1936 Meeting Minutes (Scan). . . s • ~~~ P~eeting oY December 30th,,1935, continued. 1 Upon motion of PQr, rrask.,~ seconded by ~r. ninton, Coun.ty bills Nos. 1590 to..1785 ~ `~ ~~t' were approved fm~ payment. • ~""'_ ~ `~ n t : ;, .~ Upon motion, duly seconded, the 193b assessment of $4,000.00 on the house of. ~ Il~rs. Bessie .~. Martin estate, block #99, was made effeotive as of date 1929 on account oP its condition and deteTi:otaEed value, and an abatement of taxes on~a valuation of ~3,500.00 for the year 1929 to 1932 inelusive and on ~2~750.00 fox the years 1933 and 1934 was ordered. ~ ~ The Board acting under the authority of Chapter #73, P.L. Laws 1935, reduced the buildirig assessment of $400.00 char~ed against George Rivers block 8, lot 5, l,ove Grove to ~175.00 f or the yeare 1929 to 1932 inclusiv2, and.from ~360.00 to 200.00 ~~ f or the years 1933 to' 1935 inclusive :~uQ an i abatement of taxes on a valuatior} of ./ ~ on a valuation of ~225.00 for yeara '1929 ~to 1932 and on ~160.00 for yeara 1933 to 1935 inclusive vras~ordered, and the building asseasment of g450•00 charged against ~~ John H. Robinson block #14; lot # 16, I,ov~e Grove Was reduced_to ~175.00 for the- $*ears 1929 t3 1935 iaciusive; and an aliatement of taxes on a.valuation ~p275.00 for the yeass 1929 to 1932, and on a valuation of ~230.00 for the yeara 1933 to 1935 • was ordered, all on account of the di.lapidated condition of the buildings.and to enable the county to clean up the back taxes due.on said property thsough Mr..V. ~ Sidbury, Mortgagee~ who was forced to take the property over at a loss, thereby . cleariag::a total item of ~138.23 back taxes due on the two above small dilapidated pieces of property by compromising the same at $90.59. ~ ~ v The f ollowing good and lawful men were drawn to serve as j.urors in the Superior ~~ Court f or the trial of criminal ceses January term 1936: ~ .c/ . . ~ . „ I,uther Dexter. S.P.Hawes. G:C.~Galpass. D.G.Regfster.I.T.ESing,~ Jr., , Bernar.d 0'Ne.i11.~i.0.S.Southerland. F.I,.Bell, E.N.Small. I,.C:Mar.s~all. - J.B.Williama. ~T.C.Davis. Paul T..Mar.shburn. Geo.T.Newton..L.P.Iiall. ~ ~ff.I..Clemmons. I,.E.Ussery. b'.L.Pearsall.. E.X.Swann. . ~.J.Moore,Jr. ~ „ , J.E.Gallman. R.P.D6cCla~. Roger H. Smith. J.H.Niven. Sig Goodman. ~ O.FC.Pridgen. A.G.`Ahite. E.A.Laney. V.B.Sanders. Jno.S.McEachern. T.H.Skipper. I.Bagge'tt. "P.Z.Can.twell. Heriry I,ee. E.M.Godv~ixi. ,." H.H.J3a11. Ellia M.Shepherd. C.D.JViaffitt. L.I~d.ZeGwin. M.J.Corbett. ~ Y.C.Rich. T.R.HartlBy. S.E.Wood.. • The meeting then~ad,iourned. t f~iti ~1:~ . [ Ierk. Wilmington,N.C., January 6th,1936. The regular meeting of the tsoard was held at 3:00 o'clock.P.M. . ~~ . ~ ' Presents Addi'son Hewlett Chairman, Geo.~.Trask and J.13.Hinton. 'rJir. Peter Brown Rui'fin Chairman of the FFilmington Port Commission appeared and gave ~. the Cormnissioners a very interestin~ and encouraging derbal report of the activities ef 1~Sr. J.T.Hiers Ueneral Agent for the Co~iesion, for the two months ending , '~~rJecember 3~G:~,1935. While it was not shown that any great amount of new tonage had ~ ~----' paesed through this port by reason of ~fir. riiers efforta, due to the short time the ' Commission has been active, his contact with vari.ous ahipping interests has been very , encouraging and satisfac.tory reauTts are expected•. ~"~ • It,appearing, due to the absence f rom the City of tDdrr.•G.F.Dreasell for an indefinite ..' ~ period of time, his reaignation as a member of the tiVilmington Port Commissian , ~~,. ~w/~~~submitted at meeting of December 30th,1935, wae upon motion of 1dr. Hinton, seconded . .r by I~r. Trask,.~rs reluctant~y accepted. The appointment of his succeasor was postponed to a aubsequent meeting. . _, The question as to whom the monthly appropriation of ~125.00 to the ~1Pilmington Por~.~= 'a} Comnission for use of files, ~tenographer etc.,of the~Wilmington Port Traffic ~~~ Association shall be made payable, it wsa upon motion of i~tr. Trask, seeonded by ~ ~ ~'D~r. Hinton, ordered,.that the same be paqable to the PTilmir~ ton Port Commission as provided~in its approved budget of October 21at,1935, to be disbursed by it to the ~ Wilmington Port Traffic Association. ~ .~ - -. ~~ • A committee composed of L4r. Addison Hewlett Chairman of the Board of Commissioners~ , , . Dr. John T. Hoggard, Chairman of the Board of ~ducation and 1dr.Syrua D. Hogue, ~ ~} Attorney f or the Board of Education, gave the Commissioners a verbal report of recent • , •,~ A/conference with P@stm~s.ter< General Farley and other officialg at Washington concerning~, ,/~ ~~`}`" allotment of i~.P.A.~funds to this county to take eare of the School budlding program , 1 ~ -f•, dul,y requeated and filed w~th the with the Adminietration as set forth at meeting of ~/ . thie Board June 24th,1935, ~iir. Hogue apeaking for the coimnittee told the ~oa.rd . ~/ that ~r. Farley was definitely favorable toward allotmr-g the funda requeated and thgt the same attitude appeared among other officials with whom they conferred. The Committee ~ evas very much encouraged with the result of their conferences. Dr.Et.Vi.Hogue residing at ! .' YJashington,D.C., and a brother of Cyrus D. Hogue, Taq., rendered valua.ble aasistance ,rY '' ~• to the committee in gaining appointmenta with the varioue officials, therefdre, the ' Board upon motion of Iv1r. Hinton, seconded by I~r, Trask, gave instructions that a letter ,.' of appreciation be written Dr.Hog.ue for his valuable services rendered the committee. .• ~ Upon motion of ~ra Trask, seconded by Tdr. riint`on, a requeat of Mr. Edwin ;~eade, that the ' State Highway Comarission repair the road leading west fPom T~r.Skinners place near „.~ f5 -~ ~„~ Bradleys Creek to route ~30, was approved. LGs. 3~eade tivas asked to secure a petition from the property owners and ~?esidents served by this road for submission to the Highway ~ - Department. .- Upon motion of ~ir. Hinton, seconded by Mr. Trask, the Clerk of Court was granted an ` ,~ ' - ~~additional appropriation of :~100.00 ana~ ~~hirty:.days^'ext:ension of tiane for extra help ~/ ~ _~j listing the names of guardians,administrators etc., with the view of ascertaining those ,. ~ who have not filed reports with,the Clerk as required by law. ., : . •~~ ~ Upon moti.on of L3r. 7'rask,. seconded by I!~~r. Hinton, Mr.H.R.I^7illiams was grante.d an abatement~ ..'• ~~/1X of taxes on a valuation of ~300.00 pers.onal property above exemption listed in error `"~ ~f or the year 1935. , 40Q - Meeting oY January 6th, 1936, continued. , ,~ ~ Upon motion of ~r. ninton, seconded by Ntr. Trask, the ~2,565.00 assessinent on buildings^ `~: l owned by ~rlr.J.H.Rehder was reduced to ~2~115.00, block #287, on account of error :.~i/ ~ i~ in assessment, and an abatement-of taxes on a valuation,of ~450.00 for the year 1935 • ~ was ordsred. - ~~' ~ ' - ' . _~~!~ Upon motion of i5r. tsinton, seconded by E~r. Trask, the noard approved the payment of j~ _ Er -~("" ~18.00 to ~T.E.Yopp Inc., for the burial of Geo.E~.Fellenz a transient pauper. ~ . ,(,~ A request of the noard of ~ducation that the sum of ~2,500.00 fox maintenance of,plant y•- /~~v- and ~1,000.00 for the book fund be placed to the credit of the school account.to take " qare of expenditures f or the month of January was approved. Upon motion of B4r. Hinton, seconded by.Ivir. Trask,.the ~16,.650.00 assessment for 1934 f on land and buildings of Miss Mary Ida Strauss, block 263, wYiich was reduaed to V ~yA`~ ~14,000.00 for 1935, was m~,de effective for the year 1934, for the purpose of ' ~ equalizing the sa~e with similar property, and an abatement of taxea on a valuation . of 9"y2,650.00 For the year 1934 was ordered. A communicat,ion was received from the County Auditor advising the rioard of Ehe amo~t ^_A~" of deposit in each bank as of Lecember 31st, 1935, together wit,h a m~morandum of ~~'•-~ -securitiee held in each.case. V i • A motion offered by Lrr. J.H.Hinton to purchase a.supply af "Fingerprint Powders" ~ and kit containing other necessary things for the conYenient use of the Fingexpri,nt ~ Officer, at a cost of ~18.00, which is the approximate cost of the potivder alone as ~ "--stated, failed to receive a second and was therefore not put to vote by the Chairma.n. 3t appearing that•a number~of tax,payers who owe taxes f or the year 1933 and prior years, have appl3.r~tions for loans for funds with which to pay their bac~ texes and t&ke advantage of~the 3~ flat rate, which said loans are still pending and which they l~~ expect to receive•within a short time; the Coffinissionera, therefore, upon motion of r~ ~, DGr. Hinton; seconded by R~r. Trask, vote~ unanimoualy to extend the time allovred the . tax payers to pay~back taxes due•prior to the year 1934, at a flat rate of 3~ througli ' February lst,1936. No further extension at that rate to be allowed after that date; PROVIDED this action mee-ta with the appr.oval of the Board of Cammissioners of the City of ~Pilmirgton. ~ ~~'~~j Upon motion of Z4r. Hinton, seconded by P~r. Trask, County bills Nos• 1786 to 1933 ~ ~~~„ were approved f or payment. `~p The County Auditors cash report for the month of LeceMber was received and ordered ~ ~v.~~vf iled. ~ . . The meeting then adj.oiu ned. • ~ 7l. ~7'-.'- .. .^-~! l Clerk. ' ~ 0 PJilmington,N.C., Januaxy 13th~1936. The regular weekly meetin~ of the Board was held this day at 3s00 F.Id. ~ Presents Addison Hewlebt Chairman~ Geo.Vr.Trask, Jas.M.Hall and J.H.Hint,on. . A cou~unieation wae received from Mra.T.N.Hill, Supervisor of PI.P.A:.sewing rooms, , ~ advisitt~ trie Boaxd that 1829 sheets, 7242 towels, 831 pajama,s, 926 toy animals, ~~. ~~~ 64 dolls and 32 doll outfits valued at ~3~597.49 have been turned over to the .~ Associated Charities and Public U~elfare for the months of December and January. ~ Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by ~ir. Trask, the Board authorized the installation~ ~,~~ of en extension telephone .tn the office of Hr,ra.T.N.Hill, 4i~PA Sewing Room Supervisor. ~-- . Upon motion of I~[r. Hinton, seconded by I~dr. Hall, the 13oard acting upon a certificate~ of the Clerk of Superior Court as to the death of Mrs.~ary,I. Dixon, widow of '~ ~-~ 47.NI.Dixon confederate veteran, authorized the payment of ~v30.00 to ~Falter E. Yopp Inc.,, toward the burial expense of Mra. Dixon, as authorized by la~v. A report of the Iadies Res.t Room for the month of December was received and~ordered.~ ~ y..~~~ filed. ~ • ~ . ;,,;, ,.. . ~,. ~ . , ir -/ Upon motion.of Mr. Hinton, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Board authorized and directed y~ that the pressure bbiler in the Iaundry room at the County FIome be insured for a term ~, of three years at an approximate cost oY $35.00 in lieu of State inspection wi.thout ~ insurance, at ~ cost of ~p21.00 approximately. Upon motion of Idr. Trask, seconded by Ids. Hinton, Mr.Albert Russ was granted an C~\I~~ abatement of taxes on a naluat~on oP $150.00 household and kitchen furniture.abon~ ~ exemption, charged in error for the year 1935. ~~~~,~ IIpon motion, the Board authorized the payment of balance appropriations due the ~threet;~~, ~\'F~'-~military organizations for the year 1935-1936. .,. `~`A . . A'conference of the committee of the County Comraissioners and City Covunissioners, composed of Addison 1Iewlett Chairman, Hon.4Yaltex H. Blair, LQayor, H2araden Bellarqy, ~ l~~ County Attorney, John J, Burney, District Solicitor and tiarry E. Fales, Officei in ~ ~-. charge of the Buresu of Identification, was held on January 8th,1936';~ and did, on motion of DBr. SJarsden Bella~y, seconded by Hon.49alter H. S1~•ir, adopt the following order and reaommended its adoption•by the County and City Counnissioners.; to-wits- , " All persons that are charged with the coumiission of a felony be photo~ra,phed an~ fingerprinted, and all others charged with the commission oY a crime other than a _ f elony be photographed and fingerprinted when requested by the Sheriff of the County or the Chief of Police of the City of Y~ilmington". Upon motion of Wir. Hall, seconded by T~r._ Hinton, the foregoing order was unani- h ~~ mously adopted by the Board. - • ~ `'~ J ., r ~. ~eetin~ of January 13th,1936, continued. A claim of Dr. J.~L.Stanly for damag~s to his property and fishing rights account of right of way laid off for the construction of Chestnut Street Extenaion, was not considered for the reason that"~he County has no interest in the pro,~ect and is ~ therefore not the proper authorities to take this matter up v+ith, the same having been.laid off by the State ttighway and Yublic Ylorka Conanission and being conatructed by the YIPA. 4~1 .. Upon motion of ~ir. Trask, seconded by Il2r. ninton, the ~3,000.00 asseasment on house ~ of F.D.EdK~arda, lot #7, block #36 Carolina tseach, was reduced to ~2,225.00 the same .. °1~~~ being the total actual coat of construction, and an abatement of taxes on a valua.tion .. . of ~775.00 f or the year 1935 r~as ordered. ~~ ~~ A request of I~r. S.J.Robbinson for a reduction of assessment on house, block ~539, °~ and A4rs. ~ary A. Skeldin~, block ~114, were declined. The asseasments on buildings of Eat.JOhn B. Griffith, block #75 was reduced to ~j_ $3~750.00, building of ~firs. Elizabeth Jarrott to $4,000.00, block ~128, and the ~--~~x building of W.T.Bradshaw, block ~574 to~;~2,50Q.00, a11 on account equalizing to a ~ conform with assessments on similar buildinge, and an abatement of taxes pn a oaluatian of ~750.O~~on'.house of.Est.Jno.B.Griffith f:or!`years 1929~~to:1935 Inc;and $• on house : of Ldrs.Jarrott, and $200.00 'on"hous~.~of::W.T.Bradshaw for the year 1935 was ordered. ~~ Upon motion, duly seconded, county bills Nos. 1934 to 2047 inclusive vrere approved f ox^ ~`\~, payment. ' " ~ The Chairman announced that final details were worked out concerning the airport project / ~~,5'~~ at a recent visit here by Mr. Thurman ~r. DSi11er,Azrport Advisor,of Ralei~h and that • / futtls~~ improvements of Bluethenthal Field will start in the near future. „r The annual report of public funde in the ha.nds'of T.A.Henderson, Clerk of Superior . ' Court as of T~cember lst,1935, having been received and checked a~aina,t Public Funda ~ ~. I,edger and found correct by the County Auditor and apgroved by the Chairman and . ~ Committee from this Board, was accepted, ordered published and filed with the Regiater . ' '~.. of Deede as the lara directs.' . . ., The meeting then adjourned. I , [ f~i.~ ~1.~ .. !_ . . , ~Clerk. ~ ~~•. ~ ' l/ .. ~Iilmington,I1.C., January 20th,1936. '.. • The reguiar weekly meeting of the ~ioard was held at 3:00 o'clock P.,d. ~ d ~ Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.~'.Trask, Jas:M.Hall and J.H.Hinton. ~ / . A request of Nir. J.A.Taylor, State Senator Harriss Newman and Rev. Alexander / / . ~,/'~{~' ~ ~ Miller that the County use County funds to revive relief gardening for the '/ A R f I elie garden unemployables under the supervision of F~r.Carl B.Rehder, former ER ... •~ • Supervisor, was taken under conaideration. /~ ~ .- A request of Messrs.• H.G.I.attiraer and• b'.E.Livingaton mutual 1•fisurance Agents., , / ~' •/ ~Jv~ ~ ~ to share in additional County insurance falling due.February 15th,1936, rvas heard~" ' `; ~ ~. but the Board declined to go beyond,its action of February 18th,1935: '• f t ~~ t h lf ' • a par ren o s Upon motion, the Board approved th.e payment of $15.00 County ~ ~-_ ~~ : for ERA sewing room at 613 Nun Street for llecember and January. ~ ~ .. Upon motion of Pdr. Trask, the ~oard directed that the County Attorney be furnished r ~ ~a list of;tall inaurance companies carrying County's fire risks for the purpose of ~ `' ~~i aecertaining their financial condition. ~ J ' • - Upon motion of Par, Hinton, seconded by P.Sr, Trask, 4Tilliam Robinaon and aged and ,~ ~ ~ ~-~•o~~i isab~ed citizen, having been examined by the Assistant Health Officer and recommended ~ Y.~ ~•, ~~ by the County F7elfase Officer, was admitted to the County H~e as an inmate. .~. ',. Upon motion of Mr. Ha11, seconded by rJir. Trask, the Board agreed to<assume payment of ~50c00 / - per.H3nth~ ,jointly with the City of V7ilmington for rent of the three story building ~ ~ . _. at 416 ~iorth F~ont`PStreet formerly rented by ERA to Tanuary 15th,1936, thus continuing the ~ :.~,~ 3~:enting of~' ~~id building from January 15th, at $50.00 per month_instead of ~20.00 per month '. . ;,~ ~/r paid by TRA, tlie additional' rent required by J~ir. ~T.D,~YcCaig the recent purchaser of the ' building, in order to continue this location as a relief sev+inglroom, commissary and ~ and atoxa~e f~r New ffianover, BrunswiCk ~nd Pender Counties. Brunswick and Pender Counties -+~ Ato pay ~10.00 each montkily toward the payment~ ofs~id reut. ` ' .• `~J , ~, ~d M°i'~Ts~r. Hinton was excused from the meeting at this point to attend ~~}per~onal enga~ement.~ Upon motion of Mr. Trask`, seconded by Mr. Hall~ John Tate was granted an abatement of~ / ~~''' , •J ~ K taxes on one male dog charged in error for the year 1935. ~ ' U on motion; the Board approved the'payment of.~1.00 to the State Department of Labor for ~ ertificate to operate the pressue boiler in the laundry room at the County tiome for~ ~ ~ one year as requi.red by Section 10, Chapter 326 Public~Iaws 1935. • ri view of the fact that the gasoline sto~rage tank at the Stockadewas not included / within the terma'of the property transYerred to the 5tate riighv~ay Con~ission by the Act ~.V of 1931, and the County having no use for the same, Ns.Hall aud Mr. Trask were named to fix a priee on same at which the County would be willing to sell. ,_ The Board at meeting of October 28th, authorized the payment of ~13.75 toward the payment of rent for club rooms for underprivileged girls in building at northeast corner of ~~~ / ~ Fourth and Princess Streets. It nov~ appears that additional room is necessary,therefore 1/ ~1~~ the Boa,rd, upon motiori of T~r. Hall, aeconded by Mr. Trask, authorized the payment of -f- ,. $~35.00 monthly rent for the entire building jointly with the City of Wilmington. -. i t "- • - . • ~ ~. 4U2 ~ ~ ~~ BBeeting of Janu$ry 20th~1936, continued. / -- A statement of the Alcaholic ~everage Fund to December 31st,1935, as required by J _~ C`hapter 418, Public I,ocal I,aws 1935, was received from the County tiuditor. ~ ~An offer by I~Gr. E.G.lting to replace and repair the Court tsouse awnings at a reductXon .. G~„ of 10~ off the regular price, was declined, f or the reason that the County has / postponed repa,irs to its arvnings until the early summer. ~ . . The Boaxd being advised by Mr. Capus A~. ~r7aynick thai the conf.erence scheduled to be ~~ held to further consider the rnad to the south end of VTrightsville Beach has been indefinitely poetponed on account of the serious illneas of BSr. Moorefield District ~ n'~ Engineer of the U.S.Bureau of xoads, the Board approved the suggestion of the Ch~irman' ~ A~y' that the matter of arranging an early conference between the 'ride urater Power Company and , the State ttighway Cor~ission be taken up with ~dr. WayniclL ragarding the use of the right of way~of the Tide ~ater yower Company'for the construction of this road to the south end of the Beach, to the end that all the minor details could be worked out ~ .~ pending Mr. Moorefield's recovery, which w ould greatlq ex.pedi.te mattere and assure an erlier start on this project. ~ ~ y Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by E~r. Trask, Mr. '+Y.k'.Brittain was granted a refund ~,~ ~E1~i~. of taxes on a valuation of $300.00 Goods, Wares'and ~erchandise charged on his tax ~ list for the year 1932, in error. ' A petitaon signed by thirty-three citizens and property owners south of State Highwey~ -, ~20, at Winter Park, urging grading and surfacing that part of Third Street south . ~~7 of the hi~hway crossing t w a poink approxiroately 700.feet diatance, was received and ~ approved and ordered forwaTded to the Stat.e Highway and yublic ~dorks~Cormniasion _ f or its consideration. ~1~r Upon motion of i5r. Hall., seconded by I~'ir. Trask, the tsoard authorized the payment of ~~~,~~, gas used in the relief offices for heating, but charged against the Board of xealth~ ~. •_ , ~~~~ less the normal consumption by the Board of nealth based on seven months average ' ~ from October 1931 to April 1932, amounting to ~1.43'monthl~: , ~ v1„ ~~ Upon motion, duly seconded, county bills Nos. 1934 to 2155 inclusive were approved " . ~ ~ f or payment. ~~ ~~t~ The f ollowing good and lawful men were d'rawn to serve as jurors in the Superior ~ /~ }`N~`~ Court for the trial of civil cases, two weeks term beginning b'ebruary 3rd,1936: E.P.Crawford. E.H.Schulken. M.B.Haskett. Vi'.M.Harriss.J.R.Finch. E.J.I.eonard. l L.S.Marshburn. ~7.Pd.Sikes~. J.T.Sellexs. E.T.Blake. O.J.Buck. Clyde I,eonard./ S.GJ.Stillman. W.4~.Hazelhurst.K.O.Daniels. C.H.Jewell. F.Leveck. ~4.R.~age. a/ G.M.Nurnberger. F.G.Harries. L.V.Iacy. L.T.Davis. R.D.Smith. S.P.Deil. Second tiveek beginning February lOth,1936. L.J.Hilburn. R.S.Hufham. H.A.Topel. Walter.Casteen. G.F.Sellera. ~C.E.Rbbinaon. Ralph Eakina. Juliua 7~evine. C.B.Kornegay.B.H.Smith. E.B.Bu~g. L.C.Hemby. ,J C.I~.Butler. R.C.Cantwell,Jr.J.O.VJhite. J.C.VJalker. Harold Sandlin.D.H.Willard. ° H.O.Thomas. W.J.Wood. T.I..Bishop. D.J.Padrick'Sr. H.E.Ortman~. Julius 7Jei1. The meeting then adjourned. ~!~'i~i 7/~5=~-- ~f ~ Clerk. Wilmington,N.C., ~anuaxy,,27t•h,1936. The regular weekly meeting of the Board raas held this day at $:00 P.M. Present: ,~ddison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.W.Trask,Jas.~.Hall and J.Ii.Hinton. ; ~ .. Upon motion of ~ir. i:inton, seconded by I~r. Hall, a request of Mr. C.S.Hicks to p ~/ _ compromise an item of $'757.o0 City and County taxes due on the Cape Fear Apaxtments V ~t. ~\tA~ f or the year 1934, upon payment of ~500.00 was declined for the reason that the ~~ ~ assessment appears to be in line with that on similar property. ` The Tax &ssessors ha.ving separated the assessments on the property of J.H.Rehder, ~ ~d blocks Nos. 287 and 264, to enable Gurney P. Hood,Com~issione~rs of Banka to pay the 1/ '~ taxes due on that part taken over by the Commission;_. ~'he assessments as fixed by thc' ~~~p"~ Assessors were upon motion of B'Ir. Hinton, seconded by Mr. Trask, approved and the ~~ ~ Tax Collector was authorized and directed to accept taxe~ due on the following . property as described in deed recorded in book ~251, at page ~107, based on the assessments shown, in full settlement tnereof; to-wit- ~ =. Block 287 E end 4-5-Pt3_ ~' ^^ ~895.00 Pt EM 3-4- (1114 Park Avenue) 270.00 ~ , Pt EM4 Pt3 (1112 Park Avenue 270.00 . Pt EA4 4-5 (1113 Fannin~ :it.'~ 675.00 .. • E M 5 Pt4 (1111 Fanning 5t.) 180.00 ~2,290.00 ~ 1 Block 264. _ ' Pt E M 5 Pt6 375.00 ~ ' ~ 4Utr~ .~ ~. . .. ~. 1. . ~ I~Ieeting of January 27tn,1936'continued. ' Upon motion of t~r. Hinton, seconded by Tu1r. Trask, the Boarci authorized the / ~~ ~~payrpent of ~3.16 to the North Carolina ~anatorium ior board and treatment of' j/ Isabel Martin, colored, discharged from the S'anatorium January 24th,1936. Also the pay~qent of ~lO.OQ to Dr. R.L.Carter,Thomaaton,Ga:, for Pnenmo-Thorax _~~ treatment of J.T.Belcher was ap~roved. , : / illiam Robinson and Frederick ~V. ~pencer, two indigent county citizens havin~,~,/ been examined by Dr.B.E.~tephenson,Jr., and reco~mended by the County i'Jelfare / - Officer, were admitted to the County Home as inmates. ' Upon motion of 1iHr. Trask, seconded by ~tIr. Hall, the Board released the penalty ~ for not listing char~ed against lots 2,3, 14 and 15- block 5 Carolina Place, ~CcX in the name of I~fi.K.Hobbs for the-,year 1935 on account of the same having been ~ taken over by Mr.D.L.Hewett ~vho vrighes to pay the taxes. It was brought to the attention of tHe.Bbard by County Attorney Ma.raden Bellamy, that it has been etated that the pr.opertq of Fdr. ~.~t..Parsley adjoining the City ~(~~ ~~~aterworks plant at Hilton, which tHe city is'negotiating for to enlar~e its ~~ tivater plant, is not listed for taaces, and if this ie true it is the duty of tize -~ Board to re9uire Iutr. Parsley to list the same and to levy taxes against it for the. past five years. ' 1 l kJ'/The following was prepared and submitted by the County Auditor f'or the Board~s ~a~~~ informationt ' ~" RESIULT OF SURVEY FOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROI,INA SHOV~'3NG EFFECT OF ~1~000 HON1E OVaius;tsa EXEMPTION J ~ ON COUNTY AND`C;I7:`Y TAX RATES .. ' l4RiITE RACE _. Township Cape Fear Fed'1. Point Harnett flias onboro VPilmington Tot~,T da,pe Fear Fed'1.Point Harnett Niasonb5ro Wilmington Total ` i4hite Plegxo ~ ~ ' Total :~ ; ,. . , . ~ ~ , ~ County Less Exemptibns' Net : ; Ci~y . . Less Exemptions' Net , Names Names Tax Exemption Per Cent on Elimi- ~ Book Exempted.~ Book nated Values ' 346 31 08.96 : 1~626~050 Z7ay]17~5 10.70 ~j' 856 22. 02.57 1,562.750 43,435 02.78 1718 98 05.70 4,882.275 591~495 ~ 12.12 ~680 47 06.91 1~268,225 162~150 12.99 2848 59 02.07 22,164,215' ~ 1,663.405' 07.50 6448 257 03.gg 31~503~515 . 2,,634~6U0 08.36 NEGRO R ACE 179 69 38.55 _ 132,905 65,515 49~29 116 51 43.97 85,610 41,870 48.91 r 335 180 53.73 192,035' 11a,660 59.71 46 15 32.61 22,870 10,860 47.a9 1551 442 28.50 2,276.995 . 878,665 38.59 2227 757 33.99 2~710,415 1~111,570 41.01 COR'PflftATIONS . G No exem ptions RECAPITULATION 6448 257 03.99 31,503,515 2,634,600 08.36 2227 757 33.99 ' 2,7I0,415' 1.111.570 41.01 8675 1014 ~7.98 34~213~930 3y746,I7Q 49.37 ~ E TAR BOOI~ AS' L7AI3~ UP FOR 193 5, " FOR IdEV~ HANOVER GOUNTY ~ Corpoxa~e Real Personal Total T~ Amounit~ Excess Estate Property Value Rate 2,859,617 42,607,405 5,392,413 50~859,435 0.65 330,586~33 ~ 3,746,170 3:,746.170 ~ 2~859,617 38~861~235 5~392~413 47~113~265 0.7017 33U~593.78 TA~ BOOHS' AS' 1~ADt+: UP FOR 193 5 FOR CITY OF Y~ILI~dZNGTON 790,860 27~923~806 3~929~399 32~644,065 1.50 489,660.98 2.722.123 _2_722_1,~3, ~ 790,860 25,201,683 3,929,399 29,921,942 1.6365 489,672.58 ~ "-'t. . .~ 404 s ?~eeting of' January 27th,1936, continued. ~ ~~ Upon motion of Idr. Hinton, seconded by It~r.. '1'rask, _the ~Board ordered an item ., of back taxes amounting to ~7.81 for period from 1876 to 1891 chaxged , "-'~ against Rev. J.E.Mallett block 23•7-EN[1&PtEMl, cancelleci on acdount of being . a doubtful charge. _ " ~. ~'~ A report of Jas.p~alker Hospital fox the inonth of December was received and ( ~ • ordered filed. Upon moLion of iQr. Trask, seconded by'1;~r: Hinton, abate~hents were granted ~ ~~.II ~~p'~, the following on account of error in assessments on buildinga in Cape Fear ` tor~nship for the year 1935s ~ N.B.ChadHwick;house on lot ~6, Pt.Chadwick ~ 75.00~ ~ • . : M.C:Farr, house on lot ~7, Pt.Chadv+ick ' 925.00 ~/ . Est.E.R.Chadv~ick,house on one acre land Pt:Chadtivick 570.00 (/ An assessment of ~p275.t00 was charged against b;Irs.I,ula C.Boyl~n~i for house ~[~ ~ ~ ~ 1~f~~v on lot #3, Pt.Chadvrick, for'the year 1935, left off~through error. ~ ' -rt~ , ~ upon motion of iur. Hinton, seconded by~T~r. Trask „ the Chairmari~was • .. ~ authorized to pay approxiraately $~14.00 for repairing th~ damages done to ~he new Chevrolet delivery truck of t~r.F.P.O'Crowley whi•le parked near Belk.: t• ~-~ Williams on ~'ront Street January 13th,1936, by S.W.Verbal, County prisoner . backing county~s truck into the same. If after investigation he finds that~ the driver of the County's truck was at fault. ' ~The follotving list of persons convicted of selling whiskey in violation of ~. law, and having been given road sentences, were received from the A.B.C.Board vrith recormnendations that their license permitting the sale of beer pe cancelled: ' / ;." / f` ~4.M. (Dock ,J Brown, 7th, & Castle Streets, 90 days..,// Luther Gore; Castle Hayne Road, 60 days,/~~ inoodrow Pridgen,Carolina I3each Road, 4 months~! ~ r Charlie Saleem, 1~inter Park, 60 days./ ~,,r~ Upon motion, the Chairman t~ra.s reqmested to take the matter up with the C'~N" ~ xecorder. ' i . ~ ~1~ The following bonds and coupons were presented by the County F,uditor as having ' ' Vvdi~'" been paid, and were burned in tlze presence of' the Board: . ~T~- . , . . . , scxboz Borr.n~ ' ' ' ~ ~ Coupon No. 43= Bond No.52 and 61-____...:~_____.__..;.._2 ~;~~5.00- $.50.00 . ,', ROAti BONI~ . ~ ., , . • , . • ~ Coupon No. 47= Bond No.22 to 24 inclusive;---~--- 3~ 22.50-: 67.50 , ••, • a n 4g_ n n 23 on1Y~------------------ 1.~ 25.00- 25.00 ° ° 43- " '~ 77s94-98-105-118,--------- 5 C~ 12.50- 62a50 ~p" 205.00 . - . COtA~T HOi3"aE BONLta ` ' • Coupon No. 22= Bond No.161 to 164 inclusove,----- 4 C~ 25.00- 100.00 ~ ' ~~ n• 0 22~ n n 170'on1Y~----------------- 1@ 25.00- 25.00 ..... : s CxboL Borm~ ` ~ ' . Coupon No. 43- Bond IJo.~110 only,-_____:.__________ 1~ 25.00- 25.00 _. ~. "~ " 43= "` " 152~and'153 ' --- 2 C~ 12..50- ?5.00 ~ .. = r----------- xoan Borms ., Coupon I1o. 43_ Bond No. 87 and 124,______________ 2(c~ 12.50- 25.00 200.00 ' ~ SCHOOZ BONDS' . ~ Coupon No. 43- Bond No. 47 to 51 inclusive,------ 5 4~ 25.00- 125.00 ' ROAD BONT~ - r ` . , Coupon Plo.. 43= Bof~d No. 88=99-119,_______________ 3,p 12.50- 37.50 162.50 ~ s_, S CHbOL BOI~TDS ' ` ~ ' Coupon No. 44= Bo~d No. 47`to 52 inclusive;------ 6 C~3 25.00- 150.00 ~. '. -- 4 ~ 25.00- 100.00 •`~ " " 44- " " 19-60-61-110,---------- ; " " 34_ " " 3 to 17 inclusive,------ 15 ~ 25.00- 375.00 ~ a a u n 34- 63 onl - 1~ 25.00- 25.00 .' Y.---------------- - ROAI? BOI~ , ^ , . Coupon No. 44- " " 5 8nly,----------------- 1~ 25.00» 25.00 . -' " ° 44- " " 97-S1-82-83-95-120=121-124- 8 C~I 12.50- 100.00'`" 775.00 '~-' S CHOOL B02~ ~ ' ~ Co'upon No. 43- Bond'No. 45 only,-----------=----- '1 ~' 25.00- 25.00 ' ',.:n • u' . 44- n_ n-,. 45 on1Y•----------------- 1 C~ 25~00-: 25.00 , . ,. ,. ROAD BONI~ . ` • q _ •- . .. : . . . . . _ • , ~ ~ C~upon No. 44.. Bond`No. S'l only;=------=--------- '1 ~' 12.50= ]:2.50 ~ 62.50 COURT HOt]~E,.BONIJE ~.. ~. _ _. ~ . . , .. . . Coupon.No: 23- Bond No. 161 to 1.64 inclusive,---- 4~ 25.00,- 100.00 '" " !" _ ~ ~.70 on7~ - 1 Q' 25.00- 25.00 125.00 _. '~ ' 23- . n . Y'r----'-------'-- , RO~D BONI~t _ . : , . - - __ . . - - . _ , . . ~ . , Coupon No. 49- Bond`s 1~0. 1 to 13 inclusive;----- i9 ~ 22s.50 427.50 ~~ n 49_ n n 21 ~nd,25,-------------- 2 C~9 22.50 45.00. . ;. " " 49- '0 ''~ 28 to 32.inclusive,----- 5 C~l 22.50 112,50 • " "- 49- " ~ " ~S and 39 ---- 2 ~ 22.50 45.00 ( ~---------- " "~ 49- " ° 43 to 50 inclusive,----- S ~Q 22.50 180.00 " " 45- " " 1 to 22 inclueive,----- 22,8 25.00 550.00 • " " 45- " . ~' 24 to 75 incltxsive,----- 52 ~ 25.00 1,300.00 • ~ ' n n 45._ n n 76 ~d 78~i~~_:,__:~__~o__ 2 C~J 12.50 25.00 ' " " 45- " " Z9 to 82 iricluttive,----- 4~ 12.50 50.00 " " 45_ " ~~ 84 and 86,-------------- 2~ 12,50 25.00 "~ " " 45- " " 89 to 93 inclusive~----- 5 Q 12.50 62.50 ~ ~ " " 45- n " 97 to 104 inclueive,---_ 8 Q 12.50 100.00 s Carried Forward .................... $~2,922.50 ~ x. . C.~ ~.. ; . , , ~ . . i . ~ ~ ' > ~ .. . r i; Tdeeting of January 27th,1:936•;. continued. ~ ~ Road Bonds, Br ought Forward,. ... ....................... .......... ~ 2,922.50 r Coupon Tdo. 45- Bonds No. 106 only,~______________ -1 4 ~12.50- ~ 12.50 " " 45 " " 108 to 117,~r~c~usivey---. 10 ~ '-Y2,50- 125.OQ ~~ '! " 45 '~ " 120 to 122 inclusive,--- 3 @ ~T2.50- 37:50 ~ n n 45 n n 124 --------------- onlY 1 G 12.50- 12:'50 u ~r 44 n n 90 ~ and 96 ------ r 2 G~ 12.50- 25.00 SCIi00I. BOIII1~ ~ 3,135.00 Coupon No. 45 ~onds No. 1 to 23 inclusive,---- 23 ~ 25.00- 575.00 " "' 45 " ° 25 to 44 inclusive ---- 20 C~ 25.00- 500.00 " " 45 " " 46 only~,------~-------- 1 (~ 25.00- 25.00 " " 45 " " 52 to 62 inclusive,---- 11 8.. 25.00- 275.00 " • " 45• " " 64 to 101 inclusive,--- 38 ~ 25.00- 950.00 " " 45 " " 103 to 108 mnclusive,-=-• 6 ~ 25.00-• 150.00 " " 45 " " :L11 to 150 inclusive --- 40 p 25.00- 1,000.00.~ ~~ " . 45 " " 151 to , 200 inclusive,--- 50 ~ 12.50- 625.00 n' n 3.4 u n 2 on1Y ---------°----- 1 ~ 25.00- 25.00 " " 35 " " 1 to , 61 inclusiae,--- 61_ O 25.00- 1,525.00 '~ " 35 '~ " 64 to 70 inclusive,--= 7 p 25.00- I75.00 " " 35 " " 81 to 125 inclusive,--- 45 ~ 25.00- 1,125.00 `~~ " 32 "'•~ ° 79 ------------- and 80 2 aQ 25.00- 50.00 ~~ '~ 33 " " 76 to , 125,inclusive~--- 50 C~ 25.00- 1,250.00 ° " 32 " " 64 -73-74 -------------- 3 C~ 25.00- 75.00 ~~ "' 33 "' " 61 t0 , 100 inclusive --- 40 C~ 25.00~ 1,'000.00 "' " 32 "' " 127 to , 225 inclusive,--- 99 ~ 25.00- 2,475.00 " " 12 " ~~ 41 to 355 inclusive,---315 p 23.75- '7;48T.25 " " 12 " " 64 to 140 inclusive,--- 77 (~ 23.75- 1,828.75 " " 12 ° " 158 to 159 inclusive,--- 2' Q 23.75- 47.50 • 21,I57.50 , COURT HOUSE BONl7~ . Cougon• NO. 24:~ .Bonde No 71 to 160 inclus~ve,--- 90 @ 25.00 2~250.00 M _ " 24 " ^ 165 'to 169 inclusive,--- 5 C~9 25.00 125.00 ~~ " " 24 , " " 171 to~ 225 inclusive,--- 55 U 25.00 1,375.00 ( 3,750.00 s ~;tucY BOND6 • Coupon Vo. 30 Bonds .No. 30 to 50 inclusive,--- 21 p 30.A0 630.00 " " 33 '~ ~~ 1 to 50 inclusive,--- 50 C~ 25.00 1.250.00 ~ 1,880.00 COLTNTY HOI~E BOI~IIJ~ Coupon No. 12 Bonds Tdo. 11 to 28 inclusive,---- 18 ~ 23.75 42~~.50 .~,, WORKHOUSE AtdD COUNTY HOME BOND~ ~~ Coupon No. 37 Bonds No. 1 to 17 inclusive,--- 17 C~4 25.00 425.00 SCHOOL BOND6~ PAIDi - ~ ~ Bonds •No. 127 to 135 - 9 t~3 $1,000.00 ~ ~, .9;Q00;00`? ~~ ~~ 64 ° 73 - 10 p 1,000.00 - 10,000.00 , "• ". 41 " 50 - 10 Q 1,000.00 - 10,000.00~29~000.00 ' COURT HOUSE BONDS PAIDs • ` _ - Bond,s No. 71 to 80 - 10 @ 1,000.00 - 10,000.00 10,000.00 .~ CCUNTY -HOME BON1.~'.~ PA IBi • ' ~ , Bands No. ' FERRY BONDS PAIDs 6 , Bonds No. ~ ~Q X ~ ^ ' _ ~~GX ~--~ ar~ ~ ~ 11 and 12 - 2~ 1,000.00 - 2,000.00 / ~ G;r 30 to 32 ine,39 1,000.00 -" 3.000.00 $ 74,775.00 Total•Aonde Paid ....................... ~ 44,000.00 Total.Coupons Paid ............. ....... . _ 32,305.00 Tota1•,....... ~p 76,305.00~ The meeting theti ad,journed. C:~'`J~ lr ~i. .. - .ar ~ ' Wilmir~ton,ld.C., February 3rd,1936. The regular v~eekly~ meeting of the Boasd ~vas held at 3;00 P.IS, Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.W.Trask, Jas.~.Hall and J.H.Hinton. Upon motion of BBr. Hinton, seconded,by I~r. Hall, a request of Mr.. L.G.Hicks to be ~ ~v allovred to compromise the 1934 taxes due on the prdperty of the Cape Feax Apartments block #101, on the basis of the 1935 as~essment, was taken under consideration. Upon motion of 2dr. ~rask, seconded.by P'dr. Hinton, the assessment records showing 972 acres of land, part Oakley,Cape Fear toy?nship, sold J.E.Bordeaux to R.F.Hobbs ~ April l6th,1935, was ordered changed to appear as 37.6 ac es on account of error int number of acrea charged according to actual,s,urvey of the land made and plotted by PJfr. J.L.Beston,C.E., and the assessment on tYie same vras fixed by the Board at ~150.00 on the house and y~225.00 on tYie land. A requeat of Aaron Goldberg Esq., to settle the taxes due on the same £or the years 1332 to 1935'inclusive, on that basis of' assessment was approved. ~ Upon motion of ~r. Traslc, seconded by Ivir. Hall,an item of ~19.10 back taxes for the ~, year 1928 charged against the property of the Holy Mission Church"in the name of ! Raleigh Dove, block #~81, was ordered cancelled on accountof church property used for religious purposes, 4U~ ~~i1; ~ Meeting of' r'ebruary 3rd,1936, continued.,. , Upon, motion of 14~r.Hinton,_ seconded, by ~.. Hall.,. tne Board authorized and directed ~'~~~# .~ ~ ~\ / the payment of ~75.00 to 1vtr. J.M.Gregg,Treasurer, balaiice due.Bett'er Housing Campai n~~ •' ; ('/ authorized at meeting of De,cember.9th,1935. This re9uest~was made,by i~essrs. R.B.Page ,, -'' and N.A.~cGir.t. ... '`--^" - 1 . . , .. , , . . ;. :. . ~! ~ " . Upon motion of 1:'Lr. Hai1,~ seconded.. by. Ifir.._ Trask, the request of ~r. Shepard for an allo,arance from t~e Out Door..Poor fund..for f~rs. Mary Petit an aged and indi6ent citizen ~_ ~ of t.he Middle Sound section of the County, was referred to the ~'Jelfare Off icer f'or investigation and report to.,the Board at;a subseguent,rneeting. . .. It was brought to the attention .of .the Board that H.E.Falea;,j~;anager of the Bureau . _ ~ of Identificatio}~ has-not carr.ied out the instructions of the Boaxd of llecember 2nd,1~35, , ~ concerning tne return of fingerprints and ohotographs to Messrs. Geo.W.Croom and ' ~ ' J.M.pdama,Jr.., as directed._.Trierefore the Clerk was instructed to advise P,ir.Fales ~ bo c.omply with the instructions~.given him Decemberr2nd~1935, without further delay. . . Upor4 motion of Nfx. 'rrask., se.conded by Mr... Hinton, the Board ga$e permi$sion to use / ~\p~ the .500 feet.gaspline st,arage tank pipe line at the~Stockade for uee in connection wit' / '' ~rt_l~~' pouring cement for bleecher.. seats at the recreational grounds, provided the s8une will~ ~~~~~° be t,aken from it,s present location at the S~rockade and returned t'o the County Home `~, ~~ when through .v~ith it by the..recreational park supervision. Upo~ motion of Idr.-Hinton, seconded_by teTr. Ha.ll, the Board approved the purchase of 1 ~trar~sportation and ne.cessary clothing fbr YVi11ie Jackson discharged~from Stonewall ~ • ~' ~~ Jaekson Training,School, to enter him in.a private home secured by the County i~7elfare Offi,ce'r.~ ~ , . ; • ~A report of the ,Treasurer of..the Commanit~ Old Folks Home f.or period fxom January 1935.. + -~ :., ~~ to D,ecember 1935, ~~vas received and ordered filed. ~ , ~ ~ Upon motion ,of I~lr. Hinton, seconded by I~ir. Hall, additional. ,time to February 29th,1~36, and an appropriation of ~100.00 was allowed the Clerk of Superior Cour~ for extra , - ~ help to list the, natnes of guar.dians etc.,, who have not,filed their reports wit the Clerk as, required by law,. ,, _ Upon motion of Mr. Hinton, seconded by I~r. Trask,, the ~oard i'ixed the~ssessments on \~ ~~ the ~.ot~ located in the new.subdivision of the hotel site at b'ort Fie-er Sea Beach as ~. : foll~rwss ( Kure Interest j ~ ~ ~ Block ",~" Lots 1 to 7~inclusive-on ocean front,.. $I75.00 each. " "A'~ " 8 to 14 " " highway,...... 135.00 ~" . , / / • ° °B°' ° 1 to 7 " " hlghway,...... 135:00 °r ' " "B," ~" 8 to 14 " " 3rd,Avenue,... 45.00 '~ ~ A re,quest of the Board.of ~,ducation tha.t the sum of $2,000.00 for maintenance of plan~ ~ ~'~ and ~2,000.00 for book fund be placed to the credit of the school account to ta1:e : ~~~ care of expenditures for the month of February, was granted. . -,,}~ Upon motion of t~r.~ Hall, secbnd`ed by i~r. Hinton, the appltcation of K.R.Boehin for lieense•; ~ y~'T to sell beer at the Qape ''ear Country.Club, r~as approved. ~ ~1 A request,of ~r. Harry ~. Symme`s for a reduction of asaessment on lota#8, Pt ?', block ~~ #15 Carolina Pla"ee on account of apparent discrepancy, ~ras referred to the committee for ~-~~`~ investigation. " , ~y~`'C°" The Courity Auditors cash report~for the nonth of January ~as received and,ordered filed.~~ ~--< . . ....... . Upon motion of, rfir,. Trask,,, sepo~ded by I~1Ir., Hall~ county bills Nos.2156 to 2380 were . ` \~ \•, approved for payment. ~ The following coupons Vae,re ~resented by the Co~Znty,Audit.or as having been paid and were~ ~ burned in the_presence of the Board: ' ~ . ROAD BODTDS : - Coupon A1o. 49 -Bonds No. 20-26-27,------ 3 ~3 S CAODL BONIIS : ~ ' ~ ' Coupon Ido. 45 Bonds No. 110~_-----~---- 1 (~ " " 35 " ~ " 63 -..________ 1 ~- Ca~ " " 12 " " 141 to 157 Inc,l'7 ~ " " '12~ " " 1fi0 to 242 " ' '83 ~ The meeting t`hen adjourned. ` ' . ~ ("`.~~f~lC/l7!_Y~G?cv~ ~Cl erk. ~22.50 - ~ 67.50 \ . 25.00 - 25.00 ~ 25.00 - 25..00 ~ 23,.75 - 403.75 ~ 23.75 - 1.971.25 ~2,492.50 ` , `~ No action was ta,Y.en on the.matter of endorsing radio equipment for the State law G C~ enfo,rcement as e,xplained by .tlie Sheriff. ~ ' ~~ 4 ~? '' ~ ~ WILtdINGTON~N.~• FEBRUARY ~oTH,~936. ~ ~ THE RE6ULAR WEEKLY MEETING OF THE BOARD"WAS MELD AT 3~00 P.M. ' ~ .~ '' PREBENT~ ADDISON HEWLETT CHAPRMAN~ ~GEO•W.TRASK~~AND JAS.~JI.HACL AND J.H.HINTON~. r: .~~`~-A REQUEST OF PJIR. PURCELL~ MANAGER FOR GRAND~9 5¢ AND 'IOJC STORES ~OR A REFUND 0~ 1935 TAXE8 COLLECTED BY _.~/''' . GARNISHMENT~ WAS DECLINED~ FOR THE REASON THAT MR.PURCELL WAS A RESIDENT OF TMIS~COUNTY PRIOR r0 APRIL ~sT.~935 ~D IS STItL A RESt-ENT OF THIS ~OUNTT. ' ~!~~ UPON'IdOT10N OF MR. HALI~ SECONDED BY MR. HINTON~ A REQUE8T OF PJIR. L.G.HICKS TO BE ALIOWED TO COMPROMISE ~ ~~ ~-.~ l THE ~9,~ TAXES DUE ON TME CAPE FEAR APqRTMENTS~ 8LOC1~ #'IO~~, ON TME BASiB OR THE '192Jr ASSESSMENTS~WGiiR'GRANTED. ~ ,~ ~" 'hiA COMMUNICATION WAS RECEIVED fROM THE COUNTY AUDITOR ADVISIN6 THE AMOUNT OF DEPOSITS IN EACH B/W K~ ~~ ~ ~ ~,p~~~-JANUAfiY 3~sT,t936~ TOGETHER WITW~A MENpRANDUM Of~ SECURITtES HELD ~N EACH CASE. ~ ~A COMMUNI'CAT10N WAS RECEIVED FROM NR3. T.N.HILL~ SUPERYISOR OF THE SEWING ROOMS~ ADVIS,ING TME BOARD~ .~~~~THAT ADDITIONAL CLOTHING TO THE VALtlE Of ~3~447•E74 HAD BEEN TURNED OVER 70 THE ASSOCIATED CHAf21T1ES~ AND THE WELFARE OFF~ICER~FOR DISTRIBUTION TO~THE COUNTY POOR. UPON NIOTION OF P,~Fi.•HiNTON~ SECONllED BY P(IR. HALL~ MRS.DORA HOBBS LONG~ FORMERLY MR3• DORA HOB63~ WAS ~ // ~ ~~~U~ GRANTED A REFUND OF TAXEB ON A' VALUATION OF ~'IO.OO FOR THE YEARS '19.~F AND ~935 or, HOUSE LOCATED ON ~" ••- PART OP WOOLVIN TRADY CAPE~FEAR TOWNSHIP~ BURNED PRIOR TO JUNE 'I3T~'1934. ~ ., ; , It WAS BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION Oi THE BOARD THAT THE PILIN6 IN THE FERRY SIIPS AT THE FOOT OF PJIARKT ~ ~ ~ ~ STREET~ AND THE FORMEFI FERRYBOAT ~~JOHN KNOX~~ DOCKED IN TME SLIP3~ INEERFERES WITH THE DOCKING OF ~ ~ -. /~GOVERNMENT VESSE~3. TMEREFORE~ UPON MOTION OF MR. HINTON~ 9ECONDED BY MF3.'HALL~ MAJOR RALPH MILLIS~~ U.S.DISTRICT~ENGINEER~ WAS GRANTED PERMISSION TO HA4E THE SAID PILLIW~ PU~I.ED AND REMOVED FROM THE ' SIIPS~ AND THE CHAIRMhN WA8 IN9TKUC7ED ?0 tAKE THE MATTER UP WITH MR.R.R.STONE A3•TO THE REMOVAL OF „~'., ~ ~ . ~THE FERRYBOAT aJOMN KNOx. . ~ " - ~ ~ G~ UPON M0210N OF MR. HINTON~ BECONDED BY MR. HALL~ THE MATTER OF~EPAIRING AND REPLACING THE AWNINGSJ~'~ h',~~~" AROUND THE COURT HOUSE~ WAS HEFERRED TO THE COURT HOUSE COMMITTEE WITH PO+~ER TA ACT. ' ~: . a1~ ~ , UPON MOTION OF MR• HINTON~ SECONDED BY PAR. HALL~ THE BOARD PPROVED THE PAYMENT OF ~I..OO PER ' ~ ~ ~ CORD FOR THE WOOD~SECLR£D BY 7HE COUNTY FROM THE RECREATIO~L PARK FOR THE USE~OF TNE~COUNTY POOR ~. ~ '~~- \~~ DURINCa THE RECENT EXTREME_COLD WEATHER~ IN LIEU OF'FURNI8HING LUMBER TO THE PROJECT TO THE EXTENT ~~ OF THE VALl1E OF `THE WOOD REC8IYED. ~~jy,rX~, X A fiEQUEST OF ?HE CITY DRUG COMPANY FOR AN ABATENE NT OF TA%ES ON A VALUATION OF ~LSO.OO~ GOODB~WAREB ~ ~e' ~ ``~~,~\ AND MERCHANDISE~ LISTED.IN EXCESS OF THE VALUE Of THE SAME ON HAND APRIL ~sT,1935~ WAS~APPROVED~. .~` -~ ~ ~UIDm AN AFFIDAVIT IS FURNISH BY A DULY AUTHORIZED AGENT OF THE COMPANY TO THAT EfFECT. " ~~'t~ UPON MOTION OF MR: HINTON~ SECONDED BY (JIR. TRASK~ COUNTY BILIS NOS.23H~ TO 24']3 INCLUSIYE~ WERE APPROVED/ ..'r ~,~~~5 . . , ~ . FOR PAYNENT. ~ ~ ~ ~ UPON eA0T10N~ DULY SECONDED~ THE P80PERTY OF 1~R. HMZRY M. SYMMES~BLOCK #15~ LOT $ PT `l~ CAKOLINA PLABE~ ~- WAS REDUCED FROM ~ LAPID ~00.0~ TO ~`]`~5.0~~ AND BUILDING ~3~~5Q.00 TO ~3~00~•0~ FOR THE•YEM ~935 ~ , _~ 1~,~` AND AN ABATEMENT OF TAXES ON A VALUATION OF ~YOO NAS ORDERED. A.M.BLAKE~ ecocK #536, E END 'I~ ~ ~ .HOUSE REDUCED FROM ~~O.OO TO ~Z~.OO APID AN ABATEMENT OF TAXES ON AVVALUATION OF ~~~O.OO fOR THE ~'~-~ '•,' ~~ ~~ YEARS 'I~J26 TO '19~5~ AND BLOCK ~C250 NMp PT'I~2~3 HUUSE REDUCED FROM ~`15.00 TO 350.00~ AND AN ABATEMENT ~ ,~~„y~- --~~ OF TAXES ON A VALUATION OF ~,~J.OO FOR THE YEARS '19Z4 TO ~935 WAS ORDERED~. ' ~• ' f~' M~ISS DA~VIE DUFFY~ BLOCK ~ZSOt HOUSE REDUCED fROM ~45g•OO TO ~300•OO AND AN ABATEMENT Oi TA%ES ~ ~ ~ r~,. ~~`` ON A YALUAT;~N-OF ~~SO.OO FOR TNE YEAR t935 WAg APPROVED. ALL ON ACCOUNT OF EQUAL12AN64TH£ ASSESSMENTS ~ . 'WITM THAT OfV PiZDPERTY OF SIMILAR YALUE• '•`F , . ' ~-•! UPON MOTION'~ DULY 8ECONDED~ THE BOAfiD APPROVED TME PAYMENT OP COUNTY~S HALi PART OF ~5•OO FOR/ ~ ~ ELECTRIGAL CURRENT USED FOR JANUARY AT ST.STEPHENS CHURCH~ COLORED~ 919 ReDCaoss STI3EET FOR `"'- 1 ' . ~~ ~E~ReA~$EWING ROOAA• " • _ . THE MEETING THEN ADJOURNED• ~ ~ ' . ( /f /ln ~l-J~+T/~/ . ~ . . ~ . ~LERK. , ~ . ~ . ~ WILMINGTON~N.C.~ FEBRUARY 17~r+,1936. ' ~•~-THE REGULAR WEEKLY MEET~NG OF THE BOARD WAS HELD AT 3~00 P.M. ,' _ _ PRESENT7 ADDI°.~ON HEWLETT CHAIRMAN~ GEO.W•TRASK~ JA3.(~A.HALL APID.J.H.HIN70N. " ~ J. T. HIIL~ A WIDOW LADY~ RESIDING AT 7'IO SOUTH FOURTH STREET~ TNAT THE4ISSES36tENT ON HER ~/ ~ .A fiEQUEST OF MR9 . ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 .~ PRpPERTY~ BLOCK 7~64~ BE REDUCED WITH VIEW OF COMPROMISING AN ACCUMULATION OF BACK TAX£S ~QR^A~PERtOD~FROM ~ ~ ` ~93~ TO ~935 ~NCLUSIVE~ WAS UPON MOTION OF MR• HINTON~ REFERRED TO THE CHAIRMAN AND CONMITTEE FOA ~~~/G ~~ ' { ~`~' ~ INVE9TI~ATION A~ REPORT BACK ~TO THE BOARD• ' ' ' ~ . e ' . " ~ DUDLEY HUMPHREY~ ESQ.~ APPEARED•AND TOLD THE BOARD THAT DAVIS-NWORE PAINT COMPpNY HAD PENDING~PRIOR TO ' AN APPIICATION•-fOR A LOAN TO CIEAR TNE BACK 7AXES ON PROPERTY IN BIOCK ~~9f ~936 ~ • ' FEBRUARY ~sz ' ~.{ , , . ASSESSED AT-~'I~4OO.00~ AGAINST WHICH THE UNPA~ID TAXES ON STOCK IN TRA-E~ FQ6iMERlY LOCATED Ai #2~ n~ ~ -~ MARKET STREET~ AND GREATLY IN EXCESS OF~THE.VAWE OF-THE REA~ ESTA7E~ IS CHARGED~ AND ASKED TO BE. , IT WA3 ALSO BROUGMT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE BOARD ALLOWED TO SETTLE THE SAME ON THE ~ BA815. ~ +i~ , LOANS PENDING~PRIOR~~TO FEBRUARY 'IST~ FAILED TO GET SANE APPROVED ~G~ TMAT A NUMBER•Of TA% PAYERS WHO HAD ` ~ `' ~ . \ IN TIME TO TAKE ADVANTAG£ OF THE 3/o FLAT RATE TNAT EXPIRED ON FEBRUARY 1ST~l~j~• THEREFORE~THE BOARD ' ' .t i: ACTINCa UNDER~AUTHORITY'~OF CHAPTER ~~~PUBLIC~LOCAL LAWS 193 5f A~ UPON MOTION OF MR. TRASK~ SEC O N D E D #, ,r .".' • 8Y Mi. HINTON~ AND UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED~ TNAT IN•ALL CASE3 WHERE APPLICATIONS HAVE BEEN MADE fOR A. 6 .': , THE "' ~~ LOAN AND THE LAND ~YAS IN THE NANIISOF ATTORNEY fOR EXAMINATION ON OR BEFORE FEBRUARY ~sT,~93 ;, ;js • ND AT THE fACE VALUE OF•THE TAX SNOWN ON THE A .PAYER MAY SEtTLE THE BACK TAXES DUE ON SAID L '. ~ TAX , "" ~~ / , ~ BACK TAX RECORDS PLUS A FLAT RATE OF INTEREST Q6 aro• , ' ' - / 4 A LETTER Of APPRECIATION WAS~RECEIVED FROM MISS NELLIE FENTRESS PRiNCIPAL Of THE WRIGHTSBORO SCHOOL . n ,j U , ~ J,,~ .- ~,.