HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931 Meeting Minutes (Scan)~~ . .: ~ ; Wilmington,rl.C., January 13th,1931. . The Board met in regular ti~eekly session at 3:00 o'clock P.Id. ~ .-.,~:, ~~ Present: Addison Hewlett Chairn.an, W.i.Yopp, Geo. W. Trask,F.i~[.Ross and Tas.I~2.Ha11. '•. . Upon motion of`~2~r. Ross, seconded by ~ir. Trask, the estate of H.Stein was released '. ` ~Zp~ from the payment of penalty for failing to list lot 1, in block "A" Seaforth for ~ • the year 1930 account of F~r. Stein having.died just prior to listing time and the matter wa.e overlooked by the representatives of the estate. . , Upon motion of 1~r. Yopp, seconded by Pfix~. Hall, J.H. and Miss IlR.F.Crowley ~vere • ~ released from the payment of penalty for failing t.o list property in Fed'eral Point ~~. ~~QX~`` to~mship for the year 1930, account of being non-residents. ` Upon motion of P~r, Yopp, seconded by l~r., Hall, an additional appropriation of $50.00 .s,,~ ~ was granted Sor the purchase of tools for the Ureenfield Lake road project,the _ ;; j~'J ~~~, ,,ly said sum to be transferred from the emergenay fund to meet this expense. EC ., 1~ , A stateMent of d~-abursenents oS the Board of ~ducation for the month of DecemberY ~'~'~ /}~5a ~~ ~~C~ wa.s received subject to the check of the committee. ~' . Upon motion of Mr. Trask,seconded by Mr. Yopp~ 2~r.John E. Owens vras employed to i; -`,~~~Y,~ make minor repairs to the Court House roof; to-wit- re-setting approximutely ~ . /~,ov,.t~•i'n twenty loose slate shingles~ repairing leak in tin roof on porch and repairing . conductor pipe, all for the sum of $17.00. ~ ,~~': tipon motion of I~ir. Yopp, seconded by T~r. Hall, Thomas Davis ~ras granted an , ' ~y~- „o abatement of taxes on dog listed for year 1930, account of the dog being only three ;'. ~./~~- ~ months old April 1st,1930. ~ - ~, ' . Upon motion cf i~r. 'frask~ seconded by i~r. Yopp~ b2ose Crativford of Cape ~ear township ' ~~Qx~.~ was exempt from the payment of poll taxea on account oY physical disabilities. ~~ . •- ~ M1~. Uppn motion of I3r. Hall, seconded by P~r.^Yopp, the ~oard approved and authorized ' the payment of ,~12.00 to J.B.Huntington ~ecretar.y, toward paying the expense of v ,.~ :. f(_'~~,'~~`~~~~~ furnishing "Christmas Dinner" to the inmates at the County Home. ,` Upon motion of I~r. Ross, seconded by ~r. Hall, payment of addi~~,~nal premimum on ~~:r compensation insurance amounting to ~365.04 account of change fin.classification ; ,;~ ~ /,./ tic~~nq~v,c~.. of employees, was declined for the reason i;hat the classificatron of employees and =~ rates were prepared by the insurance ~~mpait3*='and premium of $420.42 covering the `„~ same fixed by them an~ iipbi~ S;his information the amount of ~420.42 was provided <'+, ~ in the bud~et. ~i •..i• Upon motion of Mr. Yopp, seconded by h.4r. Hall, the bid of the Texas Gompany of ' Norfolk Va,, to furnish approsimately 10,000 gallone gasoline for the road:aacount I /'t n0.C~S at a cost of .07~ per gallon f.o.b. Norfolk, Va., was accepted, they being the ~ • loyvest bidders. ' .:~' • ~ U on motion of I~dr. Yo - " p pp, seconded bg 2~r. Ross, the Board granted authority to have ~.. ` the road repair gang to cut the bushes and weeds and repair the road leading.to , ~~~ l~~~ '" the colored school at Myrtle Grove. ' ~~a~ Upon motion of ~ir. Trask, seconded by i,~r. Yopp, A;r~I.Al:lred having been~ investigated + by the ~Uelfare Officei and examined by the ~'+ssistant County Health Officer, was. ' CdH`~~~~o~~.- admitted to the County 'jome as an inmate until he can make other a~~rangements. } / Upon motion of ~+'~r. Ross, seconded by 3Rr. Trask, the Clerk was instructed to notify , , ,.yr.~; C~~,~~„~~ the Sheriff that the County will not pay any further expense for trarisportation of ' ~. Charles Darden unless specifically authorized by the Board. F • ~ y Upo.n motion of N[r. Trask, seconded by ~Ir. Hall, the payment of ~60.00 to the ;x . ~t;, ~~ - Sheriff for capturing three wha.skey stills and capture and conviction of the ~,-~~. ~h~'i~~ operators~ was apprgved t5y.the;~$oard. ~ ' ~ . ~ ; •. ~ Upon motion of LIr. Yopp_, seconded by I~r. Hall, county bills Nos. 1135 to 1296` r~i)~~ General F1~nd Qccount and Nos. 434 to 483 road account were approved for payment.' t.~ ~ , Upon motion of I~ir. Ross, seconded by Pdr. Yopp, the matter of checking the rate and ~i:_ classification of employees included in the compansation insurance policy relativ,e ~'; '~~S~_~~ to a discrepancy in the present rate compared with last years rate; vuas referred ; to the ~haiz~tan,County Auditor and ~ounty Attorney for inve~stigation and report to ,;: the Board at a subsequent meeting. ' ,r : ' f Upon motion of ~r. Trask~ seconded by N[r. Ross, a conmittee consisting of '~. Addison He~~lett Chairman, J.A.Orrell County Auditor and Marsden Bellamy County •' Attorney vrere named and enpowered to require, when necessary, additional United `"' ~"~'~-r ~(~~r,~ States Government bonds or State bonds to secure and cover funds deposited v~ith the , ;'~ various county depositories and to release in writing any United States Government . bonds or 3tate bonds so deposited 1Rhen, in their judgment, the shrinkage of county funds in saic3~ depositories will warrant such.action• • Upon motion, duly seconded, Henr~•Vonder Leith was released from the payment of • ~ r~y~~ 25~ penalty for the year 1928 for failing to list property in block #291 account ' of being out of the county at listin~ time. • ~ O~ Meetir~g of January 13th,1931, continued. ~ Upon motion of ~r. Yopp, seconded by 1~r. rrask, the following was ordered - . '/ j^`~~ and spread upon the minutess . • ,::. }.* . It is hereby ordered by the ~oard of County Cor,miissioners of New Hanover County, N.C., tha.t the form of contract between the said 8ounty anii_the. Wilmington.Railevay.Bridge.Company, by the provisions of which the said ~ridge ` Company grants to the said ~ounty the right 'o~' license of constructing a /~ ~ es public road crossing at grade across the rigYit of vtay and main tract of the !j ``~~ ~~ Bridge Company, near A. & Y. Junetion, New Hanover County,N.C., at a point ~ - • /~M.~`~~~ 1350 ieet westvrardly, measured along the center line of eaid track, from ~~ile rost 2( Wilmington Mileage); as particularly describedwin said contract dated Lecember 4th~1930, and as shown on the blue.print attached to ~aid contract and made a part of same, be and the same is hereby approved. Further that the Chairman and Clerk of said Board of County Commissioners are hereby authorized and dix•ected to execute said contract in the name and _ ~`Sv on behalf of said County Commissioners. The meetin~ then adjourned. ' 9h 7~.~'V-L /i 6' ' • /~/ Clerk. ~ ~ Wilmington,nT.C., January 20th,193~r. / The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held at 3:00 o'clock P.Pd. Present: 6iddison Hewlett Chairman, W.E.Yopp, Geo Fl.Trask and Jas.I~l.HaTl. /T~~~-~ ~ ~,i ~k~e ns ,t: il~- ~ V• .I . ,r, ,~{ . .y ,; ~..~ ~T. ~- .,~ ~ i } ~P0.a a, . `lT~x~s !Va-.f ~ ~ 5 . L "Three freeholders composed of Messrs. A.W.Hewett,J.O.Zudwig and Jno.~'d.Davis, ha:ving been appointed at meeting of December 23rd, to inveetigate a claim of ~$33.00 of W.L.Kuxe for thirty-three chickens killed by a do~ owned by Mr. Flanagan, and said co~ittee having investi~ated~the said claim and reported to this ~oard that they found that thirty three chickens owned by &tr. ~9.L.Kure r were killed by a dog owned by I~6r. Flanagan, rherefore this Board upon motion of Mr. Trask-, seconded by fur. Hall~ voted to allow Idr. xure seventy-five cent9 each for the chickens killed, the same to be charged against the School Dog `Pax Fund, as the la1v directs. ~ . • Upon motion of 1Gr. I'opp, seconded by 1dr. Hall, Emma Chadbourn was released from the penalty for failing to list property in Pdasonboro township for the year 1930, account of daughter having listed property in Niasonboro tovvnship, thinking that she had listed tha.t of her mother's at the sa~e time. Upon motion .of-I~r. 'lrask~ seconded by PrTr. Yopp, the Chairman was authorized to employ some one to repair the concrete floor in one of the cells at the Stockade .- that was damaged account of repaira to plumbing. Upon motion of Mr. 'rrask,~~econded by P~Gr. Yopp, the Board acting upon the recom- mendation of the County Attorney, ordered ah item of' taxes amounting to ~4.69 cha.rged against V.E.Bunting or J.G.Wright in block ~310 cancelled, account,of the uncertainty of the tax being due. ' Upon motion of Mr. Trask, a bill for ~8.00 in favor of the Raney-Cnevrolet Co., for tv~o seat cushions for truck of the American Agricultural Chemical Company ;r used by the county in the construc~ion of the "Nigger Head Road° was ordered mailed to the A,A.C.Co., for payme~it. Upon motion of ?.rir. Yopp~ seconded by I~dr. Hall, the assessment of ~550.00 on 52 acres of,land of ~Ir. E.J.Bush in Cape b'ear township was reduced to $50.00 per acre maY.ing the anount ~275.00 instead of ~550.00 as formerly, and an abatement of taxes on a valuation of ~275.00 for the year 1930 was ordered. . , ~ Upon motion~ duly seconded, county hills Nos. 1297 to 1326 general fund account• and Nos.~484 to 508 Road fund account, were approved for payment.~ • -{ The requeat of T~r. R.C.Cantwell for a reduction of the assessment on inovingci.'. ~'' ,,~ /GfXeS Picture building on lot of V.E.Zoeller in block #322 was referred to a committee ~'., for investigation and to report to the Board at a subsequent meeting. s . ;.~ ~« Upon motion o~f Mr. Hall, seconded hy NIr. Yopp, Amos Lacev~ell,blind, of Pdasonboro. ~;` _~ .~ ~oy~.~ toyvnship, was granteci an allo~*rance of $3.00 per month~from the Out Door Poor ' ; ~~`f -'- fund. • . ' p,. ;'. . * Upon motion of Tuir. j'rask,. se•conded by M~ Yopp, the 8ounty Attorney was requested ~ ~ to prepare a bill to be presented at the present session of the General Asaembly ~ ', r~~~~ ~SSe~n,b1 that would change the days on which tfiis ~oard noiv holds its regular meetin~s, to . ~ ~onday of each week. _ ~ ' T.he following good and layvful citizens vrere drawn to serve as jurors in the ~ ~ Superior Court for the trial of civil cases,two weeks term beginning Feb 2nd,1931s ; ~'~Q~~-S L~,J.Johnston. David V~.~durray. J.R.Harrell. E.Z.Bradley.R.F.Hewlett. B.~p.Newkirk. _.'. J.W.P~ouring . Ralph Gillette. E.B.Pdurrap . Henry Horne.T.C.Clark. R.H.Fettell. ";.± Foy HilI..P:R:Croom. J.C.~cEachern. R.H.Williams. I,.G.Cooper. R.L.Motte.E.E.Carter. ~ i. J.B.Rice. C.T.Howard. M.E~I.White. ~7.O.Pearson. R.V.Kennedy. ' l%• ' 4~ '" Upon motion of ~r. Trask, seconded by Il?r. Yopp, 1~J.H.Shearin was released from J~'~~rp~ the payment of poll tax forr,t,he year 1930~. account of being a no~n-resident, ~ having resided in Florida fo•r the past three years and poll tax charged in errox. The Board ~.eting upon the order of the Judge of Superior Court and upon motion C ~, of I'~r. Trask, seconded by Mr. Yopp, approved the payment of Attorriey's fees of ' ~~-~ ~' , $25.Q0 to R.M.Kermon,Esq., for appearing for Jim Green charged .with murder. ./SE-OC~tU.L~~.- / ~ ~'~S ~~ L2eeting of January 20th,1931 continued. For the second week beginning February 9th,1931s M.P.Sraith~ L.C.Allen. Tas.I'.Post. , J.Frank Walton. R.P.Cooper. J.L.Phelps. J.F.Vines. E.B.~ard. E.M.Berry. R. C .1~urray. ~i.B.Goleman. E.H.Gheshire. J.E.Rose. «.Z.Corbett. J.R.Aollis. ' Geo.G.Lynch. D.E.Graham. R.B.Kingsbury. A.S.Flovaers. C.J.Oldenbuttle. W.G.Phelps. R.I,.Squires. C.H.Buttleman. T.E.I~oore. ~ The meeting then adjourned. ~ , ~~ ~t. ~~-~ ~~~~JJJ , - ' ~ Clerk. • Wilmington,Id.C., February 2nd~1931. ~, . ;. ~ ,. ;: The regular monthly meeting of the Board vras held at 3:00 o'clock P.14. ~ Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman, "v7.E.Yopp, Geo.Vl.Trask, F.Fh.Ross and Jas.I~~i.Hall.~ The Board acting upon a judgment of the Superior Cflurt,G.~.L4idyette Presidin~, ~/ ~ ' January Term 1931, and u~on motion of 1dIr. Yopp,, eeconded by &ir. Trask, au'thorized and ~~~~~'~, directed the payment of 15.00 per month to 7JIrs.Roscoe Greer, beginning with the first ~1londay in February 1931, accoun{; of hueband,Roscoe Greer ha.eing been sentenced im Superior Court to serve a term of two years on the County Roads for abandonment, „ and n0n-support. . f Upon motion of ;~r. Yopp, seconded by 1~4r. Trask, the Board granted an appropr,iatio~ ~,. ,/1 ~~f, of ~7.50 payabTe to Rev. John B. Gibble toivard the expense of burial of Tannett 15avis \.O.~u ~- 520 Dawson Street. ' Upon motion of Iuir. Yopp, seconded by h'fr. Trask, the I3oard approved .the payment .~ of ~9.56 to Associated Charities for charity railroad fare account of I,ouise ~ D~cKoy to Efland,N.C. . Carrie G. Har~rave Colored $delfare Clorker reported to the Board that•there was on •deposit Rith the Home Savi~•~gs Bank at the time of its closin~,• the sum of ~I08.00 - that vras to be used in supplomeni;ing ths County's appropriation for colored relief,r ' ~p„~vCS, and that bi11s for tizood and food furnished colored families arnounting to >£30.75 that v~as to be paid ov;t 6f this fund, are due and unp~.id. IIpon motion of ]~Sr.Ross,, seconded by I~6r. Trask, the Board approved the payment of the said bills the same to , be charged to the United Charmty ~znd'. "~,~r'n` Upon motion of T~ir. Traek, seconded by ]Sr. Yopp, county billa Nos. 1327 to 1394~ ~~3~ general fund account and iTos.509 to 530 road fund account were approved for payment. / _ ilpon motion of PSr. Trask, seconded by }~Tr. Ross, {;hat part of Greenfield Lake Road, ,' fifty foot right-of-way beginnin~ at a point where it intersecte State High~ay ~~40 ~ on the south side of said lake, and running thence along the southern boundry of said~ i ,~d~nx~~ lake to Jumping Run Branch, was officially declared and adopted as a Public County Highway to be kno»n as "Comrnunity Drive". - , The .~xecutive Comnittee of the i9ilmington Relief Association appeared before ~ths ' ~ Board for the purpose of discussing the matter of hard suriacing Greenfield Lake Hoad, now lcnovrn as "Co~rmunity Drive", and urged that this be done as soon as ` ' '~~ practic~l. Due to i;he ~act thai; appro~imately tvro miles of'this road is within ;t ~~GUG~S~ - ~he city limits., the City O~mmi~sioners were asked to be present and Liessrs.` 17.H:Blair, Jas. L.I,.t~Jade and ~7.rLQUis Fisher appeared, and the tm~o Board~ met in . i.. joint conference. The question of the ~aidth of the haxd suriace and otner details of the said road~ray v~as discuseed and w~,s upon motion of i~.~r.Ross, seconded by iir. Ha7:1, referred to a committee of tne County Commissioners, City ComniUsioners and 'Nilmington ~elief Association for reco:mnendations. _ - Noti~r tYierefore, this ]3oard, based on an understanding bet~veen the County Com~issioners, City Co~renissionera and iVilmirigton Relief Association that i:he County would hard surface the road~vay around Greenfield Lake, no~r knorrn as "Community ~sive", after ~~U~tc~~ cor~pletion of grading of the same, and it now appearing .that sufficient grading ~ nas been done to justi~y the County to begin i;he ~aork of hard surfacing r-rithout interruption, it tvas uppn motion ,of T~r. Hall, duly seconded, unaninlously agr~ed ,an~ so ordered, that the county begin the work of hardsurfacing the said roadv~ay ~ immediately upon receipt of the report of the co?rnnittee as t:o width etc., and tha,t portion of the road vrithin the city limits be hardsurfaced by the county at the expense of the City of 'Nilmsngton for actual cost of construction. Upon motion of '~r. Ross, seconded by ;:Qr.Yopp, the Chairman~ vras authorized to have a`~ blue print prepared of the "Nig~er Head Road" where it is proposed to cross the ~. ~'j~~y~~;,~' property of the Virginia Carolina Chemical Company.° : '~~ 0~, ~'~~ ~ , Upon motion of Tfr. Yopp, seconded by ffir. Hall, a4iss [finnie Jones having been ~~ examined by the Assistant County Health Officer and reco~nended by the County ~ ~~"~~ ~r~" 1`Teliare Officer, was admitted to the County Horie as an inmate. , Upon'motion of ~r. Yopp, seconded.by Sr. Hall,Allie I~c2diel was relea~sed from the / 7-Q},~ payment of penalty for failing to 13at lots 6 and 7 in bloclc ~58 Carolina I3each for ~ the year 1930,acCOUnt of being a non-resident. ~eeting of Eebrua:cy 2nd,1931. continued. ' • r1•communication ~as received fro~ R.T.Shingleton-of -Hampstead,id.C., stating he .. . ~ had.been cor.unissioned by Lhe -73oard. of Go~iissioners of Pender County to ask that . ' the ATew Hanover County' Conunissioners meet ~vitn the Pender Count,v .Board at the ,, /~p,so~~dG~Oa Court House in tJi~lmingtori, Nednesday February 4th,L931, to consider the question ~~ of consolidation °of the t~+o ^counties. After some discussion AiTr.Ross moved, and it '~' ' e~as seconded by t~ir. Yopp, tn2t the Clerk be iristructed to advise ?1r.Sningleton that due to the very unsett7:ed conditions prevailing in the Legislatii're that r~ill lil~ely affeot~the various courities of the State, it would be very iriop~OTtune to consider the matter at this~time. -. , P?rs. Pearl Orrell-13urnett, havirig made-application for aid from the 34others' Aid ' F~nd, and having +been investigated by the Count;~ ~Velfare Oi'ficer and recomniended ~/ . fj6G ~~ bY the local Pdelf-are Cormnission, was granted an appropriation of ~$10.00 per month, , payable w5.00 per month by the County and ~p5.00 per month by`the~jtate~ subject~ . • ~, to the approval of the atate Board of Charities and Pub~ic 'Nelfare. ' ~p,,,, The usual monthly reports of ~upt., of Roads, Supt., of Cbunty~Home and Farm;. ,' •-~on~°-y'~Associated Jhaxities; Colored ~elfare ~Vorser, Jas.GJ.id.Hospital~and Ladies Res~t / .; . Room ~'or the month o~ 1~anuary were received and ordered filed. • : , , , , , . ` Upbn motion of I~Zr. Yopp, seconded by P~r. Ross~ the bid for the purchase of a car ~~•. ' load of coal delivered in the Court House bins, was a~.rded to Gardner Coa1 Co:, F.: at a cost of ~5.55 per ton,<they being the lor~est bidders. Authority is hereby ~ ~~~~~~~V`~Q" given to tr~.nsfer frnm the emergency fund to the Court. House F'und, a aufficient ~;. . amount oi uioney ~vith v~hich to meet this expense. , C~. request of the Board of Education that the sum of ~45y000..00 be placed to the ~- '' /~ro~-~N~ credit of the school fund to~'take care of expenditures for the month of February. •' . L .. ~aas upon mo.tion o; ?•Zr. Trask, seoonded by Tvir. Yopg, approved. ~ :. , - ~` Bpon motion of ?~4r. Hall, seconded by, t~r. Yopp, the ~Board approved the k~rdsurfaci.ng.~ '~ cp J~' of a portion of the "Nigger Head Road" at its intersectiori with route 20, to reliever' ~' ~~u ~~.~.~ tHe bad condition~ occasioned by constant use of that portion of the road b,y county trucks constrizcti:ng the same•. ~ ', . . Upon motion of T~6r. Trask, se°conded by I~ir: Yopp, the Sheriff uras in5tructed to levy ,. ~. r"1qyP S on tne goods of p_rchie Seigl`er for the collection of the 1929 and 1930 tax due by' hir~ on personal ps~operty. ' •i „ _ ~r Dividend papers.entitling Geo. 4Yaddell deceased, for~.ner inmate of tne County Home, •>`'~ . to~~3.23 pa;~ment on deposit «ith the Defunet Commercial I?ational Bank, were presented • . ~~'~"'~"~ ~~by the Supt., of the County Home and refe~red bacl: to him for further information. '; • . , , , Jpon motion of ~r. Roas, seconded by i.4r. Yopp, a comriittee from the Board was '' '" r' , authorized.to attend a meeting of representatives froM the varmous counties, at ~' ~~~~~Qj,p~ ~alei~h,Id.C., Thursday February 5th, to oppose road legislation that would aubhorize ' , the State taking over county roads. Their expense to be paid by the County. Upon uiotion of T~r. Yopp; seconded by ,•hr. Hall, the •assessment of ~p11,550.00 on - , l,,,~Qy~ acreage of s9.~.French,Wilmington ToJanship, was .reduced to ~p7,660.00 and an abatement !. of' taxes on a valuation of v~3,890.00 for the year 1930 was,ordered.. - y- ~ The request of IdTas Fannie i~Tnite for a reduci;ion of the assessment on praperty in _ '•' `'~(C1X~'S bLock ~f~132~ wa Q referred to the Co;vnittee fos i nvestigation and report to the Board. ~, ' ~ / , A•bill ~repare d by the~County Auditor, to be en law at the present. acted int~ ~ '=• session of•the Genexal Assembly, that would regulate the fees paid to the Sheriff ~ ;; /~en, A=S~+'r~~ for the collec tion of taxes, was upon motion of !''-r. Trask, seconded by I.Ir. Hall, ~-~ ~,dopted. . . , / i ~ Upon mo~,~lion of I;r. Ross, seconded by h2r. Hall, t'_ne 13oard voted to request our , representative s`in the General ~lssembly to use their influence tovrard restoring to° q~,O,tS&Y~~j `: the County the right to levy schedule "B" ~taxes in cases where the Legislature , ..J has taken this ribht away. '. Upon motion, duly seconded; t.he Doard endorsed tne efforts of the loc~l Radio station ~ to secur.e increased power, with the vieva of fur nishin~ better radio reception for ' ~pvV~Y/i1L5iD~ ' .~h1S vicinity and southeast RTOrth Carolina and northeast South Carolina, and a letter ~~d~~~ was,authorized to be written to the Federal Rad io Co:nmission to this effect. • / ~~ - The following coupons anct bonds tvere presented by the-~ounty Auditor as having been ~~~ paid and lvere burned in the ~resence of the Boa rds ~ , . - RO~,D B03dDS: . . , Coupon ?~o. 45 Bond PTo~. 3~~~0 50 - 50 Q 22.50 ~1125.00 ~,. , ° fB 39 " " 1 to 5- 5"?2.50 112.50 .~` °' 1° 39 " ` " 10 to 17 _ g " 22.50 '180.00 ~ ~ " ~~ 3g ~~ " 20 to 35 - 16 " 2~.5a s60.00 • ~.: ' `" " ;39 " 43 to 50 - S " 22.50 " 180.00 • " " •3' 4 ., " " 95 & 96 - 2 " 12.50 25.00 ( , ~~ ~~ 35 " " 1 to .75 - 75 " 25.00 1875.00 : : 35 " " 76 only - ~ 1 " 1?.50 •12.50 , ., ' ~ ~~ ~~ 35 " " 80 to 84 - 5" 12.50 62.50 , ~a ~~ 35 " " 86-87-89 - 3 "'12.50 37.50 ° " •35 " " 91 to 95 - 5 " 12.50 62.50 ' . ~~ ~~ 35 " " 97-100-101 - 3 " 12.50 37.50 ° " 35 " " 103 :fxa10$ = 6 " 12.50 ~ ~75.00 " " 35 " " 110 to 117 - 8" 12.50 100.00 " " 35 " " 120 to 124 - 5" 12.50 62.50 ~4,307.50 \ ~ ~ ~ ~ •1. . ;~{ ~ _ , ~ ' ideeting of Pebruar~ 2nd,1~31 continue_d. ', cT3rought ,yorvaard . . V ,;,; ,,;.~4~307:50 ~ _ , SCHOOL BONDS:'. . ' ~ Coupon No.. 35 Bond No. 1 to 23 - 23 G~25.,00 - ~ 575.00 . n n 35' a io 25 " 27 - 3 , "b 2~:00 '- 75:00 " , ". 38 " " ~29 " 44 - 16 " ?5.00 - 400:00 . 1° 'L 35 " " 46 " 60 - 15 " 25.00 - 375:00 ' - ~v u g.5 n er 62 .° 77 -. 16 ~ ° 25.00 - 400.00 1° " 3'5 . '* " 80 " 103 - ' 24 " 25.00 - 600.00 "' " 35 . " 'Q 105 ~~ 109 - 5 " 25.00 - 125.00 "' " 35 ~' ~~ lli " 150 3 ~40 " 25.00 - 1000:00 ~ " " 35. ~~ " 15I ," $n0 = 50 " 12.50 - 625.00 " , " 23 " ", 41 "' 52 - 12 " 25.00 - 300.00 '" `~ 23 " " 54 ". 100 - 47 '" 25.00 - 1175.00 . P1 .° 23 " '~ 51 " 70 - 20 n 25.00 - 500.00 ~ '" " 23 q " 76 `~ 125 - 50 " 25.00~ 1250.00 `•' " 22 ~~ " , 82 "' 92 - 11 " 25.00 - 275.00 _ 'r '+ 22 +' " ,g5 8nly - 1 " 25.00 . 25.00 ~ ' " " 2~ . " P1 100 tN 126 - 2'7 ~~ 25.00 - 675.00 " " 22 " " 128 1A 225 - 98 " 25.00 - 2450.00 10,8?_5.00 ~ . rr;rusY BOi~DS: ~ ~ Coupon STo.19 Bond No. 17 to ~20 - 4 Cl 30.00 - 120.00 ' " - " 20 " " 17 " ~50 - 34 " 30.00 - 1~J~0.00 ~ '! ~" 23 " " 1 " 50 - 50 " 25.00 - 1250.00 2,390.00 'AORHI~IOUSE BOi"DS: Coupon IS~.32 Band Ido. 1 to 35 - 35 Q 25.00 - 875.00 VPK.HOUS~ 8c COUNTY HOIVIE BONDS: Coupon No.27 Bond No. 1 to 17 - 17 C~7 25.00 - 425.00 COURT HOUSE BONDS: Coupon No.14~::Bond 11o.Blank 9 2 Q 25.00 - 50.00 ~~ t° 14 " ~~ 21 to 52 - 32 " 25.00 ~ 800.00 ~' " 14 " " 54 ~~ 118 - 65 " 25.00 - 1625.00 . " " 14 " " 120 " 153 - 34 ~~ 25.00 - 850.00 !" - " 14 ''" !' 155 1° 160 - 6 " 25.00 - 15Q.00 " " 14 " " 165 " 169, - 5 "' 25.00 - 125.00 '"' " 14 '~ '° 171 ~~ 225 - 55 ~~ 25.00 - 1375.00 4975.~0 . SCHOOI, BUILDIiJG BONDS: Coupon IJo. 2 Bond No. 1 to 355 -355 @ 23.75 - 8431..?.5 SCHOOL FUNDIPIG BONDS: Coupon No. 2 Bond No. 1 to 242 -242 C3 23.75 - . 5747.50 COUNTY HOI~dE BOTTDS: , ,Covpon No. 2 Bond No. 1 t.o 28 - 28 ~ 23.75 , 665.00 BOIJDS PFiID: ~ Bonds Tios. 1 and 2-County xome - 2 t~ r~1000.00- ?000.00 " " 82 'to 90 -Schools - 9 C~ 1000.00- 9000.00 " " 1 to 10 -Scnool Funding- 10 C~? 1000.00- 10000.00 " " 21 to 30 -Court House - 10 @ 1000.00- 10000.00 " " 17 to 18 -Ferry - 2 @ 1000.00- ~ 2000.00 To-tal Coupons and Bonds burned,........... ~71,641.25 ~i The me.e,ting then ad~ourned, f~ -~ i, ~ ~ . ~ //7l . erk. ^ ° Plilmingto n,N.C., February lOth,1931. The 'regulax vreelcly meeting of the ?3oard w.-ts held at 3:00 0' clocl: P.Ini. . i Present: W.L.Yopp, Geo.'~~.^lrask,F.?:i.Ross and Jas.~3.Ha11. The Chairman being absent , P~r.Jas.E?.Ha ll Vice Chairman, presided. Lir.~4.H.Davis of PJilningEon To~~nship ~~as upon motion of P~tr.Ross, seconded by ~ec~al I:Ir.Trask, ~ranted the privilege to pedd le in Ne~v dazlover County ~vithout being f ~ required to pay a license tax, on ~ccou nt of being blind; as directed by laiv in such cases.. , Upon motion of~~r. Ross, duly,seconded, th~ Boarcl authorized the purchase of' . ~~ ~UU2rl three pair of overalls, tlvo pair of pan ts, two suits of umdervaear and one l,p~ir ~ of snoes for ~lliss Gallo~~ay, juvenile s ent frora this county to PSorrison Training School. The same to be charged to the ~ecorders court. Upon motion of ISr. Ross, .>ecorided by P.4~~ . Trask, i;he Bo~rd approved the contract cp~~ betv~een U~ight,lslcEwen and Board of Co~n issioners, covering the employment of ~~' Lr.T,~cEwen as court atenographer. The Chairman and Clerk -of this Boa.rd vaere ' autnori{zed to execute the 9ame for the County. Upon motion, duly seconded, the request of I'~r.5.7.N.Harries, that certain chan~e~~~~ f~~ ~~ ~(,;,: be made in the lighting system in his o ffice, and a lar,ser safe provided for t e Recorders court, vras referred to the Co urt House committee ~ith power to Act. Upon motion of :?r. Trasl<, seconded by p.~r. Yopp, the assessment of ~3,000.00 on , ~ T~~ ~ ~ theatre building on lot of V.~.Zoeller in block 3`L2 vras reduced to ~1,500.00 eifective for the years 1928,1929 and 1 930 acco.unt of its dilapidated condition, and an abatement of taxes on an assessment of ~1,500.00 for the said year.3 tiva.s ordered. , : . ~ ~. .~; ~ , , . ~ ". ;.~ K i ~~ . ~ - I~deeting of Februx:~ry lOth,1931, continued. . ~ :. ~ . . " ` -~ ' , . ~ , .. . . .. _ Upori motion of ,'~r. Yopp, seconded by i~4r. Trask, the assessment of ~.,~~`3,000.00 on .~-QJ(ES buildirig of I~~iss Fanriie ~Nhite in block #132 was reduced to ~2,.500.00 aacount of ti , over assessmerit and an abatement of taxes on a valuation of ~500.00 for the year ~ . 1930 was ordered. - . . • , , _.. . • - A co?runiiiiication ~vas received from Ty~r.John H.TJ[anniri~ Coinr~iss3onei, World `Nar ~Iete'rans Loan F'und; stating that the property of J.J.I,oughlin Jr.•, in.blo4k 509 and Geo.A: - Johnsori 1305 south" Fourth 5treet is o~vned by -the 5ta,te of 1lorth Carolina and i`§ not -1~4X~ sizbject tb ta;~ation. In vieiv~of the.. fa~ct that the t `rarisfer of the above pioperty does not appear on the records of-the ~e~iNter~of'Deeds, "the-Clerk vJas instructed to vrrite 1:Zr:~~a.rining advising him that when the transfe'r of the said property to the State is recorded tk~e county will cease to £a7( the same. . . _ . . y . . . . _ _ , .. . . . . . The" request of';~~r. ~.r.SUi1l'iainson in behalf~ of the Sea Gate, cbmmunity, that the" - fF'. ~~ Connty aid them 'iri grading a roadway frotn ioute #20 , near Bornermans place, to the ;. ~ Q , ~~~ ce~etexy plot, ~aas taken under considexa{;ion by the Board. ^~ Upon motion, ~iuly seconded, county bi11s A?os.1395 t o 1490 gerieral fund account•and,~ ~~j1,Q~ ~os. 531 to 564 road fund account, were approved fo r ~aym~nt../~ , ` The follo1ring corrnnunication vras received from the C ounty~Auditors . '" iFilmin~tori,N.C., February 3,1931. ~,' .~ Hon. Boai~d of Coiznty Co~unissioners, ~ . New Hanover County, ". ' Wilmingtori, N. C. , ' . „ Gentlemen:- , , '. ~ ~„ For your informatiori I~ive you below-the amount on deposit in e2~ch bank"as ~~'j~d- of January 31st,193I, together vaith a memorandum of surety bonds held' by us in each , . case. • - Bank Depo.sit Bond Expires: . • N.C.Bank & Trust Co., v~p156,077.15 ~100;000 Nov.5, 1931 U.S.F.& G.Co: ~ 75,000 ' N.C.State 73onds. F9ilmington Savings & T.Co, 133,843.57 100,000 June 1,193~. U.S.F.& G.Co., '~ 50.000 i~iberty Bonds. X Peoples Savings_Bank, 56,347.90 50,000 June 1,1931 U.S.F.Fc G.Co:, ; 25,000 U.S.Treasury Certificates , N.C.Industrial Bank 10,000.00 10,000 Atov.3,1931 ~Iartfard Ac.&Ind Co., • Home SavinQs Bank, 32,045.26 17,000 June 1,1931: Fis.& Cas.Co., 25~000 7une 1,1931,U.S.F.& G.Co., - - 10,000 - }5ay 6 ,1931 " ' " " _; ' ' 15,000 1~4a,v 17,1931 Nat'1 Surety Co., ~ _ ~ " ' ~ f~Sorris ~lan Banlc, , 29,391.69 50,000 b2a.y 8;19'31 " " " y . ~ 10,000 P~Say 5,1931 " " " ~ _ . / . ~ ~ Cha.tna~n & Phenix,i;.Y. 3,382.81 P;one I ~ ~ Cneclcs in Office 9;42 ~4zi,o~~.ao ' ChacltG out 5, 589.74 Our Balance ~415,508.06 " , X In this case vae nold rene;val certificate, but the bond cannot be located. "~~ ~ ~ Yours truly, .~ d.?1.Orre11. ;. . ~ . _ A duplmcate depdsitory'bond ~48-11-192-27 issued by I~nited; States Pidelity and .~ . Guwrantj Company in t'he penalty of ~50,000.00 covering Courity and School Furids ~~j.r~-~ dgposited ~vitli the peoples Savinge Bar.k £~ Trust Coy~pany, the same having been ,• - approved by•the County ~ttorney, ~vas accepted by the Board.. ' The meeting then adjourned. ~ /~'~i vi 7 C. J~,~7~7i r~/ - . ' ~j~ er'_,. VJilming-ton,N.C., February 17th,1931. ' ~ I/ .. The re~,nzlax weekly meeting of the~ Board ~~zas held at 3:00 0' clock P.Su. . ` . , • ,'• , Present: Addiscn Hewlett Chairman, ~W.r.Yopp, Geo.'~f~.Trask and Jas.I~i.Ha]_1. ~ The follovTing cormnunication re~ardin~ funds on deposit ivith various depositories ~~ ~S~ ~~~~~~ together rrith list of surety bonds, wvas received from the County Auditors , /~~+~w.~ "sPilmington,N.C., January 5th,1931. ` _ Hon. Board of Count,y Commissioners, " ` ' RTecr i-lanover County, ~: ' ~ ' F/ilmir~„ton,AT.C. '} •' Gentlemen:- ~.. ~ For your informa~tion I give you belo~v the amount on deposit in each bank as~,~ of December 31,1330, together vrith a x~emorandum of surety bonds held by us in each case. • ~~ ~~ - .:~ l~Seeting.of Pebruary 17th,1931, continued. Bank Deposit Bond Expires .. N.C.BanY & Trust Co., - ~ •: ,.;. " . . " coupon a c ~ ~ 64;491:25 ~1~5;000 June i,1931-U.S.Fid & G.Co. ~ " other a s I05,568:23 100~yg00i; Nov 5,1931 "' " „~ " coupons not del. 7,040.00 k'. 'Nilmington Sav:..&,~T.Co» _i317;033:66 100;000 June 1,193T " " x Peo~les Savi~z~s Bank, ~ 59;347:90 50,000 June 1,1931 " " '`~ ~, N.C.Zndustrial Bank, 6,000.00 10~000 Idov 3,1931 Hartford Ac.& Ind Co., Hone Sav.ings Bank, 32,045.26 17;000 Jurie i, 1931 Fid.~c Cas Co.; ~ ~ 25;000 June 1; 1931 U.S.F.& G.Co., '. ~ 10; 000 L$tn,y 6, 193T n u 15,000 P.~ay 17, 1951 Nat'1 Surety Co., _ °: ' 1Lorris P1an,Bank, 35,740.73 50,000 Pl~a,~ ~ 8;T931. " " " , 10,000 P+1a,y 5,1931. " " " " • Chatham & Phenip~,r.v. 3,382:81 None ' Barer 1'Iatts & Co,Balto. 1,300.00 None . , Checks in office 9t42 • ~431,959.26 ~ , Checks out - 7,738.71 '~ur Bal~nce $424,220.55 :, , ~ In this case lre hold renerral certificate, but the bond cannot be located. Youre truly, J.A.Orrell". • ,; , ~~, ~ U~on rnoti.on of LTr. Yopp, seconded by L4r. Hall, the request of li~Zr. B.B.Jzckson, of ~,,,a` Jar.kson Fc Bell Company to be alloured to see the records revealing the amount the `~~ County paid to the 1~ilmingtnn Stamp & Printing Company for printirig"the tax liUts for the year-1930, ~Rras granted, on the grounds tnat t2ie s~,me is a public record that any ` citizen has a right to see. The o,uestion arose account of the refusa.l of the County F:uditor to reveal the amount paid on the grotands that the same was to be used by iaLg~.Jackson as a basis on vrhich to fu-rnish quotations for printing the ~ax li'sts for 1931, _ . on' ~ competitive bid c?ith the Ydilmington StarMp 8c Printin~ Company• ' ( `\~ ~ Upon raotion of I,:r, Yopp, seconded by ISr. Hall, E.B.E~3crards ~vas released fror.i the paymen"'t~~ f 4 a,~ ~ o penalty for failing to list property in block 115 and 172 for the year 1930, accountW of being a non-resident. . • Upon ~~:otion of Pt7r. Yopp, seconded by Pdr. Hall, the County Auditor v~as authorized and ~ direci~ed to endorse oves~ to T~r. Ia.~.Cumber a draft in the amount of y700.00 received ~ -~~~~ '~'~" fr.om the fiartford Steam Boiler Company for repairs to the County Home boiler, for tYie j' reascn that the e:ontract for the repairs ~ras made directly betureen ~he Hartford Steam ~ ~ Boiler Company and ~.E.Cux2ber and covered by insurance policy D?o.71540., I Y ~ ~ A statement of diebursements of the Board o~' ~ducation for the month of January vras ~ ~ ~ ~~' received subject•to the check of the comt~ittee. ' Upon motion of Pdr. Yopp, seconded by I1r. Trask, 1,~ir.Thomas Rice tivas released from the f~ ` 7 ~k~ payment of penalty for failin~ i;o list lot 57 Oleander for the yea,r 1930, account of being a non-resident. . ~ Upon motion of I~Zr. Yopp, secanded b~- T~Tr. Trask, R.H.i~hite vras released from the r -"~"~"aX~oS„ payment of penalty char~ed against property in bloclc ~21? ~.ccount of error in leaving same off liis tax list for the ~rear 1930. ~G~ ~ SUC Upon motion,of ?~r. Yopp, seconded by P~r. Trask, 1~r.Jas.1vT.Ha11 was named to / r... ~. represent this Board on the ~oard of Directors of the Red Cross Sanitarium. ~ The reqv.est of ~essre. Thos.R.Orrell and Jaa F. Post for a reduetion of assessments • ~~'~OIK~'~ on property at Ylxightsville Beach accovnt oi damage by erosion and removal of ~~ building, was referred t0 the Chairman for investigation. ^~- T~e request of 3.4r.~.S.~d~^rards for exemption of po11 taxes ~ccotint of physical tr~ " IdX~~ dmsabilities v~ras declined. ' • g~r. CJ.P.hIcGl~ughon tendered h'is resignation as Superintendent of Public PJel'fare to ,: W~'~~ become effec~ive April lst,1931, the same eras upon motion of P'r. Yopp, seconded ~ ~ by 21r. Nall accepted as to this ~oard and referred to the Board of Education for their c:onsideration. Billa of expense of John R. DTorris,Sheriff for summoning jurors and transportation - S'~~~ of ins..~ne and prisoners ar,lounting to N129.44 a7as approved for $~122.24, payment of ^ ~~.20 bein~ deClined acQount of extra help used by the sheriff for transporting prisoners that in the opinion of the Board was not necessary. '`~+~l~~ Upon motion, duly seconded, county bills Nos.1491 to 1519 general f und accourit and_, ' Nos. 565 to 588 a?oad fund account were approved for pay~nent. ~c) ~ PZeeting of February 17th,1931, continued. ~ The folloering coramun'ioation relative to ~yments uiade on account .of street paving ~~`e~~-+ at Brook~~iood; wa"s received" Frora the Coun'ty Auditor ancl the Board directed that the ~)~bGC~s~ ovaners be notified by letter of the taxes due: , ~ 1° 4'Jilmington, N. C.,~"~+'ebruary lOth,1931. Hon. Board of Cor.~unissioners, ~ New i3anover County, '~i.lmin~ton; I3. C. , ' Gentlemen:_ • ~i be~ to call your attention "to the f'act that veiy fer~r payrnents ha.ve been made , r~- on account of street pavin~ at ~3rookwood. . , ' Our recorcls shbti~r ~;hat on Bordon Avenue the.re are 36 otivners, only 13 of ~~~hom ' have r,iade any.payments. On Keaton kvenue there are 30 oivners, nnly two cf ti^rhom have made any payments. The tax on Bordon Avenue ti~as levied on January lst,1929 and on Keaton Avenue, no date has been fixed b,y your Bo~.rd. ,: . If I am correc"tly informed, suit for the cosi;s of tYiis work must be inst'ituted ~x~:x, ~ Faithin three years from the.date the cYiar~e is made or collection cannot be enforced. This matter is brought ,to ,~our "attention in order that you Lnay take suci~ action , as you may deem proper. ; Yours truly, ~~ ' ~ J.'A.Orrell:" •,..,. TnP follo~~Jing coupons ~^re piesented by the County ~uditor as having been paid and t~rere ~ ~~'K1~NS burned in the presence of the Board: • ROAD B03dDS s . - '. Ccupon TTo. 3~ Bond Dtos. 18-38-39- 3(aJ ~p2~.50 - ~67.50. - ./~-~2~ The follosving ~mod and lau~ful citizens ~rere drawn to serve as jurors in the -Superior ~ Court for the tria.l of ci~ril cases, two vaeeks term beginning: ~ ~'irst t~~eek-lllarch 2nd,1931: ~ ~ Roger ~vioore. J.L.La.mb. i~~.H.Batson. lf.I~d.Kin~. N.PS.Sellers. J.@/.Hufham. J.BZ.Johnson. R.1~.Parsley. J.P.Russ. Steve Geor~e. T.E.Kemp. B.T.Hopkins. -~ G.E.Rmss. ~.L.Lee. A.C.Kenly. A~P,Blanton. GT.~.Riggs. L.T.Easley: ''~-~ ~ ,'.;~. .. J.B.I~eidt. J.E.Bro~m. D.l~.Lockfat~. L.R.E31is. C.V.iiing. C.B.P~orrie. ~ Second i~teek-I~!arcli 9,7931s ~ A- . ' A.J.Eason. F.I,.Lasterling. Hi11 King. H.Finberg. T.T.Overby. Russell isatters. J.F.Holt. A.G.Alderman. Fhn.H.Hunt.' '~•J.Biddle. J.E.i~artin. jT.1.T.Zocvamy. ,~' ~' '~I.G.Head. L~.~.~ell. E.t~..Kin~. V.Ambrosiana. ~vJ.~I.Brovrn. J.Robert 3ritt. , ~ `..i.H.Hilburn. G.E.Hornsby. J.P..Dennis. . J.T.King. R.Td.Getty. S.A.Le"v~is: , '~ `` For the trial of crininal~ cases for ti~eelc beginning: 3uIa.rch 16th,1931: _ i i L.1.4.Page. J.V.Creasy. W.~.Harker. ~'.IL.Bruce. T.P.Turrentine. Percy Tart. Edvrard Aansley.J.O.Ludwig. ~.F.Capps. J.F..Tienk_en. H.i~.Taylor. J.E.Burriss. ' G.L.Rig~s. D.Q'.Hvey. G.'.lilkins. Jas.Brancn. ~.B.Poj~ rs. A,H.Willaims. !` `' : RT.~.Piner. I.H.VJeil. J.R.Teachey. W.R.Smith. E.Lee Yow. A.R.Croom. J.D.Jones. P.1~..King. R.E.Broc~n. a.'~,Yopp. C.B.Bulloek. J.nT.Brand,Jr., '~~~. J.R.Flora. H.G.Potter. C.N.Bryan. 3.I.Crews. S.N.Creech. G.L.Hvmphrey. y The meeting then adjourned. . ' ~ . ` ~ , ~~ ~~.~~ - ' ~ Clerg. ~~'' - ' ~ ~ 1'Jilmington, N. C., ~ebruary 24th,1931. ~ -}' The regular ti~eeY,ly meeting ~aas held at 3:00 0' clock P.?L. ',~ Present: Addison Heti~lett Chairrpam, VJ.E.Yopp, Geo. ':9. Trask, F.I+I.Ross and Jas.I+i.Hall. . ~~~4 6~a$ The follos•+ing coupons ~+ere presented by the County Auditor as havit~; been paid and ~ ~rere burned in 'the presence of the 73oard: i~ . _ SCHOOZ B4NDS. Coupon 2do. 24 Bond No. 71 to 80 -. 10 a(~ ~25.00 - 250.00 " " 25 " " 1 "125 - 1?5 ~ 25.00 -3125.00 Coupan Expense 7.81 w~3,382.81 ' . , U~o~ inotion of 1~.4r. Trasy, seconded by iERr. Hall, two bills in favor oi Jno.R.l~.iorris, ~ ~1~ ~~ Sheriff for ,~20.00 ea.ch for the capture of t~ro ~+hislcey stills and arrest and conviction "'"~~~1` of the o~erators were approved for pa~~ment; also a bill for ~41.15 expense incurred '' in taking I~letcher Pyle to St~te Hospital including extra help c,~as auproved,tne Bo~rd ' finding it necessary for the She-riif to employ an extra man to help him in this case. ~ a bill for v~66.35 for taY.ing P~rs. Lula~Sainta ~~aria~ to the State Hospital r•aas a~p~roved ` ;~.~ £or ~52.20. . ` Upon moti.on of I~er. Ross, seconded by I~ir. Aall, 'ir~.J.19.Ha11 r7as released f'ro~~ the ,. ~~~~ ~payment of penalty charged against property in Federal Point tovanship for the ,yea-r . 1930 account of being a non-resident. ~. ~ ~ , _ , Pue.eting of.rebruary'?4th,1931, continued. ~~~~~ . . . The follovring communication-~.vas received irom the County Auditor: , _ ' - "VJilmington,N.C., February 19th,1931. :don. Boa'rd of Comrdissioners, , Newi ?~anover County, Wilmin~ton;Pl.C. ~ Gentler.,en:- I be~ to call ,your.attention to tne fact t:iat on Februasy lst, tne balance to the credit of I~Tew Hanover County from "The County i~i~ Road Fund" ;~~as ~1a;605:52. The collections for the five months Feby to June 193U inclusive was ~12,943.~9 so that -the balance on June 30th, 1931 should be $~26,648.81 less~ siach shrinlc~,ge in receipts as may be due to the depression; but`as during the last ~ tnree months the receipts were only ~?75.13 less than durSng the same period of last year the balance should not be much, if any, less i;nan ~26,000.00. Chapter 40 Public La~vs of 1929 Section 6-provides for refunding to counties for r.iaintenance done under State Supervision and I ~i~ould suggest that you make claim for the follvioing amounts paid to the Fimerican Tar Producte Co. June 25; I830 Voucher 964 ~1,265.17 Aug 9, 1930 " 51 • 2,499.09 Sept. 7, 1930 " 143 2.501.6° _ ~ Total $6,265.95 together ~vith such other iCems as you feel r~ould meet with approval by the local representatives of the Utate xi~hvray Cornmiss9.on. The payrnents heretof'ore made frotn this fund for our accounts are as follaws: . Coupons 16,250.00 Ilonde 6,00~.00 ~ Notes 12,000.00 _ Interest , 300.00 ~ Ar~r.15,1930-Vo.~cher 745-Tarmac ~61,245.46 Jun 19,1930- " 952= " 1,261.08 2,506.54 Toi;al ........................ ~p37,056.54 The next payment due on account of debt service is July 1s1931- ~4,750.00. Yours truly, . . . J.A.Orrell". • • ~ • Upon motion of'T~r. Ross, seconded by L?r. Yopp, the Ch~ix~an•was authorized ~,nd ~ directed to have.a statem=nt of road maintenance for the purchase and application ~pqdj of~service treatment and other repairs prepared for period ~'rom July lst,1929 to ' June 30th,1930 f or presentation to~the State Highway Commission for payment. ~ a • Upon motion of i~ir. Ross, seconded by i:~r. Trasl:, the ]31ack ~Swamp ~oad •leadin~ from .S ~a0. 4Vrightsboro ~tation to I.'furrays I?3ad; v~as adop~e&_and declared a county road. No aetion ~ras taken b,y tnis =oard on the request of ~'~~r.~Y.N.Harriss,C.S.C., to have the Commissioners endorse a bill prepared by himself for presentation to o~.r ~' - ~ ~ S~ ' representatives in the Le?~islature, that if enacted into la~~ would amend c~lapter ~+~ ~ of the Public Local I.av~s of 1921, which would ~ive the Clerk 6f Court i~he #95 \ , right to employ extra help in his ofI'ice and fix the salaries, in~tead of said " • authority remaining in the hands of the County Commissioners. • - ~~T4X`°`' Tkie request of P~rs. E.L.Hinton for a reduction of assessments, v~as ~eferred.to the ~ .assessor9 to •consider at tl~e time of assessing property. ~ • Upon motion•of 1.ir. Ross, seconded by :~dr. 2'raek, the Chairman was authorized.to re~t -/- the Ferry Doat ~enanic to a Dredging Cor~pany for use as. a house boat, at a rental ~ of not less than ~6.00 per day, subject hoi~ever to•sale of said boat. Rhe 3deeting then adjourned. ,~~-~~. - Clerk. Y ; A i: i: r 1 . s,r ~ 't' ~ Y .; } i.' ;, . ~ .. a. > I. '.. . . WiImington,N.C:, March 2nd,1931. . The regular weekly meeting of the Boar~ v~a.s held at 3:00 0' clock P.]iS. '. Present: Addison Hewlett Cha.irman, ~i.E..Yopp, Geo.i~.Trask and Jas.P~.Hall. ~ SC~ The minutes of ineetings of November 3rd,25, vecember•1, 9, 16, 30, January 5, 13, ~ "~~ - 20, February 2, 10, 17 and 24th, were read and approved as recorded. A request of the Board of ~%ducation that the sum of ~45,000.00 be placed to the ~~~{ ~~, credit of the. school fund to take care of e.-tpenditures for the •month of T~iarch, , was upon motion of ~~"r. Yopp, seconded by 1vir. Hall, granted. ~ ' A petition sm$ned b the owners of 75 per cent of the.property abutting on Carolina ~ Beach Avenue (North~, on the Northern extension of Carolina Beach, was presented . to the Board of Commissioners.requesting that the same be hard su,r-faced from lot ~dQ`~ #7 in blocks # 5 and #6 to Fifth Avenue (North) the same to be assessed a~ainat the abutting property on the ten year plan in accordance Mith the provisions of chapter 449 of the Public Local Laws of 1927, was recei"veii, and upon motion of • P1Ir. 'rrask, •seconded by ;~r. Xopp, was-referred to the Hoard for investigation. ' Upon motion of P!r Trask, seconded by 1~"r. F1a11, 7!~:rs. Bessie 6ore 2~,Ia~in was released /-7q X~S from the payment o£ penalty for failing to list property in.block ~99 for the ~ year 1930 account of being sick at the xospitaT and unable to attend to the same. 1 Upon motion of Plr. Traslc, seconded by 1.Sr.~Aall, E.P.H. and C,.F.Strunck were yment pf penalty charged against property in 1~asonboro_to~vnship released from tlie pa ~`~"Qy cj°'.;a , for the year 1930 account of being a non-resident at listing time; provided •. , however, that the taxes due on the said property are paid within thirty days from date hereof. , ~ Upon motion of I~Tr. Yopp, seconded by h~r. T.raek, the Board approved the payment of a bill for ~44.38 to Winoca Insurance Company for insurance on trucks, with the / ~-h,SU~W$ ~derstanding that the said policy of insurance can be cancelled on or after July lst,1931 and the unearned premium returned to the count~y. . •, ,. ~ `. , Upon motion of ~r, lrask, seconded by f:~tr. Yopp, the Board approved the payment of ~~ ~ ~16.41 to the titlantic Coast Zine Railroad Company for.labor and material to s~t t of ~ A l at Hilt `'•'t //4- -~ on accoun ,C.Z. rac cs in taller•poles toyr:provide clearance over "Nigger Head•Road" .crossing. ~ . ' - ~ Upon motion of~TJir. Yopp, aeconded by Mr. Lrask, ~tlr.5.F.Burr, Jr., was granted an ~ /~~~p~c • abatement of taxes on a valu2tion of ~220.00 on Packard Motor Stock~non-taxable, and listed in error for the year 1930. The usual monthly reports of the Supt., of County Roads, Supt., of County Home; ~ v H emonstrati.on P.gent and ome .~Associated Charities, Colored Welfare 14orker, County ~,/~ N~~I ~~p ~ U ~ ~ ~~~ u Ladiee '~'est Room Yor the month of February were received and ordered filed. The request of the Ladies Rest Room Por an increase in appropriation from ~27.50v ~yb)i~ ~~y to $35.00 was declined account of funds not provided for in the budget. ~ ,~ , Upon motion of P~r. Yopp, seconded by Mr. Trask, the $oard approved the employr.ient ,~(,~~G~ ~~~ of I.3~elvin extra guard for the P~aintenance and Construct~on force account of - sickness of Bert Totld. . ' seconded by ~r. Yopp, a bill for $46.09 in favor of the , Upon motion of Lir. Hall + ~ `~ ` , Comr.iercial Printing Company for one civil iesue doeket purchased by the,Clerk of ~~ "~ ^b Superior Cour$ withftit firet secur;ing a requisition, was approved for payment. The Board found t3iat the~<-purchase~::of. the docket was necessary. Upon motion of i~[r. ~opp~ seeonded by Err. Hall, the Board in the interest of , ~ developing the County Airport, granted an appropriation of ~100.00 to the yf ~!