1937 Meeting Minutes (Scan)4r2 . -~- ~ . : . - ~, Neeting of Deae~ber 28th,1936, continued. • • Upon motion, duly seconded, payment of' ~2.95 transportation for returning S'tephen ~ ,; -~ s~ happell, inmate of the P~ecklenburg County Home, to Charlotte, N. C.-, recor.unended r by the Superintendent of Public Welfare, was approved. A communication was received from n~Lrs. E.B.Jo~ey Supervisbr of lJew Hanover-l~Jilmin~ton ' ~' TA~1~i1?A Sewing Sewing room`s, that articles_ made fnom ERA and '~rPA materials, in •the total ' ,• ~ i~J'~'~° amount of ~79,570.?9 nas been turned over to the City and County for distribution ! ~~;~:; to the County poor from the time of organization to date. / ~ 1 A request for a reduction of the assessment on the property of Port Terminals Inc., in blocks Idos. 1 and 534 respectively was upon motion of'Tgr. Traek, seconded by , ~~ /~C~~ I~~r. Gardner, referred to the Chairman and Committee for com~arison veith assessments. / - on adjoining property and with po~~rer to act. ` After an investi~ration to determine if the property of ~r. R.A.Parsley located north ~~r. ~~~. of blocks Nos. 402 and 403 was listed and assessed for taxes eince the re-valuation , year 1920, it appears that the same ~ras returned by Tdr. Parsley to the Board of / Appraisers~and considered in the assessments included on other property, but in „ . some manner, either through the~lack of pioper information, tne property being located outside the territory designated by block numbers, or mistaken for city owned property, " ~ the eame adjoining the ~ity ~ater ~7orks and a portion leased to and occupied by the ,7 City of 'tiRilmington~ The assess~ent on the property vJhich appears as 6 acres, later v' ~ chan~ed to 8 acres, adjoining pumping station, included in assess~ents on other property at ~2,500.00 is grossly in error, therefore the assessment was on. : » ~ recommendation of the County Attmrney and the Tax Assessors and upon motion oi' ~ B~r. Trask,-.seconded by Nir. Roebuck, fixed at ~8,350.00 on the land in question, north ° of and adjoining 161ocks 40~ and 403 for the year 1936. The buildings thereon ia the , : property of the C'ity of Wilmington and not included in the above assessment~ ~.nd~.'it appearing that the property was listed and included in assessments for~prior ,years as aforesaid no'additional tax charges were made for those years. /~].1 members voting ~ : affirmatively except IJ1x. Gardner, v/ho voted No. • ' Upon motion, duly seconded; Pdessre. '~v.P.Fletcher, 1~. M: Houston and ]3.F,I~ing ~~ere , appointed Tax Assessors for the re-valuation year 1937 to re-assess all real propert. . in Clilmington township and such property in other townships as the Tax Supervisor ma~ ~G ~' direct in accordance with latv; and salaries fixed at $5.00 per day each on an eight ,` ~ hour day basis and allov+ance of ~6.00 per day for the use of an automobi].e. ~,~ork to ' begin January 4th,1937. ~~ The follozving good ~,nd lawful men were drawn to serve as jurors in the superior court ~ ~ for. the trial of criminal cases; week be ~ ~ ~ ginning January llth,1937: A.J RerBen. C.E.I~err,Jr. P.L.Knight. , Wm.D.,7ones. H.C.Le~~is. ' 'Peter B.-Ruffsn. L.M.Todd. dJ.A.Stone. _ Jas.S.King. ti"l.L.~ssenger. . Harold H. Jeter. itlden Edtivards.,H.A.Akel. C.H.Clark. E.D.Anderson. ,,• Chas.Finklestein. J.L.Johnson. James G. Fennell. Jno.H.Bxunjes. N.H.Larkins. Ernest E. Kilburn. B.H.Cobb. vJ.J.Henry. F.L.i~i1ls,Jr. C.D.Bendex.Sr. . G.B.Stovall. R.N.Getty,Jr. t~i.B.Klander. C.P.Gorne.n. R.H.Holland. ,.` ' J.P.Rives. ,Y.R.Lee. '~'J.H.Batson. 1d.L.Foy. C.F.Nilliams. ' Allen Westerman. K.P.Anderson. C.S.Everett. Chas.A.Peschau. L.Pd.Page. ; "' Harry r~. Solomon. J.T.Hale. J.B.Dickinson. D..L.Todd. R.I,.Benson. F..G.1~Sorton. r~i.C.Pdillican. Geo.O.Gaylord.Jr.,. J.H.Rehder. - ' The mee ing then adjourned. ~ •~ ~, ~-~.~J~iJ 71.~~~ - ' 0 Clerk. y,vilmington,I~I.C., January 4th,193~.. . The •regular rveelily meeting of the Board was held at 3:00 0' clock P.P~, ~. Presentt Jae:.~I~. Ha11, ~Geo.~'J.Trask and. R.B.Roebuck. " ' ~ Addison Hewlett Chairman being absent on account of the recent death of I~grs.Hewlett, ~~, ~~'~~ Vice Chairman Jas. ?~I. Hall presided. -.~ ~~ The minutes of ineeting of December 28th, were read and approved as recorded. " , ~ Sn.,order to expedite the construction of the proposed addition to Jas.V~alker 14temorial hospital and to simplify the financing of same, a request of S~essrs. /,. ~. - ~Y.D.IalcCaig and Chas. B. Parmele of the~liospital Hoard, to. ihcrease tl~e Couni;y's annual appropriation of $15,3U0.00 to ~25,~00.00 S'or the next~t2iree years, the City~ . to do likewise, to retire a note to be negotiated by the hospital in the px~incipal amount of ~p60,600.00 to be matched by ~45,000.00 tJPA funds, was upon motion of blr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Roebuck, granted, the Uice Chairman voting yea; and the .,r ,_~~ hoapital Board to pay the interest on said note. This proceedure having been discussed ~ ~ among'County and City officials appeara to be the most economical mathod to follow . thus eliminating possible legal obstacles and expense of issuing bonds as welk as giving early relief to the hospital."And the County Attorney was instructed to ~ prepare a bill that would give the City and County..authority to increace the _ appro~riation and to levy a tax Yor the same, and our re'presentatives in the legislature ~'~ be requested to present the same for passage. • .. The b6iler for heating the old court house bumlding having been in use for a.pproximately • 16 years suddenly collapsed f'rom general wear axid deterioration, which at this seaso of' e.~~.4~~~ the year created an emergency, and the cost of a new boiler bein~ less than ~1,000.0 ~ the Board decided to proceed without delay,that would be occasioned by securing B competitive bids, to repl~ce the same. Therefore upon motion of T~Ir. Roebuck, second d ~.~. by ~r. Trask, the Vice Cha~irman voting yea, authorized Capps-Griffith Plumbing Company to furnish and install one Atnerican Radiator hot vrater Uoiler iri the old court.house ' • to replace the old one, and f'urther authorized advanced payment•of $~721.00 on account . of the purchase and expense for handling the same from Richmond to Wilmin~ton. j ~ ~1 A request of the ~oard of Lducation that the sum of ~8,800.00 be placed to the credit 1 ~ ~•. `~t~% of the School fund to Lake care of expenditures for the month of January, was approved...~ nhD ~~.~y~J~°A report o£ the 5uperintendent of 1;he County Home, Fax•m and Drainage tivas received.-/' ~~ ~ i - •. 473 . I~eetirtg of January 4th,1937, contiriued. `+ Upon motion of IJ[r. Trask, seconded by NIr. Roebuck, the Vice Chairman voting ; aff'iru~tively, the order adopted.at meeting of Idonember 25th,1936, authorizir~ t'r,e Tax Collector to accept baclc taxes as appear on the bacl: tax records plus . / • ,. 3% flat rate of interest in full settlement thereof for period ending January /, ~ lst;1937, is hereby ~'urther'extended to IuFa,rch lst,1937~ under authority of ! J ~ ../ , vl~ ~ Chapter ~73~ Fublic-Local Laws 1935.Tne 3~ flat rate oi~ interest to apply.also `~"~ ~ ~ on payments made on past due street assesements at Brookti~~ood. A cor,imunication was received from Ivirs. Edna IuS. Cantwell Supervisor 1FJilmington-~ .. t3ew.. Hanover Se~ving Rooms, shovaing articles made from ERA and '~iPA materials • w~A' turned over to the City and County for distribution to date, in the amount oY ~ . ~. ~80,012.26. ' ' . ; The meeting then adjourned. \ ' _J. ~ . . ~/`l~ >l.)5~^~/ ~ O~erk. (/ V~eilmington, Iv. C., January llth,l°37. L . " The regular weeY.ly meeting of the Board was held at 3:00 o'clock P.P.~I. Present:. Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.~!d.Trask, Tas. r~I. Hall, H.R.Gardner and ' . R. B. Roebuck. ~~ The minutes of January 4th, were read and approved as recorded Vith the exception~ c ded hi l i ~ or • ncrease as re c i Walker l,~emorial Hospital yr of the appropriation Por Jas. in the minutes of January 4th,1937, was changed to read"frbm $?15,300.00 to ~ , ~25,300.00 per year £or the next three years" to 'fiom ~16,300.00 per year to ', . ~25,000.00 per year for the next three years. The County rlttorney announced that the bill authorizing the Commissioners to ~ / • ' increase the appropriation for Jas. vJalker Memarial Hospital has been pxepared,~u,/ `~ intr.oduced and has passe~ the first reading in the House of Represetitatives. V . Upon r~otion of 1dr. Hall, seconded by TSr. Trask, the appropriation of ~p50.00 . month].y,~ranted toward maintenance of the local offices of the Better Housing g. ~/-'"}` ~ Campai&n of the Federal Aousing Administration and vrhich expired December 31st,1936, :. /%~('i"~ was ordered continued for the balance of the present fiscal year"ending June,30,1937, • in consideration of stimulating building and affording additional empioyment. Upon r~otion of r,2r. Gardner, seconded by Pdr. Halla a..request of Turr: Geo:Rountre.e,Jr _ ~ to separate the real and personal tax charged against &~r.J•:H:Hinton.,or} the Orton,~Iotel,v ~~/ and release the personal tax therefrom and allow the mortgagees to pay ihe re41 „. ~ n 'eetate tax due for the years I932 to 1936 inclu~ive, in full „ettlement thereof, was referred to the Chairman and Committee-for investigation and report to the . Board at a subsequent meeting. ~~ The Cou.nty-City appropriation provided for labor and certain materials for the ~ construction of the ',xJPA ~lrmory project being exhausted, I;~r. Hall moved and it ti~ras secondee£ by i~dr. Roebuck and carried,.tha.t an additional appropriation sufficient ~~/ ~ to meet the pay roll for week ending January lfith,1937, jointly with the City of~ " ~ ~ ` ~ ~ •°~ - ~'pn ~ Vilmin~ton, was granted. Ad~itional appropriations f-or this ~vork to be considered , '. when more definite information as to the cost to complete the project can be ' ~ ascertained. - a~ .. An application for license submitted in due form and execution by Clarence Watters .' ~ to sell beer at location at the interaection of the Castle~Hayne and Roak Hill roads',~ ' ~ r'/-~~-,; havin~ been investigated by the Sheriff, vras upon motion of Nir. Ha11, seconded by --~ : °"~~ --I~~ir. Gardner, approved. ' Upon motion of 1~r. Ha11, seconded by l~ur. Gardner, John 47. Hewlett vaas granted the •" privilege to transfer his license 4pproved Oct.,l2th,1936, to sell beer, from x ~(~ ~ former location on route ~20 east of curve near Audubon, to nevr locatsorl on Castle , / "'- ~Hayne road. , . ~ • Upon motio~i of I~6r. =1rask, seconded by i~4r. Roebuck, ~. request for a reduction ot the ' assess~ent on the prope'rty of I~~rs. Kate Ivi. Yopp in block ~133, ~aith the vietia of adjusting back taxes due on same amounting'.to $691.22 for the years 1931 to 1936 ^~`~ ~•~~~ inclusive, was referred to the Chairr~an and Committee for investigation and with pov~er to act. '. It appearing that the estate of C.N.Dunn is due the County `~74.82 and the City of • v~ilmin~ton ~p162.27 taxes on personal property for the years 1934 and 1935, plus a balance of ".~"50.00 license tax due the City, making a total~of ~p287.09, and it further y ~ m appearin~ that the personal property has been di~posed of and the estate is insolvent~ ~~1 ° / `Pherefore a reGuest to cor~promise the said taxes due under authority of Chapter ~73, , "~'ublic-Local Laws 1935,' was upon motion of I~.r. Gardner, seconded by ~Ir. Hall, : referred to the Chairman and County Attorney for investigation and ~vith pov~er to act. - UPon r~otion of n~Ir. Hall, seconded by I~dr. Trask, the judgment for court,costs'.and , • attorneys fees amounting to ~30.24 recorded against ~11ex Yeager at a1, It4arch 4th.,1929, . , ~- ' case No.898, on property in block ~25 ~vas ordered cancelled and settlement of the `~ / ~G/~ taxee on a basis of ~p100.00 assessment on house for the years 1931 to 1935 inclusivg • was approved in~coneideration of all taxes due againstsaid property to be paid • including prior years. This action taken in consideration of the dilapidated. .- condition of the building, the same to be improved and put back on a ta~x yielding basie by the new owners. ' . .. ' , . . , . I~feeting of January llth,1937, continued. ~ U~pon motion of I~tx. Trask, seconned by IuIr. Gardner, .oounty bills Idos. 1800 toN ~j~j~~~, 2cT64 were approved f or payment. ~ ~, 1`~ ~ Upon motion of 7,~r. Gardner, seconded by Iur. Hall, the Board authorized the payment• ~" of ~100.00 contribution to the Advisor Board of Eastern North Carolina " ~ \, Association of County Commissioners toward a fund to meet the expense of ~~• ~) tY 7' necessary work before the I,egislature in the interest of the Counties operating ~~~ A.B.C. stores, all members voting affirmatively. except Idr. '1'rask vaho vaas of the „ ~~ opinion that the County's interests should be properly taken care of by our ` representatives without this expense.and therefore voted Ido, ` ~Upon motion of l~r. Hall, seconded by hSr. Roebuck, the members of the,Y3qard ~~ere . ~ „\ authorized to attend a meeting of the State Association of County Commissioners. ~°' ~%~~ to be held at tlze air ~~alter hotel in Raleigh, Fric~ay January 15th, for the .. !` puspose of goin~ over t~e legislative program and definitely deciding what steps should be best to take to eafe.guard the several oounties interests in regarcl to ,. the various bills that will be introduced. Expensee to be paid by the County.' , ~ . ~ ~.A communication rras.~~ce.ived from the Qounty Auditor advising the amount of , ~ ': ~ ~~ deposit in each bank~as of December 31st,1936, together vrith a me~orandum of~ :_ ', securities held in each case. `~ ~ ~~n . . ' . •' . . . ~yli report of the Gir1s Recreation Center for December was received from T~fiss ~f` ~~~'~~ Flora ir~iller and ordered filed. ~ ` ; . ,~. . . Upon motion of IuTr. Trask,.seconded by iwr. Roebuck, Pfir's. Nan H. Carey v~as xeleased • ~/''~"~ from.the payment of ~2.00 penaltl~ for not listin~~te Nos: 40 and 41 Shore , ~ t~ Acres for the year 1931, on account of being out of the County at that,time. Upon motion of I~r. Gardner,.seconded by IuTr. Hall, the Board authorized the . payment of.~108.00 to The Institute of Government for membership fees under the . ,~ Institute's County I~?embership Plan, for~legislative and other governmental ~~ ~ ~1!tiS(ji information and service furnished County Officials, which during the session of /~~ the Legislature is very helpful. The fee is based on ~~ per inhab~.tant of the ' County. ' TSo action v~as taken on a request to petition the General Assembly to reduce the t schedule "B" tax mn service station gasoline pump5 located within one mile of ~ ~~~ the City limits to an equal amount as that paid b'y service atations beyond that • ° distance. ~ Upon motion of Tdir: Trask, seconded by T~r. Hall, purchase of trarzsportation ~ti a;/ > , cost of ~6..60 ~or Ifs. and I:2rs. Ervin Cash, stranded indigent transients to ~~ ~Gj1'~Gastonia, and ~8.10 txansportation for Iatrs. Edmond B41ntz to and from the State ~~ , J f-~ institution for the deaf and dumb at I~organton, as~requested by the Supt.,•.of ~,7"~ Pub].ic Welfare, was authorized. , The purchase of shoes and transportation for Edith Brotiun to the Teachere Training, ~A,E-~School at Elizabeth City amounting to ~,6.00 was recomnended by the Supt., oY ~~' Gj~~~~ Public ~~ielfare and approved. ' / ~ ~~ZThe County Auditors cash report for the month oE December vras received and filed.~~' ~ o~' ~ , It c^ras brought to the attention of the Board by~.P,~r.~Gardner that the barrier to f ~~ the old ferry slip on the west side of the river is down and ask that this be . ~, ~' given attention. The mee 'ng then adjourned, C~%:~/U! 7!• erk. ' ~~ilmington~N.C., Januaxy 18th,1937. The regular weekly meeting of the Board ~vas held at 3:00 o'clock P.I~I. Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.V7. Trask,Jas. Id, Hall ~nc£ A.B.Roebuck. ,~ ~f~~, The minutes of ineeting of January llth, were read and approved as recorded. ~ 1 . , { .~ . ,.'. '. . ,,, . ,. . .:. .. ~ , 4 :~ '' ~• , • ; A delegation of residente of Wrightsville Sound appeared and coinplained of the , noise made by outboard motorboats on the inland waterawy in the ittsnediate vicinitg of the village and asked that some steps be taken to require the use of muff'iere y, f or some regulations be raade to eliminate this annoyance, wh`ich is especially bad aky~u ~on Sunda~r' s and holidays. Representatives of the Carolina i~o'tor Association vrere °' T..~~~ present and explained that this annoyance was more prevalent during races that are ~ held over the course at~intervals during the season. Ho~aever, after discussion SaIr. F&~11 moved and it was seconded by Nir. Roebuck and carried, that the Chairman • appoint a coniraittee from the Board to investigate this inatter and report their ~. ~ recomraendations to the Doard at a subsequent meeting. Messrs. Jas.Ivl.Hall, R.B.~'2oebuck and County Attorney ~arsden Bella,r,~y vrere named by the Chairman. Upon motion .of.N'ir. Trask, seconded by I3r. Hall, the Board agreed td haul sarid too,~/ ` ~~~ fill in around the old South i'/ilmington School building now used as a Community V Home Demonstration Club, to enable the members to beautify the premises. , ~ ~ _. I~eeting ot' January liith,1937, continued. A petition bearing the signatures of £ourteen property owners and farr.iers in •tne ~ ,. PIIarathon Colony section near Cas,tle Hayne, reo,uesting that a drainage ditch be ~~~nJ provided ~from Higtzway #~40 to Saunders Pdi11 Creek,` a diatance of approximately l~ ~• mi3~es, was received and ur. Trask moved and it i~aae seconded by ~:~1r., Hali and carried, . that the same be provided as requested as soon as it is practical for the Drainage ' f orce to get to triis work: 47~ , . ~ ~,, , The Cornmissioners acting upon inf'orm~tion furnished by 2air.D.B.Black former 1UPA ~~ ~- Area Engineer, that it would require approximately ~640.00 for labor and, materials ' (,,~,~,A to complete the ~4PA Headquarters &;ttery Armory Project and that the v~2A authorities ~ /~l\('tl~",are out ,of materials and cannot furnish any at this time, did upon~rnotion of ~dr.Roebuck, .~,seconded by tetr. ~11, a.gree to pay our.:proportionate h~.lf part of ~p640.00 with the City ~ " of -Wilmington to complete this project: ~ t~ Upon motion of I~r. Ffa11, seconded by i~r. Roebuck, the Chairman and 1J'ir. Trask were . ~, ~ authorized to purchase agproximately 126 feet, 18" concrete pipe for drain under the ~ race track at the Recreational Centre at Greenfield Lake, and approximately,l0 gallons ' ~ '~~, of shellac for treating the board seats in the concrete stadium. ~ y " ~ Upon motion of L4r. Hall, seconded ~ y Pur. Roeliuck, the Board, acting upon the recormnendation / ~ of the assistant county Health Off'icer,authorized the purcha.se of glandular medicine " !~ ~a? ,,,Ir~~~ through the Health Department, for one of the Smoak childxen. ~T ~~9 Reports from the Ladies lYes.t Room and•District County Home Demonstrator;:for the month ~ } -` o Wk , of December.cvere received and ordered filed. - -i ` . ~~ Upon motion of ,T,IIr. Hall,, seconded by iur.. Hoebuek, T;~r. J.,T.Benton was granted an abatement /~ '.~ ~~~x of tases for the year 1936 on a valuation of ~900.00 on building at Seabreeze burned 1/ , . Ag:il 1935. , . . . . . ~ `~ A.surety bond ivith the,Great 4meric~n Indemnity Company as surety and~G.E.Morgan, , ~.~onstable of Harnett torovnship as princi.pal., in the penalty.of ~500.00, having.been ~ -~, ~~S approved as to form and execution;by the County Attorney~ and the said amount havi~ng ~._ been fixed by the Commissioner~~ was upon motion, approved,.all members votin~ ~ . . - affirmatively. • ~ , ' , The follovring resolution ~s upon motion. of I+lr. Roebuck, seconded by I~r., Trask, ~ -.a'~~ adopted by the Board.of County Commissioners:on request of,Dietrict Solicitor,John J. '~U.. . Burneys . . . . ~, ' . "s!JI~REAS', there .axe such a.lar~e accumulation of crimi,nal cases on ,the docket, ., , of the Superior Court oP Ne4v,Hanover County, North,Carolsna, for trial, and . ' } A ,' . , ti~tEAS, a large number of prisoners are novr confined in the common prison o~ ~ the County of Ptew Hanover awaiting trial of criminal cases, and vVHE~~A.~, as the next term of court f'ox the County of ldew Hanover for.the trial :~ of criminal cases tivill not convene until Iularch 15th, 1937, and that from this date ; ', there will be a large number oE additional cases docketed for trial in the Superior Court of .said Count:y on •the crimina.l -calender, and c~' / i~'° ' ~IFFIEFtEAS, it is •the unanimous opinion of the ~oard of County Commissioners of ,,,~ ~~ New Hanover County that at least a o,ne tiveek cximinal term is necessary to dispose . '~• of tne cases now on the docket for .trial •in Ne~v Hanover Count.y, IJorth Carolina. • BE IT, TH~REFOHE ~OLVED, that the Doard of County Commiesioners of New He.nover t/^ • ` County unanimously request nis Excellency, Clyde R. Hoey, Governor of the State of , , North Carolina, to order a apecial term of the Superior Court for the'trial of criminal cases only to convene on Fe.bruary 2?nd,1937, and to continue fox one week. ~ ' Be it further resolved that the Clark~ of the Board of Courity Coffanissioners be; „j and he is hereby directed to furnish a copy of this resolution to the Governor o~ the .` State of North Carolina at the earliest possible moment~ ~ • - r` , ~~ U^„ A report of the Grand Jury January Term 1937, Kas received. + ~~~~-) ~ A request of the Pdort~agees to be released from the payment of personal property tax ~--- due by.2~r.J.H.Hinton and charged together v+ith the real estate tax agains~ the Orton '/~ ~~~(~ Hotel, block #177 as presented by George Rountree, Esq.,•was upon recornmendation of - the committee, declined. ~ . Application for license..~ubmi~tted in due form and execution by Mrs. 8tto Dyke to sell / ~' ,Q„~,,,beer at location on route ~20, near Audubon, having been investi$ated and approved by+~ ~- !d'w`~ the Sheriff, eva,g upon motion of ?~Ir. Roebuck; seconded by i~ir. lr~sk, approved by the Bo~.rd. ..:,~ ~~ "~ith reference to~the revoc~tion and restoration of beer license, the County ;~ttorney . presented an opinion received from the Attor.ney Generals' Off'ice, advising that • Section #15, Chapter #319 Public I,aivs 1933 prohibits the Board of Commissioners from , ~,~1~issuing a license upon the "Premises" for a period of six months, after a license to ~ • sell beer upon such primises has been revoked, which said vielv has beeri previously ,_. `I, taken by the Board. '. `;i A co^ununication vvas received from iurs. E.P.4.Canttivell, Supervisor of 'u7.P.A.Sewing rooms • /j,~Q ~1" advising that articles ' made from ERA and ;iJPA materials to the amount of $~81,452.08 . have been turned ovsr to the City and County to date. , ' The Board acting upon the recorrnnendation of the Alcoholic Beverage Contxol Board, and upon motion of Idr. Trask,_seconded by &ir. ~toebuck, approved the change in location of , ' the ABC store ~10~5 at Carolina Beach f~om the Cafe building in wliich it ~vas formerly J~Lj'1~~l~ocated into a netv building next door, which ha.s been erected for.the pux.pose. This Board also approved ~the rental of ~500.00 per year for said new location as recommended „ ,' by the ABC board offic~;ls. , • ~ . 1 ~ \ . . ~ ~ I 47~ 1~~Ieeting oP January 18th,1937, continued. ~,~~~A report of f~ssociated Charities, f'or the month of' December tiqae received. `' ~ The matter of attending a meeting of a committee of' Tax Supervisors at hearing before ~ ~Cq~ the Senate and House Finance Cotnmittees at Ralei~h in an effort to safe guard counties - ~ right~ to tax~soivent credits~ }vas leit discretionary with the Chairman. ' Upon motion of P~fir. ~Hoebuck, seconded by t1r. ~raslc, f,~r. L.C.Godfrey was released from, ~(~~ payment of penalty f'or not li"sting 1.6 aCres of' land, part Ke~r, Cape Fear township, fos (/ ~- `` the year 1936, on account of being out of the:;~tate at listing time-. ~ U on motioi~ of ~r. Roebuck, seconded by t~r. 'rasl~., the iloard a,pproved the. payment,cjointly - 1 ith ,the. City of t°/ilmir~ton, cost for furnishing and, installing under 1'dPA, two privys at ~(~, ~ the Community Old Folks Home for +colDred citizens, at ~12.31 each. . V The Board acting upon the recorrunendation of the County v1e1£are OYficer, and upon motion ~ of ifir. Roebuck, seconded by f~4r. Trask, granted Precilla Hill, llan L. ~mith and Sanie ~Jackson, coldred citizens, admission to the County Home as inmates if and when room is~• ~ available. . Upon motion, county bills Nos. 2065 to 2101 inclusive were approved f'or paymen~.J, „j The following good and lawful men wexe drawn to serve as jurora in the superior court ~~'~~ for the txial of civil cases, two weeks term beginning- First week February ]tst,1937t ~ . John Coston. Thomas Core. Harvey Lee. J.T.Gaylord,( J .D. Br oti~n. ~I.R.Smith. ` ~~ ~~x. ./ ~ ~~ / ~ C.VJ.Fulford. O.P.Stuckey.• E . V. Hunt. J.~R~.Boesch. Fred.R.Jordan. D.L.Dobson. Second week ~'ebruary 8th-1937i J.E.Olsen. Geo.R.Atkinson. E . A. Br o«n. ~ ~ T.I~.Grier. J.G.Johnson~. • ~'.L.Iu~eiez~. .-. . ~}'. C.Long. E.M.3hephexd. C.C.Hemby. J.P.Rich. R.J.Innis: _ C.R.H.Peterson. E.L.Southerland. G.A.Lumsden. H. t~T.?iarichey. Sig. Goodman. F:L.T~tills. ~ R.D.Johnson. C.B.Parkex. . J.J.Jones. C rk. GVilmin~ton, N.C.,. January 27th,1937. The regular week y meetiaag of the Board was held at 3:00 P.1~S. - K.PJI.Corbett. J. H. Hacnmo rid. George L~urray• S .S~.Daughtry. D.C.Padrick. G:W.Barfield. B.D.Waddell. ti9.]~.Blizzard. I.W.ti9illis. N.F.Cardes. H. 0. Thonias . Roy F. Hobbi_ Jos.B.Taylor. C.l'l.Rankin. 47.R.Vanr.. ~i.V.S'ellers. J.'s~esley Henry. F~7. H. Cox. I B.G,Jones. ~7m. T~. tVil li ams . Geo.L.IJiitchell. Paul Bergen. I3.R. Croom. R.Retchin. H. A.PdcEachern. J.T.Cole. E~. J. Jacks on. Joa. A. Clermnons . T.A.Rivenbark. D.B.Hill. The mee ing then adjourned. ~ ~"ii"ll~l 7l. ir~7~ . Present: Addison 3ewlett Chairman, Geo.iV.Trask, Jas.Ii.Hall, F?.R.Ga.rdner and R.B.Roebuck. The minutes of ineeting of ~anuary 18th,1937, were read and approved.as recorded. 1 \ . Upon motion of ]dir. '1'rask, secmnded by 1dr. Gardner, the ~900.00 assessrnent on the three J 33 Yoot lots described as the west end of lot ~2 and northwest part of' lot #3 in block ~18, owned by the Rev. J.2~.19ells, was separated and the assessment on each lot ~ras fixec~~~ ; at ~300.00, and an adjustment of the taxes due on the nortnv~est quarter of' lot #2 0~ that basis rNas authorized, as reqmested by Rev. J.S.Crowley. ~ A request of Svrif't I~. Boati+rright to be allopred to correct the 1936 tax list of Boat~vright V. Insurance Agency by reducing the ;~400.00 value,returned for "Office Furniture and Fixtures" stating that he inadvertently listed the same value as for the previous year and nop?_c~aims`. that the_ same, w~s listed in~ excess'of_ i~te'true value, v~ts upon mot;i.on of fdir. ~x~dsk;seconded . by iis. Gardner, rePerred to the ~ounty i,ttorney for investigatlon ~nd opinion. .. ~ The Commissi:oriers. deelined to grant'a request of Toi I:~Ir. Joyner's beer tiusiness located a~t the old radio ,,G~L' pending recovsry of %ar. Joyner from burnsacaused by ~~Y confined-in Jas. i7alker Hospital. It appeared tna~t of violating the prohibition lar~ ~~ril:izin two year~. ~ Upon motion the Board voted to give some relief to n Croom to be per:nitted to mana~e ~ ¢, station on the Princess Street /~oad,-', gasoline explosion and is no,w~/ , ifir. Croom has submitted to a char6e ..' the draina~e condition in tne area ~, `~ :, ~~,ysr~ east of Audubon nea} Sdinter Park, by having the cxraii~age force clean out the ditch in the /~ vacinity of -the home of IaIr.C.S.RoUinson, .as rec~uested by him. • . - ~ ~ A report of Jas. E~alker Hospital for •the montn of December ti•~s received arid ordered filed.~ ~ • ~ ~J / Upon motion of Tur. Gardner, seconded by Iv~r. Roebuck, the Board declined to purchase ~~ , t; I~~orth Carolina 4% bonds r.~aturing 1948, for the sinking. fund account on a 2.60 basis,- for ~_:: L y'Q~'^tY the reason i;hat it ie too clos~ a margin for the length of' time, and a more profitable . purchase ~ay be available la,ter on. , Upon motion of ~Sr. Gardner, seconded by i:ir. RoebucY., Gusty Fowler vras released from , v ~t payment of penalty for not listing lot {~7, in block ~ 38, Su~ner Hill,l~asonbor-o to~vnsnip, ~-' ~~~r~ i'or the year 1936, on account of failure of his agent to list the same. ~ ~~~ , ~eeting of January 25th,1937, continued. ~ On recommendation of the County ~~lelfare Off"icer, and upon rnotion of 11r, Traskp/'~ -, !~,.V"_ seconde'd by Iur. Raebuck, D'el~a Vialker TeBbe~ was admitted to the County Home ` as an inmate. ' Vpon motion of 1~4r. tlall, seconded by t.ir. Gardnex, the Board agreed ta allov~ ~~,,,p~ the 4'lelf~are Officer 5~C per mile traveled for the use of his automobile to and ~~~`" from Raleigh in order to provide transportation for Ifis's. Helen Sneeden and I~iss r ~- ElizaUeth Horne; Social Servi:ce 17orkers for Uovernment goods di.stiibution under ~ the 77elfare vepartment, and toward defxaying their expenses lvhile there in . attendance, with the ~;Eelfare Officer, upon a Social Service Conference to be held January•26th and 27th. • ' ' IIpon motion of Mr. Gardner, ~econded by TJ+r. Roebuck, the Board authorized an ~ exchange of offices between the VJelfare Officer ~nd the of'fices occupied by the • ~C ~,Veterans of Foreian "~Aars, in order to more conveniently lo.cate the ofi'ices of the r~ Superintendent of Public 59elfare with the off'ice of' Social Service tWorkers for •~. "- Government ~oods distrnbution under the depart~ent of Piblic sS'elfare. Upon motion of Pdr. Gardner, seconded by I~r. Hall, the Board gave authority to ,~ ~ /'~/b~~ purchase a copy of the latest edition of Jerome~s Criminal Code for the Recorde'r. F ' , Upon motion o£ I9Ir. Hoebuck, seconded by ISr. lrask, J.T.Turlington and 1Zichmond ~ Pearce ~~~ere released from payqtent of penalties for not listing charged against ~!/"J ` ~~~ their property in Federal Point and:~Harr~ett tou~nships respectively for the year '. 1936, on account of being out of the State at listing time. ~ . A petition signed.by nine property owners and residents of Swrnner Hill Division, ~I~¢asonboro to~~+nship, asking th3t a road be constructed from a point on the Carolina ,~ ~~ ~~~ach road, about half mile s:outh from Greenfield Bridge, running thence east~~ardly through the subdivision, was received, approaed and ordered forvrarded to the State Highway Commission for its ,consideration., • Bills for rental oi type~vrit,ers ,in ~the amounts of ~64.92 charge~ against -utPA Associated Charitiea, ~64.92 P~PI. Clerical & En~ineering and ~p97.38 New Hanovex ^• County-City of '~Vil"mmngtion 'vYPA Se~~ring Rooms, ~vere submitted by Underwood-Elliott . ~-~~~~- Fisher Co~pany. No authority having been given by this Board for the rental of • the same, iL~r. Trask moved and it was seconded by ~ii. Gardner~and carried, that • the County, therefore, assumes no liability for the indebtedness incurred. The Chai.rman told the Board that from present indications ther,e would be .- . considerable curtail~ent of 1+IPA funds after Iu~a,rch lst, and in order to complete the project at the itecreational Park and Fair Grounds, he 4~as told additional ., trucks vrould be needed to speed up this v~ork, and was asked to take up wi.th the ~~~' Board the matter of i;he County purchasin~ 3 or 4 second hand trucks to make the ' nece~sary fills for the basebal7. diamond and finish up around .the field. The - inatter.cras discussed at length, but no definite action was take at this time. T c~ follov~ing resolution was upon motion of Mr. Gardner, seconded by I~Gs~. Hall,- f„l~ unanimously adopted: ~ ~ - 1 WHr~.tEAS, the question on the control of the sale of liquor will come up for , hearing before the House Judiciary Cotrunittee number one, Thursday January 28th,and~ 1'lHEREAS., tne Commissioners 'of this Board.are of the opinion that the best results ' can be obtained under our present system of control, Therefore be it- .t RESOI,VED that the County Commissioners of TJew Hanover County hereby request our ~ re~resentatives in the Legislature and the Chairman oi.the House Judiciary Committee number one, that we favor the present control of the sale of liquor as conducted ir1 ' Neva Hanover County and specially Crequest the General Ass.embly not 'to enact any legislation which would take away from tHe Counties the xigYit to decide this matter for themselves. ~ ' Upon motion o£ T+ir. Gardner, ~secoi~ded by I~dr. Trask, the Tax Assessors ~rere directed„J ,... to make daily reports of' the time devoted to the work of assessing real estate and "' ,~ G,~~ the territoxy covered. The meeting then adjourned. . _ _ ' ~ . , i ~i~~ ~ ~~. . _ _ S~E fw~rk ~ M ~Vilmington~N.C..9 February lst,1~37. ~ The regular weekly meetingc,of the Board ~R~as held at 3t00 0' cloc3c F.2~I. Present: Ad~ison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.'il.Traslc, H.R.Gardner and R.B.Hoebuck. ' i ~t The minutes of ineeting of January 25th,`~aere read and approved as recorded. C~ ~' Upon motion of I~1r. Tras.k, a~~request?.of ASr. Fred _jlJilletl;s for a reduction of Lhe / assessment on the property of 7ar." J. Zrving Corbett in block ~202, together with 1~ r' ~~ X a request for reduction of the assessment on his property in block #~214, was ~~ , .~ ~ referred to the Chairman and Committee and Tax Assessors ~vith po~ver to act. Upon motion of Ilr. RoeUuek, seconded by,rLr. Trask, 1ur. E.K.Bryant residing at . 1 No. 712 Idorth Third Street, ~ras exempt fz~r.n payment of poll taxes on account of ` / ~G'l physical disabilities. , ,_ ~ A request of Pdr: Harxy G. Lattimer and Son and f~r. F. E. Livingston, representing J ~ . Icu~ual Insurance C;ompanies, for an additional share of' tlze County's insurance ~(~' / ~iness, was upon motion of IZr. Gardner, seconded by PSr. Roebuck, referred to a ~-~ Cmnmitt.ee fxor.i the Board to consider and repoxt at a subsequent meeting. . a ~4~~ ~eeti•ng of February lst,1937, continued. _ , The Coimnissioners declined a reyuest of i~r. f~.K.Hobbs to be permitted to transfer a 9~,his beer::license from location at Carolina Beach to°~he Delta~~ a road house located / ~-(~~'/~ on the Carolina Beach Noad; for the reason ~hat license to sell beer upon the ' /' ~ f "Premises" at '!.The l7elta" has recently been revoked, and ~nerefore, license 'to sell ` beer at said location cannot be issued to anyone tiFrithin six months from date of said revocation. " + . The 5uperintendent of Public '~~elfare informed the Board that the City Commissioners have asked possession of the City o<<ned building at the Front ~treet I;~tarket where -. ~~~ government surplus FlpA goods are stored for distribution. The same having been secured / -~1 for that purpose v~ith an understandin~ that possession would be surrendered when the ~ ~Vv bu~lding is•neededrby'-the'~Cit~*; and~~asked that another place be secured. Upon motion ~ of i~r. Gardner, the Chairman and I~.~Ir. Roebuck tvere named to confer vrith the P:~ayor with the view of retaining the use of the present building and in the event this cannot be done, w;ere given po~ver to act in securing another lbca~ion. Upon motion of ;:Ir. Roebuck, seconded by Ty.r. Gardner, 1;he matter of revising and fixi g ~ nevr values.on the County Home buildings and contents for ineurance purposes, as per/~ • ~,'~sketch pr2sented, was referred to the Court House Committee for investigation and rAport ~~ their recommendations to tne Board at a subsequent meetirig. . A financial statement. of' the Red Cross Sanitarium for the year 1936, waa received from ~.: G~~ Dr. John C. ~+lessell, Physicman in charge, to~ether vaith his letter of appreciation for. ^~-. J the financial assistance given by the County. ~ A corrununication was received from L'irs. Edna Id, Cantv~ell, ~upervisor of ~rPA Sewing Rooms~ , ` lSl shorving articles made from :s1PA and ERA materials turned over to the City and County to-date;~ / ~,r~ to the amount of ~p83,435..36. . . , ~ copy of the annual report of the retiring board 'of directors of the lUilmington Ciiamber ' r e~lti of Corrmierce, was received from ILr. Louis T. JSoore its Manager. _ 1 /6! ~''~ ~ tipon r.totion of I~r. Roebuck, seconded by 11r. lrask, i~.I~S.Hill et a1 were allo~ved to pay the ~a~ taxes due by ilrs. Betty deR.Dick'on lots Nos. 2,3,8,9, and 18 S7oodcrest less the penalty://, charged fo~ not listing for the year 1936, for the reason the said lots ~yere purchased~V ~ around lieting time and the nevr ~~vners thought they had been listed by Pdrs. Dick. ~~lpon inauiry made by the Chairman, the County Attorney advised ~hat this County vrould have~/ ` Q, to pay mileage for special venire if drawn from another County to try the Smoak case. Upon motion of i~c;r. Gardner, seconded b~ T4r. Hoebuck, the Boaxd, upon recot:unendatmon of the ~ S1~periritendant of Public ti~Tel£ax~ct, authorized the payment oi' transportation for AZr..tVm. E. ~(% ~~~ Guthrie, to be~accompanied,by his„vrife, to Duke Hospital Tor treatraent for cancer of' the ,~ ths•oa.t. Upon motion.of I~Tr. Trasjt, seconded by i~r. Uardner, hfr,. J.T.~ellers ~va~ ~ranted an ~ ~a abatement of ~¢1.00 tax on one male d~g listed in error for the year 1936. It appeared / ~~ ~ that the~dog is the property of his s.on and vvas also listed by him for the year 1936: ~ . ~. . ~ ~. ~A report of Lhe treasurer of Couununity Old Folks kiome f'or year ending December 3ist;1936~~ ~ ` ~`~,~,}~" v~as received. - ~ ~ ~ Upon motion, duly eeconded, tne Chairman wa~ given authority to purcha.se four ~Second_~, • Y hand trucke for use at the Hecreational P~rk and ~arx grounds. ' 1~ , The mee ing then ad~ovrned_. - r-:?l~J6~J 9/~r. c t ~/ t~ - lerk. VFilmin~ton,N.C., February~8th,1937. . . The regular t°ree.ly meeting of the ~oard vras held at 3:00 P.I~. • Present: Addison He1^~lett Chairm~n, Geo.sJ.Trask, Jas.2a.Ha11 and H.~t.Gardner. ~ \ ' ~ ' ~~~j 7, vrere r~~d and approved ae recorded. . Februar;~ lst, 193 he minutes of ineetin~ of 'L A requeet of I~,Ir. S:R.Poo19 Farm Demonstration flgent, that the County participate in the~ t ~ f ~ ~ c 1p l b~ l e a V ~~~~~ Trask, seconded by Mrr referred . under work, vas Upon mot'ion of Mr Hallh Gualified l'JF'A "'~~ / to a committee for investi~ation and report back to the Board at a subsequent meeting. ~ d t f ~ ~ a repor , Jilmingtnn Port Commission, submitte o ~4r. Peter B. l~uffin Chairman of the 4 ~x- the activities of the Port Comnission for period ending February lst,1937.~ ' /~v H. Edmond Rodgers, Esq., representing Iurs. IvI.T~4.Hainey, appeared and told the Board~ that the~accumulation of bactc taxes on her property in blocks Nos. 18, 513 and, 537 amountirig ~ to •°R864.96 since 1921, has about equaled the value of the property and aeked that some., ' ~ Q l' adjustment be made in the assessments on buildings to enable her to se11 some of the i/ I property to pay the taxes due. The matter ~~ns upon tnotion of I~LLr. Trdsk, seconded by V P,ir. ~1a11, referred to the Committee for investiga{:ion and ~vith po~rer to act. ~ f r ? .~- ~' . Upon motion, P,Sr. J.O.Powers ~vas allowed to pay the ~ast due street assesaments char~ed {.~ against 1ot ~2-Keaton Avenue Broolr~vood, plus 3% flat rate of interest, under authority .~/1 ~~;~ o£ order adopted at meeting of January 4tn,1937, extending the time for the paycient of ~ back taxes at flat rate of 3~, inter2st. ~ , ~ Upon motion of iv;r. Ha11, seconded by Nir. ~ra.sk, the Board~voted unanimously to join the ,~ NeW Hanover County Bar Association in its request presented by Aaron Goldberg,Esq., ,, ~ ~~~~~ to the Governo~, asking tlzat some Judge or Tudges be a~signed to hold the Courts of.the ~ Eigntn Judicial District during tne illness of hos Honor, Judge L"Ja,lter L. Small. . . ,f ~ rt{ ~ . ~ I.. • , : , I~eeting of February 8th,1937, continued: ~ - 4 ~~9 ~ = k . _4 rec~uest of T~Ir. Goldber~ for a reduction•of the assessment on building of Iv2rs. :C~therine IJI. Banck, block y~218, with the vie~v of adjusting the back taxes ~ due on earae amounting, to ~p5,,433.05 ac.cumulated since 1930, to. enable her, to save ~ ~-~~~` the property, was upon motion of I~dr. Traslc, seconded by idr. Ha11, referred to the Committee witn porrer ,to act. T+ir. ~dcKean Iu2affitt,Aating Cit,y Engineer, appeared and told the Cornmissioners that the incinerator srnoke stacY, had cracked from the top dov~n for a distance of about . r " fifteen fe.et and that_the same ~vas in bad condition and'~needed-.repairing, and ~ A. submitted a price of ~765.00 if Duro concrete top is used, or ~465:00 other~vise. ~ ,~C% This being-a matter in which the City is interested to the exte~nt of three fourths ~ of the cos•t, I~fir. Gardner v~as named and given pov+er to act, in dealing with the ' City Commiasioners in making the necessary repairs. In order to eliminate competition v~ith private mattress makers, a gift of 49 bales of cotton valued at $2,450.00 and 3,730 yards of mattrees ticking, valued at ~947.50,~ ' was accepted from the•YPPA authorities for use in malting mattresses for use in County „/ prisons and institutions. The Board upon motion of Idr. '1'rask, secondei by LIr. Gardner~ , ~--~~4p'~''' -authorized. the payment of the storage due the~C!iampion Compress ~darehouse Co., on the fs-ame since-KUgust-13th,1936, and remove the cotton to the County Home for storage.. . - ., . It rnet with the approval of the Board to rent the building of ILr. John D. Bellamy ~~, located at.~107 South Front Street at $p35.00 per month jointly with the City of . '1Jilmington.for u7PA and ERA ~oods storage and distribution. This tivas made necessary by ~'Ui'~ the City Commissioners re9uiring possession of the City ov~ned building at the T~arket House wher.e the goods.were formerly stored. Upon motion of I~Ir. Hall, seconded by Iytr. '1'rask, rdIr. J.B,~lliott of Chadbourn,Id.C.,, ~,^ ~~~~,x~ was released from the:pa~rment of penalty for not listina 1ot #8, in block ~12, /r ~Carolina Beach for the year 1936, on account of being a non-resident. Upon motion of 1'~Ir. Gardner, seconded b~~~~Ipal7~, he Bo~a~'~,l„authorized the purchase of ~,+r"' ~ Ju,'"~~~ fguxS~~e~n,; chair cussions ior the jury~ Phe saine to~be~`afle f'ast to.the chairs to i~ '~ c~g~vk, _eep t~iern from becoming misplaced. . , ' ' .~.c~s-~"$`~~`z`", . , , ,Upon motion of &ir. Ha.ll, seconded by I,~r. Gardner, the Board authorized the payment of the County's nalf par.t of, ~y61.10, oifice expenses of the e~lployment Bureau, the earne~ ~~~j•~~~bein~ provided for in. the bud~et. . ,~{ P~ report of Associated~Charities and Girls' Recreational Projects for January were • ~ C1'~ceived and ordered filed. , ,~ ~ r ~ ~ A corrmiunication ti°~as received from the Count,~ Auditor aduising the arnount of deposit ,u~ ~in each bank a,~ of January 30th,1937, together ~vitn a men~orandum of securities held ~ '~ ,/~~~ in each case. , '. The Board acting on the certificate of the Clerk o£ Superior Court, and upon motion of ' ~p !~r. iiall, seconded by Icir. Gardner, authorized the payment of ~;30.00 to Iviiss Barbara . b' -- ~au~ti4x-DeBose, tovrard burial expenses of I~irs. Susan ~R. DeBose, a 0onfederate Pensioner. / / ,./~~~~~,f~'vThe County Auditor's cash report for the month of January ~•aas received and ordered filed./ ~~~Upon Motion, duly seconded,'county bills iJos. ?102 to 2386 were approved for payrnent./ ~ The following coupons and bonds were presented by the County Auditor as having been v .-~ ~~{~~~paid and v~ere burned in the presence of the Board: ' ~ ~ ' S CHOOL BONTY'a -~ Coupon No. 13 Bonds l1oS. 106 to 140 Inc., - 35 (~ ~23.75 , .~ 831.25 ROAD BONDS _ • ~ Coupon No. 46 " ~" 5.only - 1 C? 25.00 ~25.00 %" - ~ ~ ~~ ~~ 46 " " 95 and_ 102'. :. , - 2 ~ 12.50 . 25:00 ~0.00 ~ " Road Bonds Paid TTos. 7-8-9- 3(t? ~1000.dQ 3,000:00 ~ 3,881.?5 . ~ S CHOOL BO1VD~ : .. ,,." Coupon No. 46 Bonds Idos. 45 and 47 - 2~ 25.00 '50:00 ' ~ ~~ ~~ 46 " " 48.ot0 51 Inc., - 4 C~ 25.00 .100.00 ~ ' " ° 46 `" '" 96 to 100 ~~ - 5 C~2 25.00 125.00 . ~~ " 36 " " 3 " 17 " - 15o1s~ 25.00 375.00 . . ~' . " 36 " " 63 ' - 1' O 25.00 25.00 675.00 '. ` ROA~ BOId-~i : • , • Cou~on No.46 "' " 79-87-90-105-107-120' -~ 6~ 12.50 75.00 750.00 ,. \'70T~KHOUSE 8c COUNTY HOT'~ DOND".a: ~ ~ • Covpon No. 38 Bonde Nos. 1 to 17 Iric., ~ ROAD BOIdI~a II Ccupon No. 47 Sionds Nos. 1 to 4 • n n ¢ry, u n g u 22 ' " " 47 'd "' 24 " 75 ` " " 47 " " 76 " 77 " " 47 " " 79 and 80 ~' u un 47 n n 82 t0 84 ~ " " 40 ° ° 86-87 18c~ '89 i -. ~ • " " 47 " " 91 to 94-97 " " 47 " " 99 " 101-103 " " 47 " " 106 " 108 " " 47 " " 110"117 " " 47 " " 121 ~~ 123 ' . ~~ a 46 n n' 81-94-5& • SCHOOL BOND~: ~ Coupon No. 47 " " 1 to 23 Inc., ' ii n 47 u n 25 n 2q n ~~ n gq n ~~ 29 "' 39-46 . ^ n` 47 ` n ~~ 52 ~, 62 ~~ ; o a 4q n n g4 u g5 n ~ . . " " 47 " " 103 " 107 " ~ , ~ . 17 (9 25.00 4 C~§ 25.00 17 9 25.00 52 C~ 25.00: 2 (~ 12. 50 2 Q 12.50 3 ~+ 12. 50 3 ~ 12. 50 5 ~ 12.50 4 @ 12.50 3 ~ 12.50 S ~ 12. 50 3 ~ 12.50 3 Q 12.50 100.00 425.00 .,300.00 25.00 25.00 37.50 37.50 62.50 50.00 37. 50 " 100:00 " 3 7. 50 37.50 2,275.00 _ 23 'G~ 25.00 575.00 _ 3 Q 25.00 ~ 75.00 _ 1? ~ 25.00 300.00 - 11 Q 25.00 275.00 _ 32 9 25.00 800.00 - 5 ~? 25.00 125.00, 425.00 ~" ~ C).t ~ I~teatin~ of' February Sttz, 1937, continued. - s cxooz Borr~ ~ . Coupon No~IBonds Nos . 111 to 112 Inc., - 2 Q~ 25.00 -~ 50.00 ~~ ~~ 47 " " 115 " 150 ~~ _36 " 25.00 - . 900.00 ~ " '! 47 " '! 151 '! 200 " -50 " 12.50 - 625.00 " " 37 '1 '1 1 " 61 " -61 " 25.00 - 1, 525.00 " " 37 " " 64 " 70 " - 7 " 25.00 - 175.00 " " 37 " " 81'" 123 '~ -43 " 25.00 _ 1,075.00 n " " 35 " " 65'" 100 " _36 " 25.00 - 900.00 a~ '~ 35 " • " 81 " 125 " -45 " . 25.00 - 1~125.00 " " 34 " " 136 " 225 " -90 " 5.00 2 - 2,250.00 ~~ ~~ 14 " ° 74 ~~ 105 " -32 " . 23.75 - 760.00 " " 14 " " 141 " 242 " -.102 " 2~.75 - 2,422.50 " " 14 " " 51 " 355 " -305~ " 23.75 - 7,243.75 ~iL1,~01.~5 . COUNTY HOr.~ BOTdl~'s • - Coupon So.14 Bonds Nos. 13 to~ 28 " - 16 ~~ 23.75 - 380.00 ~ FERRY BO1~IIIx s Ccupon No.32 Bond Nos. 33 " 50 " - 18 " 30.00 - 540.00 ' " " 35 " " 1 ° 50 " - 50 " 25.00 - 1,250.00. 1,790.00 CO URT HO i~E BOiJIk`i : '~ Coupon No. 26. Bonds Nos.81 " 160 " - 80 " 25.00 - 2,Q00.00 " " 26 " " 1G5 " 169 " - 5 " 25.00 - 125.00 -, " " 26 " " 171 " 214 " _ 44 ~~ 25.00 - 1,100.80 ° ~~ 26 ~~ '~ 220 ~~ 225 ~ " - 6 " 25.00 - 150.00 +~ 3~375.00 [~IORKHOi~E 8c COUNTY HOTv7E BONDS:~ Coupon No. 39 Bond s Nos. 1 to 17 " - 17 " 25.00 - 4?5.00 'Po tal Coupons . ...... .......... .. $ 29,446.25 BOiQl~ PAID ~~ Couni;y Iiome Bonds No. 13 & 14 - 2 LA $~1,0OO.OQ ~p 2,000.00 Court House " " 81 to 90 -10 ~ 1,000.00 10,000.00 Ferry Bonds " " ~3 " 35 - 3 (~ 1,0OO.OU 3,000.00 S.:chool Bonde " " 136 " 144 - 9 ~ 1,000.00 . 9,000.00 5chool Bonde " " 51 " 60 -10 ~ 1,000.00. 10,000.00 School Aonds " !' 74 " 88 -15 ~ 1,000.00 15;000.00 . . ~ ~ . r.: . ~ , ,, ... , ' ' ; `, ; i . `. . . V , ~ V 49,000.00 ~78,446.25 ~78,446.25 The me ting t•hen adjourned. ~ r` :~~/Gi 7l.~- ~ - ~ . lerk., 4~ilmin~~on,I1.C., February 15th:1837. The regular vreekly meeting of the Board. ~vas held at 3:00 0' clock P.I~Y. Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo. v7. Traslc, Jas. P.~i. Hall, H.R.Gardner and R. B. Roeburk. The minutes of ineeting of February Sth, 1937, vrere read and approved as recorded. ~ , , ' ~ a ~~ ~ .. . . .; Ai ~ , - ~~ i , ,: c , ,, . . ~ t; ~',~ ~ `"` The Commissioners dec~ined to allow the request~of P~r. Nelson A. Carr for a refund of poll taxes collected by the Tax Collector by garnishment, for the.year 1936, on ' /gU~ account of being absent from the County for approximately seven years. Zt appeared ~~ that Tvir. l~elson v~as employed on a vessel at sea and maintained a home here for his family during that tirne and did not pay poll taxes elsev+here. ~• T~Iessr's.' H.G.I,a~timer and F.E.Livingston, I~Iutual Insusance Agents, and Pdesers. ~ i ~ ~ S.C.Pulliam, Glasgow Hicks and 4'Talker Taylor,Jr., members of the Local Board of Nire Underwriters, representing S.tock Companies, appeared concerning the distribution of ~80,000:00 County~s insurance falling due on February l6th,1937,together with ~3,000.00 increase on':Gounty Home property.~The matter ~vas discussed at'lengtri, an ~it vaas suggested by the Cor.vniusioners that in vies~t of the ~p3,000.00 increase in the~~ ~; `r~j~` amount on i;he ~ounty Home Buildings and Contenta, that the t~~o I~~utual Znsur.ance ~ ~~r Agents each b.e~~iven ~4,000:00 of the ~p83,000.00; that, together v~ith a former polic.y --' of ~1~,.000.OO,~each allo~ved two years a~o, vrould bring th~m nearer in line of equ~l /. distribution of the County's ~407,500.00 among the local agents. This met vJith the~f ' appxo°val of the repre'sentativee of the Local Board, and upon moLion of R:r. Roebuck., seconded by,;~ir. Gardner, it wae so ordered, and the remaining ~79~000.00 insurance falling due I+ebruary 15th,1937, ~~as left d~tscretionary with the Local ]~oard for ' distributinii.among the Tocal fire.~insurance agents. ~' Upon motion of I~ir. Gardner, seconded by LIr. '1'rask, the Local Board of Fire Underr~rrit,~rs ~ras requested,'when dietributing County's insurance among the Agents, to have it V _-~~r,~Lu~` place& with the Caxol'ina Insurance Company, a local Corporation, in each instance _.r thie can be dohe. ' ~ . Upon motion of' Mr. Ga'rdner, seconded tiy i~s. Roebuck, Lot ~~12 in block #2, Ii~nover ~ ~~,Ga~dens vras of~'ered to I1r. J.C.Innis for ~300.00 in consideration of having turried ~J ~,~ the same back 'to the 'County some time ago, and the uiatter of negotiating the sale ~~'~ rnas referred t'o the Chairman with povver to act. - . . ~ Aaxon Goldberg, Es9•, read a couununication received from the Governoz•s Off'ice ~' ~~ stating that a Judge would be assigned to hold the Courts of the Eighth Judicial.~ . ~~:~~~ District duririg the il'lness of the Horiorable ~;7alter L. Small, but indicated the assi~nment may~be post~oned until after adjourruaent-of the Legislature. . Upon motion of' I:ir. Trask, seconded by I;x~. 'Ha,ll, the recorcunendation of the Committee to reduce the °assessment on the building of T~Srs. ISat:herine bi. Ba.ncY. in blocY #218 ~ ~~~ t'lest part of Lot ido.l,• vras adopted, and the same tvas reduced b~r ~5,OU0.00 for the years 1930 to •1936 inclusive on account of the bad condition of the same, and an ~ abatement of ta.xes on a valuation of 5,~5,000.00 for the years 1930 to 1936'inclusive, ~vas ordered. • • , . , y ~ ~ ;. rQ i . ~ 4 ~~~. Pdeeting of' February 15th,1937, continued. ~,`. ~ -. ~ Upon motion, the J3oard approved the School Building r'und Budget submitted by the -~ ~/ Board of Education as follo~vs: ~ Attorney's r'ees,.. ........ . ...................... ~ 1,500.00 ~ Architect's .N'ees-5%- approximating,..... .. ........ 5,000.00 , Building and E9uipment- the remainder approximatin~,.. 103,500.b0 ' . Total ................. ~110,000.00 Upon motion of Mr. koebuck, seconded by I~1r. ~rask, T.E.Goff,Jr., was granted '~ ~ . ~~~ an abatement of' po"11 taxes for the year 1936 on accoun~ of serving an eight '~ months sentence on the State.roads at that time. , Upon motion of 1t~r, ;~a1~., seconded ~by i~Ir. Hoebuck, O.J.Bell of South Carolina ~ _ --( ~•~as released from payment of penalty for not listing lot ~?83 Government Heights, ' ~•I~X p~asoriboro Tov~nehip, for the years 1933 to 1936 inclusive, on account of being a~ non-residerit_. / / '~; ^, (~,,, Upon rnotion, the Chairman vras authorized to purchase sufficient vrire fence to / . ~~~~?~^'') in.close the Oak Urove Cemetery property, i , Upon r.lotion,`.duly seconded, I.tr. b'.W.Greer of ~;dilmington to~~anship, v+as~granted an ~ ~~,I~ abatement of taxes on a valuation of ~300.00 household and kitchen furniture listed' • ~.. ~~( in error for, the year 1936. . ,~ '• Upon~motiom of P~ir. lrask, seconded by Plir. Roebuck, the Board separated the real and personal property taxes of E.S.Saleeby,on property in block ~9, Carolina Heights, ~, `I for the year 1936, and allovred the Carolina Iuiortgage Company to pay the taxes due on ,,,~,. ~_,..-- ~Q,t~ the real estate for said year in ful3 set~lement'thereof, and released from the t'~ ' pay~ent of the personal property tax on a valuation of ~840.00 char~ed therein, for ' the reason that the said real estate was ta_ken over by foreclosure and ~,.S.S;aleeby " having no eq.uity in the same. r ', ~n .~, ,i~ report of the Ladies l:est Koom f'or the month of January v~a.s received and ordered ~ ;t" WT~~filed. `\ - A letter from T~rs. Thomas 0'Berry, ~:RA Admini~trator to J.A.Orrel"l, County Auditcr, ~„/ , /~ containin~ tvro old'records found in the papers of the ERA, ~vere received and ordered'~ , `~ F~ filed. - •~ ~,~""'" Upon motion, County Bills Idos. 2387 to 2430 vrere approved for payment. ,~< T•he Chairman and County.Auditor were authorized, and directed to sign E~yA Spon:,ors. i,,~~~ Proposal O.P.No. 65-32-1623 ';TpA ~287 for the Recreational Uark and Fair Grounds °' ~ `W project, presented b,y i~,r. ~~F.A.Peschau. , 1Jpon r~otion, the ~oard, approved the pa;rnent of transpo*tation for L~ary I~Terrick and , ~/' ~~ ~l~.~thrae children, indigents, to ?Jeva York, as reco~~unended by the Superintendent of ` . ~~ ' ,- Public Zlelfare. ,« ~~ '.~ Upon information furnished'by the auperintendent of Public '7Jelfare tnat there are ,.. rio children, county charges; novr being cared for at the Salvation Army Home, and ~ upon"his recorr¢nendatiom tne regular and special appropriations heretofore allo~~red .~ [~~~ ~vr..ere discontinued as of date of February 16i;.h,1937, and upon motian the Superintendent :~` ~~~~~"'- of Public '•'~elfare ti^~as authorized to pay the expense fdr eare and maintenance of the six ;:`alker enildren, two Grimstead and nine Campbell children until other arrangements ~, f.or their care can be arranged. ~ ± ~ The following good and lawful m~n ~~ere drawn to serve as jurors in the Superior • _.~~~ourt for the trial of criminal cases,special criminal terr.2 beginning I:ionday \ February 22nd,1937: .~ ` A.T~.Alderman. W.G.Fount~in. R.EeLeivis.~ -E.C.Hines. R.IuT.ftoberts. \ _ C.H.Darden. Emmett Litt2eton.Jos.S.llavis. ~?artin Vo,n Oeson.R.T.Presson. f ~ •• Uarland Buie. C.B.Davis. Leon Teachey. Jas.F.'~7arwick. IF.J.S;tein. rl \ L.C.Dixon. J.J.Rivenbark. Lewis E. Crow.J.L.T.Burch. J:I:Cre~~s. ~ ~;' . F,'~1.Gerlcen. C.H.Koonce. J.U.King. J.L.Norrian. Frank ~. C'roraell. B.T.Hopkins. L.E.~:Card. - x- J.'s'J.Johnston. L.B.S;tevenson. E.P.Crotir. • ~ J.C.Eubanks. Snoek.Cana.@y. ~ 'F.H.Parker. ''d.P.Trou'~man. ~~I.~'~.~iinon. ; =' E.B.'"Jhite. Otto Schmidt. F~T;~.J.T~allard. Herman 1~alton. H.B.'c'7eaver. . S.~ir.Rovaan. ' 'P.E.I~urrell. ~ ~ ° ' \ ' _ , The r.ieeting then adjourned. .. ~ ' - ! % v~ii, 7~~~u ". . . ~t. .. - ~ ud`i].mington, N.C., February 22nd~1937. • ~ • The regulax weekly meeting of the Board was held at 3:00 P.P~3. Present: Addison Hev+l.ett Chairman, Geo.l?.Trask, H.R.Gardner and R.B.Roebuck. ' ~,,i,}~,J~- The minutes of ineetin~ of ~'ebruary 15th,1937~ v~ere read and approved as recorded. • `~" A re4uest of I~drs. Philander Pearsall for reduction of the assessments on property in~•L ' 'I '_~~~' blocks Nos. 112 and 190 was referred to the Assessors. • •~ No action svas taken in regard to sending County 1?eprAsentatives to Wa.shington; D.C., '. • to attend a meeting called by Government Officials to be held February 23rd, concerning tax on_liquor. Mr. Gardner and T~fir. Trask were of the opinion that too ~ IY,~' ~~~ little results have been achieved by the County for the amount already expended ,z --~ and that any further expense..in this matter with the vie~v of accruing benefita to ~ local l~i~quor control should be borne b~r the City in view of its receiving three ,. fourths of the profits derived from the ABC stores. '. ~pon motion of Mr. Trask~ seconded by 1dr.Roebuck, the Board voted to go on record as- 1~~ favorin~ an equal distribution of the liquQr profits betv~een the Cou l y and City and . ~ ~. ~ ' ~ ~~~ • ' . .. ~;, ' ~eeting of I'ebruary 22nd,1937, continued. ,~, referred the matter to the County Attorney to see Frha.t could be done to have an Act ~ passed to that effect. , ' The`Commissioners having been advisedby the Local Board of Fire Under~riters that ~ ' Idr,l`Robert C. Cant~ell,Jr.s has none of the ineurance of the Board of Cocrmiissioners. , ' ~ of New Hanover County, and that he was overlooked in the distribution this year, and, • ~ ~~ it appearing that Z~fir. Cantwell is entitled to participate in the distribution under ` onded b f d' it wa 'P k d 3 'h y s sec move an ras ruary 15th;19 7, Mr. an &rder of this Board Fe ~ /- ~Ir. Gardner and carried~ that Idr. Cantwell be given at least the minimum amount of the. County"s insuranc~::' ~ ' ' . , f• The County Auditor read a communication from the Wilmington Clearin~ House Association the interest paid by the member~,banks on all ~' 1937 ` {t~advising that effective April lst -'• .. ~:'~ ~ ~t" , , public secured funds shall not exceed a maximum rate of 1~ on all existing contracts, , ~ ~, and that effective this date, a maximum rate not to exceed 1% may be paid on all new contracte entered into. The said comrr.unication bearing date of February 17th,1937. ,.`'' • Upon motion of T~r. Gardner, seconded by T~r. Roebuck, the Board confirmed the purchase v ~ by the Chairman and County Auditor February 20th,1937~ of • _ ~j • • Yield basis ~ . ~ ~7,000.00 State Highway Bonds 4z~ maturing Jan.lst,1944 at ~$112.49 2.50 ~_ t ~~)~ 11,000.00 " " " 4~~ " Jan.lst,1947 at 111.48 2.90 ~'~ , T "'~- 2.85 000.00 " " " 4~ '~ July lst,1948 at 111.07 10 , 1948 at 114.78 2.90 000.00 " " " " Jan.lst 6 , , ~' 1,Q00.00 Public ~chool Bonds ~ " Jan:lst,1947 at 114.20 2..80 , ~..~ n l An offer of R.S.Dixon & Company to aell ~25~000:00 Highway Bonda 4~°0 1/1/49 ata~113.44 ~ ~ ~% and ~12,000.00 4~~ 1/1/43 at 111.50, vras deelined ~ ~l Upon motion, Alibe Derry a colored indigent citizen, was upon reconucienda,tion of the~~,/ ' ~W^~ 5uperintendent of Public ~velfare, admitted to the County nome as an 3inmatE, l~ ~ ~ l - - ,f Upon motion of Pur. Roebuck, seconded by Ns. Gardner, the Board acting upon the J~ reco~endation of the Superintendent of Public ~lelfare, auth~rized the purchase of ,~ • ~~j~e~ ~11.46 transportation for.T,aiss Greeta Cox, 30 years of age, transient indigent non- /,~ resident receiving aid from Associated^Charities, to.the home of her relatives at , • ~ Akron Ohio~ thus relieving the County of further expense. ~ ~, ~ / ~ The Board declined to approve a proposed bill~ a copy of which was aubmitt~d by ~ ' o t i ~~ q ~ oners un y Commiss Mr. W.A.Peschau, that if enacted into law would authorize the C ~ , , .~'" of New Hanbver County to expend funds not exceeding ~25,000.00 to complete project .• },1 ~ ~ . r''"" ~ ~~ known as the American Legion xecreational Park~ but did agree and it is the sense :, , ~ of thia Board to give support to the WPA Recreational Park and Fair Grounds from ~ ` time to time from such funds that may be available and evithout ,~eopardizing other . projects tha.t the Commissioners may deem neceasary: '' ~~~ ~~~i : I~r. Gardner urged tha.t attention be given the airport, and thought that eome ~. , ~~~~ available funds should be put on that worthwhile pro,ject. j Upon motion of A~r. '1'rask, seconded by rLr. Gardner, 2~r. E.L.Oliver of Charlotte ;;~ . f~~ y yS.C.. was granted an abatement of taxes on a valuation of ~31200.00 on house on ~ ~:• `~ lota Noe. 12 and 13, bloek No.57 TSure Beach fot the~year•.~1:936, not completed ~s. until ~bay 1936. , ' ~ ~t; , Upon motion of I~dir. Gardner, seconded by Mr. Roebuck, the mortgag~ee 6f the property - . °~C~~` of Tohn Flrede, block #350~ast end of lots 4 and 5, tiv~a allowed to pay the taxes due on the ~ame, in full settlement thereof,and relea`sed from the payment of the personal ~ =~ ~ , ~• property tax due by vJrede on a valuation of $900.00 and poll taxes for the year 1928; ' . no on account of having to take the property over by foreclosure and 49rede having equity in the same. ~ •~ A request of the Superintend~nt of Bublic Welfaxe of Col.umbus County that this County '~, pay the expense of treatment~lof h~r. Claude So}.es, for tuberculosis at the State ~ ~ t ~ ~anatarium, was d'eclined. It appered'from a cormiznication received from the t7elfare % ,~ ~ ~J'+~ Ofi'icer'that fl9r. ~olea contracted tuberculosie while ser'ving a.sentence in the f peniten~iarx for breaking into the'Boston Cafe; and later pardoned ti~hen other pereona - were convic~ed and sentenced for the., same offence in thia county. This 'is'a,.5tate ~ '~ matter .tn. vrhich'.the..~ounty fe_.nDt responsible. ' ' ' . . . . . . . ' _ ~ Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by E~r. Gardner, tYie Board agreed to'rent to ~ ~ ~~,~ ~~ ~ P~r. Lewendueky, the vacant quarry land at CastIe Hayne, that 'can be cultivated,~ at ~3.00 per acre per year. ~,,~Q A report of Jas.V~alker Hospital for the month of~January wa$ received and ordered f.il ' ~ ` ~ , ~ A statement of disbursements of County funds of the Board of ~ducation for the month . ~ ,~,iCa ~ January was received. • ; ~ ~ A~ommunication was receiPed from Mrs. Edna I~. Cantwell, Supervieor of WPA Se~ving Roo , ~J~ sho~ving that articles made from ERA and 1~PPA materials to the value of ~87~975.68 haee + • ~~ been turned. over to the City and County to date. ~ 1.1r. Gardner Lold the Board that P~r. Capus 2d. Wagmi.ck,Chaarraan afc the State High~vay ~;~ ,,~\~ " "'~ Commis.sion, recently advised him that plans ha.ve been made for an early survey of . „7 the river road. The Clerk vvas instructed to ascertain t~he date the survey would begin. a PLr. Harry Hayden asked that some stepa be taken to have the old volumes of local •,l nY ~ '~~;4,newspapere; dating back to 1897, stored by the City in the Commiss,ionere office vault~ ' ~ ~' ~ , y, ~! rebouned. , s ; , : , . ' ' ` ~ f: - ~ ~~ ., • ~ '.', ., _ ~._ ,; 1, ~`Jt~ 1~eeting of February 22nd,1937, continued. Upon motion, duly seconded, county bills Nos. 2431 to 2466 iriclusive,~vere approved ~ v-~j~~~5 for paycnent. ~ ~ r The following good and lawful men ~vera drawn to serve as jurors in the Superior '/ ;~Court for the trial of civil cases, ttivo ~veeka regular term convening ~tarch lst,1937s , G' Aulsia laurray. A.B.Hamilton. C.