1934 Meeting Minutes (Scan)~64 , Wilmington,N.C., Decenber 26th,1933. The regular weexly meet~ng of the Board wae held at 3:00 o'clock P.M. , . Present:.Geo.W.Trask, Jae.~.Hall and J,.H.Hinton. J~~ Due to sickness,the Chairman was absent and Vice Chairman Jas.Pd.Hall`presided. ; / ~ ~~~ The audit report of the officers of New Hanover County for yeax ending ,/ ~ June 30th,Z933, prepared by J.B.McCabe & Company was received and upon motion` of I~r.Trask, seconded by.~Sr. Hinton was accepted and theiT.:bil~ for ~695.00 ~ for ma,king the audit as per Co~tract, was approved for payment. ~ ~ ~~~1~ Upon motion, duly seconded, county bills Nos 1226 to 1300 were approved for payment /, Upon motion of ~r, Trask, seconded by Mr. Hinton, Louis Everett 86 year old citizen ~, -, ~ having been investigated and recommended by the County Welfare Officer was admitted C to the County Home as an inmate. ,// Upon motion of ~r. Hinton, seconded by Mr. Trask, Mr.W.H.Prease former inmate at the ~/ ~County Home,now at Jas.~alker Hospital, was upon recommendation of the County Welfare ~~ Officer re-admitted to the County Ho~e. . ~ ~i The claim of Thomas R. Ames filed ~ith this Board Dec;ember 4th,1933, for $50.00 " damages sustai~ed.by the loss of a cow bitten by a mad dog,'was investigated by~ ~ `~~he Commiesioners and from information £urnished by Dr.R.P.Auffman found that , Mr. Ames ~vas justified in having the cow killed by reason of having been bitten \ _d~ by the said do~. Therefore based on the opinion of the County Attorney and upon V" motion of Mr. Hinton, seconded by ~dr. Trask, the Board apprbved the payment of the claim out of the dog tax fund by the Board of Education as provided by law. , ' (Section 1681 N.C.Code 1931) . ~,~`~ Upon motion of ~r. Hinton, seconded by 2~r, Trask, the Bdard~a~so approved the payment, , ~_,M out of the.school dog tax fund,the personal expenae incurred by Dr.R.P.Huffman in ~ lr" shippin~ the above mentioned dogs head to Raleigh for e~mination. < -a~,,JUpon motion of ~6r. Hinton, seconded by hdr. Trask, payment of not exceeding ~12.00 tq/ ~ ~~~ ~f' A.B.Blake for repairs to wiring in the office of the Assistant Health Officer v~as ~/ authorized. Upon motion, duly seconded, the Chairman and ZSr. Ros~ and T~r. Hinton were named to ' ~ ` C~j~ check the annual accounts of I~r.W.N.Harriea, C.S.C. . %~• . j ~ The me in~ then ad~ourned. ~, r'ii~/h 9l.7'SR~vr~~i . - Clerk. ~~ 'J~ilmington, N. C., January 2nd,1934. ~ , The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 3s00 o'clock P.Yn. ` ~ • Present: Addison Hewlett Chairn~n, Geo.'~V.Trask,F.I~i.Ross and,J~,s. M. Hall and ~ , J.H.Hinton. ~ Upon motion of Idr. Hall, seconded by T~r. Trask, the recommendation of the Hec xder ~. ~ C~ to hire out George Fields upon payment of ~16.10 cou~t.costs, was adopted. . ~'. The request of Donald Kelly, agent,for an abatement of taxes on a valuation of $~200.00 household and kitchen furniture charged against &Siss Etmna H. Iielly at ,~ ~~ Ca.rolina Beach, Federal Point township for which she failed to get credit_for at V the time o; listing 1933, as provided by law,'was granted subject to the approval --~ of the County Attorney. It appearin~ that Pdiss Kelly a former`resident of this county, now residing in Charlotte has not received a similar exemption in any other county in tne Stat:e, and that Netv Ha.nover County is her nome. ~ ~ Upon motion of Iuir. Hinton, seconded by ~r. Trask, the Board approved the application • ~~'`. of Kure Iand & Development Company for a public pa.rking place at Fort Fisher Sea ~ ~ Beach as a Civil Works Project. Upon motion of 2uTr. Ross, seconded by 2~dr. Hinton, the Board ordered the Sheriffs' ~ ~ bond with the National Surety Company in the ~enalty of $~2,500.00 for the collection ~/ • ,w ' of County taxes cancelled, for the reason that said taJCes are no longer collected ~. ~'~Iy by Che sheriff, but by the Consolidated Tax Department. The request of the Board of Educatior~ that the sum of $4,630.00 be p7aced to the credit of the schocl fuud to take care of,School Book Fund $3,000.00; Special ~ ~ ~ Vocational Fund ~130.00 and I4laintenance of Plant ~1,500.00 for the month of January, ~ ~ was upon motion of I~~ir. Trask, seconded by Mr. Hinton, approved and to be provided ~hen funda are available. For the purpose of pa,ying the back taxes due by Estate of F.tiJ.Ortman on part of lot ~. west middle five, block 182, account of mortgage held by the Eeoples Building and • I,oan Association, the assessment of ~p6,500.00 on the west middle part of lot £ive ~~'~ block ~I82 was upon motion of I~~.r. Hinton, seconded by }!Tr. Trask, separated as foll.owst ~ For the year 1933- V~I~5 ~2,925.00, part iNIs45 ~2,925.00, for prior yeare l^lM5 ~3,250000 ' part G9I~d5 ~3,250.00. No action was taken on the request of the oil interests below Sunset Park to ^~ eliminate a fire hazard by burning off the under brush by the County, this being a-. `! matTer for the oil interests to handle. ~ ~ ` Upon motion, duly seconded, County bills Nos. 1301 to 1409 were approved for payment . T'" ~`11 Upon motio:; of ~IIr. Tzask, seconded by TJ:r. Hinton,the request of Pdr. I,.T.Rogers to be allowed to pay the taxes due on lot ~9 Seagate for the year 1930, less the poll ,~/' ,w ~(y~`/ and personal tax of J.K.Parker charged therein on account, of B~r.Rogers having to take the said lot back and Parker having no equity in the same, was granted. ~~~ i~eeting of January 2nd,1934 continued. / ~The request of Iuirs! ~.B.~osey, Director of ~Vomens ~9ork, for an oSfice in the Court t/ ~;,~c~ House, was declined fo: the re ason`that there is no room available. , A request for additional toilet facilities for the relief workera oecupy,ing;~.of:fices in the Court „ /~Sf/ House, was referz•ed to the Court House Committee with povrer to act. ~ ,Upon motion of Iur. Hall, seconded by Nir. Hiwton, the Board approved and authorized ~ S~t/ the purchase. of a typewriter for the Office of tne V~elfare Officer at a cost of // ~55.88 and present old typewriter. The So1Tov~ing good and lawful men were dravm to serve as jurors in the Superior Court filu'~ for the trial of criminal cases, c~eek beginning,January 15th~1934: . ~Y.F.Carroll. O.O.ti~hitlock. 'N.V1.King,Jr. S.H:Albright. P.L./111en. Haynea High. \ , R.C.Fergus. Jas.Hansiey. L.C.Powles. C.VJ.Lelvis. Paul Schmidt. J.A.Hines. R.J.Hooker. T.F.Corbett. Jas.Pdl.Gre~g. L.Ii~.Page. J.H.Brunjes. I1.F.Skipper. / W.IIQ.Hill. R.E.Cooper. A.O.Price. W.A.Ratcliff. VJ.D.n4artin. W.H.McEachern,Jr. , ''Id.Z.Foy. H.S.King. Julius ~9ei1. O.L.Brown. C.H.Lee. Adolph Dost. R.C.Cantvrell. Paul C. Hines. K.D.Bovrers. Z.Id.~'7alton. W.T.Kraft,Jr. E.L.R.Harvell. , Sno.T.Hill. Davi~3 A.Holmes. Aaron Abrams.,R.C.Bunn. Id.?2.Jacobi. For the trial of Civil Cases,first week beginning February 5th,1934: V~.F.Brown. R.P.Brock. E.Walton. ~Y.M.Hewlett. J.R.Harrington. I~4.VonOlsen. K.V7.Jevrell. H.G.Carney. J.I.Britt. F.T.Brown. C.P.Gorrilan. W.F.Koch. J . !"a.0.3tRartin. J.N.Brand. Jas.Stepheneon.H.I,.He~vett. E.J.Batton. W.T.Player. C.E.Springs. G.E.Burnett. Sam Brown. T.~.Croom. ~.J.Davis. L.~9.Porter. For the~second weelc beginning February l~th,1934: ~ J.V.'~Natvlese. H.F.`Nilder. R.B.Huband. J.I~G.Croom. J.R.1~doore. Hu~h Tyler. ~ L.B.Bornemann.J.D.Beatty. l'J.L.C~rter. IS.F.Johnson. H.J.Porter. ~7.G.Pridgen. l P.D.Piner. J.C.Bordeaux. C.L.iia.rper. J.I~.~'Joodcock. ,7.B.Casteen. T.W.H.Futchs. E.M.Styron. '~.E.Styron. G.L.Harrelson.r.W.Casteen. F.~.ldesvton. PJilliam Brown. ~. . The mei~ then adjourned. N ~C _ D~S~ Clerlc: ' • ~ '~~Jilmington,T?.C., January Sth,1934. ,' T,he regular weekly meeting of the 3oard was held at 3:00 o'clock P.M. ~ '~ Present: Addison Hewlett-Chairman; Geo.W.Trask,F.I~d.Rose and J.H.Hinton: ~ ' . ' • _ ~ ~ A comr~ittee from the Wilmington Chamber of Commeree composed of FI[essrs. Fred 1'Jilletts, / ~ ~~V-,,,t~oger I~doore, Nelson T~acRae and H.A.Huggins apneared before the Board and asked tha.t ,~ the Commiesioners garnt an appropriation of ~p1,000.00 toward theTr budget. The request ~ was upo~n motion of Pdr. Ross, seconded by 11r. Trask, referred to the County Attorney _ ~. f or legal opinion and report back to the Board at ite next meeting. ~~ ." ' The Board acting upon the opinion of the County Attorney 'ci~ rning the payment of ~ coupons amounting to ~p125.00 on five county bonds due Jul~ lst,1933 which have never ~ ~~ been presented for payment and appear to be lost as advised.by the DTational City Bank ~ •, ~ of Ne~v York City for a bank at Tonesville R4ichigan, approved and authorized the payment • of the said coupons,PROVIDED an indemnity bond in~the penalty of double the value of the coupons in question be f urnished the county to insure it aga.inst any possible loss. The claim of .'-r. J.O.Bowden for payment out of the school dog tax fiznd, expense for rabies treatment of his daught'er bitten by a rabid dog at 1s~ri~htsville Sound, was ~ '/~ 9~ referr~d to the C~airman to secure bill for expenses and to ascertain other necessary '~'' C v information and report to hhe Board at its next meeting. • With reference to all future claims made for darna~es or imjury to any property by ~ . l dog or~dogs, i~r. Ross m`oved and it was seconded by Id[r. Hinton and unanirsously carried, y~~i`~'A' That no claim for in,jury or damage to any property by any dog or dogs will be a~lovred - ,/`~ f or an amount exceeding the value of such property placed on the same by the owner ~,~hen ; lisi;ing such pro~rty for taxation. ~~ , Upon inotion of 1Rr. Hinton, seconded by '~~ . Tra~k, PJIr.C.A,Bordeaux having been examined / ~ ~by the Assietant Health Officer and recommended by the ~t~elfare Officer, was admit~ed to " ~= ~ the Coun~y Home as an inmate, PROVIDID he vaill abstain from the use of intoxicating liquor and abide by the rules and regulations of the institution.. ' Upon motion of T~~,r. Trask, seconded by 1dr. Ross, the Board authorized and directed that ~4l~the sum of ~6.02 be transferred from the emer~ency fund to Clerlc of Superior Court / c+"'~,;,t~:Telegram and Long Distance" account to meet payment of a bill for a like amount due the ~O~ Western IInmon Telegraph Co., for December telegramFexpenae. ~~_ Upon motion of Mr. Hinton, seconded by R~r. Trask, the taxes due by Mr.John J.Moore on a second mortgage for ~500.00 listed for the year 1333 was ordered abated for the reason ~ ~~~~ that tlie saidproperty has been sold and he lost all his mortgage, value. Upon mot:on o£ h~fr. Trask, seconded by TdIr. Hinton, 7~rs. Iviargaret H. Johnston was allowed to ~.' pay the 1933 taxea due on lot ~f30 Gideon Heights less the poll and personal tax 'o~'~.Rc~bert ~~ •/~d-~ Green qharged tHerein, for the reason that the said lot was purcnased by 1drs. Johnston at • ~~ a foreclosure eale and Green having no equity in the same. ~ ~ Upon motion cf TJ[r. Tra~sk, seconded b,y 'r1r. Hinton, the Board authorized the payment of ~ ~ ~~~L third .~uarter of the annual appropriation due the military organizations account of (. ~~ 1'~33-1934 appropriations. " ~ ~~~ The County Auditor's cash report for the month of December was received and ordered filed.~,/ ` A ~U~ "' I~eetin~ of January IIth,1934, continued. IJpon motion of i~r. Ross, seconded by ;air. Hinton, the recommendation of the Recorder.~ ~~~Ccn-~ to hire out John Smith, jr., upon payment of ~S,(55 and Billie ~cCalum without cost, , ~' was adopted. ` \~'l1s ~ Upon motion, duly seconded,county bills Nos. 1410 to 1482 wei•e anproved for payment~ The Chairman announced that he was successful in securing additional CVJA.funds at •• Raleigh Saturday January 6th, to complete the Court House painting project, and that ~ / he would leave for Raleigh Tuesday or Eilednesday to step up the County Home repairing` ~ °~'~ and painting project. The Commissioners agreed to pay the 'Chairman's expenses in making these trips account of County business. . , ~ Clerk. • ,,,~ Viilmington, N. C., January 15~h,1934. The regular weekly meeting of the Board v~as held at 3:00 o'clock P.BlI. The m tin~ then adjourned. .-;~l~lo, ~! 9~vr~v Presen't: Addison'Hewlett Chairr~an, Geo.~~l.Trask, F.1d.Ross, Jas.i~~.Ha11 ~nd J.H.Hinton. ~ The recommendation of the.Recorder that George Baker be paroled with his wife for the balance of his'term on the County Farm upon the distinet understanding thz.t he provide \ C adequate support for his v~ife, was upon motion of Io1r. Hinton, seconded by Tar. Hall,adopted. An application for approval of a Civil Grorks Project presented by the The tiVomarie C1ub of Audt~bon, Harnett totvnship, for repairs and hard surfacing Cherry Avenue and•Audubon Boulevard fPom trolly line to turnpike and 9eventh street from Cherry Avenue to \ turnpike and repai.ring Park Avenue and Peachtree Avenue from Seventh street to Audubon ~ ~>~ Boulevard and Seventh s+.reet south from Cherry Avenue,and Audubon lioulevard south from 'trolly line, make entrance at high~vay 20 width of street and widen entrance of Seventh ' street at turnpike as indicated on map attached, was received and upon motion of LIr. Trask, seconded by A,Zr. Hinton, approved as a Civil ~4orks Project~when men are available. ~~rs, Sarah Jane Rogers,77 years of age, having been examined by the Assistant liealth ~. Officer and recormnended by the 'r7elfare Officer, ~vas upon motion of b:r. Traslc, seconded by I~Yr. Hinton, admitted to the County Home as an inmate. ~C Col. R.S.7~IcC1e7Land appeared ~'os the Board of Education, urging the Commissioners to approve as a CVdA project the replacement~of the present dilapidated and inad~quate p~„ eight room section of the Peabody school,colored, with a fourteen room brick building r t;~ with small auditorium at a total cost of ~37,500.00 to be provided as follotivs: ~(,'0~]w" From Civil ti"Torks Administration ~27,40Q.00; iJe~a uanover County ~9,500.00 and Salvage , from old lumber ~600.00. Upon motion of Itir. Ross, seconded by Nir. Hall,. action r~as -- postponed until Wednesday 3:00 o'clock P.I~4., to give the Cor~missioners opportunity ,. .-' to investigate the conditiori:: of the building. : " ~ i~~~ \ l~~\\5 ~~ ~ / Upon motion of I~ir. Trask, seconded by ~:~r. Hall, authority was given to purchase tavelv ~. • folding chairs for the use of ~~~itnesses waiting upon attenda.nce before the grand jury • , Upon motion, duly seconded, county bills Nos. 1483 to 1510 were approved for payment The Board acting upon the recommendation of the County ~uditor authorized repairs to the bookkeeping machine and totalizers,used in preparing the tax boolcs, at a cost of ~72.85. The work to be guaranteed for a period of twelve rnonths. The said amoui~t•for repairs to be paid out of the emergency fund. The Board acting upon the recommendation of the Co~.;nty Attorney, and upon motion of • ri?r. Trask, seconded by Nir. Ross, authorized and directed the refund of ~34.90 tax and ~ ~ interest paid by C.I~.I~urrin on lot ~9, block ~29 and lot #20, block ~48 Caaolina Beach ~~ charged in the name of New Hanover Transit Cmmpany Yor years 1920~to 1924 inclusive, ~- account of the action taken by the Board at meeting of November 27th, 1933~ cancelling a11 ta~;es charged against the New ~a.nover j'ran.sit Company and the Carolina Beach Railvaay Company on lots at Car~olina Beach for the years 1920 to 1924 inclusive for the reason of doubtful charge. ~ ~ A requeat of Mr. 4~.N,Harriss~ C.S.C., for payment of ~150.00 salary as Juvenile Jud~e ~ , ~ for period from April lst,1933 to January let,1934, was upon advice of the County \ l~j • Attorney, declined. The County Attorney basing his opinion on sectio~ #20, House Bill ~ ~889, Salary Act 1933. The request of ~'/~N.Harriss, C.S.C., that the budget item of ~15.00 provided for advertising under "Superior Court" be transferred to telegrams under "Clerk Superio v ~ ~ Court" to meet inc:easing expenee of telegrams occasioned by the number of insane and alcoholic cases handled with the State Hospital, was declined, for the reason that ~. C this Board would not care to svritch items provided in the budget, but ~+ill handle the _ tele~ram expense through the emergency fund from time to time as the items appear. Upon motion of P~ir. P,oss, seconded by i~r. Hinton, the Board, ir~ order to enable ITrs. ,/,. TLary C. M'Jarren and Carolina Building & Loan Association to pay taxes due on the north- ~/ / Gjti east end of lot No.3 in block Ido.207, separated the asses3ment on the east end of lot ~~ No. 3, block Ido.207, on land and'two buildings equally-.to wit: • --~ For the year 193~- I~ end lot 3,land '~'900.OO,building ~2,475.00 " " " " - SE end lot 3, " 900.00, " $p2,475.00 " 19 '" 1932 etc.,NE end 3, " 1,000.00, " 2,750.00 ' " " " ° " S~ end 3, " 1,000.00, " ?,750.00 A co~nmittee from the Chamber of Commerce havin~ 2ppeared before this Body at meeting " '`~ u e rt u dl h t l r r op er o O ~ ~ toward th i b dget, an t e request hexving been eferred t th County Att rney fo ~ ,,.~1 ~~ ' opinion, the County Attornay at this meeting ruled that the Commissioners have no legal ° • J authority to g~ant the appropriation, citing a decision of the Supreme Court in the case of Ketchie v Hedrick 186 DI.C. Page 392. ~ . ~ , ~ y~2•~ ~ ~ . ~Grv`T /~ ~,~,~` ~~~ B4eeting of Januaryl5th,1934, continued: k report of the 7Ladies ~est Room for the month of December was received and ordered filed:/ Upon motion of Iur. Trask, seconded by 1~r. Hinton, a claim of TJfr. J.O.Bowden of ~uri~htsville Sound, for payment of exgense of rabies treatment of his seven year old daugnter oy Dr. J.Buren 5idbury, account of injury by a rabid dog filed with this Board on January 8th,1934, after investigation found tYr~.t under seci;ion ~~168 N.C.,Code 1931, T~r. Bowden ~vas entitled to recover out of the school dog tax fund , the amount of ~?0.60 as per bill submitted by Dr. Sidburg, A request of Foster-Hill ~ealty Company for adjustment of the taxes due on the property ~ of r^,mma Green, block No.50 account of its dilapidated condition, v~as taken under advisement. UPon motion of 3.~r. Hinton~ seconded by ~ir. Ross, the Board approved' the payment of V $6.50 transportation for Henry Rutledge colored, a tubercular prieoner at the County Farm to the Governr~ent hospital at Oteen, 2d.C. , Y1pon motion of IvTr. Hall, seconded by Juir. 3inton, the assessment of ~p810.00 on house of I. Shain; part east middle lot Pto.l, block Tdo.l35, caas reduced to ~675.00 account ~.---~ ~ ~ UX.~j of error in assessment and to equali3e it with the assessment on his house on south- east part of lot iJo.l, and ~n abatement of taxes on a valuation of ~135.00 for the year 1933 was ordered. • A communication from the County Auditor showing amount on deposit in each bank as~ " /`~~~~y~ of DeCember lst,1933, together with a memorandum of securities held in each case, was ~ y recsived. ~1f~~ The matter o%' naming the Tax Assess~ors for year 1934 vaa.s held over until next meeting. /' :, ~ ffhe Boa then took a recess until 3:00 o'clock P.Iw., l~ednesday January 17th,1934. N ~L.~cz~v~,q , Cler~ V~ilmington, N. C., Januaz~y.22nd,1934. ~ The re~ulaT weekly meeting of tfie Board ~vas held at 3:00 o'clock P.ll~. ~ Present: Ad~ison Hevulett Chairman, Geo.'+~.Trasl., F.~i.Ross and J.H.Hinton. ~ Upon motion of 3~dr. Trask,seconded by.?u~r. Hinton, Billie Futch vras granted an abatement .i~~~ of poll tax for the year 1932 and penalty for not listing cnarged against property ~,~` / ~ in block i~265 account of bein~ a non-resident, he being a resident of Pender County . April lst,1932. 15 ' . Upon motion of P,Sr. Hinton, seconded by iSr. ~TrasY., Fdrs. Rebecca Sternberger was granted f ~Qx an abatement of taxes on a valuation of ~6,500.00 mortgage note charged against her I- ;~- for the year 1933 abcount of being a nonresident. The said note was listed in error by her agent. '; ~ '~ ' As requested 'oy tdr. Louis T. Moo e ~,xecutive Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, V ` the Co.~issioners a~reed to hol~dedicatory services at Bluethenthal Airport u~on ~ ~ ~~~ completion of the C~VA mi provements at the fiel`d: ~ Upon motion of Iwr. Ross, seconded by i,IIr. Hinton, the Board authorized the payment of ~ ~_ ~~~'""'"~ premiums on Sheriffs' Deputiea bonds in the penalty of' ~1,000.00 each on account of change in Sheriff's Off,ice ,from a fee to a salary basis. :~ The request of Dr. Rodman Assistant County riealtn Off•icer that the 3oard pre~are and submit a Civil ~~Yorks application for the construction of a~n addition to the County ,.` ~~'~ Farm prison to be used for the treatment of prisoners, ~vas referred to the Chairman and Dr~ Rodman. Upon motion of ]~ir. Trask, seconded by iur. Hinton, the County ti'lelfare 8fficer ~vas G~j~instructed to make an investigati.on as to the demeanor of a certain inmate at the ' ~~ Catherine Kenned~r Home. ' ~ Upon motion of '~~r. Hinton, seconded by hRr. Ross, the "Floating Show Boat" was exempt / from the payment of taxes under schedule B, on account of being sponsored by the ~~ .~ ~~ American Legion,and the proceeds derived therefrom used for charitable purposes. r ' , Upon motion of LRr. Trask, seconded by EZr. Hinton, the Board acting upon the ~ 2 00 d th A 1 ~ ~ tovrar e recommendation of the ~Jelfare Officer authorized the payment of ~ 5~ ~~ _ burial expense of Ross Biogs a subject of Netiv Hanover County Prho died at Stone- ~ ".', tvall Jackson Training School and returned here for burial. --'J~ ' ~ The request of IvI.r. Chas.B.Parmele for a reductffion of assessment on hous~es;•on ~ pt.lot 2 ` /~~ purchased by. Ca:th~rine~.Bro~yn,block No.324, ~~as referred to the Chairman with potiver ~ ` _ to act. ~, , ~ Upon motion, duly seconded, a bill in favor of H.iV.Z~ells for ~28.75 premium on Sheriffs ~„_., ' ~ l'~~'\ process bond and for the collection of State Ta;ces in the penalty of $$2,400 and $1,000.00 , ~~~ ~ respectively, vras approveri for ~a,yment. . .~, ~ Upon motion, duly seconded, Dr.R.P.Huffman was granted an ab~tement of taxes on a •. ,/ ~C ~ ~ valuation of ~75.00 on fifty foot lot at Carolizx~. Beach for the year 1933, for the art of and included in a r a d b in id l h d i th t th t ~ '~ p ror n e g was c arge n e reason a e sa o " • rolina Beach now o~vned and assessed against assessment on lot No.6, block lJo.5, Ca Dr. Huffman. , •. , . ~ --~~A~ ~ . . ~ ..~ (~~\ ~- Upon motion, duly seconded, the Board gave authority to turn over to Woodus Kellum Esq., an unused 1931 County-Carolina Beach tax receint book containing receipts Nos. 25551 i/ to 26300 inclusive, i~he same to be used for gi~ing receipts £or back tax collections ~~ for tne Town of Carolina Beach. Tdpon motion, duly secnnded, County bills TTos. 1511 to 1537 inclusive were approved / f or payc~ent. .1 ~G~ ~eeting of January 22nd,1934, continued. ~ Upon ?eotion of iRr. ~oss, seconded by Tar. Hintoii, tne Board aft.er investigation ^/ r approved the CGVA application of the Board of Education to replace the present dilapidated eight room section of the colored Peabody School with a f ourteen ~~ room brick building with small auditorium at a total cost of ti~37,500.U0 to be raised as follows: w . From Civil ~7orks Administration $$27,400.00 ~ " New Ha,nover County _9,500.00 '~ Sal~a~e from old lumber 600.00 TJpon motion, duly seconded, Mr.George T. ATiranocks ~vae ~ranted a refund of y~5.12 ,~~y taxes and ~3,06 interest paid on"lot Carolina Hei~hts"in the name of ~~~ J.S.YJilliams for ti~e year 1913 and 1914, for the reason that the same was owned, listed and taxes paid by I;Lr. E.T.Taylor. , Upon motion, duly seconded, hdr.A.a?N,Pate ~vas ~ranted a refund of ~11.00 compromise ~~j payment of taxes paid September 6th,1933, on lot No.9, blocl< PIo. 35, and lot No.9, ~~ bloc4 2do. 36, Carolina Beach account of doubtful charge as per general order of this / Board November 27th,1933. . The m ting then adjourned. !-i'I~! 7l.9~1~ Clerk. _.._.4_,. Wilming~on, N. C.~ January 29th~193,4. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held at 3:00 o'clock P.LQ. a - Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman~ Geo.~'J.Trask, Jaa.Iai.Hall and J.H.Hinton. Upon viotion of Tdr. Hintori secbnded b I~i: - ""-"""'`' , y Tia"sk, the Boa"rd, actirig upon tYie- ~ C~~~ reoommeridation of the Welfare Offioer,~approved~the`payment~of~oharity ~ran~portation~ ~ ainouriting~to'65¢'for Virginia Cr~npler~ a Bampson Courity:girl~with"infant'abandoned in this county~ to Warsaw,N.C., to avoid additional expense to this county. Upon~motiori~of Mr. Trask, seCOnded tiy Pdr. Hiriton, Mrs:~dna"S. Amos wa~s~allowed to' ~~G~,~~ pay one sixth`of ~55.18 or ~9.20 taxes on thirty'seven acres o~'larid, part of~Jacob ~ koxne's"311 aare tract in Federal ~'oint township, in full settlement of all taxes due on same for the year 1922. Upon"motion of ?~r. Hinton, seconded liy 1dr: Trask, the assessinerit of'~900.00 ori ~ .,. ~_ r tR~ U~£ liouse' recently'puichased by C.B:Parmele from E.VJ:Green es~ate in block'~50; rva:s ~ - reduced t o ~300.00 for the years I929 to 1933 inclusive on account of its extreme / dilapidated conditiori; and an abat~ment"of taxes ori a valuatfon of ~600.00 for the ~ " yeais:;r1929 to 1932 inclusive and $510.00 for the year 1933 was ordered. ,' ~ A'request of ~'Jilliam Craig to purohase a small strip of county land was referred to tHe Chairman to•appoint a"bommittee from the Board to investigate the matter v \ ~~~ and report at a subaequent meeting. ' Upbn motion of ~r. Trask secdnded b 1~Qr. ~ s. . 't' ' , y Ha11, Idr N[ildred 49 Bear was released ~1~. f'rom payment of ~33.00 penalty for not,listing property in block #202~for tne year , ~ t~~~ 1932, on account of being a non resident. ~ Upon motion of 1~Ir. Hinton, seconded by Mr. Ha,ll, hilrs. I~aude P. Martin was allowed " .-- ~ ~\Q~ to pay the 1932 ta3ces on half interest on East Wilmington property charged against~ ,.'' :Ca C Ecke lor witho t Ta t b in e ire3 t hi o l ll r d e ~` ~ ~ . y g r qu , po r u e o pay s pers na o og x a~ charged ~therein~ on account of having owned half interest in the said pxoperty , prior to the purchase of the other half interest from ~r. Taylor on December 24th, . • ~ . 1932, and Mr.Taylor having other property in Harnett township against which the said ~ personal property tax can be charged. . Upon motion oP %~r. ~rrask, seconded by Mr. Hinton, the Board accepted the real " i Ck'~ estate taxea on lot #10, block ~25, Carolina Place and block ~}.73 charged against - ~ ~ ~ Henry A. ~ercer and C.F.tNilliams respectively for the years 1932 and~~1933, without-J :~ requiring the Citizens Building and Loan Association to pay the poll and personal `~ tax charged therein on account of having to take the said property back and the ' ' . mottgagoxs having no equity in the same. \ ,J In view of the very dis~strous fire at :i'rightsville Beach destroying half of the ~ ~~S ` town, the Board, upon motion of I~~r. Tr~sk, seconded by tdr. Hall, directed that a ,1~`t telegram be forvrarded to the Governor and to E,B.Jeffxess Chairman of the State • ` t U~~ Hightivay Commission, urgently requesting that they t3ke some immediate action to make the causeway over ~9rightsville Sound free~ feeling that this will have ma.terial ~ effect in rebuilding the town. ' D A t f J W lk it d H l f b i d d fil d / ~ : . ~ 1~~ repor a o as. a er osp or eeem er was rece ve an or ered e ,/ ~ - It ~aaa brought to the attention of the .Board that the ferryboat Menantie sold to . , , Geo.G.DOdge of Elizabeth City July 1933, against which the County hold3 a prefex•red ~ claim for the purchase price.fiF ~2,500.00, was recently sold by order of the Federal ~ `~ Court and bid in for ~125.00 to satisfy a claim . The Commissioners having arran ed `' ~~/ with the Court that the sale would not be confirmed until a representative of tl~~s ~. county could investigate the same and haQe opportunity to protect the county~ ;~~~ 32r. Hinton moved and it ~vas seconded by Pdr. Aall and carried , that the Chairman and '" County Attorney.and a representative fx•om the Brunswick County Board make an investigation of tge condition of the ferryboat~ and the Chairman be and he is • hereby authorized to raise the bid by ~25.00 if, in his opinion, he finds it - „ advisable. I~r. Trask requested to be recorded as voting No,on account of tne age ~ ~ and exten~sive repairs needed to be done together with the expense of maintaining the , same which is not needed in the service of the Commission~ and by rec~aiming it~ '' - would mean an additional burden and unnecessary expense to the County. • . ., ' ~! ~~9 __. __.. .. _ _ •~eeting of January 29th,1934 continued. ~7~ A coinmunication'f'rom the County Atzditor-concerning the annuai report of accouni~ of W.DT.Harriss, C.S.C:, was received, to-~ait; ~ "Wilmington,N.C.~ January 29th~1934. Hoii. Boa'rd of Coizrity Commissioners, New Hario'ver County, . Wilmington,N.C. • • Gentlemens- • I attach hereto report of BBr.1V.N.Harriss, Clerk Superior Court showing funda on'hand a3 of Decer.~ber lst,1933 as followss On deposit in Peoples Savings Bank,& Trust Co., $4~219.46 ~ Li'berty Bonds ~ 550.00 North Carolina State Highway Bonds 50.00 Total ~4~819.46 which agrees with his ledger accounte and with hie re~orta. ~hen the recordsof the Clerk have been examined by thE committee . appointed by the Board, I would suggest that each member of the cormnittee sign the report. I attach hereto report of t.ir. W.N.Harriss, Receiver which shows a e balance in the Peoples $avings Bank'amounting to . ~9~162.75 / Wilmin~ton Savings & Trust Co., 5~963.16/ Second P~ortgage "175.0(Y --~ ~-- ' Total ~15,3UU.yl ,, wkiich agrees with the ledger balances and balance shown on the report. - You will note that during the year the Clerk received as `~ Receiver commissioners~amounting to ~97.06~ ~5.00 of this amdunt was received prior to April lst,1933, leaving ~92.06 received by him after that date. None / of this amount has been turned into the County as f.ees. Please consider this / matter in connection with the new salary bill and if you find the fees belon~ to the County, i would suggest your instructing the Clerk to turn them over to the Treasurer. Yours truly, J.A.Orrell" Copy to: ' ~ Local Government Commission 'JAO/k'~ ' ~ The question as to the right of the Clerk of Superior Court to retain oertain fees collected by him unuer the fee system prior ~to April lst,1933, and since that time on a salary ba`sis was discussed as to whether or not he was entitled to retain fees originating in the year he did not reach his lim'it, but collected the _~ ,~~ fee in any subaequent year. The County Attorney was of the opinion that he was entitledto retain the fees so collected, and in any event was entitled to retain - all fees~collected `individually as Receiver, but fees- collected,by virtue of his office in excess of his limit fixed b,y::law shoiild be turned in to the Coiznty `treasury. The matter was however, referred to the County Auditor to prepare a statement of the items involved and submit the same at the next meeting. R.B.Shepard, Esq., appeared and xequested the Commissioners to abate the taxes • amounting to ~23.67 and ~3.02 interest on 145 acres of land o~vned by the Estate ~ Corporation in Federal Point to~°nship for the years 1929 , 1931, and 1932 account ~ of the said land being claimed by the heirs of Henry TgeDonald and ordered cha.rged --.~p~P,b to them by the Board June 27th,1932 at the request of pdr.W.K.Allen representing ~ nis one fourth interest and the half interest of Estate Corporation~ one ~ighth , interest of Mr4. J.J.Latlghlin and one eigkith inter st of Co1.Walker Taylor, The Clerk v+as instructed to notify the heirs of Henry cDonald to appear befor~ this Body at meeting to be held February 5th,1934, wi~ h the view of adjusting this matter. , ' The following coupons were presented by the Count'y Auditor as having beer~ paid ~/ ~i~ > and were burned in the presence of the Boards ROAD BONDS: Coupon TTO. 44, Bond No. 6- 18- 19.= 3 ~~E.50 .$ 67.50 . '~ n 40~ "° 84- 95. ~ n 2 ~ 12~50 ^ 25.00 ~ 92.50 SCHOOI, BODTDSs Coupon No. 40, Bond No.110. - 1 ~ 25.00 - 25.00 COURT HOUSE BONDSs Coupon No. 19, Bond No.161 to 164 = 4 Q 25.00 = 100.00 w ir lg~ n a],qp~ . 1 @ 25.00 - 25.00 125.00 $ 242.50 SCHOOL BONDSs Coupon No. 3~, Bond No. 3 to 19 e 15 @ 25.00 a 375.00 '* " 30~ " " 71 to 80 a 10 ~ 25.00 ~ 250.00 625.Q0 SCHOOL BONDSe Coupon No. 28, Bond No.?S,tb,75~ + 5 C~1 25.00 ~ 125.00 ROATh BOPIDS:/.~. n " Coupon No. 40, Bond No.88,99,1Z9~ ~ 3 ~ ~2.50 - 37.50 162.50 ~ ~~o Meeting o£ January 29th,1934, continued. E40RKIi0USE 8c COtJNTY H01~ BONAS: ' ~~ 33 Bond Goupon No. No. 1. to 17 -• 17 " :25:00 :: ":+:: 425.00 : ::; 34:153:75 ~ ~ Total Coupons, .. . . .. • • 3 5,183.75 BONDS PAID: . . , . Court House Borids N o. 51 to 60 - 10 ~ ~1,000.00 $10,000.00 . • County Hocne Bonds " 7" 8 - 2 " 1,000.00 2;000.00 Ferry Bonde ~" 24 '" 26 - 3 " 1,00.0.00 3,000.00 • 5chool 3onds " ~ 21 " 30 - 10 "' 1,000.00 1O,OU0.00 " i-"-- " 109 " 117 - 9 " 1,000.00 9~000.00 n +' " 31 " 44 - 14 " 1~000.00 14.000.00 _ Total Bonds ... .... ............ g$48~UO~.UO 48.000.00 Total Coupons and Bonds paid .... ............ 83,183.75 p ~25:00 " 25:00 n 2b:00 u 12~'50 `~ T2:50 " 12:50 " 25:00 " 25.00 ~r 2'5:00 '~ 25:00 ~~ 25.00 ~~ 23:78 M~ 23.75 " 22.50 ~~ 22.50 n 22:50 " 22.50 " 22.50 " 22.50 " 25.00 " I2.~0 'Y 12 . "50 " Z2.50 " ]:2.b0 " Y2;50 " T2.50 " I2.50 " 12.50 " T2:50 '! 12.50 " 25.00 " 30.OQ ~ 1,030.00 y .~~ f:.~ v~J a~ 4 ~22t6I6.25 ~ 3,280.00 ~ 2,060.00 CQUNTY HOP~lE BONDS: Coupon No. ,8 Bond No. 7 to 28 - 22 " 23.75 - ~ 522.50 COURT HOUSE BOND$: Coupon No. ~U Bond No. 51 to 225 - 175 " 25.00 - $ 4,375.00 WORKHOUSE BONDS: Coupon No. 58 liond No. 1 to 35 - 35'" 25.00 ~ 875.00 j~`i~0~~ 80~ .5 S ~ ' ~' _ Coupon No. ~1; Bond No. '1 to 46. _~6 „. n 41~• n v '52 " T09 = FS ~~- ~~ 41; " " 1 iI " I50 = 40 ~r n gl~ n n r52 '"' I78 - 27 'r u 41 i " e 1.80 Only " - 1 '~ ~~ 41; , ~~ ~~ I89 to 200 = 12 n n g~~ n o ~I Only. _ I ° " 29~ " ° 53 $0 100 = 48 ~~ ~~ 29 ~ ~r ~~ 66 ~~ ~p _ 5 u u 29 ~ ~~ w 76 `~ I25 - 50 ~~ " 28; ~~ ~' 109 " 225 - lI7 n u g•~ n ++ 31 n 242 ~ 212 8; ~ ~~ 21 " 355 : 335 RO~D $ONDS: uoupon ivo, 45; Bond No. I to 6 - 6 n n 4.5, n ~~ jp. ~. 18 - 9 ~r n. 4~ ; n ~~ .ZO n 23 _ 2 n o- ¢~j~ m n 25 " 35 - 11 " '" 45, " " 38 K 39 .- ~ ~r n 45 ~ u n 43 w 50 - 8 o- ~~ 41~ n ~r _ a 75 ~ 75 ~~ ~r gg 9 n ~r 90 Only - 1 ~r ~r 40~ n rr '90 _ Otlly ~ 1 n " 4];, "' " 76 to ?8 - 3 n u 41~ a rr g0 " 84 - 5 k ie ¢l~ u u gg n 87 - 2 '~ '~ 41', " " 89 " 95 - '7 n rr 41 " " "97 ^ 98 - 2 " m ~ 4Y~ " " IOQ " 108 - 9 ~~ " 4T; " " 110 " 118 - 9 " '~ 41, " " 121 " I25 - 5 FERRY BONDS: . - Coupons No.29 Bond No.. 1 to 50 - 50 n nn 28 a n 24 ° 50 - 27 The meeting then adjourned. W1lmington, N. C., February 5th,1934. Clerk. The regular weekly meeting of the Board vaas held at 3:00 o'clock P.M. Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman, F.~I.Ross, JaA. 1~. Aall and J.H.Hinton. Upon motion of Lir. Hinton, seconded by Mr. Hall, the ~state Corporation was granted an abatement of taxes on a valuation of ~725.00, half interest in 290 acres Harriss Land 'J`~~~~ in Federal Point township for the years 1929,1931 and 1932, amounting to ~26.66 on ~ J' ~ccount of the said land clairaed by the heirs of Henry h4cDonald and taxes amounting to ~ s $53.32 on a valuation of ~1,450.00 for said years was ordered charged against the vaxiow heira of Henry 2JicDonald as their interest appear. Other parties £ormerly claiming intereat ~ in the said land ~sere;~W.K.Allen one f ourth interest,.Est.J.J.Laughlin one eighth intereet, and lValker Tajrlor one eighth intere`st. Upon ~otion of t5r. Ross~ seconded by P3r. Hinton, the request of Palrs. Sellera and Pdr. Hewett \~~~ to drain the lova land at Jumping Run and install a culvert under Community Dr.ive at tkr~t !y point wae referred to the ~osquito Commisaion for drainage and the State Highway Department to install the culvert. 1 The request of Mr. H,i~~.I,ynch to purchase aPproximately 2000 poles to be cut from trees V • '-~~,near the County airport at 90~' each; was upon motion of TFir. Ross, seconded by L~1r. Hinton, \ p.~~~ referred to the Ct~unty:i~ome committee for investigation and to recommend definite.policy as to the presercation'o£ county timber. ~ A'request of the Board of Education that the sum of ~130.00 for special vocational fund ~~2~ and $~2,500.00 for ~intenance of plant be placed to the credit of the school fund for ., February, was upon motion of L~,r. Hinton, seconded by }~r. H~.11, approved. Upon motion of I~r. Ross, seconded by 3~r. Hinton~ John T. Evans of Hookerton,ld.C., was released from payment o£ ~2.00 penalty for not listing lot #8, block 45, Carolina,Beach ~U~ for the year 1933 account of being a non-resident. ' ~ The Board did not adopt the resolution submitted by the Department of Agriculture concernin ,~~~'~~`Farra Census, but agreed to continue furnishing the information as required by chapter 201~• '~ U~ Publ i c Laws of 1921. ` ' . ~1;2'50i00 - T~450;00 - I~000:00 - 33'7:50 - '12:50 - 150:00 - ' 25:00 _ 1.?.~Q:00 - '125.00 - 1;250:00 _ 2~925:40 - 5~035.00 - 7.956.25 - 13'S.00 _ 202:50 » 45.00 _ 2~7.50 - 45:00 - 180.00 - 1,975.00 - 12.50 - 12.50 _ 37.50 _ 62.50 .. 25.00 _ 87:50 _ 25.00 = 112 . 50 - 112.50 - 62.50 - 1,250.00 - 810.00 •, ( ': ~, '~. ~ , . , `~ ." ~ rwsFOrn.xo. ias Juno y IB36 ~ Y ~ ~ , f-. 1. '' FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION'OF PUBLIC iNORKS HAROLD L ICKES, AOMINISTRATOR " ~ WASHINGTON '~ ~ APPLICATION FOR LOAN AND GR,ANT . i 3t8t0 ~___--"' , ~~ / ~ ' r. ~, ' c ` t State File No: -__ ___T__.. INet w ce Lltied m b9 WD~~~1 ` Coa~rt~ Ca~aioaia~G! ~4 itorr Hr~vor Couat~q I1. C. ~, ~~ ~" ~ Tb0' _------------- -------------------------------------- --------- ---- ------'-~---- , ~ , - , . :------~------------------~--------------=-------------------------------------- ~herein'called the "APPlicant"), hereby makes application to the United Stntes of Amarica through the Federal Emergency ddwinistiation of Pdblic works (herein called the "Government"), for a loan and a g~t for the purposo of aiding in financing the 'l~C.7' ~QY' ~~,,~y EQ2l701 ~ CQd13.l~O1L7 V ~ « 3 construetion of ' ~ ~ ----`--------------------- -'!rY!