~~'~~ Carolinas GoodGVill Air Tour toward defraying the expense for holding an exhibition by internationally known pilots here Mareh 17th,1931. Upon motion of I~r. Yopp, seconded by ~r. Aall, the•~hairman was authorized and ~ directed to rent or purchase a sufficient niunber of trucks to be used in speeding ,= ~a 5 up the v+ork of ha.rdsurfacing "Cormnunity ~'rive" and other County pro,jects nov+ in • course of construction. Upon motion of 2~r. Trask, seconded by 1;4r. Yopp, Thomason Lumber Company of Cape ~ ~~QkCS Fear to~rnship raas granted an abatement of taxes on a valuation of ~11,465.00 corporate excess for the year 1930 account of error. the Mola$$es Distributers Corpora'tion was granted a dvly seconded Upon motion 'rQ ,~ , ~ reduction of assessment on stock on hand from $~13,187.00 to ~p6,595.00 and an ~ ~~ abatement of taxes on a valuation of ~6,593.00 was ordered. % The meeting then adjourned. , ~ .. . _ ~ . !~7 7 < ~T._ Y~ - ~ . . erk. ~ Wilmington,P1.C., Nfarch 9th,1931. -- , The ragular weekly meeting of the ~oard was held at 3:00 o'clock P.~.S. i . ~ Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman, W.E.Yopp, Geo.V7.Trask,F.M.Ross and Jas.~i.~a11. Upon motion of Mr. Yopp, seconded by Mr. Hall, J.S.Brown was released from the L , /~X~ 5- payr.~ent of penalty for failing to list lots 4 and 5 Winter Park for the year 1930 account of bein~ a non-resident. ' 1 - ` '~ . ~ ~~ - . ldeeting of ~a.rch 9th,1931, continued. Upon motion of Idr. Trask, seconded by ~~ir. Yopp, ~Ir. A.C.Stephens of Cape Fear ~xo~ ~ tocroship was.granted an abatement of taxes on a valuation of W180.U0 half . , amount due ~r.Henry F+ei,jers on mortgage for money borro~ed for the purchase of . ~ , a home which deduction he failed to clai~n at time fo listin~; it appearin6 that }dr. Weijers listed and paid the taxes on the said mortga6e amoun~in~Z to ' . ~360.00 for the year 1930. ~ ~ Upon motion of ~r. Yopp, seeonded by 1vir. ~a.ll, the Chairman was anthorized to have~'~ - 9u~ ~OV~ four or five signs painted directing the rvay to the museum in the court house.annex. ~~QS'~~~ t J !~ bill for ~100.35 for indexing births and deaths by A:B:Rhodes ~gister of Deeds, ° d f ~''~' rvas approve or payment subject to checking. ; . ~"' ~ , . r ~; °~ . .. I Upon motion oP Ii4r. Trask, seconded by i~ir. Yopp, Mr.1'~.O.I,fessYCk was granted an `~ ~~ abatement of taxes on an assessment of ~1,100.00 for the!~ye~r 1929 and 1930 on ~ ~ OYPS hoizse burned at Audubon A,pril 13th,1928, formerly ovrned by ~9.YF.Murrell. . ~~G+)a~ The follo~ving communication rvas,received from the County Auditort • 'i . "Wilmington,N.C. NIarch 4th,1931. , , Hon: Board of County Corcanissioners, 2dew Ha.nover County~ , Wilmington~N.C. ~ ` , Gentle~ens- ~ ~ For ycur information I give y'ou below the amount of deposit in each . bank as of February 28th,1931, together with a memorandum of surety bonds held by , us in each case. , , . , Bank Deposit Bond Expires ' ~ '' ~ . N.C.Bank & Trust Co. $139,788.47 ~100 000 Nov.5,1931 U.S.F.& G.Co ~ ~ ' ~ 75,000~ ~ N.C.State Bopds i~ilm.Sav.Fc Trust Co. 133,843.57 100~000 June 1,I931U.S.F.& G.Co. • 50,000 Liber-ty Bonds. ~ i Peoplea Savin~s Bank 66,347.°0 50~000 June 1~1931 U.S.F.& G.Co ~ 25,000 U.S.Treasury Certificates.. • N.C.Industrial Bank 10,000.00 10~000 Nov.3~1931,Hartford Ac & Cas Co.~ . > ~ Home Savings Bank 32,045.26 17,000 Jun,1,1931 Fid & Cas Co. : _ 25,000 Jun 6,1931 U"~.F.l~,G Co.~ i 10.000 May 6,1931 " " ' 15,000 May 17, " Nat.Surety Co. Morris Plan Bank 29,391.69 50,000 N[ay 8,1931 " " "- ~ 10,000 7~ay 5, " " " " - , Ghe~clcs in offiee 9•42 ~ ` ' ::!'.•..• ~ ~1~ ~411~426.31 , ~ , . Checks out ............. 20.541.84 ` ' Our Balance,........... ~390,884.47 ~ , .' ~ • Yours truly, ~ , • 1 J.A.Orrell. ~ a~ Upon motion of Mr. Yopp,seconded by L~r. Trask, auth'ority was.given to have the lights ', ~ § `~ ~ .., ~~ ~ ~ v~ l~a' _ in the I~e iste^ of Deeds office ad usted in order to im rove the li ntin s stem. ,j P g U Y g 4 . . + The matter of repairing and regla2~ng the windo~rs in the Old Court FI~use building,; • ~.~ \ ~~~~ ~'u was upon motion of a4r.Ross, seconded by Lir. Yopp, referred to the Court House ~ ~ Committee with power to act. . ~ t ' ~ b~~`5 Upon motion of P,~r.Hall, seconded by :dr. Yopp, county bills Nos. 1520 to 1660~ t ' ' . general fund account and Nos. 589 to 654 road account were approved for paymen Upon motion of ]dr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Hall~ authority was given to repair the ' ~ ; '~ ,~, ~`"A`~ ~orters Neck road and to complete the hard surfacing of eame with oyster shells for ' ~ a distance of approximately one hundred yards. ~ , '' Upon motion of ~r. Ross, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Chairman 'vras autkiorized and " ~ directed to secure bids for furnishing and installing two toilets and two 1 . . ~ a~~F°'~ lavatories and necessary connectione for the same at the airport, and to asvard the contxact to the loc~est bidder. ~ ~ , Upon motion, duly seconded, a bill for ~8.00 due John R. Morri~,Sheriff for arreet ~ " _ 5~~~1~ \ of ~uveniles was appro4ed for payment, and a bill for "~25.60 was approved for ~19.?0, fees amounting to ~6.40 for arrest of 1~i..C.Peterson was not allo~ed and the Sheriff was directed to collect the jail fees, turnkey and fees for arrest of W,C.Peterson from his fatlier. o,i,dEt~,~/~~fwY~~ The Auditors cash report for the month of February,was received and ordered~ filed. i • ` ~ ~ Upon motion, duly aeconded, C.J.Smith was released from the payment of ,penalty ' ~qXeS for failing to liet lot #5 Story Division forthe year 1930, account of being a non- •'i resident. F ~ . r . t . ,_ , ~ ~ . • , ., i 9~ ~eetin~ o~ ~arch 9th, 1931, continued. ~ Tn vie~ of the untiring effor~ts of ~~r.~.A.~cGirt,Third ~istrict High~vay Commissioner, and what he ha,s achieved.and his given freely of his time and energy at considerable ~ peraonal sa_c•rifice to serve the State in highway matters, and in vier~.of,the taking ~ 00.~5 over of county highd~a~C systems and the appointment of a nerv 5tate High«ay Corrnniseion~ " this Board~ upon motion of iar. l~rask, seconded by I~ir. Yopp, endorsed the recommen- dation of the Lr.ecutive Committee of the ~hamber of Corrunerce as per their communi- . cation of I~iarch 4th,1931, and unanimously voted to urge ~lhe Governor to appoint Hon. W.A.IScGirt present Conunissioner of the Third District, as a member of the.ner~ Body. ~ /•.. ~~~(a,z ~ •i ~p.so~l~~-t D ~1 ~, Upon motion, duly~seconded, N~s. J.B(i.i6i11iams and P.E.Fisher v~ere released' from „ the payment of penelty f;br nbt 1}stin~ property in Federal Point township for tl~e, year 1939, account .~of •being non-Te9ide.ntS: • The £ollowing resoluti~bn was offered by Mr. Hall~ and being seconded by D~r. Ross, ` vias unanimously adopted by the ~oardt • 1VIiEREAS a petition signed by the owners of approximately seventy-five (75f) per cent of the property abutting on that part 6~' Carolina Beach Avenue ('North) , Tyin~ betvreen the Northern line of lot ~'7 in block 5 and 6 and Fifth Avenue, on the Northern Extension of Carolina Beach, was presented to the Board of Commiasionera on E2a.rch 2nd,1931, requesting that Carolina Beach Avenue (North) be ha~d- surfaced ?.from the northern line of lot ~7 in blocks 5, and fi, to Fifth Avenue (idorth) of such ~'" widt4~ as this Board may deem best and under apecifications similar to tho~e used in eonstxizeti:ng hard qurfaced county roads. The cost of construction to be borne by ~ the county and assessed against the property owners in accordance «ith the provisions of Cha.pter 449 of the Public-Eocal I,ativs of 1927, and , ~REAS said getition was referred to the RoaddCommittee on 1vlarch 2nd,l931~ . for irtvestigation, and ~ WHEREAS the said Road Committee did inveatigate the request as contained in .the said petition and reported this day reco~nending that the work be done, ~ NOR' THETiEFORE BE IT ~ • RESOLVED, First. 'Phat the hard eurfacing of Carolina Beach Avenue (North) , tivithin the limits above referred to be done and that the Cost of same be apportioned „ and charged against the fol).owing property abutting on sa3~d Avenue,to~iti In block No.5~ Lots Idos1,B,9 and 10. In block No.6, Lots Nos7,8;9 and 10. In block Ido.7, Lots A1os.1,2,3,4~5,6,7,8,9, and 10. In block No.B, Lots Nos.1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 ~~ and 10. In block No. 9~ tvro hundred feet known as the German Club Lot and lots Idos. 1,2,3,4,5 and 6. In block No.10, two hundred feet knoiwn as the Uerman Clvb Zots and lo.ts Nos. 1,2,3,4,5 and 6. ~ ~ Second. Tha.t the County Auditor be and he is hereby authorized and directed to prepare a book'or record and to charge the owners of each lot in accordance with the above list, the amount of the coat to be apportioned against said lots, dividing the amounts, as near as rm~y be, into ten equal installments and to accept payment in full without interest until Decembex 31st,193I, and ~vh'ere payments are made in part a11 ~ assessments are to bear ihterest at the rate of six per cent per annum beginning January lst,1932. ' ' ' Thi'rr~. That the book in which the above assessments are charged sha.ll be'knoe~m as "Record of Street Assessments" and s.hall be turned over to the Clerk of the Board and kept by him as~required by lavd. ~ ~ { ~ ~ . . , ' - '~ ' , ~~ t .~ , < i : ,_ , ., d a ~ .' ~ ~ ` The meeting t~en adjourn~d. • ` C~`~ ~, -~ c. SyC~z~'~' . , ~ v ~ilmington,N.C., 2uarch l6th,1931. The regular weekly meeting of the Board wae held at 3:00 o'clock P.l~. . " Presents Addison Hewlett Cha,irman, ~'J.E.Yopp, Geo.~9.Trask, F.ES.Ross and Jas.I~4.Ha11. S ~~ Q~.The repor~f ~iiss~Anrie B,. Horne,Home Lemonstration Agent for the_month of ~'ebruary'-' was received and orde,~ed filed. a ~ As required by lavr, the Chairman as Supervisor of Taxation, recoIIUnended the apointment ~~ of 'the .folloti~ing as Tax Listers for their respective to~+mehips for the year 1931, '~JaK L15t~ and upon motion of I~s. Ross, seconded by ~ir.Trask, the same v~2,s adopted by the Boarda , Cape'Fear Township~•••••• W.J.Wilkins. ~ Federal Point•Township,• T.J.Buraett. - ~Harnett Township #1,.••• A.H.Hi~h. • - i Harnett To~nship ~2,....• G.T.Shepard. . ' Maeonboro'Township,.....• Henry Horne. ~ ~ Wilmir~gtbn iownship,.... W.F.Carpentex~B.F.King and 19.P.Toon. Upon motion of If:r. Yopp, seconded by Ii2r. Trask, 1~r.H.H.~4itchell was released from the ~~ M~y~s pay~ment of penalty for failing to•list property,in bIDock•#538 and vJas granted an _ ~~~ abatement of taxes on poll and $~585.00 personal property for the year 1930, account ' of being a nonOresident and owning no pereonal property in this county. A steteq~ ent of disbursements of the Board of ~ducation for the month of February ~' ~ ~~.~~~`C"~qas re~ived subject to check by the committee. ,, .. • T7pon motion of tdr.Trask, seconded by 3ar. Yopp, D~'xs.~ary Smith haning been examined by ~/ `~o~~~~~F~Y„p the assistant healtiz officer and inve~tigated by the County '~~elfare Offrocer, was admitted to the County '~ome as an inmate. r Upon motion of Mr. Ross, s'econded by r~Sr. Hall, Nancy Nixon,colored, of Cape Fear • ,~tosvnship,having b'een investigated,was admitted to the County Home as an iruAate,rrith `~U~ ~n~~ the uncierstandin~ that the payments of ~12.50 per month heretofore paid to her by D~r.K.O.Burgvain, r~ill in the future be paid to the county totivard the expense of her . maintenance at the county home. 1* ! . y~ ~eeting of 2~rch 16th,1931,cont.inued. UPon motion of P:ir, Yopp, seconded by I~lir, Ross, I~~Ir.Thos.L.Speiden was granted a -~y ~~ refund of ~1:9~ tz.x paid by him on a valua.tion of $150.00 peraonal property and ~3.00 poll tax which ~va~ included in the taxes charged against Lot 35 Ken~vood for the year 1929 in the name of C.G.Cowan for the reason that 1,4r.Speiden held a mortgage on the said lot and was forced to pay the real estate tax for his protection and ~r.Cowan having no equity in the said lot. Upon motion of tJir. Ross, seconded by bSr. Yopp,the contraet to gracle Carolina Bea,c~•~ Avenue (North) on the Northern Exteneion of ~%arolina Beach for a distance of approximately 1200 feet in length and t~hirty feet wide, rvas awarded to O.C.Connelly ~~o~c~~ and C.R.Watson at a cost of twenty-five cents per running foot, and aurface the sam~ eighteen feet r~ide and nine incheU deep with mud or hard pan to be had in that vicinity at.a coet of ~1.00 per running foot making a total of ~1.25 per.rnnning foot for grading and surfacin~ complete. They bein~ the lowest bidders. All work for gradin~ , and quality of material used fox surfacing to meet the approval of R.A.Burnett, Supt., and to be under his supervision. Upon motion of l'dr. `jrask, seeonded by Lir. Ross, ~Ir.W.0.Il4essick was allotived to pay the taxes, cost and interest on nineteen acres of land,par.t of Bonham Harnett to~vnehip for ~°'~G~ the year 1929, charged in the name of W.1U.Murrill~ without bein~ required to pay ~ the personal property tax of I~dr. Murrill charged therein; account of ~r.Messick - Y~ving to take the said pro~e~ty.:-oQer and ~ir. 3~uxrill ha,ving no equity in the same. ~ And an abatement of taxes on a valuation of ~1,100.00 on house burned April 13,1928 on eaid land for the year 1929 was also ~ranted. ~ ~~y~`~~~ The matter of selecting a welfare officer to succeed 4~1.P..McGlaughon was deferred. ~ e ~ ; ~,', . ~' t. ~_ , Upon motion of I~r. l~raslc, seconded by I~ir. Yopp, the request of the Board of Education ~~~~- ~~~~ that the sum of $2,000.00 be placed to the ~redit of the school fund to take care of ;' expenditures for the month of P:4arch in addition to the $45,000.00 heretofore allot~ed, ~ was granted. Upon motion of Tv:r. Trask, seconded by I~Sr. Yopp, the Board fixed the fees and help to , \ ~~~~ be allowed the present sheriff John R. f~orris, for transportation of prieoners and ` and insane at the same as that pamcl to the former sheriff, Geo.C.Jackson. In the case of transportation of insane or desperate prisoners, extra help will be allotived only upon an affidavit of the Sheri£f to this effect and approval of the C1erk of Superior Court. \~ ~'.~Eu.~ t~u~ \ 1~~..c5 IIpon motion of 1dr.Ross, seconded by ~r. Yopp, the follo~ving resolution was unanimously' adopted by the Boardt ,~ , , 4I~REAS the cot:nty higheva.y encirc~~(ing Fort Fisher has been destroyed on the east side ~' of the Fort by erosion~ and ~ ' ~ VPfiEREAS that part of the highway on the south and qest sides of the Fort is greatly in danger of destruction b.y ero.sion,that is taking place there, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, Tha.t in view of the damage that has been done to the county Yiighway as aforesaid, and by reason of further dama~es that are likely to occur by eroaion, ti there is hereby appropriated out of the Hoad Fund Account the,sum of ~1,000.00 to the United Statea Erosion Board, to the end and for the purpose of instituting some immediate remedial constructive measures which yould serve to protect the county high~~ay from further damages by erosion; PROVII]ED the State vepartment o£ Conservation and Development will appropriate a like amount. ' The meeting then adjourned. . ,~-, ~ . ~-~ ~ Clerk. 1Nilmington,T?.C., March 23rd,1931. The ~oard met in ~ lar weekly session at 3:00 o~clock P.I~.2. Present: Addison Heplett Chairman, ~J.E.Yopp Geo.'A.Trask,and Jas.E4.Ha11. Tne following coupons were.presented by the County Auditor as having been paid and vrere burned in the presence of the Board: RAOD BOI]DS. Coupori.;ATO. 39 Bond No. 6 to 9 Inc,-4 @$~22.50 -~90.00 " " 39 " " 19 Only -1 " 22.50 - •22.50 ~112.50 ~112.50 RUAD BOITDS. Coiipon No. 35 Bond No. 77-79-102~109 ~ ~18 and 125- -6 @ 12.50- 75.00 75t00 Y ~i~ ' ~; .: ,. °. t ~: ~... f ! L , I , . _'. ,;,. ., 4..:~, -. '3 SCHOOL BONDS. ' Coupon No. 35 Bond No. 28-104-110-, -3 " 25.00- 75.00 " " 22 " " 93-94- -2 ° 25.00- 50.00 " " 22 " " 96 to 99 Inc -4 " 25.00- 100.00 " " 22 " " 127- -1 " 25.C10_ 25.00 ~50.00 ' COURT HOUSE BONNDS. . Coupon No. 14 Bond No. 53- -1 ~ 25.00 2~5.00 25.00 .`~~3b0~00 Upon motion of Mr. lrask, ,geconded by 1s4r. Yopp, the request of the Board of Education j .~~~ ~~,~ ~d~ that the school budget for the current year be increased by ~320.73 account of refund J oP $313.17 on building insurance and ~7.56 refund on compensation insurance, the same : ~ to be applied to payment on repairs to the heatin~ plant at the high school,was granted. Upon motion of ~r. Yopp, seconded by I~r. Hall, in view of other indebtedness owing by, ~ ~ ~ the deceased, the Board agreed to accept ~20.00 of a.~~33.00 insurance policy, in / ttl t o ~ C v,r~~a se emen f expense account of burial of Ellen Sumpter, vrho died,at the County ~ xome ffita~ch llth,1931, and buried at the expense of the county. _ Upon motion, duly seconded,authority was granted to have the street crossings inter- . oecting Carolina Beach Avenue,paved approximately six feet on each side of the eighteen ' ~~;,ad S foot right-of-way, at the time of gr~.ding and pz.ving Carolina Beach Avenue,to permit % vehicles to turn around on said road or avenue,same to be paid for on the eame basis~-' for paving and grading said Avenue as per contract. •r ti ' ~ residing at #8152 7t~i11is~Alley after having been investigated, vras admitted to the ~ n'a"'~`~'(} ~`~""~-- Count,y nome ,as an inmate, vtith the understanding {;hat any insurance he may have wi31 be tu"r•netl:dver to the county to help pay for saintenance and expense of burial. - • ~ ~ Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by ~ir. Yopp, ~Qrs. A4ary Eliza Piner and Peter Finkley ~ ~'',~~~ ~J~ both havirig been investigated by the assistant county health of'ficer and county ~' welfare.officer, were admitted to tne County ~ome as inmates. " Upon motion, the Board recommended the payment of one years premium on fire insurance4~~;...• ~!~s~'~'''-~-~y policy covering the ~'erry Waiting Hoom on EaQle Island. ~~.. 1' Upon motion, duly seconded, the Board approved the payment of ~p2.37 autor~obile r 1 ~na sti1~`~' expense by ~rand jury in making investigations. v r' ~~ . ' S • ~`,~'qXLS . . ~ r~F.~.- y , ~ ~ '~~~.~~s ~ An audit of the School ~ond Building Fund ` Board of Educ~tion, for period from April ~~~r~~uc~; the Board of ~ducation., tne same a~reeing -was accepted by the Board. `~ Ferry passes requested by the ~runswick C ~~ R.I.Mintz, Hegieter of Deeds were approved the Ferry Cotnmission. ~ ' Upon motion of fir. T~sk seconded by h~r. Hall, A~r. T.PJ.ab~dort seventy years of age ,~ - Upon motion of i~r. Trask, seconded by 1~r. Yopp, Bllr.Geo.7.~~alsak was granted an ~~k~5 abatement of taxes on a valuation of ;~400.00 household and kitchen furniture listed " in error for the year 1930. P' ' Upon motion of Pdr. ~'opp, ,seconded by ~I~r. Hall~ Ethna Baldwin of Cape ~''eax township ` was granted an abatement of taxes on a valuation of ~280.00 on automobile charged ~ ~~'~ a~ainst him as "not listed" for the year 1930, for the reason that•the sa~e tiaas the px'opert;y ot' his brother who left the State before April 1st,1930,. and ~vas further released from the pa~nent of po11 and penalty account of bein~ under age and not required to list poll tax. • `~,~' , .. ~ .. . ". ', i• ~ . ~ti ~1~e,}~ ~ ~;: ~ 2~I~UA W ~eeting of ldarch 23rd,1931, continued. Upon motion, duly aeconded, IvIrs. Nora T. Craig, vras released from the payment i of penalty for failing to list property in Federal roint and Harnett tovmahips for the year 1930 account of being a non6resident. , Approval to purchase ~49~000 N.H.County 4 3/4 ~ bonds due Jan.,lst,36~41 on a:~" 4.30 basis for the sinking funds, was declined. •~ Upon motion of 1~.4r. Trask, seconded by Mr. Hall, n4r.N.L.Foy wae allowed to pay the " 1930 taxes on lots 5,6,and 7, Kure Division ~arolina.Beach, in the name of . W.C.Spencer, less the penalty of ~2.00 account of Nfr. Foy having t take the property baclc. ~ as prepared by ~dw.C.Craft,C.P.A., for the 1930 to i~arch 21stJ1931, was presented by with the statement of'the County Auditor, I ~unty Board for J.A.Ruse,Sheriff and ~ by Il2r. Hewlett and 1~4r. Hall,members of Upon :~ot:ion of ~ur, `lopp, seconded oy ]dir. Hall, bills of expense for the c~pture ot vrhiskey stills and transportation of prisoners amounting to #133.38, v/as upon • \ a~procal of the County /'r~torney, approved by the I~oard for ~121.08, an item of `~14.30 for mileage claimed for taring a prisoner to the State Prison wa.s not allowed, as this charge is fixed by 1.arv at ap2.00 per day. Upon motion of ~Sr. Trask, seconded by ~r. Hall the following resolution vras adopted ~ by the Board: The Board acting upon authority given by chapter 264 as amended by Chapter 1929, and in accordance t~uith the recommendation of the Grand jury I~arch term 1931~ ~ . Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of New ~3anover Countys Section 1. That from and~after the d'ate hereof it shall be unZawful for any person , to skate with on upon any of the paved public roads of New Ha,nover County, which ase under the control of said Board of Commissioners. , .. ; , ~. i .: . , ~ . . ,. ~~ . ~~nSL~txlr,c~. 'r ~ .~ i~: e} r. . :~ %~ ~ `1 i~; Section 2.~ Ti~,t this ordinance shall go~into effect from and after the datehereof. Upon-motion of• ~r. Hall, seconded by ~Ir.,Yopp, the County Aizditor was authorized and directed to appear before the Compensation Insurance Conmission at Ra.leigh, N.C.,,/ Por the purpose of checking apparent discrepancies im the rates and classifications of employees Compensation Insurance adjusted, his expense to be paid by the County. ' The County Attorney was reo,uested to prepare a bill for paseage at the present seseion \~n~n~ G~sc~,bl of the General 4~ssem~l~r that if enacted into i a~ would give authority to tne county ,/ ,~~ of New ?ianover to assign prisoners t~ho receive a sentence of sixty days or less, to worlc on public drainage system of the County. • The meeting then adjourned. • ~?~~ I ' ti 7 ( ~<di?" " "`1 . ~ • . ~~lerk. ~ % Wilmington,N.C., J~[arch 30th,1931. The re~ular weekly meeting of the Boa.rd aras held at 3:00 o'clock P.P,~i. ' ' Present: Addison He~alett Chairman, tV.E.Yopp, Geo.G~.Trask, t~.R4.Ross and das.I~2,Ha11. A request of the cornmittee from the ~9ilmington,Board of Trade and Industry for an. ~ ~ appropriation oY ~250.00 toward Architect expense for furniehing a Prospectus.for a,,~ ~~~~4~~~~~ ,+~inter Tourist Hotel Hotel to be located near the i'~iunicapal Golf Course and Codnty Park ~rae upon opinion oi the County Attorney, declined for the reason that the _ Com~nissioners have no 1ega1 right to make sucn an appropriation. i Upon motion of i•Lr. rrask, seconded by P~rr. Hall, the County Tax Listers were allorved,. `~p~r 1 i~'~2P~ ten cents per fazm £or each .farm reported for the 1931 Farm Census ~eport. ~ ~ Upon motion of I~r.Trask, seconded by 1dIr. Hall, authority was given to hard surfrace ~ -~p~;~ Seabreeze road in Federal Point tov~nsriip rvitn oyster shells, on the same ba~is ~i•, • as other roads of similar construction. , ' U9 a•' , 1 0~1 , ~. . . ~ - . , , . . , Pfieeting~ of Wa,rch 30t~,~1931 continued. „ , ,' ~ ~ Upon motion of Ivir. Trask, seconded ByvPdr..Yopp, I~r.r.J.t~obinson was granted an ~ ~~~.5 abatement of taxes on a valuation of ~530..00 on pereonal property ~for the year ~ -. ~_ 1930, ~accoizrit of being a nonGresident and the sar.ie 'charged against hi.m in error. . : Jpon motion of ~1r. Ross, seconded by I~r. Yopp, B.M,Horne was released from the ~4,~,~ payment of penalty for failing to liet property in Federal ~'bint totivnship for .' ,•` the year 1930, he being of the.opinion tbat he had listed, but his list could • not be found. Upon motion of tdr. Ross, seconded,by ~r.~Trask, T:ir. C.y.Pov~ers was released from • ~,~ the payment of penal,ty for failing to list pro.oerty in block j~495 account of ~ _ , , having listed property in various other townships.and thought the same had also • ` t been listed. : a ~., Upon motion o~' f~6r. ?toss, seconded by I~x.Yopp, the schedule o£ automobile assess- ' i" i I~ ~J Q1G men ts as prepared by the County Auditor for the purpose of £ixing an equitable l ti . . ~, va ua on on all automobiles to be assesaed for taxation for the year 1931, r-~as ~ • unanimously adopted by the ~oard. The minimum assessment on any automobile'or ` trmek for ~rhich a state license ~av been issued, vvas fixed at •s50.00. ~. ' , . ~ ;. Upon motion, duly seconded, the ~bid to pri.nt_one thousand sheets for Sheriffs ° ~~ ~~~i,~,~c,,~ 3ale Book, ' on tiventy 'pound ivhite Byxon• a>nd ~Aeston Ledger paper~ was awarded to the ~~ ~ ~ ~Jilmington S.tamp_& Printing Compzny at a cost pf ~42.50. " , , - ~r . ~ ~ 5~ The request of I~r.W.N.Harriss,C.S.C. for the installation of an e~ctension ~phone ' ' ' , --~ in his office vault and that extra clerical help be provided for the Hecordere' ~ ~ Court, was referred to the '~oard for investidation. . Aaron Goldberg,Eaq., appeared before the Board and submitted for the approval of tyhe - ' •~o;amiesioners, a bill if enacted into law would permit the 8ity of fililmington to ~~' , E~ \~~t~~ , ~ abandori its municipal lockup or guardhouse and to nse.the County Jail for the r ~ ; confinement of municipal prisoners. The Commissionera declined to approve the,. bil~, - , and the County Attorney was requeated, together with ~r. Goldberg, to prepare a,/ . ~ , • ~ bi11 providing that by..agreement the city may incarcerate its prisoners in the ' • County.jail. ~ , ~~~~e Upon motion of Pdr, Yopp, seconded by Mr. Fiall~ the Board approved the purchase of a f ~ watchmans clock from I~dr.William,Grant at a cost of ~40.00. •;` J. Upon motion of Z~r., Yopp, seconded by FJir. Ross, the request of Tfir.L.G.Herring to be i~. allo~ed to convey back to the county Zot ~1.2 in block #2, Hanover Gardens, and allovr ~~~~,~~ all payments made on said lot (not including conunissions allowed by the County) . to apply on thepltrchase price of Lot ~11, in block ~2, purchased by Iutiss.Daisy I. +f . ~. . Inriis, was granted 'by uhe Board; Pc~OVIDED that all expense in connection ~rith c ~ this transaction, including all-commissions paid for sale of said lot will be borne ~ by P~r. Herring. -~ ~~j Upon motion of l~r. Traek, seconded by i~r. Yopp, the allowance of ,p3.00 per month. • /~~ ~ heretofore allov~ed P.4r. J.E.Benton from the Out Door Poor fund, tivas ordered discontinue"d. ~ ' .~ ~y ~;~ . The request of ~ir. ~J.H.Kelly and Co1.R.S.PdcClelland for an increase in the annual i appripriation of ~300 00 allowed Headquarters Batter to enable them to ac ~ uire ` '~~ ., ,,, , . y, , q -~--~ permanent ,quarters for their organization, was upon motion of Idr. Trask, seconded , ~ ~,; by ldr. Hall, taken under consideration by the Board. ~ ~ \ The follovring good and lawful men were drawn to serve as jurors in the Superior - ..~uQo'RS Court for the trial of Eivil casees, tv~o weeks term: ,. ,~: . First Week; beginning April 13th,1931s ~ T.B.Jones. Z•Maynor. J.H.K.Bur~vrin. G.D.Farmer. 7.L.Auffy. EV.I.Pi~ford. i: 1:4.R.Barnes. E.C.Bagwell. C.Dixon. J.N.Justice. L.H,Jones. C.G.Bogan. , ' C.B.Watson. G.H.Smith. E.Philyar~. J.I,.Pittman. ~9.G.Phelps. R.,L.Jackson. f • J.P.Clark. A.P1I.Lucas. L.S.Sharpless. J.ft.Cox. A.L.Wagner. ~Q.M.Carney. ~ ` Second rveek beginning April 20th,193IDs ~ L.H.Hill. R.F,Cottle,Jr, J.C.Christian. J.E.King. J.E.Riddick. Vr.Auld. ~ ~' ,, , ..B.D.Appl~white. P.ISarsha.ll. R.J.Doss. J.P.VVhite. T.S.Murray.. D.R4.Holmea.~' ~` , AYW.Norris. G.B•.Canady. G.T.Fowler. H.V.Brastvell.H.C.Godley. C.J.Farrovr. ~.. B.Quelch. A.B.Bradsha~v. J.E.Bordeaux. C.T.Gore. G.L.Jones. C.L.Himnant. " , ~ The meeting then adjourned. ~ ~y~~ ~ i ,~ ; fi i-i 7l. _ 0 Clerk. Wilmington,N.C., April 7th~1931. , ~ j The regul~.r,rmonthly meeting o~ the Board was held at 3:00 0' clock P.I~4, , ' Present: Jas.1~?.Hall, W.E.Yopp, Geo., W. Trask and F.h~.Roes. ~ ~ ~•, ,, ` ~ ~i ~ ~ The Chairman being absent, Vice Chairman Jas.~.Hall presided. ' ~ c . Upon motion of hir. Trask, seconded by ~ar. Ross, the req<uest of tSr. J.D.James,Jr.,,~ ~ '' .~ - C'~~~s~ ~E~ to be aPpointed constable of ~ilmington township was taken under con~ideration. r , r The request of Pckessrs. J.N.Bryant,L.T.Landen,;W.~".Cox and C.~.i~Iurrin t'~at the Board ~ endorse a bill for pa`ssage at the present session of• the General Asse~bly,that ~voulcy '_ ,~'~ G~~,a,~~l ~ place the collection of taxes of the Town of Carolina ~eaeh in the handa of the ~ ~ Sheriff and name the County Auditor Treasurer of the funds, was declined, and the .. Board suggested that the delegation take the matter up v~ith the Sheiiff and County ~ V Auditor. ~ . ` - j „ . ,~ • Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Pnr. Yopp, I~6r.P-.R.Murray vras released from the . ,;' ~-'~pye,y, payment of panalty charged a~ainst lots~4 and 5 in bloclc #3, Carolina °lace for ~~ : ° the year 1930, charged in the name of Richard L: Player, accoun~ oP IvIr. Iuurray _ ~ havi:n~ ~a bond for title for said lots and thought Is~Ir. Player had listed the same. •,.. ` ~' ~ ~ i ,. . ~ ,. • .,,. . . ~ 1 ~~ ; . , . ' •'- ~ Me~tin~ of April 7th,1931 `continued. ~ ~ ` n . r ,' ~dr. R.R.LIcCartney having been 3nvesti~ated by tne Assistant County ilealth Officer, ~ - ~ /~~'~~~~'w.- was admitted to .the County I~ome as ,an inmate. v ~: ~ - A requeSt of the Board"of.Lducation_that the sum of ~45,000.00 b~ placed to the ~, '~j ~r.~.,,~credit of the school fund to take care of expenditures for the month of.April, ,- ~ ~~ U was granted. ' . ~ . . ~ •- The Board having investigated ~the request of 4'l.N.Harrias, C.S.C.,`for extra help . - in his of'fice, and by virtue of authority contained in Se.etion #1, Chapter"~274 . ~ c~ Publiq-Local Laws 1929, Iur. Yopp moved and it was seconded by ~r. Trask and ~ , carried, that ~r. Harriss be author~zed to employ an extra man to assist him in ~ his office at a ealary not to exceed ~1?,5.00 per month to be oaid out of the fees r_ • of his office only, and in no event shall the said salary., or any part thereof, _ ,. , be paid out of the general funds of the County, effective fror~ the date of employment of said assistant. _ ~ ' °, ~ ~~ A statement of disbursements of the Board of education for the month of Nfarch `" , -. " ~ ""' ~as received subject to check by the coffinittee. ~ ~ ~2 . , i~'a~e~i.l~..S. The following communication was received from the County to v~it: . ~ , ' .. ~ , ~ . •~ _ April lst,1931. ' ' " ~'iJilmington, N. C., . ~ ~ . Hon. Board of Connty Coimnissionera~ , . .. ~ ~~ ' Nerr Hanover County, , ' - ~ ~ , Wilmin~ton, TT. 'C. " , - . Gentlement- ' " . ~ ~-- _ For your information I give you below the ar~ount on deposit in 'each bankT ~ ~ ; surety bonds held by us\in• ae of Zuaxch 31st,1931, together with a memorandu~ of t ~ each case. _ _ ~ ,~ •. ~ • Bank Deposit Bond Eacpirea , , . , ; , . N.C.Bank & Trust Co., ~140,514.11 ~T00,000 Nov 5, 1931 U.S.~'.& G. Co., . " _ ?5,000 N.C.State Bonds ~ . 1Yi1r.i.Sav & Trust Co., 140,299.64 100,000 June 1,1931 U.S".F. & G.Co., ,.. ~ ' 50,000 Li~berty Bonds. ' • Peoples Savin~s Bank, 72,347 .90 50,000 June 1,.1931 U.S.F.& G. Co., - , ' ~ 25,000 ' U.S.Treasury Certif's:' ;. ;." ~. N.C._.~ ~ .'' ~IntiuStri°a3 Bank, 10,000.00 10,000 ~ Nov.3;1931,Hartford Ac.& Ind Co.~ . ' „, Home Savings Bank 32,045.26 17,000 June 1st~1931,Fid & Cas Co., . _ ` 25,000 June 1st,1931,U.S.F.Bc G.Co., . . ~ 10,000 May 6th,1931,U.S.F.& G.Co.,- • • _ ' 15,000 E4ay 17th,1931,Aiat'1 Surety Co.,' ~ ~ rdorris Plan Bank 29,391.69 50,000 ~fay 8th,1931 Nat'1 Surety Co., , , - • ' 10,000 ~a,y 5th,1931 r?at'1 Surety Co.., `'~~ ' - ~ Checka in Office 9.42 • ~424,608.02 . ' Checka out ~ 10,003.15 - „ '. . Our Balanee ~`414,604.87 , Yours truly, . ' J.A.Orrell. ~ , The Auditoxs cash report for the month of ]Qarch was.received and ordered filed. . i~~ County bills Nos 1661 to 1840, and Tlos 655 to 738 Inc., were approved for payrnent: ~ ~ The Board then took a recess until 3:00 o'clock P.h~i., Thursday April 9th,1931, to. , ~~~`~A~~'Q~~~`t~ke up the matter v~ith the Sheriff as to the cost for feeding the jail prisoners. ' . , ~--~~f.~ ~ < . ~iUZ~ , : ' ' ~erk. ~'Jilmington, DT. C., April 9th,1931. Pursuant to recess taken April 6th,1931, the Board met at 3s00 o'clock P.I~;i. ,.~ Present: Addmeon Hewlett Chairr.~ar,, vJ.E.Yopp, Geo. W. Trask, and F.R'I.Ross. ~ 1 .~~~ _ The Board met for the purpoee of discuesing with ~r. John R. i~.4orris, She~iff the ,, matter of cost and payments allowed for feeding jail prisoners, and to take such ,f action in the matter as the Board may deem~necessary. ~~ A tabulation showing the number of prieoners confined in the jail for Dece~ber '..~ • ~ January,February and n7arch :~nd the amounts paid for feeding and turnkey and the cost , _ , ' 'of,same a,as submitted and discussed. It ~vas found that the margiNOf profit was too great ' t , to r,rarrant ~. continuation of the present amount allowed for feeding, and I~r. Trask moved and it was seconded by I+~r. Yopp, and carried, That the present allowance of 75~ ,i ~~ for feeuing ea.ch prisoner per day be reduced to 60¢ for period from fapril lst,1931 to ' • - October lst,1931. A further reduction in the amount ~,llowed at this time was not made , '. dua to the fact that the Sheriff is on a fee basis,'and the present Sheriff v~ho has _' charge of feeding jail.prisonera will not be entitled to co<<~missions on the collection ._~ ~ of taxes until Odtober lst, next, the 1930 taxes are no1N being collected by the " , retiring Sheriff, ~'eo.C.Jackaon. ' ~ ; The meeting then adjourned. ~ . . - ~`~~ -~ c . .' . _ ~~k. . , U ,: ;. , ~ . . 102 ~ ~ . ~ . ~~. -. . . . -~ ' . . .. • ..ik7 . . . . ._ ` -' 'i p- _ T .. ' ` . . . , ~ . ' . . 1~~: ' Wilmingtiorr, N.C., ~April 13th,1931 ~ ' . ..~~;:?:: . ., :~; The regular,~ueekly meeting of the Board c+as held at 3:•00 o'`clock F.I~i. ,, ;;.; - • • •-, ~ • . ~ :`.~4 Pre'sent: Addison Hewlett Chairman, W.E.Yopp, Geo.W..Trask,F.k~.Ross and Jas.Sd.Hall. :.,:T:. . F~r. R.B.Page of the i~lilmington 5tar-Ne~vs wae .present -and .brought up ~he mattei - ~ , "~~~. ,p ` of payment of va.rioua ~bills for publilish•ing notices by iV"ir.. Natha.n Cole in connec-/ .. \V.+~n-1-~+~+~" tion with old back tax~'suits. The matter of responsibility of~payment was discuss~d - and ~r. RosS moved and it was seconded-by I~Sr. Ha1T; that the Chairman appoint a committee of two-from the Board to work with the County attorney in investigateing . the matter and report.their recommendations to•the Board at a subsequent meeting. ,~ ~ ,, x° . . , , tl . . - • Upon.motion••of ?dr.•.Ross, seconded by T~4r. Yopp, Rev.W.E.Lanier was granted am abatement/ `.' ~~qKes of taxe•s on .a•rvaluation of ~150.00 on,ministers library exempt by la~v, but listed -in~~ ~I ~'~.•.: error far the year 1930.. • ' - , , Upon motion of I~r. Ross, secorided by Yr. Yopp,~r. Richard L. Player vras allowec~ to ~ \~+~,~ •,pay the 1930 taxes charged against lot 83 Broolcv~ood in the name of A.G.Brittain '. • •~~^~'. ., less~the,.person~l tax charged therein,~~account of estate of A.G.Brittain having n0 . equity in t,he`property. The penalt,y for failing to list the same for the year 1930 , .-•"` ,' . was~ abated.. ~ ~ - . • ~:' '~ "" ~r. J.D.James, Jr., again.appeared before the Board and submiti;ed endorsements urging . the Board to appoint .him constable of "vJilmington totianship. 1Jfr. James addressed the ~ •,•:~".,;` `<~~_~p~ Board at ~ength and the..Chairman,called for a motion but received no response. • ~ It appearin$ to the Board that a constable is not needed, Mr. Ross moved~that no ~ -'_ appointment be made to fill the vacancy, his motion **i~as seconded by HRr. Trask and . "~ ' unaniIIiously carried. . ' j ` Upon motion of ?~r. Trask, seconded by I~Sr.. Yopp~ the Board approved the additional ~;",' ' hard-surfacing.~of_ approximately seventy-five feet on Carolina BeacYi Avenue by - , ,~+ ~,~~o~~ ~ inclizding that part of the avenue beginning from lots 6 in blocks 5 and 6, inetead of •; lots 7 in said blocks, and hard-surfacing the intersections of said avenue v+ith ~hird~ % ~':~ Fourth and.F.ifth Avenues of sufficient ~vidth to enable the turning of automobiles ~ , ~':.. - ' ~ on,~said averiue vrith sefety, the cost of same to be on the same basis for ~rading ~nd . pavino C~rolina Beach Avenue as per contract. .~~ • ~ ~• It appearin~ to tie impractical to secure liffids for repairing the County SCOCkade roof, , ~:`- -\ c~~~,~• by reason of not being able to determine the extent of repairs needed, Mr. Trask moved r" . "~:;. `~• and i~ was seconded by i~dr. Ross, that the Hanover Iron Works be employed to furnish ~.: j ~ ~ t~vo men to repair the roof, the County to~furnish the helpers. ' • ' ~ . ~ ~_< < i . . ~ 5,~~ Upon r~otion of l~r. 1~rask, seconded by ?~~"r. Hall, the Board confirmed its action at ,~ : v~~' meeting of April 9th,1~31, in fixing the amount to be allovred~the Sheriff for feeding ,.;~~ jail prisoners at 60~ per prisoner per day, for period fixom April lst,1931 to October lst, 1931. ~ - . ~~~~ ''Upori motion of~--r:.Yopp, seconded by Mr. Hall County bills Nos. 1841 to 1851 general • fund aocount-were 2.pproved for payment. . , ~•~ ~~ ~ Upon motion of ~r. Hall, seconded by 2ar. Yopp, I4Trs. FSary D. Heyer was released from - 7'•'^ ~~'~~-~ the payment of penalty for failing to list property in bloclc ~357. ~f'or the 1930. ~:' ~~ . ~ 'WiEh reference to'the matter of using the'trucka furniehed by the fertiliz'er intereets " for .constructing the "Nigger xead Road" iri speeding~up the construction of the road . ~~~ -'around~Greenfield I,ake, which was objected to by 1dr. David Scott of the Last Coast' -~ . Fe'rtilizer'Company; T1'ir.Hall moved and it vras seccnded by T~Tr.Yopp•, and carried, that the ~••~. Chairman and l~ir. Ross'lie named to meet vrith representatives of the narious fertilizer " ... ', . interests with the view of straightenir.g out the matter to the satisfaction of'all ~, ~ ;~' par-ties concerned. ' ' ;,: ~, , ` - ., . The County Auditor reported the payment of ~ by the I~Tational Surety Company •~. ~ in settlement of its part of the claim of the County for funda~on depoait with the ~• \~-e~~' ~ defunct-Home Savings Bank at the time of its closing and will receive settlement ~ •"` ' ~~~..<• from the United 5tates Fidelity and Guaranty Co., and the Fidelity 8c Casualty Co.. :..~:s within"the folloRing day; Therefore upon motion of Mr. Ross, duly seconded, the ~~ ;',,~,, ~ ' Chairman and the Clerk of ttiis Board ~vere authorized to sign necessary transfers - ,r~' , over to the proper authorities as their interest appears, upon settlement of the •,~= County's claim by tne surety companies; and further ordered, the suvs of ~2.09,~2.38 ~ and ~4.90 refunded to the National Surety Company, Fidelity and Casualty Company and ~. - - the United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company respectively, account of overpayment '..:. of claims in connection with the Aome Savings Bank failure. ~,~ ~; • c; \~~ Upon motion ofz;Mr. Hall, seconded by A~Ir. Yopp, the Board authorized the payment of ' •, 4'_ .' ,q`,~ ~$59.49 to tP~e '~~'estern ~nion ~ele~raph Company covering cost of raising telegraph ~ a~ires where the "Ni~ger Head'Road'P croeses the railroad tracks near Almont Junction. • . .:< . Upon motion of Lir. Trask,"seconded by 2~r. Yopp, the contract to publish the ~~ \ ~- advertising list of the sale of lands for takes for tne year 1930~ was awarded to , . ~ (~nvr~ The Union Labor ~ecord at a cost of 2~ per line (7point 1;,ype) per insertion, to be ~ „". published once a week for four consecutive weeks. It bein~ the lorvest bidde'r. '"' . ~ , ~.., - , ~The meating then adjourned. ' ~' ' ~~-r<.s~,,-~ ~ . //~~le rk . ~ (~ y ' ,t ' • ~ , , i~ i~~ ~' .. _ Jii~ . • . L ` •. • ' a • j' i~~ ~ . - ~~' .._ •. ' . . r . Y - . . • . ' ~. • . ~ ~. . ~ . . ~~ ~ ~ . . , , ; . " • • ~ ; . k7ilmington,lQ.C.', April 20th,1931. , , >j.; ~ , ,~ , e . . • . ~ . . . . . - .. ~ ; ' The re~ular .wee'kly meeting of the Bo~rd vras held at 3:00 0~ c1ocY. n.lli. ' - t .,; ~ - ; . . . . . . , ., y . , . . - '" - P~esent: .Addison He~lett Chairmanf "~V.E.Yopp, Geo.iN.Trask,F:Li.Ross and 7as.1~.Ha13.. -- • The`request of A.J.Campbeil, a r.es~dent,of..~ilson~County, that~the Commissioners ~ giant him privilege to peddle medicines without paying a 13cense, ~ecount of ~ ~ cases,_ being a disabled Spanish=American,P7ar. Veteran, as prescribed by law in 5ich ~ to enable him to secure a state~ license :rorii the,State of..iTOrth Caro].ina, was _' ` .. . declined on account of being a npn=resiaent,..• ~ • ' ' ~ ' '" ~ ,..`:i~ ~• ' ~ The Chairra~n announced that after a conf.erence of" the Co~ittee fron the.r~oard with '` a covimittee from the fertilizer interests, that an agxeement.had been reached - ~~ ~ ~ vrhereby all trucks owned by the fertilizer interests that wexe'used by the County J . , ~ Yin constructing the "Nigger r+ead Road" ~~ere now dn the Cor,tmunity Drive project :o*,.:'~.' . • ~speeding the work on to completion, after' ~rhich all truclcs rvill be conee3t~rated , ~ '' ', .. on the 10Nigger xe~,d Hoad" proje.et. ~ . ~ ~r .. . _ , ~ ~ ~ . . ' ' . f i Upon motion; duly seconded, bills amounting to-dp147.95 for the transportation.of , • - ~ ~ ~ . S~j , • prisoners and insane by the Sheriff, ~vere approved for payment'." _ ~ ~'. - The ma.tter of expense by the Sherifi for traneportation of-prisoners and~ineane wa.s ~~ -. ~ diecussed and I~dr. Trask moved and it.was seconded.by T~r,..,Hall and -caxried, that due to ~ ~"' •' the seemingly unnecessary increaeing expense in taking insane.patien'ts and prisoners ,; ~•r ,~~~~ to State institutions, and~ the transp'ortation of Insane and prisoners, in, ger~eral, ,- ` Q~~ •the Sheriff shall be allowed the expense of tvro"railroad fares for the traneportation ;=' ~ of a'^prisoner or insane person and one railroad fare or its equivalent for the-xetnrn ~ '', ," ' - pleasure as to the mode•of•traYel as to " ' of the officer; the Sheriff to use his. .. . , railroad, bus.or automobile. ` ~ ' ~ . .~ ~fi~ ~ ' - Upon motion of ~r..Hall, seconded by ~r. Trask, County bills TTos. 1852 to 1a89 ~ / , ` general_fund account and Aos. 739'to 766 road aecount, vrere approved for payment~/ _ .<: . - . ' . • j;~. - Upon motion of Iutr. Ross, seconded by idr. Hall, the.redaction,of ~2,400:00 assessment ' ' ~ ~ ~ ~r~nted ~r. H.B.Peschau on Rose Hill Farm at meeting of July 1st,1930 was made -. ~6~~a effective for the years 1928 and 1929, and a refund of' ,taxes paid on ~a valization~of - -~ • ~2,~00.00 for the years 19?8 and 19?9 vras ordered. - ,. z . . - . '; •~ ' Upon motioh of ur. Ross, seconded by 3~r. Ha11,~Mr. u7.J.Taylor•of Teachey;N.C., _ ~'"-. ~ was released frorn the payment of ~$5.20 penalty for failin~ to list property in t ' ~` : ~Gk~ ~ ' Harnett t~O~~mship and ~3.00 pol.l tax for the year 1930, account of being a non= ' . ,.~ . . resident. . . - • ~ • - ~ Upon motion of T,Rr. Ross, ,seconded by idr. ,Yopp, the Chairman'~vas author•ized to take up the matter of .surve.ying Community Drive•around Greenfield Lake with an angineer, {.-~' •~U.P~~ , with tne vievr of acquir.ing ownership of the property .lying betvreen tkae road and the -. .lake for, the purpose of beautifying the same, and report back to the Board at•a ~~ :~~ i> . ~ subsequent meeting. . . • •r .• • Upon motion .o£ :,4r. Yopp, seconde~d by ~['r. Trask, T~drs. Hattie B. Dixon was 2~eleased •~ ~ <<• ~.~e„~ from payment .of penalty for failing to liet property in Harnett tov+n~hip-for the ; ~ . , . year 1930 account of.being a non-resident. ~ ~ • : ~ ` j ... Upon motion of Palx. Trask, seconded by ~r. Yopp, tne•purchase of 10,000 gallons"of 1= - ~~o~ gasoline for the rqad account was ataarded to the Ocean Oil Company at a cost of ~j .; ~ . 12jC per ~allon fol~ Stockade siding, they being the lo~rest bidders. . " The meeting then adjourned. : :y . , - • . ~ ~ S~ • • v, ~ . _ ~ C1erY.. ~ . ~ . . _ . • ~ Wilmington,N.C., April 27th~1931. „;.:~ The regular w~ekly meeting of the Board ~vas held at 3:00 o'cloci~ P.