\.df.T"~THANKING THE COMMISSi0NER9 FOR MAKlNG 17 P093~tBLE TD HAVE A DENTIST IN THEIR SCNOOL•fOR A fEW -AYB~ ~~~-~ U wHICN PROVED VERY BENEFICIAL TO A NUMBER OF PUPILS• _ • . ~ 408 ., ., .. . - ,~ ~. . MEETING OF~FEBRUARY ~~TH,~936 CONTINUED. ' ' ~ . ~ . ~ IT WAS AGREED 9Y~ThE BOARD~ UPON ADVICE OF TNE CpUNTY ATTORNEY MR. MARSDEN BELLAMY~ THAi TME COUNTY ~ ~ • ILL HAYE TO BEAR THE~EXPENSE OF,. THE SHERIFF FOR ~RETURNING RALPH LEE FROM INDIANAPOLIS~ UNDER ' -1 _~ INDICTMENT BT THE GRAND JURY~FOR ABANDONMEM AND NON~80PPORT OF HIS WIFE AND THREE CHI4DREN. ~ ~ THE JURY LIST HAVING BEEN REVISED~ACCORDING TO LAW~~ WAS UPON MOTION OF MR. HINT6N~ SECONDED 87 MR. TRASK~ APPROVED AND:ORDERED PLACED IN SHE JURY BOX WITHOUT FURTMER CHECKING AGAINST rNE. ~935 Tax 800KS AS TO THOS ~,~ WMO MAVE.NOT PAID THEIR CURRENT SAXES., THE NAMES OF NEGRO CITIZENS WHO APPEAR QUALIFIED FOR JURY SERVICE{~, , ~ WERE UPON MOTION Of MR. HINTON~ SECONDED BY MR. TRASK~ ORDERED PIACED ~IN TNE JURY BOX UPON ADYICE OF THE ~ COUNTY ATTORNEY IN ACCORDANCE WITM THE DECIS~ION. OF 7ME UNITED~STATES SUPREME COURT IN TME SOOTTSBORO CASE. . MR. JAS.M.HALL BROUGHT UP ?HE REQUEST OF MFi. W.D.MACMILIAN~JR.~ CHAIRMAN OF TME ALCOHOLlC BEVERAGE CONTROL . ~,.N'~BOARD.~ FOR AN INCREASE .IN HIS SALARY FIIED W~TH THIS BOARD ON DECEMBER 2r,D,~935f AND STATED THAT HE IS PlOT .: r^ ~J OPP09ED TO INCREA'SES IN SALARIES~ BU7 DOE TO INCREASING DEMANDS ON 7HE COUNTY TO MEET DIREC7 REIIEF NEEDS ~ ~'v~ SINCE THE FEDERAL~GOVERNMENT liA9 WITHDRAWN ,SUPPORR FOR THAT CLASS OF RELIEF~ PROFITS FFiOM THE A.B.C• STORES SHOULD 6E USED TO MEET TMIS REQUIREMENt' RATHER TNAN~ FOR INCREASES IN 3ALARIES~ AND MOVED THAT MR.MACMILLAN~S , REQUEST ,BE llECLINED.. HlS MOTION WAS SECONDED BY hNR. HIIvTON AND UNANIMOUSLY ADOP7ED., ~ \"J/Y~MR. HINTON STATED THAT HE WOUID NOT 9UPPORT AN INCREASE IN~SALARIES OF 7HE A.B.C.BOARD UPITII THE STORES ~.. HAVE OPERATED SUFfICIENT LENGTN OF TIME TO ESTABLISH A SOUND FINANCIAL BASIS AND HE HA9 HAD OPPORTUNITY TO ST-UDY THE PFq FIT9 AND COMPARE THE SA~ARIES PAID WITH TNAT OF O7HER A.B.C.STORES IN THE STATE. ` . MR..TRASK IN OPP.031NG THE REQUEST SAID~ THAT HIS FIR'S7 .CONSIDERATION WA$ F.OR THE TAX .PAYER9 AND TMAT HE /~,~'"~UNDERSTOOD NO .INCREASES IN SALARIE8' INOULD BE ASKED UNLESS CONDI,TIONS Y70ULD JUSTIFY IT~ AND FROM NOW ON ~~~~~ HE~WAS UNDER~NO OBLIGATIONS TO INCREASE.ANY SALARIES IN ANY MANNER. MR. HEWLETT IN STATING FiIS POSITtON IN iHE MATTER 3AID: THAT HE THOUGHT 7HE SALARIES WERE COMMENSURATE~ ~ W17H SAlAR1ES FAID OTHER COUNTY OFFICIALS AND THAT TME,PROFILS ACCRUING FROM THE A.B.C.STORES 9HOULD. \,~ REF6ECT IN~ THE TA~%'•RATE3.~ . ~ MR. W:R.GARDNER WAS PRESENT~AND TOI.D THE BOAFtD THAT TME COUNTY AUDITOR REFUSED TO LET HIM SEE A COPY OF .~ ~ THE FINANCIAL REPORT OF THE A.B.C. BOARD PREPARED 0Y THE COUNTY AUDITOR UNLESS SO ORDfRED BY THE BOAftD ~ OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERB~ APID ASKED WHY THAT INFORMATION IS NOT AYAILABIE TO THE Pl18lIC. THE COUNTY .r ~(~ ATTORNEY WAS ASI(ED TO GIVE THIS BOARD,A RULI.NG AS TO WHETHER THAT INFORMATION~SHOULD COME FROM ?ME ~l~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMv~13SI0NERS OR THE A~.B.C.BOARD~ ALL TfiE COMMISSIONE,RS AGREEING~HOWEVER~ THAT iHE . PUBLIC I~S ENTiTLED TO TMIS INFORMATION. ~ . • '~ APPLICATIONS OF ANDREW SKI~VE~S.AND DAVID D. CLEMMONS~ WHITE~ AND JOHN MCNEIL~COLORED~ AGED AND INFIRM ,. / CITI~ZENS~ SUBMITTED BY THE SUPT.~ OF PUBLIC 1"VELFARE FOR ADMI8SIOP1 TO THE COUNTY HOME~ WERE UPON MOTION Y OF fY~R. NINTONj SECONDED eY MR. HALL~ APPROYED AhID REFERRED TO THE SUPT•~ OF PUBLIC iYELFARE AND SUPT•~ - ~ OF COUNTY HOME FOR ADMISSION WHEN ROOM iS AVAILABLE. ~ ' UPON~MOTIOPJ OF P~Yi. TRASK~ SECONDED BY h/IR. HINTON~ THE SUPT.~ OF PUBLIC~INELFARE WAS AUTHORIjED TO PROYIDE J TRANSPOFtTAT10N AT AN APPROXIMATE C09T OF ~"12.410 FOR RETURNIWG JOSEPH TARDUGNO~ Y1iFE AN~ CHILD~ INDIGENTS~ (~ TO THEI-li HOME IN WASHINGTON~D.C.~ THUS AVOIDING FURTHER COUNTY EXPENSE FOR THEIR MAINTENANCE. `~ ` J . , UPON MOSIOtJ~ J.NJ.EnwnRns tVAS 6RANTED AN ABATENEIY~ OF TAXES ON FEMALE DOG CHARGED AGAINST NIA1 IN ERROR~ ~ •~~~~ IN~fVIASONB0R0.TOWNSH~P FOR THE YEpR ~y~'jr. . ~ A.PETITION 5{GNED BYEHI~RE9tDEN'IS~OF SEA6ATE PETITfONING THE COUNTY COkMIS310NER8 TO CONTACT TNE PROPER `y1/ w~~ W.P.A. AUTHORITIES WITH q VIEW OF SECURIhG APPROV/VL OF A W.P.A. PROJECT. FOFi IMPROVEMENTS TO STREETS AND • ~ ROADS AT SEAGATE~ WAS RECEtVED AND UPON MOTION OF ~41R. HI~TONt SECONllED BY MR. TRASK~ APPROVED• ' , . ~~ :• ~ ; % t ~ y~ ~ :~. f i 1~ e ^. i .UPON MOTI~ON OF MR.,HINTON~ SEOONDED BY MR. TRASK~ TME BOARD VOTED t0 MAKE SPECIAL REQUEST ON THE STATE'~J ~' ~~ HIGHWAY CONMISSION TO CORRECT A DRAINAGE CONDITION AT HALL~S FIILING STATION Ai tHE INTERSECTION Of ~i~ ~ WRIGHTSVILLE TtlRNP11CE APID MASONBORO ROAD AT VdINTER PARK. ~~ . 'j ~ UPON d10T10N~. THfi CHAIRMAN AND MR. HIN70N WERE NAMED TO ATTEND A CONFERENCE W17H TNE STATE HIGHWAY COt~RdI3SI0N. Y/ L--~ ~ AT RALEIGH~ THURSDAY FEBRUARY 2OTH~ ON THf PROPOSED CONSTRUC710N-OF A ROAD TO THE SOUTHEttN END OF WRIGHTSVILL~E ~ BEACH.. . , ' ' ,~` `~ UPON MOTION OF Mi. HALL~ SECONllED BY MR. TRASK~ JOHN A. CaNADY A DISABLED WORLD VYAR VETERAN WAS,EXEMPT FROM i.f `~ a PAYMENT OF POLL TAXES ON ACCOUtJT OF POYERTY At~ DISABILITY. ~ V ,! ~` UPON MOTION OF N~i. HAL4~ SECONDED BY fJ1R. TRASK~ MRB. LUCILE M. FERRELL WAS.GRANTED AN ABATEMENT OF 7AXE8 l`+1~ ON A VAlUpT10N OF ~380.00 FOR TNE YEARS 1933 T~ ~935 ~NCLUSIYE~ ON ACCOUNT OF HOU3E TORN AOWN PRIOR TO l~ ~~' 1 APRIL ~sT,~933f IN BLOCK #2~•. `, , UPON MOTION OF MR. HALI~ SECONDED BY PJ~i. HINTON~ MR.CHAS.K.NUTCHINS OF NEWPORT NEWS~VA.~ WAS RELEASED FROMy ~~~PAYMENT OF PENpLTY FOR N0T LISTING L0T IN EAST VYILMINGTON FOR iHE YEAR '19'3Jr~ ON ACCOUNT OF ,BEING A NON- . . -~.~ RESIDENT. ~ ,~J~} UPON MOTION OF MR. HALL~ SECONllED BY N~i. TRASK~ APPLICATIONS fOR LICEN9E TO SELL BEER~ SUBMITTED IN Dt1E J. ~~~j" Fq3M AND EXECUt10N BY'C.S.ROBIN80N~ CAf20LINA BEACH ROAD~.AND H.K.POWELL~WRIGHTSVILLE TERMINAI~WRIGHTSVILLE ' ' SO.UND~ WERE APPROVED. , UPON MOTION Of F~OR. HALL~ SECONDED BY MR. HINTON~ C.C.O4IENSBY WAS GRANTED AN ABATEMENT OF TAXES ON A ''f /~ ~l VALUATION OF ~OO.OO HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN Fl1RNITURE ABOVE EXEMPTION~ LISTED IN ERROR FOR THE YEAR i935• ~ •~ ~P THE CITY DRUG COMPANY ~OTH~ AND GRACE STREETS~ WAS ALSO GRANTED AN ABATEMENT OF TA%ES ON A VALBATION OF / -y~O.CO GOOllS~WARES ANll MERCHANDISE CHAR6ED IN EXCESS OF ITS VAI.UE FOR THE YEAF}_~~3Jr. ~ ~ ~(~ TQY°~ A REPORT OF~THE LADIES REST ROOM FOR THE MONTM OF JANUARY WA3 RECEIVED AND ORDERED FILED. ~ ~' w , ~. , ~.t~ UPON MOT~I!O~nN~ H.B.REVEL OF LUMBERTON~N.C.~ WAS RELEA3ED FfiOM PAYMENT OF PENALTY FOR NOT IISTING LOT ON ' la'~ HIGHIYAY n-rv~ FEDERAL POINT TOWNSHIP~ FOR THE YEAR ~~~3Jr• ~ ' . ~~ 4 YJ.ITM REFERENCE TO THE TWO 1VOMEN PRISONERB RECENTLY .SENTENCED BY ~UDGE PARKER ~O WORK ON 7HE COUNTY FARM ~) ~UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION~ Q COMd1UNICATION WAS RECE~VED FROM flrIR.CHAS. ROSS~ =°~~ ~ e.LU GENERAI COUNSEL FOR THE STATE HIGHIVAY COMAI3SION~ STATIN6 THAT HE Wlll TAKE THE MATTER UP WITH TME PAROLE CONP~iISSION WITM THE VIEW OF HAVING THE SENTENCE tJi0DIF1ED ~ AS TO PUT THEM UNllER THE CONTROI OF THE COUNTY AUTHORITIES. . ~ ` if ~. .. • til, ~ ~, ~J y : ~. ~' ~t ~~n~~~...,,,~~~ A REGEN7 REqUEST Of MESSRS. J.A.TAYLOR~ STATE SENATOR HARRISS NEWMAN AND REV.AIEXBNDREY~ MILLER FOR '•,,;, ~_~ ~~f., `~AN APPROPRIATION TO CONTINUE THE RELIEF GARDEN~NG~ MAYING BEEN CRREFULLY~ CANSIDERED BY THE BOARD~ WAS , '• ~' . ~~~ `~ ~r i • ' . . ' ~'~ +~A ' - '~ ~ ~ 4_ , . . ~ , ~ .~ Y. .. , . MEETING ~OF~°FE8Rt1AR'! 17rH,~936~ ¢ONT.INUED. • ' ~ • , ~- ' UPON MOTION OF MR. TRA3K~ SECONDED BY MR. HAI~~~ DECLINED~ FOA THE F3EASON THAT TNE COUNTY HASEN~T THE a~ FltNDB-'TO~~MEET TH15~~ADD1T19NAL EXPENBE. ~ , • ~- ' IT APPEAR~ING TNAT IT Wit~ BE NECE33ARY TO SPEND APPROXIMATELY ~4~10•OO TO•PUT 7NE COUNTY~S OI,D`~ORb v TRUCK IN CONDITION"FOR USE~ THE MATTER OF PURCHASlNC A NEW TRWCK WAS THEREFORE~ REfERRED TO THE ~ ~CWAI-RPAAAN~~ AND MR:• TRp3K WITH POWER TO ACT-. "~ TNE~~-~MEETINS•THEN-AISJOURNED. ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~//'/!7 ~(74?-....i/ • ` - CLERK• " . ~~ ~Vilmin~ton,N.C., ~'ebruary'24th~1936. The regular vreekly meeting of t.he Board was held at 3t00 P..1~b. „ . Presents Addiso~n Hew].ett Chairman, Geo.~PP.2"rask, Jas.M.F~ll an~l .7.H.Hinton,. ti . ,,~ ~ The minutes of ineeting of February 17th, were read and approved a,s recorded. . . In view of the construction of a new posto~'fice building, the Board, upon mot'ion of / ~ ~ . ~-~~-~~~ ~r. Trask, seconded by ~'ir. Hinton, endorsed the request of.th~ City Commissioners, d~ tilat 1;he Federal. Government give the old postoffice building to, .the .Citp for use ; as~a public library or other municipal needs..IJir. Hall voted "No". ~- ~ I~4r. Hall said he ~vas opposed to this aetion for the reason i:he old antiquated , i ~ \ building should be removed from Front S.treet thus making the site more at~ractive~ a ters in t ~ i t :,, ` empor ry quar n~ do~~n and egu p~ and necessary labor required to tear d ~ • ~~ the Custom Building would give employment to a number of persons who are in need ~ .p ~~ of vrork`, stating further that he was in favor of a bigger and better postoffice ~ buildirtg tha,n that contemplated. , , . t w , City Commissioners Nalter~ H. Blair, I~Iayor, '+'J. Louis Fisher and Jas.E.T,.,'v'~Fade were , ~ , present and the t~~o boards heard .jointly the re9uest of Captain 4V.H.Kelly, that, e the City and County, after the title to the Armory'~.property in bloek #159 is vested ~ in the two governments, sponsor a Y'VPA project for the construction of a new . ~ armory building for Headquarters Battery 2b2~d, Coast Artillery North,Carolina `.. ~~~' National Guards. After presentatiori of the matter by Captain Kelly, including ~ bl id d~ era e cons readin~ a letter from I4~r. R.D. C9ldwe1l, District vJPA 7)i~ector; an di~cus~ion, the folTovring resolution was offered by City Co~nmissioner T+V.Louis Fisher, *~ ' seconded by County Coiamissiot~er Jas. ~I. Ha11, and unaniraously carried- ~hat the City, ~ ' • of- 4Vilmington and the ~County of New Hanover j ointl.y, ~ill f'urni~sh the ne.cessary , . ~killed~men beyond the amount allorved by the r'ederal Uovesmment and•~vill c,ontinue~ , . the work•in a workman-like manner and domple.te the army building after the allocation ` . , of ~24,T00.00 has been•expended by the PJPA as allocated. .. • - , The Chairman brought to the attention-of the two boarda the urgent need for additional relief funds ~.nd st~t~d th~t the COuntyta $10,000.00 appropriation for relief has been exhausted a~ndt.that the.accou•nt is'~pT60.42 .overdrawn,. .that it vrould .require i-_ ., .. s 0 ~ o mee relief. needs for the xemaini~ng fo.ur months.. He further approximately ~8,000. 0 t t ---` ~ 1~ yA~~4~' expZained that demands for relief f•unds were greatly .incxeased when men on relief work ~ , • -%F-~"' ~/ were laid off during the long period .of bad weather. ~.r. Hinton and ;Jir.~lair were , • excussd frora the meeting at tliis point to attend bther-engagements,"and:no j,ointn ,`t . action v~ras taken at this time. The City Commissioners agreeing to take the r.ia.tter up , '."" at their next meeting~ stating ho~ever, tha.t they had recently made a special w,~- . - appnopriation.of ~i1,A00.00.fo.r relief. • • • " • ~.. iTpon :motion of ~r.. Trask, seconcled by 7'~r. Hall, an additional appropriation of , L ~~~,~~5~1,000.00 was granted and ordered.transferred from the emergency fund toI the ~~p general fur~d to mest relief. needs.. "~~ Uppn motion, duly seconded, I~fir. E.G.Kin~ was awar.ded a contract to repair s.esen old~ ; _ 1k.q,-~- awnings and make seven netiv ones for the various offices in the Court ~ouse and jury t~~~~ room to be installed later %' s 10 of re ular°pTice of 96.40. , ' ,. ..'' ~.~' ' ~ es ~ ~ ~ $ _ ' . . // , - ~--~a~. ~. , . ~~ - ~ ~ ~.K `~ Upon tnotion of 2~r.. Trask, seconded by iir. Ha1J., and upon approval of the County Attorney, the Board allov~ed ~Ir. L.A.t3arlow to pay the back taxes due on lot ~312 ~ &udibon for the years 1931 to 1934 inclusive plus poll and ratable share of personal ~ property taxes due by him for said years, the remaining unpaid personal property taxes to be prorated and charged in the taxes due on his other real estate in Harnett township for said'years according to the respective' values. ~ At meetir~g of July lst,1935 the 13oard canc~lled street paving assessments charged against lots Nos. 237 to 242 inclusive.on Pdetts Avenue in Brookwood for the reasoh that a~t was not contemplated at the time of improvements made to Br.oden Avenue to ~ include said lots in the diatribution of the street paving ass:essments, therefore ~ that portion of lots Nos. 224 and 104 BroolnrJOOd, bordering on P~etts Avenue, and bearing the same relation to street paving assess~ents as the aforesaid`lots was upon motion, duly seconded, released from said assessments and the ~.ame ordered + cancelied on the records of street paving assessments £or Borden Avenue. , Upon motion, the'Board approved.a request of Mr. Richard L. Player that the State ~, Highway and Public ~"lorks Cormnisaion take over Brookwood Avenue and also Metts Avenue f~~ f rom i"ts intersection avith Brookwood Avenue,to Forest Hills Drive as a part oP its , Highlvay System. ., ~ ~ ' Upon motion of ItSr. Trask, seconded by I~4r. Ha11, the Board authorized the pa,yrnent of ~v' `.' ~ /~ /~,ry~~102.38 to Ivliss Jane D. 4Vood for_ 1050 pounds stock hogs~ at 9 3/4Jz' per pound. ~or ,,e', .` `--`%~- the County Farm. _ ~ ,n ~ ' ' ~ ,.,s . ; . ':_ .. •, ' ' .. , ~ ~~tl Tleeting of N'ebruary 24th,1936~ continued. Upon motion purchase of County Faxm -~ C Farm emerge of LIr. Ei811, seconded by I~r. Trask, the Board a,uthorized the ,/ a 1933 Chevrolet truck from P.R.S'mith IvIotor Company for the U' at a cost,of ~250.00, the same to be paid out of the County . ncy fund. . , ~ A report of Jas.Walksr Hmspital for the e~onth of January ~Yas received and ~'' ~ `\~ ordered f'iled. . ~ Upon motion of TdCr. Traek; seconded by I~Sr. Hall, lot /~19, block #99, Carolina / /,"~~y, Beach chaxged in the name of ',l.W.~Palsh or G.P1.Lyles w~s released from penalty , ~I ~~ for not listin~ for the years 1930 to 1935 inclusive, on account of the owner ~ being~~on resid~nt. - Upon.mo'tion, the Board, upon recormnendation of the Supt., of Public VJelfare,/ - r~~ approved the payment of ~3.00 to Dr. R.B.Rodman for medical attention given ' ~~1~'~` Herbert Smith, .blind in igent of VJinter Park. It appeard that Mr. Smith was ~ W talzen seriously ill ni~ht and county physicians could not be located. Nir. Smith subsequently. d,ied. fxom pine~monia at Jas C~alker Hospital. / ~ statement o£ Community Hospital for the year ending December 31st,1935 !/ ~~ was received and ordered filed.' Upon motion of ?dr. Trask, seconded by rdr. Ha.1T, the Board upon recommendation ,~/ - of the Supt., of Public ti~Jelfare, approved the payment of $~.05 tranaport~ation / for Frank Norwood, tubercular~transient indigent, to Hopervell,.Va., and $~3.90 ~ ~ transportation for hdrs. F.D.Grimstead and four c~,dren to I~Iullins, S.C. Upon motion, duly seconded, the Supt., af Public Welfare was authorized to ~ em~3loy help to assist I~~re. McEachern and Mrs. }~Iiller in handling flour ancl ~~other heavy couunodities diatributed'to the relief from the warehouse, at an ~pproxim~te cost of ~y7.50, per vreek for not exceeding te~o vJeelca. -.~ • Upon motion of lair.' Hall, seconded by Mr. 'Prask, the Board approved the payment of ~~ ~606.73 insurance on boilers a~.the County Home, Stockade and Coiu't House for tli~ree , ears, and authorized the transfer of ~188.63 from the emergency furids to make J ~~`'~~ up the difference to meet this expense which was occasioned by the additian p ~ ~ ~'(`~" of boi,1~~~ at the County riome and County Home laundry not included in previous , p ol i cy. ~ ~. . ~ The following good and lawful men were dra~vn to serve as jurors in the S'uperior ./~~ Cour.t for the trial of civil cases., two weeks term beginning March 2nd,1936t ~ . '~N.~.Northrop_. Jim ~winson. H.I,.Cartledge. F.D.Buck. H.G.Batson. J.L.Gholson. ' M.Smith. J.H.Bunn. i~J.D.Sidbury. C.D.Jacobs. R.H.Nelson. E.L.~~atkins. ~ • L.D.PGarshburn. Geo.Hales, C.W.Blomme. L.E.Allen. E.L.Kelly. D.G.Register. , E.L.Toomer. J.C.Christian. E.E.Poovey. C.W.Aman. C.P~i.Butler FJ.F.Groves. , 2nd, rreek beginning March 9th,, 1936: Adrian Tart. L.~~l.~tokley. J.P.,tYinstead. H.L.~anders. R.P.Cooper. D.G.Ke7.ly ~ R.E.Calder. T.A.Croom. Glenn vJ. T~iller. E.E.Car.ter. J.E.Evans.Luke Fov~ler. Jaxnes Porter R.A.Yost. Jno.C.Dadis. J.N.~niith. G.T.Johnson,Jr. 1V.E.S'tarnes. J.N.Brand,.Jr. P.~.F.Johnson. C.VJ.King. R.A.Jarre.ll. :~rt.b'.Riley. 1~J.W.lVay. ~'or the trial of Criminal cases week beginning March 16th,1936s ~ '~~~'_ 1~Sr. Qaldwell told the joint-meeting that he did not Uelieve the administration + v~ould allocate the funds under the res8lution adopted at mee,ting of February 24th, . ~ and submitted the following in lieu thereof's " 1. That the two Boards will furnish adequate plans and ~ specifications. . 2. That supplementary labor as needed be supplied. J 3. That~the sponsor will agree to appropriate sufficient funds~ to complete the armory in the event WPA is unable to do so. ~ After.considerable dis~uesion without reaching an agreement in the nature of a cQmpromise, Pdr. Vdade moved that the resolution su~gested by E~Lr. Caldwell be ~ ff~y adopted. His motion did not xeceive a second and was therefore not put to vot by -, ~~ the Chair. Whereupon 2~r. Jas.irT.Hall, moved and it was seconded by I~ayor ~Ualter H. Blair, and unanimously carried; That the.resolution stand as ado;~ted at meeting , of February 24th,1936. The meet'ng then adjourned. , l~i~v!!~ ~~. J~S'.. ~~~/ Cl erlc. H.A.Avant. A.B.Riggs. 9J.F.L.Jones. P.R.Uzz.ell. E.A,Chadr~ick.~.K.Leonard. 'N.A.I,ofton. Joe Barbierie. J.S.Caison. Willie tiewett .E.G.Rigester.J.P.Garrott. 7.L.ivarner. R.L.Tohnson. J.E.Sloan. J.O.Barnhill. C.H.Spooner. t9.H.5'hew,'Jr.y A.S~f.Carpenter. S.R.Artz. Allen S'mith. A.T.Summey. E.Reynolds.. Paul I,ong. ~ S.H.McIntire. Haynes High. K.L.Blizzard. E.A.13ordeaux. A.E.Cumber. I,.E.Woodbury. C.B.Case. V.E..Surriss. A.T.Saint-Aman.VJ.G.Fountain. V.A.i'affo. H.A.I,ynch. . R.L.Pennington. D.O.Hevrett. C.V.Covil. S.Behremds. The mee ir~ i:hen ar3journed. c_%~~J~i ~l ~~± .. ~y . ~ ~- -- le k r • 4~ilmin~ton,id.C., February 26th,1936. A a~ecesse~ mee.ing of the City and County Corranissioners was held this,day~at , 3:00 P.M.,"vrith Mr. R.D.Caldweil, District Director of W.P,.A., for the purpose ~ ,~ of discussing the resolution adopted by the Boards in-joint meeting February 24th,~ _ 1936, concerning the erect•ion of an armory building for Headquarters I3attery 252rid, Coast Artillery with W.P.A. funds, the two Boards participating as sponsors. \~~'~'~ All members of the two Boards ~vere present excep~ ~r. Ross.. Iulr. He~~rlett Presiding.J - { 1 !,~ •/ 1 , . , : ; 4 ~ ~. Vfilmiiigton,2d. C. ~ March 2nd,1°36. The regular weekly meetinQ of the Board v~as,held at 3t00 P.Pu. Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo."t'/.Trask, Jas.Ivi.Hall and J.H.Hinton. ~r°°~yv recordedtes of ineetings of February 24th, and 26th, were read and approved as ~-_ . I~diss Ann PGason Home Demanstration Agent submitted a report of the~activities of her department for the month of F~~~ua,ry~ which vlas received and ordered ~~~~filed. Il4iss: 1~4ason introduced ~Trs.• I,eslie Johnson who told• the Board that the ~ ladiea club of the 'e~'rightsboro section had purchased a lot on ~vhich to erect a t~oman's clubhouse and had $80.00 on hand toward the construction of the ~ building, estimated to cost ~250.00 exclusive of labor and exhibited an arcriitects sketch of the sIDme. ~"Thile no direct request v~a.s made for an appropriation, Mrs. Johnson asked the Coirnnissioners to cooperate ~~ith them in any manner they can in achieving this undertaking and any materials the County may have that could be furnished, would be appreciated. The Co~issione~s assured l~rs. Johnson they would give any assistance they can. Upon r~otion of IJfr. Hinton, seconded by 2~r. Hall, tt;e Davis-Nioore Pxint Company. / . ~~ 4vas~grant'ed an abatement of taxes on a val•uation bf ~$9,000.00 ori~fixtures listed a in error fox the year 1931. It appeared that it was intended to list fixtures > ~ at y1,000.00, but same charged as ~10,000.00 in error. A rec~ues~ f8r a reduction ~ of assessment on property in bloclc #19, and'lot ~3, block 17 Carolina Place was . referred to the Cor~mittee for investigation. A bid of the Wi~mington S'.ign Company to take down, straighten out,primp,reletter./ and rehang the twelve office~directory signs at the doors of the courthouse 0~ ~ ~q~ ~fices, at a cost of ~22.47, vaas~upon.motion of ~L:r. Trask, secondeci by T,Gr.Hinton, ~ ~~ ayl~'~ referred to the Court House Conunittee with power to act. The Colmnittee having investigated the matter at the close of this meetin~, accepted the bid. / f - A requeat of I~r. bY:C.I~icIver for a reduCtion of assesement for the years 1934 and -~ ~ 1935 on buildings in block ~251,that are to ~e removed from the pre~ises on account ~ , ~ of their dilapitaded condition, was upon motion of Mr. Fii.t~ton, seconded by 1~r..Ha11, referred to' the Committee with power to act. Upon motion o£ ~r.Hinton, seconded by I~r. Hall, the local employment ~ureau was , granted the u~e of the east end of the enclosed porch office on the basement r ~ ° ~~~~floor of the old courthouse for registering negro applicants for employment, and ~- • E--~ additional appropriation of ~C75.00 was ~ranted the employment bureau to enable it to ear~y on until June 30th,1936, a iike amount having beeri appropriated by the City of Wilmington. , " '~ ~~~~~ ~A request of the Supt., of Public Welfare for an alloivance of ~^~,2.00 per day cost ,/ ~N~,_ V f treatment for i~rs. Alice Shirir at Duke hospital for internal qaricer, was d'eclined. ' . An application for license to sell beer at location on route #20,at 19inter Park, " ~ 2~~vfiled by I~rs. O.I,.Jones in proper form and execution, ~vas upon motion of Mr.Traek,' .~ ~°~ seconded by Iufr. Hinton, approved.. ~ ~ nirs. T. N. Hill, S'upervisor of ~PA sewing rooms, reported bedding,linen, wearing ~ apparel and other articles valued at ~p11,617.33 turned over to the 5upt., of ~ C-:~}.)~ Public 4Jelfare and Associated Ch~rities for. diNtribution to the County~s needy - t o date. ~ ~ pon rnotion, duly seconded, the Board ordered the gasoline storage tank, pipe line, f ~~.~y~!~~?~.~imp and accessories at the County Stockade advertised for sale by seal bids to be ~ received 3:00 o~clock F.NI., Il~'iarch 9th, 1936. ' Upon motion of 1~r. Hinton, seconded by blr. Trask~ the Register of Deeds was allowed ~~~ ~ ~o employ extsa help to aid in catching up.~vith his office work for a period not ' - ~" exceeding fmur weeks at a maximum r.ate of Coet of ~75.00 per month. , ~' r . T Upon motion of I~r. Trask, seconded by Mr. Hinton, Dr.J.H.Hamilton of Raleigh,N:C. ~ `}~ ~ was released from payment of penalty for not listing lot #144A :orest Hills for ' ~/ the year 1935 on account of being a non-residgnt. ' • ,~ - . A request of the Board of ~ducation that the sum.of ~2,000.00 be placed to the ,/ " ~ Q~ ~Eredit of the ,school fund fox maintenance ~of plant and ~p1,000.00 fox the book fund, V "~~' to take care of expenditures for the month of pdarch, was approved. Upon motion of Mr. Hinton, seconded by Mr. rrask~ tlae Board -gave - ~~~ aut~Ority.: to provide transportation at a cost of ~p6.00 for returning the v~idow o~E ~ S S Geo. E. b'ellinza and two children to her sister in Washington,D.C., thus avoiding ~ the possibility of becoming a ward of the County. A personal judgment for ~304.43 having been secured by New Hanover County against ~ /`~ E.A.Palmgreen and wife Emma H. Pa.lmgreen and the Peoples'Saving Bank, for taxes due \ / '~ • ~{ on part of lots 3,4;and 5, in block #174 for the year 1921, recorded in judgment ~~ ~a~. book #16, docket #5843, and in order to remove any lien on part of lots 1,2 and 3, ~ ~ in block #485 formerly oMned by E.A.Palmgreen & Wife f'rom the operation of.this ,/ judgment:; it caas upari motion of Mr. Hinton, 'seconded by P~r. Trask and carried, (/ That part of lots 1,2 and 3 in block #485 standing in the name of C.H.Clark and V wife Lucy B. Clark, is hereby released fr.om the lien and operation of this judgment. 412 , , Ideeting of ~Ia.rch 2nd,1936 continued. , . Upon motion of I~r. Trask, seconded by L~Ir. Hinton~ tihe Board soted to: call.'to.•the.- _::.'ry } r~ attention of the S~tate Highway and Public lh'orks Commission the number of accidents ~ /~\~ that have occured on highway 40 at the north-ea,st river bridge on account of the ~ E~~~Y - sharp curve approach to the bridge on.the Nevr Hanover County side, and requested / v that necessary,changes be made to eliminate this exceedingly dangerous hazard... ~.`~~ Upon motion of T~Rr. Hinton, seconded by ~:r. Traslc, IvIr.J.A.Orrell the, County^Atzditor, ~ ivas named to attend ~ meeting of Tax Supexvisors and 8tt~te Officials at Raleigh r March~ 9th and lOth, as 2'representative,from this County. ti , Upon motion of iuIr. Hinton, seconded bY Nir., TPask, the Chttirmaaa of the Board, Ir / Mr. Addison Hewlett, was•appointed County:Superdisor bf Tagation_for .the.year 19361~ ~~ The Board then took a recess until 3:00 o'clock Y.I~R., TJiarch 3rd, 1936, to rmeett iin joint session vaith the City Commissioners and 1~r. R.D.Caldwell District WPA~Director;r•r ~~,~ to further discuss the matter of constructing an armory for Headquarters Battery v~ith ~ iVPA fu ds, with the City and County cooperating as sponsors. ' ~ i":~~Jh 7l. l , , Clerk. " ~ , Wilmington,rT.C., &Iarch 3'ra1~1.936. Pnrsuant.to recess taken I~darch 2nd,1936,the Board met at 3s00 o'clock P.I~d., in • t oint session with the City Commissione~s and Air. R.D.Ca.ldwell, Distr,ict WPA Dir ctor, ~'E11 f or further discussion of the armory buildin~ construction project. All City and l County Commissioners rvere preeent exce(pt County Commissioner Mr. b'.Id.Ross. L , The folloc~ing agreement was adopteds SPOI~OIt~S AGRE~rItENT _ ~19HEtYEAS',, In consideration of the North Carolina GJorks Pro~ress Administration ~ constructing an armory building in our city, according to plans and epecifications _ which have ~aeen approved by proper F'ederal authorities; and WFiEREA5, In further consideration of the ~Jorks Progress Administration / _ supplying all available relief labor of the various skilled, semi-skilled and l unskilled classifications, and supplying a major portion of the material cost ~ ~, • involved in the construction of [~aid armory unit to coet approximately ~24,100.09; Pie, the undersigned, duly , ected or constituted officials of the city of . VJilmington and County of New Hanover do hereby together agree to furnish the sste! V~ITH TITLE TO SANIE CLEAR OF IITCUA~IDRANCES, with detailed:plans and specifications J~ • for building, with a sum of money not to exceecl ~p4,500.00, said ~4,500.00 to be used . to provide whatever amount of skilled and semi-slcilled labor, which may be necessary; ,. that is not available to this projec~_from the local oommunxty relie£ rolls. • • a, / At a joint meeting of the City and County Commissioners held this day • at the Couxt House the above agreec~ent wae accepted and the Mayor of the City of Nilmir~ ton and the Cliairman oP the Commissioners of New Hanover County ~ were authorized to sign the agreement. LV. H. Blair, h;ayor of City of iWilmington. : Addison Hewlett ' ~ Chairman of Commissioners.. , In consideration of'the foregoing, the Officers of Headquarters Battery, 252nd, CoasJ ~~,~ Artillery Nor~th Carolina National Guards, agreed to surrender the city and county `~'~i~'' annual appropriations for_such period of time as ma;~ be necessary, to pay •the City ~~~ and County any money tliat.might be advaneed on account of construction of the Armo y.. The h4ee ' g thei ad j ourned. . ~ ' ' !~ 7l~~5~`T~wL • Cle . ~ 4J'ilmington, N. C., Pbarch 9tn,1936. . -The regular weekly meeting of the Board zvas held this day at 3:00 o'clock P.M. Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.~Y.Trask, Jas. IS. Hall and J.H.Hinton. ~\ycl The minutes of ineetinge of bdarch 2nd, and 3rd, were read and approved as recoxded. ~ f A request of• i:ir. N. G. Bartlett, Secretary of the Eastern Caro].ina Charnber of ~Commerce that this Board appoint one oi its members to serve ti~ith raembers appointed from other County Boards in the State, forming a steering co~mittee to use its ~ influence in securing le~islative enactment that would refund to the counties ~ out of the State gasoline tax,~furids expended on roads prior to the time County ~ rosds were taken over by the State July lst,1931; and to that end grant an / appropriation of ~15.00 monthly to meet necessary expensesincident thereto, was • upon motion of ~r. Trask, seconded by Pdr. Hall, taken under consideration. ~~The fOllowing sealed bids for the sale of the ~asoline storage 'tank, supports,pip~J, etc., at the County Stockade as advertised, were received and openeds ~ ~ ' Delmar Oil Company $256.00 ) laiac~illan & Caneron • 235.00 , , I I,. C. Kure 300.00 v - g, Upon motion of PGr. Traak, seconded by ~r. Hinton, the bid of L.C.Kure vvas , ~~~~accepted and the tank and accessories ordered sold to him for the sum of ~300.00 ~ cash. ~ , >ti. < ...:. f: d; ; •; .. •.q~~~,~~~ .. ,~~ . tiE ;,, .. . .. t: , 4 ,• . ' ~ ~i , .` M1: . . ,~ ,. 9. ~ .~ ~-~. . ~f ~ ~~ . ` ^ ~ -. 4 {• ? 41~ , ~eetir~ of Ivtarcn 9tri, 1936 continued'. " , Upon motiori of P;;r. Trask, seconded by ~r. Hinton, back taxes amounting to ~12.67 ~~t~ charged against the east middle part of lot No. 4, in block No. 326 in the name ~~ of Heirs of Robert Halsey prior to the year 1900 were ordered cancelled, on account /~r ~ of being a doub'tful charge and the inability of' the County to prove its claim. ~ .~ ~he assessment of ~270.00 on building was reduced to 4.~'100.00 as of April 1st,1933, on account of its dilapidated condition, and an abatement of taxes on a valuation ~ ~ , of ~I70.00 for the years 1933,1934 and 1935 vras ordered. Zt agpearing necessary for tlze Register of Deeds to rent a~}rpevrriter from time to time to catch up v~ith the work in has office, on tivhich a char-.ge of yp8.00 per rnont is made, the Board, therefore, upon r.e~jize~t of the Register of Deeda and upon ~ ~p motion of r~r. fIinton, seconded by P~r. Traek, amthorizea the purchase of a new ,.~ Underyood typewriter at a coet of ~137.50 less discounts of 10 and 10 per cent, • ~ making a net cost•of.~111.38. Upon motion, suf'ficient funds were ordered trans- -'?~; ferred from the emergency fund to the Hegister of Deeds equipment account to meet • ~ this expense. ~~~ . ~ '• Upon motion of IuTr. Hall, seconded by i~r. Hinton, the Clerk of Sizperior Court was ~4,; granted an addi'tional allovuance of ~100.00 and time extended to i~iarch 31st,1936~ , for extra help to continue checking guardians, executors and admiriistrators accounts ~ for the/purpose of requirin~ those ~~ho have failed to file their reports witn the ~ ,._ ; Clerk ~as required by 1aH, to do so. • - Upon motion of 1~ir. Traek, seconded by I~r. Hinton, autnority was given to continue ~ ~ the employment of extra help at tl~e relief conmissasy for an a,~ditional two weeka, /~ at a maximum cost of ~p7.50 per v~eek, to aid in handling commodities being distributed to the County's needy. ~ --~-:,- . Upon motion of Is4r. Hiaton, seconded by 1Sr. Hall, an item of ~y2.79 due the Best Tire ~/ ,=~". (f, n.,~ Company for gasoline used in distributing cornmodities from the relief commissary -I--- ~~'~„~~`~ to tne County's poor by truck, rvas approved for payment. p , y , pproved the payment bf ~/ ~• U on motion of Mr. Traek seconded b I~7r. Hinton the Board a _ ~ ~p7.20 to Associated Charities for charity rate trarieportation furnished I~rs. Leila ~ Fe1le~tz and sister tinnie Edmonds, indigents, to~their home in VJashington,D.C.; and~ / ~. r'--~~11~$12.00 for sis payments of ~'~2.00 each for food orders furnished ~rs.. Eugeria Harrisa,,~ h .~ and transportation to Jacksonville, N. C., for Ben Henderson, indi~ent. / ~ Upon motion, duly seconded, the Board autnorized the payment of 5k10.00 to ~ ~,,,c/Dr. R.L.Carter of Thomaston, Ga.,.for two Pneurrio-thorax treatments given_J.T.Belcher ~ ~ ~~ !" an indigent of th~s county, and formerly a pati~nt at the State Sanatorium, no~v r, recuperating at the horne of'his kin in Thomast'on,Ga. , p A report of the Ladies Rest Room for the month of February sras received and ordered,,~ . : ~ .p-~,11Q3 f iled. ' / VI H - V . , Frederick W. Spencer ~vho has received.his support as an immate at the County Home ~ since January 27th,1936, and now claiming ~Vashington,D.C., as his residence and ~ , %',~-~/°" rerauesting,tran~portation to return to his home~there, was upon motion,.duly seconded, . allowed. ' ' Upon.motion, duly seconded, the Board granted the use of the County ~'arm truck to , • convey an indigent fazhily of twelve to, '1~a11ace,N.C., and a family of six to ~Jhiteville,T?. C. ~'--- . ~~` . ~, •. ~` Upon motion of 1dr. Hinton, seconded by I:".r. Hall, an application for license to sell py,~~~:beer at location on the ~arolina Beach road seven miles from ~Vil~nington, submitted in ; `.~ due form and execution by Ben Landis tvagamon, evas approved. _, ,.: , ' . , ~ A communication wae received from ttie County Auditor advising the amount of deposit,.~ . °. ~-in each bank as of Febrnary 29th, 1936, together with a memorandum of se.curities • .' ~~~ held in each case. . ' Upon motion of 2Sr. Hinton, seconded by r~r. Hall, instructions were given to write ; a letter to the United States District.Engineers Office adv3sin~ that this Board tivishes to go on.record as approving the project of deepening the North VJest Branch a c/" ~" ~~~i,~/ of tne Cape Fear River betNreen ~FTilmington,V.C., and Navassa;N.C., from nineteeri feet / / to not lese than twenty-t~r~o feet c+i.th a char7nel vridth of at~ least t~vo hundred and ,~ f'ifty feet, in accordance ~vith a public hearing on this ma,tter held ISarch 5t:~,19$6. ,, . Upon motion of.1~r. Trask, seconded by T!ir. Ha11, ]dIr. George W. Goodman residing at '/ •, ~ , ~`~"~G~ 2024 Market Stree.t, was exempt from payment of po11 taxea on account of physical, ~" ~ ,. ~ disabilities. 1 A request~for a reduction of assessments on the buildings of T~drs.I~ary C. 1~ rren, ,/ ~ l' `~"ar~ block No. 233, on account of their dilapidated condition, was upon motion of 1Sr.Hinton, ~_ ~ seconded by J~r. Trask, referred to the co~:m~ittee tivith power to act. ..,i • , / P e-matter of installing door interlocking devices on the hatchway doors and gate ~ l •. ~ontact on car gate of the eleyator as submitted by the Otis Elevator Company, was' " -E:1~'~ declined. ' ~ • . \: < .. r. p~~ U~~on motion, duly seconded, county bills idos. 2474 to 2~73 were approved for payment. ~ • `' J The meeting then adjourned. _ /7`//~rii ~t.~ . ~• C~er~ , d~ , , . • , ei . t r . ` -' , } . J 414~ ~ , ~a Vtilmington, Id, C., hiarcn 16th,1936. .' The regular vreekly meeting of' the 73oard 4vas held this day at 3:00 0' clock P.Pd. - Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.'~J.Trask,Jas.u4.Ha11 and J. H. Hinton. ,/ ; 1~r. James H. I~Gedlin, a',~orld ~;lar Veteran, was upon motion, granted "Free Licen~e" ~~ ` ~~2C~cv,~„ to peddle " Doughnu'ts " in New Hanover qounty. ~~ A request of Mr. Fred ~lilletts f'or a reduction in assessment on 7 acres land, part ~ / James Tract near Cape rear Golf':Cluli; owned by 2Brs. Elearlor G. ~Nright, also reduction ,t ~~:.~X in a;,sessment on the property of North Carolina Threatre Inc., block No.165, Was referred to the Corunittee for investigation. , . ~SSU~ A reguest of the 5upt., o#' Public ~Yelfare f'or railroad fare.for ldrs.E.Perry to Florida, was granted. The ~upt., of' Public ~9elfare also presented applications of Lucy D. Sampson,~ f,, ~~olored, and Clara Jane Ezzell and Frank N1cCartney,white, f'or admission to the County '. _~ ome, which were approved. :r.; S„-. ~,jJ iJpon motion, fuel for the Nursery School at 3rd, and Iuarsteller streets, vras authorizedP " , \ ~^~~^'~~~ for ha.1f the amount provided the city wi11 apprapriate funds for the other half. A surety oond of J.A.Salling as Deputy 5heriff, with the National 5urety Company as ~urety ~ \~~ in the penalty of ~p1,000.00 changed from in favor of the County Corrunissioners to C.David ' ~ -• Jones, Sheriff, ivas received and turned over to the Sherisf. ~• Applicatiun of tne Estate of J.J.I3oore to reduce intexest charge to 3% on baclc taxes on nJ lot No.19, block ido.47 Carolina Beach, mas'approved in view of being~in course of ' ~~~~~ settlement prior to February lst,1936. ~ , T,?r. L.C.Kure requested an appropriation of ~600.OO,for construction of two jettys on -~'{ p property at N'ort Fisher south of the Ethy1 Dow intake, to prevent further beach erosion.~. ~• `, 7'°" G~W~r. Trask moved,and it was carried, that a cormnittee be appointed to investigate~ this ' ' ~E~'~ request. , ~ fl4essrs. G. Dudley Huraphrey, Horace T. King aid k.E.Cumber representing property ov~ners i~ of Carolina Beach, appeared and requested that the County assist.in drainage necessary '~'. '~.~f ~~~,~ to prevent future flooding of the lake at Carolin~ Beach. The matter ivas referred~to n,.w~"-' a co~unittee for investigation. ~r. E.S.1Yaddell requested the Co~issioners to re.place the sand removed from his lot ~" ~ • `~p,~~ No.19 block No. 40 Carolina 13each, used in road construction at Carolina Beach prior,' ~. '`' to July lst,1931. , The Board acting upon the recommendation of the 1'lilmington Por1; Commission, and upon ~ " ~j~ motion, duly sec4nded, appointed P~r. Cyrus D. Hogue as a member of the Cotrmiission to fill ~ R ~~ the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of I~r. G.H.]~ressell. ~ `. An application for license to sell beer at 1"linter Park, submitted in due f'orm and ~/, ', ~ 61„e~/ execution by Palmer 7. Dowdy, was upon motion, approved. u/' / Upon motion the Board authorized the purchase of one copy of guide book "The Listing ~nd~/. ,... -~~Ci~ Assessing of Property" from the Institute of Government at a"cost of ~2.00. ~,: 'il~ Upon motion, duly seconded, bills Nos.2874 to 2974 were approved ior payment,.J, - ~~ ~ . ;. ~ The Chairman of the Bqard of Education and Cyrus D. Hogue Attorney appeared to discuss ~ the matter of the suit of the City of.'v~ilmington vs Board of Education for street ,~ ~ assessment. Upon motion it c~as decided to approve their rec~uest for funds to cover,cost ~~~ and expenses in connection ~vith the case on appeal to the Supreme Court. ~ ~ _ ~ ~ Q,i The tnatter of purchasing a second hand Fordeon Tractor for parts to,repair the ~'ordson ,,,.r,d~ Roller at•the airport, was referred to the Chairman for investigation. ' ~\~ ~ " The r~e ing then adjorned. • ~~ ~~~~~1. ~~~ - : .. - ~Clerk. _ : ~Yilmington, N.C., I~Larch 23rd,1936. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held at 3:00 P.Tu. ' Present; Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.4V.Trask, Jas.It4.Ha11 and d. H.~Hin~on. - '~ The minutes of ineetings of S,~arch 9th, and 16th, were read and approved as recorded. • , Upon motion of P~r. Hinton, seconded by tdr. Hall, an item of ~13.78 back taxes charged ~,~„ ~ ~` as not listed,against Ieirs. E. V. i~dcKenzie for Uhe year 1915, o~ the west middle and ,/ • -~ jG~ part of west middle one, block #-146, vras ordered cancelled on the bacl; t~ records '. ~` . on account of douole listing. ~rs. TdcKenzie havin~ lisi;ed property in block ~146 for said year and paid the taxes thereon. ' 'Upon motion of ?:ir. Trask, seconded by J:ir: Hall the Board gave authorii;y to pro-rate ,~~~h the street assessment chaxged against lot ~ 104, Borden Avenue, Brookwood, and allowed ~- . the request of R.S.3dcClelland Es9•, that 2~Irs. 1Sary B. ~'~llace, the present ovrner, be ' ~~ =• permitted to,pay the street assessment due on tha,t part of 1ot #104 bordering on Borden Avenue that was formerly owned by the Estate of tFi. R. Taylor. - An offer of ?Sr. L. C. Kure that if the County ivill furnish the material for the conatructib `~,_ of two jettys, 65 feet in length each, sbuth of the Ethyl Dow intake, at a cost of " 'w-- ~~~,~,") approximately ~885.70, he would supervise the work and furnish the purnp for sinking the `~ ' `~ ~ilirig without charge, was left witYi the cor.,mittee for further study. ~A request of Rev. J. H2 Hale for room in the covrt house basement for iiJPA adult educational . instructions, two or three evenings out of each week, lvas upon motion of Mr. Traek, seconded `. ~~~~ by ~Sr. Ha11, granted, PROVIDED satisfactory arrangements can be made tivith the Veterane of ' ' Foreign Wars who are now occupying the only quarters available. ~ ~ , } , I~eeting of Idarch 23rd,1936, continued. Upon inforination submitted by the County Auditor that County relief appxopriations . are overdrativn to the extent.of $1,905.91, the Board gave instructions that the e • Associated Charities of'ficers be advised of this condition with request that ~~nq,~4; they lay the matter before the City Cor,vnissioners vrith the view of making some i/`~ U arrangements to aid in providing funds to meet relief needs for the remaining f our months. - • ~ Janie Beamon, an aged and decripit colored citizen, having been examined by ~,/~~ the County Health officer and recommended by the Supt., of Public ~lelfare, ~vas admitted to the.County Home as an inmate. Applications for tax listing, 1936~ were presented to the Board and upon motion '~ of L~ir. Hall, seconded by I~r..Trask, ldessrs. B. F. Kdngy 1"7.F.Ca.rpenter,and ~ ~~a~ Eli H. I~a.vis- were appointed Tax Listere for Ylilmington township for the year ~' 1936. . ~~~~jTpon motion of I~dr. Hin.tori, seconded by Yar. Hall, the follotiaing were appoi.nted ~ ~~~g~ Tax Listers for the County townships: ,. t Cape Fear, Township- FJ. J. Wilkins ~/ . ' Federal Point ~~ John E. Taylor Y • . ~~ Pdasonboro "' P~[rs. Zeila L2. Horned v ~ " Mr~. Janet E. High., Harnett No. 19 • " . ~ Harnett No. 2, " Geo. 'T. Shepard'.,J . • .. • Upon motion of ia7r. Trask, seconded by Iss. Hall, IVfessrs. J. D. Edwards and ~ .: ;~ ~~ ~ W. P. Fletcher were appointed Tax Assess~rs to assess improvements and divisione , and make investigat~aons of complaints on real estate for the year 1936. ~ Upon motion of Mr. Hinton, seconded by PLr: Trask, authority vzas given to purchase : '_! •„~~-a,~ a second hand tractor for parts: to repair the Fo~rds:on roller at the airport, at a~ ,iG~'"~~ cost of ~30.00 delivered. /~ ' 4 The matter of painting the fence asound the court-house premises was referred to'~'~ ~ ~ ~pL9~u/~' the Court-House Cornnittee for investigation. ~ ~~_~~~ re o of as. '7Talker Hos~ital for the month of Februar vras received and // ~ ~. p r t J ~ . Y . : d. ' ! ~~':' ordered filed. '~. ; ~ pn application for license to sell beer at Seabreeze, b'ederal Foint to~mship, ~ . ~~ ~ ,~~ submitted in due form and execution by D.F.Herring, colored, was upo~i motion of : ~ ,. Mr. Hinton, seconded by l~r. Hall, apuroved. ° ~ At a regular meeting of the Board o£ County'Commissionera held at the Court House at ~Vilmington;N.C., on this 23rd, d~y of,Tdarch 1936, the follo~ving ~~(}~.~'o resolution rvas prepared and presented at the request of District Solicitor ~1~ J. J. Burney ~.nd upon motion of r;ir. Hall, seconded by ?.Tr. Hinton, adoptecls ' ~REAS, there is such a large accumulation of criminal cases on the docY.et ~ of the.Superior Court of Ne~r Hanover County, North Carolina, for trial, and ,. , ti~dHEREAS, a large number of prisoners are now confined,in the common prison ~. of the County of Nevr Hanover a~vaiting trial of criminal cases, and ' VJHEREAS, as the next term of court for the County of~Dieiv Hanover for the l/' ' . trial of criminal cases will not cenvene until May llth, 1936, and that from this° , -` date there will be a large number of 'additional cases docketed for.trial in the . •, Superibr Court of said County on the criminal calender, and - ''~ ~9HEREAS, it is the unanir~ous opinion of the Board of County Corvnissioners of !/ ~ . at least a one ~eek criminal term is necessary to dispose ~, New Iianover County that . ` of the cases now on the docket for trial in Netv Hanover County, North Carolina. • ~ BE IT, TI-~REFORE, RESOLVED; that the Board of bounty Corunissioners of ldevr ~. ' Hanover County unanimously re9uest his Excellency, John C. B. Ehringhaus,Goveraor ~~ of the State of North Carolina, to o~der a special term of the Sc~~erior Court -v ' for the trial of criminal cases only to convene on ?Jlay 18th,1936, and to continue for ' ~ • one week following the regular criminal term scheduled for ISay llth,1936. ' Be it fur'bher resolved that the Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners be, and,he is hereby directed to furnish a copy of this resolution to the Govern$r r~ : of the State of North Carolina at the earliest possible moment. , Be it further resolved that the Board of County Commissioners of Ne~v Hanover ,„s :~~ . • County respectfully request that his Honor R. Hunt Parker, Judge, be assigned to ~ , ~ . hold eaid apecial term. - , ,. •. ~ Upon motion of IJ;r-. Trask, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Board gave instructions to , ~ ~~~ request the State Hi~hV~ay and Pub~ic,lrlorks Commission to investigate the State ~-'~ ~ roads in this county ~nd give them the necessary treatment and repairs needed. s ~ A request of Pete Glisson for return of fingerprints, was declined on account of , ~ being a second offender. , ~ The meetin then adjourned. • I'-i~lov, ~< ~ • .- . j~• 416 Piilmir~ton,N.C.; A~arch 30th,1936. The regular weekly meeting of the Board wa~ held at 3:00 o`cl,ock P.IJ~. Presents Addison Heivlett Chairman, Geo.S'J.Trask, Jas.