates not sD °aod as undbr .ormur g ~ h home, bcca1.15e 5unf+r mend A,• ~ t+ i ant. He tDld Df coming to ,t_1rlingtcm for medica~ traQtra~nt that +,llrou 'il the eff'drts J':11', Carter said ntj did no ~ knc'17 sllft w~.s a m-., rid vromar. yr}tan em}iloyad, .the was hii;hly ractimrnen+~ad , ! of Dr Fa13$ elld tl:' t,ar l} {.1 .j 1, n p v se .•rs. Smlth, :t., 1'ras able't;c ~,et en }?.is feet. ? s.lA t.evflrard J.~1„(r?1tol:. „+r, t,art,er asked h,r nn, to go 1~: ,la,., Grissvras ruoln, she said, ~ , ! i,Ir. Ytillinrn m. Clark, egad innlFlts said ho wF~s wal S. G, TJon former molten told of her visits t(i .the t!omr+. Jiot far t}le urro,lo of '•t , 1 plasyfid with the fal t, iellt to gat and ro g I' pe. ing her D+] back , p y , , ~ ~ ' i abuse]. ?lecoivad good trflatmflnt :tour :fir. r,;arter. bn one oaca:3lvn seer d99r.Cfertor at (;'^fs on was only interested ill tihe rrtlf~re of thfJ inmates,shH never interfered tea;?; the Carters, but Jvr„•, Carter ' put h .Id l,. . ~ till irlnlata r, trall.nr iJraucJl) for helot dlscrdarl• and ~ • r' r threa+,ansd to run her else; if she cfl"te tD the CDUn+y;Homfl ngElul, lras fctllotved l;v J!Irs, Cartt7 ! ' { b,l, lrl order ,c..,DUtrDI him... ,raid ylt , ~;1 ~ar Y ~ r, and the ~s a good man and by respected hl.m. Jdr.Cn.rtrr ';i ,u t „ •',ts nurse when. re arir. a Dt•.ristl~as tr:~E. ''tit t'tle ilimates last Facnzilbbr, and wt,~ tsold she was t^ ' ' p p g iol_„vcn to i J s as food as they wi ll perrdt l:t~1 t.- rw, , . i he said and .,,rs, Carter a ~ ' hna ~ ~ as stl{~ said:.' She hs,n trctt~bl~ tvi t t, r uhat .,ha nad to ,day to ,he ]natal _ h 11,ss .,risscm wJHn she was m~+r an , ' , gust s. floe n lacy a,, the. e is ~.I? the. ~Jol:nty, J1r. Cln+„k eve hl~ qge e ~ , , ~ 7"i - ~ she is tc,r, fee'.~la to understand ar.d".the Carters 1na.i:a 1wfD Ialserable 101' !Iar..!he told cf }'r, Ca r Dr { ~ recess wns then 'taker. at {0;10 P.Ji., until.:2:~C Y,Jd. :hursdav c{^ talon the sheds do~rt in Jrirs. 9iatlera teen anti Jr'.r, ''track }ad };art tc; ranlale at. ' g ..1 3rd, l),Ir . t n } ~ ,r}•,Pr- told Df b,`in~ fired for °i•idiR tt, 7 } tr, d, g 'th ' r r_.~~ `1'nUT'Sd21}, 1,;ri1'3r'fl, 1{)~ r, • ..teV(aris, a forma" v'1Fx b . fl t:n[ls) {51 a ,r5, Staven5 an am 1D~rea. , !'trrsuant to rP^©ss toJ:an [i/+dntasdav, A ri1 2nd 1 Il the Loa ~ : , : e Jvun, riomr; thnri env one r)lst, t , P , 9 7, rd resumfld a.t~ 1nVe3ta~n ,1Jn 01 f, r ~e , t t • I t}.v a1.leged unkind treatmvn+, Df tunntos at the i,oun':r Hoale, .•,r, Tras}t that: ;stated do had more ,,r,,+,'1a~n~- abou~ y is lu t. d v ,I uSted in kind tr9attnAlit of tre old and ch;ldi>h flnd feeole persons ue lJErvn tp loot F,lot.. vr•}th, 11tev n tiro human i'resent, Attd D ~w f ' ~ , • n ~ , + tad kindl~r and t}lis ixlvesti nt ,an ~,vfta J-:,. : is n H. lot ChairTaau, Geo..}d, `I1~ask 1I. }t, trarunar b..lrl 5 ha ,aid' a*:d 'ahou_t: be ,rile v S r made ,.;:.reason of tar, a' i L.J.Golamnn, d , 13u..e,s I cc7 ,lgzrt of u'lkind trn~str!ont brou}ht tD t}tf; n+,ttir.tinn DI' the ltcard 1[Dtlcf>1y, ;Sd~rch ~lst J,ir,+a n1' 1, rtvr end Cara Robi:isan c ei ,7 , • Hmselves fend tla nskart tha+ Carter by f'i e olor t flrl1l.oyee an., former: r>.sDner at, the Hr,me ra,r= h 7 ' la of },r, Bl,i~ t,rou,irt the'taatter tip th r d, P l,E, olvra the 3oatd and to i ~ the };tied trsatlnent of the. ii?mates since she ceIH' theta ( ~ , , I,avembvr 7, 1)ah. Sc,ina era hard to cult a' t;!;nirnPSl (lf the t'dt ~ . , and Buie is' the hnrdvst;, she said. t4ost vf'tile t ' J.:tr, T ~ + ei 1:13 r(,sl~?atlon s utt,r ..ours C.).?ti~.tf7v ;,'r. } „•G rnaole xs vausod by I3ule, ,Barton, J,os11A and r .k .,}:en offer iall in,alutod , - ter; ' ~ctiot: a:'1d r.Dnt;lnue `is Cn~.lart:an ci tY, + , lvirs. Butler, all nhrnnic kickers. She` said the food is nad ~lri let ttt ~ + ; vaurcat; that Jir. 'l-f~:,,r, .~ithdrF~w his r.-.,~€,~". e ..ctu.,it.,(,(„ Ir. re 1 }ir. Trasa i sh g p I ~ of lt. As _n klnc; ur P Y ~ e told of sfaein=r }:tr. Carter wash ~ r r ,a'' , n n t r rvliavn rlv rald in.°o r^1 thf; illmato5 not ';v ?cok to ~ J,I. Bar,,,)ns fnvt and spply''adicinf3, ,the had 5flfln vrhiskv t..t,e,, If t,.e,. kn„n gar a l.a't for proteatien, I brought:. "ntD t}:A k:oine 'y soma of the i~irtatt~s, ; I i, ~ . y is:; . ' i U}. l ~ r': ' ) t~ ! ! f ~ ~ a..._ , ,.,n, . ~1' ~i -i;t ' t i~. t~ t , t'ilr j t~:e7 ?'ilk' _ t i T;<etin of A r t~ p 7t},, 19~t7, cnntinuad. r,, , _ , .)+it. r, i } • ardner felt that tha I3aQ.rri shr~ t j J:.r, CUlama Uld ,1.1fl1d to ntr. '"ras "'t t T C r5 '4e9r {'/n,i+ 1't rtr. i. ~ ~+n n ni:d he thol t - k., vrl„}I-a is } .I^ (s . t -nf~ .,f .:n hard !Y'~ zg},t th_n .airing tvtis best ~'ar th ry ,e „o closlrari, „s h(:ld at OcL~G t., tiisrh11tE5~v t, rth© Carrara _ T, e .,au.*t±,y', taut nath' t aa.J ur~t,t' ~ 12tg to rr:,r , a:,,, t}le hetweAn-the Co , ,,a~,aration of Tana ament t Pr'samt<: t.dditicc.t ,?es•rl(ttt ^ , ant liGma nn g and_c,.arifice.t, Ghulrm.tt,, t;•i,. R. l - J d G'alzrty farm to h ian of authorlt , , e^. u'.1 r n r, Lon i:g h a extent; of Y t. C rHVa d liUllnt ' h%w(irr,O" I.:r~rudET, Ii rill, .,i, le i:frk;il;!' ' T ? , E; e ba.t r;>an for tha fr,rm rnd sFt P nt,n}, tzrln(.cel,sazr, lrict:ian, y y ..tr~• ~ ~'•t•~a..('t,.an en(1 nitarv conditions nro (7od in t;} t lrsprovernent^ have 1)gen 2~ade ~ g la ,iarla, rv ; an , ~ vr111 su , rort !i r, 'hi toad •r,o • r , t „ II On,,..nLtatinrl of t}te i;ar ^ ,"iCtl, v• 'C(ila1lN.IsG prCSr.nf;8'1 ..'t'r R , i• ~r~, gro.i,. at r, 1,x,1,^ , . : uuuac; ~ t ,ar, I,ardr,er told.. ~ • t,; ';l,e ~~l'_,,; ~ ha ;ioard he:, ~ `,1'1 oC =.hH ..{itr~t t(, ,'c "u" ntlU..,,.ltt }'".i. 1.;, t,a.,.1 ,rvi w , • a.,kad 5ae:e tirza ' agoto h~ ~,n r r , tia..e. [)nranar el ,r c }ia,~~n,' P,ad roriditinna have oxst relievad of t11D ros+ars' i , n+~".°. n o__ }.r. , s(~can Pd }r.! 'f ~ 1 , _'Y.. ad therr2 nvar a I 1, ...ty of t}iQ : , „r,, Gal„rnan, rHCei?red n },nr+arl of elNVen vr,a, .h t' frr r.an„ider. ; far Stich coniiit?rins. r i r. ,<,.ing vr,.nn ,na rtr.,~ta, .:.s brae • ~ , e arson la ~ r s rig; d , , . ~ t, a~},t_a;.. oz 11 at'uscszt;7, to u)na.,tlar,s ar•A }later Haw • at71i1aE,i~ori tv t ~ a; rablp and so fa ,n r ra pnr' tc ~ p r Aral those that hn,ra bErHn 'ivirt t aF,ead tl'ar, rrvar hefora, hEi z°•ialt7 ~ , art r' n E> rCUb1H h i ,ci , ~ b1V,r + E'. r Tl~ln~ w}V15a•.C'? 1nt0 r ee, Vtg4 'I)bn L~Ot.rJf, `t' ;ir. lrr7't1n9t' ,49C a ,nre hin - , ' on..,(, by to rlo lle h-,rih ,}uiu.t( .:r, C`n}.et7nrr, ',!ie : i th(i n >n t t; o ocr;un•ti, th,+ir 2ninds thr,~! t as rr + ~ , a Ire allot!r~d t(i g ga ,ed ~c .nom , o,,nlutur v ` + . ; ,,•,t-t~ lnterr+st r u T7'rnh frt~Hdc.ln r,.i,(r p S ..a _:N, . , p , ~ .Reid h~ hasrd II , thin •s Weeder' zr: h~ 1ttcH. the ,ndma t,rnent , Y. a, r a, an(i felt tale.{7DrRl',~in of i; E; nave. r.11,,s(;d rec}uas°~, foe i~ tr•u r - ha h(atD' and f h~ - I' I cis and 21nrhlnr'rlr, e.nrl insistad t}at- _ttrrt vra5 handzc,l.,~,cd vri+}; a. lnt a iP ' ~~~xuA~ - 1 , .the rzan in c}:arge ~ , ~ a t ° - f irc.l n_ntl+; na in 3rd. ti+3 fal.t -t}'tat 'GCd w+1 , m: i:,GU. ,)rang 9lIC}1 T~rAtt:Sri 'f'r t.. • -1 w~...o i'rt}.: leis intrast' Ll the Ete,in7~;,.'.d kr.~G U'F..1»'' Thi2reu}ion dlr. G °l,,r„-, ' 1. ~ v- movers t;hAt Idr, and }prs. Carter bfl rnt ~ ? s ~ _ l, ~ „uperinton+lent and a,1ne(, .n ~hajr Mfr,:7•r;f°, .1.., a,:,. ~ . }tatron G, ± ! pr~tscnt i)r"1 J,.l, ..w.~ ,)f r;l t,~ ~ - t. I 1:a,. ,113 r; ."a?} 'J 7i(J!lp; '}l t„ vr!3 rAF P , . J, , ,f ' •'ti { , . ..1 ur,i ^ `v C r.r ,},1',` lab ask Hat 'ht , ~ rla._,anYrA5 °t3Cnn[lad br,' }S. lt!trC11H t7t UElttitl :,nnr'$, t~}lr)rlif G:' tr t^ . UrS, 1+. ~ . Q ~ ~ d rand CF., ridr . U. Gt,lr,t • t - , lit Yrtt1C} r;Pr,nCl{Yr }ID }laS ror'r(lt 't, • ~ ~ 1JOr a,~3r., azld )nt_..a~slr . '.r ~ rt~7tion Wort+r.,!cept htr, ''r°a,~I:'s ra3i at`ar ~ 1 P, C}191r'r^}?-n t)L t},C (it7L.l;',' t,~ .y r, n^ •nn „ . , I.r a b• 1~',r. hall, s(ieon(lad by h". r fg'l,roa.,, as „Harz. , ar , t ; . i LU!'7}~ ,tnC tY9s U_°1'r,r « a. r .Ell.i.var sdUt t~ nr t , 4 = ~ 7 + .rU7.6.;1an'alld Unan t1 tr Dt. Ln. , a , ~ , i. D .sl;' r:,tCriO(11 t d r i f 13 „2,(rY,...t,},C Uf 1rrYr 011E ^qrr+, 1 }11S 9Ctl0n A,nd WlChGra'ev } c ••}r". lr(!.,K Wa., P.3`t:(-t' 7P:.~r ; r't ~ it ~ 'Tip)! ",'r ^ n f- . a1 . ,.,r,t.t and h', li., re.9ibnatf.nn. ';0 1't7va..:,itVr ao n. ~r Lt, R:tiCt ".~i1 t;:;; i(1*5 r+,. ~ • 19 aVan- i , t _ti„,.at~or•, a: l'fice nxul *,1~a cn.° r, IiP, :GVr;!': ELYl4 ^erVUi, Fs:'i ,".tfJUd r+^.t~' ,P+t''1i1;,r l at °11 t'uao, i;n n + + , r I ,i • ras}ic7.,d ,o ,,hD r,un of taut - I l+ir, o, if, 11Gng ~nen offirr,d h'; ~ _ nt,,l^ .r' i 7 , to f is r a„igna„tan e^ ,,uparzntandont of .t l„ . , or,b(•io,'o tia `1st 141 w la, rarm e tt},._r,as z,i4 er, , ~ • 1! i Y , . 1, , r21Ch 17&:~ l', ';;(r t'On ''r •t aCt1Vfl Dn , t>re „er liC3 V.a~ Cl.`:r'ildt8 i 1 nr' , ,r.1r(llzPr . , rhea b,r t, ° „ r- , i , St3C0rit!Dd l)s, } ~}12~t a.:h ~,l(!al ai 7t,t R' 'jiaG fit'. (,a.lnTlrzzl ~ tUnrletl ~,vi+,h a e RccH)t}i(1 ,ruH ,L i~it Gf ~c,onarat' v ,d i'~ir ,r ~ l .ton r}1..,.h tans ~rits4antl~' 1SHfdra } • ; , QrHC}113S.tOf the ` ~ o- '7'!i1+, f~P't r,a re, a.«~~. . .12 r r _e„s, ,,~rt,... uel,.. Gr,..t:.a aad kind, rzlltln to:, l.ol'icn . t,:yse arson i~r, , , c, r tTner - p el su c~., ,7_,, 1e 'i.il l f • ~:1U V)'C^.}, D? A ril + , }k , .+C}~1Gli r r 02' *rr fly-h-.b' t:' f' , , i n l't' . ' 7~!' t „1 l t`rld « ,11:1 t[) t , , nn i 11 lul., ,.u GU t,}:e 1„+b: ' 1 _Uri 4. ,U::E' (t, . , 1'V',.., ,,..i.ln.. jna(; .,T, , l rl, WSS Yif }!~°rt.il`~". - ~1 _G3,lb and thQ l}a'.v }t r• m r+hul, it was f`ac>s,d a.}sat tha } i,• i ~a~A • ,anover ilbn 5chonl. ware scha ' i n.~.,~ throe(;}; thF,t narioc}, dU:.ad fUr bPl,? 1~E1t1C;3 Eit; 1,:iU uteri ,i 3 ~,.t 1[ira E„U' ; its,"rr Pte ~ r' r,,Cl r,?' . T 1 1'r'r,G, . , 7 ^ , , .J' , tt~ °,r ''r,t, : Y,' r " ' E,:' S 1 „ .C a.11Jlt~ ,fir ~ Thar llairman told : - tc 1;Gard ha hr,(1 cauf,rred tvit}i ,',ir 'r:, I. }.an .,rt,. dot, 1 i Garo 11rt5 l?nf uiV jl , T , c ~;ro 1C}i'17ra1naUe w+f .,T~,1I1t)r,, ianCNrt ''v,.}-,, ,,i: y_ .{1JerU ' r n NDUld' CC t}tC P,n": r' ~ ..t..~ ~*•r i f ; r .ter. ' .li: U, t , ' E,1 .oa.ln• rant, nrr"R t i, a, t},_;; ^rrsG..r~tlo2i ae cni; t,; i s , It WaUld rH i11re t}I" r, j;. ~ rn %i0[; Qt. :,-rCCli n. fi,.-.,fin a,, ( ~i +,713 n 'lrr t+ ~,I tl . aC rr IC.+Ir daV;; t•', 4' r ~Rt,,Gn,. i3tC> { a +^a r+ t, , a. ,I~i , f- t}t L' , a~,, ,.leld hale t „ 1- rv .'rr:~,« n:, n . „ + a aS R C r h y ~ ~ 5 + ,;t,t' r1BI:1b Hr°6 G1' `tl-ili i raCGTnrt9nd 71t);r nn a Unit bH~i n 1. „!'^3,xt;flrp `•rarlflg a rr{ l '3f?T1fl )l+ t',`,T';Ptl 1+,; +-i, n a , CGS)' a^.r `a l C Cf I_', ap, l,n , nCl ll,-ttlt. .},r_r. ,.r, .,..,1t1,C r, }i,,s .,('rrt, ' .._s,o, cuh.tt ,cards of materia. c~. mo ~rl ` ~ nd,d .ir. ~tsk eu+linr•i t was upon nntian of ;i.". G~1rdrur, , , : ~ t, divan to aTr~la'.' I.ir. aatldar + proparatior.; of the specifications.. to do ,hH r,ec~sary rr(3r}: and ~M~ , e report Yda5 rACei"'ad fro?1 i- ~ r C" - , ,a r ?'ri:: +'alleutU:' shafrin " 1 c ' ~U CCl 1r~C u~itl 1 , 4i, ~150.~6 collectiP~ far t. , • g 1d)`'' fGr t,i(, t,,y - r.~ e Co~jtlty, Tn111,1n}; a total i,f '°oe,917,1r, co?l~ateti ' far rho r,,(,nth r)f i=`arc}., Ij Jpcu moti(in Gf 7}r: Gardner.. r, . ual,~nned by ll~ , . ~ , Calerlan, na rntbnt of a< r + 5 'a.JG v(i aN,cl: of • CalTling, 111 fGr lnstrte.Ct t t .11H 1't3'1StrRC" n.. t2,r r'+:'rr;r;?:?1 .5 it=^, v ,'gyn.: m. , : E n J„~er .tlc.ter am ,nt zones an,l. ;,aki11- t} , . ,r , , ..e 1t on i ran Car ~ tp r . d , ,9 ~atl; for licldlr, _ „o „ t . a1._..a } ,C,L,I-P,, ,u . ,1 a1 act tAn ur iruneu_nt~ tegother tivith "~S.OC re , ~ ~ I, poc1P._ uloctlan :arah t 1'ti; '..war a t r;`inr, "on +,17 F - t _ 6 pH.: dtz ,G J , tt.+i,raV~.r,E , C' C.,r,),.,,,la teach-li );ln.}r:;J Itltch d°Rlntt"t' _r i , , r u ~ esu.,a.: ~Jurnrs under autjaarity of I1a) , - s•~ r, c,leGt z.nat;l7.u.}, .,a thH wEtte _ r (hiD _to race.t . 28a '1t11_ ,,a, t rr1r C,"~r , r:, , ~ ~ ! 1.~,:17 sass ion of rile la islature' ~ »1, noes Od tic t{le 1 crab 1 i~, . , ail n n r ~ , t , r t• t. g .n. It.. 1..E. ,l ~ch 2xi,.a i~hF, „nrallzla L'(,r.t;n drtilnEt •a .i,' g efiectiva Ps` of A ~ri1 :1st ~1 I! f , 1)17• of 1071ar 'rode c'1G .t 'qtr; t, 1~,.1C:17 Rt tjraS'v'r.t 15 F, d.e. re,9)1,;.t lrt "erlt.).,, (,1,,"R~~C io „ftrUlij+p, `each r(+:«Pl't'1 r - r ' 4j p if H(t.u ll,o. d,;tch 1R ' A request of 1,3r. Ja ' r rnt d(7e + 7 erred o r.ra:l the oat 1, ~ 5. vP.rr~ 1ittUrnaV~ 1'Ur CUrrt3C+• p er t-.D ~ E) fl I'`C.r l•1,rr' " '-T t p z~ ~.u ,'+alr ~ contj.r:uH..rr. ' r ; , alrl, _ttr~a:~ 105 i?~, L~ i?8 i? p 1 elan of tha .tax raCOrds, F(z!d aDa'raC,U::t Uf tltr• ~ ~ `snap r' i t ~ ' .}~ntlU.) L~i`71 , ~ ,nd ,U Of ~:tlantiC ''liaVr_' t+ ~ 3a u21 ~ .r, lYa, Olil.tt'Li_ 0, t}'it3 lp't^75 3,i u; 1, , !,'r ~ ~ • . „ :Inrna,~ ,.atvr.sh,i artt.< tat; .~I, n to Uu„ca:5sf a~ tai'a111 the wn - p, ~c plod: ;kitj ct ~uut;,r , , G,, ,t;~.,.. ; . t r tl,tou ~h ' }~aSonbUrO tC1YC1S}ll: l 92•roneOLiS 't ri11i, .,...-_r.ur t: ....1. G t7''(+n, - .1 , +i ^ c.: ~ t. ~ p ly en.trt;ed to t}le belts of L.I..;IEirb' w}1o 7 E,n -,a ,,.>_.,re,l ,,,tc ,,spa o. .,.~_I., sat ,at.lct r:P,.e a enr~ful i7}lat;k oft , , r c.isposed of all a!' thy` s14u'r + ' ~ h( r.lt,tt3, and i Property several .3ars a , , a r~iru.'`, a , ; - , , Y go, Wf15 tlUCli n ,•i , tl ~ t .,11( a'1.(t au i,}'P T1C,,,, mr;f;tltt • ,ioSYeV'er a1~Ur ?:~,t7,.. r• o..,o„ ni ,.r. Gal dear ,,ter „ ar __.t,rrbls d,..,„t,s, tart zt rras the sor.so o~' tY ~ Cnlr3tanrt, r,.forrcd ~n ±he t.hF~ ~o'3,.a , ; i. w t , Coon Auditor for irlvesL ~atlGrt "t3 + , a'-1d ;,c «,rl t,' G P.. tvlt}. nnvJrr to ;qc,., c r a, . r. iri. _.,r,r ar.c SflGDn.lun bl. .,r, t,ol©rlra, an ca.l~rlHd ' that. bit. .e ,t ' , y ,.an 1/ al 4}iH ,F.l!laJl l''',_}'C,)t,1:lES!'..,n II,CD2.7I1* " ~ r' y - t, :,artr;nn' o_ lii•11 ''Hint - Ei "eCi.,,at `D.f lt'". T, T "ri r-r Yrt?0 r1Ntl • `ti; . r _ ; 1 E,. , ,v. vv ' +C ,..G T}. a.a,n.t G Slirti'P?~ , t 1' Lal'U~ Lla tCaCtl Gr1t1 Si? , ,'H ~ i " a ' ~ ~ . u-, 1.W21, Jr. , Ila, ,tai;+. tv4d11S1"i1 1 1 ar e ~ + n ~ Ghl ,UCrt .n: Ur : , : , . ~ ila ~ioz. tt(,cHt,„n, , vn r=Inch 1 , art zna ~ .r,Dn, o~ +~xes oil R vaiuRtialL r7 j, r , to On ahrnn ~ ,.r ,._,.rLt).Ui) ' C2,+fj lti., 1 r n r r y,C . .au^DS eha, r,ad agaizlst }lira ul,(3rrar for t i s rut U, recoTlme*zr atlons a, earl a., )a:,sl},1., out ul, ~ , i~l}.,, was raferrad tG taa sax assossorr• ' .n rP r ~ t .a „ar,a to t,.irr _taa2 d a~ n ri(iotur'° to b.2 ' and correction, e'sa.lti .or ronsldaratzon: t l ur z.., .~t,r,~ ,,on, „nllfld to receiv(3 th , I ~ : i.h : ~ • A cartmunicatian was raceivad ^ , P n ~ •t,- , i fror, na ~,oan r _ , L, t>•nax an(: il~lernt,.a1 e;7~7errild to ask rn• lg r o,rwaent.: to ~},e (}raznrz„u Gi >the rlri •htsb~ s,udltor ;~ldvls.tnE; ~}le ar~uz,t un dt~)os':t.it1 each Han' Ps f ~ G .,ro l 1. a ,r,,lool • rout d~ ~ ~ - `.;>rj t , r N!are}r 31, '19~-)7, together :with a rierlaran z a. t.,r. Tl n..I rr tl ati .r:1~ ea at) , ~ , fltun of uacuritisr, hr;++ld b, u~'iu ea g , f It , ig 1 t G.. thD Haarcl cf urltxratlon and t e ' J ch cear3. sing(, , f Challzrar. st3( that t:};o -loard n- r,duca~u+tl 1)e ccinslrierFtao.1 tb the lu,r n r , g In o, a 1 If. v G sphRat vrallt°way, however . ' ; Dlr. Josaph;A. Ranson count~~ 'r ' . , r. Hal l,dlE,e,lt, `vra.s anon r:t~t~ ~ ,g h t dra , 1 rnovpd ,and It :vas T,acontiad b'/ 1,,r. (rEirdnar aad uR••ried t a ~ , - , - i , _on ai ..r. Co1r~n~.n, aecondad liv }}2', Ga + lP;,i zz.nga i.ru1,1~ >:Druo r,,al,e Saab ' ` . r(irlflr,. adm.t tarsi ornr'+" r= ~ ~~i i to the County Homes t'n ; ecortmor.dr±' o t ~ " + + . , r . a t 1 n of ,ho .tnpor..l,andt7n~ of ,'ullllc tFeli'r.re. F , p zrs nt,aitHd 1)} 1,..,ling the ipv }.lases. ! 1 ' I; ~f. ! , ; Upon ,motion of ?.fr, Calenstrt Q r!utiar } , seconded by ;,r. Gardner ' r r .o p'1•Ear_t !;nd•' {rothers shows frafl sehedala llcensb toe + r , ~i . l+.r. 1F. r•',erv,.s !rEts +•rante , ~ , xhltri~ P.t tHlla2v;l'ark w P d an alintenw:it is s.k cf ; taxes on n valuation of ~380.CQ Dn 81 .E acres 11, .h. Gu h t}.a l re u7,;ted_t,v ,n(, ,Jzln_n-tun . nlza D~ 't . g y q e (,n~rtzannt,w.lzch }would refs r i e t of la,ld ch.'irr;rsl in tho nR,'1e of I)av~'s t~, ~ ..)ct. .t I3, u,aarv, t eda. ai lts_ ~ ~ r., , In ~ Paznt township, E+bavo the arl:aunt sn~trrn an ;;>urva 'i' + ~ a . , , "hare of the roca3,.s far their reere!.tion fund, o_, a, a(I b 1.4r Y, or rho yaars 1~~,) t,n,)ugh .l)11j, ~r.rl 1):zy and. 19:te, ,j - P ~ fall, r azlad o, - n sawn de : and the sanio o*dered carrocted eit tha assassmant r , " ecords. ~ , ;'r ` E - }+`r. R.'Rhudrs then ur'~ed t}i r I'r. P. ,'actor .;avzs be :trr)cirtad to 1 . ~ zll thl ..no).},~red tarrll of T}7e followin uod old letv'~ t the a ~ : , 7. to sherif. C, :,av1d Jonea...4r. H. O, Grant a,,ked l,llEtt t,hc, ~ al2rtment b', ; ~ ; g g i a. Plvn wer,i dr rttvn to sarve RS uror° In tD pP 1 (7, , anac ' J ~ ne Superior Court ,.or ±}ie trim of ~ glee crr.minaT cases for• the ora week S , T othflr into ~ tans to lie besot(+.. llllarelTt , , , rested clul~en., en oppar tY t~ (n ,u!. CalHrzal. rlotr~,? a r p,ic.lal .arm wags lnin }londa~• Aril ? 7 ntl t w . ~ , .lst, 1911r : i Pu saconu„u b }rir. Ha'!T and unanilnousl! c•i,•ried,t}tat I`r, i'', Partar I?av'_s vrho has sar~e(i fbr fl Y J 2.umbe,, ul y(iars A€ E..r3.Frirrzss. J~S.IZa Wort r`- 4r :i,eciAl 0 t, 2 ",e n ralntad SShflrl!'f' of 1Eew t' * + i • r,,_ F ffzco, :.rd })eput,/ ,her~f pr .ta,wrer Cotuttr .1„ ;;®r,,,, , Y E.r r r.,er, ~ .P.,:~r)rr3s l.err , 4„ 1 or t. j - ' • zs ,J... e,,,3,~nennrd, to ~4entrose M. riinnant• 1V„1.Ta'lor. r;,?1,;,}a hr i T una irad,term Gf thtr late Shariff Ce havld Joni,., y Yl• u.,1,Carba+;t, ;ill'i,flr"an, I'r'an}: Lr St)8ai', ~ , Vanier }3. Long, , ?Inrwond 1~i11ar,C.1.'.~da 1:. };ir1R, ,,,r, b ` ~ia.ri0 ~ i + ~ " . „~1 v. ran, F',tt..,rinll. I';.S,F;tillis. ; t,eo.A.Lt,msdan, Ii.C.Rcber~s. Harry Jrd'fe. 'd.l!.derrliitt, Ilan*lit~ }loin 'h..h7:,'~t. , .,.?3. r7t1 He~mas.' High' A.°V.t1GUnt,jizl, a,•J."tricklnnd, Iior?~Prt 7.,Inwlntt ' 1 h,, , lnomar+ J,ti R inkley. : '1o1E111d ?tochella. 1'l.G,S2n~t}l. _ ? n , Jas.:,.Tadd. ,~ana13 J: ullivan m T.,.' . t,rllzs• atrHll, ~abert :,a,r~~e „ ' Tlta Westin t}-en adjourned. Thy Caunt~+ r,+tcrnc==~' arin^ Advised thH [3af.rd t}tat the 1D'r~„latura has rat ri ' ~ - , , G a ' J 6 b~" ~ltt t,rldt,r ~ha caa a ' i, e41tt1t1Un !'nne, ana t}:at'P U x_t5` c t lay 5.~,. r, to bass a, local. bit?. t(~ i?iDrDa~e jury passed ei; he 1 ~ ' 7 hl-1 tare ..x i ~ /t Clark. faa .for jurr,rs in the Superior, Colzrt athar tht~n special venirel,lar, and talca 'uror;; at n) rg ' ~ - 7 _a>.,,t, par day fOr t1F,',,r SarViCi?S, '~S tll1CDI1St1tUt10nEi, ll1ar92Cru~ the 30ard ?.}inn T,1tltiGn ()f }'lr, Ga:•dr r f 1Cr S.D4ndv(, , ! D',! }uT', T"fiS}. °,1~' L"1 aCCGYrianCa Yrit}l tha law, fivaCl the fCo5 :'ar regular UrUr:i at i ,il ,,tr ,j It.('. per day ~ and ' to it ~ ar.(! snociai ve~nirr,rlen nt (3!;, per ,,,z,, Pct ,~lctital service.; las ~,rvr5 rondr2rad, .,_,.,±ead .tf' L ,2.00 per day ~r _t'ortnerl,,,, y : : ,ri2r ''ti r-,'"' } 'nar'anSO lrl „'ur~ fa^S, k11H flF~~ty C~ii}l i,;!!C: al_glra~ ti E1 f .a~ ,he a,-ova .t , '-~t h .Rx, ,olloctar ;vas - i 1<pon ira': ion of I:'ir. 1~•isk sc,con~ied bJ .u•. n...l, incr,,e.,r.(1 _ram ~~0rJ,00 to ;~7t)0,00. , . i ~I ' I t: f, +i - , i', i'. //p: _ w r .;ti: l~,t' i~ - _ . ' A ~ ~ C , _ . , - ~ ~ :y } a~ ,~4 61 ;i:, *in~ oz' Aril 1?~~h n F . ~ l~r}I , ,.c;nt~naad. k. pet:~tian of Iro ; P ..ln ? I l;o o,v!:9rd c.. }yrt}.a sr~vc Eci.nd , lnf,,tn, ,1, Apr11 21 1 j ~ a7. ~ol~anissfon to tftke: b rEt ~.J:U-she State) ril rn~rr,,t r• Ver t'n9 m£ai2ltPnpY:C9 ~ ; ~ / v. l~'i});:?iC ;~~r'' S + ~ of .Of1th .tC'ylln n,. .t,~ TS , .}.5 e7, ,9nd.ung in an OHS+ar' v (t at L . ;rl•'~1B urU'v t7 .iClt+ J'' ` l and rli.rortions for P','7ra;r,.mmi, t,l.r „ ~ • ~ of I.rr. Trhni:, soconded b,r i.i a thr~ -t,nt}ls az n tlile yeas Tha regulc+r v~eekly ra~eting rf t'19,:lc,ard w r. }Iall, acprcv9r~ nnd're: aired to tli ;;tom+, uPUn r`o4-"n ss }leld nt lu:c)0 l+.Ii. .E .Ii(;h;:rtl~r CarJaisnic~~ ' A ro a-t of- the i3uren,ia of nrn.,hnt: A .~3ison }'~:.Iev' t' - , P t } ~rrrt»,n,'L'ao. rJ. a^f , Tr Jas . hI. rlc,1 r } Identification for 1r;arG1 w - aS reCt.J,'7tl-1 P,rltl , )t 7- ntr rr , 1.. pi.- var ()Jlrtr~ L.J~CGlerla n rtYtC , .Il.od, ,,ourl~r .t„ornr; .J.Ar^den i3ellaJn;;•. A,r9tluest of I,+r. Jas. u r t,+ , „ ..,.,ride 1c>r Pr}~r'.';tmellt_a}' t1tU:bFiG` + - r. z , ' 1. ~axos r , Idi Yi, Soathw+ll lot''":lj ' ~Jl fin 'irt}:ert~• ^ t{ ^ tho rliriui,o, ,,f m@et~n of A ril 1'} ~ ~ , `,l a it rr irl rr10Ck ;itrn5et . ti , I Gi .•.r.,. ~ P h, l jj,~ t{,..r`.! J d i , .,t rk Wi5 r^ft3rre`l,i;a ';}tf , rP.c frld arjP.aJC•. aS rF,Cl7rflE1(1 ~r1Jr`atlgfttlan'f+rtd 17th 7C"IPr ~a a~ J Cr)r':r1i):{atJ i'ar _ • • a , a. ;A re~u`~st Gf li; s. ilFl~t t C , x • r Jonc 5 F; q• . r, , , C 1t1J8 Ill, r;Ctt;r vlrl :,r'af,tt9, t rl }'inVe t} ' (3h `)n rrrotion oz° Ia•. "'rr~s - ,;}-o d~, ':,rush a~ thdir ~ rl~lor c , . , a rwa } a,cri ,=.a .r, r.0n1, tlo •oCU' rjn,.„ ° J , ,,.~11 rr J ~ ~ ,,:1,. o J~rlo t: Y tt is , z, s ' l~)}G tAX3S i' , )raV1n YriG ~rttntt7(I fl poll I.Ir, Tru;rr, oCCCn~,Bd bV J, r , .nCII r1C,,:0 P ld on ti, ' u tic)n o *,r y. ln,t oz to , 1r , Ir» dner, ral~ ~ n cif - , r. j U0 Or , i r @ ~ g .te.i. G ~ • F ~{r , f r r • ) ~rl bUl,,.ln(,B Ch.., t3(1 to 1t`'J:i Nr . r: „ torrnshilr, _ . J or rt ..n, net , ' t ;?n al•['E7r Cf I:'.r. ~I, i. +'tL"i1fiJ' (iC','tV8},~;n- ~ it nttiri-C , , t L .a ,'trnl~ta I3~'nC}r i}tUE1: `~.G r? IrrH^ a r •Y i; ~ 1G.,tr Le)'iarl i "tIPCn 'notlaJ: rti' `.r. :;n. sl tG J11SBrt i;alf ~)ft Q }11StAr~ ni ' r nee 3„L S w t g l :.A".C1V+"~' ir~itrrtir 1. ~ , a,'J.,led o r, :,nll err Lne Lei. ~ ; 1. , L U _an, let witnou~ ru> t , s .,ir. ,.atirt•,f;: }loud r - i'a'~nt on tile',~t;Gas, , r a , inn t tc 7^ar1A.b6r of 7i3.',ro.ttent.lttl ~~.r')tii't x'n^a o / " ~ . > .C .1r t, nL.(1 n y y, loo cS .r,e,,r conve ~ ~ he incraeursd z'rnn ~li Vet)U .7 ' • r n P, +,flr :}..,»:Yt:nGl Jiff r~ 1I ;t. , r, i ~4 to ,~2~ •t)O 8 ~ + P m ,rr „ t r;:, `t, ..t thratln>7< ~ •e c d 4 , L11I1' .ftt ~n9 ; filed a^ i • lry P r ~1a., ,}1. o,, G1 fir ,t t , ,,,c ~..,,n of •u~, Gn..:t a.r,Cr:,t~tl ,y 1, "~l"i, %,t. "17021" b , , o i.}aJ 1st, 1y,+t ~ `3a d's .,ti t,r ' ^ . 1. ~ ^ i0.r~• •Nr15 t leriCnteG b,r r t,~ , Z..Ati ~ a n9r mont;l.t ~'roJi;the r,o*~ernr„r,nt ,t;ve ,,1fP , 1.,~,,L~, ' rAas crn-tho-• 'al} t ~ ,rnlrii;,}, futl3 W,,;I,;}l''•VttS d ufu.!1" Cr hta w84 ,r,LaGG .SCtin I1ama ,e n, +',r, ; i , ,...IntSNr3 t'rJ; .,t ~r`_ "°,GtIDI '"'ti., , .v t'to Hvard tn'~. 6 ~ r c. ,J,_ a.J-part ^ ~ , P • a.,..11cAt, ,,l r , • .,1.(:.,eCq ,.4 . u0,, ,,e t;. st - a r:* °'r ..on tht,.e ) , .r ~ I>•.r3r, err. slf ,7a.: ill I.,,, , ti ~ Cvpurr~Gtrrl° Cor•,orativ ' ;I , to t;ho s,;:ti1 nC ~ a G , rt ,f t tes DistrlGt Engin9er z or r. nornit `o t r'.' ' . , ol:,ad th + a , Gi, n . f ~ ~ of r~ tar t~ ~ nppr-, n~, 1~;r Trask cld rfi hay L.r. L .r• _ 4. a^ . i 1 ;'.'a.., an aria a p, -r r ,ly 1F;,,, } e'I3o8 t r.lr° a t,e•. , , ' J or , r,n „ Ion .the ire t s P t rin ndnTt+ nl it , r ~ o S , id..,f Ln~ „C rt!gr 71;: ftd 161n1T1' Ci: tc ,yf .l; Lotu.{,~: ,.u.ue ltr<rl rs?>:yd r•, „ -r r ais can<ylnue(}: coo eritlcn i, . .n e. , yard. t, e ,f s~ P ,tart. wh1,.9 ho n~ld no an~llo ies to rnn;te lt, a.~ X1.1. 2'cr t C 6 ,ar,,ers, resigrnv,on far unkinr treetrata,+ r~ n ~ , + ~ '1 G, t}1C 1nrlatCS, YrA,3 Vrilliri}; tO Cno},dt'titC Vrtl'. `rlrl •r. 1^a E r rr« • UturJ »i G.1F.lr1(la.2. Of .tt0 vatl f'•t 1 1 , t.. @)-., t i ' _.irt a x• .'lJ t r } " r ! 13oJn~ Goruai`.tr~e, n C G .'a:.1C i,l})-1,r1/ f~Ur , ,.C , ,t'rta 1'_:CCr . r? ± 't , llr+ lIa 11 'thou Idt}VP.d t}fiat I•Ir' t) a• JY CP i:at i0r1 Of i'. r, nG t er nr rr T 4' t I .,,.:1- . , . tl. te.,nlf7t' rJ"..;, ~r r ~ rr, ^::,..+r• ar =or as Jude ~unorirtand~;nt c:' too Caflr , T »nt,r,l . .:t, , .?rni. r ~ , , • 'I lt~ IoM ~ } •',i "rr r:;. ' ,ane t ,r Sri..-, f 7 rt, ~ ter~aJ•a ' ~ , ~ .wa',»rc r-sr. ~n { ~ r ~ l ~a tt,4:~z o. Ty 1/aBi.,) x„Camnended'O~r ttlq t 8 :,1,,,JJ .r.:xun )r^'+'rrC '-•c 1, a:,.,1a atCe, r,.~,"tl tY ,rJd tta:„ i, .in f;:;t ,,„^I,;;.i"• I', r' ii,r~ C ~>r. • ' is seGOntlad by Ile t,olr-Jr,itr'. and t ...d .r.ar 7).},:. E~ of APra.l 1 at'r. t:r. a~:1:,• f ,t_. + o . r:..~d rs o..nor S Jn9ri~' s. r ~ zz '1d ,nt of thn yaunt•• farm to bb raid t}fire, ;,}l n, r. z^+k , , o :..1 11 jUT; It i-',., i,a ^0 tr ~'n,t' cx, - .ri ..,r. I.,'irtin9r 'tiCryrBSS CQ n1J'"r.if F„? 1J9i*'1' tlef• ..r, .C ;C( t r i ,rt r i j 1Tr , c I, 1r11tC 1ntr~r9Stt•(I in tp;a ,rn er } Ea r i µ - 't 1 , r~, r.rlt;, , .fir. . x ,,Jr ir:. JPt'~'n :1 « ~ , . i,r r..., r P r, n t a r ~ - ,J.., ,,t;rr)~, ..,•e ar. '1 t:,, i 7 1 nll.rT' GJ le r^,, rt, -rU'.:"1 tri,^a. a' r~^± { s fir..,... s any. pry sor.3rs and fec7rs ~ , ~ , .n -8UPCI'Vi310n 01 i,,.+) .IoI4e Ir' ~ t.Q-,,,.,, V,aS r,..ttr, r!". F,~in=,zt, vr' rt:'? n n rxJ•t^ t,.r>d r;rairln.a i,. t„ , ~ t- t . „~^rtl ~.£.r'tr., t ! Jab far ane IR»n. a 1~u ili't'~rUiP t'J:±: F.,Lrn lJr,t;n + r ' - , g ^ ~ o bid » ~ , r.;; . t , t,ak '..1 _he 1' estiviates Far.. aid t;o'Do 9ndent C}til ~ r ...,,gin, t„i;7;;nr sQcor.d t; r,,r±:{r , _ , A firer vrAs u})aa eta .iGn; ,;f I•r. t,ole*.. , t + ~ i ,tPtl ..sec, r ~ 1. d.-l,, , ,rr. ,r. ,rlf}-s ?tic r ~ „ru',n :tract , , y.r , o; .Ir. 0ardrl., t9nttttiV61'<t w f 1 fi - , Dn,,94 1:~ trl~~' ~ r, , ^ ~ , tr r r 13 t• , PPraved,_or 1',. ,.:..,,rt of t~~c.; , ~7i,.t, „ • , ~?-.,,,0(,50 01d: °e Ast•-^ , ci y t~ P ,.or . rl,.c,,u..t r ~ r. II , , b uwt,P,nCA . 1 ~ . f Uv_1 c7 ten. r~ i:~ , ~ t ,,O..t,O and Pld tc h , - ;,tzar., tie 7 ..,,.eon .t„l,';,j„ tue Blin4 ~G _l ~ub'eot ~a , °_,13.60, a~ ~ red' - - , ! J t,c G..on .bog are , lnN:. ndo lion Uf t n Coy.! t rt ^ P h r.t~ ~:};e:rer»1 ;r:, ~r,r ` ~ , ' !,I 1~,17'.1(3j.;~:. b",}tl "t - C'.l , n ~ - „ r, i , . ^ , ~ , , . . ~ _d .7» • u z' , )s- hex , ; n , „ , f~ t3 C, )'.i a ~.lllr,.C:U)n ,,I 1 j~4 r r,= L. tie , L r . °1~ ai ri" :f; . `on ~ ''P,nagt~"arti-n nl~=1t; ~N.i,~ ; , 'iJr i ~7 t i~.Jl ih ,.,l.it;t~ tu'r,~l '.T, 11^ rr,: ~ ' ar- mo T' oIi cf _ y~ 1,11', Gardllcr, seGandac 1,.. ,,+J. Cozom~n th, ,u,,, t,, ~,r t, ~ ' P ~~r,rd rtascinded lts nc';inr, til,+} ~ ,.i. ,e c, . i, t,) ::r:., i~:f J()r' Pt,t.'tt.''ntir, , n -1 ;!i at ~hls nentirg fiXing;thr7 ~uro"s pay rat „ji.v) per dryr fur rn^ul».r iltrars •1 , ..y. 45 t,. A 17 R f „ ;8 , 1' VE3n12'Bltkin {'Or d~~ 8 a 1 r , ric It i , J c _ erved eras t' rec ,s~) ° ' , t~^r. , , ` 'tuA ly J [ tr,e sahl at , UU r. ~ c _ - ~ r, - 1, ' •'°r, ` ~ : , , } , , ~ ' ~ `C Or~diy E+S 7 ~1'P1H,hr, :%t)i~'~'n^ ~ 'R~ ~lt.,i"~CtCa to Crdlit Of' iriCTeaBtl in lUr~1 fn93. art '7e ;r!-l a, • r;),,i,r~„ a„ i rl~ ~ }lven ft ,.Pr cell='.:rntio:i Jt,~.t. 1s' Z; ~ ~.c,: i, ,:~•:~e ? ..~;r... ,r : f,; i'~)_A •~r,(`ii., r)i t:+~., ,r, !,r~ Pb;.U jr1, rn,`i n'~ii1cA')?? ,f~ f`P 'ir1^+' ;-nom 1 r. , r}r on mot,:i,~'I ~~f . :'rnsl~ , r, , _ 11 zeagnq~,)d b 1 ';otn, ~ . • r n , , ; r, L r ' r t „t 1 1 . , r~~~ t, :a • (:l i ,,otlr(I P S 9 ~idU.1 ,t i^ , l,:' Oi .11 C nrr~1; „ t}l . 3, ~ ,.r , rt, U 1 0 , 't, t'r', ;i ! '-nCrB&"log +;he Tnz ~)11eCtOrS'',q}tV%rq t; n~, ~ '2,r. a 'T.,r~t, r•,-_ ~ - ' l 3}tACCaIL'1t f~l'lt!'1 i,)~~.~~ to fit) C) ; +tr ~ , 1, 1, _ , ,r ,.t. rU'eI' Cnr?'UCtlGtl i)C +;n;Ie t% 7v !I E' tc rema~.n~~ af. '3011 UU n. r «1 ,t! r7, n.,{; ordwred ~,,e ,,er~;c „ < . P } ..,c t „ ~ ~ r . . orJ1e, y. . ~ r,~ ,.1. n., for f " ~ n., da illtltal r~ ~ ur::') ~ G ^ . Pot ter )e r , r~ • T B r71 Shr•t iff :o, t1f7w I.irtOVer ~'J1tI1~~r, `rY=tll t}ld .Iridf~:tlllitV- 1r1Si;r£~JIC6 £;r ^,rl, - •i-.,. ya,, t,7Sl r;; ,r, r"C.rti t9r~"', ,"PCi Cr,,,1~,~~. t~ ' it Uomnany of. 2?artl%t.nor>,cA he sue©tv, n tho "nJnoutlts of OO.UO for t},' l r ,5 l~ falt,..:ul Prrfor-•snct of - fife o!'fioa and rl 00i Or o t] f Y .h@ Co.11aCt 0. Glll•r;(^ r,, n I„ti. t, r , y..i.r r, ..ri i,t ' • r 1 „n^ .err, , ;t,t or" l~r. t)n. t.n':~r, sectind~);r i, ) , ~'1u - , ~ , 1 n of Stit© tAa;es, t}lo:.^,ni., +trrotmts h»Jin~; beer, fined a . r.,»n I y t} o County Co»l:ss'.onars,'wis ulivn notion a- Gardner - '•o'J<,d; r Ire...... , .,econdr7r. ...r, "rusk, n 7 rGVp(l on recommendtltlon of the'County i ; + IP ~ttorne,,, al,. memberr o min to fi_rnativol , • ~ Y > m• , ..,,pting r,, ~ " ;trnr,d, i}pen notion oI' ~r, Gardner, ~econded:b'/ hie. Trrlsk Cottnt~ F 't ~I' ,r r .)I.ls r1cs.,.l{?0 to t•JOrQ inproved . I fCl' ~AVilt9nt. , I I The meeting thon tvok a r©Grtss subi~Gt to 0.>1 b,r` ' ..1 the: (,hn:irtr~nrt, f7 1 , irilnrin •ton, Ir . C , . It r it 2f3 ~;I , , i }r , ii u~ 7 ~ l i "r , F, , r if , P , , re °u , 1 rtaekl~ meetin}, 01' the. Hunt d I,n., 'r.©ld e,t 10.00 }d, I Presant: A(idison ]Iewlott Chairmrilt, I~eu, v'., Trn;;k., };Gttrrhlar L.,J,Cnlr)Jann , ruin t;otutt, Ptttornav ~ . I i!r~rsd9n 13e11amV, i i`(11r11n~t0r?, It, ~*9 11 „?1 1~i;r,,, Tt`j}j• ' P_ .I 11 - The raeatinr was'o coed :r;ith ortt`:er b'r'the Iteverend.~lexrtnrir7r }illr7r i't,st , ' , or of t ttitl° t,n scor;c, t . ~ 1. ' t P I u uant to rE,ve.,., .•en Mril lj,trt, hj}7, tht~ c3oard J'ht nt j 30 1' L. , . • ~ { ~ ~ yo r •;s e 1T+3 tl l tl I: r nd re~or+.rlardA.~lo:,,, of T,4r. ri u, LanU9r, C.E., ^G„("ernlrl~ ~%11C !1rt;C1Ui21g Of ?.E. ,i ; : ditch to ~`omplcto the drPinnGa nrU,,t;:t n+, ;dralina b_ach. The mimltes af'irteetin of A•)ril 21st,:.igl}7, }were read altd enPro~Jad es recordod. ' ' ~F I ~ I 'I Pr•}sen±: f:ddisan'`rewlet n r , ' t C ^tlr,.ran, Ii. C+nrdnor, ~ ' L.J.GaI+~:'.~n nrlc, „ns. lt. 1in11; rv:d r]~tit,~~l'~ , ^ The i'ollowin four sealed bids 'for the dradging,.rvldenlnf; and deepeni.n l{aJlni}.er IJitch n of .toe lt_c..ar.'rttn ~I Caf•~1.iJ1, }3.,e(.n. ~ ~ s i; ' ' Adv9rtised werfl rfrcoived and upon notion of hie. trari3nor weed ononec3 and publicl' read. Y. ; tlr. Lander. rr,a^rt8d +,h . Ourd Con(.~....vlt. ttat: ~O1' .?lc? r: dos i..t} t': n r 'J o S , r r, ~ is ~d 7rr n. e I t. :,,{r~•r a< v lls it. C s' ^ r ~i ; r, Co-harnbus {,nn4ractars VI}tite i , r ~ ' , , 213 c 7rt,, Pa. rub is lrArd. , ,~..li~r,1 P..reAmnn,.,t1,,,.1nC.. 7.,tU vortnalt~: of }Iigh<pnlnt ;,tttaiaG±orr to s?to^otsl'~:11~+ (';rn;rt ~c.,~ nr,;.. • i ~ ~ 5 . i B cents nAr ctt)Ic yard,: t 0 : 5, } > „ - 9 S ' m , - t " , }'lillrtLt(l'tOn, '•,T. C, ~ r 1 I ' + A 5needen s ocri.~. • ~ ' aId reC J!lnienG'l;l .1£ La. w,1 S5 ..aIlOrS r~,,89ci W1~,!t t}lEt ra eCt+r :.I::rt7tl.Un air.. trirdllP.r r1aVCd ttric~ , P ~ Vim CgTlt9 ar C11biU V»I'd• ~ ~ s i b~ _hir. Cc. 'ian and ca. rigid v'.-ra h trs II YJftS C>, t)ndei r tm r' E i,, fal' l~t1e an + r 7r'i r, c Tow198-t)lina t;an9trUCtlan CO., t ,t P . rtll.,CViI J. 0.. ~t'~t}1 ,jut, C.le.~1,.., ' q n .t P' S J', p { r ° -P , ; r : n rt r , Talm,ln Transfor Lom and, 27' G4:I1tS~or t,i1b1C Vttrtl. P , ; of matiriAl fo. tna .c..,I.en ~!a s,~ l..:, c: hen?:.,c>rc~1 1)l~eh `a~ s•:mlrad by adv~ ~+.IStimont, to he received-en or br'are 1CJ:0U ta'c'v~(rl~. }'`a.. I'nrd.P,. r+`v'i1 E's r ~ t ;rtrolirJY~ : I 2 the 1)j}7a ~tld that tJte :.1derJr:e,, cz t= T : „ Jnon m ft secondod 1),r ~,tr, t,ol~3nan, he bid of 'Tt,lman Treusfer C~>: ~al,+ v ' He9Cn S9CUrs rErtIliariian irl 'JJ•itul fi , a, , , .rr r„ 0~10n 02,-Idr. 'Il' Sk, t"rf t, riS aCCfi tCd N g .rain . r, r,.C(?l^r er 1 G.5t,Ir 1„) l,a 4tr 1 UJ' tr~2 lt>?'-G: -Y,a OVer .P1 ~~eruJ r p r P , , ~ o Y - the ~ at and l or the stem v1 .fir , 7flr• cuo1G ~rnrd fide ~ , ; i . ~ which t}ia drs.fna.-e ditch IS tv r+ ,t)c.ri-t:~, Y tiding she lowest bldder& ~ r t7acn c,rrl,ac ,rtrd of dart ' ar'other mtlteriAl to bra removod frnJ7 sald ditch ail tlccnrdanc9 t°rith'the 1)l~ns proparad tip il.l•'1'roemau : • C F ' T t ~ d `in icaord.°.nc9 lvith s oGifictttians rct ,ru•ad h ' ' I s<)ca>z td ' r`i t oz I,a h Polnt, .I. an r' _ P P' y 2~f. I(. LnncleJ G.r. Lpcr, r.ct:,r>I: c,f J.:r, r,r.,,.rrn, . ded by r. Gnrdnv. pa lanb of -,i,3) i(~ iii ,r,, ! . U ' , yir t;,.:llt'J1 r:t•.,~L G ; a Cnn':raCt to 1)e ~ t • fl a od lr, tha Couut AttarJl } i ; ~ . „ t, ~:a + _ { .v. cork to 6e he,un ..man the a~(ar.ut-nn ai P• •P ~ Y at an(1 t~ioll Er r,l< . < z<.~ .,a., fir,, f ..,.C, c_rt, fir }:}af cost of Iaue` rirlts Arrd ,,urvev for t;~le ,x~.I,: : .~1•r°, ~ 4~ r , t, ' the deliver of erfari.~nce bond it1 the amo}lnt o~ ~E3,100,uU tv 1~s an'7ravcd b' the Caunt~r n. ' J ~ ttcrne ' t+iail}},. L.'J~_`,ra Y P t Yt i~ workln s 2 ~tourB Bich (lAv and six days a Yrtrt~k tlnd using a`mtnlnw~ of tt~ro li hater at lea a l shl. g ts, , , 3 Th6 Sad a~a ?natiD' u}1H r8ritaVal Cl' ftbCUt j0,000 C111)iC VftrdS C);' dirt Ur bt)i31' mfzt. , 7..~., -l~+}, ,uti~:;:c .a ld tiYolk -prC1Y,_ yrlal. I i in iR seconded by Tr•<<. ;fir. I.1. `i. }lass, 'Jttzlor' YJns rattho ~ A on motion of .,x. Crardrlet•, , J .l,,0(1 to i};Jt - a r ~d ~tatas l)ePnrtr~Bnt v, Justice, ;Crlrr_};rntit)n »nd 111tturl~l ant ' ' t~,~, n a},reem~,at tvlth the tnlt a ion ,•cr•Jictl, i. _ , t r? ntion` and tnnlntenanGa of alions }iel d i~t Uovarnri~ rt± o.~nAnso , Tvnrzoll;, 11a., for. the ,.etc ^ 2 4n,iur +no lnuni~rat, } - Yrs In the County Ja11, .fur "thy ,)erlod froJ1 fitly l.,t, 1~j}/, tc) Jime Utl~ ' t, , lc n l~ . ~1 i3 ~ i H+ ~ ~ ,t ~ } , ~ ar e oi' a100 par per .on. a I)er deem rate. of c i , I ' i! ,i, , i ii i- ,t "i ~i? ~ J j1~r `ii ~ , ' r, ~ ' rt l ~ 6.~ x V F,Sedtint; of A `r• ~ P it ~ I3th, 1r11f7, c;anti.nrxnd. I I I }rilminton, rI. C., },lrn~ 51;h lt~ ' . ),f~, A request of t}re Th • 3 I xdnlity nl:d Casualty Crr~ ait~ u; , • of Ilnw'`:'ork o t 1P . I(3rr lark + , r© released from'tha apar'ation of ru ?,nrrd ifnut,,r~,l I?ttret~ Corn'~rrrt' 'The r~ ular wco4:l~,meetin, a , Rana er of t}ie rrrtr }rand . ion ~ J f the 1 onrd "r K ar,r'port as of ,arch 31, 1 1~ } !,t•Or(i)rtlEi tar Jnss ~ ~ x,s hole nt 10x00 A,}4, 9 t, , ..and ;ands na c o r c, o C. I arkel•, Jr. . ` process Hond :for' the s• ,}P~.~ 1 ~ „ rs late 1)s; r~, d r; , r < t~ t Mate Paxos_ t+nr c r ' upon motion of ' 1 onus, ~herfi', n:, of 1. ri1: t) • < 1 ~'~922~3» ~ Pr©sant: /':ddison H©vrlett L'hair27an Geo, ~ p 1 th 1 ( ~ , Tra„k, ,la.,.,l+}. -hall H. 1 t~ , ~ a r. Gardner,, referred to tho Cottttt~ ) )7, re„phCtivel r , 7. tarchur. I nd re ort bai J Auditor and ~ , vrnre and Ccimty A ttornny' Ilru sdnn 1lrslla „d.Lalemnn ~ t,aurrt At,torrtay ~ ~ ~ P c, to hn l3arard. ~ forr•ncarnrrend„t. >.ons ; 1 Thn minutAv of neAtin ~ of t! rril 2ti • c b t}t Aha followin a 1 i I 1 1. , , ) f7, )tore r©n~i nnd. a , G PP icat_ane for licenses n ro r , to soil beer .arid to operate iuhlic P re 1 ns r nrar tied. t}re samo having boon: endor•sd b, I dance i ~ .the Sheriff wer© rolls nnd rtgbi aril ow e~ } ns, The . 1 ing ,7I licatians far 1ar,on:r Cnlerutn, a rravnd b~• upon nation of '}1r. G as ~,a_ pI the ]lc,nrd; nrdnar, seconpeci by blr. ; , sell bear at the locntaonr, ;,havrn thn •~a; ` ~ been endc,rred b ..the ~ ne ' y herylf, tires. e upon ma Lion of Ir, }1rt11 sec „ , , having , ended b, ,1r, L'uloman 'rantcd• i _ AlloLVriy, },Iar~ s , t, 10 miles-CarUlina 13enc:h ilanr ' J. E, Armstron " t3rid es r, } ~ ~ G bra ~ 1la„anhrrro La „p I~nad, ti n h , , Cac,tln ll~r o or. ,T 17 n r ?3rind' .m Hatson, .Tr,, ntici t;,'ri,Ifiills limbo I ' , };its. 2f., H, , r 1Sln - rr ~f Britt, J ~ Li.rtla Grave Lvop hand " C. V. Cavil,,. nd, }.ar}'ot Street tarcl n ' T ny Grill Ilai1'f ' • _ } r, _ itt Ullln},e , . rf, ,,ova_l ' }arl%et S frost z r ,a Old Ilr;.l;htsvxll© Mond John K, Dn~~i n Carr,: David. J. Carolina i,q Ir „ Pch ..ar.d r, Dale 7: r1;.las 'an Ca;, le Ila~me ?}ond ; " _ C•Lr•1 D+tnn , • , y,, Pacharri a , ;ir z~ htsv. n „ ' ,,aahreaz© n ?.Its. (:lad's Drazd r, 1110 Iinnch , r,sd' f ;Daniels San „ J _ ~ d~ S • ~ I,.nrkat StraPt s' u eabreaze r, elliznbsth h'rar>1-s ,.c?nd S lrubank, 1.Ialvin , Gr©e ~ ~ , r .:Snrket trrret ?turtd ,a Carr U r• ; r nv.L..1a ,~o,!nd „nod ,a Faircloth, Artie [ r7. _n,;,;i,.t a ; _ n YTri(;htsvilla So r+• , ,t rket ..greet .,,ad ' Cordon r, ~ and „ ,,xlbart hale, ` ' ..rnest Car ; T?aasevnl+, Garda+rie n olina ;•3aach Road n - tlarne, H. L. C. Gray, L',C. Corn 11rtn Herac}; 'lor!.d Caralr.tla'}3cnrh .,ond n 'I Gra ht. L. HrLrr C. Crirol?~ra Ilaaah Road zsg, Ca,t•ln }!atimn Tlaad-[Farrlnlt. rntr., ,r i 'G'laurle :~abbs, , fiigl,ins, I:turlio Cabin. Cams-Cotta I __t,os rr?i ;lrtwi?ao ;:aund ra SaFlt,raaze'; , }IiUgins, Marnie S } IiaoI•, (rar<gc7n :it.r,SBy, j?71 r>,.i7lCr,rs "t•' H ra p }httto earraeze Public DrLncs "r , . , .r,et 11ci}stl S. }l. 'Ja23es, ' , 19rs. t,, }l• Grar ; , 1 r.all nnc.. _ Cru olinri H: •r t n al.tnn .Harrah ,Iatiri ?I. pnlrn .cad Jackson, J. Yt, rt to baor , t c; ~ , 1 1 ~.,}ar .:I.er Caral;lnn of+nch !toad u ~ ~ m ; J.FJ.Pe.. ker E;'J....Jac,:,>on, [;ttstlu F}~tms Jenkins, I,eyrr©nce Ildawabnrs' Stet' ra " Y.nax, >;,liwis l;. can , Georgn ,?o}.oxen, v~}ihrer:ze r, Cnr•olina linaah Load Lewis J' , " I!i.11 Janos C,art.re Tie ~ Seahrtanze. n [ • Iaura Bench. h ,n r ' r.terrltt I>l. A. 1 ter I„ Koen ,Tr, j I+tai'i'i+,t Village , ? Crstle .E,yne ?o.arl ra n })avid C. UuabArt . , `r,E f1iller, Ciinil F, r , , r,, ~ Garulina }3earh hand n t , ,,lac c,abhnn-„r: ;yrar;h konri ,a f, I,organ, L. 'I.fi. r[.Is t ea .h 1 or. . ~ C ~ stt(;:', on t~: C. t~'. ,Ialt7n Caralinn n r ~ „ , 2O0 I.tarke ~ .,treo ~ n 1 d I.tcAdaras, A, P. ,1 • }'.dad IE'. Levris, Crrs trf~„ ;r ,a tin no ,and Care, ann Roach }Z~Rd ' 1r, D + - , Dmiriy, }}ear, Lacl•.nrw ra Car•alina H~~acIL Mond }daLide n , Omirly, Henn ,McKee,- u ! t,arolinn Hen ~ ~eabraeze a.I ioad }',1l,lic Ilautcc r Annie }•tixon I ~ Italrer, D. ',1. , Cos le }Ia~mn ,E Carol~rra 3earn ;lied r . bier T. Prescatt, ,a is r * , n r, n tr ~ }(awls, hnl'r1S LL ,r , ~ . r n I I„r ©t. c, l3rndla, t,re,jk „ , t1„ 17 „nr.dars, A. ;J i k;. F.. ?'.n,,Rtnids, .t „r „ Market ~trrre~~ ( n r-,1, t r- _1. rcl; ~ r ,;~:~rn~~ .oar; Smith, Sddin ?ilr,an+n' Rorhr?lr,, r~arir+ ~r.i Idnrxct „trr~et i,oad • ,.r.. Hun,.l Smitl; 1`a ;~,1x~+rrr~:L , tl "a~'a Ifrtrl:©t ;;treat i:ond , • p~nrlle, EmnA 1'+,t,,.lc „r.nco an 1'_ Prt}:ur `out],er'_rh.~1, '~rL•rttrv ']r ?iru,ch Bond Oerulinn isarual itaad b 'tr(cy, ~ . Cnru ,fr,m~~ t „ Fur, '?enc}; l~na [lent.}, 1',~~rtd ' i''-aphencon,C. II, Caro ~f'.+urSe St,,athic , lau~r, „~~1, hrLa Henc}i 'Mond ' , . S!rrmter, T. L. to omen a' Point. peter g , r}:et ; tr ,ot r.cad n Tate, Vlillian 1, yr, lr'.irner hart ,~'islurr 1rril;htsharo 'Toad " Trask, A.V7. 1't.}i.i{inJ l"linter pa:• n llade k Anplr.ca~cions fa)• licnnsn; t,c soil tine subr,i~t h„ , r ' , Ado },tae Seabroeze rr ,-rt 1 ad Ta}ut Davis, Cnrrlinn Huach 'loLUt ar,d , .,cnr;f Orn~1,y, PlantatLan Club, warn ciis ,.,ssed and it gppsared that. in raccardariae With t:ho tilliams, Ernost Castle IIa~ e n , I. ~ s!uthor•;tty cunta;.ned iri :,H IIc. t,71, 1117 Session of thn Gar:ernl 1,..ssnrnbly the ' , , l,rnnting;of l;eense to sail wine is a mutter ~rtirnly in the h uls Upon motion of Itr. Colemar2 secoc c • 1 e , ar of the .tat 3a _ r , L lod b; lr•. f}ardner, L.A:Jahnson of Cnt,c2 I~'©ar Tov ~ ni d of .tlr.olrolac t,orttrol, rants rn.,h.i was but wM ~ t , . • V , extent o. th.. a?l~borit., _ g d <an ahntament of 1 l oil taxo P .ro arproved _to tlrts l3anr d nn., in the nrtttnr. 9 F sfor tlilrnin~ton totmship, ;nccormt of double l.isti i.!non motion' of t:r. t', ~ 4~aving also listed irr Cato I~'t3 r nF,, ,r 1nr..tui sncondnd b • `t•. i^rask llr •h • , , y zL tsvill© nnd. Garalzria }leaches. wore t a ovrrfshlp his place of .rs:,idgrrca. each I;rsntad tho services of< twa ~ ccial offieors ~ to su 1nren'c ~I.e' , . , F- r pP it pol~,ce forco lflion motion of I,fir, `Colo far „hr;;se~.eon -bo-inuin • Jt wt a d , man, seconded by IBr. Gardner Lirc _ 6 ~o 1. n endxnl, through hulror Day, „n tariber 1st 1 ~ t , I,lazaboth J. E,nith urns };ranted an sale ~ p , 9aJ n a iabatement` of taxes or a r of ,,1 0.00 sAC t n,,. a~ . r valuation of ~j30.0t) on a"191, Chovrolst`_Cou r~. :for Q 6 Y 5 h nr manah, tho nn ns 1 ~t year . 1, j , nccoLUrt of ' P ' i, double listing. The stone car vrRa also list r e 1 by hez• husbrurd ilirhurii p, Smith. ~ I'~ ~fl.or. motion of ;i`r. Gn~•dnar, ~eaar,uded l,v -r, Co,.ernr.n t}to_3onrc as rovr~,1 a , , p ~ontrz~.ct a ~ ! paymant of 4120,00 for foL P"~ t}i<' ![nited 5 a os (;ov t b arc:'!, ~ oi' 'ecie • ~ it d,ys serviras ns n juror to Is. ',lard on rc ba:,is' afS`,a,UO Iar d~~r t errunnn 1'or v 7 f r al Prasor,c;rs in tau, Cot!ntI' ,1rii nt a rrito ' ' undor rnrthurit of H.H r I , of .>1.00 pot day p+3r prisoner, raid t}~,e C1;airrnen vas ntlthorizori to n;(acutr, tho sr,n,~3 it the Y nnii ec ~ con o. the 13onrd tlpril 7th, 1y1r7, trhiah said action yr V I rescir.:ad t.pril l~}th, 1917, was ~!>on'rnoticrt a r a ~ au ILerre af'tha CaLinty. 