~. ' •. ; Preserit: Addison Hevrlett Chairroa~},4J.E.Yopp, Geo. W. Trask and ~fas.'rI.Hall. , ~: ~- •. Aaron Goldberg Esq., appeared befo're the Board mn behalf of the Wilmington Star- :' News and objected to the publication.of the sale of land for the 1930 taxes by the ,' ~'~,tn~`~ Unipn Labor Record on the ground that the same as is not a paper of general . ~ ~ circulation and such publicat~on would not be notice to the property owner, and urged - the Board to?eacind mts action a~vardzng the contract to publish the sa,me to the ': ~~ Union Labor Record (they being the loevest biddexs) witn the vie~r of reaching some ~~ '.'' . agreement aith the R'ilmington Star-News for publishing the same. ~r. Goldberg further `-• ~ stated that he was authorized to say that the ~ilmington Star-News would enter into ~ `~ '~ a contract with the County to do practically all its-advertising at a cost of ~1,800.00~ '~'i• per year. It appearing that the ~ounty's cost for advertie'ng ie considerable lees than ~ ::::; ask moved and it vuas seconded that amount, the offer was not considered. Therefore I~ir. T ~ ~ by ZSr. Yopp and ca,rried, that the action of this Board take~~n at meeting of April 13th, ~ " ~ .1931 aiaarding the contract for publication of.the same to The Union Labor Record atand ' ''. - as passed. - . . •~~~y~ Upon motion of Plu~. Ha11, seconded by ~Iir. Yopp, T~Ir. John F. Rogers v+as granted an ahatement ~ . of taxes on one rm~le dog charged against kiim in error for the year 1930. without : - ~ i terest Upon motion of 71~r. Ha.ll, seconded by IIr. Yopp, the ~oard agreed to accept ~4.61~ba.lance , ~ ''~ ~ taxes due on Farm ,~82,I5~ acres Castle Hayne due.by Nirs.J.W.winders for the year 1921, . ll the id h h d h ti r,~aoc-~ a e pa me s a e accour.t of l~drs. GJinders ha.vmng made payment and thinYing at t ~ ~taxes due. - , . -. ~~_ ~ ~. ':. . ~ ~ 104 ~ , ~deeting of April 27th,1931 continued. - ' - The rec}uest of ~r. ~V.C.Petereon that the County pay the expenae for sending.,Dr..' .. • ~J Peterson to the State Hospital at Raleigh was declined, for the'reason ~hat ,~r '. ~ l+tf,P Dr.Peterson has frequently -been sent to the atate Hospital at the expense, of the ~ county, which noy appears to be an unnecessar,y expense. . ' , IJpon motion of Mr. Yopp, seconded by IuIr. .Hall~ b4essrs.H.F.Wilder and J.D.Edwards -v+ere ~~~~ _ appointed Tax Assessora for Wilmington township for the year 1931 to assess improvements;~ diviaions etc., as u"sual, the quadrennial assessment not going into effect for thia year. .. Upon motion pfriuTr: Yopp, seconded,by Ivir. Hall, P~Zr.C.J.Bachelor, havin~ been examined .. ~ by the Assistant County nealth Officer and investigated by Mr9.L.0.Ellis Ac~ing Welfai~e QbUk~,y~nn'~ Officer, was admitted to the County,~ome as an inmate to become effective as soon as the U crowded condition at the iiome is relieved sufficient to receive him. Upon motion of i~~r. Yopp, seconded by PTir, Hall, I~rlN[onroe Wells a disabled GVorld-j9ar Veteran ~~ppa5 was exempt from the payment of poll taxes on account of.his dieabilities. - ~ Upon motion of I~r. Yopp, seconded by BSr. Hall~ the matter of furnsihing approximately ~ ~~ ~5 500 'cRons of rock to the ~tate Hi~h~aay Cor.imission for repairing the bad placea mn the,~' ~ Blue Clay Road crhich is being used,as a detonr while the State is vaidening route #40, was approved by the Board.. . . Upon mo~ion of T~,r. Hall, seconded by Ivir. Yopp~ the resolution passed by this ~oard at ' meeting of T~arch~l6th,1931, relative to beach erosion at r'ort Fisher is hereby amended ~~eselu~,v~ as follows: - • The sum of ~¢1,000.00 be and hereby ~,s appropriated out of the road fund account to the state Department of Conservation and Development, for the purpoae of conducting a cooperative investigation with the United States Beach Erosion Board of the erogion which is taking place in the vicinity of r'ort Fisher, provided that the United State's Beach "'rosion Board will make available a like amount for the said coo,perative investigation. . Upon motion, duly seconded, B4t.W~Albert Brown r•rae released from the payment of penalty- , ~ ' ~XP S charged against hia property in Federal point to~vnship for the year 1930, accouttt of being °• ' , ~~ a non-reeident of the County. ~ ~ , ~•'. ~ ~ ~, ldos ~' l~rask seconded b 2:Ir. Yopp, count bills Nos• •1890 to 1907 and Upon motmon of Mr. , y y ~~ „ 5 ~ 767 ~0 772 inclusive, were ~.pproved for payment. , . . The following good and lawful men were drativn to serve as jurorsin the Superior court for . ~~ut+_4rZ~ the trial of criminal cases for week begi~:ning 1~a.y llth,1931t ._` _ . ..;: -• H.Sternberger. F.C.Lyon. iV.N.Betts. R.C.Smith. J.B.Smith. C,.R.Fryer. • J ~, E.W.Neal. J.H.Nig~el. P~.B.Hand. R.L.Godbold. Rusaell Watters. G.S.LeGrand. , „. ' W.K.Allen. R.M.Roberts. E.L.Porter. R.L.Kelly. GYL.Harrelson. S.A.Brownlee. ,-~ Iei.F.Allen. J.E.Newton. LYV.Lacy. R.L.Fryer. F.P.Hateh. T.S.P,4aultsby. i~.C.Cooper. I~i.J.Jackson. E.C.Dixon.. P1.I,.biintz. E.Z.King. Julius Weil. C.B.~arahburn. Alex Sprunt. H.G.Carney. W.H.Sanders. J.E.Russll. R.P.Cooper. " For the Civil Term first week beginning 25ay 25th,1931t . ~ r j, , ,, J.H.Taylor. W.D.Brown. G.W.Bellois.J.E.Cheek. J.E.P~arshburn. O.S.Rogers. ,: J.H.Batson. Gem.Bell. R.C.Cantwell.Jr, R.W.Povrell.B.B.Cameron. J.L.Canady.. • ` C.C.Birmingham.l7.M.Fulcher. A.Hoffman. O.Pearsall~Jr C.A.Robeson. H.E.IvIason. J.'A.Bordeaux. J.H.Baugh. J.F.Rulfs. C.H.Winstead.. • „" ' 1 P.H.SpenCer. C.~i.Parker. For the ~ivil Term~second week beginnin$ ~'ixne lst,1931a ~ , A.B.Haniilton. E.E.Stokley. R.J.Turnbull.C.W.Fulford.0.f'+.Hall'. Vd.TJI.Harriss. '~`' Axler Albert. F.A.Cashwell.Roy Buck. E.I,.Rogers. J.~1.Alexius. J.C~.Goley. '~ . K.W.Price. F.H.Fechtig. I,.J.Seese. G.R.Davis. A.L.Freeman. Jamea Sinmione. , G.O.Gaylord,Jr.I,.B.Tdintz. R.YJ.Pigford. J.E.Rose. A.Ni.Alderman. J.FJ.~'reernan. , The me ting then adjourned. . ~:, ~-7%9 n ~ t . 5~1~7~ :~ ; ~Terk. ~j~ Wilmington,AT.C., T~y 4th,1°31. . . ~ The monthly meeting of the }3oard v~as held at 3:00 6'clock P.Ivi. ~'r Present: Addisori Hewlett Chairman, 'v9.E.Yopp, Geo.V7.Traek,F.i;I.Ross and Jas.ly.Ha11. '' ~/ ~ 'Phe minutes of ineetin~s of I•~arch ?,9,16,23,30 April 7,9,13,20 ~nd 27th, were read ' ' ~ ~+~v~1 and approded as recorded. . ~. ' Upon motion of F;ir. Traslc, seconded by,Iar. Hall, the as~sessment of ~p1,790.00 on ~ ,y 49.6 acres of land knov+n as"Rock Spring" tract owned by ISr.7or~n Keyes,Feaeral Point ' '' •~ ~~-.IqkC;~ to~nship, was reduced to ~1,000.00 for the year 1931, account of the timber having ' „ ' been cut. . - . Upon motion of Mr. Ross, sedonded by 1ulr. Hall, the lot on tne Castle I-fa,yne Road ~ purchased by L+Srs. W.S.Dexter from Vew Hano'ver County was released from the taxes ; ~ ` ~qX~.S accruing on building on said lot in the name of The Ornamental Stone Company for . the year 1926,1927,1928 and 1929. ' ( ~ , • Upon motion, duly seconded, the Chairmari was authorized to purchase a.~ecord?~Bo:ok ; ' ,. ' ~-~qxQS . of Taxe for ~kortgagees, for the ~egister of Deeds Office, for recortling unpaid , ~ a .•, taxes o mortgaged property as prescribed by chapter 221 Public Laws 1931. '' ~~ ~ ~ •, .<... '. , _ . ; ,, .. ;~: - ,. .~ ~ . . .. , . , . ~ , /~~~ ~,~'"'~ pi, , - ~~~ For your information I give you below the amount on deposit in each bank as of April 30th,1931, together with a memorandum of surety bonds held by us in each case. . . ~ . , Banlc Deposit Bond Expirea • N.C.Bank & Truet Co., ~145,733.53 ~'~`p100,000 Nov.5,1931 U.S.F.Fc G. C0. ~ , 75,000 , N.C.State Bonds. ~ -~ -W~1m.Sav.Fc Trust Co. 150,299.~64 100~000 June 1,1931, U.S.F.& G. Co.,. ~ 50,000 Liberty Bonds. Peoples Savings Bank 74,847.90 50,000 June 1,1931 U.S.F.& G. Co. . 25,000 U.S.Treasury Certificates. ' Td.C:Industrial Bank 10,000.00 10,000 Nov. 3,1931 Hartford Ac.& Snd Co.; Id[orris Plan 3anlc 39,706.91 50,000 . I~ay 8,1931 D?ational Surety Co.,- , 10,000 Sfiay 5,1931 " " " .. - ;~420,587,98 - Checks out ................ 6.217.63 Our- balance ...............~414,370.35 ' • : : ` \ _ : L j - • ~ • Yours truly,• • I • J.A.Orrell,• Cony to, ° ~ • • J.H.Boat~~right & Son. • • , The offer of Jdr. Page to publish all county advertisements that are required by ~.~~~~N,~`~~/ -1a~v to be published, excepting the advertisement for sale of real estate Por taxes' b b the,Sheriff, was taken under consideration in the preparation of the 1931 budget. r / Upon motion of ~ir. Ross, seconded by rar. Hall, the matter of. ordering the publication j ~~~;,~l~y of sale of•~eal eatate for 1930 taxes, was deferred until the next meeting. The Clerk ,•f ~ was instructed to secure a copy of tne recent act concerning the same. '~~ Upon motion of ~~r. Yopp, seconded by ~x. Hall, the reco~unendation of the Recorde ~ ,~~e~o~'U t"o hire out 3en ~.4intz upon payment of the court costs amounting to ~11.30, was . ~ anproved by the Board: r .. /~IQX~; : '~' ~~JOr;d:S ~~~.a~ ; ' Hon:Board of County Co~issioners,. . New Hanover County, ~'Tilminbtori,N. C. ; ~ . Ge,ntlemen:_ _ .. . ::.~ . ~ ~ .~ . / ~~. , r~eeting of IJfay 4th,1931, continued. Upon motion of :u~x~. Ross, seconded by T~ir. Hall, the Board approved the payment oP,~ ~1,081.00 to`the ~Vilmingtori-Star News for publisriing "Service by Publication1° in connection~with ba~k tax suits by Nathan Col.e, subject to check. .Three bills amoLmting to ~31.50 for publishing "Sale of Land for Ta.xes" by Nathan/ Cole Commissioner, v~as appxoved for payment. • Offmc.e Deputy C.R.I~orse vras present and announced the collection of ~617,215.48 account ~ ~of 1930 taxes to April 30th,1931. . . i The Auditors cash report for the montn of F~pri.l was received anc~ ordered filed.•~ ~ The follorying communication was received from the~County AuditoTs 1 "Wilmington,I~T.C., I~Say 2nd,1931t Upon motion of Ii3r. Hall, seconded by I~dr. Trask, the Board instructed that the State Hi~hway Commission be notified that the map posted at the court house door sho~Ting county roads that are to be taken over by the State on July lst,1931, does not ~ include all the county roads and is therefore not correct and should be brought up to date. " The request of the Board of Education that the sum of $~45,000.00 be_placed to the . , ~~ D~ Ld"~'" credit of the school fund -to take care of e:~penditures for the month of May was granted: Upon motion of 12r. Trask, aeconded•by Tur. Yopp, the Estate of G.M.Potter was released ~ from the payment of penalty for not listing property in iqilmington and Harnett townships ,. ~O~~S for the year 1931, account of the death of the o~vner and the heirs believing the same to , have been.listed.~ , .. . ~' fihe usual monthly reports of Supt of ~ounty Roads, Supt., of County Home and farm, ~ ~ i~non~~.?,~ and colored tvelfare wosker for .the month of April were received and ordered filed. r U ~ Relative to.the appripriation of ~1,000.00 recently made to the United States Erosion Board for conducting an i~avestigation of the erosion ~.vhich is iaking place in the vicinity ~ of Fort Fisher; the'question has been raised by Dr.Thorndike Saville that it might be ' .-, possible that the County ~ormnissioners may not have any available road funds after ~ .~,`~ ~~~1~s July 1st,1931, account of County roads to be taken over by the State F~igheray Corranission ,'; ` an that date. It ie the sanse of this Board that any un-expended balance aporopriated . , for this ~vorlc that may be on hand July lst,1931, can be held in reserve to meet further ~ expenses of the Investigating Board accruing after that date. °~; The following communication from the County Auditor:relative to an aet concerning the ~ .• S~eX~~~~ paymerit oi fees to the Sheriff and '~lerk of Superior Court was received and action . j deferred pending receipt of a certified copy of a later act eliminating the Clerk from~ ~~.--- the operation of the act as firsi: passed by the I,egislatures ' • - "Wilmington,N.C., I~iay 4th,1931. _ ~ ~ 1 ~:,~~ Meeting of iv~a.y 4tn;1931 continued. Hon. Board of County Commissioners . New Hanover County, " . Wilmin~ton, I~t. C. Gentlemens_ Referrin~ to an act passed by the 1931 General Assembly in accordance~ •• ~~poy, Qsse~b~ ivith an agreement between your Board and the I.egislators requiring the County ~ -~ Auditor to pay to the 5heriff and Clerk of tlle Court.each month~ one tr~elfth . the annual allowance on fees that are liinited. - . I made up a statement of the Clerks account to April lst as per atl;ached/.~ ~ ~ copy and called on him for a refund of §278.54. 49hen the Clerk undertook to make settlement for April he did not provide for this refund but advised me that anotlier Act passed later elixainating the Cles•k froin these requirementa; I~vas therefore compelled to refuse his settlement. , If the~later.;Act eliminates the Clerk until the end of the year as claimed, ' it is quite likely the county ;~ill lose the .~'p278.54 for the reason that it may be ~ absorbed in making payment of salary to~tne additional clerk recently allowed by. your Board, unless your Iioard makes some arrangement to the contrary; the clerk havin~ Ueen enployed durin~ the latter part of Apxil. ' Rs to the Sheriff I~~~ish to stat'e he ha.s met the requirements of the ney la~tr by leaving ~ith the County Auditor all commissions accruing since the receipt of V certified copy of the Ac~, but prior to that time he had been paid coimnissi.oris'for ~ the collection of 1930 taxes as follows: October ........................ f~5,491.95 ~~-d~~-+-~~-ry.e~ i.~-e~ '. ~, • / November ....................... 889.46 / . ~ December ............ ..... . .. 1,218.71 J January ........................ 3„581.42 ~ , ._. . Tota1 ................~11,181.54 Excess fees refunded,......~6,423.39 _ ~ ~ Applying to 1929 taxes,.... 3,450.90 Applying to 1930 taxes .................. 2,972.49 - ~ Net. Conunissions aid ................... ~, . . p , ~ ~ 8~209.05 J . ~ Amotint yet to be paid ................... 1,790.95 _ Amount allowed by law .................... 10,000.00 , , ~ The amount that v~ould ~hz,ve been paid to ~pril 3Qth, under present law.~ would be 7 months Cal ~833.33 1/3 or $~5,833.33. Yours truly, ~ ~ J.A.Orrell. . . STATEMENT OF SALARY F~E FUND FOR CI,ERK SUPERIOR COURT FOR 9 IdONTHS_ ENDIIdG ~. Iu~ARCH 31, 1931. . Fees Sa2ary Recordera Court Juvenile Judge Tota1 •- July ~540.18 ~175.00"' ~25.00 ~"740.18 August 600.94 175.00 , 775.94 ' September 503.02 175.00 673.02 ~. October 564.25 I75.00 ~ 739.25 Novemner 564.14 175.00 100.00 839.T4 December 581.31 175.00 756:31 January 770.75 175.00 50.00 995.75 February 449.75 175.00 ~ 622.75 IvSareh 885.70 175.00 50.00 ' 1.080.70 O p $7~228.04 Total ~.5,428.04 $1,575."00 ~225 ," ' • DISBURSEIdENTB - , C1erRs .............................. $3,125.00 ` Off ice Supplies & Expense,.......... 49.90 ; .'~ 1 0 ~ Extra Help .........................,. .3.0 3,325.00 - 5 ~3,903.04 _ Allovred 9 months e`3 375.00,.......... 3,375.00 . ' Juvenile Judge ... ........... ...... 225.00 ' . Fees paid Sheri•ff ................... 8.50 . Costs returned ...................... 7.00 3,615.50 To be deducted from April Settlement .....................$~ 278.54 Upon motion of L?r. Yopp, seconded by R2r. Trask, James Hooper was released from ~ ~ ~ ~q~! the payment o£ penalty for failing to list property in Harnett township for the , year 1930 account of being in the hospital and anable to list. The County Auditor having inveatigated the rates and clasifications of Eraployme ~ Compensation Insurance, reported the result of his investigation to the Board; ~~-h~~~~"j~~~ whereupon ~r. Ross moved and it was seconded by Lrir. Fall and carried, that the ~dditional premium of ~364.71 due on policy as of date Ju1y 1st,1930. Upon motion of Mr. Ross, seconded by I~r. Hall, ~r.Roger ldoore was allowed ta•pay ,/ ~~e1rt''2.,5 the 1930 tax on part of lot bought from Theodore Schutt in block ~488 listed in•• ~~ the namef of Pair.Schutt for 1930, on assessed valization to,be fixed by the Asse~sors. • ;:,; . . .' . ~,~.. ' , , . Meeting of llta.y 4th,1931 eontinued. ' , , .. - Upon motion of ii~r. Ross, seconded by NIr. Yopp, ;~Sr.J.P.Nevrton vra.s released from ' ~~4X~ Payment of penalty for failing to list property in rederal Point tovanship . S _. for year 193Q, account of havin~ listed all his,other property and_thought this , was included. • ~ ,j ~~ " ' ~ 1` ` ~ t~ction or~ the clai~ of Grant Garland for ~95/00 damages to his automobile by ti ~ h t S , ~ `~C ' mee ng. e nex eveuth and Hedcrose streets, was deferred to t countys truck at f~~ ~ .~.~~ Upon motion of i~t. Yopp, seconded by I~dr. Trask, the following resolution was .- ~ ~ adopted:. ~ . WF~REAS, tnis Board recognizes the Boy Scouts of America as an organization -., tuhose activities are highly beneficial in mou3ding the character of youth and ~ in trai:ning boys for constructive citizenship; and, . WHEREAS, the Cape €ear area council of the Boy Scouts h~.s made a record of ~ efficiency wh~ch ranks it high in the nation's scouting organization; ~. •, IJow, there£ore, this Board expresses its aprroval of the activities o~ the ~., ~~ 'Cape Fear eraa council and heartily endorses the campaign of the YJilmington Post•~ „ , No.10, American Legion, to raise funds to continue,.these activities with out curtailment. . _ Upon motibn of 15r. Ross, seconded by P.4r. Hall, the order passed by the ~oard at ; - . meeting of April 9th,1931, reducing.the allowance to the Sheriff for feeding jail prisoners from 75~ per day per prisoner, to 60~ per day for period from ~/ ~': ~~~~~ _.Apr-il lst,1931, to October lst~1931; is hereby amended by cllanging the time .~ for 'the 66~ allowance to become effective, to read, " for period from April , ,, lOth,1931 to October lst,1931. . '~ Upon motion of ~r. TrasY, seconded by P~r. Yopp, the Board authoriaed the purchase ~,. C'~qp.~}~~vs of 2000 cans and one pair of tongs for account •of the United Charities Canning. " / •• _ Upon motion of tSr. Trask, seconded by ?~+Ir. Yopp, Robert PdcNeil having been i ,; ,/to ~ ~ examined by the Assn•stant County Health Officer, and investigated •by -the assistant NN ~~ .~~~ ~ Cpunty ~~Velfare 4Yorker, was adrriitted to the County Home as an inmate. ~ ~~ . The Board acting upon an order of the United States District Court for the Eastern , Judge Isaac 1~.4. rseekins presiding, directed the Supt., L•" District of l~orth Carolina ~~ ~ ~ , of the ~ounty.Stockade to turn all the Senatorial Ballot B.oxes used in the last ~'~ ~ ~ Senatorial election, over to the United States I~a.rshall, upon approval of the . • Cout~ty Board of ~lections•. - ~ „~~ • Upon motion of P~~r. Ross, seconded by 1:~Ir. Yopp, the Chaixman was narned a committee ' • ~ from the Board tivith power to act, to meet with the City Comrnissioners for the '~~~,~ purpose of employing an engineer to map the road around Greenfield Lake, kno~rn as Community Driv.e, and also the'land lying between the lake and the road, with the ' , v~e~v of acquiring the property to be used in beautifying the same. ;~ " Upon motion, duly seconded, the assessment of ~'p8,500.00 on house of I~ir.iV.H.McEachern G ~,..-~~jX~e, in block ~142, vras reduced to ~p6;500.00 and an abatement of taxes on a valuation of $~2,000.00 for the year 1930 ~nas ordered. R • ~ ' The Board then took-a recess eubject to the cail of the Chairman. , : ' . . . ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ /7~ 7 C J ( yy . , ~ '~ _ J %/ Clerk. ' 2 93 ~~ . th,1 1. Wilmington, N. C., I~ay 1 •~• The regular,weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 3:00 o'clock P'.T~. Present:, Addison Hewlett Chairman, ia.E.Yopp, Geo.~V.Trask, and F.Iv1.Ross. A communication fror~ the Governor requesting advice as to the.neede of this county ~, `a ~~pJ2~naY~ for special terms of court during the fall texm 1931, was referred to L.J.Poisson,Esq., President of.the Local Bar kssociation. , ~.(~ •The following recommendations to safeguard the beautification program of Community 0.~ ~~ Drive ~^~as presented by City Co~nmissioner Jas.E.L.ti9ade and adopted by the Boards "I reco;mnend that the Board of City Commissioners, jointly with the Board of County Commiesionexs, call a meeting of all property owners owning land abutting _- /~~~ ~ ~~ on Community Drive, for the purpose of discussing wrays and means o£ preserving the 1- -- ~ ~ natural bsauty of this property by limiting, or restricting, the class, type and= ~ use of such buildings as May be exected thereon. • •~: ~ I further recommend that consideration be given to the forming of a Holdi:ng ~ ~ Company, or other centratl. agency, that will agree upon and enforce the above • mentioned restrictions so as to safeguard the future development of this beauty •, ." . spot into a residential section that ahall be free of any objectionable buildin~s, , . businesses or resort developments. • • • Respectfully, J.E.L.Wade, ' _ ,~~y i ~ Co~'un.,Pub.,Works. that the Chairman appoint a cor~mitte.e. to confer P,Rr. Ross moved and (it was seconded , /~`a~r~j , with the City Commissioners in maintaining a restricted erea along Commuriity Drive. ' Upon motion of ~r.• Trask, eeconded by I~'Ir. Yopp, the Board approved the recorronenelation~,~ ~P~o2~elZ of the Recorder to hire out Pdildred R'ilson for the balance of her term on the County ~ •- Farm, upon payment of the Court Coste amounting to ~7.60. • M It~eeting of P,qay 12th,1931 cont nued. IIpon motion of Lir. Ross, seconded by ~ir. TraeJs, the Chairman was authorized to " ~~~~~ sign an agreement consenting to the placing of equipment on County's property ~- on route '~40, by the Standard Oil Company ~or etorage and handling of petroleum. products by the State Highway Co;nmisaion. ,,~' ~ t ~ Upon motion of ~dr. Trask. seconded by 2~r. Ross, the matter of ordering tke sale of ~~~tfi~ ~U1'E real estate by the Sheriff for 1930 taxes v~as postponed until next meeting. Upon motion; duly seconded, the County Auditor was authorized to purchase one ~~b~.,d,. Ne~r Hanover County 5/ school. bond #104 due July let,1938, on a 4.40f basis Yor the ` sinicing fund account. , r Upon motion of T.4r. Yopp, seconded by Ii4r. Ross, the Board voted to include this ~ county in the counties that will administer hRothers' 1~id during the year 1931-32 ,' ~J6e~SJeS, and the Chairman v~as authorized to sign an agreement with the State Board of Charities and ~ublic laelfare to this effec.t. Upon motion of P~r. lrask, seconded by ;~r. Ross, the 3oard agreed to~ accept the offer presented by Zdoore-Fonvielle Realty Company,for their client, to purchase ~ `~~~ ~y~~ lots No.l and No.2 in block No.2 Hanover Gardens, now held by Ildr.T.E.Murrell, for the balance due of $1,895.00 payable ~25.00 pex month with interest at 6f from .. May 12th,1931; PROVIDED that al1 payments arel,to::~be;paid direct to the Office of the County Auditor. ~ - . ~~~;, ~ ~•`}~~ &. ~,,. ~;'~~ ?~;i ., ~~ _.~ :; ~, .~,,+;~~. -.+,~,r.~f ~~ a. -r v'! ~, ~ ~. , : 5ii ~y. "~ ~~' .'t j;: .~ f.`;rt ~` "~ ;: . . '~ it_ ~ ' ~i ~~~:., ,: - , ,~ ~ l~` ~ ~..w i{ `,,.:~:~~ ~~ , ,., ~ ' S"'". R'. ;..~,, a. , ,~ y ,e ,o ~ ; ~S Upon motion of Lir. Ross, seconded by T~[r. Trask, I~dra. Hattie Parker was released from ~~oxQs the payment of penalty for not listing property in 8ape Fear township for the year Y 1930 account of being a non-resident. A statement of disburse;nents of the Board of Education for the month of April ;easf \ t~.'~,o~ ~~u~^ received subject `to check by the Co!ranittee. Upon motion of 2~r. Ross, seconded by T~r. Hall, the claim of Grant Garland for damage ~ ye~,~e\P~ to his automobile by county's truck, estimated at ~90.00 to repair~ vrae referred to • the Chairman for inveati~ation as to cost of renaira and to pay one half of the cost of the same. The 0hairman annouriced that the contractors ha~e completed construction of Ca.rolina Beach Avenue at Carolina Beach with the exception of scraping and smoothing the ~~haas road, whick cannot be done until after sufficient rain to properly settle the same, .~/ , therefore upon motion of i~r. Trask, seconded by E~ir. Yopp, the ~oard ordered the sum of ~200.00 held back by the county until final completion of the said road, and the balance due on contract be paid over to I~~essrs. Connelly and S'7atson the contractors. ~, Upon motion of ~r. Yopp, second~d by Nr. Trask, County bi11s,.Nos.1908 to 1996 ~ ~ ~r~{S general fund~account and Nos. 773 to 800 road account were approved for payment. Upon motion of i1s. Ross, seconded by I~dr. Trask, the resolution adopted at meeting of \"~`~~,~S,~~a April 7th,1931, authorizing the Clerk of Superior Court to employ extra help and:,de81- ~ Upon motion, duly seconded, PSr. R.L.Bro~vn was released from the payrnent of penalty --~ ~x°`- for not listing Lot 9 in block ~48 Carolina Beach for the year 1930. gnating the funda out o£ vrhich said extra help shall be paid~ ie hereby amendcd by , adding the followingt That the salary not exceeding ~125.00 per month to be paid ~ for such extra help employed by the Clerk of Superior Court, shall be appropriated and paid out of the fees accruing in his of#'ice from and~after April 7t~,1931, and not from any fees accruing prior to that date, and any excees existing on ApTi7. 7th, 1931, in the feas of the Clerk of Superior Court are to be paid into the general fund on June 30th,1931 in accordAnce with the lav~. The me ting then adjourned. ~~~~ ~ 9~-~~_ ~ 0 Clerk. Wilmington,N.C., R2ay 18th,1931. The re~ular weekly meeting of the Board,avas held at 3s00 o'clock P.M. Presents Addison xe~vlett Chairman, W.E.Yopp, Ge~.W.~Tsa§k; F.I~d.Ross and Jas.Pd.Ha.ll. ` , ~:; ' The request of I,~r. C.W.Hollo~bush that the Commiseioners grant thr_ Southeaeter.r. Ft~.r.m~ I ~ `~O t b ] i th C t ~ ',~i ~ ~^ ~ + o er : Fare n e oun y c and Poultry utual xchange privilege to hold an a.gricultura '~~ .i F-G~~~~ l~th, to 25th, and approve an amusement feature in connection with'said exhibition,'~~ • void of any gatnbiing feature, was upo~ motion oi ZI[r. Hall, seconded by h;Ir. Yopp~ ~, , granted, all members voting affirmatively except I~ir. Trask, who requested to be : j~` recorded as not voting. , 'i' .. ~ ' ,: ' ~~. The request of interested property owners, owning property abutting on Ha.mlet Avenue , and Cape I'ear Streets, Carolina Beach, as presented by I~r. S.E.Loftin, urging the -'i; ~~ = Commissioners to hard surface said streets from the intersection of State Hi~hway ~40, , ~ ;? oG ! ? with Hamlet Avenue, thence east on Hamlet Avenue to.and across Cape t ear street, yP.' ~ thenCe north on Cape 1''ear Avenue or street about 280 feet to C.H.Batson Estate line, s under specificatione simila.c to thoae used in conatructing Carolina Beach Avenue. „ L~Lr.Ross moved and it was seconded by ~r. Hall, that the Cha.irman appoint a committee • ~ ;•, of two members from the ~oard to see that the petition is presented in aceordance ~vith the law and to proceed with the construction of the said road if the procedure meets , with the approeal of the County Attorney. ~ . • ~ ~ Upon motion 1~~ir. J.F.Triup was •'~~ , granted an abatement of taxes on a valuation of ~ ,, -~~'°°=• ~1,000.00 mortga~ge on property vrhich was also liated by him.. ,:, ; Upon motion, duly eec,onded, 33r.Geo.`A.Trask, was granted an abatement of taxes for the 'jar4~ ~ Year 1931, on a valuation of ~600.00 on house removed from the Bellois tract of land~ ~~ , Cape Fear Toamship, purchased £rom L.B.Rogers ~arch 2bth,1931. ~~;,; • R i ~i5: . .~ ~~r~ ~'~~'`~ - . ~~~ ,;, . ,. ,y~ . ~'~ 'T~ I . , .. ~ ~~_; tc; - . , I,~eeting of ~Say 18,1931 continued. tY~:'~~` , '1~,+'` ~ ~ ' The resolution adopted at meeting of T~ay 32th,1931, amending the resoluti6n~' ~ ~'`' ~ ~ ~ Clerk,of adopted at meeting of April 7, relative to the authority given the ~~`" `' ~~^~10` Court to employ extra help and dessgnating the fund out of which said help is ~µ~ ` to be paid,• was upon motion of N,r.Ross, seconded by PHr. Hall, rescinded, and ~ '~~ in lieu thereof the following resolution was upon motion of I~dr. Ross, seconded ~ , :k~~.~ may by T~+ir. Hall, unaniniously adopted: That.the salary of the extra clerk s;e_ . . be paid out of any accumulated excess fees or profits accruing duxing the current Yiscal : , 4_ ' - _ year, to and including June 30th,1931: - • Relative to the expense incurred from time to time in taking Dr.~J.C.Peterson • to the state Hospital, rdr. Ross moved-that the Board approve the gayment of ' ~31.31 expense incurred on April 27th,.for taking Dr.Peterson to the State :';~`~ '~'~ Hospital amY'that the Clerk be instructed to r~otify his father that the - r<<!a.. ~ SP .• County will not bear any further expense whatsoever that may be incurred in ~'`~ ~ ~ connection ~°,ith sending Dr.Pe'teraon to the State 1~oepital in the future,. His ~~~"'' moticn rras seconded by T~r. Tr~ask, and a vote was taken; Jv~r. Ross and ~ir.Trask iY;Y. +' voting affirmatively and ~r. Hall and ~ir. Yopp_vot~ing No. A tie was declaxed,_ ;~ r;~'".'~ and the Chairman voted Aye and it v~as carried. ~~. x Fb `. ~ . , d ordered that the Upon motion of I~r. rrask, seconded by I:4r. Yopp, the Boa '~ ~ ~y,~ _ ~ uncollected taxes on real estate for the year 1930 be advertised in the The~ ~ r~ Union Labor Record for four consecutive weeks beginning v~ith the first ti~eek ~~•,~ ~ ` - in June, to be sold on the Pirst LSonday in July. ~•,.~ ' ~ ~ of the Home Demonstration Agent and Associated'Charities for the, •The report ~:, .!~'~o~:s~ i , month of April was received and ordered filed. ~ y. ~ -- Upon motion of I~dr. Ross, seconded by f~r. Hall, the•Board~authorized repairs to _ , ~ ~t :,~.' ~~~~ ~ the Old Beasley bridge in Naeonboro to~*rnship. j ~ +~j ~~,, The Board, ~ipon motion of %~r. Trask, seconded by TGr. YopA, apProved the purchase 's • ~ ~ ~ :.. . . . of necessary clothin~ required for Josep Smith and James~oyal colored juveniles,~ ~ ~ ,1 ., /,~t,~~~vx`eS corrmitted to Tuiorrison Training School aE Hoffman, N. C. ~ ,-~ ~ Upon motion, the Cha.irman was authorized and directed to have the safety valve ,- . ti /5~~~?p~, on the boiler at• the Stoclcade removed and put in good ~vorking condition. ' :,.. ~. Upon motion of T~~r.. Ross, seconded by LRr. Hall,~ the Board granted authority to ' ' hire out James Burris serving sentence for violating the,prohibition law,upon . ~ K pa,yment of the court costs provided a commiuzication is. received from the' ~f ~~U a~~ . Recorder recommending the hire, and provided further that the authority for the „' ,~ ~o~issioners to hire out is,provided for tn the judgment of the Court~ ~ ~ ~ f U~on motio of Ivir. Yopp, seconded by l~r. Trask, county bills Nos. 1997 to 2068 ~`!~illS `' general fund account and N0s.801 to 859 road ar,count were approved for payment. The Chairaian presented the necessity of transferring three trucks from the•road j , account to the County Farm aCcount to be used in ~ransporLin~ prisoners and other ~~1 t ~/ue~~C~es necessary operations in cohnection rvith the County Farm; whereupon ivtr. Ross, _ • moved and it vras seconded by I~rir. Trask; and carried, that the recorrmiendation ,'• -= of the Chairman be adopted arid the transfer of the saod trucks be made. , . ~;~.,. ~~:; ~ The meeting then adjourned. ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ' J ~ri''v, '~C.SZ,'e~li~ , . C1erk. ~',* .j t Wilming~on, N. C., Tday 25th,1931. , '~ .~ "'~a~{~ ~ ' The regulzr weekly meeting of the Board v~ras held at 3:00 0' cloclc P.Pth. • ~ ~ :~ '~iF , . LL ,f ~ ~ t Present: Addison Hewlett, C'riairr~an, `~.E.Yopp, Geo.Yl.Tra,ek a~}d F.1S.Ross. r . ~ y,~ ;< 4~ ~ ~ , ` , Upon motion, duly seconded, the Board authorized the repairs of the typevmiter , ~ : j~~~~~ used by the udelfare Officer at a cost of ~7.50. , s ~ ' , ~,~AYeS ,. ; ~qXes ~ i -~ n / .~Q.XF,S. . , 'r ~ . ,. ~ /~k~~ + ~~ ~po~~ • • ~~u,veYi~f~ i .3'~;.. : , . ~ e uu,~4~ 4~0~ ~" ~ T Ke~ p . a ~qilliam Nooten of Harnett Township was released from the penalty ~:8r ~ailing.~toi2ist property for the year 19'30, account of being out of the County at li~ting time~ Upon motion of Idr. Trask, seconded by iuir. Yopp, an item of $10,.30 tax charged /agai.nst 117 ~,cres of land "Old Fair Grounds" Cape Fear 'Pov~nship for the year 1883, norr owned by Idet~ Hanover County, ~vas or.dered cancelled on the Dack Tax Records. Upon motion, duly seconded, Irving I3. I~dci~oy rva.s released from the payment of penalty for notjlisting lot ~~7 in block #12 Carolina Beach for tne year 1930, accoLint of ` -being a ~non-resident. ~')pon motion of h,r. ^lrask, seconded by ~!r. Yopp, rSr.A.~'.Sii~u~ons ~aas granted a refund of poll ta.~es paid for the years 1929 and 1930 account of being a non-resident.of ~" this county, havin~ resided in Edgecombe County since 1928 and paid poll taxes there. Upon motion of i~1fr. Ross, seconded by b:ir. Trask, tne ]3oard autnorized the purchase of tv~o tank cars o£ tarmae for treating Community Drive. , U~on motion of,~,rr. Yopp, seconded by Lfr. Trask, the Board authorized the expense ~ for transportai;ion of Joseph Smith colored ,juvenile to i~.~orrison Training School. John C. Bovrden.having been investigated by the acting welfare oLficer, and examined,, by the Assistant County Health Officer, cra.s admitted to the County Nome as an in~~ate pending further investigations. A claim of PGr. L..B. Tillery, as Guardian of Isaac G. Tillery, presented by Jo1ui D. Bellamy & Sons, for a refund of all taxes paid by tne said Guardian, covering a period of years on real esta~e purchaNed by the Guardian o~.xt of ' compensation money paid to Isaac G. Tillery incompetent from service overseac, was ref,err~d to the County Attorney for opinion. I ',; ---"~nsv~ant~ Upon motion of ?~ur. Ross, seconded by ~dr. Yopp, the Board aproroved the reduci;ion of y • _ insurance on the ferryboat luTenz.nic to ~10,000.00. ~'~- ~ \ , I~feetin~ of Ida.y 25th,J.931, continued. , ` Upon motion of i~~r. Trask, seconded by ivTr. Yopp, the Hoard accepted the bid of , ~,Uu~t~SPi / ~+~r. E.G.King to recover the awnings on the Anne~ at a cost of ~13.00 each for ei ht foot box awni a d ~7 50 h f i ~.i ~ g n~s n . eac or f ve foot regular a~vnings. ~ . Upon motion of f~r. Traek, seconded by IJfr. Yopp, County bills Plos. 2069 to 2155~f , • '\\1h general fund account and Nos. 860 to 885 road account were approved for payment j ~j by the BDard. . . . Upon motion of T~4r. Ross, seconded by P~ir. Yopp, the Chaixvnan rras authorized to have a blue print raade, as requested by '~. Helbig showing the location of Hoc¢nunity ~ , ~~ Drive vrhere it crosses the lands of Atx's. Carrie H. Helbig on Greenfield L~,ke, for the l7j ~e~ ' purpose of securing an easement and ri~ht of ~ray of the ~~idth of fiity feet for the . /~~ driveway, and the'land tvhich lies between the road and the lake. ' The meeting then adjourned. ~ ~T?~ ~l~ - - . Clerk. , Wilmington, rr. C., June lst,1931. ' The regular monthly raeeting of the Board t~as held at 3:00 o clock P.IS., `. _ „a ` Presents Addison Hevrlett Chairman, '-~`.E.Yopp, Geo. M. Trask,F.2~4.Ross and Jas.PS.Ha1L ,• ~: ~ . , e5 The rilinutes of the Board of ineetings of Tday 4th, 12th, 18th, and 25th, were read and ~ ,j~~h~rt / approved as recorded. Upon motion of Tur. Hall, seconded by ~r. Traslt, the employment of an extra guard ati `. ~~ " ~y the quarry to aid in speeding up the road work, rvas authorized. ~ ' ~ _. ~ A delegation_of ladies,appeared beforetne Board ur~ing the apointment of a Home ~pa`'' Demonstration Agent to take the place of I~diss Anne B. Horne, resigned~ The ladie's suggested tne name of Miss Garri n of Duplin County and spoke of the valuable ~ `~ , ~~o'~ assistance rendered the com~mznit~a Home Demonstration Agent. ~~' :S ~ The usual monthly reporta of Supt., of Roads, Supt., of County fiome:.and Farm, , ~ ~~~~'~" , Associated Charities, ~olored r~eliare ~zJorker and Ladies Rest Room v~ere received and _, ~ ~ ~U ~ ordered filed. ~ ~~ Q} The following resolution ~a.s o~fered by I~Jir. Yopp, and being seconded, by rSr. Ross,. ~ l t i d d ~~~p was un n mous y a e oA : , . WI~REAS: On:n'!ay 18th, a request of interested property owners ovaning property• _, ... abu~tin~ on iIamlet avenue and Cape Fear Street at Carolina Beach, ~vas presented by ~ ~ ' . I~!Ir._ S.~.Lof•tin,urging the Commissioners to hard surface said streets from the inter- i. ~ section of State Hi~;hway No. 40 with Hamlet P.venue, thence east on Hamlet Avenue to "~ and across Cape Fear Street, thenc.e north on Cape Fear Avenue about 280 feet to ~ C.H.Batson ~state line, und J apecifications similar to those used in construc~ing . Carolina Beaeh Avenue, and , , WFiEREAS: The Co~issioners authorized tlie Chaix~nan to appoint a committee of t~vo . membere of the Board to see that a petition be prepared in accordance vrith the law and~. to proceed with the construction of the said road iffi the proceedure met lvitil the '`"' approval of the County attorney, and ` ~ WF~i~ASS Said petition has been prepared and signed by the owners of approximately ~. ei~hty-seven and one half (87~~) per cent of the property abutting on the said avenue v ~_ and street aforesaid, and , 6Y~:4EAS: The said committee did investigate the request as contained in said ,~ •' ' petition and reported this day recommending that the work be dorie, Now Therefore, ~.. B~ IT RESOZVEDS First. That the izard surfacing of Hamlet Avenue and Cape ~ear Stre~t ,. vlithin the limits above referred to be done and that the cost of same be apportioned and charged against the f811owin~ property abutting on said Avenue and Street, towits • . , Lots Nos. 21 to ?7 inclusive and Lots TTos. 10 to 16 inclusive, Kure Div~ision at ' Carolin~. Beach. a«.~Gz'"~ Second. That the County~be and he is hereby authorized and directed to prepare a ' book of record and to charge the ovrners of each lot in accordance tivith the above li~t, ~ i• ~ the amount of the coat to be apportioned a~ainst said lots, dividing the amounts~ ae ~ near as may be, into ten equal installments and to accept paynpent in full without i~nterest ~ ~ until December 31st,1931., and where ayments are made in-part all assessments are to bear interest at the x~a.te of six (6f~ per cent per annum beginning January lst,1932. ~:. - - . Third. That the l~ook in ~~~hich the above assessments are charged~shall be knovrn ~ • as"Record of Street Assess~ents" and shaZl be turned over to the C1erk of the Board and kept by him as reqtzired by law. .~ . ' IIpon motion of T~[r: Yobp, seconded by I~r. Hall, the Chairman, iSr. Ross 2.nd tne County t• ~ua, Attorney «ere named to ne~otiate with the State relative to camp sites or camp equipment ~' ~ ! that the County may desire the State to consider under the raod Act of 1931. ,~ , ~~~,/ Upon motion of ~r. Yopp, seconded by I!ir. Hall, the Board approved' the recorrvnendation, n~~~~,~'" ~ of the Recorder and voted to hixe out J.B.Stanley without cost. . Upon motion of P~ir. Traslc, seconded by ~tr. Yopp, a reque3t of the Board of ~duca~ion that ~~ ~ the sum of ~44,819.43 be placed to tne credit of the school fund tortake~care of ; ~ ~ expenditures for tne month of June, was granted. The Board approved the payment of ;~~;#~ / j~ teachers salaries on June 2nd,1931. • , Upon r,iotion of ~. Yopp, ,~econded by ?~ir. Hall, the Board apprQSed the er~ploym nt of a ~ ~ Q /(~ ~ driver for one oS the county's trucks to aid in speedin~ up the road ~vork. ~ ,~ ~ , . . .; . •;.' .. , , • • ~• _. 1~~ I~eeting of June lst,1931, continued. IIpon motion, duly seconded, the request of the Hssociated Charities for payment ~~#~ /1~~p.~`~ ~ ~ t~ for extra work taken over from the 4'~elfare Office durin~ the time pending the . va lined de h i 7 Gl h~ 1 ,~ / . aug on, as c , c r. appointmeni; of ~~lr. J.R.Hollis to succeed Upon motion, dul;~ seconded, the Board~approved.the payment of ~250.00 e~ch to idessrs. ~'Vilder and ~dz~ards account of assessing property for the month of ~iay ~ ~ and for the use of automobile. , ~ mhe following good and lawful~ men were dravrn to serve as jurors in the Superior ~w~'~ Court for the trial of Criminal Cases for ~veek beginning June.8th,193I: , G.C.Inox: C.S.Johnson. C.S.Grain~er,Jr.,T.L.Speiderl. T.D.He~vett. L.~.lNoodbury. • Jno.E.hewett. Rufus LeGrand. G.F.Sellers. H.A.Newkirk. ~.S.Benson. '~l.H.Canady. s'J.ti`1.1~ilson. F.VJ.Westerman. D.H.Noble. R.C.I~cCa11. ~~1.Z.Eubank. i~l.J.Craig:. . ~ P.H.Fuller. C.Ritter. i~u.H.Croom. J.I~fi.Johnson. A.R.~iurray. Id.Teachey. ~ Geo.~C.King. CYu~s.Summerlin,Jr. 0.'N.Tu~elton. ,t1.G.Peterson.u.W.iVhite. J.'N.Haddock. .. E.C.Garrison: H.V.Norris. T.IJ.Talbort. Z.F.Bagwrell. J.H.Hinton. Louis Shrier. ,~ Upon motion of T~~r. Yopp, seconded Uy Y:Ir.. Ha11, the Board authori.zed the purchase of two v , ~ i , e j~,~~«U shirts eacri for the rural police. g` Upon motion of P,.r. Trask, seconded by Idr. Hali, the Chairman vr~as authorizefl and directed ,~ to have a list-of names of persons r~ho have paid taxes assessed a~ainst them for the , ~ '~ye,S yea,r 1930, selected from the 1930 tax books as the Jury list and ordered.listed as ~ J""' . reauired b,y section 2312 of the consolidated statutes. _ .fiv~o depository bonas in the penalty of $~40,000.00 and ~10,000.00 .respectively,-with ; ~~~~ the hTati,,onal Suret;~ Company, ~s"surety, covering county funds on deposii; vrith the a d b t y nd accep e nk, were presented as approved by the Cour~ty Attorney; ?Sorris Pl~.n „ ." ~ ~ the Board. , ~ ` . The meeting then•adjourned. "L~` . ? ~..~ _ _._.:_ ~ ' o~ ~ ; ~;~ _ ~lerk. 'v~ilmington, 1J. C., June Stn,1931. '~~.~ The regular rreekl"y. meeting of the Board ~vas held at 3:00 0' clock P.I;T. ~, ~ Prssent': ~ddison He*,~lett Chairraan, W.S.Yopp, Geo. 'N. Traek, b'.k2.Roes and Jas.id.Ha.ll. ~ , .. • ;~ ~t ~ Upon motioi of Iuir. Yopp, seconded by PSr. Hall, Ir~rs. Ida T. Bryant ivas released from for the year townshi ~Nil t i ~t i ' ~'~ ~.~ ~ ~ ~ p m n~ on~ n for not listing propex y of Penalty the ~~ ,, ",` . •''~~ ' 1930, account of being of the opiriion that the '.ame ~v'as ch~roed to 1~r.J.Id.Bryant and ~ had been listed. ` • ., N" ~ ~ ~ ~ ' Vaden and P7i11i~a1n Upon motion of 3ur. Yonp, secodded by h:r. Hall, Clarence Jerdone \ .. Henry Prease, both havin~ been investigated by the ll.cting ~`Jelfare Officer and ~~ U`~ """e3camined by the Aseistant County Health Of';Eices~ rvere admitted to the Count,y Aome as "a inmates at sucYr time as room may become available at the County Home to receive them. • ,. . Q~~ , Upon motion, of ~~~r. Yopp, seconded•by i:r. Trask, J.E.Riddick vras released from the ; ~ ~ payment'of penalty for not listing property in Federal Point township for the year ~ ~`` /~ ~X' ~ 1930, account of being a non-resident. ,~ . ;i . ~: ~- i •' '~ Upon motion of LZr. Traslc, /~k~, of la.nd owned by IJi.L.Arya equali.za:ng the assessment p ~'~ ~~ Upon ~no~tion of ;~4r. Trask, i~^~'-, • of the Recorder and voted seconded by I~4r. Yopp, the assessment of ~350.00,on 6.73 acres a• in i~a~onboro township~ wae xeuuced to ~"200.00 account of with ~.djoining property. , seconded bJ l~ir. Yopp, the Board approved the recoirnnendation to hire out PJ.V.Hudson upon payment of ~8.80 court cost. ``' The follovain~ cou~munication ~,vas re,ceived irom the County Auditors l ~~13 Hon. Board of Cour~ty Commissioners, i9ilmington,I1.C., June 2nd,1931. - ,.~9+~~ ~ Nevr Ha,nover County, ~ ~ 'LVilmington, 11. C. ~ . ~ , ' Gentlemens- For your iniq,~m3tion I give you b elo~v the amount on deposit in each Uank ~~j* ' as of Tlay 31st,1931, together with a memoran dum of surety bonds held by us in each ~ . ' ' , case. ~ ` Ba.nk Deposit Bond Expirea _ -,.,~; 1~1:C.Banlc & Trust Co., ~139,957.05 ~p100.000 Nov.5,1931 U..S.F.& G. Co. ~ y 75,000 Af.C.State Bonds. 299.64 'J~ilmington Sav 8c Trust Co 138, 100~000 June 1,1932 U.S.F.&.G.Co.,. • • " ' . ` 50,000 Liberty Bonds. ~~ Peoples Savinge Bank 74,847.90 50,000 June 1.,1932 U.S.r.& G.Co., '°' ' 25,000 U.5.Treasury Certificates. N.C.Industrial Bank 10,000.00 10,000 Nov 3,1931 Hartford Ac & ind Co. Iuorris Plan Aank 35,000.00 40,000 I~Tay 5,1932 Nat'1 Surety Co.,; 10,000 Pday 15,1932 " " " ~ .' •~~• ~348~104.59 ., • Checks 8ut ............... 8,291.09 '" ' Our Balance ..............:. 389,813.50 ~ . Please note that the next bond expires on November 3,1931. :.%"•.~.' ' Yours tr~}y, ' , - J.K.Orre , I ~~~ • -, ~ S~~P.t~r- ~ S~1 Q,~'~~ ~ (k v,~t~E?2. ~ P~~!71 4-CNC' ~3 Soc~vc.~ Tdeeting of June 8th,1931~ continued. John A, Stevens, Esquire, appearin~ for Iv~r. Geo.C.Jackson collector for the 1930 Y taxes, aslced the Board to a llor7 him the monthly payments of ~83~.33~ for the . , collection of the 1930 taxes for period from January lst,1931 to September 30th,1931~ as provided for in 5enate Bill bTo.224 ratified i~Sarch 2nd,1931, makin$ the amount due him at this time ~585.24 f or I~!tay and ~833.33 For eacn of the months of June; July, August and Septembe~ 1931, The County Attorney gave as liis opinion that the contentions of Iur. Jackson i~as correct. Therefore, upon motion of 2ir. Hall, seconded by I~~Tr. ,Yopp, ;," - tlle Board voted to allow Ivie.Geo.C.Jackson, Sheriff for the collection of the 1930 °". taxes from 7anuary lst,1931 to September 30th,1931, the swn of $833:_33 per month as is ~ provided for in said Senate Bi11 No.224p, r~.tified A2arch 2nd,1931., of which said amount there is due the Sheriff at this time, ~p585.24 f or the ;dionth of I~a.y and the payments . of ~833.33 per month for June, Ju1y,August and Septemb~r reepectively as they become due. Upon Ynotion of P~r. Ross, seconded by I~r. Traslc, the follorring recommendat~on of the ~~ County Auditor was adopted, to-wits That tne County Auditor be authorized to checlc - the Sheriffs settlemen~ by the sales book ~ihich he is required to furnish to the Registe.r of Deeds, and not require the Shersff to make up a similar book to be kept in the Auditors Office. • • ~ Upon motion of ;Sr. 8oss, seconded 3~y 1,Tr. Ha11, the County Audmtor Svas authorized to /~ purchase one model 50, carriage D typ°writer at a cost of $160.00 less 10°~, malcing~ a net price of ~144.00, for the tax ~vork. A statement of disburser~ents of the Board of Education for the month of T~ra,y was<r received subject to check. • , ~~, , . Upon motion of I~r. Yopp, seconded by P,7r. Hall, the Board acting upon the r~ommendation of the State Board of Charities and Public rJelfare, granted an allowance o~i5.00 per month to Tirs. Pearl Orrell Burnett from the I~others' Aud Fund as of date'" of April ~ lst,1931, to be paid jointly.by the county of Pdew Ha,nover and State Department of Charities and Public ~~Velfare. - • 1 Upon motion of i~ir, Rosa, seconded by P~t. Yopp, the Board authorized a warrant drawn '~! ~~Cb,~, ~tic~r,t1Q, for ~1,000.00 in favor of the State Depa,rtment of Conservation and Development to meet r expenses of the Erosion Board investigatirig the Beach Erosion at Fort Fisher as',+~' authorized at meeting of April 27th,1931. • \ 13~1I5 ~ ~ ~1aK~~`~-" Upon motion of I~r. '~opp, seconded by F:Tr. Trask, County bills Tdos, 2156 to 2249 ,~eneral fund a.ccount and Tdos. 886 to 923 road account ~vere approved by the Board.~ The £.o1lov~ring.commuriication was'recei4ed from the County Auditor: ~ Wilmington,N.C., June 4th,1931. Honorable Board oi Conmis.sioners, New Hanover County,:~e:'..