}d.Hall and J.H.Hinton. ~~ The minutes of ineetin~ of March 23rd,1936, were read and approved as recorded. I 1~ Upon motiori of lV~r. F~lk, seconded by Pls~. Hinton, the Board confirmed its action'taken ~ in joint meeting with the City Commiasioners I~arch 27th,1936, iri appropriating ' ~ ~2,000.00 out of the profits received from the A.B.C.Stores,for genera7. County relief,, ~- the City Commissioners appropriating a like amount. - ~~ Upon motion of P.~ro Tr~.sk, seconded by Mr. Hinton, County bills Nos. 2975 to 3106 inc., {1~~ were approved ~.or:_payment. '" ~I A request of Col. R.S.1:4eC1e11and Atty., for a reduction in the assessment on buildings of Hrs. of h?.C.A.Ahrens, block #306 and 323 on~account oftheir dilapidated conditfon; ~ ~~`~, and with the vievr of settling the back taxes due on the property over a period of yeara, was referred to the Committee for investigation.• ; i 6 Upon motion of I~r. Trask,•seconded by T,Qr. Hinton, Mr.T.B.Upchurch was released from ~ `,~~ payment of penalty for not listing property in block ~167 for the year 1935, account of v being a non-resident. Upon motion of I,(r. Hinton, seconded by 1Jir. Trask, the•Board declined to sell trees on .t ~ ~rt~~, County land to 2~r. Hand, for poles, and voted not to sell any standing timber on }/ ~~\ County land at this time. Upon motion of L~r. Trask, seconded by'll`s. Hinton, T~Ir. IJtark Hines vras allol/ed to pay ~ ~12.50 County ~rivilege Tax for operating an~Antomobile Sales and Service Gar2~ge:' ~ ,~ '~~~~ at I1o. 225 B6arket Street for quarter ending I~ay 31st,1936. ~ Upon motion of i~r. Hinton, seconded by 1,~r. Hall, the Regieter of•Deeds ~vas authorized o x ~ ~~continue.the emgloyment of extra help in hia office to aid in catching up with his ~ ` /~ u^~ vrork until April 15th,1936, at the rate of $p75.00 per month. The Clerk oY Superior Court was granted an•additional appropriation df not exceeding~ ~100.00, or so much thereof as ma.y be necessary,,to contiriue the extra help in his _ ~ office for the month of April, checking guardians, administratore and executors ' \ C,~ accounts. > , - ~ Upon motion of It4r. Hall, eeconded by P~Ir. Trask, the ~uperintetndent of Public ~"relfare .. was authorized to continue the services of ~'~.F.Grant at the ~`7.P.A.Commissary during . ~\~~ the month of April at a salary of ~7.50 per week, and authorized the payment of $~7.50 -,. ,' / W for his services for weelc endin~ IiSarch 28th,1936. ~ - , • , .. ~ • Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. HaTl, Robert Hill was granted an abatement of taxes on a valuation of ~250.00 for the years 1930 to 1932 inc.; and on•a valuation~ -. ~~ of ~22.5.00 for the years 1933 to 1935 inclusive on house charged in error in.block ~ "~ #212, northeast part of lot #4. It appearing to the satiafaction of the Commissioners that no building has been on said premises during that period of time. , Upon motion of Mr. Hinton, seconded by I~r. HalI., the Tax Collector was instructed to ' ~ check upon the slot machines placed in the county to see that all tax•requirements have V. '~`~ ~ G~~ been complied with. '~~ Upon motion of I~dx~. Hinton, seconded by h2r. Trask, r'~alter I?avis, colored, of No.213, ,;a~ ~~~t~ ~outh Eleventh Street was exempt frora payment of poll taxes on account of physical ~ ~' disabilities. ~ ~ - ~_ It hauing been reported to the County Auditor by i2rs. Mary A. Gurganous on January 25th,1936, that County's checks Nos. 1530 and 1881 in the amount of ~8.00 each, ~ dated Ilecember 2nd,19.35 and January 2nd,1936 respectively and payable to herself, were lost. The Wilmingtqn Savings & Trust Company, the bank on which the checks"were / I drawn was promptly notified to refuse payment of same if presented, and it appearing ~. that said checks ha,ve not been presented to the bank or paid, the Board, therefore, upon motion of Iir. Hinton, seconded by :dr. Hall, authorized and directed that duplicate checks £or the amounts stated be issued to Iurs. ~Ta.ry A. Gurganous. Upon ihotion of L4r. Hinton, seconded by ~. Trask, h~ e~rintendent of Public '~elfar`N (~ ,,.~vras authorized to provide tramsportation for Alber ^ o Stonervall Jackson Training ~ WQX~~,.. S chool. . - ~ A report of the grand jury, Pharch Term 1936, was received and the recommendation te~ install a lavatory in the office of the Register of Deeds for the employees and ~ ~~v/~ patrons, rvas referxed to the Court House Committee for consideration. " ~ ' I Upon motion of I~ir. Hall, seconded by 2~4r. Hinton, Mrs. Ella T. Rowan was released froin ~ paymentof penalty for not listing lot ,~5, in block #10, Carolina Beach for 1;he year ~~G~i 1935 on account of bein~ a non-resident. ., Upon notion, duly seconded, E.G.Hayes a non-resident, tiaa.s released from paysnent of V ~~~~ penalty for not listing lots 193 and 194 Lakeside fox the year,1935. , ~1he following good and lawful men were~drawn to serve as jurors in the Superior Court, ~~,~ Por tkie trial of Civil cases two weeks term,first week be~inning April 13th,1936s '° D.D.AIelton. J.L.Bo~en. I,.B.:~tevenson. J.S.King. R.Il.1Yebb. ~ ~if.M.Thompson. , J.I~d.Brown. J.C.Anderson.J.Z.Rogers. E.H.Shiver. R.B.Hardison.G.tN.Bellois. T.N.Vereen~jr.G.H.Hev+ett. H.2~a.ultsby. 6V.N.F~.rriss.~~.H.F~rve11.G.L.Farmex. G.Id.Creech. O.P.Wilson. F.G.Harriss. I~I.Tyson. , J.R.Batchelor. Ni. T. Flanagan. For the second ~veek beginning April 20th,1936t ~ ~ R.C.Platt. G.Cottle. E.M.Flowers. K.S.t~allard.C.C.Swann. J.E.~[illoughby. H.L.Walker. ~Y.L.Carter. J.C'.Parker. R.A.Chadwick. J.R.FI~,rrin~ton. Jno.L.Hewett. D.E.Milliner. E.C.Baldwin. T.B.Oldham. `;l.T.Croom. E.K.Williams. Theodore Butler. ~ A.V.Fountain. F.G.Rose. Earl Sharp. Ed~v.ARallory.H.A.Caison. L.R.17atson. The meeting then adjQurned. .. ! /l~Jv~ 7C~W! .. _~~i ~ Clerk. J 4 ~ " YJilmington,N.C., april 6th,1936. The regular m'eeting of the ~oard ~~as held at 3:00 P:~Ia. r 41~ Present: i~ddison Hetvlett Chairman, Ueo.17.Trask, Jas.lvi,Ha11 and J.H.Hinton. 1 A request of ....G.C.McIntire, Esq., that Mrs. t4ary ~. Carson be permitted to pay ~~a~ ~p42.58 taxes due,on lot # 471 ~udubon for the year 1928 in the name of Arthur '~ 1 - "i,/illiamson, at the flat rate of 3% on account of having never received notice of the " amount due; ~.. and unaware of any back taxes due on the same, was upon motion of ' ' P~ir. Hinton, seconded by IJ[r. Hall, granted. . An excellent and elaborate report of the activities of the i"lilmington Port Cbmmission { for period from January lst, to April lst, 1936, was presented and read by I,~Ir. Peter ~~ /~~:,-B..Ruffin Chairman of the Commission. Upon motion the same was r.eceived and; ordered fil-ed. It 4V2^a agreed that the Commission make quarterly reports in the future. The follovring formal request of the Board of Education vaas ~resented by Dr.7ohn T. / ~ ~~'~, Hoggard its Chairman, and read by I~fr. John 0. TNS~.rshall a member of the Board of Education: ° FNilmington, N. C., April Sth,1936. The Board.of Education, ldetiv Hanover County, North Carolina, hereby requests the ', Board of Commiasioners of the said County to call an election of the qualified voters of said County to determine vahether there shall be levied and collected annually a special school tax, not exceeding tvtenty (2'0) cents on the one hundred (100.00) dollars,, valuation of property, for the purpose of supplementing the State appropriation for an ~ eight months school term, providing a ninth month, raising the rre~v Hanover High School to an accredited standing~ employin6 additional teachers where necessary throu~hout the ' school system to de.crease the teacher load ~,nd increasing the salaries of teachers and other employees of the Board of Education of said county. _ By order of the Board of Education, New Hanover'County, Nor~h Carolina. This the 2nd, day of April, 1936. John T. Ho~~ard, Chairinan. " _ , ~ J. W. Grise, Secretary. ~ .- ~ Board of Education, ~ i DTew Hanover County, N.C. The foregoing formal request vras upon motion of I~~r. Trask,~seconded by T4r. Hinton, • receised, and it being the duty oP the County Commisaioners to call an election for the purposes "stated, when requested by the Board o£ Education, vras granted, and the ~ M ~~ ~.~i , County Attorney c~ras instruc{:ed to prepare the necessary resolutions and advertisement {' ~ for calling the eTection to be formerly aci;ed on by the Board and fix.ing the date for holding the said election at an adjourned meeting to be held ~dednesday 10;00 o'clock A.~i., Apsil Sth,1936. ~ ~ , A request for ~n appropriation~ to aid in meeting i~he expense for entertaining Veteranu ~~:~' ~`~. oP Foreign Wars during their sprin~ convention here, ~~ras declined for the reason the ' ~l~~Commissioners have no legal right to grant an appropriation for that purpose. ~ Upon motion of Sur. Hinton, seconded by-I~r. I-k'~11, the Board authorized the payment ~` of $68.98 out of the County general reT3ef funds to the North'Car.olina State /j~(,,~,~ Corrnnission for the blind, to enable the folloti~ing list of blind and partially blind ~'~ X~~ of this county to participate in the distribution of said funds for the month of . ... April to be m~.tched by State funds and to be issued in individual checks for double the amount giaen by the County. These persons participating in the dist~ibution of e. County relief, it therefore, cost the county no more to make payment through t•he - State and the individuals receive double the benefit. The matter vras presented by • the' Supt., of Public '~Velfare the list follo~vs: ~Robert Corbett; Castle I~b,yne,r?.C., ~p5.00 ~ -~i~. L. Daniela,~ 704z N. 4th, St. 8.00 ~%He~en"Todd, T,Grs. 524 S. Front St., 4.00 ` ,iPi4rs.2~2artha Turner; ~ercer Avenue 4.00 @olored ,;.Grace Tate~, ' ..- Frank l7i lkins~, -~Lula Hill; . ' --~ John Payne ~ , G., /Louis Gcodwin~, , -~ Priccila Loftin, -- Sara~ Battle; ,. , -~I;~Iary Green,/ , ~-'Hannah I~oore,l . ~N_aywood 6Jilso~i, Castle Hayne, 2.50 507 Campbell, 6.98 905 ~9ooster, 8.00 717 Nixon S~treet, 5.00 1415 tiVxight Street, 3.50 512 S. 13~h, Street, 4.00 412 Harnett Street, 3.50 1307 Loves Alley 3.50 103 S. 9th, Street, 7.50 Caro lina Beach Road, 3.00 Total .......................... ~68.48 / ' A reauest of the Board of Education that the sum of ~p2,000.00 be placed to the ~ / a~~ credit of the School fund for maintenance of plant, and ~1,000.00 for the book ~ / ~~- fund, to take care of expenditures for the month o.f ApriL , ~vas upon motion of i~Ir. Hinton, seconded by I~Ir. Hall, approved. . .. ~ ,~ Upon motion of F.ir. Hall, seconded by h~:r. Traslc, IZrr. ~~l. H. Ke11y ~^~as released from /~G~` payr.ient of penalty for not listing Lot 19, 2~~ rket Street Extension, Harnett ' ~. tov~nehr'p, for the year 1935. h ~ ~ .A . ;~:eeting of April 6th,1936, continued. Upon motion of NIr. F3~,11, seconded by ndr.. Hinton, Daniel Carr of Harnett toivnship was „ ~ G~ granted a refund of ~ 2.53 po11 taxes and penalty paid T¢arch 20th,1°36, by garnishment,~ ~ receipt No. 16354, on accountof being under 21 years of age and tne.refore not liable ior poll taxes. , n view ,of the con~inued illness of It2r. Franlc ~•T. Ross., and his recent removal to ~ morial Hosp~tal at Richmond, Va., for treatment, the Board paused to direct i;hat a' J message be transmitted to IJirs. Rose mtho is ~;t the bedside there, expressing concern ~ and hope of his early recovery. j - • A copy of the audit report of James +7alker riospital for the year eriding December 31st~ ~`,~~j~ 1935, was received and ordered filed. . _ ~ - r~ ~l ~~`~ The County Auditors cash report for the month of'I,~arch was received and ordered filed.+~ ~ Upon motion of I~iir. Hinton, secdnded by 1.Zr. Trask, county bills Nos. 3107 to 3243 cras n ~~~'\~5 approved for payment. Upon motion of h4r. Hinton, seccnded by IJLr. Trask, the Board authorized the payment oP ~65.67 to Piorth Carolina Lines Inc.,.for County's one half part of i:lie expense~and ,~ reight incurred in shipment of two cannon from Portsmouth,$avy Yards to tililmington, ~~~1 to be delivered at "Battle Acre" Fort Fisher as per agreement of L~s. 3as.E.I,.Wade, ~vithout further. expense to the Co.unty. .The Board then took a.r~cess izntil.lOs00 o'clock A.M.,,}Nednesday,April 8th,1936, to ~/ 1~'/`y forMerly act on the request of the Board of Education to call an election to pa~s on~/ .~ ~C+ "" the~,, q/~uestion to supplement Lhe State appropriation for an eight monthe schoul term. i'.i//H7l.~y.. ~j ,/' Clerk. // / V~ilmington, T?.C., April Sth,1336. Pursuant to recess talcen April 6th,1936, the Board t~et at 10:00 A. I~. Present: Addison He4~lett Chairnan, Geo.ZV.Trask, Jas. Iui. Hall and J.H.Hinton. The foliovring petition received from the Board of ~ducation April 6th,1936, vras:~ ~, ~~ formally presented to the Board:' " The Board of Educat~ion, New Hanover County, North Carolina, hereby requests the Board of Corunissioners of the said County to call an election of the qualified voters of said County to determine vrhether there shall be levied and collected annually a special~sehool tax, not exceeding twenty (20) cents on the one hundred (100.00) doll~,rs ealuation of property, for the purpose of supplementing the ~tate appropriation for an eight-months school term, providing a ninth month, raising the Nei~ Hanover High School to an accredited standing, employin~ additional teachers vrhere necessary throu~hout the school system to decrease the teacher load and increasing the salaries of teachers and other employees of the Board of ~ducation of.said Coiznty. ,. By order of the ~oard of Education, I~Te~v :~anover County., North: Carolina. This the 2nd, day of April, 1936. John T. Ho~~ard, Cha.irman. . J. ~~J. Grise Secretary ,. Board of' Lc~ucation, New Hanover County; N. C. > . YThereupon the f'ollowing resolution prepared by the Coaunty Attorney was ~~ ~ ; ~ presented, and upon motion of latr. Hinton, seconded by i:ir. Flall, unanimously adopted: ~'JI~REAS~, under Sect.ion 14 of Cha.pter 455 of the Public Laws Of;1935, it becomes the duty o£ the County ~o~mnissioners to call an election to determine ~vhether a tax shall be levied for the purpose of supplementing the State appropriation for an eight~ mo?iths school term in said'Couri~y, vrhen the Board of Education of iv`ew Hanover County, North Carolina, ha's petitioned ahd rec~uested the said Boa~d~of~Coimnissioners to call such an election, and ~ahen said Board of Education has requested that.said election be called. NOF~ THEItEFORE, BE IT RESGLVED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County that a speci2.1 election shall be held in Nev~ Hanover County on Tuesday I~[ay 12th, 1936, between the ,j hours of sunrise and sunset to c~etermine whether 13etiv Hanover County shall levy a V epecial tax not exceeding tiventy cents (20fL) on the Hundred~Dollars ($~100.00) valuation of prop.erty, real and personal, for the purpose of supplementing the said State appro- • pri~.tion for an eight months school term in said county. At said election, those '~ vaho are in favor of the levy and collection of a tax not exceeding tvrenty cents (20~L) on the Hundred Dol].ars (~100.00 valuation of property, real and personal, shall vote a ticket on which shall be printed or vrritten the words " For Local Tax '~; and those who oppose shall vote a ticket on which shall be printed or written the words ~'Against• Local Tax". ~ ' ~ , ~ For the purpose ofthis election as authorized by said ac~, said Board of Cocunis- ~ / sioners do hereby order a new registration and the folLowing are designat.ed as the -- }~~-~'} polling places for the townships, precincts and vaaxds and the persons hereinafter. ~ named are appointed as registrars and judges of election in said township,.precincts, and wards: ' . ~ : Mearting of April 8th,1936, continued. ' lffilmington Toivnshipt ~ ~ . , ' ... , . . .... . . . . . . First ~°lard: ' Engine House 4tn,~ & Campbell ~treets. ' $egistrar Pdrs. lierman Carroll, 1005z I1. 4th, Street.~ - Judges o1' Election P~Iarvin Clark and Capt. Christman. • , '`".' '. . - Second l~ard: First Pree4nct, Hemenraay School. ,F Registxar Z. E. P~urrell, 413 N. ~2nd, Street. , - ~ Judges oi' Election John R, Turrentine and 0. ~1.bdessick,. ~ ~ ` a~i Second tiVard: 2nd, Precinct, Police Station City Hall. , %~,J Rsgistrar C, D. Jacobs, •311 Grace Street. . , '~' 7ud~es of Election J._A. Newe11 and lrT.O.Green. . '~_;~+ '~ , Ty;ird ~+ards First Precinct,0~@rotrley's Cleaners,Sth, & Princess. ' Re6istrar T~iss Carrie e7hite, 806 2~arket Street. , ' Judges of Llection Chas. Darden and David S.loan. . 1'hird t9ardt ~' 2ndy precinc;t,: I::aac Bear School. ~ F.egistrar ~ Iurs.J.B.Y/illiamson; 15 S,outh 8th, S'treet. + ' Judges of,~lection ~ 2;irs. PficKeithan and I,E. Be.don. ' . ~~ [z i ' r-. E -It..,.~lu. w_.._'" ' -'" ~ ' .. _ '" 5 4 + . . . ~ s, :. • ~ a . . . .. . _ ' -r. . . • .:.. ;a. ~ ,.. , . '- --._~._.__..~ _ ...--. ~ .. .. . , , . .. ,~ ;, .. . ' . ~ ' llr --- .. .,. . ' "' ' :, f. _.t. - ~ .. >ts. ~» ._ ~ ~ pI$12ufn~tan, 2~~~ G~~ April 8bk1, 1~~i6 ~ . ' -- ,. . ~ -` . -- ~ eta ' :t. ~, .. ~ ° . . . ,., _. ,;.. ,~ ~ '' i : ,i., »T'~iC ~~QAI'Q tlP ~dLitl~t 1cih.~ ~~vY ~rio9eZ' Cottr4tys B1c~r'~~1 i . . t3~roliria,y k¢ere~i~ xequee~a th~ Borxrfl of Commi~~~,o~iers af tt~.e E '~ . ~e~~,d Coaant~ ~~ c~ll ~n eleet~,ora a#" ~G~e qua~7.if~ed 1f4L@PB ~S ._~ ~. • ~ ts . .• ~id ~c~u~tiy to 4~tc~ar~m#:ne whet#.er ~h~re ~k~.t'9;l b~ ~.mvlod; e~nd . . . ,. ~c~1lea~efl anss~l~~r u speolal sCt~s~nl tax, #~at'exceec~~r~8 ~ , :; ~~enty 420) aant~ on tP~~ onc~ P~undrad .(2t30e0q) 4oZl~t~s `. . , ro~lt~~ian of prr~~ar~y, Por th@ purposa of eu~r~l~m~ntin@; . t~z~ sta~;~.~p~xo~ri~stlor~ fior ~-n ~l~h~S«montlxa ~ctmbl ter~~, . . , - pront~94~ng a nfn~h manth, r~i.ain~ the Hcsvr i~xiaver tiig~ , , Schaol to an ~acxed~tad aLand#,r~g, amploy3,ng addition~l .~ ~ " , ~~aehers w~are ~soQasmry thiro~ghaut the auh4o~. myat~m t~ ", . Ha~;re~a~ ~~ae t~~Qk~6r, ls4sd artd ~ner@~ffiing t~e ~ala~~.em dt' ..~ . ~ ~a~cher$ a~ad at1~~r ~cs~lo3r~e~.e~f tlxa ~vs~6 aY ~~utt~+tia~ o~' 'i " ~tii ~out~tyt~ ! +'.,. . ' Bar order af ~Y~¢ ba~r8- o~' ~~ucatiot~, t~csa ~~nbt~or Gount~r, I, . y 21c~r~h 4arnliaa, , , . ~ ~ .~ ` , : ~ ~ Thi:s thc~ 2x-d, d~y of ~Br~~,~, 183B~ , , . . . ~ ' •. ~ ^ Jo2~s "f`~ Aotw,~rdr„ ~k~il^~+t~. ~ . ' . ' ~~ ~ ;', ~ . - J. ~~ Gri~e,, ~eur~t~~v ;~ • • Bo~rd.af ~ducaxtou, ~^ , i • J~ew ~anoa~.r. ~~un~y,= ~d. C. . " .. ~Yierctugon ~Gha follOwttng re~c~lution pxap~re~4 by tha t2an~st~r .. A~torr~ey ~a ~rT~aer+~ed anfl ttgoat moGi~n aY•~r~ ~rito~, aeaond~d :~ r . , ~y ~x. ~i~., u~r~~:~a~~~y aao~c~~~ . . . .. . ~ ,, , . ~?t~~Iy~-E~, ~der ~o~l~Cfnn 3.~ c~f ~t~pt4r ~5& ~s~' th~ ~ubl#,,~ ~ ' I_ ~~e af 3935, !~~ beer~ffi~s the duty ~P Lhe Gaut'~'Gy ~t~ttcn~.ssl.ot~~izs ., • . . , ~ ta aa11 ~n a~.ection ~o detes~aina whe~har a ~aa ~hall• ~a~ lev9~ed „ . . ~oz th~ purpas~ oF eu~p2amon~3n~ ~he :~ta~e ~-pprngri$tisan P~r - ~ • ~n ~Lgbt.inoretl~s ochool taxVm ~n s~ia couney, evhara ths Ba~r~ r ,. C3~'~GdC1Ci1$9,OLt O~ ~18tA ~P10*!C!x' 4`OUYi~i~,~ IYOTt31 L'E~Z'O?.~Lti&~ ~~ ~ . • ' petf~fota~d a.n~ ;request~3d t11e a~id ~oa~ti oi' Cabanic~~~4oner~ tA . , '_"" , , cail ~uot~ ~n e1~a~Gipn~ and w3~en a~.id ~o~,cd af ~6u~stivn #~a~ ~ • #'gq~~st8d ~t~C s~3d e1~Gtiots be axallad. .37(1F1 T2i1s13PF6R~;y hali '~~ 4kept , . ~ clof i;~ .F;I., '- ~•• :r~i', x`Y' Fs~'~iT~V.'~ by L~RC4 13t?LiS'~ CP ~Ot3i~~.G~'~4~~382°S Of 'NQ9P ~ f r~ ks : r~ ~.nover Cc+unLy Lhat g sgooi~~, el~et2tin s4a1}. be 'he3.fl i~ the 1de~ fianove~ ~:~n~y on ~uer~day ~~ 32th, 163~s. "treL~een .the . " - a~ . _. ~altr~r of ~uta~fm~ and eux-~et to d~tes~ni.ne ~chathcar ~eW Hario~er ay of -~, ~ ' Gouut~r s~3~ levy ~.~peoai~, ti~~ nat axos~ding ~wanty aent~ ' 1g ~ (2t~~) on the Hundsed Dallars (~~.OO.W~ ~luati.on .'gf propert9, ,.;, , ,• rosl ~izd peraQn~~~ Yar Lhe ~~~ose ~aY ~u~pl~~anti~ thcs a~id ~ y S'kate agp~p~riation ~'ar a~t et~ttt monBYas ~criocl. t~rm ip m~S,~# ,. ~;ts, - county. At s~ai~4 elesCtiors~ ~ChQan wha sre in i~vas ~+~ the ~ i ; '~ l~vy a~d oolleQtic~n o#' ~'Gm~ t~Dt ~cct~eQin~ t~et~ty aet~ts(20~,~ ~' •~ ~: ,~ on Sh~ Y3undrad.Dollmxs (~YOOa00j ~aluat£an o~ propertyw real ~'. ~." '. ~cnd pereoxyal, sk~ll vote ~ t3~cktit ob ~hi~h ~~11 be pxin'Ce~ -.;' Section ~~,~ • or wri~ten t1~ ~va~d~ "~a~ I,c~t~A Te~x"i ~nQ xhcr~o who oppnsa t' . •.° aha.11 vott ~. ti.~k~t on r~hieh ~4~3.1 be pr~n~~G or ~r.i~t~n C~taa ~ ~ , ' worde ~Ag~ins~ Loc~l T~~e." ~ ~ . .. ~ ang t he • . ,in one ' _, , i 4~9 , / / - - . - . _. ~ '~r;; ~i,,, 4~0 ~ ~C~ ~ ~~ ~~i@ .~ •~,e,~ P~eeting oi' April 8th, 1936, continued. Upon motion, the Chairman ~^ras eu~povzered and directed to make advertisement . as hereinbei'ore ~set `,"orth. Upon motion, tne Criairman •v~s given authority to substitute, by appointment,_ any registrar or judge oi' election, that i'or any reason may be unable to serve in said election Upon motion, it ~ras ord~red-triat the expense for riolding said election shall ~ be paid by the Board of ~ducation as tne law directs. The meeting then adjourned. /71~h ~t. Clerk. . Z9ilmington,IJ.C., April 13th,ID936. The r'e~ular weekly rneetin~ of the Board ~vas held at 3:00 0' clock P.IS. Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman, Jas. ivl. Aall and J.ri.iiinton. The minutes of ineeting oi' lapril 6th, and E3th, were read and approved as recordecl. ~Ir. T.iA. Henderson Clerk of ~uperigr Court came before the the Boaid and announced .,n/ the appointment of Iv~Tr. H.R:Gardner to the office of County Cor~missioner to serve out•, ~,sr~- ~he unexpired berm of ~'rank 2d.~ Ross,deceased9 in accordance vaith law. I~dr. Gardner „( ~~ appeared later and indicated his acceptance ,of the a~pointment ~:nd ~ould present hi's qualifications as soon as his resignation as a member of the Board of ~lections ~ cras accepted. John C. Botivden having been~examined by the As~istant Health Officer and investigated l ,,/ by 'the Superintendent of Public idelfare, was upon motion of Ivir. Hinton, seconded by ~ ,~W' I~rir.,•Hall, admitted 'to the County Home as an inmatey provided he v~ill comply vrith the ~~~'" rules and regula~ions of the Home. This being the second time iSr. Bowden has been ~ granted admission to the Home. Upon motion of I~r. Hinton, seconded by T~4r. Hall, the Board authorized the payment.of' ~~/ ~p4.90 for transportation for returning Ellis Ge.llo~qay and LeRoy Green from R4orrison 4,~" Training School, the purcnase of shoes f'or the ~hree P.iggs children and $3.59 for ~~ shoes for Sam and Bert 1Zegister,.all county charges. , \ A report of the Home vemonatration i~gent for t•he month of Pdarch was received and .J ~~p,y~\ , ordered filed. ~ f_ ' ' Upon motion of iSr. i-1a11, secdnded by TSr. Fiinton, I:ir.J.R.Pitts of Hamlet,N.C., was r l released from payment of ~enalty for not listing Lot ~27 Id1e~Yild,Harnett tot~mship, {~ --_'~C,~~ for the year 1935, on account of being a non-resident. Upon motion of i~r. Hin~on, seconded by f,s: Hall; the payment of ~13.85 to, O.H.Sh emaker ` for filing cabinet, ind`ex and office supplies for lceeping record of government ', , /~~~(~ commodities distributed to relief from the l'TPA v~arehouse, ae ner bill a~~proved by the Superintendent of Public '~Telfare, aras approvecl. ~ 'tTith reference to a'request of h~Ir. Clifton Davis, a member of the :f3oard of Corrunissioners of Pender County, that this Board pass a resolution joinin~ Pender County in . ~ \ advocating improvementa to the "Nigger•Head" road, vfas considered, and it ~vas adreed w~ ~ p`~ that a letter be written to the State Highvaay Comrnission advocating the woxk as a separate State ~7PA praject, provided it vrill not interfer.e t'rith our request for repairs and maintenance of.State roads in tnis county. , Applications for license to sell beer presented iT} due form ancl execution by B.H.Dyersj i,/ and I~brs. Ollie Smith Gore, at locations on the Carolina Beach azid Castl.e Hayne roads;~;', ~~~~ respectively, were upon motion of I~s. Hinton, seconded by T~r. Hall, approved. A bill for ~2Q8.18 balance due T.E,Cooper & Company for 634 tons of.coal for 1;he~,~/ +~/~~;~u~' Court House, ~vas upon motion, approved•for payment. ~ l. . . Upon motion, duly seconded, the Board authorized the payment of 517.80 to Associated Charities for charity rate transportation for Tess. Elizabeth Perry to niiarni, Fla., , (~ and Frederick VJ. apencer, a former inulate at the County Horae, to v"~ashington, D. C. ~`~~` plus ~5.00 furnishe~ Iir. S'pencer for food and misce33aneous expenses. ' . ' A conununication ~vas rece.ived from the County Auditor advising the ar+ount of deposit; ~~in eacn bank as of ?:iarch 31st,1936, together with a r~emorandur~ of securities held :~ ~ ~P~ in each case. The meeting then adjourned. G%~Ul/~ ~(_1WC .. ~ ~ . . ' Cl~r"k. . ~// ~4~ . + ' . i y t a . ~ y ~ (.~~ +yp ( . ~ . . , ~ , i t'" , ~ . • a ,r ' ' ; ~ . I _ ~ ~ j ` ` . . ` ) . ~ ~ . ~ ' ~ " . ' r . ~ s ~ {. ~ ~ ... . . ~ ; 7~ . ~ _ . . ~ '~ . ` . ! . ~ . . ' ' '1 ~ . 7_ ~. ( . . .. . , . . ' ' . . , f ~ ~ ; i ~ ~ ~ - , . . , ' ~ , ~ . . . _ , , `' ~ . ' ' , ~ RES OLUT I'0 N~ 4 , 2 (; ~~ '!1Y~REAS, on the 9th, day of April 1936; ~vas ~ . :r• . . . . . ~ , z , , , , , ' ' called from his earthly labors, Frank I+~. Ross a, ,~ - . , ~, . ' member of this Board' in~ vrhich capacity he has . . _ , ~ '- ~.~' , _ served since January 5th; 1925, and ~ . •• Y~1 r~ tAHEREAS, as a member of this Body his knowledge ~ ~ ' ~ „ ' of ~public ~,ffairs and his ~even ba,l•anced jud~ment ,' ~ , : ,~t ~:' ' - ' • ~^ras a great asset t•o~ the community he loved. and • r ~ _ , . . served and vras'.ever ready to respond to the demand ~ . . e~ - ~ ' ~ • - - , ' of duty, and ~ . ~ • . . " , ' . . . .L .• ' i,AER~,AS, his ~entire service vaas characterized R ~ ~ fby that hi~h ideal of right and fair play, blended / " ~~ . . p . caith tne advancement of his County in all its natural' ~~ . , I • , ~ , ' , xesoux'ces which ~vas constantTy before him. These personal traits so greatly endeared hian to the conununi:ty ._ , j~ , ~ . , , ~ in Sahich he lived and se°rved; and •~ ' _ ~,;:; .. ~ ~ '~dHEREAS~,, -tlle members ~of this °:doard ,recognize ~in - • . ., _ ~ ' Yiis death'the loss of a valuable public official and ~~' f ~ de'si're 'to pay tribute t'o his memory,, A?OVP THH,REFOFtE ',_r~ . . , , _ ~ ~ / ~ - ~~ ' B~'ST RESOLV"r]D that a copy of these ~resolutions • . . , , ~ ~ ", ~ be sent to the family of the deceased v+ith er.pressions ~ .•.~ _ ' .. , .~._ . . ; ~ of the sincere sympathy of the members of this Body and ~ ' ~ ~ ' r~ " a copy' of the same be spread upo'n 'a' separate pa~e of the ' ' ~ Board": ~ ` minutes of this t. _ 'i f . • ~ +~ l~ ~ • ;~'t . . , ;,. • . ,a ~ ~":. ~ >. .. . ' . ~ . . i ' ~~ . ' ~ j~l ' . ~ ' •`! . . . ` . . . !. _ ~ 1- ' • ' ' J t~ ' • ~ ~ ' ~ != ' ~, . . ~ ~ I IY f:. • ~ . ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ ' _ ~ t .. T .. • • ` \ ' ' > .I .f , ~ • ~ :, ~~ 6 ~s / ~ 4~~ G1ilmington,Id.C., April 20tn,1936. ThCe regular ~~eekly meeting of the Board was neld at 3;00 o'clock P.Pfi. Present: Addison }Iev~lett Chairman, Geo.l'/.Tr.ask, Jas. I~. Hall and J.H.Hinton. ~~~. H._R. Gardner who l~vas appointed by the Clerk of Superior Court, to serve out,J _~~ the unex~ired term of i~:r. r'rank i~i. Ross, deceased, presented his qualifications as a inember of this Board. !_\ The folloiving business vras then transacted: i~%~ ~ The ~inutes of ineeting of ~pril 13tn;1936, yrere read aild approved as recorded. Upon motion of I+itr. i~all, seconded by Idir. Hinton, the Board upon .. ~,~ satisfactoxyinformation furnished by ~`Jinfield Srnith, Esq;, that Wi111e W~.lliame is a resident of 13runswick County, employed by 17ertheimer Ba~ Co., of Plilmington ~ ~ to~rnship, was granted a refund of poll taxes collected by garnishmerit for tne year 1935. The following resolution and request was received from the Glens Falls IY7surance {},,,,~,. Company of New York, and upon motion of 3~r. Trask, seconded by hir. Hinton, the follow- ` Q~~ ing bonds were ordered registered in the name of IlEARER as requested: "On motion duly carried, it was: RESOLVED: That the follo~ving registered Ne~v Hanover County, North Carolina 5~•bonds due July lst,1938, now or~ned by this Company and ag~rega~ing Lhe sum of $~10,000.00., . the aMOUnts, numbers and registration being as follo~vs: Ten bonds numbered 1,2,3,4, ~ 36,37,38,47,56 and 57 for ~r1,000.00, each registered in the name of the Treasurer of the State o`f North Carolina in t.rust for the Glens Falls Insusance Company and the State of ~iQorth Carolina as their respective interests may appear, be a~signed„to bearer form;~and that ~'..2~.Smalley, President, and ~'.19.Stein, Secretary, are hereby authorized -and empowered to execute any and all assignments or other instruments or perform any and all other acts~which may be requested and proper to mak_e such assi~nments and change in such registxation." ATTEST: R. C. Carter R.S.Buddy, Secretary Vice President ' (SEAL) • Upon rnotion of Tulr. Hinton, seconded by T~'Ir. Trask, t21e Board authorized ~,~~~ the purchase of tne above bonds, through the.Peoples Savings Bank, for the sinking x ~ I~ fund account at ~106.00 and accrued interest, PROVIDED tlze yield to the County will • 4 be as much as 2~. ~f,,r~ A report of Jas. ~7alker Hospi.tal for the month of 2~arch v~as received and ordered filed. , ~ iIv a~ . Application for license to sell beer,,presented in due form and execution by Daniel ~. C. Hines, at location on the Pdarket Street road, ti~+as upmn rnotion of nTr. Hinton, ~~~ seconded by 1~ir. :~all, approved. ' ' Jas. L. I~cLeod, a Yormer inrnate at the County Home, an aged and feeble citi.zen, who ~ ~,g.~ was recently married and made his departure from the Home, tvas again upon investigatiorry' C`N~" b~ the Superintendent of Public CJelfare, and examination by the Assistant Health Office , J' re-admitted to the County Home, un-accompnied by his wife. Upon motion of 7,~r. Hinton, seconded by K4r. Hall, the~Board 'approved the payanent of ,.,,yc$~75.00 additional appropriation to the Employment Bureau to ,June 30th,1936, as ~.~.~~~Vy~~'autnorized at meeting of T~Ifarch 2nd,1936~ F A report o£ I~rs. T.N.Hill, Supervisor of ~iJilmington-idew Hanover County 'a1PA Sewin~ R~oms, ~~ stating that garments made from ~RA and "cYPA materials to the value of ~y46,917.49 ~~ hav.e Ueen turned over to the City and County for distribution to the needy. ~ Upon motion of i`;:r. Trask, seconded by Ivir. ~inton, Paul C. Hines ~ra.s released from theV payment of penalty for not listing lots 136 and 137, block ~~2, Shore Acres, ~'or the. ~G~ years 1933,1934 and 1935, on account of the property having been given to him by his f atner rahom he thought had listed the same. r A report of the I~adies ~test Room for the month of I~ia~ch, was received and ordered tiled.~ ~ ~ ~~ ., A request of Keith Brothers to settle judgment for bacb~ taxes amounting to $~1,420.24 on theix propert;~ at the 3% flat~rate of in£erest, on account of the f'unds,on their _ ~~/ application made spme time ago, has just besn made available, as claimed, was referred '`~,a!1 to ikhe County Attorney to ascertain if any eff'ort was made by them to secure funds - prior to ?~'ebruary lst, 1936, with tl~~ view of taking advantage of the 3f basis. of t~ettlement. l- ~ request for a reduction of assessments on the property of the heirs of Iui.C.R.Ahrens~ ~ /) +(,~~j in blocks 323 and 306, on account of the extreme dilapidateck condition of the buildings,", ~ and svith t ~e~ vH•ie~~r of paying off the back taxes due on the same, was referred to the ~ Chairman and 3~Zr. Gar~ner for investigation and with power ~o.act. A request of ],~ir. C.L.Carter to be released from the payment of interest due on street~~ . ~~~~ assessment at Brooksvood, was upon motion of I~,'Lr. Trask, seconded by ];ir. Uardner, declined, for the reason that the same is a proper charge. ~~~`l`~j Upon motion, duly seconded County bills Idos. .3244 to 3325 ~vas approved for payrnent.~ T~e meeting then adjourned. .-T`Jtn /lSf~Irri~~ - Clork. r ~ ~~•~ 19i1mington,2J.C., April, 27th,1936: , ~. The regular l~eekly meeting of"tlie ~oard was`held at 3;OQ P.N. ., •,. . ~ . ~ , . Present,: Addison :ierrlett Chairman, Ueo.49.Trask, Ja~:P:~.Ha11,.7.H.Hinton and H.R.Gardner. ~ 17pon motion, duly seconded, trie Board ordered trie back taxes charged against the, v. ' ~„!/ East end of 1ot {~5, •block ~13, in the name of I~ire. .E.J.Idorris, prior to the.year:. • ~ `'~r , 1890, cancelled on the ba~ek Lax records on accoiznt •of• being a doubt£u1 char~e. ' A"request•of T~:r. L.C.Kure that this~Board request the State to provide a parking place ~ ~~ for automobiLes at Kur•e Beach, was referred to a committee to confer svith S+ir.T.T.Betta, V • :r a,~~ ' igtrict Highway Engineer. t A request of ,~iss ~;thyl Hatch that the county fill in her lots Nos. 4/5, block #~40, - -• Carolina Beach~on account of excavation made for soil to construct the road; in order „f ~~~~j that the same may be put in condition on ~vhich to build, v~'as referred to the aboere • ~ • co~Lnittee for investigation. ~ • • • ' , . . .~ : . . . . . _ . . ,.,. . . ~ ~" • A~plication for license to sell beer, presented in due fb nuand execution by.ri.C.Bird,• f ~ ~ , Ogdon Flace S.E.Stneeden,Jr.,and U.I3.Spindle at locations at S'unset Park, R.L.Johnson ~ ~~~ ~~ ~.~` , 2~Giddle S~ound,, Sea~ate and Carolina Beach road respectively, v~ere approved: y ~ Applications for license to sell beer presented by I~rs. Idora Lewis and P7innie • ~ 1~ . Blackled~e at locations on the Carolina 3each Road, were not approved. , '~ ~~~(~(s ' Upon motion,,duly seconded County bills Nos. 3326 to 3413 were approved for payment. ~ • ~ ~ • ~ ~ ~ • . Upon motion of I~dr. Hinton, secorided by 1:Ir. Gardner~, the Board authorized the payment ~j "' '( ~ oP $Y4.25 to 33ome Furniture Company for chairs for the Home Demoastration Agents ' ~ /i' for office supplies. office. ;~25.00 ha~*ing been provided in the bud~et , , \ .~ In order to detertnine the prorata part of taxes due by IcIr. John D. Bellamy on the two lots, / . _,,,,. ~(,~~, Nest and ',7est end of lots 4-5 Pt 3, ,block ~467, 4?z X 165 feet in size each, with the !~ h ~ . vie~r of clearir~g•tl~e taxes due, >the assesament on same ~vas fixed at ~600.00 eac ,. .; ~ request of -Dudley HumpYirey~ ~sq:`;to cance2 •tia:ek t~~s foT'the yea~ 1929; 1930 arid`1934 , j • " charged against the G7ater LVorks Plant ~Carolina Beach im°the •name of+Realty Bond Company, - 1~ ~~q~ • ~ rio~~ovrned by;the-Towri•~of Carolina Beach; was~referred to the'~hairman and County ' ,,~- Attorney for;investi~ation. • N' . ~ ~ A request of ~ir. ~~~D.IdcCaig for •a reduction of assessment on property .in block iL_- ; • ,, ~ 1(,j,~ ~218 was referred to •the Assessors for investigation. ~: ` ~ Upon motioii, the County Attorney was•instructed to prepare a deed transferring title to ~ the property of Cape Fear ArtiIP~ry Incorporated, block ~159, to the County of New ' ~', Hanover and the City of i~ilmin~ton j•ointly, as_agreed,'to meet Ehe reyuirenents of ;~~~ the S'torks Pro~re::s Admifii~tration, for the erection of an armory building on said premises as a~'+PA project spo.nsored ~.oin~iy by the City and County gover,nments. ~ ... _~ Upon motion, authority~was given to•purchase a tract of land for County buri~l purposes,~ ~ acij.acent,to the County's: Oak Grove t%emetery, frgm Is~r. E.K,.Br.yan.for the aum•of ~500.00, ~~"- t PROVID~D a deed with full warranty is given the County. .. • . Upon ~motion of 8~1~. Traslc, seconded by ]Sr. Hall, a request of Pvliss V2,leria 49illiams ~ :•~~~,. Yor a reduction of assessments on property in bloclc #11, City and I,ot on tTaterway, • '; '..i'•, RX Plasonboro township, ~vith the view of compromizing the baok taxes due on same, was + • referred to the Chairman and Committee f-or investigation. , , "`',,. . , Upon motion of Tair. TrasY., seconded by I~4r. Hall, the contract to audit the accounts and~ awa ra ded to a 39th 1936 d di f th Ofii f J C t e •.; ~ , , v •~ s o ng une s r recor e . oun c rs or ye r en y ~ Q[~+~~ ~ S~r. Ede~. C. Craft, .B.P.A., at a c:ost cf ~y700.00. Action on the matter at this time.: ~ ~' • was taken tos>enable I~ir. Cra~ft to'malce an- 8arly star•t °b~'~:this'vrork. '" _ , . '' ' ` Upon motion of I~dr. Hri^nt.on, seconded ~by I~.4r. N~11, the Cha.irman was asked to appoint a /'~ ~ `~~ wks cormnittee to look into the advisability of purchasing a chemical fire engine fox the' , ., rural sections oY the County. •. ~ , '°' „ ' Upon not;ion,chily seconded, E. Jones; a resident of Brunswick County, vras granted a~~, ~. ,~-1~~ refund of poll taxea collected by garnishment for the year 1936 on account of being ,~• a non resident.• ; - ~ • The follotiving good and lawful men ti^~ere drativn to serve as jurors in the Superior Court •. '--~~~u~ p~ for the trial of criminal cases- ~first week • " t/ ~ , . For the regular term beginnin~ };=onday S:1ay llth,1936: _ . Steve Pantages. Geo.C.Harriss. J.K.Davis. J.I~.Gregg. Jno.J.Curtis. D.P~.Holmes. t~ , ~PI.~.Walker,Jr. Idathan E. Block. J.B.Jenkins. E.T.Keal. G.Dannenbaum. J.P~.Eva,ns. r ', ~' " H.P.Gfaviana. C.J.Craig. L.G.Bennett. B.B.Hu~'ham. Jno.C.Thomaa. T.B.Todd. ~ . ~ ' ~~ ~: ~ E.I.Herrin~. ~I.Clyde '~~est. Jas.H.Davis. Donald Godbold.H.J.Thompson. D.H.~Nilliams. •~ V~alter 'A.Storm. Jas.F.S'tack. F.E.Crowell. ,Tas.J.Allen. Wm. E.Creasy. B.L.Graham. . ~ ~"r S.F.Robinson. T.R.'Paylor. James Ho~~rd. C.H.Davis. J.N.VVoodcock. Pieil tiJo.ods. . <:,. ~" . . For the ~pecial Term beginriing 2~onday A~iay 18th,1936- , . ~"~ , D.H.Penton. J.J.Thomas. H.L.Groover. ' G.L.Dennett. R.J.Edens. C.C.~Vilson. Bolton. Quelch L B }~ ~ . . . . L.R.Tharpe. A.H.Yopp. ~;~,~p.Cooper. C.F.Carr., l _ C1'yde Leonard. Robert Strange. B.L.Stewart. L.I,.King. g,~,platt,Jr. r~.R.Davis. ' ~ . . N.C.Peterson.• J.IQ.Henry. ti~Z,gradsher. J.C.Pretlow,Jr. J.R.Johson. ' S.O.Yopp. ,, • ' ~ ~ J.C.Rogers. R.P.IficClammy. p;i.V.Bennett. R.H.Cle~mn~ns. H.C.Pennington~G.H.Lovelance. . , j . L.Y.Styne. C.T.4Yalton. ~J.H.Biddle. P.S:Vaughn. ~'~.R.Brbwn._ F.R.RUSS. i t'< °t' 4a ~ . r~- " I . ; r ' • . . l ~ 4~4 Iuieeting of ~1pri1 27th,1936, continued. ~ ~~~y~~ mhe folZowing good and lawf'ul men were drawn to s~rve as juror~ in the Superior Court ,~vJw`~' for the trial of Civil cases, two ~reeks term beginning- First u~eek; ]'~onday iSay 25th, 1936. • - J.B.~'itz(~erald.A.T.Davis. V,I:4.Gilbert. ti9,E.Johnson.d.E.Rowan, fii~htoii-BroW~. ~ F.VJ.Dauis. ~7.D:Johnson.L.G.Bass. ti~.G.Phelps. J.J.Robinson. Fta3rmot~fl•~Farrow.~ E.S.Todd. T.T.~ellers.A.I,.Hamilton. E,H.Garrias.jV.H.Batson. t~3.V.FIal~e~:,,~:. G.49.Tienken. J.C.S~veet. Edward `Yestbrook.C.E.Teachey.~o~~.~orter Jr.T.:R:yJhitehead:. T~.S.Chase. O.Tv.N~a.rtin. R.G.Coley, , C.F.Borst. H.Cwimiings. 'J:W.Ferf~ia-. ., Second week,.beginning 1~Sonday June lst,1936- 3ai.K.~te~vart. J.I..Taurray.Bailey V.Rivenba~~:G.A.i,~ll~rd. •C.A.Tate. A.B.~'mit~. T.D.Piner. T.A.Tartt. 5'.A.Lewis.` J.G:Oldenbuttle:G.S.Pritchard. I~fi.L.PdcIntire.. ~V.C.S.Sutherland.I,.I,.Pa].mer.A.A:McNair.: O.D.I~olmes. H.E.O'Keef. E.H.Yopp. ~ J.F.Litgen. A.G.Zdhite. R.W.S'mith. ~.C.Cooper. E.A.Bell. ~7.A.Hundley,.~ S.S.Southerland. E.Boushee. F.E.Newton. R.Ratchin. J.Z.Hazelhurst.{~Lbert Brown. - ,~ l~ :,,. 'Irc;.~n, The Boasd then took ~ recess until Friday ~,Say~lst,1936, 10:00 o'clock 9.}d., ~o meet in, joint sess:i-on i^~ith the City Corr~issioners to consider further relief appxopxiations. ~l".f9/~ ~l..~S~vr'~ ~ ~ Clerk. ' pilmington, N. C., P+~ay 1at,1936. ~ Pursuant to recess taken April 25th,1°36~ the Board met in joint session with the City Cormnissioners at 10:00 o'clock A.NI., to hear requeste of Associated Charities for _~~~{., additional relief funds to carry on until,tis June 30th,1936. Present: Addison Hetivlett Chair~an, Geo.~V.Trask, J.H.Hinton and H.!R.Gardner o.f the . County:Board, and `Valter Hti Blair ~nd ~7.Louis Fisher and ,Jas.E.L.~ade of the City Boar~i. ;' ~ ' "~. ~,~ ~~;~ ,.( Rev.Aler.a.nder I~iller President and Ieis~s. L.O.Ellis Executive Secretary of Associated . ~ Cnarities and Dr. J.H.3Yhitmore were present and presented the re9uest and submitted figures ~E~ _~showing expenditures ~qri'r.elief for a period-of ten months ending April 30th,1936~and~sY.ed h1S~ that the t~vo Bo~'ds make available ~6,632'.00 to carry on until June 30th. ~J g y , ggested that an ap.propriation ~~~W~ After a len th discussion of the matter Mr. Hinton su of ~6,00o.00 be granted and proportioned ~3,500.00 by {;he Cbu~ty, and ~2,500.00 by the City~ considerin~ relative ta~ca,ble valuea of the t}vo governments~ His suggestion met ~vith the approval of trie two Boards. l~r. Hinton therefore moved, that the County Appropriate ~3,500.00 out of the reoeipts from the ~.B.C. Stores for County relief to June 30th, 1 93,6, his motion was seconded by f;s. Trask and carried. An:appropriation of ~2,500.00 ~vas likerrise made by the City Commissioners. ~ / The County Commissioners then, upon motion of ~Mr. Hinton, seconded by 2JIr. Trask, ~ ~~~ ~,~,q~/ approved applications for license to sell beer presented in due form and execution / f`~ by A.A.Dock,B.L.~7a.goman and E.~'.Bennet, H.K.Po~vell, Frances Zundenberg and ./ ~/ , Geo. F. Seitter,Jr., at locations at s7rightsville Sound, Y,~asonboro Loop Road, i7rightsville Sound, Ylrightsville Sound and Castle Hayne road re~pectively. ~ Upon Motion, extra clerical help v~as extended the Clerk.of Superior Court to July lst~ '~~'7 for checking ~,xecutors etc.,at a cost of $~50.00 per morith. , ~ Upon motion, the yN5,850,.00 assessment on house-of the heirs'of George Schutt,_ block 197, was reduced to ~4;500.00 as of April lst, 1931, on account of over assessment and, r -- ~~~ to equalize the assessment with that on similar buildings, and an _abatement of taxes v on a valuation of ~p1,350.00 for the years 1931 to 1935 inclusive, rvas granted, The meeting then adjourned. ~ ' /",-:~ ~~. R~ r a~ . . ~1erk. Plilm?ngton,Id.C., I,7a.y 4th~1936. -, , The regular ~+eekly meeting of the Board was held at 3t00 o'clock P„.i. Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.CJ.Trask, Jas. P~.Ha11,J.H.Hinton and H.R.Gardnex.• The minutes of ineetings of April 20th, 27th and hfiay 1st~ were read and~approved,~.as.,.: recorded. , • Upon motion of ~gr. Trask, seconded by Pdr. Hall, P,ir. CoviT operator of a Gu1f Service ~ , station at Cox's store, Iuercer Avenue and I~uarket ~treet road, was excepted from the ,operation of sub-section "d", Article 2, Revenue Acts 1935, pertaining to ta.~ces on ~ ---~G~~ business within one mile of the corporate limits of a municipalii;y, and was required to pay taxes under schedule "B" as other bu~ines~ located beyond the one mile limit. , The said location being one and a tenth mile from the city limits. •i ,. `~,c . : '~. ,. . q 1 . ', ~ Upon motion of P,~Lr. Hinton, seconded by TSr. Hall, Sam~Davis, a resident of Brunswiclr ~ ~~~~ County, ~•~.s granted a refur~of poll taxes collected through Nitrate Agencies by . garnishment for the year 1935, upon stetement made by I~Sr. Porter, ~upt., of Nitrate A~encies, that he knows llavis, and that he is a resident of Brunswick County., ' T~x. Ii.G.l7ooten, very much interested i~aviativn, _~p~eared and asked moral 1~acking of. / ' the Boaxd in the organization of a club Thursday evening_ at the Y.Lt.C.A:, to promote ~ ', '~"~,viation'locally and stimulate fiurther use of the.County's Blue~henthal airport. ~,~~ " The ~ommissioners assured I~'Ir. l~ooten their full n~oral support~ and \ersonal, , ~ ~ 'co-operation. ~ Priyes Ann I~~iason, Home Demonstration Agent, submitted her report for the month of ,~ ~. `~~)~'~ April and extended an invitation to the Corr¢nissioners to attend a flower shot~ at ~. ~~ the Custom House mhursday T~uay 14th, at 8:00 0' clock P.A4. ~~ e.y . ~`. . ~ ~ ~ , w . ~4~~ T~ieeting of I~iay 4th,1936, continued. As requested by I~."s. b'red ~lilletts, the Board voted to have the Tax Assessors G~_ revievr the asuessr~ent on the building of•North Carolina Theatres .Inc., block #165- - ~ G~ a~ soon as poa~ible, and assured IRr.: '~Yilletts fu11 co-operation of the Commissioners .. and their good ~vill tovrard the nei~ enterprise'. ~ .Y,y X~ ~. . , 4: . ,; ~ .i ' . ,, ' '•~ ~, . .. w . . ~' . !. , ", o' , ~, . i~ , . : • Upon motion of ivir. Ha11, secanded by tt1r. Gardner, the Board voten unanimowsly.to be included in the counties that vrill administer 1Jlothers' Aid during the.year 1936-1937, and the Chairman r~as autnorized and directed to sign an a~reement with the State Board ~~~~ of Charities and P~}blic 1'lelfare to appropriate a sutn of money equal to the quota to ' be received from the State for this purpose. • A corrununication ~~,as reaeived from P~rs. T.1J.Hi11, Siupervisor ldew i3anover 'JP.P.~~., Sewi.n~ ~'~j~ .Rooms, advising that articles made from ~RA and '~/.P.A. materials to the value of r/~ ~T $~52,460.04 have been turned over to the City and County.for distribution to date. ~ Applications for license to sell beer, presented in due form and execution by, / Y.R.Boehm, D. A. I~cGo~ran, Mrs. C.N.Norris, Jas. S;tather and -.L.VJagamon at locations ~/ ~G3~.(.iat Cape Fear' Country (r;flaab, S'unset Parky 7 i~~iile Post,Kure Beach and Carolina Eeach Road, respectively, vrere upon motion of PVYr. Hall, seconded by I~r. Gardner, approved. It having been reported to the Board that checL #3157 is~ued on the ~dilmin~ton Savin~s / ' 8c Trust' Company to T. E. Cogper & Com~any, for ~p3.85 April 4th,1936, is los.t, and / ~~~~~j payment of same ordered refused if presented at the said bank. The B~ard, therefore, Pt~, upon motion of I~~rr, Trask, seconded by t~r. Hall, gav.e authority to i~sue a duplicate.:che:~k . for the amount stated'. • / Upon motion of i~r. Hinton, seconded by Iy2r. Hall, O.N.h7artin of VTilmin~ton to~4nship, was ~ ~ C(~f/ granted an abatement of taxes on a vaTuation of r200.00 household and kitchen furniture ~~' tzbove exemption Iisted in error for the year 1935.. I~Gr. Jno.O.Marshall, member of the Board of Lducation, was aslced ~hat his Board take ~_ i~~~such necessary action to'meet tne exp.ens.e for holding special school election ° 2~Tay 12th,1936.' ~ A request of ]Sr. Hinton, that the.~tate Highway Cocunission treat the drive~~ray on th` ~~S Rei2cross Eospital premises vrith oilaor asphalt to a11ay the dust~ was approved. ' Upon motion of i~lr. 