---- -----•~---°---------------`---! ~~ -------------------------------------- 3~_ £1--Qf~tl~i`_6~Qhs-o7., ~ui~A~4!__d,3,'S9E'Q_ 411~.1~ dCCill~,3b!!d: 2s~I LISh~b~'CO . . ~_ ~!~ :~1-~! ~t__~t ~s-=~~_ =s-----mf$ =J_t~~~2~8 -- * ---=--- ------~--•- ~r - - - ------- -- --- - --- ~ . . } (herein called the "Project") the total cost of which is estimatad to be $'__~4_~!!~,______. ~ ~ In the.event tlus application is~approved and the Government offers to nssist in financing the construction of the Project, the Applicant, if it eccepts such offer, will sell its obligetions in an amount which, togethar with the grant, will, in the judgment of the Applicant and tho Fedoral Emergency Admihistrator of Public,Works, be sufGcient to construct Bhe.Project, such obligetions to be secured in such manner, to bear interest at such rate, to bo in sucl~ forin, to be payable at such time or timea and at euch,plnce or plnces, to be in such denoini- nntions nnd to have such registration privileges as may be'satisfactory to the Applicant sud to said Admini9trntor. • It is expressiy understood that if tbe Government makes the~above requosted lonn and grant, the'Applic`nnt, in accopting such loan and grnnt proceeds, in espending the same, and in carrying out the construction of the Project, will abide by all rules and regulations pregcribed:by_the Gopernment. , ' ~ , Ix wimat~ss wHEaEOF, th'o Applicnnt hns caused this application to be duly executed in its name, this '----------------- da~ of ------------------•----------~ 193 ` ~;QiT[1'~t L'~OG'.~.Q~ 04` : +' g. .' . w [s~,n~] r',' + r , , s, . . ~~ , ,. '~ Inxrt conect cotnoreLa ueme of Applicsnt. + DaccMDO Pro~ect brieey. ~~ InseR astimneed cost ot Ro)ect. .~ 8lguature ot oIDCer nuWalced to esecute Appiicution. ~ s TIpO O( ORixr eiecutine APPIiWtion. l' ' ~0~/ sac.+wVCY~ .~'d1~r~ ~r (~. ~ . ~ - ----°---- s By ~n 7C ~ ~_~ /~_ _ ~ `' --------- --------------- ---- - ---- --------•-•--' \ , C11~C~ tA 73bt~c~d ' , ~ a V.l.GOYEIIXYEXY ~RINTIX6 OffIC[ IB-3Q]6 Inatallment on State Loana Interest on State Loana Total Debt Service ................. Book Fund Fixed Charges (Ineurance on Buildinga) b6a.intenance of Plant Special Vocational Government Fund Vocational Teacher - Negro Grand Total ........................ ~11~100,00 I ; 5,139.25 , 1_ . ~16,239.25 . 1.160.00 r ~~' '~\ ~ 2~800.00 ~ 1.020.00 I , 70.00 > _ L,--- ~ 60.00 , ~~ ..$21,349.25 ~ ;. ' , ~~~ ..,~ f r `, ~t . f' F • r , • Meetir,g of February 5th,1934~ continued. ., ~`~U" The fol3owing corrunu~tication was received from the County Auditor.~ ~ " "Wilmington~N.C.~ January 31st~1934. • Honorable Board of Commissioners, New Hanover County~ Wilmir~ton,N.C. ' Ge nt letne n: - In accordance with your instructions of January 29th I have analyzed the ~ fees withheld by the Clerk of Court as shown in detail in report of J.B.I,~cCabe & Co~ and attache heretb statement sho~ving that the fees accrued in the yeara shown belows Year ending Nov. 30, 1916- .40 "- " Nov. 30, 1917- 1.10 - " n Nov. 30, 1920- 1.00 ^ ° Nov. 30 1g27~- .40 ~ ~~' '~ Nov. 30; 1924- 4.10 ~~ ~ " Nov. 30, 1g25- 6.60 ~ Seven months ending June 30,1926- .40 . Year ending June 30,1928- 9.2~ Nine months ending ;~a,rch 31,1933- 38:20 Three months ending June 30,1933- 44.50 - Total ~105.90 This statement also shows the amount received by the Clerk during each ~' ~ period except for the year= ending Nov. 30, 1921 during which time the fees rvere not turned into this office as is now required. I also attach hereto a bill of costs, covering each of the civil cases~~ vrhich v~ere made by the Clerk showing cehen the coste accrued. / I give you below a statement showing settlement made with the Clerk for nine month~ ending 2aiarch 31, 1933 in accordance with your inatructions of April lOth as shown in your minutes on page 215. ~ Supplies ~ Fees, Deputy & Expense Retained Clerks County July 535.06 175.00 8.50 351.56 ~ Aug, 428.35 157.50 7.00 263.85 Sept. 523.10 T57.50 8.10 357.50 Oct. 642.17 157.50 12.50 472.17 Nov. 623.34 157.50 12.90 452.94 , Dec. 643.18 157.50 12.00 473.68 Jari. 648.81 157.50 12.90 478.41 Feb. 291.73 157.50 12.10 122.13 ~t'far~ 972:61 157.50 12.88 402.76 360.00 39.47 ' $~5,308.35 $~1~435.00 ~$98.R8 ~ ~3~375.00 ~360.00 ~39.47 You will note this stetement ahows ~$39.47 escess fees retained by'the County. Yours very truly, ~I ' J.A.Orrell. • ' .. ' -~ ~ _.~.~_._ ._ _ ' _ ' I ~M'7! , _.1.Y.~i~ .~..C .''!'i'..Fa YTx~~1+B ~Y ~.uT'~ru~ ~._' ::C~.i.' S . _:'C: :TPIG f•:2tTQD ']. T:iICE :0.'"i"" i • _••T_tt`::~.. . ~ ~ - ~ y~, • ' ANALY:~IS OF FEES WITH~LD BY CLERK OF COURT <~~ ~/d ~~" ~ ~ SHOWING PERIOD IN VTHICH COSTS ACCRiJED ' Seve , Suit Item AmowGt ~--=,_.= .PERSOD_~I~ING_ PSont •" Instituted HeTd 11/30/16 11/30/17 11/30/20 lI/30/21 11/30/24-11%30/25' 6/~ ~ e '~ r" f f~ual.Pace Gdn.Highsmith 3.00 ~ - Co.~i7arrant#2013 Ins.ane 20.00 ~ 1 BeTTamy Admr.Brooks 3.00~ Costs Prog.B/L vsGurganous 7D20~ , State Comm.PJood-Codington 5.00'X 10/6/27 Docket # 3470 1.90+ ~ 10/6/27 " y'~ 3471 5.50 ° ; f 10/7/25 " ~ 35a9 5.00' 3.40 s'" 1~ 7/25 ~~' # 35I.0 4.84 r 3.?_0 '` , 1~0/26 !' ~ 3511 2.00 ' ; ~ r 1~29/24 " ~ 3615 5.30 ~ `,~ ~ ~ ~ 6 9/28 ° ~ 3632 2.50 ; ~ p9~t ' ~ 9/8/27 " ~ 3438 1.60 '' 09~Z p6 ~~ i' ;, g~ '-~'' ` - .- _ ____ _ ~..-. . ~ , p9'Z pfi i , •~ 9~~,-- u^;~]' ~ t p5•~ p0~~ ~~ / ,~~ l ~ ' ' ~ { , l:*-r~r.-.~_ i :~ +31"~B ~ •£ 1 ,~: i ~A~:7~ j:, ?J7/';_'.o ~Q.O~ • ~. " :..1.~"• ^ T r 3 u^ ' ~ ' - • 337~r~.1 a`=r4 ~.3 u:.7~3z1 ,00'~ / 9 gz , , ;; ~;: -,:<.. ;~,_ ,;.~„~: ;; ...~: ror•~;~ •~p • 8z o£/ s~ y~ ` T T~~ r~00 _..~ oE/g E~~~~I£ ; ~ ~ ~ ~~ J1,1 .4 n.. n ~ , ~.. _ , . ~ V ~~ u ~~.~C$ S, c~ , .~- . " ._. t ~£/ ~~~ ~~~ a y '`` n ~' :.~ 1 ~~' t~~ ' ~T,1 ~~ ^ ~,?,~ N' dQ I -~ . •! L~' ~~, ~ `~ ` r•,~~ T"J` ~ ' ` ~ 1 i:~ , y ~ ~ ? ~~~ Meeting of February 5th,1934~ continued. / ~ ` -/ On Janua,ry 29th~ the Board instructed the County Auditor to investigate and report ~u~i~~~ to the Coumiissioners ae to when certain costs totaling $105.90 accr.ued; these being/ the collections shown in the report of J.B.McCabe & Co.~ as being made by the Clerk, of which he reported and turned in only $28.00, leaving $77.90 not reported. A~'ter conferring with the County Attorney the Board decided: 1. That the Clerk of Superior Court had been paid in full for the period of (, nine months ending ~arch 31st,1933. ~ / 2. That ~here coets accrued during.a period in which he was not p~id in full, the £eea should be retained by him. 3. That where costs accrued during a period when he received the full amount ~ ailowed by law, he ~~Ss to report the fees in the usual wap and turn the • amount into the treasury of the County. Under the foregoing decieion the amount to be retained by the Clerk ~ is ~16.60 and the amount due the county is as followst For year ending Nov. 30~ 1916 when the Clerk vuas on salary,.........~ .~0 For year ending Nov. 30, 1°1'7 " " "-" " " ,......... 1.10 FoY'~teaT ending Noc. 30~ 1920 " " " " " " ~......... 1.00, For year endin g Nov. 30, 1924 when he was paid ~4,500.00,..:........ 4.10 Far nine m~~ths ending March 31st~1933 when he was paid in fu11,.....38.20 For three months endin June 30th 1933 when he was on salar 44.~0 g . Y........ ' ~rsa.~u . Less amount reported~.......... 28.00 ~ Tota1 ..............~61.30 Therefore the Board gave instructions that the Clerk of Court remit thia amount~ to the ,treasury of. the Ceunty. ~~c~ Adies ~Ynn ~~ason,Home Demonstration Agent, submitted her re;~ort for the month of / ~ January which was received and ordered filed. ~~~~(fyV The County Auditor's cash report for the month of January ~vas received and ordered filed // The Chairman reported that three sections of,the County Home boiler are cracked and that the insurance company refuses to continue the insurance on same unleas immediate changea ~~/ are made in the heating arrangement~ and suggested that a central heating plant be provi ed. The Board approved that application be made to the Civil Works Adrainistration for funds ~ to provide this,addition. , , . , \ 1 A co~nunication was received from the Connty Auditor showing amount on~deposit in each ~ ~~~y bank as of January 31st,1931; together with a memorandum of securities held in each case~ ~ Upon motion of LTr. Hall, seconded by 1~r. Hinton, Mr.H.R.Smith of Harnett township was ~ ~1(/1~ exempt from payment of poll taxea on account of bein~ blind and unable to earn a living. ~ • It appearing that lighting equipment will not be furnished by authority of •the Civil Works ~~-~~~~j ~dmi.nistration, the Board, upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by idr. Hinton, hereby appro' e V~a and.~reguest, the transfer of $22,000.00 alloeated in the, approved application for Civil ~ Works'.Projeat for "vighting Equipment" for New Hanover County Airport, tb '"Truck, Team iiire. and Zabor" in order tha,t this amount m~y be made available for this work. ~ ' \(, ,_~/ The following coupons ~reae.:presentedr-:b3r..the County Auditor as having been paid and were .~ `~~~'~' burned in the presence of the BoarcI: * SCHOOL BONDS: ~~~ Coupon No. 31, Bond No. 2 to 61- 60 p$25.00 - $ 1~500.00 o u $1~ n o 6g n ryp_ g n 25.00 - 200.00 " " 31~ "~~ 81 " 125- 45 " 25.00 - 1.125.00 ,y' ~~EtG5.Uu Handling charges 7.69 ~2,832.69 The re est of Pl.D.~olwell to compromise the taxes due on the property of Su~an N[.Kennedy ~ block ~90 for the years 1925 to 1933 on a reduction of valuation basis~ was upon motion ~G4 ~ of 2Lr. Ross, seconded by ~r. Hinton, referred to the Chairman and Blfr. Hall for investigation l~ and ascertain avhen the store ad,joining the dwelling wae removed, £or which no reduction ~• of assessment was made• and with ~ po~ver to act. The Chairnan and County Attorney investigated the condition of the paddle wheel ferry- boat Menantic at near Elizabeth City, N.C., forme~ly in the service of the New Hanover- Brunsv~ick Ferry Commission, but sold to Geo.G.Dodge oP Elizabeth City July 25th,1933 for ~. ~2,500.00 payable ~500.00 every sixty days~ and secured by mortgage for the full amount ~ of the purchase price. Later the boat was sold under libel at Elizabeth City and bought in by a P~r. Wilkinson for ~125.00. t~Br. Bdarsden Bellamy the County Attorneq, reported that the 7~enantic was found laying on the bottom approximately 200 yarda off shore, filled with water and in apparently in bad condition,. While the bid at the sale was only ~125.00, i.t was the opinion of the CoIIanissionere that to raise the bid would possibly mean that the boat woul~d.again be on the handa of the County which would necessitate great additional expense to x~ise and repair the eame in order to have it towed back to 47ilmington~ and in its present condition is not worth salvaging~ The Menantic vuas purchased i~ 1924~ an old ferryboat at tha.t time, and has aerved its purpose. Has more than twice pa.id its cost and was retired from the ferry service upon completion of the Cape r'ear River bridges in 1929. Since that time the Commission has been to great exgense ma.intaining watchmen and insurance and having failed in every effort to aell the same had conaidered abandoning it on the mud flats of the Cape Fe r river. Then in.April 1933 Geo.G.Dodge of Elizabeth City appeared and purchased the same~ as aforesaid. The Commissioners feeling that theitwo Counties have been relieved of a financial burden, Therefore in consideration of the condition of the Old Tdenantic, sunken and in bad condition~ was by a unanimous vote left abandoned in the waters near Eli2abeth City. -.. • ~ , ~. . J ~em dn.Hi~hsmith 2013 Insane x.Brooks ~~L vsGurganous 'Nood-Codington 't q'~ 3470 ~ 3471 {~ 3509 # 3510 # 3511 # 3615 ~ 3632 ~ 3438 ~~ 3439 # 3440 ~ 3441 ~ 3444 3445 ~~ 3446 ~ 3447 ~ 3~48 ~ 3449 # 3450 # 3451 # 3452 # ~~ 3453 # 3454 ~ 3565 # 356:, ~ 3567 # 3586 # 3634 ~ 3590 t showe Clerk nile Judge ritance taxes .1 , . _ , . _ . .- ---- -- .. . .. ..- --~-, f -_ .--- 6~. '~ _ L . 1 ~, t , ~ . ~ . ~ _ . . ,7 . e ~. ~ /' ~: ANAI~Y:=,IS OF r~ES WITFII~LD BY CI;~RK OF COURT <~-~-X ~~~ e ~-~ f fi~ a~> SHO'~AIPIG PERIOD Il~? JTHICH COS TS ACCRUED Seve A*nowht ~.,a,~;.~ ,1 PERIOD EPIDING pdonE ' ~'~ ~ ` .'~. Held 11/30/16 11,/30/17 11/30/20 11;30/21 11/30/24 11/30/25 6/;~ 6/30/28 3/3ID/33 6/30/33 .~ , 3.00 '" 20.00 ~ 3,00 ~ 7020~ 5.00 X 1.90~ 5. 50 ~ 5.00 ~ 4.80 ~ ?.00 ~ 5.30 2050 ~ 1.60 ' 1.60 1. 60 ~ 2.00' 2.00 ' 2. 60 • 1.60~ 1.60 ' 1.20~ 2v00 2.60 ' 2. 20 ' 2.00 ` 1.40 ~ 2.00 ° l 0 70 ~ 2.70 ~ 2, 70 ~ 2080< 1. 50 * 1.30 ° 0 40 I.00 3.A 0 " 20.b0 ' ~ _ 3.00 / I ` 7. 2A 5.00 ~ ~ . 40 3090 3. 40 ~? ~ 3.20 ' ` ` 'J 3.70 ~ v e9Q .40 . 40 .40 ~' , ~I : 60 . 40 e30 ~ _ _ o~ _ _ 1.10 105.90 1.10 .40 1.10 I.00 S~lary Salary Salary 1.10 ~ f ~ ~; .40 4.10 6.60 ;.40 9,20 38.20 4,500.00 4485.4] 2,2'~.85 4,309.75 300.00 300>00 1(0.00 300.00 135.00 96.00 166.00 4,935.00 48s~~41 2,318.85 4,775.75 t.~-.-_ ^__ , '_"'r. _"'_-r" _ _ ... _- ' .. __ " '_ ' ' _ _ "' " _ _' '_._ 2 ~.n . ~~j .:~ ~:~ '.,: '_.f-i . - ' . . - ';.s' '!?'7i.":i.: . . 'r=1:T~:~ i,:i ~. • 'i. . - - ;:~`.Ii•1C: .;: __ Y21C:`r' ..~1~ ~ ~•i~:~i.ti _^.j., i^iJ;jit'•.`..~' t;,. `"~'.~~..._. ,'!: ` . _.:;. ~ - ~/~ ~~' ~~ - P:NAZYSIS OF FE~S WITHH~I,~ BY CL~RK 0~' COURT <~f-^N~~ ~ SHOVlING PERIOD IV WHICH COSTS ACCRUED Seve; S'uit Ztem Amouiit ~~7c~Ct PERIOD ~1~ING rao~~tj IMSi:ituted Held 11/30/16 11/30/17 11/30/20 11;30/21 11/30/24 11/30/25 6/.~ ~ ~ . . ~ Qual.Pace Gdn.Highsmith Co.Warrant,{~2013 Insane Bellamy Admr.Br ooks Gosts Prog.B,/Z vsGurganous State Gomm.~"Jood -Codington 10~6/27 Do cket y~ 3470 10~6/27 " r'~ 3471 10/7/25 ° ~ 3509 10 7/25 °' # 3510 1~0/26 " # 35I1 10 89/2.4 " # 3615 6~/28 ° ~ 3fi32 9/8~27 " # 3438 9/12/?7 " ~ 3439 9/29/27 ° '~ 3440 9/2 27 ° # 3441 ~ ~ 1 21 " 3444 ~8/24 "' 3445 ? 4 ? '~ #. 3446 ) ~ 1/16/26 ~ '~ 3448 { 22/9/15 +~ ~ 3449 20 " # 3450 9/29/27 " # 3451 9~29/27 "' ~ 3452 y ~~ # ~ 3453 27 " # 3454 9/8/27 " ¢~ 3565 9/29/27 '~ ' # 356c 6/13/17. '~ ~ 3567 8/30/27 " # 3586 :~/28/28 '~ # 3634 13/27 "' # 3590 nual st ate:nent s hows C1erk ceived Fees Juvenile Judge Inherit ance taxes Total 3.00 ' 20.00 ~ 3.00 ~ 7020 ~ 5.00 ~X 1.90- 5.50 ° 5.00` 4.80 ~ 2.00 ; 5.30 ' 2> 50 ~ 1. 60 '' 1.60 ` 1.60f 2.00 `. 2.00 ' 2.60 ~ 1. 6Q `". 1.60 ' 1.20 ' 2,OOJ 2.60 " 2.20 ~ 2..0 0 ` l. 40 * 2.00 • 1070 ~ 2, 70 ~ 2e70' 2080+ 1. 50 ~ I. ~0' 105.90 0 40 . 40 S'alary 3. 40 3. 20 v 3.70 . 40 .40 1, 1.OQ 1.10 r / ~ 1.10 1.00 040 4.10 6.60 8alary Salary 4,500.00 4485.41 2,2. 300.00 300000 1. 135.Oa 96.00 4,935.00 4AA1`41 2,3', ~, \ , r~ 27;~ Meeting o£ February 5th,1°34, continued. ~ Upon motion of 1~ir. Ross, seconded by BTr. Hinton, the Board approved the.payment of ~26.75 expenae of the Chairman and County Attorney in makin~ investigation of l~~ the ferryboat Me,na.ntic at Elizabeth City. • The mee ing then adjourned. • v~ ~LA~ i . .. , " r ~Clerk. Wilming~on N. C. 1934 a l~th b F . , e ru ry The regular weekly meeting of the Board was~held at 3"s00 0^clock P.M. ' Preaent: Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.W.Trask and J.H.Hinton. '- . Acting upon the recotmnendation of the County VVelfare Officer and upon motion of , PSr. Hinton, seconded,by Pdr. Trask, the Coimnissioners agreed to continue the payment ~ ~ of approximately $15.00 per month for board and treatment of Mr. J.T.Belcher at the ~~r~' State Sanatorium~ so long as funde are available in the budget appropriation for , this'expense. Upon motion of 2~Er. Traek, seconded by 1~r. Hinton, the Board granted an allotivance of not. exceeding ~4.00 per week out of. the local relief f unds, for the'.employment of ~ ~ a nurse to care for the several small chiYdren of John T. Capps•of Greenville Sound, ,, ~Cj ~~ during treatment of his wife in the State Hospital for the insane at Raleigh. • 1,Qr. Cappa who is enployed on relief pro,ject, is not financial able to empSoy help •` to care for his seven children and purchese food. ~ , ~ Upon motion, duly seconded~ ~drs. F.A.VPhitaker was released from payment of penalty )( ~X block #19, PJilmington Beach for the year 1933, account of for not listing lot #18, ~ , , being a non-resident, residing at Columbus, Ga. , It havirig been brought to the attention of the'Board tha.t the "Pirate Ship" is - ~ exhibiting marine curiosities for an admi~eion ~~rge at wharf at.foot of Princess ' ~ X Street, under the auspices of the Red Cross Society for the benefit of the local ~G Redcross Hospital, were therefore, upon motion of Mr. Hinton, eeconded by 1vlr. Trask~ • excused from the .payment of a county license tax under schedule B. Upon motion of ~tIr. Hinton, seconded by I~dr. Traslt, the bid of North-Smith Coa1 Co., 7/ ` ~ to furnish one car of coal each to the Court House and Co~Anty Iiome at a delivered {~ rice of $5.65 and ~4.85 per ton respectively, wae accepted~ they being the lovreat • . ~~uS b , . C~ iddere. The cost of same to paid out of the emergency fund. . ~, The request of W.N.Harriss, Clerk o£ Superior Court, t~t a cocranittee conaisting of /~ ~ the County Auditor and County Attorney be named to meet with him and•hia attorney ~ V~ ti~ith the view of adjusting the ~.tter of certain fees retained by~him~ was upon ~ • motion•of Mr. Trask, aeconded by Mr. Hinton, granted. Action on the request of the Security National Bank`for a deposit of ~2~500.00 county ~ ~~',~5~ f unds without furnisYiin~ security other than the`Governments guarantee under the , National Ba,nlcing Laws, tivas deferred until next meeting. _ • Upon~motion~of Phr. Trask, aeconded by Mr. Hinton, the asseasment of $2,510.00 on ~ ~ 164 acres of marsh land known as Ness Creek tract, and y$5,510.00 on 360 acres of . marsh Zand known as Toomers Creek, Cape•Fear torvnship. owned by Mrs. Bertha G. Shrier, ~ '~'~~x was reduced to $5.00 per acre, or to ~820.00 and $1,80o.00 respectively. On account, ~ ` of bein$ marsh,rioe field land, and assessed too high~ An abatement of taxee on a ~ valu.ation of ~1,690.00 on the 164 acres, Ness Creek, and ~3,710.00 on 360 acres •Toomer~Creek for the year 1933 was order.ed. • . ' ~ Upon motion of Pfr. Trask; seconded by I~r. Hinton, 2ufs'.L.W.t9esse1l v~a.s• allowed to , / • correct his 1933.tax list by claiming liabilities amounting to $870.20 to be deducted I/' /~G~ from ~600.00 open accounts listed, and an abatement-o£•taxes on a valuat~on•of ~600.00 . • for the year•1933 was ordered. ' Bonds with the National Surety Com~ny in the penalty of'$~1,000,00 each covering - y ~ Sheriffs' deputies E.J.Alford, W.Allen Morrie,M.B.Register and M.T.Ross, the said L~ /~ amounta having been fixed by the Commi$sioners, were upon motion,duly seconded, approved and accepted by the $oard~ all membera voting affirmatively . ~ The meeti then adjourned. • ~ . ~ ' 7~. ~K~ . ~~~ Cler . • ~ Wilmington,N.C., February 19th,1934. ~~ The regular weekly meeting of the $oard was held at 3s00 o~clock P.M. ~ ~ Pre°ent: Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.V6.Trask and Jas.M.Hall. . Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by rdr. Trask, a contract and agreement prepared by - the Co~lnty f~ttorney~ bearing even date herewith, wherein the County agreea.to sell ~ ' to H.W.Lynch 1000 poles to be cut from pine trees upon the County's land according to ,/ ~~~~ location, dimenaion and size etc., stipulated in said agreement, at 90¢ each, vuas ~~ upon motion of N.'r. Hall, seconded by P~r. Traak~ approved,and the Chairman of thia Board was authorized and directed to execute the same for the County. _ A'request of AEr. John F. K1ein,Supt., of Community Relief Farm, to use thirty six pieces~ of lumber size 2X12 X 12 feet long from stock at the County Home for building bridges q ~y,~~ -!~i ~ on road to the Community Farm, was granted. ~ ' !( ~ . ~~~ Meeting of b'ebruary 19th~1934, continued. ~~C~~' Upon motion, duly seconded, the assessment of $5,300.00 on new house of Mr. iN.R.Hadley, block #B, lot ~41, Forest Iiills, after having been investigated, was reduced ~o ~4,750.00 on account of being out of line with asse$~ments on / similar buildings, and an abatement of taxea on a valuation of ~p550.00 f or the year 1933 was ordered. . ~ ~v. ~~r /~ / Upon motion of ~r. Trask, seconded by Y~ir. Hall, I~Tr. '~/.E.Greer was granted an ~ ~ abatement of taxes on a valuation of $667.00 on mortgage listed in Federal Pbint townehip at ~61,000.00 for the year 1933,in error,; $~667.00 having previou$ly been paid on the mortgage and on April lst,1933~ there was only a balance of $333.00 due on the same. , /~ IIpon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Idr. Hall, Annie Nicholeson of Lumberton N.C. y " i~~' , . cvas released from payment of penalty for not listing lot #5, in block #12~ Love Grove for the year 1933~ account of being a non-reaident. `~~~~,L~Upon motion duly seconded,,the Chairman was appointed a cou~ittee of one from this ~: ~ ~ u ~~ Board to;ac~ with the general @ommittee with reference to the State taking oper the iVrightsville Causeway and u~.king it toll free. . ~ ~ ~~~~ / ~~~ Upon ;notion~ duly seconded, the Board approvedthe payment~of a bill for $9.00 in I favor of the Salvation Army Home for tv~elve days nuratrig and care of the five months r old infant of John T. Capps, at 75f1 per day, , A report of Jas.tYalker fiospital for the month of January was received and ordered filed Upon motion, duly seconded~ Cecil W. Scott of 525 west ;20th, Street, New York City, was released from payment of for not listing lot ~`5, Fi~ack'°#100~ Carolina Beach for the / year 1933, acc_ount of being a non-resident. • The Board acting.upon the recorrnnendation of the ti~elfare Officer and upon the advice' q~ ~p,C\ that ~rs. Belinda Johnson has completed her treatment for tuberculosis at the ~tate ~ C Sanatorium and would be taken care of by the Local Relief if returned home, authorized the purchase of charity transportation for her return to I~ilmington. /C\ ~pJ Upon motion of Idr. Trask~ seconded by ~r. H~11~ Frank Hill, an old and infirm colored~ Vv~ citizen., was upon-~ecbmmendation of the County Welfare Officer, a~m~tt~d to the County Ho~ as an inmate. ~,~~~y Upon motion, duly seconded,-Co,unty,bills Nos. 1538 to 1745 were approved £or payment. 1 , ~~`~~~ ~ ~~ r,~ / ~~~~ The following good and lawful men were drawn to serve as ,jurors in the Smperior Courtj First week beginning 1~Barch 5th,1934, for the trial of civil cases: B.A.Pdauney. T.W.Weaeer. L.~9.Garrett. S.H.Gloaer. R.G.~orton. F.H.Parker. ~ J.B.Dickinaon: A.Johnson. L.D,A~arshburn.T.S.Maultsby. L.L.Palmer. E.E.Dye. A.G.BRorse. I.N.Kemp. C.C.Morris. J.H.Brown. L.J.Hilburn. C.L.~yers. A.F.Anderaon. L.B.Rogers,Jr.S.P.Deil. D.H.Noble. H.C.PdcCartney.H.P.Smith. ~ C.B.Cooper J.P.Chapma,n. M.Wescoat. F.T.Allen. L.S.Adarshburn.D.S.Harriss. ~ ~~ J.K.Niven. J.B.Jenkina. R.A.Cromwell. D.W.Chadwick. J.H.Foyles. G.K.Hobbs. ~ C.W.Fulford. «.E.Carroll. T.E.ISeCraw. T.B.Hawkins. J.R.Fisher. ~scar Applevuhite. S.P.Hawes. _ C.B.Bullock. T.J.Overby. R.F.Phelps. J.E.Wilson. Second week beginning ~~arch 12th,1934, for the trial of civil cases: Third week beginning ~arch 19th~1934, for the trial of criminal cases: C.C.Brock. 1V.H.Walker. R.L.Groover. V.1~.Gilbert. W.M.I~cNeill. D.B.Hill. H.G.Nichols. Jas.L.King. B.H.Pridgen. T.S.Murray. R.E.Tapp. N.A.McKenzie. A.J.Parker. J.G.Oldenbuttle.C.J.King. L.Rinenbark. H.H.Sandlin. Henry F. Otte~n._ D.F.Murray., I.J.King. H.~N.C.Ii~beinchd. D.F.Edwards. A.A.Avery. G.J.Hemby. J H.W.Haskett. ~7.T.Sikes. G.S.Truelove. B.T.RePille. R.H.Idorthrop. J.C.Christian. Toe '~Vhodes. ~V.E.Spooner. F.B.I,eGwin. J.A.Pitta. V7.R.I,utes. A.B.T~intz. 1d The request of ~Hr. B~artin 0'Brien to be released from payment of the salee costs and , interest accrued against the property of I~rs. Pdildred ~4. Bear,block ~202 for the,years{~ 193~ and 1933, recently taken over by him, was referred to a committee of the Chairman and Mr. Hall,,for investigation and with power to act. The me ing then adjourned. f~ ~C.S~ ,E3erk. U , . ; , ~y •,. .~ -. ~ ~/~ Wilmington, N:C., Februar,q 26th,1934. j~ a~ c , ~ / ~ C~ l The regular weekly meeting of the Baard e+as held at 3;00 o'clock P.1~. Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.W.Trask, F.M.ROSS, Jas.Ph.Hsll and J.H.Hinton. Upon motion oP Mr. Ross, seconded bv ~ir. Trask,Mr,D.J.Bryant was released from payment of penalty for not listing char,ged a~ainst lots 13 and 14 block 10 Carolina ~ Place in the name of R.L.Player Por the years 1931,1932 and 1933, aecount of being_ a non-resident and having recently. secured deed Prom Nr. Pla,9er for the proper,ty aPter completing his contract to purchase over a period of years. Upon motion of Nr. Rosa, seconded by Mr. 'Prask, Mr.H.C.Byrd, on account of bsing s non-resident, was released from payment of ~11.34 penalty for not listing, char3ed .~. egainst the weat middle part of lot 6, bloc:s 128, in the name oP Consolidated Realty Corporation, for the year 1933. ~ ~ Mr. Richard S.Roger~s Trust Officer oP the Wilmin~ton Sa~vin~s & Trust_ Company, eppeared with Mr. Hsrbart A. Lynch Chairm~n oP the Boaxd of Education, end ofPerad the Commisaionera opportunity to purchase a part of the lot at the aouthwest corner ,~1 ~g{i~ oP 13th, and Market Streets, 66 faet on Market and 75 Peet on 13th, strsets for ~ /~h, ~10,000.00, or the entire lot 66 X i50 Peet at ~13,000.00 Por futura achool purposes. Mr. L,ynch urged that aome errangements be made to purchese inasmuch as this propertq ' - ad~oinea tha property of the Isaac Bear School. The Commissionera thought the price too hi3h, end would care to assume the obligation at this tims. A communication f rom Cyrus D. Hogus, Esq., addressed to Mr. Herbert A.Lyneh,Chairman oP the Board of ~ducation, urging payment o f street assessment amounting to ' ~~ ~$137.95 prineipal and ~97.90 interest as of date February 15th,1934, whic~l said :~~ ~ principa~. had accrued against the property in block #118 sold by the Soard of Education to Mr. N.L.Foy at the time of sale March 15th,1926, was read but no~action ~ taken by this Board. ' . , Upon motion oP Mr. Ross, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Board authorized the purchase oP " the fol2owing equipment from the Federal Laboratories at.Pittsburgh, Pa. Por the uee 1 ~,~~ ~ of the SheriPf and other county law enforcerr~nt officers Por tt~ better protection '// ~ oP the community; Mr. Trask foting No ; ` . • 1 Thompson Sub-Machine ~un ................~225.00 ~ 2 XX-20 Cartridga Clips ................... 6.00 1 L-50 " " ................... 21.00 ,. 1 Machine Qun Carrier ..................... 16.50 ' 1 Tear ~3as Gun ... ....................... 60.00 ' 3 Short Range Shells ...................... 13.50 ' 3 Long Range Shells,... ........ ....... 22.50 1/ . 2 hi-29 ( 3 secorid billies) .............. , 45.00 '. 1 M-39 Open and Billies ................... 22.50 . ~ S M-29 Billie Shslls,..) • 4 M39- Billie She31s,..) 18.00 , _ + f TOtal,....... ~p4bU.ou ' , IP tha sale of machine guns to the State oP IQorth Carolina should be less than { that ofFered the County, the County is guaranteed the benePit of such difPerence. + , . ` ~ ~' Upon motion of Mr, Hinton, seconded by b9r. Trask, the Commissioners in order to ,/ ~ ' ~ enable Mrs. May Hardin Moore to clear the taxes due on the northeast part of lot / '~. .~ A ~1, block ~#296, for yeara 192E3 to 1933 inclusive; separated the assesament of ~2,400.00 ` on the est third lot ~{1, and Northeast part of lot #2, and fixed the asaessment on the ~ . ,northeast part of lot ~1, at $500.00. ~ ~ The matter ~ having t~r. W.H.Davis repair the cz~tart house chaira was referred to the / . '~L~n~.~ Chairman with power to act. . ./~t~,a,~ Upon motion, duly seconded, count,y bills Nos. 1746 to 1844 were approved Por payment. ~ , Upon motion, duly seconded,the Covnty Auditor was instructed to give the General Fund /~,~,~9-~, ~ account credit Por the treea sold to Mr. H.W.Lynch~cut for polea Prom countq land. Upon motion, duly seconded, the Chairinan was authorized to offer to Mr.J.H.Blake~ ~ ' /~ ~ not exceeding $1,600.00 Por the eleven acres of land, part of Worth Tract adJoining • ~v~ ~ ' the County Airport, for airport purposes. • ,. The me~ ing then ad~ourned. 4 v~ls, ~~ ,$4?7~ ~ " ~ e $rx. , (~ tNilmington,.N.C., March 5th,1934. , ~ .~ ; ~~ The regular weekly meeting oP the Board was held at 3:00 o'clock P.M. Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman,_Geo.tY.Trask,F.%.Ross snd J.H.Hinton. ~ Upon arotion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Hinton, Mr.Jamas H. M edlin was excused < ' ^~~\~ from the pa,yment oP a license tea to peddle Baxrett's r^ood Products in this Caunty V • ,j~2-' on account of being a.d~:aeb3ed~~Wotld UVar Veteran, as is provided by law in such casea. . A statement oP expenditures of countp appropriations, by the Boa~3 oP Education for,~. ~~.~ the month of _~.anuary was received and ordered f iled. . ~ ~ . ~ , _' . ~ f ~ ~ . ~ f c:.. rr ~x / ! / ~ ~ ~ ~/ Mesting oP March 5th,1934, continued.~ ~ A bid oP the ;'Vilmington Star-News to print all advertising of the Joint County and City . ~ ~~ Commisaion and individual County sdvertising~f or a flat sum oP ~250.OQ per month. Thia `~~ f not to include publication of Sale af Forecl sure Notices, or tax suit;ynotices, but is to include all other displa9 adnertising, notices and etc., was upon motion of Mr.Hinton, seconded by Mr. Ross, ap roved end accepted, binding the County to the ea.tant of $75.00 per month or ~900.00 peg~year only~ beginning as.oP date oP APril lst,1934. The requeat of Mr. Thomas Rice for a reduction oY~the asseasment on house and lot 57 / ~~~~ Oleander was declined for the reason that the same is assessed in line with adfoining property. , ~~/ Upon motion of Mr. 'Pras'.~c, .seconded by Mr, Ross, the Board authorized the payment oP,~ ~~~ transportation Por Norman L4c6se and Anderaon Barnhill to Stonewall Jackson Training School, in the custody of the County 'NeZfare Off icar. The Chairraen read a communicatlon from the State Board oP Assasamsnt urging the Board to asai9t the County Supervisor to make his plans to be present at a meeting oP the 1~~. Tax Supernisors' Division of The Institute o£ Government to be~held at Raleigh, March / 14th and 15th, for the purpose of study of the practical problems of listing and / assessing pz~operty for ad valorem taxation. No action was taicen. ~~ A communicstion was received fr Qn the County Auditor advising the amount on deposit a ~~~ in each bank as oY February 28th,.1934, together with a memorandum oP securities held in each case. ~..., ~,~q~/Upon motion oP B'!r. ~resk, seconded by Mr. Ross, the paqment oP ~20.00 towazd the buriel ~ ~~~~ v oP Harry S. Barnes,pauper, was approvad. t~~/ A requeat of the Board oP Education that tha sum of ~2,500.00 for Maintenance of Plant / /{~~/'~"" and ~130.00 Special~ Vocational Fund ba placed to the credit of the school fund to take cara of expanditures f or idarch, was approved. . , A telegraphic request oP George L. Stanbury Chairman of the Board of Commisaioners of / l~jl (3uilford Countg for $5.00 Yor each member of this Boarri Por membership fees in the ~ / D~ "American County Association" recently organi2ed in Chicago, vaas declinsd. ;,~G~~' on account of the suit having been improperly brought and ~udgment secured contrary ~ to law, was referred to the ~ounty Attorneq. . IIpon motion of N,r. Trask, seconded by Mr. ft oss, the Board authorized the constructibn of e small office on the basemant Ploor of the Court House Annex Por the Assistant ~ ~ Administrator oP Relief. ~ ~The County Auditor~s.cash report for the month of Februar,y was received and ordered . ~ Cj,; filed: i ~ ,. `+, :; A bill for ~26.97 in favor of Edward Murraq, Supreme Court Clerk, for cost oP Sl.iprameJ ~ ` v in the case oP State V LeRoq Goff et al., fall . : d a ~ 2 termt 9 ~~ ~ eJas payment, 338 epproned for 1 , ~ ~ ~~ Upon motion oP Mr.Ross, seconded by Mr. Tras~, the Chairman of the Board, Mr.Addison^ ~ Hewlett, was appointed Count,y Supervisor oP Tsxation for the year 1934. . ~`~~h , Upon mbtion, duly seconded, Count,y billa Nos. 1845 to 1906 were approoed Por.payment: ~ . '~he me ng then ad~ourned. . ; ` h ~ C .9~~~~N, ~ ~' // C16rK. • - ; h 2t 934 (~ . tHilmington, N. C., 2darc 1 h,1 The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this da,y at 3;00 o'clock Y,M. •.' Prssent; Addison Hewlett Chairman, (3eo.W.Trask,F,M.Ross, Jas.M.Hall and J.H.Hinton. ~ Upon motion of Mr, iiinton, seconded b,y Mr. Trask, the $oard released the pa,yment of 1 ~ : court coats in the suit for back taxes against the Heirs of Thomas Galloway on ~ ,%~• j ~ twelve acres of land, part of Bonham, Harnett township on account of the auit having , ! ,~ been improp0rlq brought; and the request of Geo.C.McIntire Eaq „ to be allowed to pay ~ the taxes due for the years 1912 to 1914 and 1920 to 1926 inclusive plus the g~res8nt ~ legal rate of intereat, was granted. • ~, ~ : . Upon motion oP Mr. Trask, se~onded by Mr. Hinton, the Board separated the penalty, ~ ' ~ . poll and personal propertq taxes from the real astate tax on lot #10, block ,~504 chsrged against Leon S. Marshburn for the qear 1933, and allowed Nr.L.L.Wood to pay /~ ~Ca the 1933 taxes due on tha said real estate in full settlement thereof without being v , / required to pay any of ths p~rsonal taxes charged therein, on account of havin~ ' purcnasad the same at a f oreclosure sale and I~ir. Marshburn having no equity in the , property. . The B oard acting upon the recocmnendation of the ~ecordar and Assistant Aealth Officer, ~ \ ,~ released ih~.tN.C.Peterson, who c~vas committed to the County fiome for observation and r ~ " .v~ ` treatment. ' " ~ Upon motion oP Mr. ~Iinton, seconded b,y Mr."lr~sk, the Board declined to purChase ^ / 'i. ,µiCy ~24,000.00 New Hanover-Brunswick r^err,y Bonds maturing 1935 to 1941, 6~ st ~103.50 ~ ~~ ofPerad by Mess. Le~vis & Hall of Greensboro,N.C., but did authorized the purchase .!. ' ~ , at par and accrued interest. , ' •.. , ~ . , ,. `.. . Araquest oP (}eo.C.McIntire Esq., that Thomas (3alloway be released From payment of court J costs and interest aserued in the auit for back taxes on property in Harnett township,v/ _ . ~~ ~~~ Maeting of March 12th,1934, continued. Messrs. Tneodore Empie and G,C.Bordoa~x,~ owners of the land over which the road ~. connecting State Highway ~40 with th~^r`a~lroad siding ~ust south oP S~nset Yar k, yf' having agreed to the said road being taken over as a part of the State Highway ~~~/" system; the Board, upon motion of ~r, Trask, seconded by Mr. Hall, hereby request that the State Highway and' Public Works Coinmission take onar and maintain the said road as a State highway. ~~. A repor.toof the Ladies Rest Room for ths month oP~!ebruary was received and orclered./ ~ W filed. • _ '- It being necassary to Purnish a statement of values of all countq owned buildings in order to secure an up-to-date averaga fire insurance rate promulgated for. a blanket eoverage, Mr. Hinton moned and it was seconded b,y Mr. ftoss and carried, ~-~ .. ~i ~ that N,essrs. U.A.Underwood or Vd.A. Simon, contractora, be emploged to ~urnish_ a statement of val~aes at a cost not exceeding ~20.00. . ~ . / Upon motion of I~r. Ross, seconded by Mr. Hinton, Mr.Scott S'tone was r'e.leased Prom " / 1~(~~, payment of penalty for not listin~ lots 528 snd 529 I,akeside Park for the year 1933 ~~ '~ account of being a non-residant. - „ It appearin~ that Danis-idoora Paint Comoany are .the low bidders Pbr Purnishing materials for eompletin~ the court house painting C'NA proiect, but an order Pot ~~„ ~ purchase has not been given b,y the Administration, the Chairmsn was authorized '~ /(~~r-~ to purchase suFPicient materials from the Dauis-Moore Paint Compeny to start the men working on the profect, the same to be .paid Por by the county in the event ~ the Civil Works Administration fail to approve the purchase of material. ~~`.~ Upon motion, duly seconded, bills Nos. 1845 to 1932 were epproved for payment~/ . / ~ y Upon motion, duly seconded, the Board gave instructions to submit for approval, ~ ~~ an application to the Civil ~Norks Administration f or funds to construct an j~.~"^~ inPirmary addition to the Count,y Home at an estimated cost of ~4,555.23. ' The mee ng then ad~ourned. ' H 7 ! .7~-~~6//71.~ , ~erk. Wilmington,D1.C.~ ~arch 19th,1934. ~ The regula~ weel~]:y meeting of the Board was held at 3:00 0' clock P.P~. r V i Present: Addison Hecvlett Chairman, Geo.W.Traek, F.Id.Ross, Jas.Pd.Hall and J.H.Hinton. T,4essrs. J.A.Taylor, Geo.E.Kidder,Jno.R.Hanby and C.J.Rellotivay,~members of the Boarci ~ of Aldercme,n of the Town of 9Vrightsville Beach, appeared for the purpoae of securing financial assistance from the county to supplement CWA f unds to be used in replacing th~ boardwalks destroyed by fire in the recent eonflagration at Wrightsville Beach. , ~ L~r.J.l~.Taylor told the Commi,seioners that he had been advised by the County Attorney \l~i~ that the County Cotmnissioners have no legal authority to grant such an appropriation, , fW therefore the contemplated request for an appropriation is abandoned and in lieu thereof request that the county loan the Town of Wrightsville Beach $1,750.00 to be ` f'' re~paid out of the collections from back taxes cYne;for the years prior to 1533~ which~ all said baclc taxes aggregatin~ approximately ~12,000.00 are hereby pledged as ~ ' collateral for the payment of the said loan..This request was concurred in,as evidenced by similaL remarks by Idessrs. Kidder and Kellotivay, stressing the necessi,ty of - ,; -res`toring taxable values to the County as a whole and net merely from~a standpQint of ' aiding the Town. The matter was discussed at length, and again the County Attorney . - ruled that this Board could not do indirectly that which it cannot legally do directly and explained that the Totivn of PJrightsville Beach was an ,incorporated town with full ' power to levy taxes for its o~vn needs and,emergencies, that the County Commissioners ~ have no legal right to appropriate from its funde to aid it in constructing etreeta~ '• ' , roads or boardwalks. This Board is, howener, in sympathy with tYae Town of Wrightsville '• Beach and its Alderme.n and feel keenly its loss, but find it impossible to give the aid requested. With the vie« of seeking financial aid from some other source,`the , Aldermen tAen retired from the meeting. ~ _ A liat of applications for tax listing, 1934, was presented to the Board and upon ' ,/f motion of Mr. Ha,ll, seconded by Pdr. Trask, the following were appointed for the ~ '' . I !