~ Wilmington, N. C. ' Gentlemen:- In my letter of Idovember 15th,1930 I called your attention to the~necessity ' of legislation to straighten a tangle in the fee syste~n law in order to prevent ,~ the county from losing several thousand dollars in ~ax cotmnissions; as a result a conference ~vas called by your board with $heriff Jackaon, Sheriff P~orris, and our Senator and xepresentative all of whom agreed on a bill and if my memory serves me right both Sheriff Jackson and Sheriff Idox~ris signed their names to the bi1-1 approving its proaisions. Thie bill known as S.B. lJo. 224 ratified March 2nd, 1931, provides in section 3 "~hat nothing in this Act shall be cons~rued to authorize the paycnent of more than ten v thous~nd dollars in addition to the cost of newspaper adver~ising of land sales, for the collection of taxes for any one year". ' On June lst, Sheriff Jackaon called for a payment of ~585.2? for account of ` salary ( or corrnnission ) for the ffionth of ]14ay. Upon receipt of hia request I raade up a statement of hia account based on my interpretation of i:he law. t~ copy of this statement is hereto attached and shows a balance of ~1,791.67 ~ due the Sheriff for account of conm'iissions on taxes for the year 1930 rrhich he is now collecting. If the Sheriff is to remain in office until September 30th, no payments woul.d be due him until July. " 4' . t. , : <, ,. If the Sheriff were to make "a fu11 and complete settlement on the firet Monday ~ in July" as required by Section 6~ Chapter 2i3 Fublic Lativs 1927 or even by ,Tuly 14th, ~_ 1931 he could be paid in full for all time served Qrithout exceeding the ~10,000.00 limit. ' I understand from the Sheriff that it is his intention to continue until September ' ' 30th~ To pay him on the basis he claims until that time would cost the county ~12,126.91V or ~2,126.91 more than ~10,000.00. . ~ ' '' The commissions for the collection of taxes has never cost more than ~~10,000.00 ~ ' for any otner one year. ~ Respectfully submitted, ' ~ ' ~ 'J.A.Orrell. • The meeting then adjourned. ~ ~~. ~ Clerk. , •~ ., ~ .. ; \ . - ~ ~ ~"'~~ • 1 t ' ~ a 11:~ / ~a~~ ;.; ~ t Wilraingtion,N.C., June 15th,1931. ihe regu7.ar weekly meeting was held this day at 3:00 o'cloclc P.IuI. Preseni:: Addison Hewlett Chairman, ~.E.Yopp, Geo.'N.Trask,F.2~I.Ross and Jas.T~S.Hall. Various comp]~aints requesi:ing reductions of aesessments on real estate ~ere received and referred to t~he Tax Asseseors for investigation and recommendations. , Upon motion of A4s. YopP, seconded by ~aTr.•Hall, H.D.mCkoy was granted a refund of ~"j~~ps ~;2.00 penalty paid on property in Cape Fear township for the year 1930, account of . having listed wiih tYie Zist laker and that eame ivas loat. • : i It vr~,s brought td the attention of the Cornmissioners tha.t ~aterial on the roa~vray ~ on the eastern sxde of Fort Fisher has been moved by VJalter 4Vinner; therefore the C7.erk: , ~~~ ~ e~as'instructed td notify Idr. 'VJinner to replace the said material on the roadvuay vrithin ~ti 30 days from dat~, or actior, ~aill be taken against him for the unlawful removal of the ' . said material. ' - , Upon motion o£ I~d~. Trask, seconded by ~r. Ross, the Boaxd directed tlv;t certifi~ate~of ~ ~Dads Notaries:Pizblic~lbefore whom the various deeds for the right of way etc., in connection ~• with the conetruCt~on of Community Drive, were executed, be sxacured in proper form in order that th~ said deeds may be properly recorded. Upon motion of 2I~. 2rask, seccnded by h~r. Yopp, the Board approved the recor~enda~ion - ~~, of the County Au~litor to purchase ~'~2,000.00 Ne~v Hanover County 5% school bonds due ~ JuTy lst,1938 on a 4.40 basis. ' „~ : . ment of a bill d th a d ~' ` e p y approve of J~Ie. Ross, seconded by I~dr. Trask, the Boar Upo motion " . C.~., for ~135.00 for.making snrvey and map of Greenfield in~ vor of ~,ewi~ L. ?~fierritt ~ ~Sv,rtu~ , I,a~e and Cott¢nuni~cy Drive and making and description for the portion to be deeded to ~'' the County by Lra. Heloig. , : ,~ ~ ~ ~ . The request of I,Ira. Lena S. Bear and Petex B. Saffo to be reTeased from the payment ~~ of advertising c~st on property located ~t Vrri~hteviZle Beach and Lake Side Park ~~ respectively, we~e declined~for the reason that the said costs are fixed by law, have : },'.~: ,1awf'ully accrued~ and therefoxe the Board has no authority to release the same. ' ,"? ~/ Upon motior2" of Pd~. Hall, seconded by I~r. Yopp, the follo~sing contxact ha~Ying been ~.nd the Chair,nan was was a proved by the ]3oard *the ~ount Attorne re ared b ~U~,~~.. , yy p p y y p " ~ , o. si~r the same in the ,name of the.County: authori~ed t ~~^, ,,y,1 ~- ~ D ~~ STATE OF T?ORTH C AROLIATA : .~ , COI3TITY OF NFVJ HANOVER t ' AAT AG~I'~iEPTT, I:iade and e;cecuted this day of June,A.D.,1S31, by and between the• City of Wilmington, D?evr Hanover County and John ?t. I~Torris, Sheriff of l ~ P1e~+ Hanover Coun ty. • WHEAEAS, The guard-house of`the City of Wilmington, is unfit for the ~~, incarceration ofi the prisoners arrested by the policemen of the said City, and 'NFIEREAS, By Act of the General, Assembly of North Carolina, passed at its 1931:Session, authority vras given to the City of ~'1il~ington to mbandon the said guard- ;, house, and to er.ter into an a~reement tivith Nevr Hanover County to place the prisonere •, arrested by the police ~epartment of eaid City and awaitin~ trial in the Recordere . Court of New ~Tan~ovex County, in the County Jail of Neva Hanover County, and , WHEAEAS, The said City of V/ilmington, ITev~ Hanover County and John R.I~orris, . Sheriff of 2d~w I~anover County, have reached an agreement as herein set outs ~, IdOVT, THEPEFORE, This A~reement, ~ I T Ii E S S E T Hs , .. ,;, ~- . ~ , • ~' c ~. Fir;t: That all persons arrested by the policemen of the City of Wilmington, sha.ll, after ha~ing, been allotived a reasonable time vrith vrhich to giee bond at the City Hall of the City" of VJilmington,, be delivered to the Jailer of I~etiv lianover County, to be confined in ihe Coun~y Jail until said person shall be tried before the Recordex of Ne~a i-Ianoeer Cour ty. . Second: That the cost of feeding said prmsoners, vfhi,le confined in said jail before trial be~Iore said Recorder, shall be charged to and pai~ out of the legal costa allowa,ble to, ar}d collected by the said Recorder's Court of Sdew Hanover County. Thiz~di That in the event that the costs collected by the Recorder's Court of said County dhall be insufficient to care for and maintain said prisoners while confined in the jail, then rTew ?lanover County shall pay the same out of the general funds of said bcunty. FouS~th: That the Sheriff of new Hanover County shall be paid out of the costs of the Recorderz,Court aforesaid the sum of thirty cents for the first meal furnished the pris~oner; ii,' one is furnished, before his appearance in the Recorder's Court for trial, and the ~{urther sum of twenty-five cents as a turnkey charge, v~hich latter amount shall be patfid tcs him, only ~ahen collected by the Clerk of the Hecorder's Court aforesaid, instead of to t}!e police pension fund of the City of Wilmington, as at present. Fif•;h: That all 2~ther legal charges to which the Sheriff of Nevr Hanover County shall be entitled, by reason of said prisoners being confined to said jail, shall be paid tu him as is notiv provided by law. Six:hs This agreement shall become effective on July lst,1931, and aha11 eontinue until ,ianuary 30th,1933. IN WSTNESS WI-IEREOF, ldew Hanover County and the City of Vlilmin~ton, have executed this a~reenent in triplicate, by their proper•o?ficers, after due authority had been given them to egecute the same, and the party of the third part has hereunto set his hand.anc~ affixed his seal in triplicate, all the day and year first hereinbefore written: ~ NEE'7 HANOVER COUNTY Bv . ~ Ch~i rman. , ~ . CITY OF WILI~~ZIi:TGTOPI, - By = 1~,7ayor . ~ S SLAL ) ., I St~RIF~ OF I~'~l ~1~ovEr~ cotn•rr~ - ~4eetin~ of June 15th,1931, continued. ~ Acting on the request of the Dietrict Solicitor, that a special term of court be called ~ SUl~~,~~~y to try pending bank cases, ~qas deferred until June 22nd, in order to give defendant`s ~ counsel opportunity to be heard. The pav_ing of a portion of Hamlet Avenue and Cape Fear Street at Carolina Beach , ~~~~a5 h~,ving been completed according to contract, acceptable to the Supt., of Roads, ' ~he Board,upon ~otion of 1o?r. Yopp, seconded by i~~r. Trask, authorized the payment bf .~ the balance due Aiessrs. Sneeden and ~Iatson for paving the same, with the, exception of y25.00 ~Jhich is.to.be retained until after final scraping and smoothing up of the same. Upon motion of ~r. 1'raslc, seconded by Iuir. Hall, the Board acting upori the reco~men- ~~~""~~`^~ dation of the Grand Jury, authorized the purchase of four water coolers~for the jail. ~j ~ Upon motion of I~dri Trasl;, seconded by I~Ir. Ross, the County Auditor vra.s instructed to /d~GU~S include one tank car of Tarmac, rock and etc., throu~h June 15th, in preparing estimate of cost for constructing Coumiunity Drive. ~ ~ Upon Motion, duly seconde~, the Board ~ranted authority to have Special Officer -~ ~vue.y~il~ C.I„ Philemon take Joseph Smith colored juvenile, to Paorrison Industrial Training School at Hoffman, N:C. , The m eting then adjourned. ~ ~-.~~1vi ~/ ~~., .- ~./ ~ ' ' .~~i '~s~ // c;16I'k • ' ~~ .!7ilmington,N.C., June-22nd,1931. ~ The regula.r v~eekly meetin~ of the BQard ~vas held at 3:00 0' clock P.P~. ~" Present: Addieon Hevrlett Chairman, ~V.E.Yopp, Geo.'Y.Trask and F.I:i.Ross. 2~irs. J.H.Dreher and iliss IIIargaret ?~+.i. Price, representing the Ladies Rest Room appeared • and urged the Board to increase tne Rest Room Appropriation froru $~27.5o to ~35.00{ ~~u~`,~"'~'~~"S The request was ta]ten under conaideration to be considered in tl•Le preparation of the County's bud~et. The request of i~ir. 'JV.C.HammerJ.e District r'orester, and representatives of the Board p~~ w,;rr;~s of Trade that the County appropriate ~1,000.00 for Forest Fire Prevention, for the ~ year 1931-1932, vras upon motion of --r. Trask, secor~ded b~ hSr. Yopp;declined. ~ Upon inotion of T4r. Trask, seconded by 't.Fir. Yopp, ~the Board as a conmtittee of the ~ / ~~ ~ r-rhole, agreed:to investiga.te the matter of renimval of the road,surface material ~` /~~~ fror~ the ~'ort risher road by l~al~:er 1~4inr.er, before taking final action. ' Upon motion, duly seconded, 'the Board approved the payment of $125.07 to the~Clerk of \ S~P,C{ ~' Superior Cdurt for court fees, ~237.50 to Geo. C. Jackson for jury and witness tickets~~ SheQ~1~1= ~42.55 and ~43.86 to John R. ~Sorris, Sheriff for court fees and transport.ation of ~_ - ~ c S~ insane respectively and ~$11.70 to A.B.Rhodes ~egister of Deeds for recording committ- ments, a7.1 subject, however, to the approval of the County kttorney. . Upon motion, duly secended, county bills idos. 2250 to 2292 general funfl account~and '~ ~!!}~5 Nos. 924 to 950 road account ti~ere approved fcr payment.d Upon motion od Tir. Ross, seconded by I~r. Yopp, the matter of correctin~ ar. error in ~ back ta~tes charged against VI.D.T:4acPGillan, Jr., in bloclc ~279 for the year 1925, by ~~~e~ deducting the personal property tax which had been previously been paid to the sheriff~ w~,s referred to the Chairman,County Attorney and Clerk ~vith~.power to act. Upon motion o£ P~r. Yopp, seconded by T;ir. Trask, the Board ordcred an item of °~7.98 . ~`j~ax~'S ~ tax cha~rged against A.H.VanBolcelen in block #57 for the year 1875 cancelled, for the reason that the county is t~nable to establish the certainty of the tax being due. i `S,~ _ Upon motion of i~.r. Traek, seconded by Isir. Yopp, the Board approved the form of lease ~ /~~ ~ for leasin~ the County Stockade to the State Highway Corr¢nission for a term of four "~'' months from July lst,1931 at a rental oS ~250.00 per month, an& the Chairman and the Clerk oS tlie Board are hereby aui;horized to sign the same.;~. ~~o~ A report of J~,s YJalker Hospital for the month of IIay~was received and ordered filed.~ A statement for several patients admitted from tir~e to time to t'he State Hospital as, inebriates frors this county a~gregating ~350.00 ~vas received'from the Stat.e Hospital' ~.N~`'~' at Ralei~h and ordered filed. .• • Upon motion of i~r. Trask, second~d by l~r. Yopp, Idiss Viola'.Dir.onywas released from \, 7n~ the payment of penalty for not listing lot at Carolina Be~ch,for the year 1931, for ' the reason that she thought her brother had listed the same for her~ Resolutions were received from the County Council expressing regret, I~iiss,Anne E.i ~~~m3~~~'~~~~~ Horne's resignation as Home Demonetr.ation Agent and expressed thei'r appreCiation ~ for her e~cellent work in the covnty. ~ I~~r. Herbert I~iicClarrnny, attorney for the defendent, being present, 'stated tliat it ~ould be agreeable to him and associate counsel to call a special texm of Superior Court /Q~~L,~d.~,~ to be held on Idond~y July 13th,1331, for the trial of cases pending on the criminal ~ ~;,~o~R~-1 docket growing out of the failure of the Home Savings Bank, and ~he same meeting with ` ~ the approval of tYie District Solicitor; T,Sr. lrask :offezed the following resolution which was seconded by DSr. Yopp and carriedc wy ~ t~REAS,there is such an accumulation of criminak actions in•the 3uperior Court of Nevr Iianover County,as to req_uire the holding of a special term for its dispatch, IIOW THEREFOFiE BE IT RESOL~TEIr, that Hia Excellency, O.idax Gardner,Governor of 'North Carolina be requested to call a special term of the 5uperior Court for New Hanover County, for the trial of criminal actions,to be held on S~onday July 13th,1931, and to contiriue for one r;eek unless the business be ea.rlier disposed of. i ~. . 11~ • . ;1 ` - /~ ~Txe 5 ~ ~ ~~~ `~ /3 !~Q'~ S Il4eeting of June 22nd,1931 continued. • , Upon motion of ~r. Ross, seconded by 1~tr. Trask, the Board adopted the follo~ing order rela$ive to Schedule B Taxi The Iloard of Conmiissioners of New Hanover County do hereby levy to the maximum amount, a license tax for the years 1931-1932 and 1932-1933 on all trades,professions, business etc., carried on and conductec~ in said county, which are specifically .. designated and defined in Schedule B,'of the Revenue Act of 2dorth Carolina passed at its 1931 session, except in those cases vrhere it is,expressly prohibited by law. ~t CUmniss~,u~wts.to the State ASSOCiationyofeCounty~Commissionersthorized the pa"yment of ~10.00 dues,~ ' i' ~ - . , ,. v.~. . ~ ~~ - .l"y2oad5 .: ; , ;a' ' ~ . ~~;~ - . ~~ :;~;. ~ Upon motion, duly seconded, the ~tatement prepared by the County Auditor shorving ~7,655.85 High~~ray funds due the 8ounty by the State. Highway Corrmiission to ' July lst,1931, was approved. ~ The meeting then adjourned. S ~ ~~ . ~'_._.u ~ ~ ~ ,. Clerk. a .,~; ,~Wilmington, N. C., June 29th,1931. , '~The regular weekly meeting of the Board ~vas held this'day at 3:00 o'clock P.IvI. ~~ Present: Addison Hevalett Chairgian, VJ.E.Yopp, Geo. FJ. Trask, F.~4.Ross and Jas.Il4.Hz.11. • A delegation of citizens and representatives of the Real ~sta.te Eoard appeared and r Nir. J.A.Taylor speaking told the Co~issioners that they ha.d been presented with a v ~ ~ ~~ tentatine copy of the 1931-1932 school budget and after a study of the same and in ~~ ll~=~ ~ view of general depression in business, asked the Conunissioners to instruct the Board of Education to reduce the budget by ten per cent. Among other citizens present who addressed the Boa.rd were; Iviessrs. Nelson ~4acRae, Roger Wioore.,J.O.Reilly and Fred Willetts. The Commissioners advised these present that the 1931 county valuations had not yet been completed, nor had i;he school budget been presented, b~at assured the delegation that due consideration vrould be given their request at ~he time of preparation of tne countys budget. Commissioner of Public Works Jas.E.L.4+ade of the City of, WilLnington ~aas present, ~rging the the Commissioners to reduce tne charge for constructing Comrnunity Drive ~ ~ ~S to the lotvest possible cost for the City. In as much as the cost for construction ~ l'}~ ` • has riot yet been completed in ~etail, Idr. Ross moved that the co'st of inen be fixed • at ~1.00 per man per day and cost of rock ~nd trucks to be dete.rmined when the final ~ cost is ascertained. ••" , ' The matter 'of adjuetin~ items of back taxes charged against C.B.Paxineleiin block No. 501-D for the° yeare 1923,1924 and 1y25, which property r~as apparantly ovrned by ~~~~~ "s7.D.Co1we1T and since purchased by J.B.Hughes et al, vras upon motion of hir. Ross, seconded , by P~ir. Yopp, referred to the Chairman, ^ounty Auditor and the County Attorney ~vith powe~ to act. • A"_te3Ytati~re,health budget for the year 1933-1932 in the amount of..~v40,870.00, one fovrth to be paid by the County and three fourths by the City of 4Jilmingtom, ~ras ~ ~,.-f,J.~,j~ ^resented by Dr. John H.- Hamilton, County Health Officer- and received by the Board for cons~ideration.• • • • • • ' ' `Upon motion of iar.~ Rose', secon~led by ::4r.• Yopp, P~4r. John J. ^_horilas was gr2nted an abatement ~ of taxes on a valuat•ion of ~400.00 househo'].d and kitchen furniture listed in error for ~ aK~~ , the year 1930. ' ~ ' I Upon motion of I~r. Yopp, seconded ~y L4r. Hall, Iur. S.G.Long Superintendent of the ~Counhr~p~~+ County :tome was' gr~nted' a vacation of ten days beginriing July lOt:i,1931. Ovring to the `f'2ct that a special term of Superior Court for the trial of crir,iinal ca"ses ir. t',is coiznty has been called by the Governor to' convene on July 20th,'193I, ~OJP.P~o@ the .~oard finds' it necessary to have a grand jury for 'the Special Terin, and it was so ordered. ' ' ' ' ' ' Upon notion of P;ir. Yopp, seconded by F.4r. Hall, the Board gave ~authority to continue / ~ ' the County',s o~erations on a ba~is of last years budget, pending the adoption of the (~sDl~t ~-iaa 1931-1932 bud~et. An~r changes that may be made in-the new bud~et, to be retroactive. . Resolutions v~rere' re.ceived from the Rotary Club and Cha;nber of Commerce, ur~ing the Comraiasionerg?~to reduce tne County's 1931-1932 to suc.h an extent that the tax rate may be fixed at as'1o~+ a rate as p~acti~al. ~ IJpon motion of ?~~Ir. Yopp, seconded by Iur. Hall, -Mrs. Jar~es L. Smith ~vas ~ranted an ~ allo~ranc8 of ~15.00 per month from the ~I~thers' Aid fund to be paid one half by the ~ ~~G ~~ ~ounty e~nd one half by the State, subject to the approv~l of the St~te Board of ' Charities'.and Public V~elfare. ' ' Upon motion of IcIr. Trask, seconded by I~!Ir. Hall, the ma,tter of employing a foreman and i C~Nr~~,o+nL Guard for'the~ County Drainage Gang, vras referr.ed to the County Home Cor.~nittee with power ~ Gom ~Q'~'~^~ to ~.Ct. ' ' ' Upon moi;ion of i~dr. Trask, seconded by P7r. iialt, an allowance of ,~~p5.00 per week was ' granted P~rs. '9.Z.Clemr;mons temporary ~id in carin~ for the tv~o Turner, children who ~~ere ! /WE1~ deserted by their father~ Assistance rvas reco~nended by the County 47elfare Officer, rvho ~ -~:~ investi~;ated the case'. ~ r . , - Upon motion of NIr. Hall, seconded by i~r. Yopp, th`e Clerk vras instructed to mail the check ~,~ ~~/for °~1,000.00 recently appropria,ted to the State Board of Conservation and Develo~ment, ~~'TQ"/. to aid in erosion investigation v~r,rk at rort Fisher, to Dr.Thorndike Saville at Chapel ' Hill, ?J. C. ~ ~ ; , , i ~ ~: ~., . ~~~ .~ \ ~eeting of -3une 29t~„1931.; ca~tinized. ~ , " . ,~ .a. ~ ~. . . . \ 1 Upon Ynotion~ duly seconded'Coixnty Bills Idos.2293 to 2$03 general fund account ~ ~ ~I~S- and Nos.951 to 953. ~oad acoount ~vere g~proved for payment. • , , Upon motion of. I~r.` Ross;~ seconded ~by 1~; . Hall, the Board au.tnorized the ..payment ~P ^„~t- of ~1.00 eacn to John and Silas Taylor residing at Philadel~hia, Pa and Tdorfolk ~ Va•., xespecti;rely, covering notarf fees in executing deeds for right of way for the Conm~unity Drive,project. . . , .r . _ Upon uiotion of i:ir. Hall, seconded by T~r. ~ Traslc, John Williams(colored) having. ~"o W'+1c 'Fh~ \ L'b d i - : n r U een nvestigated by the Supt, of Publ.ic i9elfare and examined by the gssistant . , Healtla Officer, ;~as admitted to ~he County Home as an inmate. ~ ~~ Upon motion of ~~Ar. Jas.S?.Hall, seconded by l~r. Geo.la.Trask, the fol:lo~ving SG~w'~p~ resolution was adopted by the ~oard: y' ~3y virtue"of section ido.l, Chapter P?o.274 of the,Public I.ae+s of 1931, the _ ` Board o~.. County Cormnissioners of idev~ Hanover County, at` a regular meeting held • ~ this-day did by proper resolution exempt itself entirely from the operation o£ the Wor}anen's Compensation Act, same being Chapter 2do.120 Public Lasvs 1929. ~n Upon motion it.was agreed'to let the State Highway Department use such rock ~ / ri;~,~ from the County's quarry as may be necessary to use on ldew Hanover County roads ~~ .-` in urgent cases, pending~the ti:me.of getting road matters adjusted.by the ~ ' State Highway Co~ission. _ • . After having investigated the matter of removal of road material at Fort Fisher ~ ~by ~~7alter ~,Jinner,_ ?~r. Trask reco~cnended that in vierv of the fact that t;,r.l7inner ~.,~ ~,.~s~-` had provided a public parking apace on the soutnern side of the Fort with the material wrongfully removed froru the road on the eastern side, that further '~ ' action against him be dropBed. Upon ~otion of ~~r. Hall, seconded by Li~. Yopp, , the recommendation v~as adopted. Upon motion, duly seconded, the Board approved the payment of ~340.80 to the ~ Union Labor Record for 1704 i.nches used for publishing "Sale,of Land for Paxes" ~ ~ M.~t4 20~C per inch, instead of ~329.40 for 1647 inches, for the reason that certain names that svere eliminai;ed from the advertisement by reason of having v • paid tne taxes after the first.publication, did not actually lesson the number . of inches first used.. ~ The meeting then adjourned. r ~J ~/ ~ 7i'vZa'~Y ~ . ~t f~s` r / ~~ . ~ , . _ Clerk. ' . O wilmington, N.C., July lst,1931.. The regular monthl;~ meeting of the Board was held at 3:00 o'clock P.1.4. ' Present: Addieon 'Hewlett Chairman, 19.E.Yopp and Geo. 1V. Trask. ' The ~~o3lowing ;good_and :iawf~il;,men':vicer~,; d~a~~..•, to,.:serve as jurora in the Supeiiar \~ u(J_0~ Court for the Special Texm,for the trial of criminal casea for weelc beginning ' Tuly~20th,1931s ~ ' Geo.B.Saridlin. J.~lugin. J.R.Flora. J.rT.S~ith. C.F.Borst. ~?~;,.'vYescott. . Charles Rogers.~.J.Carroll..A.F.Blizz~.rd. J.A.5exton. T.F.Cartrette. V.B.Priest.f R.L.Piver. 5`~.A,~Yhitney. C.H.LSc~llister.J.G.Brinson. G.S.Pritchard. ".~.C.Stancil. J.L.~onnson. F.D.Fick.~ J.J.Rezze. E.B.Tdlintz. J.F.Garrell: S.H.D~,vis. 'r:i.V.~ennett.. ~~.R.Yopp. J.i4.Perdew. E.S.47illiams._ 2.Y.Baldv~in. ~.Ford. ~r.B.Robinson. G.P.~,'hite. m.C.Rose. G.~..Cardti?ell. A.S.finderaon. i'I.H.Thurman. For the second vreelc regular criminal term beginning July 27th,1931: Lowell t~hite.J.l~.Borst,Jr. H.I,.Herring. B.B.Humphrey. C.F.All'en. C.H.Herrington., 4J.S.Fut°ch. H.F.1~'olfe. R.B.Coley. i~.J.McZamb. H.D.Hevrett. J.H. Garrell. ,T.?~.Iiansen. O.B.Smith. R.P.Broc~. Sam Scherr. L.G.Bennel;t.Walter Lamb. ~ 1:i.D.Tharpe. O.N.11lartin. T.B.Barnhill.J.R.'v4esterman.?i.Ja?.Kyle. 0.}~.~iartin. ~ r.T.Allen. J.T.Casteen. L.G.French. l'l.H.Aenderson.D.PI.P~intz. C.T.Jolinson. iV.E.Davis. ~.~.To~vnsend. L.T.n~ioore. ~.Ov~en. L.V.Y~eares. G.C.Gorma.n. „ , • Upon motion of 1,7x•. Yopp, seconded by hfir. ~Trask, the Board ordered the pa,yment of ~ the Ualance due I~lessrs. Connelly & VJatson for ~rading and paving Carolina Beach ~ G~ Avenue, and ?Sessrs. Sneeden and ''r~atson for grading and paving' portion of Hamlet ~ ~ ' Avenue and ~ape F'ear Street, the amounts being ^~200.00 and ~25'.00 respectively. ~ti ~; s e ~~~,~~~ The annual report of United Charities was received and ordered filed.,, , v~~~oa~~ IThe ~sual reports of Supt., of Roads, Supt of County Home and Farm, were received and ~~ ~~ `~ordered filed. Upon motion of A,Sr. Yopp, seconded by it4r. Tr~sk, the Doard approved tne payment of•~~60.00 ~}~.e~2.~2~. to Alton A. Lennon Deputy Recorder for presiding ober Recorders Court during the vacation of the Recorder. ~ • Upon motion of Tdr. Yopp, seconded by P~r. Trask, P.~r.H.E.Knowles vaas released from the ~~~ payrnent of penalty and personal tax oP J.D.Jones charged agaixist lbt in i:Tasonboro ~ ~ township for the year 1930 account of 1~~4r.Knowles having to take the property back and x;7r. Tones having no equity in the same. ~ . . r t~~ ~ f.~~~e A reques'~': of the Board of ~ducation that the sun of ~4,'000.00 be placed to the credit ~' „ '~ a-~ of the school fund to take care of expenditures for the rionth of July acct., of the 1931-].932 budget, rvas granted. ~ _ ~ f r. . ~~~ I;eeting of Jy~tly lst, 1931, continued. • . ' , , , - . i , . _ The foll'o~°ring corr~nuni ca.tion tivas received from the County Auditor; • • w - _ . • ~Ii lmington,N.C.;. .Iuly 6th,1931. ~ ~ • \ D~~`''~~ Hon.-Board of County Cornwissionere, , . ~ . - v~r ~ New Hanover County, ' • ~. - ~~lilmington, T~`. C. ~ . ~ Gentlemens- ~ ' ~ For your~inforrnation I give you " .•r below the amou nt on deposit i.n each . , . bank as of June 30th, 1931, together v~ri•th a memorandum of surety bonds held by ~ . __us in each case. ' Bank Deposit •Bond Expires ~ N.C.BanY, & Trust Co., ~17G,402.67 'a~100,000~ Nov 5,1931 U.S.F.& G.Co., ~ , 75,000 ' N.C.State Bonds ~ilm.5av.& Trust Co., . ' 98,456.07 i00~000J~ Jun 1,1932 U.S.~.Fc G:Co., ~ , 50,000 Liberty Bonds. ' Peoples Savings Bank, 64,847.90 • 50~0'00 Jun 1, 1932'U.S.F.&"G.Co.o 25,000 ~ U.S:Treasury Gertificates. ~~ IS.C.Industrial ]3ank 10,000.00 ,10,000 Nov 3,1931,Hart£ord Ac&ind m ?dorris •Plan Bank 35,000.00 " 40,000 I~ay ~, 1932 Nat'1 Surety Coti ~ ~ 10,000 IJfay 15,1932 ' " " . " ~. •' 1 • F w• ' ~~ ` f . 4 Y " ,J., '.3. t ~ . ~ . ~ / ~b~ ~ .t'„t ,~ ~T~x~~ }y , Y a~~' ~ ,~ • ` ~~~' .~ P'IJS a ~ ~C~ .~ , ~ ' • ~ ! "~'~~ ~: ..~ '., ./,~s~ , ,~ :e /} , , if - _ ~~ . . . .~}. • ., /C'~aC..- ~. . ' .i. ~„i~ ~. , , ~~~ ~ 1 .. . In $afe 3,042.45 " ~387,749.09 Checks':out............ Not completed Our ]3alance........... IJot completed, Please Note: As per verbal advice to the chairman the North Carolina Bank Fc 'Lrust Co. allorved only 3-z~ in se~tling interest while all the other banks allowed 3:~ and 4q. ' ~• . " Please note that the ne~t bond expires on Nmvember 3rd,1931. Yours truly, _ Copy to J.A.O ~r•ell,• J.H.73oatwright & Son. . • An inventory of road equipment taken ov~r by the State Highway DePartment, aggregating ~p8,506:33'in value, cras presented as prepared by the State HigYitvay Cor.miissiori, and upon motion of I~r. Trask, seconded by P~r. Yopp, rJas approved ! and the°Chairman v~as aut}iorized to ai~n the same for the County, . , Upon motion of =+=r. Traslc, seconded by IJir. Yopp, bSr.J.N.Smith was granted an , abatemerit of t~.xes~ on one' male dog listed in' error for the year 1930. ' Upon. motion of F'~. Yorop seconded oy ieir. Trask, f~irs. J.~i.~a,good~ was teleased from the payment of poll tax of f~r. J.A.Hagood charged against her prope'rty in block #501C for ~he ;~ear 1930. _ . Upon•motion, duly seconded, County bi11s Nos. 2304 to 2356~erieral fund a~ccounty,~ and Nos.954 to 973 Road account were approved for paymentl •„ Upon motion; duly seaonded; the Board directed tha.t.court offices's secure the approval of payment of fees by the Judge holding court before presenting the sa~e , to the Corrnnissioneis for payment. , _ Upon motion, duly seconded, the. request of. t7.~il.4Valsh & Co., for a reduction of the, assesaments on 1249 lots at ~arolina Beach, was ordered turned over to the Tax Assessors for investigation and recornmendations. The 'Chairman, County Auditor and the County Attorney c~e.re named to meet with I~,2r. ~7.N.Harriss, Clerk of SuPerior Court to decide if fees turned in_ to the Co~lnt;~ during the month of June are to be considered in the work of ~the year 1930-1931 or in the year they would have been considered if turned in when collected. Phe-meetin~ then`adjourned. '' ~ 7 ~ ~i-c~v O Clerk. 'vYilmington, N. C., July 13th~1931. • The regular weekly meeting of the Board ~Jas held at 3:00 o'clock P.~;i. Present: Addi~on Iievrlett Chairman, 19.E.Y.opp,Geo.`+d.Trask and F.;.I.Ross. The annual report.of accounts of 41.N.Harriss, C.S.C., for year ending lst, Ifionday.in.December 1930, aaas for the first time presented to the Bo~rd and- upon, motion of T:Sr. '_3oss, seconded by P~Zr. Yopp, was received subject to check of the County Auditor and ordered published,~' Upon motion of llir. Yopp, seconded by I:~ir. Trask, County bills Vos.2357 to 2439~ general fund 'account and lvos. 974 to 1012 road account tivere approved for nayment, Upon motion, duly seconded the Board approved the payment of $?~5.00 to I~iss Annie A4ay Capps for preparing the Jury list and ~45'.00 to Green & Sad~'a*ar ~ for burial. ~ " . < ~ ~ ~ , ~ t _ ` t • I .. . . ~' ~,~ . I~eeting of Ju1y 13th,1931, continuedo . ,"~ . The request of J.B.Stanley tha.t the courity provide ~62.50 to match a like amount `~•°' \SU~Sv~ a proposed to be appropriatecY. by the State Rehabilitation Commission, to pro¢ide hitn • , ~~ 1'~;~. with an artificial leg„ xvas upon motion of 2ir. Ross, seconded Uy Icir. Trask taken R.y under.coilsideration. ~ ~ The usual monthly reports of Jas.:4alY.er Hospotal and Ladies Rest Room for the month~of ' "~ ~~~}'C'S~-~,,5~~~1Ji~ne vaere re-ceived and ordered filed. " . . ~~' ~ _~,Ga~ _ - . . . _ ~ . . `Phe Board of County Co~mnissfoners and the Board of ~ducation t~en met in joint . ~ session for the p~rpose. of electin~ a?'Jelfare Officer for a term of two years. ` ' ~l~~.I~p,~7E. :`~r. Herbert A. ~ynch'Criairman of the Board of ~ducation presided and Supt., of ~ J Schools O.A.Hami7tori acted as Secretary. - f" 'r", `~ The ptzrchase•of etchings of the illustrious l~~shington for the various offices of the ;~~~'.` ~~,~~~~~ Court house as. offered by IJir. E.S.~'Jaddell was reluQtantly declined on acr.ount , ~~ ~' of no funds.:in.,~he budget for expenditures of this nature. ,; Owing.to fact that lots ~~1 and~ 2 in block ~2 Hanover Gardens were aold on terme of ' ~~ ~ .~p25.00 Per month over a perio~d of several years, the Board, upon motion, duly seconded, -- ~~', ~~ec{j ~0'{2, authorized the-acceptance~of ~1500.00 cash from I~~ioore-Fonville Realty Company in full , '~ . s.ettlement for the balanee, of~ ~1.,595.00 due on the said lots. "• . ~' •.: In consideration of the• transfer of title to the county of the lands for the right ~~`~j`,~ of way for ~omnuii.ty Drive and the lands.between the lake and the driveway,~k4r.Trask ~~AK moved and ~it }vas seconded by I~(r. Ross and carried, that an item of ~14.78 back taxes ' ~~~~' t for the year, 1929 against the, property of the docelyn Compa.ny in I7ason~noro township, . ..Y ~ be cancelled on the back tax records."' ~ ' . , . ~ , y e- ~ A statement of disbursementa of the Board of. Education for the month of June was ~ "~'`• ~~~ ~~~ recei~ed subject ~o the check of the Coi~unittee. ~~~?~ ~ _F . ' . . ~ .;.. ~ The clerk was instructed to.acknowled~e receipt of the final report of:P3r:~3urke H. ' ,'~'~ \ ~ + BTidgers covering his activities in securing rights~of~.way and property releases ~~ ~~{;; Y\t~S '~ Sor the Community, Drive, and express the Boards apprBciation for his valuable services '~~' rendered the•Commissionera. ~ ''• 11' . `~y~~,~,~,e~ Upom m~tion of S:~tr. Trask, seconded by I;ir. Yopp, the Clerk was granted a ~vacation of t~vof' ~:~-~ weeks beginning July 18th,193I. . . .~ ~ .~y~ C. ' p Jpon motion of 1«r. Yopp, seconded by I~ir. Trask, the Board authorized the publication ' ~ Ctticta~il~~ of 260 copies of. the County'Auditor?s annual report in paraphlet form. . .. • t`' , t ~... The meeting'then adjourned.- ~.- ~. ~ ~~~~,~ . „~,_ v, -~l.s~~--C~ "`yr , . • • . r I // Clerk. Wilmington, N. C., July 20th,1931. ~/ . The Board.met in regular weekly session aC 3:00 o'clock P.M. ~~ Present: Addison Hewlett Chairma.n, W.E.Yopp, Geo. W. Traek, F.I~i.Ross and .7as.M.Ha11. ~.~ Upon motion, Mr.J.W.Buck was released from payment of penalty charged against his / ` ~Y~±K property in Harnett.township for the year 1930. • , ~ Quite a delegation appeared-~to request the continuance~of the Hos~e Demonatration Agent•. First, 3~r. Clayton Horne ~poke, presenting a petition with 150 signatures. Others.present , S. \ C~um2,~~.~`~'onJs'. ~ere Mrs. Horace Brown, Mrs. B.E.Hollis, Mrs. Mason,Mrs. Leeuwenbu`rg, ngrs. Jones, Pdrs. H.B.Peschau, Ivirs. J.C.Stewart president of Sorosis, ~6rs. Hugh MacRae and ~Iessrs.J.C.Williams; "~ Lamont Smith, J.L.Becton, Fred T. Tucker Postm~.ster, R.C.Fergus,Dr.Farth'ing and Iutrs. Smith ~,~"`,,i~ Distrmct Home Demonstration Agent. ' ~~~~i`'. \~` ~u~ ~dr. David Scott appeared,than~ing the Board for the vrork done on the "Ni~ger Head Road" ~~ ~~~' yh: i• E, . A letter was received from citizens of Seagate, thanking the Board~f or providing a hard, ~,,~:r~ • ~ CP.~~p~ surface road to the Seagate Cemetery. # f s ` ,~ ~ Clua~'~v~ The Chairman was instructed to s ecure bids for audii;ing the books of the County ,Auditor. Y ~- '°' ~ ', ~~' S~ Bills of State Hospital for care of inebriates vras declined and or•dered filed.l ' ~ ~ ~ GNn•nsS~~~,/ /. The~ request for a cork leg for J.B.Stanley was decliried. ~/ _ "~ ~ Upon rnotion, the Board acting upon advice from the County Auditor, ordered a refund of ' •, •: ~~ y ~1,037.05 to the City account of over estimate of cost of constructing Comraunity Drive , ' '; and resurfacing Bellev~te Cemetery Road. . ~r : l ` ~ ,~ 1.u...e. ~ j r `~..-Q~ Upon motion, the poll tax~of Geo~~ e San~.e~s charged in the property tax on lot in block ~ ~ r.: ~15, Fox Subdivision, wa.s abated a~count of being a non-resident. . , ~,: ~' ~~3.+nd.~ro~2 . The annual report of trie County Auditor for the year ending June 30th,1931,~was received. • . ~."~. ' . ~ ~~ , ~The unpaid street assessments in Brookvrood v~ere ordered placed in the hands of the d _ , 7~f?' County Attorney for collection. ' ~ ~.. • * ; ~ L Upon motion, the premium on comgensation insurance for one month +fras ordered paid.~ ~. N a~. r • , ~ n . . . . ' Up'on motion duly made and seconded, the following'resolution was unanimously adopted: / ..~ ~ - ~: ~ ~ .~p5.u1 ~n ~,uN - ~ ~ . . ± ~ . WHEFt~AS On ~'ay 18th, 1931 a request of property owners oHming property abuttin~ on i~ ' Hamlet Avenue and Cape Fear Street at Carolina Beach was presented, urgin~ the Commissioners to hard surface said etreets froin the intersection of State Highway No..40, ~ with Hamlet Avenue,.thence east on Hamlet Avenue to Cape Fear Street, thence north on Cape Fear Street about 280 feet to C.H.Batson estate line, under specifications• ~imilar o those used in constructing Carolina, Beach Avenue, and ~ ~AI~ REAS, The Commissioners authorized the Chaix~an to appoint a conunittee o£ two members`~of the Board to see that a petition be prepared in accordance with the lavr and to proceesl F~~` ~r ~ ~~ ~~~ ~ s '. ~ ~~'.. : ''.~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~~9 ~, . "~ ,_ rdeeting of July 20th,1931, continued. , . - , • with the construction of the sai~ road if tkie pioceedure met with the approval of the ' . Countp- Attorney, and, . ' . ~ ' . -, ~ `f~ ' WHERE~S-~ Said petition vras prepared and signed by the owners of approximately ei~hty- :;~. + seven and one half (87~) p~rccent of trie,property abutting on the'said~avenae and ' Street aforesaid, and " ~ ~ - . ;,~~, WE~REAS, The said cor.,mittee did investigate tYLe request as contained in said petition J~~" ; and repor.ted on June lst,1931, recommending that the work be done, ad the Board having on that date decided to have.the work done,.and -. . „~ ~REAS, this work has been completed at a; total cost of ~40.8.00,_ Now Ther~fpre r~ ~ ~~f ~ • " - Y~~,y BE~IT RESOLVED- First, That the cost of hard surfacing said Hamlet,Avenue, and-Cape Fear i.~.~, ~`'J"~~baStreet as aforesaid, be ~~pportioned and charged against said abutting property o~rs ,,,~^ ~ .`~ . as £ollo~vs: , ~ / „~,./.~~X ~ ~, ~~ ~~ . • Lot #10 ~ Lot # 21 ~^~-`/-~ ~~ ~%u~!`-`''~ ~ g-r"y s ~~ 11 . - 22 - ~d~'~`~ ~c.~`~-~ ' ~' 12 - 23 - ~~ ~ ,; _ " 13 , ~.!" . 24 . > „~ ~~-f~'~ u 14 25 ~~.. . _ 2~ w~~~d ~ ~ q ~ ..' e~ u 15 ' . ,,I~ - ~~;~~ ~~ 16 27 • J%`^:: . Cl,• 's y~~ l ~,' • ~.~~~ , , ~~"~ ~ ~ °.~`~ , Second. That the County Auditor be, and he is hereby authorized 2.nd di~ected to prepase a book of, record and to charge the owners of ea.ch lot in accordance rvith ~~ ~ the above liet, the ar:iount of the cost apportioned against. said lots, dividing the '. amount~ ae nearly,ms may be~ into ten•eaual installments and to accept p,ayment in ~ £ull v~i'thout .inteiest:.until December;:31~t,:;I93~, and ~ere payments are made in part all assessments are to bear inteseat at the rate of six Q6f) per cent per a.nnum ,~r,~~' . beginning Jahuary lst,1932. , ~ . ~ i . ''~ ~ Third. That~the book in which the above assessments a•re char~ed shall be known ~~" ,. as "Record of Street Assessments"_and shall be turned over to the C1erk of the Board ' '~•" ~ and kept by him as required.by law. .e . 'i= . Mr. Ross moved that the assessments on realestate for the year 3931, stand ae , °~ /~'~~ . heretofore except as changed by the Ta.x Assessors, rvhich changes are hereby z~pproved ~`~, by the Board; his motion tivas duly seconded and carried. . 2 . ' Upon motion, duly seconded, County bi11s Nos. 2357 to 2439 general fund account and. ~~~, ~~~~~s ~ios. 974 to 1012 Road account was approved for payment.,i ~ ; . ~' ~~ A copy of the Jury list prepared from the 1931 tax books vras placed in,the hands ~ ;~- _~W~~r of each Commissioner for scrutinity. . _ Upon motion, the question as to v~hether or not co;,missi~ons on the 15y. school levy by the ; ~~~'~~=~ State can be allowed the Sheriff was referred to the County Attorney. , ~ As to the question of reducing the Treasurers school fu~nd bond,,it was suggested that ` ~ ~~~~~~y~2 tne Auditor t~ke the ma.tter up vJith I~n.C.M.Johnson Director of Local Government '.'6 • `~ Commission.< < ~ ` Upon motion the Board approved th'e continuance of the mosquito control vJOrk on last. ~'~ 1'~~ u~~ ~ years basis pending the appro~¢al of the 1931-1932 appropriations., ~i~n~U( . ; • :' , The meeting then adjourned. ~ ~ • i ;r . . . , . ~ u~ -~ t . ~'~~i`G ~ta t) QXerk. . d Y4 t ` ~ ~~ 49i1mington,N.C., Ju]jr 27th,1931. . s.,~t a ~P . ~,j!`~€~ ~The Board met in regular weekly session at 3:00 o'clock P.B~i. ~ ~~ ~~`~''fi~ r Present: James:~2'I.,..Ha11;t.W:E•.Yopp:;,Geo.W.Trask ax}d F.~t.Ross• r:, . ,~ ~~.,~ , . `•'~ * ,L The Chairman havin been called to Su erior Court to dra~v a u ' ~~ r g P j ry, Vice Chairman ~ ~?~~.~-l, Ja,s.Iul.Hall took the Chair. ~ • ~~ . • . ~ Upon motion the Eoard a pproved the payment of a jury ticket for ~2:10 to E.J.Pi~ford, r ~ ~,~ dated January 1925. •~ ~ :"~a ~~fps~p The report of Jas.Walker Hospital £or ,~une was reeeived and ordered filed.; ,~ ~ A bill for ~20.00 of J.C.Stewart for inspecting Ferryboat•"B~enanic" was ordered paid ~;~, '~~i~~ out of the funde of the Ferry Cornnission. 't ~ The application of the Board of Edacation:~to,appr.ove the Btidggt,f;oro"~1,220.95 account ". ~ ~!3'~ior ~~... of •building •fund wae allowed. . ~ • ~ :a ' ' '~ The County Auditor reported receipt of,~4,629.98 from the State Highwa,y Department from •~~pp,~S gasoline tax for •xoad.work to close. , , , ~ ~ , -~+ Cha.irman Addison Hewlett arrived a nd took the Chair after dravrin~ a jury for Superior ' ~r+ l~'~'' C ourt . • A bill for $~30.40 in favor of the Otis Elevator~Co., for repairs"to elevator was ordered • . '/~ paid. • ~ - •. •,~~~~Q~ A~bill of the Associated Chaxities for ~2.50 for bus fare for Nlrs.ilora McFarland to N~ayes'ville was ordered pa.id ad charged to the Recorders Court. '~~ . An a;~plication of T~ax Pa.lansky to peddle vrithout alicense~ acc ount of being a disabled World ~~i ~,~at~ War v,eteran, as presented by Mr.Ja.s.S.Howell of Asheville, was received and action deferred 'Y~~ pending receipt of further information as to what he is selling and the length of time f• he has been~. resident of the State. i . L~ ~ . + .e'` ~, . s. • '~'~ ~ i ~~u ~ Meeting of July 27th,1931, continued. . Upon motion, the Olander Compar~y was allov~ed to pay the't~ charged against /~(',~..: Lev~is V7illia.ms on lot #314 Audubon without havin~ to pay his peraonal property tax charged against the same for the years 1929'and 193~, the Sheriff to be notified to collect the personal tax from Pdr. Williams. A letter was received from D~r. J.D.James,Jr., withdravring application for ~-~6~S~~G`D~2. appointment as constable. ~pon motion oY FEra Ross, duiy-seconded; the assessment of ~31,040.0'O on~landipart of ,/ Gr2,dy..:e~ a1,.:Qwned=b~r T:R.Orrell,-Cape-~'ear townshi •-evas-reduced to ,~16,650.00 for y~r ~ 1~~~~ 1930, and an abatement of taxes on a valuation. of ~14.390.00 was ordered. 1~ 3~r. Trask mov~d and it was seconded and carried, that the State Hi~hway Co::7:iission ~'~;~i~~~ be furnished an office in the Court House if possible. , - pY ~ Upon motion, the work of auditing the books of the County Auditor for`°year ending r` ~G~.~l'~"a`~ June 30th,1931, was granted to Edward C. Craft for ~'175:00. ~ N The meeting then adjourned. r/"hvi. ~!. ~'-fl-vz~ _ 0 Clerk. Wil i •A 1931 t N t 3 d m ng on, ugus . .C.~ r ., ~ The regular monthly meetin~ of tne Board vras held at 3:00 o'cloclc P.Ba. Present: Addison Hewlett Criairma.n, ~U.E.Yopp and Geo.u9.Trask. ~ ~ ~ The minutes of ineetin~s of June lst,8th,15th,~2nd,29th; July lst and 13th, v~ere ' ~~1.~ti~ -s read and a~proved as recorded. Dr.Russell Bellamy appeared and urged an appropriation of $~15,000.00 for the ~• \ " S employment of two de~tectives to work under the supervision of the Foreman of the ~ grand jur~ for the purpose of ferretin~ out crime. ~~~~. The report of the Colored Ulelfare worker for 7uly was received and ordered~filed.+ Upon motion of IvIr. Yopp, seconded by i~Ir. Trask, a sergice a~reement ~1ith the , ~ ,`_, Burroughs Adding Machine Co., for the care of the adding rrrdchine in the Auditor's \ p~ ` ~ ~r~ ~ Office at a cost of $~7.75 semi-annually, was approved., The County Attorney having investigated the matter of payment of $15.00 per month to Ddrs.Myrtle Greer for the support of herself and five children account of huaband ,~ serving a term of two years on the County roads for abandonment and non-support, as~ ~ ordered by Judge G.E.B~idyette January term Superior court 1931~ The Board acting upon the reco~unendation of the County Attorney and upon motion of~Idr.Yopp, seconded by ~ir. Tr~sk, approved the payment of $15.00 per month out of the ~eneral funds of the county to Iv'~rs. Iv~yrtle Greer for a period of one year from 1st,Nionday in , February 1931. ~ /~ An audit of the Board of Education for year ending June 30th,1931,•was received and~ \ ~. fR.-i~ filed. U ~ _ Upon motion of I~ir. Yopp, seconded by P~r.. Trask, a regue§tof the Board of EducaticSn; ' \~ ~ that the sum of ~4,000.00 be placed to the credit of the SChool Fund to meet inst the 1931=1932 bud et cha ed• f A t t b th . ~ g , ~ e rg aga ugus o o expenditures for the mon ~ • was allovred. ~ \, ~lt/~ Upon motion of hr. Yopp, seconded by Pdr. Trask, County bills`Nos. 1 to 10 were t f t . or paymen approved ~ The following co*rnnunic~.tion v~as received from the County Auditor: ~ }J~ \~p yps.f ~ vF,.''1 Q~ , - `` Wilmington,N.C.,,August 3rd,,1931. • Hon. Board of County Comnissioners, New Hanover County, 17ilmington, N. C• . . . Gentlemen:- For your information I g.ive you belov~i the amount on deposit in each ~ bank as of July 31st,1931, together with a memorandum o£ surety bonds held by us in each case. . Bank Deposit Bond Expires PI.C.$ank & Trust Co.~ ~"127~903.82 ~100:~900:: Nov..5th,1931 U.S.F'.& G. Co., 75~000 Wi1m.Sav.& Txuat Co., 106,899.56 100y000 Peoples Savings Bank 68,889.71 50,000 25 , 000 N.C.Industrial Bank 10,000.00 10,000 L4orris plan Bank 35,OU0.00 40,000 10,000 Chatham & Phoenix I3anlc 3,132.81 In Safe 47.80 Total $~351,873.70 IJ.C.State Bonds, June 1,1932 U.S.F.& G.Co.; June 1,1932 U.S.F.& G.Co.,, U.S.Treasury Certificates' Nov.3,1931 Hartford Ac.& Ind Co. fl'Ia.y 5,1932 Nat'1 Surety Co.,~ Iu2ay 15 ,1932 " " " NONE Please note that the next bond expires on November 3rd,1931. Copy to J.H.Boatwright & Son. ~ The ,jury list having be~n ~ ti~ ~~~ same having been scrutini was ordered placed in the Yours truly, J.A.Orrell ' prepaTed as directed at meeting of June lst,1931,and the ~ .ed and checked as directed,was presented and the same ,~/ jury bax according to law. f~ , ~~1 r f ~f 9~ uk,L~n~~ ~~~~~ ~~1 U~~YI"01?i ,~JU~S R , ~ . . w ~eeting of Au~ust 3rd,193'1, continued. Upon motion of ~r. Yopp, seconded by ~r. Trask, t~e Board ordered the cancellation of compensation insurance and a~proved the payment of premium on same for on~ month in nas been in'force. The policy to be retained by the County.as evidence on which payment was based. ~ After ha~ving made repe2.ted eifort to insure the ferryboat "bTena.r~ic" and having gone to the expense to employ tne services of a marine erigi~neer to :nake~ a survey of the "~enanic" to meet the requirements of the insurance compam~~:es £or the purpose of securing insurance, the Board was advised by'a local agent that he had been un~.ble to place P~arine Insurance on the "I~enanic" on account of its a~e and being t~~@. The Auditors cash repmrt ftlr June was received and ordered.filed. The folloiving coupons and bonds having been°presented by the County Auditor as having ~ been paid v~ere burned in the presence of the Board: ROAD'BONDS: L'oupon No. 46 Bonds Nos. 1 to 50 Inc, - 50 ~~p22.50 -~ 1,125.00 ~~ ~~ 40 " " 1~' 5 " - 5 CQ3 22.50 - 112.50 " " "40 " " 10 " 35 " - 2'6 " 22.50 - 585.00 , - ~' " 40 " " 38 ';' 39 " - :2 " 22.50-- 45.00 ~' " 40 ~~ ~~ 43 ° 50 " - :~8 ° ~:2.50 - 1B0.00 " " 39 " " 36 " 37 " - 2 " 22.50 - 45.00 " " 39 " " 40"" 42 " - 3 " 22.50 - 67.50 " " 36 " "" 1 " 4 " - 4 " 25.00 - 100.00 " • " 36 " " 6 " 22 " - 17 " 25.00 - 425.00 " " 36 " " 24 " . 75 " - 52 " 25.00 - 1,300.00 " " 36 " " 76 Only - 1~~ 12:5Q - 12.50 " " 36 " " 79 to 84 " - 6" 12.50 - 75:00 " " - 36 ~" " 87 " 89 " - 2 " 12.5 0 - 25 .00 ~~ " 36 " " 91 " 94 " - 4 " 12.50 - 5'0.00 " " 36 " " 97 Only - 1 " 12.'S0 - ~12.50 " " 36 " " 100 to 108 " - 9 ". 12:5 0 - 112r50 ~ ~ " " 36 ° " 110 " 118 " - 9 ° - 1'2.50 - 112.50 " " 36 " " 121 ~" 125 " - 5 " 12.50 - 62.50 ~~ • " 36 " " 96 Only - 1 " 12.50 - 12.50 $ 4,460.00 SCHOOL BONDS: ~ ' Coupon Na. 36. Bonds Nos. 1 to 23 Inc, - 23 ~ 25.00 - 5'75.00 " " 36 " " 25 '~ 38 " - 14 "~ 85.00 - 350.00 " " 36 '~ " 39 " • 60 " -~ 22 " 25.00 - 550.00 " " 36 " " 62 Only - 1" 25.00 - 25.00 " " 36 " " 64 to 101 Inc 9 3II " 25.00 - 950.00 " " 36 " " 1.03 to 108 " - 6" 25.00 - 150.00 " " 36 " " 110 '" 150 " -- 41 '~ 25:00 - 1,025.00 . " " 36 " " 151 " ~200 " ~ 50 " 12.50 - 625.00 " " 39 " ° 45 Only " - 1 ~' 25.00 - 25.00 " " 24 " " 41 to 63 " - 23 " 25.00 - 5'75.00 ~~ " 24 ~' " 65 " 72 " - 8 " 25.00 - 200.00 " " 24 " ~" 75 " 100. " - 26 " 25.00 - 650~00 ~~ " 24 " ' " 51 " 78 " - 28 " 25.00 - ' „.