'Prask, seconded by Iur. Hall, the Board authorized and directed the payment of ~1,600.00`, a like amount to be paid by the City of Vdilmington, f`or paying ~ off the mortgage and indebtedness due by Cape Fear ArtillerJ'inc:, for purcnase of ~`` armor.y aite located in block ~159, in order to clear the title as authorized at meeting ~f^:~1~~ o'f Novemher ~th,l°35, in consideration of the military or~anization transferring title to said proper~y to the County and City jointly, to meet the requirements of the ~'orks Progress.Adninnstration to erect an armory building on said premises with i'JPA funds at an.approximate c.ost of ~p24,100.00. ' The follo~^ing resolution was then, upon motion of Ivir.Gardner, seconded by l~r. Hall, ~ ~Q7p~~ unanimously addpted: VJHEIi~eLS~, the Federal Government: and the Adjutant General's IaePartment of North - Carolina and the Cape b'ear Artilfiery, Inc., (Headquarters Battery 252 CA {TF) and the Gity of 4'Jilmin6to.n North Carolina and the'County of Ne~s Hanover (~North Carolina) propose to erect a National Guard Armory on the property of the•City of PTilmington and the County of New Hanover herei~a.fter described as follovrst i. ~ `~ ~ I hereby eertify the the foregoing is a true and cor,lplete copy of a resolution duly~ Beginning at a point in the Southern 1'ine of ~•Zarket S.treet ninety (90) feet rJest of the ~estern Line of Ninth Street and runnin~ thence 1~esttivardly along said line of / P~iarket Street sixty (60) feet: thence Southv~ardly and parallel.with Ninth Street one hundred and £ifty (150~ feet to the Northern line of ~ieado~vs Street and parallel vaith IuTarket Street sJ.xty (60) feet; and thence'Northwardly and parellel vrith Ninth Street one Hundred and fifty (150) feet tc the ~outhern line of ;;Zarket Street the Beginning. Sarne being part of lotsl,2 and 3 in block 159 according to the official plan of the 'City of nlilming~on, North Carolina. ' • ~ . . . , . 'v7HEREAg, In consider~tion of the Cape l~'ear Artillery, Inc. having•presented to the City of 'rVilmington North Carolina and the Com11:y oi IZew Ha,nover (North Carolina) it's fitiancial inte~est in the above described property and the Gape Fear Artillery, Inc. having expended other funds to secure the erection of the above mentioned Armory, the City of Wilmington i~~orth Carolina and the County of lde~~~ ranover (North Carolina) do a~ree to rent this Arrnory to the Cape Fear•Artillery, Inc. for the use of the iTeadquarters ~3attery 252'CA (TD) or it's successor unit for military purposes, the rental to be " w 1~00 i:,er annum. Shoulcl the 'rieadqu~,rters Battery 252 CA (TD) or it!s succ.essor unit ^~ become non-existent this Arrnory building shall continue to be used for National Guard military purposes upon the mutual agree~nent of the Adjutant General's Department of North•Carolina and the City of Vlilmington jdorth Carolina and the County of i~ew nanover. Upon this Armory buildin~ not bein~ used for T~ilitary purposes, it shzll revert to the City of '.7ilmington I~orth Carolina and the County of Ne« Hanover (lvorth Carolina) to be utilized in their discrei;ion. and unanimously adopted by the Doards of City Commissionera 1Vilmington North Carolina ; and County Commiesioners•PTe~r ~.nover County DTorth Carolina held on at which a quoram.was present as the same appe~rs in the official minute book # of eaid Boards at page thereof ' tFlitness my' hand and the official seal of the City of slilmington North Carolina and the County of Neti~~ Hanover North Carolina this day of 1~36 . P~ounty Clerk City Clerk " Upon motion, duly seconded, the request for a reduction of assessments on the property ~ ~{, of `,~.J.Bell v~ith the view of a.djusting back taxes due over a period since 1921 amounting ~~~" to ~p544.91 on Ulock #514 and y124.16 for 1°25 to 1935 inc., on b3ock #518,~vas referred" to the Corunittee for inveatigation and report_back to the Board at a subsequent meeting. ~ ~, -, . ' . , 4~~ I~eetin~ of 1:ay 4th,1936, continued. ~ Upon motion of 1.~ir. Hinton, Lrs, Estelle U. Allen was released from payment of penalty~ ~ for not listing lot ~1, block ~501A for the year 1935 on account of being a non- ~~G~ resident. " ~The Auditors cash report for the montr. of April was received and ordered filed. 1^ ~ G~~ ~ . k communication was received from the County Auditor advising the amount of deposi ~in each bank as of April 30th,1936, together with ~~~ith a memorandum of securities. r ~~~~~~ held by us in each case. . ~ ~~ Upon.~otion, county bills Nos. 3414 t~o 3512 inc.,~ere approved for payment.a'v. , The meeting then adjourned. ~ , ~7f7~n ~CS~ .4 ~ ~ 4~'ilmin~ton,I1.~C., Iafay llth,l936. ' The regular vre k~ ly nieeting of the Board was held at 3:00 0' clock P.T~~T. ~ 1. Present:Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.1i~.Tra,sk,Jas.22.Ha11,J.H.Hinton and H.R.Gardner. A request of J.A.PdcNorton,Esq., that the Board re-consider its action in declining to J ~ ~j approve application for l~cense to sell beer submitted by I~JLrs. Nora Lewis at location ,~1 ;' , ~j,~opJ~ on the Carolina Beach road,was referred to ]~dr. Hinton and ISr.' Gardner for invest~gation, • ar~ to~ether rvitn an application for license to sell beer at "Id1e Hour" east of Greenfield • b ridge, filed by C.C.Juatice. " ~ ` Q~~,~~ Upon motion, duly seconded, Covnty bills Idos. 3513 to 3575 ~rere approved for payment./ / o +0"- . A request of tne Board of ~ducation tha,t the sum of ~p2,000.00 for maintenance of plant~./ ~r~a and~2,000.00 for books, be placed to the credit of the scliool account to take care of.,1 ,` ~p~'~S~ expenditures for the ~onth of i~ay;lwas u~on motion of.IClr. Trask, seconded by I~r. Ha1T,~ ~/" approved. ~ '~ Application for license to sell beer subrnitted in due form and execution by B.B.Paul and y~, . ~ Thomas A. Reynolds at locations at Roosevelt Gardens and c:arolina Beach r.oad, respectively~ ~ lvere upon motion of ~r. Hinton, seconded by I~ir. Ha11,"approved. •, . Upon certification furniehed by T:7:Kidd,Jr., that 'Willy V~illiams v+as a resident of }~ i~iami,Fla., on April lst,1935, the Board, upon motion of Iv~r. Hall, seconded by Mr. Hinton~ ' ~••' ~~~ ordered a refund of poll taxes collected by garnishment for the year 1935: ction on the ma.tter of,re-admitting Geo.~~l7ilson to the County IIome rvas pos't}~oned~to~~a;~ C~subsequen~ meeting. ~~- ~ Lydia Gla,Tker and Annie Ne~qkirk, two col ored, citizens having been examined by.the County , `_~Assiatant Health Officer and recommended by the County ~'~elfare Officer were admitted;to ~,. c 3r~~~ the County Home ae inmates. • Upon mot,ion of fSr. Traslc, seconded 'ry I~dx. Gardner, the Board authoxized the payment of . ~p~ ~7.50 ~~reekly to Ivlr, 1V. F.Graut from ~.4ay 4th, to June 30th,1936, e~:tra help distributing~ _ ; ~WY ~ commodities from the FdPA couunissary. . . Ji Upon motion of Ivir. Trask, seconded by Ie4r. Hall, Mrs. G.C.Orr residin~ at 1211 North 4th, ~ ~~,,m9-~' street was granted admission to the County Home for treatment for a period of thirty days ,~~. ~ ~y"" in consideration of p~yment, of cost oi her mai~atenance. ' . ~- Upon motion of ISr. Trask, seconded by 2elr. Gardner, the Board authorized the purchase o.f~ ~~ two ~500.00 New Hanover County bonds due 1938 at ~106.00 and ac~rued interest. • ~ Upon motion of I~Ir. Hinton,, seconded by ],ir. fiall, the payment of ;~1.00 for XRay T.B.Test~~// . a ,,_ c~~~for Bert Register, a I~Tew Nanover County chasge residing at 2,it.Olive ~aith NIrs. T.H.Holme~; tvas approved. , . ~ ~~No action ~ras taken in the matter of replacing sand removed from the lois of r.4rs.E.S.~Vadd.ell '~ ~CUr`~~ and Iuiss ~thel Hatch at Carolina Beach. ' ' ~~1 T~e Board then took a recess until 11:00 o'clock A.I~I., `Phursday P,4ay 14th,1936, to receive, ~ ~~f',~C/ the resu t of Specia~l School Election to be held Tuesday ialay 12th,1936. Y"i _ ~ ~~.~Y~v ~ ~ ' '. . ~rerk. . • v ~~ . ~ . 4~T ~ilmington,N.C., f~ay 14th,1936. ' .. Pursuant to recess taken l~onday'~ay llth, 1~36, ~he Board of Commissioners of ~ NeW Hanover County inet this day at 11:00 o'clock A.~., for the purpose of tabulating ~ and declaring'the result of Special School Election held on ~uesday P~ay 12th,1936, ~p,l,/ to determine ;the question "Shall a special tax not exceeding twenty cents (20~) on t.he One Hundred Do3lars~ valuation of property, real and personal, be levied for the purpose •~- of supplementing the State appropriation for an ei$ht-months school term in New Hanover County". r-. ~-- ~ ' There r•rere present Addison Hevrlett Chairman, Jas.lu.t~a11 and H.R.Gardner. , .~ The folloYring duly and legally appointed, by their election officers of tne precincts and vvards to make their returns to the ~oard of Commiss.ioners of Nev~ Hanover County, ~ v _ ~.~~ made their returns as follows: ' WILNIIdGTOId TO~JIISHIP ~ Pirst V~ard ... ........... ................. I~rs. Leona T. Carroll. , Se,cond ti'+'ard, lst, Precinct ................. Z.E.Iuurrell. Second ~'kard, 2nd, Precinct,..:....•._...... C. ll. Jacobs.- ~ Third Y~'ard, lst, Precinct,.......••••..... Misa C. S. '~lhite. • ~ Tgird tUard, 2nd, Precinct ................., Ivlrs. J. B. 17illiamson. Fourth ;7ard'Precinct ....................... L. C. LeGv+in. Q ; Fifth 'a`Jard,' lst, Precinct ................. ~'lilber G. S'mith. Fifth 1Tard, 2nd, Precinct ................. J. R. Da~Tis. ~ Sixth rTard, lst; Precinct,................ C. R. Branch. .'. Sixth Vtard, 2nd, Precinct ................. J.H.~'domble. _ ~ Cape Fear Precinct, Cape I'ear To<<~nship,.... P,~rs. J.A.~ilestbrook. Federal Foint Precinct ........ ........... J. E. Taylor. ~ - _ Harnett To~nship: • *~ ~ East cJilmin~ton Precinct ............... J.Herbert Johnston. ~ . So~gate Precinet .................:..... T~Srs. ~'i.C.Taylor. ' , ~even Taiile'Precinct~ .................... Geo. T. Shepard. . ~ «inter" Park_Precinct~ .................. H.O.Thomas Masonboxo`Townshipt ,-. ., I~asonboro P'recinct, Lumsden's Store,... i!~Irs. Rebecca Lumsden. .:, Sunset Park Frecinc:t ................... Z.P~.LeGwin. ~` ORIGINAL, RETURIVS `QP REGISTRAR~ AT?D NDGF~ 0~' ELECTION v/ • '' S7ef Leona T: Carroll, Registrar and Iviarvin T. Clark and T.R.Christman Judges of .~.. ~lection at First ~7ard Precinct, Idew Hanover County, do hereby certify that at~ the election held tnis day in eaid County to determine the Guestion 'ahall a taac ~, not exceeding t~enty cents (20~) on the One l~undred Do11ar valuation of property, real and pe~sonal, be levied,for the purpose of supplementing the S'tate appropriation ~.~' , for an eight months school term in ilevr Hanover County"? the ~follovring number of votes v~ere ca.st: ~ ~ . ~ • For I.oeal Tax • Number of votes 258 ~ . `. Against Local Tax Number of votes 48 ~ ~ ~ ' v~e further~certify that there were 453 qualified voters registered in said precinct / . t a,nd entitled to vote at said election. . - Tnis 12~h, day of ~,iay 1936. Leona T. Carroll, Re~istrar, - r.4arviil T. Clark, Judge of Election ~" • T. R. Christman, Jud~e of Election. ~ ' r . ,; . ~f7e ihe undersigned do hereby appoint T,eona T. Carroll to attend with the result above ~ certified to the meeting of the Board of Coc¢nissioners of Ne~e Hanover County to count~. " and tabiil.ate the votes in the above election. ~ ~ ~. ~ ' Leona T. Carroll, '.ffegis~raa. ~ ~ prarvin T. Clark, Judge of Election. ~ c- t~. T.R.Christman, Judge of Election. This 12th, day of B~ay 1936. ~9e, Z.E.I~urrell,Registrar a.nd Jno.'.R. Tursentii3e and O.VJ':Messidc~`u~ges of Hlection ~ at ~econd W~x'd~ ~irst Precinct, Ne~~+ ?iaaover County, do hereby certify that at the election held this day in said CountSr to determine the question " Shall a tax not / ~ ~ exceeding twenty cents (20~).on the One Hundred Dollar valuation of property, re~.l and personal, be levied for the purpose of supplementing the ~tate appropriation for , an eight-months school term in Netiv Hanover Countg"? The follov~ing number of votes • ~ were cast: For Local Tax number of votes 259 • Against Loca1 Tax Number of votea 2£~ ~ c~ ~'Je certify that there ~vere 430 qualified voters registered in said precinct and entitled ~ ', • to vote at eaid election . This the 12th, day of n~Iay 1936. .~t L~E.T~durre'll~;: Re~istrar : :^ Jno.R-.Tui'r~ntine, Judge of Election. ~^ . _ • 0._~~..Liessick, :;, Judge of Election.~ ~ ~'' Ae the undersigned do hereby appoint C. 1~. Jacobs to attend with the result above -- certified to the meetir~ of the Board of Corrvnissioners of New Hanover.County to count ~/ ' and tabulate the votes in the above election. , v ~ , Z'.E.I~uxTrebl;; ; Registrar. 4 ~~ -- Jno...R:~•Turrentine,Jud~e of ~lection. ' . 0.":W.'.I~ess,ick,. ...n,Judge of Election. ~ This 12t3~, day of P,Zay 1936. {;'~^~ ~.~rt~' ~10.00 to Dr. R.L.Carter of Thomaston; Ga.~ for Pneumo-Thorax treatment of ° V \; ~ir. J.T.Belcher, a New Hanover County charge recuperating at Thomaston,Ga. ' i . . ~ _P /~ `~ V 43~ . 434 , ~~ee.ting of Liay 14th, 1936, continued. ,\~ , V~e the undersigned .do hereby appoint I:irs. Rebecca' Lumsden to attend vrith the result above ~ certified to the meet'ing oi~ the ~oard of Corpmissioners oi' Nerr Hanover County to count and tabulate Lhe votes in the above election. ~. Meeting of May 25th,1936,,contmnued. Ip ~ir ~~~ A report of Jas. ';Nalker Hospital for the month of Ma y was received a,nd ordered filed.. ' Upon motion of N~r. Hall, aeconded by i~r. , Hinton, 1~Qr. J.G.Brinson was releasefl f'rom v "~ ~~~ payment of penalty and po11 taxes cha.rged against nis property in block #34 in the' name of S.H.~iarshburn for the year 1932. VPith reference to the requext of' Dr. J.W.Stanly that the County assist him in q ~ perfecting title to land on Toomers Mill Creek ne bou~ht Erom Nathan,Cole,Comm~ssioner ~a}~ ` at a.tax sale approximateiy six years ago~ it appears-thexe is nothing the County Co~issioners can do to assist him in,this matter. A f th d ~ t G 3 ~ %a repor o e ran ury, ]Ifay Term 19 6, was received • ~ t Upon motion of ?Jr: Trask,seconded•by P~r. Iiall, the estate of J.T.English was ~ ~ 7~ x ~ granted an abatement oY taxes of ~9:98 ~harged ~gainst 230 acres of land in ' Federal Foint township for the year I895 on account of being a doubtful cha,rge, ~ and the same was ordered cancelled on the back tax records. ' Applications for licenae to sell beer, presented in due form and execution by ~/ ~~~~ _T~ffrs. Robert T. Davis and George Russ~, at location~s, on~ the Carolina Beach road, ~- were upon motion of Mr. Gardner~ seconded by.Ns. Hinton, approved. ~~ Upon motion, dulg aecondeci', County bills Nos.3576 to 3751 inc.,were approved for t~ ` U~. Payment. , ~ ~ The following good and lawful men grere dravrn to serve`as ;jurors in the ~uperior ~ Court for the.trial of Criminal caaes for week beginning June 8th,1938t Chas.Rogers. 1N.I,.Kure. R. L. Meares. W.H.Register. W. C. Brown. R.H.Jordan. , ,H.T.F.Wrede. E.B.S'nipes, Jr. Roger H..S'mith. O.L.Swinson. E.C.BroNn. B.M.Halt. L.L.Potter. E.C.Moore. . Paul Ambrosiano. A. B. Yopp. ,, J.W.Stokley. W.P.Toon. T.L.Breeland. R.~.Hall. R.G.I3avis. T.S.•Craig Jr., Archie Seigler. 1~'alter BH. Todd. ` ~4.I~.3'Iorris. A.R.King. E.P.God~vin. Frank Meier. ~ A.A.Waddell. I~.Iui.~ellers. A.N.VPilla.ams:. ' Y7.C~.S~nith. , E.F.Peschau. C.G.Rainea. N[.K.Batson. ~.R.Doaher. . , F.A.Cashwell. J.T.Brittain. Sam Evenaon. J.F.Surles. The meeting then adjourned. . ~ , ~ H )!. ~ , erk. PFilmington, N.C., June lst,1936. •Trie xe~ular weekly meeting of the•Board ~vas held at 3c00 P.I~. : Preaents Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.'N.Traak, Jas. i~.Ha11,J.H.Hinton and H. R. Gardner. • ~ Applications for license to sell beer submitted in due form and execution by / J.E.Cason,E.L.Oliver and Ellie Sherman at locations on the Ca.rol.ina Beach road, / at Kure Beach and Nfasonboro road at Seagate Loop respectively, were upon mo~ion' 1 of T~r. Hall, seconded by P~r. Gardner, approved. ' A reques.t of Mr. J.I.Crews to rent a small tract of the County's land near his , ~~~~~, place on the Gordon road, was upon motion referredrto_the County ~~,rm Committee J ~' witn power to aet. _ ~?~F~~~. Upo3~ mot on•, d` y seconded, County bill.s Nos. 3752, to 3911 were approved for paymar~t~., ~ Upon irio~ion of Ff,r. Trask, aeconded by Mr. Ha.ll, d.E.Canady was xeleased from payment of penalty for not listing property in,Bba,sonboiro townehip for the year 1935, for the ' ~~{X reaeon that he listed other property in the County for said year thinking the said~. property was included in the eame listin~. . ~ Application f'or license submitted by EBrs.Letha Snipes to sell beer at location _) on the Carolina Beach road six miles from the City was declined for the xeason I ~,~q)V tha,t the former proprietor of the business, Lonnie Snipes, was found guilty and .~ P~ sentenced in Recorders Court for violating the prohibition laws February 3rd~1936, ~ therefore the Commisaioners have no legal right to approve application for license to sell beer on said premises to any person within aix months after the revocation of s'aid license accordin~ to•Chapter 319, Section 14~ Public Laws 1933. , A petition bearing the signatures of tuventy-two r.e~idents and property owners of Lqasonboro Bluffa, urging the State Highway anci Public Works Commiasion to repair and ~~~- maintain the Pdasonboro Bluffs road,connectin~ the Masonboro ~tate Highcray at Purviance~ -- Creek with the Sottnd, was presen~ed, and upon motion of T~r. Ha11, seconded by 1l~r.Hinton, approved by this Board and referred to the State Highway & Public 4FOrke Commiasion for its consideration. Upon motion of I~dr. Hall, seconded by ~r. ~in,ton, Moore-Fonvielle Realty Company vras released from payment of the personal tax of Dr.F.H.Coleman char~ed against lot ~10, ! 1--'~~~ Brookwood for the years 1932 and 1933, o~h.account of having to take the said property over by foreclosure and Dr. Calema.n having no equity in the same. UpOn motion of ~r. Hinton, seconded by Mr. Gardner, the Board authorized the purchase G~b~'~~a wide carriage Underwood typewriter for the office of Superintendent of Public '~~ ~~ 1 Welf.are at a cost of ;~120.00 les~~40.00 $llowance,for old machine and 10~ and, 10~ discount, making a net cost of ~57.20. • _~ . . Upon motion of Lir. Gardher, seconded by B6r. Hintou, Charles Dee~an aged County „,> `_~ Citizen, was upon reco~endation of the Superintendent of Public V'lelfare, admitted"to_ :_..r ~"~~- the County Home as an inmate. `~ . •, , ti ~ t ..- %~., . , `. .. ~. ..~ +~r , .•, ~ ~ ,, . 1 ~ J 5` 43~ Meeting o£ June lst,1936 cvntinued. • Upott motion,.duly seconded,°~the Board approvecl the request of reaidents and property otivnere in the area along the Oakley road tha.t the State Highway & Public ~~ t7oxks Coimnission run the scraper over the graded loop road about one mile in ~~ length, connecting with the Oalcley road and 5tate highway #40 and maintain the same for the fourteen families living on said road. ~ A,request.of ~2r. Paul Galog that Neas Creek south of State Highway ~40, be opened and ~ --~ ~U1~ str,aightened to drain the water off his land, was received.for consideration. rt The"meetin~ then adjourned. ~,Tf7l~ >!.~ Oplerk. Wilmington,Pl:C., June 8th,1936. ~ • The regular s~eekly meeting of the Board.was held at 3s00 P.M. Presentt Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.~T.Trask, Jas.M.Ha11,J.H.Hinton and H.R.Gardne~`. ~ The minutes of ineeting of June lat, were read and•approved as recorded. Applicatione for reduction of asaessments on various pieces of property in the " /;~ hands of RGs~. VPm. M.Hill, Li4uidating Agent for the Rural Building & I,oan Association, ~ ~ on whfch back taxes have acerued, was upon motion, referred to a cor~it~ee of the Board ~nd the Tax Assessors for investi~ation and report to the Board at a subse9uent meeting, Upon motion of I~dr. Hinton., seconded by ~r. Hall, the Board, upon recommendation of . ~.,e/ the Supt.,~oP Public Welfare, agreed to continue the artificial Pneumo-Thorax treatmesnt ~~Lr~- for S.T.Belcher who has been recuperating at Thomaston~ Ga.,but nov~ ma.king preparations ~ to.return to work with the Atlantic Coast Line Railvray Company. The Board also approved payment of ~2.00 each for m:B.Xk~ay pictures for the three Riggs Children. ~. Upon motion of Mr. Trask~ seconded by P~r. Gardner, the Board upon recommendation of ,~ ~ the Supt., of Pizblic Welfare, authorized the purchase of glasses for Mr. Frank Berry, , ~an inuiate at the County xome, at a cest:of $10.13. Upon motion of ~lir. Trask, seconded by EGr. Hinton, and upon reco~endation of the Supt.~ ~ ~of Public Welfare,.the Board authorized the purchase of ~6.38 transportati-on for ,~' dames Hill t~ Cor.nwells Heights, Pa., James Hill is a New Hanover County youth being f,• ~ placed in an orphanage at C6rmceTls Heights by the Sisters of the local Catholic Church. A bill received faiom Jas.i~.lker Hospital in the amount of ~248.49 for treatment of Baby Virginia l,ee of Faison,T1:C.; for PHeningitis, ~s referred back to the Supt., of Public t,~-~ Welfare to-take the matter up wit.h the Hospital with the view of modifyin~ the chaxge , before presenting the same to Duplin County for payment. ;, In vie~r of the Regiatrare and Judges of Electi.on~working tYbrough the night of the ~; election, June 6th~ ~abulating the votes~cast,the'Boaxd;::.up9n motion of Mr. Hinton, ~ - `~p~2/ seconded by T~r. Gardner, adopted the reco~nendation oY Representative Thos.E.Cooper, :, ~ and voted to allow the Re~istrara and Poll Holders an extra day~~s pay for their services. ~, ~. . .. . ,r • The Commissionera received an invs~ation:~to attend the Seventh Ahnual meeting of the J,~ Eleventh District ofj the North Carolina Federation of Home Demonstration Clubs to be '~i ~: '~"~ ~~ held at Carolina Beach June 17th,1936. ' ~ ~ ~ Upon motion of IiGr. Hinton, seconded by Mr. Gardner, and upon request of the Clerk~of f ~ C~~. Superior Court, the pay~ent of $~50.00 to the State Hoap~tal at Ralei~h,PI.G., for the~' ~ ~ treatment of ~Y,F.Jones as an inebriate, was authorized. ~ 'A etatement was received`froin bbrs.T.~.Iiill, Supervisor Wilmington-New Hanover County ~ ' ~_(,Jp.~ Sewing Rooms; showing that articlea made from EF~A and Y7pA m~teriala to the value of, ,. $60,607.86- have been turned over to the City and County for diatribution to date. '.' ~~~'s Upon motion, duly seconded County bills Nos.3752 to 4070; were approved for payment.~ ~ iJpon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Trask, a request of the Board of Education~ lj ~_ ,'•.t `/~,~~ to increase the school 1935-1936 budget to take caie of the following receipts and t.. "~"~~"~''~diabursements was granted: +' For halding election for school supplement,...'...... ..........~ 682.7h ' ~ For street assessment ease by City of iNilmington carried~before '., the Supre~e Court by Attorney C.D.Aogue ............................... 159.05 ` Account of C.D.Hogue and comnittee, tripa to ~7ashington and Chapel ". Hill includin~ meals,tele~rams,etc., in connection with P4YA projects , for school buildinga .................................................. 126.64 ~ ~, ' Rents received for school buildinga during school year 1335-1936,..... 115.00 ~ ~ Received from State on back poll taxes ................................ 116.87 '• Replacement boiler William~Hooper 5chool, no~ anticipated and ~ requested in budget ............................................. 773.40 ,, Tota1~ ...........................~1,973.67 The Boaxd then took a recess until 3s00 ofclock P.M.~ Tuesday J~Yne 9th, to pass on the .. `--'"~~~ bills of expense for holding primary election June 6th,1936. . r ~., /~ _ ' ~ ~~ ~ l/4Jo+ 7C. . _ ° 5<E~i `%~k ~ • _ ~ : ~, , i~ 436 , Wilmington,N.C., June 9th,1936. ~ Pursuant to recess taken June 8th,1936, the Board met at 3s00' o'clock P.I~., ,/ ~ for the purpose of acting on the bills of expense for holdir,g primary ~ ~ election June 6th,19'36, and to ac:taon;zotherr:matters~that may be neceesary. ~ ' Presents~Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.W.Trask,Jas.P,i.Ha11,J.H.Hinton and H.R.Gardner. ~ ' ~ Transportation expense of' H.E.~a.les, b'fanager of the Bureau of'Identification, ~ incurred in _r•eturn~;ng Archie Smith to wilmington from Franklin,Va., ~'or trial , f or murder P~ay 20th,1936, without having obtained requisition fxom the Governor; ~ was upon order of Judge R.Hunt Parker, and.upon mo~ion of 1~r, Hinton~ seconded by Mr. Hall, approved for payment in the full amount of ~16.86•. ~ Upon motion of i~r. Gardner, seconded by Lir. Hinton, the bi11s for,"services renderedt4 ~^,, aubmitted by the membera of the County Board of Elections, were returtted with ~~l~' re9uest that the same be itemized. ' _/ , . ' - - Upon motion of Mr. Hinton, seconded by Mr. Hall, bill"s of expense of' the ~ / Registrars, Judgea of Election, Rent, Bdeals,,Lightin~,• Printing, Office Supplies 9 ~P,~ and telegrams, for holding primary June 6th,1936 aggregating ~1~160.79 uvere , , approved for paymen~. . . , ~ .,.. ` -' The meeting then adjourned. , ~-7vJ/~ 7~.5~~/~ , • ` . ~~ . C rk . - . . . ~ ~ . 44i1mington,N.C.~ June 15th,1936. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held at 3s00 P.Id. ~ ~ Fresents Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.VJ.Trask,J.H.Hinton and H.R.Gardner. A request of G.Dudley Humphrey for a reduction of assessment on property in ,/ , ~~. block #293, was referred to the Chairman and committee for investigation a V together vuith request for reduction of assessment on Cape Fear Apartments - , block #10~ filed by Mr. C. S. Hicks. • . • ~ • ~ Appltcations for license to~sel2~;beer eubmitted in due form and execution by .~ .l N 1drs:. T. E. Applewhite and Ivf.L.~Harriss at locations at Castle Hayne and Roosevelt / ~ Gardens respectively, were approved. . ~ Applicationa for license to aell beer submitted,by Alton A., Brow.n and W.O.Hunphrey ~ at locatdons at Carolina Beach, were approved and referre~ to the ToMn of Carolina ~ ~ Beach for its approval. , ~ A narrative report of Home Dempnetration 4~ork Por the month of May vras received:~ ~~ ~ and ordered fileEt. ~~ V A report of the Ladie•s Rest Room for the month of I~ay ivas received and ordered filed.~ „~ ~ _ The Board heard a request of Mr. R.B.Page for an appropriation of ~50.00 monthly , for a period of six months tov+ard the maintenance of the Federal Housing Adminiatr tion < ~ offices here. Upon motion of l~dr. Trask, seconded by T~r. Hinton°, an appropriation ~• ~ ~ of ~25.00 for the month of June vras granted, and the,matter of Yurther appropriations - to be ¢:onaidered at the time of preparation of the Countyts 1936-1937 budget. ~~/Upon motion, dul.y,seconded, the Board voted to ask for bids for labor for paintingl paint and other materials to be furnished by the County. ( ~+r the Court House fence ~ ~ ~ }'~ Upon mo~ion, duly seconded, County billa Nos: 4071 t.o 4110 inclusAve~ were approved ~ ~1 for paymen~. ' ~ / . . . Upon motion, duly aeconded, the assessment of ~5,850.00 on house of Hrs.Geo.C.Schutt, blo~lc #197 was reduced to $4,500.00 ae 'afc~d~te of April lst,1931 on account of the ~ ~,,, ~~'~' dilapidated condition of the bnilding, and an abatement of taxes on a valuation of , ' • ack taxes on ~+1~350,00 for the years 1931 to 1935 was ordered~ and settlement of b a ba.eis of 3,~ was allowed on account of negotiation for funds to eettle the same . ' was started prior to February lst°,1936. The meeting then adjourned. ' ' r'i'l~~., '7/_~Z ~ ..L4~ p erK. . - / ~ ~i ~ ' , . . . . . . . . . ~{. . r .. . ~'_ : / ~ >_ .~-- . • ;! ; ~Tilmington, Td. C., June 22nd,1936: ~ The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held at 3:00 o'clock P.~i. ' k Presenti Addison Hewlett Chairman, Ueo.T9.Trask~ Jas. M. Hali~J.H.Hinton and H.R.Gardner. / ,~- Upon motion of Idr. Hinton~ aeconded by Tdr. Gardner, Mr. ~;~~71~""~{ u~~' SU ~ ' ~- f~~ a disabled 4Yorld iNar Veteran was exempt f'rom payment of' poll taxes. . A request of BHr. R.C.rergus, Zliayor oi' the Tovm of' Carolina Beach,• that the County pay " the salary. of a's•pecial deputy at Carolina Beach during the surmner months, in consideration of the fines and @ourt.costa accruing to the schools and County General •:~ Funds from arreste made, was heard, and upon ~totion of' Iu1r. Hinton, seconded by L4r.Ha11,~ ~,/ the Board voted to allovc the Sheriff` two extxa deputies for a period of twelve qJeeks . beginning June lst, 1936 and ending August 22nd,7~936, at a salary of not exceedin~ ~20.00 eacn ~per vreek, the same to be ~id by~ t~he County. i~dr. $. R: Gardner not favoring the employingt:of extxa deputies for the~~ ao~i resorts at County expense, requested to be ~ recorded as voting No. . ` Applieations for license to sell beer presented iri due form and execution by C.~:CoviT, / ,~-~„no,s/ E.G.F~eeman,,Noxman Heath and Mrs. E. H. Aall, at loc~tions on highway #30 near ,r ~ U°" Kirkland, Seabreeze, Castle Hayne and Airport respectively, were granted. , .. .i Upon motion, duly seconded, the Board voted to again urge the 8tate Highway and Public v. "''~~ng~~Worke Commission to give consideration to improving the parking area.at ~ure Beach. ' . br. John T. Hoggard~and John 0. Ma~shall of the ~oard of ~ducation appeared in the ~ interest of a cor~unication received from H.G.Baity, State Director VTPA~ suggesting ~ Q,~~l~ that applications ior a loan and grant previously filed with the Administration in 1 connectivn with the School Projects, be changed to an application for a straight grant , ~ by resolution. . After formal request and pnesentation of the matter' by 1~[r. PuTarshall, the follov~ing resolution was upon motion of Mr. Iiinton, seconded by.Wr. Gardner, unaniinously adopted: ' , - BE IT RESOLVED BY TH~ BOAtTD OF C0~'[ISS'IONERS of Neer Ffanover County,North Carolinat Ssction 1. That the application of the linited States of America through the Federal / ,Emergency Adminiatration of Public Works for a.loan and grant to sid in /financing the ~ construction of ~ine school projeot~ for New Hanover County, be and the same is hereby ~~ •, amended by changing the same from an application for a loan and grant to an application ~ for a straight grant to be used in financing the construction of nine public school ~ projecta for Ne1r~ Hanover County, named azid described in the schedule attached to the . original ~ pplication, and bearing the docket No. NC 1191. , Section 2. That Thomas K. j9oody, Clerk to the Board of County Commiasioners, be and he is hereby authorized to ~ransm~it this resolution to Dr. H.G.Daity, Chapel Hill, N. C. ,/ and to accompany,the s.ame by.letter signed in the narae of the said Tho~as K.Woody, '~~ as Clerk to the Board authorizing and empowering Ar. Baity to c~ange the original' application in conformity witn this amended application. i ~ -' . ,. J ~,r .~ ,,,; J i • A request of Aaron Goldberg, Esq., that the Commiss.ioners approve the re-issuing. of license to James Slackledge for the sale of beer at location on the Carolina Bea,ch ~ y~ road, Federal Point Township,the same having been revoked upon conviction of --/~'~~ aiolating the prohibition la~v September 25tY~, 1935, was upon motion,r~ferred to the County Att orney f or o'pinion. . ~ / . " Upon motion of I~r. Trask, seconded by T~r. Hinton, Abraham I,incoln Beaton arni Eliza ,/ • Moyey two aged and infirm colored citizens havin~ been examined-by the Assistant,/~ ~. C~1v,~County-Health Off'icer and recommended by the Superintendent of Public ~eTfare, ~vere ~•admitted to the County riome as-~inmates. • ~ • • Upon motion, duly seconded, Mrs. Addie I~,ilTisa was upo:~i r:eCommendation of the ~5.~.,.rL-Supt., Of Eui~3sc ~Aelf~,i~e, granted-an allowance of ~20.00 monthly out of the Mothers ., Aid Fund subject to the approval of the State Boasd of Charities and Public Welfare.~ " A-~uest of Mr. A.B.Rhodes, Hegister of Deeds, for shelving for his office recgrdaJ • ~ and the installation of a lavatory as recorqmended by a previous grand jury, was ., , ~~~Q~~2/received for consideration during the preparation of the 1936-1937 budget. U .; :i"h~: A requeat of the Hegister of Deeds for one extra clerk to assiet in catchfng up wit}~ the work in his office~ and to fill in during the vacation of his regular deputiea, 9~ D ~ w s upon motion of Nir. Hinton, seconded by ~ir. Tr~sk, allowed for a period of two ~''~+`- months at a sa7ary of ~75.00 per ~onth. The matter of extending the time to be considered <• at the exp~ration of that period. • ~ A reques.t of Mx. John D. Bellamy, I)istrict Counse7, for the Seaboard Air Line Railroad Company for a refund of taxes paid in error on part of' lots 3,4,8c 5, Block #363 for the . ~r. years 1914 to 1935 inclusive, the same having been sold to the Atlantic Coast Line ' ~ Railroad Company August lst, 1913, was referred to the Chairman and the County Attorney for adjustment.between the two railroad companies. ~Upon motion of A4r. Hall, seconded by ~r. jrask, payment of ~14.00 to ~dr. Spurgeon ~ ~~/+ ~Baxley for services as Gommissionery. taking and transcribing deposition of Clarice `~ • yj'l~°`"" Crawford and Ruby Martin in case in recorders court,of State vs Hamilton T. Carroll and Jacob Godfrey, ~vas approved. ' A request of the Baard of Education that ~3,580.87, balance due account of its 1935-~ / -`~~,~-1936 budget be' placed to the credit of the school account, was allowed. As recaimnended by the Grar~d Jury, June Term 1936, the Board upon motion, unanimously ~voted to request the State Highway and Public ~dorks Commission to.construct a wallcway~ on Bradley's Creek Bridge for pedestrians. It was shown that small children who must ~~'7" use this bridge going to and from Bradley's Creek 5chool, are subjected to great danger by being forced to tiYalk in the automobile lane~on said bridge. A walltivay would eliminate this hazard. ~ ~, &/ 43~ Meeting of June 22nd,1936, continued. 1 A cormnunication was received f'rom l~r. Lindsay Russell concerning air patrol for ,,/ prevention of ~orest fires in this and adjoining countiea was received, the same ' -~~ to be considered at the time o3 preparation oi' trie County's 1936-37 budget. • Upon motion of' ~r. Hall, seconded by I~s. Gardner~ C. R. Croom ~vas allowed to • ~ ~p~~ apply the $2.50 witness ticket ;~543, 2~Say term 1936- toward the payment of court -~ ~,W' coste due xecorders ~ourt instead of taxes due the County. Upon motion of ~1r. Hinton, seconded by ;i4r. Gardner, the Board by unanimous vote, directed that a coamunication be f~or~rarded to I~Ir. George tN. Coan,J'r.,~PA ~,n~ Administrator at Raleigh, urging coritinuation of WPA projects here on same basis }~ until new applicatione are made and approved. This done in view.of recent order '~ -~ temporarily haulting 1`JPA projects pending new applications to continue the work under the Deficiency Bill, which has laid off a number of persons vrho have no ~ other dependence. ` , Upon motion, the Board approved a request oi'•tne Board of ~ducation for a 45~ ~ . , ~. `~\ ~~j grant for rebuilding ~Villiston Induatrial High School and the'purchas.e oi a lot ' - v in bloek ~163 adjoining the Isaac Bear school.site on Thirteenth Street for vocational education.anc} equipment for New i~anover High School pupils. A communication was received f rom the County Auditor adnising the amount on deposit~ in each bank as of Tday 30th, 1936, together arith a memorandum of securities held in ~ ~°~ each case. W With reference to the pu;chase of land without warranty from LSr. E.K.Bryan, adjoinin~ ~ the County's Oak Urove Cemetery for cemetery purposes, the Board agreed to look into,~ .• ~ the matter of acquiring other property with more acceptable title. ~ ~_.~,y A report of Jas. Walker Hospital for the month of May was received and ordered filed.{ , ' ~v' /E ,- Upon motion 'of Mr. Gardner, seconded' by Adr. Hinton, the Clerk was instructed to t~rite -,/~~ the Seeretary of the State Board of Elections in reference to his interpretat'ion of •. v\ necessary expense incident to the duties of the members of the County tioard of Elections ~and the usual ~ayment allowed for this service. . . I 1 ,~'. , ~~The County Auditors cash report for the month of I~ay vtas received and ordered filed ~1i~~1~ , • . . , ~ Budget foxms partially completed were presented and the Board decided to meet the latte~ '° ~ art of this i~eek to consider insertion of the 1936-1937 alloyvances. v p ~ , ~ ~~ . • . ' The meeting then adjourned: ' ~//7H )LiKk~-riaaG~ ' ' , . • - ~ ` ~~°t~'• ' ~Filmington,N.C., Jlzne 29th,1936. ! ' ' , The regular rveekly meeting of the Board ~as held at 3s00 o'clock P.Ii~. , 1~- Present: Addison Hewlett Chairtnan, Jas.Tui.Hall, J.H.Hinton and H.R.Gardner. . .~..,,. ' •, : In reference to the matter of adjusting the taxes paid by the Seaboard Air I,ine Railroad ,J - on land in block 363, purchased by the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad August 1913. • Y. ~~ ~ It appears from the records and maps presented by Mr. C.S.Morse, A.C':L.Tax Agent,that ~'. ' ,< ~~ the said land is a part of the Atlantic Coast Line right of way and is included in `• r ~ 1 assessments fiaced and cextiYied to this County by the State Boaxd of Assessipent~therefore ~, the asaeeament of ~360.00 cha,rged again~t block 363 wae order~ct oanCelled. • . Upon inotion of ~r. Hall, seconded by T~Ir. Hinton, P~r. T.S.Jacobs,1146 South ~'ront St. ~ ~~ .~ . vras exempt from payment of poll taxes on account of poverty and physical disabilities~ ~ a ~} Upon motion o£ Mr. Hinton, seconded cy fdr. Hall, the Boaxd approved a request of ~/, -~_„y.a 7tdr. L.C.Kure~ that the State Highway and Public ~lorks Conanission take over and maintain ~~'b~ the parking area at Kure Beach,which appears to have been a part of the County road system prior to the State taking over County roads July lst, 1931. Action on.a request of Geo.B.Applev~hite to be allowed to pay ~350.22 back taxes and interest due by New Hanover Traneit Conpany on nineteen lots at Carolina Beach for the 1/ ~~G~~~.~years 1926 to 1935 inclusive, at the flat rate of 3°f, interest, account of negotfation ~V for the purchase of an interest in said lots ~vas started last July, vras poatponed to a subsequent meeting. , , A requeat of G.Dudley Humphrey Es9•, that L7rs. Eliza B. Bryan'_: of Chapel Hill, N.C., be released from payment of @ourt costs, attorneys fees and 20f interest incurred by ~fU~ erroneous suit brought by Nathan Cole for the colTection of back taxes•for 1926~,and~,.~ ~ prior years due on ~~Lot~at Carolina Beach" and be allowed to pay the said back taxes~i --~ due thereon plus usual costs and interest at the rate of 6~ per annum, v~a.s allowed subject to the approval of the County Attorney. It appearing that the suit was brought . a~ainst Elizabeth Bryant, whereas,it should have been E1iza B. Bryan, and for the ~. , Y. ~ ,. ~.~ `. ~ ~. f urther reason that personal service on Mrs. Eliza Bryan was not secured. /''~, -' ~. /~ Upon motion of Idr. Hinton, seconded by ;~Gr. F~all, R.~V.Sebrell of Cape 1'ear township, / ~-~~- ~L+ was granted an abatement of taxes of ~1.00 on male dog listed in error for 1935. ~~ ~~ ~ T~[rs. Betty deR. Dick, having purchased lots 2/3/8/9/18 block A-tiVoodcrest from D.R.Foster~~ / . June 24, 1931, assuming the 1931 taxes, the question of payment of prorata part of- ,` /' ' ~<'~ personal propert,y tax of D.R.Fos.ter chasged against the same for 1931 was referred to 1~ '` the County Attmrrney for opinion. - , Winnie B1ackledge,Robert Van Lear Rogers and Donald ~'d. Smith, having submitted applicatioj-~s ~' r.~/ in due form and execution,for license to sell beer at locations on Carolina Beach and ~,I . ~, /~'~~ Greenville S ound Lo op Road, w e r e upon mot ion of i~dr. H all, seconded by I~dr. Gardner,approved. ~a c. ~ ~~ ~-~ ~ ~ ._ 4;~~ -, N[eeti.ng of June 29th,1936, continued. ~ Upon motion of Ztr. Hinton, seconded by ~r.~Aall, the Board upon recot~nendation of' / ~ ~„~ the Superintendent of Public ~'~elfare, authoxized the purchase of gl.asaes .at a coat ' / h oF ~4.50 for Columbia Cwnniirigs, a New Hanover County cha..r•,ge, iri Casv+e]:1-Training~ School. Upon recoimnendation of the Superintendent of Public ~~elfare, and ~upori motion of S+Lr. Hall,~f , ^~seconded by 2Sr. Gardner, the 3oard authorized the payment o£ $2.^:5 transportation for Nellie Edwards, County.c3la~ge, from Samarcand to 19ilmiri~~on. A report of the Home Demonstration Agent for the month oP June aras received and orderecL/ , , _ ,~(~P.U'1filed. , . , ~ Upon motion of L~r. Hall, seconded by Ldr. Gardner, the Board voted to endorse the ' . ,,_ efforts of Pender County in its request to the State Highway and Public tiJorks Commis'~s'.on~~, !/ ~~ to hard surface the road from Burgativ to Penderlea, a distance of approximately 10 miles. ~..' A r.eportt%of expenditures o~' County appropriations by the Board of Education 1935-1936 1 ~~~ ~ shovring a balance June lst,1936 of ~8,144.49 was received. r ~ A claim of Idlr. S._T.I~eyes for payment out of the school dog tax-fund, for damages sustained , , in the loss of thirty-three turkeys and tv+o chickens killed by~d~o~s on his farm in ~ j ~ Federal Point tot^rnship on the night of'June 25th~1936, was"rece:ived;_:and upon motion -. :~~~~essra. John E. Taylor., Henry Zewis and E.I,.Robineon, three'~'r;eeholder,s;,; residents of ^ that township, were appointed to ascertain the amount of daxnages.done-, and report thefr ~. findings to'this Board as provided by Section 1681 of the consolidatecl statutes.' . Upon motion of ~r. gardner, seconded by A4r. Ha11, the Board ordered the County's ~ ~~~.~-Operations continued upon the same basis of the 1935-1936 appropriations pending adoption ~j/ ~Xof the 1936-1937 budget estimates. .~ • A petition eigned by twenty-one reaidentsiand property owners of the Porters Y1eck section ~ , ~O`~ ur~ing improvements of the Porters'Neck~road was received and approved, and referred to ' , dt~` the State Highway and Public Works Commission for its consideration. ~ A request of Mrs. Daisy R. Dock to,be allowed to settle back taxes on her property in,, `~ - --~T,~ block #209 on the 3q basis was received for consideration. ` .- '" The Board then took a,recess until 2:30 P.I~., iT~ednesday July lst, to consider 1936-1937 ~ " budget a propriations.f ' t ~ = ~ ~~,~~- ~ C~rk. ' ' r/~ ' , Wilmington, N. C., July lst, 1936. , ~ , ` ~2~~ .~Pursuant to recesa taken June 29th,1936, the Board met at 2s30 P.I~., to consider 1936-37 , ~~budget appropriations and to transact such other,business that may come before the Board. . Applications for license presented in due form and execution by J.H.Reaves, David,C. ,~ •,~e¢,f~mith and B.L.Wagamon to sell beer at locations at Lingo Service Station, on Castle Hayne Y • road and Breakera Hotel ~Nilmingtom Beach respectively, 4~ere upon motion approved: ':.;_ ~~~~recess v~as tnen taken until 3t00 P.~i., Thursday July 2nd, 1936 to continue consideration ~ of the 1936-1937 budget appropriations. " r ~rQ ic.~c:y ~.~/ • _ `_ ~erk: , . Wilmington,N.C., July 2nd,1936. ~ "\ rsuant to recess taken July lst, 1936 the Board met,at 3s00 P.Ti~., and resumed consideration • ~!~ of the 1936-37 budget allowances. -.. , ~ Upon motion, the Superintendent of Public 'Nelfare was allowed not exceeding ~15.00 ` for transportation and expense for returning B&rs.~tella Good Keyes to her home and mother~ ~ '/~~ Fos'ter Ohio. ~rs. Keyes was deserted here by her husband and was,returned to her home , to avoid additional county e~:pense. ~ 1 Due to increase'd cost of food~stuf£ and maintenance of jail..:pri.soner,s,the Board,upon motion, .. •~Gl~ increased the Cour~ty ~ail fees for feeding prisoners from.50¢ to .60~ per day be 'nng~ ing S/1/36. , ~ _~`~-~-~ --- •. ~~ •~. SL~'-~~_ , . . . ~lerk. ~ . , ~ Wilmington,N.C., July 6th,1936. , ' . ; . ;•.. The regular ~reekly meeting of the Board wae held at 3s00 P.M. , i Pxesents Addison ~Hewlett Chairman; Geo.W.Tras&, Jas.I~.Ha11~J.H.Hinton and H.R.Gardner~ ., A reques:t of , District Forester, that the County cooperate ivith / ~~ ~ the State Departinent of Conservation and Developnent and-provide an apl~ropriation of `!/ ,'~~ ~y~s ~1,000.00 to be matched with Federal and State funda for forest fire prevention during ' ~ 1936-1937, was received for consideration along cyith other buddet items. . `!t A request of Geo.B.Applev~hite to settle back taxes due by New Hanover Tranait Company ''~ Y on nineteen ].ots at Carolina Beach on.the 3~ baeis, account of having started negotiations ~~ ~~/\.f'or the purchase of said lota prior to Februar.y lst,1936, yas ta,ken under consideration., Upon motio~n of 11r. Hinton, seeonded by l~r. Hall, Idrs-. Eliza B. Bryan vras allovred to pay ~~ . back taxes on "Lot at Carolina Beach" for 1926 and prior years plus usual costs and 6f ,: -~~ ~ interest per~annum, and released froa.the payment ,of.Court costs, attorneys fees ancl 20~ , ~ interest incurred by erroneous eui~t brought by Na.than Cole for the collecti,on said taxes v .' as outTineii at mceetin$ of June 29,1936. And the County Attorney was instructed to cancel ~, the ~udgment upon payment of the said tax and intereat as aforesaid. v ! ~J 4~0 , . . , ,~ . ~deeting of July 6th,1936 continued. . Upon motion of i~r: 'lrask, seconded by 92r. Uardner, Tidrs. Betty deH. Dick was allowed , y, to pay the 1931 taxes on lots 2/3/S/9/and 18 ~Floodcrest charged a,~ainst D.R.Foster, ~ /~GI` and released from pr~,yment of personal property tax of Il.R.Foster cnarged against the ' ~ l same on account of having purcYta,sed the said property June 24tn, 1931 and asewning ~ the 1931 taxes. A request of J.A.Taylor, Rev. qlexander L~iller and State Senator Harriss Newman, that .the County,:.provide an;'appropriation of ;~3,500.00 jointly v~ith the City of' ~: ~~,~~,) .Wilmington for relief gardena, ~1;BOO.UO to be used for supervisinn and~auto ex~pense ~'~ and ~1,700.00 for seed and fertilizer, witn the view of reducing relief dole, was ~ receive.d for aonsideration along with other joint relief items with the City.