1934 Meeting Minutes .mow,. ~ _ _ . _ ~~a _ _ 4 ' _ _..._Mww_ _ i ~ "'t 6 "r i rueeti.nl o:C JrJntl~ry 2nd 1934 ro ntinu~,a. ' ~I ~'ilmin ton N.C. Dec~nber 26th 1933. ~ f 7 ! `Chc r';7{~U('$i; Of `.UrS~ l.~I3. U9~'~ 7. re Of ~ ~ a I' , u 'wa,.l ~~1erlined fo;' th r~. of ~lom~n,.? '~7or~., for an ol~y'iee in e r,.,,~,;,on ~n~ t ,r., t.le ~~ourt The ~ ~ tnr„ r ~s nn regular weekly meeting of the Board vraa held at 3:00 o clack P•gf • ~ 7orn r-tilrible. ; A reque:~', f'or. addi.C:.onal i,aLl~t fa a. C 'I. ~ r li I P s :for , i1c ' ~ , resent.Geo•JJ•Trask, Jas.M•Hd11 and J.H,IIinton• , ~ ~ ~ ,J t1.11..f ,rorl~ers aeeupying afiioes in r+~. house, ~rrar, r~,l' ;.r,'tJd o -.n„ ou~cu '~iot?se .no 1~~.' 1 ~ ~ ;he Cou. w ~.~„ec ,rift? oo;~Jer t 0 the Court= I act. ~ Due to sickness, the Chairran eras absent and Vice Chairman Jas.Id.Hall rest ~~non rilo~i, Ion or . :I,~,,l 1, :;c-;on~.;r,; ~ ed I , p d x'I '~'z'. ilirrton ti7e ~ ~ tll", X31,1' i;IilL'a"P, Of a tyjJF?'r11.`1tF11" f0;(' `iP ~ ~ ~orlyd a;p_ Oved and aUthO!:'1Zed I The audit report, of the officers of New Hanover Count for sax ~ r~ s1, a r,~• ~ - Of~I'ir,, of t;~re ~,`lelf~are Oi`ficcr - c Ju e ~ Y Y ending, ~s .~na ,~r~,~nnt old „,~pe,vriter• cc,,t of n 30th,193,,, prepared by J.B.MeCabe & Company was received and upon mot' ion of I~r•Trask, seconded by~P~r• Iiinton was accepted and their bill far .'695 `l'ae I~o~llovrinrl good rHtlr.1 lrtvr'' i ~ - ~ . ~ .00 fy 1 u... ,Hen a'e ;:ir,a~,m t for making the audit as pex coptract, wag approved for a rnent. r% ~ ~'.r;'n as ~;u. or=~ in tie «=Y•~ ~ . p Y ~.o.. ,.Ie ,:l.u,l of r_lminrtl cases, `~r~ in,.;lnnin~- ~up,_lor ,.,oul•t , ~ ,Janl.l~~~ry 1o1,a,1~';~4; Upon motion, duly seconded, county bills Nos 1226 to 1300 ~rrere approved for U.O,'1'r~~~~ 'tr payment , ,.a_.. 011. .1 ,loc... ,,.+J,i~in1~;,,7r, S.i~I.Albri ^h r ~ r ~ It. ;•~'C„L'j~~U.i. ,1Jlu~,I~U,~l1 10 • Z. ~ i~ is ! ' :I~1,ynLS _.Lr'i. • ~ ~ , S~ y u._ G`'J1E,). ~,.~+'~,LePllfa. ~ ~ i Upon motion of i~r Prosy, seconded by nir. Hirttan Louis L+verett 86 ~ r • a. I f year 0 l~. CitiZen ~±y ;i.J.'~iUO'.';r'r• •i~.,~.~01,'17Gt~~ ~ .7+u1 aC,11~Il1d„• Jrti.1I7.Ilf'.9. having been investigated and recommended by the County 7lelfare Officer ~ ~ ~ ,Ta.>•~,~.G1°~~,;,;, Z,?;I, as ~o. ryas d , to the Count H admitte 'iJ....,Ni~l1., )t,;a Cac;,~,r. q, ~ h J ~i,t~3runjes. ,r ,51.1 ,.;ur. y ome as an inmate. C.~'r't.ce. , i. s d 7 atcli~l~, , ..~."Oyr. ~I.,~.I~1rl:''• U~ ~ ,,.).,~~l,a.r't7.i7. ~~'1.1I. .i.'~,~~.."C,.,, ' ` ' 1.. ~.L,T3ro7vn. C. `LL':~e, I. ~i n t',vell ~ , ?tul Tlir:~a, i~ '7,13u~n:.~~~. ? ~ ;',cia.ll,.. 3o.Jt Upon motion of 1,~:r. Raritan, seconded by Pair. Trask, ;fr.'~N,H.Prea;>e former ~ _ ,..~..',Ja1 inmate at the ~r° Tlto.!'.'i'ill. ~D~~via :{,iI011neS. i~J~U~n .Jtr),,~_~ ,1 ~On. 1.i,Y,x'aft,Jr, :;.j„_:.ri'i~:'V2:.?. I I County Home,notsr at Jas.~Na1'_~cer Hos 7ita1 was a on recommend t' - ,n.J, ~ , I, Of I ~ p a loan of the County'~lslfare -,•.,.~3u.r??• ;,:?,JacoiJ~l, i . facer re-adrni ~ted to the County ~Iorne • , , i~OT ~,1C ,_"1<t,l OS li..Vl.l ' CiUS i 1rS1; rBC':' ?ci f O(, ^ n .,,,.~llrtl,,ly !Ef7.'Uv~,r~~ iStli,~0~ The claim of Th omas r,. nmes filed "~rith tnis Board December. 4th 1933 for "50.00 ,yj I(.:,','ro^T~ f damages sustained by the lo~.Y of a cow bitten by a mad dog, eras investi rated ~~..,,,F, 1,on. .r,;i,'ie>.~r1.er,,. iia"~in,~` C by ,1.,11,..,11. ....~,i~arne~ . .,,,ou. i:;,~JonOlsen. the Commissioners an r J J,I ~3.• y dfo m inf t' It orma ion furnished b r f ~ . l .br . f r ttran foun 1~,Is• a tit ~ ~ ,7. x'nnd ~ ~....Uorraan. clr . Ames was justi:f.ied in havin>r t'~Ie cow killed b reason of ~ ~ Jr~,~.:~terir'ienso;7,:7 ' P.,P,, { , Y having been bitten .;Pl~,rir!i,~x. ~..:~'.~?l.lri7e'~,t. C~7, • ; ~.i,.,L~r.~~, .~a.,T.,_~~„~~.orr. •~I..i.Player, ~ ,1, i by the said do~• Therefore based on t_ne o inioti of the Count an 13xann, r. , p y Attorney and upon r.~~o:;,. ,...J•,)a~rt,,. L,",1,,?orter. motion of I:4r. ainton, seconded b~ fir. Trask the Board r ~t , ~ • ~ ,>r f app Oved the paj711ent Of 'r t(>> i, :'OYl.1 ';J;~'~ " rIa j7 ,r ~ r the claim out of the do t~ ~bc.;;;inr!1 ~ ~',1 1.~5~1: g ax fund by the Board of Education as provided by lour. ' (section 16£il I~T.C.Code 1931) ti~ ~ , ~ , . ,a r~ _,...,,11~1,.r. ~ i, ~1, :;0 T' '';,?7?' T. ~ r). I, i;1 n,. OII.. 1,;a ~~lel'. Upon mOti017 Of 1' • H1ntOn SeCOrlded b' 1;ir Tr ~I' 't' 1'I" 1' 'U;'• ~ .~i7}.YISOn, ~r i ~ 5 as the Board also approved the payment, ,i).,-~ nor. ~ >o1'r,le:~7.1.1;~ .i, r, .J.: oz',,,;r., ~l.r:;.'~' ~-dr:;cn. out of the. school dog tax fund,t:~le ersanal ex ense incurred b D ~ o'~ir'o~, .T ' T ••r ~ a. ~ p p y r•R•T'.HUffman lIl y~; ,',"/Y'Uil ~ r r r ~ - .a~t.en. i.i. ~ i r,;.."~l.,l_a,l, ~.L.~; r^l.;or , lu,crt;;. shipping tae above mentioned dogs head to Raleigh for exd~mination. r?• ,'~',+,o.,. 'ii.lliarn 1,.., , , ~ ~ .r. cam. Upon motion of I:4r, Hinton seconded b ' _ ~ ) ~~i Yr~ ~ , y i~Ir, Trasl., p~>,yment of not exceedi.n~ 12.00 to ~i 5 A•B•B1alce for repairs to ~,virin in t:~le office of the Assistan H , g t ealtn Officer eras ~ :'.i~-. ~~-E-_ authorized, ~ ~ - ~;71 r,,. • Upon motion dui seconded the h 'r T ,1-!.?..' c,rt . , ~ Y , C ai m~tin and fir, Ross and I~Ir. Minton were named to - J J?1~1d=;! -'~tII,19;)~r. check the annual acaounts of i~~r.'!d•Id•Harriss C,S.C. 1 i ' ~ _ ~ ~_'.,-.a ~ Ire ~i:l.~r tle'31, inr of tie 's' ~ .'CI ;Jil,; ...ail ~);L)Q O~L'lna1~- i.. f T.le mee'~ingthen adjourned, ,Y , . , i .-r~; ,~-,~.Ixsor, ?u:r7.ei,r ~na, , , ii'.nan, o•.,.-ra,_r,.!.i'..,o.:,s aria J.ii r,. .~~iill~ , I q . t-, :'.Ie '~1i11n'i.ru~~ott ;;h~~ir.bea of ,'o rip" f" Clerk• ~ , c „ .1 ce crxn,,o,>„d of f;!es:~rs. . ~"el:i ~',7i. i ~ hE.1lCC1, d.C_'(~(', a?1tI ~r.A.~rU, ,~r1S ICI ~1C'tt3, if 'a°cu bed o::'e trte .3o:zl~a ~~~nd a;:Iced that i ~,~~i1m1Y1~GOn, 1', C., Janua~'y ;',ni1,193~• ~ ~~1'; ;Oml?i1,;,Bi01"ieI';3 t:'.~:rllt, a 'i ; ~ n a,~l7rahr._~~~,,~on of ~,;;1 Oi)0.00 to;',ar - °!8.`{ U'U~lr] rI]Oi~COn Clf~ ~:C, i0C;3 r,n~~ m~, Cl 't~leT].' ~7UC~(aF:t. lllE' r°Cftl@~t sW.,~.?t1r..X r~ .`i. 1;,.~c refor,ed to the Cou;ity Attorney j ' ~ r7e re~ula:n weekly meet ili,~ oz' tcxe >3oY~r•d ;`ra5 rteld i;,7ia ila~,r ,~.t 3; 00 0' ,71r~a}- ' t or .1~~ r;,l ouini J _ On i~nfA 1..,pUl'1; 1)ft.C?': tU th3 1jOJ1rU blip ? ne;Ct 1:1ee1;ing, ~r, ~re`_~ent: Adci1SUI] '-?eYrle'L1; '`~}'i~lri,lan, lre0. 1. ~-..~;.51~- '.'.'~i,~0';S rlrlll ,i~ a. lr 'r"1 U~ ~ 7!1U ~'3 •i'~ _ i f :1 1.~~ 1 ..tr UU,.a C1Ci,1n,Z ''-1'~iOl'i ~ - ~r ~ ~ i .T, r ~ t, ??ln1G.1 C1 v'J~11:"~~' r q • .M1ntUn. o H~:Olney UYI%t,rr'Jtlf'% tn!' pay en C '1,- i ~ - - ~ o ~:on; a,n;aun„i - ? ..p .N7 t of I <<~; to ;lil. 5r~?~~ flC, ~ .Lti.,~. ,J~' ~ r e 1„~ ~,r_ q':7 I Q'iA. UCn~t„ l.~at. TU.1•,r l ~ :1 :P,il i,t'nc,n,i'~,~t ,~'',1~JJ ,rh'1C11 ,]are nc?b'er ?J:7an mop, ~an of .~J°. 1i<~,11 se~~o.7::,e,l 'o~ .;~~:r. ~ ~ r - t an,> ~ ~...a~ '.c ue ;a ~~drised b'% tnu t i - f _'•.t,~,~,, the recom,aenu~:ltlon of the ccprder' of ~c t..:,it-,~ ~ ~ T~1 1,,:~1, ~ ~ ~ lda tonal City 13at71: r to hi_ e ou~c ~ t ~a.~~a~ ~.~c ,.~icill~;~.r,, ,a>proved a,nd autl:crir~ed the rYCn i~ Cr°arge ~ gilds upon p-.~ , Pn ~ of ~~15.1~J coin-"t r • i~ I 1; I. o~ - ~I ~ O S ~I: U , ;J i4 e l id ~ ,1 r ~ ~ 1 t ;p ~ : ~Oil.a ~ I ` r n S 1". 1 a~ , ~ ~ cut!. r, , > RO JII)iJD a,n _rl,l';;rn?u „y 1~7on~l in ,ne penalty of uouole t;Ie vrau e e of the i I Tile re~~ ~ ~.4 ' anald 't;~ll ar r, _ lrJ ~~,u ~tian he Fu 1,, ~ r111,n.,Cl tai., COUC:'t)r tU 117511''° ? ~ a~a117ai, any 170U~1b1 I , ia8~ ~ O:P P ,%e11,.: I 0_. ail a'C~L1,C..,1C.1'll; .:1' ~r' " h ' j' C 10 i Y, > oa t r.~,~ on ,alua~,lon o_ ss, i j ~~'?00.0~ ilOtlSei10lC1 n r ii' an(1 :'.1I:OY1 fUr111tllre (Ilblr(~81 'ti %~.L111,it '15:~ 1~L1T(1a 'I, i~_ell~ Cat 1~_ 'i C,~' ; r"cl i rY , `f 1 1'. J.~. ~a,,~,ett fGI t;=+.11(1~~11't i~Uj, O f~.rli? ;3C!1001 IU r ' v Ta11n!~, ,:3eaCh 1.e~ae,.~,l ~Olni a ~ n',n i 6i1;- ~ll!iCl e>>;)e 1' , I , t, tUl"Jnsnlp foI' uJ'Y11C!1 She fa11..C1 ~~0 'P.t C1'Ed1t~~0?• at rr , , > nSe j0.. i , C lli~,l,t Uj' h? S !l~.llh~~ei ~l'J. t; 82; 'p s/ ~~:?b1(1 CI O r i7 t ",irl ':}1 • 1 ~ i i file tiro , - ~ t„vi_le r c ~~7z' listi~a 1133 r 'r 1 ~ , to ~ t. "ol.inrt va i~ n.-otii.ied ~ ,,rt ~ ~ a l aW u, S L a IT t; 1 _ C. ( n 7 u - ~ - .l ~ g L.,a .~ub~ ct to the ~~~~~,Y~~ a,,~ a to tn~ ~1~` 7• r - ~al_man ~I,o ~~;otlre Dill ao e ,.~F>ns:~;; and +:n , e ~~~.in otlie_ nP , ' I: o:f the County ALtcrne~~. It~~~~:x~a-' ~r, inf - y ~ - ~'s0 1•~ ar ..ce~ "inf thtit 11>~~a it~.)11 a forrncrresiaent of this a r?,.,,ion ~,nri J 1 J I Y re Dort; t o fate !3oard a., i,:s n--,.~,t meet illy, COl1Ylt;f, nOtiP reFa1(11r11; it'1 Chax'lotte Y1as not :r'eceived ;:L S1;n11~1i' '1' ~Y J.ri~ i I exc,np,iun li otlYer cow7ty in T,iie Ct;ate and ~ ha w 1 ~ r` ~'~lii;h r!,i'er~: . ae .Ian over .,a~lnty is her Horne. J ? o r, 1' , nce to 1:111 i'lxture cl.airns made for da,rrw~ _;es ar ial ~ur~• to at~~ t~-L' • i ,r~ J z .y b . c"' cr do ~ . :oss moved and ii, `rr1i~ r' , ~ ~ ~ i ,~.,.,an.ieu or ,':r. ,-t1r?tcn and l.utanimousl~~ carried upon litot>_on o!' s.:~~, iint_~n, seconded b••r ,'ras}~ the Bna~~a al~nl"oved fife a~~,~-illation ;1~!~'.t no ulair~i f a: ~ ~ + I ,r 1 ox' _n,~v.._ or c,~Jana~;e to any nron •t~ oyan'~ ~iot~ or ua s lv~ 1• ! of Ifure Land ~a~ ~:Jeveloprnent Camoan f of a ulzblic ~a ki ~ a ~ yea ~ o'' aI7 al~nol~,~t e~~ ~ ~ e; J g _11 1;e allo,Jed y ~ i r ng pl ce at laxt kisrler ~ .c,-,dirty; ,.,Je value of su~,tl,ra,7e,.•I:~ placed or, ~;i:e .an?e b t Ic ~ i~e11C•fl as a Civil 1~01'~;u Pra'eCt 11Nti2"i=^ r _ ~ y l~ o,,ne_ uJnen ~ J . 1 <J Sll..l1 C)rU'G., ~,r .Pa.1 tar"~-~!;7.on. I I i IF J Upon Motion of ;,,r. Hos?>, seconded by i:Ii•. !Iintl~n, the Board orde7~ed the SheW'i_`fs' jii7o11 rnnc~ior, of ' r. :iintcn seconded b' '.`r. ~s'~ ~ ~ , , ; . I - / _r. , , 3o..,u .<iu.~:.t~1 ran,; been exarnitted bond ~^rittl the National Suret;~,~ ';om:7am~ in the malt' of ,~2 500.00 '7e ollection 1i,;' `~7e J~`asist• ~ " y r for t~ c wn.. .-.~.tl~i:.i 0 1 e. f Of COtlnt c a ~ f fil 7 ~1 C _ . 1'i~',I 1 E'I ~„l,li.,rl'..,Ud .7y tl'.e ,elfcl;'e f laer, i'r~~, , adnllt ~ I v taxes can c,1 r. , ~i ~ ~ tE;d to c led, fo.r ~~,7e ~:~eason ~L,~at „a.xc~ t,a:ces are no 1onP,c,r aal~~.~~.-n `~~~un~ r ~~~o7ne c15 an inn:~ltto, P:~?0'IID:!_~D he' vri11 ,abstain f.ror, tt~e u,ge of 1- I ! - i .~n..a,tiicatin b; f,he sn,,..'lff but 'n1 t';ie uon.~o1~1,:;iI r ~ ~ -11 or and abic;e .f7 tl"te rules ~th,d re, ul~.tion oC ,;~t , g ~ f y red .c.:. ~JEj)CL:•t1110I1t. ^ S t~' lY' ~ ? 11.11011. Tile re0uest of the i3aa:"d of .;~dl.lcttti on ti7at the sura of '~~4 630.1)0 1; ~'e t to tike i~l~nn l~ioi;i~,, - - ~ y• be ,1 c, c ~ 71 C cl~~edit of tits snl7or: ~ ' .1- ~ r~~s:~, secar?dcd , Goss, ~,re ~~ioard at..'~17orired. and i . cted i 1 furl - , ~ ~l .'r' ~ ha d to ta,.u c~1;~e ot,,,ottool dao.~. ~un~ ~'3 000.00• I~ecia,I. ~ sllln of ~ a., t , ~ ~ li,,, iF6•~~. bt? ~1:!.nsferled fT,'O;f, tli° @r„eTj;eJ7C'/fund t0 Clar1' Of ati'7U1"1Ur Co;l•'' Vocational 'tu1~i p130.0~J and i;iaintenanre of ?lant ~11 500.0~~ ~ t f anuar'~ , l~le;r~~1 ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ v r, ~ r - , for ,he n?ont:I o J J , ~ zl~. ~:.7d Long :~2;,~tunce auuolln~ to mue~ payment oi' 1~1 bill for a like as upo,t mo~tlon of ;'s, '~~lasJ<., secon~:,eu by ',:ir. Minton, a~;~1~ro~ed anal i,o ue or~ovi;ted ~~es ~~ern Unmon '1'e1e ;~r~ r' ~ r ~ - ~ ~,iount due ttte when funds are avai tab e. ~ ~ F _~1i.n moo., fo~ ~~c1.rrbe.r t~1., ._am .expense. j ~~1, i ~ _ 011 r:1 G t i 1~ , ~ ~ rn i 0 ~ oA -1'~i,0?7, SC'CU:i ied 1Jt~ ',f. >rU,il', InP I;'i1aeS (XU0 175/ lair. 101717 J.I;ioal'e U r or ~tlie pur_;:,ose o1 pa;~ 1n -:he bac:~ ta:~•~es cane by lilsi,~~~ to of li',"~7, f)rtmr~n on i7a"t of to ~ ~ a se^~ ~ n i vJest~ :,liadle rive b1 1, ~ ~ ~ t,-1 r:o?~1,-;~r;-o for :~Ui)0.(10 listed fot ti.e ;,`ear lf,S3 "aas oruei•ed .bated fo" 1~a , aC:, a000.1n, O1 Tn01'`~.~P_C(; held by i,ile pE.CDl!'E3 ~U11Cl~tiC" ~l.,a tii.,t, ? t-~. 1'0a3Orl . ~ s ~,;e ;a,luplo;~erl,y Ills 17een sold ar,d he lost 1.1l :is mortgaCe v111ur'. ~,Oan ::S;;OC1~~~,i017, 'talc a~Se9S'?ice'?it OI ~;~Ei 5':!l,l~Y~ OI1 "the 'i7e<' Tn1~J 7L' I~~l Ot f1V~0 .I , t d.~ r t f 1 b_oc. ;~1~C,~ !'lay; ll?.)Ol1 m~~ 1( 7i ~ ,r. 'I id9i 'r~, _ Jn Di i1 1,0.1, sE; ).1,.iUil by fit' ~I'"':a'. Ot,~J l.C 1`i:;d 'lS l0 yU' ~ 0.. aii~ + ~ _ , , 1'ar `I1F ';~L'11r 1933- '~`~''15 0~7r ~1 , ~n, ~5~'ill'~ x:0,1 Ol ':1-:151', ~,e';i?~7,.IC;~ .'i'. II1.11~;Or1, ,.J:b. ..7,r1~~..P,t JO:;t1SvOri '~T I , ,,.00 ~rt ~.'!~"5 .,;~5,U0 f o~~ 7~° ~ o~~~ ,>-ettirs ~,,,15 3 r~IC " c~~ ~ , ~ p ~~V ~,F r ~ .9 0, 1.1o';'OC, t0 '7F > ' n 'n0 1~3~ uc6J'~:06 dLU; G:7 10~ ~f~,j0 ~~~1Cie011 t~C1~;i1ts less i,CE I?o).1aYld 1'7erson~,l to " part '1?.75 ~3,:,~;0.00. - of 0 l~liu ^ 'Cd thcY'et n, I ~)1' Y16 ~ Pd 'O17 tiGJ. i1 t:1i7 ,tiiu lOt ;111, Ul.lr(,.i%'~.'aed ';)~,r 'Y„, I~abert ~ G~ f ,a. Joi":nston f I ',T a a.: ~1 c~t'eClo;lr'"0 ii7.le1 a~i:1 ~~~TOP,i; li%lVlnl? li0 G"',a1~~~~ i11 i,1,3 ;itdli`1C'• ~"t ~ f J.0 t.C X101'1 '~rc~a 1di~:en D;1 '~i1e '!'e~;Juesi; Of (.hr.', 011 1?ii;el'eS tS 'C1ei0'~Y ~UllSet .haT?': i;U ~ , I °111T11n~1'te a fll'e Lt3"~rd b bU~._;1,1'r Uff ti'le U2"ldel" ~ i~~u ;i~' ~ ~ I'1'L`11 i ,1r ~ b:l'USn 'U~ ~;he 011i.,~ thin 1787. - ff,0tlGrl f' `r „.,~1, nr' r~ 7, 1i; ~ ' l ~ .l_~ c r .._?:tot, t,.e `3oat•d tl" ~..1 ~U_ , s.~ ona.,.x , ox•l .:,d .1,u pra~~^:•Yent o;f mat .er fo° tits a.Il inir~~ ~sfs 10 ;111nct~e, thixd , !I , j ~i, fju~.rter Of the :.6?1nUFi.1 a''il'lrQl'!_"'lai `0?1 ;.lJ.: ~~GU 11111't;:ir~r 0'! "ciniY~){-' r~i, - 1`-~ ~-i~~;;1 ~ ~ - ~ t, ,ln,,., ,..cr~otlut of Upon mOtiOn, ii'a],y s8C01'Ilted C'UUiiial 1711..15 ':OS. 1,~.i1 t0 ,l~ IN "P rn 1' ~7ra~ n~!1ti r ~ 1. ~ eI C117h1'Ot..d _ of fI h~~ ~a,~, l~, ~11:11,,Orr s C` . r"JU1"t ':.ne P.lClli~ii QI ~),;~rr;l)CT ',".~~1~ ~'~CCi'J^ ~ G r. T~t`i~ n~ 1ntUt1 '1,. 'w,; "u t0 ~ Ct cLll(i DrC1E'ed I'iled,V~ U7on lnntio~.~ f 1• a~., .,uc;on~h,~ 17,,' 1~'uest of ;,ir. „',~a,•ay~ i be ;tl,lcvred to a~ ;1~, ' L, ` p f ~11e takes dui on lot ,r~ ;;:,'•~g;11,e i`'o.t tha ya:r 1930 less the ,aoll and nersonczl ta:c of J.IC.P• 't- ' al..El• citar;~d nc,?~~wi:~ or? accot.u~rt of ',ll'.;Io Hers havt,7~.; to taiCe the ~~aid .lot back artd 1' ^arl':er hllving no eauit in 'Life s~::u ~ ~ ? d. ~I y n1., Y~JC1s ~tan,e i k', I j , -~.M.~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~.~y~ , , , i _1 ~ , f f :1~~,.., ~ i::jj rJi Js.ri iJ. 3,:~.i i l.i~ G r~.. .i r,( rr: r f. ~1 ,a,.,,,~~~e Ea .,....,U~EL• 1. ' ~i~i~' o.. J~i.u~t,.y.l~ 19`t,t~ cun'~ • , i~' r:r, f,i'~6.0;, ~;f f G;1'. ,i0:~i; :~T',:u11 i rt. /c' U.~ ~~ia~ ,Gi;i?r ~ l^i~. nt•a. is ,ten{ J„r~m fn,~ 1~Yira ,rn~,i~.~ P , ~ l`,~' r1 c~ T rl ic,<~ `:1-~, a r r •iIl v. ..t .7Y ~'C)p r `Ji~.~.' E; .a'tu. 11 - ^ ,nr .rn~ nil i p, f pia` r,a,;; .az~r~,~~d. _ . " t ,r:.~..0~1 .'c:;; - j MONEY ON SOLVENT MOTORCYCLES ',C '~;~ia~ '"~~,.GI'i ~a~~JL7 '~;'C" rr - CREDITS AUTUMOBILliS TRfICKS NO s ~ ~ b~w.;,~ 1 1'~ .L x?r. 'C ~ 48/81 HAND and BOATS T gg TOTAL 9" -'G~%~'E~ Or r , ~ BICYCLES SPECIb'IFD ,,J 1,tC ~(o + ~ 'd:: -=r:i10'r'sIG'°Cl d:, 'a ;'Icy;, r;rle' :N~ v :ry rr ~ U'% ''{~.1 iri a~' ,ice"Ln' :10I"ii:L' :.4.,1 f. 1 ,]la"ja T~,13.,~ J:1.~L,. ,r ( .:li, i',G (,G„~ ~ lti ~:f 1'P' ~ ~ 1 ~~,J;~, 1~~.,i~-~~ r.'., I - ~ _ .o~_ ~ ud.~r,,ir,~-y~:~ !~1 'IJG~.illa lr,'%1.T,JP i G;" ~{'G.1C?u;~'i .Ci?'-'CJ.' 'rya v u..ri4 '1 Fz;7E.~ rii,211i, ~r0,"~C nn ~ , , ~ _ ll, i,C.P _.vL1fi t, _ . ii i x .1r:r~ tf1~;63 fr ~„j, ~r+ ~,r , ....c.,_aT.~_~.. ~ „~@nS,., i1 ~ ~ ti { - f . . y :r ~ ,~Qll;'n, U.. ~`7 . , 1 i ! 112.?.. ~~;~r - ,{r: ~i _ ~ r,.~t.E;~r%' ~ ri' ~ ~ , /,f ~ ~ - ~:i ~,l.l;:~ .,on, - . ,iar,'uar~r 1~~, ,~,',r, ~ ~ ' t i r- rr, r• , X11=~ 1Pn~1~, ,rJr , Gd. ;~~,~~i ,f r~ 1 . ~e., ,n... p ~ , ...E ~ r L,L - i ~a , . .~~f T:.~• C,:,' r,.,...Url,ti , t l ~h. ~~.n of ~ GI. ;'rte ~'o~ y _ ~ CFA Lip {.rJ_'t CIA±i ,r .r ' ~ 1C1, ~l~I':r;not~ , i ~ :(1f. ,U(;rC :Si1..GJl1i i0i ri~ ~iPa ~ ,ei ii.:., .'U Ir ' ...v 7,.. „-%,a I~_~,Ul, :V~,LO;`1 '7~ X'. ._,.rl ~ CJ?ls a~'~ C ,~:;v ~ ~ ril d ~1~, ^"..1; .n 10~!' '."ire"GiT~-~ ~;t _ r f • - 1 _7.1 ~r0 a '~('D r~ rr J G •_1JO.u'7G~'i .L_^YI(', t('' - ry ~ J; '.Ik .t o. (i ,I1~; roc fv,.r ji i fs ~ _ :i1~Jf I' .~..i.i rla L.~'U T' ;?P„ ~ ! I . ,i tilt 1 ~ F, ~~:7~A :~~;iiG'n rr 7. ; cl~ ~ rl ~ c "8 .i, :Ve'i, ~e 'r l~, ,C 1 h =011',1 1. 8 'u rn~ ,d..:~u 1 ].bU ,SOU-. t: i. r='' . - : '.r _ 'r t' r at , - rl .r ~,7 ~ , _ - u~ , ~1_„ . on .~ttc'.i, '.a; _~„GF,1~:eci t i~ ~;1 i. 0 ~ t~_ ~r r I t i 1 ,'0. U7,i'6i.i ~i1~nG .';~i'P. 1~ - I ~ ~7c<<ra oi' i ,r, dl~Bs ;:i, I:. f.)E'.e.. c~i:lIai~i'.,u C" Ulil(GT ?.I1d i Cr'':~`:G';i ( ~ r~ rr, ~ ~l ti ~:;..~~~..u., _wi~7 f' ri r E ~T. iia~i,G,( rr, , :0 ,:C'i G_ r~ Cpy,.,, sj`~ J , t.'.1,.._. ~ a~U ~G %lir' ..Gl,l~;'ti ^P - , ~ - ! ,-G.,,fl u. ~G,:. i r: ~ si:j2.'~.,e '4: ~.Ylu t ,,....1r0,~ l 0I f;:i:' :;O:z~~; I _ _oY. C , i ~)tJCO~IP , ,'A 1,~ , li~',~~:1~ tll° ~r;"..,l.:ia:.~,,.;~ 3.5 6, ~~ir.• i~?^p,10 Gt tfi0 rr~ ~ , 0 r ~ ,D '1.. el,i'rti; .i~ o.r , n , ~ O1 ~ ~~'e5 t~ u11c~G.;.~%t:eG. fL ~J c fi~ 1Vl,u rQOTf ,~?Ct1GTi 0~ i,li~ r0 ,I-, ';r rl 0 _ - n. 1...3:. ( ~ 1.~ ~ 'a."!; ~ sr roe oµorer~ ;;1~ a. . ,r r~ 7fi ,,,lle,~l iU~1 ~atl ~ rG..,'1> ..1 rGOT!! ~.'~°1~.e: _~~1~+"' ~i0w ~ a i;(,i"-c,. !,'C8` 'I X37 ~`rC r ; - - ' i d ;I d 1':.U ~1V11 ;'GIi.~j ~:~„,ii ,~9).(1U ,u 'IJO 01'0';1'.,@Cl ~~C~_C~hi: ~ ~ ~f~Z'(iTii old ltarri je r ;V~~l~.1)ll, s ~ :1~ ti. e, 7.~~1. a'~ ~:IiG. .;i~ t 3 :~;oel~ Iaoti or ~ = ~ ~f ~i. Ui . .~Oa~,, ar~(,CJI'1i.,8C1 ~1'r ,,~~1 ~~i ~ GO,~~OGlleCl 'aliLil r'jBQG~;;l:?'" ;y''j! 1 •1 r• w ~ r c1(,~.0,", ',7iaa ..y , . 9 0 C.-Cir i1F i i.i) 117Ve8{,1!`cLi,G tr1G C!' ~ f ~ - 0'~'-0I";1,.: i,,i _ ~T' a1i:10Y1 0~ ~..e 0;,1 L(i inC~ . ~ ` ~ i ~ ~ - 'Jj'G:. :.IG'r'.Gn Ot 1 . ~ ;CO _ , ~ ~ s ~ n ~ e ;J j' ~ . .:a l 1 d,li ~ G { r 1 _ ~ j 11t1 ,..'ij 1, , - , 1 , +rl. n 1,p ~ ra ^ . . ,.r r~ r ~ ~ ,c:.',~ OI' ~ ~ '~.,i~~'~ oI I, e' r~ I j' r' ,r ~ ~ , v ~ ~ ,~u_~1. ~i;:G.t ~ 'lt~i'!ir,~ q°~U:.• t'tE1 1: ~'lij'i ~ , i - G.1 .I al'~1~ ~ ~ ~ nrl ~ , , { > ,_,~ILI,- „U U,I'~1; J111E _;0^ lc'i~ .n ~ s ,f ~ ~ J 'i,0 J~ ,x,1'8 cfli-~0'~'- i~) _~+^":Fr , r,,, r., ? , ,,t~ l(1., ~r~~1Td aC;1;1'",(1' U70n T(ie "~:CQ,;ii59;?' 1'i~n ,fir a- ~ _ ~ 7 t'ii0 170rI,,~,E,,> 1d,. 1.., i !'1E; .Ul.ti~y 1l'11~;C,~ .~;U~.:O_l;'.~'Q r'nfi-'1"g t0 ~ i J~.. Ill. .rC.,1,I1[~ ~%-CiU ~0~ -~11.,8TG 'E' i ~,c «r,• ~ s ~ t ;t of ~ ~,r 5. ~ , ;u ...~.ratee ~'u or, ~ c,ci ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ 1'0 ~clZrB 1. G 1101 oU`. Of~ ~::C' ir; ~ ~ ~ 6 ~ , i"iC v:, / i; d,' Q D. I:y' ].,i allu~iii 1 OT ~ ir.,Clt"J -.UtQ. ry~~ ' i .u t~ I:Y.~ ,~OL6;ra ,:tC 1'1 1.l')U:] t;Ili? ~ ea A% y. 'C'. Of.~ 1 ( C:t ~ _ Y1.8 i m ~t:.bn ! o n~~~ 1; :orne~~ ~,v, iI'f-if,iC .iE'COnC1P:.l CJ~,r ~ s arlQ '.1,0,1 .,,G'~_ ~ r , .,o ,s, au~rto_ri-~r:d +~n~ a. ul.reetcu ~r:, reiiui-' o, ' v4 ~ 0 d in~cr'rc~:st 1~"d icy .a~.ir:'in ort loT 9 ~ ~ ~r ~ ~ .n Y i ~ 'l~ r 1~0,,., :1 i7 C1 LUG l~?~, '111.Uf;li ~ 4Pi v~r011r;1. ,;Od, On,1LF~^(1 Xfi ~nl, I1dl(1C', 0~ !Bti'1 ;kbYJO'Ie~i 1_„ r r r - :~n„i ~ C.aln?an;, 1 or ears 15~~.0 t v 91~~ ; ve c; 'r act J 1 1nc_~..,~ C `i L111 i, 0~~ e r , si 1 101'1 1,61 }t8I1 'C) t ~ a . ~ ~~e ~oarc. a1, ;aee~inl 01' i,oveirber ~7ti1 1y~~3 cur;t;~~ir j' all tctnE3 C1"ki,rL~C'Cl a(,aiYl`dt ti1E; "~;L'r! -ic`{,nf~7Je~^ ~Tap~,' r7~ , ~ r 1- ~ . , .'.~fa1~.1lO.y CUmpa,tly Gr lOt;; 6tt ~ - a1U ~.."1_un~J wnU Ali? Ca2'ollna :)f:i1.t~ 1~~ ~e~;,6n U1 C~0 b ~ a~n IOr tl1L ~Ca!fS L~ir.,0 t0 1~!wu 1tiC~i,(01VE t~Gi' `Li1F: j;; ~ r, u tful ch~irf;e. ; A t- , redu~ .;;r. ;r ii s ~'f' ,'i..~,.Ha:r'r.'i~'s ~ , i'oz' pa,~~,en~t ax ~15C~.OU a~ilary a,s Juvenile Tt,.d~;e } 7 01' i,.i uericu f_rr.~i n. _ ril 1,~ T-,, 1,,,~ to c, , , ~..-1.:ua - f 1' 1 1. ,r' ~ .~Q11n8Ci, ~t1'i r v y r -r ',iii.il Ui,On rCi~1G.. Oi 1;Ii8 ~„Oli',1;~r i~~ f1' ~ o1^ne~~ ~aun~ Ati~orne r o•~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ i~':;~',9, dll~cr~~ ~'~ct 1°33, 5 a,a1n~ :".1s opi,iloi~ on sec~lon ;r2O, :{on:;a ~;il1 r r i , . , 1k~E 1e,~ue>t Gf r'~;~~.~~ir:,'1,,:7 ~ ~ ~ > , ~:,u~ ~,ne .~ud~e~ irern o~ .1;,,00 ~~ro~riueri iu~° auve~•ti:~in° uncle r 'lv, 'G8 1;1a7]o10~"TBCI 1;0 f01e~r~171a UY7ClP2, '~1~',1G~"r: ~llj'O1'7-Cir CUllrt" . to ~~iee t inc s•~'aain ~11~"~ , 1 i•. "i"', o~ tC,].C{"X'~ti;~,S O ;CaS;.0]18(1 p1r ,,::.e Y1U:fliJer' Oi 11ia~..~.8 r ' <i1C01'.0..1C CCt;,E'„~ il~U:ril~'G ¢V'_ P '',n i , ~1 ~ ~ t ~1,,, :~„a~(; - OSIJ1~1;:.1, ';Jc~° ~aBG e i',~. - ,;~~.i~t iiu .~,r,~rd i~roiald nn' ~ ~ 1r. d, c ~,.e ica, i~ !q~ ~u ~ Gu~ .~.~t i;elcrr 1 ~ ~ L., _ e,.~~n~e ~,a:rnur n t1Ie 't~= ~ 1 ,Y - L,,,_ ~lifle •~S ti[lt _L~',!~C El :G:.~.~. d .f-.. i b i --u,...~ 1~~!01'1 Yr,Oti0t7 Of' ,.'y,. 0.::i "t± 'n ~ r,, ' ~on, ~.i~ ~~,o~rci i:~~ ol,.e: .:o er':I:,'~lo •r;. rh ,.I en ~ rol n r~ irn~ ~LUl~_l~r~I} Ln~ir. _ _ 8r~,','1L E, i'iu i0 ~cl.~_Ui. LU G7 ..J :d:i 1. 0ii L._ p, ,na of lc~ J'o.3 in bloc,c ' ' ~ - i' .U. ,~7, SP,pii?'~tBC,~ %118 iiOCS`itTl" ~i~ ~ c u lug ~i :io. 3 blocb ';o,`'Q~/ ~ ~L~ on ..rlt. e„u - ~ c. i h.nd ~~IZd ~ t','ro "rni~ l; i,t~~ s r,... , I oh ,ye~~,r 1935- 't°.d lo't ~ 1 01 _i t'7[;.OQ T 1 j, it „ ,r 1;. L r r ~ s 7 ~ ~0 i n n i~ s ^ s r "r ~I , > r J > i E;e El'Oili '_,10 ~,:IIC1rIi~e S' ~ t, , 'i,^ : . = Oi ~cLlil,l~Lr'v y~~1,I lU a ~ tJ _'E,Q 1)('.I 1 '1 .Ui~1,r t;it I'.GF,~11", ur ~ ~ s ,.3'ir tlilt~ %;;8 v0,i;1i115810riC..'8 1;0 'I'c.i; ~rl~) ~ ~t ,~E ~ E, t ,.,n a~~~1u' l~:,t_on of '1 OOI~. ~ . L„~ 1'l. t ,elI' ~3Uu(;et Cti11C~ ti'le r r I'BCI;iBa 1'luV].Cl r 'OC;Cn x'OI r~ i'n r ' ~ _ ~i'01~ 'i' ~ 01)7.P'.lOrl 1, [lc ! - ~ _eCi Z. t.l„ COLiIll,~ ?t~~G~'11C:,,~ a ~,e ' r Olitt ~itl r ,J g 1Iit,0' Y o_n., at.; , 11 ' t ~ t0 ot11 :1'I'ij~ z'Lllea ~~~ld~t ~I1e v0;,11111SSi0I1C„Ei tl~i'rEi IiL~ 1C~G11 ~ f~3 cL1.11:.:10J']. ~'xc1IJG tYle 61~, y, a _ ~I _op_1a~~.on, clti.nC a .iurisio?7 or ti'te .;ui:,r•erno ~ouz'~ a.I~ ti~~. caar, of i~~atichie v ie~iriclr - 136 ~i.G. P- a , .a r~', a'; <:j _ ,t ; k ~t... f I _ - i I .,-,r.. - ,v, ~ ~ ~,n, p, `:n h e,3 ..s a u._. . , ,,;r a, Mw InU F X71 t' 02 rl i 7 ~ rl v , ~ rv A nJ?.t" ,t.1 1~,~~ n. k ~ ~ I I ~ '1"1n~' U'S' ~;111(I l~l; it l`~.I.'~ + .Ir,c ~ ~ .l ~ °'7n~.irluea, +~nn r,,u~;_on of ~ . I ,10'9;5, ;."~'Qfi1.1Ef.( ..`.r.. ,1vGil ;e :I _ r 'I l., (1 1 n+ i d-'y f ~ ~1t.ic.~. u11 rJj t11r~ (7 I. f. ~I~:n !l u,l .,~n4 'Jn n»^~ 'rn-„ i !il G QUA: ,701:1.!' ,~i'll~~.'1 ,i t p r.F 'J.'(1g;~~i Y~c~nr ~'rl,~ r.^. ~1nf1~ nf' ilr., nr ~ , ) )~l +l y,~ ~~in Jl i<, Gl .iiU JJ i~, Ilr~ F, '-f~~i,_ ~ ~>>1nr~ Iii .r: un Hell irnr) vi si r, i , 7 ,r~~n,- ,r ~ ..',11.17. ..~...~~,1)lla ',J1I:i1U ~ „ ' rr~,; ~.7r.,,,...1. tl~ r.,o,~ j _ i r M01"fIs'Y pN SOLVk)NT bip'1'ORCYCLES CREDITS AUTOMOf3IGF'S TRUCKS and BOATS NOT t1a~u:, a+Gt;.;.o);, ~al.~l;r .Se ra~:r.(°(Z r:~~:r i~1'' ~ 48181 HAND ~ a i-1 ~~9. ~'.~.~;J ;q ~x~~:' ,1~ :t', 1:.~.r nr~°~rr~ '['OTAL J v ~ „ (S. ~ GT' ,,a, ~ , . ' BICYCLES SPECIFIED ~ ~ - ,/r;; ,1: 6 . `.~~1G Crlairrnan urln ~ y U'1nC~CI ~C]~~ ~Id;, :iUf,t;~„~,uf~'U.1. 1T, ;~g;'l.i'L'LTI`~ .t ( ~ z',r71C1 n aw i ^r .r - + 6 U ~1,i.OYl~ll [,~jri i~ll7i~1~ i ~UP.1:„,f sT-I ,U!ii'.~ G pit, ~,0 LU 771E~t,C't 7.: L' ~~01. r} c•o r> > ~ ,,a z v ,ou°c 'u~,intirl ° ~Jro h~ ~toul:l lruvc t'or l~e.lc~ ~~'P , j j--o~L, ~;~1a ~;1-~'-t _ ~~,,t .Cu,,7rj~1,',~ or .+..dr:ee(1~~~ ~o r up the _ F~:1(j 7P ].Ytt~l. .r n. ' ;1)11Y1t~` Ii01';iG '.rq,i;,r' ~I j. f,~; liT'0,) ('f1F; COiilCfliBEi,.O(ltI'p, G1 '(~Or~ t.Q 'L3," i "F' 7 rr. ~ ~7.Plf~ zn ~~V r~l:~.<.in~ t, tlr,~~e i;ripll ;-~aco'::~nt of County business. l 4 u;~.c 'rltP~?a ..1~; l;h~on atl~ohrned, 1 , ,r ~f i 1 I r ' 1. t~, . ' + ~ j rrf 'rl :li],ln7t~, +Oii, , :.Cf"tl'I'11(~1;;/ l' ~fl 1~j~'.~ s'~ ~ ~ , >'M ,ri~r1 ~ T'f; ''llital, ,r , 1. ; v~, i ~;iec l„ tar,~r, ~ , l,:~ll; .,o l.1'.. rras n~_;~l . a, , ~ ' , ;r ~ - + 1; ~ n7:. ` :n I , + 1 : 7 m r , f , (r . , i 'gIC1~LnCE, 0'f~ ~7;:, tr',1'iIl Ofi tflE' ~IU ,r' ~ ~ - '1` 11.:~~:. -~U: ~~ll~' !i_'"~ 1~'[ LU1 `r ..d..1! I~(ill lt~ I 1~~Y,L'~: 1,~.11LC:';St„ltll.t ti.k' :U:'tyn r., 11; - 'r ,+r- ~ }10 1' I'~ ':17G`C'1'; .~0; Lila ii1~lH ,'lea 111!0'L *r ~ i 1 ~ _ :.:U~~7.OII O1 r. :i;.I1UJn, Uu:~~Q ,i~~ - , , ~ ..,~1, ~ ii,i. - t"t -OI' ~)owtiv~a rlf 1'U I 0 `.111f' ~ r r..~ :1 n'0 r.t.0,;(,Ct ~1~a~Ji`1':f;Ci q,~r i;;iU 'I?G' ,iO~;w~ ~ ~ i i L1)..n, ~"id.._]1-, ~ tU':'iTiSli7.!1, ~ 0' TC Lt-C; n!j E'1 1"u ~'L;1 ~ r''t .f•, ~.tl.li d~v'.ilr':1r. ~'I~Ufi1 ~,f'07 1'' ] 1; p t 0 , 1 ri ~ ~ „~.n i(Q; "iJ 'f: ~'U1~: f.i,i~.i ;1.'1.;iQr! I i ;11~"'n1.1 r"F - .r ;J i ,.,r Ijl.~ ~,c.I',f'y' .'.'rr'aUC ~;O l.. ~tlU fr~c71a1P1p; .'%1Ir :`i'I('Y'~,C: a(1C~ ~i 'r, r! 'D:i ~ ~ { .<Jr~Q1 =1V•_111,te ~C9~GTl~;i1 iS':C"'~ ~ I °~a~.LEVL'. Cu . ?l! ~rC'rl i , n' I• ~ ~ . „ . I, , .:.:,JTi ~ . ;'I SCll,,l1 _7'CL~ ,,C+ .VC:nL1G it i ~'r0il'~ ~ 7, i P~..1Ci .'.1~{'a~.J.~)UL '.{Qll~.~ r%-.;'~ ,G~~'GIl f1. r. r,' ~ ,f 111: E;, T;l;r.F; FCI,:'~.!'',I R cLl. (]1r,11i:: ;tl r 0:1 ~)i I I,, , t ,L tUCnt;1_ - ~ li~a °J1c 1: 111; 7'rt'1l:'U 0~ `nyi?tii,fl i ~ . , e 1: , ,~1 e{1 O~fl Inci~?J i?C!leCl~ 'a'd," r^C01VE;u i3.11Ci. 11.:CI' ,'l i.~.~ ~I `l 1 L , i„ . :;al];,QYI~ ~aj.G"DTi%Q :d, ~'1V11 I' '~V';.lii. IJ ~,0~1!$ ,^O,~F'('ff ~'ifi`_'tl i;,f; l: - I - , 1~I'J. U~3,7.1x,1 G r%r J: n ~;or-e~~s , 1 ;e,ars 1 r , t ~ ~ 01 a~L' , IIwP111~~ ,)eF'1i e;-:~,ntll,od ~),l ij,; ,~;.1: 1 a ~~:Y t ~ t ~ 'bl I O1A_CCS a)1C~ r'6C0?.$;let1~ ' n ,r ,•L•. - _1e.~ ; 1 ..1~ ~e Q1i ^ ~ R b~' n~ ~ ~ ~ 1 Cx, ';drl,,;i UfJOn t[70t'_ G11 Oi i ~ -•J` nr~ ~ I .1 ~ , c~Cli. n CO I,fiC vOllYlf~ .o._, :_C,.ue4 + .Off1P, L? ci,!1 1T!T!Ji;,. ~e • ,;11 b,. ' rr n ,~j ,~01. ,,,.~,'.r..,,l.e~a.nd ~~1,pear~~,';., for t:1~~ 'I I ~ , _O,.l"Cl ~f ~rAll^,r_a.',1U2:, Ui%I21r+ faiC (aC~T...,1:.°r rove I,, a. ~ a,~1 or,~;.,'~ ,c 4: cia a il. j)T'C,)F„C tt'y0~ rntil3.CPl7~ i^ C, I I, r r ~ ,e)^i ~ 01 (,11Ea1'2 9hnt C1,l~.a'~ G~!l~eU r:aT'.(1 i n7.Cif~n 1:.11;e 1~;;. 1'OC,I1 SAC i ~ , , . 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I,0 b.. 1G. 011; O;F t;7e r3I!let'~On(]',f i'.-'iCt. ` T.l.° .3oa, d :~,c ~ ink, u;;lo.; til.e I'e-:: ar:,;~ieYl~ia ~ ~;Jrl o' ~ , ~ - .i~ 'Slle ~0 nT,~) .:t.,0i'YLP.;J, ~6I1C1 U70I1 1710' it L'i ..:I'. .Li'~a:,, aeCOndel.l (J1 .a' ~ + j ' f .jOSa, etUu7lOr1'L2d and C11i'eCtC(1 the rel~Uli ° c1 I i, 1Ii'reI'e,yf, pc.lU IJ r v.,1,.~ll.ll1'~111 !F l ~ a - ~ ; _ °r; of 9, b_ocl; ,fig and 10~ ,~2Q, bloci; if4~3 Oaxol;.r.U, ~~~ear,;l ch;~~rt.;eta 1n l~i'le rlar;le of ,~,e>,'i mover i~r~tnsit C~am~o~n'~~ ~,A r~ n~, r,<~ ' 1, ~ lU7 ~~a_,~ l~r,~'tG ~ ~ti~j 1[7C.)_1151Ve, ~COr,;;11.1'lt GI 1.;110 c1Ct1G11 j;~~;ep b~ t'I10 ~Owl'G r ti I .l ,i1e6t111 Gi' ~ ! a1"1 ta~GS ci1~~r~"e a ~ 6 ~-+ovemoer ~'7ti1, lJ~~~ can.:e~ ink; ~ , G d (,al.lat r~fle )`ICr~ .:c,11C~TeY iY'dllSlt CO?.'",cry ~ - :'1:~,1~.',!c^~;yt vOlil})a;l'j~ OCR l0$S alt i~2rOj.lnci ~ r "11:, ,lf ana t:i e ~~ll'Ollnd ~F?~'~1 J~ i, ~.,u,Cl"7 I~O: the ' C<?:!'S 1~~.,6 0''' " r ~ ' ~ f ~0 Z~N4 1C1 ~.1~,,_Ve i0=' r1'le t, I'eason of doubtful char.~e. n, ry A request ~.f ,ii . rl.; a " ~,f - - rJ:'1ss i'or pa;,nnerlt of ..150.00 salah. ~ , i - ~ s..~ Jur~~n~1e ,Ttid~;~ x ~ P f .z.; U1' U i' ir' i ~ I' 0 u ~ )L'1 + n~..1 _ l 15.,1„.» t0 J7lnLldI"y~ 15~,15'3~k, ?icla Uy)Oil LUVICP Ul~ :1% "G11Til~v f At! orney, ~.ie^1ine~i. `Ch; Coun~~ ~ At'~ ~ ~ „ r ~ , 7~ ~1r. y ~a_rley basint-~ i,~ o'~,i:~ion o ~ ~ ~ ~,1 r 1 Sec~;on, U ~o..l.~l~~ 3_ r:~ ;r. ,,9 gal ~ , o ~ a..,, .pct 153. , t; S~ 'P1~1e re(al,)est oi' '1 'i.u,artis5 a _ J .I ~.~~i. s , , ~ L'tle bu~iG'et ii.erl7 01 .'615. U6 gar v ~ i> ~ for advel'tisin~ t1iluCr "Su..~erior ~'o 0 1c~(t .I{ „ uJ. ~ be tra7sfr~.::'1"ed to ~`e~le-~1•~.in~. :I ~ .,for b a Ut1~lG_ c,lL i Suj)e2 , COLiI't t to mee ~ncrQ~151ng , ~:uer5e f,l~~i , a ~ n , , c.~;r o .c;1si 0r1ec~ by -~r1e nur,'~Je~ o~ irla~;e na alco.lolic c-t yea :1:a7;u1'~(~ ,v1ti1 tho ,eta 1 ' ospi~',~tl, '~;fa; de'cl~lled i or file s:~as~.n- t}lat , t:ll„ )~3U~1:'f~ l^IO'.~L~U 110~~ C~Z~rr? ,;';'i i ~ B' ~ryry~ %0 i.t ,`,1., ')?'OJiC,CU : :e tClla>0' ~e C: ,11e J ' ~ . G , ou', ,.111 t. 1~ it telGl,~'flti: eryJel^iSe 1~'t11'OU,'1 '%~1G u''1t,r @':I~V '1, i. ~ _ E IU11G i_Oli ._~..c +:0 ~1I~6 i-~S file 1Ge::l.