^~.00:00 " ~~ "24 " " 81 " 125 " - 45 " 25.00 - 1,125.00 ° ° ~ 23 " " 91 " 225 ." - 135 ° 25.00 - 3,375.00 ~~ " ,_3 ° " 11 " 58 !' - 48 " 23.75 - 1,140.00 , . . - . " " 3 " " 64 " 242 " - 179 " 23.75 - 4,251~25 " " 3 " " 1 " 355 " - 355 ". 23.75 - 8.431.25 ~ 24~722.50 FERRY BOi~TDS: Coupon No. 2~ Bond IJos. 19 to 50 Inc, - 32 ~ 30.00 960.00 ~~ ' ~~ 24 " " 1 ", 50" " . 50 " 25.00 1,250.00 $2~210.00 COTJRT HOUSE BOP~TDS: • • • Coupon No. 15 Bond Nos: 31 to 160 Inc, - 130 ~ 25.00 3,250.00 • ~' " 15 " " 165 •" 169 " - 1~'5 ~~ 25..00 125.00 ~~ . " 15 " " 171 " 225 ° - 55 " 25.00 1,375.00 $~~750.00 , . WORKFiOUSE BOIdDS: • ~ou~on No. 33 Bond DTos 1 to 35 Ii1c ,- 35 C~2 25.00 875.00 WORKHOUSE & COUNTY HOLriE.BONDS: • ' Coupon No. r~28?:Bond Nos. 1 to 17 Inc; - 17 ~ 25.00 425.00 COUNTY AOI~E BOi~DS : ~ ~ Coupon No. 3 Bond Nos. 3 to 28 Inc, - 26 Ca3 23.75 617.50 BONDS PAID: • School Bonds IQos. 41 to 44 - 4 ~~1,OD0.00 - ~4,000.00 ~~ ~~ "' 51 " 55 - 5• Q 1,000.00 - 5,000.00 9,000.00 Total Bonds & Coupons Paid ~47,060.00 ' The meeting then adjourned•. _ ~ic„ ~<. • I ~C~~ L~~~erk. ~ • - `//~ 1 ~~~ Wilmin$ton, N.C., August lOth,1931.. The Board met in egular. weekly session at 3:00 o'clock P~. Present: Addison Hevulett Chairman~ W.E.Yopp~ Geo.W.Trask, F.~.Ross and Jas.2~.Ha11. . This being the date according to law'for the Commissioners to fix the 1931 tax rate; ~~h The tax val~uations not being completed and the Board o£ Education no.t having ~~~ ascertained what~amount of money to be received f rom the State, the matter was ~ deferred to a subsequent meeting of the'}3oar.d. ~ Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Iur. Hall, the assessment of ~¢6,400.00 on Fort Fisher lots owned by ~.A. Hinton as fixed by the Tax Assessors for tY~e year ~e6 1931 was made e¢'fective for the years 1928 and 1929 ad 1930, and an abatement of \~G taxes on a valuation o£ ~2,145.00 for the said years was ordered. Upon motion of ,Iidr. Yopp, seconded by IVir. Hall, a bill for ~$1'32.10 was ordered paid to „` Jud~e G.E.S~fidyette ~for holding special term court fo,r week of. July 20th,1931-. ~g/3~ c ~~`n~ ~ Upon motion of Iair. Trask, seconded by a~Ir. Yopp, an item of ~p7:63 express on a bull calf contributed to the County Farm by ~ir. S.G.Zong,,Supt., was approved for payment. ~w~~~~ The follotivin~g report of Edrvard C. Craft, C.P.A., on the Audit.of the general books and ~,; C`' records of the County as kept by J.A.Orrell County Auditor, was received: ~ O~ Y G~~~ ~ . ~ ~VJilmington~Id.C., August 6th,,1931. ~ ~ ~ . To Tne Honorable Board of, County Commissianers of Neva Hanover County, , • ~Jilmington,il.C. Deas Sirs:- , This is to certify that I have made the annual audit of the General Books , and records of Pdevr Hanover County as kept by County Auditor, b,Tr. J.A.Orrell, for the fiscal year ending June 30th,1931. ' The audit vras nade in accordance ~~ith the contract made by and between your Honorable Board nd Ldt~ard C. Craft, C.P.A., of VJilmington :J.C., said a~reement having been duly approved by I~r. Charles L. Jonnson of tne State Zocal Government Cornmis si on. . All receipts and.;disbursements have been'verified. . All Banlc Balances a,s s}~ovJn by the several statements from the North ' Carolina Bamlc & Trust ,Compar~y, 'vJi-lmi:g ton, Ie. C., have been reconciled ~vith the ~ vritn the,l3alances.as per the Ccunty's Books as of June 30,1931. • All securities consisting of Bonds and Certificates of Deposi+t purchased~~' ;~ with Bond Sinking Fund money have been checked by•me• . ' The County',s records ~vere found in the usual• good condition, v~ell and ~ ~ ably kept. " All accounts h~,ve been checked through to tne annua,l .report as ~repared~~, by ft7r. Orrell, and found correct. , c*. / Respectfully subshit{;ed, . . ~ (Signedd Edw.C.Craft, , , , Certi~fied Public Accountant: ~ Upon motion of I~dr. Trask, seconded by ~r. Yopp, the payment of ~1.00 to Hattie~ ~aylor cqvering,iJotary fees in connection with the execution of a deed fox the ~,o~y right-of-way of Cor.ur.unity Drive, was approved. • l ~ '` .. Upon r.~otion of ~r. Trask, seconded by Mr. Yopp, ~Irs. Irene King And~etivs vras , d allovred ~15.00 per month from the L2other's Aid Fund to be paid jointly by the c,J~ State and County, subject to the approval of the State Board of Chari.ties and _~ i~ Public Welfare. . Upon motion of IuIr. Hall, seconded by t~1r. Trask, the Board authorized the'pay~ent `'~,,~ of $~76.82 to i9.H.VJe11s,Agent, covering insurance on Ferryboat ;'ISenan'~i.c" fPom. - ~,, ~~ I~~Iay 26,1931 to Au~ust 1,1931. • ~ ' Upon motion o£ I,ir. Yopp, seconded by br. Trask, ;:"_r• Idartin 0'$rian ~v~a;s allo~ved to pay the 1931 tax of '~N.R.Davis on property in block 214 less the:poll and personal \ ~G~.~ ~ tax charged therein, accounto~ ~?r.0'Brian havin~ to ta.ke the property back and Davis having having no equity in the same. ' . Upon motion of i~r. Trask, secorided by ~r. Yopp, Geo.H.Ro~ers rras allowed to pay the 1927 and 1928 taxes due on lot of Hrs.'~J.F.Webb a.t Vi1Ta Viev~r; less the~poll and ~x{J personal property tas charged against t~~e same, account of ~he Hrs.of 9~.F.CVebb havin~ ~ _ no equity in the said property. , ~ ~~~ Upon motion, duly seconded county bills 2dos.11 to 242 were approved for pa,yment. ~~~~ The neeting then adjourned. ~ ' ,~ ~~.s~~--~ ~Clerk. \ i ~ ~ , •~ ~ .= ~. :r . ~ ~: ~Y;.~ . '~y: ~y V +k ;, ~~ ~_ ~. ' ; r K "~ ' •`, 1~1~ Wilmington, N.C., Auguat 17th,1931. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was Yield at 3:00 o'clock P.M. . ' Presents ~ddison Hewlett Chairman, Geo: W. Trask, F.M.Rosa ~nd' Jas..d.Ha11. Quite a.delagation appeared urging the appointment of L.W.Tindal as constable oP Wilmington Township. Geo.Harriss Recorder, D.R.~oster,Vaughan Al1en,22.Li.germon ~ ~CcN,S'~~1~-- and David Sainclair addressed the Board in ~Zr. Tinda3's behalf, after~,which Mr. Ross moved t:_a that the matter be taken under advisement; his motion was secnnded by Mr.Trask and carried. '~ • Upon motion of ~Gr. Ross, seconded by I~r. Hall, the matter of correcting the assessment bn house located on lot #16 Fox Sub.Div., char~ed against Martha E.Wilson, which ~~~~ y it is claimed by:"~Sr.B.F.Brittain Executor of R.L.Fox, to be also assessed against c ~the•Fox~e.state, was re£erred to the Chairman, Clerk and County Auditor with poa~er to act. ~ 4 ' ~ ~ ~ IIpon motion of Ddr. Ross, seconded by ~Ir. Trask, the following'reaolution was r,i,lU~,~ unaaimously adopted: , 'Ahereas, St appears to the Board of County Coumiissioners at thia their regular meeting, on Monda~, the 17th,day of Augu$t, 1931, by representations of Geor~e Rountree,•Jr., counsel for defendant, and likewise from the pleadings and p~pere filed in the cese, that there~:ie an action now pending in w~ich the County of New Hanover is plaintiff and Atrus Cook and wife, Cla.udia, are defendant's, for the foreclosure o£ a' tax-sale certificate held by the County, for taxes due upon ~ the def~endants' real estate s~ 406 South Seventh Street, in the City of Wilmington, North Carolina, £or the year 1925.; and it further appear~ng to the Board of County Coumifasxoners that triere hs,s been a eale of said property to one W.I,.Russ for the approxi,~ate sum oP Two Hundred and Six Dollars (~206.00), which amount includes tha - payment of all,taxes at this time due, together with interest~ penalty and coeta; And it Purther appeari:ng that there has been no judg~uent of confirma.tion of the _ sale ~n this case, nor any order oP judgment directing that the County or~the Co~issioner appointed to sell give a deed to the purchaser; NO~J TFIEREFOREp IT IS E~ESOI,TIED by the Board of County Coffiissioners, upon motion of i~x. Ross, duly seconded by Mr. Trask: ~ ~ That theaction oF New`Hanover County,North Carolina, ~ againat,Atrus Cook and wife, Claudia Cook, for t}ie foreclosure of the tax certificate as set forth above be, and the same is hereby, held in abeyance until December 1, 1931, pursuant to the power vested in this Board of County Coffiissioners by Chapter 260,, Section 4y oP the Public Laws of 1931. ' • '~ ~aK~~ The request of Cyrua D. Hogize, Esq.., for a reduction of the assee~ent on hfs home ~ - . at Sunset Park, was referred to the Chairman. ~ ~ , . ~. , • Mr.. C.R.D~orse Chief Office Deputy Sheriff, reported ~685,138.23 1930 t~es collected '` ~ to date and presented the sale"s eertificates covering sale of real 'estate for the , ~Y~y \ 1930 taxes, which were received and ordered turned over to the County Auditor. Upon motion of DGr. Trask, seconded by D~r. Ross, the Board~tin~ upon the adeice of at~ ~ ,the County Attorney fixed the rate of interest to be charged on back taxes at 6;6 per , ~~ GX~ annum for back taxes due for the year 1927 and;for the years prior thereto, and at ; the rate of 10q per annum for the years subsequent to 1927, from da,te of sale by the Sheriff. ' ~y' • ~~~ien~~1~~~ forn onveyingfThomasrFredericksdfromySouthport~to Wilmir~ton,2was approvedgforipayment. Upon,~notion of L~r. Hall, seconded by L~r. Trask, payment .of ~15.72 to the Associated ' / as~u ~j~ Cha riSies, ar,et.~ of charity rate,railroad fare for Mrs. Minnie Gerald and two . children to Atlanta, Ga., was approved. Upon motion of Il~r. Traak, seconded by Nir. Hall, the Board acting in accordance with ~ a ruling of the Attorney General, allowed the usual conmission of 2~ to trie Sheriff ~ Gnes R for tne collection of the 1831 State School Ta.x• ' ..; _ ~ Upon motion of Nr. Hall, seconded by Mr: Rttss, the Wilmin~ton,Furniture Company ~ y~,~. was allov~ed to correct its 1931 tax list by reduc.ing amount of "Open Accounts" lieted'~t ~68,~fQ5.00 to ~40,000.00. . , ~~~' ~I Upon motiarn~-'of' T~r. Ross, seconded by Hdr. Trask, the Chairman was givei authority to ; malce nec, s ar 'r i th i i •S io t R t h C y epa. e c e s rs o a rs n uper oom. r our + , -. The' County Auditorr-, re ported that his estima.te oY total Yalues for 1931 was ~57,077 .00 ~,~~~~~ ~ based' on a- teri per cent -~:oss in corporate exceas, none of ~iicri has yet'!:been: r.eceived. ~ from the Commissioner of ReQentte. ~ ~. A committee of the Chairman, County Auditor and County Attorney having met avith ~ CS G ~r. W.N.Hasriss, C.S.C., as directed at meeting of July lat,1931, submitted the ~ following report; which was upon motion of Mr. Aoss, seconded by ~r. Trask, adopted: The Committee recommends that fees be considered in the year in which they . , should have been coliected and turned in and not in the year 2930-1932 and approved the Auditors deduction from Clerks Fees as followss "'' . . ` `"_' September 1927, Commisaions of,Estat of Lee Hovee ~288.97 ~ ~ 2 168.85 . ~ August 31st,1928', County Check,No. 1 , Deoember 28th,1928, Commiasions W.W.Rob3nson et al 120.75 . , Total,..........e ...................... $578.57. , ~ , ~ `' __ I 1~~ . Wilmington, N.C.., Au~ust 24th,1931. " The regular.weekly meeting of the Board was held at •3:00 o'clock P.S~. ~ ~ . _ ~,~ Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman, '~l.E.Yopp, F.M.Ross, Geo. Yd. Trask and Jas.~[.Hall. ~~.'~'4 Upon motion of ~ir. Trask, seconded by -Gr.. Yopp, Thomas McDonald ha,ving been , s~~ ~ C investigated by the Assistant Iiealth officer ad recommended by the County Welfare ~ Officer~ was admitted to the County Home as an iru~,te. Upon motion of Nr. Trask., seconded by Adr. Yopp, Mr.J.E.Canady was gxanted a refund . ~y o£ $8.66 personal axid poll tax of rid.J.Shuffler charged against lots 150 and 152 ~ t~(~'~ ~Brookwood for the year 1930 acet., of J.E.Canady having to redeem the real estate _ J at a loss and Shuf8ler having no equity in the same. , U on motion of ~:r. Ross, seconded by ~dr. Trask, the Board approved the p~,yment of Y ~~ ~68.50 to PJ.E.~dgerton for Checkwriter purchased October 25th,1930 less 20.00 ~ ~ credit for forgery bond which ~was nevex received. t . ' ` ' ,~,vUpon motion of I~r.'fira§l~, seconded by DSr. Yopp, the Bo~,rd granted Jas.I.Cre~ve ~n~permission to take his su~ar cane to the County Home to be made into syrup. ~ ~~`^"'~'i, . ` ~ Upon motion of I~r. Trask~seconded by Mr. Yopp, 1~rc. J. Hexbert Johnaton was granted a refund of ~p6o41 taxes paid on personal and poll of Robert Corbett charged into ~ R5 the real estate tax on Lots 7& 8 in block #9, Fox Sub.,Div., for the year 1930 '~G~ account HP Mrs. Johnston having to'~ake the property back and Corbett having noEequ3.ty -- in the same. - ,~ Whereas, certain changes have been made in the banking system of some of the banks -~p in this county, and ~~ Whereas, it is therefore, necessary to revise the list of banks designated as,, S county depos'itoriea at meeting of I~ay 17th,1927 ad adopt a new list; • ~ THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED; , -That the County CoIInniseioners acting under authority of • Chapter 146, Section 19, Public I,awe 1927, and upon motion of Lu'r. Yopp, secondedr by Mr. Trask,.hereby designates the following banks depositories for County Funds: • North Carolina Bank ~C Trust Compa~y• / ~ ZNilmington Savin~s & Trust Company. .( Peoples Savings Bank & Trus.t.Compar~y.' . Morris Plan Bank. ~ North Carolina Industrial Bank. ~ The report of Jas. Walker H~ pital for the month of July was received and ordered ; ~~V~, filed. ; ` Upon motion of ~r. Ross, seconded by P~r. Trask, the request for a reduction of the ,~ d? asse"ssment on property of eatate of ~iiss.Rowe PJi~rgins, Tiarnett Township; account of ~ u¢'~ houae burned early part of last year, was referred to the Chairman with po~ser to act. ~ .. . . The Board then took a recess until 3:00 o'clock P.id., August 26th,1931. ~/Li~ ~r ~~~~clerx. Wilmington, N.C., Au6ust 26th,1931. . Pursuant to recess taken at meeting of August 24th,1931, the Board met at 3:00 o'elock P.h~. . ~ Present: ~ddison Hew3ett Chairman, W.E.Yopp, Geo.W.Trask, F.1d.ROSS ad Jas. I~. Hall. Upon motion of 1~r. Ross, seconded by Mr. Hall, aHr.Max Polansl~ waa granted privilege ~Q~~~R" . to peddle scarfs,and furs in this county without being required to pay a license -, ~ tax account of being a disabled World ~Var Veteran as provided for by Subsection G Section 121, Chapter 427, 1931 Publi,c I.aws. , ~`~Nt,.-The following communication was received from the Board of Education; ~-"P~~r'" , : •_ ; '!Wilmington~N.C., August 26th,1931. r°- . New Hanover County Co~issioners, Wilmington, N. C. Dear Sixst- , . • ' `~Pe respectfully request-that your Board levy all of the twenty-£ive cents ' to supplement the constitutional six months term, and provide funds fox the thre~e ~ montHs extended' term as provided by law. ,-~ `~ This request is embodied in a resolution passed by the Boa.rd of Education - ' . Augus~t 25th,1931. , . Very truly, ~ .H.A.Lynch,Chairman Ne~v Hanover County Board of Educat~on• "Wilmi~gton,N.C., Auguat 26th,1931. ~ New Hanover County Cor.~issioners~ ,. ~° ' Wilmington, ;Ia C. Dear Sirs:- We respectfully request,.your.'-approval oE--the echool budgat of the • the Boa.rd oY Educat~on for 1931-~2 for a~3t,~1 0~ ~4C93~~00~00 dlstributed as ~'ollowss State Aid for 6 months term,..:..$177~493.44 • County Supplement for eix monthe 104,986.48 Extended term-3 monthe,.......... 120.520.08 ~ 'Total ........... .....~4U3,OOO.OU • We f~ll aubmit an itemized budget for the above amount,typed on the State forms, as sovn as it can be prepared• Very truly yours~ BOARD OF EDUCATION~ ByH.A.Lvnch. Chairman: - ;.. :~ ~ ~ ' • 1~~ ~eeting of August 26th,1931 continued. - . Upon motion of Znr. Roas, seconded by Mr. Ha.13,-the school budget for the school ~ : year 1931-1932 wae adopted in the total amount of $403,000.00 as follotivs: State Aid for Six Months Term,••• ......................•..........:...... ~17`7,493.4~ County,Supplement for Six 1~onths Term and Extended Term, Three Months,. 225.506.56 ~ • Total ........................................... $403,000.00 to be raised as followa: 'i :~ ; ~. j •~ ; Y ~ .' :; r ,~ . \ l~~p~IIpon motion ~2~~'" 1931 Cannt of Mr. Trask,•seconded by Mr. Ross, the following nd S hool T R i l d t d: t resolution fixing the . ~ \. y a c ax a mous y a op es was unan e ~,re 1 ~ ~ Be it Aesolved by the Boar d of Comniseioners of New Hanover County, that the following.tax levies and asseasmente upon all ta7cable property for the year 1931, as provided and authorized by the General As~embly and Special Acts of the Legislatuxe~ to be as folloe~s: State (Schools),...........$0.1572 ~1.50 Schools Current Expe se),. .0703 -- ~ Schools Debt Service~,.... .0345 -- School~¢ ension,........... ~.0075 -- School Books .............. .0170' . -- School Funding ............. ~ .0400 -- • , ... School Sinkin~ Fund,... .1265 .37 . County Home Fund,.......... .0450 -- General Fund ............... ............... Health Fund .i275 .0200 .50 -- ,. . o,s,p~ ta Fun ..:i~........ ~° ' y~ ~~ 'u' •0250 - • - - our ~ use ar~ ~ un~~ : F , is~~~ • -- Ferry Siriki:'ng F d,.::..:o:: i ~ R : 145 ~ -- 06 ~, ~......... aad Sink ng Fun . 200 . ~ Workhou~e Sinking Fund,.... .0055 -- , Tota1 County .75 2.43 Special 5chools: . ~ - To Supplement .04 To Extend Term .21 .25 .57 .• /~~`=2 s /G~ ~~u`5 Total Rate,..........~1.00 $3.00 Wilmington,N.C., August 31st~1931. The~Board mex in re~ular weekly session at 3:00 o'clock P•BH• , Present: Addison Aewlett Chairman,.W.E.Yopp and Geo..W. Trask. Upon motion of ~dr.~Yopp, seconded by 1~r. Trask, the Board abated the penalty for not l~isting charged against the property of the estate of Chaxity Henry in blocks Nos. 32,48 and 62, Wilmington Townahip for tlie yeare 1923..to 1929 inclusive,- on account of it being the property of several heirs who are non-residents of this State and County. The ma.tter of adjusting the assessmente on said property, account,of its condition,was referred to the Chai rman, Mr. Ross and County Attorney, with power ta act. • ~ The re q~dest of Edr. W.A.Eonvielle to.pay the 1929 and 1930 taxes due on lot #11 & 12 in block #31,.Carolina Place~, formerly oarned by I.W.Willis, less the poll and pereonal tax charge~ against said property, account of the property having to be sold under fore- closure and Mr. Willis having no equity in the property, was upon motion of J~r. Traals, seconded by Il~r~ Yopp, ~ranted. Pdr.•~.R. ldorse, Sheriffs' Chi.ef Office Deputy, appeared and announced that he had collected ~y670,237.80 ~,ccoun~~!, oY 1930 taxes, to date, and real e state sold for 1930 taxes amounting to ~107;000.00 and ~8,155 insol'venta. Upon motion the Sriexiff was granted an extenaion of time to September 28th,1931, to malse finaT settlement of the 1930 taxes. The Board acting uponadvice of the County,.Attorney and upon~motion of Mr. Trask,seconded by Mr. Yopp, authorized and directed the County Auditor to cha,rge the unpaid taxes on the back tax books on personalr~propex tyagai-rist the real estate on which the pexsonal property was located. If the party edho.-owes such personal property tax does not own - the real estate on which same is located, then the same to be prorated and char~ed against such real estate that he may own. ;- Upon_motion oP ~ir. Trask, seconded by Mr. Yopp, the Clerk was instructed to notify the - n State Dist rict Forester that in as much as the County is not cooperating materially with • /I'~vhli~-'l~~ his department, but is closely allied with the State Highway Department in its road work, . to make arrangements to surrender posession of the office occupied by him in the Annex, ' to the use of the Sta.te Highway Department as early as possible. ' ~,The Board ha.viz~ previously granted an allowance of ~5.00 per month to ~rs.J:A.Hollem~n '~. ~~~r~ ~ County indigent, and it now appears tha,t additional f~Znds are necessary to aid her in the" : ~~~~• support of herself and children, the Chafrman ~vas authorized to allow he.r-such additional .: aid from time to time as in his ,judgment he may deem necessary. Upon motion of DSr. Yopp, seconded by ~dr. Trask, 3dr.G.C.Gorma,n was released from the payment /~G~ of penalty and poll tax charged against 8 acres of land,Ogden place,Haxnett township, , , for the years 1928 and 1929, acoount of property having been chasged delinquent ga.inst ', 4• L.C.Gormaztthrough error,~ G.C.Gorma.n,to whom it ahnuld have been charged, havin~ li$tecd . regular ad pa.id taxea on other property and poll for the-said years. ~ .:i ~. - . ' , . .~. ' ' . ~ ~ ' ,,, ' - ' ' . . ~ ~~ . ~. . ~: Meeting o£ August 31st,1931, continued. ""` ~ The County Auditors cash report for the month of July a~as received and orderedY " '~ ~ G.a~~ .filed.. . . . . . .~ ~ iTpon motion' of Mr. Yopp, seconded by Mr. Trask, the Board approved.the purcliase, . ~ ~~ of 48,4~ School Funding Bonds at,par and accrued intersat. • '•. } ~ " The meeting then sd,journed• . . • ~-, ( ~sn • . • . ~ Clexk. Wilmington,N.C., Septembe"r 8th,1931. ~ " „ ~ The Board met in regular weekly session at 3:00 o'clock P.Pd. ~ , , . Presents Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo. W. Trask, F.M.Ross and Jas.M.Hall. . , • ~. ~.' ,Q ~i Upon motion of B~r. Txask, seconded by Mr. Halv., the Board authorized repairs ~ ~~ to a short public passage of approximately seventy-five feet in length, ~ ~ running from the Northexn end of CarolinaBeach Avenue at Carolina Beach, ~. ~ croseing the sand hills to the Ocean front. This done at the requeat of ,, ~ several tax payera at Carolina Beach, for the benefit oP•;the.general public , ~ and to provide fox tlie transportation of fish across the eand hills by Fiahermen who largely depend on this induatry for a living. ' -' -~ ° Upon motion of I~r. Ross, seconded by 1~r. Trask, the following resolution was ,, '~ y~~ ~doptedt . . . _ . ,~~. `~~ ' ; r, ~` wr,r~n~AS, by resolution_of the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover ~ County adoptgd at meeting of April lst,1931, authority wae given to construct '': ~ a hardsurface county highrvay Yxom ldaeonboro County Highway at the Pdunicipal - Golf Course, running then by the Municipal Golf Clubhouae and connecting with ', State Highway No.20, upon'completion of the construction of the sa.id clubhouee,and ;-~ ~, Wl~REAS, said clubhouse has been completed and the said public highvray constr~n~tEd;arid . 41R~RPAS, said public high~vay was not included in ~the liat of county roads ta.ken ~ .' ovex by the State Highway Co~iseion under the 1931' State Road I.av~ on July 1,1931, +r THEREFORE EE•IT RESOLV~D~ • , That the State Highway Coimnission be and it is ~ hereby requested to include the said county highway in its system oP State ~~ ~ l &ighway~. ~~ Upon motion of Mr. Ross, seconded by I~r. Hall, ithe Board authorized a~10,d00.00,1 ' f th F b t " i ° , nsurance coverage o e erry oa fire Menar~tic `.at a 2~ rate. : ": Upon motion of ~r. Tr.ask,.seconded by Mr. Hall, ~r.T.J.@uinlivan was released from payment of penaltg charged against his .property in blocks Nos.139 and 150 Wilmington toanship and property in Haxnett totivnship for failing to list the same for the years 193! account of being.a non-resident. ' < < IIpon motion of ~r• Hall, seconded•by ~r. Trask, the Board received copies of the 193-32 school budget and approved the same in the total aznount of ~403,000.00 as follows; . For the Six 3~onths Term,..... $282,479.92• • For the Three ~donths Term,... 120,520.08 ~403,000.00 A i ~ ' . • to be derived fPom the Yol3owing sources ? • YI ~ ' - . , . ~ .~. ~ ' ~ •4y. ... ~ ~ ~ , ~ ' ,' ~ , - ~~~~ Upon motion of ~ir. Roas, seconded by I~r. Hall, the Clerk wae instructed to write a letter to each head of the varioa depa.rtments of the County Goverrun~nt ~~ ~ ~y~U notifying them that the County Cos~issioners will not recognize or pay any : indebtedness incurred againet the County for any purcY~ases or other obligations ' t~ ~"' - without first securing a. purchase osder from the`Cyunty Accountant upori ;: , requisition from the Chairman of this Board. ..; . . ~'~ : ~L . :, `~ IIpon motion of ~r. Trask, seconded by Idr. Ross, the Board authorized the `:~ "~ A~ _. ~~ - purchase of twelve chaira £or the Recorders Court. , ' ~ ; , Upon motion of 1~dr. Hall~ seconded by L~r. Trask, the following bi11s were app- \ ~~~~~~ roved Po r payment s "}~ ', Wilmirgton Hotel, for flirnishing rooms for jurora,~65.00. Carrie G.~iargTave, ~ ;. .~ ,';, ~ ~ Colored: Welfare ~Jorker, ma~cimum allowance for transportation $4.16;Foy-Roe. Co.~ , ~10 si m ttre s f r ~ai1 50 G F S d b i l ~ !•_ ~ ~ , . x a sse o ; reen c gwar, ur a a of County Paupers $75 .00; ;,, A.V9.Allen Coroner, Investigating deatha ~20.41; City Cycle Compa~y, re~a.irs to "~. motorcycle $13.40 a nd County bills Nos. 243 to 424 inclusive.,~ ~ Upon motion, duly seconded, the petition of Caroline Fisher•raquesting the ~ ,J~ ~ Commiasioners to provide for the sterilization of Carrie Fisher her dau~hteY, ,. ~~'~1 in aceordance with the provisions of Chapter ~34 of the Public Laws of 1929, ~ ~.,r.. ~ t~~ was approved. . . . • ~ The Auditors cash report for the month of August was received and ordered fi~3ed.~ '•;~ z`~~~ . . _ a~. The request of J.H.Burnett that baelc taaces on lot #10, in bloek 16, Carolina ~ Beach,charged against A.M.Tolar for 1919-20 and 1921 and 1925, be cancelled;wae v f ~ /~ ~j?` declined Por the xeason that it appears that the said taac was properly levied .' ',' >> and accrued as charged. , q ~ ' ' ` ~ . „, . . , .t `'. , 'i . .t ~ i~.~ ~ ~~ ~~a~ / CGU~'y ~ r~ ; r ~ , ;- , j :i'. '... 4 / `~~~~~~ The Board r~et in regular seseion at 3:00 o'clock P.1~. ~ - ' Presents Addison Hewlett Chairman~ VP.E.Yopp,Geo.W.Trask and Jas.l,G.Hall. ~•"~ ~-~'~ye5 ~~ 5~=' ! . ~~y~S~ ~t~.,~ ~ , ~ ~ _,~ _,,~t~r~ ~ u~7Ctx ~ ~ `~,or~e.~- / ~ ~~~,a~-5 ..- 1~1 Meeting of September 8th~1931 continued. The matter of ad;juating the asses:mient on land of the Texas Company at the Carolina Shipyards s compared with that oP the Standard Oi1 Comparly, wae referred to the•Chairman for investigation. A request oY the Boaxd of Education that,the.simm of ~5~000.00 be placed to the credit of the school fund to take care of expenditures•for the month of September, was a pproved. ~ • Upon motion, duly seconded, the Board approved the p~yment of ~4.50 to ~r. S.G.I,ong, Supt., County Faxm, covering expense inciarred in the capture of Yete Roberson, an escaped cottvict.. • ~ The following ~ood and lawful men were drawn to serve as ,jurors in the Superior Court £or the trial of Criminal cases for week beginning September 14th,1931s Chas.Finke~stein.H.M.Edwards. J.Ii.Salling. W.A.Casteen. S.C.Dunn. C.D.~Yoebse. ~.F.Riley. R.G.Southerland. Eugene Johnson. R.B.King. T.B.Lynch. H.J.Gerdes. R.BG.Kern. J.V~.H.Futch. Grier Edvuaxds.Wm.C.Spesr. J.N.Sandlin. T.A.VJortham. 47.V.Sellers. E.T.Keal. Il~erton Reece. B.K.BQyers. A.B.I4iurray. ~ J.H.James. Doxey Sanford• Clyde T.Powell.~ Eugene Tate. J.P.Jackson. H.McQ.Corbett.E.H.Tolar. J.C.McEachin. A.C.Divine. C.S.Southerland.W.P.Duncan. E.R.Clark. C.A.Pescha.u. For the aecond week-Civil beginning September 21st,1931: J.J.Thomas. L.L.Palmer. E.L.Porter. J.R.Sockoiqy. P.Z.Weaver. C.N.Bryant. R.J.Turnbull. B.E.Widder. E.S.Willis. J.1~.Autry. D.F.Spivey. J.M.West. Morris May. H.Bluethenthal. G.R.Kinney. H.J.Rogers. E.Warren. Z~.E.Wood. W.G.A.Oterson.Irs.L.Hill. P.J.VJhitman. B.H.Thoma.son.l H.E.Williama. N.G.Willis. The meeting then ad,jouxned. ~T/~ u~ ~ < - ~Zi-r ~~' ~ Clerk. ~ - Wilmington;id.C., September 14th,1931. Upon motion, duly seconded, ~rs. Etiiel 4#. Chadwick was granted an abatement of taxes on a valuation of $30D.00 househo~d goods for the year 193s1 acc:ount~of having been destroyed by.fire, and a reduction of assessraent on automobile oY ~255.00 excess aeaessment. " , r . Upon motion of P~6r. Yopp, seconded by,LKr. Hall,_1~rs.T~aud Zawrence Clewis, was upon xecoannendation of the County Welfare Officer, granted an allowance of $~15.00 per month from the Motherat Aid F~nd for period fro~ October lst,1931 to June ~ 30th,1932,subject to the approval of the State Board of`Charities and Public Welfare. ' 1~rs..Estell.vSmith introducee~ Mrs.Garrison, the ne~ appointee for the position of Home Demonstrato~: Mrs Garrison ma.de a short talk expressing her pleasure in being here and giving an outline of the work as she expects to "casry on". ~ LQra. Smith asked that the County buy some furniture for the office in the Custom building. ~Mr. Trask moved that }drs. Garrison be allovred to begin woxk October ~lst,1931, a per her request, ad that the matter of furniture`be taken under consideration; his motion was seconded and caried. The Chairman reported.a balance.oP approximately ~1,000.00 in the Health Budget, •and that thexe ia needed about ~9~0.00 for dental work in the schools ifapproved ` ~ by County ancl City, ad requested;that this expense be approved. Upon motion of Lir. Trask,duly seconded,it was approved. -. , •• • ~~ The request of admission of Mrs. Maggie Bell to the County Stome, was upon motion ~" of Dfir. Yopp, granted as soon as an opening can~ be secured. ,`'•~ - ~ :~ The ma.tter of repairing the Beasley bridge, which had been promised before July lst,~~- / was.de£erred till next meeting. y: Upon motion,'duly seconded, I~r.Nathan Cole was instructed to settle the matter 4 ' ~ ~--G.~;~ , of back tases due on part of block '~43 Swnmer Hill,~now ovrned by J.C.Croom, on a • ~ v8~luation of $80.00. ~ . , • •' The requeet of Chas. Surmnerlin for a reduction of acreage charged to him near ~' ,~ ~~~~'~ Seagate, was referred to t2ie Chairman for investigation. r > l- ` ,~, ~10.Y e.' , ,: ~ ,'. { , i.. ~~. ' .The request~o£ Thos.H.VJright that the County release oll and personal propexty F, t~:x of H.S.WilbuTn charged a.~ainst property in block ~500 and a llow him to pay •° ,. ' the~real e.state tax on same account of Wilburn havin~ to return the property •.and having~no equity in the same, was granted.. ~ _ ~ '. . # ~ . . , ~ , ~ ; l ' ~ DTo further bustinss appearing the meeting ad,journed. ~v~ -~ <.~Z!-~a~-~' Cle~'k. ' !~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~1 ~ ~ • . . . ~:.. Wilmington,N.C.; september 21st,1931. • . . . ' r~ ~ The BQard met in regular weekly session at 3;:00 o'clock P.~G. . , Presente Addison Hewlett Chaix~man, W. E. Yopp, Geo.Fl.Trask,Jas.M.Hall and F.~H.Ross. ~ ~ ' • ~ - S ~t Upon motion of ~ir.. Yopp,~seconded by ~dr. Hall, Bfrs. Maud I,awrence Clevris ava.s granted ~~.~, ~~ an allovrance of $15.00 per mont~ from the Mothera' Aid Fund beginning with October ~ lat,1931, subject to the approval of the State Board of Charities and P~iblic Welfare. G.ji`Upon motion oY ~ir.. Traek, seconded by DEr. Hall~ the Assoclated Charities were granted ~ ~ the privilege to use the cou"rt house drivev~ay for hauling wood to and.f rom the lot in a~y~ the rear of the Y.3n.C.A., during the winter.months for the City's poor; the Co~issio- ' ~~" ' l . ners reserving the right to cancel the g~i~vile~e ehould•the same become ob,~ectionable. ~`. A request of the ~eceivers of the Farley Stores Incorporated for a reduction of valuer%:'.:.. ' ~" repared b Sthe Recei~rsn npr M a lin ntoryr Sthh1931 ~ ~UV2v th i~ k 7 d a dvi nt ~t z ~ y p y , e r ve avas en un er seme . a a ; . . ' / t The report of Jas.Walker Hospital and I,adies Res t Room for Augus wera received and~ . • - • . ~~~ ordered filed. _ , .EXAense of C.I,.Philemon,~2.82 for transportation of Taft Lovre from 1~a11ace~N.C., account • ~e~~ ~'e~'`of the Recordere Court, was ordered na,id. ~• ` . Upon motfon of ~ir. Trask, seconded by ~r. Ross, the Board adopted the recoffinenda.tion ~ ` of the Ftecorder and voted to ~iarole ~usaell Carlile with his mother for the balance '~/ ~ `~). ~yl.cS oY his term~ on the County Farm, without coets. . e t~ ~~ ~ . . . ~ Upon motion of Ldr. Yopp, seconded by ~dr. Hall, the purchase of a new motorcycle ~ ~ b`r,4 for the Special Officers account, was authorized. : ~ c 1~~ ~ } F.porter Davis,Special O~ficer, having been suepended from performing his duties as a a ,y~9 ~ Special Officer on July 23rd,1931, pendin~ the outcome of the trial in Superior c ourt • s: of three Bhexiffe Deputiea and hiinself for fatally woundingiI,upo Roberts~at Smiths se havin been tried and the Sur The c havin id de d di t of ~ k B ~ # g r a y g ren re a ver c qree ~e. ~~~ ~. not guilty, ~r. Hall moved and it was seconded by FHr. Yopp, and carried, that Mr.Davis ~t~ ial offi d t hi f ll duti ' b in t f th C L ' t t ' +' a o s u ea as a spec cer o . oun i ~ e re s e e y. . , ` . r~ A~ eport of disbursementa of the Board of Education acount of its 1931-1932 budget to • ; ~, v~~(,~ Septemlier lat,1931, was received. `•" ~ ~ `~~' 2~Upon motion, du~y seconded, the Chairman and the ~ounty Auditor were asked to -a~~iear w3th ~ t~ ~U. repreaentativea from the ~oard of Education, before the State Board of Equalization at ~ .~'_ ~~ Raleigh for the purpose of ad,jueting differencee arith the State and the Board of ' ~ ~ ~~,b Education as to the 1951-1932.school budget. Their expenses to be paid by the County. ~. ~ Upon motion of Mr, Trask, seconded by ]~r. Yopp, the Chairman v~as authorized to have ~ ~ some of the Court House cYiairs repaired. F~ °~ ~ n~v T ~e r~quest of Archie L4arine to repair the eash and re-glaze the glass~ in the vaindows l ~~' • ~.. .t,.+ of the Court House having previously been referred to the Court House Cormnittee, and he ' ~1 , ~' being present at this meeting was asked to meet with the Committee after ad~ournment to ~; ~' ~~ inspect the windows in order to determine to what extent they needed repairs. ~~~ ~ ~ v • ' / C° Upon motion of ~ir. Trask, The Springer Coa.l Company wa,s awarded the bid to.furnish two ~ h C t ~4 65 t li l d l rl d a e ome a ti~c, ounty . per on e vered, and• two caxs coA. i ~,; cars of coal for t e ivered ~~,v ~~r~" irr the bins at the Court House at ~5.25 per ton, they being the loweat bidders. ` ~`~, / pv ~1 • ~~i•, c Upon motion oP Mr. Hall, seconded by I~r. Trask~ the a asessment of ~3,300.00 on property 1¢,~?~,. ~ ~"~ oY B4r. B.B.Humphrey in- block ~257, was reduced to ~3,000.00 account of over asaessment, arsd ~ _ js .,~~.,,~ an abatement oF taxes on a valuation of 300.00 for the ~ year 1931~ was ordered. ~U ~„ ~ ~dessrs. Jno.D.Bellamy,Jr., and J.V.Grainger appeared and asked the Commissioners to ~ ~ voluntarily accept a 2~-~ interest rate on county funds instead of the present 3~ rate; ,~ . ~, .t ~his they said was necessary on account o£ the inereased cost o£ securing depository ' '{: ~ bonds as required by.the County. The Commissioners expressed themselves as being unfavorable ~ ; to the proposal', stating tha.t if the banks could not afford to pay the prasent rate of _/ ~ ~~ interest oF 3~~b,.it is up to them t o fix the rate at a,ny figure they may desire, leaving it to the Co~issioners to invest or deposit the County's Yunds with whom and where they " ~~ may deem best for the public good. ; , ~ f~; , The m~ ting Lhen ad~ourned. ;~ /tv, ~l X~ . ' ' , . ,, ~ Clerk. :r ~ ~ • ~ . y ~ .,, . ... . ~ t~ a .} I. ,j . ,' _ f~ j ~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~S•i I I . l~y , •Wilmington,N.C., September 28th,1931. The Board met in regular weekly'sess'ion at 3:00 o'clodk P. M. ' Presant: Addison Hewlett Chairman, Pl.E.Yopp, Geo.W.Trask,F.M.Ross and Jas.M.Hall. Upon motion of T~r. Trask, seconded by Mr. Yopp, frorq payment of 25f penalty for not lis~ing his the year 1929, acc.oun't of being a non-resident. . . Upon motion of i~r. Trask, seconded by &Ir. Yopp, approved the following bills of John R. ~iorris, payment by the Boards ' • Ivir.Ha.rle'e Batson wae xeleased property in Haxnett townehip for the County'Attorney hadin~ 9heriff, were approve'd for ,~ Expense taking J.Vl.Gore to State Hospital ~$28.00; -. ' `' " ° TOID I3TOOk8 " "• . 27.6~• . , ' " " Ed Davis " " 19.02. " " Eben Piner '! ° 32~.01. , ~ ' " " Lativrence Ganey to Eastern ' ' ~ Carblina Tra'ining School '~ 29.31• ' Returning J.B.Stubbs from Burgaw ' 4:79 Meals for jurors 101.80 Total ..................... ~242.53 ' - ~~f/S Upon motion of 1~r. Yopp, seconded,by Mr. Hall, County bills Nos.243 to 538 ~ ~ were approved for payment. . r Upon motion of I~r..Trask, seccnded by Mr. Ross, the assessment of ~2,500.00 on building of F.i~.Abeel on lot #2, Block ~48 Carolina Beaoh ~vas reduced to . ~~pX~ ~1,800.00 on account of its condition, and an abatement of taxes on a valuation - of ~700.00 for the year 1931 was ordered. , The County Auditor aubmitted the form-of tax receipt to be used by the Sheriff ~`'fq~(~~~ for_.the year 1931, which was approved. " The request of n~r.I,.A.Hatchell to be released°,f,rom the payment of cost aecount of ~~~ sale of property by the sheri~'f, in Cape Fear Township for 3.930;Ttagea;~6~as declined. / ~ The request of the Receivers of Farley Storea Incorporated for a reduction of the 1931 values on merchandiae retnrned by the Farley Stores Inc.; during,April 1931, ~~qK2~ to conforra with their inventory as of May Sth,1931, was declined for the reason that this Board canr~ot aseume that the merchandise was not on hand during April as returned. ' , ~~~~ The Board declined ~to autliorize repairs to the old Beasley brid~e,'on account of /~'~' uncertainty of the authority of the county to do work o£ this nature since the enactment of the 1931 road law. A request of the Pilot Life Insurance Company for a reduction of the asaessment ~'~ on property of D.H.Bryan in block #177, recently acquired by tlaem, was declined. By reason of the absence of Sohn R. Morris, Sheriff, the ma.tter of acting on the ~~ allowance to be ma.de for feeding jail prisoners was deferred until next meeting. ' ~ Upon motion of ~ir. Ross, seconded by I~Sr. Hall, the Board by a unanimous vote appointed 3~Gr. 6.G.Long Supt., of County Home and Earm, a Special Officer undezv f~ ~~~~""`~~'authority of Chapter #68 of the Public I,ocal Laws of 1915. ~~~ A statement showing distribution of property values and school cost £or two ,,h:~`6*~~ months ae bet~veen urban and rural population ~.n I~ecklenburg and New Hanover *i~a~`~{ /~~9~ Counties, on which basis State School Fubds are distributed, was received £rom ~~~ the County Auditor. ' , . , ~~ ~ " The follo~ving coupons having been presented by the County Auditor as having been /~-t3-M.~ paid, were burhed in the presence of the Boardt ~ . RO~iD BONDS ~ . Coupon No. 35 Bond No. 85,88,99.-.3 C9~'$12.50 -~ 37.50 SCHOOI, $ONDS ,~~~ ~ Caupon No. 35 Bond No. 61,78,79 - 3 ~ 25.00 75.00 ~,'~ ~ " " 23 " " 71 to 75 - 5 " 25.A0 125.00 • '"' ' " " 23 " " 53 Only - 1 " 25.00 25.00 ' $ 262.50 ,a , ROAD BONDS ' ~ r~ Coupon No. 35 Bor~d No. 119 Only - 1 p 12.50 12.50 ~ ti ~~. ;_ - SCHOOL BONDS • Coupon No. 26 Bond No. 1 and 2-- 2~ ~ 25:00 50.00 "~ ~ " " " " " 18 to 62 "-45 ~, 25.00 1~125.00 ° n ° " ° 64 " 125 -''S2' • ~ -2b a00 1.550. 00 ~2 ~ 725.00 f Coupon Expense ~ - 7.81 Coupon No. 36 Bond DTo.61 Only - 1 ~ 25.6A`-• 25.00 , -` , ' ° ° 24 " ° 79~80 - 2 ~ 25.00. 50.00 n n 24 n ~~ 64~73~74 - 3 ~ 25.00' 75.00 150.00 SCHOOL FUNDING: ~ Coupon No. 3 Bond No. 59 to 63 - 5 Q 23.75 118.75 118.75 .. „ __ ~• ~ ~ ~ EiOAD BONDS • . Coupon No. 40 Bond No. 6 to 9- 4 Q.22.50 90.00 ~~,.. ~ " " 36 " " 5 ~ 23 ~ 2 ~ 25.00 50.00 " " . 36 " " 77,86,90,95, 87.50 ~ ~ 98~109,120 - 7 (~1 12.50 . ' " " 35 " ° 90 and 98 - 2 ~ 12.50 25.00 " " 34 n " 90 Only - 1 ~ 12.50 12.50 2fr5:.Q0` ~3,266.56 ' ,~ SCHOOL BOND ' Coupon No. 26 Bond No. 63 Only - 1 ~ 25.00 25.00 ~~~ / ~G~~y a ~eeting of September 28th,1931, continued. The Sheriff's settlement of the 1930 taxes together with the necessary affidavits as required by law, was presented and after due coneideration was upon motion of ~ir. Trask, seconded by 1dx. Yopp, accepted by the Board subject to the check of t}ae County Auditor ;the detail followe: Listed as per abstract ~797,570.86 Not Zisted sold $6,083.03 Less abatements 3.085.34 So~id for taxes 107,489.96 ' 794,485.52 Iasolvents 7.220.70 Listed late 1,161.67 Paid to Auditor 671~340.39 Not.I.isted 3,861.09 Discounts 2,433.88 Not I,isted sold 6,083.02 Sherifff's Couffaission , 17,213.79 Pena.lties collected 5,555.13 Difference • 69 Advertieing costs 636.00 ~811~782.43 ~811~782.43 THE INSOI.V~NT LiST ~ . . ; y t r ' ~. ~ . , k , /'"_ 1 \ ' : . , ' , ,~ , ~ . . t . . . ~ , . : • ~ . ,. : ~ j~ . . _ ... ~ - - _ ,# - , , ,. : . . , , ~ ~". . . {. , . ., . . . ,~, , , . . . .-~ h ~ Poll & Perao~~l. ~`~ iYhi.te. ~ l Ahrens G.T. ;~-~ Ahxeris J.W.M. ' Aiken Geo.Luther. ', Ainsworth ~.A. ' Albri~ht J.F« .' Allen D.V: • A7.ien Ernest.M. Al1en.Fred. Allen R.L. Allender P.J. Allender Pl.L. ; ` Allison.Mrs Jno.R. ~ Ainbrose R..G. ,- Ames T.R. ~ Anderson A.C. , Arlti~revra J.W. Arp W, C. ' Askin Chas. _ Atlantic Cleaners. Aikens J,E. {lrnold Lee ' ,Ba,ggett ~. Bai:ley, C.~J. ` Bailey Otis. ' ..Baker Johnr '~ Baldwin Mi~'s Rosa. Hallard L. Banek A.C. i Barclay Dougla.s ~ .3s~ ; ~, W :. 3`~;. Barnes VF.L. Barr Geo VY. Barr T.B.. Basa,D~~. . _Ha,~tl4bn C.H. ~s^^ "s~aa-.~ Batson Pleaeant. atson R.E. aucom H.Nl. eaman ,19.VG. • elch E.M. e11 B.E. • e11 E.A. ell. F. L. ell R.E.L.' s~~~~ryly~ly ~dalter{1.E. .~1Z~R~~.. ~ ~~LI• ~nson J.A. ~n.-D.E, ---Qen,ton I. L.. ~ iddle J.T. iggs Burton. iggs B. G. Bla.ke L.H. . Hlalt~e Norman C: Blake R.E. Blake S.9J. Blanchard ~.P. ~cl--~' .T Bland D.C. Bland E,S: Sland J.J. ~ Blizzard F.D. Boesch 4P. C. Bogan C.(3. Bolton L.H. ~. Bolton Li. L. Boney E.E. Bonham F.59, Bonham 4Voody Boone H.R. ' Bordeaux D.L. ~ Borneman G.4J, Z. Boatian R.L. Bostivell A. E. ' Sosv?ell Bruce. . 'Boswell Roland Boswell VP.D,. Bo~vden H. A. Bowden J.Pi. ~ Bowen.4~.F. ; Bowman J.J. Boyette V7.D. £_w3~, ~~.L~t sr~~~ s.c~. Branch D.T. Bxanch H.A. 1 Brehmer C.D. , ~.: •y 1 Pro~erty P~ilmington Township. Insolvent, 3: 65 ~i~ . 65 ~ 3.00 / 3.0~ e 9.96 ~ 3.00 ~ 3.00 ~ 3.00 ~ 3. 0~ ~ 3. 00 ~ 3.Ci0~33 3. 00 ~ 30. 35 ~ 3. 00 ~ 3. 65 ~ 58, 50 ~/ 47. 58 6 3. 65 ~ 6.84~ 3.9I~ 4. 50 ~/ 3. 26 d 2.33 ~ 5, 07 ~/ 3.33 ~ 5. 85 ~ 3.00 ;.. 3£~ , 4, 63 ~ 6. 84 ~ 3,00~ 3.65 / 9. 43 a ~ rn_ 7. 86 ~ IO, I5 ~ °;63 3. 00 ~ 3:08 ~ 3.00 l 3.00 ~ ' 3.00 3.00 ~ ** ~a 3.65 ~ 3.00 ~ 3.65 ~ I9. 57 ~ 3. ~0 ~ 3.65 ~ 3. 65 ~ 3. 00 ~ 8.I9 3. 00 ~ 3.00 ~F 4, 50 ~ 3. 04 ~ 6, 53 3. 00 ~ 3.00 ~ 3.33 / . 65 ~r 3. 00 ~ 3.00 ~ 3.00 ~ 3.00 ~ 1.95 / 4. 46 ~ 3, 00 ~ 3.00 ~ 6. 32 ~ 3. 00 ~ 3.00 ~ 3. 65 ~ 7.90 .65 ~ 3.85 13. 79 ~/ 6.25 ~ ~r r~+ 3. 00 ~ 3.00 ~ 3.65 3.00 ~ Bremer Walter. 3.39 ~ Bright Ralph. 3.00 ~ Britt Geo 9V. 3,98 ~ Britt J.D. 5a67 ~ Brittian J.H. . .65 ~ Brittian J.N. 3.00 ~ Brittian J.P. 3.00 Britton Victor B. ~,~3 ~ 9- ~-3 -~..:•~,a~a ~,~~~.,-. ~~ ~...:...+J'! ' Brooks ~2.Pd. 3,00 B~ee~s~~P~t3t,er: 3.1)0 ~_ Brother.s C.D. 4,50 ~ , Brothers LS. L.. 10.09 ~ Brown Alex T. Jr. 3.00 ~ Brown B.B. 3.00 4 30 ~ Brown C.H. . ~ Brown A.E.. 5,86 Brown H.D. 1.30 ~ Brown J.H. 3,13 ~ Brown Brya,n J, 3.00 ~ Brown J.T; .20 ~ Bro~qn Zennie 3.00 Bryan L.L. 3.00 l Brya.nt A.C. 3,00 ~ Bryant E.K.. 3.00 ~}t-E.'P,. ",. ° ~- , r Bryant R.J. ~ 5.73 Buck Elizabeth F. 4I,80 ~ Buie ~ark. ' 3.00 Buie W.G. 3,65 ~ i Burnett Roy. 5.21 ~ Burriss J.H. 5,60 ~ Burriss J.PQ. 3,00 ~ - Burriss S.I. . 3,00 :a~ ~.::.: -~ a.~rt~~V-. , :`bD l Burton A.D. 3.00 ~ Burton S.L. 3.46 ' Burts B.A. 1.95 ~ Bush E.J. 1.30 ~ Butler A.T. 3.98 ~ Butler Robt. 3.00 ~ , Byrd James . 3.00 ~ Byrd Sherman 5.00 ~ Barefoot Robt. 3.33 ~ Batton Marvin, ,65 ~ Bishop O:HfJr. . .85 , P~a~: .~...:-~.~- Calhoun J.E. ~3~. ~ 6.51 ~ Canady John A. 3.20 -- -• ~ -~ v~,~~..~ - - Cappe E.S. Caryle Grady. Carney J.G. Carney J.R. , Ca;rney L. L. Carney R.L. Carolina ~2i11 FVks. (#a~e~e-r...3'~.~'-:-- Cartex H.J.. Carter J.A. V~,`Va Vva kl.~~"• . Carter SV.C. Cason H.E. Casteen E.T9. Casteeri E:Z. Casteen John T. Casteen R.A. ' Gavenaugh Mrs.C.W. Cavenau~h T.R. Chadwick E.L. Chadwick Geo R. Chadwiek J.J. Ch~ d~. H: E. 3. 00 ~ ~ 3. 65 ~ 3.20 ~ 3.00 ~ 3.00 d/ 3.00 ` 13.00 ?'n' ~ 3*00 ~ 5. 47 3 : Sg,.~ 8.07 ~ 3. 00 ~ 3.00 ~ 3.00 ~ 3.00 ~' 7. ], 5 ~ 3.00 ~ 6.45 ~ 3.00 ~/ 3. 33 ~ 3:00 ~ 8.20 1.23 3.00 3. 00 3.00 16.85 7.15 ~ ~,65 ~.09 10.67 3. 72 2.28 3.00 Christman xRike. C1ark (3..L. Clark G.W. Clark J.S. ~ Glemmons J.A. Clemmons R.H. Clendennin Mrs f3eo. fl :~:~~ 'r-:f : ~ Clinard Elec Co. .^i8t~s .^.r~ Coleman G,L. Coleman R.F. Coley J.B. Coley J.T: ~ !/ 6 ~ ~ Q ~ / / ~ ~ ~ j I . I i .' / #a Coley Sam. 3.65 6 Consolidated Traf,As Z.95 ~ Contos Nick. 2.41 Cook C,A. 9.59 ~ Cook VFm T. .. 3.00 ~ Cooper C.B. 3,00 Copeland Elmes 3.00 l Copeland J.W~ 3.00 ~- Corbett VPm ,lE. 5, 73 Costin M.H.. 3.39 ~ Cotton C.L. 11,05 ~ Couch E.R~. ~ 4.7.1 Council H:J. 3.65 ~ Cox FRed. 3.00 Cox John F. 7.75 ~ Crai~ J.L. 3.00 ~ Craig Mrs R.B. 2.60 ~ Crandall f3eo. 3,A0 ~ Creech M.F. 3,65 ~ Creech YP,J. 3.00 ~ Crifer R.H. 3.00 ~' Croom Audxy, 3,00 r Croom C.T.. 5.75 Croom R:B. 4.63 ~ Crute Jae M. 3.00 ~ Culbreth Roy. 3,00 fJ~ben Iiese~:,, :..-0(} ~~,~.: Cumbee E~. . 3.72 Cumbee J:H. 4.50 ~ Curtis J.W. 4,17 Daniels C.V'i~ 3.I3 ~ Daniels W,B. 3.65 ~ Darden Adolph. 3.00 / Darden C. H. 4.~9-~ ~ y~ Davis A:F. 3.00 ~ ` Davis C.H.. 3,00 ~ Davis E.F.. 6.25 ~ Davis E.P. 4-,11 D~e-}s~T~ . "s.-8^_ ~ Davis'~.L. .65 Davis.J.M. 3.00 ~ Davis LutY~er, 3,00 ',,,. ::, 3c..; . ~ 6~,.~ . Da,vi s R. L. 3, 00 ~ Da,nkins S2m. 3.00 ~. _' ~~ Devr J~~ H~•~~ 3.00 ~ Dew J.S. 3.00 ~ ' Diokinson C.L.. 10,21 ~: Divine R.J. 3,00 ~ Dixon Archie. 3,65 ~ Dixon T.B.. 3.00 / Do~Jning G.SN. 3.00 ~ Downing S~n 3,00 ~. Drasher E nesy 3.00 / Drew J. K..- 7, 29 a/~ Audley J.H.. 5.86 !/ Dunlea R.A. 3.00 ~ Dunn Theron. • 3,00 ~ Ez.gle B.E. 3.00 ~ Earnhart Rev D.E. 8.53 ~~*. . 3-~3 ~ Eason J.H. 3.00 6~ EHmondson D.G. 6.84 ~ Edt~ards Ed. 3.00 / Edward]s M}r{sQ Eva. 6.2/''~0/~ A/ ~'Gr1~1~9~ L1Y11• ~~l~'! Edwards Paul 3.00 ~ Edr~ards W.P. 3.A0 / ~ggleson J.Morton. 3.65a ~ir'o, I^--. .. °-~~ E3.,~:y-w,xK,.~~..~.:_x m. ~'.~ ~ Ellis J.L. 3.00 EJ~,ne Axlen 3.00 ~ Evans Pd~ B. 3.26 ~ Ezzell Edgar 3.00 ~ Ezzell Wm H. 3.00 ~ Ebert E.B.. 3.65 l~ee~-G.Ia~ ?~~Q2 ~ Fales Jo.yc.e. 4.76 Fa~es J.B.& 6ons. 4_,.3~"~~0 Fal.es J.2~. 1.00 ~ Fales J.H. 3~00 ~ FaT.es J.W. 3,.00 ~ Farmex VP. L. 7~./4~~9 ~1.9:`+a .YL ETBO'~ Farrar J.P. 3.00 ~' Farris W.T. 3,00 ~ Farro~ A.W. 3.00 / Faulk F. E~, 4. 30 d~ -b'2i„~ ,. ~ F' / Fennell J.D. 3.00 6 Fennell Robt_ Wo 3.85 ~ ~'ettell J.A. 3,12 ~ Fettell Fi.H. 3.65 Field ~Pm S. 3.00 ~ ~ Finch L.E.. 5.86 ~ Floyd L.P. 3,65 Floyd 2~;E. 7.75 ~ Fowler Geo T. 3,33 ~ Fowler Rutherford. 