~ A reguest of Idr. R. B. Page and Mr. Jos. ~. Zel~oyne for ~50.00 monthly appropriation ~ `~\~,~ for a period of six months to~vard maintenance of' local r'.H.A. aff'.ices was also ' ~~ receiv,ed for coneideration ~vith the above. ~ An applicat~on for license submitted in due form and execution by Z.A.Sneeden to seli+~l ~ beer at location-on route 20 near Seagate, was approved. ~~~ Upon motion, duly seconded, County bills Nos. 4111 to 4446 were approved for payment./" ~•+ Upon motion of rdr. Gardner, seconded by ldr. Hinton, the contract to auait the ~l~fi Coheolidated City-County Tax ~ollector 3'93~'tax collections and credits was awarded to J. B. MeCabe &,Company at a coat of ~350.00 to be paid joint3y by the City and Co unt y. I~dr. S.F.Garrison who holds a second mortgage on the property of David D. Hankins ./ ~ bloek # 66, requested a reduction of asaess~ent on house on account of its bad 4 V. ~ a~ aondition, Nrith the vie~v of adjusting an accumulation of back taxes due on the ~ same, v~as referred to the Chairman and committee for.iMVestigation.~ The Board then took a recess until 1Ot00 o'clock A.M., Thur~day July 9th, to meet with~ ~ the City Commissioners to consider relief and other joint appropriations for the ~ year 1936-1937. .~l"ho, 7/JS~X .. .,.!. . ~erk. , ' 4~ilmir~ton, N. C., July 9th,1936. Pursuant to recess taken July 6th,1936, the Board met.at 1Oc00 A.T~.,at the City ~ Hall in joint seseion v~ith the Conmiissaoners of the City of Wilmington, to discuss^•~/ appropriations for the year 1936-1937 concernin~ the two governments and to take ~~ such action thereon tha.t may be necessary. • • County Commissioners present: Addison Hewlett Chairmra.n, Geo.~V.Traek, Jas.M.Hall,. ' ~J. H. Hinton and H.R.Gardne'r.. City Commiasioners presents Walter H. Blair, Mayor, and VJ.Louis Fisher and ' ~ Jas. E. I,. ~ade. i A request of 1~r. R. B. Page and Jos.S.Lerdoyne for a~50.00 monthly appropriation each from the,City and County for a pe~iod of six months, to~vard the maintenance - ~(,1~~ of local b''ederal Housing Adminietration offices was receivedfor consideration ~ \ Y during the preparation of the 1936-193'7 budget. It v,ra.s, ho~vever, upon motion, agreed to allo~v an appropriation of ~25.00 each for the month of July pending deciaion on the above request. ° Rev. Alexander Niiller, President of Associated Charitiee, appeared and told the Commissioners Associated Charities were asking for $35,000.00 for the current yean- ~~5,000.00 to be raised by publi¢ eubscriptions and $p30s000.00 r:equested of the ~C~~a City and County. The matter vaas discussed at length and the question oS prorating i '~- an appropriation was raised, ~^~hereupon ~Gr. Trask, moved and it vras seconded b~r } I~ir. ~Yade and carried~ that the appropriation to be agreed on be paid on a basis of • the taxable values of the City and County respectively. • A motion offered by ]vIr. Traslc, and seconded by L~r. Wade, iixing the appropriation ~for Asaociated Charities at ~24,000.00, was upon motion°of P~2r. Trask, seconded by It~ir. Hall, withdrawn by unanimous .consent. The two Boards then, upon motion of ~ Pdr. Fisher unanimously fixed the appropriation at ~25~000.00 for the fiscal year 1936-1937, the same to include all expenses and ~cost of relief gardens including supervision of the same. It is the aense of the two Boards that Mr. Carl Rehder ~~~~ be employed to supervi:se,the relie£ gardens in consideration of his previous ~-- ~d experience in that work.The mayor and ~Ls.Hewlett were named to confe~ ~oPith ~ lufr.J..A.Taylor t.o work out a basis of cost and method of procedure of relie~< gardenin$. The appro•priation of the Consolidated Board of~Health, submitted by the CounEy Health Officer was discussed at length and upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded,by ~r. Fisher,. was approved for the same amount as last year plus an additional ai'low- ance of ~ 416.83 by the County and ~50.4q by the City occasioned by increases in salar.ies and to supplement Soc~a1 Service Ftands fox the employment~of a public health nurse, making a grand to:t~]: of ~p3g,457.95 to be paid one fourth by the • County and three fourths by the City. The foregoing budget was adopted by the~~ following vote taken: Pdayor Walter H. B1air and Commiasionera W.Louis Fisher, Jas.E.L.Wade, and Jas. M. I~11 voting Aye. :-. ~ ' ~ , ,.1, Q . d. ; .. , •.v .. ', ~; ~ Commissioners Geo:~.Trask, and J.H.Hinton voting' No~ on account of increases~ allo~red. Chairman i~ddison He~vlett not voting. • ' Upon motion of Mr. Wade, seconded b$~ BQr. Hinton, Iair. Fisher and 1u1s. HewTett were ~~ named to represent the two Boards in making necessary Sponsors-agreements for sewing ~ ~,J machines for the various WPA sewing projects and to provide, when necessary, ~ '~F'indin~s'~ or buti:ons and thxead etc., to enable to carry on, thoae things not provided for out of Federal funds. ~ . ~ :f:_ . , Y Tdeeting of July 9th,1936~ continued. .. ~ . `;UPon motion of L~r. Hinton, seconded by Idr. Fisher, the budget appropriation for /~ -~ /~ ~~ the Bureau of Identification was fixed 2.t ~1,400:00 each by the City and County. s'~ ' ~,2\ _ The joi.nt neeting was then adjourned and the follo~ing County busine~s transacted. ~/v Upon motion of P,,r. Trask, seconded by Idr. Hall, bills for expense for holding, ~ ~ i~QP/ ,second primary July 4th, amounting to ~835.26•were approved for payment. Upon motion of ibr. Trask, seconded by P~x. Hinton, the Board authorized and ~- directed the payment of County's half cost of draft when presented.at the bank ,. ~~ry~~'~~~ v~ith mortgage and note on the property of Cape Fear Arti]lery Incorporated, , bloek #I59, properly receigted for cancellation. . ' An application for license presented in due Yorm and execution by Jack Richard ,.J /~~~~ T~Iatouk to sell beer at "Pig~Trail Inn" located on the Castle Hayne road, was approved. the meeting then adjourned~ ~ti ~~.s~, : ' , - ~erk. Nilmington,N.C.,July 13th,1936. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held at 3s00 P.D4. ~ Presents Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.W.Trask, J.H.Hinton and H.R.Gardner. , Upon motion, iFhn. U. BreMer of Albemarle, N. C., Was granted an abatergent of , /` poll taxes for the years 1932-1933 and 1834 and being a non-resident was released ~ ~~(~~ from payment of penalties for not li~tin~ lot ~431 Audubon for said years. • ~r. Peter B. Ruffin submitted a report of the activities oY the V7ilmington Port ,,,,( ~~~~ Commisaion for quarter ending June 30th,1936, which Ke.s received and ordered filed. Budget estimates for the Port Corunission submitted by ]uSr. Ruffin for the• year 1936-1937 wrere received for consideration. • ~ , ~ ti'lalter H. Blair, Il~ayor and Commissionerr!of Finance Vd.I,oui.s Fisher of the.City • ~ Commissioners tilere present and heard a request of the Board of Managers of , . ` Jas. 4Jalker Hospital submitted by ISr. '~.D.~cCaig, urging the City and County to ' ~\ ,,,, i =pTOVide funds for the employment of' an Investigator of charity cases under the •~ ~~1°~ supervision of the Board of Health, seeking admission to the ho~pital for.free ~ treatment; with the viet~J of reducing the nwmber of charity patients ~vhich has ~~ been coi7stantly increasing, and which wi.ll ultimately make additional hospital facilities and nurses' home space necessary. Upon motion of 1~s. Traslc, seconded • e, ~ by Pdr. Fisher, the request was taken und-er consideration. ~ . Upon motion, the Board gave authority to have 200 copies of the annual report of.~ ,, c~ti'F5ti/ the County Auditor printed for year ending June 30th,1936. . ~' Upon motion of T~r:. Trask, seconded by P~r. Hinton~ the Board, upon recommendation ~ '~ /.~~A ~,~,Y~,o~' the Supt., of Public Welfare, re-admitted Charles Leslie to the County Home ae ~~`~"~ an inmate. ~\ ~ ~~ s'• Upon r~ot.ion, Charlie Charles was upon'recommendation of the Supt., of Public ... ' ,.. ~M•,~i~ Welfare admitted to•the County Home as an irunate. . ~ ~ Upbn recommendata:on of the Supt.; of Public '+~elfare,.authority was given to provide /~ ' ~- transportation at a cost of 75¢ for returning Mrs+ Bell Gore to her home in ' ~ .; ' + ~ ~~ Columbus County. ' r""` '~ ~Back taxes due by Hugh Pace on property in block ~74 was referred to the-Committee ~•~ ~ -r ~y for investigation. , ~ `:' .` ~ A reqitest of Woodus Kelliun ~sq., for a reduction of the 1°36 assessment on house ~~ ~ at Sunset Park, increased by ~5,b00.00 on account of repairs and additions, Pra.s ' /~ ~ refer~ed to the Coimnittee with power to act. 1' • r, ~~~ 5 A report of the Ladies Rest room for the month of June was received. ./ '~ ~I A request o£ the Board oY ~ducation that the sum of ~2,500.00 be placed to the ,,~ ~ i'~~c~ credit of the school account to take caxe of expenditurea for July, was approved: ~ ~ 1~J An application for license to sell beer on the Gordon road near the Airport,k."' a ~ a?« submitted in due form and execution by T.A.Shepard, was approved. ~ ;• ~~~ Upon motion tlie Board approved the payment of County's half of ~24.20 for fingerprint,=~ '~ Kit for the Bureau of Ident3fication purchased December 6th,1935. ` ,~The Commissioners upon reco~nendation of tlle Alcoholie Beverage Contr.ol Board, approvecl the neiv location of A.B.C.~tore #104 located on trian~le betvreen State ,Iiighway ~20 and electric railv~ay tracks at Station No.l, PJrightsville Beach at ar{ ~ annual rental of ~',0350.00 in lieu of fortner location on Mest si.de of electric . / ~railulay at Station No.l. The Board also approv.ed the increase in rent on store ~102 ~: located on the north-~vest corner of Fourth and Nixon Streets from ~16..00 to ~25.00 , ~nonthly as of June lst,1936, as.recommended by the A.B.C.Board. i IuIisss Gl.adys B. Procter, 4th, District 1~PA Supervisor of ~omen's Projects,appeared an ,~ I1 asked the County to join the City in providing a~~1,000.00 appropriation for.tia7PA , ~~ --- W g~~ sewin~ rooms ior six months and $500.0o•for underprivile~ed $irls~ recreat'ional ! ~ center. The request was received for consideration as a budget item. The meeting then adjourned. ~ ~, // 17 /~/GS T C . /~G7/~Un ~ C1erk./ ` 4~2 . . .... ~ , . ' Wilmington, N. C., July 20th,1.936. , ; , TY~e regular weekly Meeting of the Board G~a.s held at 3;00 P.ld. • ' Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.1~J.Trask, Jas. Id. I~ill, J.H.Hinton and ~ i H.P..Gardner. . • • ' _a/ `~ Upon mecommendation of the Supt., of Public 'v'Velfare, and upon motion of Iu1r. Trask,~ ' , ' ~ ~ ~ ~ seconded by Mr. Hinton, the Board a~reed toripay the cost of expense for treatment / of Lemuel C. 3~7illiams at the State Sanatorium at a cost of 50~ per day plus • laundry, and upon motion of P,tr, Hall, seconded 'oy Ydir. Hinton, authorized the i ~ ~ admission of Caladonia Roderick, Catherine Armstrong and Helen Beatty to thea, . -,,., County Home as inmates d~hen room is_available. _. - . ~ J -\ ~,~/ Dr. ~ohn T. ~Ioggard, Chairr~an of the Board of Education,presented the budget ~ uxi,`~T' estimates for school requirements 1936-1937 as follows:' r Extended Term,....... $67,803.00 - ,`~ . , T~aintenance,......... 33,605.50 .~ Debt Service,........ 14,782.00 ' ~ Capital Outlay,...... 4,000.00 ~ .,. Books .. ............ 12,500.00 . . ". . making a total of ....................... 132,690.50 . ~ - ~ The budget was explained in detail by Mr. John 0. NfarshaLl, member of the - - ,~l, Budget Committee of i;he Board of Education, who, on behalf of the 73oard of ~ ~,,k~J" ~ Education, recou¢nended a levy of 18R' of the 20¢ maximum leny ratified at electiori ' f held lday 12th,1936, t_o raise the above amounts, v~hich ~vas upon motion of I,~r. Trask, . seconded by NIr. Aall, adopted. . - "'' e. ~. Upon motion of LZr. Hinton, seconded I~r.Ha11, the school bud~e't estimates vrere ,~ , ~$~ approved as ~resented. , - ~ ~ / A reque's~t of I~r. J. 0. Hinton that the ~750.00 reduction of assessment on house of ~ , block #100 for the year 1936, be uiade effective.for the years ~r ~rs. S;allie C. Davis ~~~ / , 1931 to 1935 inclusive and be allowed to pay the,back iaxes due on,same to~ether • Sunset Park and iot ~~10 7 block #24 3ot ~4 ert k t d n her ro ~ith b . . , . ~ , y, ue o p ac axes p v block #3, and lot #1, and block ~~4-FYilming~on Beach on the 3°J, basis, ~^ras referred to , ~ .. . the Chairman and Cotmnittee for investigation and with power to act. . . ~ ' ~ . _ Y~ ~M • Ilrs. F.F7.qvant and F'oster Burnett appeared and urged the Board to increase the appropriation for CoM~aunity•Hospital, 8olored, srom ~,900.00 to ~1,500.00 annually, •.'. ~ ,~r~ in.viev~ of inareased nwnber of charity patients and a campaign a~ainst venereal, ~'- / ~" disea~es~ Dr. Avant related very interestingly the steady gro~vth and echievements ' made ~~ baring;:for its colored citizens since 1927. Upon motion of Mr. Hall~ ,~ ~ -~. seconded by Pdr. Hinton, the request was granted. /~ r.~M1~ A report of Jas.Walker Hospital for the month of June was received. ~r _ / ~ ' ',. . Mr. T. A. Henderaon, Clerk of Superior Court, requestecl a lOf increase in salaries - r~ ' for the clerks in his office and that the salary of ISr. A.L.~lfeyland be increased ~ ~ ~ from ~I75.00 to ~p200.00 per month. These matters having been taken care of by ~/, ~ a general increase of ~p5.00 monthly in salaries,provided in the budget estimates , » for county employees,rtot::othe"'rcrise:fixed~-b$~ iaw;cithe Board,took no furtlzer action. ', " - `'q . . A requeat of I+Lr. Henderson that the temporary extra clerk employed in checking ~ ~ ~ :'-~ ~ r ,~ but the salary of ~~ guardian accounts etc., be made permanent, was declined, /~'f ~Niiss 'Carrie Newkirk for checking the aacounts ~~a.s increased from $50.00 to ~60.00 . : ~ ;~'- • .per month for a period of six mmnths~ from July lst,1936. , • ;: ~~' , ~~ 1 ' ' c . No action was taken on the re9uest of I~,Ir. I,indsay Ruesell to provide an appropriation , e. ~ ' ~ t,~ for forest fire prevention. •. • •'~ ~ '` ; F~ q * . The County Auditor presented his annual report together with~a report of 'the Alcoholi~l, , : `• ~~~ 4~ Beverage Control Board, which were received. ~ A communication was received from the County Auditor advising the amount of deposit~, ~ • -„k,~J~ ~;n each bank as of June 30th, together with a memorandum of securities held in each , \ ~ ~/"~~ case. The County's 1936-1937 budget estimates were presented, showing t,he amounts for . -• '• -~expenses for the County Government, its activities and institutions, for the year ~• ~ ~Y ~~~' ending June 30th,1937. The same tivere received and approved and ordered placed in.' ~`" the hands of the Clerk £or public expection for a period of twenty days preceding • ~ '~ . adoption of the appropriation resblution August lOth,1936. - ; ~; i en, I!s. R.S.I~cKeithan was granted. at<redu~tiontof ~505.00 in asse~sment on , . upon mot .,;~ ~ /~r }~roperty ~Y~cblo~kC#~59 on account of error in assessment ori land and to equalize '• .~~~~ the building assessmerit,as of April lst,1933, and an abatement of taxea on a '" •` ~ _,,, . valuation,of ~505.00 for the said years was ordered. , ~. ~~" ,` ' Upon motion of ISr. Trask, seconded by I~'ir. Gardner, the follotiving resolution fixing ,,,..r ~ , ~. :. ~ . ~ ~~ `~ the follovring tax rate vaas adopted, all members voting affirmatively including the p /L~ Chairman: ~ • Be it resolved by the Boaxd of Conmi~sioners of New Hanover County, that ~. •. the folloNing tax levies and assessments upon all taxable property Yor the year '< \ , 1936 as provided and autkiorized by the Gen~ral and Special Acts of the Legislature, ' , to be as follovrs: • • , : - . . . . . . , , . . :~ ~ ...... ~ `,'. , , ....,.., ._.,.~ . . ~ - . " •`' '%' ~. - - .. : ..,..,.a. . . - ' 443 ~ ~ ~eeting of' July 20th,1936, continued. , . 1936 ' ~ TAX RATEs Pronertv ~0.75. POL~ ~2.50 ..', - ~ Schools ................. .. U.UU 1.50 . c • . •' - 0 016 - School Books,~~~~~~~• •~~~~• • ~chool Penaions ............. 0.004 ~ ~. ~ ~ , - School Bond Fund,............0.20 ~ .42 ~ County Home .................. 0.045 :. . General Fund ................ 0.15 .50 . . Special Tax .................- 0.021 ~' ~ liealth Fund ................. 0.02 ' : ~ _ ~~.. : Hospital Fund,.............. 0.022 ~ ~ Port Development,........... 0.02 •, .. , County Home Bond b'un8,......` 0.005 ~ -' , Court House Bond .N'und, ...... 0.027 7~ Ferry Bond Fund ............. 0.01 ~ . . Roa.d Bond Fund .............: `0.03 ~ . OS ` .~, ~; , Total County Rate,......$~ 0:57 . ~ 2.50 , - ,' ~ ' ~ Special School Tax,......... .1$ ~ • Total Rate,..............~.0.?5 , ' • Tne matter of increases~in the salaries of the members of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board wras brou~ht up and after len~thy discussion I~~TS. Trask moved, tYiat in ~ ~ vieva of an understanding at the~time of appointment of Lhe Board members,they vrould ' n~ be given salary increases if the operation of the s~ores would warrant.such action, ~ '. '~~I""~ the salary of Pdr. Vd.D.~cIs2illan, Chairman of the A.B.C:Board>be increased from ' ~2,400.00 to ~3,000.00 ancl the salaries of Messrs. IuI.TJ.Divirie and F.D.Poisson each ,,, • be increased from ~1,800.00 to ~2,400.00 per year. His motion did not receive a ~ -- second and was, therefore, not put to a vote by,.the Chairman. ' A motion was then offered by S1r. Hinton, seconded by N[r. Hall, and .ur~animously ,~ carried, increasing the salary of Ms. 47.D.IV[acP~illan from ~2,400.00 to $$2,700.00 ~ ~ c~~,~^'~and the salaries of EQessrs I~.VJ.Devine and F.D.Poisson,each, from ~1,800.00 to . / $p2,400.00 per year, as of date July~lst,1936. '• ' A report of the findings of Measrs. Henry G. Levris, ~.L.Robinson and J.E.Taylor, • t freeholders of ~'ederal Point township who tivere named to investigate the claim of , „.~;f~/~ hir. S. T. Keyes for damages account of losa of thirty-bhree turkeys and tv~o chi.cY.ens . ~ killed by do~s orr June 25th,1936, fixin~ the dama~es in the amo~nt of $~78.00, was . received and action postponed for furthex consideration. . A request of F.arriss Newman, Esquire, that the Heirs of George Fulton, colored, be / . „ ~ allo~ved to pay back taxes due on property in block 223 on the 3°~ basis on account of, / y 1(;~ negotiations'for funds to pay the back taxes 'vuae started priorto Febr.uary lst,1936, "~~ J •, . vras refexred to the ChaixTpan and Committee for investigation and with,potiver to act. / ~ An application for license to sell beer at Cox Store, East 1~dilmington, presented in i( ,~ ~~ due form and e~ecution by L.C.Vereen, was upon motion approved. , ° ~~ Upon motion, duly seconded, County bills Plos. 1 to 139 were approved for payment./• . ~.:', . ~ A request for adjustment of back taxes of' ~,lex Yeager and Charlotte Howard in block ~~/ ' :,, ;~ ,~-~GX ~25, was referred to the Chairman and Corrnaittee f'or iiivestigation. ~\ :' ~_~~-L,~he County Auditore cash report for the month of,June was received and ordered filed. c '' ~ '' . -i ° .. ?„ The meeting then adjourned. ~ , , , ~7.liJ~i 7L.J~S~vr1Gl ~ . .; ; • `Clerk. ~ ~ ; ~ ~"~ " ~ , ~ ti9ilmington, rr.C., July 27th,1936. . The regular v~eekly meeting of the Board was held at 3s0o P.M. .~ Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman~ Geo:P~`.Trask,J.H.Hinton and H.R.Gardner. ~ The Board acting upon the recommendation of the County Attorney and upon motion • ;,~? •~ • ' of i~r. Hinton,, seconded by f~r,. Trask, granted the request of J.~,.LeGrand,Esq., to ,~'.~ ;~7~/~ abate the personal property taxes charget~ in the name of Brooklyn Drug Company •~ p. `against real estate in block ~293 for the years 1931, 1932 and~1933, for the reason . ' that the said Company hA.d no equity in the real estate, was in the hands of Receivers . ' and the personal property sold in 1932 for the benefit of its creditors, applying ~ part payment on the 1932 taxes. ~' Upon moti`on of Iur. Gardner, seconded by Idr. Hinton, authority was given to advance . '• ~S ~jJ~,..the August appropriation to the Salvation Army Home to meet temporary e:cpense for ,,._"~," ` carin~ for, the children of Nirs. tiJhorton 1~icIver. :,•~ ~ Upon motion of P3r. Trask, seconded by P.4r. Hinton, T~r. Fitzhtzgh Lee vJas released from~ V/ ":_ '~ ~.~x payment of penalty for not listing lot ~4 in block ~5,•@arolina ~each for the years '` i 1934 and 1935, on account of being a non-resident. , Upon motion of Iar. Hinton, seconded by Mr. Gardner,'the Board authorized the ./ payment of 60~ flf an ap~ropriation of ~3,000.00 to Associated Cliarities account of ~ • ,.' ~,_~~Uj~its 1936-37 bud~et allo~vance, the City agreeing to pay.ita 40-J part of same, to meet . '~ an emergency occasioned by temporary stispension of WI'A work,which has Rince been ` t~ • ~ resumed. ~., . : ' ~~~, The matter of permitting the use of the airport for commercial purposes by citizens '. „`,,,~~~°other than the present lessees, and matters, pe;rtaining to the future use of the field, • /~"~''r~ vras referred to the Aviation Committee and the;COUnty:.Attorney for investigation. . . , ,. ' ~ • ~eetin~ of July 27th,1936, continued. ~ applications for license,presented in due form and execution, by J.D:-~gford, r: ~ and Henry C. Stalter, to sell beer at locations on the Carolina Beach road and` ~-~'~ route 30, f:our mi3es east•of Wilmington, respectively, were approved: .^/ Upon motion of 1~r. Hintony seconded by i~r. Gardner,-the Regiater of Deeds was'~ ' - ~/~^,~u~llowed an appropriation •of ~I50.00 for the purchase of paper,binders and ot~er ~U ~~ materials for re-habilitating the old block books with ~/PA labor. Upon motion of PSr. Trask, secondeaEcby Tfir. Hinton, Ws. C. I~. 44aldorf af WilmingtonV ~a~ township was exempt from payment of poll taxes on account of physical disabilities.' • ( Blind ). ~ r„'.~ • Upon motion of T+~r. Trask,. seconded by I~Sr. Hinton, the asaessment on one and• half ~ ~ ' /~ acres of land located on R'oute #30, near Hobbs and Leeuv~enber.g, Harnett toivnehip, . ~ purchased by B. B. C,ameron;Jr.~ Srom Hanover-Brunswick Investment Company, was ~ ', ~ „1..- fixed at ~p225.00. • Upon motion of P~nr. Hinton, seconded by ~~t:Lr. TrasL, the Board authorized the payment~ , :" ~i~~~ of $n80.35 to the Employment Bureau account of its 1936-37 budget allowance. 'Y. 1: ~ V FL Upon motion of Mr. Hinton; seconded by Iidr. Gardner, the Supt., of Public~Welfare~ ~; (~~vas allowed transportation and expense for talcing J. B. Rogers,Jr.~ to Eastern .r ~.E Carolina Training School. , ~ ~ The Board then took a recess until 10t00 o'clock A.M.,' Wednesday July 29th,1936, , '. to meet with the City Cotmnissioners and our representatives in the Legislature to ~(~~ discuse the matter of interest rate on back taxes. '. • ~.-~' ~ nA . . . _ • i'"/iJrir ~l.N~. ~---- ~~~ff . . , , ' ~ Glerk. VJilmington,~I.C.., July 29th,1936. ,- , Pursuant to recess taken July 27th,1936, the Board met at the City Hall in ,jaint ~ ' /~~~ session v~ith the City Commissioners at 1~sQq A.i~I., to_discuss interest rate on ;• ~ back taxes. ~• ' PresentsQoufit~;lCommissioners- Addison Hewlett Chairma.n, Geo. SJ. Trask= H. R. Gardner, and J.H.Hiriton. City Cornmissioners present: ~Yalter H. Blair, I~iayor, ,W.Louis Fisher and Jas.E.L.\3tade _ and Representative Thos.E.Cooper. - .. I . . T~r. Cooper told the Commissioners that he v~ould ~~~ present a bill at the next session of the Legislature that v~ould fix the rate of interest on back taxes similar to the _ j~ • biil he introduced~and which was enact'ed into lav~ 1935 session, ae he had. promieed ~~ , during.his campaign. Therefore after general discussion, I~iir. Gardner moved and it was ~ ~ ~~'fi duly seconded 'oy T~ir. Wade and carried, that under and by v_irtue of Chapter 73 of the Public-I,ocal•Laws 1935, the City-County Tax Collector be and he is hereby fully ~ authorized and empowered to accept payments of back taxes as appesr on the back `tax rw records plus 3~ flat rate of interest in full settleuaen~.thereof, for period from ~' the date hereof until October lst~1936, both inclusi~re,,,~A~mot'ion'~ered by flr.Traek, i~• to fix the rate of interest at 3~ for the firat thirty days and 4% for the next . tnirty days following, did not receive a second. * The meeting then adjourned. ~~ ~ ~~ ~ • . ~~ . . ~1 erk. . ~ilmington, N. C., August 3rd,1°36. The regular meeting of the Board was held at ~s00 P.I~. , Presen~C.a Addison ~3ewlett Chairman, Geo. ~Y. Trask,J.H.Hinton and H.R.Gardrier. Lr. A. B. Rhodes, &egister of Deeds, appeared and announced,the appointment of ~ ~~ ;: I~iss Edna Bror•rn as a deputy Register of Deeds effective as of this date, to take the~ ~ . place of l~rs. Nellie D. Levois ~vhoee resignation becomes eff'ective September lst, as p~ ~advised by Mr. Rhodes. The appointment me~ ~ithuthe approval of the Commiseioners, -~1 ~~ and upon motion of I~nr. Hinton, seconded by Ialr. . Traak, the salary o£ Mise Bro~an was , ' fixed at ~90.00 per month for a period of three montns be~inning Auguat 3rd,143b. . Upon motior. of lur. Gardner, secmnded by ~4r. Hinton, the Board a~reed to give to` . Warren Pennington, a contract for the coumiexcial privileges at Bluethenthal Airport upon the same basis of a former a~reement as outlined in a communication received )~ \ from the Coastal Flains Air~~ays Incorporated dated July 15th,1°29, and the County V ~~ Attorney vras instruc~ed to dra~v said contract along the lines indicxted. Instructions G~ were given that other:parties interested~iefrain fxom~the:use of:the':fi~ld commercially --~~ until mutual adjustment of the matter can be arranged. Meesre. W.E.Edwards and Kenneth Wooten appeared later and asked that the natter of executing a contract with. Ws. Pennington be deferred until they may be given opportunity to-present their side of the matter. ---•, ~ A request of P~r. Earl C. Dickinson fox a reduction of the assessment on tkie property %(a~ of Hrs.ISrs.Bessie E. t4artin, block #99, with the viecr of settleing baclc taxes due on / / the same for years 1930 to 1935 inc., was referred to the Committee for investigation. T d d b Mr d tl B d a th d a ent of ~ r,. Upon motion of .~Ir. Hinton, secon e y . Gar ner, ze oar u orize p ym r' ~j ~` transportation for returning urirs. Ida 2~arine Poston and James Russ to VJasnington,D.C. - 2~ ~ An audit report of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board for period from August 3rd,1335 ~~ ~~j`~ to June 30th,1936, waN received. / . \~i,.,A request of the Bo~.rd of Education that the sum of $6,400.00 be placed~to the credit~. •, ,~'1~'t-" of the School accour~t to take care of expenditures for the month of August was granted: .. ` . ~:~ 44~ Meeting of August 3rd,1936, continued. ' ~ r'~ Upon motion, glir. Clarence D, x'rench vaas granted an abatement of taxes on a valuation V r~ ~~~ of ~2,200.00 for the year 1935,on house located on lot ~66 block "J" i~rightsvi~le ' /~ beach not completed April lst,1935. A request of l~dr. Emmett ii. Bellamy that Ben,jamin W. Hoivard be granted the. benefit of ~ ~ the 3f'flat intereat rate in settlement of back taxes on his property in block ~238, l~ paid throu~h TSajor Graham K. Hobbs,Commissioner, f'or the reason that ne~otiations ! for funds for payment of said taxes v+ere started prior to February lst,1936~ was allowed and the diff'erence ordered"refunded. . ~ • , - ~ ` r - • . Upon motion of i~r. Hinton, seconded by Y~4r. Gardner, the Board accepted the report of , ~_ _(~ Tu~essrs. Henry G. I,ewis, E.L.Robinson and Tohn E. Taylor,freeholders, of Federal Point/ ~~(,~~~m~~` Township, and approved the payment of ~78.00 to S.T.Keyes by the Board of Education , 'out of the dog tax fund for the loss~of thirty-three turkeys and two chiclcens lcilled by dogs on the night of June 25th,1~36. < . . , . , . f3~~ ~~ Application for license presented in due form and execution by Chasles T. Saleem to :-r «" sell beer at location on route #20 near V7inter Park, was approved. ~ Upon motioil of T:+fr. Gardner, seconded by P~r. Trask, the Chairman ~~ras asked to name a, ~~otrnnittee to take up r~ith Senator J.W.Ba'iley the matter of Beach erosion at our beach L/ ~~' eaorts with the view of securing Federal aesistance. ~. Upon motion of It4r. Gardner, seconded by i~r. Hinton, the Chairman and County Auditor ~. .!~~ were named to represent this Board before the State Highvray ~; Public Y7orks Commission ~ . `~ in an effort to'd~termine a base upon which to file a claim for reimbursement of funds donated to the St,ate Highrray Co~ission prior to July lst,1931 for road ir~provements. ,'~ - ~ Upon motion,'duly aeconded, E.B. 8,nd H.J.Bugg were granted an ab~tement of taxes oY~ , > ~~~ a valuation of ~460.00 for the year 1936 on account of removal of building from lot, v , ih block #204 prior to April lst,1936, and assesement reduced accordingly. ~~ Upon motion of~Nir, Gardner, ;Che Clerk tivas instructed to write I~r. Victor Bryant,Chairman :,l .~ of the Corc¢nission appointed By the Governer to inveatigate A].coholic Beverage COntrol~ requesting permission to present the County's s.ide of the'question'at its next'meeting: \,~„ „.The matter of purchasing,an ice box for the County Home was referred to the County Homei(~ ~ ~ -=GN3~~'~''Committee v~ith pov~er to act. ' ~ ~ ~ The following bonds and coupon~ ~re"sented-by the County Auditor as ha.ving been paid . G/ ,. ~~p~ `',,~ere burned in the presence of the Boards ' ~ COUNTY HOIILE BONDS _ ~., , Coupbn No. 13 Bonde No. 13 to 28 inc- 16 C~ ~23.75- ~ 380:00 . • COURT HOUiE BON173 ~ Coupon No. 25 Bonds No. 81 to 160 inc., 80 @ 25.00- • 2,000.00 " " 25 " ~~ 165 " 169 " 5 ~ 25.00- '125.00 ~ " " 25 '~ " 1.71 " 225 ° 55 G~ 25.00- 1,375.00- ~ FERRY BONIY~ •. Coupon rTo. 34 Bond No. l to 50 inc., 50 @ 25.00- 1,250.00 , ' " " 31 " " 33 ~~ 50 inc.~ 18 p 30.C0- 540.00 ' ' '~ ROAD BOPID6 '~ .. Coupon No. 46 " " 1" 4 inc., 4~ 25.00- 100.0a : " " 46 " " 6" 75 inc., 70 0 25.00- 1,750.00 " '~ 46 " " 76-77-78 3 9 12.50- 37.50 ~ ` " " '~ 46 " ~~ 80 & 82 70 84 4(a3 12.50- 50.00 " : ~ " " 46 ° " 86-89-91-92-93 5 Q 12.50- 62.50 •- ~' '~ 46 " ~~ 97 to 101 Inc.s 5 A 12.50-` 65.50 _ ~ " ~~ 46 " ~' 103-104-106 3 p 12.50- 37.50 ~ .. " " 46 " " 108 to 119 Inc., 1.2 @ 12.50- I50..00 " " 46 " " 121 to 125 Inc., 5(~ 12.50- 62.50 ' :'' "' '~ 49 " ° 33 to 35 Inc., 3@ 22.50- 67.50 ~~ ~~ 50 " " 3& 4 2~ 22.50- 45.00 , ,' ~ ' " " 50 " " 6 to 18 Inc., 13Q 22.50- 292.50 ~ " " 50 ~~ ~~ 20 to 50 Inc., 31 C 22.50- 697.50 ~ SCHOOL BO~DS ~ " Coupon ~To. 46 Bonde No. 1 to 44 Inc., 44 Q 25.00.. 1,100.00 ~_ ' " '! 46 " " 46 ODII,Y 1 ~ 25.00- 25.00 --_ " " 46 "' ~' 52 to 95 Inc., 44 0 25.00-. 1,100.00 t ' .' '~ " 46 `~' " 101 t0 150 Inc., 50 ~ 25.00- 1,250.00 ,' , " " 46 " " 151 to 20a Inc., 50 p 12.50-_ 625.00 , - " " 36 " " 1 and 2 2 G 25.00- 50.00 ' ,' "• " 36 "~ " 18 to 62 Inc., , 45 C~3 25.00- ~ 1,125.00 ~ ~ " " 36 " ~' 64 to 70 I2fc., 7 9 25.00- 175.00 ,'^ " " 36 " ~' S1 to 125 Inc., 45 ~ 25.00- 1,125.00 ' 1 " " 34 ~' ~~ 76 to 125 Inc., 50 ~ 25.00- 1,250.00 ~ " '~ 34 " ~" 61 to 100 Inc., 40 @ 25.00- 1,000.00 ~ , " " 33 "' •0 136 to 225 Inc., 90 @ 25.00- 2,250.00 ~ , ~ " " 13 `" ~' 74 to 105 Inc., 32 ~ 23.75- 760.00 .._ ~' " 13 `" •'~ 141 to 242 Inc., 102 ~ 23.75- 2,422.50 •. , ' " " 13 "" " 51' to 355 Inc., 305 (~A 23.75- 7,243.75 ~. ~ School Bonds Nos. 61 to 64 Inc., 4@1000.00- 4,000.00 " " " 76 to SO Inc., 5~ 1000.00- 5,000.00 ' Road Bonds P~os. 3-4-5 3(o~ 1000.00- 3,000.00 ~ " " " 10 to 18 Inc., 9@ 1000:00- 9,000.00 , " " '" 20 t'o 50 Inc.~ ~' 31 Q 1000.00- 31,000.00 ~ 62,586.25 - S CEOOI, BO,IDS ~ ;, Coupon No• 45 Bonds I~To.47 to 51 Inc., 5~ 25.00- 125.00 ~ - • ' • ~~ ~~ 45' '~ '~ 1'18 ' ' ' ~ ' ' ' ' 1' ~ 12.50- 12. 50 137. 50 ~" _ . ~. . ~ . .... ...... ..... . , . , . ........ .. ......... . - . ~ ... ...................... . , -- r : • ~46 ~ ldeeting of August 3rd,1 936, continued. Coupon No, 35 Bonds No. 62 1 ~ ~25.00- ~ 25.00 _ " " 45 " " 24-45-63-~02-109 5 ~ 25.00- 125.00 ~ F~OAD BOI~ Coupon No. 45 Bonds No. 23 _ 1 ~ 25.00.- . 25.00 •, " " 45 " ° 83_94_95-105-10?-119 123-125 8 ~ 12.50- 100.00 $ 275.00 ': ROAD BONI~i Coupon No. 49 Bonds TTo. 36-37-40-4I-42 5 p 22.50- 112.50 ~ ° " 45 " '~ 77..87-88-96 ' 4 @ 12.50- 50.00 162.50 . R@.AD BON7aS " Coupon No. 49 Bonds No. 22 to 24 Inc., 3 (Q 22.50- 67.50 " " 12 n '~ 59 to 63 Inc.,~ 5 C~ 23.75- _ 118.75 School Bonds Nos. 59 to 63 Inc., 5 p i, 000.00- 5,000.00 $5„186.25 ~ The Board then took a recess until 1Os00; o'cloch A.~., Iuonday August lOth,1936. '' c~l`lh 7l,~tSrvcLci . 0 Clerk. tiVilmington,N.C., August lOth~1936. The regular weekly meeting of the ~'oard was held this day at 10:00 o'clock.A.M., pursuent to recess taken gugust 3rd,1936, to give the Connnissioners and County Auditor ~ ~ ~~?„~/' opportunity to leave this afternoon for Asheville,N.C., to attend the meeting of the .~ f~~ State Association of Coiinty Commissioners and Auditors convening there August llth,y v~ ~ '~~ through the 13th. , Presents Addison.Hewlett Chairma.n, Geo.tV.Trask and J.H.Hinton. -'' - ~~~ Upon motion, the Board approved payment of ~?00.00 to Edward C. Craft,C.P.A., for ~... '~ p~~~t` his servicea auditing the records and accounts of the County Officers,as per contr~ct~` . for year ending June 30th,1936. ~; ~~~\y upon motion, duly seconded, county bi11s Nos. 140 to 431 were approved for pay~pent.~ ,. / ~A communication was received from the County Auditor advising the amount of deposit ,. t~FS'in each bank as of July 31st,1936, together with a~emorandum of' securities held by /~ ~ ~~~ us in each case. • , Upon motion, duly seconded, the Board authorized transportation for Nellie Edwar.ds ,, to Duplin County as requested by the Superintendent of Publie Welfare~ to be,received • ~~~ in the home of a 34rs. Boney there. ~ The County's T936-1937 Budget Appropriations were then adoptedi;~ and upon motion of ('~ ~, ~~ ~ P~r. Trask, seconded by I~r. Iii.nton, the follovring appropriation resolution was adopted, all rriembers present voting affirmatively- ' APFROPRIATION RESOLUTION ~ ~ection 1. Be it resolved by.the Board of County Commissioners of New Ha nover County, North Carolina, this lOth, day of August 1936, that for expenae of County Government, ~ its activities and institutions for the year ending June 30th,193'E, the amounts of the follodving sche`dules, or so much of each as may be necessary, are hereby appropriated. -t ~ .. ~ , ` ,. i n . ~ •. , • s Section 2. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated for the "Co~ynty,•' ' ~ General Fund" the follo~vi:n$: ' ' +~ General Fund,. ....................... ~p3.32,864.24 ~ ~mergency Fund~5~ ........................ 6,643,.21 $139,507.45 Section 3. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated for the County Relie£, (Special Tax),..... 8,000.00 8,000.00 Section 4. That for the said fiscal ye~r there are.,hereby appropriate~ for "Salary ~'und" the following: ` Sheriff,. .. . .. ..................... 8,610.00 Clerk of Superior~Court ....................... 7,672:50 Regiater of Deeds ...............~ ........... 5,290.00 Constable ........................'............ 1.207.50 . Section 5. That for the said fiscal year there are hereby ` appropriated out Df the ~`County Home F~xnd~~ the following: Courity Home,...' .............................. 12,589.09 County Farm .................................. 4,083.00 I?rainage ..................................... 4,147.00 20,819.09 Emergency Fund 5f ........................ 1,040.95 ' $ection 6. That for the said fiscal year there are hereby appropriated for the "Aealth Fund" the followingo . Appropriation Board of He~lth ................ 9,639.49 ~Vital $tatistics ............................. 225.00 Pdosquito Conyrol ............................. 1,250.00 Special Dentistry,unemployables .............. 250.00 School Dentist .............................:. 225.00 Y , , I ~ / \ • 22,780.00 ` / 21,860.04 , v 11,588.49 `\ ~ '. ~4 Meetin~ of' August lOth,1936, continued. Section 7. That for the said f'iscal year there is hereby , appropriated out of the "Hospital Fund" the follov~ings ~ ~ , . ~ • Appropriation,_das.~lalker.Hospital~.......... ~ ~ 15,300.00 ~ ~ Section.8.. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated .oa~k of the "School Book r'und" the following: School Books ................................. 12,500.00 12,500.00 ' Section 9. That for the said Yiscal year there are hereby appropria_ted out of the "School ~'und" the follo~singt ' School Extended Term ......................... 67,803:00 , School I~[aintenance ........................... 33,605.50 School Debt Service .......................... 14,782.00 • School Capital Outlay ......................... 4,000.00 120,190.50 , Seotion 10. That for the said fiscal year there are hereby appropriated for the "School Pension Fund"•the follo~ving: , Mise I,ouisa Hill ............................. 477.90 I~ias K~te Johnson .:.......................... 679:50 {~ i~drs. Mary Foy Stone .......................... 560.70 Fannie Blount ................................ 522.00 : ~ -Carrie ,7. ~oore ..................:........... l 301.48 522 00 063 58 ~ 3 da Story ................................ ~ B4ati . . , ;.. . _ .~ '~ection 11..That for the said fiscal year there are hereby "~ appropriated for the "Road ~znd" the followings Fire Insvrance Stockade ......:............... 481.20 * _ Section 12. That for the said fiscal year there are hereby appropriated out oY the "County Bond :~nte'rect,Redemption and • ~inking Funds" the foll.owings CAUnty Hame Bon~1 ~~nlting Fund: ~ ~ ~'. . •Snterest on Bonds;:.:.:........ .............. 760.00 ..r . _ Bond~ ~aturing,,... ..........:............... 2?;000.00 .. ~ ~ CouponoExp.ense ............................... 4.40 2,76~.40 ~ ~ .~ ? . . . .... . - .. '~• Court House Bond~Sinkir~ Funds ~= " =' , ' ~ Interest on Bonds ............................ • o d ; t i ' I ~,.7,250.00 000 :10 00 ng ............................... n s a ur , , B v . , : : . Coupon Expense ...:..........,................. ~ ~ 30.63 0~ 125 405 63 ~ 17 , .......................... Old Coupons,....... . ~ . ... Ferry Bond Sinking Funds~~ ~ ~ ~ Interest on Bonds ............................ 3,580.00 • ~ ' Bonds i:iaturing ................. ............ 3,000.00 ~ . , , Coupon Expense .......:....................... 1?.70 00 2 6 594 70 ^ - Box Rent ................. ,........... ..... . , . ~ Road Bond Sinking Funds • , ~ Interest on Bonds .................:.......... 6,125.00 Bonds I~fa.turing ....:.:.......................: 50,000.00 ' Coupon Expense,......... .............. 77.81 Old Coupons ................ '".............:.. ~ ..... . ........... ' - Box Rent 200.00 2.00 56,404.81 ~ ....... ..... ..., . S;chool Bond Sinkin~ Funds .. , . , _ Interes"t on Bonds .........:.................. 46,290.00 '^ Bonds I~Iaturing ................... .......... ,~` 43,000.00 163 48 i.` . ~i Coupon Expense .......................... ... : . , 375 00 .... Old Coupone ..........:.... .......... . . " Box Rent ................. ................. 4.00 89,838.48 q . i~orkhouse & Gounty:Home Bonds:• ` '~ ,t y Interest on Bonds ..:......................... 850.00 1 _ Total Budget .............. .....,...........$529,7.30.28 -, The meetir~ then adjourned. ' . ~~ ~~ ~ i~ ~. ~ ~ S -O.u • Cler - , ~,, ... , . ~~~ VJilmington;N.C., August 17~h,1936. ~ t '' The xegular weekly raeeting of the Board was held at 3:00 P.I~H. ~ • Present: Addison Hevrlett Chairman, Geo.17.Trask, Jas. Id. Hall, J.~I.Hinton and H.R.Gardner. Upon motion of iJir. Hinton, seconded by Idir. Ha11, the Estate of R.A.Chadwick was released'~ •~ from payment of,penalty for not listing one acre of land part of Chadv~ick,Cape Fear i~~ f~C~, to~vnship f'or the year 1935, for the reason that he 1~.~~ed other property in the County' .`" thinking this ~ras included. . . A request f'or reduction of assessment.on the property oPrRichard Pou+ers, lot south-vrest ~; ~~~ quarter of four, block #257, arfd Vd.A.Banck block ~4, Lot 2, Carolina` P} ace, v~ras referred~ to the Con~nittee for investigation and seport tv the Board at a su~baequen~t meeting.. ,.~ A narrative report of the ,Home ~emonstration Agen~C: for the month of July was received,j~and, ~ ~~ ordered filed, , ~IJo action was taken on the request of the recreational.center for underprivileged gir~s ,s( `Y? ,; ~ at 4th, 8c Princess Streets~ for a typer-rriter. '. ' a~ , b, . , ~~ ~ .~ . ~ Upon motion of irir. Trask, seconded by I~r. Hinton, f.Fir. L.T.Rogers ti~as released from payment of penalty for not listing lots 36 and 37, Pine Acres,Fede~al Point tornship, for the year1`. ~~T 1935, for the reason that he listed other property in the County thinking ~that this vras ,•V ~- / ~. ~ included. , A requeat for pa~ment of~half premiums on bonds of seven Sheriffs~ apecial deputies at /~ J~ Carolina and i:'rightsville beaches, was deferred until next meeting to give opportunity -_ 1" to confer with the Sheriff concerning this matter. , t ~ PJIr. Kenneth LYooten t^ras present in the interest of securing the right to participate in tlie ~ ~,~ commercial privileges at.the County air~ort,previously given ivlr. Vfarren Pennfngton; and~the - y' ~~v~~ Commissioners agreed to raeet with T~r. 'e7ooten and I~r. Pennington at the airport at 1Ot00 _ o'c1ocY. A.n4., Wedneadey'August 19th, with the view of reaching some mutual and satisf'actory adjust~nent of this matter. - r- ~ A request o£ Iuir. I~T.V.Hufham for a reductioi7 of the assessrnent on his houserin block #127,~1 / ~p,~~ on account of its dilapidated condition, was referred to the Tax Assessora for investigation / , . i~dr. R. B. Irage appeared and urged the Commissioners to make application to the . tbTorks Progress Administration for Federal funds for the construction of' hardsurf'aced J ~ ~~~ runways at the County airport, ~tating that other airporta including Rock;~ 7,~ount would be provided with haxdsurfaced runways and that, in his,opinion, if this c:ounty would , make application f'or the same , it would be approved. l~dr. Page also aslced that the Coimnissioners appropriate funds for "Entextainment Expense!' ! for the Carolina Aerial Aesociation f'or an aerial show to be exhibited at the County `~J airport 1936, stating that the use of the field by the visiting planes ` '~~~,~ would give it greater prominence and higher rating as an airport, and tha.t approximately~ ~500.00 ~vould be needed to meet this expemae. The County Attorney gave as his opinion that the Commissioners v~ould have the legal,right to appropriate money toward this expense if they find it necessary for the flzrther development of the airport. NIr. Gardner, . therefore, moved and it was se.conded by Mr. Hall, and carried, that the County underwrite the same to the extent o£ not exceeding ~$200.00. t,1r. 'Prask requested to be. ` recorded as voting No. ~ ' A request of Mr. Richard :togere~that~an item of ~32.70 taxes accrued against the ~~~~., north-east part,of lots 4 and 5, block ~294, in the name of P~s.dane Boone, for the years 1891,1894 to 1896 inc., be cancelled on account of' its long standin6 ~nQ apparent ~~ doubtful charge, was referred to the County Attorney for investigation and report bac to the ~oard at a subsequent meeting. ~ ~Upon motion of Nir. lrask, ~seconded by Pfir. Ha,ll, the Board granted the request of ~~,~~ iuir. ~fit. A. Peschau and gave I,ocal ~ost,No. 10, ,American Legion permission to hold an , ~ agricultural fair.in this County, at tne new recreational park near Greenfield, Oetober 12th, through the 17th,1936, tax free, as pxovided by lavr. , ~ . ,. , /,:~ ; ;.; . ~ , »..' •J • ' -i. '11. , •,~ . - ~ ~~;..'.. ... , ,:. 4 •. . . , . . ` 4 Upon Motion of Lfs. Trask, seconded by I;ir. Hinton~ the Board, upon reeommendation of ~ ; the Hegister of ~Deeds, voted to pay Ivirs. Nellie D. Lewis., yhos,e resignation bacaGie effective ~ Ea ~August 15th~1936, full,rponths salary for the month of August~in consideration of her ^ ~~ ~~ seventeen years faithful services as a deputy in his office, and for the further reason .' o£ va~cation ~ime she v~as entitled to as a county employee. Upon motion of lur. Trask,,seconded by t~r. Hall, the Board agreed to furnish convict labor and necessary wire and other materials and. construct a~empor'ary~:~barbed vrire ' ¢J fence around the recreational grounds for its protection, the wire to be remoned and ~~`~+ used at the County + Home and Fa,rm for County needs there V~rhen they are through with it w and replaced by their own perlnanen$~fence. Lfs. Peschau mentioned that imported vrixe ~, , could be purchased at.approximaiely ~1.00 per roll cheaper than Americ~.n r~ade ~vire, z.nd 1~Gs~. Traak approved the purchase of the chpaper wire if ite quality is as good as the more expensive ~vir e. I~Ir. Gardner opposed the purchase of imported tivire. ~ .Upon motion of I~r. firask, seconcied by Psir. Gardner, the Board upon request of the Superintendent of Public 4~elfare, authorized the purchase of cloLhing atran approximate,~ ~~ cost of ~17.00 for Edvrard Tdintz, ten year old youth in the State school fox the deaf.and ~ dumb at Tuiorganton, N. C., and a New Ha.nover,County,chaxge. • pon motion of Tdr: Hall, seconded by Mr. Gardner, a reauest of the Register~of~Deeds.fox an extra clerk to ~ l take the place of ~5.i:ss Edna Brown who was appointed deputy.in fiia ~ office to fill the ~ vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Mrs. Nellie D•. Lewis, vras ~ '~- granted for period from August 15th, to January lst,1937, and salary fixed at ~70.00• . per month. ' ~` ` Applications for license submitted in due form and execution by Thomas Hussey,dr.,H.,C.I,inkeri~ , r,r~ J.T.Register,Lula R.Simpson, to sell beer at locations at East ~Tilmington;Castle H~.yney~. ';}uy road, Castle Hayne and Seabreeze respectively, ~tiere upon motion of ]dr. Gardner, seconded ' 1 ~ ~by 1ur.Hinton, ~pprove.d. _ ' _ / ~~9 l ~Ieetin~ of August 17th,1936, continued. ~ Upon motion of Iutr. Gardner, seconded 'by Iuir. Hinton, the contract for furniehing and ` ' ~i~Jinstalling two Art NIetal cases coneisting of 90 roller shelves and 24 document files y ~p for the office of the Register of Deeds, at a cost of $~246:56 and one corner turning angle for same at a cost of $2.50, was awarded to P.L.Kni~ht, he being the lo~~eat bidder. It was agreeable to the Commissioners,,upon the suggestion of I~Ir. Gardner, that the grass and weeds be cut and cleaned along the area betgreen Community Brive and Greenfield lake, a~nd one of the Special~Officers patrol this drive~ray.occasionally 1 ~_.