~F.S~nders. Chas.E.Hall. ' L.ttFillett. 1V.N.Brinson. ~1.H.Vollere: Geo.E.i,awhorne. Coy fIerrett. Eric P. Franks. t~m.T.R'ogers. ~'l.M.Robbins. T.F.Procter. E.P.Blancha.rd. L.B.Ploodbury. F.A.Babson. J.J.Cha.dwick. Henry Lewia. R.R.Croom. 1~.G.Creasy. ~ H.S.Hale ~ E.S.Padriek. J.T.Farley. Joe Carter. Jas.A.Reid. W.K.King. ~ S.Vl.Blanchard. i9.H.Earnhardt. Clayton t~right. J.T.Brown,Jr.. For the second week, P~arch 8th,1937- Robt.BG.Williams. H.A.Iiumble. E1i H. Davis. S.B.Andre~s. R.H.Williams. • T.Anthony Owen. R.H.Bowden. R.L.Player. ~.L.Bender. B.D.Applev~hite. ~ ~A.Badon. . E.V.Shaw. L F~arshall Shrier. E.M.~tanley. J.H.Southerland. , . ` E.I,.Pittman. S.D.Hurst~Jr , . ~,~J.G.Ormsby. . Geo.T.Asmstrang. T.E.Kemp. f ~ " J.W.~~'ells. ~.W.Pate. Vlm. M.eaha.w. D.L.Stnith. A.P.Russ. 'J.~t7.Meyland. J.R.Selby. 0.@d.Waters. J.Haughton James.R.E.Conner. ~ ~ The meetin$ then ad~ourne&. ,. ~c, ~t.~'~+-t~ , . ' // Clerx. U . . ' . Wilmington, N. C., 2~larch let,1937. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held at 3s00 P.PQ. . Presents Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.VJ.Trask, Jas. M. FI~.11,H.R.Ga rdner and - R.B.Roebuck. ' • The minutes of ineetin~ of February 22nd, were read and approned,after correcting the - order directed to The Local Board ot' Fire Underwriter•s by requesting said Board to / ~}, al lo~ Mr. R. C. Cantwell, a local fire insurance agent, a minimwn of :~14,00'0.00 of ~/ ~/~i~~ the County's rene~vals of February 15th,1937, instead of " the mini~um amount" ae ` • recorded. , ,. ~ A request of E.K:Bry.an, ~sq.,. for a reduction of assessments on the property o£ the ~ • heira of J.W.Gerdta; blocks~Nos. 278, 279, 335 aad 347 on account of the dilapidated / ^ condition and removal of some of the buildin~s, and abatement of the taxes charged •, V ~~~C~X against the property during the period the same was held by the Alien Enemy custodian, ~ _ to enable the heirs to clear the taxes due for the years 1921 to 1936 inclusive, ~ amounting to ~3,368.21~ was upon motion oY 2~r. Trask, seconded by Nr.. Gardner', referred -` ~ ~ to the committee for investigation, and the County Attorney Sor opinion.~ . p~r:,; ~ ,~; . ~r. Louis T. B~oore, P,4~nager of the Chamber of Commerce, and ~iesare Harmon C.Rorison~ ~ ~ J.Fra:~k Hackler,Esq., and J.T.Beard'representing the civic organizations, appeared / and urged the Commissioners to proceed as speediTy as possible to determine the f ,~;k` ~p~~ueetion of completion of Bluethenthal9Airport, ~YPA co-operating. In the event a ~°-~_ •~~' Q"1~~U_ referendum shou2d be necessary, to authorize tne County Commi'ssionere to allocate ~ tas funda, and to that end secure legislative_authority. A list of auggested improvemen~ were filed with tnis Board. ' . Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Fdr. Rbebuck, a Qommittee'from the Board ~as authorized and directed to go to Raleigh,at County ~xpense,to meet ~vith FTPA authorities ~~ ,t' ~~tliere, r"lednesday ~Iarch 3xd, concernin~ further improvements to the County Airport, and to ' ~ a{~ take 1~r. L.L.Merritt,C.E., who prepared the plans,grades and levels, with them to t± ~ give any infromation concerning the work that may be required. ' ~ _ Upon motion of ~6r. Gardner~ seconded by NIr. 'Prask, a requast of As~ociated Charities, - ~~ through its Executive Secretary and the Superintendent of Putilic '~lelfare, for advanced ~/' '~ ~~p~'y~,payment of $600.00 against its 1936-1937 budget allowance~ to meet obligations made, ~, ~. was granted, contingent upon.the City advancing ~400:00, its proportional part. , A request of the Re~ister of Deeds, that the County furnish a record_book and necessary / ,~ , matexials to make a typecrriten copy of' the old record of divisions of lands and dowers, x( ~~~~~~~,with V7PA labor, tivastupon motion of idr. Hall, seconded by Pdr. Gardner, granted. It appearal to be to the County s advantage to re-~vrite tnis old record, ~vnich is becoming illegible, fi while V1PA labor is available~ `.:...__..:. ~:, ~ , ~., J~ Upon motion of PSr. Trask, seconded by P.F,r. Roebuck, the Board authorized the insuring .of ~ the exhibition building at the Rec•xeational Park and, Fair Grounds sn-the,~amotint of , : -t~;~~~~,~~2,A09-.-60 and directed the insurance to be placed equally with PSessrs.. Lattimer and .~''~',"''' I,iningaton, the two 1~utual Insurance Agents. A petition fiearing the signatures of 35 residents of Harnett township, a~king that ~ ~ p~~,~ir~provements be -nade to the "Old Wrightsville I~oad° an unimproved road leading in a~~ ~ pE~'~ No~thwest~vardly direction from the l9ri~htsville Turnpike. at a point near a small bridge ~~ . over Bradley's creek, and connecting with State Highway ~30~ was approved and referred to the State Highway Cogimission for its consideration. r A report of. the Grand Jury~ ~pecia3"Criminal Teiw~held~~!eek begi~ning ~~bruary 22nd,1937,~ ~ ~-- ~~ wae received. ' ~ " '. ~ s .: . ' Upon motion of Mr. Gardner, seconded by ~4r. Trask, the estate of Pdrs. Y~ary B. ~Ya.lla~e was allov~ed to pay only°the taxes due on lot ~21, block ~ G, Ardmore, f~or the years ~ _ v'~ ~,~X 1931,1932.^.~nd 1933 in the name of F.A.Tatum, and released from the criarge of poll and/ personal property taxes due by 1dr. Tatum, against t~etsame;`for.Lhe reason that 2drs. ~. W~l.lace was forced tp take the property over by foreclosure and ~dr. Tatum having no ' • . equity in the same. ~ :} ' • ' - . .4~~ ~ ~..~. 7~6eeting of Pdarch lst,1937, continued. ~ , ~ Upon motion of b![z. Gardner, seconded by t~ur. 'rrask, L.C.1aIcKoy was granted an abatement ,/~ ~~; of taxes on a valuation oY ~2,900.00 assessment charged in error on property in ~" , ~~\' block #96, for the year 1936~ It appeared that trie error occurxed by charging the property with the assess~ent intended for other property. J , ( ~ report oY the Superintendent of County nome and r'arm for the c~onth of r'ebruary was ~J ~~'~~) received and ordered filed. ' [~~V~"'Upon motion of Pdr. •'lra~k~ seconded by ~ar. tiall, ~r. Addison Hetvlett the Chairman, was ~ ~,'~~~~~ appointed Tax Supervisor for the year 1937. . . . •.~~~ The Board approved•tiie recommendation of' the County Auditor to name one each of the.~ s. ~Q~ ~City Tax Assessors to serve w•ith the County Assessvr.g in their respective townshmpe, , ~ ~ / with the view of assisting in keeping assessments on a uniform bas,~~. . . / A list of applicanta for Tax Lister in the various townships were then read by the • ~ `~I ~~~ • Chairma.n. . . . i 7~fteirbr:ief^dis:cussion, ~r. oebuck moved and it ~vas secorided by A;s. Fiall and carried,~ .. ,r l~\,,, P~ that Tdessrs. W.F.Carpenter,~Eli A. Davis and W.N.Harrias,~be appointed •Tax Liaters for ' i~ ~ ~-TS~r Wilming~on to~rnship • for the year 1937. . , . ./ r v .. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Gardner, the follov~ing ~vere named Tax ~ ~• l~~~~ Listers for the County townships Yor the year 1937s ~ ~ I ~` Cape Fear .Tovmship 1drs. G.?`1.1Wilkins ~ ` Federal Point " John E. Taylor./ ~~ ~_ Harnett " ~1, Mrs.Janet E. High/~ Harnett " #2:, George T. Shepard. ~ .~asonboro " I~rs.Leila Pd. Horne~ ' < Upon motion of L4r. Gardner, ~econded by 1~[r. Hall, County bills Nos. 2477 to 2577 / ~^7`~y inclusive were approved for payment. ' , U ~ The ,me ing then adjourned. ~ ~ %~~ 7 /~F %~ . ~ ~J` Clerk. G Wilmin~ton,N.C., ~arch 8th,1937. The regular weekly meetin~ of trie Board vras held at 3s00 o'clock P.I~i. ' ~ Presents Addison Hevalett Chairman, Geo.W.Trask~ Jae: ~. Hall and H.R.Gardner. The minutes of ineeting of March lst,1937~ were read and approved as recorded. _ ti ~iir. Thomas McDonald and dele.gation again appeared in the interest of abating the annoyance of outboard motors on the inland waterway at 4Jrightsville Sound, and it / appearing upon advice of the County Attorney`that it would firs.t be nece~sary to , i~~~eecure le~islative authority to control this matter, Pdr. Gardner moved and it was ,, ~ ~p~ seconded by Mr. Trask and carried, that the County Attorney be and he is hereby ,~ r -..,~ rauthorized and instructed to prepare a bill for passage at the present sess.ion of ~the legislature, gioing the County Coramissioners authority to regulate and .control the operation of outboard motor-boats on the inland yaaterway within the territoxy. and distance of one mile north o£ ~nd south of the highway bridge over said ~vaterway o } at 1~Trightsville Sound. ' ~ . UPon motion of N'ir, Trask, seconded by D~ir. Gardner, the Commissioners approved the request of Iatr. E.C.Woodbury that the State Highvray Commission'improve the "Nigger ~ •, Head Road" to meet traffic requirements betvreen Wilmington and Currie connecting ~ '- ~~~ c+ith Hight~ay ~60 and to serve the industriea along said route. It appeared,upon V " / statement of T3r. ;Voodbury, that the use of portions of this road has been abandoned ` on'abcoiint.of'its"b~.d condition, and traff'ic diverted over the roads he has been '~ '' forced to personally establish and maintain in connection with his saw-mill buaine'ss ' ~`` in that territory. / . iTpon motion of Iv2r. Gardner, seconded by PSr. Hall, authority was'given to purchase three ~• ~~/ pairs of shoes for the Riggs girls, at an approximate cost of ~1.50 per pair, as '~ ~Ci' recou¢nended by the Superintendent of Public ~'r~elfare. . ~ Upon motion of F+ir. Gaxdner, seconded by PSr. Hall, the County Attorney-was instruct~' " , to prepare a bill for passage at the present session of the Legislature, that if ' ~~~enacted into law would prohibit the 5tate Highvray & public Works Cozrunission from ;- construeting an~ local ar neighbor-~ood.:.roads r~ithin the various counties of the ~tate without first securing the endorsemenx of the County Cormnissioners of the , respective counties. ' A request'of BQr. 'A.1v[.fiecvlett for a reduction of the assessment on the property of ~` • ~! N[rs. Sallie C. Davis, block #~E64, on account of the dilapidated condition of the ,, V ~G;t,, building, and with the view of adjusting the back taxes due on st~me amounting to ' ~779.71 for the years 1930 to 1936 inclusive, was referred to the Coo~ittee with power ~ • / to act. V+'PA autYiorities having failed to furnish some of the necessary hard~tare and other ~ materiFa).s needed to complete the ~PA Armory project for Headquarters Battery, and ,/ . ~;j the same is nearing completion, the Board upon motion of Nr. Gardner, seconded by a ' `~^~~ Tdr. Ha11, allowed the requeat of T~r. Jas. ~. Holton,Jr., for an additionAl ,joint ~~~ appropriation,by the Gity and Count~~ s~f'ficient to cbmplete'the pro,ject. Mr:Holto~3: : submitted-£igures-showing ~208.00 due on bills payable for materials used and estimated coet for labor-riesded to complete the project at $~46.00. ~~ ~Upon motion of Ilir. 'Prask, seconded by ~tr. Gardner, authority was given to have. i' ,` ~~g?,~~ suitable and necessary li~hts installed on the hangar at the airport to aid those`~ ~'i ~ who may have occasion to use the fie~d,in loc~,ting the sa~e during the night. ~ ~~y Upon motion, County bills Nos. 2467 to 2699 inclusive, tiuere approved for pay~ent.~!• ~' ,-- 9~~' .. 9:% . .~ 1: . P~2eeting of &~arch 8th,1937, continued. . / ~ A report of the Home Demonstration A~ent for .the month of February was received,'/ " -~-~ and ordered filed. ` ' ' • ~. • ' ~ A s tatement wae received 3'rom BSrs. ~dna P~. Ca.ntvuell, Supervisor of t~l2PA 5evring (~_ Rooms, showing articles made f'rom ERA and YJP:~ materials, turned over to' the City ~y~ y~'~!'~" and County to date, to the value of ~89,7Q5.88. ~G~M~he County Auditors cash report for the month of ~'ebruary iras received and filed~ ~ , A cor~nunication wae received from the County Auditor advieing,the amount of k/• ~~„^~deposit in each bank as of .~'ebruary 27th,1937, to~ether v+ith a memorandum of 't'~~ securities held in each case. , It appearing that the personal property of the estate o£ C.N.Dunn~on v~hich the 1934 ahd 1935 City-County taxes amounting to ~162.27 has:.not~been.paid,,~nd the r, ~a~ property has been disposed of, and the astate i~ inso7vent, the Board~ therefore,'~ ~~' agreed to accept $75.00 in settlement of the said taxes, subject to the approval• , of the County Attorney. °~ Upon motion, the Board authorized the iuQnediate payment of $T00.00 .toward the salary + ~ for clerical help in the Farm De~onstnators office for the ~onths of January and ~ ~ .~ February and ~5o.00 for the month of TSarch payable on ~iarch 31st,1937. The 5tate ~ ~ agreein~ to pay the salaries for the months oY April,~ay and June as per agreement of ~ir. John i~. Goodman, Assistant State Director of Cooperative Extension Work.`_~ f ~ ~~ ~~~wrn-~ Upon motion~ duly seconded~ the Board gave authority to purchase approximately ~ e,~,~'"" ~QO bags of cement and 50 bags of lime to complete the dressir~g rooms and ticket office at the Reereational Pa.rk and Fair Grounds. A recommendation of «oodue;Kellum~Esq.,. that the taxes charged against FTinnifred , T.Bouruier on lot*:~10, biock #69, Carolina Beach be abated for the years 1925 to 1934 inclusive,6on account of the said taxes having been listed and paid by othera A ` , ~~~~ for s~.id years, Rodney A. Bryant,~lot ~ 7, block # 12,.Carolina Beach for the years /~ . ~,~- 1922~1923, and 192.5 to 1930 inclusive, on account of same li$ted and paid•for said . years by.~rs.•C.L.Shaffner and J.L.Starkey, lot #8~ block #78, Carolina Beach,.listed ~ and paid 'in .the name of L.L.McLawhorne, as claimed, was rePerred to the County Attorney for reco~mendat3on and~opinion. , The following good and lawful men were drawn to serve ae jurors an the Superior ~ `~~Court for the trial of Criminal cases, one weeY, term beginnin$ Ddarch 15th,1937s ~' Jas.T.Ba.rker. I,awrence M.Cox. E.L.Chadwick. W.L.Schutt,Jr. N.H.Phillips. ' Herbert E. Ritter. J.G.~Uomble. E.I.Herring. C.L.Meister. Jas.~.Futrelle. /// , B.J.Herrin. H.Sternberger. C.I,.Gregory,Jr. ~4.C.Riggs. ~Jalter S.Knight./ 'N.Z.Batson. Alex Kosh. F.A.Batson. Jas.E.Bordeat,u~. W.F.Farrar. ~ ~J.W.King,Jr. Robert C.Ruark. Thos.F.Darden. Julian R. Taylor. 49.L.Russ. ' SN.P.McGlaughon,Jr. H.~f.Turner. I.T.~Hintz. C.C.Gornto. Q~m.H.Grant. Edgae C.Garrabrant.~amuel Rubin,Jr.Joe Gray. A.A.Dock. J.K.Niven. ;- , , J.F.Council. PJ.C.God~7in. Harvey Halea. H.P.~wmnerlin. Daniel Phillips. ' The meeting then ad,journed. r / ~ ~i ~o%~., ~. . . . k$'Y'lf. ~/ 49i1mingGon,N.C., btarch 15th,1937. k' 4 -. The regular weekly meeting of the Board•was held at 3:00 P.Iv~. Presenta Addison Hewlett Chairman; Geo.4~7.Trask, Jas.r5.Ha11,, H.R.Gardner and ~ ' R.B.Roebuck. ~ ~ ~ The minutes of ineeting of IvTarch Sth,1937~ were read and approved as recorded. ~ ~~ . - ,,~ , . A atatement of rent for five typewriterw use.d by 1PPA Court House Clerical and Clerical and Engineerin~, a continuatf~on of the contract taken over Prom the • ~ NERA, for period from January 23rd~'~o idoYember 9th~1936, amounting to $101.62 ~~~,, , ~'~~ was again>p'resented~~ by the Underwood,Elliott Fisher Company and upon motion of ' ~~~ I~hr. Roebuck, seconded by Talr. Gardner, referred to a cor~mittee to confer wfth the . Ci~y Co~aissioner of Finance concerning the payment of same and report"to the Bo.ard at a subsequeiat meeting.. The rental of the above type~vriters,ho~vever, ~ vras under authority of the ERA and not authorized by the County Commi~sioners. Upon motion of I~r. Trask, seconded by 2vir. Hall, the following resolution ~vas Y'' . `- ~~~1~P~~d'opted: • '.' ~R.EAS, a regular.term of the Superior Court for P?e~v Hanover County fox the ~ trial of criminal cases was to convene today, ~:iarch 15th,1°37, but, WHEREAS,his i~ ~ Honor PTalt"er L. Small, Judge h~lding the Courts of the Eighth Judici.al District, ' ~was on account of illnees unable to attend said texm of co.urt~ and; taf~tEAS, there are a large number of criminal cases on the docY.et in New Hanover ~ County, several prisoners confined in the common jail of New Hanover County aw~iting ' to be tried, and; • G~' i"3HEREAS~ The Board of Commissioners of Alew Hanover County feel tha,t the ~nds of justice demand that those avraiting trial in jail should be given a speedy trial, and that the cost of maintaining prisoners is expenaive to eaid County. ~ It is nova, therefore, RE30ZVED that hie Excellency Clyde R. Hoey, Governor, • State of nTOrth Carolina, be and he is hexeby requested by the Board of County ' Commissioners of New Hanover County to order a special term of the Superior Court , /r ~: to be hel~in New Hanover County for the ~veel: of April 19th,1937, for the trial of criminal cases exclusively and that a grand jury be required to attend said term. Be it further Resolved that the Clexk of the Board of County Co~isaioners irrunediately transmit a copy of this Resolution to the Governor of the State of Piorth ~ Carolina. ' ' - / s '~UV • ,, .. f,: Z~eetin~ of d7a,rch 15th~1937, continued. ~ '. . ,'-+' ~ -, ~~': The Board acting upon the recottmiendation of the Superintendent bf Pzzblic lYelfare, ',) ~ and u on motion of I~Ir. Trask seconded ~b hir. Roebuck ~. ~" P , y , granted an appropriation of ~ , 4' •~. ~~,~i ~18.75 per month out of the Mothers~ Aid fund, to Nlrs. Ben Ki'rkham, as of date of -~ ~ o" Tdareki Ist~1937, subject to the'approval of' the 5tate Board of Charities and Public ' '" r t9elfare. ' ' `~' , . . . ,4. . A claim was received from Pdr. J.T..Vick,Jr., RFDf~3, for damages sustained in the~ ~ loss of " one litter of Pigs " destroyed by ~wo s~range doQs, The Clerk rva.s ~~ ~~~~, instructed to request I~[r. Vick to furnish this Board with ~w:rt3T an affidavit •.. `~ supporting his claim, the name of the ovrrter of the do~e and the ~i~he and date the?pigs Q+ere ., killed, day or night. ~ - . / r The Board agreed to continue th.e rental of a typewriter for tYie VJPA Girls Centre,at~/; ~'.~,- Fourth 8c princess Streeta on the present ren~tal basia of ~3.00 per month jointly by~~he ',.,_ 1~~~}' City and County, but,declined to purchase a used typeariter for said project at a ,~ :'• cost of ~50.00 at this time.~ ~ , .. -, ~ Upon motion of Jdr. Roebuck, seconded by T~r. Gardner, the Chairman vras authorized to . . sign a ti~TPA Project Proposal in the total~amount of $22r515.00'for labor, equipment ~ ,, .W ~ nr and materiala for furtrier improvements to the,County airport. $2,349.80 of that `' ;'; T~ amount to be borne by the County as sponsors, in cash and equipment, such expenae to . '. -~ 'be paid out of the general fund~account. , • Upon motion of T~dr. gflebuck; seconded by h~r. Gardner, the Board authori.zed the purcha.se of eufficient hollow brick for the construction of the tieket office,toiiets,and . % other rooms under the Stadium at trie xecreatio~tai. Grounds and approximately 75 gallo ~ ~:~ of paint for the exhibition tiuilding and approved the purchase of a amall car of -~,• r--- ~2~ ba~e of cement at a cost of .,p2.00 per barrel ~264.00 for stuccning eaidjrooms~, " .insteac~ of 300 bags as authorized at meeting of Lrlarc~ 9tb,19~7P at a cost, of~.80¢n ' •'• • per°bag or $240.00, thus acquiring 228 bags at a=.ca~t-~ofoonly ~24.00 or 10-~ centa per.~ ' . bag, reducing the average cost from 80~ to 50~ per bag. ':?~ . , .,. ~rs n Upon motion of T~'ir. 2"rask, seconded by Nr. Gardner, the Board endorsed the movement of~/ ~: ..~'Ql~~ the U.S.District En~ineer in calling a hearing to be held March 26th,1937, with the vie~v of making improvements to the harbor at and below Wilmington. L .;,,~• ~ The Chairman announced that the Atlantic Refining Company has made provisions for a ~-.~; i roadway across their pro~erty beloN Sunset Park which will form a part of the right-_ . ~ '(~~`~ of-way for the proposed river road, and can furnish sand for making fills.for said ~' •; ~!~} road in triat viciniisy. That he and P,Sr. R.Getty Browning, State Highway Location ~ Engineer had reviersed road conditions in certain sections of the County and indicated • ' , that a survey of the river road would be made.soon. ' „ ,-~ "_ A communication was received from the Neiv Hanover County~Council of Parents-Teachere .'~ ^~~~~~~',Association protesting against the shooting of fire works in the County and referredr~ _. to the County Attorney for opinion as to the Commissioners authority~to control the . .same.. , . . • Upon motion of Mr. iiall, seconded by I~dr. Roebuck, NLrs. W. S. ~ Clay.ton vras~ released from ~ /1C{~ payment of penalty for not listing six acres of land, part of Lewis, Cape Fear • `-` 1' tovrnship for the year 1936 on account of being a non-resident. • Upon motion of ~ir. Uardner~secor,ded by 2,~r. ?~oebuok, the follouving were appointed to ~~ •, •'• ~~~L serve as Tag Assessors with the Tax I,isters and Assessors, compoaing the Board of •`/ ',:'~ , ~~ Tax Asaeesors in their respective townships as required byhlav~;for the year 1937s ":;Y ~ I ...-.-c..~ :w~" . Cape Fear Townahip Tno. R. I~orris~. ~ ~, - Federal Point ° S.T.Keyes.l a~ ~ '-~, i Harnett " L.A.Covi.l~ , !~ . ~a~onboro " P.K.Montford(~ . ' ~ • .. •!: / Upon motion, the Cnairman was given authority to substitute by appointment, any • `'Oi~ Tax Assesaor, that for any reason may be unable to aerve. • •` ^,~ y A report of Associated Charities for the month of February vras received and ordered J~ .': / ,-_./'~i,iy~~filecl. , . ., . On reco~endation of the County Auditor, and upon motion of I~r. Gardner, aeconded by .~ '~~„ (. ~ I,~~r., Roebuck, the Board authorized the purcha.se of a service contract for the care and ~.. •; ~.'. ~~/' maintenance of the ~onroe Calculating I~a.chine, at a cost of $p18.00 per year. ,Upon r~otion of 2dr. Gardner, seconded by t~r. lrask, the Board approved the payment of ~. •,. = ~~~_f~„ a bill for ~10.00 to J.W.Capps & Company for repairs to the automobile of ]~r. Dan ~/~ , ~ ~ r~'xk.• Quinlivan damaged by County truck backing into same. ' ~ ~n A c:ommunication was received from Firs. Edna Ii6. Cantc~ell, shotiving articles made from~ .~~1``,?- ERA and YPPA materiala to the value of ~9Q,825.08 turned over to the City and County ~ ~ w~Jp~ , to date. • s• . The matter of investigating the assessment on the property of ~6x~:~.Chas.B.Parmele, r . i /~,~1 block #58~ with the vie~r of adjusting the accumulated back taxes on same, ~vas referred.~ ~~~i~~ to the Commii;tee for investigation and v~~ith pov~er to act. ~~ ~;;'. The meeting then adjourned. ~ ~~N J!_ " Cl . ' . ~:, • -~ „ •. ~ ,' ' ~, ". , _ ~.-;•; ' . ~ . .. •; ~O~ ,y~, ._ , ~ .y,..~. ~. , Wilmin~ton;N.C., bi[areh,22nd,1937. ,ry , . i' ~ . ~ The regular vreekly meeting of the Board was.held at 3t00~P.M. Presents Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.67.Tras1:, H.R.Gardner and R.B.Roebuck. ,~,~' -~ The minutes of ineeting of March 15th,1937, were•read and approved as recorded. ~~ ~ ,• ~. Upon motion of T~dr. Gardner, seconded by Mr. Roebucs, the Chairman and l~r. Trask "~ ~`. tivere,named to investi~ate the request of Mr. Ba~cter Rivenbark,.to open a ditch ~ ,~J along hia property in Cape Fear township, to drain off the accumulation of ~-''~~~~"`~ water drained frore adjacent territory onto his ~and~and;give such relief that ,~, ~~ ~ they deem necessary. ,~! ~ Upon motion of &4r. Gardner, seconded by I~r. Trask, the contract to furnis.h ~ ~ approximately 75 gallons of paint for paint9.ng the exhibition building at,the'"' ~ , _",~a~tecreational.Park ~vas awarded to Uavis-3~oore Paint Company at a cost of ^,~1.60 r; ~ • per ~allon, they being the lo~,~est bidders. . A request of Captain ~7m.H.Kelley, Headquarters Battexy, that the County and Cit.y -~ • fuxnish sufficient paint to complete the i.nterior of the Armory building -• - " }~ consisting of approximately 473 s9uares of brick and woocl surface, with 1~IPA labor. . ', `'"~~k~~was upon motion of Mr. Gardner, seconded by f~r. Ftoebuck~ referred to a co~ittee ~g !/ for investigation and to secure a statement of what is needed to complete,the .' , . pro,ject~ and report its reco~unendations to the Board at a subsequent meeting. ~~~ ~ IIpon motion of Mr. 1'rask, seconded by ~4r. Gardner, the Board authorized the ~ J~purchase o#' two additional vials of glandular medicine for treatment of the Smoak ~~/ ~~~~'V'~" Child, upon recommendation of,the Health Officer and the Superintendent of Public ~' . F7elfase. . ,.~' ~n order calling a one week special b~iminal term of the Superior Court for New ~ / .~, ~ ,J ~c~ C~. Hanover County, beginning Apxil 19th,1937, wae received from the Governor in response to a request of this Board.Nfarch 15th~1937. .h~ ~ Upon notion oY f~r. Trask, seconded by P~r. Roebuek, tne Chairman and County Audito~ ',; l~ were.named and authorized to attend a meeting of the Tax Supervisors',Division ,/ ~ ; __."~~1. of the Institute of Government at Raleigh 1~arch 25th-26th, to discuas vital ~' . , tax matters. . ' :~ :i Upon motion of Mr. 'lrask,,seconded by Ms. Gardner~ the taxes due on assessments on + f ~. ~~ buildings of the Estate of T.W.Gerdts in blocks Nos. ~,335,345 and 347 fox the °.. • ~~~ years 1928 to 1936 inclueive, were ordered abated on account of the removal of ~, ~'` `J ~•~ some of the buildinga and the extreme dilapidated condition of those remaining, and ~` reduced the ~ssessment on building in block # 278 to $250.00 and an abatement of taxes ~ `• ' on a valuation of :~ 425.00 charged against same for the'years 1928 to 1936 Inc., vras ordered. . . A request of the Peoples Savings Bank and '1'rust Company for a reduction of the ~ - ,~~~x assessment on the property of R.F.Johnson,block #160 taken over by foreclosure; auith the view of clearing the taxes due on same for the years 1932 to 1936 Inc., was referred to the Cmrmnittee with power to act. '~~, .-,, _~@ The County Auditor announceci the receipt of the ~35,000.00 State bondfl purchased J '~_- -- .,~~C~'~-February 20th,1937 and approved at meeting of February 22nd. ~`CY ~_ . . • .~: ` = A reques.t for a reduction of assessmenta on the property of Dbrs. Sallie C. Davis,` V F±~ ~`~ \~ block #164; I~Rrs. K.M.Yopp;~ block #133, and S.E.~ellers blocks Nog. 29~ and 323, ~ `,~•r'- /~'t with the view of ad~usting the back taxea~due on same, was referred to the Committee `~ ' • • .. . . . svith power to act. . / ` Reports of the Ladies Rest Room and Jas. i9alker Hoepital for the r~onth of February ~ •'• ~ ' •'~~~~ •were received and ordered t'iled. , , ~~ ~~ Upon motion,,the Clerk was instructed to furnish the information concerning the • •,i method the County intends to finance the school building project under P'~lAygrant, as X -_~ ~ ~.1~~~l1 proposed, as requested in~a questionnaire re.ceived from Charlton F. Shute, Chief ~~ " ~~Finance Examiner P`NA. •~ ~ ~ A petition bearing the namea of 23 residents and property owners of the Rock Aill ~ •: ~ section, asking that improvements,be made to_approxiinately 2~ miles of the. a continuation of the Rock Hill road from its hard surface to the North East Capel~Fear ,,^ ~~`~`-`~~ river, was upon motion of Mr. jrask,~seconded by Mr. Gardner, approved, and - .;.., .: referred to the State Highway & Public C~Jorks Covunission for its consideration. '~, . the matter of removing the old ehrubbery around the Court House premisea and plantin~; ~ `. younger stock where needed, and the ma.tter of repairing the stepe entering the Court;~r •'+ ~ C~~_Aouse basement from the Princes$ Street side, was referred to the Court House '~ .; ,~ dommittee with pov~er to act. / s ,, Upon motion, duly seconded, county bills Nos.2700 to 2817 inclusive, were approved / •, ' :=. ~/'~S for payment. , ~ • ~ The meeting then ad,journed. ~~ ~!_ • ~ ~ ' , . Cle . ~ .~ .. , . . , .ti. . . ~ . :, ' . ~ ' • • ~ . ~ • . :,-: . ' • s ' , , .. ' , ; ' • . ~ !i r Wilmington;N.C., I~Sarch 29tn,1937. The regular weekly raeetirig oY' the Board was held at 3:00 P.PG. Present:'Addison Hewlett Cha.irman, Geo.W.Trask, Jas.IQ.I3~llp H,R.Gardner and R.B.Roebuck. Ja ~ ~~,~t~ . . The minutes . of ineeting of . , Ma:rch 22nd.,1937, ~vere read and approved as recorded. ' Upon motion of ~r. 1'raek, seconded by ~~r. R'o'ebuck, Ruf'us .Dow,cal~ed youth 17 years of' age,'~ r, ~ employed at the Seaboard Air~Line Ra.ilway, vras granted an abatement oi' poll taxes "/ ,,./ `~ collected by the Tax Coll ector by garnishment for the year 1936. A request of J.A.PdcPlorton,that the Coummissioners cancel the judgment for $16.93 taxes ~5~ due by Mrs. Lillie Spier on lots 3,4, and 5, block ~; Carolina Beach for the year:: ~~ d 19~6, on account of suit improperly brought, was upon motion of Ifir. Roebuck; seconded by 2dr. tlall, referred to the County nttorney for investigation and opinion and report ,,, to the Board at a subaequent meeting: It. appears that the suit vas brought against 1~Srs.-~Lillie l~n. SPEAEt' and service by publication in the name of ~lrs. Lillie D2. SPEAR, whereae the correct name is Lillie M. ~PI~t. I+6r. PacNorton further advises that the taxes for said year amounting to ~5.50 plus interest was paid I~4arch 1937. ~ r ` Upon motion of ~r. 'rrask, saconded by ~r. Hall, Foster Carr colored laboror at the ~ v' e l~ ~, y Wilmington Texminal tYarehouse Company, was granted an abatement of poll taxes collect d -' l by garnishment for the year 1936; on account of having just completed a sentence of ei~hteen month on the 3tate f2oads. ' • ~~ ~ pon motion of I~r. '1`rask, seconded by ]~r. tlall, a request of Il4r. C.l$.~hidley,i~Aa,nager (~~~}D~"" ~ o£ the Ethyl-Dorv Chemical Company, that~tvro softball diamonds be provided at the ` j\ Recreational Park and ~'air c~rounde~ ~ae granted.'. .- In compliance with an order of the Honorable J.A.Clement, Judge Presidir~g a,t the February Special L'rzminal 'rerm of the Superior Cou~t, I~.4r. Dvright McEwen,Court Reporter, prepared and presented for the defendent, txanscript of'the records of the proceedin~s 1t~ had and the evidence offered in the case of 5tate vs ~.L.Smoak on appeal in the Supre ~'r~`~ Court in forma paupexis, and submitted his bill in the aFnount of $~632.50 less 20°fo ~- discount, making a net amount of $506.00 for the preparation of the same. After some ' Y discussion between P~r. McEtiven and the County Attorney as to the necess'ity of pre~aring copie~ of the transcript in addition to that required in his contract with.the County, the pa.yment of the amount was upon motion of ~r. Hall, seconded by E,Lr. Roebuck, ordered ~ paid on the order of the Honorable J.A.Clements, Judge Presiding. • p~v+~'The follovaing resolution, prepared and submitted byy x.W.Davis; Esq.~ of Southport, ~~'~'~' was upon motion of ftr. 1'rask, seconded by P6r. Fialla adopted: ,.~ . :'+~ _ _: ~ . ~~ ,` ,, I / ~ ~. i tiJhereas, Henry iY.4.fianson and ~drs. Bertie Hanson Yarborough_(~6rs.;'7.C.Y~rborough), are • tne oNners and tenants in common of a lot or parcel of land designated as N.W.S and 5~~4 Pt.5 SW end 5, Block 218,.of the City of 1~filmington,N.C.y and are indebted to the County/ of New Hanover in the sum of ~893.82, for taxes for the years 1933, 1934 and 1935, and , VJhereas, in the rear of said property, there is an alleyway in siae eif~ht by eighty- q six feet, Mhich has been uaed for a•lori~ period of years, by the public and adjoining~' landov~ners and leasees, and - ~ .i"rJhereas, the above named parties have conveyed to D.,P.7~anthos~ an easement over and acrosa ). said alley~vay for tne purpose of ingrese and egTesa in and to his adjoining property,to- ~ e+it, a part of lots 2dos. 4 and 5, Block 27i8, of . the plan of the City of Wilmington. . . ' ' ti. .; ~ NOW, THN:REr'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the said easement in and to the above mentioned ,/ alleyc~ay be, and the sazne is hereby relieved of any tax lien due by the said fienry IN.A. ~/ ~ Ha,nson and tdrs. ~Bertie Hanson Yarborough ( PBrs. iN.C.Yarborough) to the County of Nevr .- ' Hanover. • • • ~ Upon motion of Adr. Trask,~econded by TSr. t]all, a bill for ~167.40 in favor of Dr.Hayvrood , ~~• Id.Taylor for services and mileage expense, appearing as an expert witness in the case of ~`~G- ~tate vs ~.I,.Smoak, was approved for payment. ,• Upon motion.of ~ifr. H~11, seconded by tdr. Roebuck~ the request of Associated Ciiaritie3, ~ ~~through its Secretary l~rs. L.O.Ellis, for an ad~anced ~ payment of $1,600.00 on account of `" '~'~~"its 1936-1937 budget allowance, to meet bills payable, was authorized. ~ „ i' The followi~g resolution passed by the Board of Education i~arch 25th,1937, ~vas read . by Dr. John T. Hoggard and presented to the Board for its consideration: c~~ ~ ~}~i,[~,A.-~~ , ` " , . Wilmingtion,N.C., March 29th,1937 '. To the Board of County Conunissioners, ' - -', ` Ney I~anoner County Pfilmington, North Carolina " • ' . . _ ~.r:. .. Gentlemens ~ ' • ~ Whereas, there have lieen no e:cpenditures for- improvements of the physieal '~ propertiea of the Ne~r Iianover School system for the past aeven years; and ' VFhereas, expenditures for ordinary maintenance, by reason of factors beyond • local control, have been restricted to the barest necessities during tliis period; and~ ~ Whereas, a program of repair and renovation throughout the system is now i ~" imperative no less for the continued safe and efficient operation of the schools than ~ for the preservation of funds invested in buildings and equipment, Now, therefore, be it resolved: That the New Hanover County Board of . , Education does herer~ith malce formal request upon the County Cocunissioners to provide, - by the issue oY bonds not in excess of the conatitutional limits upon the increase ~ , in debt, funds for the follov+ing projects: . ,, 1. Rebuilding bf Peabody School. 2. Renovation of Tileston School. 1 . • 3. Construction of a school at Carolina ~3each. _. 4. Needed repairs and improvemen~ts throughout the system. ' .;" passed by unanimous vote of tne Board of Education in meeting Thursday night~ March 25th,1937. ' Signed- H.I~3.Roland,,~ecretary,Board of Education'. ". John T. Hoggard, Chairman. . . ~~9 Meeting of T~arch 29th,1937, continued. Upon motion of T~r. '1'raslc, seconded by I:ir. I~all, the 1'oregoing request vras looked ' •. upon vJith favor and instruations tivere given that tne Board oi' Edubation may have ' its architect proceed witn the plans and submit cost of' construction, repairs and impronements~needed in the school system at a subsequent meeting. The County Auditor • ' advised that bonds aiay'be' issued' by tne County, based on this years re~ire~aent~ of ,, /-' ' bonds and interest, under the constitutional amendment, not exceeding ~91,000.04.~. ,'~~~ The County Attorney suggested that trie amount of expenses for repairing,construction or improvements aE each unit be shovrn separately. fihe County Attorney ~vas in9tructed• ~~ ~ to communicate rvith some reputable bond attorney and ascertain the coat of -' ' preparation of the necessary papers and Iegal opinion in~connection with the issue a~ sale of the pxoposed bonds. Upon motion of I~r: Gardner, seconded by tar. Roebuck, the Chairroan v~raas authorized to, /f~fGS purchase ninety pair of v~indow sasn complete for the exhibition building at th2 ~,;U'~ Re creati onal park and r'air Grounds . °' The Board acting upon the authority contained in House Bill 1Jo.162, laws of 1937, ,~ --Q~'~~.'~ ~~,~~,~!V, ~~~,ut-horized the payment of salary to the xegistex of Deeds on a basis of' $~3~300.00 ~ e~~ " per year Yrom the date of its ratifieation ~'ebruary 25th,1937. / , ~; ~ ~/ Upon motion of ]~Br. Gardner, seconded by TSr. Hall, Mr. Charles Graham,an employee of ~ `~/1~K filhite Ice Cream Company, was er,empt from the payment'of po11 taxes on account of . I physical disabilities, :deaf and dumb. Upon motion, the Commissioners recoirnnended the t'ollovting roads to be included in the ~ ~ J~~c~ Federal System of maintenance for secondary roads: i ~;. , ~ 1: The Holly Shelter Road from Castle Hayne to the Pender County line. _' 2. The Bl.ue Clay Road from the Holly ahelter road to ti4rightsboro. , . . 3. Kerr Avenue from route #40, near ~7righteboro, to ~9inter Park. ~ ~~y The following good and lawful men were dra~vn to serve as jurors in the Superior Court / -:~ly~;l1~" for the trial of civil cases wee~k beginning April 12th,1937t ' ~r• Leon.H.Rouse. Henry P~urray. Henry L.Hev~ett. J.B.Smith. E.C.Garriss:. B:y.Hollis. C.R.Cullen. Chas.P.Holland. C.A.Svrann. ~d.F.3arman,Jr. ~ D.G.Ylestbrook. F'.D.Poisson. A.Td.Griffith. ~Jilliam Sheehan. L.F.Bo~ven. i,/ . O.L.Bender. H.E.Ortmann. J.Holmes Davis.. Fred Cox. '+~.'~A.Killette. `~ J.H.Miller. Rudolph Crambo. J.W.Vose,Jr.~ C.B.11ldarshburn. :~.H.Roberts. ~ ~.E.Rawls. I~.K.LeG~vin. C.E.B~Iobley. E.A.Rackley.~ ~~.P.Flillis. Robert I3ordesux. ~~; For the trial of Criminal cases Special term April 19th,1937t '~ 'y„ "- J.W.Thurma,n. A.G.ae#tter. J.~.A4cCarley,Jr. L.O.Fonvielle. N.C.~tack~Jr. ,~,, ,, - T.E.l~pplewhite. D.B.Bosw~ll. r.A:Hartley. T.G.Sellers: Y:.D.N.Buchannan,Jr. L.A.Garrett. J.B.Wallace. Jos.A:Thomas. L.J.Foy. John Jacobs. . R.t~l.~idbury. P.A.~a.rshburn. L.H.Shew. Henry Horne. Joe Eiden. ~ . H J:Blanchard. ~d~r.B.4Yard. Jas.T.Clemmons. S.H.Colby. J.L.Tindall." ,' Harriss Abelovitz.Henry Nurnberger.Jas.B.Taylor. Jas.~V.2~illis. T.E.Peterson. ' C.E.Robinson. Frank P. P~Qeier. C.~.Pierce. R.G.Potter. H.G.Latimer,Jr. . R.C.Cantvrell,Jr. E.T.I~ncock. Geo.G.Avant. R.C.Cant~vell. . Richard S. Rogers. . , A. S~imon. ~ F.G.Pdaner. R.W.Sebrell. H.~.Tapp. , . • , The meeting then adjourned. ' ~ ~ ~~/ . ~ )'C SC~~ _ .,,~!/ ' ' ' ,~ ' . ~ C~~~ 4~ilmington,N. C., ~pril 5th,1987. . ~l " ~•~ The regular ~eekly meeting of the Board was held at 3s00 o'clock P.M. , ~ Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.~J.Trask, Jas.M.Hall and H.R.Gardner~ • '~~, The minutes.'of ineeting of T~arch 29th, were read and approved as recorded. . . , ~ ~ Upon motion of I~r. Hall, seconded by 1dr. Trask, the Board gave autriority to purcha.ae / ~i~~~v~ necessary pli.unbing materials at. an approximate cost of $~100.00, for roughing in pl:umbing in rooms under the Stadium at the Recreational Park and F&i.x Grounds, tha work to be done by ,~ •~. ~ a WPA PIumber formerly employed on the Armory ~9PA project, at 30~G per hour, the same VJ"PA •~ rate as ~aid by>tha~°City-and„Cbunty on the Armory project." ~,, ~ - Aaron Goldbarg, Es9•, appeared for the committee on entertainment f'or the celebration at _~•- - the dedication of the new post off'ice to take place lday 29th,1937, and told the Board that a number of natfor~ally promenant guests have been invited, including the President and ~•' E4r. Jas A. Farley~ the Post ~6aster Ueneral~ and urged the Coffnnisaione'rs to grant an j' .. I appropriation of ~1,525.00 jointly with the City of ~9i~mington to meet this expense. / ''~~~} ~~~r. Goldberg further etated that approximately 350 gueats were expected to attend and v that all disburse~yenta for.~expenses~would be made through Mr. E.A.Laney, Treasurer. ~ IuIr. Gardner moved that the request be granted, his motion did not receive a second and vras therefore not put to vote by the Chairman. 1dr. Trask then moved that an appropriation of ~500.00 be allotiaed to meet the county's part of the expense and in the event that amount would be igs~fficien~.an additional appropriation not exceeding the county's part ~" of the amoun~ould be provided. PROVIDED, H0~'~fEV.ER, the City Coiranissioners will g~ant a like amount, his motion vras seconded by Mr. Ii~ll and carried. bHessrs. Aaron Goldberg, 1'T.B.Campbell and Marsden Bellamp rece~ended an i.ncrease in the ,, CS salary of D~ir. A.I,.Meyland, Assistant Clerk of ~uperior Court, from ~180.00 to $200.00 pe.r month,/ '-~jG~~ and asked that the same become ef'f'ective no~v. The request was upon motion of BQr. Flall~ seconded by L4r.. Trask, taken under consideration. h • Upon motion, dtz]ty seconded~ the Board, upon recouunendation of the Supt., of' Pmblic Welfa~,~ c~,G]~-c~approved the payment ot' ~4.00 to Mrs: Willi,am L. Daniels f'ox the temporary care of ~~ , ~-'/ Bernard Blake, indigent infant, pending hie perma,nent location at Elizabethtotim. . . ~ Tas Ben Gar-rett having been investigated and recouunended by the Supt., of Public ~lelfare,, ,,. ,'--(~1 ~~,~,~¢~was upon motion~ of 2IIr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Trask, admitted to the County Home as an / L~`~~~" inmate. ~_ . ,. , . ~ 4~U ' . ~~ . .: . I~eeting of April 5th,1937, continued. In compliance vrith a request of Emmett H: Bellamy, EsG., the Co~unissioner& voted to meet in joint se~sion witri the City Commissioners, wednesday morning Apri1 7th, at 10:00 , o'clock, to take such action that may be necessary toward making $~33,000.00 or 55f ~ r 1~~5~ of ~60~000~00 av8ilable to meet a Federal grant of.~27~000.00 or 45~ of the'~560,0'00.00 •~ necessary to rebuild or remodel Coimnunity Hospital, under authority of' a resolution ~dopted at a joint meetin~ of the two boards December 9th,1936, and an enablfng act passed by the Legislature 1937. , . 7 Upon motion of Tdr. Trask, seconded by 1;2r. Hall, 1~r. H.R.Gardner was named to represent / "~ ~~~-JS~ the County on the Board of .Directors of Cocununity Iiospital. ~ ~ ~ . Upon recorranendation of the County Auditor and upon motio of T+Jr. Hall, seconded by `~ ~ ~7~IIr. Gardner, P~ir. B.G.Edmondsondand I~Qiss Florence Stanl~ey~ employees in the Gounty ,. ~• 1~~~.~q 1ludit'ors offiee,'albng ~vith'their oth~r~duties; •were'appointed. assistant-Tax Listere ~ J~ for New Ha.nover County and empov~ered..to,•take tax returns aiid administer the oaL•h to ' ~ property owners who present themselves; at the office of the County Auditor for that ', purpose. ~ ~ • • • A request of the. Board of Education that the sum of ~36,OOQ.00 be placed to the credit ~/, y - _~~ `~~. of the school fund to taks care of expendituxes for the month of April, was upon motion Y . ~" of 1~r. Trask, seconded by Wr. Hall; approved. , ~ , ' ,' ~ , A statement was received from I~rs.Edna ~. Carit~vell, Supervieor of the 5ewing Rooins,~ ' , "'~ 1.1~~, shov~ing articles made from ERA and WPP. materials to the value of ~91,638.78 turned~ ~ ` ~~ . over to the City and County todate. , , C . . ' .. . ~~~-Ju~A report of the Girls' Recreational Centre for the month of LSarch l~as received._j Upon motion of I~6r. Hall, seconded• by r~r. Trask, local baseball teauia ~rere granted the /.., ' ~ use of the baseball fi~2.d at the Recreational Park and Fa~.r Grounds on Saturday's and ;~~ ~~'~,?~P1t1~~~-.holidays and to make a chaxge for admission if agreeable to the ~VPA authorities, 10~ F,; • of the ~ross receipts to go into a fund to be used fo'r the maintenance ~of the field. . •, 6~uthority was also given to so~r the filed in rye grass seed to produce the desired turf. ~ Upon motion, authority was given to sow grass seed around the court house premises where ~- ~iT"~~~y~needed. . . . ~ ' . ~`". ~ A~communication rras received from the County Audi.tor advising the auiount on deposit ,, ~"r .-,,,~~~~,.in each bank as of March 31st,1937, together ~vith a memorandum of securities held in` ' ~ ~ each ca$e. • ~ Idr. Hall announced that an invitation has been extended tne County Commissioners to ~' ' `~~ attend a fish fry to be given by the Wrightsboro Home Demonstration Club, at T~,jrrtle ~` ~/~. ",;-~ ~~~J Grove 3ound, Tuesday I~ay Ilth. i ~ '~ y ~ ~ Upon motion of 1dr. Gardner, seconded by Mr. Trask, Mr. ~darx S. Nathan was granted ~,n ' ' abatement of taxes on a valuation of ~65.00 for the year 1936, account of error in ' ' /~a~ listing a 1935 DeLux Plymouth Coach at f~470.00 value~ wkerea~ the automobile shou~d ~" •_ have been listed as a 1935 ~TANDARD Coach at a value of $~405.00. -- ~~f'`~:~~y"~The County Auditors cash report for the month of March was received and ordered filed~./ ~ -r ~i~!" - . • . ~ _ Upon motion, the Board confirmed trie action of tne Chairma.n and Coun~y Audj.tor in the-. , -' y~, purcha.se of ~7,000.06 State of North Carolina. H~ghway Bonda, 4~ ~~103.50, for ~he• ~ .~R "°-~~~ sinking funds account. - , `~t~~,?Upon motion, County bills Nos. 2818 to 3050 were approved for payment:~ ' ~~~'" The meeting then adjourned. ~ ' ryf/H 71.i~~:f4i-Y~y : , . ~}Cl erk. `~~~ . ,' . L~Cilmington,N.C., Apri1.12th,1937. . , The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held at 3s00 P.E~. ~ . Presents Addison Hewle`tt Chairman,Geo.°N. Trask, Jas.P~I.Ha11,H.R.Gardner and R.B.Roebuck. ' ~ The minutes of ineeting of April 5th,1937, were read and approved as recorded. ~, ''` . ,K , Upon motion, duly~seconded, ;~Voodroar Crocker, residing at #S1 Spofford Mill~, was , v ~~C,~~~ exemp~~f`rom the payci~nt of poll taxes on account of physical disabilitiea. Pdo actioi~ YJ&9 takeri at this time on the request of Mr.Jno.R.Fisher for a reduction of ,~ ° , f aesessment on lots Aos:~13 and 14, block #26 Carolina Place xecent3:.y acquired, ~'or the , / ~~~' reason that the Tax Assess.ors have not yet fixed the 1937 assessment on_same. . ' A request of S.E.Loftin,Esq., for an abateiaent of the taxes amounting to~~~5.56 ~ ' ~ cha.rged against lots 6& T, block #27, Car olina ElaGe in the na.~e of H.G.Fennell; ', ~t~~, for the year 19z1, on account of double listing, the same having been lieted and /" taxes paid for the said year by J.U.King, was after inve~ti$ation and recottunendation . of the County Attorney, granted. ,•. Upon motion of Mr.°Gardner, seconded'by Mr. Roebuck, Henry Fields; a resident of ~ , ~~'~x Hampstead, Pender County, recent,ly employed at the East Coast Fertilizer Company, was ~ ~ granten a refund of poll taxes collected by the Tax Collector by garnishment for the year 1936. ~ samuel Yeomans, 215 "+Fooster Street, an a&ed and infirm citizen, having been examined ~ ~T~\\ ~b;~ the Assistant Health Officer and recommended by the Superintendent of Piblic Y7elfare, , , b was admitted to the County Home as an irunate. ' , A reque~t of T~Srs. C.J.Kellotvay to have a di.~ch opened to drain off~the water f rom her . ~ ~,n ~land east o£ the Masonboro road near Bethany Church, for a distance of 80 or 100 feet,~ f ~~. ~j(i~"`~ ~ caused by ov~rflowing or drainage ff~om adjacent ditches, was referred to the Chai:rman ~. i ~ wiLh power to act. l ~ ~ a. ldeeting of Apri1~12th,1937, continued. '~ .~ . • Upon motion ~ of tdr. Roebuck, seconded py l~dr. Hall, 4Villiam T. V9iTTiams and t~oy Barbery ~- employed at tne East Coast r'ertilizer Company, w~ere~.gran•ted a~^refwYd of`poll taxes / ~. "~ collected by the Tax ColTector by garnisYunent,on account of hav.ing j.ust'com~leted ~/ , a sentenoe on the 5tate highv+ays, stibject.,to verification by the Court records or / approval by the Sheriff. . - !'"'y, ' ~The Board acting on an afi'idavit oi' J.T.Vick~Jr., supporting nis c`laim i'or damages ~ in the loss of a litter of eight pigs killed by strange dogs on or about I~fiarch 12th, - ` a~l~19.37, at 9s30 o'clock A.N[., on the Y'arm of nis mother at or near Seagate, and upon t motion of tu1r. '1'rask, seconded by i~Ar. Roebuck, was approved for $8.0~ to be paid by ~,.e,Q4.~.theQoard of L"ducation out oi~ trie dog tax f'und, Provided that amount is available ' to metet said expense.. r~ . • Upon motion; Ida Brown of Columbia, 5'. C. and T'~Irs. V.L.Clontz of ti~Jhiteville,N.~., . crere released from payment of penalLy for not listing lot rTo. 5, in block ~30, Oakside ~~ ~ - "~~~ park, T~asonboro tov~nship, and lots 3 and 4 in block ~"C" (~rolina Beach, respectively, ~ • for the year 1936, on account ot' being non-residents. - ~ b ~~ ~^~~~1 report of the Associated Charities for the month of March was received./ ~ vN` • . ~ The following communication.and request o£ the Board of b7ducation was presented and `~ ~~,~ read by Dr. Hoggard: ~ ~ "'tJilmington,N. C. ~ April 12th,1937. • ~ Near Hanover County Corruniseioners • ~~ , ]~r. Addison Hevrlett, Chairman ~ , °~lilmington, N. C. Gentlemens .~ , . ~~ '- ' ' , ~ • _•*_- -• . • ,, ~, r' . ` ~. ~ ,. The Board of Education of Ne~a Iianover County respectfully petition the County Cotaruissioners of Nevr Hanover County to provide sufficient funds to~construct t he following buildings needed to adequately and safely carry on a six ~tonths _ eonstitutional school term in the county. The provision tdPf these funds is to be = ~ distributed over a period of time vahich complies v~ith the constitution of North ~`Caroliria and at the discreation of the Board of County Co~unissioner~. ~ There are four buildings of major importance, Tileston, H~menvuay and ~ ~Corneliue H~rnett, because of fire hazard which should be eliminated immediately, and Peabody v~hich does not provide sufficient claes room space to take care of the preaent school enrollment. The remaining projects, although ur~ent, are secondary to the fotar needin~iuunedi~,te attention. School Estimated Cost , , • ~• Tileston , , Hemen~vay Cornelius Ha.rnett • Peabody Peabody Auditorium . . Carolina Beach High School cafeteria and class rooms ' •. Delgado Borest Hills • Vdilliam Hooper ~ 26~000.00 . 5,000.00_ 5i000.00 ` 45,000.00 . 13,000.00 10~000.00 ~ . 15,000.00 ° 22,000.00 , 15~0OO.OQ • 15,000.00 171.000.00 ~' ~ Since at the present time constitut.innal limii;ations ~vould make available / - only {~46,000.00, the Board of Education sugges:ts that Tileston, Hemenway, Cornelius / Harnett and Carolina Beach Schools, which are estimated to cost ~'~46,000.00 be ° erected at once, and that Peabody and other buildings decided upon to he started as soon as funde are available, July 1, 1937. . . Respectfully Submitted, • . . John T.Hoggard, Chairman ~ H.M.Ro~:and, Secret~ry. .. . New Hanover County Board of Education• ' The matter Fas discussed generally by the members of the two Boards. Due to the ' constitutional limitation on the issuing of bonds makin~ only approximately ~,46,000.00 available at this time and in view of existin~ fire hazard at Tileston~ Hemenway. and Cornelius Ha.rnett schools and the tugen~t need of a school building at ,- ~ 0~'~nCarolina Beach~ it was unanimously agreed tha.t the interest of the.Co~munity saould ~be best served at this time by remodeling, enlarging .and rehoQating.the.:t:kiree abov~e / i. mentioned-school buildings and eliminating the fire hazard, and the construction of ~~ ! a school building at Carolina Beach~ which are estimated ~~ost ~46~000-.00, and postponed considera.tion of the other pro~ects until next~year. Therefore the Cormniseioners found that it is;a necessary expense of the County to provide funds for remodeling, enlargin~, renovating and constructing the four foregoing projects as requested,,to adequately and safely carry on a six months constitutional~school term . in this County, and to that end the request v~as upon motion of ~r. Hall, seconded by 2~rr..Trask;:;~proved~ and the County attorney vras instructed to have the bond attorneys . prepare therproper resolsitiona;to:~that:effect,~for::adoption atr.a subse~uent meeting. ~ A motion offered by f~r. Gardner to refer the request to a eommittee to visit and study tkie needs.of the projects and meet Y/e~ile~day April 14th, towtake action on the matter, , did not receive a second. Idr. Gardner, therefore,feeling tk~at if the matter is too urgent to put off until 4Yednesday, he would vote ~,.-Ns on the motion offered by I~r. Hal:L. r, ~ . ~ • ~~ r 4y~ ]deeting of April 12th,1937, continued. ,.~,. • Plith reference to the pay for the 'services of Messrs. John E. Taylor and S,T.Keyes, ~ Tax ~ssessors for r'ederal Yoint to~vnsnip~ concerning the question of' one days pay ~. ~_ •, ~-. ~"~~ deducted for Reek endin~ April lOtn;1937, for 1;he reason that'no seryices were pexf.orme3 . ' ~,.~ I on that day, the question naving been raised by P.~Ir. R.PVI.Houston; Associate Tax Assessor, it was ordered,that the ~a$e of ~5.00 per day is based on time actually served and~. the claim is therefore declined. . Upon moti~ f Mr. Hall, seconded by Lar. Roebuck, James AndrewiBr tio+n, colored, of ,^ ~ j~~ Wilmington~i,'brvnship, vras granted an abster.ient of taxes on one~ female dog listed ir~" ~ , ~ • error f6r, t~ie year 1936. An application for license to sell beer at •~dacombers ~tation near ldrightsville Sour~d,. `~- ~ submitted by Solomon Jenlcine, colored,~vas upon motion of 1~~r. Gardner, seconded by ~ ~/ ~dr. Traek, declined on account of unfavorable information•concerning his reputatio~n / in the hands of the Board. ~= . . ~; )2 '~ Upon motion~ duly•seconded, County bills Nos. 2818 to 3090 inc.,~rexe approved far ~ ' ~A~"~`~-Q-'' payment. . . . The folloNing action taken by the City and County Commiesioners in joint session "`'`~ ~~@ held April 7th,1937~ was upon rnotion of Pdr. tiall, seconded by Mr. Roebuck, ' • ~~ unanimously confirmeds " Commissioner Fisher moved tl~a,t the City and County appropriate • ~ in equal parts durin~ the next three years sufficient funda to retire ~33,000. ~ ,/~ _,:''' note and interest expended for the erec~ion of the Community Hospital PWA project~~' and that taxes necessary to raise tkiese funds be levied. ~.: • Comnissioner Hall offered a second and upon vote the motion was ' unanimously adopted. '~ • ~ , ~~~ The only bid received for erecting 15 poles for lighting the athletic field at the f \~~ Recreational Park and Fair Grounds was submitted by Iulr. Z. A. S'~needen in and for thq~ ,' amount of ~32.00 per pole, or a total of $~480.00. The price quoted appearing too '~' - high, the said bid vras upon motion of ivlr. Hall, seconded by Tas. Trask, rejected. ~•• ,-- ~ - ,, , The matter of further anticipated v~ork and expense at the Recreational~ Fair Grounds .'• came up for discussion and 23essra. J.B.Edwards and William A. Peschau were present to urge the appropriation of func~s to provide field lights at a coet of ~5,000.00, the ~ :_ erection of a fence around the race tracke at a cost of approximately ~p1y000.00 and _° , t}~ addition of another section to the conctete stadium at a cost of ~6,000.00., ~~` -~'~~~"' b`r. Trask expressed himself as being opposed to further expendittz~es on the S,tadium .. ~~ ;~ at this time, other than ~roviding a roof over the same, feeling that the present • seating capacity should suffice. P~Ir. Gardner concurxed in the views of Iufr. 'Prask.and ~ stated that some additional eomforts and conveniences should be given the,inmates at • . the County ~ome. However after further discussion Idlr.Hall moved that an appropriation . of ~1,000.00 be provided for the construction of the fenee around the race, tracks as required, and ~3,000.00 for the addition of half section to the stadium. The motion vras seconded by Mr. Roebuck and a v~ote was taken, Adr. Hall and I~r. Roebuck voting --Yea, _ and Pdr. Trask and Mr. Gardner voting N~. A tie was declared and the Chairman feeli~g . that the investment being of a permanent nature znd for the cotmnunity good, voted Yea ~!° . and it vras carried. • . , ' . ~ . ~ ~ .,.. A bid for $50.00 for painting the Court House roof vva~ received fr`oin Mr.' H.G.'Webster. • •'~ \, ~ That bezng the only bid received,and bids'not'havin~ been requested, instz•uct¢ons we~e. ;, ~;- \, C-Y~'~`given to secure other bids for .this work, specifying the u~e of a standard grade of . . paint. . , ~ - . ~ . d9ith reference to a c:ommunication received from ~?r. Ueo. W. Coan,Jr.,seeking the - " Board's endorsement for State Highvray Chaixr,ian, the Commissioners declined to rndl:e any ~ F~ official endorsement in this metter. „• , The mee ing then adjourned. • , <-i~l~J~i 7l.J'S~c~.c/ - , ~ ~-Glerk. • ` ~ ~~/ 4Yilmington,N.C., April 19th,193'7. Trie regular weekly meeting.c¢' the Board v+as held at 3t00 P.M. .~5 .Present: Addison Hetivlett Chairman, Geo.W.Trask; Jas. M. Ha11,H.R.Gardner and • .~ R:B.Roebuck. ' aN. / '~ ~~3'~he minutes of' meeting od April 12th,1937, were read and approved as recorded. ~ ~ ~! ~ A request of'P6r. W.J.Bell for adjustment of the assessment on the building of the ~ ". - heir~ of W.J.Bell, block #514, account of its dilapidated condition existin~ over `~ a period of five years, during which time it has been unf'it 1'or occupancy, with the . ~(',~f`~ view of clearing the taxes due on same, wae re£erred to the cor~mittee vrith power , / to act. . , ,~ . Upon motion of Mr. Ha11, seconded by Mr. Roebuck, the action of the Chairman and •~ Superintendent of Public 1Nelfare in providing charity rate transportation at a cost (~ '• ~,~~ of $~31.72 for Lea~y, Thelma, lucile and their mother Christine'Boone, indigenta~ to J ~_ ~`"~ ..~~ the home of lt~rs. Boone's sister, D~rs. Tammilee Watson in New York Cit~, thus ~ ~ relieving the county oi'f'urther expense 2'or their maintenance, was approved.• ~ A request of Mra. I,.O.Ellie for funds to meet bills payable and to take care of' yp~. Associated Charity needs for the month of April~ approximating:$~2,787.97 was ` ~`„~,17~M diacussed,and in view of the fact the budget allowance, is insuff'icient to meet ~ j .~ c~~~-- ; requirements necessary ~for the 550 i:ndige~t families 3'ox Lhe remaining three months, ?• it was agreed to meet in joint. session with the City Cou~issioners Wednesday morning • ~- April 21st, at 1Oc00 oclock, to discuss this vital question and make such arrangemen~ ~; ~ necessary to meet this situation. rdrs. Ellis wae, upon motion of I~Gr. Hall, seconded by l~:r. Roebuek, inetructed to take case of the emergency cases pending further action of ~„~:, ~ the two Boards. ~~,y~ .. .~~ .. .. Meeting of Apri~ 19th,1937, continued. ~ ' An application of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board for license to sell wines / (~,~ in package for consumption off the premises of its five stores, to meet the u~ ~(7//v requirement o'~ the 1937 Acts, was upon motion of' Mr. Hall, reierred 'to ~the County • Attorney for .opinion. Upon motion of'ldr. Sall, seconded by ~ur. Roebuck, the Board agreed to sponsor ~ a 1aPA "Paid Up" Housekeeping Demonstration Pro,jeet,to train and•qualify competent / ~~~ houaehold evorkera for such~purposea, provided the project will be conducted / '1• vrit:~out cost or expense to the county, and the Chairman vaas authorize to sign the, WPA pro,ject proposal Form #3-01, without obligation to the County for the payment : of the ~800.00 sho~+n as Sponsors Appropriation, or any part thereof. ~ ~' Action ~vas postponed on a rec~uest that the County sponsor a YJPA Garden and Canning ~~,pp projeet ::, showing ~2,000.0~ sponsors contribution to provide employment for needy , icr persons in the operation of a garden and canning of donated or surplus foodstuffs ~ for free distribixtion to the needy~. <-^ - ' . • ' A quarterly report of the activities of Lhe ~'~ilminEton po~x Cor~nission ~vas read <--- ~~'(` and presented by Tuir. Peter B. Ruffin, its Chairman. ~ ~ Applicat~4ons for l.icense to~aell beer submitted by J.G.Gerganous and Z.~.~needen;. ~~ }~-~ at loc~tions at Coxs' store East VJilmin~;ton and on route #'L0, near Seagate, ' ~~~~°~~~~ respectively, were referred to the Shexiff for investzgation:~ ~`. In accordance with the action of this Board Ap~il h,1937, approving the issue ;: of $~46,000.00 school iruprovement bonds; the Cou y,~ , upon motion of Iu~r. Roebuck, ~ seconded by ~ur. Gardner, designated to prepare and file•a statement of trie County ` /~~5chool debt 6~ith the Board, in pursuance of the re9uirenents of the Count,y Finance - Act. Thereaid statement;has been prepared, sworn to and filed ~ith the C]:erk by„the `.~~ -~ - the County Aizditor ~s required;, sho~ving the laet assessed valuation of the County for taxation to be $51,467.118.00, and • ' q Outetanding School debt,... $ 995,600.40 Fresent issue proposed~.... 46,000.00 ~. • :- ' • ~ ~ Total,.......... ~~p1,041,600.00 • • , Deduct School Sinking Funds, 283,194.26 . : .;' ;~~ . •Net 5chool Debt ............. 758,405.74 5 . ~~~ . • '. ' Percentage net school debt bears to said asaessed valuation .O1'~47~ r Flhereupon the following order was upon r~otion of S~ir. Trask, seconded by Iuir.Gardner,~ ~ (~~ ~ii~.~unani~ously adopteds , ~ ~ dl . , AN ORDER • • , :. .. ~~'." AUTHORIZIPtG THE ISSU~ OF FORTY- SIX THOUSAIvTD DOLY.ARS (~46~004.) SCHOOL 30NI~i OF- NEW HANOVER COUNTY~ NORTH CAROLINA. rvt~AS, the Board of County Commissioners of Nei~ Hanover County,North Carolina, the governing body thereof~ deems it necessary to provide for additiona to the Tileston, Hemenway and Carnelius Harnett.