1932 Meeting Minutes (Scan). .~;)U Wilmington, N.C., Februasy lst,1932• • The regula.r monthly meeting of the Board wae held at j:00 o'clock•P.i~S. ~ Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman, W.E.Yopp, Geo. Vl. Trask, F.M.Ross and Jas.M.Hall. ~ The Boaacd having £ound that Geo.Honnett has no equi~y in property lodated in block „ ~165 designated as part of lots N W E1 & E M 4-5; did upon motion of ~r. Yopp, f. ~ seconded bq 2~r. Hall, release the said real estate~from the persenal property t~x '" ~ G charged against the same for the yea'rs 192~,192b,1928 and 1929 and 1930, and 3;931 and the / Carblina Mortgage Company was allowed to pay all taxes,aost and interest due on the 'E.M.part of lots 4 and 5, v~ithout being required to pay'.,t3~e personal property tax cha,rged against the same as aforesaid. `,t ~ynpv,5 ~iss Elizabeth Ragin made a verbal report of Yier'department for the month of January. ~ ~~ . Offiae Deputy C.R.Morse reported collection of ~2$4,g13.34 account o£ 1931 taxes '.tp b ~~~~z~~` date. / . . ~G~~ ~ C~,o.c CC ~~o S / . / C~v ~a,~,~ P~ /~~~~v C ~ ``~ S ~~~x / ~ ~~ / ~ 5c}r~' - ~~~ i ~ l Q~' i r~ ~ 1~oSp~v~,.a ~'i ~ The request of'1~r.'Horace King for a reduction of assessment on building occupied~yby the Hariover Iron Works in block ~1'J'J account of the Assessors having inereased the 193z assessment by ~2;000.00 over that of previous years, without improvements havirv~ " been made, v~as referred to the committee for investigation and report back to the•Board. A report of Unitec3 Charities for the month of January was received and ordered filed.~ Upon.motion o£ i~Fir. Ross, seconded by I~2r. Yopp, the Clerk was directed to advise United Charities amount of appropriation, amount.disbursed.to date and un-expended ~ balance, and to advise further that the organization cannot spend in excess of the amount appropriated without.permission of the Comt~issionera.` ' Request of the Board of Education that the sum of ~15,000.00 be placed to the cxedit of the school fund to take cese of expenditures.=for February, was upon motion ~ of Mr. Trask, allowed. ~ ' • The County Home report for the month of January was received and ordered filed.~ Upon motion oY DSr. Trask, duly seconded, Allie McNeill was xeZeased from payment of penalty for not listing lots 6 arid '7, tilock #58 Caxoliria Beach for the year,193Z~ / accdunt of being a non-=resident. 4~ith reference to a comwunication received from J.F.Tyre, Audi~or of Beaufort County, requesting thYs County to join with his and other eounties in payment of attorney's ~/ fees etc., in connection with suit for the recovery of one cent gasoline tax levied on motor fuel sold prior to July lst,1931, the Clerk~was instructed to advise tha,t 'tnis Board is in sympathy with his efforts, but to advise us the amount this Board will be expected to apprdpriate so the ma.tter can be properly presented to the_ ~ Commissioners for conaideration. ' ~ ~ , - The request that clay be furnished Peabody School grounds,colored, ~aas upon motion ~ of Mr. Trask,seconded by Edr. Yopp, granted. ~: Upon radtion of Mr. Yopp, seconded by I~r. Hall, county bills Nos.i337 to 1434 inelusive,~~~ .~. were appxoved for payment. ~ , The request of the Oleander Company for a reduction of the assessment of. $6,500.00 ~ ~~y~ on house lbcated on lot ~3 Oleander, was referred to the commi'ttee £or investigation. iu .- --• - • ~ _. _ _ _. .. _ ._ • - . ~i .. ~r. '~rask"off~red the folYoiving resoliztion ~for adoptioii, but failing to receive a ~,, second, vra;s not put for vote by the Chai.rman: , , .. ._ .. . . _ . . . . . s On account of the continued depresse& coridition of our county and~the material decline of the incorrie of'the great-majoritp of our tax payers, I offer for corisideration and adoption the following resolution. Same being in substance of policy.addocat~ed b~ me the first of out fiscal year. AESOLVED'that our Board reduce the salary~of our Chairman from ~300.00'per month to ~?50.00~ 8ther members of Board from ~'40.00 per ' month to ~30.Ob. County Attorney from ~125.00 per month to ~100.00. Ihn approxi~a:te , reduction of 10q of the salaries of all other appointive employees of county, under the~ juristiction of Board, same to apply to farm and home demonstrators. Also reduce the feedin~ of jail prisonera from 50~ per day to 35~. (Signed) G.W.Tr~sk. Ntr. Ross stating his position in the matter,er.pressed in carefully chosen vrords why such action should not be taken at this time; stating in part that the saving tliat v~ould accrue to the county if the resolution was adopted, vrould not effect the tax rate and that in hia opinion drastic economy will have to be exercised in the preparation of the next years budget; that the Countyts 1931-1932 budget was thoroughly investigated and every item considered by the Board prior to and at the time of adoptiofi in July, that none of its provisions had been violated so far as he knetiv o~ had been informed, and that action on the resolution should be deferred until furthe`r investigation as to the condition of the budget at the present time, and especially in view of its discriminating nature, ( Mr. Yopp and ~r. Hail concurring) and moved . that the budget be thoroughly checked by the Board, aecertaining the various amounta / appropriated, the,amounts disbursed by each department againet the appropxiation '' allov~ed and the balance'un-expended in each instance and Lhe 81erk be instructed to prepare a list of all salaries and fees paid county employees and offioials and publish the same in a daily newspaper. His motiori was seconded by Mr. Yopp and carried. Upon motion of Mr. Ross, seconded by f~r. Yopp, the,followin~ resolution was unanimously ~~.~`~v1h~-,trr,adopteds ' , ~ . . ' . ,~ That the Board authorize the surrender of United States Fidelity and Guaranty .surety bond in the amount of $~100,000.OQ upon deliver to us by the North Carolina ~%' I Bank & Trust Co., of ~35,000.00 United States Treasuery certificates,~8,000.00 City of I/ Greensboro borids maturing pricr to 1938, making a total of ~43,000.00 to be figured V on a~ar basie against sinking fund deposits, and ~92,000.00 City of Greensboro bonds maturing after 1938 to be figured on a basis of 60~ to secure current funds. _ . . - B4eeting of February let,1932 continued. ~ , _ ,~ . r~y ~ The follo~ririg coupons were presented by tYie County Auditor as having been paid • /~ and were burned in the pr esence of th e Board: RO~iD BONDS. _ ' _ ~ . .• . • . . ~ ~ Coupon No. 4T Bond IJo. ~ to 6= 6 Q ~22:50 = ~ 135:00 • _ " " 4T " " 10 " 35 = 26 C~• 22:50 - 585.00 " " 4I " " 36 -ahd39 = 2 p 22.50 = 45.00 . . n ~~ 41 ~~ ~* 43.. ~0 50 _ . ~ Q 22: 50 = " 180: 00 . " " 47 " " 1 tb 50 =.50 ~ 22:50 = 1,125:00 " " 37 " '" 1 to 22 - 22` Q 25:00 = "~ 550:00 " ° 37 " " 24 to 75 = 52 B 25.00 = 1,300.00 ,• ' n ~~ 31d 'r ° 8Q to 84 - 5 CaJ '12:50 - 62:50 . j " " 37 " " 86 to 89 = 2 Q 12.50 - 25.00 t ' ~~ ~ " " 37 " " 91 to 95 = 5 ' @ T2:50 - 62.'50 a " " " 37 „ " 97 Only = 1 C~ I2: 50 = 12:50 • ` ~ki~~ " " 37 " " 100 to101 - 2 ~+ 12. b0 - 28.00 ~ ~+ " 37 " " 103 to 108= 6 p 12:50 - 75.00 ~" " " 37 '~ "• 110 ~o T17- 8 p 12.50-= 100.00' " " 37 " " 120 to 125- 6 Co~ 12:50 ~ ,' ~ 75.00 ~4,357,50 ,~ `~ SCHOOL BOI~. ~ Coupon No. 37 Bond No. 1 to 46:.46 ~ - Zb.00 - , 1,150:00 37 ° " 52 " 62_ 13 @ 75.00 _ 275.00 37 " " 64 ~~ 77- 14 ~ 25:00 - 350:00 • ~ 37 " " 80 ~~ IOI- 2~ Q 25.00 - 550.00 37 " " 103 ~~ 107= 5 Ga 25:00 = ~ 125.00 ~ 37 " ~~ 110 ~~ 150_ 41 Cn2 25.00 = 1,025.00 • "` ~ 37 " ~~ 151 " 200- 50 ~ 12.50 - 625.00 .~ 36 " ~~ 63` I02-109- 3 Q 25.00 - 75.00 'x 25 " " 56 t0 T25= 70 r~ 25.00 - 1;750:00 .,~~ '~ 25 " 24 " " 45 " 91 " I00- 56 " 141- 51 C1 C~ 25.00 - 25.00 - 1,400.00 1,275.00 . ~~ 24 " " 145 " 173- ?S Q 25.00 - 725.00 •.~; 24 " +~ 176 " 225- 5a a~ 25.00 - 1,250.00 ~ , ` ~~ ~" " 1 " 355-355 Q 23.75 - 8,431.25 19,006.25 !' ~ ;. SCHOOL FU3IDING. ~~~ • ~ ._ Coupon No. 4 Bond I3o.11 to 242-232 C~? 23.75 - 5,510.00 5,510.00 ~ •• ~ COURT HOUSE BONl3S. ' i Coupon No. 16 Bond No.31 to 160 -130 ~ 25.00 - 3,250:00 . . T6 ° ~~ 165 '~ 169 - 5 Cta 25.00 - 125:00 ~ 16 "" " T71 ° 210 ~- 40 @ 25.00 - 1,000:00 =~" 16 " " 214 " 225 - 12 @ 25.00 - 300.00 4~675.00 FERRY BONDS., Coupon No. ~5 Bond No. 1 to 50 _ 50 Q 25.00 = 1,250.00 22 °, " 19 to 50 - 32 Q 30.00 - 960.00 2,210.00 , ' WOFiKHOUSE BOI4TDS. ~ - •~ Coupon No. 34 Bond No. 1 to 35 - 35 ~ 25.00 - 875.00 WORKHOUSE AND. CbUidTY~ HOIvIE BONDS. ,, Coupon No. 2~ Bond No. 1 to 17 - 17 C~ 25.00 - 425.00 ~S/ ~ ~~~ °t~ COUTTTY Ii0?viE BONDS. . _ _ Coiz~on No. 4~ond No..3:; to 28 - 26 C~3 23.75 - 617.50 !~+„ 3CHOOL ~ONDS PAID. ' ~ • Bond No. 91 to 99 - 9~ ~1,000.00 = ~ 9,000.00 ,R ~,;~ " " 1 " 10 - 10 " 1,OOO.QO - I0,000.00 ~ " " 11 " 20 - 10 " 1,000.00 - 1~,000.00 29,0 00.00 COURT HOUSE BONDS. - 1 , Bon~ No. 31 to 40 - 10 Q ~1,000.00~- . 10,000.00 '_~ COUNTY H0~ BONDS. '~~ ,} Bond i~o. 3 to 4 - 2 Q 1,000.00 - 2,000.00 _ ~'ER1~Y BONDS. ,} l .~ Bond No. 19 to 20 - 2 C 1,000.00 - 2.000.00 ~ ;;~ Total Coupons a n3 Bonds burned~ ......................~80~676.25 ~ The meeting then adjourned. • ?~;; ~7`1'~ ~ < ~~-~/-y ~ % Clerk. / Wilmington, N.C.~ February 8th,1932. ' The regular weekly meeting~of the Board was held at 3:O~,o'clock P.~. ~ `J a ~ Preserit: Addison Hewlett Chairman, W'.E.Yopp~ Geo.W.Trask, F.M.Ross and Jas.M.Hall. The request of Nr. I.ouis .T. Moore, Executive Secretary of the Cha~ber of Comrnerce, tha.t the county appropriate $10.00 for payment for painting an attractive sign on ,~~~~ board to be erected at the county's entrance to Community Driveway, c~,lling attention rr~ to motorist, especially straingers, to the beautiful driveway, statin~ that the relief • Associa~ion.wou2d build and furnish tvro sign boards, one for the County entrance and one ' for the City entrance, evas upon motion of Mr. Yopp, seconded by ~r. Hall, granted. Upon motion of 1~r. Trask, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Cha.irman was named to represent ~ /~~~ this Body on the Advisory Couneil Yor the beautification of Community Driveway. , ~~~ ~eeting cf February Sth,1932, continued. , • ' MT. Nathan Cole appeared as requested, and submitted a liet of persons against whom ,,~ judgments had been secured in back tax suits, the list being incomplete, Mr. Cole was ~~.~~ ~ asked to furnish a more comprehensive liat which he agreed to do. "~ Upon motion of ~r. Yopp, seconded by ~r. Tra,sk, Mr. V.B.Cheek was~granted an abatement~ ~` ~ of taxes on a valuation of ~200.00 household and kitchen furniture•listed in error - ' ' / ~ ~ for the year 1931. . , : Upon motion of Mr. Ross, seconded by ~r. Trask, Mr.C.B.Parmele was allo~ed to pay the prorata part of taxes due by Geo.A.Biddle on 5.1 acres oP land, Lot ~2, Geo.A.Biddle ' ~ G~ property, 1~asonboro township, f.or years 1927 to 1931 inclusiYe,-same being a part of ' / land included_in an assessment of $3,600.00 on 70.10 acres. The Board acting upon the petition of her nearea relative, Francis Miller, her ~ Grandmother, and upon recommendation of the County Welfare Officer, did upon motion / C ~ of ~r. Trask, seconded by ~r. Hall,.approve the petition Por the sterilization of ~ / , ~innie Lee Mosley oF the Rock Hill section of the ~ounty. Upon motion o£ Mr. Yopp, seconded by ~r. Trask, ~r.R.V.Kennedy was released from the ~~X payment of penaltq f or not listing property in block ~206 for the xear 1931, ~ and an abatement of taxes on a valuation of ~150.00 pers:onal property was granted for ' said year account of bein~ a non-resident and owning na personal property in the county. A statement of amount ,of county funds on deposit in each bank as of January lat,1932,~ ~~,,, together with a memorandum of surety bonda held in each case, was recefved from the • /~~ ~ County Auditor. ~~~N`~ f il d . . Upon motion, duly seconded, the Board authorized the cancellation, sub~eat to the " approval oY the County.Attorney~ all back taxes charged against John & Zucy McKoy, ~ `~~1~ in block #336, accruing since 1893, for the reason that the same was listed and ~ the taxes paid on the same property, by Jas. H. Cha,dbourn & Co.,. ~N~~;~y The Auditors cash.report for,the month of January was received and ordered filed./ w J ~ ~ The request of Mrs. R.E.~/illiams and 1~rs. Robi~~sen, to be allowed to hang a sma.1T rack ~.. ~,,,a~` in the Court House lo~by for the distribution of non-secterfan literature was declined., ~c ~ Upon motion of H~r. Ross, seconded by Mr. Yopp, the Board ~greed to haul clay on the ~~,~~ Harnett School grounda.as soon as practicable. • ~ A communication wa,s received from the County Auditor, submitting a liat of various city blocks on which there are ~ld,items of baclc taxes which appears there fs no 1a.,~ ' 'rU,Y°~S likelyhood of evex col.lecting etc., was referred to the committee fo,r consideratiori a ~ . ~ Upon motion, duly seconded, the assessmeat of ~y200.00 on the east,h~Tf of lo~, #19, ~~ block "N" Wrightseille Beach Extenaion, owned by Jas.F.Post, was reduced to $50.00 ifGT account of dama.ge ~iy erosion, and a refund o£ taxes paid on a naluation of ~150.00 for the year 1931 was allowed. , / ~~~~, Upon motion, duly seconded, county bills Nos. 1435 to 1546 were approved for payment~ ~~ / , The meeting then ad,journed. . . ~ ~ ~t.~~ ~ ~> / Clerk. ~ Wilmington, N. C., February 15th~3932: . The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held at 3:00 o'clock P.N. • Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman, W.E.Yopp, Geo.~A.Trask and F.zfi.Ross. ' / Upon motion of 1~r. Trask, seconded by ~Ir. Yopp, the Board approved the purchase of ~ ~ a copy~of the 1932 City directory for the.Commissioners Office and one for the Sheriffs ~ office, at a cost of. ~15.00 each. - ~ It met,with the appoval of the Board to allow the State liighway Commission to ~ ~'y.~~y~ cultivate the small strip of land between the Stockade and the Gordon road. ~ , , . . ... ..., j Upon motion oY T~r. Yopp, second by Mr. Trask, county bills Nos. 1547 to 1569 inc.+,;. , ~,rr~ were approved for payment. , ~ ; Upon motion oY Mr. Ross, seconded by D~r. Yopp, the Board by reason of changes having ' been made in the location of the city limit vf the,City of Wilmington, during 1915 ~ , and since.that date, authorized the transfer of back taxeitems now shown in Harnett' `~G 'tti~nship for property in Carolina Heights and Carolina Place, to the city book, and + ~ items now.shown inWilmington township for property in I,ove Grove to Cape Fear township, as recoamiended by the County Auditor. ' Upon motion of Yr.Xopp, seconded by Mr. Rose, Mrs. Bessie Po;n•ell of Goldsboro was ~ Y released from payment of penalty in block #87 for the year 1931, account of being a ~ non-resident. . Upon motion,of Mr.Aoss, seconded by B~r. Yopp, the purchase of a stove for Lhe Of£ice of ~ / 1S }~"'N ~ e Home Demonstration Agent, Miss Plizabeth Ra.gin, was authorized. A letter of appreciation wae receieed from the Isaac Bear Parent-Teacher Association / S~rao~- for the clay and services rendered in.building new playgrounds for the Isaac Bear - School. , /~e~o~~"~` repair~five chairs forptheeRecorders Court~at~aacostrof9$4.50~iven to have ~r.~l.H.aavia . \1S, The report of the I.adies Rest xoom for the month of January was received and ordered~'!i~ v~` e . ~ 15~ . Meeting of February 15th,1932, continued~ ~ ' ~ ~ NS~t P~"" e~~. /~ ~~ ~°.{li ~ ~u~a ~S / Yh1wv~ .~ T4Ye S Upon motion of Mr. Yopp, seconded by Bdr. Trask, Mr.T.B.Upchurch of Raeford,N.C. ~~GKP> was released from payment of,penalty for not.listing property in block #167 ~ for the year 1931, account of being a non-resident. • Upon motion of I~r. Trask, seconded by 1~r. Yopp, the Board approved a bill in ,~ faeor of the Wilmington Star-News for $511.80 sub~ect to check, for varioua ~~Ub~'~"-` itema for service by publication and sale of iand .by Commissioner in connection with back tax suits by Nathan Cole; and the Board ordered that no future bi11U ~ of indebtedness for advertising be incurred unlesa authorized by requisition ~ issued by the proper autho'rities of the county. ~ .The Chairman, ~Er. Rosa and B~r. Hall, having been authox.i2ed at meetin~ of , December 28th, to investigate and check cer~sin bills of espense due the ~ ~ Wilmington Iron Works, which have accumulat4d over a period from 1918 to 1929, ~ on the old road account, that have been presented for payment at various ~aJ intervals and payment withheld on account oY having been incurred without /~ requisition; the committee after investigation recommended that the bills aggregating $741.80 be paid, credit having been taken for items that should have been cha.rged to the schools and compromising the cost for repairing a ~ "Goose Nect Truck" by payment of one half as is fully shown by" county warrant ,. . : No.1587 dated February 20th,1932. Whereupon Mr. Yopp,moved and it was seconded by NIr. Hall, and carried, that the said.indebtedneas amounting to $741.80 be - paid as recommended by the co~nittee. Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by P~r. Yopp, O.R.Brinaon was granted an ,~l~ K, ~ abatement of taxes on one male dog listed for the year 1931, account of the ~ dog being only eleoen ~aeeks old at time•of listing and having died soon ~..l.,~ : ' thereaPter. Upon motion of ZHr. Yopp, seconded by Mr. Trask, the of ~21.00 premium on fire insurance on Waiting Room DTew Hanover-Brunawick Ferry Commi'ssion. , - IIpon motion of Ddr. Trask, seconded by ~r. Fioss, act of the Chairman, an alloavance of ~3.00 per week was of the Out Door Poor Fund, until he can secure work . Board reco~ended the payment at Eagle Island, property of ing upon the recommendation , granted Robert Farrow account to support his family. The following good and lawful men were drawn to serve as 3urors in the Superior, Court for the trial of civil cases, two weeks term beginnings The first week- 43arch 7th,1932s C.C.Jenkins. A.C.Low. W.F.I,eGwin. A.I.Gideon. R.S.Bell. O.I,.Sewell. W.S.Johnson. Harry Wettig. G.~N.Tienken. 'A.R.Scarborough. ~.~.Davis. Lonnie G. Wolff. The secohd week- March 14th,19~2: ~ G.V.I~cKee. E.D.Cooper. Ellery Rogers. J.D.Brown. , H.D.Baird. I~ZD.McCaig. C:T.Green. W.J.Meredith. R.M.Mason. A.L.Jewe21. R.H.1~elvin. Herrnan Walton. Adona~ah Garrison. Robt Southerland. W.E.Crews.~ G.C.Ma~bpasa. W.J.Blackwell. G.M.M.James. H.A.Stokley. Robt G. Dunn. S.D.Hurst, Jr., J.R.Fisher. G.C.Lewis. D.B.Upchurch. . E.K.Bodfe.- J.T.Cheatnut. S.Goodmam. • ~H.49.Jackson. ` H.B.Marshburn. F.V.Batson. David W.Murray. W.B.Highsmith. J.J.Saunders.~ vP.R.Jordan. Joe aliver. P.~'.Turner. For the trial of Criminal Cases-week begixining 34arch 21st,1932s G.E.Murphey. W.C?Brown. F.Z.Ho111day.W.G.Davis. Aiken Shirley. W.H.2~HcEachern, Jr.,G.C.Jackeon,Jr.W.Y..Gaylor: J.R.Godley. C.T.Nance. O.T.Sewell. J.E.Bordeaux. Pd.V.Bennett. Louis Stein. I~.P.Zivesay. ~ J.Y~.Croom. H.P.Munaon. J.T.Sneeden. H.L.Saunders.B.C.Ecans. G.Pd.Murrell. S.D.Bryant. W.A.Mahler. P.J.King. J.Zibelin. C.G.Smith: Harry Frey. F.G.Rose. G.H.Brinson. E.H.Southerland. C.A.Almond. B.J.Shepard. C.F.P~.xehder.J.P.Orr. W.T.Brown. F.I,.Mintz. The meetin~ then ad,journed. - lj~i c„ ~z. S~ - . ~ ~lerk. ~ ~ Wilmington, N.C., February 23rd,1932. The reguiar weekly meeting of the Board was held at 3:00 o'clock P.~. ' ' I f ~ ~ Presenti Addison Hewlett Chairman, Ul.E,Yopp, Geo. W. Trask and Jas. M.Hall. ~ . The minutes of ineeting of December 28th, were read and approved as recorded. The Progressive Building and Loan Association, was, upon motion of I~r. Trask seconded by P~r. Hall, allowed to pay the taaces on lots Nos.24 and 26 Ddanhattan less the personal and poll taxes char~ed therein, in the name of Henry I.. and .E.A.VFilliamson for the years 1929,1930 and 1931, account.of having.to take the property over and the Plilliamsons having no equity in the same. The request was mafle by Mr. Geo.H.Howell. IIpon motion of ~ir. Yopp, seconded by 2~r. Hall, the Board, upon recommendation ~ S~C~' of the County Attorney, approved the payment of ~5.50 to Mr. ~1.F.Carpenter,J.P• ~ for fees in case of.State vs F.P.Davis and three Sheriffs' deputies. Upon motion of Pdr. Yopp, seconded by Bir. Hall, Nathan Jones was granted an ~~~Y abatement of taxes on a valuation of ~200.00 automobile assessed in error fo r year 1931. 1 ~4 ~ TA r J • ~ _ :N ~ ~~:.i: : .i ~~ ~.Vy~ ~ - ~ T ~T ' ~ • • . .i.~Yi~i meeting of Febru~ry~23rd,1932, continued: . ~ ~. ;,:..'"" \~~~j8 A, report of James V6alker Hospi£al for January was received and ordered filed. ~• ' ~~, 2, ~~ 1~` ~ ~. `„ Ugon motion of k~r. Yopp, seconded by Pdr. Trask,-Measrs. B.F.Ramseuer and E.Meyers ;~. .~ were released from,payment of penalty for not listing property in blocks F and H '~-~''~. `"~~g25 ~Ardmore and.block 34y lot 9, Carol~na Beach,and lots 13 and 15 Aanby Beacl~~and • ~ / block b? ~ot,~1Z Carolina,,Beach respactively.~ account of being non-reai,dents. ~ ~• ~ <Upon motion of Ddr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Yopp, and upon approval of_the County ~ ~ at~torney, the Board.authorized the renewal of the contract between ~the Standard ..- ~,;. ~ ~~~ Osl Company and Coastal Plains Airways Incorporated for the installation of pumps .• "~ _ and furriishing motor fuel at the airport, subject to contract limitations between ~. ~' ~, the county a.nd the Coastal Plains Inc., or othere. .•'' ~ ~~~It appearing that the appropriation for United .Charities will not be~sufficient "~`~! ~er'" to meet the heavy dema,nds being made by ~the colored indigents, the Chairma,n was ... ~.;;'.'. ~~ ,~ authorized to purckiase such provisions as in hia discretion is necessary to meet ' ~~ , the demands and eubmit.a,statement of the condition of the.fund to tYie Board monthly. : :;;: . . . ',:.~;~ ~A reque t o£ the 9Velfare Department that the county bear the expense for returning , ~~+;:~. _ r~~~ Louise~cKoy, Eloise Mal~one and Louise W'lliams from the training school at Rfland ' ; PI.C., was declined. / ~~, • ~.y;~~ . The follov~in~~statement showing compa~ieon~for inmates, juveniles and prisoners for ::.~ -~~\ ~seven months at the County liome, wa,s submitted by the County Auditors ~`,'~.~ ~~': h v.: , ' . . . . . ~:t... Hon. ~Board of Cor~unissioners, Vrilmin~ton,N.C., Febru~ry 17th~1932. ~ ._ • Nevr Hanover County,, , P~;~^ Wilmington, N. C. . ~`+ . _ :;,i Getttlemen:- - ~ ~ For your~information I beg to advise that~the~number of~prisoners at the '.;~-. ,_ ' county,farm for the,first seven months of the current year increased,.7,249 or , ~-~..:, practiaal,ly one hundred and ten per cent while the iacrease during the last three ~~ '~a , , months has been one hundred.and twentp two per cent. , •, ~ a' . • >..' ~ I give you below a statement shovring comparison for inma,tes, juveniles ~ and priso,ners for the first senen monthss .~ ~ y.K' . This Year Last Year ~ Increase ~ Decrease ~ •~.. Inmatea 13,461 11,542 1,919 16.62 • '°~ Jnveniles 412 1,788 , 1,376 76.95 r,.~ '~'•` .Prisonera 13.847 6.598 7,249 109.87 ~ , . To,tal 27.,720 19,928 7~792 39.10 . . ~. The cost.for caring for inmates, 3uveniles and priseners last year wasl '. $15,331.91 on which amount and increase of .391 per cent repreaents $5,994.77. ^~y,, b . . , a'~: ' Yours trulY, .~'".~:. ~ . J.A.Orrell ~ . ~ '. ,. , Upon motion of bir. Trask, secinded by_I~r. Hall, the Board acting upon the recommendati m'.•:*., - of the Helfare Officer, agreed to pay the Salvation Arn~y the~sum of ~7.50 per month ~- ~-~~ for the.care and maintenance of eleven year o1d,Fred Edward Lamb if tranaferred ~ " ~6 ~;~- ? from the County Home to the Salvation Army Home.hexe. • _ ~ ~ / ~ . Upon motion of 1~r..Bopp, seconded by 2~r. Hall, the Board autho~ized that W.M.Pierce " '° ~ ~~~~°~`~~~'`of theecourt cost,8subject totthesapprovalfandrrecommendationtofhthe~Recorder~. ent~ ~~ . ~}~; • ~ i: Upon motion, duly seconded, county bills Nes. 1570 to 1662 inclusive avere approved for ' '~ 1~aYme nt . . ~. ~ •..; ~ : :. . ~ '.;. , The meeting then ad,journed. ~ ~ ,'~.~^. ~ '. 4 D ~ 7~.~L'-~/ . . . tl.~ erk. • . `,,' . ,, ~ - Wilmin~ton,N.C., March lst,1932. ~ ~ e~;l., !q The Board met .in regular weekly session at 3s00 o'clock P.M. -' Present: Addison I~ewlett Chairman,`Geo. W. Trask and F.M.Ross. . _- ~s Upon motion of bir. Trask, seconded by Edr. Aoss, the estate of P.Mantteas was ~ : . j ~ granted an abatement of poll tax charged in error for year- 1931. _~ • ~,'..i ' : . Upon motion, duly seconded,. Mr. J.E.Bordeaux was allowed to pay the 1930 tax on 5e2 ~-~ •.acres of land, Lot #2, Castle Gardena and released from the payment of poll and ~ ~" ~`~~ personal property tax of E.J.Aldredge charged therein. The Board having found tha.t E.J.Aldredge had no equity in the property and same was taken over by 1~r.Bordeaux. ~. Upon motion of Bfir. Ross, seconded by }dr. Trask, Mr. D.C. Sessoms of Harnett: township ~: ~''~~~~ nvae granted an abatement of ~1.00 tax on dog listed by him in error, the same dog •• having been listed by his wife's father Mr. W.H.Dyer and taxes paid. ~ . ~ . ..r. Upon motion of I~r. Ross, seconded by P~r. Trask, Idr. w.J.Taylor was allovred-to pay the :'`~~; _ . ..'!i'~4~~~' ~~ . real estate tax on Lots Nos. 2,3,and 4 a,nd ,5, Conil Division Harnett tovmship for ,•;,;t_ the years 1.929,1930 and 1931, and released from the payment of penalty and ~oll ~~• /~~~ and personal property tax due by J.D.Shipp,W.H.Dukes and C.B.Parker charged . ~ '•:,~;r therein, account of having to take the propertq.over axid the above mentioned .+~,~ ! parties having no equity in the same, and the Sheriff to be instrueted to garnishee ,„ the said parties for the.poll and personal tax due the county for the sa},d years. ';~I.' ~ ' , - ~ ;. J Upon motion of Mr.~Ross, seconded by I~r. Trask, the assessment of ~5,300.00 on ~ ~~ «~ :. ' - ' ~; ,'i y. . . ~ ~ 1~55 . , ,~ . . ~ Meet-ing oP ~.5arch lst,1932, continued. ~ ~~ , . , ~~ • , , ' ' property oY J.G.Kuhlken in block #295~wa's~ seperated ~y the Board upon recommendation ~~ of the Chairman,' and the Cooperative Bui_lding & Loan Association was allovued to . pay the 1930 and 1931 taxes on an assessment of $550.00 on thirty-five feet of said property ~n Bladen~Street, forty-Pive feet in'depth. Upon motion of Mr. Rosa; seconded by ~dr. Trask~ the request of F2.Ni.Kermon that the ,~udgment secured a ainst 3,.D.Todd and wife for back;taxes due the county on ''~\QX~ Property.in block ~146 be made to apply a~ainst'the praperty only and not as a ,_ / peraonal judgment against the parties, was,upon~motion referred:to .the Chairman '_ . and County Attorneq with power to act. ~~pc~ / Upon motion of Lir. Trask, seconded by ~r. Ross, Mr. I. Miller was released from ,, .i ~ payment of penalty for not liating lots "72 and 73 Sunset Park for,the yeas 1931. Upon motion, duly 'seconded, Roy Burnett was granted-an abatement of taxes.on dog ~ /~G~,e~ charged against him in error•for-the year 1931, and poll tax~abated~for said year account of being a non-resident: ' /~q~,~~ Upoz~ motion of &~r. 8oss, seconded by Dfir. Trask, Mr. R.H.Anderson was-granted an abatement of taxes on a valuation of ~225.00-Armour Stock lis~ed in erior as "Notes" for the year Y931. ~ ' ' ~ Upon motion, duly seconded, W.F.Stone was released Prom the payment o£ penalty for ~ /~~~~ mot listing lots 528 and 529 I,ake Side Park Por the year 1931~ account of being a • non-resident. ' ' ~ ' ' . Upon motion of Mr. Ross, seconded by 1dr: Trask; the Board approved the payment of ' ~247.00 to the Wilmington Star Company'cost for advertising property for sale by ~~yd,~„ S.~s Commissianer•;in back tax suits, the same having been checked against the ~1 ,judgment docket and found to be correct; and.sufficient funds were ordered ~ transferred from the emergeacy flznd to the back tax fund to meet this expense, and the Clerk of Court to be instructed to pay over to the County Auditor the cost Yor advertising when payment is made to him. ' . ~' Upon,motion of ~ir. Ross, seconded by ~Sr..Trask, the'matter of securing auto list ,/ ~d~'a7 from the State at a cost of ~4.00 per thousand names, to be used in checking against r the 1932 taac lists, vra.s approved. The report of•the Superintendent of the County Home and Farm for'the month of / j}n•U~~~ ~~~February ~was` received and' ordered filed. / ~o~..- ~ ~b~~ ~...TG ~ 1 ' ~~ ~y)NS i- The ma,tter o£ purchasing a~:a.~~Y New Hanover'CounLy 5~ ,bonds at par~was declined, ,-' but an offer of ~96.00 and accrued interest wasauthorized. Upon motion of Btr. Rosa, seconded by ~dr. Trask, the"Board directed that a cou~unication be directed to E.B.Jeffress Chairman of the State Highway Co~ission,,,~ urging immediate'payment of ~250.00 per month rent due~the Qounty of New Hanover Por the ~ZSe of the s-tockade from Tuly lat,1931 to March lat,1932, as per agreement• It was brou ht'to•the attention of the'Board bq the Chairma.n that there is only a balance of ~1,522.50 remaining in the budget to pay expense for feeding ~ail risoners and turnkeys for the remaining five~months, out of an appropriation of ~7,500.00. The Clerk was so instructed to advise the Sheriff and notify him to be present at the next meeting of the Boffird. ' ; The foZlowing coupons were presented a~s having been paid by the County Auditor and were.burned in the presence of tYie Board: , ~ , ~` . . SCH003. BONDS: Coupon No. 27 Bond No 1 to 62 - 62 ~$25.00- ~1,550.00 ', " ?~' ~ ; " ". 27 " " 64 " 125 - 62 C~? 25.00 1,550.00 ~3~100.00 ~ Coupon Expense on the above ' 7.81 ~3~107.81 :'.. _ . ~ ~ ROAD BONDS: '' ' ' ` ;';ry •` Coupona No.41 Bond No.7,8, and 9- 3@ 22.50 67.50 , n n 37 p/p 76-77-79-87- ~~.~'- - 102-109-119 1--- 7@. 12.50 87..50 155.00 ,.s. ; • COQRT HOQSE BONDSs ~ ;, Coupon No. 16 Bond No.211~to 213- 3~ 25.00 75.00 , .~~ . SCHOOI,~:BONDS : - , . ' . % , Coupon No. 37 Bond No. 47 to 51- 5@ 25.00 125.00 '.`s. .~ " " 37 ° " . 63-78-79= ~ 102- 109 - 5~ 25.00 ~ 125.00 ~ -. "" " 24 " " .142 tQ 144- 3 ~ 25.00 75.00 ~ .'` ° " 24 " " 174 to 175- 2~ 25.00 50.00 375.00 $ 605.00 :~ ~~~~` • The meeting then ad~ourned. ' 1 • - ~,/~ ~ •4~~ r-f~iiu~ ~~ 9~ ~ !, ~ . • ~Clerk. Wilmington, T3. C., I~~Iarch 7th,1932. The Board„met in regular monthly session at 3:00 o'clock-P.I~~. , C.~~y,~, Due to the respect and esteem in which this Body held the loyal and faithful• ~~-u`ryQ~~~ John D. Bellamy,Jr., one of the County Attorneys, v+ho paesed away dn the ~',, ' afternoon of Tdarch 5th,1932, and funeral to be held from hie late residence at ;;~; 3:15 PYM., this day; the Board immediately ordered recess taken until 3:00 , G~;(.-~, o' clock F.M., 2~.7arch Sth,1932. ~ :., ~ i I y: ' .~, ~ l ~^ii--ri~ '~fr~ - • ~erk. , ~ ..~ ,~ , , ' ~ ";~ . ~ ~ ~~~ , r ,~ ~M "' ~el~ F i~~~~' ~~( ~~ l~ ~ ~~GX ~ - PJilmin~ton, N. C.; Pdiarch Sth,1932. ' Pursuant to recess tal~en ~narch 7th,1932,~the Board met at 3;00 o'clock P.M. Present: Addi~on Hetivlett C~irman, `~V.E.Yopp, Geo .P7. Trask, F.I~I."Ross and Jas.I~~+.Hall. ' A statement of amourits on deposit in each bank as of February 29th,1932~ together crith a memorandum of securities held by the Coi~nty in each case, was received from the County Auditor. ' - ., YUpon motib"ri of Iv~r. Yopp, seconded by J+Sr. Hall, I:'Ir. Etmnett Littleton v/ae granted a' refund 'of penalty paid for not listing lot r~65 r'ernside for the yea~ 1930 and 1931~ account of having other property crhich vaas listed,thinking at the~time that the above v~as included ir, the same listing. ~ ~ .p ~ . ,, j ~:~ . ~, .i . , -r , , : ~~'y~.~ _,. ~; ~'9~„`.' ~... ..x '~ ~*~„ ' e:~ti~ ~ ,- "~ ..::~ ,. .-T` S ; ;- • ~:-. . A.~,. ~ 'a ' ;r. Upon motion, duly seconded, ~r. Horace King ~~as granted a reduction,of •~2,000.00 ~`;P'? asses~ment on building in bloclc #177 aecount of error in in~reasing the assessment ° d;:'` by the Tax Assessors for the year 1931, and an abatement of taxes on a valuation of ` ~?,000.00 for the year'1931 ~vas ordered. ;'~ The report of Associated Charities, County Home and rarm,Coloxec~ ;Yelfare 14orker and , ~b~~~~~(?_~o~~Ladies Ftest Room fbr~the~month of Febrizary were re.ceived and ordered filed. F'~ ~ _ ISr.C.R.I;~orse, Chief Office.Deputy,reported the collection of $326,986.97 account ~ ~~ of 1931 taxes by.the Sheriff to ?~arch lst,1932. l Upon motion oi ~3r. Yopp seconc~ed by Ivir Trasl< Iv4rs. ,T I~4 1~i11iaMS vras released from r. ~ GX ~ ~~z~~ ^ ~~~~ ~~ 2 / '~ G~- '~v~ payment of penalty for not listing lot ~13 VJilmington Beach for the year 1931, account of being a non-resident. '. ~A~ 1 {~ :+3 't':. . s.',;'i ' . ~,t~r~ ,:; -~~ ~ a .. t . . '.''yr l~~, ,::i~ x . - e'.t ~. Ed Holland cdnvicted in Recorders Court for assault on a femz.le and sentenced to i;;,~ serve a term of sixty days on the Coiznty Farni, Faas upon recommendation of the ~ ~ ,;:;,:;f ~ecorder and upon motion of I~r. Traslc, seconded by iSr. Yopp, hired out to his ' • i~~ ~ rnother for the court costs, the doard recognizing him for payment of the cost:of : .... ,: . '~t+'~ the court to be made on or before P~Ha,rch 31st,1932. ~ '''~~ .. ~~ ~! iGr. .Ross, seconded by i.ir. Yopp, ~aison Gore convicted in Recorders • Upon mot.ion of •,~~:':; . Court for operating an automobile v~hile drunk, and senteneed to serve a etrm of 4, '' on the County Farm and lmcense to operate an automobile revoked for one sixty days :'~+~'~ , ;,' year, was upori recorrnnendation of the' Recorder .hired out to his brother for the sum ~ '~ , of $~50.00 and the cost o£ the court, his brother becoming responsible for the payment :. ~•~i of the hire and court cost tivitlzin ninety days. Faison Uore to appear in xecorders . ~ ~-Y~`- Court to receive suspended judgment pending the payment of the obligation aforesaid ae~ ,•`'`; ordered by the necorder. • „ It appearing that Walter Clarlc was sued and judgment secured for the county by ~ ~. 9~ Nathan Cole for ~24.65, 1926 taxes on property in bloclc ~}~556, together with cost, . interest and att:orneys fees, and tvhereas at the time suit ~rd.s brou~ht the title to the ~ said property ~vas not in Plalter Clark, but vested ir. A.S.lvilliams Trustee for the ` creditors of i7alter Clark, Ba.nlcrupt, and not subject to suit, therefore the.Board . acting'upon~the opinion of the County Attorney and upon motion of i:Ir. Hall, seconded by. • ~-~r. Yopp, aui:horized the acceptance of ~24.65 tax and ~5.91 interest in full settlement_.' of the 1926 taxes on said property. ' . - . i7pon motion of ~ir. Yopp, seconded by I~r. iiall, I;ir.Herbert Bush was granted an abatement of :. tar.es on a valuation of ~w750.00 home nortgage exemption for tlie year'1928, he failed to` ' claiul at listin~ time, said mortgage having been listed and the taxes paid on sa~1e by; ~~`~; i,:r. ~nmett Bellamy. ~ ' ` A request of the Board of Education that t11e sum of ~$9,OOO.QO be placed to the credit of the ~chool fund to take care of expenditures for the menth of Pdarch, ~~~a ~~ ~ ~"`~ cvae granted. ,~~~~s ~ Upon motion of A.~r. Hall, seconded by P~r. Trask, county bills Nos. 1663 to 1747 Inc.,{ were approved for payment. , ,; ,S . '~. ~~~~ ~ ~ Upon motion of Idr. Aoss, seconded by Iir. Trask, an item of ~12.88 back tases ~~ak charged in the name of Chas Hayee on property in.block ~307 for the year 1871 v~ras,! upon recoir¢nendation of the 9ounty Attorney, as being a doubtful charge, ordered ' ~• cancelled on the back tax xecords. - +. , Upon motion of ~r. Ross, seconded by Idr. Yopp, the tnatter of separating the • .{ ~ assessment on pro~erty of I:~IT. i:. Rath~en in block ,~307, was refer~ed to the r ~ I a Ch~irman v~ith porver to act. f / ' ~lj Upon motion of fiir. Ross, seconded by I~r. Hall, the Board authorizecl the purchase of y~ ~-`t~• twelve civil issue docket:books for the.La~istrates. ~ ,~~.~. , ~ iJpon motion of f~r. TrasY,, seconded by T~r. Yopp, Will ii. Bordeau:c was, granted an" ~G~r abatement of poll taxes for the year 1931, account of being a non-resident and same . ~' charged a~ainst hi~ in error. ~ i f~" ~~,,t ~ . ~i I. Upon motion of Pdr. Ross, seconded b,y T,Tr. Yopp, Pearl Colson was released from paymant , ~~ GX of penalty for not listing property in block #94 for the year 1~31, account of being, ' a non-res:dent. '~ Upon recommendation of the County Auditor and upon motion of P:'tr. Ross, seconded ~GX by ~r. I3a11, the Board authorized the purchase of seven copies of The Tax Assessor•s° Guide to be used in assessin~ motor vehicles for i:he year 1937, at ~1.50 per copy~ ~ ~,.. . ~ a~~,~"'L~\Upon motion of IsRr. Trask, seconded by !4r. Yopp, T+i~r. Addieon Hewlett was appointed a County Supervi=or of Taxation for the year 7.932-1..33. ~ J~~~~~ ^1he Auditors cash report for February was received and ordered filed.~ ' The cost for feeding jail prisoners vzas discussed and the Sheriff bein~ detained in Superior Court aecaunt of a personal suit, ~~as unable to be present and action ti^ras ~'~"e `2 ~~ deferred to a subseo,uent zaeeting. l `?'he meetin~ the adjou.rned. ~~ ~~~~ Clerk. ~ ~ ` . ,;. • ~ z, ;~. ~ ~„,?'1+;1.~ 1 f• ''~ `''; .:. ; ' •..1:•' ~ . r„ ~: R,. _ ,,, , "'..~'~ - ~ J /~. ~~h{ . ''? ~ . ~ . . ' . . .. ' . ~~ . , ,~;_ . , t . U:-. ` V . ' ~ ' . . ` - ~.~ ~ ',~'>;., ~ . ' , . • iFilmin~ton, 2d. G., ~Ia~rch 14th,1932. , .,.. . _ ' ; * . , • ' ' ~ ' , rr;h a ~~i,~ . , _ ' . - . . . . •. . • . The re~ul~:r weelcly meet,in~' of 1;he Board ~v~,s held at 3:00 0' clock P,I~II.' , 7'~f':. ~?i,`•:•r. • 'N . . Present: Addison He~alett Chairrnan, 'N.E.Yopp, Geop.'1J.:Trask and F,I~I,Ross. I~ r_ t ; ,y,. y~'< ~;;.. . ~ ~ '.:. , ' . ~ .. . , , , • TJpon motion of iir. Trask, seconded by Tdr. Yopp, ?