~'~~_ respective townshipe, to-wit: , ,, . . Wilraington Township, , W.F.Carpenter, B.F.King and T.C.Ellers. CapeiFear, " W.7.Wilkins. b'ederal Point " J.E': Taylor ;~ ~ ~ H&rnett "#l, Pdrs. Janet E. Hi~h. Harnett " #2,. Geo.T.Shepard. ' ' 3~!fasonboro " LSrs. Leila Td. Horne. Y ~ _ Upon motion of P~r. Trask, secontled by Idr. Hinton, Pdessrs. J.D.Edwards and J.H,5alling~/"'~ ~ ~ ~t were appointed Tax A$sessirre for Wilmington To~snship for the year 1934, to asaess ~~. ~}~~f\ improvements, divisions and make investigations of complaints on all real es~ate. Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by 1~br. Ha11, the matter of separating the assessment„ r on 72 acres of land in_i,~a.sonboro tot~rnship~ kno~wn as "Biddle Subdivision" and give ~/ '~``(~ credit on assessmenta account~of lots previously sold, to enable Pdr.C.B.Parmele to pay ~ 1~` the taxes due on same, ~vas referred to tihe Chairman with power to act. The a'sses`sment ' v~as fixed by the Chairman at .the rate oP9~45.00 per acre. ' ~ Upon motion of P~Er. Hinton, econded Uy-~QT~. Ha11, the recommendation of the Recorder \' ~, . t . ,.,~ _}~yto hire out lohnnie Jones for the balance of his term on the County Farra upon payment/ ~~~""" of-the court costs amounting to $$9.25, was approved. Judgment in the case was as ' follocrs: "Date, December 16th,193~. Guilty of violating the prohibition law. Six montha ~ ° " in jail to be assigned to the County Farm vrith privilege of Corr~iesioners to hire out . • after the expiration of ninety days". ' ~ ~.~ Upon motion of PSr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Hinton, the request of F~r.I,.L.Vlood that the ~ti•' ~ personal property tax and penalty for not listing charged against lot #10,b1ocY, ~504 ~~O 7vieeting of, 84arch 19th,1934, continued. .~ in the name of I,eon S. Niarehburn for the year 1933 be abated on account of the tax _~ on the personal property was that on stock of goods in store located at the north- / rrest corner of Front and Orange Streets which did not exist on June lst,1933, merely \~ brought £or.uard on the delinquent list from the previous years' listing~ and penalty on account of having surrendered the real estate and the same purchased a't a fore- closure sale and_Wr: 1~'a;rshburn having no equity in trie same, was referred.to the Chairman with po~~e~ to act. ` Upon motion of I~r. Ha.li, seconded by letr. Hinton, the Board gave instructions to, pay and charge the excess gas expenae, charged a~ainst t::~ Board of Health, Yox FebrtYaryi - agair~st the County Relief Fund, on aneo~nt of a11 tY~e sas~ees gas was used for heating the C.W.A. Administration offioes~for.that.month. . Upon motion of ~r. 2rask, aeconded by Mr. Hinton, a check received from Mr.PTathan ~ Cole, forcier back tax collector, ~ated March 19th,1934~ for ~125.16 payable to the ~U,~` County Auditor for collection of back taxes on the property of Elijan..L.tiNortham, ~ Wilmington townehip and heirs of Edward Galloway, Harnett township, was ordered returned for correction and to be made payable to C.R.T~orse, Tax Collector, as the law directs. /`~~}-j~1 A report of Jas•Walker Hospital for the month of February was received and ordered filed~ C~ Upon motion of f~Hr. Trask, seconded by f~Ir. Hinton, Mr.C.A.Baker of Robinso~vi11e,2d.C., ~. ~~~ tvas released from payment of penalty for not listing lot #14, bioclc #48, Carolina ~ Beach for the years 1931,1932 and 1933 on account of being a nbn-resident. Upon motion of P~r. Trask, seconded by ~'ir: Hinton, Mr.'v'l.~.Mills, a non-resident, was ~/ ~~ released from payment of penalty charged against his property in block 17~ f,or the '~ ~ year 1933. IJIr.~.E.Todd:N was also released from payment oP penalty for not lietin~, ~'~~~ ' ` 'Y~. ~~U~ poll and pered~~A property taac~~ charged against lot ~1~U~ block, ~22 Carolina'`Place .~ ' ~' ,r in the name of C,A.$~obb`son for $he year 1927, for the reason that the said property was purchased ~~ a fereclo~ure sale and ;~r. Robbins having no equity in the same. `'~..."`~ `~ Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by :ur. Hinton, the Board confirmed the purchase v '~ ~~b~ of ~T3,000.00 New Hanover County 6j Ferry Bonde maturing January 1,1938,$1,000.06, ~ . and ~4,000.00 annually January lst,1939 to January lst,1941, on a 5~ basis. ''~ ~ .~:,~ , . The purchase of a~10,000.00 policy to protect the county against forgery of county -`'•,'~~, ,~.a1`r checke in connection vrith the uee of Todd check protector, at a cost of ~25.00 ,~,~ ' '' ~~~" premium for two years,~was declined. ~` .,~~:i Upon motion, duly seconded, county bills Nos. 1933 to'1959 were approved for payment ~•~~ ~`. . ~~}~i\h _. . ~.. ~ k ' ; ~"' The me ing then adjourned. " - J n~L9~i"~'/f~'/i . , ~ ' . .'jf~t. ~Clerk. Wilmington, N.C., March 26th,1934. ~ ~ The regular wee ly meeting was held this day at 3:00 o'clock P:;ivi.: j Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.W.Trask snd J.H.Hinton,~ ' \'`~~° .• The Board concurred in the reCOmmendation oP the Clerk of Superior Court and authorized v\TU -i ~~('/ the peyment oP ~50.00 to the ~tate Hospital for board and treatment of F. L. King an ' ' ~ ~ inebriate. .. ~ •, Upon motion of Mr. Trasic, 1seconded~,b,y I~ira Hinton, Robert Hensle9, white citizen~ _ ~,~' S4 years of age and Geo.Thomae MeRae 86~year old colored citizen, were admittsd `~o f ~ tha Countq Home as inmates: , -• The Board acting upon the recommendation oP the County Welfara OfPicer, agreed to have ~ the Count,y Farm trucls move the personal ~ood s of C.H:Davis, a pauper citizen residing ~~~'''~ near Castle Hayne, to his former home at Stump Sound,Pender County, thus raliaving this ~ County of further expense for his maintenance. . Upon motion of ~'ir. lrask, seconded by Mr. Hinton, the Board authoriz~d the purchase Y ~~~~~n~~`~1 of a tqpewriter for the S'heriffs' OfPice at e cost not exceeding ~p~fl.00. The commissioners acting upon the recommendation of Mr.J.A.Ta,ylor,I.flcal Civil Works Administrator, authorized the pe~ment of ~$°70.77 to Foy-Roe Company for balance due on,, the purchase of rutiber boots made.~ by CYVA'edministration needed for construction ~ Fa work in the County, and the payment oP ~14.01 to the Electrical Supply Company ,f ri ~ Por permanent electrical work done in the CWA Administratlon Offices in Court House,J all said expense to be charged a~ainst the County's appropriation for reli~f. / ~ Upon motion, dul,y seconded, county bills Nos. 1960 to 1985 inc., were approved for ~~ / .`a7~}iy payment. , t Upon motion of Mr. TrAsk, seconded by Mr,( Hint9n, the Board aathorized and directed V ~, tne County Auditor,to place the funds amountifig to ~250.00 derived by the Board of t~}.a~ Education from the sale of school lot near the Dow Chemical Co's.,plsnt, to the credit ~. of "Maintenence oP Plant". ~ Upon motion of Mr. Hinton, secon3ed by n4r. Trask, DSrs.Adelaide S. Bizzell was released ~'~~ from pa,yment of penalty Por not listing lots 160 and 161 Shore Acres for the year 1933, } on account of haning listed other property in the County thinking this was included. The matter oP transferring the,0ut Door Poor appropriation of ~4.00 per month,heretof ore ~~-~~x ~allowed Hanson Blanton, now deceased, to his Pami19, was rePerred to the Welfare Officer V ~ for investigation and recoimnendationa. • . ;: ~ ," f ~ ~' : . ; Upon motion of hfr. Hinton, seconded bv Mr. 'rrask, Mr.W.O.Fickling of Harnett townahip . .56 9ears of aga, was granted an abatement of poll taxea erroneously charged f or the year N ,.,''~~~~ 1933, and was allowed a re£und oP ~.3.00 poll taxes paid June 3rd,1933 for the yeer 1932. / ~ ~+ ~ .~ ~ . }• , ~ . d ~~~ Meeting of MarCh_26th,1934 continued. , _ In the opinion of the Coumty Commissioners.it. is necessary to acqu ire add itional land ~ Por further de% lopment of the County Airport, therefore Mr. Hinton moved that the ,, ~~~,oPfe~ of Mr. J.H.Blake to sell to the County eleven acras of the County 600.00 cash ort for the sum of ~1 air count ;~ u th land and house adjoining ` assuma payment oP ~26.94 , , p y ~, ~ e •~ /~l ~ taxes due on the same for years 1932 arx9 1J33•, ell subject to the approval of the titleY by the County Attorney: His aiotion failed to receive a second . ivir. Trask gave as his reason for not doing so, that he would not agree to assume the payment of the tsxes,but would agree to_pay ~1,600.00 for the land less the emount of tsxes due on same. 'i'he motion was therefore not,..pnt by the Chairman and it was not carried. ~v' The following good and lswful men were drawn to serve as ~urors in the SLiparior Court Por ~U~,~,S two weeks term beginning April 16th,1934:• ~ First Wsek- F,B,King. ~ R.P.Houston. H.D.Futrslle. B.W.Jaco6s,Jr. Edmund ~ic~urin:W.N.Clements. ~ B..M.Reeves, S.E.Elks. b.R,Piner. J.A.Larson. ` J.C.Landreth. S.(3.MacMillan~/' C.R.Batton. Ft.V.Hardison, A.A.Nelms. ~ J.O.Burriss. A. C. ~nith. J.C.McCartne,y~ T.B.Magill. r.S.5hepard. Clyde Needham. H.A.Huggins. Dio Lewis. H.H.Cook. ~ Second Week- M. F. Allan. W. O.Fictsling. (3.W. Powe11. J. A. Rvss. Henry Shaw. W. F. Le ,win. C.T.Jewell. E.L.Sandlin. N.A.lNillett. J.C.Rogers. ~ I.Farrow. Sam Jones. ~ H.H.Hartis. J.L.Wright: Louis T.Moora. T.H.Allen. ' L.L:Jones. M.M.PdcCord. - D.H.t3ower. J.R.Hanson,Jr. L,L.Wootan. Elmo Pad gett. Geo.T.Fowler. Roger Matthews. ~ The meet ng then adJourned. N 7~ - ~#-~ v !~'7 ~ Clark. 0 4Yilmington~ N. C.. Apr il 2nd,1934. ~A .,.~::~ '; '~. ~;:~:• ~ ~ z, 'r i `., . -~ , ~~~ , ~.. ...i t „ ~~A~ ~,~~ r.: The regular weekly meeting o~ the Board was held at 3;00 o'clock P.T~. Present: Addison Hevrlett Chairma,n, Geo.4Y.Trask, Jas.t"Hall and J.H.Hinton. P:ir: Roger ~oore and the County Welfare Oi'ficer came before the Board and told the Commissioners that there are twenty Ne~~ Hanover County children being cared for at V the~Salvation Army Home and tha~t the Home is without f unds to continue this service and unle.ss some assistance is given will have to abandon this undertal:ing, whereupon Iir. Hall moved and it was secondad by 'rdr. TrasY., and carried, ,that an appropriation of ~17.50 per month in addition to the ~7.50 per month appropriated for the care of Edward Lar.~b, be granted for the remainder of the County'a fiscal year~ April, I~Gay and June 1934. ~ ~ ' Upon motion of ~~~•. Trask, S'Poodus Kellum, Esq.~ that title on the vfest part %f Attorney, ordered an item lot #1., bloclc #212 in the stricken off the baek tax aeconded by I~Lr. Hinton, the Board upon information given by the name of Jefferson Levy does not appear in the chain of lot #1, block ~212, and upon recommendation of the County :~ of back taxes amour.tin~ to $13.41 charged against aest part of ~ name of Jefferson Levy for the year 1874-1879 and 1880 recorde. ~ tipon r~otion of ,'~r. Trask, seconded by 2~r. Hinton, I~r.Frank Berry,;~an aged citizen having~ ~ (-,.,~,~ been examined by the Assistant Health Officer and recommended by the County Welfare `, ~ ~~"~""'e-~-Off icer, ~vas admitted to the County Home as inmate, provide$ room is available. •,~~ Is4r. Trask recommended the employment of Mrs.Beulah Piner to assist the matron, E~rs. S.G.Long at the County Homc~, at a salary of ~30.00 per month, on a trial basis, with the ,' ' understanding that if she dbes not prove satisfactory and acceptable to 1~Ir. and ~irs. / ~~"'"R'"'S.G.Long, will therefore discontinue her services at any tfine, and moved to that effect, his motion was seconded by PaIr. Hall and carried. The Grand Jury, Pdarch Term 1934, _ recorr~ended that an assistant be, given tne Ivtatron at the County Home. , ~ Upon inotion of ?~r. Hall, seconded ~ yh~(~~ the balance appropriation due the /S~v Upon motion of ?s~ir. Hall, seconded one copy each of the 1934 city di ~~{~cost of ~p12.00 per copy. ~ ; ,, .~ by P~Gr. Hinton, the'Board authorized the payment of f r~ilit~ry organizations. by Pdr. ?iinton~ the Board authorized the purchase of v,, rectory for the $heriff and Auditbr's offices at a ~ .- Upon moti.cn of Mr.Hall, seconded by tuir. Hinton, I~dr.Frank I,. Creech .o~ Wilmington township I i ~~x was exempt from payment of po~ll taxes on account of poverty and infixm~tiea. ~~, Upon motion of Iur. Hinton, seconded by adr. Hall, the bid of Hanover Iron PJorku to ~replace ~ and.repair the gutters, roof and down spouts of the old,court house~building as per =~-- .~~-~t,X' contract, for the sum of ~166.00 was accepted. The only other bid received was that oP A.S.Flowers for the sum of $270.80. A request of the BoaTd of Education that the sum of $~2,500.00 be placed to the credit of /~ %~ the scho,ol fund to take care of expenditures for maintenance of plant, and~ $~130.00 for ` special vocational f und for the month of April, was gra nted. Upon motion of ~dr. Hall, seconded by ~'ir. Traek, 'bhn.M.Powell of Richmond, Va,, was released ~- ~~}( from payment of penalty for not listing 2.7 acres of land, part Hall, Harnett township ~ for the year 1933 on account of being a non-resident. A~tion was deferred on the request of Bfirs. E.B.Josey for lumber to erect a soup kitchen V ~~ ~5~~ at the negro lodge in Fox Tovrn. In the opinion of the County Commissioners it is necessary to purchaee add'itional land / adjoining the County .4irport f or the further development of the same. Therefore upon /~~ motion of I~r. ~11, seconded by P~.4r. Hinton, the Board unanimously e.uthorized the purchase of approximately twelve acres of land fro~afdr. J.H.Blake at a coet of $~1,600.00, subject to the approval of the title upon examination by the County Attorney. . ~~o Meeting of April 2nd,1334,,continued. An invitation fPom the Governor, requesting the Chairman, otger members of the Board ,~ and others v~hom the~Board may designate to represent ATew Hanover County in the ~~ executive council>of the Institute of Government opening in the hall of the House of ~ Representatives at the ~tate Capital in F?aleigh, Friday Afternoon, vpril 13th, was upon motion of :ur. Hall, seconded by I~r. Hinton, lef't with the Chairman witii power to act. / "'s"~' _~j,ll~ . ` ~ ~s ~~~~ , Upon motion of ivir. Trask, seconded by fdr. Hinton, the County Welfare Ozficer was authorized to tal;e Arthur Anderson,colored, to ri~orrison Training School near Hanle at the County's expense. , Upon motion, duly aeconded, county bills Nos. 1986 to 2083 were approved f'or payment Upon motion of 1~dr. Trask, seconded by ~~r. Hall, the Board directed that a letter be written to Senator J.Pf.Bailey urging that he use his good efforts in having Bill S 4464 of April 22nd,1932 concerning the deepening of Smith+s Creek, put t'rirough Congress as speedily as possible, in os•der to empower the Harbors Board to carry out the project of Smith~•~ Creek and make it navigable. The Board•f urther. authorized and directed that a letter be written to United States Forest Service at Washington,.~ urging the Department ~b reconsider the matter of movin~ the b.C.C.Camp.located d.t Lake Waccamaw,to Western North Carolina, or at least divide part of the c"amp§5~ ti~me with the Orton Protective Association as requested by ~1[r. J.L.Sprunt. _ - L!L-~ _ Clerk. Wilmington, N. C., April 9th~1934. / The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 3:00 o!clock Y.Id. The me ing then adjourned. M ~ ~ . lrJ/~ Present: Addieon Hewlett Chairman, Geo.19.'~Trask,;~'r:M~.Ross~ Jas.I~d.Hall and J.H.Hinton. A report of the County Home Demonstration Agent was received and ordered filed. Upon motion of Mr. Hinton seconded by pdr. Ha.13, the Board released the penalty`for ~ not listing amounting to ~2.94 char~ed against property in block ~187 in the name,of ~iss Leona C. Colwell for the year 1933, and allowed 2Sr. R.E:Williams to pay the 1933 taxes on eame less the penalty, for the reason that T~:r.VJilliams purchased the said property during liating time thinking the same had been listed by•I~iss Col~vell. ~I~~r. W.M.Reynolds was also released from payment of penalty of ~2.00 for not listing/, charged in the name of Lindsey Skipper.for 1933 on 1-~- acres of land,part Gilmore~ Il7asonboro township, account of having also purchased the same during listing time, thinking the same had been listed. t c . ,~,. ,.' . ~ : :, ,. ' ; r The Tax Assessors having investigated the assessment on the property formerly ocmed by P,irs. I~ildred W. Bear, block ~202, recently purchased by 1dr. Martin @'Brien, found /}~~ that the same is assessed out of line with other property ~,nd too high, and in order J --~I to equalize the assessment recor,~ended that the assessment.of $~° t on buildings v be reduc.ed by ~1,500.OQ for the year 1932 and by $'p1,350.00 for the year 1933. The recommendatiori was upon ruotion of f~Lr. Hinton, seconded by Nir. Hall adopted., and an abatement of taxes on a Qaluation of $~1,500.00 and ~1,350.00 for the years 1932 and 1933 respectively, was ordered. Upon motion of B,r~Hall, seconded by Mr. Hinton, an item of back taxes amounting to ~53.60 for the year 1930 on "Cooler & Elevators" in the building of J.I.Bear, block • ~1a`~ ~202 xbarged against Armour & Company, ~~as ordered stricken off the baclc tax booke °'^ for the reason that the ~ame was dismantled and removed from the building prior to April 1st,1930. ' `' The Auditors cash report for Mar¢h was received and ordered filed.l ~ _~ (~~~``~ Upon motion of &ir. Hinton, seeonded by ~Ir. Hall, Mr.C.2.Smaw was released from payment ~ ~y~~ of ~2.00 penalty for not listing property located at I~~iarsteller and Kidder atreets for V _-..~ d the year 1933 assessed at $~25.00, account of being infirm and unable to list. P~r.Smaw• is an inmate at the County Home. ~ The County ~Nelfare Officer appeared and told the Board that Misa Ineze Hopkins, Stenographer in his office, had been receiving her salary of ~10.00 per week on assignment from the CWA, but since put on CWA project her salary has been discontinued ,~ first of last week. He also told the Commissioners that the stenographic work'in ~~s r,.C} ~'~ o~fice ~~ould amount to about six hours daily and ask that the Coumiissioners make some ~~/ provision that he may keep L~iss Hopkins on. The matter was upon motion of Mr. Roes, seconded by Mr. Hall, referred to the Chairman to see what can be done towa.rd securing her ~ay through the C'NA, and if this cannot be done, the Chairman be and he is hereby authorized to arrange with Ailxr. J.A.Taylor, Civil VJOrks Admmnistrator,to pay her ~10.00 per creek £or her services as stenographer in the County Welfare Office and charge the same ~~aihst the County -'•elief Fund. • ,, Upon motion, duly seconded, county bills Nos. 2084 to 2128 inclusive, -` ~?'}}!S payment. The mee g then ad,journed. H ~c -8~L ci~g. ,- ` _ ~ •,- were approved for~ ,.` \, r ~ . :~ I : . ~ _ f ~ ~~a Wilmington, N_. C., April l6th,1934. The regular weekly meetin~ oi' the Board was held this da,y at 3;00 o'clock ..~. Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman, Jas. M. Hall and J.H.Hinton. APplicatiora of the vreat Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company for license to sell beer , in accordance with the law, at ~102 South Front Street, #110 N,arket Street,#~920 Narket ~i L1e~, Street and #523 South 3rd, Street, the same being in proper €orm were, upon motion of t~r. Hinton, seconded by Mr. Hall, approved, and the Tex Collector was authorized to issue license P ar~ tha sale of same upon payment of the required tax.' Application"for reduction of asaessmant on 2,268•acres of land of Mrs.~amie Bear, ~''~G~ Bluementhal, ~arnett township, was presanted by Mr. Frank,G. Harriss and refarred rG to the Tax Asaessmrs Por investigetion along with other complaints. Upon motion df Nr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Hinton, Nr.Alonzo Pariah residing at ~J ~~~~ Benson, N.C., was released Prom paqment of penalty f or not listing property at -~ YVilmington Beach for the year 1933 aecount of being a non-resident. - ~ 1~pon motion of Mr. Hell, aeconded by-Mr. F2inton,~the~Board authorized the purchase of a eopy of the State list oP automobile and truok.a~ners in this Count,y, showing ~ ~ the neme, address, make of ear and year model listed alphabetieally in tebulated columns et the rate of ~3.00 per thousand names, the same to be used in checking . ~ the tax abstracta. . ~~~~~ A communication wss recsived from the County AuditBr showing the nmount on deposit~ / in eaeh bank as oP b9e~ ch 31,1934, together with a memorandum of securities held in ~. ! each case. . / ~7~~~s fornpayment, duly seconded county bills Nos. 2129 to 2232 inedusive, were dpproved / 1~~,y~W' A report of the Ladies Hest Room for the month of March was received and ordered filed~ ,, _ Gitq Gommisaioner of Finance, Nr. Jas.G.L.Wade, nppeared and to]r] the Board that effort . ,~ . was being made to secure $$5,000.00 of the ~85,000.00 Federal Funds approprSated for Y . ~ hi~hway beautificntion in North Ce~rolina, for the beautiflcation of highvrays leading /`~ into Wilmin~ton, and asked the co-ogaration of t his Board to that end. Therefore upon d motion oP Drs. Hinton, seconded b,y Mr. Hall, the Board voted to lend its influence to ~ ' the higY-way beautification committee. " The meet then sdiourned. ' ~-~~C- 5k~~u"1 ' clq,~k. ~ 4Vilmington, N. C., April 23rd,1934. , :j The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 3:00 o~clock P.M. ` Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman, F.1~.Rose, Geo.1V.Trask,Tas.rL.Ha11 and J.H.Hiriton. , ~~~~j(~ County bi11s Nos. 2233 to 2262, were upon motion, approved for ~ayment. Upon motion of 3dr. Hinton, seconded by IRr. Trask, Perc3* T~IcGeorge of Philadelphia,pa,l,/' ~ 1,r ~~UX wae released from paymen-t of penalty Sor not listing property in block #299 for the year 1931 on account of being a~non-resident. ~ • The Board finding it necessary to acquire additional land for the burial of the v County's poor, referred the matter of purchasing approximately two and three /~~,~,J.v quarter acres of land adjoining the County's Oak Grove Cemetery, from I~ir. E.K.Bryan, , }to the Chairman and ~Ir. Hinton with power to act. ./ ~ Upon motion of T~r. Hinton, seconded by I~dr. Hall, the Chairman was authorized to rent ~ • ~~;~~~ the small three room houae on the Blake land adjoining the~Airport, recently purchaa~ , by the County~ • A co~iunication was received from 1~r. J.A.Taylor,Federal Emergency Relief Administrator, advisirig, that in resuming the airport project work only the needy class will be ~ eligible for employment, and the'--supply of money for work projects will be reduced, ~' ' and Pdr. Chas. Foard the engineer and P~[r. F.C.Ulmer, his chief rodman are indispens&~b1;8.;~ _~,~„~ to the proper prosecution of the project and yet technically they are not eligible ~ ~~j•'~'~' under the ne~v regulation, and as'K that the County assume the cost of these two men for approximately two months. It was stated that the cost of the engineer would be , ~27.50 per week and the rodman 50¢ per hour. Therefore upon motion of 1~iir. Traek, ~ seconded by IiGr. Iall, the Board authorized the payment of compensation to these tn~o men on the ~bove basis, the same to be charged against the County Relief rund. z . Upon motion of IJ~r. Trask, seconded by Mr. Hall, Mrs. PEary Alice Gurgainous, 70 years ~, of age, having been ingestigated and recommended by the County Welfare Officer, wae ~ ~`l'~~ -admitted to the County Home as an inmate. In consideration of the above, abeolutely , without requirement by the County, y~irs. Gurgainous voluntarily agreed to turn over ~300.00 to the county. Upon motion of 1~r. RoRs, seconded by Pdr. Hall, the Drainage gand rvas authorized to ~ ~., . j/~;~ ~ repair a small wooden bridge over a mucli used raod at Idlewild, as requested by ~~ Mr. J.~ Allard. Upon motion of I~~r. Trask, seconded by 3~ir. Hinton, C.Robinson, eblored, was granted a ref und of poll taxes collected by the Tax Collector by garnishment for the year 1933, / 1~'{~ on account of being a resident of Brunstivi.ck Co.unty ancl employed here by the lJitrate • ~ A$encies, returning to his home in Brunsv+ick County each evening. ~~2 ~eeting of April 23rd,193~, continued. The request of Woodue Bellum, Esq., for a division of assessment on 50 acres of land / ~. ~ owned by the e state,of J.H.Southerland,Harnett to~vnehip, to enaUle him to pay Y ~~ back taxes due on five acres,tract ~l, and house,recently purchased by his client ,' ~ was upon motio n of P~r. Ross, seconded by PSr. Hall, referred to the Chai rman with power to act. ~y l n the ~ i wc r e ~ a Superior Court,~ l\~~~ / ~^' for the trial of crim nal asesefor week ~eginning l4th,1934; May Walter S. Lamb .Pg,T.Fldnagan. C.S.Gregg. dJ.C.Kelly. L.T~.Creech. T.F,Darden. C.H.Hayes. T.F.47ood. H.A.Hearn. H.L.Herring. F.C.Hilburn. ~ 19,E.King. _ V4.F.Braswell. B.S.Idoore. P,Z,~antwell. J.~'l.Hunter. Edgar Rivenba rk.T.E.Applevrhite. A.H.Grif~'in. A.J.Moore. B.E.Adams. Gerald Ormsby.E.P.Blanchard , . J.W-:Yates. H.A,Akel~ J.D.James,Sr.,B.J.Jacobs. A.I~G.Sholar. H.C.Porter. E.H.Ftusher. ' V7.!?.Simon. I.W.Harrelson.J.S.Singletary.L.J.Wolff. J.~N.Griffith. Jim Peti. , The m tin~ then adjourned. h 7~.~i~'l~'Y~Y - - 4' Clerk. R~ilmington, N. C.~ April 30th,1934. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 3:Q0 o'lock P.I~, Present: Addison Hewlett Chairma.n, Geo.W.Trask, F.Pd.Ross and J.H.Hinton. Upon motion of }~ir. Traek, seconded by Mr. Hinton, Sam Danis,colored, residing in ~ ~1,~ Brunswicl: County and working at Nitrate Agenciee, was granted a refund of poll ~~!~ taxes collected by the Tax Collector by garnishment for the yeax 1933, for the - reason that he is not a resident of New :ianover County. • Upon motion of I,4r. Hinton~ seconded by I~r. Ross, W.O.Miles ~vas granted a refund of J +. /~~~ po11 taxes paid for the year 1933, for the reason that he was 51 years of age : ~ Apri1 lst,1933, and therefore not liable for poll taxes. The foliowing applications for lmcenae to sell beer,ales and wine in New Hanover `. ~~` )~~L~ f County, in accordance with la~v, having been presented to this Board in due form, , „_„ ~~ were upon motion of Mr. Ross, seconded by I~ir. Hinton, approved; ~~ R.T.~a~Cts, intersection highway ~40 and Gordo~~ roads, R.F.D.#1,! . F.P.Harrill, Surruner Rest, Wrightsville Soun~. D a i l C Hi h d fi #1~ hi f il t R F D #30 b t an e . , ~ nea, g way ween n ve m e pos . . . e our a, R.L.Johnaon, Ogdon Place, highway #30, R.F.D.#ll / , W.L.Bure., Kure Beach, R.F.D.#2./ I \~ W,I~+.Reynolds, intersection Seagate and R~asonboro roads;/R.F.D.~~2d S.E.~needen, Jr., Winter Park on highway #20, R.F.D.#3~/ ) d 2ni t~asonboro Loop roa~s, R.F.ll.# U.B:Spindle, intersection Carolina Beach an Wilmington Beverage, Company, fnc.~ Castle Hayne Road, R.F.D.~1 . ~ Upon motion 0f P~r. Trask, seoonded by PJ[r. Ross, John Hymon~ colored, of r,iasonboro township, was granted a refund o£ poll taxes collected by the Tax Collector by fi garnishment f or ~9ilmington township.for the reason that he is a reaident of and -~i~ listed taxes in Masonboro township.and not liable for poll taxes in the City of ~ Wilmington. A communication vras received fr.om Co~unissioner Graham K. Hobbs, of the . . ~, North Carolina World 1Rlar Veteran I,oan Fund, requesting an itemized statement of • ~,ll.unpaid taxes on eight certain pieces of property taken over i~y the State of J. North Carolina, and offer`ing to pay the said taxes due if relieved of penalty and ~ interest, It was the sense of this Body to handle the collection of the back taxea . _ due on the said property the same as any other property on which back taxes are due. ' Upon motion of 1~;r. Hinton, seconded by Pdr. Ross~ the matter of extending the time ;,,~ ,- ~j ~ ~ for taY.ing the tax liste for Wilmington township was left mith the'Chairman with , ~ ~ ~ ~ power to act. , ,~~~U~ ~7 Upon motion of Patr. Trask, seconded. by Iu~r. Ross, the Board authorize_d the payme.ntv ,of Y ~ ~~' `~~* $20.00 toward the burial of the nineteen year old son of Pdr. F.M.Justice,pauper. ~ ment cl f r a l- 2347 w 63 t 2 ~~i/ jS p y . ere approve o o Upo3~ motion, duly seconded, county bills Nos. 2 , The mee 'ng then adjourned. ~~ ~[. S~~~H ~Yl~erk. - ' V/ e /vI.JL~ ~ifilmington,N.C.~ 1~ay. 7th,1334. • The regular weekly meeting of the Board vcas held at 3:00 0' clock ~P.~i. Presents- Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.Y~.Trask, F.M.Rosa, Tas.Tdi.Ha.ll and J.H.Hinton. °~~ The Board acting upon the recommendation of tne County Attorney and upon motion -~~(~y of B~r. Trask, seconded by rdr. Hinton, ordered an item of back taxes amounting to ~ l~r~ ~I6.70 for the year 1870 and ~31.60 for the year 1871, charged against I.C. or ~' L.C.b4cIlhenny Adminis':rator for C.H. Dudiey, cancelled, for the reason that the same is a doubtful charge, and proof of the amount due cannot be established by the Coun$y. ~ Upon motion of 2Sr. Hinton, seconded by Mr. Hall, Loyd Wilson, working at the Virginia- 1GX Carolina Chemical Co., and residing in Brunsrvick Coun~y, wae granted a refund of poll ~ ~ taxes collected by the Tax Collector by garniahment, on account of being a non-resident. , ~ Upon motion of Ivtr. Trask, aeconded by Mr. Hinton, a request of Mr. Loui3 T. f~oore, / 1lfanager of the VJilmington Chamber of Commerce, for the Boards' approval for the J ~ a`~~~6~~ nearingnthegcompletiondoftenlargingathenairport1undertCBviltWorksAdministration30t~he / granted. ~- T~r. John. W. Wilkins, a totally blind cii;izen of New Iianover County~ residing at #517-~ Castle Street, appeared and made application for free privilege license to sell cold drinks in this county. The Board, a.fter investigation, found that he ia eligible 1 --~j~L~C/ to the benefita provided for in Cha.pter #53~ Public Laws 1933, theref ore, upon motion ~ of tJir. Hall, seconded by ~r. Rose, unanimouslp~ requests the State License Department to issue free privilege license to him to operate the aforesaid business. J~~~~~ The County Auditors cash report for the month of April was received and o$dered filed/ .- A supplemental list of taxables submitted by the Virginia-Carolina Chemical Company at meeting held November 20th,1933 amounting to ,~32;78~.20 for the year 1931 and / ~5~348.89 for the year 1932, was upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by 2JIr. Ainton, ~ accepted, for the reason that they ~ook credit for foreign imports in bulk which is ~G{~ Y not alloti~red by law, and upon payment of the taxes due on the abone valuations, amounting to ~381.36 the Board authorized and directed that a receipt be given in full payment of all taxes due by the said Virginia-Carolina Chemical Company for the year@ 1931 and 1932. • Upon motion of N[r. Hinton, seconded by I~r. Hall, T.]'durray,colored, worl:ing at the~ - ~~ Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co's plant and a resident citizen of Pender,County, was ~ granted a refund of poll taxes collected by the Tax Collector by garnisi~unent. ` ' };qr. ~ask retired from the meeting at thie point. :' Dr. Erneat S. Bullock, operator of Bullock's Hospital, brought to the attention of ~ • the CoTmnissioners, Section 5-A,Chapter 204 Public La.ws 1933 which provides,"Private hospitals shall not be exempt from property taxes and other taxes lawfully imposed, but in consideration of the large amount of charity work done by.private hospitals~ , the boards oE corruniasioners of the several counties are authorized and directed to ~, ~ ~'t~5~ accept, as valid claims against the county~the bills of such hospitals for attention rendered to afflicted or injured residents of the county who a d ntaril e vi es vol ~ s r y n c u ~ are indigent and likely to become public chargea, when such bills are duly itirnized and sworn to and are approved by the county physieian or healtn officer as necessary ~ or proper; and the same shall•15e allowed on and credited against all taxes which may ' be or become due by suc~ hospital on properties strictly used for hospital purposes, but to that extent only will tha~county-be liable for such hospital bills". 19hile - . Dr.Bullock is not filing a claim at this time, I~dr. Ross moved and i.t was seconded by ~ I~Qr. Hinton and carried, that the m~tter be taken under adcrsement.to be worked out . with the County Health Officer. :. , /~~S ; , ~.~ ~~` ,~ ~ Gk. Iuessrs. Thos.R.Orrell and Chae.B.Parmele appeared, urging the Board to request the State Aighway and Public Works Commission to extend the highvvay from the Dow Chemical Co~s plant,thence along the river front connecting with state highway ~40 at Fort Fisher, a distance of approximately 2.2 miles, ftlimii9~ a loop drive to the beaches ~_ whichviould greatly relieve present con~ested traffic . Thie Board having previously requested the State to provide an additional highway to relieve traffic to the southern beaches, i.4r.Ross moved that the Chairman renew the efforts of this Body to that end, and request T~2r. E.B.Jeffress,Chairman of the High~~ay Commission arrange to meet with this Board here for the purpose of innestigating this request, the motion was seconded by i~ur. Hinton and carried. ' Upon motion of Mr. Ross, seconded by Sdr. Hall, the following non-residents were released from payment of penalty for not l~sting for the year 1933: - / P~iss Allie Pw'cNeill~paid ~2.00 penalty on lots 6/7 block #58 Carolina Beach. Ordered ~ refunded. ~ v ~ / W.C.Bethune,property in b1ocY. #511 City, penalty ~2.00 ~~~ J.W.~cKay,~rustee for Dillon County,Soutn Carolina~ bloclc ~117 City,penaL,~y ~8:30. ~:. r~ It•appearing tha,t 2~ acres of unimproved land charged in the name of L.Blackle~ge, Harmet'~ township, was sold under foreclosure for ~50.00 which is not sufficient to pay the coet of advertising and attorneys fee also the accumulation of ~taxes since 1923 amounting to $~51.78, and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Board that it would ~i be to the advanta~e of the county to make a compromise settlement of the back taxee due in or•der to allow the property to pass on to new ownership in order to get it on a tax payin~ basis; tl2erefore I~r. Hinton moved and it was seconded by I~6r. Hall and carried that the County a~cept ~25.00 in full settlement of the back taaces due. ~1-~C. 1~Ir. F.L. Hanover Le~via having made application in due form, to aell beer.ales and tivine in New County, on the Ca:rolina Beach road in accordance v~ith law, was upon motion of Tdr.Ross seconded by 1~r. Hinton, approved. ~~4 BZeeting of 3fiay 7th,1934, continued. ' ` A request of the Board of Education that the sum of ~130:00 for special vocational fund i~ ~~,\.{~,a and ~2,870.00 for maintenance of plant be placed to the credit of the school fund to ~~ `'~j~~ take.care of expenditures for the mionth of May, was upon motion of P'r. Ross~ seconded by Pllr. Hinton, granted. ~, `.,~~1 A co~imunication was received from the County Auditor showing the amount on deposit in /~ /~~~,`t7"' each bank as of April 30th,1934, together with a memorandum of securitiea held in each~~~ case. / The Board acting upon the advice of the County Attorney pnd upon motion of T,Gr..Ross, ~`. seconded by Mr. Hinton, authorized the Chairman to sign an agreement releasing the ,~ National Surety Company and rtational Surety Corporation fror~ liability under bonds ~''~ ~~~' Nos. 7174437 and 7175388 on and after December 3rd,1933, covering John R. J~iorr-is and C.David Jones, Ex-Sheriff and SherifP respectively, for the collection of taxes, account of the collection cf all taxes having been,transferred to the Consolidated City-County , Tax Collector. ~ ~~,~~5 Upon motion, duly seconded, county bills Nos. 2348 to 2416 inclusive were approved for~' payment. +: The me ing then adjourned. ti 9L.~~~~ . /f Clerk. U Wilmington,N.C., I~iay 14th~1934. The regular weekly meeting of the Board auas held at 3:00 o'clock P,M. Present: Addison Hervlett Chairman, Geo.PV.Trask and Jas.I~.Hall. t , '..L '~v . ,, . '~i ~ ' Hon. John D. Bellamy appeared in behalf of the Directors of Pine Forest Cemetery Co., (colored~ advising the Commiseioners that the privilege of burial in thg County pauper ~ cemetery is bein~ abused by the burial;."of deceased whose estate is ample to provide ~~,~,d burial in a regular or~ani2ed cemetery maintained by colored citizens for that purpose,~ which practice is not only an unnecessary burden to the county by using tkie ~rounds ~/ provided by the County for the burial of its pat~pers, but is denying the Pine b'orest Cemetery Company of the patrona~e it is entitled to, which is necessary for its maintenance. The Board,theref ore agreed to require a burial permit for future burials in the County pauper cemetery~ after the necessary form has been prepared and ~ submitted to the Board £nd ~;p~iaoved. /~w~ Upon rflotion of ?i2r. Trask, seconded by rffr. Hall, C.Gause,colored, a resident of ~runewick ~ 6ounty was granted a refund of poll taxes collected by the Tax Collector by garniehment. , ~~p~ Upon motion of :~r. Trask, seconded by Mr. Hall, A3r.V9.E,Hardison was excused from l ~ paytaent of a license tax to peddle fruit,f,ish and vegetables for a period of one year ~,/ I~ £f`om date hereof, on account of ppverty and infirmatiea, rendering him unable to secure ~ other ettployment. Applicat~.