~School~ in said County, and to provide for t the erection of a nevr school at Carolina Beach in said County; anci 4VHEREAS, said improvements are necessary expensee for the maintenance of the ' public schools in said @ounty for a term of at least six months each year~ as required by the Constitution of North Carolina; and WHEREAS,.the eurrent revenues of said County are nbt sufficient to meet the obli~rations imposed upon the County and at the eame time to provide Yunds with which to undertake said improvements; and ~'HE:REAS, no debts.have been contracted heretofore during the present fis_cal year by said County, and the outstanding indebtedness of said County was reduced during the fiscal year ending June 30th~1936 by payment oY principal of outstanding bonds and notes of said County in the aggre~ate sum of ~69,100; and , .WFiffiEAS, it is desired to.issue bonds to provide funds for payment of the•cost of the improvements aforesaid in the sum of ~y46~000.0o which amount does not exceed tvro- thirds of the amount by which the outstanding indebtedness of the County vaas reduced during the f'iacal year ending June 30~ 1936, / ~ V ~ . ~. NO'~1~ TF'~REFORE, THE BOARD OF COUNTY COI~.'m4ISSI0NERS OF NEP~ HANOV~R COUNTY, •NORTH CAROLTNA, DOr~S f4:REBY ORl)ER A2~ID RESOI,VEL - 1..That, for the purpose of constructing ~dditions tb existin~ school buildings and erecting a ne~v school building in New Hanover County, North Carolina, which,schoolr buildings are neceasary for the maintenance of public scriools in said County for a term of at least six months each year, as required by the Constitution of North Carolina, bonds of New Hanover County, North Carolina, are hereby aut,horized to be issued in the , maximum aggregate principal amount of Forty-six Thousand Dollars ($46,000.00). ~ 2. That a tax sufficient.to pay the principal and interest of the bonds when due sYiall be annually levied and collected. ' 3. That a statement of the County school deb~ has been filed vrith the Clerk, and is open to public inspection. • 4. That this ordex shall take effect thirty days after the first publication thereof after final passage, unless in the meantime a petition for its submission to the voters fs filed under the County Finance Act, as amended, and.that in such everat ~ it shall take effect when approved by the voters of the. County at an election as provided in said act. '. ~ ~ The foregoin~ order was unanimously adopted by the Board this day and ordered ~ published by the Clerk, in the V~ilmington Star Apri1 20th and 21st, together r~ith the order and notice required by section 16 of the County Finance Act, and 3s00 .~;b1Qck p,I~,, P~ay 3rd, 1937, or any adjourrnnent thereof,was fixed as the time f'or hearing upon the same. ~ Meeting of Rpril 19th,1937, continued. -}~ Upon motion of I~r. Gardner,,seconded by 2,4r. Roebuck, the Chairman and,Clerk ti~rere instructed to ~~~ake requeat on the Local Government Couunission for'pesmission to sell the said bonds. J D~.~ A report of ladies rest room and Jas. Walker Hoepital for the month of P~'arch were received( ~~ and ordered filed. _~ A petition bearing the names of thirteen land ownera of Cape r'eax township, urging the buildin~ of rz road from the intersection of the Old Holly Shelter County road and the 1 V.C.Bordeaux Qvenue, thence running in a southwardly direction approximstely 600 yaxd~- ~` ~`~'~`'""where it would intersect the New Holly Shelter State High~vay at a point approximately ~ one tenth of a mile eastwardly from the intersection of the Blue Clay State Hi_ghway and the New Holly Shelter State High~vay, was presented and upon,motion of A~r. Traek, seconcled by P6r. Roebuck, approved and referred to the State High~vay 8c Public VUorks Corcmiission for~ its consideration. A request for adjuetment of $57.93 baclc taxes and ~130.E36 drain~,ge taxes charged against 'f ' 10 acres of land, I,eague Park, appearing in the name of W.R.Rusa in Masonboro township . ~ x for the years~i900,,,1901 and 1902, and in Harnett to~vnehip for the years 1902,1q15 and 1920~ „o~ ~~~ in the names of City & Suburban Land & Development Co.~ David Bryant and R.G.-Grady, Trustee, respectively, nov~ owned by Hugh P,f~pRae 8c Company, was referred to the Chairman and County , ~.;. , ' , 4. , : Attorney with power to act. , An item of back taxes amounting to $57.25 cl~arged against the SE part of lot ~ 4, and the r^" east part of lot # 9, in block # 489, in the name of L.W.Moore for the.year 1923, the sarrie ~. ~~ having been purchased by St.Matthew's Lutheran Church on Nay llth,1923, was upon motion of ,: I~tr. Gardner, seconded by ~ir. Trask~ ordered cancelled on the back tax recorda on account of being church property. . It appearing that the property of IrSrs. Sallie C. Davis~ block #164, has been investigated ~ "~~,.r and the aesessment on same found in line with the assess:ments on adjoinin~ property,,and,not • ~ ~~ in excess of its true value, a request to reduce the a~sessment ~ae upon.motion,JCteeline~d. Upon motion of R~r. Roebuck, seconded by Mr. Gardner~ the Chairman was aui;horized to write D4r. C.H.Robertson, Collector of Internal Revenue, Greensboro, DI.C., urging that some ~~~ arrangement,be made vrhereby the Government lien on the Seashore Hotel at Wrightsville Beach, x ,/~ may be replaced by the purchase price placed in escrow subject tothe lien now,rield a~ainet the hotel, thus en~bl~ng a good title to be passed by the present owner to a purchaser who will itrnnediately ma.ke substantial expenditures for improcements and e9uip and open the hotel . to meet the urgent_de~and for such a hostelry properly conducted. A request of Mrs. ~liza C. Fick to be allowed to pay back taxes due on property in block rG~~ #67, on a bisis'of the 1937 house assessment, on account of two buildings removed in 193~, ~' was upon motion referred to"the Chairman with polver to act. : ~ A report was received from Mrs. Edna JvI. Cantwell, ~upervisor oP ~lPA Setving Rooma, sho~ving ~~~F~_. articles made farom ~PA,and ERA materiala turned over to the City and County todate, to th 1~'~ value of $92,427.03. `~ A public Notice vras received from tkie U.S.District Engineers office advising a hearing to~ be held on the application of ~r. E.P.'v7illard to construct a pier in the Atlantic Ocean ~~ one mile north of Fort I'ieher. No objections svere indicated by the Commissionera. ~ ~ Upon motion, the Board approved the payment of ~119.62 fire insurance~premium on ~1,000 00 ~ policy on the exhibition building at the xecreational Park, to F.E.I,ivingeton F~ Co., ~ ~ The mee ing then adjourned. :~ ~-:~~'flil 71,Y r-sw ~1~ ~yl.erk: (// / 1~ilmington, N. ~., Apri1 26th,1937. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held at 3000 P.a4. Presentt Addison Hel~lett Chairr~.n,, Geo.VFi.Trask, Jas.2~,Ha11,, H.R.Ga.rdner and R.B.Roebuck.. The minutes of ineeting of April 19th,1937 were read and approved as recorded. . r ~ • ., .. ~ An application of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board for licenses to sell wines in ~. ~ ,~z;p~package i'or consumption "off premises" for its five stores as required by the 19~7 Act.s . (F' ~~ as advised by i;he County Attorney, vras upon motion of 1y5r. Roebuck, eeconded by NLr, Aall, . . / approved. , Applicatflons presented in due form and execution by Otto Dyke,1Robert V,Rogers/ and \~ Z.A.Sneeden for license to sell beer at locat0ons at ~Flinter Park, Greenville Sound Loap, ~~,~" Road and State Hi~hway #20 near Seagate respectively, the same having.been investigated'. ~,;,~ and approved by the Sherifi were u~on motion of SJ'ir. I3~.11, seconded by I~Ir. Gardner, approved by the Board. Applicat~on for license to sell beex presented by S.E.Sneeden,Jr.~ J.W.GurganousJandJ JJ.,r~~R.L.Hawkins at locaticns at Seagate, Cox' Store Eaet Wilmin~rton and 1~Frightsville J' ~~~"` Terminals respectively, ~vere turned over to the Sheri£f~ for investigation and recorrmien- dations. , . Tk-e Commiss;ioners acting upon the reconnnendation and request o£ the Sheriff, and upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Asr. Roebuck, (authorized Harry E. Fale~, rdanager of the ~~ City-County Bureau of Identification, to att~nd a three yionths term of the Government, h/ .-- FBI Police Academy at Washington,I).C., at the e;cpense of the City and County joint7.y 't for railroad transportation, room and board and street car fare in 'Flashington at a total cost of approximately ~300.00; ~rovided the City of Wilmington v~il.l be half of the . :expense. t . 1 ~ r C ~ , ~ ~:.. : ~ a :1. ,,. •~ ,. ,,, ~ , ~~~~ J~eeting of Apri1 26th~1937~ continued'. ~ _ County check #4368 in the amount oi~.~4.75 dravan on tne 4Yilmington Savings and Trust Company,payable to J.C.S'hepard f'.or tne purenase o2' one case of' toilet ~ ~~~Q~ paper,and bearing date of June 30tn,1936, rias been reported by Nir. Shepard as lost. Q~"v`''~~ It appears Y~rom the records tnat the said cneck rias not been presented to the•said , bank for,payment and the bank naving been instructed to ref'use payment of the check if' presented, the Board therefore, upon motion oY l~dr. ria11, seconded by Illr. Roebuck, ordered a duplicate cneck s'or tne said amount issued to ldr. ~hepard in ~. payment of trie goods received. • , , Irtr. Robbins, a resident oi IJew Hanover County and a former e~iployee of ~ Alexander Sprunt & Sons., for a number of yeara, now temporary residing in' Brunswick Coun~'ty and mentally deficient and unfit to care fox himself, and it ppearing that he has no relatives that can care for him, was upon recommendation of the Superintendent of Public ttielPaxe and upon motion of' [~s. '1'rask, seconded . by L7r, Gardner, admitted to the County Home as an inmate. An app2ication to the Local ;;Tovernment Cor.imission for approval of sale of' the ~S `,0 ~ Uroposed issue of $46,000.00 School,improvement bonds, was signed in the name of / ^~ c~~s`~~~~~he lioard of Cor.nnissioners and by the members of' the Board individually and ordered . forwarded to the Local Govern~ent Commission for its approval. ' The` Board acting upon th,e facts setout in an aff'idavit of Tdrs. Lillie M. Spier, and ~ upon o.pinion~of the,Gounty nttorney, ordered a jud~ment Y'or $1fi.93 for taxes on ./ ~.~~ lots 3,4,and5, block E, Carolina Beach, for the year 2926, cancelled on account.of . improner suit and error in name of party andsfor•the furtherereason that the said tax was subsequer~tly paid. A petition bearing the names of 70 citizens of New Hanover .County urging improve- v \~ ~"ip~~nte to the road leading fron r'ort .N'isher to the "Rocks" vras received and upon "° motion of I~dr. Hall, seconded by 1rtr. Trask, was approved and rePerred to the State Highway and Public tVOrk~ Commission for its approva2. ' A.eommunication was received i~rom I~ir. E.aN.Carey, County tWPA Supervisor, advising / that work tivould begin on the Airport 1VPA project P~y 5th, a•submitted a list of / ,,~~~~. materials to the value oY' approxima.tely $p2,000.00 the County would be required~ ~~t~ to furnish as sponsors. I~Qr. Carey f'tzrther stated that every ef'Y'oxt would be made to. -----_.. complete the project be~'ore July lst. Upon mo~ion of 1~r. Gardner, eeconded by 1~4r. Hall, the Chairtnan vrag authorized to purchase the materials requested as needed. •~ It appearin~ that the balance in the Associated Charities 1936-1937 budgek appro- priations is insufficient to meet bills payable and'to carry on its work for the balance of the fiscal year, and request having been made :~1~att~he City and County / ~ Y~ovide ~7,000.OO,to r.~eet its requirements and the City ao far having failed to . ~join the County in providing any additional funds, Mr. ~rask moved that the County , ~rant an additional appropxiation of $1,500.00 monthly toward the needa of the ~ Association for period f'rom.April 15th, to June 30th,1937, the same being based , on the County's fi0% part of ~2,500.00•monthly.The r~otion was•seconded by tu1r. Hall and carried. ~ . '~~~~ Upon motion of Mr. Trask; seconded by l~r, tlall, instructions were given to t~ave the County Drainage force cleat~ the County Park at the intersection oY' Highway ~20, and the I~iasonboro highv~ay, of trash and othe~ rubbish accumulated there. . C The Board acting upon tYce recommendation of' the Chairman, gave authority to employ -~ ~- -~--Idr. T.G.Ellers as an extra tax lister 2'or 'vdilmington township to help out in the ~ .~-) i L~s~r'ush of' tax listing. ' _~~~ The following sealed bids for tYie erection of 15 8--foot light poles at the f Recreational Park an@ Fair Grounds, in accordance ~vith the specifications, vrere~ receiveds . H.S.& E. P. B~anchard, ~22.00 for each pole, or ~330:,G0 Otto I.ehman, 19.00 " " " - ~~ ~285.00 ' ~ y~ Upon'motion of Idr. Hall, seconded by D~r. Gardner, the con~xact to furnish all , equipment and erect the eaid polea in•accordance with trie specif'icationa was awarded to Ivir. Otto I,etmian, he bein~ the lowest bidder. The matter of~returning the 1~lPA cannery to this County and setting up anotlier ,~ _w ~~ canning project under the sponsorship of the County at an approximate cost of ,, ~2,000.00, was referred to the Cha.ixman i'or f'urther investigation. ` J Upon motion, duly seconded, County bills Nos. 3091 to 3195 inclusive, were approved,l~ • ~ ~j- ~ ~ls for payment. r. i 3 .,,~_ „ , . ~ ,' ~ - The meeting then adjourned. ,. .. , . ~v~i~ 7~.S~1.~~ -~ ~k. ~'ilmington~ bT.C., DHay 3rd,1937. The re$ular ~veekly meeting of the Board vras held at 3s00 o*cl~ek p.M, , Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman,Ueo.~l.Trask, Jas.ivl,Hall, H.T~.Gardner and R.B.Roebuck. > > The minutes of ineetin~ of April 26th,1937, were read and approved as recorded. Recommendations offered by the Port City Aero Club through I~dr. Kenneth '~looten, that lights be inetalled at the airport hangar,adequate locking system for the hangar doors, ~ ~ roo£ repa,irs and painting of marker on the hangar roof, better draina~e and p~oper . -:,~ '`maxkers alon~ the runv~ays, tira.s u~on motion of I~4r. Gardner, seconded by t~PS. Hall, received for consideration. Tulr. TTask recorrnnended the installation o£ four lfghts at _ the hangar, tv~o to refleet on the hangar and two on the field bo aid planes arriving at*.dusk to locate the field and hangar. ! The I3oard acting upon the reco~enda~ion of the County Auditor and approval of tkie / ~'-- '~' ti~rLocal Government Commission and the bond attorne .- ~ ys, and upon motion of ]15r. Gardner, ~!/ seconded by 7dr, F~oebuck, authorized and directed the ~48,000.00 school improvement bond~s, to be dated January lst,1937y~~!when igstL~d. ~ ~ . 4~6 Meeting of Tday 3rd,1937, continued. ~~~~`The Board acting upon the reconnnendation.of the Count;~ auditor and upon motion of . • I+ir. Trask, seconded by nar. Hall; autriorized tne purchase oi' ~84,600.00 New Hanover ~ County Sehool 44feand 9~-~ notes from the State oi" rorth Carolina, 2'or the sinking .f~nds aecount, at a saving or profit of ~11,060.56:accruing to the County over.the period of maturities, based on the state refunding ~p1,489.31 .pxoEit:;represented in ~1~994.40 interest paid on said notes fr;om llecember 15th,1936 to December 15th,1937, ~ otYierc+ise the profit wi11 be less that amount, or $9,571.25. The Chairman announced that this wae the date and hour set for the hearing on the . bond order of this Board of April 19th,1937, authorizing ~46,OOo.00 School Improvement' Bonds~ No one asked to be heard. . /. The folloe~ing•resolution ~,ras introduced and read to the Board: . ~. WITET~EAS' this is the date and hour~ set f'or the hearing on the order of' t his Board April 19th~1937, authorizing ~46,000.00 S'chool Improvement Bonds, and , 4Yf~REAS, no one has asked to be heard, Therefore be it RESOLVED that the order of this Board of April 19th,1937, authorizing ~46,000.00 •~~chool Improvement,Bonds, be finally passed in the form in vrhich it was passed on said date of l~pril 19th,1937, and the Clerk be instructed to publish the order in accordance,~ witn the la~v.. On motion of' Iair. Roebuck, seconded by PSr. Ha.ll, the foregoing resolution. ~ was finally passed by the follouving roll call vote: ` ~ Voting Aye: Addison Hewlett, Geo.~N.Trask,Jas.I~d.Ha11,H.R.Gardner and R.B.Roebuck. ' Voting No.: None. ~ ~ ~IPhereupon the Chairman declared the resolution duly adopted. ~ . A.corununication was received from the City Commiseioners requestirig~the County to ,7oin them in requesting proper authorities of the University of Noxth Carolina to ~j~ ~ make a social seavice survey of' New Hanover County, to tt~e end that the two Boards Y'- would then be in a position to-know the needs of these indigents and to care for.them, '~~ was upon motion oi'tdr. Ii~ll, sec~onded by Mr. Trask, approved, the County to pay-its `"- proportionate part of the expense witn the City. The'follo~ting applications i~or licenses to sell beer having been investigated and~ ~'" ~„~approved by the Sheriff, were upon motion of h4r. Gardner, seconded by Ia1r. Roebuck, \ a,pproved by the ~3oard: \~ /`Bird, K. C. "The Pine Tree" Caxolina Beach 12oad./ ,a,.--'Blaekledge, [Ninnie- Carolina Beach Road.~ ~Boehm~ K. R. Cape Fear Countryr Club~ ~ / ~-~'Core, W. Id. ~ Seven 1:~ile Post, Carolina Beach Road! ,,,,•- Dock, A. A. ~ ~~rightsville Sound~ ~~,,.. Freeman, J. G. -- , S;eabreezer/ ~,,.~ Gurganeous, J. Gd East ~f~ilmin~ton.~ , rHawkins, R. I... :Urightsville Terminals~/ ~ ~Heath, Norma.n Castle` Hayne~ / - Herring, Frank ~eabree~e,! ~ J '`~~,., Hussey, ihomas F. Sr., East ~7il~nin~tonf Lofton, Thomas Seabreeze../ \ """~~•I~,4acF{ae, I~ar~aset/ Seabreeze.~ /~ ~ Norris, C. N. Seven F3ile Post-Ro~ite ~30/ ~ .Pridgen, J. D. Lingo City.~ '~~„-, S~hexman, Ellis ?dasonboro-S.eagate Loop Road~ Simpson, Lula Russell Seabreeze / "'rSneeden, Frank 3rd, Ave., & ftoute 20-~Vinter Park.~ ~ Sneeden, S. ~. Jr., Seagate.J_ . ,~,,. Stathes, Jirn% Kure Beach.l • ,s.ti0agamon, Ben L. Carolina Beach Road~ / - ~ .,..~~Watson, I~Srs. I~d. ]~. Masonboro-Carolina Beach road intersection:V ~~Yestbrook, C. N. SeaUreeze.J An application for license to sell beer on the Garolina ~3each road by Robert T: Davis, the.same having been investi~ated by the Sheriff, but not approved, was-upon motion ~,...- ~;f~?'~ of I~ir. Gardner, seconded by T~Ir. Hall, declined. ,,,,~'" Requesta for reduction of assessments and adjustment of back taxes due on~the` -~~~,y\ fo7.lowing property was referred to the Committee for investigation and with power to . ~- actt ~ Hrs. B. F. Keith, blocks ~194.and 358- W.A.T~dasY., blocks Nos. 119 and 238~ and - Mrs. Catherine V. Sellers, block ~323. ~ In pursuance to H.B.No.452, Public-Local I,aws 1937, ratified the lOth, day of hdarch. ~,~-~~~"~ '1937, entitled- " AN ACT TO PERA~fIT THE BOARD OF COI~GMISSIOI~RS OF NEIP HANOUE]3 COUNTY .~ ~.a,w•u~ T'0 EXPERIIJ MONEY FOR THE DEVELOPD~ENT AI~} 1k~IAINTENANCE OF GREENVI~.LD PARK ANU GIiP~7NVTEL7?~ . • LAI~, " I~,4r. Gardner moved and it evas seconded by PSr. Trask and unanimo~u~sly caT,ried; ' i:hat an election be and the:.aame:~is~„hereby called by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, for Tuesday June 29th,1937, for the purpose of submitting to the~ electors of New Hanover County, the question as to wY~ether they would ratify the provisions of said Act, as is provided by said pet. ~The County Httorney tivas ~ instructed to prepare the notice of election for publication and proper resolutions~ calling the eleetion to be held on the date af'oresaid,for formal adoption at the next meeting of the--Board. The Chairman vras instructed to furnish a list of the names of the Regietrars and Poll holders for holding said election and,suUmit the same to the Board at its next meeting for,approval. "~ A report of the County Home f'or the month of t~pril was received and ornered filed. ~ ~ ~~~ ~ . Upon motion of Lbr. Roebuck~ seconded by i~ar. Trask, TLr.~A.B.Ethridge of tiJilmin~ton tow}~ship was granted an abatement of taxes on a valuation of $~500.00, household and ~ ~,'"j~ kitchen furniture listed in error for the year 1936. ~, F. ~~ 97 ~ ~eeting oY'P~ay 3rd,1937,'continued. nrticles made i'rom ERA and ~NPA materials to the value of ~93,051.90 was,reported ~ ,~ ~~' turned over to the Codnty and City to date by T~rs. ~dna Sd. Cantv~ell, Supervisor . ~j~}I~ of tdPa Sev~ing Roorns. ~ Upon motion, duly seconded, Jas.F.Woolvin vras released from payment of' pena.l.ty ~~~ . for not listing lot ~72 Oleander Yor the year 1936, on account of being out of- the County at listing time. .. :~ /~ `~ ~ Upon motion, duly seco 0~. payment. ~ .r t .., , , Y ~. Betts, IvSx.& P6rs. ~.N. , ~ Dixon, H. i~V. & Son., , County bills Nos. 3051 to 3327 were a~proved for ~'/ recess subject,to the call of the Chairman.~ erx. 1~Filmington, Id.C., ~ay lOth,1937. .s Tne Board then t C7/"/~ ~~.~ ~~ The regular v~ee)_ly meeting of the Board was held at 3t00 o'clock P.r,~. Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.GV.Trask, and R.H.Roebuck. .,. ~y ~ i: ! ~ ~, .. ,, '~~ ~i 1 : i T:~e minutes of ineeting of April 26th,1937, were read and approved as recorded. A claim of ~rs. Edna '~Varren of rederal Point township for payment, out of the j .` ~t /~ school dag tax fund, for damages for tne loss of six small chicLens and seven ~ ~W`~'~y-'young turkeys, destroyed by dogs, ~ra.s r~~erred to the Chairman to ascertain ~, the facts and report to the Board at .its next raeeting. / - Requests for assessment adjustments on the property of Sarah Smit•h, block ~p4, !"'~ presented by Mesers Hooper Johnson and D.Vaughan Allen, Geo.B.Appl~hite block j G~ ~125, re9uested by Geo.H.Hovaell,~sq., and J.E.P~o$xzs~ block ~234, on account of I/ the deteriorated value of the property and with the vie~v of clearing the taxes •" ~ due on ~ame get it on a tax paying bases, was upon motion of I~Sr. Roebuck,seconded by`P~. '~rask, referred to the Committee vrith potiver to ~t. ~ __ , A reque-st of the Board of Education for autnority to purchase the old hotel site, ~` all of block #82 Carolina Beach, on which to erec{~ the,proposed Carolina Beach „ schodl building, said land to cost approxi.mately $$2,000.00 lesa amount of taxes ~ v ~ G~'X. ~due the County and Town of C~rolina Beach on same, was• upon motion of ~~Lr. 1'rask, se:conde~ by P6r. Roebuck, granted, a.nd authority was ~iven. to cancel'.all 'taxes . ~~,~'due vn the said property provided the Town of Carolina Beach will a~ree to do likewise and provided further that the purchase is made by the Board of Education as planned. A request of tne Board of Education to transfer the sum`oi' ~2,550.00 in the ~ In§tructional Service, teachers' salaries, to instructional supplies; in order ~ ~~ th2t the Board of Education night fulfill its promises to the standardizing authorities, arti the transfer of~.not more than $500.00 from hiaintenance of Plant to janitor^supplies, without increase in the 1936-1937 budget allotment, was upon motion of Mr. Roebuck, seconded by T~r. Trask, granted. - • The follov~ing applications for lice.rise to sell beer at the loca~ions shovJn, same having been•investi~ated and approved by the Sheriff, were upon motion of ~~e~ I~4r. Roebuck, seconded by i~dr. Trask, a;ppxoved: •, ' ~ Applewhite, ~drs. T. C. Cast 1 Hayne Ftoad.~ ,--- Fountain, ~V. G. ~,,,~ Gore; ~rs. Ollie Johnson, R. Z. ~ ~4cGowan, -elmar A. , ,e.~Spindle, U. B. "Blue Top Lodge" 4 miles east of 6Vilmington,iF.S.I~oute 17.~ Market Street Road. / Castle Hayne road.~ Castle Ha.yne road. / Route ~30, 72 miles east of 1~lilmington..~ Sunset Park, Carolina Beach road./ Carolina Beach road,~ i / , A request o£ the Superintendent of Public lVelfare to purchase one pair of ehoes ..f each for the three Riggs girls, Gretchen Campbell and the two amoak criildren, all f' "~ ~~--nounty charges, was upon motion of' Pdr. ~jrask, seconded by 2Sr. Roebuck, granted. ,'~ ~ Upon motion of 2~2r. Roebuck, seconded by I~ir. '1'rask, the Board aut~ori2ed the payment , ~ of ~506.0-5 to the American Sterilizer Company, jointly ~vith the City of ~Ailmington, ' L ~ for the purchase of one utensil sterilizex and one instrument sterilizer for th;e ~ , emergency isolation ward at James Walker Hospital. Upon motion, instructions tvere given to secure prices for furnishing and installin~ ~ '~. ~/~p,~,,,;o a,new pressure,boi•ler for the County Home laundry as recommended by the Inspector ~ , ~'~~°"~~~~~~ for the Hartford Steam Boiler Insurance Company. ' •~ . .-~ , ,y ~~'~S~~a~ BoilerrInspectionCCompar~y onePJtayu7thHoreporting nolcondi~tionsythat reyuiredattention~ * C~e,,,~p~at this time, vras received. n ', A request of the Board,of Lducation that the sum of ~36,800.00 be placed to the , / t credit of the school• account to take care,of expenditures for the month of May, wae // ~ ~~p~ granted. ' ~eeting of 1~ay lOth,1937, continued. ' A conmunication was received 2"rom tne County Auditor advisin~ the amount of deposit ,~ ~~a~,s+ in each bank as of April 30th,1.937, to~ether with a memorandum of securities held `~ ~ in each case. ~!_, Upon motion of ~br. Trask, sec~onded by Mr._Roebuck, the following resolution,was ~S~-~~ unanimously adopted: • ~ `, SCHEDULE The Board of Commissionera of Tdew liai~over County does hereby levy to the "B" maximum amount, a license tax 1'or the years 1937-1938 and 1938-1939 on all trades, ~ profeasio,n~s, business' etc., carried on and conducted in said County, v~hi.ch are .•~ ~~~, specifzcaYly designated and defined in schedule B, of' the R@venue ltict of Idorth ,`, ~ Carolina passed at the 1937 sessi:on of the General Assembly; excepting those cases where it is e~tpressly prohibited by la~v. , Upon motion of Mr. Tr ask, seconded by Nr. Roebuck, the payment of ~57.65 to .' ,~'L~ R.C.Dellinger, Tdanager of the local ersployment bureau, to take care of outstanding~~. ~, ~-""~~°unpaid bills for office expenses, the same being provided for in the budget appropriations, was authorized. _ ~ Upon motion of Tdr. Trask, seconded by P,Zr. Roebuck, the Boaxd authorized the purchase ~ _ -~y1.- of a factory re-b~uilt Remington Typev+riber,for the Home Demonstration Agent, at a !' cost of ~61.50• ~ , A petition bearing the signatures of 112 or more property owners, Commerbi~J.;and _~ `Lt Civic e~ubs, urging the extension southward, along the river front, of the highwa.y,,,~ ~~,~,7~umnow passing tne Ethyl-Dov~ plant, to highv~ay #40 at Battle Acre, Fort Fisher, using `~ ~ the route of the old military road as far ae pr~cticable as per sY.etch shown on blue print attached, was upon motion of 1,4r. Trask, seconded by ;~r. Roebuck,approved and '" referred to the State High~vay and Public i~Jorks Commission for its approval. „! , + . ~ ~ \ Upon motion, duly seconded County bills idos. 3328 to 3445 inclusive, wexe approvedr` ~*'` for payment. ~ ~ The Board declined to furnish screena for fifteen windo<<as and three doors for the ~/ `. ~,~.~~ 'v'lrightsboro Home Demonstration Club as re9uested. A request of I~Gr. George H. Rogers that the lot at Seagate he recently purchased ~ from tne Peoples Savings Bank at a f'oreclosure sale, be relea~ed from the cha.rge M of the ;~ersonal taxes of ITiax A. Idewbex charged againat• the same, was referred to ' /~~ ~ the Chairman to ascertain tne facts and report. to the Board at its next meeting. Upon motion made by Putr. Roebuck and seconded by I~r. Trask and unanimouttly passed it was resolved by the Board that a special election shall be held in ldew Hanover ~County on Tuesday, the 29th, day of June, 1937, between the hours of 7 a. m. to 7 p.~m.,for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of New Hanover. ~`~ ~punty, the question of approving an Act passed at the 1937 Session of the General' ~i~C.1} 9ssembly of idorth Carolina, being H. B. No• 452, and being entitled " AN ACT TO ~"~ PERLIIT THE BOARD OF CO~ISSIONERS OF NE~1 HANOVER COTTNTY TO EXYN:ND IdiONEY FOIt THE DEVELOPI~T AIJD I~tAINTEISENCE OF GRE~'NFIEI~ P_ARIL ANI~ GREENFIII~D L,AI~E." At said~ election tliose ~vho axe in favor of ratifyin said Act and levying-the tax therein fixed, the same not to exceed two cents (2~~ on the one hundred dollars of the assessed value of rea.l and personal property taxable in said County sh~ll vote the ticl<et upon which shall be printed the v~ords, •' " Fox the Act to aid in the development of ~ Greenfield Park and Greenfield Lake," .` / and thos vrho oppose the ratification of said Act and the levying of,the tax shall 1 vote a ticket upon which ahall be printed the words, " Against the Act to aid in the development of } Greenfield Park and Greenfield Lake." • ~- ~ . ~ ': . ~ . i i :.< < For the purpose of this election as authorized by the Act aforesaid, the Board of , ~~ -p~,~v~o~nissioners'~of New Ha,nover County do hereby order a new regietration and the ~, ~.G~~'" follov~ing are designated as the pol2ing places for the townships, precincts ard war s, and tne persons hereinafter named are appointed as Registrar and Judges of Election . in said townships, precincts and warda: • • V4ilmington To~vnship: First Mard: ~ " Polling Place, Engine House 4th, & Campbell Sts. 9 . Registrar 2J'irs.Leona T.Carroll, 10052 North 4tYt. ,. Judges of Election, T.R.Christman. ` •~~ ~ PLarnin Clark, 712 N. 5t.h. ' / ;~/%'' , Second ~Vard; First Precincts ~ . Polling•Place- Hemenway 5chool. ~ " . ' • Registrar Z.E.P~urrell, 413 N. 2nd. - ~ . . - Judges of Election, Jno.R.Turrentine~ 314 N. 5th. ~. O.W.Messick, 111 S.5th. /. , Second [~Vard; S'econd Precinct: ° ; PoLlingfPlace, Police Station, City Hall. ~ ' Regis~rar, Hugh lY. Turrentine, 109 N. 5th. , Judge,s of Election J.E.11ewe11, 10 Grand Buildin~' A.B.S;andlin, 113 P1. 3rd. Third ~Vard; First I'recinct: polling Place, 0'Cro~Rley Cleaners, 8tn, & Princess.J Registrar, f~iss Carrie S.~Vhite,806 Market St. Judges of Election~, C.H.Darden, 23z N. Front. ~ ' -avid D. Sloan, 21 S. 9th. ~~~~~5 ~~~ 1 _ ~eeting of ~Lay lOt'h,1937, continued. Third ~9ard; Second Precinct= Polling Place, Re~istrar, Judges oF Election, .,; 1 • 1 ~ ^ _ . ~ ~ • ~~ • . ; , ~ , ~ . / , , . ~. , - ~_ , , . 3 l , Fourth ~F/ard: polling Place, ]~egis trar, i Judges of Elections Fif/tn ~~rd; First Precinct: / Polling Place, i Registrar, Judges of Electiont Fifth JVard; 5econd Preciacts Po1ling ~lace, ' Registrar, Judges of L+'lection: Sixth Ward; First Precinet: Polling Place, Registrar, Judges oY Election: Sixth 49ard; Second precinctt " Polling Place, Registrar, Judges of Election,: Cape• Fear Township; Polling Place, Registrar, Judges of Election; Harnett Torrnship; Polling Place; Regis trar., . Judges of ~lections Polling Place; Registrar, Judges of Election: Polling Place; Registrar, Judges of Elections Pplling Place; Regiatrar Judges of Election: Masonboro Townshipt Polling place; Re~istrar, Judges of Election: Polling Place; Registrar; Judges of'Election: Federal Point Tovrnshfps Pollin.g Place, Registras; Judges of Electiont Isaac Bear School. Mrs. J. B. iiiilTiamson, 15 S. 8th, St. Mrs. R. S. 7~eKeitY~,n, 13 5. 8th, St, -+ 17. G. Evans; 818 Dock St. Tielston School. L.C.LeGwin, 419 S. 5th, St. F.I~.Steljes, 214 I~feares St. + E.I,.Porter, 116 S. 5th. / ~528 ~. Front St. ~ I~rs. I~rry 47atters, 215 Queen St.. P1.S.Register, 507 S. 2nds St., n I~irs.D. G. i~dylie, 615 S'. Front St. ~ngine House, 5th, & Castle S'ts., J.R.Davis, 1314 Dock Street. Geo.P.Gafford, 819 S. 5th, 5t. '~ Geo.T.Nemton, 611 VJooster St. Ittner~s Store, 1608 Narket at. C.R.Branch, 1610 IiBarket St. C.E.Hi11, 2007 Creasy Ave. ~ I.IN.Cooper, 1621 Ann St. Engine House, 17th, & Dock Sts. J.H.Womble, 10 l7rightsville Ave., J.H.Tienke~n, 1513 Ann St. ' J.D,Bellamy, 1616 Orange St. i" Wrightsboro,School. Ia4rs.J.A.~Vestbrook, Rb'D #1~ Box 107. E.L.Herring, RFD #1. ~ ~ ~:rs.6'V,F.Seitter, RFI? #~1. VJinter Park School. ~ H.O. Thomas , ?~]~ f~2, ~Irs.Janet E. High, RF'D ~2. ~.C.Long, RFD #2. Seagate School. PJIrs.PI.C.Taylor, RFD ~3. J.B.Hetivlett, Rb~ ~3. t ~iston Larkins, RFD ~3. 7 I~ile Post,, Norris~ ~tore. G. T. Shepard, RFD ~l. ~ R.C.Tgurray, RFD ~1. I~rs. AZice: R. 1Yag~ma.n, I?l~'D #1. East Wilmir~ton, Roger's Garage. J. Herbert Johnaton, RFD ~~'1. ' C.E.Dixon, RFD #1. J.F.Klein, RFD #1. Lumsden~s Store, 'rlhiskey Creek. . i,4re. Rebecca Lwnsden, RFD ~?, Box Z81. , B. 0. C~ells, R~~ #2.. P. S. L2ontford, RFD ~2. ~unset Park ~chool. ~ L.L~.LeGdvin, Sunset Park. ~ r6rs. R.C.Lucas, Sunset Park. ` A. I,. ~i.ncy, Sunaet Park. Robinson's Stoxe~Carolina Beach Road. J.E.Taylor, RFD ~2. ~ S.A.Zewis, RFD ~2. , S.T.Keyes, RFD #2. The registration books oF each township, ~recinct and ward ehall be kept open for the registration of the electors, Sundaye excepted, between the hours of 9 o'clock ~~-'~~~a:m, and sunset of each day, be~inning on the 5th, day of June, 1937, and ending at sinset on Saturday, June 19th, 1937; and on Saturday, June 5th, 1937, and on Saturday, June 12th, 1937; and on Saturday, June 19th, 1937, the re~istrars shall attend the polling places of tYieir respective townships, precincts and wards with their registration books for the registration of electors. ~~ r ~eeting of' May IOth, 1~37, continued. , , ~r ~ l~~The registrars shall attend tne polling places of their respective townships, ~ ~ precincts and wards with their registration books, on Saturday, preceeding the election, to-wit; June 26th, 1937, from tkie holzrs of 9 o'clock a.m. and the hour of 3 o'clock p.m.~~wnen and where tne said books sha11 be open for the ~ inspection of the electors of said townships, precincts and wards, and any of ~ ~~'`' the said electors shall be allo~ved to object to the name of any person appearing ~ on the said books. Said Boaxd of Commissioners shall, twenty (20) days prior to the opening of the registration books, give public notice of the nevr registration of voters, and thirty days prior to said election give notice of said election, and the purpose of the same, in one or more newapapers published.in'.the City of . Wilminoton, North Carolina,.the said notice of ne~ registration, as well as the notice of the election and the purp.ose of t~e same, may be included in one • advertisement or notice. Upon motion the Chairman vaas empowered and directed to make the advertisement as hereinbefore.set forth. ~ The m eting then adjourned., r-7~'J!/l 7l ~v ~ ~ . Q Q erk. Wilmington, N.C., LZay 17th,1937. .• ~ The regular tiveekly meeting of the Board was held at 3:00 P.i~d. Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.~V.Trask, Jas.I~.Ha11,H.R.Gardner and ,. R.~.Roebuck. ~ The minutes of ineetin~ of May lOth, 1937, ~aere read and approved as recorded. " i Upon motion of N+r. Hall, seconded by P~Qr: Gardner~ the ~605.00 as~essment on the land ~ of Sarah Smith, block #4 was separated and the assessment on the southeast part of , " ~ the east middle lot 6 was fixed at y~200.00, and the middle ahd northeast part lot ' ~ 6 was £ixed at ~4A5.00 in order to clear the taxes on the east middle part lot 6. . The Board declined to purchase a g,a~e advertisement to appear in next Sundays~ issue of the ~Vilmin~ton Star concerning our beach resorts, at a cost of ~$160.00, the two^ '~ ~~ beach resorts and the City of ~Wilmington having purchased space v~hich the Board ~ ~ deems sufficient. , .. Based on the past reputation of the place and upon motion of I~r. Gardner, seconded ,~ .~. by i~x.. Trask, the Board declined to approve an application of Is4r. B.B.Paul for license" to sell beer at Rosevelt Gardens located at the intersection of Castle Hayne and i Gorden roads. ~ ' ~ A request of Tu~iss Velera Williams for a reduction of the assessment on the l"lalker / .. ~~~ tract of land o~vned by the heirs of Mrs. E.R.Gore, Harnett township, on account of v, error in charging more acres than shown by the survey, vras upon motion of AZr.Trask, seconded by ~r. Gardner, referred to the ~ommittee for investigation and tivith power `/ ~i to make such corrections necessa.ry. ~ ` Dr. A.H.Elliot County Health Officer appeared and informed the Commissioners that he •' has been advised through hdr. Alexander, local 6Npp P;ngineer and I~r. R.T.Bt~trney District .1~~ ~~ ~JPA Engineer, that ~~JPA mala'sia mosqnito control work would cease unless the County / „ ~ ~ as sponsors would provide transportation f'or the laborore and foremen engaged in this ' ~~~ti0 work. Dr. Elliot further advised that if transportation could be provided to carry on' ~ ~'~~' to June 30th,1937, wii:hout interruption, a continuation of the ~vork £or the next fisca~l ~year tivou~d better assured, otherwise a continuation of 11fPA assistance 440U~(~ be doubtfu~l. The County not having available trucks at this time'to use for this purpo3e and the ~ ' Board b'e"ing advised that transportation. has heretofore been paid by the workers a,t a ~ ~. cost of 20¢ each per day, it was, therefore, upon motion of T~r. Trask, seconded by P~Tr. \_ Hall, and carxied, that an allowance of 20~ per day, per person, i'or approximately ~ 19 laboroie and foremen, be granted for period from date to June 30th,19.37. , Upon motion of P.ir. '1'rask, the Board voted to meet with I+.Sr.J.H.Stone,assistant Fisherie$ ~` ~~ Commiesioner, other Fis heries afficials, the Commissioners of Brunswick, Pender and ,,,/ , Ct `~~'Onelow Counties in this office at 2:30 P.P~4., b'riday 1~ay 21st. to discuss the matter of ' `-'~~`~~ building a proposed oyster house for the use of those engaged in the business of ~ gatherfng and opening oysters for market, to meet the requirements of the law. •'t . Upon motion of I~r. Trask, seconded by I~r. Hall, Sarah Smith was released from the .. ~ ~ payment of penalty for not listing property in block ~4, for the years 1932 to 1936•Inc..y~ ~: ~~`~' on account of being a non-resident. rf9 ~ ~ ~ P~Za~ckey Ballard, a blind ne¢ro youth and bf feeble mind having been examined by the ' ' ~ assistarit health officer and recor,anended by the ~uperintendent of Public ~Jelfare, was ~ `~. (~/\i~' admitted to the County Iiome as an inmate. • Upon recommendation of the Superintendent of Public ~Velfare and upon motion of l~a~r., Hall, seconded by I~r. Trask, tne Board gave authority to have the Redcross "~ ~'' ~~'-'j Sanitarium make an Xray picture of the broken arm of R~rs. Julia Minnie King, former tVPA sewing room worker, at a cost of ~2.00. 1 . ,,~n Upon motion, duly seconded, county bills Nos. 3446 to 3489 inc., were approved for<~s .` ~T,~,1~~ •paj+tnent. ~.. I Upon motion 'of I~Sr. 'Prask, seconded by I~r. Ha11, the State Highway & 3'ublic Worlcs ; J ~, ~~tj Cornraission was reyuested to repair the loop road at. Castle Hayne. , ~l • Upon motion of Pfir. Gaidner, seconded by ivir. Hall, the following applications f6r~license~ ' -~~ to sell beer at tne locations shown, the same having been investiga.ted and apprbved by the Sheriff, were approved by the Board: ~~ ' M. L. Harriss, Castle Hayne RoadY' ~ j v i9. B. Kornegay, L4asonboro &oop Road~ r~ R. A. Moore, Intersection~I~Sasonnoro..and Carolina Beach roaae. ~ ~i A. E. LlcKoy, $eabreeze.~/ ~ ` .. , . ~ . i. '' , Y ~~$ - Meetin~ oi' ~ay 17tti,1937, continued.' ~ ~ ~,,,A The follo~~ring applications f'or license to sell beer, i~aere upon advise of ~' l r~'~ the Sheriff; declined. '~t,.. ~a~~,.: ~ _~1! , ~ .~ ,:.; . ~:,,;,, °" / ~~ l `~ , , H~~ , tM . r f . +. , 1 . , '% ~ p„ S . ~'?r_ . ~ ~n ~ i~rs. Estlier Bailey, Carolina ~3each Road.~ Robert T. Davis_;/~ " " " ~~ C. A. Ramsey,/~ " " '~ .~ . ~ ~~ith reference to the date and raturity of the ~46,000.00 5chool Building Bonds, it was upon motion duly seconded and carried,'order.ed- that the said,, .bonds shall be dated January lst, 1937, shall be in the denominations of One Thousand Dollare each, ehall bear inte~est at a rate to be named by the ,, ~ bidder, not exceeding_eix per centum'per,~annu~, payable semi-annually on . July lst, and January lst, shall be numbered from 1 to 46, ;both iciclusiqe, and sha11 mature in nu~gerica~l order tv~o bonds on July lst, of each of tlie years 1938 to 1948 both inclusive, three bonds on July lst, of each of the years 1949 to 1956 both inclusive~ • Heports of Associated~Charities, Ladies xest Room and ':Vpa Sewmng'Rooma for(,! the month of April were xeceiQed and ordered filed.' ~,. m .. Upon motion, the contract to audit the books'of the County officers for fis m 1. year ending June 30th,1937,, was a~rarded to ~nr. Ed~vard C. Craft, CPA, at a cost-//~ of jp700.00. ~~/s / ~ Upon request.of the Clerk of the Superior Court and upon motion duly ~econded,•,~ '. ~ 5 the ~3oard authorized the. paymeni~ of ~50.00 to the State Hospita~„at Ralei~h, ~ f~ ~~- N. C., for the treatment of R.C.Tovrles, inebriate. ! ' An invitation wa~ rc?ceived from the 1Vrightsboor Home yeraonstration Club to -~/ ` ~,~ ~ attend the opening of the club L4ay lt3th, at £3s00 oT clock P.iVI. Upon motion, the Board ordered and directecL the refund of ~79.44 taxes paid - • by the Seaboard Air Line 12ailway Company on the east part of lote 3,4,& 5," . - block ~363 for the years 1914 to 1935 inclusive, for the reason that the same L-- ~~~x w ~vas sold to the Atlantic Caast Line Railroad Company August 1913 and being a •. part of its ri~ht of way not assessed locally a~ainst the Atlantic Coast Line. Railroad Company, but vras inadvertently continued against the Seaboard Air Line . ' --, which said Company erroneously paid the taxcs on same as above stated. -- ~ , Upon motion, a lot at Seagate formerly owned by },Zax A. iTe~vber and ~recently ~ purchased by Geo. H. RogerB.at a foreclosure sale by the Peoples Savings Bank ~ x~~ and Trust Co¢ipany, was reTeased from the ~~c~Rx~~ pereonal property tax ~ r due by PJiax A. Ne~~bex charged against the same for the year 1936, and S6r. Rogers , ~ was a17.owed to pay the 1936 tax due on said lot without being required to pay the personal tax for the reason that TSr. Nevrber had no equity in the same. . ~ ,~. A request of Mrs. Barbara Ittner for a reduction of the ~ssessment on property ~~~ • ~ ~ in block #489 with the vie~v of adjusting and clearing the accumula,tiqn .of back _. ,~,i- ~~ taxes due on same,. was referred to the Committee with po~ver to act. ~~~. ~ A re9uest of the City of ~Vilmington that the County abate the 1936 taxes due on ' blocks H, I, J, K and I, Greenfield Terrace, recently purchased by the City / '' ' ~t U from T~rs. ~iarga'ret l'7illard, i~Jas upon motion of Iur. Trask, granted, PROVIDED (/ ~ t\ '"~ the City of 'Nilmin~ton will abate its clairn for cha.rges of street paving ` - • . assesam ents a + gainst the Board of Lducation and the County of New Hanover, for ~ , . street paving at the Ne~~r i-Ianover County High School. ' ~ ~W`~~~ / The follovring ~ood and lacrf ul men were drarvn to serve as jurors in the Superior ' Court for the trial of civil cases f'or week be innin It~ay 31st 1937s ~ ~ g , ~ . J.I.Corbett. F.D.Ed~ards. C.F~.Bender,Jr. D.A.I~eier. ~'1.R.Page. ' , C.F.'~7.Rehder. 1V.D.Hornsby. C.O.Russ. 1?.F.Colema.n.O.E.Padrick. ,~ ~ E.L.Ne~rell. L.G.Cooper. Jno.J.Furlong,Jr.F.S.~iller. A.E.IScKeithan. , ~ L.C.LeGvrin. Jno.D.Hovrell. @/.L,Bryan. H.S.King. F.l9.Mohr Jr. ` . J.B.~xshburn.O.R:Kin~. So1 Sternberger. H.J.S~^reeney.IT.L"~ Burkheimer. , ' st,I.Baxter. J.E.Poevell. J.C.Landreth. H.S.King. T.L.Broc~n. ~ ~' S.Brownlee. J.T.1~feshavr. Jas.S'tephenson. H.E.Everett.,J.I~.Creasy.H.Td.Wo].fe. j . ~ J , . i ~ n adjourned. Tlie meet ng th e ~ ~ ~/ Lf'7~ l~L~. _ tt~/ ,i3 C., P~ay 24th,].937. k. V~ilmingt ~ ~ '. The regular weekl meeting of the Board was held at 3s00 o`clock P.~.. ~• ' ' • Present: Addison Hewlett, Gbairman, Geo.SV.Trask,. H.R.Gardner and~ R.B.Roe~.uck. . ,. The minutes of ineeting of ~Jfay 17th,1937, vrere read and approved as recorded. ' UPon motion, duly seconded the payment of ~20.00 each per vreek for the services ~ of a deputy sheriff at Carolina and l~lrightsville beaches for~period from June sl~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ lst, through Labor Day, ~eptember 6th,1937, was authorized.'It being understood . that such deputy for Carolina Beach will render any assistance he'can if' called ' upon as a deputy sheriff at ~!~ilmington or Kure beaches, should the occasion arise. ' I • I~r. Jas.I.Cre~vs appeared and asked the Comr:iissioners, in the interest of the community in tivhich he resides, near the intersection of State Highv~ay ~~~.atid?the,. • ~ ~~-~e~ Gordon road, to investigate carefully, tlie character and reputation of applicants -~ for license to se11 beer in said community before approvin~; same. ' \ f . \ ~~~ l ldeeting of Dlfay 24tn,1937, continued. - . ,.... , k ( ,~ ~ The Board ~.cting upon the requeat of I~;,r. 'dlheeler and upon rnotion oF I~s~. Roebuck~ voted to go on record to request the State Highway and Public 17orks Commission to ~ ~{ ~~ mA;ke such repairs to the Rock Hill road that v~ould give immediate relief to the ~i~ citizens living on said road until such time permanent repairs arxl improventents can be marle. Sessie Idae Gadyes or Carrie «hitaker a mentally deficient colored citizen, of~this ' ~ounty, recently~'~eturned from Harnett County, having been investigated and `' ~ f ~(ti~~recommended by the Supt., of Public Welfaxe, was upon raotion of NIr. Trask, seconded V` by i~;r. Roebuck, admitted to the County fiome as an inmate. Joseph Bouie vras upon reco;mnendation of ~th~e Supt., of Public Welfare, and upon 1 • ~~~~e..m otion of L7r. 't'rask, seconued by ~r.: Roebuck, admitted to the County Home as an `~ `~ i nmat e. a F`rancis Potter having been committed to the institution for girls at Samarcand,/ by ~,~,, Sye..-~ the Juvenile Judge, authorit~r_', was upon motion of I~ir. Gardner, seconded by I~r! - ~ Trask, ~iven the Superintendent of PubTic ~'delfare to provide transportation. A request of 1dr. 4F.H.Register for adjustment of the assessment on hie property in ~ ~~'t~ block #117 with the vie~~ of c3:ea,ring the back taxes on same rras referred to the ` Committee with povrer to act. ' ~~ The Board having declined, to approve tne application submitted by Robert T. Davia at meeting of R~ay 3rd, to sell beer at location on the Caroliria ~each road~,riear t e nine mile post, on account.of being e~ployed elsewhere and not in a position to gise ~ the business his personal supervision, and it now appearing that ha hasr.ei~nce given ' ~ up his work and can devote h3s time to the said business, and letters of•.zecoirnnendation ~ having been presented b~ ~r. Aa,ron Goldberg from ~fessrs. L.A.Raney, F.E.Livingston, ~ Harris Evenson and E.L.Robinson~;as to his good character, the Board, theref'ore, upon' motion of Idr. Roebuck, seconded by I'+s. Gardner, recinded its~' action of Iu~ay 3rd, 1937 and approved hie application Por license to sell beer at the location mentioned. • ~ •A.~..u,:~, ' ~- .~•,4;~ ~ R ', ~$ .. ~ 4 , An action of this Board at this meeting to defer approval of application f'or license t' sell beer at 4Vinter Park submitted by Sam H. Blake on account of possible annoyance t~ ~~ ~ the residents in that community on account of the operation of a dance haTl in /~ / connection with the beer business u~as recinded and upon motion of ~Sr. Roebuck, seconded : by I~ir: Gardner the said application was approved when it was shocrn th~,t tho§e'residing adj2~bent to the ~roposed place of business had signed his application for beer license .. and further when it wa~ agreed the business would be conducted in a quiet and orderly. • ,, ' . ~' E °';~'",~r: „. .. . manner. ` ~ Applications submitted by T~4rs. Zucy Jenkins, E.H.Iiall and H.G.Sneeden for licen~e to se 1~ beer at location at Inland Service Station Carolina Beacli Road, Airport r~,nd Winter Park~ y.` , `` respectively, ~vere upon motion approved, after havingibeencinvestigated•.-andiapproved7byithe Shexiff • . , • With reference to the,matter of a I~~Lr. Redfern acquiring the half acre of land, part of Canady tracti on route #30 near Scotts Hill, by foreclosing the tax lien by the County for the collecti.on of the ~44.00 accumulated back taxes on the same; It was upo~i ~ motion of li~r. Tras;k and carried, that the County Attorney use 2zis discreation in the •. ~~ ~~ matter of bringin~ suit for the collection of the taxes and provided that f~r. Redfern' ~ ~vill first make a deposi.t of ~50.00 to cover all necessary expenses and advertising , !'.. ~ costs in.connection with the same. The County not guaranteeing the title to the said , '~ ~ land in the event of a sale, or in any manner assuring P5r. Redfern to be the successful bidder; ho~rever it vras agreed that in the event another person avould be the successful " Y biddex all money advanced by Pu~r. Redfern vaould be refunded to him. ~,' . . ,; A notice of sale of $~~46,000.00 New Hanover County School Building Bond's by the Local ~f:,~ Government Commission, by sealed bids to be re ceived at its office_in Raleigh until ~;~- •~ ~~ 11:00 o'clock a.m., June 8th, vaas received, approved and ordered published, in the ' t4'ilmin~tonStar, i.ssue of T~day 25th,1937, as directed. ~ ~~ . . Upon mdtion, duly seconded, the heirs of Da.vid'Nixon ~vere reTeased from the payment S, • of penalty for not listing three quarter acre of la nd, part'Sidbury, Harnett tovmship,~~~ e ~~.~, for the year 1936, for the reason that orie of the heirs. who has been attending to the . ~ listing of same, vu~as out of the County at listing time: ' . ", ~.;; . No objection ~va.s indicated by tYie ~oard for the use of trie Court House ya.rd to ser~e ., a• ,;.~unch to the Boy Scouts in connection with the dedication of the new postaoffice "- ~ ~ Saturday June 29th. ~ ~ + National Memorial Day, I~i ay 20th,1937, being a legal holiday and fallin~; on Sunday,J ~~r ,, the Board, upon motion of hdr. Gardner,seconded by T;'!r. Roebuck, gave authori.ty to , ~ fati~• observe I$onday R~fay 31et, as a legal holiday. ' ~ A petition bearing the signatures of 34 citizens and tax payers of IJfasonboro Township .-' to hace a road constructed from a point on the Carolina Beach road, approximately two -- ~ miles'from~the City limite, running thence soui~hwestwa.rdly 'and along the course of y~~. • S~~ ''~ an old road to the eastern bank of the Cape Fear river at a point ivhere it would tie V~ " ~~~'C in vrith the proposed riverside road project, was received and upon motion of I„r.Trask, '~~ seconded by IRr. Roebuck, approved, PftOVIDED the same v~ill not in any raanner interfere . - ' with the construction of the Riverside Road project connecting V7ilmin~ton with the Southern Beaches, and same ordered referred to the State Highway and Rzblic ~Jorks • " Comraission for its consideration. - Upon motion of ?3r. Trasl;~f seconded witn I~,Sr. Gardner, the action of the Committee in . ad.justing the assessment and perfecting aettlement of all back taxes due on the property I f'i~ ~t of Geo. B. Applewhite block #125 on an assessment basis of ~$1,225.00 for the years ~'` 1921 to 1936 inclusive, on account of the deterioxated value of the property and zor 4~ ~ the purpose of gettin~ it sn the.:hands of ne~v ovtners and on a tax payin~ basis ~vas • approved,and.payment of $~500.00 and cancelYation of a judgment of the Superior Court , for taxes cost and interest on the said property in full settlement thereof ~vas accepted, approved and authorized. ~ ' ' • r . • 1 , . ,~ . , .:.,r,, ~N,:3:=.. .,~, ';. \ ti ~ ' Nieeting of igay 24tn,1937, continued. Upon motion of Lir. Gardner, secondeu by 1~dr. Trask, instructions were given to ~ write the lionorable Robert Grady Johnson, newly appointed member of the State // ~~ High~vay and Public 49orks -Gommiseion for t?iis district, expressing the approval and pleasure of this Board of llis appointment as a member of. the Commission, / ~ and to extend to him an•invit.ation to meet «ith this Boaxd, at iiis convenie nce, . to exchange ideas and to discuss the road pro~ram generally in this district ~~, under the ne~v organization. In accordance with an Act of the General Assembly 1937, this Boasd upon motion ~ oS' Tdis'. Gardner, se conded by Y~Gr. Trask, appointed Pdiss 7ane D. Wood as its ~~~~ member on the Idew Hanover County Bba_rd of Public t'lelfare, and recoirnnended to the State Board of Public VJelfaxe, the a:ppointment of 2br. J. B. Huntington as / its member on the New Hanover County Board, in vie~r of P~Gr. • Cyrus VanY~enven ~ ~ having declined the appointment made by the State Board. f~ JO~ The Board acting upon the request of the Clerk of Superior Court and upon motion ~~ • •~ C`SC. dIIly seconded, autnorized the payment of ~50.00 to the State Hospital at ~ ' l~aleigh for treatmerit of John R. Dobson, inebriate. ~ A bid submitted by A.L.Gaydos,a steeple jack,residing at 708 No. 5th, Street, to .~~~replaoe all missing slate and renail all loose slate on the Court House ~oof and clock tower, renail and paint ridge ro11 for the sum of `~48.00 i~ras referred to the Court House Committee vrith power to act. ~ Upon motion, the bid for printing the forty six bonds for the ~p46,000.000 School ~. ~ ~~~, Building Bond issue, was awarded to the Secuity Banknote Company of Phil~~cielphia ,. . _ at- a cost of $74.00, it being the lowest bid'der. • ,' i , . ~ ~ Upon motion~,the,Chairman and the County Auditor tivere authorized to go to Releigh ~~ ~, for tne purpos'e~,of negotiating the purchase of yp84,600a00 Idew Hanover County - ~, ~- G.~~"~-School notes from t~e State for the sinYing funds account, and. were instructed to '" v ;NS:'; ~ purchase the said notea even in the event a ref~und •of' t~e interest paid f'or period '= from December 15th,1936 to December 15th,1937, or any ~art thereof,is refused. • . i , \ Upon motion the County Attorney v~ras instructed to r~rrite Thor~son,tvood and Hoffman, ~~ ~j0`nQ bond attorneys, •instructing them to prepare the form'of bond for the ~46,000.00 ~_~ School Building bond issue, for adoption by this I3oard a a subsequent meeting:- / An audit report of Ja~.4Valker Hospital for year ending Decetnber 31st,1936,~ras~ ~ -~ - ~`~"t~ . ` ~ received. • The following good and lawful men vrere drawn to serve as jurors in'~the Superior ' -~1~~'6QCourt for the trial of cri~ninal cases for weeY, beginning "rxonday June 7th,: •~~ L.E.T~lorton. Ed Potter. I.N.Itemp. ~^(.D.~4illiams. .Dan Benton. ~'. Rubin. ~.C.LeGi~+in. J.PI.(qenberg. 4J,P.Sanders. '.'s.C.Baldv~in. 4d.T.Parker. J.A.Barefoot . , ~ R.O.Piner. R.~.Hyman. J.P.Herring,Jr.G.B.Craig. TI.C:h2cIver. D.iv~.Davis,Jr.~ I,.E.Williams. L.G9~uilliar~s. L.B.Bennett. Robert Guyton. 1f7.7L.Iiumphrey. J.L.Bryant. il ~ r: • • G.Id.Ormsby. Sanuel Daniels.N,P.Brovrn. E.B.I~3intz. ~ R.P~.Roberts. R.R.Christie. • R":E.Arthur. 'rV.S.2~~otte. r~.D.Craig. E.Li.All.en. S.E.4`Jood. ~ R.D.Jewett. ~!` ' 1^F.G.~armer. ~;.J.Grimsley. H.Id.Kendall. J.M.Sharp. J.E.Gillard. ~~ • The mQeting'.~hen•a.djourned. . ' ' ~G ' e ci`it~ ~l . . ~ erk. `7, rF V~'ilmington, AT. Q., June lat,1937. „ The. regular weekly meeting was held this day at_ 3s00 0' cloclc F.M. •~. present: Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.~4,Trask,Jas:Pi~.Ha11,H.R.Gardner and , ' R.S.Roebuck. ~~ ; An applicatvon submitted by Iu~rs. Leth~ Snipes for license to sell beer at location / l on the Carolina Beach Road, approximately si:~ miles"from the City, the same having ' ,i- !~~-L~~.been investi~ated and recounnended by the Sheriff, v~as upon motion o£ Mr. Hall; .~`%~ ~ • seconded by T.~Ir. Roebuck, approved by the Board. ~ ' An application for license to sell beer at location on the Castls Hayne road ~ ' , ~v. _, submitted by ;±ir. J.V~.Aewlei:t, was upon motion of S~1[r. Hall, seconded by Tdr. Roebu"ck, e~~~~approved subject to the approval of the ~.herif%. • ~ Upon motion of 1~Ir. Ha.ll, seconded by L;r. Gardner, the payment of ~40.25 to The .-' ~,~"~'Bond Buyer for publication of the notioe of the sale of ~46,000.00 School Building ~. ,.,~ onds, was approved. • ~ Upon motion of nir. Roebuck seconded by Prr. Trask,.authority was given to purchase ~` an additional A?i~ P+ietal ta~ile for the use of ~~the patrons of the Register of Deeds ~ •, ~~.~-~'~record vault at a cost of ~115.50 as recommended and requested by the Register of , ~ ~ Deeds. .. ~ The Commissioners being inforr~ed by a communication received from T~r. rrarilz L. Dunlap, ' ~ Chairman of the State Highevay and Public 1`iorks Commission, that Highway Commiss3oner l~obert Grady Johnson of this District has designated the second Saturday in each ;,/ month at Burgaw where he will be available to discuss with the governing badies of ` ~~ the several counties of his district, matters pertaining to the road service in their ~r/ ~~~ respective counties; TSr. Gardnervmoved and it was seconded by I~r. Roebuck and carried w that this Board prepare a list of proposed road projects for this County and meet vaith ' Yur. Johnson at Burga~l Saturday June 12th, to discuss the matter with the idea of ~: formulating a pro~ram for the execution of the same. , It was the sense of this Board in con~ideration of peace among the inmates at the / ~Gounty Home, that the Sugerintend~n,t of Public Z4elfare make every effort to keep from / . • ~~ti~ returning Puirs. Alice Pdary Gurga}~eous to the County Home fror~ the place of her present . abode. / ~eeting of June lst,1937, continued. ~ Upon motion of Iair. Gardner, the Board agreed to meet with members of the Eastern Carol}'ra `~~,Q'Chamber o£ Commerce in this office 11s00 A.1:~i., Friday June 4th, to hear and discuss /. plans they have to present concerning the cooperation of the Counties in a section / wide advertising plan in connection v~ith the ~2~50,000.00 appropriation made,by the 1937 General Asse~ably to be used by the Coriseivation and Development Department in advertising North Carolina during the,next trvo years. I~gr. Pd. J. Pickett an employee of the Southern Oil Company requested a refund of 1936 poll taxes collected by garnishment, on the grounds that he had listed his ,_ 1936 taxes in Gu~,lford County arxl moved here in June 1936, and i's therefore not /'~~ liable for 1936 poll ta~s in this County, was asked to present his 1936 Guilford County '~ax receipt. Upon motion _the opening of b~ds for furnishing and installing a vertical tubeless ,,/ ~~~,,,,~ boiler at the County Home laundry, was postponed until next meeting pending receip~ V' ~" -'~'"` of further bids. . Upon motion of ~Sr. Trask, seconded by 1dr. Gardner, authority was given to have the / ~ t Drainage force repair the brid~e over the ditch'on a road at Idlewild connectirig '/ `~~~ Yrrightsville Turnpike with the Ialewild se~tlement, as requested by 1~r. J.E.Allard / ~/ William Evans~of Harnett totivnship vras upon motion g~anted an abatement of taxes on /. /~'~ a male dog charged to him in error f or the year 1936, as recommended by the Ta,s; Lieter. No objection v~as indicated by the Board upon the application of I~.rix~. B. 5. Reynolds 1~ ~~~ before the United States District L+'n~ineers office, ~o_construct two piers in BanksY J ~~ Channel at ';9rightsville Beach. ~ A communication received from I~disa Jane D.. Wood,,requesting additiorial time to c:onsider her appointment to the County ~7elfare Board before making a decision, we.s granted / but vias requested to let this Board have her decision as, early as Saturday June 5~ri;~ .r~~ if possible, to enable the Commissioners to take such action at ,their meeting P:Ronday, ~necessary toward the preparation of a budget for the nev~ VJelfare set up. Upon motion of IuSr. Ii~ll, secondea by Iu1r. Trask, an item of $8.28 taxes appearing on / ~` the back tax records against 3.7 acres of land, Harnett tovanship, in the name of •~ ~~ VI~ J.F.~picer for the year 18£30 and $8.80 for the year 1884, was ordered cancelled as being a doubtful charge. ~ .. " 1 ;~r ,. . ~~ .` ~ • ' J^ , Upon motion of i~tr. Trask; seconded by T~dr. Hall, the Board adopted the recommendations ,• : _ of VJoodus Kellum, Esq., Back Tax Collector f or CaroTina BeaCh, and upon opinion of ,,-. the County Attorney, in pro-rating tne proceeds received £rom the sale of certa,in,, /,~p~ lots for taxes at Carolina Beach to the fu11 payment of the taxes due thereon on f/ - ~ i ~~'° account of insuf'ficient funds realized at the sale to pay, the said taxes, and in. . ` ~• order to clear the title in making the transfer; and an abatement of taxes on the ~. . \' follo~aing said lots was granted in the name and awounts shotims _. '• ; . J , Artie G. Bolling, block #60, lot ~13 Carolina.Beach- for the year 1.935- ~ 4.00. J) v J.C.Hobbs, block #80, lots 13 &~~ -" " year8 1930 to 1934- 25.891 ~ J i'J.Y.Blckett, block #126, lot #5,~ " "" 1931 to 1936- 18.2Q ^' '' ~J.F.Bridgers, lot 60 X 110 feet, " " for the year 1935- ' 3.75. The matter of exchanging a part of the land along the Gordon road at the Airport for. .~ ' ,~ two or three acres of back land «ith I~dr. A.C.Stephens for, top-soil for grass at the ~ ~.~`, ~~ G,, Airport, ~s upon motion of P~Hr. Gardner, seconded by Ts~r: Roebuck, referred to the . -~.~, .~, Chairman and Committee for,investigation and to secure the necessary facts and report -, „ their_reco~nendations to the Board at a subsequent meeting. - . A request of the Tax Assesaors to employ the services of 3dir. Geo.H.Ro~ers for tvao or ~ three days, to assist them.in locating ovrnership of certain lots at 5eagate for taxatidr~/', , `~(,~~, in the absence of a map showing this information, was upon motion.of PSr..Ha11, seconded ,~. by 1~.r. Gardner, granted. A request of A~r. R.J.d~ndrews, IlIort~a~ee, for a reduction of the assessment on the ~ property of Hugh N. Pace, block ~75, with the view of adjusting the accumulated back''~~ .~~~~~ taxes in order to secure a proper bid,,:,was referred to the Committee with povaer ,to act. ~ A report of. Iurs. Edna M. Cantt+ell, S'etiving Roome Supervisor, shov+ing values to the amount ~'~~ of ~94,93?.21 on articles made frorrc ERa and. ~ppA materiaLs, turned over to the City anfl h v, ~~?#~- County to date. ' Upon motior~ of T:4r. Gardner, seconded by l~r. Roebuck, authority was given to issue , ~~~County's check in the amountof ~84,600.00 to the State Treasurer in'payment of the v'y "' purchase of New Hanover School Notes, held by the, State. the County Home _ ' Upon motion of I~r. Gardner, seconded by I~Sr.- Hall, authori{;y,was given to screer~porch ~ ~ ~ r~1~y„~..connecting kitchen and dining room etc:., as pointed out by the Chairman, at an t.~r approximate cos t of p25.00. , . The m ting then adjourned. r~l~~i ~l ~~c.z-?~ ~ L-,l- ~ ....s ~ :` .~ . reti :~ ~~ :,d,.~,:r:. ~,~w~ .= ~ ~~ F' l \ 50~ _ ,t'~ilmington, N. C., June 7th,1937. ~ ~ The regular vreelcly meeting of the Board was held at 3:00 P.