~3r.Virgil ~filliarus l~as granted .: - ~~~}~p/ privilege to peddle in.this county without being required to'pay a license tax,~ , account of'.being`a 'vYorld '~/ar Veteran, as provided by la~v in such cases. . ~ ~ ~ . . . . . ~ .. ~ seconded' by T~r. Trask, I~?r.?eiarx IZathan r~as allowed to pay Upon motion of 'r~r. Yopp ' ~ , the 19?9 taxes on lots rTos. 1,2 and 3 Jane_t ~:eights, and release2i from the payment +~-~`• .•.•.~r~ of ~3.47 poll and personal property tax of A. Dir,on charged therein,~ account of '~' ;~~ 11r. Nathan having to ta~ce tne s~id prot?e'rty back and Idixon havin~ no equity in the ,~~ ~ ~" E; .~ same and.not having lived in this county for the past two years._ f' -. "'} , / ~~ ~ Upon motion of I~dr. 7'ra~k,. seconded by i~Sr. Yopp, county bi11s Nos. 17a8 to 1761 Inc.~ ~~",a 3` ~ ~ , ~~"°~`~`~' . ~vere approved for payment. • ~ _ • . ~".°. `, . ~ Upon motion of ?~.r. Yopp, seconded by i~ir. Ross, the 'i3oard coni'irmed the action of the ?'•'~' ~ `' ~` " ~ Cor~missioners at a conference held I~arch lOth,1932, in reducing the a1loWance' of ~ "~ ~ ~ - + ~ fifty cents per day per prisoner for feeaYng county jail prisoners, to forty cents , ,_.•, ~' ~ per day per prisoner, to become eff~ctive on 1vTarch 15th,1932. The motion vras made ~r,~ ~~~~.~.:: : . by i,r. Yopp, seconded by ~r. Heyll and unanimously carried.. , f~'~: • ~,,. A contract by and between the ~oa~r~, of Commissioners~ of Idew I~lanover County and the 't. ~;• •, -State ~fi.~hway Co:n~nission for the lease of the County Stock~de and Quarry, in consider- ~+,~:!°~ f ation of the payment of an annual rental of ~p2,400.00 to be paid in monthl.y install- ~:'„~; ~ . ..~~z~ ments .to tne Board of Commissioners by the idortn Carolina State High~.vay Cornmission ~ ~; ''°: , for a period of eighteen months, commencing January lst,1932 and~ending June 30th,1933, ~ c.. , ti~'a.s upon motion of I~r. Hoss, seconded by ?~s. Yopp, approyed subject to the app.roval of , : ~~r.•-, , . • the County Attorney. ~ . ` ' 4'~-'; ~ . , : 1~ ... b=;.: - " Upon motion,of i2rr Ross, seconded by I~~Ir: lrask, the Oleander Levelopment Company.was , ;: '• released from tne payment of a4.70 penalty charged agai,nst lot ~314 Audubon as not r•.~' ' ` y listed,~for the year 1931, in the name of I,erris '.Villiams~, account of having to take the ~~ = : ~~~~1 property~ back and p~.y the taxes~ on the s~ne, and v~as. fu'rthe~r allovred to pay its 1931, ` i;_~ ~-' taaes ~~+itn,penalty to apply as of date o£ 2Jtarch lst,1932,~~on prope'rty covered by checks ~' ':~»~ ~ that ~vere in the hands of tne Sheriff for pa ,-ment of said taxes, prior to that date, and ~'~"'" ,, _ ~ `" , final settlement delayed pending the action of the "oard in the '~Villi~m~ matter.' ~~j~ ' ~± ~ ~a~? U on motion of tifr. Ross seconded b iQr.. Yo~ the Board a roved tne ~ p , y' pp, pp payment of a bill f r :~1 00 t IC Cla R f D d Y f Bl f tifi d+^ i i t d d t f ihi . . ,y__ a . o . e o . r , s en Coun ng cer eg er o ee a y; or urns s o ~ :~ ~`• ~~~~ copy of birth.certificate of Athalia l~:~cKoy as requested by the ~ecoider in the trial of '~ '.a-~.' - -. Junius ~'~cKoy. . • •- Upon motion of I;~r. Trask, ~econded by PvIr. Yopp; G.YJ.iuiller ~vws released from payment of ~-~ ~- penalty for not lis ing his property in Federal Point township for•the year 1931, accoant "` ~ of being a non-resi ent. . . ~, , , ~">n'•" .' ~ " Lottie :'7illiams, colored, 57 ycars~ of age, having Ueen examined by the Assistant County s ti~?~ ~~y~vn~ :ielath Officer and investigated •by the iNelfare Officer, was upon motion of Lrr. Trasl:, ' ~~"~;, • seconded by ~r. Yopp, admitted to the County nome as an inmate. ~.i;r: . ' ~', ' t •°~~a" ;:.r~ . ' Upon motion of 1~;'Ir. Ross, seconded by ;~r. Yopp, the Board authorized the purchase of . ~~. ~ ~• ~~nd~ ~ ~,~35,000.00 and ~17,000.00 A?ero~ Hanover County ~onds 5f, due,l~37 at ~98.00 and accrued ~ ,~ , ~~,il~• ' interest: _ ~^`' As required by lac~, the Chaizman as Supervisor of Taxation recom^~ended the appointment ~`~r~ :. i r ,. ''" ~~~j,~S 7' y ~ ~ , of.tlze folloc~ing as Tax Listera for their respective tovanships,for the year 1932, and , . ~. . ~ G7 , upon motion, duly seconded, the same v~as adopted by the Board: . 1h: ',~'' ' ' ' - '~/ilmington TovJnshipr••.~y.F.Carpenter. ; ~ ~`, ~~ . ~ - . ..B.F.King. - • ...E.H.Da.vis.- :~; ~~ ' Harnett To1rnship,......A.H.High. , - 3 . ~~ ; ~ . . .... Geo. T.Shepard. , . i , ~ . y y ' ' ~ ~Iviasonboro Tor~nship,....Henry Horne.: ' '~ ` '"` , . ." • Cape Fear Township,....;~i.J.l'Vil?Ni.ns.~• ~; : , y l . r. ~ , t~ r' ' '`• ' ^~. . D'ederal Point Township,Thomas J. 'Burnett.~ . ' ' ;~ ~:,~~ , r ' ~' _ ~ The meeting then adjournecz, i i, ~3 - ~ - (~ ' ~ ~ . c.~ -~ :1„ ~ ~ i~ r ~~ Clerlc. ~ ~ } ' };~~ ~ " ` V931mington,N.C., March 21,1932. t~~ ~ l..y«~~' . , ~: s ~r,.! ~`~• The Board met in regular weekly session at 3:00 o,'clock P.I~. .: '~~} ~ Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman, W.E.Yopp, Geo.W.Trask, F.M.Ross and 7as. M. Hall. . ~'~,~_~D~S, The offer oP the Negro Division of Extenaion Service to~match County funds to;,~promote ~ '~ ;~,.1~"~' the matter of gardening and the grovuing of more home supplies, to combat the present , ,: ~, =j;; . • ``depression, was declined for the reason that this service is being provided for through ~ ,;~•, . ,, the Farm and Aome Demonstration Agenta• ~ . . . ., , " , ~~' . . . . . . .~ `~ • ' . ' , • ' ' ~ ` ' ' ' ~ . . . 'r k; , ai_. ~ . , . . .3._ •.. ;~sf:.~. , , ~;: . ~,. ~Cr, • ~ • ~ ~~ Meeting of March 21st,1932, continued. Upon motion of H~r. Trask, seconded by Ddr. Yopp, the Board approved the payment of ~ bills of.expense of the Sheriff aggregating ~103.23 for transpoxtation oP / S~ prisoners and insane and meals for ,jurors. /~`~~ The report of Jas Walker Hospital for February was received and ordered filed.~ IIpon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Yopp, Mr.O.H.Henderson was granted an ,/ ~~ abatement of .33~t penalt and $3.00 poll tax charged in error as.C.H:Hend'erson ~ ~ lots 15 and 16 in-block ~559 for the year 1928. Mr. O.H.Henderson having listed / other property and poll regular for the said year. . `.,~^~J The Board having no rfghts in the matter, took no action toward returning ,~(i`} Parker, alias John Powell from South Carolina, charged with bigamy as per,/ ~ communication from H.E.Blanton magistrate of Chesterfield county S.C., to ~ Mrs. ~innie Parker 906 South 6th, street, this city. Upon motion of 1~r. Yopp, seconded by Mr. Ross, the Board gave authority to have J ~~~_l.R~~ the glasses recently purchased for I~rs. J.A.Ho114man, repaired at a cost of ~1.50. ~ ~". No future expense for glasses or repairs for Mrs. Holloman to be borne by the County. Upon motion of Dfir. Ross;, seconded by,Mr. Yopp, the Chairman v~as authorized to purchase the necessary material and have erected at Fort Fisher, a p12,tform thirty by thirty feet in size to seat the dignitaries partici~~ting in. ~~~~~ ~dedicat'ion ceremonies for the Confederate memorial marke~by the United "~ ~baughters oY.the Confederacq, at Fort Fisher June 2nd,19 2~ The lumber ~ised / in said platform to be taken to the County Home for use there. , Upon motion of ~ir. Trask, seconded by I~6r. Yopp, the County Auditor was authorize d~ ba~, to purchase approximately $50,000.00 Rew Han'over County 5~ School Bonds for not ~~~ more than par and accrued interest• . • .. :~ The meeting then ad,journed. . , . ~ - ~ ,~1'~ ~G~~-~-~~ • b . .. . ~ Clerk. . -. . , i9ilmington, N. C.,1,2arch 28th,1932. , ' t . The re~ular weekly meeting of the Board was held at 3s00 0'clock P.M. ~ Present: Addison Aewlett Cnairman, 'A.E.Yop_o, Geo. 'v7. ~rask,.and Jas.f~.?iall. . 's It appearin~ to the Board that the buildirigs on property of Pd.F.'Podd in block ~ ~146 and the property of Susi:e G. Schuster in block #187 is in sucli a dilapidated . .~ (~ ~ coriditiori that they are uninhabitable and tha.t taxes on same have accumulated to ~~~/ / G~ 1 sucYi an extent it has practically absorbed the value of the~progerty, there now' ~~ tYi 905 56 d T ' e d ' h ' ~ ~ rty an ue on e bdd p ~p . beiti~ $702.94 tax and ount on t e rop due City Schuster pioperty, both ~ssessed at ~1,100s00-each . Prospective purchasers have ~~-- agreed to put the buildings in good reritable condition that would bring the Courity ' steady tax revenue in the future if a comprorsise of the back taxes could be made; " - , .that n~ould justify the7a to taD(e the property over; and submitted an offer of ^~350.00 -„ i~ each case in fu11 settlement of alI back taxes due bDth City and County~ the said • amounts to be prorated~between the City and Courity as their intereste may appear; . ~ ~vhereupon I~Sr. Trask;moved and it was seconded by P~ir. Yop~ and carried, that the offer V- ~ be accepted. , , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Upon motion, duly seconded, the Board approved the payment of '~16.25~.to the~Associa.t d ~ } ~~~.r\'~°' - . Charities for one ha.lf dost of rent an:, food furnished 2Trs. Flossie Cumber and Famil v ~ from October 27th, to E~farch 27th,1932. ~ . . .,. i Upon motion, duly seconded, ~r. C.I~G.Emanuel and P:irs. Lillian DicY.erson were released \/~ ,~i~ . frorn payment of penalty for not listi~g lots 5 and 6 in b1ocY, #7~,Wilmin~ton Beach, `~/ +~~ : ~ p~( Carolina ~each respectively for t}ie year 1931, account of •~ ans lot 7 in block #36 ~ , being non-residents. The request was made by Mr. C.P.S.JSurrin who recently purchased the ~. ~,. property. , ~ Upon notion of s4r. Yopp, ,seconded by Mr. Hall, i~rs. ~.S.Benson was released from payment . ~ o£ penalty for not listing~lot #14 in block ~63 Carolina Beach for the year 1931, a;;coun~, ~.- Gx of having listed other property and through error-•thie [vas overlooked. , , ~ ... . Upon moti.on o£ ~ir. Trask, seconded by PSr. Hall, the Board having found that Joseph Bush` ' ~,,,~ " of Harnett township is under 21 years of age, authorized the sheriff to refund the.1931 ;; ' poll tax oollected by garnishment. ~~ • / ~ Upon motion of T~Ir. Yopp, seconded by I~dr. Hall, the Board agreed to beax the e~?'ense ~; ' c~.,c/" for board and treatme'nt oi I3iss I~4ary Louis u~ierritt in the ~tate Sanatorium at,/ • ~jb~ Sanatorium, N.C., for an additional month, to-~vit; for the month of ~pr~.l 1932. i ~ .. _ Upon motion of Pdr. Hall, seconded by Fdr. Trask, the Board authorized and directed the County Attorney to cancel the judgment in the Clerk of ~ourt office secured against' '`j • ,~~,, t5Falter ~Claxk, bankrupt, for taxes due on property in block ;~556 for the year 19?6, the , Q~.~r(~ said tax having been paid a~nd satisfied under authority Eontained in the minutes of ~• / C~ ~ the Board of 2~Larch 8th,193?. , ~ Upon morion of P~dr. Yopp, seconded by PSr. Trask, County bills Nos. 1762 to 1798 rvere ~ ~~~1~ = approved for payment. The follo~ing good and lawful men v~ere drawn to serve as jurors in the Superior Court ~~~r~.,~ for the trial of civil cases for tiveek beginning April lSth,1932s -- R.J.Green. C.K.T,Iurray. C.H.iiayes. ' Hayden F. Converse.~ • , E.F.Stanley. i~l.E.Styxon. ~;I.D.Johnson. Pd. T. Fletcher. ~ J.A.Ivierritt. S.Pd.Spencer E.G.King,Sr. 0. P. Stuckey. ~ L.R.Clark. ri.\.Lucas. J.,~.Jackson,Jr. J.S.L.Bro~vn. ~,` , J.~.2+Ja.rshburn,Jr.J.T.Sondy. High Smithson. J.P.Russ. . A.~.L.~rayar. D.K.LeGwin. B.E.~dams. E.D.Rivenbark.. , ~~~•7 I~eeting of 3~i5arch 28th,133?, continued. For the second ~+eek be~inning April 25th,1932/ . - ' ~. . Sam.T.Jones.. J.D.Shi:pp. Peter-BroF+n Rizffin. ti~Jillard Long. ~ ~V.~~.Harrison. ~ Harry Solomon. , H.V:Bras~vell. UJ.H:Cox. ' J.T.Vick. " • ~ric Norden. ~7.J.~'Jilletts. , 1d.P.Craig. E.S:VJaddelT. ` ~ 'ti'J.L.Keen. ~ R.?T.Shepard: I. Baggett. Jno.S.Singletaiy. Albert Brown. ~ J.P.Herring,J'r., ~ B.F.Penny. Gibson Register. ~s2aurice ~T. Aufham. Geo.Ii.c9heeler. Lativren.ce S. Saunders. g t~~en adjourned. ~ ~ : ~ The me ~ [» hR,..~,M~ _ C~ rk,. i . . . ' Wilmington, N. C., April 4th,1932. " The regular'monthly meeting of the'Board tvas held at'3:00 o'clock P.M. . Present: t~ddison Hewlett Chairman,'i~.E.Yopp, Geo.lol:Trask;F.I~.Ross and Jas.I~S,Hall. ~5' ~~~~ ~ ~~iss Elizabeth Ragin Home Demor~stxation Agent, submitted her verbal rep~rt of the l /l ~ a~tivities of her department for the month of ~arch. Upon motion of I![r. Trask, seconded by 1:~ir. Yopp,'LIrr~F'rad L. Creech was exempt from ,~,~f~Y, payment of poll tax for.the year 1932 only~ account of~ physicai disabilities. Upon motion of i'~Sr~ Yopp, seconded by ?lir. Trask, Zakaria Shennarah a disabled '1Jorld ~ lUar Veteran wa.s granted to peddle,in Ne~v Hanover County for a period of thirty days ~ ~~`~ tax as the lavr provides in such date, vrithout being required to pay a license ~ ~ , cases The authority given the ~ounty Auditor at meeting of PJarch 21st,1932,•to purchase ~~nl'~~ approaimately ~50,000.00 New Iia,nover Count;y~ 5/ scliool bonds for not more than par / and accrued interest, Yras ordered held 3n abeyance for thirty days from date. bir. C.R.L2orse Chief Office Deputy, repoxted the collection of ~349,064.99 account , ~ ~G~, 1932 taxes by Sheriff to P: arch 31st,1932. •~ j ~\v~i~`~ Upon motion, duly seconded, the following~resolution caas unanimously adopteds ~ ~Q ~ , g ng ppear in State Highway #40, at Carolina Bea.ch, ',~hereas two ri ht a le curves a one of ~~+hich leads through a narroc+ space with buildings erected on both sides ' ' ti~rhich obscures ~.pproach of vehicles from either direction, and ` . Y~hereas, the Eraffic~at Carolina ~each is so congested during the sur^,mer months J ~. "-that it renders this~condi:tion a great hazard and exceedingly. dangerous to life ~' •' and property of motorists and pedestrians, and , ZYhereas, by reason of this congestion, traffic over route r~40 to Fort Fisher and ~ other'points south o£ Carolina +~each is exceedin~;ly discouraged, Therefore Be It ~ : . • < • RESOLVED: That this Body, in regular r~eeting assembled, respectfully requests the State xighway Cormnission to chande the location of route.'~40 through the Tovm of Carolina Beach by extending eaid highyay over Lake Parlc Boulevard for a distance ~ arith present route ~40 of approximately five hundred yards`south~sard to connect , at Atlanta Street. •- Upon motion of ~~?r. Tra9k,seconded by I~r. Yopp, trie Board acting upon the advice of the ~ounty Attoxney, ordered tlie payment of ~15.00 per month heretofore paid , ~,~' ~~ to II4rs. kdyrtle Greer.account of order of court in case of State vs Roscoe Greer Ja a 0o v~e l: to 1o31 f ~4 e T di ti d d th f t tt p nuary paymen . r e erm , , n e ma er o o seon nue }~irs. J.R.i9ells account of court order in case of State vs J.S.i~ells, January , Term 1932, was declined, ~rhich actiori., the Board was informed, v~ould meet with tie approval of the Jud~e presiding. ' / ~ (~ 1893 ~ Upon motion of iYr. Yopp, seconded: by i~r. Hall, county b.ill9 Nos.1739 t ~)71~~5 were approved for payment. •~. ~ ., T • Upon raotion of T~r. Yopp, seconded by 1~dr. Hall, the Board approved the purchase of /(st-~fl1Lae~ ateaj~cost ofr~40n00C1ess1oreditnoft~11a00cforlthe 1927ncode,making net amounteofV , ' cost ~29.00. , . , j Gx Upon motion of tt~r. Yopp, seconded by Iuir. Hall~ Ifia.rtin Van Oesen r~as granted an ~~- •,', ~ abatement of poll tax for the year 1931, accoitnt of beiri~ overage. • • ~ The report of the colored 'Nelfare i~orkerzfor i:he month of ]~arch, was.received and~/ • " /WQ~{-c/J~"" ordered filed. , Upon motion of ~Sr. Trask; seconded by I~r. :iall, William (~,ueen,colored, Harnett /~-~Y toemship, was granted an abatement of taxes for the year 1931, on a valuation of L'~ ~825.00 on house burned ~ecember 1930. ,• ^ ' Upon znotion of Idr. Ro~s, seconded by P,~r. Hall, TSr.O.H.Henderson was released from paynnent of ~1.55 sales costs charged against lots 1l~and 1~ block #559 for the ~ f ~ ~G ~ year 1°28 accorznt bf error in charging said lots to C.H.Henderson delinquent,v~hereas O.H.Hendereon listed other property regular and paid the tax on same. R request of the Board of Lducation that the sum of ~37,000.00 be placed to the `. ' (,~ ~~credit of the school fund 8at.en~ed term, to taY.e care of expenditures for the month r- .• 1Y~~'~` of 2~darch was u on motion of ',Ir. Yo , p pp, seconded by P3r. Ha.11, granted. ~ ~ o~~jro,/' The Bounty Auditors cash report Por T~a,rch was received and ordered filed.,% , / , A communication fro~ the County Auditor sho4ving the arnount on deposit in each banlc / ~ ae of ~arch 31st,1932, together v~ith a memorandum of aecurities held by the county ~ . ~'~'~Y~~~"'~ in each case, vras received. The meeting then adjourned. ' . - ~u~.7C.~h Clerk. . ~ ~~o - ;~ilmington,N.C.., April llth,1932. • The regular weekly meeting of the Board cras held at 3:00 o'clock P.Id. ~ ~^~1~~~~ PSinutes ~ofdmeetinxsvJOftJan 4111~-18-25EFebppl-SeI$123 Nich~l-7ands8 wereJread•andla `~ g ~ r r ~ ~ ~ ppxoved. _ - Upon motion of IJtr.Hall, seconded by Iv~x. Trask, 'the request of S.E.I,o~'ton' Esq., ~ /~°`~~ Rosa.Bb•i'~a.bbonkonaprogertytin block1~295abe ~cancelled o89thec ecordsag~gst j/ ~ granted account of the same being a doub$ful and improper charge. . h The request of 1~~r.Ja~.E.L:ZUade Corunissioner of Publi~ ~Jorks, that the 9ounty ~ , /\G~2 abate the T931 taxes amounting~to ~90.35 on the I+~unicipal Golf Cou7rae, account of ~. / 1 being pu'olic property, vras upon motion, taken under'advisement. 1~ ,. Upon motion of I~r. Ross, seconded by hir:.-Yopp; The ~'ilmington Savirigs & Truet~Co., ~ " ~G.~e`' Trustee, r~*as released from the payment -of perialty char~ed a~ainst lots 1 and 2~ lilock ~~ / C Pinehizr`st-in the name of G.B.Cook, foxrth~ yexr 1930, account of havin~ to take tY~~ . property-pveT and pa.y the taxes on.the same. Y `9,~\05 Upon motion, duly seconded, county bills Nos. 1894 to 1975 vrer~ approved for payment` ,~'~ ~Y ~ : . , . : . , / pvl Upon inotion of 2~dr. Ftoss., seconded by }vir. Ha11 S.P.Holmes v~as'released from paymerit / '~~ of penalty for not listing property in block ~498 for the year 1931. ~ Upon m6tion of T:Sr. Trask, seconded by 1~r. Yopp, Addie V. Nir,on ~rae ~release.d frora ~~ . ~. . ~~.~e5 payment of penalty charged against property in Cape ~ar township for not listing for- ,, l the year 1931, account of being a non=resident. _,, Upon raotion of L~fr. Tnask, secondec~ by Is~r. Yopp,.I+~Ir. Geo.P4.~eyers was released from ~ ~af~~ payment of .penalty for not l:isting Tot #5 in block ~2 iVilmington Beach for the year ~„ ' % • 1931 account of being a non-resident. '• ' ~ Tlie request of ~?r. F.P.Henderson fox an abatement of 60~ tax on personal property ~/ ' /~a~ listed Yor the year 1931~ account of having purchased seid property with GoverninentV •~+ compensation money, wae declined. ~~~jj/ A corrununication :aas received from the GoBernor requesting advice as to the need for '~. vP'~' ~I speci2.1 terms of court during the Fa11 Term 1932, vras received and~ +the Clerk ~vas ,, -' ~ `.~ instructed to advise the Governor that the same will not be required for this county. - Upon mo~ion of Iutr.. Ross, seconded by Mr. Yopp, the Board adopted the recommendation 17 ` ~ ~~y Batteein~blocke~133dtoe~5,000t00 andeanmabatement~ofOtaxesnonualval~ationrof ~ 40.OOte ` . '~ for the year 1931 rras ordered. Upon motion~duly seconded, the Board reconunended the payment of ~900.00 premiLUn~on ~ ~~ .~20~000.00 rdarine Insurance Poliay ~9038Z coverii~g Ferryboat John Knox.~ the matter ~. ~ ~~Y}S of V~orkmene Compensation Insurance ~~as referred to the County Atitorney for opinion. Upon moti,on, duly seconded, the ~oard approved the recommend~.tion of the CY~airman an~ ': disrided? the 1932 assessment 6f ~6 200.00 on lots 15 16 and 17i b~.ock.;2l,Caro7.ina ~ G~- Place, to-wit:, L.H.Truelove,lot 1~.,1/? 16, land ~60b.00 buildzxig ~2~500.00 ' , ~ L.J.LsSure, lot 17,1/2 16 land ~600.00, building $~2,500.00, both being of equa.l value. •~d <_~f`Upon motion of F•IIr. Trask, seeonded'by Mr. Yopp, the Board ordered Prince Preston J ~~ transferred fror~ jail to the County Farm for a~erm of six months in default;of ~,d`r~ ,~250.00 Peace Bond, as per authority contained in the judgment of tl~e Hecorders Court ~~ .• . ~ April 6th;1932. ~ . ~ The reque3t of ~r.E.P.;~illard for a reduction of the asses~~ment on 137.7 acres of :~~ ,~~~ land in Ha.rnett township, account of injury to land by'removal of sand for fertilizer _, / filler, tvas received for investigation. , The matter of appointin~ Tax Assessorc for the year 1932, and fixing their pay, was / •~- ,~U~` deferred to the next meeting. ` ~ . Upon motion of tdr: Trask, seconded by LSr. Ro~3, the follov+ing resolution was unanimoyls~ly - , \~`s"'~adopted. • . ~' ~-, ~fl°~ 4Yhereas, prior to July lst,1931, New Hanover County constructed a topsoil public j / highway on the Northern Extension o'f Carolina Beach from State Highway ~}40,' northvva,~y along Carolina Beach Avenue for a distance of approximately 3000 feet, and , _ ~ . Whereas, said public highuvay was not included in the list of cov.nty roads taken ~ over ~y the State Highvray Commiasion under the 1931 State Road I,aw on July lst,1931, ~ ",~ . . _ < THEREFORE BE IT ~~, ~ RESCLVED: That the State High~vay Coznmission be and it is hereb'y ' requested to include the ::aid county hi~hway in its 3ystem of State Highlvays. l~ ,r " ~: , , The m ing then adjourned. ~, • , _S~~'~"'~ ~(,~~ ' ~ ;. 0 Clerk. . / ~, +, . ~ . ~ . , ' = ~ ~ilmirg ton, N.C., April 18th,1932. ~ The regular areekly meeting of •the Board v~as~ held at 3t00 o'clock P.BE. Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman, W.E:Yopp, Geo.Y6.Trask, F.M.Ross and Jas.M.Hall. Upon motion of L~r. Yopp, seconded by Mr. Ross, The Board granted the request of .Allen Huggins~to aid in maintaining Wflliam Bass ~/ ~essrs. Jno.S.McEachern~ and H ~-,r~G S~v . at North Carolina Sanatorium £or the treatment of tuberculosis, and authorized y tlie payment of ~15.00 per month to this end for'the montks of Nia,y aad June 1932, - same to be,paid out of the emergency fund. . t i i v as onera / enile Court tha the Coffin The request of vd:Id.Harriss; Judge of County Ju ~~~enil~ make some provisiotts toward providin~ a Juvenile Detention Home was heard. J f~~ A bill of expense for ~25.24 of J.R.Aollis, Welfare Officer for taking Warren ~ ~ o aid d ord red d i h l ll J k T i S I ~y p . oo , e~as appr ve an e ,ra n ng c Hollomon to Stonewa ac son / Upon motion of ~iir. Trask, s.econded by Mr. Yopp, I~rs. Nellie C. Brown was released v~ ~ ~~ from payment of penalty for.not listing property in black,#130, for the years '' / ~' 1930 and 1931. , Upon motion of ~ir. Trask, seconded by Hall, the Board approved the payment of ~ , ~211.90 to the Wilmington Star Company, in full settlemerit of amounts due for ~,~k~~1~t~~ ~a publications in connection with•back tax suits to date. • • / l i 1 7 200 / • )~ IIS l s Nos. Upon motion of Mr. Yopp, seconded by Mr. Hall, County b 9 6 to 2 h i b d d d id ~ • • ~ j~ av een approve , c~ere or ere , pa . ng . ~ Upon motion of BGr. Trask~ seconded by Mr. Hall, Messre H.F.Nilder and J.D. dwa.rds / ~~~ were appointed Tax Assessors for Wilmington township for the year 1932, to assess ~ ~ improvements, dividions and make investigations of complaints of assessmettts as • usual. • • • • 2he meet g~then adjourned. ~ • 'if2C'i2 7G • 7S~~rrY~N ~ • - • C~rk. Wilmington,N.C., April 25th,1932. • The regular. weekly meeting of the Board was held at 3s00 o'clock P.M. _ ' • Pre~ent: Addison-fiewlett Chairman, W.E.Yopp, Geo.W.Trask and F.M.Ross. , . ,, ' ~~1G~~y . t - ~ ' ~~UV9ni1Pi ,, ~, . • t V f l, ' i: . . r, . ~.., /~e(.uil~.P.t2 / ~a~'fi tTpon motnon of hir. Ross, seconded by ~iT. Yopp, the request of I~r. S.E.Lofton ~ that Farm #113 BGarathon Tract, Castle Hayne, purchased From J.D.Edwards by E.A.Kerr November•20th,1915, and entered in error on the tax books as Farm ~13 and again as No:18~ be corrected, was referred to•the Chai~man and County Attorney ~ith power to. act. The County Attorney having immediately investigated the request recoumiended that the correction be ma,de, and the taxes heretofore paid by I~Lr. gerr and credited to Barms Nos.13 and 18, be•applied to Farm No.113. Upon'motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by D"ar.•Yopp, the recommendat::on was adop'ted. •• City Juvenile Judge,.W.H.Bdontgomery, appeared before the Board strongly stressing r'" the need for a detention building for ,juveniles•ti~~ i The Board acting upon the recommendation of the Recorder, and upon motion of Mr. Trask, secondecl by ~4r. Yopp, hired out Robert Hawes to C.D.Rivenbark,residin~ at #501 South 17th, Street, for ~50.OO.and the coat of the Court, same to be paid ~ $6.OO,per week to~the Clerk of Recorders Court until fine and costs are paid. Robert Hawes wae senLenc~ed'..in Recordere Court Apr31 19th,1932 to serve a term of sixty daye on the County Farm in default of payment of ~50.00 fine and the costs of the court~ imposed for carrying a concealed weapon. U on motion of ~dr.. Yo / p pp,, seeonded by Mr. Trask, authority was given the Chairman to aid Herber+ Smith,blind,,of Winter Park, fPom the IIut Door Poor Pund, as in his judgment'he deems necessary. Upon motion of b~r. Trask, seconded by 3tr. Yopp, Il4rs. Lizzie Padgett of Harnett ~ /~;,~h~~j~, township, rrae granted aid from the 0ut Door Poor Fund. The request of B~r.C.E.J~~essell,Marine Engineer, to be exempt from paytpent of poll -~ tax on account of loss of leg was declined fbr the reason, accordin~• to his ovm ~~ /~~ statement, he,is not suffering from poverty or fmpaired from earning a lfving. The question of sale of~land for 1931 ~axes was diseussed, and while the Corrunissioners s~~ would be glad to postpone the time of advertisement and sale, they cannot do so as L---- ~~\ L, the time is fixed by statute. , f~~ D~ ~~`A etatement of disbursementa of the Board of Education for the month of March was~/ received and ordered. filed. ~ U on motion of.E.r -Yo y Mr. Trask, ~rs. W.B.Muse was allowed to •" i p ' pp, seconded b _~. J~Q~ correct her 1932 tax list by claiming a deduction of ~1,625.00 from a~3,250.00 ~"~ mortgage listed, and an abatement of taxes on a valuation of ~1,625.00 was ordered. ~ . Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by T~r. Yopp, the Board approved the lease of space, ' ~ part of County Farm property, on South side of State Highway #40, to the ~eneral V ~g% Outdoor Adverti'si~g Company of #1000 Peteraburg Pzke, Richmond, Va., for a term of ~' } ~ ~ ~+~ three years from April lst,1932, at an annual rental of ~20.00, for the purpose of ' erecting and maintaining a aign board thereon. . ~ . ,~ • v~.. v . ~ ~~~ Meeting of April 25th,1932~ contfnued. The Chairman announced the receipt of $2,100e00 from the State Highway Commissioa `,~~U~ for rent of County Stockade and rock qua,rry for period Prom July lst,1931 to ~ .January lst,1932. six months ~~250.00 per month and from January lst,1932 to April lst,1932 : three months ~~200.00 per month. Upon motion, duly seconded, ~r. O.N.~artin was granted an abatement _of taxea on ~ ~(G~ one male dog less than six months old at time of listing April lst,1931, and havin~. ~ ~. died soon thereafter. . It appearing that Mr. P1.J.Wilkins will be unable to meet his appointment at the '~ Court House to take the tax liats for Cape Fear township on Saturday April 30th;1932 v ~~~ as advertised on account of bein~ deta ined at his store on t he Castle Hayne road ~U~~ to per£orm his dut~es as Regiatrar for the June Primary; Mr. Trask moved and it was '' seconded by Mr . Yopp and carried, that a substitute ta~c list er be named and qualified to take the 19 32 tax lista f or Cape Fe ar township at the Commissioners Office on e Saturday April 30th,1~32. - Upon motion, d uly seconded, County bil ls Nos. 2003 to 2023 were approve~ for payment.~ ~~,~ ~ The £ollowing good and lawful men+.were drawn to serve as jur ora in the Superior Cour~ ~/. for the trial of Criminal cases~8ne we ek term beginning rlay 16th,1932: ~ W.D.Priest. Francea L. Sull ivan. J.A.'Nhitlaw. Jack Orrell. Albert Axler. R.Z.Pennington. C.T.~Nalton. E.J.Casteen. F.J.Duls. ~.~.~hite. W.~.Guthrie. C.A.Murray. Fred C. Hansen . ' C.A.Ulmer. C.D.~hite. Jack R. Craig• V.W.Andrewa' F.P.Hatch. Mark Hines. J.A.Johnson. W.B.Durham. " A.G.Creasy. D.B.Sellers. T.R. Chriatman. . R.D.Mat~iews. J.T.Hamkins. P.F.O'Keef. A.Dlugin. ~ A.P.Blanton. ' C.M.Davis. Albert L. Dosher. G.F.Kirton. / r Walter M. Todd . D.C.Westbrook. Z.B.Ingram. 7ack Pickett. For the trial of civil cases two weeks term be~innin~ ~ay 30th,1932: W.F.Corbett. W.T.Spragens. J.B.Thompson. E.P.Hobbs. S.S.Eubanks. . F.A.iNoodcock. C.Hingerty. J.E.Hiddiek. L.J.Zibelin. ~arshall Wescott. H.R.Williams. R.R.Padgett. G.A.Brinkley. C.~.Coker. ~9.A.Brown. Sanford Doxey. ~ G.S.Murray. C.T.~illiams. W.B.Boyk¢n< C.D.Jones. • C.Michaelis• ~ R.J.Biddle. J.D.Vann,Jr. Claude H. Benton. For the second week beginning June 6th,1932s ~ V J.M.Shinn. Julien K. Taylor. R.H.Taylor. C.G.Sellers. J.F.gibler. E.P.Cunningham. D.W.Chadwick. C.~.Kelly. E.A.Kerr. ~W.D.Lee. Joe Rhodes. J.C.Womack. F.~.Simmona. Stanley ~oore. E.H.EQans. A.Q.Parker. ' J.E.B~arshburn. J.L.Herrin~. E.M.Finche Julius Weil. W.D.Hansley. R.L.I.a.rkins. J.H.Southerland. George,Cooner. The me ing then adjourned. ~~?.~ ~ - _- ~ Clerk. Wilmington, .N.C., Il3a y 2nd,1932. The regular monthly meeting of the Board was held at 3s00 o'clock P.T~. . . . Presents Addison Hewlett Chairman, 9V.E.Yopp, Geo.~.Trask,F.~6.Ross and Jas M.I3a11. Upon motion of ~r. Yopp, seconded by Mr. Trask~ the assessment of $1,100.00 on land ~~ ' ~lU~ of Mr.T.~7.Weaver in block #5, was reduced to ~1 000.00 account of sale of part of the ~ land to W.A.Simon Incorporated and assessed at ~100.00 for erhich the asaessment of 1/ ~~ / Mr. Weaver received no credit, and an abatement•of taaes on a valuation oP ~100.00 for the year 1931 was ordered. . • . IIpon motion, duly seconded, fl~rs. A.Laslo was released £rom payment of penalty for not ~~y, list3ng 20 acres of land CasLle Hayne for the yeara 1930 and 1931 account of not knowing / the same was required to be listed. Upon motion of B~r. Yopp~ seconded by Mr. Hall, the heirs of H.G.Saundere wre released from'~ ,~ ~ payment of penalty for not liating lots #10 and #11, i~ block ~25 Summer Hill for the year ~~ 1931. ~ ~,` Mtss Elizabeth Ragin submitted her verbal report of the activities of her department-~or ~, month Of April. / Upon motion, duly seconded, Mr. C.VanLeuven was allowed to pay the 1930 and 1931 taxes on . property in block #493 listed in the name of I..E.Allen, without bein~ required to pap a.ny. ~~a`~, ~ peraonal tax of Nr. A12en charged against the same, account of Mr. VanLeuveh being the .~ ~• sole owner oY the said property and the title being in the ma,me of Mr.Allen for ~ • convenience in handling, and was also allowed to pay the 1931 tax on five acres of land in the name of L.C.Smith less the poll and personal tax of Mr. Smith charged therein, account of having to take the property back and P~r. Smith ha,ving no equity in the same. I~essrs. J.R.Melton,M.L.Winner and Otto Nielsen owners of acreage within the Tovm limita `,, of Carolina Beach, appeared before the Board complaining of the refusal of the sheriff ~~j~\ to accept the county tax on property within the Town Limits oP Carolina Beach unless the ,~~. Town tax is paid at the same time, whereupon Mr..Trask moved and it was seconded by _~ Mr. Hail and carried,thatwhen a tax payer objects. or refusea to pay the town tax due the Town of Carolina Beach at the•time payment is tendered in settlement of County taxes on property situated within the incorporated limits of the Town of Carolina ~ Beach, the Sheriff be instructed to accept the county taxea tendered him in payment on any property located within the said limite of the Town of Carolina Beach, without receiving the Town tax at the same time. _ -+ 1 a.. , ~ . 163 ~ . ~eeting of May 2nd,1932 continued. • ' ', • Mr. G.A.Morse, Chief office Deputy reported ~394,367.41 by the 5heriff account~/ ~~~~~ of 1931 taxes collectiona to April 30th,1932< ~~ _ •~ Upon motion of ~r. Trask, seconded liy B~r. Yopp, the reco~endation of the ~ Committee to reduce the assessment of ~12 000.00 on house of Brr.Emmett H. Bellamy ~ / ~~ ! j4~ in block No.467 to ~10,500.00 was adopted~and an abatement of taxes on a naluation !/ ' of ~1,500.00~•for the year 1931 was ordered. I Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by ~r. Yopp, County bills DTos. 2003 to 2099 were / -, /~7~~~s approved for payment by the Boarde , ~ Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Hall, B~r. Howard A. Fianby was allowed to~ . correct his 1931 taat list by deducting liabilities from solvent credits listed at ,, • /~G11 ~ ~1,500.00 and an abatement of taxes on a valuation of ~1,500.00 was ordered. , e~~.Usual monthly reports of Supt., County Home and Farm, United Charities and Jae~.Walker ~h,~~~'~e( Hoapital were receined and ordered filed.. ', . r Upon motion, duly seconded, Pdr. R.D.Core was granted an abatement of ta.xes on one L, ~'(RX fema.le dog listed in error for the year 1931. . . The Commiasioners betng of the opinion, based on past experience, that a great . number of delinquent tax payere vuill pay t~eir 1931 taxes if ~iven additional time, _ and numeroua requeats ha.ving been made to the Board for additianal time, the Board ~/ ' ~c~`~ in order to save the tax payers from additional cost of advertising the sale of his (/ _ / property for taxes, if he could arrange to pay before the date of advertising, did ~_ upon motion of Pdr. Yopp, seconded by ~dr. Hall, postpone the date of sale o£ land for i,~~~ the 1931 taxes f or a period of thirty d~ys. ` ,. ,~ Upon motion of h4r. Yopp, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Board declined to rec~fzce the~1931- , 1932 County Health Budget to conform with the City's reduction of 10~ 1n salaries in 1~ ~ excess of ~150.00 per month and 5~ on salaries of ~150.00 per month or less, for the ~-~u1~~ reason that the Health approprfation,terminating Jurie 30th,1.932.ha.s been provided for . in the County'e 1931m1932 budget and this contract has not~sibeen violated by any of the interests concerned. ;~. , . ~ -. ~ a~ /'~ ~1Y. ~ c~~c„ ! . ~~ ~~~. .., • ... ~ ~Un , •, ~ i, ~~ • ' , ,~ ~NO- ~, ,._. , , ~ .. ~ C~o~~~e~ , ~i~1,~1Jcz-~ Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Yopp, Mra. Eliza French was granted an abatement of taxes ott a valuation of $115.00 account of erro~' in 2iating a Ford Seda.n ~ as a 1930 model ~$530.00, whereae it waa a i924 model valued at $415.00. Upon motion, duly seconded, B~r.R.L.Brown was_released from payment of penalty for not listing lot #9 in block #48 for the year 1931, account of being a non-reaudent. v Upon motion of Mr. Yopp, s~e~eonded by Mr. Hall, t31e Board unanimously voted to be •/ included in the eountiea that will adminiater Mothera' Aid durin~ the year 1932-1933. !~ The request of the Board of Education tha.t the sum of ~40,000.00 be plaved to the '/ credit of the school fund extended term, to take ¢are of expenditmres for the month v of May, was granted. ~pon motion, duly seconded, Mrs. Newton Sidbury was granted a refund of ~2.00 penalty paid for not listin~ property in block ~350 for the year 1931, account of the inability of ,~,.- agent to list, she thinking it had been liated. . Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Hall, T.Herbert Bate Company, of Cape Fear ~ township, was ~granted an abatement of taxea on a valuation of $250.00 tfimber listed in error for the year 1931, the same having been cut and disposed of prior to listing time. The County Auditor announced the purchase of ~50,000.00 5p County School bonds ~ 99.50 v ! and accrued interest. The Board did not express itself as to its views on purchase of future bonda.~ ` The ~deeti,~g then ad3ourned. ~ • ~~ ~ ~r~G' ~~•A~~' Wilmington,N.C., May 9th,1932. ~ C~7erK. ~/ The regular week7y meeting of the of the Board was held at 3s00 o'clock p.M. Presents Addison Hewlett Chairman, V~.E.Yopp, Geo. W. Trask,F.M.Roas and Jas.M.Hall. The reports of Associated Charities and Ladies &est Room for April were received,~ and ordered filed. , . The request of DHr.V6.B/fiead that the assessment on 3.4 acres of land a~nd house, part of ~~' Bonham tract near VJinter Park, purchased from Henry Weijers August 5,1929, which was 1 ~, ~rq~ reduced from ~3,590.00 to ~2,000.00 effective 1930, be made to apply for the year 1929, ~ , was upon motion of Mr. Ross, referred to the Chairman for investigation and report back : to the Board at its next meeting. . Mr. F.B.Graham of the Y/ilmington Savings & Truet Company appeared before the Board and v requested that +...+w t~e Chairman and County Aud,itor be given discretionary powers ~jb~~ in the purchaee of Yuture New Hanover County bonds for the ainking funds. No aetion was taken. . ' - ~ ) ~,Y Upon motion of Idr. ~.rask, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Sheriff was directed to refund ~ poll tax collected from James Chestnut,colored, of Cape Fear township, by garnishment. C . , 1~4 . . . , ;~ :,. ~ , . . ~ Meeting of May 9th,i932 continued. - • . - ` ; :.~; ~ IL,_.~ar • • _ - Upon motion, duly seconded, the ~Board approved the purchase of t~vo ~50U.00 ~Tew ~' ~ ;;:: ,.. ~. / }~ Hanover County 5~ bonds due July 1938, through Eastern Bond and ~ortgage Compa,ny, ~~~• at ~96.00 and accrued inte'reat: . ~ . , • „ ! . A communication was received from the State Treasurer urging the Board to reconsider 's;; ~ , ' ~-„ ~ _ ite action in postponing the date of sale of land for the unpaid 1931 taxe~, being oP ~t. ~ ~ ~ the opinion, ac6ording-to his letter,~that such action would retard the collection oP (~ l ~ taxes. Upon motion the Cha.irman was asked to advise'the State Treasurer,. that in the ! opinion of this Board, based on past'experience, more taxes would be collected by giving the tax payer a little more time to raise their tax money and save the cost of .