~ns of Mr. K.C.Bird and Thomas Lofton to aell beer,ales and wine in Neev Iianover ~ County in accordance with law, at Sunset Park and Seabreeze respectively, the said ~1~~~''j applieaticns being in due form, were upon motion of Pdr. Ha11, seconded by I~r. Trask, approved. The division of assessment on the property of Sarah J.Howard in block #209 fixed by the Tax Assessors at ~2,790.00 on the northvrest part of lot ~3 and ~1~890.00 on the ~ ~~~~ southwest quarter of lot ~3 was upon motion of NIr. Hall, seconded by Dir. Traslc, adopted_ ~ by the Board to enable the o~+ner to pay the indebtedness on one of the houees to avoid a foreclosure. . Upon motion of Idir. Trask, seconded_by I~Qr. Ha11~Est,;~,G.tA. Rodgers was released `from~ r{' gayment of penalty for not listing property in Federal Point to~vnship for the year ,,,~ !~~` 1933.A report of the Ladies Rest Room for the month of April vaas receitred and ordere ~ ~~ filed. - ~ A Upon motion of 2~ir. Hall, seconded by ~r. Trask, Annie T. Webber was granted an abatement of ~1.00 dog tax for the year 1933, on a four months nld dog•listed in error ae of ~ ~~?X April lst,193i. ' ' S Upon motion of i~r. ~1a11, seconded by T~r.TrasY, C.F.Strurt~k was granted an abatement,of taxeS~ aubject to investigation, on a valuation of ~$2.a6e.oa on house located ori tract '~11 ~ ~ p'~ Wilson Farms,f,~asonboro tov~rnship for the year 1933, on account of the house having burned ~ ~ , ' March 1933. . Due to considerable inerease in the Court House lighting expense since occupation of the Court House basement by the Civil VJorks Administration, I~Ir. Traslc moved and it was seconde~ /~,~,a4,vby ~r. Hall and carried, that the administration be asked to be as economical as possible , in the use of el=etricity. , The Tax A~sesenrs hacing ai~aa~pertently failed to record the reduction of asseasment ' for the year 1933 asegreed on the buildings of James A,Dennis located on west end of lot ~,~a',d° #1, block #296, account•of building having burned, and upon their reco~nendation the ~ ~ Board fixed the assessment on the rem8~ining buildings for the year 1933 at ~1,Q80.00 \ • and an abatement of taxes'on a valuation of ~ 7$0.00 for the year 1933 was ordered. /~~ • IIpon motion of~'~r. Hall, seconded by ~r. Trask, the Board authorized the purchase o£ ,/ ~~ approximatelyfifty bags of cement to complete the fourth 15 foot concrete apron at t Me •~,,~~~ sirport han~ar left incomplete b,y the Civil VJorks Administration. -~_ Upon motion, duly seconded, ~ir. Geo. F. Tienken of #214 N. 7th, Street, was exempt from'~ t~a5', Payment of poll ~taxes on account of physical dieability. ~ ~'.' . . , „ . , : P~eeting of I~ay 14th,1°34, continued. ~~J t ' The follo~ving good and lavrful men were drawn to serve as jurIDre in the Superior , ~~I~~~ Court for the trial of civil casea for two weeks term beginning ldiay 28th,1934: The first v~eek_ - ~ D.A,Futrelle. R.F.Hewlett. Bennie P.Batts.B.B.HUm~ihrey. E.V.Shaw. }~eares Harriss '' . T.D.Love. F.O.Huhn. P.W.Well~. Shirley Aiken. F.M.McDaniel.D.A,1~eiater,Jr.,~ ,~ J.A,Gaylor. 4V.A,Bordeatix, G.D.Allen. B.P.Eggle~ton. J.U.King. ~N.J.Hollman. ~ C.R.Davis. Geo.E,Russ. O.E.Todd. J.~.Slosn. C.~.Hill. Eugehe Harrias. :~;._ v_..~an.le_. The second week- '~ C.L.Hinnant. V.B.Pierce. A.B.Hamilton. Nelson Potter. Geo.Batson. F.C.Ulmer. J `, . E.T.Abbott. Harvey Hales. J.T.Carroll. A,N.Williams. ~.H.~nith. Geo.H.Hewett. Wm.Struthers. F.A.Dowmm~g. Chae.Cuv~uning. R.L.Branch. G.C.Simmons. VJ.P.Carroll. ' H.P.Potter. T.L.Ba.rker. Glasgow Hicks. K.S.E4allard. J.~.Futrelle.I,ouis Stein. The mee 'ng then adjourned. h ~L_ v7ilmington, N. C., Iday 21st,1934. The regular weekly meeting of the Board vras held this day at 3:00 o'clock P.T~. ~ Present: Addison Hewlett Chairm~n, Geo.W.Trask, F,1JI.Hoss,Jas.M.Ha11 and 7.H.Hinton. ~~ An appli~cation of B.T.ReVille f or license to sell beer,Ales and wine at Shore Acres „/ ~ in accordance vrith law, +,~.s upon motion of I~Ir. Ross, seconded by I~r. Trask~gp~r.6v.ed. Upon motion of I~ir. Hinton, seconded by ~r. Hall, it was unanimously ordered by the -~ ~ Board', that no burial shall be permitted in the county'a pauper (Oak Grove Cemetery) ~N~ cemetery, except f°or the burial of .paupere, and in no event until a burial permit shall - have first been secured from the office of thia Board; and the chairman is hereby ' authorized and empowered to use his judgment as to the financial ability of deceased estate to provide burial in~a regular incorporated cemetery. The Ch~.irman then submitted a fortn of burial permit which was adopted. ' Upon motion of t~nr. Hinton, seconded by ~r. Hall, the Board granted.permission to • C.'+V,Hollibush and Frank Phieffer to exhibit an Agricultural fair kno~vn as The Greater Ten Counties Fair, in this county during the fall 1934~ and was excused from gayment / ~l~~ of a tax for the reason it being represented that they are agents of a boria ficle ~ ~ Agricultural Association. PROVIDED, however, that their request to hold said fair r(~~ under the conditions~ stated, receive~, the approval of the State Commissioner of Revenue. After discussion it was decided that the matter of eliminating any @ambling or iminoral ehows is 'the duty of the sheriff and police. 3~r. Trask requested to be recorded as voting favorable provided there will be no gambling devices used or ixrnnoral shows exhibited. ' . _ ; ' It vaas brought to'the attentaon of the Boar,I~ that approximately twenty Nortki Carolina owned airplanes, making a tour of the State, giving exhibitions and races, can be ~ ~ ~ brought here under the auspices of the American Legion, foi• the purpose of giving an ~ airsno~v and races one day, July 3rd,1834, if the Cor~missioners will grant the use of the "'~ ,,;,c airport and pexmit a nominal charge af 25~' admission to be made to meet the experise. ~ i~r. Ross moved that the privilege of the airport be offered~thsse•.folka provided t~hey ~take satisf actory arrangements with the American Legion; his motion was seconded by Mr. Ainton and cari~ied. Upon motion of 2~4r. Ross; seconded by P~r. HintB.~, Im4rs. Sadie Farley„I~urphey vra.s ~/''~~ ~`tGy ~eleased from paym~nt of penalty for not liyting property in block #152 for the year ~ 1933 on account of being a non-resident. _- f-~j~. A report of Jae. 'J'Jalker Hospital for the month of April was received and ordered filed.,/ , Upon motion of 1u~r. Hinton, seconded by Prr. Hall, P.Zr.K.B.Mann ~~as granted an abatement of~~ -~ taxes on a valuation of ~200.00 household and kitchen fu~niture listed in error for the /"~gCeS ,3rear 1933. It vaas sho~vn that it was the intention of Dl[r. Mann to liet his household . ~ goods at ~200.00 subject to the exemption alloi~ed by l~.w. " Upon motion of Pfir. Trask, seconded by Mr. Ross, the Board authorized and tlirected that correction be made in the assess'ment on house on the mtddle part of lot ~1 and 2, .. vi ' block #35 ormed by G.~.Burnett and sold in 1928. It a~pears that the Tax Assessoxs ~~~~ assessed the wrong hou'se against the said pr~op~~t therefore an abatemert of taxes on a valuation of the difference of the amount~was assessed for and that which it should have been assessed, was authorized. ~ Upon motion of ?Ir. Trask, seconded by Pdr. Hinton, A~exa nder Bizzel, a colored citizen/ ~/1 seventy five year•s of age, having been examined by tkie assistant health officer and / ~-~ l_1~~'"9'~recotmnended by the County Wel~are 0fficer, ~ras admitted to the County Home as an inmate. ~ ~~ Upon motion of Ms. Trask, seconded by NIr. Hinton, the Board authorized the payment of / ~jC6~~~2.50 per week to the Salvation Army Home, beginning ldfay 17th,1934, for the care of v -onald Russ, ten year old child, until he can be placed elsewheie. ."` ll~~~ Upon motion, duly seconded, County Bills Nos. 2417 to 2472 inc., were approved for paymentaJ ~- iJ Tlie cor~miittee composed of the Chairman and I~r. Hinton hacing 'been named to negotiate ~ the purchase of additional land adjoining Oak Grove Cemetery, for burial purposes,~ ,sL _,~ recommended'the purchase of apprdximately 1.2 acres of land from n~r.E.K.Bryan at a cost ~~~~" of ~550.00 subject to the approvaZ of the title upon examination by the County Attorney. ' The foregoing recommendation was upon motion of hRr. Ross, seconded by P~Ir. Hall, ydopted. Upon motion of TJIr. Trask, seconded by P,Rr. Ross~ the request of IvIrs. IVtary A. Ha11 fox a~ ~ reduction of the a~sessment on ~~ o{~ property in block ~72, was referred to ~':cor,~ittee of :the Chairman and ~Ir. Ross,atid'Mr. Trask.with power to act. The meet~g then adjourned. ~1J ) C7`/2n 7~ ~C,~lZ7/vL~Clerk. . • ~ ~~~ ~Uilmington, N.C., ~ay 28tn,1934. The regular weekly meetingoof the Board ~vas held this day at 3s00 oTClock P.~. J Present: Addison Hewlett Chairm~n~ Geo.1N.Trask, F.~.Ross and J:i~;;~inton. Upon motion of ~r. Trask, seconded by i~r. Hinton, a judgment secured by Nathan Cole a~ainst Albert W. Brotvn.for.~5.50 back taxea due the county on lot ~5, block ~~34 ~ Carolina Beach for the year 1926, together with coat,interest and attorneys fees was /~~. ordered cancelled, for.the reason that I~Ir. Brown was a citizen of North Carolina, 4~ residing at that time in Charlotte, ~it.C., and service had by publication and was therefore void, also the judgment was secured against Albert W. Brown instead of ~ ~N.Albert Rrown the owner of the property.,•It also appears that Mr.Brown paid said taxes in 1931 irrunediately upon his returrF to Wilmington. c ~~'~he matter of purchasing twelve or fourteen record books for the Register o£ Deeds / of£ice, halE to be paid out of this years appropriation and balance out of next yeara "~ `~~ . budget, wae left with the ~egister of .Deeds to purchase fror~ whom he deems most ~ advantageous to the county. The matter of securing admission for Earl niintz in the Red Cross Sanitarium, was ~ referred fiack to the Welfare Officex for additional"information. `.. Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Hinton, the Board authorized and directed // ~~~7 the cancellation of the back taxes cha.rged against Samuel Nixon on 143 acres of .land ' ( ~~`~,7 in Cape Fear township for the year 1914 and a refund of $~7.25 paid on tha.t part of '. . ~ ~ the said land recently purchased by~Chae. B. Parmele et al; for the reason that the eame was listed and the taxes paid for the said year 1914 by H.C.Twining. - Application of Mr.A.A.Dock for licenae to sell beer at VJri~htaaille Sound in accordancer ., ~```~/ with the law, was upon motion of ~r.-Hinton, seconded by ~r. Ross, approved. '. ~V `/ Upon motion of I~s. Trask, seconded by Iuir. Hinton, the Board authorized the purchase of ~~15,500.00 5/ New Hanover County School Bonds due ~1000.00 in 1935, ~3,000.00 in 1936 JJ and ~11,500.00 in 1938, f or the sinking fund account, atT~J.02.00 and accrued interest. ~ £ori:: The request that the county furnigh~., and instal culver£~draining approximately seventy •,~,~ five feet of the open ditch at Spoffors P,4ills in connection with the construction of a ^~,N" svrirr~ing pool there, was declined f or the reason that the same is a private undertaking ~~ in which the county has no•legal right to participate. Upon motion, duly seconded, county bills Idos. 2473 to 2510 uvere approved for payment.~ _ /~t~~\~y The rs ing then adjourned. -1~ ~ t~%7`7 ~iJ- ?!. ~~.~f ]~E1`K. , ~ tiailmington~N.C., June 4th,1934. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held at 3t00 o'clock P,T~, Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.v~.Trask, F.I~.Ross, Jas.Td.Hall and J.H.Hinton. , , ~ , . ~, I+~iss Ann Maieon,, Home Demonstration Agent made a verbal report of the activities of-~~ ~~~~ her department f or t~e montn of • May. _ ' ~Vith,reference to Chapter ~~284, Section 5-A, Public Laws 1933, and the request of ~ ~•, - Dr. E.S.73ullock that the Co~issioners take cognizance of the provisions in~said F,ct- °~ - ' in anticipation of any claims that his hospital may make for payment'for treatment of " ariy~indigents, the same to apply as a credit on.taxes due by hie"hbspital as provided ~ in said Act. Adr. Trask moved and it was seconded by ~Ir. Hall and carried, that on and; ' after June 4th,1934, the actual necessary expenee for treatment of any resident Nev+ ~~ Hanover County indi~ent citizen or citizens who are likely to become public charges, ;: vi ~," will b~ accepted as valid.claims against the County and allowed as payment on and credit . against cur.rent taxes only that may be due by the Bullock Hospital Incorporated at the , ~ time and year such expense is incur,red; Provided application for treatment for any ` such county indigent shall have been approved by the County Health Officer before ~dmission for treatment, and provided further, that all such bills are duly itemized and sworn to and are appxoved by the County Health Officer as necessary and proper. • Upon motion of Wr. Trask, seconded by P~r. Hinton, the ta~es erroneously charged againet J.Henry Roehner as not listed for the year 1931, and as~held by the County for the ~/ years 1932 and 1933 on 3.4 acres of land, pa.rt of Bonh~an or vYilliaMSOn i:n Harnett ~~-~ towns.hip, were ordered cancelled, for the reason that the same land was owned, listed ~ ,~ and ~taxe~ paid for said years by 19.B.Head. °~ ~ ~ Upon motion of B~ir. Trask, seconded by Tdr. Hall, the Board authorized the payment of the budget appropriation balance due the Boaid of Education, or so much thereof that ~ ., ~ may be cecessary, for Nfaintenance of Plan~, and Special Vocational Fund, for fiecal ~ / ~ ~~'Y year ending June 30th,1934. . .~ Upon motion, duly seconded, and upon recommendation of the County ~elfare Officer, ~~,/ the Board approved tne ~ayment o£ ~3.60 transportation for W.H.Dawes, County tubercular ~ ~Z~' indigent, to the State Sanatorium for treatment. ~ c Upon motion of tdr. Hinton, seconded by Mr. Hall, the payment of ~19.07 to the State ~ ~-~ Sanatorium for treatment 6frJ.T.Belcher from May 2nd to June 2nd 1934,was approved. . ~ ~ ~ Upon motion of ~r. Ross, seconded by I~r. Trask, the Cotrnniseioners voted to be included ~ ~~y~ in the counties that will administer MothersT aid during the fiecal year 1934-1935. ~ / Upon motion of }~Ir. Rosa, seconded by I~ir. Hinton, t3~e Board approved the purchase of ,/ ~C. ostage stamps ~ and envelopes for the Clerk of Superior Court offiee in the amount of ' G ~' 17.07 the same to be charged against the emergency fund. - Upon motion 'of ~hr. Ross, seeonded by S,~r. Trask, this Body ackno~vledges receipt of an '~'~invitation to attend a conference of civic and commercial organizations at the Chambe of Commerce June Sth, at, 11:00 o'clock A.I~d., concerning the matter o~' formulating plana for the beautification o~: Community Drive, and named the Chairman to represen J~ this Board together with any other members who may care to attend.and expreas sympathy for the movement. ~ , ' r .i ~ ., ~ ~ ` ~O~ ~ L4eeting of June 4th;1934 continued. Upon motion of Mr. Hinton, seconded by Tdr. Ro's~, the Board authorized the payment ' csk,of ~3~00 each to the Tax Zisters for t~xing::tax;;i~.sts Friday June lst, in addition v.. ~~!(~~a to payment for their services for firial period ending Thursday ltqay 31st,. and the employment of sufficient help for such length of time that may be necessary~' the preparation of the 1934 tax books. . Upon motion of ,dr. Ross, seconded by ~r.Traek, Alvin C. Carnes was released from ~~~`~, payment of penalty for not listing property in block ~93 for the year 1932 account ~ of being a non-resident. ~ Upon motion, duly seconded, courity tiille Nos.. 2511 to 2598 Ine.~ were approved for/ . ~)~)t~~S Payment. ' : , The application of NLrs. Sallie TuI. Floyd for license to se11 beer at location on the ~ ` Castle Hayme road, Cape Fear township, was referred to the Sheriff for innestigation /~1~/ ~ and recommendations. • The follovring good and lawful men were drativn to serce as jurors in the Superior~ ~~.~~ Court for the trial of criminal casea for week be~inning June llth,1934: -~W ''~i W.L.Powell. W.`+U.Ezzell. W.N.Jolly. 4V.K.Stewart.. . John Pierce Id.N.Lee. Frank 21[aalpass. Payton Uzzell.'F.P.Sasser. W.O.Greeri. J.A.Peoples. H.F.Newkirk. W.A,Brown. J.T.Barker. L.G.Jones. J.B.Iiunnin~ton. L.B.Wmodbury. R.G.Potter. / ~ • C.W.Brown. R.H.Crider. S.;~l.Sebrell. E.T.Marshburn. 1~.R.Hiclarian W.C.McPherson. S.W.Garrell. G.Ii.ApplBVahite. U.A.Underwood.H.C.Russ. A.L.MeNorton. T.C.rdorris. ~~ Chas.Jarrell. John Lewis. VV.D.Bedsole. L.B.Stevenson. Fred N.Hintze.W.F.Groves. ~ The ~oard then took a recess until Wedneeday June 6th,1934, at 3t00 o'clock P.I~I., to consider the bills of expense for holding primary June 2nd,1934, and to take , ~~~i-,~~ such othj~' action that znay be necessary and proper. ~ r:~';~iti ~1.9~..~r~i` . , . ~3.erk. • • Wilmington, N. C., June llth,1934. P The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 3:00 O~clock P.E4. Present: Addison Hewlett Chaix7pan, Geo.ti9.Trask,F.L1.Ross, Jas.M.Ha11 and J.H.Hinton. The minutes of ine~ting of June 4th,1934, were read and approved as recorded. r P~;r. Harry Jaffe, was upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Hall, allowed to pay the 1931,1932 and 1933 taxes due 9~ lot ~r17 in black ~505 without bein~ required to _j ~fA~ pay the poll personal and dog t&xes duerby J.~~.~ich ~nd eharged against the same. , Por the reason that P~r. Jaffe had to take the property over and ISr. Rich having no . eouity'in the same.r " ~ . The Board actin~ upon the recor~miendation of the County Auditor and upon motion of ~ _, f,4r. Hinton, seconded by~ x4r. Hall, authorized the exchange of New Hanover County , ~ ~~,~,,J~/5~ bonds.maturing a~'ter July lst~1938 for a like amount of New Hanover County 5/ , -~ rm~~v- bonds maturing on July 1st;1938. Upon motion of Mr. Hinton, seconded by I~Ar. Trask, ?;Srs. Eleanor C. Bishop and - Idfra. Della Tebo, after having been examin~d by The Assistant County Health Officer~ ~~%"~""~'.'"_and recommended by the County ~Velfare Officer, were admitted to the County Home as .y inmates. Bills of expense for holding primary ,Tune 2nd,1934, aggr.egating ~753.21 were upon '•• ~Q~motion of Adr. Ross,.seconded.by Mr. Hinton, anproved for payment~ as submitted by the V - / Board of Elections. ~ - . Upon motion of Prir. Traek, seconded by T~Sr. Hinton, the ~Chairman was asked to appoint a~ • member of this Body to represent the County at a meetin~ to be held at the Chamber •~ ~~~twr~of Bo~erce June 22nd,1934 for the purpoae of forming a permanent organization for the beautification of Community Drive. The Chair appointed Nr. F.It~.Ross. ;~ ~ ~ ,~ . Upon motion of :,ir. Trask, seconded by ISr. Hinton~ IdIr.T.N.Simmons was allowed to pay the proportionate part of $~196.63 taxes due•for the yeara 1921 to 1933 inclusive., by ~ ~~x S.S.Southerland on 18~ acres of land,Part of Grissom land in Tdasonboro township, to a~pply in fu11 settlement on two acres of the said land purchased by him. Upon motion of I~x. Hinton, seconded by Mr. Hall, PJIr.G.A. ti~lilson, recently discharged , ~ ~~ f rom the Red Cross Sanitarium as cured, now living,in a tent near the Sanitarium, was `; allowed $1.25 per week for food and+. laundry at the Sanitarium until he regaing his strength. ~ Upon motion of ffix. Ross, eeconded by IuIr. Hinton, the ma.tter of purchasing a new cook ., ,-/ ~~.n,p range for the County Home, was referred to the County ~one Committee rvith porver to act. V ,~ ~~ Upon motion of 2~r. Ross, seconded by Mr. ~Iinton, the B'oard ~ave authority to transfert the payment of~111.38 tax plus interest paid P~ay 23rd,1934, for the year 1933, on part ~- lots 12 and 13 in blobk ~6, Carolina Heights in the name of Pdrs. Mamie L. Hinton~ to i~~%I~ lot 9, Part of lot 8, in block #2, Carolina ~~ights in the hame of E.L.Hinton~her~husband. ' ~ e .' For .the reason that it was the intention of 1~rs. Ainton at the time of payqtent, to apply ~ . the payment of tax on lot ~9, and part of lot ~8,block #2, to meet the requirements of , the mortgage holder, but through error payment was applied on lots 13 and 14, in block ~6. ~ _ A request of I~Gx.J:#l;Taylor, T~yor of ~Nrightsville Beach, that the County Coirmrissioners~ / (/ ~ ~!~~ Deputy Sheriff and I,if e Saver was received and after discussion as to the County's legal ";~~,~,~„pu~ authority in cooperating in matters di this nature, Pdr. Ross moved that the Chairman / W ~"~ ~ with the aid of I~r. ~inton, make a eurvey of the needs and conditions at the Beach Resorts and after conferring with the governmental avthorities of the two resorts, report back to the Board at a•subaequent meeting. • pxovide an offiaer for V~rightsville Beach for the suuuner months, to be d~aignated as ~O~ ~~ 1~1` ~ ~ o~~CJ ~ r~ i~~'` ~ ~ • '~~ ~ ~` ~~ Meeting of June llth,1934, continued. Upon motion of ~r. Ross,''seconded by ~r. Ha1T, the Board authorized the aeparation of the real and personal taxes due by Mr.P.L.Canady on lot #366 Audubon`for the year 1933 and allo~ved hgr. L.L.Idills to pay the 1933 taxes due on said lot without being required to pay the personal tax of I~r. Canady eharged therein, on account,of I~r. Mills t~alcing the property over ,and I~r., Canady having no equity in the same. Applications for licenae to sel~l beeT presented in due form and according to law~ ~by Mrs. Sally ~H. Floyd and~Bangle & Taulbee, at business locations on the Castle t Hayne road eight and six and half miles respectively from the city limii:s, ~vere upon;motion of Bdr. Hall, seconded by Pdr. Ross, approved.The conduct of eaid busineas ~o be,under strict observance of'the Sheriff. • The matter of the county'furnishing the labor to inatall material to be furnished by , •'Spofford Mills to drain conditions brought about by the installation oE a sr•aimming ~~pool; war~ decl~ined for the reason that the County has.no legal authority to en~age in work except for the benefit of the general public. • -~~~ ~,., A communilC~'"lqas received ~'rom the County Auditor shoNing the amount on depoeit in~l each baryk'~s of Iday 31st,1934, together with a memorandwa of securiti6~ held in e~.Ch case. Upon motion of Mr. Rose, seconded by'Mr. Hinton~ the Chairman vJas asked to t~ke up with •the State •Highway •and Public Works Corcm.iission the urgent need of cleaning the / ditches on both sides of the road on west side of the river conr,ecti'ng route #20,~/ with the fertilizer factories. ' ' ` ' ' ~ The' mee~ ng then ad'journed. GJ 7!. ~y"~~y. ~lexk. ~ . Wilmington, N. C., June 18th,1334. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 3:00 0'elock P.Tu. Present: Addieon Hewle.tt Chairman, Geo.~+".Trask, Jas.P..Hall and J.H.Hinton. ~ The ~inutes of ineeting of June llth, were read and approved as recorded. It was agreeable with the Board to lengthen the drainage culvert under the.~oad entering the Masonbo.ro~I,oop road as requested by I~rs. H.D.Broune, thereby eliminating a dangerous hazard to~property owners using this road. Dr. ~J. Houston 1~2oore appeared and ur~ed,the Commissieners to take steps, toward ~ securing.C.IN.A.allotment for the construction of a highvray along the Cape r'ear river from 1zFilmington via the Do~v Chemical Co~s plant to the"rocks", thence along . Buzzard Bay.to Fort Fisher, connecting there with State.High~vay No.40, thence continuing from the terminus~of the highway on the northern.extens?on of Carolina~ ~~~y Beach and along the sound and beach to ~9ri~htsville Beach connecting with the , . 4~ Causeway, thereby affording approximately a fifty mile water front drive along the histori,cal and resort interests of the County. The importance of this project ivas • stressed by Dr. IJloore and keenly appreciated by the Co~nissionere. Mr. Trask moved that this Board go on record as being in sympathy with the proposed project and that its construction be urged, his motion vras .seconded,by Lir. Hinton.and carried. The matter of having the blue prints and ma s transferred from map book Nos. 1 and 2, ~~~to riew binders and leaves to protect and~serve the recorde as proposed by the ~' Register of Deeds, rovas referred back to e Re~ister of Deeds to ascertain the coet v~~ of same and report to the Board at a subsequent raeeting in order that the expense may be provided for in the county's 1934-1935 budget. Up,n motion of iur. Hinton, seconded b,y i~,Zr. i~all, the Chairman was authorized to purchase V C:~such materials that in his judgment he deems necessary to carry on the work at,the County Home in a successf ul manner in connection tivith the C.W.A.work. / Action on the request to provide special officers for the beach resorts was postpone ~ ~~ until a subsequent meeting when all the members are present. Upon motion of ?dr. Hall, seconded by E~Ir. Hintin, PuTr. Harry Jaffe was granted a refund of personal, poll and dog taxes amounting to ~7.50 for each year 1931 and 1932, paid by ~ him and due by J.T.Rich and charged against lot No.17 in b1ocY. #505, f or the reason that /~~ Mr. Jaf;fe had to take the property over and it appears to the satisfa¢tion of this Board ~ that the said real estate is worth no more thah the mortgage held by i~r. Jaffe, and ~ therefore Mr. Rich ha~ no equity in the same. . ~ David Idixon and Charles ~'Vilder, colored citizens, having been examir~ed by the Assietantv ,~g/ County Health Officer and recotruriended by the County 'Nelfare 0£ficer, were admitted to the. ~~rQ County home as inmates. u . . J,. This Board ha;vdng never been called on for any part of the appropriation provided for ~the National Re-employment Bureau at meetin~ of Idovember 13£h,1933, did therefore, ~~ upon motion of I~~r. Trask, seconded by hdr. Hall, authorized and apnroved the payment of ~~' V hal£ of the ~mD'unti.of, the following bills due by the Bureau, contingent upon the City ~ paying half of ,the amount t , ~ Vlestern Union Teledraph Co., ~Telegrarns,.:...'....~2.98 - ~ Undervrood Elliott Fisher Co., Rent of Typet~riter. 6.00 , Southern Bell Telephone Co., Rent of 'Phone,.... 5.74 ~14.72 ~~~ A report of the Ladies ~est Room for the month of Pday was received and ordered filed~! \ Upon motion of Idr, Hinton, seconded by pdr. Hall, the Board ordered that all real ~. estate on ~vhich the 1933 taxes have not been paid be sold for said unpaid taxes on the first ~4onday in September 1934~ The legal phase as to the County advertisin~ / ~~`(7~'~, independently of the City, or both included ~a the saztYe advertisement, the amount of cost to be charged againsi; the property and the distribution of the costs betcreen the City and County, ~vas referred to the County Attorney with power to act. . r ~y~u. .. i~. , ) :. ~." .;ti~ :~ V ~O~ Meeting of Jun~ 18th,1934, continued. .. he prepara~tion of the 1934-1935 County Budget vras refer.xed to the Chais~man, to vrork ~ ',. ~.~~p as far as he can. . J.Tpon motion of L~Ir, Trask, secorided by Tdr. Ha1T, the Board authorized and directed v ~ ~i~~ ~,,~NP~the purchase oi' a Idajestic Range for the County iioitte at a cost of p415.00. v~~„- Upon motion of P:Sr. Trask~seconded by Idr. ~iinton, County T3ills Nos.2599 to 2748 ~ inclusive caere approved for payiaent. ~~ ~ The meet~ g the adjourned. i~i%"//~ )G . ~T/s'~.'!~' - . C~rk. - . • . Wilmington, i~. C.', June 26th,1°34. The regular a~eekly meetzng of the Board r~as.held-at 3s00 o'clock P.3:i. .~` Present: Addison He~vlett Chairman, Geo.W.Trask, F.714.Ross ~and d:H.Hinton. A delegation from the ~xchange Club and other interested citizenu appeared, ur~ing the Commissioners to take i~anediste steps tolv^,~,rd securing approval of the State Highway ~ and Public `F/orks Comr~ission to construct a much needed and~discuesed proposed road along the Cape Fe~r River from tiVilmington to the Southern ~eaches. ~II~~~TSt.J:W:~~.H.Futchs, Jack !Nells and Dr. Keith presented the request and urged that the matter be promptly + ''. ~'~c~/~ taken un with the State Hightivay Commission. I,~r. Dressel of the Dotiv Chemical .Company vras present and assured full cooperation of his Company -totvard securing this highcvay. ' Therefore, upon motion of P,ir. Rose, seconded by Svir. Hinton, the Board voted that a meeting . with the Commission be arranged at Raleigh Thureday June 28th to consider the construct.ion of an additional high~ray to the Southern Beaches, using a route alon$ the ri~ver front . to relieve congested traffic conditions over the present ~.nadegua;t,e highway. A corunittee of the Chairman and iair. Hinton having investigated thenee~d for additional ~. Special Of£icers in the County during the summer beach season; recommeniled that ttivo / ; '/f~Y'" such special officers be appointed, whereupon ldr. Ross moved and it was seconded by / I~r. •Hinton and carried, that the recommendation of the cor:nnittee be adoptec3 aizd that V Levris Angel and ~.P.Dudley,Jr., were, upon recommendation of the Sheriff, duly appointed ~ Special Officers for rlew Hanover.County under and by authority of Chapter ~68, of the ' Public-Local Laws 1915, and salary fixed at ~10.00 each per vreek for period beginning „ June 30th, 1934 and endin~ through Labor Day September 3rd,1934, and bonds fixed at ~200.00 each. The said Special Officere to be under the control and direction of the Sheriff of Ne~v Hanover Cbunty as provided by Chapter #225,Public-Local Laws 1933. ~ Upon motio~~'of Pdr. Hinton, seconded by Pdr..Ross, the Board approved the ~ayment of ~ /~~~, half eost of one copy of•the City -irectory for the Tax Collector. ~ Upon motion of T~s. xinton, seconded b~Tr. Trask~ a bill in favor of L.C.Johnson, / Deputy Sheriff of Chatham County for ~10.00, expenses and services incurred in returning ' ~1~,r/~ ' Harry Litgen an escaped Idew Hanover County patient to the State Hospital fr,om / lfbir l ~a Pittsboro;N.C.,,vras approved. '? ~}ea~ tipplic~.tion of A.B.Moore-fors7:'iceitserto sell beer at Castle Ha.yne in accordance v~ith~ ;. ~L`~ law, the same having been properly executed, rras upon motion of I~Gr. Hinton, seconded , by DZr. Ross, ~pproved. fyy~ An application of L.C.Godfrey for license to se11 beer at intersection of the Gordon ~~a3 / ' ~~f~~ Kerr Avenue v~as referred to the County Attorney to ascertain the facts in a case in the . ~istrict Court in which this Board wae informed he was involved. . _. Upon motion of Ia'r. Ross, seconded by I+Br. Trask, the follo~eing v~ere re~.eased from payment -~ ~Gx of penalty and poll tax for the year 1933, for the reasons givens ~ J.D.PQci~dillan, penalty and poll charged againat lots in block C Ardmore, account of death ~ _ ~~{X of her husband February 24th,1953 at Rocky I~6ount and 2,rrs. McIv~illan did not return to t9ilmington until ~after tax ~lieting tzme. ,, ~ 7Q~ Hrs. 19.T.Hinnant, penalty for not listing lots 1 and 2, block 10, South 4Vilmington Heights, account of havin~ lieted ~ther property in.the county thinking this was included. ~ ~ Estate of J.P~.~.Beatty, penalty for not listing lot 94 Winter Park Gardens, purchased by ~ ~~~fx RIark Hines who thought it ha.d been listed~ by former owners. ~; , Upon motior. of Mr. 'lrask, seconded by Mr. Ross~ the Board authorized the acceptance of ~3.35 tax.cost and interest due on lots~22 and 23 Pine Acres, federal Point to~vnahip ~~~ ~~7=qy\ for ~che years 1926 and 1927, 1929 to 1933 inclusive, the same charged ag~inst L.S.Andre~vs ~ ~ and purchased by H.C.Johnson September 11th,1933. The saic~ amount of $$3.55 being the full ~ • amount due on said lots. The rer.iaining ~7.04 is due by L:S.Andrews•on~other lots in - • Pine Acres. • • • • ~ ~ . . . . .. • • • ~.~ ~ The matter •of t`ransferring the record maps and blue prints from m~.p book Nos. 1 and 2, , ~~~to new binders and leaves to protect the recorde, was referred to the County Auditor arid (~ and Register of Deeds with power to act. ~," J~" ~~~~C~. Upon motion, duly seconded, county bille Nos. 2749 to 2789 vrere approved for payment.~/ '~'~v „' ~ ` ~The budget of the Board of Education for 1933-1934 was in,creased as follov~~s / ~" iraintenance of Plant,•••...•••••• ~250.00 %-- . Vocational Instructions,.......... 496.25 , Auditing ......................... 91.25 ~ ' ,.,; Total ........................ $837.50 ~ ~. Funds having been received to cover the~above amounts which vrere not anticipated as receipts or disbursements, also ~• Expense for holding special tax election,... $~ 581.67 . Paid I~iss Hay £rom Vocational Funds,........ 63~.00 ' -- ~T~G11.6'l . / ,. I~iaking a grand total of ~2,049.17. ~ /~ The Bo then took a recess subject to call of the Cha.irman. , . ra~<.Q~~ f Clerk. • , ~ 2~0 PJilmington, N. C., Tuly 2nd,1934. The regular weekly meetingof the 3ioax~3., was held at 3s00 0' clock P,I~n, . , ~ Present: l~ddison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.',l.Trask, F.I~.Ross,Jas.1uI.Ha11 and BI.H.HinEon. ~ P;ir. Roger ~oore tivas present and told the Commissioners•that there are sixteen / children being cared for by the Salvation Army Home, ~~c of which number four are (/ ~ likely to become'county charges, that the cost for maintenance to the Home is ~$275.00 per month, and asked that the County grant'an appropriation of ~50.00 per month ' , toward their care and ~10.00 per month for each aciditional child that may be admitted ~ to the Home. Upnn motion of n4r. Trask~ seconded by I~+~r. Hinton, the request was , received to be considered in the preparation•of the county's 1934-1935 budget. Upon motion of Ivlr. Hinton, seconded by faL. Ross, the following resolution was ~ ~~ unanimously adoptedt ~ ' At a re~ular meeting of the Boaxd of Commissionexs of New Hanover County, held on I+Uonday, July 2nd,1934~• on the account of the acc~ulation of Civil actions i-n the } Superior Court of New Ha~over County,. the Board, by unanimoue vote, agreed to request,/ " the Governor of North Carolina to order a special term of court to begin on July 30th, 1934~ and to continue for a period of,two weeks, and the Clerk of the Board of . Cormnissioners i^ras ordered to advise the Governor of this action. The following applications for license"to sell beer ha.ving been executed in proper form~ ~~~`and according to law, were upon motion of it~. Hinton, seconded by TGr. Hall, approvedt f Vd.L.Gaslcill, Carolina Beach Hoad,. eight miles f~om city liinits.~. , 1~Srs• E.H.Hal~, Gordon Road, R.F.D.#1.~ ' Annie ~.I~icKoy, Seabreeze./ ~ ~ , Ed Piner, Carolina Beach Road near r~asoriboro Loop, , ~u~\ ~ ~~ Upon motion of Iuir. Hinton, seconded by T~r. Hall, I~iss Sophia Northrop et al, were ~ released from payment oP penalty for not listing property in 1vIasonboro totim ship for the year 1933.. - ~. Upon motion, duly seconded, county bills Nos. 2790 to-2956.were approved~for payment, Upon motion of I~dr. Hall, seconded by I~Ir: Hinton, the Board approved the payment o f~ ~2.5C} for the purchase of beer used for maYing analyses for alcoliolic strength and the payment of ~30.00 to I,aw & Company for making the analyses, all subject to the approval of the District Solicitor. • Resolutions were received from the North Carolina Federation of Home Demonstration \ Clubs adopted at their meeting held at Carolina Beach on June 20th, endorsing the ~U~~ eight months school term, program for better rural homes, and appreciation of the cooperation of the Coiznty Commiesioners of the various counties~ Y ~` `+t: ~ ~ R~.. , `. ;ajR , Y~ , ~' e~ .; t: .. „ ~ : .. z, .. ~.: , ~ ,. R~ ~ ~~ Upon motion, duly seeonded, the Sheriff Vas authorized to provide meals and.lodging / ,for state patrolmen not exceeding ~10.00 total, if he finds it necessary to retain ~ their services to aid him in handling traffic on the Carolina Beach roacl through ~ July 4th. . , The following good and lawful men vrere drawn to serve as jurora in the Superior Court } ~~~ for the-trial of Criminal Cases, week beginning July 23rd,1934:. ~~ H.L.I~doore.. Henry Nurnberger. P.L.Knight. Wm.B.Potter. C.O.Carney. Alex Sprunt. + , C.R.Lee. F.C.Branch. J.J.Rackley. F.L.T~i11s,Jr., J.VJ.Johnston. E.J.Merritt.~ S.ffi.Creech. B.B.Rogers. J.H.Cwnber. C.B.Kornegay. J.R.Mills. Edvr.L.Davie. J.G.Womble. J.E.Riddick; ~.A.I~fiallard. T.R.Hartley. VJ.F.Burnes. P.E.James. E.N.~mall. C.E.Morton. ' J.E.5harpe. R.T.Presson. N~a.urice Haskett.E.4V.Fonvielle. C.IvI.Trott. R.'vJ.Cantvrell. C.B.Casa. W.I~ff.Peck. D.F.Futrelle. H.E.Hines. E1.H.Harriss,Jr, R.P.Sandlin. PI.~V.Gayer. VJ.B.Daniels. " The Board then took a recess until 3:00 o'clock P.Ia~., Thureday July 5th,1934,,to conside the County's budget and to transact such other business that may come vefore ~%~/,~,~~'the h [~~ri~`7~ ~ v` `' Clerk. Wilmin~ton,July 5th,1934. Pursuent to recess talcen July 2nd,1934, the Board met at 3s00 o'clock P.f~. Present: Addison He~.vlett Ch~irman, Geo.W.Trask,F.Id.Ross,Jas.M.Ha11 and J.Ii.Hinton. ]) ~~~~¢~ The County's 1934_1~35 budget was considered in dIIat~il and amounts for expense of County . b Government its activities and institutions for the year ending June 30th,1935, crere ~_ tentatively fixed, the same to be presented at meeting to be held T~Zonday July 9th,1934. ~ Upon motion of i~r. Hinton, seconded by r.ir. Ross, the Board adopted the reeommendation /,~ ~ of the Recorder, to hire out V~illiam Hendereon and Thurman Bellamy upon payment of ".~'8.~`!5 ~ ~ ~~ and ~8.55 resoectively. A bill for ~1.75 in favor of C.T.Potivell for repairzng electric fans for the jail, were ~1~~- appoved for payment., v The meeting then adj ourned, i~ ~L .~tvz~.. Clerk. ~ % ~ suggestion of N[r. Jas.T~.Ha11, that the Co~nissioners, on account of the increase irr J A\~living expenses, and following the policy of {;he TTational tldministration, restore to \ GJ county employees part of the salary reduction made July 1932; ~vas deferred until the time for the preparation and adoption of the bud~et. ^ . + ~Nith reference. to the application of L.C.Godfrey fox license to sell beer, the Coun~ r Attorney and Clerk were instructed to take the matter up v~ith Juflge I.1JI.