~S witri the ~$era of instructing picnic parties to leave the pre~ises clean after use~ or possibly.-some .arrangements .¢ould~ be mad'e to'use= shor.t term prisoners for the upkeep of~ _ the premises. The matter vras re£erred to the Chairman rvith po~ver to, act. / '~ ~~~Upon motion, duly seconded, County bills Nos. 432 to 472 Inc., were app"roved Ybr,J payme nt . , The meeting then adjourned. , ~Gl ) C .7Y ;'-.. ..,~ ~ - . ' ~erk. ~ , ~'~lilmington,rl.C., August 24th,1936. ~' The regular weekly meeting of the Board~dvas held at 3t00 o'clock P.M. . ' ' Presents James I~. Efall, J. H. Hinton and H.R:Gardner. ~1,~~N,~~~Due to the absence of the Chairman on account of the sickness of ~rs. Hewlett, Vice ,/1 °~ Chaixman Jas. 3JI. Hall presided. ~.. Upon motion of Mr. Hinton, seconded by 1~ir. Gardner, the Board approved the payment of ~~ ,/~,~~,~ half of the amount of preminmsedue for seven deputy sherif£s' bonds at Carolina and a d9rightsville Beaches., amounting to jp35.00~ £or the 1936 season. -,.„ ~ ~, ~:~ ~~ %~Qx _, ..~ . „ ~. ~ ~.' . , .~. ._;;.~• i ~ ~~ ,.. ~-~a , a,;:i ~. Up,on motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by IJ1r. Gardner, Pdrs. Eva P. Elmore v~as granted an ~/"~ abatement of 1.936 taxes on valuations•of `~6;`000.00 and ~3,750.00 on buildings located -' on lots Nos. 14 and 42, respectively, Country Club Pines, not completed until June 1936. The Board, upon motion of iu~r, Gardner, seconded by iifir. Trask, declined a rec7uest of / Willetts Realty Company-for reduction of assessment on building of P~s's• Kathe"rine .. ~ V F4right, removed f'rom the premises back of 1~Ir. Lenox Cooper's of3'iee on Princess•~treet, block #165, for the reason that said building ivas not removed until af`ter listing time April lst,1936, to-rrit: I~Iay 25th,1936. , ~".. ~ . . ," A request of Wi~.letts Realty Company for an abatement of' 1935 taxes on a valuation of ~ ;,,.,. _~~Cjx ~1,450.00 on house sold to John Pridger~,block ~306, not completed until July 1935, was ~ ~' referred to the Tax Assessors for investigation and recommendation. F ~ ~ • , /,, pp presented in due form and execution b J.C.Corbett and I~ir IJe1Tie Jones } - A lic'ations y s~ '' • ;~p~ for license to aell beer at location on the Carolina Beach road and i~T.M.Reynolds place • '' /~~'r`~~ at the intersection of the Masonboxo and 5eagate roads,res:pectively, were appxoved. . :~. ~.Upon motion of bir. Ga.rdner, seconded by Ntr. Hinton, the assessment on 2 1/3 acres of / land at the intersection of the belt line and 5tate highway #20, near Lingo City, and '~~ .,- ;~Cr ~~ being a part of the land owned by T~ur. C.C.Bellamy, was fixed at ~900.00 in order to ;• clear the taxes due on same for the yeara 1930 to 1936 inclusive. , ~ ~~~ ~k report of the -,adies Reet Etoom for the month of July i~ras received and ordered filed.~ '' '. Upon motion of Idr. Gardner, seconded by ISr. Hinton, the Board approved.the payment of . ,i-~'w'V ~'" / `,~. ~C~30.00 to the Salvation Army•Home for care of the six children of Charles E. G7alker, a'- ,, l,~' ~, citizen of New fTa,nover County•vrho recently deserted his vrife and ehildren in Atlanta,Ga. i,; Upon motion of Y~Rr. Hinton, seconded by I~ir. Tras;~, the Board authorized the purchase of ,f •, ;. -~~~yd.-elothing for Edward ~ninta, ten year ~],d deaf' and- d~Umb indigent :county, youth, .at a cost `,.y of: ~21:65, and tr.ansportatiori`for himself and attendant to the State school at I~Sorganton. a~;~''~ . The Board declined to give authority to incur expen'se for returning Hermon Bowden from %.• ~ Ne~'r Orleans to stand trial for abandonment and non-suppoxt of 'his wife and child, two-' and•half yeare ago, as presented by the County Solicitor. . Upon•motion of 2dlr. Txaa~,the Board adopted the recoirnnendation of the Committee and j ' reduced the as~easment on:~hovseoof I~r. P~; V.,Hufham, block ~127, from ~2,30Q.00 to ~° , ~2,000.OO.and an abatement of taxes on a valuation of $~300.00 for the year 1936 was ~ ~'" ordered. The assessment of 2uirs.. Thurber Gore Dickinson block ~99, r~ra.s reduced from ,' ,i-- IaX ~1,350.00 .to ~1,250.00 on land and from ~1,SOP.00 to $~1,600.00 on building effective D / . as of date of April lst,1929, on account of the condition of the Building and to / eqazalize the lot assessment <<+ith that on adjoining property and r~~ith the view ot~ v ,+ adjusting the back taxes due on same.And an abatement of taxea on a valuation of .~,, $650.00 for the years 1929 to 1932 inc., and on ~300.00 for the years 1933 to 1936 - incluaive was ordered. ,; ' • . . . . . . . . . . ,~.~~,, ` Upon motion of Mr. Hinton, seconded by IWr.Gardner, the•Board authorized•the purchase s/ ';;'," ` , of a three year service contrac~L for the upkeep of the new Remington Boolckeeping machine ;i! •~~ at a~cost of ~21.00 per year in the event a five year agreement cannot be secured at a '{ total cost of ~100.00. •, • ~ • • ~ ~ A statement of funds amounting to $p1,167.953;50 for construction and•equipment•and t'~~ $362,111.66 for maintenance, expended by Ne~v Hanover County from January 1st,1902 to r/ ~• ~ \ June 30th,1931, prepared and submitted by the County Auditor, ~vas received as a basis . ~``~4,` ~~C~ upon vrhich to file a claim for donations made to the State Highway Commission for " t~ . ' improved roads. r } ' The meeting then adjourned. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 • //h <. a7t . , . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ~• ~ ~ . i ~ • ~ r.. , _. ~5f) V~Filmington, N.G.; Au~ust 31st,1936. ~ The regular weekly meeting of the Board was heLd at 3:00 o'clock P,I~. Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.Y7.Trask,J.H.Hinton and H.R.Gardner. ,~% Upon motion of P+~r. Hinton, seconded by i~r. Garclner, the Board ~,greed to pay ~ '' for the rental of'a ty~pe~vriter jointly vrith the City of ~Vilmin~ton, for Girls ~ -~ ~ ltecreational Center, until further o~ders, and provided the budget alloti~ance for this project is sufficient to meet this additional expense. A petition bea'ring the signatures of 102 residents of b'oreat Hi11s,Brookwood, ° Kenwood, 1r~,rket Street, PTincess Street and Fiiilliams Street I2oad sections, vras ~~ gresented by George Rountree Jr., Esq:,~petitioning this Board to•-make an + ~ v i appropriation of ~50.00 per ~nonth to aid in defraying the.salary and ekpense of ~ automobile operation of officer G.E.IvIorgan in the diac.harge of his duties as. night patrolman of the above areae, was updn niotion of i~r. '1'rask, seconded by ~ I~ir. Hinton, taken under consi:dera~ion. ~- i Upon motion of S,2r. Hinton, seconded by ~Ir. Trask, and on approval of the County Attorney, the Board,granted the request of G.Dudley Humphrey, ~s9., that the County sell, convey, tranefer and assign to J.S.I,ane ~f Columbia, S. C., without ~ recourse, and upon receipt of ~p125•.06 back taxes due for the years 1921 to 1934 ~ ~,~ inclusive, all of its right, title and interest including the tax lien thereon,~ t ~,/' upon the followin~ property ov+ned by I.W.Cooper designated as.lot #13, Kuxe Division of Carolina Beach, and Lot #13, in Block #11,, and Lot # l0, in Block ~~18, both in the sub=division known as ~Vilmington Beach. .The Chairman and the Clerk of this Iloard tivere authorized and directed to sign an agreement to that ~ effect, in the name of the County. ~ Due to the unusual demands made ~[d~ upon the Associated Charities for aid during ~ ~ ~u all ard u t u in di b m ts t d its thl ance th it B ~ ~ g , , ca g mon oiv , s s s s urse en o excee y e o ~. ~~tr+'+~'~' upon motion of ~r. Hinton, seconded by I~r. Gardner, voted unanimously to advance, proportionately vrith the City oS Wilmimm~t~n, '~500.00 out of the 1936-1937_budget appropriation to meet its :o~ligation~: . _~~ll~j Upon moti~n~ County bills Nos.473 to 629 inclusive were approyed for payment. •. Upon motion of 1~ir. 't'rask, seconded by ISr. Gardner, transportation at a cos.t of ~ ~~$3.~:0 for sending Edith Brown, colored cripple girl to the Teachers Training Schoot ~ at E~izabeth Gity, under the State Department of Rehabilitation, was appxoved. _ _~/ ~4.85 transportation for returning John I~. Anderson, indigent non-resident to ,~~~ ~ j~/"" Baltimore,I~dd., was upon motion approved. :: : i7pon motion, duly seconded, the Board authorized the purchase of eye glasses at a~ ,.{~J~cost of ~14.00 Eor Jordan It~IcIver, County Home inmate, accouiit of eye operation. ,' ~i v Upon motion,.the matter of adjusting the assessment on the propesty of T~rs.Anne S. ~~Q~ ,Bellamy, ~}.-ock ~14, Lot y~ 2, Carolina Place, and Hrs. '.1~ichard Po~ers block ~257, > J~ veith the.vieer of ~cle~ring the back taxes du'e on same~ was refe~rred to the Committee'~ v v~ith power to act. • . , , Upon motion, the Board gave authoxity to pay the amount of earned~premium on ~p5~000D0 ~~nsurance policy on the recreational concrete stadium and have the"policy cancelled.,/ i ` l for the reason that the policy was only desired for the protection of the ti~ood forms -+~ ~ , during constructior~. The concrete stadium has notiv been completed. Upon motion, duly seconded, the assessment of ~2,500.00 on house of J.E.Canady, Lot #1 `~~~. Block y~101, 9Jrightsville Beach, was reduced to ~2,250.00 and an abatement of taxes on ~' a valuation of ~y250.00 for the year 1936 was ordered. ~ ~\~ } Upon motion, Coun~y~Cott~ i's"sioner Pdr. Jas.~.Hall, was named to represent this Board in ~~,p,~/ matters before the Board of Managers of Jas.Walker Hospital with the view of establishirig •~ ~~T'7O" d cioser contact between the two bodies. .. ;.._ .~ {` ' .. >. Upon motion, rdr. VP.J.Nevrell of Harnett toy~nship was exe~pt from payment of poll taxes on , ~ ~y account of physical disabilities, and an abatement of ~io1l:,taxes charged against his .~ .,;. ~~a/t property~ half acre Seagate, for the years 1931 to 1936 inclusive, ~vas ordexed. `~ Upon motion, the assessment of $~1~200.00 on seven acres of land owned by Nir.C.C.Corbett,;lY y;; ~G~X Cape Fear townahip, was redviced to ~p1,004.00.ae of April lst,1936. - r ' ~, Upon motion the Board authorized the paynent of lon distant charges over i~JPA ~phone 266~, ' • v~~ jointl~ ~ri~h the City of ~~9ilmington, not exceeding ~5.00 each per month, on.accumulat~ed, • ~.... V~ ~" ' curre~nt and future cY~r`ges,. . . ~ • The following good and lawful men were drativn to serve as jurors in the Supexior Court for '. , ~~~the trial of Criminal cases, beginning September~l4th,1936s . , . ,. + E.T.I~arshburn. Walter L. Riason. 1`~tillie Reynolds. ~.R.Davis. G.T.Gay. J.W.Hawkins. ~ J.J.DeVane. Gl.T.I~diars. L.G.Lewia. a'J.L.Bozeman.E.K.Bryant. 47.P.Brock. - ~ ~• C.N.Pridgen. 1~d.F.Fletcher. ti9.H.Huggins. J.D.Garriss.J.VJ.Stillman. ~~.P.Fletche`r.~ Car1.M.Smith. J.H.H.Tienken. C.Ri,chger,Jr. E.C.Edmondson. E.B.Bugg. L.G.Thompson: ! Norwood T~diller. A.Ludeke. G.J.Pistelis. C.L.Stevens: J.Levine. W.F.Stevens.. J.N.Jenkins. J.L.Coley. J:'C.tiVeetbrooY.. C.K.Davis. J.A.Johnson. J.Co~rrouki's. Geo.T.Shepard. Wm.H.lSitchell. O.B.Flowers. rl.f€..Smith. , l ~ For the trial of Civil ca~es, week beginnin$ Septembe r 21st,1936t ~ ' ` ' , , I,.J.Hunt. G.V'~.Clark. T.O.Green. V.A.Stefano. P.It~.Greex. J.T.Meier:. .•• • N.k.IuicKenzie. R.E.Brown. I,.~d.Porter. Albert Russ. ~ Pd.O.'~'ieet. W.H.Blake. °~,:~• F.P.Turrentine. A.S.Batson. O.H.Shoemakex. H.F.Converse. J.B.Burt.on. E.F.Stanley. ~.7.L.Taylor. T.H.Gerdes. F.E.Livingston. H:F.Farrovr,Jr. ~Nalker Taylor,Jr. ~ ~. Russell E. Lord. • , ; The me ting then adjourned. <~if~/vi 7!. ~'~+ ~Cl erk. ~ ~ ' 1 , i ~ ~ilmingtion, N. C., September 8th,1936. The re~ular weekly meetirtg of the Board was held this day at 3t00 o'clock P.M. ' . Presents Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.rJ.Trask,Jas..Td.Hall and H.R.Gardner. A reguest of the To~n of Carolina Beach, through I~r.R.C.Fer~ust and JJoodus kellum,~sq., . ~ that the County continue ite appropriation for the pa;finent of the salary of a epecial deputy at the Beach resort, at $75.00 per month through the winter months, in consideration` C~ of the revenue accruing to the County from,arrests, rvae upon ~otion of ~Ir. Traek, seconded ~%J ~y ?;~. Hall, declined. A request ofresidents of the Brookivood section for funds to supplement the salary and auto expense of' special deputy, was also declined. "' • A request of ]dr. J.I,.Becton for the GJilmington Chambex of Commerce, that the County , C_appropriate $25.00 monthly fox half rent of offices~ ~vas tzpon motion of ~,ir. Hall, ~ , Cgr~~`~econded by I~ir. Trask, tak~n under advisement. i ' ~ No action was taken upon the request of Pdr. J.O.Boivden that the County participate in ,~ appropriating funds to supplement VVPA in rehabilitating clam propa~ation, but agreed to ~ ~ ~}~~ give support in securing YlPA aid for this project. • " a~,(~he County Auditors cash report for August ~vas received and ordered filed~J ~~~~,,~,, ~Upon motion of IvIr. Trask, secon~ied by Iidr~ Hall, Joe Petexkins, upon recommendation of ~ ,} .~~/rw' -°.he Supt., of Public 4ielfare, vras admitted to the County. Home as an inmate. ~ Upon motion of ~r. Hall,seconded by I~ir. Trask, the Board authorized the payment of ~1.65 ~j ~ ~~~"~ransportation for returning IJ'irs.Leola Hughes,stranded indigent, to Smithfield,N.C., - ` Upon motiori of Iulr. Hall,~seconded by 2~.r. Trask, the Chairman was given authority to act in /, ) •~~~~f,.1matters of providing trjnsportation'expense, from time to time, for stranded indigents, ae~W ~ occasions arises. ", •r~~- - The Board declined to give its consent to pay the expense~ for returning Iars. Charles E. Walker • from Florfda which would be an added burden to the County, but upon motion of Trir. Trask, ~ i,...55`~seconded by T~Tir. Ha11, authorized the payruent of ~30.00 to the Salvation Army Home for care f/ ., and maintenance of her six children for half month ending Septer.tber 12th,1936. i \'~A request of tl~e Board of Education that the su~ of.~5,600.00 be placed to the credit of the !f'' ~ ~~ school account to take care of expenditures for the month of September, vvas approved. ' ~ ~~A narrative report of recreational project #1083 for the month of August ~ras received and ~ '. .i ~ ordered filed. • . ', ~r . ~ Upon motion of Ivlr. irask, seconded by I~r. Gardner, payment of a bill for ~240.I9 to + v , • 4~l~E.iFJ.Godwins' Sons for lumber amd ot:ner materials furniehed County Home SJPA_building project 1• ~`~ February 1936, was approved. ~ Upon motion of 1dr. Trask, seconded by I~r.~Gardner, I~tr. D.W.Hocutt,a resident of Netiv York, .~ t' was released from payrnent of penalty for not~listing lot,#4, block #10, Surr¢ner Hill fox "' ~~1` years 1933, and 1934. ~ ~ , •"F communication ~rras received rrom the County Auditox advising the amount o£ deposit in,~„ ' ~ ~ ach bank as of August 31st,1936,, together with a memorandum of securities held in each case. ' s,' . 1,,- ~•: `~ A request for reduction of assessment of Iuirs. Hannah L. Sloan, block #~205, on account of .. y~,~~ ~+ erection of a service station on the adjoining property, was ref'erxed to the,Cornmittee for ; investigation. . ~. ~ .~~`~t~ Upon motion, County bills Nos. 630 to 726 inclusive, were approved for payment. ~,/, ~ ~ Upon motion, the Board approved the payment of,;~60.00 to Solomon Sternberger i'or services as ~~ ;; ~~ I?e.puty Recoxder, upon recommendation of the Recorder, and as provided by la~~. . ~ ~ • The meeting then t~djourned. .' ~ _ . C/~'J~s ~t~-..l Clerk. ,~',~+7 ~ilmington, Id.C., September 14th,1936. _. ` ' The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held at 3s00 P.}Q. ,, I '' Preserits Addison Hewlett Chaixman, Ge.o.UJ.Trask, Jas. M, Ha11,J.H.Hinton and H.R.Gardner. ~ Iulayor R.C.Fergus and aldermen d.O.Hinton, A. L. Pbansfield, Horace T. King and Attorney ;'. '. ~ ~loodus Kellum of the Tovrn of Carolina Beach, appeared and petitioned the Board, on behalf ~ of the citizens of the Town of Carolina Beach and property owners in Federal Point to~nship, h h t ave t e o including the offificers of the To~vn of~ Carolina Beacl~, to endorse their request /1 "'o •• t~t,a~- State Highvra~ & public Works Commiesion increase the width of S~ate highr•ray ~4d from eighteen -. _fl~feet ~to:;thi~ty-six feet wide, to eliminate a dengeaous traffic condition over the present . ~ narro~v highrray to ~tlie southern beach resorts. I~Hr. Kellum presented a,statement shoiaing the „~- ~ • ~ increase in taxati3e values for the year 1936 in the amount ot' $94,940.00 over 1935, and 1936 ~ ,• values of $1,873.094.00 as compared with ~859,490.00 for 1933, or an increase of ~p1,013,604.00 ~ '! ' in three years. Accordingto road traffic census taken by the State High~vay Cor~niseion on , July 4th,1936, between the hours of 7s00 A.T.4. and 12s00 midnight, a total of 5205 motor vehicles crossed the canal bridge at Carolina Beach. Due to a previous request to construct ~ a highv~ay along the river front from ~;Iilmin~ton`to the southern beach~resorts filed with trie ~ State Highzvay Commiseion, it was the sense of this Board and the Officials of Carolina Beach, that a corrmiittee from the two Boards ask for a conference Vrith the °tate Hightiva,y Cotrnnission ~ at Haleigh for the purpose of securing iumiediate relief by providing better transportation ,~ f acilitie~; first by securin~ definite decision on the river side high~ray proposal, if un- • favorable thence con~entrated effort on the widening of highrovay ~40. The Exchange Club, • vrho:.hassueed its efforts to secure the river side xoad v+as asked to join in securing this , , relief. .' ~~ '\ Upon motion o£ ~~r. TrasY, seconded by E~r. Hinton, the Cotnmissioners granted the rec;uest of ~ •~ ~,~0~ Superintendent of ]?.ducation H.i~.Roland, to advance ~1,500.00 to the school account to / Purcha.se equipment to replace tha.t destroyed by fire in the loss of the ~Villiston Industrial~~ / • School building, for the use of the twelve hundred negro students that are notiv doubled up , .•J in quarters they ha.ve available; tYie equipment also to be used in the new building when built, 4 ~ `~ Meeting of Septemberl4~;h,1936, continued. and t`o be repaid out of' the insuranee money when the claim ie settled. A request of L~Ir. J:E.Wmnstead, through his attorney H. Edmund Rodgers, that the County release the 12 acres of land knovrn as Idlewild, Harnett torrnship, from all back taxes due on same in consideration of transfex~ring to the County a strip of /~(~p~ land 20 feet wide and 720 feet lon~ runnin~ pa}~~llel;with ahd adjacent to the Old. ~ PJri~htsville Tuxnpike, .no« a State Highway, for the purpoae of ~~idening the sa~.d . , road, was upon motion of 1vlr. '1'rask, declined, but would investigate the aesessment on said land and credit the assessments with any portion that has been sold for ,, ~~.~~rrhich credit has not been given. His petition bearing the 7~ames of 18 property ~ owners on Pennsylvania Avenue at Idlewild, asking that the same be hardsurfaced,• was approved and referred to the 5tate Hi~;hway Commission for ite consideration. ,~4~Jpon motion of T~Ir. ~rask, seconded by Iuir. Hall, the Local Board of rire Underwritersf ~,~v~' was requested to prepare a form showing itemized statement of each county ~isk P~~ •~/ together ivith the amovnt of coverage on each item of county owned property to be ~ attached to each policy of insurance and to beconie a part thereof. pon motion of Ifr. Trask, seconded by 1~r. Hall, the Board endorsed the request of the ~lilmington•Chamber of Connnerce and office of the United 5tates District Engineers J~~ to have the State High~~ay and Public P+orks Corr~ission grade and haidsurface a road- way half mile in length on west side of Cape r'ear river, extending southtivard from the old causeway west of the foriner ferry slip, which.v~ould serve many industries in that area and also the repair and storage yards of the United States Depa~tment. • of engineera. " Upon motion of t.s. Trask, seconded by Is~Lr. Hall, T~~rs. Iuary F.R.P6c~illan was released ~ ~~ frorn payment of penalty for not listing lot #11, bldck #5, ~Yilmington Beach for the ~ l ' yeara 1930 to 1935 inclusive , on account Df being a non-reaident. . ~ • ~~}, __?.'~` . (` . , ," J , Upon motion the Board agreed to meet with State i~PA Airport Ofi'icials, V~ednesday September 16th,1936, at 11s00 A.Ni. to discuss; the matter of providing an appro'priatior}~ j~ for the purchase of trucks and rental of a power shovel as the County's part of ~/ ~ donation to meet requirements of the %VPA project for further~improvement of the County airport. ~ Tne Chairman announced that a hearing by the commission to investigate adjustment of ~ ~~`~ •County highway claims will be held at Kinston November 12th,1936. . ~~ Upon motion of TSr. Gardner, seconded by I~r. Hinton, an application submitted in due / ~i~~ql~ form and execution by Chas. F. Letvis for license to sell beer at location on Carolina ~ Y~ Beach road, rvas approved. . _ .~ _ `_~ Upon r~otion of Iurr. Gardner, seconded by Pdr. Trask, the matter of puxchasing a desk~ -. ~ ~~ for the assistant Clerk of Superior Court at a cost of not exceeding ~15.00, was ,1 "~1 ~ `- referred to the Chairman rvith poive'r to act. ~ ~ ~ ~ . ' ii ~ Upon motion of P+ir. Trask, seconded by TvIr. Ga.rdner, an item of ~¢8.60 charged against 1~~ the~weat part of lots l, 2 and 3, block ~159 in the name of estate of B.F.47hite, for ~ ~ the year~~1892 was ordered cancelled on account of being a doubtful charge, and the - inability of the County to prove its claim. r~~~~ A report of the Ladies Rest Room for the month of August ~+vas received and ordered filed~ I~ . ~ ',Vith reference to appointing a planning cowmittee to co-operate in a nation-v~ide public ' _ construction inventory under the sponsorship of the National Resources•Committee ae ~' ~ requested by the North Carolina State Planning Board, the Chairman ~vas named a committee ~ ~,~~ ~ of one to prepare an inventory of New Hanover County's ~ pro j ects ready f or itmnediate - construction, bases on their six year program of public construction under their plan ~ of orderly and systematic.p~ocedure. ' Upon motion of I~r. Gardner, seconded by Pdr. Hinton, an appropriation of ~p108.00 ~ ~ membership fees for the services offered by the Institute•of Goverrnnent, including ~~~~ ~tate Legislative Service, was approved. ~ M1 The me ting then adjourned. ~, ~-:~f~! ~i 7! ~ ~ , Clerk. • V~ilmington,N.C., September 18th,1936. ' "• {~ gp~~ia7. ~i~dt4~ of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanoner County was called and held this day at 3 s00 P.I~u. • X Present: Addison Iie~vlett Chairman, J. H. Hinton, H. R. Gardner and County Attorney • 1~~arsden Bellamy. • ~ The meetin~ was called for the purpose of considering a resolution,of.this date, ''" ~~'~~ 4~tr~'yy, adopted by tVilmington Post #10. Ar~ericari Legion and signed by J.B.Edwards,l'7m.A.Peschau„~ _ ; ~~~~ HarrJ M. Symmes and ~Jilbur. D. Tones, its Trustees, authorizing the Board of Commissioner ., . ' of New Ha.nover County to cancel a 1'ease given by the Count.y covering certain real estate - in Netiv Hanover County upon which there is at thie time being built a Recreational Center. ~~ r ~.~~ I)~T.he resolution of ~'lilmington Post No.10, American Legion follows: ~ ~ ~, "tivi-I~FLEAS, on the 28th, day of October 1935, the Cor~issioners of 11evr Hanover • County leased to ;x1.9.Peschau, J. B. Edrrards, H. I~d. Syrnmes, C.B.Parmele and Wilbur ]?. Jones Trustees for u/ilmmngton Post No. 10, Wnerican Legion, certain real estate in ~` New Hanover County upon ~rhich there is at this time being built a Recreational Center; •~, AND 1~'Hh~REI~S, the 'Ilorks Progress Adminiatration have indicated that no more funds .. will be furnished f'or the progress of this construction during the term of this lease • be ity therefore, resolved that the above named Trusteea be and they are hereby ~~ ~ authorized and empoyrered to e~ecute such iustrwnent~ of paper writing as may be ' necessary to cancel the above mentioned lease, and tYie authority and permission given ^~ as above is hereby abrogated and the said County is hereby given full authority and ~~~ power over said property as in the first instance." ~,,~ 6 - ~ ~ ~ T~eetin~ of September 1t~tn,1936, continued. M1 -. \. ~ - (Signed) J. B. EdFrards. 1Vm. A. Peschau. ' ~. ' Aarry Nf. Syrcmies. ~ - ~~/ilbur D. Jonesl'. ',- Therefore, and pursuant to the autriority given in the above resolution, made~and ~e.. ` f~~~„ adopted by i~lilmington Post ~lo, American Legion, and si~ned by its Txustees as i f':< ~F aforesaid, the same rvas upon motion approved py t13is 13oard and trie said lease ~: ~~_. '~~-,o . cancelled. j: : . ,.~, e~i~. The meeting then, adjourned. - ~.. . . ~.r-_ ~/ ~ '~. : ~ , I ' ~`f ( 4 ; ~~~ ~ ; ~' ~ ~ . ~' no o y o ve p sai prop y and that the public generally shall be at liberty to enjny the privileges of said building and grounds as a recreational ceni;er;_ NOVd, TFiEitr^,FOI~, the Board of Cornmissioners of rre~ Hanover l County do hereby assure the Governm~nt of the United States that it 1vi11 use•said grounds for the purpose of the public generally, and it wi1T continue to supervise and control i~he same. 4 ~~. ~ \,~~ Upon motion, the f'oregoing resolution was unanimously adopted. ' '~ ~j e~ `-~ . ,'~+,., . Upon motYOn, an application of Mrs. Esther'Bailey for license to sell beer at location on the Carolina Beach road on the premises of ,1~rs. S.eatha Saipes, cras ~declined , '~ ~~ for the reason that six r~onths ~time-.has not yet elapsed since a former operator _ . was convicted of violating the prohibition law on said premises: ~. - Upon motion, the Board granted the reguest of' Superintendent of Health, Dr. / ~ A. H. ~lliott, and autho.rized the payment,out of the emergency fund, one fourth ~„~,~; /part of ~p305.00 defici~ incurred in the maintenance of the Ysolation FJard at ' -~ ~~~: ~~~1 ~~-Jas:iFlalker Hospital occasioned by treatuient of ineningitis cases; provided,howevex, , the C it y C o:nmissionexs ~vill pa y three fourths of the amount. ; .,_ ~ The matter of investigating the assessment on'the property of ldrs.lui.J.C.Haar, block ~ I~~ #103, with the vie~r of adjusting the back taxes due on same £or years 1930 to 1935 r~ inc., was referred to the co!:miittee for. iecartufiend~,tmans. .' A report of the Grand jury September.term 1936, and a report of Jas. Vdalker Hospital ~ ,., -~~~/v~' for Auguat, was received and ordered filed. V- / iyv,: ~ / ~! Upon motion o~' :~+~x. Hinton, seconded by 7~.4r. Hall, transportation for lda Sparks to , P~,nev,~ood, 5. C., and round trip Yare for attendant, amounting to ~4.95,ti~~'a.s recommended ~~ by the Supt., of Public 'llelfare and authorized by the Board. , . ~. Actin~ upon the reco~nendation of the Supt., of Public 47elfare, and upon motion of ?.~~ • 1~4r. Hinton, seconded by P,4r. C,ardner, Iurs.I~fazie R. Selle~s of ~2020 Barnett Avenue / ~, y.as granted admission to the Count;~ Home as an inmate upon agreer~ent of her daughter, ~'~'~PP!1rrs. l~dinnie ~argent of ~705 Ei~hth Ave., Delmar, N.J., to pay the County ~13.50 monthly = ~ ' ' f ~ for her maintenance. ,, , The meeting then ad,;ourned. :- /~ 7C:~ - -~ C],~x~k. VVilmington, DT. C., September 28th,1936. . The regular vreekly m eting of the Board was held at 3:00 o'clock P.Iui. ~. " Present: Addi~on Hervlett Chairman, Geo. 4'1. Traslc, Jas.I~a4.Ha11 and H.R.Gardner. ~~r,. A petition bearing the names of 8'7 tax payers and citizens, petitioning the Commissioners • /~ to approve and request the State Highway Commissior~ to improve the •old T~Ieares road , m from the intersection of the Old FJxightsville Turnpike to Kerr Avenue, was presented , ` /fr~~ by I~r. E.L.tilYlite. That road having been ineluded in the County road system taken over ~ ~~ by the State in 1931, the request ~*+as unanimously ~pproved, and upon moi;ion of I~fir.Tras, ', seconded by 2~r. Hall, the same was referred to the S'tate High~vay and Public 4lorks Comrnission with rea,uest that the improvements be made. ~, . pon motion of i.ir. F~11, seconded by ~~ir. rrask, the Board authorized an.,appropxiation ~ ~~. of ~25.00 monthly from October lst~ to June 30th, 1937 for membership in the '+lilmin~ton / '~ ~~'" Chamber of Cotmnerce in consideration of its efforts in bringing netv industries to the ~/ ~' .. County, thus reducing the number of unemployed,atid^inereaeing~taxable vaiues. . ' - .. 1._ ~ „ ,.~ .. ,.. ., ~ ~ ,,. .. ~ ~~.s~_ , ~ //,/ Clerx. ~. • Y ~Vilmington,IJ,C.,September 21st,1936. M The,regular weekly meeting o£ the Board was held this day at 9s00 A.f~. Present: Addison Hetvlett Chairman, Jas.1~d.Ha11, J.H.Hinton and H.R.Gardner. The meeting vras held at 9:00 o'clock A.I~.', in order to prepare and adopt the, ~ follov+ing 'resolution required by the ~dorks Progress t~dministratiori, same to be delivered to the ;7PA Officials at Raleigh this day by the Chairman of thie Board, in order to continue the d9PA tivork at the Ftecreational Center w}thout further interruption or de1ay. The resolution followss ' 4YIiEREAS, the County of Nevr Hanovex ie the oti~ner o£ a certain "" tract of land situate in PRasonborb To~vnship, upon vrhich certain funds have been expended by the ~*rorke ~rogress Administration; and UTf~f2EAS, the buildings and ~other improvements on said land' ' Mave not been completed owing to the lack of funds, and . ~VHERr;AS, it is the intention of the Cotnmissioners of Tde~•r ~ Ha ver C unt t de lo 'd ert as a recreational center ~~~ , 4~4 I~Teeting of Se~tember 2ath,1936 continued. ^,~g ~ „/ Upon motion of I~r. Y'rask,seconded by IJr. Hall, I~ary P~cIver of No. 1210 Charlotte St., ~Y~~Y was upon recommendation of the Supt., of Public V%elfare, admitted to the County Home ~, as an inmate. :r Upon motion, ~6.40 transportation for George,Nora,Fred and Lee IJicCartney Indigent§ ~ to St.Pauls cras appx~oved. ~10.00 allowance toward the expense of traneportation Por •' ~ I~irs. J.D.Cheek to Oakville, VJashin~ton as per order of the Recoxder, the same'to be 1 ~`~ charged--to the Recorders Court, was approved.. ~ `_. • ~" ~ Upon motion of Es. Gardner, seconded by 13r. lrask,_the Board authori~ed the purchase c~"~ ~~'` of a noiseless typewriter for the Superior Court at a cost of ~109.00.'The ol.d ~ . ~ type~~riter formerly used in the Superior Court to be retained-for the use of the.Clerks office. ., ` ~. It appearing that recent resolutions ado/p,ted by this Board at the request of ti~I.P.A. authorities concerning the lea~e and control of the RecreationalJCen'ter near Greenfield; , ~''~' r. do not meet their requirements sufficient to reswne work on that project, A~r. Ha.ll ~ ,,~ moved that a conference vaith the :~l.P.A. authorities, the Trustees of American Legion ~ ~'. ~'~ ~9ilmington Post No.10 and I~tembers of this Board be arranged to meet at Raleigh at the ,~ earliest possible date with the view of reaching a satisfactory agreement in order to ~ •~ continue this project. --~~' ~ Upon motion of 2•;,r. Hall, seconded by Ltr. '1'rask, ~air. Idelson ivviacRae wa~ released from ~ /~~~ payment of ~13.71 pena~ty for not listing lots 4,5 and 6, in b,lock ~401 Audubo"f~ for ~~ the year 1936 on account of being out of the County at tax listing time. , - Upon motion of IJir. Trask, seconded by Ltr, tiall, the appointment of T,~irs. Helen Sneede ~ Supervisor of ~I.P.A. Government goods and food distrik~ution under the Department of~ ` ~,-a`~~ County ~'~elfare, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of h,rs. Eloise ~~ yV I~dcEachern, as of October lst,1936, was approved. Upon motion of T,~ir. Trask, seconded by 1~~r. Hall, the order adopted at a joint meeting v~ith the City Commissioners July 29th,1936, authorizing the Tax Collector to accept '~, payments of back taxes as appear on the back tax records plus 3f flat rate of iffiterest " /~iU~` in full settlement thereof for period endin~ October lst,1936, was,extended to November '~ 1 lst,1936, under authority of Chapter 73, Public-Local Laws 1935, provided the same meets ~ with the,approval of the City Commiesioners. ' ~~.`~ . ~Application for license presented in due form and execution by Jim Finch and Frank ~/)~ 1~ ~~-I~Pl1/ Sneeden, to sell beer at locations at the ~'our Pdile post on route ~30, and Carolina.° ~ • /~~v Beach road,respectioely, wa.s upon motion of t~tr. Hall, seconded by I~4r. lrasic~ a~proved. A statement vras received from Pdrs. Edv,~in B. Joeey, Supervisor 'TJPA Sewing Rooms \shp~ving~,,, ~ `~~~ articles made 'from ERA and.CJPA materials to the value of ~"p71,226.32 turned over`to the „ ' ~ City and. County to September 22nd,1936. A request of P~rs. E.T.Taylor Por a reduction of assessment on property in block #143, together witr. request for reduction of assessMents submitted by A.F.Fale~ block'#117, , Fse. B.F.~Jhite block 159, T~rs, E.T.Taylor hlock #143, P2rs.H.I,.~loan block #~205, ~~ ~~% G.1Y.Thomas block #252, C.L.Daviedblock ~266; K.C.Sidbury block ~351 and 19.J.Bell~block~- . #514 and 518, vrere referred to the Coranittee for investigation and with po~ver to act. r~~~j County bills Nos. 727 to 925 inclusive, were upon motion approved foi payment. • r~j •. ~,E^f 1Jpon motion, the Boarcl directed that sealed bids be secured for the purchase of chaira~ ~(",'S - needed for the Recorders Court Room. upon motion of ~r. Trask, seconded by Ifr. Hall, the Board ordered the cancellation of ~14.2~ taxes charged against S.NI.VJest on 44 9cres of land a,dj. ~V.A.'+~right for the year '~j' ~(~'~, 1871, and $5.62 charged against Geo.F.Tilley on 50 acres adj.. Potter for the year 1885, . ~ all in Cape Fear township; on acc:ount of being a doul~tful chaxge. ' . ~, The Board then took a recess until 10:00 A.Pl., October 2nd,1936, to adopt such further ~- ` ~~ resolutions that may be re9uired and agreed upon at conference to be held with 4~PA ~ ,~ W 'authox'ties at Raleigh October lst,1936,concerning the Recreational Center. , ~-~~~l~~s~~1.~ ~ Clerk. - Wilmin~ton, N.C., October 2nd,1936.. . Pursuant to recess taken Septembex 28th,1936, the Board met at 1Os00 A,M. Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.i7.Trask, Jas. i:i. Hall, J.H.iLinton and H.R.Gardner. The followin$ resolution agreed upon at a conference held with WPA authorities at ~~,Ralei~h October 1,•'st,1936, ~vas read by the County Attorney, and upon motion of 1~s. ~~~-e Hinton, ssconded~by I:~r.Hall, vras unanimously adopteds . ~ ~e . .,. , . 1 tY. ' ~ , ~ ~~ F ., I ~ NORTH CAftOLIPTA : i ' NEW HANOVER COUNTY : t ; ~s , L~'TIEREA5, tne County of Neiv Hanover :is tYie owner in fee simple of a certain r, ,- tract of land situated in l~7asonboro Townahip adjoining Greenfield Lake upon which ~ - certain funds have been expended by the ~Jorka Progress Administration known as , . . Official Project ~65-32-1623 as designated by the t'iorks Progress Administration; and ., 49HEP.EAS, the buildin~s and other improvements on such land have not been J , cou~pleted otiving to the lack of funds; and , . VPHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has been duly informed and has ~ co~nizance of the fact that the LVorks Progress Administration, ~7ashin6ton, D.C. has advised that the prosecution of the herein mentioned Recreational ~enter , Project covered by the lea~e herein fter mentioned is ~isapproved until the , , said lease is vacated and cancelled: The lease mentioned more specifically ~ ~ referred to is that lease made the 28th da,y of October 1935 by the County of' New ~ Hanover, a subdivision and municipal corporation of the State of Tdorth Carolin~. ' party of the first part to ~V. A. Peschau, J. D. Edwards, Harry P~i. Symmes, ~ ~ S 5 ~. i ~ ~, ~ ' ;'.. s', - ~ ~ 4~~ IEZeeting oY' Uctober 2nd, 1936 contir4ued ` • Charles 33. Parmele and 4Jilber D. Jones, Trustees sor i~ilmington Post # 10, American J Legion, f'or ~. period oz twenty (?0) yearse beginning on the 28th duy oi' Uctobe: 1935 and tes•minating on the 28th day of' uctober 1955 being tihat trGct of' lund situated in pdasonboro Toti'rnship adjoining GreenfieId 'I,ake upon wnicn the construction of the Recreational Centei• Project is sought. ~ ~T~~t1S, the Board oi County Cowiiissionere reveal and state that tne fore~oing lease has been duly cancelled and vacated as'contemplated and directed by H7orks Progress ~dministration, ~rashin~ton, ll. C.; and W:-~REAS, it is the intention of the Commissioners oi' Idew iianover County te dev.elop+ such property as a Recre2tional Center and that the Public shall be at liberty to ' enjoy the privileges of such buildings and grouncis as a Recreational Center UNDER RULFS Ai~i REGULATIONS PRESCRIBED BY SAID BOARD OF COT~I3ISSIOIVE£?S; and WI~REAS, this being a`Public Recreational Center for the benefit of thePublic same is hereby dedicated to the use of the general Public for all purposes and inten as hereiri indicated; anci ~ j W~REAS, in further consideration of additional vxpenditure of funds by the Works / Prpgress Administrdtion it is a~reed and understood that ~HE REC:?EATIONl~L ~S~TEi3 SIiAT,T, REI~QAIN UAiDER T:~ CONTROL AND SU'PERVISION OF T:~ BOARD OF COP~'3ISSIONERS. , 1~?OIW, THE;F~FORE, in consideration of the foregoing provisioris herein stated the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County hereby resolve and aseure the Government of t.he United States that it will use tkie buildings and grounds herein mentioned for th~ purpoae of the Public generally and that it will at a11 times adequately supervise and control same, including all necessary maintenance. ~ SE IT FURTi~R RE;SOLVLD, that the County Board of Commissioners for Ne~v i~anover County shall maintain, supervise, and tie responsible for` the maintenance and im~rovement/ of the Recreation~:l Centez• together ~~rith making such rules and regulations as may be required for ti~e general upkeep and mdintenance of the property; that the County ~oard* sha11 hereby agree to create a Public Park and Recreation Couuniesion composed of reputable citizens who are interested in recreation, to v~hom the County Board shall ~ delegate, under general rules and regulations, authority to operate, maintain, and improve said Recreatiohal Center. STaTE OF AtORTE CAROLI?At COLTI~`i'Y OF Nh;~~J HANOVER . `I, Thos. K. Woody, Clerk to the ~oard of County Coin~nissioners of Ne» Hanover County,~ do hereby certify that tne fore~oin~ is a true and correct copy of a resolution adopted by the said Board at meetin~ held October 2nd, 1936, and the same duly recorded in the minutes of the said Board of Commissioners of Ne~v Hanover County. C1erk,Board of County Comrnisaioners of' New Hanove-r County '~ The meeting then ad,journed, _ . ~. , ~ i ~ ~%f/G~ l( _ ~~f s~z~~ erk. r," • • • VJilmington,N.C., October 5th,1936. • , • , . . . . • . . . . ~ .` The regular weekly meeting of the Board vaas held at 3:00 P.I~I. • Present: Addison Hevrlett Chairman, Geo.Vl.Trask, Jas. IJI. Hall, S.H.Hinton and ~ ,, ~H.R.Gardner. ~~ •~ The Clerk of Superior Court having found that O.W.Perry ie an inebriate without funds / ~ and in need of treatraent at the State Hospital, the Board, therefore,upon~request of / . ~-~~j~l~r.A;T~.T~4eylanci,Assisi;ant Clerk of Supexior Court, authorized and directed•the ~_ , •~ payment of ~50.00 to the State Aospital for expense of treatment as directed by law. , • • ` A request to purchase timber on the County's Park, near 4iinter Park, by a .. ~ \ representative of a local creosoting company v~as declined,for the reason that said ,j p land was donated to the County as a public Park, the Commissioners,therefore, have• ~ r~~'no right to us8 trie timber for commercial purposes. ` The foll.otiving statement of settlement of the 1935 tax collections was submitted by ~ „ ~~Y C.R.I~Iorse, Tax Collector, c~hich vras upon motion of P~r. Iiinton, seconded by P.~s. Trask,' ! ' , ~~ accepted sub,ject to check by the County Auditort ~ ~ STATEP.~NT OF 1935 COUNTY TAXES Listed as per Abstracts Insolvents ~ ' Real & Personal, ~y 330,E~88.53 Personal ~p2,126.93 ~ .., , .Polls-6147 Q$2.50 15,367.54 Polls ].972 4,930.00 Y ' Dogs- 1,756.00 Dogs- ' 315.00 ,~ 7,371.93 ~ ,, ,-.. , ~ • 347,812.03 ~ So1'd for Taxes- 71,262.74 ~ '` ' Les's Abatements- 194.38 Not Listed 5old - 2,937.25 ~ 3:47,617.65 Discounts 394~48 - ' Kisted & Collected . 949.25 Prepayments to Auditor 55,576.30 Not Zisted '" 1,084.69 Collected & Paid Auditor 216,669.98 ' Penalt~:es " ` 112.05 ~354,23:2.58 ~.-, ` ~ ~ Held by County 77.60 ~S Due City Part Payments- 88.82 ~ Not Listed Sold 2,937.25 354,123.86 . " " Prepayments 20.12 (pifference) 14.05; , a , >. r' ' Held by County ° 10.41 ~0354,137.91 ; ' Penalties Collected 1,297.54 ~ Geo.Ilicksey-County due City- 14.z~ ! • Adv Cost 31.35 J,p,Orx " " " 37.48 ~ '.. ' ~354,137.91 C.B.Parmele " " " " " '~ 12.54 ~ 03 8 D.F.To1er . 1;~.E.YopBe Inc.,n n u 25.00 ~ R.B,Hare City due County y~.~5 88.82 1 , 456 - : ~E . .. . _; Meeting o#' October 5th,1936, continued. ~ ' ~ ' Upon motion, the 1936 tax books,~repared-by~the County Auditor, were then ordered j V ~ ~ ~~ / delivered to the Tax Collector for collection. , Upon motion of I~r. Uardner, seconded by 1~1r. H~11, the County Auditor vras authorized ~. \ ~ nd directed to pay the City of iVilmington ~88.82 due it on account of partial payments `~.~~ ~ collected as shown in the above report. ~ Upon.motion of tdx. Hinton, seconded by Pdr. Hall,'the Board ordered that all tax payere ~ who have failed to list their property and are charged with a pena,lty for~failing to :~ /j,-~ ~ list such property and rvho c.omes forvrard and settle their taxes on or before January ~'~ /~ lst, 1937. shall be allosved to pay the, amount of their 1936 taxes vrithout the penalty. . ~~/ ~~~r~y~, -r An application for license submitted by ~.~l.VJright to sell beer at location on the .+ .~ Castle Hayne road known as the "Pig Trail", was declined. ' ~ A request of the Board of Education that the sum of ~13,000.00 be placed to the credit ~ . dL~, of the school account to take care of expenditures for the month of October, rvas approved v_ If Upon notion of I~Ir. Hall, seconded `by b,~r. Gardner, the Board authorized the payment of ~ ' , ;/~ $20.,27 half expense incurred incident to the laying of t'he Cornerstone for the ne~v •~/' , ~ ~ '1Jilmington Post Off'ice Sunday September 27th,1p36. The City of '~`dilmington to pay half of the said expense. . . ~ ~ - ~ ?~~~y _ f Upon motion, County bills rros. 926 to 1036 cJere approved for payment.. ~~ ,i Upon motion of t~ir. Trask, seconded by P1i.r. Hall, the BOard authorized the purchase of •. ~ approximately 5~ acres of land from blr. E.K.Bryan,'."without.w~rranty, for ,~500.Oq, for / ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ County burial purposea, adjoining the Oak Grove ~emetexy property. The Courity Attorney..~~ f ~ was authorized to employ ~r. J.I,.Becton, C.E., to sux4ey the sarne for description and ' ,_ ' s. set stakes along the boundry line~ to auide in.erecting a fenoe to inclose the premise •• ~ Upon motion o£ ~`~r., Trask, seconded by I~~ir. Gardner, the Board directed that a~'ee of ~2.00./ , ~ ' ~~ ~~._„ ~~ . be paid the &eepeT by the undertaker,for services of digging each grave at the County „ ~..~ ~~J pauper burial grounds; b~fore iaterment, burials at.County expense excepted. A' ~ ' h f t ~ "~~ on,.Ga., omas or Upon motion, a charge of ~15.OO~tiSras ordexed paid to Dr. R.L.Cartex of T .. ~~~ artificial Pheumothorax treatment of J.T.Delcher. ~. - Upon motion,.Lillian Dickinson c~ras released frora payment of penalty for not listin~ lot 7!~ , ~('~~ block ~~36 Carolina Beach for the year 1931, orr account of being a non-resid~nt. ~, , , .,~~ ~ Upon motion, James T. Canady vras ~ranted an abatement of poll taxes char~ed against him_ / ~• /~G~ in I~rnett township for the years 1932 to 1936 inclusive on account of having rerided V. ~ ~ in Florida during the said time and ha.ving paid poll taxes there as claimed. ~' . - J ~ ~~A r.eport was received from I,C.Hubbard, State Highv~ay Soil Inspector, etating that the ~ ~ o ~ samples of clay taken from the clay pit at the airport sho~~s that the material is un- \.~'~j°~ satisfactory for use in construction of an airport run-way. ',.~ ; The following ~ood and lav~ful men were dralvn to serve as jurors for the trial' of civil '~~ ~ r~ ~ cases in the Superior Court, October term 1936: " , ~ O 19th 1936 • b /.. , : , cto er First Week, beginning W.S.HIDrre11. Jno.R.Hines. L.Z.F7ood. S.~9.Brinson. J. C. Garrett. , H.C.Blake. L.B.Carter. IJ.E.King. J.E.Bordeaux. '~1.D.Hughes. ' ' ' "~ ~r.H.Burkhimer. A..i9.Saunders. Raymond E. E11ers.H.H.Garms. T.L.Baldwin. -~a J.E.Rose. I.eon S. I~Jarshburn.C.I,.Efird. S.B.Shepard. P. Nichols. , ~ • J.C.Williams. Wm.h4.Fk'~yes. C.F.Earp. C~.G.James. ~ ' Second week, beginning October 26th,1936s ~~ , ' E.J.Farrelly. I.owell "aVhite. 'sl.H.Stokley. Joseph Glod. ~ C.'~V.P~elton. ~ ~ ~ _ , ; ~ David FI. Craig.F.D.Stalvey. F.J.G~rner. D.C.Bland. J.J.Rezze. , J.E.Sykes. ~ Silas Sheets. Lewie ~9ienberg.~`+.T.i~durphey. J.H.Cumber. ~ '. ,H.H.~erritt. Horace Pearsall. S.C.Pigott. A.B.Love. Robert L. 5hew. • ~ ? L.G.Herring. C.J.~lton. i~ialter Horne. G.V1.~F71teeler. ~ ~ . _ , . .. . The assessments on the land of I~iss Arabella Gore in Cape Fear and Harnett townahips, ,,~,~< " knoe~n as Harrias ##2, was upon recommendation, based upon statement of I~dr. J.L.Becton, ' v~ho has surveyed the same and is familiar with its value, that the said land is' ~;~ , ; jt~`~ assess;ed at about twice what it should be, was upon motion of IJir. Hall, seconded by ,~ ""' ` a4r. Gardner, fixed at ~6.64 per acre on 1023 acres Ca e Fear towns~ ~ ~ p and at-$~7.00 per - ! acre o,n 1375 acres Harnett township for the year 1936, the same to/i '@troactive in ef'fect . ~ and to apply for the ye.ara 1932 to 1936 inclusive as to Harnett to~~nship, and f or the years 1933 to 1936 inclusive as to @ape 3'ear township, covering that period of years - 1or which back taxes are due, and an abatement of taxea in the follotivin~ amounts~based ~~~~ on the assessments as corrected, was approved in oxder that the taxea.due may be paid: '. ()ape Fear township i 1933 ~33.44 Harnett townships 1932 y~74.65 • ~ ' 1934 30.19 ' 1933 52.80 ' ' ~ 1935 23.37 ' 1934 24.74 ~ • ~ ' • ' ' 1935 23.17 • ' : ~87.U0 : ~175.36 ~ ~~ ' The meeting then ad,journed. ' . P..