~ ' advertising. ' ' • . , ;; Upon motion, duly seconded, the Board authorized the purchase of charity rate railroa~ -~ ~ „\ ~~ . fare for trans ortation oP John C1 de B rd ~ thirteen p y y , year old youth, from VPilmington , - `' ' '~ ~. •~ ~ ~ V~'" to Camden,N.J:., where his parents reside, at a cost of ~8.97. ~'~'~ . `.: - : ~ An outline of the work carried forward during the winters of 193b-1931 and 1931-1932 ~. . •, .'~.;?+ ~ GC~ for the relief of the unempioyed oP New Hanover County and the City of Wilmington, was .• ;"-; ~~ `y~ reeeived from BGr. Louis T.~ioore,Executive Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, and , ; ' ~ C,~ ordered filed. ' ,_ . i ~ ., :;, _ ~~ °~~ Upon motion the Board declined to purchase State of North Carolina bonds for its ~ . ~~~~` ~ '~~a' sinking funda account. ~ ~ Y° l Upon motion, duly seconded, Mr. ~fJalter C. Sykea was released from payment of cfty taxes•~/ , ~~,' ~ on poll and personal property liate~ in Wilmington townahip through error for the year ',M ~ ~q - 1931, he being a resident of Winter Park, Harnett township. ; ,;:; ' :;. Upon motion, duly seconded, DHr. L.T.Rogers wae granted a refund of ¢3.00 poll tax which ~ " y-" ~(~'~ was included in real estate tax oP J:$.Parker on lot ~9, Sea Gate, paid by him for the ~. year 3931, account of havin~ to take the property back and Parker having no equity in ~ ,~; ;;`~`,~ ~ the same. Upon motion of ~r. Yopp, 'Mr. I..B.Bornema.nn avas released from payment of penalty char~ed / ~ .- " ~ ~ against his property at Forest Hflls for the year 1931, upon recommendation of . • ` ~ l~~ Geo.T.Shepard Tax Lister, who stated that Mr. Borbemann listed the same with him and in ' ' / some manner the list was lo$t. ~~•.` A statement of disburaements of the Board of ~ducation for the month of Aprilvkas ;'• ~ ~~ ' received and ordered filed. ' "~~~ ,,,. `~,~ry w ~ A atatement was received from tbe County Auditor showing the amount on deposit in ea~h together with a memorandum of securities he2d by the ~~ 1932 bank as oP A ril 30th ~ '"•,~ d,~; , , p ~ ~ ~ -~„Q Courity in each case. , ' J ~ , ~~,/ The Auditors cash report for the month oY April was received and ordered filed.J • ~ ~ ~~~ ~ Upon motion of ~rtr. Trask, seconded by DHr. Hall, the Board authorized the payment of ~`2.00 to the Red Cross Sanitarium for cost'of making XRay picture for Willie /~~ Greenburg, as recommended by the Wel~are Officer. ' ~ -• ~~~~~ ~ ~~\\~~ /~ IIpon motion oY T~r. Yopp, Hansen Blanton was granted an allowance of $4.00 per month~ - from'the Out Door Poor fund, upon recommendation of the Welfare Offi;cer. ~ Upon motion, duly seconded, County bills Nos. 2100 to 2172 were approved for payment~ ,;.:~~ The m ing then ad3ourned. cn )l. l~v~G~Y LL'y p~(terk. U Wilmington, N. C.~ May 23rd~1932. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held at 3:00 o'clock P.1~.~ Pz•esents E'.ddison He~vlett Cha,irman, W.E.Yopp, Geo.`N.Tra~k,F.F.i.Ross and Jas.M.Hall. Upon motion of 2fir. Yopp, seconded by Iuir. Trasl:, Raymond.b6aultsby was exempt from payment ~[~~ of poll taxes on account of phyaical disabilities, being deaf and dumb, and po11 tax ~ / paid by him for the year 1931 ~as o~idered refunded. Upon motion of ~r. ~i~raek, seconded by I3r. Yopp, the privilege ~iven Zakaria Shennarah~ at meeting of April 4th,1932, to peddle in this county fox a period of thirty da.ys ~~ l~~~l~withput a license ~ecount of being a disabeled 1Norld lNar veteran~ was extended for an ~ additional period of thirty days from date hereof. ~~f~ . ~ l ~~ /~-~~ Upon motion, duly seconded, Dr.Rollin Jones.and I+~rs. L.E.Weaver were released from payment of penalty for not listing lota 4 and 5„ respectively in block ~I1, Carolina Be~ch Yor yeaxs 1930,and 1931 account of being non-residents. Upon motion of 7'~r. ~rask, County bills Nos. 2173 to 2228 inclusive, payment. ,~ • • . ~ were approved for ~ Upon motion of t,~r. Trask, seconded by l~dr. Yopp, 2ur. Henry t9eijers ~vas ~ranted a refund of ~60.00, 1930 taxes paid on 3.4 acres of land part ~3~lliamson'~iarnett township charged as not lieted against ~.H.Roechner, for the reason that the same vras listed and cl~ar~ed regular against 'Am.H.Head for said year, and a ref und of taxee paid April 8th, 1932, on a valuation of ~1,590.00 account of reduction of assessment for the year 1929,/ was ordered; therefore making a total refund due Henry 4Peijers of ~49.70 after making corrections and settlement of taxes due on s~id 3.3 acres of land for the years 1929 and 1930 ;isted in the name of J.H.Roechner for 1929 and V~m.B:Head for 1930, which refund ~vas apnroved and ordered by the ~oard as per~statement attached to warrant No.2229 dated ~!'a,y 23rd;1932. C-~.( Upon motion, duly seconded the ~oard approved the payment of ~139.95 Superior Court ~~~ ~ fees to ~.N.Ha.rriss C.S.C., subject to the approval of the County Attorney. r - , , - ~- J '~ .k ' ,r'. : s+~.. . ~,~. • . ,:a. : ;;,. : . , - _... ',~ . . , -,t . ':. , ~; :, ~ .~ . •~ . _~165 ~-,,.: .: ~ ~ :. ~+: , , - , ; ~;. ~< , . , ~~OG-~t~ +r ~ ~~pn~ ,'~.°..; ~ A communicati:on ~~as received from Public I'nsurance Committee of Wilmington /, ,;';: . ' I,ocal Board, endors~eing another method~ior distril~uting insurance premiums " amqng the local insurance agenciea, ori policies covering county property, and ~ 'h~wrSr?"~ ~was upon motion, referred to a cocamittee of the Chairman, ~Ir. Ross and the /~' Gounty Attorney to confer with the Insurance Committee and report to thie Board • at a subsequent meeting.. ~ ~ f ,, ~.~~ _ Upon motion of ~r~. Hall, seconded by 2~r. Yopp, Dr. E.S.Burunock and I~rs. E.S.Bullock were released from payment of penalty for'not listing property in Idaeonboro tovrnshi~ ~~~~' for the year 1931, account of having listed other property iYi this County, '' ' thinking this property was included. ,,; : ' Upon motion of l~.Rr. Hall, seconded by YSr. Tra,sk, Estate of Henry Heyer was' released Y'::; ~ ~ ~-~~.. ~ from payment of ~3.80 penalty for not,liating eight aeres of land ao~ Greenville ."s" . -_.. Sound for the year 193I. ' ~•b~`: A request of the Board of Education that the sum of ~35,000.00 be placed to the ~ r^"`,` ' -' ~-• ~redit of the school fund account to take 'care~ of expenditmres for the month of ` ;`~ ' ~~~- ~ ~~ 4bay was gramted.. . . ~ . . • a~~a ' ~ . . . . . . _ i . . . ~.``~ • • ~ The meetin~ then adjournedi. • ~ " ` • - . . . . . . . . . l. . . ' _ . .~~G. _ , . . . " . , . S~~a~Y(/ lerk. • Frilmington, N. 'C'., May 16th,1932: The regular weekly meeting of the. Board was held at 3s00 0' c~ck P.I~S. . /.~a~. ~ 4..I r . ~'p ~ , ~ ' ~~~~ ~~ z: . ~ /~~x~ • . . ~ 5~~~~ ~ :`' ""rGf _ _ ~ ~ ~~r r ~;,~~s ,,~:•; - :~;. :;' ~tIeeting of PGay 23rd,1932 continued. ~ , IJpon mohion of Tdr. Ross, seconded by I:ir. Trask,~ the~ Board• authorized the purchase of 6000 No.3 cans.for`the use of' canning vegetabTes for distribution among the Coiznty's poor as. outlined by'1~rs. Herbert Bluetnenthal who presented the request. ~ ° ~ Preaents Addison Hev~rlett Chairman, ~~d.E.Yopp, Geo.uV.Trask, F.~.Ross and Jas . i•~II. Hall . ~ _ . . ~ . . The assessment of ~3,590.00 on 3.4 acres of land and.house part of Bonha.m land purchased by W.B.Head from Henry Ffe.ije'ra ~ugust 5,1929 which was reduced to ~2,000.00 for the year 1930, said reduction rvas uppn motion of ~r. TrasY, seconded by I~tr. Yopp, made effective for the' year 1929 as recor~nended by the Chairman aho inveatigated the request,.and an abatemerit of taxes on a valuation of ~1,590.00 was ordered. ~ v ~' ti v IIpbn motion of 1~r. Yopp, seconded by Ntr. Ross~ the~.~oard authorized the payment j, of $$20.00 to ~r. J.H.Blake for twenty trees cut for vrood by the Cbunty on hia ~ , land near the airport throixgh error as to location of dividing line, the County ~o retain the wood cut. " ' . . , . Upon motion,of' I'dr. Rose, seconded by I~dr. Trask, D.R.Foster and Company lvas allot~ed to pay the 1929 and~1930 taxes charged agamnst lot #14`Part lot 9 Ogden Place, ~~- - in the f~ame of J.Henry Fisher without being required to pay the penalty and poll tax charged theTein „ account of having to take t§~e property back and Fisher having no ~quity in the same. • Upon motion of I~r. Yopp, the Board approved the installation of an awning over ~ the ~vindow back of Jury box in Superior Court Rr,om. • - Upon motion of hdr. Traslc, sec'onded by I~r. Yopp, the Boazd ordered that all real estate ,I on ti2hich the 1931 taxea ha.ve not been paid be aold for aaid unpaid taxea on 1~onday ~ the 11th, day of July 1932. ` ' / Upon motion of 7eir. Yopp~ seconded by IiHr. Ha1T, County bills Nos. 2173 to 2196 were/ approved for payment. • ' ~ ' . Unon motion of Mr. ~oss, seconded by 1~r.~Yopp, the County Attorney was requested to~ reply to the United States Fideli'ty and Guaranty Company as to the queetion raised concerning the County holding municipal bonds to secure sinking fund deposits. The meet' g then adjourned. /'Tyi~ 7c. ~-~~'1 . Clex~C. ' ' ' (/ l~ilmington, N. C., May 31st,1932. The wee'yly meeting of the Board was held ~,t 3:00 0' clock P.1'~. , . . . , . , . Presents Addison Hemlett Chaixznan,_W^:E.Yopp, Geo.N.Trask and Frank M. Ross. = r{ ~- 1~ A report of the United States Beach Eroeion Board dealing with eroaion at Fort Fisher/ t Y~ was received~ from Dr. ~Thorndike Savi:Lle. ~ ~- 1 Unon motion of ~r. Trask~ Seconded by fdr. Xopp, the -3oard v,oted to aceept ~.n offer 1/ , -~ 4~X of ~540.00 net caeh for lots ldos 14 and 15_~n~;ebYock #2, H~enover Gardens. Upon motion the Corrmiissioners declined to furnish prison labor for the cultivation oP ~ j ~ corn to be used in canning for distribution to the County, poor; but would de~~ote one ~ or more acres of the County ~'arm Land to the cultivation of corn for this purpose. ~ Upon motion o£ ~r. Yopp, ~econded by i~r. Rose, Adr. Tulius T. Herbst ~ras granted an ~ay~ ~ abatement of ~3.00 poll tax for the year 1931, accourit of being a non-resident and `~~: the same charged in error. . M' . \ . , `. /~?t,~ The report of Jas.'TJalker hoapital for the nonth of April was received.~ ' Upon motion~ duly seconded, h~tr. John Bright Hill was allowed ta pay the 1931 tax ~j'` . ~ , `~"~G~ due by George Honnett on property in block #74 vfithout being required to pay the ,. s . ! p ta part o£ personal property tax, account of and ~dr.Honnett 'aaving no equity in ~ t ame. ~~~ ~eeting of hLay 31st,1932 continued~ , '!i : ~ Upon motion of Pdr. Soss, seconded by Fdr. Yopp, the assessment of ~1,000.00 ~ ~ }U~ on building loCate~ in block ~489 and charQed against F.W.Gerken who previously .~ ~ ~ occupied the same, was~~ordered cancelled account o£ sa,me being the property of St.T~athecrs Lutheran Church and having been abandoned Uy A4r. Gerken. : ~ Upon motion, duly seconded, privilege of World War Veterans to use the r~om ,/ in the basement of the Court House Annex jointly for meeting purposes with the ~ V Spanish-~merican War Veterans, the same being agreeable ~aith the Spaniah- ~ American Veterans who now occupy the room, vras granted by the Board. ~ Upon motion, duly seconded, the bia of E.G.King and Son to recover two awnings, / ' one over the ~ury.-:boxr,window and one over window of'C1erk of Supexior Court, at f ;~~ a cost of ~7.50 each was accepted and the work authorized. They being the lowest / ~ bidd~rs. The only other bid received wae that of Efirds Department Store at a coet ~ of ~10.00 each. C .~ .~~,~n The request to purcha~e a small~^cannfng outfit and sealex for the Home Demonstratior~' ~ ~~~ Department for demonstration purposes, at a cost of ~25.00, was declined., v • ~ ~ )~ . ~~~ The following good and 1a~vful men were draem to serve as~jurors in the Supermor ~~ ~Court for the trial of criminal cases for week beginning .Tune 13th,1932t~ • ~ l Clayton Horne. ~ Chas.H.Bush. J.~.Hines. J.iN.Perrin. J.B.Stubbs. C.G.Morse. , ~ '/ C.C.King. J.H.Tienken. D.G.Regieter. B.D~I.Williams., Ii.?..Core G.R.Galloway... C/ T.T.Sellers. C.L.Bodie. F.D.Stel,jes. B.B.Reynolds. R.S.I,eGwin. W.D.Hu6hes. R.C.~IcCarl. ' r~.S.Hall. R.T.4vallcer. Paul Kells. H.B.Vlilkins. A.C.Peterson. - Y.D.Peace. A.Colucci. +U.J.Carter: S.D.Collins. J.R.Batchelor.J.E.Ingram. , •' J.G.Ormsby. D.J.Batts. L.B.Flanagan. J.7.Farro~~r. tiN.A.BordAaux. J.A.Brown.• ,'~~' The m ing then adjourned. . . • '~ rn ~ l. C ~ • _ " ^1k~ OClerk. ~ F/ilmington, N. C., June 6th,1932. The monthly meeting oS the Board was held at 3s00 o'clock P.LI. . Present: Addison He~vlett Chairman, VP.E.Yopp, Geo.~V.Trask, F.Iu~.Roes and Jas.~z.Hall. ~ , ~, Niiss Elizabeth Ra~in submitted her report of Home ~emonstration vrork for the month of ~ '; ., - -~~~ Upon motion, duly seconded, the Eetate of Dan Smith was rel~ased frorn payment of ' . `~G~ penalty for not listing property in Cape Fear township for the year 1930 and 1931. ~ • , ~ u _ Upon motion of Mr. 'rrask~. seconded by S~r. Yopp, the Board,approved the payment of '. Qy`, bill~ Nos. 2327 to 2341 incluaive and Nos. 2346 tp 2351 inclusive account of expene~ / fl~1`y for negistrare and holding primary June 4th,1932. . ~ Upo~t motion of T~r. Trask, seconded by Idr. Yopp, Mies~Reba Sandera v+as released frora ~~ ~ G~ payment o£ penalty for not listing lot #88~ Brookwood for the year 1931 acco;int of .. ~, being a non-resident. ' ' ~.~Upon motion, duly seconded, the request of Board of ~ducat~i.on that the surri of ~6~000.00~ ~USc be placed to the credit of the school fund to take, care'of expenditures for the month / of June r~as granted. ~ • • ; ~ Upon motion, duly seconded, John P~cCoy of #124 Van Amringe Ave., having'been L~ ``' ~ investigated by the County 1'7elfare Officer and examined by the County Health Officer, . / C was adtnitted to the County Aome as an inmate. •~ `,~'~ The sheriff repoxted ~20,885.74 collect~ons for the month of ~Tay account of 1931 ~/ .. ~, ' ~ c~n~" taxes and ~415,253.15 collected to date. ' • ~ ~ Upon motiori of Tlr. Trask, aeconded by Idr. Yopp, the'contract to advertise the sale ~~ -~-~.of land for 1931 unpa#d taxes was awarded to the Uniori Labox Record at a coat oY ~ ~.; ~`~ 25~ per column inch 13 ems measure, in 7 point on 8 point slug per.issue,or .. ' , ~Q $p1.00 per column irich for £our insertions~ They being tne'J.owest bidders. The only e '~~ other bid was that of rhe Wilmington Star-News at 64~t per line per issue, or $~2.25 j, per column ineh for four insertions. Upon motion of Bitr. Yopp, seconded by ;,dr. Trask, `the ~ecor~nendation of the Tax ' Assessors tha.t the reddu6tion of the assessment on building of t'lm.Brown in block / _ '~-~ 161 ironi ~800.00 to ~500.00 as fixed by them on June 4th, 1932 for the year 1932, y , '. be made, to apply for the years 1927-1928_7:929-1930 and 1931, vras referred to a ~ co~ittee for investigati'on and report back to the Board at a subsec~uent meeting. i Upon motion of ~ir. Ha.ll~ seconded by I~4r. Yopp, Mr.B.L.Hinnant was released from ~' ' apayment of penalty for not listing lot a Carolina Beach for the year 1931, account of ~ t";~ ~~p,~ being a non-resident. Upon motion of I~ir. Yopp, seconded by iLr. Hall, ]uTx. W.F.Butler vas,s granted an abatement ~ ~', ' of: $1.00 tax on ~~. dog for year 1931, aceount of dog being lesa than six months old~ , a. ~ at listing time. ' / "° `'~~~ Upon mo~ion, duly se.conded~ county bills Nos. 2352 to 2413 inclusiPe, were appraved ~~/ ~~`\s for payment. ~ Upon motion o#;i~r. Trask, seconded by 1vIr. Yopp, the 1932 assessrpent on buildings and ~ ; • im~rovements of the Dow Chemic~l Company, Federal Point township listed in the name ~~G~ of Gilbert A. Currie rras, upon ~:n~'ormation furnished by them by letter dated I~ay ~ 31,1932, fixed at ~10,000.00 by the Board. . . ~ . ' ~ . ' ~. ~~~ Meeting of June 6th~1932 continued. ~ A statement frnm the County Auditor advising the Commissfoners the amounts on ,,/ . ~~,r'~ depoait in each bank as of L6ay 31,1932, together with a memorandum of securities ~~ 1 heTd in each case, was received. seconded by Mr. Yopp, the Chairman and the Clerk of this Upon motion of I~r. 'lrask , Board ~vere authorized and directed to execute a deed, prepared by the County Attorney, ~ ~' f~~~I ~5 ~ ~ in proper form, to DQa.rgaret C. Vaughan for lots Nos. 14 and 15, block #2 Hanoeer yi / V Gardens, upon payment of $540.00 net cash to the County for said lots. ~ The m ~ tnen ad~ourned. . N 7~. v ~ ~~ - ~rk. Wilmington, V.C., June 13th,1932. , The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held at 3:OO~o'clock P.M. ~ Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman, 'A.E.Yopp, Geo.W.Trask and Jas.M.Hall. •~ ~. The request of 8~re. Herbert Bleuthenthal urgi-ng the Board not to re~3uce the ~ ~ appropri~tlon for Fiilmington Public Zibrary for the co~ing year was received to be !a ~~ •' /~'~ ~' considered at the time for preparation of the County budget. ~ Y ~ The request of A.L.T~a.nsfield for an abatement of assessment o~ ~y1~240.00 on house ~~aX located on lot # 1, block ~. Carolina Beach removed since 1929~ was referred to the ~. ,. ~ Chairman with power to act. ~ \ Upon motion~ duly seconded, the ~oard voted to rent space for sign,on County land ~~ on State highway ~40, to th~ ~Iorth American Service Company~ featuring the Spirittine V ~; • ~~`1 Chemical Company~ at an annual rental of ~5.00. • ~ - ' Upon motion of ~ir. Trask, second~d by I,ir. Yopp, the Home Buikding and I,oan Asso., , i~ ,~/as allowed to pay the 1931 tax on lot ~304 I~udubon, charged in the name of I_// ,, W.E.Farrovu, and was released from payment of poll and personal property tax of ~ •' I~r. Farrow charged against the real estate, account of T~4r. Farrow having moved to . Ohio, abandoned t:e property and has no equity in the same. d -~ ~ijls Upon motion, duly seconded County bills"Nos. 2414 to 2457 inclusive were approved~ ! for payment. • Upon motion of i~r. Yopp, seconded by ~~r. Traslc, a bill for ~57.00 in favor of /~~~~ NIiss Elizabeth Ragin,-Home Demonstration ~ent for office supplies was approved fox $25.00 this being the full amount provided for in the budget. ~ Gtv,~ct?3i. The Auditors cash report for P~2ay v~ras received and ordered filed! , ' ~. ' i ' ~~ f ti ' Upon inotion, du,ly seconded,~ayment of y~525:00 to 2+~r. Harry R.Gardne,r~Yra~ir;nan an~ le~ c~~S ~a250.00 to ilr. Waltei Ha.tch Secretary and ~125.00 to lur. J.H.Idiggel/member of the _~yh~,~~,,,~5 New Hanover County Board of Elections were approved for payment~ for services render.ed in holding primary Ju~ie 4th,1932. , • //~~, 1~~A,~ The report of the Associated Charities for the month o£ R~y was received and / ~~~ ordered f iled. , The mee 'ng then adjourned. ` Cn ~l. ~c~c"r/zG~ C19'k~k. ' . , ~~ iqilminQton,iT.C., June 20th,1932. The regular weekly meeting of the Board vras held at 3:00 0' clock P.T~I. . , .. ... Preseats Addison .Hevrlett Chairman, ~.E.Yopp, Geo.~V.Traek and ~'.1eI.Ross. '~^ I~rs. :t'r.B.;Cooper and L2ies Iular~are-t~ ~d.~ ~Pri,ce ti~ere present and urged the Board not ~~u.b~/'~S to reduce ~the appropriation for Iadies Rest Room for the Coming year. The request c~ill be considered at the time of preparation <of the County budget.• _ This being the date fixed by law for the mersbers of the Board of Comraissions to /(~~ b~~°a~ sit as the ~oard of Equalization and Revie'w, and it appearing that various requests ~ for reduction of assessments on land are still in the hands of -the assessors for ~ i~nvest:igation, the-meet~ng~,axas postponed until 3:00^ o'clock P:Tu~.; Iv~onday June 27. ' Upon motion of I~r. Ross, seconded by 5dr. Tras s-''tYlie action of~the co~nittee in reducing the assessments on property of P&rs. Susie•G. Schuster in block 187 to •~6Q0..00 for the years 1921 to 1931 inelusive, and the assessment on property of ~ ~ ~X 2a.F.Todd in block #146 to ~600.00 for the year~ 1923 ~nd to ~500.00 for the years ` ~ ~ 1924 to 1931 inclusive account of the extre me.dllapidated condition of the property, ~ provided that all back taxes on the above basis axe paid in f ull as agreed by n4r. '~V.D.Colwell; was co.nfirmed'b y the Board, the City Com~iissioners concurrin,g: , ~ makin$ total tax due County p228.43, due City w~197.73. Upon motion of Nir. Ross, seconded by Nir. Trask, the Board acting upon an order ~- ,~~U~~ frora Judge Small, approved the payment of ~25.00 to K.O.Burgerin Esq., attorneys fee for defending Lavarence Geor~e charged of the crime of murder. . Prince Preston, V7illiam J~nes and Bill Terry having be:~n committed to jail in / ~~~0~!1 /default on peace bond, rvexe upon motion of I~dr. Trask, seconde& by i~`r. Yopp, ,/ ! ordered'transferred to the County Farm to serve out the balance of their respective terms. • _ ~ ~, lE~ I~eetin~ of Sune 20th,1932 continued. I~Bessrs. l~alker Taylor~ J.A.Taylor, Harriss Nevama.n,J.L.Sprunt,O.H.Shoemaker, A.I,.Lennon and y9.A.P~cGirt appeared and ur~ed the Corr~issioners, vrhen preparin _ the 1932-1933 County budget, to increase the regular agpropriation of ~2,400.00 ~~, per year to the Associated Charities to~~5,000.00 as su~;gested liy Col: Walker ,/ ~ac'1~ Taylor President of the Association and to•double that amount per anr~urn as urged by / C I~.tr.J.A,'Paylor, all merabers of_the delegation present concurring~in the reguest in view of the rapidly increasing demands now being made and anticipa~ed;;to be made on , the Association by reason-of the general depression. The Board will consider the requests at the time of preparation of the County budget. The request of ~J.N.Harriss that .the Commissioners allo~a him credit now for extra help he may have been entitled to for the years•1929 and 1930, was upon motion~ dul~y ^ C~ ~-- seo-onded referred to the Chairman and County Attorney for investigation and report .back to the 3oazd at a subsequent meeting. . .-~- The Grand Jury's report for June term 1932~ was received./ !~ Upon motion of A~ir. Tra-sk, seconded by T~r. Rosa, the Board approved tlie payment of. , ~p10.75 to the Wilming~on Star-News account of adve~tising land for sale 'of C:C.Redd '~~~,~`i~,~,r~ by.cor.u-nissioner in suit,for collection of bacY tar.es due the County, it appearing / that the suit was erroneously brought by reason of error in name of defendent and the same having previously been ordered cancelled on the judgment docket by the Coiruni s s i one rs . J , • 1 + . . Upon motion o~'I+ir. lrask, seconded by n2r. Ross, the Board appraved and authorized a refund of ~4.62 interest to Henry iVeijers ~~-aid by him on ~20.67 tax abated I~Ray 24, I/ /~,Li~Q' 1932, by reason of a reduction of assessment on 3.4 acres of land Harnett tor+~ship for the year 1929~ listed in the name of J.H.Roecllner. • Upon motion, duly seeonded, E.D.Lloyd of Wilmin~on to~vnship tivas dranted an abatement ~/ 7~~c, of taxes on dog for the year 1931, account of dog less than six months old at listing .~ t ime . ~ . . TJpon motion of r~ir. Trask, seconded by l~ir. Ross, nwnerous .fees due the s'heriff ~:~5 '7 ~ Recorders Court as per statement presented by the Clerk of ~ecorders.:Court; wa ~~~~~~'~ approved for payment suUject to check 1ay the County Attorney. , .. - ~~~ ~~ Upon motion, duly seconded, the Sheriff was instructed to acc°pt 50% qf. the 1931 ~" ~~ ~ personal pxoperty i;ax due by S.G.1l~acPviillan Bankrupt, the Receivers having settled other claims on same basis._ , Upon motion of f~'ir. Ross, seconded by ~'r. Trask, ?vIrs. Lizzie G. Broadfoot 'was rel~ased ~f J`~~~, from payment of penalty for not listing property in bloc~s #72 for the year 1930 and ~ 1931, account of same having been left off her list in error. ~. A request~of the Board of ~ducation that i~iss Kate Jo:mson be placed on the pension./ ~~d~~ r.-~'~'roll for the fiscal year beginning July lst,193.2,_ was received. 1 `~~J+~ ~pon motion, duly seconded Coun.ty bills Nos. 2458 to 2500 inclusive v~ere approved`~ or pa~ent. . . . Upon motio~ of ~r. Ross, seconded by i~dr. Trask, the Clerk was instructed to notify all parties who hold legal claims against the County for goods purcha,sed or serv~ices~ ' ._ ~1~«-'y~ rendered to present the same for paymeizt to the Board of Commissionexs before the .. lOth of each month. • . The proposed achool budget approved by the New Hanover County Board of Education for~ n t operation of New Hanovex County Schools for the year 1932-1933 was received, the ~~7~ o~ ~!~~"`"same to be considered with the County budget study. The school budget totals $~378,0o0.00, dietributed as followst. • State Appropriation- six months,...,~..~178,002.98 County Supplement - six mon*he,...... 88,766.02 . County Extended Term .................. 17.1,231.00 Total,..... ......................$378,.000.0.0 The amount requeste@ f rom the County, therefore, totals ~199,997.O~u including ~16,725.00 for debt service. • The me ng then adjou"rned. ~'i~`7!n ~!. ~6~ c7LT~ C rk. • Wilmington, 1J.C.~ June 27th,1932. The regular weeklyVmeeting of the Board c~as held at 3:00 o'clock P.M. Present:, Addison Hetivlett Chairman, W.E.Yopp, Geo. W. Trask and Jas. IJL.. Hall.. ~~lith reference td the request of 2uIriHarold H. Jeter for a reduction of the ~ `~g K assessment on Cape..Fear hotel, he was asked to file fornial complaint with the tax ~ assessore for investigation. Upon motiom; of fur. Trask, seconded by ~Er. Hall, the request of Bdr. ~'l.K.Allen that~ 1510 acres of Harriss land, Federal Point township owned by l~.K.Allen, Gore ~state.Corporation, J.H.S~lling and Walker Taylor be reduced to 1063 acres and the ~>.~~ assessrpent be reduced accordingly account of overlapage by I~eDaniel heirs and _ others c~ho claim the land by possession and tt~.t the di£ference in acreage amounting to 447 acres be charged and assessed against the parties ~vho claim the same. was ~ranted. . . k r r. : • )• ~'''~ • : ~' ~ + . .^ i `, Dr. Russell Bellemy again~ appeared befoxe the Board objec,ting to noisy traffic on ~~~ ~~ North Third street, the present method of colleeting fares on the ferry and salaries ~ ~ ~ paid County Health Officer and his secretary: Upon motion oP h~tr. Yopp, seconded by tdr. Hall, I~Lr.Yl.T.Hobbs was allov+ed to pay the taxes on lots 30 and 31 Pox Subdivision ~vithout haging to pay the pexsonal,poll and _~~ a~ dog taxes of J.R.Lewie charged therein for the years 1927,19?8,1929 and 1930, account~ of T~r. Hobbs being forced to purchase the said lots at a foreclosure sale at a price of ~400.00 to protect a mortgage of ~800.00 oi~ned by him, and Le*r~is haging no equity in the property. ~ ~~~ . ". June 27th, 1932 continued. . Upon motion of Zir: Yopp, seconded by ;~r. Trasl~, I4r. J.C.Bordeaux vras released - /~qx from payment of penalty for not 3'istin~ pro~erty in block 538 for the year 1931~ ~- ,; ~account of~ha.ving listed other property and through error this vJas left off his liflt. ~ Upon' motion~•of ~4r. Yopp., seconded by I~ir. 1'rask, the Doard approved the payment of C~~c/"~;~24:83 to the North Carolina Sanitarium f'or board,and treatment of fl4iss I~4ary Louise v l~f ~''I;Zerritt from I~'!ay lst, to I~ay 25th,1932. ,. ~ Upon notion of Ir~r. ~rask, seconded by I~ir. Hall, a request of the Boaid• of Education /~~~-~`~for authority to make certain expenditures for necessary e3cpenses on the basis of and pending the approval"of its 1932-1933 budget by the Cominissioners, vras.granted. . ~ ~Upon motion of i~r. Hall, seconded_ by ~Ir. Trask, the Board approved the pa.yment of , ~ ~ ~~,~11.46 to J.R.Hollis ti~elf~re Officer, for expenses incurred in transporting «illiam ~ -~, ~, ~~Q~r~~' ~"Graham 'v7arrick feebie minded boy to Casv~eli Training tachool at Kinston, N. C. ~. .;.~ . • , ~ ? `THe mee 'ng then adjourned. _ ; ' c., ~ c . " • , 94~'u~!~J Clerk. . y, , ~ • Viilmington,PT.C., July 5th,1932. ~. . .~, ' The regular monthly meeting of the Board was held at 3:00 o'clock.F.Pl. ~~ ~ _' Present: Addison Hewlett Chairrnan, GeS. W. Trask., F.n4.Ross and Jas.Pd.Ha.ll. ' ~~ ~S, i~.4iss Elizabeth Ragin Home Demonstration Agent made a verbal report af the activities v ". ~~ ~,+,~ of her department for the month of June. , Upon motion of I~r: Trask, seconcled by I~dr. Ross, the Board fixed the assessment on 383 acres of land part of Keystone I,and and Lumber Company, Harnett.township, /~~p~. sold to Fitzhugh I,ee by SY.B.Ca.mpbell Commissioner at ~8.OOnper acre, making a total li~ ~ assessment of ~3,065.00 and ~r. Lee was allowed to pay the back taxes on same~ ' appearing in the name of Keystone Land & I,wnber Compar~y for the years 1926 to -. 1931 i.nclusive on a basis of said assessment. - .~ ~ ~'~~~~,~~ The Sheriff reported collectiori of ~18,991.94 aoeount 1931 taxes for the month of L,~.-~ ~ June and ~434,245.09 to June 30th,1932. \ ` _. - „~ _/ Upon motion, :::r.TrasY.~ seconded by Mr. Ross, ~r. and T~rs. S.G.Long, Supt'., and , ~~ ~tj'~'"f1'~~ i~~tron of the County Farm and Home reapectively, vaere granted a vacation for ten ~ '~ ~'~ ~j~ days. ' • ,., Upon motion of Mr. Ross, seconded by I~tr. Trask, Amelia Torrence v~as granted an ~ ~r` abatement of taxes on a valuation of. ~300.Q0 house assessed in error for the year ~' •/ !~ 1931. '' . Upon motion of P~4r. Ross, eeconded by I~Ir. Trask, Rudolph Piclcett was exempt from ~~ ' payment of poll taxes account of physical disabilities and not capable of earning a " . ~ ~ ~`~ living. ' ~ ~ A communication from the office of the' ~ttorney General at Raleigh, demandin~ • ~" settlement of an a~count amounting to ~350.00 for board and trea~ment of seven J ~~; -~ ~~.ineb~ates sent frnm this county by the Clerk of Court to the State Hoepital, was ~~~ referred to the County Attorney to cotnmunicate with the_Attorney General's office~ ;,. ` as to the ~bligation of this County to pay the saffie. , . . ~ ~ • ,, The request of Miss Reba J. It~yers that the assess~nent of ~5,550.00 t~rhich vras reduced :. T' from an assessment ~` ~$5,800.00 by the Tar, fLSSe:~sors on her property in block ~133 L ." ~, ~p,X ~ fox the year 1932~~e made to apply for the year 1L931, was referred to the Chairman ~ . c+ith potiver to act. _ ' ~: Upon motiori of I,~r. Hall, se'conded by ~,.r. Ross, thc recoumiendation of thse Re~corder , ~J to hire out J.C.Saunders upon payment of the cost of the Court account of convictior~ ~ Q~~'?'~tfor violating the prohibition law and sentenced to serire a term of sixty days on tYie ~; . County Fann with privilege of the Co~niesionere to hire~ was adopted. "~~~~15 Upon motion, duly secorided, County bi`lls Nos.~2501 to'2644 were appro'ved for payment~! ~ , , , . . . '. ' Upon motion of N1r. Hall, seconded by I~r. Ross; P.E'.Fisher was relea'sed from payment G_!, ~. ,~ ~x of pe`nalty for not 1'ieting property in Federal Point'_ to~vnahip for tl7e year 1931, „ --' accountof being a non-resident. ' ' ,s The follo~~ing communication was received from the Seoretary of the Board of Education, (. ~ /J~'UIC~'i~ and upon motion of Mr. Rose, seconded by Nlr. Hall, `will be considered at the time of ~ preparation of the County budget: "Wilmington;N..C., June 29th,1932~. j idew Hanover County Co~issioners' .. City. , Dear Sirs: }T1e have been requested to give to your body approximate £igures for the ' •, operation of schools for the ensuing year on the~basis of S months r~.ther than 9 months, and here~ith transmit the sarae. ~~ ' if the .school term is reduced to 8 months instead of 9 months and salaries ~ are thereby reduced to the basis of one-ninth or slightly more than ll~, the total , L~'' request for county £unds would approximate ~G180s000.0~. The budget already filed ~, with you whieh provides for 9 months calls for an expenditure from county funds of approximately ~200,000.00. , Very truly, • O.H.Iiamilton,Secretary Board of Educatnon". A request of the Board of ~duuation that the sum of ~3,000.00 be placed to the ~,. ~~,@,,~ credit of the school fund to meet necessary expenses for the month of July to be , ~ /~ charged a~ainst the 1932-1933 budget, was granted. ~ ~ O ~ ~ o ~~~Va~~ ~jat,~` .~~,c ~~~ ~ G~' ~~ / d~;~\h G~ G` t~~ / ~ ~~ l~ M Iv~eeting of July 5th,1932, continued. Upon motion of Nr. ITall, seconded by ?~r. Ross, the Board to the Associated Charities for Cha.rity rate tickets for and two children to Barnrrell, S.C. and NTattie Balance to A reo,uest of the 'vTel£are Off icer to send L. Byrd to the at the"expense of the county ~vas hear and action deferre approved the payment of ~9.75-'~ transportation of Nrs.Alma,Hair~ Goldsboro, N.C. T , State Sanatorium for treatment / 3 pending further investigati.on. At 4:20 P.I~. the Board of County Commiasioners, the Board of City Commissionexs and the Board of Iv?anagers of James `~~Jalker Hospital met in joint conference in the office of the County Cor,miissioners to discuss the County and City's appropriation for the hospital. A11 members of the Ci.ty Commission were present and I~Qessrs. D.H.Penton,ti~1.H.Bprunt,W.D.PdcCaig~ Dr. Hooper and Hospital Business ~'~ana~er Netvton Fisher of the Hospi.tal Staff. Chairman . Addison Hewlett presiding. 1dr. Penton presented the request £or the hospital subm3tting a comparati4e statement covering the past five years sho~ving the service rendered for pay and free pati:ents, hospital days, avexage cost per diem etc., calling special attention to the firet fiv,e months of the present year sho~ving a decrease in the number of pay patients treated and "the demand for the care of free patients steadily increasin~, and urged the t±•ro Bodies to provide for a joint appropriation no less than they are norv receiving. TSr. T~hhcCa,ig and "r. Hooper follor~ed Ivir. Penton in an urgent plea~ to continue the 1932-1933 appropriations in the same amounts and on the same basis as last yeax, predicting a large deficit in the operating expense of the hospital if tMe appropriations are reduced: The matter was genexally discussed by all present and the request taken under consideration during the preparation of the countys budget. a Clerk. Wilmin~ton,N.C., Ju1y 11th,1932. The regular wee~ly meeting of the Board was held at 3:00 0' cloclc P.I~G. Th~eting then adjourned. N '72 . 9"}'7TYLLY Present: Addison Hel~lett Chairman, W.E.Yopp, Geo.Li~.Traslt,~~.i~i.Ross and Jas.I~f.Hali.• • Upon motion of Mr. Yopp, seconded by I~r. Ross, I+.r. S.`.N.Garrett was granted an abatement ~ of taxes on a valuation of ~50.00 household and kitchen furniture listed in error for ~~ the year 1931. Upon motion of IJir. 1"rask, seconded by ?~~r. Ross, Mrs. Jennie G.A;apier cJ~ls~ granted a refund of ~T6.50 penalty paia" July 6,1932 for failing,to list lot 6.1 Pt 60 PJrighteviTle Beach for the year 1931, for the reason that she 1*astede:.ot3~er~-psoperty in the County and through unavoida~le cir,cumstancea the listing of her ~Vrightsville Beach property was overlooked. ~ . Upon motion of t~r. `~opp, secotided by i~r. Trask, County bills ldos. j.:'GO 52 were approved ~ for payment. ' ' Upon motion of fGr. Yopp, seconded by f~r. Hall, the Board authorized and directed a ~. continuation of the payment of ~15.00 per month through November 1932, to the State Sanatoriurs toward the expense for care and treatment of Will'iam Bass, as reo,uested by I~r. John S. ~V[cEachern. ' . Upon motion, duly seconded, T~r. Creed b7.McFElory was released fror~ payment o£ penalty for not listing 1ot /~9 Highwood Park for the year 1931, account of being a nonresident. / Carl A. Cook having been elected constable of Wiln~ington totivnxhip in the last General ~.~~ Election held November 1930, but never qualified and the office re~nained vacant,, and ~A+~ Mr. William Tienken was noininated Conetable of Wilmington township in the Seconfl Primary C~' held July 2nd,1932 and appeared befoxe the Board and aslced, inasmuch as he ~as the / nor~inee, that `the Commissioners appoint him corstable to sexve out the unexpired term; whereupon Mr. Yopp moved and it ~vas seconded by i~r. Ross and carried, that Tdr. Tienken be appointed Constable of.r`Tilmington tor~nship to serve out the present unexpired term'of the office aftex furnishin~ surety.bond as required by ladv which bond was fixed at ~"1,000.00 all members present voting affirmatively. - !" '~•~'~"S ~ ~~ / The following good and lawful men ~rere drativn to serve as ,jurors'in the Superior Court for criminal term, one weel:,beginning July 26th,1932t R.E.Tapp. E.S.Buck. Clyde 6~est. G.K.He~y~ett. J .~4.73umph~gy. T.V.Willetts. J.E.Kin~. UY.D.Benton. T.L.Breeland. T.L.Jacobs. T.I,.~rig~s. O,H.Bro~n. The me ing then adjourned. ~.~~'7fn ~C .~ ~lerk. ~,V.Hancock. R.]~.Houston. R.K.~eeks. G.R.~oore. J.D.Taylor. O.S.Rogers. W.A.~orris. E.I,.I~+Iiller. ~ , Wm.Sheehan. L.P.Fonville. E.M.Beery. Pi.B.~'utrelle. ` - J.F.Vines. A.~.Stallvro•r~h. Ludwig Linear. W•T.Player. . S.E.Holden. R.L.Iiolmes. C.E.Brown. E.Z.King. vr W.U.Nev~kirk. Jas.Spooner. H.F'.Johnson. C.W.~nan. ` ~° ~ O.: . . , ' , .~ t ~. ~ ~ _ 1~~ 1tTilmin~t on,13. C. ,~ Su1y 18th,1932. ~,~ ~~ r .., The regular weekly meeting of the Board wae held at 3:00 o'clock P.?