6.07 ~~aa~:w d.'F;~ -- ? ~~ ~ Fryar 4P. L. 3, 00 ~ Fu11er P.J. 5.19 ~ Futch C.W. 4.56 Futch 6r. J. .. 5. 86 ~ Fidelity Trust Cp. .65 ~ Gale John A. 3,00 j Ganey J.C.. . 3.65 ~.-~i. ~ ~ a- ~ Ganey Louis. 3.65 ~ ba.ney ~4..C.. 6, 32 ~ Ganey VJ. D. : 9, 37 ~ Garrett G.C.. 4.30 ~ Garrett 5,~9. . 3.65 ~;b~:,:~~~ ~.. ~~. ?:~ ~ Garvey Roy. 3.00 ~ (~aski~l W.L. 3.26 / Gassarvay ,C~:S.. 3.00 ~ ~ George J.E. 3.00 Gilbert E. iN. L. 7.2.87 ~ Godwin H.Mack. 3.00 ~ Goff F~A. . 3,00 ~ Ciolkevich Miehel. 5.00 ~ Goodwin Ii.L4. 3.00 ~ Gore G:L. 3,20 ~ Goxe ifi.I.. • ~.78 ~ Gvrman R.B. 3.00 / f3rady R.C. - • 3.00 ~ ~'~`'~-- ^.3. .3.~~ / Grant VF.F. • . 3.13 e / . Gra.y F.M. . 4.63 d~ Green Bennie. 3,00 ~ (~reen J.F. 5.34 ~ (~reenberg D.L. 3,00 GreenUerg I,.P. 3.00 ~ Greer THos M.. 3.00 Griffith A.H. 3.00 ~ Grimstead F.D.. .6.84 ~ Grimstead G.W: 3,00 65 ~ C}rimst.ead &Srs.J.W. , Gue L.9. 3.91 ~ q~urganous G.Q. 1.07 (~riffith Andrev~ H. 6.19 ~ Hale E.J.• • 7.55 Aale H.S. 5.54 ~ Hales Geo. 3.00 ~ Hales Harvey. 3.00 ~ Hales John. 3.00 Ha1Z L.P. 3.20 ~ Hamby G.C.. _. 3.00 / iianchey N.F. 6.51 ~ Haney M.M.Jr. 3.00 ~ HardisonA.T.. 3.00 Hardison C.E. 8.46 ~ Haxdison Chas. 3.00 FFe~d~rson ~;. `.'. ~y-~4~ Hare C.H. 3.65 ~' Harker Dallas. 3,00 Harker Geo H. 3.00 ~ Harker 13.,L. 3.00 / Harper ~~N. . 6.50 d ~ Harrell Sxos.Auto Co. 22,10 Haxrell 2~att. 4,88 ~ ~ Harrington J.R: 3,00 Harrison R.A. 3.00 ~ Harrison S.L. 3,00 ~ ' Harriss deo C. 3.00 ~ Haxrias J.B.. 5,54 j Harriss J..A. ~ 9.75 ~ Harriss J.VJ. ' 3,00 ~ Hasriss Marion, 7.81 Harriss W.T. 3.00 `/ Hart E:B.. 3.00 ~ Harvey J.4vD 3.00 ~ Head T.J. . J.3.40 ~ Hearn J.A, 3.45 ~ Heikel Mrs JEA. 8.15 ~ Helm F~2d. . .65 . Ha~.tns--GrF'., 9.-7D,. ~ I----'` ~ -~:. E . . ~ - Hengerveld R. G4. 7. - 68 ~, Heniford J.W. 5.21 Aenly R,L. 3.00 ~ Henry (~eo .~e 4.30 # 3 Henry J.E. 3.26 ~ Kelly S.D. 7,81 ~ Hesketh J.H. 7.94 Kennedy Chas. 18.54 ~ Herrett D.O. 6,30 ~ Rey R.D. ~ 3.00 ' Hewe t t G. PG.. 3. 00 l~rtld°Ro3''~"' ~--~ - ~ -'-3','J~ , , A~witt O,C.. 4.30 ~ Rillett F,H. 3.00 ~ ::.,~r'x:.Lb W:i~:: `~~.~3 ~ Kyn~ A.(~. ~?,~~ ~ Hicks Fred, 3.00 ~, Bin$ C.4?. 3,00 °~ Hicks James._ 3.00 ~ Rgng E,G.Jr.. 15.22 ~ Hilburn C.A. 6.12 ~ %ing E.H. 3.33 ~ Himburn A.H. 3,00 6/ Ring E.LYJ.Jr. 3.00 '~ Hilburn Brice. 3.00 % King F.4Y.B. 3,00 ~ Hill 0.2~. 9.75 ~ Ring I.J.Sr. 3.00 ~ Hilton G.G. 3.00 ~ Ring J.H. .65 ~ Hines Ben. B. 3.p0 ,~i xin$ 3iillie. 4,75 ~ Hines J.A. .65 R n P.C. 3.00 . Hobbs John. 6.90 ~ ~i_,b ~;,,~', ~~ ~~,~z„~ ~'H~4~~ J.3„ ^-_ ~~ ' King Y~. L. 3.00 ~ • Hobbe Lloyd. 3.00 ~ Kinlav~ C.H. '' 3.d0 Hobb~~,, PP. D. 3, 00 ~ ifoeh -9~,?8. . .--~;•, 96 -.. ~_ Hoffman J.YP. 3.00 Bure H.A. 12.30 ~ ~~~--~~' ~. ~~ ~ Kennedy Frank. 3. 00 ~ Holley A.C. 9.44 ~ Kirby g.A. 4.56 ~ Aolmes C.C. 6.5I ~ LaClair. Allen. ~ 3.33 ~ Holraes G.H. 3.00 ~ Land C.G., . 9,18 ~' Holmes Harry Z. 7,16~ Landen t~.H, 5..99 ~ "' '.:::,s~-O.-H-.- 3~.06--/ Landreth J. C. 3.13 ~ Holt B.M. 5.08 ~ Lane R~J. 5.60~ Holt F.L. 3.00 ~ Lanier Hubert. 3.00 ~ Hoopex H.hS,&91ife. 4.95 ~ LaSure L.J. . 4.30 Hoover D.S. 5,67 ~ Latimer H.G.• 8.75 ~ Horne E~E., 3,00 ~ Law J.M. 8.2Q ~ Horne F.L. 3.OQ ~ LedPord J.C. 6,84 ~' Horne R. T. 3. 65 ~ Lee C,,L.. 3.00 ~ Horne T.A. 3.00 Lee F.A. 4,13 ~ :~'~..~~~~ J~.LY ~,~~ ~~ Lee R..2d.. 4.04 ~ Hoc~ard E. L. 9. 70 Lee 9V,R. 3.00 ~ ~e-~~4~:r -~ °~~98-~ Lehrscha.ll J. A. 3.00 Huddleson T~24. 4.56 ~. Leloudis G.R. 5,86 ~ Hudson C.Ba 6,19 ~ Lentz R,W. 7.75 Hufham B.Ba 3,00 ~ Leonard Clyde. 7.0."r0 ~ Hu£ham G.C~ 5.15 ~/ Lewis F.Pi. 3.00 ~ Hufham.H.D; , 3.33 ~ Lewis Jeff.. 3.00 ~. Hall H.P. 3.I9 ~ Leu~is J.D. , 4.30 ~- Aa7.lman R. B. 5. 73 ~ LePis LeRoy. 3. 65 Harker C.H. 5,46 ~ Lewie.T.C.. 4.43 f Hasper J. ~. 5.21 ~ _ ~i-s~" ~' .r~ 3.3. 3 i~~ ( Head W~Gb 4.30 ~ . Lof~in E.F._ _ 6.90 ,~ Hearn J.A. . 5.07 a/ Loughlin J.A. 9.37 ~ H e a s t a A l l i e. . 6 5 ~ Love De lavo. 3. 0 0 ~ Hudson M.Jr. 7,75 ~ Lytton A.R.. . 3~00 ~ Hull J.3. 9,24 Marine J.H. 3.33~ See,.""' " '' '~~~ ~ ~iarahall f}.R. 3.00 ~ Jacobs Arth~tr 3:Q0 ~- Martin r~.C. 3.00 ~' . Jacobs B.W.Jr. 3.65 f tdason H.W. 3*`65 ~ Jacobs T.S. 3.00 ~ fdason M.T,, 5.80 ~ James Chester 3.00 ~ Mathe~as J.R. .78 ~ James J.D. 3.00 Maultsby D.H. 3,65 ~ dasue7.3,,,C,~is'1~ ~ „~'r Maultsby 'R:M. 3.00 dwr~..~~ 4.~'. 3:~8~ Ma~ J.3. . 3.00~ Jarrott C.L. 3.65 ~ Mayham E.R. 3.00 ~ Jeffords E.F. 3.00 ~ 1~ayer D.T, .33~ Jenrett F.D. 3.00 ~ Meaders H.T. 8.46~ dewell ~'.H. 3.00 ~- Meadov+s Fxed. 3.65~ Jewett R«D.Jr. 5.15 ~ Meares PJ.Ii. 3..00 ~ Johnson A~A. 8,20 ~ Meier D.A. 5.60 ~ Johnson C.C. 4,30 Meier R.D. 3.65 ~ Johnson E.F. 3TOQ ~ Meige Algenon. 4,33 ~~~ Johnson H.rd. 3*00 ~ P~ercer E..V.. 11.~5 ~ Johnson J.W. 3.52 ~dercer J.D. 3.98 Johnson L.P.4.. 6.80~ Mercer Ft.G. 4.391 d~~~l,~:. - ~.9~--~ L~ercer W.T. 1.95°~ Johnston 1~.4.G. 4.17 ~ Merrit~ D.P. 3.00 °~ Jones E..A. 3.00 ~ Merritt N.A. 4,00 ~ Jones G.J. 3.00 l~eshaw Rex. 3,00 ~ Jones J.D.. 9.24 ~/ d~eyland E.~d. 5.86 ~ Jones R.D. 5.30 e' Miller p,rthur. B.00 Jones VPm. 3.00 ~ Miller F.S. I.I7~ Jonea 1~.Fe 15,21 ~ 3d~Y~,e~,.,.7a^^r~ _~,,~~ Jones W.F.,L. 3.00 ~ 2~i11er Norwood. 3.00 ~ Jones S7.H. 3.00 Miller F.9V. 3.00~ ~.,.~ ~w:: ~? y~.~. 'e.~^^ ~ Miller Yf.I. 3.13 ~ Jordan C,YJ. 3.00 ~ Mi17.iken N.hi. 3.00 ~ Jordan H.H. 3.00 ~ 2~Iillinor Y.A. 3.78 ~ Jordzn V7m. 4:76 ~ ~dillis J.J. 3.33 / Joyner J.B. ,65 / ~Sintz A.B. 2.650 Joyner J.,~. 3.65 r rdintz A.A. 3.00 ~ cTt~3~~r-T~Y,T~..~_ ~r.?-8.- Pdintz I.T.Jr. 3,00 Jpnes L.G. 7.88 ~ ~intz U.S. 3.65 ~ Ka~i.3ssky-~['r.u. .--3=09~~ Mintz Pl,B. 3.00~ RapZan Geo. 3,00 ~' ~dintz FV.~+. 3,00 Rares Chris. 3.00 ~ ~ Mintz Y~.R. 3,07 ~ , KeIIy D.C. 3.00 Mitchell B.}d. 3.33 I-+~J' ~~ ~ . Lobley C.E. ~iohr J. J. Il~ohr G. J. Pdontford (},C. I~ontgotnery J.B. Montgomery J.C. ~iontz R..O. Moore R.N. Moore V.A. Morxie O.B. 2~orriss Tti,.O. Morse.J.H. Morton G.F. Mosher W.J. Mott YP. @. Motte T.Cr. Munroe J.P. Murphy A..G.. I~4.~._l_ •.,~ 0~. - ~urray Rev D.F: Murray L.B. Musselwhite A~C~ Marine 1W.A. Marshall A.J. Marshall ~drs. YP.P. Mason D.E. McMill.an (i.J. McEachern D.R. bdcGlaughn W.P. ~cIver O.P. L2cIver Pvharton. 2~cKinzie G.R. 2,4cBinney R» C. McLaughlin A.B. 2~c~tillan Bryan McMillan John, 2~e~5ei3 `#. ~.4: Magill S..T. Magill T.B, Kallard R.A. Mallard W.B. Malpass G.H, ~d~::u, FT'_"•. National Gro Co. Nelme A.A. Nelms N.N. I3elson Allan. Nevill E.K, Ne~.c.~[~se - Newkixk Arthur, Newton S. F~~. ATichols G.L. Nielzols. H. G. Nichols.H.L. Dtichols 2~cKin7.ey. Noble L.H. Nance ~ra E.B, Odham J.A. Oldenbottle J.G. Olphint J.F. Olphint Wm. Cs~~.>~by 3~. 0'Donnell J.G. ~:~~~ . Padrick J.A. Parker C.L,. r. ~~~.~-~~. Parker G.E:. Parker O.R. P1arker 9V.0. yipJ~T; ~,,. F..x ~ Peacock H.A.. Penny J.H~ Penny 9P.A.Jr. Perrett G.A. Peterson•B.i?. ~~a~~_ ~.~~. Pe~erson F.P!. Peterson J.C. petereon ~k,V. Pe-tet R.L. Phillips Rev C.N. °1~~x~.y~/-a-Uy ~f. Pickett R,C. Pierce G.G. Pxierce {J.{C. i'iG1VG I~~1~• Pigott ~-J. C. Piner P.D. Finer H.iv. ~. 4 3. 65 ~ 6. 84'~ 4,65 ' 3.00 ~ 3.65 ~ 3.00 ~ .26 ~ 3.65 6.25 ~ 8.~1~~0~ 5.99 ~ ` 6. 51 r 3. 33 ~ 11<00 ~ 5.28 ~ 6.84 ~ 3.00 ~ 6. 25 _,._.1'. ~ ~ t - ~,~~ ~ 3.07 ~ 5,07 ~ 3.00 ~ 6.86 ~ 3. 65 .65 ~ 7. 75 5.08 ~ 3.60 ~ 4. 49 3.00 ~ 3.00 ~ 3.00 ~ 3,00 ~ 3,00 ~ 7. 49 4. 68 ~ 3: 88-- •8,85 ~ 9.05 'f 3.00 ~ 3.00 ~ 3.00 3z-9fl -~ 7.80 ` 4.33 8.20 ~ 3.00 ~ • , 65 3:~~ 16.46 5.02 ~ 3. 33 ~ 3. 00 3,25 ~ 4.30 ~ 3,00 ~ 5.20 ~ 3.00 ~ 8.20 ~ 3.OQ ~ 3.65 ~ :rr65- 8.53 ~ ~ ~ 3.65 ~ 3.00 6:60-~ 3.00 ~ 10.80 ~ 9,05 1.3~48y-~ 3:00 2, 21 ~ 3,00 ~ 3. 05 3. 33 ~ 3; ~:x-~ 4,11 3.63 ~ 3.26 ~ 3.13 ~ 1.95 ~ l r56 4, 04 ~~ 3_00 ~ 10.74 ~6.71 ~ 3.00 ~ 3. 39 Pi~Beer 8er Station. 17.88 ~ Parknx C.L. ~ ~.°~ Pickett 1.;ra l:ery. •$5 Pope J.T. `~•50 Povtall ':f,H. 4.56 Q ti`~'~ ~ '~~ ~ 9 Pittman M~nley. 7,88 ~ Piver Cash Gro Co. fi.22~ Player J.R. • 3.98 ~ Pollock Luby. 3.33 Pollock Thomas. • 3.00 ~ 5 4 ~ Pope ~Y. G.. . 3 Porter G,A. • 6,82~ Porter J.J. • 3.33 ~ Potter C.S: 3,65 ~ Potter H.~. 3,00 ~ Potter L~L, 3*00 ~ Potter R..G.. 4,17 Potter V..H. 5.00 ~ Potter t~. B.. 7, 75 ~ ~ Ppwers K.J. 3.00 ~ Price A.W.. 11,91 ~ Pridgen H.Z6. 7.36 ~ Prim H.S.. 6,38 ~ Princess Cigar 3tore. 14.30 Pryor J.P. 8.20 ~ Pugh J.A. 3.00 ~ Pu~h J. ~T. . 3.07 ~ Pryon J.T. ~ 3.00 ~~'uinlivan J.J. 3.00 ~ ~ Ramsey C.A. 3.65 Register C.H. Register ~I,B. 3.00 ~ 3.00 ( Retchin David. 13~79 ~v~l~:~-~: ,, _2:3~ - ~ Reynolds t~i..8. 3.65 ~ Rhodes G.9V. 3.00 ~ Rhodes J:'C. 3.d0 65 ~ Rhodes 3;~A. 3. . Rhodes W.3. 3.00 ~ Rhue E.F: S h 3.00 ~ 3 00 Ric . D. . ~ 65 Rich2sds A.L. k E Ri F 3. 3 00 ~ c . s . . Rising R.F.. 3.00 ~ Rivenbark V.. 3,00 Robbins J.A. 3.00 ~ .65 ~ Robbins J.A. t •3 3 00 ~ Rober s Clifton, b . 3 00 l Ro erts F.~.. . Roberts tN.X. 1.82 ~ Robinson Gr,aham. 3.00 Roderick E.~3. 8.72 ~~ Roderick Harry. a.95 ~ Rogers B.A. 7.75 ~ Rogers J,B. 3.OG ~ Rogers R,.C. 4.30 ~ Rouark C..L. 3.00 6 4 ~ Rov~e E. T.. . 8 00 ~ Royal C.A. 3, ~ Russ J.A. 3.00 00 ~ 3 Russ W.L. . 47 ~ 4 Russell Motor Co. 1. 4 0~ Rabunsky S. .3 7 ~ 82.l~eby ~d .. , 38 1 ~ Sa119.ngs 5.~. 4.00 07 ~ 8 Sams B.V7. . . 3 00 $anderlin B.L. . ~ Sanders R.E. 3.00 ~ Sanders V.B. 3.00 ~ Sandlin A.R. 3.00 SaAd~-i~d.d~ i ~ ~~ g~_~,~_.z~~.~:,ti~. ~ ~s,.84- ..d.n~...~n ~~~~~ " ~e, ~ ~ Sasser F.R~ 3.85 ~ 6atchwell Q.B. 6.63 Saunders J..G. 3Q00 ~ 9avage J.A. 3.00 ~ Savage J.E. 6.84 r 3chaax H.M.. 3,00 ~ 3chadt E.J: . ~+~-~+~ ya~ 9 1~ ~ 3~hnibben L.R. .1 Scott E.K. 3.00 ~ S~tt R.P.~. 3.00 ~ Scull V9. E. 3.98 l Sebrell J.Y[. 3.00 ~ Beitter G.F„Jr. 6,97 ~' Sell Rev E.C._ 4.55 _",. E~ ~ c, F~~ ilers FaV. Se 3.00 ~ Sellers S.R. 3.00 ~ 8ellers W.E. 3,00 ~ 3ellers Y~.V. 3.00 r Sells A:C.. 3.00 3 00 ~ Sessoms L.L. , Se~ell G.L. 5.86 ~ Ser~ell L.A. 3.00 ~ Shaner Vernon 8.53 ~' ~ 5 8harp Ewrl. 4.69 Tolar F.E. 3.00 ~ Shaw E. V. 3, 65 ~ Thompkins P.4. F. 3,13 Shaw N.A. .65~ Toomer E.J. 3,00 ~ ~ Shepard H. L. 3. 65 ~/' Toot PJ. B. ,~5 ~ 8hepard J. L. 6.19 ~ g_w~}, ,,,,, , ~~?, . .. Bhepard J.~9., .65 Trott C3M., 8.07 ~ Shepard S.B., 3.00 ~ Trott H,S. 7.22 ~ 8hyttle B.F._ 3,78~ Turner ~~,~~~~d P.E. 7,16 ~ 8idbury C..S. 3.00 ~ '~urrentine H.W. .65 ~ Sidbury R.W.Jr. 6.71 ~ Ty1er Hugh 3.65 ~ ,„ Sidbury R.'A.. .52 ~ '~y~~.. d~r..:,~ ~.'!.'L. Sidbury 19.4P. 3,00 T ler J.T, 7.88 °/ Silva J.E.Jr. • 3.00 ~ ~,~d~„ ...~ ~ Sisk J~ %. . 3, 00 ~ Tyson ~.4ose.s. 3.0~ Skipper O.B. 3,00 9ause 1Y.A. Skipper R.E.. /~ 1.30 ~ 3.00 Vereen C.M.. 3.00 ~ ~ 5kipper R. G. 3.00 ~ ~~$~_~-iC, c,~~ BkippeE R.L. 3.00 ~ Vereen J.C. 1.30 ~ ' Bloan L.1~. 3.00 ~ 9Jadde11 A.M. 9.30 ~ 8mith Albert. 3.85 ~akenight C.F. 3,00 ~ Smith A.V. 3.00 ~ Wakenight J.H. 3,65 ~ SMith Chas. 3.00 ~ ~alker A.D.. 3,00 ~ Smith E.M. 3.00 ~ 9Valker .G.H. 3.52 $mith E.,N. 16, 72 ~- t~,_ ~ ? ~rg~ 3mith F.H, 3.00 ~ ~ R~alker J.F. 5.07 ~ Smith P.E. 3.00 Walker Rufus "3:00 ~ ~ Smith ~aL 12.43 ~ Wallace G..B.. 3.00 ~ Smith Ja,s P. 3.00 ~- ~r`allace H.A.. 3.00 ~ 6mith L.D. 7.75 ~ Y~allace J.B. 5.73 ~ 8mi.th L.H. 11*26 ~ Wallace J.~7. 3.00 ~ 8mith Ma.rket. 6.63 ~ 4Palsh D.H. 3.15 Smith YP. f3. ?, 28 ~ Y~a,I ton A. B. . 8, 75 ~ Sneeden W.H. 3.00 Warliek D.B. 3.65 ~ 8nipes L.B. 21.72 ~j ~;.:,~<,,.. ~ 3,, E~.~.. ~6A~ 8oles C. tt. 3, 65 ~~ WatkYns 0. L. 3.00 Southerland C.G. 7.16 4Yatson L.R• _ 4:00 ~ 6o~ther3~a:n&~C:~. "~6 -~ Watson Mat A. I8.54 ~ ~t~~~~ F T- ~~=~ CP~,tson T.~S.. 3.00 °~ Southerland W.G., 3.00 ~ 9Peaver W.E. 3.00 ~ Southerland VP.V~. 3,26 9~eeks R.W. 1,30~ '~r°4V~"~1: ~. -~+-~.~ t9ells H.E.:Jr. 5.41 ~ Spivey L.R. 3.00 F1ells H..J., 3.00 ~ Spooner Clar.enee 3,00 ~ '~ We11s.J.R. 3.00 ~j 8pooner L..A. 3,00 4Pest Clyde., 6..51 Spooner S~W. 3,00 ~ L ~.,,,, ~,.~. _ . }~~~n ~ 6quires R. L. 4. 6B ~• y ~'hite Geo .~dc H. 3.00 ~ ^ ~tack L.P., 3.00 ~ White 7P.D. 3.65 Sta.nley J.6~. 3.00 l9ilder $ental Agc. 5.~0 ~ , Btanley Thomas 3.00 ~ P~iley G.P.. 4,49 l Starnes ~7.E. 8.20 ~iilicins L..L._ 3.33'~ ~"'~F`,,x.~ ?~L ~'."~/ VPilkins T.C.. . 6,19~ ~. ~9 Stephens H.E. 1.82 VJillett N.A. 3r65~ Ste~art A.D. 7.16'~ 1Villette Ri'ed., 3.00 ~ 3tokley C..N. 3,00 ~ VPilliams .A.LI. 4.13 ~ , Stokley E., .33 D~ W~.~3-ia~s-G~F.-~-Ge-.~-5~.~ 8tokley J.t9. 3.00 ~ VPilliams C.T~ 3.00 ~ • Stone A.~. 8.07 ~ Williams Edw.. 5.86 ~ Stroi~denmire H.l~l.. 3.00 Williams E. B. 4, 30 ~ 6~ondeninire-J.E:---~.00 ~ ~illiams Hrs..E.T. 2.93 Strawn C+.~. 8.53 V~illiams J.B. 3.00 l Strickland J..R.. 3.00 ~ l S4illiams J.B. 11.45 Strickland R.B.., 8.40 ~ Wiliiams J.B.. 3.85 ~ 8ullivan R~v J.A. ..78 ! Williams JQ4~.. 3.00 '~ Sullivan S.F. 3.00 ~illiams L.E~. ~ ~ 3~07 ~ 6urles J.F.._ 3.00 williams L..E. 4,17 ~r.t~f-,:?. '"„~ ^,^, YJilliams PS.C. 8.07 ~ Swann Creasy. 10.01 ~ lYilliams N.H. 3.65 ~ Swann C.C. 3,00 ~ ~9illiams R.F. 7d80 ~ 8ykes Theo. 3.91 Fdilliams R.L. 6.56 ~ ~'~'-~~° ~~^ -- " '" VPilliams Roy.. . 3,00 ~ ' $ymmes C.Il~. 1, 30 ~ S7'_~~'_w=:~.:~: _ ..=. "_, '±~'~ , 8avage E^W._ 4.98 1Villiamson R. 4,00 ~~ -~ ~• - =•=~' ~ ~Nillis Major E. 3.65 ~ 9mith C. C. 3.00 Willis ~~. T. 3.65 ~ Smith L.C. 2.28 f/ pFillis VP.P. . 3.13 ~ Tayl.or C.E. 16.25 6 ~Pi7. Dry Cleaners, 3.25 °~ Taylor J.Henry. 3,00 ~ ~9ilson A.F. 3.00 ~ Taylor M.4J. 3,00 FJilson J.A.. .33 ~ Teachey Everett. 3.00 ~ l~ilson J.B. 4*03 ~ T~ames H.D. 3.00 / 1Nindley Edv~ard. 3.,00 ~ T omas E.C.. 6.51 s/ Winn J.L... . 3.00 ~ Thom~s L.E. 2.86 6 54inner J.W. 6.71 d' T-~io~n~sor~,~~cle r~_~ ~ ' yPood A.M. 3.00 ~ Thompson C.A.. 3.98 / l~ood John. ~ 4.95 ~ ~ Thompson E.C. 3.65 ~ VJood J.H.' 3.00 l Thompson R.F. 6,84 ~ C6oods J.T 3,00 ~ ' Tgompson f2.L. 3,00 ~ Moodcock Y.R. 3.00 '~ - "'P'' ~~_~- ~• ~ i~oO~.COCk . R~;,ymOnd . 3,00 ~ Tindall J.L. 6.90 ~ l7ooten ,T.A.._ 3,00 ~ Tindall L.C, 8.07 ~ ~oxkman S.R. 7.49 ~ Tindall L.H. 3,00 ~ S~right Clayton. 3.65 ~ Todd E.A. 2.28 Wright E.H. 4.24 ~ f~ Todd J.G. 3.00 ~ PJrignt J.T. 6,84 Ward J.C. . 7,49 ~ ' Nella VP. T. 3.00 ~ ' ~Pells J,.1N. .07 ~ -Vest R.L3. 11.58 {;~33~~~~~-i~at.ke~y~e-, ~8~4- Windley R.T. 9,82 ~ ~yp~g~ ~'' 4.. R4 s # s / Yopp A.T. 1.76 ~ Gavin Jas. 3.00 ~ Yopp J.D. 3.00 Gaymon Olin. 3.00 Yopp B.F.Jr. 3,00 ~ Goodma.n.Orven. 3.13 ~ ~ Yow Lee .E. 3.00 ~ Grady Z.A. .65 ~ Zellers C.F. 4.56 ~ Graham Haywood. 4.00 ~ " Zellers C.L. 3.00 Grainger Gus, • 3.00 ~. Green Edw. 3.00 ~ Green Geo. 3.00 ~ ~7ilmin~ton Torvnship Ne~ro. Green Robt.. 3.00 ~ ~ ' Griffith J.H. 4.00 ~ Albro David., 3.65 ~ Galloway Ed~. 3.00 ~ Addison J.H. 2.98 ~ Garland Grant. 3.65 ~ Allen Jazaes . 5.00 ~ Gra,haxn Gresser. .65 Andrews Fred. 3.00 ~ Gause John._ 4.17 ~ Andrewrs Isaih. 3.00 Aall Jas H. 3.00 ~ ~,,...~_:.~~:, 'a,,,.,3. 3.;,~ ~ Hall Johx~. 3.00 ` Andrews F~illie 3.00 r Hall L.H. 3.00 ~ . Ashe Richard. 3.00 ~ Hall Tom. 5~65 ~ Albro James. .65 f Hall ~C Williams. .98 ~ Banks Boney. 3.00 ~ Aansley VPalter. 3.00 ~ Bannerma,n 49alter. 3,00 ~ Harri.se Henry. 3.00 ~ Bardei~ GJm. 3.07 Harriss Simon P. .J.3 Batts E.J. 3.32 ~ Harrise ti9.C. 3.00 ~ Batts H. 3.00 ~ Hart Dan. 3.00 Bealor Roy.~ 3.00 ~ Harvey 9Valter. 3.00 ~ Beatty Nat.. 4.95 ~ Hatcher Hardy. 3.00 ~- Belden J.T. 3.00 ~ Hawes Fred. 4.00 Belin C~as. 3.00 ~ Ha~vea Robt. 3.00 ~ Belser Ha.m. 3.00 ~ Hawes l~.m. 3.00 ~ Berry I,ewis. 3.00 ~ Hav+es Wm Jr. 3.00 ~ Best Ben , 3.00 ~ Hawkins Dan. 3.00 ~ 8etts Sam. .65 Hayes t~eo. 3.00 ~ Billin~slea H.D. 4.11 ~ Haynes Peter 3.00 ~ Black Geo. 7.10 Hayvaood Ed. .65 Blanding F~m: 7.10 ~ Hays~ood James. 3.00 ~ Blanks Wm.• 3.00 ~ Hemin~vay Ivey. 3.00 ~ Boney Andreva, . 3.00 ~ " Henderson Jacobs. 3.00 Borneman Geo. 3.00 ~ i ~ ~Henderson Willie. 4.33 ~ Bradley D.C.Jr. 8.07 ~ ~''''r'~~'1 Hicks Colurnbus. 3.QO ~ Bradley E, 3.00 ~ (~ ~ 1 g Hill Andrei~. 3.00 ~ Brooks E.J. 3.00 Hill Eugene. 3.00 ~ Bro~rn Algred. 3.00 ~ Hill J.IY. .65 ~~p~_ ~ '-6--° Hill Joseph. 3.00 °~ Bro~~n Ben . 3,00'/ Holly Joe. 5554 ~ Brovrn Eddie. 6.84 ~ Hufhazn James. 4.-F~3 ~`~.'~y Broam Earnest.' 3.00 ~ Hu~gins Glenie. 3.59 l ~ Brov~n Lacy. 4.65 ~ Huntley R.E~ 5.60 l Brunson YPalter. 3.13 Herring Charlie. 3,00 ~ ' Bryan Buck. .65 r Jackson Chas. 3.00 Bryant Alex. 3.65 ~ Jackson C.H. 3.98 ~ Baldwin Arthur. 3.00 r Jackson 9Pillie. 3.00 Ba,ldwin Julius. 3:00 ~ Jacobs J.F. 6.25 ~ Ca,nty Plm. 4„11 James Henry. 3.65 ~ Carmichel Jas. 3,65 ~ Jaxnes Yfalter. 7/81 ~ ' Carter J.C. 3.72 Jenkins Allen Jr. 3.00 Caution G.H. 8.53 f Jenkiris Ben. 4.37.~ ~ Chamber. Jas. 6.77 ~/ Johnaon Hazz, 6.19 Clark Henry. 3.00 4 Johnson Sim.. 5.86 ~ Council Fred Jr. 3.00 "/ Johnson J.J. 3.20 Cowan Frank. 3.0~ ~/ Johnson Sol. 3.65 ~ Orawford Aenry. 3.00 r/ Jones Geo.. 3.'65 ~ Cromer Enoch. 3.00 ~ Jones J.D. 6.00 ~ Cro~well Randolph. 3.00 Joseph Joe. 3.65 ~ Caldwell Harry. 8.40 ~ Johnson Eddie. 5.86 Daniels Robt. 3.00 ~ Jones Marnie L.G. .-~6- f~J~~ Davis Chas. 6.84 Jones VP.L. 3.65 l Davis Chas. 6.32 e/ Reaton ED. 3.00 ~ Davis Charlotte J. 6.05 ~ Kelly Mm. 3,00 ~ Davis Joseph. 6.90 King Fr.ed. 3.00 l , Dees Mathew., 3.00 ~ Ring J.H. 3.00 Dickineon M..D. 10.67 K3,rby Geo. 3.98 ~ ° Dinkins J.T. 3.00 ~ Kornegay Chas, .65 Dudley Nellie. .65 ~ Lacewell Sol. 3.00 lj Dixon 1Nillie. 5.60 ~ I,ane David 3. 33 ~ Edens Nick. 3.00 Larkins Herbert. 3.65 ~ Ellerby David. 4.00 ~ La~rrence Rudolph. 3.46 ~ Ellis Henry. 3.00 ~ Leak John.. 3.Q0 Enlaw Robt. 3.00 ~ Laboo P.$.. 1.95 ~ ffinnett John. 3~13 ~ Lewis id.T, 3.65 ~ Ennett Richard. 4*00 ~ LLoyd Ed.. .65 Evans Dave 3.39 ~ Lloyd J.0= 3.00 ~ Evans E.C. 3,00 ~ Lloyd Andre~. 3.00 ~ Evans Ralph. 3.65 / Lowery Leris. 3.98 ~ Faison J.H• 3.00 6 Mack Jonnie 6.9~ ~j ~ Fa.ison Nep. 2.Oa ~ Malone Chas. 4.65 . Fleming Calvin. 3.00 ~ 2~artin Josh. 5.73 ~ Floti~ers R.L. 3.00 ~ ~iartin Na.than. 3,13 l Floyd Duncan. 3.00 ~ Math~ws V9.E. 3.20 ~ Fox Jas. 3.00 ~ i~ercer L.i~. 3.00 ~ Foy Will. 4,65 /, 1~itchell B. 3.00 ~ Frink iN.H. 3.65 d/ . Mitchell Ben. 5.07 ~ / Galloway Bruce. 3.00 r/ Mitchell Eddie. 7.81 / ' Gallov~aY 'Jas, 3.00 d Herring John. 3,65 ~ Mob2ey Al1en ~ 3.65 / Monroe``Victoria. 3,00 ~ A4oore Clayton. 5.60 ~ 2doore J.T. 3.00 ~ Moore HIathel~. 3,00 ~ ~oore ~oses, 3.65 ~ 84oore .E. .46 Morris n James. 3.52 ~ ~iosley John. 3.00 65 '~ Mosley VJ. N. 3. ~ Mouzoin Tom. 3.00 Murphy 4Vm. 3. 33 ~ ~4urray (~eo. 1,65 l McCallwn Frank. 3.OQ ~ McClain J.E. 3.00 ~ McColl Luther. 5.60 ~ McCall Sam. 3.00 ~ ~icDowell J~mes 3.33 ~ McFarland Ed~ard. 7.55 ~ TRcGee Thos. 3.00 ~ ~+cGee P~. T. ~dcKeller Fr'm. 3.07 ~ 3.65 McRnight Lonnie. ~ 3.00 ~ 2~ScNair J. D. 3.00 / McNeil Fred. 3.00 ~ Mcheil James. 3.00 ~ McNeil Janie, 5.07 ~ bScPherson Glasco. 1.65 ~deRae Thoma~. 3.00 ~ MclYhite Danid . 3.00 ~ ~dcClinton H.S. 8+40 ~ McPdillan James. 3.00 ~ Nance. James. 3.00 ~ Nash Jerry, 3.00 ~ Neil R.P7. .20 Newkirk CPalter. 3.65 ~ Nixon Bryant. 3.00 r Nixon Herbert. • 3.13 ~' Nixon 8amuel. 3.00 ~ Nixon W stley. ~ ~ 3.00 ~ 07 5 llie. Nixon PV ~ . Nixan VPillie. 4.00 ~ Norman Marshall. 3.00 ~ O~vens A. B. 5. 47 ~ Payne W.T. 3,00 ~ Pearce Rev. A.P. ~ 3.00 : ~~ _; ~. ~~-~----~ Peterkin Joe. ~ ~; ~-~ ~ , 6.95 ~ Pigford Jllpe. 3.33 ~ Pig~ord tYm. 3.00 ~ Po~ell Kate. 3.65 ~ Privleau A.J. 3~00 ~ Quick Edrv. 3.00 ~ Quince Herbert. 3,00 ~ Pope Chas. 3.78 ~ Powell Russell. 7,81 ~ Reese Shadri~k. 3.00 ~ Ri$~ins Chas, ,98 ~ ' Reid Isaa,c., . 3.00 Rhedrick E.J. 4,00 ~ Ritter David. 3,65 ~ Robbins M.E. 7.88 ~ Robinson J.H. 3.00 r Robinsan John. ~ 3.00 l Robinson 0~ren. • 3,00 Robinson Remon. ' 3.00 ~ Rogers Joseph. 3.00 ~ Rogers Walter. • 3.00 ~ Ro~vlin Geo. •98 ~ Russ Nat. 3•6F Robinson Theodo~e. 3.00 ~ Scott G.V.. 3.00 ~ S~ott R.H. 4•6~ ~ 8ellers B.F: 4.69 5 ymour Ernest,, ~ 5.28 ~ 00 3 3 iaw R.L. . ~ Sidbury D.L. 3.00 ~ Smith Andre~~r. ~ 3.00 Smith Chas. ~ 3.00 ~ Smith William. 3.00 ~ Solomon Calhoun. 3.72 ~ Sou Pool Room. 3.58 ~ Sp~in Charlie. ' 3.00 ~ Spencer John. 3.00 ~ Spicer David. 3.00 ~ Spigner Edmond. 3.00 8ta~ford Ernest. 3.00 ~ Sjrallings Joe. 3.00 ~ Stanford Richard. 3.00 ~ Statten Jessie. 9.72 Steadman A.. 3,98 ~ Stepnens R.A. 3.00 #7 Stevens.Geo. 3.98 ~ Stkes' C.~. 5.'00 ~ Stkes P~ul. 3.13 ~ 8wepson O.J. Th W T 6.90 ~ 6 omas . . 3. 5 ~ Thompson Arthur. 3.39 Thompson Mitchell. 3..00 ~ T~ompson Will. 3,00 ~ Toomer L~uis. 3.00 ~ Tredc~ell H.G. 3.00 Turner•8am. 4,11 ~ Underwood Percy. 3.00 ~ Vining Thomas. GP lk C 3.00 l er has. a 3.65 Walker J.E. 4.00 ~ Wa.llace David. Z,00 ~ 9Parren Arthur. 3.13 FJashington J.~I. ~ 3.00 ~ ~Pheeler John. 3.00 / 9Phit~ Ephrium. 3.00 6/ YThitley Peter. 2.15J 19illiams Hansley. 3.65 ~ VPilliams VPillie. 5.00 ~ , !'Jileon Fxank. 19 l t J h ~ 2.72 ~ °~ o s n. o 5.00 YPortham Hoxace. 3.46 ~ VJright Jonn. , i VP ht W 3.00 ~ 3 0 r g . m. ~7 tt R bt . 0 0 ~ y~ : o ~ 3. 0 ~ Yancey M3.111s. 3.00 % P~ashington Geo. 3.00 Washin~ton John. 3.65 ~ W stbrook C.1~7. ~ ~ 6.84 ~ W lliams Blanche. 4.75 / Wil.son Mary. 4.16 r Cape Fear 'Tovmship ~Ghite. ~ Barnes Coy.. 3,00 ~ Barnes J.E~. . .65 Bennett L.B. 5.21 ~ Blake A.M. 15.34 ~ Blake Jessie. 3.00 ~ B1a.ke.J.F. 3.00 ~ Blake J.W. 3,00 ~ Bordeau,x A.R. 3.20 ~ Suck C.F.. 4.30 ~ Buck O.S. 3.26 ~ Burton J.B.Jr. 4.30 ~ Cameron tdurdock. 6,12 / Correll 3'oy, a 7.98 ~ Carter V.E. 3.85 ~ Chadwick A.L. 3.65 ~ Cobb A.E. 5.21 ~ Coastal P Air~va.ys 4~.~T6 i~~~ Croom H.C. 7.62 ~ Ebert W.E. 3.00 ~ English Sen. 3.00 ~ Faxr C.L. 3,00 ~ Garner G. W. 4.17 ~ Garner J.F. 2.60 ~ Garris H.B. Gre~ory C.L.Jr. 2,73 ~ 3,00 ~ C#xegory E.T.. 3.07~ Gurganous C.~i. 5.20 / Gurganous J.H. ~ 1.30 ~ f}uyton L.L. 5.47 ~ Hale E.H. 1.50 ~ Harrell O.F. 3,00 ~ Herring G.B. 3.00 ~ Herrington G.2d. 5.33 /'_ Hayduk Karl. 7.49 ~ Hayduk J.oe. 5.07 ~ Ja,mes J. C. 3, 00 ~ Johnstor~ R.Y. . 17.24 ~ Jones G.E.. 9,24 ~. Jones J.J. 7r02 " Jarzes J. L. 6, 45 ~ Justic F.I~d. 4.65 ~' Justic Jerry. 3.05 ~ King C.J. 7~34 ~ I,ee Arthur. 3,00 ~ Marshbunn J.B. 3,90 Merritt N.C. 3.00 ~' ~4ills A. 3.00 ~ bdoore H.E. Moore Mack A. 4.69 ~ 9.57 ~ Moore Saznpson, 3.00 ~ 1~urray H. B. 3. 00 ~ Murray J.S. 3.00 ( Nemeti Joe. OF~en L.E. 3.00 7.88 ~ Padrick Moses Jr. 5.00 % Priest Earnest. s 8.27 r P.ayner J, S., . 3. 71 ~ Register A.B... 6.84 Regieter H.G. 3,00 ~ Register J.TJr. 3.00 / RegiBter P..L. 3,13 ~ Regiater R.A. 3,00 ~ Rivenbark J,A. 3.26 ~ , ' Rochell A.S. 2,02 ~ Rowan J:D. 5.07 /, Rogers Jordan r: ~ .98 °/ Russell J.24. 8.07 ~/ S~llera H.fi. 3.72 ~ Sikes L.E. 3.20 r Spencer V1.A.Jr. Vann N.L. 7.75 ~ 5.73 ~ Vogel Chas.. , 65 ~ 14atkins E.-F. 3.26 / 9Pebb G.W. 5.65 ~' Westbrook E.L. 3.33 ~ Mestbrook E.P1. 3.72 ~ 97hite P~.H. 3.00 ~ 8 ,-_NeF~ro. _. . ___-- ~ A17.en Sa~idy. 3.13 / All.en Pl. T. .07 O/ Anderson Telphy. 3:00 ~/ Boney 2~ary G. 1.11 Q~ Boney Thomas. 3.00 Brovm Ha~ood. 3.00 ~ Clark Edev. 5.00 Clark Jordan, 3.65 ~ Da.vis J.H. 3.00 ~ D~,vis Nathan . 3.00 ~ Dixon Cicero. 3.00 ~ Foy Geo. • Z.13 / Grady Geo. 3.00 6/ (~rady Luke Jr. 3.33 ~ ~ Grady willie. 3.00 Ha11 Empie. 3.00 ~ HardiraonJas. 4,33 ~ Harrie Simon. 1.20 ~ Headen J.M. 5.02 Hill David Jr. 3.65 ~ Hooper John. 4.00 J~nes Pddie. 3.65 ~ Jenkins PJ.J. 4.11 ~ Johnson (}eo. .65 Kelly Tom. 3.00 ~ Leadley James. 3.00 , Leadley Jessie. Lee Henry . 3.00 5.65 ~ Mathews 1Niley. 3.00 ~ Moore deff D. 3.65 Moore ~Pill. 3.00 ~/ Mott fi~iles. 3.65 l MeGee Geo. 3.20 ~/ ~4eGuire David. MeKoy JameE. 3, 78 ~/ 3.00 ~ McLaurin J.R. .65 Newkirk Hay~vood. SN .33 ~ Nex~kirk Mingo. .20 ~ N3xon Chas. 4.33 ' ~ Nixon Elijah. 3.00 Nixon Iierbert. 3.00 ~ ATixon Jphn. 3.00 Nqxon Sam. 3.00 ~ Peterson Enoch. .78 P].ayer W~Jz 3.00 ~ Risbern Chas. 3.00 ~ Robinson Willie. 2.21 Scott Ira. 3.Q0 l Simpson ATi,ck. ~ 3.00 Smith Arthur. 3.00 ~ 8mith Dane. 3.07 ~ Smith Jgm: .65 / SoutherZa,nd J.R. 3.00 ` ~ Tate Joe. 3.00 ' 2ate ~illie. 3.00 ~ Waters James. 3.00 ~ Frilliasne Fen. 3.00 Williams Harry. 3.00 ~ Y~illiams Hezekiah. 4.I3 FJiJ.liame Ja,miah. 5.07 ~ Wi119.ame Richard. 3.91 ~ Williams Robt. 3.00 ~ Wr~aght Nick. .65 ~~ # 9 Federal Point Toirnship. White. ~ Bla.ke Sam H. ~ 3.00 ~ Aavis C~as H. '° F'isher l~.T. 3.46 ~ 4.17 / Franz Carl. 8.53 ~ Hewett E. G, 3. 00 ~ Johnson O.C. 3,07 /i Lewis YJ. A. 3, 65 d/ Long J. (~. 3, F38 ~ Le~vis J.E. 5.08~ ' McBeithan C.T. 3.00 ~ ~ Ne~vton lN. F. F. . 78 8troud Aerbert. 5.24 - ~. Ne~ro. Blackledge H. 3.65 ~ Blackledge Harlee 3.00 ~ Bla.ekledge Linwood. 4.00 ~ Hlackledge HErbert. 3.00 ~ Bowen Jerr~. 3.00 ~ Bryant Alfred. 3.00 / Bryant J. S. ~ 3. 00 ~ Hrya,iat Pa.rrish. 3.00 Clooper Romeo. Cooper Russell. 3~00 ~ 3.00 ~ Davis Joseph. 3.00 ~ Davis Lloyd. 3.00 ~ Davis Louis. 3;65 ~ Dinkins Chas. 4.65 / Dink ins K.S. 3,38 ~ Everett Ja,mea. 3.00 ~ Farrow J.Q. 3.00 ~ `{ '~~/ F~e eman A. G. 4. 68 F eeman 4P. G. 3, 65 ~ . H~ansley J.T. 3.52 Lace~aell Dennis. 3:1~3~ 3 i3 Lawe Arthur A. 3.00 ~ ~ L ov+e G. E. 3, 00 ~ Lo~e Nelson. .78 Mitchell D.J. 3.00 ~ Mitchell Thom Jr. L2oore Q 19 3.72 ~ 00 ~ 3 . . , . Mingo J~nes 3.00 ~ • 2~ac Donald Chas. , 4.63 / MacDonald Elisha: ~ 4.00 ~ ASacDonald Jaraes. ~acDonald L.~I. 3.00 ~ 3, 39 ~ McNeil Geo. 3.00 ~ -' McQuillan J.E. 3*00 ~ ' LlcQuillan Joseph. 3.00 ~ , b4cQuillan L.(}. 3.72 ~ ~cQuillan Btephen. 6,26 ~ Ross Irv~in. 3.00 ~ Roes J.D.. 3.00 ~ 3immons J.A. 3.65 ~ Wade D. VP. 3. 00 ~ Wade Harlee. 3.59 ~ Wade R.L. 3.69 ~ YPhitfield Herbert. 3.00 ~ S~hitfield Kermit. 3.00 / Wilson Evan. 3.85 ~ Wright Daniel. 3.78 0 ~ ~ .l ; ~~{k 10 Barnett Tofmshib i~hite. Alford Woodward. 3.65 ~ Johnson J.~d. 3.00 ~ , Allen L. 4,20 ~ Jones C.C. 3.65 ~ Atkinson J.B. 3.00 Jones E.T. 3.00 ~ " Avisan Tgos. 3.65 ~ Jordan L.D, 3.26 ~ Bass J.L. 3.46 ~ Jorno G.P. 10.15 ~ B~te~-1~:.~ --Lo-wr~;,„ ":.~9-- " %ing F. D. 4* 72 ~ Batson C,R. 3.51~ ~~ T~~•iV ~~rY_ ~ cG ~e~e~- , ~~~ ~.. ^~.,.~ ' K1ng J. C. 5. 73 ~ Ba.tten 1Y.H. 3.07 ~ ~ AS..s fi.y. :..r~ ~ Batten L.B.. 3.07 Knight E.L. 3.05 a/ ~~~-'-~~ -' ~: '" 'o Bratochwill.a4rs J.A:k12.Z2 Bell PS. W. . 3,13 ~ La.ne R.R. , 4. 63 ~ Bennett R.C. 7.30 ~ Lanier John. '-- 5.21 ~~./ Benaon J.H, 3.00 "/ T,ee R.T. 3.65?~- ' Biasengex T. 7,75 a/ Leitzaey F.B. : 11.58 ~ .. Blake Lo.yd. 3.00 ~ I,e~Eoyne J<S. 3.20 '~ Slake B.A... . .65 ~ Lev~is D.Eq, 3.65~d/ Bledson C.C. 3.00 Long A.C~. 3,78 r n, - "~"'"a °~'- ~ ~ ~- - ~erxitt David , ?.00 ~ ~-"= Pderr.~,tt E.J. 3,98 Boyett Mrs. Max~erete.4.36 ~ Pderritt }R,J. 5.00 ~ Brock VP.A. 3,00 ~ M}chaux C.H. 7,49 Brooks Geo tfi: 3.00 r M I1er R.W:. 4.69 ~ Broti2n R.E. 3.00 ~ Millican H.H. 3.85 ~ Brown V.J. 3.65 ( Mintz Jennie. .26 ~ Eryan Lucine.. 3.OD ~ 3dote G.W. .65 Buchanan K.D.N.Jr. 3.00 T:Rotte D.~!. 4.24 ~ Burr.iss Rimball. 4.17 ~ Munn C.L. 3.00 ~ Butler W.R. 3.65 f B~urray P.O. 3.65 ~ D~aneron J..L.. 3.65 ~ ~Surray 5.4~. 3.95 d/ paniels A.YI. 3.00 ~ ~eade E. ,65 ~ Callahan D.G. 5.73 / ~dcGowan Stacy. 3.00 Ca~2ctY C.F. 3.I3:~ ~e_.:..ti ~..:. ", ^C Cana.dy Fi.P. 3.00 ~~~~w~~~. Pievrton C.P. ~ .65 r Capps J.1'6..Jr., 3.65 ,Orrell E.H. 4,69 ~ Garroll CV. FY. 3. 00 ~/ Pace ~~. A. 5.07 ~ Carter E.L. .65 ~ Padrick D.L. 3.00 ~ Carters Fonjie. 3,C~0 ~/ Padrick F.E.. 3,20 Carter I,ee. 3,00 ~ Padrick t7,R. 3,13 ~ Car~er W.D. . 3.00 ~ Parker J.J. 3,00 ~ Ohadraick J.H. 3.00 ~ pedrick Leon.. 4,00 ~ Clemmona C.l~. 3.07 ~ Pennington ,H. C. 8.85 ~ Clemmons E.4P. 6.28 Peterson P.T. 4.30 f ~~u~1~~~~~--- =~39~- Phillips D2,n. 4.11 ~ ~••.•W.--~ ~~~. '-`~~ Pif~ford F.G. 3~00 ~ • Cooper H.~d. 3.98 Piner W.R. 3.00 ~ ~ ~ ~-~ t~ ~~• ='1 `-'~ ~~ Player T. L. 5. 54 Eden C.A. . .65°/ Polvogt T.,E. 6,51 ~ Ea~rards 1.5. B. 1. 95 ~ Poole R. A, . 18.93 ~ Evans,,,R~~~.~A~. 3.00 Por+ter H.J. 4~.0/~/0~ ~~'~~+~stlT~ ~_~`~. ' ~:~S.Yr~„.~~rF.~ i~c,~. .hi39V Fergus H.T,... 3.00 ~ Puckett J.D. 3.65 ~ ` Fleming E.G. 3.00 paul James. 2.86 ~ • ~r•.r~ -d. «• -'~'~'=~ Potter Ed., _ 6, 84 ~ F'utch ~dra B00. 1,50 ~ Pridgen .C.&. 2.11 ~ Ganous Pink,. 3.00 Ra.wls L.E... 3.00 ~ ~'~~~ ~'. ~. ~ ~'~ Q • Raynor J~LY. 3+00 ~~ Cil].ette Ra].ph. 6.90 ~ Riggs J.Ba . 3.72 / Gore Mrs E.R, 1.00 ~ Robbins AJ.Jr. 1.89 ~ (3reen Heney. 3.00 ~^'"e~±^. #3-~n::~.n~3.. ~^^ / Griffith B.J. 5.00 r Rogers A.A4. 3.07 ~ Groves A.J 5,72 , Rogere C.H. 3,59 Graves -Pesle~t 3.00 ~ Rogers C.T. 4,30 ~ Guthrie J.~9. 3,00 Russ J,D. I..Il ~ 1~=•--~ ~~-~ " "~' ' Russell J.E. 3.00 ~ Hales VP.H. 3.00 ~ Ray E.C. 5.98 ~ Hardison Tom. 3.00 / 3anderlin J..T.. 3.00 ~ > Hasrison Ja.ek. 5.80 ~ Sander7.in t9.F. 4.82 ~ Herring L.F. 3.00 Sanders Q.L.. 3.13 ~ ~ I~'` '~ ir ~.39~ Sanderlin J.C. 3,98 Hewett James. 3,65 ~/ ::~,,~,.~ 7;.-^. , i,,33+ Hines E.J. 3.46 ~ 3chnibben rd..G. 3.98 ~ Hgnes E.F'J. ~ ~ 3.00 ~~~~~~s-b. ~.--~....~ u-• -~- ~.. i. E£ ~ Shepard C. E. 3.07 ~ r nnant J.B. 3.00 Shepard G.W.. 4.65 ~ • I~~::= ~~ 1"e~ ~., ^^'. '~ 40. ~ Sherman W. J. 3. 72 ~ H; nson 4d. L. 3. 78 ~ Shec~ H. A.. 2. 65 ~ Holland C.P. 5.00 ~ Shin 1".G. _. ,65 Hobbs Alionso. .65 (' S'simmnnA a~R ~ ~~ Horr~.rd J..?4. 3.00 ~' Simmons P;.B. ~,13 ~ Hunt R.J. - 3.00 ~ Skinner J..G. 7.36 '~ Hunt YJm. 3,98 ~ Sneeden S.E. 3.65 ~ Hunter Perry. 3.00 / 3mith D,C. 3.00 ~ • X Ha.rrell Perry. 3,00 3mith E.T. 2.28 ~ Harrell L.N. 3.00 ~ Smi'th JNl. ,98 ~ ~ Hewett J.A. 4.69-~ Sneeden A.C. 7.16 ~' Jackson EstuZ. 3.85 ~ Stanland A.H. 3.65 Jackson 44. L. 3. 85 . ~', s;-~8,~,,._, ?,, ~~ dv:u.~o. o"h-:' ~-~~-- Stanley C.A. 3.65 ~' 3e#~en T^> ~.^3 Starkey J.E. 1.30 ~ . : _~ ~ ~ Streeter J.IN. ~ ~ 3.65 ~ ~ 11 Mosley AZbert. ~ 5.00 ~ Saanon ti~.A. 3.98 ~ Z,iosley E. 3.13 Stanland ?1rs A. 6,05 ~ ~deCoy Henry. 3.00 ~ . Thompson J.'fl. 3.65 b~cMillan VPalter. 3.33 ' To~: I~ ~~~ Nelson Oliver. 5.21 ~ " Todd Yd.R. 3.00 Newkixk Robert. 3.00 .1;~:~~-~ £.?"?.~ ;33~- Nichols Robt. 4,00 ~ '.7aldorf Q.Z2. 1, 69 ~ Nixon Joe• 3.39 ~ YValton F'.J, 4.24~ Nixon 49m J~: 3.00 ~ Warren R.H. 5.73 ~ Nunn Plm. 3.00 ~ , Watson M~.F. 4,69 Pearce Isaac. 3,00 ~ Platts J.L. 4.17 ~ Pellom R~uben. 3.00 ~ 49eat C.Ii.. 7.81 r Pickett Arthur. 3.00 ~ 4Pestbrook R.G. 6.25 ~ Pickett Rudolph. 3.65 White M.A. 3.90 Pollock Junius.• . 3.00°~ Whitty O.E.. 5.65 ~ Pridgen Joseph, 3.00 ~ '~ Willetts T.,V.. 3.65 ~ 'Riddick Raymond. 3.00 ~ . v~'illiams H.R. 3,65 ~ • Rowell Joe. 3.65 ~ Vdilliamson J.F?. 3.72 Sampson l~m. 6.84~. Woodcock C,.E. 3,07 ~ 8idbury B.H. .33 ?~dhel 1 A.2~2. ~ Simmons John. , ~ p y 10.35~ 5.07~. VGillard E.P,.Jr. 3.OD ~ Simpkins J.P, 3,00 ~ V~illis Cal. .65 Simpkins Josh. 3.00 9impkins L. 3,00 ~, Harnett Totivn'shi~ Yde~ro. Smith Chas. 3.Q0 r Spicer .4nder. .33 ~- Age J.tfi. .46 ~ Spicer John. 3.00 ~ Bannerman A.G. 4.56 3tallworth Garfield. 3.00 ~ Bass Curtis. 3.00 ~ Street Cass. 3.00 ~ Bass Osie. 3.00 ~ Sykes L.S. 3,00 Bellaxny Ollie. 3.00 ~ Thomas C. 3.00 ~ Berry Julius. 3.00 ~ Tillman John. 3.00 ~ Bra,dley Nathaniel. 3.~0 ~ Wadell Geo. 3.0? ~ Bradley Rola,nd. 4.11 ~ ~gtenGeolie. 3,00 ~ Brorn John. 3.00 1 4.17 ~ Bro~n Thomas , 3.00 ~ PJhite V7.E. 3.20 ~ Brown William. 3.00 ~ CPhitehurst Arthur. 3.07 ~ Burton Grant. 4.17 Nhitfield Jas. 3.00 ~ Caxribell Jardes. ~ 3.00 ~ YJhitfield Sam 3.00 ~ Canty John. 3.00 ~ 4Yilliams Dave. .13 Cha@wick. Ben. 3,00 ~ Willia,ms Mydell. 3.00 ~ Clayton Ja.cob. 3.00 Williazns ~iansom. 3.00 ~' Corbett W.P. 3.78 9Vilson John. 3.00 ~ Davis (}eo. 3,00 ~ Wilson W.H. 9,79 Aavis John, 3.00 ~ Wall~ce John. 3.85 ~ DeBurnier Julius. 3.00 / Robinson l,s, 3.00 . Dixon Jas.. 7,16 d _ Dixon R.B. 3.00 ~j ' Dukes Delvin. 3.20 d/ Edv~ards Jas. 5.13 d Elliott Calvin. 3.04 ~ a ~' Everett Jas. 3.00 ~ ~~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~j/ ~~ ~ "-' Foy John.. 3.00 ~ yL ~ \ Franks C. 3,00 ~ ' Franks J.~.4. 3.00 ~ . Gause Chas. 3.40 ~ ` Gore Chas. 3.00 ~ Rore Eddie, 3.00 ~ Graham Willie. 3.1s ~ Green James. 4.04 ~ Green Jas. 3.00 ~ Green John. 1,76 ~ Gore Josh. 4,37 ~ H2xikins Arthur. 3.00 ~ Hansley Lesman. 3.65 Harrison ~Fm Jr. 4.00 ~ • Hinea Clarkton. 3.13 ~ Howard Jas. 4.43 ~ Hurst Cornelious. 3.00 ~ . Hussey Addison. •3.00 ~ Hussey Gas~on. 3.00 ~ . ` Ham Odis. 5.67 ~ . Jacob Aaron. 3.07 ~ Jacobs Lloyd. 3.00 ~ Jacobs London. 3.00 James Arthur. 3.00 ~ Jenkine Lac~rence. 3.00 ~ Johnson Aon. 3.00 ~ Jones Ossie. 3.65 . Jordan Roy . 3.00 Rnight Robt. 3.00 ~ La.cev;el2 Ar.ios. 3.00 ~ Lewis Jas. 3.00 j Locke W.L. 3.65 Lofton Dan, 3.00 "~ Lo£ton Iredell. 3.00 ~ bucas Ja~nes. 3.00 ~ Mack Preston. 3.00 ~ aSart in M. s. 4. 00 ~iitchell Axnol~, 3.00 ~ Moore Frank Jr: 3.00 t Moore Iierbert. 3.00 ~ Masonboro Townsnip CPhite. Apple~hite Blake D. ~ Bell BmC. Benton A.F. ~ Branch A.C. Britt D.L.. ° Burriss L..C. Craig C.E.. _ Eubanks E,R. - Falea A.F. Farrow A.R. FaErow Jessie. Fa.rro~v L..S,. Farrow R.J.. Fa~row R.L.. : Farroy~ T. T. - • Fo~vler Bud. , ~~-~ . George D.M. Xardison V~.E. Harper A~N. . Henderson F.P. Aerbst Mary E. HcDrne Wa,lter. Holt J.M. Kzng Luther. Kin~ ~alcom. King Freeman. Kirkha,m J..E.. Kirkham R.B.. Rirkh~xn R.H. Lewis C.D. Milton R~..B. ~organ L.J. ~+ ~.I,q~TI _~l ma~r EdePhers~bn G.H. }~ePherson J.G. ~dePherson t~.M. Nelson Geo. Paul Ec~. Peterson H.A. Rhodes A.B. Southerla.nd D.F. Stewart W..A,. St~k~ey A.B. ~ Taylor Carl. `~ Vann H,L. ' Yfalton J.Nl.. 9Patson S.J. ~.~j~ Ra+h1 con V9hiteman F.W. VCilkins J. T. VPilliams . Lee. : 9Pilson H.R. . YGilson L.L~.,_ Woolard L.32~ t~oolerton . Padrick H.J, ~g~ ~~ ~ ,~, ~- ~ r r ( f ~ ! 12. 3.13 ~ 3. 33 ~ 3.00 D/ 3.65 ~ 6, 51 ~ 3.00 ~ 4. 76 ~ 6. 50 ~ 14. 66 ~' 3. ~0 ~ 3, 00 3.00 ~ .52 ~ 3. 00 ~ 3.98 ~ 3.00 4:00 ;; 3. 33 ~ 5.20 ~ .33 ~ 2.21 ~ 4.17 I.69 r'~/' 4. 66 ~ 3, 00 ~ 3.0.0 3.65 ~ 3, 0"5 ~ 3,00 r 4,I1 ~' 4.17 3.00 ~ ~;~ ~. 1,63 ~ 3.65 ~ 4. 30 10.73 ~ 1.17 ~ 3. 39 s.os ~ 5.73 ~ 3.98 ~ 5. 50 ~ 3.85 ~- 1.37 ~ 3.07 d/ 3.00 3.~ 3.00 3.Od ~ 3, 00 ~' 7.07 3.00 ~ 3.Ofl ~ 4.29 ~ , ~ r~ ~ Idee~ros. ~ Davis T.~l. ~ Di 3.65 ~ xen Lfercury, 3.00 Evans Davis. 3.00 ~ Evans Idoble. 4..00 ~ H~,11 Ja.s E. 3.07 ~ Irving Steven. 3.00 ~ Randall Joe. 3:00 ~ Rhodes (#eo.. 6.32 ~ Aobinson ~:.D. 3.65 ~ Sanders IQelson. 3.72 Smith Jacob. 3.Q0 ~ Y~~,lker A~.timore. 3.00 ~ ~ Wllitaker T~io~. 3.00 a~ ~-. .. ~.(~ ~ ~~~ ~u.. ~ t' . ~~~~ .V Y Wilmington, N.C., October 5th,1931. ~ ~ .R. ;;`, . The regular monthly neeting: of the Board ~aas held at 3:00• 01clock P•M.• # • ~ Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.W.Trask,F.Iu.Ross and Jas. Pd. Hall. 4 •' ;~, Mrs. Browne presented I~iss Rasch, the newly appointed Home Demonstration Agent to 3~ ° ` ~ /K c~` succeed I~diss Anne B. Horne who resi~ned in June 1931. • , A Upon motion~of Ilir. Trask, seconded by ~r. Hall, the purchase of t~vo automobile tires ~ s ' p",n,~µ~' ~ ' £or the Home Demonstration Agents car was authorized.• ~• . /• , y~ ' . . . . . . . ' JoYin, R. Morris, Sheriff.,. presented hi.s bond covering col•lection and sett.lement of ' ~ ~ all county and local taxes, in the penalty of ~75,000.00 with the Union Tndemnity ' ~~`" Company as surety, the said amount having been fixed by the Board and.a~bproved aa ~ ~~e to form and execution by the County Attorney, was upon motion of Iutr. Hall, seconded -• ` by I~dr. Trask, approved by the Board, all members present.voting affirmatively. • yi: ~~~ , ' .The.1931 tax books were presented to.the.Board.by•the County Auditor, complete with the ~: exception of the insertion of a feM items of corporate excess due by corporations not ~, ~~~' , ~ ~ et received from tge State Corporation Coimnissiori. The Board accepted the tax books y ` . , ~-` l C~1C'~ ~~: and upon motion of Pdr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Ross, ordered the same turned over to the Sheriff for collection. ~ Upon mvtion of Ns. Hall,.seconded by Idr. Trask, the Board ordered that all tax payera who have failed t~o list their property and are chasged with a penalty for failing to , -Y '~' I ~X'`'~ list euch praperty and v~ho comes. f.orward and •settle tneir ta3ces on or before Decenber ' / . 15th,1931, shall be allowed to pay ~he amount•of •their.taxes ~vithout the penalty. `~ Upon motion of 1utr. Hall, seconded by P~r. Trask, the Board authorized the publication~ , of a notice advising the tax payers of the method of payment of 1931 taxes on the " • ' ,~l~~'~-~i partial payment plan. • ' ~ . , .. . . . ..... . .. .. Upon motion,~duly seconded, Mrs. Jennie Grant was released from the payment of penalty = _ . - ~~~~ ~ •for not listing lot #14,block #95, Carolina Seach fox•the year 1930. "~ ,. The matter of adjusting the assessment on property of Mrs. Fannie Guthrie.in block ~ •_ • #74, acsount of the bad condition of the building as requested by I~r.F.E.Livin~ston, '~•~. ~" ~~~ with the view o~ ,settli•ng the back taxes due on same, was referred to the Chairman ~ ' .../' with power to act. ~ ~ > ~ ~. " ' The,fol3owing good and•lawful men were drativn.to serve as jurors in the Superior ~ourt c, •- .`"~~if~2/ for the trial of c.ivil cases; first week beginning October 19th,1931: • ~~ + James, King. ~ Alden ~,dwards. 49.7$.Riggs. 1d.~.King. ' `, r ~ G.W.Russ. ' • T.-I..Barker. . . .G.R.Wray. . • . • Chas R. $u~g_... ~ ' ~ W.B.Daniels.• 'F.B.Barnhill. . Geo.F.Potter. P.A.},~arshburn. ' ~ J.P.Johnson.• Geo~.Sternberger. Riley D.Smith. I..E.Brown, Jr., ~ >`,, , ' Henry Varaaal. A.C.Divine. F.G.Harriss. •S.G.Bennett. .• - D.H.Hicks. D.A.Herring. L.E.Smith. J.F.I,itgen. . _ ~ ~ . - , . ' ~~ For the second ~ve~k be~innin~ October 26th,1931.. . ; a ~ . ~ ,, les. J.H.Baugh• A.B.~ucNair. . F.Z.Mintz, Jr-.,Vl.V.H i e ; John Hall. . B.G.Gregg~Jr., W.S.Register. J.~ri.Shinrn. L_ , ,' W.D.Bell. . D.K.Cramer. . W..G.Butler. J.T.King. Simon Oliver. J.O.Powers. . E.P.CraNrford. . I..I..King. .F.H.Armstron~. Geo.E.Kidder. R.B.Colie. H.N.Shumpert., ~ ~,~ ~, ` A.S.R.Davis. W.E.Hollyhead. J.T.Brown,Jr., B.F.Ratchen. 1 For the trial oi Criminal cases for week beginning Nov,ember 16th,1931: -~; r , . . . . . . ' ~ ~ .W.A.Spencer,Sr.Asa King. H.R.Hinson• W.T.Brown. J.O.Sharp. J.A.Mathis. ,~~ ,. ~ H.~.Hewett. J.J.Peterson. ~J.H.Bost. H.A.Kure. T.G.Grubbs. J.Sternbexger. • - _E.R.Bullock. W.T.Parker. H.[F7.~iller. A.B.Bradsha~v.J.NI.Creech.,Martin Von Oesen. , . U.B.Spindle. S.C.Dunn. J.~.Hu~hes• VPm•~IJheeler. '~J.R.Brotivn. W.G.Oury. ' ll[urray. F.L.Kersey. . YV.B•Canady. J.T.Hughes. E.R.Pickard.J.A.Smith. : Aulsin. , '- , W.J.F1yZrn, B.OTNeill. J.O.Reilly. T.W.Durhem. W.R.Lane. S.C.King. , ,•'•" ~~~~~~ `• The County Auditor reported the collection,in his o£fice, of ~30~908.70 account of . , ' 1931 taxes• ~ , . , . ~ . . -,. •Upon motion of nHr. Iiall, seconded by }~r. Trask, the Board authorized the County Auditor ~~+i: ~' /~~e.~ to have 1000 tax receipts printed to take care of pre-payments of taxes in his office.. t~ f`~~~ ~ . Upon motion of I~r. Ross, John R. Erorris ;Sheriff, nras allowed the sum of ~400.00 for his , •~''. l--~~~`~~~~ •petty cash account. . ... ... . ` ~~~ ~.~ The Auditors cash report for the month of Beptemb~r was received and ordered £iled./ , ~~ F ~ • ' r J +~ " Upon, motion of L~Sr. 8oss.,, seconded. by. ~dr.. Hall,. ~the following Appropriation ResoZution ;, r ,.~lu~~u~ was offered and unanimously adopted, all members of the Board present voting, 7~,~ •~., ~ .. - including the Chairman: , . , i ~ • ~ ,~ , APi~ftOPRiATION RESOI,UTION , i F; ,:.~~'~ ' Section 1. Be it `resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, this 5th, day of October 1931, that for expense of county ,. ~, government, its activities and institutions for the year ending June 30th,1932, - ~',~, ,: . ' the amounts of the follo~ving schedules, or so much o£ each as may be necessary, . , ~ are hexeby appropriated. , . t ' . ,.,: ~ . , ... .... . .. . ~~. , , . . . . . . . . . . ~. , . ; ~.,±7: , .. .. ..... . . . 0 ~ ~~ ~ ~~ . =..,''re Meeting o£ October 5th,1931, continued. 5ection 2., That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriatecP for the . "County General Fund" the follotiving: General Fund ................................:....~103,~§'k.~2 10$~~~~3:s52 Section 3. That for the said £iscal year there are hereby appropriated Eor tHe.six"montha scrioolitexm_t~3e:.following; 2831110.63 to Be raised as follows; , From State,.......• ............................. 182,213.44 ~ From County ..................................... 83,686.44 From County, Debt Service ....................... 17,210.75 ; 283~110•63 ~ Section 4. That for the said fiecal year there is hereby appropriated for "The Extended Term Fund" the following;,»o...e.. .,.... Current Expense ................................. 119,889.37 Section 5. That for the .said fiscal year there are• hereby appropriated out of the "County Bond Interest,~ Redemption and Sinking Fund" the following; ~ . , Court House Bond S3nking Fund: • Bond Interest ................................... '9,8716.00 , • Expense on Coupons,..........' ................... 150.00 Bonds Maturing .................................. 10.000.00~ 20~025.00 County Home Sinkin~ Fund: Interest on Bonds ............................... 1,235.00 Expense on Coupans .............................. 10.00 Bonds Pda.turing~ ................................. 2,000.00 "3,245.80 Ferry Bond Sinking Fundt Interest on Bonds ............................... 4,420.00 ' Expense on Coupons ..................r,........... . 25.00 Bonds b'faturing .......... ....................... 2,000.00 ` Sinlsing Fund Inetallments ....................... 1.154.50 7,599.50 Road Bond 5inkin~ Fundt ~ Interest-on Bonds ............................... 9,500.00 . ' Expetase on Coupons .............................. ' 50.00 . . Box Rent :..:..:.....:.:.:..:....................... 2.00 9,552.00 ~ a.<<...,......~.~,a....s...o........,,. ..... _., Sehool Bond Sinking Fund: ` , Interest on Bonds,.•.•..•••.••••..••••...•.•...• r 45,137.50 ~ Expense on Coupons .............................. 100.00. . Bonds Maturing .................................. 18,000.00. Sinking Fund Installments ....................... b,183.25 . . • Old Coupons ......................... ........... • 50.00 Box Rent ........................................ • 2~.00 69,~472.75 Workhouse Bond Sinking Fundt ~ , Bond Interest,.. ... . ... .................... 1,750.00 ~ • •Sinking Furid Installments ................, ...,. 1,130.15 2,880.15 . . • . • ~Porkhouse and Couaty Home Bond Sinking Fund: - • • - . . . Interest on•Bonds ............................•... . . 850.00 School Funding: ~ Intexest on Bonds ..................:............ 11,020.00 Bonds Ma.turing,........ ......................... 10,000.00 Coupon Expense,.............. .. ................. 50.00 • 21,070.00 Section 6. That for the said fiscal year there are hereby appropriated out of the "County Home Funcl"~the following: , County Home and Farm ..............'.,............ . • 28,023.97 • Section 7. That f or the said £iscal year tliere are hereby- appropriated for the "County Health Fund!' the followin~t Appropriation ...................,............... • ~ 10,367.50 Section 8. That for the said~fiscal year there axe hereby appropriated out of the "Hospital Fund" the following: Appropriation,• ................................. • 15,340.00 Section 9. That for the said fiscal year there are hereby~~ appropriated out of the °School Book Fund!' the fal2owings . . % Salaries ...........:............................ 1;800.00 New Books ....................................... 10,000.00 New Books, Frei~ht .............................. 10.00 Stationery & Printing ........................... 90.00 Repairs ........:................................ 100.00 12,000.00- Carried Forward ..................... ,- ''"S" ..• i r .' . . ~~~ ~ ~.~~ ~ Meeting of October 5th,1931, continued. ~ Brought Forward,....•••••••• ~ '~ Section 10. That f or the said fiscal year there are hereby appropriated for the "School Pension Fund" the following: • DBiss Td.E.Cook .............:.....................:. ~ 752.88 ~• Miss Adelaide ~eares .............................. 524.38 D~rs.T~d.I,.IucLeod ... ............................... 300.00 Iti6rs.Kate Yarborough ............................... 603:00 Fannie Blount ..................................... 522.00 .f Bessie Burnett .................................... 522.00 H4atilda Story ..................................... 522.00 Section 11. That for the said fiscal year there ae hereby appropriated for the "School Building Fund" the following: School Building Fund ......................:....... 1,220.95 Section 12. Phat for the said fiscal year there are gereby appropriated for the "Road Reserve•Fubd" the followings Compensation Insurance 1930-1931 account,......... 248.93 ' Bellevue Road, Refund due City ...................: .217.17 Cor.~munity Drive, Refund due City,.•...•.......•.•. 819.88 Old bills to be adjusted .......................... 638.52 . .~...;._i~:. ,.:. Total .............................. ...........~ 1~~~ 3,746.2fi 1,220.95 1,924.50 Ca ~ ~ The offer of LIr. John D. Lomry to sell a piece af land ad~oining the' ~ ~-}~j~~ ~ . Sunset Park school, was referred to the Board of Education. Upon motion o£ Mr..Hall,seconded by DBr. Trask, Mrs. Walter Corbett of Harnett ~ ~~,~- township was granted an allovuance of ~2.00 per week Prom the 6ut Hoor Poor ~ Fund, upon recommendation of the County Welfare Officer. -. Upon motion oP Mr. Ross, seconded by T,~r. Trask, the Board finding it necessary . for the Sheriff to employ extra help in t~.king Bennie Jones,~esley Powell, ~~ ~~,.r%t~ ~` Hissey Faison,Luke Jordan, Frank Letley,Joseph Little and B.Frank to State ~ ~~ Prison at Raleigh, and for conveying Tom Brown from Brunswick County, approved the .payment of bills amounting to ~119.01 to John R. Morris, Sheriff. - • . ~ Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by L2r. Aoss, the allov~ance to the Sheri£f for ~C~ ~'~'~'`~ feeding jail prisoners which heretofore has been sixty cents per da:q per pri~bner, f was reduced to fifty cents per day per prisoner as of date .o~ October lst,1931. A co~¢nunication was received from the County Auditor advising the Commissioners ~ s~j~''4~ the amount on deposit in each bank as of September 30th,1931, together with a` ,"~ ~ /~wy~ memorandum of surety bonds held by us iri each case.. „l~,ti A report of the Associate~ Charities for the month of September was received and~~ ~ a~ac_ ~J" oTdered filed. ~ •~ . ~ b~ ~`"~crediteof thetachoolrfund forCOctoberhawashupon motion3~,f0~~00Trask,asecondedhby Pdr. .~-- Hall, granted. ~ . ti ' ' , Upon ~notion of I~r. Trask, seconded by Fair. Hall, S. & B. Solomon were granted ~.~ .