~ 7 ~.~ Y ~ ~ . .' , : ~erk. : :' r. . : , ~ ~ " ~ - ~.~~~~{~~ ,~~; 4~~ ,. . . . ~ Wilming~on,N.C., October 12th~1936. • ~ The regular weekly meeting of the~Board v~as held at ~s00 P.~i. • Present:,Addison Hewlett Criairman,Geo.W.Txask, Jas.M.Hall, J.H.Hinton and H.Ft.Gardner. , ~ ' Off icere o~£ the 1Yhat-Sa-Ever Circle o r,. ~,,+ .~~;Qeared and told the Commissioners tmat the King's Daughters tnrough out the State were maltin$ an ef't'ort y to raise fundsiin the various countiea to erect a house of worship for the boys at _ L StonewalT Sackson Training School and urged the Board to contribute to that end. ~~ ~~" >~ In view of.the fact•that a donation toward the erection of a Chapel for the girls at ~, ~ Samarcand~ a State institution~ was made by this Board several years ago~ and it " appearing.that there are nov~ some nine or ten boys at the Jackson Training School from ~. tnis County, and feeling the need for a place of worship there~ Mr. Trask moved tha.t an appropriation of $50.00 be granted toward the erection of a Chapel, his motion ~, was seconded by 1ar. Iiall and the question put to vote by the Chairman; Mr. Traek and ~ DQr. HA13••votirig ~ea, and 3vir. Hinton and ERr.', Gardner voting nay~ A tie was declared and . tlze CY~airman voted in the aff~rmative and it'was carried. , ~ upon motion o~ Mr. FIixiton~ seconded by 1~r. Hal\~ I~6r. E. E. Burnett of Wilmington ~, '~~,~ tosvnship,was granted an abatement o£ taxes on a valuation of ~4,525.00 peraonal '~ . property list~d' in exror.for the year 1936. ' ~ •~ A.report,of t3ie activitiea•of the Post Commission for quarter ending October lst, ~~ .- ~ ~,~y~ , 1936, was presented and read by T~ir. Peter B. Ruffin, its Chairman, and received and ~"~' ordered filed by the Board. ~ A requeat of Mr. 0. ~4. Rouse, Gape Fear township, for an abaternent of taxes on a ~~r valuation o£ y~1,000.00 for the year 1932 to 1936 inclusive, on a mortga~e listed for -: `/ ~~t~TM ~1,000.00 in excess of the amount for which it was aettled~ was referred to the County •Attorney for investigation and.recovanendation. ~ It being a~reeable~with a1Z parties concerned, the Superior Court jury box vras tendered ~~~ t~e necorder for drawing a,jury £or the trial of a civil case in Recorders Court, f Tuesday October 13th~1936, and the Clerk of Recorders Court was desi~nated by the ~ Recorder t^o draw the same. Upon motion; Mr. A. A. Lewia was granted an abatement of taxes on a valuation of L-- - j~~ ~450.00 household and kitchen furniture listed in error for the year 1936. ~ • Upon.motion~ Mr. Sol Sternberger vras allowed to pay the etreet asaessment on lot #3, •/ /~a'~ Brookwood on the 3~ flat interest rate basis. Applications submitted in due form and execution by J.E.Cheek and John 1Y. Hewlett ~ to sell beer at locations at the Coastal Fair grounds and~route 20 near Audubon, ~~ ~/ respectively, were upon motion'of ~lr. Gardner, seconded by Mr. Hall, approved: , % ~ ~~A communication was received ~rom the Courity Auditor advising the amount`of deposit in / ¢~ each bank as of September 30th,1936, together with a memorandum of securities held in „~~~ each ca5e. .. , ' . • A statement was received from I~ra. Edwin B. Josey, Supervisor, showing articles made ~ from ERA and WPA materials turned aver to the City and County to date, to the value ~ ~'~~ of ~72, 741.64. . ' ~ Upon motion of 2~r. Hinton, seconded by Mr. Aall, the regieter of Deeds eras authorized ~, to have a,new map made of i9ilmington Beach, on linen~ to replacse the mutilate& and ,y~ Q orn map recorded in Book #71~ at page #700 of hia records. Also to have a duplicate ma~ -- U~g , put in the map book with proper not~ations made on the original bearing reference thereto. • • Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by 1;4r. lrask, the salary of ~iss Edna Brown, Deputy e~ieter of Deeds, was upon s.eeb~nendation of I~Hr. A.B.Rhodes, Regieter of Deeda, ~/ ' , ~~J~~increased from $90.00 per month to ~100.00 per month for three months beginning :. _,,.r Oetober lst,1936; and ending December 31st,1936~ q., : ' Upon~motion of T~4r. Trask, seconded by Mr. Hinton, the Gulf Oil Corporation tvas granted ~ ~, '~~~ X an abatement of taxea on a valuation of ~550.00 equipment listed in error, Cape Fear ~ • toanahip 1936,which wag included in a$sessment on equipment listed in ~lilmingt:on ~,'~'~ .. ' townehip for the same year. . f Upon motion of Mr. Gardner, seconded by I~dr. Trask, George FYilson at4 inmate at the ~ ~ ~County Home and a former inmate of the Red Cross Hoepital, now suffering with an ., ~y adeanced case of tuberculoais,was ordered returned to the Red Crosa HospitaZ if. admission can be secured. ,~ . J~~ At the sugge$tion of DGr. J.H.Hinton,'Mr. R. B. Roebuck County Commis~eioner,nominate,. was invited to attend meetings of the Board thus giving him an opportunity to ~ familiart2e himaelY with the County s buea.neae before taking his seat in December next. ,,.]~Tha County Auditbr's cash report for the month of September wae receiced and ordered filed./ ' ~ ~.~6~'`x ~ ~~~ p~pon motion~ County bills Nos. 1037 to 1065 inclusive, were approved for payment. .' v` `dv , ' Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by h~Gc. Gardner~ the CYiairm~n was given authority to,~ n _~~~ ,,,,,,-~.empl4y ~6r. L. L. Merritt,for such time as necessary, to work out the yardage estimate ' ~('~ to make fill at the airport. ~ / .,,~. Upon motion of Pfir. Hinton, seconded by D~r. Gardner~ Geor~e Ivey Crandall was appointed / ~~`~Caret9~kes: of Oak Grove Cemetery for a period of thirty days from October 15th,1936, '~~ ~ to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of i~r.D.J.Browning. The matter of continuing ,.~ his services to be considered at the end of that period. ' ` The meeting then a.d~ourned. ~ . N ~l,Y~iz~ \. '`` , . ~ \ C1ePk. ` - ~~~;~`% ' ' ' ), ~~O ~ : _ : ~. , ~lilmington, N. C., October 19th,1936. , :. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held'at 3t00 P.2~. ~ .'. presents Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.W.Trask~ J.H:Hinton and H.R.Gardner. ~ . y• f Tvir. Alfred Barfi~Pd appeared ~nd asked that the assessment.be reduced on his ~ ,~\q'~, property in block ~38, the property of A.S.Yeager in block #~3, and the property, ~~ of T.F.Gaskill on Virginia Avenue between 4th, and 5tri~ atreets. Upon motion ~ the reques:t was referred to the Co~ittee for inveatigation. A requeat of John A. Stevens, Esq., for the Carolina Mortgage Company, that the- ~~" •'' /~ Board abate,the peraonal property tax due by George Honnett, charged against real .` ~~~ estate in block #165-E.ffi.Pt.,lo.ts 4 and 5, on accounL of ~dr. Honnett haning no • / equity in the property, was referred to the Chairman and County Attorney for additional information. . , - ~ ' ~ Upon motion of Mr. Hinton, seconded by I~r. Trask, I+'annie Bannerman and Ilrtartin Dykers~ ~^~~ were upon recormnendation of the 1Velfare Officer admitted to the County Home. ~ \l - Upon motion~of Mr. Trask, seconded by B~i. Hinton, the Board authorized t~he payment of ,~ ~ /y~,~60.00 •to the Salvation Army Horae for the care a~d maintenance of the Walker children : ~`-/ for period from September 12th, to October 12th,1936. , ' Upon motion of EQi~. Hinton, seconded by Nr. Gardner,.autkiority to purchase achool / ~ books and stationery for Sam and Bert Register at a cost of approximately ~2a00. / ~ ' ~ as requested by the 1Yelfare Of'f3cer, was granted. Sam and Bert,Register are New ' "'- Hanover charges residing with Mre. T. H. Holmea at P~ount Olive, N. C. f ~ • ~ Re9uests for a reduction of assesaments on the property of the Estate of Mary M. ''I Vann, bloek # 129, Mra. TuI.B.Chiswell block ~104, J.W.Reaves block #75 and R.F.Johnson.,, ./ ~G~ b~ock #160, vuere xeferred to the Committee for investigation,and with power ~ act. •~ ~, Upon raotion of 1~r. Trask, seconded by Mr. Hinton, 1~Hr. Robert N. Johnson of #613 South ~~ , . ~~`~ 16th, Street was granted an abatement of taxes on a valuation of ~k300.00 household. ~~ ' ....~ and kitchen,furniture listed"in error for the year 1936. ~ t _ ~ ~ Applications for license presented in dus form and execution~ by Lir. F.P.Harrill to , ~~ sell neer at location at ~iJrightsville Sound~ was upon motion of T~r. Gardner~ seconded. b3r P~r. Hinton,, approved. Upon motion ot' •t!ir. Hinton, seconded by T~r. Gardner, the Board authorized the payment ~~~~}}} of ~p44.16 to R.C.Dellinger, Mana~er of the Employment Bureau,account of 1936-1937 .,.~ ~ " ibudget appropriation, Lo take care of office expenaes Yor June, July and August 1936, / as per statament rendered. ~ `~~,~,~ Upon motion, Count~ bills Nos. 1066 to 1122 inclusive, were approved for payment. Upon motion of i~r. Trask, seconded by Wr. Hinton, authority was given to purchase J ~ 18 Douglae Arm chairs ~150 from the Pender Furniture ComPany at ~5.50 ea~h, for the .~ Recorders Court. They being the lowest bidders. . ~ Upon motion of tPtr: ~rask, seconded by ~r. Hinton~ ~the Board authorized the purcha.se ~. of one desk st;o`6I with back from Sutton-Council Furniture Company for the Deputy Cle k ~~ ~ o£ Recorders Court at a cost of $~5.00 , Upon motion of I~r. 'i'rask, instructions were given to nrovide approximately twelve cuspidors and six trash cans to be placed'at appropriate•pTaces in~the Court Houae ... ,~ 1~,~,U corridore, iron ~bars on lower part of windows in lower and upper corridors conneoting ~,~ the old Court House and Annex to prevent loitering and sitting in windows~ and increase the height of. railing around the prisoners inclosure in ~ecorders Court~Aoom to _ prevent poseible escape of prisonera brought before the Recorder f'or trial. ~ The me ting then ad~ourned, ` ~'i%/h 7! , erk. ~q. ~{Tpon motion of Tdr. Hinton~ seconded by Mr. Trask, the 73oard authorized the,payment ~ Q r~r'~ of ~250.00 to George T. Sternber~er on account of electric refrigerator inatalled `ft~~`~ at the County Home, the balance of ~75.00 to be paid upon completiion of the vuork. .t . .. ~ - .. ~4f+ ,. ~ ~~~ ~ ,wi~mington,N.C., October 26th~1936. - `y"~ , ~~ The regular weekly meetin~ of tne Board was held a t 3:OO.P.DB•. 'w.•.. . '. ~ Presentt Addison Hewlett Cha.irman,. Ueo. i~J. Trask, Jas. Iut. HalT~J.H.Hinton and H.R.Gardner. ~, . The Board finding that George Honnett ha.d.no equity in the &1 & E M part of lots 4& 5, , .. block #165, at the time of eettlement of the taxea by the CentraT Investment Co., ~ ~~ under authority of his ~oard F'ebruary lst,1932, and further finds that the.peraonal ~ property tax due by t~r. Honnett for the years 1928~ 1929 and 1930 which was included +- in the said real estate tax, should h~ve been included in eaid settlement, did, _- thArefore; upon motion of I~Ir. Hall, eeconded by ~r. Trask, and on opinion of the - County Attorney, ordered the personal,property tax due by ~r. Honnett and char~ed ~ - ~ against the said'real ~es~ate, cancelled on the back tax records for the reasons `y . ~ aforesaid. ' Upon motion of Lax~. Gardner, seconded by Mr. Hinton, the. Courity Auditor was authorized ;;. - and,instructed to turn over to the Asaociated Charitiea,in addition;to its budget / j~' propriation,.the ~25.00 monthly paycaents made for July,August and ,eptember and ~~ uture payihents, for services rendered by Aasociated Charities for making.invea- ,~ • ti~ations and issuing permits~to the hospital for treatment of indigent citizens, as ;'' has been the custom in the past. , ` ~,+~~'~~The following bids were received for furnishing two cara coal for the County Home ~ ~ • ~ p~and. one car for the Court Houses ,,.- l./' GOtffdT HOUSE COUNTY HOME : • .. Becker doal Company........... $~7.20 $ 7.20 ~ - ~ ' T. E. Caoper & Co.,........... 6.30 5.25~ ~~, • '. _ . " .. ' ' North-Sviith Coal-Co.,......,,. 6.30 5.30~ ` •~ ' ^ Rose Ice Company,.............. 6.30 5.30 ~ ' ~ Springer Coal Company,........ 6.30 5.25/ ~_ . .~~.~T.~E. Cooper Pc Company and the Springer Coal Company being the lowest bidders and . _,..`; n_,,,~,/for tne same amounts, the awards were made as followst '~~~V~ -•. T. E. Cooper & Comp'any, two cars coal fob County ~HOme at ~5.25 per ton. ~/ ~ The Springer Coal Company, one car coal Court riouse at ~6.30 per ton. d ~ 5Y ' .. ';:~}/ . . The audit report of the Consolidated Tax Office for the year 1935, prepared by '-~ . -.~Q'~` J.B.7dcCabe 8c Company was receiPed and accepted, -~a_ , ~ The following report of the 1935 !ax settlement and 1934-1935 eomparative atatement,' J - ~.~(~. was received from the County Auditor: 1935 1936 J/ . • • Per Cent-Per Cent ~ Listed as per abstract ~347,812.09 Insolvents 7,370.67 02:.08 02.10 , Less Abatements 194.38 Sold for Taxes ~., 71,262.74 20.12 22.48 ~ - ' Net 347,617.71 Not Listed Sold ,•:2,936.27 00.83 00.75~. ~ , . ; Discounta 394.19 . • Listed Late 948.44 ~1474.71 1,868.90 00.53 00~81 /~ , . Not Listed-Collectod'~ 1~219.10 prepayments 54,101.59 15.27 15.91 r , Held by County- Collected 88.10 Paid Tax Collector,216,669.98 61.17 58.25 ~ Not Listed- Sold 2~936.27 ' ~ Penalty 1,?.97.54 • ~ . .! , Advertising Costs 31.35 ~ ~'~' ~ '" Due City oY Wilmington 71.73 ,`.P~: . ~354,210.15 y~354,210.15 100.00 100.00 ~. ~~IIp~on motiori of bTr. Gardner, seconded by A2r. Hi.nton, the, County Auditor wa.s .instxucted " ' pay 'to the City of iVilming~on $71.73, 1935 Ci.ty:,taxes paid to the County in erxor. ~ ;'~ ~ r Upon motion of 1~Ir. Hinton, seconded by P,dr. TrasY, '~he Chairman, I~br. Gardner, the County ~ .F ' `._-"tG x Attorney and the County Auditor were named to confer with the City Cormnissionere and • i;-, fix the rate of' penalties and discounta to be ap~lied to the 1936•,~taxes. . pon motion of~ I~6r. Trask, seconded by ;JLr. Hall, the Chairman~vra~ aj~pointed a comma.ttee °•, ~ ~~h5~rom this Board to act bvith City Commissioner of Finance ;~r. P/.Louis Fisher in securing an inspection of weights and measures in the County. ~ .~ ,A petition signed by 27 citizens asking for improvements to I~dacAae Avenue extending 1 from the Princess 5treet road to the colored cemetery in East 1Vilmington; was received ," ` ~~`5 and upon motion of P~Hr. Hall, seconded by T~dr. Hinton, approved and referred to the d __ .• State Highway and Public ,dorks Commiesion for its ~consideration., ~ .a, l , ''~ Upon motion of Idr. graslc, seconded byt }dr. Hinton, the house of J.T.Sholer, block #7 ,' :._.~- Lot #19, Wilmington ]3eac1~, was upon recommendation of the Tax Assessors reduced from ~ .r-~~ix $$1,000.00 to $700.00 and an abatement of taxes on a naluation of ~300.00 for the year . ~ 1938 was authorized. , Request for reduction of assessment on the property of the heirs of' T.G.Landen~block #91, ~ ~~ X• ~irs.Annie Landen block, #9, ~drs.S.H.Mintz block #65 and I~6rs.Annie Lee nicks Seagate '. . Harnett~township, wae referred to the_ Committee vrith po~aer to act. ,. • •~ Upon motion of LiIr. Hinton, seconded by Ivir. Gardner~ the Clerk vras instructed to ansv~er ~ ~ r~~ ~ the questions requested in the questionnaire regarding application for~t4PA school funds ~~-V~ docket ~ N.C.1191,New Hanover County Schools, as d~rected. . ~ Upon motion of Mr. Hinton, seconded by ~r. Trask, ~p6.00 transportation for returning 2VIrs.J.F.Richards & crife Callie Richards to 'tlashington,N.C., and ~1.20 transportation J V , ~. ~~or C.H.Garrett to Jac~sonville,N.C., as recouzmended by the Supt.~ of Public Welfare, ; ,'. .. was approved. ,.~, . . . •y.. ~ - Y~~ ~ . r l~ ' ,. ~Ut9 Meeting of' Uctober 26tn,1936, continued. ,, ~ . Upon motion ~of I~r. ninton, seconded by I~dr. Ga.rdner, the ~1,080.00 assessment on y~~~>}} ' /~ Q~~ vacant lots Nos. 8 and 9, block #~505, wae separated and f'ixed equally against each % ; lot to enable 1Tr.J.~':Robertson to clear trie taxes due on one oi trie lots so3d. A statement was received f'rom I~rs. Edwin B. Josey 5upervisor of' the Sewing Hooms,~ ~ '~'~~ showing articles made i'rom ERA and ~PA materials to the value of ~73,382.•20 turne ' • over to the City and County to date. . A report of Jas, walker Hospital for tne montn oi September v~as received and ~/- :,, ~ ordered filed. . ~ . It having been brought to the attention of the Board that the sale of beer under ' existing conditions at the location on highway ~40, near Ureenfield Park, known as ~ ~ . "Idle Hour" i$ undesirable and obnoxious to the residents in that corrununity, and the ` ~ Commiesioners, on inf'ormation.received and complaints made, feel that it would be ~ ~,~ / to the best interest of all concerned to discontinue the sale of beer at that location. It was, therefore, upon motion of'I~r. Gardner, seconded by Mr. '1'rask, ordered by a unanimous vote, that Mr. C.~.Justice in whose name the license to sell beer at said ~, location avas issued, appear beYore this Body at its meeting.to be held Monday Pdovember ~ 9th, 1936~ at 3s00 o'clock P.M., and shov+ cause why the license isaued to him to sell _ beer at the said.location should not be revoked. , , Fiy, The meeting then ad,journed. ~ ! ;~'{ ~i"~, 7/`.r.h~tir/.~.~ ~ . , " ~ Clerk. , . ~ • 6Yilmington, N. C., November 2nd,1936.• ,' The regular weekly meeting of' the Board was held at 3s00 P.L4. ~. Presents Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.4V.Trask,Jas.Iti.Ha11~J.H.Hinton and H.R.Gardner. ~, J.D.TficLean oS n4asonboro to~~rnship was upon r~otion of R~r. Hinton, seconded by I~r.Hall, R2 / granted a:;refund of-~2.50 poll taxes collected by garniehment'for the year 1933 on r~ •., I~ • ~Q`~ April 5th,1934, which was also included in the taxes cha.r~ed a~ainst lot #25, block ~ #S, Sunset Park and paid May 27th,1935. ` - 'Etequests submitted by T~essrs A.E.Page and Philander Pearsall for reduction of ' ~j~~ asaessments on property in;,blocks Nos. 129 and 190 reapectively, wae upon mot~on , referred to the Chairman and Coc~mittee for investigation and with power to act. , / The Cowmissionera declined to grant the request of 1Sr. ~9.A.Toti~nes., Tpustee, repres`li '. ' ~~ ,',,~} enting the Wilinington Public Library, for an appropriation to pay the operating ~ •~ •~~`k=~./ experimentalhproject tobdistribu~tesbookstto~ruralTpatrons This beingma small county~ ,, • the Iibrary is easily accessible to a11 its citizens. " , ~ A request of Iar. Murray Basa for drainage improvements in the area of his farm on the~ ' : ,.~~t1.R{,~rriP~Blue Clay road, in the event this is not taken care of by the 1~osquito control work, ,. y v~as received for consideration. ,. • The Cormnissioners agreed to investigate the matter of straightening the run of .~ ~ Burnt T~C111 Creek, or to ma.ke other more practical changes or improvements in the ~`~ ~'d'~~drainage to more rapidly eliminate the accumulation of water to prevent over-flo~ring ""' of the lands of I~r. 4V.J.Taylor east of Mercer Avenue, as requested. b4r. W.A.Peschau and delegation representing the lamerican Leg.ion appeared and t~old `. the Cor~missioners that in view of the loss sustained by reason of the inclemency of ' r the weather during the annual agricultural fair held at the Recreational Centre •• ~'~t~. week of October 12th,1936, it appears necessary to undertake a second fair.in an `.A,~(}NF effort to recuperate its finances to enable it to carry on its sponsorship of the,„ f; . 49PA Recreational Project near Greenfield, and to that end submitted in writin~ a request that its accredited agent, Coastal Fair Incorporated, be granted permission , to operate an a6ricultural fair and Armistice Week Celebration in this County for -•, ~ the dates of November lOth, to 14th, 1936, inclusive, ta.x free. `. •, ~ City Commissioner Jas. E.L.~9ade appeared with the delegation and urgeu that the , req~ea.t be granted, stating that the City Cor.~rnissioners had acted favorably on the request. After discussion, 2~r. Gardner moved that the privilege to hold the f'air '. ~ as requested be granted, provided the State authorities find it a le~al agricultural , ~~~ ~fair, his motion was seconded by I~r. Hinton~ I~r. Hall Lhan offered a substitute I ~°" ' motion that the request be, declined. bTr. ,Trask and I~dr. Hall feeling that it would~~~ ' - ~~ not be to the best intere"st to hold a second fair, }dr. Trask seconded IvSr. Ha.ll's . motion.~The substitute mo,tion was then put by the Chairman and Idr. Hall and 2~dr. Trask ' -+, voted yes, and 1JLr. Gardner and ~:r. Hinton voted No. A tie; was declared and the 7~ . , Chairman voted No, and the motion to grant the requeat to hold the fair was carried. .~ . • ' ~ - ' ~.,.,,,, . Upon motion, the payment of $75.00 balance due T~r. Geo.T.5ternberger for furnishing ,~ ~. /'/''"" and installing electric refrigerator at the County riome, ~^ras approved. _ l, In vie~r of the fact that there is some misunderstanding among the members~of the ~ ~ Board as of July 20th,1936, concerning the salaries of the A.B.C.Board Off'icials, , ~~,'' Ivir. Trask moved that the salary of the Chairman,Idr.\'J.D.IvtacMillan be increased from f - ' ~{~?,400.00 to ~3,000.00, and the salaries o~ Messrs M.~7.Divine and r'red D. Poisson be,~ Y ~,.. ~ increased frora ~p1,800.00 to ~}2,400.00 annua.lly as• of July lst,1936, his motion was seconded by bTr. Ha13 and a vote vras taken. Mr. Trask and NIr. Hall voted Yes, and •, . D4r. Gardner and ~dr. Hinton voted No. A tie was declared and the Cnairman voted,No, and it tivas not carried. ~ • An ofier made by iSr. Chas.73.Parmele to traasfer title to the City and County in •~', ' / U{ ~,~proportion to the taxes due, the 5.~~l. part of lot ~2, in block #~58, in consideration r~~ of the back taxes due on said property, wae accepted. Upon motion of i~L'r. I€ill,seconded by Jair. Gardner,I~r.H.R.S,andlin wa~ ~ranted an abatement i+.~.. j ~ of taxes on a valuation of ~150.00 household and kitchen f'urniture 1i8ted in error for ~~ • /~l~ the year 1936. . ~ / . ~ ~ 4 ~ a~: Meeting of November 2nd,1936, continued.• It appearing that the land of Ydr. It. A. Parsley locatecl north oi plocks 403 and 404 ,/ ' has not been assessed for ta.~es and tnereiore:the taxa~ triereon nas not been paid, ~/ ~a~ for the paet several years, tne same was.ref'erred-to tne tax Assessors for investigationd and if ~found not to be assessed or included in the ~ssessment on ~djoining property, tq ~' "~` assess the same ~,nd submit ineir recommendations as to:.previous.years.for. further __:~c. ' consideration.of the Board: ~ ~ ~ .~ . Upon motion oY' ~dr. '1'rask, seconded by talrr. fiall, the Board gave i.nstructions to have the County's h'ighway claims for~Yunds er,peaded for road construction prepared and mailed to ~ ~ /~Z ~~ I~r.C.Z.Bailey, Chairman of the Commission to Investigate Adjustments of County Highway Claims, to be .coiYsidered at hearing to be held in Raleigh Ido4e~nber 12th,1936. '~, Upon motion of Mr. Gardner, seconded by T~r. irask, the Board voted unanimously to join p~ ,~ the City of Wilmington and the tpJilmington-Chamber~of Commerce in the presentation of a ,' ~~~ brief outlining tri~ reasons for trie use of the Port of 4vilmington by the State of , ~~Iorth Carolina under auspices of the State Uasoline Terminal Commission. " \ An invitation vras reeeived from the American Legion to take part in the Ar~iatiae Day ,f ';~~~~g,~y-Q}~arade in celebration of' the 19th, annivers~,ry of' the close of the Vdorld ~Yar. ,, ,-' • C/L.~~~~~-Tpon motion, •duly seconded, county bills Nos. 1123 to 1267 were approved f'or payment.'/ . ir ~ ° ~ Upon motion of I~r. Trask, seconded by Idr. Uardner,.suthority wae given to have the ,~/ ~, ~~ ~,Citables in the Hecorders .Court room covered with "L~asonite". ~ 1 ' The Cle,rk of Superior Court having found that I~r.YJ.E.Pruett is an inebriate and in ~ r/L~C~need of treatment at the State Hospital, the Board, therefore, upon reqizeat:o"f- of the , ~' Clerk of Superior Court authorized the payment of'~p50.00 to the State Hospital for such treatment. ~ • The follovring good and lawful men were drawn to serve as jurors in the Superior Court ~ .~~~for the txial of criminal cases for week beginning Idovember 16th,1936t ~ ,, ~. ~ .~ :' ~; C.J.Craig. A.B.Sellers. ldorman Z.Mintz. B.~d.Will.iams. Alonza J. Burriss. R.S.Liles. P.A.L~Taxwell. Geo.i9.Lee. J.L.Pittman,Jr. Ben.K.Norwood. N.L.Vann. R.C.b~urray. E.G.King. ~ Geo.H.Rogers. J.L.White. Chas.T~.Powell. Frank E.Ricks. Sidney G. I~dacPdillan.Geo.Z.Stearns. Eugene E. Canady. Joseph Rhodes. Robert 3atts. Decatur Costin. N.F.Walton. J.A.3~cAdam~. A.+1a.Pope. T.E.Cox. J.D.Lewis. ~7.R.Allen,Jr. N.C.]~Eason. J.J.Aobinson. R.P.NlcCla:miy. I,.L.Guyton. D.R.Barnett. R.A.~Villiams~. Herbert Bordsaux. J.S.Albright. S.G.Hatch. J.R'.Duke. lr7.H.Rothwell. M.T.Clark. Glasgow Hicks. • The mee~ting tnen adjourned. . ` Gi 7( - ~~~~'~terk. V~ilmington, N. C., November 9th,1936. The regular weekly meeting of the Board v~ae held at 3s00 o'clock P.M. t, Presents Addison Hewlett Chairma.n, Geo.49.Trask, J: H. Hinton and H.R:Ga.rdner. The•minutes of ineetin~ of November 2nd,1936, were read and approved as recorded. ~ :, . : A~copy of the resignation of Mr. C. R. Dillard as County Farm Demonstration Agent addressed to Dean I.O.Schaub and Ivlr. E.ti~i.Gaither District Agent, State College, ' Raleigh, N.C., to become effective on date of appointment of his successor; was ~ received and~ upon ruotion of ]dr. Hinton, seconded by nlr. Trask accepted. The Boaxd ~ acting- upon the request of a delegation of farc~ers composed of 'Plessrs. Adam Sondey B.VanBavel, Johri Tdorrie and others, and upon motion of Mr. 1'rask, seconded by h~r. :~ ~ Hinton, r~commended to I~r. E.W.Gaither,District Agent, the appointment of Plr.R.~'l.Ga3phin ~. f'ormEr County Agent of pamiico County, to succeed I~r. Uillaxd. ' t ' Mr. C. E. Justice having been given notice to appear before the Coirnnissioners on November 9th,1936, and show cause why his license to sell beer at location near - s(g,,,_,~ Greenfield Park, kno~vn as "Idle Hour" should not be revoked; did appear with his attorney "`~`~~vfr.Herbert McClammy, and it was found, on his own statement that he had violated his ti agreement under which the license were granted, to-wits ~.~ J lst, He employed the services of a person who had been convicted of vio7ating - , the prohibition 1aw within two years. ' , 2nd- He did not personally superintend the said business.,= . , Therefore, his licenae to sell beer at said locati~on was upon motion of ~~~`~ ~0_D~LMr. Gardner, seconded by Mr. Trask~ revokecl to become effective at 4t00 0' clock P.M. ~' ~ November lOth~1936. - ` R~~~~lt pon rnotion of Iair. Hinton, seconded by I~Lr. Gardner, the County Auditor I~Sr.J.A.Orrell, ~ having been appointed a member of the Legislative Cor~mittee; was~autliorized to attend ~~~ •a meeting of the Board Tax Supervisors to be held at Raleigh Thursday November 12tki,1936, his expenses to be paid by the County. ~ ~- A co~munication was received from the County Auditor advising the amount of deposit in ,J ~each bank as of October 31st,1936, together with a memorandum of securities held in each ~ ' .~~ case. . . ; . ~ . ~~~ 4~~ ~ . ~eetin~ of' NoPember 9th,1936, continued., ,,. It aras, upon motion of i~ir. '1'rask, seconded by ~r. Hinton, agreeable with t.he Conunissioners that the Peoples Savings Bank & Trust Company make no distinction between the securities 4 , ~,{~ pledged to secure the deposits of'~the ~Alcoholic Beverage ~'unds and the securities pledged ~" to secure the deposits of Pdew Hanover County. 5ecurities Pledged will be considered as / securing all deposits o~ Ne~v Ha,nover County and t~lcoholic J3everage ~'unds, based on their- letter of Novembes 4th,1936. A revised statement of the Claim of New Hanover County for funds expended f'or road construction to June 30th,193I amounting to ~300,310.35 eYClusive of equipment, was „ ~~`? approved arid ordered mailed to L4r. Carl L. Bailey, Cha.irman of the Investigating Co~m?ittee at Haleigh, N.C., to be considered at meeting to be held by the (:ommis~ion 2dpvember 12th~1936. _~ ~ A communicati3n vras received from L4rs. E.B.Josey, SuperPisor of the ~~JPA Sewing Roouis,~ • ~\ showing articles made from ERA and V"dPF~ materials turned over to the City and County to- ~- W~ date, to .the va.lue of ~74, 565.84. U ~ c A request of the Board of ~ducation that the sum of ~10,000.00 be placed to the credit~/,, ~~/,~lof the school accoun~ to take care of expenditures f'or the raonth of November, ,was upon ~~"' motior. of Mr. Gardner, seconded by t~r. Hinton~ approved. ~ , 1~rs. Alice Gurgenoua 72 years of age, having been receiving ~p8.00 per month since " August 1st,1934 out of a~300.00 fund she turned over to the County in consideration . of her maintenance and care at the County nome, and having left the Home and notiv residing -- ~ else where, and ha,ving no funds other than the yp8.00 monthly paynents as aforesa~d with ~d -' which to purchase food and pay rent, therefore, the l:ommissioners, upon recommendation of..J' f' the Superintendent of Public 4Velfare and in lieu of the expense it would cost to keep ~' ~~ her at the County Home, did, upon motion of Lir. '1'rask, seconded by I~r. Hinton, increase - her allo~va.nce from ~8.00 to ~12.00 monthly as of NoQember lst_,1936. The following action was taken October 28th,1936, atea..joint meeting'of.City,and Count~ Commissioners, and approved by thiw Board: ,'-- PrIr.VT.D.RFCCaig, spokeaman for the Hospital Commuttee explained the situation that obtains at the Hospital with reference to the needs for additional bud~lding accommodations.. ~~pJ~ He stated that all available f unds had been expended or allotted on additions to the nurses ~. ~~~~" t home.and for.necessary equipment. 1'hat their recent application for a p1,VA Grant to erect ~ an addition to the Hospital had been granted, and they ~vere without funds to go throu~h '• '. with the project. He asked financial assistance in the sum of Sixty Five 'thousand Dollars. , Ldr. Chas. Parmele spoke of the aeute shortage,of nurses accommodations and Gvomens . ~~ wards. He recalled the arrangements "betvreen the City-County and Hospital at the time'o~'.the .,,,., erection of the present nursea home vrhereby a series of notes vrere issued to mature annuallyy ' The City and County to retire the principal and,the Hospmtal to care for the interest. . He suggested that such a procedure might be fol,•~oived,in the present situation. .. ~ BHotion by Commissioner Hewlett and duly seconded, that the two Boarda approve the requ~ of the James N7alY.er 1~`iemorial Hospital ~o a~d. in the financing of the proposition ~ above referred to and that the two Boards reque,st tne present members of the House of ~' y~ RePresentatives fror~ this County to enact such 'le~islation as will effectuate~:same and .; that the entire matter be~referred to the City and County Attorneye,Cone representative f'rom each Board and two representatives from the~ Hospital with the idea of dr~fting necessary legislation to meet the request for submisaion to the General Assembly, which matter was unanimously adopted. \ 1 \\ _,{~ , Corrnnissioners Hall and Fisher flere appointe~ to represent the County and City and, ~"' ~'~'~~"~ i~essrs Parmele and I~dcCaig the Hospital, on said Corn~ittee. ~~~~ A report of the Home Demonstr~.tion A~ent for the month of October v~as received and46rdered ~,~, ~°~ • filed. ~~` .. .. ,, ~,.. Y • • ,• .,-. ~ Upon u~otion of Prir. Prask, ~seconded by T~r. Hinton, ~the Board agreed to clear the ground y ~'~and make necessary drainage of the eite near ~~rightaboro station, preparatory for the ~. , ~.~,~~ erection of a Ladies Club by the Ne~v Hanover County Ladies Home Demonstration Club. 1~ , y ~ Upon motion the Chairman vaas authorized to purchase necessary materials and have.a fence;;i ' ~C~.~~,~~erected around the County Oak Grove Cemetery pre2aises. , In view of savings to be af,fected in County Farm appropriations by economic managment,V ,~.,,~ the Board upon motion of Ffir. 'lrask, seconded by I~r. Hinton authorized the purchase of °~ ~C ~~tv~^' ' a tractor and harrow for the County farm at a cost of approximately $~1,OQ0.00 to be paid. ~ . ~ out of the County Farm emergency fund. I~Hr. Gardner not voting. A request of Chas.B.Parmele for cancellation of assessment on land, part of Old Oceanic, "' Hotel site, east of blocks 101 and 102 Vrrig2itsville Beach, on account of wave erosi.on,,I ''•~ . `'~~~ was referred to the Cha,irman and Committee for investigation. ~ ~ ~~npE~ Upon inotion, duly seconded County bills Nos. 1268 to 1402 were approved for payment.~-,~4 ` ~rAx.~",~ . Upom motion, duly secondeu, bills of expense for holding general election November 3rd,~ ~,,~}~ aggre~ating ~,1,867.70 were approved for pay~tent. • ~.- fi ~ ' ~ A request of AGr. C. H. Fore for a reuustion of the assessment on liis property in block~ ~ C,l~ No•183, was referxed to the Cha,irman and Committee with po5ver to act. The meeting then adjourned. (~f~Jh 7!, i~ir7i7/~GN erk. \\ ,' . . . . ' ' . ',: . }~ i` ~ , t: 4~3 . , 1~1i1mington,Il.C., 'November l6th,1936. ~-~ /" The regular weekly meeting of the Board vrax held this day at 3s00 P.1:i. ~ ~ Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.YJ.Trask, Jas.I~.HalI.,J.H.Hinton and H.R.Gardner. ~ ~The ininutes of ineeting of November 9th, c~ere read and ~proved as recorded. ~ A\equest of.Nir,. A.H.Yopp that the County ~~axes under Schedule "B" on slot automatic C/'~ ~ ~(aV phonographs be reduced to ;~5.00 annually, w'as upon motion, seconded py 1~s'. Trask, /, ~ ~ l~ referred to a committee of the Chairman, NLr. Gardner and tne County Attorney for investigation and report back to the Doard at its next meeting. -• '. Tls. A.A.Nelms and 2~r. and 1~rs. ti'lm.F.Bowen appeared and submitted a.written report upon ~• .an investigation of the "Echo Tavern" located ori the Carolina Beach road and operated ~ ; '_ _/ by D.H.Dyer. It was shot~n from the report that the place is being operated in an 1~Q9J1/ unlawful and disosderly manner and for immoral purposes. It v~ras, t'herefore, upon ~~~d motior~_ of I~r. Trask, seconded by D~r. Ga,rdner, ordered, that D.H.Dyer be~notified ~~ • to appear before tYiis Body VVednesday November 25th,1936 at 9s30 ~.~i., t.o show cause~ if any, v1,hy the license issued to him to sell beer at said location shoul \not be `. `. rev,oked. , ~ • , Upon motion, duly made amd seconded~ instructione were given to notify the following • _„A/ persons to appear before this Board V~edne~day November 25th,1936, at 9:30 A.S.I., to ~~-l~'° show cause why the license issued to them to sell beer at their respec~ive locations, .' sYiould not, be revoked, for the reasons hereinafter given: ,~~~, / ~ H.C.Linker; Seven miles north on the Castle F~.yne road. Not giving his . V , ~'.,.-~`~ , personal supervision to the business and sane being operated ~ by ot3ae~;~:cin a di~.orderly. manner. / , "~,ri ~ Jack R.IJ[atouk; Castle Hayne road, location known as "Pig Trail Inn" Not /~ , being,operated by the person to.v~liom the license were issued. •~- ~~y ``, T.T.Register; Castle Ha.yne road. Being operated by a person other than / Register to ~hom the licen"se to sell beer was issued. f~ Thos.A.Reynoldss Location- eight miles on Caroline Beach road lmovrn as "The/ , , -~ +" d~2,.ti.i ~ De1ta" operated by a person other than the one to ~hom license ~vere issued and'not under the supervision of , Reynolds. ' ~~•. •-~ r~ V George Russ: Seven miles on the Carolina Beach road. Not operated under ~ f ~•, ~ ' his supervision, but by a pereon who has been convicted • . ~ for violating prohibition law. • .,~. ' ~ n~'e'0~'"'~ ~ T.A.Shepard: Airport Road, Godfrey's Place. operating place disorderly. ~/ It having been ahown that J.E.Caison has been convicted and sentenced to serve a term - on the County Farm for violating the prohibition larv, the Board, upbn motion of ,~ ,, ~{~~~iutr. Trask, seconded by S~r. Hinton, ordered his license to sell beer at location on , ~ the Caro].ina Beach road, near Carolina Beach, revoked. /~~A repor~ of the Ladies ~est Room f or the r,~onth of October was received and ordered filed• it vias brought to the attention'of the Commissioners by the Chairman that there is a 'balance of appsoxiznately §G28.00 3n 'the City-Countyrjoint ~4,500.00 appropriation to , suppler.ient 4VPA funds for the erection o#' tan Armory for Aeadquarters Battery, and ~ ~ therefore insufficient funds with~vrhich to meet this weeks pay roll, and according to . , advice from ~,ir. I~IcGeady, '1'iPA funds have been exhaizsted and nothing further can be done c until this fund is supplementod by the authorities, stating further that it would not ' ~Y/t~ll~ equire more than ~320.00 for skilled labor for electrical work heating and plumbing, , and ,~500.00 for materials to'be provided locally. In order to meet this situation and carry on the armory pf~oject, I~x. Hinton moved and it v~as seconded by lr(x. Trask and ' carried that an~aciflitional appropriation of ~p200.00 be granted, provided a like amount is made available by the City of Wilmington. ~ Upon motion of I~fir. Trask, seconded by I~ir. Hall, the Superintendent of Public Welfare~ '' r, "~j~'~r'ivaw authorized to purchase a small heater at a cost of' ~2.75 for the V1pA.Cocmnissary. I Upon recommendation of~ the Superintendent of Public Vdelfare and upon motion of ~/ . .. ~/~,~Q~Pdr. Hinton, seconded by I~x. Trask, luiary To.om~r~ County indigent 80 years of age, was y . ~..~/'"" "~'dmitted to the County Home as an inmate. . ~ ' Upon recommendation of the Superintendent of Public ~~elfare and upon motion'of / .- I~dr. Hall, seconded by Pa'~r. Gardner, Mrs. ~nnie Reese of Garden City,' Harnett township, / ? C-__ Y~as granted an allo~,ance of ~ 25.~0 monthly out of the 1~uothers' Aid fund as of date of `~ , ~~~"~i~oYer~ber lst,1936, subject to the approval of the State Department of Charities and Public i~elfar'e. . ; t ~ ~ . , ~ A reques.t of I~r. i~F.L.deRoset that the County contribute ~75.00 tol~ard the expense of~f ~ preparing and printin~ hie booklet of the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County /!(~with its various statements of local interests and advantages, was taken under Y consideration. ~ It~•having been found that a mortgage listed by I~dr. O.W.Rouse in the amount of ~3,500.00 , for the years 1934,1935 and 1936, same Tepresenting'.the.balaace~of-purchase~mone5~ due by RobertF;H. Jordan on 14 acres of land in Cape Fear tawnship, tivas worth no more than ~~C~X $2,500.00 at the time of listing it, based .upon i~ne terms of settlement, PBr. Trask ~ moved and it wa.s seconded by N[r. Hall and carried,that Tvs. Rouse be granted an abatement of taxes on a valuation of ~1,000.00 for the years 1934,1935 and 1936, a11 members voting affirmatively except P~tr. Gardner who voted No. r 4~4 ,k ~eeting of November l6th,1936, continued. • ~~ :~ , The T~x Assessore,after investigation, repor~ted that 8 5/8 acres of land north• .~~-, " of Hilton Street and adjoinin~ blocks Nos. 403 and 404, owned by PQx.~.A.Parsley, ~ - r~ has not been aesessed for taxes since 1919, on account of error of the ',~ _•,°_'._" ~~`~ ~evaluation Board in omitt'ing the same fxom •the tax books in 192.0, recocunended' ~"' :'d , that the same be re-entered on the assessments books.at a valuatian of $~8,350.00.~ ~ ~ for `land ~d ~500.00 for buildings. The recommendation was upon motion of .~~1 ~ir. Gardner, seconded by T~ir: Hin~on, adopted, and taxes due on the same .for a ~ _ 1~.~ ~ period of five years from 1932 to 1936 inclusive vras ordered placed on the, current tax books for collection, after due notice of tthia action has been given ~ _ Lr. Parsley to appear and sho~v cause, if any,why this should not be d_one. '" Upon motion of Pdr. Hinton; seconded by I,fr. Gardner~ the assessment on the land ' / of the neire of VJ.G.Whi~ehead, block ~130 was separated and the assessment on ~7~• • ~,,-~'lG~ the auest T~iiddle part of ~ots 5 and 6, 35' ~ 132' in scize, in said block, was ~ fi:xed at ~p1,000.00 for the purpose of clearing back taxes due on same for the , years 1933, 1934,1935 and current taxes. ~;s A requeUt' of P~r. E.B.Bugg'for a reduction ofi the assessment on house located on ^• ~~~~ lot 2do.6, block. Ido.101, ~irightsville Beach to equalize the same. vrith that on ~. ~-.= ` similar. ad,~oining property, was upon motion of r5r. Gardner, seconded by Iu1r.,Hintoll, referred to tlie Chairman and Committee with power to act. ~ C ~A ~bill for ~60.00 from Andre~vs ~Iortuary for pauper burial of Franklin Helms d~as ~ ' ,, . ~ recezved, but the Commissioners declined payment in excess of the usual cost of . ~ County burila's and referred the same to the Chairman for adjustment. . Upon motion, instructions v~ere given to advertise for sealed bida to be received/,/ ' •00 o'clock P:hi.;'~Ionday rlovember 30th,1936, for the purchase of a tractor and !/ ~ . J C/~isc harrow for the County ~'arm. ~ _,- ~~ 1~ Upon motion of 'r,Ir. Gardner, aeconded by,ivlr. Hinton~ the department heads of the• ~`~~aarious county agencies including Health Depa-rtMent, Food and Dairy Inepector, / ~~'~~<'~' ~'~Associated CharitieN, Welfare Departe~ent, County Home, Farm and Hraina~e, were r ~: , ~'1'\~ asked to submit monthl reports of the activities o~ their re.spective.de• ~~` G~pt~ y partments. ~~, Upon motion, duly seconded, County bills Nos. 1403 to 1448 were approved~for payment.~ ~.~1 ~ -. The meeting.then adjourned. , . ~1'hH 7l. ~ ' ' . ; - 5~~~ Clerk. ~. .; . 4Vilmington,N.C., November 23rd,1936. The regular weekly meeting of the i~oard rvas held at 3:00 0' Clock P.25. •• ~ Present: Addison Hewlett Chairtnan, Geo:Vd,Traek, Jas.I~[.Ha11,J.H.Ainton and • H. R. Gardner. " _, ~ , The miniztes.of ineeting of November 16th, ~aere read and approved ae recorded. A, request for a long car'riage typewriter for the r'edesal Surgslus Cocrunodities ~Commiesasy for'the Frepare~tion o~ reports for this'and .three:othex Counties . ' p,rc~~^~~~ and to replace.,the_pxesent small:.typewriter now in use, and to provide a ~ ' `~ heater for the quarters, was upon motion of l~ir. Hinton, seconded by Mr.'Gardner, referred to the Chairman and Committee for investigation and with povrer'to act. l~ir. R.A.Parsley appeared in response to notice tnat his land Idorth of Hilton , appears to have escaped taxation since 1920, and recently assessed at ~8,850.00 ~ and taxes charged against the same for tne cu~rent and four pre'vious years, and -~ '/ objected to the assess~ent, stating that it~was in excese of that on ~?Tijoaning , l~ ~!S(,~~, property and that t13e bumldin~ assesement of ~500.00 inbluded in the ~,bove aesessment ' ~ should not have been made as the same is t"he property of the City of ~ilmington erected on one and one tenth acre of land leased to the City. 33o~vever;after discussic~n,,, the matter°uras ref erred to a.committee of the Board and the Tax Assessors to compare the assessments and report their recotmnendations to the Board at a subsequent meeting. ', ~ The Chairman reported that the Committee appointed at meeting of' November 16th, to investigate the request of Sair. A. H. Yopp tiiat the County tax on slot automatic / . phonographs char~ed under Schedmle "B;' be fixrd at v~5.00 instead of ~20.00 annually,~ if~V had inve~ti$ated the request, but could find no reason to justify a reduction •+ "- ~ and recouunended that no change be made. Upon motion of 16r. Hintmn, seconded by Tdir. Trask, the recommerxlation of the Committee was adopted, all voting affirmatively " except PSr. Hall,who ttiougnt some consideration ahould be given that type of musical slot machine, and therefore voted No. '~ ~.",t~~Upon motion, authority ~v'as ~given to use the County truck for transpoxting Stephen y ~j Y"- Green and wife Elizabeth Green, indigenta, to their legal residence at 4'Jhitevil].e,2J.C. ~ Upon motion, the Commissioners agreed to furnish twelve pieces of lumber 2 X 10 ~ 12,~ ~~~ feet for bridges on tne road leading to ~yrtle Grove colored school. ~ ~ A communication wag received from Tulrs. E.B.Josey, Supervisor of' City-County Sewing, ,t~ ~ rooms, shovring articles made from ~RA and tVPA materials to the value of ~p75,796.32 ~~JY ~ turned over to the City and County to date. ~~~ L~ A copy of the Grand Jury report, Noveu~ber tgrm 1936, caas received. Upon motion, the Commissioners authorized the payment of $25.00 to the Childrens ,J TIome Society of North Carolina, an institution for the care,of homeless children; -~ S~€hat being, the amount provided in the 1936-37 County budget. ~ A report of Associated~Charities for July,August,September and October; and re ort ~ '~ ~~ ~ of the Home Demonstration A~ent for O~tober, were received and ordered filed ~ • ` ~, ~ ' ~ - . .'v report of' James ~alker Hospital for the ~onth of October was received and _ ~~ orde:ed Yiled. ' , ' . ' ~eeting . \. /. ~ The off~ } ~~~natural , ii,.(~ s~owing ,.~; . (~ cost of oi' November 23rd,1936, continued. :r of'I~r. ~. L. deRosset to £urnisri tne Courity ~ith 250•booklets on the resources and advantages of tne City and County with maps of the County the township lines ete., inserted, and 500 loose maps additional, at a y~90.00, was_upon motion,declined. ~ Henry Pridgen, former .inmate at the County Home, and ivho ~ave trouble on aocount drinking,'and more recently residing with his son in Alabama, vras declined re- i~C~admission to the County Home. ~~ l~ County bills Nos. 1449 to 1484 inclusive, we approved for payment. /' o~ of ~/ ~ Upon motion of Nir. Ga.rdner, seconded by Tfir. Hinton, instructions tivere $iven to .~ write I~Ir. T.H.Wood~Rard of 1xlilson,N.C., for the purpose of ascertaining what stepe / ~have been taken by the other sevemteen count.ies tov~ard retaining control of' the ~ ~~ " A.B.C.Stores, in the rnext General ~ssembl.y. - ' „ . ~• ~ The follov~ing good and lawful men were drawn to serve as jurors in the Superior Court, ~,~,p'~for the trial of civil cases: ; ..... ' First week, beginning ~ecember 7th,1936- ,~ J.S.Simmons. J.F.Williarne. Harr,y Jaffe. R.K.Weeks. Ivlark Hines. . W.L.Hartzog. .. ' '. r'V.E.Jenkins. J.H.tNestbrook. J.J.Blanton. E.H.Kel].y. Ttobert Robbins. C.I3.Orre11. d ~ G.V.Garrett. E.'