'I F pI r vad inssrnunh n~ ~,l,e .,r,1d ssr•nres .were rain';,arr;d ; I prior to April 7th, and other ,jurars havin• been :..aid o. b p n the sa>,n Uasis p tenor( of the Gra,td uhu•v, Apr 11 Sp<,circl Cr,r,inal Pnrn,lc)1~7, was recoi,vecl trod 1'ilod, i i; The follovring good nnd lavrful `m9n were r drnvrn to serve as juror„ in t' n .,upnr wr (:curt for t}e trial of: t;rirrinzl cas©s fr, G. Doran Jr. Co`anar told the:HoQrd that heavith the a, rave P= < r the bne,:vreek } , r , I p 1 of t}Ie Re„~dan term angarn>.nr; iiay 1?t~L, 19~~r : t JurJGa of the Superior Connt, had appointed'Ur. Fred Colonan Asszstant"Ccroner>far }Isw Ilauover ' fj ~ F.;}t. Fo• G ~ Count in accordanoe with lies ~l 1 1 _Session oi' t,}ro Gerisral Ar~semb , ' ' .r' .L.Burkhe mar. .~.J.Haw ~ Y_ 5. , 9l7 1 ,which rtes a^r a 1 kids. (,hester. C. „ L.Jcrdnn, J ~ co b_e ~ • Counts. G,;LGherr~. r,• to the Hoard. 1 N. 5. King. JE.Y7alter: R cha- • ~ 1 rd Franks . IZa1 h LEtirxs . J},i.Carroll. A.A- ,v + p A.Y„}IcZ'harsan, r; ,1,Padric~, . ere Oliver Allan. }'.H,I~echti FC.II:irlas. tI.I`.Ti.enkeri. ` r G t? on mono o Gar•drrer soconded by j.r, Trask, iaavrneui,,, due the (,oronar fo _ P n f i.r. . r invest>_i;a~r.ons , J.A.V7illinmsan. J.C.I'arker. .=.T.Czrai~•, J.H~Can bfl r m a ti r. b p .l t.._(,atr,llxnxls. i._,.hQJ,m. T made and: i:i assts held for ~ha r~cnth of Apr>.1 r.aunt;.nl, to .r~O~.L'0 vrc,r© r.,,i,roved sub oct t lY.?.9.LeonArd. , .T.Torr~kins. A1vin.Fl. Strnu Im.t:tarvin G, S r ' ~ n 'ru., • q 1 .o , ' t g 1Lte,Jr,U.r.I'ri_nor. -:,•.Lanc.. m - tho chic: ~ P t}is samo by th® (,otmty Aitdltar, ~ a k and a,iprava. a Jassis VTat}.ir2~. Jno.L.Taylor. J,A.Hruton, h,A.Ilo d rams, j. ; r rtnax. Larurie G, Iro1fe. Ltr.da; ,ri.,.l ? '1 J.1Y.Tompkins. t1.D.Bosvrell. L.T,Davis. : t H r , n .r, . . 1 nc,Iarci. L.,I.polloclc, r.JefU.,ls, 1 . ~ . r.,n r~uriit rrl ort of thn Alooholir; }levsrnl;e Control 13aN.rd f or neriad ,Tuly 1st lc 16 ~ , t. p , t to }taarch -31, 1 ~,Ir ~ (..Id.?'latts. Joe Reayss Ja~.k,.>lsk. ,r-~ 9 , r ,Hari~or ,Jr, W„}.Pope. rr Robinson, 1 vJas received. ILnd fileri. j; ~ JnO.L.~,Utt;an• Fdvr>.n G• Vorin, `1i.1:rsL8Yr1Sr ' ~ , t , r ~ ` r ~ I .tl.llec,:er .tandnll Larker. ,.LawLS, ~ f d,,l.l(rz},ht. „hu,ord Lewis, Albert J. Her•er. Vtnlto. L. I >a ~ -a •r i ' f, 31nrLa Jas..,.~hsvr, ,a.G.Gr~rras, r, lla ues ants of the back taxes c.ue cn he pr•oprart of the hafts of '?3t•c • i ' Lrnost L. Johlrson, 1.11,nin~. "Sanford •r _q is for adJustm Y, , Mier, block 2E: ' CDB ii DOXey, . . ro}VnBr. f;0nn~e E.$r an 1r80,,;.uOadRlHn, ~ }?IOCk 1 W3 oP Y fie ;p nnd •L6.11cCnrtne , . , lv>_n Jiavnes bloc}. E 5 77, rn rc,~ orrcad to the [,a~ n~ tt.,f, wzth ` G,H,Grimetead. JnoIt.},Boors. Jo.,. ~ ~ ~ co ter to'act, , . I i " AClemnnns, Jr1o.J 'iu~nrun. .r. ~ ,D.1`icl.. Aud ,rilya~;r~s, i ~ ~ It)a "ar•dner secon,lerl rkt "'r. (;alemen the Ir~ittar of di s .bsin ~ of th , C r n , + } n matron of I r. U , r - } E ~ r~.t,t s j; r a rneetxtrg the,(. ad,}o Lrn9d, block z tra - n' „ i inter ~ f v-CCunty oLmed lot wn .r,~, kon over .ton Ix. D,C.Vf}titted a es ~ u~ the .it„ . or to as x ,'a~rrruLn vrith autharitL~ to di: hose of the t;o;rrt~,as intones + , ' was referred to'the t,h t ,.he best advanta •e. ~ ~ / b r C : _ _ U ~ r a1 secon'lnd by tR•r•, .Trash, thra 3aard authnrzod thee' ttrchrise a,' • , . pon motion or }tr. ,i 1, - } a Ch(,vrolat F'lestrno.stsr Toiwn Sedan from the Ranav-Chevrolet Gampamr, for the Shoril'fs t Uopar+Inant as an i emer~'enr,- at a rost of ~$1,~0~.,.) loss allat~tirioe o1 ,i,r ,2 i'or-Hare: trndAi.n, ranl:in A total rte( b C i 4 1 cost ~f ~,a5o.oo. , is ;j ; I. i'', I ~I ii 1 , 11:~ l , , f . ,.r~~ r~J { _ ~i ~r, ~.5 f, G t.lay nth, 191E7, control h,DDtlnc, of ltay 12t}t, 11,1, cc,n~inulld. I ' r©d• t t , ` Racordor N. Yr:irt n f field .,mith appeared to risk fa , ' r a, 1,arteral renavat and the in,;tallAtiur~ T}to fnllovrin• a1 liaat • ion o!' thr, Recorriar,•i t;ottr E~ 1 P ions for ll,c~risas ~a so1 , of window sho:das, new fur t 1 b , ~ ,tea r n r .room endorsFtil by thD ,~her•iff, worn n1a _ eTlr at tlta locations shn• „ ' , arder~ ourt room;' fora and s,Dats to actr.7Paro favors trn t hla tri ~ 1 n nation of , ha .,ant, 1 , A , , xn the; statD, ttrton ~ wh e t}t a 11r _ tau 1 aron Uoldbor r,. h.hurham and fa, 1; ! , that Gurtlrlor, srtaond~d bar ~ ~ b.rDZr , r ' f~, David ~xnclair rtnd L'lb Jo tovfllu vrore'ttrntint UolDi;i~trt s , Drt rl. }irovm apptlared ~n su,jor^t Dd• Attorneys , al>provod, saw fit a firr~t brin^ this " 1 of u. , 1, I agne„t atu! rsriticisrl to I ~htr rarl'toJ~t. llr, ;m nu]rrln, C ~ standin. thD " h tho n = it nstlo • ttent.~on. throuEh t}io lrpos John Pi~tr~.tn Cir,tts 11aJrto, U ~ ward,, ,full rooparation zn ast re t~ I na ; pon i;rotion of J,ir• P , p_ q gists i`or it irovur ' t~r.lth- ir, ~h~;sv` il$rlotri 'lrynnt, E, ....ills il~ cch itoc•d. ' task, eronr,ed h to i ~ tan s. 1CalravDr his recuest leas ~ ! ~ y r. i all tEtk~r. under l ' Cr cans~doratiou. tralinn ,lest,}, ?and, ~ Linruln I~'nisan, t, tr, Ita1L r9coz, .,aab , mtanded ;that nansicle },9aCa ~ • ra~zD, rotia,t hD °iv i• ' lvtn is aoria - t; airport land to so b' r. a~ tr, .na nlrlntin• of a n, .~9abraezo - 1'7r:lter -IC, T 5. sonar riot used for or tivoulri ast ar'ty` 1 Prox~t;tatctly 1r0 acres oi' t}, rl;~r;:tart oparetioit of i,ho 1 , y ay interfere t • D , ,,oahror; lelcl, to utcraaso ats ravonuD. Z u i rlt}, tht; 1cnci;lziE; ctraq, or A. C.,Gidr•an ~ axD, n sr~teh ar, thi3 PaclurEl she , ,,a!t>f1tc: arDa of t}te airnart rat 1 G ~ • tncis llr. GRrdnar• su ~a.,tac, that t a rar rtrtant ovrns a lar •a Thcllma L. T.rvinE•, n ~ • ~ .,aab Aeronautics Adrairt~ ' _uESE, " ~ hD rtnttar bD' ~ raa ~stration. d:1,,tnrssad with the C; I?, },1Ft11 ze. ~v.l ard, Arl Castle ){nyno "toad. io R• lihrshttll, n" }dr. T]-toodaro n, ,;er,llreazn. ' • 1'',mpia is ahr~r D , g d wzth lot„ ? to fr r, 1... 1„urphv - ax1 hlot:k lf3 ~ n ' , , , t::trolutn '_?oa says ir, oovded b ttt(, }th - ~ , „unsu~ . ur ~ r uhxcll x.ir. ,,t t RobDr•t l:lcl~rlrlerld ch,;,ar;d, yl I1ow Wtamical, Gorgiany artcl askud t + , E}• <<aadrnnn }dr. Trask, sown ha._torrNe U; ~ , _C d od n,/ l,ir. Colarnan, 5•aferreci Bart bo rtncia, wry" I,irxr arut t> }7 . , rutet3„s „~xr,Dt Ruud, u tan ltotiott of ' to-thu Camr>tittuo w' l ~ 14e.,aa, "r t zt}t pownr tr, rust. -GDa. T: "hour ~,naroaza. :The meet~.nE; than ad~jot~rnad. ' ~r~t'tter hc(rk. ~ J. tV. ;,rc~.t r. I ~ 6arol:b-irt Poach i''loyd H. iia sot. ..,..~„1, litter I'x#•r_, ~ k.. it ftPpt•rrinE; that tIt$ ri 3ht E, ~ u E,rart~ licenses to sell }rin+~ is etttr•ol„ "fate begird of h; : r , 1rt ~l ' aholir, .,ants r,l, t!r'. t,1trdrtar Inovttd art*l 't; • to },nt,d;, of the , t z w to c aI riarl, t licansas'tc ;;all trine ho r,=1'o;~•rrr;:to , ~ , ~}tat rlp~ilicatiotls for ~ .,tt, ,,sic. Hoard' for. out j. 1,.1,Iot a ton. f YlilrnizlE-ton 1I, + lie ah actions viorD i,ni1' +q t , 1,Ixy 1?tlr, lt)~t7• ~ a.ca w.r, to the a},ltlirration oft r, - The ra .n tiititod f;tatas ')istr'„t hD,..tlantac ;oast Lino 1tailro tt , n , t,ar,>[7an,r to thD :t., , .,nt,,.nner fir ',t~rrna,>? o ~u ya r rrEekly mottin r of th t . r, • ~ ; r,. ;n - t> a 3oard was ~ ua r r,r,on., ~rt.,,t ~.ts rnl?.r•oall brill "u aut•nss the " .1f,ld !tit 1O:Ot) Ar ld. tr€pa !''aar`!livor.' t,ar Uhoa,,t , Present:'tlddi;;eri I1Dw i 1$tt Che.irrnan, GatS. 1! Gcunt Attorne ' Trask, Ja;,e i'i, Ifall, _il:Il.Gar l ' ?cnorts of the Hureau of alt Y t rtcr , , Ir...,. tca+,zon' I,f,.d er, _ , „ „ y },arsden: Hellarrl . , L, J~ Cale , man sad 1 z , r,e,,t „at,m t,arultttu,s for.. /tpr:l vrare rt3uuived anti !''1 o. a / rcJnrt VraS.rHCei~rf)L j' , k , r, i. , The meetin was ene3 ' f rar ~ , G p with ra ur by t ,nc, ;,t„~t, r,<,tlrti ai :'tlblir, ,rolfare show' . -t- , P Y ,the Rltverond 2~Inrtimer Glover, rertar ai' St~ " ',hit: i,amty 1'cr 121(, ..not Jot,, , 1rL„ " - Iarte~ Epi,>copri 1~~,D, l.suistllnaa, i!ici t o Uopt:nuortt r;hil n nu i,o ' o;' r. ril; dr r. and for lidm~.nistrltt;on for the , P >,lanth _ T't,H mintatas of meat' 2.r1 of ;1la th 191 t E, Y-5 , E7, vrere raad,anc. approvud as roc n', ~1• r ~ t ortlod. .armor., o. ,,,lEil.t)0 to r. ,l.il.S~lndar~, C.,, " , ,afar-,,rrvice^ rondr,rad th Cc irrt.na}-d'1'ro ae+, leas 1 o rolinrt I)unch-1'Fl,trt:l,or I"iitc , Tha Reverend laortimor .Glover atamb ~ .7 rnon >7ot:icli C, s' r'r h f I,t . .,,~~ur1n21, sccrr:~rletl t~v }11•. `T ,r;,i ar of the. hoard of ,)hectors of A a ~ r. ,r. a ~ } Hoard the+, by reason of `incriFS c 5ociato,. t hArlties told ,tt;e , } } rova.l. D i demands nn A ssocl.a gill Charit~,t funds ho„o ~ r ,rt 1 , the,prosant fiscd.l'' , t ra>t, . o_ t,ta Ccl (t , , n~thl.t antici e- are , oar ~ • ~ tD <f 1 , ~ : , 1 , roars thrtn t},.1rt;r ram,.lins havisl ~ n ~ p u or me Uar.c,,..,tlf:t,on ,tgr,nt ftir• P.*sr:ll trn~ r' rr'' de-.^icit at tM ~ r, E, b f,n licidArl over 1ltat veru• t , nticlbs l;;sad i, . ~ + . , .1vnd 'tutd nn ~nnt:. o; ?,;,•rt fn ,here isf, ~.n .,tr~n.,~Int~ans un~r ai'rr'avatl: ,7 r ! ~ fs ,1mD a. ,~1,115.t)?, rind ai; the i,rasettt rfita of . defioit of ,:?,5t}U,UC at thA onri of t}tt; vent, Th expenriltures trill hc; art estl:lated e mrttor erne d.iceussorl t.t Teri •tlI t'r' rer't ^ ' , )'}Y:aClltiVB ~ACrOtfl r`r Cf 1 ~ - l~ It}l I1rs, t F C,>~ ai Lt i.a . t' 1, ,r t,te A;:ucl ,,lo am 1,.C._,llis 1 • '.1, ..o_1.,Jr,, l,L};C,Hrovost i,rlrsha?, Carne Le'ouno fi' ~ n, ~ i'T, (rardrl0r flC~nUW(9:1(;111(} t;hE1 (;U',,r1tV(G ~ '}°'~r;_llg J , ~11l:` 'I,tf i111li;Ct1'r r matter, moved t};at soffit' ohl•atior. _n t' ft•om .,r , -LD,ir;un 7, r' ~ ~ ,,alit<e font f,>nds br, r~tdo ftvailnbla out of thr; amer 'ano•~I 1'i ~ 1- L rte. © ,run r. ,,~1 17r, uao the ;;nhliars }jetonton hoar. in ;tltl; Court }io s proportionate }7art o!' oxrtenso to earth ~ . Trio .o In~o1;-tJtrs l;ngnt~ls t'+~!;~ ,!-~;nt mn'u~ol> tzl'"l~;r, r,'n~ol~ln~t ,r;ar~;:,,,~ „ .1• _ ti eltr~aPmattt, .la the f,soctrltac (,htu•itias to render ftssitance ~ h, tt, Treink, Urattl:od ~~ritlt the tl;jr}ar~~ttinrl;tn tlt$ milit o+.hor a~nnrs~fec oar,nut 1';f~ndln, far the ba _tt suart casDS n11t1:~.,riti~s wi,11;bD ros onsiblo 1'or`-thD mE:lr';r,.,t ~ 1 ~ my 1nnaEt a. the '1;•cr.l yr,r,r, 1' n nc,e o. t,ta plumbing, azui fixturtfs. }"r•. "rank G. ftru•riss s aAk' t,ola " , Itnan :v7tian of ilr ~ " „ , , nun, ,,eaontled byj `r, ..,,11, t}ie 191t(-1t), ~ ea-cxruttes , p .ink ,ar he CarvtittDe; from thD Real hstatD 3c7ard ~ r . ~ for 3'tiblic ttalfnre a~,kad .ha.t the ,,trite 1s.~r:.,tl,,tr4tion,wa 1}iEhti~~ey ~ Pithlic Ylorks womrni, s . s tantRt ~ ti - o s ion ba urged to clean offthD shoe e 1ve1~ e?prav$c for ..,,.E~,1i1Ea,..p), sub out to''raduatlon ba'' ^ • ° • lld rs and c1Dan out the ~ii.t ~ of ,the C t, t J :ors . i,tal a.dopt>.on alcang the State mr~ialtai cha,, oun , s ~D , , nod Iltghtvnys ir1 the Gcilnt;r-, e"spaciaSly thr, 4'!ri •htsvil J E, rler.tl budE;Dt "r le Titre t lk(; oast "f tom hinter Park`H$i hts ICollv,She ~ t, 1 g , , lter 'taftri i rarl Ca.st..a Ha~me to Harz staa,l ~n ' rn t,~" , . r t P _d tho' Iiluu 'CIm,r ilond` , t, r q t t for an a , Y{rig's+sbo, o to the Hall t r r. t3 .ls~nent of t, , t t , , ~ J :halter Load, leas unbn motion i • J .1 1,3c,. ,nxas foie br thf, }}e1r(r „ „ ai Lr. Tt•a; t'ras rafere + ; ~ , ' • .L.Sr11 ~h on rronnrt', ~wlr ti r .C c c' , ~ ~ 9}', sacarldati b?' !,1pe IE';11 hr=r,rGVei1 r' d tJ „}.e. : o ir; l la,{, ) I l and referred tra the U hte H~ }nv •r . , ,,,-nlut~:„ ,r:.th '-vr£r,• i,_11- , I _a~ and 1'trh~ln"v(orks Corlinissi.on, r~ tc act. ~ tr _ 1, { ,.p~,n r:,o tilon of °r. Trasr sect. ter' h;, , 1 , , r, Thomas R, t)rrell comhlai.nod of thD erosion at ' ni .,_llrr .Cull ,nst.ru , ~ „ , l'Ort I~iS}lar en~!ft7t grin • the ~ v „ r+• - a.i i+'., r ' , Ct.On.> IrDr(3 E,15re,1 t0 uaCtlr•a ^a0. t, the use of a uantit r of co g !u},hwa,, rnti .,uU~ust,ed ad_ ~1-•I, Chu 1~ooks and 'au~lair r loll bids . ar nts of t..,e Gount~~ U,flcers for t}tt~ ft~:.cat ~ i ' 9 J ncreta an }-.is land in khat area far mn}:ins re a~ t .s _ v,.ar end.n~ t, ~ C, p -rs, 1. ,on ru,tlc.n of . 2 , 1 r.D ~0, 11.,; . ' it wfjs agreed that 'a carlmittDa af' i;ha 3aard molcc• I r. t,arrlli~l• ' a survey of conditions of Fill roedc; Uoo' ; 2.n .he Gal,r,t n motion of I,r, Gardner L and that the matter `,e cE,aled to thr~ attftnti:on o ~ r ~ , ceccnded bYt `r; ,rt's~ ; 'r , f the , tote Li hwa~ t;arali.s; ~ • t, . . __n,tr_atlons wPrf~ •lvun to s " . N. , - 1, .ort n r E, fur ~ .,uah rtt,ces,,rtrv h ..lghway`Cor~,mittae o11( the c J , rath ragl,est t„at a otnt~ p ocedara o repare , , , J a t~l.ty in r( enr,rnl sltr~~e.v ar' raar] ronc;+1 P the i.tr~ 1...,t ?n ftacaraanry vrith the authorltr• contalnad ~~n li.H• - ' f} 1, So+}sian r~ . l~tvs e 11' ~ ict ~lon;,' of 1117. J,1r, Jain Farrell Induu~trlal A ant ~ ' , ,rflssrlta(i 1 felt;' n ~ , , l },r m raco_~ed ; rc,n1 thD }iouarrtbla Is• Ldvrrfrd ! ' 6`iPlmrari,Tr,, ?i~,~~or of Chart > .eaten and I res.idl,nt o?' South,~r i . lsttsrn - Airwft „ ~.JJC,C1aEZOI1, cancernutE, the I,r on motion, dl;l~~r: ;set:on'rr= , , ' Hatton of Nnuse Approprirttions Gorr~;ittae elianinetirl^ of ~ 5 t1 ~1 C ,rt a ,~d Ga u,t'r bill:: iios. '1=) ' i . ; u. C 1 Clu: f'nnd . . _ / 3 ,r4 1,1r1 uv.,tl i gar ,n}~ru~t:t, r ,,ontrol tovr:~r;; vrhich world result in a'or the aperrtt:orl of>an.rport. I ii fl tional hazflt r, . or commnrc'al air travel. l:r. t;nrdnar m;,o fa1 'I moved onri it tuns secar~ded`b,~ Irlr, Co la"~i22' soil and law',' E3 ~ z t~ 2?ttr. 1rr,rrr .rt .rn to ser<,e as ,jurors 'u1 the uupnrior Cat°rt for t:1o t . amen. and ufirriad, ,hE:t }re vrirf3 our rapresnntri;tivcs 21 Coltgross of r~iv;l „ t 1a1'' ..nsns for the two-wanks t 'n ~ to use thou overt' Dffort protostlrt~ such a.ation anti h!tve thosf, f'~1n „ ern a},.,n;,lrtEt l:av lc)li'; d, restorode • , - l ;I i i t , , . _ I t, ola APlford `h} ~ t• r •~r , ` A request of „re F,' L. ',thite that ..the road n To , a Her n J , laadinE; . rota r1 point s1x m~ lea out an t};e Ca a rt ' `inch' r• ' r~nn. .,..,,Avar~ . rt. Applowhlttl. t.rfthnn'hurr. r Tan Ht, ,r.R~GHVen n liftrtl,n SYrar't. ~ Woad: to his dairy,' part of the llnr•tSndale land: L';onn ,t " , t~ i ' y C1 ?dfs rd. _.},.Lha„c.l, -,7chu ltuc..ton. v rlora rAUN th ~ - A.l.4,oun blood, ,?i1, tr , .n, r U},e l.lakD Un..r+r 13f1sanbora ictmshi r , bD taken over im ravDrl and. rtrl ~ P, b.u.Hrothers. t - 6 c, lennene P 1rt ],rigid by thD Wtato under +,}te t,cvornars }~art1-to•hi~•}era,, I.}rulrrl. ;3,T. t~. w.i;,Gra~,, , ,J, J.t'rabinsozi, Rctb1,.L,Hci11. rJ,l 3 ~ PraE,rart, rrgr P ~ - . skin,,. lase h Rhodes n upon motion approvrid and referred to-,thD .,+,+t® r . ~ :.:Lean..,,. l:,sw. G _ ~ ~ lntt. an....5m2a.h• !lormftn l~,rrltt C,Ja,Harrln ton. a " _ ~ 1.2.E;ht,ay t. }'ttbli~• ,lo,},s Corsn~ssltsrl for oris•deretlor.. Jno.?io;ra .r E, ,.,L,~loora. ..}'.Lane, ~ r , anby. Rftyntond Il. Jenne, ~ Forest A.ndraws,Jr. fl.U•!,4cr;DU. L,},, r ! c .:'a~D. i A aominunlcntion fuss received from the 6! ~•~=•!1eYa1t.F•~;. n, u ~ , _,..,r~nu ~harlaride ,JitceC, ~horiutse C,Ii,l;uie.'_ r utter Park .;arnica i, ub callin • rtttan~,iou to tha'na otr roe,- n. } .i,.Tenthsu ' E, rr 7i.uLi.: ~ ;r 1t.SGorbut• , end no sidewalks '.'tom intersactian of the or Jr, Itas",an17ar0?Ea& t' ; , - m , 1.La1alYett. t? It Stok 0, ' ar,,e tj c1'~t• , ~ , d and ,r_E,ht~v~lle ~urnnl}.e to thij t/utter ?'arm , 1 r. 1 r c. nlerber. Chant)„ Haj.sari. A,7+.,5ha' I h • ' Sahctol, advlaln thAt it i,~, eont?3 Jutar, v • p nri. - ~ , g mP_ , rlth Ube coo eratlon of the t , ' , t'~„G,I'ia :1~. L.,„~ollt,r,,e , r.,.!,d e: ~ , , P ,..,c,n~o1 fucult,r that uit6 n C I,.Il,xotlcle t n!1 b ' • ~ q A.1<,.L,.wrlrrora _ ~ , m er o sr,hoal ahlldran ccn he dlvartod !'ror,'the hi~;htvays l;cia to and }'ram 5r;hool r~'th hard s:rrfr.,air.~r , , of the roads'mont + ~ , 1 ?rill wa , , ak: ~ i onod 1rt ~h, fallowzng petition: v , Thereforu the + , . ~ ';Enc,Caly ~ ~ r" u , , rtes icien,.a of _~ho V! t , ' _ 1d ' • : , T: • t eG I'S. r{11Sa11.lf,Grl,iChEr'(i,",. u • irttor .ark r;arrnrnit•r re5reatfully L , an r r, in _ . $ 4 hs • .1t.Rua 1 Co,m . Go s; ~ a; t PetZtlati ~l.a n a A.`P..H . Ar din H2ah-man, lakD a r,~ , tY mmis .oners tc roc;uest .ha .,t<e,,o Hi}r}two, Corurlissiori t a ; ~ e r T,C.I~Itua hr a J,, .,n 1:1sh. Jrl~tm 1,n.. `t , ~i~ s 5 e t kn area ttnd adr. ,.o „no .,fate-.,oun P_ P, r l . 6 {a E,,,r. L.} ,t,or, . E•1 ..Fulrh$r; ,i - • , R.pe~.nda > r'' 1?i~hvray System, 1~1G of a mile desi nfltr3d as th utrrs, b~••` rsnn, r 1 t., e , „ . G 7 , ~1; t,,lnr,i,.,, ,t.t th0 lritersectlan Gi' }li "}tVta' S A,.,.aand,.~r:a G.I .T1an...3Y1. v ePl.Gal!'an.'" <iRH ,steal. , 1 band lea E 9 Lo t ?-E 7 dir. to l`!rz ~}itsv111e: 7ltrn s r, l , , ~ of a ° ~ t GeV r rrnr'in5 ,.r ' tr . , ,n d,' ti P n it G Y 1 t il.o 1J ~ otr ,;,r .111a dosibnated as 1K,k,livanua be•2.nn2.n° nt t.te „m.L„talker.. J'f I t +lt.r, J 'f' b Q .te ,~.rlrtDu. . ,v, e..flrL.:,• .,a1..a1l-.. ,t:,l , , irt,arseatzon.of Audubon Anila~,ftrd` grid laf}din'- , , h,..,,;uss• m _ , • i , , .4 , Te I oln.t . 1 ~ Parido l h l,oob ins, ,i.?;:.Itavn ba . ; IC to }.lact.,illrul :ar°e t; 7.~,_a of "n rlila dust- 1!lted as , ,n r p _ T , C>1 .....a„e P l„ L.1.t.PDrmDn~ar• , eaahtrea >t,vDnua bo •inrta.n at lntoraoo pan f< t; ~,A;?iarr r r p f, r,- o jrd, .,trnot (}lethodisi Chur<:h Cor•nor ; ; to I ol,>, ,.,A,I:tL-1r: Jr. G.'r.lrz;aslter. L., .lratthows Sr , r.h i,i , r., " _ ant, It a t1r1 , , an z o.,o t , - P;incPr.ill;art btr•aet• 1 G oi' n ; ~ Er i,ir z• „ .E.l.,rrarnar• 1 m_le dD51 atHd aS- t,'}larrV'AR „ r, <.e.'_t„ri?a~, r r . R 2 "1 a, , r - ,n' i f~ ' E~ enue~; llt:E~.lrlnlrl(" fit 1110 iI'.';r3r~r3G'tian -0i• 1ltidir()J.t v.Te,;t.,r1:D. ._•u,,,.~r.r... .J .Jai.rP,r.s• l.et..Lft~11~1ar. r ti F,,li ^ L t y,p~, L',,.:eurPtl Boul®vnrd and lnadxn~•,to ~ ~h, ,,treot3 ,I+irst 5tra~t, r-t' • etw•;t,1+a , t,,,, r; o r t , Prot. ,u z:htsvtlle Avenue i, ~ a r, ;,c1G~e 5._.:rea otiritaln, ,,,h,1t111Dtse .l. " , n : ~ ' G , , t d+~n, ,1' n,l?o,,cmrt.l.t, j , t .,,t to tau 4 n . ,..,~tAyllVarl. 'Street from rust Street to I,acl.iillnn 5trf}et,''vrns u,on notion of l;r, Triis. 1 secunt3uc! 'ny Ccl€,rtnn, , ~ a roved and referred to the uta#;W }r':; yr ~ err t _PP 1(th a1 & .at ..z ,rcu1.., Lr>~1m~ssl,one he Crlm~nal tet•r,1 haElnn2.r1E; •jtt.n ~1th, ono wt,Dk: i. rc;;uest o.f !,rC.rlorditaux for co;•rr~ction of d(~~t'.,le ;.,t, _ . ,t, A,e$.Gannon, a, , t T , 1., ,.,11!I~ C. 11 71kit: Ort 10+ 1.,I •1,Crne R'. 11t•...PUbDl't6, it,Grp...exarldere .GallrlC;tle 6 r , i,1V1S1CtI Clalllltlr the SIl^ ,a , ` l~, :.rt h1GGh lfal~.,' ~ ~ Fl Otwaad (irUV$r,~r. , i> L,E; F. ,ll, f. Itfl. i"i f0 .I-i1aAE 1„ ~9 t, q c(.lt:rrr, trf',s a ,ur rtat ' j i;,,, 't:',3 1iJ • l,~.lagae F'G.} .(iPitlrl~ AeT.}';raWP,,ur• iiria, ;•',{ltrrerl,Jr, u,T.uU11~:VAne 1 for ir:ve(;ti."t,tio~l r+I,ti vr- 7 I .ran rN1'erred ,.o the ~e, ':P ('th attar tr nc:,. .Col } Q,G_"• tTsi'..r`dt3nbPr, I~.,~:rut,J.:. ,i.1.`aa:';r 1.aI'.U~! l~U~ri C i r G r"• _ 1}.~a°T lliama, II! orrn.l.l J,R,Pftd••'Ck J+1~51artS ite;},11p,t 5m1th 1'..l)e1'l nr T tr ~ ~ • . , , • . ~ e , 1 k, ~r. I ,Lu.ancha • Y r; r r,r, ~ n_ th!j ar'~1y aloe nt the :,1rl,nrt 1'ar ~ ' ; l,. 'T•n;Harr , u:• 7,~y~[, ; , , r,Pri,, nretc,raci „ d,J1',, Act1n~ !ialla,ar P 1*t,µ,D.l, G9r1~Y~•Ga(7dmF171,t1nr)r.eliFttt$~ ( .,'~,rr• L 1 } .~!r ..tl r lierrl'r halt ( t~ 1 n• el..Latta• vrf!s ret;aivecl, • encraft. ,r, Clrria~r. H,r,,S}tawe hl.tshn Iif,r:,bourn.. lfr-,,,,?ldr!rtrt. E,C,Frampton. " „ r AeG,Candilne T•li.Fftrr'ls• Jna,rl,:ril1E., e1e ,ta(1}t 21 G,L,11.12 r1S.s, 13' 1'•A.Cenady, J,i,llr>sterrnan. i'.C 'r 1 C.H'E ~..r2 t 15D1"t• .i ftl5}I• : ,l.,ti}'ran., a 1..1! ~}riC:"'g•Yd6rl i,, - ~i ~t.K.veorl;e,,Jr•. P ~ N• ~ ,Tell.}Tines. " r~' ~ 1~``Sh~ ..F.%atsnn, Ja sal', ins.,:.. J,U,.,.,.cttttn,t. l{'... r.., orY err. L9}rY ~ t, r ~ t, , mss. Farav i'arty, i!' out}tnrlar111. ' n . ,,.,.,.altnSUnr „r •11•.,a,"iStare I,Da.Guld. i; - a Ir - ' , _ The me ' ' . _ oting then aGourned, , ~r l% F- ~,r.~'x , Merl:, _ _ r 4 _ , --A--~--~.m~:.. _ _ _ _7~~ "~s e)) 1} 1~Raotin of idEit lr th 19~ , !1 1(ilrniniton, 1!, C., },fn,r 1 th ~ ~ Y ~ ~ j7, car.rini 'i I l I. y > 1~~t7, red, I ~ t The regular vroak aY naetinEr of -the =3aprd sties hold ho erosion b at lO;OU A, ia, T ank vrag located practicall~~ of the. pnvament. r ?Along the yrll;a of ±'lt~ ! ' PrASent: Addison Ilatvlta r roar - , 1 f~r orr this boaah tt .,hairrns:n, Goa: GI, Trasl; Ja• 7n the 'rrat t , to , County n 1,f. ,HEr11, II. ' I(. Gartlnor , fow merlt>"s `tht; oron' ho end . t nrney J?arsden 3e ~ , Ilan, . , L.J,(,alt;m~ln rind thls wren. This is a'71r, ,xon has carttirlned on ri cxirnntoly the sane talc' an r,varage of'abaut'ten f « • boon eccuring since our highvrat sia thirty..fivo to for eel tihr otrgh The meatin~ wes opened twit}t r t prn.yar b the R ! rvoJ was raricl ~ ~ fact ar „ Y avaran a P ,aar d L. Y. Iluddl© " +tl 1~1~ . )that hRS ,.pastor. of ,,t. 'Matt}lovt~' Tha: d u Luthran Chair A vor,r ~txtensivt} ch, ~ „ttrd;, of shits sz+~. menu es of moo fling of lacy 1?.th, 1 ( ' ~ t~liatl vies 9 ~7, t'rare roE)d an Gtntas En *irl t, n it d appravad as rocorilad, 6 acts anti i,he „talc Departrten ado by rho }ianc}, };losion; ~ t of Cbuservasin ilanrc. of the united ' I ,,i rocor•d of their finclin ~s rl an b and r ocornrlandati~nG d dsbelaprlans lrr 1.9'1, l ha vo a u EI5 {1 earl tU than r ri anty-socand (ohgrass, It does nc~t Holy a, a i,'I rri11 bo enclitn arod by ttve _ I P ar t}tnt r7uch meta, t};an 't}u; g ~ thi5 erasion trt n,;., lvo }:anrb•ed fact of rntr ' ,t• time in ' tl , h _t,hwa Haw r oP><niorl that i,ha arai;on can brae to rroa.r future, 3 n1'aoc,.ad request of Pir•. J. ?'nul=StEtnlay on }?ehalf of stappf,d {;hr•nu^ b rs nr Our an °irea ~ - tha Ogden Civic Club and would cast a., ;rsaxirtat t • ~ b}1 t}i`cg „rctio o as she in thnt eoction sarvod b t r P a- a 00(' ,,n n uti n , } the to _ 7On or mots; far.ti l n, J .+ll,l,onr ~ , Y Ydd..a .Sound road, to,v~ridan rho said hi• yr ~ ies re.,,dlit 1, ar ,>aa vrall, vrnich C i Gardner, seconded b, ter < . t,h r ,vras a u7 ~ „ in J Coloman, altprovad and rofarred tc lho Si" l n nat,,o., cf fr, ;twill..?Ira the pz•oposod ~ennrnl,surve~ of i ,nte Ilil}n~ray Goruli:ssion to cn lr•aly feasible for J ron..l couditiona in the Count s, bo ~rl[•,.uaed reunty read suth of th t1,9 }11r,hwn~,r CornJniwsion t' ~ ; 5 a }+x;,htra her o ..ta,~nttti-ri eo Lr, E. ;t " m- =Xn1~• n :err hundrr,d ~ Y . Making n short relocat' ~ t, enaction tvlth rho ,t ..Johnson..>oc~r-trees- ,r tlo_lars. , lan of U., }[o of the Ogdon Clvlc Club ros[snta t riE.v of tea frtr:t th l~.~, j'rlrich waulr} voss this Caunt° with the P d n re uasl for !'tiros .e an open aroa in w}lick at this toed 9 t fire rctecti.ar there ap' ears t attics only to r , State and:l~edaral Govt3rnraon P n' P a h ov of L 100 is coaperatn~ nn a basis in l ar•. ishor is alto „ ~ o cop?rr,~utnont r 1? lda aacos. S3 t, i .00 of vrhich the Counts ~ ; , ~ of ~i totnl nt iranr' ~ e,d,, 6~e, it ie o,,xdonts, anii, n` ~ .i share wound be Lt0', or +t T1 ~'ttxon annuerl + MJ aplnxen th + lnco tea si'}it cf y no~ pos,, alv 'u':,tii'j tilt n, the banofi',s t 6 }„r. J. R. Sprats, Assistant I~' 1 •a1,7t,O.00 eccordins; to lrlfvrrnatior • ; J J r cosi, o a t},e : , crasser. }:Ir..Richar ~ . furr.lsned h, f bu.._dlrl. h }fit,}.wr stem d A. Shaw .,poke at _It:nl;th uri;in • than. the b f, . ulJ,hoa,i, ar aar vrttll, J Y .could provided for the next fiscal aAr. Con ;r' ~ Y s_ t9rable d'' `'w proteetian b T , xacu,~slan f allawod and lir•, Gsrdnor Hayed that. o - ~ndarat~nd that.. your Lroar[i ~ # rapresentativa of the DepN:rtman.t coma `}ier ~ a hnt~ , t Ills ; • a to ~o aver the *tra ~rtun bof r,n xnrx 3. ~ rtlrer;r}y_recelved } t b ore uha era `aratxon Mc. a a , 1ti~mizl-tan P .lot gar f ra + „ mot_on .ryas seconded b~ hrr Cola P of the G ,orth Ca m w}[o -0f ' ; J man artd cEirried, bud~ot,' : roltrrn, sa,,tin• r~- flae_o. i}n.ted "tat s 1, fa. ~h shalt position 'in ra 'rird o A request of hfr. rJ, T„ I'f>,rmar tc~ • Convontion Charman',_ r , ' ' 6 thls Garallnn l,or~ch I ost ~1,. rr~r~ttar, ,,~2 Ar1a1'1CP : r*fter n,tho ~a h'faror and members: o ,n La ~ rcu h c t , f the !3oard of Aldr~rman of Octal: a t;a.oa, nn~ the t, an.,,.c nrtitxor, of th[i and ei , lnn. 13t;nch for 'four adclltiora , 'i , , lI "`twh < l;nmrl• r asolrttaon of •-ot ' ght for Carolina heac}: to°~ 1 cif .cr, at,ftrro t> Y assion doe„ rlol fe . rr .3aard,at Ga C .,upplement the u}ieriffs Toro Aeecn ~ al justified in yr , ultJ Garw,,t~,,xoners th ` a Uen vrall bu tdtir„akin' t e additional State r ~ 100 2.~s frail ,,arq,,Lo oune nn , t trill rathor fo t, ha crroctacn o . ,ti~hwFy patrolcrmen durlrr d 2h 11ctv't}ia , n i' a k„~~.h r f vha .ha course ti aar or d 1,r~,or. Crrnvcntxon Juna l~rth throu + • q vary smn71 i ractxon a~ tl.o reloeatiarl of o ' ' I at 1'ength and PRr. Trash: movarl tied zt vras yrc a. , 1; t 17„tt, E',•as ~lir;c+assr r,f thg cost a~ ur hll;hvrtlV vrhich ca : ' rntc,ecl 1,. l..a . li!cl., arld c.o.rr•o[' + t• 'd n roa vrall, pr bulk} n ba do.2e at; load, to furnish such addat, ~ . ~ t t}ittt y}te ,,heriff 1, , lOnal 0,fxa6r,i t1eCLSSary nol t0 8xre?;d Et (JUS; r)f 'J~Qt , e ""w~Grttr+T iF~ t G,{.U. Ytath br,;,t vr.12}ter; ~r , 1. ern ~i Upon rnotior. !tr, Gar' i [rrtor,. soconc.e[i, by Mr. Colamart, the Boe.r[l at;read tc cao.orrii;e viitll t} in prciridin~ special deputies nt Sae. P ae rhariff broeza colorod reacts to June<i0th 1c {au'ts very tru1T co - , -)~r7 ndt to axc, J st of W12~.00 la'-the, Cumt _ red a total J, pranltiFCi a Ilka ar.lotint wzl,l be ralsad b,, ~;1 P,; }l, Grallnm, C}ia:.rmrvl parties ntarestod to 'b } a ro,art oportaors ar other F ba ive o ~urnar .over to the t,ounty Audxlor for disbru•sitzl;, I'urthar ~;an;riclern . lion tc , .R 5 n le request to cimtxrtua rho sar•vica '.hraugh Ir^bor }ia rlurin • rho , • ; ' Y t, I r at nrat ot. n1' rho nudrrt, mh9 fo llowin • a lira . t, pp t..ons fore llconses to sail hoar nt't}r ' of 2[r. Hall ..seen ¢ f a laerjtinns sh• ' noon inotiail of tar, Garr?nor , udad b t L, uvm vrere u aano;:[:r+d by,},;r, Hall, nn np ro t•ittlicn:{?f .a?( t r, „nrdnrrr, ,~~,~1•r,ved; pan mntiori b the n;t„ of bid. P P r-, O. O a ;~r,talt ra lal,; ;;r~n~lr;t. Y , lr~;irtgton, •,rns ;;ranteri'Tha nrnrFlllrr Club of the i. n nltad .,tatas, Port of '~tiltni:i~,;ton, 'riatori=, Hills,.. ` Saaln _ toward the o~:per,so far hol+lirlt ';hay r9c~ .r annual Maritime Day Calabrntibn hereIf~,, ~'~c+, i:, ,;.r'+chr;tn .,e, r an, TnlEinrl ?`latbi•i-ra~r Priui•a, u~tralintt}ianch Ls~irthia L, t'utch .toad. .fir. tl, },Orllej;jl~', 1'rt:sirlent U; t1i0 ~~i=i~rn'"I'1`, ('c, r 1 r .jaabr'aeza. 1 .c r rt. n ij;hor 'rnicn , cy t t ~ i;ar7 }(lutz T " gtes ed t; ~+an~rihittion toward file [,;cc,enso of i,he lim+3ricnn l~'c,dt~r , _nla 1 n ~.tou of Labor annual s h~tttr canvont:ic~n la ha 'bald ~ ' t , + r- nd latartr?ty lir.~dgv, !,aralina 13t, n bran h 1 th , bor.. rtri,us t.luh, ,)elmnr A. Pa[:Garrrux, Srcii.h Creek. nch .,ond, , + ` x ra;,seci .timsr2lf as bo~_ „ f" 3 Da-. Gardno:• e p *tG d..e l,r, mal;hetic but c P . Yr. ra1s~,[, the qut3at•:or~ of ll. Southarl! astabl .skiing' a l,rr~rs[lons, the ri(;ht to` s sand tiablic' fiords 'b • urri, 14f~r•tlo Grove Snt m I _ r r such purpasErs, and iv,,,~r, hotrld ..t end, F, D, Tr trirl, _he request was upon nlot ibfl of 1.Ir~ Trask ~H , it ,,w PP, F;ure It u conded b t C r saki, , a. alp„ail, trr'Icssr L1ndCr :'U:1Gldarntl0rt until t,1S, u, " -next mac~ting, J, srasthraak, . ,ronl)reezo. ~i ' A raq~iast of Chas. r. Pa a 1 7 hart' ; • Yn , _ tl, 1 , tlt, Stroet, to rovl.aiw• ttla rtsG..•;sriont Ain his rc,,ert i block ?22, 1~2 ref r red to the Cc>r;rlittr:: with ~,a•rrti2° to ac•~t. I Y It corvmanlcation erns rnceivod tram the r' , ' ' . 1, bank as; of A ril 0 r ~oansy ..rdxtor ndvlsxng the iunauut of da asit in oa P 3 th, 191ri , tv~ethar with a momararidwn oi' eau ~ P ch rltios he~c} bx us ' in oac}~ case, }+ar•. lt.' Ii. Itzlotvlas n f,~aarcd axui proserttid }:i ; resi.~ ~ztiorl Cansth r ' ~ b_u a. Irtruatt t;cvms}rip, e"°sc:~ive 1 rRa • as of trus -date, tva5 a on moi;ion of tlr, }a i , ommtandatlon of P 11, Jaa..ndod by l.r. Trrisk, acca ,tied.. llr. Gar rlner,- Chalrmrut of ~ r, . r. , x iiss{stnx>t l,luct ..:.~.rt .ar.r..ttea, tltrt lir•. A. J, Grnd r.cien, at rho rr.~rport, bo p,;t on as a ro••ular counttr Y, A report of;the Grarld Jur I~.a• Tenn , Par rnont}i as of >r' ~ c a ~ employee nt 41 0.00 5 , y ~ 11aJ 1?t}i l )1 r w ; 19~~~ , was recaivod ar.c, t ,lod. , s t t, , n lean rn~ulor. of .u•. t,ola:rnn, secotrrlyd h• }.Ir. HaII, n roved. 1 PP TI'!H 11a8tin • t , , lJa ab `eetians tvara lndientc".i hen:. act i. ' J Mahe iiaar•d to -Hle n, lication ar' 17m,-il, rr: ~ t. rr ~ b ,)a.,rnbd. , } P .,11:: ~a ho . nltad „~t~es , • ` P:,+t;rrct king near, far tt pcrlut to construct Fitt` nnen ni1_o' timber whe~a•; r ~ r,~ • ~ ~ t ~n { r t.,.l,nrv t,. ~ ~.t ~hy , 'south sidr, bf HarLor Tslruld. c.~ ~ , - C Glork, U on motion of I,ir. Cblertan sac[.}n[iad b~ P J l,x, Trask Iat, Calvary? ~ r ~ ,.U , 7 t•rtist Cl,a. cn t.•Ets ,•rr~nted an +tbit...a.cs.l~, . of taxes char °zd A •ainst its ~ ~ , , },r pro e. ltx loc c ~ fora. skip ear 1. 't0, rc.: .}:a ransan t:he seniE '++as i , ' t_ , p , Y ~ -97 - Y f d7ilra..n Ftcp 11, L. }an ~ ~ nl . Gth 1. purchased in l)~ and usad::exclusxvaly_Et:s aparsonage-since t}l,rt lima and aPPoars on tho tax Cree list, 1 I i T}ta ra-user ~ t~ty I~ , b wt a mretinf, of the :3aard vita ft~ t s • 1 . h _d a 10.00 r„ri. , , Ipan fiati 0rt Of l.lr•. CUlamnrl, saCorl(iad l!' }lr. Ti'aSk, l lr. i r ° { i c ~ , _ J J. tr. Riven >n, h, r 1, , St•rori d..,,nt,lvd I Ytorld G~lar 2 votarEfn dischar ad 'n s~;ac,~.,. r 1 ~ - „ lrosont: ,Adr+' , C; _.ul,u~~ 1gI}>, arc. p~acoi3 xn e. Gavtrrunent hc?s~,ltril :or r.»~€.t:rr.,t .lace Hetvla,,t ~nairman Geo. Tr.sr r r • , , t; l., I...,, Un c.nor ,L.J.t,a,enlnar .and: Court , ~:t~ ; t }ants din 'Bel lam tl` wrney ~ for tuaarculosis was u,on ~lot•.,n of }.r, , 1 Cclorittn sot;onct.l by l,:r. Tz•ns axed t " ° Y• _ ~ k p . tarn tha;'pa;rrnent of r,ol l texas on acenurl of povars^ and infirmities. Thr martin . vras W L ep„ruxi wit}l .prayer br skip }ir3vnrand K, Y. }?ircdla ~ ease., or ° ! +x - - , r' , t. L.e , ~hatvs Lirthran Cau , rah. ' A ragtiest for an ahatamant of ..the 191;Lr and 19Ir ta~cae due on a sm'c r v , 5 li three raurn t,?2ildu.nl, a mad by G t. Phll ll s-A}f]j t.nur•ah ad ' ; . : , . ' _ ,f ~ ~ ~ ,Tha mina A ~ P. ,la_n..lt, the aht,.ch }ruxlc.ing In blacit j;i't?r, rorli,od rxrd fonts;, usod far ,aJraon~ t„s o. rnr;atirr~ ~f' c~ w , , ~ r t, l,th, er R read an.i a; Irat,ed as roaorder.. i of rent an }ioma far the l,nstar; iras upon Motion o.f Ili. Colbrnarl, straandad bar tr. Irr.elt duel i~led an t Tl ~ , o Sxrion of thu Cotutt~, Attarna +~iat th _ b ~ . ~ r u.~ itpan.m p y e u_ld.,._g mu.,t 3e usod t,,,t,lu,,:ivrrly Eta the rinl~,~er~ he,rle to otlan of }"r•: Oar t , disci, saccnc.ad by ,~r. Gulorari, t:•lo Hoard of Caurt~r Coramissionors b , moat the ra uirc;ment of ,he late ~ ba exern t f rorir tH a i, ~ ~ , Hanauer C ~ f Ilaw I q p x t.ol. y ottnty does harobr 1nA'Y r) the rlaximiu-i nrlaiult, n license tax far the wars ~ ~ . anal >,91an alld 1 ± r t ~ • ly!!.7 anti ? 9,~8 , 9 ~9, an _.,.1 a odes r , profasslans; b.tslrlas~ etc., carried oil nrd canductcd A report of the 1"tali!tn wor; I}ub?is l,lbz~ar• fbr .1 riI i•ras rc,cr~ivad a•~ r,r vount•t lrn' ~ .r. , in •~Erld I ~ J ..d ,.tl.,c., lc}1 era. ,m s ~oc_ laa,ly desi~,nrite,l arul clofinod in Schedule A, of the Revenue .Act o ' f 1lorth Caroline, passed rr. she 1 • - 917 Sass ion of the Garia?•ai lcssembly; excoptirrf, those cases ivher i _ Tho followlrrT' rr,,-.,..t oil the.. irrvartl'~'at}:on of the area rt r" t s •t- + >,t,oz. Pressl a It is ex- t, . u or .1 her ,rl. r ?f.~ronce =a prav~r- - Y Prohihi+.ad bl~ ]aw, I of furt:'ar erosion, vras received from Mr, A,Ir.Graltnr:i, Chairran of the Stato:}li'hvr a11d Ftil,lic VYorks Cormnlssian: Itnot; m~ti_r4 n [S~ ;jCi ~J16.:1;', caUtllrlt~ by "r, Tr.fi}:, ~^r. t}0[?;}1C1T,hn t'raF (~ra2luad LhC: n°a of t:la rt:aU i;rriclca fa ~ n r r '7J.Cr'Cyt,r~ ?"naa5 f.+ ~'d, ilf'tc'ri1n01 a ,rtt1V lc.tlt l-1(t ::}1fl Gatrnl;+r to r 1.+r. Thor.?,•,s }i.' stop Clark ai' t - . - -at,aarl F'ic~ - , t • J . oat;lvo lU<a (i} , r .i'i 1 ~,E.ta r`raf 1ptS l?r'iat fCl' arrr1i3Slan w',tr;rged. Board of County Corunisslonurs, li i'tilminlton, Plorlh Carolina. !?bon n;;f;'a,, nr rt, 1 , 1 v. .,r'. G'olOr'1~'n, SaCrrifl[ied byllr, lra:~t:, ~'~to '±anr•d-err-,rUVen Ft reC1tIUS.. al' I;r'. ',t, r:c..~ , t r , , t,1nt + c i i . . ,a u tC'tt~7 r"+t~h'.Yf:~" GUJ'rliSS:ian Ntld to ~,ilH ~'t°.tA }!al',`~ainad 'GUt1I1 Read Stall, P,' raE, Gt9a ' 1 ~ o. di.. i ,:.Doer r,lr• Ytaody: ;tern n ' a t, alr:'i: cn ,,ta 1'iddlc 5aund Road`in the rtirvp p 'ho 01et 1}urrl}lr~e;~ r'1~1cP; r•l,~tnin • thei p, loo to i ~ r , ~eS G , + 1 i , ,±3rn. n di"nttinaa af' f:;J + ,lr'~r.11 half a ..lle.'-f'omtr .9iY ar SaVen f'?t;1:11" . rt3r?.r?.i,,_ ,P; t}1^t 7 wrote .you under dada oa ;,c,c ,inner 1~~b, advlslnt, that our H~¦dr o~rntlhlc c,nf,lnaar would ..,nee eras' are served }~•i +1 , , ~ t,3 -s'L•'c' iced which is i17i~.ssahle in rtes vre:tt,,.er. a personal invastigntian oaf' the nice rloar r~ar~ eishor wtith r~~ferorlco to pr~evantzon of fort}lot erasion. sl I -now tv- t •r'se +hnt ~,n ?)e R ~ 1» ,i Are r r~' Z saki o ad 1 a a„rlbar 1, , 1~1}G, our 1,. , }tlns_otr In ca: ,anSr tint}, one of the quest as t t "..<<, ~ a extra lrl clerk to htsl a t . he ~..erk ai the .,ar. r..c. Court for r, G p a tc}; up t.ta mark in `his enginoers f':•<n•~ the i1nitod States i;lr(;;uaer'Offioe at l'Pilrlinr-toil uada a orsonnl invfsstirFCtian of this J P t, ,a as arld fotuui skint. t}ta balsa whore I'ert'Fishor f • , 1 a:~out offs ` ~ r arclorlJ,stagd .rare oor~ualotol,r trashed ntra, ar. _ca, was u,a i + balana~ cf th, fisa{t. ,tar. ~ ~ 4 n mot..an a,,Pr owed far ~hr . i fire ?lundrocl frjnt oi' our hiGhvray tires broken through at 'a aint"tvralvo`'}lunclrou .oat from the seu+,>; ons.• P i `I i; . i, ' 1 ,li,! . , !it ~,/,r•, i,; r • _ ~ _ _ I ,j , , 69 `t t.. bloetinE; of 1aa 2C'; t . r~ 1, 11 } Y , 17, continued. i 1,{ th refersnce tc pkre.};rap}l $ of thq r w a ry iYi1m311 t {J rt, It• Jttlti c? lc p. e~,ert rorltract with t}i© ~lilrtl,;.1i tan E,ir ; 1~}7. certain r ivi`iQ r : , f; ' er ~ ico p t,k,s lit >llut3t}tant} ltt] A_rport, ;whir,}1 read3' as fal?avrs: ,for ~ n I inu lesgE;a shH;ll nc riry ~ , t a.>. if,n or tranri'er this lease or aitblo' r Thta ra~ulk'.r vrt~a>rly t;~aetin a; it > ar-'all of the da ' c ka.~,_Pk,. t ~ lJ l:a }~Qard ~rr;G rased prapartJ withaur he rrr n het;? at lU;()0 Gz :the ls~sar", i a ' t: Present: Ai!d1Gar, ;falvl+ltt C}ttir , , Thsrefdre , re uas of ,dr J. ' r,:xr., ,roe. ~T• Prank Ju • a q D.'-l,icl,~aaki>1 for pernission to or •ar , ~ Cc,r.ty ,+ttDrna'• 1 r,rsdnll ~ t s• }IttJ.l cansistin of ),tr. J` ~ E, lip. a ,~o ,a a , J ~_1+rrr: ,.I{. k• G- •A.. ~ r t ` Gar ~ lea rlnor, J Colerlnr. nnrJ .ehdar, ttr. L. 33. ~ahder and hirnesel:' ,for t. i a•pproval of ar~d operate a G, '1rI pu:}csc1 `w secur~i • Ir J''li ht t'C}70p ' ~ n Iln• t., 1 t.nd9r tnG Jlama 0, 1t19 fttlkt:rt' " i}, r) mlrltli"tu:, riS Tf'ir2.r~;in r Cf 1;1a r 0 . 1.. of AViatlan !`]a1C• 1G .r ~ f, chc of , , ..and t}16 , a , y , 1.•17.,:vrer;r ratlCl aCld a, i , ~ prirtle~,e „o use bui~nin Tr Jpr•avat, {1„ ; C ~5 ial .con junction w . ; Air ukarvica and to ' 1 it}, rtllm + r(, ,,ar [ , • ,Ed• h 1 a ptiy ar, ac.riiticrnal hate operatars fHe far. thEl r' r .nf,,on ' 1 an mDt°o ! z htp of ~ 7n ras}~c,nsa to an invite ' _ • . a n of 1tr. trardner, saaonrirtd h 3 r, ~ thil z.A1ri, irns tion aI th15 !3Dr~rd tD j1, Y' ~r .,oleman a Trove , ~e, to n ,vt, d and-ri7farrrd ,ct c,or,~~rv ion'iinc }~E:vel,,rlr;1~ t• t~. n reprasent(ttive ' + Ca. aalt ,ae arid Ca13 .ha r - o ' ~,r ort } <~„r,®„s w}) 1 .}]o .+tt to .Ut ~ ~ • I l1tJ_,;~;torne~ to r,re fl.A +,r P 9 „ 1, 19 J p r., ,,.1e cantr(1ci;, ~ m t~~a rc, `re:Ii r,a tr:.,nt of r ~tattrl,r, lor.roresi,r~'1 } L. r;ravrer` x;7P,jk,,r~,Jn xnri thrl Irar. r9 l I^~tvt;ntian r * 1 t,rc,r: runs , ` _ , J,.assrs. a c , G , rn(laest ai ..,.Loft;in, Attnrn,tl~, i'a3' aanaelln,t' , r t.,c ,,a(.•r,, , , lanl.th. k ti• ,rli5 1Jrd11}'}1j, Otlt lit th.. i ~uDt,,.S(.(} r ,'a- , a (.1,.(.,,...,I.a.t U,;at : , .r 1. clt,W.:.1 1D; ,nano ~ .of a ? • lar rf t}ta 31b1• ,C tki:;~7s 'r the ()Urtt,r , ~ fi k.nt, ~r t J(I„' r , , c.c,nrn3, ` a.r*rftr,Ell tt' 1 nd, let .1o•$ Part 0~' r r~ r, , ~J 'i110 on l,, ~Cra:; ~ 1.^s a. a tU .`l.. (r'7 a t, ta., t , 1.ar, ~„s mrr.at, I`adaral Pei m ~ 5 . , c,,r7,k•t,D.. f 1 i ! C illt .awn,,}'.i, r i r., s l r t t Y n ~ f ?~r~` ~~}•i) • + ~ , CI t,trUt,erf3t8 Vtlt 1 1 } , fa. ~hc; ; ox, s ly2•$ th r5 ~ ti,, a, , s1,7,rsr•C~G, ,,a,,t t,i 71cri] 'h n . I ; , t U af-irhlch,~.ha C t r#:. r ' ' / i~, acaotu> , of the' said tan, r 1. 1 1., ~ anti , _ ..d hFtvinE; bE,an char ad to t7' ~ ph f, ~ lre ,..,rtt„ atp v'a• 1•. .,hrs . vrous« bt± 77rOV1Cl?tl at C~UUIIt':I O~r,r1 r'r .r lI1t,1.8,, S.cX r by t}ia hairs df C H• ,,allin}; ivhirh_ha' claims n.,.r t+~ ; . 15E, u J. J. Loughlin; and Navin • 'neon c} a # + is c:•mad ~ k,...~, t1nFl,tar: cr,st-e~' ide _f doslrf;d, wotil.d ha . ft 1 rk,t~c, in he vrea.lt; nAmo recr~v a ; trr. , n , rtnr: f lr© f i r}1t;ers Ti £i' r rt . ~t? par msl'', , of the tares clue or nrz; r url no na . 6 f utir.lE.trlrl r ~ ; , u la,zlD. i, , tiDa _r 1,, ,}lH-rr-,u.ESOni:kt ~ ai a ftra itardol; ! , k t ?'ivs yorrs f1~,t tax in sa+.tJ.aMant' hn ~ ~ m ~ tlre., A rE,a, . ~ I.r. .,r]rr}n RliprFC1£ti;1VE. i ~ t •c,UJY• er, }tally , vroald net n.,_1 lr. this s + -hq fltra vetir r.lle al ~he Ff' P . ~ ~ P Y DasE3, ln,t ,.he rts.t+:er of tar. ~idaus ,.R t C _h. „ ,I ~ n . (,n an assE3ssm~rt roduDtl inc:reasc 'zri values ' nnr? ~ ra lore,at l rorl l lre,cl . ~asis web it on ;potion of ?ir _o,l , ~nrr as; ?n valua~ ' rtrlnc,a vroulu r+~sillt i a P - 1'r;?.sk, saconrlad her yr• Gnr n ~ ,rcuJ.,, >7n n u iT1Ve3 ~ ' „ , • d11.r, rafFSrrerl to the ' hr, =1vcn thaur"ltful ears' i - e CJPd ;..,(;~tllrmt ~ r[ 4 , Coi~llttce for n c. 1 1c,crctlar lIl t , , nl ma~o(. tna ) tik,atlo., and .v1t1-, poti3rAr tc A.ct, and the no„ ~ , tr,: '7r[;,ur•at ~ , t t.la nc:ttar • „ , lista-l ',ne~litir.s o : , ~ . r ~ } ,..ul. of t P P rriE)r od abntF r.• ~ tar r • l; +.1 and r t larJ • ,11, ouri cwt, rtc~ ~ r ' ; rlotlol. of, erau by 1.9r, Co1Hlnr+n tho.t the ra aunt ba da ' e t, . txor. vrau :#tyr.Jrded b cl nieci xnrl. the mnt~;er 1)F: ,1ar,ri ~ a Y I }~artts of the + ~ ,d in at,orne,r tD forclass the 1^nt1 for tsxea„.f~ildd-of a secnr,- 1 y}~, 1. • J.r• J. 1, Jnm.(;s,Jr•, ~,aralt ~rnlcll7al•` 11 .:}llc K'M t ' , i F,, ))Etv ' 1 1. ,I 't /i request of ErIP1A. ,r. Ti11er , ~marou~.mantk. 17e Iuadtalrl t}1G ' . ; , _ ,)ashE7r anri ~]thers_ y, t'uardian, f'or I. G, Tiller' ~ ~ i lr,t,r, ~lr,},,,lt:. ,flvs+ ?ippattl t,c, to (rsk that : , .err kti; Le••ian I'i~ ~ • carfinfid 9n a vita J, disxb,.ad vet>rran. a, lrorld ;isr ori. baset~eli '•rtmar, ha+' t. 1~ to n nv- rans hospital si.nDri ,c 20 ~ , .ore: the alt.,; of thr r ! ~.(1a r~tia arto 11' , pr().~(~nt serisan. 9 1,rt for the ~ ,for an al;attmon`, of `~~1.5C_cast and ,r taxAS .due for 1930, on pra}erty in<b1aDk ~~32" .:eras a or ~ t. n lntprt ~t an r ~J, p t 1.D ,lfi,: of Jir, (rarClnar, SRCanC:E'd tJ ° ~r. ~ f'. t•a ' }.,r. Trask, referred. to the ~~,,,i.,,...,, a rn ~.r- ~+r. ,ex~- y L , r . cd tv ~Lrt i} . r; . Canmittae wl+n pawer to nat.. ~ 1` . lty and t%anr , . ,fazfSfi,S nnrl J.}esS[.)r-,s, lift: }?tA:I3S b.it)BCt , a ~ 7J,i 17~ ft f„l.. i;~,ne :?^l1NCtOr U' vrtLi'I "7P ir,r.lU,} [ + a r.ti11J, a,.u ;,Uf,f,;.,l,-1} ''}IAt vrat;r ('tlt? r ' • ° , 0{, 'rtltr .,}'ft Sf,rlla rJ,nr z- • ti „ U,.iCtriC r]r!tar 1]"pE~CtlUn f L t ~ t 71U1,3D.. az mr tSr: ,.":ft(;U r r„ I} rar111aSt Of iltll;}18S };rDt}tAI'S for n IU i,}te ltlf,f,r,Cr Vrft;' r"CH''Jad 1'c J' ..r': t , rtti8,l ,t r.; , G fl,nd of the 191 n tr,xas ac o tc.Bl at,ior. and - to ttnor, 1 o ant of daubla li5tin~, 7Qid 17v mfi'~'a ktn .I::; aDi' r regllL., , i,}]a.t x „tr,,•a i{ )r•„Stl '',r there on land they sold to I)r. PE3 9r Iiottlinr Co 1 p .la:. ~,rld .:i<,,r,.lt r~ecn' ,,Ya r _ n~ptl.a })e sent }lero liar.... , ti1,7r~ • to ' A PP mpnnJ l7t}i, anct. Ua',vsor. ;;traettl .tn 1 1~, rtt ` ~ ~ , . es:lei at.•~750.00, rhich said rorterty vvi~ki + , P • else lls .ed and the taxo; nalcl i7y ~},a Dr.l'rn er F ,;-f• r- r i , _ , 'VrftfS U;011 metian CJ.i Jir a , •P ,Ut,.t...t„ Lu. .,it .C,,la,ry21' a, ~ ~ , t - 'Prank, naf..rred td tlla Gollnt~• ratorn9~ ::.far n,' n _ f; J },l lch l.an~ . cI l eFn :as to sell }IC; J .rlio,. ar f r # < . J ,.t ! } I t D , cn 1ar;,ed b r i.h•: ,,r 1 cat~.ons ~}t0irrt, ~}:t7 skiraa }lavln 'aaan 1, , , cram t].,~,n 1 c;t..i0n fs! ..:I' • Cal ~ .all~ti c ~ ~eD . A copJ ,of a let.