~. Present: Addieon Hewlett Chairman,~ Geo.idl.Trask, F.I~.Ross and Jas.h~i.Hall. - ' The surety bond of ~1,000.00 fixed by the Commisszoners for i4illiam Tienken, ~ ~U~b~~Constable of Z~Jilmington Township by appointment at meeting of July llth,1932, , /~ was upon motion of i;~r.,Ross, seconded by S~r. Traek, reduced to 5~500.00, a11 ~-- • members present voting,affirmatively. Upon motion of I~r. Trask, seconded by I,4r. Iiall; TdIx. Jas. H. Garrett, World 1'~ar Veteran of ~~1104 South,Front ~treet was exempt from payment of poll taxes on account ~'~GX of physical disabilities. ~ Lir. P4.J.Cov~e11 appeared and asked authority for the County to retain, upon written request of its employees, a certain a.mount fror~ salaries. for payment of insurance ` pr~miums under plan of the S,ietropolitan Life Insurance Company, known as "Salary / ~~5~^~"~ A1lotment Plan", wae upon motion of Tair. Hall, seconded by ~itr. Ross approved subject to the approval of the County Auditor and County Attorney. ~ With reference to a bi11 oP ?~3~0.00 rendered to th s~~Board by State Hospital at Ralei~h for expense for six ineoriate;=petients, P~Sr. Rbss moved and it was seconde~ /~S}~ by ~dr. , Trask and carried, that payment of said bill be`.refu~ed :until the-~State ~ r Hospital furnishes this County rrith an itemized statement of such expensesin~, accordance v~ith Section 1331 of the 1919 Consolidated Stat~ztes. '~~ l~~ Upon motion of t~r. Hall, seconded by I.4r. Trask, r1r.G.0.~arrett was granted an abatement ~(~iy ~ of taxes on a valuation of ~p50.00, 19?0 Reo automonile listed for the year 1931, account v of said automobile being discarded and of no value at time of listing, ~vhich sta ement he claims to have znade to the Tax Listers at the time. . , . '`- IvTr. Herbert A. L,ynch Chairman of the Board of ~ducation being present, the 1932-1933 ~ ~Ne, appropriation to be provided b~~ the county for the ~oard of Lducation to supplement the . ~~~~ six rnonths school term and for the extended term rvas discussed at length, whereupon I~Ir. Ross r~oved and it ~vas seconded by B~r. Hall, and carried, tY~v.t ~he 193?-1°33 school Uudget t. for a nine months term as submi:tted ~y the.~3oard of ~duca~tion on June 20th, 1932, is disapproved and the follo~~rin~ resolution tivas introduced by lur. F.Ivi.Ross, seconded `~ :. , by Pt7r. Jas. J.I. Hall and adopted: • _ ~. , k' , ~ ..., .. ~ .. ."It is the sense of this Board that the County should not at this , time abligate itself to appxove a school budget for 1932-1933 for more than a period of ei~ht months and from informa.tion receiJed f.rom the Board of education it has been cletermined that a terin of eight months can be operated by an appropriation from the ~ County of ~p180,000.00, crhich amount this Boaxd does approve. PROVIDED, the Board of ,~ducation agrees to enter into contracts with its teachers.for a period of thirty days at a time onl,y~ In ma~Y.ing the prov~sion for a thirty-day,contract with teachers, tha.s Board pledges its best efforts to raise the full amount of the appropriation of ~' ~180,000.00 from collection of curxent tar.es and only re9uests said thir~y-day contract~ to safeguard and condition that tivould necessitate the connty to bo~rovr money for current expenditures". ~ Upon r~otaon ~f Pfr. Ross, seconded by Tir. Trask, the Boa`rd approved the payrnent of ~5.1~d--~ ~ i_ to the Associa.ted Charities a~count of charity rate transportation for P:SrS.Josephine ~~°i~~`~~" Hair to Derby Cont~., in lieu of becoming a charge at the County Home. ~ ~~~~~'{~ Report of I,adies ~est Roon for June vias, received and ordered filed./ e r~/~ t ~ ' / It appearing to this.Board upon investigation raade by the County ~+elfare Officer, that Luby Byrd has tuberculosis and is without funds to procure proper treatment'and is likel;~ to endan~er t e health of others by contact, ~therefore, it was upon mot9.on of L ~~'~~~5 Iiir. Trask, seconded ~'Ross, and carried, that the Red Cross Sanatorium be requested ~ ~ to arrange for care and treatment of i~r. Byrd at the Red~Cross Sanatorium as a charity patient. ' Upon motion of R4r~. Ross, seconded by I~IIr. Hall, the Cormnissioners authorized the purchase ~ ,-~~or-c~ of charity rate transportation for; Flrs..Anna Turner to ~uke Hospital for txeatment. \ . ~ ~ .~, ~`; Upon motion of S•:r. Trask, seconded by P:Tr. Hall, the Bo~rd authorized the transfer of /~~ir David 2~Iitchell confined,in the coL~nty jail July 2nd,1932, for a term of six months V in default of ~~250.00 pea~ce bond,~to the County Farm to,serve the balance of his term. A statement was received ~'rom the County Auditor showing the amount on deposit in each ~,~ /~{~,-~~~,~f:~ bank as o£ June 30th,1932, together with a memoranduin of securities held by the County in each case. ~~,,~'~~L,. The County.Auditors sa~h report for June was received and ordered t'iled.,/ Upon znotion of ~.Zr. Trask, seconded by ifir. Ross„ the 1932-1933 budget of the Board of Health wrras approved for a total of $p33~090.80, to be paid one fourth by the County ~1- i~~(~ of Nesv ~'Ianover and three fourths by the City of tiJilmin~ton, the same having been approved by the City of ~+yilmington. This is a reduction of 20J under the appropriation approved ior the year 1931-1932. I~dr. John D.~ Bellamy appeared, before the~ Boar.d and asl<ed~ that the Corrm~issioners cancel 1/ ~ j t~°' all County Bonds purchased and held for Sinking F'und accounts and discontinue the ~~--- ~~~ ~ levying of a ta~ to r.~eet interest and prineipal ori said bonds. ' Upon motion, duly seconded, the payr~ent of ~1.00 per day each,,to '.'7i11iam 3ennett amd James Rhoe., for a per~od of ten days account of,bein~ held as material aritnesses ~! ~,~~%R-~ in the case of State vs John J. ~'urlong, as per order oi' Henry A. Grady Judge of ~~ _ the Superior Court sitting as a Coi~mitting h~gistrate, ~'ras approved, subject to the approval of tlie County Attorney.,,,, ,,, ,, • , , i~~ T~[eeting of duly 18th,1932, continued. ~ • Upon motion of 2;ir. Ross, seconded by I,ir. Trask, the appropriation for Jae.VJalker ~ -~ \~_}~__, HosnitaT yor the year.1932-1933 vras approved .£or w15,300.00 contingent upon the ~ .• ~ City appropriating a"like amount. 1he said appropriation.be~:ng i:he same a.s last ' '• year. , A co~nnunication tivas received from the Count~r r~uditor advising the Board that in ~~~~.~.~~ an eifort ~to aid in reducing the tar, rate, he voluntarily accepts an additional ten per cent reduction in his salary as follows: ,/ • Present salary from all sources• $~,450.Q0 / Reduction v~ade b,y this Bo~rd,... 445.00 ~p¢,005.00 Volunteer reduction,l0o of above, 405.00 , '.. Leaving salary,iror.i a11 sou'rces,•~53,600.00 . , and sug~ested..that this arnount be paif~ out of the General and School Funds ae provided by law. The s~me i~ras upon motio'iz of 1Sr. Ross, seconded by P~?r. Trask~ , accepted and the County Auditor vuas commended for taking.a reduction of 10~ • below that Pixed by law. The m ting-then adjourned, ~~~r 4~!~ ~ ;~i. ' ; . `" ~ Clerlc: _ : ' 'r9ilmington,Ai.C., July 25th,193?... The regular vreekly meeting of the 3o~rd ivas held at 3:00 o'clock P,EI. • Present: Addison Hervlett Chairman, 1`J.~.Yopp, Geo.W.Trask,F.Li.koss and Jas.:'~.Hall. ~~~ _~iss.Tennie Plood and the Reverend Andrew J. Hoz^aell, appeared and ur~ed the continuation ~-~L~ ~of the appropriation for ~~~ilmin~ton Public Library for the year 1932-1933. i~rs. Herbert Tc~cCla..,~my ~vas present and urged the Co,:miissioners to increase the• V appropriation for milk for County indigents to :;~25.00 per Month, stating that unless ~ 1 S;~ .~~C--additional funds eWn be secured, there ~vas great danger of being forced to abando,n ~his service r~hich is operated through Sorosis. Upon motion of F,~r. Trask, seconded by Iir. Ross, Iair.T.L.Cromartie ~ras released from ~ ~ ~G~! pa;y~,nent of penalty for not listing property at Sunset Pa.rk for the year 1931. The reques,t of Archie l~urray to be released from payin~ 4% penalty account of not \~ paying tax on time, also advertising of cost of s~le by the Sheriff, vras declined, ~ ~~~~ the Cormnissioners having'~io 1ega1 ri~ht to abate same. His re!~uest for reductions of ' assessments on varioue pro~e?^ty, voas referred to the Tax ~ssessors. _ ' ILT• '+Yilliam Tienken Conatable of i~ilmington totivnship, presented his officia7, bond ~~~,,at,,~{~~ in the penalty of ~500.00 i°rith United States Fidelity and Guarant~r Company as surety, ~ ~~ the said amovnt having been ii~:ed by the Cornmissioners and approved by the County. Attorney as to £orm ~nd execution, was adopted by the Board, a11 members tro~ing aff irmatively. Upon motion of i,iLr, Trask,seconded by idr. Yopp, the privilege ~iven Zakaxia Shennarah • at meetin~ of Rpril 4th,1932, to peddle in ~his county for a period of 30 days / ~~,~~t~, without a license accovnt of being a disabled :°~oxld 'Aar Veteran, ~ras ex.tended, £or an additional period of thirty days from date hereof. Upon motion of I:Ir. ~rask, seconded by L?r. Yopp, the ~oard authorized the payment bS ~~J~,,,., $v15.00 peT• inonth to North Carolina Sanatarium for board and treatm~nt of HSr. ~uby `~ -~1 Byrd, PROVIDED the balance of ~15.00 per month required for board and treatnent by the Sanatarium vrill be paid by his :vife as agreed. Upon motior. of t2r. Ro::s, secon@ed by ?~r. Yopp, the Boarcl aui:hori•r,ed the issuance of .~ `/~ Out Door Poor orders as in the discretion of the Chairman the sar~e rnay be necessary, u`n~~`'`` provided the expenditures do not exceed the monthly quota baUed on the.annua.l appropriation of ~p2,000.00. •~~l~Tpon rno{;ioiz of IvIr. Ross, seconded by I~dr. Hall, the action of W majority of the J ~~,~~ Comt~issioners in hiring out 19alter A, Thomas tzpon payraent of the Court Costs as recormuended by the Deputy Recorder, vvas r~tified. , . , :i~ J , .i a Upon motion of S:ir. Trask, seconded' bJ I4r. Yopp, I.s. H.C.Stoll;er vras'a,llotived to pay ~ the 1931 tax on half acre of land,Pt Gore Harnett totvnship, li~ted. in the name of ~~ ~~ D.J.It7illis, and released fron payment of penalty,poll and personal property tax charged ~ therein, account of havin~ to take the said nroperty back and T~Ri11is havin(~ no equity ~ i?1 the same. ' , T't?e rec~uest o? ~Irs. Susie Nor-ris for an ~batement of taxes for year 192~, on a va,luation ~ _-'(~G~ of :~600.00 on house burned on her lot at Seagate ~ecember 19~8, was upon motion referred ._ t to the ~hair.r_an v~ith power to act. • • ~ Upon ?notion of ?ur. `rraaY.' seconded Uy.PSr.~Yopp, County bi11s Nos.53 to 92 inclusive M ~ ~j~~y ti~rere approved for payment. ~ ` Upon motion of ;."rr. lrask, seconded by :~Ir. yopp, the request of I'.ir. O.~V.Aiessick to be \, released from payment of 4 o penalty amountin~ to ~$0.36 on an item of ;~9.56 tax on per;onal ~ `~~~` property due for the 1931, ti~~as declined, the said a,ttiount being fixed by la~v, the Commis~ionere have•no authority to abate the same. Upon ~notion of 2~r. Hall, second~d fiy i~:Zr Yopp, the follol~~ing additional ap~ropriations _ 7 ~~-~~ were made_and ordered inserted in the proposed county ~udget for the year 1932-1933: ~Y !- ~ 'drilmington Publie Library,....~450.'00 per year. ~ ;%~ilk for indigents,... ....•24Q.00 " " ' '~~~`elfare Oificer, auto allotivance,120.00 " 1° ~ ~. S:. - :, . , ,r, / 5-: ~ ~. I.ieeting of July 25th,1932 continued. It appearing.from a tabulation of the re•ports furnished.by the Sheriff that hie ,~: avera~e monthl5= profits i'rom turnlcey and feeding .prisoners conSined in the County ~~Q~~ jail for a,uarter ending June 30th,1932 ~a~as ~732.55, and for the montn of June alone r•iae ~446.40, which in the opinion of this Board is excessive, T~r. H~~.1 ' moved and it vras seconded by t:ir. Ross and .w7anir1ously carried, 'that the allovaance of 40~ per day per prisoner alloived the Sheriff for feeding,County prisoners be reduced to 35¢ per day per prisoner to become effective on rlugust 1st,1932. 1~3 ~ The Board acting upon advice of the County !Lttorney as to the lega7" authority vested in the Coramissioners to reduce the salaries pa.id to elective officers of ~ , the County by lOf, under authority of Lhe Public Lati~s'1931, It ~ras upon motion of ~ ~,~~~,Q~ ?ir. Tiall, secohded by iyr. Yopp, aizd unanimously carried, tnat the r.~aximum salary ~~ ~ of ~1O,J00.00 per year a1lo~red the Sheriff for,collection of taxes be reduced to ~9,000.00, and the maximum s~~lary of .~4,500.00 per year allowed the Clerl: of Superior Court be reduced to ~4,050.00 for +he year~ending June 30th,1933. • - ~ The proposed 'audget of the County for the 5rear 193?-1933 ~~aas then preyented by I~;ir. Ross raho moved that the sar,ie be received and the be instructed to insert a- //,/ '\f,~c,;l~,~" notice in one of the ne~vsgapers published in the County, to the effect that the /~ ,~/~'~'?~^~~Y- " Board ~•rill condider the bvd~et and adopt the appropriation resolution at the ~ , ~ ineetin~ to be .zeld at 3:00 0' clock P.IS., T3onday Au~ust 15th,1932. His r~otion ~-ras ' seeonded by L~fr. Yopp and car?^ied. ' ~ Upon noticn of T;Ir. Roes, seconded by i:ir. Hall, the School Budget for the year ~~,g~ 193?-193~ tivas approved i n arCOrdance ~arith the resolution adopted by ~his Board ~~2~~at meeting of July 1£3th, 1932, ai~d the Cl~irrnan and the ~lerk was .a,uthorized to ` r~'. sign the satne on behalf of the County after verifying the figures, tne amouni:s follows . 'State 3ix 3~onths Term ..........:.. ....... .~178,131.98 ~ County ° ° " suppler~ent,...~82,923:00 . ~ '~ Debt Service ................. 16,725.00 . " Extended Term,................ 80,352.00 180,000.00 . ~ ~ Total ............... ... . .... ..~358,131.98 . ~ ~~~,~~- R i~~~ /.~~k~~ The County Auditor presented his annual report.for the year 1931-1932 ~•rhich / cras upon motion, receivede Upon motion oi''I~4r. Hall, seconded by 3dir. Yopp, the Board approved the payment of/ ~Ia150.00 to the '~iimin~ton Li~ht Infaritry account of 1932-1933 appropriation The Clerlc r~as instructed to ackno~vledge receipt to ISr. John D. Ballamy of his petition ur~ing this t3oard to cease levying a tax for interest'a,nd principal, v on ~241,500.00 ~vorth of pa,r value bonds tivhich have been retired and are in the sinking funds of the various-.bond_..funds of the county, and fortiaaxd to him a copy of the...County AuditPrs analysis of the same, and advise him that this Body will i be glad to confer further on any phase of this subject if he should deem the same necessary. ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ The meet' g then ad'journed. ~ .'-yl7~n 7 < ,~~L~z'?i~~L . Cl~~i:. : U Wilmington, N. C., August lst~1932. The regular monthly' meetin~ of 'the Board was held at 3:00 o'clock P.Pd. ~ Presents Addison Hewlett Chairuian, W.E.Yopp, Geo.W.Trask, and F.M.Ro~s. hGiss Elizabeth Ragi:n Home Demoristration Agent submitted her verbal renort,/ ~\,~~'~" ~or the month, of Jtaly. ; / Nessrs. Geor6e E. Kidder ~ayor,;T.:;A:~Tay1Qr".andaJohn R.Hanby Aldermen of the Town ~ of Wrightsville Beach, appeared' in the interest of petitioriin~ the State Highway Commission through its Chairma.ri Mr. E.B.Jeffress, the Peasibility o£ purchasing c ~\~ the Wri~htsville Causeway and thereby continuing route ~20, to Harbor Island and L'"~ ~, ~, `t~ ~ pioviding free passage oc8i the same. The matter was presented by Mr.Geo.E.Kidder Mayor, ~ ~ and EGr. J.A.Taylor; whereupon li~r. Ross moved and it was seconded by ~ir. Yopp a nd carried, that a couunittee of this Board 'and the d4a,yor and members of the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Wrightsvill'e Beach request a conference ~vith Mr. E.B.Jeff ress Chairman of the State Highway Commission to that end, at an early date. ~ Col. Walker Taylor appeared and urged the Commissioners to continue the appropriation ~ of $~300.00 pe~ year to the North Carolir~ .Childrens"Home Society at Greensboro as , ~~j~C> heretofore provided,, and preserited a co~nunication sho~ving a partial 2iet of taeenty- ~ ~ . eight children received by the.Society £rom this county over a perio~ fPom 1918 to 1932 at a cost of over ~500.00 per child. Upon motion the request rvas taken under consideration. Mr. E.L.Bell asked~that the Board reconsider its acti.on in discontinuing the appropriation/' of $25.00 per month to the Employment Bureau and provide some aid in the 1932-1933 ,/j/ ~'~~5~~ ' budget for his department. The ma,tter was taken under considerati.on. ~. The Sheriff xeported the coll.ection of ~18,313.13 account of 1932 taxes for the month ~~j~g(~~~ oF July and $$452,558.22 to July 31st,1932. v! ....... , 174 , . - Ideeting of August lst,1932, continued. ~ •.. Upon motion of ~['r. Ross, seconded by i6r. Yopp, the Board acting upon the recommendation o~ • the Deputy Recorder authorized that Dr.VJ.C.Peterson,serving a sentence of thirty days at ~~~~et?i the Courity Farm for being drunk, be hired out to his father upon payment of the court cos a,.' . as is provided in the jud~nent of the court. John R. T~orris, Sheriff, appeared and strongly objected to the action of this Board at ~ = meetin~ of July 25th, in reducing his salary of ~10,000.00 per year for the collection / ~ of taxes by 10%, statir-~ that the amount allotived him by law was no~ a salary, but fees',,r which the Commissioners have no right to reduce under the law and formerly refused td ~~~~ a~cept the recluction. The Board took no action to recind its order of July 25th, but did; r upon motion of Il~r. Ross, seconded by Mr. Trask, fix the date of August lst, 1932, as the date the Sheriffs' 10~ reduction shall become effective instead of July lst,1932, as v+as: fixed at said meeting and authorized the payment to him of ~83.33 balance due,for sala ry ' for the month of July. . ~~~\~~ Upon motion of T~r. Ross, seconded by L~r. Yopp, the County Auditor was autkiorized to havel 200 copies of his annual report printed in pamphlet form for distribution: Upon motion of I~r. Trask, seconded by 1dir. Yopp, Mrs. Nollie Bolton of ~1909 I,ingo Avenue ~~ . having been investigated and recouunended by the Welfare Officer for an allowance of $15.00• , ~ ~~DC Svu per month from the Mothera' Aid Fund, to be paid jointly by the State and County, was ~ranted, subject.to the approval of the State Board of Charities and Publi~ Welfare. " • In answer to a question by the County Auditor, as to sending the State its proportionate ~ ~ ~~~X part of money on future tax collections, it was agreed to leave the same to the credit of ~ the State until called for. Upori motion of Mr. Yopp, seconded by Mr. Trask, tr.e County Welfare Officer wae authorized'to ~~~ take, Burroughs Sturgis;James Rich,Pink King and Corbett Kennedy to East Carolina Training., (~•~ School~at Roclty Mount,N.C., and.Columbia CuuBnings to Caswell-Training School at Kinston,N.C., ` at the expense of the County. ~wv'^ The Grand Jury's report for.July Criminal Term was_received ~" ' ,~ ~~? The report of Jas.Walker Hospital for July was received and ordered filed.~ ~ ~ . ~ IIpon motion of I~ir. Yopp, seconded by Mr. Trask, Miss Johnnie Rr2aIercer v~as released_ from - ~.~G~ payment of penalty for not listing lot #2, in block #12 Car6lina Beach for the years "~l 1930 and 1931, ~.ccoiznt of being a nonresident. ' ~~~/`A reguest of the Board of Education that the sum of.$4,000.00 be placed to the credit of ~ ~ • `Q,~ trie school fund to take car~ of expenditures for the month of August was ~ranted. ,~V~ Upon motion of Mr. Trask~ seeonded by Mr. Yopp, County bills Nos 93 to 179 were approved ~ `~1`l~ f o r payment . Upon motion of ~r. Trask, seconded b,y 1~Gr. Yo p, Jack Bleecker who is serving a term of J six montlis in the County Jail in default of ~250.00 Peace Bond, was ordered transferred ~ C~~ to the Count3* Fasm.to serve the balarice of the t.erm, or until bond is arr`anged. :. Trie following coupons and bonds were presented as having been paid by the Auditor and ~ ' , ~~a-~r,~y were burned in the presence of the lpard: . ~.. ROl~D BONDS. • . • ' Coupon No. 48 bond No. 1 to 50 Inc - 50 ~$22.50 -.'1125.00 ~ ~ o a .42 o u 1 n 5. " 5" 22 . 50 - 112 .50 . ', " " 42 " " 10 ° 35 " - 26 " 22.50 - 585.00 ~ " " 42 " " 38 " 39 " - 2 " 22.50 - 45.00 . u u. 42 n u 43 u 5~ u_ 8" 22.50 - 180.00 ' " " 3$ " " 1 " 75 " - 75 " 25.00 - 1875.00 " " 38 " " 76 Only - 1 " 12.50 - 12.50 ~ ,, " " 38 " " 79 to 84 Inc - 6'" 12.50 - 75.00 ' " " 38 " " .86 Only 1 " 12.50 - 12.50 " " ' 38 ' " " 89 to 94 `Inc - 6 ' " 12.50 - 75.00 . " " 38 " " 96 " 97 '" - 2 " 12.50 - 25.00 " " 38 " " 100 " 118 " -. 19 " 12.50 - 237.50 , - ~ ~~ ~~ 38 " " 120 " 125 " - 6 " 12.50 - '75.00 ~4~435.00 ~ SCHOOL BONDS. Qoupon No. 38 bond No. 1 to 27 Tnc -~~27 ~ 25~pp 400.00 " " 38 " " 29 '~ 44 " - 16 . , . " " 38 " ° 46 " 60 ° - 15 ~' - 25.0a 375.00 ' . . " „ 38 " '~ 62 " 109 " - 48 ~' 25.00 1200.00 : " '" 38 " ~ 111 " 150 " - 40 " 25.00 1000.00 " " 26 " " 45 " 63 " - 19 " 25.~0 '475.Q0 ' ' • " " 26~ " " 65 " 72 " - S " 25.00 200.00 " " 26 " " 75 " 100 " - 26 " 25.00 650.00 . " " 26 f1 " 56 " 70 "- 15 " 25.00 375.00 ' " " 26 " " 76 " 78 " - 3 " 25.00 75.00 • " " 26 " " 81 " 125 " - 35 " 25.00 1125.00 ' " " 25 n " 100 " 225 "- 126 " 25•00 3150.00 '. ~' " 5 " " 21 " 58 " - 38 " 23.75 902.50 ~ - "~ " 5 " " 64 " 242 " - 179 " 23.75 4251.25 ° ' ° " 5 " " 11 "° 355 " - 345 " 23.75 8'193.75 " " 38 " " 152 " 178 " - 27 " 12.50 337.50 ~ " " 38 " " 180 " 189 " - 2 " 12.50 25.00 ' ' ' " " 38 " " 190 " 200 " - 11 " 12.50 137.50 ~23~547.50 F'ERRY BONDS. . Coupon No. 23 Bond No. 21 to 51 Inc - 30 " 30.00 900.00 • " " 26 " " 1" 50 "- 50 ~~ 30.00 1250.00 2,150,00 ~~Carried Forward ................................... ~30~132.50 , t r 175 l+~eeting of August lst,continued. ~ •, Brought Forward ..............................................~`30,132.50 ~ STJORKHOUSE B03~TDS. • . • ~ ~. Coupon No. 35 ~ond No. 1 to 35 - 35 ~~25.00 -~ 875.00 ~ iiorY.house and Countv Home Bonds. ~' Coupon Ido 30 Bond IdO. 1.to 1T - 17 @ 25.00 - 425.00 ' COiNTY HOPurE 801~. ~ Coupon iTO. 6 Bond No. 5 to 28 - 24 p 23.75 - 570.00 , COURT HUU5E'BONDa. ' • . Coupon 1do. 17 Bond Ido. 41 to I60 - 120 Q 25.00 =$~3,000:00 " " 17 " " 165 " 169 - 5•~I 25:00 - 125:00 . • ' " " 17 " " 171 " 225 - 55 Q 25.00 - 1,375.00 ~4,500.00 • ~ ~ School Donds Nos. 45 to 48 Inc., - 4~$~~;000.00 - 4;000.00 ~ ~' • " " " 56 " 60 " - 5 C~ 1,000.00 - 5.000.00~9,000.00 ~45,502.50 : Upon.motion of r4r. Yopp seconded by Idr. 'rrask, the request of Hughes RealEstate Co., , that a correction be made in the size of their lot at the south ~vest corner of , - Seventee~th and A~iarket Streets by reducing the same by 4'.9 feet on PGarket Street v ~.f ~ a/ by reasen of an error of ]:ong st~nding, in the survey of block #489, in locating the n ~,~~ startin~ point at Seventeenth and I~darket Streets, which extends 4'.9 of eaid block into"~ixteenth Street, was granted and" a proportionate reduction of the assessrrient" ' drdered for the year ~.932~ and a refuhd of taxes paid on the assessment of said 4'.9 , ' f_or the year 1931. Upon motion of LTr. Trask, seconded by Ifr. Yopp, F:ir.J.S.Ed~e~ton of Goldsboro,AT~C.,, Lr ~I ~ was released from.payment of penalty for not listing lot #5, in block ~16, VJilffiing~on ~ t~ Beach for the year T330 account of being a non-resident. The mee ing ther~,adjourned. ~ , ~ - . ?hc.> ~c . ~zLy * , ~'lerk. •' '~dilmin ust 8th 1932 ton rr Au C ~~ , . g , . g ., The_ regular weekly meeting. of the Board was held at 3:00 0' cloclc ,P.?;Q.• ~ Present: Addison Heti~rlett Chairrnan, ~'J.~.Yopp, Geo.c7.Trask and Jas.I~A.Hall. ~ ' Dpon motion of_ L4r. f~a.ll, seconded by Idr.. Yopp, the Board agree.d to loan some of the ~ . , ~ „Q/ tools on Y~nd at the County Home that tivere used on the Cormnunit,y Driveway project, ~ ` ~~' to the Citizens Farm Project for the ,un-employed. •. . Upon moti,on of la;s. Yopp, seconded by I~~r. Hall, the Board approved the payment of ~ / •• ~}1?.50 to the Salvation Army Home £ox care and maintenance of the Padric]c criildren Y , i~~~ for five weeks ending July 30th,1932, at p2.50 .per week, in lieu of Out Door Poor ~~~~ orders for like amount which ~Rras authorized by the Board. ' , Upon motion of i~r. Hall, seconded by 1~4r.. Yopp, 2~rs.i~ildred ',"7.Bear avas released from payment ~ ~~~ v of penalty for not listing property in blocks 178 and 202 Vdilmington totmship for.the year / 1931, account,of being a non-resident. , Upon motion of I~!ir. Yopp, seconded b~i Tdr. Hall, the d~te of August lst, ~~as fixed as the , , date tne reductzon in salaries of Geor~e Harrise Recorder and NI.N.Ha,rriss Judge of County , /~~~~, Juvenile.Court, is to become effective instead of July,lst, as passed,by the }3oard at ~/ d . meeting of July 2,5th,1937, account of object ons.raised as to the legal ri~rht of this Boar ' to ma~ce the order retroactive. . • ~ A st~tement of amounts on deposit in each banic as of July lst,1932,together ivith a * memorandum of securities held by the county in each case, •~vas received from the Count ~- Q}~~~ Auditor. . ~ '~' Upon motion of i:~r. ~rask, szconded by ?~r. Hall, i7i17iam Freddie Sykes haging been ~' investigated by the Co~.znty ,'lelfare Oi:ficer and examine'd by the Count.y Health Ofiicer, ~,C~~h^9-" ""and ~ound to be totally unable to ~vork, eras admitted to the County Home as an imnate as soon as room can be made available. ~~~j~-v~The Auditors cash report for the month of July ~vas received and ordered filed.~/ l~ + ~S U~on motion of irir. Yopp, seconded by ~Lr. Ha119 county bills Nos. 180 to 272 were approved,/ f t , ~ j or paymen . • . , The request of Isessrs S.& B.Solomon for a reduction of asseasment on lots 55 part 56 East, ~ _ T+~7rightsville Beach vras declined for tl7e reason that the said assessment appears in line , ~~~~ ~vith that o~i~ adj oining propert,y. ; The meet'ng then adjourned. ' • ( 7'y, ~, -~ ( . 5~~~ ~ . Cl e~t. ~, . ~ ,~ • ' i~6 S/~e(3~ '' i~lilmington, D?.C., August 15th,1932•. - The regular iveekly meeting of the Board vr~,s held at 3:00 0' cloclc P.r,~. Present: Adclison Hewlett Chairman,, Geo.~.TrasY, and Jas.i~i.Hall. The request of United sons of No~th Carolina Incorpor~.ted for a refund of taxes / ~(~~ paid on property in olock ~?37 for the years 1929-1930 and 1931 for the .reason ~ that it is a cha,ritable organization and property used for benevolent puxposes, / wae granted subject to the approval of the County Attorney. ~ ~` Upon motion of PJIr. Hall, seconded ~by I~(r. Trask, the Board approved the payment of ~ ~(J( ~100.00 to i:"_r.John H. ,Ni¢gel member of the Board of Elections, for services rendered , ~ 1"/` in Second Ps~imary July 2nd,1932, less credit of ".~"25.00 prev~fiously paid. Upon motion of ~r. Trask, seconded by I~r. Hall, the Chairman tivas authori2ed to ' separate the assessment and adjust tne taxes for the North Carolina Bank & Truet Co.,~/' ~/~{ti ~. on tEao lots at the I`TOrtneast corner of Secmnd and Queen Streets 33~ X 80~, e~,ch; in block ,'~'74, assessed as one lot, in order to clear the taxes due on the N6rthwest end of lot #6. l~ ~l~"S' The report of the Ladies ~est Room for the month of July v,as received and ordered film~. ` ` r~ v~p\~;p A comrsunication was received from Iur. 1~l.id.Harriss, Judge of County Juvenile Court, 1~ objectin~ to a~3 1/3/ reduction in his salary as Juvenile Judge. Upon motion of T~Gr. Trask, the date of August lst, was fixed%by the Board as the date / the 10~ reduction of salaries of 1'V.N.?iarriss,C.R.C., shall be effective instead of /~~`p,~~ July lst, account of delayed action by the Board in pavsing the ord~r on JuZy 25th, ' `- -T` ~,17.50 ba ance the County Attorney ruling the order could not be rgtroactive; and , due on his July salary evas ordered paid. ~ ~°'~ The xeport of Associated Charities for July was received and ordered filed , ` Upon motion of I~Zr. Traslc, seconded by I~r. Hall, Idr.L.'P.Taylor was released from payment of penalty charged against lot ;~136 Shore Acres, for not listing,~'or the ~'~~ year 1931, account of error in tranecribing the same as E.L.Taylor instead of ~ E T TaySor The Boarci f d a th d L 59 ta s aid b b T Ta l r d f f . . y . : p y ; ur er or ere re un o ~. xe r. o on lot #1, block ,~72 Sunset,Park, charged to him in error for the years 1927 to 1931 inclusive, the said being o~med by the Fidelity Trust and ~evelopment Company.. Upon motion of raTr. Hall, seconded by ir~r. Trask, the request of~ P,ir. C.E.I~Jhite for a/ ~~'~ reduction of the assessment on his dwelling on lot ~11, block A~'orest Hi11s, rvas v ~ referred to the Chairman v~ith power to act. \ Upon motion of I:Zr. Trask, seconded by Iuir. Hall, the Board aproroved the agreement ~o~"'svith the Nortn Carolina Agricultura,l Extension Service of North Carolina State College, and appropriated ~~y"1,000.00 for 1932-1933 tot~ard support of County .Agent ---~~~ iVork in this County and the Chairman was authorized to sign the same in the name ~ of tne Count,y. _, ~~ / ~ t \v,~ ~°`~ !`c'~i° Upon motion of 2dr. Traslt, seconded b,y ~r. Hall, the appropriation for the 'v'/ilmingto2Y Light Infantry was fixed at ~p500.00 £or the year 1932-1933 and .,~~18.00 allowed for ~ extension telephone in the Cormnissioners office. , Upon motion of I"4r. Hall, seconded by Lir. 'rr~sk, county bills T3os. 273 to 286.Inc.,V ~•~ere approved for payment. , Upon motion of i~r. Hall, se~conded by Adr. Traslc, the follo~vin~ appropriation resolution was unanimously adopted, all members present voting including the Chairman: Y ~~ . ~,~ . i, ~~t; , \_~ , . APP30PRIATION P,~SOLUTION • . Section 1. Be it r.esolved by the Board of Countq Commiasioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, this 15th, day of August 1932, that for expenae of county governmant,~ sts activities and institutions for the year ending dune 3oth,1933s the amounts of ~ " the following achedules, or so much of each as may be necessary, are hereby appropriated. Section 2. That for the said fiscal year there ie hereby appropriated for the "County ~ Geineral Fund° the following: • • General Fund~~ .....:.... .........................:...............~.~100,361.37. ~ • Section 3. That for the said fiscal yeax there are hereby • i/ appropriated for the six months achool term the following; ~35s~131.98, to be raised as followa: .... .. ~ ~ ~ A ~~,~~._,_ , From State,..a:~`r. ..::.':":`::P.~^1.::."`:~...33~.,Z~...#1'78,131.98 ,. - ~~~: From Couxity .. ... ................................... 57.055•27 x From County, Debt~Service ............................ 16.725.00 251,~912.25 ~ .~ ^,.~ x ~ ti ~ Section 4. That for the said fiscal year there is • . hereby appropriated £or "The Extended Term Fund~ the Pollovrin~: ' "' Y J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ . . • Current Expense,.. ............:......... 106,219•73 ~' - Section 5. Tha.t fo~e aid fi "cal year there are y5~` ~~ ~, hereby appropr~:a,ted out of the-"County Bond ~nt~rest, ,-- Redemption and Sinking Funds° the following; ,' :t: Court House Bond Sinking Fund: • ~ . Bond Interest ..................................... 9~250.00 ' ; Expense on Coupons ................................ 50.00 Bonds ~aturing .................................... 10.000.00 19s300.00 / . , Me~ting of August 15th,1932, continued. County Home Sinking Fund: Interest on Bonds .........................:............~1,140.00 ~ Expenae on Coupons ..................................... 5.00 Bonda Maturing ......................................... 2,U00.00 Ferry Bond Sinking Fund: Interest on Bonds ............................... ...... 4,30a.00 Expenae on Coupons ..................................... 10.00 Bonds ~aturin~ ......................................... 3,000.00 " Sinking Fund Installments .............................. 1.154.50 ' ~ Road Bond Sinking Fund: / ~ Interest on Bonds ...................................... 9s500.00 old Coupons ............................................ 12.50 Expense on Coupons ..................................... 35.00 Sinking Fund Installments .............................. 4,61$.00 Box Rent~ .............................................. 4.00 ~chool Bon~ Sinking Fund: ' Interest on Bonds ......................................54,30~.50 - Expense on Coupons,........... ..................... 100.00 ,, Bonds ~aturing ...................,.~.~.................38,000.00 Sinking Fund Installments,. 6,18j•25 , Box Rent ............................................... 4.00 '~ Workhouse Bond Sinking Fund: Interest on Bonds ...................................... workhouse and County Home Bond Sinking Fund: Interest on Bonds ........................................ Section 6. That for the said fiscal year there are ~ hereby appropriated out of the "County Home Fund" the following: County Home and Farm ................................... ~ Section 'J. That for the said fiscal~year there are hereby appropriated for the "County Health Fund" the following: ~ ' APPropriation .............. .. ....................... 8,2']2.~0 - , Vital Stati~tics ................'....................... I75.00 ~, Section 8. That £or the said fiscal year there is ~ ' ' hereby appropriated out of the "Hospital Fund" the ~ follovring: ~ • Appropriation, James Walker Hospital ................... . • Section 9. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby~appropriated out of the '!School Book Fund" the follovring: New Books,... , ....................................... '. Section 10. That for the saici fiscal year there~are hereby appropriated for,the "School Pension Fund" ' . the follo~ring: , . .~ Miss M.E.Cook ....................... 752.88 ~ ~fiss Adelaide Meares,... ............................... . ~H K t 7 h 524.38 679 50 nson .....:................................ iss a e o . B~iss Kate Yarborough .................................. 603.00 , Fannie Blount .......................................... B tt B i 522.00 522 00 ......................................... urne ess e ., , ~ 00 K22 SQatilda Story .......................................... . '-r~ . . ' ' Sectton 11. That for the sa.id fiscal year there is . hereby appropriated for the "School Building Fund" the following: , ~ ~- School Building Fund,.... ... . ...................... , Section 12. That for the said fiscal year there are ' hereby appropriated for the "Road Fund" the £ollofling: .. ` . Fire Insurance ....:...................... ........ ..... , 514.40 2~0 25 . Boiler.Insurance ........................ .............. . . .. "' . , . ' .Total,. .... ................ ~ . . ...... ~ . ' . .. . • „~PP~.~,.«.. . . . .~~>ut~~,:~.a.~ ~~Aa,lsY. ~~+d ~~..«y.;.c ~.~a,...nc - • u3)•S/ i ; . • • • ~ ~ • ti ~ ~ah.<:. _ :~~y.,, , ~ . o •Y~ ~ ~- The meeting then adjourned. ~ ~ - -- ~~~ rTl~u u ~Clerk.. Y ~ 3~i45.oo '~ 8,464.50 )- i4,i69.5o v 98~594.75 1s75~.00 % - / 850. oo % 2i,66~.73 i ,~ / 8 s4~7. 70 `= 15,3oo.oa ~__ / 10,000.00 ~ J . ~/ 4,i25.76 ~ ~ g~4..60 ~ 744.6~"i i ~666,oz~.5a . . ~is`~- ,~~ `C l t. ~A8 ~ ° s ` .~ Wflmington, N. C., August 22nd,1932. ~ ~":: ~Y . ., ~ The regular vreekly meeting of the Board was held at 3s00 o'clock P.E?: " ~~'° . Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo. W. Trask, F.3~.Ross,Tas.M.Ha11 and W.E.Yopp. . :`' 4 The request of Mr. Brown to improve,approximately three miles of roadway running ~ ~~ ~ from the Gorden road to a point back of Acorn BTanch near Murrays place was heard l ' - ~ and as the County has no egal authority to construct roads, ~r. Brown was aeked to secure a petition in tha,t community for presentation to the State Highway Cosrffiission. Upon motiori of Mr. Yopp, aeconded by D~r. Trask, the Board authorized repairs to the ~ ~ " ~,`j ~ ~~ public entrance through the sand hills connecting the,Northern Extension of Ca,rolina ~ ^ _ b Beach Asenue with the Ocean front. ~' ~ The request of Mr. W.A.I.oftin fna exemption from taxation on land purchased with ~ ,I ~~~t soldiers compensation money, was referred to the County Attornay for opinion. ~ Upon motion of Mr. Ross, seconded by ~dr. Trask, the Board adopted the recommendation~ ~ of the Reeorder arid voted to hire out Pearce Siic;on upon pa,ymeht o£ the court costsj-./ :~ "~ ~ \p and P.J.Pariah avho is serving a semtence for abandonment and non-aupport in order ; - ~~~y*~'P~ ~ that he may secure employment and pxovide for his wife. ` Upon motion of BGr. Tra3k, seconded by BGr. Yopp, Mary Calder colored, having be~ ' ~ investigated bq the County VJelfare Officer was,admitted to the County'Home as an ~ ~~ inma.te. , ~ C ' It appearing from investigation that there are discrepancies in a statement furnished ' ~ , \ by the State Hospital as to the period of time six ~nebriates were.maintained and treated at the hospital, the Clerk vras instructed to fox~,~ard the facta secured from _ ~.1 the patients to the State Hospital for correction. „ , . ti 4 ' 'Upon motion of ~ir: Hall, seconded by Mr. Yopp, the Board basing its action on • ~ / the opinion of the County Attorney, that the order of this Board in adopting a ~ , ,y tentative budget on July 25th,1932, reducin~ salariea of county officials and ' '... ~~ ' employees for fiscal year 1932-1933 to be e£fective as o~"July let,1932, could not. ..:..: ~ be made retroactine, and in view of the fact that some of the employees and officials' ~ ; ~ of the county upon request by them, were paid the balance on thei.r salaries to July 31~ :. , ~ 1932;,on the 193~:-1932 basis; Mr. Hall moved and it was seconded°by Mr. Yopp and '. carri•ad, that the said order as adopted at meetin;g of July 25th,1932, so far as it ~ pertains to salaries, shall be effective as oY August lst,1932, inatead of July lst; ' 1932, and that the county pay to its officials aad employeea the balance due on - • their ealaxies for the month of 3uly 1932 on the basis of the 1931-1932 budget, all ~ . members eoting afYirma.tively except Mr. Trask who voted "DTo". ~. . Upon motion of 1~r. Yopp, seconded by Mr. Hall, DSr. Walter A. Taylor tivas releaeed from ~ payment oY penalty for not liating Lot #3 Southerland and lots 2 and 3 Westbrook, ~~Gt~ Harnett township for the year 1930, accounE of having listed other property and /~ , ` through error this was left off his list. w ~ '. ~ a$ gxanted an Upon motion of 9~r. Ross, seconded by Mr. Trask, Joseph E. Sma.ll abatement of taxea, cost and interest amounting to ~7.03 on 5~ acres of land, part of ; ~~'~ Galaway, Harnett township, for the year 1930 for the reason that the same is oQrned/ .