~ ~~aX~~ refund of ~13.00 tax paid ori a valuation of $1,000.00 on~lots ATos.55 & 56 , Wrightsville Beach for the year 1930, account of erron~in assessment. In answer to the question raised by the Sheriff as to ~vha,!t action ahould be taken ' i q in casas where a tax payer, wishing to pay in installments, offers to pay on time, , . IC{Y°f'~` basis after the time for the first payment had expired; the County Attorney gave ) his opinion (whieh ~vas approved by the Board) as follows; ~y , If a tax pa.yer who failed to make the first~rpayment by Novanber 30th,offers , a payment prior to-January 31st, must in order to secure the benefit of this plan, • uralce a payment of one half the tax at that time; and if later paymenta are made int accordance with tk~e lae~ no penalty is to be charged. If the th~rd and fourth ' payments are'not made by Bdarch'31st, and April 30th, respectively, then and in that ~ case the tax payer shall pay the penalty in effect at the time the payment is made and shall,be required to complete the full payment of the tax. If a tax,payer makes the first payment on or before November'30th,but fails . to make the second payment before IIfanuary 31st, he shall when making the next payment ~ be requYred to pay the entire remainder'of the full amount of the tsx and shall pay , ' the penalty in effect at the time the payment ie made. ~ ` The Clerk was directed to address a letter to the Sheriff and call his attention to ' Section , Chapter 83, Public La~vs 1931, which requires a property owner, owning " more than one parcel of land and wishing to gay on any one of them, to pay the tax qn f~~~e ~ the personal property listed by such tax payer, after releasing said parcel of land. If ar~y other person interested in any such parcel of land wishes to pay on such ~ parcel he may be permitted to do so provided he sYiall pay on a ratable share of the ' personal property listed by the tax payer listing said land for taxes. The meeting then adjourned• ~~ ~1.4~~~ir0 C7~ERK. , ~ Y ~ ~ ` ~ ~ ~' e , - Y i~r ' ' • ^ r t .• ~~R: ~. - ~ .. ' ~ . ~ . .. ~ ... . , t. . ~ ' ~i,'!F. , Wilmington,N.C., October 12th,1931. • . , ~-"`' ~~~ . , _ • , • . . .. . . . . ~..~:, . The re~ular weekly me,etin~ of the Board`_was held at 3:00 o`clock P.bi. "~'' : .. ;,'-: Present: Addison Hevrlett:Chairman, tiJ.E.Yopp, Geo..W.Trask,F.M.Ross and .Jas.LT.Hall: f,w. ;;'. , Upon; motio,n of ~ir., Yo,pg, ;seconded by Nir., Tr~sk, the additional ass.easment of ~500.00 • ,` D`/ ~~ for.improvements.on house o£ H.W:Keen"on lots 7, and 8, block #20'Carolina Place~ ~~ ~ + ~~G as fixed by the ~ax As.sessorse£or. the year 1931, was abated and assessment of j , ~3,000.,00 on the building.to. remain the.same as for the year 19.29, for the reason ~ , that the building was only repa~ired and no additional improvements made. - ~w? . . . • . . ' wy~ . Upon mation of`~~ir...Trask, seconded by I~r.~Yopp, R.H.Pierce was released from the - ~ ;~ y `~b~ , payment of perialty for not Tisting property in block #256 for the year 193@ and 1931 ` f b o id t o t i "y"` " ~~' .. ng a_n n-res en . acc un o e ~„ • ~_ _ , . . . . , :a . ~ " Upon motion of Iuir: Yopp, sec~onded by~r. Trask;, I~rs.W.B.Muse was granted an abatement ~, .~~ of taxes on a valuation'of ~~50.OO~accountooP mort age listed in error for the year ,: ~ ~~~ . 1931, and-&n~~abatement of ta.xes on a valuation of 1,550.00 mortgage exemption t th i ti f li f il d l ~ ti , A%. e e, to c m a me o s ng. she a a ~ . ~y Upon motion of Mr...Yopp, seconded by Adr. Trask, ~vSr.E.N:.Farabou yas granted an ,:.. ~ ' ~~ a'~ ~ ~ abatement of poll tax for-the year 1931 , ac.count of being a non-resident and the' ~ -- same charged in errox.. ,~ ~~~ Upon~mQtion, the Chairman and liGr. J.D.Edvrards were authorized ad.directed to appear ~ ,.~, . , before,the State Board of Assessment.at Raleigh on Tuesday October 20th, to protect ~ ~ , , ~ the County's interest u~pon appeal taken by B.F.Hall and iiall & Pearsall from the ,. ; . , ~ L /~G1, order, of the Boa~d ,of Equalization _of ,this County fixing the valuation on their y v I property. . :_~~,', T . ' . Upon motion of"iair. Ross, secondsd by ~r. Trask County bills Nos.539 to 565 inclusive , ~:. ' ,~,.• `~^ \~`~ were approved for payment. • , . ~• ~ i ~ o.~ . _ ~.. ., .. VJith reference to the lot adjoining the Sunset Park school, which the ]3oard of `~ L~ Education agreed to.purchase. from I~dr.J.D.I,owry at a cost of ~500.00, provided the ~ , , ~ f`~• ` ~ Co~iissioners vrould raise the present school budget by that~ amount, Mr:Trask moved ~~-. o ~~ and it was seconded by 1~r..Yopp, and carried, tizat the Boa.rd approye the purchase of~ , • ` said•lot PRdVIDED, the same-is purcha,sed-out of the eraergency fund of the Board - of Education, but the Co~nissionere unanimously declined to raise the school budget •'?.~i. .. in any amount to provide the'funds for the purchase of tlie said lot. , " ~G': Upon motion• o£ BGr. "Trask, seconded by 1~r. Yopp, the Atlantic Coast Lirie Railroad / ~,.~i' , ~( ~Q~ Company was released from the payment of the 1930 taxes amounting~to $21.85 on G ~ 1 , building located.on its property -in block #57, and`the same to be oharged to H.R.Gardner. . • A statement of back tax collections'for three months ending September 30,1931, as •' ~~, compared v~ith the same per'iod of last year, was presented by the County Auditor. ` ~k ' ,,. . ~ ~" The meetin~ then adjourned.' ° . ~ . " ~ $;.,.; < • ~ .. ' ~ii -iC :~~v~y ~ Clerk. ~ a., ". ' Wilmington,N.C., October 19th,1931. • `' The re~ular weekly meeting of'the Board was held at 3:00 o'clock P.ivi. ~ - ~ c Presenta Addison Hewlett Chairman, W.E.Yopp, Geo.W.Trask,F.NI.Ross and Jas.M.Hall. ,;: ,~;; , :- ~~~ ~ The matter of collecting the County's part of the tax from the Tide Water Six / ;.rv `~, " ( Courities ~air as authorized by law, which Fair is now exkiibiting at Bellamy Park, ~•. + ' ~' , was de£erred until an~adjourned meeting to be held at 3:00 o'clock p.~., ~hur•sd~y '' October ~~y. 1931. ~ ` ~.~.' - ,. , , . ~,.:, Upon motion of Tlr. Trask, seconded by Mr. fiall, an item of ~47.72 tax charged on ~°'`~ , h e s n n c l z n l r / T n ~ ~ ~`fF~~ the 192'j 1928 for years and 1929 Loring or J.RbCovil account of the same having ` - ( '~ - escaped taxation for the said years, but which charge did not appear at the time - ~ ~° df certificate of title by the attorney on examination, was ordered cancelled on ~~ the back tax records. , .. . • ~.' - !p' .Y G~a'4" Upon motion of I~r. Yopp, seconded by Mr. Ross, the Board approved the payment of ~ , ~~.Ky.• ~, ~ ~p6•00 to the Associated Charities for furnishing TSrs.J.A.Holleman,County Indigent, ~~ ' ' G~ ` with a pair of eye gla~ses, the same havinf been purchased a't a 25f discount account i . ~ = _ of charity rate. - ~ _ . The request of Dr. Foster Burnett that the.assessment of ~100.00 on the east middle - ~~; :.;, `~ part of lot #3 in block #224 be abated, claimin~ the same v~as inclmded in the assessm~nt ~ ~`` ~. _,~ ,~,~~ on his homa loc.ated on tYYe west half of lot #3, all being one continuous piece of `~ . .~~s property, a*as upon motion referred to the Chairman and Count~y Auditor avith power =.~i to act. - ' 4~~~s~" The of£icial bond. of 1~r.S•G.I,ong as Specia,l Officer and Rural Police, in the p9.nalty ~. ~ ~ ~S ., of ~1,000.00 tivith the United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company as surety, ~2e .~ /~Q~ ~.. presented, the s~id amount having been fixed by the Corrmiissioners, was upon motion of ,, i. . / Ydr.Hall. seconded by i:ir. Yopp, unanimously approved by the Board. ,'/ Upon motion of ~Zr. Trask, seconded by LIr. Yopp, T~rs.A.C.Lytton~'vras released from the "~-~%" / U.~3y pay~ent'of taxes on a valuation of ~2,000.00 on house assessed at $~5,000.00 on lots ~- t P th k #29 k f 1931 1 i bl J" ?.~ , Sunse or oc ar e year 2 n- , account of house not fully 11 and ~ ~ completed April lst,1931. • ,~~ `;~, ~~ Upon'motion of I~dr. Yopp, seconded by I~r. Trask, iurs. J.C.King was released.from the , ~~~~ - i1U'~ 1 payment of poll and personal property tax charged against lots 31 and 12 in block _ . • . • .~.. , ~~~ ~ , 135 ~;., : , . - ~ , ~ ~ D~eeting o£ Oct"ober 19th,1931~continued. ,: ;; ,. : . ' :., . . . _ , . ~ ;ti ; , No•.31, Carolina Place in the name of L.W.Wi11is £or the year 1931, account of ; ' . ,~` Nirs. King having to take the real estate over and Mr. Willis havin~ no equity ;~, • in the same. ° ' • ~ ; .~ ~ Upon moti-on of ~Cr.. Ross, seconded by IiBr. Yopp, the Board° endorsed •tlie proposal i~~,• • h ,~~~of the Wilmington Chamber of Cornmerce that.the.name of Smith's Creek be chznged ,,.. '~° {. C~ c9`"~ to "Smith's River" and, the Clerk was. instructed'to vrTi$e a letter to the ' ,Pi'`D ,. ~ United States Geographic Board at Washington,'D.C.;.urgirig fao.or~.ble action thereon. ` ~ ~ , , • ~ - - Upon motion~of ~ir. Trask, seconde.d by I~r.. Ross,; Pdr.E.E.$oushee was al•lovreil to pay . the 1931 tax on 20 ac'res of land charged as not~listed against Joseph T. Bushman, ' :~ ,~ -^~ ~~~ Cape Fear Township, less the penalty ad pessorial property~ tax. cha'rged thesein. and , -/ xeleased from payment of pe'r~onal tax for the'year i93o. , ~1~}x ` Upon motion o£~h~r. Ross, seconded- by bSr:- Trask,the assessment of,$~1,000.,00 on'house , ' ~Q~pj of ~rs• Fannie Guthrie block rr74 was.u.pon recommendation of-the;conunittee reduced to - ,.~~, / ~200.00 for the years 1927 to 1931 inclusive, account of-the bad c.ondition,of the same. ,~;~. , ~, ~y,~ ~~ ' .., . :. . The Zadies Rest Room Report for the month of September was,r"eceived.anii ordered filed.~ ;;,e-: , , ' ' , . ~, The jury having rendered a ver~dict of not guilty in tYie trial of, three Sheriff's f Deputies and F.Porter Davis Special Officer and Eural Pol.ice•, for fatally wounding • 1~ -- ' ~ lupo RoUerts at Smith's Creek Bridge and I~4r.Davis having been suspended as a; C~,~'~' ~ Special Officer of the Co.unty pending the out come of the trial an d re-instated , `~,~ " ~• , ~at meetin~ of September 21st,1931, to his full,duties as sucli,Snecial Officer by " ;:~~ . reason of said verdict, the° B'oard, ther'efore, ,upon motion of I~Qr. Hall,' see,onded ''',,~ by B~ir. Yopp, authorized and directed the payment of salar~ in full to ~r.Davis ~ , for time lost account of suspensiAn during July-,-August~and SeptemBer r • ~~~ f'" ' ' ~ The ~3oard then took a recese until 3:00 o clock P.I~., Thursday Oct ober• 2~nd,7.931. •_ ~ ~ _ . ~:. ~ . . . - - _ . . . , . i--ll2 ~ ~.~- ~ ~ i ? e rk . „ . ~ . , .. ~ . . ` _~ ~ • . - ' W1~1ngton,N.C., October 22nd,19.31:. ...~ . ~; `~ i Pursuant to recess taken at meeting of October 19th,1931, the~Board met at 3;:.00 'i~ ~ , ~' Q o'clock P.IvI.,~for the purpose of actin~ on the question of taxing the West ~onder ;,~, ' o Loy'5~3, ~ Shows exhibitin~ at Bellamy Park in connection with the Tide VJater Six Counties ' ~ 'T"S Agricultural Fair, week of October 19th~to 24th. , ~,q Presents Addison Hev~lett Chairman, W.E.Yopp and F.i~:Ross. ~ .~° , ' , . •~ - 1 ` The matter of taxing the Vlest Shows was discussed at length and it was agreed that in as much as the carvinal is exhibitin~ in connection wmth the Tide Water Six , ~ Bounties ~'a3~r, which h~,s been to great expenae~~in. organizing etc., Mr.. Yopp moved ~ ~o " and it was seconded by Mr. Ross, and unanimously carried,; That no County I,icense y ~~~ tax be charged or levied against the said shows or carnival for exhibiting as aforesaid; and flxrther, that this action applies only to this'present particular show f r, or carnival and does not in any ma.nner set a precedent' iri fixing the tax to be charged, ~~~`~' ~-• _ , , as allowed by law, on any show or carnival that may apply for a licens,e,to exhibit in , thie County at any time in the future. t ~ -~ ~!r~' '' • . . It appearing to the Board that I~r. Max Polansky is doing a'volume of.busine.ss in this . county that ~vould not justify the Co~nissioners to grant him permission~to continue :Y~, the business of selling £urs or scarfs or peddle any goods in this county without , , {~ ~~~~ paying a license tax; therefore T:~ir. Ross moved and ,it was seconded by T~r. Yopp and _ ` / ~`" granted to IVir. Pdax Polansky at meeting of August 26th,1931, carried; That the privile$e ~, ~ _ to peddle in this County without being required to pay a license.tax, account of being ,~; , a disabled World War Veteran, as provided for by Subsection G, Section 121 Chapter 427 :~~. ' ' 1931 Public 3,aws~.o£ 1931, IS HEREBY REVOISED. , ; :;> .. ,;C;~ y - ~he meet ing t~:en ad j ourned. , ~ . _'~ ' .~ - ` • ' ~< `~ , ' ~ ~ . lerk. '~~ Wilmington,N.C., October 26th,1931.• s~ ~ . • ~ ~ The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held at 3:00 o'clock P..M. : `v . ' ` Present: Addison Hewlett Cha.irman, Geo.Vl.Tra@~~. ~'.D~i.Ross'dand Jas.~.Hall. , ~ . , ,. . • ~ ~ - .• Trie xequest of Rev.Leon L~. Hall.and 1~Gr...w.rT.Dosher, tha.t the County grant an appripriation ; ~ . ~ ~' Y'' of approximately ~30.00 per month to a.~d Miss Mary Louise Merritt~to rema.in at : 4~ uQ`` ` Sqr` `Sanitarium,N.4., three or four months longer in an effort to raga.in her, health, was . l 'taicen unde'r consideration until next meeting. This request came after the Fifth Avenue ~~ L~ethodist Church had provided for her maintenance and care at the Sanit~arium for the ~ five months, and its funds for her further maintenance have been exhausted. p~st , . / =~` Upon motion of ITr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Hall, Iuirs. Annie Belle Fountain was ~ - ~ ~ ~ranted an abatement of ta,xes on a va3vatinn of ~1,7.35.67 mortgage exem~tion she failed '. '' - ` ~ qk?5 #23 Sunset Park, for the year 1931. ` to claim when listing his property, lot 6, block ''~~ , I~ortgage held and listed by Vistory Home Company. ,~ A depbsitory bond in the amo,,Ftnt of ~10,000.00 with the Hartford Accident and ` ~ Indemnity Company as surety for the protection of County Funds deposited with the ~- ~. (~jo North Carolina.Industrial Bank, the same having been approved as to form and execution "~ ,. by the County httorriey, was accepted by the Board. , • ~, . ~:~.. " , . :. ~ ~. , . . ~ ~~ . . s~f , - . 1~~ Meetin~ of October 26th,1931 continued: . ~ ~ ,.. .~4j Upon motion of Ivir. Trask; seconded by L~ir. Hall, John T. Campbell Company was ~ranted ~~~ ~ an abatement of ta~ces on, a valuation of ~12,215.00_ account of double listing foi ' `- year 1'931. • . . " - S>~~ ~i~: / ~\~~~ ~~Ua ~)Y' .r ~1~mot~ion::.of..fereda~by'~Mr::.Trask, forbidding carnivals to exhibit in this County in the v future did not receive a~'second. . Tas ~alker Hospital report for the month of September was received and o~dered~fil~ed. Upon recommendation of the County Welfare Officer, E6rs. T~o~s Padrick waB granted '" • ~2.50'~ier week for four weeks irom the Out Door Poor fund. The"meeting then"adjourned. ,~ ~~.~ . ~Clerk. 0 Wilmington,N.C., November 2nd,1931. The regulat monthly meeting of the Board was held at 3:00 o'clock P.M. Present: Addison Heylett Chairman, W.E.Yopp, Geo.~'V.Trask, F.NI.Ross and J.L4.Ha11. ' x.~. , t, ; r' ' . . ~.:~ .::. ..; , ~~ - ~ The minutes of ineetings of Au~ust 3,10,17,24,26,31, September 8,14,21,28~, October \ .~v~ 5,12,19,'22 and 26th, were read and approved as recorded. ~ U I~ ti f H l i d pon mo on o , r. a l , seconded by IuSr. Yopp, the Board authorized and d recte °~ the payment of ~I.00 per day each for the care and treatment of Mrs.Ethel Bufe Rising ~~ and BSiss I~iary~ Louise ~erritt for tuberculosis at the Ivorth C~,rolina San~tarium, for a ytc3~ aperiod ~'rom November lst,1931, to.January lst,1932. This action was taken to enable Q-c~ them to receive additional treatment at the Sanatorium, which this Board is informed '• : `7 they could not have received otherwise, and after investigation it was found they 1 would ha`ve been a county charg'e and endanger the health of those vrith whorri they may ~ . come in contact. . ~y ,~~F°~°~ ~ .{r _ The report of the Home Demonstration Agent~and colored 4lelfare V7orker for October~ ~ ~ were received ad ordered filed. - `~ r~~ j U m ti f fl~ R i i ~ ,, -~ ~ . pon o on o r.. ng _ oss, seconded by rdr. Hall, the request for furniture cons st of a day bed, ~creen; two chaire and a t~ble at a total coet of ~77.40'for the office of the Home'Demonstration Agent, was taken under advisement unt31 next meeting. ~ , J Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Hall, I~ir.P.B.Harrah ~ras allowed an abatement~ . Q'~ of taxes on a valuation of ~5,800.00 solvent credits listed for the year 1931 from •~ ~Cp,~ which he failed to deduct liabilities which he was entitled to under the law. ~ _ '~ Upon motion~of Mr. Ross, seconded by 1~r. Hall, the Board authnrized the payment off ~, ~ ~{~~ ~ ~22.00 to 1Sr. Pl.H.Montgomery toward the burial of Herbert Jordan,County Indi~ent. The Board acting upon the recemmendation ofthe Tax Assessors and upon investigation of ~~u~ ~ the Chairman, granted an abatement of taxes on a valuation of ~14,000.00 on building ~ and machiner ch r d i k ~57 T/ t th N th C 'li B k & T t C i bl ~ ~ y ge ns a aga or aro an rus n oc e na ompany , account of the same having been removed from the premises prior to April lst,1931. , y Upon motion, duly seconded, Etta L~Ioore was granted an abatement of.taxes one one ~ `y _~~~,~ . male do char ed to her in error for the ' g ~ Year 1931. ` r . ~ Upon motion of u4r. Trask, seconded by Mr. Ross, 1uliss Edna P. Brown wa5 granted a ~ . refund of ~p5.20 taxes paid on lot ~17 Carolina Beach charge.d to her in error for (/ ~ ,~q.`7 years 1927 to 1930 inclus"ive. The said lot having been sold to b~ollie C. Thurston - ~ ~, in 1926 and charged to both. ' : A request of the Eoard of Education that the sum o£ ~¢12,000.00 be placed to the / ~~credit of the school fund to t~ke care of expenditure's for the month of October, ~ ~,4 ~ was ~upon motion, granted. •, ~` ~ U on motion dul seconded the Board authoriaed the ~S P , y , payment of salary to Llisa Julia ~~ ~~„,R- C.Rasch, Home Demonstration Agent, for the month of @ctober. - ~~~ Upon motion of A,Ir. Yopp, seconded by IIr. Hall, Estate of 41.H.Thurber was released ". from payment of penalty for failing to list property in block #51 for the year 1930,~/ 1~~1e-~ account of having died prior to listing time and heirs be'in~ non-residents of the _-- County. ~ ~~iTlpon motion of Mr. Trask, the Board authorized the sale of the old motorcycle to f hir. C.Tvi.I~.~urrin for ~65.00 in its present condition, or for the sum of ~75.00 with ~~ repairs to be ma.de by tne county, both transactions to be on a cash baeis. Upon motion oY i~fir. Trask, seconded by I~r. Hall, .the Clerk vras instructed to address a communication to Governor O.Tfax Gardner, urging him to decline demands being inad~ ~~+~~on him to convene the General•Assembly in Extra Session; for the reason that, 1~ ~,~c~. in the opinion of this Board no good can be achieved at this period of unress and ~°- depression and the additional expen~se to the State and ita-people would not be ~ justifiable at this time. , ' The meeting then adjourned. • ~7'h ~, ~< .~:L~ti~ Cl~k. l~ ~ ~ . , .. ~ . ~ _ . ,, _ t~ 1- ; ~` ~ 13`7 .-,. . - . . . . . ~ ~ ,,. ` Wilm~ington,N.C.., November 9th~1931. ~ ` ~ ~ The regular weekly meetin~ of the Board was held at~3:00 o'cloak P.M. . . Present: -Addison Heerlett Chairman, Geo. VP. Trask and F.T,,4.goss. . ~ The ma.tter of separating the assessment~on the_.two tracts of land o£ the,Keystone Land -~Cj~f~~ ~ .and Lumber Company, Harnett township, so that a tax adjustment can be made to perrait ~-^ Iuir. Fitzhue Lee to pay the tax ori the land he purchased from them in 1929,, was upon motion~ ' •referred to the Chairman, County Auditor and County~Attorney with power to act. Upon motion~of A~r. Ross, seconded by Mr. Trask, Mr. John E. Burris was released from ." ~d~(p.? payment of penalty for faflure to list~ a lot at Carolina Beach for the year T930 •and ~ 1931,aacount of being a non-resident. . ~ Upon motion, of ~.4r. Trask, seconded by~Mr. Ross, Turs. Jas.F.Sears was granted an abateraent ~ ,,..:. ~O~e~ - Kate Ni. • of taxes on a valuation of ~805.00 pereonal property listed in error by Mrs. , '`°, Woollcott, for the year 1931. . ~ - Upon~motion o£ ~r. Trask, seconded by u~r. Ross, Eetate of J.B.Hooks was released from _ ~.~~~j ~ pa"y:;ient of penalty cha,rged against lot at l~ri~htsville Beach for not listing for i:he ~ , ,~ year 1930 and 1931, account of death of ovm er in 1929 and the heirs being non-residents oY the County. , ~ Upon mot~ion of ISr. Ross, seconded by l;;r. Trask, the assessment• of'~3,500'.00 on house of . Mary Jane Brovm in block ~349, was reduced to ~3,000.00 to equalize the ass'essment with ~G.}~~5 that of adjoining property, ~nd~an abatement of taxes on a valuation of ~500.00 for the . ,., year 1930, was ordered. ' ' A request of t~ae Executive Committee of the Chamber of Commerce and Representativea,of the ~"?-: - ' Town of Carolina Beach that the County aid them in•having the ckyarinel of the Inland Water- ~:.~;, ' ~ Way extended to the head of Myrtle Grove Sound ad..an anchorage.basin provi~ded at the ;^ ~~~Q~~ terminu~ of the same at the Northern Extension of Carolina Beach, at a total cost of /~ approxi~ately ~25,000.00; to provide for the transportatson of freight and for tHe use ~ of pleasure yachts and other cra£t, v~as upon motion of I~r. Trask, seconded by Mr. Ross, ~• taken under advisement. . . . ~~ \ Upon motion of Pir. Trask, seconded by 1~r: Ross, the Board authorized the sale•of the old r__ . ~ ,.y '~~l 'motorcycle-to the To~vn of Carolina Beach for the sum of ~25.00 cash, the same to be used ~~ , ~ /t_/w'"~ in cooperating with County Officers in the enforcement of the laws: ~. _ . , . . : Upon motion of ~ir. Ross, seconded by bir. Trask, fSrs. A.B.Coleman o£ Harnett Township • ~yv ivas granted an allov~ance of ~2.00 per week.for eight week~ from~the Out Doox.Poor Fund, ~•.•~.i ~~t~`~ upon recommendation ~of the Welfare Officer. ~ ~ . , _ ~ Upon motion of ~tr. Trask., seconded by 2~r. Ross, the Board approved the ~+ayment o~~~9.46 f ~ ~~,~,;o""~ , to ~'r.S.G.I,ong, Supt., of County Home and Farm, for expenses incurred in returnin~ ; ~~ Helen~James and Geneva Wi~lson from Vanceboro, N. C. , ~e~ . ~ Upon motion o~ Iulr. Ross, seconded•by 1~r. Trask, the Board granted an appropriation not to _ exceed ~250.00 for 13a1f cost o£r.purchase of tools to be used on the'various projects for ~ ., . ~~ S~C'=~ the unemployed, as directed by the Wilmington Relief. ASsociatibn, the otner rialf cost of tools "/ to be paid by the City of Wilmington~ ' ~ _ . ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ` " f f ' h . ~h~~~o~(t_ filed.y The Auditors cas report ~for the moi~i of October was received and ordered . , ~ ' ~' A statement of de~+osits in each bank as of October 31st,1931, t.ogether with a memorandum of,~ 05~ /~1~~ ' surety bonds, vras received from the Auditor. ~ „ ` . Upon motion of liur. Trask, seconded by Ii~ir. Ross; the Chairman was authorized to have the ~ ~ '~ ~ assessors fix the assessment on the division o£ property by the heirs of Virginia Howe in •" ~a~` ~ block ~80, as requested by 1~r. F.A.Lord. • ' ~ . . . • / . /, I,~ ``~ Upon motion, duly seconded, County bills Idos. 566 to 854 inclusive, were approved for payment~.~ } ~ ~ °., ~" Upon motion, duly seconded, the sheriff was instructed to accept check from the ~ Nitrate Agencies Compa.ny without the signature of its presiderit in payment of ~,~.~ ~ ~ ~1931 taxes and allow the same discount that would have been-allowed had payment ` .. been ma.de in October; for the reason that every possible effc~rt ~ras made to pay '~•`( the~tax in october, but due to the serious sickness of its president,the check could not be signed and the ATorth Carolina Bank and Trust Company having later agreed to ~ :~ handle the check vritnout the signature aforesaid. `' ' - The meeting then adjourned. ° " ` ' .. - _ ! . p ~ -~ , /~ ti ~ c S ~ • ' . - OClerk. ' . .. ~ Wilmington,N.C., November 16th,1931. '. - The regular weekly meeting of the Board v~as held at 3:00 o'clock P.Tki. ,~ _ ,- " ;. _ . Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman, W.E.Yopp, Geo. `A. Trask, F.S,,.Ross and Jas.T~i.Hall. . ~ Upon motion of Mr. Yopp, secd~nded by L~Ir. Hall, 3~r.C.H.Bonhazn was granted an abatement of _~Q~ L taxes on a valuation of ~ for the year 1930 on house burned Idovember 9th,1929, near Harnett Tovrnshi P dubon _u , p. ~~"`~ Upon motion of i~r.,Aall, seconded by Idr. Yopp, Tdr.B.H.Thomason was granted an abatement of ~ .~~QXeS taxes on a valuation of ~5,500.00 on house at Fore.st Hills not completed April lst,1931. ~ ~ ~. Mrs. Estelle T. Smith,~District A~ent, nresented I~Iiss Elizabeth Aagin £rom 4~inston- ~ _t\_~a,~`~~ ~'~ Salem to succeed 1~Iiss Julia C. Rasch as i3ome De~onstration Agent, which met with the , ~ J~~' approval of the Board. I~iss Rasch was called to her home at Florence Ala., ~_ - Upon motion of ~hr. Trask, seconded by I~dr. Ross, the 13oard gave its consent and referred ~ / , ~as~ the matter to the Chairman ~aith power,to act, to ~rade or sell the Home Demons$rators ~.uto ~ ~ ~ J.~~ and apply the proceeds to the purchase of office fizrniture for the Home Demonat.rators OffiCe ' ~ " or so much thereof that may be neceseary, the balance, if a.ny, to be credited to the general °, _ fund of the County. The purchase of a nevr automobile to be made by the Home Demonstration A ~ LJ Meetin~ of November 16th,1931, continued. • , , .. . &gent without financi.al assistance fi'om the county.' '" • , , _ .. II on mot'on f M ~Y d d b I~ H 11 th 't "t a re t ~. ...:~iJ,4 ' '~.. ~ :'; . . . ~.. ~: r' sl. . .i1. p i o r. opp, aecon e y r. a, au ori y was given o c r c an ~_ error in assessment on buildings of W:V.Hale and L:P.J.Cutlar in block.~279 by ~~`~n r-~Q}'C'~ deducting $1;000.00 from buildin~s of L.P.J.Cutlar ad adding the_ seme`to assessmen't "s:.:i~` 'on house of W.V.Hale for the year 1931.- ~ ' • •"' . ~ ~~~XA~ r ~~?'~ ' Relative to the request of Mrs. Mamie Nathan Bear for a,refund of taxes,claiined to ~~ '. ~~.;~~ ,t have been paid by birs. Jannette Nathan on ~.creage at Seaforth,VTrightsville Beach, ~~ , ~:_-~ r1QyP~,, which was included in assessment -~ on lots. The Board upon information received, find ' y, ` .<;~t'~• '~~ that the property was'not assessed trice and , therefore, the claimant not en.titled S ' tofa refu nd. ' , ' '• a , , . ~ +i. ~/~~~~~~-~,~j~Report of the Ladiea Rest Room for October vras received and ordered fi.led: ;.'.:'.`~'~' ' .~~~ ~ . / ~D~~~~ Upon motion of Mr. Trask,,seconded by IuTr. Ross, ~ir. Murray•James was granted'an abatement of taxes on a valuation of ~1,500.00 on house at Oleander for the year 1931, account of house not cornpleted on second story April lst,1931. . • , . "~ Upon motion, duly seconded,.county bills Nos. 855 to 868 inclusive, were approved ~ ~ i for payment. , ~ ' ~ ,:.'::, ~ - ~:~ . . ~ '~~,:@..s~l~ Upon motion of ~Rr. Ross, seconded by I~Lr. Trask, the appropriation of ~2.50 per " ~. ~ month grante~ to ~Irs. Loula Blake from the Out Door Poor Fund on September 9th;1930, -~~ was.increased to ~1.50 per week as of this date. - '. !, '. Upon motion, duly seconded, the ma,~,ter of adjusting the court costs and attorneys - fee by reason of error in name of E:r.C.C.Redd in suit brought by i~athan Cole for. /,~Q~ the collection of back taxes, was deferred until next meeting, and I~3r. Cole vras riotified to be present. The meeting then adjourned. . (7T~~, ~!. - )~1~z~-v~ % . Wilmington, N. C.,Noveruber 23rd,1931. ~ The Board met in regular weekly session at 3:00 o'clock P.I3. . ' ~ . . ~ = , . ' , ~ .. . ~ ~ .. . •; ,.;~; - : -• _ :;M r ~ Present: Addison He~vlett Chairman, W.E.Yopp, Geo.W.Trask,F.IF.Ross and Jas.I~S.Hall. i,~;c • ~ . ' .- 4:. . The request of I~a,dam I.ottie Bosvaell that the Commissioners allow~her t,o .practice ,' Phrenology in this county for balance of ta~.ble year u~pon payment o£ ~50.00 instead ,, ~~''~ of~he full amount of $100.00 license ta,x as provided by law and adopted by the .. . '~: Co. issioners, vras heard and action deferred~ . • •'. ~ Upon motion of ~ir. Trask, seconded by Tvir. Yopp, I+dr. Sig Goodman was allo~ved to paY ']~ the 1931 tax on the real estate of H.L.Dixon, lot #6, block~#11 Carolina Place, ~'/~~~': ~vithout bein~ required to pay the personal and poll ta~c cha.rged therein, account ~ of P4r. Goodman having to take the property over and A4r. Dixon ha,ving no equity iri ~the same. ~~. / /~1{ C.1 %~~~ . ~. The request to fix assessments on lots J.D.IutcRae division, ~ast VJilmirg ton, was ', upon motion of ~ir. Hoss, seconded by I&r. Yopp, referred to the Chairman vrith power to act. e~ ~ . ~ , `' a( :t ; ; - .}: a'.' - - . ~' . , :' ~.' ,. ,r , Upon motion of I~r. Trask, seconded by I~ir. Yopp, the Estate of T~iss ~£towe Wiggins wa,s • ti, granted an abatement of taxes on a valuation of ~1,500.00 on house burned a~ii at _..', ' Greenville Sound, for the year 1930 and 193Z, and assessment on remaining buildin~s '. ~. fised at $1,500.00. ,? Upon motion of ~r. Yopp,seconded by Iu~r. Trask, an appropriation not exceeding ~75.00 ~~ 1; ~,~~ ~'~ ~ ~as grani;ed, contingent upo~2:~.thtl:City of wilmir~ ton appropriating a like amount, -• to be 3zsed in marking the Old Carolina lieach Pier Channel from the Junction of 'the Inland ~laterway-and the Cape ~'ear River, to enable south bound traffic through the Inland "Jlaterway to use this short cut channel to V~ilmington for supplies, dockage.etc.,- , ~~f ] ~'' Upon motion of i~r. Trask, seconded by P~r. Ross, ~4r.Owen D. Holmes was released from payino poll and personal tax erroneous listed in V~ilmington to~vnship for the year 193~.Yy he being a resident of Shore Acres, Harnet~ township and ha,ving paid the 1931 tax to the County. ~ /~e~~~s~~ ~~ Upbn mo~tion of 2uir. Ross, seconded by T~dr. Trask, the follovring reyolution was unanimously adopted: ~ WHEAr~AS, it appear that the taxes due,to this County by Seabozrd Air Line Railway • for•the year 1930 have not been'~aid~, and that Receivers vaere appointed by the Distri.ct Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Virginia for said - ~ Fiailway on the 23rd, day of December, 1930, and this County claims that subsequent. ~ • to the date of the appointment of said Receivers penalties provided by statute have ~ accxued on said taxesragainst said railway properties and a~;ainst the Receivers; and, 4YH~REA5, the Receivers of the Railway have denied that any such penalties have • ~ ' - legally accrued and have denied lehal obligation on the part of the Aeceivers to pay' or discharge said penalties but have offered to pay the amc3unt of the tax as originally levied, provided such payment is accepted in full satisfaction and discharge of any and all liability:of the Railway or the Receivers for said•taxes assessed for the year 1930, and of any and all penalties and/or interest claimed to have accrued thereon;and;~ ~r"~AS, the Attorney for this Board has advised that it is his opinion said ~ penalties are not legally eniorceable against said Receivers or the Receivership estate; therefore, • BE IT RESCLVED, that the Auditor of this County is hereby authorized and'directed td accept from the Receivers of said Railway the tax as originally levied v~ithout penalties ° ~' ~ "~ ~Q Y e~ y J „ . , , e , _ ~, Meeting of November 2 3rd,1931 continued'. . ... . . . , , . , - t#. ti, y '• , .. or interest, and to give a receipt for tiie original asnount thus asse'ssed in full ~ 1 saitsfactiom and discharge of any ~nd all liabil'xt$~of the~Railway or the Receivers ~ • 1930, and any and.all,penalties and/ thereof~for said taxes assessed for the year ,~, ''g~:' _ ~. , or interest that may have accrued triereon. •' '' ~. ~ ,i;... .~.~a, '°" ~ - . ~ . . •~ ~• " '~ ' . . • ~ . , . Upon motion of I~r. Yopp, seconded by Dhr. Trask, ~lirs. D.L.Campbell vuas granted an~ • •~ :/ ~f'q~s abat~ement of taxes on a valuation of ~p1,000.00 liabilities she failed to d2duct -- • , from solvent credits listed for the year 193].., r ~ A communication from the County Auditor asking authority to provide and install a , ~j ~ new "Back Tax Record" and sug~ested that the 'Board appoint a conunittee to examine f ; ' `~ y~ ~ ~~~ ,~p~S the old record for the purpose of purging the books of small and doubtful items of ~:, ~~f'"`""~~'~- which some are more•than fifty years old, cvas received and referred to the".C:ou'rt . ....~:. '~.~:+:• ~ .. . . House Committee with pov~er to act. , . Y. '''~' :~ ~ Upon motion of 1.~ir. Trask, seconded by I~r, Yopp, Carrie G. Hargrave, colored wrelfare y ,>. , ~ worker, e~as autnorized to take LeRoy Green' and I.ucile Plilliams, color.ed juveniles, . :~ ~ ~~~-` ~~ to the Trainir~ 5chool at Rocky I~dount and Efland, respective.ly, at the Gounty expense. - . ~ '• r~']j,1L,5, Upon motion, duly seconde~ County bills Nos. 869 to 904 were approved for payment: ?~- ' ~~ The October report•of Jas.Walker Hospital~v+as r~ceivedand ordered filed., i~ ~ :i.. / 5~ . • ; •~ - The Chairman reported tha.t the old F:ordGCoupe;uaed by the Home 'Demonstration Agent ~, i had been turned over to the Rainey-Chevrolet Co., on~v~nic~'~200.00 was alloi~ed in ,,• ~ ~ ~ trade for a new car, the $200,.00 or so much thereof that'may be necessary, to be ~ ~ ~ ll~~ used by the Chairman to purchase furniture for the Hbme Demonstrators Office. The '• Chairman also ~.nnounced that tHe Smith ]uotor Compar~y had offered i~rs. Ragin ~200.00 ''° ~ • in trade for a new Ford car and that this allowance ~ras later increased to ~250.00 • " after the deal ~ith the'Rainey-Chevrolet Co., had~been closed. The Chairman than had a third party .to apprz.ise the old ca:r vrho fixed'the tTade value at ~200.00 without "~.<~~ •- knov~led~e of what had taken place, and which said amount the Smith ~otor Company :,,:v"~ agreed was all the car was worth. The request 8f ~iss Ragin that the Cor.unissioners allovr her to pay the County for the old car in monthly installments v~as declined. f i.l~ r l . ,.;:_"'~° ~ ~ ~ The request of ZBrs. Id.L.Seathly for a reduction of assessment on house in block 116 • ~~`_: ,~,/ ~d,X~ was referred to the .Committee for investigation. ~ ~ , w• - , ` .. .. _ -- ' ~-~?~` UC,~`~C'~/ The recommendati~on of the Grand Jury that in addition to the annual audit of the ~eneral books of the County Auditor, that a complete audit by a 8ertified Public, Accountant•be made of all county accounts including all funds held in trizst by " County 6fficials from date of last audit of similar nature to date, was'discu~sed ,+, and taken under consideration. . ' , ~`..; , , i Upon motion of•I~r. ~'oss, seconded By Mr. Yopp, Pfioses Tunster having been examined s~' ~; 1,, by the.Assistant County Hea3thC~Officer and recou¢nended by the County Welfare Officer, %~G°!~~'~1~~~~~v~as admitted to the County Home as an inmate. ' I . (~ , : ' Th~ request that the County bear half expense of ~52.00 for treatment of H.R.Smith /~ .. _j~ J~~r~~~. at a Baltimore Hospital as suggested by Dr.h4iltor~~, was declined: ~. .. , ~ - .:- ' Action in the matter of releasing Mr:,.C.C.Redd from payment o£ court costs and , .'' ~ ~ J•~~,~~ • attorneys fee in.suit erroneously brought against him by Natha.n Cole for collection ~ of back taxes, was deferred until next meeting. --: . ;?, ~~ The fo2lov~ing good and lawful men i^rere drawn to serve as jurors for the trial o£ - ~'^~T~ civil cases in the Superior Court, two v,reeks term: ~ ~ : W.I+,i.Flarren. A.J.Harriss,Jr•H.Z.Clowe. A.T.Davis. '~•L.Peterson. T.Ivi.PdcRenzi~. •.. O.N.t+lartin. C.FI:Schrsiver• J.K.Niven. I1.A.Spears. D.H.Scott. .T.B.Rogers. ' ~. ,_ L.E.Hall. ~'V.O.Green.• S.J.Cnerry. G.J.Simon. J.D.Price. A.F~i.Sell. • ~ • O.Dyke. C.Hr~cAllister.:~.~?.Coleman. ~.C.Brinkley.G.E.I,eftwich.~J.D.Hobbs. ~' ~~ J.iN.Brown. H.C.Byrd. H.R.Sandlin. J.D.Ha'rrington• C.T.Gore. J.S.Davis. '~~ ~~ Vernori gerr. J.D.Hotivell. ^H.J.Tompkins. R.I,.Godbold. J.T.Fa,rley. W.P.Carroll, Jr., i~ .` '- ~Ieil Calder. F.E.Crowell. R.O.Way. J.J.Shepard. J.b'.Potivell. Vlm. Tienken. s- ~- J:F'2Stack. W.K.Allen. ~ E.I.Herr~ng 9r. S.O.Gizyton. V.E.Phelps. Ii.F.Keith,Jr. - .',: . The meeting then adjourned. ;- ~/~ ~ • _,,,/~`'Gr cn -~ ~~ ° . . . • - ~lerk. ~ • Riilmington, N. ~., Nover~ber 30th,1931. h' ', • The regular weekly meeting of the Boa.rd ivas held at 3:00 o'clock P.Dd.• • ~ P~esent: Addison Hev~lett Chairman, W.~.Yopp, Geo. Vi. Trask, F.2~4.Ross and Jas.1~.Ha11. ~ ; ~~~ .. Upon motion of I~~Sr. ~rask, seconded by I~Sr. Yopp, the Gulf Refining Company was '• - ~' ~qy~ granted an abatement of taxes on a valuation of ~850.00, equipment listed in ,'~~• ' error in Ca e Fear to~vnshi for• the p p year 1931. ~;~ • By reaso~a of an additional force of one hundred men employed on the relief projects ~ ; which necessitated the purchase of additional tools, the Board, upon motion of ~ 5;~,/Mr. Ross, seconded by PEqr. Hall, increased the appripriation of ~250.00 receritly ~ ~~at• authorized, by an additional ~250.00, ma,king a total of ~i500.00 appropriated for the ,°~" - purchase of equipment for Relief Work to date. •; . ~ +. ••+. . . Upon motion of iuir. Trask, seconded by TJIr. Hall,, the 1931 assessment of ~p1,000.00 on " ~~ GY~ , ~' ',:.+ ' ..ds. house of Pvirs. Fannie P. Holliday in block #174 was reduced to ~600.00, its former assessment, accouF}t of over a~sessment by the Assessors in 1931, and an abateinent of taxes~on, a valuation of ~400~,00 for the .ye_ar 1931 .iR~s._ordered._._ _ - ._ "~' ' ~ _ . . ra* . ~~ ~ ~ . CY,~ F -- - , ~ • - --- - - - _ ~.-_- ° ~ r.~. . ~."`_ ~ . , ~ , ~ 1 (/ p e~ ' '~ ~ y~ • ' . •~ ' o , S y ~ . y '•i1~. ~;' ~ ,, , . .~ ~ . .S. ` , ., • ~ ~'' ... . ., .- 4~~i F , ~ , .. . • ~ ~ A . ~ Y1' " .t . ' L~Ieeting of November 30th,1931, continued;~ ~~ ' ~ • " ~ • . f . . , . k t.. ~ ' '. i; . ' ` r. '. . • , ~ .. /' . ~ ' . :,A~::!p ' .. A communication and~request wra.s receiqed-from the Internatironal Acceptanee Bank Inc.,- .~~~a~-`. `:ib _ , 31 Pine Street, lJew York City, enclosing photostatic copi.es of a Power of Attorney=. ~ . '`r~ bestovrered-by the Prussiari National Insurance Cor.iparay of 5tettin,~ Germany on the ` Y' ' ?~*' , . , nominee of said barik, .~.D:Pickexing and„Company,- and. of the res olution of its ' f ~ ':'~j~~ Directors aizthorizin~ and" requesting the transfer of ~10:,000.00"`County of Isew Hanover , ~ ' ~ ~~'~'~ . • , North qarolina-5~ Road $onds due July lst.,193$., and register them~ in' the n~dme of: • . . . ~;=j , . . < . . ..sx, , v • .' ~ National C~eneral Insurance Company of Stettin,Germany • ~.: ` . • • ~ c/o International Acceptance Bank Inc " ~ ._ .' • 31 Pine Street,iv'ev~ Yark " .' , " _ . City~. . _ ' ' The•said documents having been irispected by the County Attorney v~rho approved the same -`>:~;~ `' ~ as.to form,execution and legality, was upon reco~endat.ion of the County Attorney and £ ~ir Ho 1+lk u n otio s s c ~ ded b I~ Y r '~ `- , o-•~,-. ~.i :' . po m n o s , on .~ p ~ y r. e opp,Capp oved by the Bo~d and ,the transfer -f. , ~of the said bonds and the registration of the same ordered as requested. - ,. ,.~ ~.i,sP, ! ~ " The request of Col•~~'lalker Taylor, President of the Aesociated Chaiit~:ea, that the ~~ • ~~~~~~` - ~ County increase its appripriation to the organization by ~1,~09.00 per year to take care ~ of . . *' ~~~~ additional help employed in'its office, which was necessary due to the growth of the ~ , , ,, •'~ same;-statin~•that the.expenditure for additional help in making investigations had ,~ 9"4 r~ • ~„ _. ., • , more than seven anough to the~Associated Charities to pay for such help in addition to ~ ` . . the added efficiency to,the.office, was upon motion of PLr. Ross, sec.onded by P~r. Trask, ~ + ~ °, taken under-advisement until ~ext meeting. -. ~ ~ ~ .. .. ^ , , ~• ~ Upon motion of 1dr. Hall, seconded by 2dlr: Yopp, ~he Estate of Joh~i Herring colored, ~ ~ ` ' UJilmington township,, was granted an abatement of poll taxaacount of Herring having ' ~ ' "~: ~ , died soon after listir~. , ~ ~~ ~ ~ ` ' . , ~~ _ A"..r, _ `~ Upon motion.,~:duly secor~ded, county bills Nos.905 to 979 were approved for payment.l , ~,i ~ ~,l ~ /G~g;' ~ , /G~Py ~ l / _ ~ ~G' ~ . S?;: . c:~ . ' ~~ t - _' f ~ r,, ,.:. ~t_.. 1-`'~ ;y . '; ~; : ;;:•~; . • ~ti . , . ' V . .~':. ' :Y .. •." . Upon rcotion o~' ~ir. Ross, seconded by Mr. Trask, Freda Fisher was •released from paying ~poll and personal property tax of her husband char~ed a~ainst her property in ' P .~,block~`#78 for the year 1931. • Upon motion~of rvIr. Trask, seconded by Fdr. Hall, C. Richard'son was released from paymen o£,penalty char~ed against his propesty in block ~303,for the years 1928 to 1931 inclusive, account of having lieted other property and this piece having been le£t off his list through error. ' n - - -- ~ The Board acting upon the recormnendation of the Welfare Officer and upon motion of 1.4r..Yopp; seconded by I~r. Hall, ext.ended the appripriation of ~2.50 per week to D~irs..~oses Padrick, from the Out Door Poor Fund,. pending further advice from thef Welfare Officer. ` ' Upon. motion of TJ;r. Yopp, seconded by r~r. Ha11, i~3r. Herbert R. Smith of Harnett ~% ~y to~vnship was, upon recommendation..of the Chairman, granted an allowance of not ~4~.P exceedin~ ~8.00 per month from the Out Door Poor Fund, account o£ being blind and ~ ~~ unable to earn a living. ~(Jpon motion, duly seconded, the ~3oard a~reed to let the State Hi.hway Con¢nission use rock £rom the County Aock Quarry for widening State Highway ~60, two feet on J each side, f rom its junction with route #40, to Long Creek; PROVIDED the State ~~~~a~ Highway Commission will fini6h hard~surfacin~ the Blue Clay[ and Gordon roads. _ Upon motion of BEr. Trask, seconded by fdr. H~11, the Auditor was authorized to purchase such forms and binders necessary to make up one new set of back tax record, and the• _ • ~}~i Chairman, Ivir%. Hall and. the County Attorney were naxaed to v~ork wi,tYi the Auditor in ~~'' purging the books of small and doubtful items, vahich in the opinuon of the Committee should be eliminated. . , ~ Upon~motion of tLr. Ycpp, seconded by~Mr. Hall, ~rs.,S.~.IuicCormick was granted an / abatement of taxes~on a valuation of ~220.00 auto asse~sed in error for the e 1931 :, , A, I ,.. , '; , <l ~ ~~,y_~,J . . . . „ _ y ar ., . . a."': The $teeting then adj ourned. , °' ;' ~ ` . ~~r~c/ . . ~ ~~ ~ l . • ~. ' . lerk. ~ ~Wilmington,N.C., December 'jth 1931. ~ ~`+` ~ _ , . The regular mont ly meeting o£ the Board a~as held at 3:00 o'clock P.l~. . ~ , ,r~, ~.~, Preserit: Addison Hewlett Chairma,n, ~1.E.Yopp, Geo.t"l.Trask, F.~f.Ross and Jas. i.i. Hall. '. ~~:~ ' . • :i- , , Pdessrs.. Geo.B.Elliott, Wm.H.Nont~Omery, O.H.Shoemaker, Rev. J.A.Sullivan, T::3awreace • ~ --- ~.,~~p(~' p~~q,. Spru~t, I~diss Elliott and pthers, appeared and I~Gr. Elliott speaking for the delegation , urged the Commis~ioners to increase the appropriation to Associated Chariteis by ~ ',, ~1,200.OO,ann~/ally, ~tating that the organization had found it necessary in the past to ' ••, raise thi~ amount ~x pri;v~,£e subscriptions to take care of the increased expenses '.. !~~' . ,, of the organization, ~+hich he said, is an expenditure for the aid of the county poor ~ . ~ vrhich should be borne by the people, or so much thereSf as the Conm:issioners feel { they could- appropriate out of~ its emergency fund, in vievu of the fact that no increases : ,;~ ,~ v~ere contemplated at the time of preparation of the 1931 budget, the balance to be , , ' '~' raise~ by private subscription as heretofore. Upon motion of Pvr. Yfipp, seconded by i:r. ~i~ll, ;° ~Cr. Hall, an additional appropriation of ~~'300.00 mas granted out of the emergancy fund for balance of the fiscal year, payable $50:00 per month beginning January _ lst,1932 and ending June 30th,1932. ... ~ &Iiss Elizabeth Ragin Home ~emonsta~tion Agent made a verbal report of the activities • ~~ ~'.3L- , of her department . • ~- ~ ,~.. ,,. , Upon motion of iuir. Yopp, seconded by Iuir. Trask, A~ir.F.T.Hatahell was exempt froM the ~y '"' ~i ._ ~'~t~'4 papment of license tax for peddling polish for sale in this county account of being -. , a disabled World War Veteran. . • t ,. ~ ~ Upon motion of~NTr. Trask, seconded by PdIr. Ross, P+:r.Edward D. Simpkins-of Pender~ ~ ~ ~ ~~sr~~ `County, was exempt from the payment of license for °Idiotor Vehicle for Hire" in~ this ~~ jr ,.~e~ county, account of being a disabled World Vlar Veteran,and having been exempt from . ,"' r , payment of tax by ~ender County. . „ { ._ . . ~ ~ o ~A1_ ~s~em ~uio~aso,~ auy •Z~aT pue p~aoff au~ 30 ,S~itod au~ u~ira ~ psooo~e ut sF aures au~ ,~t prz~ uoi~v~uso,~uY stu~ ~.nou~ta~ pa~oat -toa uaaq ae~ ~.ou ptnoer, estaiaau~o ~~~ pa~oatjoo ~i saxe~. pz~es au~. uo uoFssiun~oo ~e ~~usg •apd ~u~mo~t? 3o se~.~.'euz eu~ ~uFsaptsuo~ .zau~..zn,~ ~o asodxnd av~ ~o,~ ~ui~aaiu ~uanbaso,ne ~e ~.~ p.x~og au~. o~ aures ~aodas pue pantoaua saTq~exe~ au~ ,~o a.zn~au au~ pue uot~.e.zodsoa so. mst3 `uosaad au~ ,~o au~eu au~ °uo-~~sxs~. padBOSa s~ evzt~eto au ~.~~ satq~x~~ uo anp sax~~ ~.oaTtoo tre~ f~uno0 2q~ u~~uM u~nosu~. aosnos au~ `xaureff 's-Y uco~,~ ~uiui~e~aaos~e ,~o asodsnd au~ so,~ xarreff •sys u~?m ~.aam dau,xo~~.y ~f~.unop au~ pue .zo~tpny f~uno~ 'uv~u.ztegp au~. ~o pasodazo~ aa~~tuuaoa ~~Eu~. gaeoru ssog •a~ :pa3dop~e s~ uoS~.nTosa.z BuFx.otTo~ au~ ~~f~.unop a~~ anp spun~ ure~sao ,~o uoi~oajto~ au~. ~.noqs ~utsq o~ ~uaZ~F,~,~ns uot~.~uzso,~ut u~?m s~auoFssFinazo~ av,~ ustu,zn,~ o~. ~.,,,~n~j< ~~, R~uBff'H'M •sp~ 3o uox~taodoxd eu~. o~. aoua,za~aa u~.t/t, , ~ t . .. ' ~/ith reference to the proposit.~.on of Mr. ~N.H.Banck "~~'"`~~u'~'':~ to furnish t'ne Ca~nmissioners ~i.~h information suff~cient ta bri~g abou~ the calZection of certa~.n funds due the ~ County, the foZlowing reso~.utfon tivas adopted. Mr. Rass move~ that a co~nittee camposed of the Cha,irman, County Auditor and the County Attarney meet with L~ir. Banck for the purpase of ascer~aining fram Mr. Banck, the source through vuhich the Caun~y can collec~ taxes due on taxables that he olairn~ has escaped taxat~Qn, ~he name of the person, firm 'or corpax~ata.on and the na~ur~ of the ~axables envolved and re~ort same ~o the Board at a suasequent meeting for tne puxpose of fur~her ~onsidering ~he ma~ttex ~ of al~~wing Pdr. Banck a ca~niss3on on ~he sa~~c~ taxes if colleeted tha~ ath~:r~qiss would nat have been col- lsc.ted ~~rithou~ this in~'arma~ian and if the same is ~.n accard y ti~rith ~he palic~ o~ the Board and ~e~al. The fore~oin~ was ~ , ~ ,t t} v. • ~ ~ r • • • •~ ~ ~ ~ • e , 1. e4 . ~ ~ •• .. ' F _ r t{ n n 1 ~ ~ ~! : , ' ~ yu. f ' ~ i ~ ~ ~ . . ~>~ ~'f ` ./ ' f .r .f . t •~ , ~ : .. . , _ - . . ~ : ` - l ~ , ~, . -,,~ - ' , •. . . . .