~(Ir written h ?1 t, ~ ~ artdar, b~ z . l,kt11 ar, I'o : , , P oedr y_ r. J.1. J2olxnd ,,acretklrv of • ~ .9 ,oarcl,of Ecaucatior,, to xhF ;,~;y :,qty Collnr.,i1 kxrd'liaard of health rD u,.,s In ~ ~ t ier~.,a a Laald t~.:~, l~ta,~rl „ r , ; , ircusa,, a.,~ r , I=ti ( Si r ~ CJ ~ .x 1 0. ISt3rr,a1'5 t0 Carnary[tlU, rS n : .x '11tt3 .N.,1. Ut Ll°sy Cn l,u 11, r U, .tc , tape of kuauserlents that: shale r~ t,I,rraAS . , „n A ! . ; - , . I n thE! (rannds vrithin ~;hn titer limits ft ~ 1_ ~ ,i ,n_las ou ,rl'°ht~; da t r 1°lashln~tan Cp.+, e ~ ; eent.,c the n 1 tt .,cnoDl, £is r.reatint a riui,;aa~e and interfsrs vrii;}i ';hP f)ff`ii,'n ``i'ton, :i(,I'k~t StrF~t ,Ded [ . lntopP rn'tiar. • , a~ the'schoDl, wr: ~ racn_va3 r.nrl , f,c• ; , ' r ,rl(;}t v, ,t I Lr' ,,rf(t^r: , + tSE'.SrF',', 1iF.: ,rk n J(71:ia3 i 8(,iST' ' . E'P7t•. t;}+cn rint'.an of 1'r• (}ardnar; ~ ~ 1 Z'rr+y I,lc(~ea i s~.'ant,e( t,~ l~.r, Color~n _ lO:OC " 11 '~I, , s,as la 1'}l kA 4 r , ..GnC3irt", "+.lna 9t11, ~I ` i$ { , ylltl, 6 Cl t0 et li ' r i l,t:~, _ r, 1 t}lA l.Ol.d[1i55wOnCr„ ]'0 Sit x5 t}le liaarrl UI' t}~+U11i7atiClt ;ill'1 i,e~llevr t0 :}i8R tn, c '}k.ltar 1,C{:Ii1.rC, t'2}rrCpr.~. r ,D,,r~ ..rt~~ J Rear,}: Ii• ~1nta~ti:,, ~ 111'' ',r •:t Of S.,SnS:itlant$ Or1 I'a91 BSt£tt', and nOtiCa i,0 ~}lat A:'fC'CtVraS ard'red ';0 })a '•.P tr' r 'r i..a , ~i f;_~ n by sdtertl~ernfpt~ ,,.r... 'r,,,,, ;t„r.•,. T}le ;nllovvin an lierations inr 1'carr ~ ~ ~ =lrr%}' hind for ~ ' ~ - ! 6 P 1 „e„ t~ 5a.~1 ht,er at the 1DCrtt:trn^ 'shcn:71 ,t Jc~s~ .t fr7l'r,,ru rJ~ r . t ; P ~r.1lu n.l[z J;illlan i'rnlviol?~ 1tcl,a r, ' n ',ha same r,eing' i i, ~ # r 1,. trtE in due ,'c#rm nnd' Dxecr;tan anii t;nrlar•ss(', thr2 ''h _ ..l ll.t r' I ' ' rr_t., -~ha ':r. ri , ,r.,r, 01 vl 0(a{}•00 as t ita, t€~tFSs I"r„ ,r ~ c,l ~ are f1 , 7rar8 tinOn mat10r1 n1' }(r:. riar[trj8r SP^c'n,rr. r# ,_t:lt. ,a ants (,orl^Pn'r tt, -et TM r # , a. by Ilr • Coleman, t; )roved : , pv .^~J i• rI y , the sal.c~ rt:loult ' l;rl'r;jr]~~ '^Etlll j`lxat~ J :~Gr I`G Ci Vu :.I S•Ilol.~r S, ' - ?r(=:'n !tI7(7n ISOtIOn "CC('fltt?rt }yrr tdt'.7,11.r1t7i1h:Vtir . ~n . ; j € a. z 1 et ~.lUri ;:i tirflr:; ' I"~ .fi , t , P .r ,.a _ l , r• 1, u , ,,.~.,r ~ j ~ , ~ u t„ ,;0 f{ ,c}. s act - ,r ~t;k:, 1rC ~r'es ` frt3rn the i ' UAa• ~t• (~anaUtnS, ~ r;„:itt,9 DI ahr; .;lU'ITi9I. ~ a huro 'Jac!: n _.,r r;t u _ .i", I i ~ t; , i ' ~ Llt= €Uit} 's}?., u u}!, Ek' t } a :laxa:ndr.r .lay r f the "t t a . V k ,Q' f p - .;_tl .~'AFinDf+, ,r`iS n1,+21 ra,' r- ,r, ,rr ~ ,0 5, 9C'.}.. a~7..t - , w., _,r. C,.. 1.1.. iikt, [i,l,•.. :Gt7 , r 1'ul ~ Uh',t. Cl n;. m . ( r ,r 1. Pn t7 - 1. ? , • ..tt.-l, t'.lprr)~F; t'e '.'r ,~P,lr..u tl, .a•J• ..,&C}1, . l(tntatlDn i;luh, (}iirt}1'IlQ ;ia(tt:}1 }iUati r C. Lewis Q, }e.J. PtrRrh ` n tt 1 ~ t)xncer?xll. era 1,Jott, Prlllcoss Gtrrlnt 7> a ~ r , }lam : (.G~,.101'. Of ' r- I 1 1 ..U d uCe. :ir. TI Et~.w, ~GCOn,;;lr }7J ,.r• R,"(:i]I:':'~ ±h y, '2U!lyd VUt~)tl i;U [`t~nl ,,I nrnto ult}i Pander Cciult ,~ralll ptru"a,9^ ('E e•F '7. „ It :rl Ft} 8'f[;,r a t4.1~7 ,1...~ no t tq httve the uta t,a t,l"}t~•r. r , ft,,, , y t. ~ SJ (,.li. ...llc ,+JrkS i/t,l~rll,wian tG 171}7rU:'a t1lC tl;.C}':nrds; }l1ai it. G. Sol,therJ.k+.ud T cr JIi.,.,ar }irs7d ;Iori(1 " t t,• ,.t;op iiilnd b¢, ~o r~s 'h•t , . rlv~ th9 i;'na _0z Dli rl f~i~r~ir ',`Jet}cu of }'c~i:der ('gtmt~' Wore certain LL'xe ~ gray tD k;et to i:hs nu},lir sc}tap} :,x ~ h, „ ; * ^ , r d. lIl ;}151r -„y.;tl'lt;t, (uld n ' ~t r~vide ,i r ruck r,c,t fod arpl.icat~an fDI 1.c9nfi(~ ~a ,f. ,1 ivana nt the Pl'nrltatioll ~lu,~ ,,kt ' , lm.. 1,..~',: t}}rU 1} _ - - ' ; , T'alll. , r~a(iC}, ..Oad, .u, iltu~, r, + C, U(,tl ,.,(i,, ,tE'rrlt0r t ,q++ y U , ,tirCDi, 'k' r,anovDr itnd , eItt)rlr CutilitieS• a' T. C.:?,arris anti n r . ,r ~ ~ .h; n(#l;t,li. •,r(cS roferrf,(i +I. 1„(?lt}li ilk.,, ilpDll ,..a.,i.nn of :r• trhr,lIlttr-rafell9d tU *,na .:~:tt© U^:I" t, ~nP ••(ft1rl"Q r 1 } :-n Q n-r°iT.~l' lay A CDrtf8r8zlCD filth I,r3'. rjP_S. E1• '1'1df;Ur, ~}i1rLDaU1;.tUll tt"~'~ v a , , t,irx , ?lrahalid Cantrol• Gcr¢;i ."1:,: Ar anti Pe 1 , , rider ~„t,nt, tl>,t.1Di~lt:ion",ta r,}:x~;Nr1d. ' T}lE4 ?r:llaivin t?rro sailed b::ds f'ar auclitin t} r n •s ~ , ~ , ;rr,ri , , , _ 13 Ua,, alit r.COI'C}.^, C_ .,}l,l t; [;tlrl t•~ Uff iC Vl'S for ~}a ,'r. (iardnar, 1rlstruCtlnrt'i v'are 1vr'1} tU t;x;:l ,.18 ~.,tCit9 ,;r it ~ ,:I i. • 1 t .a i;, E, „1},}1 x~ UD,.1m1,,S1Jtl. Htli7nt U t fiscal \~fial' 811din ' JUnB 7U 1Gt('~ tr(3rt' i1 .)arl tlotion Uf ilI'. Or ^r3 , 1 ' ~ , r ' } U1 lttri, .,,(.u,ltlod J l:r, 1rkt~t., lpy,lft. t0 11r ,rtdvrld 7Y n 3 ,r' , , l n ~ , , Y _ ae„dlnf,ly numhy c.allalt.:on o~ t},e ,:>,11ri Jlttir nGhn, Fu1~l rs}, '~}.ktt° Ana sc-rir be re-suri'~.ua[ a.nd read:: j, , , }[}iC21 I:Ui'i.vi:• iiUltr Sr t+' P : ,r i ' ,COIL C[1, ,,i.r.}iris ,irat}: frS E:I:,1 179rl,xrli ct'!.t'l.~l, ii(?I G ;',!t!t;.Htl tt 1't,f'tinrl ~ I ~i~ u• IraVrrilnar8 i.i va1T)ftnt `tlr d(.'r't'aI' e ~ ~ 7^ ~i' ,ti,fG it~1' . of the'1;~G~6 I. f J J ,.en:lDr a..,calut,,ii,.i,s , JU rs , • J1 1. _U On Lt tr+.u._,.10:1 C;i: drr7iJ•~U CI: P lOt n;, l'f}] t?r1;t ``(.ii" ~•s ;mac 11 ~..,},t r,, '-4 _ 1, tt 1. y , , ~ ~ t ~ , M ,GI1' ~ .I Jf w1Ct'J. er~._ , t0,. it • L'=~ no~ cu. L..1 sec, (,,uL l;a,,, . . v rr , c il. y,~:{~: ,gnfl ,..t8 ;i1xaS for t,}:C SA.Id t',,111' 1`rt',re x:cd .1'• 1 n It n r,~ , P ot.I • Jltrlla2' ~V. W,i, Total a#'iottnt; f•uarxnte„~d not to F3xcf3e,d 2"°00,00 11non r;a,4~ • _ E i, _ U:1 J.. , rr r(}l l:~l`, Sr, }I-i rlt,r~ D :!.il , ]r.7. {.l P-# y; wG,d !,Kris ...lU 1Ja „ u T i. .1 t,r'GVed Fi 7aa5U ! P, n i8tir w t. ` 3:..8..4 . : wI1 vCv I lt,`ytor' (~J,!r1t.. „y,. r+ , n7. ~ c, r,t m :p c• p ~ . ~ :ra,.d of'„u.~....,_o,t.rs al., tlr=,nwt,d.,tatt:s o~ ,",n~)]•lt•!t s. ) U .r.r., 11:(; tD the :',every 1r,Dnt thtt r• r ,_r ~t.a e d : i ' ~rli,ln f i{1: r+ a- r It n ~ 11~t1:,21 ' J}a • T-1~ 11, I i)r ,t[ G4I'.!.',;..,E, ''_U+;t i_.tGr ~ ~ , },dv~ard C. Craft CPIt Prinr,i.ttl Accat?nt(utt 7 rnu C;; L a~ 4}le t;aw , , } t a2 l W .)J• ,:an0 ;7f?r `%OUnt}? ;';~t,'.n 1 , -r ; _::1 e ~ _ „r, y • ,r ut,,,~ rCtariCa 9rlt}t ~.L. t+t°Ia., u. t}iu „f;,.tl ..ah,.G.' ,c~S.ld 1:1}E' t rtF,lrI"~tI1 1'rkiS ' r,. `;S.lStant 11 t! 11 1".1)0 ft,tt ~ - ~ ?1~r 1.. t, any?... -2'•» - n G ,_,[.tat; Lv dv, nr; ~f„E Ci]° °':1!1 1C(i5B far nntl In Ut:[l,lf Of t}}(! val.Yl~'v`• Tatal cyst Df audit lief to axr,ead l,'rC0.00 , x, n , C+;1vad fro„1 ;.`}i' tick 1',: t,U1~.8•.~.JP "',C.t,1nr , .'t•• f(j 1-%:.= GallUatUd for v ~ 1170n tt'iat?,OIl ~7f i~ir. i'~'aFIC ,?BCanCl9C' D' iix; (iO78 1 t •a dS n ti7 ~ 1, Llt, r , n an, ~he „cntract to at,u., ~ t,la 1700}.,, xnd recur a„d ,3 , ~ ~ ry ,.rz .1 ~ +l'~,~ i JA r,,+ LL • .,!lt)k J(lxa ('i l:Dllaci ~(t(i 1 a • } - ' ' l ! + ~ ~ , F v ~ , , . ,n,- , • s,' s .l~-1'or .hts Uc7un l`` cf Nh. Gain,, of JI,i J}anovar .or t.1e lx„ckil r,nd i i o , ..d,vard w , ~ ' ' ~ • t 1 i,lt; runlth o1 y . 1nP; ~ Inc 1g1~7, irk 5 anardod t Ilr. Ialt. C. Craft, CPA., he haatil; tht3 lrtrr;et bidd5r. '"}ia a7ovH evfeard is vrith thE3 tu,t;ar• ,tar ,1'~n • thkt the Couuty Ayd~.tor• is tr maJ:s Jas al;dit ra ,ort as }f1s been the ,,'a;tom of ~.h(i Cnt]nty A'aditar in P , rt re art o ' , ' , „ n l . , t . - _ P f Ccil.a.,w._,., .:ar r.ril eras r(cair.,(, r~,r:d 1'].ltrt,. for,~ar years, Jir. OrA t to audit xil at.c,o,lnts ~1 ~}1a se'raral of>:1cas, chA„}:in}; all flf;urDS th1•ou?;:: rvo h;,s ro;,urt* 1lri Gar r ~ ~ . i'}1C ')n'a GOIt,:I ~lUri Of ~ li4 r', •fi' drta. ~rUt,i;rt',', t^ i,.V9 ({~~:u1%lUn Ca;pl,ls.J.Ilt,s P. l lllti}~t' (11{;ChaS'f11Unt, }'laV1tC}n ' , c a. t„ „ a: Lana' xlld C• 't",~ Jn ",•~t' ,,1.!: tr+,rtlJr4~,11 ,.4 _.Jzt~!1Ct 1I'. Il(t"F t' ' , f 1 , f , , n, • _a trl .,.k, ~-t,br 7,.5 rnfC.. ..t t0 -J .rd„tt(lta it/ t rrldE+. I.a r ~Oth ..~1.i baln a 1a-~a1 holiday .tat anal ]]amarlk~! r terra, J~ J . 7, ~ • , . Drly , R11 c,aunt~r o,;I i=re wE•r.. Isla, a r ,i m ~ _n Gal%t:]CO ~LI1t9rV r 'ttri ]a~Il3(~ HIlC1 07E?rt',d tU :IJVl.•..tl n;1k:r;,lr;iEf,,II'k...llat'0~ l,or to }1nvD t..d ,,U C1U.,E; 1.1 Q17S9r,..,.i.a D, alt` d(ty• ~ .>.LII,E, C.. , ) 1 b UnaIl m0t10n O) 1Sr `Gardner aaCUndad' 17 ,••r. trFtsk eta}iOri7,ad ~ ~ , , r,n . t ; Y , G !ta ,tla.l~tz aarnt,d• Tito maet:~ng then nd;;ournad. ~ , -~L~ Clark. C1 , ~ . j. . ,hp 7) ~ ~ .~'-'r,. ' t - r " , { ~ I r, J(' _ ~4 79 t1r.11.nt,ta,n, I}. C., =.JTI, F' a~}l l.)~r) , , J:/t - - ; , P ~ 1 ~M , t , ) n ri p ' ! i;('t71.~:n~, h r 1C,;:r, ! l!~r ( r A , C'l tt r,~,t.,tf!r Nc2,yjC19 m@9t;i11' a i- ~ • f] f ,,h9 ,}a>:rd rrKlt belt) sfi 1Ca;{?0 A Iy . II, Arfig(7 t ,'Y', ±r, }i. r~llbnr}^r,'~r }5rr.i,_ r 11 t , A.}d2,sori liearlat+ Che.' ,t 1, ~ , w t t t.M1','+ Airli;lr,s Sric b to { r. t i ?y v}iIl< ~G.,, {;n it t , p trLl i,., lrti.U• Jr ,1r''!„° Jtl: • }i, -,.r:Aa,2 t.t2-v},! , , - , . r . r , • ` . i, i,.l,,: ryr fit l.LrL w.. 1 a J .1. 4(.'r(Syli+(,? ti , ~,~'='~hrli Eli } T gr r,r, t, , r 1 r_,. t?r..~.;.. LL:. ..1e.5 ~-f: 1^I}. ! ! .r, tar,~'i t1 !t~ I h, ,.,F d r,~,,.Lar, .:tear > , u,. .lid ;,ali,}~F, t,t;o r , . 1~ 4Y~~. r paYl 2 } rli , , , iUl 1 t{ 1r'r , rr{3., u::;,U Sr7T• D, E1VP" ('^rt;} )r,,. n + 11 i"r t~ nj• r+• , yldi . ,n,.', . ,,...Ar~n.d J r=;" ih n ,ari t..n,f. lmlJ , ' ~ ..1~ , E 1 . t ;r '1 J ~ ~ 1, ! n tc,} ~ lo(iri4int. Vi t,' 1 . , ..alr•;;, ;n } 1fiC}"IIUl C T2 t~ 1 n 1 a , ills{;anw,c'i!T1 C r ,G, - v : , r , ~ , i.rt,UnUaI'U l.ti t t (k„y, t an t 3 r'„ • i, • rPhts r• . • ~ it Iti.i ,..aan i:1 tna:Hti hr h ..9m,, !aa~ rV{1tJUS '1 U` , t C„r t, '(Il l.i 3 ,!Y ~ 1Y0111fi n1 r + t t ii _yi'1.1.11i;tGr. tU {i}:C WEt' + ~ 1 m1nUt9u 0~ Mp.+~1.1r!~ aJ ,.i„F};,, 0{' 2 7 t r ,~c., `';~'fttq t 3,r. I , ,_.t.~ Jtlnt) ?r2~1 .iC~ 1 ._tl',,, l:tarU An(} t r, , a, rtirJ.tl1f2,9 f.n 4 r ~ 1f , 4'r@r9 rt3Et 9 , a., 1)',E„i, t0 ii 7 s r • 8 d..nd H o i. f "I r~s,.: , ) r:hrt.1l' i21ryin;:rt3rm3,iF?:1 , raV9, Ei,, 1 ,J - ltal,tl,E„ q{' U , }i1 1!iCUrtiCt,• t, 4,- 12 + A. ")9r.`lOltg r i'~,r. (r1J;liEil'~1. ill s„ ';I•, }I. 1,. ahft2,~°1 2 , . t,...Jn i'ri.v~r inl; . i,tidTa9n ~ wef: 921 t, t;22' ; ) r~t. , .,tltt ,A , " _..f, C.;ir!f, !;ftso.l (rrt ,rl!~r r 9Q Lrtt}a F_ , 1219_ r1lid (~11 7 , T.,,, t t. ~ ,,}.r._ .tl,t t,~. + r r , z . x.(i,:e.n / Vl ,1Gn ._..atll(i hr, , t r L}lt, <.11 ~r,J2 1, ( ' , , ..n,,,~eGtian v t l,173Tt tr; ,J, , ,o,.iltta.+ cry ; L? earc;d >ir.(1 mrlslari a, L,1,'3 t;r,f,t9 liri} ,ari..Il1t t .an u},a t ~ }7r[SH11tt2C1 Ci ii; f3 @ ^ r, J , t rt,d. ) rr ri , t . t h unt ,,h+2~rlr, ~ ^ r tr1,.,.,, of .,o r,, , a r. , . .w r o h .1 bcr, : - ; ~ Fdt` 21U ; `r. 6 tat a.. ftg--y1 r r Ltlf1 I1U IEI.i .lint, 1 r,C.a t C,O, r1,n, i x, J „1 { t2•r h r .,,,1 ? 2 ~ • ;)ru s 11f Qu ,l,l m!Itter ° • , t rhfl, oa.. 1-°icrr+:. ;r„^, ~ , a. , s> ~ ,,.tnf. n.lr', }.(~ra;;nn(i , .Il t}19, Cr i .1117G 1! :,'2:. ,i y .tic. t r t lt;r t,; . { t. i,2 , 17 .i 1. n , ~ud Et , ± _ , nr1 Lgt,n;, rlfi.dri ' # 1 ctA 1.ai , tim9 ,.r, .1'.1:1;2 , :,Ei•.r! , : ~ .1 2''",t rM t~' , Fcr the nr3riad Y, },y U€}r2 r s . , } ,,ltif'n~ r); ,r r, Ilf ~ : t„f3r.hf3 rfU,Crr9t; 'let r. 1Cilllnf.r" '1St ~ t .',"F.1.l:,, .C=r,' t12 7' ~ . d t.ut+ n. 11 91,..,)1 , , 1.9tj/ ,hraatr T.,,; . i It _rr ~ r- , .n,., ' I; r ,,,1).,G .Ur } F -r 1 fit'. a * not , , ri.. .y C)2 N ;!',I'} r = , .r .,fitla ~ n , ~ flrid t} , ' f .1 !w. ( ,](,Ut _1. , t., . C•,, 1;}. r2 ;'C : , ' i /,a It,(} 1 tt11: G '`1t1 nr 1 b rrir, ,v r,t, }1 1 tI`„',u,J t0 hg I C1 .,.Y! AhG'rFir ~ati2lt+* nt• • R~ 11.,,naCry .rt711;i nrr 1 ,,,,,2-., u v_ I ft „ . n , ' ~ r, 4.i ,.r,f22 V :,a 1X 9 • n rs , ° i t a:, , t+ r ~ i.,,.. -t,J ~1, ~,..tlari r . y. .,.r.lCt]r10n } 1 „f.l,.C r,, } >t: , 1 r 1''.`; „9 } ) ( rl`h„ri,ir,r. •G,'73...,.:%C ai . l}1tT t t" s ,~Si str: GGi' r N c df...u,• y ' i l M , ~ ,,}FJ'lbr,. , I} , A 3 , „x1 .~ilesrli''C+'F„ , }`1,9r Irl« 2 r ~ O.t Lsi_,L`, j'('S u_ .t., )F,l11'rd brii' , n ,,li1"E. a r, :Jc7rlr,.mant ,1 t r o . } ~ ores' ,ril., !3of+rd 1 , i y },tr. J z, , t.r,r t>.. +t:c r„a r,.~ + • ~12vilarlr, ~^11 .r t n. t,. , r;lNnr, ±nck92 1~.rr t ° ^ i +r , , . .t • 2 : ` ,',Jrll a(`i t!i tiklrt' 1 i ,p 'n r . y.t,,,,)a ,±9 r, rl,~.ir,( r, a:, ~,_!,j r3 I, '1 ~ n .rl,.,• i.!E~rUt3.1'@'; .-yU,U }1 P r,r , lira} I r r r , .t: Cil;l' ,t t}t. r -1 t ; , , .r • . '.,i., , tiara i"ar , ~ • ~ tl } 1,... .r t,L t0 ur "!3 f!.C t,".:_,-, ,..v n , r. ,r,.r{; , . ~ rx S, G-.,1, E~ }.li-,.t '+lu:{'OI'. i+„ r.-) ..Q It9r „ {J ,.t .:.~rU9ut, ,E r : . !.Ci C, i r9L,r1),, „yU C)f a f1 rl(1'JU. , w r: L. t(. i r t}1„ 'i:1 Avor~ue 111 f3 ~ 1~3 J.in,,l~1ht : , t 1,.L~J (,trt.,.':11 1;, ~ n t. rr +,ubd r . }i, )11 ~ . _It,. i,ditf,ll ,1 - l;Ilrl, !1 1i,i4; n s.anlt r, 1 1S1G21 In {rEi T i rn ! t r . ar 'ilili. aJFirlBr +S y , f. C,,..vll 0; i,2' 1,)` ' i .ir„IIL'I'. t;p , ,p 1~ 1i. p {}r3 } @fll .04rn:>}l, 1 ,3 . t iv, ~fT COS <,C713S.,,if31 rit.,U shj , , r-} ~ , • firr.t.l.rtr=='- .r t};.. uw,at6 ~ r ,r. , ) ~t.•..-,t1,, I r2r:19u1, 1 r- •..r . r..7t •..iG trf,~><... ,~,1 i' r. ,tr }i: J,iT. =.11,1 •n r, 1b1'i4, U ' 1 I ~,C,1vrd ' , ; 3 r, I l1~liU iforls Lor 2"11,St; "o a t,,V,~,.. ,Jrna ! )~Ir•a+, ;ri ,'Iitt SIr4»7 `tit r, ? r.. + n ~ ; it t, i, l.lfi , c, , , 1.,, . t ~ 'r r..., 6+ y LU,T118,: tan 4V}l lit fi C, i. c } ' . G t'1'i rT1) %G A:iCHi '},si11` n'' it r. ' , ! _.•alt ..`1., JGPI' }.n,};t,ll r n uL ,,.t( utli ,C ir, ,k? t'r_ r t..(i trCr. J Fyfc'r of G } ! t,J11 , :c.. i arl 0}' , . i!).1,I ,:E)CC, r rt , ' i~~ti,, iG:1ar:1. 1 r,~r 2 ,,2 , n. r• {,a ~ f • ,~,ati IE,'c r,f ,°;t 2 « .li,r,: c ,G a_, m,, 'n , n # • r 1'1Fln, .rl;s trttG tJ.G:I.": lr 1 r, e ,I!'' ~ „tf: i+.,)^ ,:3rd tlb. ,ii; ~i'{,ifi" r, _ o t ,,1V t;0 trim, P.ri 1nV,ltttf;iarl i.l .Ga ,r , (,'f ItA 1 f'; ,'s_'1..'il;f,r~n' flff r,=,,, r ^ : r 1(+ ,f4~, vt! },.:)1(3:.7 Gr ' rtU , ,U ry ~a 1.ussa- llf~1 u.cln , . J'~ r^ Uonvr~Tlt' d ~ .r) t,e r,r '7'29.ru 1 r+ a .:Q'}U!::tts. 1 J T ? U,.' nTl,-1':1„ 'Jr :rr n t• ,d r0 Ci)S'i' :i_1: Ct ry,S9 ):'Ilan(; t„ ~ ,r!I-sut;, , „ ' ' . 1C, tt.'_ilt7' , c ' G:1,]i7r,, ~t- j, rt 1..}, af,ollydil !ia c2 e @ + e, , l o r. - , N , U Lt r`' 1i8 1 _ ' v}lt3.t tnn Ei S' a r i(Jr ..Itr = G: X410 ,L;t'.() y , • r -.u ;r?rl a '==.:t1 P. , ' r ,t :.t n+. _ ~,a.~:1.,,p t; })r; Cr,ICt21 i , t,u ar-$. Silt(;, f,:iP *t" ,i+. i, ' ~'t, } 1)+3E1, e"2-, vsi 1'?lr"s,,r+r Ch?.r,'Qu t'1=,, ' 1G(, r.r11 ~ , , t ti ttr K lrt, ' - , , ~.,xes rem ttnd , or i' E_ 1 Gr rn:; ,Il ')!t^'~° , a.r , , , r w . ry rd ..:.C'• lily" > a. , , ~ (i2 t,}t(1 >e, tll tr3 -7 n r: C7 rl ~ ~1 .t._s. ..la pf'C~,tt,'! U3' u , e1(,It~,2Er, "rr~,rU. }i1:i r!U' ,rt c, ,nt;.L.lr, rltfi.., . .,C_;.~rl,, r Go.,....darcttion' 1Llan ~ vritn Ut} L „I , ' .iT)a,. L"1., r,..,5 I, i .rsr;.- - ! i i. I.Et t lsr Gorv,lli~r,~;5 or r , ' fi,,,,a38.ir,1„I1t;;• Cl.cr ~ 1 G. ~Url P,r` ,,pas, .Ilrl f,:u J , .,;)Irt,,,, (Ir'9rt t `,lty }lfl C4i,~ u ^ - , t~,i.i 1 ter 1- , ~ ,,Irl t~ 1.1..,,, j1,ir17 . rC Ga ~ r a +r .I.,r,.,.-.rat:, t^ tr''~ r•' 1,, r~ 41tnr ,t. C^{ U13r,. ilc,1 .i( j Ud .31JOn 2I1G+.lOn a r.rt. t,„ nl,t,;,{, .,7 b srll"•}it L"t hriJ, r• ; 's t`iaVl; )!111 m:-(iSUrA St'ulfj r r. 1 , r, aI, p, rrl.n:,l.t' ~ G4r , , , :1 j: 9t'C+7t7ri E3 ri r G. ....~'i3'1'r0. rr ,p ..7rt:tl a.h3n t I _..r • l7'rr , 7y' 1 rr,,. il`i P, (i t t a' S n a^' - 11 }rE,1 },nr c - t` ~CI12Lt'P .4 r •t" .,i)I" Ol' 'r . - _'G ,1V3 -,l,r_? .9111,1 G }n [iCr.3 e^a }1U ° ~7 ~ t -l' Jic.S 1 , e :}:y 7 ~ ,S(, .1 . , °l.. i C 1 _ .i'.iCi: 21 1 G_ t' i n n , ^ , llidt =a t, „t 1{.1 I iGu ,.!a ! yrr•~ „ 1 at,u,F.1th0 I, Tr^" ' , ,~.,f..,' r , n r. c. .,.7a L. I-'C+. .111". .4}.. n,r a- 1. ,.GriE:dulN B. , of r):1 Yra+ , , .ii' .1n •.,.o. i':l;,. t,! r ~ ~,.i + a ~ Itr ' f , th9 Ca;2nt r Ta h + d - ..~uil Ut ' • : h%t) 1., .`it.( GIl ifJf) i,• ,1 • . 9 . r,, ar ,(r~ e(- t.t 1, , . }.8 ' ~ Y• Glt . ~t,rnL. aY,?r3 -')t n` r « 7 ~ ~i ftt ,y ' ' ; _ ~ , r ra, .,,larit,t ! Tl(tU tt , f t , ~9.i r A . ,,L)t,.v.J, lTlh r.,'Jld ai' ,>!lw e'`~rj t, N n r r d , - ,.EIU r .t,,~ FI{ 1rI1a+ i!nle,--, -..l, ,t .it`!U,dn- ..L1C?PI(2<} ~!1tS: , E'I ,9r!t ,•rfli _n f',F i'1'C'sI, !,}tf 'a ,'dry r-or 1 Q1>, , ¢ 1;~,,. C. 4. . ll. 11C ,i° '.I'.. fa ' / t t , , ~ ~ r r I ~ t Tf .'t, t^,:)'.1T".tt' 7" r. i, `lry ri1,)t 'll. rent "U UEra T1 7; fi. C'+f'" [ :2 , 1-.1 fig . , I, • • .,.1.IC1E2 "a ~ , at it , t ~ ~ t ~ t.i, !tnC , vlt ,r i-. ~ t l...a ! a. Lfit, .18 i'cr ,3 r~-v r, ,.,1 , 1.:-tti .}it n +:i ,-r f, 1 J .L,.,,Ll~ -~~(.r nI-,. t , e , ~ , c rln.r.,.. a, • . r . , nr., . ar . ,..,i>.rlrsl. a~,ran t'."r2•eug"tr +}.@ s?11~r,19r ,r~ ~ r,, .l,.tr . _ f fOr +,nJ ~ , .1. ~l.2rt.!,,,, , '1 I C t,,On I28P1Gd, YrAS tl IOn 1dat1G11 01' r , . , G reC:2'ISt: a.f i~l t°.. ' f11`';71.7,G;ltt Dll fCr` ^:!;i:7 t;i ra",.1 an,• n 1.• ,r. ,t:Jad1~,3 kellLhr thEtt t}• J. }3t~ 1 ' ( l: tSCCt IllldVr r. 'rk,. , s ,y ,'i t. J,f., _ r, .d ' k. ~ t ;IC1A tl. 2..2.1T27. aTf f} tr `C l i.' tEi. t 3E..,,an t, ,:Ilr1 r ;t• :1 .IUi e T , , b, .lGC ~..tG,i +,u r;,~r!l.~ ,.,r. ° ; ~ . „ r ~ l•} d..S. @QC}1 t}a,. I)V: } ~ " , : , 1 .tf11 c,(} i)Et C h!-'..i rt t: ' _ 1 .`2 . « , C}., 191r r J CJ. ,ai, , , y .:1 t.::.1iJ .rr'37,e , °:+~t'(f ?),r 1 1 ! a al i.• t_ itrit i j ~ I•n 1? "'s11' Cr lU t."5 1" 1.) ri r I tU,l^ I~f i.2„p ~ .1.:9 i,r I'l t. f7 G",ftI1 ,)Oi h ' ),.~G}:, l1CCDlrnt 0 r .'r ! ~-r Fl1... , c"i`1T'd^ )~V" 3 , ,n 7,^, „ , r : .t.`1 s u t l,r.,.yla l ~ , I~Gr 1:,.. C' ~ t. 11 lr`Yi St"irl n.";Ufl rr' ' is ~ , r'i r ' 9t"1UC.1 t{1V1.i1,1ii1 6.rrtU11" i;}lra tW , ()_1711) t}?, ..a.. ,.E, r, t, 0 , p r5, and 111 ~rf192' a. s 1 " 11 ,1 , i , on : nt,10n rt~i°~r c~~r,i„ t trle `tT1:c9:, ai19, eras u2ori . o±; , 1 , ,ol•,_L, } .on c2 ,.r. J:f.J1, :(;cundeti t; ? , t 'i 'r1. rr?;:}:'r (,rll':T;9Ur 1' "lcir!C ~ir "'11t? ,"r'. , r ,73i~t '4,r1- ! P : , , _ atl7, ,tt~i !~4"^ti f ,:(1 :'i.l!'(i, ,.r)htl :,f;i. :.C1 .'.i)[l J~or CJere +'r~ t m`~:~UYI 'ttl 1 r r t I r, -,Cr:it_. I .lit i ',!I t1r x..'i n 1-, .:')r ! i.'/ „n.Cl,ni' u1C',r. ';1 " rr n' ~tJ.J r, rr,r';1;1r) h'•1„ ~ , iuu•, t•r+rr, • i 1 rr ;t r r , r,izr~hnsa'- r fur t I'or it, ',t o. ,''r. I;'•„'rtt } 1!r'•iii L'ar n21 a~,r t:',' t, , _ o s1, - :;w'"r, I~:, .1-!, Cu r;~r;r?, 1'rtl. 'it„,11 1 lu(~(!l':I t! , .l tt ~,lrt*• r , Q ° i :]'Ub ~ L ll'Qtiti1P r ^r,"i.lAt? nfl C!. ( ! i ~ ~ f~ r• a• Or ,1j' a' - ~ (1, , i..•J}JC3" ~ }i i ^''i1 `t;+ , ,1 ,f I; p- ,,i;IU' ')'i% I' i, lnt,ll-' .Info 1 i l(.I Try )+,r:i .r ' i')S;ir}n~'`,' r' r- ,I',. i;t~,f.., fi8$' I'r'.'_"1'1"t'!1~.aC''C ~Tlr- +u'.I+" it}.. ,~t`'Ut; r„(~.'JEfCi 1„i t(, , ,rn r ~ u'it.'.,.,.ti' ~t',.1Pt•„-•s, 1 ' t, . t, ,{1_, 1rtl2. tt;lE~ 11' ''tath@r~:! r :''i lnpy ,;it's., 1„ W1G „tsi1C i',]t}l, "II t. j:fiC f~C)I'.11 t',J 1U.: te,, ,r'I' i r 1' i~t d., t. ' l d 1r1i.S~ ».l t}1C?,Rri1 'rrlifiC2 th9 ~'Ar ,r rnle!'t 1:1V arf1~~ 1,'r! ~ - I".L,,~l}, r ' E6 Qi ~ .L 1,,3, ' i ' ~ 1r ~ ,'1, V, (lt v ".>..,]UI'E*ti0Y1 Ul111N flrl!!' , I 1," :P'n©~',t}10.( 1 ~ ~ to L(,d, I .,P. ,_~~,J.I Ilr)t ~,Y^ T,}L9 f'rl",t.v . ;,11,12(} 'let :fl}.1. 1'r r `'}iri rrit .,Grt I j!r0i791'L~', t:8a1L'1Ar1. ' OWUr.i`r t}19 T f.a, ~ ir;,~ „ {n i r1,n 4er o2 Eif, ,.,,,t, ,,rat o_ } r l„1 , cr t') ,:lr" , ' + :t,. , , t..lk, ; h1,i C;t; tft f'F ~ - G,..., k, 7 _ r. ~ TIr , - rUdUC~!.42f ~?HF.'.~, 7:r Cll:[.. 1„.,t,.,,a i1. .11 )~t,., a. ,.a,tG,t!r tary , „ { n r~ r.! , VrPS 9~Arr'Ar. •F a. r raE,P.,r,,tt.rl.t .,},(i „r.,il.~~ 17r a~~)').I),,r 4rftS cl.t^1 Irp to. th@ Gor,i'ti ~~..~d ~,Ga' ;rw+,;it ~lovrl„- tii !ic''• Ein(1 upon r.!ot:ton of i;r, !;ol<„~P , ,n , i°ce'~`iC,.,,. rt 7. }r. '''Itll ~}1P`h V'-~ r tt, t'. r r fafi rns ar(1Prca Ei.1taT'• seia 'n r a_ .~Y~ a r.- n 190(} 1 r}vf+..t•7d GGSt a!` r';il. ~::>ta1;~, rt'it} t~ r'vrr ,,t'' r;„ ~ + , , ; . e art G. -~}'tn crlc ~ k, . r)c.r,lona .uE:,. r,lE~. .)o ~ , I1 )tad hdme n'ent for• 1':ny vru' , 1 ~ ,11 .:.,~,~rus ~9c zn o S rr;C';1Vfid r"l~ f:.113d 'fiI{ rin•F,r'{' '4' to n m _ r, nartl.llt 1 i:- vG , r liSdd 1n ,d@Ir:(lllstrCt » , r,y.._.t,. G, ,~f}. {Jr .02 i:l't:,,2 11, t1rtP,r #i rlat'On t;J i,ir, €iir t l±n,~-,a. n y , 2 .i- , Y ~u~. ~ r ,o , th., ;f,0().Jr o. } f21 tad fltl~ert or. -n s9Gana, (lens, I,Et, uTron mo~:lan of I}r, 'Ik'n,s}° , r•{;t'j11(lfir; taL.• 1•• }',11.11, Czjtt?r"3'Ja(}e r. . ~ + ~ An a plic t, ~ ; r(l,t~ v ,or ~d'ustletlt o#''t A 1,l . ,}ir 2,,~ ` r {:[,U_, tflx3s l1u8 Ul`; tf.H i)"1 t ' ' 'd 1°. , i, ct ,.an £or 11GEin,,P ~ _ r ar, a} 1J. r7~,. , P. to ^o ~1 `.~9U;^ at v eat2 P r Ar „lf,t b L , rfif3Z8, .,161m1tuEti i2V ui'aJrJr ,'y' ^s ~ :'rr 17E S , _ t, , end(?rs9d 17 ^>?r,,._„ ~ .tr,.s..,r., ,1.,, 5~„H }!i:.;~i.. un r`,cwlc.L of t•I'iA .r f ' ,4rGC *1 , .7,i,. ,Pf tl ,;r. rrEt:}~:, 5@Cantiri(i I),,t {.L)ii'~rR;1 't3 o P, ' ; n ~ y` Llr ,)n mU vXr~Tt I,3 , }iftll ~ f rr r, .o th(± of ~liT,;.t» With II U4°'!I• t;o rl(, t. ; { ' serJlUlpd I)'r 1.1 " , ~ T', 1rf1S•., G2)})r0'v'E'(!. , . d 't i „ "!1rtOt't 0:' ti}IC ~(il_Li.. •t .1 r r i' i, A renuASt of J. , , , t iJ~..,~ J.1Jrti_ .Or i+E irh., rrt ! ,1 L ,Jso,r9n tc shete r~ ~ ~ ' y ~1vE~ i E r,c, f .._ed• '1.2l~rir96t ali lt]llf) t"+.YfiS l:l:A U22 r)ra)ta+-ul lYl del 7 „t ,J.t } lI)t : mot. ,air2:.,.112 . t:, not:hEtvin~ r9Geivfjd ratic „ ry _ • i ~Eta.(~s G a. ~ h. r }.29, WQS (i9C11IIrcf, !};G" i"lIt1UCi, Ei rC tits( US' }i rat t ~ n}: ,j q I _.,,ric .tolicltor .,_tor J • tt;or@ t}tat the ;tarvui2l. ~i' L,B,HarnF, t','ho , ~ r , ' At t}.1, ')C,l.i1'i ~ t' ; •c{ ~1 ,,t.i!18n1v In rU"I+r ~ it , ' n Et • ' .:OGaI }1C., ..€l. Et, „Prl" }1fJ`IlS3(; „E3t.fin Jl,g1C,,!1© )',11'C}lEl^atl irc;l ft 2 s;~a r tt, ..Gr,J.1,.5.,,.on~3r., nusr,d t, > ; ' ~ ! } .c lI Ii °-e . , „ k , • , Jr(;t;,er t. _l ,urie.r 1.11 ~ln ~nsg:lnl; o. :}r ,°)}i}'ltrt Col~t~nn ry 'szrlt th t r. , ~ `'6 t' ai' their !'e_L~ow mf~29ber 21r, La~ii; „ ' t ° r ` ehBl °.rt ' '.ln,t<,n i~r nr.zl; g,~s, rat ~au.tl., Q.~nP~2r~, vrt~.,; ~')°)r•rrred, I1 t,ol@mrgll, epri 1"U a „ • ,xt9n(i to }Ar r;G] uri:c~l r~ d rh9 f emi°l y.' r,, thee. ,their 4c'y r. - ~ - ~}(rcn r~~ticrt, t}ie t)h~errnni: „la;. >r. ~l.oi•ized Rnd •:~re~t9d to bGr i2, ra9 nrra'~f:rrtior. of t: ~ 1.~ •'_r.) H ii i,:(':1 rf!Ot'', i;CUnt1' ,kli.:'9t1;T) ;:y , i, ,.qi r} hp`_p,, „r t; r 1 rt p .n ,ll'tS U,, .i,,,,T,;,6 ,,t) ,tt ~.ir,~.d ,121` 1 ~ l~n of Ftt ~ i ; . , , t. ~ ; t Lr1 l.,1.1, s9C'ind@d 1r' };}2' ^rn,}- ~ e h .1. E„li.Ltr O1tFlY'Rt10i1.,U' .t,e - ,)an. .,1_ls itf-g• ,:_~1 r2, _ . to ~.c.,,,. 4'191 r2 f, ~ ,rU~~ri _ C" Vr1rlC;ig f1N?Elrtment9 C 1,rc ;;Uilnt!', 6ft1Ctr.lE;S f+n!1 Ctr1Hr 1~t+t+IF, Fl dabC4'~'nblEi IiA-i' •a t, ~ ' p rtyment. I ~ ~ n' ` .U1, b9 ~Jr:Sl,t.!~1'19Q:R21C1 , ; ,9~gr.,uri~, Y, th9 I°a;r=ri~j.. , ; 'I Th@ Y~IeGtin~ t}1'3n ^.d,ournedr ; a , - } n rlatlOn, t}1N NO7Y,i tJOtt't. t0 r9VICW tS.,iB"-'.,Brats 011 1Httl;Eifitft.rFl ;ttr'.nf9.,t}ft'', JU110 ltt'1 P3 "+SC _ork. . , r n' r! ll 1. Sh g ,i ` , ) r rid I I - ~^i. : - ,Jlt, ,hOY', !;t<dutLrnt2f . trillan~;tan, I}. C• JIrr:Ei loth .1~~' it Th9 rEl~;ul.~r 4•rfifl}:lv mf~otl° of t}iFJ ita€c*'d trite ' t { , i , ~ ^,er}:~ • S « L rl,..rl ,t,-.U.O~ o c.!.Gck A. ii. - , !i Fr~sert: -iddlsor. }Ie~x~ftt., Gh9~rmnn G(~a, t , , , , 1 ~ • ~ J, :'I"E.$'f., Jf:s. }{fill .r. t; i}F,r'1 N nrr t1J,,..,...t,,all, ,.,!.1, I., i _ . t.ri,r, i. J. Gal., .n. r'11ci ~ ~ rr i :County ~tt:o2•ney i'.,tli"s+}9r },ellpmy. , r i. - .:1P 1-, c, il. - .:i(' Td:l.. t::r1I lr E,c.-:; Elt. `I-r; z. J!J r. : I T I .he me9tint; 4'rns op<Ilicid srath .1•uver by 'i;}lf; 7tr~ve n' ~ . _r,nd 1 . les . lrl .,c,. c :''ns or o. ' ' rat, + . i" - - , M i' n, aCln i,C' i'.'::,:...,., .rf2t,. .r• .~r., ,1FI. . ,;i:,t, '.i)'ui"?', t i~l.1 fll; i rl-. L,. ~ ' s , The rr~nu•-ey- y r ' . t. of" meGtin ai. June tit}1 tG,l • 4v , , : ~~•t, , 9re rett. end l1llrror9d ,..s rr!t.'arfiad. ~ - . ?,LL~n , 1. t,er r, 't, ' ~ a ; ;z ' * (.r .;t.= ~ .,n, ,.,,=rl.. r° :1'. r t2 atl I't. 1r^ ±t. i r ~t '3 ~ , T , .tr, >1,.. it21 1.,,.nl._._.._ ..J-.,E.Ctt +.1 r;, ..r v:„~ t ,.J:« f+° .islC-~.. F rat ,!I'Ct r,.. .:.Ca ..i - ~ t ,.z .,JIJ•.,,I ter, y ~ •;1' , ' . ~ t , x , ,.1;2';.11 • ara119rt r of"tilers ; , I ,r - . ,1 0i 17)1" ar Is:i.i111d F. 1 }1•,:.;1r.L.1f1, ,lt3ftr}i ,G n° ).)^r '`t f e 1 ttt r T tr,i ' r , 1r , 1 . L.; ,fl})27 tan<:., . .i2' r -i:1a, , n - ,Ua2:d rUSt@9 ,rr.'i' 2 -I, iar a 1f, . r;.~ , , , ,,.ate m, . „ , _ - r .1 l , ,91\ v ;JV~, ?7r al , - rata . ..:.i 1 sa'i ,Y ~ f2s}l N.,1.. I:tida T G"r E .:n • 'o- 1 .rt_' ;s ,s!`_,,.. i:'Lf, i_. .._i; ~ lad".s .a.,,,,, t,_ t,alC ~ , f~f' ! . ~:i; t}1~ - ! - . rlal'vti t'I, i ~,a' :{t1I1}.S Crll>3i!11F21 Ii(){;;rR!,Tl +f r13 , > t ~ , i-c« s Jl:t or lsaf.ud Fran 1rr..p,ht.:.ri.L.lfi .,oftc. ! r I- u 1 ..war ~t 4.1(, (1 2. r ~.j y nx.. , , , .h : ~ -i CFt.I ,u+1111 p , , < ~ ' 1 1; „ 3r).ir(' ,,,t , ' t, ,:r: s., ,11S:G.,'ll nlEt,rl .t t .z„t? , it ?e.' i;. 1 . ,1: .u r.' , v 'n•,, 'r' ttr riS ,l I1f;Ui I;tt, 'a` ! . . _ } nC l U. ,Cl _.1., Gt .+,nt:,f,,. , s , r. ; , a.l ~ ..,.t„lu , .}ttLl):,r(r , tar,lc, 11 t2lTI ,(I : , rt. r;n , lit -'tic: ' a< , « t . , . to _"nrtl, tar , v+~. :i.. :-1, i i- -t.y :1., r,i „_tr i, f ,he J'1~4, :oft 2'- . t 3=1 + , _ r 4„ ~ ~ ` , r ~ 9 1u ty ,r a ? 2 t, a_ . r t r + ! . , t .r+, , , lari a_ „ft . ,,Ii JT k )c, 4, ,:1 t t , 1i r. i , , t rd", ~2'e','1 _`L.i aG irl +.f:. . , , ,,:1. I,- .:ISt, ,,1Cilfl. 'lll2_..rr lUr .,G~.., t , } w.., R ,,.(,:Q:' u: ra' t+ ' lirerl~ir S r2', 1:t r, y.T, ,fit. 'l~o•,r; T J- _ - - 'n~ y . ..$-i+.,-.rant.. v}:.. FVq ~t3.~_,: ,,r!,rt rt(,•~ ,r , ..:r. _t.. n „,trllt7 _1,,1,.. s, 1 _..lu ~ .~,..L.L_ .rI11G}1 ,rJt.~,,1 t,.,.,?..ll'_lf,f; !_;tE t. ~ -t,UrTt. T ~]Ti,t'•??r.•:i {lit: , .tl<, SIiIL:iCT15 4!!la 1c' t, ~Vt,'r .,ri, .u11,1 .5~1e U ,r. t. ,-^c ~ 'r,, It_ , 1 E I ,.t' 4. i t l . 0 , irri:. '.1ndCrtatse71~ t }It..;.r a ..ttS rt"s r' ~ , n, r;- « r.L3 .u..... d..(_,1 Q.s .Illy 1. L F i UV t 5 , , . c, z n .,j , lir,d S8J / ~C,d t)y ~,1}J..~C.. ~1 r r, _.,t, _ ~ , 'u, • yr".. i T}i9 (,ai.ll",18`i 1DY •r. ! r , to ':3 4+ ' 192. . ' . }.ll t ;3+? P ~ . , , , ' i., ' , . ' .,1 a. ,11 l,t I)i1 t tat ) r+. ru r c rUe , 1' il; ar . ,,,.ll u17 d ^3 C.Ur: t'C.t fl12ti , ~ 1 r' , 'r ut', ~rl ..G J ] L,.IG'". f}2 .1,' v(, J2':l°'l i1• s r ; : , * y,_, i ir,7i2,Alfll7at ar '1 r.1 a121 , J v } , . t,y ,rfi. ..'ff}!b 1. 1«lan ,Otaed urlfu..nlaU" y 2 ,1 ~ , ! 1, , 2„ •l., ;7 C„ r + u~ 'tP , ~1~ , an' P.Ut._an ax 1 H1 ,,.1 trtlrL~,t(7r l.,I!.} .rt' ...ttltir; ,r 1,2 • ,.Et..; tllkfl f}'r-- , , t'- , t ' , 1;2 !;~E!:.. G, .=J 1 10r ~.)lI, t, _,3 . _.,f, ' OOE)r rrl)t',9t r'~ • +1 • ~ '.t l t,. ` ,r a't , ~er n vt ' . t 1,+? !j111i.t. r{ p.:?. R iT., t„y:..:2..*1, . „ a' , ' C: ,:r _ , . C i . ,.....r ..1,,, 11.)Gr t0 iif_:1tlL P.Gt ua: ~~l 1 t,t. ~,r1 „n., nr,rr • + . • ~ • . „ ~a lt,: € , r_ `1'tl! 'f ,G ~allr 't'r nF' +Y Y _ , l Y- ; . ,11 .,,.1,11. . a, t d, .1, _ t2,r r ~ raC."ed LU!! 1 ,.tC t } 1 +i, " .,,-t ~ b i « • !.rG.t?I1flt , 8tt-.,two. „ ALri R}„r-' e1LC' "n it"i I Lt, ~ , I ...,OIU,;,," 1C.\r:, .2f)€,.--,0'! C(12'.'I)a {;17f'21 i};°"1Fttt81' 1?~}" }i11; iUr~~:i af' !',nn;lirtiiir:ia 2.$11$G , < , i " ' I I!. r 1 i i, jl~ J , , : r y. r , 'n a 7 3 i ~+tJ.ng of Juu~ s?' jl.r ~ 1 t~, (i0r1t,T(+1or~ ' i I ; ' , E, ~ Ttlc Ti1.t~tGi 4'~ ;ilf'. ln..tll ~ } • } f)n , rr+ n 1> ~~•liht Oi til0 GOt:ul." t0 r?ptr i' t T , , ) , t r L'7 t . ,,.r rl rC)S11LS::i[r, V!}10 u""} ^rAta`° GY fl t v a xn.,, .OII, dl1J~' }7Ux, i.t, t r ( , » r , 1C. C.. i)fs i , flu " , : ~ xs • 7 d ~,(,tai}lr t^ri ~ r01 r, r= 4VilZiiiT "'°Lt7r1 " _aa N?t,. Or nl , . b i,. du I r; (r c) , 'r a t+ , V ' ft }i 1.,(r"" )MfC11 •Ii,:b }lj µtli ~ e • F. ,a . ~i'rericrJ r~ur•t. , ~ n i.,,~ 'JZt (GIIJrt.,,;xU::, rt(.:, rCf F 1 a. fie., .t11' (?~ri0t. ;ItJr „ =S'E r e el'r lU i:r t.lif~ (.tlrt4" it°-#' , .:.,elr ,,1 ,r; a. 'i r for opxn~G,l. r r.. - A t • . 11.. r .,;u...x I..rl.l,. R , ,r t : ~.z.l ' 1 1'rIT'. r A '7~ C s ,,r i ,i:r, ,lOcr•r? Y1Ct; 11.1C1 t', • r, . ' . 1, ..jv i, . - rneasu. d„ bt t ,1 ,.e .i r..,l'r ,.l. ,•I `k tl to t, ~ , , t, lIC7 ltar~ltr,r t:C't~`tu(. x u t i' 1.. ,t { , Lr.C. a0t110,gi '''(It11~;~J i,:.-: t•...a 1 L}-'•021 a, +R. , 4Rk,(?rix , tr a.ek" sr;Tr, ~,.C -Y 1flP1 Le T .r„.k rn~ , i ,(rill, 1`,. el 1 , in ] r , ° JPoC1 J10i,1011 0;n },,r t::^.r~ + o 7 , ~.I,C, r.t%OlUled l,~ rS. 1}£(11 ; , i'ztl,_d fvr 5 , , ,ir. .;e t. i~r,•' ,u ~ t .i J. .R }t11V )~}l r,,, r `t5 r" r J 12 ljIC,Y i .a 4.er. -Ct ''r• ,',e+n, :.li(~ se!((y r)`, - , n n r • r l, ovlci~ri , ,J~OJ c ''~t r,.,-,, t,l,,r. s t r Q erxdcn.,a Oi :7,., r+ , •u.r1t :~'3 rdl r j. , n ra r'1.•,' 'i:}'A '.?',"1ri'P, ' 1:. 6 u i ; gxCa( to r9?*r3rP f'''ry •7 C d 1 t,0 :he rrr)t+[lt' 11 ' ' rhllr,.eL '1tl u4rnl. 1'-. ' ~.i „ 1 c,.CP tl) 4 , , f 1. Jt l.i,Or. r•• ''x.6 t0; t I: i; ilu fOtJllld. 'tip nr„ ~r..y ~;1"tY,1,Tr}5 all+} "'+t"!)." r , 1 Gd' 1.' !V I _ x. it ,.,...r.1 t(7 rccP p 9 x, r a. a. t0 awn (ad 1 r. C' SU y 4 .:N'C. 4}19 i,t,n ra E .(tlr"'~.tt , • , " ,.CG,7.1r"",7. ~ p,. .',t i '11n11rPF {if Iilnntxrl~; rid sltltin.. •t ~'~an mowloll i' t 1 tq; N r Oi ,~r. (raI"rliTdl', (1t}";(i`itjNij t= t. + 1 , S~otlr3n r J ?+i?', lrt) `ix} ;ot.rtl n • ~ . . ~ rrtr . l r: rl]frRntrtf'} 'lcld 1?r,~'i( li' 1} ',lr' , l~, h :;*O,)~..,{' • .v inI I ,;rtrt c i_ u s = If?r .tJtr i,,-,iJ~it' ,r..21„H,- `lr''1 0 • r, 7` { t,i. 0. %1 s 9 .t',.{l'.`f,.:'ir1 t) 11 .xrZ41r .r J : , rt`'.,,,r{„ t• „ e , t { - ° J v ,tl t,' It}; 1 }.r t snr} •n, 'r tJ., v J,, j ni z(:,l1i,."."/x,i,9 ,11^k, u , l u,: ,:qu 2 C .r ' ,.,e .r~,ll n ,.:c ,:t(ts, a'v~c+( • ^ .,?(.rt,r, sc,: ..~n:,t' fl'7;e~rt 'r ¢ . t ~ A ~ • I . " U' ' ~ ,il .,,r 1 L.b, ~ ljpon rlr axon ai ~ rl ; r:* ~ . ' ` , tr ''I:r7n ' Jam. t r,r. t Ur.~ k"C (tl'J~.^.ti , ^•r j ~ ...C., (11. ~ ^ - rn , ' I'COIC x7,., f,t,• n :~•2 v u~ ;1rt,I t }r,~,-,t 1Pk ' t f , n • 1,C., r. ..flP - .I. 1. ..r.Cu-~.. tA.,F,ri: 'f r r. . rr rr ~1~• ,ii' n 1,a'a. 1 - .7 .i , 3 [7 ~ u,l vlt, t) tr. t, F ~ , (yr C/A t!.... r -r„ o{ n s. ! : . .l~ .C.: 1V ~-r - n(J~ t;l„e.ix ' r , ~ t., 1011 .,lt(. lIl',t±;t s ul E + , _ c , ~ I _ .9 r{) . Rv f, -t e .rl..rt. u'i.r ' ,•.d fI~ a.. •`7 I 2j~41 , a. cn tr1.;~,f(~I~r ri + , , , r t'ra.,~~.r i. , v,'~' . .1 ,hc 1 7 ,a. !l . 1 r r ? a. t , , , ~ L I V" { ~ t : ~ t < k s J 4 'rc ii • i *t., x(.4.a.u,1 7~e•^, w";r r st(';`t„~. l.r r,7,., }r ( Am3;„• "u<-' t:.': ,C i,,^r Cnrrlo~tP - ,i' v,.,., d. ~i. .-Se'}, ,,l sCirliU r9+:;, " ....1 ,.f^. s^",{' r. - idt -'Ot. 7 x. c , •..,r „ -~1.Oer a 1L. »..,r(flT1 i, y, is r wr., ..r , E~ r .a t ~ . aC I'.1C:11 .t, ~1: , ~ , :tt, f. ,r •1` ~,t, , , c i.v ~i ~ :fi;.t , t.{,• ~ [ t;;,. r, r) f,-.r(; ~xt.{._ a. r i'u ~inx0( .J.G71.YrCt" •a•tr, + c , ~ 7 U„ I~j tiC..a !"ta r(5?II t"` ''y , r,.,.. - a,. 'j i, ••.7"?1<^r.Gr,'.. s: -T ie._ t..}~ t.. ....n" .,r. (:Ulf! ,tt ' n i. ~ ; ~ {014 50Ut: C ° j:+ } ~ u • ' - :L .)1" S r,,)I;I,_ • t1V ~ n . G? Cj1t .a y+# lrr h13GCn {.U i,, ..01: F, x ::,ii• •,..F..: f - +'r, I t t ~ r.. ,r, e.,R .1•A ,:.11 J~ ~ + C ,1, r, ..0117,1 ent d y..y,;, r, ..W . , . } J^ 1 war n ~idrd to tl ~ , . ,t ;.o ,t r~, r.~e,: 1i, , d I`C_,GTr) -`7 L`I r10111141:i' f'0."~^'f+r ,„`.r,, „'il.'.', P.~{jl,, D Ci!', ` l~ 8 C tiOUll~.:' •~lvl.•<°q'ir _iy8t8lit+ l.i„9r _+.Ih y ..4U"i _,,.~,;t .100d~.: I`{' Ij ~ c,, f r" ,r..... 1,x}... Clr+r r •1r1aS ,d5 ( r, ;1 ,rr ()'tI'lr'r ~ ; , 7 • f, hxn~,eci tsu~r t~ r e~ ~,.;C.1 ,r ~e.'.7,IIi = n~-. s .,1~ ..i9 .:1"~, 1... lilt tl1:~f yFAn, n.. Pte ~i OI: tr ' f i. li., , r, r ~ s A ~ r} p 70 • ~rl i it . Ire ~ , i rtr ~ r • . scennried :7y l,r. Colnr~zn;~ ti•r~ . rnrd ~ r. ~ r,-r;,l,lr'ii ~ dacs hnrell 1~;r„ a,lxern R rs r . ~ ~ ..,.r(or,, r Y J s ~ax of sl~a,at~ on r^t.oi_ . ' ~V..e.., [l' t 1 n -i ~ enRrr~tigf~ 1':.C+JYtaC 1: ".ir;'? t 4; r, -r '.)riY',`il J C+r r,, u11 i 1.~ - .•s ~~t , lri CiL•(.f r i " • 'd.•,, n . , ,,,:e,t. rrr ~ .,d.», r, r „u 4. ~C ','.1. r vC•Ii' ( "z r- .r ~ F..L, titl,u!_ CI..d e~ aut}((}rviCt.} f` 7-, r+' ~ ;r; ;.,1 • ..t>t ,a s .,}e) 1tC , . ~ „ ,.7^. {rP::r:;'.r'+i ASE t",'2}J1 tl .'r.SI.Ei„*lr' `a , f1Cji ;~y ,.J(a~~ ^ v A Cpr.1IgU :xCCitiOrt. }?•~d rP ,a g .iYc ,.Jr r I'.•t"r- Ii'. I ..,,,tt;Z;. ~ ~ ' c. 7 ,C9 . . I011 uIJ J. • B. :':101'1,.'. i)1.,.~.r J.C .L!:. Ps a ; r } v : i ;41ar'O th1~ iOaI•d C( •-t. p ..t e ,.,y,_ ~ti P !r. n. I Jual~ l"+n I.;, , e J rJ, ~,.uy; .ss .aYr , y, an , ..eC,. Ir, r r7'1n.S~', `..U `s}5.4fl _(1 r:t~ `r 'a, 7 x,7 ,14'Zi!i: l,. •7 , , a ~ .Un 011..8. ~*1+lllb t,r ' f t L Jtt'. r', 7,:' IAj ~ r . , - ,~~)O .,).4C "tltrG" J, r""{; i•, a.l, ..U , t''1~ L..J Cn 1 «J. 't: .,t a. , I, F, 4.cC; I'lOr2;.:. !%n CJ:). ,S'.lei •J,,. y .I, r,-al' ~0..(Z1 °r`. t' r;>a a, (7 rote +.pi. a.e. :.r.::r . l t + ^ ,.,..J. 1 r it i , 4!!r ti,a rt L ~ i ft 1's` a , t, '-.n ~ . 1 t!, n; 1(` i`e1' m - .-.le '..i~ vuu t a-+O., 1G,.' -C -.o tiv,.a . r,f~ crt',,11ch or~lc~;a.llF; f°to~I, ~ i7~vn uII i;7r 4`, ,.,tl':,'S~"' xri tl'r'.is ftrelit, a:-;' tlncn r-,r,p; „na. " `^E ~~a ~ lf).l :T a ~~s~~ . 4..1. Et I 1.!~:;,,r5 ir.1~`, ItI'.11 Rrl;l - , r t 7 ,a~ ' .OtllGr 1 t ~ i.I, 4 :1: :,r,;) 0:' , * _E r. a' c, ncio 1 Iov1 ~1 r:llur t,le ' ,cr. ~..u~.a. , ' v ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 • %:i rrt,.a_;t G`:; 1,' nr Ar , 2.y rsi,xC3Z1 a : ,e ..t ~'i, s; "15 ta,`JIi ',t: S,u a}i' ~ • ,t rr :'lx''S a17I'la 'ri Cn i 1i""' t nut;s+ ` ~x.>__,,ra for a,Y1 rtat~n: s r .r ` ~nL a nrn erw,. T ~ n, e ~ u•y 7f la G, ^l, ~nl... ~n ):t}..} .~'7r;,r' .4 ,e,, t i J Ft.r Ll~tl rfi t:Ilar['P.d R~'".a.t"t ';t:1 < V , , . ~ `.i t•d " U .1511:}lcii trrt t+3l sill -re'j" Ir.l 1° ''`7 _(s,, ~ ,7.. • ,.rTlr'lcnt-Ill?,. f (c: r,.-Tgn,7 if , :Pi f ca n d xrt uv , . , rr • 8tICd1~ ,xrl[:l 1 ';lit "n 1 ,e~ ' ~;8v • ( , ~ + , ~ 1. 1 ~ l S lap})rOJ-.ll SUJ}t9 t,: ,;1 ~i~ Or71n~.1i ;J 1 s' n; , l ' t :,f'f' 113t!t;Gi1C'lt , ri>,, r e • f , , : i L, ° _ li- 'I , 'r ' ' l .J , ' 1 1 : _ i , : , . I I'. 117 IV^(; ....i..,ti Ael.~•, illl'r rt~. t~ .t ~l t,'~ , , i r -.[E, „Irt~1,. _ar,ltli. 'il (1 - , , J(~C} f 1 r r U ' i;;{ft .421'• ~ y.. ~ ir.. } x 7 lr,oal~lghi;s , r)r t z. ,-nrla rirF7nt u . . ~ , + : LIE, .tJ; 'l,°. ,~k` ::Mir r. t GC k n , , . - C'if Jil" Fi'Ittxl!Ir "'~0 x11 ~:12t`r r' t 1 r ` ,t} s,.. r .,OII ~ t,ol.rti^ 0..-.(.CC;. ..1, t, " 1 , • , , „ r r 0Jl 1110t]:OI 07. 1, 1. .ea1:1, "£TC )lit}nil 0' x.72', (^,tr~,., , I r... .;.I tix" ,t;,. r ~-l ..,Rrt, }7r0.r1"a7,9nE' 'Or t}.^. ill~f•Ci'~f,t?'}'. is 7, ,~,r t'G •y,.+ 'r.s ',s ,C; r' G:, . , tnhphone ~ , , xn u}lEi (;Oti;1t• f't) ~ , 0, 7 ..r9.-.r ~ .eP, Ol'tta'. ~ r 11tt1x5.;x011t3ra 0_ ~ ~+°i} '/E3S GY'1.:. •,v, 1IIC ;71 iild xt. :1C .,7;:';'I' .iCP..'_' In _ 1 1.1 , ' 3 y ~ vr,t mne mctt P f + 6. r~.r,J;°;? .rntl"a , . a. , `i P fi r , t ,C): - t .r abtxaadc~c o~ .,.h , al.. a i }asec.l 4,e !ar1.3 to'11I• 1. , , ,,+.,.I7 ,r t,° ;.nt I. e.:'~,A.,, ~,e .:,.+L :.4 le.. T fl, fi ~ I. , ' .-I: V 1 ri'.~ 1 i- U 1 4 {t., ~.,.r` ).r.I,u " . • , ~ ( ,.1 , .a t" e ; ,i i U.. , a.Z. 'i;5..:j tt t~np. e.5:. , , . l cta rind r? f ,ctrl.t:.,. .~a;! t yfe8 b1 E:.ICI. ,1a5 i»1 CZ r^, , r) t,Il~ Ltr. L,.:SP?.OZlre.r i : U1 I'II' u}ICI Vii: C:i~.x "!ti~'U?" . x i}-CII I;.r~";cOn ~'+'lllid r.~ 1 a' n ~r_r p ~ ~ r tc C•' ~ ' ' k y ,.1..;, ,iCt„i ".`~)r._ W"r0 ft)lliOV~d-1'C,r ,,"d"r,~'"1;70 !":q, r~ e r, , P n ,1, , r ,ra ~ „ uI `..^}I r'dri{; 1~ tnl 1{,',. 7 r. ~ , -r t ;Il"' , r,., „ r T!_. rtoef..n{ ~!rrr xt.,our'acl?. r : ..:rCG cwt. ~.u• T,.f •f t~ + „,-t .'C 1•i' P„( sr ,.(C: e. ,a a r! r~lpr;~, . w . , 7 ; _ , , „ „ n. r, , , , : 1 Wilmington, ?la C., July 1l~th, 1947 , , i , . ' t,t ,,e , , , ; " , r: ~ a regular weekly meeting of the Board was held at'10s00 A. ?6. ~ ~ ' ~ • '~'r ' ~ ` a ° - I, - ~ , ' ' Presen • Addison>Hewlett,Chairman, Geo. W. Trask Jas._Ma Hall Hr R Ga e J a , , rdn r, L, Leman an , County A rney Msraden Bellamy. ..r 7 , ~:a `~'4N ,t 3 r _ _ 1 .IC .rt~:b., :r' r ,:P. 'v Sr".r ~..C;I~ _ i 6? ?'11 ,;fsOl~ ,t0 •,:r ! r., i;!'r('1 r,, i, J ~ ~..su t2 i V1 Pa''I. ~srfa'S....n ,..}a}, t t.l., ,'o~..-, • a '..C(1'~ 1. llri:ltl ,r CPya. •u ~Crc L.~+ . u~.."I(' .,n. r , r t] al , J-1 . L e m u es of 1y 7th, 19 7, were read and approved as recorded. ~ - { , 2~Ir. E. A. Shards of dubon sppeared to anmplain of the water standin ~ h's premises due to recent ; hes' rains and add t o ; c0"-i"' o. ry a,. ' ~{,'i fe+,;,,,ftt'r .,',+i:, ~-,P° '~~'OI'k• !.c Ike. QY i i 'heater turnod into the main. ditch from a ar ai ort and res_dsntial l.. _ .«a . y rP ti ,.r,r,j o.,.,.c . . , , develo ent"in`that area, .Coleman lso b + aint a't':'i.?:'<'. a rought to the`attent of ho Board a similar compl ~ err c: ;.e , ;;cr31.kv' r;PC<} ) 1 , n - P,lt t,. -,,r'i„r ~~ry- + ~ e_ ~ • ,ss pCaa~'V_°r;nPlj.. made by Mrs. Elsie Burke. • „'-;:7:,w „:r ,,,;.Jc;.:. .F+ _ l,r. e-. . . , , !'}.'a cu• Pn {filet ,ir { _ CZ. 6'.~w, - v ~.,a~.. i 1 vU.L t(7's J. The 1947-1918 school Budget in the ante of ~1359E30.00 or ~che ro lar bud et_and ~163,~OO.OG for ~ g t the. su laments b>Id et Makin a to of ~ b$0.0 as resented h ?Sr'. H. lA. Roland and received y , ( arl~ic}tlrnPd, PP rY g g 299, P for study by the `Board. , - , r i VOID. SEE `PAGE 'S75 W ID SLE `PAGE 575 Wilmin ton td. C. Jul , i , , y 7, 19>a7. The re lar gu wsakiy meeting of the Board was. held at 10:00 A. b4. A report,of the Ladies Rest Room C ittESe for the year'"ending une ~jOth, 1917, was received Freaents A _ r ° F ddison Hewlett Chairman, Geo. ti?. 1'ras},,_H. Re_Gardner, 1,. J Coleman and Cn",nty Attorne and f led. Harsden Bellarly. y A repor+. of Conmlunity Hoyp 1 for June was received and file. - ,Them irate: of moetxng of June j0, 191i7, were read'and approvec as recorded. I f ~ r bfr i P i r R• M, Kerman a efts®d to ask-that the Board uae`its influence with the United States, P Distrivt ?'~ginaer to re ort unfavorable nn the a Iication of L.iYa?a*,oore, Trusted et al. ' fora ' P PP peralit tb ' i ~ - dredge approximately 300,000 cubic yards of material in the northern end of Barka Charlnel ant ' f. Upon motion of Trask,- seoonded by 4'. Hall, payment of $102,00.. to ?ir, Fi. Fa1es expensos auoh t i it ' . at ime a proper intake is provxded,in the oausewsy betxeen Barka Cl-,arlne_ and Zfoorefs°Inlet to xnvurred in king oartnin organs from the deaensed,body of Mr.,.: Lehman to the Ff3I Labor ry Psrmit the free passage of water into the area. Nashingt D. G., for anal pi's to determine` he oause of death was authorized. hire Fales was ' Y irate ed to furgish an itercized statemofit of his e' eases tb ether withvouoher recei is cover C tt,, Pon motion of ir!(a Gardner, seconded by Hr. Coleman, the Board deolined,to take il2rthor'aotion`ire the me in the P 0 0 , future.. Mr. Gardner v ed na unless an itemized statemei"rt. oovering the $102. the matter fo en ineerin roblem which the Cor~lissionors arN w furnished at his timo. r the reason thkt is an_ g g P filling to leave , to' the ~udgmant of the Distriot'k~lgineers as to what efJeat the dredging will havo on the ~ ah : ~ Ho rd was au ,r erne,. in that area, a,nd to that. end a representative of this a thnriced and directed to cnn`~e ' y this-cation to the District &n sneer in writin :far his revords. g B lid 1: , l %y ~s r ! ~ P1 P D y. 0 3 .t r t., Oc ULB c. Ct' tt .1P 1; Fl, t:G11fj1tUf3il, ~.i i r , ,r nn " -.T4£~ ~-'fair t T , ~ x ,7 ..tsEl~. r }r f ' !Ui 'ni•,mr,r ~ Jh Oi.' t}lft ~Gl+la'r tCPr)&tr 7' 1. s.. - i ~ r . , , l:~ t, 1'abvttshi , , ~ t. ~ .r ~ , i2.1 ank.: ,on, r11=1 IJ0' , ad Av , ~ 3 j'~}i(r 1J1, ,y fi+ S CJ s, ~ t' ~ 4 l.r'. t.f)d ~ « " yf: i) Pr ~ . , ~ ; t~ iu~ 1, 1~,~ " 1- `iT;r9;,:~47, r,u. a t' +Gr r€try ~C+JS X.,,,It.rrvri + , ~ t)~,t.i.t t+1r 3'VUrIi^.1,1i i7V i;r, „F;:il'(si+C" i.Ur~ { „ fi„ r i4r nDt,, J.t;~ X17 (aS 1Jrar..':i J„ t7Ei5 rC ' • i ~ ~ .-a'ar, .'ar •~'~I'la(i llli }4 r _ ~ Ixz;tf z. ,~ornny ~'ur ul>i;~o• E, r,,,.~r , ~ . , . r • ;rir. o aL'rif,Cn~ J7 ' , mbl.".Ur+"R btfa• 1 tl .,,I!'r •,~J7,Ii1!3 .:1 U: _"11C` c11iCl'tCUy:C'tr` ~ ; ~ a~;r' ( , t,,~,1 . aCFl,t(iS, .'i111f;V 1{q. ~ Jpan l.,at;ic~n or i;r , . , ~,o ~ ,1 ~ C......z~.z,-aect,nrlec3 by I,ir. 1~£;lI t•r t , , , 1 r i ~r ~tati'.t Car '?n.rn~ : r . ,,~..C, r~rl~ i+~t^ ',•rt1:a,,,tL « # , 1 l,: ,.s .t. . .u., tulr fit}+, ^"avltt~J , n ~ • N J P nmw . r, o l,. ,l J.,.l l Ca": ~A ~i ^ ` ,..ta;Jt`. , F'" .:']:dP. qy ,r, a ;tl ' J.,lt ...~1 X,tntlrt fti the CrC;,, - 1, , .o rn,~t~r^ t~1~ racy tl•''.~r t ~t1t~' Aud~t;or ,if td;i t 'iiC n,.., 4„ ~ t~" ~:`.1t~,9 ,a:bl _,i'~„D 1 " PJ (+A ~qA - Cass f..r,U ~,.7 , t , . - . , W , - , l ft r• s c. Chi 1,t ,_,.it" .LC ~(.fi.l J , FF 1 s, ,.;t r: ~~an matian of ~r'r , (rtlr .y r tlrtgr, r '.r,`idt~t~ Pdr. ~Y'~s`k '-i tr a ~ . , 1~17rr'nt1 ilEc r x .;.r{. #1• ,J d., 14;+ _ rant tnt'l fe(7t' ~ derf 'ry[;ttii.Tl 8; {a s t.. , • , • t':,x:? _ ;li, _ A, jr s r,r ~t.1; 1,. .~1 ~ 't1., 4 - w t, t,, U," _ 'tf an 1'lCiti(}ti qn ;;t " 1 r n ,7 r w ~4+i.lt;,', ~ of r„ ttlrt °qri S{' a t ' k rglf ~ } , + , ;C 1G^, t,,` `;},r ,1~*,:7 ,.a d:P. j.; ..J.i tC1 i"'1=, 1. i',?II {,n - ..,n Lr3,.-,, ~'•r~-t1 r, ,;~.c _ r ' , >Jt~.