~ ~;i ~ 1 ~ by Edward C. McCoy and charged to Small in error, azzd ordered the tax, cost and ~ interest on eaid land char~ed to ~cCoy for the year 1930, leas the tax on hquse~ ;~ valued at $325.00 which was also charged in error. i ~~lo~ ~tr. Philander Pearsall appeared and urged the Board to re-consider the assessments ~ erty in blocks Nos 112 and 190. on his ro ' ,~ ' . p p ~ `\~yp ~ A report of James Wallcer Hoapital for the month of July wae receieed.i . ~ ~ t ` Upon motion, duly seconded, Hughea Bros., Inc., was granted a refund of taxes ~ ~~`~ paid on a valuation of ~400.00 for the years 1929,1930 and 1931•on east end lot ~1 ~#: ~.~uT block 489 account of error in size of lot assessed. ~ ~~~ • Upon motion of Mr. Iiall, seconded by ~dr. Yopp., county bills nos. 287 to 352 Inc.~ yvere approved for payment. ~, !~ ~ , ~ Sealed bids for making an extended audit of the County books for Fi~cal year ~ •. , ~C~ ending June 30th,1933 were receiqed from J.B.McCabe & Co., and Pdward C.Craft, ectivel U on motion the ~ d $975 00 nd ~900 00 re t t ~ ti i ~ y. p . quo ce no o excee . a sp ,.. ng a pr , ~ Q~~'` - bide were referred to the Cha3rman, ~dr. Ross, the County Auditor and County Attorney ~ ~ ~ for investigation and report their recommendations~to the Board at a subsequent meetin~. ~`, Upon motion oY B~r. Trask, seconded by L~r. Yopp, the Board granted authority to use I-j one of the county farm trucks to transfer John T. Smith and family colored, and ~{ S~v^~""~ ~C` household,.,'goofle to the home o£ his brother at Tar Heel, N.C., to avoid a public ~ ~~ ~ ` 1 ~ charge on the county. `~ ~ • Upon motion of l~r. Yopp, seeonded by Mr. Iiall~ the Board appraved the payment oY ~~~~~ ~4.00 to the Associated Charities for transportation of J.L. Branner~to Newport Newa, Va: ~,.~c~ _ C The following good and lawful men were drawn to serve as jurora in the Superior Court ~~J for the trial of Criminal cases for week beginning September 12~h,1932s ~~~ G.K.Swinson~ B.H.Smith' T.H.Griffin. Sam Shepard~ C.S.Foshee. E.S.Shipp. , ~ • R.Shew. _E.DTea~eirth~. G.F.Wattere. C.C.Baltzegar.J.H.Nelson. Willie Robbi.ne. A.S.Gunnersen.A.B.Reaves. W.C.Brown. B.E.Pierce. H.V.Norris. C.O.Knox. ,~; I.M.Buxton. T.A.Caehwell.T.W.Tucker. A.A.Ro~ers. J.B.Greer. T.E.hfurrell. . ,;j R.;~.Bobexts. L.T.Foy. G.W.Shack~lford. R.M.Bryant.C.J.Whilden. E.x.Schulken. `. .~ W.Graves. Cecil Barnes.E.T.Marshburn. C.R.Pferce. W.E.King. W.R.Halsey. • ~ ~ a t~ ,. ' ~ 1 ~ ~t • ~, . ~t~ 1 * , ~;. f ~ : ~ , ~ ,f ;~ ,.. . w . ' - ` ;; ,` ~ 4 Meeting of August 22nd,1932 continued. For the tria2 oP Civil Cases week beginning Sep~my.ber 19th,1932. J.D.James,Sr. G.H.Hutaff~Sr., Robert Batta. E.C.Bsanch. R.G.Capps. W.R.Page. Otto Dyke. W.D.Anderson. • D.S.Weatbrook. A.L.ging. H.P.L.Boyle. Nathan Jacobi. v~ ~ C.H.Lee. E.B.Register. J.F.Cox. A.H.Smith. L.C.Cumber. W.P.Powell. ~.P.Batta. T..S.Sdaultsby. • Ray Pollock. D.A.Henderson. W.A.D~a.rine. Edwin Mallory. The meeting then ad3ourned. ~ ~ '' iTG j ~J/ZC2 7G. . OClerk. •„ Wilmington~ N. C., August 29th,1932. The regular weekly meeting of the Boarrl avae b.eld at 3t00 auclock P. TiG. Preaent: Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo. ',q. Trask, Jaa.M.Hall and W.E.Yopp. Upon motion of I~r. Trask, seconded by Mr. Yopp, the~assessment of $5,000.00 _. ~ on house of 1~rs. Mary W. Shepard was reduced'to $4,700.00 account of increase !/ ~ ~G?~ o~ ~300.00 by the Assesaors for year 1932,'on a pqrtition built in the house ' • ~ of no appreciable value to the building, and an abatement of taxes on a valuation • of ~300.00-for the year 1932 was ordered. ' Upon motion, duly seconded, the request of Ddr. W.A.Loftin £or an abatement of taxes - °~~ on property purchased with soldiers compensation'money was declined, based on the L- J ~ opinion of the County Attorney that the same was not exempt from taxation as so held by the courte of the State. Upon motion of Mr. Yopp, seconded by Mr. Trask, ~r.John Lawhorne was released from • payment of penalty for not listing l~ot #12, Southerland, Harnett township for the L~ ~G.k • Year 1930, account oY being of the opinion that the party from whom purchased had ~ listed the same, Mr. I,awhorne ha.ving listed,other property in the county for said year. Upon motion of Adr. Yopp, seconded by Mr. Hall, DSr.vJalter A. Taylor waa released from payment of sales costs, intereat and pena,lties charged against lot #3 Southerland and lr-- ~ ~~Y~ lots 2 and 3 Westbrook, Harnett.township for the year 1930, accouht of etror bg the ~ Tax Lister in leaving.said property off hfs 1930 tax list, he having listed other ~ property ia Harnett township Por said year, believing he had listed it a11. Upon motion of 1~r. Trask, seconded by ~Lr. Hall, the Board authorized payment of ~25.00 ~ to Il~r. E.L.Bell, E¢anager of the employment bureau and $18.00 and ~12.00'respectively / ~~ to T~essrs. B.F,King and SY.F.Carpenter Por balance of appropriation and salaries due ~~ for July 1932 based on the 1931-1932 appropriations; account of dela,yed notice of reductions of salaries. The matter~of renewing the fire insurance on ferryboat D~enantic expiring Sept~17,1932~/ ~~/'~ was deferred to the next raseting. The request oY Mr. Frank E. Beane Jr., for reduction of asses~ments on land on ~~j~ ~ •Wrightsville Sound was referred to t,he Chairman for investigation and report at a ~~' subsequent meeting. ~ , The.mee ing then adjourned. ~ ~/2• 7 ~ ../IR.L ri ~~. Cl~k. ~ Wilmington, N. C., September 6th,1932. ~_ The regular monthly meeting of the Board was held at 3s00 o'clock P.~d. Presents Addison~Hewlett~Chairman, Geo. Vl. Trask and F.I~.Rosa. , ' Upon motion of Mr. Rosa,•aeconded.by 3qr. Trask~ the Board approved the payment of ~ „ ~8.97, half co$t for transportation for J.G.Byrd to his parents at Camden, N. J., ~ /s S~ to relieve~his grandfather Mr. I,uby •Byrd •so •tha.t he •may receive treatment in the State Sanatorium for tuberculosis. . , . . . . .... . Upon motion of ~Ir. Trask, seconded b$ E~r. Ross, the Board approved the payment of / (~~ $6.30 to Asa'ociated Charities for cost o£ gasoline uaed in•taking the two Bolton / ~ / l/"`~"~~ ,children to Barnum Springs Orphanage by the Rea. C.C.D4yers. Upon Motion of B~r. Ross, seconde~ by Mr. Trask~ the welfare officer was authorized ~J ~'y~-vt"b take J.B.Rogers and D.G.Britt to East Carolina~Industrial Training School at • ~~ ` • Roclq* 1f~ount, N. C. . S , ., •, . . , . ~ • , The complaint of 1~r. J.R.D4elton relative to the beating of•his brother, H~r:W.H.Melton by"`prisoners while incarcerated in the county ,~ail, was upon motion of ~r. Ross, t~ ~~ referred°to the Che,irman with request to take the matter up with•the Recorder and ~_ ~/ County Attorney as to further proceed~ngs to be taken by this Body. • Upon motion of Bdr. Ross, seconded by Mr. Trask, the Board authorized the payment of ~11.35 per month for six months, to the North Caxolina Sanatorium toward the {- S~~ expense for treatment of the eight year old son oP Eirs. I,ouise Maultsby of Winter V ~ ,.~ ~&rk, for tuberculosis. The requeot was presented and urged by the Rev.A.fi.Howell. A request of the Board of Education that the sum of ~4,000.00 be placed to the ~~ /~ credit of the school fund to take care of expenditures for the month•of September ~'y ~ was approve~. . / Upon motion, duly seconded, Elizabeth B. Moore;~I.ouise Bonham and ~ary Purvis Bonham / were released from payment of penalty for not listing 1`ot 5 and lot 6, in blocka (__,.. ~~ u~ 4 and 7 Carolina Beach and lota #14, block #6, Wilmington Beach for the year 1932. account of being non-reaidents. ~ ~~U Meeting of September 6th,1932, eontinued. Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by 1dr. Ross, Jas.W.McIntire, a World War Veteran, ~~~ of Wilmingtoa.township; was exempt from payment oP poll taxea on account•of inental l~' ` deficienejr.-. ~ . . . . Upon motion of Mr. Ross, seconded by Mr. Trask, the Board approved the payment of r ~ ~~ ~ / $6.75, half cost for printing 5000 calimeter readings for the Meter Inspector, the City - of Wilmington ha.ving.paid half cost for printing the same. . . , ~ Upon motion of ~Gr. Ross, seconded by LGr. Trask, Thos.K.Wo,oc~y, was granted a vacation ~ ~W ~ of two weeks beginning September 14th~1932. ~~ ! The Auditors cash report for the month of August was.received and ordered Piled.~ -` ~v` , J ~``~c,~ Upon motion, duly seconded, county bills Nos. 353 to 488 ~ere approved for ~ayment./ . _ , '' ' A statement of amount on,deposit in each bank as of Au~ust 31st,1932, together with.a ~- y,~ „ memorandum of securities held by the county in each case was received from the County ~ ~ Auditor. . ~ The Sheriffs' etatement o£ collectforis of the 1932 taxea was received and referrsd toj~ ~ the~Couiity Auditor for checking, and additional time for the collection o£ the 1932 ( ;J ~ personal proper~y tax~was'granted. ~ The ting then ad,journed. v> >!. 5~~ - / Clerk. Wilmington, N. C., September 12th,1932. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held at 3:00 o!clock P.M. Presents Addison Hewlett Chairma,n, W.E.Yopp, Geo.W.Trask, F.LQ.Ross and Jas.M.Hall. Upon motion of Mr. Trask, s econded by Mr. Hall, county bills 1Qos. 489 to 513 Inc.(, ~ ~~~~ wcre approved for p~yment. . . Upon motion of Mr. Ross, seconded by Mr. Hall, the request of Eliza B..Wolat fox a,/ ` ~/(~~ reduction of assessment on house on lots 9 and 10, block #539 was referred to the ,V ~ Chairma.n f.or inve~tigation. Upon motion of Mr. Ross, seconded`by Mr. Hall, the Qhairman was authorized to represent this county at a meetin~ of the organizations interested in the welfare.of the L~ _~~~f unemployed, to be held at 8s00 o'clock P.~., Monday September 12th, in the Council Chamber of the City Hall. ;; ~, ~ , ~l_;~ - ^, . ,. x~3 ~ "1 ~ Upon motion of Mr. Ross, seconded by Mr. Yopp, the 9lelfare Officer was authorized ~4~ ~_ G ~j~~ ~ to take Julian Edward and Lonnie Hall q,ollemon to Stonewall Jackaon Training School. : Upon~motion of ~r. Ross, seconded by Mr. Trask, the matter of appeal of Dr.Russell ~ ~~ U`~ Bellasny to the State Board of Assessment, from assessment of property,block ~30, lots 6 and ?, Carolina Place, was referred to the Chairman with power to act.- `~~ ~A`py The report of Associated Cha.rities for the month of August was received and ordered filed. Upon motion of Mr. Traek, seconded by Mr. Ross, a bill in favor of the State Iiospital ;_(,~j'~ for.care and treatment of six inebriates amounting to $300.00 was approved for payment. V -~. \` . Upon motion of Mr. Trask, sec@nded by Mir. &osa';,the recov~endation of the Chairman and~ _, ~~ u~ Tax Aesessors, in seperating the assessment on property of Mr.P.Q.Moore at 17th, and Dock Streets was approved, to vuit: Lot on Wrightsvill~ 21'senuv~<ad~oining fire station,... $500.00 Lot ad,joining,. ...... ............................... 600.00 V Lot on 17th, Street, abutti.bf~~fire atation,56 feet,.. 700.00 , Lot 56 feet ad~oining ................................ 800.00 ~ . Lot 90 feet ad~oining ................................ 1,700.00 , Total aseeasment ...........................~4,300.00 ' ~ Upon motion of I~r. Ross~ seconded by ~Sr. Yopp, the 8ounty Auditor was suthorized and ~ directed to remit to the State Treasurer the amount of State Taxes collected by the ~~Lf~ County for school purposes due the State in accordance with the law. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by ?dr. Yopp, the recommendation of the Recorder to h~ire ,~,2/out Keneth Lee for the balance of his term for the cost of the Court, w as adopted. / ) .4,~ ~~&W UponxmotionnoY Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Yopp, the recommendation of the Recorder to ~=~~hire out Mary Cwnmings without cost, provided she returns to her home at Delco~ N.O., `~~~~= and not retu~rn to this county without permissfon, was adopted. • ' IIpon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by ~r. Yop~, the Board released the payment of 25~ _~ penalty charged against lots ~1 and ~, bloeku."~"'Pinehursh,in the name of Grady B. Cook, -~i(~~ for the yeax 1930,account of foreclosure sale, the mortgagor having no.equity in the ~ ~ said property. , , Upon motion oP Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Yopp, the claim of Nathan N.Holzer attorney of~ 474 Gatea Avenue,Brooklyn,N.Y., that an item of ~4.58 tax due by Elaie`Hoivard on propert A/I (~~ in block #239 for,the,ye~r 1899,was paid April 2nd~1900 as per receipt of W.P.Oldham, Clerk B.A.C. Commissioners, w as referred to the Chairman for investigation and correetion. . , , ~a~, ., ~~. . , , ,a`~~ , ~ `o , 1~1 %eetin~ of September 12th,1932, continued. ~ No action was talcen in the ma.tter oP the complaint of citizens of t~e noise made 1~ by prisoners in the ~ail and negroes loitering on Fourth Street conversing with the ~ ~~` prisoners in ~&il as the Board was informed that the matter w ould ~be satisfactory - handled otherwiae. • ~ •Upon motion of Mr. Ross, secdnde~ by ~Gr. Yopp, a recess was then taken until 3:O~lock P.M., Thursday SeptembeT 15th,1932. cn ~c.~ ~JClerk. ~ U ~ . . Wilmington,•N.C., September i5th,1932• Pureuant to recess takeri at meeting of Septeznber 12th, the Board met at ~ ~ ' 3:00 o~cloCk P.~. us: Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman, PJ.E.Yopp and Geo. W. Trask., and Jas.M.Hall. ~~ ,' Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by t~Gr. Yopp, the follo~wing resolution was adopted ~ a.nd directed to be sent to the State Boaxd oP Equalization at Raleigh: ~~~~, Resolved by the Board of Commissioners of Idevr Hanover County that the Chairman oY the Board be directed to wr_te to the State Board of Pqualization and urgently ~ request that this Board be officially notified oP the action of satd State Board as '' to its action on the Schogl Budget recently sent it, se provided by law, in order tha.t / •this Board will be in a position to fix the tax rate for the year 1932. Said Chairman ~/ ' is also requested to inform the said Board of ~qualization, in his letter, that the • t~ books should be placed in the hands of tlie Sheriff by the first Monday in October ; for collection of taxes and in the opinion o£ this Board fai,~.ure to place said books . .~ in tYee hands of 'the Sheriff by that time will probably result in the Courity's failure to meet its obligation and impair_its credit. The tax books of this county have always , been in thc_'6he~iff's hand~s by the first Monday in October and thia Boasd asks iumiediate _. action by the State Board bP Equalization in order to maintain this record. The meet g then ad3ourned. cn '!C. !~`y~-v~ ~ //Clerk. Wilmington, N. C., September i9th~~932• (/ The regular weeklq meeting of the Board was held at 3:00 o'clock P.~6. Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.W.Traek, and F. DG. Roas. ~, Upon motion, duly seconded, county bills Nos. 514 to 54i.inclusive, mere approved for / ~ (~`-'' payme.nt. ' /~ Upon motion of Mr. Ross, seconded by Par. Trask, penalities for not listing property ( ~J,J charged a~ainst J.T.Rouse Cape Fear townahip, 192'7~ Russell Smith F.ederal Point,i93i ~ ~,~G~~,% and VJ.N.Williams Federal Point 1932, were abated. " • The claim that Elsie Howard paid W.P.Oldham, C1erk ef the Boasd of Commiasionera, • ~4.58 tax on N'W ~ lot #4, block #239 April 2nd,1900 for'the year 18g9, was referred ~ . ~~~1( . to the County`Auditor and County Attorhey wStYi power.to act. ~ , /~5~ The report of Jas `ualker Hospital for August was received and ordered filed , Upon motion of Mr. Ross, the Board authorized the,~inaurang of ferryboat Mene,ntic for,/~ ~~ j,y~ $10,000.00 at a cost of $~250.00 premium. ' ~, ~ - ~ ~ . r ' Chairman Herbert A. I,ynch and other members and Supt., Funderburk of the Boaz~d of Education appeared and ,discussed the 1932-z933 echool budget, stating that t~he Board of Equalization was holding to supplement of State sal~ary schedule to lOq, but that ~the,y would approve a nine months term on tha.t basis and asked that the Board agree to a nine months term which could carried out for the ~180~000.00 of county funda heretofore ` appropriated. Mra. Bluethenthal of•the Parent-Teacliers Association also spoke urgin~ a ~d~w~`~ nine months term. Mrs. D~eiater, Col R.S.~cClelland of the Board of Education and Supt., Funderburk all spoke along the same line:: Upon motion of ~Sr. Trask, the Board approved the budget for a nine months term not exceeding $180,000.00 of county fiznds, provided that the-funda to provide the amount are collected, his motion was seconded ~ ,by Mr. Ross and carried. ' ' ' , /~' The County Auditor was excused fPom the committee on recommendations and awarding of // ~ a~~~ S contract to audit the County officens. The Committee re~cor•unended avaarding of contract to audit the County Officers for fiscal year enni.n~ June 3otn,lg32, to"the lowest bidd~er ~flo, in•the opinion of the / G2`~~ committee is ~r. E.C.Craft at a price of ~^900.00. Upon motion of ~r. Hali~ theocontra~ct ~ for auditing the County 0'fficers was awarded to D~r.E.C.Craft. and unanimously carried. ~ Upon motion the meeting then adjourned.until 3:00 o'clock P.34., Wednesd2,y Sept.~21,1932, ~ /4~ at vrhic time the tax rate will be fi~d. ' ' • C/ V/ tn ~ C ~<.l,T/-v-z°"'! .. .. Cle . ~ Wilmington, N. C., September 21dt,1932. ~ ~ Pursuant to recess taken at meeting of Septembex 19th,1932, the Board met at 3:00 " `~r~~~ . o~~l~ock P. ~I., for the purpose of fixing the tax rate. , Thec=,Gn~ir~ty Auditor explained that the highest figures to be expected appeared to be ~ )~V ~55.500.000. with net loss in collections for 1931 of about .i935~- net 44,'761.000, 1 w~ rate fi~gured on value of $$45,000.000 and rate figed as follows: 1~2 Meeting of September 21st,1932, c$ntinued. Al1 members voting in the affirma,tive: ~ ~ ''.TAX RATE:.PROPERTY ~1.00; POI,L, ~j.00~ State (Schools) ~ •.lfi2~ ~1.50 County Home Bond Fund .006 Schools Current Expense) •.04~° Court House Bond Fund .038 Schools Debt Service) .O3'7" Ferry Bond Fund ' .Olb School Penaions . .008 Road Bond Fund ' `.025 .U6 school.Books .016 ' School BOriT~ Fund .~62' .37 Total County ' .~5 2.4j County Home Fund .03~ Special Schools: General Fund .15 .50 To Supplement .04' Health Fund .015 To Extend~d Term .21 .2K .K7 Hospital Fund .031 ~1.00 ~3.00 7~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ The claim of an item of $4.~8 tax on the N VJ ;~ lot ~4, block 239, paid to ~~ W.P.Oldham, C1erK of the Board of Commissioners April 2,1900, for the year 1899, was upon recommendation af the committee, allow~d.• ~ / ~ Upon motion, J.Earl Sneeden was granted an abatement of talces on ~200.00 personal property and ~3.00 poll Yor the ye~r 1931. ~ The ting then ad,journed. a ~( . ~ u ~i O Clerk. Wilmington, N. C. September 26th,~932• The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held st 3:00 o'clock P. M. Preaent: Aadfson Aewlett Chairman, P1.E.Yopp, Geo. W. Trask and Jas.M.Hall. Upon motion, duly seconded, the Board approved and recommended to the State Fiighway Department, a petition of tax payers, propertq owners and other residents +~u~~ "~ of Sunset Park, that tYie State Highway Department surface vsith 'tarnia and gravel the `- ° ' four blocks on the south side oY Northern Boulevard west of Jefferson Street at Sunset Paxk. . r , _.. ~ , ,: The request of Mr. Pl.W.Holliday for a reduction of asseasmente on propertq in blocka ~. ' ~~ ~ 1~4 and 184, Mr. Hainee Heigh block #4~6~and BQre. Sallie Hewlett lota~ #12,block 21 ~ ~ Casolina Plsce, were referred to the connnittee for investigation and with power to a0!~: ~ ` 1 Upon motion~oY Mr. Yopp, seconded by Mr. Trask, the Board authorized the payment of ~°' a~ ~~.5U per month to the Salvation Ara~p Home for care and maintena.nce of Fxed Edward L b ~ ~b~`~'~ Yrom August 13th, to be charged a~ainst the 0ut Door PooT Fund. ~ • The request of Iiughes Brothers that the reduction oY assessments on their property ~J / ~ in block 166 for the yeaT 1932, be made effective as oP 192~ the last general assessment , ~ ~' period, was referred to the Chairman and County Attorney for investigation and report ` to the Board at a subaequent meeting. IIpon motion of ~Gr.Trask, seconded by ~Hr. Yopp Mr.J.O.Hinton was allowed to pa~'~the ':". e F ; C R F r ~ o d ~ hb 6~ d ~ a i t b ~ H f l ~ ouae arm ea ars an ~ ap 93 an axes ue y . . urn on acres o 193 ' ~ ~a ` • ,, townehip, without being required to pay the poll and personal property tax of ~ . S~r. Marshburn charged therein, account of b`s. Hinton having to take the property back . and Mr. Marshburn having no equity in the eame. ~ Upon motion of Mr. Yopp, seconded bq Mr. Hall, courity bills Nos. 542 to 629 inclusiveJ~ ~ ~'1-J,~~`~ were approved f or payment. ~ ` . ` ~ The xequeat ofc:Tho~astHooper that the Commissianers pay for part of damage to the~r_oo~ ~. ~(,7 of St.John M.~.Church colored, by fire~claimed to have been ignited from a apark from ~ ~ ~ the incinerator~ ,,~was, dec. lined. , Y . _ ,, , _ :. ~.. _ ~;l.r~r:_.. Upon motion of Mr. Yopp, aeconded by Mr. Trask, the contract to furnish tvro car loa~s 1 ~ g'/~ J of Pocahontas coal delivered at the County Home at ~4.31~per ton and two car loade ~t/ d d t ~4 8~ t C Ho ~~ L i . on, wae awar e per ourt use a Pocahontse coa,l delivered in the bins at the w ~ ;,.,~-%~ ~ to the Springer Coal Company, theq being the lov+eat bidders. ! - ~ ~~ ~ ~, Upon motion, Mr. J.F.Litgen was granted an abatement of taxes on a valuation of / ~3s250.00 on hoase located on lots Nos.123 and part of 134 Brookwood for the year i932. ~ ~ account of the conetruetion of the house was not begun until April 6,1932• ~ ~ °` . 9 ~, The report of I,adiea Rest Eoom for the month oP August was received xnd ordered filed,~ ~ `~~~ ~ Upon motipn vP Mr. Traek, seconded by B6r. Hall, the County AudiLor ar~d SheT.iff= are~ suthorized , and ~natructed to accept the county taxes tendered iri. paymeat 'ott~ any property l~ocated ~ ~ within the incorporated limits of the Town of Carolina Beaoh~ eithout being're~ufi~d t0~ ' `,~~ ', "receiae t3~6 Town.: ta~c at the same time. ~ ,~ ~ Upon motion,'duly seconded, the chairman was authorized to fix an asaesament on 1.4 Y ~ acres of land in Federal Point tovmship,part of a 28 acre tract adjoining Freeman, ~. ~ purchased by E.L.Robinaon from S.l~.Lewis, in order that ~Cr. Robinson can pay the back taxes on the 1.4 acrea he purchased. . . . , A resolution was received~from North Carolina Building &.Loan League opposing the •' ~ ` ~ k • action of the Commiesionera in maintaining the County tax rate of $1.00. The Clerk,was, ' v ,L ~,~ receipt of , upon motion of ~Gr. Ha11, seconded bq Mr. Yopp, j.natructed to•acknowleflge `~ ~ ~ the same and express the disappointment of thie Body;,~in ite failure to reduce the 1932 tax rate ae anti.cipated, but due to sharp shrinkage in values, was forced'to ma,inta.~n ~ • • a r~te -of ~1.00. • • ~ ' . + `" ' ~ Upon motion of 3~r. Yopp, seconded by htr. Ha11 ~r.W.D.Colwell was released from paymer~t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a of penalty far xiot listing property in block 513 for the year i93o. ,> . ; ~ ' ~ Wilmington township-V7hite, 19'il Countv Tax Personal property, Insol vent. ~ Abelovitz~ L4eyer ia ~ 3,50 Branch~ A.C. $ 3•55 Clark, ~[.'!'. ' ~3.00 ' Ah'rens~ Bio's ` 46,92 Branch, C:R. 1..30 C1e~ona; R.H. 9.~0 • Alirens, '' G.T. 3.25 BPanch, ' H.A: 3:50 Clendenin, E.V. ~ .00 ~ AYirens, ' 7.~+.Bd .25 B~anch, 7.R. 3.75 Clendeniri, G.L. ~ .'75 Aiken '' Geo.LutYier 3:00 BPanch,' ' J.T: 3.15 Clovre, H.Z. 3:00 ' • Alford, '' E:J. ° 3.00 B~anner, E:F. • 3.50 Coates~ ~ ~ C.W. 3.00 Al:ford, '' J.H. ° 3.00 Brayshaw,' I.Del 9~~5 Coble, ~ ~ ~ C.C. 3.00 ..' Allen, ' ' G.V. ` 1.10 Bremer,' C.D: j.00 Coker, ~ ~ ~rs.T.E . :50 • Allen '' R.L. ° 3.30 B~emer ' ' w.x:-'• 3.00 Coleman; ~ C.G. 3.00 , , , Allender; ' Wilson •L. 4:00 , Brinkley, G.A. 6.0o . Coleman, . E. 3:50 Anders, E.J.W 2.25 Brinson~ ' W.N. 6.85 Coleman,~ ~~ R.F. 3:50 . Aridrews, J.W. ~ 5:~'S Britt, D.Z. 4.35 Coley, J.L. 3:00 Applebury, N.C. ` 'J.00 Britt, ' G.L: 3:b5 Coley, J.T. 3:00 ' Atlantic Ca~e. ` 12.00 Britt, J.D. 4.j0 Conner, Alfred 3.00 A'e7.antic ~Cl`eanere 26.00 Brittain.~ J.H. :5~ Coriner~ ' w.P. 3.00 Autry, '' V~ G.V~. ` .00 Brittain,~ J.N. ~ 3.00 Cons Tra~f i.c Service .50 Allison, '' J.R. ` .00 Brittain, J.P. ~ 4.00 Cook, G.A. 3:00 ~ Babson, '' F.A. ' 6.00 Brock~ J.O. ' 1.25 Cook, G.B. .50 ~ Babson, '' J.W.` 4,50 Brooks, M.~i. 3.00 Cook, G.H. .45 , ~ Bagg, '' F.A.Jr 3.00 Brothers, • C.D. 9.40 Cook, ~ ~ bdmrris, 3.00 ,.. .~ Baggett'` ' I., ~ 3. 0 Brothere, M.L. 3.95 Cook~ ' «.T. 3.00 Bailey, ~' C.W. ` 3.~5 Brown, A.B. 3.00 Cooper, I. W.Co.~ 1.00 - a. Bailey~ J.H. j.15 Brown, B.A. 7:85 Cooper, ~ ~. L.F. 4.50 ~ Baker~ '' John` 2.25 Brown, B.B. 4:00 Copeland, E.E. 3.00 ~ Baldwin~' ' G.H. 5.10 Brown, • E.W: 3.00 Copeland, D4iss Emma 4.60 ' Baldwin,' ' Mrs. Ftosa 4.70 Brown, ~• E.C. 3.00 Co`ppedge,' P.J. 3•25 Banck~ '' A.C. - 3.00 Broem, ~• J.A. 3.00 Corney, R.J. 4.10 ° Banck~ '' W.H.D. 5.00 Brown, • J.Bryan 3.00 Costin, D.E.Jr. ,3.00 : Banks, '~ J.C. ` 6.60 Brown, •• L.N. 3.00 Costin, ' F.E. 3.00 • Barefoot; ' Robert` 1.05 Brown, •• Sam 3.00 Costin, N.F. 5.00 •, Barefoot; '~ T.C. ` 3.00 Brown, • W.E. ~ 5.10 Council, H.J. 3.50 .~ Barnes, ''' 7.E. 3.00 srown, ' w:T. 3.0o Council, x.Z,. 3.00 „ Barnes, ~~ J.H. ` 1.00 BY~own, Zennie 3.00 Cowan, ' R.L: 3.00 Barnes, W.L. 5.15 Browning, G.Bd. 3.00 Cox, ' Fred 3.00 • Barr~ ~~ Geo.W.` 3.00 Bryan, J.A. 5.00 Cr`aig, ' J.L. 3.00 Barr, ~ T.B. ` 3.00 Bryan, ~~ L.L. 3.00 Craig, ~ ~ O.R. 5.45 ' Batson~ '~ A.S.` 3.00 Bryant, ' Mrs.C.Y. 5•75 Craig, ~ ~Mrs.R.B. ' 2.00 . Batson~ : ~ Est.C.H. 1.00 Br'yant,' ' ~.K. ~' • . 3 ~o , Cr"andall ' Geo. 3 00 . ,. Batson~ ~ BQ.K. ` 4.85 B~yant, E.T.' 3.60 Ciandall, H.F. 3.00 ~ Batson~ ~ A.E. ` 4.55 Bryant,' S.D.° 1.50 Creasy, ~ A.G: 4.00 , --' Baxley, ~ ' Spurgen 5.00 BUck, '' O.D. 3:00 Creech, ~ ~ Vd.J. 3.00 . . Beaman~ w.w. ~ 3.50 Buckner, 7.R. • 3.0o Crider, x.F. ' .05 , • ', Beasley~ ,, W.S. ~.45 Buie, '' Alekande r3.10 Crider, : , R.H.' 3.20 . i Bedsole,, V7.D. 6.25 Buie, ' w.G.' 3.5o C`room, C.T. 2.25 . - Belch, .. ! E.M. ` 4.25 B~llard, Joe". 5•75 . Croom, ~ . H.L. ~ 3.00 Bell, B.E. .60 Btillock, ' C.B. 3.10 Croom, Hilda F. 2.25 ., - Bell~ A.E. ` j.00 BLimct, P.G. 7.65 Croom, Id.H. ` 3.fi0 . Bell~ ,, F.L. ~ 3.95 Bdrke~ '' T.T. 4:75 Croom, R.B. 3.00 .. ~ Bell~ ,, F.R. Z.15 Burkheimer', W.H: 3.00 C"room, T.A. 5.50 Bell, _., J.R. ` 4.j0 Burkheixne~, W.L: 3.00 C°ross, ' ' G.F. ` 5•75 ~ Bell, R.E.L.` 3.00 Burney,'. A.C.` 3.00 C`rump, ' ' E.L. ` ~.20 Bell, ;; W.D. ` 3.50 Burriss, J.H: 3.00 Ciute, ' ' J.M. ' 3.00 ' Bell~ ,, 1~alter`~'. .50 Burton,' ' J.B: 3~5~ Ci.unbee, ' ' J.H.` 4.00 ' Bennett~ , W.J. ` 3.00 B~Trton,' ' J.B. ' 3.50 Cumber, ' ' L.C: 3.00 Benson~ ,. H.H. ` 3.00 Burton~' ' S.I,. ` 3.35 Cizmmings; : J.P: ~.00 Bensnn~ ,, W.S. b.45 Butler~' ' Robt ` 3.00 Curry, R.S: 1.00 . Benton, , ~ I.L. 4.~5 B~itler,' ' W.V.` 3.60 ` : : ` ~ Best J.T. 5.65 B~ird, '' Jas` 3.00 Da.niels, C.~. 3.10 . Best~ R.B. ` 24.45 Barnes; '' J.D.` 3.00 Daniels, Fi.H.' 1.55 Bethea, , C.L. 9.85 Bate, '' G.R: 9•30 Daniels, H.W. 3.00 ` Bi;ddle, ~ J.T. ~ 15.05 ' ' ' ` Daniels,~ ~ W.B: 3.50 , Bi,gge, Burton 3.00 Camache; ' A.C.Jr. 3.00 Darden, ' C.H. ' 3.00 ,, • Biggs~ ,, E.E. 4.00 CampbelT,' R.I,. ` 3.00 pavis~ A.H.' 3.00 B~ake~ ~ A.T. 3.25 Ca.mp£ield, T.`H. 3.00 D'avis, A.T.' 4.00 - Blake~ R.E.~ .75 Canady~' " Geo. 3.00 D$vis, ' ~ C.H.' 3.00 B],alock~, FI.L. '_ 3.00 Cappa, ~~ E.S.Jr 3.00 D'avis, ' ~ D.~.Jr 1.05 •' B~anehard~ E.P. 4.00 Carlyle; ' Grady 3.50 Davis~ ~ ~ E.F.' S.50 Bl,anchard~, H.J. ~ '].80 Carney, ' G.J: 3.10 Daois~ : ~ F.P. 3.50 • Bland, ,. J.J. ~ 4.35 Carney,; ; I,.L.` 3.00 Davis, :Miss Mary 1.00 ~i Blaney~ , , W.F. ~ 3.00 Carney, R.L: 3.00 Davia, T.W.Jr' 3.00 , . ' Bl,izzard~, , F.D. 3.00 Carolina Mi ll Works 10.00 Demos~ Steve ` 4.25 B1ood~ ,, ~ R.E., ~.80 Carpenter; A.B: 3.00 Danges, Rev.Peter'M. 39.3$ p~1 Bogan~ C.G. .25 Carr, ~ E.W: 11.25 D`enny, . . G.M.` 3.00 •. B4ggan, ~ W.T.~ ~.10 Carroll, ~ E.O. ' 3.00 DeReo, A.I.. 4.85 ' Bo.lton~ , C.B. 3•75 Carxoll, J.C. ` 4.85 D°eVane, E.L. ' S• 5 Bqlton~ ., ~ DH.L. ~ 3.A0 Carroll, A:B. ~.00 Di.ck, ~ ~ Rev.J.M. ~ ~ 1.00 ~ Bo,nham, , , F.4V. 3.00 C~,rter~ ° ' J.A. ~ •~~ Divine, R.J.' 3.00 '. ' Bonham~ ~ Woody 3.00 C~rter,' ' 1~onroe• 4. 5 Dixon, ~ ~ Archie j•25 ••, Boo~s~ .. , H.R. 1.90 Carter,' R.Hs 3.00 Dixon, ~ ~ C.N. 3.60 BQrdeaw~, . D.L. , j.20 Carter,' '~•~• 3•50 D`ixon, ' ' S:F. ' ll.'JO Bqrdeaux, . Fa6S~s , 3,50 C$s~een; • • E.w. E Z ~ 3.00 00 3 D'obson, ' ' ' P.E. ' ` ' 3.00 Bardeaux~ . ,. , Bnatain L.D. , R.L. , 3.00 3..00 Casteen; Casteem; ' . . J.T. ~ . 3.00 rascher; D D'ress, E. John ` 3.00 4.00 Boswell, Rolaxid , 3.00 Casteen, R.J. ` 3.00 D"ry, " Willie 3.40 ,~ "Bounds, . Vance ~ 5•95 Chadwick,~ ' G:R.' j.00 D'uBose~ ' ' C.S. 2.35 Bowden, . J.N. , .50 Chadwick,~ J.H. ` 3.00 Diznlea, ' ' R.A. 3.00 " Bowen, .. L.F. , 4.~5 Chadwick,~ J.J. ` 3.25 D'unn, ' ' L:P. 3.00 Bowen, .. W.F. , 3.00 Chestnu£,' J.y. ` 7•25 D°unn, ' ', Theron 4.00 Bowera~ . K.B. , 3.$0 Christma.n; BSike ` '].50 D"urizam, H.7. 4.30 Bowman, .. J.J. z.50 City Electric Company25.00 Eakins, ' Ralph' '].~5 ~~ , Br-ackoff~. . Fri.tz t5.35 Clark~ . G.L. 4.05 Eason, ' ' A.J.Jr j.00 • Bradley,. . E.Z. , 3.00 , C1ark, G.W. ~ 3.00 Ebert, ' : W.E. ` 3.00• _, Br.ady, ..~ R.H.Jr. 6.25 ., C7.arki ,, J.S.` 3.40 E3wards~: E.D: 3.00 „ .y . . . . , . . . . . . . - ~ ~ _.. ~ ri . ~,. .%~ a'~G.. .. \ Edvrards; ~ H.W. ~ 3.00 Grimetead; G.H..".~3.00 Hoggard, P.E. ~4.00 `` Edwarda~ ' Paul 9.10 Grissom, R.M..:" , .50 Holland, C.V. 6.00 ••;; Eldridge, O.E. 6.00 Groas Mi1l~nery Co 18.43 Holmes, :.: .. G.H. 3.00 ;~, ETfe, G.F. 5.45 ~rotgen G.T.:' 4 00 Holt B.M. ETks, • S.E. • 4.00 ~ Gurganous, Louia . . 6.60 , Hooper~ H.M. 3.00 ~~ Ellers, T.C. ' 3:15 Guthrie, J.E. 5.50 Hoover, D.S. 1.70 ~ Elliott; Mrs.G.H. .75 Guthrie, W.E. 3.25 Horne, " F.L. 3.00 . Emanuelson,Mrs.C.F. • 2.85 Guyton, L.L.~ 3.00 Horne, H.H. 3.00 . Ev_ans, W.B.• 3.20 Guyton, RobeTt j.00 Horne, R.T. ' 3.50 ~ E$ane, • W.E. 3.00 Guyton,' W.W. 5.10 Horrell, Sidney 4.25 •,. Ezzell, Edgar 3.00 ' Horton, John 3.05 • ' Haddock; J.W. ' 4;'70 Houston, ' Sam 12.70 ~ ~ Fagan~ ' J.B. 3.00 Hagood, J.A. 3.00 Howard, ' ' A.I,. 3.00 ;, ]~~.Y~s~ C.F. 3:00 Hale, H.S. 4.85 Huddleston, ~.R. 3.00 ° F~:es s C.F. ' 6.90 Iiale~ Rev.J.H. 6.35 Hudson, E.A. 3.00 , Fal~@; Clarenee 3.00 Halea, Geo. 3.00 Hufham, H.D. ' 3.40 Fales~ 3oyce 4.75 1#ales, John 3.00 Hufham, J.W. ' 3.50 F~,les, J.B. & Sans 21.50 Hales, John 4.00 Huggins, ' A.E. 3.00 Fales, 7.D~. 1.00 . Hales, Dr.J.B.` 3.50 $ughes, C.L. ' 3.00 ' ' , Fales ~ j7.R. j.00 Iiall~ C.F. 3.00 Hundley~ W.A. S.45 ' Fales~ '' J.~. ' j.00 Hall~ 1~ ~ H.A. 5.10 Autts~ ' G.M.' 5.95 . Farabow~ " E.LG. 5•80 Hall, H.P. 3.00 ~ ~ Farley~ J.T. 3.00 Hall, ~~ L.P. 3.15 Jackson, . . F.Z. 3.00 Faxr~ Bu rnice 3.00 Hallman, R.B. ~ 3.00 Jackson, J.P. ' 3.00 . Farrar~ J.P. 3.00 Iiamilton, A.I,. ~ 3.00 Jackson,' L.F.' ' 4.80 Farrow, ~.B. 3~55 Hamilton, O.K. ~ 3.00 Jackson, N.J. 3.65 Farrow~' J.B. ' 3.50 Hamilton, W.M. ~ 3.00 Jackson~ '' R.B. ' ' 3.00 ~- Fennell; Mrs.Etnma 1.85 Hammerle, PJ.C. ~ 6.90 ?ackson, ' W.H. 3.00 Fe~3e11, Hugh j.00 Hanchey, ~ N.F. ~ 5.05 Jacobs, ' ' B.P7.Jr~ 3.00 _ Fennell, J.D. ' 3.00 Iianey~ M.L~I.Jr 3.00 Jacobs~ Dr.I..W: 6.25 Fennell~ R.W. 3.65 Iiankinson, L.A. 8.10 Jacobs, ' ' T.L: 3.00 Fettell, R.H.' 3.50 Iiannah, L.Jr ~ 5.20 Jacobs, ~ ' T.6. ' 3.00 Fi'sher,' ' Theo. 3.00 I~anover Mot or Co.,' 8.00 James, ' • Cheste~ 3.00 Fitch, UJm H. '4.00 Iianrahari,~ Byrori S. a'i.50 James, ' J.D. ' 3.00 { Flanagan, J.L. 3.50 Hardison, E.F. 3.50 Jamea, ~~ Mrs.S.L: 0.60 • Flynn, ~ W.J. ' 3.80 Hare, ~~ C.D. ' 3.10 Jennings,• • J.N. ~ 3.00 . Faster, '. hd. 3.00 Hare,' C.H.' 3.70 Tenrett, • • F.D. ~ 3.00 ~ Fdwler~ G.T. 3.00 I#arker~ Dallas 3.00 . Jewell~ • F.H. • 3.00 Francis~ D.T. 5.60 Harker,~ ' G.H.' 3.50 Johnson, ~ • A.A. ~ 5.00 , French L.C. 4.~0 Harker,' R.I,. 3.00 Johnson •• ~ E.B. ~ 3.50 ' Fxyer, ~ Rodney 3.00 Harpe, '' L.C. ' 3.50 Johnson, E.E. ~ 5.00 r:. Fussell, ~.~. 3.95 Harpex, C.L: 3.50 Tohnson,• • L.C. • 7.45 Futch~ C.W. ~.25 Harper, Geo. ~ 13.10 Johnson~ ~ •. L.DH.• 5.15 Futeh~ ' .J.R. 4.~0 Harrell, DBat 2.30 Johnson, • • F7.D. 6.50 Futrell, D.I.. ' 3.00 Harrington, J.R: 3.00 Johnson,• • N.J. ~ 6.25 Franks~' B~ack 7.15 Harrison, R.A. 3.00 Jolly~ • • W:C. • 3.00 ' Harrison, S.I,. 3.00 Jones~ • E.A. • 3.00 G~.1e ' J.A. 3.00 Harriss~ " J.H. ' 8.70 Jones~ • • J.B. • 4.35 ; Gamey~ ~L.W. j. 0 Harriss, J.W. 3.00 Jones, • J.D. • 3.00 Ga.ney~ '' Pl.C. 4. 5 Harriss~, J.W. 3.00 Jones, • ~.F. • 4.55 Ganey~ '" VJ~.D. 4.55 'Harris~, Marmon. 6.60 Jones, •- • K.H. ~ 4.40 Gasner~' F.J. 3.50 Harriss~ ' W.T: 3.00 Jones~ • • R.D. • 3.00 Ga,rrett, G.O. 3.50 Hart, ' E.S.' 3.00 Jone~s, R.Z. • 3.50 C=(#~,`r'rett, S.W. 3.50 Harts~ ' C.R. 3,(00 Jones, • • Plm. ~ 3.00 Garrias~ H.B. 3.00 Harts, R.`1J.` 3.25 Jones, • W.F. • 10.50 Ga,sr'sam ' S.F. 4.25 Harvel, J.D.' 3.00 Jones, °• W.F.L: 3.00 ~; ~;~ "" G~l~rr son, 2.A. 3.00 Harvell; ~ J.W." 3.00 Jones, • • W.H. ~ 3.00 G$rveq~' ' Roy 3.00 Harvey, J.'N.D. ' 3.00 •Jones, • W.R. • 3.00 Gaskill, Bill .50 Haskett; H.W.` 5.85 'Jordan, • • Clyde • 3.00 G~,skill, 9J.Z. ~.50 Haynes, R.E. ' S.00 •Jordan, • • E.E. • 3.00 G~er, ' J.E.' 11.45 Helms~ C.P. 4~25 Joyner~ • • J.C. • 3.00 ? G~orge, ' Ed .50 Hemby, " M.C; 4.50 Jurgenson; C.A.dr• 5.80 Y G~orge,' ' John ' 3.50 Henderson, Jadk 3.50 Justice,• • C.E. • 3.50 . GBorge,' ' J.E. 3.00 Hemiford,' J.W. 4,ry5 Justice,• • J.E. • 3.00 G~rard, ' E.P. 3,00 Henly, " R.L.' 3.00 ' ' ' ' • Gibson,' ' E.F. j.00 Herringtori, D.A. ' 4.50 Kaplan, • • Geo.• 3.45 Giddens; ' A.C. ' 3•95 Hesketh, , J.H; 8.65 Karnes, • • Cris 3.00 ; Gilmour~ ' ~I.T. ' 3.5$ Hewett, D.O.' ~.95 ~eith, • • T.'N. 1.20 . Gbff, F.A. ' 3.50 Hewlett; ' H.N.' 3.00 ~ellam, • • S.C. • 12.75 Gbff, '' T.E.Jr.' 4.50 Hewlett; ' J.W.' 3.00 Selly, • • A.E.,~ 4.75 Goodrich, J.E. ~ 8.45 Iiewlett, W.Il~. 14.10 ~elly, • G.W. 18.00 , Godwin~ G.M. 3.00 Hicl~an, ' V.A.~ 3.90 •Kendrick ~ J.D. 4.95 Gbre, '' F.L. ' 3.'J5 Hicks, D.M. ~ 3.50 ,gennedy, • • Chas ~ 12.60 ' •'~ Gbre, '' G.L. 3.15 Hicks, ~~ Feed 3.00 gennedy,• • Frank~ 3.00 Gare, VJ.I. 3.50 Highsmith~ Worth 3.50 Kennickell, H.McG• 3.15 Garma,n~' ' R.B. 3.20 Hight, ~ W.E: 4.90 -Keromn, . . J.ffi. . .65 Graham~ B.T. j.00 Hilburn, . A.H.~ 3.00 ~err~ C.E. ~ 25.25 G"rant, . W.H. ~ 2.90 Hilburn, F.C. 9.10 Key, Hunter S. 4.85 , G'ray, '' ' F.9d. ' S.25 Hilburn, L.J. 4.85 King, • gYng ~ C.W. Mrs~Cora ~ 3.00 8.25 '+ GYay, G"ray~ R.C. ' T.W. 6.50 3:00 Hilburn, I-Iill, W.L. D.B. 3.00 3.00 , ging~ • E.H. 3.50 Gzeen~ ' Benflie 3.00 ~ill, L.H: 4.40 King, • F.B. 3.00 G"reen, C.T.Sr: .50 Hill ~ Ma.ck 3.00 ~ing~ ~ F.L. 3.00. . G'reen, ' ' ' C.w. ' ~3~15 Hilton, G.G, 3.00 ~ing~ ~ing I.J.Jr J.C. 3.00 3.05 ;, ~' G ree~ibe r~ ' E.L. 3.00 Hines~ ' B.B. 3.00 ~ • ~in~ ~ Jas.L. 5.45 Greenberg , ' ' G.V7. ' 3.00 Hines ~ ~ J.A. 1.50 , $ing ~ • P.Q. 3.30 ~ G reenbe rg; G~eensboro - L.P. ' 3.00 Zi£e Ins Cb 1.j0 Hines, Hinson, L.D. DG.L. 5.45 3.00 , ging, -• V.R. 3.00 •, ;. GY~eer~ ' 7.B. ' 4.25 Hobbs~ G:K. 4.45 King~ . Walter L. 3.00 °' G'reeg, " G.G.Jr 4.75 Iiobbs, • H.J. 3.00 xing, . Kingsbury . W.L. . B~rs.G.B. 3.00 1.70 G regg~ '' G~iffin; ' C.S. ' H.B. 3.00 ~0 Hobbs • Hobbs~ •• ~ J.R. ~ L N < ' ' 5.50 3.50 ~ ffirby~ . K.A., 4.10~ ~ Griffith,' A.H.~ 00 Hoffman; J.W. 3.00 Kitton ' . G.F. 5.70. ~„ Grimea, . G.,S: 3.00 Hoffman, P.C.Jr 5.05 Knight, P.L. 6.00 - y ,- / ~Y ' '1'hl3 8~~'Q Ot ~I1Q1~30II ~ n8"~ ~.3' th7S' CrOtt13ti9'i ~ ~i]raiaigCa~+~, tIOa'4h Carr~7.i,~ x~ ~sshiagit~~ A. C. „ ~'; . AaL9de Jt;a 2A,~vZ~ ",. Do0lte4 IIO. IS. C~ 1191•]t /, ( T ' / , - f . ~ .. ~ ~ i r < <+ 1 z: ' PGi~SL F~~~ a~tZ5I4~t::TZQ7 6,~.'~n ;a ~ OQt~ PD~I-LIO tiAtt2Gi i, .~nn~ece eo aho a. +~nn conaa.esm,o (s~.i ro~, ~o.a3o~ Qo ,~c~oa ~o ~a,o a~eo oY thi~ Ot$qr) ah3ah ara acde a pw~t horeot~ tha iJnii~d Qtatas ot .~ karobq oitara ~o a~.d iv tinaaoing ~ho coneLruetion ot tr,o cahool buiidie~'(Caroii~ DGaOh 9nd P43b~)f Srid 0! An ndQltion 1A cu1Q u1t63".1t10n9 ttt tl19 wY301t~E0II t~i,h t~shoo2 (A~rein o~l].ed fi~ha "Pro,iao4")~ bY n:+kin~ o Br'aat to 1'ha Hoard ot :duos~~lon ot.;t~e~a ficrolrar Qouatr~ :tosEh ~ssolim~ (herein c~led tho "~.DD~"~~ in tAe amo~ p! 45 pc~' aaab at t1-a oetit ot ~he ProJeai e~pOS- ao~qq2oLion~ +n~ de- ~6~inad ~ tho Peclerel ~rgonoy RdmL~ietirstor oP t'ublia :.or;co~ b¢~b naE So ax~ o~, in r,4~ av~oae, the ss~ ot ~3$,a54, 2. Dy acrboptanoo o! thie OYtea~ tha dDylf.oettC ewonaa~Ee to 3~eLln v~ork oa tha Pro,ieo~`'ao mrl.p pe ,posa~iblo bu4 !n ns aoass: lu~vr thaa 8 wcsrrjku trom tI:O d:tito a! tLiaj~Otter ar.d to aoe~3sEo ~oh Pro~oo4 ~aif;A all pa~natioaDle dispE+~eh~ aad in atp~ ovc~4 vithia 9~ firoa~ tho a~eaaoa~ ot oanElrvaEioa. ,}. . ~r . 1 ~ t~1T"'.,D 6Ti1T^~S tQ'« dtS~iLOA 5~edaral F~S.. c.:...~y~, AdminlOL3'tt403' oY Pub2ks t:osks Byt ~~H~ A= (~v I,ts~iatr.ub ,:dm~piestivLOr b~ and the 8~0 18 h~., .: ~ in all respooto acetip~e3d. ~'604im $~t 'a'ffiti #s!d 90~lt'd ot C~rtsisr~inaaro ot i2ara ~is....,,. ,......G~ ar,, ~,;,~ a0 aMQA by a3i t~~ and eoaaitiaaa ot eaid ottes~~ iaaludi~ 'Ehe ~Oeatas esa9 ai'~ .j : di4lons na~,x~d thergte end mads a patC thoreol. ~1 ~ SCiO~I~Qri 3~ Tha'E 1d10 C~,6T~ LO ~h0 C~89~Qri6~8 Ot Ap9 H4..,..