^~ $tJCe~13. T ' " p h ~ ~)~)Oil if1Utl Uli QI . , . - ;`5 T7' , ~1 SeUCllUef:i 0 ~ ~ ` i' d~ C, ~~i ~ y , ~(?n, 1::,e ~~owrd, i . ol,~e1' to en«t~1e ,..5• arren a;1d ,aI ;1 uil~tirl ou1~ 1 ~ w 'alin_ ~ I ~ Loy='11 ~it oil t'., ~,J~~ ~ :us u,e o7. ,nt ;~t+ri,;l- ~ 1, aa;;L c.nCl of lot .do„~ Ulo(, - 4: I , in .io.,~0 7 s~~>~l,:r~? teu .'1~ oi; ro. 3, 'nlof'. ~:o,'~C~7 c,1 ~ ' - ~.secal~lael7t on the east f,'nu (~1 - , l~:rd Lind ~~~wo uui~~ii 1 ~u~~11 •r- I~ o ;rit I 1,or t;lc vea7° ;g33- 7r~' - ~o ~'J ~I. ~,0~ E i II II n -'n(1 ~u, J, li:r.,(1 ,,U~.l)O,1i111 t1.f _i~l~ ~.7v ,y I` u j i' n C~" a ~t F'V~ - ~ ~lla lot it _7,,. .;U0.0 ~ - 19 II ~ n 1~~,);~ I''+C.,i~~!i enC1 ~ j UU~.I.~U II "D~.'~0 n II n n ~ ~ f , 1' ,its f;'.I,l ~7, II l~~jil~l~~~lll n r~~1;',a,vU , ' ~ j !t UO ailit :E'h', r 1'Ohi . i7C ;}"ICUtI~;e'r' 0~~ v0i:i1110I'U8 .C1V1'1+° P' t J ~i ~ ~ i ~ ~ `a F ~ u ~.yy .,3~.,C1 ,)(;I07~. t.a[.r1Gll'f cil.; I;:~l.t_ii~; G1 ,,cliill~).S',S~ tiLt1 .~~13;* n ~ i f , LII'(~l~lu 1;11e v0;i11?11SS10I1C,';; 1-r0 ..hug,'' ~}Q ~ t~ott~tlC1 ;,e 11' 'U ~ v .+o U.? ~t)UlOj~hldt.0l1 OT, ~;i1,C1iJ~• (i ~ Ulxf,e~, ~ti1,d file I'@;~'1G51; i1t~V1I'lp' OC;C11 TF;1et'T'e(~~ t71 Ile ~OLlnt'~ f1u4U~'Ilt;~' i0r ~ ~ O U111'_ On t ile i; ~ > UL111tV AtGOZ'n~l ~ rU~ed zt ~.1is I Lv" ~t1 a ~ ,1710 Li1c1t ~t16 ~Ol'1it117S1p:1Q~'S 11dVf; n0 1eE; 4 ~tutliorlty to ~;x<.ln~ the t~,~prooi'ial~ Lon - ~ ~ s ~ _ a tln~ c'3, t1e01810;1 OT the )r„~ ~1'1 'L .?e CLlSC UI hetClliC' V ~iL'~ ~ ~Uj _GI,h. ~Oll.l.'~i, 1 ~r1°rc 136 .ice, .Pa~'e "y'~ ~ c~ i 3 ~ i ~ - ~ 7. p ~ { "r~~ ~ << 1 t 1 3. 4... i _ , . . . e.~,r,..,~, . ~ ~ 1 f , , ,l , ~k, .~~rl',a.r.~ucr~, ~f, ~ ~'E,'Li,l'~i; 0; J'',p1,1~3~'1w~;:~1~'~~F~ %f `*Ur?;~ JYZLCri . ' ~~r ~ r,~Jll, iL' i;~_:(i,''f~ ilrl U~' ~l l,ll / ~ ,~~f'Lin; Z,r> r~7,± Gf '1~t1C T,L,9,t~1.~, :C:~a: ;fiCjOCII tiiG rtl•. i ~ 01 ~ l E;~.. , ~i~.,_ :,,tG ~,,,c; ~,rr~l ~.i;'.1 ~i:.'~~{'~',;~ ill°_ w it ~ .~b~.~~~ If ~~V~ ~ o Y ANALYSIS OF ACCO ~ ~ RECEIVER ~ Uld2 OF ISO , i i Jl. N • NARB . i C~ FOR ONE YE #a I ,i ~ ENI) IPJG JANUARY 1ST 1934. l E NAPE B ~ti. ALANCE RECEIPTS INTERS ' ~ I Ja ST TOTAL ~;OR,~hIa BOND OTHER - n. lst.1930 pp1D ~ Bt1LAti~~E TOTAL 0 o IONS EXPEPT,~E EXPENSE Bryant Henr T ~ ~.i r Y ~ 5,095.39 775.00 Cobia Children 825 9 119.72 5,990.11 0 55.00 •02 i •4 823,0 5 112.09 a 20 31 20.00 ~ 59.0.11 !I Gieschen Children 1 585.98 845.80 .02 , 124.42 40.55 1 10 00 825.7$ 845.80 ,ia, 1~agnussen Est. A. ,750.95 0 Ni 896.30 32.61 32,16 4 1,708.75 1 750 95 xan David et 1 , • ' a 452 918.91 •02 11.07 91$.91 918 91 ,16( Robinson Edwi n 5,291.84 690 00 463.07 10.00 .02 • 148.66 ~ ~ 453,07 463.09 Snipes, Elijah 6 1~0 X0.00 238.48 1 , .50 286,24 1.33 5,862.93 6 ~ I 1 'Nalton Children •39 2,38 5.00 10.00 ,130.,,0 j'~~i 443.56 •8• 224,86 .02 6.75 450.31 - 239.87 1Taughtin, 1~Tancy J. 350,40 341.21 34 17.06 5 00 100.23 450.31 - _....,,._,1.21 - 319.15 341.21 ~ 14 829.06 1 9~0 ' ~ ~ '7 I ' ,_t_~.~63 371.06 17 130 75 97,06 55 00 ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 69~ 625 1,53 15 300.91 ~~~~{~~~~f~~~~~~r~r~~r{r~~~ ~ ~ 17,100.75 ~ ~ #~#~####1~~~~~~#~##~~~#~~~~~ ' .1 , , , , , , , „ , , „ „ , . , ~ ~~'~~i~r~~r`~~rf~~~>E{y~r,~~ir~'~~ ~ rr~(~~~~~r~rl~lf3~(~~If~~~~f~ ~r ~ F ~ r. L I FUNDS ACCOUNTED FoR As FoLLOU`rS; ~t~~r~~###t~####~~~~#~~~~ Deposit', ~anuar 5 19 I' ~ Y , 34 :4.63 n ~ ~ Peoples Savings Bank a/ X29018 592 59 ae.ond Mortgage Lycia C. Harris to VI ~ ise Receiver Dated A ri1 24 1930- `I i ~ .iT. Harr p , Recorded in Book 20 which property has been sold under c red b two shat 6, page 403 on Lot ~ fi0 Carolina Court 'I ~ a c X32206 825.78 foreclpaure• Se u y es paid u stock of ;1 Certificate #2117. p the Progressive Building & I,oa,n Association ii ~ a/c X34371 1 708.75 Via? a/c 36104 5~1 ~ , 12.09 ' ( a/c X38258 918.91 I Nilmington Savings ~ Trust Co. I i a/c X49741 5,862.93 ' a/c X53577 l0O 23 i ~ti;econd Mo rtgage ~c etc , 175.00 ~ f i X15 300.9 ~ i { u------__.. 1 ~~~~~r~~~~#~~~~~~~~~r~~~~j~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ rr ~~r~'~~~{~~~~'~ ~~~~'~~~~#~~~~Iri~"~~' f~ ll Tr'####Ir~~7(`II1/7~#####)M##r~~#il~#1M#1~###I~7~7~ '1l 1 ~ L ~ ~~~~#~~;#~~~~~~~r~~r~~~~~r~~~~f~~~ LIST OF BOITDS Account Premium Amount Paid to Filed wi { ' Br ant H G1ven BY Signed by, t~Iumber P th ' Y , T• ~5 000 N i ayable to i a at oval Surety Corp. J.O. Reilly A ent P,77147 i' Cobia Children , g 6 State of North 1,100 Royal Indemnity Co• ~ .g Carolina Dec. 17, 1934 Register of Deeds f ` Wells A ent SX17fi2O3 I i ~ Gxeschen Children 2,000 U.S. Fidelit &GUa ' g Jan. 12, 1935 Magnussen Est. A Y ranty Co. S.G. Pulliam,Agent a n ~ :i 1,000 National Surety Corp. J.0• Reill A ent a n „ Apr. 9, 1934 n I Y, g R771.80 Dec. 15, 1934 Nixon, David et al 1,000 D'ommercial Casu 1 " " i ' ~ a ty ~ Tnsur nc a e Co, Marsden B, DeRossett United States o' ~ I Robinson, Edwin 5 000 f America Feb. 7 1934 + ~ , National Surety Corp. J. 0. Rei1ly,Agent R771475 Stateo ' a a Nau~htin Nanc J. ~ f North Carolina Dec, 17, 1934 I • Y 500 Fidelity 3c Depo,~it Co. Glas ow Hicks r j, I Walton Children 10 000 4Vilmin t g Lnited States of America Dec. 15 1934 , gton Sav. & Tr.Co. N.Hull Moore fitateof North ' Carolina None Char ed Guardi a ~ ~ ~ g an Bond Book, page 18. j' i 7!'7~1!'~~~~~1~~~7~~~~Tr'7~~1!'~~7~~~ ~ ~ ' r ~ I t .f i SECURITY FUR]'~ISFIH;D BY BAiTffi TO ~LCURE FiTiTI)a OF Nature of Securit , Y Purnished By Depositdd With. At P, R ce' at D N • p Amount Receiv k er Cler of our C t Total I North Carolina Hi wa o gh y B nds Peoples Sav.Bank & Tr. Co. Wilmin ton Sav. & Tr. Co. 'Nilmington pI New Hanover County School Bonds „ „ 8 „ „ „ ~ •C• 324B 2,000.00 I'' North Carolina Bonds n n ~rlot 3248 3,000.00 i Amera.can Trust Co. Cha to, N, C• Letter 12 10 32 5 / 000.00 / North Carolin f' 10~ I; a Ilghway Bonds Wilmington Sav. 8c Tr. Co. Peo les Sav.Bank & 1'x. Co. 'Nilmington p x..,,.0.00 3~~,620~5 4,219.46 13j38~•21 ly City of V/ilmington Bonds u „ „ ,p „ „ e + T•C. Letter 6/2/33 5,000.00 ~ I " Letter 6/2/33 2 000.00 7 000. 5 963 16 5 963.16 , /i ~i { 1 x ~ > l i,~ ~ _y 4 Signed ~ - County Aud or. , j~ , llil~min to nu r 15 1934 g n, N.C. Ja a y , -p y u y , r e 1 i 'i i~ i l ~ I L r e~ I F. ~ q J. t i~ !.a yry ~ T. , i t t7~i ---~...._~.~__._._.._~.....J 1 1 i i ii Ei) fi ;i.~ '7 ~ <11 , i, ft _i ~ rt r j ~`"s rv , .,.:t , 1T:li,~:k. ~ ~ : ~i~ r, 7. "~~;il:1r, p, ',1.t~t,,~1~ ,_,~r 0vCl'~~.riil;~a r _~r. ,d..."~~tkF.: 3CIIANUISI; q1 Gy 1u]d !r: , ,:Op.ri 0:. ~.1t; .'1',P;'~.^. O.f' i1, I ~'1~,'IC'i !ill~U' ~s~(,(I'i~C~ ~~rl_t 0]:Ut3TF'l~ fl p~;./, r 1 and ld/l7 HORSES MULES 9IfEEP ~ 1 i ~ IJCTURES COATS IT(7G MILCII ~ C; ~~.i:;> ~ ; S OTII ~.1 ~ ~ ,t.i~<<;cn . r ,i COws ~R - ~ ~ laL.,. Ga' ~;.(~'.~G,,.~i;li G,~ CA'PTL~ :~~.,~i~i.,.c ,~.~„~1~ 1G ~,i" ~ ~,~er~ c, ' , ,1.,; a 'J ~ al, .~J.l]it.'.l 1.ri~..:.~,' l]a .a:, :iE ;1"' .F;''.. i ~ r v 2 ~a ~~1:, _ a:~~r, ~~~aua'arlt `jaI 1]v ~ a ~i~'~ 0 .'Ch 0~ ~~411~~ _ a' n „ f t 1 •a ; 2'11 J Y f i } f G'~ 1...JLD . cl '~.',~.J I'('1111 1.y „J '"~~'~'f.. ~ f.l. - _ o_ .;racol .ion e>1 1 ,i~~ _ l_1 5d„~il,.f,.:~~.a 1f ~ ,1C2:,',lTy. _ ""~I-~ ;1' 'Ofd .CGS ...11 `~a~,'1r;y i.''r~' ~ ~ , F r; ,I u,.~;.~a.,<<Yen~ o~ ~ ,Y;, .~~~ao . ,11e '~1° j j''~ ~ _ j ~ _ ~ , C l i" ~L'CC~'.Q t;; ~kl ,;,il;l~l~ 1 I I d_•`)~J ~TJr15U0~'~du,..ti 1'O t' ;;~^Ci~f ` Ct' ~~'^C~ 1' `~r ~ ~'~~rln to Lne oye ~lv:,~,.,i; ,~t,r)].-t,~~~,' n ~ .l ~ 1 ~ I~ - , . ~ _ - r ~ j Ut%C'~fil..".1~~~:.()t1 Ci.l. :lx. '1-:4i'~, i°nl7;iit:.1. .~'i,[.i ~ T } , ,3s.. 3 i.. C ,~.U.l)1) UY: i:Ol.l,i:: ~ f F ~l L. J.1.. iii ~i~. ~ e.3.4J ,1 ~ i) ~ . ~ .1 ;7 , a t U% C'i.ab.. .:1 c..a,`.~F'S~:~iea~` .i.i 'U. _.P 1 :i r^ 1~ ~ , ~ ~ ; , 1l)i1iC. 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(l'fl(a 1:iC,-'.Fl.i]Cl ~Il i ~ ` ~o$t? 1{; T1 i. Ott - _ ;av -;p f7; • ~~n Io~~~ o.E' ~~lo~x. lUo.'5 ;~.rol~Ila s.~ ac:1 ~Yo~r ovi ~ . nu a~,:~..7.; ~ _.1sP; ! }r. _~iatzl~~n'. ;i ~ :1n 10 021. 1'.;1~I 5@CG21l1GC~ ;1,!1~ _7D'-~_t1 ,.;JC Yt,l,1'~~.l,~l~~f ~0 l;Uall C?"~J~Ui •u0 Y~ODU.U :.E ],Ll„1i,9(7.r > , 0 U•~USra ~.,~jl u0ll~i~~r..,,~,~ ],.211,;1 5 ,C1 .1 is Z~ L JOpn C~i,'ltu~,;1 ~'H~':llla emu. „]JJ~ t~ ~ Q ~ • ~ f, ~ Vp ..,t),1 l) 1i7J i.LS' VC i~ L ` i 02' "iU1ii;~ ;'CCu':J;,a y UI' ~..~pi; ~;~~Y, C0~ ~r:l:'t1021S r l , 1;710 ~<zl,1 ; 0 ~~8 ia:JU u 4 r ~ 1 1 p { ~ _ u 'i ~ - ~..,;i, 3CC'Olilt~,~;t ..'~;it,;' 0~].).S ~~00. IJ).~. ~u0 1..1J'7 11IC).,.S:ti~., '~JtJ, E, l.tY.,UPO~ .C1, ! k7ik i i 't ~ ~fi 1 O:C l~t~ :i P1~ ~ ~~d~ ~ ~ - ,Trrl. a, r: t n. w ~I' I - ~ir." ~ ft~ } -t G; 1 a' _ r, 3 J~i h' ' Irv w. r~...rr-. .m~u.~.n«r.- ~.-nina_ ,..,'~.,:.w.t.- f ~ 1... ~ w , I 6 ) t i ~ I i .)t ~ ~ ~ , ~~_iy I 'r?^1,J ;i'j °i .)!.L 1~.<1.,.J r' A~i',J~i J~~7T,lilu';C1, > > Meeting of January i'9th,1934 continued. ~ 1JIi011 pti,aii •,a ;O;i, ,~,+5ri r.l 17;;% .~t'. ~711it~'il 1.:1C ~''CJi"~~ ~~ft`~' iri'ln,";~, r ~i 10Ci + ' a. .ro;ed Gc1c ~';!A ~a.;,lic~~tian ui i;~i1r ;oa~i~ of .;~.~.luc,~.-.;ion to r , A cornmunlaationfrorn the County ftiuditor concernin th ' l L„w g e annual re ort of ~(.1t ~i'f,l`I,i~iarT11i5 C..},C, 'Na9 recelv„d ~ aCCnllnt8 i Ci ~ 1 ~i l rl~l't (1 ; ] - ''t'l ; ~ ~ ~ i n + c_,om s:~c:,ion o~ ~.;io colored hea.~«ur ;r,;;r,ol srr of to-uit• ~ t r a r t, ~ r r 9i ~ roc?.; ~,r rc'~ Li 7 ~,..ri1~ ~ai.Ci1 ..1. ~ r,' ~r~ f a., , ~ ~.~.,;,a t„;,.1, r;nJ r,~ ~3~I,;iUO. -0 i p '.rr~ ~ razr.;c;d r~;; .t'~ 11_o;vs; '"Nilmingon,TLC. January 29th ! ? J ,1934. ~ B ; ~,c ~ ~ ~ oard of Count;~ Commissioners, l 0 Hon i n ,r ' c- ~r 'N .".~nOVer COUnt'J, ,Ir~t~d ,l;.i,,,JVCf .;rr,,r~ ,,x00.00 ,,e a ~r ,q n TI C r rc n Y ilrningto , . a_~~.~~,~~, ..u... c_~a 1r+.~,;i1)~.~ 6x30.,0 1Tr)tln IIlG',_or' ;1u17 ,~r~r. ( r,r -.r Gentlemen:- 1~' .;',J '.rt;~ i,~~i,+J f7 i.:1~`. ~'~,71~ ~c't Ci;1~'10~; ~~l' ,,il "n 1 1 3'e :i~ i',!' _ ~ _ I attach hereto re ,T,.;..li. ~1~ ~ o~r lt'~~;4 ~,.r~.l ' ~1, ~ ;rn + n,>:~ i,hc~ ,e; , ~ part of l~s.',Y,1~1.Harriss, Clerk Superior Court showin 1~:3,c.~ ~ ; : 1 . funds on :~,~znd as of ~Dece~~~ber 1st 1935 as follows a ;,,r ,.....,r~.c:~, , , " ~ 0 n deposit in Peoples Savings ?3ank ~C T.rust ~ 1. , .,~rr ~.,,r::l . a~it'~~1 0~l' .;7. 0( Co. , n ' ~ ~ ~ r, ? ~ ,219.46 ~ , ~ r ~ ~ c ~ ~ • Libe,.t Bonds Ii ) ~;i n Ui 1,- a t!<~,1d ~e~~%~'GI'J~'.. ~ 1, Cit1 l~. ~~l~~iC; ~ r_;. ,7~, '~ri~~ ~q~; .(.,~3 y 550.0 i r I~ 'r, r; ..n, 30, l :il~..~^ ~.•a,cii' .c ni° ~~r,,i.,, ; ~~r~,. °r~l. ,;i~a~ u ~ North Carolina State riign,vay Bonds a.1, ~ra:.~~; 50.00 n 1 ' a ~ . , r ,.n 9 1 33. Tot 1 ~ ~ ' ' , ~4 819.46 e ~rhicll agrees with his ledger accounts and vrith his reports. ~ , r ,I ST ' ?fhen :the recardsof the Clerk have been examined vy ,the cor:;;aittee ,~~C,p 7c ~ b~ h BOard 1 '0 r appolntc,d t e- , ',r u1d suggest that each .nember of the committee I ~ j - ~ ' c, 1 r~ one re ort. a g p . , 'i , ~Yllrnington, N. C,, January 29th,193~• ~ ~ I attach"°`laere ~ to report of '.r. '"!,~(,Harrias Receiver •w' nl~h shaves a ~ ~ a am in the ~ ~ Thn regular we~,,,l7j rnee ~ing of the .board '.v<ts held at 3:00 0' clock :a,i~~l. ~ b 1 ,e Peoples Sa,ving,~ Bank amo ;nting to tip9 162.75 ~~'fi, i.min~;ton Savings ~c Trust Co. 5 96 Present; Audi on e ~ ~ , ~ r, r_ ? , 3.16 s H rvlett ~hal~man, Geo.,'f.r.rask, Je.~.~~,i.,ia11 and J,H.Hinton, ~~eUona ,.,ortt,age 175.00 ~i Total ~ I ~ Upon motion of 1"r. ;iinton, seconded by 1dr, Trask the Hoard acting u~on ~'r ~ which agrees vrith she ledger balances and balance shown on the report. f r ? 6 p ~ ie recorsirnehdation of the ~Jelfa~^e Officer a~' roved the a' cnt f ~ ' pp p ym o c,rrari ty_ ~ransportat ion • fou will note that duz°ing ~hc year the Clerk received ao ' ~ ! amountinm to 65 for Vir-inia Crmm Xer a dam son Count ' ~ ~ ~ ? p_ Y ~ir1 vrxtn infant abandoned .t , ,ecerr•er commissioners amount~.n _ to 97.OG , 5.00 0` h ~ ; m tars count to .G'Jaxsaw 1d, C,- to` avoid a+aditzona p, ` Y, , , 1 .,x ense to this co g ~ , ~ f t rsamount was reeelved p unty. tint. to A ri1 is 1933 le " . p ~ , _ , av~.ng ,.x92.06 received b him after 1;hati a , Y d te. None , ~ i Upon motion of Cdr, Trask, seconded by }Fr. Hinton ?its," dna S. Amos was allows - of this amount has been tu:°ned ~ntn the County as fees. Please- consider this ? d to ~ ~ ter in conneeton vr" r ~ pay one sixth of ~t~55.18 or X9,20 taxes on thirt ^ seven acres of land a • ~ • 1 mwt z.tn the new sala_y bill anu ii' ou find the fees b l ~orne's 311 a re r- F,~ ro p It oz J~acon ~ ~ X11 ,,r y. °ng c t_aet In _.de_al .olnt to,rnaalp, in full settlement of .~11 to„es tr ^ e County; 1 ould su~,i;eat Jour lns~ructing the C1nr~k to turn ahem over due on same for the year 19<;2. to ~~;he Trea:aurer, I ?ours truly, Jpon motion of ;~'r. Linton seconded b~ yr. Tr~zs': the a,,~ ~ M ? J ~ essment of .,p900.00 on ,J.r,Orre11 ' r blouse recentl urchased b~ ~ P !r y p J C.B,_ rm~le from L„f.Gr~en estate In blocl~. ;,~50, wcti;, ~o,~J tos ~ r~dtzced to ,;x300.00 for the years 1929 to 1933 inclusive on account of its extr.~erne Looa1 Covernrnent Commission lilac;idated condition, and an abatement of taxes on a v a ~ r ^ JAO i~" f ale flop of ,,~600.JO fo, the years 1929 to 1932 inoluslve and xp510,00 for the year 1933 ~rra;~ ordered. ~ , ~ 1 Tie question as to the right of the Clerk of :~uperiol Caurt to retain pertain fees A request of '"1i11iam Craig to pr.rrclrase a small strip of counl; land was referred collected by him under the fee s~ stern riot to A~.,ril 1 t 19 3 a Y J p _ s 3, nd since tl~w.t , to the Chairman to appoint a enmmittee from file ~Boa~:d to investi ate the rat brae on a salary ba is ~ • ~ , P ti ,t,~. ~ J s eras alscussea as ~o ~rrletrlei or .rot he was entitled to I I and report at a subse~~uant meeting. ret::cin fees originating in the z ear l1e did not reach his limit but collected th f ; J ? e ci fee in an subse ue ~ ' ~ y q n~ Jear. !'he County Attorney ~;gas of the opinion that he tivas Upon motion of :;:r. ~'rasi:, seconded by I,1r. Ha11, alts. iiilciz•ed Bear eras released entitleclto retain the fees so collected and in anti event was enti le 'torn anent of '''33.00 ~e + ~ r ; i ~ J t d to retain p yr ~ 1~ n~~1tJ for not, 1z.sting prcp„rty in block ,~20~, for the year ~-1 f :es collected individually as.Recelver, but Fees collected by virtue of his 1932, on account oi' being a non recicient. oAfice in excess of his limit fixed b~ la~rr slzo rid be turned in to the Co~znt J Y ~ treasur y y The ratter was however, :referred to the CcuntJ Auditor to prepare a U )0n n, , . 3 rno i ,r f ~ t t o o ..^r. i , , . a~.,,nP r• p i' 1 H nton •a r .nt seconded by ~.~r. Ha..l, ,:xrs,, ;nude P, P:u~.zta.n rra., a11n~,ved of the hems Involved and submit the dam., at the n...~t meeting. , o pr-zy the 1J32 taxss on half interest on :east 'd~ilm.n ton ro ~ert~ char red against I ~ , g p i J g e ~ G..r,ckert Taylor without being requ~ire~i to pay his ersortal volt nr do~~ taxes-- ~ R.B.Shepard, Esq., appeared and requested the Co;nrnissioners to abate the taxes ~ ' S ~ amount in ^ ~ r ci'iari;ed Cher.ein, on account oC having owned half ntex s i g to ~;'x23.67 and ,,~3.Oti interest on 14o acres of land owned b the Estate 6 e t n the said property Y Corporation in federal Point to~~rnshi for the years 1929 1931 and 1932 account I pri:,r to the purchase of the other half interest from Ilr. Ta for on !)ecember 24t1r p . ? , , y ~ ' of the said land bean a' ~ z he heirs of• Henr rl Donald and orde •e i << i 1932, and P.~r.Taylor having o~ner plo ez•t in Harnett ovrn hi aid g cl lined b t y c ~ z d char ed ~ p Y t s p agaz.nst which she s J g personal property tax can be ch~~.rged. to them by the Board June 27th,1932 at the request of 1;Ir.lU.i:.,411en representing ills one fourth Interest and the half interest of E,stata Corporation, one ea.ghth i ' Upon motion of -~-r. Trask, seconded b+ r;Ir. Hinton th B a r interest of i~.4rs. J.J,Lab' hlin and one eighth interest of Col.';Jalker Ta for The ' iii ~ J , e o rd accepted the _ea1 r g ~ Y ? ~i; 1 estate taxes on lot r~10, block ;~25, Carolina Place and block r~173 char ed against Clerl, was instructed to notify the heirs of Henry 1~icDonald to aL;pear before; this I g ~ , f Henry A, b~rercer and C.F.r:V111iams respectively for the years 1932 r.Lnd 1933 without Body at meeting to be held February 5th,1034, vritn the view of adjusting this j i ` ~ r ' Y matter. requirln~ the Citi:.ens BuilciinG and Loan Association to ~av the oil a d >>ersonal ! ~ p n , ~ l r; tax charted therein on account of a ~ h ving to take the sand property back anu the , mottgagors having no equity in the same. The fallo^.ving coupons were presented by the County Auditor as having been paid and were burned in he en c of the Board; ' 'r t Ares c 1 Tn vie+.v of the vex disastrous fire at "dri~ht vile a' s ' ~ ~ t Y f, s 1 Be c,h deu troyln€, rnalf of i,n~ R ~ovrn, the Board, upon root ion of "r. ~Prask secorr~:ied b~ i~ar°, Hall dire fed ghat a OAD .BONDS; telerrrar - J ?•u Cauo ~ .R 3 ~ r'~2.50 ~ 67.50 n be for~~varded to t11e Governor and to :~I,B.Jei'fre~.~ Caairrnan o~ the State ~ =4, Bond No. 6- 18- 19 ~ I 25.00 92.50 ~ Hi htiva Commission ur~en ~ A r u 4 u n m 2 12.50 ~ g y tl,~ r..questing that ~+1eJ tal.,e same immedi+.a,te action to 0, 84.. 95. j ~ make the cause~mar over 'd7ri htsville ^o nd -~r ~ A l~r'al SCHOOL BU11D i J F a u ~_ee, ie„ling that thla ~r111 have ma~~_1 Ss Coizpnn No. 40, Bond Ido,110• - 1 ® 25. U0 - 25.00 effect in rebuilding the town. ~sotr~T Hops i T. L BO1~iDS : _ _ 1 0 I A report of Jas. '~Yalkei• ao-sp:tal fns December was received and oraered,filetl.r' Coupon Tio. 19, Bond No.161 to 164 - 4 ~ 25.00 - 0 .00 n 19 n n 0 1 G~ 25.00 - 25.00 125.00 242.50 n , 17 1 1 It wa., brou;ht to the attention of the r3oard that- the fe~•ryboat Menantic sold to aCH00L BOI,IDS; 375 00 ' Cou a 15 ~ 25.00 ~ , < Geo.G.Dodge of Elizabeth City July 19.33, against `which the Count-~ `holds 'a prefe~~7~ed pop No`. 0, Bond No. 3 to 17 I ~ y u" 0 250.00 i' claim for the purchase .rice of ,pd,500.00, was recentl sold b order of-the Federal " 30 " 71 to 80 a 10 ~ 25.0 625.00 Court and i ^ Y Y ~ SCHO ' , b d In for ~pl^~5.00 to satisfy a claim Tne Commissioners having arr~~nged OL BONDS; ~ 1~5.00 ' vrith the Court that the sale would not b~ confirmed until a re resentative of tins Coupon Nb. 28, Bond No.71,ty 75. - 5 ~ 25.00 ¦ , ROAD'BO ' ,i county could investigate the carne and haze o ortunit ount~ ' l:i i 7, pp y, to protect the c y ? C-a-----~ o r. H ntnn moved and it was second and upon°No. 40 99 119 3 Cq X2.50 - 37.50 162.50 ed by ,fir. Ha11 and carried. , that the. Chairman ,Bond _Io.88, , , County ~'~ttorney and a representative from the Brunswick County Board make an investigation ai the condition of the ferr boat and the Chair an`- and he is Y ? m be hereby authorised to raise the 'vid b ~"25.00 if in ha, • it Y ~ , 5 0 .anion he funds p , ~ advisable. ?ir, Trask requested to be recorded as voting No on a ..o of t:.e a e I~~ ? c ant g , ~ and extensive repairs needed to be done together with the expense of maintaining the carne rvhicil is not needed in the service of the Cnrmnission and b r aiming it ~ would mea ' y ec~ ~ i. ~ n an additional burden and unneceusary expense to the County. f i I I f'~. i { ~r I a ' t: i ~ I i i -,,;y iii I 6 ;r~ . ' ~ : a'. ?,fleet ing of Januar~ ~9 ~ n ~ ; ~ ; F„ I u th 1.3 _ 1 , , cont~nued. A I j~ ~ f ,k ' ~ SCHOOT~ BONDSs ~ 1 030 ! ~ ' .00 P~eeti-:g oi' February 5th,1934, continued. . ~ Co~zpon ~Ia. ,Band T~1a. Ito 46. ~ 46 „ ~ X25.00 - 1250.00 ~ 41, 5N 109 ~ 58 " 25.00 - ~ ~ , . ,a . ~ r n 41, n IlI " „ ~ 1,450.00 the fol7.orrzng co u~ ~c Iron was xeceived from the Count ?.uditor i 150 - 40 20.00 - Y • 1,000.00 ~~pII~ rf n 41, n n 15~ u _ u i 7 ~i 78 w7 12.50 _ 337.50 41, " " 180 Only _ 1 " 12 _ "Nilmin ton N 41 +r n „ •50 1u.50 C . •G•, Janua,r•y 31st,1934. n r > 189 to 200 - 12 12.50 _ 0 . S1, " " ,~I OnI ,r 15 .00 y - I 2 _ 1{onorable Board of Commissioners, j' 10 ~ ° " 53 to r1 u . 00 25.00 r ~ er Count r 2' I00 _8 25.00 - 1.20.00 T,etir r'~anov y, r If F ~ " 66 " 70 5 rr ~ ~ 'lrnin ton P1. C. "~1 u 25.00 - 1'5.00 ,Y~. 8 s ~i 20~ a i~ 76 125 ~r _ 00 X0.00 1,?50,00 n a 5 - 2 " " 109 " 225 - 117 „ ~ Ge ntlerr~e n: - ~ ~ n „ ry 25.00 - ~ 925.00 i ? u ii 31 24`~ _ 2 a 2' _ ' II n ~ ti 1 ~ J.75 5 035 00 ~ e~ ~i 3~. ROA ~ 83 21 355 :335 r, 23.75 _ ~ ~ In accordance with your instructions D BOTTDS, 7 956.25 22 ~ of Januar 29th I m__:.______„_ ~ , 515 , /.5 . ~ Y I have anal zed the a~. I ' i'ees vn~hheld b the L,1er~ of Court a ~ ~ Y ! oupon o, 45, .Bond ?do. I „ Y s shovm in det~.~1 in re art of ~ f I " ~ " to 6 6 22.50 - 135.00 and attache hereto statsrnent shaiv~.n~ tlla p J,B,,,fe(,abe ~c Co,,-' i I ; 4,,, 10 lg _ q 2 ~ a t the fees accrued in the years shovrn below n 45 ~ „ 0 „ 50 _ 20:..50 {'!fit 3.:' ; ! .a ~ 2 21 - 2 " X2.50 - { Year en~:iin, Tiov. 30 o _ Y~ i a 40, " 25 'r 35 II ,i ~ 5.0) g , 1,,1fi- .40 ,~i ° 45, " n ~ n X2.50 - 217.50 ' ° Nov. 30, 1917- 1. Ij',! 3 ~ 10 Zf~~' j; ~rj " 45, " n „ ~?.$0 - 45.00 " Tiov. 30, 1920_ ~,~;~r~. I n ~ 43 50 8 " X2.50 - H „ T, 1.00 Iz=~~ n =l ~ " 75 7, 150.00 ,iov. 30 ~ 1021- .40 r' i ;i.. ;i " 39 u n 5 X5.00 - 1,;75,00 ° " T;ov, 30 n u ~ 90 Only _ 1 " 12.;,;0 - ? n n ~ 1.,29,- 4.1U x0, .r n 90 On1~ ~ 1 ,.50 Nov. 30, 1~J25_ 6.60 i Z, 76 to 78 _ , 12.50 seven months ending June 30,19~G- ,ap ~ ~ 1, n n 4 n „ 3 1R~.50 - 37.50 v r r - H 1, gp a 84 _ 5 ..ear end~.n~ June 30,1.329- 9.20 " 41, " „ 86 " 12•,0 62.50 Tone months ending '.;larch 31 1933- n ~ t,,i C~ i ` a u 57 2 12.50 25.00 Three m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3.,.ti0 ~d~~'r _l, ag „ 95 ~ ~ onL~hs ending June ~0,1.;,,~- 44.50 ;~;{'s~ n ! „ 7 12.50 - ,r 11 ~ u c ~i 87.50 ~ Vn''I j. 1 ,11~ I00 ,50 - 20.00 Total ;'105.90 ~ S u n n n l 0a 9 12.50 - l l2 'r: ~ ' 777 `1' 110 " 118 _ ~ .50 " 41, " „ ~ 12..0 _ 112.50 Thin statement also shows the ar,not~nt received b the 1 r' ~ l~l I25 _ , _ y C elk du.in6 each ,l~ r I~~i FPRt,l BOIL 5 1 .50 62.50 n eriad e,~.ce t for the ~ e P ~r'~' iDS: ~ 3,?./0.00 p p 1 ar .nding Tiov. 30, 191.,1 during ~'rnrch time the fees ~rere ~~~f Coupons PJo.29 ,aoncl Tio. 1 not turned into this off ice as is no~v required. ~~a t0 50 - 50 25 0.~1 _ d. 26 ,r n 24 S0 _ ~ H 10,,,0.00 ~ ~ a~ .7 30•UO _ I also atto.ch hereto a bill of costs, cove~~ing each of the civil cases 510.00 ~ 2 060.00 COt,'iT-I HO;~,ii; BOT,~Ss ' vrhlcn vrere rnaae by the C1exk sno~rring'when the cost8aecrued. ~ lj`~ #a Iri Ca~tpan ;lio. a r . and T,o. 7 to - r? ;~3.7 _ ~ _ r~~':f u, COUR,~~ ~ipN,,,, BC31,rDS: 5 522.50 I Five fou belotiv a statement shoring settlement made tivith the Clerk 1 or U~i ~I~., Corn on~~1v + nine rronths endi l;~arch 3 g ~ . €r~l~ p o~ Bonc, ,,o. 51 to ~?25 _ - ~ 1, 1 33 in acroraance with your ins ~zuctions o~' April 10th n 175 ~,0 _ ~~lf~ L~`'.~:. Yi . ~+VORYHpU3E BC;~,,: •00 :N 4 375.00 as s;:~o,rn rn youz• minutes on page 815. C'o ' ' upon_ ,,o. and l~;o. 1 to 35 _ ~ , ~ supplies ~"j,~i~ r ' ~~.OC ~+ees Deputy s,xpense a~ l~t.'~~ IYORKHOUSi; & CO~rP.?T-~~ ;r0~)~ B ,r.r 875.00 .3~t fined e k o CZ r s C unty 4s Ej; oupon ,,o. C"0''' Jul 535.06 I75 0 Y 0 8.50 351.56 on / o. 0 17 - 17 25.0:) ~ 42a.3~ i ~ ~ E'$~ 4 ______F • ~U X34 153.75 dug' ~ _ „7.50 7.00 263.8,; Ek, ; Total Coupons ~ 2 ,a t, . . . . • • ;~ept. 52.10 I57,50 8.10 351.50 ~ a~35,183.75 ~ u~ r"". ~ ? BOiVD~ID. Oat. 64~~.17 157.50 12.50 472.17 Court Hou.,e ;Bends Pda, 51 to ) _ 1ti..0 4„2.94 ~t {'ov. 623.34 157.50 a F 6 C 10 Co1..nty Horne Bonds " 7 „ _ t~: ,1,000.00 wplU,000.00 Dec• 643.1a 15x1.50 12.00 473.65 r~'ii' Ferry .Bonds 2 ' 1,000.UO ,l OJ0.00 ~ Jan. 6na. 5 a ~h- " 2 " s Q1 157.0 47 ' 5chco 4 26 - 3 1 000.00 - 1w.90 a, -1 rj~. 13onds 21 " 30 n ' 3,000.00 Feb. 291.73 157.50 12.10 122.13 n u „ ,r - 10 1, 000. GO 10 000.00 ~ ?"ax 9 72 ' r o ~ ~ fi'. i „ „ 109 117 _ g ~ ~ .61 107.50 1:., 85 401.76 360.00 39, 47 ~ s,~ ~F H " 1,000.00 , i 31 " 44 - 14 x,000.00 - tr 1 000 - r~ .~f~ Total Bon ' •UO 14 OOO.UO ds,.,,,. ~ ~ . , . ;;p~8 p`6-.~ ~;r 5 308.3 5 Total Coupons and Bona _-~;p48,000,00 s ~;p1, _35.00 ,;~98.~/8 .3,375.00 ,;360.00 .39.47 s pa ~ d , , ';8S 183,75 Th _ e r2eetin v r c ~ tY _ou w' 1 len a it note h g d~ournea. t is sts~tet.~ent snows >39.47 e~ces.~ fees retained by the county: i bj. h i I i `ours very truly, '~Jilmin;ton Tr ~ ~ a E , C., February 5th, 1934. J....Orrell. The reg ~ , ular wee..ly rneetin-~ , i 't 1, of the ~3oard ^ras held at 3;00 + ~ o c10.,}. ..~~i. . Presents Adcii^ x ~ uon .iewlett Chairman, F,T~Q,l~oss Jai, T , i i, ~ Ha11 a,.1d J.H.Hinton. Upon motion of r~ :"r. Hinton F ,T „ c ~ ,seconded by PE,r. Hall the a A1~,AL'C:;IS U~ 1++~!„~ ;1ITIl~.~L]) 3Y CL~P,K OF C ~'j - ~ ; Bst to Coruoration was granted an OAT abatement of taxes on a valuatio r ~ ~J 5', r n of ~;p725 00 half' interest in ~ ~ S~~O~JIidG ~~~~IOD Ia~: ',~T{I(,H COaTS ACCRITr!~D in Fe.;era1 Poin ~ °'90 r t township fox the years 1929 a ~ ~ acrea Harris Land Su;t Sev:. ,1.31 ~nd 1.,37 a Item k_r,outt ~ ~ , account of the said land c11~ , mounting to •;p26.66 on , i~ I~ PE1{IOD _a!IDII{G ! S~Vi. ~ ''53, 2 ~med b,~ the heirs of Henr Instrtut,~d 1°os,. N 3 on ~r valuati F y 1~7cDonald and taxe a r ~ Iie1d 1130 16 11!'30'17 11 30/20 11/30 1 / ~ ~ ~ on of ~1 40.00 s mo~~~ti.lg to i / i / /2 11, 30/21 ,.1/30 20 6 / Imo 1? heirs of Henr 1,4c ' for said years was ordered char ed ara' ~ ~ y Donald as their interest a' ear. 0 g 6 in,;t the vaµio~ in the said a ~ ~ pp then parties former ~rual.Pac;~ Gdn.rii~'ti ~ , 1 nd tirc,re; ;rr.):L,A11en one fourth in -lY c1r-~lmt;~g interest ~ snl~.t:1 x.00 and '~~Valker terest, Est.J.J.La ,r - 'Oo.~,"Jaz~rant~ 0 3 Taylor one ei rhth ins u~hlin one eighth ir,teret, ~~2 I zns~t..e N0,00 F i ~ crest. I3ellr~~n~r _4dmr.l~roolr s 3.00 Upon i~no~tion of i~i n ~ Cast~,~ P~:°o~T.i3/ r~ r'„ , ~ ' ,r, Ross, „eoonded b ~ / ~ 1.~~~•r.danoas 7./,,0 y 'I to drain the low la ~ a Y 'ir• Hinton, tl,e request of ;~,~,rs. Seller a ' errett ~'~a~'~' Conrm,'~;Jood-no li~ - ~ na t Jumping Run and install a s nd ;,cr. r{ ~ c ngton 5.00 F, culvert under ~ ~,r ~ ~ ~ r~ iu;'0/27 D rf point was refer ^ Conan o~.. w1it~ Drive at ~Y~t e~ 7, 3470 1,;3p _ied to t.re I!~Iosquito Commission for d a' ~ ~ ~ 10/t,. ~ r rnabe and the otate Highway De1x>.rttnent 3471 c rnstall the culvert. ~ `'7 , 50 , 10,/'7/25 1 3ti0a ~'i~ r,7/q~ r~ ~ 5«OQ 3,G~} The request of i~wTr. _~i,N.L n `0~ ~~'~0 3510 4 y ch to purchase raF~proximatel 2000 1/2U',~G ,r °~0 `'.."~0 near the Count Y poles to be ~ ~ / r y airport at 90 each wa cut frara trees ',y rr 3011 2.00 , r lU 29 24 n r q . referred to s upon motion of ';,r, Ross se ~ ~ ~ r the County Home committee , conc,ed b1 ..x. Hinton, ~ ~ 0615 5.30 ~0 O A, as to the resew far investigation and to recommend "/~,~?a " ! ~ r ' ' ~ p anon of definite okay , X632 ? 00 - F ; county timber. p - x3/27 ~ ° r~ 34aQ 7. 60 r` ? A request oft /27 u ' he Boa n" 12 3439 > r~ rd of -~ducation tha M u'/~,- 1. G0 t the s,..m of ~ n and ~;~ti 500.00 4uI30.D0 for s ecial /J7 ~ 3440 I ~ r for maim a p vaca Tonal fund o , r l~ 1. G0 en nee of plant be placed to the cred' J/'~ 27 'r ' r ! February, eras upon mono it of the scho 3141 7.00 n of ...r. Hinton, seconded b ?;?r, a of fund foJ ~ ;1/1 ?1 n , Y 11, approved. t!;; ~4 r' 34!14 2.00 ' .40 Upon motion o r~r ~ ~ „ rr 3445 ? 60 f .,.r• Ross, seconded b ;Ir ~ '40 ( released from Y Hinton, John T. i~'van ,r ~ g " 3446 1 60 s of noo..erton,,~,,L., v'as ~ ''2.00 penalty for not list in ' ` f r payment of o the ~az g Iot a b ~ 0.4 GO Y 1933 account of bei , loci. 45, ~aroli.na beach 1 ~ 7 1• ng anon-.resident. /1~,//~6 _ l~' X448 1.20 tj ~ 1 The :Board did 1'°/~0/l0 u 3 ~ ~ ~t~ ~ not adopt the resolution submitt ~ rr ~ 41, 2°00 ° =0 lr~rm. Cl,nsUS, but agreed to ed bf tl;e Del~ai ~raent of ti rlculture concerning' ~0 " 3450 2. G0 1.00 P blie a continue furnishin the inf g ~ 9/29 27 n 1~ u hays of 121 g ozmation as r / ~1 equ~red by chapter ti01, ~ 9 2~, ~ Tr 3451 2,20 / /~7 a ;t 7 F {j E ,r X402 2.00 ' , ` i~~~ ? 3453 1.40 I, 27 ,r ~ .4 t{ ~ ~3 r r~ 345 k 2.0 0 ~ . ~r, e;•~ ~ /2l rr f 1~~` 9 ' ~ s~ 3565 ].,70 , /29/27 n . F . g 13 lp 3 ~ b 2.70 .a r / /17 u __.w . .n ~ ~ i, 7~ 3567 2°'70 1.10 . . 1.~ y r 35as so 3/tia; 2a 5 13 ~ 3634 1.0G~ / /27 rr • ~ 3590 1.30r Ann1~,I .