•,'£ E F.slr1' t.i~, + a , i ,frt ~ . E vt1P1 L0 tP i~~ t »-r,t'P'~. ~'~z ir~y' l~t'S ,c i _ - ! f! n r :7t-,; :t1n1CF * io'? -1rCiS rda^i'XCLI "1 Cs,:1 J-Fr i 3, dP. R'~ 4yJ''. .G ;ti S. , ??CdDta~glltl. C;~ 7t?1rP.`_St(3u.G'(1 i' , t~' n ~ ~ „J, u : .uT. f r ; ai ' _F t ,.U ~..r.r rear ~}itt~, kr ti~l` c, i ' cB , a ry I.ttJ+~ ~';;"lt1, Fl~ClC:~ tU tllt `~tAt i t , -.1,} ,J i." t ty ';2''Ps~ tC, i"t{a L.G'v n;. 'i l`,g . ~ ~....'r' a-1'DL~t;,~ ,.~,~1.,'Jq~r SV:7f,Ui?.r r ~'stl`K I~ . , i. sJ 'I qr '.U ~ JT. 4• Q p ~r, ~ aJX'w, u eGrtiec} tw ;r• Cale, ~ , ' , ' dacs hcrely J Plan, ur._ dgnrc~ .i' . iJ + lr1 A 'lice ^ T 7„SS ;tG11Ur~ a t { Y , ns,,..aic of st.t~DU CTi l,.iiC)T=.Jr 'lw.,i~"' Jllztt 1 7 , ,,s,Ctx :tl£~rr:latgo l "art°d 1., ":dP,:; ':i r'1' H t. < -t. r r _ _St~ l~Ji , In aGG:C1r'iAP.t::A "lltt: i^.:;rl 9.5 , „tllt5r _ 'li,P,~ Gy' ' flu h} J h,Cf;; C,. a'! n t,tf'11t'v.{l" e>*~ .,I-, , ' A eglul;:niecltir•n tics€, rae~' f.}1~,"s ;ja~rd a v!illl!'€ ~^fsf; ':'£irl~'~',' r r ..,€,y,+.i,.I~ .'il~j ,_U tr ,+^';`,C;' 'PC( x. ~ ,1 ~ , t ~ r 1 ,,5' ,i, ,..11;~~° flt?!- C;1. DTl ;i + ~1"* i t _ , . , ! ;jtu,>~r)f~ n,..:,.t: ..y.p(i° * y - Ji i.I1J; U •..rit}yyP 1' ,'F11y ' . , , ilP as r ~ ; _ ~ An(l 0,. ).1.:ia J~1~i1TJnl ~i ~tia 17t-"><"`r ttG ~ F711£l.i r+f"r±Ct 1 , .i:u.L 7~it .~,1•it .~!(l'.' ;5~ rt;,,, `,IC:.Lt1.I"^' :.11J' srOs,_.s :iati~ Un 1., ,,,lai..lr.",: 171 `r.}iCtt ft~ 3~ 1 .r i, . Ott ~i;; a t 4. t;}ly „IIH.1r;~.e^ta £1.)13n; ~ r r }•n 3 t s l,I1G,l f"!` ..G+i 1.,,Bt, x c,c) ti 't, r J, 1,,P,.~a1 u s.l''i11'7", ht.ll ftilj l.,b.ta i':1rl;hcr rgtlt"or . ' x .t.:a:.: Utl~;i i .,.,ow gancer:l zn~; `t , , , :az', tl rr'rt'.ICS#,; Uf i.fi".5 t,fhi'I#1 ii r • tl..aQT'V .qr A:r, ritft~;a173nt G r s. 1 f' ~ P ••s r:,_ t'+*;, 1 C.7 t .t:i lil ~clrtr ~ Ci1Ar "PCf 7~of r<a ; ~ ~:;i^ _ ~ , prGpar v~.`3. ~•.~i w. "`lnj~ ,.il ) .,r $C'^ ~-a ,:"r , f.. ~ . , . 1 f3 qil '2't+ ,-n ` , is • U.. iJ X t3. t ~.5 _tlfJ), ~ al•nn -0i. r,C.?•J. ~ ~ Ar,t ..a,t, 7LC3~ L'! r1aV , nP162?t I1Cdr 1, rt 1 lfll:A 1 s7 r r i ' . /~D, 95 #ii) lr'.; Jfl(l 7sa ~tt{;gr1?9~r' 2 al1U, • r,}31Si.,,.. t . 1', 1 ~ , # .L.., ~i31~ , t ~,'i(, Ibr a'c;.laCa'~.~.t ~il~"tr~~: ~ _ u., r,rld>.~t.;inrr. f1GC'llir}lt3 'ur t ~t n ~ trr,i ric_rn l.it t i ~ ft1 i ~ is ql E ti S~. z~' 1,t( i', ~ ~ai ° ~a,'~ ?!~1C,'. .~tl> :'1'tl~'tG.tt~ 7.T1 f%~1p Uta. "ut (;Ot.i11F,,,iC,.'. ~ qt.,n , .«U .riC~s ti' r ~'!)vl, ,'~1C ,.LOi'. r7, L1 f~:l?li}C`r} ? _ " , / i{r (il).~C.,F4ii JJrq'rlilgTl`, ' Ur f;li.. 1Tlu~' r" f' , 1. m t' Ci tF.~:: J., a. _~1 1 . ,s.'Jrz:.rP tcln~hgnc itl ±i?~-Colblty i ' ,0111111tsS1g119r.5' q :'lt'.1 Y!£3S Gl',1°.. •"c stli.xi7':i?!i ,7. ~l'.." . 7""t ' ? •r , ~ 1:tCl _ ia. .s,~ 'fhc mttttrx acx q" t11P 5 ~ r 4 _ , : 1 1)B:C.Jl q ;.f1n'~l fU i:2'• t 1"'C:4a ;'.._~.,.l.;s .r,~:i.`Jtk °''`+.~r''!C7r :,v.^' _ . umr a . „ lh•'-qu~c and ';he hreacll {a~ s r~l~rr-il t,t, 1.rt3 au..ss~oners .',,r l~Ir•..t1gr a:rtti•c:rf;x~,t, ....J .;.an Cvtili r , P ? •rn • r;• i,, ~ , 11 , 1, .!q^. L.?;r. to c ' 1#:'rq nj)prq'r~t: i't,•' pa=~ a. r _ _ i , , T;h 1~,cctih~• tl,P~1 £~d{;ourn~t?. _ Prilmington, tl. C., July` 11th, 197• , ! e regular xeokl meetin of the Board was held t " Y ~ a 1Or00 A. ~d. Presen Addison Hewlett Chairnan, Geo. Pf• Trask, des. M.'Hall, H, R. Gardner, L.J leman end r. I ~ , , - , . County A rney Marsden :Bellamy. _ E „ - , _ _ ~ ~ - The .minutes of ly 7th,'191}7, were ;read ead approved as .recorded. _ P - , . , , .t,,,, - - Mr. E. A. Shands of dubon a eared to aom lain o£ 'the water standin t hwa rem se 'du to recent PP P i s heelvy mane and additio water turned into the resin ditch from a r a' ort and residential - -.=n' development in that aroa. .Coleman also brou ht to the:attent" of +,he Hoard a similar complaint" , t? .made by Mrs. Elsie Burke. , The 1947.1918 Sohool Bud et in the ants of ~ l` _ 80.00 or the re la bud et and lb' OO.DO fcr g '6 55,9 r g ~ 5,7. , the supplementary::budget, makin a to of g $299,680.0 ns resented b lir. H. ld, Roland, -and reeeived ' . `t °i P Y for study by ,the Board. ~ j E €i , ~ , f - '?Yl ink u ' WID. SEE RAGE _57rt ,VOID SEE PAGE 575.... m= 1, ~ : - ~ , ;loam: we.~ help: e¢ IO:00 ' _nu re~aia. waerk. ma,.x~.t~ c_ t.t. r r eX. J• Cgleruu anc Cent:' Attorne1° A r ort of .the. Ladies Rest Room C ittoe for the year"ondin• e 0th I was received :'resent; ~ddsa:: ha~v~.Yt~ t%ta:lrtavst~ GNtr. r1- Tra,~l., Garen ~P • g 3 . 19 }7, and files. ' _ i14t?.rsda- holart} , ar aztµ ae ,rgvocs as racarde~> ~ A repot+. of Conmunity Fiosp 1 for June was received.. and. filed... 'fee mitluteY q` Tfi6~T7~1}; o" ul~ue ~C~ Illy were re .I' ` us~= its inf`?uanoa vtiti tht~ Unto:: S~.ts€ Distract . f li. Iiaralo;: app€iKre~ ' th ~.sk t>a • the err r , : ~ r. Dare Tru tee .~,t 4 a as ~q .Ru 'J t, 1r,1•.p iat' t',, ?)Fft Yi.4b W3 Fxigiri9~r to report unfavorabltr or tn;< unnz~catxor 'I ' ~ atal'zpl ir_ thcJ aiarthar., on,} e~':Basll:s Channam iXltti~ I grad e ' ap roxmatoi~r 300 ~0~:~ curl~,c ys~rde o. m bet~vee 'denks Ct°.enne-'_ anr't 2dc~re f s In1at to Upon motion of .Trask,. seconded by''4•. Ha11, payment of X102,00 to Mr. H. h;, Fales expenses sue}°t time a ~Jropar infix.~:e i5 p~•o~LaeD iz. the o~.u e ~ incurred in king pertain organs from the d©aeased bpd of Mrs..Ishman to tho ~I Labor ry at Kermit the free ease e of water %n~ t;ite,~z°ea~ E Y , p g Nashingt D. C; fore-anal ~1`s: to determine` the cause of, death was author sed.- Mr. Fr~1es was ~ ~ etl tq felt t ~ sotic:z iz. Y i the Fa~rc nao..in ho• instr ed ,to f ± . r ~ e*• seoozsded by uol~.~ ur,ish an`ite>z..zad atatemarit of his :expenses tb ether with vrntoher reoez is cever Upon mo.in~, a. ~ . , ~ ' ~ cl: the Commissionora ~rt:''illinr t~ ~ P . t is.c~+~ en~i,~eer~'~G prob~.emwhi the' me ~n the futures Mr. Gardner v ed no unless an itenized stntomezri oovarin the $102.0 0 . tX1e YuaCtar fcr tXZ€+ reason the t th~° drad i.°X* ~rril .:have on .the t g ~ ' o Dictr3.o~ ryEiraaer~ as to xhat efSec E b furnished at this tir.>,e. leave tq trte utl ~ln ~e_ o; ~cn ~ tativa:o~ thinloerd leas authorized and direata~ + ~ nhatlnAk iti .thaw ar"or;, a.,fid tc teat end a rapresen .y . , ~ . 4 ~ ;:,,f,:zAi~eer ,in writing for his raoords. ` tG DQ~~d~ UnS~ V.L~rd -t'i.~~~ .11~ Hr'~.£~ J - P } - ; ~ _ ' _ ` ,1 ~ 7 ~ ~ ~~j i } eetixig of July 7th, 191r"r ' ca ,y ? ntirtued E ~ tr Wilmi,n tan N g , C.; July 11{th, 1947. Upon motia n of }dr..Cardn ~ ~ _ w er, seconded b The regular vreakl;r msoting of he Board. y ~'r, l~aak, I.ir.' Gilbort Smith i, as hold at 10.100 A, M, , - 194 pall taxes aolleoted b ras r g ranted a refund of y garnishment acaount of bein• Jnnuary lst, lq1 . ~ 6 anon-reeid ant of this County_ Presents Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo. }I, Trask Jab, ld .Fall H R. Gardner L.J.Colvman and County Attorney T4iaraden Bellsmy,, A bfd race a ived from }•1r. Jerr y A. Jones to rearrange li tin ~ at and spoaifioatione not ~ 6 Le ion Stud + 9 Ong :"lees m g curt as er s t The minu,~e6 of mvvtirr of JuI nI aterial, for the sum of ~#1 21 . P ke ,oh g Y 7th, 191i7, wgro road ~ttd approved ae roo ~ including transformer . ardod. W7~ • G `r 9 50, IJARABaa k v olar f G 5 , Makin}, a dotal of X2,1 .gip" t'y matvrigl, youatlon of the bid w t ~ 44 ,eras held in abe c a i h 1dr. Jones, Y'~ p pending 1dr. E. A, 5h nds of Audubon appeared to co 1a r ~ in Of the Crates heavy rains ertd additional water turned in r standing an his proi.~ieea due to recent to the maim ditch Applioationa f fro a or liasrtaea to sell beer 4t loaat m nvatUy airport and'rasidvntial developmAnt in 'that area, b}r,' Coleinvn also bt•ou ht"to t b }dreg H ions on the he a Y P Batton, C. YV, -Fr' blkt ket Stroet Rond sub J; ttt3ntian a similar ca . laint> m e e m ss'Elsao B fl a ad b dare and J.H,Turnor, re ootivel~ Sttsd ldi ark n Cherry.Avvnuo. Y 'and execution and endorsed b $P y, the safe bein y the Shoriff, vaAre upon motion of ~ ~ due form dlr. Trask a Idr. 'Gard pproved~ nvr, avoondo ~1 ~r d by The lghi7 _q1~B sahaol budgot in .the amounts of ~l 80 I~} a t r _ bud st ma 3,7 for. the au leer n a ~ 35,y .OO for;thv re~tlar budget and $16 00.00 a A report of ahe Bureau of PP Y E , king a total of „~2gq,(780,00_vras- resented b blr Identification-for. Jung to ether yr reaflived £or'study with the County+s general bud et P Y H..!, Roland, and year ending June 30 l x g ith ari annual r a g 947, ere received°and filed. sp rt for the fisonl Itpon...motion of }M. Gardner asoan e f Are art. ddb }dr. Trask Y , paymont to R. T, Pin};ston Spooisl Deptl , p of the colored 1{OmA Agana fore June wk Federal Point trnmsh ~"Y i demonstrations eras a roe s received artd payment of ip, 1'or eleven dayssorviae in-lieu of vaoatian for time ^ PP ad, ~•G5 artialesu~ed of .the date..fix d mndo aster hs a iration - in e by the Board to furnish such services,_xas a roved ~ pp ,and services extended through fE Labor Day. ~ A bill;,for' lO2 $ .00 au}emitted b Idr. H. E ' Pore oases Y . Fales; Officer in oher e isi xP incurred in the tranripartation of o g oP the i3uroau of Identificatio It on motion of l~(r, Garda rgaxts taken from thg deoeased bod of n P er. socondvd by Hr+ Trask, the foregoing action aftor much d sc , Le1',man, delivered to oho Technio ors i ass b w ~ al lobo Y ..The !r i n ith roaia l . lawr9ncv Kurv, was rescinded.. D, C.,;for a,toxioolo story of the Federal Bureau of Identifioat gioal examination to dotermino the caua ion at ~Yashington, seconded b Idr a of death C rrae Y oleman, approved for payment- sub act ` ~ upon motion of Mr+' Trask Upan motiatr of_Ilr, Gardner seaonde ld roae+~pta covering the items o ~ t0 }dr• Fales furnishin ro er v , d by r. Ball, .the Board then authorized the a vat o a ' (..expenditures g P p ouches and }~ir, R. T, P kat P Ytt f a lacyto j proporly itemised. pay in on through ,fitly 15th, and authorized the v to c disenterment and reee + .lm+mt of 0 vmsnt of a „ e ' ~ ntermont, for au„opsy,.the;body of Ides:-Thee g Dnv 5e to b ~5 .OO to_R.J.Pollsrd Kurfl Beach area-throe h Labor + p aiel Officer for the ~ ,June 18th, 1 1' rrG. r aid hl. -Lelu~n` ~ . , p m er let, 1847, 9or. s .approved. im Oshdale_Csmatsry i A report of ahe Ladios Rest Room-Co,~~itt ~ ao for the year.: ending June 30, 1947,. was roaeived and filed. A statemAnt v+ae received from th ~ e State Baard of;Pub~ A reUOrt ar; a _ia vlfaro sheering that 420,159.7 urea ~ Cocvnun;ty }}ospital for June was received end filed. to ..this County by the-Department for th ; e month.... 5 .sent .Children and for Administrat of June, for Old Age Assistance, Aid to_L' ',~f~ ion, opendent upon motion of bir. Gardner ssaond d I c , e by ir+ Hnl1, it urea o. dared that ,,pocial 0lficers furnished b _ ' Y the County to supplement polic9 servioes e.t Csrolina, rlri~htavilly and Rurs Benc UPon motion of Idr`. Gardnv r, hss r, seoanded b `Id by certified y , r. Coleman; Col. H, l,, Bo by the. Sheriff and ro s 1 R. the County in an oral ar yd was requested to represent p p r y deputized bvfarv Antaring upon their duties, ~ gumont before the .Civil Aeronautiae support of ei air. route bettrven lYi Baard if, lrashzrrgton TuesdRy, July 8th, in, imin tan . ' Rio g ? hmand, Ylashin};ton and Baltimore, upon motion of llr, Trask, seconded by l~r. r?gll, pavement of X10?+00 to }(r..li, E+ Fa s ~ s for expenses incurred in asking oertain organs from the deceased hods of Ifre. upon motion oP Mr. Col Lvhtnart to he FB b, • amen, seconded b }d I La gyratory at y r. Trask, and irr acaordanaA,xith house Bi11 }Jo Ylas%,ingtan, ,D; C„ for analysis to' daterinine the. oquse of death era Session of the' General As 751{ 1 s authorized. IIr, Fa ssmbly, fixed the fees £or re 'lar u 947 lea was gq ~ rora at x.00 or da and; instructed to furnish an itemized statement of his a erases to sthe 'w' and Spooial Veniremon at .Q0 P Y, Tales Jurors ' xP g r ith vouoher raQei ts'co p eating per day for aotual services rendervd.as of July let 1 l such expenses in the-future. lit. Gardner votsd,no as to the, a 947 p ymsnt of the present expanses .-nless ~ itamicod. A.petition of 32 residontc on ~ Plai a road leading froma point on the Garolina Beach Rost rtatian Club, to the River Road::.(, Barnette Boulevard to d?~ust east of the 1j or. motion of include staid road P Idr,-~olemsn in the Ca,cnty Road System , seeonded by Mr. Hall; t}re Lagian StAdium Cornmittev eras authorized to for State I•(aintenanoe, was .upon motion of }dr, Cardne ~i r, seoonded by r. Colernfln, referred to the State negotiate with I,Ir. Jerry A Jones concerning hie bid for the erection .and raarran in li fits at Highway f: A,blia Yrorks Cosmiission for g _g g i its oonaideration. Le ion Stadium w g and ith po,ver to ..act. IIr.:Trask voted no, not willing-to mnko"'any great expenditure far im ravotnents to ahe 11 htin `at t Upon motion of }~Ir, Gardrter,r seconded•b .}dr. Tra , P g g his time. riot listed anal Y ak, IG(r, Edward G. }/ells was grcntsd an abatement of I p ty charged against property in ..block X32 for the ear 1 IJo ob ea Y 94b to other with.-taxes on ~ Lions were. indicated by the Boardto n request of the Tide /'!star Pourer Company fore vrmit a valuation of $1},290.00 personal nroperfy and all nacount of ~ g P ' P doubly c tad a barge, personal property and poll r dge material From a basin in Middle Sound, on the vrest side of the Inland evatervroy, about half rasa listed regular vrith his real estate in`blook #~3b,.and the poll. and personal ro,orty for tho revioua mile northeast of Pa es Creek. year was.. brought forwarded. by the:'offioe and char ed°~rith real es P ~ P g He; thought all'his r art w' B tats in block 32 as not listed. p_ °P y as included on his list. A:~notion' offered by },fr. C.olenrcui ao deny the u ' upon motion. of Mr. Trask seconded b fir. Coleman ermission was' r to req eat ? Y + P g an d the Mate Patrol to o~saupy failedof a aeoand. }dr. Coleman noted no, feelin the-obll tior. t property was on the'-list. g ga was on the tax payer to see thee all hie hs offioss new occupied by-the Bureau of 2dsntifioation when the Bureau of Idvntifioation moves its quarters to the City Hall. l?pon motion of }dr. Trask e s conded by }dr. Coleman, George.Dudley,,colored,..Yfilrrin~ton Tovmshi sus ranted h P, g an abatement of fazes on a valuation oP $750.00, stook of oods g in a sma.ll_stand listed by:-his .son for ~ -An application for lioense'ta sell beer at a location an the Carolina Bsaah Road-submitted b 1 ; X1;000.00 in :error fore the year 1911Ci. ; Y Randlesan C. Hataheh, tho same being itr due form. and exeoutaon and endorsed by the Sheriff, eras on motion of ldr. Coleman,' ranted. ~ The followin ood a _ ~ g g g n .lawful. men were drawn to servo ae furors in the Su Drier Court for the t iai-of P r oriminal eases for one-week beginning }donday, July 21st,: 1 7: ~ 94 :Upon motion. of LIr. Hull, seconded by Idt•. Coleman,County bills Ilos. 2351 to 2551 vrsrs"`approved for ' payment, ' R. H. WilliAms, B.R.}dusaelwhite E.C.Adama. R.K.Klander. S,S.Earle. ; Geo. T. Svrain. A.B.Colesrutri. ~ , ' J.L.Vihite. B.I.Jdorris. i J,}1.Fields+ The mestin ahsn ad ourned, g ~ , ' JL.}demory. 4Yalter Godwin. T.B.bla ill. Charles , ~ g Bedsole• S,);,Elka. YV. F, .Pepper. Samuel Scharr, ' Eu eras 13 a ~ g . 1 ckwaod. Stone C• Pullian. G.E.Farrow, Clerk. A.E.Kure. G.H131ggs., 'Riley'D. Smith. J.C.Sh A V S B.Gornto. W P Came ~'P• ..with. ton. .M.Johnson. Geo.IdoFarland. C.FaYorrsll YJilmirlgton, IJ. G„ July 2lst h )4.. ~ , Thos,l.Piner. L.J.DeVana Y7.T,Kraft;Jr, A.lY.Sidbur Jr. R.S.)iEoKeithan. R.M.Roberts r- Y, Pleasant Batson.: .Marburg. Jas,YY,Fountain. C,A.Stockert. The rs lar week/ mavtin -of tho Board eras hold at lO:Cta A, Id. Jake Moskoxits. ~ Y g C,EOrr. A.C,Re olds. yn J.D.Snow. 'G.Ja9}rilden. i Chas.Y~t.YYri ht. P.H.Gr ' ' , g ~Y _C.T.Clsmmons. W.J.liollis. B.F~.Adams, f ~ W.C Col Present: _Addison Hewlett chairman, Gvo. P!. Trask, Jas, J.i. Hall, H. R. Gar<Inar, L. J. r;olvnan and i, 1 e. O.L.Ylalton, L,O,Goodyear. Fred H. Orrell. J,L.Avor tte, County Attorno~ }darsdsn Bo~lam3, ~ Anthony:T. Owen. H.E.Canady. K.P~A'instead. E.B.Porter, Yl,L.Burkheimer. R,Y.Lennon. T. D. Pinar. R, T. Eddin s,Jr. J,RThomae. L. g E. YT. Lewis. Tha meetin eras envd vrtth raver by thEr'Reverarul Ii. Y!. Glazser, astor Thv Church of th E g °P P P e Good . , Shvphord. I .The. meeting. then ad,journsd, ' ' Th + , o Jul 11}th, 194?, were rAad aztd a roved as rsaorc}ec Clerk. a mine .ea of msstinb f y PP _i, f- A ro ues u chase a arcs/ of land, part of County Horw pro er on +,ho Catatls Havns I 9 t to p r P p tY road,for ' ~ business ur Dees was u on motion of lit, Gardner,,;secondsd by L1r. Coleman, taken under considerat' P P , P ion. , I' ~ 11 beer at locations Sva ate and S b „,'~f APPlioations for licvn~es to sa ^ g oa rsezv, eu;rnittsd by t~,A,P.rowtt and . da J.G,Freonian, respar,tivvly, the sane b©ing in u Farm and execution and srdoraeil by the Sheriff, were ~ji ! ' i u o .Gardner svcandod by hlr Colemr,n, approved. ~I, p n motion of R(r , ,i ; ~ 'J on motion of tv~. Trask, seoondsd by Idr, Colcr!Ari, Mr, C. R, 1.}ores, Tax Collector, eras ranted an P ash accoant from :5300,(~O to 4500,00 ao enable him to meot t}e ~fE " inaraase in his patty c inoreased jury ~ fees from 2.OU to ~4+00, per'daY. ii 'L 1'~' I ~ s ~ . f,~ s~ - r%` ~ f J + '*4 ~i~. ~ ~ + 47 1 , , I Meetin of Jul of ,Jul ?1st ~ g y 21st, 191t1? continued. pasting y 19l.~7, aontinued. F i ~ A request of Eli A}', Leonard for ;,orractian and'. ro z;t' on hie 1nt SVr~? in"bloc t P P aradit ha ivon fa ` IYhereas • during that g r taxes ha has ~ irw a. most. satisfactor• raord' a i ono ~ k ~ ,which was ohnrged in error ~ Paid y in ti an of -effort-in- lavr snforae or person, was uponmotior; of a. and crad.,tsd to the IdYI~? ,a { - been vrorkod out b®tsvaan the utate'Patrol and mont has, fr, Hall, secoadad b ~ ~ wzrol b t , local ~fficars the C4an Aud Y 11r. Gardn Y t ` t hay o the: end the ~r ' ar, reforred to tha'C die ric s boon greatly banefltad; and t both ~he state and this itor to malts. the correction and wi hai E th povrar to nr;t, grid f. p~ the follovrin~ re ueet 'olhoraaa, in an re ,p elation o~ the aorvices rendered our 1 ;fit, q we.s received from the Ilevr Hanover` Ca , oc ~ unty hoard of }education': g a g , we have ' Ivan our every roonaration for nl off_asrs .and the, public enerall+~ cauttnuat.on of this servioe, 0~'i'ica heat ~ , ' To- Th© Board of County Corsnicsi.on has bean furnished the Ca flan o • , and p, f the Patr al, Heat 1 light' ' era,. I}aw Hano•rsr aoun i h Sargeanl; and his roan,-alJ without char ' g, and offices havA been fur•nishad the },e. A svperate t~+t:~ldrn ~ Froras The Board of Education Vrilmin tcn fqr *u}re Drivers P bean provided b the g Licer,ss Ds artmant Y City of ~ ar !~f Vlilmin tan..}I P , td at-t~ racFnt r7oetit r new uArtsri} ir. the co~rr•t hbure builclin har3 r r tg a_ the Cot>n ~E>~ 6 .C.,' ,1u.y lt;t}, 19li7, q bs ty Cor~rtissioners, # 'Gentleman light anal janl.tor 3ervics w~ * , + g en a~sip}rad the ,~ort;eant nod' his men vrith } oho ~ , a ar}q = artd teat, , Ili In accordance with I° a ; the alactian-far operation and ma t a fhorass, zt ha,. .)rfatl hrauc;};± to thy r+ttsnton + in ,c,nanoa of 'Juno of who c,ount•• Cut miss Hanover County the B i r r ° oard of Education res a Ca1J.ege for Ifaw pin=iLility that bhe, head. uert~,rs o~'f , r lpnsr., that thura is n q ice,. lr ro +p~ cf th 'to le t ~ p atfully re uosta' th P a T ~ vy ha earn of ~ ive cants q a P,oard of Coun Vr~lmi.rr ~+on rind locntsd at }''a* stteville. .s.to P5 „r c., may bH rcrvad from ` (5~) on fihe `hundred dellar ,1 tJ' Carronissionsr,s Y find ' support of the Juno ~ 00.00) .valuation ' i r College. for. aid in the ~ , ~I , a.saa• w b , , o al in re it vr~.l I nut bs to the best interest of S . ; the t<.ta,- th,.s d}strict or Reepea+fully submitted corxrainity to diacantinua ,the offices here John T. Ifor;gard Chairma , n, • Thorofare, Be It ?~,cealvsd b;~ ~,;;a L'oa rd of County Cac2~r~ssa~s»ers ez' ?Io.r Ha.na~~er C t.,, ii pan motion of ter. Gardner, ssoordad b Ir~•, hall re~.;lr+r meetir,• a;;sembled ~ auu. in Y the fo 6 6 ,}Gig 21,, r , ra},oin}; request vrae granted. + ,-a , t, dH, cf °ulY, 1~l~7, that v}~a ==ro;ar L'?,xte 1~u+li itrt,..1 .,a w,.e their- .r,fluance in t,ppas:+:.an ta' a:~i ~ TMr?t-~ I or;,tz es be . y cr..ent thn ~ }la@ A copy of Q oor;mtunioation wri r barn , F + _tten to 1,r•, VI,D.I~a a tc, ra:~t~.we the hsa ~ . o: r,ny, tr z aorta atsd C ig, Cha;irrnan of the Cotuntnit , dc}uar„c,rs office, ~rcop ~}s' of thrr ut,z1; ; , ~ ` I~.r,; ; Gear a P. Harr s v Has a } atr r 6 i of the office o pitaa Hce,rd al Fran, ~fo;r }I~.nave~ , f Direotor of Hosp,tal and Orphan "ection~ + , trom ry . 'r~ ment, Chnr7.otta II. C. of ~ha D . I; , ,advising that a delaywillbe occasions Pko xndovr- rrr; meeting t}7en ad odrnad. of Community.Hos ital...:far b d ~n making report of thes ~ P , a out.'vreaks, urvey ~ ~ , i C1crL. ~i Upon motion of 1,1r. Colensn, ascended b t+b'•. G' Y ardnor, the Board o.pprovod for pavrnant ; 10.C Dr. I. C, Long,. Superintan~iant of Stat ~ U to z# a lcoapital, .Goldsboro., td. C., for feeafor txo for. making .mental.. ezanrinntio hvsiciarrs n of John }Jawlark a+, P . ?dew York said exar a , P cant transferred from Pil};rim State Hoe its _ , nin tzon being. mods in Golr}sl,or P 1, Y,ilm~n tan l}. G J i ~ ,7 o,N.C., in lieu of traft, ortin a+,a g u..1 ~Oth' ].9l°~ Vtilmin'ton for a SP _ant - ex rainatiort and conmritmant, re,c~,rrand®d b~ ~ G P to r J tho Clerk of tho „ ar o '!'hs ra a_ar week v 3 , uP i r Court, _ E 1, mf s~~n,, of the Hoard n,31d at 1C:'10 A. ?d. , .~<< A cammurrica ion from J , . S. Szr:>rnons, prossnted by Ir -Coleman, vrith favorebi ry` - . • , o recoruaendai;ions, Prassnt: P.,id~.son Hvrvls,.t ~h,~irr~,n, crac. ',r,-- Trask' .Jas. I+1 ' conoarning the establishment of a: weights srrd measures at nn ea , .:call,.. Ii.:;.Grirdriar I:, J .j timatod rost „ + , , Coleman and was upon motion of J~fr, Gardner seaandvd b ? ; of ,'?,Er,000.00 par yenr, County At ..o. nay bir,rsdan .riallar~}~, , dr.' Hal ref Y err ad to a ;jaini,; mastzrr}; of the C;.tv and r',f County for consid©ration, after a motior. , • to deny. the request offered by ?.1r, Trask, failed-of request for an adiustmen* r a , seaand, „ o. n C~~ a ~ afore of 191,2 tri,cas ohargsd ti};raznst flora Parish in b ' 1 r9qusstsd by ?!r. 0. n; ~ } lock rr`"13 . arw,ut, was upon notion o. ,•Ir, Garrlrter,: ssconriad b • Lir r to the Count•,~ A.ttorne • far o inton.. y .,oleme.n, r•afarrad `Uprm motirm of ?«1r, Gardner, seconded by hSr, Coleman the f 5 P departure of Colonel Bev , ollowinr, resolution raspoetlxig the arly C. snow, was ado tad: P U otr motion of llr, T a ~ , th r s.;, saranrlad, ,ay r. t,alam~n, the-hoard a};rosd to lnatall drain i s°ui d e read at Audtrban Sor I,tr.' u,A.Sh~nds if h w' P P i or ti1lik;REAS, Colonel Bevorl C, Snort was asa e l Y igned to the Wilmington 1)istrzat Gorp of Enginaors, i 1 iurnis)r tho ,p~pr; and plane soma on the ' rernisas. U, S. Army, in Ilovvmbar 1 ! 6 `D. P 9 t as istrict Engineer iri rhargo, of said I)istraet at l(ilminuton• and r ~ , , . sq rsbt of the lYrl};}itsvzllo ?~vach Chramber of C ~mr;orce for a contribution f,t for their advertisin 1'IID;1?k;AS, during his tour of service, Colonel Snare was at n.d was raceivod Poe consderr.tion. g all times diligent in performance _of his duties,; and nlws~ ~s :courteous and h r , ' J elpful to the cit~,zans o~ Vfz,lma.n};ton, }doer Hanover County,.. 0 an mot' nra„ , , an the people generally of ;this section, and };ova freal of his' time P ~.an of IJu•, G.. .~r, secanrlod by ?..r. Galeman, the T3cnrd voted to tal Y to all matters contributin +};A . ze tndor consideration tothe devolopmant of the Port of }'dilmington, and to the enhancin of the g matter o. school building mn~ntenance in further cirnsideration of .the sc g hest possible ptablic by the ?taard of Education. haul budget requested rslationa bstweon the people of t~tis area and the Gavarnmeut•' ana tiVI~REAS the C Uoon motion of ifa•. ac A , onmissioners have learned that Colonel Snow is leavin _ths Vtilmin7ton r' t i<t 7`r ,k, s.candad by ~r•. Colonusn, the County Auditor eras autho • g c, J1s ri the,191.~6-1;~l~j, school: bud et sufficien t rizecl to increase -to takA up other dtrti9s under his new ass gtunant and the Cors~ission© g t o meet government raeei is ae out . ra daszrs to hereby express and ?dr. J.' A. Orrell. P P lined by _tha County. Auditor heir appreciation of the services he rendered wh e fir. Gardner votad,no, feelin t}ts amount- it bore and their regrot that ha zs barng re uast g ~ qua~tion should bo shown in transfarrsd;- q by the Board of 1Jdttcation, end placed in the records.. Ara uost of ?,1r', J ii 9 P. aRtbn to 1©asa four. or five acres a • Now, .herafora, Be it Resolved h the Board of Cot>nt C c f la + Y y ot-anls„lorers or ?Iew Hano wr County,. is~ Coy nd on the t,astle Ifayrra Road from the ' ' maa.,in assembled Chia 21st day o J mty for o en air theatre wa^. u an moti g Y P uly, 19!}7„as fellrnvs, A p on reforr ed to the carnittea i'or invNStigation, ,I 4' i l That th Upon motion of 19r, Gardrr r ` deco C r a Commissioners of i w a ndad b fir, o_eman a• le Hanover County;sinceroly,appreciate tho hi h uaLit~ of the ? Y , P ,rlnant of ~~,2f>B.U3 which ®uuls a ~ I g , q J def fait of _ 6 ` h~ ~ q h if of the services rendered by Colonel •,now while he served as I)zstrict t,n*iuaer rt'rdilmin ton ~ ,5.37•-+ incurrod by Coru7unity.Ho,,pital for the year. ondin June `D and , a b E twelfth of the the ' 20 OrX? OO a ro riat'on !Z ~ ~ ~1,~4•~.6, qne ~ and the results accom lashed durin his said taur• and the C ~ r~ sense wt _pp p i for-191}7-191~£S after deductin }e_. . .P g or~missionars expe.lenee a G tt dafr.ait, was approvod. ; , of loss resilting from the saveranca of the helpful and pleasant relation vrith him,-The Carrmias ones Up an motion of };fr. Gardner seconded b-• j~n•. Trask I. ~ , i r , .express the ha e that ha mav'ba re-asst nod to duth th d tract a an , y , 1r'~ . _ Tabitha }cutnf f w P g in zs ~s p as granted r+n abe.tsnrant , -of X15.23 rot listed anal for 19l~6, on'21.95'acres of land Nt completion of tho ;vork to which he is rove assi~zed, P g rl n } a + . P tY' . S rxn er forns , J i 1 rna ,t to;vnship no;v included in new City limits, which wGS not ,determined at the ti~rta of list• • art},. (2) That thisresolution ba made apart of the minutag of the County cf Ilaw Hanover ' tr on motion of ?~1r, Gardner, soconded h fir. Trash the Stets Hi •hvrav. a and that a co ba furnished to Colonel Snow and a co to p Y P fro P t.s roes: 1 ~ S r ~ Y PY p f, HC_ard_,hariffs officers wore granted thQ use of the room under the Shoriffs offica,ixi she base , nowt, far r+taraation purpossa. .The. Annual renort.of Assoaiatod Charities for 19!}<rlc!' vas r ~ tl aceivsd and filed, r ~ A report or the Grand Jurv for the July term was racoivad and fi led. h., upon motion of Lir. Gardner, Count bills Hos. 2r 2 to 2 anc y 5 .~5 575 1 Hos. 1 to ~2 inelu.iva rero , , I i A request of the Hoe.rd of Alderman of _,Yri};htsvlle Boaeh that ~15,cJ00.00 _bs, ma ~ da available .ar oros~:on assistanas for protection and restoration of property at the Bench, eras recoivnd for considaratio I approved,for payment. n d } further study and preparation of tho budget. uring , ` ; h, A .request for adjustment o!' tho back taxes due on the ro art ' of S;}, o' _ ~ P P Y ,L itin, block ~5, purohasod from iY.D.Colwell, and 19. I, hfiller f~1a aarss ox land Myrtle Grcwa Sound uroha p sad from Geo, A. Biddle + was referred to the Corm7ittae with power to eat. Upon motion of fir. Garaner ;1r. R. B. Pa a ores authorized to sot for this Bonrd in such mai;tars L.:, g r-;~ that are neaessnry, to secure ithe early operation of the .radio bearnat Bluathsnthal Airport, And 11 further requosted to contaot the Vdar Assets Board in rR'ard to deedin the a ort to the County, ITpon motion of I:'a•. Gardner, sdcondad by r. }}all, the Chnirr~n and any raarubsrs .of the Board ;vha L g irp ~ can f and ` and ascertain, if possibla, when we mays a oct this. to ba done end to than and vrs su: set ha it conroniant, were zuthorized to attend the meeting ofthe State'Aar,ociatior, of Count Coc.niss xP , CC Y loners seoure the assistance of Con f sssmart Clark' in br' t t ss:ul at Asheville August 11th and 12th.. k,,., dr' ar gin},-tease me~ttars to an early and sucae conclusion, Upon motion, duly seconded, the foll'owin resolution was- unanimatrsl ~ ad fade g b aP Vdheroas, the headquarters. office, Trao 'B' of the North Carolina 5tata'Patral .has r b P , een located in t}s City of Vdilmingtan, and li k ~ j , ~ ~ 1~ ' _ 1 ~i 1^ `f f i ` Meeting' of July 2let, 1 1' Hestia of Jul 21st 1 1. ao 9 continued. G Y 9 t7, ntinued. I1 i A rg ue q st of Elijrd1 Leonard for „orreation and praput' arodit ba ~i.van far: taxe on hie fat SV1~ in black b 'wh - 4Yhereae;' during what time a o hs has n nosh satiafaator ~ roard' a r ~ 3 , ich was char m t gsn in error and craditbd tot paid y, ion o~ effort irr Iaw en~oraement has anotherporson, was u an`maticr" he.Itll~ o bean vrorked-out batrveen the Stets pat r , has P , of }.Sr, Hall,' seoondod b k ? rrnol by raj anti loaal o~ficers to tl:e end that both. the btate and this' u th 1dr e County Auditor to make he cnrroction Y Cmrdnar, r~,farrsd `to the Ch . ' district` have' bean greatly benefited) end ; .d this ~s~ and with power to gat, ` arrrtan acrd ' I The follovrinr • Pfiareas, in appraciatian e_" ha sarvires rendered-o• o ; • 6 request wan received fran tits-lJevr Hanover Ca ~ ar 1 cal off.aers and the ublic enerallu' 3; unty Fioard .af f~~duee;tian• vre have iven of P $ g ar every coapHration fora cantinu~tzon ai' this service. D~'fica, heat, and light " To• The Board of Cou rally, ght ~ ntY Caruniadi.onara, ltsw Hrano•rar; Braun , has been furnished tre Caption of the Patrol. Heat, light ~rtd officsa °havQ hean'ftunis}:9d t}:e ~ -Ssr gent and his men• al] tv t ; 8 i ~outcharl,e. A separate buald..ng nRS..bssn;provided by the City of ' Fran; -The Aoard'oF Education Yfilmin~tcn far th ; f e e Driv~,ra L_car.sa 1~apartmant, arid. at e recent-ryeeting of t}ca Gocurty Cor~rrissioners, ' Ylilmington,lJ.C., ,1u1~ 11 J )tr, 191;7, new quarters izr the co~r•t house building has been assigned ,the Sergeant .rind }ri^ mon with }coat oners , Gentlomon , light and janitor sarviwe, w'.zhaut c:,argai end , t, i P' -In accordance vrith the " a, . , y ' , , election far. operation ar~d maintsnauca o 4ltters s, it has uaen hrat,c,,'t:. to a,he attar~tion of thn Gaunty Lcrrraisszaner^ that thc3rs is' a Han aver County the H f Junior Co. , Ei . , card of Education re page for }le,r -passibility that` the head uar{,;+rs orifice 7 f ~r` ` i r speotfully requocts the }',oard of Cou:r q , rap ,L of the .atq pa ire. rrnr as r~atied from to levy the. sum of ..°ive cants ty Cornias e 4"Jilmlri ±:an Ord located a s 4t: , (5~) on +.he .hundred dollar • 1Gt) ion ra t k,aya w.aville, and support of the .GU~ valuation f .Junior .College., or aid. in the ,i 4T}rar aaa; we `believe it .will act ba tot + • , he bHSt in ,crest of the ~ v.te, th;.s :l~ ,r fief or .~j R + corcrraini to distant ; i,, espec.fully submitted tY inae the ofti,ess,}.ere Johrt T. Hol;}•ard Chairx~tn ` TharoforP, Da It Resolved by tlta Bar?rd` ~ r , • of Co ,nty Commissaanars of tlevr I,o.navar Cauu+.y in Upon motion of I?s. Gar• h dnor, sacnnded by i,,~, Ball,... the fora a n r? ~ roguler n.)eetmb assembled this 21st,- drt• of Juh 1 1~ that the ~ "ra+ t , g _ , G quart tree rants J J, 9 7, t raNar 5 . ~a Au rharaa, ea be ~ d, ur;;ed to ;:sa their ir,fluenca in a nasitian to an • r.,r,ce~uont that-ha P, y s boon or rray bainstigat~d 7 A ..copy of a 'corumxnication written to P's, . Y1 D ' to re^rave ±he " a ~ r . .rdeCaig, Chairman of the Corvn:nit ` ; ^ , ~ na dquar„era offaca, Prvnp I3 of the ~tHta' petrel irarn'Hox }ianover Court ldr,( George P, Harris of tiiN offia Y l.o.,Pita.~ beard' _ b e of Director of Hospital and Orphan Sections o ~ from ,,R{ meat, Charlotte I f the ~i , I• C., advising that a delay will be occasio . l:ui,® Endavr- The rraoting then ad ourned. of Communi nod ~n rnakin • rh ort o ~ . ty Hospital, for about•''weoks, b P f the survey.. " let li' U. / Clrsrl:. I~~ ~ Upon motiotr of LIr. Co - lensn, seconded by Idr. Gardner, ,the board' o. } rov d' - 8 Dry I. C I P o for E:vmsnt Long, 5uperinten~cent of Stets Iiospftal Goldsboro P . , '31U.CU to for malan II. far'fessfor• tx • g. mental. examination of John ilewl:irk, pationt transferred ° Physicians I. 1Tew York ( esid examination bein made • rom Pilgrim State hospital, Ytilningtan, I1 C,, July 2~th, 19tr7 l~` ' 'Fr.il E; fn Goldsboro,H.C., itr lieu of trait ortin i mington for exarainatior, and canmritraent, rscomrtonded b~ ~ g Pat-ant to J the Glark of the arior C fihe ra ajar weakly mnetin of the }iaard t~ras ' + , uP ourt• g . 6 held av 1C,GO A. li. .0. communication from J S Sirsaons, presented by b1r. Coleman vrith r - , „ ; , , favorable recormianda+;icns T'resant: Acida.snn I{axla„t ,,hrtirrvan Uvo, ,T, T a' a- r, ` conasrning tho astablishnant of R w ~ , ra ,t, J M. hall, h..t..,ardnar i.. J. Coleman and eihhts artd measures at an ©stimated cost of ~b UUG,GU , was upon ,motion of J?r G , per gar Co!uttJ Atto.•-nay b;tcrsden Bellamy. L,. ardner, sseondad by I6r. Ha.a, referred to a 'Dint ~ :,.y ' o County for consideration, after a motion to den J naetanl, a1' the C..~y and y the request offorarl lrr l,~r: ~•ssk, failod of a A;raquest for a.r ad,just•aant of an itan-of 19112 taxes charred a•~ririst Ifior~ ,,a iph r~• second, I~( 6 C; r in hluak r7~ e requested by llr., G, Burgvr%n urge upon matiort of ;Ir. Gardner, seconded by J<~•.' Coleman rafarr d l~ . , Upor. matiori of ?rir. Gardner seconded b• b` ~ to the Ca±rntf Attarnay for opirian, , J ~r. Coleman, the Following resolution respecting the -red departure of Colonel Aever r ly C. snow, was adapted: o ~ - tJpan motion n. L,r. jrr+s,c, sea:iniisd by ?,rr. Gcleman, the board al;rsod to install drain pipe under the read at Audubon for: Ifr, EA.Shands if he will furnis}r the i a Rrrd an r ar 4'fIi]!;Rc;AS Colonel Beverly C. Snow was assn ed to the PI` t • • P P pl e soma on t.re remises. rpa ilming.on 1)i.strict Garp ai ~,nginaors,` P U, S,, Army, -in ?Tovvmhar ' 1 16 as Dist • ises. , 9 ~ , rict hngineer izr rhargo of said District at i'lilmin ton. end .A" ra , s „ , g , qra t of the:4~r~.J;I-itsvilla doach C}iambar of C~~mmoraa for: a contribution for their gdvsrtisin fund was raceivod for consideration, g Y~REAS, during his tour of service Co land .,norr was at all times diligent in p9rformance ing of his duties, and alwa ~s courts a ` , . , , y _ ous nd helpful to ..the. cit~,zens of 4Jilmi.ngton, Iratr Hanover Count Ti on rrat'n 'A un r ° . , end he eo le enarall Y, P i n of Mr•. G .r ,..e:,, saconr~ad b hlr, .Coleman tea Boa . P P g y of this section, .and=gave freely of his time to all matte s c n+ i + Y , rd voted to {.alra under consideration Lon tot r c...r_bu..,ng •he matter a!' sahcol buildin mainten s + , he development of the port of Ydlmington, and to the enhancin -of the hest os g one in fur~her consideration of the school budget requested ' G p sibls public h+ the 'ioard of Education. ;1 relations between the ao le of this ar n sted Ik P P as nd t11a .Government; and ~ Uaan motion o 1 . f ?r. Trask, s.,,,o.tded by ?fir. Coleman, the County Auditor urge authorized to increase IYI}EREAS, the Corvnissionsrs have learned that Colonel Snow is laasin~ the YVilmin ton llistrict : • + g the 1y1+6-1,a~7 scnaal budget sufficient to .meat. government recei is ae outlined b to take up other dutiesurider his new assignment; and the Commissiane P y the Count ,Auditor: rs desire. to harabv a rase Y ?se Luditor xP and ldr, J. A. Grrall. I.Ir, Gardner voted no, feeling the amount in quostion should_be shown in their.. sppreciatian of the services'he rendered rvhile'he re .and theirregr©t that he is being request by the Board of Education, and.." laced in''the rseo• $ transferred; P rds. N w m R re oast of },1r. J, P. ~aYrton n lease four or f'v a ~ o .herefare, Be it Resolved b the Board ~ q i e .area of land on the Castle ha e y of Crnrrrty_Corvnis,,iorers of claw Henovcr County, in yn )'toad from the county for:. opera air_tl,gatra, wze.^ upon motiom'reforred to the carmiittee meeting assercbled this 21st day of Jul ` 1' 1 as f`or invests at ?m the Y, a }2, follawsr _ g ion. • P nd,d _f~r. oleman a• ~ U an motion of _Jah•. Gardner aeco P b C . (1) That. the Commissioners of idsw Hanover County sincerol a ~ raciata the hi h ualat~ of the: ? Y P ,rtnent o. 33,26Q.$3 vrhich equals half of the Y 1 P. ~ q J deficit 'of gb,5~7.h7 inaurrad b Corimunity Hos ital .for the ^oar a o ' the °'I services rendered by Coloral Snow while he served as D'st c ~ ~ Y P y nding Jtula SG, and `~1,391~...6 one ~ i ri t Lnl,iue,er at rJilmington, twelfth of the the ~2t) ~J'~J,GC'a ro riation for 1 -1 1 , one and the results accom fished d / PP P 947. ~ ~ after dPductin the deficit w s a p wring his said tour; and the Cozvnissianers experience a sense G , a FProvod. ,rovod. of lase resifting from the severance' of the het ful and leasant relation vrith him. Th9 a , r ~ P P Upon motion of,Jalr, Gardner sseondad h•, l~ir. Trask' }.fir:,, -Tab t y i ha Hutnff was ranted en abatement ,,orunisaioners axpre~s the hope, that he may ba re-assignad'ta duth in this district upon 0. ~ g ` co letion' of the work tow ' of .15.2 ,.ot fisted penalty for 191~b,' on 21,95 acres of land Pt, S rin er formerl t`ilr Ha ` t+ t mP hich hs is row assihmed. S me ,atvnship mont .t township _ .low included in new City 'units which vvas not determined a ,.3 ~ , t the tyre of liuting. I (2) That this resolution be made a part of the minutes ^ ^ r r o. t}ra Caun e. how Hanova. r ~ Upon; motion of }~ir•. Gardner, sseondad by b9r. Trasr:, the State Hi •hvra • patrol ~ r and that a ec,py bo furnished to Colonel snow and a copy to' t},e press. t, _y , AHC and ~heriffa, officers were granted the use of the room under the Shoris'fs offica,in the. basem©rit,:.for recreation.. officers purposes. poses.' ~ 2'ha Annual report of Associated Clinrities for 1g1;G-19147 urea received and clad. '1 A r art of the Grand Jur for t}re July term was received and fil 8 y e, f I` ITpon motion of lr: Gardner Count ~ bills llos. 2r to , c ~ y J52 2575. rutd' ltos. 1 to ~2 inclta,iva raro A request of the Boe.rd of .:Alderman of ~Jr.r~;htsvil~e Beach that ~la,OUG.GU be made availab le for orosi.on ~~I assistance for rotoct:J:aii and restoration of ro ar rat the Beach urge ` P P P ~ received for consideration Burin orosior, approved for paymont. fort ~ g her study and preparation of the budget, I tion during ~7 - Ara west for ad'ustment of the back taxes due on the ro ar of S r; ' ~;~i, 9 ,1 P P tY .,..Lapin, block X25„purchased from x sed from ~ W.D.Colwall, and Yfi, I. Millar 1; 3/~} aorea of land ~~yrtle ~Travo 5oimd purohaasdfrom ;Geo. A. Biddle E,! was referred to the Corm~ittea tivith power to act.. ' addle, ` Upon motion of J1r. Carensr, llr. R. B, Pa e urge authorized to act fo such mai;ters I g r this Board in that are necessar to secure ltiha e rl d Y, a y operatiar, of the radiobearryat Hlusthsnthal Airport, An upon motion of ldt•, Gardner, sseondad by Iir. Hall, the Chnirn~n and any iiambers of +.}ca Board w • ' a can find (i~ further requested to cantaot the Vlar Assets Board in rQgard to deedin the Ai ort to the County, o S ho .can find G rP it convenient, ware authorized to attend the meeting o, the fate Aar~ociatior. of County `Cocmissioners and ascertain, if ossible when we ma• e oct th - at h© ;stoners g,. P xp is to bs Bono, and to that and vra sugge f at Asheville. Augustllth and 12th, G?; secure the assistance of Con~ressrnan Clark 1n bringing these matters to an early and sucaass~al conclusion' py ; i.' ~~1 'Upon motion, duly seeandad, the followin resolution was unanimousl ~ ado tads i 1i,~ g y P 1 Ylhareau, the,. headquarters. offios, Tr,>op B of the ldorth Carolina State Petrol, ha.e 1~;h ,~;1; b9em located in the City rof Vrilmington, and f. E, c j; s !i~ r xs._..._,~ _ , - ~ Ityating of A.c, st L;th, 19117.. continued, Meeting of July.2at A rv uvst of ha 191+7 cont'.nuad. 4 F. J, Garner for 579 i ahatymvnt a ' Princess Flace purohe'svd fr • t' not listvc} pena],tyr char yd a I, nm_T.D.In-rani K gainet let 13 iir b . motion ran , L ttarch ll~ lql , , lock 16, ted. : It ,thz.nk~,rz • th , 4 S J € env hacl ?