~~ ~i0tint~/ DO ' r , auQ ~to ~s h~'by wiChoxlr.e~d cu~ ditK+Cte4 Po=~Ch~rith 40 oead t0 tho Fpdoseil T,,,~o,.,,~..oy. , ;% > u~ i'~SBtTCtiS68 CY ~it~1Q C0~$q Z27Y90 Ot'~'~'iS~.O~ OCD~ 0~ 'Eh0 r.'.'... .~B Ot ~i~? ~ ~ Baard ot c,c~seslo»oa~o ot M9~ ~ii.... ~:_ c4em~yt~r sc aoraseotsoa cdtt~ edapESAa- ot ~z~ ~yXy tl T060Yt11iSQU~ B/?~tl~~C7'~ f}7~8 1'K~80~Il~SQA l~ ~1i11~ IIAd.~imh ~hffi i1001~0 ~, a or pipo4a in oamttea9lpa cith tha, aaouy~CSacO o! "~,id otYcir uo mxq b~ roqnis~d ~- b~ t~hg ~bd~x-I. L..~.~,.-~.~':~r Ad~inio~r°tfon a~ Pulsiic ~3osE~. 1, ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~? eddiaon ':c~G,1et•b ' ~ of OacmisalOnia's Nect liauGfea' GODUd~q NORTH CAROLINA s NE19 HANOVER COITNTY : YPHF'~RCAS, the County of Nee Hatiover is the oTmer in fee simple oP a oertain tract of land situated in Maeonboro Tovmahip adjoining Greenfield Lake upon whic4 certain funds have been ~..rc..ded by the Worke Progresa Adminietration I~ovm as Official Pro~ect /f65-32-1623 as designated by the Works Progreas Administration; and ~ nnr~nnAS, the br;~a*ngs and other improvements on such land have not beea comp2eted ovring to the lack of funds; and wf3EREAS, the Board of County Commissioners haa been dulq informed snd hea cognizance of the fact that the VPorka Progreas ~ldministration, Washingtoa, A. C, has advised that the prosecution of the herein mentioned Recreational Center Pro~ect covered by the lease hereinafter meationed is disapprored until the said lease ia vacated and cancelled. The lease mentioned more apeci.fically referred to is that leeae made the 28th day of October 1935 by the County of Nea Hanoner~ a subdivision and municipal corporation of the State of North Cerolina, partp oP the firat part to W. ;~. Peschau, T• B• Eflnar@a~ Harry ~!. Symmes~ Charles B. Parmele and Wilber D. Jones, Trusteea for Ril.mirrgton Poat ~10, American Legion, for a period of twenty (20) yeara begittning on the 28th day of October 1935 end Een.'ninatfng on the 28th d~ of October 1955 being that tract of land situated in Masonboro Tomnship ad~oining Greenfield Lake upon ~vhich the construction of the Becreational Center Project ia soughE, nnnn~AS~ the Bo~rd of Coimty Co~aissioners reveal and state that the Yoregoing lease has been duly ceacelled and vacated as contemplated and directed by Works Progreas Adminietnation~ Wsabington~ D. C.; and rvnr:nGAS, it ie the intention of the Co~iasionere of New Hanocer County to develop such property aa s Recreat3onal Center and that the Public ehall be at liherty to e~joy the privilegea oP such buildings and grounds as a Recreational Cen$er u~rurac RiiLES AND REGOLATTONS PRESCRIBED SY SAID BOdRD OF COAfl~ISSIONER.S; ancl ' nn~etr.AS, th3s being a Puhtic Recreational Ceater for the benefit of the Public same ia herebp dedicated to the use of the general Public for all purpoees and intent as herein indiceted; aad YPHERE9S, in further consideration of additional e~enditure of fYUids by the YPorks Progress lldminiatration it is agreed and understood that T1~ ~tECREATIODTAL CENTER SHI~LL REAIAIN uirur.cc THE CONfROL AND Sure,nuiSION OF TfiE B0.9RD OF CO~fMIS3I0NERS. HOVP, in~nGr~RE, in consideration of the forego3ng Y~,,.~sioas hereia atated the Board of Co~ni.ssionera of New Hattover County hereby resolve and asaure the G...~...ment of the IInitecl Statea that it will use the buildings artd gro~uxds herein mentioned for the purpoae of the Public generally snd that it ei13 1~~ all times adeqvately supervise and control same, iaclvding all necessary maintenance. BE IT runanr.~c RESOL9EU, that the Countp Boerd of Commisaioners for New Hanover Countg shnll maintain, supervise, and Le responsible for the maintenance and improvement of the Recreational. Center togather with msking such rules and regat.atfons ae may be rec}uired for the general upkeep and maintensnce of the property; that the County Board ehsll hereby agree to create a Public Park and Recreation Co~m.ission composed of reputable citlzens nho are intereated in recreation, to whoa the County Board ahall delegate, urxier general rules and regulations, authority to operate, maintaia, and imprave sa3d Recreational Center. STAIE OF NORTH CAROLINA: COUIVtY OF NEW HANOVER : ~'~ I~ THOS.K.WOODY~ CLERK TO THE BOAaD OF COUNTY COM~AISSIONER3 OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY~ DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT TME FOfiEC01NG IS A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF A i RE9pLU710N ADOP7ED BY 7HE SAID BOARD AT MEETING HELD OCT08ER 2r,D,~936~ AND THE ~ , SAME -ULY REC ORDED IN THE MINUTES OF THE SAOD BOARD Of COMMISSIONERS OF NEW \ HANOVER COUNTY• .... . ~ . , , _. , ff~iTRACT3 Ytt01i itltlUT&S C-' A BRGOLAR lfYbTTNa Ol THS gD.'~RD ~l' CClOIISSIC~IPAS ,' c~ ~ovr,,~ w~.~~ HELD 02I TF~ 2~ DAT OF JULY~ 193g A regnlar mss~ing of the Board ot Commieelonars oY Nev Iiauo~er Cauatp •sa hald at 3t00 F. ~d. ott'the 2$th day oi Ju1T~ 1938 ia itd olfioe,in tho Cmst~E " tlou~s ia pilmingtoa, N. 0.,' ~ TDe neeti~o~ vae aslled ~o order by Addieon Sevlett, Cbairman oi the Hoard ot Ooam~isaidaers and on ro21 6all tha follo~ing member~ anewetisd preeeatt R. B. Aosbnok. Aarrv R. Ciardnsr~ 0. Tt, ~rnek, ead Jamos L. Hall. Ths followia~ vsr6 abse~rtt ~ne. = h- ~~ Aiter diaanesion af the tYt'Yer of the Uni4ed Sta~ee of Ameriaa to nid bp R~ way af ,grerrt in fiaano3ng the oone~rueition of t~o eahool bnil.dinge (ftarolins Heaah ead Peabo~r)~ and an edditioa to as~d;calt~erations a4 the ~ilmington ~Iigh 8ohool~ M ths ffiloping reeolution~ number•d ." , and a~rbitlsd " A F-esolutioa Aaoeyting n tho otfor ot the United B#atoa to the goard of Eduoation of btev HanoTer.Couaty" to aid tq vny of praaC in finnna3s~ th~ aoaetraction of tvo schoo2 huildiage (Carol#aa S~aoh and Peabody) and aaiadditiDri to aad alteratione ai the i~ilmingtcm iiigh Sal~abl, tas proyoeed by fl. H: Roebdct and read iri fnllt ~. , HESOIwa~'ww 160• t A rseolution saaeptiug the o~Ser ot tha Uttited States to the Bossd of `~ ;y Eduostiop of Pao Hanover Oourity ta nid bp wa~ oi grat~t ia tinatiaing the oanaLrnetiou o! ho echool buildinge (Oeroliae. Bsash and Peabadj~}~ mid ad addition to and al- ~i terations ot the Q1lmington Aigh Sohoo.l. ~ He ft r~eolvsd by the Board o! Rommiesionera.of Heo Hano~sr Couaty~ ~~, ° Ssction 1. That the oPfeT uf the Unitad Statee oi Amerioa to the Hoard , „ o! $duaation ot pev Hanorer Qouu~y to a3d Dq nay of grar~ in tinanaSag ths oon ~., .. atruation of tv6 eohool buildinga (Catoli.na B~Ch and Peapody~r aad an additiols to end alterationa of the Yiilmington g;gh Sahoo~.~ n aopy oi whieh oYYer reads e+s ~; s ~. follorsi i J ~ ,a „ ''~ ~A i , • ~ p. ; N~ , ' ~ ~ l 1 r +R ~ , ~ L i ;'~ a . , ° ~ ,:. .,. ~', 3 .6 e t. A ` ~~ Knovrles,~ M.R. ~3.00 Il2intz~ , E.B.~ ~3.00~ Pickett, R.C. ~3.80 ' Koch, W.~N. .85 ~Qintz~ . H.A. 3.00 Pickett, Jack 5.45 Soen, • Martin 7.75 Mintz, .. J.O. 3.70 Pierce, G.C. , 3.00 ~ goen, ~ Peter 4.50 Pdintz, J.E. 3.20 Pigford, F.G. 3.00 , Korney~ • C.S. ,4.85 Pdintz, . S.A. 3.00, Pigford, t'J.I. 1.00 gosch, Sidney 3.00 1VIintz~ II.S. 3.75 Piner, . C.E. 3.00 Kure, Est.H.A. .5.00 Mintz, W.B. 5.25 Piner, P.D. 3.8fi _. ~Hintz~ . W.K. 3.55 Pittman, D.P. 5.35 IaClair, Allen 4.05 Mobley, C.E. 5.00; Pittman, Manley 8.30 Lacy, W.J. 3.75 Mohr, F.1~.Jr 3.00 Pittman, . ~ilton 6.30 Landen, PI.H. 3.85 Mohr, G.J. 1.50 Piver, . E.S. . 6.55 Landreth, J.C. 3.00 Mohr, J.J. 6.35 Piver, . R.T~. 10.30 Langley, J.P1. 2.00 Montgomery, J.B. 4.00 Poisson, F.D. 3.00 ~ - ZaSur e, .. L.~. 3.25 Montgomery, J.C. 3.00 Pollock, I.:M. 4.95 ~. Zatimer, H.G. 4.75 Moore, C.M. . 3.00 Pollock, Thomas 3.00 ~ Ledford, J.C. 4.50 Moore~ E.C.Jr 3.00 Pope~ T.G. 3.00 ' Lee, C.L. 3.05 Moore, G.R. 4~50 Por:ter, James 3.00 Lee, N.N. .25 , Mooxe, J.A. 4:70 Por.ter~ J.J. 3.25 Lee, Oivind 8.25 Moore~ DQ.L. 3,(50 Potter, G.F. 3.00 ~ I.ee, . R.E. 3.00 Morton~ C.I. 7.60 Potter, L.I.. , 3.00 Leitzsey, F.B. 5.95 ~orton, J.H. 8.05. Potter, ~iss 1~.L. .50 I,ee, PJ.R. 4.00 D6oss, J.T. 3.00 Potter, P..G. 3.00 Lever, , T.H. 3.00 Mott,~ W.S. 4.75 ~'otter, V.L. 3.10 Lever, D4rs.T.H. 3.85 Motte, T.G. 5.00 Potter, . W.B. 4.70 Lewis, F.BiI. 5.00 Mountcastle, J.R.Jr 3.75 Fo~vell, . C.M. 7.66 Le,vis, Jeff 3.00 Moyland, IvIiss Annie 2.25 Powell, . G.~P. 4.50 Lewis, J.D. 4.00 Moylan,. J.C. 3.00 Povrell, . P.D. 3.00 ~ Lev~is, Z.E. 13.24 Munds Service Stati~s T.50 Powers, Dr.F.P. 6.75 Lewis, T.C. 4.00 L~unn, T.C. 4.50 Prid~en, S. 3.00 Little, R.L. 4.40 Munroe, J.P. 3.00 Princess Cigar'5tore 11.00 Lloyd~ F.K. 3.00 Murray, C.P. 3.00 Proctor, P.J. 3.00 I.ockfav~, J.I. 3.00 DQurxay, Rev .D.F. 3.05 Pryde, W.H. 3.00 I.okey, G.~l. 6.20 Murray, E.B. 3.00 Pugh, J.A. 3.00 Zong, W. 4.75 Murray, . G.S. 3.00 Pov~ell, W.H. 5.00 . Lorick, N.~7V. 8.30 ~4usselman, G.T. 9.?5 . Lynch, .. I,.R. 6.20 Musselwhite, A.C. 3.05 Quinlivan, . W.F. 13.00 Lytton, A.R. 3.00 . • , . Nance, .b~Irs. E.S. 2.20 Rabon, G.D. 3.00 MacGlashen, Bryan 8.25 National Grocery Co 9.00 Ramsey, C.A. 3.00 PBac~illan, Bryan 6.15 National News Ac Lunch 1.00 Rasnsey, R.H. 3.00 , MacMillan, ,.John 3.00 Nealy, , D.J. 3.00 Ramsey~ . Samuel 3.00 ~ 1~dac,Millan,. S.G. 15.35 Nelms, , A.A. 3.00 Rann~ D.V~. 3.00 DBacMillan, VJ.D.Inc 94.14 Nelms, N.N. 5.45 Rayle, . . T.C. 2.95 ' McBryde, J.T. 6.95 Nelson,. J.`A. 6.10 Ready, H.J. 8.35 1~cDaniel,L~ ~ System St22.10 Nelson,. R.H .Guardian 12.50 Reeves, B.M.. 3.00 ' McDonald, . J.H. 1.75 Nevens,. . C.N: 3.00 Re~ister,. C.C., 6.80 MeDougald, R. 3.00 Nevill,. E.P.. .50 Register,. . Gibson 4.70 ~ McEachern, D.R, 3.00 Newkirk, . A.~N. 6.50 Register, td.B. 3.00 ~ I~cEntee, T.B. 6.25 Netivton, F.E: 3.00 Register,. . ffi.S. , 1.75 DEcGlaughon, W.P.Jr, 3.15 Newton,, J.E. 4.45 Retchin, . David . 6.10 '' &[cGlaughon, W.P. 2.50 Newton,, S.'N: 4.05 Reville~ . ..B.T. 4.30 McGrath & C _ o.~ 10.47 Newton, w.E. ~ 3.50 Reynolds~. . J.C. 4.10 I~cKee, .. A.T. 3.00 New,~Vay Tdattress Co 6.00 Reynolds, . 1~.S. 3.15 ~QeKeithan, Pearl 5.25 Nichols, , BH.C. 5.35 Reynolds,. . T..A. 3.30 ', LQc$enzie, ~G.R. 3.45 Norton,, , J.C. 3.50 Rezze, . . TYJ. 5.85 NlcKinney, R.C. 4.'75 Nurnberger, ~T.A. , 5.50 Rhodes, . G.W. , 6.00 Il~eFioy~ A.F. 1.00 Rhodes, . L.A. 3.00 MeFherson, Wm 4.75 0'Brian, , L.R. ~ 9.60 Rich~ . Earl 3.00 Magill, T.B. 6.45 0'Donn~ll, J.G. 5.45 Rich, . J.E. 3.50 Mallard,. , K.S. 3.00 0'Dwyer, , James 3.00 Richards,. . A.I,. , 3.00 ' Mallard, R.A. 3.00 Oldenbuttle, J.G. 7.50 Riddle, H.I,. 3.00 Manning,. , E.SN. 4.75 Oliphant; Wm .50 Rdley, ' ' P.E.. 4.25 ~ Manning, J.A. 5.35 Oliver~ . Joe .3.00 Rising, ' J.R. 3.00 fl~arine~ C.C. 3.70 0'Neill, H.L. 3.00 Rising, ' ' PI.A. 3.50 Marshall~ Mrs.W.P. .b0 0'~,uinn, T.J._ 4.45 Rivenbark; ' B.V. ~ 3.00 Marshburn,. L.A. 7.25 Orman, . Jacob 5.85 RiYenbark; J.E. ~ 3,(50 . I~artin, VJ.F. 13.00 Overny, T.J. 4.25 Rotibins, ' ' Cecil 3.00 Pliason~ D.E. , 5.45 Owensby, , C.C. 3.50 Rob`bins, ' ' E.L. 8.10 I~fiason, H.'N. ,3.95 . Robbins, J.A. 3.00 ' Mason, , Mrs.Leon .50 Padgett, J.D. 3.50 RoYibins, ' ' R.A. 3.00 - Mathews, J.R. 3.25 Padr.ick, .D.C. , 3.50 Rob'erts~ ' ''A.H. 4.05 Maultsby, , W.~d. 3.00 Padr.ick, , E.S. , 3.00 Rob"inson, ' G.~N. 4.00 DGay, Leo 3.15 Padr,ick, H.O. 4.50 Robinson, ' ' VJ.M. ~ 7.04 Meado~vs, Fred 3.00 Padr,ick, J.A. 3.00 Roderick,• ~ C.H. 3.00 Niears, ~9.H. 3.00 Padriclc, Julius 3.00 Rod'erick, ~ ~ Harry 4.50 Meir, D.A. 5.00 Parker,. . C.B. 2.10 Ro~ers, B.H. 5.25 Meir, R.D. 3.50 Parker, G.E. 3.00 Ro~ers, ' ' D.L. 5.05 Meigs~ ~ A. 5.20 Parker~, . J.'fJ. 3.00 Aogers~ • J.B. 3:00 . I~6elton, , B.F. 3.00 Parker,, . L.J. .50 Rourk, H.E. 3,(50 • •Ivielton~ R.A. 10.35 Parker,, O.R. 5.50 Rou°se, • ~ L.H. 3/35 I~elvin, T.S. 5.00 Parks, . J.YZ. 3.00 Rus's, ' ~ Frank 4.25 Mercer, J.D. 3.25 Parlier, . R.G. 6.25 Russ, ~ ' J.A. 3•00 Mercer, R.C. 3.35 Parish,, P.J. 3.00 Russ, ~ ~ S.B. 8.25 Merritt, E.J. 4.00 Pearce,. L.B. 3.00 Russs, J.F.~ 3.25 Merritt, N.C. 3.00 Peele, VJ.M. , 4.70 Russ, R.C.. 4.70 ' Merritt, R.I,. 3.50 Pennington~ R.I,. .50 Russ, • • W.C. 3.65 Mexers, E. 6.85 Penny, . , A.E. 4.00 Rus~s, •'~/.L. 3.00 '~ ~ Meyland~ E.M. 5.30 Penny~~ W.A.Jr 3.00 Russell~ :Miss J.B. 2.45 , E~filler, F.S. .75 Perdue, J.K, 3.00 Russell, L.C. 3.00 ~ Miller, Norvrood3•00 Perrett, . G.A. 3.00 Rabunsky,• • S. 4.00 ' . ~iller, W.F. 3.00 Perry, , J.E. 3.00 ' ' ' • ' Miller, V~m I. 3.00 Peterson,. D.T.Jr, 3.30 Saleeby, • 2d. 8.25 Millican, Pross 3.00 Peterson, G.R.H.. 3.00 Sallings, • S.M.- ~•00 Milliken~, E.G. 3.50 Peterson,. W.C.Jr ~ 5.00 Sanderlin; ~ B,L. 3.00 , Milliken, . . W.Pd. 3.0o Petet, ,, R.L. 3.00 Sanderlin; ~ 4J.F. 3.25 _ E~illiner, , D.E. 3.50 Phelps, W.G. 3.50 Sanders, A.W. 3.50 '~ Il4illener, Vl.A. ,3.50 Phallips Daniel 3.50 Sanders, ~ • V.B.< 3.00 Mills, P.R. 5.00 Pichon, L.A. 3.90 Sandlin,.' ' A.R. ~ 3.00 ' . y ~ , 3 ~ • >, ~ ~ Sanderlin, Sanderlin, Sasser~ Satchwell, Sau•nders, Saunders, • Schaar, Schell, • Schields, Schnibben, Scott, . Scull~ . Seitter,. . Sellers,. . Sellers, 5ellers,. Sellers, Sellers~. . Sellers, Sells, . - Sessoms, Shackelford, Sharp, . Sharp~ . Shaw~ Shepard,• . Shepard, Shepard, She~pard, , Shepard, Sherman, Shinn, . • Shipp, . Shirer, . . Shoe Fixery Shue, . . Sidbury, Sidbury,. . Sidbury,. . 5i1va, . Sin3mons ~ Skipper,. Skipper, Ski•pper, . . Skipper,. . Skipper,. . Small, Smith, . . Smith, . . Smith, Smith,, .Mr Smith, . Smith, . . Smith, • Smith, . - Smi,th ~ . . Smith, . . Sm~th , Smith, :• . . Smith, . . Smi`th ~ ,- ' ' Smithson~, ; Sneedeh, Snell, ~ ~ Snipes, ' ~ Soloma,n, ' ~ Southe"rland, Southerland, Southerland, Southerland, Sparlcman, Spenc.er,~ . Spencer,. Spivey, Spooner, Spooner, ~ Squires,' ' Stallings,, Stalvey, , , Stanley, Ste',phens, Ste~rart, Stewart~, , Stevaart, . Sti~aell, , Stoddard, Stokley,~ ~ Stokley~. Stokley, Stokley, Stokley, . Stokley,, Stout,_ Streeter, Stuart, . Stuckey,, Styron~ Eddie J.C. , F.R. a,.B. J.C. R.H. H.M. W.F. Albert L.R. J.tY. t~J.E. G.F.Jr A:B. C.G.Jr N.Pd. S.R. W.B. i~~•V• A.C. A~.L. R.C. Earl J .Ivi. E.V. H.L. H.S!'. S.B. T.A. , Fl. Fi~ O.L. . J.P~[. ~.H. H.A. ~1.05 3.50 3.50 5.00 3.00 3.00 3.55 5.15 13.00 7.a0 3.25 ; 3.50 4.50 3.95 4.50 4.00 3.00 7.20 3.00 3.35 3.60 3.00 3.70 4.50 5.25 3.50 3.00 3.10 3.80 5.85 3.70 3.95 3.00 3.00 3.00 .50 3.00 .15 4.00 3.00 3.85 .3 .15 3.00 7.00 3.00 3.00 4.50 3.10 4.00 5.00 c3.10 3.50 6.00 3.00 3.00 3.25 4.70 ,6.35 5.15 4.25 ~ < W.G. C.S. R .u'. w.F. J.E.Jr ; T.P. , C.D. F.M. T~I.F . O.B. , R.B. , E.N. Albert A.G. C.T. . s. . , E.M. G.H. H,E. J.P. Jas. . Z.D. < L.H. L.R . S.I,. t17.G. w.N.Jr A.C. P.I~. L.S: J.L. C.S. ' I,aur i e Vd.J. r W.R. ~ R.V. C.I. ' W.A. D.F. L.A. S . Pl. R.Z. Nat P.D. \ L.P. 'H.~. A:D. Norman ~Vm A.t11. 0. l~.B. C.J. ` C.N, ' J.~7. L.~N. Vl.H.Jr. < T.T. J.W: Hayden O.P. E.M. ` 4.10 3.50 3.05 5.10 13.90 3.00 4.80 4.05 5.00 3.20 3.50 3.40 3.00 1.95 3.60 3.00 3.95 5.25 ` 3.00 ' 3.00 3.95 3.00 `3.00 3.50 6.35 3.20 .70 3.00 3.00 4.30 3.00 .25 4.25 3.00 3.00 3.20 3.00 ;~ ,~ Sullivan,. ` S.F. $3.00 P7ebster, R.T. ~3.75 Surles, . . J.F. ,3.00 Weeks, , R.W. 1.00 Sutton, . . V7.P, 4.70 Wells, J.D. 6.25 Swann, . .Creasy ~1.00 Wessell, V~J.E. ,9.00 Swann, C.C. ,3.00 West, , W.L. ~3.10 Sykes, . T.R. ~3.70 V/haley, H.G. 3.00 Sykes, . . v9.C. 3.00 ~rmite, . , C.D. ~.3.60 Sykes, . ~l,T. ,3.20 49hite, E.B. 8.00 Sanderlin, J.N. 3.00 VJhite, H.W., 3.00 Shew, . R.A. 3.00 U~fhite, .. Pd.A. ,.15 Vilhitla~, J:A: . 4.50 Taylor, . . B.G. 3.50 i~7hitley, VJ:O: 7.05 Taylor, . F.O. 3.00 Vdhitney, .I~iss 1~iay 3.00 Ta~lor, . J.H. 3.00 Wilkins~ . D.E. 3.25 Taylor~ . J,T. 5.25 Wilkins, VJ.F. 3.00 Taylor, . Pn.9~. ;4.50 4`~illard~ E.P. 2.00 Ta~lor, ~~.G. 4.15 willcox, ~ I~.T. 3.00 Te~.chey, . Alfred 3.50 Willett, . Fred 3.00 Teachey, C.E. , .50 ,willett, N.A. 4.95 Teachey, Everettc 3.00 Williams, A.N. 3.00 Teachey, S.R.< 3.50 ti7illiams, Bucl 3.00 Tharp, L.R. 6.10 YJilliams,• C.D. 5.05 Thomas, . . J.C. 3.50 4~i11iams, E.S. 3.75 Thompson Cy cle Co., 2.00 Williams, • G.G. 6.00• Thompson, . C.E. 3.00 UJilliams,• H.E. 3.00 Thompson, C.H. .50 Williams, H.M. 3.15 Thompson,. • E.C. 3.00 ~illiams, J.A. , .50 Thompson, R.F. 4.80 Williams, J.B. 3.00 Thorpe, . • R.S. .25 Williams, J.B. 7.00 Thorsen, . . R.A.; fi.00 Williams,- L.L. . 3.00 Thaower, . . JJ.J. 8.95 ~+illiams, J.T. 8.10 Tiencken, .• J.G.JJ .3.00 ~qi1~I,iams~. J.'A., 3.00 Tilley~ . . 'JV,F., 8.00 ~lilliams, I,.E. 3.05 Tiradall, . . J.I,. 3.00 ti~Villiams,. L.E. ,5.00 Tiradall, . Z.C. 5.85 ~]illiams, I~.F. , 3.00 Tiradall, . . L.Ii. 4.10 Williams, R.L. 7:70 ' Tindall, L.~. 4.00 VTilliams, Roy , 3.00• Todd, . .A.F. <3.00 Williamson, D.H. 3.30 Todd, E.S. 3.00 Vaillis, ~.T. 3.50 Todd, J.G. 4.55 pfillis, W.P. 3.20 Todd, . . L.D. 3.00 Wil Cigar Co., 20.00 To1er~ . . A.T. 3,65 Wilson~• A.F. 3.00 Tompkins,. . Pd.F. 3.10 V~indley,• Edw 3.00 Tompkins,. W.K. 1.Ofl Winetead, H.P. 5.30 Trask, B.VV. 4.55 Wood~ T.H. 3.00 Trask, • L,P. 4.25 , iNood~ J.T. 3.10- Trott, . . H.S. 5.55 Wood, - I,.L. 4.50 Troy, . . R.S, 3.00 Y~ooten, E.Y. 3.25 Tucker, . . fi.G. 3.00 Wray, G.R. 3.00• Tucker, • T.~7. 3.55 Wrught~ J.T. 6.00• Turlington, ~ R.T. 3.75 Wright, VJ.`lf. .70 Turner, Benni e4.60 ~.~60 . ~• Tuxner, Mrs C.Z. 5.80 Yopp, • A.T.• 2.00 Turner, • R.S. 3.40 Yopp, Elisha H.A. 5.50 Turrentine, H,W.~ .50 yopp~ J.D. 3.00 Tyler, • • Hugh 3.75 Yow, Earlie 3.00 Tyler, Jas, 3.00 You~, • L.E. 3.00 Tyler, ~ J.T. 6.35 Yow, Ru£us 4.10 Tyson~ Grady 3.00 • • Ulmer, C.A. 3.00 Zeklers, C.L. 3.00- Ulmer, F.C. 5.15 Zellers, Henry 3.00 - Zibelin~ G.H.~ 4.70 Vann, i~l.L. 13.25 - . - Vasiliou,• G.H. 10.60 WIbMINGTON TOWNSHIP -PIEGRO Vamghn~ C.B. 3.80 • . Vau~hn, C.I,. 3.50 Addison, J.H. 1.75 Vereen, E.G. 4.65 Alexander, Phillip 3.00- Vereen, . J.H. 12.10 Allen, •• Il~as ~ 5.00 Voss, ~ C.H. 5.10 Anderson~ John 3.00 • • ~ Andrews~ H. 3.00 Walker, . .E.B.Jr. 4.75 Andrews, - Joe 4.00 Walker, . H.P. 3.65 Andre~~s~ I,.G. 3.00 Walker, . L.F. 3.00 Andres, Telphy 3.00 Walker, Rufus 3.00 Ashe~ fiichar d 3.00 tiVallace, G.S. 3.00 Atkinson,• Marion 6.40 Wal-lace, . H.A. < 3.00 . Wallace, J.B.~ 3.00 Baker, • Gaston 3.00 Wallace, • ~ J.W.~ 3.00 Bald~in, • Axchie, 3.00 Walton, A.B.: 9.95 Bannerman, Plalter 3.00 ~~lalton, . J.E. 3.10 Barnes,• ~ Ellerby 3.55 Walton, • R.E. :5.60 Betts, Estelle J,1.50 Y~ard, A.C. 3.25 Beatty,• Nath 3.95 Ward, E.B.< 5.45 Bell, Moses 3.00 Waxlick, D.R. 3.60 Bellasqy; Thurman 3:05 ~Iarner, . J.Z. 3.50 Be~ser,• Ham 7.15 War~rick, • J.F. 3.00 Be~nett; ~ Robert 5.00 t~anPrick, . TuTrs.L.E. .1.10 Benton, • Henry 3.00 Vlaters, ~ H.A. 3.40 Bezry • Jas 3.00 Waters, O.~q. 6.15 Be~ts, • Sam .50 Watkins, R.Z. 3.00 Billings, H.D. 3.85 Vlatlcins, T.F. •.50 Blanding~• Wm. 3:50~ Plat,son, I..R. 4.00 Boney, • Banks • 3.00 - 47atson, I~a.t D. 6.00 Boney, Noah Hr. 3.00 - Watters, C.W.Jr 3.50 Boone, VPm E.~ 3.00 VJa~ers, E.H. 4.50 Boavden, • C.R. 3.00 VJatters, Vlaters 7.00 Bowdem,• • Robert 3.50 Watts, Tilman 3.00 Boyd, • Jas 3.10 - . t . . ery .~ ~ ' `Y!' L Boyd, Thos. ~3•00 -Harvin, - 4Villie ~3~5~ Pdazone, W.G. W $3;00 00 3 • Bradford~ Mose 3.00 ~HaMes, •• Fred • 4.00 L~ercer~ Mercer . G. L.VJ. . 3.00 Bradley, Brodget Elijah J.H. 3.00 3.00 Hawes, •~ ~Hawes, Robert~ Samuel~ 4.00 3.00 , ,. ~itchell, ; B. 3.00 , Brinkley, Robt 3.00 Haynes, ~• Edw. 6:35 IlGitchell~ Ban 5.30 3.00 Brooks, E.J. 3.50 •Haywood,• Ed ~ .50 ~itchell~ Monroe Henry Victor 3.00 Broran, Brown A. Eddie 3.00 4.35 Hemingway, Henderson~ Ivey Jacob 3.00 3.00 , ~oore~ Arthur 3.00 , Brown, J.A. - 3.00 Iienderson, Willie 3.00 ~oore, ' C.S.Jr: d 3.00 3 00 Brown, Joseph 3:00 Henry, • John< 3.00 05 N[oore, I~oore w E Frank Jr . 3.00 '.~, BrIDwn, Brown I,acy 3.25 Melvin C.3.00 Herring, Herring,• • Chas Frank 3. 3.25 , ~foore, Mathew 3.00 , Brovm, Willie 3.00 Hill, Andrea~. 3.00 Moore, 1'~oses , 3.50 Brunson, Walter 3.00 Hill, • Curvin 3.00 Moore~ Vance 3.35 Bryant, ~ Harvey 3.50 Hill, ~ Eugene 3.00 Norris~, Jas. 3.25 , ' Bryant~ P/m 3.10 Hill~ J.H. 4.65 Il~umford, Cash .50 Bunfring, Willard 3.00 Hill, Joseph 3.50 Murphey, PJalter 3.75 Burnett~ ~ ~ Lucy .50 iiill~ ~• Lincoln ~ 5.45 Iidurphy, Vlm 3.25 , Burnett~ T.R. 3.00 Hill~ •• tAm. 3.00 Murrill~ , Clyde 5.00 Cald~vell, Groeer 3.50 Hines, D.TN. ~3.00 Mack, .. LeRoy 3.50 ~ Canty, V7m 3.50 Hines~ Freddie 3.00 McCall, I,uther 5.00 ' Carmichael, Rev.Jas. 3.10 Holly, • Jos ~ 4.00 ~cCoy, Vlm 3.00 Carnes, •• 1~.A. 7.00 Holmes, Arthur 3.00 ~IcDan~.~~, Frank 4.00 Cha.mbers, Jas. 6.00 Howard, • Fletc3~er 3.00 McFarland, E.'N. 5.50 Chandler, H.9J. 4.00 Howe, Re v.J.J. 2.10 ~QcIntire, Ancrum 3.00 ' Cobia, A13en 3.75 Hoyt, •• C.B. 3.00 1~cSeller Mm. ; 3.50 Colvin, Jas 4.b0 Hufh~n, ~ James < 3.20 i~eKoy, W..T., .35 Cardal, E.H. 3.00 Huggins, Frank 3.00 ~IcLaurin, . Bertha 1.70 ~' Costin,: ~~ L.C.~ 3.00 Hu~gins,• Willie 3.00 Mc~fillan, das 3.00 - Cowan, Frank 3.00 Hunter~ A.?N. • 5.75 .McNair, J.D. 3.00 ~ Cromartie, J. 3.00 Hunter, ~ Zack ~ 3.50 McNeil, .. Coritelius 3.00 • Cromer, Enoch < 3.00 Hurst, • Daniel 3.00 MeNeil~ Fred 3.00 Curtis, Jas Jr 3.00 McRae, Albert 3.10 , Dailey~ Willie 4.25 Irving, •• Jas.. 3.00 ~cPherson~ Glasco 1.10 Davis~ Chas ~ 3.35 - ~• McRae, Luther ; 3.00 Davis~ 8has 3.00 Jervey, ~ H.E. 3.00 McRae, ~'homas 3.50 Davis, Chas 5.25 Jackson, - C.H., 4.00 I~c7Phite, David 3.00 . Davis, Charlotte J. 3.00 James, •• Chas- 3.00 = Dinkins, J.T. 3.00 James, Grank 3.00 DTance, Jas 4.05 Dixie, Hezekiah 3•00 James, Henry 3.50 ~Tewberry, Jas 3.00 ~isoII~ Frank 3.90 James, I,ewis ~ 3.00 Newkirk~ Willie 3.55 , ,' Dixon, g.D. 3.00 Jenkins, • Ben 5.9Q Nixon~ Andrew 3.00 ~ Dixon, Willie : 3.00 Jenkins, ~• Sam t 3.05 Nixon, Bryant 3.00 , ~ Douglas, Edw 3.00 7ohnson, Arie 3.00 Nixon, Chas .85 Dudley, Wm 3.00 Johnson, • Artie 3.90 Nixon, Samuel 3.00 Dunham, •- Robext 4.00 Johnson Barber Shop 2.00 Nixon, ~Aestley 3.20 ;, Johnson~ •• Bazz 4.15 Nixon~ .. Willie 7.00 '? Edens, Nick , 3.00 Johnson, • Eddie ~ 5.10 Norman~ d.A. ~ 3.00 Ennett, •• Richard 3.00 Johnson, Haywood 3.00 • •. _ ;. Evans, Dave 3.50 Johnson, Jas 4.35 Oivens, A.B. 4.50 Eaans, • Ralph 3.50 Johnson, Joe 5.60 " Everett,~ • Burney 3.00 Lohnson, • Zawrence 3.00 Pace~ Henry~ 10.00 Everett, J.A. 4.15 Johnson, • Oscar 5.90 Parker, Youngest 3.00 Faison~ Nip ~ 1.50 Johnson,~ • Willie 3.00 Perry, . J.S., 5.90 Farrow, Joe 3.00 Jones, -• Abrahasn 3.00 Peterkins, Pi Joe , Willi 6.35 3:00 Fennell, A.F. 3.00 Jones~ • ~eo. 3.30 erce~ .. ~ Fennell,• • Robert 3.65 rTones, • H.M. 5.20 Pickney, E.N. 3.00. • F~isher, Geo .10 Jones, •~ J.D. 3.00 Pollock, Jas 2.00 ' F°lood, ed - 3.20 Jones, ~~ J.F.~ 3.00 Pope~ Chas 3.75 F°lood, V~m. 3.00 Jones, R.I,. . 3.00 Postell, Israel 3.00 F~lo~vers, R.I,. 3.00 Jones, Thomas 3.00 Poi~el.l, .. Cato 3.70 Floyd, Duncan 3.00 Jones, • Willie : 3.00 Powell, Russell 9.00 Foster~- Richard 3.50 Jones, •• W.L. 3.50 Poraers, Daniel, 4.00 , Freeman, C.P. 3.50 Judge, ~ David 3.00 Povrers, .. Frank ~ 3.00 Frink, • Mitchell 3.00 Jud~e, John ~ 3.00 Powers, Jas , 3.00 . Fu~ton, - Geo.Jr 3.00 Judge, t~illie 3.00 Powers, John ~ 4.35 . ~ Falton, J.T. 3.00 • • • , • Keaton, •• Ja5 4.85 Quick~ Elias 3.00 Galloway, Bruce 3.00 ~ieaton, Jas 3.00 'Quince~ ,, Herbert 3.00 Gallo~ay, Edw 3.00 Keels, • Samuel 3.00 - Garrison~ Jas 3.00 IKing, • Albert 3.35 Reese~ .. Shedrick 3.00 Gause, Fred 3.00 King, • Fred 3.00 Reid~ Geo; 5.35 Gause, Walter 3.00 i~ing, ~onnie 3.00 Reid~ Jessie 3.00 • Gavin, Elisha 3.50 King, •• Lott • .45 Rhedrick, E.J.. 4.30 Gayner, Dock 3.00 King, -• Sylvester 3.00 Ritter~ David 3.00 Gillespie Henry 3.00 Kirby, Geo. 3.60 Rivers, Elijah 3.00 Glover, •~ Geo. 3.00 Knight, S~n ~ 4:00 Robbins, Alonzo 3.00 Goodman, Oreven 3.10 • , xobinson, Eddie 5.00 Graham~ •~ Gresser 3.00 Laboo, ~ P.S. 1.00 Robinson, . Frank. 3.00 Graham, ~ Harry~ 3.00 ,Zarkins,~ • Robert~ 3.50 Robinson~ Harvey, 3.00 Grayham, Haywood 4.00 Larkins,• • John~ 3.00 Robinson, . John , 3.00., •: Graham, Jas 3.10 •Zawrence~• • Rudolph , 3.00 Robinson, Joseph 3.00 " Graham, • '17illie 3.00 I,ewis, .~ Geo.~ 3.00 Robinson, Owen 3.00 ~;. Graham, Vdillie 3:00 Lewis, M.T. .50 Robinson, Raymond 3.00 " Green~ •• A.S. 5.75 3~itaker-~• ~ Leon 3.00 Robinson, Sam 3.00 Griffith, J:H. 4.00 ~,loyd, •• Bool~er , 6.00 Robinson, Tom , h J 9.00 00 3 _ Gummer, C.H. 3.75 Lloyd, •• E.D. 1.00 Rogers, osep . '. • Logan, •• Sunnie ~ 3.00 Rogers-, Walter 3.00 Hall~ Jas.H. 3.10 Lucas' •• Edw. _ 3.00 Rogers, ~lm S. 3.00 '~'j° ~ Hall, Jas.H. 3.00 I,undy, -• Robert 3.00 Rowlin, .. Geo. 3.50 '`.~ ~~ Ham, odis 4.25 I,yon, •• Olivex 3.00 Rutland, ~ohn . 3.00 , Hankins, E. 3.00 I,ee, ~• Joseph,Jr 3.00 Robinson, Frank 3.00 Hardy, ' Hardy, E.G. Virgil 3.00 3.00 ~ ~ . ~Malone, ~• PJillie 3.00 • ~ Sampson,. . ~ Henry, .75 Harper~ i9alter 3.00 ~Martin, •• Josh 5.10 Sar.ipson „. Jerome 4.75 Harrison~ • H.C. 3.00 ~artin~ Nathan 3.10 Sampson,, . Zeph .20 , Harriss, Rafield 3.00 Iviartin, Vance 3.00 Scott, ,, R.H. 4.50 ~., Shepard, Robert ~3.00 Bordeaux~ H.P. ~3:~0 CAPE FF,A:Tt~TOFdNSHIP-NEGRO, Sheridan., • .Houston , .3.00 Bradehavr, . G.~J. 2;.50 . ~llen, ,_ _ . J.'~.. ~ .65 Shuford,• Ben 5.00 Bros~n, H:K. ~ .3r00 Q].len, Sondy 4.25 Sidbury,• D.I,. . 3.00 Buck, J.C. 4.85 Simmons, . I,eRoy 3.90 Burch~ .O.N. ~ 3.55 $annexman, A.G. 3.25 ~immons, Richard 3.00 Burton~ , C.~N. 3.55 . Bannerman, Justibe 3.00 Simpson, Jessie . 3.00 Burton~ G.W. 3.00 Bellamy, Melvin 3.70 Singletary, Jas . 3.00 ~ Bethune, Grant 3.00 Small, Fred . 3.00 C.asto, V.E. _3.55 Boney, Joseph 5.05 Smith' Andrew, 3.00 Chadwick~ A.L. 3.50 Boney, , NIa.ry .50 5mith, Frank , 3.00 C,oleman~ G.L. 6.75 Boney, Robt .40 Smith, Gus , 3.00 C,oastal Plains Airway 20.00 Brinson, Carl ~ 1.20 5mith, John < .50 Congleton~ A.C. 3.00 Clark, Eddie ` 5.25 Smith, Samuel 4.85 C,~ttle, Vance Jr 3.50 Solomon~ Bert , 3.50 Cpwan, J.E. 3.15 Davis, Nathan 3.00 Solomon,• Colhoun 3.00 CFoom, H.C. 5.45 Dawson, Henry~ 3.00 ~Southerland ,Thos 3.00 , , , Durant, Chase ~ 4.45 Southern Poo l Room 2.50 Daughty~ Talma.ge~ 4.60 Spain, Chas.. 3.00 Farx~ H.J. 4.00 Foy, Geo. 5.10 ~pain, ~Vm. ; 3.00 Field, . W.S. 3.50 ' ~Spaulding, B.L. 12.75 Foy~ ,, ~ Clifton , ~ 3.00 Grady, Joseph 3.00 ~pears, Spicer, Thomas ;Nm 3.00 3.00 Gaxner, G.JJ. ~ 5.30 Grad~,- Grady, Lu~e Jr Willie ' .80 3.25 ~tafford~ Earnest 3.00 Garner, Haywood 3.10 Green, , Wm.H. 4.00 Stamper, John 3.00 Garriss~ H.J. ~ 4.55 Stanford, Richard 3.00 Garriss, , ~T.A. . .50 Hall, Empie 3.05 Stanley, Robert 3.00 G,ralock,, K.J. 6.15 ~iardiman, James 3.05 ~tatten, . Jessie 3.00 GTeen, ~ F.H. 5.50 Iiardiman, Richard 3.00 A Steadman, A. 3.70 Harris, Simon 1.20 Stevens, Geo. 3.95 Harrell~ J.R. 3.70 Headen,. J.Pd. 4.15 Stewart, Henry 3.00 Harts, , _ Allie 3.55 Herington, Marion 5.00 •Stokes, C.`.N. 3.05 Aeath, E.E. 6.85 Hill, ,~- David Jr 3.00 Si~indell, Levi , 3.00 Houston, H.O. 3.50 Hill, Sam' 3.10 ~tyles, Richard 3.00 Iioyard, James 5.75 Johnston~, R.G. 13.15 Tate, Lacy 3.00 Jomes, , J.L. 5.10 Jamea, J.C. ` ` , 3.00 Taylor~ . Louis 3.00 J,ones, VJ.C. .55 Ja.mes, Neal 3.00 ~homas, Andrew 3.00 Justice,, F.M. ~ 4.95 Jenkins, Joe ' 3.50 Thomas, Ed 4.35 Justice, L.A. ~ 4.55 Thomas, Jury ~ 3.00 I~elly, John ' 3.00 Thomas, 4lalter T. t3.00 Kennedy, Liston 3.00 Kelly, Thomas 3.00 Thompson~ Ed : 6:90 Kerr, E.A.Jr 3.00 Tindall, Rooaevelt 3.00 King, J.E. . 3.10 I,eadley, , Jessie 3.00 ~Tisdale~ Alex 3.00 King~ R.S. ~ 3.00 Lee, , Henry ~ 5.25 ~oomer, Torrence, Louis J.C. 3.00 3.00 ~ I.arkins, H.B. ~ 4.25 . . Pdathe~~rs, Wiley` 7.05 Tramble, Johnny 3.00 Moore, J.D. , 4.25 Tredwell, H.G. 3.00 Marahburn, J.B. I.75 McCall, - Henry 5.00 Turner, • Hubert 3.00 Mason, M.T. 4.10 T~eKoy, Jas 3.00 Tyson, J.C. 3.00 Moore, Horrell 3.00 I~cKoy, V1.D. ~ 3.00 . .. Pdoore, Mack 8.15 NcCrae, Daniel 3.00 Vernon, Hamp 3.00 I~toore, Sasnpson 3.00 D3cGee, Geo. - 3.355 Vining~ Thomas , 3.00 T~iorris, O.B. 5.00 BdeGuire, D.L. 3.10 . Nfurray, H.A. 3.80 NicIntire,, John , 6.10 Waddell,• C.H. 3.50 1~Iurray, H.B. 3.50 McKoy, Paul 3.05 , Walker, Wm. 4.00 NIurray, S.w. 4.35 ~Wells~ H.C. ~ 3.50 Murray, , T.O. 3.00 ~Jeyrkirk, . luiingo .35 Washington, Arthur 3~00 McGee~ , S.K. ~ 3.00 Nixon, C.H. 3.35 Washington~ Tom 4.00 Owens~ , Z.E. 6.55 ISixon, Dozmer 3.00 Weatherly, Jas 3.00 Padgett, A.~. 3.75 Nixon, Herbert 3.00 Webber, Ed 3.25 Padgett, J.E. 1.85 Nixon, , John 3.00 Westbrook, C.77. 6.85 Pennington, VJ.K. 4.00 Nixon, Sam 3.Q0, Wheeler, Thomas 3.00 Pope~ L.B. 4.00 'Ahite, Ephrium 3.00 Price~ ,_ B.D. 4.00 Peterson, Enoch .50 White, E.M. 3.50 Pridgen, V~.D. 3.00 Peterson, Henry, 3.00 White, , Peter .50 Puskas, Pete 3.00 Pigford, J.H. 3.00 Wilder~ Jas 3.00 Player,. VJ.J. 5.00 Vlilliams, Aaron 3.00 Raynor, J.S. 2.55 Williams, Blanche 3.00 Register, A.S. , 3.00 ReynIDlds, Jim 3.00 Williams, D.Q. < 3.00 Register, H.G. 3.00 ,~obinson, Ezekial ~ 3,(00 Willia.ms, Ernest 3.0~ R,egister, J.T.Jr 3.00 VJilliams, H.H. t 1.00 Register, R.A. 3.00 Scott, Ira 3.00 Williame, John 3.00 Reynolds, I.C. 3.65 Smith, Artliur 3.05 ~Flilliams, John , 3.00 Rnchelle, A.S, 2.75 ~raith, Dave ~ 3.05 Williams, • ,~arden 3.00 Rogers, R.O. 3.60 ,Smith, Fred 3.00 VJilliams, Lawrence 3.60 Rogers, C.R. 4.95 Smith, King 3.00 Williams, Mathe~v 3.00 , , < <Spillman, Chas 3.00 Williams, Roger 3.00 Savage, I.H. , 1.10 Stanford, D.J. 4.05 Williams, 9iillie 3.00 Saaage, J.M. 3.00 ~ Wilson, N. ~ 3.15 Schutt~ , W.L.Jr ~ 4.05 ,Ta,te, L.C. ~.00 Wolst, John 3.00 ~cio~ty E.K. . 3.65 ,Tate, V~m. 3.55 ~91ood~ J.L. 3.00 S~ellers, H.H. , 6.00 ,Tate, Willie 3.00 Woodbury, Sam 3.00. Shaw, ~7.F. 3.70 ~ Wortham, Horace 3.00 Sidbury~, J.D. .60 ,Waters, Jas. 3.30 ~Iright, • Arthur 1.70 , :JJaters, ~ax .05 , ` T,ancrelle~ L.F.G. 5.25 Watkins,. E.F. 3.25 Yancey~ ff~illis 1 5.00 Vann, E.G.~ , 3.00 Williams, BrucB 3.00 • V,ann, , N.L. 5.15 ,Williams, Fen~ 3.00 GAPE FEAR T~WNSHIP- ?FkiITE Webb, C.C.Jr~ 3.00 Williams, Henry 3.00 ~ • Pl.ebb, G.VJ. 3.15 ,VJilliams, Richard 3.00 Allender•, P.J. 4.05 Vlestbrook, , E.L. 3.00 Williams, Robert ~ 3.00 Barnes, Coy , 4.50 a~estbrook~ E.I1. 5.05 ,Vlilson, Arthur 3.00 Barnhill~ Henry 5.25 Vphite, ~ JJ.H. 3.00 ,Wright~ , Albert ` 3.00 Batson~ C.R. 4.85 ~Tillaford~ D.FI. 1..50 ,a, Benton, J.F.; 3.50 Y7,illiams, E.R. 3.00 ~FED~A3. PO IAIT TOPJ~7SHIP-UIHITE Blake, H.A.. 5.00 :Voodcock, C.F. , 3.00, , Bochme, K.R. 4.75 CAPE FEAR T O`dJiJSHIP-NEGAO. .Biddle, , G.A. 5.30 Bonner, • • J.H. ~ .70 , ~ . ,Blake, S.H:~ 3.00 Core, Dennett. ~4.25 Bishop, L.D. ~2.70 Kilbride, Austin $3.00 Davis, C.H. 3.35 .Blake, E.D., :3.00 Killett, , F.H. ~ 3.00 Davis, J.O. 3.10 .Blake, M.v.Z. 3.00 ,King, . David 3.00 Hervett, E.G. 3.00 .Bledson, C.C... 3.00 King~ , F.D. 3.00 ' Hev~ett, ~ L.C. - 3.00 . Blizzard, Roy 3.00 Lamb, G.Pl. ,1.85 Sohnson,• O.C. . 5.05 ,Blizzard, '7J.C. . 5.20 ,Lancaster, R.L. 4.70 Keyes, Id.Y. 3.35 ,Boswell, A.E. 1.00 .,Land, . A.L. , 3.80 L~~~is, J.I~. 5.00 ,Bradsha~~a, L.~. 5.15 Learry, J.J. 3.00 I,ewis, W.A. 3.50 ,Brock,,, T.R. 5.95 ,Leeu~renbur g, Otto 9.75 Ze~Nis . W.T. 4.97 _]3rock~ 'N.A. 3.00 LeI~Goyne, J.S. 3.00 , Lon~, J.G. 5.65 rBrovrn, I~.J. 4.55 , Lewis, , ~~ D.TFi. 3.50 Neu~ton B.J. 3.10 Bro~vn, . T.L. 3.30 Lewis, , H.T. 7.00 , " Outlaw, J.I,. 3.85 , Broc~m, V.J. 5.50 Lewis~ ~ J.R. ` 6.10 Piner, N.E. 4.80 Bro~~nie, E.R. 5.10 Livesay, ~Z.P. 4.50 Auss, • Raymond 3.00 ,Buchannan, K.D.N.Jr3.50 Lockarqy, ~. J.R. 4.40 Trempley~ C.T. 3.00 ,Buck, O.J. 5.35 I,ovick, C.J. 5,40 ~atson, C.R. 1.00 >Butler~ Ruben 3.50 Lowe, ~ J.H.. 3.50 1Vatson, Pd.D. 1.50 ,Byrd, , , Sherman 3.00 Mallette, ~ d.P. 5.85 Williams, J.Id. 6.55 ,Callihan, D.G. 4.50 A'~a.rable, ~ W.T. 3.00 PJinnQr, J.H. 3.50 ,Canady~ J.A. 3.00 ~a,rshall, B.H. 1.75 4Vinner, P.R.T. 3.02 ,Canady, J.G.Jr 3.00 '1V'iaultsby~ D.H. 3.50 ' . ,Cannon, H.N. 3.65 ~Miller~. R.~A. 3.00 I'E-ERAZ POIVT TO~TJI~ISHIP-NEGROGapps, ~.G. 4.25 ~~illicari, A.H. ~ 3.50 • ,Carpenter, L.L. 3.00 ~~ontford, ~ Geo. ~ 5.00 Blackledge~ Harlee 3.00 ,Carter, H.J. 3.00 Il~Ioore, A.J .Jr., 4.10 Blackledge, Harrison 3.00 ~Carter,_ I,.J. 4.60 ~I~oore, D.I. 3.05 Blackledge, Herbert 3.50 ,Casteen, ~rs.L. 6.50 Iuoore, W. Hull. 3.00 Ilrown, Jerry 3.00 ,Casteen, R.A._ 3.00 u~iorse, ~ G.G. 4.40 Bryant, Alfred 3.00 ,Casteen,. J.1~. 8:35 '~~iorris, ~ H.T. • 4.10 Bryant, J.A., 3.10 ,Clemmons, S.H. -.55 ,~orton, ~ P.R. 6.00 Bryant~ . Parish 3.00 ,Cole, H.Jr 4.65 hriunn, C.L. 3.OC Cooper, A.E. 3.50 ,Coleman,, V.G~. 1.75 McGowan~ ~ Stacy 3.75 Cooper, I..A. 3.00 ,Congleton, N.Bfi, 3.00 P;icI,amb, ~ W.J. 4.75 Cooper, Romeo 3.57 ,Corbett, 1J.F, 3.50 Irewland, H.T.Jr 4.05 Davis, ~ Le~~~is 3.00 ,Cottle, G.R. 5.85 ,Orrell, Earl 5.00 Davis~ Loyd 3.00 Coh, . E.B. 3.00 , Ostert=ty3c~, Hu~h 3.75 Dinkins~ i~.S. 3.20 ,Cox, , t~N.F., 5.10 ,Oace~ P,n.A. 4.00 Farrow, J.O. 3.50 ,Daughtry, S.S. 3.80 ,Padrick, F.~. 3.20 Freeman, Alonzo 3.60 ,Dix, J.E. .50 ,Pedrick, Leon , 3.00 Freeman, A.G. 3.95 ,Dixon, ~ T.B. 3.~5 ,Pedrick, M.R. 3.10 Freeman, • J.W. 5.05 ,Dyson, ~'Jin. C. 3.00 ,Pennin~ton,H.C. 6.05 Freeman, Plm. 5.50 ,Eason, , J:H. 3.00 ,piner•, V/.R. 3.00 ~ Futch, Idoah ~ 3.00 ~ason, J.R. .50 Player, ~ I.R. a.00 Hansley~ . J.T. 3.25 .Echols~ J~.B. 3.00 Poole, ~ W.~. 5.60 Hubbard, C.H. 1.30 ,Edens, C.'11. 1.05 potter, , ' H.J. 5.00 Lacewell, . Dennis 5.00 ,Edens, R.A. 3.00 Powell, H.K. 3.75 Lowe, A.A. 3.05 ,Ennett, C.R. 3.50 Pridgen, ~ C.G. 5.65 I,otive, . G.E. 3.00 ,Evans, R.A. 3.00 Ramseur, ~ T.S. 6.25 Lowe, IJelson .65 ,Farro~, R.S. 1.10 Ray, ~ I.1u. 2.10 I~ingo, Jas 4.75 ,Farrvw, VJ.G. 3.04 Raynor, ~ Lester 3.85 ' TSitchell, D.J. 3.02 _Faulk, F.E. 3.70 ~Riggs, ~ J.B. 3.80 Mi~chell, E.C. 3.10 _FeenQaz, G.E. 4.00 Risin~, ' R,F. ~ 3.16 luobley, Allen 3.00 ,Fisher, , 0.~. 3.00 onzo Roberts,Alf ~ 3.00 . I~~Ioore, A.V7. 3.00 ,Floyd' F.C. 8.85 Roberts, P.I~. 3.25 Idurphey, VJ.E. 3.00 ,Foster, D.R.~'r 3.00 ~ Rogers, A.I~. 3.00 I~IcDonald, Chas 3.50 ,Fryer, J.A.. 3.20 'Rogers, C.H. 3.~5 I~cDonald, Elisha 3.00 Garner~ . H.A. 3.00 'Ro~ers, C.T. 3.75 P~IcDonald, Geo. 3.00 ,Garner~ J.7V. ~ 3.00 ~Rogers~ Ellery 3.00 McDonald, J.H. .90 ,Garrett~ C.R. 3.00 Rogers, J.B. 5.90 , ~icDonald,. L.~, 3.30 , Genaust, O.IN. .50 ~ Rogers, S.'N. `5.70 3~cNei1, Geo. 4.00 ,George, F.C. 3.00 ~Rollin~s, ~ G.T. `4.00 PdcNeil, ` John 3.55 , Godwin, G.!IJ. 7.85 Russ, J.D. .50 P+Sc~,uillan, J.E. 3.00 Grant, J.D. 3.95 5ellers, ~ L~J.A. ~ 3.50 ~ 1~c•~uillan, J,N. 3.00 ~ Gri~'fith, B.J. 3.00 S#~ands, E. A.Jr 3.85 ~ McQuillan, Z.G. 3.05 Guthrie, J.~Fl. 3:00 Shepard, Rev.G.V1. ~ .65 ~eQuillan, S.H. 3.35 ,Hackler,, _ J.F. 24C900 Shew, R.A. 2.25 McRae, John 3.00 Hales, VJ.Ii. 3.00 Si~mons, V.Z. ; 3.50 , Ross, Bennie 3.00 ,Hardison, A.T. 3.00 ,Simon, R.IS. 8.45 Ross; J.D. 3.10 ,Hardison, W.E. 3.50 ,Simpkins, J.Td. 4.00 Ross, Josep~ 3.00 Hargrove, Alexander 8.00 ,Sisk~ J.K. 3.50 Simmons, J.A, 3.70 Harrell, E.S. 3.00 ,Skinner, J.G. 5.15 Taylor, Herbert 3.00 ,Herring,. K.H. 3.15 .Skipper,, R.L. 3.00 Wade, . Harlee 3.10 Herring, I..F. 3.00 ,gmith, , D.C. 3.00 ~Flade, Roy 5.30 ,Hewett, _ D.VJ. 3.00 ., Sinith, E.A. ~ 5.30 Whitfield, Herbert 3.00 Hewett, J.A. 3.95 ,Smith, E.T. .90 Wiggins, Walter 3.70 Hines, ~ E.Q. 3.20 , Smith, ,G.VJ. 11.90 V~ilson, ~. 3.50 Hines~ ~ Jas 3.00 Smith, Reynolds 3,.65 Wri~ht~ D.A. 3.53 Hobbs~ A lfonso 3.00 Sneeden, ~ S.E. 5.60 ,Holland, C.P. 3.00 Sneeden,, ~ .T.V. .35 HaE2bTETT TO~Fr1SHIP-WHITE. , Holland,, Zdrs. J.S. . 1.10 Stanland, PSrs.A. 2.35 Horne, ~ . E.O. 3.00 Stanley,, ~ R.B. 3.00 Ainslaortn, ~7.~,. 3.90 Howard, J.'N. 3.50 Stelling,,, ~ E.G. 18.35 Alford, P7.F. 3.00 , gun~~ ~ JJ.K. 4.25 Stillman~ J.V7. 3.00 Allen, Fred 3.00 ,Hunter, Perry 3.00 ~ Stone, ~A.I~. 3.70 Allen, L. 3.50 .Hurrell, L.N. 3.00 ~ StriclQand,J.lW. 3."50 ~ Allison, J.R. 8.75 ,Irving~ _ Guilford 3.00 . Strickland,R.B. ~ 6.15 Ames, T.R. 10.00 ,Jaclcson, W.Z. 5.58 Taylor,, ~ R.H. 8.00 Atkinson, J.B. 3.50 ,Jackson, , F.B. 3.75 Thompson,, ~ J.E. 3.00 Avinson, Thos 5.00 ,Johnson, J.A. 3.00 Thompson, J.W. ~ 3.00 ]3arbee, R.B. 4.70 ,Johnson, d.C. 4.35 ' Todd, . ~ ~ W.R. ~ ~ 3.00 ' Bass~ J.L. 3.00 , Johnson, S,.W. 4.70 Vause~ ~ ~ T.f.C. 3.00 Batton, Henry 4.50 ;Jones, C.C. 3.70 J Vollers, onnie • 3.00 Batton, Wm. 3.00 .Jones, , E.T. 3.00 ~~'7alden, ~ E.W. ` 1.35 Beasley R.F. 7,85 , Jones, I.J. ..50 ',~aldorf,. ~ C.Lfi. 4.75 Bell~ Iuiarsden 3.00 , Jones~ , Lubie ~ 3.00 y 9,latson, ~ T.~N. 3.60 ~ Bennett~ C.R. 3.00 Jones, R.P, 6.40 Watson~ N.F. 3.55 Bennett ,, e R.C. 5.75 y~ Jose E.B.. 3.00 'V7estbrook~ R.G. ' 7.75 , ,,~~ Benson, J-.Ii. 3.00 . Kien~el, . L.A. 10.30 . Vrilkins, ~ ~G.H. 3.00 r • < Willetts, Willetts, ~illiams, ~F~illi.ams, 4Jilliams, 'Nilliems, Willis, Wilson, ~Tr i ght , YoPPi YoPP`, Zellers, J.K. T.V. H.R. J.F. E.S. J.R. Carl E:D. E.H. C.R. L.I,. C.F. HARNETT TOPJNSHIP-NEGRO. Age,' • Ben Sge,• ~ Wesley Banks, Samuel Bannerman, Willie Batson, Cornel~.us: Berry, Julius' Bloodv~orth, Wm. Bradley, ' Natlian Bradley, 'Roland Iiroevh~ Jackson Bro~~ri1, Thoma,s ~ Bro~vn, William Bush•~ • S.E. C~mpbell, • J.F. Carr•, ~arrison Chade~ick, Joe Clay, He.zekiah~ Clay~ Hezekiah Clayton, Jacob ~ Corbett, W.P. Davis, • John DeBizrnier, Jas DeBurnier, Julius Dinki.ns, ~ Chas. Dixon, Robert Dudley, Lonnie ~ Dukes, Delvin Dukes, Henry Edrrards, Jas. Ed~~ra2ds, Pollock Elli•ott, Calvin Evans, • Ivory • Evan`s, W.T. Everett~ Jas Faison, • Sam ~ Franks~ C. Fran°ks, J:Y. Gam ~' ' T om Gore`, ' ~Joshua , Gree7i, • Henry • Greeh, '7as Green,, John Gree'n, • ~Nurcey Green~ Oliver Hankins, • ~Author Hans'ley, • Lessman ~ Hawe°s, • VJm Jr Iiine~s, Clarkton Padr~ick, • ~F.E. < Pedr~iek, • -I.eon Pedr~ick, • W.R. < Pennington; ~H.C. Piner~ • ~~J.R. Player, • I.R. ~ Poole, • i9.E. - Potter, • -H.J. • Powe~ll, • •H.K. . Pridgen, • C.G. Ramsuer, • •T.S. Ray; • I.~. fiaymor, Lester Riggd, • •J.B. Rising, • -R.F. : Roberts,• • Alfonso Roberts, ~ •F.L4. Rogers, • •A.Ist. Rog~rs, • C,H. Rogexs, • •C.T. Rogers, • °Ellery Rogers, • J.B. RogeTS, ~ S.d9. Rol]:ings, G.T: Russ, • •J.D: Sellers, ~ ~19.A. Shartds, E.A.Jr. ~ Shepard~ Rev G.4J. 5hew, • ~R.A. _ Simmons, • ~Zr.L. ~ Simon, • •R.1d. ~ Simpkins, • •J.~. ~ Sisl~, ' 'J.K. SkirYner, ' ~J.G. ~ Skipper, R.I.. ~3.50 . Smith,. D.C. ~3.00 3.85 .Smith-, E.A. 5.30 3.90 •Smith, . E.T. .90 3.00 •Smith, G.W. 11.90 5.05 •Hussie' Addison 3.00 3.75 •Hussey, Gaston 3.00 3.55 -Hussey~ 0'ho~^.