--,--rt--... v rf st i T 6 i _I .dee~ting of January 29th,193~:r continue . ~ ~ r d I J' l 2CHOOL BONDSs ~ 1.030.00 • „ F ' ?deetir,g of rebrualy „th,1934, continued. i Coupon 110. Bond ' n n ' .Io, 1 to 46. a 46 n X25,00 ~1~I50,00 J 4I, „ 52 „ Io9 ~ 5S 25.ao - , r ,r „ 41, „ n 11 n 1,450.00 The follo~.ing commul~lcatzon was received from the Count ~ 1udi I 150 - 40 " 25.00 5 for ' n - 1 000.00 1,~' 41, " " 152 " 178 - 27 10 12.50 - 337.50 i 41 ~ u _ " ~ ~~i , 180 1 Onl , w o ~rilmi n y 1 .50 _ n ton 1d.C 'i~, " ° 189 0 _ " 1u.50 g January 31st, 1934. ! t 200 12 I~,.50 150.00 n n 31. n n ~ _ ~I Only _ 1 ~ 2 _ honorable ,Board of Corrunissianers, , ~ n „ ,7n , 5.00 25.00 a ' ° 53 to 100 - 48 " 25.0 1 Flew Hanover Cou~ity, ~ t r 0 .P , - ~~a. o0 , , , 2~, 66 ' 70 - .r ~ min~ton P1. C. ~ ~ F n 2g a 25.00 _ 1135.00 ~ ; , ~ril ~ o , 76 " 125 50 " 25,00 - 1 .?50.00 n n ?g n u " < ~ ~n n , ~ , 109 225 - ].17 25.00 - ~ 925.00 ~ Gentlemen:- ~ { ~I p 8, u " 31 ° 242 - 21', 23.75 _ , 8~ M „ 21 „ 3 - ~ ,M 5,035.00 In accordan e w' c ith our in ROAD 55 .330 23.75 _ 7 y structions B01~DSs _..956.25 ,22,616,,,5 of January 29th I have anal zed the Y II oupan o, 45, Bond P1o. gees vrithheld by the Clerk of Court as shown in detail in re or i~. 1 to 6 - .r p t of J.B,I,fcCabe i " " 45 " lp 6 22.50 - 135.00 and attache hereto statement shovring that the fee a Coy „ , 18 - g „ s ccrued 1n the ears shown below; o „ 22.50 _ 202.50 Y { j "?I „ 45 „ 21 - 2 ,.2.50 - ~i5.00 dear en~]in~; Plov. 3U 1916- I~,, n „ ' n ~ 25 " 35 _ 11 " 22.50 _ 2~ u n ' .40 45 „ i7,5o r1ov, 30 1917- ~~i,j ,r ~ ~ ~ n ~ 38 39 - ~ 22.50 - 4 „ ° ~ 1.10 ~l „ 5.0o r1av.3o 1920- l,oo r~{'~ „ „ ° 43 50 - 8 " 22.50 - 180 " n r, 1 41, n ~ .00 ,,ov. 30 1027.- .40 ~ " 39 ~ „ - 75 75 x.5.00 - 1,'370.00 n n ~~iov. , ~ 90 OnIY - 1 _ 30r 1924- 4.7.U { 12.;0 lw. ~ n n r0, ' " 90 Onl~ .r 50 Nov. 30, 1875- 6 ~I~ ,r 4~I „ ~ 1 1.50 - 12.50 ~ :;e en m t .60 76 to 78 - 3 „ 12 v on,hs endzng June 30,1?4,G- X40 ~ I{ ,r i, u „ .50 - 37.50 Y ~ ~ o i i; M 4I gp „ 84 - 5 _ear ending June 30,19,8_ 9.20 , ,r a ,r 12.50 6`2. T ~ , n -1, n gg 87 _ „ 50 Hine months ending; ';hrch 31,193- 38.20 ~.,t; " 41 „ " „ 2 12.50 - 25.UO Three montl~ls end in ~ „ „ ~ 89 95 - 7 " 12. _ g June ~0,1.,3,~ 44.50 ~ ~ ; 41, n c 7 .r 50 87.50 l ! it „ 8 - 2 12.50 _ 25.00 Total i 11 100 " 108 - g F y~105.90 ~r~ i n ' Ii ~ " 41 ~ 110 ti , ,,o - 112.5a , „ „ - ,r 118 - 9 12.50 ~ r _ 4.~, 1''1 „ ,a - - 112,50 This ~tatemcnt also chows the annol+nt received by the Clerl: durin each ~~'lY BOI, 1,~5 5 12.60 - 62.50 3 r:~ d a,, e~~t for he i,r g IDs. ~ ,230.OU pe a c t year . enda.n .,ov. 30 19ti1 durin- ~ g 6 tirhich time the fees vrere' Coupons 110:29 Bond 110. 1 not turned into this office as is hour required. to 50 - 50 25.01 _ 1 250 26 n „ P4 „ M , .00 50 - 27 30,00 _ 1710.00 I also att4ch hereto a bill of costs coveri a i~ _r 2,060.00 nC e ch of the civil cases, , COL,;T~ HO;~s, BOP~Ss rrhic~~ were made by i;he L1erk shovring when the costs accrued. C011pOn 1d0. B ~WRond 1rQ, 7 t0r~p _ F'l{! ~ ? ~ COUR r~, ~ ~ ~ 3.75 - I TZVe ou below a to ~'='~i _____T__1__IOU~~a B0,!D~; 522.50 6 Y s tement shovring settlement made with the Clerk for FI3 Coupon No. ~ nine months endit~ ;;,arch 31 15'33 in aceorda z nee vrLtn ,dour instructions oz' April 10th one, a1o. 51 to 225 175 25.00 as sr:,own in our minutes on to r ~ G~'~~' ','ro1~~I-roUS~ Bo1;~s~ - - 4 ~ Y e ~1~. ..1 Cou •w , X75.00 I g i, pon ~~o, and No, 1 to 35 - 35 " :dupplies h~,~. ~'rORI~HOU'~~ r u 1 ~ 25.00 ~ Fees De ,r ~ 5~ ~ CO t,,T f ~iOI::L B(`~1I, ^ . 875.00 puty & .~xhense Retained Clerk< o Irr, J . ,t C unty , ouhon ;,o, ~ July 535.06 175.00 8.50 351.56 o n r, o . 0 17 - 1 ~ I,~, , 7 N5,0, 425 Aug. 428.~~5 157.50 7.00 263.8 '~',~.i' .0~ 34,153.7 , , ~ Total Coupons . , , , , . , SeOt. 523,10 ~ ~ t: ° • ~ , • , • , . _ 157.0 8,10 357.,,0 BO'~?DS ?'AID: ,;r35,183.7c Oct. 642.17 ~ - 157.50 12.50 472,17 Court House :Bands ldo. K ldov. fi2,,,34 157.50 12.90 452.94 Count' Ho n 51 to 60 - 10 ;~a .;,1 000.00 " F~ , ~ me Bonus 7 " 3 _ 2 „ ' yp10,000,00 D-c• 643.18 157.50 1?.00 473.68 r'err. ~ Bond 1, 000.00 2 ~ ~ _i., ,T s .r ,0~0.(.U jai.. 648.81 1 ~ ~ a a 1, ,c 24 26 - 3 1 000.00 57.,0 1ti.~0 478. _l ~t , 'a. hool iinnds ~1 ~ 3,000.00 1;eb. 291.73 157.50 122,13 i 10 .r u ~ 30 - 10 1,000.00 0 a r 1%~~ 109 " 117 „ l ,000.00 :_.ar, X72,61 107.50 1.88 40u,76 360.00 39.47 ~`E „ w - 9 1x0'10,00 J,000.00 i j ~ 44 - 14 " 1, 000.00 r - _ Total Bonds 1~ OU0.00 , , , 8 a; ~ n, I OO.U v5 308.3„ n ~N48,000.UO x ~wl, _35.00 ,;98,88 .,3,375.00 .360.00 ,~;~39.47 - Total Coupons and Bonds a' p , i:: ..d,. .83 1~3 Th ~ , 3.75 e rneetzng then adjourned. You will note this st~te~rent shows ,;39,47 excess fees retained by the County: l i' ! f il. Yours very truly, C c r• f ~ ,Ui 1 ' min .,ton ~ , I, r a C . G' 'r 0 f 1 b a _u r,, 5th,1.,34. J. .Orrell. f ~'3 The r e r A ~,ular weekly meeting of the Board h;' as held at 3;00 0' elo„>•; ' 7qq ~ :Y • aIL , ~ j t ~ Present: A'ci' u icon . ewlett ~.,nairman, F•l~LRoss JaG, r,q, i i, ~ Hall and J.I{.Hinton. i Upon motion of :;"r. H' n ~ I : z ton, seconded by r~Ir. Hall the ~a AI~IALY~~~,IS U;, F'''~hS ~~'~Tl~i~'LD BY ~CLHkIS OP r ~ ~Z~ at to ~~oruoration wa, ~OUI~T / abatement of taxes on a valuatio " 5 granted an n . „ . ~ n of ,725.00 21IO,JIl1U ~T ~ ~ ~ , in lae.,eral Point townshi fo half interest in 290 acres Harass Land ~.:~RIOD I~; ,la.I,,ri COSTS A~CRUJ;D Suit Sev. aecour,t of p r t e years 1929,1931 and 1932 amounti ' Item ,o t ~ the sa ' r n to 2 ~ ~ , ~ id land claimed by the heirs of g 9~ 6.66 on ~ Irlgtit,~~-,~ ~r..~ PL,tIOD L11DI11G Igoe,; S w: Iuo 1' . `w53.32 on a u, Henry McDonald a - ~.d 11 i valuation of ~1 450.00 - nd taxes amounting to ~ Held /~0/1G 11~ 3J, 17 11/,0/20 11, 00/21 11/00/24 11 30 25 G h , for said ears w cite of Henr ,,~cDonald u Y as ordered charl;ed against the variow j Y s their interest a ear. 0 •a~• in the said land were; a'J.IL,A11 pp then party,,, formerly cl<~imir„ interest '~aa1.P:-10'0 Gdn.~~Iighsi~?ith 3.00 ~ r f, en one fourth ~nterest, Est.J.J.Lau~•1 ~ C i;o.'+iaz•rant12U 3 and ~,Uall:er Ta for one ' ~ ~ r,Ilin one ei:~hth interest 1 In.,~~,1.e ti0.00 r Y ei~.:th in~erest. B ~ ~~e11,~~~n .~dr_n r J r.Braol.s x.00 . E U on ,.T Cost~• p ~ot~.on of .:,r, Ross, seconded T'r ~ P-o?•~/L vaGur~anolts 7.20 to drain the lour land Y Hinton, the request of ;,rs, Se11e'rs and ;:;r. Hewett State Com~,'~,rood-Codin?toil t Jumping Run and insta 5.00 point vra . 11 a culvert under - ~ r ~ ~ 10% x/27 D Con~riunit~ Drive at ~h~.t o.,~et j, 3470 1,g0 s refaried to the ?:Iosquito Cormnission fo r~ lUi+`'~? tc install the culvert. r urazn~6t dnd the State Hit;h~uay Dei;artment 47 " ~ 3471 8 /7, 25 ~ 3 a 5 ~ ~ i,, r 50 ~ ~.00 3. ~t{y The request of ,~~r. H,;d,L n ~.0 7~~,0 " 3510 4 ~ ~ ~ y ch to purchase ro a ~i~ . ~~0 ~0 .zp xim tely 2000 poles to be cut from trees 1 20/26 " 3511 near the County airport at 90 each 4 r~ x.00 ; ~ a; referred to the Count ~ vras upon motion of ::.r. Ross, seconded b~ ,Ir. Hinton 10 29/24 " 3615 y Home committee far in ~ ' ; i ~ o ~ 5.30 3.70 O pJ. ~~s to the preservati vestigation and to reco~runend definite olio ~ ~/28 n { 3 3 l` ot~ of co ~ p Y 6 2 2,50 unt,7 timber. g~ f,/ti~l / fi` 0458 1.60 A request of the Boa 12/27 " 3439 rd of ~ducation tha g/,~~ ~ 1, G0 t the sl..m of 5130.00 for ~ ,~~/27 ~r :r ~ , ~ ~ and ..`2 50 a 0.00 for maintenan _ pec1~.1 vocational fund r' , ~ r, a4 i0 I, GO ce of plant be p1G,ced to the creel' ~/`~7 21 'r - February, vras u o it of the 3~i41 p n motion of '.'r, Iiin ~ school fund for ~ r`~ ,.,,00 ton, seconded by ?,1r. Hall a 7rov j ,Y,~i21 „ ~ 341 ~ x I~. ed. 24 n ~ ~ _4 2.00' .40 . { Upon motion of .err. Ross e ~ rr 0445 2.G0 ~ .40 I, ~ , s corded by ,~.Ir. Hin ~ ~ ? n ~r released fi orn payment of ~,~2 ton, John T..~svans of nookerton I~~ ~ yr s ~r 344G 1.60 • J. fax the year 1933 ate, p Y or not listing lot ,;E8, block 45 a r ~h ? r 3f~17 1. G0 ..c,ount of being anon-resident. , C rolina, Beat, ~/I6/76 , - 3448 1~ 1,20 l;~ 'y the Board did J/ /l0 " ~ not adopt the reso rf ~41, 2000 a r0 farm Census but 1u~ion submitted by the De ~artraent 20 n 6 1 of Agriculture concerning g/2a ;F 3400 2. G0 1.00 J, , aJreed to continue furnishin- the , Pub1~.c Laws of 192 g informatien as re ~ /27 ~ I" I. gutted by chapter 201, ~ g/?9 7, 5451 2.20 /27 X452 2.00 ' ? ,r ~ 345v 1, 40 ~ 27 ,1 ~ M d r 9 8~ 3 4 5 k 2.0 0 ~4; ~ ~ i ; 27 ,r f. g 2 r~ 35Gb 7..70 / 9/27 '/F 35fi~~ 2, 70 , 6/1'x3 /17 n ' b J ~ . 1 10 ~ b ~0 ' 3 IF 3586 2n 80 /28/28 n ! ii ~ • 5 l3 ~ 3634 1.50 / ~ti7 u.. - ~ 3590 1.30 st i ~ w~ - v, i C' t P.Zeetin of January ~ c ~ , 9th,193~, continued. i :~CHOCh ~011DSs ~ 1,030.00 ~ ~ } Cou on No. ~ pgeeti-;g of bebruary StYt,1934, continued. ± } rrp ? Band No. l to 46, @ 46 ~ X25.00 ~1 15C;00 41, „ 52 109 ~ 58 " 25.00 - " n 41 „ „ 1,450.00 The folloti'ring commusjication was received from the Coun , 111 150 - 40 " 25:00 - ty Auditor n 4 „ „ , 1,000.00 ti~' 1, 152 ' 178 - 27 " 12.50 _ n 41 ~ n n _ " , 337.50 lab Onl 1 r ~ ~Jilmi n „ Y 1u.50 _ ngton N.C. Januar~ 31st 9 'i { 41; n n 189 to 200 " 1u.50 , , Y ,l 34. I. n n 7 - 12 1u.50 , ~ „ - 150 00 u r I , a o d of 1 Onl _ able B r Commisai n ~ Lor o er or s , Y _ r , i 2 H ' n n 25.00 20.00 ,0 n I ~ , 53 ~ r,Count ! ,r n to 100 13 25.00 - 1.20, 00 T,e N Hanover y, i, r „ 2'', " 66 " 70 _ 5 ,r 25.00 - lVilrnnngton,I~1.C. ' 1ti5.00 ~ u 2~, u „ 76 I25 - 50 n 25,0 - ~ , „ ~ n " ~ 0 1,50.00 8 U 19 2 _ ~ e 25 ~ ntlcm n: 117 Ge u „ 25.00 - 2,925.00 II a, n 31 ,r 242 _ 212 n 23.75 - n N „ 21 „ 3 _ ~ 5,035.00 In accordan e wi~ 55 .330 23,75 - 7,956. c th yotar instructions of January 29th I have anal ze RO~tD BONDS: - 25 ~;~22,616,25 y d the i~ ou on o. ~ fees tirithheld by the Clez'k of Court as sho~{m in detail in re ort of J. ~ p 45, Bond 210. 1 p B.lvtc b „ n t o 6_ 6 ~ ~ O a e& C o j, 45, " 10 " lg ?2.50 15.00 and attache hereto statement showing that the fees accrued in the a' ' ye Ls shown below; I " Ir ~ n ~ `22.50 20'? . , 0 ~ i ~j „ 40, 20 21 _ 2 „ - 5 ~ ,I 45, „ „ `~Z•50 - 45.00 ,.ear ending 1iov, 30, 1916- s. n " F n 2 5 3 5 _ 11 ~ 2 50 2 17 n „ ~ . 40 ~ 4~, n p „ ~ - ~ .50 I1ov. 30, 1J17- 1, n „ 3 ~ 39 ti ~ ti 2.50 „ 10 ~ 45, " " 43 " _ „ 45,00 l~ov, 30, 1920. 1.00 ,r „ 41 50 B 2,2.50 - 1x80.00 „ n 1•iov. 0 n i. " 3 10 1- .40 n „ 3<,) n ,i - 75 75 ~ 25.00 - 1,u75.00 " i'io ' ~ i~ „ ~ 9C Only 1 ,r v. 30, 1.924- 4,1U z0, rr 90 Onl rr 50 ho z. 30, 1~J25- 6,G0 ~ i n y 1 1 50 ~ r 41:, " 7G to 78 _ „ 12.50 ^'~~i.ng June 30 1926_ ,40 ;j` ii " " 41, n „ „ 3 1ti.50 - 37.50 ' - , 80 ~ _ n ~ 9 " „ 41 u „ 8I 5 12.50 _ 62.50 ~ .~.0 ilr 86 87 - ~ 38.20 ~ " 41, n 2 1u.50 - 25.QU ,r ~ a9 g5 _ n ~ ~ "a 50 ~~,;;1 7 12.•50 87.50 , 7 _ , r.~ 9 8 II " 41 " „ 2 12.50 - 25.00 ~ i , r~ n a u u 100 108 - 9 12.50 ~ u '1' 110 " 118 _ 11.50 I9 u 4l, n „ u 9 12.50 _ 112.50 ' 1~1 125 5 12.50 , ~RP,y IjOIiD ~ - 61.50 ~ 3 - , __,______._,_S . 2 a 0.0 0 p - a Coupons No.29 Bond No. 1 to r. 0 _ _ ~ . 5 n 50 , 1' nn 26 n ,r 24 „ " .00 - 1,250.00 ~ ~ , 50 - 27 30.00 _ . 810.00 2 0 y .r , G0.00 , t COUi~P~I HOi~~~ B OIvTD~. ; ~ , Coupon 1,10. 8 T,r . and ..o. 7 to ~,g - " ?3 7 ~ . COURT iiOtiSr~ BO1~iDr • 5 - , 2 ~ - r ~ . 5 2.50 bOLl~JOn 1'[0. a BOn T ~ r ~ - ,V d Pao. 51 to - 175 25.00 _ ORY.i-IOUSE BOi~IDS : 4 , 3'75.00 ; COlll)Uri .,o. and No. 1 ~r " `,VORIiHOU r ,r~,~~ • T to 35 - ' 25.00 ~ , S-, CO,~,I'f HO::~ ~ :r30I?.')S: 87u.00 ottpan :.o. ~ on i~o. 0 1~l - 17 X5.0(, 4`3 ~ 5.00 ~?3 F . Total „oupons,..,...,.,, 4,1„3,75 . , ,;~~35,183,75 BONDS -~-•-----rAID' 9 Cour u Ho use B onds Count lJo• 51 to 60 - LO c? 51 OU - y dome Bonds " 7 „ Q - „ , 0.00 X10,000.00 , 1lerry :Bonds „ 2 1,000.00 2 000.00 ~ -:I r t jj Sc , 24 26 - 3 " 1 000.00 ' " I h~ol ~3onds " 21 „ 3 - ,r ' 3,000.00 ~y~ u „ n 0 10 1,000,UO 10 Or o J0, 00 ~ ~ 10~ 117 - 9 " 1 000.0 ' ~ ' " 31 ' 0 9,00.00 + , t 44 - 14 ,r 1,000.00 14 ' 000.00 `;J Total Bonds,..... , 8 0 ~ ;w Total Cou ons an _ w48,000.00 ~ d Bo nas pa ' ~ i.d i''a3 183,75 a~ , I ~ The meeting then ad'o - ' ~ urned. i b Or S. i j '~"Jilmin rtorz r , 1`.. C., hebruar 5th n`, 1 Y 3 , n 1'he r r ~ , egular weelrly meeting of the Boar ~ ` t~ d ..a,, held at 3;00 0' clo;;1: ?.i~I. - Present: Acidi^ uon Hewlett Cha,irra ~ r nn F i .M.Ro, ~ T , ~s a J , , 7. ~ llall and J.II.IIinton. ! U - pon motion of ~".r, Hinton se . abatement conded by 1,,2x, Hall, the estate Cor~aora ~ , ~ of taxes on a valuation of .'725,00 t1on tivas ,ranted an rIUa1,Pa . in Pe ~ half' int ~~c ce Gdn. , ores in ~ JO acres Harriss Land . era oant township foz~ the years 1929 193 a c . _ _ P aceour,t of the said land claime ' nd 1,~3~, drnourrting to 5p26.66 on r ~~'~V53,32 on a va1La ~ ~.r ~ Y the heirs of Henry 1,4cDonald and ta, y ~ 'f - k 1, t tion of X1,4"0.00 for said ear yes amou~i;tinE, to I, r. ie11's of Henry 1.IcDonald as their in r Y s was ordered charged against the variow ~ te_est appe~~r, Other parties farmer • ,T } in the sand land were; ,,Y,Alle ~ - ly claimLr.O ~.nterest - and ;'balker r. one fourth interest, I;st.J,J.Lau 1 • T+aylo~ one eighth interest, glllrl one ei~,nth interest, j l iJpon ~hotion ,r t ~ of .;~r, ,loss, seconded b 11x. Hi { ~.r to drain the lour laird a Y ntor., the request of ;;irs, Sellers and 1,ir. ife5aett point t dumping Run and install a culvert u 1 was referred to the P:Ios Lino Co ~ nuer Convnunity :Drive at tl~t tc install the culvert. rln,ttssion for drainage and the State Hi rhtiv`a~~ Je • rtment l 6 ~ ~ , i The request of 1~1r. I,,~. . s_` Lynch to purchase aNproximatel 2000 near the Count Y poles to be cut from trees '~~a y airport at 90 each.' zeferred tot ~ ,was upon motion of ?ir. Ross sec he County Ronne committee fo r onc,ed b r. , ~ r investi a J H~.nton i ~s to the praservation of cou g tion and to recommend definite policy ~ nt timber, q.-a Y e, ~ 1 A , re~uest '1 of the a u Bo rd of ~d and .;"2 50 ucata.on that the slim of X130.00 for , 0.00 for maintenance of special vocational fund I+' b ply nt be laced e ruaryy was upon motion of p to the credit of the school fund for. ,I r. Hinton s ec on N , , ded by ,,,r. Hall a n U o F p~ roved. P n motion of P~~r. Ross scoop p. 1' ~ , ded b I ~ r e y ..Ir. I[inton ~ ~ leased from payment of ~ 2.00 ,John 2 . ;,vans of Hookerton C. tivas ~ E' for t}re ~ penalty for not listin ' year 1933 account of be in a g lot Ira, block 45, Carolina ~3each ~ non-re i s dent. = i `l' e Boa ' h rd did not adopt the reso farm Census lution submitted b~ the De ~a , but agreed to continue furr' Y 1 lament of Agriculture concernin' ~ishin. th Pub],ic Laws g e inforrna of 192 t ion a 1 s re , • qunied b,~ chapter x,01, i F6 ¢ ~~~i rl - ~u<~,~,,,~A- . 6~' ~ I~ P~Zeetin of Jan g uary 29th, 1934, continued. 27 SCHOOL D 3 ONDS. ~ 1 0. , Coupon 110. ,Bond No ' 30'00 oi' Februrzr 5th 1934 continued. ' „ 1 to 46. a 4fi X25,00 ~ 1 150.0 llreeti~.g Y , , 41 n ~ n 0 1 n ) 5 109 _ gg 25.00 - , 4 1? 41; " 1'11 „ 150 _ n ~ 1,450.00 follavrzn comrnu~tication was received from the Count Auditor 3 11 40 2x.00 - The g Y 1: 1) 4 11 ~ . 1 - 1 n r 000.00 4 1J2 ry 9 ) 1 II 178 - ~ 'J ~ 11 ! 1 4• 50 „ 41, " " 180 Onl 1 337.50 , ~1 ~ Y 1ti.50 ~ ~I. F 1 50 P~zlmzngt0n,ld.G., January 31st,1934. , 1, i 11 T89 to 200 - 12 " - ° " u ~ Iu. 50 _ n 3 ~ 1 1 I 150 0 0 ~ 1) #I Only - 1 " 25.00 - 25.00 Honorable Board of Cormnissioners, ~ , - ~8 25 _ a r~ S' 2`~r' n ° 53 to 100 ~ n a " 66 i1 70 „ .00 1.20,00 11ew Hanover C u ty, ! ~ 11 " 20 a 1) „ 5 25.00 - 125,00 bVilminrton Id. C. E~ r .t n o a a 76 125 - 50 " 25.0 - ~ ti8, " " 109 ~ 0 1,..,50.00 ~ n n 1 225 .117 25.00 2 ~ ; i f 8, ' 31 24~ ~ „ - ,~~25.00 Gentlemen.- ~t it tl 8 h 212 23.75 - 5 035 0 t t ~ 21 u _ ? 0 ROAD BONDS; 355 33J fi 23.75 - 7 95 ~ In accordance with our instruction T n 6.,,5 P2 616.25 Y s of ~a uary 29th I have analyzed the t i i oupon o, 45 .Bond ,r J ' ~ • 11~ ~ ~ „ }°o• 1 to 6 _ G „ f eet~ withheld by the Clerk of Court as shown in det~zl in report of J.B.1,tcCabe ~ Co~'~ i I 45, 10 " 18 _ 22.50 - 135,00 nd attache hereto statement showzn that the f e ac • " „ 9 ' ,2.50 ~ a g e s erued zn the years shown below, G, 1) 45: 20 21 - 20.50 `'~w( 45, " rr „ 2 ?2.50 ;1 i ; I; " „ „ 25 35 _ 11 5.00 Year ending iiov. 30, 1916- .40 it 45, " 38 _ a "2.50 _ 2. n rl Nov i i 39 17. b0 30, 117- 1.10 !d n 45, a .r 43 „ - ~ n 50 - 45.00 1, a 3 1920_ I,ov. 0, 1,00 n 41 „ ro 50 8 22.50 _ ~ n u 75 75 ,i ~ 130.00 n n Iiov. 30 lD 1- .40 ,t „ n n 9 X5.00 - 1,5370.00 n n ,r 1 2 } ' " 40 ,r 0 Only _ 1 .r 12,x,0 ~ Lov. 30, 1924- 4.10 i f. , n 90 1 1u.50 1 „ ~ On1,~ 1 n " Nov. 30 19x5- 6.60 S 1 I , „ 4;L, ' " 76 t o 78 _ 1,~ . 50 - 12.50 ' a 41, 11 ~r „ 3 12.50 - 37, ;,even months ending Tune 30,1~2G- .40 ,r BO 50 _ r , ~I .r 84 Year endin ne 0 928.. 41, 11 u „ 5 12.50 62 6 Ju 3 ,1 9. 0 „ ~ 1 86 87 _ 2 12 .50 Nine months ending .'~5arch 31,1933- 38.20 , _1, ? 89 .50 _ 25.00 rl ~ n 95 _ n m 1 .r Three onti endin e 0 .,33- 4 s Jun ~ 1 4.50 1 11 u n r• 7 12.50 g + i n ~ i, .i7 n 98 _ 2 u - 87.50 e i 1 n 41, " 100 12.5U - 25.00 t n 108 _ To al 105.90 1 n 41 > u n 110 n 12.50 - 112.50 41 n u 118 - g " 12.50 _ ~ 1~1 ~1 125 - 5 ~ - 112.50 This statement also shows the amount received by the Clerk during each ~p ' BOI~1D 1 ~ . 0 _ __,_____S . 5 62.50 3? 8 0 i ee ~ i 3i Cou°ons ~ 1 .5U period e..cept for the ,year:. ending Nov. 30, 191 during which time the fees vrere' P10.29 ~l3ond No. 1 to a nu ~g „ 50 50 " 25.01 < < not turned into this office s is now required. 24 " ~ - 1,Uo0.00 ~ 1 50 - 27 " .30,00 ~ ! i ~ - 8 a a r' a h f he i i1 ca ea 10 I lsa att ch hereto a bill of costs cove zn e c o f c v s r'- .00 , n g , CO r 2 0 LI,T~ HO,r ~ ~ .r , G0.00 , u, BO1~S, vrhich were made b the Clerl: shop°rin when the costs accrued. 't Copt c Y g n .N ~ o. , 8 Bon 1, a CO d .o. 7 to 2sl _ r, ~ Y URT IIOi1S.H ?30T!DC: ~ ,3.75 _ ~ • d 1 k d- t,oupon 11 522.50 I give you below a statement showing settl,ment ma e with the C er for o .Bond ido. 51 ~ a a h ruction of A ril 10th 1VORli?~I t0 2~0 - 175 rl ~ nine months ending ~~a,rch 31, 1933 zn ecord nce vrzt your inst s p ~iJSE rB0„DS; N5.00 _ Cou on 4 ;~r5, as shown in your minutes on page X15. i ~ond No. ~ 00 P~~ORh ~ 1 to 35 _ n << Supplies ,t :IOUSL CO'111TY H01H+,' B ~r u 2,,.00 Coupon .o, C~f?Oa. 875.00 fees Deputy & Expense Retained Clerks County , ,ono o, ~0 17 - 1 ~ ~ July 535.06 175.00 8.50 351.56 n 7 N5.Or) F 2 g~ i~ 4u0.00 ~ Aug. 428.35 1„7.50 7.00 6~. Total „oupons, , . , , 34 153.75 B01'D ` ` . . . . . . ~`-z------ Sept. 523.10 157.50 8.10 357.50 SID: yp35,183.75 i Court Houma Oc~. 642.17 157.50 12.50 472.17 { C ~e Bonds No. 51 to 60 2~1ov. 623.34 157 ° 50 12.90 452.94 1 ounty Horne Bond 11 10 1 00 s ;i r'err s 7 S .D , 0.00 ~p10,000.00 Dec. 643.18 157.50 1`'.00 473.68 j~~ Bonds 24 „ 2 1,000.00 2 r 26 _ OOO.OU ~ a 478.41 Ir , a 1N..0 achoo 3 J n. 648.81 .157 .,0 1 c3onds 21 1,000.00 3 l „ 000 ~ lu .13 n n 30 10 rr 1 OO , .00 Feb. X91.73 157.50 12.10 2 u 109 " 11 , 0,00 10 OUO.O ~ ? r 12.88 402.76 360.00 39.47 M „ 7 9" 1 000.0 ' 0 P~,ar, 9 72.61 107.50 , 0 9 31 0 1 0 4 .CO i 4 - 14 i1 1 000.00 ' Total Bonds, . ' 14 000.00 0%,~ i I n , - cry , ~ ` ,y ~ Iota ~ • ~ 8 0 .0 c ~ ~,6 n ,'98.58 ~ 3 375.00 ,,G360.00 • 39.47 s ~ w,q ,308.35 ;~1, _35.00 ~ , 1P 1 Coupons and Bonds poi '`'48 000,00 / ~ _ i i T e meeting then ad ' ~w83,183.75 ~!1 ~ ^ , ~ ~~r. ~ ~ a' ~ 1 punt ~ h I { 1 r i Touxned. - ~ o : his statement ,,novrs .;,•39.47 e~cesa fe.s ret fined by t ze C y .?1 6 ..note t ~ 1 ` i g ii 6 , 5 - ~ 5 I ~ 3 hod vo ~ ver trul C er c. 1, 10/~ a ~ g3 g° . - urs Y Y, ~ ~ ti° r,'~ 3g 9 ~ ~0 6 ~ g0 ° 0 c,Vilmin;tor .r .y 9 1~ 5 ~ J.~.Orrell. C' r, I.. C., 1~ebruar 5th 9 ~ o 3 ~g ,d 0 Y ,1 3 • e re ~ _ bular weekl _ 5 , , {i I y meetin of g the Board wa~ '~9 ~ S g .j 0 ~ ~ ~ , he 1 ~ ~ ~r 3 d at , 3.0 0 fi r b r 6 Present; Addison 0 ~ 6 :~:,.a_ Hewlett Chairman h,~ 6 F . Ho s s ~ q T ? ~ ~3 1. 0 , Ja „7. Ha11 and J.H.Hin 9~ ~3 60, U on m ton. ~ 8 p otzon of I;Ir. Hinton ~~°g ~ 3 g~ ~ 00. !~1 - c ! , seconded zr a< ~ 9 abate b ?~r , 1 . g 0 ~ ~r ment of to • Ha 11, the estate Coro a " d 50 ~ 6 0 . kes on a valuati ! yor tlon ~ in Fe feral Poin on of ,,p725.00 half was granted an 3 0p 1~ ~ 3 5 1• 0, ) interest zn 290 a ~7 X51 1 60, Se'+~ ` t township for the ea Gres ` account o Y rs 1929 a Harris Land 5 ~.5 , ~ ~ f the said land clai ,1.31 and 1932, amounti . /1. , ~ ~ 3 ~ 1 ~'0 , 1.Io~ ~ ) i1 , '~°53 med b ng to ^2 ~ ~ f ~ w .32 on a valuati Y the heirs of Henr y~ 6.66 on ~ / ~ ~ ~ gS 2 ~ r: j ; on of ~~1 4~0 Y Pdc,Oonald and 1 2 ~ 0 3 ° 0, 7,70 ' I i/ r ? ~ .00 for said taxes amounting to •re ~tt~., ~ S6„g g5 ~ Op ' leers of Henry P,IcDonald a Years was ordered ' s the ' char ~ ~ ~ ~ 5 zn the said la, d it interest a ged afwinst the var;i e,~ • 1 ? 5~°, 60„ ~i i n were • `,r ~ ppear, Other art ' `1 s 3 c. r.1t,Allen one fourth in P zes formerl ~ ~ - 5 ~'0, and ~Vall•;er 1or on . r terest li; 5 claimir3g into .rl 6~ p Y e ez~}rth interest, ~ st•~.J,Laughlin one ez~hth in' e 58 1• p, °u p ~ `~e11 y~ ,36 ~ 6 2• ~p 0 Upon ruotion of ;Ir. 130 ~ oN ~ v5 ~g Ja oo ~ 3 1' s ~ s s . seconded try s sr~o '~0 2° 70 '~0 u., R ~ to drain the lour land a ` Y I'~r• Hinton, th~a re ue , t Jum in_ 9 st of Irirs, Sellers and ILIr, e~. ~s ~0 3.~tp ?t point was referred P ~ Run and install aculvert - •~e ~1 under Convnunit f . .T ~ C1c 0 `0 o t;ie I,Iosclulto .Commission ~ Drive at than r tc install the for - T o, ~ F ~ culvert. drazna6e and then r,:, sir ~:k 1° 80, D Mate Highway De~a~r~tmenv, ,1~ 5 T t,c~ 1, 0, d i he request of i°Ir. H ~ 10 50, °D . J.Lynch to purchase a ~ ro 6 g 0 Hoar the Count IP xzmatel 2 e Y airport at 90~' each vra Y 000 poles to be cut from trees s 0 referred ) s u on mo a f~ r 1 o the County Home comrnitt P tzon of ';fir, Ross, second ~ Z as to the preservati ee for investigation and ed by ;,;r. Hinton, S '10 : on of count to recommend definite ~ a1 'g ` Y timber. olio i ~ P Y ~_t, 0 ~ Are _ i 7uest of the Board of :"]du a `9 3 and , 2 c tzon that the M 1,~~ p . st.m of yu130.00 for s ec'a S'a1• '10 6,9 at ~ ~ ,500.00 for maintenance z Feb a ~ of plant P 1 vocational fund ~ ar ru rY, tras upon motion o be Placed to the credit r. f P;,r. Hint o of the n, seconded by 1r• Hal school fund for .Q U on mot' nr 1, approved. n~, 5'• 1. P i o n of ,..r ~ 0 , 0 Ross, seconded b P;Ir ,;1,~ 0 ~ released from payment of ~ ? Y Hinton, John T. ;Ivai for the ~ •00 penalty for not is of Hoekerton Id. C. was E~ year 1933 account of be in listing 1°t if8, block ' g anon-resident. 45, Carolina Beach r~., ° ~ QO the Board did not ado pt the resolution submitt 1~arm Census but a ~ ed bz , greed to continue furnic ~ f the Department of x ri in ~ << l ~6 ° 60 Public Laws of 1921. ~hzng the information a t; culture concern 'SO `6 s r~e uired b a 201 ~ 4 10 i . 0 r3 y ch pter •0 g 1. ' 4 c ~ 1 0, 0 1 • 3 0 ~ 5 o g~ °3 1s~ ° 00 9° 0 ~ i 0 1 •6 _ ~ • o ~o ' 1 1 bo _ - 4 1 8 1 s - - Q ~ e~~ ~ ~ Q 1~'s °p w~ 3p . 0 3y' 3 9 Q °c~ . a O p . ~ d~ 1 0 5 3~ 1. 6p j o , _ _ _ w, _ , I ?deet in of , 8 Januar,~ 29th,1934, continued. fi f f ~CH001~ BOIJ"DS; ` Cott r ~ 1+030.0 c 3 Ion r1o. ,Bond Ida.. 1 to 4 ~ 4 ~ , 0 eetir,g of February 5th,1J34, continued. n „ 4 6, 6 ~ X25.00 ~1 I. Id i 1, " n 52 n 1 ? 50:.00 , 09 n , „ 41 " " „ 68 25.00 1450°00 - , „ , III 150 - 40 " 25:00 - ' The following comrnu~tication was received from the ~~ounty Auditor,, , 41, ' " 15? " 178 n 1,000.00 n 27 12.50 _ a 4 n u 3 l + 180 On1 I rr 37.50 ~ . " 'r 4 n Y 1ti.50 ~ ' ~ c „ l: r' 189 to 200 _ 12 n - 1~+50 NilminSton,Pl.G., January 31st,1J34. ~ " 1 31 ~ " " /~I OnI _ ~ .50 _ I5Q:00 ' , { ~ " ~;J,. n „ Y I 25.00 - 25.0 honorable Board of Carmni5sioners, „ 53 to 100 - 48 0 ' 2~~ n „ 25.00 - 1.2 ~ 0 ew Hanover County, ~ 6s 70 5 ~4. o r~ ~ a 20, „ 25.00 - 125.00 '~rilmin~;ton,N.C. ~ n u ~ n 76 125 - 50 " 25.00 - ,~A, „ IU9 " 225 _ „ 1,.50,00 ,1 j~ n „ „ „ 117 25.00 - 2 : 8, 3 ~ ,925.00 Gcntlemens- ~ „ 1 24N - 21~~~ 23.75 - ~ ROAD BONDS: I 355 ~,,b ~ 23.75 _ 1 7 956°?,5 '~22 ~ In accordance with your instructions of Januar 29th I have anal zed the o u on o , 616 • 5 Y Y p 45, Band I~io, Ito fees withheld b the Clerk of Court as shown t.n detai „ „ „ 6 - 6 , Y 1 in report of J.B,IsicOabe & Co,," 1 „ 45, lQ 18 _ 22.50 - 135:00 nd attache hereto statement showin tY , r " 4 " ~ " 22.50 _ a g tat the fees accrued in the yeaz•s sno~vn belotiv; 202.50 r " " 4r' „ 20 21 - 2 " ;~2 !u~ a .50 " ' „ 25 " 35 - 11 15.00 Year ending riov. 30, 1916- .40 11. ,r !I5, a 3s, rr _ n 22.50 - 2, rI 7.50 i, u o q r ~6 a „ 39 2?„ 50 G N v. 30 , 1.11- 1.10 ' i ~ u „ , 43 5 - „ 4,~ • OU w " 1`1ov. 30 1920- 1.0 0 4l, n u 8 22.50 - 180.0 " ' ~ u i, 75 76 ~ ~ 0 ?~1ov. 30 1921_ .40 , i u , , 90 On1 it 5.00 - l,-,70.00 n n aro ~ , ,i 4Uq n n Y 1 12,;:~U _ ~ v. ~0, 1924- 4.10 i rr „ 90 On1.y 1 ,r ,7 Iti.5U n 4 n 1..,,, _ " Nov. 30, 1925- 6.60 „ „ I, 76 to 78 _ n 50 12.50 n~ ~ ~ 41, 8 „ 3 I2, 50 - 37.50 ~ seven mon~ns ending June 30,1~~.6- .40 ! " " „ 0 84 - 5 Year ending June 30,1928- 9.20 n 41, n 86 n _ 12.50 62.50 ~ o " 41 n 87 2 12.50 Mine months ending I;~r,.h 3I,1~3~- 3~~.20 „ 89 " 95 _ n 25.00 Three months endin June 30 1933- 44.56 7 12,50 g " 41, „ 97 g _ 87.50 i pp~jI ~4 " 41 " u „ 8 2 12.50 _ ~ ;6 " „ u 100 108 _ g 2.00 Total ,~~105.90 „ 41, „ 110 12.50 - 11?.50 41 „ 118 - g ' 12.50 ~ _ ~'~'Y ~ 1~1. " 175 5 „ 11~~.50 This st~stement also shotivs the ozaount received by the C1erI: during each BONDS: 1~-, 50 _ ' ' 62.50 3 ~ r Coupons I1o.2Q T ,280.00 period except for the gear: ending Nov. v0, 191 dur>.n~ ~rhich time the fees mere nd Ao. ~ 1 to 50 _ 50 not turned into this office as is now required. 2fi ?4 „ 25.00 - 1 '50,00 50 _ 27 " 30,OQ _ 810,Op ~ I also attach hereto a bill of costs, covering each of the civil cases, COU11`CY HOr,'~ ,r 000.00 "`t' BONDSt ~ vrhich vrere madr-,-„ b the Clerk snowin when the costs accrued. Couuon I, Y g ,o. 8 g I,r C ~ .and o. 7 to 2; _ 2~ „ OURT iIOU ~ ~ r , ~..3 , -~.._..,~.,SL DO,rD,,, ,75 - ~ 2 I give ou below a statement sno~ving settlement made with the Clerk for 5 2.50 Y i~ Coupon I~Io; pond AIo , '+ypp~Y~IOUS'' ~ 51 to 2;?5 - 175 nine months ending i:arch 31, 1933 in accordance with your instructions of April 10th ~ BO~IDS; 25.00 _ ~ as s~:owr, in our minutes on a e 215. ~ i~'~ Cou ro n, o ~ f 75.00 Y p g I .ond Ido, 1 to ~ ~ ' 1 WOFiI~N01JSD r~,r , >5 _ 3,~ n Supplzes C0',~~TI !i0r„~ . 2„ •00 n ~ , ou~~on ,,0 3C~1.Oo• 875.Op reel Deputy ~ .nxpensE Retained Clerks County ~ ~ .Oon •o. 17 - Jul 535.06 175.00 8.50 351.56 ! Ef: 17 „ 25.07 Y ~ Total Coun ) ~ 4ti5, r~ Aug. 428.35 157.50 7.00 263.85 ons, . , , , X00 , 343, ~!5 ~ ~ r . F BOti'DS ~ , . . . . . . . - ,,ept. 523.10 157.50 8.10 357.0 ---_.~I?' v~35,183.7d ~ 1. Oct. 642.17 157.50 12. a0 472„17 j~ Court House B - Caunt onds Ido, 51 to 60 _ Dlov. 623.34 157.50 12.90 452.94 Y Home Bonds " 7 LO ~~1,000,OQ .~10 ~ 1'err.~ :Bon 8 - 2 n v~ ,000.00 Dec. 643,18 157.50 1...00 473.68 ds i 24 „ 1,000, U0 1 OUO o n 478 nl ! 9 School 26 _ g " , .00 ~ Jan. 648.81 157.50 1ti.~0 ~ i3onds ~l „ 1,000.00 3 000 1~~ ~ 30 _ l0 „ , .00 Feb. 291.73 157.50 1ti.10 ,N•13 i 109 " 117 _ ~ 1,000.00 10,000,00 t~ 1`2,88 402.76 360.00 39.47 ? l ~I p „ 9 ' 1,000,00 ...ar, 972.61 157.50 31 44 _ 14 „ 9,00,00 ~ Total Bon 1,000.00 I4 OOO.UO % Total Coul;ons and Bo ~ ~ ~ ~ 8, 0 .0 .;'48 000,00 ?~;~'9~~~ '~.30B.35 ~1,435.OG ;~98.%~8 .3,375.00 ~~360.00 X39.47 n s paid,...,.. ;?B' ~7 ~ The rneetin ~ 3,183.75 , , g then ad ' ourn ~ ~l/~ - ~ ~ r~ 9.47 excess fees retained b the Count - i r: f I ~ J ed. ~ ? o~:..note th~.s atr~te!..ent snovrs ,~3 Y Y a ;fc 3 1 ~5 a i ~5 ~ 'i CTcrT: 1 a r, ~ 3 8 Yours ver trul , I r7ilmington N. C. . A 9i ~1, ~ ,5~ ~ S 00 J.~'~.Orrell. ~ 3 , I ebruar n~ a o ~ ~u ~ The re r ~ular weekl ,Y t,l.,,j4. 0/ti9 ,~0 ~ ~ „0. Y meetrn of ti~ ~ 4 , .R g the Board l",as held at 3. , i`'y l 3 g~ g 1• ~0 s , .00 o clo;;k ,R ~ r~ A S G . tut . ~ h l3r ~6 ~ ~ r , j . ~ li- Present. t~cidison a ~ ~C Hewlett Gha' ~ 6 ? irrnan, >;.i~d.Ross ap y'F ~ ~ ~ 1• 0. i-, U , J P,7. fta11 and J.H.Hin 9~ ~ 4~ ~3 ~ 60, ~ pon motion of I.ir. H' ton. 6.x'9 ~ g 9 tia 0 i ~ ' aba inton, seconded b~T T ? g9 0- C ~ ~ t e _~Zr 1 ~ 0 - . da 11 0 . meat of taxes on a va fi , the Instate Coruera ~ d s0 'b' ~ l in F ~ luation of tlon was gran ~ ~ g 1 e.;er 72 ted :an ~ 1 S 0 a1 Point townshi for ~ 5.OU, half interest in 29 Oja ~ ' 5~ 1 Sev~: + ! p the years 1929 1931 a i z O acres Harris Land 5/~~'; ~ ~y 5? Or ? account of the said tan ~ nd _9,,2 a ~ ,j 6 - R d claimed b , mounting to 26.G ~3'~~' 3 0 , Iuc~ Sep - i~53, 2 th 6 ~ ~ 3 on a valua Y e heirs of Hen 5~ on ~ S ~ g ~ tlon of 1 4F ry I4IcDonald a ~ ti~ ~ ~ S ~ 2° 0, . heirs of ~ , 0.00 for sai nd taxes amountin to .a' ~t ~ a - S ~ g . 