~Teekine ~~\~/ for the purpose of .ascertaining the final disposition of the case wherein Mr.Hodfxey was found gui:lty of violating the prohibition l~w, .and it appearing,the,.=.judgment wae later cha.nged. • ' c~ 'Phe matter o#' purchasing electric fans for the jail, was upon motion referred to the ~ ~/~~~ Chairman and Sheriff with power to act. . ~ ~.- f~:. '• Y` ~. ~; , 1 .,;:, T ' ' . ' ~ ~ .~. ~ , ~ ' W1lmington,Iv'.C.,'`July 9th,1934. - ' , / ~ The regulsr weekly meeting of the Board was held at 3~00 o'clock P.h4. -• Present;Addison Hewlett Chairinan, Geo. Yd. Trask and J.H.Hin~on. ., '~ ~.~ The minutes oP meetings of June 18th,25th and July 2nd, were read and appr.oved as recorded. Thia Board at meeting oP July Sth,1934, adoptecl the recommendation~of the Recorder to hire out Thurman Bellamy, colored, for the balance of hi's term on the Countq Farm upori payment '~?~~ /,, 12,~ oP the court costs amounting to ~8.55. It now appears and this Board is so informed that ~~~. < L/i Thurman Bellamy has, since the adoption oP the recommendation; escaped, therefore, upon ~ ;~', motion~of L2r. Trask, seconded by I~. Hinton, the said actibn of this Board of July 5th,1934, •;: is,he.reby recinded. . . . •~t ~Upon motion of Mr. Hinton, seconded by Lqr. Tresk, the Board authorized the addition ~-" *~d~~ oP $100.00 to the Register of Deeds appropriation for"Stationery,Printing and Binding" v for the purchase of"Standard Forms Printed". ~ Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Hinton, the budget of the Bosrd of Education ` ~ ` Pa~r,1933-1934 ~eea increased for Vocational Inatruetiona by ~20.00 on account of funds ~~/ having been received from the Board oP Vocational Education of the Department Public ~- . Instructions at Raleigh, which was not anticipated. ~; '- Upon motion of t,4r. Hinton, seconded by n3r. Trask, the Board authorized and directed the.vr `~' ' payment oP ~2.00 to ~.1r. S.G.,Long, Supt., of the County Farm, for expense incurred in the .'> ~~~capture oP Thurman Bellamy, colored, escaped. . .`,~ ./ A communicetion was received P~'om the County l~uditor showin~ the amount of County Punda ,,/~~8~ on deposit in each bank as oP June 30th,1934, together with a memorandum of securitiea~ held in each case. , ~_ • ' ~•:-i Upon motion of n9r. Hinton, seconded by NIr. Trask, P,'.F.Clayton oP Fayetteville, N. C., ' r~CiX Was released from payment oP penalty Por not listing lot ~12, in block # 35, Wilmington ~, , Beach far the year 1933, on account of being a non-resident. ' , /~ -,t ~ A b1I1 Por street assesaments due the City of P7ilmington by the Board of Education in the ,~ /~T;,~j/ , amount of $2,964.82 principal and ~1,659.46 interest,as claimed by_the City oP GPilmington,` ~l~ was rePerrefl to the Countq Attorney. .~ ~;~ A request For reduetion of the assessment on the old brick buildYng ov+ned by the estate oP ' -~~4(~ D.E.Pridgen, in block ~~153, was held over for furtheT infbrmation. ~a~. "~~/~,iQQ~ Upon motion, duly seconded., county bi1ls~Nos. 1 to 50 inclusive, were ap~roved for payment.~ a , . . ~ • ,•i 'The meet ~~then ad~ourned. : r 9ss ~!, 7'~=r~- r.~`f ~ •: zj`: . ~Clerk. _ ~~.' ; , , Wilmington, N.C., July 16th~1934. f`' •~ The reguIar weekl~ meeting of the Board was Held at 3:00 0' clock P.I~S. `';~• Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman,.Geo.~V.Trask,F.iul.Ross and J.H.Hinton. .. • ~ '~~ ~ A request of Judge John J. Parker for a red~zction of the assessment on the property of ~', •1irs. Sallie B. I,4affitt in block #116 was upon motion referred to the Co;nrsittee and the • ~~ ~ Tax Assessors to`make such adjustment ae they deem necessary and proper. A bill of Geo.L.Peschau Deputy Recorder, for $~60.00 for services presiding over~ , ~~~. R~corders eourt was received and upon motion of I~dr. Trask, seconded by T~Tr. Hinton, the Board a.uthorized and directed the paymun~ to TY!r, peschau to the extent•of the number oP . days served since July lst,1934, at q~5.00 per day not exceeding twelve days. ~ +~ ' Upmn motion of ^:ir. Ross, seconded by I:4r. Hinton, the Board approved the payttient of a '/ '~~ ~bi1l..for~:~a0.00 to Eastern Carolina Trainin~ School, Rocky Puount,Id.C., for tor~sil V •/~ operation for 3ert Register, Sam Register, Calvin Bell, Jer~y Rogers and Jame~~Rich, five New Ha.nover County-bo_ys_committe~ to the Training School. . ~ a -. A request of the Tide `Nat~ r Power Company for a reduction of tae ~ssessment on the land/ ! '~ of the Oceanic hotel site, Wrigh+sville Beach on account of wave eroeion over a period ' --~' ~ f'riom 1912 to 1934,`ivas received and taken under consideration. ' ~ A report of expenditures was received fro~n the Board of Education showing a balance~ . ~~'~xnexpended budget allor~ance at close of year June 30th,1934, of ~134.91. ~ - • ' ` ' Upon motion of Dfir. Ros4, aeconded~ by L4r. Tra.slt, the Board autho.rized and directed that '! /~~,~~ ~lie County continue its ooerations upon the ~aeis of the 1933-1934 appropriations pending ~' < Y'""~e adoption of the 1934-1935 bud~et. The County Auditor was also instructed to sign the ~• checks for the Board of ~ducation on the ~ame basis for necessary expenses pending the ~ , approval of their budget. ~ ~~.~-A report of the Ladies Rest Room for the rrionth of June was received and ordered filed./ ~ ~ The committee to v~hom it ~vas referred with po~~er to act, knowing the condition of the ! ~ house owned by 11~rs. Sallie B. t~Faffitt in block ~116, recommended to the Board that the }/~ ~ ~~~ present assessment of. ~4;50p::.00 on the same be reduced to ~3,500.6`0 for the ~,year 1934, on account of~its dila~iidated condition, which was approved by the Board9 .~~ y. , . . , ' ": _ r~ f 2y~ . 7~eeting of July 16th,1934, continued. Upon motion of ??r. Hinton, seconded by ;dr: Ross, the Board approved the payment of ~ half co~t of the folLo~ving incidental expenses of the Idational Reemplo,-~nent Office for June, the other half to be paid by the City of Wilmington: ~ ~ James Book Store ~2.32; Southern Bell Telephone Co.,d$9.26; Western Union Telegrap~r"'' Company, ~9.33 and Uhderwood Elliott Fieher Company, $~3.00, Tota1 $23.91,County's half ~$11.95. " Upon motion of B:r. Hinton, seconded by I~r. Trask, the Board anproved the payment of $4.02 arrest and jail fees due J.Sam Howard, Chief of Police of the town~of b'aison,N. .,. ~~ for the capture of I,ee Bro~~rn escaped from the County Farm. ~ . . , / Upon motior, of tar. ~inton, seconded by I~r. Ross, the Board endorsed the requeat Sbr , improvements to the Seabree~~e road leading from State Highway ~40, tm the colored ~ resort, and also the Holly Shelter road and voted to cooperate in•am effort to secure fmnds ~~ f or th2setprojecte through the State HighR~y Cormnission. Due to the fact that the sheriff is oucasionally put to ~reat inconvenience and disadvantage by not being able to park his aiztomobile at a convenient location to his ~ ~-~ ~~,/• `~`~` office when the matter of time and speed is very essential to the proper execution of` . ~/ his duties, P.ir. Hinton moved and it vras seconded by T~Ir. Rose and ca,rried, that the City Commissionere be requested to reserve parking space on Princess Street at,the Sheriff~s Office Por the use of the Sheriff or his deputi~s. ~ The .~ounty Auditor eubmitted his annual r~port for year ending June 30th,1934,Ywhich ~ ~ ~~b~ was received. • , . Zt appearing that lots boraexing on the•lake at Carolina 3each have neeer been as'sessed or taxed for the reason that they were included as a part of the ~:alce shore line, but J . recently a part of this property has been platted and sold off in lots at an auctiori ~/ ,t ' i\~~h sale by the Vifalsh interest, the Board, therefo~:•e, upon motion of I~r. Hinton, seconded by I~r. Trask, ordered that the said lots not heretofore assessed, be assessed for taxee ' ~ for the first time berrinning with the year 1934,.on a basiq of values ae that on adjoiniri6 lots, and the Countyl:for the reason given hereby releases its claim for taxes on said property for the years prior to 1934. The Board acting upon the recommendation of the Tax Assessors and upon motion of 3u7r. Hinton, seconded by i:ir. Trask reduced the assessrnent on building or~ned by estate,/ of D.E.Pridgen in block ~153, ta ~3,000.00 as of April lst,1931, on~acco:znt of ita ~ ~~ dangerous and dilapidated condition, vrhich condition m~ould have been disclosed by an ~ ear7.ier examination, and an abater,ient of ta3ces on a valu~tion of 9,~2,000.00 for the years 1931,1932 and ~3 ~1,500.00 for the year 1933 tivas ordered. ~ ~ i7pon motion, duly seconded Countj~ ~ills Nos. 51 +0 82 were approved for payment.•N 4 ~~ The Board then took a recess.izntil 3:00 o'clock P.~., Thureday July'19th,1934 to consider , ~. the 1934-1935 budget estimat.es and to transact such other•business that may properly ~ 1~ cor~e be e the Board. ~` ~' "~ ~ ., ~c. S~-rrr~y.. • C~erk. < • FJilmington,Td.C., Jnly 19th,1934. - Pursuant to recess taken Jul,y.l6th,1934, the Board met at,3:00 o~clock P.I~i., to receive ~ Q ~~~ the 1934-1935 County badget estimates. . Present: Addiscn Hewlett Chairman, Geo.VJ.Trask, F.TS.Ross,Jas.7uT.Ha11 and J.H.Hinton. F7ith reference to the claim of the City of 'ililmin~ton for atreet asseesments due by the ~ ~ Board of Education for which no provision has been riade for payment, the County Attorney• ~ n_~~ ~ advised the Baard to per;nit the courts to pass on the County's legal responsibility as b~~ to the payment of the claim. ~' ~ ~ 1 . The County's budget estimates for•the year 1934-1935 w~.s presented, call~ng for ~ tax~:levy .~, of ~0.7d cents on the ~100.00 valuation of property, and upon motion, duly seconded, a ers < ~pne~;of the nervs t a~not~ce in d t d d k i t t i ~ i h l ~ ., p . p , ~ o er was ns rue e nser vlas rece ve an t e c ~ ~ ~~ ' published in the county,to the effect that the Board taill conaider the budget and adopt ~ ~- the appropriation resoluLion at the meeting to be held at 3:-- o~clock P.P~., Thursday Auguet 9th,1934. ' • ~ i . , The meet' g then adjourned. ,~ ~" n 7(~ Clerk~ ~9ilmington, N. C., July 23,1934. ~ ' The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held at 3:00 o~eZock P.IJ[. , 'j Presen~s Addison Hevrlett•Chairman, F.I~S.Ross, Geo.W.Trask,Jas.1JI.Ha11 and J.H.Hinton. ~, 4. The Board acting vpon the advice of the County Attorney, and upon motion of PIIr.Hinton, • seconded by PSr. Ha11,~uthorized and directed the cancellation of all unpaid taxes ,~ ~~~. accrued on the Northeast quarter of lot ~4, in block ~22,charged in the name ofthe ~ ~C~~ ~ heira of Chas. ~'lilliams for the years 1930 to 195a inclusive, and abated the taxes for the year 1°34~ For the reason that Chas. 67illiams died intestate and leavin~ no ; ~ heirs, the title to the said property, according to law, vested in the University ~ of DTorth Carolina and therefore not subject to taxation. - The Board acting upon the recommendation of the County Auditor, and upon motion of ~ ' I~dr. Ha,11, seconded by :uir. Hinton, authorized and directed the cancellation of bacY. -. taxes, cost and interest charged against the property nos~ owned by J.H.Curti9s ~\ a~ Trortheast part of lot ~2, in block ~~50, for the yeara 1907 to 1915 inclusive. For the - ~ 1 reason tha.t the said property was included in the assessment, f or said years, on ol;her •" . property owned and listed by rdrs. Eliza J. Parker in block $~50, and the taxes paid " t he reon. , ~. ~l,JEJ ~' - . i ,= w . ~. . " : ' '~ , ~,. • .~ a .. IJIeeting of J~ly 23rd,1934- continued. Upon motion of iAr. Trask, seconded by l~;ir: Hall, T~r. A.T,Blake residing at ~`103 ~ ~Doc?: Street, was granted`"Free License" to peddle vegetable`s and fruit in Tdecr Hanover~ ~~ County for a period of ti~ee months from date hereof, on account of oeing a disabled 'vlorld '+`lar Veteran, and as ~rovided by lativ in such cases. {',~~~~'"' " he Auditors cash re~ort for tne month of June was• receive.d and ordered filed.~ Upon motion o£ I~r. Trask, seconded by ~r. Hinton, the Board approved the payment of a bill for ~25.00 to v'i,A:Simon Inc., for services and appraisal of present values of all county ovaned buildings as required by the North Carolina Inspectionrand ~ ~/ Rating Bureau, for the purpose of promulgating an,average fire insurance rate on j 1~~~ the said buildin~s, and the Clerk vvas insLructed to submit ~he values aggregating $457,984.74 to the said bureau to ascertain the average rate on thi~s basis of values. , Upon motion of I~dr.~Hinton~ seconded by 1~!r. Trask, T~dr. H.R.Smith of ~Vinter Park / ~. was granted an abatement of poll taxes for the yeax 1934. The Board at meeting of ,v ~~ February 5th,1934, exempt I~. S^cnith from the pay~ent of poll taxes on account of /, poverty and blind and unable to earn a living. .~'~~ A report of Jas. 'r`Jalker Hospital for the month of June was received_ and ordered filed~ \ p _~~ A bond of Jas. E. Holton, Jr., as Assistant Tax Colle'ctor in the penalty of 5~2,500.00 ~I1?~"'°" vrith the i?ational Surety Company as" surety, was presented, the said amount having ` been Pixed by the Commissioners, vaas uoon motion, duly~seconded, accepted by the Board. . ~ ~ ~ Messrs. Geo.E.Ridder, J.Q.I,eGrand, T.H.Nright,J.E.L.Wade, J.N."Alexius and Dr. J.Buren Sidbury, apoeared before the Board in the interest of securing tax exemption of the ,~abies' Hoepital Incorporated at ylrightsville Sound~ Cyrus D. Hogue Esqr, presented , the request and read from its charter to sho~v that it was a non-profit corporation, organized for the purpose of caring for sick children and the training of motllers and / ~ . nurses for the care of children. Affidavits of its president IZr. Thos.li.l~Jright and ,~ the attending pnysmciari,,Dr. J.Buren Sidbury raere read, ehowing that charges for / treatr,ient and rental for rooms vrere only made to the ~rents~ of children who were able tc pay, and that any profit derived from the operation of the hospital over and above the operating experise is used for the care and treatment of charitable patients. , Therefore from the facts presented, Mr.Ross moved and it aas seconded by A.ir. Hall, and ' carried; tha.t the Boai'd finds~frorn the facts eubmitted that •the Babies' Hospital Inc., ,~ ie an oxganization m~intained and operated exclusively for charitable purposes, for the care of sick children,' and is hereby exempt from taxation:~ and the Directors and Officers of the Hospital agreed to file ~vith this Board, a copy of •its audit annually, to sho~v that the Hospita,l is being operated in the spirit of its cha,rter. ~ , Upon motion of I~~1r. Trask, seconded by T~r. Ha11, bills of expense and servicas of ~~I tYie membexs of the Boaid of Elections for secnnd primary held June 30th,1~34, ~ j~~Q,~jamounting to ~196.98, were approved for payment. A request of A,F.Cutter, 63 ~ast Cain Street P•d.E., Atlanta, Ga.~ for a reduction o~ 1/ ~ the asses$ment on t'r,e property of Lola Harriss in block ~549 on account of its '/ ~~~ condition, cras referred to the Committee with po~er to act. ~ • ` A repuest of Glem+~ard Blomme, Tennis Instructor for an appropriation of ~10.00 to ~" help pay expense for holding ~:~. The Carolinas Invitation Tennis Tournament here 'r~ , ~~eP~3~•+ this summer, ~~as declined. The County Auditor read his comments on his annual report for year ending June 3Ath, _ 1~1°34, and upon motion of Pdr. Ross, seconded by P~Ir. Hinton, the Board authOrized the ~()~~P~ County Audito.r to have 200 copies of his annual report printed for distribution. ; "\ ~~ ~ ~ The meet'ng then-a8journed. • " • ~.~[.~ ~ o ..ir Cf}'lerk. ~iilmington~ N. C.~ July 30th~1934, v The regular weekly meeting oi tha Board vras held this day at 3:00 o'clock P.n4. Presents Addieon Hewlett Chairman~ Geo.:~,Trask~ and 8'.H.Hinton, . C/~Upon motion of t:ir. Hinton~ seconded 'oy hir. Trask~ the Board gave authority~to use the Court House / r j ', Upon motion of A"s. Iiinton, 6econded by I:ir. Trash~ the inetructions and request of tur. J,A,Taylor~ / +~ ~: FJuergency Relief Administrato~~ to assume a bill of apnroximately w41.00 for one 9tee1 c~bia~t ~ / [ti.,, i..~Lfor the ltseistant Diebursing officer~ the saMe to be charged against tNe monthly sllavrance of county ~- ~ relief funds~ was approved by the Board. . .~ . ~ r . ~ , ~ yard east of the Annex~ ss a recreation park for nursas and children o£ the County. • . / ,/ ~ Upon motion of I.~r. Hinton~ aeconded By Pdr. Trask, the Board approved the payment of a bill for V /~~ $17.08 to the St~te Sanatorium for board and treatment o£ J.T.Belcher. ~I1pon motion~ duly seconded~ the request for aid for bfss.~~~.~ an aged citizen stsying at the home,/ ~~ ~°..~'~" of P3r. John E. Hinea~ SeagatQ~ wae referred to the County ?t'sl£are 0£ficer for inveatigation. I ~ A bill for ^~34.$1 in favor of Sdecv-i'iay ~dattress Company for twelve mattresses for the jail~ was ~~ ~~~ - approved for ~a.yment. • Upon raotion of 1;ir. Hinton~ aeconded by 1~Rr. Trask~ the asseasmerrt of ~2~925.00 on the west mi3dle and southtvest part of~lot ~1 and p3rt lot #2~ block ~35~ ormed by Geo.E.Burnett~ r+as divided in v" ~~pY order to clear up all •bsck taxes due'on the,northsest p~.rt of lot ;~1~ and eouthwest part of lot #2~ snd a.ssessments £ixed by t.ie Board as fo1~lo~~s: Northvfest`}~iiddle part of lot ~1 $ 700,00 '• Northr~est part lot ~1~ Southviest part lot #2~ 2~225.00 Upon motion of_L9r, Hinto'n~ seconded by ldr. Trask, the Board authorized the lY~elfare Officar -to take "~r ~i~~„~,yuiCatherine Gorraan and Ne11ie Edynards to SamarCaad~N.C.-~ and i~ddie Hali to Ee.stern Carolina Training~/ :~ School at Rocky 1i4ount~ id.C., ' • .~y~ f~eeting of July 30th~1934~ continued, /,~ Unon motion o£ P_'r. Traek~ seconded by 1r. Hinton~ Mra. tf,ax~y D. Cronly was rele2sed from payment of /1~\ penalty for not listing property in Harnett tovrnship for the year~1933, for the reason that she listed ./ other property in the County thinking that thie ~vas also included. It appearing that P~r. Frank Iri, I:{cGovran purchased half interest in a business at :SI-ightsville Sound known as "i7rightsville Terminals" irom B.S.Reynolds on or about July lst~1934~ and that Inr. Reynolds had previous~ ~ eecured liCense for the sale of beer an aaid,premises~,and it also appearing that Plr. P.4cGotimn also purchase ~~~ county license £or the sale of beer on tlie sQid premisea~and nov~ requeata a xefund of the amount paid on /~ the grounds that having bought half intereat in the business he cias.not required to secure Additional ~~~ license; Therefore~ tne Board acting upon the advice of the County ~ttorney and upon motion of I~r.Hinton~l~ seconded by fJ:r. Trask~~uthorized and directed a refund of $25,00 to nir.,Frank.R4. Idc'Govian~ the amount pxid for said license~ upon furnishing affidavit to the effect that~ excepting hie half intereat in the bueineas~ , the eame ia being operated by the same party in whose name the firat license were','issued. Upon motion of N.r. Traek~ seconded by Mr. Hinton~ the Board approved the'payment of $20.00 to V ~~ I,Frs, G.S.Atkinson £or rent of Coxs' store in ~st ~7ilmington for regietration and holding first and second primaries June 2nd, and 30th~ respectively. ( Upon motion of i::r. Traak~ aeconded by ?~ir, Hinton~ Dr. Cha.s.T.Neabitt was released from payment of penalty y/ -J for not,listing property in H~rnett to~vnship for the yea'r 1933~for the reason that he thought the same had /~•~` been listed by an aoent. hSrs, Alice Gurganeous~seventy yesre of age,was admitted to the County Home April 23rd~1934~ and in ,~ consideration thereof , volui~tarily 'and of her ot~m tvill and chaosing, and ~vithout requireinent on the part \ C\ of the County, turned over to the County the sum of $300.00. She is no~ requesting a little money for her,/~ pereonal use from time to time; Therefore~ upon motion of I~9r. Trask, seconded by t~r, Hintpn~ the Board ~~ authoriaed and directed that an a1loeJance of fifty centa~per meek, be-given~fl,rs. Gurganeous beginning~with August lst~1934, the seme to be charged againat the County Home account. ~ \,,,~+~ Upon motion of i~s. R~^aek~ seconded b;,~ blr. Hinton~ Mre. Nary Robinaon 81 years of agef havin~ been ~ \@/~ investigated and recommended by the County uelfare OFficer~ c~ae admitted tv the County Home as an inmate. Upon motion of t~tr. Trask, seconded by 1~r. Hinton~ the Board approved~the payment of ~10.84 to ~ ~\ _f Joe S. Phipps 3heri£f of Guilford County for expense in returning Ty1er Moore Jordan~ a New Hanover.County. " ~~P patient~ escaped~ to the State Hospital at Raleigh. - - , jUpon motion of 1r:r. Hinton~ seconfled by 1~r. Trask~ h°s.L.1A.Yoat of Salisbury~ N.C., having been exempt / ~~from payment o£ privilege tax by Rotvan County~ c~ae upon motion of I~,ir. Hinton, seconded by Ur. Trask~~/ ~~. granted freelicense to pe3dle in this county for a period of sixty days~ on account o£ being a disabled_ ~ ~+':orld r~ar Veteran. ~ ~ Upon motion of h'r. Hinton~ seconded by !v;r. Trask~ the Board authorized the purchase o£ a ne~r motorcycle and accessaries for the rural police, at a cost of $402.30 less an allovrance.of ~152,30'for'the old ~ motorcycle. " \.~~Upon motion of Fdr. Trask~ seconded liy Ls. Hinton~ repairg and overhauling the typeciriter in tha Auditore / ~,~N;?~ 0£fice at a cost o£ $17.50 was c~utliorized. Upon motion of P.ir. Trask, aeconded by i;4r. Hinton~ the Board voted to request the State High~~ray and • Public Ydorke Cojruni.asion to open up and hardsurface Southern Boulevard at Sunset Park from highvray #40~ ~• ~~`~ to Tyler Street. Thia Houlevard ia used extensively by the Dow Chemical Company aizd large oil and other industrial nlants and would take the place of the road recently taken over by the State, to greAt advantage, . - in moving freight shipments.by r~ilroad at this point. , . The following coupons and bonds ~ere presented to the Board by the County Auditor as having been pa ~¢~ ~/ ,' ~~ and qere checked and burned in the presence of the Board: ,' , ~ `, . ROAD BODIDS s : Coupon No. 40 Bond No.-------------------96 = 1 ~$ 12.50 - , $ 12.50 " " 41 " " 79-99-109-120-96----- - 5 " 12.50 - 62,50 ' . ~~ ~ 45 ~~ ~~ -------------------19 - 1 " 22.50 - 22.50 $ 97.50 ~ SCHOOL BONDS: . , Coupon No. 41 Bond „ , iJo.-------- 47 to 51 Inc~- 5 0 25.00 - • 125.00 " " 41 " " ---=----------110 - 1 " 25.00 - 25.00 " " " 41 " " --------------151 - 1 " 12.50 - 12.50 162.50 $ 260.00 ~ ~ ROAD BOIQDS s , , • . , Coupon ido, 45 Bond No. 7~8~9-22-23-24----- - 6 e 22.50 - 135.00 135.00 , SCHOOL 30NDS: . Coupon No. 41 Bond IQo. ------------ 179 - 1 ~3 12.50 - ~ 12,.50 " " 41 " " ------~81 to 189 - 8 " 12.50 - 100.00 112.50 RAOD BObIDS: Coupon No. 41 Bond No. -----,------- 119 - , 1 ~ 12,50 - 12.50 12.50 , 125.00 SCHOOL BObIDSs Coupon tdo. 29 Bond Vo.--------71 to.75 .- 5 O 25.00 - 125.00 125,00 ~ ROAD BONDS: • • " Coupon"No. 41 Bond No. ------------ BB - 1 ~ 12.50 - 12.50 , " " 44 " " 26.-2'~40-41-42---- - 5 " 22.50 - 112.50 " " 45 " " 36-37-40-41-42--- - 5 " 22,50 -. 112.50 237.50_ ' 3G2.50 SCHOOL BONDS: , ~ Coupon Ro.~ c9 ~Bond TJo. 31 to 355 Inc. ~ - 325 ~ 23.75 ~- 7~718.75 ; ~~ " " " 9 • " " 45 " . 242 " , - , 198 " 23.75 - 4~702.50 , " " 29 " " 118 " 140 " - 23 " 25.00 - 575,00 " , " 29 142 '~ 225 " - 84 " 25.00 - 2~100.00 , " " 30 " " 53 " 100 " - 48 " 25.00 - 1~200.00 ~ " " 30 " " 66 " 125 " - 60 " 25.00 - • 1~500,00 " " 32 " " 1 Only- - 1 " 25,00 -, 25.00 ' ' " " 42 " " 1 to 18 Inc., -, ~18 " 25.00 - 450.00 " " 42 " " 20 " . 23 " - 4 " 25.00 - 100,00 • " " 42 " " 25 " 27 " A 3 " 25.00 - 75,00 '• " 42 " " 29 '" 44 " - 16 " 25.00 - . 400.00 , » ,~ 42 " ~~ 46 Ohly------ - 1 " 25.00 - 25.00 , Carried Forward . ............................... .... ... ..... $18~871.25 $ 882.50 h ;'l, /, .\ ,, , ,,., Meeting of July 30th~1934~ continued. ~ Coupon s 6end Bonda Burned- Brought r^orirard~ ....... ... ....................~fi 18~871.25 ~ 882,50 SCHOOL BODIDS: ' , Coupon No. 42~ Bond No. 53 to 59------------ = 7 ~ $25.00 ~ ~ 175.00 " " 42 " " 62 " 95------------ - 34 " 25.00 - 850.00 . " " .42, " " 101 " 109------------ - 9 " 25.00 - 225.00 " " 42 ^ " 111 " 150------------ - 40 " 25.00 - 1~000.00 " " 42 " " 151 " 200------------ - 50 " 12.50 - 625.00 2.875.00 `:.; ~' ROAD BOhIDS t ~ Conpon No. 46 Bond No. ~2 to :;6------------ - 5 " 22.50 - 112.50 • ~~ ~~ 46 ~~ ~~ 10 " 18acx~~~-------- - g ~~ 22.50 - 202.50 '~~ ~~ 46 0 ~~ 20 " 32------------ - 13 ° 22.50 - 292.50 ~~ ~~ 46 ~~ ~~ 38 ~~ 39-°--------- - 2 ~~ 22.50 - 45.00 " ' " 46 " " 43 " 50------------ - 8 " 22.50 - 180,00 ~~ i ~~ Sp ~~ n 2 Only------------ - 1 ~~ 22.50 - 22.50 " " v42 " "" 1 to 4------------ - 4 " 25.00 - 100.00 ' ~~~~ ~~ 42 ~~ ~~ ~ .. 22------------ ' 16 " 25.00 - 400.00 u ~~ 42 ~~~~ ~~ 2¢ ~~ 7$-^---------- - 52 " 25.00 - 1~300.00 " ,~ a2 " " 76 Only ------------ - 1 " 12~50 - 12.50 " " 42 " " 78 to 84------------ - 7 " 12.50 - 87.50 ~~ ~~ 42 ~~ n gg ~~ 89°---------- - 2 ~~ 12.50 - 25.00 n ° 42 " " 91 " 94--°-------- - 4 ° 12.50 - 50.00 . " " 42 " " 97 " 118------------ - 22 " 12.59 - 275.00 n ~~ 4,2 n n 121 " 122°---------- - 2 ~~ 12.50 - 25.00 " " ~#2 " " 124 " 125------------ - 2 " 12.50 - 25.00 3~~155.00 FERRY BObID Ss Coupon Np. 30 Bond No. 1 to 50------------ - 50 ~~ 25.00 - 1~250,00 " " 27 " " 27 " 50------------ - 24 " 30.00'- 720.00 1~970.00 C~JNTY H~L~E BOtIDSt Coupon No. 9 Bond No. 9 " 28------------ - 20 @ 23.75 - 475.00 . COURT HOUSE BOi~IDS: _ Coupon No. 21 Bpnd No. 61 to 160----------- -100 fl 25.00 - , 2~500,00 " " 21 " " 165 " 169 ~ ------- - 5 " 25,00 - 125.00 " " 21 " " 171 " 225----------- - 55 " 25.00 - 1,375.00 ' 4~000.00 F90RP~i0 U5E BOBIDS s ' • Coupon Na. 39 Bond tdo. 1 to 35----------- - 35 8 25,00 - 875.00 875.00 ~lORKfiU USE Fc COUNTY HOIa?E BO"_JDSs Coupon ::o. 34 Bond P1o. 1 to 17----------- - 17 E 25,00 - 425.00 425.00 "" Total Coupons Paid $32~646.25 , SCHOOL BOhiDS PAID s Bonds Nos. 53 to 56 . 4 9$1~000.00 $4~000.00 " " 66 " 70 - 5" 1~000.00 5,000.00 9,000.00 ~41~646.25 SCHOOL BONDSt gCoupo~ No. $1 Bond No. 71 to 80 ^---------- - 10 ~ 25.00 - 250.00 " " 83 ~.^.ly " 62 Only ------------ - 1 8 25,00 - 2'a .00 " " 30 " ," 62 Dnly s---------- - 1 d~ 25.00 - 25.00 300.00 Total Coupons and Bonds Burned~ .......................... 42.828.75 The meeting en adjourned. ' ia J!- ~ Clork. Wilming~t;on~ Yd. C., Au~ust 6th~1934. - , . ~ Th~e Board met in regular weekly session at 3:00 otclock P.M. ~ " Presents Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.vJ,Trask, F.M.Ross,Jas.M.Hall and J.H.Hinton. ~~~~ ~ Mrs. 91ioe Gurganeous,Irpnate at the County Home~ appeared before the Board requestfng ~ ' the Commissioners to return to her the $300.00 ahe voluntarily turned over to the County on or about the.date of her admissfon April 23rd,1934, bntkaft8r~aking time to conaider " the matter~ she very willingly agreed to receive $8.OO~per mont.h as of august lst~1934; ~~~~~~~~,t_o meet little personal expense in addition to that received at the Home, which amount ~~ •.=r/~~'""~was upon motion of Mr. Hall~ seconded by ~dr. Ross, granted~ hereby amending a resolution of this Board at maeting of July 20th,1934~ and increasing the allowance from 50~' per'week ' to ~8.00 per month. BGr. Traek requested to be recorded as voting No. The Co~nissioners .would not agree to return the full amount of ~300.00 to Mra. Gurganeous while she remaitted ' at the County °ome,unless some peraon would agree to take her and become respomsible for her care as it was very apparent that ehe is incapable of managing her afYairs alone. . Upon motion of Mr. Hinton, seconded by Mr. Trask, a request of ~6r. Warren Johnson~Trust / ' ~ Of~'icer of the Peoples Savings Bank & Truet Camipany, f or a reduction of the assessment - '; ~~X on house of Miss Fannie R. Williama block #155, was referr~d to the tax assesaors for investigation and report to the Board at a subaequent meeting. • :,~~~,Qf2,~iUpon motion, duly seconded~ county bills Nos,83 to 307 were approved for payment.~ Upon mo~ion of Mr. Rosa~ seconded by Mr. Trask, the Board granted the request of the °i'~ SherifE'to employ Mr. J.A.Salling to.~~tay_n in his °off.ice while he and his deputiea ~ +• ' r are~away in attendance upon the Sheriffs' Association at Elizabeth City~August 8th, through the llth. The ~Board a~reed to pay B6r. Salling $$3.50 per day for the fourActays. ~~y A report.of the Ladies-Rest Room for the month of July was received and ordered filed.•/ A bond of Thomas A. Aenderson as assistant to the tax collector, in the penalty oY $2,500.OO~with the National Surety Company as surety~ was presented, the said amourit -~ having been fixed by the Commissioners, was updn motion~duly seconded, unanimously approved ;/ ' by the Board. , A communication was.received f rom the County Auditor adeising the amount ~n deposit in / ~~73~each bank as of July 31st,1934, together vuith a memorandt~ of securitie$ held in each case. ~ . ~96 Meetin~ of August 6th,1934 continued. .. It appears that the Wilmin~ton Star-~ewe (Page Corporation) liated ~nd paid taxes on ' a valua,tion of $21~085.00 personal pr.operty for the year 1933 of which amount $12~500.00 . ie represented as machinery., and it further appears that the ~.R.Pa~e Corporatioa is char~ed as "'Not Listed" on a valuation of $20,000.00 ma,chinery in building at #109 ~~ G~ Chestnut Street~block ~191~ for the same year: This Board is also advised that the machinery has been removed from the building at No.109 Cheatnut Street and:that the ~~ ~12,500.00 ma.chinerq liated includes all the machinery owned by the ~7.R. Page ~- Corporation and an abatement a~ :~he:e~20,000.00 valuation is therefore re9ueeted. Therefore upon motion of Drtr.. Roae; seconded by PSr. Trask, .the matter was referred to the Chairman and Tax Asaeasora for investigation and with power to aet. It appearing that the ~'irat Monday in September, the day on which the Board at meetin~ of June 18th, ordered the sale of real eatate for the unpaid 1933 taxes, is a legal holiday (Labor Day) TherefAre Mr~ Hinton moved and it was seconded by,~Hr. Hall'and \/ ~G~.~ earried~ that the said acti•on of June 18th~ is hereby recinded and-in lieu theraof the Y ~, Board herebq ordera that all real estate on which the 1933 taxes have not been paid~ ~ be sold for said unpaid taxes on the .Second 1~onday in September 1934. Upon motion of Mr. Ross, seconded by B~r. Hinton~ the matter of fixing the amount of theJ • ~G.~ items to be charged in connection with the advertising and sale of real estate for the unpaid 1933 taxes~ was referred to the Chairman~ the County Auditor and the County ~, Attorney with po~xer to act. - ' • ~ The County Auditors cash report for the month of ~uly was received and ordered filed:~ ~ ~ Upon motion of Mr. Rose, aeconded'•by Mr. Trask~ Mrs. Mary H. Cook wae released from payment of penal~y charged for not listing property in block #543 for the yeas 1933 • ~-~,0~- on account of being a non-resident; PROVIDED howev~r, the said taaces due for said year is paid within a reasonable time. _ ^^~,, A requeat of the.Board of Education th~,t the sum of ~3~300.00 be placed to the credit ~ °l~' of the sehool fund to take care of expenditures for the building fund~ maintenance of ~~~ plant and book fund for the month of qugust, was upon motion of Mr. Trask~ aeconded by 3~r. Hinton, approved. 'Wi,th.referenge to`"the recent iti'tbery ~t Jones' Park, Wr3ghtsville,Sound~ the Cha.irman./ presented a sug~estion by Mr. Luther Toon, that the County purchaee two binod hounds. \~~ to aid in the apprehensiori oP c"rimffnals. No action was taken.~ No action was taken in the matter of the purchase of typewriters•with county relief J ~~ PtBnds for the use in the relief administratfon offices, in lieu of rentfng the eame ~' Upon motion of ~r. Hinton,•seconded by Mr. Trask; the Chairman,together with any other member of the Board who would care to attend, was named to attend the Countq Covnnissioners Convention to be held in Aaheville August 14th, through the 16th,.Theiz expenses to be y ~~~~~ paid. by ,the County. • , . The mee~ng then ad,j ourned. . H ~~vY~.~l~__ / ° ,G7.erk. r . U Wilmington, N. C., August 9th~1939. ~~As advertised~ the Board met this day at 3s00 O~clock P.M.. to conaider the County~s ~% ~~'~ 1934-1935 budget a]~ti adopt the appropriation resolution. • Preaents Addison Fiee+lett Cha.irman, Geo.W.Trask, F.M.Rosa and Jae.~.Hall. Due to another engagement~ Mr. J.H.Hinton could not attend this meeting, but stopped ~~ in the offfce before the meeting was convened and after xeading a communication fPom J the Chairman of the Board of Education concerning an item of ~750.00 included in the ~- ~~ County's budget appropriations for achools, ae compensation for Mr. Ray Funderburk Superintendent of Schools~for hia services in connection with the handling of free ' text booka~ asked that he be recorded as approvin~ the appropriation. The County's 1934-1935 Bmdget Appropriatione were then adopted, and upon motion of v ~. ~r. Ross, seconded by Mr. Hall~ the following Appropriation Resolution vuas unanimous]y `~q~~j adopted, all members present voting affirmatively APPR'OPRIATION RESOLUTION 3ection 1. Be it reaolved by the Board of County Commiseionere of New Hanover County, ~ North Carolina, this 9th, da.y of,Au~ust 1934, that for expenae oY County Goverrnnent, ' '° its aeticitiea and institutions for the year ending June 30th,1935~.the amounts of.the ~ follovring s~hedules. or so much of each as may be necessary, are hereby appropriated. 3ection 2. That f or the said fiscal year there ie hereby appropriated for the "County General Fund" the followings ~ General Fund ................................... ~ 84~767.39 Section 3. That for the said fiscal year there are hereby '~ appropriated for the "Maintenance of Public Buildings and Charitiea" the followings Court House ................:.................. $ 6,637.72 ., Jail,.. .............:.:....................... 6,073.06 Charities ..................................... 5.000.00 17,710.78 Section 4. That for the said fiscal year there are hereby appropriated for the "3alary Fu3id" the follo~ving: / Sheriff~ ...:.................................. 7,540.00 C1erk Superior Court~ ......................... 6,380.U0 Register of Deeds,........ ..................... 4,930.00 Conetable~. ................................... 911.35 19,761.35 ~ M Y .1 , ,,. ' ~ , „ ; .~;~ ~ .. . BQeeting of eiugust 9th,1934, continued. Seetion 5. That for the said fi~cal year there are hereby appropriated out of the "County Home Fund" the,followingt Connty Home and Faxm~ ......................... Section 6. That for the said fiacal year there are nereby appropriated for the "Health ~'und"_ the following: ~~~ ~ 22,325.37 ~( ~ ~ Appropriation,Health Department ............... 8,342.25 Vital Statistics~ ............................. 135.00 _ ~ Indexing Vital Statiatics~ .................... ~ 100.00 Control .............................. HIoaquito 1.200.00 9,777.25 X Section 7. That for the said fiacal year there is hereby appropriated out of the "Hospital Fund" the followin~t Appropriation Jas.S'~alker Hqspital~............ 15,300.00 ~( Section S. That for~the said fiacal year there is hereby / appro~riated out of the "School Book Fund" the followingt . School Books~........... ..: ................. 10~000.00 Section 9. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby ~ i appropriated out of the "School Fund" the followingt School Maintenance ............................. 18,573.00 J . School ~ebt Servfce ........................... 15~753.50, . School Building Fund .......................... 2~683.75~ ~~ School Capital Outlay .......................... 2,000.00~, Miseellansous Appropriations .................. 1~330.00- ~ School Audit .................................. 200.00~ 4U.440.25 f Section 10: That for the said Yiacal year there are hereby '~ . apprcpriated for the "School Pension Fund" the followings~ - ~ ~ias'xate:'3otanson ................,............. 679.50 ` Miss Adelaide Mearea .......................... 524.38 Misa Kate Yaxborough,F~atate,.. `.:,........:... 25.13 - . . .: ~ , Fannie Blount~ ................................ :~522.OU ~ , •: Bessie Burnett ................................ 522.00 ~6a,:tilda Story .................................. , . . . 522.00 2,795.01 ~ ~ ° Section 11. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated for the "Road Fund" the followin~t FiTe Insurance~ ...........:................... 514.58 ~ Section 12.,That for the said fiscal year there are hereby ____..~~r" . ~~ appropriated out of the "County Bond Interest~Redemption - and Sinking Funds" the followings , •. ~ Ferry Bond Sinking Funda ~ . - ' Interest on Bonds ............................. 3,940.00 ~ ° ' Bonds Maturittg ............:................... 3~000.00 '' Coupon Expense ................................ 13.60 6,953.60 '. ' Court~House Bond Sinking Funds ' Interest on Bonds ..........:.................. 8,250.00 Bonds Maturing ................................ 10,000.00 . Coupon Expense,. ............................... 33.15 18~283.15 ' f ... . ~~f f. , County Home Bond Sinking Fnnd: .; . : Interest on Bonds,... .......................... =.9`50:"00 ' Bonds ]~aturing ................................ 2,000.00 h - Expense on Coupona~ ................:.......... 5.00 2,955.00 Road Bond Sinking Funds ~ Interest on Bonds ............................. 7~250.00 Old Coupons ..................................._ 92.50 ' Expense on Goupons~ ........................... 18.13 Box Rent~.................. ................... 4.00 7,364.63 School Bond Sinking Funds . ~ Interest on Bonds,.....:...... ................ 50~417.50 . , ~ Bonda bHaturing~ ............................... 42,000.00 ' , Old Coupons .................................... 