~3ir 3.00 .50 •Jacobs, Geo. 3.00 3.75 •Jacobs, I,loyd 3.00 3.00 -Jacobs~• London 3.00 6.40 •James, Arthur. 3.00 5.45 •Jenkins, La~rrence 2.10 •Jordan, Roy ~ 3.00 •Kelly~ David 3.00 •Kinb,• P~alter : 3.50 3.15 ~Locke, ti~Jillie 3.00 .10 •Lofton, I.D. 3.0~ 3.00 ~Lofton, Nick .50 3.00 •Lucas~ • Fred < 3.00 3.00 •~ck, Preston 3.00 3.00 -~~itchell, Arnold 3.00 ` 3.00 •N'ioore, Herbert' 3.50 3.25 ~~osley~ Elijah 3.00 3.00 •~cGovran~ Clarence ~ 3.00 ~25 •Il4cIntire, Alfred 3.00 3.00 •~cMallan, Walter 3.30 3.00 •Ner~~kirk, .Robert 3.00 3.75 •Nev~ton, Fred, 3.80 .05 •Nixon~~ • Gea, 3.00 3.00 ~Nixon, Joseph 4.55 3.00 • Nixon, L.V~I. 4.50 3.00 •Nixony Richmond 4.85 3.00 •Nichols, Robert 1.05 3.00 •Nihon, Sam 3.00 3.00 •Nixony W.M. • 3.00 3.00 •Page,• E.S. • 5.05 3.00 ~Pearce, Isaac 3.00 3.00 •Pickett, A.I. 3.80 3.00 •Pickett~ Geo. 3.00 •3.00 •Pickett~ Rudalph 2.70 5.35 •Preston, Geo. ~ 3,00 3.25 •Prid~en•~ Joseph: 3.05 4.25 •Reddick, Raymond 3.~0 4.00 •Robinson~ A.S. ~ 3.00 .50 -Rociell, doe < 5.45 3.00 ~Shepard, Fillya~v 3.00 4.00 •Simmons~ John 6.00 3.00 Smith, Albert 3.00 3.00 •Smithy •. Chas 3.00 3.00 °5picer~ Andrev~ .30 3.00 -Swain, Frank 3.00 3.00 •Sykes, L.S. 3.00 6.05 •Thomas, Roosevelt 3.00 3.80 ~Uladdell~ Geo. , 3.05 3.00 •~~llace, John ~ 3.55 3.70 • V~hite, ~ Geo. ~ 3.00 .45 •~`Jhitey • Fl.E. ~ 3.05. 2~gp ~~"Thitf~ield ,Sam ~ 3.iQ0 3.00 •V7illiams, David .20 3.00 •Wilson~ ~A.H. < 8.80 3.60 •Plright~ Fred . 3.00. 3.60 • • ~ 3.00 • IuIASOI~TBORO T01~dSHIP-L:'HITE. 3.20 • • < 3.00 • °Allen~ E.LI.= 5.00 3.10 •Applewh•it e, B.D.; 3.00 6.05 •Batts•~ Mr s C.1~~. 3.50 3.00 ~Baum,• • Zeo..P. 5.10 4.00 •Bell, S.C~. 3.50 5.60 •Best,• ~ G.B.~ 3.00 5.00 •Best,• • J.J.= 3.00 3.75 •SlackStoc k~ B.?R~. 4.50 5.65 •Burriss, L.C. 3.00 6.25 •Burriss~, Verner 3.00 2.10 • Capps•, • ~.V1. ~ 3.00 3.85 • ColPrell, ~fT.D. ~ 1.35 3.80 'Davis~ A.R. ~ 4.85 3.16 •Davis•, • J.C. 12.00 3.00 • Ed~vards ~ • J.Vl.: 4.80 3.25 • Elliott~,i~rs.G.C.~ 3.75 3.00 •Farroiv~~ A.R. < 3.20 3.25 •Farrow~~ A.W. ~ 3.00 3.75 •Farro~v, Jessie 3.00 3.00 • Farro~v~ L.S. 3.00 5:90 •Farro~, R.J. ~ .25 5.70 • Farrosv,:> . R.L.. 3.00 4.00 •Farrow,~ T.T.: 5.70 .50 • ~arrovJ, t~Jalter 1.75 3.50 • Fovrler, \ Onzi;e 3.00 3.85 •Gardner, H.R. , 6.30 .65 ~ George, D.PIi. ~ 4.00 2.25 • Griff~it~i, ~J.'~l. ~ 3.00 3.50 • Hall,• • Allen ~ 7.40 8.45 • Henderson , F,.P. ~ .60 4.00 •Herbst, Mary E. 6.70 3.50 ' Hemlett, C.H. ~ - 4.60 5.15 • Heaalett, Roger W. 5.25 3.00 Hollis, Frank 3.00 Ho~t, T~annin~ ~3:75 , Horne, . Walter 3.50 . Hunter~ Mills .15 , Jones, , W.H. , 3.90 , King, I~d.M. 3.00 King~ . T.M. ~.00 . Kirkham, Ernest 3.25 . Kirgham~ R.B. 3.50 , Kirkham, R.H. 3.00 , Knowles, H.C.Jr 3.50 I.anier, John 4.15 . LeGwin,. J.D. 10.25 . Letendre, Joseph 3.00 . Lewis, C.D. 3.50 I.umsden, A.G. 3.00 . P~elton, G.VI.Jr 3.00 , Iutelton, , l"J.S. 3.70 . I~eGo~van, D.A. 5.25 . A4cPherson, G.H. .90 N:cPherson ~ J.G. 3.50 Newton, W.F.R. 5.00 - O1QVer, Henry 3.00 Oliver, tl7intres 3.30 . Orrell, E.A. 2.35 Padrick, R.J. 2.00 . Page~ D.N. 3.00 , Peterson, H.A. 3.25 , Pittman, F.B. 4.55 , Pope~, VJ.D. 6:70 . Prevatt~ T.D. . 8.05 . Pridgen, P.D. 1.85 . Rochelle, T.T. , 3.15 , Rourk, . C.L. 3.00 , Rourk, J.C. 3.00 . Ruark,. ~ N,rs.J.C. 3.75 . Rowan~ C.L., 3.00 . Savage,. Rourk 3.25~ . Simmons, T.N. 5.25 , Smith~ . C.G. 6.00 . Stokley, R.G.. 7.50 . Taylor.~ Carl., 4.70 . Thomas, E.C. , 4.50 Vann,. . H.L.. .85' . Vickery, Ii.F.,, 3.00,. . Walton, J.P~4. 3.00: . Wells, . B.O. , 4.50 . ti'IeTls~ . H.~.Jr , 4.25 ~ Whiteman, Floyd , 5.00 . Wilson, Ii.R. ~ 3.00 . Vlaody, . Jno.D. 3.85 ~~7oolard~ L.b4. 3.00 ,, . B![A~Sf~OR0..T0~HIP-DTEGRO. . . . . Earnhill, ~ Arthur 3..25 . Brovm, Amos 6.40 . Davis~ Thos.W. 3.50 . Dinkins, Oliver;~ ,3.00 . Dixon, . I.J~~I. 3.00 . Evans~ Davis 3.00 . Ev2ns, Idoble 4.00 . Fairley~ Chester 3.50 . Faison, James 3.00 . . Leonard, E.Jr. 3.05 . Zeonard, Geo. 3.05 • . I,eonard, Jas , 3.].0 . Leonard, Lawrenc e 4.05 . IJeal,. . John , 3.00 . Rhodes, Alex : 3.00 • Rhode~,• Geo. 7.33 . Rogers, ~eo.. 1.15 • Sanders, N.S. , 3.75 . Smith, Jacob , 3.00 . Smith, Oscar 3.10 . Walker, Geo. 3.00 • • , • • ~ ' , . . , f . . , . . , e . . . , , 1 ~) t-i ~~~5 ~ BHeeting of September 26th,1932, oo~}tinned. The fo2lowing go.od and lawful men were drawn to serve as Surors in the Superior Court for the trial of cioil cases two weeks term beginning October l~th,193?• , For the firat week: J.E.Greer. G.G.yynch. G.T?Morgan. ~ 99.G.Robertson. E.R.Croom. C.H.Sidbury. F.W.Gerken. L.~.Garrett. Ben Kingoff. C.S.Sykes. MiZton Galder.P1.L.Weat. ~ I,.Z.Gladstone. d.A.Carter. H.ffi.Wolf. Geo T. Hewlett. D.d.Padrick.Jr. W.A.Fonville. F.I..Pearsall. R.B.Barbee. H.P.Smith. W.F.Powell. M.G.Saunders. . W.Y.Teachey. S`tA.Herring. - L.C.Sutton. • Z.I,.Hateh. M.V.Cobble. ~ ~~~K Wilmington, N.C., October 3rd,193?• For the second ~eek beginning October 24th,1932: B.G.VV.Croom. W.W.Umfrey. G.W.Cameron. G.D.A11en. F.A.Tatum. Jas.Campbell.. I.T.Mintz. O.R.Brinson. Z.Y.Styne. J.Z.Roderick. J.K.Moore. M.C.Hutchinson..L.F.Walker.. J.T.Campbell. vJ.L.Godley. J.D.Horne. J.C.Pretlow. K.C:Merritt. J.H.Hardin~pJr., T.K.Zynch. The me ing then ad~ourned. ~~ )~•~ G Clerk. The regular monthly meeting of the Board was held at 3:00 o'clock P.M. Present: Addison Herrlett, Chaitman, W.E.Yopp, Geo.w.Trask, and Jas.~.Hall. ~ Misa Elizabeth Ragin, Home Demonatration Agent, submitted her verbal report for the ~ ~ ~`~'"~' month of September. .~ ~~Y~~ - ;. . ' , , ~ . ~ -rG~- t ~ ~~ i It appearing to the Board t~hat the property of the Heirs of Cha.rity Henry in blocks., 32, 48 and 62 is in such a dilapidation conditlon and continuing ~m, ~ that the accumul~ation of unpaid taxea on same for the years 1913 to i93i irsclusiti'e~ hae reached an amount due the County and City greater than the value of the property in its present condition. Thia property after ~r:eaxs-.oPceffort ta sell, was finally sold by - C.D~.Symmea Commiasioner to W.G.Broadfoot on September 2nd,1931, for ~925.00, taia ~ amount being considerable leas than the amount oY taxes due the County and City, Therefore, in order to clear the property of the accwnulated taxes in order to get it in thA hands of new owners, that it maq yield tax revenue to the County, the Board~ upon motion of DRr.Trask, seconded by Mr. Yopp, agreed to accept the offer of the Commissioner to apply the proceeds of said sale to the payment of court costs, expenae of sale and settlement of taxes due through the year 1931, on a basis of an ad~usted asaeasment to be worked out by the County.and City Commiesioners. The County Attorney was also suthorized to sign a consent judgment~prepared by the Attorneys for the ~ purchaser. " - • Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Yopp, the request of Geo.H.HoweZl,Esq., that a11 penalties for not listing charged againat the property of `N.D.Colwell in Pii-ehurat for the years 192~ and eubsequent years as it~may appear, was granted for the reason _ that ot er interests were forced to take the propertq over and•Mr. Colwell havin~ no equity in the same. l . ~ IIpon m tion of ZHr. Hall, seconded by Ddr. Yopp, the assesament of ~980.00 on 68 acres of land purcha,sed by Maxgaret k. Olsen from ~.B2 Rogers November 14th,1931, was reduced to ~600.00 account of error in number_ oY acres owned, actual survey s2iows 48 acres and assessment fixed by the Board at ~12.5o per acre, and an abatement of taxes on a valuation of ~380.00 was ordered for the year 1932• At meeting of Sept~mber 6th,1932, the Sheriffs ~s~t9t:~men!t of the 1931 :tax co3:lec~tibns on'r.~al estete mas received and referred to the County ~uditox for checking and additional time was granted the Sheriff for the collection of insolvents. The Sheriff reported this day the collection of $1,092.88 ineolvents from September 6th to Oetober 3rd;1932, lemving a balance uncollected of $~~$Y2.70 and aubmitted his final settlement of the 7~93T taxes together with the necessary affidavits as required by law; the settlement was upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Yopp, accepted by the Board sub~e~et t`o check by the County Auditor. The detail follo~s: Listed as per abstract I,ess abatements . Listed late ~ Not 7,isted-collected Not Listed-sold ` • •Penalty for delayed payment Advertisement costs ~589~57$•38 Insolvents . ~8;812.~0 2.192.75 Sold for taxes 98,726.16 Not I,isted- sold 5,600.51 $587.385•63 Collected by Audi'tor 30,898.45 2,61~.j4 Collected by Sheriff: • 3,794.46 Discount 1,647.87 5~600.51 Cash 44b,889.84 4,010.31 Commission 11~443.02 612.05 Difference • . . 1.75 ~6oa,o2o.30 $do4,o20.30 , ~. - ,. ; THE INSOLVENT LIST ' ~ ~ ~ ~eeting of October 3rd,1932, continued. ; - , ~.~ .• Upon motion• of Mr. Hall seconded b Edr. , y Trask, the County Auditor was authorized ~ ~ y~,~ to turn the ~932 tax booke over to the Sheriff for collection after the Sheriffs' .settlement of the 1931 tax collections have•been audited•by him in accordance with the law. . • • . . . . . Upon motion of 1dr. Hall, seconded by rdr. Yopp, the Board ordered that all tax payera~7 ~ ~ ~(~`~ who have failed to list their property and are charged with a penalty fox failin~ to i list auch property and who comes forward and settle their taxes on or before December 15th,1932, ahall be allowed to pay the amount of their taxes without the penalty. ` .Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded•by Mr. FIall, the prinilege given Zakaria Shannar ~ ~L~~\~ at meetings~of April•4th, and July 25th,1932, to peddle in this Coun~y for a period of ~ • thirty daqs witYiout a licenae account of being a disabled World 9Jar Veteran, was extended For an additional period of thirty days from date hereof. f Upott motion of Mr Hall, aeconded b Mr. Yo . y pp, the Welfare Officer was authorized ~ ~ C'~7J to take Sam and Bert Register to East Carolina Training School and Pearl Raynor and ~' ~ family to Tarboro, N.C., at the expenae of the County. ~. Upon motion of~isr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Yopp, authority was ginen to have an opening `"7"' ~ ~r made in the partition between the office of the Welfare Officer and the room ad~oini i: V~ to provide additional room. . . ~~ •~ Upon motion of 1dr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Chairman was suthorized to , ~'~,Ce~'`~ appear avith members of the Board of Education before the State Board of Equalization ;~. \~~ ~,~ at Raleigh and urge the adoption of the ~932-1933 school bud~et as'was approved by ~ the Countq Commissioners. The request was made by Chairman Herber.t A.I,ynch~of the Board of Education. ,J~ IIpon motion of Eir. Hall, seconded by Mr. Trask, a request of the Board of Educatidn / ' ~+(i~ that the eum oP $~10,000.00 be placed to the credit of the echool fund to_take care` ~~ of expenditurea for the month of October, was granted. ~ % ~~ • • Upon motion of Mr. Trask, aeconded by Tdr. Ha.ll, the Rev. J.P.F{ing was granted an ' '• ~,~ ~~, abatement of taxes on a valuation of $~00..00 on building charged.in error block #3'] for the year 1932• Upon motion of Ldr. Hall, eeconded by Mr. Yopp, Mrs. Mary E. Ellia was granted an ' , ~~~~''~ abatement of taxes on a valuation of ~3,500.00 houae cha.rged.in error on lot #80 weetJ;d B"I" Wrightsville Beach Exteneion for the yeax 1932•. IIpon motion of ~Gr. Yopp, seconded by BGr. Hall, an item oP back taxes a.mounting to ~ ~ ~ ~3•91 charged in error againat Leavis Ward in block ~77 for the year 1930, was ordered .' ~ ~ cancelled. . ~ Upon motion of 11~~rr. Hall~ aeconded by ~r. Yopp, Nir.J.E.Bunting wae granted an " L-~{-,~`~ abatement of taxee on a valuation of ~1,200.00 houee removed from lot ~i, block #].,y ~ Carolina Beach for the year ig31. . ~ v Upon motion of E~r. Yopp, seconded by Mr. Trask, Ruesell Smith was released from payment -~ ~J t lot #1, block #36 Carolina Beach Yor Che •~ ~ n ne e ~ hn ~ (G~ 1932 res dent year , account of bei g a o Upon motion~ duly seconded~ the assesament on merchandise of F.& W. Grand 5 and YO ~~ ~ 9ent Stores Inc., was fixed at ¢'J,000.00 and fixtures at $2,000.00 for the year i932 ` ~,,,_.~(~ ~ as agreed. . ~ The matter of providing a place at the County Home for the detention of ,juveniles, / ~~ ~ rGiaa refexred to a counnittee of the Board for investi~ation. ~ 7 . / ~ ~ • County bills Nos. 63o to 651 inclusive were checked and approsed for payment.'1 `~ ~,.y . , ; The me ing then ad,journed. . • r~//7H ~G. S~l~~ ~ ~ : OClerk. . , ' ~ : October lOth ton N C Wil in 1932• , , . .~ g m , The regular weekly meeting of the Board waa held at 3:00 o'clock P.9~. Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman, w.E.Yopp, Geo.W.Trask and F.M.Ross. .° s~~ 3iat; The minutes of ineetinga of April llth,l8th, and 25; Brtay 2nd~9th~ibth,23rd, ~ ~~ ~.~Y` June 6th,13th~20th,2~th, July $th,llth,l8th,and 25th, were read and approred ae• \~ recorded. ~~. ~ The following communication waa received from the County Auditox concernfng the ~ c.~~,~r~2t,~ checking of the Sheriff's bill for ~ai1 feee: • Wilmington,N.C., October lOth,1932• The Hanorable Board of County Commissioners~ ' New Hanover County, ' • Wilmington, N. C. _ • Gentlemen:- Heretofore it ha.a been our custom to check the Sheriff's-bill for ~ail ', fees against the 3ail.book kept by the ;Tailor. A few days ago a complaint wae ma,de that thia record was not correct and when the bill Yor September was received we undextook to check the bill againat the dockets of the Recordere Court and Superior Court with the following result: We find that as a general rule the bill checks with the docket of the , Recorders 8ourt~ but there are cases where a man ie tried in the Recorders Court and takes an appeal or is bound over to the Sup~rior Court in which case we then ~ ~~~ ;,~ : Meeting of October lOth~1932, continued. , ~ - ~ , went to the Clerk of the Superior Court who in~some cases approved the charge but f ~ in others Mr.VJoody tells me he would not do so, stating that the case has not been docketed and he has na inPormation upon ~hich to act. In some cases the Solicitor requests the Sheriff to brink in a prisoner from the farm to be used as a witness. While waiting to be heard the prisoner is put in, ' ~ail and a-chaxge made for hie keep but there is no record against which the bi11 can be checked. ' ' In one case a man wae committed by the Coroner and is still in jail according ' to information secured from the J~ilor. We can of course check the man into ~ail but ~ ~aside fxom verbal information we have no record that he is still there and I am advised that the Superior Court Clerk will not approve this item. • It seema that the Superior Court Judge occasionally commits a prisoner to ,jail Yor a period of several montha to be used by the Sheriff as a helper without any d " . reference as to who shall pay for hi•s keep. There are two.chargea on the September report for rrten so sentenced, one for eighteen months and the Superior Court Clerk has ' . approved theae itema. There ia now a man in ~ail who has been sente'nced to the roads but has so Par • . refused to waive his right of appeal and the.Jailor inform me that the l~w asl.lows.him ; ten daqs to decide this question and that the local representatives of the Highway ~ • Commiaeion will not accept hira until the attacried form is filled out and signed. - The Recordere Court Clerk will approve the bill to the time 'of the sentence but ,~.. beyond that time ia not informed. - , Ja~lor informs me that th~re are caeea in which the Farm Superintendent and , The ~ _ the Steward a,t the Stockade fail to come for prisoners when advised to do so and in theae casee the docket does not go beyond the sentence dste. We find no evidence of any attempt to overcharge other than the long time ~' ~ sentences for men as he~pers fn the ~ail. ~ ~ We will continue to check the ~ail bill by the ~afl record as heretofore unlesa , you direct otherwise; but if it is your deaire that the bill be checked a~ainst the ,~ :', Court Dockets it will be necessary fox you to give us some assistanee by requa.ring - the vaxioua officera involved to keep a more complete record tha.n ha.s been kept , heretofore. • • • Respectfully aubmitted, . - ~ J.A.Orrell. ' V9hereupon B[r. Rosa moved and it was.seconded by Mr. Trask, and unanimously ' ~~ carried, that the Countq Auditor be authorized and directed to continue to check - /~9 the ~e~tl bill by the ~ail record as heretofare. ~, A further reduction of the assessment of the American„Agiicultural Chemical Company by ~26,182.83 in addition to that previously allowed'P.or the year 1932 account oP ° •• removal of buildings, fixtures and machinery as outlined and requested~by Mr.J.O.Carr, ~~Qj~ was upon motion o8 Mr. Ross, seconc~ed by Mr, Yopp, received and referred to the -. committee on asseasments to consider with the Tax Aasesaors and with power to act. . : Upon motion ~B~r. Trask,aeconded by ~r..Yopp, the iNelfare Officer was authorized to •', , ~take Fred ner.een eight year old youth, to Jackson.Training School,Concord, N.C., • and authorized the traneportation of Bdra.Fannie Harrington, aged widow with.eix ~ S " children now being caied for by the Aesociated Charities, to their home at ~ /s '~ `~'r'" Tarboro~ N. $., by County '~ruck, the expense of auch transportation together with - ~ a bill for ~11.~0 expense Por transporting the Raynor family to their home at Tarboro was referred to the County Attorney to collect from Edgecomb County, they . being indigent aubjects o£~that County. ~ , • Upon motion, duly seconded, the Board approved the payment of ~4.40 to Associated ~ j, (`~,~1~- Charitiea for transportation of Mrs.Mirinie Carter to Greensboro. = Upon moti'on of Mr. Roas, seconded by Mr. Yopp, Mrs. Eclna Kellum, having been ' investigated and recommended by the Plelfare Officer, was granted an allowance o£ , ~. ~ S~~-c--~ ~15.00 per month from the Mothere' Aid Fund sub~ect to the approval of the State Board of Charities and Public Welfare. Upon motion of Mr. Trask~ seconded by Mr. Ross, Mr.David Touaignant was allowed to - f correct his 1g3z tax Iist by claiming liabilities he £ailed to deduct from solvent - _ ~ ~ ~u credits.listed, and an abatement of taxed on a valuation of ~4;000.00, the amount involved; was grantefl. ~ ' The request of ~dr. Hargrove Bellamy for reduction of assessment on lot 6A,block "B" ,.~ ~ }~x Wrightsville Beach Extension account of erosion, was declined for the reason that ., ~- • said premises have not yet been seriously damaged. • ~ A communication from the'Governor requesting advice as to the need or possible need, ~ for epecial° terms of court durin~ the Sprin~ Term ~933r was referred to the Bar ~ i ~~'~L01Association. ~ • - • Upon motion of Mr. Rosa, eeconded by Mr. Yopp, the Board released the charge oP ~2;00 ~ penalty for• not listing, againat lote 166-16~ and 168 Shore Acres, charged in the l -~Ci~ of J.R.Bell for the year 1931, account of other parties having to take the property over and pay the tax and J.R.Bell ha.ving no equity in the same. ~~j~~l~ , , Upon motion~ duly seconded, County Bills Noe. 652 to '743 were approved for payment., •~ Upon motion of Mr. Roas, aeconded by Mr. Yopp, an appropriation of $25.00 was granted ~ . c the Coimnunity Old Folks Home,colored, for the month of Oetober. It appeara upon ~ S ~~, . inveetigation that five indigent inmates are being cared for at the home at present. . . 4 . ~ ~ 1~6 `. ffieeting of October 20th~1932, continued. ~ ~\ny~~'~~~The Board set the da.te at 3:00 o'clock P.M., wednesday October 12th~ to ~ ~ inneatigate the posaibility of providing ~uvenile dedention quarters at the County Home. /U`t~ r ~~~~v~ / A judgmerit was secured~or the County by Nathan Cole against Jno. Taterand wife Clara Ta ~.~ Tate and D.L.Gore and .L.Gore Company and J.G.SeitterVfor ta~ces due the Coiinty - for years 1922 through 1926 on three tracts of land in Cape Fear township, viz D.L.Gore 6 and 6~ acres and Seftter traet oY ~ acres as per ~udgrnent docket #492,~ and it fur.ther appear-s that the taxes on the ~ and 6~ acres has been fully paid ~.~1 and the re~ining tax unpaid be charged against j~ and ~/10 acrea ad~oining Roek .'( Hill and part oY the Jim Tate land, in the name oY John and Clara Tate. Upon motion ~~ of Mr. Trask, aeconded by Mr. Yopp, it was so ordered. The following communication was received from the County Auditor, to-wit: Wilmington, N. C., Oetober lOth,1932. Honorable Board of County Commissioners~ New Hanover County, Wilmington, N. C. ,~ G~entl emen : - ~ ~. I attach hereto the list of insolvents~reported by the Sheriff for ;~ 1931 taxes which has been checked by me. I have not qui~te completed the check of the Sheriff's settlement ` but hope to do so in the next day or two. . i Of course I have nothing to do with the acceptsnce of the insolvent '. liat and therefore refer it to you for your examination. It seeme to me that there are several items on the list which ahould have and could have been '' ~ collected. ~ ~Yours truly, ' J.A.Orrell. The me ing then ad~ourned, .: ~ ~':~/~1 v~ 7!~ 5~~~. . ' . ~~ C~,¢'rk. - _ , .. . . . .. ~ . . . I U , Wilmington,N.C., October 17th,1932. . The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held at 3s00 o'clock P.Bd. •~ . . ,~, . Presents Addison Hewlett Chairman, W.E.Yopp, Geo.W.Trask,F.M.Ross and Jae.Pd.Hal L: ~ LJ~~ The ""report of the'Ladies Rest Room for the month o£ September was received~/ ^--~~' and ordered filed. ~• ' ,, staterrierit of ~tHe amount on deposit-in eaah bank as of September 30tH,1932 J ~; ~~-,~~together with a memorandum of~securitiee hele by the County in each case vrae . ~ received from the County Auditor. ~- The'-re quest of Mr.Julian K:TaylnT'for a correction of error in assessment of ~ j ~200:0 0- on f"our'feet of lot ~25 Rekid~iss Division Harnett Township, the ~. ~~" -~~1~ remaining twentp-six feet being assessed for only ~200.00~ was upon motion of Mr.-Traak; seaonded by Mr. Ross, referred to the Chairman for correction and w.ith power to act. . , ~~`~~`~ of~woodtonncounty~aRproperty~alon~bthe banks1oftSmithaCreektforlaedistancelof v~° fifteen or twenty"feet back from the e~ge of said creek, to Mr.C.H.Davi$ for a ~ price of 75~ per cord. , . , ~The request of S.E.I.oftin Eaq., for a reduction of the aesessment on the property / ~~ of Hre.-of-C.E.Goodwin; blocka ~40,41~42 and 68, was referred to the ~hairman, ~/ '~~~ Mr. Ross and Mr.Hall £or investigation with the Taa Assessors and report ta the ~ •~' - Board at a subsequent meeting. . ~Df The matter of painting the Court House 8oof was upon motion of Mr. Roas, seconded ~ C,~;~~~'~' by Mr. H&11, re'ferred to the Court House Committee with poever to act: ~ Upon motion of Mr. Ha.11, seconded by Mr. Yopp, the asseasment of ~17.000.00 on , 38-7/10 acres of land Pt.P/right,Wrightsville Sound, o~vned by Mr. Franlc E.Beane~Jr,~ , ^ lC~~'_ wae reduced to ~350.00 per acre to egualize the assessment with that of ad~oining peoperty and an abatement of taxes on a valuation of #3,455.00 for the year 1932 was ordered. `~ Upon motion of BGr. Trask, seconde.d by ~r. Yopp, the asaeesment of $2~500.00 on _,p • lq"~ house of Mr.M.V.Coble Cape Fear townahip~ was reduced to ~2,000.40 and an V' • abatement of taxes on a valuation of ~500.00 for the year 1932 was ordered. ~ . .'k Upon motion, duly aeconded, county bills Nos. 744 to 787 inclusive were approved ~ , ~~\~~ for payment. ~ The me ing then adjourned. , cn '~C .l~~i'~'/ ~ Cl„LTk. . ' G ~..____.. ,~I~~ ~r .. - r~ i . <-- i , "~ . . Wilmington,N.C., October 24th~1932. The ;weekly meeting of the Board: was held at 3s00 , o' clock P.~H. .:_ :, , Presentt~_Addison Hewlett Chairm~n, W.E.Yopp, Geo.W.Trask, F..LI.Ross and BIas.M.Ha11. Upon~motion-of Nir: Trask,_seconde3 bp Mr.'Yopp, ~r. J.E.Shands veas ~llov+ed an ~~ aliatemerit of ~taxes,ori-ari assessiaent'of ~500:On on building~located ori`lot ~9, block~~16-Rure"Beach,£or tfie $rear 1932, account of conetruction of same was not • , started until after ~1pri1 lst,1932. , p pp, seconded b j~r. Trask""`tlie assessinent ~of~~2" 500.OO~on house Q on~ mot ion~ of Bl[T: Yo ~ y ,' . . ~ax of Rober~ Andersori Iocated ori lot #II-1~2yrtle'Grove Farms, dras reduced~ to $2;000.00 ` aoaourit"of over ass@ssment and an abatement of taxes on a valuation of $500.00 for Year 1932 was ordered. ^_ . . • _ ._._ Upon motiori of ~r: Yopp; seconded hy Mr. Ross, Captain F:J:Evana;Harnett township was granted"an~abatement of taxes ori a valuation of $2,000.00 household and ~~~(X kitchen fizrniture and $200.00 on 1927 Buick automobile listed in error for the year 1932. THe request of Fred :Dlugiri for ~ reduction of~aseesament on houaes on block #335 .~ ~0~ was referred to the Comtn~ttee for investiga.tion. The-ieque'st of }~rs.~Ii~rry Hayden for a,re£und of~1929 taxee paid on~$455.00 ~' personal propertjr and ~3.00 poTl tax of T.B:Barr, and $245.00 personaT and ~3.00 poll-for the year"1930~ whiaYi'was included in'tfie~taxea on xeal estate,Iot ~14; "- 2}aving to,take~the propert'y back;"was decTined ~ ~U~ block #8-,~ Caroliria ~Place; -account...o~:w ~ ~ ~ ~ for the reason that the claim is more than two years old arid'is therefore barred under the law. ~f Upon motion of BI[r. Yopp, aeconded by I~dr. Ross, the Board authorized tkie maintenance ~ of telephone service at the County Airport at a rental of appTOZimately ~1.50 per ~~~~~~ month, all members voting affirmatively except Mr. Traek who voted No. /~5~ A report of James Walker Hospital for September was received and ordered filed. Upon motion, duly seconded~ 1drs. C.L.Turrier Wilmington township was granted an y~q~{. aba.tement of taxes on one female dog listed in e:ror for the year 1932. ~ ~Upon motion of T~r. Yopp,~seconded by I~ir. Ross, Mre. Fannie P. Iiolladay was grantefl ~ qy.. an abatement of taxea on $300.00 personal property listed in error for the year 1932. ~ Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Ross, the recommendation of the Hecorder ~ ,~to hire out D.L.Prid~en upon payment of court coste and jail fees amounting to / ~p~ ~21.15 was adopted. . . A The following resolution was offered by Mr. Roes~ seconded by Mr. Trask~ and - /~y~~~~o~ unanimously adopted: , . r ~S~S,v . ~~~~~ <~ r ~' ~, ., . Wi~RERS, It is the sex~se of this Board that there ie an emergency in this"county at.this time fo.r relief, and WHEREAS, it becomes neceasary for the Board to appropriate an amount of $12,500.00 to aid in a general fund with the City~and certain FedeTal funds being disbursed by,the State of North.Carolina, Therefore Be It .` RESOLVED: that a request be made to the Local Govermnent Commisaion.for authority for borrowing said sum for relief, the same to be repaid in,accordance with.the law. Upon motion of Mr. Ross, seconded by Iur. Yopp, the,Board granted authority to make check for $2.50 per week payable to B~rs. J.R.Bell for the care oP the Turner children,~instead of making check payable to Mrs. Pday Stone as formerly; PSrs. Bell now having care.of the said children. . . . .• The following communieation was received from.the.County Auditort Wilmington, N. C. October 24th,1932. Gentlemens- Honorable Board of C'ormnissioners~ New Hanover County, ~lilmington, N. C. , In con ectLon with the proposal to borrow Yunds to aupplement relief funds I w,ish to c~ll y,our attention to the limitation on tax levies necessary to repay thia loan. I see.no chance of raising the amount in the general fund levy even with the,present Naluea. . , It is m~ understanding that there is a law allowing certain counties to.levy a special tax.for poor,relief and for jail expenses but that neither of these lawa apply to NevL Hanover, County. The meeting then adjourned. rf'"Inv, 7t . ~~M ~ C~~grk. (/ . 1'ours truly, . J.A.Orrell. .~ . ~ ~ ~ x Wilmington,N.C.~ October 31st~1932. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held at 3s00 o`clo~c P.M. Presents Add'ison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.W.Trask,,F.M.Ross and Jas. M. Aall. T~pori motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Ross, the ~1,250.00 assessment on •~~, hoizse of ~r. B.F.Rathjen located on 22 acres of land Adj: Aridreav Moore~Cape Fear~ , tOwnship was reducec~ to ~800.00 and an abatement of taxes on a valuation'of $450.00 for the year 1932 was ordered. • Upon motion of Mr. Trask, secoridedi by 2dr. Ross, the Carolina Furniture Company , ~G`(. was granted an abatemerit of taxes on a valuation of $2000.00 open accounts listed ' ` at $300Q00 in error for the year 1932. ~ ~~~ The request of ~r. I~d.Msrion ~.eLanger for a reduction of assessment on house ~ at Oleander~ wa.s referred to~the-Committee for investigation. The Board after securing further information regarding the reguest of Mrs.Harry Hayden for a refund of 1929 and 1930 taxes paid on personal property and poll tax of T.B.Barr `~U~ ~vhich was charged in the taxes on lot #14, block # Si CaroZina Place, and it appearing that Mrs. Hayden has had some pTevious correspondence concerning thia tax~ Mr.Trask moved and it tivas seconded by Mr. Ross and carried, that a refund of poll and personal taxes of T.B.Barr paid by 1$rs. Ha.yden for the years 1929 and 1930 be refunded to her on account of having to take the property baek and Idr.Barr having no aquity in the same. . ~ ~ ~ The County Auditors cash report for the month of September was received and odrered: ~ ~.~°~ filed. ~ , Upon motion of Mr~Hall, seconded by Idr. Ross, the Board authorized the renewal of , ~~~ check alteration'bond #CI~6A 20021 £or one year with the,General Indemnity Corporation, ~ ~ at a cost of ~8.50, all members voting affirmatively except Mr. Trask who voted No. • ~ The request of Mrs. Julia A. Sigler'for a reduction of assessment on house on Borden ~ ~~~~,. Avenue Brookwood, was referred to the Coumiittee for investi~a~tion. ~ • ~ • ~S( An order of Judge W.A.Devin directin~ the pa_yment of ~68.83 to John R. Zdorris~Sheriff~,.: ~~,~~ for expense for transporting John Douglas Fields and Annie MeKoy from Ashland,.Va., ` ~7 to Wilmington,N.C.~ was ~aeferred to the County Attorney. . ~ The following good and lawful men were dra~vn to serve as ,juror9 in the Superior ~ourt ~.C ~ for the trial J `* of criminal cases,one week term beginning November 14th,1932s H.A.~eCover. C.E.Thompeon. C.K.Council. H.F.Paul. D.A.Noble. T.W.Carroll. D.A.Brown. R.S.Aufham. B.E.Walton. F.5.Burr. .-N:S.Haskett. J.L.Toon. , Fred Willetts. E.R.Blake. F.D.Edwards. R.I~d.Grissom. R.M.Buck. J.H.Fryar. W.R.Vann. Pd.F.Allen. ~ R.L.Groover. Jno.Z.Hazelhurst.Jr. L.C.Gore. Alfred Teachey. Carl.Causey. A.B.Thomas,Jr. H.J.ldohr. S.E.Brock. PJoody Bryant. C.B.Kornegay. O.I..Walton. J.D.Ed~vards. J.H.Lowc. VJm.P.Edwards.J.R.Adams. G.C.McConnell. For the trial of civil cases,two weeks beginning December 5th,1932a . ~ T.N.Rowell. J.A.Oldham: W.E.Singletary.H.E.Ortman. Levi Batson. W.S.Ledbetter. S.P.Sykes. Glenn Herring.C.W.I,assiter. J.W.Garner. I.G.Upchurch.J.H.Davis. T.E.Goff. H.M.Williams. H.S.Key. G.A.Hardwick.C.R.Harta. G.R.~loan;Jr.~ E.C.Hicks. J.J.Fu~rlong,Jr.R.I,.~ewie. O.M.Anderson.E.C.Hines. L.D.Latta. fOr the seconcl week beginning.December 12th~1932. J.I,.Sprunt. J.F.Powell. E.T.Keal. J.W.Hu£ham. J..B.Jenkins. S~i..C.Rt~bbine:. A.C.Thorpe C.F.Seitter. C.B.Bullock,l Wm.Ehlers. W,~.~rumple~r.V.H.~Jestbrook. Pd.H.Grant. L.L.~derritt. H.D.Futrelle. J.A.Raynor. C.S~.Eubanks J.C.Roe . H.J.Gerdes. C.T.Jewell. J.A.Everett. 4V.Tatum. G,.B.Ganady.. V.Ambrosiano. The following coupons were presented by the County Auditor as having been paid and r= q~7 were burned in the presence of the Boardf " . ~ ~'~ sexoox~oBOrms. . Bond No. 37 Coupon No. 108----------~ 1~~25.00 -~25.00 School.; " " 37 " " 23----------- 1 Q 25.00 - 25.00 Roada n n 35. n n 78----------- 1~ 12.50 - 12.50 n " ~~ 36 " ~~ 96----------- 1 p 12.50 - 12.50 p " " 37 . n +~ 78-96•98----- 3~ 12.80 - 37.50 "~ 112.50 ~ S~'HOOL BONDS Bond No. 27 Coupon No. 63----------- 1~ 25.00 -• 25.00 WURT HOUSE BONDS nona ivo. 1ci coupon No. 161 to 164---- 2~ 25.00 - 100.00 "" 16 " " 170----------- 1 CJ 25.00 - 25.00 ROAD BONDS Bond No. 37 Coupon Ido. 99----------= 1~ 12.50,- 12.50 137.50 ROAD BONDS Bond •~o. ~~1..~Coupon No. 33,37,40,41,42 5~ 22.50 - 112.50 "" 37 " ^ 88------------ 1~ 12.50 - 12.50 125.00 ROAD BONDS Bona ivo. sfi Coupon No. 90 & 118------ 2~ 12.5a - 25.00 ROAD BONDS • Bond N0. 42 Coupon No. 6------------- ~(~ 2~.60 - 22:.50 n n 38 " " 87~95~98------ 3~ 12.50 - 37.50 SCHOOL BONDS Bond No. 5 Coupon No. 59 to 63------ 5 C~ 23.75 - 1~.8.75 " '~ 26 " " 64,73~74------ 3(~a 25.00 - 75.00 " '~' 26 " n 79 & 80------- 2 OO 25.00 - 50.00 " " 38 " . " 28,61~110----- 3 ~ 25.00 - 75.00 " " 38 " " 151~179-------- 2 ~ 12.50 - 25.00 . " " 38 " " 181 to 188---_- 8 C~l 12.50 - 100:00 503.75 Forward .....:............ ............ ~928.75 ~. !~ j ~ -~. : ..~. . ; i ,, ~ $ t` 1: { ~ ~ B~ ., i ~• , ~ ~; .~ r d t, ~ r i . ~ ; ~ ;, , , .` . ; : ,. . , ~ . . _ . . ~ Meeting of -O atobe'r 318ty continue@:" ~ ` ~ ~~ ~r ~ Brought Forward ......................... .. . .................. , .....;...... ~ 928.75 SCHOQL`$OTIDS ~ ' -'- Sona No. zt~ Coupon No. 1,2=-=--=--- '2 ~ ~25.00 - $ 50:00 . n n~S " " 18 to 125----108 ~" 25.00 2~700:00 Expense on coupona, ..,.... $ 7.81 $2,757.81 SCHOOL BONDS .. `~.;: . - - _ ~ , ~ , Bond No. 28 Coupon No 3i to 17-------15 ~ 25.00 - ' 375.00 375.00 COURT HOUSE BONll5` ~- .~ .._ , ' ,. Bond.~o. 1'7 Coupon No: T61 to I64-=- 4 @ 25.00 - 100:00 " '~ 17 Coupon No. 170--.---____ I ~ 25.00 - ` 25.00 ROAD BONDS .. .. tsona luo. 42 Coupon No. 36;37;40,41,42_5 ~ 22:50 .. 1I2:.50 "» 37" " " 85=-----=---- I ~ T2:50 ~ 12:50 "'~ 38 " " 77,78~85,119- 4 Ca~ 12.50 .. 50.00 ., SCHOOL~BONDS ~ ' " Sond l~o. 26 Coupon No. 71 to 75----- 5 @ 25.00 - ~ 125.00 ~ " '~ " 38 '~ " 45----------- 1 ~ 25.00 - 25.00 450.00 ~3,582.81 Total Coupons burned,........... $4,511.56 The Boa then took a recess. ' H ~c .~2zrt~f - a Clerk. Wilmington,N.C., November 7th,1932. The regular monthly meeting of the Board was held at 3:00 o'cloclc P.M. , ~rosents Addi~on Hewlett Chairma,n, W.E.Yopp,Geo.47.Trask, and Jas.M.Ha11. 4rV~c~,Miss Elizabeth Ragin Horae Demonstration Agent submitted he verbal report for the - ~~ ~ month of October. ~ , Alir. W.S.Johnson Secretary of the Wilmington Clearing House Association was present and'presented a corrnnunication from the ba,nks of the city advising this Board that ' at a meeting of bhe banks on October 31st,action was taken placing the funds of the - ~ounty of New Ha.nover and the ~ity of Wilmington deposited with any of the banks r~~' on an interest rate basis of 2~~ on certificates of deposit and savings accounts and '~~~ ~ a rate of 1~ on active or checking accounts, stating that in other larger cities of North Carolina for some time past the interest paid on secured public deposita has ei.ther been entirely wit~drawn or carried at a-very low rate, and feel that the 'officers in charge of the City and County funds are a~vare that for a good while the banks i~ our city Yiave been paying a higher rate of interest than has prevailed elsewhere during this period of low money rates, and f or the further reason that premiums on depository bonds have increased from '~o to as hi~5h as .160q: The said action to become eff~etive on and after November I5th,1932. After a~general disBussion ot the matter P~r. Traek moved, and it was seconded by b4r. Yopp and (;arried, that the basis of interest as offered by the banks be accepted. ' , Upon motion of'Mr. Hall, aeconded by Idr. Yopp, the County'Auditor was authorized and ~~~~tu~ inetructed to turn over the ~5,000.00 Federal funds received throu~h the State for relief, to J.A.Taylor Administrator of `telief. ' ,. - Upon motion~of Mr. Yopp, seconded by L~Ir. fiall, the Board authorized the trar~sfer of ,~~~ ~50~000.00 State o£ North Carolina General Fund 6~ Notes due November 25th,1932 from '~~' ~„o~ the Guaranty Trust Company of New York to the North Carolina Bank & Trust Company,~ ' ~~ ~Nilmington; N. C., as collateral security to funde of New Hanover County on deposit with the Wilmington Savings & Trus$ Company. ° '• • < < ~ ~ Vdith reference to the claim of John R. Morris Sheriff, for ~68.8~ expense for bringing John Douglas Fields and Annie McKoy,pr~:soners, from Ashlend,Va., without securing extradition papers, the ~county Attorney rvas requested to appear before Judge W.A.Devin .~ ~'~ and ask that his order of October 26th,1932, directing the commiesioners to pay the , said sum to John R. Morris Sheriff~be stricken from the records for the reason that if the charge.againet the prisoners is a felony the ~tate would ha.ve to pay the expensa under the law.