0 Henry I;icDonald as the' d Years was ordered char - g ,j 65 S~. 0, r! in the sai it interest a ged against the vari c<, . ~ n S6„ ~0 ~I d land wore; '+J.II,AIle ppear, Other. parties forme a ~ ,SS ~ , and ',firalker Ta for none fourth interest r1Y c1~-~zmirig intr erg ~ 6~ .0 0 r Y one eighth interes , r,st.J.J.Laughlin one + e; 68 1, 0, t . e l ~;hth in ~~~1 qfs ~36 ~ g0 ~0 j. U on ~ ~'a u J •0 ~ A thotzon of ];Ir• Ross s is sr S9 ~ ° ~ ~ 3 r , seconde ~ 3 to drain the lour 1a d i~Y ISr, Hinton, ti;e re u n t~U 'l0 0 0 ~U S ''i E~ nd at J q est of 'r ~ T e ~ 7 ~ umping Run and in a 1i s• yellers and r:Ir. ~y~• s ~ 0 ~0 I~o~.nt was referred to tr st 11 a culvert ur.d 1~ ~•1 C' a ~'0 re 1los ex Conan r - ~ ~ ~ 0 1~, tc install the cul quito Commission for drainare - ry unlt~ Drive at;tha. ~o. .q ve a s ~ y°8 rt. 6 nd the ota Jr 1 0, 0 to H' ~ rr 1 1 ~h~ E n~ va• e D r~ r tm ~ ~ 1 l o~ ~~'e 1 SO 10 •5 1 ~ The request of Isr.rI, ,`J ~ ~ 0 . • 0 .Lynch to purchase ~ ~ 0 '3 YK f near t r 5 0 he County air o alProxirnately 2000 ~ '-0 ° p rt at 90~ each; was u on poles to be cut from trees 1 ~ g0 referred to p motio f the County Home commute n of "ir• Ross, seconded 1 •1 .4~ as to the ~ e for investi a by [;Ir. Hinton, 0 preservation of count g tion and to recommend def' ! Sa ° ' Y timber. mite olic 1 ~ ~'r. p Y ~.1, 0 i* 1: ~ A request oft ...E he Board of ~'ducataon \ •9 and ,,p2 600.00 that the sr.tm of S 1• ~ 0 ? for main p130.00 far ~ . ~ ' DD tenance of plant be la special vocational fund 1~, 0 ~ rebruarY, tivas u~ p ced to ion motion of '.fr. I• the oxediu of t i>.ntan, seconded b p,qr z he school fund for. U on mn Y _Ia11, approved. ~ , S- 1, 'g p tion of .,:r, Ross t~, ~1, 0 0 , seconded by „Ir. Hinto 0 gD ~ ` released from n n John - , ~Yt ent of 2.00 + , T. swans o .Ir a penalty for not list' f Hookerton,Id.C,, vras ~ rl>~ fox the year 1933 acc ~n to ount of being anon-re g t rr8, block 45, Carolina Beach ~ ° sident, ~ q. The Board did not ado t P the resolution submit l~'arm Census, but a re t ed b th ~ yF:a:, , ~ g ed to continue furnishin. f e Department of Agriculture concernin ' ~ ~ o ~~•~60 D Public Lavrs of 1921° g the information a • ~ so • ~ s required by chapter 201, . 3 0 10 0 1 ds`~'p - C n fl' Q 1 60 x'6° ~ • as oo ~ 0 1 ~ 1~ ~o 1 • _ r r _ oo ~ o ° s ~96 00 ~ 1 60 1d• co 6.j ' 60 0 ` 6 r~ s o g ~gU ~~s'" ~ a 0 g 5 ~ ~0 '3I, 5 09 20 °c6o . d L~0 0 • 1. 8~ p• S 3cq 1• so }D Q 6s Op •a _ J ~n n c - ~ 1~~aetin of Januar• - n g 29th,19~~, continued. a lj } } ~CHDOI, BON17Ss ~ 1,030•pp ~ Cou on ' No. - Meeti~:g o1' February .,th,1934, continued. ~ , , ond, No. Ito 4fi, ~ 46 ~ .25.00 X1;150:00 41, " 52 i' 109 ~ 5g 2500 - ' " " 41, 1l „ n 1,450.00 The following commul~ication was received from the County Auditor. „ r ~ 1 I50 - 40 25.00 - 1 000.00 j, ~ 4l, ' tr I52 " I78 - 27 " 12.50 - ' ;n + ,r 47. n u p - rr ~ 337.50 ~ 1~0 .Only 1 2 ~ ~ "'~Nilmin ton PI a 11 n ,t 41" ~t 1 .70 _ 1.50 g , •C•, Janu ~y 31st, 1934. , a n ~ s 189 to~200 - 12 " 12.50 _ 150 a ,al n n .00 I j ,t , ~I Only 1 u 2 _ ~ Honorable Board of Commissioners, a ;~g " " 53 _ „ 5.00 2J.00 ,r , over Count , n ~ r' „ to 100 48 25.00 - 1.2®0.00 ~ heN Han y, 7 2,1 u 66 ,r ~ n N.C s 7 'n to 0 mi 1 e+ " ~ . n ,a 5 ~ 5.00 - 1ti 5.00 '~Vi r ' ~.g, 76 " I25 50 ~ 2 ~ 00 1,.50.00 , U ~t 5• j ~ '28, 't 109 " 225 - 117. 25.00 - 925 Ge nt lane n: - , 00 { u 8 n 31 242 - 21? n 23.75 - ' ~ ~ s II „ 5 03J.00 ~E .1 8~ " 21 " 355 335 'h 23.75 _ 7' ~ In accordance with your Instructions of Januar 29t ~sl ROAD Bpi 956.25 "22 616 y h I.have anal zed the fees vrithheld by the Cl.er}: of court as shown in detail in re ort of J.B.IvicCabe & o i! !i oupon o. 45 Bond p C „ ? ~ ]uo. 6 22.50 - 13 l to 6 - 5.0 and attache hexeto staterrient showin that he ' i' S { 0 g t fees accrued in the years shown belows „ „ 5 ~ 10 18 - 9 22.50 _ ' n ~,0~, .50 ; ! ~ .I 45 , ,T _ , ~ 20 2l 2 2 _ 2 a c0 ~ Ye - r r endin i,ov. 30 ~ 1 19 n 4 5 , ' " 2 5 11 5 . U 0 ~ g , 16 .40 " 45 „ „ 3b '2.50 - 2'17.50 ' 't idov. 30, 1917- 1.10 n it e 38 39 _ 2 ° `.;2.50 - 45 0 H ,r N v. 192. ~ 45~ ~t „ 0 0 30, 0 1.00 ~~I „ 3 50 - 8 22.50 - 190.00 " " ~dov ~ n ~ ~ S' ) 41, ' - 75 75 30~ 19ti1- . _0 n 3q „ ti5.00 1,-75.00 " " liov. 30, 1924• 4.14 l { ~ ~ ~ 40 a lU. 50 Nov. 30 ~ ' i, 90 Only 1 12 0 _ > 19,5- 6.60 4I, " " 76 to _ „ ~ 5 12.50 ~ °,even months ending June 30,192G- .40 ` tr 78 3 4 _ ~ ~ n 1 .50 n 37. , JO i 1 a 4 Ye r endin. n 0 2 I H 1 ~ 80 " 84 - 5 „ , g .7u e 3 ,19 8- 9.20 i? ,r a u 12.50 6.50 a ~ ~ ~ _l, n 86 „ 87 - 2 „ Nine months ending '~~iarch 31,1~3~- 3u.20 ; n „ a 14.50 25.00 Three month e ~ I _1, 89 95 - „ ~ nding June 30,1 33- 44.50 it „ 7 12.50 : 1 50 41 " n g „ - n ' 7 98 - 2 2 rr tk1, " u 0 n „ 1 .50 25.00 I'o,,~.l ~105D90 4 u n 1 0 108 - 9 12.50 1 a i r 1...50 , , n .1, 110 " 118 _ 2 F ~ a ~ t,, 47 „ ~ 9 1 ..,0 _ 112.50 This utatcment also ,~ho`rs the amount received by the Clerk during each ; {i~F ~ 1;.,1 I ~ 5 5 .r 12.50 - 6 2 n ~ r ~ ~ ~ L___,_~I BODIDS: _____.___x___50 ~ 3,2,.,0.00 per~.od except for the year: ending A,ov. 30, 19ti1 during vrhich time the fees tivere s: Coupons 1`10.29 :Bond hat turned into thin office as is hour required. ?4 n n„ No. 1 to 50 - 50 " 25.OC1 _ '~F 26 „ 24 ~ ~ 1,4„0.00 _ ~ , 50 , r ~ , 7 I u.l o a t~. h e ~ t 30.)0 _ s t c h reto bill of costs cove~i X0.00 ~;y 2,060.00 , ng e ch of the civil cases, COU;iTf ~nhiclr, were made by the clerk shovrinT when the costs accrued. ! ~10~~~ BOTIDS. 6 ~,1, Coupon ]~Io. 8 B , , and ?o. 7 to 2r~ ~ i COURT iiOUSL BC,, J '~2 23.75 - ~ ~ I give you below a statement shovri.ng settlement made with the Clerk for Cotr~~on 1d ,.,nine months ending ;,r~.rch 31, 1933 in accordance vrith our instructions of A ri1 10th ~I Y P i_ r o. Bond no. 51 to 225 - t' !t - 175 25.00 - Q,_-: shown in ou.r minutes on ~a e 215. 'rJORY~HOUSE 4 , ' - Y I g BOIIDS: 3 75.00 r Coupon o, and ,,~-~~::~_'_Na. _ Supplies i'~ORT.:-IOUSE r ~,,,T ~ ry 5 3J 2,•00 F o--~-tia Fees Deputy & r~xpense Retained Clerks Count ~ 3c .,0 ,TY ,.01:;L ?3Q`iD~: 87,,.00 1 ~?--1 Y ,fix ounan o ~ ;.~~--c~ ~ -x.06 175.00 8.50 351.56 <1 i x ~ ~ on lva. 0 17 - 17 „ 2 0,, ._.t~ a ~ ~ 5. r 425.00 a~~r - t~, ~ , 157.50 7.00 263.8 !cI i Total 5.. 53.7 1 0 1 0 ns d ~ , 1 p . , - 8. . , Y: c. ~ I5 7.50 0 3 5 7.00 ~ B0~1D ~'v35~Z83.75 c~ ~ . ~ ci' ~ 12.50 472 7 i3 S-.SAID: ~ ~ ~T ,.157.50 ,l si °r~ ~ s ° X7.50 12.90 452.94 1 Court House B - ~ onds No. 51 to 60 - 10 ~ , al ~b ~ti ~ ,p1, 000.00 X10,000.00 y : U ;p 1~~.00 47.68 County Home i3onds " 7 ca s 4 i ~ r'errz - 2 n 1,000.00 2 ~ ~ ~ ~"sSo ~ 478.41 f Bonds 24 26 g .r ,OJO.OU ~~~~s ~ ~ v' o~ ~ ~ 1ti.~0 'I 1 School i3onds 2 n 1,000.00 3,000.00 ~:`-F ~ ~ s ~'s ~ 12.10 1N2.13 i 1 30 - lU " 1 000.00 r ° ~ r ~,o ~ ~ 'c; 2 4 ? 7 36 .0 9 " 109 " ? l0,OJ0.00 < 1 o s~ . a 1 .88 0 6 0.0 3 .47 I ' H 117 - 9 ' 1,000.00 rJ ~1 t''x'~@ ~ p~ ~ o 31 " 44 „ ,00.00 ~ . ~ a - 14 1,000.00 l4 000.00 o '~°oo Total Bonds, . , ~ ~ • ~ o ~ , ado o~ ' ~ o ~ ~p39.47 Total 48 000.00 ~ ~ o X3,375.00 y360.00 Coupons and Bonds paid ' ~ ~ ~ ; •o~ o , ~ ~p t~ :'83 183.75 o ~ ~ • o " excess fees retained by the County: The meeting then ad'our _ . ~ o Sri { ~ ned. o • ~ ~ ~ ~ cP o ' ti f cS p o c>' ~ •`9 p '.Y'ul i { o Y~ Cert. E~ t Ui lmi ~,r , n t o , n g , I,. C., February 5th,19~i4. F j : The regular weekl a S ,ti k y meeting of the Board vas held at 3:00 r~' o' c1oc1•; ?.b7. t ~ ~ ~ ~ p ( Present: A d'~ ~"y d i„on Hewlett Chairman ~ ,1.;; E F.rLRo.~s, Jao• 1;T, Hall and J.H•Hin ~ I ton Upon motio ^T ~ • n of ...r. Hin o d' ~ ` t n sec o ~ ~Z onded b 1,2r. Hall o ~ ~ , abatement of taxes f , the estate Corporation was .ranted an n o ; on a valua~ion of ~ 2 R ~ua1,P ~~7 5.00, half' interest in 290 acre ~ ace Gdn•< ~ ~ ` ~ d sere I„ in Fe;eral Point townshi for the a• ~ a s Harriss Land ~ a o r; SeTel' p ye is 19~ 9,131 and 1932 amouitti.n r s ~n•or~ account of the said land claimed b ' g to X26.66 on o y'?5 ~ ~ y the heirs of Henr 1;IcDona ~ I ~ u 3.3 on G~ valuati F _ Y ld and t~.xes amt 7 on of ~1,4~,0.00 for said ears w oantin~, to ~ , Y as ordered charged against the various s va heirs of Henry 1.1cDonald as their r ~~1 .a `6 , in erect appear. Other parties formerl a' re t i l in the said land tiv,~• cl imi~: 'n e_ s c._e, ~~r.K•Allen one fourth interest Y ' g i t ~ p ~ o and ',Valk .rJst.J. J.Lau rh ~ ~ ' er Taylor one eighth interest. G tin one eighth Interest, 0 0 I ~ S Upon :potion of ;.ir. o ' R as, seconded .t y ,~r• Hinton, the re u ~ , S to drain the low land at Jum in r Run a d q est of Mrs. ,yellers and ;;1r. rie~rett • p 6 n install a v ~ point was referred to tr,e ?Io culvert under Conununity Drive at that a . squlto Commission for draina6e and the C, ~ c' to install the culve ~ ,Mate Hi Thtiva~ De ~ rtment , zt. ~ ~ J P ' The request of ]ar, H .~J.Lynch to purchase ~rpproximatel 2000 ~ ~s near the County airport at 90r each w y Poles to be cut froth trees ~ ~ o . oo• refe . as upon motion of ?;:r. Ross 1 rzed to the Coun , seconded b~ ,,:I. Hinton ~ o . ~ • ty Home committee for investi •ation a d ' ~ ~ o o a as to the preservation of g n to reC01mnend definite olic ~ o 0 0 county timber, p y s o 0 .o o • A re . Ue ' o v' MCP ~ `P st of the Board of l,ducation la o s • o n 7 t 1 t he sum • 0 t of 130 'I, and ,2,500.00 for maintenan e 0 for special vocational fund o ~ ~ o c of plant be placed to the credit ~ : o r ebruary, was u on m of the c d r p otion of "1r• Hinton s pool fund for. o 0 seconded by ,.,r. call, approved. o • ` ~ • a' Upon motion of i~~:r. Ross seconded ~ , F ? by r;ir, Hinton John T. ;,vans of ~ ' 0 1 ~~v' released from ~ + Hoolr ~ . o o ~ ~Yment of .eiton,,~.G., uas ~ ~ o s k~o 1 • 00 penalty for not listing lot YS ~ for the ear 19 ~ , bloc]. 4 ~ ~ o Y 33 account of be ing anon-resident. 5, Carolina Beach ~ ~ o ? o o 0 . S,~ ~ ~o ~ . 40 0 ~ _ Fr The Board did n a ~~;r, o ~ ~o ~ of dopt the resolution submitted bz the ,a o • •oroo ' Farm Census but Y Depai~ment of ~ ~ 0 1 , agreed to contirrue furnishing the inf agriculture co, a o •~~o . oao Public Zavrs of 1921• ormation as required b cha t : •a 1~'s~~o t: Y ~ ~ 0 1. 4~0 } ~ ~ o v'~ 1 . 4' Q t ~ -r r a~~`x • 0 ~ ~ ~ ; ' ~Q `J a • .S o r tk ~ ,h,9~;-~;_; ~ rte: ~ a - r ~ v P s r l ~ ~ o F, ~ ~,.r ~ ~ y o ...mm ,m 4.'- -.A~~~. i _ - i - Ideating of January 29th,1934, continued. ~ w7 } ~ ^ SCHOOL BONDSs ~ 1,030.00 ~ oi' Februar 5th 1934 . ~ I~eeti ~g Y , , continued. ~ Coupon No. ,Bond No. 1 to 46. a 46 ~ 25.00 ~ „ „ „ ~ X1;150;00 4l, a 52 „ 109 5B 25.00 , - 1 450 00 e following commu~~ication was received f Th rom the l,ounty Auditor ~ n 41, n n 111 " 150 - 40 " 25.00 ' ~ if n 4 u n 1,000?00 ; tr 1, I52 I78 - 27 " 12.50 - 337. u 41, i, n 1 0 _ 1 n 50 ,1 ii, ' ~ 8 Only 12:50 _ Nz ma.ngton,N,C., January 31st 1934. 'il, „ 189 to -200 „ 12.50 ~ R u n n „ - 12 1.50 - I50.OO 3_ r norable Board of Commissioner ' ~ „ ~1 Only - 1 25.0 - r " .Io s, } 29 ~ n " 53 , _ a 0 2a.00 New t~.nover ~ County, ~ 1 n u i to X00 .g 25.00 - 1.20.00 i! u 2~, , u 66 a 70 _ 5 ,r 25.00 _ ~ ',Yilmingtan,N.C• i 1ti5.00 1 ii „ 29, " " 7G " 125 - 50 " 25.00 - 1 250 0 i 109 225 - 117 25.00 - 2 925 ~ ~ Gen ; I ~i n 8 u n n ~ „ s .00 31 24 - 212 23.75 i iI I ~ II „ ~ ~ - 5, 035.00 a , - 8i " 21 " 355 33 'fi 23.7 ~ In ccordance with your instructions of Januar 29 1 5 5 7 956.25 w~22 616.25 y t~ I have analyzed the li ROAD BONS ~ti - ' ' es vrithheld b~ the Clerk of Co a f e ,I urt s shovrn in detail in report of J.B.I~deCabe ~ Co,,' ' oupon o.~45 Bond No. , i I 1 to 6 - 6 ' 22.50 - 135:00 and attache hereto statement showing that the fees accrue i ' " " 4 d n the ears shown belotiv I ,~i n „ „ i 9 22.50 _ 20~?.50 i; „ 46, 20 ' 21 - 2 " 22.50 _ ~ Year endin i~;ov. 0 0 - I li n 45, „ p r5.00 g 3 , 116 .40 p n „ ~5 35 _ 11 " 22.50 2~ u u Nov 45 " - b7.50 30, 1917- 1.10 „ ; ' 38 39 - u 22.50 - 45.00 " 1P TTov. 30 1920- 1.00 ; I 4 n n , , J t , II 43 _ ~ i ~ u 50 n n 8 F.~~.50 - 180.00 21ov. 30 1fl21- .40 [ ~ 41 " „ ~ i! ~i „ ? - 75 - 75 " 25.00 - ~ „ „ ~ a 09 ~ n „ 9 it 1 ~ X75.00 I,o t» 30, 1924- 4.10 k ' 0 Only - 1 12.50 - 12.50 ° " Nov. 30 4~, " 90 Only - 1 n ~ , 1925- 6.60 u „ 4- „ „ 1.50 - 12.50 seven months endin~ June 30 1926- a I 1, 76 to 78 - 3 12 C + • _0 i n „ .50 - 37.50 ~ Year endin I~ 41, 80 „ 84 „ , b June 30,1928-~ 9.20 " " 4l „ „ - 5 12.50 _ 62.50 Nine months endinC 'arch ,~1 1933- 38.20 ~ , 86 ~ 87 - 2 12.50 - 25.0 Three months en ~ ~ nl, n 89 95 - ~ 0 ding June ,,0,1930- 44, 50 _ i" „ „ ~ „ 7 12,50 - 87.50 u I c 1 u n ' ? 7 98 - 2 12.50 _ 25.00 Total ,`105.90 ;ar ~ i; 41, „ 100 108 - 9 12., _ ~ i ' " ° 41 u n „ 50 11.50 ~ , „ 110 113 - 9 " 12.50 _ This statement also show, the ar. < ~ gl 1~,1 ~ 112.50 q mount received by the Clerk during astir ,I ;I j I25 - 5 lti. 0 r~ ~RRy BONDS: 5 _62.50 ~ 3,280.00 pe~iod e.:cept for the year:. ending Aiov. 30, 1941 during vrhich time the fees tivere ii + , not Burned into thi offi e a i vv s c s s no re uir d ~ C e , 0 L l 0 ~ z ns No,29 .Bond No. 1 to 50 - 50 ~ _ ~F i~ n n n i~ 2J.00 I ti„0.00 26 24 " 50 - 27 ~ 30 _ ' I also attach hereto a bill of costs cove.~~inf ea h 1 e i 'a e~• ' 'I .00 810.00 ,;N 2,060.00 , ~ c of t1 c vi1 o s a, COUiIT'r HOIv~ ~ vrhich vrere made by the Clerk showing when the costs accrued. 1- BOPS: , i Coupon i~to. 8 fond t~~Fo. 7 0 2G _ _ ~ ~ t ~ ~ ,~2 <~3.75 - I dive you below a statement showing settlement made witYr the Clerk for COURT ~iDUS~ BO,fD,,: 5u2.50 r nine months endi ;;"arch 31 1933 in accordance vrith our instructions of A ril 10th Coupon No.~Bond DIo. 51 to 225 _ 175 25.00 - ~ ~ = s,:ovrn in your minutes on page 215. 'iVORPu-IOUSE BO;IDS; 4,370.00 ,,__t z~., Supplies Caupon ~a, . and No, 1 to 35 - 35 " 25, ~ 4 ~ ~ 1~, ~,11 ~VORIiHO ~ ~ r 00 8 --.~~no,--t~ Fees . Deputy k,xpense ietained Clerks Count I 75.00 Y USB COJT,TY HOT~~ BOIICS: ~ I~': f j ,aupon Flo. 1~ ~ c, ~ 75. 8.50 351.56 on o. 0 17 - 17 25.00 N c;`~~ ~t .S 5 2 F I n 425.00 '~4 153.7 4' ti~~ % 157..0 7,00 63.8,, Total „o up on s, , . , , , , ~ ~ 157.50 8.10 3 5 7.50 i ss r ~ ~ ~~V35,1g3.75 ~ N ~ , ~ ~ 157.50 12.50 472.17 BOlSD--- a--PAID' c~ ~ c~ LSD,. ' I I ~ ~ ~ k~^ CS 5 ~ q t c~. ~ ~s f 7.50 1~,..0 452.94 ~ Court House .Bonds No. 51 to 60 _ ; ~ , ~ County Home .Bond 10 ,,~1,000.U0 :10,000.00 ~j ~ ~s SQ 1N.00 473.68 fl' s 7 8 - 2 " 1 000.00 ~ G" ~ v'~c,5's~' ~ a 478.41 l~' ~ c y s 2 4 26 - 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ s ~,o ~ i ; r'exr~ Bord ~ ,000.CO ~ ¢ c~' lti..:0 I~ 1,000.00 3 000 ~ ~ v' cS o ~ ~ ~ 1,2,13 k i ,school uonds ' 21 30 _ 00 0 s~ ~ ~ s 1 . 12.10 i 10 1 000.00 ~ ~ ~ ti 4 2 76 360 00 39 47 - n _ u n , ? 10 000.00 ~ ~ 1o cS v ~ D 1 .88 0 . 1 1 G 9 " 117 n ~ ' ~ 1'. ~ t~, ° ~ o, o n i? w u - 9 I,0~0.00 9,000.00 ~ ~n ~ O ~ a ~ 0 i 31 44 - 14 1,000.00 14 00 ~ o ~ . D o i + Total Bonds 0.00 ~ . coo " i i . , 8 0 .0( ~ o~ ~3, 375.00 ,360.00 X39.47 l 48 000.00 c~ ~ o i Total Coupons and Bonds paid L `0 ~ ~.'°~D° - I' . ~,vS3,183.75 ~ . ~ ° The meetin ~ ~ • ~ o excess fees retained by the County: g then adjourned. ~ ~ oo . f• o ~ 0 s O r Y, _ ~ ul Cre rT: ; D Y? ii p 'Plilmin0,ton N, C. {e a a• ' I bru ry 5th,1~34. ~ , k~ I 1 The re rular week 6 1 meeti • n of ~ ~ Y th e g Bar o da , a , she 1 a ~ d 0 t .00 o clo,;~. ; .Id. ~o Present. trcldison Hewlett Chairma ~ r i. i ~ n, ~ ..ui,Ro,~s, Jai. ?;I, Hall ana J. H. Hinton. ~ ~ ~ r Upon motion of o l r. Hinton ,r seconded b~ Idr. Ha 11, the estate Coruoration wa 'a ~ ~ °o abateme ati s z nted an ~ . . nt of taxes an a valuation of ,;725.00 ha f' 8 Zual,Pace Gdn. & a ~ ~ , 1 interest in 290 ac ~ ~ ~ ,,ere, in Fe,ieral Point ~ ' res Harries Land ~ a o totrnship for the years 1929,1531 and 1932 a ~ ~ Sao seYQ; mountin to 26.66 an o ~ account of the said land claimed by the heirs of ' g ~ ' ~ x'53 2 a, Henry McDonald and to a ~ 'f ~u .3 on a valuation of X1,450.00 fox said e xes mounting, to ~ y are was ordered chaz•ged against the variow c~ heirs of Henry I~icDonald as their interes 1 , i t appear, Other parties forn;erl~ claimt:;r interest ~ • in the said land were; '~J.K.Allen ~ y U ~ o ~ o and 1V llc one fourth interest, r~st.J•J,Laurhlin one ei ~'r ~ Brest ~ o ~o r a er 'Taylor one eighth interest. 0 ith int , ~ r Upon rhotion of ri r, Rase, socor~ded ,rr, Hinton, the re oast of`~' ~ 9 to drain the low land at ~ q ,<<rs. Sellers and i~ir, iletivett l ' . ~ Jumping I~un and install a culvert undo v r.r Co,lrrrrunlty Drive at tiw~t 1 point was referred to the Iosquito Commission fo - r ~ ~ ~ to install the culvert r drainage and the 0tate riig;hvr&y Deixartment V .7 The request of Iu r. .~I. ~d•Lynch to purchase ,a.~~proximatel 2000 pole ~ near the County airport at 90 each Y I s to be cut fror~l trees ~4, ~.o refexr ~ ,was upon motion of I:,.r, Ross seconded b 'nton ~ ~ ° ed to the Caunty Home cornmit;tee for investi 'at' ' y "`s' Hi ~ ~ i D o 0 as to the preservation of g ion and to recourmend definite policy cr' o 0 0 county timber. s ° o ~ fq ° D ,pU 6' _ O v' ~ D ~ A~re;Iuest of the Board of ~u'ducati on tha r D s 4 ~ ~ t the sr..m of ~I30.00 for special voca i a nd o o ' ~o ~ and .;2,500.00 for p]g,i ton 1 fu ~ a P ntenance of plant be placed to the credit ~ ~ v ~ February, was upon motion cf '?r of the school fund for ~ ~ o 0 . Hinton secon' c ~ ` ~ ae i by ~,ir. Hall, approved. ° • E,~, ~r• ~ ~ 6' 1 ~o Upon mation of I~r. Ross, seconded b a . r~' 1~-~ o I~ir. H' a , A y inton, John T. Lvans of Hool:ertcn Id w s ~ ~ ° ~ ~ ~ released from payment of X2.00 ~ ? .L•, a - ~ r~ , ~ ~r penalt,~ for not listing lat rr8, block 4 ° s ~ °'~o of ' for the year 1933 acco 5, Carolina Beach , 0 1 1 , unt of being anon-resident. ~ o 1 • o 0 L >w,. ~ r, 061 ~ v ~ y1 . d' D i ~U 1• ~D the 13 ra d d not adopt the resolution submitted b~ o o • 1 . c o ,1 the Depai ~ruent of Agriculture -ca~ ~ 1 0 ~ ~ . ~ o l~'arm Census, but agreed to con ' tinue furniuhing the information as r ~ . ~ o ~ . r~ o Publze .Laws of 1921. equired by chapt~;~ ~ o s ~ • ° o s o D o D F`s 4 r p ,Y . Do . ~ { 0' ' D 1 i t;~ -y ~ . . ( F N - , D FAY ~ , ~<;a P • s p ~ ~ v 4r~~~ sr~ ~ I. , ~ ~ . y l^-~ c5` y : ~r a ..,..._.~.....e...,...,~....,_,~..,., ~ f( Wh.k .r.:.~.:. 0 ' - 6 I~~eeting of January 29th 1934 contin ~ ~ , , ued. ~ S • 1 0 30 F , CHOOL BONDS. ~ • .00 oi' Februar „th 1934 coot' # 'ou o pdeetir g Y , , inued. G p n No. ,Bond No. 1 to 46, = 46 X25:00 ~1~T50;00 ~ a 41, 5N 109 = 68 " 25.00 - 1 450 0 e folloti^ring communication tivas received from Th the ~,ount3 auditor n 41 ~ n 111 " 150 " ' _ ' ~ L' 1 ,f - 40 25. )0 1,000.00 - t 41 n ~ u ~ „ ~F n , I5.. 178 - u7 12.50 _ 337,50 n.. 41; " 180 Only - 1 ° 12,50 _ ~ Ailmington,N,C., January 31st 1934. F f ~ ' " 41; n " 189 to 200 ~ n ~ 1u.50 ' F;!. „ - l~ 1,.50 _ 150.00 oa d of C i 31; #T Only.. _ 1 2 _ Honorable ~ r orrnn ssioners, ~ ~ n „ - ~ 5.00 25.00 _ lvrew Hanover County, a a ~ 53 to 100 48 25.00 - 1.20.00 ;i~. ,;,i ' n 2~~, ' " 66 " 70 - 5 it 25.00 _ ~ lYilmington,~1.C. 1ti5.00 'I n 29 n a 76 n _ n or f i1 ~ , 125 50 u0,00 - 1,250.00 , t~ 28; n " 109 10 225 - 117 Gentlemen.- s 25.00 - 2,925.00 8 n n ~ u 31 2 2 _ 4 21,~ 3 ti .75 II 5 03 50 0 , I ~ gi " " 21 " 355 ~ 335 ~ 23.75 - 7~ s~ ~ In accordance with your instructions of January 29th I have anal aed the ' 956.25 X22 616„~5 Y ROAD BONDS ; , , , 'I ' fees vrithheld b the Clerk of Court a , Y s shown in detail in report of J.B.1ulcCabe & Coy' oupon o, 45, .Bond Ido. Ito _ S n „ 6 6 " 22.50 - 3 and attache hereto statement showin tl-rat the fee a i 45, 10 " 18 _ 1 5.00 g s ccrued in the years shovm below; ..2.50 _ 202.50 ~ I,~,I n 45 ~ n 20 " „ ~ I ~ . ~ „ 4 „ 21 - 2 22,50 - ~15•UO Year ending Iiov, 30, 1916- , 40 ' I' S, n n u ~ 25 35 ll 22.50 - 217.50 " " Nov, 30 1917- 1, ;,i 45, n 38 39 _ ~ u v, „ T ' 10 „i~, k''I " a ~ ti2.50 - 45.00 I,av. 30, 1920. 1.00 '~''i, n i 5, 43 " 50 - 8 " 22.50 - n n ~ OU ' 4l „ „ „ 180. Iiov. 30 19W].- .40 u ~ ' 75 - 75 25.00 - n •~ra, ;j X99 n n u _ 1,•70.00 T. 30, 1924- 4,].U n 90 Onl,~ _ 1 12. `~U - 12.50 " " Nov, 30 _ ~ 40, „ 90 Onl• 1 , 1~,~5 6.60 " " 4l, " Y " 1ti.50 12.50 Seven months ending June 30,192G- .40 7G to 78 _ ~ " " 41 ,r „ 3 1..50 - 37.50 Year ending June 30s1928- g,2.p ' 80 g~1 _ u ~ i 5 ~ 2 a r 1 .50 6ti. ' n _ , i 41, " 86 8, „ - 50 Ni e months ending ,;larch 51,1~3u 00.20 7 - 2 12.50 _ 25.00 Three months ending June 30 1933- 44.50 u i, 41 n H 89 g5 ~ „ - 7 " 12.50 41, " u 9 7 _ 87.50 ~ i „ „ 98 2 12.50 _ 25. U0 Total. X105.90 il, 100 " i 108 9 , _ , „ 12.50 41 ~ u 110 l _ „ 11.50 . +t 1 „ l8 9 12,50 _ This statement also shows the arnoun e e ~ 41 „ 12 ~ t ~ 112,50 t r ceiti d by the Clerk during each . Vii,, 1 125 - 0 1ti.50 ~ e ~r~Il BONDS: - 62.50 ~ 3 280.00 per.~od e::cept for th year: ending Nov. 30, 19ti1 during ,rhich time the fees were Coupons No, 29 Bon not turned into this office as is now required. d No. 1 _ to 50 50 r ~ ~ „ ~ 25. _ ~ 2g 24 „ ~ ~ 1,ti50.00 i~ 50 ~7 30,00 _ I also att4ch hereto a bill of costs, covering each of the civil cases ~ ' 810.00 2, 060.00 ' i-~k COU)iT'~f Hppr"~ vrhic:~ vrexe rnrtde by the Clerk showing when the costs accrued. !,fir w BONS, I: Co?r on Td r p o. 8 Bond I,o. 0n 7 to _ ,,2 ,`?3.75 - I give you below a statement showing settlement made with the Clerk for ;,l ' COURT HOUS~~ BOIIDS: 522.50 ,r ~ f Cor_rpon Ivo;`~' ;3ond I ,~0 ,~riine months ending ,;,arch 31, 133 in accordance vrith your instructions of April 10th 10, 51 to .,5 _ 175 'NORKIiOUSE BO~ 25'00 4 375.00 = ~ -~~..own in your minutes on page 215. IIDS: , - C ~ ~ _ ~ Supplies ~~~u oulon ,o, and No. 1 tc ,~5 _ ~ 1 n 3G 25.00 ~ ''pes Deput & Expense detained Clerk ount it 875.00 Y s C Y r`w, ,JORhHOUSE ~ COr;TITY HO?:~~; BON.TS: {y. ~ ~ ,r ' , ,~06 175.00 8.50 351.56 !F Couhon ~.o. on ~ 17 , o. - 17 25.00 ~ 157.50 7.00 263.85 ,g~ 4ti5.0u 34 153:75 ~ 4 Total Cou ons 8 r I p 35 8 r -;;r 157.50 .10 357.00 ~',I ir. ,1 3.75 ~ ~ v ~ 1 , 50 472 7 BONDS PAID: , :,x= v' v" ,157.50 2 .1 ' ~ r ~ rr ~s'~ o ,7.50 12.90 4 52.9 4 I Court House Bonds No. 51 to ~ U'1 ~~i f ' i n 6U - 10 (P? ~IP1 000,00 C~ „.'w' u` ~ 12.00 473.68 ~oL,nty Home Bonds " 7 8 _ „ ~ ~p10,000.00 .n i 1 000.00 '~',s s o n 2 47 _l B. 6' l 0 e • 0.0 lti 90 r U z .y Bonds ~ v' r , 24 26 - 3 " 1,000.00 3 00 f" _ rr 122.13 ; ~f I ~c.hool i3ond 21 n 30 „ , 0.00 • ~ 12.10 u s - 10 1000 0 ~ 1 ~ 0 36 n „ l0 „ , 0 10,000.00 v',c`, ~ , u c, lti•88 40.76 0.00 39.47 ~!I `0 117 _ g l 0,~ 7~ . . , ' y, ,5~ ~ • c o , 0.00 9,00.00 t u' N o ~ o - ' 0 31 44 - 14 " 1,000.00 14 000 U ~ ~ . o o Total Bonds,,,,,, ~ 3 375.0 1~ •c~°oo 0 `360 00 '"39 47 it ~ r . p48,000.OQ r 1~ . po Total Coupons and Bonds aid ~ P ~ , ~ ~ ~ '~i, I , 83 1~,3. v o 75 r ~ r~ a ! r! . ~ O P P,j;a tl Oun s fe,s r fined b fie t e~ces C Y Y 1 Tie meeting then adjourned. ~ ' o ` o • 1 • ao ~ ~9 ° ~ , o `rulY, C erT_ ;Lt, o ' ~ ~Nilmin gton Id r ' g > C., Ieb_uary 5th,1934, , 1 ~ ~ - The re rular week 6 ly meeting of the Board 1^~as held at 3;00 0' ~ ~ ~ i' cloy,}. ..~d. r, . , i. i Present: Addison 1e I wlett Chaii~rnan, F, M, Ross, Jac, I,I, Ha11 and J.H.Hinton. ~ . , Upon motion ~ f ~ ! ~ o ..r. H' ~ inton, seconded bar 1,Ir. Ha 11, the Bstate Corv a ~ r - ° or Lion tiva,, granted an o abatement of taxes r on a u , a v a a r ~ 1 1. u tion of , 72 2 Pace udr, - !i 5.00 ~ a _ h 1f' ~ c ~ i r , ~ merest in 2,10 acres Harris Land ~o e E in le.ieral Point township for the eara 1929 - ~ Y ,131 and 1932, amounting to yp26.66 nn p ~0 I'Tq ~ account of the sal a ~ '1' d 1 nd claimed b the he' ~ ' w53.32 a - ,i Y firs of Henry ,,4eDonald and taxes amour i ~r ~o I t t^I, t v, , an valuation of X1,450.00 for said years was ordered char ed a ai a • heirs of I-ie g n t the variow v' my 1,IcDonald a g s s their r . in ~ te_ e s t a e ~ , ar, 0th pp er pal t ies formerly cl~,imtr:l interest ~ ~ ~ in the said land were; JJ,I~;,A11en one four h o t ~nterest, Est.J, J.Laughlin one ei ~lith interest, `v, c:~ '~o and '~,Ualker Ta for one ' rr !a y eig.tth interest, , Upon lotion of T,r .z • .Roes, seconded ~~~,y r;Ir. Hinton, the request of ~~r ~ , to drain the lour land at Jum in~ Run and - I~, s• Sellers and lair. ilevrett ~ • P S install a culvert under Convn ~ r point was referred to unztl :Drive at that ~a ~ i t.re I:Iosqurto Commission for draina ge and h F to ins 6 t e State Hi hwa• ~ enartment tall tkre culvert. g I D t The re ues t of `I 9 I~r. H,~~J.Lynch to purchase r a app oxim tely 2000 poles to be cut from trees ~ ~ , ~ 1 near the COllllty airport at 90 e 4 < rt: refe ~ ach, eras upon motion of t::r. Ross seconde ~ ton , o ' ~ reed to the County Hoare committee far love ~ d b,~ ,.,r. Hin , 0 0 stigation and to ~ 'o 0 reco?mnend definite policy p o as to the preservation of county timber, ° t7 u'° cPS 6' ,P° Are.uest ~ of the Board of Education that the st.lm of 4' v o o • i j) i; ~ yp130,00 for ° ~ and ;2,600.00 for maintenance of plant special vocational fund $p °v~~? d Februar r~~a be placed to the credit of the school ~ r. ' y, s u on moti fund fo ° o ~ on of ,.r, Hinton, seconded by I;Ir, Hall a ~r ~I ~ ° • pt oved. U ,F F , ~ a 1 • ~ co pon motion of ..~r. Ross, seconded b ;:Ir. H' a ° • `~o ~ > n ' ^ Y inton, John T. 1~'vans of Hooke • ~ ~ t ` v released from payment of ;2,00 malt rton,ld,C., `^ras ` v' o s •.~o • p ,y for not listing lot ~8, blocl: 45 a a h ~ 0 1 1~ ° ~ for the year 1933 accoun , C rolina Be c ~ o ; t of be ing anon-resident. • o 0 U t d' o ` • O ~ a The T3oard did n ~ ° 1~ r~oo of adopt the resolution subm' , 0 9 fitted bf tYre .Depaitraent of h riculture concerning 1~ o ~ 1 ;''oooo ' farm Census, but a reed to ~ g a o S continue furni~rhing the infarrnation as r ~ 'v ~ ~ • o equired by chapter 201,E t ~ . ° o , ' ~ Public Laws of 1921. ~ •v o • , ° i ~ o ~ 1~ rnoo ~ ~ n 0~ O s ~ , o ~o ~ o ~ o ? r~- •a~o ~ ~p ~ F ~ $ v 0 i; v` o ; ~.w...._ _ _ . _ b' ~ - r n^ .~......_~w ?~LLeeting of Januar? 29th gyn. 6' p ? ,19~_, continued. i 27 SCHOC L B OIJDS . 1 Cou on ~ ~ X034. p .io. ,Bond No• 1 to 46, n 46 ~ G~ ~ eti-, oi' February 5th 1934 Conti „ , „ ~ X25.00 ~1 150:00 ?Le B , , nued. n 41, 5~ " 109 - 59 " _ ' i~ „ al „ ~ 25,00 1,450°00 ,f ~ ~ 111 150 - 40 " 25' _ e follovring commusticatian was re ~ 1 ' 41 u „ •00 1,OUO.pp Th cezved from the bounty Auditox ,r , 15? 178 - 27 " 12.50 . ~ n 41 ~ n " 180 On1 1 . 337.50 , ~ u Y - ~ :1 ~l; n " 189 ~ „ 1N•'50 12.50 "Wilmi " n to ti00 - 12 12:50 _ ngton,Il.G., January 31st, 1934. i; „ ~ " ~1 On1Y - 1 F, 150 ° 00 ~ i ~e 2g ~ n „ 25.00 - 25.00 I~io;~orable Board of Commissioners ' 1 " u n 53 to 100 - ,13 " 25.0 ' f 2~, " GG " 70 ,r 0 ~ 1.2PJ0.00 Pievr Hanover County, ~ " n ~ u i~ S 25.00 _ ~7 r I`1. C. ,~0 1tia.0 lrnin ton 0 ,Yi L . i ~ ~ i 7G 125 - 50 " 25.00 - 1 ~ ' " ~ 50.00 , 28 n " ~ r r; ~;i - „ „ , 109 225 - 117 25.00 _ 2 a^ - ; ~i 8~ ,i „ 31 24~ _ ~ n , ~ ,.,25.00 Gentlemen: u ti ~,l<, 2.75 - 5 035.00 I „ B~ ,r 21 „ ROAL B 355 33'' 2 ' ~ ~ OIiD5: 0 3.75 - 7 95G°25 ;~22 g o In accordance with our znstru ou on ~ 1G°~,5 Y ctzons of Januar 29th I 45 Bond Y have analyzed the ~ ;i rI „p , 2io, Ito _ „ ° r, roes withheld b the Clerl` of Cour a ~ i 4ti " G G 22.50 - Y t s shown in detail in report of J.B.A~tcCabe & Co „ , ~ IO 1g _ 9 ~ ~ 15.00 and attache hereto statement showin tl~tat the f ' i`i~ 5 ees accrued in the years shown below: " 45 ~ 20 2.50 - 20?.50 I?i ,U ,r 45 ,i „ 21 - 2 ' '2.50 - > 2 ~}5.00 Year en j ding P1ov. 30 1916- 'al 45 „ ~ 5 35 - 11 22.50 2~ ~ .40 i ! n „ 39 " 39 _2 n - i .50 " " Nov. 30 1917- i''~ 4,,, „ =-7.50 - 45.Ot + 1.10 ; n " 43 50 - 8 " 22. ) " Iiov. 30, 1920- 1.00 ~i' n 41, .r - H 7 - ~ 50 130.00 " n 39 0 5 75 25.00 - 1 ~ ~ ?~1ov. 30~ l~l21- °40 -u „ ~ ~0 Only I ~ , 7x.00 „ }iov. 30 a ' a 90 Onl~ „ - 1.50 „ „ r 4.7.0 , i j~ ;~~;f „ ? 1 1'ti _ 1`av. 30, 1925- i i' „ 41, 7G to 78 _ •50 12.50 .~„n G.GO ~ , 1 1 a 41, „ „ 8 3 12.50 _ 37.50 t.ns ending June 30,192.G- °40 0 ii ,t 41 a it 84 S " I2.5U ~ ~ n~~_ 9.2,0 i!, i 8G 87 _ 2 6~.,,0 it 41~ „ 89 14.50 25.00 3,.20 ~ i „ 41, a 97 „ 1ti°50 - 87.50 , " 4I " 98 - 2 12.50 ~y; ~ „ ~ 100 10 _ - 25.00 ; I~ n z n , 8 9 ~ F _ • .1, ' 1 „ 1ti.,,0 - 112.50 i ~ ; n n ~ „ „ 10 118 _ 9 " 12 ~ ~ g°~1,~ Z 'L1, '1~ 121 " I~ ~ ~ .70 - 112.50 9~L ~ 9 , ~HI?'I BO?,fir • ~5 - a ! 