~~. . Present: .4ddison He~vlett Chairman, Geo.4Y.Trask, Jas.Pd.Ha11,N.R.C~rdner and • R.B.Ftoebuclc. ' ~`. . " ~ , The minutes of ineetings of P,fay 24th, and June lst, v+ere read and approved as fz `,~ r , 9'0~' recorded. Dr. J~hn T. Hoggard Chairman of the Board of Education and Supt., H.I:~i.Roland appeared and told the Board that all the bids r~centby received for the . improvements to Tileston, Hememvay, Cornelious Harnett and the construction of a scnool building at Carolina Beach vaere too high to undertake the improve- ~ • ments as planned and keep vrithin the ~46,000.00 provided for this purpose. The ,_ ~. advance in cost o£ materials and approximately 47J increase in cost of labor, ~!~ ogether ~~ith certain.changes in elevation at Tileston at an additional cost ~ ~ ~~r of y~2,000.00 in order to provide additional class rooms, vaere responsible for k t ~ o ed the cost beyond that estimated several v~eeks ago. Authority was ae ~ ~' ~ , proceed ~vith the improvements to Tileston school and the construction of the Carolinz Beach school; whereupon I.4r. Hall moved and 3~t vras seconded by Ia7r.Roebuck • and casried, that tiie building program be left within the discretion of the Board ~ . of Education and approved the building of the Carolina Beach School and .'im~~ove~erYs to Ti1e:,-b~a. a ts he t~~JO main projects. ((~~ ' The~folloc/ing resolution was introduced by Commissioner R. B. Etoebuck, ~ seconded by Commiwsioner Jas. 1si. Hall, and upon roll call ~vas unanimously adopted L ,• ` by the affirmative vote of all memberst•present: I , ~ . . , • 1RESOLUTION ~ , ~ FIXIIJG THE FORI~R ANI3 DETAII,S OF FORTY-~ ~ " ~ •' SIX T~IOI3SaDTD DOI,LA~ L~p46,000) SCHOOL , BUII.DIIJG BOI+IDS OF P~~'i F.l~rIOVER COUNTY, ~ • NORTH CAROLINA, AND PFtOVIDING FOR THE ~ LEVY OF 'PAXES FOR THE PAYf~NT OF FRIN- , ,, . , CIPAL OF AND IIdTE13EST ON SAID BOTSBS. ;. - ~ '~ FlFIEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Ne~v Hanover County, North -. '. , Carolina; did on the 3rd,'day of May 1937, adopt an order entitled "An order , • authorizing the iss.uance of Forty-~ix Thousand Dollars (~46~000) School Bonds ~. -- of lJew Hanover County, Nortn Carolina", ard . ,• ,. , ~ - •~fI~HEAS, the purpose for which said bonds are authorized to be issued are . ~. necessary•expenses of New Hanover County, and , ~YHEg.EAS, said oruer vras first published after final passage on the 4th, day '. • pf'I;;~y, 1937, and no petition for its submission to the voters has been filed under ~ the County Finance Act as amended, and ' ~9HEREAS~, said order is in effect and it is now desired to ~ix the form and • .f details of eaid bonds. ),. ', ' ,' NOk7, Ti-IEREF'ORE, B~ IT RE30LVED BY THG n0A?tB Or' COUNTY COIS[~4ISSIONF,RS OF 1dE;UV ' ~ , HANO~TEH COUDTPY, NORTH CAROZINA, ~ . ". Section 1. That the life of the improvements i~or vrhich said bonds are to be ~~ • • issued computed from a day not later than one year after the date of passage of the " order providing for the issuance of said bonds is twenty years. , Section 2. That tnere enall be issued ~'orty-S~ix Thousand Dollars (~46,000). .~' . S',chool Building Bonds of Nevr Hanover County, North Carolina, dated January lst,1937, . of ~he denomination o£ $~1,000. each, numbered from 1 to 46 inclusive and payable ' ' ,; ~ serially in nur~erical order ~2,,000 bonds on July 1 in eacl~i of the years 1,938 to 1948 inclusive and ~y3,000 bonds on Jul~ 1 in eaCh of the ~*ears 1949 to 1956 inclusive. ~ , S'~id bonds ehall bear intereat at such rate or rates not exceeding 6 per centum per ~ ~ . ~ ~ annum in multiples of 1/4 oS lJ as shall be deternined at the time of the sale of' G ~ said bonds, interest to be payable semi-annually on January 1 and Tuly 1 in each ) ° year. Botn principal of and intereet on said bonds shall be payable in lawful money of the United•St.ates of America at +he ATational City Bank in the City of New York, -., State of P;err York. p:' . ~ Said bonds shall be issued as coupon bonde ~~ith the privilege of regietration , •. ~. a~ to:`principal only on books to be kept by Thos, I~. 1'loody hereby designated as Registrar for that purpose. Said bonds shall be signed by the Chairman and Clerk M• ~ , of the Board of County Commissioners and sealed ~Jith i;he corporate seal of saitl ~ Covnty: Coupons attached to said bonds shall be executed l~+ith the fac-simile 1/ ; ~ignature of eaid Clerk of the I~oard of County Commissioners, vrhich fac-simile signature is hereby adopted as and for due and sufficient authentication oi' said ~ --. coupons. • ~ sm, ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~" Said bonds, coupons and provision for registration shall be in substantially the following form, to-~~it: ~ UPIITs,D STATES OF AP3ERICla STATE OF IdOI~TH CAFtOLITTA I~'~Y H?~iOVER COUIdTY ~CHOOL I3UIL-IDTG BO1V~ No. ~ ~1,000 ~ NeN Aanover County, North Carolina, for value received hereby acknovlledges ' , itself indebted and promises to pay to bearer, or,, if this bond be re~istered,to ' the registered owner hereof, the sum of ONE THOI~AnTD DOT,LE1.F,i`"a ~ (~1,000.00) on the first day of July, 19 , with i.nterest thereon at the rate oP ~eetir~ of ,Tune 7th, 1937, continued. per centun per ar~num, payable serni-annually January 1 and Tuly 1 upon• presentation and surrend~r of the annexed interest coupons as they severally be- ~ cone due, ~oth principal and interest on this bond being payable in latvful r~oney ~/ of the United States of~America, at t.he,National City ]3anlt in the City .of IJeiv Xork, itate of New York. , This bond is issued for the Purpose of coristructing additions to existing school buildin~s and erecting a nevr school building in TIevJ Hanover County, North Carolina, }vhich school buildin~;s are necessary for the maintenance of public schools in said . County for.a term of at least six months each year as required by the Comstii:ution ,~ of North Carolina, under, pur~uant to and in full compliance ~vith the ConsCii~ution and statutes of the State of Tlorth Carolina, including amon~ others the County Finance Act and the Local Government Act and acts amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto and in pursuance of psoceedin~s of the Board of County Commissioners of Ne~v Hanover County, North Carolina, duly adopted and taken. It is hereby certified, recited and declared that all acts, conditions and things required to exist, happen and be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this bond, exist, have hay~pened and have been ~ierfoxr,ied in due ti~ae, form and manner as required by law and that the amount of this bond,together ~~+ith all other indebtedness of said County, does not exceed any limit prescribed by the Cons~itutSon of said ~tate or by any statute thereof and that provision has been r~ade for the levy9 of an annual t~.x sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on this. bond as the same respectively become due and payable. The full faitl: and credit of said Ney~ , iianover County are hereby irrevocably pledged for the punctu~.l pajmient of the principal of and interest on this bond. ` Thie bond may be registered as to principal in the name of the.holder in ~~ accord ance with the provieions endorsed hereon. ' IN WITZSLSS ?`F'tIEFiEOr, NeR~ Hanover County, North Carolina, has cau,ed this bond to be signed by the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners and the Clerk of said Boaxd of County Commissioners. and the corporate seal of said County to be A hereto affixed and has caused the interest coupons~hereto attached tio be executed' ~vith i;he facisimi_le signature of said Clerlc and this bond to be dated the lst day of January, 1937. , . Chairman, Board of County ComraisN.ioners, Nec~ Hanover County, North Carolina. • Clerk, Board of Count.y Conunissioners.~ - NecJ Hanover County, Nortti Carolina. i ( Form of Coupon) ~ N6 ~ January On the lst day of July 19 , 2Iew Hanover Count.y, Idorth Carolina, will pay ta bearer hereof Dollars (~ ) in lawful money of the United ~tates of America z~t the 2lational City t3ank in the City of 13ew York, S'ta~~ of I~Ietv York, bein6 six month:~ interest then due on its School Building Bond;, dated Sanuary 1, 1937, No. . ~ ~ , Clerk, Board of County Cornmissioners , (Provision for Registration.) This bond may be registered as to principal in the holder'~ name on the , book~ of Thos. K. ~Yoody, Clerk, sizch registration Geir~ noted upon this bond by eaid Registrar, after vrhich no transfer sha11 be valid unless made on said books by the re~istered holder and similarly noted on the bond, but the same may be diecharffed from registration by bein~ transferred to bearer after vahich it shall be transferable by delivery but it may be again registered as befores The registration of the bond as to principal sha1P not-•r.estrain'the negotiability of the coupons by delivery merely. - , ( No vfriting hereon except by Thos. K. 'Noody, Clerk as Fcegis trar. ) Date of Registration In 1`Jhose Tiame Re~;ietered Re~istrar ~ ~ ~~ i• Section 3. That there shall be annu~Lly assessed, levied and collected,upon all taxable property in Ne~r Hanover Countj~, North Carolina, at the same time and in the 3ame manner as other County taxes are assessed, levied and collected, an ad valereM tax suffic.ient to pay the interest on said bonds and to provide for the ~ payment of the princmpal thereof v~hen due and said tax shall annually be aesessed, ~evied and collected lvhile said bonds or any of them remain ou~standing and unpaid. Section 4. That this resolution shall take eff'ect immediately and all resolutions or parts thereof in conflict here~vith are hereby repealed. The vote upon the adoption of the foregoing resolution was as followst ~ Yeas - Five Nays - None ; / J ~eeting of June 7th, 1937, continued. ' ~n application submitted by N1rs. J.E.Cason Tor license to sell beer at location onm "~ ~the Carolina Beach road,• having been approved by the Sheriff, v~s upon motion of R , y r,7r. Gardner, approved b~the Baard. ' ~ ~Ir. Hall seconded b ~ r,- , Upon motion of iVIr. Iiall, seconded by Mr. Gardner, the proposal urged by r,Tr. Iv.G. ' .,~gBartlett that this Board appropriate funds in cooperating r,rith the Eastern Carolinu ,,~hy~,`~~~~' Chamber of Comm~rce in adverti,sing Eastern Idor.th Carolina, was declined. vV. The c;ontract to furnis:h and in~tall a ten H.P2, vertical tubeless boiler complete, in the Count_y Ho~:ie laundry, in accordance with the specifications, v~as upon motion of Y~:r. Trask, seconded by f~r. Hall, a~iarded to the ~7ilmington Iron ~'dorks in and for the ount of ~p315.00 less 2~ discount payment in ten days, it being the lovrest bidder. ' Other bidders were: ~ S?/' , Braodfoot Iron ~lorks, M1~p'335.00 less 5~ =~ 318.25 A. E. Cumber, 399.75 L'~ Ideal Plumbing Company, ~ ~ 423.00 ~ ~ . . , Lingo Ytletal ~7orks, 320.00 ~ ~, ' A bid to replace all misaing slate shingles on the Court House arxl tower roofs. and ~ re-fasten all loose s12,te, paint~ridge roll and valleysy vras av~arded to A.L.Gaydoa ' _p;zn and for i;he total sum of $~48.00. The only other bid received P78.9 that of the • ~ /~~:~'~~~Hz.nover IDron 4Vorks for the sum of ~p112.00 for replacing defective 31ate with nes~r slate, /V and painting valleys and:ridge roll of Court House rooi and ~150.00 for the same repairs to the Clock Totiver, malcing a total of ~262.00.. ~ ~. , The Chair:•man announced that the claim of IRrs. 4Varren of Federal Point torrnship fo~ theJ ~ loss of five each of small turkeys arxl crhicY.ens destxoyed by dogs has been settled ' '~ b.y IdIr. Le~~is, the owner of tne dog or dogs. p f IL~l1 k re9uest of•Is. R. F. Hevrlett for a reduction of the assessment on property in ~~ bloek #574 was referred to the Cor~mittee vaith po~ver to act. , • ~~,~ . °' - P_ request of E.F.Colson for a reduction of the assessment on property in block #94 • `~• ~ crith the view of adjusting the back taxes due on same, was referred to the Committee ~ t ;'": `{. for investigation and with power to act. • t• , `~a / ~ ~~ '. Upon motion of b;ir. Hall, seconded by M~. Gardner,and acting upon an order`of the ,,~ ecorder, authority was given to pay tm the Associated Charities, ~p4.6Q transportation •~ I~or ~isa Zuella Hutahinson t,o Quitma.n, Ga. ~ A communication ti-ras received from the State Hi~h~vay ~C publie ~"lorks Corrunission advising that reyuest for improvements to the tv~o short roads leading from tFie Carolina Beach ~ ~~ ` road throu~h SuLV:ier Hill .4 of a mile, and road leading from the old 47rightsville ', ~~d ~turnpike near Bradley's Creek toaard Route ~30, respectively, and to be included in t the State Hi~hlray system, were declined. ' e a.request of the Board of~Education that the sum of ~30,000.00 be placed to~the credit '~'~ ~of the bud~et Building Fund account, was granted. ~~ • In ~vrie~v of the cuxtailment in the funds to complete the F&~r Ground projects and , half unit of stadium, the Chaiiman recommended completion of the folloiving work as a/ a ,p~L~ necF~ ~YPA project after July lst,1937, which m~et with the approv~l of the Boardt _~~~~ . ~ " . Erect Light Poles. ._ . • • Finish; surfacing race tracks ~vith clay*. / Construct fence around race tracks ( materials on handj '' / '' Surface floor of exhibition building ~vith clay and passage vaay./ under stadium. ' . Complete fill vtithin race tracks, (estimated 4000 yards) T~psoil runway area ~vithin race tracY.:circle. ' ~ Erect doors-Exhibition buildin~. ' Con~truct Y~alf section of Stadium. „ Clay-surface around Stadium. _ J ' • construct certai.n roads within the grounds. V ~ Upon motion of Pu~r. Roebuck, seconded by T~Sr. G~rdner, authority wae given to have a ~ sketch or bline print made for-the ~onstruction of the half section of Stadiurn at the`~ •'' Fair Grounds.. M . A communication u~ras received from ISiss Jane D. VJood deelining the appointment to the ,/ ~ounty ~'Jelfare Board; P,~hereupon T,ir. Hall modeQ~ and it v~as unanimously casried, tY~t `,~Ij / •' s~~ T~;rs, Tnomas J. Gause be a~poinbed as the ~Commissioner.s member to the County 'tiJelfare `~ i _ .. ' Board. , ~ ~. At this point IvLr. Etoebuck tooY. the occasion to thank the `t~7ilmington ~tar-PTe~rs fox`~ ~ *• ~"its activities in assisting in a beautification ~ovement to beautify the Qounty~'s '' ~p~auper Oak Grove Cemetery, and advised that anygne vrishin~ t o rnake donations of '~' plants~, flo~vers or the lilce, may call Commissioner Jas.IuI.Hall ~Phone 192, or ~ , Id1r/. Roebuck, ~Phone ~1237. ' ' ~ ~,,~N~. Roebuck dJas congiatulated by the members oP this Board in his elevation to the / '~''°~ Presidency of the Lyons Club. ; Upon motion of R7r. Gardner, seconded by Iatr. '1'rask, the Boanl gave instructions ~to~ • ~ ~-ask for bids for the burial of the County's white indigent dead, et'fective on and after ~ V-~ . . ., ~~.~w~ July lst,1937. , • The meeting then adjourned. ~ ~ , , ~ 1~~:~.~ ~ "~ j~lerk. '~ .d~ ~. Upon rnoti"or~ of Mr. Roebuck, seconded by ISr. Gaxdner, and upon recormnendation of the ' Superintend2nt of Public 'd7elfare, authority was given to provide transportation for ' Grotchen Campbell, now in the care~of I~,~rs. Elsie i~?eilson, and a County charge, '~' 5~£o Thomasville Orphanage, Id.C.~, where he is~ to~be entered in the Baptist Orphanage, /~ and authority was given to place Freddie Campbell, 11 year o1d youth with }~'frs.NeilsonY at a•cost of p2.50 per ~veek for riis maintenance.. ~d'ilmington, N. C., June 14th,1937. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 3s00 o'clock P.ti. Presentt Addison iiewlett Chairman, Geo.l~J.Traslc, Jas. Id. Hall, axid..A:R•:Gardner. 'Phe minutes of ineeting of June 7th, 1937, vrere read and approved ae recorded. ~~~~ A re9uest of fui'rs: Florence R, S'ts`ange for a reduction of assessmenta~on property~ in blocks Nos. 50 and 103 ~~rere referred to the Committee for._investi tion. A request ~of ISr. D.C.Whitted for a reduction of assessmenty on property in blocke./ ~~~~~~ 248,~50, 34.9,35i and 543 were referred to the Tax rUSSessors. An application for license to sell beer at or near TSacumbers Station, Harnett township, submitted by Solomon Jenkins and urged by Aaron Goldburg,~sq.., the same ~ ~ y~r/ having been approved by the Sheriff, t~as upon motion of bfir. Hall, seconded by O Ns. Gardner, approved. i~~ir. Traek requested to be recorded as not voting. Application of Henry T. Roderick ~for license to eell beer at locatiori, on, the Carolina ~,~1-,t,y2/~ Beach road, the same having been approved by the Sheriff vras upon motion approved by ' UO the Board. I~Sr: E. S. Bland, ABC enforcement officer, appeared and told the Commissioners.that he had purchasecl a bottle of beer f'rom the LetiF~is Filling Stataon on the Carolina ~,~„J~f Beaeh road, which.said place is not licensed to sell beer, and exhibited the bottle~ ~ f'IT~- of beer purchased ~efore the Boa.rd. ~. Bland was instructed to turn the matter over to the proper authorities f'or indictment. Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by I3r. Gardner, the rate of interest f'or the ~46,000.00 Netiv Hanover County School Building Bonds, heretofore authorized to be • ^~.~' issued by the Iloard, was fixed at 3% and the action of the I,ocal Government Cornraiesion in a~va.rding the sale of the said ~p46,000.00 School Building Bonds to Bancohio Securities Company at a price of :~46,01,5.00, is hexeby approved~ ! , `, ~: . ~.~ ~ . . .. ~ ~~ UPon motion, authority ~aas given to: forvuard the executed bonds to 1V,E.Easterling, . ~~~ Assiat.ant Director of the Zocal Goverrunent Commission for execiztion and delivery to , ,. the purchasers ~rith instructions to forward Bond ~~1 to nSessrs Thomson,~7ood and Hoffman, Bond Attorneys, f'or exemination. ~ . " .~ ' ~;1 Upon motion of IJIr..~ardner, seconded by Idir. Hall, authority was granted to pay an ~~~item oi' $$36.15 expense to the State Sanatorium for ~eat~uent andmaintenance of /~ ~. .~ ~ Mrs. Roland Greer fnr tuberculosis, t'or period from F~arch 22nd, to I~ay 22nd ~937, ~/ as recommended by the Superintendent of Public L'Jelfare~ It appeared f"r.oih information ~iven by the ~"/elfare Officer that she ia responding to treatment given her, but 1vi11 ~- ~ have to be discharged from the Hospital unless the indebtedness and expense is paid, her husband 'naving agreed to pay the same but f ailed and he is now bein~ treated in . a local hospital for buxns. The Superintendent of Public 'rielfare ~vas instructed tb . investigate a possible char~e o£ non-sszpport against the,husband, vrith the vie~v of „ ~ forcing him to pay the expense of treatment of his wife. . ~.. . r 'Nith reference to the matter of purchasing an additional electric fan for the ~ ~ Register of Deeds office, the ~ame ~vas upon rnotion of Tulr. Gardner, seconded by I~r. ~~ ~~~~Trask, referred to the Chairman with power to act. ' ,• . ~ P~, M Reports of the I~adies Rest Room and Co~munity~Nospital . for the raonth of T~iay tivere I~. received and ordered filed. ~ ~ ~~~ , ` A request of 2;Tr. L.H.Vollers to have the bridge over the drainage ditch in the rear ~,. ~A~~ of :~is property at '„inter Park, left in bad condition ~vhen tne eanel~ra.s cleaned out - ~ by '~VPA workers, was referred to the Chairman f or further investigation. • ,'-• - •~ • ~. Upon motion of ;3r. Trask, se.conded by Idr. Gardner, instructions were given to have ~.~ ~s "No Smoking'~ signs posted in the shed in the rear of the Stockade, yand a,lso Barn and~ . _ . out buildings at the County Home and Farm~ as requested by the Local Board of' Fire ,...~(` ~+~~~..~- Undarwriters, v+ith the view of reducing the fire insurance rates as,indicated in a . ~ t~,~~.a~t~C-report of special agent Stone,in making a survey of the County's insurance risks for • ~ tne Ga,rolina Insurance Gompany. . . ` Upon motion of' Mr. Hall, seconded by IaLr. Gardner, the contract to furnish and install ~ - ~ ~- (~ h~rkrefrigeration equipment_ for the County Home was atirarded to the Tide \later Power Co., V ~, in and for the sum of ~394.00 fox furmishing and installing a General Electric .,~ commercial refrigeration compressor and motor, tivith 30 Lbs daily capacity ice making , in the present refrigerator, arxl also place netiv door gaskets upon the,refriges•ator, • including inetallation cost, labor and materials, camplete ready for use. Tti~o other '' . bids ~~ere received fro~- , s;,ba, 'i ', ~ 5needenTS 1~ilr~i.n~'ton Cycle Company,.... ~395.00 ~ C. B. 4Vessell;i.::i :::.................... 485.00 . J .~> ,•~ J . ,.. ~ Upon motion of' Ivtr. 'Prask, seconded~'~by KI~iir.' ~Gardner, the real estate in the name of `~ ; 1 C~,~ R.C.Dellinger, block ~513 City, ;axid ~lot-~27 ~Vin'ter Park, ~vae released from his personal ,., ,~ and poll taxes charged against tile~same in the following valuations; and amounts- ~ ~ ,1~~ Lot '~,27 1Jinter Park Personal property tax f'or ~the years 1933-~350.00, 1935 x ~50.00, 19'36 ~p365.00 and pol7. taxes for the years 1933 to 1936 inclusive. ~ ~~~1' Block # 513, personal property taxes for the years 1930-$~755.00, 1931-~520.00 _- "' ~'' ~ and poll taxes for the years 1930 ~nd 1931; on account of the said real estate"t~,Icen . ~ over by the new qzvners by foreclosure and Dellinger having no equity in the same. ~, A report of the Grand Jury, June Term 1937, wa.s received and read and upon motion of` J/ ~~~ ~I~r. Gardner, accepted and recormnendations to be coMplied vrith ~s near as possible, ar~[ •":~ ~ ~~j~ the Grand Jury's recommendation that the syste~ whereby a prisoner of the County Farm is' -• ~~~ ~ used as a cook at the County Home be discontinued at the County Home,~to b'e investigated ,_ ~ next week. '. . - ~ ~ ~ ~n invitation v~as extended the Board to attend the annual meeting of the District ~'.„ -~ ~" ~"~Federation of Horne Demonstration Clubo,at l~rightsville Beac,h June lOth. ~ :. . , - i'Wa . 509. , I~~eeting o2' June 14tn, 1937, continued. ~ Upon motion of IdIr. Gardner, seconded by PJ~r. Hall,. County bills Idos. 3490 to ~ ~ /~~(I~S 3871 were approved i'or payment. • The meeting then adjourned. , ~ti ~~ ~-~. • . . erk. - ~ , ~ , ~ . , afilmin~ton, N. C., June 21st,1937. ~ The regular weelcly meeting of the Board vaas held at 3:00 0~ clock P.I~4. ` .~. Presents Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.4`l.Trask, Jas.M:Hall and H.R:Gardner. 1 ~,~ :The minutes of ineeting of June 14th, 1937, were reaii and a~proved as recorded. -.. P.~rs. D.T..Boyrden and ~rs. C.~U.Spencer and dele~ation representing the Parent-Teachers , ~~h ~Association appeared and asked that provision be made in the 1937-1938 budget for yY~the employment pf a trained nurse for the Aigh School. This being~a health measure, the Chairmari advised that the matter be taken up v~itli the i3oard of Health. Upon motion of ~~r. H~11, seconcled by I~1r. Trask, the payment of~ ~ 139.47 to P~ir. E.A. , - ~' ' ~u~aney,Treasurer, for half balance of expense incurred iri the Post Off'ice 1)edication, ~, ~(~S pres8n{;ed b~r the,Finance Committee, caas approved for payment, the City to pay a~like • ,. . ' amount.' -•'~ The Superintendent of Public 6Velfare reported that 'vVilliam Golden, an insane person / _, , 22 years of age 'suff.ering ~vith an advanced sta~e of tuberculosis,'would not be ~ ,~, , admitted to the State Sanatorium for treatment on account of his mental condition, and ~x _~5~'"and the local Redeross Hospital is not equipped to care for him, asked that some F; ~., arrar~gements be made for his care 3~~: the County. `Phe Board, upon motion of~.S~r. `Prask, '~~ seconded by I~r. Hall, ~ave instructions to request the State authorities to rnake some provisions for hi~ care ancl treatment. , The Board acting upon the recotrunenda,tion of the Superintendent of Public ~`Fel£are, and ~~ ~~~.,~¢.~upon motion of 2:s. Gardner, seconded by a1r. Hall, granted Eli F. Pierce, ti2 year old •- C/""" "elpless citizen, admiss.ion to the County ~:ome as an inmate, if =:or when room is available. ~~~ , ' '~ ~t ~ Upon reco~runendation of the Superintendent bf Public t9elfare and upon ~otion of I~r.~ T3a,11, seconded by l~ir. Trask, Frarik V. Sellers a 61 year old dis,abled citiz.en, and n `..~~'~emergency case, vaas admitted to the County Home as an inrnate in~consideration o.f his ~ brother, L:L.Sellers, 408 Oakland Avenue, Raleigh, IQ. C., agreeing to ~ay ~13.50 per month for his maintenance to October lst, 1937, and anotkier brother, J.H.Sellers, ~~_. '10 ~lest 40th, Street, Savanriah, Ga.,, a~reeing to pay the same amount monthly after October lst. ` . . . . /. Upon notion, duly seconded, the payment of ~58.65 to the North Carolina Sanatorium~ ~~l-~-f"~for treatment care of' Tdrs. Roland Greer from March 22nd, to Jul~ lst, rras a~proved. / ~ i- Upon motion of P.:r. Trask, seconded by ISr. Hall,, autnority wa.s grante~l to paJ P:~rS. / E1sie Neilsen of Harbor Island, ~2.50 weelcly from Tune 14th, 1937, for the care of .-~1-~-~V'r--rsrnest Avery, Jr. , 6 year old youth, until other arrangements can Ue made for his maintenance, as recotrunended by the 67elfare ~f'ficer. ~kTrs. L.O.E7'lis, Executive Secretary~of the Aseociated Charities, presented a statement / -~'(Kj~~or period from June lst, to 21et, shovring receipte ~3,350.48 / ' , ' ' Disbur`sements ~ '389.12 ~ -. Orders payable 2,869.61 3,258.73 ' ' • . • , ~ .~" ~. ' Leavin~ a balance of only ' ~91.75 to meet its needs / for the reamining 8 days to Jtaly lst. TYYe Superintendent of Public ;/elfare and P~~rs, f E11ie estima-ted i~ne amount necessary to meet the needs of the Association to July lst~ ' at ~400;00 in addition to the Supplemental appropriation of ~1,500.00 monthly granted V at ~*,eeting of April 26th, 1937, '~Jizereupon I~ir. Hall moved and it was seconded by ~ NIr. Trask, and carried, that the Couri,ty appropriate.its 60~ part of the dmount, or `~2a0.00y provided the City of Flilmington will.appropriate its 40% part or ~160.00 ' to enable the Association to acrsy on to July lst, 193`7. A request of ~.qrs: E11is tYrat the books of the Associated Charities be,audited for / _ / fiscal year ending June 30th, 1937,/r~as granted, and upon motion of Ivir. Gardner, ~ /~U~~econded b~ ~r.. Hall, authoxity v~~s ~iven tq etnploy 1dtr. Ldw. C. Craft, CPA, to audit _~ U,j~ . _ the same. ~ ~ i. - A request of the lvieeks-Hines Tdotor Company for a refund of part of the Schedule B tax!/.'~ v paid on itsbusiness, on account of liquidating and clasing its business, rvas upon 6/ _~~f^ motion, referred to the County Attorney for investigation and opiriion,.:and:•report to the Board at a subsequent meeting. . '~ ~A .. . ~. •'' C ~(~ Upon motion of r~r. tlall, seconded by L~Zr: TrasY., tne Board acting upon a certificate of ,/ ~,~ `/ '~'~he Clerk of Superior Court, authorized the payment of :~30.00 to P~4iss Louise Hevalett V , ~\~~" toward •the burial expenses of 115rs. ddlartha S~. Hewlett a Confed~rate ?ensioner. ~~ A report of t,:rs. ~;dna T~I. Carit~vell, Supervisor of 'iiPA seivving rooms, sho~+ing articles ~ "'~,, ~~~- made from El?A and 1NP~L materials to Lhe'value of "~95,748.35 turned'over to the City anci~ ,~. County to date. ' ``",,~A report of Jas. ;~'alker Iiospital~for,the month of 2~ay 1ras.received arid ordered filed./ ri°t'°"y ~ , i'~~, A request to cancel an item of $5.32 back taxes char~@d a~ainst property in block ~556,,. , ~~~y~ in the name of rTerv Berlin Trading Compariy for the year1919 on account of being a V doubtful eha.rge, rvas referred to,the~County.Attorney f'or;opinion. j~ ~ ~ Upon motion of ;~r. ~rask,seconded by ;~r. Hall, ASr.F.L.Jones ~vae granted an abater~ent . . V_~"~~ of taxes on a valuation of ~800.00 house charged in error Bl.ock ~31,~-~urmner Hill, y--~` ~ for the year 1936. . . ~ ~ ~ i \ II y, . ~' ~~ ~ t~~.~', ISeeting of Tune 21st, 1937, continued. ~ A comrnunication was received from IIr. C.L.I~yers, Deputy Clerk of Superior Court, , [///, advising that the Court recor.vnends that IF.r. Tom Croom not be allowed a beer license'M for the fiscal year 1937-1938; £or the reason that he entered a ple~ o~'.Nolo June 17th, 1937, and it appeared from the evidence that beer vras being sold at the place operated by Tdr. Croom on the ~arolina Beach Road. Another communication was also received from Ibr. I:'~yers advieing that on June 16th,1937, Tdr. John 13arry entered a plea of' guilty to selling beer v~ithout a l~icense, and it /~~,.L. appeared from the evidence that E.F.I~dbsleya one of the opera.tors of the Lewis Filling f ~tation on the Carolina Beach Road had kno~vledge or information that beer v~as being sold at said place, but not ~ufficient eviclence to justify a bench warrant. The Court recommends that neither of the men mentioned above be allowed a beer license. 'An applieation submitted hy E.F.Ialosley to sell beer at location on.the Carolina Beach.~'. ~ ~r~~~ Road, rras therefore declined. ~.. ,y Upon motion of IQr. Hall, seconded by l~r. 'trask, T~Iiss allie f~cTdeil vJas released from ~ paymeht of penalty for not listing lots 6 and 7, block #58, Carolina }3each for the y arf~ ~)~'~ 193~ and 193~: It appearing that she travels for the ~nerican Red Cross and cras out of' :'~ , the County at listing tir~e. As requested by 1JIr. Harry Hayden, the ~oard upon mo~ion of I,Sr. Gardner, seconded by ~ ,,~ ,. ~r. Trask, vaent on record unanimously approving the naming of the highway betvreen ... , Q,~~c~„ Chattanooga, Tenn., and 'a'~ilmington, as " The: Tenne-Sea Tr~.il ° and to use its ~ ~-v"'rs influence with the State Hi~hway and Public Ydorks Conunission to that end. The action of the County Corrmiiasioners. and Board of Education in special joint conference ~- held June 17th, 1937, concerning the disapproval of the ~46,000.00 school build~ bon&s ' i` ~ by Che ~sond Attorneys, on account of a legal technicality in omitting the form _r.equired w a:n section 19 of the County Finance Act, in publication of the bond ordei.On motion made '" by ;~Sr. Trask, seconded by I~~~r. Roebuck, at said conference, authnxizing the County ., Auditor and Superintendent of Schools to go to R~~ei~h to see erhat arrangetnents could '/ . be made torvard securing a loan from the State Literary Fund to, mee;t the needs o~ the ~~ 5chool Euilding Progx~am ,.,was confixmed. No objec'tions being indicated, it wasf agreed ~ to~~o on with the reEpublication of the Bond Order after correction as directedlby the bond~attorneys. . „ • Upon motion, duly seconded, P~r. L.A.Stocks was released from payment of penalties for not• ., ; ~~Gy~ listin~ Lot #11, Block #66, Carolina Beach for the yeara 1935 and 1936; on account of L/ - being a non-resident. ' Y ~. ~~r~ormnissioner R.B.Aoebuck being absent from the County, the matter of making an V - ~+~) inspection pf the County Home and Farm ~aas postponed until he returns. ` ~ ,_.¢The matter of purchasing ~Ghe 10 •acre tract of land adjoinin{; the airport from f~r. , ~ C~L~M9~~`A. C. S~tephens, for the use• and 1'urther• development of the Airport, was upo~i motion J . ~~ ~ of fl-Tr. Gardner, seconded by i~r. 'l~rask~ ~ref'erred to the Committee for investigation. . r • `` The me tin$ then adjourned. ~ ~; ;'`J~ ~ 1.1~~~ . ~ . . ~ ' ~ Clerk. ~ ~ ,~ C~'ilmington, N.C., June 28th,1937. ~ ;s The regular weekly meeting of 1;he Board was held at 3t00 o'clock.P..rs. ~- Present: ,~ddison Hewlett Chairman, Geo. U7. Trask, Jas. ~. Hall, H.E~.Gardner and R. B. Roebuck.. ' ' The minutes of ineeting of June 21st,1937, ~vere read and approved as recorded. ' ' l+~iss Jane D. VJood, I~Irs.J.tilallace v~est, 1Jliss, I~~dary D. Cronly and Rev. E.T.Halleck ~'' ~ appeared before the Board and T~iss Vdood speaking for the delegation complained of discotzrteous treatment received from Plirs. H. Bonner; matron at the County Home, ' on a recent vieit to study conditions there. I;~isg Vlood further reported that she found the food generally good, but too much starchy food serve,d the bed patierits; e,,_;, : "' ~~ arid urged that the practice of using prison labor as cooks be abolished and'employ ~ , ~. ~~~~ a competent coolc and ste~rard who could act in the capacity of a IJeputy Sheriff, to ~ r~aintain discipline, and plan and prepare a balanced diet. Rev. Halleck said.he had - , always bee accorded courteous treatment on his many visits to the Home and deplored ~::.,~' ' the incident related by Pdiss 'uFood. ISr. Halleck reco~taended windov~ shades for the . patients rooms.T~tir. Gardner also coffanented on the laxity of dicipline among some of • . the prisoners who are allowed ~o~::TUnLL'at:,large on the premis-es. The memtiers of the Board expressed their deep regret bf::ths.iincident related by P3iss l'lood, but took no ,~ . ofY'icial action other than to arrange for an investigation of tne ciatter at an un- . announced date. ~ Dr. John T. Hog~ard, Chairinan, H,A.Roland Superintendent and John 0. I;iarshall of the ,/ • Board of Education, appeared and told the Board that the contract for the Tileston ~~ School project has been ati~rarded to U.A.Undex~+ood 2c Company, but due to the delay~in ~ r,, ~^~`~'~realizing funds from the sale of the ;$46,OOO.UO school 'bond iasue for this and other ~ ' ' ~, ~~,}~ school projects, had cvithheld execution of the. contract. The Board realizing the urgent • ~` need of renovating.and enlarging Tiles.ton school, P,ir. Roebuck moved and it was seconded byr rdr. Hall and carried, that Dr. John T. iiog~ard Chairman of the Board of ' Education be and he is hereby authoriz~d to sign the contrac~ for renovating Tileston • ~~ school on the. following_bids:'~ - ~ , ~ . ". .. ' , ': , __ .... ' : ._.. . Ueneral Contract'- U.A.Undex~vood & Co.,.~31,757.00 v . ,~ Heatin~ Con~ract - Ideal Plumbing Co., 4,341.00 ~ '~~ ~lumbing Contract- /~.E.Cumber 3,815.00 • ~ ~'8iring Contract - Electric. ;~La.intenance Co.,600.00 . Tota1 .................~40,513.00 ,. . The above said funds to meet the expense,to be used temporarily from the followin6 funds , in the order sho~rn,to be replaced with funds to be received from sale of school bonds-~o •itf .1. ~~illiston.Industrial Building Fund. 2. Re,Qular School Fffind.3. Gounty General Fund. „, A~Sr. Gardner feeling tha,t the details and assurance for securing the money from the sale , of bonds or other satisfactory method should be more definite,asY.ed to be recorded as voting ldo. . • , . t. Y ~fw 5~~ , ~ 2~.4eetin~ of June ?Sth, 1937; continued. ' y _1 . . ~ ~ y~ 4 request of the 3oard of Education for authority to increase tl~ir 1936~1937 budget ' ;_ ~~~by tne,f ollowing amounts, rvas upon motion of P~Zr. Trask, seconded by I~dr. Roebuck, ~; , granteds `, r' IoZaintenance of Flant- Regular Budget- ,; ,. - , • . Dec.17 Fir° Insur,ance payment - lVilliston Primary,........ ~ 5.00 / I~~:ar« 11 Refund from Shell ~il Gorporation .................. 2.08 Apr. 2 Insurara,ce refund _ v~atchnia.n ~illiaton Zndustxial,.. .1;340.00~ Apr. 30 Rent frorn Buildin~s ......... ...... ................ 10.00 / ' , , Apr. 30 Repairs - broken ivindows at•Del~~ School,......•• 1 574.20 ~; m ~' Vocational Fund - Supplementar.y Bud~;et , / : . : July 13 Tuition ( past due ) H.S.Post Grad ................. 12.50 • , Oot. 26 S;tate Vocational DepartmenL- Teachera Salary,••••••, 1,Z25.00 ~ r, DeC. 29 u n n n n ...... 150.00`~ ~. r iuIa 24 ~ a n n ` n a ...... 1r312.50 / • . ~ y ~2', 600 .00 / ~ , _~ "~l,' The First ~onday in June being the date fixed by la~v for a joint meeting of the ~` ~~ • County Coamnissioners and County ~Yelfare Board to select a Superintendent of Public Welfare, and no sucn Board being in existande at that time, but having ~ince been ~~~~jJ~'appointed and organized, I~7r. •H.H.Jeter, Chairmnan aizd 2~drs.Thomas J. Gause and ~,1rs. . J. Haughton James its members being pre~ent, the tvao Boards, therefore, met at this ,~ time mn joint session to appoint a Superintendent of Public 7Jelfare. Upon motion `~ ~ _, . ofTered by TErs, Thomas J. Gause, seconded by h4rs. J. I-Y~ughton James, 2~:3r. J.K.Hollis • was appointed ~uperintendent of Public ~'~elfare for a period of t~~o years, a11 members ~ voting aff'irmatively except Mr. Gardner, v~ho raised the question of action on • ' ' pur• Hollis~ appointment being out of order, he having failed to file an application, therefore asked to be reco:ded as voting Yio- until such time as application is put Y~ in order. The matter of providing suitable quarters for the i~elfare Board ~s upon ` motion of I~tr. Gardner, seconded by ISr. Hall,~^ras referred to the Court House Coi;unittee ' _ tivith poyer to act. ~, ~ 1dr. Alan A. ]~Iarshall, President of the Associa.ted Charities, presented its budget .~ ~ for the year 1937-1938 in the amount of f~20,000.00, and asked that the City and County I/ • 1,;_„~,~¢'°~rovide $15,000.00 of the amount, the balance of ~5,000.00 to be raised by private - donatidns:.~Tlie same wa.s received for consideration at the time the City and County ".' • . Corrnnissioners v~ill meet to consider other joi.nt appropriation.9. ~: , 47ith reference to the~rnatter of providing funds to meet the needs of the Associated / . ,~ ~ Charities for the month of Ju1y, pending adoption of the budget appropriations; the ~ ~oard voted to meet in joint session v~ith the City Corrunissioners at 11:30 a.m., - -"~ Thursday July lst, to consider the sarne. ' ' In vievJ of the Sheri£f being short a•de,puty by reaeon of 1yr. ~U.A.T~torris severin~ his ~ ~ ` services as a deputy Sheriff and Assistant Jailer, on dune lst, 1937, A rec~uest of .David Jones, Sheri.ff; to employ ?~dr. R. B. King of Spoffords I~Sill, as a•special deputy ~, to be aesigned to Seabreeze, a negro•resoxt in Federal Point Toivnship, for a period '~~ of teM weeks beginning June 28th, 1937, at ~5.00 per v~eek, vas upoj motion of S~fr. ' Gardner, seconded by I;:r. Trask, granted. . • ~,• The £ollowing applications for license to~sell•beer having been approved by Lhe Sheriff,/ ,~-f/I.1~pti were . u~on motion of I~ir. F~.11, seconded by I~~ir.. Gardner, approved by the Board: _ ~j_ R.I,.3arnhill~• ocation ~unnner Hi171. C~rolina Beach Road, on premises of Hughes Brothers. / j ~ C. C. Corbett ~ Caetle Hayne Road, premises otRmed by Hughes Brother~. ~-- ~" James Fox,/Seabreeze, premises owned by ~.llis Freeman. / Christ F~ogas./Kure Beach, premises uv~ned by I,.C.Kure/ ,~, Charles F. Lev~is~ Carolina Beach Road neev Carolina Beach and the ovaner of the premises. H. Pd. Rivenbark/,barolina Beach Road, E.D.Rivenbark~oe~ner of the premises. ., ~ - • Lula Bell ;°desley, 50 years of age and paralized, having been invea.tigated and recom- v/ '' \ mended by the Superinte~adent~of Public 1'lelfare as an emergancy case, vras admitted to .., ~.~~~~~he Count,y Home as an inmate. ' ~ ' „~ . `. , , `_ ~ Henry Jones,colored, suffering tiaith pellagra, having been invest~gated a nd recorrunended / ~,,,,,,~,,Q]~y the Superintendent of Public Welfare, ~~~as.upon motion of t,4r. P,oebuck, seconded by ~ .,1. ~~Y°° I1Lr. Gardner, granted admission to the Home as an inmate if or vahen xoom is available. ~• ~ A cor~unication ~aas received from the deputy clerk of 12ecorders Court, advising that ; , Albert Ramsey entered a plea of nolo=contendere to selling beer vrithout a license and ~ •' it appearing from the evidence that Catherine 1Villiams ~vas financially interested in ~ D,ygJ'/ this place Ynovan as the Delta located on the•Carolina Beach road, the Court recou~mends ~~~1 v that neither of the parties mentioned be allovaed a beer license .fox the fiscal year ~, ' -. 1937-1938. • • ~ Upon motion of Pffffr. Gardner, seconded by Tir. Trask, H.H.Hartis ~r~as releaeed from payment~' _~" ~~(X of p°nali:y for not listing lots 7 and 8, block #43 Caxolina Beach for the yeart:`7.936 L-~ ~ on account of being a non-resident.~ . ~ Action on a cormnunication receiv2d from R.G.Johnson ~tate Hightiaay Commissioner for the Third District,,requesting this Board to pa`s~ a resolution indicating the order of ~,r ~ ' preference for`the next three projects to~be completed or constructed on the State- _ L~~~ highs~ay system in this County. Also requesting a resolution endorsing eix projects or roads now~on the County system to be improved, v~as postpo~~~1 next rneeting. .•. ' ~pon motion of t~ir. '1'rask, seconded by I,Ir.~ardner, the l3oard~the County's operations ~+-`~ „ ~~~ contiriued upon the same basis of the 1936 937 budget appropriations pe3~ding adoption. ~` ~ of the 1937-1938 budget estimates. `" , ~ r~~, A ~' IQeeting of June 28th, 1937, continued. ~hereas, large surns of money have bee:n expenned by the tiJorks pro~ress Administration on improvements to the County Airport, and Recreational Park and '1~'air Grounds, and l'~'hereas, the 1936-1~37 budget allor•rance f'or Associated Charities.iras insufficient to provide for the poo~ of the County, and ~'8hereas, a special eIection ~vas called under authority of' House Bill #452 Public Local Laivs 1937, submitting.to the voters of•the County the question of leving a tax for the improve~ent and maintenance of Greenfield Park and Greenfield Lake, ~~vhich said expense v~as not antieipated at the time of preparation of the said bud~et, and V7hereas, the Board of Commissioners of Ne~^r Hanover County deemed it necessary to continue the improvements to the County Airport and to the Recreational Park and Fair Grounds by cooperating with the ~'dorks Progress Administration as well as providing employment for the unemployed, ~rhiCh said improvements and employment could not have otherti~rise been accom- J plished or work for the unemployed provided, and- Glhereas, the special election was neees~ary to p~ss on the yuestion of improvements and maintenance of Greenfield Park and I,alce, and ~'~hereas, it was necessaxy to provide additional funds to meet the needs of the Associa~ted Charities to continue izts operations a nd servece to June 30th, 1937, and l~Fhexeas, the Count~~ Corrunissioners have from time to time discussed the~e matters in open meeting, as and ~vhen the same evere presented, and authorized the expenditure of funds for the purposes herein stated. NO~t therefore, be it t~E~OLVED; That for the purpose of providing funda to meet the expenses of the foregoing departments and projects; of the County, there are hereby appropriated out of' the General Fund of ihe County the folloyrings For the County Airport ................... .. ~1,692.53 " " Recreational Park and Fair Grounds,. 6,971.55 ~ " " Associated Charities ................ 3~260.00 " " Special Greenfield Election,.......: 864.58 ~12.,788.66 ...+u~i~ .... ...«..» ....... ...~y,....» .... ..........~ ...~.. :i~i-cV-ox-VliTSilCt`CUII'ti]COi'--"D"1~..~'_- -'_tyi-til v1-wnan~s vzv. . . . under such rules and regulations, or by such other agencies as it from time to time may prescribe, t'or the purpose of aiding, encouraging, and/or su~porting the development,and maintenance of Greenfield I,ake and Greenfield Park and Playground, and to increase the value, use and facilities of said property as a park and playground, thereby pxomoting.the health, prosperity and general welfare of the people of SSew Hanover County". The f ollov+ing duly and legally appointed, by their respective election officers of the ~~~precincts and ~aards to make their returns to the Board of Conanissioners of New Hanover ~~ Countf, made their returns as follows: , First Ulard .................................... ,Second '+7a.rd, lst, Precinct .................... Second ;~,Fa,rd, 2nd, ~' .................... Third , n lat, ~~ .................... Third " 2nd, ~~ .................... Pourth n' ~~ . ............. .... ... Fifth " lst, ~i .................... Fifth " 2nd, " .................... Sixth ~~ lst, ~~ .................... Sixth. " 2nd, ~~ .................... Cape Fear ~ ~~ ........:.;......... Federal Point " .................... Harnett To~vnship, East tiYi2mingbon Precinct,... " " ~eagate Precinct;.......:... " " Senen ;,~ile Precinct,........ " " l'Jinter Park Precinct,....... L4asonboro To«inship, ~asonboro Precinet,....... " " . Sunset Park Precinct,..... ORIGSNAL RETURi•.+"'a OF REGISTRAR ~rs. Leona T. Carroll. 'L. E. 1~urrell. Hugh 4'l. Turxentine. PQiss C. S. t'~iite. I~rs. J.B,1~7illiamson. I,. C. I,eGvrin. 2vLrs. Harry ','Jattexs. J. R. Davis. C. R. Branch. J. H. ~*iomble. ISrs. J. A. ~Jestbrook. J,. E. Taylos. J. Herbert Johnston. Is4rs. ~,~1, C. Taylor. G. T. S~hepard. H. 0. Thomas. Y~~Lrs . Rebe.c ca Lums den~ ... I.. ~. ZeG~~~in. a AND JL~GES OF EI,ECTION. V ~~ a .•: . ,. ~~ , ~~. r : • ~ . . i"le, Leona T, Carroll, Registrar and 2aIarvin T. C1ark and T. R. Christman Judge.e of Election at First erard precnnct, Ided•~ Hanover County, do hereby certify that at the election heTd this day in s~.id County ior the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of' said County, the question o#' ratifying the provisions of an Act passed at th~ 1937 Session of the ueneral Assembly of North Carolina, the sarme being entitled " An Act• to permit the ~oard of Cor~nissionere of' New Hanover County to expend money f'or the • development and maintenance of Greenfield Park and Greenfield Lake". The £ollowing nutnber . oS votes ~vere casts -~ ~ For tne Act. Num3~er of votes 24 Against the Act. Number of votes 43 l~e further certify that there vrere 228 qualified voters re~istered in said precinct and and entitled to vote at said eleetion. This 29th, day oY June, 1937. Leona T, Carroll, Registrar. / T. 1~. Christman, Judge of Election. _, , 1::arvin T. Clark, Judge of Election. IVe the undersigned do hereby appoint Leona T. Carroll to attend with the result above certified to the meeting of the Board of Cotmnissioners o£ Ne~~r ?lanover County to bount and tabulate the votes in the above. election. Leona T. Carroll, Redietrar.. ~ PSarvin T. Clark, dudge of Election. T. R. Christman, Judge of ilection. e o, 5~~ Ir~eeting of Tuly lst, 1937, continued: 4Ve, Z.E.ItSurre119 Registrar and 0.'l/.I~essick and Jno.A.Turrentine Judges of ~lection at Second ~vard, First Precinct, New Hanover County, do hereby certify that at the election held this day in said County for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors oP said Gounty, the question of ratifying the provisions of an Act passed at the 1937 Session oY the_~eneral Assembly oY North~Carolina, the same ~eing entitled, "An Act to permit the Board of Commissioners oY' New Ha,nover County to expend money for. %.,~•. the development and maintenance of Greenfield Park and C€reenfield I,ake." The follov+ing ~ number of votes were casts For the Act. Number of votes 33. Against the Act. Nu~ber of votes 8 ~ We further certify that there rvere 84 qualified voter~ registered in,said precinct and entitled to vote at said election. This 29th, day of June 1937. Z.E.Murrell, Re~istrar. 0.~7.T~Tessick, Judge of" Election. Jno.R.Turrentine, Judge of Election. IRe the undersigned do hereby appoint ~.E.T:~[urrell to attend i=rith the result above certified to the meeting of the Board of Cortmissioners of' Net°r Hanover County to count and tabulate the votes in the above election. Z.E.iu:urrell, Registrar. O.SV.i~Iessick, J~dge of Election. Jno.R.Turrentine, Judge of ~lection. ` We, Hugh W. Turrentine, Registrar and J:A. 1~Te~ve11 and A,B. Saridiin Judges of ~lection at Second ward, Second Precinct, New.~nover County, do hereby certi:fy that at the election held this day in said ~ounty for the purpose of' submitting to the qualified elec~ors of said County, the question. o~ ratifyin~ the provisions of an Act passed at {;he 1937 Session of the Ueneral Assembly of ldorth Carolin~, the same being entitled, «An Ac1; to permit the Board of ~ommissioners of I~~e~r Hanover "ounty to expend money for the development and maintenance of Greenfield Park and Greenfield I,ake." Tne follotiring number of votes ~vere cast: For the Act. Nwnber of votes 38 A~ainst the Act. Number of votes 5 ±~le furtner certify that tnere tvere 67 aualified voi;ers re~istered in said precinct and entitled to vote at said electmon. This 29th, day of' June 1937. Hu~h iJ. Turreritine, Registrar. J. ". ~evrell, Judge of ~lection. - ~ A. B. Sandlin, Judge of 7~lectaon. rfe the undersigned do•hereby appoint Hugh '~9, 'rurrentine to attend rrith the result above certified to the meeting of the Board of' ~oinmissioners of Liew nanover County to count and taUulate the votes in the above election. . Hugh c7. Tuz•rentine, Registrax. _ a, J~. Sandlin, Jud~e of ~lection. `+7e, ~arrie 5. ~'~hite; Re~istrax and C.H. Darden and H.S. 3tanland JudQes of Election at Third SYard, 1~'irst Precinct, New nai1over "ounty, do hereby ceri;if'y that at the election neld thie day in said ~ounty for tne purpose of submitting to the qualified ~electors of said ~ounty, tne question of ratifying the provi~ions of an Act passed at the 1937 Session of the Ueneral Assembly of North Carolj.na, i~he same being entitled "An Act.to permit the ~oard of' ~ommi~sioners of Netia Hanover Ceunty to expend money for the_development and r~aintenance of Greenfield Park and Greenfield Lake." 'he follo~sry.ng number of votes were cast; For the Act. Nur,iber of votes 29 Against the Act. Nwnber of votes 104 GVe i'urther certify that there were 133 qualified voters re~istered in said precinct and entitled to vote at said election. This 29th aay of June 1937. Carrie 3. ~J'hite, Re~;istrar ~ i C. H. Dardeiz, Judge of ~lection. H. L. Stanland, Judge of ~lection. 1'Je the undersigned ~o hereby appoint C. S, ;'~hite to ai;tend ~vith the result above certified to the meeting of the oard of "ot!unissioners .of idec,~ ~:.nover ounty to count and t~bula+e the votes in the abbve election. r Carxie S, ~'ihite, Registr~r C, H, Darden, Tudge of ~lection. H. ''. Stanland, ~udge of Llection. Gle, Lse J, ", "iiliamson, Registrar and ~irs R. ~. PdcKeitha.n and I:ss. ~~. G. ~vans Jud~es of Llection at Third Z'Iard, Second Precinct, New S~ nover ~ounty, do hereby certify that at the election held this day in said ~ounty f or the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of said ~ounty, the question af~`ratif'yii.~ the provisions of an Act passed at tkie 1937 Session of the ~Ueneral Asser,~bly .of North Carolina, i:he same being entitled "An Act to permit the ~oard of "omr~issioners of 1yev~ Iianover County to experid money for the detie~opr~ent and maintenance oi Gr~~n~ield ~a~~~~,nd='~~eenfleld.I~ke." 'yhe follovring number of votes ~~ere cast: I'or the A~t. Number of votes 8 Against the Act. Nuraber of votes 22 '~~e further certify that there ti7ere 66 quali;ied voters registered in said precinct and entitled to vote at said election. This 29th day of June 1937. E4rs. J. ~. `"illianson; Registrar Iifrs. tt. "• ~cKeithan, Judge of Llection. " E7rs, N, ~. ~vans, Judge of Election ~ . i~e tYie undersigned do nereby appoint T~rs.. J.13. ~'~illiamson to attend ~~iitn the result above certified to the meeting of i;he ~oard of commissioners of ~~e•~Fr nanover "ounty to count and tabulate the votes in the above e I.rirs. ISTr s . I~irs . lection. J.~. "illiamson, ftegis~rar ~' ". r~c eitha.n, ~udge of' Election P7. G. Evans, Judge of ~lection. VTe, L, ~. LeGtia~in, Hegistrar and L. L. Porter arid ~'.D. ~ielljes Jud~es of ~lection at Fourth ~~ard, Idew Hanover C'ounty, do hereby certii'y that at Ene election neld this day in said ~ounty ior tne purpose of subniittin~ to the qualii'ied electors oi' said County, the ques- tion of ratilyin~ tne provisions of an act pas:;ed at the 1937 Session of the"General Assembly of North Carolina, tne same peing entitled "An Kct to permit the Loard of Comraission- ers of Ne~v t~anover ~ounty to expend money f or tne development and m~.intenance of Greenfield L~Tli and Greenf'ield Lake."~ 7'he f~ollo~zrin~ number of' votes were caatt~ P'or the ~ct. Number of Votes 62 Against the Act. Number of votes 6 G4e further certify that there v;ere I03 qualif'ied voters registered in said precinct and entitled to vote at said election. This 29th day of June 1937. L. C. LeG~~in, t~egistrar E. L. Porter, Judge oT' Llection. F, v, Stelljes, Jud~e of Llection. ;9e the undersi~ned do hereby appoint L.C. Le~vrin to attend ~vith the result above certif'ied to the meeting o~' tne ~oard ot' uommissioners of rie~a nanover ~ounty to count and tabulate the votes in the above election. I,. ~. I,eG~~vin, Registrar E. L. Yorter, Judge of Election F. D. Stelljes, Judge of ~lection.. 'Ne, Iars. riarry l7aiter~, Registrar and 9J. 5. Register and P.~rs 'v9.K. Rhodes Jr. Judges of Election at I'ifth ~.~7ard, First precinct, Ider~ Hanover County, do hereby certify that at tne election held this day in said (:ounty f'or the purpose of submitting to the qu~lif'ied electors of said County, the question of ratif'ying the provisions of an Act passed at the 1937 Session of the General Assembly of 1`ortY, ~arolina, the same being entitled "An Act to permit the ~oaxd of Commissioners of New "anover ~ounty to expend money for the development and Maintenance of Greenfield Park and Greenfield Lake." mhe follo~•~~ing nwnber of votes were cast: r'or the ~et. Nwnber of votes 36 Against the Hct. IJw;lber of votes 15 ~ ~Ve fuxther certify that there v~ere 118 qualified qoters re~istered in said precinct and entitled to vo~e at said election. 'his 29th day of June 1937. T+'Irs. "arry l~atters, Re~istrar I~rs W. K. Rhodes Jr., Judge of ~lection. P7. S. Register, Judge of "lection ,Ye the undersi~ned do hereby appoint f:irs.Harry l~Jatters to attend ~~ith the result above ce-rtified to the meeting of the Board of Commissioners.of New +~anover. County to count and tabulate the votes in the above election. hirs. Harry ~atters, Re~istrar. ILrs. ~`J.K. Rhodes Jr., Jud~e of~ Election '~1. S. Register, ~ud~e af Ele~tioh. S'4e, J. '. llavis, Registrar and Geo.P. Ga~ford and Geo. ^t. I~Te~vl;on Judges of ~lection at Fifth 'e'lard, Second. preci~ict, Ne~^a r~nover ~ounty, clo hereby certify that at the election held this day in said County for the purpose of submitting to the c~ualified electors of s~.id County, the question of ratifying the provisions of an Act p.assed at the 1'937 Session of tYie ueneral Hssembly of l~orth ~arolina, the same, bein~ entitled "fin Act to permi{; i~he Board of Commissioners of n'evr "anover County to expend money for the development and maintettance of Greenfield Park and Greenfield yake." 3'ne follovrin~ nuriber of votes vrere casts For the ~ ct. Pdumber of votee 25 ~gainst the Act. idurnber of votes 12 CTe further certify that there ~vere 80 qualified voters re~istered in said precinct and entitled to vote at said election. This 29th day of "une 1937. J. x. ~a.vis, Registrar Geo. P. C,~ff'ord, Jud~e of Llection Geo,T. Newton, Judge of Llection 47e tr,e undersigned flo hereby appoint J. f~'. "avis to attend vrith the result above certified to the meeting of the ~oard of Commissioners of Nevr Hanover ~ounty to count and, tabulate the votes in the above electibn. , J. R. I~vis, Registrar Geo. P. Gaff ord, ~Udge of Election Geo. T. ~ewton, ,~udge of L3.ection 7de, C. ~'. ~ranch, x~gistrar and C.E. Hill and I. G'~. "ooper Judges of Llection at Sixth ~lard, First precinct, l~ew hanover ~ounty, do hereby certify that at the election he3.d this day in said County f or the purpose"'of subtnitting to the qualified electors of said County, the question of ratifying the provisions of an Act passed at tkie 1937 Session of the General Assembly of j~orth Carolina, the s~me being entitled "An Act to permit the "ourd of } Couunissioners of j~ew "anover ~ounty to expend money for the development ~.nd maintendnce of. Greenfield Pax~ and Greenfield,~ke.° 1'he followin~ nur.iber of votes were cast: ~~ For the Act. Number of votes 103 Againet i:kie Act. Nwnber of votes 9 515 tle Yurther certif~y tliat tnere v.ere 172 qualii'ied voters re~istered in s2id precinct and entitled to vote at said election. Tnis 2°th day of ~une 1937. ~, k, i3rc~.nch, xegistrar _ C. ~. Hill, Judge oi" ~lection I. '", ~aoper, ~udge of ~lection ' - ~Je trie undersi~ned do riereby appoint C. n. Branch to atLend ~ritn the resuli; above certif'ied to the meeting of trie Board of Commissioners oi~ NeM nanover County to count and ta~ulate the votes in tne above election.. C. R. Branch, Registrar. ~ C. E. i3ill, Judge oi~.~lection I. ~'!. Gooper, Judge of Llection. '~Ve J. H. ^omble, tte~istrar and J. '.'. ~e112my and PJ. P. Auncan Judges of Election at Sir.th 47ard,, 9econd Precinc~, l~e~a 'anover ~ounty, do nereby certify that at the election held this day in said uounty f'or the purnose of submitting to the qualified electors of said County, the que~tion of' ratiiying tne proVisions of an Act passed at the 1937 5ession of the Ueneral As~embl,y of North Carolina, the same being entitled "An Act to permit the Board of Cormiissieazers of' New tianover ~ounty to expend money for the development and maintenance of Ureen~ield P~rk and Ureenfield ie.lce." 'i'he following number of vo~es were cast: For the Act. Idurnber oi votes 58 A~ainst the Nct. Nurnber of votes 12 ' 4Ye furtner certify that there vaere 124 qualif'ied voters registered in said precinct and entitled to vote at said election. This 29th, day of June 1937. J.H. tl°orable, Hegiatrar J. ~. ~ellamy, Jud~e of lection. ;~. P. liuncan, ~udge of Election. v~de the undersigned do hereby appoint J. ri. ~omble to attend vrith the result above certi- fied to the meeting of the noard of ~om~issionere of New ~nover °ounty to count a nd tabulate the votes in the above election. J..A. ~omble, Re~isi;rar J, ~, Bellamy, ~udge of' ~lection. VJ.P: I~unc~n, Jud~e of "lection. rle, ~irs. ~. s4. EYestbrook, Registr~r and '~`rs. tV. ~'. Seitter and E. I. Y•erri.ng ~udges of - Election at ~ape Fear precinct, '"ew 11anover County, do hereby certify that at the election held this day in said 8ounty for the purpose of submitting to the qualif'ied ~ electors of said "ounty, the question of ratif'ying the provisions of an A~t pa~sed at the 1937 Session of the ~eneral °ssembly of l~orth ~arolina, the same being entitled "An Act to permit the ~oard of Commissioners of' New ~~anover County to expend money for the development and maintenance oi Greefii'ield Park and ~*reeni'ield Lake. 1he follo;aing number of' votes lvere cast: . For the tict. Nur.~ber of votes 5 Against the Hct. Number of votes 8 4~Je further certify that there were 20 qualified voters re¢ietered in said precinci: and entitled to vote at said election. jhis 29th, day of June 1937. IuIrs. J, it. '~~estbrook, Hegistrdr. E.I. nerring, ~udge of ~lection. Idrs. F1. i'. Seitter, ~udge of Llection. G~' b`1e the undersigned do hereby a~,point T,drs. .~. A, ~lestbroolc to attend with the result above certified to the meetir~ of the "oard of 'onun2s~ioners of l~evr tlanover ''ounty to counL and tabulate tne votes in tne above election.- - i~trs•. ~.A_. ~`~estbrook, Registrar. E. I. Herring, Judge of Election. L'irs. v7. F. Seitter, Judge of Election. We,J~E. Taylor, £ieUietrar and 5. l. Keyes and J. ". Davis, Judges of ~lection at rederal Point precinct, rvevr ~.nover County, do hereby certify that at the election held this day ' in said Countyfor the purpose of 3ubmitting to the qualified electos•s of said County, tYie queetion of' ratifying the provisions of an ~1ct passed at the 1337 Session of the veneral Assembl5r of North Carolina, the same being entitled "'An Act to permit the Board of Couunissioners of l~ew "anover ~ounty to eacpend rnoney ior the development and maintenance of Greenfield Park and Greenfield I,ake." The follo~ving number of votes v~ere casts i For the Act. Number oi votes 5 Against the Act. Nwnber of votes 7 i'le f urther certify that there were 29 qualified voters re~istered in said precinct and entitled'to vote at said election. ihis 29th, day of June 1937. J. ~'. Taylor, Registrar S. T. Keyes, Judge of ~lection J, ~, Davis, ~udge of Election. We the undersigned do hereby appoint J. E. Taylor to attend with the result above certifieil to tkie meeting of the Board of ~orsmissioners of Dlev~ ~nover County to count and tabulate the votes in t he above election. , J. E. Taylor, Registrar. S. T. "eyes, Judge of ~lection. J'. ~'. Davis, Judge of ~'leetion. - ''~_ ~- ~' ' _ / i~ ~7e, Herbert Johnston, Hegistr~r and J. F. Klein and G. L+', llixon Judges of ~lection at Harnett Tovrnshig, East 4Yilrain~Lon precinct, Neti~~ ifanover dounty~; do riereby eertify that at the election held triis day in said uounty or tne purpose of~ submitting to the qualii'ied electors of said ~ounty, the question of ratii~ying tne provisions oT an Act ~assed at the 1337 S"ession of the ~eneral nssembly of tuorth ~arolina, the sdme being eni;itled ~~An Act tc permit the lioard of Cor~missioners of IJew Iianover Uounty to ex;~end r~oney f'or the development and r.iaintenance ot' Greeniield Park and UreenY'ield Lake." The i'ollo~ving number of votes ~ere cast: For the l~ct. Tltianber of' votes 18 Against the Act. ATumbe: of votes 10 We further certiPy that there ivere 58 qualified venters registered in said precinct and entitled to vote at said election. This 29tn, day oY June 193'7. J. Herl~ert Johnston, xegistrar J. r. Klein, Judge of ~lection. G. E. Dixon, Judge of Election. We the undersigned do riereby appoint J. Herbert ~ohnston to ~ttend with t~e reault abov.e certified to the meeting of the rsoard of Commissionere of lde~ tl~nover County to count and tabulate the votes in the above election. J. i~erbert ~ohnston, xegistrar. J. r'. Y.lein, Judge of Llection. ~, ~. Lixon, Judge of y''lection. We, ~rs. ~'!. ~. ~aylor, Registr~.r and L.. Larkins and J. ts. Hen~lett Jud~es of' Election at Harnett Torynship, Sea~ate Precinct, l~etiv l~anover ~ounty, do hereby certify that at the election held this day in said (~ounty f~r the purpose of submitting to the qualii'ied elec~Cors of said c;ounty, the question oi ratifying tne provisions of an nct passed at the 1937 Session of tiie General xssembly of North ~arolina, the same being entitled "An Act to permit the l~oard of Commissioners of Netiv ljanover County to expend money s or the development and maintenance of Ureenf'ield Park and Greenf'ield 1.ake." Tize Pollo~+ing number of votes were casts For the Act. IJwnber oi votes 12 Against the Act. Nwnber of votes 4 S~le further cerLify that there v~ere 45 qualified voters registered in said precinct and entitled t o vote at said electiorl. l`his 29th, day of 7une 1937. I T~irs, r+. ~. Taylor, Registra'r. V L. Larkins, Judge of Llection. J. B. Heralett, Judge of Election. iVe the undersigned dd hereby appoint E4rs. ". . Taylor to attend with the result above certified to the meeting of the "oard of' ~ommissioners of Ne~v nanover County to count ~.nd tabuTate the votes in the above electimn. I~drs. W. ~. Taylor, Registrar. L. Larkins, Jud~e of Election. J. ". Hewlett, Judge of Election. i~le, G. '1', ~heparu, ftegistrar and Alice R. V~a~aman and R. C. S~urray Judges of Election at Harnet~ '1'orrnship, Seven T~ile precinbt, Nec+ ~a.nover Couni;y, do hereby certify t~hat at tkie election held this day in said County for the purpose oi submiLting to the qualified electors of said County, the questioiz of ratifying tne provisions of' an "ct.pas~ed at the I.937 Session of tne ueneral assenbly of North ~arolina, the same bein~ entitled "An Act_to permit the Board of Commissioners of Neva Hanover County to e?:pend money f or the development and maintenance of ureenf'ield Park and Ureenl'ieTd Lake.