• A communicatien from the County Auditor showing the amount on deposit~in each bank , ' ~~~~ as of October 31st,1932~ to$ether mith a memorandum of securities held in each case~ ~ was received. ' ~ Upon motion, duly seconded, P.4r.W.A.2~uhn was granted an abatement of Poil~tax charged ' ~ p~ on the delinquent liat and released from payment of penal"ty for not listing property in block A, lot #29, Pinehurst for the year 1932, account of having listed poll and . personal regular and through error the real estate was laft off his list. A request of the Board of ~ducation that the sun of $1;040.00 be placed to•the credit /~.o~~~~~- of the school fund to take care of expenditmres for the month of i~ovem~er, was upon motfibn of j~r. Trask, seconded by Mr. Hall, granted: . t Upon motion of ~r. Trask, seoonded by I~ir. Hall, the Board authorized the construction r of a building at the 0ounty Home, out of the lumber on hand there,for housing the ', ~ C~~"`0"'~~ grist mill and laundry machinery and authorized the remodeling and repairing of the ~, ~ old laundry building. " ' ' ' Upon motion of ~r. Yopp, seconded by Mr. Hall~ the Doard authorized the ~ettlement of all taxes due by Charity Henry on property in blocks' Nos. 32,48 and 62, through the ~~ GX ar 1931, upon payment of ~702.15 on a basis of 42~ of the said amount for the County , ~98.41~ and 57~-~ for the City,$403.74, and as further authorized at meeting of October 3,1932, and also authorized the payment of ~10.00 to Nathan Cole, Esq,l, for ~ . services rendered in first bringing suit for the colleetion of the said taxes. r Meeting of November 7th~1932, continued. ~ Upori motiori of P~r.,Trask;~seconded by Mr. Hall~ county,bills:•nos. 788 to 964 r~i~~~ ~ v~ere approved for payment. ~ _. The County Auditors'cash report'for the month of November was received and ordered'~ ~~~,'~N f iled. ' . - The ting then adjourned. o, ~!. , Clerk. ' ` Wilmin~rton, Pd. C., iQovember 14th,1932. The regular weekly meeting of' the Boasd was lield at 3:00 o'clock P.P![. Present: Addison He~vlett Chairman, Geo.W.Trask and F.TS.Ross. Upon motion af Mr._ Trask, seconded by L2r. Ross, bonds of the follov~ing County ~~~vv~Z`~ Officers were fixed by the Board, to-wit: C.David Jones, Sheriff Elect: Process bond ~2,500.00 ` For the collection . of school and county taxes, 2,500.00' For the collection of State taxes 1,000.00 A.I3.Rhodes,Register of Deedsyj10,000.00 A.W.Allen,Coroner 2~000.00 The request of I~aggie Burnett for a reduction of assessment on house in ~~(~`r. block #240 was referred to the Conunittee for investigation. The request of hSr.C.B.Parmele that the reduction of assessment on building in block #161, southeast part of lot 5 to ~300.00 effective as of April 1st,1930 , ~i~~ as approved by the Cor~ittee, be made effective as of 1u~a.y lst,1927 on account ~ of bad condition of the building, was referre.d back to the Committee for inqestigation and report to the Board. - ~~ Upon motion of PLr. Trask, seconded by 1~r.Ross, ~~Irs. L.K.V~ooten of Kinston,N.C., was granted an abatement of ~2.00 penalty for not listing 7.ot #1, in block No.26 ~~~~ VJilmington Beach for the year 1931 account of being a non-resident, and a refund of ~2.OO.penalty paid by him on November 5,1932, v~as mrdered. A report of Ladies~Aest Room for the month of October was received and ordered ~~`~ ~ ~ ~~ filed. ' ~ , A request of 4I.T.Sykes for a reduction of assessment of ^~2,750.00 on house on lot #10, block ~2, Sunset Park, claiming that the same cost $1,~00. to construot, •~rj`j,, therefore too hi~h in proportion to cost, dvas upon motion referred to the committee ~- i for investigation and report back to the Board. , .: ~. _t. ,;.: . ~. ~' U ~ . ~ Upon motion of L~r. Trask, seconded by Plr. Ross, county bills Nos. 965 to 973~ ~~~~ _ inclusiae, were ordered paid. ~ ` / The follov~ina actions taken by tne Commissioners in a conference held November ~,.pj~°~ llth,1932, all members being present e~cept iur. Yopp, was upon motion, duly l l' seconded, confirmed by the Board: The matter of furnishing approximately_ 40,000 feet of lumber from trees on the .fi County Farm property for the use of v~harfs and slips in'the construction of a 4L~~'~ yach'~ basin at bhe Pdunicipa2 docks, by the relief association, was upon motion of ~ ~/~ is!r. Ross, seconded by Tvfr. Hall~ referred to a com~ittee of the Chairman and Sar. Trask for investigation as to the supply of trees mz County property and ~ report to the Bo2sd. ~, ~ Upon motion of 1~r. ~rask, seconded by T~~s. Ross, the Board accepted•the title to ~~`E tr~o trucks from the Smith Motor Company and one from the Rainey-Chevrolet Company ~ for use in relief a~ork. ~ ' ~ Upon motion, duly seconded, the Board adopted a triplicate food o~der form to be •1 S~v used for the purchase of foofl for the County Poor as suggested by the Welfare Officer, ~i to replace the present Charity orders nobv in use. / ~ Upon motion of T~ir. Trask, seconded by ~r. Hall, the Board approved the payment of ~/ ~25.00 attorneys fee to Geo.L.Peschau, Esq., in the case of State vs Beatrice Boney Coa~ as per order of the Court. ` Upon motion o£ I~fir. Trask, seconded by I~r. Hall, the County Auditor was authorized , ~~, and instructed to tiirn over the ~4,000.00 Federal Funds received through the State _~,,.~~ for relief, t~o J.A.Taylor Administrator of Re'lief. , ~ `~The,, ~ting then adjourned. r~'h H -~1.9Qcr~-~ . - //`Clerk. , U ~.. ~ :~ fs ~ 4 .,. ` .;:; r ~ : ~ ~ ~' . •~ .. .~ ~ e ~ :~, ~ Upon motion of Pdr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Ro~s, county bills'Nos. 974 to 1004 + ~ covering expense for holding elec$ion November 8th,1932, amounting to ~2,477.18 ~~~1~~ . were approved for payment; the said amount having exceeded the budget allov~anCe ~ by $$238.00 this amount was ordered transferred from the emergency fund to meet this expense. ~ ' , , 19 ~./ Wilmington, N.C., Noveinber 21st;1932. ~ ~ The Board met in re~ular weekly session at 3:00 o'clock P.M. Present:~ Addison Hewlett Chairman, PT.E.~Iopp, Geo.l~l.Trask,F.M.Ross and Jas.I~6.Ha11. : The resolution adopted by the Board at meeting of January 13th,1931, authorizing q a,, ~~ a~committee of ~the Chairmari, County Auditor and County Attorney to acquire . _ ~ , ' 1'1 additional United States ~overnment bonds or State bonds from County depositories to secure county funds deposited, or to release any such bonds should the shrinkage , . of county deposits in any of the county depositories warrent such action, auas upon motion of S~'i,r. Ross, seconded by HBr. Trask, amended by adding the follo~ving: ' . - ,and the said committee is further authorized and , -..' empozvered to exchange any bonds or notes held to . - secure county funds for any other bonds or riotes that in their judgment will adequately secure the ~ ~ county funds in the respective depositories. , , . IIpon motion of P.'Ir. Hall, seconded by P~r. Yopp, NIr.J.G.Brinson ~vas allowed to ' , ' '~qX ~ correct his 1932 tax list by claiming a liab~~lity of ~2,000.00 he failed to / deduct from solvent cred~ts listed and an ab~tement of taxes on a valuation ~ of $1,478.00 was allowed. ~ _ The request of I~dr. John W. Pe~dsw:to be released from payment of penalty for not. ~ payin~ his 1931 taxes on time,together Nrith sheriffs' salea cost charged against •~ ~,/~ ~~ his property in block ~7 Carolina Heights was deeline:d for the reason that the said items are fixed by law and were properly char$ed. ,; ~ It appearing to the Board that an item of ~23.94 back taxes due for the year 1930 was erroneously posted against R.H.Northrop in block #71 on.the official back tax records, whereas the item should have been char~ed again"st R.H.Northrop block ~72 ~~~~ west end of 1ot #1. Upon examination of title by K.O.Burgwin Esq.,title was passed '' in July 1932 and on October 17th,1932 effort was made to correct the error by transferring the charge from block #71 to block #72, wYiich correction, of course, '.'+ did not appear at th~ time of passage of title, therefore upon motion'of Ifs.Yopp, seconded by 2,dr. Hall, the Board ordered tne said item of ~23.94 tax due for the year ' 1930 as aforesaid, cancelled on the back tax records. - .~' . Upan inotion of Iur. Yopp, seconded by I~r. Ross, the Board acting`upon order -of the court, approved the payment of ~68.83 expense to John R..~iorris Sheri£f, for " l ' C7~,eiL~ ~ John Douglas and Annie IdlcKoy from Aslieland, Va., to Wilmington for tria bringing _ ;i~ in the Superior Court. f Upon motion of B~r. Ross, seconded by Mr. Trask, the Board approved the payment ~ 1~.~n~or~s' of ~5,55 long distant telephone calls by the Home Demonstration Agent in / j c,onnection tivith canning to aid charity funds through the winter months. Upon motion of I~r. Trask, seconded by IIr. Hall~ the assessment of ~2,750.00 on . %~~qX house of R~Ir. W.T.Sykes at Sunset'Park was reduced to ~2,000.00 account of over ~ assessment, and an abatement of taxes on a valuation of ~750.00 v~as-ordered. ~ •~ ` Upon r~otion-of L~r: Trask, seconded by P~Lx. Yopp, the Board authorized and directed ~ ~a ~_.~ or to Eurn over the ~3,250.00 Federal funds received from the ~y Audit the Coun ~~ ~, ,I , , State for reli.ef,~to J.A.Taylor,AdministFator of Relief. ~ 1 ' ' Upon motion of ~r. Trask; seconded by I~Lr. Hall, the Board authorized the purchase .- ~ L~ ~~S of seven record books for the Aegister of Deeds at'a cost of ~200.00 and one ~• daily Register at $~31.00, and authority is hereby given to transfer a sufficient •, : ~mount of funds fro the Emergency fund to the Register q~' Deeds stationery and , ; ;; . primting account with which to_meet tnis expense. • " -S~ ' The Grand Jury's report for~November Term was received.. ~ ~ . , ,.,, _ . Upon motion~Uf L4r. Ross, seconded 'oy Phr.. Trask, the Chairman, County Auditor and ~ , ~ ~ the County Attorney were named to prepare the papers an~i take such steps necessary •;, ~.~~~ tor~ard securing the approval of the I,ocal Government Corrunission to borrow an , amount not exceeding ~12,500.00 fox-`relief in ~his county as authorized at ~neeting of October 21s1:,1932. Upon moti0n of D~r. Yopp, seconded by Mr. Hall, county bills Sdos. 1005 to 1041 inc.,. ~ ,~ ~~'`~' ' ~ere approved for payment. . . i ~~-. • Upon motion of IJir.•Hall, seconded by Mr. Y.opp, the following bills having been ' y3 ~~S incurred ~vithout proper requisition, were found to cover necessary county expense l ~. /' and were approved £or payment: '~ . . . Southern•Bell Telephone Co.y long distant charges, Sheriff ~26.23 Jackson & Bell Co., letter heads a.nd repairs to record books 49.50 ~. Pace &~ioi:te and Cole &~otte Attys,FeBs. approved by~the Court50.00 ' •- I~rs. Katherine 0. Trask, Services,Boar.d~,of Elections • 5.00. ' < , the said amounts, or so much thereof that may be necessary, to•be paid out o~ ~ the emergency fund. ~ c • The request o£ the Home Demonstration.Agent to have ner Remington Typewriter , ~~uRx , a./ ~ repaired,~was declined. • ,, ~ Upon motion, duly seconded, the asses~ment of ~3,000.00 on house of fl4rs.Elizabeth ~~G~ H.Robbins,~ltlantic View,Harnett Township, was reduced to ~2,000.00 aceoant of over . .~ , assessment,,and an abatement of taxes on a,valua~ion of ~1,000.00 for the year 1932, ~. . ' tivas ordered. ~ ». , , + . .. The mee ing then adjourned, . ~Hoe 7~ . J~~!~1/'"vZ~M ~ , , . ` • ~ . , // Clerk. ~. ~/ ly2 ~ ' ~~ilmington,.Pd. C., November 28th,1932. ~ ' ':~ • . The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held at 3:00 o'clock P.T~. . Present: Addison Hevrlett Chairma.n, P1.E.Yopp, Geo.'~.Trask and Jas.M.Hall. " " ~ The minutes of ineetings of August lst,8th,15th,22nd and 29.September 6th,12th,15th, '`` ~ ~~` 19th~ 21st and 26th. October 3rd,lOth,l7th, 24th, and 31st. November 7th, 14th and 21st were read and approved as recorded. ~ The request of Tfu~s. Fannie E. Key for a reduction of assessment on house at ~ ~~fr,~ Wrightsville I3each damaged by the high tides, was upon motion of I~r: Hall, seconded~ ; • by I~ir. Yopp, referred to the Coimnittee for investigation. _ y~,: 1,. ,~_,,e~\ A communication was received from the State Board of E.qualiaation?~advising;~.thatran , ;, Y~: -~~I ~"V allotment of ~486.00 was made for the salary of the emergency teacher alloted to ::;~rt~,~ .~roaa I~yrtle Grove ~ahite sch3al. ' ' A petition bearing the signatures of 39 citizens requesting that repairs be made ~' ' to the road leading from Vlrightsville Turnpike at Bradleys' creek brid~e, to State„ `:' L/ Highvray #30, a distance of approximately three miles ~vas received a,nd upon motion ~ ~ ~~~ tif NLr. Hall,'seconded by Pufr. Yopp, was a~proeed and ordened forwarded to the~State Highv~ay Commission for consideration. Upon motion of LiIr. Trask, seconded by 1.~r. Yopp, fur. +iJ.A.McGorvan was allo~~ed to pay ~~• ~~`~' the 1932 tax on the real estate of P,Q.T~Ioore in block ~~166 without being required to ' ~.,, pay any of h~~ personal property tax of ~250.00 valuation, for the reason that A~ir. Il4cGov~an had to take the property back and ISr. Idoore having i~o equity in the same. '.~, Upon motion, duly seconded „ a bill of ~Ls.W.F.Carpenter,I~~iagistrate, for $2.25 fees in ~; _<<,; y ~ the case of ~aco Cromartie tried for bastardy, and one for ~42.25 payable to ~~ •-~'.. Y ~ G~~,,P~ p• ~ John R. I~orris, Sheriff, for transportation for E.~N.Taylor to State Hospital, v~ere E,~,'. ~`_r~,~`' .~ approved subject to the approval of the County Attorney. • F;: . Upon motion of T~r. Trask, seconded by ~Ir. Yopp, the Board appr4ved the paymant of ~ e , ., s..,.~ (~~~~~ ~ ~6.54 charity rate transportation for Carolyn T~ontford to the home of hex parents ~ ' i:`; 3~ / V at 1 Jashington, D. C. ~ - ~ ~. ! Upon motmon, duly seconded, authority was given to have the windows in the jail. d ~ `~~` ~VO repaired. ~ t ' • 4 `~ Upon motion, duly seconded, the Board actin~ in an emergency, ~ave authority to use ~, the County Farm Drainage Prisoners in clearing de~aris at Wrightsville and Carolina ' ~~\~`r Beaches to prevent further damage to buildin~s by floatin~ timbers resulting from .the :~~ s ~a• recent high vainds and tides, this done in an effort to save valuable taxable property. ~~ f~ 5~' Upon motion of Mr. Trask, second.ed by h4r. Yopp, VJilliam Barber arid~Thomas Wells f ~ aged colored citizens vrere admitted by tlze Board to the County Home as inmate's. - 'The committee on assessmerits recommended the following•reductions v~~hich rvas • ~~~~ adopted by tY~e Board ;a.nd abatements authorized for the year 1932: , • `~ Block 486-P~artin Brunjes, House assessed at ~13,000. reduced to ~12,000.00 '. Boock 220-Antonio Saffo,' House assessed at 4;700. reduced to 4.200.00 ,, ~lock 478-J.S.Simmons,'Lot assessed at 2,500. reduced to 2,250.00 ~• ' Block 63=A.R.Savage, House assessed at 1,300. reduced to 1,100.00 ,~;' The request of John ~. Pluffimer~and ~r.AmCR Crouch for reductions of assessments ~ - ~ 1. ~~(~~ on property in blocks Pdos. 143 and 144 respectively, vrere declined for the reason ~; '' that the same are assessed in line with similar and adjacent.property. 1; . The matter of adjusting'the accumulation of appr-oximately ~90.00 back taxes and ..' cou'rt costs on one acre of land o~amed by Geo.W.Bryant, Pederal Point to~vnship, - y ~l(,+~ adj., Freeman, assessed at $~35.00 and house at ~300.00 ~vhich h~.s been removec~ or • `.~ . ~. destroyed, was referred to the Conmiittee for investigal:ion. . ~,__;' J~~~~~~ were approved~for.payment,econded by ~r. Yopp, county bills Nos. 1041 to 1080 inc.; , The me ing t~en adjourned. ~ H 1(. S~aP~-~/ " 0~erk. (// Wilmington, N.C., December 5th,1932. The regular meeting of the Board y,~as held at 3:00 o'clock P.Ni. Present: Addison Iiewlett Chairman, Geo.W.Trask,F.BII.Ross,Jas.P4.Hal1 and a.H.Hinton. Mr. J.H.Hinton,newly elected me~nber of the Board and Messrs. Addison Hewlett and ~~~ Jas.1~.Ha11, having taken the oath of office before the Clerk of Superior Court as ~ required by lavt, presented their qualifications as coirnnissioners for the ensuing - four years. ' TJfr. Hinton then addressed the Board, stating that he was g~.ad to have,been elected ~~'..~Y a member of this Body and rvould stand for strict economy in the administration of j'a~.~ the county's affairs. The Board then proceeded to re-organization. The term of the Chaixman of the Board having expired this day and this being the meeting at rrhich a chairman is to be elected, Mr.Trask moved that Mr. Addison ~C. Hevalett be .re-elected Chairman, his motion z~as seconded by 1uIr. Ross,and ~r. Hewlett y~= was unanimously elected Chairman of the Board for a term of one year. Upon motion ~- ~ the Cnairman's salary ~ras £ixed at ~200.00 per month and ~25.00 per month for automobile expense. . Upon motion of I,ir. Trask, seconded by L2r. Ross, Pdr.Jas.M.Hall vdas re-elected Vice 2~,` Chairman of the Board and authorized to sign vrarrants on the County Auditor for ~ , ~~ ~ ~~~ ~eeting of Der[~mber 5th,1932, continued. .,:. . county expense in cases of emer~ency should the~Chairman be detained from his office / . through sickness or absent from the county. Upon motion of Iutr. Trask, seconded by t+~ir. Ross, Thos.K.Woody vras re-elected Clerk ~„~~E of the Board and salary fixed at ~200.00 per month. The follov~ing ivere re-elected to their respective positions for the year ending ~,~e"'~-November 30th,1933, and salaries fixed as follows: /~'~e~ - . Be11E,my•& Bellamy, County Attorneys ..............~ ~100.00 Per month. D.G.Edmondson,Clerk to the County Auditor,........ Iuirs.E.T.Keal_,Stenographer,... .............. Ed Geor~e;Janitor Court House~(Old~building),..... I,.M.Rich,Janitor Court House (Annex) ............. J.~J.Stillman,Keeper 0ak Grove Cemetery,........... S.G.Long,Superintendent County Home and Farm,..... S,G.Long, Auto Allarrance .......................... E~rs. S,G.Long, ~atron County Home,................. C.I,.Philemon, Special Officer ..................... F~.Porter Davis, Special Afficer ................... J.H.Southerland, Fish Inspector ................... 125 .00 " " 95.00 _!' " 95:D6 " " 90.00 " ~ " 41.Cr'~F n u 100.00 " " 20.00 " " 50.00 " " 120.00 " " 120.00 " " Fees Only. ~ •`, _ STANDiNG CO~.~iI^1TEES • • . . ` t~e~ , . . /,~,nx~r~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . `•1~ ,/ County Home and Farm,... ... . Geo.W.Trask Chairman, ,, • • ~~~~~ Addison Hewlett Frank P:I. Ross. '~ Court House and Jail .............................. J.H.Hinton Chairman, ""'~ • Geo.W.Trask-Jas.Id.Hall. •.~ Farm•& Home Demonstration Work .................... Frank L~. Ross Chairman~ Addisnn Hewlett-~'eo.~J.Trask. • Health ............................................ Jas.1~.Ha11 Chairman~ e ~ Frank I~. Ross-J.H.Hinton. Oak Grove Cemetery ......................:......... J.H.Hinton Chairman, • Addison Hewlett. ~ Ferry Commission,..~ .............................. Addison Hewlett Chairman~ • ~ • Jas.2u.Ha11. ~ ~ Bluethenthal Airport ........... .................. Frank DG. Ross Chairman, ~ • Addison Hewlett-Jas.I:~I.Hall. ~~. . Upon motion of Ivlr. Ross,seconded by P~r. Hinton, the contract to care for the ~ ~~. County clock v~as awarded to I~4r.VJ.A.Whitney at a cost of ~100.00 per year,-he being . " ~~~,~/~the lovrest bidder~ The only other bid was that of Jas.S.Simrions v~rho submitted a bid • ,', '~y~ of ~114.00 per year. ~ 1Q~C~- The qualifications of C.David Jones Sheriff, ~vas submitted together with his three ~' ~ ~j"1 ~` pfficial bonds ~ith the Union Indemnity Company as surety; to ~it:- . ~ , ~". Process bondr ... ....... ..... .. . . . ..... . . ... . ..... ~2,500.00 • For the collection of county,school•and•special~local~taxes,. 2,500.00 ' For the collection of State taxes ........................ .. i.000.00 The said amounts having been fixed by the Cos~issioners, v~as upon motion of &5r. I3a11, S~ seconded by Mr. Trask, accepted, all members votin~ affirmatively. ~r. ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ • Mr.A.R.Rhodes came before the Board and qualified by taking the oath of office as S ~ required by law and presented his official bond in the penalty of $10,000.00 , y p y y, which said amoun:t v~as fixed b ~` /~ with the National Suret Com an as suret y the 4 Commissioners, and upon motion of Pllr. Ross, seconded by ~'r. ~rask~ was accepted, all members voting affirmatively. • ~. . • The qualifications of b~r. Asa PJ. Allen, Coroner, together with his official bond in the •~~~~~penalty of ~2,000.00 with the Indemnity Insurance Company as surety was presented and upon ~ / c motion of ~r. Ros~, seconded by i~r. Hall, was accepted by the Board, all members voting ; affirmatively. '' The qualifications of L7r. 'v9illiam Tienken constable,of Wilmington tovmship presented his ~~ap~~f,r_oificial bond in the penalty o£ $500.00 with the United States Fidelity and Guaraizty Co., ~/ as surety, ~hich ~7as upon motion of Nir. Aoss, seconded by Wr. Hall, accepted, all members ' , voting affirmatively. ~ The request of Geo.~.Kidder ~Iayor of ~Jri6htsville Deach, for additional use of the "' ' ~~~~y~~1leCounty Farm Drainage Gang to clear av~ay the debris along the ocean front at Wrightsville ; /~'~ c~ Beach, a result of the recent storm, ~~as declined. . . ~s • . I~r. r2oss, at this point, took the occasion to express his dis-approval of the criticism ~ ~ of the Boards' action in permitting the.use of County Prieoners to retrieve drifting ~W~~~u~~•'~-timbers from the ocean at VVri~htsville Beach durin~ the high tides £ollooving the recent ~:~storm, which v~as causing $reat dama.ge to valuable buildin~s along the ocean front by .. pounding,by the waves,against!.'their foundations. The action of the Com,~nissioners . ~ras prompted only by a desire to save valuable taxable proper~y at i~rightsville and ~' Carolina Deaches. . ~' s~ ~~~;John R. Morris, Ex-Sheriff and Tax Collector reported the collection of ~23,891.88 for ~ ~Y'~ the month of ldovember account of 1932 taxes, and ~79~812.53 total collections to date. r The request of PtTr. Burke H. I3ridgers that the county take title to twelve trucks to be ~ `~furnished by the Relief Association, and furnish a driver for each truck at a vrage of y ~G~° ~~1.50 per day to~ether with necessary State license, the same to be credited to the ~' County's appropriation for relief, 4vas referred to the Chairman and County Attorney ~vith ,~ po4ver to aCt. : / 1~4 , I~deeting of December 5th, continued. A re uest of the Board of Education that the sum of ~7,500.00 for current expenses '~ >' / and ~11,100.00 principal and ~5,625.00 interest on State notes for debt service, y :~ ~~~~~,,`, making a total of $24,225.00 less ~$2,000.00 o~j hand leaving a net total ~f ~22,225.00 • to be placed to the credit of the school fund,r~as granted. , ,. . ~~ ~ A statement o£ amount on deposit in each bank as of November 30th,1932, together with~, 1,~_ ~~„pqSl~ a memorandum of securities held by the county in each case, a~as received from the - ~) County Auditor. ~p ~ o~~a~ ~ A statement of State and County expenses, and statement of expenditures of county ,~ a o i f th th Bo d of Educ tion ti th £ Id b i d f ,. ppr pr a or rom a . on e mon o oeem er, aas rece ve e ar ~ ~. The annual report of Pdr. W.Id.Harriss, Clerk of Superior Court, was presented and upo~ • . motion of I~r. Hall, seconded by T~r. Trask, was ackno~rledged and a committee of the ` CS~ . Chairman, Ntr. Iiall,Iur.Hinton were named to check the sa,me with the County Auditor and report to the ]3oard at a subsequent meeting. ' ` ~ A report of Jas.Vlalker Hospital fox the montn of,November was received and ordered filed." . • - , . Upon motion of Lir. Hall, seconded by Srir. Trask, the County Auditor was author'ized and ~ _ instructed to tuxn over ~4,141.00 Federal Funds received from the State for relief, to -' J.A.Taylor, Administrator of Relief. ~ Upon motion of ~=r. Hall, seconded by IJir-. Trask, the Board directed,that the application ~,.` \~~ to borrow ~12,500.00 for.relief be for~rarded to the Director of Local Government for `~ ~ i~ approval, and that notes aggregating ~4,000.00 be sold as soon as approved. ~~~ The Auditors cash report for the month of November was received and ordered filed. ' Upon motion of b;r. Ross,_seconded by P7r. Hall, the matter o£ starting court proceedings for the collection of taxes due on one acre of land of Geo.W.Bryarit,Federal ~oint ' ~~~r to~rmship, assessed at ~35.00 and correcting an,error in assessment of ~300.00 on•house ~ ~ which has been removed or destroyed, and compromising the tax through 1932 ~~ith - prospective purchasers upon payment of $75.00 account of its almost worthless condition, account of taxes due far greater than worth of property, and in order to get the. _ property on a basis that Prould yield revenue to the county, v~as referred~to the Chairman with power to act. 'ti ' t Upon motion of I~r. Hall, seconded by ld,r. Txask, a bill for~~127.63 due the State for ',~ ~ ~ C~s care of indigent pupils for 1932-1933 was approved for peyment. + ~~1~`S Upon motion bf Itir. TrasY,, seconded by I~r. Hall, county bills ~os.1081 to 1144 ine.\ were approved for payz~ent. ~ , ~~~ ~~, ~: The annual report of the Home Demonstration A~ent w2,s received and filed. . An application of C.H.Bonham for the position of Superintendent of the County Home,arid-k~ ' ~ C~ }~G~12 Farm v~as received and filed. . ~ \ C ~an-M/ :: The Chairman announced that the net~ laundry building at the County Home has been comple~e'd • ~ :~,;,! moved to proceed and the laundry machinery~and grist mill installed, iFlhereupon L7r. Trask ~' ~ with the repairs and remodeling of the old brick building vacated and the ihstallation ~ ' • , ~-~ ~' of~plumbing and heati~ng~ system, and that authority be given to have plans and ~/. ',~; ~~ specifications prepared for the remodeling ~aork and the installation of heat and >; . pltunbing, and that a sufficient amount of funds be appropriated out of the emergency -.~,r~ ~ . fund to complete the work; his motion v~as seconded by Mr. Hall and carried. -.: ,_~.' r, \~~~. a report of United Charities for ldo~ember was received and ordered filed. Y :: ;. Upon motion, duly seconded, John R. I~orris retiring as sheriff but who continues as `/ , ~I. ~ Taac Collector, ~vas instructed to return to the County Auditor ,~,100.00 of his ~400.00 `~ .; ~. ~y~,iv~+~l~, petty.cash account, and C.Devid Jones newly elected Sheriff ~vas allowed a petty cash ~ . `u account of ~100.00. .~ - The m ing then adjourned. , ~ `' ~ • i~i '1 fit ~ C• 1KIC(L7!'GLy C~ ~j~'erk. Wilmington, N.C.,December 12th,1932. , ~ : mhe regular weekly"meeting of the Board evas held at 3:00 o'clock P.1~+i. ~:~ • :, , . Present: kddison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.P/.Trask,F.I~.Ross and J.H.Hinton. ~ ~• The Chairman presented plans and specifications prepared by VJilliam L.Ys'est,Jr•.,Architect ~~ • '~~`'~ ~ C~~ vithout cost, for remodeling and installing plumbing a,nd.heating in the old laundry . ~ ' _ ~ wi 32 buildin~ at the ~ounty Home..The Board agreed to make the passage way in said building d~. Upon motion of I~r. Trask,seconded by DSr. Ross, t~r, John T. Abbott a disabled ~Vorld ~ti ~ ~~~ ! ~ V7ar Veteran vras grant privilege to peddle key checks in this county for one week fro h ' l ~ i b • n suc cases. av y r date, without being required to pay a license tax as provided Upon motion of Pur. Ross, seconded by Mr. Trask, Margaret F. Bryant was~released from ` payment of penalty for not listing property in block #102 for the years 1929,1930 and 1931.,; that '~" b~lievin id f .` ~ G~ g years, or sa account of her husband having listed other property this vaas also included. • . ., Upon motion of iur. Ross, seconded by T~fir. Trask, the Board adopted the recommendat}'~on ` V • r ~ ~~ ~y of the recorder and voted to hire out James Addison for the balance of his term. ~ ; ~ `" :in jail upon payment ofthe court costs amounting to ~9.75. . The request of tne Recordes that the Commissioners emnloy an additional Rura,l Polic~ .~ ~~r,rr~~h/ti..~ to assist in suppressing theft prevalent in the rural districts, was taken under ~/ advisement. ~ ~ Meeting of December 12th,1932, continued. i ~. The reuqest of DGr. E.R.Pickar.d for a reduction of assessment on lots 51 and 52 ~/ , ~GX Carolina Court, ~as referred to the Committee for investigation and ~report back to the Board. •- ` ~ Upon motion of 1aTr. Trask, seconded by rdr. Ross, the Board authorized tlze payment / ~~i(~ of ~7.00 transportation for Mrs.T~attie Rbse and three children to their home at - Henderson, N.C. Upon motion of I~S'. Ross, seconde~ by I~6r. Hinton, the Board, upon recommendation ~ of 'the Welfare Officer, granted an allowance of ~7.50 per month from December lst, 1932, ~ f N ti ~: ~/'~1 ew 2ens o to April lst,1933, to Mrs. Annie G. T~dahn ~sidow vrith four children, ci Hanover County residing temporarily in the Long Creek section of Pender County. ~. - U~onrmotion of I~r. Trask, seconded by Lfir. Ross~ the recommendation of the committee ~ to reduce the assessment on building in block ~17 listed in the name of Gerney P.Hood~~i . ~-~'Q Commissioner to ~500.00 for the years 1930,1931 and 1932, and b1oCk #161 listed in , ~ • the name of W.A.Brown t.o $300.00 for years 1927 to 1932 inclusive,on account o~ the v ' ' dilapidated condi~tioh of the buildings, as requested, by I~r.C.B.($armele, vras adnpted ~ ~ • trlock ~17, for yeaxs and an abatement of taxes on a valuation of ~500.00 on house in ~• ' 1930-1931 and 1932; and on a. valuation of ~800.00 on house in block #161 £or the years . 1927 to 1930 inclusive and 'on::~500.00 for the year 1931 and ~200.00 for the year 1932, ~ was ordered. ; ~ Ldr. V~.W.Walsch appeared and requested an abatement of taxes on certain lots in ~- blocks B,.C,D and 155 to 159 inclusive Carolina Beach, listed in error by 'TJ.JJ.Walsch & Co., - ~ ~ for years 1925 to 1929 inclusive, claiming that the same is oamed by other parties ~ ` ~. ~ '~~ under known meets and bounds,and through error the same were included in their ~ holdings by block and lot numbers. Mr. Ross moved that,his request be granted only ~ `' as to such property which was actually charged for taxes to both, W.~I~.i~alsch 8c Co., , ~~;, and other parties coverin~ the same period, the adjustment of same to be referred tm + the Chairraan y~ith power to act; his motion was seconded by Nir. Hinton and carried. ~ Cm1S'~~ A req~est of IJir. Oliver Carter, that a constable be appointed for Harnett township, ~ , , was reeeiv'ed and riled. , . ~ Upon motion of 1vir. Hinton, seconded by Mr. Trask, John R. Morris Ex-Sheriff and Tax ~ ~~~ Collector was ii~structed to accept any amount of taxes by a tax payer in part payment .~,_ ~~, ; Gj of his 1932 taxes subject to payment of prevailing penalties-at time of payment, , : £,or a period from date hereof until time of closing tax booke by the~Tax Collector. - . Upon motion of T~r. Ross, seconded by PQr. Trask, C.T.Walton ~as released fro~ paymen't of ~ "; .~~ X penalty for not listin~ property in block '~226 for the year 1932, account of._e-rror in handling his tax list. * roved J lusive vrere a 1235 i 1145 t o i ~1 S ~ ~ nc pp o tion, duly secon ed, county bills Nos. Upon m £ r t - ~ ' j o paymen . , • ~ y~ ' The mee ng then adjourned. •- - ;;:, ~ ~-777v ~ C 9SQ~~~ ~ '~, ;, , . ~ : : . ~ , Cl.~lrk. - , .. ,,, : ~ Wilmin~ton;Id.C., December 19th,1932. .~ ; „ i, .._ ~. . y ~ . ' • ;, The.Board met in regular weekly session at 3:00 o'clock P.T~. ,.~ _, , ~ , ~ `~y Present: Addison Hewiett Chairman, Geo.PJ.Trask, Jas.I~.Hall and J.H.Hinton. • ,'' ~ ~~ ~- - The request of iGr. J.A.Smith to be allowed to pay half of back taxes due on the ••. " 1 ~ ~ northeast end of lot #1, in block ~277, 50X50 feet in size, assessed at ~500.00 for G~ ', ~ ~ Q~ land and ~600.00 for building, said/payment to be applied to and in full settlement , of baek taxes due on half of the property bordering 50 feet on Bladen Street and 25 ~' • feet on Third Street, on ~rhich there is no building, was granted. /~~ Report.of Ja.s. 'Nalker Hospital for the month of Ilovenber ~aas received and filed./ The Board being inforr.ied by ~r. J.A.Taylor,Administrator of Relie£, that all trucks i ~ operated by the Relief Association tvere protected by liability iizsurance, the Boax d, ~ ~~~ i~ ~ upon motion of B~r. Trask, seconded by Mr.Hall, agreed to take title :tp three trucks : ~. .~ donated by the State Aigh~ay Department for relief ivork,and secure state.license for ' tne same. , . :.~ , _ ~ The folloFVing sealed bids'for,furnishing and,installin~ heating and plumbing in the ~ ~ ' ,,(i old laundry building at the County Home,as,advertised,were.received'i . . . ~ ~ y .. . . . . . . . . . . A,,E.Cumber,.. ..~545.00 ', . . . . 'N.$.Dosher.,. , . 525.00 . . . . • . , , , , , B.R.Drynan,.....,740.00 , , ~ , , , ~ '. H.E.Zongley,.... 562..00 • . ~ H.A.?Fl.Smith, . . . . 730.00 ' , ` C'~ Upon motion of ~r. Hinton, duly seconded, the contract was av~rarded to ~ 00 the sum of $$525 d f l . . or Mr.PT.R.Dosher, he being the lo~vest bidder, in an Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by L7r. Hall, the request of K.C.Sidbury,Esq.,~„ for a separation of assessment on the property of B.G.Green in block #78, in , ~ T~1~ ord_er to clear the taxes due on part sold, was refexr2d to the committee with ~•„ pov/er to act. ~ - . ',~ ~~~,~~ ~ Report of~Ladies ~est Room for the month of November was received and ordered filed.r • ~ l(S Upon motion, duly seconded, County bills Nos. 1236 to 1268 inclusive wexe approved seconded by P~r. Hall, the action of the Board Upon motion of 1~[r TxaBk for ment a ,~t , , , . p y t dit t ` ~ o or y Au n conference held December 16th,193Z, authorizing and directing the Coun '- ~Q~~ turn over ~11,250.00 Federal Funds rGceived through the State for relief, to P.2r. J.A. • Taylor,Administrator of Relief, was confirrded. Meeting of Desember 19th,1932, continued. ,. 1,b`t`°~ 'Mr. Hinton_announced that •he would of£er a resolution trro weeks from today `~ ~.Ci L~ to abolish the-departments of Farm and Home Demonstration Agents. ~! ~~, ~` ~ .¢P~` Upon motion of T~(r.Hall, seconded by l~lr. Trask, the Board recorrmtended the apointment`~ G`~ of ~r. VJ.H,Davis as Door Keeper of the State Senate. _, , ~ C,~ , ~D : . t . . ~ . Th '~ting then adjourned. ./ fn ~l. ~'(~/ Clerk. - ~ . ~ Wilmington, N. C., December 27th,1932. . The regular we.ekly meeting of the Board vvas held at.3:00 o'clock P.M. . ~ . ~ < • Pxesent: Add,ison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.tJ7.Tra.sk, Jas.M.Hall, and H.H.Hinton. , , ~ . .. The annual report of 77.N•.73arriss, C.S.C., of Publ.ic Funds in his hands as of ; ' , December lst,1932, having been checked by the County Auditor and found correct, ~ yas also approved by ~';a<_;committee of tne Board who reconmtended its adoption; ~ C whereupon, Mr. Ross moved and it was seconded by Mr. Trask and carried~ that the report of the co:nmitt be adopted, and the Clerk was instructed to have the same: published as the law directs. , , . ~ ~~+7 ~nded by Mr. Hall; the v'7elfare Officer was.authorized to / ~ ~ ~ S ~' ~? ggs trno juveniles to Eastern Carolina Training School and take Calvin Bel Ross Bi and ~ Concord respectiv,ely, the cost of transpor:tation to be borne by the County. . 1 Upon motion of I~r. Ross, seconded by Mr. Hinton, the request of John A. Stevens, Es'q., "' ~ ~~t~, that his client be a1lovJed to pay the 1932 taxes on lot west of First Avenue ; ~ , Carolina Beach owne~ and listed by J.R.Bame, plus pro-rata part of taxes on personal property, was ~ranted. ' ,' ~ ~~ Upcn motion of b4r. fioss, seconded by Pdr. Hall, the County Auditor vra,s autliorized Q °S and directed to turn over to 1dr.J.A.Taylor, Administrator of Relie£, the ~9,000.00, • , ~~C~~~ Federal Emergency Relief Funds received frbm the State. , Upon motioi7 of I~Gr. RoUs, seconded by t~r. Hall, the Board authorized:l and directed ~ ~~~~g. ~. ~ the County Auditor to turn over to Diirr.J.A.Taylor, Administrator of RelieY, all ' future Federal Emergency Relief Funds that he may received from the State until further notice. . " Upon motion of &r. Hinton, seeonded by I~r.. Aall, 15r. J.A.Montgomery was released~ ~. . ~r / • from payment of penalty for not listin~ property in block #160 for the year 1932, .~f /{} ~` account of his agent haeing listed other property for him for said~year, thinking , ~~ that this was also included. . - .' A request of T.R.'Nolfe Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of Stanley County ' ~ . that this county join in an effort to have one cent of the State's six cent gasoline ~ l.e¢y allocated'baclc to the counties to aid in paying off road and bridge bonds ,~ ':'a~ ~ 9,~ by obligating the representatives of the counties to that end prior to bbnveriing ~ of the 1933-General Assembly, was.declined as 'the same is not in accord with the ` ideas of this Board. • ~ Upon motion, duly seconded, county bills Nos. 1269 to 1304 were approved for paymer~'t. '! \~y `~r h ~ ~ i t o purc ase ven Upon motion of Nir. Trask, seconded by Ivir. Ainton, authority was g ~ ~ aa+`~ '~ one stra.ight jacket to facilitate the handling of violent.insane: ' ~K ~ ~~`~ , :• ` ~ The Committee having investigated requests for reduction of assessments on the ~r following property, recommended changes for the year 1932 vrhich was approved -. '~,~~ ~ ~J by the Board; to-wit: ~ • ~ ~vI.I~I.deLanger, lot #59 Oleander, houae reduced from ~10,000.00 to.~8,500.00. / ~' ~T~a.~gie Burnett,bloak ~240, " " " 2,000.00 " 1,500.00. i~U? ESrs,L~~ary H.Keith,block #476 " " " 6,000.00 " 4,500.00, t/ _. and an abatement of taxes on the amounts allowed vrere ordered. ~ ~; The follotiving good and lawful men were drativn to serve as jurors in the Superior 6ourt ' ~afi'y ~ ~ ~ for. the trial of criminal c~.ses for v~eek beginning January 16th,1933:. ,.~ ` ~ ~ f ~ i~J.D.MacMi11an,Jr. J.1~,Shinn. D.I,.Todd. J.H.Bunn. . R.L.Jackson. Geb.M.James.~ ~: ~ W.F.Shepard. H.~.O'Keef. E.L.Robinson: J.W.Page. J.M.Creech. Sol Sternberger. H.Bluethenthal. E.P.Willard. D.L.Futrelle. S.B.Tabb. ~liarsh~ll VJescoat.L.E.Ussery. ~ ~ . Jas.G.Fennell. J.E.Ingram. Walter•Penny.• W.E.udalton. Chas.R.Sugg. R.P.Jones. r~ ` - r,. . Jas.Swinson. G.'N.Flilkins . Albert•ll~.King. B.S.P~oore. • Geo.T.Swain. W.T.Lockarr~y. _. D.Pd.McIntosh. G.A.deOrange. A.R.Kimrey.•• D.K.Cramer. J.~d.Brown. ' J.C.Pretlow. • The m ting then adjourned. • ~ /l~1., 7C. )'"~+?CVr~! • . . . _ . , Clerk. . . 0 , . , _ - ~ ~ =~~ .. . . ,~ ~ . . . , : . : ~ . _-~-.