12.50 _ _ , ~._...r.....-----•---' C ^ 6~ '54 ~ 3 , 28 0.00 1 } . ~ p'g9t oupons Tio.29 !3o t 0 • nd P,o. 1 - ~ ~ Z 0 t o 0 _ 0 0 _ nn 5 ~ 00 50 - i ~ ~ ~ 0~ ~QZ Q I 2G a ,q 24 25. ~U - 1,250.00 ~ ~ 00 0 ~ "c,~Z F 50 - 27 " 30•OC - w ~ gL•60~ ~ 99 ' COU;i'z"T Y~~~~ 8--10'0 ~'r ? 060.00 , ° 0~ • d HO„try B _ ~ ~ U ~i 02~D~.,: _ 8 8~ Oz 6 o i i a n li o . 8 B v ~ 0~ ~ a CO ~ r-, and ,.o. 7 to 2 URT .I01t,,.,^ T nor .~3.7 _ _ Bona lto. 51 ~ Z to 225 - 1 75 „ , ~ .Z OT NORFL'HOU9L .BU?IDS : Z o . 00 _ ~ Ot^ Coupon 4,375.00 ~ ~ ~ • 1 o . 9 ~ 0 o~•T l'JOP,i~~ and ho. 1 to 35 - 3C . ~ T , .1; ~ COtJI?T f rI0?:G,,^ Bp~i?~S • ~ 2„ .00 ~ 09 • <<_ ~*r °w>: ' out on r,o, ~ ~ ~ 875.00 u on .~o, 0 17 - 17 ~ - ~ 0~,°1' 09 i ti n ° S.U.. ~ 5T 4~5.00 0 Total Coupons,. 34 153.75 0 . 09 t r , . B Olu '.va PAID ~ ~ r • 5,..33.75 09 T 09 , Coact House Bends Ito. _ 09'T County Hom „ 51 to 60 10 t e Bonds ~~p1 OOC•CO • Fern ~ 7 g - 2 ' vP1U,000.00 09 t Londs 24 1,000,00 2 00 i 08'T '.i! j ~ n , 26 , 0.00 ~ ~ , ~c.haol i3onds - 3 1,000,00 ~ 09'T 1 „ 21 ;3 000 s:, 30 „ ~ .00 " 109 " 10 1,000.00 lp r 09 `T i' n „ w 117 _ g n ,OJO.00 1 000 ' S 31 ~ , . 00 9 0 C ;~,K, OZ • 8 44 _ 14 „ , 0.00 7.,1~~ f 1,000.00 14 OUO°00 09 T i Total 'aonds . , _ t 1 Coupons and D ' '0 ''48 000.00 • ' onas paid ' 09 T , I, Th ~ ~ ,8. e taeetin ,r 3,133.75 09 ~ ~ hen adjourned. ~ ~ o > 09 ~ i 09't 06" • ag.Z C erT ~ _ ° { ,9zlmington, ILi, C. hebr a ~ o- • ~ u r 5 t a 9 "-u The regular weei:l ,r h,1.,3 ~ . 0 Z y rneetin; of t Iv~ the '.r- ; _ , Board ,";as held at 3~0 f 09 t 06 9 . 0 o c 1 o;~k ~ ~ ~ gin,. ° .~~7. 09 t 0~ ~ Present: Addison Hewlett ~ ~ ~ - a~ ` ~ H o s s Ja ~ P ~ ~ 0~ .,i. r~a11 and J.H,Hinto °z ° ~ po e i Upon mot i ,r n. _ ono r . Hinton , ~ ~r ~ a seconded bar ?L ~ ~ ~ 0 r. Ha 11, the estate 00 ~ E batement of taxes on a Coraorati c , i valuation of an tira - n 1^e Feral Point. towns}ai ,v725.00 s granted an ~ O0 half interest in 290 ~~ual.Pace Gdn. ~ k '4 ' for p the ea n ~ acres Harris a' _ ' account of Y r.. 19~~9 193 ~ n ~ s Z nd i the said land claimed b ' 1 and 132, amountin. - ~ g~~Oc~9" `a71 , X53.32 on a Y the heirs 8 to 9pti6.66 on ~ 0~ 9 ~9/61~~ sU . valuati ~ of Henr 9E~ on of Y ?,TcDana ~ 1 4~ ~0 ld F .0 n w a 0 f or said years was d taxes amounting; to ? i hezrs of Henry ?;1cDonald a ord ' s their interest a ear. Bred char ed a ~ zn the said land ti Pp Othe ~ g gain~t the variow vere; ~ •K,Allen one fourth int i formerly claimir; interest c~- ~~n'' z part ies 4~ ' and '^Va ll; e r Ta 1 e re s C ~ A 3 ~.I y or one eighth znterest. ~ ~st•J.J•Laughlzn one eighth interest _ \ ~ r i ; U a n X' p ~totzon of :,1r. Hoss ~ to a' , ~ecanded ',~y ;ir, H' ~ ' znton, the request of s _ r zn the lo~^r land at Jum in ;Firs. - point was referred p g Run and install a cult' ~ - ~~ellers and ;ir• iieti'tett ~ _ a ~ ~ to the r: ez t and i ..Iosqu{to Com~n:ssion ford er Convnw~it r , tc install the culve • mina Te - n 3 give at tlzat 1 zt. b and t 9 E~ he atate Highway Department ' ,r The re rl"~ Ij 1 quest of i'Ir. H,~LV.Lynch to ~ur~ ~ ~i near the Count ai 1 chase c~pproximatel 2000 Y rport at 90 e y poles to be cut front trees z•efcrz~ed to the C ach, was upon motion of ~ , ounty Home comrrtittee for inv -z • Ross, seconded b~ i.:r. Hinton ~ as to the r~ esti ati ? ~ g on and to ~ i p zservatiort of county timber, recommend definite i - g pct cy . i A re~ues t of the Board of Z "I: ~ 'ducation and ~i~2 500.00 that the srlm of °'1 ~ for X130.0 t,, maintenance of pl~.nt b 0 for special vocati na ~ d ii February, was upon motion o e placed to the credit e 1 zun t z, of the f ':`r° Hinton c , seconded b s hocl fund for ~ e d ~ E, pon motion of l~ir• Ross i.~ seconded by r;Ir. ttinton Jahn _ ~ ' released fz~om ~ , T payment of ;,n2~.00 penalt for n ~v~.ns of Hookerton 'd ^ ~ for tree year 1933 ace Y of listing lot .0•, eras ~ j r I.~ ~ ount of be in a no _ , a r8, block 45 a E. 5' n zeszd~nt. , C rolina Beach f ~ r; The Board did not ado t th ~ ~ ~ s p e resolution submitted b~ t} ~ ~ ~ ~ ~i Farm Census, but a tee ~ J to .Je ~a B d to continue fur z Ltment of ~ i•< ~ xw4 Wishing; the informati C lculture concernzn ~ ~ Public Laws of 19N1• a . on as required b cha ter 201 F ~t,--.; }j >z Y p s• , t ~ ~3.Y4 rr ~il~~- ' , .r , F., .W.... ~ . ~~_v.~. . _ _Y_. _ . d r" . A....__ f o F f , ~ ldeeting of Februar , y 5th,1934, continued. of Februar 5th lt'34 c F, 1Seeting Y , ontinued. On January 29th, the Board instructed the Coun A `I' ty uditor to investigate and report Noss secondeU b ' i to the Comniisaione I (.on motion of 1:Tr. , y J?Ir. Hinton rs as to when certain costs totaling X105.90 accrued; these bet JP the Board approved the payment , the co].lec i n~ - ,26.75 expense of the Chairman an ~ , t ohs shown in the rel;ort oi' J.B,1deCabe & Co. as be in m - of ~ d Counts Attorney in makin in Clerk of which h ' g ads by the ,7. boat ldenanLic at Elizabeth Cit g vestigatton of , e reported and turned in only a~28.00, leaving ~i~77.90 not re or the fez y y. ~ , After conferring with the Corrnt A • P fed. y ttorney the 33oard decided: ~ d'o c The meei;ing then a ~ Waned. 1. That the Clerk of Superior Court had been id in full for the f. a 1~ e p rind of ,r , nine months ending T"arch 31st 1933. ~;:%~1~~~~~~ ~~-~I:~~x=-fr:~~ ~~~Clerk. ~ - lYilmington N, C. ~'i r r 2. That where coats accrued duri ng a period in whim he bras not paid in full February l~tl~ 1934. ~ ° the fees should be retained by him. ~i I The rogulaz ~,veekly meetint; of the Board was held at 3s00 0 clock P.M. 3. That where coats accrued duri a ,,,i; ng period when he received the full am +cllowed by law, he pis to report the fees in the usual w ount ~ Addison Hewlett Chairm ay sod turn the Lzeaent. an, Geo.1J,TrasL and J, H, Hinton. ~i ; amount into the treasury of the Count Y Acting upon the recortunendation of the County: ',Velfare Officer and u o 'r. ',•'f Under the foregoin decision the amount p n motz_n of s g' to be retained b I' ~ econded b ;,'r Trams ~ t , I y the C1er.k ;..r. Hinton, s y ~1,, the Comrnissionezs agreed to continue the a rent ~ is ,16.60 and the amount due the count is as fall w P ~ ~ i I" Y o s s ~ . 'a 1 1.5.00 of a~~praxa.m to y ~ per montkr for board and treatment of lag. J. T.Belche a ~ i ' ^tate;Sanatorium so ion as funds axe a r t the a ? g av ilable ir; tire,budget appropriation for For year ending Nov. 30, 1916 when the Clerk was on salary ~~E t ~ For ear e o „ , J? • • . .~0 this expense. ~ y ndzng Nov. 30, 117 ' " " " 1.10 ~ !i "~i or 3tear ending Nov. 30 1920 " r, n i n of 1rI T'a k ~ ~ ~ ' F ~ , . , . , , 1.00 Upon snot o r. z s , se~ondcd by 'rr7r, iiinton the Board ~ra or ear endin Nov. ~ ? nted an allotirance of 1 Y g 30, 1924 when he was paid ,,4,500.00 4.10 ~ ;~r' °ceedin ;~r4.00 er week ou , not e~ g .r P t of the local relief funds, for the employment of t For nine meths ending ~rarch 31.rt,193~ when he was aid i } , P n full 38.20 a nurse to care for the several small children of John T. Gay s of Greenville Sound L ~ ' ;tor three months endin June 30th 19 v " ,P ~ ~ I g , 33 Then he was on salary,..,.... 44.50 during treatment of his vrife in the State }Ios ital fo i~ P r the insane at i~tileigh. ~ `j 1fr. Ca rps who is enplo~ ed on relief ro'e t ~ ! .r 1 J p J c , is not finanoial able to emplof help it k r Less amount ~renorted are for his seven childre 28.00 to c n a.nd purchase food, h. j ,;E ?r Total . . . . . . . . ~~'61.30 ~ ~ l 'r ~ Upon motion, duly seconded ]are. F,A.~Vhitalcer wa P• ~ r~'~ Th , s rel,asel from payment of penalty :I erezore the Board gave instructions that the Clerk o~f for not list in lot 118 bloelc l9 Wilmington B a ~ ,ourt remit this amount g ~ C e eh for the year 193, account of to the treasu of I`" ry the County. being anon-resident, re„iaing at Columbus, Ga, 1` ~ ' #4 l~tiss Ann Paason ,Ho„~e .r)emonstration Agent, submitted her re.;ort for the r It havi:~g been brau~ht to the attention of the Board that the "Pirate Shi " is m~ntlr o P .11„ January which eras received and orderecl filed. ' exhibitin marine curiosities for an d 's okras e a wl a g a mi sion g t rarf t foot of Prince~U , , ~ ;treat under the sus"ices of the:Red ~r~ s p s 7oczety-for the benefit of the local fns Co,ant " Audii~ ~ ~ 5 ,oz s cash re art for he ~ ~ r,- ~ I P t month of Ja.nuar tiva Redera3s Hos ital were therefore u on m ton ~I ~ ~ y s received and orde~E,~, lilcd? p ~ , p o i of ~ x. riinton, seconded by ,~~r. I'rasl:, It t at ' The Chai a e::cused from the payment oI' a, county license tax under schedule B. ~ rm r reported that three sertinns of the County Dome boiler are cracks a •~~1" p333.> d nd i.lza t ,E ' the insurance company refuses to continue the i s ~ . I'~, !Icon mo ion f r ' ~ • ~ ~ r~ n urance on same unle.s.r immediate ch:cn es i t o r. _iinto.r, seconded uy ~:r, ir~.s.., the bid of North-Smith Coal Lo. ; G + 1~,` are made in fire heating arranfernent, and sugl,~ste~i that a central her,tin to furnish one car of coal each to the Court iIouse and ro n Hom a g plant be provided. ~ ty e t a delivered 1'j s The .Board approved that ap lication be rrkrde to ~ r' 1 { _ P the Civil ,Vorl,s Adrninz.itration for i'un~.~ ,,-ice of yy5.65 ~rnd .,p4.85 per ton reapectivel ;r~rs acce~ted• they barn the lowest +~li'- s Y, 1 ~ J g to },rovide this a;iditian. ~ , . `uidders, >,he ocst of same to paid out of the emergency fund. A communication was received front the ~ ~sl! „onnty .4uaitor showing amount ~on deposi.t in each ~ : The xe~uest of '~iJ.I~I„-(amiss, C1er'r, of Superior Court, that a cor~>mittiee consistzn • of ;~?f B bank as of January 31st,193~, together with a meraora,ndurn of sec - ~ r uritie~ held in each cdsc, fire County ~tuuitor and County .yttorney be Warned to r-reef with him and his attorney {l; ~,vitir the view of adjusting tree matter of certain fees retained 'o him was unnn +x~l% Upon motion of ;;.z. Ha11, seconded by i~,7r. Hinton ]ur,. ,r~ ^ ~ ~r ~ Y ' ~ ~3~` 'i ..Smith of riarnett town„hip eras motion of ,ar. Trash, seconded by L~r. Hi;lton, I;ranted. exempt from pa ant of oil to i Ym p xes on account of being blind and unable to earn a livzn7, c`f~' b i.,, Action on the request of the ;;ecurit~ i'iatiorral Bank for a de posit of 4'2 500.00 count 1t appearing that lighting e uipment will not be ~ ~ ~ J ~ I ~ ' Y i=•• ~ ~'I q furni,7aed by authority of the civil ',forks zunda without furnishing security other Aran the Governments guarantee under the ltr~~ )ti administration, the Board u on motion of ~ - 7 r' • ~ . and 'r ' p ;,_r. Hall, seconded by ,Mr, ]Tinton, hereby appro e v~, ~ liatzona~. Banking Lairs, bras deferred until next meeting. I t the transfer of ?2 000.00 allocated in a agues yp~ r the z roved a ~ a 'J~ ,j; is{y ',Yorks Project for "Li htin E ui P, T,, u 1 P , plzc Lion for Civil . r Hire a g g 9 Iment for ~,etir ..shover County Aizl~ort, to 1'Truck, Team iJpon motion of >>'r, 7rrzslc, seconded by I;~i. _~inton, the asses~rnent of ~pu,510.00 on nd Labor in order that this amount may be made available foi~ th';; yr 16% acre o r a ? ~ P ~ ~ 00 on 3G0 a •e of i ork. s f mash land knovm s ?~es,~ ~re,1, tract, and ,5,510. cz s marsh land knovrn as Toomers Creek Ca e near totivnshi owned b r TMxs. Bertha G, Shrier, ' ,R , P ~ P, 5 , The following coupons were presented by the Count Auditor as ha ~ ,gas re r i a burned in the }r Y ving been paid and rrer.e ; r doted to X5.00 pe_ acre, or to ~;,8~~0.00 and X1,800.00 respec~ive_y. On ecount ,k I esence of the Board; o~ being marsh rice field land and ,assessed too high an abatement of taxes on a i .I ~ valrr~tio o ~ r reel: and '~~3 710.00 on 360 aeres~ SCHO____ OL I30NDa; n of .;~1,6,,0.00 on the 164 acres, Tess C ,r , , s Toor,rer Creels for the ,year 1933 was ordered. Coupon No. 31 Bond No. 2 i to 61- 60 ~ ,p25.00 - 1 500.00 n 31 n „ i, ~ ~ ~ ~ , 63 70- 8 ' 25.00 - 200.00 (Jpon motion f ~r a 1"r Hinton ]:ir.L.W,59esse1l w•as allowed to l s n o ..ir. 2r sl_ seconded by , r^ r,,: 31, Sl 125- 45 " 25.00 - 1 125.00 ~ ' .orrect his 1933 tax list by claiming lid-bilities amounting to ~;p870.20 to be deducted ~ ~li~ i ~ from 'x,600.00 open accounts listed, and an abatement of taxes on a valuation of ~~600.00 , Handling char es g 7.69 ~2,~332.69 for the year 1933 was ordered. f + r The re oast of tiJ.n.~olwel.l to compromise the ta;ces due on the n ^ r~ block 90 for the ears 1925 to 19 property of ,~usan IM,I~ennedy , Bonds with the National surety Company in the penalty of .~1,000~00 each covering Y 33 on a redaction of valuation basis was z~or motion ~ ~ ~ of 1fr. Ross, seconded b :~:r, Hinton rP r ' ' l 1 l Sheriffs deputies 'C.J.Alf'oxd, 1'J.A11en Ictorris,t,i,B,Register and IM.`1.Ross, the said 1 y , ,fe_ied to the Chairman and ]J[r. Hall for investigation amounts ha i ere were u on motion dui seconded f and ascertain when the ving been fixed by the Cor_nrriss on , p ? Y ? ~ store adjoining the dwelling was removed, for which no redaction ap roved a e votin aftirmativel J P nd accepted by the hoard, all memb rs g Y of assessment was made, and with pourer to act. I ' T' e ~ the Chairmon and County Attorney investigated the condition of ° meating~ then adjourned. 11 4 I the paddle wheel ferry- boat ~rIenantic at near Elizabeth Cit id.C. formerl , Y~ , yin the service of the Alevr Hanover- ,'~,.7 i Brunswick Ferr Commission b ' A~ Y , ut sold to Geo.G.Dodge of Elizabeth City July 25th 1133 for ~2,500.00 payable Y~500.00 evexy sixty da s and secured ' Cleric::` Y ? by mortgage for the full amount of the purchase price. Later the boat was sold under libe~ a t lizabe th City and- bout;r,t ';'1ilrnin ton N, C. i ebruar 19th 1934. in by a 1,Ir. tiYil]cinson for X125.00. 1Mr, ]Marsden 73ella,n t,r ,I g s , Y y e County Attorney, reported that the 1Menantic was found laying on the bottorl a roxima I filled with water and 'n an a PP tely 200 yards off shore, The regular vreelcl meetin of the Board was held at 3x00 o~clock P,Iai, i .p gently in bad condition,. 'd~hile the bid at the sale lugs Y g ~ only X125.00, it l9as the opinion of the Commissioners the r~ i possibl ~ mean that the b a t to raise the bid would Pr:.:ent; A~adison Hewlett Chairman, Geo.+l,Trask and Jas..,. Hall. 3 o t would again be on the hands of the Count which would Y necessitate great additional expense to raise and re air the U •a regiment re aged b ' towed back to ~lilmin ton and i P same in order to have it pon motion of J,~ir. Hall, seconded by I.Ir. Trask, a connz ct and ag p p y ~ g , nits present condition is not vrorth salvagin The the Conn i T a e herevrzth wherein the County agrees to sell ~ ,~enantic was purchased 1 1924 an tY tttorne5, beg-ring even d t t ~y ~ old ferryboat at that time, and k~aas'served:its to H,sN.L om i.ne trees upon he County s land according to ~ purpose. Has more than twice paid its cost and w ynch 1004 poles to be cut fr p r,,/ E com~ letinn of r' as retired from the ferry service .upon Location, dimension and size etc. stipulated-in said agreement, at 90¢ each, was j P t e Cape ear River bridges in 1929. Since that time:`. the mm' s' has a on ' a Task a roved, and the chairman of this Board f p .motion of `1Mr. Hall, .seconded by .dr. r , pp been to great expense maintaining watchmen and in a o is ion f effort to sell the am - sus nee and having failed in°evexy ~as authori;~ed and directed to execute the same for the County. s e had considered abandoning it on the mud f15.ts of the`Ca e Fehr ~ rivex. Then in.A ril 19 ^ T p p 33 Geo.U,,~odge of .Elizabeth City appeared and urchased the same A lief' Farm to use thin six nieces as afor a' p re ue ,T a f Communit Re y , B es id. The Commissioners feeling that the ..two Countie q st of I,.r. •~ohn I. K1ezn,Supt., o Y , a financia s lxave been relieved of of lurnbe from stocl: at the County Home for banding bridges 1 buzden, Therofoxe in considers r size 2X12 X 12 feet long .i ` tion of the condition of the Old ~Menantic, on rod a d. ~~I aunlcen and in bad condition was b a unanimo d to the Community Farm, was gr me V ; near Elizabeth Cit ' Y us vote left abandoned in the waters Y• , f ~r , , r . ' I ~ . Y 1 r: ~ f Fleeting of 1''ebruary 19th 1934 continued. , ~i d Upon motion, duly seconded t^.e assessment of ~ i i ?sir. 1J, R, Ha.dle ~ f ~ T ~5, 300.00 on new house of y, b1o..k B lot 41 ~ a # , Forest rIi].ls, after having been inve~ ' was reduced to .„14,750.00 on account of e' tigated, b rng out of line with a.sses,sments on PJilmington, N,C, ~'ebruar ~~111 similar bui].din s a , Y 26th, 1934, g , nd an abatement of taxes on a valuation of X550.00 for f i~! ea, g•» the y r 1 was orrlered, i The re,ula.r wea',tly meetin of the °oar E,; U o r 8 g d was held at 3;00 o'clncx P ,h~. p n mo zoo of .lr, Trask, seconded by Ilr. Hall, ]~.rs. ;1.E.Greer was r granted an ; abatement of taxes on a valuation of ;'667.00 o f• erasont: Addison Hewlett Chairman Geo,'N " ~ n mort~a,ge lrstea in bederal Point ~ .Trask, ,PI,,Hass, Jas,i~li,Hal1 and J H townshrp at .~1 000.00 fo ,Hinton. r the year 1933 in error '667.0 , :N n 0 a h vi re viou gp 1 ,i been paid on the mortgage and on April lst,1933 there was on g y tipan motion of-h9r. Noss:, seconded by Nor; Trask : ly a balance of .;p333,00 t ,Dhr,U, J.Bryant was released from zji due on the same. ayment of penaly for not'listin~ char ~.6, p ged against lots 13 and 14 black 10 Car ~ Plane in the name of''EI.L,Player for the ears 193 olina 'r. ' ~'i U on mo o Y~- Y, 1,1932 and p ti n of ,,.r. Trask, seconded by ar. Hall Annie Piicho a non-resident-`and havin `recPntl 1933, acaount of being • ~I , leson of Lurnbarton,?1,C, g y secured deed from )r~r, Player For th was released from e r o ro art ~;i paym nt of enalt for no ~ ~ ~ t r com 1etina ilia counr c ~ p p Y ~ p y t lzstzng lot ~~5, in block j~12, Love a. e P a t to purchase over a period of 3ars i Grove for the year 1933, account of bein anon- Y r g esrdent. E~ Upon motion of itiir, Etas, serond.ed by far. Trask h;r ' r ~i , •Y1, ~~,B,yrd, on account of being a x s Upon motion dui seconded, the Chairman was an ointad n-resident was released fr - . Board to ac~ wit the e _ P a con~nittee of one from this no , om, payment oP X11.34 penalty for not list ~ ,`~E g neral eornmittee with raferen ing, char ad E, E ce to th st the west midd I r ~ , e Mate takrn over the I~ again a pa t of lot 6, blocs 128, in the name of Consols ,lxi~;htUville Causeway and ma];ing it toll free. g - r nra i n ~ dated , ~tealty Cop t o ,for the ,7ear;193ti. IT 4. , 1 Upon ~•~otion dui Y seconded, the Board approvedthe payment ~of a bill for :''9 Per. RiChArd S,Eo era `l'rust Offic r r il,>~ favor of the ;,alvation ~lrm 1o P ~ r .00 _in ~ B e of tYr„ ,Vilmington ~vin~s & Trust Com : y . rn. for t~relve days nursing and cars of the i'iv ~ appeared with tYr. Harbert A. L,fnch Chairman ~ pant' ~ k:, e menthe oP the Bowl of ,~dueation and off ern old infant, of John T. Capps, at 75Tt per da~ . , d ~ Y the Commi.gsinners a ' ortunit to ur PP y p chase a part of the lot at the;southwes E. t COrrier , re ~o t a ~ ~ of 13th,.:and ~arxet streets, 66 feet on Maruet an „i I r of J s.,9alrer Hospital for the month of Janu,ar~ was re , d 75 feat on 13th, streets for ,1 ceived and ordered filed X10,000+p0, or the entire -lot 66 X 150`faet at X13;000,00 for future s ho` 1 I a o1 purpasas. i3 ~ h ur ~..ed th t. s , 1 PHr.;;L,yrrc a ome arrangements be made to 'purchase inasmuch as phis ro ert ~ " ~ UI cn motion, duly seconded, Cecrl .'I, Scott of 52 ti 5 vest ;20th, Street, Mew Yor}: Cit p p y ~ vras relea ad<~oinas the property of the Is~ae Bear School. '~h ~ ~ . sed from payment of for not listing lot #~5 block 100 a Y' e ,ommissionors thought the price ' ear 19.33 ~ , C rolina. Beach f'or too high, and would care to assume the obis ati t the ~ , 3 an a this tirr~. y ,account of being anon-resident. k r C ~ A communication from. ;yrus Hogue, .;sq., addressed to [tier. Herbert i The Board acting upon the recorrvnendation of tl'ie ',lelfa , A.Lyneh Chairman 1, that 1,Irs, Bel rods , re Officer and uT~an ..the .advice ~ of the Board of_ ;education, ; ar in a ent o s p g 8 p Ym f treet assessment amounting to ' ohnson has co,npla fed liar treatment for uberoulo i ~ ' ' ~ S a s at r il, anatorium and would be taken ca,ro of the ,,tats ;.137,95 p ineipal and X97+90 interest as of date -Ayebruar 15th` L93~ whit sai Y , , .h d by the Local Relief returned the purchase of cl~a ~ home, authorr.zed princl.pal had accrued against: ..the ronart in blocs ~ rl rai;y transpoxtation for ner return to P Y ,,118 sold by the Board of ~1- ,~ilrnington educe fon to Mr, N.LFoy'at the time of sale ?larch 15th 2° ' ' 19 b, was read but no action ;'G 1 i ilpon motion of :ur. `j'rash sec a T~ ta.ten by this :board. on ed by „s. Hall Frank Hill a I~1 , n old and. infirm c~~lorear ~ citizen, was upon recotrcrandaton of the Count~~ ';"!e ' Home as an inm=rte ~ lfara Offz,cer, ~n~tt~ad to the Count~~ ';pan motion of ttirr. Koss, seconded b ?rtr, Hall t f! ~ y he Boar~I autnorized the purchase of tna following equipment from the Federal Labaratarias at Pir^tsburgh, 1-a, for the use r~ S U a of the 'her ` p n motion, duly seconded, Count ~ bills Nos. ~ itf and other county law enForcetr~nt officers for tho better protection .ti~` y 1538 to 1745 xeze approved Lvr pay anent„' of the communit Mr. '~ras~ fntin d J' y, g N . ~Ed h ~~I;. T e folloTrring ood and l wf ; g a ul men were dravrn to servo as 'tzror ~ c 5,- ~ J s rn the omperie, Courts 1 1'hompsnn ,,ub-i9achina run .............,.,.i,225.00 s ~ First bveek beginning ?,arch 5th 1934 ' 2 ~-20 Cartridge Clips, . , 6,00 ,for t'ae trial of civil cases: r , . 1 L-50 21.00 1 T+~achine Gun Carrier . , , . , 10.50 13,A,Fuiauney. T.W. Weaver, L,',"l.Gar:~att. r a. aver. R.G,F;Iorton, i~'.H.Parlrer, 1 Tear ';as Gun . . . . . . . . 50.1)0 J.B,Diclanson. A.Johnson. L.D.?;tar^ m r - ahburn. ~,a,?~Iaultsb,,~. L,L.Pdlmer, F ~ A.G,?lorse. I.':~1,Kem r ~ r ~•-~•DJe• 3 Short Range Shells 13.50 p ~.C..~Iorrr.,. ,T.H.Brow~n. . . . . . > :4.F,Ander , ~ L.J,rIilburn, C,L.]a crs. ~ a ~ ;r. son. L.R.Ro~,ers,Jr.,,,P,Deil. D.H.Nob1 ~i C r ~Y 3 l.,ong Ecanz., ,hells,,,, 22.50 ' e. _ , ,F1cCartne t ;fed ~ Y i.P,,,mi ,h• 2 29 3 s ~ p 5 li , ( stood b.lli~s) 4,00 sec and vree}, beginning '.:Parch 12th 1934 f ~ . . . . . . . . 22.50 q or file trial of civil c=~sas• 1 N-39 Open sod Billies, , ' 8 M-29 B111ie ~holls, ;I ~s C.B. Cooper J.P. Chapman. Fl,'Nescoat. 1' 4 M39- Billie Shells 18.rJ0 .T,Allen, L.S.hdarshbuzn,D." a• ~ ) J.I~~.Idiven, .T, B, Jenkins. A , o.H rrrss. 'T'otal ,7 R, ,.Cromwell, D.N , j I .Chadwick. J H,Fo lea. It„~obbs. , C..°1.rulf ord. IV.F.Carroll. Y ~ E. T,E,?:FeCraw. T , B. Ha~rki T ~ _ ns• ~,R,lisher. Osca~ ,.pplcvrhite. Jf th ~ L' S,P,Hawes, C,.l3,Bullock. T.J.Overb~ . R,F e sale of machine vuns to the Mate of IJorth ,Carolina should be less than ;aEt~ ,1 .Phalps. ,7.E,6Vlson. I that offered tha Coun th u is uarantaad 'the benafit of such differanca ~:~~!a T ird tY, e Co nt,y g + h week beginning Jlarch 19th 1934 For the a ff ~ ~~i~ r , trial of c , rim rn 1 Ca.SP. s : . , ~ r U on m ,v~ r of i 'ir s:r to mmissione s i r r p ion of r . , inton, seconded by :r~r, a e ~o n o da to { (,.C,Broc]c. '~1.H.'~Valker. ~ r A R,L,Groover, V.FI.Gilbert, ';J.11.?JIclJeill. ]),B,Hill. onabla Mrs. .lay Hardin I~toore to clear the tars due on the northeast part of lot H,G.Nichols. Jas,L.Kin R,H,nr• - 'tl block '29' s 933 inr,lusive^ se orated the assessment of ~2 400 00 g id en. T.S.F~durra R,Ii;,Pa ~ 6, for ,year 192f3 to 1 p ~ , , ?0 l ,g Y IJ,A,].4cl;enzie. , '1. J, Parker, J.G pp r ,Oldenbuttle.C.J.Kzng. L,Rivenbark. H,ri. a.nd i' ~ on the alt t~~ird lot , S lin. 'ienr r', Ottan. fl, and Northeast part of lot ~2, and fixed the assessment on the D.:~,I~iurray, I.J.King. H.IrJ,C.Habeinch ~ r Y f northeast part of lot ; 1 at X500,00. d. D,r.Ldwards. A,.1.Aver G.J,Hemb ~ , N H.W.Haskett. ',9.T.Si]tes, G.S.Trualow Y Y ~ ' Joe ,'Jhodas. '~J,L,S e• I3,T,Raville. R,H.Northrop. J. C, Christian. " pooner. F.B,LeGvrin, J,A.Pitts. VJ,R.Lutes. .4.8,?Mintz, ~ The matter of having ;'r. i1,H.~avis repair the court house chairs was referred to the i; 1,..; a' Chairman with power to act, ;:,1, e request of ;~Ir, T~[artin O~Brien to be xeleased from interest accrued a payment of the ..ales costs and gainst the property of ]lrs. ?lildred 'aV, Bear block -`202 for the ears ~ ~ on motion, duly seconded, count,! bills Nos, 1'746 to 1844 ware approved for payment:, 1932 and 1933 recentl tak ' r~ Y , y en over by him, was referred to a corm:~ittee of the Chairman t and 1:,r, Hall for inv ' ~ r~ , 1 V n estz~,atron and with power to act. upon motion, duly seconded, the County ,luditor was instructed to gi e the ~,eneral Fund , account credit for the trees sold to i~r, H.,V,Lynch cut for polls from county land. I i. f The me~,ing then adjourned. ~ z to offer to ilir k ~ ~ Upon motion, duly seconded, the Chairman was authors ad .J.H.Bla e ~ -'~~1`•'? ~ not $xce ven acres of land, part of +,'orth Tract ad oinin ~ ; ~ ad ing 1, 600.00 for the e la ~ g ;C erh. the County airport, for airport `purposes. 'T'he meetin rn d g, then ad sou a . t i. .i i Cler~~. i i` ~ ~ ton .N. C, Marsh 5th,1934. ~ r '1Jilming , ~ ~ , p ~ T a ~ rd was held at 3;00 o clock ,N. , i h regular wee;{1y meet .ng of the Boa ~ f ~ ` sk ~'.Ni.Rrss and J.H,Hinton. i , M Bresant; ,Addison Hewlett ;Chairman, Geo.,9,Tra i Upon motion o Trask seconded by-Nir. Hin on, I~Ir.James H, ?~i edlin was 'excused 4~ Vii! f Mr. , ,s ~ a.r ucts ' from the ayment of a license tax to peddle Barrett ood r od _inthis County ~fi p ~ ~ teran as is provided b law in such cases. E, , t on account of -being a disabled World War Ie , Y i i ; r Ei! priations b the °oard of Bdueation for ~,.,4, A statement of expandituros of county apps, , Y , .i ~ ~ filed. , tine d and order-„d moo r ceive ,x th of 'Januar was a Y , t; EI , d t~ ' i ;E ~ ,i ' `F ~4 N d7 F, i I. i. ,:::c:. _ _ LL 6 a , . . ~ _ , "I Y! , 1 ~ i~ t~ ti ' l , i' fj Yleetin of March 12th, 1934 coati ' ~ g nued. ~ , Meeting of March 5th, 1934, continued, s 7 , ~ ;1 ' ?Jessrs. 1'hoodore r~mpie and G,C;.Sordaaux owners A bid of tna ~,Yilmin ton Star- , o_ the an g News to print all advertising of the ioint nnectin 3tata Hi hwa '40,w °"~r 1 d over which the road County and C na g g ith thy- railroad sidin us • Commission and individual Count advertis it A t south • ~ J ing for a flat sum of 'x150,0 b r ~ y vin. a rand to tho said ro g ~ of S~ansat t'ark, r~ ~ „j not to include ub ~ ~ .e month, Ph ha g g ad being t~kan ever as p 1lcation of ~~ale of Foreclosure Notices, or tax sui is th Board u n apart of the State Highway I ~;ii4 t notices s,ystam, e po motion of dlr. Tras~ secon z to include all other die la v , but i dad b vi py ad ertising, notinss and etc., was upon motion s re nest that the ;;fate lli w~ a y ,,r, Ha 11, hereby , `j! seconded b Mr, koss of m,r„q q P,h Y nd rublie':.Works Cnm Y , ap roved and accepted, binding the Count to the ~ inton, the sai r - mission take ov3r and ' per month or '900.00 e, r J ext..nt of 75 maintain d oad as a State highway ~ p ,yea only beginning as oP data of nil ~ •00 ~ Ap 1st,1934. , ~ ~4 ~ `ort of the Ladies :I3e st k Tha raquest of Nir. A rap. oom for the month of r abruary was received and or r , ~ rhomas kice for a reduction of the assessment on h de ed ~ ~ ;!f 0 ouse and i ilad. lot 57 £ ~ 1 hander was declined for ~ha reason that the same is ass g ~ ro art o, sed in ling with ad ci ~ ~ ' I ~ P p Y• ~ ninE It being n9cess~ry to furnish a statement` of v s ' i s a ue of all count owned buildin s _ Y 8 , i,i Upon motion of h9r, eras!c, seconded b Nir. Noss ~ in order to acute an up to date average :fire insurance rats romul at~3d for Y , th., Board authorizad'`the p g a transportation for Norman blc~ee and n paYmant of 'blanltat aover~ge, yin, llinton'moved:and it;was seconded b• Nir. tt ss ' , ~ demon Barnhill to t ~ ~ o and carried ~ L. ' ~ onowall Jackson `fmainin ' that Nessrs.` U.A.Underwood ar °,'d.A.'Simon c t - ,i 5chool,in the custody of the County ~JalCare OFticer g on rectors, ba_employsd to furnish a ~ 1 n m nt of -values at a c ,i:i states ost not exceeding X20;00. I i, ~ The Chairman road a cammuniaation from t ha :eta to Board of qs se ssmen t ur in to assist the Count S'u env _g g the Boar C?pon; motfidn of !'