~~ Tne follovrin~r number of votes tivere castt For the Act. Yvtunber of votes 8 Againet the Act. Nwnber of~ votes 2 ~n'e fur{~her certify that there svere 16 qualif'ied voters reqistered in said precinct snd entitled to vote at said election. This 29th day of June 1937. G. T. ~hpeard, Aegistrar Alice R. rJagaman, Judge of Election. R. C. I~Surray, Judge of Election. 4Ye the undersi~ned do hereby appoint G. T. Shepard to attend with the result above certified to ~he meeting of the Board of Qommissioners of NeF~ Hanover County to count and tabulate the votes in the above election. G. T. Shepard, Registrar. Alice A. 4Pagaman, Judge of Election. R. C. Iuiurray, Judge of Election. ~Je, H.O. Thomas, Registrar and Pdre Janet High and ~. C. Lon~ Ju~ges of Election at Harnett To~vnwhip, 'uVinter ParY. precinct, New Hanover County, do hexeby cerl:if'y that at the election held this day in said County for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electore of said County, the question of ratifyin~ the provisions of an Act passed at the 1937 Session of the General Assembly of Idortn Carolina, the s~me being eni:itled "An Act to permit the Board of Commissioners of Ideiv Ha.nover County to expend. money f or the development and maintenance of Greenfield Park and Greenfield %aake." The folloti~~ing' number of votes vrere cast: ~ For the Act. Number of~ votes 2]i Against the Act. Number of votes 4 ~. .~ , ~le t'urt~er certiiy that tnere were.50 quali~ied vo~ers registered in said precinct and e,ntitled to vote at said election. This 29th, day of June 1937. H. 0. jhomas, Itegistrar . I;~s~s. Jane~ Hign, Judge of Election. - T,~, i:. Zong, Judge of ~lection. ~e tne undersigned do hereby appoint H. 0. Thomas to a.ttend'r~itn tne result above oertitied to the raeeting of the Board of Cormnissi~ners o2' Ne~.v tlanover County to count ind tabulate t`l1e Votes in trie above election. H. 0. '1'homas, Registrar. i•Jrs. Janet Hign, Judge of Election. ~fJ. C. Long, Judge oi Election. 'F/e, Idrs.Rebecca Lu~nsden, Registrar and Paul K. T.ionti'~rd and B. 0. ~vells Judges of Elec~ion at 3~asonboro 2'ownsnip, 7~,4asonboro Precinct, 2detR nanover ~ounty, do nereby certiY~ that at the election held i;his day in said County i"or tne purpose ot' subinittin~ to the qualif'ied electors oY said County,.the question oY ratil'ying the provisions oi' an ~ct passed. at the T937 Session of the General Qssembly of Nortn C~rolina, tne s:~me being entitled '*An Act to permit tne Board oi Comraissioners of Ne~v nanover Count,y to expend r~oney 3'or the development and maintenance of GreenY'ield Park ~nd Greenfield T,ake." The foll~ar~ing nuraber of votes ~~ere cast: For • the ~ct. Tdumber of votes 13 Against trie A~t. idum'oer oi' votes 0 ti7e further certify triat there ~vere 19 qu~liiied voters registered in said precinet and entitled to vote at said election. '1'his 29tn, day oi ~une 1937. I~3rs. Rebecca Z,unsden, ltegistrar. Paul K. t~ontf'ord, Judge of '~lection. B. U. '~'Jells, Jud~e of ~lection. ~4e trie undersigned do hereby appoint ISrs Hebecca Lumsden to attend »i.th trie result above certiiied to tne meeting of tne tsoard of Commissioners of Ne~a Hanover ~ounty to count and tabulate tne votes in trie above election. l~~:rs. 1Rebecca Lumsden, Re~istrar. paul 'K. L:ontlord, ~udge oi ~lection. B. 0. 47ells, Judge of ElectSon. ~ 1hle, L. n2. LeGwin, ftegistrar and ~rs. lt. ~. Lucas and A. L. Liincy Judges of ~lection at Iuasonboro '1'o~vns'r.ip, Sunset precinct, Nei~~ Hano~er County, do hereby certii'y that at the electien held this d~y in said ~ount}~ f'or the purpose of submitting to the o,ualified electors of said County, the question of' ratii"~ing trie pxovisions of an ~ct passed at trie 193'7 Session oY' the Ueneral ~ssembly of North Carolina, the sdme being entitled "~n gct to permit the Board of Commissioners of i1e~~+ iia,nover County to expend money i'or the development and maintenance of Uxeent~ield P~.rk and Greenf'ield ~.ke." The f'ollo~~ing number of votes Svere cas1;: For tne nct. Nwnber oi' votes 28 A~ainst tne act. Idumber of votes 0 4 V!e i~urther certiry tt~a.t tnere vrere 34 qualiiied voters registered in said precinct and entitled to vote at said election. This 29th, day of" ~une 1937. L. 2d. LeGc~in, 1?egistrar A. L. irlincy, Judge of Llection. ' Idrs. ~i. (%. Luc~s, Judge oz Election. We the undersigned do nereby appoint L. Ad. LeGr~in to attend vrith the result above certit'ied to trie me8ting oi' the Board oi Cor~missioners of Ne~~ klanover (:ounty to count and tabulate the votes in Urie a.bove election. Z. 1.'[. LeG~:in, Registrar. A. L. Tdincy, Judge of Election. Sl~rs. k. ~. Lucas. ~~I ~ ~`~"ti ~~~^~"' 1~ECAPITULATZON v , , Votes. Agai.nst Election Pxecincta ~ Total Re~istered- Votes for the Act.The Act. First VFard ......... ........:........:.......... 228 24 43 Second 1~ard, lst, Precinct ..................... 84 33 8 , S°con~ " 2nd, '~ ..................... 67 38 5 Third " lst, " ..................... 133 29 23 Third "~ 2nd, n ,.y, .................. 66 8 • 22 Fourth " " ...... ............ 103 62'~ 6 FiFth " lst, " .......:............. 118 36 " 15 FI£th .,~ 2nd, •~' .................... a 80 25°"' 12 ` $ixth " lst, " ..................... 172 103 9 Sixth " 2nd, " ....................= 124 58 12 Cape Fear • ~~ ....•..••..••••••.••• 20 5 8 Federal Point " ..... . ....... • ~g 5 7 Harnett To~~rnship,Ea Precinct,..... st Wilmington 5g T8 10 '~ " Seagate Precinct,.......0 45 12 4 " •" Seven ~1ile Post,-racinct,. 16 8. 2 ~ ~~ ~~ 4~inter Park Precinct,.... 50 21 4 1~~Taeonboro Toti~nship, 2,2asonboro Precinct,........ 19 13 Idone ~~ ~~ ~unset Park Precinct,...... 34 28 Dtone Total,... 1446 526 190 5~~ : ; .~ Ivieeting oi' July ist, 193'7, ~ontinued. ~ After @are~'ully canvassing tne 2'oregoing.returns ot' the several voting precincts r!j~~tL'~`~of the County and tabulating the same as aoove, the Board of' Commissioners ~, 1 declared that the provisions of' the Act af'oresaid rras riot ratified and failed to ' carry by a majority of 198 votes againet the Act. The question of the amount oi pay to be allovred tne xegistrars and Judges oY' ~.. (~~~,,r Election f'or their services f'or holding ,the above election, ras referred to the ~- ~~,p~` County A"ttorney for his interpretation.of tne law and •~:~ith po~ver to act. The f.ollowing applications, for .license to sell be,er, ha.ving been ~.pproved by trie, .~ ~ Sher-iff vrere ~ipon of .IJi. .Roebuck, seconded ~b.y';~?r. Hall, appr.o,ved .by the Boards ~. ~ ~/ , ., . _ .: , . ~ ,. ., D. V. Baldwin, Castle Iiayne, o~rner of' premises, E:R.Jones~ Al~~ori~Iti. Donaldson,`'Harbor Island, on prenises o£ B~B,Cameron et al F. P. I~rrill, Suzmner Res,t,lVrightsville ~ound.~ Tne Board then took a~recess,to neet this day at 11s30 z.m., with the City . ~~~ ormnissioners to discuss the matter of providing f'unds f'or the Associated --.-~ ("~~~harities, to raeet its nee~ls for the rnonth of Ju1y 1937, and to take such jointv ~'~ action that may appear necessary. ~ ~~ ~~~~ // Clerk. . ~ l~/ i'Filmington,N.C., July lst, 1937. , City Commissionere pres~nt: Thos.E.Cooper,Layor, i3.Louis Fisher a'nd ,Tas.E:L.Clade. ,/ iur.~ HevrZett presiding; Pursuant to recess taken this,day at 11s20 otclock a.m., a joint meeting of' the - 1 City and County Commissi:oners v~as held at 11t30 a.m., to consider a request of /• !(` ~,ry,a~~a.~" the Associated Cnarities for funds to ineet the needs of the Assoriation for the ~-, ~-~' month of July 1937: , Present: County Coi;unissioners Addison Hev+lett, Chairman, Geo.t7.Trask, Jas.}3.Ha1~1, /~ H. R, Gardner and R.S.Roebuck. ltr. Alan A. T~iarsha,ll, Acting ?resident of the Associated Charitie~ presented the ~~ 1937-38 estimates in the amoui~t of' ~20,000.00, ~15,000.00 of ~vhich is requested to/ r~ ~ be appropriated by the City and County and ~5,000.00 by the general public. Action .~1~~ on the reques vvas postponed until a later joint meetino. , 1.iiss Jane D. ~od asked if the Co?runissioners thougnt it ivise to consider the 1937- ~~~~ 1938 estimates until after a City-County survey of conditions is made. I:ir. 7,iarshall~~ ` said that'a survey ~^~ou1d be made by private citizens. ~ The following was than read and presented to the joint_meeting by I~.4iss ~dood, ~~,~ upon motion of ~Sr. r'isher, seconded by i~r. Hall, received for consid~rations . '~July 1, 1°37 , Wh~~h ~l. Gentlernen of the City County Boards of Cottunissioner~; For some time a~roup of citizens of ~~~hom~I am chairmari have been studying the question of relief in the county especially in the light of the net~r setup of the Board of Charities and Public '~+'elfare. ~9e have not completed the recoTmnendatfon vrhicH v~e Urished to present to this joint board,but ~•re respectfully ask to state these tentative suggestions »hich are based on the fact that the distri- butio:i of city county tax money through the Associated Charities for general relief ~ was a method not in the original plan of the Association~and one for ti^rhich in our opinion, it is not equipped. For this rea~on ~~re aslc that before tax fund~ are, voted for the extension of this ~vork it be ascertained if suc.h allotments c.an be made to th~ new Board of Charities and Public Z"velfare and distributed through that agancy. ' ~. YTe are of the opinion that government funds should be spent by government agancies; ~~e believe that if the responsibility of caring Sor the~ andigent.;and needy.in the city and county is reposed in a department vrholly under the , direction of local government it ~rrill be less difficult to control and easier to cnec .. 1de suggect tha,t one lcard index file o#' all the recipients of City~Gounty help, one staff of case ~vorkers, oiae central head responsible for all ~ould reduce duplication and make it less likely for any to be overlooked. It is ~enerally recognized that,divided responsibility offers a loophole through vrhich the cause of the needy,person•..can be sidetracl<ed. iP ~ ho~~~ever, the poor and their friends eino have their interest at heart have only one source to consult there is assurance that their affairs get befoi•e the final and proper arbiters. Lacking a survey of city-county needs ere strongly adyise),. that local government funds be used only throu~h loQal government chamnele. TherO is ~ really no basis offered as yet so far as the public has been informed on F7Y11C~1 to judge of future needs, l7e do not ~~~ant any of our poor to be denied tne support 1~~hich government is so ea~er for them to have and to that end rve want government responsi'~ility in the spending of tax money ti~+ith all the proper checks and balances. ~ ~le suggest that the,Associated Charities be restored to.~ its ori~inal function, psivetely supported and ~r.ivately operated, its zffairs coxiducted under the direction of its private board as heretofore. There vtill alti~ays be a need, for it and we think it hae friends who t~ill alvaays -contribute throu~h it. Respectfully, ~ t~ Jane D. ~lood, Chairman. ~ .~.,~ . ~ •• '.~ ; ~~ ~ • ., ~ ~ ~ . , ` ~" ` City-County Joint P~leeting July 1st, 1°3~t, continued. ~~~~ ' The matter oY' providin~ s"unds i'or trie Associated Charities for July 1937, vaas then , brougllt up ~~ain and discussed, and t:1r. Hall. moved and it ~'ras s~e~vr~dc~d by ]~ir.Gardner . ~ and unanimousi.y carried, that an appropriation~of' ~1,500.00 be granted the ~r~~Association for the month of Jm].y 1937, on a ratio basis of City-County taxable a/ ~ rl'1'~ values, or 60% of the amount to~be~paid by tne County and 40~ by the City. 7 "" - ~ Tne meeting then adjourned. ~~ ~~:5~-'~~ . , ¢~ erk. U ~ilmington,T?,C., July 6th,1937. Pu`rsuan't' to adjourrnnent taken June 28th, 1937, the Board of Commiesioners Of' N2Z~!' .~ Hanover County ;net this day in regular session at 3:00 o'clock P.I-4. , Presen~:: Addison He~vlett Chairman, Geo.t'J.Trask, Jas.?S.Hal1,H.R.Gardrier and R.B.Roebucl<. The minutes of ineeting of' June 28th, 1937, ~+ere read and approved as recorded: f, A request of Capt.Joseph E. Cheek, Company I, 120 Inf~ntry ~or an increase in v , appropriatior~ from ;p300.00 to ~y450.00 annuaily, •~.ras receivec~ for eonsideration~ at the . ~ ~~~~time of preparation of the l~udget. . l A request of J.~"d.Bl.anton,Spanzsh-T+~erican GPar Veteran, oP Rutherfordton,?d.C., for ~,/ ~ ~~Q~rl~'e!'Free" license to peddle reedicines in this county, ti~ras upon motion, declined. , Auplication of E.P:S~~,~oer, a member of the Board of r11~1ePmeil, South~ort,Bsunsti~izck / . ~ County, for license to ~ell beer ~.t Lewis' r'illing Station on the Carolina Beach ~ ~ Road, usas upon rnotion of ~ir. Trask, seconded by Idr. Gardner, declined, for i~he reason ~~that a recent conv~ction in Recorders Coux~t for selling beer without a license, on said ', ' premises, barred li~cening the place for the sale of beer for a period of six tnonths from - the date of convic~tion. • I~~ir. H.H.Je~er C~~airinan, and P~ir~. J.Haughton James and i~"ss. Thos.J.Ga.use, of the iYelfaxe (~ Boa~d, appeared.and asked the commissioners to appropriate funde that they ~ay begin `~~~ /~~.C.,,operation:,. 1~4r. , Jeter sufi~itted the 1937-1938 tenative budget for Administrative cost • ~/~ 7 for the Administration of "Old-Age Assistance", "Aid to Dependent Children", and fox ~ ~ +he re~ular general activities of the County C~elfare Departments, a3 prepared by i;he~ , ~ta'te Board of Allotments and 'Appeal, sho~ving: Administrative cost of ~18,400.0'0 0~ ~Frhich ~p13,525.83 is to be paid by the County; ' ` ,' Allotment for Old-Age Assistance,.....'. $~56,?80.00 one fo~urth or ~14,070.00 by the County ~' ~id to dependent Children .............. 25,200.00 '~ tfiird " 8.400.00 by the County ' ~ ~81,.4F3U.00 ' ~p22~470.00 i ~ ~ `' . Tr,e auove does~ not include , 6,000.00 one fourth or 1,500.00 to be raised ~., by the County for aid to blind persons. • The budget ivas received for consideration in connection with the preparation of the . . general county bud~et,.,and upon motion of I~r. Gardner, seconded by 1zr. P,oebuclc, and ,' ., apnrcprzation of furids "~;izfficient to enable the '~`Jelfare }3oard to begin functioning ~~ras ~ ~ranted until the Commissioners can have opportianit~iy. to s~udy the budge°t es•tima<tes rrith tne County ""~~lfare Board. ' ` , . . •MF=._ ' , It~appearing tliat the care of the Blind is a seperate setup, the Board theref•ore actin~ under authority:of Chapter 124 Publie La~s,11937y and upon motion of 1~Lr. Gardner, seconded by ,,. 1:?r. Roebuck, granted an appropriation of ~1,500.00 its one fourth part.of ~6,~000.00 . Federal, atate and County~ Funds, for fiscal year 1937-1938 for aid to the blind. ^1he same to be paid in quar.terly installments to the State Treas•urer, to be disbursed by the State.. . _ , _ . ~-- . '~ The follocJing resolution and request to prov,ide,, by, issuance of' bonds, funds fos• the , ~ p l follow,ing improve~rtents ~to the county scho8l system, was received from the ATetiv ?lanover ~ •~ u~G~~`~ Count~ Board oi Education, and was upon motion of I.ir. Roebuck, seconded by ISr. Hall, unanimowsly adopteds °' • ~ ~~iNilr,iingt-on,P7.C., July 6th., 1937. To The Eoard of County Commiesioners ~ , rle~~~ Hanover Coun~y " ~ _ kilrning'ton,D1.C. ' ~ ' ~ .~ Gentlemens- --,. . '~7hereas, there have been no experiditures for improvemerits of the physical '/ '~ ' properties of the idew Hanover School system for the past several years; and v ' `~ 'tVhereas, expenditures for ordinary maintenance, by reason of factors beyond ~. ~. ' local control, have been restricted to the barest necessities during this period; and . '. . 4d`hereas, a program o~ repairs and renovation throughout tlie system is no~v . irnperative no:.iless for the continued safe and efficient operation of the schoolU than for the presercation of funds invested in buildings and equipment, " Nova, the~efoxe, be i~' resolved; ' ~ ' That the Net~ Hanover County ~oard of rducatioi, does hereby ic~ake farmal request upon.the C.ounty Cocmnissioners to provide, by issuance of bonds ec~ual to, ~. but not in excess of the constitutional limits upon the increase in debt, funds for the follov~irig Projecte; ' :,4. , ° 1.Construction of ~.dditicn to Til~ston ~chool. , :, 2..Rebuilding of Peabody School. 3.Construction of Carolina Beach/School. ~, ° 4.Construction of High School Addition. 5.Ideeded repairs and improvements throu~hout sys{;em. ~ ~ ' ~ Signed, H.I,T.Roland, Secretary, / ~ ' ' BO`a.?'d of' 1;ducation ~ j~ ' • ' ° Ner-~ Hanover County. ~ • ~~• Upon motion of~I.Tr. Roebuck, seconded by lir. Hall, County Auditor J.A.Orrell ti;as ~- designated $o:::p~~pare and file a statement of the County School debt ~~rith this Board, : , ~ in pursuance of the requirements of the County Finance Act. The said Statement has been r,,~~ _ ~1.w ~ , ~ I~eeting of July 6th, 1937, continued,. ~ ~ prepare~, Nivorn to and filed yrith the Clerk, shotving the la$~~~ssesssdcvaluation of the ~ •~ County for taxa,tion to be ~51,46~7~119.00; f, \ Outstar.d.ing school deht ....:::::::::::..~...~ 995,600.00 , . ~ Freeent 3ssue proposed,. ... 79,000.00 ~ ` ` ~ . . . Total ...................$1,074,600.00 ,_ Deduct School S'inkin~ Funds ................. 272,856.10 ~ , ISet 5chool Debt,.....:«. 801,743.90 „ - The percentage that the net school debt bears to said asses~ed valuations .0156~. ,, 4+Jhereupon the folloi~ring order aaas upon motion of 1~r. Roebuck, seconded by t~r. liall,.~ , 7 n~~~ unanimously adopted3 / ~`~ ' , A1~1 ORl]EFt - • , Autdaoriz.ing the issuance of Seventy- „9 . ~ Nine Thousand Dollars (~79,000.00) ' `~4 • School Bonds of ATeiv Hanover County, ' ' North Carolina. ~ . G~hereas; the Board of Con~niesionery of Ne~~~ Hanover County, North Carolina, ~khe ~_ ~ governing body thereof, deems ~t necessary to provide for addition to Tileston School, ~J the rebuilding of Peabody School, the construction of High School addition, and for the v . erection of z. new school at~arolina I3each• in said County, and fo'r needed repairs and •. . . improvements throughout tkise,~s~em of said County; and ' ., • ~ VlYiereas, said improvements are necessary expenses for the maintenance of the _ public schools in said County foraaterm of at least six months each year, as required by the conetitution of No=th Carolina; and ~, ~here~s~ the current revenue o£.said County are not sufficient to meet the obligations ', imposed upon the County and at the sar~e time to provide funds ~vith whicli to undertake said improveinents; and ~ ~ J t~hereas, no debts have been contracted heretofore during the present fiscal year . by said County, and the outstan~ing indebtedness of the County was reduced during the, , • fiscal year ending June 30th, 1937, bq payment of prinaipal of outstanding Uonds and ~ ; notes of said County in the aggregate sum of ~p119,100.00; and. ~ _ ~rhereas, it is desired to issue bond~ t.o provide funds for payment of the cost of • •, ' ~ the improvements aforesaia in the amount of 4~79,000.00, which amouni: does not exceed ': trvo-thirde of the amount b;~ ivhich' the~ ou{;standing ind'ebtedness of the c:ounty wa~ reduced -• 1~ durin~ the fiscal year ending June 30i;h, 1937. ~ ,°4 Now Tlierefore, The ~3oard of County Cormnissioners of Nevr Hanover County, North Caroliha,. ':' does hereby order and resolves~ ' '' ~~~ 1. Tna~ fo'r the purpoae of cons'tructing additione to existing school buildings and ~:•~ ~ repairing and improving the same and erecting a new echool building in Nec~ Hanover Qounty,~,, .'+y. Idorth Carolina, v~hich school builaings are necessary for the maintenance of public schools -~.~. in said county fox a term of at least six months each year, as required by the constitutio•tti.'~~ of IToruh Carolina, bonds of nTe~v Hanover County, North Caro]Lir~, are hereby authorized, to be issued in the maximurn aggregate pr.5no5:pa1 amount of S,'esenty-nine Thousand Dollars • (~79~OG0.00). 2.That a tax suff'icient to pay the principal and interes.t of the bonds when due sk~11 ~"~. , be annually levied and.collected. ~ , , 3. That a statement of the County School debt has been filed with ~the Clerk, and is,,~' ~ open to~ public inspection. ±~ `• 4. Tha~t this order shall talce effect `tr.irty days after the first publication.ther.eof~. ~ aftei f`S.nal passage, unless~he meantime a petition for its submission to the voters is . ~. ;£iled under the Gourity Finance Act, as amended, and that in such event it shall take "`~~"~.. affect vrhen approved by the voters of the County at an elaction aa provided ~n said Ac~. ~`' X The foregoing order i~s unanimously adopted by the $o~rd~.this day and ordered .~, published by the Clerk, in the V~ilmington Star-News Ju1y 7th, 1937, together with the order and notice required by section 16 of the County Finance Act; and 3s00 o'clock P,.M.,; ~ . , 7u1;~ 19th, 1937, or any adjour:unent thereof, v~2.s fixed, as the t.ime for hearing upon the same. , ~* ~ • - 44n application submitted in due form and execution by J.L.R~iarshburn for license to se11 J beer, at location on the Casi;le Hayne road, 4~-- miles from the City, the same having been /, I~ investigated and approved by the Sheriff, was upon motion of 1~4r. Gardner, seconded by Idr. Roebuck, approved. Upon motion of P3r. Hall, seconded by I~Ir. Roebuck, a request „~JPublin i?elfare for transportation for returni.ng Edith Brovln (~~'/`~ at Eliz~beth City, N. C., ~~here she has been lcept in school "~ the State Rehabilitation Commission, was approved. Upon motion of lt7r. Roebuck, seconded by I~r. Hall, Julius E. r~~~ of taxes for the year 1936, on a valuation of ~1,000.00 how ~. ~50, Carolina Beach, burned during the fall of 1934., ! ', t .,~~;~ :, of the Superintendent of ~ ' from the State Norttal School~ by the Ccunty, cooperating-~vith ' - ' ~ ~~ '+lenberg`was ~ranted an abatement ~e located on lot ~~21, block ~ _ ' A bill for ~52.42 v~as received from Jas.i7alker Hospital for installing a~~rnings, plaster I J lvork and supplies for connecting steriiizers in c.onnection ~vith equipping the isolation ~~ ward recently made available at Jas. ~:dalY.er Hospital by the City and County. The Clerk was , ; ~' r/ instructed to secure the original bills for this expense. . _ A report of 'ApA sev~ing rooms ~ras ~received from T,~irs. Edna T,4, Cantcrell, Supervisor, ~showi~g' _ :,, ~~~ articles made from EEtA and ~PA materia.].s to the value of $~96,548.43 turned over to the ~' ~~.. City and County to date. _ 7••~ . ~. c(~ 'P1~e Board ~cting on a certificate of the Clerk of Court and'upon motion..of 2:"s. Roebuclc:; •• „~. Or~'seconded by.T~r. Gardner; approved the payment of ~30.OO..to ~~x's.1°Jaltex.K. Toot, toeard,"the~' ~.., {~~Nv- . vf ~ _ _ _ ` 5`> ~: . . ~ , r~~eetin~~of July 6th, 1937, continued. ; ~ ~ burial expense of f'ss, Virginia ~. Bunting a ConYederate Pensioner. V ~,;, ... ~ ?~ It appear-ing that ~.11 of lot ATo. 17-P3arket Street Extension, o~~ned by Dr.J.Suren S~isbury / ,~ ~s and assessed at ~270.00, vaas used in the right of Vray for. the construction of Princess (/ ~treet extension. The Board, therefore, upon rnotion of 1•lr. tlall, secondedcby i:tr.Gardner, `..;,. , ordered the sarne cancelled on the tax records. `. Upon motion of tar. 1-~11, second.ed by TJir. Roebuck, the Chairman vras authorized and directed,~ ~ to have prepared, a list of the names of persons to be selected from the 1937 tax booke ~--~.-UN'l' ~s the~jury list, and pxesent the sar.~e to i:his J3oard for inspection. ,~ - - A request of the Hural Building and Loan Association, mortgagees, f or a reductioil oi' ~ the assessment on the soutil-vrest ,one eighth of lot No. 5, block no. 556, standing in the .~' ~`~'~~ name of T.:rs. Iainna I. Reil-ly, assessed at $~1,260.00 and represented ~.s having. been sold ,~' for ~600.OOi for the purpoSe of ~djusting the back taxes on same for the years 1°32 to • 1936 inclusive, was upon motion referred to the Cornmittee for investigation and ~vith . pot~er to act. ~ :. ~~~X / ~`>' The Covunissione:s at meeting of Paarch 9th, 1936, having reduced the assessment on the ~ buildings of t~rs. ',:ary C. l~a.rren, block 110. 233, on account of i:he dilapidated condition of tne same for the geare 1330 to 1935 inclusive, and`the said buildinga having since been torn do~-rn, the 1~oard, therefore, upon motion of Idr. Gardner, seconded by Pir. Roebuck, ordered that the assessment reduction on sai~l buildings as aforesaid apply also for the year 1936, ant~,an abatement of taxes on a va].~atior. of ~1,000.00 for 1:he year 1936 ~vas granted. ~ ' A• repor~ of the Girls Recreational project for the month of June eras received from ~ p~is s Flora T:tiller, Supervis or. ' A cornmunication v,ras received from A.E.Langston Director of Coinmodity Dietribution, ~_•, /~ advising that the t'!PA 5'urplus Cor~nmdity 'vJarehouse at 416 No. Front S'treet vrill be • -:~1~~`~ discontinued along with other similar ~rarehouses, as of July 7th, 1937. - ' nThe only bid for the burial of County indigents vras that received.from Andre~vs ~ ~~LTorturary- to-~~iit; For services incl.uding the cost of casltet and other expense in .~ J~j~ connection with burial in County Pauper Cemetery; ~70,00. ~he:_bifl ~~ras upon motion, /' declined. +' ' .-" ~. Upon motion of P~ir. Ga~rdner, seconded by BZr. Ha11, instruct:ions v~ere given to writ~ ~- P"r. V~B.F.~;lheeler, District Dir,ector T~PA, urging that he continue the servi'ces oY ?rLr. E.~.Alexander tis Area ;7pA Engineer for this district, in vievr of his rare `~ • ~..~~~, cooperative epirit in :iPA ~vork, and his ability as an engineer. ~yr ~,.~, .~ ; The meeting then adjourned. f , . . .<"7~G1 1!. ~ . . i:. ' • s~~lerk. . . . . • Wilmington,N.C:, July 12th, 1937. _ ~' The• regular, i~eekly meeting of th~ Board was held at 3t00 0' clock P.I~. ~` ,~ ' Presentt• Addison Hezvlett Chairman, • Geo.11J.Trask, Jas.iu.Ha11,33.R.Gardner and R:B. Roebuck.V .° ' as'''~ . . . . . . . ./` =/,~. Y~.. The minutes~of July lst, and 6th, were read and approved as•recorded. • `• ;'`' A c~uarterly report of the activities of the V~ilmington port Corrunission ~vas submitted~ . ,.i,_ `~p~ by PcTr. Peter B:-Ru£firi, its Chairman, and received and ordered filed. . ~o f~ ;Sr. Ruffin also submitted their 1937-1938 budget o£ anticipated income and expenses, ''. .. \~~~ytrhich vra`s received for consideration along with the..preparation of the County's generalG~ • % budget. '~•~"~> `, A Y~equest of Dr. R.B.Rodman for an appropriation for Company A, 105th, ieiedical Re~iment, ~ .', ' _~~l~~~y*ras received for consideration at t~he time of preparation of the County budget. -:~.. . ~ ~,• . The Board acting on the opinion hf the County Attorney and upon motion of lir. Hall, ~~ ' seconaed by 1sir. Roebuck, ordered that the six months band on the issuance of beer license~ ' K..=, on the place, "Echo Tavern" otivned by O.E.ETdrid~e, Carolina Beach road, not.apply, as it, ",~~~.c~cras shor,~n'that the said ov+ner had, on June 4th, ordered Tom`Crobm to vacate {;he premises ~ prior to the time, JtuZe 9th, he was arrested and.entered a plea of nolo-conte.ndere in ~ Recorders. Court June 17th, to selling beer 1•rithout a license on said premi.ses. - • • ~ - ~~..y .• A'request of Tom Croom, through his Attorney, David Sinclare, for license to sell beer/~ at location forrnerly the Hadio Station on the Priricess Street road, iras on opinion of / ~~-~.~the County Attorney, based on the finding of the Recorder, June 17th, 1337, and upon motion of 1s. Trask, seconded by P~ir. Roebuck, declined. ~-; A copy of a cor~munication from PSessrs. Y.ellum & Humphrey,~ Attorneys, addressed to ~ Yiss Leona C. Colwell, presented by K.O.Burgvrmn, Esq., concerning the title to part of ., ' , lot ~2, block #540, setting forth in part, that in their opinion a judgment 1n favor of / the County against Elias ~immons, docl:~~ed>~in;vjudgment..b:ook ~20, item 478, in the amouni: v . i'" ~ of ~$100.00 and costs for taxes ~on~the lwn~l from 1915 to 1923 inclusive, is erronous for .•~~ -~ ~l :~ said years exce~t possibly 1915, 1~a16• and 1917, ~~ras received and upon motion referred to the Count;~ Attorney for investigation and if found to be as repos:te~.,by the examining ; ''attorne~rs to malce sucn corrections and adjustments necessary, and ~~ith poY:~er to act. . , ~ c ~ -J3::r. E. G. King appea.red and protested againet the cost of administrative e~cpense of the .'~~G)SV'~ County ~Jelfare Department under the ~tate eetup for the administratin~ o~' Old-Age ti assistance etc. •~"~~ '~'~, ~ 1 ix. Linraood Tindall appeared and repo.~ted having made request on the ';lelfare Depa.rtment .~ :~ ~~0.~~~and As~ociated Charities for aid for E~fa e Best,colored, xesiding at 1110 No. 2nd, Stref;t,/ ,."~ . ~I~j about six weeks ago, and at the present time nothing has been done. Upon motion of ~/ -. ~ T:s. Trask, seconded by irir. Hall, the matter ~aas referred to the Associated Charities ., ~ for investigation. ' . .~ • . ~~~ ' , . ., , ~' .t~ rdeetin~ of July 12th, 1937, continuecl. ,,, • A report of I~Gassrs Horace T. King and J.~.I,el~oyne to .continue the ~600. 0 annual ~r~ r--l~ ~ appropriation for maintenance of' the local 1'ederal Iiousing,Administration offices ~ , ~~''I~[ .here, in connection vrith the Better Housing Campai~n, was received for consideration a~a the time of considerin~ other City-Cor~r~nty budget:*appiopriations. ~' , Upon motion of I~"r. Uardner, seconded by E.r. Roebuck, an allotvance of ~p50.00 vvas ~~_ granted the Better Housing Campaign i'or the month of July, provided the City \ Conunissioners ~vill like~~ise extend its appropriation throt~ h the month of Ju~y. ~ ~~~`~e ~J` Upon motion, duly seconded, County bills Nos. 3872 to 3735 were approved f'or payment.~/ Upon motion oi' Roebuck, authority c~ras given to secure prices for the installation ofJ ~ ~,I~qR_.~hree drinking fountains for tlie old couxt.house and anne~.. ,~ l: / ~G~ \~~~~ ~• ~ ~ aX ~ v '-"~ v~ Upon motion, P~r. S.H.Albright ~vas granted an abatement of' taxes on a valuation oP, ~/ ~300.00 household and kitchen furniture chatged in error for the year 1336. A report of Associated~Charities and I,adies Rest ~oom for the raonth of June v~as ~/ received and ordered filed. ~ Upon motion Lizzie Singletary vras released from payment of pena].ty for not listiMg ~ property in block #T60 for the year 1936 on aceount~,of her agen~ having failed to list the same as Has been his custom. ~ Upon recommendation 'of T,ir. R.B.Roebuck, authority ivas giaencto employ I~.Irs. G.L.Bell~ to ~ardtexthe jury list. , I . Upon ~otion, authority tiTas given to sell the old electric unit and brien tank which ,% was recently replaced by neti~ el~ctric,equipment at the County Home, to Sneeden ~"~ "~ ~.^~,~''"Refrigerator Company for $25.00,! " Upon motion the Board approved the payr.ient of ~5.00 for transportation for ISrs. /_.~.., ~"~,,E,,i Bea~veschin and son to Durhar,i,N.C. and $~4.00 for J.C.Blackburn and Lucile Blackburn~ ~ -/~~ Indigents, to Roclcingha,m. -d _ • On recoffinendation oi' the Superintendent of Public ';ielfare and UpQn motion, duly T seconded, authority tivas given to~purchase charity rate transportation at a cost ~ `~i~~~'y of $~11.85 for returning LeRoy Thoraas I~obley, vJife and c~ildren atranded here, to their 1 home in 73runswick,Ga. The follolving good and lai~'ul men ~vere dra~vn to serve as jurors in the S~uperior ~~~~Court for the trial of criminal case:~ for one ~eek beginning July 26th, 1937s ~ Chas.h.Bush. G.A.CardcJell. H.C.Byrd. I:i.G.Schnibben. ,E.Bluethenthzl. J.E.Ii~ll. J.Holmes Davis,Jr.J.C.Ganey. R.C.Cantwell,Sr.T.Grant Killian. Loftin Riyenbark.AQ.VJ.Taylor. S.O.Guyton. H.J.Farrow. S.I~.~Glover. i:i:F.penny. Hay Pollock. K.S.King. V.A.Hickman. Fred i~lhitley. :~.H.Po~vell. H.D.Aufham. Chas.Dushon. E.C.Hicks,Jr. Geo.;,7.Ba.iley. '7.H..Register. IV.P.Holmes. J.T.Hobbs. G.C.Gilbert. Geo.T.Clark. G.E.i~turphey. D.T.Southexland. Geo.N.Harriss.T.Delavo Love. C.!~'.Clemmenson. , Geo.IrL.~4urre1l. N.S.Haskett. J.C.Parker. J.L.T,amb. Robt.E.Owens. •• raellington Tatum.J.E.~orris. Boyd Parker. Ray P;. Buck. R.C+~.Soverell.. T.F.Carterette. C.C.Johnson. The m ting then adjaurned. r%.~ ~1.5~~ . • , erk. ~ , ~ A+r.. • _ .r i ,~ _ . p , \; t ~. . ` l . ~- . . a.' The regular vreekly meetir~ of the Board vras held this day at 3t00 0' clock P.I,:. Present: Jas. Iui. Hall Vice Chairrnan, Geo. l~J. Tr~.sk, H.R.Gardner and R.B..Ii'oebuck. Upon motion of Commissioner H.R.Gardner, duly seconded by Commissioner R.Il.Roebuck,' 'it ~aas unanir~ously resolved by the Board that all pxoceedings heretofore taken for J the issue'of ~46,000.00 of school building bonds, dated January lst, 1937, be, and the same are hereby rescinded and reFealea. The Vice Chairr~an Jas. T~:T. Hall announced that this rras the date aild hour set i'or th~ , hearing on the Bon~ order of this Board of July 7th, 1937, authorizir~ ~79,000.00 v ` suchool IMprovement Bohds. ido one 2~ked to be heard. The follovring reeolution was • introduced and read to the Board: ~K~'.~b`~ • ~Zhereas, this ia the date and hour set for the hearing on the.`order of /' this Board July 6th, 1337', authorizing ~79~000.00 School Improvement Bonds, and t t7hereas, no one has asked to be heard, Therefore be it ~Resolved that the order oS tiii~ Board of July 6th, 1937, authorizin~ ~ yp793000.00 SCho'O1 Improvement Bonds,.be finally passed in the forra in ti~hich it v~as passed)on said date of Ju1y 6th, 1937, and the Clerk be instructed to publish the order in accordance vrith the la~r. . On mot.ion of T,Zr. ("aardner, seconded by 2.ir. ~oebuck, the fo'regoi.ng resolution v~as finally passed by the follo~~~in~ ro11 ca.ll votet • Voting aye: Jas. i::, Hall, Geo. iJ. Trask,H.Ifi,Gardner and R.B.I~oebuck. ~ Voting No s none. ~ , : . ~ , ';lhereupon the Vice Chairman Jas.l,i.Iiall, declared the resolution duly adopted. 3ds for furnishing at~d installing electric ~~2.ter co0lers for use' in Lhe court .hous ~^~'~'`}~ere received frorn Gregg 13rothers, Sneedents Refri~eratipn Service and the Tsde 'k7at r -~ ~ Po~!er Company, to be considered durin~, the preparation of tlze County budget. John Le~;is Y:ines havin~ been examined by the County Health Officex and recom~ended~ by,the ,.,,~c~ Superintenden~ of public ~"relfare, tivas upon motion of I.Ir. Trask, seconcled by IuTr. ~/ C~~l' Roebuck, grai3ted admission to the County Home as an inmate. ' ~ Wilmin~;ton, N. C., Ju13~ 19th, 1937. ~ .. , 5(mit~ r~ u;, T,Seeting of July 19th, 1937, continued. ' ~ ~. ,iFy ~• The Board acting upon the recorrmiendation of the ~uperintende of Public ';7elfare, and ~ upoiz motion of 1Qr. Roebuck, seconded by Ti'r. Trask, authorize~ the payment o£ / ~S~~~transportation for Iuary I~d. Smith, colo:ed, to ~~l~iiteville; P uline Idiller to ~ .. Charloti;e, N. C., a.nd Coxinne UamUle to Kin~gT~ountain~~7.1 indigent transients: ~ ~ A request of Jas. E. Helton, Jr., for an abatement of taxes on male dog listed ~ ' l~(;~,X April 1936, and stolen the following June or July, ~as dec~ined. , <. communication vras received from the County Auditor, advising the amount of deposit~ ~c,~~~j.~n each bank as of June 30th, 1937, to~ether i~ith a memorandum of securities held in ~ /y"~`~° each case. I " C4PA Recreational Project #1955 ( Gir1~ Recreational Center.)•.located ai; Fourth and ~ Princess Streets, having terminated as a l'FPA project trii~ day, July 19th, i;he Board / ~ ~on r:motion of t1r. Gardner, seconded by L~r. Trz~k, a~reed to pay ~iss r~'lora i1i11er, ~`~~ Supervisor of the project, ten da;~s salaTy to July 30th, jointly ~ith the City of ~"~ ~ C~'ilmington at the rate, of ~100.00 per month. ^1he County's~part, bas,gd on'27 lvorhing , ~ days for the month o£ July ~.~ould be $18:50. '• The County Attorney reported that he ~~rovld recor,unend the cancellation of the,judgment £orita;,es ar~d costa against L+'lias ~inmons on property in block ~540, part oP Lot #2, v ~ for the years 1918 to,1923 inclusive, upon payrnent of the taxes due on same fox the '~ years 1°15, 1916 and 1917, based on the report ori title by the examining attorneys itessrs. Kellt:m & H{~mphreg, that the, taxes on the said property have been paid for ~ the, years 1918 to~1923 inclizsive, by other parties. ' . i Upon motion of S:Tr. Gardner, seconded by I~3r. Roebuck„ the Board confmrmed the action of ' Coimnissioners Hall, Gardner a1d Roebuck Saturday July 17th, 1937, in allovring an ~ ~ ~ appropriation of ~100.00 to~~ard the expemse and entertainment of the Carolina Aero ~'' Club, convention ancl exhibition ~t the County Airport ~unday Tu1y lBth,. All,members - ~~i~j)~voi;ing affirmatively except DSr. Traek~ ~~7h0 e~:pressed his~self as bitterly opposed to ,~ .~ the expenditure of funds for that purpose; that he felt the county had no more right ~ to ap~;ropriate funds to bring the Aero-Sho~ here than for any otner sho«~ or circus~ ~:~ and therefore reauested to be recorded as,voting No. ~ The County Auditor submitted his report for the year ending June 30tn, 1937, vJhich ~' I~'r~~ received, and authority vras given to have 200 copies of the same printed and ~ ,~`,-~A~~bound in pamphlet form £or dis tribution. ~ ~ Upon motion, duly seconded, county bills I~TOS. 3736 to 4152 inclusive; vrere approved ~ ~~~,~°/ for payment. , ~ . The meei:ing then a.dj.ourned. ~-7f~~i 7l q ` -o S~e~ ~~!l~Y.. Y7ilmington. •N. C., July B6th~ 1937. The regulax weekly meeting of the Board was held at 3s00 o'clock.P.L~. ~.present: Addieon HewlBtt Chairman,'Geo. W. Trask, H. E2. Gardner aud R.B.Ftoebuck. ~. The mirnxtea oY meetin~ of.~July 12th~ and 19th~ were read and approved as recorded. 'i , Mies Jane D. Wood~ Chairman of the Citizen~s Committee and dele~ation of ladies appeared ;~~~,,~in the interest of the imnates at the County ~iome. Mis$ Wood read and preaented to the . Hoard the Yollowing recommendatione which were received for conaideration: , - ~"Atilmin~ton, N. C., 23 July 1937. Recommendations made by the Citizen+s Committee reporting on the County Home: . ~ e wish to go again on record se i~~ging tk~t a civilfan cook be employed at the County '~ •. `~ ~~~Home who vrill have powers of a deputy sheriff to enforce his orders on his prison help. This cook should have executiv,e ability; he ehould be able to teach his group of helpers ~' how to prepare and to o,ook food; he ehould have eole oharge of keeping the dining roome in order aad of servin~the Yood. This recommendation ia aimed to ~boiish~-oertain abuaea; ' (1) the irregular 9uality of cooking due to the temporary,arcd transitory culinary help furnished by a prisoner impresaed into,c8ok's service. When these prisonere are also ~ood ~ ` cooka, all ia well, when they are mediocre or worae all auffer. (2) to prevent the petty i. thieving by prieon girl helpers.,~ving acoese to the ta~les after the platee are servad .' and be~ore the inmates are called, it is a1l-eged that they have the opportunit and do - , i'ilch tempting bita of Yood from th~e plates and give them to the prisonera. (3~ to aboliah the lack of diecipline and order which appeare to prevail in the serving of food. (4) ' , ~to.provide by cooperation with matron and nurse a balanced menu, and suitable food for the sick. There is an abundance of all that is required made on the farm but it ie chosen ,' without proper regard for eprrect dietary needs. We wieh $lso t'o recommead that a good 'tempered, calm kindly person be employed as matron and that her dutiee be Lightened by relieving her of supervision of the kitchen and dining rooma ae above stated. And that she~be given a really good, capable nurse to aid her. We recall with aoncern that eenen changea in this department have been made in the last ' few months, and we infer that all is not well. We find tha.t the mor.als in the Home is nery poor. I~tred and suspici'on settle like a black cloud over all. Man~ oomplaints about the food are trival, but the irmiates generally tell of abu9ive terms applied to them by the matron and tve obsexve her whole attitude is resentfuE.towards visitors ( which makea little ~ difference to the visitore to be served) and ia a~~aganietic to the point of bStterneas ` towa'rds the inmatea. YPe adnit that the matron~e ,job is not an easy one, and some of the \ ' inmates are hard to dexl with, but we observe,that these difYiculties can be overcome by ~x .~ the employment of`a kindly Christian woman who Could re~son wlth those vaho are ha.rd_headed. and even obdurate. We ~ish also to aay that the matron should have executive ability. It ie a.poor policy ~ f'or the matron to forget her superior dutiea and aescend to the performing of petty taeks o~ which ehe ahould direct othera to do. She should conceive of her position as one oP authority and should exercise it to her own relief and to the training of prison girls. -, Makin~ of lye soap and canning of surplus which we regretted to see ne~lected should be ~ ~~~ Meeting oY Tuly 26~h, 193~, continued. under taken. We etrongly ob~ect to smoking of cigarettes in the rooms of semi-invaiids by the, superintendent oY the colored ~uveniles who should be out in the fields overseeing his colored help. Thie is a breach of discipiine and a real ca.use~of complaint on the part of the pe~eon so imposed upon. Yours respectfully~ ~_-- Jane D. Wood~ Chafrman. Af ter a lengthy and some~hat heated d3acussion concerning the alleged la~ci~ty in ~ discipifne at the Home etc.~ Mr. Traak moved that Mr. Gardner be made Chairman ~\ of the County Home Conmittee~ and that he, (Mr.Tr~.sk) rettzin the Chairmanship of ~ f ~°/ •the County Farm Co~ittee, his motion failed to receive a eecord'and was not put to vote by the Chairman. A motion offered by Mr. Gardner, that the ehairma.n requeat the ladies of the ~ C~~tf.zen~a Co~-3ttee t.o.meet with the County nome Committee to discu$s th3s_matter ~ ~ n~ ~did no~<recefoe-a~-second;;and ~aa, therefore, not put to vote by the Chairman. l ~'~ , . The Chairman asked ~iss 19ood how they felt about using prisoners to help out around ~ Q/the Home. She replied that that was satisfactory. `" ~~ E. C. Hubbard Sanitar En ineer from trie State Board of Health wae~ . , y g' preaent and urged the Commissioners to sponsor the construction and equipping of two or three WPA oyster shucking houses for the use.of thoae engaged in gathering•and shucking oysters ~ for a living, to meet the requirements of the san3:tary laws. It was stated that suc 1~~ a house uvould cost approximately ~1~500.00 and that 47PA would furnish 60~ of the ~ ~ aanount. After fwrther discuasion l~r~. Roebuck movea1 that a committee be appointed to confer with Mr. R.C.Fergus local oyater dealer and Mr. J.H.Stone Assistant Fiaheries Commissioner with the view of arranging a meeting with those enga~ed in this •industry fox a livin~, to eee what can be worked out. A reques.t of Harriss Newman, Eeq.~ that•the County~and City Coffinissionere provide an appropriation of ~3,50~.00 for the 1937-1938 Relief Gardens±~-program under the ` supervision of Mr. Carl Rehder~ to meet the expensea oY aeed, fertilizer, auto and ~ ~p~~3upervisors salary~ was received for aoneideration dvxing the preparatioxi oP the `~ ~- County budget~ with other ,~ofnt appzopriations to be conaidered with the City Commiesioners. ' Dr. dohn T. Ho~gard~ Chairman of the Board of Education appeared and preaented trie 1937-1938 regular and eupplementa5prschoml budget for the maintenance and operation ~~of the schools, in the amount of ~123,589..10, of which $46,532.10 ie asked for the ~~~~ regular budget a,nd $77~057.00 for the supplementary budget. The sama wae received for aonsideration with other County budget iteme. .. ~ i The Board acting upon the recommendation of the Suparintandent oY Pub].ic ~lelfase, ~~~VC/approved the, payment oY $2.00 to the Red Croea Sanitarium for 7Cray pi~Dture for Wflliam Golden, indigent tubeicular ineane. Upon motion of Mr. Trask, eeconded by Mr. Roebuck, the Superintendent of ~ublic ~ ~r^~.~ Welfare was ~uthorized to employ some one temporar~.ly at ~5.00 per vreek to care'for ~ and look after %xa:: Bevil, an old indigent lady livin~ alone at Winter Park, ~ "`- suffering with an heart ailment. With reference to the date and maturity o~ the $79,000.00 achool building bonds~. it we.s upon motion, duly aeconded~ ordereds TY~at the said bonds ehall be dated ~ Tuly lst~ 1937, shall be in the denominatione of Qne Thousand Dollars.each~ ahall ~ bear interest at the rate to be named by the bidder, not exceeding eix per centum per annum~ payable semi-annually on January lst, and ~uly lst, aha11 be numbered ~ from 1 to 79, both inclusive, and shall mature in numerical order three bonda on July let, in each of the yeare 1939to 1945~ incluaive, four bonds on July lat~in . each of the years 1946 and 1947, five bonds on July lst, in each of the years 1948 , to 1851, inclusive, and six bonda on July lst, in each of the years 1952 to 1956 inclusive. • An application to the Loc~i~overrnnent Gommission fo~ approval of the sale oY the proposed iasue of ~79,00O.O~School Suilding Bonds, waa slgned in the name of the ~ ~~~ Board of Qounty Commiesior~rs and by the membera of the Board individually, and the County Auditor, J. A. Orrel2, v~s upon motion of Ma~e. Gardnez, seconded by / Il~r. Roebuck, authorized to file the same with the bocal"'Government Commission for ita approval. ~'1In accordance with 8ection 19, Chapter ~146~ Pub13c Iaw~ 1927, and upon motion of `/ ~~ 'Mr. Trask, seconded by ~r. Roebuck, the following banks were selected and designatedv as officlal depositories for New Ha.nover County Fundss`, ~~~ ' Morris Plan Bank. ' . ~ Peoples'"Savings Ba~k and 1'rust Compeny. ,~ Security I~~ational Bank. Wilmington Savings and Trust-Company. ~ ~~~Upon motion of ~r. Gaxdner, aeaonded by ~Ir. Roebuck~ the Chairman we~s anthorized to I ^ G,~ purchase two 2~ ~allon fire extinguishera to be inetalled in the hangar at the Count"yr Airport. ~ The matter of providing euPficient drainage to take the water from the dpwnapout ~ ~~~,r~~and prevent if from backing into and fl'ooding the basement ofPiees in the Court /"~1,~1t~'" House on the Trird Street aide~ was,upon motion of ~IIr. Gardner, seeonded by ~dr. ~ Roebuck, referred to the Court House Co~ittee with po~ver to aat. ~~~ , 1~eeting of July 26th~ 1937, continued. , It was brought to the attention of the Board by Tdr. 'lrask, that he wae informed by LQr. E.W.Gaither, District Agent, that t~ar. S. R. Poole will resign as County Farm Demonstration Agent 3'or tnis County to become eft"ective upon the appointment oP an ~ ~~.~~ Agent to succeed him. ~hereupon ~Ilr. Roebuck moYed and it wag seconded by Ttl9r. Gardner and carried, that ~r. C. R. Galphin of Pamllco County, former2y recommended by local farmere, be appointed as r'arm Demonstxgtion Agent at a salary of $1;41Q.00.' ' annually, to succeed ~r. Pool. The Clerk was instructed to advise T~br. Galphin of the foregoing action. ~ _ ~- Upon motion of I~r. Gardner~ seconded by mr. Roebuck, EBr.~ L.P.AYnton was released ~ / ~q}~ from payment of penalty for not listing property in block #177 for the year 1936. . Upon motion, duly seconded, the buildin~s assessment on the prdperty of D.I,.FutcM, , / Cape Fear tov~nship, was reduced from $540.00 to ~405.00 and lots 5~6.and 7 from ~ ~ ~Q,~ ~330.00 to ~225.00 fox the purpose of adjusting the back taxes due on the same . and to equalize the asae~ament with that on ad~oining property~ and an abatement ,,, of taxes on a valuation of ~240. for the years 1930,to 1936 incl'usive, was ordered. A request for reduetioM of the asaessments n the property o$ Henry Campbell,~ - ~ Zouis Fryar; Mrs. Laura Blake; K.C.Sidbury ~ nd Miss ~Sary Horan,dblocks Nos. ~~ ~~~-'~ 349, 59Y 250, 35I and 103 respectively, with tne vie~r oY ad3izsting the back' taxes '. / on,same, was reYerred to' the Chairman and Committee with power to act. ' • A request of l~'PA Engineer E.3..Alex~nder for lumber and other materials neceseary ~; `~f~~ for making "signs for marking the WPA oyster beds~ v+as received f or coneideration , ., along with other budget itema. ' S A report of Jas.Walker Hospital for the month of June was received and ordered~/ - /~ ~ filed. ' - U~on motion of Mr. ~rask, eeconded by E3r. Roabuck, the Yollo~ring resolution was ~~~J~opted= upon recou~endation of the County Audltort , ~HHEREAS, after makin~ provision for paying all maturing coupona and bornis Yor the ~ Workhouse and,Coun~y Home Bond F'und~ and ~'~`+• _ rvnn;rc~AS, there remained a balance of ~597.53 in this Pund over and above the . amount necesaary to pay all obligations; No~¢~ ThereYore~ be it RF,SOLVED. l. That the tranaPer oY ~597.53 from the Workhouse and County Home Bond - Fund to the Road Bond Furn~i as made by the Countiy Auditor as of June 30th~ 193?~ ~is hereby approved. , '~ 2. That the County Auditor be~ and he 2s hereby authorized to cred3t to F the echool Bond Fund any items of back taxes that are hereafter received for : account of said PJorkhouse and County Home Bond Fund. /: ° °- - . ~ An audit report of County officee prepared by Edw. C. Craft,' CPA.~for fiscal year ,,,~1~''exiding June 30th, 1937, was received and payment for his services for auditing •~ d`-"""^'Tthe same, in the amo~nt ot ~7 0.00 as per contract. was'upon motion,, approved. An application submitted by B.B.Paul for lioanae to sell beer at location on the / •._" ~~,,,~ n Market Street road A~} miles from the ~City limits, was upon motion of Ids. Gardner,/ " °'~~ seconded by Idr. Trask, declined, by rea~on of the manner he conducted hie former ,' •. buainesa an the Castle Hayne roadm by sending his amaTl child to purahase beer ~ ` from a nearby road hpuge for his patrons. ?~ : An application submitted in due form and execution by Theodore Bowere, for license .~~ ' ~~ to sell beer at locatlon on the Carolina.Beach road, the same 2iavixog been approved ~ . by the Sheriff, vaas upon motion of Mr. Gardner, aeconded by 2~r. Roebuck, approved~ ; , ,• by the Board. ~ ~~~ , ' ~ A petitiion of :~ight property ownere of 2diddle 3ouX~d,asking far a hard surfaced road ~~ ~,~-from J.H.Rehder' a place directly to the Sound, vsea upon motion of Mr. Roebuck, - '~~ seconded by Bdr. Trask, approved and referred to the State Highwsy and Public Vlorks Commiesion for its consideration. ~~ ;. :.~~ ' The matter of improeing the drainage at the W~nter Park School, was taken under j~ , <-''~~ N~oneideration. , ~ . The m'~eeting then ad~ourned. .. c;i:~l/i/ 7!~ 5~5~'~v-r~! . ., , ~ , Wilmington. N.C., Auguat 2nd,1937. ~~ • • . " The regular.weekly meeting,of the Board was held at 3t00 o~clock P.M. ~ Presents Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.W.Trask, Jas.M.~11~H.R.Gardner and ^ ; °~ R.B.Etoebuck. . ' _ " ~~ ~,n }, 'The minutes,of ineeting of July 26th,1937~ were read and approved ae recorded. U~/G~ '~ . . A, complaint, of ~~ca. ~aisy, Rhodes, 906 south 4th, Street,. formerly a t~FPA Sewing 1?oom worker, euffering from the results of a broken spine received during cYiild- '~ hood~ stating that she has been refuaed aid from the A~s.ociated Charitiea and / that she is,dependent upon~her neighbora for food for h~erself and emall child~ ~was upo~ motion of Mr. '1'rask, aeconded by ~r. Gardner, referred to the Supt., df • Public Welfare for inveetigation and to work out some method for her relief. , • . . •.~. .. ` ~ . 1. .. ,~ " ti ~ .. ~~6 Yeeting of Auguat 2nd, 193'T, continued. The action of this Board at meeti7g of July 26th, 1937, dealinin~ to approve an application of B.B.Paul fox license to sell beer at location on the Marke_t Street road ba.sed on information as to the manner his former business on the Castle Hayne /~¢~~ road was conducted, was upon motion of I~dr. Gardner~ seconded by Mr. Hall, recinded, l and hie applicsation for license to aell beer at,location on the said Market Street road, 4~ miles from the City limita, filed in dus form and execution and approved ~ by the Sheriff, was approved by thia Baard. Alan A. Marshall, Esq., appearing for the property owners of VVrightsnille Beacri and on behalf of the public generally, urged the Commissionere to ,join in,an effort to have the State Highway & Public V9orks Co~nission extend the liighway now under conetruct:ion on the southern end of wrightsville Beach,a~ptox~im~.tely 1700 feet , ~. -~2, south of Luraina arad pr.ov~.de a~Sarking place at the terminue of the highwaq on land ~ to be donated By^the~.~Tathat~s:r:. This it wae: pointed out, would relieve congestion that v~i11 be caused by the limited parking space along the right of way. ~ motiori ~. ' offered by f~dr. Gardner to take the matter under consideration in connec~ion with . ' the preparation af a'.progra~a.of,;otlieri~.major pro,jecta for submiasion to the Third Distriat Highway Co~issfoner, failed to receive a aecond. Mr. Trask feeling that the Commiaeiotters ahould ~ake advantage of the opportunity to extend the road and provide a parking place while a dredge is now available~ moved that the Commisaioners cooperate with wrightavi~le Seach in an effort to have the State High~vay Commission extend the said road and provide parkin~ place ~/" as requested, his motior~ v+ae seconded by ~6r. Roebuok and carried. Ddr. Gardner ~~~ in opposin~ this action stated that Wrightsville ~3each has had its share of Hi'ghway ' funde~ that the farmera at Castle Hsyne sriould be given eome relieY in road improvements arid drainage, that they have not had a look in on roads and draina~e,. ' and therefore voted No. • Upon motion: of~t~r. iraek, seconded by Ear. Gardner, an appropriation of ~,500.00 crae • granted Associated Charities to meet an emergency in caring Yor ita needa pendin~ the adoption of City-County apprapriation and receipt of funds from the State `%~ ~~ through the ~Nelfare Department to meet the needs of those qualifiefl under tha.t. ~ S1 Ugpartment,not yet received, wriich burden is being borne by the Aesociated Charities~ con tingen t ha~ever upon t he City granting its proportionate part. Upon motion of ~r. Gardner, $econded by.T~r. Roebuck, the Board voted unanimously to extend an invitati~on to the ~i.~tate Booeters Aeaociation of the Brotherhood./,: of Hailroad Trainmen~ convening in Richmond, Va., Auguat lSth,l9th and 2Atri, to. ~~~~~~ ~,hold their 1938 annual convention in this City and County. : Upon motion of ~r. Trask, secvnded by LSr. Hal]., 'V~illiam Hansloy,calored~ and / ~} ,, William Odum,white, two dieabled indigent citizens having been recommended-by the6 ~a ~~FL~- Supt.. of Yublfc welfare~ were admitted to the County iiome as inmatee. Upon motion of ~r. Trask, seconded by ~r. Roebuck, the recommendation of the Superintendent of Public ~Pel'fare to make appl~oation to include Freddie Campbell ~ and k~neat Aqsry,Jr.~ and Ida and Joaephi.ne ~6cIver, dependent children, boarding , ~~5~.~,,,. in the hom~ of Mrs. Elsie Neilaen and JJLre. Florenca T. Bennett, respectively~ in / tne distxibution of social security funda for dependent children not living withr~( relativea~ was.,,appxoved at a o:oat of ~10.00 each per child per month to ~be matched ~ by the State. ° , Upon motioa of ~r. Traak~ secanded by Tdr. Hall, the ~oard approved the payment oY Jc. ealaries for the month of July in the ag~regate amount of $402.89 to the seven ~ `~j ~ recently employed persons engaged in eocial security work under the Department of .` Public WelPara. The ~46,000.00 School Building nonde reaently executed and forwarded f'or delivery ~ to the purchasera, having failed to recei~e~the approval of the Bor-d Attoxneys on -~ ~~,,~,account of a technical omisaion in the advertisement of the bond order, were ~ ~ returned and upon motion of 1dr. Hall~ secondad by 1dr. Gardner, were cancelled and burned in the presence of the Board. • ~The following bonde and coupons were presented py the County as having been paid ~~~ and we re burned in the preeence of the ~oardt ' J SCI~OL BONDBs Coupon No. 48 Bonds Nos. 1 to 44- 44 ~ ~25.00- . $1~100.00 " " 48 " " 53 " 60- 8 ~ 25.00- 200.00 n n qg n n 62 " 150- 89 ~ 25.00- 2~225.00 n " 48 ~~ " 151 " 179- 29 ~ 12.5;0- 362.50 " " 48 " " 181 " 200- 20 ~ 12.50- 250.00 , " '" 38 " " 1 only 1 ~ 25.00- 25.00 ^ " 38 ~~ " 18 to 62- 45 @ 25~00- 1,125.00 ° " 38 " " 64 " 70- 7 ~ffi 25.00- 175.00 " " 38 " " 81 ° 125- 45 ~ 25.00- 1~125.00 n n 36 N " 65 " 72- 8 R~ 25.00- 200.00 " n 36 " n 75 " 100- 26 ~ 25.00- 65D.A0 " '~ 36 " " 81 n 125- 45 ~ 25.00- 1;T25:00 " " 35 " " 145 " 225- 81 p 25.00- 2~025:OU •" » 15 " " 89 " 105- 17 ~ 23.75- 903.75 n n 15 " " 1.41 ° 242- 102 ~ 23.75- 2~422.50 " n 15 " " 61 " 355- 295 ~ 23.75- 7.006.25_ $ 20~420.00 ROAD BOPID6 Coupon No. 48 Bonda Nos. 1 to 75- 75 ~ 25.00- 1,8'75.00 . n . n 48 " a 76 " 80- 5 (9 12.50- 62.50 " p 48 n M 82 " 84~ 3 ~ 12.80- 37.50 ° ° 48 N " 86 and 87 2 ~ 12.50- 25.00 . " " 48 " " 89 to 93- 5 ~ 12.50- 62.50 . " " 48 " " 95 " 104_ ' 10 ~ 12.50- 125.00 - " " 48 " " 106 " 118- 13 ~ 12.5U- 162.50 " " 48 " " 121 " 124. 4 ~ 12.50- 50.00 n n q,ry n ~~ 80 only 1 ~ 12.50- - 12.50 2~412.5~ .' ` !` ~ . ~ ~ i , , ' , ~ , .. , ~ , . ~. ~~ . <~ ~ r ~ Meeting oi' August 2Y1d, 1937; c ontinued. ~~ COUNTY HOD~ BONDS . ^ Coupon No. 16~:°Bond Nos:`'15.to -28-.. 14 ~. ~23:75- $ 332.50 FERRY BOAIDS ~ -- , ~ ' Coupon I3o. 33:~,'" .. ~:s!' 36 " 50- `15 " 30.00 • 450.OU ~ ~ p n 36 " " 1" 50- 50 " 25.00 1~2'50.00 ~ • BPORKHOUSE & C0. HODHE BOTIDS ' Coupon No. 40 Bonde Nos. 1 to 17- 17 ~ 25.00 • 425.00 ` COIJET HOlTSE BON176 t ~ Coupon No. 27 Bonda Nos. 91 to 160- 70 ~ 25.00 ~1,750.00 " n ~~ 27 " " 165 '~ 169~ 5 ~ 25.Q0 125.00 n, n 27 n n 171 " ~ • - 225- 55 ~ 25.00 1.375.00 ~- V~, ~ ~ ;,=. Total Coupons ..................... ~28,540.00 `' - ~ ~ORKHOUSH & COUNTY HOME BONDS PAID ° Bonds Nos. 1 to 17 - 17 ~~1,000.00 ~17~000.00 ` SCHOOL BOND6 PA2D '~ Bonds Nos. 65 to 68 - 4~ 1,000.00 4,000.00 "' ° 87~ " 85 - 5~ 1~Q00.00 5,000.00 26.000.00 1. , •= . ` Total Bonda & Coupons Paid,............ ¢54~540.00 ~ , , The Board acting upon tne opinion of the County Attorney and upon motion of . ~, ~Gr. Roebuck, aeconded by ~r, Traak, ordered that m~pecial tax levy be•included in the County Tax Rate te meet the expense.az~d prAVi~@ funds for the care of the v ~Qx Old Age Assistance~ Dependent Children and for administrative undar the Department ~ of County Wellfare, and'the appropriatio~-of $1~500.00 annually Yor the asaietance ~ of blind pereone to be paid out of the General b'und. " . _ , ' ~he assesament on the property of the Estate of Philander Peareall~ block #190, ~ having been reduced by the Tax Assessors to ~11,190.00~ the B~ard, upon motion of • / Q~( 1dr. Roebuck,2nd, by I~r. ~11, voten unanimously to make the 1937 asseasment retro- .-~"~ .. active for the years 1933 to 1936 inclusive, on account of the deteriorated value of • •~the property, and an abatement of~taxes on a valuation oY $6,990..00 for the yeara '' 1933 and 1934, and ~1~500.00 for the years~1935 and 1936 was ~ranted, same to be ~ credited on Ehe back taxea due f'or aaid years. ' A rec}ueet of the ~oard oP Edua~tion that the sum oH $1,982.45 and ~3,054.00 be placed ~(,~ ~,~.~to the credit of the school fund to take care of expendiytires for July and Au~ust - • was approved. , - ~ A claim of J.G. Brinson, 815 ~ 5th~ Street, for dama~ea in the a~o~t of ~ 5.25 for~ ~ G~h~~"~'the loes of one turkey and six chickena killed by dogs, was referred to the Chai~...a.. , ~. l~Qr,.c~•and Pdr. Roebuck for inveatigation and report back to the Boa`rd at a subsequent meeting. A claim of Weldon Baker for damages to his i931°Victoria Model~Ford=,~by co111s~vn. //, ~'~"~~.~,,~~,with County truck July 14th, 1937, on the Ca,stle Iiayne road estimated at $140.50 was / ~. ~ upon motion referred to the Chairman f'or investigation. • I .` Upon motion of Mr. Roebuck, eeconded•by ~ir. Hall~ the Chairman was authorized and directed to sign an agreement for the County, with WPA to firiance euch part of the W~~ cost f'or completing the Fair Grounds and Recreational Center pro,~ect, that will not be ~ ~ ~-- ~~~ - supplied from Federai Funda. Mr,. '1'rask voting at'firmatively provided no Purther _ expenditures will be made or required b~• the County other than that heretofore' ~ , • obl3gated. B~r. Gardner voting no until auch time a definite amount to be furnished . by the County ia stated. • • ,~.. Upon motion of Mr. Traek, seconded b~ Mr. Hall~ Cou`nty bills ffios. 