~ .. _ . ; , . December`7th~,1931, continued.: ,. ~H4eet'ing of- t ' ' • , ~ . ,~; ? ...', . . , _ •, . , ._ . .... . . . . ' , ' ` - ;i:i ; ?j ' ~ . - ~ ; . Trask,, seqonded by I~r.'Ha11,,~Tdr:C.C.Redd of V~ashington,D.C•., Upoh~`moti'bri.~of I+~r , , ++<r ' :~' " , leased from, the paymen~ of Qourt costs .and at.torneys fee .acco,unt o£. , was re ~~ j , error of name'-. in;, suit brought ~by Natrian Co1e for the collectiori of 1926 . taxes ~;" ~ •~ ` ' on lot ~r97 .Winter Park, and Nir.~ Carl- Fulford who appeared before. the I3oard, • F.. ~ :~~;' , -~ Q~!~ y representing ~dr. Redd, v~as ~'authorized 'and °instructed: to' pay the said tax~ plus penalties~ and `interest on said lot t'o th~ Coiznty Auditor,s and the Board authorized ' 5 •" the County Attorney_ to canoel the judgment for" said tax. on the C.ourt records, after . payment of tax to the Au&itor as aforesaid.~ ' ;~ Mr. C.R:Morse, Sheriffs'~Oifioe Deputy, ,reparted the collection of ~314,797.89,~ , ' ,, ~ account of 1931 taaces to December lst,i931~: . ~ ~ ~ !.i-i+~y~ ~ The~request af Geo C. Jackson for a. ieduction of.-assessment on property in blockj„_ ;. . ~:{ . y- / IQX~ , #337, aras referred to the Chairman for investi~ationa . ~ •d~? : . . . . .. >.r~~ The Welfare Officer stated that he vras informed that one Henr.y Wilkinson, an infirm -~-` ~~~'~ , citizen of this county, traveling without an attendant•,:was con£ined in a- • .~" ~',~ /~!~G ~ashington, D.C., hospital,,without ir~unediated funds. Ido;Action was taken,._ • „ .t~ - ., . - - ~ . . ~ . • , ~ . ~ , bills Nos: 980.to 1067~,r Upon motion of Mr. Hali, seconded by P.ir. Yopp, County :. ~ i~~. _ were. approved for pa~inent.' • - . _ She Board then proceeded to re-organi~zation: , ' - '~°~ The term of the Chairman of the Boasd having expired and .this being the meeting ;'°~~ r'~'~ - „/ ~~to l@r ~ at which a chairman is to be elected Pdr: Trask moved that DGr. ~Addison Hewlet"t - ' ~ , _ ~jo..~ r " ' be re-elected Chairman and after having been sec.onded By. ~r. Yopb, T~dr.Hewlett 4. 1 • ~~, ~ ~~as unanimously elected Chairman of the Board for a term :of one'yeax. Upon motioh ~'~;;: the Chairmans salary was fixed at $250.00 pe~ month and $~50.00°per month for ~~• . , automobile expense. . ' ~ ' ~y~' ` ~ Upon motion of Nir. Trask, seconded by i~4r. Yopp, v~Ir.. Jas P~.Hall ~Nas re=elected~Vice ~ .. ' ' > •" `' ,/~ ` IP(:'1-~A . ~ "'Q . Chairman of the Boa~d.~_:~i. ,~r3c...~.• . . . . + r _: ,.,,. . /IC~. . ~~ '~ ` . Upon motion of NIr. Trask, seconded by i~ir. Yopp, Thos.K.Woody was re-elected Clerk ~ _ ~~~~G.L~~~~ o£ the Board and salary fixed at $225.00 per m6nth.. . . ' . c: "~ ' ` , Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by I~r. Yopp, the follov~ing rrere re-elected ' -~z ~~ty-o,,~ to their respective positions for the year ending Novetnber 30th,1932., and salaries ~ ':~..~ . ., . fixed as follovrs: . , . ~ ;~;; ,,,;• ~ . ~ Bellamy & Bellamy, County Attorneys;••••••••• ~126.,00 per month D.G.Edmondson, Clerk to the County Auditor,.. 150+00 " " - Nirs. E:T.Keal,.~tenographer,.. . . ....... 100.00 " " • , - Ed George, Janitor Court Aouse~(old building) 110:00 " i" ~ _- L.tJi.Rich,` Janit.or Court House (annex),...... 105.00 " " , J.W.Stillman, Keeper Oak Grove Cemetery,..... 50.0.0 " !' ~ - S.G.Zong,,Superintendent.County Home and Farm,. 100.00 " " ~ ~~` . ' . ' S.G.I,on~, Auto Allowance~ .................... 20.00 " " , ^ " ;,1 . ` ` G.I,ong, i~Ratron County Home,.......,.... . 50.00 " D6rs. S. . :- C.L.Philemon, Special Officer ................ 140.00 " " ~i, ' • F.Porter Davis, Special Officer .............. 140.00 " '! ~ ~ '. 4Y.P_..iUhitney, Keeper Couxt House Clock,....... 10:00 " !' . •~~- . J.H.Southerland, Pish Inspector .............. FEES•ObTI,Y ..~ , r • " ~ . , STANDING COfl~~dITTEES . . . . . . . . ~ , : : ~.-l~~bN,VN,~{.QP . .. ~ ^~• • County Home and Farm,........... .............................Geo.iW.Trask, Chairman, ;;._~~ . ~ ` Addison Hewlett, F.IJI.Ross.' ~ ~ , ~::i~ , Court House and Jail ..............., ....................:..W?E.Yonp, Chairman 'v . Geo.W.Trask, Jas.I~.Hall. ~ • Farm & Home Demonstration U7ork ..............................F.M.Ross Chairman, :~ ; ' • .Addison Hewlett, Geo.~V.Tr~,sk. ,;;, • . ' Health .............:.............................. ....., .Jas.~~.Hall Chairman, ~a,<.. _ . ~ D.IuI.Ross, W.y.Yopp. ~. . ~' , . • Oalc Grove Cemetery ..........................................W.i.Yopp: . .'~. • , .. ' • Ferry Co~rumiasion ............................................Addison Hewlett Chairman, Jas.1~.Hall: , • Bluethenthal Airport .........................................F.IuI.Ross, Chairman, ,.., ~ , Addison 'Hewlett, Jas• ~r.Hall. ~` ~C~~w.~~j~e The £ollowing report of the CoTinittee named to confer rvith V7.H.Banck was presented: . t~; . ' . ~ , , County Ca:missioners, . Hon. Board of lvew Hanover County, ~ y ' Wilmington,N.C. ~ • • ' Gentleneiit ~ ~ Your cor.uni~tee appointed to cenfer with ~ir. Banck concerning his :.~ proposition to furnish such informat,i:on supported by the necessary evidence r4.:~,;_ . _ as will enable the county to eollect certain funds, be~ leaQe,~.t~o repolt that ~ ~ir. Banck v~ill not reveal the nature of the collection uriless and until the ~=• County Corr~issioners obligates the County by resolution similar to the resolution ,.. " hereto attached. ' _ ' _ ~ ' Respe~tfully submitted, .-. , ~. , . ~ , ' . ' ~ ' ~ . ' • 14~ ~ ~eeting of 17ecember 7th,1931, continued. . ;~ , ~ . ~- ~~,Qpa• The following wae then presented to the Boaxd for adoption, and upon motion of ~~~~ i~4r.. Hall, seconded by Mr. Yopp, was rejected for the vront of sufficient information• The Board being of the opinion that it could not justify its action in adopting ;Ghe resolution offered in behalf of P~r. Banck unless he v~ould divulge the nature of the subject matter envolved: ~ - "P/hereas, 1y:r. W.H.Banck has submitted a proposition to furnish the Commiasioners ~ with information suf'ficient to bring about the collection of certain funds nob not~ on the books; provided the Commissioners obligate themselves to pay him certain couunissions therefor; N(nW THEREFORE BE IT • R~SOLVED: The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County obligates the County of New Hanover to pay b4r.~Banck ten (lOq) percent of the amount collected; subject to the following conditions: lst. That the collection falls under Section fi21, Sub 5ection 7 of the 1931 ll4achinery Act, in the opinion of ?rIr. T:4arsden Ilellamy if not the commissions shall be 15/. -. •• ~~ 2nd. That the collection covers such items as are not on the tax books of - ~ the County. • , 3rd. That the collections shall be from sources that are not contraxy to la~v and not contrary to the policy of the Corrnnissioners, in the opinion of the committee viz, Addison Hewlett Chairman, ~a.rsden Bellamy Attorney and J.A.Orrell Auditor. . " ,i ' 4th. Tnat in case it should •be necessary to brin~ suit to enforce collection, ~. the costs of such suit snall be deducted from the commissions due EEr.Danck in ~ ~ accordance i~rith agreement. ' 5th. That this collection shall be such as does not conflict witn collections novr bein~ made by the Sheriff, County Auditor or Back Tax Attoxneys. •' 6th. That no commissions are to be paid ~r.Banc~k until the funds referred to 'r+ ' are actually paid over to the @ounty." `~:,, The 1~Ceport of 'tJIr. FJ.N.Harriss, •C.S•C., shor~in~ public funds balance ` C~j~ of .~~~~,~~ ~vas presented and upon motion of Mr: Ross, seconded By 2.4r.Trask, ,~ was acknovrledged and the Chairman uaas asked to appoint a conmittee to checlc the same vrith the County Auditor and report to the Board at its next meeting. Il~Iessrs. F.P~.Ross and Jaa.Id.Hall ~vere named as the co:nmittee by the Chairman• `~ ~P„~~ The usual monthly reports of Supt., of County Home and Farm, ~erchants ~~iibit and r ~~,,vu-x'n+.~ ~ Ladies Rest Room, Colored i~elfare Worker, were received. and ordered filed. ~ e < ' ' i ~U~ A request of the Board of Education that the sum of ~15,000.00 be placed to the credit of the school fund to take care of expenditures for the raonth of December ~~ l'^~a u~ and ~17,210.75 interest and principal due December 15th, on State loans, were /' upon motion of bir.Trask, seconded by I~r. Hall; granted. '~~ ~ - Upon motion of Lir. Ross, seconded by Pdr. Hall, Allen ~: ~Jacltson ivas granted an •• abatement of taxes on a valuation of ~245.00 personal propert3*•and releas~ed from \"(-G,~/o7 payment of penalty charged againut blocks 283 and 544 as ~ot Listed" against ~ ~ "A.i.Jackson" for the years 1930 and 1931, account of Allen E~. ~Jackson havin~ listed ot~er property and t12is property havin~ been left off his list tnrou~h error. Upon motion of Tdr. Yopp, seconded by P1r. Trask, Messrs. G.~4.Shirley and E.L.Burch . -~.~~ were released from payment of penalty for failing to list property in blocks Nos. ~~~• 221 and "F" lot 26 Ardmore for the year 1931 respectively, account of being non- ~ • • • residents. Upon motion of IJ~r. Yopp, seconded by P~r. Hall, the contract for the renewal of lease /f~~v"~''`~ ""'" • o£ petroleum pr}vileges.betr~een the Coastal Plains Airvrays Inc., and Standard Oi~ ~3a:-r~ ~-~7 Company, for a period of two years beginning on the 14th, day of D~a,rch 1931, and ~~~ 3~'g ~ ending on the 1~?th, day o£ i~a.rch 1933, vras app~oved subject to the approval of the~ • County 6ttorney. Upon motion of Pdr. Trask, seconded by T~r. Hall, the Board voted to request the ,~ • State Department of Conservation and Development, cooperating with the State ~ ~' J,.~_ _y'2~r,~,p},e Hightivay Commission, that they take under advisement the beautification of the Fort v-V ~ Fisher Hi~hway ( State Highway 40) similar to the planting operations scheduled to • start along the Fayetteville-Fort Brag~.Hi~h~aay. ~ cr %~ j~~~~ ~ C ~~'~ ~ A cor.ununication was received from the County Auditor sho~ving the amo~tnt on deposit~ in each bank as of November 30th,1931, together with a memorandwn of surety bonds held by the County in eaeh case. The Auditors cash report for the month of IJovember ~vas received and ordered filed..` The matter of settlement vrith ~Ir. Blake for trees cut axi ~iffi land by the County Farm ~ ,~ ~orce through error as to the County's line, ne,aruthe a~rport, v~as upon motion /Q 1 ~V'~41 M ~~'~referred to ~ ~~ r. Trask for inve~tigation and report to the Board at a subsequent meeting. , The request of TuIrs. Hinton that some work be done by the County on the Isaac Bear F^ ,,~j~ School grounds, possibly hauling in clay,.was ref erred to the Chairman. ' /~~""~,~ ~ The meeting then adjourned. ~~~~ ~ Clerk. • 14~~ Wilmin~ton,N.C., December 14th,1931. The re gular weekly meeting of the Board was held at 3:Q0 o'clock P.t~. Present: Addison Hev~rlett Chaircnan, W.E.Yopp, Geo. ~9. Trask, and Jas. 1u1• Hall. ~T Upon motion of Mr. Yopp, seconded oy 2~2r. Trask, the assessment of ~7,500.00 on / IQA~`J house of I~r. L.F.Duvall rvas reduced to ~6,500.00, account of over assessment, and :~' an abatement of tases on a valuation of .~1,000.00 for the year 1931 was ordered• . \ Upon motion of Tdir. Yopp, seconded by L~r. Hall, the following resolution was ~~c°~lu~a'v unanimously adopted by the Board: ~ ~AB, the case of State of North Carolina, at als., v Wilmington-Wrightacille Beach Causeway Company, Tide Water Povrer Company, Shore Acres Company, at als., has been pending upon the docket o£ the Sizperior Court of New Hanover Courity for some years, and 'nas already consumed a considerable amount of time of the court, and v~ counsel representing both plaintiffs and defendants are desirous of havin~ a special term of court to try this c~se, without a jury and the plaintiffs and defenda:nts. agree to reimburse the county fo'r the expense of this term of court',THEREFORE B~ IT RESOLVED, that His Excellency, 0 D~iax Gardner, Governor of North Carolina be _ reqn2sted:to;:ca11 a 8pecial Term of Superior Court for Ne*rr Hanover County for the ~ _ trial of the civil action aforesaid, to be held on ~onday January 4th,1932, to be - presicied over by Judge Pd.V.Barnhill and at Which no jury is to be drawn, and to ~ continue for one week unless the said suit be,earlier disposed of. ; Upon motion of I~r. Yopp, seconded by i~r. Hall, the Board remitted the Sheriffs' sales cost of ~1.55 charged against lots.59 2nd 81 T~on.tpomery Place'for the yeax 1931, ~~~ oumed by Jas. E. Hall, account of I~dr. Hall ha.ving paid taxea on other propexty in •- Harnett township for said year and through error the SheriPf did not include the above lots in his statement of taxes to Y62r. Hall~ who tYiou~ht he was ~aying a11 , taxes due by him in Har•nett township. Upon motiom of %Tr. Trask, seconded by 1~r. Yopp, Adaffi Sonday was ~ranted an abatement_.- ~~~~~, of taxes on a valuation of ~1,500.00 on house burned June 23rd,1930, on farm ~71, Castle Hayne recently purchased from Anthor~y Schle~el• ~ ~c,td,ti"~ ~ Y ~ ~~~s °• Upon motion of Mr. Hall,seconded by I~r. Yopp,. the Board h~.ving found that it-was necessary for the SPaeriff to employ extra help in transpor,yir~g P.iartha Campbell and Georgia Hall,insane, to the State Hospitzl, approve t~vo bills of expense ir~ the amounts of yy21.90 and 39.35 respectively, payable ,to John R.. ~orris, Sheriff. Other bills in the total amount of ~156.04 due the Sheriff for tranaporting prisoners ior Recorders. and Superior Couxte and meals for jurqrs in Superior Court, having been approved by the County kttorney, were ardered paid by the Board. Upon motion, duly seconded county bills Nos. 1068 to 1088 inclusive were approved for,~` payment. • - • A statement of disbursements by the ~oard~of ~ducation for period from July lst,1931 to /.~~~,.~1uc.-December lst,1931, was received and ordered filed. " • The matter of purchasing a copy of "Allens~Reported and'Cited Cases" for the Superior / ~ /C~k~C~- • Court, was deferred to a subsequent meeting. . . Upon motion of L:r. Trask, seconded by P~:r. Hall, the assessment of ~$2,600.00 on buildin~s of Geo. C. Jackson in block ~337 vras reduced to ~p2,100.00 account of ~ ~~a~~s ' over asaessment, and an abatement of taxes on a valuation of ~500.00 for the year 1931 vrae ordered. ~ Upon motion of L~r. Yopp, seconded by I~r. Trask, tiie Board approved the payment of ~3.30 to i;/.B.Thorge and Comnany for three rolls roofing for•tcol house at Green~ield , n~~i~ January 14th 1931, as part of expense for the construction of Community Drive~ the City /~ having paid ~3.30 its part of t.he expense. Upon motion of LIr. Trask, seconded by NIr. Yopg, the asseas:nent of ~1,200.00 on. ~twelve acres of land part of @anady, Harnett tovmshiro, otivned by John T. Ca~ps, ~~a.s ~},qn P..S reduced to ~600.00 to equalize the assessment with that o.f adjoining property, and an abatement of taxes on a valuatipn of ~600.00 for tne year 1931 v~as ordered. A report ~of Iv~r. L.G.Tlnitley of the State Board of Cha'rities and Public ~Yelfare, ~~~~ of an inspection~of the County Home, and recor.unendations-, ~Nas xeceived, but no action taken. • ~ Upon motion of t:ir. Trask, seconded by LRr. Yopp, T~r. J.R.Hollis 'v'lelfare Ofi'icer, was authorized to take DJilliam Earl Juetice to Stone~vall Trainin~ School at the~ /~~,~~w~t,. ,expense of the County on same ~,basis of expense heretofore paid tne ~lelfare Department , for transportation of juveniles. ~ • i~ -~~P~I~ttII2~ i. ~ ~~ 1y - • , {: ' '' 19 ~~~' /~ ti' . Y. i ~, r, f Y . ''' ' <t ~ Upon motion of Iuir. Trask, a committee of the Chairman and County Auditor were nasned to confer with tne various banks as to tne rate of interest to be allowed on County Funds• Upon motion of iu",r. Yop,p, seconded by ~Jr. Hall, the Sheriff was instructed to collect the tax_due by.Bt~slding and Loan Associations as provided by Section ,~138 Public Laws 1929, based on their.report of December 31~t, 1930. - The meeting then adjourned, ~ ~~ ~'7!~s~~~._ ~ ~C3erk. 144 Wilmington,N.C., December 21st,193$• / The regular ~veelcly meeting o£ trie Board ~~ras held at 3:00 o'clock P.?d.• Present: Addison Hewlett Chai`rman, tfi.E.~Yopp and Geo. t7. Tra~Y.. ' The annual report of W.Pd.Harriss, C.S.C., havin~ been presented to the Commissioners v on December ~th,1931, and referred to a special committee to check the same with L'GJ the County Auditor a.nd report to the Board at a subsequent meeting, was checked and approved by the said committee and verified by the County Auditor and upon motion " of Mr. Trask, seconded by T~r. Yopp, was accepted by the Board and approved by the~ Chairman as required by la~^r and ordered published and recorded in the office of the Re~ister of Deeds as the law directs. ~yo~ The following co.~imunicatiari v~as received from the County. Auditor and referred to ~ qU tne County Attorney to confer r~~ith ~r. Woodus Kellurn District Solicitor: Iionorable Board of County Commissioners, New fia~zover County, l'lilmington~ ?d. C. Gentlemen:- In connection witn the report of W.N.Harriss, Clerk Superior Court, Public Funds as of December lst,1931 ivhich I have checked and verified; I wish to call your attention to the fact that accordin~ to ;uIr.Woodus Kellum, District Solici-tor some of ~ the funds h~ndled by &7r. ~al.Iv.Harriss, Receiaer, :;ere handled in his official capacit,y, vrhile in some other cases he reaerved his dicision until he could confer vuith the County Attorney. ' 1 , Any balances in such accounts as were handled officially should be f transferred to the Public Funds account, and any cor.unissions collected £or handling such accounts should be oaid to the County. ~ Respectfully Submitted, J.A.Orrell, Auditor. ~,~r`~ Upon motion.of ~r. Trask, seconded by ~ir. Yopp, Estate of Harrison S.~addry was granted '~ an abatement of poll ta,Y clzar~ed against property~~in block 345 for the year i929,1930.; / and 1931, account of being overage; and released ~rom payment of penwlt;~ for not listin~ for the yea.r 1930, account of death of oraner, the heirs believing the s~ne to have been listed. n'`~\`J Upon motion of T,ir. Yopp, duly seconded, county bill~ Nos. 1089 to 1144 inclusive ~ f~ vrere approved for payment. Upon motion of i,s. Trask, seconded by hir. Yopp, J.O.Hinton tivr~s granted an abatement c~ of taxes on a valuation of $~3,000.00 ori building on lot ~l, Atlantic View, account of , ~~q~e house not complete~ until ~ay 2nd,1931~ The assessment of ~800.00 on qld building ~ ' to stand for the year 1931, axid then to be cancelled nn the records account of having been torn do~vn since April lst,1931. Upon motion of i:2r. lrask, seconded by i~r. Yopp, Pdr.Frank H.Bailey ~^ias ~;ranted an ~~,~P9 abatement of taxes on a valuation of t,B65.00 account of automobile listed at dv500.00 ~ / as a 1930 model, whereas it is a 1929 model and should have been listed,at 5~435.00. Upon motion of A4r. Trask, seconded by P:~ir. Yopp, ;~Ir.V.Sidbury vaas granted a refund of • $~lb'J.40 taxes paid on an assessment of ~2,'J00.00 on 1-~ acres .of land desi~;nated as ' ~~ UX Q~ "Blake I,and"+ Harnett township for the years 1927 to i931 inclusive, a.ccount of bei.n~ 1;ne same land charged and assessed against him, by the Tax Assessors, and designated as "Strip between Grady Ditcision and xenwood". Upon motion of Pdr. Trask, seconded by lldr. Yopp, the Board approved .the payment of ~ ~ .$10.00 to J.A.Hogood for services ~s~nelper and watclvnan in the case of Jennings B. /{-~"l~ Williams, Insane at ~7alker Hospital, two da~rs and t~ro ni~hts. •. , Upon motion of Mr. Yopp, seconded by I:ir. Tr~sk, Tdr.R.F.Lee of Lumberton,l~T:C.,was ~ -~ released from payr.ient o£ penalty for not listing property in TNilmington tovrnship for ~ GX %~ .tne year i93i, account of being a nonOresident. Tne request of International Acceptance Bar.k Inc., of ~31, Pine Street Ne~v York, ~ that ~10,000.Q0 County of lJerv Hanover 5~ bonds due July 1,1~38, r~~,istered in tne - ~ G~~~'`~ name of National General Insurance Co., of Stettin (Germany be transferred on the ,,,,/ records of Vew Hanover County in the name of "Bearer" was reierred to the County Attorney. The report of Jas.Vlalker Hospital for November v~as received and ordered £iled., `~~~ . Upon uzotion of ~r. Yopp, seconded Uy T~I-r. Trask, the assessment of ~3,000.00 on home of Jas.~~.McIntire on lot No.20,block ~f.', Ardmore, vras reduced to ~2,'750.00 ta equalize ~ /•J~pw~ the assessment with thut cf similar Uuildings, and an abatement of taxes on a valuation of $~250.00 for yea,r 1931, was ordered. Upon motion of I~r. Yopp~ seconde~ b~tlifr. Trask~ S. & B. Solomon Company v~as granted an '~ox~i~'' abatement of taxes on a valuation of ~10,000.00 account of error in addition of solvent ~ credits fox year i93b• Upon motion of iVlr. Yo~:p, seconded by IvIr. Traslc, back taxes for years 1915 to i9ig inc. ~ char~ed a~ainst John Stanley, Lot ~'J, block #10, Love Grove, r•rere ordered cancelled, ~~ ~/~QY~~ account said properyy having been listed and the taaces paid for said years by Geo. H. Hutaff. The meeting then adjourned. rll~ ~~ ~ < Y~z~~-.-8 Clerk. r Y Wilmin~ton,IlT.C.~ December 2~t~,i93~• '~ The regular weekly meeting of the.Board was held at 3;00 o'clock P.~. Present:Addison Hewlett Chairman, W.E.Yopp, Geo. W. Trask,~and F.i~.Ross. The~minutes of ineetings of November 2nd,9th,16th,23rd,and 30th, December ~th, 14th, /{'hlkU'~-S and 21st, were read and approved as recorded. , ~ Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by ~,~r. Yopp, the Board suthorized settlement ~ ' I~r. BTake"for trees cut off his la.nd near the Airpost through error as to dividin~ , /~~ ~C-S~t~ 1-ine, by givin him all the ^~ood cut on his land, vahich v~Jas estimated at ten cords, or payment of ~10,00. • r Upon-motion ofr~r. Yopp, seconded by 1:2r. Trask, County bills Idos. 1145 to 1215 Inc.y' ~ y3,lls were approved for payment. , Upon motion of Mr. Ross, seconded by Mr. Trask, the Board approved the payment of / ~~,,~~~- ~15.00 toward the burial er.pense of Josephine Jones. r - The matter of payment of school penaion to estate of Du"re. I~:.L.r4cLeod, due January• lst,1932, Mrs. ~cI,eod having died December 25th,1931, was referred to the County / d~~~~p~ Attorney for opinion. , Upon motion of ~~.r. Ross, seconded by I~:ir. Yopp, the Chairman was authorized to take up v+ith the State Highvray Commission the matter of building a walk way on the 1 13 N'c4~ Bradley's Creek bridge for the school children, as requested'by the Parent- Teachers Association o£ Bradley s Creek Scnool. ~ A cor~municatiom and request v~as received from the, International Acceptance Bank Inc., #31 Pine Street ideva York City, ehclosing photostatic copies of power of attorney ~ bestowered by the Vational General Insurance Company of Ste~tin Germany on the nominee of the said International Acceptance Bank Ine., L.D.Picl:ering and Company 0. and of the resolution of its Directors authorizing and requesting the trans£er of ~~ ~10,000.00 County of :~Tet~ Hanover ldorth Carolina 5~ Road bonds due July lst,1938, ' and register them in-the name o£ "BEARER" . The said documents hav.ing been inspected by the County Attorney who a.nproved the same as to form and execution and legality, was upon s.eCOmmendation of the County Attorney and upon motion of Bfir. Trask, seconded by 3ur. Yopp, approved by the Board arid the transfer of the said bonds and the registration of the same ordered as requested. Upon motion of l~r. Ross, seconded by I~dr. Trask, the Board authorized the transfer of ~.~-~~ ^~20,000.00 from the Road Fund to the Road Sinking Fund under authority of Cha~ter 232, ~~ Public Zao,s ig3i. Upon motion of P~1r. Ross, seconded by ~6r. Yopp';.rthe Chairman was autaorized to appoint a corrunitte~ to ne.~otiate with the Wilmington Iron Viorks to the end that a compromise may be affected as to settlement of various bills of long standing against the County' ~ J~jJ)5, which have been presented from time to time, but payment vrithheld account of insufficient information as to the department to be charged, and same having been -~ ~ , , made without requiaition.. , - Upon motion of L~r. Trask, seconded by I~Lr. Yopp, the,poll and personal tax due by John E. bicAllister and charged in his real estate tax on property in block #506; ~ ~QXPS was ordered transf~rred and charged against his property in block ~94, in ordei to allow ti~r. R.Lfi.Roberts to pay the tax on property in block 506 without~havin~ to pay the poll and personal of 1:4r. BdcAllister charged therein, ~ScAllister having no equity in the said real estate. _ ~ -~~ u1~u1?S The following good and la~/ful men were dravm to serve as jurors in the Superior Court for the trial o£ Criminal cases for week beginning January,l8th,lg32: ~ P.L.Easterling. D.H.HOwes. R.G.Rankin. E.E.Russ. E.C.Bryan. Lester L. King. ~ Geo.O.Gaylord,Jr.J.E.Walton. O.H.Henderson. E.D.6`Jilliams. H.R.Corbett.R.H.Hubbard. J.D.Durham. E.B.Snipes. A.C.Diehl. J.F.Applewhite. J.~.James. A.~7.Beck. ,.- G.J.Burkheimer. P.Pl.Bethea. L.t"J.Yorter. H.Z.Adams. H.~i.Foard. Robt.L.Cowan. E.H.~Sc~.ulken. J.D.Padgett. Theo.Schrader. H.S.Johnson. PIm.R.Smith. R.F.Tohnson. E.P.Dudley A. Simon. R.S.Prown. R.L.Rouse. J.H.English.T.Z.Speiden. For the trial of Civil Casee week beginning February 8th,1932: Robt. Scott. J.E.Sharp. B.Fl.Nevrkirk. J.G.Brinkley. P.R.Fo~vler. R.B.Rhodes. J.Jy.Parker. V.E.Smith. W.E.Brown. F.2S,.Lewis. J.0-.Burris. ~.B.Love. t-~ H.C.Porter. Ernest Herring. F.Meyers. H.P.P.ScClammy. G.E.Smith. Harvey'Lee. E.L.Royal. E.Johnson. R.C.Johnson. 7Jm.H.King. O.Pd.Clerr¢nons.C.J.Loric. ~ For the trial of Civil Cases v~eek beginning February 18th,1932.. ~ P~.L~.Gorman. J.S.Nev~ton. S.Shain. D.D.Barber. ~ H.G.Rose. D.J.Gore. ' J.f:~~.Kornegay. H.C.Calder. A.~i.Sidbury. C.D.Parker. J.L.Thomas. 4~.F.E~cDaniel. D.I.E4oore. A.9d.JacY.son. K.M.Corbett. • E.B.Mintz. H.Bordeaux. J.L.T.Burch. A.Z.Snov~. J.Z.Norman. E.Hansley. O.F..Todd. C.I~~eLean. Van C.Hardison. , , . The Meeting tnen adjourned. • .. ~ ~ ~ ~<9~~ • , Clerk. ! \ 14~~ ' Vlilmington,iT. C. , January 2r~d,1932. ~ ~~/ At a speciz,l called sneetin~ held tnis day at 9:45 A.A~.; Addi~on Hewlett Chairman, ~,aa` Geo.4J.Trask, Jas. iu. Hall and P.NI.Ross bein~ present, ±he follotiving letter vras" / received from the Cour.ty'Auditor and re~,d: Hon. Board of County Comrnissioners, ISev~ Hanover County,. Wilmin~ton, 11. C. Gentlemen: Before making deposit necessary to complei;e bond aizd coupon pa,yments I beg to advise that the depo'sits in the ~?.C. Bank & Truet Co., as of , r, ., Dec. 31st, amount to "~163r322•79 ~` Balance due on payments 24.415.97" ~4aking total deposits 18~,'J38.~6 Against which ~~e have Surety bond 100,000.00 ~onds 50,000.00 Total ...................... ~150~000.00 Tne bond and coupon payment due today after a~lowing for pay,ent~ already made locally and £or pay!i~ents ~.t Ba].timore and PSevr York for vahich funds have already ,been " tra,nsferred, amount to ~6~'~,251.25 a,ny part of ~~~hich can be made today. ~ Please take such action as ma.y be necessary to authorize m.y making today's deposit. Xours truly, J.k.Orrell"f ~ PJhereupon I+~r. Traslc moved and it ti~aas seconded by P~?r. Hall, and earried: ~ ~ T=~at the County.Auditor be a.nd he is hereby autho-rized and empo~vered and directed to ,~~ ~~y` deposit County f uiida with the North Carolina Banlc & Trust Compzny sufficient to ~ake e cz.re of coupon and bond matur3ties,_a.nd any other fLLnds received or ~hat ma,y be received /~ to Ta,nuary 4th,1932 inelusive, to be distributed ar.~on~ the va,rious depositories, even though ~h~osits should exceed the depository bond or bonds v~ith said depositories. ~ ~, ~t. ~ . . Clerk. 1'lilmington, I~'. C. , Janua» 3* 4th,1g32. The re~iilar rnoxithly meei;ino of the Board vre,s held at 3:00 o'clock P.3:~I. ,~u'4. J .~~r ~~ ~~~u ~ ~ Preaent: Addison Hezvlett Chairman, S'i.y.Yopp., Geo.d~.Trask, F.L~.Ro~N ~nd Jas. I~fi. Hall. , Upon motion of Lir. Truslc, seconded by ~ir. H~,11, the assessment of ~3,500.00 fixed by the Ta.x Assessors on 140 ,acr.es of 1and, E:asonboro toranship, o+rmed by Lake Shore Realth Co., ~:~as rr.~de effective fIDr the years lg2'],1928,192g and 193o in order to equ27.ize the assessment ~~ritn tha.t of adjoi.ning property over said period. Miss Elizabeth Ragin, I~ome D~monstartion A~ent ma,de a verbal report of tP,e activities "~ of her denartment, ~or the month of December. . Upon motion ~of Tu~r. Ross, secorded by 1:3r. Hall, the Board agreed to continue the e.cpense ~ ~ ~"of ~1.00 per daSr for keeping Miss Lqary I,ouise Lierritt at the Sanatorium at S~.natorium,Pi.C. ~! £or an additional period of t~o months. • ' '' t Upon mot~on of P~fx. Yopp; seconded by Per. Trask, the Bo~rd acting upon the recomniendation of the County '~Jelfare Officer and County Health Officer voted to admit Penny to G~~ the .County xome for, treatment. and observation, for a pexiod of ten days., `, , , In view af the fact that a~2,500.00 bond fr521988 secured for John R. Iutorris Sheriff, dated ~ Noyember 25th,1930, is included in a~75,000.00 bond given by the said John R. ~~Iorris ` Sheriff, the Board actin~ upon the request of the Union Indemnity Company and the approval. of the County Attorney, and upon motion of idr. Ross, seconded by, P~ir. Tr.ask, canc.e110d the' "' . said ~2,500.00 bond ~~521~388. . / . , ~~,,r/ A request of the Board of Education that the sum of $7000.00 be placed to the credit of " f~ the school fund to take care of e}cpenditures for the month of January, was u.pon r,iotion '~~,~~ o£ I~ir. Hoss, seconded by I~r. Yopp, granted. , ~ . Jpon motion of r.~`r. Trask, seconded by :,'r. Yopp, uir. J.T~.Zeigler was released from payment o#' penalty for not listing his property in Cape Bear tovmsliip for yea.r 1931; '~U~ , acco.unt of being a non-resident. . . ~ " Upon motion of E4r. Ross, seconded by Iur. TrasY., estate of Hendexsoiz Cole was ~rznted ~~ a re£und of a63.44 per.alty peid for not listing propert;~ in Vlilmington tovmshiro ~'or ~ I4n year 1930, ar,count o£ 'r.a.ving listed other property for said year a;nd t3irough error the property in vJilniing{:on to:~mshiro was overlooked. Ur~on r.iotion of I,~r. i:a.l.l, seconded Y~y Air. Yopp, County bills Idos. 1260.to 1242 Ine.•, /~~ v~ere approved for paX~ment. 4 - ~ Upon motion of igr. Traslc, seconded by ~ir. Ross~ the 1~31 assessment of ~1,000.00 ~ as fi~ced by the Tax Assessors on lot '~17, in k~lock "27" Wrightsville Peach, o~+naed by ~ ~~ Louis T. 2~,Soore, v~as reduced to ~500.00 the same as the assessmer.t fixed by the Commissioaers in ig2g, and an ab~,tement of ta~ces on a valuation of ~p500.00 £or the year 1o31 ~ras ordered. ~ 4 ' :1 ) a 'Y ~ ~~ danu~,ry 4th,1932~ contirlued. ~eetin~, of , , ~i . ' -( f Upon ~iotion of L4r. Ross, seconded by P~:r. TrasY., B~r. John J. Pdoore v~as ~r~nted z.n j / I~X~ _ aba.tement of t~,xes on a valuation of :~500.00, second mortga~e listed at ~1,0~5.00 - - , on property sold zt foreslosure at a loss to him of ~5'J5.00. _ . ;~ • Uvon motioil of tdr. Trask, seconded by ~4r. Yopp, b5r. R.W.Pigford was granted an ~~qx~~ abatement of taxes on a dog chasged in error for the year 1931. L'pon motion of Pdr. Ross, seconded by L;Ir. Yopp, tkie Estute of B.O.Stone ~ras released . /~'qXeS from payment o£ penalty for not listing property in bloclc T24 for the ye~.r i931. ' Upon motion of :~ir. Trasl:, seconded by I~~r. Yop~, Heirs of Idf.Rosen~~ann and Adolph Rosenmann, crere released fro~a payraent of penal~y for not,Iisting property in bloclc ° ~~~tY,eS 191 ana i55 :espectively for ye~.r 1931, account of the heirs to the property. beiri~ non-resiaents. Upon motion of ;:r. Yopro, seconded by ,r. TrasY,, the assessment oi ~y3,000.00 on 1ot X °' ~T4 of E.I.Be~.r in block 17~, rvas L~pon recommendation of the Ta~: Assessors reduced to . ~2,000.00 for tlie ye~.r 1931. , Upon motio.z of y~r. Trask, weconded by I~~Tr. Hall, the superintendeizt of t'r~e Countg ~ ~+~/ ~ ~~ ~ Home W~as di-rected ,to dismiss C.J.Vader ixom the County r:ome for the offense of ~ ~ Conduct unbecoming an irunate. , ~ ' Tlie follo~vin~ coupons naving beeu presented by tne County Audii:or as lv~.ving beei~ - , iJ2vv~~~'% paid, ~~rere burned in the pxesence of `he Board: ~ ROAD B02~DS . . . ' ~ ~ ' ~~o. j6, ~,40,41,42 - 5 C~ ~~22.50- ~"112.50 Coupon I~o. 40, Bond ~ , 3y ~~ ~~~ 7g ~ H ~5 119------- 3 c~ iz.5o- 37.50" ~i5o.oo s . ~ , , ~ . ~ scxeoL Ro~~s ~ Coupon rTo. 26 Bond 1~'0. 3 to 17 inclusive 15 ~ 25•00- ~375•a~ . •~ i RO~D BO~,TDS ~~.. Coupon I~o. 36 ~oi~d No. £38 and 8g------- 2~ 12.50- 25.00 ~ • SCHOOL B01zD5 . .. CotApon 2To. 3~ u a 24-------------- 1~' 25.00- 25.00 n n 3( ~+ 0 24-------------- 1 CP3 25.00- 25.00 COURT EOrJSE ~30~'DS . Coupon I~o. 14 Bond IvTO. ~6~,i6z,i63,~6a:,~7o- 5 c~ z5.00- 125.00 ' ~ - . " ° 15 " " i6i,162,~63~164~1'JO- 5 " 25•00- 125.00 ?~P~2K.00 ~; . , Total Coupons ourned ................... v~v'85o.00 4. « • `Phe ineeting•thetz adjour~ted, %~% -~ ~`}~ . r~ ~< rcv i C ' ~ Clerlc. • , ~ VJilmington,i~.C., Ja.nuary llth,1932•• " The re~;ular v7eekly mee~in~ of the Board +rJae held at 3:00 o'clock P.~F.. ,` • Present: Addison Hec;lett Cl~zirmer_, ~V.E.Yop~, Geo.Ul.Tr~.sk, :.is`-.Ross a,r.d Jas. I~. H~11. ~~ ' The matter of 2.djusting the darnages estimated at ~68.00 done to automobile driven by Lir. Chas. H. R~g~ster, by collision ti~rith a County Fa,rm truck a~ternoon of - . ~,~ January 8th,1932, at intersection of the County Farm road ~vith hi,3iiv~ay ,~40,vras upon ~ ~ , seconded by I~Fs: Yopp, referred to•the Chairman for inaeatigation motion of 2~dr.~Ha11 " ~~ , as to cost of repairs and ti~ith ~,uthoxity to settle the clair.i. ';The,.~6unty ~?ttorney '• givin~ his opinion_ that the Co~anty is not liable for ;damages done~'to the said ~ ''' automobile under the law. t The reauest of ~irs. Louis Poisson that the County ha,ve some cl.ay hauled on the ~1 ' 1 S~~-oa' premiees of the Tilstion school, to be spread on the ~rotuids by the Relief Association, •, w~,s u~on motion of P~r. Ross, seconded by T~'tr. Trz.sk, oranted. , ~ • r Upon motion, duly seconded~ County bills Idos: 1243 to 1311 inclusive, yvere approved. , ,,~;,~ ~ 'S £or payment. ~ ~ Upon motion of ffir. Ross, seconded by Mr. Tr~.slc, the•Board approved tlie p~yment of '. '~125,95 to Jud~e I~.V.Barnhill for services and expenses for holding Special Term ~ ' ' ~ ~j~ ~..~ ~ Superior Court, ~eek beginning January 4th,1932. It being mnderstood that the , ~ ~ dePendants and pJ.aintiffs in ~:he case of Transport~,tion Advisory Cor.~:aission v • l7ilmington Fs~righ~sville Beach Causeway Campan-3' et' a.ls .ti7i11 reimburse the County tc tnat a.~aount, as a.greed. < ~ - - ° -~ ~ ` Upon motion of PGr. H~7.1, seconded by I;ir. Yopp, the Iloard voted to allovr C.J.Vader to ;ti : ~C ~~ return to the County Ho~ne as an i:~ma.te, provided he u~i17. strictly a~bide by tYie d ru~3-es of the institution, f~.ilure thereof he to automatically become disLnisse " • from the Home. ' ~ au1u~~-c~. The Auditors cash report for Dec~nber was received and ordered filed. ~ The request of I~~r. Frederick Willetts for a reduction oP the assessment of prop~rty .~ /`~Gye~ oP Heirs of J.G.V7right in block 151 and 158, was referred to a committee of the ' Chairman, iJfr. Ross and L4r. Hall for investigation and raport back to the Board. * `: 1~~ _ ~ . . T~deetin~ of January~~th~1932/ continued.~ ~ . ; ~;'~.s 1 ''€~e ` Upon motion of ~~r. .Trask, seconded bq <ivir~ Hall, ~rs. Annie Herring and I~ollie Spencer r "`,.`,;.,~ • tivere rele~sed from payment'of penalty fo~ not 1`isting property in blocks nTos..501 and -" /~~,~ 254 %espectively Eor the yeaxs1931, o,ccoiznt~of f.irst.time I~rs. He~ring, ~vidov~ had lis'ted .,;-~;,1, • pxoperty and LTollie Spencer l.avin~ listed property in the riame~ of Judd and LFollie , ~,.,;b. Spencer thinlcing •it •included ti~e listing of the property char~ea in her -nasne also., ,: ;~:~; . .;, The request of"Adr. C.•C.•Bellamy that •ths Board~re7.ease the penalty che.rged against . ~ lGX property in the .riarae of T~r.~3:B..Txask, r:arnett toUmship for year 1930, account of' ~ • '.~x. Prask bein~ out~o£ the Coiuity at listing time, was ~ranted. / . . A bill in favor of Auto Parts and Accessory Cornpany for ~4.00 for unlocking hand- . ~ ~S; cuifs on prisoner at Ho,sPital axid openin$ safe and cleaning combination,Sheriffs • ;yr', c.\,e Office, was•approved for pa.yLnent; • •,,. /~ . p: A conununication w~.s received from the .County Auditor giving the amount oiz deposit in ; ~.~' ~ each bank es of December 31at,1931 :. together erith memorandum,of surety bonds lield by. ': - ,s~.,~` the County in each aase. ' ~ - i'~.. / ~~"+ ~'.. , Upon mo~tion o£ Mr. Ross~ seconded by S~5x. Yopp, the Board ordered the unpaid taxes y~,~icelled, ~" • years`T929 ~d ~930; on property in block ~32~,held Uy J. fi,. Clinton, for Mt.Zion r~' e~j Bap"tist Churcii, colorecl, when deed has been recorded conveying the said property~ ' '~ /~~~ fron Clinton to the Trustees of the said church, and taxes on a valuation of ~700.00 •~~~ a,b3,ted for tne year 1931, accomit of b.eing" Church pxoperty. .i,,, ~/The report of Ladi.es Rest Room for December was.received and ordered £iled.~ ••~ ~,.~~~ - ,:`.? • TYi~~eting'then adjourned. ° ~, : ~. Clerk: Wilmiizgton,iS. C. , 3enuary 1Bth,1932. The •regular ~reekly meeting •of the Board vras- held at 3:00 o'clock P.L4. ". . ~~~~:r , .;,; . Present: Adclison Hewlett Chairman, VJ.E.Yopp, Geo.V~.Trask, F.&I.Ross and Jas.I~.;iall. r:rir. P.K.Melvin, aras upon motion of ~'t~r. Trask, secorided by Mr. Yopp, alloti•red to pay ~~,~ the i93i tax on lot ~j, Block H Ardmore ti~ritlzout bein~ required to Pay the personal a.nd~ poll ta.7:. of T.T.3ellers ch~r~;ed therein, 2ccount of foreclosure sale a.nd •IuIr, Sellers having no equity in the property, and was further released from the payment of penalty / charged against ~he pronerty as not listed. . Upor motion o£ idr. Trask, seconded by Air. Yopp, Sun~ Wing vras:released from payment of i ~ penalty for not listing l~ts 93 and 94 Carolina Beach for year 1931~ not bein~ ~~G faxnilia,r V~ith the listing of property. , . . , Upon motion o£ •Lr. Trask~ seconded Uy ;.ir. Yonp, ths assessment of ~3,500.00 on house ~ ~, of ivT.L.Foy in block 481 taas reduced to ~3,000.00 account of over ~,ssessment, and an ~ G • abatement of taxes on a Baluati•on of ~50p.00 for the year 1931. was ordered. / • . Upon motion of ISr. Trask~ seconded by 1uir. Yopp, County bills ivos.ljl2 to i336 Inc.y ,~lJ ~~~y _J wexe appxoved for payment. ~ The offer o£ St.Louis Trust Company to sell idew Hariover County 5% School Bonda at ,/ $102.~ and accrued interest, •~vas declined, the Commissioners not vrilling to p8.~~ more / ~ than on a basis of a bf yield to the County. " Jpon motion of r~ir. Ross, seconded by P~Sr. Yopp, the Board adgpted the recommenda,tion . ~ k j~G of the Chairman in sepa,r2.tia$ the assessment of ~j,j00.00 on property of Lucy A.Smith~ in block ~~9 to en~.ble Allen E. Jackson to pay tiie ig2g,ig3o and i93i tax on part _ recently purch•ased by him: touvit, . I,ucy A. Smith, Zand $~600,00, Building y1,200.00~- ~~a1,800.00 ~ Allen E.J'ackson, Land 1050.00. 3uilding .450.00~- 1,500.00 Upon motion o£ luir. Ross~ secor.ded by Id-r. Yopp, T.~`=.A?isbett ~ras gra.nted an aUatement ~~~ / of taxes on a valuation of ~1,390.00 account of home niortg~e exemption he failed to claim at time of listin~ for year 1Q31, hal.f of tl:e amount of mortgage listed and paid by tne Victory Hor.ie Company. , Upon mo~ion of ~ir. Trask,,seconded by Iar. 1'opp, I•;s. C.VanLeuven Aas granted a reftuzd , ~- ~ of ~p5.73 poll and penalty paid bii property in block 226 charged as not listed against; / Q ~,uincy Pov~ers for the ;~ear zg3o, and abated the same for year 1931, accownt of havin~ to take the property back and Powers ;iaving no equity in the saane. Upon motion of 2dr. Trask, seconded by ~`r. Yopp, idr.Jas.~vl.Hall v~as,~rani:ed a refund /'~~~ of ~p13~00 tax paid on property in block 90 for ;,~ear 1;'~0, .account of error in addition of assessments a.nd taaces on a aaluation of $~1,000.00 abated fox the year 1931. ~,p ~ A statement of disbursements of tne 73oard of Education £or period frorn July lst,1931 ~to t ~ D ~~ ~ 7J ~ ecember 3Dlst,1Q31, rvas received and ordered filed. ~ ~ j Q~ .A letter from the County Auditor relative to old back tax items w~s received and ,' deferred to next meeting for consideration. The meeting tYien adjourned. ~7~zv~ ~1.~~?z~ ' ~ Clerk. , ,,. ~;1 ., :~~ - ~ ,r';. ~ . rc~.:,;;. ' .. .. s:"-, + , . .,:,! • ~ ~'. r a iY f . • ' : Wilmington,N.C., January 25th~1932~ ` The Board met~in regular v~eekly session at.3~:00 o'clock P.Dd. . ~ Present: Addisbn~Her~lett Chai~man, W.E.Yopp,Geo.~'7.Trask~and F.PG.Ross. ~, ~ 9 The ma.tter of continuing the payment of ~15.00'per month to 2~rs.HHyrtle Greer after February lst, as per order bf Court January tei~ 1931, directing the payment of said amount, during the service of her husbanci,Roscoe'Greer on the roads for abandonment and non-support,.was ordered 'continued during suc$ time as the Cbunty Attorney'can ,. confer with the District Solicitbr with the view~of having said order modified. . ~ . ~~ _ '`.~:. . Upon motion of D~4r. Yopp, seconded bp 1~r.'Ross, the Board approved the payment of ~2.68 ..~,, o,~jfor care and treatment of Mrs. J.R.Ri-sin~ at North Carolina Sanatorium frosri December . -y,,,~;i~ 23rd, to December 25th,1931, and ~31.00-account~of Ddiss Idary L. Iderritt £or period from _';?' ~~° December 30th,1931, to January 30-th,1932. ' .. , Upon motion o£ b4r. Yopp, seconded by Mr: Trask, the Board confirmed the,action of the Chairman in allowing Geo.H.Howell, Esq.~ to pay the sum oP .05~, same being~amount of taxes due on the ratable share of~the 193i taxes on a valuetion of ~~OO.bO personal property due by W.D.MacA4illan, Jr., applicable to a~350.00 assessment on real estate in block ~29'], based on a total real estate valuatiori of'~52~550.00 as per abstract of •` April lst,1931. . - j~~pg~ ~~:report of James Walker Hospital for December was received and ordered file~.•, Upon motion the Chairnan.was named to represent the Commissioners at a joint conference ~ ~ of commercial and civic organSzations called to be held at the, CY}amber of Cominerce .~/~~ January 26th,i93z, relative to formulating plans for a community program upon the, /~J completion of the river and canal projects, tentatively set for Fri.day June 3rd,1932• .~ Upon motion of ~r. Trask, seconded by J~r. Ross, Moses Dirigle was granted an abatement ,i 1~1k of poll tax for year ig3~:, account of being overage. /~ ,;~:,r~. The matter of installing guard rails in the windows of the museum rooms in the Court ~%~ 'House Annex, was upon motion referred to the Court House Committee with po~ver to act. `.,!' Upon motion of 1~r. Ross, seconded by ]y~r. Yop,p, the Chairman was authorized to sell the -. _ y~1~'~ old wagon parts at the Stockade for cash. /;?J _ . ..F _; '7Gx ~~ ' .~_~ 3~@ } / '~{. /G ~i~ ~ S' -:f~~~:~~-T'~"~ :: .i ~ , :, i, } / ~"".a +SL~ .'~ "~. • , ~ /f ~, d ~'~r~.-- With reference ta the matter of adjueting the back taxes on the property of heirs of Charity Henry as suggested by 1dr. C.M.Symmes, the Board agreed to go into .the~matter more thoroughly ghen the purchase at a recent co*.nmissioners sale of the property, is ready to make the purchase price which is understood to be ~900.~00. ' Upon motion of 2~r. Ross,~. secbnded by }~r. Yopp, ~r.N.L.Foy v~as granted an abatement of taxes on a valuation of ~800.00 house assessed in err~or on lot in block ~50'7 for year i93o, ana the same to-be charged agai~.nst the property otivners. ' A report of the.Grand Jury January term 1932, was received and upon motion ~he Boaxd . voted to give the report tYrnrough consideration. The matter of purchasing matt~xessea and mattress covers for the jail was referxed to the..Court House Committee with power to ac~t. ~ . ' ' The follovring communication relative to back taxes, vaas received from the County Auditor: ~ Hon. Board of Corsmissioners~ Wilmixg ton, N. C. ` Wilmington,N.C., ,Tanuary 18the193?• Gentlemen:- , , With referencb to back taxes I beg to advise that tve now have the £orms for the'new record and,are preparing to make the transfer, but before doing so we feel that something should be dpne evith the "various ~cases how in "suit. . . • ~ . • i We find an item of taxes on Block 185 for i916 amounting to ~29:63 for which no suit has'been brought by Mr. Cole and the present collectors apparently took for granted this item~had been sued for and they have done nothing in the matter. There is another item on the same block for 18'JO aznounting to'~15•57 concernin~ which there has.apparently been no action tak,en. Is,it not possible to have B~r.Cole make up a list of all suits brou~ht by him, which ha~f`e not been settled in order that Mess. Bellau~y & Bellamy may be able to know whether or not they should bring suit. y There are many cases where suit has been brought by I~r.Cole, and by reason of the fact that settlement ie not required in these cases the present collectors are handicapped in their eff'orts to collect for the years follovring 1926. - . new book. We are anxioua to have the record as clean e.s possible before opening the -~° i Yours truly, ' . J.~:Orrell. Upon motion of Tdr. Ross, seconded by Mr. Trask, Mr. Nathan Cole was directed to furnish the Qommisaioners with a list of all judgments secured by him for the county in.back tax suits and aleo.a liat of all suits pending where judgment has not been obtained, to be arranged in alphabetical ord'er, sho~ing the name of party sued, the amourit sued for and judg~ent obtained, the year for erhich the taxes wexe due and block number or other designation of locati.on of property. Upon motion, duly seconded, County bills Nos,! i337 to 1358 inclusive were approved ~'or, r payment. -.. ~ '~~ . The me in then adjourned, ..' ,~ f~ ~ i~, Clerk. ' ' ~r l~ ~JZ~