~evn 1lstvd,was a on 16, The fallowing:good-nnd 1a A request of Mrs. D p wiul men were, drawn to s©rve ea urors in Sryan for abntvment of t of D. H. B ha not ' Civil cases for the ~ t}r© Su~Q ar 1 r~ t upon i i one week term. be r I rior (,sort for the trial ~ z ar, prc,party in :blacks 1 1 l.tvd penalty chttr•ged a'~tinst th l,inning August 11th, 191. of < ear l 93, 11 1 ~ , 6 v heirs 17 Y 91~, was upon motion of-I,i ~ 5 , 7 Lara..ina }'lace ar;d_lat`?n h; r, 1'raak, seconded b • }dr r hervrond for the r J.T.Brown, Jr,` Y(m.}'.}iolmvs. Y }.all era ntyd. Y(. R, Eakins. J, 'T. Cr~rr•o ?r A. 2,~urraY• - ' L,V(.Shivar. J.}1.Holme ,Jna. R. 4filmot. L.Y(.Y( att ..---~--_r, y , . s. i A S DRaivr. . , . Kink. Aunts. J,Y~.Raate A ' ~ fi.B.Cre , Y .L.Pryar. 4Y, 1I ig~ ,r arch Jas y . 2.{uora. itact fv .Apron-Rubin, vs r .L.Coley~ } .S.Vaughn. Y!. A, Mur T.`vY.Da r rett Alex }3radshavr, F Yt ine. .Geo. T. Armstrong, Jaa, E. Fisher` 66 ~ .Svlden, J.Hum h 8 E.D,Robinson. L D. I31nke, p rot's, 1, _Stvrling,S. Shoe. L.G,~ Jnq+ R. She ord.` ~ mith. 1d,}g.Sellyrs. r P H.F.Farrow, Jr, ~ anc L. P. as. ~ 1 falad. r~ ~ H• R. H3.nson, Albert S. Zamp. '+'(,A.hicDonal R.S;Tilderi, C, D yr • d arc . IA is. C. N. Malt B.L.Yroodall. on, 1(.~?.~rtith~ Richard Sisao , R.F.tivier. }',R.Prid on. J n. tin g 1. Aravrn. 1r'.B,Mct(vl. g held Friday, • . A,K.b4ePherson. ,J.2}.Sher r~, B.M.SOott. , P I''.A,Kzn . J~;;, - ~ the otitc g H. Tillman.. A.F;,7ells. ~ ono of Y, YY.J.}Cowa1L , f ~ cvivut , k~ , , A recess was then to . P; kyn snit ~ it ~:OO o'clock"P.}4,,this dace , il~ Pursuant to reaess taken at 12:1 the H t; j........ 1 aBrd met at 3:00 P.it. All members cos y p vnt, j _ , ' After due notice Navin b g aen ,.given by advortisvnzynt the Hoard np roved`. t}:e sa pro arty in `b ~i•'~ P le cf C P lock ~51i3, ,,rf;, lot 5, to Jam©s ]irrn. Everette itY county .awned ~ ~ "Y at and f or• ' }ty s r the hi• hdst'hi.dder um cf ,j20 .00 ~ he tieing ` g and the Chairman and he ~1vr}: of the Hoard. erorv uutharized Arid d the deed of convvyaacv to the said drty i.euted to execs 1 a to p n byhalf of the County°. , _ ~ Thv County Auditor re ortvd that ~ _ i would ra uire a b . . q 7 ~ plus five aunts ta:e rata, makin a tote ' _ _ , 72:.3 cents on the one hu s 1 Et' of - ndrvd dollar, v..tluation o1' property necessary cr rai5a'the rno ~ ' ` the 1 ! 1 t ..bud et ~te re ras®rit , 9~7- 9 and roc J ed P in ~ • K , orrmrended that a tax rata of .7rjp/ be made. . , } F. Upon motion, duly seconded the scho of supplemental bud et eras a II~~ that t g PPravad as presented with the ~ I, ha C rive ommisaioners agree to provide only e~,rh money as is roQuc~d h, th P o P J y 20 , tax rate.. , , and bac~ , h axas.and no m~ra. - Thv school regular btzdy;at was appz~o~~ed for`i'12c OU . t , 0.00, e..d school su lrz - PP mint ,Ri at $1n3:700,00, or so much thereof as by 20 ~ _ ~ lavJ wiz ....,produce. ti on mot , p ion, duly seconded, it was ordered that ,10.00 - ~ ~ ~ - , per monthinoreasv in salaries be allaveyd all ' `regularcountyymployees as of .July 1st 141 . 17, if such inorvasa can be made available out of a 7~~tax -a ~ ' . te, - upon motion of tdr. Hall. seconded Zr b x. Gardner a r ~ Y acoas eras then takr~n until 10:00 o'clcck A 1 ' t~ednesda Jul .0th l t . , f _ ~ .r L 1 - - 11 1 = ~ Clerk. , _ - , an, lI. Ju1,c ~0~h, ht~;. H , , Pursuant to recess token ~?u1 28th Y :..:19117, thu }ianrd met ,at 10:00 r P . lu. , Presents b.rlriisan Hewlett Chairman Gvo, 'r(, Trns ~ . k, Jas, t_, Ball, H. R. Gardrzar anal L,J.Cn?yr~z<in, - h`er'. C, 'F. "With Cauntv P.ad~t~r and farmer Cou - nt, F.~.dx.nr lr, J, A. -Urrell ware e.Fiut s.n~l nd~ricd pr , the Iloard that tha'?ltl?-191 budget estimates ca. , ~i, • . b ~l toy mat nit of a ,75y, .tax-.rate bIr lzsiu(; ~jl,OttOOq of ' ` general: fund rvserv9, "hereupon }dry Tra.^;}; riovvd to rarcltsidar the h > . t ~ 1tdLet and reduce the al,prnprah~z:.as ~ : ~ , ~ eu.ficient to conic; u~.',thin a ,75~ tb:x rate vrlthaut the aid of reserve l'izncle '~i a is mo,,..an w5., .econt,vd by ~ . . _ t..r, oleman. ~ , C A suppl ement not. cn eras then offered by „lr, l[all, and socorided l>v a • , 3 r. G r dttar tlit~ t pcr ~ , , . ; 19 7-19 budget be ~pprnvvd as prsented and that thy lyi~/ tox rrtte ba fixHd at . on the. one _ 75;a , }nmdrvd dollars valuation of prof}vrty and X2.00 ozt nach poll reco>9a~ndad b t}ta ~'ount~rAudtor ;an,'. . ~ _ 3 draw an thy geraral fund reserve noceasary.ta mnke up the deficit to balance the bud•vt. Tho fnr;,-oin•~ _ _ , _ - , L ~ ' supplement motion offered by };fr. Ilsll vres pdoptvd`on the ai'i'irmativv vote a£ l+tr. Hall }1r. Gardner and the Chairman, }fir, Trask and h~•. Culrman vote ~ • + , d no.-, Utron motion of ?x. Hall srrcandad bu Ia .Gar ` . , , r drier i was resolved by, the ~oArd of County Carunassionvrs of 11ew Hanover Count • - ' y .that .the fallorrin~ tar, levies ; and assessments upon all taxably ro ort in 1(evr lian6ver• Cnu ,r P P Y ,nty , t or the ;,ar~r 19117, as y,rasar .,vad and , authorized by the Gv;ryral and Spacial Acts of the legislature ta'bv as fallows's . , . ~ T ~ r^` ~rL DATA_ ~n .t Lr, T .LI l A TTAC}H, iEi T D ;:..I , , The Countyra 1~~11`j-19u~ budgat;estiraatys'showin thti emoun+. of e ensa for t}:© Cot g xp tnty Govorruzvnt, _ its activities and institut~.ans, .was ilhon motion of Itr. Hall, sycondad by }IIr•, Grirdnnr, orr}er•ad laced iri the ' P ! hands of the Clerk for public inspection fora cried of twenty da~~s andin l;hv ado, • i P c P G F ti n ai the j ~ _ Apprnpraition Resolution at a regular meyting to b~'hvld bt4ndav, Au ntst 2rth 1 1 A11otm rt+s for ~ , ..917. d ~ • Airport, Librarlas and Legion 5taclium to be paid out of the profits received fror, the tRC si:oras. 'i si ' I ~ The meeting them ad otirned, ~ ~ ~ erl.. v> > , Yfilmirt~tan, 2(. C„ Au ntat 11th, r1c;1,1 , • 7 f ' Tha re tzlar weykl myeting of the t3eard eras held at 10eQ0 o'clock A,}-!. . S Y 9~ s Pryaent:. Addison Hewlett Chairman, Gea. rY. Trask,` Jas. Hall, }'.,R•Gardner, L.J.Colemar. and } f ~ Gount~~'Attornav },xaradAn Bellar.~y. l~f r y, _ The meetin ~ tivas o ened with ra er ti the Ryverend Gu 6 P P Y Y y D. l,toory, pester of „outhsidrr Da mist Church, i;,r~ I ; . Bu grin for an abet . v 5 A request of }fir.' K. 0. rl, am nt of the bar,}e taxes duo by 1(ora }arish, bloc}: 77 for ~ t~Y; ~ rl~ the year 19112,, was upon-motion of 1rx. Ha11, seaondvd b~ t,ir. Gardner, dyclined era a in'on of .the..' P w~~ Cousi Attorne , ty y , U on motion of ?rx. Gru•dner seconded b 1,}r. '11•ask C. R. }ro ae r•tisa _ P , Y , . r ,Tax Co.lactor, was instruated to edvs thy ag1.16 unpaid tpxes for sale `in accordance frith the la':r,` to take pl:"ce ors the First }4nndav in 5aptember 9117 ~ A motion offered b ter. Trask, acrd aecanclvd b fur. titsll to ut the =for •t. Y Y P 1 r~ {,..,,,.stem into effect in ~ _ r., the'''rYalfare De artment failed to r.arr an the' ne •ativy note of hr: Gardner a ! n r3 P Y L nd I,r. Co.~eraan, a..d y ,I; further consideration of tlta ma~.tyr tray postponyd enc. Ur, Y(~nston, Coruniss Manor of thr~ estate Uoard , a of public Y(elfare was isivitvd to appear and further disouas the system with the Board, .;1,~ ~ w. x` F1 . _ _ ~..._.~.,.,.,~.,w,;~ . J" , j. / f P.tr. s t th l ( 1,loatznG a gu ~t ? 9 }7, continued, + , X79 " ra uest of F.,~.Garnar for an abatama a:. ~ Me,eting of July 2pth A q ~ nt of not listed,pona.lt char ed a~ ~ 19l+7,'conti.nued princess llaca, purchased frdnt T,p.ln~;ran }larch 1( ct Y D 6ainst lot 8, in block 16, I t, 1, (1(a,th~.nk3n • motion granted. ha lama had'heen listed,was upon } ,I A request of }hrs. D. H. Hryan"for abatema The followin nt of the not listed penalty e}tar• ' g good and -lawful man D. }1. 13r part or. ra ort in blo ~ ed a ainst the ware drawn:. to serve as of y P P Y cks 1(, 19>, 511 1:;Ca is G noire' ~ Civil-cases- 7 ra ,jurors in the Su rorior C was u on moti , line Place' at,d Iat ?..~?-hercvr for the one wsek term h i sort' 1 ( on of`}.I ~ ood fo ~ be in..in for th oar P r. Prask s r the g g August t,lth, 1g1~7, e trial of Y , econded by }dr. (tall, granted. J.TBrown, Jr. V1m.P n , Y! .Ho_mes. Vl. R, Eakins A comnnanication was received from rho Cit ?i . . ' y ttornay roncarnit;g a oalanoa due for • Y L.ti`~.Shivar. J.H}holma for canmunit+ hospital, and ordered _ architaat fees °w. J filed. 4 A. S. Aheier. s. R. .Yr. easy A L 1'r Jae.L' ~ Yom'. ~ .Coley. P.S.Vau hn r Al°x Brads}tsw, g Vf• A• Marine. ! An audit report of thfi AHG Board for period ending Juna'. 1 i 9~7, was received anll filed, F.V1.Seld°n. U.D,Robinaon. Sterlin 5 , g , . Shoe. L.G.Smith. ~ }3 , N.}g S ' ;LL' ~ on the aar , " H, P.. Hinson. R.S • fillers. " Itllan mots , d c,anfirmR3d the actiort.of the Canr~i:~aionor: • ~r A .Tilden, C, D Iswis, qu ust 1st, in`suapendin C,:M, Carter S ~i special nfieting hold Friday, g C opt,, of County Iinrte and '1''artn endin :th 1, .Woodall. R.FP;Ic~ier. , a outs I',R.Pridgen. the trial on inclictment brought against; him Jul 1st I ! f ~ g on° of s A.K.MaPheraon, c 9.47, r lercon and ~ Y 3• o i i, J.}i.4har e. x ~ _ivir.. rE ca P ..t3.Kzng. Y P I n ~ 1, r ThP r49Pf•it+e.thn•, n A recess was then a t ken until j:00 o~clock P, 91 1'(arsuant to recess taken, at 12;lt5 the Hoard m ~ ( , ti , .,,1 t After due notice hay I C. Au st llth in I t g b~engiv~n by advorti- l' ~ 9~(~ ,d property in block. ! ~5 ~3,_ 511; ,lot 5 ~ to' James }i the hi hestbide. ler, and rho Chairman and the - „ , the deed of ' , nA.li. convayanae to the said party an b - ~ ~ ~ j The Coun Audito;• R. Gardner, T„ J, Colotinn and Gottntr Attarna tY reported that it would J ~ _ y re ~ 72.3 cents o q . n the one hundred dollar valuatio; the `1 ! 1 t bud` et 9 ~7~ g~ _ ~ , } , ~ rocormnandod that a ~ fi ! ~ ~ _ ~ l-lvora, aster t~f ~outltsida Baptist,Church. ~ Upon motion, duly seconded, the aches ~ 1 supply - that the Commissioners agree to- rev ~ r, ~in~ burdens irtvolvod in the o oration of P ~ taxes and no mor P de only 3i na+ g .ion as a member of rho T}aard of a ' e. The school re clar b 1 ~ udg 1 1~ w at ~~Ia j.700. U0 or so ~ rah ~r h ' ~ , ~3 t7, as open rurtifin o, , much thereof as the 20¢ - ~ ' ' ~ ~t, and t}ie follavring ri~salutiori was I1pan motion, du1~, sea a ' ~ ended, ..t was ordered th; regular county em lo~ees as P ? of ,July 1st, 19l;7 , , . _ .m - an of }dr.' D, }icCaig as a raaraber of the i -P }fpon motion of }dr: Hull,< secon(ed b b4 _ y _r. ard~ }Vadneaday, 'Jul 3~th 1 ! , n of appreciation for;hia faithful and our cortrartnity r.~ `Clerk. - . ity to e~~end to bier the al~pren9ation of - ~ ration oP `}ra t~ha af'fnirs of thn L'oromlti~it Porn• ~ _ d t,nnt to rr,cess taken ,July 23~h, 19)~r, the ' i ~ ' ` Pr©sent; Addison Hewlett C?~ft:i.rman ;cn ~ ms be sent to l.lr, }1cGeig and the snme~ spren.d ( . , 1'1, Tr ~ , , Rs. 'C, 1+', "math County Auditor a , . nc ormvr Cor ;rchedu].o oz' irtareasas in fees allowed _ ' the Board that the It ~ r;nl~ X47-19(16 bud et estimates g , . . , _ _ ; . ; , . . , Cot~nission, a .copy of -tvhach was attached general fw7d roserv°, 'haraupan },Ir. Tres}: move ` . ;ions ;vere fivan'to ac}:rtowladge receipt of sufficient ,ta comFl arahin a r _ 7a~ tax reto wit} _ _ _ _ in the near ftitiu•e to consider the asme,~ }dr, Colemazr. A stt rtlertetit mot3,cn was hers aft _ } i _ _ , _ . _ ' 1q~7-.1948 budget boa roved as r3sented - , ` hundred ~ P P ` and ' for ~Tn1 eras receti*ed.and filed. dollar., valuation of property and ~2.( Y draw on the general fond` reserve` necesra to ry ad ceived ad ' s n f ~.I u e pplem nt motion; offered by l,lr. Ball ryas adop ~ i ; the Chairman, Idr. Trask, and }Jm, Cc>leri~n voted , of .;6,,50.6, to t,oorgo N, TalrnFxrt for: ~ was resolved by the Board.: of Conntr Gorusissio and: assessrno s y n f ~100.(~0 to 11r~ Horut~.kor for `damage < nt ,upon all ,taxable. proper y in accthorized b e r ~ of de©pr,nzrtg sand ditch., vrere approvocl y th Ge rarAl and Sp©cial Act,. of r n ~a'~ r 3nl;inear Ut ,h r(, ~ of rho ~ it ti ork, to Blue (;la;r rend, suhr~itted by I„}'.Elliq, },L DATA 7 " 0 5hori:l', tirf~s open ndtiun of lair, Gardner, The Count s l ! 1 !~6 bud at estimates s r ~ _ Y' 9 ~7- ° g } owls sctivities and ns o release the l?;~ gat° receipt charge an i titu~..ons, waa,upan motion o: cut of the b~ admiasian char e to the g hands of the` Clerk for ptblia inspeati~>n "for a Apprapraition Resolution`at a re lar tneetin i ~ g ' Airport, Librariesand Legion Stadium to be pa: ovring thirt~r-six geed and lawful rnen o trial of 'criminal `cases forethe-ryas The meeting; then adjourned. _ nson. Hraxt~n s. J,A9rt,..an. lJ.R.Poinda:aar. Lennie H. Bryan. PIa t. Jas.9,Graham,Jr. JnoA.Canady. l Y~'ilmin in, >.H.Fann. J,J.Parkar. tar. .A.R,Kimrey. Rabt.0,Wilson. attn. Eddie ti, Eiitztx. T,~":MoKoy,Jr., Thee: regular weakly ,meetingaf the Hoard was held ~ _ ( ~ m ,resent: Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo: W. ,creak, County Attorney D~iarsder. }3ellany. i. ~~,I The meetin ~ tivas o ened with ra e b I~~~ 6 P_ P Y r_ y the fieveren A request of }lr. K. 0. 6tar~-win for an shat°mant o; ~r ~:1 th° year 1Q42, was upon motion of }~x. Hall, 'seaon~ 4~ Cotutty Attorneys i i I, U on oration of },`s. Gerdnor, seaon~ied by }~}r. Trask, C. R. }terse, Tax Co:.lactor vraa instructed to advertise , P , the 19!}6 un aid taxes for .sale in acaordanoe with t}ia lavr, to take lace au the First Render in P P ~~'E S°gtembar lgt~7. ' A oration offered by }1r, Track, attd saooncled by r~r, Ball, to p(rt the 1Ierritt System tats effect in ~,c the ,;alfary Uegartmant fazled to carry an the noLa#,i~e vote o, l~u•, Gardner and I,x, Coleman, and ; further considaratiort of th© matter rvy5 postpantfd any. llr. }7in:,ton, Carunissionar of the Mate Heard ~ 'c 1lelfara was invited to a aar and furthe~:• disnuss the system with the Bat(xd. of Publi PP ~ ---~,._,v..~ , a r 7 _ _ 1 ' , r tin of A_u.Kust 1~~h, 19117, continued, ~ J,ao g t7 r 579 re oast oS' F.~J,Garnsr fcr nr~ uhatornont o Moatin,g Y A 4 f not li.,ted pone,lty charged a •ai,•tst lot • _ of Jul 28th, 1 s Place urchesed from T 6 B, in mock 91~7y -COrlt'- ~ G86 ,11 16 need. Print , A .Inf,rant }larch 11 r, l~rltb,thznkin ~ the ammo } a ~ a + , rnotian erantec}. t 1,oon 1_srod,was upon Vii: A rcgueatof D9rs. D. H. Br~~nn i'or abatement of the not linty The follawn d ~ pr na_ ~v char •ed a n' r g good and lawf ins ul men vrere drawn to serve as , uro of D. H. Aryan ~~r. property in blocks la, lt)j, 511,17 Carolina Pla h g t the heirs Civil cos®s fort rs co in .:the Su ~ acrd lot }.ervr he ono week orio ~ t Dad a t r fr er P Lo wa„ upon mo,lo the rn hyginning August l.lth 1 urt for the trial y©ar 1.q~-~~ [ rt of ,,1r, 1'rasi,, sycondod h • };r•, }rnl , 9 (7, o" y 1, gro.ntyd, ,J.T,Brown, Jr, y{m i •P.Howmys, yr, R, Isakins, A con>MUnication wa.s received from the City c~t`~o YY, A, ?,tuna rno conce ~ ~ ' , y• L.YI.Shiv Y rniz,g s oa_ance due for , r ar, J+}}.Holmes. for community hosi,itnl, and orclored filed, arch1tlct gees A. 'S. iJeier. J.Y{ .Raney. A.L.Fr ar. JasL.Cole ~ Y Y } .S,Vuughn, V{. ;q Mo,rinv. p•n audit report of thfj ABC: Board far or' Alex Bradahax p god endin June g j0, 1947, eras recyivecl and filed. • F.W.Selden, `E.D,?{obinson, ~ Sterlin ~ ~ z rj g S. hue. L.G.Smith. Jd.P4.Se r t }3aa ' • R, Hinson. llers. ~ C.pon ma .i.on, the ru c,onf armed tiro action of she Coru;assioners in s rya'a fl•S.Tildyn, C J i 1 meetin hold Frida ~ D, l~nis. Ai. ust 1st. in sus ondin C. ari;or ,u t, of Gaunt }~or;o and Ha , , B.L,Y~'oodall. R.F ,g P f; }IJ C , p Y r , rr g n Yr t A,K.Mc .},4viyr, P.J}.Pridgen. ~ s ; n, Eon.linl, the out.,ano cf the trial on inrlictmynt brought ngain,t him Jul ~ i;^ Pherson. ,J .?2 ~ Y ?.1st, 19lt~ , for l.arconv d • , .Sharpe..... ,A.Ka.n . ~ , an roce~.vu.{;. I~' g ~'l A r8C ' ~r`}19 mR91',ipc 'bon ass was then-taken-unti1,3:00 o~clook P ,,v,~.r _ - . Pursudnt f;o race SA taken: at 12dl15 the Hoard m~ After due noti _ C August 11th, 1.;11 a7. ij. oe having hoop given fiy advortir ~ property in block; l - . ~5 t3, Sr'F, lot''5, ~o ,James H. _ , the highest bidc}er, and -the .Chan J _ " , _ the deed of copve •ance t n am the I' ' ` ; ' )0 A, f.1, y ~ he said party on b, . , Thy Count ~ ~ J2. G+~rdner, J.. J, Caiortnn and Cottnt Attorno y Aud.ttor report9d that it`wnul ' ' Y rag, , y 7~ .3 cents d . on the one hundred dollar vnluatior ' the 1947-1c~118 bud et r ~ _ ~ , K >nd rocormnor.ded that a ~ ~ ~ , . : },}oor©, Pastor of onuthsido Baptist L'hurch. Upon motion, duly seconded, he schoo supp lo; that: the Commissioners a ,vv "sing bore}ens involved in the a oration of ; P _g to 'provide only ~ - s te.t t taxes and no mc,re. Th i .ion ``as n member o .l a e school regular budge Kr f thy o rd of at X163. 40.00 : o - ~ ` ~ r 7 , r so much thereof as the 20 31, 19!}7, which erns upon ration o. r ~ , et and the ~nvr r fat. irF, rH.,olu4,ion vas Upon motion, dul~~ sec a ended, _t was ordered thi regular county em lo~ees as o ~ - P J f July-.1st, 19117. • i' - - ; - - ~ ion of Jdr, li, U. licCnig as a mernbor of the _ _ . , , , T1pon'motion of }dr.' Hal]., seconded _ ~ _ byMr, Cardi , , o esday, -July 30th, 19117, " , `t m of appreciation for his fni,thfnl and our r.arvninit, Clerk. - Y. - ; ; - rity to ea~tynd to hint the ai,}?rooiation of - - i rtration of the t. El ' a .r ho i f .rs of thr+ Community _ Pursuant to recess tnk~n ~htly ?`lth, 1y~t7, the ~ - - , , ens be srtnt to 1.!r. ?1cCnig and the sE~nte spread Present; Arldisan Howle+,1; Chn7.rmnat, i,oo, Tr, _ , v,- i" , hir. C. F , Amith Crnutty A,aditor and f , • ~ , c.rmyr Cot ~ r% ~ sin• sa},odul.a of utcrensos in fees allowed the Board that,,tho lr'1. _ ~ _ ~ - h ~7 194E budget estimates ~ - - 1 Cr)r7llsJlan, a copy of vrhich was attached general fund roaerv9, ^}~toroupnn tdr. Tray}: mov , . , , sufficient to comp; Wuhan a E ~ ' . _ _ ions wore l;ivon to ac}:nowlydgy receipt of ~75r tax ra to witP _ _ - in Clio near futtrro to consi.dyr the semo,~ i r, o omen, i _ C A st~plement mot. on was then off _ • . , . 1947-191.18 budget be a raved as < rest' t , _ , ; n e and P ~ ~ a for ~TUly was rACei.vod and filed. hundred dollars valuatiorC of ra ~ p {arty nrrd ~2. C dra~v nn the, genorfll fond reasorva neevssa to ~ aocived and filed. supplement motion offered h ltir, l}alLwas a o ~ ' the C a' Y d p h ~rnwr>., }!m. `Trask and Mr, ' Cali ,man voted r i • t of ~E),»O.J ~ to Gyat 1,0 lf, Tah~tn for was resolved b 'the Board of Cotint ~ C . Y J ormiss~on _ r if ~~100, JO to 11r. Herm~,}tor far dnrsnga an assessments upon all t~axable`propc,rty in _ ; of deeronzr. said d trh wo• 1 g l r e approved I authorized by the Gy~iyral and Special Aets of , Engiueor ul charl,o oi' the said vrork. i. ;ho Illuo Clay ronrl, suhrtittad b L,P,Ellis J Y , r . "J'1' ~1.TA; ;he 5her>..~1', tray upon r~ot~an of i',;r. Gardner, Thy Cottntyrs 1917-1g1~f1 budget estir~ttos showin ~ . r I _ _ _ to , elapse t,te 1?_~y, l,nto receipt charge or. ' ar,tivities an~j institutions wns uron moti . } on o1 _ 1 t out of the 65~ adlni9u1011 charge to the hr3nds of the Clerk for public inspoctian for a ' ApproprRition Resolution at a regular myetin t g i Airport, Libraries and::Lri ion Ste.dium to he aJ g p lowing thir~r-six good and lawful men he trial of Grininai casoa for the any The meeting then adjourned. lerh. _ _ - ~tnson. Draaton hllis. J,A.,;3rtatan. . P3P,.Poindo;ttyr. Lennie fl. Bryan, Plat. Jas.B.Gra}tam, Jr. Jno.A.Canady. Wilmin, ion. E.B.F~cnn. ~1,J,Parker. tnor, A.R.Kimrey. F.abt.0.l7ilson. 'Irtith, 1lddiy A, },linty, T.E.}dcKoy,Jr. Tho regular wyokly rt©ating of the J;oard`t~ts h®ld _ present: Addison f?ewlett Chairman, Geo. Vf, Trask,. a Coupt~r .Attorney biaraden Aollamv. i Tha meeting was opened tivith ra rer b t}a© Reveryn , - Y _ ! _ . r~,, A reguost of Jrir, 0. Burgwin for an abatement o; , the y~oar• 19L12; v,~ts upon motion of 1'; . Hall, seconc _ 1~ Count .Attorno ~ - ~ 4k Y 3 , ~;fj l1,an motion of 1'r. Grtr•dnor, seconded b ~ 1~1r. Trask, C, R, 1+,orso Tax Collyctor wns tstructad to cdvFlr•tiso p J it ; the 19th trn aid taxes for solo in Accordanoy vrith the leer to take lace ou the .t li utdav in ,l P P Fire c , f 5e.tymbar 191,7, P ri A motion offered by }1r. 14•ask, artd seconded by ~~~r. Ha11, to ut the laorritt S~Jst;ort into effect itt P J 1` the T'alftlr'H Ue artmont failed to Darr on the nc,.•ritive vote n? J.s, Ge.rclrtar and }fix, Coleman and P Y L , •thyr cansidorntion o!` the matter tray post onod an,'. 1)r. Winston, Corunissionor Mate hoard fur } p of the i~ ~ of Public 1'rolfnre onus .invityd to appear and furtho: disouas the system with the Board. , !f ltd; , r. C i) r,. tin ^ of Ft~gust 4th, 1g1~7, continued. L,r ~ b r ~7~ 0 oust of F.J.Garnvr for ~-r at,atamont p r q of not listed pono..l.ty ahargod a ainst lot 8 M°°ting of July 2©th, 1c c ~ r g in h >47, .ont',nued, lock 1~ princess llace, pure r..sod from T,D,.nt,ram Jlarch ll~, 1~)~~G,thinkin ~ the r sine Ned hoen listod,waa upon motion grantod, The A request of Mrs. D. H. Bryan for abatement of , following the not li,;i;ed penalty chargod a «inst tho ho s o good end Iavrful men were d f D. H. Bryan or. property in blacks 1 r G it raven to serve as ,jurors in tlrv Su. ° 19~, 51J,17 L'arolina Place rv,d lot 22 hersreoc Civil cases for the one week or o ~ ~ i for terra beginning August ).lth 1 p i r Court for the trial n year 1946, was upon motion of „tr. Prask, aecondecl b Iur, I{a] the 91.7, o. Y 1, {;ranted. J.T,Brown Jr. Vlm.P.Holmvs. V!, R, ~ _ communication rras received from Eakins, P the City .ttornoy concorr,i,,g a orllanco dua for W• A• }:turray. L.Y!•Shivar archituot A• 5. ittaier, J.I{,Holmes. far community hospital, and orclerocl Filed, ,°os J,Vr.Rrne _ - - Jas.L.Coley, p „ y' A•L.Fryar. 0.1ex Bra "o ,Vaughn' 4, Marine P.n audit report of the ABC Board for oriod endin ,r dshak, 1',Vl,Saldvn, E,D . P ~ un° 1947, vvaa recoivecl and i'ilod. Sterlin S o ,Robirreon, g .,.hue. L,G.Umith, ~ , H• P. Hinson. p S i Ij.~t.Sellers, Upon motion, the Boarc, ccnfirmod t}~.© ar,tian of tho Cor,r~issionors in s, }ecsal neoting hold Friday, _dan, C. D, Lewis, P,u ust lot, in suepvndinr C. }R. Cori;er " B.L.Woodall. r - ~ ~ „u t., of Count }i P y ono and lawn, ponding tho outcono of R...}.toier. P,R,I'ridgen, ~ tho trial on indictment bran ht a a.inst i c ~ A,K.MePhar, g him Ju. '1st , Y 7 1)L~,, for larcory and receiving, Son. J.M.Sharpe, .','.n Kiri g. was t 1'h r, me,a~i;inc +.h9n .or .A recess _ _ en taken until 3:00 o'clock P, Pursuant to recess taken at 12.1 . 15 the Board n After due notic _ C. Au s c e Navin r ~t t 11th, 1 ~4r . ~ boen given by advortf- . nroporty rn block ! , ~rd1 1 - - _ _ ; 5 ~3, of 5, to James F - ' the highest bidder sad tI _ , to C tairman and the , _ 00 A the deed of cameo .nc t ~ - „ Ye e ,o the said partyon b The Count Aud ~ - . (,a ~ ~ T ~ 1 i R. rdnvr, J. ~o_ontarr and County A ~tornoy y ito_ reported that it wnuld re ~ 72.3 cents on the ono hundred q dollar v«luat the 1947-1948 bud~at and io g racorrunvndod that a ' , 1, Jdooro, Pastor of :;outlr;ido Buptict Church. - _ Upon motion, dul , y seconded, the school supple _ r . +,};at the Commissioners agr°° to rovide 'sing burdens involvod in the operation of ~ ' taxes and no n P only . .rsigtte.tior. as « mvmbor oi' tho hoard of m ra, The school r at eg<rlar budge, ~ ~ n,^ vlti3.700.06 or so ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ 1 1,1 which eras unan r~~mt o 3, inoi' , much thereof as the 20)z ~ i et ar;d tho ~c~llovr. •,~~n~ t v _ ir.g r. F., .u ,sort ms {pan motion, duly seconded, it was ord°red th _ rtigulkr county employees as of July 1st 1 . 947 r ion of l.r. }r. J. 14cCai}; as a mer~ber of the . ti _ _ _ . . 1lpon motion of !~fr. Ha11., seconded by b'r. Gard._ u. ~ , _ . vdnesday, July SOth, 1917. on of s, rociation for his faithful a ~d . ~ IP n ~ ~ C - ~ _ our cor~tmity lerk, ,a~. _ ~ rity to extend to bin tho a~ rcoiation of i, ~ ~ EP , J;tra.tion oi' tt:o tho affa!rs of the, Corrmttnit Y - ' , , Pursuant to recess taken ,1uly 23th, 191x7, ` the ,1 , _ _ ~ . . ~ _ _ Present: Addisar. Hewle+,t Chs; ions be sent to 1,1r. ;icCai{; and the same spread ..rmarr, (',an , 1'!, ~ .r , r ~ ri ' ~ . , ~ ~ 4 }+r. C, F. Smith County A,rditor, and former Co j - the Board that the ~ ~ ~ , .sing „o}:eduly of irrcreasas in fops allowed E bud ~ i7 got e , . 9~ s tine t9 A ~ . _ _ , ~ : .1 Gornlss~.on, a copy of rrhzch was attached genera fund roserve. ?heraupan bir. Trctsk mov ~ ~ , ~ . - ~tions were gzvon to aclnrowlodge receipt of suf icient to comp; TM,'.thin a tax rate wit., _ }Dr. Coleman i _ . , , , i.tr tho near i'nt~u•e i;o consider the same A supp_ement mati.cn was th°n of. _ . _ . 1941-i91i8 t,ud et bo a• rcvod as ~ ~ _ ; g rrP pr~;;sentvd and n for ,ruly eras reoaivod and filed. }nrndred dollars valuation of property and ~2, - draw on the g~naral fund reservo nocessa r to ~ oceived and filed. supplement motion offvrod h Iar. Ball eras a t Y dog ~ , h° Chairrr~n, {M. Trask, and }rr. Culerutn votes ~ ~ c(? < of .u to Uo r o i! a ,3U,5~ 3 n , l lrr~.n for was resolved by tho Board of Count~~ Corrrissior bf , 100.00 •to 1-1r. Harulikar fo d . ~ r amag© i and assessments upon all taxable property in _ . _ _ _ _ ~ of deop°nir~G said ditch, yore approvod authorized b tho General and Spacial Acts of......~ ~ Y );n{;inaor in charE;o of tho said work, ~7ho Bluo Clay ro«d, submitted by L,P,F,11is, SrL DATA ;ho 5herifi' ~rF~s u,on notion of D',r. Gard. r { 70 , i i i The Countyrs 19 4t_19I~0 budget estimates shotivir to rolease the 1?`?~ •nta recei t char e on _ ,I b P g ,!i _ _ _ ac vities and institutions, was upon motion c tout of the 65, adr~~issiorc char e to the hands of the Clerk fc~r public irrspectior. for e Apnrol;~raition Resolution at a regular meetin t; Airport, Libraries and Legion Ste.dium to be a P louring tilir,.~-six good and lawful mom he trial of criminal casos for the one The meeting then ad~Jonrned. - lerl;. - arnson. Ilra:cton hllis. J,A,3rutun. . ya bl.}<.Poindoxter. Lennie H. Br n. ji Plat. Jas.H,Gralram,Jr. Jno.A.Canady. j Wilmi; sou. E.B,Fann, J,J.Parkar. [ner, A.R,Kimrey. F.obt.O,VYilson, • smith, ?•;dclia A. 1~{intz. T,~'.Idc;toy,Jr., The regular waokly mooting of the Hoard eras hale i nrosent: Addison Hewlett Chairman, Gvo, W, Traal Counter Attornoy 1;iursdAn Hollsrry. i' The meetin r was o ened tivith ra er b the Revorc i L P P Y Y Are oast of !.1r. K, 0, Pur vrin for an abatement q L ' I~' tho year 1g1a2, was upon motion of IEr. Ha11, secc_ , ' i County Attorney, M~~. _ ~ ~ rr Id , i::: f Upon motion of ,,,r. Gnrcinor, sacondvd by r, Tres arse, Tax Co_lector, was instructed to r.dvertise f' n s solo in accordanoe wit to to , the 191.ih unpaid t xa for ke p~r,ca on t}tv Fu•st }londa~ in f; So tvmber 191}7. P [ motion offered b }1r, Truak, acrd Sec°onded b to ut tho 14erritt S»stonr into effect in i A Y Y P ~'F re "r''alftu•ry Ue ar•tmvnt foiled to carry oar the • ate .nf lr. Garctnor and 1Gr. Coleman and t} p , further consideration of the matter eras postp'~ : b, r. Y1lrlatan, Conmiss ion°r of the Mate Board r 'c }'!°lfaro vrd.s invited to appear Red dims tho system with tho Board. of PUJ11 tl . ~i ` 'v," ^a ~ s ~ , ' t~ C. 4 f tin ~ of ~u.gt~st 1Eth, 19I}7, contirtuod, bioo P) f' 5 7~ r rE, uort of F.d,Garner for a;t a},ateraont A 4 of not listed pona].ty charged against to Meeting o, July 2©th, 1A t 9 ' ,47, cont'.nued. priztcess Plana, purchased front T,P,.Ingram lurch 11 c~ 6 in block 16, d t, 1,1~(,,thinking the same heal baert listed motion };rants ,was upon i The f A request cf Mrs. U. I{. Arlan for abatement of the not li,~ted pr,nalty charged a ainst the h o lowing good and. law3'ul man r parr or. rn ort ~ of s were U. H. A in blacks g r C dra of 5 P P Y 1. iv wn to s I 1 it canon arve as 9~, 511 1 Ca•~ fo ur 7 t ~ 1 r o i na Place at;d lot 2~ her,woocl for the the one week term he innin ra in tlto Superior Court fort ear 191.16, was upon motion of lair, Trask g g August ].lth, 19L~7, }ce trial of Y ,seconded by }dr•, }roll, granted. ~J.'P.Brown Jr V'1m.P,Holmos. V(, TI, ~alcin _ w. A. p, comrnmication was received from the Cit ~~.t }4urra y ,tornoy conecrniz;g a 'oalanca due for architeot Y L.W.Shivar• J.Ii.Iiolm©a - r conmtunit hos ital and ordered foes A• S. Meier. fo Y P filed, Jas Y A.L.I ar. ~ .L.Coley, P.S.Vau hn Ale g 1"!• ~1• ?~arin, An audit report of the AAC Board for x Bradshaw, Por_od ending June 30, 19L7, was recoivecl and filed. 1''.VI.Selden. E.A.Rebiriso~ Sterling S. Shue. L.G.Smith• iI, R. Hinson. P~I.}9,Sellers~ ilpott motion, the Hoard confirmed the nation of thn Coruiission r R.S.Tilden, C. P, .Lewis qu ust lst, in sue,ondin~ C, }d, Cart, or. in special nesting bald Friday, B.L,V~oodal g F E er tau t, 1. , p of County }Ions and !•arrn, poncling thn outcamo of A R•F,19oier. P,II•Prid en; the trial on indictment brow ht . .McPherson. .1.}{Sher e• }a g g against. him July 31st, 19L~?, for laraam~ and receivin , P .B.Kitig. • g ' _ '1ht31nf~41t1;1~ tan A1~lntmnn.+ .A recess was then taken unt ,,a~ _ it 3:00 o'clook F i~ _ Pursuant to recess taken at 12.1 _ _ • t5 the Board " After due not' c ~.e having C,, P.ugtzst 11th, 1)!}7. I can given by advert; _ nroporty in black ~Lt~ c,' l . . , ~~F;, lot , 5, to ,Tames - the highest bidder, and the Cl,a - _ _ ~ i - irman and .the.::.. , _ ~ _ the dead of conva nc c00 A, 1" ya e to the said art P Yon Tha Count ~ ~ ' ~'a a , y Auditor re o ~ , R. , rc.nor J., J. Cc_entnn and Cot~trtty Attoritoy p rted that it w~,u1d re , 72.3 Catlt6 on the , , ~ - , t one hundred dollar vnluati ~ ~ he 191.(7-191+8 budget, and rocommanda y - - , d that. a B loo . - 1 ro, Pa..tor of ,,outltside Aaptist Church. . _ Upon motion, dug _ _ y seconded, the school su ~ ' ^ ^'`r +,hat the Commissioners a roe to rev' Pp ` acing burdens involved in the o oration of F> p zda only.... _ . _ : ;r, , . P , : esiE;ne.tion as n mamben• of the 1lonrd of axes and no mr,ra. The school regular bud ~ _ at X163.700.00, or so much thereo g ~ ; ' - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ y 31, 19i~7, which ,~rns a port notion of f as the 20 I ' ret, and the follovrlr.g resolution rras upon motion, du1~~ seconda ~ d, _t was ordered t' regular county employees as of Jul ' iY', y 1st, 19~~ , ' `lion o1 }Fr, VJ, D. 1 cCaig as a member of the - _ _ _ ' ~ r.. , upon motion of }dr. Ha1J., seconded by E1r. Gary VYodneaday, July 30th, 191-~j, ~ , _ Y [on of u}~prociation for his faithful and } , , ~ Clerk. ~ 1 our cor~munity nity to nxtencl to him the appreciation cf , .stration of t}:c 1•ha ai'fairs of thr~ Conummit - ' _ t Pursuant to recess taken ,1uly 29th, 191!7, thi ~ - , . • _ _ _ Present; Addison }lewlett Cha•~ ions be sent to 1,1r. }:1cGai • and the same s road 6 P ..rnw.n, ~,on , 1'I. Tz r J Iur. C. F. Smith L'ouuty Auditor, and former Cc ~ - , I the Board that c isixt- schedul.o oI' utcroasos in fops allowed the 1)4j-~91~8 bttd[;et estin~atec ~ _ - ~1 L'or~missiou, a copy of which was attached , general fund roservg, i'herou~on }sir. Trask ; ~ . } mos , . ~ ;tiorc„ ware I,ivon to acknowrlodge receipt of sufficient to ^omF 1^~?. , ; , _ . thin a .75Jr tax raze wit.. _ _ t i in .ho neat ,uttu'o to consider the same, ~:r, o eman. A supplement mot3,cn woo than of 1047-1y1~8 budget ba approved ns presented and - _ ' , { - m for Jule eras reee~.vad and filed. ' hundred dollars valuation of pro~arty and ;2, T . ~ draw on the general. fend reservn naeasra ry to ~oceived and filed. s , upplemant motion offered by 1.1r. ]{all was ado , the Chairman JP,r, Trask a ~ r ~ v , nl 1Js-, ,,~.,lenu~n vote t of ,~9,;j50.93 to Gem•ro YI. Talirtttin for 6 was resolved by the Board of County Cot~zlissio; - ~ n i ~ , of y1 )U, JO tq 11r. Honni~;or for daL2age an assessments upon all taxable property in ` • of den onin~ suid d trh w _ _ k p i az a aPnrovorl . au or. zed by the General acid Special Acte of , - • Engineer in charge of the said vrork, ,the Bluo Clay r`onri, submitted by L,P.Ellis, a 511: DATL the Sheriff, bras upon motion of l,lr. Gardner } , i i The Cot.tnty's lyl~/-19L~E1 budget estirlatas showir ~r~ _ _ to roleftse the l~.,r gate recai.pt charge on . activities and institutions, was upon motion c - ,t out of tito 67 admission char o to t}t _ , pr g a hands of the Clerk for public inspection for e I ' Appropraition Resolution at a re gar maetin L~ g Airport, Libraries and Le ion Stadium to bo a g p lcvrirtg t}tir..r-six good and law2'ul men i he trial of crini.nal casoa for the ono The mooting than adjourned. ~ larL. ~ amson. Braxton 1~11is. J.A..Bru ,on. . }1<R.Poindoxter. Lennie H. Bryan. tsfl Plat, Jas •}1,Gral;am,Jr. Jno.A.Canady. i. Wilmil sou. E.B,Fann. J.J,Parker. 1. tnor. A.R•}tinu•ey. F.obt.O.Ylilsan. smith, x,'ddie A, Mintz. T.h,Mcliov,Jr•, The regular weekly mooting of the +loard tires belt I _ _ Present: Addison Howlett L'hairman, Gao. VY, Trasl_ _ _ a County Attorney };arsdAn Bollar~y. ,fi; a The meeting was opened with prayer by the Re _ ' e w . . i is A request of }ar. K. 0. Bur},•win for an abet ; ; 1; _ the year 19I}2, was upon motion of L'r, Ilall~ - -..~w _ +i. is County Attornay~ f on of }+r. Gardner seconded h Mr ~ R. florae T ertieo , Upon mots y ax Coaloctor, was instructed to edv the 194b unpaid taxes for sale in acaorcl~n a laN, tc take plane ofi the First llondav in t a9 tember 19L}7. • P q s Ii A motion offered by tlr. 7~aak.' gut the Merritt Systen into efi'act; in he Y'olfare llo artmen+ e of }Qr. Gardner and 11,r. Colortan end t P , further carieiderat stop, 'Carmii,s~ionor of the Mate ]ioard lYel yrd ~ the syateta with"the Hoard. ' of Publio ~ ~ :r~~; P' h` ~ ~ r• z~ . - - x , r n ~ t~ / , r 1 P,f©eting of August lith, 19147, coat _ itnrod, r~ X79 M©eting of July 2B A request of F,J.Garner £or ~l abafernvrt ~ of not listed pene.lty charged a ainst lot 8 ~ 197, cont'•_nued. Princess Place urche.s g in bl p ed from T,P,,Ingr~m ?larch l~r, 1~~1 G thi ~ ock' lb, moticr. (;ranted, ~ • ~in~; th© same had been listed,was upon 1 The following A request of Mrs. D. H, Ar~~nn for ahatvnont „ good end lativf of the , not listed penalty charged against the heirs Civil eases for the o u men were drawn to serve as furors in th© of D. }i. Aryan or. property in blocks ( Ic7 5upvrior Court for the trie, n 51].,17 Carolina Nlace algid lot 2D };er;svuacl for t ne week term beginning August J.lth 1 1 1 o year 19L46, we,s upon motion of l.fr ~ by 9~7• ~ • • Prank, seconded by fir, 1!all •ranted ,1.T.Brown, Jr. ' L ' 3 W. A, ?.4urra d communication was recetve~ y. l from the City r.ttornay roncernir. s oc~lance d g ue for architect foes A, S. i<4eier. , i Jas,L.Coley, ,*J AleX I1r0.d3haN, 9p~ ~ 1 and filed. Sterling S. Shuc ~I , A. - . }I1718011. A ~etin G hold Friday, ..,Yroodall. L~ tr the outcnno of A,K,h4ePherson, i' ^eccivin};, art...,.,.. .,..,.;A.recess was the 'rj i - - • _ _ ~ ' • aJJ~ . - - J 'T.~~ _ ,i , ar!C; , '~.Cr - ,r . . , . . . - • , , . _ r. - - , . _ . _ _ . , wuu~;y sticurr;eyr i U on motion of ?,1r, Gnrdnor, secondvrl b idr, Trask, C, Il, ?lorse Tax Collector wns tnsl:r~ictod to ndti'ertiso P Y th© 19[.46 un aid taxes for sale irr eccardanoa with the lavr to take lace or, tiro "r'irst }lnudav in P p , Se tembor 19147. -'~`s P - A motion offered b ?1r. Trask acrd seconded b lar. hall to ut the Iierritt S~rsten into effect in Y , Y P the C'alfare liapartmernt failed to Derry an the ner'ative veto of 1;;1•• Carclnor Anrl Ils, Colennn, acrd L further consideration oi' the ma';ter eras pos oned an r. llr. }'finston, Conmi_ss ionvr of the Mate IioF.rd i! p ~ of Public 1'relfaro was invited to appear and furthe;• discuss the system with the I3onrd, ~:.4..•f~ J` E~-.k;.:-. 7 ~ , r of Acc Est lath, 1`)17 cantina },ioetlnt, ~ ~ ~ od, )79 request of F.d.Garner for arl ct,ateraont of not lis e A t d l,eno.l.ty chat pod agairlat lot EJ, in block 16 Moeting of July 2Dth, lc! ce urohasod f , 0 I~7, aorlt'.nued. pr:G~cess Pla p ram T,D,In},ran }?arch llr, l~~l#i> th>.nkin• t ' m tier, ranted. ~ .ho sane had Noon listad,was upon ~ o P, A requnst cf ?,4rs. U. H. ?ryan for abatamont of the not li~,tecl anal t, The following p t, char 'od a~°rtinst t} good and lawful men vrere dravor of D. ?ryan or. praporty in blocks !i, lc)j, `ill. 1 Cry h ~ ro hairs Civil asses f to sores as it ~ 7 ralinn Mace rind t > or the one wreak term ho in rors in the Suporior Court for ear 1`1)6, eras upon ran+. ion of ?1r. Trask o00 lo, 2~ henrruaci for tho g Wing August ].lth, 1)1.7, the trial o° Y ondecl by }ir, lfall, granted. J.T.Brovm, Jr. ; i W. A, 1!.t~rra -....,.,.,y, , _ p CG11UlUAiCat on was rece.,vod from tho City ~.1-tornay conaernii,g A aalanco duo for Y I ~"J'°`' " uni has ital and o nrchitoct ,oos for oonu~ ty p rdarod filed, A. S. aleier, Jas,L.Cole ? Ale• Y F r P,r. audit report of the A}3C, ?nnrd for eriod end T x ?radshavr. p in}, ,.uno jG, 19Li7, was recnivr+d and filed. P Starling S. Shue, 1 _ , ?i. P,, N,in - Upon motion, tho Hoard canfzrmr3d ti~~.e action af' 'she !:or~n•:~: son. * st in sus ,onrlin C 1 tonorc irl special mooting hold Friday, Au us ~ 1 , F g }d. Cari;ar „u t. of C " fl.L.Yr'oodall. ? p ourct :{ono and Ia , i A ~ tho trial on inclictmant brou ht a ainst Y rm, p.cnc{inl; thu outcono of .,K,1.4cPheraon. , g g him July 31st, 19l~7, for larcony and rr~cnzving, +f I .A racoss s The mooting than nd~jcurned. ' v~a_,then t v> Clark, • `,j - i i . ''ililmi~{;ton, il. C,, ?,u{,~st '11th, 19l~7, 'I ' . 1„ .1. Colorann and (:otmty Attorrloy ' ~et;or o(' aout};rida ?aptist Church. ~,;~,a, ns irlvolvod in the o oration of ~~t p ~r - ns n nembor of th© ?onrd of wLiah ~+as upon motion oi' , to follnvrir;}; rasolutioit vrxs ' tii, r), ;{cCaig as n number of the - ~rc,ciatiou for his faithful and d ~lal i ty } _ ~ oxtond to hirl tho ahprociation of ~r r ! of t}~o tho Pt'fairs of thn CorunL7'_ty . ~ sent to i1r, ?dcCaig and the same spread r- schedulo of itlcroasos in fens nllawad _ - fission, a copy of which eras attached - - wears t;i.von to ae}arowloclgo roaaipt of a,,, - co n,~ar ftltiu-o to consider the same _ _ .1„ly eras rACe}.veri and filed. , _ ed and filed. _ k.. - ` ~ ~ ~kf),jiU.3j' to (lonri;o )'f, Tolman for .GO,()U to 1dr. }{ennil;or far daraaga yy . , _ dr3oponir_g said ditch, wore approvad i ineor i~r ahnr};o oi' tha said work. , 9~ - ?1uo Clay rand, suhrnittad by L.P.F11is, 3 , Sheril', tirFCo upon notion of }",r•. Gardnor, T _ , I _ , I fin ~.r1 wA':, ralense the 1?`;'~ •nta rerai. t char e on 1, p g out of thn bj!! acirniasion chnrgo t~ the _ _ _ , ~ _ j _ ~ ,wring tilirt•?-six good and law:'ul man ~ , ~ _ - i 3 trial of crirai.nal car,os for t;ho cne f -11 ~`sa'a q. _ •l , ~ ty - ~ F J n t 4 mson, ,t acton 1; ~ u. r ~ - ~ 1,1.P„Poindoxtnr. Lennie B. Hr an, _ _ Y S~ Plat, Jas.?;GrahE~m,Jr. Jno.A.Canady. _ . i j ion. k;.B.F~mn. ,1,J.Parker. ~ , _ incr. A,ft.Kiznroy. F.obt.O.lYilson. { ;smith, kiddie A. blintz. 'P.L'."dcKoy,Jr., i r t , , . J _ ~ ~ t', - _ ,met. i; ~ - f ~ 1 - . ~ motion of 2Qr, Gardnor, soaondod by {~9r. Trask, C, R. }lorse, Tax Colloctor was instrunted to surd. ' , ;1JL}b unpaid taaees for sale in accorclanoe vrith the lavr, to take plc:ca or; tho First ]4onday in +a - I tuber 19117.• ~ 1 - i titlr? offored b Rlr. bask asui 9aconclod h }•~r, }i;cll to tct tho 1?o^ritt e'foct itl Y.- ~ Y , P ~vsterr 1r.to f i Welfare pepartmont failed to Worry an the nogat.ive vote of ls, (3arclnar and l;r, Colman, and tier oc)rsideration of the', mxttor wiz:; ,os ones] any. llr. V(iuntan, ('orunissio ~ a }ioarr'. I ~ nor of the t to b].~o l`telfare tree inv~tad to appear and furtho.' discuss tho system with tho ?onrd. i+ 7' ~,,r; Y _ r~ ~ f7 (r_ ' 1' ;"119 I4oetrrli, of r g t th, 91~~, continuarl, X79 of F.J.Garner Tor ~ , , p request a~c t,t~ttoraant of not Bated ,ens,Lt~ c • M©eting of July 2Elth ~ I 5 her od a •a ~ 191+7, contr.nued. princess ]ln.ce, purchnaod from T,P.,Tnl;rant }larch 1 cr. ' g E, itcat lot E3, in 21]ock l6, 1 1,IIt~,thinkinF; tho anise had hose 1 motior. grantod, i~tod was a on p A request cf Mrs, l). J{, Hryan .for abaton;ont of the not The followin listed ~ ~ Ci ; g good and lawful men were drawn to of D. H, llryarr or. prgporty in hlocka lt~ `il prnalty charUad ag«inst tho noire serve es ,jurors in flue Su o ].7 Carolina I'laca arrd lot h~ .v~l casos for the ono week ter r prior Co <1 we.s u,on motion of 1,1 r.r.wuod fa rn hel,inning Au oat ].lth c art for the trim yoar 1) l~, F r, Trask, oeconc}ecl b • }fir, r tho S l)LQ. 1 01' y Ilnll, I;ro,nted, J.T.3rown, Jr, W, A, DQ p communication vra.a rrc<+ived from tho l;it r~.ttorna c ~ urra . y Y y ,oncei•n~,g a nalanco due for architect foes for community hospital, and orcleracl filed. A. S . Meier. ~,°,i Jas.L.Coley. i f Alex Bradshavr, pis audit snort of the A13C Hoard for pericd ending Juna - 1 941, was recoivr~d and filed. Sterling S. Shoe. FI Uron motion, tho Beard confirmed the netio - , • p. Hinson.. I n o~ the Corrri~i.