1 to 269 wer.e ~/ . ~ ~jJ~~~approved for payment. , , ~= / ~ p~ A report of t9PA Sewing Rooms to Jul~y 26th, ~vae received f'rom fl~rs.Edna ~. Cantwell,V ~' ~ (~n/4~ Suparvisor, and ordered filed. - -~ A requeBt of Keith Brothere that their payment made ~arch 8th, 1935 to the Back Tax.. Attorneys, on the 1930 taxea due on property in Cape Feas township, •sppiyron:;.thei:' ~:ii ~ prineipal amount of baek taxes due on said property~for the years 1930 to 19~5 inc., '._/~~ thus taking advantage of the 3~ Ylat rate of intereat that waa not in effeet at that ~, time, was upon recox~nendation of the County Attorney~ declined. • The Board then took a recese until 9t30 A.T~., Wednasday August 4t:z~ to further consider ~ he 1937-38 budget and to meet with the City Cor~issionera at 3s00 o'clock P.M., to ~~: ~j~,~~onaidex~ oint appropriatione. . ~ r-72~/ v~ ~~.9~ d ~ _ . ~ 1~~~. ~ ~ . . .. ~ ~ Wilmin~ton~ N. C., Auguet 4th~ 1937. Purauant ~o recess taken August 2nd, 1937, the Board met at 9=30 A.7d., to Ynrther . consider the 1937-38~budget and to act on such other mattera that may come before ~ ~,~Gt~ the Board. ~ Preeents Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.W.Trask~ Tas.M.I~Fi11~H.Ft.Gardner ~and R.B.Ftoebuck. :i ~ ~ Upon motion of Mr. Hall~ seconded by ~Gr. Roebuck, authority was given to inaure the ~ County's eix trucka used at the'Airport,Fair Grounds and County Home, againat public ,_t~~N~ Liability and property dama,ge, with H.G.I,atimer & Son., Agents, at a cost of ~36.72 per ttuck per year. tex further,consideration given the budget a recess was taken to meet in joint ~/ •~ ~ssion with the City Commiseioners ~~ 3t00 o~clock P.~:., to conaider ~oint budget - , ~ ~,~fp~ appropriations. , . ~~! ~C/ Pursuant to recess taken this day the Board met in ,joint session with the CSty Commis- y~ ~ ~ ~/ sionera at the City Hall at 3t00 P.M. ~ • County Commisaionere preaentt Addison Hewlett, Geo.W.Trask, Jas. M. Aa11~H.R.Gardner and R. B. Roebuek. 5~)~ , . Joint meeting of Auguat 4th~ 1937, continued. ' City Commissionera presettti Thos.~.Cooper, ?~syor-W. Louis Fisher and Jas.E.L.VPade. . 7~ayor Thoe.E,Cooper pxesiding. , ~ . . ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ Health officer Dr.~ A.li.Elliot'being preaent the City-County health budget was•Yirat, ~ brou~ht up for discuasion. The budget was presented in the`amount of $43,920.00- ~ ~ ~4,462.05 more than last year of whieh amoun~ ~1,375.97 is ahown aa incre~eas in ,~ ofYicers' salaries. I?r. Elliot urged that in eiew of the length of service and - eff'icfency of the Sanitary Engineer~ that special conaideration be given request Por increase in his salary. After considerable diacuasion 7dr. Hall mooed and it was seconded by Mr. Fisher and carrfed, that the He$lth Budget:be;adopted as presente8~ Co~niasioners Tiall~ Fisher,.9Pade and Roebuck voting Yea; Commiasioner:Gardner~. - voting No, and Conmieeionere Trask and Hewlett votin~ Yea contingent upon the ~ ability to carry the increa$es in the County budget without increaaing the preeent tax rate after the County budget has~been qompleted and the total amount of estimates, ' ~aeertained, ar~d provided further that other County employees can receive the aame . psoportionate inerease in salaries. ~~ The queation on a~motion offered by Commissioner Fisher~ seconded by Commissioners Wade, `„~~ to rescind the foregofng action until.such time the County is in a posit3on to know . ~]~` to v~hat extent it can'allow increaees without raising ita tax rate, wes not called , when asked f.ox by the Chairman, and was therefore not_put to a vote, and it was not ~' carried. ' I~iss Flora ~[iller, ~upervisor of the Girls' Recreational Center, under the Department of the Socia.l Service League, appeared and asked that trie ~y1,200.00 salasy for supervision of the Girls Center recently diacontinued by the ~YPA. be restored by ' the City and County as sponaors. Mi~s 1~iller advised that some of the rents formerly ~ pa~d would be eliminated by aecuring quartera in churchea locate~, in the center of ~~,t,t,.~}~~t''~e North and South ends-,of the City. ~isa biiller further stated that 491 children ~ were registered last year and that the,y, were receiving training other~riae not -`--- aYailable. Upon motion of Commisaioner~Gaxdner~ seconded b,y Commissioner Fiaher~ Miss Flora'~Giller was appo~nted Director of Girla Recreation at"a ealary o£ ~100.00 per month to be borne equally by the City and County, and Conuniasionera Hewlett and ~ - ~+ade were~designated as the City,and County repreaentatives respectively to whom she ia to malce reporta, all membera voting affirmatively except Mr. 'i'rask who ~tated.• that he could not support the motiott .in viee~ of the voters having tuxned down the Greeni'ield park propo9al at a recent election, azxi therefore voted No., . A motion ofYered by Coum~issioner Hall, seconded by Commissioner Trask~~placing the . ~a.nager of the Identification Bureau und~r the supervision of the.%ayo. oP the ~City \, and.the Chairman of the Soard oP County Commissionere, with instructions to ma,ke a ~ . char~e for expenaes for services of the Identification Expert when called to to malce_ -~~ investigations out of the County, was withdrawn~`and a motion offered by Commiesioner Roebuck, eeconded by Commiesioner Wade~ placing that department under the supervi:eion' of the Sherfff and Chief of Police without charge for serviees rendered in neighboring , Counties,•was carried. . . - • .'~. 1, l~, . .... i ~ 1. . '' . ~' , ~, , Upon,motion of Mr. Fisher, seconded.by Mr. Roebuck, Harry E._Falea was unanimously ', . app~ointed Identification Expert in charge of ~~he Bureau of 3dentiYication for period; .". fromtMay 3rd, 1937 Lo the First Monday in May.3939; and the budget al7.owanqe for said >~ de~a~rtment fixed at $1,990.00 each for the City and County, A:motion offered=by ~r.'_ -• ~~ ~ `. ~ardner to consider..,his request f'or increa§e in salary'on a basis of increased coet , ~ of-living conditione in the same proportion of other requests for increases, did not . ••, ,. receiQe a second.. Upon motion of Mr. Lrask~ seconded by l~ir. Fisher, the salary of ,,~ ~ the Identification Expert wae fixed; at $~1~860.00 per year to be pa.id ~ointly by the '', two Boarde, all voting affirmatively except Pdr. Ga.rdner, who,voted No. ~~.,< ,.,_ , A motion offered by Co~¢nissio~er Gardner that any appropriation allowed Associated Cqa riiies - ~ ° ""~ be granted on a basis of 60~ by the City and 40% by the County in niers of the aid '~/ ' + ;, ~ ,} administered being in the City, did not receive a second. -~ ~ ~ A motion offered by Z4r. lrask~ to grant the Aesocfated Charities; an appropriation ''/ :,;~. ; of ~12~000.00 for the year 1937-1938 on the same basis as formerly, 60~ by the ~I~: ~~ ~ s ~ County and 40~ by the City~ not to incl~ude relief gaxder~ expenae and with.the ~ , ' " ,J understand~ng that it will not oversperid the budget a3iowance, was' aeconded by ~~~' A4r. Hall and carried. '~ . P71th reference to relief gardena, Mr. '1'rask suggested that a sma.ll allo~vance fpr/~ . i ~ . ~`• ' ~~ n e seed and Pert~lizer be proei~led. T~r. Iiall moved-that the appropriation rema ; ~ ~ the seme ae last year, ~'°~ "`~; hias moEionG` did not receiYe a second. : rdr. Trask suggeated that the County withdraw irom pasticipating in any appropriatlon d a bl ll th ff ti t f li d th t i Cit 1d H • f ~: ~• ,` -~ ~~ a a en n ere mo on or re e gar ens as a y pro em. r. a o -r~ allow an appropriation of ~1,200.00 annually for supervisors saZary and not exceed•ing '~ • Y . .. . ~300.00 annually for seed and fertilizer, ahd that tha 3upervisor be assigned to the County Farm Demonstration Agent to work under his superviaion, the eafid appropriatfon to be on a basie of 60~ by the County and 40~ by the City, hia motion was aeconded ; by L~r. Wade and casried, all voting affirmatively except Mr. Trask, who voted No. `, _ The appropriation~Por the W.P:A,^ Sevring•Rooms was f3~ced at the same amount as laet,/ ~ W`~ pi' year,~1.g00.00 ~ointly by the two Boards, by unanimous eonsent. ~ ' ~Jpon motion of Mr. Hall, •seconded by tLr. Wade, Pdr. Carl B. Rehder was apgofnted/. ~ j,_ ~~,,,~• 9upervisor of Relie£ Gardens under the genaral auperviaion of the County F'arm ~, Demonstrator. , Upon motion of Mr. Gardner, seconded by Mr. Fisher, an appropris.tion of' ~ ~ ~~25.,000.00 each by the tv~o $oarda was ~ranted Jas.Walker 2~emorial Hoapital --.`. ~ for the year 1937-1938, ~n a¢cordance with Ckie.pter #B,Publie-Loca1 Laws 1937. : ,`. ' ~ . ' .~ . . .~r - - . . . I , ~'~~~ _ Joint meeting ot August 4th,193~i, continued. , ~. Upon motion of Nir. Trask, seconded oy Mr. Gardner, an appropriation of ~7,894.00 ,/ • • each by the two Boarde was allowed the Tax Colleeting_Department, increasea in T~ .. _/rx ealaries to be considered along with other sa~arg::matters upon completion of - ~ other budget iteme. .~ The meeting then ad,journed. ~ ~ • i7~J~ ~! ~y~Y . . ~'~~ , ,C,Xerk. (~ Wilmington, N. C., August 9th, 1937. 1 The re~ular. viceekly meeting of .the ~ioard ~vas held at 3s00 0' clock P.DII. ~ ~ Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.~9.Trask, Jas.M.Ba11~H.R.Gardner and R.B.Roebuck • A request of Capt.,, Jos.E.Cheek ~or a special appropriation for Company I, 220th, ~ • ~ `- ~ infantry to help meet expense of ~52A.00 fire insurance p~emium on a~,30,000.00 policy ~ v ~ ~~l(~l~~required by the United States Government on the Ma.rine Hospital Reservation, vra.s ,: , /`taken under consideration during the preparation of the Budget. , ~` .~ A request of I~r. L.C.gure that this Boaxd-~zrge the State Highway & Public t9orks ~ Commiasion to provide a pa.rking place at gure's Beaeh, was xeceived to be considered ~-. j/~ ~ in tihe preparation of a road project/program to be prepared and submitted to the ~~~~'~ Third District xighway Cormnissioner.~. ~ Upon moti on of Ddro . Trask~ seconded by I~dr.~ Hall,~ the Board' approved the paymen~ oY ,/ ~~~~2.05 tranaportation i'or George and :~thel Bellamy, Mary and Lula Brovrder, transient indigents to Watha,N:C., as recominended by the Supt., of Public Welfare., i~ r~1pon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Tdr. Roebuck, Aseociated Charities was instructed '• 1 to prepare a liat of expenditurea made in caring for indigant;~,persons qualified under ~ ' ~C~,nrt~ocial security under the Lepartment of Welfare, oecasioned by the delay in re.ceipt oi' • ~ ~ funds by the Welfare Department from the State, with the view of having the State , reimburse Associated Cba.ritiea in the amount of the funds expended. / - ~ The Bop.rd acting upon the urgent request o£ the Chairman of the Board of ti9elfare, . ~. Mr. H.H.Jeter and Idr. J.R.Hollis Supt., and upon motion of ~r. Trask, aeconded by ~, , ofj~3~r. Gardner, increaaed~the budget allowance for travel for the five case-workera ''~~• from $~15.00 per month to ~25.00 per month for the year 1937-1938, salariea to remain ' . . as fixed. I . • ' , ~ . Upon motion of Kr. Hall, seconded by ~r. Roebuck, a request of Mr. R.A.Shew for a ~ reduction of the valuatiom on mortages and notes listed by Mrs.Ida H. Gooding in ` " excess of their true value for the years 1935 and 1936, stating that they are limited ~ / ~• ~~~ te a life estate only, to be cancelled at the death of the mortgee~ and an abatement of v ,/ taxes on the no_tes listed at ~$1,600.00, which is included in the value on mortgages, was referTed to the County Attorney with por~er to act. , ~' ~pon motion of~•1~r. Gardner, seconded by I~r. Hall, the public liability insurance on~ ~ the County's six trucks was increased from ~5/10,000. Bodily Injury, to 8~10/20;000. ~~~~~~~ and the payment of additional preraium in the amo~tnt of ~19.09 was approved. `. ~ A communication was received f'rom tne C1erk~of~Recorders Court advising that thc3 ~:• /beer lieense of Carl hiitchell ha.s bee~ revolced~ for a conviction of the li9uor lavr. ~ ; ' ~(L,~~,V An appeal- wae taken by the defendent. The Clerk~ fizrther advisea~ that the beer license ~~ ~~~ issued to Miss Joe Iiall was also revoked~for a conviction of the liquor law and an '. i_ appeal to the Superior Court taken., ,,, ,,. ,„ . ,'.{, . Requests of' L6rs. R.F.Hamme;~a7.H.Biddlevand Carrie Walker for a reduction of the ~, aesesgments on property in blocks Nos.~l£31,63 and 118 respeptively, with the vie~ ~..---- •'' %~x~ of adjuating the accumulated back taxes,on the same, w,~re,xeferred to tne Coramittee , . with power to act. . ~ , .,. ,,,., , ' ; No ob,jections were indicated by the,Board in the petition of Miss Jennie Jackeon for _' _! ~ per~ission to conatruct a wharf on the Inland «atexvray,at Wrig~htsville Sound together , _' _,/~ ~""Vaith the application of, the Town of, Wri~htsville Beaeh to establiah a harb'or line ~in ~~~ ~Banks Cha.nnel no~v peridin~ with the~ United States District Engineer 2or public hearing. , r. ~ _ . A petition submitted by 54 citi2ens and residenta of Pender and Nefl Hanover Countiee, petitioning this Board to urge the State Highway & Public P/orks Commisr~ion to hasd a~~surface the Old Holly Shelter road leading from Castle Ha yn~ to Hampstead, vras he~~in v abeyance pending information concerning a request of thi~°'Fdarch 29th, 1937, asking the ! ~~~~ State Highway Commis~ion to include the Holly Shelter and Blue Clay,roads and Kerr ~ , Avenue in the Federal System of aecondary roads for mairitenanee~.~ Instructions were given " to wri~e Mr. T.T.Betts, District Engineer at Fayetteville to advise what action, if'any„ . , has been taken on this matter. ~ ~ ~A report of the Girls xecreational Project f'or the month of July, v~e.s received f'rom/ ~ `~j,~ ~iss Flora 2~IIiller, Supervisor, and ordered filed. , ~,` ~ Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by 1~r. Hall, the State Highway.& Public Works u;/ ° ~ Commission was asked to repair and put the Beasley Bridge, on the Old 2:4asonboro Road, ' '' ~~ in good passable condition. • „ / .~ ` *~,.The County Auditors cash report for the month of July was received and ordered filed. / (~ n,C Upon motion of ]'tdr. Gardner, seconded by i~r. Roebuck~ representatives of the Wilmin~;ton "~ ~ I Port Commission, Port Traffic Aesociation, Chamber of Convnerce and the Shipping Intexea~ts/~' ~~." arere requeated to meet with this Board at a date to be arranged, to diecusa the operationl~ ~ ~~V~Ci•of the Port Commission and the results achieved througri its efforts, with the niew of obtaining greater results for this port,if poss.ible. r' :~ ~~~~ Meeting of August 9th, 1937, continued~ ~ A commurii~ation was received from the ~ounty Auc,itor, advising the amount of~ '. deposit in each bank as of July 3Zst, 1937~ together with a memorandum`of ~~ securitiee held in each case. - ~ Proposed improvements at the County tiome were discussed and bbr. Gardner recommended 1~~c~.9'the installation of showere in addition _to the bath tube; the employmen,t of a / -- ~ permanent cook, the segregation of female and,yale colored irunatee occupying the same , wards, an isolation vrard for infectious and objectionable diseases. Mr. Hall`sugge~ted - that the Commisafoners meet ori the premises and decide on the improvements. needed. ~ With reference to salary increases, Mr. Gardner moved that each County Employee ehare /' ~ ~ equally in any salary increases that may be alTovred. fl2r.- i3a11 offered a$ubstitute mntivh to app•rove the requeat for salary increayes G(},,,~,r') as aubmitted by the Boasd of Health, CZerk of the Superior Court and Sheriff,' the ~ `,S ~"~~ ~ resto'ration of~salaries to the amounts paid be~ore the reduction in 1932 and other • salariea ~5.OO~per month.. • , , ~~BQr. Trask suggested•that sal~.ries be made commenausate with that paid by industries ' ~ Upon motion of BHr. Trask~ seconded by N[r. Gardner, it was ordered, that all County ~npl~o~rees, except those recently employed•and salaries fixed, be granted an increase ` ~- S in salary of $~5.00 each per month as of July lst, 1937, all membera voting affirmativelyv - ~ except Mr.•Hall, who ha.d urged the adoption of the Board of Health, Clexk of.Stiperior :~ Court and Sheriffts requests for increases as presented, the res~toration of salaries paid prior to the 1932 cut and ~5.00 per month for others, and therefore voted No. ~-, The County's 1937-1938 budget estimates were~pres~nted, showing the amounts for expenaes~ ~~~~.,,fox the County Government, its aetivities and institutiona. The same were recelved and ~; approved and ordered placed in the ha.nds of the Clerk for public inspection for a ' period of twenty days preceding adoption o£ the appropriation resolution August 30th~ ~ ~ 1937. ~ Upon motion of Mr. Trask~ seconded by BSr. Gardner~ the Clerk was instructed to i.nclude ~~.~1, the amount of School Building Fund in the Budget whem received f'rom the Boaxd of ~ Education. • - Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seeonded by Mr. Roebuck~ the follorving resolution Pixing ,`~~the following tax rate was then adopted~ all members voting affirmatively including , the Cnairmans . • Be it resolved by the Board oP Co~issioners of New Hanover County, that the J ~ ° following tax levies and assessments upon all taxable property for the year 1937 as " provided and anthor~.zed by the General and~Special ActE oP the Legislature, to be as ~" fol~lo~+ss - . • ~ . ~ Property. Poll. • . General Fund ................ 0.15 ~ .50 ~ ~ ~ _ . Old Age Relief .............. 0.036 / / . Children~s Relief~.......... 0.021 / ' ~ Relief Administration~...... 0.023 ~ /; ~ - Schools (Supplement),....... 0.18 1.50 ~~'~ • ~ School BooY.s ................ 0.004'~ - . ~ School Pensions~............ 0.004 / ' County Home ................. 0.039•~ . . .. Health~ ..................... •0.016` • ~ Hospital .................... 0.0425~ .,. Port Development,........... 0.02 ~ • ' • County Home Bonds,.......... O.Q03' Gourt Houae Bonda,.......... 0.031 '~ ,~ Ferry Bonde ................. O.OQ15 ~ ~ . ~ School Eonds,................ O.i79'~ .50 / To~al Rate,... $0.75~t ~2.50 - f 1 ~ and if found justifiable to be allowed on a percenta~e basis. ~ . /~ '- LBr. Hewlett did not favor any inerease if it'would cause an increase in the present I/ ~~c~X~/~ tax rate, otherwiae he would be agreeable, therefore- r, / , } . 53~ ~ ` ~-ilmington, N.C., August 16~h, 1937. The regular weekly meeting oi' tne $oard wae neld at 3:00 o~cloek P;7d. Present: Addison Hetvlett Chairman~ ueo.GY.Trask, ti. R. Gardner and R.B.Roebuck. ,~ The minutes of ineeting of august 2nd, were resd axid approved as recorded. s • The Board acting upon trie recommendation of the County Attorney and upon motion~ of I~r. Ffoebuck, seconded by tar. Trask, granted I~nrs. Ida H. Gooding an abatement of taxes on a valuation of ~11,600.00 notes an mortga~es listed in error and in ~}U~ excess of their true value for tne years 1935~"and 1936. It appeared that ehe has ~,, only a life e~tate in the mort~ages the same to be cancelled at her death and that the note iisted at ~1,600.00 was inc~uded in the assesament on moitga~es. Mrg. Gooding is ?2 years of age, which wae conaidered. hdr. Hugh Hnmphrey ap~eared and explained that radio reception would not be ~ satiafactory for the propoeed motorcycleaand Sheriff's automobile radio receiving `,,,,,~equipment if tranamitted over a low powered station of from 50 to 100 watts as , ~`~~~''~qpropoaed to be installed by the City, and advised that he could build and ins:tall ~ a 500 watt transmitter at a cost of approximately ~1,000.00 which wotDld be st a lower cost than the•one proposed. '1'he matter was upon motion of Mr. 1'rask, seconded by N~r. Ftoebuck~ taken under advisement. A request of W. I,. Farmer, Esq., for a reduction oY the asaesament on the property of Mre. E.E.Southerland btock #172 was received to ba considered at a meeting of ~,('A~` the Commisafonere when sitting as the Board of Equalization and Revie~, therefore ~ upori motion made and duly ~econded, instructions were given to have a notice pre- pared for publication, giving at least~ten c~ays ttotice of a^me~~ting oP tihe Board E of Commissioners sitting as the Board of Tqualization aud Review, to he.ar ~ complaints on asaessments of property at 10=00 o'clock"A.M., I~fday August 27th, 1937, and from day to day thexeafter until the complaints have been hea~d. Upon motion of Mr. Roebuck, seconded by Lqr. Trask, Thomas V9ood, an ol.d and disabled ~ colored citizen, having been exH.mined by the Assistant Health Officer and " ~ recomnended by the ~upt., of Public '~~elfare, w as upon motion of Mr. Roebuck\aeconded ._- G by rdr. Trask, admitted to the County Home as an irnnate. Upon motion of Mr. Gardner, seconded by T~r. Roebuck, an appropriation of $50.00 ~ wa$ granted Jos. ~. ZePduyne toward the expemse for maintenanae o£ the local r'ederal ~~~ Housing Administrai;ion offices for the month of Auguat, contingent upon the City ~~ making its appropriation, Future appropriations to be decided upon by the City and Cpunty. ; ~: ~F - ~, ~ , . ~. + . ~~ ~ ~ ;' `: ~ ;, Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded,by ~r. Roebuck, the Victory Home Company was ~- . ~ a~llowed to pay the real e9tat'e'tax'on the Yollowing property in full settlement t ~ ~ thereoP, leea mortga~e deduotions aiZa 'relsased from payment of poll and ~ersottal , taxes charged against the same on account of havfng to takei:the~~prbpertycov8r:and • the partiea having no equity in the same,E ' .~ . Geo A. Biddla-Block #17, for years 1927-1928 and 1929. , _.~., D. M. Bornemann,Block "C" lota 3/11 Greenfield-for the yeare 193]. to 1936 Inc.. ~~ E.H.Buck, Block ~16 Lot ~b 6unset Park- 1925-1926 and 1927. •., ' J.D.Jenks, Bloek #32~ lot #44 Sunset Park, 1932 to 1926 Inc., ~ '. ' T.A.Niebet~ Block #5, lot #4, Sunset Park~ 1933 and 1934. ~ . . ~ '~- ~ ~~ rs 'r8 ~~S s ~~~~' ~a ~'-~ - - '' • - ~y -~- .r. .7 -- . ,~ ~.+. °- - ` . John P. P1att,Lot Sunset Park- 1925 to 1934 inc. • ~ r d.D.Prevatt, Block ~24~ I,ot ~ 1 Sunset Park, for the year 1930. 3. K. Smith, Bloek ~14, Lot ~3, Sunset Park-~929 t~ 1931 Inc:. ~• ~ L.A.Mobley, Bloek "G" lot #24, Greenfield-19 9 and 1930. , A report of the Sevcing Rooms received from Mrs. Edna M. Cantwell, Si)pervisor, I ' ' ~~ , rom ERA and WPA materials to the value of ~99,119.07 turned~l sho~ring articles made f ~~ over to the City and County to date. . Upon motion of I~r. ~oebuck,seconded by 2dr. Gardner, R.A.Moore who formerly condueted -, ~ a beer business on the Carolina Beach F~oad at the interaection oY the latasonboro Road ~~' was allowed to transfer his beer licens.e to hie new lo¢ation on the Carolina Beach .•., ~ road known as "Dew Brop inn", formerly "Echo Tavern°. A communication ~ra.s received ~rom the ~Yilmington Port Commiasion o£fering itsico=, ~ operation inarrangir~ for a joint meetin~ between the Port Commission, Port Tr,afSic~' ~~ A9sociation and the Shipping intereste to discuss the benefita and activitiea of tha Port Commiaaion~ at any date that may be arranged. ., ~ i . A request of B.W.Morrill for a reduction of the aesessment on property in block •j ~' ', ~ #215 with the view of adjusting the back taxee accumulated on eame since 1929~was ~~ ~~ ,, ` referred to the Committee with power to act. ~ ~, A claim for $124.15 damagea to the Chevrolet Car of Lewis Berman of Wilson, N.C., ~ by running into County s truck when the d~ivex of the truCk attempted to turn off ' - 1 `' _ ~ ' ~ 1., Couh~y Home~ was referred to the the Castle Hayne road into the driveway to the ~. .~~ Chairman and the.-COUnty Attorney for investigation. The County Attornay advised that ~ , the County would not be liable under the law, but it k~as been the policy of the County not to raise that defence. ~ Upon motion, the Chairman, Mr. Gardner and ttie CounCy Attorney wexe named to prepare ~, resolutions of the passing of Colonel Walker Taylor, and pre~ent the same to the d „ ~ , Board at its next meeting. , ~ , 7l'yp~ti.ttonnof;.citi;~ens.:~ofi Pender and New Hanover County, urging the State Highway ' ~i and Public V7orka Commisaion to hard anrface the Holly Shelter road from Castle Hayne J~ , ` l to Hampatead,Pender County, was upon motion of 1dr. Gardner approved and ordered ~~ ~ ~~ for~arded to the State Highway Department vcith request that the same be included . the State ~bove the legialative appropriation 000 00 311ottment made b in the ~2 000 / t . y . , ~~ for improvementa to County roads. , ! h . ~. . 53~~ Meeting of' August 16th, 1937~ contimxed. ' ~~',.~II r. Gardner recommended that the County ~'arm Trueks be traded for'new trucks,on / ~~~?.u~i~account of the heavy expense for repairs. ~ . A request of.S~.A.Lofton for improvements to the short connection of road betvreen the old Holly 8helter road and the New Holly Shelter road, approximately 600 yards, ar~d °`` a petition of citizens oY the acorn Branch section of trie County to.improve the road connectin~ the Gordon road witn Mont~omery Avenue, s, diatance ofone mile, to facilita~ ~ ,~'~~ :tranel between the two roade,. particularly school buees, were approved and referred . to the State Highway ~c Public ~9orka Coimmission wi.th request tt~at the State sponsor the same as a WPA pro~ect. ~~ ~\2i11S County-Bi.13s ~ Nos. 230 to 263 were approved for payment. '• ri The meeting then ad,journed. r7/Ju~ /t. ~~ .. .,~~ ; ~ - ` ~. O Clerx. ~Iilmington~ N. C., August 23rd~ 1937. , Tlze regular weekly meeting of the Board was held at 3a00 o'clock P.M. -. Present; Addison Hewlett Chair~am~ Geo. TN. Trask, Tae.M;i~ 11 amd H.B.Roebucls. ~' ~ The minutea of ineetYnga of August 4th, 9tn, and 16tn, ~aere read and approved as recoxded. , The following blind and indigent persons having been investigated by the SVelfare {~\~~~ Public~Nelfare~andpulon motion ofeB~r.~eIialleCSe~conded bor~el~oebuckthe Supt., of ' ' 11) B . Y . PProved by ~"~'' the Board in acc~srdance with Chapter 124 Public Laws 1937;' , , Applieation Amount • '. Name ' A~e Address White-Colored Case No.No. '- ~Battle, Sarah McJowell // 81 412~ Harnett St x 326 7 ~ 18.00 ~Corbett, Robert P7i11iaraJ /S1 2018 Barnett Ave ,x 462 2 17.00 , /Daniels, Ydilliam IawranceJ 78 407 Ii~rnett St x 474 13 30.00 . ,• ~'utrelle, Herbert D.~/` 42 R-3 ~Hilraington x 1352 1 1`7.50 Green, Mary Hurst / 58 T307.Lovea ~,lloy x 625 3 16.00 •~Hill, Jerry Roberaon / 62 R-2,Box 246 -1Gi1. x 2534 9 14.00 ~LOfton~.Priscilla Bishop / 63 1119~Princess St x 824 4 17.00 . ; ~I~iapson, Lizzie Bradle.y/ 80 912 Green St x 2714 11 16.00 ~ . ~hell~ Bishop Arnett/ 44 1214 Browns Alley x 1174 5 ~ 17.00 ~-Troy, Bella~ 45 406 Swann ~t x 2486 6 16.00 ~Wilson, I~ywood ' 74 R-2 Wilmington , x 851 S 14.00 . ~Vlilkins~ Frankfi 54 507 Campbell St x 1321 12 18.00 ' ~ Upon motion of l~r. Hall, seconded by ~rir. Hoebuck, the ~oard authorize~ the payment of "39.05 transportation fox returning Edward ~dintz to the Deaf and I3~b 5chool at ; ~~j~7dorganton, and the matter of purchasing clothixig for him at an approximate cast of .'-~~"" ~ ~~ ~18.00 as recommended by ihe Supt., of Fublic +t~elfare, was referred to trie Chairma.n witri power io ac~. ~ ~~,The fol~owing resolution was introduced by Commiasioner R.B.ROebuck~ soconded by /. ~ D~v,~'~Qoxnmiseioner Geo.W.Txaek, and upon ro11 call wae unanimously adopted by the affirmative ' .... ~27 vote of all membere present: , - . • RESOLUTION , FIXING THE FORD~ ANID DETAIIS OF SP]VENTY- r .: , ~ ~~ :xao~~ DoL~s (~~s,ooo) scxooz . - $UILDIIdG BOI~ID6 OF NEV7 ?iANOVER (~OUNTY~ . 3 ~_ NORT$ CAROLINA~ AI~- PROVIDING FOR TAE ' ~ LEVY OF TA7~S FOR THE PAYD~NT OF PRII~ ~ CIPAI, OF AND INTEREST ON 3AID BONDS. ' Y~F~R'EE.9S~ the Board of `County Coumiissionexs of New Hanover County, North Carolina, did on , the 19th, day of July 1937, adopt an order ent~tled "An order authorizing the iasuance of , Seventy- Nine Thousand Dollars (~79~000} School~Bonds of New I~nover County, North - ,- Carolina", and ' 1Yt~;REliS, the purposes~for whieh bonds are authorized to be issued are necessary expenses ~, • o£ New Aanover County, and ~i'HF.ftEAS, said order was f~:rst °publishea after final passage on the 20th day of July, 1937, . and no petition for its submission to the ooters nas been filed under tihe County Finance • Act as amended, and '• wHEk~EA3, saici ordex is in effect and it is noe~ desired to fix the form and details of said , ~ bonds. ` ' ~. N0ti9, THEREFORE, SE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOAR~ OF COUNfY COTdMISSIOId~RS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, ' ' NORTH CAROLINA~ '' Section 1. That the life of the improvementa Yor which said bonds are to be issued computed froar a day not later than one year after the date of padsage of the.order providing for the ~ iseuance of~ said bonds is twenty years. ' Section 2a That there shall be issued+ Seventy-Nine Thousand Dollars {~79,000.) School ~Building Bonds of New Aanover County, North Carolina., dated July 1, 1937~ of the denom- . ination of ~1,000. ea~h, numbered from 1 to '79 inclusive and payable serially in numerical ordes, $3,,000 bonde of July 1 in each of the years 1939 to 1945, inclusive, ~4~000 bonds ~ on July 1 iri each of the years 1946 and 1947, ~5~000 bonds on July 1 in each o1 the years ~ . . 1948 to 1951, inclusive, and $6~000 bonds on July l in each of tne yeara ].952 to 1956 ,.=• inclusive. Said bonda snall bear interest at sucn rate or r~tes not.exceeding six per - centum per annum in multiples of 1/4 of 1~ as shall be determined at the time of the sale of said bonda, interest to be<Fayable semi-annually on January 1 and July 1 in each year. Both principal of,and intereat on eaid bonds shall be payable in laevful money of the ~ United States of America at the National City Bank in the City of New York, State of New ;. York. . Said bonds shall be issued as coupon bonds with the privilege of registration as to principal only on books to be kept by the Clerk of the 3oard of County Commissionere of New Hanover ~34 / Meeting oY August 23rd, 1937, cantinued. , County, North Carol3na, herepy designated as Hegiatrar for that,.p~zrpose. Said bonds shall be si~ned by the Chairman and Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners and sealed with the corporate seal of said County, Coupons attached to-said bonds ~ shall be executed with the fac-simile aignature oP said Clerk of the Board of County.Commissionera, which fac-simile signature is hereby adopted as and for due and suff'icient authentication of said coupons. Said bonda, coupone and provision for registration ahall be in substantially the foilowing form, to-~vits UNITED STATES OF A7~RICA STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUI~Y SCHOOL BIIILDING BOND" 3 ~. No. ~1~000 Nev~ Hanoner County,.North Carolina~ tor value received hereby aeknowledges itaelf inde'bted and promises to pay to bearer, or, if this bond be registered, to the registered owner hereof~ the sum of . ~ ~NE TIiOUSAPID DOLZARS , ($1,000.00) on the first day of July~ 19_, with intereat thereon at the rate of / per centwn per anniun~ payable semi-annually Januar,y 1 and July l upon ~ presentation and eurrender of the annexed interLst coupons as they aeverally become due, bmth principal of and interest on this bond being payable in lawful money of the • United States of 9merica, at the National City'Bank in the City of Ne~v York, ~tate of New York. ' This bond.is iesued for"the purpose of constructing additions to existing school, buildinga and repairing and improving the same, ~and erecting a new school building in New Ii~nover County, North Carolina, which achool buildinga are necessary for the m aintenance of public sehoola in said County for a term of at lea~t six months each . year as required by the Constitution of North Carolina, under, pursuant to and in r-=-; full compliance with the Constitution and statutes ~of the State•of North Carolina, including amon~ othera the County Finance Act and the Local Government Act and acts amendatory thereof and aupplemental•thereto and in pursuance of proceedinge of the Board of County Comnissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, duly adopted and taken. • . . . It is hereby eertified, recited and declared that all acts, conditions and things required to exist, bappan and be performed precedent to and in the issuance oY this , bond, exiat, have happened and have been performed in due time, form and manner as '. required'by law and that the amou~t of this bond, together with all other indebtednesa~, of said County, does not exceed any limit prescribed by the•Conatitution of said State or by any statute thereof and that provision has been made f'or the levy of an annual ~. tax suii'icient to pay the principal of and interest on`tSis~bond as the same respectively become due and payable. The full faith and credit of said New Han~ver County and hereby.irrecocably pledged for the punctual payment of~the principai of and intereat on thia bond. • Tnis bond may be registered as to principal in the name of the holder in accordance with the provisions endorsed hereon. ~ IN 4VITNES3 NIFIEREOF, New Hanover County, North Carolina~ has cauaed this Tiond . to be aigned by the Chairman of the Board of County Commiasionere and the Clerk of • said Board oF County Co~missioners and the corporate seal of said County to be hereto affixed and has.caused the intereat coupons hereto attacned to be executed witri the fac-simile signature of said Clerk and this bond to be dated the lst day of July,1937. ~ Ghairman~ Soara oi~ County Commiseioners, New Hanover County, North Carolina. Clerk, Board of County Commisaioner.s~ New Hanover County, North Carol:ina. (Form of Coupon) ~ Na. ~ January On the firet day of July 19', New Hanover County, North Carolina~ wi11 ~ pay to bearer hereof Dollara (~ ) in lawful • money of the United 3tates of America at the National City Bank in trie City of New J York, State of New York, being six months interest then due on its School Building ~ Bond, dateci July l, 1937, No. ~ ' ~ Clerk, Board of County Commissioners. r--~. {provision for Regietration) ' This bond may be register~d as to principal in the holder's name on the booka of ~ the Clerk of the Board o£ County Conuniesioners, such reg3stration being noted upon this bond by said Registrar~ after which no tranafer ahall be valid unless made on eadd books by the regiatered ho3der and similarly noted on the bond, but.the same may be ' discharged fram registration by being transf'erred to bearer after whi'cn'it ahall be ~ tratteferable by delivery but it may be again registered as before. The regiatration of the bond as~to principal shall not restrain the negotiability of the coupons by ~. delivery merely. • (No writing hereon except by the Clark of the BoAxd of County Commiesionere as Regiatrar.) . ~ ' r ~''_. ..' §, +~+ ~~ ~ Meeting of August 23rd, 1937~ continued. l~te of I2egistration In Whose Name Re~istered Resistrar Section 3. That tnere snall be annual~y asaeased, levied and collected upon all taxable property in New-Ii~nover County, North Carolina,at the same t6me and in the s~me manner aa other County taxes•are assessed, levied and collected, an ad,valorem tax ~ eufficient to pay the intexest on said bonds and to provide for the payment of the principal .triereoi' when due and.said tax•sria1J, annuaily be assesaed~ levied and ~ •- collected while said bonds -nr~:any"of them remain outstanding and unpaid. $ection 4. That this resolution-sha11 take effect immediately and all reaolutions `J - or parts thereof in conflict nereerith are hereby repealed. The vote upon the adoption o1' ine i~ore~;oin~ resolution was a$ Yo"11owa: ~ ` • Yeas _ Addison Hewlett, Geo. 19. Trask, Jas..3~. I~11_ and~R. B. Roebuck. Nays•- None: A requeat of Mr. E. L. Be11 for a reduction of the assessments on property in block ~/ ~Qu 556 and bloc~ "A" lot ~9~ Manhattan,~with tne~~'iew of ad~usting the back taxea on same~ was referred to the Committee tivith power to act. - '~., Upon motion of l~r. Hall, seconded by IJir. Trask, ~r. J.T.Biddl.e was released from ~ ~ ___~_~` {v payment of ,penalty for not listing•lot ,~5, Biddle Diviaion, Fedaral Point Townahip, ~t,~!~ for the year^1936, on account of being a non-resident. A communication was received from I~dr. P.T.Betts, Divieion Engineer, State Highway and ' Publie +Aorka Coirnnission, at Fayetteville~ advising that BBr. A.F.Povrell, newly appointed ~ State Highway Commiasioner, aucceeding 2dr. R.G.Johnson~resigned, will hold hearings of i,.~~ 5 delegationa on road matters the first Tuesday aftercthe first Monday of each month at" his oif'ice in Whiteville. ~ ' ~~ Upon mo.~tion of Mr. ~11, seconded by bHr. Roebuck, Robert H. Scott, colored~ wae 'li''~~ `~" granted an abatement of taxes on a valuation of ~500.00 merchandise and fixtures ~~~ listed at ~1,000.00 in error for the year 1936. r1_r.~ A report of Jas.VGa.lker Hospital f'or JuR~r waa received and ordered filed./ `_ ~f . U Lb k d d b -~r R b k th Board authorized ~the Upon motion of r. Tras ~ secon e y . oe uc , e aeparation of the assessment on the dieision of the property of IV.E.Lewis Es"tate, !i'` ~_` ~-f9,~ Federal Point Township~ and allowed the payment of accumulated back taxes on the 1~ division or1 a basis of the separated valuea. • A comnunication was received from Pdr. Geo.W.Coan~Jr., State VPPA Administratorm I~ advising that operations on the Fairground Project will be resuraed on or before / `AJ~Q7 September lst, 1937. . Re9uests.for reductions of assesements on ~he property of Mrs. Anna P. Savage, blocke ~ 140 and 307 and Hra. of Wright Stanley, block #33, with the view of adjusting the ~~ accumulated back taxes•on same was referred' to the Committee with power to act. Upon motion of.Mr. Trask, seconded by f~r. Hall~ Thos.g.Woody was granteri a two weeka . ~~~vacation. ' - The following resolution, a tribute to the late Colonel +fJalker Taylor~ our / beloved citizen, wa$ offered by Commiasioner R.B.Etoebuck, duly seconded by ~~~'~~~ CoTmnissioner Jae. M. Hall, and unanimously adopted: , f . ` ' . ~ . ~;. . r~rsr~rer:AS, Colonel ;Nalker Taylor, an outatanding force and foremost citizen , of our community, wae called from nis earthly labora on the lOth, day of Auguat,''" 1937, .and ' ' ~ wnr:rcEAS, his wiedom,and matured po~ers were most uaeful to his fellow citizens., He wa~ ever re3dy to lend a helping hand and to respond to the needs of the under- privileged sons of his comnunity and lift them from a state of helplessnese and obscurity to a_life of influenee and helpfulness, thus his life was cha.racterized by that high ideal of right.that marked him as one of our greateat benefactors~ and L. wnr;rcEAS, those,personal traits of altruism, rielpfulness and toleration which so largely endeared hira to the community in which he lived and served, conatituted a character most valuable to this County and people, arid WHE~EA3, he was always ready to respond to the call of duty and lend his aid and ability to safely guide when perplexities arose, and WHERF•AS. the members oE this Board recognize in his death the loss of a valuable citizen and desire to pay tribute to his memory, therefore BE IT RE.SOLVID that.a copy of' these resolutions be sent to the family of the deceased with expressinns of the ~ncere sympathy of' the membera of this Body, a copy of the same be presented to the press and that these resolutiona be spread upon the minutes oP this~Board. ~ The meet'ng then adjourned, ' C.~/~UJ 7~i'S~'~J ~ ~ /Cl~rk. . U ; ~ 53~ ~~ ~ Wilmington~ N.C., Auguet 30tn, 193~. The regular v~eekly meeLing ot' the lioard ~vas held this day at 3=00 0' clock P.M. Present: Addison tfe~vlett Cnairman. Ueo. 'v7. Trask, H.R.Gardner and R.B.Roebuck. The minutes of ineeting of August 23rd, eeere read and approved ae recorded. A coIInnunication was received irom I~9rs. Edna IJi. Canttieell~ Sewing Room Supervisor, advising that the Sewing Room Pro~ect will not nave any furtner use Por the WPA Sewing Room quarters at 416 North ~'ront Street, Basement Hemenwaly School and F~~~ 901 Castle Street after August 31st, on account oE.having,conaolidated the two wnite seprin~ rooms and moved to new quartere at r'ront and Orange Streets and cloaed the colored sewing room at 901 Castle Street. .~~, . I, , J i. i. .. ~, ;.,'.:' ~.,~ \ . . ~i; . .;~ . , ~/' Upon-motion of ~ir. Trask, seconded by Pdr. Ga.rdner, the City-County Tax Collector was au~no~~zed and empowered~to accept payments of back taxes ae appear on the ~Q~~ back tax xecords plus 3~ flat rate of interest in full settlement thereof for ~ ~ ~?eriod ending October 31st, 1937~ in accordance with and as authorized bq @hapter #73 Public-I,oc~ Laws 1935. '. Upon motion of 25r. Gardner~ seconded by ~ar.`firask, the rate of intereat for the ~79,000.00 New Hanover County School Building Bonds heretofore authoxize& to be n. iasued by the tsoard, was.fixed at 3~ per annum for the first ~p29,000.00 ,/1j~ maturities and on the remainder at 2 3~4~ per annzun and the action of the Local ~y% ~~ . ~~ ~ Gopernment Co~nission in awarding the sale of the said ~79~000.00 School Buildi:ng Bonds ~ointly to Interstate Securities CoTporation of Charlotte~ N.C.; and ' Ha~milton and Company of ~hester, S. C., at~~a price of ~p79,012.00 is hereby approved. ,n_,.~ ~The eote upon the adoption af the foregoin~ reaolution was as follows: ~"~~j~.. --._. ~ yv , . Yeas - Addison Hewlett, Geo.W.Trask,H.R:Gardner and R.B.Roebuck. Naya - None~ ~ . ~/ A claim of Dr. E.S. ck f'or credit of ~150.50 part of unused balance fox cost oi hospital treatment of rie Sheridan, colored indigent patient, f'or pexiod~from 1~ "~ May 13th, 1934 to February 3•rd, 1935, to apply on the 1936 taxes due by Bulluck ~ ---~. ~~ Gospital Incorporated, the same having been.approved by County Health OfYicer, Dr. A.H.~lliot, was upon tne opinion of the County Attorney, and upon motion of Mr. Roebuck, seconded 'ny t~r. Trask, allowed in accordance with Chapter 580 Public Laws 1935. All membera pxe.~ent~,~oi;ing affirmatively except 2~r. Gardner vuho requested to be recorded as not voting. . ~ upon motion of hGr. Roebuck, seconded by ~dr. ~i'rask~ instructions were given to write Bulluck Aospital Incorporatad, to give t~tis Boasd due notice of all future applications for charity hospitalizations•in cases where treatment is ofiered with' ~ expectation of securing a tax credit for the cost of~such treatment; also to ~~ . furi~ish approximate duration of time}necessary for such proposed.txeatment; a copy of said coramunication to be f'urniahed the ~oard of Health. • '. The Board acting upon the reco~endation of the Superintendent of Public ~Yelfare, ~and upon motion of ~r. Roebuek, seconded by 2~dr. Gardner, authorized the payment of ~~ ~15.00 to Dr. M.N..Leary tov~ard yp31.00 coat for dental work for Edith Brown a County ~- charge in the ~'eac~ene Training School at Elizabeth City under the State Department. of Rehabilitation, in order to continue her.training there. The balance of the coat of dental work to be borne by Dr. Leary. ~'/ Upon motion of ~r. 1'rask, seconded by t~r. Roebuck, the payment of 75¢ balance due `~~ ~~~ on mattxess and sprin~s Yor the Riggs girls was autnorized. ~ It appearing upon inf'ormation f'urnished by ~V.F.Jone~~ Eaq~, tha,t Herman Garrett wrio was sentenced by the Recorder July 24tn,1937, to sexve a term of' sixty days on the County b'arm, his sentence expirin~ by limitation on September 7th, 1937~ is ~~~ suff'ering from several f'ractures of the ankle bone and instep of one 'foot ~nd is ~ tnerefor~ unable to work and is in need of hospital treatment. The Board is'further advised that he is a~+~orld ~Nar Veteran and if he could secure riis release on or bef'or-e. September let, he could at once secure admittance for treatment in a Government Veteran Hoapital, Therefore, upon motion of 34r. Roebuck, seconded by Mx'. Trask~ the ~ Board unan~mously recommended to the Pardon Commissioner, the release of Garrett to- enable him to receive the treatment he needa. ~ - ~„/Upon motion of I~dr. Trask, seconded by ~dr. Roebuck~ the Board,upon recommendation of h~°~rV t Upon motion of P;ir. Trask, seconded by i~[r. Roebuck, the ~ioard approved the payment of r ~, of ~30.00 to f~r. Edw. C. CraPt~CPA.,for auditing the booka of Associated Charitiea ~~for fiscal year ending June 30th, 1937, the same being 60~0 of the total cost of ~50.00 the Gity agreeing to pay the ~other 40~. ~,p~, the Alcoholie Beverage Control Boaxd, approved the increase of rent on ABC Store #102, j 1201 North Fourth Street, to $31.50 per month. Upon motion of 2~Hrr. Gardner, seconded by Y~6rr. Trask, the increase in cost for elevato ,,~,/ ser4ice for monthly e~dmination of the ele4ator by the Otis EleQator Companp~ rrom /.- ~`7'~' $3.20 per month to y~3. 50 per month~ waa approved. . . For -the purpoae r~f ..clearing the back taxes due on the property of V~.A.McGirt, block I/. __~a'~ ~ 28, the Board upon motion oi Mr. Gardner, seconded by I~r. Roebuck, fixed the V assesement on lot ~18 in said block, at ~35.00. ` ~An audit report of' the Board of Health prepared by Ntr. Edw. C. Craft, CPA.,for fiscalJ ~~`p~ year ending June 30th, 193,7~ was received. ~.s" • Upon motion of l~r. Trask, seconded by B~r. Roebuck, 1~r. W.H.Leitch was granted an ~ abatement of taxes on.a valuat~on of ~205.00 on account of error in chargin~ nim with~/ ~~Lt a 1933 Ford Sedan at ~285.00, whereas it should have been shovrn as a 1929 Ford Sedan ~ bearing an assessment of $80.00. ~ 3 ~: t,: ,F :~'•.. , ~-f ii . ~.~~;~. ,' ;~~;. .~ .;,~~5 ~~'; ... ;: ~ , ~ ,. . . ', .. , ~ ~ Meeting of' August 30tn, 1937, continued. , ~ Upon motion of ~ir. Gardner, the:3oaxd~voted to arrange a meeting with the City ~ \~,~ Commiseionere Wednesday September lst, at 11s00 o~cloek A.P~., to take ~•ointiaction ~t~ on the request of DIIr. Jos. S. LeIi4oyne f'or an appropriation for maintenance of the ~ l,ocal off'ices of the r'ederal liousing Administration. 5~11 ~~' ~ The County's 1937-1938 Budget Appropriat.ions were then adopted~ and upon motion of ~ Mr, Roeb~ck~ second~ed by BSr. Trask, the following appropxiation resolution was ~ ~, t : ~~~- ' adopted, all members present voting affirmatively- , _ ~ APPROPRIATION RESOLUTIOId • ~ Section 1. Be it resolved by the Board oY Oounty Co~'anissione ra of New fianover County, ~ North Carolina, this 30'th~ day of August 1937, that for expe nsea for County Government, ~ ' _ . its activities and~inetitutions for the year ~end'ing 'June 30t h, 1938, the amounts of the ~ - following schedules, or so much of each as may be neceasary~ '. are hereby a ppropxiated. ~+~; . .. '. Section 2. That for the said fiscal year there ie hereby appropriated for ~ ~ the ° County ;~j • General Fund~~ the followingc ~:~ ~ . General Fund .................................. ............................ : ~ ` Emergency rund ~12:6,549.58 6.050.42 . ~132,600.00' '~ ~ ` ' ' Section 3. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby ;. _ . appropriated for tkie "Welfare Department~~ ...............,.. 15,618.00~ "•.~ - Section 4. That for the ~aid fiacal year there are hereby ~ y ~ appropriated for "Old Age Assis~tance Fund~-and Dependent ,.. Children`s Assistance r'und", the followings , Old Age Aasistance r'und ....................... 56,280.00 ~. Children~a Assistance r'urri~ ................... ~~~~(JO.AO 8~:,480.00• ' SeGt~ion 5..That for the said fiscal year there is hereby ti ~ ~ appropriated for the "Wilmington Port Commission°,......... ' 8,700.00 • ; : ~ _ 6. That for the said fiscal year tnere are hereby Section ~a _ • ~~ppropriated for the "Salary Fund~~ the follovrings . ... . L, , j;. ' SherifP~ .........:............................ 8,824.00 ~ .: ~~ Clerk.of Superior_Court ....................... 8,280.00 , , _ ~ Register of Deeds ............................. 6,932.25 ~ .' , Constable~......::..... ......................... . 1.205.00 25,241.25• ~~ ~ ' , , . ; ~ ~ ~~; Sectiori 7..That Yor tha said fiscal year triere are hereby ~ ' ;s appropriated out of the "County Home Fund~~ tne followings ~ ' ~ . , , , . ;~ . . . County Home,.~............~ ..................~... ~ Fa ~ t ~ C 14,516.~93 4 94 545 . ........................... oun rm~...... y ~ ~ , . ............ ...... ............... Drainage .... 4.791.70 . . . . . ~ - - , 23~Bb4.57 , . . ; ~ner~encjr ......................~.... ~ ~ 723.73 24,578.30 • - . Section 8. That for the said fiscal year there are hereby , appropriated for the "Iiealth Fund" the followingi ~ ~ ~ ~ Appro~priation Board ~of~iiealth~~...........~.,....~ ~ 10~957.68 ~ ~t- . ' ' ~ ' a 0 . . , ' Control ......................... ..... Artosq,u ito Y D tist li ~ ~ ~ 1.,400.0 2~5 16 93• 12 458 ry .. ....:...................... Re e en ~„ , . , . ~ ~ Section 9. That for the said~fiacal year there is hereby. ~ appropriated out of the"i3ospytal Fund"the i'ollowings , . Appropriation~ Regulas,Jas.~lalker.Iiospi~al~... 15,000.0~ ~ ' Appropriation~ ~pecial,Jaas.47alYer.Hocpotal~... 1U,040.00 25.,000.00 • , ' (Authority-Chapter 8,Public-Local I,aws 1937) ~ ~. Section 10. That for the said fiscal year there are nereby appropriated out of the "School Fund" the followings ..,.. . ,.. ,. , ,, , ,,, ,, ,,,,,, .... . : ~ School Extended Term .......................... ; . 77,057.00 • School Z6aintene.nce ............................ 34,532.10 School Debt 3ervice ........................... 14~296.25~ School Capital Outlay ......................... 7,200.00 . 13~,085.35• . . . . ~''! ~ z F 3 :~ ~ Section 11. That for•the said fiacal year there is hereby ' ~ appropriated out of the '~School Book Fund~~ the f ollowings • ~ • ` School Books .................................. 12,000.00 • _ Section 12. That for the e'aid fiscal year there are hereby • appropriated ior the "School Pension Fund" the followings - ~IIise Louisa Hili ............................. 477.90 ~ • Miss Sate Johnson ............................ 679.50 • Tdre. Mary Foy Stone .......................... 560.70 ' _ -..~. Fannie Blount .......:........................ 522.00 . • Carrie J. Moore .............................. 301.48 ' . , Matilda Story ............................... 522.00 3~063.58 • , Section 13. That for the said fiaca~ year there is hereby • appropriated for the "Road Fund~~ the #'oilo~ringt ~~ . = Fire Insurance~ Stockade ..................... 18U.64• - . ' ° \ . / 53~ V. ~deeting o~' Auguat 30th, 1937, co~tinued. , 3ection 14.That for the said fiscal year there are hereby appropriated out of the "County ~ond Interest, Redemption and Sinking Ftitnds" the followings County Home Bond Sinking F.undt Interest on Bonds ........................ ~ 665.00 Bonds Maturing ........................... 2,GOU.00 Coupon Expense ............................... 4.U0 ~ 2,669.00 • Court Houae Bond Sinking Funds Interest on Bonds ........................ 6;750.00 Bonds ~daturing ...........................10~000.00 Coupon Expense ........................... 30.00 16,780.OQ • Ferry Bond Sinking b'und; Interest on Bonda ........................ 3,400.00 Bonda ~turfng ........................... 3,000.00 ' Coupon Expense~ .......................... 12.00 6,412.00 • Road Bond•Sinking Fund= Intesest on Bonde ........................ 5,000.00 01d'Coupons;:. :........................... . 180.00 Coupon Expenae .........................:. 12.95 • Box Rent~• ................................ 4.00 5,196.95 • School Bond Sinkin~~ Funds • Interest on Bonds ........................44,202.50 - Old Coupons .............................. 875.00 Bonds PSaturing ...........................45,000.00 ' Coupon Expense ........................... 168.94 . . Box Rent ................................. 4.00 . , .. Old Coupona .............................. 1.122.50 91,372.94_ ~7orkhouse & County Home Bondss • ° Interest on Bo~ls .............:.......... 425.00 Schaol~~buildin's~~~~ ...................:~17.000.00 1'7.425.00 . g r••• 152.084.51 -( Total Budget .............. ~765_;946e4 V The following good and lavrfu~. men were drawn to serve as jurors in the 3upexior _~ /~ Court f or the trial of 'Crininal Lases for vreek beginning September 13th, 193t1s ~ V . A. Hi clQnan. • W. P. Holme~,. L.C.Allen. T.H.Skipper. A.B.Grimsley. Jno. T. Covran. ~ G.H,$iggs. H.P.Walker. ~ ~V.R.Hickman. • - °Louis Solomon. R.Z.Godbold. Chae.H:Bush. J.T.Hobbs. ~ Sam Dlugin. Jno.R.F~nby. • W.P.Duncan. J.A.Iaunn,Jr. • Id.G.Welsh. • 1+.F.Seitter. James '1Jenberg. J.C.Slocumb R.C.Platt. The me ting then adjourned. C~!~%Gi ~!. ~`l v Fred Singleton. Aubrey A. Rogers. W.R.Chisholm. J.B.Taylox. i4.R.Jones. S.B.Hoy. G.S.Truelove. J.~. Shinn. A~.E.Eakins. C.W.Fulford. For the Civil Term- One c~eek beginning September 20th, 1937: f . ;. .. w j U ~ ~~ .. . „" , . '~~", W.}?.Ariderson. Iiarry Y~ettig. H.H.Cook. A.A.Zewis. G.E.Murphey. E.ti9.Massey. W.J.Blackwell. Vance Bounds. b`F.A.k'onvielle. L.A.Covil. ~4m.F.Po~ve11. Chas.O.Smith. J E.B.Bugg. Jno.H.Fussell. 4iT.G.Twining. Paul L.Cantwell .• Newett D. Edwards. Stone C. Pulliam. W.E.Keen. ~ 'Joe A.bed:. J~.Gallman. ' ' John Carter. Edw.~ Z. King. N.S.E~.skett. Geo.R.DeOrange. A.R.Keitn. David S. Harrise. J.E.Hearn A.G.I~leg. Isaac Hardison: • Geo.1~.Murrell. L.D.Latta. ~` Bernard O~Neill. W.R.Brown. L.B.Carroll. B. H.Pdarshall. J. VP.Rober ts . IN.J.Plilkina. Thuraton C.Davis. S.F.Garrison. Geo.S.Boylan. J.G.Kuhlken. J.B.Fenley~ R .0. ~7ay. 3.M.Waod. t. Miller. F.D.Fick. R.C.Cantwell. Wilmington,N. C., September 7th, 1937. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was ~~eld this day at 3s00 o'clock P.1~. ~ Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.6U.Trask, Jas.Pd.I~ll and_A.~t;:cGaxdner. The minutes of ineeting of August 30th, were read and approved as iecorded. BHr.,S~ ~. Sneeden, recently employed as assistant Jai~ler, heretofore employed as a / ~,`~ deputy sheriff, was upon motion of ~r. Trask, seconde~d by Adr. T~ 11~ included with U ~Y3~' )other:~County employeea,to receive an increase in salary of ~5.00 per month as of ~~ / July lst, 1937. ~ Upon motion, Albert ~dosley,the jail cook, was granted an increase in salary of ~p1.00 J ~~~per`vreek, making nis salary ~9.00 pex week instead of ~8.00 per week as formerly. In order to clear the taxes due on lot #18 in block #28, t2fe Board upon motion of ddr. Trask, seconded by ~ar. F~all, allowed Mr. LY.A.McGirt to ~ay the back taxea due on ~'~~~` said lot #~18 for the yeara 1930,1932, 1933,1934,1935 and 1936 on a valuation of .a- 1 $$35.00 plue its pro-rata part of the peraonal.property taxes due for said years. Upon motion of Mr. Gardner, seconded 'by Mr. Hal]~, the Chairman and Clerk of tnis Board were authorized and directed to sign tr-e ~79,000.00 School Building Bonds .,/' heretoSore authorized to be is~ued by this Board, together with the Signature ~ / Certificate covering the said ~ssue of bonds, as prepared by the Bond ,~ttorneys, to enable them to render their final opinion approving the~ ~ladity of the sa~~d. bonds, a ' . .. ~ ~ ~~~ ~eeting oi~ September 7th, 1937, continued. ' Upon motion oi~~lr. Gardner, seconded by tur. Hall~ the Chairman was authorized ~nd:.directed,on advice of' tne uounty ~attorney, to si~n cancellation certificates ~ of.suret;~ b.onds Nos. '7266138, ts0'741 and 7266147 with the National Surety Corp., ~. as surety, and Messrs. ~'r'ed Poisson, w.D.Ida.cMillan,Jr., and Pnorrison W.Divine, /~`1~~yfnembers oi the A13C Board as princi~pals•, which said bonda terminated on April U 26th, 1937, in order•a~to receive benefit of unearned premiums on the new bonds ~ to be given by the ABC 13oard. ' A communication ~s received f'rom •trie County Auditor advisi•ng tne amount of ' ~~~ depoait in 'each bank ae of August 31st, 1937, together with a memorandum of ~ -/~ securities held in each case: j • ~ " Payment ,of ~p5.00 rent on Armoxy at 814 f~tarket Street for period of ~fve years /' t ~ ndin~ Juri~ 30tn, 1942, rvas re~eived f'rom Cape F'ear Artillery inc., as per lease r~ . • ~11t11~greement adopted Niay 4th,1936. , • : '~---~-° . ~_- , ~ `- ' • Upon motion of T~r. Trask,~ seconded by 3:9r. Hall, instructions were giveri to ' advertise for bida to be• received until 3s00 o'clock P.M., i~6onday September ~ 20th, 1937~ for furnishing and installing one stoker complete ~vitr- all ,~ ' \`p,y~necessary con~rols~of proper size,to maintain water temperature suffioient to - , C,~'" ader~uately heat the old Court House bu~iding. The Board reserving the r-ight to ~ reject any or all bide. •, Upon motiun of t~r. Gardner, seconded by ~"ir. Trask~ the Chai,rman ~~ras authorized to sign a sponsors agreem~nt ecith the North Carolina State Board of FIealth, to / ~' ~ _n~-~`urnish transportation and raateriale for the operation of the rdalaria Control / .,- ~!~~ Program in th~4e ~County at an estimated cost of ~518.40 for transportation and -~ ~ ~450.00 for materiale, making a total estimated cost of y~968.40. And upon motion .. .r :~. .. of 3ir. Trask, seconded by tu1r. Ha11, authoritp. was given to have one bi the old '._ school buses put in good shape and to furniah a battery and necessary oil and gasoline as aponaors contribution to provide transportation for the.malaria '` ~ control work. :~ . .~ _ A request of Mr. J.R.Hollis and J.B.Ed~vards of the Local Yost, American Legion, ~ . that the County purchase the lighting e9uipment f~rraerly u'sed by the base ball '. • " club at Bellamy Field, no~rt owned by Mr. J.H.Niggel, at a cost of ~444.75 for ;/ lighting the WPA Fairgrounds and Hecreational P~rk~ the sa'id e9uipment and lights '~'` '' /~M'~ fiaving been recommended as adequa:e by TT~dr. J.C.Hobbs, local;Electrical Engineer, - .~ wae upon motion of I~r. Tr.ask, seconded by Mr. Gardner, referred to the County ;ti:, Attorney for opinion as to the Gounty's legal right to expend i.ts z'unde f'or that , ,-; , pizrpose. Upon motion of ~r. Hall, seconded by P+Ir. Gardner, the t~oard, upon request of L T.a.Hender-son, Clerk of Superior Court, authorized the payment of ~50.00 to . ;~~ ^~.r.C.~ ~ the State Hospital for the treatment of Henry R. Thames, inebriate. ' Upon motion of Tiall, seconded by Pdr. Gardner, the Superintendent o£ Public ~ialfar~ ' was: authorized.to arrange for'a tonsil:•operatio~n for Frances Potter, County charge at'` ~,.= ~j~~Samaracand,at a coet of ~10.06. ' ; : ,," It appearing from figures furnished~ by 73rs. L.O.Ellis, ~xecutive Secretary o~ .- " , A~sociated Charities, that $2,018.76 of the Associations funds were used durizg . July and Auguat'to meet the needs of o1d a~e assistanee, occasioned by the delay ~ of the Social Security prograra ge~ting started, which said ex,penditurea the ~-~' ~ ~ Asgociated Charities wae not able to make without ses3;ously interfering ws;th F•' ite relief program, the ~oard, therefore, upon motion of 2~r. Gardner, aeconded ' /i~~ by I~r. Trask~ authorized and directed the payment of ~p1~000.00 to the Associated `~ ~ ~% ~ Cha.rities toward reimbursing the Association for the funds expended. The same to ~:'~ charged against the emergency fund. ' ' A requeat of the Board of ~ducation that the sum o£ $9,000.00 be placed to the / '`~' ~y, credit of. the school fund to take c-re of expemditures for the,month of '• ; ~1,a~~ ' September, was upon motion of 1~r. Gardner, seconded by Nir. Tr~1,ask, granted. - ~• 'Upon mot'xor~ of Mr. Trask; seconded by'P+lr. Gardner~ the Board lauthorized the ~{ ;'' ' p~.yment of ~$20.00 each to ~dessrs W.P.Fletcher,R.M.Houston and B.F.King, Tax ,: ~~C{X- Assessors, for services rendered August 27th~'28th, IIOth, and 31st:. , ~ ' ~ lipon motion~ duly seconded, the }3oasd confirmed ite action taken at joint meeting ' with the City Commissioners September lst, in granting an appropriation of v '+' ~ `1 $50.,00 mmnthly as of ~uly lst; 1937~ toY~ard the maintenance of the local off'ice ~,„~~~t~ of the b'ederal Housing Administration, for fiscal year endin~ dune 30th, T938, , the same to be cha.rged a.gainst the emergency f'und. )~ : . .,. ~ . - The County Auditore cash report f'or the month of August was received and ordered ~ ~~filed. ~ ~ Upon motion of hnr. Trask, .seconded by T.{r. Gardner, the Supt., of Public Welfare ,/ ` • ~C~.~was authorized to purchase two.~Voodstock Typewritera for his department at a l~ cost of ~62.50 each. ~ ' The meeting then ad,journed. ~D . - C=7~i_-7.~.~i~i ' ~~. ~k. .' . j; ; , ~ ~ , i ' • Y >~ ~~U Wilmington, N. C., 5egtember 1Sth~ 1937: The regular weekly meeting of' the Board was held at 3s00 o'clock P.~. Presents Addison Hewlett Chairman, Jas.P2.Ha11, H.R.Ga rdner and R.B.Roebuck. , ~ A requeet of the Board of Education that the sum of ~30,000.00 be placed to the ~ .~~ credit of the School Building P'und to be available by October 9th, 1937, was~' ~ ~. upon motion of Mr. Roebuck, seconded by Pdr. Gardner, granted. , iTpon motion of I~r. Hall, seconded by Sdr. Roebuck, the Board authorized tne purchase ~_ - of one ~500.00... New Hanover County 5~ School Bond due July let~1938 at ~I01.9439 ~. and accrued interest,for the sinking fund account. ' Upon motion of Mr. Roebuck, seconded by Mr~ Gardner, the Board granted the request,~ ~~ . ~ _~~~) of ~r. 4~. A. Pescha~u and gave Loca1 Poat No. 10~ ~merican Legion permission t'o hold ~~'" an a~ricultural fair in this County,, at the Recreat~onal Park and Fair Grounds~, Oct.~ ~ ~ -- 18th, through the 23rd, tax free, as provided by law. • A report of the Ladiea ltest Room for the month of August was received and ordered~ ` ~ ~ ~C~-~ filed. , A report of damea Walker Hospital f'or the month of Auguat was received and orderedl ~--~ ~';7~ filed. , tipon motion of ~r. Roebuck, seconded by Ibr. Gardner, Idr.S.R.Robir~on, Harnett townshig ~ ° ~'`fA~ was granted an abatement of poll taxee For tne year 1936~ account of being::~over 50 years ~ ~: of age April lst, 1936. ~ ~n,,^p~ Application f'or beex license submitted by VJ.I~.Rivenbark was referred to t~e Sheriff fozV' ~. ~" investi~ation. „ - ~. l '~ , Upon motion of f~r. Roebuck, seconded by t~r. I~11, Mrs. G.M.