425.00 ExPense on Coupons,............,.............. 178.54 ~ Box Rent ................................ ..... 4.00 93,025.04 -' %- ' Workhouse Bond Sinking Fund: ' . Interest on Bonds .:........................... . 1,750,00 ~ ` Bonds Idaturin ............................. ~~•• , 35.000.00 36,750.00 4 , . \ ~ Workhouse and County °ome Bond Sinking Fundt . Interest on Bonda ............................. 850.00 .. . Total .......................... , ... $389,573.40 -•~ ,~ ~'~~ p Meetin~ of t~ngust 9th~1934, continueds • ~ _ ~~~~"" ~ Upon m~ion of Mr. Roes,,seconded by Mr. Hall~ the follov~ing resolution fixlpg the L934 ~ tax rate was adopted, all membera voting affirmatively including the Chairmans ~ Be it resolved by the Board~of Couunissioners,of New Hanover County, that the follov+ing tax levies and assessments upon all taxable property for the year 1934~as provided and ~ authorized by the General and Special Acts of the Legislature,to be as followst TAX RATEs Property $0.70, Poll ~2.50 _ -SOho~1s .::......................... ~ ~ 02"~~~ ~1.50 School Pensions .:.... ............. ~.006 ~ School Books ... .................... /.022.' School Bond Fund,..... .............. ~.224' .42 ~ County Home,......... ............... .048 . General Fund .............. ......... ~.15 - .50 ~ - Special Tax ......................... ~.05---- . _ ' Health rund~ .................:...... • .023 ~ Hospital Fund~ ...................... .04 ~ ''County ~ome Bond b~und ............... .007- Court House Bond Fund ............... .05 - - ' Ferry Bond Fund ..................... .026 ' ' Hoad Bond Fund~ ..................... .03 - .08 ' 49orkhouae ~nd'_County-Home.Bond.Fund, .004 , Tota1 ......................~0.70 {~2.50 Upon motion of ~r. Hall,aeconded by ~r. Rosa, the Board gave authority to change the ~,~ location of the ditch crossing certain lota of Mrs. Elene M. Shands at Kure Beach and ~ ~ re-Ioaate said ditch in the atreet ad,joining. Upon'motion of Mr. Ross, seconded Hy ~r.Trask; the Board authorized payment of $100.00 ~y~~~ to Company I, 120th~ Infantry, account of its 1934-Z935 approprfeation. The mee^t~ing then adj ourned. r;~hrn7L. 9~~, i~.~y . . : % Clerk. ~~ Wilmington, N. C., August 33th,1934. The regular e+eekly meeting of the Board was held at 3s00 o'clock P.M. , Presents- Addison Hewlett Chairman~ Geo.W.Trask, Jas.M.Hall and J.H.Hinton. It appearing upon adviee from the County kyelfare Officer that the Salvation Army liome ~_,c~ is now caring for five children who otYierwise would be County charges, and it further {j' appears that the Home is not financially able to meet this expense~ therefore~ this Board, ~ J acting upoh the advice and recommendation of the County ~Velfare Officer and upon motioM of ~Ir. Trask, seconded by Ddr. Hinton~ granted the Salvation Army Home an appropriation .(J of ~50.00 per month, beginning with August lst~1934~ for the care-of indigent children. " The Board decided, in accordance with law, to make the following chargea for the county ~'C1~~ proportion, in connection with the sale of real estata for the 1933 unpaid taxess ~ For Property outsid'e For Property in ~ ~/ ~ Wilmington Township. Wilmington Townahip. ~ ~ u Ac~vertising (each piece) $0.20 1/2 or $0.10 ~~~~u~+,""~ For serving notice . .60 1/2 or .30 Sales Certificate . .50 .50 ~ Entering Certificate .25 .25 ' ~ Total .............. $1.55 ~1.15 Upon motion of I~Ir. xinton, seconded by 1~r. Traek, the following resolution was adopted,~, . , ~ Jv~' by the Boards ~ , INHEREAS funds are remitted to The Manufabturers Trust Company, New York and to Baker .•_ VJatts and Company, Baltimore for the payment of bonds and coupons maturing January lst,~/ _ and~~uly lst, each year, and __ -.~ VPHEREAS funds are placed with the Wilmington Savings and 'lrust Company for the apecial ~ `.~ purpose of paying bonds and coupons ma.turing on said dates, and WF~REAS no securitiea can be obtained for suqh funds; Now Therefore Be It - RFSOLVED, That the placing of such funds with the said banks for the purpose mentioned ~ without obtaining securitiea therefor is approaed. ~~ Upon motion oT Mr. Hinton~ seconded by P~r. Y'rask~ the Board approved the payment of hQlf•. cost of the follow`in~g ite~s incurred by the Employment Bureau fox the month of 7ulyt ~ ~~~~. , ~ °~ James B'ook Store ~3.35 I3alf $1.68 Underivood Elliott Fisher Co., 3.00 "• 1.50 ~~thern Bell Telephone Co., 9.39 " 4.70 Aestern Union Tele~raph Company, 5.86 ~` 2.93 Total authorized ................. $10.81 _ ~~ti\\`~ Upon motion, duly seconded, county bills Nos.306 to 337 were approved for payment. ~ A request to rent space on county property to erect a sign was deelined for the reason ~ ~~ that the Commiasionere do not care to mar the natural beauty of ita driveways by ha.ving signs erected on its property. ~~Upon motion~ duly seconded, the Chairman was authorized to sign an endoraement fox the ~,t,y`~ ~5aryland Casualty Company to be attached.to Ferry Compensati.on policy #01-006777 to the ~ J' effect that said policy shall not cover any relief workers or pereons workin~ on relief~ projectg. ~~~ ~eeting of August 13th;1934, continued. Upon motion of Bs. Hall, seconded by Mr.. Trask, Mre. Charlotte H.B.Smith of Philadelphia ~ was released from payment of penalty for not listing lot #21~ fn block #527 for the /~~~ year 1933, on account of being a non-residen.t. ~ ~ Upon motion of ~r. Ha1T~ eeconded By Mr. Hinton, the Board authorized the payment<of ~n~~~id" ~5.54 to,the E9tate of T.B.Cox, the same being the prorata part of county eupplenent ~' due ~r. Cox a Confederate pensioner at the time of his death July 17th,1934.. Upon motion of ~r. Trask, seconded by Mr. Aall, the Board authorized the payment of ~~1.60 to the Camera Shop for four photographs of the Court Houae and Annex, same to be / used in a booklet of the County sponsored by the Wilmington Stamp & Printing Company . and the V7ilmington Ck~amber of Commerce. , , Upon motion of bir. Hinton, seconded by I~6r. Trask~ the Cha.irma.n v~as asked to appoint ~-~,/ a covmiittee to confer with a like committee of the City G.ouQni"ssion~r•s. with reference // .~ -~00" to filing application with the proper authoritiea for a reduction of the light and power rates for this co~unity. . ~ ~~ The Chairman named Mr. Hinton and Mr. Ha11 and the County Attorney,to aerve on this '~ Con~nittee. =- The mee g then ad,journed. . ,'~ , !/~ )l. ~i ~~ ~7erk. ; -- Wilmington,N.C., August 20th,1934. . , ._ The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held at 3:00 o'clock P.M. ~ . , Present.:~Addieon Hewlett Chairman~ Geo.W.Trask,F.M.Ross and J.H.Hinton. Upon motlon of Nr. Hinton, seconded by Mr. Trask, the action of the Board at meetin~ ~ ~'c~`}- of August 13th~1934, fixing the cha.rges of the County's proportion in connection with the sale of real estate for the 1933 unpaid taxes was recinded and in:lieu thereof the ~/ following diatribution of charges were unanimously adopted by the Boards ' For Property Outside For Prdpert~ in ~ ~Pilmington Township. ~Yilmington Towr-ship. Advertising (each piece) .............. ~0.20 ~$0.10 Making up Advertising list,.........,.. .05 .02~ - • Sales Certificate,. ............. .... ..50 .50 • : Entering Certificate~ .. .............. .25 .12~2 Total~ ..................$~1.00 .75~E /~~, Due to the serious iliness of ~r. George Harriss, Recorder, the Board, upon motion of ~~-'C.ei Mr. Ross,.seconded by Mr. Trask, authorized and directed,the payment of hia salary as '~' .,. Recorder, to Fdrs. Eu~enia Harrias Agent, his wife. . Requests to separate the asaessments on the property of: W.H.T~cEachern,block ~12~6 _ ~~j;y ana The Jocelyn Company; block #59 in order to clear up indebtedneas etc., was upon ~ '~i4 motion, duly seconded, referred to the Chairman with power to act. i~ . Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Hinton, Mr.W.B.Register of V9ilmington ~ ~~ township was granted an abatement of taxea on a valuation of $250.00 ~lated and Silver ,/' ~~tyi ware listed in er~or for the year 1933, for which no exemption was allowed by the " Tax I,ieter as provided by law. , A request of Mrs. Rebecca S. Yopp for a reduction o£ the assessment on five'room house ~~ X located on ~ot #8, block ~47~ Carelina Beach was referred to the Chairman with povrer ~ to act. _ x- . ~ v ~~ / Bids for repairing the building at Oak Grove Cemetery were submitted by G.H.Cook and ,.~-~" YJ,D.Colwell at $I39.00 'and ~175.50 respectively. Upon motion of Mr. Hinton,seconded <by ~~' ~~~Mr. Traak,~b~th bids were re~ected. /~{~Sp A report of Jae.Walker Hospital for the month of July was received and ordered filed / .~ ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ The Board actfng upon an order of the Court and upon motion of Mr. Rosa, seconded by • ~r. Trask, authori2ed and dixected the payment of the following itemss • I,~~~~ Cape Fear Hotel: Lodging furnished jurors in the case of Svenson-vs- Gasrison„ May ~_ p Term Superior Court 1933., $21.80; Dixie Cafes Ideala furnished ,jurors in cases of ' Svenson -v~- Gaxrison, PHay Term Superior Court 1933, ~9.80;~ Wilmington Furniture Co., -vs- Cole ~10.80; Tide Water Power Company -vs- State of North Carolina April Tetrm 1933 . $6.75, total $49.15. ._- The County 'alelfare Officer having investigated the request ~or sid for Mrs.Mary Guy residing with the family of I~r. ~ohn E. Hines, Seagate, recommended that she be placed ~ ~~~~~` on the Out Door Poor liet; therefore, the Board acting upon the foregoing recommen~tion . and upon motion of I~r. Trask, seconded by Mr. Hinton, ~rante~ ~Qrs. Guy, and a,~edci indigent citizen, an allowance of ~3.00 per month as o£ August lst,1934, to be char~ed~ against the 6ut Door Poor,Fmnd. Upon motion~ duly seconded ~1s~..:....~.~ag bills ~Nos: 337 to 370 inclusive were approced for+ - ~~~„d payment. ~ , ~ The matter of asking for bids to audit the county officers for year ending June 30th,1934, ,,/~- was postponed to a subsequent meeting. ~ ' Upon motion, duly seconded, Mrs. Mrs.F.C.Stevenson of Jacksonville, Fla., Hwnphrey BTOS.~ ~a~ Burgaw,N.Q., and Geo.D.Norc~,Red Bank~N.J.,were released from payment of penalty for not ~,,,~ ~ listing ~charged against.property in VJilmington,Federal Point and Masonboro townships reapectively for the years1933, on account of bein~ non-residents. • ~_ 300 , ~ Meeting oi',~ugust 20th~ 1934, continued. ~ ~"' The followi ng good and lawful men~were drawn to serve as ~urors in the Superior Court ~ f or the trial of t Criminal Qasea for week beginning September lOth,1934t - A.I,:Carter. G.G.Beclanan. H.H.Spencer. R.R.Wi111ams. E.Parham. E.F:Thompson. A,B.Stallworth.H,W,Ddiller. Jno.IuicDougald. F.H.Orrell. R.B.I,ong. E.F.Pierce.~ J.B.Smith. J.W,b'.Wooten .Jno.S.Mc~achern. G.J.Smithson. B.I~.HiZl. S.J.Ellis. J.Q.Ruesell. W.E.Downing. H.T.Dtils.Jr., H.C.Knowles,Jr.J.J.Thomas. I.L:Todd. F.I,,Glover. S.A.Haynes. S.R.Bryant. M.Brt.Whit.e. S.D.S.kipper. ~.L.W.King. Percy Tartt. R.A.Casteen. F.L.Myers. • G.T.Swain. W.B2Klander. H.J.Everett. For the trial of Civi1 Cases,week be~inning Septembex 17th,1934s L.C.LeGwin. A.T.Aarriss. Albert Russ. E.E.Purefoy. J.L.Norman. J.A.Carter.,l J.J.Watters. Louia Hanson.Robert Tate. •E.W,Peterson.~ 'vV.Z.Batson. L.G.Spooner. T.B.Rabon. E.J.Toomer. n.H.Saunders. R.T.Bisaenger. R.E.~.rthur. Joe. Tilley. E.H.S chulken. W.P.Burkhimer. ~.V.Bennett. V7.B.Cole. • Jno.W.Murchison. A.P.Russ. ~7 ~ Clerk. Wilmington,N.C., August 27th,1934. The regular wee ly meeting of the Board was held this day at 3i00 o'clock P,M. The me ting then adjourned. l, a ~' Presents Addison Hev+lett Chairman~.Geo.W.Trask, Jaa.~d.Ha11 and J.H.Hinton. ~ Upon motion of I~r. Hinton, seconded by ~dr. Hall, Mrs. Masy W. Cowan was released from ~(G~ ~ payment of penalty for not losting lot ~70 Oleander for the year.1933, account of being / \ a non-resident. ~ - The Board acting upon authority contained in the ,judgment of the,Recorders Court, and upon motion of Ddr. Hil~ton,seconded by i~r. Hall, gave autlzority to hire out~wi~h,out"CO~t~ ~ _D, J.I,.B~owning to his wife for the support of hia wife and nine children~ Biowning waa \ aenteneed Brtay 7th,1934, to serve nine months on the County Farm for violating the 1 ~~~~' prohibition laws and privilege given the Commiesioners to hire out after haping served ~ r foux months of the said sentence. .~ Upon motion of I~r. Hall, seconded ~y L~r. Trask, Joseph Fr.anklin Justice 77 years.of age ~ ' , .,p~ having been investigated by the assistant Health Officer and recommended by the Welfare ~ ~ ~'° Officer~ was admitted to th/fl'ounty xome as an i~te. \ / seconded by 1~r. Hall, the Welfara Officer was authorized to~3 Upon motion of Mr. uintori~ take Edward ~dintz nine year old deaf and dwnb youth to the State school for the deaf and , ` ~~ dumb at Morganton~ N.C. .... / Y~ilmington, N. C., 3eptember 4th,1934. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held at 3:00 o~clock. P.M. Presents Ad@ison Hewlett Chairman~ Geo.w.Trask, F.~.Rose, Jae.~4.FIa11 and J.H.Hinton. The Board aoting upon the•authority contained in the Jud~nent of the Aecorders Court1s• ~• May 4th,1934~ and npon motion. of Mr. Trask~ seconded bp Mr. Ross~ hired out Zinwaod / -~~''~VPalker and Albert Lewis for the balance of their terms on the County Faxm. The cost~~ ~ of the Court amountin~ to ~10.65 in each case to be held against them and to be paid , within a reasonable time after their release. ' . Upon motion, duly aeconded~ Jamea Riley, colored citizen, having been investigated ~ '~_.o/ by the Colored Welfare Plorker and reco~ended by the County Welfare Officer~ was . ~"~ admitted to the County Home as an inmate. ~ The Welfare Officer advised the Board that Sam and Bert Re~ister~ Idew Hanover County ,juveniles, have been diecharged from the Eastern Carolina Training School at Rockq) ~`'~Mount.without having a home or place to retuTn to. and are county char~es, but ,,,/ ~(Y'T arran~ements could be made to have Mrs. T.H.Fiolmea, their aunt, reaiding at.Mount \, ~ Olive~ N.C., care f or them at a cost of $10.00 per month and recommended tYiat this -.~ be done. Upon motion of Mr. Hinton~ seconded by B6r. Traek, the reco~endation of the Welfare Officer was adopted and it was aut~orized and directed that tha s~a of $10.00 per month be paid to Mrs. T.H.Holmee for ~he care of the two youths,fo~ peiiod from September lst~1934 to Augvst 31~t,1~~5. n.~ A request of the Board of Education that the swm of ~2~870.00 be placed to their ~~'4 credit to ta.ke care o£ the building ~und~ maintenance of plant and vocational fund _ for the month of Septamber, was upo~~motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Ha11, granted. , ~~ ,~ A request of the Mpore-Fonvielle Realty Gompany to be released from payment of the /~ ~ .~ Q~~ personal property tax due by A.J.Parker charged against lot #14 Ardmore, on aceount oY having to take the same parker having no equity in the same , was held over for real eatate in block G, / ovex by foreclosure and J : further~inveatigatien. ~ . .. . .. 30 ~_ . , , B~eeting of September 4th~1934, continued. y _ _ Upon motion of Mr. Hinton~ seconded by Mr. Hall, Mrs. Gladys Rollina of High Point, v _ ",/ l~ ~T.C., was released from payment of penalty for not l~stiag part of Farm #59,Wintex Park for the year I933, on account of being a non-resident. I IIpon motion of Mr. Hinton, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Board authorized and directed i~~1~^`~ the payment of half of the 1934_Z935 appropriation provided for the milit8ry . organizations. ~'~, ,~,/ Upon motion of A4r. Roas~ seconded by ~r. Aals~ the Board authorized the purchase of / ~ ~ "'"' four paire of handcuffs at ~8.50 per pair,for the Sheriff. IIpon motion of L~r. Roas, seconded by ~r. Hall~ the contract to audit the records and accounts of all county officere for fiacal year ending June 30th,1934, was avearded to LSr. Edward C. Craft, G.P.A., at a cost to the county of ~700.OO,and in ~ ~ J~~;~~ additiori thereto and after ~ecember lst,1934, to audit the reeords atid accounta of the Clerk of Superior Court for five months period, July let~1934 to November 30th,1934~ at a cost to the county of ~20.00 per day not to exceed ~100.00. ,' The above does not include the Tax Collectors' books and recorda, which is to be • done under separate contract, it being a~oint City-County propoaition. , , , ~; .~ Upon motion of Mr. FIall~ seconded by Mr. Trask, Mr. O.W.Watters, supervising ~ ~~ foreman of the men on relief pro~ect repairing County Home building, was allowed 80¢ per honr for thirteen hours for his services~' payment to be made by the county ,; ' and charged to local relief. q~~~ ~Tpon motion, duly seeonded~ county bille ~Tos. 371 to 532 inclusive were approved~ /b p~SY.~ for payment. , Upon motion,~duly~secanded, the Board acting upon a ruling of the County Attorney, authorized the pay~tent of salary due the lats George Harriss as Recorder,,for ~ ~ period from August lst, to 21st, to Mra. Eugenia W. Harrias~ Executrix= and the payment of salary for three days~'Angust 28th,30th, and 31st~ to Geo. L..Peschau, -~ Recorder appointed by the Governor to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of , 1dr. Aarrisa. . ~ The mee ng then ad,~ourned. ~ h ~C ~, . , - //" Clerk. (/ .~ Wilmington, N. C.. Septemtier lOth,.1934. . The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 3300 o'clock P.M. ~ Preaentt Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.W.Trask and J.H.Hinton. IIpon motion of 1~dr. Hinton~ seconded by L~r. Trask~ Mr. I.V.Peteraon of Cape Fear ~~r~"~ ,~ --~~ townehip wae granted an abatement of poll taxes charged in the real.eatate tax ~{/` q - ,.~- books for the year 1933, on aceount of poll tax also charg~ed-together with perso~ia7. _. • property in the persona,l pook and the same paid for the year 1933,( ' , ~ , .' , .,~1 1, ~ ~ ' h ~ i n Upon motion of Mr. Hinton, seconded by Mr. Trask, the Board approved the payment of ~ ;~ v~ P • Total value of buildings ........ ..................~412,041:7R Total value of contents and furniture in buildinga,. 35:000,00 . ~447~U41.77 Less lOJ co-insurance,............. , ...... 44.704.17 Graxid Tota1~ .........................~4U2~337.60 half cost of the folTowing office expexises of the National Re-employment Officeo ~ James Book & Stationery~Store,........~ 2.40 County~s paxt~....$ 1.20 ' IInderv+ood Elliott Fisher Compar~q,..... 3.00 1.50 /~ Southern Bell Telephone Company~...... 9.80 4.90 Western Union Telegraph Company,...... 3.69 1.84 ~I'$~ 89 ~ 9. 44 • A schedule of va.lues of county owned bui~ld3nga prepared by ~dr. V1. A. Simon,contractor, by authority oY the Co~iesioners~,at the request of the North Caro~ina Ynspeetion and Rating Bureau, for the purpose of promulgating an average insurance rate to cover / ~~~`~'~`the said buildfngs~ was presented and upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr.Hinton, - was ado ted as Pollowsi ~ ~. Upon motion of Mr. Hinton~ seconded by Il4r. Trask, the Board approved the payment of ~`~{~^~ $12.85 charity rate transportation for ~dward DGintz to the State Sahool at Morganton~N.C. ~/ •~~ Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Hinton, the Board approved and authorized .v ~~~ rEpairs to tmo small bridges on the road~leadin~ from State highway to the Myrtle Grove ~ -ealox~d school. The Board acting upon the recommendation of the Sheriff,and upon motion of Mr. Trask, ~ .~ seconded by Mr. Hinton, authorized and directed the payment to P~r.I,ouie Angel, for .~-, five days services as s~ecial officer from September 4th,through the 9th, at the rate of $10.. per week. This time was made in addition to that allowed by'the Commissionere at meeting of 3une 25th~1934. , v.t~o S v --Y Q~~, ~ }~,~ [~ A co~unication wae received from the County Auditor informing the commissioners the amou~j.~ on deposit in each bank as of August 31st,1934~ together with a momorandiun of aecuritiea held in each case. The County Auditors cesh report for August was received and ordered filed.~ Upon motion, duly seconded, county bills Nos. 533 to 586 auere approved for payment. The meeting then adjourned. ` C/y/ cn 7<. ~~~'' ~/1 ' • C18~is. ~ ~U~ ' Wilmington~ N.C., September 17th,1934. ~ The Board met in regular weekly aeasion this day at 3s00 o'olock P.~. , Presents ~Iddison Hewlett Chairman, Geo. V9. Traek, Jas.M.Aall and J.H.Hinton. The Commissionera having found that the Egtate of C.T.Ediller has no equity in lot No. 2~~ bolck No. G,Ardmore~ and upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded.by B~r.Trask, ~fG~ separated the real and personal taxes due on same for the year 1932 and 1933and ~ ~/ granted the Peoples Building & Zoan Aseociation privilege to pay the real eetate tax due on said lot far ttie years 1932 and 1933, on account of having to take the said lot over for non-payment of obligation due. The Clerkr~was instructed to file a elaim with the Administrator of the est~te for the personal tax. ~~?ij A report of Ladies Reat Room for the month of August was received and ordered filed.J ~, . itpon motion of Ddr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Hinton~ Thos.K.Woody was.granted a v~acation~/ `~~~~~ for ten working daya be~inning September 19th,1934. . Judgment having been secured by Nathan Cole fox $87.70 back taxes due New Hanover ~, County by Jas. H. Morsa and wife on lots 23 and 24 Carolina Place, for the year 1924~ `, Q~~ and the said ,judgment 2~aving been paid in full to the Count3*, 2:uditor, on April 28th~. ~ / 1928, the,Board, therefore, upon motion of Mr. Traek~ seconded by Il~r. Hinton~ authorized and directed that the ,ju$gment be cancelled on the recorda in the office of the Clerk oY Superior Court. ~ Upon motion of ~r. Hall, seconded b~ Mr. Hinton,.the Board aeting upon the investigaifon ~ , and reco~andation of the Secretary of Associated Charities~ Mra. L.O.ElYis, authorized Cs~°'~ the paqmersC of expense for mainteaarice and treatment of William Goldett of 2do.112 Yi'ooster Street, ~L the State Sanatoritan for tuberculosis, for a period of six months from date oP admiasion. ~ , Requeets to cmnpromiae the accumulation of baok taxes due against the propazty oP,. ~/~~~ Mary E. Prease, 51 Acres Black Swamp,~ and Jas. PigfQrd~ 15 acres Moore and 5cott, y~ both Cape Fear township~ and ~dra. H. M, Biahop, b~ock No.186, Wilmington township, was upon motion of ~r. Hinton, referr~d~~to a covmiittee of the Board for investigation. , ~ With referenee.to the trouble the County~has experienced in the paet with boiler ~'~~~-sections at the County nome cracking, the Commiesioners will look into this with the ~ view of correcting thia trouble. Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Hall, She Board approoed the payment oE. a bill for ffi70;20 to the State Highway and Public Glorks Commission for caring fo -~ C~-~- thirteen prisoners eighteen days at 30~ per prisoner per day. This due to the conges~ion of the~~ail durin~ the.period of receas in Recordera Cour~ penfling ~ the appointment of a Recorder by the Governor to fill the ~acancy occasioned by the death of George` Aarriss, the Recorder. The Board finding d:t necessary to employ extra Sherif~s' Deputies to preserve order ~ e / at Spofford Mills by reason•of the strike situation~ agreed upon motion of Mr. Hinton./ ~~,9~/ seconded by I~r. Trask,.to allow the eix deputies on duty there. pay~for their ~ earvices ~t the rate of ~3.00 per night. and alsa for their sereicee to be rer-dered during the vugek ending September 22nd,1934. The Sheriff wss instructsd to dispenee with their services as somn as possible. - Upon motion of Mr. Hinton~ seeonded by 1~Gr. Trask, the Chairman was authorized t go \~ ~to Raleigh and take up with the proper authoritiee the matter of extending the ~~" -Y ` airport pro,ject by lengthening the runways over recently ac9uired land purchased by' ?he County for that purpose. , ,~~~ Upon motion of Bdr. Trask, the Board approved the payment of $~19.60 to Mr. O.W.Waters ~.. ~ ~ for 44 houra services supervising work on county barn at 40~ per hour. ~~~ Upon motion,~duly seconded~ county billa Nos. 533 to~617 were approved ~or paymettt.~ . ~ A bill for $50.00 attorneya fees due Thompson & VPilson, Attorneys at Elizabeth City, ~- ~ for their aervices in connection with sale of the ferryboat Menantia to Geo.Q.Dodg, of Eli2abeth City~ was recommended and approved for payment. ~ ` , ~ The meeting then ad~o~3rned. . ; ~ 7!. S~~ Ei~~~ `:r. . ..~ r. ~~ ~ b , / . ~ ~.r w ~ . . M µ I ~o ~ Wilmington~ IJ. II:. September 24th~1934. , The regular waekly meeting oY the Board was held at 3:00 o'olock P.M. . ' Presents l~ddison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.W.Traek~ F.~H.Ross, Jas.M.Aall and J.H.Hinton. ,. Upon motion, I~rs. Sarah H. Linderman of New York City was released from paymertt of ' ~`~ ~ penalty.for not listing lot ~2, block ~18~ Carol3na Beach,for the year 1933, on ~ • ~'' '~ aceount of being a non-reeidetit. ~ Upon motion, the Board authorized the purchase of school books to the amount of ~ .~ . f~ ~~ $2.40 for Sam and Bert Regiater~ New Hanover County charges who are being cared V s~ , •,i,..s for by Mrs. T.H.Holmes at Mount Olive,N.C., -,~ . Mr. P.R.Montiord and i~GrH and Mrs. A.Ludeke came before the Board requeating that 1 the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Education work out some plan to provide ~..~~~~~i ~~ competent drivers for school buses. Mr. H.A.I~ynch and Pdr. L.T.Landen of the Board ~ n wa made in the i d th i t no prov s o s a of Education were also present. Mr. Lyneh state t , budget for ma,intenance of buildings at Rural Schools, but he had agreed to '.~ supplement to the extent oY ~15.00 per month, which togetheT with State allowance ~ of ~7.50 would make a total of only ~22.50. The matter w as lef~ with the Sbard of ~ ~ Education t o work out and submit a definite requeat Yor such amount as they wish ~~ ' added to the allovrance for rpaintenance of plant. ~ ~,~~Q~ Opon motion oP Mr. Ross, the purchase of 700 feet of,24 inch pipe for the Airport,/ ~ "~~u ! extension draina~e~ was authorized. S. ~ ' The Chairman was authorized to have plans and specificationa prepared for a . ~ ~ , /~~~ new building at the County nome for a central heating plant. also~l'or changea /~ , in locatfon of boiler, pipes~etc.~ of the present heating syatem. ~ .." ~ . .,~ s ,~ . . , ~r;, J Bills for $282.00 for servieea of apecial officers at Spofford-Mills~ account~t' `~ the etrike eituation, was approved for payment in addition to a previoue payment V of $24.00. ~ ~ ~~(r,~ Upon motion, Mrs. Mildred N. Bear was released from pay~tent of penalty for not ~' lU) liating her property in VPilmington townehip for the year 1932. . The Chairman was authoriz~ed to eurite a letter to Mrs. Thomas 0'Berry, callirig~ ~ attention to the faat that there is no tobacco or,cotton grown in this county `/ and that the need for help in the rural county was not relieved thereby and to ~. requeat h.er to carefully consider thia before cutt'ing off relief to thie class of ~ citizena. • ' 1'~" Application of 3~Irs. B.B.Tucker for lieense to aell beer at Carolina Beach:and Harbor ~ ~~~~ Island, wa$ approved. '~~~ Requeet of a reduction of the assesement on the cold storage plant block # 233 ~ wa,s takan under consideration. r~' s~7 Report of Jas.Walker hospital 3'or the month oi~ Fiugust was received and ordered filed/ . r `~ v~ f - `'~ Upon motion dul seconded the Board a , y ,, pproved the payment of ~37.50 court fees to //. , the Clerk of Superior Court, $6~00~ to k'.C.Ulmer for servicea in secuxing levele aty% C\ County Hume for 9entral heatfng plant and ~$18.00 to O.P7.~~7atts for work on barn at J nY„~+'~the Cou~ity t'ome. V~",~/ , ~'~`~ The meetirig then adjourned. , . . .. ~l~ir ~e.9~'ivr.l_ • // Clerk. . f~ Wilmington,N.C., OctobeT lst,1934. ~,. ~ i~~ x The regular weekly meetir~g of the.Board was held at 3s00 P.9d. . Presents Addison He~vlett Chairman~ Geo.W.Traslc, F.M.Ross,Tas.Il~.Hall and J.H.Hinton, and County Attorney Marsden Bellamy. ' ,~ This being the date on whicHe. ~he "settlement of the 1933 tax collectiona ia to be 1Slade by tne Consolidated City-County Tax ~@llectmr~ City Coimmisaionera Walter H. Blair, Mayor~ V~. V~+: youis Fisher Commissioner of Finance and J.E.I,.GPade Cor~issioner of Public ~Yorks, v~ere present and a joint meeting of the two Boards was.called'.to order by Addison Hewlett,Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners, presiding. I~r.C.R.Morse Tax Collector then presented the following atatement of settleme.nt of the 1933 tax collections whieh was upon motion of' Mr. Hinton, seconded by Mr.Fisher received subject to check by the County Auditor and Ci.ty Copnnissioner of Finance: " STAT~NT OF 1833 COUNTY TAJ~S I,ieted as per abstraet. Real Estate ............................~$420,488.05 Personal 48,698.04 Corporate Excess 28,829.61 ~ .75 ~373,528:54 Polls 447q @ ~~25 . . 14,950.00. Doga 1~486.00 . Hugh ~da.cRae . . 37.13 ~ , ~390~001.67. Less Abatements . . . . 342.34 yp389,659.33 . Liated and Collected by Tax Collector 931.27 Not Listed Collected ................. 1,213.32 95 55 Held by County Collected ............. . Held by County, Mr.Orrell & Benson,.. , 16.20 Not Listed Sold~ ..................... , 3,545.08 Advertising Cost,Gvllected...........,.. 95.85 36 814 1 Penalty Collected~ ................... . . ~397~331.36 ~o~ .~ Meeting of October lst,1934, continued. Dr..$397.331.36 G`T. ~ ' Inaolvents,..............$ 2,299.32 ~. Polls~ ................... 5,040.1Ib " Doga ...................... 285.00 $ 7,625.07 ' ~ , Sold for Taxes ..........:.......... 92~502.34 Not Listed Sold .................... 3~545.08 - Discounts .......................... 439.81 Prepayments~ ....................... 41,017.61 ' ' Paid to County Auditor ............. 252,394.55 ~ . ' $397, 524.46 ,1 ~; : Over ............................... 193.10 ~397.331.36 ~ ~ 1 " (City short.,$184.33-do£ference $8.77) • ~ ' ~ COMPARISON 1932-and -1933 ~TAX COL3,ECTIOA~S PREPARED BY ~ ,, • T HE COUNTY AUDITOR ' ~ - 1932 1933 ~ Insolvents~........... 01.52 01.92 ' ~• Sold ................:. 23.68 23.28 : Not I,isted Sold,...... 00.80 00.89 .- ~ Discounts ............. 00.30 OQ.34 f: Prepaid ............... 08.24 10.09 Collectors Commissions 01.63 01.59 , '. Collections,.....:..:. 63.83 61.89 lOQ.00 100.00 ' The 193~4 tax books books prep~.red by the County Auditor were then presented to the ~ two Boards aomplete with the exception of._the insertion of the amounts of corporate ~ . ~Gy excess due by corporationa and not yet received from the State Corporation ~~ Commiasion. The same was accepted and upon motion of Mr. Fieher, aeconded by Mr.Ross, / ordered turned over to Mr. C.R.Morae Tax Collector for collection~ all members of the '. two Boards voting affirmatively. Upon motion of. Mr. Trask, seconded by I~r. Fisher, the Board ordered that all tax - payers who have failed to list their property and are eharged'with a penalty for ,/ ~\~~ failing to list such property and who comes foruvard and settle trieir taxes on or r 1 ~ before December 15th,1934, shall be allowed to pay the amount of their taxes with- out the penalty. ` Upon motion of Mr. Ross, a~committee of the Chairman, I~r. Fisher~ County Attorney ~ cQ`tDdarsden Bellamy and City Attorney J.J.Burner,appo~nted to~confer~with the County's~Y • C~ 1935 Legislators with the vieve of securing passage of a law pro~riding for the \~ aettlement and compromising old back taxes. ~ The matter oY deducting the salaries of the.Deputy Clerk of Recorders Court and his assistant from the cost of Recorders Court in arriving at the proP3ts o~r losa in the J (~ operation of the same, ~n"connection with:An'y settlement that ma,y be due the City of ~ ~~ Wilmington,as provided by law,for year ending June 30~1934, was upon motion of Mr. Roes, seconded by ~r. Blair, referred to the Chairman,, the County Auditor and County Attorney with po~er to act. ~ ~ C~ City Commiasioner of Finance W.I,ouis Fisher took the•occasion to suggest periodiCal~y ,joint meetings of.the two governing Bodies to discuss mutual Goverrmient affairs. ~~ ~ _ • ~~~~ The following busittess was then transacted by the County Commissioners; „ P/Upon recommendation of the County welfare Officer, payments to Mrs. Edna Kellum~ ~~IT'~ on account of Mothere' Aid were ordered discontinued as of September lst,1934. ~ Upon motion, duly seconded, the ~lelfare Offieer was granted transportation expense~ ~~for taking William Downes to Stonewall Jackson Training School. ~ L ~/ Upon motion, duly aeconded, a request of the Board of Education that $2,000,00 V ~~ V' be placed to the credit of the achool fund for maintenance of plant and ~70.00 ~ for vocational fund for the month of October, was granted. ~~~.oQh Upon motion~ duly seconded, county bi11s Nos.618 to 741•were approved f'or payment.~ ~~ G«~- I The fol~owin~ good and lawful men were drawn to serve ae jurors itt the Superior Court `/~~~ f or the trial of Civil Cases for two weeks beginning October 15th,1934s -., ~ ~` ~or the first week beginning October 15th~1934t , R.W.Musselwhite. I .I,. Padr i ck. H.R.Savage. J.S.Albright. Righton Brown. L.I,Lassiter. S.R.Teachey. Ernest C. Thomas. L. H. Lewis. Wesley Aenry. A. C. Divine. B.T.Bryan~Jr., I. J. King~ Jr., Dawson F. Barnes. Robt.L.Campbell. Paul Bergan. L.T.Rogers. ~ J.R.Melton. For the'second week beginning October 22nd,1934s Cha.s. H. Kean. O.P.Stuckey. Samuel Ruben,Jr.~ D.G.Ke11y, w.T.~dercer. C.D.Wesaell. Alvin Kennemore. W,T.Lockamy. B.F.Penny. H.I..Seydel. A.L.Richarda. L.N.Johnson. G.VP.Robinson. P.A.King. Chas. W. Yates. r'.L.Mintz. W.D,Bel7.. '~.C.Vick. The meeting then adjourned. ~oi9l_QGy~ Clerk. Joe Eiden. Earlie Yow. Claude Harker. A.F.~Valton. Walter H. Barnes. G.L.Gore. J.D.Horne. Robert B. Webb~ I.J.Sutton. A.H.Thomas. Isaac Hardison. E.C.Ruark,Jr. ~ , . Lq ~ ~ ~~~ , • , _ Wilmington,N.C.,~^~~October Bth~1934. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held at 3t00 o'clock P, M. " ~ Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo VT. Trask and Jas. M. Hall. / ! / Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mx. Hall, ~r. Henry L. Taylor,Truatee, wae ~t~''~P~ granted an abatement of taxea on a valuation of $450.00 for the year 1934 on house f'ormerly located on the west middle part of lot~~3 part 4, block 272 deatroyed prior to April lst,1934. ~ Upon motion of ~r. Ha.ll, seconded by D~r. Trask~ The R.W,Page Corporation was granted ~ ~ an abatement of taxea on a valuation of ~209000.00 ma,chine~y located in t~eii .~:-' / '~ ~ I~ Chestnut"Street buiTding and'charged a§-not l~sted•for the year 1933 and the same ~ ordered cancelled on the asaessment records, for the reason that the said machinery ~~ ~ had been discarded and the most of it removed from the building,and ha.ving listed machinery owned se of April ist,1933 at $12,500.00 under the na;me of The V7ilmington- ~, Star-niews. The Tax Assess~ were instructed.to check the machinery for new assessment April lst,1935. , ~The Board acting upon the recormnendation.of the Tax Assessors,.and upo3~ motion of "~ 34r. Hall, seconded by Mr. Trask~ reduced the assessment of ~4,000.00 on house ~ / / ; . ~( ~x located on the west middle part of lot #1 and 2, block #127 nov~ owned by A.B.Mintz, / , ~ to $2,500.00 for the years 1929 to 1934 inclusive; for the reason that this building, \ having been vacant for several years, its dilapidated condition was-not disclosed : until recent examination by the Tax Assessors, which condition has existed since 1929 ~ or possibly longer. , It appearing that the County has a judgment against Mr. W.H.Biddle for taxes due on the northwest part of lot ~1, in block #63, and in order to,clear the recoxds ~ x of his property in block #76 to ena.ble him to secure a loan through the Home Owners ,~ IG I,oan Corporation, it was, upon motion, duly seconded, ordered; that the lien of ~! said ,judgment is hereby released and discharged against the land described and ~ conveyed in the deed of trust from W.H.Biddle to C.S.Noble Truatee for the Home ' Owners I,oan Corporation bearing date of September 26th,1934~ recorded September 26, 1934 to v+hich deed of trust reference is hereby made for a discription of the land " released. ~ • Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr: Ha11, a bid of Cement Products Company ' ~ to furnish seven hundred tvrenty-four inch reinforc~d concrete pipe fob County to be used for drainage at the ' i~y 45 net er foot V~"w~trucks at their factor at ~1 ~, _ p , . y - Airport extension~ was upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by DGr. Hall, accepted. , ,, Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Idr. Hall, the Board approved the payment of ~j~ ~ ~ h~lf of $17.66 for the follo~ving office expense of the re-employment bureau for the ~+~'~ ~ month of September: Underwood Elliott Fisher Co., $3.00 ~ Southern Bell Tel.ephone Co.~ 11.00 ,/ VPestern Union Telegraph Co., 2.16 r Postal Telegraph Co., I.50 ~17.66 , Upon motion of A;r. Trask, aeconded by Mr. Hall, the Board approved the payment of ~ ~212.50 to H.'vV.Wells Agent, County's part bond premiums due on bonds of C.R.Morse, V J~~ ~ Tax Col~ector and~J.M.Davis and L,AI,Maseey, clerks in the Tax Collectors off ice. Upon motion of T~Gr. Hall, se~.onded by Mr. Trask, the~Board direeted that an.ad / ~~~ ' l ~, a central heating advertisement be inserted asking for bids for the installation of , ~ , "'t~,BMa'- plant at the County ~ome to be opened at meeting to be held at 3s00 P.I~., Monday ~. October 15th,1934. ~ ~~n D~, Upon motion of Mr. Hall, aeconded by Mr. Trask, county bills Nos.803 to 670 were approved for payment. / Action on the requeet of the Tide '~'ater Power Company for a refund of taxes on Old / /qYp,~/ Oceanic site at Wri$htsville Beach aceount of wave erosion, is atill pending with the ~ Board. - r The meeting then ad~oirned. ~ ~l ' Cl k. wilmington~ N.C., October 15th,1934. ~ The regular weekly raeet.ing of the Board vuas held this day at 3s00 P.M. . ~ ~ Presents Addison Hewlgtt Chairman,Geo.W.Trask~J.H.Hinton and County Attorney ~ ~ T~darsden Bellamy. City Commissioner of ~'inance Mr. P/.Louis Fisher was also present /~Cf% in the intereat of acting on the awarding of contract to audit the Consolidated . City-County Tax office. Upon motion of Mr. Fisher, seconded by BQr. Ross~ :x.B.MGDabe 8c Company were employed to ~. / audit the accounts of the Cons`olidated City-County Tax Collector for year ending as of y~~ ~ J~y, September 30th,1934 at a cost of ~20.00 per day for Senior AccounLant and ~15.00 per day for Junior Accountant, total cost not to exceed ~p350.00. Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Ross, I,.M.Hobbs residing at Lingo City was ~'I~y~j~i granted free license to peddle fish and vegetablea in New Hanover County on account of . physical disabilities. 306 ~Heeting oP October 15th~1934, continued:.~ :, T, t;, ,~!,~' ~:~~;• It appearing upon advice of the City Uo~issioner of Finance that the City Couunisaioners ~ - at meeting held iYedne,sday October lOth,1934, waved all eharges for licenae or privilege ~tax on all business or concessions at Bellamy Park operated under a permit and , supervision of the Agricultural Fair Association during week of October 15th to 20th, 1934. Mr. B.T.Reville being present asked permission to sell beer in connection wi_th ~ hie sandwich stand at said fair under authority of his unexpired license to sell beer ~.t Lumina tVrrightsville Beach. Mr. Ross moved and it was saconded by T~[r. Hinton and ~. carried., That upon presentation by ~r. Reville of a permit from the City Connnissioners to sell beer at Bellamy Park, that he be granted the same privilege by this Board, sub~ect to the approval of the County Attorney. . • Sealed bids were received ff'om the follovring, and opened as advertised, for furnishing all necessary labor and material and making eonnectiona necassary to instal7. new ,/ ~ hea~Cing plant at the County Home in accordance with blue printe and spacificationss ~ ~ H.E.Longley .................. ~1,,470.00 ~ . • W.R.Doaher ................... 1,61'T.50 ,/ • A.E.Cumber ................... 1,765.00 ~ / #-- ~ YUpon motion oP ~r. Ross, seconded by Mr. Hinton, the contract was awarded to the iowest ;,, ~~~~ bidder, Mr. H.E.I,ongley in and for the sum of ~1,470.00. t7pon motion~ duly seconded, the Board accepted the offex of The Hartford Steam Boiler „/ InsPection and Insurance Company to apply their liability for crackage of three sections ~ ~~/ a of the County Yome boiler, in the amount oP $402.00, on the cost of nevr boiler to be ~/ ~ installecE by the County, as per their Tetter of September 24th,1934, to Mr.Harold ~. / VPells, Agent. ~. , Upon motion of BQr. Trask~ seaonded by L4r. Hinton, Mrs. Elizabeth Leeuwenberg was granted , ,~ an abatement of taxea on a valuation of ~2,0~0.00 pereonal property cha.rged ~.s"~eld by~ ~ the County" for the years 193~,393'3:'~ridi19S4s~ox the rea,son tha.t the said personal - ~(~ property was liated and the taxes paid by Otto Leeuwenberg for the years 1932 and 1933; ~ ,. / and is the owner o£ and responsible for the listing of the personal property for the ~ year 1934. ~ • ~ p Upon motion of Mr.T~ask,seconded by Tdr.°~Ros~, the follovring resolution waa adoptedt . 1~~~T w~;nEAS, It ha~ been brought to the attention of this Board by co~nunication from the / ,/ County Auditor, that the Tax Collector is charging interest on 1933 taxes at the rate . of six per cent~ and • WHEREAS~ This Board is advised that it is the opinion of the County Attorney that tha rate should be eight per cent as lon~ as the sales certificate is in force~ therefore in order to clear this ma,tter~ Be It RF5'OLVED; That the intexest on back taxes for the yeas 1933 shall be.at the rate of' six per cent per annum. !~ communication was received from the County Auditor advising the amount on deposit in each bank as of September 30th,1934, together with a memorandum of securities h~ ' in each case. The following co~un3cation was received £rom the County Auditor: ~` J , , wilmingt on,N.C., October 12th,1934 Mr.Addison Iiewlett, Chairman, Board of County Commissioners, wilmington, N. C. Dear Sdrs- . For your information I beg to give you below a comparison of taac collect~ions for 1933 and 1932 based on letter from Mr.Morae to the Board o£ Corffn issioners: . 1932 1933 Decrease Increase , Insolvents,.......... 01.52 01.92 00.40 Sold for taxea,...... 23.68 23.28 90.40 Not listed sold,..... 00.80 00.89 ~ 00.09 D~.scounts,........... 00.30 00.34 00.04 Prepaid taxes,....... 08.24 10.09 01.85 Colleetors 8ommission 01.63 01.59 . 00.04 Collections,......... 63.83 61.89 01.94 Totals,....,.....100.00 1U0.00 02.38 02.38 As the total charge against the ~ax Collector for 1933 was $ 397~331.36 the increase of .40 insolventa represents more than ~1,500.00. ` The total collections made by the of'fice during the twelve month period ending September 30,1934, was as fol~owst ~ Taxes~.. ..... 2 ~ 52.226.61 Not Listed Pen.,... 72.09 , Adv.,Cost,......... 95.85 I Back Taxes,........ 83,189.77 I ScheHule "B",...... 1,875.00 ~ ~~ Street Paving,..... 643.03°. , TotaL,........3 ~0,664.10 at a per'centage coat of 01.39. The cost of collections is based? on salaries oril.y and does not take into account miscellaneoua items such as suppli es &~G. • Yours very truly, J.A.Orrell. / ., , ~ , •. . +; ~ ~ / ~- ' r. r_ . 1 . ' L~eeting of October 15th,1934, continued. , Regardi:ng the ma.tter of division of' cost of the Tax Collector between the City and ~~X County, ~he Cha,irn~,n and County Auditor were named to confer with tlie City ~' / Commissioner of Finance and City Attorney to reach an agreement and repor~ to the Board ~.t a subsequent meeting. ~ Upon motion, the Chairman was authorized to rent•a concrete mixer and purchase ~ ~ /necessary matexials to construct concrete trenches f'or the inatallation of steam /(, ~,,,,,,,9~ mains and i~•turne; and the eonstruction of' building i'or the new heating plant to ~~~"' be installed at the County Home~together mith necessaxy labor to complete same. Upon motion of 1dr. Hinton, seconded• by h~ir. Ross, surety bonds of all county ~ ~~,~/off icers for terms beginning December 1934~ were,fixed at the same amounts as for the preceding terms. ~, Upon motion of ~r. Ross~ seconded by~D6r. Hinton, the Board voted that a surety ~ bond for $15,Q00.00 vrith the Standard Accident Insurance Company of Detroit Nich., y ~ ~~ as surety for T.A.Henderson Clerk of Superior Court Nominee, term beginning December . 1934, will be acceptable if licensed to do busineas in this State a nd if' approved s, by the County Attorney as to form and execution. ~ , ~ " The Co~aniseioners were not•inclined to grant the request of T.A..Henderson,Clerlc of Superior Court nominee~ that Bdr. ~`~.C.Niohols C.P.A., set up a set of books for him,~ when he takes over the off ice December 1934, as the recorda he shall keep xas , /~ are provided for by law and as to his cash accaunts, this will be taken care of .,. by the County Auditor. ~ ~ith reference to a request of A~r. J. Laurence Sprunt to be relieved from taxes ' •' on a piece of property which appears to be Church Street ~vest from Surry Street v` ~ to the Cape Fear river; Iur. Ross moved and it was seconded by Ielr. Trask and ,', '~C(,l~- carried; that the County will relieve him from payment of further taxes on the same /` ' if he will furnish this~Board with a written statement diaclaiming ormership , '. ' ~ of the property. A cott¢nunication was received f'rom the wil.tn.ington Clearing House Associrstion ~ ~ advising that on and after November 15th~1934 the interest paid on public ~~ -~~~~ f unds will be reduced from 2~-~ to 1~~. . ,; , . , Upbn motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by ndr. Hinton, R~r.W.5.2~urchison was granted / ' • an abatement of poll taxes for years 1926 to 1933 inclusive amounting to ~25.50 L,/~ ~ •• ~~~ and rele~sed from payment of' penalty f'or ndt liatin;g Tot #2l;blocl~'6', : Carolina ••~ ~ Place for. the ye~s •1926 ~to` 1931 inclusiire amounting to'~~~8:95~ on`.account- of being ~~ e,•,non-residerit~•and not subject•to poll tax in this county. ~'~ * A rep,ort of Jas.~/laker Hospital f~or the month of' September was received and ordered ~ . / ~~.•.f iled. ~ - ' Upon mo~ion o£.Mr. Ross, seconded by I~Gr. Trask, Josie W:Kelly was released fxom ~-- payment rof penalty for not listing charged against A.C.Carviness on property in l~ ~i~ block #93 for the years 1932 and 1933 on account of haYing to take the said proper y back and pay the taxes due thereon. . , ~ Upon motion of Mr. Ross, seconded by rdr. Trask, the reco~endation of the Recorder~ ~~ to hire out Virginia King for the balance oP her term on trie County Farm. upon / payment of the court costs amounting to ~9.05, was approved. Upon motion of ivir. Trask~ seconded by ~Gr. Hinton, a division of assessment by the Tax Assessors on the east end of lot #1, block ~105, property of Eetate Geo.~P. f U:~ Lutterloh, fixing the assessment at $~2,250.00 on the nortrieast part oi' lot ,#1, a.nd / I ~1,125.Q0 on the southeast part of' lot #1, to enable the estate to clear the ta,~es in order to secure a 1oan, was approved by the Board. ~ Acting upon the opinion of the County Attorney that the Commisaioners Y~ave no legal n,r,. right to cancel uncollected Recorders Court costs, the Board declined the requeat of ~ vri~' the Deputy Clerk of Recorders .Court to canceT old costs accruing since 1931. r Tho meeting then adjourned. ~ . .~-,~ ~!. 9~~z._. Clerlc. ~ , ., a t~ilmington,N.C., Oetober 22nd,1934. . . The regular~~ekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 3s00 P.tl. Presenti Addison He~ulett Chairman~ Geo.W.Trask, F.1~.Rosa and Jas.M.Hall. ~ Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by 1~4r. Rosa~ county bills Nos. 871 to 943 inc., / i~~ were approved for payment. ~ -%~ ' Upon motion of.Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Rosa, Charlie Lum was granted a refund of / _~ /\q~~ $14.25 license tax on laundsy paid July 30,1934,receipt #~61, on account of duplieate ~ payment, he having•previously paid the reQuired tax of $14.25 on June 12th~1934,. recempt No.575, for yeas ending April 30,1935. •~~~~~Upon motion of Mr. Ross, seconded by R~r. Hall, the follo~ving resolution v~as adopteds / ~ ' : - WF~REAS, the work started under C~9~ for repairing and painting New.Hanovex County _~ ' Court House has never been completed~ and . • VlI~~EAS, the Board of Conmm issionera of Ne~ Hanoeer County is willing to complete this J ' ~ project on a cooperative basd6 with the>Emergency Relief Adminiatration as stated in ' , a couanunication from Pdr. Thomas W. Morse:, State Work Pro~ect Supervisor to ~6r.John ~ Beeeher, I,ocal Relief Administrator,'dated October lOth,1934. • Therefore be it Reaolsed, that New Hanover County will furnish 25~ of the amountf + neceasary to complete said pro,ject #65-B4-33 based on an_esti.nated total amount of , $880.00. ;i^~~s ..; : .. : .. . . ~ ~o~ ~eetin$ of October 22nd~1934~ continued. Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Ross, the 10~ reduction o2' the assessment made in 1933 on land and building oi"bir. J.H.Mallard in block #I.25,southeast part oY lot #6, amounting to ~750.00 was made effective as of' date oY I~Ga,y lst ~1927 on ~,ccount ~~j,~ of the condition of the buildin~ and general depreciation of' calue at triis particular ~~ site and also having been over asseased at the time the assessment was increased by $1,000.00 in 1927. And aari abatement of taxes on a valuation of $750.00 for~the ~ yeaxs 1927~ to 1932 was ordered, , . ~~ Due to damage caused by wave~erosion at Wrightsville Beach, it was upon motion of ~ Mr. Ross, seconded by l~dr. Trask, ordered, that the 1934 assessments on all lots ~\~ located on the ~orthern Extension from Birmingham Street north,east of Ocean Avenue, ~}'~ that are now under water, be reduced to $50.00 per fifty foot.lot. ,. IIpon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by 2dr. Ross~ the assessment of $300.00 on three.acres of land~ part Williams, Federal Point township, purchased by E.G.Hall from Mary J., . ' t~ ~`~,, Williams June 30,1933, was reduced to $100.00 for the year 1934 on account of error in , `I assessment, and an abatement of taxes on a valuation of $100.00 for the year 1934 wae ~ ordered. • . ~, ~ /Upon motion of Mr. Ross~ seconded by Mr. Trask, the Board acting upon the recoramendation (n{~ of' the County welfare Officer~ granted temporary allowance of $p2.50 per week~ payable to ~ ~•. ~`ti~ I~rs. Mary L. Foevler for the care of Jordan PdcIver,Jr.~ ten year old motherless indigent ~ youth. . ~ /As to the question of using brick or ateel atack for the haa:ting plant chimney at the ~ \.r County Home, the Coumiissionera decided to use brick. (` h~~~r~- ~- ~J ~ The meeting then adjourned. ~ ~~ ~1.9~~ ~ . // Clerk. - ,// Wilmington, N. C., October 29th,1934. The regugar weekly meeting of the Board w~s held at 3s00 P.~4. ~ . Presen~:- Addison Hev+lett Chairraan~ Geo.W.Trask, F.Pd.Ross,J.H.Hin~on and County Attorney Marsden Bellamy. , The assessment of $9,850.00 on the property of Mrs Katherine M.~a,nck~part M 1:2 • ~. ~~ ~ Pt _PJ Y, block #218, was upon motion of Mr. Ross,seconded by I~r. Hinton, divided ~. ij ~ , ='_• ~ `~~ and fixed as followss ' ~ Y , - .. M& W M L Pt.,2- Land ~1,,800.00 building $~3,750.00.. ~5,550.00 + ;;` N 4U Pt., M Z, '~ 1,800.00 " 2,500.00 ~ 4,300.00 .'- Total ......................... ~9~850.00 . . `'~. Upon motion of 2~dr. Ross, seconded by 1t4r. Hinton, Blliss. ~iargaret I,. Kingsbury was . ' granted an abatement of taxes on a valua.tion of ~900.00 for the year 1934 on house l~ £ormerly located on the East end of lot ~86,block H-Wrightsville Beach, account of' .+ ~~~ having burned in 1933. ' , ` ~~' • . ~ Upon motion of Pdr. Traslc, seconded by Mr. Hinton, the assessment of ~p2,000.00 on =/ ' x•, /~~ house of Is~rs. Daisy T. Sternber~er on East part of lot ~69,Wrightsville Beach, was ~~ . f reduced to ~"1,350.00 on account of error in assessment, and an abatement of taxes or- "ti ~ a valuation of ~650.00 for the year 1934 was ordered. .M,$ A report of Ladies Rest Room for the month of September was received and ordered file;d,d/ ~, ~ ~W ~v , Upon motion of Pdr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Hinton, the assessment of ~3,000,00 on house V and ~2,500.00 on 100 acres of land,Barren Creek In1et,Harnett township~ was reduced to ~ "~ ~52,500.00 on house and ~2~000.00 on land on account of erxor in assessment,Jr.~~i~doore,~and an ~ ~~' abatement of taxes on a valuation of~1D00.00 for the year 1934 was ordered. . gurauant to @~uthority contained in a judginent of the Supexior Court recorded in the ~ offiee of the Regiater of Deeds., book #241~ ~age 493~ lots 7 and 8 in block ~5, and , p~ ~~/S~ lots 7 and 8 on block ,~6, assessed at $p990.00 was abated as to H.S.Stokes .for the year • ~~ 1934 and ordered charged to Mrs. Maie O~Connex Sryan, she being the oivner of the saifl 1'= lot~ as per the aforesaid judgment. ~ Upon motion of L~r. Trask, seconded by N~r. Roes~ hdrs. Il4amie B. Pittman was granted an ~~ ~! ~, ~ y abatement of taxes for the year 1934, on a valua~ion of $1,000.00, hu~taings on 1ot ~ ~ ~ ir/!+~ #36, block #5 Cqablina Beach not completed April lst,1934. ~ • . , Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by hRr. Ross, R4rs. Gertrude L.Pottle was granted an ~ abatement of taxes for the year 1934 on a valuation of ~1~500.00 house on lot ,~10, ,~ ~~~ block ~36, Carolina Beach, not completed April lst,1934. - ~~ The Board acting upon the reco~nen$ation of the County Vlelfare Officer and upon motion of Iv4r. Ainton, seconded by i~r. Ross, granted an appropriation of $12.00 per month to ~L4rs. ~ary Etta Piner account of ~others' Aid, payable jointly by the County and State ~ subject to the approval of the State Department of Cmarities and Public Welfare. ,~ The following good and lativful men were drawn to serve as jurors in the Superior Court '~~ ~'D for the trial of criminal cases for week Beginning November 12th,1934f ~j J.E.Johnson. C.E.Robinaon. C.S.Everett. H.L.Council. S,H.Futrelle. S . Ruben. D.H.Crenshaw. L.C.Allen. S.B.Hoy. J.E.4Vinstead. R.L.Player. D.Costin. The meeting then aiijourned. ~ ~<.~ C~krk. ~~ J.D.Lervis. H.S.King. R.A.Durilea. Allen Smith. Julius Plenbe R.G.Rankin. A.C.Camache. J.N.Alexius. J.E.Gilliard. G.Nl,Croom. r~. J.L.E~urray. E.V.G.Fountai : Henry Kirkham. C.M.Powe11. J.S.Williams. V.E.Smith. B:K.I~errztt. n. Edw.5'tanley. \ J.O.H3nton. J.J.Porter. R.I~d.Archer. W.L. Himmphrey. H.V.Norrie. Roy Gaxvey. .. , ~- ~~:..,• r ~ ~ e . - " ~ " fi , r . . . . . ~ , , . . ~ . ~ . ~ ~ , _ ~ , , ~ ~ ~ , ~ ' ' . ~ . . _ . . . . . . ' . . . , , ~ . i ' ' , ' 's t - ~ a "ai, ~ . . ~ ~ ~ i ~ - ~ ~ , ~ ~ . , t , ' ~ j ; ~ . • f , , r ~ ? ~ ~ : 1 ~ I : i i ~ , ; ~ ~ ~rA~YS~s oF ~ccou~T o~ w. x~~s~ ~~~~v~ ~ POR ONE YEAR ENDII~G J~NUARY' 1ST 1~~4. : ~tA~(E BALANCE RECEIPTS II~TT~R~ST TOTA~ ~ P D ~O~TS- BON~ OTH~R ~.I H ~ Jan. lst.1933 0"I~ . SiON~ EXPE~ISE EXPENSE BAI,AANCE TOTAL Br ant H~nx T 5~95 39 7~~ 0= 1 9 ~ 8~.~. 55 00 ~ ~ Y ~ Y • , . . ~ 19.72 5,9 ~.1]. 23.00 . ~Q2 5y112i09 5t99O.11 obi ' C a Cha.~dren 82~.4~ 24.31 845.80 20.0~ .02 , , , . 825 ,o'78 845 .84 ~ G~~sehen Ch~.ldren 1 585 98 124 42 40 5v 1 750 9~ 32~16~ 14 04 0 , . . . ~ . . . .4 1 t708.75 11750.95 " Ma nussen Est A 8 g . . 96.30 32.61 918.9]. , 918.91 918q91 Ni.xon David et al 45~ 02 11 47 463 07 ]~0 ~0 1 + • • , r ? 0`~ , Rabir~~on, Ed~in 5 291.84 694.00 148.66 6 130.54 246.24 20.04 1.33 453*07 463.09 ~ ~ , Snip~~, E1i~ah 238,48 1.39 ~39.87 224.85 5.00 1Q.00 .02 59862*93 61130.54 239.87 ~ '~altan Children 443.56 6i~~ 450.31 350?a4 100*23 454.31 Nau htin Nanc J, 341.21 341 21 i 17.06 5.04 ~ ~ Y . . 319.15 341.21 , , 4 . ~ . . . , s-... rl !i ,E, :i tf )r i~ fr ~ , _ . - ~x. yr ~~.F ;.,p;~. ct , ~1~~,f~i~~~r~~; ;;r ~:~";~r`~~ :~d~ri~~o=:;=~~~~~ .a. 14 ~829,~a6 1 93Q o63 371,d6 ].7 130 ~75 1 676 ~25 . 97 ~06 55000 1~53 .,.2_ # 1 ,5.~ _ . . 15 r304091 17,130.75 , ~ - - - - < < ~ ~ ~ ~ . , , ~ i ~ ; ~ ~ • ~ ; . . . . . „ . . , . . _ . . , . . „ , , . . . . , . ~ , ~ . . . , . _ . _ , . , .,a , . . WOMOH-1"71'MHOMH ~#######7t'a7t7r#7~'~~~~## x t~ - ~ . . ; FUNDS ACCOU~TTED FOR AS FO~L~~S. . ~ ~ ~ = - - - a. . , - , . - Depo~i~.~ ~~~.nuary ~ 1934 : ~~~~3 a~ ~ _ ~ Second ~ortgag~ Lycia C. Harris~ to W~,N. Harriss Receiver Date~ Apr~1 ~4~ 1930 R~corded in Book 246 ,y 3ook 246, Page 403 on Lot # 60 Carolina Court, , Peoples Savings Bank 29418 59~.59 • ~ wh~.ch proper~y has be~n sold under ~for~cl~~ure. Seeur~d by ~wQ ~hares a~.d up ~~ock of the Pro ressf ~ ~ 7ogressive Building & loan AssQCiati.oh = . c 32206 82~,78 Cer~ificat a 2117~- - _ - . . - . c 34371 1 708 75 . ~ ~.~=r~-.. . . ~ . , _ _ . , . . . t. ~ s ~ r ,-_-„s~ , ~ _ , ~ , 1 o ` , - ~ , . 4 ~ ' .r a c 361~4 5 112.~9 ~ , ; _ . = i ' ~ . - t i ~l^e.' ' r " . _ " I ' ~ ~ F+. . . ' . ' ' , ' , . 38258 918.91 ~~~~~r~~ ~ . t ~ . ~ . ~Nz].min ton Savin s 8~ Trust Co• , ~~~;~.,~~~i~:-~..~: ~ . , ~ ~ ~ , , a e 49741 5 862•93 ~ . , , ~ ~ , , . ~ , I ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ . ~ ~ ~ , a , c 53577 1a0.~3 . ~ ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ a~~econd Mor~gag~ 8c etc . 175.Q0 , ° . ~~~~,M~ - ; , ~ t~ . ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ 3oa,9 ~a~ . ~ s ri~~~,~ c~~r . , r .,k , ~ , ,a . . ~ 1 , , . . . ~ . . . . . , . . . ~ ~ _ 110~~.~if~~„Y {e ' .~.k".n ~,k~ r1 'f n a w. ~ . " , t-.v ~ ~ ~ . - .n . ~ . . . n ~ . m a . i . ^ ~ , _ . ~~~~~~~~~~~qtJ ~~~~"A~~~4~~~~~~~ , . . _ . . . , , , . . . , _ . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . : ' , . . ",~`.~~f'.9k" , ~ ~IST t~ B~~DS ~~~~~::r _ ' ` . ~ ; ~ . Pr emi t~m = ~ ~ ~ ~ . , , ACCO . ; ~ t~n~ ~ Pa~,d tv Filed with E ~ . . . : wn - Amaunt Given B~ Si ed by Num'ber i Payable ta? ° , ~ , T , Bryant H. 5 OOQ Natianal Sur~t Cor . J.O. Rei1T ent R771476 S~ate of Nor~h Carolina D~c. 17 193,4 ~ Re ~s~er of De : ~ Y P Y~~ ~ ~ Cob~a Children 1~10~ Ro n emnit ' 7 0 ~ " Jaaa 12 1935 " p ~I I d Ca. We11s A ent SXl 62 3 f . . 1M of Deeds. ~ ~ Y Y ~ g ~ f ' Gie~c~en~ Children 2 4~0 U S: Ffdelit BcGuarant Ca ~ G Pu].~.iam A ent " ~ " A r. 9 1934 ~ q , t • Y Y . . . ~ ~ p ~ Ma nussen ~st, A. 1 400 National ~tz~et ~~or . J.4, R~ill A en~ R771480 " ~ " Dee, l5 193~4 ~ n ~ ~ Y P Y~ g ~ ~ . . ^ ..~MYk~fri"~`~:: , W4~1 ~ r - . . , ~ NixoM, David ~t al 1,400 ~'ommer~i~l Casual~ ._.~K ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ . ~ 3~ , a: . •rr ~ ~ T~suxance Co. l~arsden B, DeRoss~t~ Unsted State~ ~f America Feb. 7~ 1934 N ' ' ~ . ~ ~ M Rob~.nson, Edwin 5 004 ~'atior~al Suret Co~p. J. Rei11 ent A771475 S~~,te of N4rth Carolina D~c. 17, 1934 , , ~ Y Y~~ ~ n ~ A , Nau htin ~Tancy J. 504 Fid~lit 8c De osit,Co• Glas ow Hicks United States of America D~c. 15~ 1934 ~ ~ Y P ~ ` ~ 1 a hil r 14 O~Q ~tilmin to v T ~N ull Moor S~ate 4f ~orth Carolina~ 1~Qn~ Char ed Guardian Bond a t n C d en ~ g n Sa r.Ca. .H e , g tn Bond Book, page 184 . . ~ . 1 ~ ~ ~ , a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r I#####tfr############################~#H###### ~ . . , . . ....,..,.n ;x ~ ~ I~ URNTSH~D BY 8,~~ _ ~ r SECUR T~ F TO ~ECURE FU . ~ ~ ML'rRE FUNDS OF _ ~ . r . , , , Nature of Securit Furnished B De osit~d ~i~h~ ~ A~ Recezpt No~ Amount Recei~rer ~lerk Y y p ~ ° . z>+ C1erk of Court Total _ . ~ . ~ ~ ~ •i 32~ ~ oaa oQ ~ ~ North Carvl~na ~ii ~a Bond~ Pea Iea Sav.Bank & Tr. Co. ~tilmin tor~ Sav. & Tr. Co. ~Y~ ming~on~ N.C. , « ~ Y A ~ . . n n n ri ~ n ~ n ~ 0 0 0 . N~~ xano~er Count Schoo~. Bond~ 324B 3, 0, 0 ; t~ ~ n. n n ~h rlotte ~t C~,~tter 1~ 10 32 5 004.OQ North C~rolina Bonds American Trus~ Co. C a , ' ~Q OOa DO 4 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ • ~ v'~~ , 2 9 ~ 41219,46 ' ' 'lmi on N C Lett~r 6~ 33 ~ QQO.QO ~orth Carola,na Hi h~ra Bonds Wilmin ~on Sa~. 8~ Tr. Co, p~o les Sag,Barik & Tr, Co. Wz t,.. , ~ Y g A ~ _ ~ 1' ~ ~ n ~ a a a ~ n a p Le~~er 6~ 33 ~ 000.00 . City of i m~ng or~ B r~ds fi . . . ~ ~ . 7y~00,~ ~~963•16 59963„16 . . ~ ; I ~ ~ . ~ i.~ . i , ~ ` Si ned ~ ~ _ i ~ ~ ~ • ~ . i ~ ~ ~ , ~ . ~ ounty A ; ounty Audit or , ; ~ I T . . ~`i ~ t on, N. C, J~,r~uar 15 1934. ~ )34, ~ Y ~ ~ ~ r. . ~ , ~ , , I ~ ~ ~ , ~ , - . ; . i ~ . ~ - ~ ~ , . . . l zq. - ~ . ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . t G . i ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ i ; . ` ~ ; ~ ~ I , . ~ ~ , , . ~ . , « ' ~ ~ ~ ~_,~_.____._~,__.._______~___~____~.____..._.__._.e_._.~.~.._...,._._....,.m_._,_._~ ,._e..-__,...._~_._..~_..._,.__.__,..~.._.~.__~___._.~..~__.,._.__.~.._._~._, -___...a. , ~U9 , 47i1mington,A1.C., November 5th,1934. ' The re6ular weekly meeting.of the Board was held at 3t00 o'clock ~.E4. Preaent: Addi~son Hewlett qha,irman, Geo.W.Trask, F.M.Ross,Jas.h4.Ha11 and T.H.Hinton, and County Attorney I~arsden Bellamy. Upon motion of ~Jir. Hinton,~seconded by Mr. Trask~ Richard Spooner,a County indigent, residin~ with Mr. James I. Crews, Cape Fear township, was upon the recommendation ~ /~~"`~ of the County Welfare Officer, ~ranted an ailowanc~ of~~3.00 per month from the Out Door Poor fund account. • By Airtue of authority contained in the judgment of Recorders Court, and upon motiot~i l(~~~of N~r. ~11, seconded by Mr. Trask~ the Board authorized the hire of J.E.Eichorn, Dan and Leon i~orgar~, upon payment of the court costs. The request of Ius. Geor~e Honnett for an adjustment of back.taxes on his home in block ~112 by segregating the real and peraonal property tax and adjust the assessment to conform ~vith the true value of the building,considering the condition of the buildig @, / „ ~~ , which ha,s existed over a period of several years, in order to enable him to secure.a loarJ/ ~ to repair the building, was upon moi;ion of PBr. Hall, seconded by ~Ir. Hinton, referred to ' -~~the Chairman with po~ver to act. • , Upon motion of Ifr. Trask, seconded by Idr. Hinton, Sol Shain avas granted an abatement of ~ ~~ taxes on a valuation of ~305.00 household and kitchen furniture above exemption listed in error for the_year 1934. / A eo~unication was received"from the County Auditor advising the amount on depoai't in .~ -/~ each bank as of October 31,1.934, together with a memorandwn of securities held in each case. F.. , ~n~ ~ ~ , ~.~-~y„ ~,~ The County Auditor's cash repor't for the month of October was receiced and~ordered filech ' . u~^~~~ , / •`~~~- ~~ A surrmiary report of the records of the Babies' Hospital at Vdrightsville Sound for the.~ ~,/ sutrmier 1934, to~ether with a,comparision of the past two years, was received from , • Dr. J.Buren Sidbury. Upon motion of P~ir. Trask, seconded by ~Ir. Ross~ Pdr. J.D.Sidbury was granted an abatement L/` .; -~~(~~, of taxes on one female dog listed in error for the year 1934. p1 Upoh motiorrof f~r. Trask, seconded by Iv7r. Hinton, the Board approved the payment of ~, r,'~y,,,~.t/~p900.00 to I~ir. ~H,E.Longley, part payment on account of contract for insta,lling heating V ~ l/~~ plant at the County Home. ~ A request of the Board of Education that the sum of ~2,200,00 for Maintenance of Plant, ' _~~~ ' ~ ~2,780.01 for Fixed Charges (Insurance) ~384.03 for Building Funn, ~250.00 for r/^ y'~r~Eiiscell-aneous or Vocationa,l and ~3,000.00 for Books, making a total of ~p8,614.04,be placed -'j`V, "~fil"' to the credit of the school fund for the month of I~TOVember, was upon motion of ivir.Ross, ~ ,,.i seconded by Nir. Hinton, granted. ~' Upon motion of Mr. '1'rask, sedonded by T~r. Hinton, County bills Nos~944 to 1083 inc.~ a. ~(~~ were approved for payment. . ~~ ~ ~ ' ~, tL report of expenditures of county appropriations by the Board of E4lucation for the ~ °~;~~~~j month of October cras received and ordered filed. - ~ ~i 7" ' ~ ~,~ ~ ~he.meeting tYien'adjourn~d. ~ ~~ ~l.B~~i , ~ ~ _ C,~rk. . . , v Piilmirgton, N.C.~ November 13th,1934. ~ ' The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 3:00 o'clock P.M. ~ ~ ~ Present: Addison Hewlett, Cnairman- Geo.JP.Trask, F.M.Ross and J.H.Hinton. ~ ' lytr. H.~F.Guthrie,an infirm and indigent citizen, .was upon motion of Pdr. Trask, seconded . ~~a,~~~ by Idr. Hinton, granted a free permit to peddle fish in New Hanover County. Upon motion of TSr. Trask, seconded by i~IIr. Hinton, the Board authorized and directed the , ~~' ~~/payment of an appropriation of ~p25.00 to the Childrens Home Society of North Carolina ~ :, e. ~ of' Greensboro, Id. C., toward the e~cpense for the maintenance of homeless children. . . ~ ~~ For the puPpose of perpetuating historical spots~ the Board, upon motion of Lnr.Hinton, seconded by ~r. ROS9a granted the request oY Rev. Andrew H. Hov+ell to pay p41.00 ~ `. fre~ight om one o£ two civil war guns , through the Inland F`datexway from the Navy yards ~ _. MI~i~~~ •at Norfolk to Wilmington to be placed in"Battle Acre"at Fort Fisher. The city of , Wilmin~ton to pay the freight on~the other gun. .,.~ Up"on motion of..I~r. Trask, seconded~y 2~r. Hinton~ the ~100.00 assessment on the property • of ~rs. helen R. Hicks. in block #468, r~as reduced to ~90.00 as of April lst,1933 on ,, /~~~ account of error in failure to apply the 10~ reduction~Qn the property in 1933, and an L- abatement of taxes on a valuation of ~10.00 for the yeaxs 1933 and 1934 tivas ordered. Upon motion of I~r. Ross, seconded by LRr. Hinton, tne Board voted to go on records_ lr '~~ unanimously approving the proposal to secure a new post office building, rathercthan ar-n extens9.on~ the preaent atructure, and the Chairman was requested to write Congressman J. B~,yard Clark urging that he use his efforts toward securing an appropriatuon to that end. • ' ' ~ •~ Upon motion of ~Ir, Hinton~ seconded~by I~drr. Ross, the Board, by virtue of•authority n~ contaxned in the judgment of Recorders Court, authorized the hire of Alfred Williams ~~/~,t-~~ upon payment of the court costs. ~ ` Concerning the matter of treating certain infested parts of the old court house building~ ~~~I .,, for termites. This matter was upon inotion of 2~dr. Ross, seconded by Mr. 'rrask, referred '~yi'e"`'~"`~to the Court house committee for investigation. • •~i ~~;(~~ Upon motion of ~r. Trask, seconded by Mr. Hinton, Charles E. Leslie, 56 year old citizen,.~/ L~N '~ 3~p 1 '{ ~ M~eting of' 1Qovember 1Sth,1934~ continued. ,. having been investigated and'recorrffnended by the County Welt'are Ot'f'icer, was ~,dmitted to ~/ , .~ the County tiome as an inmate. , ,' Upon motion of ~r. Trask, seconded by L~r. Ross, the Chairman was authorzzed and instxuc~l~e~. ~~ to purchase necessary window shades f'or the 5uperior Court room to replace shadea that ~" are unf it f or us e. / /Upon motion of T~ir. Trask~ seconded 'cy I~r. Ross, bills of expense of registrars and q(},,,~/ poll holders, rent~ lights and meals amounting to ~p588.76 for holding general election,_ .tf.Yy- 2dovember 6th,1934~ were approved Y'or payment. / (Y ~~1,i`~~j Upon motion, duly seconded, county bills ldos. 1084 to 1113 were approved for payment.~ , Upon motion of I'~r. Ross, seconded by Pdr. Hinton~ the Thomasom Lumber Company vuas granted / ,~ an abatement of taxes on a valuation of $1;6,400.00 in Cape Fear Township for the yeax "'~ ~~I'` 1932, on the following assesaments and for the reasons givens $6,ID00.00 On property outside New Hanover County, reported to the State. . 300.00 On timber cut prior to Apr,il lst,1932. 10,000.00 On machinery removed from Ne~¢ :3a,nover County prior to April lst~1932. Upon motion, the Chairman, County 1~.uditor;and any member of the Board that may caxe to go, were named to attend a meeting of the Tax Supervisors' Division of the Institute of .. ,/. ~~~. Government for study oP the present i~,~achinery Act at Raleigh November 15tYi,16th,and 17th, ~ for the purpose of making recoffinendations to the next Legisl,ature for its revision and modernization. The eeting then adjoi~rnea. ~/ylti ~l. 9~ ~ G Clerk. Wilmington, N.C.,-Nosember 19th,1934. -• The regular weekly meeting of the Board rvas held at 3:00 o'clock.P.1~. Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.W.Trask, F.r:i.Ross,Jas.P~.Hall and J.H.Hinton. ~A claim bf '~V.E.Touscl~,through his attorne3~ I..Clayton Grant, for damages ( in no specif ~Ah amount) for the loss,.a finger from his right hand,allegedly caused through~improper C~ treatment while serving as a prisoner at the County r'arm ,Tune 1934, was upon motion o .. .~'* / Mr. Hinton, seconded by Mr. Ross, referred to a co~ittee to be named by the Chairman for investigation and report back to the Board at a subsequent meeting. &ir. E.G.ging appeared and urged the Commissioners to~take some steps totvard curbing ~ immorality prevelent in this county. This matter was also aoimnented on by the Grand Jury Nove~pber Term 1934~ with recor~endations that eff'ort be made to have laws eriacte to aid the la~v enforcement ofBicere in eliminating this practice~ There being nothing ~ the Commissioners can do about it., no action was taken other than their wilYingness to cooperate in any manner posaible. _ 5 ~ ~ ~ upon motion, half payment of the f'ollowing bills of the re-employment bureau was~ approW"eds: Undervrood-Elliott-Fisher Company, ~3.00 ~outhern Bell 1'elephone Co.~ 6.60 I/ ~ James Book Store, 1.05 ~10.65 half $5.32. {~ ~ tfpon motion~ duly seconded, the Board acting upon the authority contained in the jud~ment ot' the Recorders Court, gave authority to hire out Zack Hunter upon payment ~ oP the CouY~t Coets amounting to $9.60. In order to enable the heirs of ~Iary E. Barnett to clear the taxes due on the middle ~ and weat :half_'_of lot #2, block #105,. the ~3060.00 assessment on the same was separated l~ `G1~. as f'ollowst 1' Middle part lot #2, $480.00 ~ West half' lot #2, 2. y80.00 Tota1,............~3~060.00 Upon motion of Mr. Ross, seconded by Fdr. Hinton, the Chairman w€~s instructed to dgain ,~\,~ take up with the High~vay Co~issiott, the matter of taking over and improving Southern / ~ rl~ ~ Boulevard in Sunset Paxk in order to improve road,facilities to the oil interests an~ , DoW,Chemica]. Co's., railroad siding, and eliminate dangerous traffic from the village streets. ~..11 A report of Jas. Walker HospitaT for the month of O~tober was received and ordered fil d 'O~JJY ,~;~Qp Upon motion, duly seconded, county bi11s Nos. 3.J.14 to 1164 were approved f'or payment. ~ ~.,-- The following good and lawful men were drawn to serve as jurors in the Superior Court`, ~^',~4 for the trial of civil cases for two weeks beginnings ti j~~" First week December 3rd,1934: U ~Lndre~v Blair. T.B.Caldvfell. J.S.Craig. L.G.Cooper. J.A.Hogdod. S.W.Blanchard. J.C,Parker. G.W.Clark. J.F.Pov~ell. O.W.Messick. F.L.Galloway. H.O,Thomas.~~ N7.L.Biseinger. Q.E.Rhode~. H.O.Padrick. C.G.Parker. S.B.Jolly.~ R.Zi.Scott. C.T.Gore,~ E.T.Applewhite. F.D.Blizzard. P.Bd.Johnson. W.D.Ganey. N.H.Larkins. Second week- Be cember lOth,1934: Ralph Eakins. J.M.Evana. R.~.Rodgers. YP.B.Creasy. C.R.Bataon. D.F.Sandlin. E.W.Jarrell. iN.P.Applecrhite. J.T.Gaylord. R.L.Landcaster. G.A.Justiae. Bennie Turner~ Z.E.1~urrell. C.E.Bender. Alphonso Hobbs .W,M.R~eynolds. R.I,.Tohnson. Geo.VJ.Britt. R.O.May. S.P.Branch. R.4V.Poerell. W.H.Batson. C.H.~lark bI.F.Penny. The meeting the n ad,journed. ~ ~ ~ . tn 7( ~erk. _ . ~ , :~ ., ~ 31 ~: ~ ~ [~ilmingtdn,N.C., November 28th,1934. ~. The ~regular weekly meeting of the Board was held at 3s00 o'clock P.M. ` Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.W.Trask, F.HI.Ross, Jas.~i.Ha.11 and J.H.Hinton. The Commissioners acting upon the at~thority contained in the judgment of the ~ ~A,, Recorders Court, and upon motion o~",~'~Tinton, seconded by Mr. Hall, authorized the ~ ~ U~"~- hire of Fred Goff after thirty days service of sentence, upon payment of the court ' coats amounting to ~e6.75. ~ Upori motion of Mr. Ha,ll, seconded by &Ir.'Hinton~ the Co~iasioners acting upon the / ~p~ authority.contained in the ~udgment of the Recorders Court~ authoxizad the hire of / f Emanuel Roderick, after thirty~days service of sentence, upon payment of the court " ' ~ cos ts . ~ ' Mr. Jas.E.L.Wade City Coammiesioner of 3~uhl~:ecWorka, appeared w~th Il4r.John Beecher~ I,acal Relief r~dministrator, and explained to the Hoard that a~'ederal Beef Cannery could be located here if suitable 9uarters could be secured and financial co-opera- tion by ~he City and County Govermnents. It evas explained that the two governmenta would ba e~rpected to fuxnieh necessary funds for rent and re-conditioning of ":.,~ ~W~ building, power, v~ater etc., if based on a period of two yeara would cost approx- " imately ~3,000.00, the ]~nergency ~elief Administration to furnish all labor and ~, machinery, equipment etc., After considerable discussion Pdr.Hinton moved and it ~ was seconded by 1~r. Hall and carried; That this Board is interested in securing a FederEe3. l.: Beef_ Cannery and ~vill co-operate with the City Comtnissioners and NRA to that end, and requests Pur. John Beecher, Local Rel'ief Administxator to have an engineer sent here to make a study of the matter and furnish'such information that ' would enable this Board to take further action. The Chairma.n and ifir. Wade were ,. asked to ascertain what buildinga may be suitable and available for this purpose., °~ It appearing to the Board that a son of I~dr. Charles Belvin #15 Wrightsville Aee.,/ : is in dire need of inedicine for the treatment of d3abetes and his parents are ~~financially unable to procure insulin for the treatment of this disease, therefore v~ it was upon motion, duly aeconded~ ordered, that effort be made to secure~necessary - medicinea through the local relief adminietration and if un-successful that the sum of ~3.00 per month be grantedl~r. Belvin out of the County funds toward meeting : • this expense. ' , Upon motion of Mr. Rose, seconded by ~dr. Hint~n, the '+delfare Officer ~s gr.anted~ S~ansportation for Lemi Davis, four year old cripple,:collored boy, to and from .. -~ Gastonia, N.C. for treatment at the Stat,e Orthopedic Hospital. ~ In compliance tivith the re9uest of United Statea Senator Robert R. Reynolda, the Board upon motion of I~r. Ross, seconded by ~Sr. Hall, authorized the Chairman to secure a 11 ~ 3.2 inch photograph of some natural, historical or industrial "' ~\v ~point of intereat in~this County, together with a brief description of the same ~~ " ~.~~~v to be arranged along with ninety-nine others from North C~rolina Counties around _ the wall of the resception rooms of Senator Reynolds' offi~ces at'Washington,D.C. ~. a photograph'of the Dow Chenical Company's plant was sele.cted. Upon motion of i~r: Hinton, seconded by I+~ir. Hall, the payment of ~133.35 to Ba7~$er~ ,~ ~ S~~Durham~ State Auditor, f'or expense for clothing five indigent pupils in State _ institutions'for the year 1934-1935, was approved. ' ~ ~ Upon motion bf b4r. Ha11, seconded by I~r. Hinton,a request of Caswell Training School, ~~~,%inston.N.C.; for'8n appropriation of $5.00 tovrard meeting expense for the - , ~ entertainment of the ehildren of Caswell Training School Christmas 1934,.was approved. ~ . ~ _ Upon motion of ~r. Trask, seconded by 7~r. Hinton, the Board authorizetl the separation of the personal tax o£ B.I,.Buck charged a~ainst .52 acres ~of land, part of Capps, ^ ~~Qk Liasonboro township, for_the year ~1930,1931 and 1932 amount'ing to $10.32, and allowga~ . Mr. J.D.Edwards to pay the real estate tax on the same for said years in settlemen`t_ thereof, on accountof the title to the eaid land having never vested in B.L.Buck.` ~ The Board then took a recess subject to the calA 6f the Chairman to h~ndle the ~ ~~~'LSJ Federal Beef Canning matter, and td aat on any other matters that may properiy p coine beiore the Board: ~ ~ ~~~~...