+!r, 1?oss, snonded b Per. Minton ~ A y p isor to make his plans to ba :.present at a m ~ Y , ~~r .~,,.ott ,,tone was r., leased from ~3 ~ eot n oP't a eat of analt for not fist ~ s Tax Supervisors Divisi g_ he p Y in lots 2 , on of Phs Insti ute of ,Go p 'Im g 5 8 and 529 I~aKeside Par„ for the ear ' vernment: to be held at Raloi , `Mar s.ncou~it of being anon-resident y 193` 14th and 15th, for the_,purposa oP stud of t ~ ch • ~y, ,!i y lee practical problems oi' lie ;,a assessing property f'or ad valorem taxation ting;and No action was taken. ,li It appearing that llavis=P~oora Paint Company era the low bidders fdr furnishin ii( A communication was received from the ~ ; materials for nampl,stin the;caurt house ainti ! , g I1. Count, Auditor advisinr~ the amount ~ g p ng C+!tA proiact, but an ard~,r for ~ ~ i;~ in each bank as of ^ebruar ~ on depos,.t + urch~,ae has not been ' iven by th y 28t ,134, together with a memorand ~ g e Administration,:the Chairman was authorized ' ~ um of securities h r ~ ald~' to urehase sufficient ~materia s in each case. p 1 from the Uavis-Moor ;J i ^ s ant ~..;ompany to start the l~ men working on the.,. pro,jaot, the wane to be aid f`or b ~ p ,y the county in the event ; . y„ , I;~ 11pnn motion of ~~cr, Trask second ~ ~ u, tYta Civi]. 'JJori~s Administration fail to a rov ~ , ! o ed by Nlr, ctoas, the payment of ~h20.00 Iowa ~ pp o the purchase of material. ~ , i~ f Harr Barnes pp rd th, burial Y ,pauper was a roved. i x~~ ,1 ~ ~ i ~ ~ Upon motion, duly s~cond~d, bills Nos. 1845 to 1932 wore approved for paymant~.~ t, ! A request of the Board of hducation that t'ria sumo `2 ~i f ~ ,500.00 for Maintenanne of ;rlant, an motion du1 seconds th and X130.00 special Vocational Fund be 1 ~ Up ~ Y d, e Board eve instructions to submit fora rov ~ car _p .aced to the cred ~ t oz the school ~ ~ pp al, s e of expenditures for March, was a `raved fund o taste an application to ,the Civil 'JVOrks Admints rotten for funds to construct an ~ ' Pp ~ a. f ~ ~ ~ " c infirmary .:addition to tn.. ;County tome at "an estimated cost of 47;4, 55.23. ; ~~,s A telegraphic request. of Ge,orga L. Stanbur Char y i man of the Board of Commissioners r` ; ; of ; j Guilford County Por X5.00 for each'm The msstin then ad ourned. .t~; ember. of this .ward for membez~shi g° ~ n p feee in the . ~ American County Association r ' acently organized in Chicago, was declined, `r,, , ,4 request of Geo.C.?rlcIntirei;sq,, that Thomas Gallows be r C1ar~t; 1,~, y a leased from payment of court ~ o ' '?~il coats and interest accrued in the suit for back ~,!Jil~~iir;~'tel; ~:~ar~;h 19~t1 12'~~1. .r taxes on ro sr P ~ , • ? r, ~ on account of the suit Navin been p p tY in Harn~tt tnvrnship,, g improperly brought and ~udgmant secured contr cry E to law, was referred to th C z .i ,i~ e ountJ Attorney. ~t ~ The regula~t^ weekl meeting of the Bos.:cd v+as 'rtald at 3;00 o~cloclr '~,1.;1, Y d ~ Upon motion of &ir, 'I'ras'~t second o ~:I,. ~ , e ,r Nir. Ross, th„ Board authorized the construction ~i of a small off ice on the b ~ ~ r,• ~ r ~r i, asement floor of the Covrt House Annex for th J' Present: Addison Hewlett ~.,~~irrnan, ueo.~~~.rr~tis,~, 1~',;I,Rosa, Jaa.1,,I.IIa11 ~~nd J,H.Hinton. {<< :I; Administrator of kelief, e Assistant s. . I+ ~ I r, ~ '~assr;;. J.A. Taylor, Geo.:I.i~idder,Jno.h.,iL~.nby and C,J.i;ello~,vay, members of the Board C„ ~ I The .,ounty Auditor s cash report for th ~ + ~ ~ r, , e month of ~abruary was received and or of Alderr~en of the Town of 'rri~;htsville ,~e~~ch, ~.ppeared fo,~ the t~u_Zose of securing .u filed. ~ d~rad ~rnar.cial assistance born t.re county to supplement C4(A funds to be used in replaclrg A bill for °'26.97 i noardwalks dal;rayed by :fire in the recent conflagratzon at „rightsville B.,ach. ~ n favor of Edward ?,lurra,y, Su tame Court ~ :','r'.J.A,Ta for told t'he '~ommissione~s that he had been advised b the Count Attornc~ y ~ Court taxed under section 1261 C " C erx, for cost of 51apr~me ~ Y Y J ~ . , , in the case of State V Lahov Goff e t,.at the Count,~• Gommisszoners have no legal autrtority to grant such an ai~propriatzon, ; term 1933, :as approved for a ~=nt t al., fail P Ym ~ tnexezore the contemplated request _fnr an appropriatzon is aoandoned and Zrt lieu ~ thereof re nest that the .count loan the-:Town of ,~Iri~htsville ?e'ach,~pl 750.00 to be ' Upon motion of Mr.Ross, seconded by P,7r. ~j'ras,: t r' rela'd t a e:for`the ears riox to 1~J,~3 tivhinlt,~ „'~i ~t ' , he chairman of the. ~ F i out of ,he collections from back_t xes. du y p , .Board , Mr,Addisap !r; Hewlett, was appointed Count ' rt .T Supervisor of Taxation for the esr ~ all cad back taxes a •re atin a ~roximatel X12,000.00 are hereby pledged as Y 1934. g~ g g P1 Y ~ i collateral for the a eat of the said loan. This re uest ~Nas eonrurred in, as evidenced ' p Ym q , + , r Upon motion, duly seconded, County bills Nos. 1845 to ~ j b simile a d=I:ello`v ~ ctre~sinT the necersit oi' raced .F' 1908 wore approved for:paym©nt„ Y ~ remarks ny 1..essrs. h.idder n a,~, ~ y r r a ine ~e ~ from a and oint of 1~ es oring taxable values to the County as a whole nd n:t r 15 .,t p„ of 'the mepting then adjourned, aidi r - ~ ~ r • ~ ~ h and a7ain the Colant r Ati;orne rg the Town. the mater was discussea at l.,ngt S y ~ , _ ; ' ruled that this .Board could not do indirectly that which it cannot legally do directly I tly 4 ' - ' and ea lei a ' '.'J°' ~'r: villa `~3each was an ir,cornorated town vrith full ~ i p ned th t the Tom of r i~, is er~t, ! F pntiver to lev taxes for its own needs and erner~;encies, that the County Commissioners Y i t i reef s have no legal right to appropriate from its funds to aid it in construct ng st s, ~ ',Nilmington, N. C,, ?March 12th 1934. roads or boardvralks. This Board is, however, in sympathy vrith the '!'own of 1Vri~;htsville I .lle each and A e a d feel keenly its loss but find it impossible to give the r.ts lderm n n 5 , The regular weakly meeting of the Board was hel 1 ~ ~ a • i r m ome other source file ~ ~ d tZis da at 3• ~ aid re s i ' ~ f aekin fin nciwl a d f o s , Y •00 o clock r,N, que fed. vJ~th the ne~+ ~ s g ~ , ~ Aldermen then retired from the meeting. r j;. ~ Present; Addison Hswlstt ~ chairman, Geo.4V,lras,t, ~ .h:,hoss, Jas,ivl.Ha].l and ~ , { .H.Hinton, ~ ~ , r' l ' A list of an;;lications for tax listing, 1934, eras presented to the Board and upon I ! Upon motion of Nir. Hinton, secon~l3d b P,"r. 'i'ras- T.. - ~ t~ le follotivin were a~ ointed for the Y the 3oa.rd released t v motion of sir, Hall, seconded by ~,ir. Tras__, t ~ g pp it he pa, rnent of ~ court costs in the suit for back texas against t r ~ • ha Heirs of Thomas !}allows on espective townships, to-~.it. ; twelve antes of land, part of Bonham r y . Ha nett township an account of the suit Navin ~ been improperly brou ht' and th r~ > S , ~ ' the t g ~ e requsst of seo.C:MeIntiressq, to be al ow to a ' '+'~ilmington Township, ;J,F,Carpenter, _3.I.King and 7.,C.T;l.ters. axes due far the years 1912 to 1914 and 1920 ~ 1 ed p y t to 1926 inclusive 1 s e t Ca e GFear ,J.J.'~'dilkins• p u the ire do p legal rate of interest, was granted. `n or i, ' t ~ federal Point J.~, Tayl s r ! i ? Harnett- " ~1, hits. Janet H~.~, ! i Upon motion o s ~ , ~ ' ' Harnett " ~2, Geo.`T.Shepard, f N.r, Pras~t, sad+ondad by i<s. Hinton the Board eila F{erne. ~'i , separated. the penalty, I:'asonboro I~rlrs L poll and personal property texas From the real a f. ! charged a ainst Leon ~ ~ } .,state tax on lot r~10,' block X504` 8 1~ars_Zburn for the year 1933, and allowed N - fJ o t b Iur. Hinton i;essrs. J,1).I;d~tiards and J.H Sa11in the 1933 to ,r. L.Vrood to a p n mo pion of ,Ir. lxasl. seconded y , ~ g;..,"~ xes due on the said real estate in full seal p Y or tc,e ear. 1934 to assess ament thence ~ wet Vilmn tan Township f y required to a an ~ a ~ f witnout being e a~ ointed .Tax Assess'xrs for , g_ ~ p Y N o.f th~ personal taxes char~acl therein on a~ p of complaints on all real estate. y, f .count of having improvements, divisions and males ~.nvestigations 1 purchased the same, at a foreclosure sale and ,,,r. tiIars.nbur ' ro art n paving no e uit in the ~I 1 i p p Y q Y `e of se ~aratin the assessment 1 i Upon motion' of heir. lxask, seconded by I.~r. Hall, the rr,~ t~ r 1 g i I 3me nt ' The Boa rd actin u a ~ r t on 72 acres f a in. ~~;iasonl7oro tornship '~notign as "Biddle Subdivision" and give ~ ~ g pen th„ reconvn„ndation of the recorder an 0 1 nd ~ noble i;ir.C.R.P~~rmele to a rol~ased ilr ~ d assistant Health 0~ficer ' creel logs revinusly sold, ~o e Y •ti~, C. Paterson rr,ro w ~ ~ ~ zt on .assessments account of p , as colrur.itted to th t ~ ~ ~ • ~ nt I Pay sent t! f, treatment. e ~ountJ Home t or observation 'and the tales was xeferred to the Chairman with powt,r to act. The a.,sc,.sme . ~ due on same, ~ eras f ' rate of a~45.00 per acre. ~ fixed by the Chairman at the ~ fl Upon motion of i~ir, fiinton secon ~ i~~' , dad by N1r. ~lrasEt ~ , X24,000,04 Naw Hanover- r ~ , the Board declined to purchase Upon motion of 1:`r. iiinton seconaad by :.:r.. iIall, the recoi~nnendation of the i~ecordar B unswin~t ~err,y Bonds maturin 1935 to ~ ' on the Count ~ l~arrn upon payment' h f r g 1941 " of his te_m ! `~:l o_fe sd by Mess. Lewis ~ r 6~ at~~10350 to Nir r for the balance 3 1 ! hal-1 of ,,ra s a out Johnnie ~Ton.s nth { t' at ar and ac sn boro,;~l• but did authorized th r s • b p nrued i t ® u cna e of th r to 9.25 vras approved. Juclg~nent in tl•:e case was as n crest, p r e cou_1, costs amounting , r' , h t ~nths I follotivs: "Date ~ecsmber 16th,193~. Guilty of violating the prohibition law. ,,zh mono s i. I ~ in 'a' ' Count ~ I+'arm ti^rith privilege of Coirunisaioners to hixe our q; it to be assigned to the 5 i; r; after the e-c i •a ' f ninet days"• . p r tion a Y ; d tiu~t the .,T t s of ..Ir.L,L,'IJon - Upon motion of :,`r, Ha'11 secon ied by -:~r. Hinton, the reque t L r blo ' 504 tin r,har"red ~t rai~n~. ' l0, ea; if personal rouert tax and ~enalty for nog lea g G at lot p _ Y p , Y. ~ ~ j ~ ~ r 4 1.:cet inE'», cf 2Jtaz,,h 19th,193~=, continued. i. . 1 l in the par>~a of Leon S. ;iarshbur c-; n f,~r i,he yeas 1Jo~ be abased an ~='.acount ' an the oerson4il pro ,ert~ r of the t~~. 1 X .ra,, that an stock of E;oods in store located at a't eating of i arch 26th,1934 continued, t vrest ~ • the M carne: of , r,on~ and Oxanf;a ;~trecta vrr~ic'n iaid not exist on nozt:r_ ' brought forvra d June 1st E, r 1,ne dcl.inyuent 1i:,t fror,~ the previous as ' rneral~,'',?` ,he o inian of the Coumt Commissior r, y r.~ listing; and .ena 7n r P Y re sit is necessary to acquire add ~ ! on ar,aount of llavr.n~• sort ' p iti one 1 land ~ F E> enderc;d tea real estctite and the :lame purchase ~ t~ ~ for further d®velopment oP the County Airport, therefor .ensure sale and ,,:arshi,urrr ilavin, no ecuit~ it ~ d `',t a fore- e ttr, .Hinton moved that the C airma. ~ ' ~ 1 Y a the ;;v,mr, ,r~z,3 zeferre offer of P„r. J,i~.Blake to soil to the Count alevon act cl i;o the y es of land and house ad ainin h n rrzth poorer to act. it art for the sum ~ ` e the county a p of ~~1,8Q0.00 Cash the 8 ~ ;1 , aunty assume paymr~nt of;~2G,94 ilpon motion of ':r f7• tax©s due on the sane for years 1932 and 1933, all sub act to tide j approval of the title Pi' ~ ~ .,all, ser,ancleri by .;r. i{ir,ton, the r3oard a - fiis_ motion fat and c g ve instruoti by the County Attarnay. led''ta receive a s ~ ~ ' 1 ha.rge the excess Etas er, apse cha a,• ~,n ons to pa, ~ ocond. ,.,r, rras:c gave as his is p , rgec! {,ai,vst t«„ hoard- of health ~'ax Y raasan'for not doinff so that he would not agred to assume the Febz•lrar payment of the taxes b + !I a,gaznst the County relief Fund, on ancount of ai.1 t ~ ' ~ , ut the cJ.,~J.A. ydmini he excess ,E;a„ .was used fa Y wauld .agree to pay; X1,600.00 far the land less the amount of texas stration offices far that r lreati due an same, 1ne motto ;j montYi. nB ~ s .therefore not ut by the Chairman an n Na :P d it wa s not carried, , ~i r,l n Upon motion of 'f ,r r, task, seconded by ~,rs•. Hinton, a check recei e' win ood and lawful m FI .ale, .former back tar collector dated ' v.c~ fxorn ]ir.1(dtrrun ~ 2he falls g g an were drawn to' serve as furors in the ~u attar ur P Co t f or " ~ 'r: Count, r+uditor ' ~,~reh 19th, 1934, for ik;1u5~1;fi ;,a dblP t;vo weeks term beginning April l6th 1934:` 1t4 Y 1 to tree } C. .y far callactian of'back tuxes nn the ; { ,q propert of h' 7 ilmz.ngton township ..and .heirs o Y ~1_jd;l L.'rlox~tY~,rn ' l _ f :~dward Gal Iowa ` a ~ F ~ eburned`fnr correction a Y, tI rnett ~to~Jnship w,as ordereu First W~ak_ y ~ n to be maces payable to C.ri.I,iorse .'Tax-s o ! , R, P:Houaton. "H, D.;'utralle , J leer, F,B,King. B. y, JaCObs r 4 v lr,,vv directs. ` tor, a„ fife ,J ~danund hie eaves. S. E,BIks`. it Laurin.EV,N,Clemonts, ~ B,fid,ii .Piper. J, A.Larson. .T, C. Landreth. . G.MacIr1111an / r Ara~ort c!' ti; C,I~,Batton. 1~,V,Hardisan. -A.A,Nelms. F- lane J.O.Burriss, , ~ i Jas.'r1a1. er Iospii;al for the moni; i A. C, smith, J.C c h at l earuaz'y was.:. received and o , ~ , M Ca rtne,~, nay. r xd..red'f' T,B,Nagi.ll. S.Shepe.rd. Clydp'.Needham. H,A,Hurr~rine. ;Oio w g _ z1cd;~ ~ ~ ~ i.. H.H,Cook, „ Upon motion of ~,Ir, 'Trask ; ;~J seconded ' ' , by;,rrrr. .-tiptop, t~r.C.A.~alrer of Robin ry , ;.p, tva;z released frarn 1~a ant of s,onvxl e 1~ SeCOnd, adeek- i. ~F as Pena ty for not listing lot {~14, beater ~''4 ~ ~ ~ ~ 11en. ~N,O,Ficklin G ~ ~ ; 1 !~:ach far the 7 . Porrall. , i gears 1931'1932 ~ B, Carolxn P/,,.,A 6 1. A,hv n , and 193 on account of bein anon- ~ a ~ L n ,.spry Shaw, ~V.l'.he twin. B resident. C.T,,fiewell°. . Sa d1in, N,A,vYillett, J,G,Hn,gars. T,'r'a~~rovr, Sam Jones f' Upan motion of ,:r. Trask ,A n, ri,ii.Hartis, J, LWrigh!t Louis TMoare. II Ile r ~ ~ !'f seconded b ..,L , , C . Tones. M.P~,MeCard, y~luir. :~znl;on 1,ir.~J,n.i~~ills, a flan-residen~l~ ~ ~ ~ H,Go+,WSr, ,T,KHarrson`,1r. ~ released !Torn pay: ~ it of penal t •ha ~ way + 0' lea. T. owlet, Noe r n r L, L, ~tooten, ,Imo Pad a, tt n r,r . y c xged against his pro- art in b ,,e Matthews, ,y.zr ].933. r-' arras also re a P Y lock 17, f'ur file ,rr.O.E.~odd le sad from a Went' ~ - k~ews, ..ii~ Well and Her, r3otl~~l b Yr of penalty for no listin• ~ lee maetinE; then ad,iourned. ; Property tax~~ char ed a7a. 6, A g lest lot ,r#1,T,~ biotic, /~22 Catalina Pl~~c ' ~i , zn the; narre of C.A.$~obeson'Pare the ear 1927...: e ~ ; , ~ , Y for the reason that tits said:: ~,r~.1,, purc.hasecl a u Prupsz'ty , a ~ t f'oreclopure sale -and ..r. ! Robbins havizi no` e g quxty xn the narre, ; ;,Clark. ,r, i; q~ pop mot7.on of }fir, 'rrask,,secanded b .:r ~ ~ '~~~tn.n~tarr P, -r' • ~ ~ r Apr~.l 2nd 1934, ,1 i, Y riinton the .Boa d ~ , ;h of ,13,000.00 ATew ~Ianove ~ r conf~rrnc~d the: purchase ~ ;i r County 6'0 i'err lianas ma w' s and 000 Y turxng January 1 1938 i'1 00~ ; ' r,, , ,.00 annually Janua-^y lest 1939 t a G ~ + ~r , x.,00, - 'rcic re~r~lar ++re k1°' rneetirlN o;, fife :Soars •,ras rzelu at 3.00 , 1; ~ ; ',r , o Janu ry lst,1.,41, on a`;5~ basis. ~ , o else . , I,,~ . i~ r a. i!.~ _ Zno ptirchFrse of a 10 0 x~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Yn f• , , ~ ,_00,00 po:icy to r,rotect the 1 ,-~~i j _...s .n.,. .~u tenon ;iPvrlett ,sna~.r.uan, «e a,.,,l_.:s:., „u;~...i~xll ut~rd J,i.~{',.ntorr, t~ r~i~ co~n~, •a r,st f °r~ ~ ~r c}rs i .Y -r, oz ~r~~ , ,~i ~ n • conn~ of cr,,.n~• , sett E , on with t}~re u e f ~ ~ ? ~ II s of 'Poad c , remit ne;lc protector ut a r;ost ~ _ , p rrn for t,re years, '~rras declined. ~ °f ~,N45'0~ ~ "1~ 'c(;~.r l~~o,~rrr and ter-; :;oar,ty ,~'•.1°•:~c G~tlcez• o:.rrr~ 'aei•o.re fife :'ntl.rd and t ~ it II ry ~ olrte I i.C~•T',17:i].Orier9 ~.iQa" tYlP~^~? ,vu "a t are t~,,.n,,f .~,.,.i ~rwnova: .,ountY cn~.larer; b,,~ng cared for at Clpon rnoty.on du1- t,•r, .~a~: ;I{ , y secanued, county bills i'?o;z, iC;;3 ~~•r :;a].v~.~~on :~t~rny i-iorne vr~u that ti'le ;{or,re 1" ~,nthou~t fn,rr~s t;o continue ti~zis ser~~ice ~ F tc l~,~J uc,rc approves .or pr,,~aent - ~ , '~I "'d 8,n(j 11y11 C6': 90Tile ~.651,'tPn~~ i c ri; ~:r 1 ~at P ~i' r 'i 7 5 ..e (7 r„r'rr._l1 .1_.l, to n~i.nuon t,.zr: unler,~~i_ng, vrne_er.rpon ~i.~ the m.E'aln( t~`]an ad'OUrnaa. '`1'. j;i:111 rilOVad r:~nd It YraS st';;GT7C!eCl b~+ 1~'r~"'' Ei' !1 cl,~r'~ 'gip Ll , ~ ~ ~ _.,.a.,, n C ..flu , t:1e1t r] w1 p.Oja].'la't10r1 k of ;~11.,,U uc.r r~ron ~n 1„ a%.idz ~~ori tc tree ;,,I..~U I;ez n:,rit',r t. r,,,i o,~ria ~,cd is ar ,,he care of ~ i t}t} :Crl^ra,•d liar;rb, be grar7ted far fire reir,a~inuer oi' t~i~,e Co~,~.nty~ s t isr;r~l -stir ;4uril 1aa, and ~ y , , Y i ~C1.e.rk. June 194. j (a ,Jilminaton W, 0, [v~.areh 26th, 1934. ~ , 1w , ~ , 2'he regular woekly mottin was he 7 ~ ~ r i>on rfiotl0i~l of ~ TraUi: aeeoricleci 'm '~"r. ]~inton flea 3o:~.rd ur,on i_:fo2:•?~,iation -iverr iz g ld this da;~ at x;00 o clo~,c P, M, t ~ _ E, Y ~:d '~Jcotzus ~ellurs~s~, , twat she na;,re of Jefferson Lev dean not anHear in the ui~.in of S I Present; Addison Hewlett Chairman Gao.'~ N, Tras~z a title on the ~°rest part uf' 1oJU ,71 treas. r~~'1`', ~~nd tit~orr recornrnendatlon of the L'ounty nd J.H. Hinton, ? ~ ~ ~I, ~ Attorney, ordered an item oi' ruck taxes alnora,:~fiiiig to ~1C,41 ci~arE;ed against hest part of 'f~,! The Board concurred in the recommendation o lot t~l block ;~?12 in fife name of Je~ffers~n Levy fc~r the year 1®74-1879 e.nd 1680 it i. f the Clarlc of Su ar r i o. th Court r e e t P and autlz riaod , one o ` t,~ ' P ym of , 50.00 t t ~ stric.,„n off ~ o he tatc Hospital for board a A ~ 1; the iaacA~, ~a,t records. nd tr ~ ~ eatm inebt fate. ~nt of , L, iiigg° an , 1 f~ iron :.cit'ion of :,:r, Trask, saeotided by :,r. iiinton, ..,r.brank Berry an aged citizen ir~.ving , 9t f , Upon motion o ?,,Ir. lras;t, saeondad b `been e;~.~.mined b~r the sssis an Hearth Oi'ficer and .rec~,;rs„enuad b trio Corzrt'• 'iJalfare ~y I,:r, Hinton, kobart Fans t t Y y ~ 54 ears of a 1 ley, white citizen • l . , _ Y ge and Geo.Thomas N~e~tae 86~ 'ear old co Oi'f_cer, ',vas adml~ted to the County Home as inr~a~e, provided roam is available. eared c itizen, were admitted to the County Home as inmates, - 1 ' ~ ,r I I ~ .:T'. 17~d,51C r8 Jia lap i'inar t0 aSu 1F,t the m~.tI'On I~rB, ~ conr~r,en,ied t__e ern ].o ,rent oi' i~,irs. u , Yr P n The Board a,~ting upon the recommendation f ~~•G,Lonl at tine Courrt :iorne at a sal~ar of ;p30,00 per month, on a tr.zal bases, wztil the ~ the o_ the County ~9elfare Officer a reed to have t ! y , County Farm truck move the personal ood s o C ' ,g ~ tini~cr;,tanding t-~rr~t ~~f she does not prove satis!'actozy and acoeptable ~I;o I:(r, and i,{rs. i near Castle Ha no t g f ,H,Davis, a pauper citl.zan residing II.~ ~ r - ' n a 1 y , o his former ~~lome at Stump Sound,Pendar Count U,Long, 'rr111 trcrefora discontinue, rle. services at any tzrne, ena r oven to th t efiec~, i i Count fy, thus tali®vin~ this , , y o_ further expense for his maintanane©. nz,, me ion •~vas :,econded by ]~r. stll anti carded. The Grar:d JuzY, ,::a.rci~ •Eerm 193rx, ; . i • recciirinierided tll~,t all aSGlStdrrl; be g1VeY1 1;hB i"a'l;l'On at file ~Ullr1ty _'lOrne, L'~ 4 Upon motion of r~~r. '1'rasic, seconded b rr r 4 of a t owrit ~ Y N. Hinton, the Board authorized the purchase r1„ . ~ '1 ~i c Ze a ~ yP er for the ,sheriffs Office at a cost not ®x ~,:on motion of H~~11, seconded by I':fr. :,r.u~.~.~n, t.re .Board autloz ze1 tl p yrnent of l ~ seeding X40,00. file beer- ~ .y „~•anzr.ations. The Comm s u~c.a apprc~~rlat! on due the rrlll ~a.~ ~ o~~ f i stoners acting upon the recommendation of Y , f Administrator, authorized the a r•J.A.laylor,Loca1 C1vi1 r~rorhs ~~~rron r:roti~ " Tinton the ?orr1 authorized the pureness of ~ p vment of X70.77 to ~o Ro ~ ~n of :.r. iIa11, secon..eu .,.r. ~ I F the purchase of rubber bo s Y- e Company for balance due on. o„~, ~ e •iff anti Auditory s offices rat ~1 ~ ` ~ of made by CtiVA administration needed for co st r-~ l-Y each. of the l~)3~'cit,y directory 1'or tree dill z work in the County, and the payment oP ''~14 n rue~ion ~ coat of ,,,12,00 ~ ' i. ~r .Ol to the Electrical ;;apply Company ~ per cop,. , for permanent electrical work done in the VJ i. ' all said ex apse to A Administration Offices in Court Housz;, r a s zx , roach o, ''~~i.lml • U ~ n], L. ~ n ton town 1 I P be charged against the County's apbro riatio pomtnotrrn of i~llr.Hall, seconded by ~!r. Linton, .,.r r ~ p . / j 'r r p n for, relief, was e{em n a~;count of Haverty steel infirmities. ' pt from payment of pall taxes o Upon motion, duly seconded, count bi.tls r~ ~ Y ]os, 1960 to 1985 tic. war payment. e, approved for ,bid ai' Hanover Iron ';!arks to re ,1a e , ~~r. rise rz. ' ~ - 1Ppon motion of ..~r. kiintan, s~cended by , , I 1 c an of i,ne old court house au:ld~n r a;; er d repair the gutters,' roof and dotirn spouts P Upon motion of i,r r. lraslc soconda b t~z ~ seta fed. ins only other. br.a recelveti was that of d cQntra~ Y Hint n, the Boatel author d t, for the sum of ~1G6.00 tivas P the County Auditor to lace the 9 .ized and directs ~ A,S , P funds .1 amounting to ~~250. n 1o~rars for the sure of ,~27U.80. 00 d,.rived by the Board of l Isducation from the sale of school lot near the w ~ l , E of Jo Chemical Co s. , ~ , Itiiaintena c ,Plant, ~o the credit n a of Plant .1 rn of r~. 500.00 be pl~c,ed to file czcdxt of ~ r.e~uest cf the 3oax~i of r~ducation that the .,u the trey for maintenance of plant, and J,~130.00 for U on mot school fired to take care of expenditti P ion of ivrr. Minton s r , •i •r, 1ted. from , a .onded by i~;r, Trash, fvrs,Adelaide Bizzell was released_ special vocational f~znd' for the manta of Apri.~, rtes E,z r paymont of penalty for not listin .lots ' E~ g 160 and 161 Snore cr 933 f, on account of having listed other ro art i A es for the year l , P P y n tho Count I•?por~ motion tided b i~ir. Trask, .'~rr.,,I,Dovrell of ~ticlrrrond, Va., wr~s released { y thinking thfs was included. of ~.r, Hall,.seCO Y u. , ' from 7 acres of land, par{; IIa11, }iarnet,t township ....payment of penalty fox not listing 2, y, ~ The matter of transferring the Out oar far o =:resident. alloy®d Hansa D Poor appropriation of ~i4,00 er,month heretofore, , t~P year 1933 on acoount;of being a_n n n Blanton, now deceased, to his famil w P ' ,y, as referred t f'ffcer . for investigation and rocomrnandations, o the .Welfare 0 ~ ;~,~,r~, ras~,~ for lumber to erect a eou~ i:ltchen ' r~ctior yr ~st of ,..ru. i as aaferred on the ragas V ,9 , I' at than .:rr , r Upon motion of ~.r. Hinton, seconded bV Mr~, ~ rF ~ e~-o lodge zn lox ~ovrn, rack, .,,r,1~,0,Ficlclin of rial•nett tavrnship I 58 years of age, was granted an ab g nec,essclr, to ~rci-iase K1~:ice' ' ~ 3 a ] w a*emant of poll taxes erroneausl ear. , in the o inlon of the Count ;;oosnissioners zt zs Y ~ r.tzanal land 19 3, n as allowed a refund of ~~,3,Op all t y charged for the y ~ a~ , A y r development of {;ha carne, Therefore u on P ax~s aid June 3rd 1933 for the ear'193~. 1, ainin the Count Airport: for the furthe P P y ~ ; ] g Y 're Hoard unarrimousl~~ autlrcz•ized the our ha e motion of l~~~r. trail:.. seconded ay_;;r, Hinton, tr ~ c s E • .I{.Blake at cost of i'`l 6U 00 ub'e t; of ap roxima res :of land from .,`r. J r , 0. s d c p te1 twelve ac I ' ~ to the ~ Y ~ t}la County r"ztt~::rne~ a upon examination b,y ,T~ ppraval of the .title ,,r , ' u I _ -..W ; e mY~ . _ . ~ ~ ~L it i ~ . - ~ _ - ~ 1 ~ ;l a t ,~,:eeting oi' ,tipri,l 2nd,1~34, continued. i ('f fli ~~.n invitatiar; f.'rrrrG f , ~ r s ~rr. '~~overnol, regtaestin[;, the ';hairman other rlernbr•r'u ~ i~,~ and Gt}ler~~ $rhom e :1. , r' b ~ C~' ~ 1 intr. t': .:o z.l rc~.. ,n• ~ r ~ re Wi m ton it n ,l ..a~ Jn,a~e to re,~rc•scnt fr;;r '~ano~ n ,~oard _ C., April 16th,19,a4. 4 :'i GI,CCU'ti~le 4 ~ ! i• ~ ~ b r, r., .,OUl, ~y ir~: `elf: aun-.il of le I,1' t>.tu of ,overnr,,,ent a Fn1 .r ~ aeYrrer~r:r;ta , ~ p n~ In theral,l. of [r , ;,t t t~.Tf;B ~b~, t11P, ,~t:3.te ~~Jl,,dl In A T' .ltd' ;al.1GG' ur~on Arco ~ ..a,l inn, , rida~/ nfter'noon :r, cf~ ~ p t~ron a# :~r, aa11, ser,ar~uaed by ~Ir, ?Minton i n,' ,,rr,1 lath, ^rraq Th.e regular weedy me.,tin,a, or the Board was held this day r.; to act. , _e:t w~.,,,1 t}~~c ~.,nt~ir-~~an ',Vii : rrs~,,,, ,1 at o;00 o'cloe;c ..Iyi. want; Addison (iewlett Chairman ;}as, ~ Pr P , Hall. and , ,H,!intan. s 'lpon mots an of "r, Trr~ 'r. ~ ~ . s seconded u~ r; ~ ~ t,Q i I.+ authoa'i:•e r. ~ J ~:r.~:intrs re noun,,;' ~`lF'lf%~,re pi~~ „ ic.,l ,r,.ti,, "rieations of the great Atlantic and Facific `s'ea Camnan d to ~ta.l;e ..rthur r~lnderson,culoreu to • r App tar c ' ~ .o_ 4 i li ns J a e to se11 beer in d,t 'i;!',B U0~1nt' f" ~ ~a,l Cra].n1n~; aaltocl r,E;'u- r{, , ~ ,I ~ expense, r :,a.ra,.F; in ar,cordance with tn„ 1aw, at i~102 sotrth. , ront 'c;tr t eet, /f110 iv~:arKet Utrest ~ ' ii 1, 23 uth 3r „r92Q r~~ar~ct , a , .Jtrset :and r 5 . o d, ,~traet, the same being in proper form were a on , [J,~ot, rnotian, duly aeccnd~cl, count'- hi11 p motion of ' s Iioa. 1(;2,6 t ~ ~ '._r. Tinton, seconded bey Ir;r. Hall:, approved, and the Tax Colle ^t i~ .o ~0 . ~ ar was d~ ,rare a~J~xavc'd z~ar~• ;;u,, + issue 1~.csnse for tYle sale of sameu on ~ a a au~horized to ' - ~ .,n ~ . P pa m.nt of th,, r;, 'X 1 f' ~ quired tax. Uport rr~at2an o.f ;:.r. 'PrasL, se~;onded b , ~f i~ ;~rritte ,r Y .;:r.t{ull, tree baaz~~; direc ~ ~ ~ n c ta. . ;aena, 1r tad tna,t App.licat~.on for reduction of assessment an 2,24f~ arras of land ~,.,r ' .,'..gal F-y '~.~•tsinl- trLOt ns u;~c nis o'' ~'c of s,~iamie Bear s 1 4464 of r.nr ~ `y c;~~~ gaou ei 'oxt + ~ :.2nu,1~,,., conc~er•r,in•~~ s lrr vixlt; Fill S Bluemen~nal, Tiarnett township, wds presented b Nit, ~,ranit G, a - tn~ dry Y • Harris„ and rEferred r - ~ ~ec;enln~; oz' Smith+s :Jreek , 4 ~ ~onr~ress as r~predily,:r~ assi'©le , but t}rz•aufh' to try ~iax Asue sera far invasti~ation alan~.wth o` " p Zr. o uex to emf,otiver tl~e }ia,x'17o 'r ^ ~ J Sher complaints. ' the project of amith~s 're ~ xs ~caru Uo cam,, f,~ ' el.,anu .,~~},e it t ` out n~ r~,gable ? The. a d anrt directed that a t ~o rd• fart`raer ~ t ` , '"B ~i is le~tex 'fie ',written to United ;sate d.Rtr~arzed (upon mot_an of ter, mall, secpndpd by Mr. Hintpn, i~:r,Alonzo Parish residir.,~ at u.rri rr s Forest'Sexvice at t~`Jashiil-- - ,ensnn l~.C. wau relearled from a ant of ~ J ^ E, n~, t'rta :)apartment- tb xeconsirler the mat ten ~ ~ P ~ penal _ or not s , ter of xnav:,n~' the ~ y li ring propert,~ at L~Li:e i~iarra ~ ~ iaawr, tl, ;;~;hter.n irar~'ri ;`era ~ ~~,~%.C,Camp located at llilmin~ror~ 2,eeckr for't11.~year;1933 ac count `of be!n 1! lzn.~ or ~ a non-recident, li i ,rltn f,~ Organ r'z•atective ~.s~ r ~ lehst divide part of the ca ~ _ s ,ocla.tian a.~ .e~~uested bT~ ::;r. ~.L ~ ores lime l ~ ~ ,Sprung. r-!non motion o[' ;~;r. Ylall ~aecanded b~ ~h~r. , 1 fIinton, tre :ward authorized the purchase j~i The raee~t~ing than ad'ourr.e~ ~ of the „tote ,l d. o.. a cap,/ list of automobile and true. t A owners _n this Count(r, showing th., name, address, make of car and car mode 1 et ' i Y 1 i ed alphab®tically in tabulated ~,jr, I(.', , _ columns at the rate of ~3,b4 per thousand names, t~rre same to be used A ~ C].e_ . ~ in ch„cr,ina ~ ?,li j!i tkte tat; ab~LraCt9, Si 'I( 'flilrninctan ~ r, ;~il , ti. 4p^~11 stn 1'34 t ~!'i Aca~nunication was received Prom the Coin t r' ~ ~ ~ Tirc rel;tzlar vree_~ly rneetin of t ~ ~ ny Aua _tor show _ng th. amount on deposit E. ,he .~o~.rd ;`rev hale tY;is -ia, at 3. , in ..earn bank as of Y'~ch 31,1934, together with a memorandum of securities hel J .00 o Block d in~° ~ > - each case.: ~F' lre;rent: Aadisori He^,•rlett Ohairrnan ~ Geo.'',Y.Trask 1'.hr a , .,Roue ~i , Jas.l,.'riatl ~ ~-r' an .1..,z nt o~i, , ~!1 r, snort of t' , ; tJpor~ motion, duly sncanded count,, bills Nos. 2129,to 2232 inclusive, warp an roved W .p ~ ,ne .,oua.tJ ,_or,:e ;)ernonatratxc,n .:gent vas ter for ,as ant. r ''i~ .eived ~ .lm ~~I and ardexea filed.. f ri f ~61. F. I3: Upot1 1'S0t1G1% of ~iir• " - antarr eeconde , , ;l; ~ ~ d b~ ,.:r. Hall, the hoard released t~ r~ - A rApart,af the Ladie° hest Etoom for the month of Pr~arch eras received and ordered f11sd~., ~~r not ].lstr.nf; amat~ntin• ~o ,~?.9~. 