~.James was relea~ed from, ~~ / payment of penalty for not listing lot #6, in biock ~15, ~Hasonboro Bluffs for the year V~ ~'~~`~ 1936 / r ~R'yb~r~ "~do action was taken on the request of Mr. I~organ, ,Conetable of Harnett township, to r/ _ C~~ar'" equip hia automobile witn radio. _^ ,, i, i A requeat of Pdre. Amanda Robinson for a reduction oi tiie assessme~nt on her property in block #6, lot #12, City, with the view of adjusting the accumul~'~ed back taxes on sarae U, . /~'~T wa8 referred to the Committee voith power to act. ' „- ; ,; ~ The followfng b~ind persons having been investigated by the Welfare Officar and ~.c~.,.~,.arided '+ ~ ~Hall seconded b Mr. Roebuck approved b "'~ ~;~y`t~ by him for seaistance, wexe upon motion o„ , y , y V •,~ _ ~.s~ thre Boardt ~`~'~ Sarah Iiiil Donaldson~.., ~]:4.00 ~ ~ Harry Hartafield,...... 10.00 ''~ Jas.F.Meare,........... 14.00 /'~~~ John & ~dolly v~ilkins,.. 28.00 f~' ~~~~~~ Upon motion,. duly seconded, county bi11s Nos. 264 to '748 Inc., were approved for ~ ~ payment. r The meeting then adjourned. ~ ' ti >rS~~-~i ; ~ /J"~lerk. • . ~ // ~/ ~fi711mington~N.C., September 20th,1937. The regulax weekly meating of the Board vras held this day at 3s00 o'clock P.M. Preeent: Addison Hewlett Cha.irman, Geo.W.Trask, Jas.M.A~11~H.R.Gardner and R.B.Roebuq'k. , An application submitted by S~r.M.W.Rivenbark for license to sell beer at location J ~,`~`~ nuv~n as "Ri4ersidE Station" on the CaetZe Hayne road, the ~ame naqin~ beett inveatigated , l l~nd approQed by the Sheriff, was upon motion of Mr. Gardner, approved by the Board. _ ~ .. ! The County Auditor reported receipt of the funds from the sale of the recent iQsue ' ~~~' o~' $79;fl00.00 School Building Bonds, $79,000.00 ' i J - Premic~m ............... 12.00 f . ~• Accrued Inter`eat,....,, 467.71 $~79 ~ 479. 71 ~j Also receipt of approving opinion from Thomson~ VJood and Hoffman, Bond Attoi~neys. • Tne follw~ing sealed bids for f~u~niahing and installing one atoker ~?~, the ald_Court !/ ~~7~~-~ Housa boile~` . ".as°~dvertised;~.dra.s receiveds ' ~ ~~ , ~ Sears-Roebuck 3c Co.,......~434.00 ' ' ~ North-Smith Coal 'Co.,..... 422.00 Springer Coal Co.~........ 389.44 ' W.14.King~ ................. 323.75 `pne Commissioners feeling that it would be to the County's interest to purchase ~ a atoker that they believed would be sat3ifactory rather than one they know nothing c~'about, did upon motion of rdr. ~a,rdneT accept the bi& of The Springar Coal Company (~' for furniahing and installing one Iron Fireman Automatic Coal Burner in the old Court ~' Housd Boiler for the sum of ~389.44. The Carolina Printing & Stamp Co., Jackson & Be]~1~Company and '~iilmington Stamp and ' `~~, Printing Gompany all having su'bmitted'the~same~p'id of ~568.84 for furnishing fourteen ~~p~~° record ~books for the Register of Deeds, was awarded to the one who has had the least l1 business f'rom the County over a period o£ the last two years ending June 30th,193'l. `'' Ay~ ~~ . ' ~ r • t . .~ I ~ Meeting oi' September 20tn~ 193'7 continued. i ~~~ Upon motion, authority was given to purchase achool books for ~am arni Bert Regieter, ~ ~~~County charges residing with a relative in ~ount Olive,N.C., at a cost of ~4.00.~ Upon motion oi'rar. Roebuck, authority vras given to provide transportation for /~j~~Eva 1~ay I~milton at a cost of ~5.36 to Criarlotte,i~T.C.~ for oper~.tion by Dr.1;~feyers. ~ C~~ ~pon motion, trie Welfare Department was authorized to purchase Lwo.new 14".u"7oodatock ~ ~~d~`-type~v~iters at a cost of' ~62.50 each. - ~ Upon recommendation of the Su~erinteffident of Public 4'lelfare, the Board approved Aid ~ "1~~~Y~{ to Blind for Amoa Lacevrell ~10.00 and l~dittie S. ~ones ~14.OU per morith. ` , The County Auditox was authorized to iasue a cheek for ~1~000.00 chargin~'~800.00 J to Old ~ge Assistance and ~200.OU to .llependent Children Aasietance, to reimb.urae ~~iQl9-~the Associated Cnarities f'or funds expended by thes account,of ~heae funda-and to:charge, V • tlie crieck issued September 7th, for $1„000.00 to Old Age Assistance. .' • , n & 61aim of the Heira of R.F.Tiamme a~rid I~Grs. N[argaret Rae Clark tor adjuetment of back taxas ~~ on property in block No.168, and block #556,Sunset and Highwood Park lota and three acre~~ v / East 'JJilmir~ton respectively, rvas referred to the Chairman~ ~r.Ha11,Mr.Roebuck and Tdr. Trask with power to act. ~~ Upon motion, the High School Foot Ball Team was granted permiaeion to use the Stadium,/ _ ~. during the season when it does no~ conflict with its uae by the American Legion. ~A report o#' Associated ^Charities for the month of July was received ancl ~ii~ered .filed. ~ V "C ~ O . • ~ A claim of I;ouis Berman of ~Vilson, N.C., for damages to his automobile,in collision with County Farm truck on Castle Hayne road.on or about August lst, 1937, was declined~ '~ '.~C~ l}~as it appears not to have been the fault of Qixr driver. ~ ~ Upon motion of bir. Y.oebuck, instructions were given to advertise for bids for paintingf ~ ' : .~ ~~, . the fence around the Court House. ~ . . Upon motion, authority was given to purchase the used ~typervriter rented for the uae of/ ~ the girls recreational center at a c:ost of ~25.00 less credits for rent paid ~9.00 \/ ' '""" \W~S leavirig a balance of ~16.b0 to be paid jointly by the City and County. A dlaim ot J.G.Brinaon for the loss of chickens and one turkey destroyed by dogs, /~ ~ ~•~/ was upon motion approved for 6 chickens at 50~¢-each a$~•~~ and one turkey at 75¢ / ~~ '~ ,~a''~~!~~'b~ aking a total of ~3.75, and ~-~he Board of Education was requested to pay the same , - ,~^'~ out oY t3ie dog-t~~c~fund•:v.. ;~~~.~ Upon motion authority was.given to cancel an item of ~39.55, 1913 taxes charged a,gainst ~ ~ the property of Mra. Laura H. Tripp, block #5, lot #1~ Carolina Height~ on account of ~~fX being a doubtful charge. . '~ The _mee~, ing then adjourned. ~ - . ~. ~-7~ ~~S~N ....~. ' /JrCl erk. {~ Wilmington,N.C.~ September 27th~1937. • The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 3:OO.o'clock P.S6. . Present: Addzson Hewlett Chairman, Geo.4F.Trask,.Tas.~d.Ha17~,H.R.Gardner and R.B.Roebuck. , A request of ~rs. ~.C.Dawson for a reduction of the assesament on property in block ~ ~#297 on account of the dilapidated condition of the buildings attd with the viev+ of L . -'~ ad~usting trie accumulatea•back taxes due on s~crse.for.the:years'•y9.23 to 1936 inc.,~ " ~'"` was upon motion of ~r. Roebuck, aeconded by Mr. 'Prask, referred to the committee with • power to act. • • ~ An application aubmitted by W.J.Wilkins in due form.and execution, for license to se11 ' beer at-his atore on the Castle Hayme road, the same having been investigated and appro~:ed .!.-~aa9~/by Mr. Pd.B.Regiater, Chief Deputy Sheriff, was upon motion of Mr. Roebuck, seconded by ., Mr. Trask, approved by the Board. J The Board acting upon the reco~rrriendation of the Superintendent of Pub2ic~VJelfare, and v/ ` n\~~ upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Roebuck, approved the application of Mra. , T~` Mary Smii;h Robinson for $20.00 per month for blind asai~tance.• / Upon motion of T~r. Roebuck, seconded by f~Sr. Trask, the Supexintendent of Public Y7elfare J/ y~was authorized to provide transportation for Helen Brinson to Samarcand and w~.D.Justice .---~~ to East Carolina Training School at Rocky Mount, ordered by the~Juveni.le Tud~e. • ~ Frank Cumber,an aged and disabled vrhite indigent citizen having•been invest~gated ~ /~ _~,N,¢a.nd recormnended by the Superintendent of' Public 1Nelfare, was upon motion of Mr. Trask,v seconded by I~r. Roebuck, admitted to the County Home as an irffnate.. Upon motion of Iu~s. Roebuck, se•conded by Mr. Trask, Pdx. C.R.~orse, Consolidated City- County Tax Collector, was dire~ted to ma~ce daiZy deposi.ts of the County's proportionate part of all taxes collected by him or through his off ice, placing the same to the•credit ~ --~~Cl~ of the County of New Hanover in one of ita duly designated.depositories, and furnish the County Auditor with a duplicate deposit elip showi•ng the amounts deposited, taking a receipt therefor. ~ - / • . The Board acting upon the recommendation of the County Attorney and upon motion of ~ • ~ ~Mr. Trask, seconded by 1~fr. Roebuck~ approved tne payment of•~200.00 to Thomson,Wood and~' `. .,. ~~ offman~~~DTev~z~York Attorneye, for their services in connection with the$79,000.00 School Building Bond i6sue leading to their approving opinion of the said issue., ',`,• ~ ~; . ; ~ / ~`. ~ ~ r` ' ~~~ ~eeting of September 27th, 1937 continued. _ ~ Upon motion of t~r. Roebuck, seconded by Z7r. 'Prask, the Board approved the payment of1 ~60.00 salary to Solonon Stern~erger for services as Deputy kecorder for twelve,days~ at ~5.00 per day as prodided by law. " • ~ ~/ A report of the Grand Jury, 5eptember term 1937, was received and ordered filed.~/ v ~~ l °~ ~ Recommendations made by B6r. R. E. Pascha~l, Safety RepresentatiQe of the @7PA,to JI provide certain equipment and repairs to the trucks used_in transportzng workersJ ~~t`sf to and from Road Projects, LQa1~,rit~ Control~and'~Airport Pxro,jects, were referred to- ` ~t the Chairma.n vrith porver to act. Upon motion of L2r. Roebuck, seconded by Mr. Gardner, the Board authoriaed the payment ~ of ~85.00 jointly with the City of Wilmington for laying 125 yards of' eement sidewalk~ ~,~~ aTong the property'of the City-County owned armory at ~814 Market 3treet~ ~ Upon motion of I~Hr. Gardner, seconded by L.r. Trask, instructions vaere given to ~/ ~ C~j~secure bids for furni.snin~ two cars oY coal for the County Home and one car of " ~~fFj stoker coal for~the old Court House builning. , ~ /The matter of namiing I41r. ararren Pennington's brother as b7anager of the County Airport ~~to aucceed I~r. VTarren Pennington who contemplatea f'orming a connection with Pan-~ Americ~.n Airwa.ys, wa~ referred to the Airport Committee for recommendations. / ~~;Q~i3pon motion of Mr. Roebuck, seconded by Mr. Trask, County bills Nos..746 to 811 were. / ,yf'1fJ~ approved for payment. B~ ~ A petition bearing the signatures of 35 residents in the vaoanity of the Avenue leading through Black Swa~p connecting ~9rightsboro and Kirlcland= urging the Commissioners to f~\cq do the thinge necessary to hasten the completion of the avenue, vras received and. ~ ~~~ approved with the request that the State Highway & Public Works Conunission sponeor the same as a iapA project.' ~ The meeting then adjourned. " .-7~7oi Jl~ .. ~ . . /~' Cl erk. ~// vlilmington, N. C., October 4th, 1937. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 3t00 o'clock P.M. presents Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.4V.Trask, Jas.M.Hall and R.B.Roebuck. a ~.• , ,' ~ ~ . .:^• ~(L,~ The minutea of ineetings of September 7th, and 13th, were°read and ap.proved as recorded. ~~ ~ Y~ A request of Mr. 49.B.Tho'rpe for a reduction of the assessment on property in block ~~° ~ ~{~~, ~125, witki the view o€~adjusting the accumulated back taxes on same, wa.s referred td' ,;~ ~ f the Corrnnittee with power to act. ` • ~ ~ .. '.~ The Pollo«ing bids were received for iurnisning t~o cars coal f'~s the County Home and ~, { /~i~one car of stoker coal for the old Court House: 1 Car „ , r~,~~~ 2 cars fob County Home siding. fob Court Flouse Bins,.;,~ . „I NE~i9 RIVER or, POCAHONTILS STOI~R COAL , . ' ~ , . '~' . , POOL Sd0.7~. #3 VEIN. . ~ .. T.E.Cooper & Co., Inc ............... ----- ~5.55 ton -------- • Northr~mith Coal Co., ....'.......... ~5.55 ton ----=- ~6.45 ton / The Sprin~er Coal Co.~ .............. 5.55 " 5.55 " . 6.45 " ~J.B.Thorpe & Co ..................... 5.35 " 5.30 " 6.45 " W.B.Thorpe & Company being the lotivest bidders for furnishing the tv~o caxs f'or the County Home and all bids for furnishing the car of stoker coal i'or the Court House being at-~iYLe same price, the 'bid submitted by Yt.B.Thorpe & Co., was accepted ~ ~~~ ~ and the contract to furniah the three cara of coal was upon motion of_ILr. Ha,ll~ ' ~,~~ eeconded by I~r. Trask, awarded to him at And foT.:the; gric~.of ~5:35 per ~ton,for;two ~,`~ cars of Nevu River Pool #1 fob siding at the County Home, and one car of Stoker coal , ~ at ~6.45 per ton delivered in bins in the old Court House building. Tne matter of adjusting the back taxes due on the property of J.T.Jones and Hu~h N. ~ pace, now held by A.L.T~lfeyland,Trustee, block #318, in order that the same may be equitably and mutually divided account of erroneous posseasion of tne property, they "~ 1Q7~ agxeein~ to correct the same by proper conveyances among themselves, as presented by / Dudley Humphrey, Esq., was upon motion referred to the Chairman and County Attorney with power to act. Upon motion of I~r. Roebuck, seconded by Mr. Trask, the Superintendent of Public / /~(~!~ VTeliare was authori.zed to provide transportation i'or Edward•Sowell and~nis «ife ,/ ~"~ ° VW'illie So~vell ,to their legal residence at Atlanta, Ga. , at a-cost o~, ~10.,70, ~~ ,,.~-- thus relieving the County of any future expense for their care and mamntenance. Upon. motion oi' l~r. Roebt~ck, seconded by 3~Gr. Trask, autnority iv~s given to issue a / a~.check for ~113.01 to reimburse tne Associated Charities for funds expended by them , n1~ account of aid to blind persons for Suly, August and September, the same to be paid ~/''~ out of the General ~'und Account~ said amount to be re.pl~.Ced i.n the General Fund account -~" out of any balance appearing in the account of aid to blind persons. , ~ /,. . \ ~.. ~ An application submitted in due f'orm and execution by Henry H. Barnhill~.Jr., forJ , license to sell beer at location on the Carolina Beach Road on the premises of ~,_~qN ~1[r. ,Aldridge, the same having been investigated and approved by the Sheriff, v+as upon r,,~ty"J motion o~' I~r. Trask, seconded by iur. Hall, approved by this Board. - <~~c) Meeting of' Uctober 4in, 1937, continued. ~~ r The fol~.owing resolution was upon motion of 1~dr. Trask, seconded by I~r. Roebuck, /' n unanimously adopted: , .~1~ ~4'I-~AEAS, a regular term oi the 5uperior Court f'or New Hanover County fox trie trial oi" criminal cases was to convene July 26tn, "1937, but, WT~F?Fr4S, his Honor I~arshal:L 2. ~pears, Judge holding tne Courts oi tne Eighth Judicial District, was., on accountotif ' bein$ detained in the KrocYimalny irial at Bur~aw, Pender County, unable to attend said - term oi Court, and " TNHEREAS, there are a~large number oY' cr-ininal cases on tne Docket in New Hanover County, several persons conf'ined in the co~on jail o~' Netiv Hanover County awaiting to be tri'ed, and 1NHN,REA~, the Boasd of Commissioners of New Hanover County feel tHat the ends of ~ justice demand that these avraiting trial in jail snould be given a speedy trial, and t2~t • the cost of maintaining prisoners is expensive in said County. . It is now~ therefore, 12ESOLVED that his Excellency Clyde I~. Hoe,y, Governor of the State of Noxtkio~arolina, be and he is hereby requested by the.Board of County Commiseione~.~s of Nevr Hanover County to order a special term oi~ tne Superior Court to be held in 21ew ~ Iianover County for the week o2' idovember 22nd, 1937~,following the regular criminal term convening November 15th, 1937, t'or tne trial oi' criminal cases exclusively. ~'~' Based on the opinion of trie County Attorney that the County has the 1ega1 right to ..ip . expend Ccs.uua:~y funds to carry out a pro,~ect for public purpottes with funds on harid, or .;' to provide employment i'or the unemployed trius reductng the number of unemplo.yed in the / " County, the Board; upon motion of Pdr.Hall, seconded by Mr. Roebuclc, a~pro9ed and referred the matter of providing lights a nd wiring for the exhibition building at the b'air Grounds , at an approximate cost of ~175.00 to the i;hairman with power to act. ~ The fo~llowing statement oi settlement of' tne 1936 tax collections was submitted by ~.~Gx C.R.Jutor~e, Tax Collector, whicn was upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr, Hall;~ , • accepted sulijeat to check by the County Auditors ' ~TATET.~ENT OF 1936 COUNTY TAXES COLLECT-ID BY TI-~ CITY-COUAITY TAX COLLECTOH. • IPk~OLVENT$. Listed as per abstract ~ 386,U03.39 Personal 2,962.00 C~3 .75¢ ~ 2,225.50 / ~ Po11s 6250 p~`2.50 15,&30.00 . 1f352 Polls ~ 2.50 4,630.00 f , Doge, 2,144.00 Dogs~ 413.00 $ 7,268.50 . ~'ractional Gains, 18.SI Back Ta~s, 6.50 Sold for Ta~ces, 73,240.68 / ~ 403,802.70 Not Listed Sold, • 3,173.80 ~ , I,ess Anatements, 549.46 Discounts, 501.24 403,253.24 prepayments •to wuditor, 80,628.70 T,isted and Collected= Collected by Taa~ Collector, 246,770.65 '~ by Tax Collector 1,608.92 . - Ivot Listed Collected, 1,074.22 . ~411~583.55 ~ . Not Listed Penalty,, 103.89 ~ Held by County Collected 246.08 City due County the f'oiio~+ing ' ~ ~ Not Listed So1.d, .~,173.80 amounts collected in error- Nat Zf,sted Prepayments, 139.64 I~!forris Plan Bank ~ 739.~.7 ~~ ~Perialties.'Collected, 2~664.76 a. B. Love, 7.42 746.59 ~ ~ Adv., Costs, 45.95 • --~ $412s330.14 ~ over 29.64 ~. . .. • $ 412,300.50 - - ~412,~00.50~ , - '`. „ Upon motion of N[r.~Hall, seconded by I~dr. Traek, the 193'7 tax books, prepared by the ~ Gx County Au~itor-, were then ordered delivered to the 'Pax Collector for collection. , Upon motion of I~r. Trask, seconued by mr. Roebuck, the noard authorized and directed trie ~ payment of ~40.00 to Charles L: Gre$ory and ~ 20.00 to 2dick Congleton for services as V/PQ,~ • ~~~ ~~project foremen on the Y~urray ~toad iwprovement proje.c~ and ~18.00 to John C. Il+[anship~ pro~ect timekeeper, as sponaors contribution ~o:.aid..the,AunempLoyed~andc~ a.:~ake persone " ~ of'Y' of' charity. The same to be cnarged to ditect relief under the department of' County • Aid. . . ~ The follorring good and lawful men ~vere drawn to serve as jurors in the Superior Court ~ ~,r1~ny;,~ ~for the trial oi' civil cases, t'~vo weeks term be6innirig- ~ ."" "" ~First week, October 18th, 193'ls ~ R.L.G~bald. , Cha.s.H.Bush. ~ Geo.I~.Pdurrell. J.aV.Roberts. J.B.Fenl.ey. `Pheo.G.Elnpie. Sam D1u$in. L.B.I,atta. ' iU.J.~Vilk.ins. R.O.~y. / Jno.R.H~nby. ~~.P.Duncan. Bernard 0'Neill. T.C.Davis.~ J.1d.19ood. / J.A.Munn,Jr. 2~.G.Welsh. W.R.Brovm. . S.F.Garrison. Z.Iuiiller, 'N.F.Seitter. Jas.INenberg. L.B.Carroll. Geo.S.BoSTlan. F'.I~.Fick. J.C.Sloctamb. G.C.Platt. B.H.B(a,rshall. J.G.Kuhlken. R.C.Cantwell. , ~ Second week, beginning October 25th,1937s Davis H.Howes. i~J.J.Sherman. N.C.Smith. G.D.Daughtry.R.C.I~athews. / ~ R.Robbins. J.S.Clark. i~[.F.Penny. B.B.McRacken. J.I~G.Farrot~. B.~'.Duke. Jordan Branch.H.C.Byrd. Rudolph,Koni~.J.O.Ludwig. ti~I.S.Johnson. L.L.Mills. L.B.Flamnagan. O.E.Larson.. ~.L.Brock. ~ A.T.Gideon. C.K.Council. L.G.Smith. J.B.Hornaday. S.A.Cross. Geo.Marshall. G.J.Hemby. PS.K.Hobbs. , ~.H.Landen. I~orris Cohen. I The me~ then adjourned. as ?!. . \ ~ > • • ~ . YJilmin~ton,DT.C., Octoner lltn, 1937. ; '. The regular weekly meeting of tne Board was held triis day at 3s00 O~clock P.1~. ~ . •_ ~ ~\ • Present: Addison Hewlett Chaixrilan, Geo.'vJ.Trask, 7as. M. H~11, H.R.Gardner and ~ ~ R. B. Roebuck. . \ 'Phe minutes oi~ meetings of' September 2Uth, and 27tri, were read and approved as • . ~ recorded. \ Mr. Gardner r.equested to be recorded as opposing the action of the Board taken SePtember 27th, 1937, in requesting tne State Highway and Publ.ic tiYorks Commi~sion ,(~ to ~ complete the avenue running throu~h B1acY, 5vdamp connecting PTri~htsboro with /``~~ Kirkland as a WPA project, upon petition of 35 citizena residin~ in that communi-ty, v_. ~ ~ on the ~rounds that previous re9uesta ior road construction and improvements should ~` , be handled to conc"lusion in the order presented and have priority over any subsequent ... ~ ~ - requests. ... ~ ~~`~ Upon motion, duly seconded, Mr. V. G..Avery was released from payment of penalty f'or ~ -, ~ not listing lot #50, block "B" Forest Hilis for tne year 1937. n ~~.,.~t r ~, , oYns;~cr~AS, it appears, upon resolution presented by the Soard of Education, that the ~ :. [~F A school bus drivers and janitorial vrorkers did not receive an increase in wages on, _._, ~d''" that portion of wages paid by the State as did a Majority of other empTo;~ees, and. , „. tiVH~.P,EAS, the Board of Education desires to increase the ealaries of ite bus drivers ~/ . -' and janitori~.l tivorkers, but no provision aJas made in ita 1937-1938 budget.to meet that expenae,, and re9uest that permission,be granted to allow such adjustment of ' ~ County School budget funds that will eF~able it to make the increases desired in the • ' total approximate amount of $2,200.00. Zt ~vas, therefore, upon motion of Ifs. Gardner, seconded by I~r. Hall, . ~ •. ; , t~SOLV~D that the request of the Board of Education be $ranted, and smch butlget ;~~, , _I adjustments as will make the increasea possible to the extent of not exceeding ~2,200.~0 \ is hereby.approved. 0 A request of Mr. LSilton Pittman f'or a reduction of assessment on hia cottage at Caroli,na ` ~~\..•i ~~~ Beach, tilock #62, lot .#15, for the year 1937, wa$ .upon motion of I~tr. Gardner referred'to, -= ~. the Chair~an and Couunittee with power to act. . , • •~ ~~Y ~ A re9uest of 7~Lr. Pii;tman'for an abatement of taxes orn ~.'itraluation of ~775.00 personal ,, '~`"' property charged against him as not listed in Federal Point towns~ip for the year 1937,, ~~~-~',~` l~Ql~., was upon motion of Wr. Gardner, seconded by l~Qr. B'rask,.granted, for the reason that he ,;: ~~ . ~ras~not a resident of'this county April lst, 1937, having prior to that time establish~d ' ,-~-.;~ , his residence in Onslo~v Gounty.. , ~ - ~^ ~ In_as_much as the coet for providing a temporury line for ltightin~ the Recreational - . Park and ~'air Grounds is approxitnately ~300.00 per year a;nd it being necessary to - provide lights f'or _the operatio~ oi the County o~aned Fairgrounds~(a request of the ~ , ~~~t/~~ Coastal Fair Incorporated, that the County bear the expense ot' constructing a , •.- permanent electric~diatribution system at a cost .of ~¢512.79 on bid aubmitted by the .:'~' Tide tiVater Power Company was. considered, and upon rnotion of I~Gr. Hall, seconde,d by , Mr. Roebuck, the Board agreed to_undervarite the cost oYconstructin6 a permanent line '` ' ., the Coastal Fair Incorporated to pay ~222.00 towar,d such expense, the` same being the~~ ,.. ' , amount of coat for a temporary line if constructed to furnish lights for the present ' • ,.. ~ . e fair Por week beginning 2donc~ay 18th. And the Chairman was instructed to secure other biiis i'rom local electrical concerns and given poiver to act in awarding the bid to the ~ ' end that current for 3.ighting will be availab].e Monday October""18th. .~,,'. Upop motion of Iuir. Trask, seconded by Mr.~Roebuck, the Heirs of Susan Brinkley v~as. ~~.~. ,; ~~ ~~r,~'~, granted an abatement of taxes on one ma1~e dog charged against the ~state in error , . for the year 1937. , , / . , ~ - . A request of Tas. Frederick 43Titletts tlhat the payment of taxes made 3une'22,.1936,by~Cooperative ;~ Building & Loan Association,intended to be applied on lot ~1, block #1'7 Carolina ~lace./' ~ ° /,~~^ f'or the years 1931,1932,1933 and 1934; but erroneous credii:ed to lot•#2, be corrected.~ , and shotivn to apply on Lot #1, was upon motion o~ NIr. Gardner, seconded by Lir..Hall, ~~ referred to the County Attorney for investigation and report to the Board at a subsequent meeting. ' • ~ / ~ , ~ lyfayor Thos.~,Cooper was present and extended an invitation to the Boara to inspect ~ , the City's newly installed' police radio broadcasting sy~tem, and urged that the County ( ,. equip.the sheriff's autgmobiles and the two rural oii'icere motorcycles With receivzng I ~ t /JT G".U1<. A. t'. '. ,(_,. . sets to enlarge the serEfice av~ai~ab e through the broadcastin~ syatem~ :and ,,:~.s.::_ ~ ~ further rec,uested that the ~ounty join the City in the cost of acquirixig, installing and,^ ~~~~ maintaining the ~~~tr~~x*~~ system on a basis of one third of' tYie cost by the County ' ~ •. ' and td~o thirds .of the .coet by the City. The matter wae upon motion of I~(r. Trask, /.~ ~ - seconQed by I~r. Roebuck, ta.ken under ennsideratinn. { / ~ . Upon motion of I6r. Trask, seconded by 2~r~ Roebuck, the Superintendent o£ Pub1Sc ~~ I ~Jelfare v+as authorized to provide transportation for Gretchen Campbell, dependent child '~~. ,, av~'to=~::the B3Ptist Orphanage at Kinston, N. C. ~. ~. • Upon motion, duly seconded, the Superintendent of Public 47elfare v~as authorized to ~ ~~i provide traneportation for Wm. R. Kennedy to Durham,N.C., for an operation oi: the eyes, "~~ `~}°~'''~ Cost of transportation $4.50. • • ~ ~ ~ i • • / / ! Upon motion of ISr. Trask, seconded by 1,~r. Roebuck, the Superintendent of Public VJelfare w~s authorized to purchase clothing for Gretchen Campbell,, Freddie Campbcll and Ernest G}C~ Avery at a cost o£ ~17.10: The three above named_chiidren are County eha'rges nov~ being.~~•, , ,,.y` cared for at County's expense by I~firs. Elsie Neilsen. \ ' l, . ~ ~'`:- ~ ,~ 5~~ - Meeting of October 11in, 1937, continued. ~~'phe f'ollowing blind persons having been investigated by the S;uperintendent of .' Q,~~~ Public 1Yelf'are and reconunended by him for assistance, ~vere upon motion oY Mr. Trask, `~ l~~ seconded by Mr. R.oebuck, approvedt ~ . ~ ,,Bordeaux, Henry roy 422 ~. 7th, st. $8.00 ~ vFoy, Lavinia 312 Vlilson Al. 8.00 : •-. i,Graham, I~Iat~tie Jacobs 1108 N.Sth 17.00 p Love, Spicer~• 7I1 Ann, 12.00 , • , Payne, I.ewis 519 Swann 1"1.00 ~ 62.00 The Sollowing applications for aid to the blind were reported by thE 'ifel.fare Off'icer `,~ as having been rejected, which vras upon motion of ~r. Roebuck, seconded by hlr.Traak, t-~ , ~1 approved by the Boardt • Brovrn, Anna Uozier 711-~~- S 13th, Not blind eno'ugh. `. . "r Swinson, Chamberlin 910 2durphys l~lley, Mo reasonlgiven. „ ~" ', , Walker, Mary Pdurphey RFD #1, Sufficient income. ~ ~ ~/Upon motio, of N1r. Gardner, seconded by 1~r. Roebuck., the Superintendent of Public l Y" 4Yelfare was authorized to furnish traneportation for sending Helen rdorris to /~- `'~ • /~ ~~, training achool at Efland, N.C., and authorized the payr.tent of ~5.00 for admission ~~ . fee and ~5.00 pex month for her maintenance. ' Upon motion of I~Qr. Gardner, seconded by S~Ir. Hall, James Pennin~ton was named , " ~ tempora.ry manager of the County Aixport to succeed his brother V~'arren Pennington ~ ,~~~,1Q who has accepted a position with P~n-°American Airways. rJr. Pennington's appointment ~ .- /;C~" \ was made temporary to give him opportunity to prove his ability as a satisfactoxy, •, manager, the Commissioners reserving the right to terminate the appointment at any ~; „~ time they feel it would be to the intereet of the airport. . lJpon motion of I~r. lrask, seconded by 7V'ir. Yoebucky the Board ordered tha.t a11 tax ,/ ' payers who have failed to list~<their property and are charged with a penalty i'or~ U ''• L. ~a~ f ailing 'to list such property and who comes forward and settle their taxea on or - .:!. ~ before Januaty lst, 1937, shall be allo~i~ed to_pay the amount of their 1937 taxes '~, • without the penalty. , . ; ~~: : Upon motion, duly seconded, Geo.F.Lo~~enthal.of Philadelphia, Pa.,.was relea5ed i'rom payment of penalty for not listing Lot #7, block #8, v~ilmington Beach Yor the year~s "~ ~,~, • r~~~" 1°31 to 1936 inclusive, on account of being a non-resident. ' ~'~i ". `y~-v The County Auditors casYi report Yor the month of September vras received and ordered/ ~ ~~~'~' filed. ~ ' An application submitted in due foxm and execution by Ivlelvin Eubank Por license to sell beer at location ori route #30, at the intersection oY Kerrs Avenue, the same ~ ~~having been investigated ~nd approved by the ~heriff~ was upon motion approved by • '-° the Board. ,-~ ~ ` • . '' A request of Tvir. ,T.O.Carr, Division Counsel of the Atlanti~ Coast Line ftailxoad Co., `~~~ that the County accept 5U% of the face amount of judgments amounting to $439.38 ~' ~ ` ~ against the estate of L.L.Hanby for taxes due on propert,y in Suminer _Hil1, 1~dasonboro J.~ '. ~~~_` township, ~n full settlemen't,Q7r release the;lien on.a~_etri.p.:of..land..the'railroad wishes to , -.;,~. purchase/a f~ight-of-~vay consisting of lese than an acre of land, vras upon motion ^ referred to the County Attorney. " . ~ .. No objection was indicated by the l3oard on pe~_ition oi BGr. Claude T~lurray to the / •~• ~-. ~yUnited States Engineers Dep~rtment to conetruct a wharf in N~yrtle Grove Sound on -/ ~~g ~-~a(~'~"J•the Inland Nater~vay about 32 miles North of Sno~v s Cut. a~~ • ~ ~l A report of Carl B. Rehder, Director of ltelief Garden Program, ivas received and / ~~'~ , ~ ~ •'~ ~~~~Q'1` ordered 2iled. ~ . ~~ ->~ It is the sense of this }3oard to ge the importation of' cheap outside labor 4liscoura /" ~ ~ in unfair competition with local labor as indicated in a communication received from the Central Zabor Union to the ~Braneh Bank and '1'rus.t\ ompany, a copy of which was addressed to the Chairman. ~A communication was received f'rom the County-Auditor advising the amount of deposit / ~ in~each bank as of' September 30th, 1937, together with a memorandum of' securities V ~ ~P~ held in each case. ~ A request for a reduction of the assessment on the property of.the Heirs of ~ J.4.Scar"borouu~h, block ~39, on account of its dilapidated condition and ivith the li ; ~GX view of adjusting tne accumulated back taxes on eame, was upon motion referred to the Committee with power to act. , ~ It having been brought to the attention of the ~oard that the gasoline service ~~`~~~~equipment at the County Airport, furnished by the Standard OiI Company, is-not ~: satisfactory, inatructions were given to contact other Oil Companies tvith the view ~ of ascertaining what proposition for servicing the i'iled they would care to make. / . yUpon motion of i~Ir. Roebuck, seconded by Pdr. I~11, the Chairman v~s authorized to have ~ ~. `~`~~0~2-~a deep vrell. provided at the Airport and the County's automotic electric purip v~hich was installed in the residence of PSr. Vkzrren Pennin~ton removed and inst~,lled on the _. ~ ~, County's airport property to provide water supply for the f'iel~d~~ / U dt,'" _ . . . `R~~ : ~l ` ~ ,. ~ ~ ' . Upon moticn, duly seconded, County bills Noa. 812 to 1070 ~ere approved for payment. J The meeting then adjourned. , , ~ ~ ~cs~.~~~. • Cl~rk. , . S~.G 4'~ilmington,N.C., uctiooer 15tri, 1937. NO'iICE Olr SPECIAG PdE~TIiJG ~jp~-~ To the Commissioners ~i' tne ~ity of Wilmington, North Carolina, and the 1 Commissioners of' the County of iVet~r Hdnover, Nortn Carolina. Notice ie hereby given that a special joint meeting of the Commissioners of' the City of t~rilmington, North Cdrolina, and the Commissioners of trie County'of New Hanover, North Carolina, will be held in the Couneil Room of the Commissioners of' the City of ~ilmington at at 10:00 o'clock, A.I~i., ~riday October 15th, 1937, for the purpose of //' conaidering an of'i'er of' the ur~ited States oi America to aid by ~vay ot' a grant in financing the construction oi the Community Hospital (colored} in the City of '~7ilmin~ton,North C~rolina, and the adoption of the resolution appr oving and authorizing the acceptance of such off'er. Dated this 13th, day of October, 1937. "' J.R.Benson, ' ~ . Clerk and Treasurer of' the City ,_. of Wilmington, North Carolina. Addison Hewlett, Chairman of the Board of County Com- missioners ot New Hanover County, ' North Carolina. ' t' CONSENT TO I~GETING ~ ~~Ve, tne undersi~ned, members of.tne Board of Commissioners of the City of ~~'ilmington, North Carolina, and the Board of Cbmmissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, hereby accept service 6f the f'ore~oing riotice, waiving any and a11 irregularities in such service and such notice, and consent and agree that tne said . special joint meeting shall be held at the time and p.lace therein named and f'or the purposes therein stated. , T. E. Cooper. W. Louis Ffsher. J.E.L.Wade. Commissioners of the City of VJilmington, 2doxth Carolina. Addison Hewlett. Geo.VT.Trask. H.R.Gardner. R.B.Roebuck. ' Jas.Id.Ha11. Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina. A special joint meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Wilmington, North Carolina, and the Board of Conmissioners of' the County of Nevr Hanover, North Carolina, duly neld pursuant to the preceding ca11 of' said meeting, ue.s held on the 15th, day of October, 1937.. - The meeting was called to order by Thos,E.Cooner, Idayor of the City of ~`Jilmington, North Carolina, who was unanimously made chairman of tne special joint meeting of said Boarde, and upon roll call ali o2 the meuibers of tne governing body of the City of ~Nilmington, North Ca,rolina, ar~sasered presenis, as follo~s: ,, . Thos.~.Copper, '~ P,4a.yor and Commissioner of Public Safety, ' - J.E.L.1Pade, ~ ,` Commissioner of' Public 1'Jorks, ~ • VJ.I,ouis Tisher, Coramissioner of r'inance, And upon roll call the follo~ving members oi' the T3oard of Commiesioners•of Idew Hanover County were present: Addison Hewlett, Jas. M. Hall, ' ~.B.Roebuck, Ge o.'~f. Trask, , H.R.Gardner. And the follo~ring members of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County,North Carolina, were absent: None. -. . . After consideration and discussion of the of'fer of the United States of Nnerica to aid by,~r/ay of a grant in financing the construction of' trie Community Iiospital (colored) of 49i1mington, North Carblina, the following'resolution, numbered Seven, and entitled . " A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE OFFER OF THE UI~TITED STATES OF AI~Ek?ICA TO AID RY «AY OF ~ GRANT IN FINANCING THE CO1dSTRUCTION OF A COFR~4UNITY HOSPIT~~I, (COLOE2EI?) IN THE CITY OF ~IILL~INGTON, NORTH CAROLINA", aras proposed by Addison Hewlett, Chairman of tne Board of Cornmissioners of 23ew Hanover County, North Carolina,.and read in fulls RESOLUT~ON IdO. ~'even A RESOLUTIOId ACG`~PTING T~ OFFER OF T?~ Ui1ITED STATES OF AtsiC+RICA TO AID BY ~'~AY OF A GRANT Ild FINANCING THE ~ CONSTRUCTION OF A CO]dI~;IUYdI2Y HOSPITAL (COLORED) IN THE CITY OF UVILIuIINGTON, NORTH C.4.ROLINA. BE IT .RESOLVED By the Boaxris of' Commissioners of' the City of 'vVilmin~ton,North ~ Carolina, and the County of New iianover, North Carolina, in special joint meeting ~sser~bled, as ~'ollovas s Section 1:Tha.t the offer~oi the United S.tates of America to the governing bodies of the City'of Wilmington, North Carolina, and of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina;. to,aid by v+ay of a grant in financing the conatruction of , . , ~ " Joint Meeting of' Uctoper 15th, 1937, continued. a Corrununity Hospital (colored) in the City of l;lilmington, North Carolina, a copy of whieh offer reads as foll.owss P.~V. 767'75 - 154 ~'EDERAL EIJCERGENCY ADTu~INISTRATION OF PUBLIC 'uVOliKS Washington, D.C., Dated: Sep 30 1937 ~ ~ Docket No. N. C.1277-7~ City of Vrilmington, • New Hanovar County, tiVilmin~ton~ North Carolina. 1. Subject to the ~erms and Conditions (PWA ~'orm No.230) whfch are made a part •~ hereof, the United States oi qmerica hereby off ers to aid in financing the construction and necessary equipment of a publfc hoapital iherein called the "Project") :„ by ~aking a grant to the Cfty.of ~,oilmington, Nevr Hanover County~ North Carolina, (herein calLed the "Applicant") in the amount of 45 percent of the cost of the Project ,. upon completion, as deterrnined by the .N'ederal Emergency Adminiatration of Publie '~f/o~ks, but not to exceed, in any event, the sutri of' ~34,525. ' 2. By acceptance of this offer the Applicant covenants to begin work on the Project as early as possible but in no event later than ten weeks from the date of this offer ~ and to complete such Pro,ject v+ith ai1 practicable @ispatch, and in any event within 6 months from tne commencement of construction. ' UNITED STATES OF •At~ERICA Federal Erxiergency Administration of Public Works. By- E.VJ.Clarke (?) • For the ~dministrator. be and the same id hereby in a11 respects accepted. Section 2. The said Governing bodies a~ree to abide .by a"11 of' the rules and regulations relating to such grant, a copy of vanich rules and regulations is annexed to the Government's offer and made a part thereof. , Section 3. That T.R.Beneon, C2erk and Treasuxsr of the City of ',Nilmington and serving as C1erk to the ~pecial joint meeting ai'oresaid, be and he is hereiiy authorized and directed forthvrith to send to the Federal Emer~ency Admi.nistration of Pub~.ic Works three•{3) certified copies of this resolution and three (3) certified copies of tne proceedings of the apecial joint meeting of the aforesaid governing bodies adopted in eonnection with this resolution, and such further documents or , proofs in connection with the acceptance oi said offer as r~ay be requested by the Federal Emergency Administration of Public t~lorks. ~ T. E. Cooper ~'~.Louis 1~'ishex ~ • J.E.Y..Y'lade Commissioners of the City . of Viilmin~ton,Noxth Carolina. Addison Hewlett ~ Jas.2S. Hat2 . , G.i~J.Trask H.R.Gardner R.B.Roebuck Co~missionero of' the County ,• of New Fk~.nover, North Carolina. The above resolution was seconded by J.E.L.Wade, Commissioner of Public l4orks of the City of 'fJilmington, North Carolina, and was adopted, with the f'ollowing voting ayes . Thos.E.Cooper - J.E.L. ~9ade Vd.Louis Fiaher I~ddison Hewlett Tas.Lt. Ha.l l R.B.Roebuck ' Ge o. V7. Trask :.H:R:Gardner and tne followixig voting nays No ne : Thereupon the Chairman declared the said resolution carried and duly adopted, and ~` the aforesaid members oi the governing bodies of said municipaiities triereupon signed .~ the said resolution in a~proval thereof. CERTIFICATE OF THE C7~;~K AND ,~ TREASURER Or THE CITY OF WILMINGTON ~ AND CL~K TO THE SPECIAL JOINT n~:ETIIdG . ~ OF THE AFORESAID GOVERNING BODTES. I, T.R.Benson, tne duly elected and City of Wilmington, North Carolina, and Acting C1erk to the special joi City of +Nilmin~~on, North Caroli.na, County, North Carolina, duly called 9ualified and acting C1erk and Treaeurer of tne Clerk to the Board of Cornmissioners of said City, nt meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the and the Board of Commisszoners of Ne~v Hanover and held on the 15th, day of Uctober, 1937, 54~ Joint meeting oi Uctober 15th, 193`7, continued. do~ hereby certif"y tnat tne attacned copy o2' Extracts i~rorn tne 1~inutes os trie ~ Special Joint It4eeting of said Uovernin~ Bodies, held ae at'oresaid at 10; ,~,M„ October 1btn, 1937, is a true, correct and compared copy oi tne original minutes ~ • of said meeting o~ 2'iie and oi record; arri I do Yurttler certii'y tnat tne copy of the Fiesolution appearing in sucn minutes eniitled:. "A Rr.:iOZUTION ACCEPTING TFiE ,• Ob'FER 0~' 'PHE UNI'i'ED S'1'APES Ob' ,~P,~,RICA TO~THE SAII? GOVERNING BODIES TO AIn I3Y ~f'AY ' OF r1 GRATIT IN 1~INANCING 'PIiE COAIS'PRUCTIUN OF' THE CO=~"P1"ITNITY HOSPITAL (COLORED) AT ~ ~r7II,PdIidG't'UN, NU&TH CAt2ULINA!' ie a true, correct and compared copy oi the original resolution adopted at said specidl joint meeting, wnicn resolution is on file ana oi" record. ;Oitness my riand and tne sedl 01' tne Gity of' veilmington,NoTth Carolina, tnis . 15th, day oi Uctoner, 1937. ' J. R. Benson, , , , (SEyL) C1erk as af'oresaid. . . ~~~~ , ~.. tFlilmington,N.C., October 18th, 1937. - ~ ~he regular weeY.ly meeting oi' tne Boas~d vras neld this day at 3s00 0~ clock P.M. ~ Present; Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.~J.'Pra,sic, J'as.1~.Hali,H.R.Gardner and R.B.Roebuck. . ~' ~ ' Trie minute3 oY meetings of October 4th, lltri, yJere read and approved as recorded. ' Commander H.Ni.Symmes of' the Local Post Arnerican Legion appeared and extended an ~ ~ invitation to the Commissioners to be present.at the dedication of' the "Race /~ ,. Tracks" at the ttecreation Park. and ~'air~rounds at 2;00 o'clock Thursday _ afternoon October 21st; and asked that Thursda;~ afternoon be observed as a holiday. „~ to give County employees opportunity to attend the exercises and witness the first / ~~ _, ~~ automobile races. The Commissioners feeling that it would inconvenience Enose who may ivish to transact business in the Yarious count~ depattments declined~to observ ~ _ Thursday afternoon as a holid.ay, but did, upon mo~tion of h2r.RoebucY, seconded by . -- Mr. Ha.ll, g~ve each department authority to arran~e for its employees to attend :~,. • tne exercises insofar as it would not interfere with the transaction of ite business..~ .,•. Upon motion of Idr. Hall, seconded by I~r. Gardner, Charles Leslie wag, grantea re- v a,/admission to the County Horne as an inmate with the understandin~ he will behave ,\`y~r' liimself and abide by the rules of the institution. . ,. ~~ It appearing that no intervening rights of third pa.rties having come in,and upon . recommendation of the County Attorney, and upon motion of fdr. Trask, seconded by P~r. Roebuck, the Board authorized and directed`that the taxes paid;in.error by . ~ the Cooperative Building and I,oan Association on 1ot ~2, block ~17, Carolina Place,~ /~ ~1V$~ June 22nd, 1936,. be transferred to and applied on the payment of taxes due on lot ,~~., PaAGOlk #17r Carolina P7.ace fox which it ~vas intended, and that the diff'erence , ~ of ~1'22:59 be ~r~funded:to the~Co6pexative Buifiding & I;oan.Asaociatitin; sub,je~t to the'approvai-of' the-Cit~ Commissioneh~s. The County~s part of the refurid being ~71.48.~. l7pon motion of P;ir. 'Prask, seconded by P~r. F&~.11, Debley Robinson (colored) of ~ /-,~ 'Ailmington tov~nship, wae granted an abatement oi" poll taxes i'or the years1936 and 1~ 1937, on account of being a femalo person and the poll taxes charged in error: / . , Upon motion of hir. Hal.l, seconded by 1~r. Roebuck, a contribution of $p5.00 was -,"~`~i~granted the King~sDaughters'" Library at Stonewall Jackson Training School, fox J ~-~~` /repairing books. i~,[ A report of the Better Hpusing Campa.ign for period to October 15th,1937, wasJ ~ '1Q~,~. U receioed i'rom i~:~r. J.S.LeIhoyne. ~~ ~ A report of Se~~ing Rooms project was received from i~drs. Edna M. Cantwell,Sup~rvisor~. ~ shonring articles made f rom ;PPA:and ERA materials turned over to Associated ~ ~~ Charities artl the ~~~(elfare Department. to date, in the total amount of ~5101,997.05. Action ~vas def'erred on tne request to sponsor a VlPA project to provide employment I ~r~ for needy persons in.collecting, repairing and renovating contributed f'urniture, ~ w~?T clothing.and shoes to be distributed free to charitab'le institutions or..~to the ~' needy as submitted by ~rs. Edna 1~. Cantwell,WPA Sev~ing Room Supervisor.~ "r ,- ' ~ ' . „ ; ~ No objection vras indicated by the Board on the petition of the Tovan of Wrightaville Beach to the U.S.Engineexs office, to dredge approximately 2000 cubic yards of ~~~material from the points of tL40 ehoals that project into tne entrance oi' the channel ~ - leading f'rom Banks channel to the inland vratertivay. ~ An offer of the Otis ~levator Company to ma,intain the entire elevator equipmen /~(/ and keep the sae~e in good repair at a cost of $p20.50 per ~ponth v+as declined. /1 ~ ~~ Upon motiorr, duly seconded, County bills Nos. 1077, to 1107 were approved for V ~ ~~t~l%r payment. The meeting then adjourned. . ~~7f7//! 7l _ `Cl erk. , ~ y ,' . ` ;_ / ,. ~ ~~9•. vJrilmington, N. C., October 25tn, 1937. The re~ular weekly meeting of the Board was hela this day at 3s00 o'c'lock F.I~i. Presentt Addison He~vlett Ci~airman, Geo.W.Trask, Jas.~?.Ha11 and H.B.Roebuck. - ' ^1he minute~ meeting:~o~:'October 18th were read and approved as, recorded. . . UPon motion of Idr. Trask~ seconded by.As. Roebuck, Id1r. J.L.Bryant vras granted a rei'und of taaces paid on a valuation of ~1,750.00 on house charged in error zgainst ~/ ~~, lots Nos. 1 and 2 Kerr Division, Cape r'ear township, for the years 1934, to 1936 ,~. iriclusive., ~ An application of P.L.Ilawson for license to sell beer at location at the ~~(~ intersection of' the Nasonboro and Sea~ate roads, formerly Bi11 tieynolds place; ,/ `, ~ ~~ tne.same having been investigated and approved by the Sheriff', v,as upon motion of Mr. Roebuck, seconded by 2,~ir. Fk'~11, approved,by the Board. ' ' Upon motion of P~IIr. 'lrask, seconded by FSr. Roebuck, ~~t-- nine tenths of an acre of land located at the inte !C(~ ~dasonboro road and State highway ~20, purchased by ~ , from Hugh I~~~a.cRae & Company, was upon motion of TIIr. - • i'iXed at ~1,00.0.00! for taxable purposes. ' , ~,~ the assessment ~~~~~va~n#~~ o~'t rsection of the Winter Park- ~ the Sinclair Refining Company Trask, seconded by lur.Roebuck, • Upon motion of Ddr. Roebuck', seconded by T~Lr. '1'rask, 3+~r.G.VJ.Joyner was released from ~ ~,~X payment of penalty for not listing lot #14, block ~62, Carolina Beach for the year 1932. The assessments on all taxable real property in the County as fixed by the Tax ~~~ Assessors and the County Board of ~qualization and Reviev~, f'or the 9uadrennial ~ period 1937 to 1940 inc1usive, v~rere i~pon motion of' I~.r. tlally seconded by Idlr.Roebuck, unanimously adopted by the Board. : ~ ~~~5 . ' ~ ~ ~. ' A plan oi' organization for a City-County Recreational program was submitted and ' expleined by P~iss r'lora p~Gillex," lt~creational Director, the saine having been approved by the City Corrunissioners, was upon motion of PJfr. Roebuck, seconded by T~Ir..Hall, approved by this i3oard, and the appointment oE' a recreational planning. board coinposed of' Messr:s J.B.Huntin~ton, Chas Dushan, C.C.Carter,~'ather J.A.Nianley,Rev. Alexander ~Siller, G7:D.IdcCaig and John 0. Marshall, ras also approved. Upon motion of I~~r. Trask, seconded by :~r. Roebuck, the Board approved an agreement to `i` ~ sponsor a~'JPA project, submitted by I~~rs. Ldna Iui. Cant'vrell,Sewing Hoom Supervisor, uV to prouide employment f'`or women in renovating and repairing donated clothing,shoes and / < furniture for distribution to charitable organizations and needy persons, said proje.ct_/ . ~ to replace ',VPA Sewing i~oom Froject which wili be dis;continued upon exY~auetion of the V .-' present supply of Uovernment materials, wi.Lhout additional expense to,trie County. ~ And the Cizairman vuas authorized to sign the same for the County. ~ Mrs, Nelcy J~ Canady an aged and infirm white citizen of I~diddle ~ound, having been / -~~1 ..,,,,.:~ecommended by ihe Supt., oi Publia 4~eli'are, was upon motion of' I~Yr'.'~Trask, seconded '~ ~Vd~ by I~Sr. f'oebucY., admitted to the Coixnty ttome as an inmate. %` ' Annie Carr Tate, a blind person, having been inves;tigated and recott¢nended by the , •. ~uperintendent of Public u'~elfare to receive y~12.00 per month, v~ras upAn motion oY ~'/ - ' ".~'.~~~~ ^Nr. Hall, seconded by '~r. lr~ak, approved subject to the approva"1 of the State . Board of Charities and Public ;'~elfare. ,. ~" The Board acting upon the reco.*nmendation of the Supt., of Public ~Jelfare ann upon ~ • motion of i,~r. `Prask, seconded by I,dr. Ha.ll, avthorized the pa,yment of' ~p30.00 to the / ' ~ State Sanatorium on account oi' an item of ~64.00 due the Sanatorium by RotivTand • ~Greer for care and treatment of nis Vrife to enab"le ner to continue receivsng treatrpent ~ ~-~ ~ ratner trian to be discharged dn account of' the default of her husband t,o meet rier , expenses; PROVIDF:D her husband, Rowland Greer, an employee of I~4urrell~s Auto Parts Co., ~, ' ~ ~vill support her in tne fizture. ' Upon recommendation of' the Supt., of Public VJelfare, ~and upon rnntion of' luls'. Trask, v '~-^, -~'~~js,~s~conded by i~ir. Roebuck, the }~oard autriorized the payment of jp2.00 monthly toward ,• the expense for keeping `Phelttia Potter, 14 year old feeble minded girl, in the traina~ng . ~ school at Kinston. • • ~ ~Upon motion of T~dr. `Prask, seconded by T~Sr. Roebuck, the pay`meht, of ~1.75 transportation `~/ . --.rS~U`~for Hector ldcl,~illan, indigent trancient, to iNilson,N.C., tivas approved. . , ~_ il_~ A report of Jas.4Jalker Hospital and f:ssociated C;haritie~ for tne rnontn of September/r ~JV ;~as received and ordered f'iled. C ` ~ g No objections were indicated by tne ~oard on the hearing of' a petition of the Tovrn of ~ ~_pAt"drightsville Beach, to establish a harbor line along the eastern side of' Banks Channel - ~'~ ~`~'~at ti~frightsville Beach now pending before the United States Engineers Department. The Board riaving iound upon investigation that the property of'ti'J.B.Thorpe & Company in block ~125, east end of lot #5, vras through error, assessed'too high for the years /~a~l 1932 to 1936 inclusive, did, upon motion of' R4r. Trask, 'eeconded by t1r. Roe'buck, fix L~ `~ the'assessment upon the said land at 5y4,000.00 effective as'of date April lst, 1932, and an abatement of taxes on a valuation aliove that amount f'or said years wa,s ordered. The meeting then adjourned. ' , v ~ 7!~- ~~~ , • C~rk . ` 55() '~Pilmin~ton, N. C., November ls t, ~ 1937. „ , ' ~ ~ . . 'rhe regular weekly meeting o£ the Doard was helil'at 3s00 o'-.clock P.1ui. Present: Addison Hevalett Chairman, Ueo:W.Trask, Jas.IJi.F~.11,~I.H.Gardner znd R.B.Roebuck. , ,, x ~ The minutes "of' meetin~ of' Uctober 25tii, ~93'7, ~vere read and approved as recorded. . ~, , , Upon motion of i~ir. '1'rask, seconded by ;•~1r. Uardner, ~.~r.1d.S.~J'est'broolc of ti4ilmington ~ , to~vnship was granted an a'batement oY' taxes on a valuation oi f400.00 household 'and ' , /,~~~~ kitchen f'urniture listed in error for the year.1937. - ~ _ A communication received f'rom tne County xuditos informing tne Board tha.t he is advised '. by TJir. I3udley Humprirey ~that a piece of' property charged on the Carolina 3each tax ,/ ~ books against the Netiv Hanover Tr~,nsit Com~any, descri'bed as the Uun.,,Club, is the same . ~~ property as that we haVe cha~Cged to ~9essxa George a~d ~J.H.Honnett,block ~50, lots Nos. // 14 and 15, and also advises tnat i~r. .'vlbert 13ro~vn char~ed`~~ri'tY~ a piece. of' land described` ~7 / ~ as 150' X 150' is the same as the property char~ed`to t~r.y7adde1l Pate. 2'he Board, thereiore, referred tne ma.tter to the County Attorney\vith instructions to cansel the cnarge as to the New Hanover Transit,Company and Iuir. IVaddell Pate if he finds the same to be ' a du~licate charge. ' „ , " ~ , In order to clear the taxes due on a emall piece of 'land 25' ~ 32~ in size, located ` - off•.~he street in block #79, the same being the swm part of lot #'5, purchesed by / % Carrie PSandy from Lucy A. Smith, the ]3oard, upon motion of' Pdr. ~ardner, seqorided by ~~ ~ l CX Is4r. Roebuck, fixed the assessment on the same at ~50.00 and authorized the a.cceptance ' of 1.6~ of the total amount of taxes due by Lucy ~~.Smith~on that and gther property in. the said block in f ull settlement of taxes due on the said S11M Pt lot #5 for the years 1927 to 1937 inclusive, the amount being ~15.11. ' ~. ,~ A re9uest of 1~6iss Flora Pdiller, Girls Recreational Director, L-hat the County bear the expense of' approximately ~70.00 for painting, xepairing and xc:i:wiring the City o~vned ) ' quartets north o& and adjacent to tne Fire Station at 4tn, and,Campbell Streets, in ~ consideration of the City donating tkie use of' the room for the girls recreational club, ~,~ ~ and to join the city in assisting inethe establishment of a club in Che northern ~ection ~ f tne city at #616 south 1'ront Street, v+as upon motion of Mr•. Gardner, seconded by IaIr. "1'rask, gr$nted, the cost of same to be paid out of the titlPA Girls Recreational 4ppro- priation. ~nd the Chairmari ~^ras authorized and instructed to secure bids for the ~sork and given povJer to avrard the bid to the tov+est bidder. ,; " ,~ ;~.: ~~-.`_ ~. The Board acting upon the request of T.A.Henderson,C.S.C., and upon motion,•duly seconded,~ . `~ ~,~~ authorized the iseuance of' County's check for ~p50.00 to the 5tate Hospital for treatment of"b'rank LeRay, inebriate~ The COUnty being reimbursed in the said amount collected from ~ the family of LeRay arxi paid over to the County Auditor. - •• Upon motion of Mr. Gardner, seconded by Tdr. Trask, I~drs. ';V.W,Bellamy was released f'rom the '"~, ~~A,~ payment of penalty for not listing block #14 lot #3 Carolina Place for the year 1937. J. ;;., ~ / A re9uest of Jon.C.',Vessell,Jr., for an abatement of taxes charged in 2rror against Mrs~1~+2argare ~~~ Caldwell Boles on lot ~ 4, :~'est ]~iercer Place,.;wa.s.rei'erred to the ,County Attorney with ~~ / power to act. - Laura Lofton, colored; indigent citizen residind at 711 Dawson Street, l~arving been v~ ~ examined ~y trie Assistant Healtn of'Yicer and s~ecommended by the Supt.,of Public '~Telfaxe, :, ~ c vras admitted to tne County Honie as an inmate. ,' `~ The following blind pereons having been investigated by the Supt., of Publi'c JJelfare and •, R„~~ recomraended by him for assistance, were upon motion approved by the Board subject to the ~. . ~,-. ~~ approval of' the State authoritiest ~, ~ ~ ~Ceasar Collins,.......... ~12.00 ' dLIary Breler Henderson,... 17.00 ~ 'y Eva J. Markiton,. ....... 14.00 ' ~ Elzabeth Strickland,..... 10.00 ' . ,,, Upon motion of I~r. Gardner, seconded by I~Ir. Trask, the County .4uditor was authorized !,~ ~ to issue a check for ~563.96 balance due Aseocia,ted Charitiea account of' Old Age L ~. ~ ~ Assistance and Dependent Childreri Assistance, to reimburse the Associated Charities ~ "+ for funds experided by thein account of tnese funds. ' , . A reyuest of' the Board of Education that the swn of $16,800.00 b~ plaCed to the credit ~ ~~ of the school funds to take care oi' expenditures for the month of November, vTas upon w--. ;,, ' ~ ~ moti0n of I~Ts~. Trask, seconded "by T~r. Gardner, approved. _ A communication v+as received irom T~Iajor Ralph Idillis inviting the Commissioners to J ,'c~:. ~ review the Armistice Day parade from the stand on the stepe of the City Hall and to -• ~ ~ 9~ . . , . ~ '' , ~~ ~take part in the exexcises following the parade. A report of the Sevaing Room project t~ae received from 1iGrs. Edna TJi. Canti~rell, Superviso~~ ~ _~~~ ehowing articles made f'rom ~,RA and VdPA materials turned over to the 'v'Telfare I2epartment-~ ., - and r~,ssociated Charities to date, in the amount of $~102,508.01. A request of Mr. J.O.Hinton for a reduction of tne Palue of solvent credits listed Yor ~ - G~ the year 1937 as ~4~000.00 second mortga~e on tne G.T.Emmert land, I~asonboro township ,/ •~ ~~ assessed~at $~4,505.00, and ~6000.00 mortgage on house and•lot owned by H.H.Jonos at 1' , Wr~ghtaville Station assessed at $~3,600.00, was upon motion of Nir. Roebuck, seconded by ~ T~,r. Hali, referred to the County 9ttorney witn power to act. ~ Su~r. J.S.Albright of '~lilmington township vras upon mo~ion, granted an abatement of taxes (~ ''~-t~ on a valuation of ~150.00 household and kitchen furniture, ~p75.00 on.radio listed in - /' i~~ ers^or for the year 1937. - • ~~vThe Board acting upon an order for tne Judge Presiding`at the July Criminal `term of . Superior.Court 1937, and upon motion of A1r. Gardner, seconded by 1vSr. Roebuck~ authorized ., . `~'E~' and directed the payment of ~26.00 to VJ..4.PdcDmnald for labor in inspecting the school ~ buses. ' . - ; ~~.A communication was received irom the State Highway and Public 4~orks Commission advising ~ ~ `~ the addition of .6 of a mile extenaion to the road leading from 'uJilkins Store on the /~ Castle I~a,yne road,but declined the request for approximately 2 miles of' road leading \, : ' - ~, 5~~ ~~' R4eeting of November lst~ 1937, continued. leading from the Carolina i3each Road belo~v sunset park to~vard the.river~that / , ~ ~~ould connect with the proposed river road, and approximately .4 of a mile `y leading off from the Iiolly Shelter road about half ti~.y between Castle Hayne „ - and Island Creek. j . The order adopted by this Board at meeting of' Au~ust 30th~ 1937, authorizing and • empowering the Tax Collector to accept payments of back taxes as appear on the ~' ,~rir.~ back tax records plus 3f flat rate of intereat in full settlement thereof, f'or ~ ~~~~ period ending October 31st,1937, in accordance vrith and as authorized by Cha.pter ~ -, ' l #73, Public-I,ocal Lavts 1935, vras upon motion of ?~Sr. Gardner, seconded by I~Ir.RoebucBn ~ I extended to and including Janmary lst, 1938., after that date the rate to be 6"/0, l " . ~all members voting affirmatively except P~r. Trask, who insisted that no extension . of the 3% flat rate expiring October 31st, 1937, be granted in vievJ of an understanding~./ to that e£fect had at the time the order of iau~ust 30th, was adopted, and theref'ore ~. ` requested to be recorded as vo~ring IJo. Upon motion of T~~r. Gardner, seconded by Ii6r. Ha.ll, the Chairman was a~thorized to !.~-~~S go to iVhiteville Tuesday November 2nd, to confer with IV1r.A.F.Povrel'l,Jr., Third . _District Highway Commissioner, concerning the psoposed river road project. ~- ~ Y A request for a reduction of the assessment on the property of Edgar Lofton, block ~ , ~~x #262 with the view of' adjusting the accur:~u2ation of' back taxes due on same, was ~ upon rnot.ion referred io the Committee tivith power to act. ~ _ /lipon motion, duly seconded, the Board authorized the payment of ~10.25 to the 1~~ ,• ~jv`-' Superintendent of tublic ~~relfare, transportation expense for taking Thelma Potter . ~ to Caswell Training School at Kinston,N.C. ~' Upon motion of ISr. Gardner, seconded by ]'~r. Hall, the Board finding that the ' assessraent on the property of 'eV.B.Thorpe, east end of' 1ot # 5; bolck #125, has f •/~ been asse~sed too high, recinded its action of October 25th, in fixing the value ~ ;~, ~~ at ~4,000.00 and granted a further reduction by fixing the assessmen~ at ~2,500.00 ~ effective f'or the yeare 1932 to 1937 inclusive. . ~ ;~,'~ The meeting then adjourned. - '- I~ ~ r-7'T7Gi ?175~/~ ' ~ Clerk. " . ~ ~ • . YJilmin~ton,N.C., November 8tri, 1937. •~ The regular weekly meetin~ of the Board was held this.day'at 3t00vo!clocl~ P.~. Present: Addieon He~vlett Chairman, Geo.i~.Trask,Jas.M.I~ll and R.3.Roebuck. .,.~. ~. Upon motion of Mr. ~oebuck, seconded by Iuir. Tr~sk, ihe Board authorized the paym~nt / ~ of ~15.00 to Associated Charities, account of burial expense of Mre. Annie Smith, ~ ~ j~died at County Home October 21et,193'7, and ~12.?3 "charity rate transgortation for , ~ ~ Reta Bridgere Tharios, transierit indigent to Youngstown,Ohio., " ' The County Attorney having advised that he has serious doubt as to the legal r,ight o~ ' the County to expend f'unds f'or general advertisin~, the Comrnissioners, there3'ore, .r~`~ declined to purchase advertising space iri the "The State" IuTagazine, at a cost of , $100.00, per pa$e per issue. . , • Upon motion of Tdr.,Trask~ seconded by Mr. Hall,the Board agreed to lease a sraall . • strip of land along tne 47eetern side oY the branch from Isaac I~ielvin~s ho~ pasture v to trie.Uordon road, to Jas.I.Cre~vs to be used as a gog pasture for a term of one.year ~ or longer if no objections by the County at the expiration of that time. The County '~ ~~£~ reservin~ the right to terminate tne said lease at any time upon giving thirty days . notice.It is understood that no ience or.other obstruction is to be built acxoss tne ca.nal run, and the county is to receive the compost produced On the leased•premise:s, in consideration thereof. ~ ~r. yV.K.Rhodes appearing for C.T.Croom, submitted riie application Y'or license to sell ~ beer at location at the intersection of trie Gordon road and Kerr Avenue, f'ormerly ~ ., ~ '-Go.dfreys piace. IJir. John R. Idorrie a nereby resident in trie community whEre the proposed business as to be conducted, not appearing as an endorse.r on the application, P•„ and in view of the past reputation of the place, I~r. Trask, moved that action be ~ _. def'erred until next Monday to give P,~r. 2~4orris opportunity to endorse the same, and ~ also to secure statement from the Recorder recinding his recoimne.ndation of June 1'ltri, +•~' ,' • ,IJ,~~' 1937, 'to the ef'fect that Pdr. Croom be denied a beer license for the fiscal year 1937- '".; ~~~ 1938. :~r. Aall of'fered a substitute motion that the license be granted based on the -'~ ' • approval of the Sheriff and his state~ent to the ef'fect,that he had been advised by the_ • ~ecorder that it wou].d be agreeable f'or the Board "to ignore hia communicati~on of ' Jurie 17th., and f'urther that it would meet with the ap"proval of I~.r. I~orris provided ~ no cabins are to be operated in connection uvith the business, and that the business be ~ conducted in an orderly manner. ~r. Hall's motmon ~^+as seconded by I~ir. Roebuck and carried~ ,• all voting aff'irrnatively except Idr. Trask, vrho voted No. l~r.. Trask expressed a a+illingness ' to vote favorably on the application if' the endorseuient cf I,Gr.1~4o:ris is secured. " •• r , ~ ~ . . . ' An invertation waa ex~enued the.Commissioners to attend ~. meeting of the Parent-Teachers ~ Association of' Acorn Branch Colored School, 3:00 P.Ni., Thursday Ndvember llth, in ~""°• ~~~ celebration and appreciation of' the improvements made to the road leading to tHeir ~~ school. r . Application f'or license submitted by C.V.Covil to sell beer at fiirkland,Harnett totisnship,~ ~ ~~,Qqn.%tne same Aaving been approved by ihe 5heriff, was upon motion of' 2~~r.Hoebuck, eeconded by` - ~ 2;r. Hall, approved by the ~3oard. 5 ~ ' _ i9~ ~ ~ llpon motion, a bill for ~60.00 due Andrews I~dortuary for the burial of' Franklin Helm, ~.-. N^1~`~`"~pauper, was approved for payment. 