~sionora in special mnotin hold Fr:ida August 1st, in suepondinF; C. Cari;ar, "u t,, of County ~ G Y, H,L.Vr'oodall. p }for„o a tho trial on indici,mrrnt brou'ht n-ainst; J nu Iarrn, pendinJ; tho outcomo of A,1(.2,{cPherson, E, f; him ~?i.r1y 31st, 1911'], for larcanv and rHCnivin, ~ C ,A rac The maetitig then e.d journr+d, oss was th,9q `;9 u ~ Clorl~ Pursuant to c~ ~ . ~ i i 'r?~ Ylilminl;ton, IJ, C. An past ' c After due nc 11th ) , E~ 1, ~,r property in the highest the doe The regular weokl~r :arel;l.nl; of the ?onrd ~;re.e held nt 0. r d of 1 .0) A, 1,1, The Cou Prosont: Jna. Id. Ji•r~ 1, Vice Cheirman Ceo. 'a m r my / , .rusk, 1(, .t, c;rr,rdnor, J„ ,J, Cnlemnrl rmct County Attorr,oy 72.3 center Marsden Bcl.larny, , the 1 1 9 +7 ,191 The mooting; wrrs oponod vrith preyar by tho Rovernr;d ;}liv li I.1o ~ ~i ~ ~ - oro, In~,a. of ,,outh,~~do Hapti.,t L"north. Upon motion +-.hat the C - Uue to ,lreasuo of other clutiras e.nd hecauso of the increa ti of f3~n1, burdens involvod in thc~ oporation of taxes arrd n: th~~ Community I~spitFll, 1's, 'rl, D, hrrrriJ~ tondorr~d his rasfgnation ris n momber' of rho I3enrd of f ~ i'r,na. ,ors of the Corununit iiaa i~s7 nffee ~ - at ,';;1n3.700 ~ C Y P five as of Jul l l 1 wh' ` J 3 , ~ ~r , rah wise nrtan r7ntioir o~ ~ l.r, G:rrclnnr, secondoci by l,tr, ColHrir,n, accepted rrit•}, regret, and t}in follawir.F ra:ipltiiaion eras I1pon motion adonl;od: re u a g lraou, !r ';Ih,rreas; we havo rFCaivecl ~~rith rn rret the rnsi nt o ~ i n oT }.r. 1{. J1r,Cni}; ns r, member of the i3onrr! aC Nr~na~ars o^ the Commurut~ Jio;,ite.l end lrpon motion ~ J 1 , l'fOdil63da Y, l'1}rorons~ vra riesir© to };o on rc~~cord with n.rt ea~,ression oi' appr•e~ciat:ion for his fnithfl;l and 7Ui l err tiring; service, F;ratuiteusly rendered tho hospital and our r.ur>nru~rit',• J Y, T . t, r i31c1r~fare, Ho ...t ,.o~alved tPie,t 1~rr, taco this ophorttut:.t to oxtend to him i:ho a,u•ociation of Y FI this Board for hie foit}lf•~i] ser!~ire and efficient adrrinistrntion of tho tho r'~.ffe,lrs of thrl Corlmttn~lt Y Pursuant to ;roenital, vrhic}•, he gevo at grr,at purnor;nl secrt1'icr+. I Present; Ad it furthrlr resol~red i•;nat cc,py cf the:•:c, rerlolntion; 1>e soot to }Ir, 1~foCn.ii; and the same a road P upon the minutes of this Roard. I:!r . C , F. S the Hoard t j A nonur~uniao.tior. was nc~eivad Pram 11r, Jo}'~r '~i, Il~ulkin advising sc}~~edu?.o oz' iiccrorrcos iil fooa alloyed eneral fun = for hospital onre ~~d h-,~ the. Ilorth (;arolircr; inchlstri~al Cnr~nission, a cop;; of which rras attached 5 sufficient `1 for the ic;int inforrnatiol~ of the City and County, Znstructiorr^ r~rc~re l;ivan to ttakaovrladga r©ooipt of tfr, Coleman ~ his 1at,tor and rrdvi:lo that a ofrlt rnor~tinl; r~rtll be re.llad irr t,hFl near flltlrre to consider the same, ,j lyi,~l_19~,e b }nlndred clog A report of the activities of the J3nreau of Tdontifior,.;,~iur.. for .rely eras received and f fled. draw qn the supplement A report oi' the I~rdiAS Re.,t ??oom Coirli.tt.oa .'or Jr11y was r,~ceived rind filed. the Chairme was resolvs ?'pn.c motion of P~ir. Trask, socondod by ;lr. Gardr:er,pnymor,t of ,~f),`r~0,8~~ to Goarl;a 1'f. `Palnn~n i'ar and ass cirarl~in. I?nnniker ditch in accordEJCCe with bid, ,avnont of ~10U,()0 t<1 lir, }Jonnil;or for damage e s sir C f authorized to '•,ia gardcm and gran ochtrrd il~r connection with ti~c© i~rork of dnap,3rlirrC, said ditch, vroro approvod p up~ort r•ncar,~rnendation and a},llraval of 11r. 14.1{,Lruuler, Civz1. Enl;inc3or ~r charJ;e of thir said mark. r 1 i, -his au lir,ation f'or 1 e~n;re to sell b©or at a loertion on the Rlun Cla•,~ roncl, subrrittecl by L,P,Ellis, ~ . P 1 the same boin ire due form and eaenut~ior: nrld en,iorsed by the oheriff, ~rF,a a},err rnntion of 1hr, Cardnor, f; senonded by irir, 'lrelsk, ;ranted. The Caunt3~r a~ Tho •~t odes ho ralaaso the l?-4~ eta recaint char e an activities Raard declined to grunt a roquart of ,.r. P1, K, fth 6 g i 3 tho Dru no,aivr~ for their benefit out of tho 6~J! arlrnissi.arr ohnrgo t,~ the hands of th Sf m and Huglo ~oxps '.~tll r. A n q>ra t - hn.7.lgamH at I,ericrn Stndi~an 6loclnesd:r~~ n1. ?rt, August ].jth. p.rl ii L ~ C Airport, Li ' ` 'i Upon motion of bir, Gnrdrrar secr,ndod by ;ir, Trau}:, the follor~r;ng tiiir`•~-sir, good and lawful mom m e r'rere dra•"m to r~ i.n the Su~orior Court, for ~thn trial of crir~ri.nal cr:;os for the one .he meeting servo as ,)uro.~ 1 weo;, term boginning August 18th, ly1il: A,L i hraaton hllis. J,A.,`.3ruton. ~.l,~yrpwn. t r A.~l,~aidbnr .Mill amson. { ~ John , rf do. J , r, . - l1,R.Poindoxter. L©nnie E, Hr an. .Rouclabush. ?I,H.Canady, J..{...rtirur. Y ,•L.Ra;ral, h7.P ''i U o Claude H, Plat. Jas.H,Cral:am,Jr•. Jno,A.Ctrnady, .L•9rgwn, 17,J,Padrick, T.T,,,ellnrs, i 1, 1,Parker. ~LVrenae }i, Cox. Chas..A,Tato. I;.I~'.Fdwards, h'1..,1,Hobirrson, E,B,Fanr.. i TI~I„Fay, uernoth BiT a. S,H.Fulford, Ludwig Lea.nor, A.R.F;iruey. Fobt.O,hYilson, 'ri,Cz oi; ~ '•t Jr•. J,}tarrton Cisiti!, zlddie t,. Ifintz, T,)„"dcKoy,Jr.. The reg;rrler lydr~ 4'(eat. A.H,Grimsley, 11nb~°.C.Prau , i r n Thrr m . + .resent: Adc - .eoting when adjourned. Countt~ :Attar L' l e rl:. Th,3 meotirrg ''i A requost o1 i the year 1 1 5 9 County Attornt,y~ i~ q U on motion of (iru•dnor, secondod by l,Ir, Trask, C, R, P1oi•ae Tax Coilc+ctor wns nstrllated to e.dvertiso F i th© 191+6 un 1r es for sale in nccorclanoo vrith tho lagr to take lace oc~ av in p : p t}ro 1'i.rst Vaud , S aeptember 1gI~ f A motion off b Lir, Trask, aird seaoruled b r~r. Ball to ut; the l:!arriit :;~rst;e, to efi'ect; in Y Y p ~ n in thE, ~'elfti~.re rtmont failed to Harry on the nef;trtive vote nr' Idr. Garclnor arrd 11r, Caienarr, earl f~ urther con etion of tho mrr•`tar rra;; pos oned anl: Ur. hrinston, Cnnmi,asionor of the Mate liorrrd f ~ ~?~]-a;}'~ Ce vva.s invited to appear and furthor discuss the system with Lho Board. of l :1 ~~ri • t) ~ :~.~-w.... i.l°ntin • of nL . _ _,~.~,,,,;,e~_ 6 ..Dust 4th, 1947, con• tinuod. Mooting of duly 2~th, lc 1. ~7, cont'.n,a A roquest of F ed. ~ .d.Carner far nrt ab ~7 f 79 incoss Plnco, urchns ntaraopt of not 1' J~ m P od from , T Isted e o,lnr, granted, j,L,.~n(;rarr March 1! c p na..I,ty charged al;a~tst } Tho fallowing c, 1 ~1 lot good and lawful men wero dr A, requost cf hirs. r(''t}tinkirt€; tho s H, in }clock 15 b ~ D, H. nne harl h Civil cases f awn to serve ee r r }3rv °e or the ono weak term hog ~t ors in tlta Suporior Court for of D. H, R .nn for abntoront n listod,was uron l,innin Au ust }.1 c the tr ~'~1 ar• Pra ort, 01' t}te C Pon g g th, 1)17, ial of yoar 191+x, wa.s P J i<n blocks lc lc7 _ not litited nnalt upon motion of l,ir ~ ~ 511,17 Carat P Y chartod a(;r~inst t J.T.Brovm, Jr, rl• ina Nla ho ha as};, seaondod b - } r ce al;d lot 2~' ir., C W. A. ldurray, p c y dy, } her,vruod omrnanication vrd.s nll, I;rantod, for tho A. S. Meier, rr:cei.,ed for conmunity has itn from tho Cit Jas,L.Cole P 1, an Y "•t~wrno c, " y. d ordered Y ancorn~, riled, g e °alance due for me t Alox Bradshavr. An h audit roport oft ~toct fans Sterling S. Shue ha ABC Boar zI. A ~ d for poriad end Hinson... [I}con. motion t ~€1 ,Tune 30, 191{ ho Board confir 7, was reco~,ved and ' R.L.Woodall. iu last 1st rncrd t}, f~lrid. . g in suspanclin-• C, ©nction of thc, C°i, A.K,bicPhorsan. :n thn t o }d. Cn r ~11~sio i, ring on indictrnant bro ri,or, „apt, of Co nor; in s~reoial neot ught nEainst: h ~ tn,ty Homrr and Fay ing hold .Pride , 'i in July jlst, 192 , pendSng tho outca Y A racers wae,.thn>U, ~ 't'he mation t , ~7, for 1a no of hen ar.,journed, rcony nnd'receiv. ~ .a g ~ el~ I~UI'8 fl ~ u nt to r~ rn 4 ~ _ Clock. I' ~ After due ~ 'T' nc r 1 ~ praporty in 8 }Iilmington, N, C, the highest , Au st L~ 11th, 1)17. the doed of Tho regular went „ .1, :neotr(nl; of the 9 , P onrd ue.„ held at 10,00 A Tho Coun a Frosen ~ 1d, if 72.3 cents c hiar•sden }lei Vise Chr,irraart , f the 1 1 _ ..lardy, Uaa, ;'1, Truck, H, R ' 9~7 l9t . Uardn°r, 1„ J, C ~ h o_ertnn and Coun Tha meatin w s ty Attorrto 6 a aponad vrith P 5 LOY Upon motion re.yar b r ":F y .ha C?ov,~rond G ~ 'a , Duo t uy A, Hoare ~ h t the Co; ~ o nressue or } a.,tor of . othor duties and h®c ~outhside Baptist Church taxes and n tho Conrnunit rr sure Y •.ospitgl, I?r. 5"f. p, ,M of tho incroaswn bur at .'l1~3.700 a Wnna or MaC g den g s of the Cor'~uni alo tendarc~d his yes ir•na s itlvoly©d in the o Drat 1+4r, G ty IIorpital C, flan P ion of ardnor, eecondod b affective r>a of .Jul.:. as n mombor of tho `I3oa Upon motion adopted; Y Colornan Y 31, 1917, which srn rd of accepted tir~.tl; re` re s upon r~rtion regular cou! n , ,1; t a d of l~ she f°llavrirg re~oluti all 7ra9 ';lheroaa; v+o hQVO t rr, 7 pan mation Beard of },~nacsr ~ ,t calved v}ith rr{rr„t !;h 1'lodnesday, ° s o. ~aa ~~°ranur,ity Iiosnitn, a raeignatian of 11,y, yc', D, 1, ar•,d 11cCai}; ns a marnbe,r of f ' t Vl}reron r ne s) we r,es ire to '.t,ttirin - se };o on rrrocrd vr~ rvico, €,ratuitous ithart axprr~s:>ior; of a ly rcn,lorr,d th ppraciatior ° }'°sPital and our carv,l t for his faithful ar;d ~ i'}ierafura, 8a rt Uos utity ,,his Roard ; or olved tha.t:.re tc~ka th I his fo,ithi'~i1 ;r, is opnortur.it Pursunnt to ~ ,;osni{gal wll 3r~ ic© ftnd o('f'io • Y t0 axtand to • . is}; he eve rrt grea.~t ~,a c zant a~=nistra+,' ~ ~ '}1° appro°iation of r,onnl yea ; zan o1' t,.a t.ha ft' t r .f _ca. f fa_rr, of tart Comnntnit Prosont; Ac 'a I'e it 1'ur ' Y tear rec,olved i;nht rA co „ anon the minutos o' P~ a!' tiicso yCr„ 'i f phis 13oar•n. uclntions be stmt to r r . }~lr. C, F. $ , P..r..1~l,az • ~ 6 anc rho same sproad the Roard. t cnrvnunieatior, eras rti a d Por has e-~ivad from Ilr, ~1nr~j r general fun r pi.tal cAre - .Zankin , for the ~ma~rtby tn`' ;earth Car.... advisirtl; scnedulo oi' ' sufficient aint olirrrc r Ir,creas inl ormatxon of the I cdustrial L'°r,.ml ss' os in fens nllovrP, 1lr, Coloman _ his loner and 4dvisa ~ C1tY' anci County, Instru Ton, a copy of which iv ~i ghat a ;joint rno©tin • lei ctions erere };ivon to ac . as attached 1947-19l~ b 6 11 bo ca }atorrlad llod in t;}to naar• firtr Pa receipt of hundrod dal ~ ra a u•e , p rt of tho acttvitios oft ``Q o°nsider the same draw cn the he Ilpreau of `tile ntifice.tion for ,1rr1 was , ; supplement A report of Y rac,r..vecl a tho I.adios Rest Room Corgi' - nd filed. rho Chairma lt1,ao ;'or Jtr 1,/ tiva„ yoceivod and fil was rHSO1v~ ~1Po"r mation dd, of 1'<ir, 7;•ask, soaondacl by ' and asses:ni ~lrerl~in • Ga_ drtor ~ ~ , P E?ennikar ditch in nccordEUtoe w' ~ payrarut~ ox ,~t},3jO,3.5 to ' authorized to `ri.~ .a ith bid Door ra 1'I m g rderrt and parzr;.~t o'chard in canrty;r,, • F Pa}meat of ~100,r,}C t,~ lir, r 6 .altrwn for ~;p~a't rocorr.,nonda Sian rv~.~!r }.oruii}:or fur flan a ha eror~ oI' damn o nd a}„rovr,l of ii; , ;;1,)r,j~~tr}e y denportir}; ,aid ditch v g r, G_v,1 };rt ~ roc e a ,proved ' (,inear .III char};e oft C' );n rrpplicc'•tio ho said . ~ n for lican;,e to sa'i haor at a „ + work, the srtma haing ~1 due i'o ~ lou,r~iun on the Rluo , rrt and eYeau~,lor_ ~til on,iarsod b (,la•i rvnd, suhr7ittad b ~ , seconded by idr, '['r v the S w L,I . .ask, a;r•nntorl, herifl', tires ulran r:~otior •Fliis, The Cot.rrttyc ~ r of•}~~ ,r, C,nriLnar, The Bo activities nrd declined t;n l,rant a rawest of f`r, l/, I,ho,ins hands of th 35f tiro Drum n i t ,zt Hug.e Car .Olen, r ',r.ill roc:, ~ ° ye t,tH 1?' o P" i,re ('or t~rcir ~ ~ r~to re ~ . Apnro~raiti }"'lllTane at ~ .,en ~ cap ':sad ~ (,l aril, uut of the br .pt ohaygo on • r'°n 5truii~trr, ',}arLrtasdav n1-h+; n ~f' a~iris. Airport, Li ~ b ~.ut;~.rr;t ].jth, sort char a t,n t? the !'non rnot; , man o~ 1.r. Gardner, sPCCrndod b~ ?rlr. T The moetin~ 'rru.'•e dratvr, to rater, the fnllov!in sorvo ns ,furors in the Su}~rerior Court g tnir,,y_six gaol :and 1a wc;c~~ term be wiul m gznning Au ust l8 ,far the trial of=cr'` en_ g , 19 7: .cmi.nal caoas for the on J °7 u • hd.3rovm • rlohn Ytrede, A,i7.Sidbury, A.r'Pr' ~ `7 E.LRnva ill } 1' ti'LP.Rouclnbush. 'i.H.Cnn ~amson. 13ra:ctnn Ellis. O,L.Brown, 1'r.J ady, J.H.Ervrin. M.R J,A.Bruton, l - .Padriek. T.T,Sellors. Claude H, P a' .Poindextor. 'Lonnie g. Iawreitce H, Cax. 1. t. I Br n, ' Chas,A,Tato, i; , F ~ as•B.Grala, ~ "1,i,~Pa • .P.,,dwards. 6J.M.Rvbinsor' n,Jr,,Jno.A:Can Y I{ernoth A~ggs, 5 ~H.Fulford 1' ,,.fi.F'aiin, adY' The rorulnr i IC,Clvde ~ ~ Ludwi Leno 'J•J•Parke 1Je,t~, ~ r. 4.R.hulrov. a r . A.H,Grimsloy. 1{cbt.C-Platt Jr, J,lda~r ~ obt, ° , toff ,,rr,th, Eridir~ 6. I,1'nt O.~Jilsan, , ?'resent: Adc Tho n a z• T.E.McKov raatirlg t•hon ad,]aurned. , , Jr~ County Attar { ' ~G clay}:. !a„ 1'ho meatin}; ~.u , ~r~ P. requost o1 ~ jt F the year 19! y i' County 9ttorn~y U on motion of Gardner, sacartdad by l~lr, Trask, C, }I, }'.crse Tax Collrrcto w t~ •ted to r.dvertisa F r, ns instr c tho 1846 unpA es for sale in acnordartoa vrith tho lavr to take taco on t}ta F''rat }londav in ~ P ~ i ~yptember 19 mation off b' P1r•. 'i't•ask, anti seeonclod b 1~r, Iiall to ut th° 1,lot•ritt °v - e "ect in } A Y P seen into 11 tho '1?e1fc~.r~ rtmont failed to carry on the nal;ative voro of l.¢•, Ga.rdnor and llr, Coleman, and further ao ` :'anon of tho manor ryas pastpon°cl an, I)r. }7inston, t',orrmi,s<, ianar of the eta+.;a I>oard Publi,9 ti re~'wa.s invitod to nppoay and ftu•thoi• discuss tho systom with the Roard. of ~ ~1 - I l r ~ 1 ] ~ r. ~M - , i1I H Sootin of gugust 4th, 1 1 ,cn } g 9 47, ntinuod. ~Q ;)79 Meeting of Ju1v 2(3t A request oP F.J.Garner for ari abatement of pat listed • h, ~9~7, cont'.nued. _ Prinaass Plnc~, put•cheaed Pram T penalty charged dgainst lot 8, 'fin block 16 • .i',Inl,ram 2{arch' lit, 1~r1~1>,thinkin • t}ie. manor. Pranted. same had been listed,was upon Q~ 1 i+ The follow ~ A request of Mrs. D.'H. Bryan for abn tatnent<of t}te pat liwted penalty chdr •e . good nrtd 1awFu1 men we ar r d_e ` e re drawn to serve as furors in'tha of D. H. Hty l o . proporty in blocks 1i, 1~3, 51J.°17 Cara L gat,nst the heir„ Civil cases for the ono wee}- , Tina Pla ' n I Superior Court for ©ar l was u on moti ce st,d .lot 24 hercwoad fo . term ha innin t ~ an a ~ r the g g August 11th, 1917, he trial of,; Y ~ ~ p f lit, !'reek, ascended b }dr, Ifs Y _ 11, 1,rantado J.T.3rown, Jr. _ A camrntnication°waa recaivad,from the C' ~ ital ar Y tornoy rnncarnii,g a-cahnce .due for: nrchitact fca A• S. Meia far comnuni hos r tY P , ul ordered Pi s led,.... Jas.L.Cola~. H A1e• A,r, audit,ra ort''of-the At3 x Bradshs~t, p C Aoard.far period ending ,?una j0, 1 was 947, received and filed. Sterling S. Shue; Upon motion, the }Hoard confirmed the c ` H. A,. Hinson.... a ti on of the Coru~tspionors itt s racial maetin hold Frida H.L,Waodal ~ ~uguat ldt, ti suepsndn C,'~,4. Cart ~ } E Y, 1. ! er, ,,apt,, of County-Hama and Farm anriirt th thv trial. on indictment brau~ht against him Jul _'Tat '1 1 p G_ a outcome of AoK.~4ePherson' Y 3 t for la , 9 7, rcony and receiving. .4 r The maetin then ac? au ;li aces vras, thRn ~ ,j rued, j, Pursuant to c~ 41ork, r Yf • . After due nc i ' lm~.ngton, 11. C., August 11th,'1947• proporty in t}19 hi hdat g the deed of Tha raguler weekly meeting of the 3osird we:~ t _ h a_ d a t l 0: Q 0 A,} d The Coun a Frosant: -Jas. M, llat.l _ Vica Cho i a. ty' rm .t, Geo. YJ. Trrisk, H, H. Gardner, L. J, Calantan and Cotta Att 7?.3 cents c ~ - htarsdan_He11ar:~y. ty ornay the 19 «l 1 47 9 i hha meeting was openodwith raper h the R p J y avarand Guy B. }leers, Paster of Saut}isida Baptist Church..'. U on motto .A P n +hat the C Due to nressua of ~ o~ other duties anti bec~usa of the lncraaaang burdens involved in the o oration of the Community Ni,spital, }rx. D, McCaig tendered his rasi•na ~ taxes and n~ c_ I, tion as n member of the ilea d o r f ' at $1n3.7pp P•"anagars of the Coruu~urtity }tor;}~itR), effective as of July l l l^ whi h<<r . 3 , 9 fr , c . as upon rnation of ~ },fr, G~rdnar, saeondad by b1r, Coleman, accepted with re(;ret, and t}ta fol?nt°rir. rHSalutioit eras L ilpon motion adopted; F rc+gulo.r pout i'~ , , +}hareas, wa have received vritrt regret, }.ha resignai;ian o2 Mr. lr, D. i{cCai~ 1ss a member of the 6 Tipon motion 'tBnard of l,~,nagers of tits Cartmunity lio~pitnl ar,d ' tiYodnesda , , Y ' Vlheraes~ v:o desire to o on record vrith an e K xpra .,ion of, apprnciatian for his faithful and ~ ~ utitirin~ service, gratuitously rendered the hos ital and our nonuatutit P y '~}iarafore, Bo ?t ?,r;salved thPt; ~rc~ takR this o ortur_it too ` e to> pp y xt nd him ,ha appraoiatian cf t r;is Board ; or his fe it};f'~~] aar~rioa r.,nd of'f'iaient administrat,ian of th t P ' + ~ , . , .a ha ..1 fr+_rs of thfc Lor.n ~~~ty Pursuant to ?ro:,pit~l, tivhich }1e ~~ve at Uree.t nersonnl sr,cr~.f'co. ?'e ii; frarthor resolved t~'nr;t a r,c~~~ of these r~~~clnt~a ba t 'r Prasantt Ad ~ ~ n.. von ~ to ,,r. iicCtii(; ant] the ammo s read p 3 upon the mimttas of this 'jeercj, idr. C, F. S A oaranunioatior. was received S'rom }4r. Jahn Yf, Ratdcin advi9 sc ed o' ' the Board t in h ulo z utcreasos in fees allow b ad e a ~ for has taT ^a , g par 1 fun _ pi ~ re ark~zexxa~ by the IIorth Carolina industrial Corvntssaor:, a copy of which tvas attached st~fficierit ~ for the pint informrtiau of the Cit and Coturt~.'Instructians ~rere •ivon to ae}~towlad e recei t Y J L g p of ?I!r, Coleman . ~ his latter and`advi~o'that a_~oint meotinl, will be aallad in the near ftittu•e to ca:isidar the same 1947-1948 b hundred del A report of ha activities of the Hureau of Idontifiaatiod for ,Till • was raceisrad and filed. } draw an the supplement + A report of the hadies Rest .Room Catu~ittoo "or Jul' was received and filed. ~ J the Chairtr~ , was resole _ L`nnn motion at },ir. Trask socondnd l;v Gardner a ~ertt':of ~ '50,3' to Gear:}o Yf. Talrnart for e ~ , P_YJT 3 and assessrri ~irerlginfi l?enniker ditch in accbrdatica with bid, ~arr,ent of ~lliilr}0 to 1Jr. Haniti}:or fnr° dame e` g authorized to 'pia garden and eea}r r~Lhard in connectinn wzth the work of doe"an;xt said ditch wore a raved P P g PP upon racnrunendation and ap;troval of !L , }d.?i'Landar, Civi 1 Enl;inaer in charge: i,f the said work. ",n r~uplica±inn for licnnae to sell beer et e looatinn on the Rl.ca c;]a}~ 2•ond, :,uhrtittad 'ty L.PEliis, the same bQitt i11 due form and s:~er;ution arfd endnrsad b t}~.a 5her•i°f, teas a an oration of ir. Gardnet• P Y P , I ~'d1 seconded by i~ir, 'Trask, ;ranted. r The County The. Boer•d dacTinad to (;runt request of }'r. ,Yd. K. Rhad~rs to relapse the I?_;f gate receipt charge on activities ' 35}! the >}trim and Hu la Carts •.°rill r•ac~iva f'ar their benefit out of the 6y adtaigsion char a to rho hands of th K l ~ g ' ballgama at Legion Gtttiditim'~Ie~*tesda;! night, AitLntat ljth. ltpproprRiti ; Airport, Li Upon motion of lair. Gardner,. seconried by }.Lr. Trash, the fallcvring,t}tiny-six geed and lawful .men crate dratYrt to serve as ,jurors , in the Superior Court, for the trial:. of criminal caws for the one The mooting week term beginning August 18th, 19lkjc i J: d.3rawn. John YJr~tdo, A,1r.Sdbnr AL,YJilliamsoti. lira:cton lallis. J,A.9rutan. Y E.L.Ro;ral,' Ydi',Rou<labush. }I.H.Canadv. J,H.Ervvin. l1.P„Poindo;:ter, Lennie B. J3ryan. O.L.Brown. 1V,J.Padriok, T.T.Sellers, Claude }i. Plat. ; Jas.;3,GrahamJr. JnoA.Canady. ;j Laivrence'H Cox. ChasA,Tate. E.F.Fdtivards, wY.}:i.Robittson, B,BFanr,. J,J.Parker. H•~•:''n Karneth Ai s, S,H.F'ulford. T,udtivi Leiner, A.R.l~iru•ey. i?obt.Q,~'ilson, Y gg . & j }{.Clyde YJest. A.R,Grimslav. ilabt>C.Pl:rttt,Jr. J,}Iowron Smith. lsddie A, Mintz. T,EMcrioy,Jr. The regular The taeotin then ad'oftrnad. Present; Add g .1 COUttt~r Attor Clerl.. ' Tha rieeting 3 A request of ...the ~e~r 19u y Cotu> y .lttor U on motion of }'s. Gnrclnar, sacondari U i~ir. Trask, C. H. }'.orse, Tax Collector was :instructed to advertise P Y ' the 19ub unpaid taxes far sale in accordanea with the lflgr, to take place or, the First }ianday in Se tember 1917• p A motion offered by llr. Trask, arui seconded by lair. Ii~ill, to put the 1?cr^ritt ystam rtrt effect i.n the 'i'elfarr~ lle artmant failed to carry on the nogtttiva vote of Garrinvr ~incl }dr•. -Colnnan, and P i further consideration oi' the ma';tar bras ~aostpnnad nn, 1)r. ti7iustan, Corcmissianor of the Mate Hoard: ~ ' . 1'r are was invited ton ear anal ftrthe.• dis~uas the syatec~'with the Bofrd. of ;?unlit elf PP , ~ ~ ' _ li, .t J 581 1 ' Y'rilinin gton, N. C., August 18th, 191 ~ 47 f fYilmin • ton J!. ` C A r . E~ g ugust 2,th, 1947•.:.. The regular waoltl mae in of Y g ahe Board was held at 10:00 A. tL Thy Board mat i.n re ular vreykl sexy' , Presents Addison Hewl tt- g xon. at Y- 10.100 o alock Aati, with. Cor , a ..Chairman, Geo. If. Trask L J , ,rliasxonars a'~ddison w Chairman,-Geo. rY, Trask, L. ,J. Golyman-.and Conn Atta He Lett Bellamy. Colymnn;and County Attarne tiara my t Y den , , tY y present, and. imsnydiately took a xec:eas until 3x00 P: Iii,, respecting tho aasJn of tar ~ P g s. Carrie I{ardia Gardner, rnothor of our fallox member, Thy meetin was o aned Jar. Y,. R. C,ardnor, and funoral aervic r g P with.. ra orb as at t.ie Filth _ r P Y y the Reverend Paul C.` 2}ix pastor of }daf Avonua 1.lothodiut Church 11x00 otolock, erf Church. Fitt V'~ ~llago Baptist Pursuant to recess"taken at 10:00 o'clock A.},}. he c .Beard mot at j:UO o alocl. P. 1d.' j A aopy of a stud. co lrityd h Y mp y the Ihska Endovrmont on the inereaso iri r. ~ ~ , Prosants Addison iiavrlett Chairman G far- by first six":.month oat of hossita yo, , a of i91r7 ea compared ~vith 1y146, was r9ce I l operatirnns Ir, Trask, L. "J Col4man and Lounty Attornoy t'.ea•sden Aell Directs ~ ivied Prom _ amy. r,_Jas. Iralkar Idemorial Hospital, Tha ten hoe its ' Jnlm 1r, I;aiikxn, ~Y capaeit located P is rompared are of 2U The minutes of meatin s of "r~ ,I, Y in tho Carolinas, - Q oz more ood g Al,/ 21, 28; and August 1.4i t;l, and 18th, vrery z•ead and a roved as Ali PP raoordad, orded. ~ Dr. Pllam Winston a^ the Sttity oa r A latter was raoeive3d fro rd a B . Ptblic Iralfnra appyarad,as xoquostad, to axp.aiai tlry m ,..Col. Ma H, pustill, utate Procurement Off at express ing appreciation Por `th icyr, 'Rnlyi h N,` L opar ion of the Merit ~ystam of solar inc a ~ ~ ~ • a offices the Cor-,missionors furnish i ' Y ro sap if puf. ir, aifyot xn the Cnsnty ralfara' ad the .,e_octive S© D artmont, and ur-yd t}zat bo d ~f and,Appaal'Aaards witho aP ut nhe.rgy, during the was• period, rvio9 Local a one ,a .enable the ,rolfara :lapar~tmont to pyrfoz•m more e~'ficientl 1 and artiai ate to th I y P p e minim m xn the diRtribution of Stato azzd I;aderal Plzztds, After considerably ~ ' Upon motion of 1rlr. Trask, syaondyd b l„r, C diacuusiotz the matter eras postponed to a full moaton of thA B n r•^ ' g a.rd afar a matron o~.eryd b . Y olyman, the Roard ca c _ ' n.nllyd the }d1.00 not-listed 1dr, Trask to put thr> Iiar~.t Sstem i,r ef'' ~ Y ,i charged ags~inst lot adloinin' '2 ,rt n any J sect fa g ~ le Court... }daaohhnro `tovrrlship, afar thE, veer' q P lty , filed o. e. s©aond. Thomas 1>Ta'Cruta; account of y , , b l~6 owned rror xn name, .the same eras oha.rgyd to T}tomus nH"' Cnite J U on motion of and ~ ,fir. Colemen ~ . i included on ..Thames t{ r t via P seao I, . C a,es list. snot , ndyd b~ fire Trjtsk, a refund of ~6,7q to P~, R. Korth agd,/or Woodus Kellum, Attorney, for duplioatbpaymynt of taxes, .plus aost and interest on ro ar n t~ a , ~ p tY i look A request of Iir.-Albert Coates, Uirector to f~~ SU.S .for the yoars 138,°19jr? and 19140, wAs ardyred, rnish the-Institute of Gi,vernmant with carbon e of the minutes of the Conmissionars' zee t o ies o.ings, hyginnint; withthis data, for tho 1s P classification, and di ost o Itrpcsy of anal s• Are ueat far an ad~ustment of .back t n , g f ..the procaydxzzgs to'hR furnished each court Y xs, q J axe c.uy an the propyr~y of the .heirs o9 Charlotte tlovrard, the officals + house in the Stat Moak ,~2r and the ha ti , ~ a to keep.. ! ~ .ire. of ,reldan bierric~, Moak ~;b8 to ether with a re nest' of ~ in touch vri~h what is` going on in the .counties vrse, is g q tir•, K.L.IY,Kin pan ,motion of tir,,.,ras}• far canc911ation of the l 28, 1 g by 2:"r, Colems,n, granted, ' seconded' 9 929 rind l 70 nixes 4harged 'a ainst his ro ert in block a ' g P P Y 93 porch aed from George 4'r}zaelar, w}rich said taxes he olaims wss included a ' ased xn ~h aet~loment of July 8, 1930, A request of 1dward Ha es fora ~ were referred to -the Carrlittem for investi at e y n ad,Justm.,r,t of the back taxes due nr, the soativrast ua to g i n and with power to zrnt. in Moak q r rat' lot 2, ' 55, an`an assassmvnt reduction basis, was referrarl to the Carssittao for invast;i atio A clam f • w,.th power to act. g nand z o Mz . H . R, t,., lish that he xs char °ed w t} 6 i , a ~1,600,00,hausfl on lot 17 in bloc>ti 10, Carolina ];each, which should havd briar char, yd to lot l8 ` ovrned b `Louie D ' g y zuinn, was ordered The July ry ort of the t;omr~ carracted if upon invaeti "a.tian the feats are found t ~ P unity .hospital was. rac~,iiad and filed. ~ G o ba ac stateda I No ~b,jections were raised to the granting of"a ormit to ,J I~'a fin application for license to sell beer at a location on the Carnlina Beach road o Deity 1r~ffitt to PP P r1 S)zeydon; lrilmia •ton i1, C ' construct: a wharf and dredge mataraal from a sl Village, sabmxttyd b;j rtauno A, Lyhto, buy not recormnendfld b the Sheriff eras pat a t ip x~ Ididdle Soiind,on the west side of Y pproved. ` In+xacoastal Yratarway, about half mile northvrast o" i7 w the 9tlantic , .o a Craolt, in accordance viit}; his a ralicat' to the tJ, Sa District Engxnoors. p. xon.. Axr application for lxo9nse'to sell: bnar at the Plantation Elub on the Carolina Basch road,.; submitted to d by Hilton Aa'Powall was not approved and continued for fur~thyr invysti•ation as ta`the natu e t the h}r. t9, 2" Sne business ale at + . ~ ~ r of he I r ad nd ,ha gcs.,tio,z as to vrhather or not the;pramises is barrod frame-the solo of beer adon, 210 ~ribson Avf.nuo, Y~ilm~.r.~;ton, I}. t;,, was exempt l'rorz the pa~m,ant of o a ' an account of Poverty anti infirmities..: - p 11 t ies for e violatio:! of ;}ze prohibition lays, ~rar~ r®ferrnd to the Count Attorny+r for inveati at eer Y g ion end opinion. a Applications for licenses to sell hoe ~ , • ran U„ 71~~~76 at ranter lurk, anti 1}S; l7, - thrhe miles north of Wilmington, stzk~rzi tted h• ,JaV.Crahar; and- ~oshu " ' The County's' 11.47-191;11 Rirdgat Appropriations, after e,dvartisemont milde in aocordanoy w th t a a 0. rrarnor, ryspec ivyl ahe samn,boin " ,'n i i _he 1 w, Y, g x due form ant, wory`finall r'_ado ted, and u on motion af:21r. Coleman aocondyd b } T execution,. and andorsad`by the shAriff, ware cz an motion of Trclsl- ~ ~ P , y lr, z~sk, the f'r,llowin `ap ro riation P seconded by I.rr, Coleman, granted, g P P ristion ' resolution was ado tyd,' all members rosont •ro 3nM riffirmatival P P b Y t if on motion t ~ p ha Board authorized ant, ctirycted `the pavmynt of salaz~f throuEh Au(•tzst, aacaunt ai' earned vacation, to the widow of the late T.Ck;llyrs,far serviced };u-, Filers rendered ahe ceunt~ a~ editor.. ~A'.~PROPRTATION &ESGLUTION nffi.cs; the widovr-having qualified as administratrix of his estate. - i Section 1. Be t b ,P R C T i pop-.motion of ?rir. Coleman' seconded h `id T i resolved _ y_tn, oard of Caun omrussxaaars of 2rerv Hanover Count Nortli Cardin y r. reek, the fallovrxn4a resalutxon rnspycting the ~Y Y~ a, in.a, ' passing of 1,'r, T,.C. Filers, was adopted, this 25th, day of August 11+7, :that the oxpyrse for County'Govyrzzmeza, its acti.~itias and institutions, tion:s fore the fiscal year ynding.Juna 30th, 91a;;, the-amotszita of the followinf soheduly ' or-so much of each ~ ~ , gaoh W}zaresas, on -the rlornin • of the .Thirty nt ~ , ' as may be necesRary, are hereby a ropriatyds e h day of ~?ugiast, 19t~7, wa., callyc. from his earthly. PP hbor•s, Thomas Cleveland'1;llars, Clerk in the office .of the: Ca„nt'~ Auditer oP ilovr }lanovyr-Coon. c n~ Section 2 That for the acid fiscal veer theta are }ierab a ro r atad , Y PP P for the 1°rhereaa, his }aiowledge of tax records and details was a rest asset to IJyw llanovyr Co,rnt and the Office in which he' was y> g Y 'Coon Ilame 0 2.8 mployed,ln~t served faithfully and .well sxnna Apzil l~)~7, and ~Y , r 29, 7 5 Cauxlty FS'..41i ,,,~,,,.,~.....,,..,,,a,~,e,,,,~,ru.,rY,,,,,,~+ 17.,1172,17 ~ r i aOltIlty Drains 6 .,,,,,..,,,w„,.„+,,.,,.,,s~.s,,,,a~'..,,..,,s Yrhrireas, the members': of_ this Hoard taro izy s a s 1 s o a • ab J g 5.717.45 ~ gn a.n hi p ang the _,o s f rE lu le .employe, faithful ainstakin and 5 ~ V Fmyr yna• ~0 ,.r.,,,..,,a~.a „a, „ •,,,~,s~a,a,a,,,,,,,ra 2,513,12 2 • P g a mo t c,ansistynt Christian r,haracter, ar!d desxro to pay ,.ributy to g 13 5 ,775 5y his memory: Syation 3,,That fGr-the said fiscal year: theta is }iareby;appropriatad TherHfara, Re It Resolved Ghat a co af-thas'3 resolutions be sent to the i'amil~ of the for Dependent; Children 12~y876.00 PY J decriasod with Fxpressinns` of the sincore s ath~ of ;the r~embyrs of this Bod and a ooiv of the ` ~ YmP d Y F. soma be s read n nn the minutes of 'this P.aerd. Section t~. That for the said Pis cal year there is hereby appropriated P P for the Couray General Fund......~ " 3~ 769 14 , Payment of ?2,1L44..00 to i~r. J, A,' ,Jonas for- rearrnn in • and instal2in U1r flood `li hts at 1a ion I ~ ~ g G g ~ r ~ g ~ 1;' Section at far the se.id fiscal ear there era herab a ro riatad Stadium fir. accordance with his bid, was upon motion of PIr. Cnlaman, syaonc.yc. by ~t•, Tra~k, approtod 5• ~ Y Y PP P su>J ect to !:hy a ravel of the StadiuniCorrmzi`fey. ,far the Health Fund i PP ~ Board bf Health`..,, 25 716.67 Ara 'uyst of hit, A ' B ho y e 'eta of ilyeds that the Board write General Jr?}m Va H, },{efts Pita. Statistics . . . . . . . . , , . ; , - 250.C0 q R d s, R g i r ra ? 0 Raleigh, 1d. C., raqueatin the He inter of Deeds by granted-access to t}se draftboarr3 reoords in his DDT I1ltssting -,5 0.00 ' 26,14hb.67 ' g g I i. Cara, for the purpose of"securing information' necessary to templets` a rostor of t}te sorvico mart and ~ _ womenaf-this count was ranted. Section 6. That for the said Fiscal year there is hereby appropriated ~ Y, g ~ for the Hos ital Fund, , . , a , . (Jas,7ralkyr` HospitP.l ?.14,000.00 A 2,{r, J. D. James, "Jr:, e enrecl toy tees appreciation df the American Lnticn for correcting the PP xF' flnod li hts at Le `ion Ste.dium. `Syc.ticn 7. Thst for the sz;d fiscal ynar there is hereby :}ppropriatad G ~ , for Ol.d Ave Assatanca 216720.Q0 ~ ti on mot'o . as seconded b Iir. Coleme.n -Co!uity bills llos. 3 to l6~ +nclusivy vrare p xnof~ir. Tr k, v . 3 1 , ' approved for payment. ~ Sentian 8; ..That for: tt~s said fisca), year t}:9ra is hereby approp: intad I ~ i far thyt`rilmingtan I~Ortvalln!liSSiOn.,.,,.,.'....r.,r,.,,..~,..r 9~1~~1~4a~5: i ; Tha meeting then, Ad~otutnyd. 1' Section That for the said-fiscal year there is hereby appropriated C e }r for the Sr<lary rand 52,8~8a00' ~i ' 'I h ~yotion 10 ]'hat fo, he said fsuel year'tharf?.:are hereby al>prnprir='~ed I, for bhy sahcals a:hy fallowing: ~ i f i 1 P~agular 'Terra i 1~3,Oao.ao Schaal tiaintonanoy.,..,~.,~•~,•,• ~ y Ca fife Qutla .r", Q®aaaa ~ 12~C't,~©CO i,+ f r` r l ti j " it S i i„ , ) , ,i 8 3 G i I ;i Meeting of Au ust`2 th g S , 19~T, continued.. ~ ' Y(ilmin ton r i t~ . C•, ~aptembar 2nd, 197. f` Sohaol Su lament;.:: . , PP____-__- Pursuant to reaass tr:ken l:io ~n„ Alm--r, August 25th, 19~~7, tna Beard mat at 10~0U ~ ~ eQded Term 1 A ~ o aloe a~ fofffafffffff.~ffffffffs r•• . Sohool Books ~ ~ 1b~,7U0,p0 Prosant: Addison IIevr e h 1I ,fsfff fssf,fsf•sf siss,, sss~if sslsssss~..• . r y' 1 t,, Cha.lrman Q ! • • • • • ~ • • ~ • ~ • • • • , ,o, Trask Jas l.I, Hall, I',. R. Gardner L~ J, Coleman a ~~~OU4,00 County Attorney ?dArsden Da ' , nil I .,ecti.on il. _That fir the said J_ llamy, fiscal: ear t• E for the Sa ~ i Y },erkl is hereby aPProPridted • ,F ,ss, a,i afff s,saf ss,sYfssafr.„' hi ~ L7.11 l a ~ i haa~ B,t..l.ding )?and The mznutes of meot:,n of Au ust ^•rttt vr,rr. 1 917 r z, ~ 1d~e5UC®35 , ~ o and apuraved as ranordad. i Section 12. Thst "o r the said fiscal. • , yoar thc~ra zs hflra>;y appropriated On opin_on of the bounty P.ttarney that tho sale as ' , , ' af,er at the i for the School Pension F .lautat Carolina Beach Raad, ie barred on eacount of a v ,on Llub, lnca_aa c,n the an s,„•...f,.as.ss,s,s.sss,J„aals. 6;.~'.. ~n iolation. ~ 3 , 39•LC within the ast s of the`nrah~b~tian law, a~ainst the'lace p ix man~hs, an application for 1icrrse to sot. b b r , i, Seota,on l T 1 oar at thb said a ' ce, 3 hat for: the said.fisaal voar t ~ . hara .,s herab a r tinted Milian A, Powell, aas upon motion of }Sr. Hall 'sac pl ca, subma.ttod by 1:: for the It Y PP °P elfara Daparmtent , onded by lat. Gardner, nat..apprcvcd. by ~ 115,6£brj0 -A_raport of th , ~ a jre.srrl ,,l,ry, August'cra.mirlal terra 1 1' ~ • ' Section .11.4. That far the _aaid fiscal: ear P 9 ~l, ra,, received and falod th .re is h~r~bya ro tinted . f, ~ Y p .or the Junior. Coll~,ge...,...f~... P P t ....e.,,.,,.,, _ An audi. report of tho bo - t alwl, arld rHaord6 Of +,h© aaunty affiaprs of leer i`tannVer Coll , 3~,5CC.C0 , ~ • ~ n ra arad b 1„r. ;?drrard C. Craft, GPA:, Sor too fiscal , :~ar end P P ~ ~ Section 15. That for the said fiaca a ~ , ,7 r'a by J ink; June 30th 1 1~ izl acoo • U' . I,. 1. yo r theta sz•a hatch l a ~rci of IRay lath, 19~G7 urea t•f~ce ~ ~ , t . ran .rath his contract y PI printed , ived and a , p yrlont of ~1,5GC.CC to l~.r. Cr t • • , for the Caun Bond F of for znn, tr ac t tY unds,.the fallowing; xas au„hortzed. .inl, tho audit, as agreed, ~i i; F T,reed, r ~ ~ s • ~ ~ ~ , • • f l,llf,•~5 }Ipon ilatl0n. Of I'r, Gardner, iTlStrilatinn8 w8"fl .1J0t1 * ~ • ' • • ~ t0 v0aur8' ua..a ~10nS { ar ; r Court House q lurn_nhart two aa;rs'of • • . • • • • ~ • , • . • • 12,b;jQ.OC stoam coal' War tho county 1-iome, and two ears of st L of Sc o altar ~ ~/z pq coal .or_thA court house,: ~n .sealed bids: to S n18'.•..s.r ~fss.~s !J(,U • C+ ry btirEl ~+E'iV9d arl(1 Ubl n~ r ~ • to i ~,,7 5 0 Ed ~ P _ i oporinc3 end read e.t tho moat , ~ ~ , 3.7~ u1F, E9ond~y, ,.eptenhar fJth, lnll7. ~1 Total Bltdgatf s s • s a '7 w 6 P. canmlunicatio. , l,3•,'7,~51.~~ a recaired frara the County Auditor advisinC thn amotult on da,oci~ in each bank ~ 1 , as of July Slat, 19~}/ to ot}:er w t. ,if , H i ~1 a menlarandnm of s s curitias bald blr us in Bch onset ii Upon motion of J!r. Coleman. seconded b h • ' , y Trish, }~ir C, R, lloree wan r:- i The Governor's oEficfl advlsod that r : ~ „ , ~ E , a..e ir, i cted o ty c,,tiflic.t .courts, his of2~o© a^r1i1 bo :lr;able to furnish a ,;I i C ty-County Tax Collector for the two ye~.rs teat be inn 'ud at ~ ing .October 1st, 19l~7, and'hond fixed ga for the Spacial crimxnar, term renuestad for the wool; cP Sa teraber ?9 ' ~ 37,50p.Qo oath by ahe Cit and Caurit P ,th, ci,thorit was theref4lre Y y. 1r. J. W. Brown wets a oi•.tad Ass Sti given by the Doard to substitut an + Y )fors ~ 4 Tax Collector and bond fixed at ~2 r00f00 a PP ~ ant City-County a ..o ,her data thr~+, woltlc meet thn approval of tho AttarneTMa and e ch by the Ci„y and County ~ ~y ~ court officers. r i ~ employees of the Citt..Caiult aura,, bond., far thFl o'~rier ~a , Y y Tax Office to be cantinlied t the City encl. Coup all sub ~ .ho sanlo aan<nutts of ~2,50CfC0 sac}, uy ' _ tY, iact to similar nation d an a travel b the City" 1, A roquost of the Cdpa Naar Holdang Com sn afar a xecluction o 4 Pl , a. ! ln:ington. y P Y f tho 1,1x7 assesszaent on }tuildin ir. ' block tr°1r9, a.ecnun+, of ;;~1Q,4QG.C~~ incrsnsa, vr:U referred to tho t;e,.,' ~gl, r~la,tt9o for ro~a.ew, e.nd vrxt„ pnv,or to act. .F i The followin resoluti yr g on as u,ron motion of ~.r. Culer„an, sacanJod by I:S, Trask ado ~,rd a' 1~ I re uaAt of D~ -n , p i ,he i, L 9 ..striot Sol~aitor ~lafton L. ~4ooree Iolr•. J. 4rade ,Soc~-"`*• ~ ~ ' ~ , J t. orla of the Tobacco, 5tata base„a 11 Lea •,~e a ~~aa . 6 , p, red to ask far a redue,tion.cf of the 12A;gata r~coipts on '~ha Play-off amss at o, r . ~ ti'Jhieraa.s, {,hara are such a le.rga accurnulutiar, of cririinal canos L Lion Star}a,um, i.o anion ~raa taken. )f en the doclvet of the Superior Coitrt of New Hnnovar`Coun for trial a ~ ~ , nil ti roqueat for an e.d us~ent of tk. a . ,l o b cr. ,axes on thel.raperty of the hezrs of John Bradle~r, bloc): Ptherpaa, a large number of prisoners are novr'confined in tho c ~ 0 `ova • 'a• r - . sk ontr,a<tn riser. of thfl Coun 3 s r5fnrrar, to tho cozuna.t,eo .or v + awaitin trial P ty of Ilox+ Henoe"er in fls ~igrltzon a_td wi wL otirer to a,ct. S of_oriorinal aas9R,<arld P ~ 1"rheress, as the next ra °u s , ~.1 r term of the Superior Court for the Cap t t. Afta , ui y of ilew .Iacnover for the tri'~l of r a dzscusszon of the bier~.~ S stem ns H~lainod b ~ D ~ criminal cases will not co v J y r. Ellen tida:nston at the meeta,tz o; n ens ant g i1 October 2']~h, 19+7, and that from thzs date t.e yr A~a•*ust 2r'th t~lr, PrasL 1 ~ r number of Rdditiona, c ~ h ra i11 ba a large b J , paved to a. loww, and put in ef_ act, tho r,:lnis,.um ~vh •a scale ender +lto bterit 1 aso,, daahatad for trial in the Superior Couz•t of said .,glint on the cri.mina Y 6 ` Y 1 S stela far the 1~"olfax6 Dopartment. His motion was sarondfld b lax. Ha1x rix:d car calendar, and Y , tied on the ' r , affirmatite rate. of Cor~a~ssionors Trask, Ha~,l and tho:Chairz~ln. I°trr {7ardner attd IIr. ~;clerrm.n voted VYhereaF, it is he unanimous o 1 pinzon of the Board of County Cor~i~szancra of Plavr iianover,Count• no,- leaet nano wesk spacial oriminal term is ~ that at necessary to dispose of the oases now on tho dockot for trial in Navr Hanover Coun+ i Y I,pon oration, County bills 1tDS..l6~ to 2F,h iris„ vrara a-t rovcr? far a~,mrtnt rrub act to a BE ZT THERENORE RESOLVI~ID that +.ha Board of Coun+.v Car. ~ tP P . , ~ the pproval w imissiora;+rs of llew Iianovor Countyunaniraaus~y re oast of the County Auditor. .1 I his Lxaallency, Rf Gregg,Charry, Gorernnr of the State of;Idorth Caro in too q 1 a, tiler a spao,.al term of the ,_Supa^~.or Court, includin 'the. re ular tar. s c i g g g zd fury o~ the Caarltyr, for the trial of crindnal. caso., only, tc pith rofer4nce to the rtattar pf the Cit;y'prova.ding free ptwrkzrl~, spare for the Cnurtty A,ants' of Y L fica aonvvna on Monday, September ?_~th, 19!7,' and tit con+.inue for ono weak. st , ~ n , , c© ~~'f, I,ir, Galpn.trt, ~a~n~y „goat, was ast,oc. to taltr,> ,,he r,tatter :tp tivith t}ta G:lty Council. ~ Be it further reslovad they tho Clark of the Bo ~ • ~ and of County Cor.ur.~~sionors be, and ho is ,,r,reby daroc ed 1: to furnish a 'copy of this resolution to th© Governor. of the State of llortr( Caroling. Th t e meetin then ad ournaii, J H on + G .oration. of I Mr ~4•as ~ , P k, saaonded by nx. Coleman, Miss Devarly ~toklay who .has. been. an the. employ of ~ ~ the County for A. number of years ,as Secretor `to the Chairman- of the Doard sail ®naral clerk' with Y g C consideratale knowled e and a erience in tax w was romoted to th® osit'on e n g xP ark, p _ P i made vac .nt in .the ' County'Auditor's oftiae by the death of. I,[rf `T. C, Ellers. Mrs Gaor~e fir. Vlilkins > Tax C1er•k was ` , b , rlilmin ton.. rd, Cf Se tember t ~ 8h a s p , 197. promoted to the position formerly bald by Miss Stokley, and Rr~rs, ?ilea D. Sturirt was emliloyed to fill the vacancy oacaaionad by the promotion of }xrs. l"rilkins, on advice of the Civil"S©rvico Comrlissinn 'that she was certified as first c s' at a moeion dal "oa ~ j hoioa for the po, itian g y lied ant, bald August 21st, 7 he xegular weekly meetan~ of the hoard: was :held at'10:fl0 0' clack A.bi ~ 1947, ,j . ~ Present • A • C ; dda.~on t~ewlett Chairr.~hn9 G..o, 'a'r', lr~:sk, Jas. I~"~. Hall, L. J, Coleman and ` Admission of Lale. liixo ~,ount• Ho*ta was n, colored, County indil,ent, to ha open motion appravad or. County Attorney- I1'laTSden F~ellanyf G recommendAti:on of the County welfare Off ioar. Theminutes of meeting of ~eatember 2n~~ 1947, were read and appr©ved as recorded. Jpon motion cf lilt. Colarnan,' seconded b i'~r•, Trask, the payment of ~12,t}~ to Andravrs hiartuRrv far the I Y burial. of an unknown bob irl was a roved, ~ • Y g PP The fo;.lowing and only ba.d for furnishing-coal far the .county..; home and courthouse • a was .received from S tin. er` Caa1 and Cz.l Cam any and un~n oration condeC1 Monde Se tember st < a1 id +r Labor Dav and fallir. ~ on the da+,e of the next p ~ p rrt of tor. Trask, ecanded ~ Y, P 1 ? 