~t Cl,~rk. 1Vilming~on, N.C., December 3rd,1934. ~~ ~ ' L~'\ ` - ' The r~~ular weekly meeting of the Board was held at 3:00 P.~i. Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.W.Trask,r'.I~.Ross,Jae.M.i~a.ll and J.x.Hinton. , ~ John A. Orrell County tiuditor, having taken the oath of office beYore the Honorable / 1,~ Henry A. Grady, Judge Presiding, presented his qualifications tol~ether with his ~- ~~UhC/ several o~ficial bonds with the United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company as Surety, ~ _~ to-witt ' „ • Faith~ul Per~'orraance,..... . .....~ 5,000.00 ' --- As 'Preasurer of tne Board of•Education,... 10,000.00 ~ r~s Treasurer of County Funds .............. 45,000.00 As Custodian of the Sinking Funds,......... 75,000.00 . ,, The above arnounts having been fixed by Lhe Board of County Commissioners, were upon ~ ~_ ~'~~motion of I~r. Trask, seconded By Idr. Hinton, accepted, all members voting afi'irmativel,y(,/ ` The qualifications of C.David Jones, Sheriff, taken be£oxe tne Honorable Henry A. y, g g, presented together ti~ith hia two official bonds witn ~ Grad Jud e Presidin ti~ere ~ ~ the IJational Surety Company as surety; to-wit: • ~ • Process Bond ..............................$2,500.00 ° For the Co~.lection of ~tate Taxes,........ 1,000.00 - ~~~ I~eeting of December 3rd,1934, continued. ~` , The said amounts having been f'ixed by the Board ot' County Commissioners, were upon ~, ~~ motion of r4r. Trask, seconded ~by Idr. Hall, accepted; all members voting af3'irnatively. ~ Thomas A. Henderson, ne~aly elected Clerk of' Super:or Court, Asa ~"l. l~11en,Coroner, ~t~.B.Rhodes Register of Deeds, William H. Ezzell,newly elected Constable of Nilmington toivnship, a11 having taken the oath of their respective of#'ices beiore the Honorable Henry A. Grady, Judge Presiding, presented their qmalif'ications together uvith their , ~ ~' f'ollowing official bonds~ $0-SP1t: $15,~00.00 Thomas A. Henderson principal with the Standard,Accident Insurance Company as surety. ~ 2,000.00 Asa '~l..Allen principal with the Indemnity Insurance Company o£ . North America as surety. $10,000.00 A.B.Rhodes principal v+ith the National Surety Company as surety. ~ 500.00 William H. Ezzell principal with the The Fidelity and Casualty Company of 2dew York as surety. 'All of the.above said amounts havin~ been fixed by the Board of County Commissioners, ~ 9~ were accepted by a unanimous vote. J. Earl ~needen, newly elected Bieter Adjuster, naving taken the oath of oifice of ~~ i~eter Adjuster before the Clerk of ~uperior Court, presented hie qualifications which was accepted. Niessrs Geo.4Y.Trask and r'rank P~i. Ross having taken their oath of office before tne ~~~~ Honorable Henry A. Grady, Judge Presiding, presented their qualifications as County ~~~?~Y Cotmnissionera for the ensuing four years. The Board then proceeded to re-organization. ~ The term of the Chairman of the Board having expired this day and this being the meeting at which a Chairma.n is to be e]:ected, PJir. Hinton raoved that Mr: Hewlett be ~ re-elected Chairman, his inotion vras seconded by }~r. Trask, and ivir. Hewle•tt was ~9p~~ unanimously elebted Cha.irman of the Board for a term of one year and salary fixed at ~~`~ $200.00 per month and ~p25.00 per month for automobile,e~penses.. ~ Upon motion of 1uir. Hynton, seconded by Mr. `Pras&, ir5r. Jas.T~d.Hall ~vas re-elected ~/ Vice Chairman of the Board and authorized to sign r-Jarrants on the County'Audit'or for ~ County expenses in case of absence of the Chairman. ~, ,~. pon motion of Idr. Hinton, seconded by I~r. Trask, Thos: k. Woody was re-elected Clerk ~~f tne Board and salary fixed at ~p200.00 per month. ` . The following were re-elected to theix respective positions for the year ending ~ November 30th,1935, and salaries fixed a~ f'ollorvs: ~FI _._ ~QpJ ~ Bellamy & Bellamy, County Attorneys ................$~100.00 per month. ~ l')'' D.G.Edmondson, Clerk to the County Auditor~........ 125.00 '!- " ~ Nlrs.. E.T.Keal,. StenograpYier,....... ... ........ 95.00 '~ " Ed George, Janitor Court I~ouse, (old.building),.... 95.00 "_ ~" L.M.Ridh, Janitor, Court House, (~nneg),........... 90.00 ." " D.J.Brotianing, Keeper Oak Grove Cemetery,........... 41.67 " " ~~ S.G.Long, Supt., County Home and l~'arm~ ............: 100.00 " " I~rs. H. Bonner, iulatron County Home ................. 50.00 " " C.L.Philemon, S:pecial Officer ....... ............. 120.00 " " F.Porter Davis,~pecial Officer,... . .......... 120.00 " ~" .... . . W. A. VJhitney~ Care of Court House Clock,.........: 100.00 per year J.H.Southerland, Fish Inspeator,.. .. . ..Fees Only. S.G.Long, Supt., of County Home and.~'arm;AUto allowance,~20.00 per month. STANDING COI~+SITT~. County Home and Farm ...................... Geo. 4~1. Trask,Cha,irman ~\U'" l~ddison Hewlett-F.M.Ross. ~~ Court House and Jail ...................... J.H.Hinton,Chairman ` Geo.F`1.Trask-Jas.I~g.Hall. Home Demonstration tiVork ................... F.I~.Ross, Chaixman Addison Hewlett-Geo.VJ.Trask. Health ..................................... Jas.I~d.Hall, Chairman F.I:~.Ross-J.A.Hinton. ~ Oak Grove Cemetery ............ ........... J.H.Hinton,Chairman ~ Addison Hevrlett. Ferry CoTrnnission .......................... Addison Hewlett, Chairman Jas .I~. Hall. Bleuthenthal Airport ...................... F.I~.Ross, Chairman ~ddfason Hewlett-Jas.I~h.Aall. ~/ The Board acting upon the authority contained in the jud~ment of the Recorders Court~ authorized the hire of 3ennie Pierce,after serving thirty daya of his sentence on the ~~ County Farm, upon payment of the Court costs amounting to ~10.15. G~~ 4th,1934, is insufficient to meet their expenses, the Board, therefore, acting upon the // recor~nendation of the ~'delfare Officer and upon motion of P~r. Ross, seconded by 1~4r.Hin~on, ~ increased the allowance to ~15.00 per month as of December lst,1934. ~ ; ~ It appearing that the appropriation of ;~10.00 per month allowed h!Irs. T.H.Holmes for the care and maintenance of Sam and Bert Register, County charges, at rneeting of September J .~t~ -, ~ ~~ a 1 . Me~tfng of December 3rd,193~, co,ntinued. ~ ~ A report of the Ladies xest Hoom,for the montn,of November was received and ordere~ ~ ~~7 filea. . ' -i ' Upon motion of Iur. Ross, seconded by Idr. Hinton, l~Irs. Bertha Goodman S'hrier tivas granted benefit of the general 10% re.duction on real estate ordered "ay the Commissioners `~(,~~ in 1933, to apply on tne assessment of ~p14,900.00 on 596 acres of land in Harnett 1--~'~ l tovrnship, known as Elm Grove, she failed to receive in 1933. l~nd an abatement of taxes on a valuation of ~1,490.00 for tlle year 1933 and 1934 ~aas ordered. ~ It appearing that Chas.H.Belvin,Jr., is suffering from diabetes at~3is ~ithout funds to '"' purchase medicines for the treatment of this disease~ the Board upon motion of / .~y~'~G,1 L4r• Ross, seconded by S~Ir. Trask, authorized the purchase oP insulin by the County ~{ through the Health I3epa,rtment for the treatment of i~ir. Belvin for a period of three , months from date. , A co~rnnunication was received from tne C;ounty Auditor adviaing the amount on deposit / /~ ~~-j in each bank as of Novernber 30,1934, together with a memorandum of securities held in" 1J~ each case. i ~ Upon motion, duly seconded, County bills Nos. 1165 to 1316 v~ere approved for payment.J / A request of the Board of Education that the following amouni;s be placed to the ,~. ~{ Gj~ credit o£ the school funds for the month of December, vvas upon motion of' l'~ur. Ross, ~.-/~' ~"~ seconded by PSr. Trask, granted: ~ ` 2 86D0.00 IJiaintenance of Plant ..................... , Debt Service ............................. 15,753.50 'Book Fund ........ ...................... 500.00 Insurance,...... .. ........... . .. 2,800.50 5pecial Vocational~or•~iaintenannce•Fund,.. 175.00 Total,..._. ................. $21,429.00- , j Upon motion of P~r. Trask, ~econded by P~r. Rose, a request of I;irs. 4°lilhelmena S.Richter ~PI'' for an abatement of taxes on the valuation of a house on lot ~1, block ~63 Carolina I/ / Beach not completed ypril lst,1934, was referred to the Chairman ~vith po~yer to act. , A petition bearing the names of 1?3 citizens of New iianover. and Pender Counties, requesting the ~tate Highway and Public :Jorks Corrnnission to improve and hard surface ~ r~ tne Holly ~helter road from Castle Hayne Station to Hampatead, was upon motion of ~" "'~ h~r. `1'xask,seconded by A4r. Hinton, approned and xecommended that the State Highway Couunission take favora'hle action upon the petition. A deed fror~ '.1r. J. Lati~rence Sprunt and wife to the City of Wilmin~ton, conveying ChurCh Street west from ~'urry Street to the Cape Fear River,. was received and the =,Qj Board, upon motion,duly seconded, ordered; that upon acceptance of said conveyance '.. ~~ E'7~~ py tn~ City of ~Vilmington, tnat P!'ir. Sprunt be released from payment of further taxes on the said property. The meet'ng then adjourned. r~ ~l. ~_ ~ - ,~1 erl:. ~~ Wilmington, N. C., December lOth,1934. The regular v~eekly meeting,;of . the Board Nas held at 3:00 P.II. Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman, Ge:o.i~.Trask, F.I~Q.Ross,Jas.]~.Hall and J.H.Hinton. Upon motion o£ AGr. Ross, seconded by iu~r. Trask, the Board ordered cancelled~an item of' back taxes amounting to ~58.30 charged against lot ~10, in block E,Ardmore for the -~j year 1927 in the name of Revo,A.V.Joyner, for the reason that the said lot was purchased 1~1~ by the Wilmington Presbytery prior to I~iay lst,1927,and the title not passed until ~ l~iay 4th,1927, and fox the further reason that~is the policy of' this Board not to charge taaces on property owned by a religious organization used for charitable or religious , purposes. ~/ - Upon motion of I~dr. Ross, seconded by 7vTr. Trask, the matLer of having ~11Ir.VJ.H.Davis make / ~},_~g/'necessary repairs to the chairs in the court hou~e, was referxed to the Chairman with , ~„: " :~ -./~`'~ power to act. y'Emna I,. Cleurnons, r~dward Jones and ~~Tilliam Steele, all aged and f'eeble colored indigent ~~~9""~i~ citizens, having been examined by the e~ssietant County Health Officer and reco~mnended / by the County 1~/elfare OfEicer, were acl~nitted to the County Home as inmates. , The matter o~' providing additional rooms at the County Home with _Ceun~y funds, E•:R:X~,: v , „(~,~,.~r9~co-operating, was upon motion of D,rir. Ross, seconded by 1uTr. Hinton, referred to the ~/~/~~"~~ County Home Committee for recommendations. The bid of the Springer Coal Company to furnish one car of coal delivexed at the ` County ~iome at a cost of"a~5.20 per ton, and one car delivered in the Court House ~~ ~~~.~~}~ ins at $6.20 per ton was accepted, they being the lowest bidders. Other bids were ~.~J~1"" received from North-Smith Coal Company and Beckers' Buildir~ & Supply Conpany. , ~ Upon motion of I:ir. Ross, seconded by I~dr. Traslc, the Board authorized the payment of {~. "'~.~~~ he balance of appropriation due the three military organizations for the current year. ,~ • Upon motion of Iulr. P.oss~, seconded by I~Br. Hal~, the Board by a unanimous vote approved • - . the plans of a bridge to be constructed across Banks Cha.nnel by the North Carolina /~ ~• ? ~ Hyghvray and ?ublic 'u7orks Commis~ion connecting Harbor Island and rout~ ~'20, with -~~ ~~~ Wrightsville Beach, as presented and is now before the ITni.ted States District Engineer _ for public hearing December 20th,Y934., , ' ' Upon motion of I~r. Trask~ seconded by I~r. Hinton, the payment of one hal~ of the ~ , ~~~amounts of the follovring expense incurred by the Federal ~.mployraent Bureau was approveds ~14 1uleeting of December 10tri,1934, continued. . ~ Undervrood Elliott r'isner Co.,.........~3.00 riali' by County $Z.50 ~ 5 outhern Bell '1'elephone Co. , . .. . . . . ... ti.20 " " " 4.10 James Book Store ..... ............... 4.58 "" " 2.29 'e7estern Union Telegraph Co.,...,...... 7.09 "" " 3.54 , Total ......................................~ 11.43 / ~ Upon motion of 1uIr.Hinton, seconded by Mr. Hall, the payment of ~2.00 to Iur.~~ ~ ~ i7.T.Cr.oom,Jr., for ~t~o days rent of tinners tools used~on the roof at,the County ~, C iiome, was authorized. \o^,~ County bills Tdos.1317 to 1405 vrere approved for payment.~ • . ~ `~~ ~ The County Auditors cash report for the raonth of November vras received and ordered ~a. filed. a . ~ Upon motion of A4r. Ros~, secona3ed by Mr. Hall, the matter of .constructing walk-ways f rom one building to another and beautifying the.premises at the County Home v according to pl~,ns to be arrangec~ by h~ir. Chas.H.Foard, was referred to the County ~ C/ Home Committee to take such steps necessary to beautify the same. Upon motion of D,'Ir. TrasY,, seconded~by I~r. Ross, the Board .confirmed the action of ~/ the Chairman and Commissioners in refunding taates paid by iuiiss Jennie Jackson on ~~ac~ . the George iionnett property in block ~'l12 on a valuation of ~3,700.00 for the years 1928, 1929 and 1930, amounting tn ~186.26 on account of adjustment of assessment as autnorized by the Board at meeting of November 5th,1934. -Mr. Ross who represents this Board,on the Cor.miii:tee for the beautification of Greenfield Drive, reported that~the project riad been approved by 2~u~s. Thomas 0.'Berry ~tate Relie~ Administrator as an E:R.A. project and would,assign approximately, 200 men from the~Ef~:4 forces to do this work, but it will require the servicee of a landscape architect to layout and supervise the plans under whic~ the work ahould ~~`` be done and submitted an offer of i~!s. Gordon Van Schaack, Resident Landscape ,~i% Cr/ Architect, Penderlea Homesteads,to supervise the work oi7 an hourly basia of 75~ V plus 5¢ per mile traveled when necessary ta make trips to ti4ilmin~ton and 40¢ per • houx for his representative; which Pyr. Ross estimated would require an expenditure ,, • of~500.00, and moved that in coneideration-of giving employment to this number of ~ men together with a great couununity asset to be acquired, that an amount.not exceeding •~$500.00 be appropriated and expended on a basis as indicated in the offer of T~Hr. Schaack in order to £urnish supervision of the men employed on this project: His motion tiaas s~canded by Iwr. Hinton and unanimously carried. , - It appear'in~ thxt there is not su.ff icient number of offices in the court house 1 j-basement or building to accommOda.te all the employees of the Relief administrdtive,,~ ~~~ force, the Board upon mot~on of ?.Ir. Ross, seconded by I~r. Trask, a$reed to pay the rent for the ~onth of Decemb0r for additional quarters in the Garrell Building to relieve this cbndition. . ~'~ith reference to the claim of W.~.Tusch,account of injury,sustained by reason of an infection appearing on the tip of the th~rd finger on his right hand while serving a sentence at the County farm, claimed to have resulted f~om impr.oper ~~,~~ treatment by the use of.an unsterilized needle by the County Home nurse, causing --~/ ~__ the loss of the finger, as presented by his attorney L.Clayton Grant at meeting of' . December 3rd,1934., The Board having carefully investigated this claim, was unable to find any negligence on the part of any employee at the County Home in - the treatment of this man; therefore payment for injury dlleged, was upon motion of Pd;r, Trask, seconded by Dfir. Roes,-declined.. • , The m eting then adjourried. . , , - ~ . ~'~~ ?~:Ti"~~ ~ , // Clerk. , ` U Wilmin~ton,Di.C., December 17th,1934.' The re~ular weekly meeting of~ the $oard v~as neld at_3s00 0' clo_ok P.I~. ~ Present: /~ddison He~vlett Chairman, Geo.iU.Trask, F.Iu.Ross,Jas.2~.Ha11 and,J.H.Hinton.. ,' ti. reguest of LeRoy Goff through his~attorney Hugh C, Pace, that the..County refund the court costs he pai:d in Recorders',Couxt in a case of assault, for the reason that ~~ the said case vaas -sent over to the Superior Court on appeal in errox after hav9.ng paid ~, the said cost, and was'fot~nd guilty~upon trial there, was upon motion of r.~r. Hinton, seconded by Ifir. Trask,,referred to~~he. County A:ttorney for inveetigation and report back to the. Board at:a subsequent me;$ting;., ~ ~ , .3 ~'-~ ?; A surety bond of John ~l..Brov~n,, clerk in the Tax Collectors office, in the penalty v ` o£ "~'2;500.00 with the..Natio~alr5urety~Corposation as surety, vras presented, the said ~~~yy.p/~ amount. h~,ving been,fixed ~By the Co,t~~nty~ Coirmiissioners~,_ was upon inotion, duly seconded, approved, all members votiiig affirmatiyel3*., , • `4 •i~l r t '.h~j ~'•µ h ~"' ~• The cost for. exce$s~gas.. c~argeacY.,~x}t~;1~i1i •of' the HEalth Department and used by the , ERA adminis~rative off.i~ces Yor heating, was upon motion, duly seconded, ordered paid ~ by the~County and~charged agaixist the localarel,ief funds. . ~ . ,. , ~ . , Upon motion of ivfr. ~Traek., ~ seconded by ~~Lr.,,Ha11, @ounty bills .Nos. 1406 to 1440 were / ^ ~~~5 a}~proved for payment.. ` " : ' - ~ 's ~ .y ~ ' Upon motion of. t.ir. Hinton, ~ se ;onded by~?J,r. Hall, the Board approved the recorrsnendation€ of the County Vdelfaxe Off:icer `and the State Direci;or of I~others' Aid to increase the ~ montHly amount of grant~ fox mOthers'; aid as of October lst,1934'~f~or the follo~~ingt ~ ~j. Mrs.Lizzie G.Farrow from ~11.00 to ~15.00, hSrs.Janie L.8'mith from ~12.00 to ~y15.00,and' ~ Mrs.Claudia B.Davis frQm ~10.00 to $~12.00 from October lst", to Dec 31;1934 and from '~¢12.00 to ~13.00 from January„1,1935 to June 30,1935, T~rs~It~ary C,Saundez•s from ~17~.00 to ~20.00 from Oct.,l, to Dec.;31,1934, and from ~p20.00 to~ ~p21.00 froni Jan.~l, to June 30th,1935, ali subject to readjustment for futbtre needs. , j; • ~{+;'•}'+ill,Cjii~'~ 4-•r- ~ ~ f;.~;'~i~~~ , ~? .. r . ~",~~~.1 , , t'' ~ _..:r t ~;,; r . i ~ `~ ~ ~t , ~~~ ~ f, ,~ ~.r `t::i:' . . , . y. ~o. ~, . . {.,'~;;•"~ ~: Meeting oi' Deeember,lS'th;1'~34, ~continued':,'+ , • z y , , . ~.._ f ' ~ '' ~' '' ;;; : { r ; ~=•' ' ` . '. ' a , ,.,` ', on motion "of ?~dr.- Trask.;; seconded~ ;by D~IT. Hall yd"the Boand'approved and $uthori.zed tYie ~, ~„, ~ coris~ruction of' add'itiontil rooms~~t the County Home at-wn~approximate cost to tlle ~/~ •~ County for,'ma"terial of ~1;OOOa00,' tne Er?er~ency Relief~z~dministration to •furnish the • l~.bor, as per sket~~h prepared by I~r. 'Foard:'.Tnist'being xnecessary to care for the - ~. increa'sing dei~ands ~Yor the care and maintenance oi~• indigent citizens. , ' ' -=• ~. .: ~ ' • ~~ ' ~' '' ~ ~'' ~ Upon mqtion of' iiir, tlintori, seconded by I~r.,:.~Ha.].1, tYie pu~chase of •equipment f'or ,the ;• • vi ' .f~~~[eter Adjustor from E.H.Sargent & Go., at a coat oi' ~p113,~;75 was app~oved'r3 : ~ •~"~ U on riotion ot' ~<:r Ha,ll the 2~Geter ~+d ustex was instructed to make monthly reports of ~ `,~~_,i... P r j ;! ~ -.. ~, ~ his department ~to the Board, in the' f'uture. ~ • ~ ' ~' The Cliairma.n announced: that the State High~•~ay and Public ~JJor~s G`ommis~ion had~ taken •">a ~j11;~ over t~he Murray rdad; iri the Acorn Branch section; as a,State hignvaay. ~ ~ ~t ~'' ~ 'Y ~ ~ '~ . '! ~ ] ' ~ ~ : ~. .~ . , w T~:. ~ / ~ . ~ . ^. ^ '~•'~'~p ~;~~< Upon motion of i~r, Hinton,, the di:vision bf assessment ~ o•n tlie T.F,.Boyd property in block o ~--%I;~'~~ ~490; by fixirig the assessment on.the~four build:i~gs at ~900.~00 each,and 'three lots ,-~ " ~~- at ~400..00 eaoh and the loi; on ~the~ corner at;,$p46.~:00, was approved by the Boardc~7 1 , . i~.i,. . i-+ . • - ~ a . ~ , . ~ ~_~ • c *c, - ~~~ ~~' R.~ •: ,, .~`:;~.. •~~~, The matter of.adjust'irig the back taxes on :tYie Bishop property in'block $18~, was' , " ' referred to the Chairman f'Ar investi~ation and submit his recommerndations to the Board ~ . _ + ,-~~~.~, at. a subsequent meetin~:, ~ , ', ~ ' ~ '. (: ~' k ~~ . ` . r . . ... i'I~~i„i' j.i.l~> , ' . x. . ,;• 3 ,$ . Upon motion, duly secondeu, ~fr. D.Id.Bornemann vras •granted an abatement of taxes on a • ,~~~, _ t~. , . ;? ~ t,~, +k~, valuation of ~430:,00 Chevrolet automobile listed 'in error for the year 1934;, the aame '~ ;;•, '~~ ?` - . having been surrendered to ~he sellers. • • • • , • • ' r ~. ~ i: ~ t ; ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . '`~ . . ';';''fj~',~:~~i.' ;•Upon motion of •I~rr Hall,:seconded by }dI'r.' ~rask, Mr.J.R:Pitts a resident of I-iamlet,N.C., '. :-F~i, •''{~~ •was released from payment of poll and penalty for ~he years•19~2,1933 and 1934~charged G-"" •`;;•,i.,~...t'~c` •against let #27 Idlevrild, ~,on account of beir~ a non-resident and ~not subject to poTl ~ , , ~ „ ~ y~ ` " 'taxes in •this County. - . ~ . . ' . . . . , ~' ~.•.;. ;.!, ;. '_,~ . . '.: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i~-~+. ~+!~i~y ~, ; Upon motion .of ~ir:~~kintonk,, the req~Yest of• b.4iss 3?ary Ida Strauss for a reciuction of the i~~ a( ,--~.'~ 1~ as~essment` on~property in>'block #~263, was, reqeived for- inQestigation: . <`+'a . ., s'~ ~~~~ ~~ : - z . ' ~ • - p ~ 1~ • '. ;; . , ' ~. ~~, ~;+. , Upon motion of 2~~?r ,.sHintan, seccnded ~by E4r« Trask, ythe assessment on 300 .acres ~of land = I ~~' ~~-. owned••by I~I'eKoy ana~'onnett; r.ia.sonboro totianship, wa's reduced by inaking the ~10,'000.;00 ~ '~ ~ „~.. •~ a"ssessment fix.ed on~same in 1932-effectiv,e,for the years 1929,1930 and'1931, on.:account~ ~" ' ~!~ .' ` propert 's < ,, of error in•having:assessed the y~too high.' . ' `~~t~. ~~ ~ ~ The meeting was •then• adjourned. ;< . . ' . .. ~ ~ 1 `• . ''~!~ ~//7H ~c.5~'~. " .. ', ~ ,' . ~'k lerk., d.p~ilmin~ton, N. C.,"December 31st,193~.,, ~ ~ • . rt~Y;. ~ •. ~i 7 ... , . .~ ' ~ F S If; ~• . . > ~ t... ~ ~ ' . ' , ,~~^ .. The re~ular weekly meeting of ~ tHe'Board was. held at~ 3:00 0' clock P.M: ~' , ;~ ..~...~. ' i~: . . ,. ~~ ' • r ' `~ ~`< Pr.esent: Addison Hewlett.Chairman, G.eo.W:Trask,yJae..Id. Hall.;.and J.H.Hinton, and Fsffi.rRoss. `~ . ~~ ~°. ' "~ ,. • ' ~ ..~. . ti ~~r. .r ~ -1 ~ G '~'. Y ~> ~~~r,, Upon motion of Lx,t, Hinton; seconded by DBr:'"Hall,, the Board' gave permission t o bury ~ ~`?~ ~ , William Ritter,a colored;res.ident ~of Philadelphia, in Oak Gro~er Cemetery, for the reason ,4..-, '~ _,~ that other members °of his family,tare buried, there.:~, : i, ,; ~ '. ~' ~ • ~ ~ ~ ~ '~ ~~. ;~. ~fj i Aequests of Mr. Jc.V~.Brooks for a•~reduction' of assessments on buildings in blocks Nos: 138 • ~ .- • ' and 151, on account Qf their dilapidated~condition, we're upon motion of fl~r. Ro;sa, seconded ~' ':• '- .~~~ by ~r. Hlnton, re~ferred to the.Tag Asses,sors .for investi~ation and report to the Board~_rat i'ts `' . ~t , next meeting. .~ , ~ • ~ ; t ~ ' ,~l ` ,~ ~~' Upon motion of Mr. Trask;a seeonded by`Mr:.Hall, the, request of+i;~•~ 5olomon B. Sternberf~ er,Esq., ~~:~ , that an adjustmerit abe made in the taxes on the pro,perty of Est.y Of H.~6.Bishop, ;block #186, #;~•, ,~ c/~~ on account of . theq dilap'sdated condition ,of the buiid3~[~ was referred.~ to' the _C~airman ~ •r: '. ~{~,a to take the matter up with the C'ity Qommissioner' of'Fi`nance, with the view of drorking out. "'~~~ ~~'' some method of adjustment ~nd re¢ort to the Board at.a subsequent meeting. . , "',: 'F~ ~ ,~ _ . ` ,,,.i' :. ~ ~, • . ~ {~{ f~~' Upon motion of. ~r: Hinton, the C.ounty Welfare Officer v~as au'thorized to secure clothing from " , he County Home for Nathaniel King colorec~ charity patient in Jas. Vdalkeir Hoapital;in ~ ~`r~ order to return him to~hi's home,at Armour,;N.C: r ~. ~ 3 '^ +~`~C~~1~iJpon motion,-_dulyc seconded, the `Board ~approved the`pa53ment of'$16.94 to the North Carolina,.,~ ~,,: ..i~.~,?'. ,Sanatorium for board and, treatment of J.T.$elcher`from December 2nd, to January 2nd, ` ~ - , ~l~. ~, - , . . ~, ' , ~ ` ~ ~~~ ' Hinton; the Board gave authority toyr.ent ther •~~. . '~ p{ ~ Upon motion of ~6r. Trask' secon3e.d by Pdr. • '+` .,~mall house on the.Blake land ad3oinin~ the~airport;'to.~r. Ho~t at a rental of ~1;00 ;}-~ _ ;~. ~,~~per week,' with the understanding that he is to vacate 'trie premises at any~ time the ,'} , , '~ County may need the same~for other:~purposes. .,~:„, - : _ , .:~ " -•~~„~ Upon-motio:: of Ns..Hintori; seconded by Mr..Hall, the estatg of Edward:'~,. Davis.Gwas released G_ ,...,,` ~i; Gx from payment of penalty for not 17sting~~property in block No.149 for~:~he'yeaP 1934, on F; , ~account of having;listed ~ther property ;,and~through error this vras omitted. '~ +~`~~ ~Upon motion of Nr. Hall, seconded by Mr.,„Hinton, the payment of ~19.i60 to Wil],iam J.~ ~~'~'' Bridgham for Landscape,Services,~beautifying Green~ield Drive;.was approved. y ~ ' ,i~~~ . , . , .. '' ~ ~ 3 t • . . •. .. "`)_, Q ~ ~-~p U,pon motion, duly seconded, the Board,approaed the payment of a~25.00 to. Andrews Mortuary,k f. _, j, ~W~'~"~for the buria2 of 1~rs. Percy Lewis. ~ ta• ~~ ~ ~ . ~t.. ! ' ' ,.,{:`+i~~ ' ~ ~ * . `~ ,. ,' ~ , T4 ~ ; +: iS., ~ •_' , , F • ~ .. ,~ , i . , . : • 4j'~~j~i~ ,. y r Y' .i . ' .u. F . .. ~f~(~,1~ , .,~. -+,,. . . .~..~ .•-, , . r t±~~ 4.r~i - _ , -'4: ~ `~ + - . +1 . . ~. -i.~.f,~ ; - '~ ;. ~~i~i{~I~~~j11~. T.,~,,. , : ; _ ~. ~.~. . ., , y`, . .~ ... ~ ~'~ 1 ~' ~yt t ~ ''``i.lf"ii : - .~~~ •• ' ' . . ' . ~ 6~ ~ •. ~ . r, ~ ~ ;.' . . . ~,' t,. • • , ~, ,;~';,~°'"`"' , y; , Isieeting oi' Deeember,l'Yth;1~39, ~continued:'~ ; ~ -~ ;`~ , .. ~5 '~ 'i: . . ` i ~, µ ;~'~'.. ~ .. ' ~ ' ' . e . ~ ' ,'• ;;,',' ~ ` ' pon ~motion of "AIIr..- Trask;, seconded~ ;by ISr. Hall,a"the Boa.nd appro?ed and authoxia.,ed trie , ,,, ;; ~ ~ coristiruCtion of' add`itional rooms"at the County Home at~~2ri~approximate coet to 'the G/~ e ,~;,: County for, ma"terial of ~1;000:.00,; tne Em.er.ge.ncy Relief;;~Idtninistration to •furnish the ~ ~ labor, as per eket~h prepa~ed by Mr.'Foard:.This~'peing neoessary to care for the j. ~; '' ~. incre~sing dethands t'or the care and ma~intenance ot'~ indigent citizens. , '• [' ~, • Y~ • Upon mption of' iiir. Hintori, seconded by`Iair:,~Ha.ll, tjhe pur'chase of equipment f'or the , ~' `• y~ ~~~~eter ~idjustor from E.H.Sargent & Co., at~a cost ot' ~113.~.,75 ~+as apP~oved':,~ : ~° •~' Upon r.wtion of' Iair Hall, the ideter e'+djuster was instructe@ to make monthly reparts af ~ ~~ \ ; ~~'~ • his department. ~to the Boa~rd, in t,he~ f'uture. ' • ' ~ • ~ '' " '. , The Ciiairman announced that the State Highrray and Public ~uorks Coimnis5ion had `taken ~i ,_ ' b.. ~ •' '"~~su ~~~ over the AQurray r~ad, iri tne Acorn Branch, section, as a State hig"hvaay. • ~ '. ;„ • ,, ~ ' ~; ~ ' ' , ' '~ .,": q.r~• , . , ,j• + , • - •., Upon motion , of I,~r, Hinton,, ihe division df assessment on tlie T.F,.Boyd property in block a , '~;-=~`~~~'~' ~490; by fixirig the assessmAnt on the~four build;i-~gs at ~900-R00 each,and three lots . -'~{ `. '~ at ~400..00 each and the lot on the~eorner at;~p46,~:00, was approved by the Board~~r 1 ~ ; . i~.: . {'ti~•-~ . . . . ' ° ~ • ~. .. '. ~ ' - '~ ' ' ~ . ~j~, ' '~' ~`"'` •~t ~ The matter of .ad usti:ri the back ~taxes on :tkie~ Bisho pro ert in ?block• y~18C~, was' ~~ .~~;y~Q~ ` referred to the Chairman f'Ar investigation and submit his recommez~dations to the Board ~ ~ ' '~ ~ ' at a subsea,uent meetin ~ • ~ . ";?.., ,-~ g: , . ,?" ,. ~ _, r , . f a ";~~ ~ t°''' ~t~• Upon motion, duly seconded, Mr. D.Sd.Bornemann was ~~ranted an abatement of taxes on a i•i („~ ~.t `~t;~.. ~. y,' valuation of ~430x,00 Chevrolet automobile'listed in error for the year 1934;~ the same '~ • 1~~!~ - havin~ been surrendered to ~he sellers: • • ; : , •~. : : f'' `'6'•I~~ '~ •~~~ '' ~Upon motion of •IRr: Hall ~seconded b N1s.' Trask 1:r.J.RrPitts a resident of Hamlet N C.,' ~.~, .~ ~ > Y r ~. • `i"'~,? ,• ~~;-•;' 'was released from payment of poll and penalty for the years •19~2,1933 ;and 1934.charged ~ ~,,~~t~' •against lot #27 Zdleti~ild, ~.on account of beir~g a non-resider~t and •not sizbject 1;o po11 : ~~'` • ,~{ , •taxes .in ~this County. • ~ ~ • • ~ • ~ ~ • ''~`".;. ;.: f , : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,{~Y ~~'~,`~.,j~3~~; ;.~ ; Upon rnotion of 1uir:.~jHintorl~, tne req~xest of+7FYss isary Ida Strauss for a reductiou of the ~~r : ;~ ~ assessment' on {property in-'block y~263, vras, received ~or inv;estigation.° ~t~.C ;. . . ;' i ~ j~ ' a n~ ' . ` ' . ~_ . •c'". ;, ?if`,.~; Upon motion of I~r..,tHinton, seconded -by Llr.fi Trask, the assessment on 300 acres f,of land 3 ! ;I~1 ,~ . ,. ~.~ . owned-•by I;4'cKoy ana"~+'onnetrt; Masonboro totivnship, was reducea by makin~ tYi~e ~10,;000.;00 ' . ~`"~~- ~ a'ssessnent fiXed on~same in 1932'effectiv,~,for the years 1929,1930 and'1931, on;account~ ",~' ~•, j,j ~, of error in •having :assessed the property ~too high. ~ " ., . . ~ . , ) ~ ,- : ~ '•'r~. ;,~;~ T#~e meeting was •tnen adjourned. ;< • • ' • ~ ~ • ~ ,. ,.1~- ~Q . ~~~' ' ` ~ ~/l~ H ~ c . 9~~!~L ' . , . 1 .°a /~C1erY... " 6 Wilmin~ton, N. C„"December 31st,193Ai,. . +, , • ~t ` `/ ' a ' . ' t . e~; ~• . ~, , ' `I, .. ' ~i~ .. The re~ular weekly meeting of ~trie Board vqe.s. held~ at~3:00 o clock P.M: ~~ r~ • •~~': . s:.. ~ , ~ ~' '° ~ ~ Present: Addison Hewlett.Chairman, G,eoiw:Trask,~JasJ ~8. Hali,~.end J.H.Hinton, and F,ffi.~Ross. \, _ ~~'. . ~ • ~ w , •*.~. ;! ',~ Upon motion of L-`r,y Hinton; seconded by Mr:.'`Hall,, the Board' gave permission t o bury ~ '`;~ . ~ /r ~~~~~n. , William Ritter,a colored~;res,#deiit,4of Philadelphia, in Oak Gro~er Cenietery, foi the reason ,~.> '`'~ ' ~~`^~t that other members •of his family:~are tiurie~, there:.• :.~ .,~, ' . + ' ~ ; ~~ ~ r ~ , . ,; ; ' e ; ~- ° ~~;s Requests of ~Gr. J~.V~.Brooks £or~a'~'reduction~ of assessments on buildings in blocks Nos. 138 ~ ~ "~ . ' and 151, on accouiit qf tYieir dilapidated condition, we"re upon motion of Mr. Rosa, seconded j't' ~'. .,---~~ by bSr. Fii,nton, re~ferred.to the; Tax Asses,sors for investigation and report to the Board^~at its ~ ~'° €~ , next meeting. '~ ~ + • ~ ; ' ' ' . ';. . ~ , • , •, ~ r 1 :t; r f.~ ~' Upon motion of Adr. Trask;: seconded by`Mr::Hall, the request of+i_:•» Solomon B. 'Sternber er,Esq., "~;~' that an ad,justmerit,~be made in the taxes,on the pro,perty of Est.y Of H.M.Bishop, tblock ~186, ^, ~~/~~ on account. of . the ~dilapidated condition :of the buildi~a~ was'referred.~ to the,.Chairman • ~ .•>", `~•, to take the ma,tter up with the C"ity Cos~iesioner' of'Finance, with the view of u~orking out , '~'~• ~~" some method of adjustment end report to the Board at.a subsequent meetin.g.• , '^ ~~ #"i' Upon motion of_Il~ir. Hinton, the~~County Welfare Officer was au'thorized to secure clothing from ~ ~~-the County Home Yor PTathaniel ging colorecl charity patient in Jas..Vlalker Hoapital;in ~ ~~~r order to return him to~his home,at Aimour,;N.C: w' ~- ~, ~ r....t-!... , ' - ' ;. • `+ S' ~Upon motion; _duly'z seconded, the'Board ~approved the''pay`~ment of ~~16.94 to the North Carolina,.~ ',,, . ..~~~. ,Sanatorium for board and,treatment of J.T.Belcher`from December 2nd, to Tanuary 2nd. ` f~f. .r '.~ , , ', ; ` , ~-~ ~~r~ > Upon motion of Mr. Trask,~ secon3ed by Adr. Hinton, the'Board gave authority toFrent the ,~ • S3~ .~~mall house on the Blake land ad~oining the~aimport; to ~r. Ho~k at a rental of $1.Q0 ":~- _ ~.'~~y= per week, with the understanding that he is to vacate'the pxemises at any~ time the , i~ - ~ ' , County may need the same~for other.purposes. ,,y:,~ ~ _ . ; ;.. ~~ ~' Upon motioa of Ffir. .: into;n,~ seconded b;~ B~r.. Hall, the e§tatg of_,Edward:`~,. Davis ~was released / „_j. ` #~~ from payment of penalty for not 1'isting~property in block No.149 for'the'yeaf 1934, on ~ ",~. ,,!j~~Gx ~account of kiaving .listed mther property ;rand~through error this vras omitted. ' ~ ~ii~•~ ~ "- e , ,. ~Upon motion of N,r. Ha31, seconded by b'fr.;Hinton, the payment of ~19.;60 to William J.~ "''~{~~j` Bridgham for I.andscape,Services, beautifying Green~leld,Drive; was approved. ~ ; i'9. ~^%~ . . ~ .. - . ~~1. t - / .. ,~ ~~~p U~~pon motion, duly seconded, the Board.approved the payment of ~25.00 to. Andrews Mortuary,l/ t. • ,~~1~^~"`Yor the burial oP Mra. Percy Lewis. ` ' ~,~~ ~~' k , ' , t f .. . . itfF: t , . ,, . • . 4 ~ .'~• : :; ~, ~ '~, ~ ~ _ a ~ ~ i ' ~ 4 . '..~ ' ~ . ..:s j~ . - • ~ . ~ . ~l~li' ~ ' ^ ' ~ , . ..~ ~i ~. _!k+ :~,~y ' .. ~ . . . . . .~ ~1Sy} . . ,. . ~ d y + • .. ~ , . .. ~r ~ i , ` . • . . s ~. . . ~, , r ' i I ~ ~ . ,..' .. ~1~E,;,; ` . , ' ~ . ~~i I,s. ~ ' ,~ +~~ ~~t,! _ ... '1 L - . 316~ i Meeting of December 31st,1934, continued. l ~+ ~ ~ •. 1~ ; . IIpon motion of ~r.. Ross, seconded by Mr: Ha11, the matter of correcting an erTOi s~pearix~ in the division of the land and buildings assess~ent'of Messrs. M.W.Divine ~~ ~ ~ U1~ an8 M~~J:Corbett, block #533, was rePerred to;the Chairman to make such changes and ' / corrections necessary and wlth power to act. ' `.,j~ Upon motion, duly seconded, the payment of ~40.00 to the Ldoore-Fonvielle Realty (jo., (~~~~~ for rent of four offices 3n the Garrell building at $10.00 each~for. period from !,` .. '~~ December 7th, to danuasy, 7th, acoount of Relief Administration, was approved. ~ Upon motion of Mr. Ross, seconded by ~5r. Hall,.the Clerk was instructed to furnish J.H.Boatwright & Son., upon advfce of the County Attorney, a certificate stating ' that, with reference to his surety bond #70610-07-334-32, ?dr. Plilliam Tienken has, ~ properly performed the duties of his office as constable o~' wilmington township xA~, ' ~' and that there.are no auits pending a~inst him by the Caunty, nor has any claim been made~upon said bond to the Board of County Commissioners. •- ~'~ A report of Jas.~Aalker. Hospital for December was received and ordered .filed. ~J ~ Upon motion, duly seconded, `A.B.Register, 212 B~cRae Street, was granted an abatement ~!; / of taxes on a valuation of $385.00 household and kitchen furniture lisGed in error for /\(1~~ I~the year 1934. • ~~ The following good and lav~fnl citizens were drawn to serve as jurors in the Superior., ,~ Court for.the trial oP criminal cases far aveek beginning Janua,~y 14th,1935: O.K.Pridgen~ W.H.Montgomery. B.M.Williams. P.S.Vaughn. E.R.Wells.- Fred Little, ~ J.H.Johnston. J.A.McAdama. J.E.Evans. C.B.Davis. 'Aillard Kells. B.E.Frady. .. Sa:,i Seigler,Jr.. H.Ludham. , R.I..I,ewis. L.A.Hanson. M.J.Fountain. J.E.Burk~: ~ Emory W.White. R.J.Biddle. '~ E.B.Murray. J.M.Bull'ard. C.H.Davis: J.Z.Baldwin. Harxy E.Shepard. Chas.Finkelstein. C.H.Stanland..Joe Pallock. W.J.Lacy. N.E.Block., Roger.W.Hewlett. H.A.Barrington. L.B.Ddintz. R.C.Pickett. H.E.Smith. J.~T.BoesCh,. C.D.Rivenbark. VJ.M.Blanton. F.G.Maner. B.T.Graham. R.T,~lalker. A.E.Kure~.. ! The m eting ,then ad,j ourried. ~ ~ / " ~ ~C. 9~~_ . ' . , . Clerk. Wilmington~N.C., January 7th,1935. , . . .'. " ~,... , 11 . , e ~ ~... , ~.;:, ~:: ~A ,. ~ ;,.. '~ .., The regular wee]Oly~meeting.of the Board was held at 3s00 o'clock P.~d.' _ Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.19.Trask, Jas.M.Hall an d J.H.Hinton. '. ~ ~ ~.. ~Requests of the State Association o£ County Commis~ioners and the Eastern Carolina ~~ Chamber of C~rmmeree for contributions to pay expense.of havin~ a representative at `~^P~' ' Rale.igh d~ing the present session of the legislature to aid in securing legislation `U for £he good of.the State and us~ hia efforts to head o~ de,brtmental le~isla'Eion, were received, but not looked upon with fanor by the Commissioners. Upon motion of NLr. Hinton,. seconded by ~r. Hall, the Board approved the payment of ~~ ' ~~~j ~12.75 to Jackson & Bell Compai~y, for eighty books, Auto Test Records purchased by _the Sheriff for the use in checking up on autorlights etc. , Upon.motion oP Mr: Hinton, seconded by Mr. Hall, Humphrey Brothers of Bur aw,N.C.,I~ ~ ~p~~, were released from payment of~penalty for not l~:sting lot # 14, in block ~100, 'i" l.- ~ Carolina Beach for the -year 1934, on account of being a non~residen£. , ~' A request of the Board of Education that the~sum of $3,450.00 be placed to the Credit o% the Board of Education to take care of Maintenance of Plant~ $2,200.00; ~~f~ \~'J~ Book Fund, $1,000.00, and Special Vocationa.l or ~iscellaneous $250.00 for the aionth V~ of Januaxy, was upon motion of 1~;r. Hinton, seconded by Mr. Hall, granted. . ~ .~ Upon motion of DCr. Hall, seconded by DFs. Trask, the Board dir~ected that effort be renewed to secure Federal Aid through the Relief Administration to extend Chestnut ~ l~ Street eastwardly beyond Burttt Mill creek. A communication was received from the County Auditor advis.ing tne amount on J ~ ~`~ deposit in each,bank as of December 31st,1934, together with a memorandum of ~ ._ seeurities held in each case. ~~ ~C Upon motion of llRr. Hinton, seconded by 1,Qr. Hall, the matter of adjusting the difference in'fees'amounting to ~120.00 withheld by. Mr. ~7.N.Harriss, former Clerk ~. , ~~+/ of the Superior Court, as reported in the ~udit prepared by Mr. Edwasd C. Craft,C.P.A., 'fl`~ for year ending June 30th,1934, on suits begun prior to April lst,1933, while the , ..._ G C2erk of the Court was on fee basis, was ref erred to the Chairman, County Attorney ' and the County Auditbr for investigation and report to the Baaxd at a subsequent meeting. Upon motion of Tv~rr. Hinton, seconded~by I~&r. Hall, the Board acting upon the recommendation _~~`J~ of the Tax Assessors, allowed the following reductions in assesements on the property of Mr.J.W.Brooks, on account.of the extreme dilapidated condition oP the buildinge: ~ Building, block #138, Southeast corner pock & P7ater Streets ~educed by.$ 3,750.00 ^ " " ~outhweat ~~ " " " " " ". 1~3~0.00 " ' " ' " 151 Northeast '" " " " " . " " 3,750.00 , ' '~ "' " " Northwest " " " " " " " 10.500.00 -. ~ ~19~300..U0 and an abatement of taxes on a valuation of ~19~300.OO.for the year 1934 was ordered. Upon motion of I~r. Trask, seconded by ~r. Hall, Mrs. Daisy Mayo was granted an / /~~~ abatement of taxes on a valuation of $1,500.00 on house located on block ~b6, lot ~! ""~~ f #10, Caxolina Beach for the year 1934, on account of the same not completed April' . lst,1934. , / 1 b .• , ,.• ,~: . ~ i ~r :.. . ,, '.. ' ,. .., . • ,' ~ ' ~