5 chd,rged 'f~.inst ate ~,._nalty fry' . ~.a. Leona G, Co1,~re11 far the lg,,., ~ ~rapew y zn blaek~ ~f187 in the nr~rte ai' 1;ri,- ~ a~. ~~J, and allo~ted (,ir, - Cj.~ty Commissioner of ~ roan ce r. Ja~~ :,,',Vsde a geared an t oId to ^o I~~ ',;I .QS on game es;l the penalt; for ~r>.llia~ to A}ay ~r:e 193 ~ , p! d e and that effort , _ clll Pro;rert du 1 •l, t~, r.eascn ghat ;..r.,lilli~rr;s ur"' ~ ~ was baingmade to secure ~,r5,OL'O.Ot? ~oi' .the ~85,000.00 Federal ~'tands appro crated for p ch~r;,eu t..e p , _ y r>.rlg 11ytlrrg tithe tiunl~:ini; tl~:e same had b n '"'1~` hi~C~wa beautification in north arolir,a far th., beautificatipn of hi~hwa s 'f ~1 ,'r. ',`!.".,13eynr~lds ~ila:i it r~ n ecn 1>.sted 'riy aares ,U1','lell. ~ Y _y leading , lso r„1ea,,ed from r~.~rn~ienr, of cane ~i~,~ ~ ~ into 'P111min ton and as~i:ed th® o- ,oration of t:is -~o t t t ~ g c ap a and n ha end. rherefere upon ~3 chal•E~ed in the ~ 1 of .,r...QQ _ o.r. no 1i:;titt'- : nacho of I,indsev "k'' ~ a'=~z c, a.,awoi~boro to',vnshi a~~ a. i,~['~r far 1~~~„ on 1.., acres of .land ;ai't ~i oration of fir. i~i,ntan, saaonded b;! ;~,~.r, t3a].1, th© °oard voted to lend its influence to ~,,I p, ~.,otan~ of h~vin~ a.lsa r~urrn~~ ~I ~ lr,~o_.,, 1 thinl-in,; ~hc :;ame had boa w''ed t}lc .,~.r.~e durinr~ li:~tinrr tlrle the high~rray beautifice.tion cor;~:mittee. tt ;'j ;~i T,he Tax As, he meeting then ad #ol.rned. 1~' s~.,uor., having invests die A^ _ ' , r, g~ d t: e a s e s rn ~ n , art a the pror~ert form ~i ;I,( ,y 1.,_5. a~lldT('.d lea ~ ~ e:"Z" 0';; F;' r bl o rk r, ~ F. Y ~ n . c~ 4, ha ~ r , 20,., r e ~tl i~urenr e b , ~ • , { ~c t. y~"r, J;~a.ti't,in 0 .Brien f r r s 1 `~~1 t t the game i., assessed Y us d cr r,i c~. to E out of line with oUlrer ~ ' cuali~e th .rr A property and too hi h an ~ ',~r CI-c~'x: ~ ~ ~I! e a„sc,,, ~ , din a:u~l E,i be red ,m.,nt recor;~r~enaed the-t the assessment " ~ailrr;,n(ton, :'t~~;ril. 2,~ra,193~1. ua~u by ,;P1,500.U0 for the , ea n °f an pu.i1!iin6s j ,~1:, J r 193 and b' ,~`'1 3~ .l , E rncamrrcendation eras upctl ~::otior; y a , .0.0(, for the ,;e«r .193,i, 'rite clllc!,tement of '+v c Of .~.r. -1i..ntG11, sF:COnU~.'.i b~,l }iy,, i`{dll c1~j .~a- i(- ~ t~~..e., orl a valub.t;ion of .,fi 500.00 a ^ •oi~,eu,, ana =n u , rc. .GQ f ~ ~ 'h" T'(, ,r ~ ~ eet,_n,- oL the Board ~.rr he- a tni da~% at 3:00 0' c1 clt ' l C) f na ; 1 d50 ~j r H ;tll~~ T' r't,;t.t r P ~ ~ Flu L .3 a",1.'[, 1 s~ ect>.vely, ras ordered. ~ r yea;^s 132" and i, , ~ ~,r .~e a .r~ ..1 ~ '1 ~ G 'J .Ta .r' i(v1I. and } u I ~ [T)011 I:~la , - nt; .aC~l ;7n t, efts ,Cial i(1c.,Y] _.t 0 S ea. .l'xw°.`:, e c' ,l, IntOrl. ,i tlcn of 1':r,'~'a1]., seconclpd b; ;:'r. rr; , , i nton a.n i ' ~ ~;~53.60 for the year 1930 on ° Co ~ o tern of bac~. taxes amaufiting to ~ 4 f?Ou c ol~r ,r .,,levn~~tors a.rr the buildzn- r' , ~ t'_ils ioa. , (~33 to .'?62 '.r.r~ u'.ron t:notion ap raved for ~pa~;uent. ~ harged again ~ of J', I. Bear block ~0'`' ` ' p J st Armour Company, eras ordered ^tr' x i fa a . 1C]i x i;he teas an the en off the heel; ta,~ boobs , t the :;me eras dismantled and , ; ~ . ito ,.F„ r „ .r7, m a"`- erc~~ l,tcGeorre of Philadelphia p 07 remorcu. l7om the buildin, riot to ~on caption of '`r, iiinton, ,>.,.,onde.l b, . _r P 5 k, ,-a, ,.r,. 'I April 1~t,1.,~0. `~r i' p ( ~,vc:~,~ released _ro;n ~a~ment of °nalt~ for not listing property in block ,?~2~J9 for the 1 J p J - The Auditor ~ ,,rear lt'31 on account of bein anon-resi~aeat, s ca::h retort for I;7aruh ^,vas receiveu. a ~ ~ ~ ' r nd oruerec, filed. , U an rno'~' - file Board findin[[,^ it neressar~~ to acquire additional lava for the burial of the l~ J p ~ pion of tar. Hinto;,, seconded b~ hit. H .R r~ ~ ~ ap;~rorimatel tyro and terse/ of .;p2.00 ens •1 _all, r~~,r.,,,r,,,raa;y vras rc~:Teaae '",cunt;r's poor, refereed the matter of purchasine y p 1ty for net listing propert ~ locd. e' ~ ~ d f ror;~ ~~a,,~nent o ~ , the yea too ~,r ~ ~ 5 t u at ,:;az5tellal ~r ~ ?ua:'t.,r acres of land ad'oininf; the County s Oak ,,owe ~~emeter,,~, from ;ir. ;J.1~;.~Dryan, ; 'r i rd Yac[ue~ ,l:rt.ets zor , ~ J x 1„,,, as,~e,,.,ed at ~ J t is an inl a~~ ~;v2o•00, account of being infirm and r to file ';;hairraan sand :;"r. :iintan •nitii yoo•~,ver to act. , tl ~e at the Oount ~ utlable to list. iir.~Ima•~v ; ~ y .some. i , i. j The Count~~ 'Velfa • ~ 11~on rnotian of r;inton, seconded. by :.:r. '~.tll, the Chairman was autilorizeu to rent to Officer A ~ ~ l Steno cooper ~r~~~lred and told t}re Board that lRiss ~ t_le small three ric,orn ho~,ase on the ?3ia'.~.e land adjoining the~irport, recently purchased g : in his office, had been recezvin.' Ineze Hopk~.ns, a.,s~,gnment from tl?- B her sala~•y of10.00, er vrec:]-; on- oy t'ra County, i ry e C JA, but since pu l? t o n C'~~~'rA r o- e , first of last vreelc. He also - p ~ et hex salar~r has 'beendscontnuea , ~ , gold the Co:~;missio~:ez•s ~ ro ~ ~ A ~ ,h r:a~ 1oI a^eaoral Lmer~;,,nt,y !ie7.t.ef ~tarnlnistiato? that tiro stenographic war;` in `~.~s ( tlrtlunicat;:on ,ru.s r,.ce~v„d fxom l.r, J J , , , office would amount to about i~ ~ I . s .t hours daily and as'c that the Comm'!, ` v ' ' dvisin =that in resumin the airpo~~t pxoJect °,rol~ only the needy cla,l,, ~vill be g pz•ovlsion that he may keep 1,i9.ss Ho kips ~.,,sioners ma.,e some.- 2 'j p on, The matter ~^ras u an mots _ seconded by I.tr. F1a11 ref 'Y' p an of,7;lx• Ito~s ~ eligible fox employment, and the supply of money for woxk projects w>.11 be reduced, er _ eel to the haix a ~ . ~ n ~ - a„ • kcal tray throu h the ';JA m n to s..c what pan be done toc~.rd securin and J~ir. Liras. board the engineer and :~:i. ~.~.Ulmer, his ,,hoe. rodman ~e zndi~yrensable ~ g C ,and if this cannot be` do g authori~ ~ ne, th.e Chai to the 'r of the ro'eet and yet technically they are not eligible ~ i torah be and he as hereby.. paper prosecution p J F 1_,c ^ed to arrange t~a.t,h 1s. J.A.Ta for rr' , ~ the cost of t.,c. ~r a I ~ PP1 creel, for her services as , Y ~ .,ZViI 'lorl:s Admmnst•rator,,to he'r `"10.00 - undo 1 . steno a pay ~ ~r t17e netiv regulation, ana as<: that:. ~,tte ,,o any assume ae ~ m~n same a gr pher in tyre Count 'lNelfa ' fated t't~a.t the post of fire engtnr~~el' vroula be ~,F, garnet the Count -~elief Y re Office, and char e -the z or approximate) tyro. tnontns. It was s Y 1 and. g n, Y ~ ,~a27.50 ~odman.`50d er hour. '''rrerefOre Lil)On i'it:,t1011 Of ;_r. raslc peer week and the _ p - , i I ~ [Jpon mot' ~r ' ued the , a, ant. of compensation to these tyro ion, duly seconded, cal.tnt ~ b>_11~ 1a ~ seconded by sr. Fall; the Board au~rzari ~ A, ; <~~f 5 l,os. ?OE~~I to dl?3 l ~ G G J r payment. ~ ~.nelusrti:e, ;were a1;7rovedfor~ men. on tilts above basis the-same to_be char ed a~ainst t,uF ~or~ttt'~ ~liez 1~und. r i 1 2'h.' r., - ~ meet~~n then a :'acv :slice Ctirg~'. ou.,, 70 ears ~ E t cur U b ~ ],~r , i;a11, I,'rs, ~ in y J nod, _pon r1lo~E~.pn of r. • 2rasJt, seconaeu ~'~~COh~rlrBndeCl b'' the county .;'elfr~re OffiC'er, was of age, havi.lg;been investigated and a y ~ ~ -1y7r ad matted'to the ,,aunty l'orne as a;rl inmate. In cansderrct~on o t1e owe, ab~otutcl I , .~a ~ ~ ~~Trs• Gur~ainous volur!t~~I•ily c-agreed tc turd aver ,~r300.00 ~ i Cl rk. wii;hout .requirement bfthe ~~ount5, 0.00 1 i ' to t'ne count, 5 ~ ;ir, i~[all, tYlc 7rwinu~[c €~c'nEl ,,ras authorized to ` i11~on rr~ol;ion of '>.r. Boss, secancied b,I ' ~ ~tt u.scd read at Idlr,l~~rilrl, as roquested b reuair a small wooden hr? d(;a over rnuc Y L) ?°.~r. J._~.Al li~,rd., , I , ~ ~ , ' 6. 1 ~ - 1{int;on ~~.~dobin~arl, c,oloreci vras ~rar,ted a ~)an tnnticn of `Ir, ~1'r~tsl'', sec ~ r. , i rjr Onded Chf ir'~I~ ~0' b' "arnl~'ilmG t , ~ ~ ref l.lnd 7 0' lectea by fire last "-ollect 1 E, N n , 1 u_ the gear 193,5, t~ of po.~1 taxes c . , on - nt of Brunst^riel~: i,ounty ones ern;,~layed Mere by fire Nitrate ace o,,nt oi' be in r~ ras zue ~ t'!,:~'~~ ~ ~ ~11 '3rUn9frlCii '~pUi"Ity' e2.a!ii:Ve111t1~. I j;GriCieti, IetUI'nlrlr ~0 his holrre I i , ~ I f I ,r ^r i :v ` f w ~ l+ ~ m 4.,' [ rF. i f i ' ! i{ 1 , 1 j r f i w. 1 p r • ld etin~ of ~1~:~ri1 ,•=r , '~I l ! L~ a 1 ti3~.1.,1rrJr, contlntzed, I ~:q ~ ; 'rho requetit o2' 4Vno u~ ~ n' ~ f ~ a nel.ltlrn, .,sq., f'or r~ division a' as,~essrire -r ' 'ililmin won 1i. n I ';j ovrned by the estate of ,T.i~,Sou~r,herla r'T- n~ ur1 5U aces of - e, , C,, l~,~y 7th,1~39. ' nd a me tt to~.vnshi 1rApd barlt taxes due an I'i e ~ ' , , to enalrlc him to ~ ` ~ v acrea,t~,:rcu rf]., and house •e z~e~ula,r vreehl~ mcetin; of th= ,recently purchased 'n~~ Tn .l :..Board was he d , ry r. ,~a,' vras u,>,;,n motion of 1,~`r. ,r n~. 1 at 3:00 o c Hasa, sr:ccnded b~ l.r, ?r~ cliErt lack P.,::, pourer 'to act. J 11., referr~ecJ. to the Chaz-,.~r>G ~ , ~ nc rr,,h ~ f, pre ,,ant.- Addi.~o.. Ylewlet~ Chairman G m ~ earl. reek, 1.~,,113oss, Sas.Itl.Hnr11 and J.H,:ri'n ~ ; €1; , The 1'0 x ton, ~ t;ooa And lavrf~.tl nlen vrere d.ra~vn to serve as ~ The hoard acting ~w~,pon the recarr~mendat+ L ~ j;j for the tri• , u:~al.~ ,.n Lon of t~. r e .,oun~y Attorney and upon motion al or criminal oases,for vreeti~ 'a® ~inrlin • , r ~rrt 'Supe-~'ior ,^,o~a f• ",.r, ~1'rash seconded b, :,4r. 1 , ~ , ; f~ g i~1ay 11tri,]..,3~i; rt, o~ ~ y .{int~n, oruez'eu an item of back tares ~ c amoun~tng to ~ ;la.lter, .;x1,,`70 fnr the y2rar l~'70 and ~,~31 60 ~'or the ~ Lari~~.;.:;,T,?lca;a r, ~ 1 ;gear 171 c.1ar«ed ~~-ainst ~ i 6•~.r:~1lY. I,,,,,.Crcecl^a, „ - L.u.y,cTlhenny ~dmin.s;L~,tor far C,rI, Dudley, cccel7.ed F r ` ,":1.Ha° es. " 1' ~ r _ o. the reason that the same ~ y _ ,',Joou.. ?i.l•..Nearn• .L.II r ~ T..'.i)a.rde f 7r.:,~',Bras,rell. ?1~^ e;:rxng• i'',~%.Hilburn, - p~ is doubt~fu,. cb.ar~e, and prooa of the amoun,, due cann t ~ , o , be 2at~~blished by the Count ' I or , ',I,"zn ,~u o e. .~.L.Cant~~reZ1. J.W~ + ~ 5 . ~ r ~ - ....;riff in, Tr I•un~er. _i,d ~ar i t ~ ~ .,..Dore. ~ 6 venbarl A , f u z y -~.~.Adams, Gerald Oxmab, ~ r ~',ir~,rrnirs L~.~on`matiorr oi' ITinton, seconded by ar. hall ' - , ~ 21, ,T,:).,7,~,,,.;;;~,,;r. '.J.Jac ~ n f ..31~,nehai'~. ,j - ~ ,Loyd ~lilson, woz- z1~; at tare ~Jir•.Lnia- 3 . - ab.~, ~ r;,; - ,f` r~t;es r~ • 1_na: ,,hemieaa Co a: d r , ~ 1 ~ ~..~.Snolar. 'r(;C.partex. ~ ~o n ~esxdtng xr~ :.,runsti7i cl~ County, was granted a ref d ~ , ~ ' ~ j~~ ~ .rt. ,._.'elson,J,fi.Sin letrrv f , ~'~•rr,l~il~r r v~:r 1 fed b~ 'f'a- Uri 02 l.a_.l ii i 1 g ~.L.J.,TaI_f: ~?.,Al,Griff:tla. T~ ~ e~• tu,~.~a col. ea Lhe _ f-Collector by t~arni3hrlent, on arcaunt of b-' -r ,.zr,, Peti, eing a non _eazder,t. 1. 'rt.c rr.eeti ~ I ' A ~ I y ~ u ,.~~i7 aajourr'.ed,, iiDOn r'iOtiUn of ~'rX". Trash Seaanrieu 'h' .r ~ 1 ~ i , n , w rl,, ~ ~ ~i in on .,Dais ~ ..Ioore . :onager of the fJilmin~tan Chamber of Cn, e ' i. a ~ - r>zn rte, ~'or the ;,r,,.,rd,, a~, i i' yp~av~~1 far the t'1rt?8:"7.CaT1 L~ ion t 4 CanduC$ rE-~,OCIi r•- . r;; g _.dtanal servieea at .-~1~^e~uhenthwl .'~,irnnrt ;;'a, 30111 e J , 44 ~ nnr,ring tiie completion of enlar•-irr~ ~ "r, c, the axrport,utlder Civil ',,'orbs a.aministration, vras i~ + z<,.,antsd. ,VilrrAl.rr~;tan, i'I• C. ~ ~ ; Ar rll 30th 193. r p , ~ h, regular ,veekl~~ r r ~ r,~~eetxng of the Board eras held this a- ~ , ::,r. r,ohn, °r. ,1r11_xn~, a ~ota~.ly blind -citizen of i~ievr :,ariav2r County residin p o loci, a-,,_, ;p511~, Castle street, aY-,peared and made `au lication for fr~.r' rr' i~. k; ,_zvilege licen~2 to ue~1 rrese~;tt A:idisar: " n Dlvl.ett ii~nr= ~ ct rinlts in t1^ ter , 11,.,. ~.n, ueo,,~1.Tr.•~ r rn_ r^ ai., eaun The ~3aarrl. after~xn~resti~~ ' i' , ~~,ti.oll, found i;hat kre x., 21i able f ws.,, ~3o~s ~1nd J.:'.riin~orr. ,r r r, n ~ g ~ tD tr., benefrt~ ~,r~rlue~.r for >_n chapter ;~~53y Public ~~ahr;; 1030, ther21o1•a u,;ion motion ~J ~ JJpD.'1 rnOtl on Of .~r• Tri<`jl; ~'F n ' ~ ~ 1• r ..a- ,.A~ i' ~ ~ ' , :.r oo ~ i ~ ~ , ,Ca...C,rl b,, , , o. 1 , .,.rrr:.^crA a ~ ,o,,,, un~lllirnou.:}1 re'rue; ~ r. `he ;ate Li.ense lle :artment to 13runswic?- Co:.~nt _'in~on, c,~1m Davin r0io!'er ~ Y 3 ~ t n x and 4VOrl.xrl~ at ;7?trrlte r881C;1n~j In .13.'1.18 f7°eC. 'Jrl.Vile~P, 11CenS2 t0 ~nlm tU Ot7er~ite tC'ie af~Gr'e° 'Q r ':genaiBS Vla^ ~ ,.al bliS].ne,3a ! js~l~ to%tes colJ.ected by the T,~x n ~ , _ > a (;ranter,. a refund of n ~ ` ,0_7 ector n r ~°<arrishne + t ~ 011 d~ ''I i San filet 112 r c~ ~ ~n ~ ar 1"ie t ei~,.r 1J33 ~ ' ~ ~ ca i s no ~ a n J i' ; .esza~n~~ of ;•ie~'r ~?anoverCounty. rJ. ''c1f~ `:heCoun~,y ~~~u~,iitors ~..vsl1 l~i~nr;, fcl~llc r~.cntlt c~7~ April vrs.s received and orde~r•cd filed?~ ~t. t,~ { ~ TJpon uzatl. ar ~ . f' 4F li r of -.r. Hin~c;n seconded r. ~ sti? lemerltal list of ta;~a't;lee subrri~ T r ~ poll t,:;.xes na' f ' by .~r. 3oss, +J.U.T,iiles svG.s _p tea by she '.llrg_ns.a Ca~olxn~.. .,..,.rn>.cal Campan;,r • I' r xd or ~rra,nted G. _ , r ' • o? ~ the dear 1G33 f ~ ~ reft,na 'of at rr~etirr ~rPid ~.ove~~be_ ~utn 1~~3 amoutltln~ .to ~u 787.~,C for rue edr 1~J31 and ~ - _ ar uhe reason that: he it ~ / w ~ ~ ~ e 5 _ ,ij~ ttprzl ls;. 1933 .a ' as 5 ~ a• ~i! . , nd ,therefore not la.~.ble fo,, i ~ l ye~.rs of a~,e- ;~5,3r=?~.~~~ fc:r the yea:r° 193?, 4°rds anon motion of ::r. Trasi secarided b I,:r. I{inton : Y _ no_1. taxes. ~ i 't 'r~,~. r 1 4 acaAatod., fox tre readan that ~l'iey toolk ar.eolzt for forex'~r. xraroorts 1.n oull~ ~rhicll is - Q_ a~,l 7.1C,Crt, S fa 1'~p , ~ "s „ • n on r t.,,.,nse to ell b< ~ net d11n~~Frec~ n~r 1aw, a.nd u,.,n pa~'ierit of t:,e taxes cue cn fire abo,re v~,l.uat:,ans ° v,.. ~aurit y ee s 5, zn ,ccoz~drtnce sv' ,a r,e,les and rune zn '~1e',~ ~r - xth la..r hasrir.,'. 7 ..at.over arcalzntzr tc ,3~]...3~ rise !aoard authorized anti direc*ed ';:.wt a. rice;~t be given ir. fu11 ~ t t b . 'mere upon rnotio ~ ' been presented to tr~~ n 0.~ :~r. ~Q3b, $@C-0nCted 'p~• .:,r. Ni ~ r r,, il" .,OE~ird In dUe O1'I(;, p ~ .f' ~ r dl,lr,', 0'r the Sa1t~ ,'ir~;1;:' C~ra,'..111c3. ~,hBr~~C'~. ,,,i:Tl!p~.riy h ~ ,_nto.1 , a ~..~v ~ a7.1 tc~` ea ~ _a- 1 for t; e year i~,` j~ - ,:roved' , R.T 1 ~ ' 131. and 1032. .B~ltts, in~ersec~ion 1.1~'^1',va , _ g r,Ha,, - y r~'r~0 anc~ Go_°cion ro=~.d ' ~ ~ r i~ .,r111, SUClI'fler I{25t, ~~lr1FY1tSV1 B, ••'1 ~i),~1~ 1T~;~Op 1110~,icn Oi ,.r. "'in~'On 'cr't1'i r~ ~ "r T ~,1 r, ct ' ~I i. ii ;1anie ~ lle Sound.*t a ~ , s _C .e. ~•ir ?•r>_lil, _,;.:urray,cc..o_ed, working t the 1 i h tr ,y ~ gp 2 j: i xneS, ~ ~h'a~ , b t4'loon f0u a f ' '1J.2'p1n1~.- ;aralxna '~hel,11Ca1 CO' 3 Tilr,nt ~i.n;~ r!?31(:.ent C1tx~C11 Of penut:r Ca11nL~r Vrag ~ , I r nd z ~ ~ , ' .,.L.,roiln~ n 0 don ~ ce - ~.ve m ~e posts , , "a s ~ ''la Ilx ':'hw' , - rT h. ""I'?'w I"it ad `t ~t'Efti rtU Of '7(' 1 _i'rP I pr '~^'.r t p l i.. r, l1 , ~a r ~ c '~`I.L.Y~ure -cur ' F,1 ay ,r30, R.:.J.;~1t 1 ~1.. t ,..,s col -ec„u.. , h~ .,o__e,tor by r, r.1:,~~iment, 1 , ~ e .,ear 1, 3.1~',:.,.;;-4~ ...,.steyno interscetiD ~ rtF ~ o ~ 't. las ri ~eag~~,e and 'r r'.'x'~i,,_. S'et:rCd f1'cr?i ~,'1„ r112Gt~n:- 11,E 1.115 r,oint. , ...,.S~needen ~'~~asorrooro roads ~ - J~r, , ',linter Paz'.k .'r' •;1, on ax,~'~;rray jr i;.ri.~pindle in 20, .,.z .:.).;r3 ~ ~ ,,f tersectio , . .'1r c. - r• • n .,arallna :fie n s~ Bu11o~=., c.;er~~~or of :;ul:~oc,~. s .ocp.~tal, b_outtlt to the attentzan of ~i ~ fVi.~rlllri'-tOIi ~ueVerd~8 0 aC~i and urc'l,bOn~JGrLi 2001) r03du r n n ~ . ~ t, mpany, fnC. '"a ~ o _ . f 7~1P2~=.` t,.!' ~~ollll'P,xJ:;i aner9 ;E:C ti01'i ~-.`i ~YL,ln ter ~'0~l ~~ylJb"i C L~r•'~r3 1..3,E ;J..1C., DrOllCle3, Irlvate stle ..a , ~ _ ~ ~~k yne :Dad, Ft.I+,L),;jll , . s sha11 not be Q rr.il..,t r~,r ~~~roner~~ .taxes and athez tresses J.a'rd'u11y imposed, !k; q;~, n r,.otiorl of ,,r, tra ,a ~ 1 sl`-, seconded b' ,;_r ~ ~~.~.t in catisicie:•at~iar? of the 1ar~e ~lmourct af-chaT'it~~y ';rorY~. cone l,y priv~lte 11os,:it~~ls, ;'•n ol,m .Rocs 1 h' o , ;;j~+; ,•,w~ sip, ryas ~rante ~ ~ J .tn Hymon colored ,ern; c' d w _efund of troll tastes co , of :iasonbcro i.1:~ hoards o~ corrurr~.ssioners of fire ~~evexal count~es are authori,ed and u.irected to ; g z,,n~..ent for ~,~lzlmirrston tow.. ; 1lected b, ; ~ l;r.a. 6 nsh_ for t;h J the Tax Collector by :-incept, a,s valid claims a ainst -the coltnt ~ trio bi-lle of such irospittlls for attention red taxes in ,~`asan'oar p' e reason that-he is a re id r _ , g o towrshi a s ent o_ a.1d r:.rd servi "es 1" ~{a` . ' afflicted or inured resiar:nts oz' the count • who _ nd c vo..ur.~ ri1 rendexec. t y ,lwlmzn.~ • p not liable ~ J ~ 1 ,,tan. n r-DI.,rranxcatxon vras, _.for,p tee in ':rnen uor b 11;r z ul ita z eu ',f~, all ta, the CxtT of i - a °e d u1' t~. ,.r ' ?iorth "ar rec.,xv~c1 fray. n y ~~1'e "indi.•ent and lilcr~l;r to"'becorle ublic char es s y .:olznw .l0 1. •r n •.,oT'nnisszoner Gra g - p ~ ,f ~ a1, r' U .+az Veteran Loan Hu ham l:. Hobbs, of the : " vvrcn to,and <<:re a.; roved b file .county h~ slcian or nealt:: oi.'icer as necessary Y j n,r~i.id t•z,tes on ez ;ht ra. nd, requesting an ite~ized stet t ~u p Y ~ p ; L g,,: C ce~~.o.in pieces of nr . , erren, of or ,arc ez' and the ti~.me shall be allowed on and rre:iited against a.11 tastes vrhicli may ~iozth ,~alolina, and offeri ~ --ope_t,~ taken over by the 2t+:lte of P ' i i ng to p"y she s``id trxros due if b~ or beco><rte due oar such 'rias•~ita1 on ro.~ertiea sti'ic~ly uaed 1'or nospl.tal purposes, j interest I relieved ~ i P was the se of F t. nee of this BDd.. ~o ha i , ~ ~ r~~enalty and 'oaf; ~a that extent only •+'~ri1]. tile. eor,~nt~' be liaolF for such hoNhzt~~l bill . ';lhile due on file said r, ~ ~ nc~-~ she eollec ~~an . , property t..e :,rime as an+,~ otilez' ,A„.; of the bacl~: t~fes ~ ~ '~1r.Bu-lock is not fi.lin? a cl~~~;m at foie time i~:Tr. Ross moved and. it vras ;seconded by . l.rop„~t on rh ~ - G ' 1• J icir r,~.ck taxes are 11ue. '..r. H' r, ~ ~ be tai:en under advisement tr be 1'rorked out f i Upon It1o:,z.or, of :.r, '.{intan inton and ca_zzed, t;,~a~, r,he ratter aer.andeil bar vritlr the County Yicalt!1 U~iiicer. i., } for taking the tazt 1' ~ Ross, the matter of e}_te ~y h e`' xsts fcr 7Jilmill>'+ ndln~, t..e time i earl t04'~a111) ~ic~.S .eft ,r y ~ n ~ i pourer ~,Q act, 1 1 ,rit:r ~h„ „hair~r~~,n vr1. ~,h f. • 'essrs. h ~ ele atn,eared ur7i.ng the Board to request the lip,,' T os,~.,Orrell and l,.ras. arm , h 1 ~n rno~_on of ;sir, Trask, secona2d ~r ~ ' i. X10.00 by -.-r• .io„„ atc~lte Y?i~yhtiv ,y n } "'oz'ks Commission to extend the higlltivay from the your Chemical k tor'rard the burial of the ~ r the -ooard au~,lari~ed tie aRnent of ~ t , a~ and _u~1zc .l rr a r ` nln.,t„en y =,r p 5 r tin vritYt state hi shwa ,~40 t , o_t i ~ e.~., ,'i'1 son o.C ar. i+ „~.,justi ~o s plant, then~E. along the rivex front connec g t- Y U' ce, i~auper. . y . ~ ~ h pOn motio ,y -1Sfi,.r a clx.ltdnce f a,.. roxinratel 2.~. miles, forming' a loop drive to the beaches n, dal, `,7~.,l,Ondell, COi.int' bi ',r "p • , 7 a `p Y . This Board llavln~~ )r2ViaU51 lle a,oa 2263 to 2317 were a'anrove~i far l~•llcr~ ould reatl relieve present aon~ested ~ra~fxc _ - ~ 1 y ~r--^ .1 i rment.~ g Y , The meetin.- re uesteu `1 " `a v'de an additional highvray to re_ieve trki'fi c to the southern 9 ~ Ze ~t to to pro. x then adjourned. i •~.s:` beac'r~es, "r.:,oss moved that' he Chairman renenr the efforts of {.his Body to that c.nd, i. i. • and re~ues't 'lr..'1,'.~.Jeffress Chairman of the RiE;htivay Co,:lrrission arrange to meet with ~_====--j.--._ q ' ~ ~ eauest the motion 1~ras seconded i i. Clerk tnis Board here.for the purpose of znve„tx~;atxng thzs r , b ;f ~"r• Hinton and carzied 1~ iI~„11 the fcllo',^ring non-resiiients were released a. C~,on motion of ~s, Ross, seconded by r::r, ~ d ; from payment of ' enalt for not lstin~• for t;11e year 193,x. p Y , ,f, d ~ s ',~i ~ 'd "2.0~` enalty on lots 6~7 block ;~75t3 Carolina Beach. Ordered ss 111e .4cTtelll,pai p i. i 1 refunded. r , , `k ~5i1 City, penalty .,;2.00 ~ ` J.C,Bethune,propez ~y _n bloe_ ,>E ~ r r 1 ' lor,~Coun~i~ y,Sout:~ ~~.,aroJ.xn~,, blocl. fr117 ,,>_ty,pertttlty X8.30. ~ i~~ J, i1.111er;ay,`Prustee foz D11 5 ~ _ a and char ~ed in the name of L.Blaclcledge ~ I. ai~ueaxng that 2 acres of unimprovea 1 ,s~ f Haxmett old under `foreclosure for yp50.00 vrhic:, is not sufficient to pc.y t township, .was s ~ lc n a~ s fee also. she aac:urau. c~tzon of 1;a:tee uzncE 123 the cost-of advertising and 'attorney o the satisfaction of the r3oard that it would ' amountin xt a earing t J g to X51.78, and pp . ' be afar to mal~.e a corrprouixse settlement of the back taxes due i to the advan,a,ge of the co Y ~=r rvnershx in order t ir1 or' to, ass on to ne o p o ~;et it on a t.~ der to a11aw the property p D,nd it eras seconded b i:r, : a a a y { 11 nd c rr i ed tax pa in basis' tl2e,~efore fix. Hintan`maved Y g ' se'~tlement of the ~~~ack taxes due. d ' that the Count aace.pt .„x,,;.00 in full i Y x• due form to sell beer ales rncl ovine in lde~v ~~.:r, r .L,L~;wis havzng made application zn + Hanov ~olina?each-'Dad in accordance ,^riti,: law, was; upon motion of er county, on the Paz f ,'r.:r approved. o s .~ecorrded by ,:;r, Hiliton, i. j; I - . .._...-.._.w . u...... M _ _ ~ , -r , i M { ~ ~ 1';e0~' ~ ' U~l '~I ~zn[, of ~..aJ 7tlz,l~~r, nontznue,:. I v [ of irla^ 14th 1934 con ~ A r,' ue t ~f t Plee,~zng , , tznuc.d. ! 9 s c ,he 13na.rd of isuucation that the sure of ,;y130.00 f'nx srPCial v ~ , 0 r and y~2,870.00 for maintenance of plant be ~~alaee catzonal ~fu~ ! i d to the credit of the school fun The following good and lavrful rnen wes drawn to serve a take care of exl>endit;ures f'ar t:.e mrontr: of 1;,a •aas u on d to , ~ s Curors in the ,,uperior Y, p rnotzcn of I"r, ]lass, sewn, Cour~, frr the trial of clvzl cases for two weeks term b by ':,ir. Ilin•ton, I;rnrntod. ued eginning hia 28th 1934 ( Y , ~ ~ i ~i A com , • The fiz.,i; week ~ municatzon eras rccezved from the County Auditor. shcwzng the ar~nount ; on de ray ' ! eac.z bank as of Apri]. .~Oth,1934, together vrith a rnernorandum of sec r' ~ I azt in U•A.,r'utrelle. i~.F.Hev^rlet,t. Bennie F.l3at ~ ~ , case. u~ltiES held ire sac ~ „ , es , ,ta•B B Hurriplzrey. 1,ulravr. ,,.ear ' ~'.O.Huhn. rtarriss `i [ 1 ' ~ `t'.D.Love. . ,l.,Jells. fihirle• Aik ~ en. T',,~t,lrtnDaniel.~),A.Iieister,Jr,, 't: r ; ~ 'w J,A,Gaylor. ~+I,n.Bnrctea,ux, G.[).A1len. B,p r .Lgl,leston• J,U,hing. ';r.,T.IIollnian. ~ ~ ~ me Board acting upon the advice of the ~:;ounty Attarne•~ end r.t 's. Ce I s ! . , ' J per. rnot>.an of 1I;x• ,io,as C.d.D~rvz a n. , tus C.L.lodd. J.E,Sloa,n, C,i~,',r[z1J.. f ~ ~ ! seconded by ?,rr. liinton out}iorized the ('~a' ~ Eugene Harris. , ~h lemon to sz.. n an a 'regiment releaslnr J ~ l~?ationrzl ~:~urP+~ c ~ , . g ~s, i,h ~ ~ , 6 e , .~J ~orn~panJ and I~~Ia~tinnal ..,urety ~.,orpaz'ation from lzabr.lit and-~ ' 't'he ser,ond week- ~ ~i ,1~~ I~,ros. 7174=137 and 7175383 ort and after F'r 'r , c• y c~ n,onds i P.,,ernoer ,,zd 1J53 covering John R. i2erri'~ i L',?~avid Jones ~ n' _ ' sand ~ - ~i i i~ 3 ; ~ , .~x-,,Herz f and Sheriff respecr,ively, for the rolleetion of ~ ~ C.L.rlirm~,nt, U.}3.Pierce. A,.B,Hamzlton• lde1~ n , of she collention ~ f all taxes Navin been tran f r, taxes, a,ccottnt ~ son _otter. Geo.Batson, I .C.111mer. g s erred to the ~onsol' 'a ~.P,Abbott. liarve S[alcs. J.P. ~ ~ . ~ za tEd (,it ] J Carro~l, t, nI,yJ111iams, i.h.,~nith. Geo•i' , Tax Collector. Y-County ~ r. I ~.Hevrett. ` Ill ',`Jrn.ti~t_u~ners. r,A.Davrn~nl. C.ra,r.Cumminl;. ~.',L.13ranch, G.C. innn ~ ~ , ~ , ~ r <<, n , S on,r. ,J.A.Lazrol].• iJL+on motion, dul seconded count~t ~ ~ ii.~l~.lo~ter. T.L.13arher.. .,l~a,~~,ow Hir1~s. }•~..,,.,rial.larrl. J,;~.R.'r'utrelle. o r f I~ a Y , ,J bzll., :1o .j. .~34~, to 2416 inclusive wrJre a.,, . , ~ L uzs ,,tezn. ~.'I J .l IU F I yr' erit. 11 v f fir. ; i`, The meeting then adjourned. ;i' ~ J ' I~ j~~ 7.he meeting the r. adjourned. i i / ~;i 1 t R~ II _ _ ' i __._r ~ . Cler.l.. , ~:7a,lmin~;ton, G., 1;!ay 21st 1934. , i ,7ilmingtnn,d.C., L.ray 14th,].934. ~ ~ The rer°ula ~,rer, meetin - of tl~e >Jos,rd ~ , .r ,R, J g ras Held thzs da3 at 3;U0 a clock P.,::, ~ `1~~ The re rug a ~ e]e'~ i,i 6 _ r weeklJ mectirrg of t; 7 - ne board was held at 3.0 + ~ a resent: Addzsnn 'te~ulett Cha•irrrr~n f,eo.~,'I ' ra ~ ,.r ~ , 0 a clock ~,1;.• .T. sL, 1~•I~;t,ltn,.a,.Taa.,;.,}tal~ and 3,H.Hinton. j' ; p_1 M;+! Present: Aa;lison Hewle .r r i`. t, „haz.man, Geo.','~l.Tzask and Jas.Ii,N.a,11. ;~.n ai;pli~•at~ion of B.'i'•,te~lille for license to sela "Nee A ~ r r, lei, and wine at ,,hone Acres, ~j ykki {i{ff££'. S1 ' nr,e vrith lave vva iio in acaoxcla. s upon motian of ?".r, roes seconded b;, -,`r `n.,. . n. john D, Bellarn a , •r =ras},approved, y ppeared in behalf of the 7irectnr~ of Pine ' ~il (enlaced adv' r , sorest Cemete , zsznG tl.e ,,o,,,r~;zssioner z,/ Co,, ~ , s that the pr._viluge of burial iz1 th~ Goo ~ Ianon ~.~at~cern of rhntnrr, „c•conrre~l rr '`r. I~•11, it ^Nas~ unanimously oruered "ay the ~ ' cemetery is bein ~ abused b ~ nt,, pa.u er ' ~ ; g Y.the burial of deceased fvho P ]3od?Yt, tYrat r:o uurzal .shall be r~erm>.Lteu in t}re count,^'s ~rauzer Oax. 'r ~ ~ se, estate ls,am,le to s ~ ~ 1 ( G eve ~.,emetez,~) burial in - a regular orgy nixed cemeter r maint ;J p ovzde ' 5_ az.ned by colored citizens` fo cemetery, except:. for :the 'curi~~l of l,au~ers, and in no event until a izurial permit slu~.ll whzeh practice zs not onl an r that pur ose ti ..t ' j[(~tk. ,i y unnece..sar burden P , .z~,re firs! been secured fror.~ the office of thi~' iioard~ a ~ a' • • , Y to the county by using the ;rounds a na the c,u ,zxn.an z~ hezebJ ; provzded ~y the County..-far the burial of it ~ r~,u~~arized and emrovv~reil' t;n use 17is 'r ' F' t a~• ' f~ r! ~ „ s au ere b ~ I tct ~n.,n= to the lznancial ~tbilit of decea •Fad ` p p , ut: zs denyzng the Fine i~'orest r ~ernetery ~ampany of the atrona , ~ • g n . to tc rz o i e a P, ~ s titled to, v=nicn zs necessary for its v o xz 1 in _.~.t:. zncor~,ot•ated ecr~eter.y. lns Chazzm.,n Bien submitted i maintenance. The Doe,rd,therefarea , i~'~' greed to reCui.re a bvrrial permit for frrl;ur ~ a czvr~ of btt_~zw.- permit which tva:, adopteu, burials in the Cor,rnt ~ ours ~ r e 11~ submitted to p x r ~em.t,,.ty, after the necessary form }zas been ~ a the Board a'nd~ approved. prep red and l;pon motion of :;~,r, I~[inton ,~ecanue ~ t.r~ I;i,'. :Iall the Board >•ran ;,r, ' 1 , J , 1, te~i 1 emission to I C. '.::~cl ].i „ush u,nd 'an'• P I,~'~ irnon - ~ ~ r Kieffer i;o c,tlri~t~it an Arrieuli.ural faze l:novvn as `l he Greater I'~ f~ .,,N 1 matiarr of ;r. Tr~islr. ~ • secnnc.ed by i;~~ir. Hal]., C.Gause colors ~ a, ~ ' "i'eu Counties Fair in ~t'uis count during ti.re fall 1934 and ~,~ras e ~ • rs t ~t bounty was granted a refund f a, re,ria.nt nf' Brunsvrick~ + J 6 , pct. ed from. payment o pall taxes collected b~ the I'a• ~ of a ta,c for the r~;ason it bein re ~re:;eni;ed t}w.t the^~ a a~ v' t' J x Co:.lectnr b~ garnis}'~.nent. 8 1 J re tents of a bona flue ~ f[~ ,~,~r.icult;ural Association. PRO'IIDT;D hovr~~ver '~;~}rat their request to hold said fair Upon motian of U , c~F` Fi' re Trd ~ ? S. secancicd by l.s. Hall, ,,?r.,d,~;,Harcizson yeas excused f under the conditions stated r~:-ceives flee a-~ royal of the State Commissioner of ,i venue. payr:ent of a lice ~ corn .p ~ e n,~e ta;c to peddle fruit fish a ~ ills. ~ ;i~t: ' ';il ffom date hF'r ? nd vegeta.'oles fora period J~'ter discussion it was decideu that the matter of eliminating an mblin~ ir!unar~~~1 ! ~ eof, ore account of overt a I of one year ? Y E~ g oz t ot!•rer em~lo p Y nd inz~irmaties, rendering him una'ole .p shoves is the dut^r of 1;he sheriff' and !.rolice..~Sr. '~rask requester.! to be rer,orded a,, :t ; ! ~ yment, to s~cure ~ . [C!t voting fa~rarable provided there cell.] be no gambling devices u~^~ed or inenorr~~.1. shovers ' r. t; 't Applications of i~:'ir. Ii.C.Bird ex}rilrited. and Thomas Lofton to sell beer,ales and vrine in l}ecr rianover County in acccrdance vrith avv • ~ s 1 at ~un,,ei, Far a ! applica~t!ons bo,n r i 1. nci ;Ceabreeze resner,tivel ~ the said ~ r~ 'r'a•s brou.;,nt to the ,attention of the 3oartl t'rra,t; anproxinrately tvrenty Jor~ti~ Carolina ~ ~fi„ I tl g n aue zorrn, v^rere upon motion of ;;ir. Na approved. . 