1)1r7, being; a leg _ hog ~ . } h b ~1r. H~ ws d re ` i , Y a1~., - ordered. opened an ad. reg<ilar meet9xzg oP tlae Board, a raaoss was tnflrrfare taken until 10;J0,o clrcl: A.h'.., Tuesday, Septentbar 2nd, 1947• n 1 Car Lavr-Volatile Stoker Coal, Oil: Treated, delivered in bins court house 11.5C pe ¢ - 2 tan. 1.1.50 per t i! 1 Clerk. ~ c '2 Cars Pocahontas dun of Iviine, f.o,b, tracks count, home ..iding @ ~9f64 er ton, P tan, R n , Z'he 'above rites are subject to any increase in freight. rate allowed riot to p P a delivery,n ~ ° The above. bid was u on motion of Ivir. Trask seconded by irr, Coleman aece`tedf p : ~ P s r A statement was. received .from the State Board of Public Welfare shawn~ that $21' $ .'~5 ~ 583.75 ' was.. sent to th~.s:County by the Department fore-the month af'August, for Old Age Assistance ais ts.nce ~~id to Dependent Children-and for Admna.strat~on. . P , I' No oh~estions were indicated, by the Heard to the United States District r,ngineers'- ` rantin rm t to Drf C• I. Carlson to dredge approximately Il 445:cubic arils s Y g gape_ ~ ' 'af materialfrom'two a roach `channels an the ~~rest sa:de of `the A:tlanti;c Irzirercoastal ~1. Pp _ Waterwa at Pa as Creek. l', Y g , w' 1 be-im osaible to , t ~ The Governor s office havingadvz.sed that it rl p furnish a fudge to of t e 's coin) criminal term of court for Merv Hanover .County for the' week'of ep em er 9th therefore the date of r~ovetnber 17th,19~7g recomr~endad by the District n1. {c. t .2 C9 th ' Solicitor' ~rras'~zpan rnatcrn'of b`ix.Colemana secendea bar ~~ir,Hallr .fl.s:ed in lieu of 5e,t,29th r ~ . , , ; t r•. ~ , 7 _ ...~_M_.. _.w.w~M :w..: , r r t~ ¢ I y, ~:e2ting of September $t ~ 1947,. continued, l~eetin `of g ptember 15t~!_ 1~4 c • A 7, ontinued. ~ re port-of the Ladies Rest R ~ oom Co~imittee'for Au ust w g as received end fi No; action was taken' on led An, application ;submitted k P , 3, a request of ; Om ` Y H_n of.`the back tae the Keverend J, S, the Carolina beach R ~ irly to sell beer at r x s Cr o ~ He f due on prarierty in black owlet' foread~ustme w ad wds approved sub ect my-s Tirive.Inn on 1932 he purchased fro #8$s for the, ear' rat hick adjoins the Plant t' J to its barn shout m the Copperative Build Y s 19203 1931 and a ion Clubs eras not a g n that the place, ~1 19 2 for in ,fix management or art o 3 ~ the reason. the sa g Lean Associatia operation of th p f'or cen.neeted wit Uzi me is a ~ust_and n June;7th _of bee e Plantataan G1u _h~ the proper charge, ~ r on account of a vi.Q b, which is barred from lation of the rohibit the sale p ion laVr. Upon moi;ion of ?tier. Celemany seconded- b iulr. U on • listed against part of Y Trask1 the 1946 taxes ` p motion of I~,r, Coleman T - lot. 7, and part of lot` 6 charged ds not ~ Wri htsb ?seconded" by I~,~r, Gardn rnvnshzps in the name of H ~ 4, Lake :View Terrace ~ oro ACreS, Cape`Fear t er, the. assessment on la G. Lata.mer ,Tres , ~ascnbaro awnship urcr•s • t #35, .the same urea sold to ~ tee ~ was ordered` cant and whicY~ is: included in t i P a ed by .Dan death I~~larch 24 and is ed by Joh Bled for the he acres e ease ~ X947 ` n H re g ss . ~ . .Holt.. ason a recent purchaser to, a t a ments,.was fixed at ~ 00, . p Y he 19.•7 taxes 5 QO to enable said lot since January lst a on sarne~ The building erected N~ Upon motion of Nir, firask se 1 on the ~ corrded by ~1r. Coleman i 9 7, tp be assessed for Jersey' was granted a' ~ the Standard Oi ts,xes Manua 1st refund of taxes paid on 1 Campa.ny of t+evr A revis rY , 1948 • • a_valuati.on of 42 50Q.Q0 ,a ed fury list Navin bee account of attar in assess ~ and ~ Oq g n pre ared i • meat on 0,00 to the )3oard and , p n accordance wrth t F years l 44 a Q propert in, u~o he 9 nd 1,45, ra:rpootivel~ . Y block ~2b2 for i I' n motion of IVir. .law, urea presented ? ~ the, planed in the ur Coleman'...secanded b iulr , ~ Y boy:, Y Galdner~ was ordered ea A ' ' ppl~catiens for licenses i Go ~ to sell beer at a location Are ort of the'. Qa vernment ~Ie~,ghts, submitted b on .the. Castle Ha.yne na P - activitids of ,the..bore • Y Bessie f:, A, 1 ~ d,_and was. re au of Identif Fp ep,hite and H,T.u S,Vr,Ta, lar oervQd and .filed. icatzon i'or the month of Au ust respectively~,tbe-same barn in d e Y g g u form and execution and en.dors it was upon. motion. of ult. Hbll ed b the „ s seconded b y ~r. Coleman`, ~ Y heriff, A report of the , g anted, County Auditor for he-fis presentdd and upon rnotio cal year ending..Tune...30 1 4 w A report was .received from t o n of Iu~r,- G r i 9 7, as h Back Tax CollECtor advi:sin t a a finer, accepted, far.. the City and 2 g the u ~,~4 .$6 n 355 vra, _call~cted , i w~ 3 53.10 for the Count ~ makln M r collected for S, g a :total of ~7 60~`o a cake hornega `colore the month of August. ~ •,b beck taxes Y~ d indigent citizen ~v , by ter. Gardners admitted tot r' ~ as upon motion 4f l1iT, Hall seconde ,d 6ffice he county riome on recommen ~ d A request of NIr, Thorzras H. VJr. r, datian;of the County Welfare x e ' on 4d ~.ght to abate the back taxes charge ~r i right. Land 9 block l65' in the name P r, d ggainst Euilding , ' 1923 1 24 ' of Fr„d and C.H.Dock. for the r ~ letter wr~.tten by i,`r. ' ` e T,au1s J. , i,oor r' t 9 ,and 1925 was refer - S ors 191 e t , tad to tkre County Attorney x the Assocaated Chan o r,irs, L. 0, Elll~, Executive Se I for oplnaan, ties, can Greta of ~ cerning the securing of ,foodstuffs Upon motion o county; frcrn shi :s de for the `a E i f Ir Coley p cammissiane p or of the an, .seconded by Mr. Trask -the. Count- ~ referred t d and brought to this ort fo „ e~ he to have copies of his annual re ort ~ Y Auditor urea authorfzef3 o t,ir, .~ardner, p r .stripping....:: ,.was p printed as has been t e s h custom in the ast p U on mono . ~ The.::: e P n of ~4r p I~ ti ar , me G - I , rag then adjourned. dn,.r, seconced by tr~r, Hall 6~ monthly salar,,~ increase allowe , the.Board: ordered that the r`l d ao,anty em~1o~ ee ~ 0.00 ~ to theses active os'. ? .sat meeting of'July.28th 1 4 00 ~ ~ ~ • Clerk p p _ a bons held b ~ the r 9 7 a 1 . y .employees to enable,them to' o ~ pp Y o such a.ncrease ~n the new osi , ~ receiv,, the be pply benefit p tiara ~a vrh~.ch they-may be- _rorn nefit ,I p oted. The meetin the , g zs ad ~ ourned , Wilmin ton N. C. g ~ ~ September 15th 1a4~7~ ' • 9 i i The re ular wee ~ t ~ Clerk. g ly mee ~iz1, of the :ward was ,held ;at 10:00 o r clock Ali Present: Addison Hevrlett Chairman Geo.. '~J. Trask 'Jas, h9. H a 9 all H, P., Gardner L, J , Colman and Count ttorne biarsde ' ' 1'lilrrzin~t Y ~ y n Bellam ~_on ,1i. C. Y ~ , aept..n,hsr ?2ndr 1:847, ''he regular vreekiv neat • ru Thee minutes of me ~ z a1 t eting of, September 8th, 1947, vrere .read. and. a roved as recorned r he Board ,ras held ~t;10:00 o'c ~ ; pP _ lock ~:,t,.. ` Pre. rant: ~:drlisan He~,•,F1e The. privilege granted 1~r, Robert E. Chahoe 410 Central Boulevar J' ~ tt Cna~rman}...Gan..4u. Trask Jas, i',' ~ my 1946, to County Attorne, ;~+!arsd~n be 1. 1 Ha11,; H, R. Gardner a ~ peddle fxuit and vegetables. in" Ne~rr Hanover Count without barn 're e J lam,, nd tax a Y g .quit d to pay a ~ ~ n account of being a'disabled, veteran of World Mar II rues upon motion of he r z ~ • ~ nrt~s a~ r;eettng of September ljth ? 4 Muir, Tracks seconded by IvIr.Gardner e~aended far a eriod of twelve months , 9 7, Kere read i?snd , s p approtsd as lecordep, A proposal of %I ~ r• A petition. bearing the .names of b3 residents' and raAert ova era o ~ ~ r, ~ . .~erken to-provide an Prr~plol.~ees act A Y n n Allen s Lane by,s~ries of lectures and attic ident protective service i leading west from US 74/76; at Wri htsville ,to r edacu~zanal ~,ethods yr ~ ' , g the ldarket .Street Roads request~,ng the seconded b' irir ~ a , a~ )apon n:otxon o> ~~,r.. G State Hi hwa Commission tot e` _r~ska ~G1:..,n under canszrlerat~o. ardner, ' g Y ak over said road for re a n. pits and maintenance, was upon r, motion of bzr. Ha l! seconded by 1~1r. Coleman approved ;and referred to the State'fIi hway A r; n s g recauPSt of .:.r. K. nhodes for the use of , " and Public' 4trorks Commission for consideration. Legion ~tada:um i f 20th, ..:far the 'rn~er~.can Le~;a.on annual cir or the vraek of October r a~Ir, Trask ~ P Gus, .shows and rides was u on metro , ~ecanrfed b ,,~r. G~~r er ~ , p n of A communication,was received fxom the Aviation Committee; of the PJilmin ton Chamber of ~ .fin _ , c,ecl~ned as to the c~rn~val g exhib~,t~:on, It~r rr ~ feature of .the r~ro , ,~a_lner uring~na to the attention t` G' _posed Commerce recommending joint operation of Bluethenthal Air ort 'b ~ the Cit and Count ° • Hosea' p y Y y - s arts eve ' ~ , he us., of the fa el:d f i • and offering other recommendations in connection with the o er tiara of the same ,p rat" ar G,th~etacs and p a ~ ~ re ire s t ~ q az a:r. gas. rJ. L, ilsde to. refund ~1?, , ics and `was taken `under cons deration. ~ w 1 t , ;a, 5 axes paid by rttr, $;e` ; i; , zz rch 2o~n 194E, whaeh eras ~.ntEn e' t- nr~ L-rstlxng _ a ~ T d n as a.';n.l~. on the 194b taxes ~ ~ block x#29 Buriset Park In ~ e f due an. lots 1 4 in ~ z3, A report of the Communit Hos ital re ared b t e- or 3 , h .name o_ h., t,. so:rrrsorl, in ; Y p p p y h Duke Endovrment was received f 74 ahd ~ ~ti~pre , .but through error races is "n r: 7~ ti,r~tten a.n the, name cf ~t, L, ~o ~ p urbe~ stud b `the members of the Board: rui~an , Y Y J S dP ti' , , .and credited; to hrs pro ext >~.n urbe r block~5! ~ t. 6 eras ar.praved' sub act to , <a P Y 1 -and `the 5~ ~ J nv_sta,gatson,and approval of the Ch ' Count H~torney, airman ' A request of lVxr. S; E, Loftin .that the County make the:. necessary opening and instal]... J man } pi}~e o be furnished by him on the east side of Audubon'Avenue was u on matron ? ~ Surat; bonds for C. h, J,~~orse. lax Crallector i, , - referred -to the Comets tee for investigation and with .power to act. ; A s _ ~ ; 1, the arount of-x:37 5017,00 -and J '°f . ssi.~t~:nt Tax Ca1._leetar, r... ~avls, ti!, r. i,eg~ ter R ~ ~ ~ .r~,Bzawn~ rown, J. F~. Caned ~n K~ne e H~;s ~ ut. H, Lewis, Delores P. Suzith U on motion of I<~r, Gardner, i y m ' . n _ lax Collector . th i_ p seconded by 11~r, Coleman the Board unanimousl went or: y d a tin I~.._~ . began clerks: ~n the off~:ce of the i a aunts of 2 5E~0,00 each volt,, the z;ational auretti- Cot ar , in the. record favorin the Civil Aeronautics Board award to Piedmont Aviation 'Inc, ` of ~ a g ~ ~ amo - p at7on 'as curet i,he sai in the ants h4,va.ng been fa..~ed by the Colrrrty Gor~,rnassxoners end 1 Y? d R Winston-Salem, N C.~ o;operate_over the route between Wilmington and Louisville,ny,, at.proved as to f orn and i execute-on by the Count l.ttarney, r~rere upon :;:anon of ~.r, Hcl1 and-directed ,;hat a letter be written to the.Ch~irman and a co bemailed to eaoh ~ Y seco p , unarza.mousJ.~,: acc~ tad. ~ need by t,~r, Trask,•.... sk, respective member of the Civil Aeronautics Board, urging that-Piedmont Aviationr Inc,, . P be certificated at the earliest sacticable date so that the o eration can begine - p p A con~m~~rvication received frotr the Parent-Te t~ ae_,ers ..ssoci~:t~.on of the Williston Industri S r of al drool. protestan, a p b g ranosal to esta ' A report of the tainted home., agent foz August we., rpr.,.ived and fzled~ and; payment 1 lzsh a truck lane thrau h that an sough Tenth Street occup~:ed by ',ra.l~.aston Incustr r g area r' X5.50 fore articles. used in d'emanstrations was a roved. sal ~.nd Frzmar~ ~choo s rTiatioti of ,~Ir, Gardner referred to the Boaxd of ~ ~ 1 ,was uUOn ~ • ~ ~du~atxan, 7~, taxes Upon mation~ the Board declined a request of ivlr. L, T, Landen to cancel the. back nd 1•.923 Upon z.:aton of IIr. Hell ;seconded bti,, I~Ir. Trask f . due on 4.$ of land art `of Wilson ~Iasonboro townshi for the ears 1921 1922 a y 9 ~ ° , IY,r, .~~.rby Dana.ols who i a' ~ p 9 p! Y ~ r as act~.nu su erlntendent` of the Ce:_ t r ~ his been serving .ring e e son the .same is a ro er charge. c p rn y rfor„a_ and Fa,z~r~ sZrvca Aar' s overlooked by the exam~.ning attorneys for th r a p p „n ,~u_t 1st, 1-9q7 was :mac 1~,~ ~ ie : sur~erintendent of thy, Count, acme and r~,rzr, as of this date., le ~ I1 e e Gainer to sell A plications submitted by ,Robert Alexander,Chadwiek, and lvirs, G n va T L,zron tnotio f ;;!r, G~xdner. ravmen~ of r'f; ~ 1, i r:~ `beer t the Five Mile` oat on the Castle Ha ne Road and Harbor Island respectsvely~ n o 7~ .l9 dua lvwnch ~rnd Coro r a P Y ~ - _ ,,h ahitects, far ` • sad b t e heriff were u on`motion _ architectual 5erv.~ce, in connection with the constructson or t e the same bea.ng in due dorm and execution and ender y h S , p n } ¢ h Community Hospital ''6 of fair. Hall seconded by Mr"Gardner granted':. under a Federal ular~~ si.~onscred ay tl~e Ci,.y of a~li.zr,~ rrg-tan for the oint' as ~fn ~ : the City and Caunt~~ ~=,ras anr,ravea far, half'af the ~ caun~t of , ar.,ount on reaorrurendatiorG af' the 7 Cciurlt~~ Attor•nejl, J J f r ' E i - - t ~ - 1 - - - i - "i. - - .1 _ 4 _ F r ~ ~ ~ , . Mpetin )87 1 g o_ September 22nd ].q47 co ' ~ ~ nta need . ~ rVilrr.ln,ton a i a U an ma i ~ d. C,_ October ~ y. p taon of ~(r. Gardner seco ' th} 1g47, r ~ nded b3 ~cr, Hal secure a t eurite ` l: the>Chaa ~ 3p r far the use of the Cora z71ian was autharaied r, ner. to Fhe regular weekly'rrieetin + ' of fir, g she F3oa.rc3 was, held-at 10:0 ~ re~aart of the Wilm 0 a clock... ti ingtan Public Libraz far IF. 'Y the` rno Present; J ' fi.l~d, nth of as, ~ august was receive Hnll, Vice Chairman.`GPa m d and County t „ a+,_ Trask ~i ~ 11 torn..,3 ,uarspen ~e7.lan:= ; ~ L. J, Gateman and tipan miatian of t4ir, Gard e 4 n.r sd ,r, ap~rrsved far.. 7 candecF by lycz . Ha11 Counts; b ~ avrrent 7 . i_.ls ;dos The rr,inrztes of r,,eeti.n o , p ~ ?67 to ?•71 v,cre , s,. g f ~vnteri,ber 2~itri 1:94 ~,rp , ~,i Er recorded. ~ re read and approvF~d Upari motion of ri • r, Gardner. n l~tatio seconded by Pd;r: Flall_ inst; a ~ ~ , nal ~,irla e ~ ~ ructio e ^r i~~r. C, h, ..,c?r~e, ;;E n s s Inc, s insistin ~z nw ti ?xe _gi~~en to wr ~ ~ T~cx Gallect.ar. n.ade has , g fan 3.i;s ,re..estat , ~ , _ 7epori; _af settle,,e , r` were. dis ' lzs itr a., fa.,.~_o~rs r iz cantznued kugust lst 'and " to ~ tran€, f la.ghts ~0 aricl r, w? . , vrh~:ch vras uparr uaota r.,r, of - t of _l(~46 4~xes aavase ,l ,Ta.ch ,,t. , TrGsk ec:,::nded T , , , , us ~rhen vre r,„a'y° erect t + ;~ui~J~r~t to the ar;~c:k ofi s , I~.r, Gc~.~artan ac res,~rred. T` h~.~ ,,et~- _ ~ the Cn; ~ ~ c .tea Ui ~ . znt ~ 1 i ~ c= to uc 3 ru,~.,_tc,r. ad and >vramen • c+• . The followizrF( good and la~~f ~ La,.•~ed as 3~c~r rr;str~ct Fr ~ dal, Fst~_,te dnr? r-~ c', ~ ul men~rreze dzarv - .t n to serve as 'furors ~ ~ Not Listed F ,r. r-.-na.~ nr•~a'aeT 4,~~ 4 4 fox the txial a ant e ~ - . ~ 00 " f rava:l casF;s for the two r~ ~ •he utrpara:rar Caur ~ al lia~,h,;.a,,e and F'ersanal 7 , , v cek., to ' ~ t, rr~. laega;zna.ng 6th, Ortolaer l 4 Keld ~y t}~.e CcJzznty ' 11a?30•,~7 9 ? : ~ , >llm,D,~ic~adyen. U P • ~ 4 .C~2 .C,F;~cUona .~,JO}~nsr~n,_ ~o } r 1d, Clayton H. :-.oore. ~ uas C, F'lli5,~r, Tess r:ratE~:rants 4$5 ~6$,~4 r l.rs,~;lva.a Narri.s, s s , v re • ,~,Palrl,er, , ~ .I ,I,eYbins , r, 1.62 Dan ~ ' ;~.rs a.zabeth r , • 9 n~.e,Q 5 ,,,eGlaurhon, ~ ullivan, C~olda.e L. Johnson, LPo A , ~ G _.~:az b ~ cc~ w 4$4 14 , HF ~ my chv ~ hi..ted ~~nd 11.~ctecl GV t e i 1.~4 .rbert -COu r c 3 G.~! P tv~ ~ Tax Cor ghenou.., ~,n~htrnsk~ , ~ , a twl., Penalty Co ~ ..1 etar, 2 ~ 3..~ ~ r_ t,obert Ste jes.' ,c l.l...ct.,,3 ~ 01,1 c1, t'la.~,ca. ~ , , .Qwdenbuttl?, Lar,F~anp, - r. Pr .r~.l;"a_s_rlourn. N r,; , r ._,~V~rt].,~ngz 1r43$.$j F'zvel;in H, Huck, ~o • ....,,F,o[rrl., T nzie CG rte r. Wl.T C T ~ ^ r~wf o rd . ~,hrGoble. Geo. ,r'az~rr.er, Jas, F~~. Carter. C ,T ,G..err,ons . 4$b 0~7, ~9 Geo,T.Sternber~e'r, Gea.Thoni r. l.rs,ljV.i;~.krzs, as rear as, ti, ,G,i~arton, - Ds.r'i Heath, ~:3.thea P 3.r a. 1, Hask?tt. r..r,Gre.er. Harr> f tpa~. ;?,s4•_-ue Sc;ld far !'axe ~a fee ~ 3 A ,ias.~s,,:ua~~rtan, ~ ~ sg 16 ~F,2, ' Lula: F•. Grant, 7 .3o~`L~4ted ;aal~ , . .C,Fra~.thcock, : ~ Donald h, Cazane:, J.n.Jackron., ~ , . Gertrude. E~,3ahr7son. 'I~Irs.ivl~rr:~ ~ H.,1r. r.~ r~rr, t~• ~ ,r 3 1C-, g~rr-t V,Janes, I~,~,bel C G• v zn,~ ~a_.1, t _3 ,7 , Edwards, C!-fa,,L:F~:ea.ly, Jn~a r • 1~1ma F~,F',Padgett, Jno,k,Necrton, n t, ltient.,, z~$ ~;Oc , ,„t, 39.06 J t .U,.>ratRStead F'.,I~l.'lGrtarl, F'E.., C;p_;~. rt7,r)i ~ r,k 6 . - ~a~ey.; dud Fowler, . 2747. rr~?1s ~ 2, n ' I Fr Aaron D, Harass I~, • w•~C ~ 4; ,.,0 ,W N ° Gra ~ iE r, r.. r - , ~ ax3 F„ L~r ; 5 4 4 00 ~t a r4 ,I,.,F ~'i .base . , n ub~nl,s,Jr, L,P.~ ta,„ W.C S '~crgsy n. ~0~.~0 11. ~bCr,~'~ Chas.~,Gr~~inge~, Ftanert f~ansle i:ewa.s ra . ~ r = Y ~,zrgan,.zs. ly , T ~ F.a~,~.r.~cF~oy. 'Gen,F~ ~ : ~rS; V, Jarrell. Taxer PT'~r,;~r3 .Hunt ,r r. J' NaKenzaP, i } )a9arv H. Jackson. ~i ~ ~ ~ 160 4 r C r,, H ~ , ,,r,a arrangtan 1. p ~i..ca $..l _ ; • eldan D.~,elrr!ar, L,i4i,~unnnt, ztnt azlr~rrr.c;! ~ 7 Viral A, Jones ~ Ga? i~~ted r,l~ the i<~r~ of . r t , , 64b,21 c ~c r cx .1Pt~C~:,.l tef~ in rianl~, ~ 61 ~ dd , iSa forte ' s' ~ h r ba.ane,.s aape~,aa~ng, the rr;eeting adjourned, 'II 4$~ 03~, ~5 abort of balance ' H c<. _ Cle rk,. 7 ~ ..6 n~ ' , ii?ntin,;,~~or~ C, c, ' ; , ~ 3 tevrbE~r ~%3 'Tr.p Cr~unt" ~uc).a tor... ~ - reUart~Ct Ca~:~.(' C 1:f?,"C Oi ~ '~F t?Yr. c f ~ ~ r . y 7 a s o_.la3r„ . The xe uTar wreekltr ~ ~ g me_tang of the ~oarc~ vras'_held at;1O:Ot~ a'c ` Tate G~.~lected lock k, ls., Disco w X67'779.$9 ant s F~resent: hddison'Her°rlett Chairrn. ~ T•r ~ '056,5 an, Gee, ~r., .Crack, Ja.s, Iv;. Hall H.it.: Garciiaer L. J, Coleman and` Caun~ ~,ttc:'ne Iarsden t~Pl a v ' ' Car;m:~ss~c, 164,72.34 ~ Y 3' F+ l..m y • n 4 11$.1 ~ The rnanutes of mP~Jtin~ of S•~ tembe ? ~ ~ ~ I - p r -2, 19 7~ v;ere read.-;and ar;rirov{d ra xecci•clad' ~ 160~b0,.23 . ~ Ttre 1 4 to}; t{e s,~ Fair. D. l', Powe11 h site. 9 7 boo.,,, r.ere then presented .to the E,oa~Td b the ,Co ~ ~ r F? Y lly disabled nierc?r .nvQnrze y unU,r_ ..u~atar a.~a resident wr~s rr,nted free licans~ unvn rrotaon of ~iir i „ s_ { r ~ Pµ. Co..er,.~,n~ secanced h3 fur, Task acca tea anel i; ~ to huckster ~ish in Nevi H~?iover Count ~ ~ A _z p urned avc y, sa fir ~s th., County is cancry.rn~~d,' the; Tax Caa.l,ector fez' colleatann ~?71 n;~erh ~r' r to _ , r ers F:~esent vatirxg affirmatively; tTpon rtiotion th ~ Chairman rand Fair,' G ~m ,P ~ . . C ~dtier ~ erg named ~o rr'nspnt the IIaard ~'rzcan r:atlan o , ' ,r ~ r , , f ...z 7z~sk, ecanted t-, ,,;r. Gnlen,an at v,. at the Gold sbpra Centennial 0elebr~ • ~ n , ' 3 ~ as ;ordered that all ~vaon C,ntur Da Itlondat• payers v~.ha:>have ±a11ed to list t_h.eJ.r r - ' .tax Y Y October 6th:, _prape~t far the -e a - with r 3. 3 ar 1,47j and are charged . a penalt3 fo. f~,alang to ~a.st suah prop~erty_ and who: come fox^~r ' k ::communication was received from the .at-te Ha.~l~~~~ ~ , • azd and settle. . a ~y and ru,)1_c ti,c.rk.~ Ca1,r;lT.s„a.an their : ti. r „ o z ta..es an or before J~nu~r, ,lst, 1,4$~ shall be a1laHled to v t . advasa:rrg the ac3dit:~an of Cflr~e,r ;,trees betu.~een x~l~vril.d and I~". a1,. r - ~ ; . _ pa~ he amount of , ag~,wa.,e,., to th~. CazrnNr the iaa;~es ,~ra.th out the pen~lt3. hlzghrva.3 aysteri for GtatP r•,r~int~nc~ncd. The east hslf of O.?.. r;i1P ~ s ~ ~ 4 via rot. dpr~rava. a d. the invPStigatinn shows that. the service ren e ~ V , ~ d zed vra.lJ. not Ju.,t~f3 the e„F,ennzt.l.r ~t a; staztement was received frrrr ~he orate ;oar this tirrie, d of Publa.c lrelfare advzsa.n that 6'21 44.2 was sP ; s g 1 . ,7 ~ nt to th., vaun~.,;-.for the month of uep ember for Old F e s g sast:cnce:~ nee Na` action . ` ~ F- • , dad to ?ep~ndent Children avid fo?• ~dr.:ini$t? tiara. was oaken ~.n the matter o~ a.r~cxpasa.n the values can ca nt~.- ofir ~ n Grt~~ g u z net. ~ rap _ ~ for insurance, as a:t; a rzE-ors th¢ ol'~l v~ , p. , ~.lues r»r about zn lZne w~ra:th nrasent esta.z,,at;as , wa.th the r - ~ ~ rel:}ort bras received from the F,ac3, ir,. Collector shavrin . th + p e:~tc~.ptaon a~ :trio court house annex. ~ 1? at, ,~-9,.:23*3K was collected -?cted far the C~;ty and X7;97$,94 far the Gounty, making a total of ~`l7 90?.2g back texts s r, • r.. collected far the rnnnth of SPrtemt}er, ~~n a,pl7.caua.on for license to sF~11 beer at locr~tian on the'l~ri?}7usva12F C<<us~,4F.a11 _ . ' subr:iittecF by Jc,senh T. Smith v!as uz~~n .motion ~ ~ r or Itr, Gardner a ?:~zav~cr an rr:cor,.,r.~ncataad~ F'a i~ repnrt gf , he 'colored 4-h ..and Honre ~emonstrataon activit;iss for Se •tembe ~v of `thP ,~heraff, r as ' ' rece2vedand filecl9 and payment of X9,4, for axticles used"in der.~anstratzons was..:'. proved, ` The ratter • , , _ + ap of ~trFozntinv ~,ir, Lanwc,od I). Iauta a n;ember of the F3aard of I„~:nr:E~ers of the v Cortas;zu~t r ;Hoc ital recrii~~n~Fnded b; t e s , r ~ , J p a h aa~d I~ad_d ~,a~ rr._errdd to « 7o.nt r.:ectarrn of . j ~ Reports of the Lacies rest }~iotam Con r~attee arzd, F3ure~ Y the Cit3! and County, ~ •zu of ldentafacation fez September ae r vrere received and filed. LT on r,zot.an of hir, Calemz~n seconded' b~~ ; a° • , ; • p. , .r 1.G11, frt~l autha ~ a t~~ ryas gat Pn the :a.rk or w , i i ~ . ~ .4.-r ~,n licationfox: license to_sew.~ .beer at s ~ ' _Gar~rxrr~,ttee to r,~ake such ch~neos and ~a tale rn~• s' ~ ~ sC - ; ~ ~nLoro 5otrnd suhr;tted b t Natv`,She1 peps the, aeen,ed n_.ae_Naa tc obtadn . 3 ].y vra.s held over u±ztil next ::;anda;, to gave a:nter~sted residents an-opportunity to be better service at the a:i.r~ort, ' hea 'd i T ~ , ( h° rpcFuest of Jas, I', Srr,it;h fox ad ~ustm~nt; ~~;f t~hF~ back` tryxas or s r, , >€,r z- t;z cck u ~ ha Tat at zn , ~a,,. . , rr ..t ~ ~.rnan rr~atian of Irlr. ~F'rL{sk sscon7e:; b~~ ,~r. Calec,an the si ' n tat brozz ht btu the s e ~Sl, Sti.Ft, lot 2 was referred to the • r-: r , t' r, r, „r,,, n -ct. ~ ~ ~ i ~ w at ce _az a.ntievtiga.,ian d.ul u~c.. nay. t_ . ~~~"r-a,,.~n et r1 ~ p c a1 ' p~ ~aln5t .r_. ~ ~r,~ attazn.,,• <<, 3 n , ia~ .h. collecta.arl of back: taxes c pran rt3 . _ P y ~ a.n Mock ~~2 r.r~;ica: coed b4cxt taxes a.s ala~n;ad to have been r~viauszv . The m..etan t..en ad "Darned. ~ p n~ id b o hors ~ ~ ~~I~,i g ~ v.~as r~fi'eT'red to ~ha Crunt•- r:ttorn~t;' far invA;~ ~atian 3 fd d ~ , ersl ..,p. i - 5r~ vr,~ _ ClerF• c suz~et~ band fnr John O'Heirne as d~ustice of the Peace , ' A r, ~ in th_ ~.n.cunt ` of , ] O00 C0 r°rith the 'rational curet ~ Gar ,oration as Si~ret • the... ' _ y ~ 3 r same having; bean r: r~r~raved ~ to ii a~ , faT•rr• and e~~eoutan b3 ;the Cc?!.znty attarneF;`, eras upon ~~ntion:acce iced, ;9 I, i~ r I~ ~r ~M ...~~.__..Y._.~:w. r .a. _ d , ' ~C - - : : I t~eetin _ g of October bth "1 4 r~~Ipeting of Oc r ~ 9 7, .continued . aber 13 h 1 r~ 9 7, contxn~adr r, IuJr ~ • A. r~Iarks, President TJpon r,~otian o i ~ , anal members of the Carr f ~,1r, Coleman, sacarrde~ by , appeared to say that the unuriity Ches ran-rest t' ?,dx. Trask the ~ ,s t Haaxd of Di dens, ~vare releas , hesr.. of C ,l,,Gaadvrzn y have heard and de re ed' ; Char , , nie ' ct Pr ides fai, an ap ronria e~ d a reauE•st aft ors , a ainst roe am the payment of not l~ste ' p Lion of ;r~7 000.00 f he 1`tssociated ~ p P_.rty; in block #42 far ~ penalty charged after discussion ~ , or the F' the ves~rs 4 , of the 'uesti:o ascal'year l q _ reason their «.e ~ l~ ? to 197 anclusiv e fox the q n as to where the'.. Co , 7 ~.q4~ ~ and ~ nt thpurht a,,.l the 'rc~na ~ and need of ~ rt • P ~ y the taunt ' ~ arty s abli ~ arsons, ~ y had b_en sal . y nd, and fj:11n gd aon to the P d and listed bv< other- c~nsideratian of the mat: g_a formal denial of the --pooz te_ was s re oast. P p f ,further o, t oned unta.l-the next s r .all rnE,et,.rrrv of the H rawest to revie=rr i;he~';asses Upon motia oard, srr,ent orr r n, County bills Nos. hitter in blo=ok 14 PdFr'- p aperty ownad by the heirs of h!ai Davis 372 to 100 were , 9, ~ 1.a wa t. r, 'Y is approved far a e S, h t..e vaevr of ad~ustin g' p Ym nt. 'nn an assessment reduction b ~ ~ the back taxes o:~r same he meeting then ad'ourne same and vrith L as~s9 eras referred to the Car~.rnit,t;e ' J d. pcwrer ~o act, afar invest,i_g~tian I~ Lion U 1 pan raata.on r;.r, ~ osen ~ : s ,h ,r, tilha..~ted a residAnt-studen* ° .n abt,ten,ent of r C 4 of Chanel ~.i1J. yr ~ „ C1erl: a ~ ~ as r p 11 ,ta,.a„ listen zn arror b;, his ~ tented. t athe r far the.: year l qq7 t tea The fnllow~n~ T.~ , ~ „ s Jct~~rer ~ J~istnr 1 of th~, .devr t.a o Vrilmin€~ton ~t. C i rr r eaala~.;on t,r~3ited by the riiar;~bers p ~ r` • ~ lr, 1~~~ a.c~_.Gara,ra.~szon .~n r;~ t,; 4 n ver Gount•, i r r..,rra.,~ a~ .the latpreverend I.ndrew J „ y The regular vre~kly n,~?nt~j ; r: p anon n!©ta.on of ::Ir ;r.~, w Ho~,ell, eras . of ~h,. flaard wr a.dor,tr~~ ~s he + 1; ~ a_an,.r, a .w. n.3 arc a ld a~ _0,00 a clack i,I, tha.s ~c~ard: 1..red spread upon she minutes of Present; , . Add~s~n Heulatt ~,h^lrrilar lea C L, J, Coleman and C s fir. Tra,.k~ Jas. Ia1, Hall II, i;, a' aunty Attarncv <h~arsde i, s C,..xdner- . n lielwaruy. ~ r . It~~U. ~1r Cdr "dll r'r'" r ' . ~IO~' ' i ~ r., T A~ ,'hT L hem t nu of meating of October 6th 1 T,p r 7, we_ read :and' a ,ra:,red „r ; ----~--~-_--~...-..._.._.:._~...~..____,q~_ PI' as resale,„ • hir, Gardner asked to` b e reCa.ded' as Cn as' , ~ p ang t}1e adantY(~ tI ur q, ~ .the meeting of ~?ctaber bth 1. ~ i ~ n of the or~Iar i:~assed r+~th ~cr~rawing reali;zrtiar f_ 1 s i 9 7,,`r~erm._tting ,,,aX tiers w r e_ tha i t „ n n• , g~a.~t loss.tha Cater oP Tlrr ~ thea,r taxes fa, the.. ~ e^ ~ J h. r~.re f~ZlPr? tq h_~s sufie.ad zn tha assinP flf z~e~ r ~ • lr an~;tan J ~,z lq~! p ~ ve rend .snd rel; J , Havre ; ~ I to pa;,L SUCK aax },ri t;h t t 1 ' ,payment is mate before ..aa~ th.: penalt~~ if Vii t,na n;arrbrars {~f 1, our Cha~rrnan ~ the trP,r? tianove ~ ri ? JdnUary' 1St ~QtI.~ ~ l r .~1.. , ,inasr~uch as `ar.~_1a t;irr,p r ~r toracal Ca,,:mission 1.n snec:ta • was riven to l 5 p and d e' n + s.._..sion h° 1 • ; , . 1 a.t srtch pr~pArt;; tirithan the time a1 u ..o~ac. , dte aaaptad tra,~ut¢ ar love and doe res lowed, p pet , ~sfollows.- Iularks, President of the Gon~munit, ~ er.,us, x.never loving end all r;ere . Cor ~ ~ i , } .Chow ~.ppea,red to fu. n ~ a.ful GOD, in HIS anfxna.te vrls ~nt,r s aby~~~+ rthe~ dascu:,s the n~... ,....en f~L to cal..t ~znt,o Ilam, the soy. ~ ' . ~ darn, ~.ron to the pr;ara and their fara,:al de z1 of na.s ,?rtn.ble an r nzal of the w7 0(10.00 a.r~:rr 'r Iicvrrerrd E:ndnava ~ d devout _a1ln~ver rec~ues ;:ed b the t ar r # ~ y Associa yed C pC f Hvrrell., haratir., , Thera anpearpd to hp rrr ues : • ',r .x -n ` G to on ~?rtt ah?;'f, the p~~or a.s a legs~l ablgataon of the corgi t, n Y but it:is also a moral obli~«tor # ~ ?~n~? y' P ~ ~ , . ; c~:tizans 6f the ec~rnmiinit o , ~ ~ _ , of t,n,. ~h~,reds In has. daa.l,~ ~ ~ r , one to ~~.ze, .tevPrend G~~r, i±owel ~ r . fE y n t to wrr,~at anyn suffer fn n ' l n.ana:ieste a to that P t' r ;th.. v.an~ of tao~ ~n and true srara.t axe" ~ f• th_. 1,o4a1 ~nd i 1 t ~i..ci rn}a.im~ea b~,- d Chrasta.an s~,i~, . - a.s the Gene of 'tha_s F:nG rc3 `that solo. ~ ` v as ar• c.~tavanns far private cantr,b~itions : • is well vrithin the ri~hts'of the ' # t..es, _to sul~I!1en~ent funds a}~nro- 1!nf+ V'rheraas, in i,i , . ,px~~.ated to a.t dot of taY r,one~r s vocation its minaste ~ n , ,r~ ~ . ~ r ..nd trn~ip,st«nda.n., rtlsci 1+~ f Chra.sta his career vr;;.s . z1 ~:ed wx th ~,;od vror ~ p , „ ~ ~c xk5, 5;t'rit«the"G1.C ~A r ,.o.~ntl~,.,s I7Pn. t t' ~ i , _x'V1.CP.. ci.nft n fJ?Ot7.(7C1 O, r I'(?r~ I7~' ; x•:11 ra c , , 1 , . . !,a?~ grant !,a~tr~„ F. ~i` ~;~11'. 6i, h. h~~.r~~~F?S t',o rye"f:,l r--~ •ii~ C+'~ r t r.7 }....lliltlC~1 r,1~ IS::...~~~~'I'ii ~'~~.OV~_ 'rj,~ r~1dEs~ }1 n drip}`: .nci. ?:t t".tilE? S r1r , li,inC. ''.,r t,n!~ ri`ii('rF_S 1', l.Q~lE ~ , , I11~1,,_ri) pa.:.t'1% I)1aCP, 1'OT (I E' ~~~n!Zc~f~t " r ~ , r'("~'''.I U?' i11.". C;Oi:1~111.r]lty ,;7~iS I'1C!1~Y :'V:lC~E'nCE(~ .Ar.~l~r:.c~,r ' P~?' ) t''. the .I act.ljf~.>;;1' ti,1~ i.;~lr~ (7F1. 1 r.~ •~i fii rr~ n ^t , r , Inn o.i I„ or~i,~e i f, _ ~ ~ l rr. 1. ~r,~r, , r~~r,or.c,, !.,t:~ i~on,c oP ;rilmLn•,:on " <1nd v~ , to to nF~rr~ ~ n ~i ~ r,~ V) e a ,r. cl~ ,silo.-1.rlf'~ cJecla.nRCl O.n t}1P n"f'i;i.1Vn i'~r c r i ~ , r'7Ol(~ O~hFr Ct, 0.. I';1t.55i:a, Tr~r::ft ('r~ ~ f? a + n Y 'L;., 0.:- C~iO1~if!r~i.:l.VN 7.7.~.~1' I" ~~°i'UT'#;: ~.zdx r arc. ~h. C.~~i.rrr~nn ~?n i,'-!,, ~;raunds o" it' c:~rn,v,.,i = , t'~=afore, wh._ch ~rrolrlct bring rro gr~od to the c~~r!rrtrn~i t„ ~ - , , tind l~,heraask tSaV 'rn1 :Jr_~ylell 1"P.I)x'CStrlt.P(1 d P' s ,r ~ t5•p _ of ca ~a z~nship r~~Ir~.ch I~(r. fthades request to err,a:t mi t sT,~t'ids fGr an stea.dzas~,. ,adheres to ~ p na ore auto :xaeang at Le~ian Stac?iur, w,~ ,u~ cn r,otic ~ ~h_ best in c1 plc endeavour and :7ccot. ~lzs'ar:e t• n } n, of I~,Ir. dIa11, seconded.:. by )air, Gardner granted for a date , n r + . r' Trent s an o the ~ ~ ~ that wa _ no ~ con. li c t _ tI ;~oVr z~'r a , . zr^r , ..,,;aLI' u~~i r;F IT nrt,~~;?, , r,~) "v thF `,i e A y_ r act_va.ta<es chedulUd G=et the Stadilm, . r H l v hanove t!~~at tiae deer?lt. ryas ra r; ~ lstora.cal Gc~rimassann .-1.a,_., .the at:: of IevF~re;~d ,''Ir Hovrell althar r7 , A ,cor;m r • ~ ~ , ; +r~. , , a r,h reco~niz.~ng unicatian` f. om the cssoci~red ;G , a ~ ,~t he sirs l;Fen culled to his eternal. t ~ haraties s.,eka.n clarafi a ~ ~ , ,r, hot~.a b. Cne who makes " I in relation t try E; c ty?n a. Zt.. .>c. zt..rl , no n~~stake.,, . oche CauntJ ;s resp~nsibality to the,paor and ,~f consastar~t"vritlitha .,:r , vievrs of ? n~,SU;,T i, I m~ . ,,r- he Comma.ssioners to. desz n to a.t ~ , ~ f ~ . 11t_,Ir~h Thrr,, „a 1.r in~ton «nc~ ,yr~tirr }-~dno g a as an al.fac._al a .ens o;. the er,rrnt~• for z ver County- have lost u minister the_ distrib ti ~ . and a extizen whose, ~ -r ~ a iw , ~ ' 3te1• u an of funds ::for. the :need vras presented by the Rev A , • absr,rMe ti,_1.~ be k~f...l~ fait as e~:rs corue_ari ~o• its ya ar~nd 1Jzlla~.;r Crowe y d , Pr.esldent. Thereupon ~)Ir, Tra sk rriaved and. it wras seconded ~ Ivlr, Gard~rer arc, c~rried< ' that the Associated Char' Y end .~e~?ovad r'urth~r filial « co ~ - - + 1txes be and -it is hereby,;.named ,and' designatad «s thF~ legal ~ r , p, of these resolutions be- sent ~ o the fir,;ilv agent; of :the count to distribute funs r. ~ - 01- our late lrarenii and co=vrorker a cony to `the ress ~ " Y d tip ro .rated to ~.t b , tha .,onnt C r~~n ssa. ncr.~ ~ . , _ p and to thE. i3oa rd oi' C~~~ ~ . • , , ' i7v 7issior,er•s fa p p y, J_ o i a 9 .,masstiu~,czs r the County unto l such time ..the Cor-~missioners Have ~ af; ldrva ,~Ia~aav?r Cn+rrity, ilrh~ch Hacii~ zs r~esro;rsa.t;a;e `for ' hF~ 1•,0 - • ~ h~!d opportunity to stun.,, i,he T,. rk ~..u3 -.ctlva f,7F of the ' the platter as `to the ri,nst econorrltcal ,~ast;orcal Cor.!,i~~snrl, method to handle the f'tinds eft- p, ' , ,h r' throw;h t.. ~ r,. As ociated Ghari.ties oz• the rilelfare De art~dnt, NLGr+ r1;::V~.rVI:; IiT.~~tuitl.C,:~~~ CC,;.:,,~~,,iCd p xs to the matte, c~' ~.ddison Hawlatt 4`J..,, ..rrGirt r-, exceeding the monthly pro rata pert of the a.nni~al alipraprir~tiorl .~~.!<<~w_,_~~c~~'~, rnadeta it by the County] the Corl~missiclrlers realize that, the demands vroulrt be r~reatar for some >7ranths than others and there;Fore instruc ed tha ss` r`' 'es to A oc~ated CPra ata It on rf,atio o ~ T ~ ~ 4,~ meet such der!ands the best it can until further stud~r ~ ter 'and I? n _f zas.. s cen.iei b 1,,r, F.~11 ua rant of hod, 0 to C'?r,Ke~cllurn , can be ,r~a.ven the t?i~.t , t _ g y y k . L that rr!onthly reports'.be furnished the i~oard tint ~._,3,. 0 to ~ , told Cra~vfr~r~? far ser~rfacas'rend~red a~.i~rnin~ prisoner H~+rrell . a stir}t from the ;~ec~r•dors cc~ttxt to frames Walker ildsria.tal, w?s ar,waved. , .I ~ A report of rftarz~ia e licenses issued `bv the iewister af. Deus far the uarter ~ndin~ . , t r?sth r~.ft~rence t;c flip a.ndascr .ma.n= rr~ t Se teruber - 0th` 1 4 ~ ~ ~ , ,t .a ate pa_I.._ng_c.. aut.,mobrl s b~ the 6 b t- u lit on .she p , 9 7, xn &ccor,t~.nc. wa.yh Chapter 831, (HB,1a.1j3), .:was receaved,. ; , . i courthatir,u par~rzn lot -raa:sao bs the shera_ff yr c r , d' . , a.. _e_arxe~ to an,nrdanf,nc.e:adc7pted: dopted bs, thia'I~aard'cf v7u1~, lath 1a~6, U on motion of dGr. Coleman, sacondect b ,,~r. H«11 xrthur Sari ~ s i~~ . ett townsha.p r E was granted an abatement of taxes an a v~,.luation- of ~g00.00 on house chrtr ad in , v j V;~a.th :reference t~~ recuNst of r~!.~ ...en n,_ ,vnhle J c i , ezror on lot .r~r1 Southerland .and read~ustrient of the land assessment 'recon:rnended , r .~:ent of VeterG,ns han,es Inc. taut a tax value 1•<~e iaxr~d an the 5~4,pPrr~.anen~ avrellin#- una.t~'irr Le:ke Forest taken Inc,, by he Tax,,Assessars~ for he year 1947.. _ , , . Gate, Prc~rt~ the govarhr~ent$ to enaLle tree. to set-uIi the tU~;es an tits t~udgPt. It ken. . it • ~ ~ ~ : . , , 7 ~ tri nor,;F~ 1; was held h, :the t~ti-A rd._ths,t the ta,. value .,1.«ctc an the 7P ' Upon'r~rota:an of Idr. Gardner seconded'by rF,r, FIayl tha I,aard;suthora.zed .,,,e pr:yr.._n v I prap..ty a.s far uh,. auadrern~al ' , adrernial ; eri.ad an v~rnich t;asis t},e ovaz~~!r,'.ent aaa? .re lieu oz t•~xes of 6,00 er da far a rofsrnatel three weeks fox• ;tre..atrr,ent and o e~ataon gar p , ~ I , _ S?_ _ y pp, y , f lydiss>Annie Louise Lee cnrznt~.~ .char e a`t the ';'d©rth Carolina Sanat;oritm; re`cor,~nended ? g~ a by the Count ' Vrelf re -Officer .do` acta.ori ;:gas *akAn a.n the `rn«± ter cf ;,rovsaa rr~ riu1P help` to care for Gl de ~,elJ er4, y a y , ea~iileptic, dahi le corrfinE'd in 1yce hospi;r , ~ertu~sted bar the t'rait's re- Offieer. , A etition bearin the narnas of 18 residents as'.~inF for' re airs and haz•dsil: faca.nt~ p g u p ' a Q~'~ T (;8~# Ti i . ',>r a ..ri 1 7, P , ~ . sI r, SIt ~ 1 1 ~~i Flora Avenue at`Gar en Ca.t - Harnett townshi was a an rrotaon of r.r, Trask a_.~o.t ..ran r:.ct..an of C'a,ane_, sec..,_ , nt, Yea; .~cn 501 to 1 d Y, P~ _p y ,.7 b I~Ir, Coleman a roved arid referred' to the State Highvray ~ Fublic.Vrarks Cor.missiQn wrez•p approve~i for pay~r.ent. y ~ Pp for its consideration. The: fal'_ov;i.n~, aad a.nd l~:vful persons vrprP dravrn to servo as W~arorS in the. u~rnPri~r - rinz' ' ~ r P ~icCr«e i eze Coy rt.f 'r the tra.al of Cra.rr~l:ta~ e4.ses .fay t..e or)e ~ e~k ~Pr~r, 1~e inn_.na Oct. 2 t ` U on ruoti.an of I~lr. Hall seconded_b ~~ir, Caler,an ,:.,e h_lrs ,of.4ohn a a g t. _ , h p ~ Y a • xes on ~ valuation of 2 QO.+JO aecoun't of double anti' one vreek r:a~:ed tart!; hAga.r:n?.ng :~ia~rea.bar 1G~1; i granted an abatement _af ta. d ,3 listn art of east z,riddle lot 6 in'~1ack X101 far the year 1959 g, p ~ iP of John I:icl?`?e G Fi' Vr ?,th n r , ; r - ,;r~' ~ r r; ~,_ri Th,. snr,~c. ~r.;s also listed to ,etizer=~vith ~erso!z~l ro art in the par ~ a ~ .~~icuav an h.~,.aifham g i p p Y ~ D,t ,L~.ss..t;~z°, T..,, .~aw.la.rg, ~,9 ,,,~.lt.n, ~ and the t~~xe~ a.a.d for the year I~~a. La:ll,• H. rant `Lrnps~ Esc, ,+e~].,., Paul' ~i, ~'.arnugGy '.~.~.,I~ill.inGr Vir:inia ~o,i!r~;rich i. P r . s y ~ ~ g , ch, ~ C:S,V1all~ce 14linniep~. tr?wider ~aralci ,~ternberzer,kredrarrav~~ G.J.Jones L.h.N.f,rrin~, z, _ a~1•rj.ng9 mcr the:` mar' an Iulissionarv As'soc9atian was ranted. an abdt?n.ent;of ta~:?s it ' .;;~,f.' o J, C, Ifeavcs A,i~-.G'?altar H,C,Sneeden' u.T,~c}rm~us 'Harold CartE~r Upon t1an~ zc . g ...Fs.Catf;onj U,A f , , ~ a ~ , . ,,r . ,P t • ' n block 118 far the v=ear 190 f car' , , a CartE~r, r,n cz vrcluatzan of 1~ 000,00 on i`ts prol..r y l . ~ Jrro,C,A~ck1e~' J,H,Ca.rter `U,J:~ltkinson, 6`?.I3`Haracheyp A.`~~.Shesr,,IrnoN,~lexus,. t,,r .r~,r.:•, ! ~ . , era at;anw.~ d 9 ~ ~ r ~ ti _ fi , ~ the reason the sairre-was and as .now used e~clu~~ve1, zn ma~.ntazna~ng the Lan, ~ e.~ s F Hul:lard Cerro~.1 H, Koonce ha_and Vratt,.., Clell i'Gtt,er I=~.rs,~•Iilc~zed J. ~ i ~ ~ ra S ~ f „ ~r rpc>ses are,. , • 9 _ ; ~ ~ 1eG w r =t tr; i r, ,1 r' r e ::for chata.table ;-.r , , P dna,G':Thi pEn r~t_..s Meta d, I. a an I,,y,,,.emis 1.a,Hiveritaar.. rk a , Church, hospitals any, schools, all of v.hich «re orgrat d Sm_th~ G_.o,G,Caplana , ~ • , , I p Id~.t__an ~te_.n, s from none of vrhich is,deriveti e.nv rof~.t vrhatsaever, ~ i J l;,Frast Kenneth D, i'brthingtan, Geo, Caa.rnsi ~e`a.P, BAum, . r J.!~..I;~orids Jr, L,,r.,r~_irtcy, ' 1 j } r _ .-...,e , i _ _-..~..m_._~__ , 5 4 P7 ~ a ~ ~ , w t , - . -rJ..c'~~L~:._.LW..,:,uC~.;:a ~.:.N~,'id~- fY.e. C ~ieetz.n a g f October 13th ~.q4 cr, = s 7y nta.nued_. „ 'f For the"h19.xe ~ ,~,leeti.ng of October ~(t G~' ~i Term: ~ >>h, ecntin~.tecl. 4: I~.J.Yapp, J,~,~;eece Oevv - r ~ ~Y E. Rdcl.].ey~ Firs l;a,„. W Upon oration, Louis . r l4irs . B. ~ti , Sharp ~ ~ .I~im oldon J .1r.Eve 4,,, L v~.1~ -'ranee • 1 t.i~ 1'!1elZ "~7 ~ i) 7 _ rftt~ , ~ (1 ~~,n p it tC;}:F?5 r Dor s ~ .G,I+io lev ,G _ '1`2'15•QO r~coot ~ ~ ~~~n,rnt of , rleevea~ l:,E.rIcKeithan Jno ~I } ,er .r. n.~,in.> , .lt~.v?nbark ti>.'"F',rje i,t ant of dup~i.c,~tr' cna,r e ~ z ~ n a. valuation of ~ _ .D.PIa}EI,' r!Ir~~,. 1~- fo. tfle years laA." i a' - ' g t .lot 6, in black n!.n 5e r, Q.O.Whj.tloc'- , lace ' ~ ~ ~ .a. e . t~a Cr J. Ron~otes 'iIi e ' GtanlG,na 5, _.q ~,nd ].~?~{7 r eze, , k Pl. Pati] li5 r,'.Hairp m. ; ~ , L,4J.Aa.;tey Archie Garr > e -~yl:or Vv Jac ~ j .Fred C, Vlat s .,:rs. "~.'hn~ ~ • ~ .U ~r,.:_~.L~ A request of thG k N~. Graigy I~rs r. H ,:7_ ~.r<,a r,. I•~ulray uorace I. ,ir.,,rcl of !~+~,n:~.pers of t;l 'r y . i,;ercer by rn-a Maria ~ n re Co;',rn,inl.t,J' fias jt~a aoker Carl V+atsnn `H p .one 1 for r ,.ors, Jennie Thor'; +t ~ ~ ~ ;tatson ~ n,, ~ n€, ,h_ z~.trt;:l;; p acl.latjonal funds . a It....~,verett~ ,Eidip filalla ~ G.~Vlalsalrj on a k,asi.s of ~ ropra~,ted t~~~ the Cit;, an+a Cot. r , fund s tl.c. ~elata.on that t}F :S~rtslrs tnty to ~he f.clo nosnitrz.~s .G.trJillla.msy; It. C. ,,:cDcviel :..cep itlrs. Coltzr~l;3a ~radfol• , - +~re 17iaT d ~ CenS1zS of £•n Oh hOr+ni Of jn.ii~,~-rlt rl~;t,j(?ntS ?~Pt:rs, t%? P t~ Y1.k]:nsa ' ~ f ~ y" ,+111i~Il,s Ge ~ t ~ ~h ~ nosnitt~:~s n Gha.~, o. A al w ~ to , R,+,t,tt,5 die ` ~ ' .~',Srr;a.th• 1`sassie F~. Courztt ~ ~ as IF fax. F'1 tc', ~tne has,j.tw1. on;;,m r , C ~ nr;,• D, >~a.,terl~n~ } ~ < J $ a~d.> for. , r it,.Nes of t.zE A has .E. t hnrr: ~ ~ oint Cj tti a.~,i F to to i y n pscrn Le~li(~ r r'zrace Russei ~ disc:zssa.on, " , ,.1 Nurney ~ 141rs:- iiJ, C ~ ~ _ , ,,r ~ ~ 3 a nsan , ~ ++s.~.tan, J~s.fi,I+icCtiu:,ber ' ~ rer;ort of thG Lr ' ~I unberr,lens ,.ltltual L'~. ~'tr:llt ~ Cnr,nan , . hot wnt`r - r y lns ~Eictlon a 't . tank ~t the .Col:mtanaty 1:os ,ita • ~ r f ~.IE' Y:oz1(~r 4;nd The ores, t•~ T 1 c~ dt, - -_ng then «d~ourn~l 4 nd ~ ~ shnvrz.r~ that t ~ " u ~,epte~r~bez' rush 1~~4'~ v'a he ~auGorratic controls t^;ere ~ ~ > 1, ~a., re~e~ved ,3 fr~uncl , the T`eC,~, t, be ~.1 on:~~t' ( ~v~ng yank be:: a~r,alrarl 1 zve, c,nrl recoliir:en+~in eived . ' ~ tt^ ' _R_ Glezl: ~ i ennditltin - an ,i~.-~t.1c ~tevlc•,,, )~.r. E'ri , j and 'f;hat~ , o' t~ ~ ~ c ~n ,,:;nd oI ~rati ,,e a J, .r z~,r~~a.~ ~ l., r~ ~ n.- r.e nd i n rating. h , rtln~~ n~ces:~rrr; <,t~ thj" t e r , ~ CT ~ ~t rc=,nnr+. off' the r • • I.7.1Ur11 f'r 0 ~+Y ,'OfirJl ta]: f r~r ~~n ~ A , , r ~er,.,er v,Ias T•c~cre~vE~~ , r~ , g rl, C. Qctaber t. ~..,]_Fa. n s ~_Oth, lct~7, ~.he re , ~:n ~ c.ton 'fo. ].i,~r,, galas ~.eer~ly Ih - , . .1.. ~ uteeting of e ~aaro V~e~S he ~ lf" i SUbrrlt ,i r~ r;r ;~t: ]ll^:=-f;"!(;?'1 0I1 `,},n 1; ,r, c., ' 1:~ t,t --~•Qfl c~ clock A ~1. _ }1;~ 1•,r• r~ r. ;l~;i' Il( ar~..,t a~.r~~et ;:,Had r . i , . . " t • .,t ` P ~ ,~Ota,an C-f r CO }41.V i,f Farr ,1"GI'c;r'(', }'a, t}lE,' a Q 'i'' S ~'ZeS,. r ~ o l r ~ f t c ~ n1. ~ 1. - , ~ 'h. I ~ , i' s unE, - s 1.apon tirJdz..an Hev,+lett Ch r ~ c.r c ~ n i„I, irr:slt, t~r~,n',rd. ~,a~rr~an~ C7en. ~l.'Tr-sk Gar~]npr ~ Ccs~antY Attor~e I~Iars(~en . - , ~ L, ~ , C~l~;r•a.~ 4 • . ;'(I"' 1IC,., y. 1 d ran the ~:.n1~ r~ ,.c,n t T , s~:;n;, , i h, ne_ r~'~ , ~ ! , ,ELI .;t~ ~ ,c+ ~ ~ fa 1~,.Shr-11 to m~n1~.t~. of r;;e~tng off' October ~3th a, ,,,~,r~ r~ ~c, ~.cu. y to r ~ i , - ~ , . ~d and '.arprn~r~'rl its r~ n^~? A S1 ~1 i ~ _ ~ r.1T,ci?1 I..0t7.a1 of ,'r. nn 7 i , bane r' ~ ~r n( r^ .tret~ for.i~ + ~s uu..t~.CF , ~ , ~ , t ; ~ c. ans. ' r, ~ >i .I~,.'i .7.'r..i i a.rl A. ;uanc,ers . ~ r r I r~:. ~ r ei 1' ,r ,.h~ I eµoa t.t.. Cnl~ra'rl 0~(] , iia'.'ks r.Iar, e ~ , s Frith the Ivan r ' . ~n 4he ~iL':nlzrlt a~ ~ black .-65 , 0 ~ + na t C ~~.w L: G~J.rl~~l n:: CdJ L~. ~ ~ - r ' :j ~~~`6'~~~ r r•t• l~l,. J. ~~v ;I. ~ Ir,.t,/„ tllc' 5~,1~ 8:'i:t~llllt } n ,,o ~ 1.'1}E?.s n:l t n ~ dt, , ~t5 ('f'Cint~'(1 c`;n ~c1~2tF.Ii,E?nt U _~~,.v._n , t,F,.n . r~.Gtr r.t _ la~,t~nn of ..2 - f and approved as to 'Io ,r ~n , : .r ,.t 700.OO `f~ ~ , r.,~ r,,I ~ ~.ci F I~.e rt.7 t?.nn ~ ; , ~ . L.., s,:I,, .,e_ on ~t r ti .~I l; ,,.1~i hp ,Iko or~lo~`~~3 t,~,; Ir!? GnLtllty' lalltnr:lE.' r r if t?a?: fS'P.P. ~ n - Gc,CI , ~n1F.rridn s;ennclPt ,t! i,,r ~ ~ 3 ~ ].'lwt f~r lhP rF.aSG t 1P• S, Cod b", . Tra.,k ~CCE? ~ veGl - - . .