.~/.Ward. Fl.T.Mercer. D.C.Howard. B.F.Brittain,Jr. D.~i.Nterritt. ~ ' Norvrood Orre 11.H.B.Terrell. Robert Barefoot.~V.Z.Corbett.C.D.Justice. ~3ruce Simon. ' . Second t~eek, beginning ~ecember 14th,1936t -',. S.B.Jolly. ti9.F.Sidbury. 4+8.P.Smith. H.lU.V9i11iford.VJ.K.Gaylor. W.F.Wi.lkins. ' J.jN.Y~tes. E.H.King. J..B.Huntington. A.T.Dowdy. A.C.5andlin. H.Lacy Hunt.~ ~ I~.L.Starkey. E.B.Register. Chas.Summerlin.,J.R.Sneeden. J.A~.Hervlett. R.S.Brown. W.B.Glenn. A. Bonaud. 3.G.Biggs. ~.J.Joyner. T.W.Calliha.n. A.~~°.Lee. . ~ s .' ~ The Board.then took:a recess until 9:30 A.III., Fiednesday Novenber 25th, 1936, to hear ~~yJ/ the.evid•ence and to tal:e such action that.may appear necessary concerning the . unlawful use of beer license. • r7yloi )l.~~ _ . ~ ~ . . , ~Clerk. l/ , Wilmington,iJ.C., November 25th,1936, , .~. Pureuant to recess taken November 23rd,1936, the Board met at 9s30 o'clock A.I~~ ,' •~~/~/ to hear the evidence in matters of unlawful use of beer license and locations , A.perated di.sorderly:~'_. ~~i . ~ i=:•:_:., ,~=.3. ', ,'s ~1,- ~: ~i ~ Presentt Addison Hewlett Chaixman, Geo.W.Trask, Tas.M.Ha11,J.H.Hinton and F3.R.Gardner.i ~ The following persons having been notified,to appear this day,before this Body, tb ~ , ~~p~~, ~ show cause why license issued to them to sell beer should not be revoked, the;follo~~ing r~-~'"~ action was talcen in the respective cases: . /?_„„ Geor~e Russ- Location Seven.miles on the Carolina Beach road. The Commiss.ioners found`~ ,,--~'~~'~" - from the evidence tha,t the place is operated by a person, other than . ~ . . Russ and ~rhm ha.s been convicted of violating the prohibition law tiv_ithin ~ two years. It treas, therefore, upon motion of I~r. 'Prask, seconded by It4r. Gardner, ordered, that the license iseued to George Russ to sell beer ,' at said location be,and the same is hereby revoked. , r f' ~.~n~~L D. H. Dyer- Operating a place Y.nov~n as "The Echo TaYern" located about four miles on • '+• the Garolina Beach road. It was found from the evidenee of witneases in ~ f "~ . this case that that the same was being operated in a disorderly and unlaarful manner and for imrnoral purposes. Therefore the license issued to . D..H.Dyer to sell beer at the said location ivas upon motion o1'I+Ir.Gardner, - • aeconded by I~~Ir. Hinton, revoked. ."~ ~, ~2^,,,. T.A.$eYnolds-Location known as "The Delta" on Carolina Beach road about eight miles ~ a~ L~ froin the City. 3t was shown that the business is not mperated by > > T.A.Reynolds, but by others who ha.ve been convicted of violating the ~ . "~ . prohibition law. It ~'+as, therefore, upon motion of 2+:r. Gardner, seconded by f:4r. Trask, ordered that the license issued to ^1.A.Reynolds to sell beer ' at said location be, and.the same is hereby revoked. . .~ . ~~ J.T.Reqister-5ecured licenae to sell beer at location on the Castle Fk'~yne road knovrn -~'~ as "River Side Park". It was skiown that IuTr. Register had sold his interest in the business to a I~r. Futch of Pender County on time and e/ ' ceased to give the business further supervision except occasional calls • for the purpose of making collections under the tea~ms of sale. His licenae to sell beer at said location was upon motion of i~r. Gardner, seconded by ~"" , , PJ[r. Trask, revoked. Ho~vever there was no evidence tnat the. place tvas being operated disorderly. . ~~~ H.C.Linker- Zicense secured to sell beer at location known as "Curve Inn" seven miles ,", north on the Cas;~le Hayne road. It ivas shown from the evidence.that the businees at said location is being run by three vaomen not employed~by ,~ ~ Linker or under his supervision and that he is not to be found.in th ~ County. It was, therefore, upon motion of ]Vir. Gardner, seconded by Mx. , . Hinton and cart•ied, that the license issued to H.C.Linker to sell beer at said.location be, and the same is hereby revoked. -~ !~/n~~~ J.R.TaIa.touk- It was sho~rn from the evidence in this case that license have never been < ~"~ "- secured to sell beer at location knovrn as "Pig Trail Inn" on the Castle•~ ~~ ~. Hayne road, upon his application submitted and approved at meeting of , July lOth,1936. Therefore the action of this Doard in approving the said ' application at meetin~ of' July lOth,1936, vras upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by I~2r. Hiriton, recinded. . ~ ~"~,~~ T.A.Shepperd-It appearing that I~r. Sheppard is to stand trial in tne Recordere Court J 4~6 . . ' . , . i~eeting ot' Dtovember ?5th,1836, continued. - `: ~ , Friday November 27th, 1'or operating a disorderly place at location known as "Tar Heel Inn" intersection of Kerr Avenue and Gordon roads, the hearing upon the ~ ~ ~ revocation o~ his license to sell beer at eaid location was,tapon,.his request, and `. ~ecbmmendation of the Sherift', continued until 3t00 o'clock P,Pil., t~onday November - 30th,1936. • ' •~ . Upon motion, duly seconded,the order adopted at a joint rrieeting of tne City.and ~ , ~.,~ County CoTrunissioners held July 29th,1936, authorizing the Tax Collector to accept ~ , back taxes as appear on the back tax records plus 3~•flat rate of interest in full i(~'~ settlement thereoffor period ending October lst,1936, and which said order was. --°'~ extended at meeting of September 2ath,1936, to Nove~ber lst,1936, is hereby further extended to January lst,1937, under authority of Chapter 73, PubJ.ic-Local La~+s 1935, , PR04~rsn tne same meets with the approval of' the City Gommissioners. The meeting then adjourned. d/7li17!• 17`" ~ ~ ~ l ~~1erg. • ~ . Vrilmington,N.C., November~30th,1936. • The regular weekly meeting of the Board vras held at 3;00 P.M. Present: Addison Flewlett Chairman, Geo.~.Trask, J.H.Hinton and H.1~.Gardner. The minutes of ineetings of November 23rd, and 25th, were read and approved as recorded~ . . Upon motion of b'ir. Trask, seconded by Idr. Hinton, the Board granted the request of ~ - Woodus Kellum, Esq., and ordered the taxes charged against Charity Henry on property ', ,r~ in blocks Nos.32, 48 and 62 cancelled for the years1932,al~oJudgment for taxes a~ainst ~t~~ the same property amounting to ~196.05 as per Judgment docket.# 908,,book No.20, for • '' • the reason tl~at the eaid property was sold and the proceeds used tovr3rd'•,th2 payment~ '~ of„the taxes to',the:extent of the amount received. The property was.sold for le~s than the amount of the taxes due. , IVIr. T.A.Sheppard who rtias given notice on November 17th,1936 to appear before this Body < at meeting held Plednesday November 25th,1936, to shovT cause why license issued to him to sell beer at location at intersection of Kerr Avenue and the Gordan road, should , not be revoked, and who did appear and hearing continued, at hi.s request, until 3s00 o'clock P.Y~., Novemoer 30th,1936, on account of trial pending in Recordere.Court, ap~eared . this day, and tlirough his attorney l.Clayton Grant, objected to be heard on the ground: , that proper notice tivas. not given his client, to-wit- That it did not allege a specific ~.' : cha,rge. t~r.~ Sheppard havin~,appeared before this Body in response to notice of November '. 17th,"was informed.of the purpose of the hearing and it was agreeable to him to be heard ~•~ ! after di.sposition of his case in the Recorders'Court, which courtesy ~aas e~;tended nim, ~ w~l~ theref'ore ffix. Gardner moved~that the Board proceed with~the hearing, his motion was Y seconded by T~br. Trask, and carried. SheriffsT deputies ~.B.Register and E.J.Alford and ~~ Rural Officers C.L.Philemon and I'.Porter Davis, and Sohn R. llQorris,E.S.B1and,C.FJ.P~c- f Clelland and Jas.I.Crews all gave evidence of cursing, loud and boisterous, and aeneral disorder-leading to personal encounter at times,rtherefore this Board found, from the evidence, that the said place of' business ivas operated disorderly, and upon motion of ' ,. Mr. Trask, seconded by Iris. Gardner, the license issued to the said T.A.Sheppard to se11 .. +. beer at sa~id location v~ras revoked, ef'fective this day. . ~ _ Upon motion oi' Tv1r. Gardner, seconded by i~Yr. Hinton, the proposition of Ivir.VF.L.de~osset to furnish the County vrith 250 booklets with maps of the County showing township lines inserted and 500 addition~,l maps; all,at a cost of ~90.00, v~.U referred to the ~ '~ Chairman to confer v~ith Kr. Tosenhans concerning the cost of preparation of map and ' engraving,wii;hethe view of the County acquiring the plate, same to be loaned to r.ir. --~ deRosset, if desired, for printing his ma,ps, and report to the Board at a subse9uent _ meeting. ' Sealed bids to furnish a tractor and harrow for the County Farm rvere received from _,pP~Keith Brothers, Oliver Farm Equipment Sales Company and I~6arks 2lfachinery Company and ~ p,{;iY~ referred to the Chairman and Y~r. Trask and idir. Gardner for study and report their u recommendations to the Board at a subsequent meeting. `V~ Mrs. Zuola Y>irby, v~s upon reconmendation of the County Attorne~, granted an abatement ' of taxes for the years 1933 and 1934 on a valuation of ~fi1,462.00 on account.of 50f of assessment exemption as the holder of a~3,500.00 mortgage given by Geo.F.Ganey for the ~~t~ purchase of a home located on lot~ 3,4,5,9,10 and ll,.block K-Highr~ood Park,Harnett p i tov~nship, which exemption she is entitled to under the law but fail~ed to claim the same at time of listing. It further appeared that T~Lrs. Kirby v~as forced to take the said property back. It was agreeable with the Commissioners, upon requeet of the Superintendent of Public i~elfare, that a girl be employed to handle the distribution of clothing from the 1~pA 1 commissary at the same salary heretofore paid to ,T.W.B'treeter, for~erly employed at ••~ \~~jk ~10.00 per weel~ to assist in Goverrunent goods distribution under the direction of the ~'lelfare Department. WPA authorities agreein~ to employ a nan to take the place of , L4r. Streeter. This, ho~vever, does not interfere with the County's budget appropriation provided for this service. In an effort to meet the wishes of representative farmers to secure the services of • Tdr.R.W.Galphin, County Agent for Paml3co County~ to fill the place to be made vacant ~•~~} by A1r.C.R.Dillard, resigned, the Board; upon motion of T~dr. Trask, secondecl by Mr.Gardn r, ~ G~ +j agreed to increase the appropriation of ~1,410.00 allowed for County ~gent Salary, to . $1,500.00 annually, maximum to be allowed, and only for the purpose aforesaid~ same to be matched by State=Federal Funds, provided the services of Y:4r. Galphin can be secured on that basie. Application for license to sell beer at North East River Service Station on State Highwa~y ~~~~~ No.40, near Castle Hayne, submitted by ,T.P.Futch of Pender G.ounty, vras referred to the ~,' Sheriff for investigation and report to the Doard at a sub ~ quent meeting. , ~f 1`~ County bills Idos. 1485 to 1606 v~ere• approved for paypiti nt. ' ~ ~ The meeting then adjourned. „ Cl erk . ~ ~ 4'6 ~ . . Wilmington, N.C., Decenber 7th,1936. • ~ The Board rnet in regular session this day at 3;00 o'clock P. I~. •, :/ Presenti Addison Hewlett,Cha:rman, Geo. ~9:=Trask,'Jas..i~._Ha11,H.R.Gardner and R.B.Roebuck. , ,. . ~j~ ?~r. Addison Hewlett and rdr. Jas.Pd.Hall, re-elected and Ydr.R:B.Roe"buck `ne~vly elected County //~ n~ +,~ ommissioners at general election rield November .3rd,1936, for the ensuing four years, having ~ {'~ quali:f'ied in open court at 10:00 o'cl.ock A.P~.,, this day,before the Hono~able E.H.Cranmer, . Judge Presidin$, tne Board proceeded to re-or~anization. ' ~ / he term of the Chairman~of the Board havina expire~ this day and this being the meeting ' '" '~t which a Chairman is to be elected, Mr. Gardner moved that Trir., Heval~tt be re-elected ,,~ ~ ' ~J Chairman, rhis motion .vJas.:seconded by ~IIr. _ Trask and put liy~ ~the Vice Chairman Ti~Tr. Jas..M.Hall, and'.2~r. Hewlett was unanimously el~cted Chairman of the Board for a term on one year. ' ~ pon motion of 1y~r. Trask; seconded by I~r. Gardner, }Lr. James IS. Hall vJas re-elected Vice ~y "~ ~~ ~hairma.n of the Board and authoxized to sign vrarrants on the County Auditor for County a ' expenses in cases oi' .the _absence of the Chairma,n. . / Upon motion of T~nr. Hall, seconded by i~~Tr. Roebuck, Thos.K.l~Joody ~~ras re-elected Clerk of the Board, and upon motion of ]vir.Hall, second.ed by f~Ir. Trask, Bellaauy & Bellamy were ° /~ • ~ ~~~re-elected County Attorneys. ~ ~~~ , Phe follosring were re-elected to their respective positions Yor the year ending November ~~/ 30th,1937. • . `~ ~ D~G. Edmondson, Clerk to the County Auditor. ' ' ~~ . TQiss Florence Stanley, Stenographer. Geo.I. Crandall, Keeper Oak Urove Cemetery. • ~~ S.v.Lon~, Superintendent County Home and Farm. r / ~`~" '~ Mrs. H. Bonner, I~iatron County Home. ' C.L.Phileraon; Rural Police. ~, 'F. Porter Davis, Rural Police. `/pon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded'by 1J~r. Gardner, the matter of appointment of Janitors ~ ~ f or the Court House and Annex ~qas deferrea pending a meeting to be had concerning better ~.. . /~~S~janitorial service for the tr•~o buildings. . . / . . .. ~ :s~, ~~~pointment of a Fish Inspector lvas postponed for further .consideration. ,~ . 4 ~~~ ' STANDING COT~ITTEES , 'County Home and Farm .................. Geo.W.Trask, Chairman, - pddison Hewlett-H.R.C.ardner. Court House & Jai1 .................... R.~.Roebuck, Chairnian~ ~ Geo:, ~9.Trask-Jas.~4.YIa.lI. '_Iome llemonstration .................... H.R.Gardner, Chairman, ,~ . I~ddison He~vlett-Geo.W.Trask. Healt~h ................................ Jas.?~.Hall, Chairman, H.R.Gardner-£t.B.Roebuck.p Jas.~ialker ?demorial Hospital,......... James P~. Hall. ~ Oak Grove Cec~etery .................... R.B.Roebuck, Chairman, ~ ' Addison Hewlett-Jas.IV[.Hall. Bluethenthal Airport .................. H.R.Gardner,Chairman, ~ ~ ' Addison He~vlett-Jas'.T~.Ha11. ~~J~was instructed to furnish surety bond in the amount of $500.00. B~r. Gardner feeling that it would be to the best interest of the County,especially in ~ anticipation o~' the possibility of the nev+ly elected constable of Harnett To~+nship seeking ~/' ealary that would not be justified by reason of the limited deinands for his services~ h - ~9 uggested that our Hepresentatives.in the I,egislature be asked to put the Constables on " ' a fee basis. ' ' ' Allan A. Iriarshall, President 'of the Associated Charities, appeared and told the Commissioners his ~ssociation would not be able to meet the demands for aid during the winter months,based on'the:pre'sen~~mo~ithly_.appropriation and asked that the Board allow ~ ~ advanced payments to be made to the extent of ~3:00.00 for.~~he montha of' December,January ~i~,~~a'nd February in addition to their regular monthly appropriation to tide them over that period, the same to be charged against the bud~et appropriation for this department, the City to a11ow ~200.00 monthly for said period, same being its pro-rata part. Upon motion of i~r. Hall~ seconded by lifr. Gardner,•the re9uest v~ras granted. ' ~ Upon motion, duly seconded, Mr. G.E.I~organ.nervly elected constable of Harnett township ~ ow.S / The qualifications of C.David Jones, Sheriff, taken before the Honorable ~.H.Cramner, ~ S~,,,,,Judge Presiding, were presented together with his tvro official bonds with the National ~~ ° ~U urety Company as surety; to-wit: Procesa Bond ............... .......... ~p2,500.00 , . For the ~ollection of State~Taxes,.... 1,000.00~ ~ 46~` ~-- r ; . ~ . ~ , ~ ~. 1~eetimg of llecember 7th,1936, continued. t ; , \ ~ Asa W. Allen, Coroner, A:B.Rhodes, Register of Dee~ls, i'Villiam H. Ezzell, Co nstable of / , 3~Vilmingtort Township, all hav'iing taken the oath of their respective offices before the ~ ~,.onor•able ;E. H. Cranmer, Judge Presiding, presented their qualifications togethex with ~ ~ ~ . their following off'icial bo~Yds; to-wit: 1J , ~ 2,000.00 Asa W. Allen principal with the Great American Indemnity Company " - as'surety. ~ 500.00 William Henry Ezzell principal with the National Surety Company . • as surety: ' 10,000.00 Adrian B. Rhodes principal with the National Surety Company as surety. , ~ ~ 1, 'All of the above said amounts having been fixed by the Board of County Commi~aioners; were • ~ accepted by a unanimous~;vote. / ) The annual report of L4r. T.A.Henderson, Clerk of Superior Cour~C, of Public:Funds in his ~p • hands as of December lst~1936, was received and referred to the Count.y r~uditox for ) ~ c~eclcing and if found correct thence referred to a committee of the Chairman, ~r.Gardner. ' . ~ ~ and i~r. Roebuck for checking against the records and approval and then ordered filed with . the Register of Deeds and published as the la~ directs. ' ~.r. , ~ ~onstable of Wilmington • qdrian B. Rhodes, Re~ister of lleeds and tuilliam Henry Ezzell, ~~ ownship having taken their eA~th of office before the Honorable E.H.Cranmer,~'Judge !!" ~ w~ residin~, aame before the Board and qualified by ta.king the oat2%as, required by law. • ~ C~ ~ I~Ir. Thomas Vd. Keith appeared and explained to the Comrnissioners the merits of the J.I.~ .' ,t! Case Farm Tractor. ~ ~ ~ s~ ~ C , fi / The matter of the purchase of a~ractor and harrow for the County rarm ~vas again brou~ht . . up.for discussion, and bids h~virt$ been received and publici"y'opened at meeting of . „ryJ~ . Company of Aiclvhand,Va.,. . Pdovember 30th,1936, fxom~the'.Oliver Farm Equipment and Salea ~ ~° . . for furnishing an Oliver Tractor "70':' for ............. .~ 887.16 t~ ~ ` Same Tractor if equipped with s°tarter,~::;:........ 921.91 ~. ~ One 24-18" double disc harrow ..................... 91.21 1,013.12 ~ -,. Keith Brothers, One Case CC-3 wheel type Tractor .................. 900.00 . one Case 70 Series 7' cut 28_18" disc harro?r,....., 135.00 1,035..00 '. M&r-ks Tdachinery Company..One International I~Iodel F-?.0 Farmall Trac'tor 929.00 , One TdlcCormick-Deering #9-BA 7' 24-18" Disc harrow,. . ..................... ~ . ... 150.50 , One Swinging•Dr~ bar hitch for use with• . tractor ..................................... 7.50 1,08`7.00.: ?~~:r. Trask moved,tha.t in consideration of better local service and parts available to take care oY the needs of the International Tractor at any time sucn service may.be ~~ /~ required, whicri service is not available for the othAr tractors quoted, that the bid / i submi.tted by Y~arks Machinery Company as above be accepted, hi~ motion was e.ecopded by i~~r. Hall and carried~ all members voting affirma.tively except 2~r. Gardner who felt t,hat the contract to furnish a tractor should have been gpne into further and awarded to the lowest bidder, therefore voted No. ~"~ Upon motion of Ii~r. Hall, seconded by Mr. Trask, tlie Board granted an appropriation of ~V _~-7' ~5.00 to Caswell Training School for their Christmas fund, - Tfie apllication of J.P.Futch of Pender` County, for license to sell beer at North ~aet~J -~ River Filling Station,near Castle Hayne, having been referred to the Sheriff, who ~.fter K~ investigation failed to recott~end the same, was upon motion of T~r. '1'rask, seconded by I~Ir. Roebuck, declined. ~ Upon motion of NIr. Ha.1T~ seconded by I~r. '1'rask, the Board authorized the payment of v s 5~6.39 to Hopkins Tailorin~ Company,being the difference in cost of uniform for Special ~~s~fficer F.Porter Davis and that allowed in the budget. „ t Upon motion of ~ir. Trask, seconded by Ivir. Ga~dner, this Board gave I~ajor Ralph Millis, IJnited States District Engineer, its permission te obtain,svithout charge, appr.oximately ~ 60 cubic yards of clr~y from the Ide~ Hanover-Brunswick Ferry borrow pit located near the~ junction of Highway ~20 and the Southport xoad, for use in extending the road recently ~ ~~ improved by the State Highway Commission, to the government yards, to the governme.nt warehouse. > ,. ~ "~ , , , ~~ C . • ~~ e $ ~. . ~: , ~_ ,' A co;mnunication was received from I~rs.Christine S. WesselT, Corresponding Secretary of, the County Council Paxent Teachers Assoc.iation Tequesting better lighting conditions ~ ~ in certain school roor,is'. As this ie a schooi matter over which the Count.y Coaunissioners " \,V~~ ~~` have no control and is entirely within the jurisdiction of the Board of Education, - ~ instructions ~vere tnerefore given that she be requested to take this matter up with the school authorities. ~~ ~•> R " Upon motion of Mr. GarBner, seconded by It~r. Hall, ~r. S.F.Pool, a native of Candor,id.C., . ~~~ ~ evho has been recotmnended for the position of Farm Bemonstration Agent for this County, - • ~_ by NIr. E.W.Ga.ither,District `Agent, vra~; extended an i:nditation to/come before this Board • • for interview and to give the.f~rmers opportunity to be heard b~fore acting on the .. recorrm~endation. / ~ No action vras taken on the suggestion of the Re~ieter of Deeds concerning the bonding of a - <' ~, ~~~1`~ hie denuties. , ~ A request of the Board of Lducation tnat the sum of ~24,532.00 be placed to the credit of ~ ~ ~~~ ~ the school account to meet expenditures for the month of December, was upon motion of ' ' ~~r. 'Prask, seconded by Pv~r. Hall, granted. ~ The Board acting upon the recommendation of the Tax Assessors and~upon motion of ~VLr. ' Roebuck, seconded by ISr. Trask, ~ranted Pdr. J.C.Roe an abatement of taxes on a valuation ~ r a°! of "~500.00'for the year 1936 on accourxt of error in including cost of new roof on house~/ ~~ lot ~78 Oleander, in the aesessment 'on improvements. ~°~ . _ . \ . / ~ f_ . PJleeting of December 7th,1936, continued. • ~ A request pf i~r. A.M.TJIcKoy, Agent for tne estate of' i'V.L.Smi~h, for a reduction of the r~„~/ assessment on property in block ~52, on account of the dilapidated condition of the w~ building•to enable them to pay off the back taxes and other indebtedness to the end that~ v~ the same raay be sold and repaired by the nev~ ownera and put back on a tax yielding basis, •, was referred to the Chairman and Committee with power to act. ~' a, J~~-~he County :~uditor~ s cash report f'or the month'of' Novetaber vras received and ordered filed / K~. ~ i~6ost of the usable parts having been removed from an old truck at the County Farm, the ~~ ,~oard, upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by IVir. Gar,dner, authorized the saahe of same to ' L~Ir: Henry Nfa.lpass for ~r25.00: ~ ' ~ 4 communication was received f'rom IaLrs. E.B.Josey, Supervisor of Sewin~ Rooms, advising / ~~~ articles made from ERA and ',r~/PA materials to the value of ~77,823.81 turned over to the~ .. " City and County to 3ate. . ~ Upon motion of Ti2r. Trask, seconded by Idir. Roebuck, the payment of ~24.43 County's part ~ - ~-~b~of office expense for the Employment Bureau for the month of Octo'aer, s•ras approved. ~ ~ ,/ ~ ~A report of Associated Cha.rities_for Novem.ber was received and ordered filed. ' i >" ~{-.. / A communication was received from the County Auditbr advising the amounts on deposit ,//, • ~~~-~in each bank as of November 30th, together with a memorandum of securities held in each :. `~ case. ~ Concerning the preparation of a map of the County sho~ving the various township lines and other things of public interest, ae has hereto£ore been discussed, it was the sense / '.~ '.~~r~'^~of the Board that the Chairman look into the cost of lithographing the same for future ~ ~_,;"' ; ~roduction ~f the maps as occaeion may reyuire from time to time a,nd if found practical to use his judgment in acquiring the same. ~ , ~ The matter of allowing'Bullucks Hospital Incorporated benefit of the unused balance of '• ,,. /J1,,,,r~ claim for hoepital treatment of 1~arie S'heridan to apply on the payment of current taxes L~" amounting to ~I50.50, was referred to the County Attorney for opinion. -. ~.~. f~l.t~:County bills Nos. 1607 to 1656, y~as upon motion approved for payment. ~~ ~ . , The Bo~,rd then took a recess until 11:00 o~clock A.M., Wednesday'December 9thy~'~o meet,~ ~ in~.;joint~sesaion with the City Co~missioners to hear a request to sponsor a~overnment ~ grant for funde to enlarge a nd improve Community Hospital for colored peopl-e. . . ~ ~~~_~~~ . : ~ ' ~ Clexk. 4'filmington,Di.C., ileaetnber 9th•,1°36. ' ' , r .. ~ . • It • ~ ~. ~ , ~ Pursuant to recess taken December 7th~1936, the County and City Cornmissioners met in joini; session at the City Hall at 1Os00 o"clock A.I~:., for the purpose of hearing a reque~.af prominent.representative white and colored citizens, that the City and County, sponsoraa ~PA ~rant for ~v60,000.00 for re-mode.ling, enlarging and eqitip~ing Community ~ Hospi~ for~coloxed people,: the grant., if allotived, to be on a basis of 45~ Fede`rai Funds and 55~ of the amount to be borne jointly by the County and City governments. Among the large delegation present were Iw"essrs. 'JJ.H.Sprunt, J.A.Taylor, W.ft.Dosher, Doctors A. H. Codington, L.E.Farthin~, and Rev. G. W. Carnes, E~ev.G.W.Phillips, Rev. YJ.C.Clelland and Doctors F. W. Avant and Foster Busnett who spoke convincingly of the urgent need of a safer, larger and better e9uipped hospital for the colored people. After further considerable discussion it was unanimously agreed, by all present, that the relief asked - for was fully warranted and if possible should be allov+ed, and the two Boards agreed to evQrything possible to remove aTl legal obstacles to that end~ iNhereupon the following resolution vras offered by City Commissioner Jas. ~. L. L7ade, vras aeconded by County Commissioner Addieon FIe~alett and unanimously carried: y `Phat the two Boards approve the request of the Co~unity Hospital, Colored, to aid in the financing of the proposition above referred to and that the two Boards ----.r_ request the present mersbere of the House.of I?epresentatives from this County to enact such legislation as will effectuate sam~e and that the entire matter be referred to the'~ City•and County Attorneys, one representative frorn each Board and t~vo representatives frorn the Hospital v~ith the idea of drafting necessary legis.lation to meet the request far submission to the Genera,l Assembly, which matter was unanimously adopted. ~ Commissioners Eall and Fisher were named to repreUent the Cpunty and City /~.,,5~0 and Doctors Foster Burnett and F.ti'F.Avant the Hospital on said Committee. ~7~ 0 The meeting then adjourned. ~ ~ti~~ ~ ~ i S~~~a`~~lerk. FFilmin~ton,N.C., Decemb'er 14th,1936. `9 The regular uveekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 3s00 o'clock P~.IVI. ~ . ~ Present: Add'ison He4vlett Chairtnan, Geo.'1~'.Trask, Jas.Iul.Ha11,,H.R.Gardner and R.B.Roebuck. •~ n,~,- The minutes of ineetings of November 30th, December 7th, and 9th~ were re~d and approved .`iP'y" as recorded. ~ . ~iss Carrie Ne~~rkirk tivho has been temporarily employed in the offi.ce of the Clerk of Superior ~ `, Court to cneck guardians, executors and adminietrators aecounts to require prompt filing / .. ,~ / of their reports as required by law, vJas upon request of the Clerk o£ Superior Court, and ~ ~,,,.I i~'"D- upon motion of IuLr. Trask, seconded by Pdr. Hall, employed permanentlyto dotihis work, as it ~/ U appeare the regular clerks in his office haven't the:time to give this work the attention it requires, and salary fixed at ~60.00 per month to be paid out of the eraergency fund for '' ~ the balance of the fiscal year. . . . , .t \ ~~o . _ ,~~ bSeeting of December 14th,1936, continued., ~ ~- . . ,, It appearing there vri11 be a general suspensiorr of'•-business,vJith the exception of ~~ _\, the grocery stores, on Saturday December 26th, follo~ving Christmas Day, the Board ,- ~ Ql~~y upon motion of ~;r, lialT, seconded by I~~r. Roebuck, f'ixed the dates of' the afternoon of Thursday December 24th, f'rom 1:00 o'clock F.D~I., throu~h Saturday December 26th, to be observed by County employees as the Christmas nolidays. . Upon r~otion of' L~;r.,Roebuck, seconded by Iur. liali, the Board recinded its action of November 23rd,1936, in declining a request of ]dr.A.H.Yopp to reduce tne taxes on ~ /' ~ ~~~ Schedule Electric Auto~atic 51ot Phonograpris-charged under schedule "B", and a,mended the ~(/ ~, -~ "B" Tax order adopted at meeting of S,4ay 20th,1935, by reducing the said tax on automatic ~ Amended. slot phonographs under schedule "B" from ~20.00 to ~5.00 annually; subject hovrever . to the ruling of the County Attorney. ~ ~ . * A petition bearing the names of' 40 colored patrons of the ~lrighteboro Colored School ~ ~~~.ask~ng that some atterition be given the road leading from the two highvrays to the J;.' . ~~ ~~ ~fdrightsboro Colored School, to relieve the bad comdition that exist during wet t/ \.~~ vreather, was upon motion of L~r. lrask, seconded by T,ir. Hall, approved and referred • to the State~Highv~ay Commission for its consideration. - ~ ~~ The Board acting upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Pu'blic lvelfare,~ C~~~pw~"' and upon motion of Tdr. lrask, seconded by-N~r. Roebuck, re-admitted George Capps , /~~ to {;he County Home as an inmate. ' ~~. 0 Upon motion of' Mr. Gardner, seconded.by ~Sr. Hall, authority was granted to includ^e e/ ' ~~•~'~~ turkey in the preparation ot' the'Christmas dinner for the jail and County Farm ~~ , . ~ ,~ , ~~"" risonere and -for the i:nmates at the County Home. •~/ ~ ~ An application for license to sell beer at location on the Castle Hayne road about~ ~ seven miles from the City of VJilnington, presented by ~'.H.Farr, was referred to A _~2~ the Sheriff' for investig~tion.and recovmiendation. ", 'rnr. S.F.Pool of Candor, N.C., having been recorrffnended by t1r. E.~9.Gaither,District• ~, Farm Demonstratiori Agent and endorsed at a meeting of the Farmers Organization of ./ ~' ' this County held Friday December llth, at_VJrightSbbro;^approximately 40 farmers '/ \ l~QN~ being present as advised by I~r. John f~. Tdorris President of the organization~ The ~~ #~ Board, therefore, upon motion of TSr. Gardner, seconded by I,Sr. Hall, ap~ointed I~r. Pool as ~'arm Der~onstration rlgent for New Hanover County to succeed I~r. C.R. , Dillard., resigned. , , _.1 r~ request of't~r. Ueo.O.Gaylord for a reduction of the asaessment on the property of ~' /~ lvirs. T~azel Ivi. Gaylord in block ~300, and adjustment of the tiack:.taxes due on same '/~ •• .., C 1p1~. by reason of error in assessing the same on a, basis of 30 feet, whereas the width, 11~~ ` -- of the lot is on'ly 22 feet according to survey, was upon motion of P~r. '1'rask, , seconded by ;::r. Gardner, referred to the Chairman and Comm~httee with po~ver to act. -• ~ ~ Reposts of the County Home, Farm and Brainage ~nd Ladies Rest Room for the raonth of ~ •~ C~~~^"'"1~ November vrere received ~ind ord~red filed. , . v'~ J ~ - . ~~~' ~ IIpon m~tion of i~r. Gardner, aeconded by IJirr. Roebm.ek, ~the payment of ~102.38 to ,/ • ~ . t Baxter Durham, ~tate A~~t_or for annual expeuse of indigent ~upils from this County -~' 0~~ in State insti~tions, v~as authorized.t ~., , ~;~?Q,y Upon motion, duly seconded, ~County bi11s IJos.~1657 to 1750 were approved fori payqient. ~ ,• ~- ~ O,r,,,., - The me tirig then adjourned. , ~ ~'`%~~7l~17! ~ ~Cl erk. ~'Pilmington,N.C., December 21st,1936. ' , The regular vreekly meetirng of the Board tivas held at 3.:00 0' clock P.M. ~ Present: Addison Hervlett Chairman, Geo.'tN.Trask, Tas.IvT.Ha11,H.R.Gardner and Et.B.Roebizck.~ •, . ' ) ~~?~ The minutes of ineeting of December 14th,1936 were read and approved as recorded. ~ , '~,~ ~: An application for license to sell beer at location on the Castle Hayne road about ~~, ~~ ,~. _~)~,,,~ seven miles from the City, submitted by T~dr.d.H.Faxr at meeting of December 7th,. was, •' . '~ ~d"' at hia request, withdrawn. ~ Application presented in due form and execution by A.B.Carpenter,Jr-.,, and ',9.B.Xornegay~ ~ ~ for license to sell beer at location knov~n as '~The Nite Club" at the intersec'tion of "~ ~~y~,/ Seagate and Masonboro roads, wa~ upon re~ommendation of ,the Sherif~, and upon motion of~, . ' • IuTr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Roebuck, approved. ~ . '~ ' Upon motion of i,4r. '1'rask, seconded by ~r. Gardner, the Board endorsed the request of ~~/) ~, ` 7r~essrs: J.4'J.H.Futchs and Frank Harriss representing the Exchange Club, and voted to rlll +. ~, ~~,Ct~ renevr its efforts with the State Hi~hway Commission to secure the river road alorgthe{~ . Cape.Fear river to the southern beaches to relieve traffic con~estion. , In view of the inclemency of the ~^reather for the past three weeks and many of our les ~ fortunate citizens haven~ t had opportunity to vJOrk, 2~Gx~. Ha11 moved that a special ~ Christmas donation of ~p25.00 be given Associated C~arities to be used in providing ~~--y,~a~'ruit, nuts, candy and things in keeping crith the Christmas, apart from the ordinary necessities of life, to that amount, to be distributed to the County's poor. All ~ me~bers voting affirmatively except 2ulr. Gardner vrho is recorded as not voting. ~ Upon motion of I:ir. Hall, seconded 'oy Iulr. Roebuck, the Board appr~oved the paymerrt of ' bills of' ex~ense incurred by the District Solicitox in connection ~vith the 3moak case, . ~`il~i f to-~vits For disinterrin~ bodg~ of late ldiss Th~elma Smoak and re-burial yp45.00 to „ l~~ Dukes & Harley Funeral Home of Oran~eburg,S.C. Services of A.D.1~uple,Cororier of' Orangeburg County,S.C., ~10.00. ~~iiss I'annie STald,Oran$eburg,S.C., Steno~raphic services • ~ ~1.50 and Dr.Hay~vood i~. Taylor, Dvke Hospital,Exa.mination of organs of the late Annie '~ Thelma Smoak, ~;100.00, all anounting to ~156,50. - , ~ ' ~, , ~,: ~ bdeetin~ of llece.mber 21st,1936, continued. ~:ir. J.R.Hollis, Superintendent oi Public Welfare, announced that L+fr. J.T.Belcher / j' _/ has greatly improved in health and is now employed and after payment by the County .. 1/ •~j~~~~~~ for November and Decemb~~ artificial Pnewno-Thora~ treatments amounting to ~10.00, _ will be able to take care o£ that expense himself in the future. ~pon motiom of 2~r. Trask, secorided by ESr. Uardner, the Board authorized the purchas~ ~ ',~~j of a pair of shoes each for Sam and Bert Itegister at a cost of'• ~p3.00 a pair. Upon motion of'l~r. Trask, seconded by 7dr. RoeUuck, the ~oard authorized the payment of ?~150.00 to the Salvation Army Home for care and maintenance of the 4Valicer Childreri o,/ ~jv~~for period from October 13th, to December 28th,1936~ It was stated•by the Superintemdent ~~ . .~~ of Public V7elfare that i,irs. 'Malker, their r~other, is now e~ployed at the Salvation Army Home and should be in a pbsition to'aid materially in tnis expense in tne future. ~ Upon motion of'BBr: Gardner, seconded by ?r,r. Hoebuck, the Clerk was instructed to anewer ;, j~~~`> the questionuaire of the r'ederal Emergency ~~,dministration of Public Vdorks "concerning ~' New Hanover County School'Project,in the rnanner directed 'cy the Board. Upon motion of I~u`r. Roebuck, ~econded by ~Ir. Hall, back taxes charged against lot ~6, in ~ j I~~ bloclc Q, Wrightsville Beach Extension, amounting to ~40.99 for the years 1923 to 1934 ~~ inclusive, in the name of L.O.Freeman, a resident of Richmond,Va..9 vras ordered cancelled' on the back tax records on account o£ dama~e by beach erosion; tne saa:d lot having been ~ under vrater durin~ and since that period. / • --, ~A report of James Y/alker Hospital for the month. of November vras received and ordered filed/- j~, A communication of Decer.~ber 1'7th, was received f rom Ffir. A.B.Rhodes, Register of Deeds,~ .~~``Lr U' enewing his rec~uest tha.t the Commissioners bond 'the deputies in his office at County . ~~ expense. ~ ' Upon motion of i~~r. Trask, seconded bjr ~r. Gardner, the ~12,200.00 assessment on the h~m~`~• ' •;'/~~ of Nir. Woodus Kel~tar~ at ~unset Fark was reduced to $~8,810.00 on account of error in ' ~ applying•~5,000.00 to improvements for the year 1936, whereas only ~1~,610.00 was s~ent in'= / ~ additions and improvements and ~3,390.00 in repairs and replacements which should not have ~~ 1• . been included in the assessment; and an abatement of taxea on a valuation of p3,,390.00 , for the year 1936 vras ordered. ~ Upon motion of L~ir. Trask, sec~nded by IJ:r. Rogbuck, Nr. W.A.Whitney was named to care for.J - --~-~the Court House clock for year endin~ June 30th,193.R, at ~10.00 per month. ' ; Upon motion .of :~r. Gardner, seconded by bIr. Hall, authority u~a.s given to_ renew the rent of typevariter for the Gir1s' Recreational Centre for additional three months, coet to be ~ :~Q~uu~~ bbY~ne jointly by the City'and County; all members'voting affirmatively except PGr. Trask, ~, who voted No. " , Upon motion of'ISr. Gardner, seconded b~ IuTr. Ha11,'the Chairman and any other member of the ~~.,, ' Board that°can go, wa,s appointed to attend a meeting'of a~Legislative Committee named by ~ ,~P/ the Eastern Association oY•County Comsnissionere of the seventeen Courities operating A.B.C. ~,. I~i~"~Y ~Stores, to•discuss p2ans for a Legislative program concerning County Liquor Coritrol, to be ~~'~ ~ held in Raleigh Tuesday•December 22nd. . ~ ( . . . . • • ''~ Upon motion, the matter of fixing~an ass,essr~ent on the property of TI.,r: R.A.Parsley, north . ;`i of blocks Nos. 403 and 404, a part of which has been leased to the City of ~Jilmin~ton for ~ / ~ nwnber of years, and the question as to.<<rhether this property wa.s included in assessments i/ .• . ~q`~ on adjoining property fixed by the Boaxd of Revaluation in 1920,~was re~'erred to the `~ , / County and City Attorneys and the Tax Aesessors for investigation and report their recom- ~ mendations to the Board at a subsequent meeting. • ~. . ~ ~ F, ;; The matter of using masonite to cover the.floor v+ithiri the railing inclosure of Recorders ~:" ~~ Court, was refes•red to the Chairman to ascertain the cost of,laying the same. " ~• / •' ~~~~~~U~pon motion, dul:y seconded, County Bills Nos. 1751 to,17~9Yinclusive,, were approved for ;/ . , _ ~~O~,~y,""ayment. , ;i , • ~ The rriatter of appointin~ the Tax Assesaors for the coming re-valuation year, was postponed • ~ ~,~,~,~ until next meeting. .E~ . The annual report of public funds in the hands of NIr.T.t~..Henderson, C.5.C., as of December.,~ (1 ~ l~t,lp36, having been checked by the County Auditor and found correct, and approved by the ~~ ':!'~'~ Chairman and Committee of this Board, cras presented and ordered published as the law ~ - directs. The meeting then adjourned. "~ , . ~'-777G~ 7ec~. ~ _. ~ ~ ~ , '" S~e~~z G~rk . . Wilmington,PT.C., December 28th,1936. The regular weekly meeting of the Board vras hald at 3:00 0' clock P.Pd. .: , . Present: Addison Hewlett, Chairman, Geo.W.Trask, H.R.Gardner, and R.B.Rbebuck. The minutes of ineeting of December 21st, was read aild approved as.recorded. „ iJpon statement of IuTr.A.B.Rhodes,Register of ~eeds~ .that an extra cl~rk is necessary to keep up-v~ith the volumn of work coming into his office, and request that he be permitted i~(~ ~~gtito continue the employment of an extra clerk, or deputy, in addition to his two regular,~ y ~~ deputies until such time a curtailment of work would be justified, was upon motion of ' IvIr. Trask, seconded by Pdr. Hoebuck, granted, and salary for such extra clerk f'ixed at ~ ~70.00 per month. , Upon motion of tvYr. Ro~buck, seconded by~ ivir. Gardner, tne Supt., of Public ~i~elfare ~vas ~ • J~authorized to have ~ray pictures made by i~1rs. '~~illiame' at the Red Crose Sanitarium, for ~ .~!'~~ Purs. `v`~'avie TdIeares .and ~her five children tuberculor ~uspects, at a cost of ~p2.00 per • each person. , . ~ _ - . 4r2 . -~- ~ . : . - ~, Neeting of Deae~ber 28th,1936, continued. • • Upon motion, duly seconded, payment of' ~2.95 transportation for returning S'tephen ~ ,; -~ s~ happell, inmate of the P~ecklenburg County Home, to Charlotte, N. C.-, recor.unended r by the Superintendent of Public Welfare, was approved. A communication was received from n~Lrs. E.B.Jo~ey Supervisbr of lJew Hanover-l~Jilmin~ton ' ~' TA~1~i1?A Sewing Sewing room`s, that articles_ made fnom ERA and '~rPA materials, in •the total ' ,• ~ i~J'~'~° amount of ~79,570.?9 nas been turned over to the City and County for distribution ! ~~;~:; to the County poor from the time of organization to date. / ~ 1 A request for a reduction of the assessment on the property of Port Terminals Inc., in blocks Idos. 1 and 534 respectively was upon motion of'Tgr. Traek, seconded by , ~~ /~C~~ I~~r. Gardner, referred to the Chairman and Committee for com~arison veith assessments. / - on adjoining property and with po~~rer to act. ` After an investi~ration to determine if the property of ~r. R.A.Parsley located north ~~r. ~~~. of blocks Nos. 402 and 403 was listed and assessed for taxes eince the re-valuation , year 1920, it appears that the same ~ras returned by Tdr. Parsley to the Board of / Appraisers~and considered in the assessments included on other property, but in „ . some manner, either through the~lack of pioper information, tne property being located outside the territory designated by block numbers, or mistaken for city owned property, " ~ the eame adjoining the ~ity ~ater ~7orks and a portion leased to and occupied by the ,7 City of 'tiRilmington~ The assess~ent on the property vJhich appears as 6 acres, later v' ~ chan~ed to 8 acres, adjoining pumping station, included in assess~ents on other property at ~2,500.00 is grossly in error, therefore the assessment was on. : » ~ recommendation of the County Attmrney and the Tax Assessors and upon motion oi' ~ B~r. Trask,-.seconded by Nir. Roebuck, fixed at ~8,350.00 on the land in question, north ° of and adjoining 161ocks 40~ and 403 for the year 1936. The buildings thereon ia the , : property of the C'ity of Wilmington and not included in the above assessment~ ~.nd~.'it appearing that the property was listed and included in assessments for~prior ,years as aforesaid no'additional tax charges were made for those years. /~].1 members voting ~ : affirmatively except IJ1x. Gardner, v/ho voted No. • ' Upon motion, duly seconded; Pdessre. '~v.P.Fletcher, 1~. M: Houston and ]3.F,I~ing ~~ere , appointed Tax Assessors for the re-valuation year 1937 to re-assess all real propert. . in Clilmington township and such property in other townships as the Tax Supervisor ma~ ~G ~' direct in accordance with latv; and salaries fixed at $5.00 per day each on an eight ,` ~ hour day basis and allov+ance of ~6.00 per day for the use of an automobi].e. ~,~ork to ' begin January 4th,1937. ~~ The follozving good ~,nd lawful men were drawn to serve as jurors in the superior court ~ ~ for. the trial of criminal cases; week be ~ ~ ~ ginning January llth,1937: A.J RerBen. C.E.I~err,Jr. P.L.Knight. , Wm.D.,7ones. H.C.Le~~is. ' 'Peter B.-Ruffsn. L.M.Todd. dJ.A.Stone. _ Jas.S.King. ti"l.L.~ssenger. . Harold H. Jeter. itlden Edtivards.,H.A.Akel. C.H.Clark. E.D.Anderson. ,,• Chas.Finklestein. J.L.Johnson. James G. Fennell. Jno.H.Bxunjes. N.H.Larkins. Ernest E. Kilburn. B.H.Cobb. vJ.J.Henry. F.L.i~i1ls,Jr. C.D.Bendex.Sr. . G.B.Stovall. R.N.Getty,Jr. t~i.B.Klander. C.P.Gorne.n. R.H.Holland. ,.` ' J.P.Rives. ,Y.R.Lee. '~'J.H.Batson. 1d.L.Foy. C.F.Nilliams. ' Allen Westerman. K.P.Anderson. C.S.Everett. Chas.A.Peschau. L.Pd.Page. ; "' Harry r~. Solomon. J.T.Hale. J.B.Dickinson. D..L.Todd. R.I,.Benson. F..G.1~Sorton. r~i.C.Pdillican. Geo.O.Gaylord.Jr.,. J.H.Rehder. - ' The mee ing then adjourned. ~ •~ ~, ~-~.~J~iJ 71.~~~ - ' 0 Clerk. y,vilmington,I~I.C., January 4th,193~.. . The •regular rveelily meeting of the Board was held at 3:00 0' clock P.P~, ~. Presentt Jae:.~I~. Ha11, ~Geo.~'J.Trask and. R.B.Roebuck. " ' ~ Addison Hewlett Chairman being absent on account of the recent death of I~grs.Hewlett, ~~, ~~'~~ Vice Chairman Jas. ?~I. Hall presided. -.~ ~~ The minutes of ineeting of December 28th, were read and approved as recorded. " , ~ Sn.,order to expedite the construction of the proposed addition to Jas.V~alker 14temorial hospital and to simplify the financing of same, a request of S~essrs. /,. ~. - ~Y.D.IalcCaig and Chas. B. Parmele of the~liospital Hoard, to. ihcrease tl~e Couni;y's annual appropriation of $15,3U0.00 to ~25,~00.00 S'or the next~t2iree years, the City~ . to do likewise, to retire a note to be negotiated by the hospital in the px~incipal amount of ~p60,600.00 to be matched by ~45,000.00 tJPA funds, was upon motion of blr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Roebuck, granted, the Uice Chairman voting yea; and the .,r ,_~~ hoapital Board to pay the interest on said note. This proceedure having been discussed ~ ~ among'County and City officials appeara to be the most economical mathod to follow . thus eliminating possible legal obstacles and expense of issuing bonds as welk as giving early relief to the hospital."And the County Attorney was instructed to ~ prepare a bill that would give the City and County..authority to increace the _ appro~riation and to levy a tax Yor the same, and our re'presentatives in the legislature ~'~ be requested to present the same for passage. • .. The b6iler for heating the old court house bumlding having been in use for a.pproximately • 16 years suddenly collapsed f'rom general wear axid deterioration, which at this seaso of' e.~~.4~~~ the year created an emergency, and the cost of a new boiler bein~ less than ~1,000.0 ~ the Board decided to proceed without delay,that would be occasioned by securing B competitive bids, to repl~ce the same. Therefore upon motion of T~Ir. Roebuck, second d ~.~. by ~r. Trask, the Vice Cha~irman voting yea, authorized Capps-Griffith Plumbing Company to furnish and install one Atnerican Radiator hot vrater Uoiler iri the old court.house ' • to replace the old one, and f'urther authorized advanced payment•of $~721.00 on account . of the purchase and expense for handling the same from Richmond to Wilmin~ton. j ~ ~1 A request of the ~oard of Lducation that the sum of ~8,800.00 be placed to the credit 1 ~ ~•. `~t~% of the School fund to Lake care of expenditures for the month of January, was approved...~ nhD ~~.~y~J~°A report o£ the 5uperintendent of 1;he County Home, Fax•m and Drainage tivas received.-/' ~~ ~