5~~ ~ ~~ Meetin~ of November Sth, 1937, continued. ~ ~ Upon moticn of Prlr. Hall, seconded by I~dr. '1'rask, the Board, upon se~7ues,t of the - - Clerk of Superior Co.urt, approved the payment of ~p4.00 each to T~iessrs Jno.Hi11 Brown,~ •~._ Loums E. I~.11 and T.e'i.Henderson;C.S.C., for atterc~dance upon the meetings of the. Count ` \~~ Board of Confederate Penaions, June 4th and November 8th, 1937., in accordance with •. section #3913 Consolidated Statutes. , T~dr. J.F.Hobbs, a former inmate of the County liome, was upon motion of NIr.Trask, . ~ ~ n ~ ,Q s~econded by 1dr. Hall, granted re-admission to the County Home trri~ h the understandin~. (~ _ <<u~"~that ne v~ill obstain from the use oi' intoxicatin~ liquor and giill abide by t•he rules and regulations of the institution. ' ~,~ Upon motion of I,ir. Trask, seconded by idr. Hall, the ]3oard agreed to sponsor an additional F7PA Court Hous~Clerical project #'or the indexing n~i~_,the records of criminal cases in .I , "'' ~~, tne Recorder~~ d Superior. courts~fb'r the benefit of the Bureau of Identification and ~ ~'~~~~ indexing the record of marriage license in the Regi.ster of Deeds Of'f'ice as to vromen~s ~. • -. '. names in addition to the ~nen's names which have been indexed. Tne county agreeing to ~ furnish the materials and record 'oooks, a'~Pii to furnish the labor. ~ UPon ,motion, duly seconded, the Board approved the pa;,rment of ~p1.40 transportation. far ~;~ , ~~,, sending C~rilliam Lockleer, indian, to his riome at Pembroke a.s recommenued by the Supt.,r - ~''" ~ of Public Vyelfare. ~ , , ;. Upon motion of 1~r..Ha11, seconded by ISr. Trask, authority wa~ ~iven to puichase . ~ . ap}iroximately 140 yards of bleeched muslin and 150 yards prints for the S~wing Rooms '~- ~,~ to make up approximately 60 mens shirts, 40 pajamas arid 50 womens slips for use at t g County Home. .r " Upon motion of l~r. F.oebuck, seconded by ISr. Hall, the Board ado,~ted the recommendation'of ~ ~} ~~~ the Supt., of Public ;4elfare and granted admission ,to Celia ]?rescher,vrhite, and Laney' '~~ "~ ` ~'"~it'~"""~---Johnson,colored, indigent and ~infirm citizens, to the County riome as~7nmates. ~ , , IJfr. Hill lW. Guthrie, ~.n indigent and inf"irr~ white citizen, ~5 years of age, was upon ,/ ". r.ecommendation of the Superintendent of Public 4S'elfare, admitted to the County Home ~~ ~..~~"'~'provided he tivill abide by the rules and regulations of tne Home. ~., ,~,•: The follov~ing ~blind persons having made application for assistance and having been . investigated and recommended by the Supt., of Public tVelfare, were u~~on motion of ~V . ~.`~,~„ Mr.Rcabuel~,seconded by Mr.FIall, approved by tihis Boarcl,, subject to the approval oi the ' -~ S,tate 'authorities; . °~-,X ~ ~ •- Gustav Emil Sittrich,. RFD ~3, t'Tilmington,Pd.C., ~14.00 ~~Luther Eddison Blanton, RFIIf~l , " "_ 10.00 ~ - Jo~nna I~Tixon Foy, :~?FD#1, " " 8.00 ~ , ~ Tames Ed~vard Gall.ey, ~ 1203 S 6th, St., 14.00 ' A communicati.on was received from the Co-unty tiuditor ad~vising the amount of deposit in~ ~..~ ~ ~~, eacn bank as of Uctober 31st,1937, together with a memoranduLn of securities held in eacf~'~ . case. Upon motion of I~dr. Hall,seconded by P~r. Trask, I~Rx. R.A.Cromwell who purchaeed Tots 4& 5 ,. ~" ~ block #134 and lot # 5, block ~126 Carolina I3each,from C.I.Brinaon and FJ.Y.Bickett res- ~,:,. ~~ pectively, I~Iay 4th, 1937, v~as allowed to pay the taxes.due on said lots less the penalty' ;_ charged for not 1'rsting for the year 1937, for the reason that the property was purchased ~. just after tax listing,time and he thought the same had been listed by the former own~r: , Nr. E. C.T~~Ierritt, vras upon motion of TGr. Tiall, seconcled by Tyr. Trask, granted an abatement }' ~ ~ q~ of taxes on'a valuation of $p155.00 household and ifitchen furniture char~ed against him f~.` °` in error by failing to~~ive him the exemption allowed by law, for the year 1937. J \~ X.t1.A report of Associated Charities and the County Auditors cash report for the month of ! .,._ (J~ z`°~.~~~~ U'~ctober were received and ordered filed. . / " ~~+~'"" r _ A request of the hemrs of '~Jrioht Stanley for a redu.ction of the assessment on property in ~. block ~33, with the vie~^, of adjusting the accumulation of back taxes accruin$ since 7.883,. ~ ~~~ ~ was upon motion referred to the co~nmittee with power to act. . ~. ~ „ A request of Caro"lina Outdoor :~dvertising Cor~pany to lease space for billboard advertisin~{~ ~ . ~~_.~y~ on the County Farr~ property on highvray #40, north of the road leading to the County Home, U `~'b" was declined. ~ ' ~ ~ ~~ A report of City-County Recreational progr~m for the month of October, was received.f'r.om+.. ~ ,~ S~iss Flora Miller, Director, ax~d ordered filed. l, ~ S ~ ' R~ • ~~,~y~,~Upon motion o£ i~ir. Trask, seconded by Iy~ir. Hall, county bills Nos. 1108 to 1a06 inc., --- were approved f'or payment. . i ~;,, p;~ Upon motion, authority was given to pay the budget appropriation of $25.00 to The Childrens~,• , ~~j~~~v~ Home Society of North Carolina at Greensboro. f y-. ~• r Upon motion, duly seconded, reouests fo~ reductions of assessment~ filed by C~arolina Yacht ,~ • Club, I..J.Coleman,Tars.2~,4ary Duguid; ~J.R.Fisrier,~H.J.Gerdea,bSx's.S.Td. •Highsmith,ifirs. ~ddie J:~~ ~ ~1~j~ ~Peiffer, Mre. T~Zildred 'uV, IV[unn~nd C.F.Seiiier,Jr., were referred to the Committee vaith . f power to act. . Upon motion, duly seconded, Mr. Arthur B. 'iVeeks, of "•7ilmin~ton torvnship, ~+as granted an abatement of taxes on a valuation of' y~100.00 household & 2Citchen f'urniture lieted above ~• f~~~~ exemption,in error f'or the year 1937. , . ,' ~ , ~ ~, . •r ~ . ~ ~~~ , Tdeeting oi" November Stn, 193'7, cont'inued. ' The f'o11or-rin~ good and lawful men vaere dra~an to serve as jurors iri tne Superior Court ~ ~~W~'~for the trial of' criminal cases regular term ,beginning Idovember 15th, 1937s ~ ~ J.I~4.Brot~ers. V.B.Cheek. J.'~J.Roderick. }d.E.Suther. ~'~.E.Kelly. J.P.Brinson. ' ' " A,P.Blanton. J.Dlugin. 1i'.Pd.Collins. J.E.I~cNelly. F.L.King. `Y.D.Rhodes,Jr. / '~ P.J.T~elvin. C.C.':Webb. J.S..Glod. _ S.R.Teachey. G.~:Hardvrick.~evi I~dcMilian, ,/ f~.L.Freeman. P.J.Proc.tor. C.H.Holion. b'.J.Jackson. T.5!.Iu~urray. Phil Rethea. B,E.Taylor. C.E.Smitn. J.C.Parker. , ti'r'.C.Fa.61e. L.T.Page. J.R.Kennedy. - Randall Skipper.V~Fillie Alford.C.C.Johnson. 47.M.Hewlett. ~~.D.I,ee.. H:V~f:S,tevens,Sr. li,D.~7a-lker. ;r.J.b'lynn. R..F.Hall. E.16I.Belch. D.Lo«~enstein.~r7.'P.CooY.. ~ For the Special Criminal Term beginning November 29th, 1937: ~ ' ~ ~'.A.DownIDnd. G.T.Clark. J.K.Bannerman.G.VJ.Farmer. Jno.E.Klein. A.K.Hut~te. L.E.i~'illiarrs. E.A.Rivenbark. B.H.Brid~,ers. H.F.Otten. Sidney Ha~reli. ~d.Z.l~a.rks. ~ - R.Y.Lennon. L.P.Dudley. H.i~.I~ll. W.H.Grant. b'.I,.Huggins. Hooper Johnaon. , T~~Ielzar Pearsall.G.F.Elfe. K.~i.FP~ll. E.L.PJhite. R.it.Brown. J.F.~"lolfe. / J.id. Crute. H.B. i4arshburn. G.L.Aiken. ~Yalter. Casteen. R.G.StocY.ley. :7.S.Beasle,y.Y - H.T.King,Jr. E.H.Southerland.B.~i.Sellers. Iui,S.Davis. J.G.Seitter. P.E.Dobson. r ' • R.C.IJiercer. J.2~4.Carroll. E.O.Toomer. C.A.Jurgenson,Jr.G.L.Pridgen~Jr. VI.L.Moore. ~ The meeting then adjou~'ned. - . ~-. ~ r~~~ ~~ S~ . _ . • ~' cl erlc. . ~ G~'ilmington,N.C.; November, "lbtn, 193'%. '~ ~ ~ The re~ular weekly meeting of' tne 13oard v+as neld~ tnis day at 3s0U o' ciock,P.Ii~. r. ~~t~ Presenti Addison Hetvlett Cnairman, Ueo..t'1.Trask, Jas.2~.Ha11, H.R.Gardner and R:B.RoeUuck. '~; ~~ It appearing triat ~.T.Croom entered a plea oi nolo contendere in }tecorders Court ~ • ' .` June 17th, 193'T, to an indietm~nt f'or seiling beer r7itri out a license, the question, ~'. tneref'ore,arose as to trie legal right tb grant him license to se11 beer, on his ~ ' ~(~~.pplication, under the provisions oi' the Beverage Control Act. Upon motion of T~.ir.Roebuck, :~t/ secvnded by 1dr. `i'rask, the matter was referred to the Connty ?:ttorney ior opinion and to '(~ ~ re~~ort at the next meeting of the Board. ~.,,: • ~ l1 request of_T~1iss P~ary Ida Strauss f'or a re@uction of' the asses&ment on property in block ~263, was upon motion of' ]r"s. Gardner, seeonded by I~r. 2{oebuck, re3'erred to the Cornmittee ~G,X for~investigation. `Phe ~oard naving investigated and considered the foregoing reo,Uest, ~.- ~• .found that the said property has been a.s~e,sed too higri i'or the years-1932 to 1937 Inc., • .- and did, upon motion,dil].y seconded, reduce the said assessment to :~12,U00'.00 effective ., ~• for tne years 1932 to 1937 inclusive, and an abater~ent of takes on ~he-`follovring~ ~. , `„ • valuations i or the years snovrn, ~vas grariteds r ~ ' 1932,`~~'6,500.00 1933,~~';650:00-1934.~ ~'4,650.00- 1935, $p2,0~0.00-1936, ~p2,000.00 ' ~,~ ' and 193'7 ~850.00. , , '.' A request of J.R.Hill ior a reduction of tne assessment on 10 acres of' iand,Adj.Carr, Cape 1~'ear 'iVronship, vritn the vie~°r of adjusting the-accumu~.ated baqk taxes on same, was /~ ' ~~ X upon motion oY,^;Lr. Uardner, seconded py Pdr. Roebuck, referred to the Cnairman and T~Tr.Trask; ~ `' ,vith povaer to ~act. , , 1 „ ' '. _, :~ request of rdr. J.H.Risley 1'or~~ reduc.tion of' assessment on lot ~#28 1~4acRae ?~ivision, ,` ' v' Harnett tov~nsriip, ~vas upon motion of" 1;s. '1'rusk, seconded by tar. Gardner, reierred to trie ~ ",~'~~/~ Comr.~ittee f or investi~ation. _ c ~ The Superinte¢tdent oi' rublic '~Velfare, ivas upon motion of ;~r: Gardner, seconded by • I I~tir. Roebuck, authorized to have the Red Cross Sanatarium mak an Rray picture at a-co~t ~ _. ~ y.~vC-of ~2.00 for Ed Edwards, indigent tubercular s.uspect, and to furnish Peter Ho~Frard,Co~nty ~• indi~;ent ~vith a,mattress to be made up f'rom materials on hand at~the County ~ome. ~, ~ _ ~. " y Upon rnotion of lair. Trask, seconded by ibr. }iall, the Doard upon recommendati:on o£ the ~.~ .~~~J, Supt., of Public '~Jetfare, authorized the payment of ;~79.40 ' to the 1lorth Car,olina )./ , - ~5anatarii.mi for maintenance and treatment, ot' 1,Zrs. Roland Ureer for period f'rom July lst,l~ , ~ ta Decemb=r lst,19~7. „ , , - p~~ report of the I,adies Rest Room for the q~onth of October ~s received and ordered f'iled:~( ~;y^ ~ ' - ~ Upon motion of I~r. 'lrask, seconded by :.ir. Roebuck, 'u~r.J.O.Hinton vaas allowed to correct ~.. ni~ 1937 tax list by ~educing a second mortgage listed at ~4~000:00 on tne land of ~ G.T.Eu¢nert, IRasonboro township, to y~2,000.00., and an abatement of taaces on a valuation v, i i:, of ~2,000.00 for the year 1937 was ordered, f'or the reason that the said second rnort~age -.- ' ~~ is not worth ;aore ~than tnat ~arnount. i-lis reques~t to reduce a mortgage listed at p6,000.00 . ~ on the property of H.H.Jones at 9~rightsville Station ~+as dec'lined, f'or the reason tne said mortgage is further secured by a lot at ~Vilmington Beach and i'our pieces of property ~, in Pender County; all membere voting aff'irmatively er.cept PJix. Gardner vJho voted Ido, on account of the uncertainty as to the legal right ot' the Cornmissioners to reduce the value •~ _~, , of the mortgage as listed. , ,. `9 '` - A coi:~munication vras received from the State Doard of Charities and Public '~lelfare, extending %;~ '.~J~an invitation to attend tne Southeastern District Vrelfare Conference to be held in Y '" ~, Elizabethtown on November 23rd,1937.; , ' yti[~on motion o~ 1.7r. Gardner, seconded by i,~r. Roeouck, a contract to sink a deep well at th.e ~ ~R!Airport, not less trian 120 feet deep, using,.~;! and 2" pipe, was a~Jarded to T.'~l.Callihan in ~~~ an3 ior the smm of' ~155.00. All voting ai'firma~ively except Idr. 'Prasl;, who thou~ht the •~ price ~.~s too nigh and ther~efore requested to be recorded as not voting. . ~, • _ , ~54 Meeting of November 15th, 193`], continued. In order~to clear tne iaxes due by E.C.NaPier on that portion of property,East end of lot #1, block ~490, purchased from T.F.Bojzd on a basis of tne 1937 assessment,-the ~~p~ Board on motion of' tcIr. Hall, ~seconded by 3~r. Trask, authorized that tne said taxes be prorated on a basis of five-sevenths of'• the amount of' taxes due to apply ~gainst ~ the property purchased by L.C.Napier and tvro-sevenths to apply against the property retained by Boyd. ~ • " , ~: . ~ .. ~ _ .j The follovJing blind persons having made application for assistance ~~rom the Blind ~` ~ Fund,• vrere investigated and recommended. by the Supt., of Public •F/elfare and approved L ~- ~~~ by this 3oard, subject to the approval of tne State authoritiess ~ ~} Frances ~"lallace, 610 S~outh r'ront St. , $$7.00 ~ • ~Lula Allen Zeigler 1108 Idorth 8th, 17.00 ~ v. • Upon motion of PaIr. 'Prask, seconded by iur. Iiall, authority was given to fi•11 in the low /~-1y,,,, places and grade the groiznds around the South ;,lilmin~ton CLubhouse for the South ~ ~'~'"E lYilmington Home DemonstTation Club. ~ The m eti.ng then adjourned. .. G17~S~~~vr~/ ~ // Clerk. ~// Wilmington,N.C., Nov., 22nc~,1937. `Phe regular weekly meeting of the Board ~vas held ~t 3;00 o'clock P.Tsi. present:- Addison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.'~~.Trask,H.R.Gardner and R.B,Roebuck. ~ The minutes of ineeting of November 15th, were read ara9 approved as recorded. The following blind persons havin~ macle application for assietance from the Dlind ~`~ Fund, were investigated a~ed recommended by the Superintendent of Public 's"lelfare, ., ~`}~t~` and upon motion of T~Sr: P,oebuck, seconded by 24r. trask, ~rere approved by this Board ~ subject to the a~proval of the State authoritiess ' ~' Annie Grady Holmes, 809 iVixon S~reet $17.00 monthly S Erruna Jenkins aixon, 615 Nixon Street 17.00 " lHenry P.I,angston, 211o Barnett Ave., 14.00 " ~C~Upon motion of T~Ir. Roebuck, seconded by 1~.r. Gardner, tne Board, upon recor.nmendation ~ ~oi the Supt., of Public '+telfare, authorized the purchasa of charity rate transpor- C~t3f~tation for sending Simon Rutledge,colored juvenile, to Goldsboro,~0.65~ and Henry /-- Herrin~, colored, to Veterans Hospa~tal at Columbia,S.C., ~1.95. ~ Upon mot.ion of' IuTr. Trask, seconded by 2~dr. Gardne.r, The Caswell ~Training School ~ ~~'73 vras granted a donation of ~5.00 •Por its Childr:e~s' Christmas bund. F~ Upon motion of 21~r. Trask, seconded by I~r. Gardner, i~irs. Z.O. C.Smith ox I~firs. Cora I~. °~ Dale, lva~ granted an abatement of taxes for the years 1923 to 1926 inc., in the ~ / ~ ~~ "• amount of ~19.07 and f or the years 1931 and 1932, in the amount ot' ~1.13 accrued V /' against lot ~21, block #13 ~IJilmington Beach, for trie xeason that t°he eame ~vere listed for the said years by P~rs. Norma L. Northa.m, and charged againet I~.Zrs. Smith • ' or Ifirs. Itale in error. • • t~ A report of the Sewing Room Project was received from I~rs. ~dna Td. Cantv/ell, showing ~}~i` articles made from ~~PA and L+`RA materiala turned over to the Supt., of I'ublic CVelfare - `'~,~ and Associated Charities to da~e in the atuount of ~102,913.77. ~`j Upon motion of rdr. Trask, seconded by 3~ir. Gardner, the Board separated the assessment on the prop.erty of the Heirs of 1~iiss Rovrena 17iggins,block ~153, and fixed the assessment J ~ on tne ~ast efld of lots 1 and 2,Pt.SEPd 2 and ~~-3 purchased'by the North Carolina 3ociety ~~,~X of Colonial Dames at ~12,540.00 for the land and ~5,000.00 for the building, making a • f~ totai of' ~17,540.00, and the° assessment an the ~c~t?~ retained by the Heirs of Lfi°ss ~Tig~ins east middle one part of lot ,~Lwo wt ~13,200.OO.and ~4,:OOO.AO for„the bui~3ings. ,,.s making a total of ~17.200.OQ. • . , • A request of Chas.B.Newcomb,Esq.., to•release A'arm ~70, Castle Hayne Colony , from its . prorata part of personal property taxes. due on a valuation of ~p900.00 listed by / Peter Buis, Cape Fear township, for the year 1937, and a11ow the same to apply as a 1~()~ lien against other real• estate o~vned by Buis in Cape Fear township, on account of said • / Farm #70, being sold under foreclosure and•Buis havin~ no equity in i;he same, vras upon ~ motior. of PLr. Gardner, seconded by i~r. Roebuck, grantecl. ~ ~ ' ~) A report oi Jas.~alker Hospital for Ucto~er was received and,ordered filed.~, -`• ~~~ A report of the Grand Jury,November Term 1937, was received and read and the recommen ~ion ~~ ~ concerning the inetallation o£ ~ padded sound-proof cell in the jail,for insane and ; ~~ inebriate persons, ~;~as upon motion of i~r. Gardner, seconded by ]Qr. Roebuck, received by the Board for investigation and to ascertain the cost for providin~ the same. ~: +p~• 'Phe question as-to~C.T.Croom entering a plea of nolo contendere in Re~corders Court `/ ~ ~ June 17th~ 1937, to selling beer without a license, constituting a violation of the" prohibition la~r, was referredto the_County Attorney to secure the Attorney 6eneral`s ,,} ~ ~ ruling on the question. _ Upon motion of t~r. Gardner, ~seconded by 1:Sr. Trask, idlr. E.~ t~lalton was granted and v. ~ ' abater.ient of~ t~es on a valuation of s'500.00 oods wares and merchandise listed in vF B r ~ '"`t ~ +~ ~ . d/' error for the year 1937. _,• Upon motion of ~lr. Roebuck, se.conded by ITr. Trask, ~eI.A.Taylor rvas granted an abatement "- ~[ of taxes on a valuation of ;~1,400.00 charged against lot #3,Southerland Disision, ,/ ~(fi~ Harnett toiwnship, as "not listed" for the year 1931, for the reason that the same Was V •. / ~ listed regular by him for said year, hence a double charge, and further granted 11.A. _ Taylor an abatement of taxes on a valuation of'$N500.00 on lots 2 and 3,'v'Jestbroolc Div., - •~ ~~~" Harnett townehip, for the year 1931, charged in error,the same havin~ also been listed '.. by Carrie ~i,'paygor, the owner thereof. ~ • TAX RAY'~ i~OR' , . 1939 1936 ~cnntp Ho~.. . , ........... _~:049Q 3. S0 D6p81`~t1BAb` Gh31dTe}l+..i... ~~ s0$15 I~80 GezteTal*.«............~... .0950 I1.35 Healt~....«....«........... .0255 2~5t): ~iO~~g.t~l ~ffies TRa~k67C}i«• ~4)540' 4r9(3~, ~$B}~.'~'~.~ ~ (~'.f3B1fII13Yl~~i~/~ ~.o~r ~:.~~ Q • ~.r9~' {};6; ~.@s~a~~i~.,r:wt,~~a'~~t~s~s~s~ +^ 7c ~i~V~Q, ~~s~s~}' ~~~~~,e~~~~_ros~~r~,~~ar~s~ssi•~ ~~.f.~'~ ~..~~.~0~ ~ ... r a ~ •..~..•w.srr•••. ~ 6~ r • • i ~ . cw ~q ~ -18i~'y 4 ~s[lYis f~~ s:1 ~~ s a s ~~ s a~ s r• S Q~OO~.~.~~ r~~~~•~e :.~ r~~. r ~ i r~~~ ~.r.- ~l~.OOO. 4~ 14 SehOOI_, SuPplements~.,..,..... .1$Od 1B.00 Scsktao~. Bo~~f~~~~i~i~OS~• ,0190 1.OU ScTiool Bn37:d3ngs....~...;.. . 3C~390~: ~BS18~,.OEiSt•assF...ra. .00~~ 0~~ ~@a.~T@~i~r~rts.sr~ess~~~~sr~• r0'Z'r~ .'~.~~.~. ~iOT13'l~'r,~ ~fSIQ6 }~C4114~ s, ~ r~ s~ r r~ vQO~ia' ~s~Q . ~i01TC'~"i ~4U$ B' ~9ld(~$ ~~ r:s~ a s ~ r • ~~ s 4'3`.~ `~.~~~~,. • Berry Boa~de......,...,...«...., « fl.7~ Read Botids.........~...... . ~° B~~ioola..............,..... .Y020 18.OC t ` ' ~ .80¢ .8A¢ ~,, ~ Tdeeting oi November 21nd,1937, continued. -. ~. A request to separate the assessment on the property of' White Real Estate Co., ,• `~~~ block ~204 and fix the value on the west miudle-pa-rt of lot #4, in order to clear ~ ~. the taxes due on same, Vras referred to the County Attorney.to ascertain if' the , said property was subject to r.igrit-of'-way to the street, and report to the Board . at i~s next meeting. ~ ~t • Upon motion of'2uir. Roebuck, seconded by Ivfr.•Trask, the Board, upon•approval of ~ the County Attorney, accepted a bond of the The Grosvenor Savings Ba:~k of Jones- ville, I~dichigan as principal and American Surety Company as Surety, in the penalty • " of ~;250.00 to indemnify the County against any loss in the payment of New Hanover '~~byy~County School Bond coupona Nos. 104 to 108 inclusive, issued January let, 1920 ;' and du~.and payable January.lst, 1933, o~vned by the said bank, but~have 'since been :. . lost or %nisplaced; a ml the County Auditor ~as instructed to send the said The , Grosv.enor Savings Banlc a check for ~1?5.00 in payment of said coupone and to file ~ this bond with the bill covering the payment. 555 v ITpon motion, the Board ackno~vled~e receipt of notice of appeal of the Texas Company ~ ~, y~,, relative to the valuation of its service station buslding at 3rd, and Grace Streets, _. . ~/~~ to the State ~3oard of Assessment. '~„ A report of Jos. S. LeMoyne,Idanager of the local ~'ederal Housin~ AdministrationJ J~.~ Offices, was received and ordered filed. An invitation to a~tend the Southeastern District '~delfare Conference at Elizabethr 1/ ~ town, Tuesday November 23rd, vras received Yrom ISiss Isabella Cox. ' . ~ . . •"' ' An application submitted in due form and execution by ISr. and T~%ss. Fred G. Dosher,Jr. ~ for license to sell beer at location on Route j#30, r~ear East Wilmington. The same ,- ~having~been approved by the Sheriif, N~as•upon motion of I~Lr. Gardner, seconded by _ Ia?r. Roebuck, approved as to Iutr. Fred G. Dosher,Jr., only. A request of U.Dudley Humphrey, ~s9., for a reduction of the assessment, on the property of the. EstBte of DTathan Iiurlphrey in blocks Nos. 51, 194, 221, 255, lots 45 arxl 46 ~ ~~~X '~dgewood Harneit township and 1~ acres of land adjoining 5chroder Carolina Beach, with the view of adjusting the accucnulated back taxes on the same, was upon motiun of i~.~r. Gardner, seconded.by iur: Roebuck, referred to the Co~nmittee with power to act. I~~~Upon motion, duly seconded, County bills Idos. 1407 to 1506 ~vere approved for payment. / ~ • The following good and lawful men were drawn to serve as juroxs in~the Superior Court, ~,,~u~ for the trial of civil cases, two weeks term beginning December 6th, 1937-$o-Gait ~ First week: ' Louie Shrier. U.Y.Yfarwick. L.P.Trask. T.B.Grain~er.J.H.Edge. L.Ft.Hufham. J.E.Burriss. E.C.Hicks,Jr. G.C.Gilbert. Geo.B.Applewhite. _ ~ Dudley Rogers.. T,G.Killian. C.F.Honeycutt. I.H.t+7'eil. • '7.H.BroNm. / ~~~` ~ Hanson ~essoms. A.A.~affo. E.IuI.1~2ayland. E.T.I~dalpass. David Bryant. ~ 'Phillip Hriskin. •B.E.Frady. i~lbert Perry. F.A.Rasbizry. F.P".Fk~rrill. Joseph I~Roskowitz. A.P.1JestbrooY.. O.H.Henderson. E.S.Shipp. ' K.J.Po~~ers. - ~ Second Week: , . . J.A.Pitts. ~~.Ni.Hickman. Ben Kingoff. R.P.Houeton. B.IVI.Jone~. H.F.Farrovr,Sr.. I.J.Sutton. J.S.McEachern. C.~V.Davis,Jr. B.D.Sch~~artz.~ C.R.'~'atts. Gd.~FJ.Sidbvxy. J.P.ne~qton. R.D.Jewett,Jr. ~'d.E.Edwards. . G.~.Smith. G.fi.tiaoodville..Jas.H.Foyles. T.H.Davis. ~ H.Bl,uethenthal Harry Hufham. E.R.Bullock. K.F.Anderson. Fred H. Orrell.D.H.Bryan. ~~ a.B.Hall. S.H.Futrell. J.A.I~vrson. _ K.P.I:4cDonald. Horace T. King, Sr. • ~ Upon..:motio.n, :dul.y~seconded, authority was gi4en to issue check to the-S"tate Hospital L~-- ~ at Haleigh, in the amount oP ~50.00 for ~reatm.ent of H.~N:Russ,inebri:ate"pauper."- ' . ~a~ The same amount~having been paid by ,f:riends'and.~turnCd ~ver to the County l~uditox~ to reimburse the County. . , , ' Tne meetin then adjourned. • ~~ .~ ~~ ~ ~ c .ti ~~ ~.. ~Clerk.. ~ . ~ 4~ilmington,P1.C., 2dovember- 29th~ 1937. • The regular weekly meeting of'the 3oard ~vas held at 3:00 0~ clock P, n4. Present: ~Addison Hevrlett Chairman, Geo.4u.Trask, Jas.1~4.Ik'~11, H.R. Gardner and R.B.Roebuck. '} ~ . - The minutes of ineeting-;of November 22nd, 1937, were read and approved as recorded. +.~ ~ request for a.reduction of~the_assessment on the house~of C."C:Eedd;.lot #97 `;7inter ~~ Park,•on account of its dilapidated condition of a period of years, vrith the vie~v of . fi.e ~~~ clearing the taxes due on same f`or the years 1929,1930 and "1931,.and 1934,to`:1937 Inc., .. amounting to ~p168.61, was upon motion of' Lir. Roebuck, seconded by P.ir. Gardner, referred ' . to the Chairman and Committee with po«er to act. „ -' • UPon mot ion of ILr. `Prask, seconded by T~Zr. , Gardner, the Supt. , of Publi c};Jelf'are~was __` .~',I ~,~.authorized to provide transportation f'or Eva Iiamilton, cripple girl,and attendant from !i : r,' ..--t~ Uood Samaritan Hospital at Charlotte to 'J7ilmington, at a cost oi'.~5.35. ,a - UPon motion of Fdr. Gardner, seconded by F:ir. 'rIall, the Board acting upon the recor.mmendation t; , ., oi the Supt., of Public ;Velfare, authorized the payment of $~10.00 r~ontnly to..P~'TS...Elsie, v /~Ideilsen for board for Inez Holloman 10 year old girl as of date of November 15t~h,1~3"/, .'^ ~• tai:ing the place of Lrnest Avery;Jr.,.and fur,ther authorized the purchase of' clothing ~, for ner at a cost of $2.00. _. '. ~The. Superintendent of Public Ylelfare and "the~•~`lelf'are Board ivere authorized to ignore the ~ roayment of ~1,612.94 out of the Old-A~e As~sistance fund to the Associated Charities and ~ '~:,~ ~S~o consider the bud~et as originally made in the approving of' aoplications for Uld Age . assistance. The question of' replacing the ~p1,612.94 by transfer from the General Fund to be decided later. " . . . ~ . ~ . . . . . . . .~. YX ! " 55G Ideeting of' idovernber 29tn, 193'/, continued. .f~- Upon motion of l,~Tr.~Hardner, seconded by ;~r. RoebucY,"the County Auditor vras _ ~~,i„ authoxized to employ the services of the to~mship tax listers for such time ~ ~ ~y'y°~Pneeded to assiet in ~ecuring the necessary in2'orrnation required in tne preparation of the Tiomestead Exemption data, at the sam~ per diem rate of' pay as for tax listing.~ tipon motion of 7Fs. Trask, seconded by I:~Ir. Roebuck, T~Sr. H.C.Porter of c{ilmington ~ 1/ township was granted an abatement oY taxes on a valuation oi' w400.00 money on deposit ~~ ~~CIK listed in error for the year 1937. It appearing that there are ten children f'rom this County in trie Casv~ell Training ~ School at Kinston, the Board therefore, upon motion of t~ir. Roebuck, seconded by J ~-- ~~'~-3Vir. Trask, granted an appropriation of ~5.00 in addition to the ~5.00 appropriation ' , aliowed November 2nd, for its Childrens Christmas b'und.~ Upon motion of Mr. Uardner, seconded by Tsr. Roebuck, a general order permitting the sale of fireworks in this County,as authorized by Chapter 273, Public L~ctzl and ~-Y Prmvate La~qs of' 1925, upon payment of the maximum amount of tax, and permission to J jf.~ii set off or explode firecrackers, roman candles,skyrockets or other•firevrorks on ~r} private property in the County from 12;00 o'clock noon S'aturday December 18th, 1937, to midnight Tvionday January 3rd, 1938, was adopted; all members voting ai'~irmatively ~;~ except TJI~. Hall, w~o voted No. The County Attorney reported receipt of a ruling from the Attornay General to the effect triat a plea of nolo contendre to seiling beer ~vithout a license is the same as pleading guilty to a violation of the prohibition lativ. It appearing from in1'ormati~in received by the Board_that C.T.Croom entered a.plea of nolo contendre in Recorders ~ Court June 1'7th, 193'7, to selling beer without a license; therefore, this Board,upon ~~ motion oi Idtr. Hall, seconded by :dr. RoebucY,, ordered -that the s~.id C.T.Croom appear {~i~ 'before this 3~ody at its meeting to oe held at 3:00 0' clock P.Tei., ldonday the 6th, day of December 1937, to show cause ~vhy the license issued to him to sell beer ehould not be revoked for the reason ~iven~above. Upon motion of ISr. Trask, seconded by ,~fr. Gardner, the Board separated the aseeesment ~ on the property of' David l'Jhi~te, block #204 and fixed the assessment on the west end of ~`G1~ 1ot ~4 at ~30.000 and buildings at ~23,760.00 and ~4,650.00 on the r~est middle p~.rt of lot #4, to'enable the purchaser of a•portion of' the said property to clear the~ ~taxes on 'same. ~~ -,. ~j ~ inclumive~vere approvedufor paymentd by I,%ir. Gardner, county bill~ I~TOS. 1507 to 1535 U~~l\.~ a' ', . ~ , '~. - y ` Y \` , :~ ~ Upon motion, authority ~~vas given the Supt., of the County Home to assign John iTJilliaxns ~~ _~ ~~ to`perform such light duties that he may think proper, for his food and clothing. Phe me ting then adjourned. " . ~c-i~//9 7l erk. ' ~ Wilmington,Tl.C., December 6th~ 1937. • • The regular weekly meeting,of the Boaxd ~vas held this day at 3:00 o'clock,P.1d. rresents Addison Hesvlett Chairman, Ueo.`~t.Trask, Jas.2d.Ha11, H.R.G~rdner and R.B.Roebucks~ ~ .- The minutes of ineeting of November 29th, 1937, were read and approved as recorded. -~ \~'yt~ The Board then proceeded to re-organization. V ^ The term of the Chairman of the Board having expired this day and this being the meeti.ng at tivhich a Chairman is to be elected, Iurr. Gardner moved that AlIr. Hewlett be re-elected ~~ r,"~~ rairman, hi~ motion was seconded b~ Iair. Roebuck, put by the Clerk and PLr. Hev~lett vaas ~ ~~~' unanimously elected Chairman of the Board for a term of one year. ~~ pon motion of' Mr. Gardner, seconded by Pdr. Roebuck, T+:r. ~.James ?1. -Hall ~vas re-elected ~ '~~,• Vice Chairman of' the Board and authorized to sign' ~-rarrants on the,iCounty Au~itor for ~~ County ex~enses in cases of the absence of the Chairman. Upon motion of'Tir. Gardner, 9econded by DQr. Roebuck, Sellamy & Bellamy were re-elected ~ ~~.County 9ttorneys and Thomae K. Woody Clerk of the 3oard. ~_ . ~ 'Phe f'ollorving vrere then re-elected to their respective positions for the year ending ~ ' r ., .~ r } i November 30th, 1938: ~E, Q~"' Ed George, Janitor Court iiouse ( 61d building) ~. ~~ • L.I.i.Rich, Janitor Court House: ( annex) ~^..', , George Ivey Crandall, Keeper Oak Grove Cemetery. S.G.I,ong, Supt., County Home, Farm and Drainage. ~ ~ IVIrs. H. Bonner, T~atron County Home. , C.L.Philemon, Rural Police. ~,~ F.Porter Davis, Rural Police. 'N.k.ilhitne~, Keeper Court House Clock. , - ,,.r , • STAI~ING GOP,7dITTE~ , . ~~ Community Hospital.........H. H. ~ardner. _ ,,~ County Home and Farm,..... Geo.~A.Trask, Chairman ~ ~~`"~ • Addis'on He~~rlett-H.P..Gardner. • • Court Iiouse & Grounds,.... R.B.RoebucY.,Ohairnan Ge o. Vl. Trask-.7as. Td. }k~ll . Home & Farm Demonstration 4Vork, H.R.Gardner,Chairman L~ •~ Addison hewlett-Geo.t~l.Trask. Health .................... Jas.Pi.Ha11,C'tlairman • H.R.Gardner-R.B.Roebuck. ~ Jas. ;~alker Hospi tal, . . . .. . Jas.I~,i. Hall. - OaY, Grove Cemetery,....... R.B.Roebucic,Chairr~an kddison Hevalett-aas. p1 Hall. Bluethenthal Airpor~,..... H.ft.Uardner,Cnairman-r~c~dison Hetivlett-Jas.3~,Ha11. . . ~ ~ ~ ~ 5~`7 Jdeeting of December 6th, 1937, continued.` Upon motion of I~!`r. Roebuck,~seconded ry Itr. Hall, a reyuest of 'r`1.K.Rnodes,Esq., / to continue the hearing on the ~ase of revocation of beer license of C.T.Croom ~~~.tntil next meeting to give him opportunity to prepare his case, vras granted. ~ All members voting aff'irmatively except T~~Ir. Gardner who voted No. ~ . A request.of yt. R.I~.Pa~e,Jr., for ~250.00 appropriation for 252nd Regimental Band toward providing lockers for its band instruments tiaas upon motion of . T:Ir. GareTner, seconded by Mr. Hall, granted, the same to be paid out of the ,~ -'Yil.tl~ emergericy fund. Lt. Page advised the Board that the Re~imental Ba.nd fis a separate unit from the Headquarters Battery 252nd, C.k.C. and that an appropriation h~?~ ?~~retofore been granted ~hem b~ the City as such. The matter of ~roviding a further , t appropriation toc be con~idered during the ~reparation of ner,t ye~rs buu:get. ~i . .~ ~ The annual report of T.;~1.Henderson,Cler1: of Superior Court, of Public b'unds in his hand~ as o£ December lst,.1937, was,received and,referred to the County~iluditor for checkin~ ~ n~ and ii' found corsect thence referred to a committee of the Chairman, I~,s.Gardner and ~- ~aTr. 1ja11, for checking against the records and approval Qnd then ordered filed with the - Register of Deeds and published as the la~v directs. ,,~.`'~a ~ A reque3t for an abatement of taxes on house, the "Old Biddle Horae" claimed to haue been torn dov+n several yeare ago, charged in error on the land of the Heirs of J.T.Biddle, //~ b'ederal Foint to~vnship, vvae upon motion of i~r. `l'rask, seconded by TSr. Hall, .referred to the Committe,e for investigation and with power to act. , LTpon motion of T4r. Trask, seconded by, Lir. Gardner, instructions 1vere ~;iven to advertise~ C~for bids to be received for cledning arnl apolying 'Y.YJO coats of paint on tlie irori fence .~ around the Court House premises, the County to furnish the paint. Upon notion of Ics. TrasY., seconded by ~r., RoebucY., Jake King, colored, n~as upon (/ ~.s~ecorrmiendation of' the County '~delfare OfYicer, granted admission to the County Home ! as an inmate. ~ `M~~~~ ~ Upon recommendation of the Superintendent of Public tae2f are and upon motion of t~r.Hall, V -. ` s_econcled by '~~r. 'Prask, the Board apt~roved an inerease in the month.ly a11o~^rance from the ~./' SS~--blind fund to Caeear Collins from ~12.00 to ~18.00, subject to the approval of the , State authorities. , Upon motion of i~tr. Trask, seconded.by I~r. Hall, ihe Board acting upon the recorrunendation ~ ,, of the Supt., oS Publie Welf~re, approved_an increase in the monthly allowance granted / • . ~ hIexbert Futrelle, partially_blind witY~~wif,e^and-three.i.children;:~llinter .Paxk,'.Harne:,t:; . y~,t~-townshi~, from;,~17.50 to ~30:00 frorn,the>l~lind fund„~;,to en~,ble him to purchase stock for ~: '~ , his store,with the view of discontinuing the grant'.at such time he is sufficiently - established to make his way wi~th the assistance of his wife. s~~ , a request df I~r. Seigler vrith the Atlantic Coast Line Railrm~fd Corapany, that the C'ounty ~ • extend some aid or re~vard to stimulate'tne serch for the bOdy of J.A.Hi11,Sr., drov~ned ~---~.. at the Smitb. Creek Railroad bridge, tivas declined. It appeared that a reu~ard f.or the-'reco'v~ery ~ ~ af the'body.ha's:been off.eredr:through.another source. ~ , request of ;V.B.Sanders,disabled ~Vor1d.4'Far.Veteran;..for.ifree license to peddle no.velties~ ~ and toilet articles in thie County tivas declitle~3 crhon it, wr~~ s.ho~vn tiiat he was ~ee.eiv~ng ' ~ ~1•'lO:OQ;.mo:nthly from the ~~ederal Goverriment.: ~ ~ Upon motior. of ~,,r. Trask, seconded Uy I4r. Hall,.the Board voted to request the,State Highway and Public UForke Commission to reconsider its action in declining to approve. ~ the request of petitioners and this Boa'rd April 19th, 1937, to construct a road from • V ~ ~`~~ the intereection of the Old Holly Shelter road and the V.C.Bordeaux Avenue near Castle, K Hayne, runnir}g thence in a southwardly direction approximately 600 yards to the Ne~•~ , Holly Shelter w~tate highway,. and sponsor the construction of the said road as a iRpA . ~ Project. • -_Upon motion of Nir. Gardner, ~econded by I~Rr. Roebuck, the Chairman was authorized to ~ Y-' n S~"~~C,~ p v n e d1 H e a d q u a r t e r s B a t t e r ymA r m o r y~ers on the insurance coverage for the County-C:ity• /~\ A petition of residants and property ocrners on Henry 5treet in East ti7ilmir~ton, • ~;n.G rging repairs and maintenance ~of said street, tiQas received and upon motion of P~Lr.Trask,; ~ 1~-.ar~econded by L~r. Roebuck,approved and referred to the ~5tate. Highv~ay and Public 1~~orks ~ Commission for its consideration. , ~ A xeport of~T~iss. Flora Miller, Recreational Prograra Supervisor, for the month of / ,/~~'~ November was received and ordered filed. No action was taken on the reyuest o£ Frederick '~Filletts that triis Board request the State High~vay Commission to hard surface the road running through his subd'ivision ~~ ~ Y,no~vn as "Cnestnut Heights" connecting the Princess Street road and I~arket Street. , ~. ~ A statement of axticles made from E~A and FJPA materials turned over to the Associated Charitiea and the '~lellfare Department t.o date in the total aanount of ,~103,264.95 vras _ ~{~j~}~ received from I1Lrs. Edna IS. Cantv~rell, County Supervisor of Sewin~ Rooms and ordered ~ filed. Upon motion of 1,Rr. Gardner, seconded by P~r. '1'rask, the 13oard authorized the payment of ~ "~86.52 to the State Treasurer to m=et County's part oi' appro,priation for the blind for ~J"v'six months period ending December 31st,1937, based on a r2vi,sed::statement prepared ~ '~ in the County '9elfaxe Office. • .. ' , ~~A communication cras received from the Coun~y %~uditor adviaing the amount of deposit `" ; in each bank as of November 30th, 1°37, toge~hea with a rnemorandum of' securities.held- ~ , '~-~p (~ in each case. • ~, _ . , • ~ '`~~~~~he County Auditors cash report for the month of' November ~va,s r,eceived and ordered fil~ed.+/ ". li~ Upon motion of Lr. Trask, seconded by T-Ts. Hall, County bills Nos. 1536 to 1750 v~ere/ ~ 1~ approved for payment. . ~ ~,, 5 a~ . T3eetin~ of December 6tn, 1937, continued . Upon motion `vJpA work at of T~r. Hall, seconded by Fdr. the Le~ion Bield and Gilbert '1'rask, John N. Z3annell b'. 1~orton, 5upervisor y, Supervisor of the - of the aVPA Airpost '., ' ~ ~~~, ~ Project, wer automobiles rtonth, as o£ e each granted an a7lo~vance of 5~ per mile traveled in connection with the ~A,md projects, not exceedirig Becember lst, 1937, the same to be paid out oi the for•the use of theii , ', 100 miles each per einergency fund account. • . dj~ ~ / S`~kc~~ (?.(,~~'M-~ , The meeting then adjourned. ' ~~J"f7G~ 9l.~i. v ~.- ~ , . . w // Clerk. ; // i' VAilmington, N. C., Dece~bex 13th, 1g37. ~ ~ The regular weekly meeting:.~' t~e Board i~ra.s held at. 3;00 0' clock P.I~d. '~. Present: Addison Hewlett, Chairman, Geo.I~J,Trask, Jas.I~.Hall, H.R.Gardner and ,, F~, B.Ro ebuck. The minutes of' meetin~ of I~ecember 6th, rovere read and approved after including ~ I~~r. H. R. Gardner iri the liet of standing Committees as the County's repreae.ntative ~ .•'~ ~ on the Community Hospital Board, with instructions that the hoepital notif'y him ~ f~ v~hen meetings are to be held. _. `_ 1drs. Dora Henderson idorton, 708 south 5th, Street, having made application to the vrelfare bo~rd for 01.d pge Assistance in July, and rejected, appeaied to thie Board. It appeared that T~rs. Norton is rece'iving ~$20.00 per rnonth and;~is•ito receive,~20.00 ~~~per rtonth for life,~from her children, secured by mortgage on their home, that together ,!' S ~vith free house rent amounts to more than the usual ~rante fox Old A~;e Assistance, and ', due further to insufficient funds to meet more needy cases without curtailing the present ' grants, the relTef" was upon motion of T~r.• Gardner, seconded by I~Er. Trask,n+o~t ~2i2ovYed. - Tfirs. Ialorton vraved any fixed time at which this appeal should 'be heard. - ~~ ~ ~'S}'"rl r~ Dr. i~. Houston ~oore and delegation appeared and urged that some steps be taken t~ clean ... off the weeds and grass from around the shrubbery at Greenfield Lake and Community Drive at least two or three times a year to maintain the baauty and f'or the preservation of the ' ` shrubbery planted there, to make it more attractive and appealing to tourists, vJhich is o;.s> ; among the major assets of our community, stating tnat the City wi~l co-operate in Y,eepin~ •. the gro,unds. Mr. Trask moved that the County, theref'ore, cooperate with the City in having :~' tne tiveeds cleaned off and to give such aid possible; his r~otion vras seconded by I~dr.Hall and carried. ~ ~ , ~ • It v~as also brought to the attention of' the Board tha~ some of t§~e shrubbery has been stolem ~ from around the I,ake and Driveway ti~hereupon 1"r. Roebuck moved and it was seconded by Mr.Trask. and carried, that the 3heriff be requested to cooperate with the City police in working out ~. some method of policing the premises. The Board basing its action on the opinion of the Attorney General of December lOth,1937, based on the Stiers decision 204 N.C., 48; that the plea~of nolo cnntendxe to ~elling beer without license vrould not be equivalent to the defendent being'adjudged guilty of vio~atirig ,, tne prohibition lav~s, tivithin ihe meaning of the Code, Section 341"1 (12) (5), thereby •', reversin~ his opinion of November 23rd, 1937, and upon recor.nnendation of the County Attorney,., ., and upon motion of PLr. Hall, seconded by 1•~r. Roebuck, dismi,esed the hearing before the Board ~:. '. in the matter of the revocation of beer license of C.T.Croom on a ple~. of nolo•contendre in. ', Recorders Court June 17th, 1937~ The Chairrru~n, P~4r. Hall and i~7r. Roebuck votin~; aff'irmatively,~,• •I , P~[r. Trask not voting and Iv'ir. Gardner requested to be recorcled as not voting for the reason ~ that"he:was-:not preset~t.at t:he ineeLing tne application for license to sell beer_was approved. Upon motion of I~r. Trask, seconded by ~r. Roebuck, autnority was given to insure the County- ity onned~Headquarters Battery Armory building in the amount of ~5000.00, provided trie (l~ity vrzll also insure ihe same for a like amount, all members voting af'2'irmatively except V ~~r~/~r. Gardner who voted No, for tne rea3on tizat ar~ount is not suffieient to take care of the Count~ interest if the building should burn. l7pon motion of 7~r. Hall, seconded by ISr. Roe~buck, the Board gave instructions to insure the ~ said armory building for a period of three yeass and place the insurance with ISes ers. + ~'~h-'k:G.Latimer & Son., and F.E.Livingston & Co., Zocal I~utual ~~~ Insurance Agents at a saving to / the County of' 25% on the cost for coverage. , ~ Upon motion of I,r. 'Prask, seconded by L:r. Gardner, payment of ~8.50 to Associated Chariti'e~ f for half rate transportation for ld1r. and I~JIrs. 2~yron Baker, transient indigenta to i~ashington;. ~~,~~~,¢y^ D. C., recommended by the by_the Supt., of Public 'eVelfare, was approved. . ~ ~ , ;. y-, ~~ ~ . ~. i k'; ~ ~; i On recommendation of the Supt., of Public Welfare and upon mol;ion of P~r. Roebuck, seconded /. by 3;ir. Trask, autnority ~vas given to issue a check f'or ~123.50 to reimburse As~ociated Charities for funds expended account of social security, f'or Aid to Dependent Children for~ ~.,f~~ November. : '~ A request of the Board of Education that the su.m of ~28~896.25 be placed to tne credit of the ~, 1, aschool fund to take care of expenditures f or month of llece~bex, vaas upon motion of Mr.Hall,,~ • ^~~~~~~ seconued by I~r. Trask, approved. , . / ~ The Board havin~ been advised by the Supt., of the State Hospital and Supt., of the State I l~ Prison, that they have ne,ter made any provision f'or . a padded cell f or violent insane persons ~ or prisoners in aither of' the inetitutions, or had any experieizce in building tllat type of'ce1~ ~ the matter of makin~ further investigations f'or the provi.sion of a padded cell i•n the County .- jail as recoirnnended by the Grand Jury, November terrn 1937, was le#'t with the'Chairman and V Sheriff. . ~)~ A report of the Ladies ~est Room f.or the month of' Tdovember vras received and ordered f'iled: ~' ' u3 ~ Upon motion of ~r. i3oebuck, seconded by h4r. Hall, authority was ~iven to purchase -' _ l~suff"icient number of turkeys for the Christraas dinner ~br-t.:~e:~.nm~,tes and prisoners at ihe~J , / ll`,+o~ County Home and Jail. ~ l~ , / ~ ~~ o-'• ' ~~~ ~eeting og December 13tri, 193~1, continued. -, Upon motYon ox T~r. Hall, seconded by lAr. Roepuck, and approval of the County Attorney,~~ ,~ ~~he Board authorized tne pa~ment of ~15.00 to San J. ~~atson.in settlement of' a c~aim or ~35.75 for clothing and otner personal eI'fec~s turned over to the ~heriffs' ,~ , eputies by State pr~son authorities at Raleigh to be called f or by vJatson's brother ~ here, but lost ~hile in the custody of the Sheriffs' office. The natter of' equipping the Sheriffs auto and motorcyckes with radio receivin~ sets ~vas ~~ ~~ received for further consideration. .~- . , Upon motion of' rSr. Trask, seconded by IJIr. H~11, the Board gave authority to release one n bale oY u9PA'cotton given the County Home, to the Home-keepers Aides Pro~ect i'or making -W~'~" comforts for needy famil•ies. • Upon rnotion ot' 1vIr. , / correct their 1937 ` ~, ~~which they failed Company allowed to abatement of taxes Gardner, seconded by I:'!r. l:oebuck, McConnell and Causey were allowed bo L~ tax liet by claiming ~3,000.00 note due the bank April lst, 193'l, to claim and deduct f'rom solvent credits listed, and the Lewis Furniture L reauce their lease contracts listed at ~8,000.00 to ,~'p5,000.00 and an on a valuation of ap3,000.00 in each case f'or the year 193'l, was autnorized.~ .\ ~ Only b~d having been received for the construction of a vestibule at the Third Street /, ;; ';. ,~' entrance dr6 the Court House, the Board upon motion oi P~6r. Gardner; directed that other Y L~'bids be secured. ~< ~ • ~ P~ i J Sixteen bids ranging i'rom ~25.00 to'~150.00 for cleaning and paint}ng the irori ~'ence y, \ around tne Court House premises `vere received and upon motion o#' DS3~. Uar~lner the three ~~--._/ - ~ lowest bidders; Jno.A.Olham ~25.00, 4V.H.Burkheimer $25.00 ~~~'~-~-Yabor only, wexe selected and referred to the Court House ~~ ,~ with the said three bidders at 11:00 0' clock ~.r,~., 1'Vednes power to act. ~ ' ~ ,.,V ~~pon motion, duly seconded County bills Nos. 1751 to 1782 ,• - ~ The meetin~ then ad,jourr3'cd. and k.B.Etheridge ~32.00 for Coinnit~ee to confer furtizer iay December 15th, and given ` ~vere apProved for payments/ l'~'ilmington, N. C., December 20th, 1937. ~ The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 3,s00 o'clock P.PI~. . present: Addison He~vlett Chairman, Geo.vT.Txask, Jas.TuT,Hall, H.R.Gardner and R.B.Roebuck. . ~ . ': , ~~The minutes of ineeting of gecember 13th, 1537, ~aere read and approved as recorded. " "f,:ayor Thos E. Cooper appeared and told the Board that a 9uantity of oystere offer.ed ~'' for sale by country fa.lk...at the City market Saturday December 18th, had been condemned~ ~ ~~and destroyed by I~dr. Hubbard an agent of the State Board of Health, for nottmeeting the ~--}~:f!'i'RSequireMents for certified oysters, and asked tnat this Board make some arrangements ,• to provide two or three certified oyster shucking houses for the benefit of those • ~ho are depend~nt.on gathering aridoshucking oysters for a living. Zt appearing~that the ~- ~ Gounty has hbt the funds or the legal right to expend its funds for an expense of that v -' nature, took no action in the rnatter. . . „ .. . A rec?uest of Co1.R.S.IvicClelland for an adjustment of the assessments on the property of d~ / the estate of I,Zrs. E.~.Gore, vrith the vie~r of pay,iiig the back ta~s due on same for the •~ ,~ Qu years 1933 to 1936 inclusive, together irith requests for reduction of assess~rents on the property of' h~iss Alice Bryan lots 54/55` Carolina Court; A.O.~~ic~achern block ~142, t~ary C. iF'arren block #139 and~'.D.VJeaver block ~113-~Grere upon motion of I:~Ir.,Gardner, seconded by Mr. Trask, referred to the Committee with po~~er to act. i ~~, , ~. . t° P,iariah 2doore, a 90 year old colored citizen of' Nake:.Covnty, here without means of support, ~~ ~ v~as upon investigation ana recommeftdation by the Supt., of Public 1Jelfare, and upon motion /' ~ a C~ ,of l~~'s. `Prask, seconded by.i~ir. Hall, granted admission to the Gounty Home until such time ~,~ arrangements can be made to return her to Wake County. . ~,, i. '., ~ . , . . . Upon motion of i~Is. Trask, seconded by I~Lr. Hall, the Board actin~; upon the recommendation J n( of the Supt., of Public vJelfare, authorized the purchase of charity rate transportation /•%1~''~for returnin~ Raymond Perr-on, wife and five children, indigents, to their home in -'??utland Vermmnt,~ at a cost of $30.75: An agplication £or license submitted by B.L.1Vagamon to sell beer at Levais~ ~lace on the / ,~~.Carolina Beach road, vras declined, due to the fact that beer license has been issued to him to sell beer- at another location and he therefore cannot give both places his immediate. , ` personal supervi•sion in contemplation of lacr, a11 voting affirmatiaely except PuIr. Hall, . who voted No. ;, A req-uest to cox+rect the 1•O37 tax list of the late ft.E.~Uilliams by deduct`ing ~p3,500.00 ~ ~ notes o~aing by the deceased from mortga~es listed at ~p3,300.00 vrhich he failed to claim G,i ~~~ , at the time of l~ieting, s^ras upon rnotion of 1ur. Gardner, re£exred 'to "t-he Chairman and the~ ~ County Attorney for investigation and report their reco~mnendations to the Board at its . next raeeting. ~ Upon motion, duly secondedy i~ir.H.23.King was released from payment of penalty for not v~ - ~`~1, listing lot ~~11, in b1ocY. ~49, Carolina Beach for the year 7.937, on account of being ~'' a non resident. • • ' A sure`ty bond oi' .'v.b'I.L~cKoy, clerk in tne County ~uditors Ofiice, in the penalty of ;~2,000.00 witn the United States b'idelity and Guaranty Coinpany as surety,•the said amount ~ ~~, -~.~. ~by~having been fi.xed byc this I3oard, was upon motion, duly seconded, approved, all members ' votin~ afi'irmatisely. • . - 5~1 A rep.ort of Jas.7Talker Hos~ital for the rnonth of November was received• arid ordered filed.,,/ ~,r~ ~ r'(D The Board declined to grant the reyuest of The Sunset Par.k_:Eompany that the County l~ . ~1~(, iurnish approximately 50 loads of' clay to• surface tYie streets where tlze sand has been gra,ded J~ of'i~ for the use in the improvements at the Legion Field. The Cizairman 2dvised tnat approx- ~imately 3000 additional yards of' s d would~be neecled at the Legion Field. GU}~on motion county bills nos. 1£3 0 1_8~3 were approved for payrnent. ~ '. .~,_,~`~~~j 'Phe meeting trien adjourned. _ ~,... ~. Clerlc. 5~'(~ v~6ilminbton, N.C., December 27th, 1939. The re;izlar w,eekly meetingrof 'the Board tivas held at 3:00 0' clock P.Pd. , Present: I~ddison Hetivlett Chairman, Geo.;~.Trask, H.R.Gardner and R.B.Roebuck. • A request of 2.4r. 0.',V.1~essick for a reduction of the assessment on machinery of' ' the Cape Fear Lumber Company from 2000.00 to ~1,000.00 for the year 1937, ~/ /(~~ stating that he purchesed the same five years ago for approximately $~600.00, / \ vvas upon motion of' I,':r. 'lrask, seconded by t~r. Roebuck, ~ranted, a11 voting aff'irmatively except Y~Sr. Gardner FJY10 requested to be recorded as not voting for tne reason he ~vould like to look the machinery over before votin~. . Dr. ~. Cooper Person appeared and asked that the assessment on certain area of 3i ~ ~ the.land o~ned by himself and T~irs. L.'~l.Davis at :Vilmin~ton Beach laid oi'f and a~sessed in lots, be reduced arxl assessed on an acreage ba~is ~aith the Kiew of ,~ - paying:off all the back 2.nd icurrent taxes due on the ~roperty. A vote on a motion \, offered by IJ'ir. Trask; seCOnded by iJix~. Poebuck, tnat lots located betvreen 3rd, Ave., ~/ and 5th, Avenue be redmced to ~25.00 per 1ot, lots `,"+est of 5th, Avenue be~assessed /`~-~' in acreage on basis oi' present acreage assessment and lot~ East of 3rd, Avenue ~ , ~~ ~ remain as now assessed, ~rras not called for after IIr. Gardner suggested that it / v~ould be best that the matter be ref erred to the Coiru;iittee and trie Tax Assessors ~ to go on the premises, view the land and fir. the assessments.,l~:1r. Trasks' motion " was theref"ore not put to vote by the Chair~an,. ~:Jhereupon 1~r. Rae3iuek moved and it lvas seconded by T~Gr. Gardner and carried that the matter be referred to the Chairman, hie oo;nmittee and the Tax i;ssessoxs to investigate the property and assesaments and submit their recommendations to tne Board at its next meeting. ' It being understood and a~reed to by Dr. Person, as suggested b5* the Chairman, that in consideration of the foregoing he is to pay,at this time,one half of all back and~:: current taxes due on his property at ',Vilmington and Carolina Beaches and the bal ance ~vhen the asse~sments are x'evisecl~~and fixed by the Board upon recommendation of the ` ' investigating co;nmittee. ~ , ifpon motion a request of Ludley Humphrey, Ea9., that the Board let the 3o flat rate . of interest expiring January lst, 1938, apply after that date on the settlement of /~~~ taxes on the propesty of the Estate of rjathan Humphrey, now awaiting a court clearance, 1/. ( and also the tax mn the property ori the Northeast corner of 14tn, ahd Castle Streets ~~ ' in the Boone-i;~urphy matter no~ isr l.itigation, vras granted. It is tne sense of this Board, ;~ that the 3~~flat interest 'rate shal.l apply after January lst, 1938, .on such cases only that are notv pending before this ~oard in the actual process of settlement. ~ . ~ A request of' ils. P.2eares Harriss for a reduction of the aesessqtent on the property of P~.4rs. Rosa ~, Kennedy block j~72 and 73, together ~vith ari offer of I~dr. A.H.Yopp to pay ~ n/~~ ~1,000.00 in settlement of ~1,206.10 back taxes cha,rges against land.in block #13 in ~` which is included taxes on approximately ~15,000.00 personal property over a period.oi' years from 1928 to 1936 inclusive, r~as upon rnotion of i~r. Roebuck, seconded by }.Zr.Gardner, / refer.red to the Comrnittee t~~ith power to act. ,. A claim of D,Sass Sa11ie Fritz, 213 South 2nd, Street, for the loss of' seven ducks and five ~%' chickens destroyed by stray dogs at 2:30 A.Is~., December 20th, 1937, and valued by her ~. ~~,yu~ '~ $~15.00, was receiged and upon motion oi ?fr. Gaxdner,, seconded by Pdr. `Prask, instruction~ v"~\Zp~lvere given to have three freeholders in that community make an investi~ation oi the matter /`4% and report their recommendations to the Board,as required by law:' , Upon motion of PSr. Roebuck, se:;onded by iJir. Trask, the Superi~ntendent of Public 47elfare L~~ was authorised to furnish transportation for dack Reaves, to StoneyJal7: Jackson Training ."~. ~J1 achool, ordered by the Juvenile Court. • / ~ ~ The following bonds and coupons i~~ere presented by the County Auaitor as having bee,n paid ~~;~'t;~and were burned in the nr,esence of the Boardt , . } ROAD BODID6: Coupon No. 50 Bond No, 1 and 5 N ~~ 47 " ° 5 and 23 " " 47 " ~~ 78~81,95.96.,98,102,104 " " 47 " ~~109,118 and 125 SCHOOL BOrDSs Coupon No. 37 Bond No. n n 3~ o n n n 4q a ~r u n 47 n n n n 47 n n ' u n 47 n „ n n 47 ;~ ~r 2 Q ~"22.50 _ 45.00 2 " 25:00 - 50.00 10 ~~ 12.50 - 125.00 ~ 220.00 , • 62 and 63 2 ~ 25.00 - 50.00 106 to 140 , 35 ~~ 23.75 - 831.25 24 ffi~aad 28 2 ~~ 25.00 - 50.00 40 to 44 5 " 25.00 - 125.00 47 to 51 5 ~~ ?5.00 - 125.00 96 to 101 6 " 25.00 - 150.00 110, 113 and 114 3 ~~ 25.00 - 75.00 CUiTr?T HOUS~, 30DIDS: Coupon No. 26 Bond ido. 215 to 219 ROAD BONDC: ~onds No. 1,2 and 5 ~ COtTRT 'rIOUSF, BOI~S. ~ Coupon No. 24 Bond No. 161 to 164 ar~ 170 " " 25 ~~ ~~ 161 to 164 and 1']0 " " 26 ~~ ~~ 161 to 164 and 1'70 5CHOOI, BOI~S, Coupon No. 37 ~~ ~~. 124 and 125 " " 47 ~~ ~~ 45,63,102,108 and 109 ROAD BONI)a. Coupon No. 50 ° " 19 ~i u, 46 n n 88 " " 47 " '~ 88,105,119,120 ,124 " " 48 ~~ ~~ 94 Road Bond No. 19 5 Q 25.00 - 125.00 3 ~1Q00.00 -3,000.00 5 C 25.00 - 125.00 5 ~~ 25.00 _ 125.00 5 ", 25.00 _ 125.00 2 " 25.00 _ 50.00 5 " 25.00 - 125.00 1 '~ 22.50 - 22.50 1 ~~ 12.50 ' 12.50 5 ~' 12.50 - 62.50 ~ " 12.50 - 12.50 i ~~iooa.oo -i,ooo.oo 1,406.25 125.00 3,000.00 ~4,751.25 375.00 175.00 1,110.00 $1,660.00 t •~ ~ , .:{. >: - . .'` ~ ~:. ~:. "r;an.usl'I.' ATM „-. ~~ -~-- ., j F~./• &S9.nimunt Niage 1?stes for IX~ekot ,]A~ 1277-DS, Hospitel,, P~31zn9.ngton, IQ. .C., as approved by ~. ~,., Rous$'far the Buildfng firades a~a ;'C. B, Rorxiega~ for the Gentra~. Labor Union. ; , .r = . (2~g...,W~Za e Rates ~ - ~~f ~1 ~ xhere shall tie ~aid eaeh employes engaged in vro~rk ~`~under this.cont~act a't the site of the pro~eet in the trade or ( oacupa!tion 1f~~eQ be~,ow, not less than the roaage rate set oppo- fy ~ ~ite t#~e , ~eane, mamelg t ' , Labor Scheiiule ' ~ ; bil.nfgttmm ~ . Trade or .Occitaati.~on Hour],~ i98+~e Rate Y~1~i~QdQr~'13u~1~~ • " ~~i~~ I ~ :~- `S Ciae $rf~k5.a~e~ Appren ~ri'e2~.a~-~~* '-Temi~er ~~ Carpenter Carpex~ter~s.AasistanE •~ ~ Garpbgter Apprantice •4 (3emeat Fi.n.~.skier Finiahed tTOV~al~d ~urYaces ( 7asel~d3ng Compds~.tiaon end ~ast3e 9 1.10 Cement B'inish~Y~-Paving, s~de~valk, eurD ersd gutter Z:10 ~ent Fi~9.sher-~JSing G~rborundum •Stone Cen , :'~~ , Conexeta Puddl~er~R~flB~r-Spreader .30 ElectxicisLi •`~Q T1eCtrician Helper -4~ Eievator Constructor ~-Z'~ Eleva&or Cr~nsta~u.etar ~elper • -6p Gas Fitter 1.10 Gsa Ri.tLer HeTper :40 Glszier •~5 g~ad.~nan, .60 ' Ironworker, ~tructu~al .75• ZrOIIY70TX~T i 01'f18ffi9Z1t8~. ~ ix~oiufliag ~ronze : 78 ~rrour..,..kers, Ri.~ers .76 lronwarkere, $elper .45 ~ettlmttaa, Asphalt ar lea8 kettlea r .45 . Lather, Metal ' .75' La'ther, '~Yood .75 Lath~r, plaster board .75 I.athe~`s helper '.40 Msrble Set~er 1:10 tutarble 5etter Helper .60 Mason Stone 1.1(?~ ~s.son; s Hel.per - S~toue : ~4 ~ DHechanic (Rgpairmen? .75 ~Sort,a'r A~Ltxer (Bri'els - Plaster) ,45 ~ Operator., HoistS~ Engina (2 af~d 3 drum) .75 Oper~tor; ~oistiug ~ngSne il drum) .~5 Operatcir; Jack h~mmer dx dri21 xunne~ .40 Oparator,i ~d9.a~r ~°•be~;s or over .75 Operator, E83.xes under 2 begs ,¢p w ~,~ ~-,.:,, Roofer, Slate and tile Operator, Poarer Saw ~perator, Power ahovels (3/4 yard Operator, Power shovels under 3/4 aperator~ Wheelbarrow • Operator~ Truek I.4 ton and under Operator, True~k (over l~ - 3 tons) Operator, Truck (over 3 tons} Painter, Painter, apprentics Painter, rough and priming Plasterer Plasterer apprentice Plumbsr Plum~ar apprentice Plvmber's helper ~ipa I,ayer, Sewer Pipe Fitter Pipe F3tter's helper Roof.er, Composition ~- Roa~er, ~heet metal Roofer, tar_and gravel 'RooPer's Helper Reinforcement 1'lacar, 1 per ~ang Reinfore~ment placdrs helper &einPorcement tier Sheet metal worker Sheet Metal Nlorker*s Helper Steam and Pipe Fitter Steam and Pipe Fitter's Helper T'eamster Driver Teamster - 3 horse driver Terrazzo and Tile~ Layers Terra2zo and Tile Layers Iielper Unskilled I.abor ~t{ell Drillers, 6 inches ~a~d ;above 1Je11 Drfllers, vnder 6 inehes Well DrilTers, (diamond Point) Well Drillexs, Helper . . W~ndow Cleaner Approved; L. H. Rouse r V and over) yard Business Agent Yor Building Trades .90 ~ .90 .75 ..75 .40 .40 .45 .50 .90 .40 ~ 1.10 .60 1.10 .45 .40 .40 1.14 .40 .90 .90 .90 .~ .40 .40 .~ .40 1.10 .40 .40. .40~ 1.10 .40 .40 .75 .45 .75 .40 .40 ~d GO e.7~ .~ Approved: C.B. Biorsiegay Yresident, Central l,abor Union ~56 ~ ,- I~eeting of' December 27th, 193'7, continued. ROAD BOI~ID~. Coupon No. 48 Bond No. 105 and 125 , 2~~12.50 ~ 25.00~ ~p 25.00 SCHOOL 'BONDS. Couptzn No. 48 " '~ 180 1" 12.50 12.50 '~ " 48 ~~ '" 46 to 52 7" 25.00 175.00 ~ " " 48 't ~~ 61 . 1 " 25.00 25.00. " n 38 ~~ " 3 to 17 15 " 25.00 3'75.00 . " " 36 " ° 73 and '74 2" 25.00 50.00 " " 15 " " 106 to:~ I4p inc., 35 " 23.75 831.25 ~1,468.75~1,493.75 ' ~ . The meeting trien adjpurned. • ~ r !~ Jli~~~~ u~ ~. s -',. '... ... ~ . < . , ~erk. , ~ • ~,/ V7ilmington, 2S.C., January 3rd, 1938. ~! . The regular weekly meeting of the Board <<~as held at 3:00 o'clock P.Zi. Present:Jas.:r~i::H~1T;V~icAt• Gha,irman, Geo.~.,Trask,H,R.Gardner and R,B.Roebuck. ' • The minutes of ineetings of December 27th, and January 3rd, vJere read and approved as recorded. Mayor R.C.Fergus and alderman of the Totivn of Carolina ~3each appeared and presented,for , , this Boards approval, a resolution adopted by trie Beach Board December 7th, 1937, petitioning the State Highway & public ",'~orks Commission to inunediately v/iden S'tate ` .• Eiighway #40, from 'vJilmington to Car.olina Beach to relieve steadily increas~.ng traffic ~ ~ congestion on said 'nighway during the sununer months. Commissioners Hall, Trask and /,) :'I2oebuck expressed their~preference to the construction of the riverside road as a more ~ `~,,~~ satisfactory solution of the problein, but realizing the itncertainty of irrmiediate relief and the necessity of~more ~deyuate rbad facilities for ihe safety of the public,aid; ~ upon:motiori of 1,7r. Trask; seconded by 1~r._Roebuclc, add~t the resolution presented by ~ ' the' Beach Alderman and urged the State F~i~hway and Public ~lorks Commission to immediately ',. ' ' vriden rou.~te ~40 from L7ilmington to Carolina BeacYi as requested. Commissioner Gardner was _ ', not pTesent'at this time, but. appeared later iri attendance upon the r~eeting. . fi reques.t of J.A.Speagle, a partially disabled l~or3.d 1'lar Veteran of' Durham,l~?.C., for/ • ree license to peddle soap, and linsments, was upon motion of T!tr. TrasY., seconc~ed ~ . ~. _ by T~Sr. Roebuck, declined. ~ , Upon motion of ILr. Trask, seconded by T~dr.eGardner, Clyde Leslie, a former inmate at '~ i {,~~` ~he County Home, vras granted re-admission to the Home provided he ivill abide by the ~ ~J,1`~ rules of the irstitution and will not visit the city or leave the premises vrithout 1~~ permission. ~~ ~ Applications for l~cense subrnitted in due f'orm and execution by PLax Blahm and ,.. ~ C.e~.Ramsey, to sell beer at 7.ocations at Levris~ Place on the Carolina Beach road and „„~/.nine mile on the Ca.rolina Beach Road, respectively, the same having been a~~roved by ~~~AA~ the shexiff, were upon rnotion of I,~r. Gardner, seconded by tatr. Roebuck, approved by _ the Board. The ~ounty Attorney having ruled that a conviction of a former employee of . the Leti~:is' Plaoe for• selling beer tivi:thout lioense would not no~v apply as a bar against . •~ licening the place as more than six, months aas elapsed since such cor~viction. Upon motion of I,ir. Gardner, seconded by Ivlr. Roe'buck, tr~e Board authorized the purchase = of transportation ;p8.20,for returning ~dwin I~intz, county charge, to the State institution.for the deaf and dumb at Idorganton, also the piarchase of one pair of slioes ~~~each for Vi~la Riggs and Inez Holloman, payc:ient of ~',u15.95 to the State Sanatorium. for / ~ care and treatment of I,Srs. Roland Greer from January lst, to llth, inc., and ~4.45 ~ ~ transportation for returning Edith 3rovrn, county charge, to teachers training school at • Elizabeth City. ~ The purchase of scales_ at a cost of ~1.50 for v~eighing government lard.for distribution ~ ' ~~W'~ at the VJ.P.A. Commissary, v~s upon motion approved. • ~, John C. Bo~~den, a former inmate at the County =1orne having been investigated and ~ ,k ,~ ~/recommended 'by the Supt., of Public ~~/elfare, was upnn rnotion of idr. Roebuck, seconded ~~~1 by ~:Ir. Gardner, again ~ranted admi4sion to the County•:3ome. : Eliza "Jilliaxns an aged co~ored citizen having been investigated and recomm°nded by the !/ . n~~„Q-raupt., of Public i'Jelfare, vras upon motion of ?:ir. Gardner, seconded by T~r. Trask, ~-. (~ admitted to the County Home ~s an inmate. , [1 r,equest of A~ir. ~.L.F`reeman for a, reduction of the assessment on his proterty in ~~ ~ block ~92, increased by $~395.OO,for the year 1937, Fra, upon motion referred to the ' •,a-- J4TX Committee ~+ith power to act. • •• lJpon motion of 2JIr. Roebuck, seconded by I~dr. Trask, the Clerk vras instructed to reauest ,~- the Chief of Police to co-operate with the Sheriff' in roundingup the band of' roving, ~ ~-J.~~, fov+l killing dogs that have~for the past two ~veeks, been destroying chickene and ducks '~`7'~w~ in the southern.~art of the City. ~ The ~deetin~ then adjourned. ~~n 71-~5~•. ~ , /`~~1`erk. . ~