~n C~. n ~ , a..i.E 1S USE!l r,;C:] izSiVC'1V r } ~ a I nur ia:~es an _ • fnr ch,~y.~ ,i l j ..r.l at ~h]s t~~~ ~,re car'~r,v fnr ~i~n it ~ Uat~_e ti~.ates. t? e t1nE~n r,;otican, uhnrp ;';Crgs ' ri, , i _ ' ~ r ~ Cnt"ip%+-•.f W~=,S ~`_':nt;~~~ ;','.1 %t~;~:tPl'iFnt t' °vPr _ 1t1f? ri?Fr Iln>= tl?A ~r~,r a ~ ~ ~ I s00 }1n~ r,F.t 1 ..a, Or. ~t v-:ltznt~ nn ;fit _ n aEl~,,,A,. ned . L,:3 a a~ on _ots qr ~ ~r+ rr `~a v~ , t!!e r:r ~7.+. • -F.,are r i~. ~C ~Fzr rPrl. .4n rf i'.r0 ,t'.lyJ 7'.- ' k Upon T.c~tzC,r~ of r, Trask sQCOn~7~ , . S ~ T . i l~-I' ?1.;~5 ;i ~>l.i) 1,~1 'J~ g '-rip,; .rl n ab,Ater eat of s j ,r n:~ ].:ter enal~v rrt;;,,:,r-„ ,,1~ " ~outh,urest -t hlbrk, .~~~'i f•-r IhF' t,°(',"'^c 1Q'~~ ire C1~ .'t, 1v, , ~;he t ' , ~hnt h. l~. ~=~d o ~hel t,r~r~l~~ :irl G1 J' ';,1,~. i;h1S 7)2rG81V%F•5 1 ~ • ,J~L~ .:~.T,.,;"i ~Ctr~lIar '7+l ~C~n ~ a.na.,v(:_ ~ -.:.l.t off rii~l 1.:,__,t ~ -,l«I, ° 1: „ r ~ i~ , t >f~Un GIOtIOn rj;~ b.r. ~~iI'; F?r' ~ r~~ ~ , ~ i 'F~ -'i, i iF- ..rl ~t -it"):',„~ 'rl ~I 'con.,e., by ,,fr ].e-i;,~, i ~ ~ ~ o ..._ocr- .I.~ ~ ~ c ~,1-.~ ~E t w ilk .'i.h(?r~ r~O R;,t'l+~r !f~:r" ~ /1 ante. I . f i;rn~l o ~ . .T.On%,l F.,:1+, ir;l~, !,~ciE~ Bala .~.~11P"t ~;'th ]'C~ i i l~~E•~tli;: r.r'-~'~n ':i ~ y ('rf( 1t('(} t}lr l~„ti ('ill ; 10 ' ~ I ~ 3 ~ , 1. ~ y.. ~,or tr(' .,w. C'(1! I't~~ t~f ~ •~a'i r, ~p ,.Cl]' ' _~i ''n,, . r ~ . LC)~ i:,.:1'L ..:1~~ l,~.i',~I I,'' ~ i , •r 1.._ 'c - : l l n ~ IiIF viJr ) n ; ~ - ~I~ll. l ~ 1~+~i::, ' " .r ..9 r. I~ appeared th<~)t. ~~hr?a. 0. rasher ,_~;r ir; ~n~ ~r;lr~rl Ft'I'v7CP 1c,r,E , . ~n+a e;~(?1UD t frClr': L)r)11 to}'P,$ 8.nC1 had rlO 1G t' ~'i ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ _ , I, r,i r, ~ - .,.za _ rti !n tl.is ccltnt, ~ u'r„ •1' !~F'~',~nr~ c,r ,~c,tc,>r~„ ~~t- o~ " > ~ )~'~"'-F 7'("..u r`1i~. ?'}~i`(,~7c,(T C+c ?'~r'0I'(1F,'til t } , segues YJsr%S rF'('.u';I:UF('~ fror.'~ :~.r. ~i',. 1.1, til_.~'n catri?la7rinF? r)f' t"h rnrti nr gi-iIi i~Ci, r ~ , l • 1 1' n , r_ k- . °t .ll. ~:.,1. t7 ~.1 (l; ) ,i., ~ e: rl. l,''(1?~ ',j i - ~ev~n ~h St.eet _ t ~V~.nte." I':I:r~t Y;E' Twee t ~~r • p - ~ - r'~ ~ oIi of :4r. C~1P1 ,+n, S~~('n „a , n he Gw.. Tl~ri,_-htsvl ! 1. urnztzr~ sect r ~ ~ , ^Ii .l.(. . n,.E.. to f11.f' hl hwa r to ''l tr ~ t. 1 ~ 1~~' + r J _ ~ 11, };rf",p ;?`r , ,lI rr: i i r)q~ , ra,ah~.~Vflle be3C r~ t' fi t a , ,j . ! f}',e ;y~ilT~F~I".lefts-," u 1 and asks _ tl'?cd ~he ".2LP re~,a~.rerq a_1d _ uI c1' ; c..Ir1 1 Ezli I.lt: , -.i,•r. , 1(. _ nt Of if possible to harls'ttrt'ace the sage, U or, :rotinn of i,"r; 'lI -,sir , - r, rr. n>; the t , p;,, p ~ seconr3.e .i ? t . r ~I~ . ma ter VaS°Xef,._.t'C~ to tl"12 c~t~:tE? Iigh;4`ay Ca[,:r113.4S].0n f0Y'obSar~ratinn-^nd Cr)t~~`~.4!r~0..`wn. 1'nr)n rr;ntlr;~ r`' ,.'r~, r ~ r: - 4 . 1 I. , - 1 f ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ t ~ sl ( F t,otr'tis~ia.l? 4 <,c ~r'~t1~aFt,~ CY, r 1 ~ ~ { re Gat- of 1CIr ~ G,^d r ~ r ~ ~ P tt'.~ Ci Vt,_.tt'1':I('~;1 , ' ~~~i)(~.~C) i~o, :r F, rl ~.affs~.n _e r. far rev~eti~ o t e ~4 ~ ~ r, ~ E ~ h l 7 `,K s '~srr.en~ ~~n , rc, ~ ) r, of , , ' f - >r ~ t ,~1 r ro lr. ',~r'.i).i,i~ci ~'..an 1.~1~ 7.C ne«. 17th: andDaa,san ,5tr?ets whieharas increase ~ k~ u~~ ~,r~" i'~1,' v.r 'r , ,-i , '~~y , a ~ d by ~.,~OOOOO orI i}ttild~.ng c:- 1., , he , . c ._,r~ ncr c~'E~:{it. ~ : 's v+'as" referred t~ the corilmi.tt~e fcr im~estil;ation ,~Inr~ vr:th nau~~'r to sect, llh[lir 1'f'.((Ji~''I,'`I ~ i..~ I);-; il.r v((~ L.:Ql1'11',': (~t",TY p' F, ltllr~n I~IOt~i r, R rlr ~ r u n; ~ ± ~ - ~ , G_.,r'' Ih. Intei'i?_it;l ~C ~ + ,I , d a.. C 1~. 1"d1iN,~ Ci7• c a of i,.. ir'~ nc co I i ( b~ ' " 'a ' 1raa~, R Yoe.. - ] _ Cc~s ~1 ~ ,e ~ t~ c ; , r , > Cur,. . n~ tr~l,~ a ~ ~ ~ fir. CoiPrl ~ 1,C r 1 < ;,~C'r ~ 'I ~ 1. l~f.i 1_:.St lr,!tIl ~.I1F' T;:~v (~]le~'', " VIaC ,1I t ~ fi~ )f ~ i, ,.i a~ ~ '1 ..rO, r.9~],~>Q3 c(f,`?'Eic rli' ].ii.n(i C r 't~n„P.~ c`,n i)av~IaBnt C t-ii;t 8 OIl fl L",'~1UC~t1On l7, 1i',b,ieaV O:i 19~Fc ~~''IrV['0_('~'f liUl'(:}',8.. 1';'Ci1~ i}"!i)li~ 1'i. ~'"I'F?11 1p ,-~7,r ) F•1'r, : E,'clf t0t•t'1Shli1, a's U~ti~IlS 111C1~ 27~1t0Ir1Obl.].e ht? COntraCtE'C~ t',O bu'r OIl 1)eCeTI;bP,i' c~ 4.7 t ~ F+t i . 1 ~'r~~j ~ T •r:(L, r. 1? y r, (1 F] r)t V 17.C 1 bttt ;~_t1+. vrar n. r~?r r.(']...~ ; ~ ..I l., ~ 1 46, r:~n(i .sass ~].1 OE,~;,r~O h 3 y ~ ) ~ hr1C. lC~.n_, ~ rIC'.I_li~:P~'i VJ7 +,,1 0 ~nrr 1 ~ "rj • ~ ~ which d.`:(l 1~}1E' ('c r.rc~ j'r?1-1.1" a fin t} F a(?1 f~' i.hll, ' ~i~ •nr ~-~~ra~ a, Y, l., L'T'i'fr' J.I1 liclDt, i'E'F]T , _ ..n d 1. 1_ r v~- .t f: b:~..,_ 7:t. ,nr~ ,r 1u~,`7r ~ ~ ~c~. _ _ tn~';ishlr, 1" _ t t~, n tov,;rnshi.n ~ +`~7 Yp4 t"ll;}r i,;'C"1 `lr'.C)ilI?t Oi• SUC)1 tFi,I£?S i1` ,..lld . s p'a . 1'e 1't?Cl~-1(?St of trl(? Tn~F'I'IlriGlgncil [''3r''eI' C01'"n?'"1'' tO b'E' iiPI'?'~lttP!~ IO r~8" 1;~1F~ ]_C~7 t;C::~ C7.'1 , 1 , r - t; J C11 1 a r~~o k.i tcn o~ . ~~r, Cr. ~ r.an, ~',F+c(:,i~1~ T . ~ nr,r c i f ,q * - 'n• vr, •nlfi I C'1 1';lI' ircl ,JOl~i~hcl'n ]lllY anla r11Ji;bP!' {:i1[i~p ~ of lr;nd nzrchr~.,~r I~~Ir; ~hoirG._ A, O,.re...r r:~t; al. Cr i,~~~.r -c„+ns~. , an} , e~_ c1.,_E,, ! ~ ~ ~~Ct11F'' "Fr:l~r' )~(IV.'~t°,}1J-"~ Po`ic, t>' ,,•i i'in. :~C2~('I'~'';i„ r,, 7 9 ; Il t E Li. t ~ P r~ ,r, peCEltlber ~Otriy 1`~a~~ Vlh1.Ch 1E; .l ?1C111C1@d In UUher prOnerty ~1°~trrl ~1V ~'~lpr!C': 4~?T'r~l~ ni..P,('},~~1j°''~' !'~ni' 'I''i,•~,r~ ~ l .,,.~i 11 s1 ~lll';I1O,..1 Of 4 , ~jj(;,OQ r:,rlany, ' CI , CEO y~.hsch t}1ri,, r r;h fnr t~'le -)'On1' ~9~`7 V+'c15 reT,Prrf:d tC) f,rie L;t)Li;nt`' -1,1'tal'~1(?` ~?nT rNeol~'rr1@nrlata.~)n`<, ~i+ r., i ~ ~ ~ , II".l I'Qr'7 ~ J ~ ,I C,].11.,!'~.1 4,t.., .1.r~~._ ~~.~1,`al.E,' v;)1..itP~ Ut. n~4::; l-~(~U,UO . ,l~l?On l"lQt1nl1 of ilr, Garn?1F~Y, SF_?C0nt1°(1 .b? Gnleriiari ~erl Finn L~Q~ ~dvls~!1 t~~r_'f'~'t r.. r , 9 7 ~ ! I)0}ri i,.n l 7;i r.' i.R'. +1., c~ r tt _ +~_r . , e ~ 1~~ a h;,~ i'. Gr,1_?I~~an r, was granted a refund`of;r7o1.1 Lr~:e:I aF;cozlnt ~x doable lz.stan~ and na~.d tv~rzce io. the s , • '+(vr~ , %a! nnrrh .7th c ~ III nt tr,x(~., o,~ v 1 , - ~ i5,I1~-Pt, 1 ford n rf c l1C't,~O'i C,' ~~.f~(1rQt) 0C1 ].0 t, rth 4 year l9 b', _ an ; ] oc1~ + . 71n,; F'? .c'~ c}, "~~c , ~ ~ , i t ~ ~ ~ . ~l, ,l lei e? r. n r.F o) ~ rc ei S~ ~ ' ~ Y1r~n, ' F,nCi ].1 tp- iJ Lot. L ~rUOCllI U. ftr;'F~'t, c!? r4i~:~"D7 :,V'l1PP ft)I' '~.;}lr t'.c.l• 1G[~- ti re asst, of Iuir, lt. T. Toler l0O?~- Jnrth 6th street far abatement of `01l t~zxes ' ' f ' ` ~ ~ x ~ p listed for 197 on the grounds'th,<at he vans a resident of Erunsv,'~.ck Count;r nr~:ar to t ; , , • . ~ . 4 ? u ;ij e.~.,~ ~.,(.,:..:_i .,I.y ,fll~.~,,1,, il; i,~i.,i~.']}CI'G ii)V,rr,,111~~ J,'n11nL'v ]51, 1x141 ~"Dill ~ Jarltzary lst ~ 1947, a:nd moved to-this .count;°`Jamzary 3rd was Granted pr~vide+} h= t`,'~~- t,; , , , , . t ,V;1 n+, i 7 , i' 4r, ; cr 1F ??~11t Of ~ is~(.? .1. I .Li_I .~.`1 ~tt.:7 r~ - c ~ ~ d 'n ~2, t n ~ _ u . rants ,e1 + produce his tax: receipt showing >~hat he paa.d zaoll ta.~es to I3runs~'ricl~ Coanty fir t. ~ n ' a ETCi '.1-' l I i11 o C i , , "~i. '.-~1~ , ~,i u~F- 011 . 1Q QQ r z: ~ :L ~•s to Ci t e~ir l 4 ~ . , y 97 1 ir~4.:n ,.~ri., , . ; r. ~ c :n li , ,`rj,r,Frr, i,~na I. fi~~.f`.F~r, an la on r.;oton of sir. Gardner [ecotl{_ier= b'. I,.r.: TrasK` abatements' to ccrrec~ the ir~_ n ~ ~ i4t, c,n 1 '41 t; ,r t<:. r. Vi ~_llcil,iL'.. i)' .,)Li "~riltG6 ~~'1 ~C`~, 'i). .1 :1 C'~~~(~: ri" / "i I ~ ~ , ~'t S Owl, ~ ~ i /~l", i v,,~11't ~ l.',ld f,' tax returns of the fc._.~ow~ng persa,zs wc.~'e author~.zPd for ~.Ie reasony sh - l-; ~ , „ r `u i,- 4 -e ~,t,,~Pt i',as ab~:teri taxes nn a valor-tiara of w17Q.Qn ~~n , A, uv ~.n~ 1t l~ue n , T , ,.,'•,4r Lean ilA1fJ.5. I't;.'1 ° (:i :iP'?l'U ~C,"'I15'~1 , 1 ~ . 1 ~6 Chev.ra]et`Cau e lured btu k?b~srt'i:. ~lrcris, I lrcr4 n et~~ z:ot.cn `of L.r°, , . -_c.1.. i . t 'l , t ,r n+ ~~n , is rhos I,e..rand lb south l5th ~trept ~07~.00 valuation on 1944 L?~:rck, rariz'_ r ~ t t ' • ° ~ 9 y ~ ! ~ ,,r=~ -ti ~ 7~~5C~'U i t~rnr~c, - p ti'E'.i Q.'1]~' o r , - : . ! r. F IC, o in ' ~ , d~ n it e' listznr~ and' error ~n name.` The same was ron~=~'Iy 1'~,.• 4-~~ I,r pol~, account of a, l .at P , , t..~rna~h ~ , ra_ . by Thos, Lee Grant. ~ c e~:l ; 20 Ol3 Jefferson street ~?nO,(~0 valuat~.on nn'?9~1 Cxosle~• au_.orn zl sold to end lls ~(~d bv' ~JG1~rtd I,. Carter. r1 ~ ~ ~ . . r r l I°~,.,u~r, , oil k•= c an the `Sc71zt~"t`Li,tt~l~.F T~- 't G' _t~ i, _'.'1 ]S~(,,,. ~L`~ 'fir r';~1' 1`?!`] bti- C~,r?P r,,kn o Forr~Ct P rk~v 0 OO ~ersc~nal and , 4.00 no?.l revise. ~ G - ~ ~ tPt `tl.VO' 1n I,f 1 -(?t, lUT' ~(:E' !ltclt~ 1'~I'0. .1 il,:. ~il'I ~ •!i.~:~l } rorao l7.stec~ ti':1th real es~ate. , „ : l 7 r1 y I11 iF.. t. ,{UrI V. 1,,(~.~T r+I r. t... I~tlr I. Y(''i.1:i1',3 I:! 'f., ir. p'~''~1't I~ ,4;".. f:. (1 or1 n~:otion of I,cr, Gardner, s,~c~~ndrld b" i:ir. Gc1cI r.r1~ the t3c,ard voter' ~o r,ar~I(,;'~ , I 1r~ ~ + ~ i, ~r t ~n, 1, ( i ; r , tip' ~ i y .n tir~iUtl rl~'rrr~~:~, l~l. it ~ - .i" ..n.,t , ' E~'^S Z)1(I E'T117St~"1 rI;PCl ~Cl 1,}iP C)~'C'=.iSl.(~~rl Of ,hr ~ rntl^z't• iil'e? t sp(.nse f oI thF o~ fzc i (~r I r}: for ~ _ „ ~d l i f I ~ , ~ 'rl ~ ~ - , ^ ' } 1 ~U. i•.' • F. ~I ~r' 1, 1 i) I I ~ _ , ,.1 It (':i ~ l r )ctober r )t.I throtz, ;1'la t ~ ,l ~ ; n ~ Clc C : ~ ) d p ~ . , 4 _ ; ( l ~ I 4I, C., ,i ~;i( ,F> 1':'+ ll; ~yi P('' Z'r 'Y E el; l 1 l ~ ` + , ~ , 1 ( 'I,' t, , n- _ t~i~ ~ I~• '',.~1 i~C' ' ~ I :~(~r i +1~ ~ 1'~f' i rl 1'' fl,''I' j t • ~ l"lith reference tl~~ r, reallest of t?~~ ~'iinter P~;rk ,`~erv].c'r~ Club for advicrv cr~nce~na:r~, Lca' ~~:n _ ~ ~ , • t s ' t,}`~e t,rty's eVtens~E3n progrsr..~ ~ + i.u~ F~ricr~.ll ' ritinb~ sinep thea;r stre~ is to t]:e ~n v!th - , • • , xr,t ~l r f? sit F'7~. 't-~• ~~~iu..l .L I,F, r. t ~ _ i, ~I i. * rt'; 1. _ n.,, tees cpnt~;~ i,,, , h t.l(~ Cotanty ~ttorn y. .~,ze,,ay clr ~ , 1 l~tErl'r~ adv! sed to have t71ea.r c..I~ Ii h F: 'r:.'.. ' : F r. f ~ t ` e. h.~~ i:;~~:,: . .._,....-w ~e. .._u;~,:,. .a~,.h .~.:.~~."::,Y...! 'Y~~.r:°~1n'.x!a -.t ~.nt.,a.~..+~.`a"S~ .y'.~x N f~ P~ieeting ref Octoba ^ ~ .I ~.~„h~ 1947 cr,nt:Emzt~d~. It(r etj n , of Oc n 'ra , For t;he ; . ,Rr t l,._I n r fix. 't'erm; ?_..th? 1J4~1~ conta.llu~~d. P.J ,Yo ~ r~ r pp~ .I,..ecF ~ De>^rey F, Itacltle P U on Il~rs ~ Y rlrs. P ir;otion, . A. Spar ~t.f; .ar~ ;=ioLdr~rl~ J,l,i,rwere t' hallis ~dad~, ,;~r,s granted p~ ,~:iminell. (I.U.i,4o., a r t ~ ~'~2' <<In ~batemen Dor~.s Beeves ~ z 1_y~ J,G,Itivenbar r, - ~ ~5.Oo, ~~ccount• of du, t oI to„c., on a valuatio 1:.1',.P,icite 1~-ca~tn n c7f ~ ithan~ Jno.D,Player 1^Irs i' `'~1"r'nPgister~ fpr thuears 1c I charge against lrzt 6 in b]. c) O,U,dlhj.tlocl-; C, r ~ p.~zce P, tr y . )45 ],qq.(, al 1 ~ ek ~e~.breeze tanl.2nr7 4 9 lc, 1947! ~ ~ Itongotes~ I'r~ake rd, Pa.till 5 a.l'I.Pate~ l~rchie Carr F~ - , il(.Page T~(~'lor •~~y red, C, ~ratts~ ;!rs. i'hel.ma i ,,r. '1~"-nlal:l, A request cf the }3o,a Jack H, Crai t~irs. ~ 1, l,n.l.~~ly rd of ;flan r' , Is. Hooker, Curl liats~on , ~ + .:orarF IE.. i,;o;~r,er by re-a ort~.r~ aFlo-s of the Co,r,mllnity IIr. ~,ita pP ~ n.inp the f%lnas ' )n '~~I ~ for a~da.t~onal funds .rs. Jennie Thor~las, R 1 ~ c;. ,'z.ton G.J ' a ro A .I..i~lve , .~lalsalc~ on a b' ~ I. pra.at..d l~~ the Cit. ~ ail. , , (',G,Vdi~ ~ r,~' rett;, ;~,ddiP ~ila].lace C Cl.~a.s o f t1?e relat,inn that the s~~l s 7~ 3 d C~llnt~ to the ,;tivo hosn~it,.zls fund s _J.ia.l.., ~ I~t. C. i;icDav;e~ , 1i~,r.~ . C~.~>,1tuaY~ia r,r-arlfo ' Y+ --l,~r., r,Ir,.ry 11i r' Id. cen,,us of ~ c,p; ~ I. 1 t.., o.f a_adi~ n, i r a.lk S n , . ) rl?. ci1H5 ~ r ~ ,1Q ,ef ,eil Y~ t, f nt , I` t r i i.n on, CnaU. H. .+<';tt-s N~ ~ ~ c. ulr:ith Hr,~;~' ~PI r,as :'~P~,rr~ra t,o tie ~ ? s ~ the ~ct~I ho snit,..-i Is , n ) •-11I'~, l~• f5c1~ F; r l t.' ~ le Ii. ~iYJllnt 081' }10.,~"jJ'tcla. (f~l~~l~1 ~ t r1.1nr~,, rice Y ~d.i fo.r joa.nt r-iisc~.ls~, j.tt~Fs o.f' th? C~-ty and Gha,s,E. Thorr:psc,n hc's1 ~i, r r,. Fiuss~ , pion. to to i r and Prlrs lr. ~ ~ 1 . ?~Ngo r, . . i,a.~l rtirl ~ . ; , . > 1.]. t~,al nF~,y ~ . 1,, C. Johnson, ~ ~,<.:.l,nn~ J~as,F,i,1c~r:1lll:~er t~: re,, ,art ;7f the htul~~berrlens i,`utu~f • hot, v;'i~,tc;r tank ~ 1 G~ _ salty ~nn,pany inspect: on Of t t t}lr; Co ~:::nlnity Dios )~ita1 ~ Ylc, ho?ter and `IhF rr,eeting then ar~jnl.lT'nerl, ~ ~ rr ~ I r.;al.e~ t; , Sh(,l,.ini t}?at ±;he alltol;;htic co t' ~~nten;l~,e,t' ?uth, 147, 1'%~~s _rrceived and n ,r(,1s ;^;~re .Pound to bQ ~ ihf:. r~~r~r,]vinrr tank he r- in nl),-,Leave anr? recou;r;endin~, 'ivrd _ '].erl~. -'r,~.ai d anti > > a l , ~r L _ ( r rl l r ~ u t C71~,a t,i 1i e 9f71 _1t~011 Etnl1 ~~1 C "_'1Q1~?y ;J rzC~i:'CI in rir I c~~~•r ~ I~L_, tU, (;I,r1E'I rF'IJf.d:r'C`l Vir~l'f' .Pf~1;i r- ~ 0~ op.~c,tln~ '.8171 1 Ili' a t i n, ~ In i Yl CP.,,,ocl, y r`;1:, t;11:i.;; t~in':P . r r , r. r fi, o t' * t r' to I IF ,C7;,I°11n~ f;y i~'CiSiilfi;d] I, , fo ueT,tl,;!:1)e C V'as "e(~e.7.1rP~(i Ci r~ ~ ! ~ Ji].rllin~; ton. ~~d, C' ~ ~ n _ .,r tpbF~ r :.Qth ~ <,n j a l ~ d. r~'hF~, rP 1. T r., ~ ,~:fl ci: 2~~iC;:~.1C)Ii J''x li~:r"~ , ~ "t. r,otj.n~ the Eaard v;~,s held rat ~ •~'-lbr,it;t.er~ l.• +u, ~ i r r; ~n..t1o1? nit t:}?F~ i;arl:et S'.-'F~~ 1. ,OG ~ cl,7c~ f1. ~ } _ar~ n^ ~l.al. r~ r ~ _I .<.t hnad > , I,,Ut1C) ~l^ ? l J'~;G' i,CV1IlG' 1!eF?il E'llflh.^r!t~f' ~ 4" , n ,.1 [.'r. ~C)]'.1 "1 ~,r i, i tllr. anf'I'l.i't~ 1'dS upon }ZC'SE'nt: ~~.cirlison 1~@'!d]F1tt Ch~,jrr~,,'1.?1 ~'rP(1 I''' r ~ f C )11'' l,~r, 'l~r, r , nad s upon 'F. {1 ~ ~cl. ti 9 ]'T;,_}!- 1~{^ It ('~~r c, ~ ~ (,r&11,,ed. ~Ol.lntti' r ~ u; 7 .~,i, ~n 1 rittQ !ley i,l~if den »e11a1;'y. ~ L ~ 1.,. (;f`L<'`, `1 ,~'1:, , iIo r.ir,'t1G!~1 'r'~., ±.k~ I ~ 1 ^ t,h~~ ;,o~ITC n t,}'e ~ r7r;]_~Cat- nr s + ~ , '~p11 E,,~ . ~ „ ) iii, ~ ~ z 1 u'nnt~ t ~ ed b~~ iJ f~: ? ct, i,.,..,,C.,l.h)I'4 ;)L''I''lil. .Jh(;l..y t0 7 hE. irlinutE?~, of mE~F=ti.n}'> ° Oc toY;r-.r 1; , i Gn'~~ to r ~ ~ J.r~ af1Cl ,'t'i?''Cwrr{ i'f'Cn, i'r' 1 ,~C1Qi1 ILOtlOC1 p ~1 :i 111`e t~f ~ I U.1~ :~;r. ~rci. r'~!]'?r qj`n~~ rln; }..,r r~ , one, oz' ,arl l:, Ganders r . 7 ~ f>,,s'r ~1JSi:1CP~ r,f Or') C~ 1 )n r~, ".I~~.,>E?]i'A. ;hF' j 6'P, .p t.,r~ n F~ ~ 1,7 - ~ ' f 1Y' Pt ~ 4a .r.tll i~1'@ i1 ii ~~1 r~ 4. zn I1 %ii~ 71 n ~Qr d J~~a 1'(1_1': :r i r' ~ ~ 1'I'usteP~ s flt_'7T1_.a oll."f~~,11 In Isar ~~n C C .i~11. G ~ r 1 ~ n.' G.,C. U].~~~k , 1 (,n..L_,.ly _a r_1.1T'C't~' thF! 1(, a, f 4 ~ T3 C7r I ~ C 7 p~. Ii,lr.l kaS frl'£illt~ 1 r, ~ .:'.olln ha~r'_~ ivt 1,F~E'n, r" rJr~ ~ 1 ~,a' .?~at~_~~~~~ r,~f ~ ' + ahatEalr~(~i2tr,~f an rtl')}?rC,Vf.C, 41d t7 ~rrv+ ~ - c, f fOIG, ~ t>',~ l f rl-r ~'y>r ;;f~~ ~ r' 'G['~7 1~Pi~l)i,'1u11 I ~r! ~ lr r, t, ~ f- ~C'~t 1 r 01"1 ,I10' ! 1., +I 7 H:]:~ idle 5'i ?,Ei ra ~r' o r , 1'. t;0_'IE'SV l'r;rltl n fir2.~~'r{lP. ~1~5 r", OrC1P.L(1 11 ].dCE?~ ~~r_. Col-C11;Cir?I ,,F,'Cr~hr]C+~ ~~J' I','!' ~~'rd"1 ,rir,., ~ lli ~ c c ~'v.i ,~nC~ ra~,son'_lhe S;r111E' J.S uSF(I r ct=- d y ai.Frr e p+iT';O.,P,ay a'ld at t1'13.5'~;1,r+:~+ ~~~;Glusa.~,e.l.y for CIiCi_"lte1~].o ~T'~ CStTT1- fOr T°'1 . IL . ~ ~ _ ~ r Iln ( r,n ~iC7t,.r.On, ~~ilnrc: r ,-:r r,, ' ~ ~i?8?1 th r .1~1-~,r1 ,.7 ~ I f ' ' F ~ ~`'r~ ~ '1 ~'i•Pllt OP t.;;Y~~'. nI? vallzi?t;3rt? r•~ 1'tl(; .j>~~ ,~~?d~n 8r~?0'~rtlPd. ~~J j...r )e~1J h[ll?~~ nil ~Ot,S Qr. ~.r ~ r f ~ ~ 7~) f _.~.11~ 1 i.'1ra V~=^-~ ,hCl"t rI- r t;hP vE'r T' lc4 1:>. 85,;F rrl ,1 r'TT_t,,i' i~r; , . ~ ~ - f U ~ On rl.n t?,nll, Of , r cl. _ IJ A _ Z rl- uI . ~ F ~ ..<~..~i.I `.PC(~ N 'r~~~ if .1(, r ~^L:~~ -i"i.:.~,}l 'r9, C t )`~,c.[} dr, ~ 11J, a.at rent r~_1; ;tcrl nen,,l;,y C,'h-.":ruri _ ~r - ~I t. t:r:~ ~~nuth-west r't rllnrk ~;'r~ fC'r r, r, F' ;'9 ~ ~r r; ~ _ i n - ~ , t ~ ~rnri l., - 1 ~r nwrt,,Nri ..h~,f~ h~ 1~~I~Ud other 1r~o ,I ? .il tf1,C~ (,a}~v L•,)ui ;,}115 Ua.L"(', ~ rl• c. r ~fl t.. ,y ira i'r 1!'iC:.l 7'1}' ~ ~d~ 450 ~J.na..d, fw;~1 1a' ~ 7 ,)Ctr~llr.,r' r, 1CL.. _ t. , ' .E 1 ~ . rt f s , , . 1~f -i1' ; r Upcn r,ot~i.on of i..I', Gar ~ ~ ~:e Ile]d at iC~.~;(7 ~ o clor,r. A.l.:, nc. ~ S('COnC,r,., ~y {r{i.r ~OLB;c~n ~%}1%1: U. I''14heI'. ?'~('r ~~rvl,pr Ilr. ' 1 ~"raS rclntEd ~ r'e f',.inri O i ;I'.r Y~r, ,r r 7 I.-". r r , i -I.,0,1%~l '.'lfa r011_ 'ti,i;E!S I,:ilr1 ri'.1~'1.1St 1.~''I~': ltjl'1 i ^ i'1 Fr. r.~-.. r~l, t,~Cil'h In^ r' r. 'Y' ' ' 1 tF .1 17 t:' i. r r , Y ' - ! r c. li. ' r; ,,'l i rr, , . Ff r i.Il~' 1G'C COIIeC~,Q1' tf) Y. C a^r , 7 , _ ~ - - ~~I. << ~ .J.= ?11. C:~ rl n„ l -}1 0 1'l'. r).{' .'1S~1Pr ? r Lam .Cr;.. .a _:1'.; ,.I,. ~.,..~I l,hE' n, I ~ ~?J'1OI' 1!Oli'P5, r,i~ 1 1 1, ~l:ity AI i C1''lrt~ I i u'; ~ l 'F~~r 1 46. I~ e .,r ~ , 1 y 9 ~ app ared that Chr,:. riskier r~is .in r?F~ ~Lrn;(~ri shrviee :irl l~~~i; ° . and ererlpt from poll to};es~ ,nd hied ;~~r n,i r~ ~ q~;<- ~ , n0 ,'C1 t 1~)]'C,rf~~ ~ >.n 'l;ha... COllrlt,v 1_. l~r?. nf' i~;nF ,1!"1' ~ ~ r- I „C'tr~1r~~~~ l.h, jf,~.~~ tai.^, F, 1•r'~'G i'.'1(~ ,.~.i G' ,~ic rl, i~rov..n r'c roz'ied . ~:ipd . r~1~l1PSt VdaS TpCe , , r , iVPI~ ro i ~ ; , l~ir r. `r, ^i, .1;. n sor,~p~i, i1in~ n.. t:hr rr,nr~;!:I(." ~r!' ~~...1 ,:c , r'7 r_r, .-~i ;t, ^ , L)eve+l+,h ~7 "~P ~ •r- .r r; r+~ S'.. 7 ~I' ~~Q. SrS, i, iC1i~ ti.h i..]On (;~f 'T' ' c~. . t _ 7 irrlli~ l 1. t.r+rl t t^ 1 ,4,. C'11.Plr,i3il. .,P(()n(af?ri i}y t...t _.t thn~Fr P~,rI=, rF~~w~,.~n 'the U.~.,1 ,Irt~-,hksvl,le lllrnl~ak~ thr~ °1~~';. ' . ~ t (a:F' (1 11i~ i~?(11',.- ~~'1 .~f~l,r.~_r„_ r ha.~,hWa t0 rir]~rht' le i - 1 r i ~ .I ..rril;, ~t ii^ili QI. FF;r' r~ it I ~ i~i,}- i ] C; ~ ~ .lT 1'1.Tl~,r'nC OCit Of' ;vil ?aC.hl nC,. ,j,S.'i Pf~ t, ~l'?t, ~~ht ~:i i:r=~ 1)C' rf- ,r',=? I'f'r~ 1(~ rd' ?rir-i , ,,r. 1f 1)0"i1.b19 ~0'.~}lc";1"~SL'I'f'F1 CC t~?G, r~ r ( f r • r n . 1 ofV E' ',J_(1_i "aCt:7.?I'1 Ul_ i~ir II'% °I S@Cnnt F~ r,~r(::• hf- rrlattAr V'a refr'"''r.(i tp t11e ~7tfrP 'il('I1V;I15' ii r r-~rf .n ~ i'l~r~° r•~f - ~ , .1..rr._..~sann f r. I' of ~ ,a anti crl', , . n , c , r~, ,.r, T cr~,~~ t, , if ~ 1' 11 ,1I;f r y i ,r w 1 A c l i ~I f !t C'rl 1,;i} ~ C~Ii ci _1 +..1 ~ C 1'eC~1HSt pf !''.'1r. H.Cr•i~Off'S1C1P~'' u n npt , r r CG. rr~c i~•cr,ro~ r n ~1.n~7 ~1Clll:~r~ 1 r, r. f„r . _raFlti f,he ~ ,i7 n.~~r.,.5r~:en~ ors h~,s l ~ r.,1;,E:~t o l _ y L ' i,1 1 , ci(.1'~ LU l~'I~l ~"r, 1. 11P,ar 1 t r .c, rP~ nl c r o r'. , > >~n O~i~~ S'f,lll L(7 i',i' !,I'~.,,ar'i.a',~n l~~f'l' "~I 11~ and l.'1V....On ut_~(,tS, ti'J_..-Ch V1a.> :1.C1C.P,~c(.,Ad 1)y d;?,000.00 of"1 1!l~1].Crll!!?5 O~,rC; 1.,/i„7 i'i~,, ,r}~ilC~l;f 111 :i'FCE.ilrr~rl ;"ili Ctt~aa-t ~ ~ ~ ].l,I .~q CJf Uras referred to the, con~mjtt='e fcr investir;at;io,1 r~nri v~,ith no>i'f;r trJ ~';ct, . , . ~O'IOIl Pr'Cu''9~i1C. t]C~l; Ui~ i;',~ll' ~~(111C1t,b ..,i;t,prr(l; a- , tJx)n rrlot.in~,i of t~,.r, Trasl~~ seconder by n e lI ~rlr~:und 1~. Yoit r:'li CustlF' ~ t , 'fir >r. ~ l ] ~h. Interr.alaol~~:.1 P~fI,F,r Lori,I7 ~,s ?S I ~ ~ ~i'IJ' L fC~ II r, 't~ iT C ~ ,)Erl:'r11... _t1 i,i1 1.?`,t V.] l.n ',hr' `j'Cv (;n~ F' jariy 1'; ' ~l_Ctol', G~~1(~e~3 CIC,iI'A~ UA ~.c-nd. .Pile (~'P.G, ^r;~4 eras nranted an abatet~:;ent of taxes on a v'~+ltlc~.tion of °,''G~5,00 oa a ] q~ C}levroiet , ~1 c' 'I _ r.' tot, 1,}l},n 1L1rC,.ftuEC, ]'1'(i1,, i.1O.i.='+ ~i f)r,ul T ~r ~ 7 ny"I s I I j, 1) ui_,omohile he cont±acte to b ~ P q~ F„ ~ rr ri r , .a I....7. )er?F~ml~,~ U)t '1 sec l a ~ ~ z rrr r' ~ 1946 ~ ncl ~;I.'sr= s i r t. `,i l 06 G, 11~ On li (.EII'bFI' r.~ ~ L ~ 171.1 t. U_tlC' V,ctS n_ Ii~ _ ~ .~<':11.1 ]_bilrl 1° il'IC lll!7FC1 Vd1 t'I n' PI' 1 ,r," r ) , + , ~ V'ha.C11 n , ll(1~ .E!n,~ J. a. tl'-![~ 1)'Y ~lliOllril`' I1 an(j th@ 021.' FJeS rl?tl.l.rl~'CI t(1 t'.i1e Sei1~T V+~th01.11 hr,a,n~" iiFP.!1. t~Or, ;;r r, , ( r ~ ~T'IEi] ],i Cilp' I'E..'r'1Z' t01~'rlShln L , i r' 1 a!,?I ,'.',1c1 crE,,;j t; t~~~'rr-1]' ;qq J rur• ^ tov"nshin tu: l~!il:l; i,}1P ?itU'~1!It, pf - ,.11011 ~,:LYC~S I7,Lid. s i} id. Via. rt?C'1.1C'St Of thP.. ~Ilternati0ilal ti'7el' COrT,nriz- t0 1; F' ht"^r;:itt('Ci i;Q 1)2 ' ~h1F ]C~!"~ t,;,-~- i)i1 1 ~ r L IU11 .0 f, ,r r~ ( c ~rl r c _ p I J L 1 (7:' I, 1'. ~ ~]fr a.n. SLICUn~I('d 111 ll'i'~ l rz.sk 4 C'llt}?~:I" i"'0}' Eln(i ~ _i)Z3 ny, ~1B.J~ aCT'E5 Of ~c-nC'1 l,1rC1111.,E,, ir0i;. ~I1017" ^T'P,' I:i; ~~C;',t, .~r'rsl:Ol'dr•fr},~!• ) L.llil~lPr (~Ol~1~17c`]n' I( ~ ~ ,.lj ~ j 7 ~„t, F' F~C'2~.. Jr~:, `1 ."f". ?.1~. l~.~S r.l mi7 cl'l p1'?ci ~P ,~'i j- n per c• ~t De e~bu y4 ui >1 r e ,n-~ ~ ,,r Rr > I ~~'~l. I+~ , ' ~ ni'. i,.;n. t .F. ol? .L .l 0.?0 C rl ~r 3(]t~1 6 h1 f'_. 1 ir1011 Cle ~ __"1 . _ ~ ,r. , ~ i l CY i, ~i J ?O.C?0 9 ~ 1 a in o~h_r prc..,~,I~y li,~te~ 1:, J.l~l~ I,~,(,hll~~.,, ~~~nl; r a nPt,nr ~ <:Qr;~ t ~ a 197, ~ as r z" rI t t,r .Ile 1,ounl i for c , ~~n, ~n + 1 ~ ~ , ~ ..J.c~l t}~lrnu,ipl r,I'r(>>' for hf~ ~B 1' V! e P 'E' 7 t ,L:or ',r ?'P C. dF',ti<r1F, ~ ; rl ~ i ~ ~ -r ~ rl C. 1.1„NCI ,;'ne~ l i L;! tF' V ' l1El p ,~,l, I; O,il~ ~I')( 7 iir,on 11Ot10n Of L; T', C'rAr~1nFI' .eCOnri°!i Y~ i..~ ~'`~iF'I4li 1)?I1 NlnG 1 ri,}(7 I.!'!:"l ~,j~i rrU.", f1i ~ ~r' ~ i ~ ~ f ~ 7 9 '1 6, ~ ~r~ ~ ~ r +,r rra ( C,. ,ri!' %r.. ~ 11F„~ cr(;~,L.((I i'~'' 6,1', ~C~tP!!~Fin :~.1'. u~. r~,. :fF'V,'ptt, ?1'7 r was grantei± a r~funrl of pu1.1. t~,ti:F.~ acco~~.,nt ul (io11171r. 1ist:ins. ~~,nd n~lid ~lrzce or - ~ nn. r~,~l 7 ] .,r11 ~?1,I'f;E3tI ' <iS i~r'cl?il,r(1 `'!n ct i.''1:~ra, ''f tc;}:('S 0711. 2, Vrll?i7+.,a.U~'1 Cll f,~O(l.G~ OIl ? ear 1.94E>, - . 5 ~ ~ c '1~' I' , 1' i _ ,.r. l ~ ~ 0 an Y: ].x,.__ ~~,rl~].~~.?~. .ace. c}fr. {.o ~ ~ ~ na.~~ a.', .'ror, 1'h~ .;~n,e i.s rt^,n(~+~ ~i1~ llstel r of listed i:;V 'P100C11:P U. 1~;f?'f lt, (~:11?:~0'? r~~,=.1;11[ !'O,1' 1~:11f' t'.(~.1.' lC)[~:. - Ef re ue~st of I~~ir, k, fi. Tnler 1G~~2~- idoi'th 6th erect for aba ~elr:ent oi' ;?oll t,7xc~~, - ' 1~ q ~ e > > 4 l.a$ted for 1cJ47, OT1 tale ~'r0Ui1~S thet i~le l'JrS ~ T'f'S1l;PI1t fJf aI'L1I1S1"1l''I: C~C1-lllti,r prlrlY 'f~~ flr"";?]'z~ 'ri ;3 '~tili l ~ i' i r r ~ v ~ r P i c rr ~r~ pr,• ~ , 'I h° I 4- I ,I., _ i 1 "~1, : Lr :;C~`1C1.(- ',n.lrlfi}1.11? ~:'~nl.lr.~, ]~)n7 V'1i(1 aanuar~ 1st, 1.94J ~.1ci n.ov..d t~ ~,hi.' count ~<r.m ry _d v1.,. .~ln~,efz Irov.11P ~ ~ ~ - , i,~, ~ in >•~ili, l t 1 ~~l _ I r)~~', t r'r?ntr(1 an f!~l~.i'C'III~'~l?t Of 1 ~;;:1'P r)r produce his t;zx~ rec~':i.pt ,showing t}1at hF' paid po.~! t<~~E~s i,n PrunIrics Co7~n-ty~ Par n 1 7 _ 1 v~,lttw t~.l7r~ c, , I .•~(:~.~1i ~ ~~1~;! ~f' :i r_ ~ to Gil,•' ti~xc... ril ` , n yep r 1.947. 'i1'~+,'1 Ii;Qt~ei,Fi i`. S'. ! C ..;~'(1 I~ ,I ~I, ~,.,Il. ~ ~ r n,7., ~r__ 7, ~ 10;' ~ 1 c!, 1. 11~'tf'r rr '(';711t,Pi~ ~ I n i , , I ~ ~ ~ 11101? r:OtiOn Of ..:I'. (i-. rdne.C', Sr?C'C111r,'r 't=~l' ~,r. T:dbu; c;r~duC'~r'~IPI1f,;; tQ CC',.E'Li, t}.I r r '~11 ' 7 ~.~tE? r'n( r 1llr,f,i0?. (~l~ ,ii li!f, t- 0"1 l t ll - u(r' ~f,~~' _ ~ _ - , - , w ~ .I~,1 .l.,l~l t2}, I'e1;11I'nS Ot the f0.1.i0W1_1 IE'PSC);;S b',i~('F' allthOl'.1<'eCi IOP t,?te T+';F.50nF ShOSC~~ r _ I,]. , I L:% ,Ch , ('~~n l"I; c', l;l-il I,i r~~ ~)G,r~, Ci ~ :1. :7cl r:. H. ttDl'^F+II~ ~ill1 ~tlt-fen tr88t~ ~'a5 &b~'tr~.l, ta~:e5 nn ci Vc"ilil'~t:10:1 Of P ~ _ . `r 1~,i1r; it ,~v~;; ;r-~ .~f i 'r.~ _ a r _ ~ 'rl'C +1 .15. 1: I lr(. 1.11-i;!: 1936 ChEwrr77 e t Cou e 1 ~ ,tef~i bt' f~l~,Qr E r, , I;r~ rri.~ . p a; °.1; !li0t;] (r'1 ,.Z'. r f Ci'i l I'~1';f' i'. 1' I',r', ~ +fi ~7 1, ` r';_ i (i~ C,rl}: ~r '7 Ci 'i ' F 1 a + C. r; . ~ f' .1 ~ 0 4 O F i 1 C 1S %u u 1(~ _ C .hc~s, Leprilnd 91.E aouth trr..~t~ . ~r, ..OQ v~~~u~ _lcn n - , 1 ~ Pr,~ :Il~j.r"~.', 0`~ '1 ..'i,!~1~,1 1",l~('1' rl` tC t, fr:rP;r ;^,!lly, li.1,H(r :>il 'li'r''1F'~;0'~ n , ~ F, °7 'r name TI?F r~lr;a 1'.as 7ro~:~r_ li~'xt " l.al.l, account o. d.ll licate l1. ta.n,~ and . racr ] 1 1 , ,r, t ~ U7, , r';'rOr. by Tt~1os. Lee Grant. . Pd.~1,Lel~,;tz ~ ~F,70D Jef:Pcx'~~~n ~~~tneet ,~;i'6Q,(~1i v,-',1.n-;tz.on nn j94] Crf~~slPy all'.~nGG~, _ i. 7 ~ 7 n i t.l ~_l(..~1; r . r . i' hr ~ 1'.7 ,'~I(1 f-1.17 ~.(l i n~ r,.:i, a.,. ,~,11?l t: 1' ..1~1_'t,! (iil sr~1_d to end listed by '1~zv:i~i CaI~'ter, ^ I.; r. ~ L. ;U17t11 iUli' T't Q~ 11)t ~'1 11~C't. irl •7?' +-b,E ~r~'T ~r-1~,~.'~ 1~c r ,~1p ~Tl 11 ~ .,1 r ?~i? L,_~b;? Fore.,t i'arlcrrav 0.00 1?F~r.,Fm~l]. and ~~.GQ pc,il r,il:~v;i-(,11'~~1. ,1 ,I , VI rVI .~lc._ke. ~ ? ~ rc J~ l> ,1~~'P /'t~ ~r,T (~f. r ~.Q~'f,~ 'r`,i° *,.~f . r_r-! I r.. 1 .tr0~?t'~,]..C ..~1 I., 1,.. ~ 1~. i I10~'.l'., l i',_,. ,?t'i ~ S 'i 'r?9 eStBte. , _i.- ted l l t i I c c i r r i~ ~ '>'F' ~ I it t .l r,,,l~ l~ fl ~ ,I 'C' ' ~i I ~ l 11? ! r'. ,7 (,I? •_l . ~ l°C) l _ i I`~1'Ir., .r ~i ~ I,,.., +1+1:;1"' 1 f~ ) l` _ ~ 'h r . , C,olE7t+~al1 the riq~~:El'n ti0te(, T^0 1~xr~.:.~j_ ~ , U nn n~.otlon of 1,:r, Gardners ~ac:7nded r; rlr. , - i; rI r~~. P r. 111iiI,:_ I}11 1 '~?CO rl ~f '1= ~ 1 f7'. i ;I 1' j i.~=. ( 1 P C~' t' .f ~ , > , " 'f CP~i'S ilnd F?Ill l stPri ]r;t111 nn t; }l C- Or'('c1 ~ On 1 C Cl 7 f 1';., l"t i F'iltl-T't"2.17.nTrIE'.lt E..l't)E,Cl.9F 1'b.. the O1 1 (f~~ 1~ F'7, ra.,~r N' ,l ~,r1 i)I'I C rr' rl ~I(r(i' 1V1 j'Ir' L. r,'O' Vt" I':i ~Vti' '~~LE'.1)'"'%,L1~1 l)Ct01!PI' ~~)`Gh thT'Oll~'h i~11P 7th. ~_rl •,...I ~ ~ ~ i ~t Il_ Cia C. Iu i. „ 1. r } r ~ I f(~l' 1'1l1~'}i :II'il, 'deter i~, r~a.:1'_ 1_ , :1 F' C'f ~i i71. ~ ,L~. i'~. .N ef.l~!(i :r t.r'' z ,,-i i r,~;r,~r ;'F?~I (~l i' ~ ! i7, 'I fi 1'' lI. ~ „ lrvc, rll a 1'i~,I' S,i. ~ r, fl ~l?f,, :.ti te!~ } I lcl(1 - t'f C`(? 0 ? .rP,O11eSt Oi' thC' 'i11r1tE?r Pa:I~: ~~('~rV1C't? ~;1111i fOr Ari'I1C"~C'~,I C,~ ' - " 61ith r _erc~n,_ t r „1 Jr 1, t''~ ~r,ith the C;>_ty s F;~~ ten...c. I .u~,, ~ i 111.i11;e;I'iCall.~' 11.!11?'~l)i=J'7n~? thE1:1r' 8tre~'t;5 t,0 to-e 1I? I l• ! ' , r~ } 1 t,V ttOrTl(' ' e .'~'I 11r'r,~ C'. t' . , . ~ . ~%~!)~~:1 L ~ t.='I l;. i.r: a :1 ,i(!?'CJ I .i C. ~ i u'' fi:". Ii, i,r~~~. ~~ll P:: r': weI'e advased to helve t}weir r~11~7~~lattee~ co,?Lr.r v._t.rl t.lA Co.In ~ h y .r 4` _ wil~- i r,teetanE; F o. Octaber 27th ranr _ t~~ on valu~ti.an of ~~QC) ~ ...0 hol~seholri r f~~r f;hf;' ~;F!'~"rg 194~i 1 4- r~.ni kS.rChen f',II'11i tYl fP ~yI, r, rar ,l1NP,t;1n~' Oi i;OVE,'I;,I;@I' 'r t;} - ~ 9 and ].3~7g cn ]ot; it .I.(....1 rY~~inr,t him Ie 31.] g 7.9~F'7, Conti I]ur:d l . G.;on the bui ~.di"n w: c C 3, .1 Llock f.~rn7 i a ' t.., lie.~t~rn~era btr ~;t ~ g n-, Ii.~ch i'or 'i, pxopertlr to 11.st was ~ ~ ,or~n ~.n )..945 a.rtri }lad ~r ~ ,r ' l..]on r.~~otion (~~1' .~;r. Go7 r> - ,17, rlT'Fl (r r ,OCI oPi.'I10:1 O1 Lhf; ~ Oll.Tlt;~ Ati~tn pr' ~ ,1C T1. 1.~Ci'1•c!.:. ;.1')cltel,i~!nr ~ L~r~J g .,Qrr},] ~•a'~'~ 1~,~/ I~.i . 1!r~l ] G c .kg ~I'c3n:,E;d CF'~l .rn_~ g p,!1r, tli~;r~ t t_,"F,3 On ~ _ ..11(-'l,gtll5 }{1rt'r'?1- r l:lnfj Of t3YE:c I1 .i10t;lOC1 0~ ~'iU.'~1;1.Or1 rt' rY Pik„ ~'1'antf'd c n , mods fc~r thF' z,~~ ;r ~ c Pt,~q on a v 1) ur,.f:aon of 4'ar'I n (:hr~;;tnu~ ?Iei err t i } f y~ l g `~CIC..~C~ hollsc. char e n .)46 ~(n!I u ~.n ~ _0..,0 huilsr: ~ s r ...F~ r~r.e r,r-ir.~,~, ~ d in error nn r,r~",lt_ .,n h ~ _t~lold ~ ~ c .r 1 ~ 1ot lf'e~ d ~n !t~ ~-clt,f.1?,f ilt, 0, tc"", F?; l}I'l i;h~' , ~_Ot, /f~`!'' Ch;i~ttl~lU }Ie'! 'F.l;: n + }1 - ~U ~r. Sal.lilC?ei"S f~h~ r ~ ~ fft~2 on fern . ,r:~,F i•r,r ;ragf, ~ f,,r she ~r~_,L' . , ov.n, r, on .tF.~,t of ,,lr. ~Yrthu.r 0't; ~ ' ? t o ,~~Ir~1~~n ~ i'nr ~ of bcinl7 in t' > > ~•g al)at;~'.rr~Arlt of c,~ Et rF'pr,I't r,,' t;hr n,r n(. }'i}E,rC'ht3C1t 1'rl'c! ~ c• T,O~ 1 td,} eS . -'•r"ld „Y.l:y g CCtO}lF,?' t, f?, 1 C] ring , v?~,, on n ]i.nint7 n :(~rxiLirli, T;l . 1' f the C;oll„~,r I;.ti,ornr~,,~ ~ , ~ , . I. r,~~iv~~rl ,rLrlcr' `'.i]"F~d. }nrY• n / v 7 , Il~~.;j , ~ U?Ci 1 r , i. , n r~~t 1 ~ } n rar, ~ o,] 01' , 1- ~.l/n of }[t;'. 1. 'F'r fif'CC)11r1eC} 1)T' r T~.r. (i'.I'CIf1r:,r~ °f'CO r,,> „ , WF ~ a 7 J f., , n~ ~'.r:;]i7 'r 1 E 1';trlt~Yl ) ll. (,f h;~ ii~}r. t.OlEi~ 1"1 , f; , r' x .,:t I,I i i.VP,I1r~r~{ VI .Pan Fl (7 Fail i~li~cl~~f?Tr,P'1t .r 7 i"r. r 1'. .I'll) ~ 1.(iO1- ~ ii~l hl,t,nt rJ, l.~l'/,Y'.' i ~ 7 I'• ~~wGf1C'~ ~ I~ i p i' t 7 a: ri 1"i ' 1 , t r' g I' a I1 G ~ c• t t , ~ G'.1 u ~l f S shs TIiEI'Chriri r ~r , Vc _~.iaiil(ll'I (1(~ 1(Q rr r ' - 7 1%',Ln(;1~ I i'1'~t1'ri FS A~I18 ],C~IYI of ll~~.r~~ ]'~1 ] 1 ~ I. 1.il.,,e C'11.:TI P, ~ Orl a r C. C(1r 7 ,x,1:1- .r ' r f ~ t 1 t' - - r:~1.I5t r.r 'I~ g .t. r r t 1. in 6 _ r I i. n:Lr,l ; f r r , I C , f' I 9 L ~ r J or r „ n on hand . ~ -tor r,-Ii.' , r, h l.~i~ ~ . , 1~l I ~ 1 ,1;}~l g ~ ~~a J , ~c'~~; J,u,in r;n tlon of IYir', „r, • ~ i-- f'- allc~, 1~:r, T'. Inr~r~~hr,I°; /~t11 ;YY .1 ~ 11 ~1r1,, ,ef r'[lt t i' 1 41.4 C.,;ro~.1 i~ ' r C t, . C n O r 17 ).._,1 t; ri 1 P , Vl~ 1] Gf n n f,'. ;'.P i 1 1 F:n II' -i . c' r' f:,CC .lilt Uf > a aB.ntECl 1' I; n, 1.:11i,h})ei'~'Srr ;~r i',I'j171t ~,:a'~fii,t; ''/7.~~r'ff~ .,rIGVlrl ("}";%'.t hf' 1a..7~ell rirlll C C1lIr?Z7.~l.~C 1.:1SCiCl~j f'()I' '(~?l I' 1~J[j' r, ter] ~ ).1g i P ;(~~c, n•.rJa'"l c,~ , - `?ti~;l'i ;~1till 4%XP~~ el"Clt,jar+r ~'y V y ~r VIFa~ .t ~/L.? l~~ 1'Ir ,'r, Jfi I:X'. f,r1~_c~l'~iil"1 c ..r ~~r ~ ~ ,~~.I!i'~:~f F", _ . i 1"=~,F~ 1:`',~'rj ~'(t ~y~ 7 l g .1.C~1 V':,`i )':"E'V70 ' - 3 (.'0!]C... ) 1)r, I .l ~"~.ir '1 '1 C~ r r ..rr,n VF~•Ir 11;'~A' ]nC],tld~~'d WEI s )ded r Il~ir, r1 ~ k cont,'a.ct +c~ n;r . r . IC, 5he11.,, ti'rithdle.r! hie a;; I ~e L.le i'os~tvt:1J F rh , '1~,]1Cc. ta. ~:~n t, ~1 ~e j,~ ,PPr. ~t• r Illr't; 1 ~ (-,-L, I~nt I P; .<',1 ~ r r . I th1,~ HGctI'd ~~CtO~F;r 'i _ a lb}h,:01?hr'0 uC11.11'1(1 ,:~~t1~,Y I"~.r=~ ;C1i OC,,'..tUrl ]rl ,n¢.' c f 1: of h r' (I }')1..ii~fllf](' ~`ll~~ Q:'f1Cr'.~'I'. I,r, , C~llt~1~ .t:i ai , ) r Pl I,hr; r ' ~ ~ Ol 1,..1.E~t:r,r:rlth~l I. ~ , I c . I , '.0ff 1 rr_, I'S k. ll;t; of ~]"1Ii->i}tr ti; h.il? }'~1P ra i' ~.ti a, t';P~f~~ T,(il ~I 11e'r' ~(7(`;i~iOn r ~d iii I, }I, ?..r+ r 1.~I)On IIIot:10l1 ~riStl~'11Cti.Ot15 V9!'J°e (rit)e; t rl ~~,tt , 'o - ('0 IC r tl' ~r11'Cri7, ti11 (L.f:'.(~~Ilr'r;~ r:] f,i' 1.~ F F ~ msg.. ~,~CF I f, P ,j?~, t~ i I~ln, ~ r~ -7 O [1 n F,r - ] ,...Vr T't,],,e nr r_~ 1, h t Ti~_z' °il? C. I,}9 f1CtdY i'1gVeC1hP"' • r >r l U + ~ - S( _t~~., rl .i,'}" f;0 r'l~r~r~i ~u-rl ' r;F ,'.lrjfl 'LO f~.d ~If' i-~r ~r=1'l,1 nC'1' rr r" , I;, ; 1,, ~ ~ Qn''ia.fl ,..i tJi I;}'~i! r ?ra ~ ~r(~('11Ppt J) LJt;_Ig .~4~7, I0I' ~,h(: ,~I„~.h, r,~n ~ c, )gyp, r i f t ,u;~}-, I' ct . - G~' i!!r.(.v I ,r ~.'arC~~ ~fi t, ?Iti,~ ; r. I,t,~:; „ I ? ~ ~ 1 <?',t r:T iPC( to "r, pn 7 er tl ar" V'] f;ll r i r 5-au~. t`~Ir, r;'1' 1',r;l!'lt,~~; _ i;i! Q 7~`i11.QC' Y,~ f 1. I ~l~~kC. l?. t: ,Ia t.l r .l r:r r ~I,;, ~ . ri r ke , r~. ,~r e ,~,r. ~ ' S1P ~ y ~ :I] t ;i,r~l ..]i~t +~.~,gV':1nCF fUT ~hr' C7r r~..t, :i.lf- t f:1~~,C,;E,r, 7 l , 1 , t - ,ifirr ~ i t I n + I 10t1~ I% ' I _ J' I, , , r r. .1 r F~ . r _ ~ i w].th the },].ri ~ g ccn,,ii ~ ,(r~F r ~ i 1' -r n r 1 I' ~ e' r : i' ~ ~ ~ [i i i t+~''JJ. IS (Y:'I i _ T' }1 f? 1F,P •7~ , ~l('~ lc? t b'f ) 11 _ 0 the tfll'C'r~ L~r)r~; L ~ini; t~-hen r~u~Ql.iln~'Q. j` I,~.g 19f~~~g ,T. _r.i'r] I"' , 1' L, 1.~'1S 1)Ex:Y.C?d i,,, Ir.']'~ P I:, ~o~' _ ~rll ;.~r~g GI=h.~ 1IC~ theGons '7 .j od ~I 1G ~ r€;r~ , C, T' olJ.d[It .1:,1 rt.;~i-~e , f',r,, C r s ~ I~.ri ~'cr 7.c,Lh. 19~i nrPri ~ lidtF i i ~ , ~-1er'1.,, ~ , Fri s „e_e hdc~iv~?, ~ a ~ , a.ed 4, 1 br J. ' ~ c. ~'C1C} lrl' f IaL 1r•I G . F ,t'~-I;1 ~ ~,')~;Y'` fr„ } ~ [I''f'1'JI1 ,tq ~~rVE? c:~ t,e ,n~ .J. C.a :'d~v r,;1~er 3? 1.y~'/~ .h. tr, 1 r~ c~]r. n~~ c ~~.I, ~y~ ,r, vul'o-. 1n thF Ala?FZfor ,1.1~° ,r~cr7j ,rr I ,~I-,rpl„}IC." l~j~h ~.1~~~ rn ~Hi~ r.r ~,1 ~I. C~cl~. ~:'~,i11:TJ.c~.~ ~~T'T~ h~F~j7`("k~ilf' ]-~I _i, ].hi;(~Q ~'r . r. r ~ 1_I_ a IF~- ~,'~rr'r ~l~t, 1~n7: 1 t.,., ~..1... g }~]'(,eE:,il /{tjrl ~ -C)tl fl~'r:' . (!1;1 , o il)", rl~, r p,~~ ; c: r' I.. r, L. i fIP(;, 'jr. I ,.1$F . r.. t' r' ( i[`. r L~P1~1 ~i'. t1s, ~ ~.~vs i. ~C~_,,Ei;, ! ~ } > ~ ,t= ' "1kCi:. l1 . ~ ~ .u..~i,p!1!~, ~'7., _ rI, L.cq1i I k e ~ . l}ie r.]nllt`~F~ C1" I'PE'tl;;" ~•:r1'. •I' ~ 'v ~ .(;,nT~l':r~'ID hlr.; '1.I',UC]FI'. t b[ F'i' l~~ r~~ t, i i. l n),.).'r(Y. 11-. ti ,r r, r . 1 ~ l i it ~ .~f~,GI"lr t".~1Ji rt~j l i1UT E:crltPlll~ ~].rned }iV j,}~1,.: 0''I?"e Qr ~ ~ ~ ,J1Vi.^;=, ;l ] ~(rneo: c~ .l. t_r~ i t'Net r 1 r, ~ Lr. r,l ,1, 7+. o~ i. r ) J ii g ' L l l,1 rl Cl i'. r~' I' I'r' s I ~ . ~U . ~ ~ I_ I 01 tP I' . r t6'rPF?11 kl.l~:.]11~i0n f`UlirF? ! .i,(.; I. , ~ili'~ t ?ir r - .I)1.11` `i(,1ar'. I r; c, I' T~ t. V, 'C.I 1,1',r .,,JVII~'~' r~=inc'h. '?':,`lt,'r 111~~ ~ ~ }i].S; ~~i] Ir ut~i[.'K. nr I`I' ~h~-l.,. 1 'l. fnA i,/ h•1 , 1l.lr}lf r;7(~ ,?r I~ `r cll ~ p I' i X11 ~i~ J if „1 ,~1 !.l ii jr} , 1,'I,,, lr i i l.l;~~r , y , ']V ..t e Gf f 1 tC'h G aCiE?;1~ "!c'1,~}t tip I' 'r ~r~ a 11.A.}'Y~l?';nth„ ~I? :I.(. '~T'l,-~ 1. fl?7~F. T. 'ri; ~ F, t}t }~~.",i-~~ ~ ~ fr~rir, .t.. ,it(~1.11' ~ n `7.t;t.n. ' l t; ( 1':1 r - ~ ,ln~ „ ' r. ' ~ o~ i~lu.,ltho , - ' , n not r Y ~ i , li. V' , ' d it, l„tc. ,rri- r, li~r' 1._~ r~frl, „r„ . ~ ~ , t..I,] ~,A -1, t'~h,f! ~ ~ ~ ..U , V~,ll.n fiili : /.,'V~ ni'~r g„ ~ ~ i~.aJ'r l . f .rr.~lTef?11. TI r f1 .'l..G.!.li f~~'!~lQ~ c t. l.)0':1I1~1A' }~I"ri'l(+}? t'Re 1.(1 11~',F" v;r , - i, r , - I-. ~".,r,r,f'I;tC/~~". 17 i ,y I l1 a'ty O,..IF.Y, 1,U allr'li5}1 1i1pr• r r, ~ I1. t~ CJ!"1~...:'P, -'~r, ] ..NrP I:~I_..7}~}'.r.'1 0 Slllf~ l;)_n~r] 7r,~ I'r; , - i"C.. r' ( ~ i:!.i. I„,,; j't~nf ~ [i 'r' ' ...1 ~ 1 crll~ i~I'1VI i~ tC ~ !~,.1i i. . ~ a ~~P1. h' i:h.l. ~r tlccr;, ;nr~ tlrcrr_•+„ Ilr_ ,~in. e`i~ ar7. 11, Inch 4;7.th h6' lll1(je.Cc~ _ I - ~ I - .l:r.l.(?~i ,i rn„ ~ ~ ~t. ' ~.n J.TIF 1;ht ~Ol,llj,,i `~l.t) llil]).1f t pull ?'ll.lii'rl.^~ ~ I r,~ ~ C. ~;~('i 1:_d!1. C l,, r t'~, f L , 'J. C P r h F• ~ ~ 1 C F ! ( r r _ l ~ G~ . , l I ' r' 1'' ~ i' ~ li P ~ ~ ; . L e t• ' r UTl .il S':ll(:1 (~il,G'~lj ~'~n,`.i DI'I"S ;1teCl ;dnri il~;'Cii1 ,ril~ "rl -in ~ ~ !,''I ~ ISdPlalCl t)!.'~n.111}';F''? ;:,,I' ~i''.(". 7 ' cft. cin td i'c' ' r H ll.. ,,I Cr Y, I g 1. r i`C! taI`Pn a ul' ty : > y } I ~rr~ t,-.,. I ~ , ~ 4, i ~'i ~ i',.LF'r? ri r 1 r a~1, „ n,i u I i ~i I ~ :>17, rn, l Y l.~r- n. I' ,_rl'', ';1~.r ~1 iIf" f ~ 1.1i(;r. 1a,:;tn.. ,L:Iit:,rV1 ~=r1' .,,r1~3 I, ~I f- ~ 1'~~r ~~~~,rl~i ~ ~ "e 1 , ~ j;....[,- „il'.`~ 'r , r'..' _ . _ u,.. .-fi...Y'V ITT ~;:Lilar,t~:'S'g t,0 r~,r.,~~ rrr.l ilG, I l I;i ,:,:1 ;a 1 , . J .:1.1, ~1.SOrl, Y .1 on, ~l.l (I _.lOti ~'~t7 Vie,?t~~ ~.,]~.-C~. ~r-i +'l~, , , i. 1 ,idiTt~ F I'~ t` ..,.(~r,~l'.:'f! '.:114' UG:I 0'~ l_11_ ~l G , . !iE.'ZCh f.~t, ~ tc r,p r7 r - - . I~ 'tlr u,l~ ri I i r ~.I z I'_1_ lj; 1~.._..~ (.~,OJ:'l' ~~~t}' ~'[IJ, Ilt~llr~ '.:1(l .Ct!C }~~1`~%.'(] /i, ! n};'J r~ r. .g t" ~r'('(,nded L'~ 1'.~!i ~ t, , - I~~; ,i r ~ ~ , . 3 , i .4 ~,`l..c.. . .J?_:V? ! 7~U1 Co_..n~:C,n, ,.I 1,J'C.;Vt'd i'.h~ '1`~' i ,r•, .r~ ~ l ~c 'I ~ r ltr;lcl'1, 11Q1?PI . I f. 'r - ~ I„I t,! .':i, ;.'j~,,;r i I11~„ ..e r„ r1. ,,1~.~~, 'S i( l~ E..- lr,,.. ,i. ,Ci]t„ c.nd }'1.117~.1f, 4,Dr1+ ~t 1 n. rr, ~f ~ ~ ,r ~ - i 1 ._il..~E' ~ ..I.i.:fi.T10'1 is - I(fl .?J, ~ ~r F' ~ ~t1'.i.C...LHi1d ~I'e D,I31" ~ ' F~,r , , ...I., ._.3c,.. f,_r..t: ,,,ohr ~ ~tcle} G c,~E. r)~ - 1~ _ .~BT,,hr1 ti. ,r l+QOri(`r~C' ~ I Cl'1 E' T 0 ~ Y.ii . ' . ''110 C) r] C`OCk . P'^P~ ~ ~,i ~ ...U.I - ~!'E'„ , r?~'E' 1~~. i~IOl,ll%. ,15S i'}iE'..t, ~i,T v7,• Y;. ~ ...,k. t I ~ te. t~ ~ r ~ .,n I,.~. _ ].rL. I}l_..,.l:ig r r t.:.' 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II~.c,I ~,r , ~I . ,.Lr~ iII}ar. t~ ,I(;} I(~~ ; - . r nd. try r'1.8 rid . r, l ~ ,1.~.t. I 1 L- (J~'..U_ lln ~lhf,.1.t:,i.I[!t..~, i„I':.:.~ CP Il.uE'LL ~.}i.L.~l~]fllrc: . t . _;l I l1 .,,J.C C.00_. g 2~gC1 _ . F 1~C)Ill.]P, ~~It"Cr1IJP?'~ rc?e 1}Je r g ilthPr@u."7 g 1 t; V'CIU~.CI ji!T'C1 OtP i~ 4ia int,a _ _ r' ~:I1'j i'c,t~~ r,tr' thr ~,II I l!i I 1~,' ~(`,n il:P ~ (s` ~ ~ :r' ~ ,r . r .~.,~'1LL.1~."':rl. 1?1.1~'l~r r'r~~1.,'~-7", 1'..F1 rlil .Ir.~ r~ 't r +r 1111;1] c ~(.hi'(,1 - h ( ~ r, c~ r ,,,.._l],_~. tl • . r..}- `ir', i L _t J. .L-' 1 .,~1. OI ,.c: ' , 'IC ! ,r • r~ r { n rl , I P' ~ i-~ g ' f 11(~ V J. „I f1117fA( I,~1'~I Y...Jr'~l~l''1~,c11ile ]c, }I~rh'd'~1 (!r~ ~n t}1P 1_ ' i, r^ F I ~ - ,2 I~:'ll lr.ll~r rl~~i'iL~: 1r•V , y ~ f'_11~~.,t C uC"' `t] ,t Y; r ~ _ ~ y n i ; T~rt f:, , I' . I, , r,. ii ti, A~Clif!IllE'1 . t h' rA' ! n 1r_ r( ~ _ i i _ _ I ~ a r'}lo1 ~ls ~~'17 (,ei . , 1.11 ,71:4 7 E' w U71~, C , It P~ ew'r't~ 77 qq 11 .I I~l 11 `1' ,1 ';ir,1J. r , ~ ( rt. ' • u.~~.,l.L~e~~}~.H.1.].~r ~slQ~r 11. O~I:pc' ,mot ct(' 'l. ct ,..'1:1 I I ~ ! ~ r ~ I rt n ~ , ~ I I 1 ~ ~ d 1C 1 S 1 I ~ . l,( ~ 'I (lll1~.. c.1/'. 11.1 j ]'t,i, trr n' i l I 4, I ~~,1.11,',V7u. (i~?cdT'1;1E r, r ' > k{''. t}~ L,,p~ T'tEi;11r111'}1 c,-trF; 11 u t I ai±o ~ ,r ~~,1 ~ r.~ i ? b ~1 r., n r li' ~'r ~ I r _ ~ f1~,.1E' } %,I L..,E 1 ml~ g n7 ~.Jlr. _p1 1 F" F l'n, ;)l~;rl_ rYr.n11,~, i;n 1 1 fi.l~i,,111r>t11Ti,5pn. i; _.Y>~?'Y1 ~I 11' r !'I P7• ~ ~ I - r 7 i'. ~~,a ~ili.]VCI1• rl(1 ~ }1 .P4,~~~ t;}It. .1,8117 rif' (,~'C,.1i1? 'C} ~~.11.I !Cf.; nil, n.r tl,.' :,It:'if': Ll,r,, ~ ]'1.:~ is r~' JlIL,~r.~inl`,~'T'~'FOf1, rl r . r 3, ~':i;~'t?rl, a,?;;IUF'~ r''' 1'1'OV7 n Ua.>11,0I'S 1201 E'. 7 OVei' Y.11Y! `r'..i~~ Uf ~+Ol'ti? 1,,.~`~1i'iug p, },t~ 'l,('~1~~: 1 ~I, ratr,,i,',,~r ~ Li,n..r'(10kc},I:E iI'. i ; - , IJ,,P~ilgJ.l', i r. f' I, OII., I, r,.~ . C ~ t;~ 1 , r,~~,rt ,r I l •"c ?l~, y. I •n . ~t 1.:1 . , ' Ic Erc?a011nf;g V,'}1 Gh TP rl l,h~ {at, Q( t,hC?11];'nf„~' C)f ..C,_~' I;1~ `~11 (;rk'SSFr ~ 'n ,~Y - ~}1I'i.. . ~ ~ ~ . ~ _ - . r~Ei.r'mc-n I,., t' ~ r' . . ~Ih:, I,n , . ~ t_~r': r,t i, ' 7t.. }i. .1~~17~'1 , ~r . n:o~ti Fllnci : i ,.I _ _ I4(,~,, I IL`li~'._~~ll:}~~ liL, 1~~!~ It Jl~l_lji~~ 1:h,FIt ~~he ;O~:I'l~ Of~ F e r~i' ' ~ .,~''i~: t ~j_. r' j'1 tb 9 -g c (i r'i.. Il '~fl. i C.l' 1 L}~P I:It'%? I' -t~ rl i~, 1 ~~I C ~ ~ r i - ._fl,~ It~ d~ ,)alt~'rU`'d . I~t_~,chg Ln I:c..tinf; ~.Lll~' sel~bl~d ~ti]~s , ~th~; r}~.~ of (.ictore~ ~ ,a ~ ~ ri;. 1-II_, .l~ .'1 t~lE' Ali)Pth ~~f'rr`~7.11~. `il'~ll-~Vrin~ Plt~l~C ~ViOI'~Xfi'f,~J.n916Ci.011 t0 h<iT'~I u,l„I'rCN 'I,~~n ~,ourtPl Avenue iron C=;h,e rP~~~Lr ~ottlevard tp Spartanburg !~.vF'ntte ~.'7d S}i_irC~.n'ru"€; :~.~'t 1'.1~ t ;1 r..:.'1;. frl rl h'ourth Avenue to IiS FIi.~,}a;lr~y a?l, it?r' the use of r,}~~e school llu;,e~, in 1,i; , i " ~.~r. . il- irlr . ~.'/S t r r ,~l . ,:,Ir" f l C I L~ I.i.~;L ~',y 1 t;o ;;}~lF~ CUro1i17,: c~~ :ch r1ll;lLr ,~cllrol. , ~'I , , 1 rl@' 1 11~ L, _ V'Fe:l~l ' 1'i Sll]'r't;V ~0i1C1 fC" ~~-~.~~.0,''I Jt.i`~t,~l.C~? Ot' it.r,' }-'l'~;('.P ]Yl .,hr~ u1..01.1I;fi; Oi ;~~rl~,(;~-I:'. ~ Q~~O CIO("~,. i'~.,t~~.. t ] t a1 't r r ~I t •ro ,i i l,r. i~~F' t t r~: .,lt~ t" ~ ~ , LE' I!c""'t~!Cn. 1["'r ~,1~ (,)l;'~Cl_clji0.l i~,~1i'P_„y 1:.11 n. ,L-Ci11111, .V1.?1€' F'll°i" ~ iC41SQ:1 ~e. t ~ ~ ~ ~ t -,r ,l r, r, •,t :i n 1'-r, ,I r; avo ;nit inP '~~r v fn ner ~ ~11ci'i l,. J-, n rr , J~... g I~. ~.11C1 „hE' I)(„1 , lil l.~ I('~., t - U, I~~ _ .t. ('lit.,.,... C~, f:C.l.l~s 1'it,..,T . ~ ~ .'F 1, '1 ~ ~'',-1.- t-;'1 .C~ ~.QUI1t' ;r1. i,0ih,1i_;, „r •i ! l~ i'(!"~i1r:"'~ I ia.il i:r t n1 )':i]:' }in~.i SHf'f?rt~ert fl, i:.I', ~''I'~u?ler iir~"''_,~l ' g i ~ - ~ `I1-~p i i f-rr• f "n - 7 n 1 n i ~'Ir' lli r~~ n ;~~i, i.Yl~ t^~nrr~ ~I; ~nll r ~ . ~ , ~ r~,,. . ~ u, . { ~ ~ ! t r ~~r~, ~ ^I~'nSrF"a r . i'(:,! n i.,}ion rlot,lur. (I . r},. i.:t .,et.(illCit'C~? , ] , It ; -I",?~ i.,~ I, rri, i,~.t': , , , , , ? ~ c. i E' 'I' ,,r . t... , , ~r~ .InC11i`~~;r1t'~ prOpP,I't~~'~ _I1C.g Ir'r-'~ ]Il ('CIf1i=Pr'nC~e ~-L.~, thi, ~Or'_1 t 1.1~ ~ ,:.r', rU A," ,'tal'il ~l:f'1"1 .TF~j.'t~r~l., (1 i. ','ill f - + 1 r.h 'jP}n?I f`}~ I ~ r. ] ~ ,I .,I,Y l,(tp quit r'P° r 1- -i ~l1 i 0. ~,'~l llt? t' `l.i`Ge'~i?',a'; r,U CY,'lr•. I i t,,, ecl~. e.,t< tF' .:-Y.'SE?ti, l' i,. ,S _ 1]. ~ ~1' t~'! [i]'i'.~ 1 1. 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'.hi}l~(' 71r1 (`}r v - v, L.. 1 11.11'.'1 ;F'i!1;°t, tilt `th'I".t!l, (I I' ~4 ,t I ~ - - . _ . i;;F~r=t:i r, c, r~ f ilC;s7~T;'1',F'Z' 7.~)th. ].~~`,'J~ cc~'!t7 r1~1<~~l ~ , 'or~~ r1 ~~i~, rte, - n.r .hr I E,,.~ 1 1 _ r r'1 f 1') 1~ f';~ ~,}tE' Vt^ ~.E' r1 1:.i 1'~-Ec'~ ~C~I,~ ~a I' ci 1 f _ f ~t, 11 ~ ~ C ~ 111,I c, *1i.j t ~ ~ ~ ~r~c.. 1)P C.E'I'.~.,,F i' P t ~r. r~ 1'}-;'i (!h i'P... 1T Oil I';C'~f;1C)f= fj~~ 1.. T'. ~i~ ~ 7 ~ i }l ,f.' 7 h~~ c(:ni;rr,ct r, r, f1lrrl~~ c.~ ~r i'1 Cl ~ 11:~ T!1 T•~ GIB%l "c~~'7;.Q~ ~ r- ~a T; 1'! 1'F iT' ~7 Z'F.F' irli~l, 1O h f ~ ~ l )'tk'~ 11 j i.a(:~C)r E'GlI] '~t!r t~ ~r 1 7.. J 1'C,~i'Z 4a ,t ~i'nc~ 1-r ~ ~ - ~ ~ a ~ i :Tilly 1 E~.i 'fa 1".} ~ - a,.t f`!'l t,`! . ~ 1 Cl r`1 (I{? rl l } ~v. ~ i:E. ~:~f' Lci ~ ~ t~ _ 'ri ~ r. u.~ 1 l r~ t :I~, ~r~h~~1, , ~ _-p,t ~ ~ ~ U~_r;'t..IIF'I' ~,-.,h o!~, t,'.'~'c, 1r~.~, ~1 ~ ~r Y~I~• ~~zr.I cif ,Er J.. 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( , ~ t. - tr ~ fig.. ` ':a , ~ t r..VF~t f`'11 r~.1' 4 ~ jrl G ? "'I' IIFI t 1?ilf i ~~ar1;-',~_ ~~'~r C t i ~C T~ 'r i + 7~ ~ t it ,mow yy. r' "i z. ~'t?I t. i!.r' .~c.~~~r:~. i".~~i` L,f~ .1_~.`,£='f? '(~T' )f°'t;('' 1 1r't'~°j~j~~t~ ri*Iti "1 ~ : i t ~ ~ i.._ ' . C ; I C. n . , ~7 N ri t a • I' t t r~l~., rl ~ ~ r~ _ 1" M. 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