11, seconded b 1;ir. Trask n;vr,ed air lanes makinrr a t r of the ~t~cte ~ivin r exhibitions and races can be 1 Y , p , .a of r , 6 6 , ~ l~ bz~~au~ht here uncle • th a ~•T i e~• of the 1lmeri.can Le Tian for the ur rose of _.ivin~ an ~ - ~ r. e ua,~ c a ~ p 1 g ~ ! j~. The division of a~•• ~ ~ air~}aav-r and Na c r ~ 3~~~ a34 if the Cormissioners evil] .rant the use of the ! , ~ ce., .,ne daJ, Jaly ..,1,1 g ; ~seUsr,rent on the property of Sarah J.H~vrard ~ 1, the Ta;c Assessors at "2 in block r~209 fi~,eci bJ airport and permit a nominal charge of 25~ admission to be made to meet the expense. ,r , 9 .00 on the northvrest part of lot ,`3 a ~ ' • ' 'e these folks rovideci he ~ N snot}rarest cuart~ ~ nd ,~;~1 890,OU on the )'r• boss mraved that the rivile-e of the aizpait be off r.ed P ~ Y N } cr of lot r3 was u~acn rno'•' ? p ~ by the Hoard to enable the ~ ~?an of ;;ir. :Tall, seconded by Iir, Teas}: adozted n>ake satisfactory arrangements vrith he American hegion; his motion v~ras :~7econded by a f ,u o,ane_ to p~~~y she indebtedness on one 1 ;rr. liinton r'~' t a~eclosure, of i;he houses to avoid and ca_zzed. t i lJ o ~ iJnorl mono - ',I'. Hintb~n Mrs. hadie I•'arle hlurphe eras n of :d_r. ..o~u, seconded of ~ z ? Y,, a Y p n motion of lair. Task, secorrded~b~ l'r. 1 , J llaT1 :Cst, ~releas , „ 'rtin ro girt in bloelc l5ti for the ear ,U+• V. Rodgers vvas released from ; ed from pa,,>'nent of penal, far not 1i~ g p p y rr 5 payrren~ of penalty for not listin rouert• ~ + 1933.A rep g p _ J in i+'ederal Point tovvnshi 133 on a.ccourrt of bein[?• a non-z'e~_d~n~. 'ozt of the Toadies Resi; °oorn for th p for. the gear ~ i filed. e moo of i~pxii ~,~^as received and orders fr' , iP.~ c A ~ th of A ril was received and ordered filed. ` report of Jas. +~~all:er ]Iosp~t~.l far the man = p ~ r `i Upon motion of 1'.r. Hall seconded b t~r ~ - r ~ of ~,1.0 ~ Y T s c, Annie ':Vebber vvas ra ~ Upon motion of 1~a,r. liinton senan~iea b~ :::r. Hall, ,,tr....D,r,=ann yeas granted an abatement of ~I 0 dog tax for the year 1930 an a fo g rated an abatement •r - , J e April 1st ig ur months old dog- li::ted in r ~ to„e,; on a vaiua~zon of '~~200.00 household and kitchen furniture listed in error for tyre ~,r 3a. error a., of ` ,year 1933, It was sl~ovvn that it was the intention of ,';ir. Diann to list his household Upon notion of :`<:r, I~,I. • goods at ,;200.00 subCect to the exemption allovrEd by law. J I 1, seeondect by ,;rz. Praslc, C,lr.~;trunnk was a , ~ a.. , subCect to investigation, on a valuati n ''h aGa.oa gr rated an a,~a~er,~cnt,of taxed, i i '~'lilson Farms l~'asonbor to^~ ° °f '~2' on house located on tract '~11 ~ ~ Upon motion of ~]"r.~ Trask seconded by l:r. Ross, the ~Doard au~noris;ed and directed that o ~ ~ o ~mship for the year 1933, on account r i,lareh 1~3,~. of t;lre house havinT burned ~ C0z'reotian be rr l~r~ as~essiarent on house on the middle part of lot ,~1 and 2, aae zn e ~ b1o ~ r.• ~ ~~i. ~ ld in 1928. It appears 'that the Tax Assessors c rrr35 owned by u,~~,Burn~ ~ , and so :Joe to considerable increase in ~ assessed the wren house a rainst the said pr,operty,, therefore an abatement of taxes I f i the court House lif;}zting ex>ense g 6assessed for and that which it ho d Court House basement r since occu anon of fire ) on a va f ~tlre amotrzri•t.tivas s ul i by the Civil ,corks Administration 1"r ~ - p luation of the dzflerence o { by 1,,r, ][all and carried, that the adr ~ • > ~ lr~~sk moved and it vras seconded 'nave been assessed was authorized. { nrnistr~.~zon be asked to be as economical a rossible ~ ' in the use of electricit s I , Y . 11po11 motion ~ econded br ifr. liinton, Alexander Bizzel, a oolored citizen of ~r. Teas)., s 5 a~• twnt; }rea th .Che Tax Assessors having snadver r , seven r ~ ' • ' r - been e~carnined by the „sis 1 officer and tentl5 failed to record t t~ fzve years oz age, navzrl, ~ f for the year 1933 as 't'eed on he redur,tion of assessment ~ r° ,m. r er eras admitted to the Launty -.ome as an inmate. ! f r~, ~ tree buildings of James z1.Dennis ecor,r.,,Fr~c,ed by the County ;~,.1. are 0.~fic , ~ bloelc f296, account of bt.' located on west end of lot era, tildin board fixed the a g having burned, and upon t;lreir ~ the :3oarct authorised the en ssessment on the rst~,inin bui zecorianendation the iJpon inot~ion of }sir. '1'r<~s]c seconded b,y i;Ir, liinton, paym t of j` and an abatement of taxes o~! g4 lclzng; for the year 1933 at 1 Q$0 00 ~ ~'w ' be~innul I:<<a 17t1r,1J34, fez' the ctLre of a valuation of ~ ? ~ v~~.50 per week to t'rre Salvation =trrrJ .Tome, 6 g Y 7'0,00 for the year 1933 eras ordered. ~ he care be ul~'•ced elsewhere. konald clues, ten yeas old child, -~,n~,z1 upon motion of y,r. t }Tall, seconded by .=~r. Trask the B a ~ _ „ a , . approximate) ~ fift bar , o rd uuthori~ed ~ ~ ~ ~,r .2417 to 2472 inc., ~rE,re a-~zroved for a rent?~ f 3 y gu of cement to com^~lete the purcha,,c of ilpon motion dul seconded Co'.rrrtY -,zll., 'i0s r} p ~ i' airport hangar left zncomo - the f eurtlr 15 foot cone ' Y ' lets b ~ , ~ refs a iron at t~~e . . ~ ~}.e Livil 4'do.~la .~~dministrati I ! The cornnit ~ f the Chairman acrd 1Ir. }izr!ton having been n~zrned to negotiate on, tee com~ased o , U'?on motian , ~ 1 ~ ~ Cemeter f'or burial ' r ~ r the urchase of additional land ad'ainir, Oa}; C~zov.. y, purl~~oses, ~ ~ d.rl5 secandccl, l;ir. Geo. I•'• Tien':;e r ; ~ p C 'g /f a p~ti~rnront of ell to of ,~,~11 I,„ 7tlr ,trt,, T ~ ~ 2 acreu of 1~anci Erne `r.I1.l~,.Br an at a Host p , x~~ on account of physical disab' .c,t, ryas exemp~ _z um recor;~nencied the purchase of apprm,cim~~tel, 1. Y i].it t y' ~ of ;"550 0 'rr~ a >>!•oval of i;lre title upon exariinati.an by the County Attorney. ~r 0 subCect to t! ~ l ,loss seconded t,~ `;,r, llizll ~,do~ted. `Pl.e ~ , ~ - upon motian of , J , b fozc,~,o~na~;•recornmenciatian rra.r 1 - file rec uest cf 11 f~ Ikon r~ nded ~u ~ =.~.r. . oss, 1 .~.:a. l:ktry A, l[a ~z• a p uatzon of :.:r. Trask seco 5 i ,'j ! ro .pert in 'r~lacl~ i~7~, ',va;z reterrecl to a coicrritteo nf' duaCion of tyre a;;sessrnerrt cn pzo, Y a ~ ' the ~ T. , t,~r. ':Gras];, vritlr po~var to act. 4 y t Ghairrnan and ,~.z . l~oss,ancl , i r The meeti, ed. trg then adC ourrc f' , ' ,nY:.:..,,. ~ , , leek. ,.rk i ti.. ~~1 ~ l'filmingtan I'I.C, i;Ia~28th 1934. ' ' Ir[ee~inl; of ,June, 4~th,1934 con~znued. The re tular vree1c11 ores tin ~ of the 3aard wa 're d h' ^ r r ~ J F s 1 t ld day at 3;00 o clock; ~,c;,, ~ n of ?~lr. ilinton ~ Upor, rnotla , seconded by P;ir. Ross, the Board auth ~sP ~ Ads ' '~w ~ r, r ^ ~ of q6 each to the Tax hinters for t~kih orized the payr.~ent Pra .nt. arson .,c nett Crrairrnan, Geo.~l. ir,~.s.., i .],:.}toss and J,H.Iiintcrn, ,r + 5, .n ' , tax lists 'I'riday ,Tune 1st in acidi to pay!nent for tnc,lr ,3e~.vzues for final erlod end. 1 ~ ~ flan _ -Y , ~ ' r~ It of sufficient p zn~, .chur,~,lay I,:ay ulst, and ~Che :,pan motion of :,.r, zr~,sk, seconded by :;:z'. i-Iinton a ,'ud~rrncn~t secured b emplofm~r help for such lr;ngth of time that ma J L~ y l~Tathan sole ~ ,t~, P ;:rrat;ion of the 1934 'tax book Y be necos,rary the. ala~instr~lberi; ','l. T3rovm fax :;~'S.50 back taxe.~ due the caunt~ nn III a~., ~ pr.,p s. r lot ;ro, block. ~r, C io 1 a ~.n ,~or tn~ ,,ear .1..,~~6, tae~h..r.' rrzt;r co.rt,inl;erest and attorneys fens ;.r „ ^ , ordered cancelled, for the xeason tY>dt; ,;;r. I3dwn tivas a citizen of ~ as ~ Upon motion of ,rlx. :~o;~s, seconded by .;ir.Trask, .Alvin C, Oa o ~ Ilortn Carolina, ~ r roes wan rel.,ased from residins at that time i.n C,r~,rlotte id a '"r ~ pay.~~eni; oa penalty :for not l:.sting propertt in 'nlo~k 6 , nd serrl~c na,t by pubiica~lon and eras p.. r non-resident '1 ,93 for i;lze year 1932 accolult ,:aer~,fa.e void, also the judgment was secured against :abort .'d, i3rovm lnst?a.d ~ ~ ~ ~ of Jl.Albert :?ro,~rn the o•rmex of the property. It also appears that i~,r.'~3rovm grid sa" " + r I lcl 1Jpan rnotlon, dul,~ secandea, county bi11s dos. 2511 to 2598 ~ a tares ~in 1931 lrrnaedlately upon hi .r re~ur.r to ',7ilmin~rton. Inc., wet„ as roved fo i payrncnt. I P x fs n , The matter of nurc~Pra.,inl?. twelve C:[ fourtaen rwcord 'nooks far Mile ';e rz,ste;" of - 6 Desd,z ~ r~rk ' anon of ,,,rs. "a office, half to 'oc, faid out of tl:i:z years apprr,priation and balance out of , The d,~yr .lc 7.lle r;i. , laid for license to Hell beex at lots,`; P 'a'' n , p., ~ . ~~.on exi; ~ on th~ budget, was Daft vrith the ilerrister of :Deeds to urchase fror:: •'P ~ f..~~rs 'w' Cantle Naymc road, ua.pe roar townsrlih, eras referz°ed to the Sher'' ~ p ~ aura he dec.rna :Most and recocrr:ra~ndations. -sif fo:c znvestigatzon 1 advantr~,~;eous to the r,a;!nty. . , the md,~,.ter Of ~r'Ctiring adr'n13C1011 fOT }L'arl ;,I7.nt1 In t;he iced CJ'039 janitci,rlt ,~a~ 'one follorll.n~ ~UOd anel 1<`~','IfUl men ~r@rU itrawrl t0 08i'vC a9 'urOr~ i re:ferr~~d back to h~ ~,r~ ~'a ~ "f" ~ ~ , arn' 'r"c _ Ga,.zrt for the tr.~ial of crlrnlna3~ dsc;s ~ ~ In the Super. or, t c .,ll r. Ol~lcel ~o~ aadltlana,l infoxnla,,,lon, for ,ree]c beginning June lltrz,1934; } i~ ~ F ' , tr r ~ ' .r ?7 ~ p l ' q tt ~ Upon rno~:lon of '.;Ir. Tra3,,, seconded 'oy :r'~:r. Minton, t,le Board autllorized arltl directp ~l,' ~+•a~•~~ o~r~.~l. ;J, ~r,h~zell. 'rl.~',..Jolly. ;`l,h,Stevrart. John Pierce II ~ ~a .z..1,~P, ~ ther.ancellation of the back taxes cllart;ed a~~inst Samuel :dixon o~~ 143 ac:ren of ~ i''ran'r. !Tai, ass. Payton Uzzell. i'.P,Sasser. ',T.O,Green. h. • r , land , ~ J. .Peoples. ri.,..]Jerrklr~. ~ ~ `~~l,ti.:3ro•'rm, ,J.T,Ba.rlcer, h.IJ.Jonras. J,i~,H r ~ ~ in Cape .Tear township fog. the year 1514 and a refund of ~,~1.<,5 ~'zaid nn ti~.t tic urnln;'t > , zr o ' . sort. L.B,~Joadbury. _?,G.Potter. ~ ~ t. he .3aid land recently purchased 'a Chas. Parmele et a1• f ' , C.~`~.?~z'o~,vn. R.~I?.Crider. r a ~ Y , or tnc reason tr>a,t the .,~~nrell. C.?;larshburn. '~7,R,Hiakn~,n ';J.C.P~tcFherson. a me was 1lsted and t h,, td;res 7~1,id fo. the raid 1 Pa ' „ ,,,.1.,~ar.rell. G.3.An+.lt~rrh, te. i A • ,r, ~ , I ~ f~ r 1914 oy iLC.T,rznln~. ;._i J. .Unae.c,rnad.rl.,~,Russ. A,h,t:4caorton. T.C.riorris. ;ha,s.Jarrr7.1. Joluz Le~r~ris, 'V.IJ,"aedsol ^r~ r~ , f, e, h. 3.,~~venson. _ red ~;,,rintsp.~l.I+.Groves. Ap~,~licatian of ..,:c.A,~:,Bock ~ or licen4p + to seal ~aeer a~ ~~'Jrl~h,,sville ,Jaund in a r, ~ ~ ~ c~c r(~e.Ylce 'y' m r, l.5 ~ ; i , ~f ~,vith the 1a+,r, ~rra;z upon motion oi' ;!,"r.~,~iaton Hoy, r ~ Lh„ ~aoard_,nen ~oo~h a ere ~ ! ~ r r, , ~rl.,e.i bf :..z. ;,05,:,, a,,I,roved. r r ss un~,._. ,edn..a+lay June Gtrr,l..-,.i~E, at 3:00 o'eloo]: 1~.1:,. s ~ to C~JnC1CIr.',r tfie bf.lls Uf exrPnse f Or tlOltilnlr ,1'!^11'(la"'~ r~ k I~' ~ . J J!zn . :~nr].,1~ 34, and ~o tr ke s •r Upd motion of ;Ir Tra rjecon'aed by ,.:r. Nintan the ~~oard af,rt;~r r' ~r r ~ s~uei~: att.er r,,ct~.~~n tr!~:~; :mra,~ be notes a t c~. , 0 1zEi t; he pu.rr;ha.c;e o~ ,l s r,~ nu _aror~er. i ~~15, 500.00 5? ?~1e'rr ?Ianaver County :school ncl r ; ~ o' - J s due ,~lOJ0.0a In 1~3b, ;:,~3,ODO.OU in 19. I! i. • and ~jpll, 500.00 in 1938 for the slnk~rn s fund a 3G ,r , I, c,o~,rnt at ''~],n,..00 and ~ a~- ~ p a„~rue~1 lnt~rest, _ , , for Cle r•]c. E yl i ~ Zhe request tilLtt the co~~_ztlt+ furnish and fonts P ~ , ~ ; " ~ J 1 culv.,rt~~ir=~in:.nl; ,.;,pl~rr~;{iraatr:] y sewe,~i;~ f 1 iv; 1'ect of she a1~en uiteh at Si~o [ od ;,,ills ~ , c ~ I r 1n ftUl,.leCtlOn 471uh ui1P, COnStruCtlan Of 3, % +"r11rl1r:ftOn, ' ~ , , ~ . ,'~j I , f . June l.th ].~34 I a'r1lrQ,lln~; 1Jp0 l1Lre, ';"1'd iJUCl?.nCd FGr till: T'P,~„~Otl th~J.t the yaTf1A 1r3 a pTlVate UnCI@r~a~]C1 dl t:' r r, i; . in whl ch the count has nn legal ''•i Y, , . ~ + n, , , . ,i f - .,Ilt to I~cJ...t1..1 ,J.ue• _'I'i~ 1'e`rUla].' 'dJePka''~ mF'e " t' ~1.~ p j tir'~,- of ~~fc. ~a~_L~.Y.~ ~~ce„~ held. th' , 7. , , n ~ ~ ~s u~;~ d~ x,00 O clock; L,.., (t - I y +1' ~JpOrl T,101;ian, d~11'+/ 9P,COn~led Couni;'~I '0~~t ,r e p-,er up• k r r' „ ~ - - , 1~.1„ :,0,3. 2173 to ..510 :;ere a;~proved far payment,- :rent; h~;azsor, ,.~~vle~t ~~nr~:l_rTan, ~~reo.;,,~z•a;,1c, .",,o.s, ,~a5.;.!,,Hall and J.li.}I1n~On. j; ~ - I ~ T.le rnect.in:_ then ad'orzrn~d. ~ ~ ~•r : u ~ ~tlF' nl1r1Ut,Uu 6~ Il1P..etin~ Of JUnC ~t11,]_~,~~~_, tivere Tead acrd dj)prOVad aS I'P,COrded. jg~~ I r i.u~:~+~,, Jaffe, was unori motion ai' , Pr~.r^:., r,econ,aed by I,:r.. :Ia11, ~llo~~;~ed to pay I f Cl er1~. tl ~1 G'L' . z c n r' l ,a e 1.31,1~3~ and l~~,S ta,~t„z du~ ~r~ lot rrl7 in izlack ,~5Q5 ,rithout being renuirecl to r' ~,Yilmington,Il.C., June rl~th,1934. :ray the r,o11 personal and doh; taxes due by J.T~.??ich and charged against the came ;j ~ r• for tfe reaSOn tho`, 'fir. Jaffe P!~'.r:; t0 tc1Ce tfle ra;lP.l't' OVer wnd I."r. lticll havirr• n P y 5 0 ~i-, The regulal• ',vice]~ly meetl~,lg of the Hoard r~ras held at 3:00 0' clock P.1,` er.uii,-r in the same.. . 5 s: s , Pies nt: AC1d1,~On =levVlett (,ht~.i torso Geo.4'J "'r' T}1f,' ?~OH,'c,' F p : ~r~ ~ ` 'r .z w,;~~., I.?:~`,~~?ass Ja!~.;i.Hai1 and J.FLl~inton, z i acting rpon ,h„ rEC~,~~n_nda~ion ~f t.~e aunty kuditor and upon motion of 1 ~t . ~anton, se~;dded by .~Il°, 1'a.ll e.uthorized the e.;cl"range of P;etiv ?Ianover Cot~rnty hiss Ann ?:isison H mA l• ~ r~ ' ~ o Demon:tra~lan Agent made a verbal report of the activities of a;,, bonds rr~r-, +,t~:ring aster July 1st;,1J3Es for ? li~~e ~rfount of I'?e~~a rJa.naver Colznty 5;;, h ~ er department fox t ~:e montn of I,2ay. ~ ~I:,onds rra,tu.°ing on Ju.1T~ 1st 1r~~3~3. - J , ~ t i 1 I - ~ ;^lith xef'erence to Cha to !12 ~ - 7~ ,r, , , . „ ~ _ p r ;t 04, ectlorl a-,A, Public, i,asvs 19~~, and 'the request of L'pcn L~:a~ion of :fir, ::lr:tort, seco,r,;eu by iron]', '"rs. Llc~..nor C. Bisl~rop and ~E ij . Dr. ~3ullork that the Co~,rlssioners ta]ce 7 ~ ~ ;~.irs. ~ r pr -~,p~,. tr ± e t Ot' r`~ • col,nizance of th., rovisions in said i~ct :0,.11a Lebo wft.,_ tlo.vinr_ ,,....n exa,air.ed by _.le ''~:ji~t~n county 'n_" al.lr _fice_ % t 1n antiCl ai;lori of any p x• k 't~~ `ll'~l "n^ n ~ L• c'~ r .,,nr } ~ P' y claims that leis has ital may make .or ~ > > ~,.at:^r..ended_ m~ h „ r ;JQi ter., Officer ,r..~e a.drnitted ~o the Count Ilorne as P y psfrnent fo. trea~.ac,n~ oz ~ a t e _o.~n~,, .,_1 y arty zndil;ents, the same to apn1~ as a credit on '-a , . ' , inr;~~:tes J ~ xe lue by n1s hospital as prova.ued In said Act. ]rlr. Trask moved and it was ser,onde ~ ~°E 6 after a d by I;',r. Hall and carded, i;hat on ar,d r June 4tn,7.93_, the actual necessary expense for treatment of any z•esldent ?~levr ~`'Iil1U o:f expense for holding ~~rintart June 2nd 193~r aJ;gregating i~753.~1 ~4~rere uzon t~ r .I , ~ I Hanover County indigent citizen or citizens who are likel~ to become chi's clla,r~?es ~~!ot~.iar.~ of ?~:':r. r~. l~r~ aunrowed for ~~a Went as ubmitted b tlr f f. t, t,vill b acts fed a + Y P 1 ~ ~ ,o~~.,, ,~cconded n~ __ntan, ~ yr , s y e ~ p s valld.clazms against she County and allowed as payment on and credit '~o0.z•d of ~~1ertlons. - I against cu~.zent taxes only that. may be due by the I~ullock ?ion ii;al Incorporated at i,he i time and ~ ear such ex:~en e P r J s is lncur,red; Provided application for treatment for anv Leon motion of ?;iz~. Tras]c, seconded by I:ir, Hinton, file Clrairn~n ~rras asl~:ed to appoint a i. i such oounty indigent shall ]12ve been approved by the nountV ]iealth Officer. before ~]t raem~+iai' + n - t ~ meetitr~' to be held at the Chamber of this :3ody to represen~ tae „aunt;; a w admission for treatment, and provided further that all su h ' ~ r ~ a 'lt r a ~ z r r II c bills are dui itemized an~~i of ~or,~ne aor!nln a Term ne, o n. anon fo_ t.re sworn to and are an roved bt the roe y rCe Jurle ~2uu,1931 foz the purpose o~ I G S _ P ,l ~ .rnty Health Ofz l..er as necessary and pro;)er. °a ' beautif ica~tion of Comrnunlt•' ~Brlve. The Chaiz• a,~pointed 1~ar. l~ .~,I.~:os.~. y Upon rnotlon of Iur. Tras'.~, e ~ ' ~ s sanded by I..r. .ilnton, the saxes erz°oneously cl~red against !;i~or"! t7otion of . r, Tr=~sl, seconded b]r :"r. Hinton, I''r,T.I1.Sin~nons ztras allowed to pay J.Henry Roehner as not listed for the year 1'?31, anti as held b the Cotzrlt- for the t~:~e car ~ a d e for file ears 1921 to 1933 inclusive b f Y ~ Y y oportlonate part of ~,p19G.63 t xes u Y , Y ~ ears 1;;32 and 1933 on 3.4 acres of land, part of Bonl~,rn or ~,1illiam o uarn?tt ~ r. m and in I~~~asonboro townshi t townshl were order a s n In .~~.Soutlle.rland on 185 acres of land,Part of Grls.o l p, o P, ed c ncelled, for the .reason that the same land ',vas o~.med, listed ~'~pl ~ In f f a res of the said land purchased by him. 5 u11 se ,tlemen~~ d t•'na c ~ and taxes paid far said years by ,V..B.Head. I t1~on m ~ ~,ir. Hall I:ir.~.q'','Jilson recently discharged 1 I otlon of ;i?°, Hinton, aecorraed of . , Upon oration of i;ir. Trask, seaonded by ir, Ha11 the Board autho - ~ t f f - 'n a tent n~.ar the Sanitarium vra the bud eta pro is ? _ rized the pa,y~mun, o tom the Red Cross Sanltallum as aurFd, now lzving 1 , s g pI px flan oalance due the Board of !;ducati on, or so much thereof tlla.t .i allowed ~ U d anti larrndr~t at the Sanludrltlln until he regains his rna~ br cecessary, for ?Jaintenance of Plant and S ecia ` a•' ` ~ Cpl. 5 per w., e., for fop sr P r p 1 lot t,zonal .~und, for fiscal strength. year ~nding June 3Uth,1934. 1Jt~a ^ ~ ~ rig ntor, the matter of purchasing a new cool: n motion of ,~Iz. Rds, veconded by .lr. , ~ ~ Upon motion, duly seconded and rz pan recommends ~ , - k , n r a ^ ~ ^ ~ I flan of the ~ountf ',delfare O~f'icer r',zn ~ . n r' to ~l.e ~ount5 anr~ Cor,arz.~tee vrzth porvez to act, , g~ for fire County Home, w~i,, rei:erxea the ]3oaz~1 approved the ;:~aymerlt of ,j~3.G0 trans.~orf;ation for 'dV avr~~ r ,r ~ 'clot - ~ .H.D „s, ,,ount~ tubers I in~:ligent, to the State Sanatorium far treatment. ~ ~r ' ~ Ord _ave authorit r i,pon motion of I;Ir. Ross seconded by ~,,r. Hinton, t~l.e Bey, g y to transfe_ n~" the ,a~ n ' forest aid P:Iay 23rd,1934, for the year 1933, on part r ,Jment of,;,,lll.~8 tsx plus In P ~ f r,rr I~mi, , ~ i Upon motion of I,Ir. Hinton, seconded by ?,ir. Hall, the za sent of 9 ~ ~ r.' ~ In tyre name o n ,a, c L, ,Iz.nton to r.. , f Sanatorium for treatm ~ ~ I ~ !Pl .07 to the State lot;; 1~, and 13 in block ~6, Carolina I,ol~ht ent of J,T.3elcher from ,Y:a ~.nd to ~ L r i' - 1 s ir, the name of B.h.liinton h Y ,Tune end 1934, was approved. log 9, Pact oi' lot 8 in block ;E2, Caro~.lna, l~olgl t , er husband. , ~d . ~ l,or tl r ~ ~ ~ ~ _ 'Mention of t:ir>>>. rlinton r~zt ~~lle time of payz~ent, to apply U on motion of ~~r ~ ~ ie _eason fast it oya.~ trru lr p r. Hass, seaended by l..r. 'Pros?:, the ~~or~niss;taners rated to be included ~ tl ~ ~ f lot I~8 block ~2, to meet the requirements of y A 7 , r It paml~nt of tan. on lat ~9, U,nd ;,art o ,c r 7 in the counties that wi11 adminlst..r i„others aid durin the f' r, ap lied on lots 1~ and 4 ~ g kcal ye!:r 1931 1935, file mortga.,e holder but through erz or payment as ~,p 1 , In block ~ J , Upon motion of ::?r. Boss seconded b 1I~ ~ > y ,,rr. lnton, the Boaz•d approved the purchase of / r"~ re ~ of `~'lri;lltsville I3eacll, th<o,t the rounty Corr~rissiorzQrs »ostae stamps and envelo es for the a ~ quest of I~~,r.J,ly.Ta for D;~ayol C P .,let. oz Superior Court o~'fice in the amount of Y ' h for file survner montkls, to be d~si. Hated as X17.07 the same to 'oe ch ~ i ~ provide 's ~vi11e Beac U r arged against the emer~en.cy fund, an officer for ,Tri~ht,~ a d after cliscussion as to tlf.e Coup ' . Leputy Sheriff' and Life Saver was received n ty s leg~.l aut'rrorit r matters of this nature, ,::r. Ross moved that the Chaf.znnan fJpon mo't' on of ',ir. Ross, seta ~ded by ?lit. Ironic th' t" i ~ In invitation to aft ~ is 'body acf.no~,vl:;clbes receipt of an vr, „ Y n cool e~ating e of the needs and conditions at the 3esch 'r?worts end a conference of civica;;d commercial or~~ani ratio a e hamlrez' 1 err the aid of r,:r. Minton, nral<e a sure y of he •ts I ~ ns t th C '~orities t two tenor 1 of Co~amerce June nth, at 11;00 0' clock +..i. concer.r ' ~ ~ and after cnnferrin with the t°;oveznmental a,it.r ts, xoport back;. to ;o zinc; the r.rsl,ter of forrrrulating the k3 S r~lans far the beauti.f'ieation of Comr 't oard at t meeting. nunl,y give, and named the Chairman to re~resen a subsequen i;his Board together with any other rnenzber ti J s vho may care to attend and express s;Imp=wthy for file movement. ~ , , ,4 r. 4 _ . r . n fi i. : f cf June 1St11 1.cJ 4 can l; i nuerl, i, }~~e e't 7,11E1 ~ I i'~ieetinFr of ~7une 1 n-, , a 1th,19,54, continued. m,7e ,)z•e ,<~,r~ ~u!on of ~,ne 1~,)d~-].J3;7 Coi.Inty B9„tdret vra• r~' ~ n ~.~ierrcd to t:'le Ck1<:.irman, to ~'rork - ~ fay he c,an. trpar. motion of ,~,_r. ;,ass, seconded by llr. .Hall tkle hoard t up of thereal nd r~ c ~ ? au,horized tkle separatio , < a ~ eracnal taxew I, n iJ?ron rno ~z an of :::a. , .rasa., ..li~~onrlecl by ',':r, hall the ;3oard r • ~ ~ ~ . due by ,:r.~-,L.Ca•nady on lot j~306 Audubon f'o ~ >.tt year 1933 and allo~~r' r tkle ~ • ~ ^ 1 ,.orlw~c, and dire • Ed Mir. L,L.~,..11.1s to fay .the 19:53 taxes due on Fa A ',~t.irr,h'~r~,e o:C rz 1~~,~-.~,e,~ ~?anrc, fo'r. ~~he a ~ ~ ctad j ~ 1 zd lot withc,u't th~ _ ~a Into oine ~~,t a cos,, of ~ ,15.00 G~` r.,el.n~ required to pay the personal tax of irir. Ca,nad~ n ' ~ • ~ I~rr. hills fiat' 1 t ~ ~ ,1 c azged therr;in, on a.ccou ~ zng .he praperoy over , and I,,z. Canady h~>,virig no e~luit i nt °f rr,~ n hi~,~';irn ~;;f ?;lr. 'nra.sJ~:,secorlr~ed "o~ r1r, n~P y nthe a~tne, ~~.~.o 7.l.,on, Coin~ty ~3ills ;~os.2599 to ~?74a A,raplicatione for' license ~ r, ~ incl~.isive ~rr,r~. aGJp~~oved for payment. {plj to se~l 1?ecr pre.,ented in due form and by Pers. Sa7.flsr ,u. Flat d and 3]an 1e & Ta r accordinlr to lv,r~r ' p lu n J ~~ila, ne road ei kt , ~ ee, at busineJ3 locations on the Castle Mlle rn,a~,ti~r,f i;lte a,d,io,z1'nr~d, ~ ,l t and szf and Half' miles respectivel from the cit~r o ~ 2 I upon motion of ~4r. 1'~1l seco 1- ~ y ~ limits, 'Nexe ~i % ~ nded by ,;:r. Ro,;i;, approved.lhe conduct of s i ! to be` under strict a d burin - f observance of 'the Sheriff. era - - , The. mate ~ ~ g t r of the county- furnishing the labor to install Ii~.at~~ • , ~ .,z Zal to be furnished b - 'r~filr,li'a,~ton, C, , ,Tllnr 26th 1c'-;i~x. f ' l Spofford P;iills 'to drain conditions brou:ht r,b ~ y > lI i ool was d f~ ,out by t.:e In,, U~.llration ofI a swlrnrr~i !i p , eclined for the reason that the C ,n+_ r., - ~ n~, , I~ ~ 4'Ja Ol i,?' ~i~.3 1'1D 1C'f]~11 ~~11r,h0'_'lt` t r, :.'416 :'Cj';4ii~LJ.' `irU~~''ril;}~ i;?rar.;i~1Tl G~ ~~l,t; ~E),~,~ ~'Ez5 i1C',1C1 :il ..yy'~, t ~ 77 i~i ~ r excel,t :for the benefit a:f t'rle general public. 1 ° enE,age in ,X r; Iii , ,K'~ F} Flec~ji:n E~,~lCil.; 'v'~irlett ~(1Cili'T(lx~~; ~~ea.,~!•Ti'al'I_ ' i7 a. ,I I! .~~:..,oc,3 1~nd ,T. ~:•:I1.n gun. C cornrnuni' ~ra.~ r.eccived from the Count~t Au~~;litor :~klnwin rho a. ~ nlol,lnt, on depot;; earh bank as I~~,a a ,o eth n ' n£ y 31st,1~34, f ~ er v'ri1;h a memorandl~ f , z i ~ ~ ;;~cl-r r-• ~ it ~i 0 SeCt.irit'~~J helG. irl e r"~ (,C].C„,-•t~an T 'Ort ~,1„ , nCt„ '.;link) 'rod OtCler 1i1~i;rt'StG(x iii;i'LGYIS ~ pr r~~' r t i~,Cil OEf,Se a,')pC~.,r.,d, ~_i.,.>111 a , r t, a tl 7 , jl~On Cl f ~ ~ v0~~.hi, .,r%i(1neY•S to ~a.l„e lri$IteGilatC'. SJj;ti'p:J 1U?J rd . A ~ c` f otion a_ I,Ir. R ~ ~ r ~ r, ~ ~ curing ~•u royal of t e ;i 'i'r,i,,'. i,i ors ~ecan.ded b~. , r, .p t to :,i„_,,vay P~._. i{inton, the Chairman vras asl~,ed to t 1< a,nu .`?~a,,l~ io~~ .r..:r.:jrsi on •to ~orlstr~.ici; much nec,dr:d and d' ~ ~ •r' ti°rith -the State ~Hi ~ ~ a e uo i.,eusJ1„c.i n_or,a'~,- ,d raz.d ~llorag S wa;f'and ~i.cblic',rJorl.:r Co~,~i:~ission the urgent need of rt,r? Cr;.~~~ ' c;~,,• 1;iver i)~'oi;I ~Jili.~;r.r.,~~;an to ~f„'Ie ~ , cleaning i;he ao.a,nern ~..arhe.,, P,Ze~Srs.J.l9.ri.Futchs, ~ da.tcnes on both sides of theroarl on ti•re;~t side r a- a,• ~,vith tl•i r, ~ ~ of the rrve„ eonr,ecting route ; ~ ,To.ci~ .1 ianrl iJs•. i~r t, urr.,en ~,e1~ ~,le recue;;t ~.nd ur. _-~cd +,1~1a.t ' P ' ,~20, 1~ tn. rna~,ter Ile I,r.ornt)t1;j e f_rtili.rE,r factories. , r •f , ~P"~""; i ~a' „r: lit) ,I:.~,t. ,;1(. .~i,-~~G .1~i17rrl,j ~~1'iYfli•Sr9lan. 'r`.T. _~1'~.",aF'.~ 0~:' ':,1"i 'l , r~ ~7 e .,OA ,,hcraa.clll .,QIr~.pally~ s~ I i ~t"Yt, •i: :"r'i~r`;it 'r'.i1d d`:; i11Trc'U. ~1 ~j 7.. I- ('C?a l.~r~.~.. U; ~ ~i• , ~ y ~ .,r i ~ Toe rneet~ing then adjoiJrned r. ~,.,.o.. a, s „r:~a~ ~,o',ar~ir,l ~~;cil~•i~l;; ;;is l1i '~~,ray. ' ''a~~ iflere:U'C^ 1iti~U71 LiGt,'1On Ui ,~,U.;i', ;r'.a :rrl ~r + , , _ , Oi-: ~~~'rltar'i,, ,i~ ~:~~Dt~iJ°Ct VCt^d t11'?1' rni,' ~I ~ .i Et1Ti~ , ,i:n ~'',r~ ~rn,.,~,i;sion !;r; a.-,.),~,nr!;d - ~ , ,I~ 7,. - r~._-,~ _ ~.t, 'rl~ii,. L,.llr,d:.,~ •,r,,na ,v~.,trl ~~u aunstc+.er Inc cal~ratrur,~,ior4 p ~I OI c6I'j i7.1iC11~;~Cfld.]. (!i l.'ird' tG i....e :0i1t'i:C,~l`n i , ~ ~ C~~Exr:. •t: 6 ? ~ , ~ ,:.nC a. routs ~~.lorg the river front i! tG re1i~`'dc CGnl;'1f9~,e(1 tr` _ ~f1C CCiI1'a7.i;1r1I:1i a~r~r i ,E' re5!'rl"' 1YlaCleC'i,'' 'C i ~,~lilnlington, J"tine 18tk1 ].~'3~' ! ~ CU ','11 i`,., ~ f;' Of t'tie ~i,r1.1rY~1~11'1 I.nCl ,.ratan i1P:iVi r~, f r' • C , nv.,,,ta.;n. red t11e neera ~ or wddl ~;.ona.l ,~~r I; i , lrle rer.ll az '/1Ec - _ ~1,' a n , ~ :'.k~l~~ r':E;rti1A~; of r rE , .!i,,r~ci->1 ':ricer., 1n ae o'~ ' ~ . ~ a- , ~ t,iC: w i r' 1 1~:~ ,~.JG ~ C1 C' ~ int„r ~ r,, = g r ~y r; ' S aS011~ IEf~O..~t,(?nr1Cd ~nd1; t,bro I ",Y~z,, L'e tf..,, ~ v Y ' ~,f:'); 1' a .ti ~U,•,•L~ E3aG11 C • ~ - • I ~ i^- " , 51~~ 1~ ('C_~..,.. Gl.•~ 1C: f: 1'J IJi; 6J ~rJaYlte(l, ~,,:A 1 i;1J,~'011 •;iQS~i r10V~J(1 aild 1t l'vafJ tieCOnUeCl 1J , ~'C!.,,,1L, X;1d15aIi :I~'~ir~,,t ~ii r.e , ,i- r , 11„~i, n1 ~ a. Y i ~ ~ .Lit,r., 0.. ..1.„~~, ,j d.;,~. .'~;x,11 a3~;111 .1. ~ . ~ ..On (~1nC, C, _ 1~ ,!1C :'E?'';G~ .et:~,,~. ,,10r] f;1 f,[:C' CCf~~rni`:t(:E; bE; adC`ited slid tha f .~1i11~,O11,• ~ t ~ La';lis :~r:~',Cl 'L1.Q .~1i.;,7r. T„ .,~-~C 1,;'~Cl"t i".r,0;a;(,:,c'iti''n , Rio, a of rte ,~r1e.'i11 , c,u1~ a•uparnted ~ ,.P.e inillUl;ei of IYIE;eti - ~ f~ rluiie ].1 t:1 NIUCC Pe,;:( f i r i ,r~ ( •b }mss, ~ ,qF n" Of ;j';;,, ~.41J- 1C Ia OI .r <i. T( ('1" r u , , a ~Y,~r ~t 111"v~C,Q cl1,i i''LCGY'CiE;d~ ~W ~anu'~ ~:17~.C_ :~~:i~. b~~.utilOrit~ Of ~'i.ir~.) er '7r~8 C:f thn f r;. F111711r,-l,a(;;:r]. j't•"~,. 1L1 ~ rn , n;) i1 )eI' `rl j' ~ r ~I ' u ~ l5, i~,ll :iF~,~.at',~~ y1,~„Cl. cti, ,~lU lJ0 r,,,n y ea ~ Qr ";CriOU '~)e('",.I"inlrl ; 'r ~i ' ~ ~ le C T i 'JYaf3 ae'reea•h1e 'i'!7.'t}1 "1 '?Oil .'d tC lens';:, . ~•r, - C'3, + a - .r v_ 7 yen r,r.E, cJr~,ina 1~ >~9 ,Jug e „gun ] ~,J t ,.L,,a E,ndin ,.:r'o I r G.. .n~• ~ n 1 i; e~j at ~I p , ~ ~ ,o:' ,;e )':cln'o~,r ~~•d 1..x4 41rd b nr.< f cntel'inrn ,,'rte ''r ~ _ r;•- a re_°t under tklo rover a ~ 1 , > u i ' ,u~~aGri!:)OrU LUo;D I'02•d aS re~Ueated by ;;il';J, wl. ~?Y'Oline til(',~^e',1z' Y~ ;d~~~U•h~~~ e,ll•t?.. '~s1e ,a1'~ "y),~G1'1~~. !~~f:f 1Re'_"S to 1)E' iln(~r1^, file Contl'al &nd dlil-:Ct,011 Gj' the ' elimira ~ ~ r ~ _ _ tin rz danr,e oi.re ha~;,r~,,,d to nr , ,~i~,r ~ r„ ~ ,r - y Ole_~~ 04'rnerS LL",1n~; tr,1S La ~.:e'li~ of :~,eCr 'tafiave;" ..;01).;':f,f c',a CJT.'av_!~,CCi ~)j' .,~~tl ~l";~J ~U" L Gal J~a`r^ 1 3? ~ ~ ad, )ter. ~t.i.c- a r, 9• f 7r.~;f :,~n ~ ed - - . .~DLi ~ ~ ~~UOre 2jJ~JG'ar arld uI'ged "ke c•c, c UJu1l 'li:Ut`~ ..~tl' i:.~ Y ~ 'r;•n , r i, ~I+r u t ~Ol`i.;(: > iij ~ I UT v0; ,f,'CGr.aeG 1' .,JJrJ ~:;C' 0 id '1J P , serurin,g '~,~,~I.A.tlllotment v , ~ ncr,, to ts~..e o1,epJ ~o~,~raid I , u w a pra,cd ,,n. p~ayrnent of ~i, " f0~ t,.c, CG.1~vIUCt1 r, 1 r 1i~'~ 'asp Uf Oi; n n ,r li,Pr, i•,, ~ " n M an aJ i ,n;ra r1 r e r,c.,C r~f• i,li,. ,,i.t, ~o. ir.+r ~~e .Ia,:t ~~ol1..c~tor. i~ r~ p r - ,I • ..0.1 t„le ~a:7r ear 1,' z ivc_ fl or~, `,;rilrn~irlr,ton vzo, ,,.'~e '7ow Chemical ' , ~ , ~ . ~,e plant to the ? oc], ~ u it :,~1):ri .?a?~ tU 1±'OL't F.Sher r• 9 , ~.L.nGe ,],,.Q'? .r ~~ir. , ..OnrleCtln~; there ';71~„n atE7,tC: hr~ra~ d vii ':(,~;,i~t1 of .,:1.. '~:..11tGli ;,''Cr,rlliCCl 'J~ T'. T'rasl' a ul].l Zr, fdVGr U1 L.C.JOi~11]Sa17 ~g ]Io. 0, thence ' ? . cot,tinuing 1 r. on the terln~ r n' a.,. - ~ ~ ' lu.~ of .the hiil',~,~a.y on ~:te northern e.rtens_oin of Ca:rr,7 . ~CF,~)ut•;,~ ;~h.cz'i.fi of Chatham 'Co~.rr;tlr ~~'or ~aO.Ori, expenses arld sarviees incurred to returllzng r L Beach and al n - _iria _ ~ ~i G E, . ]C SpUnCi anCl beach t0 V,r 1 kla:"r 'r Litt;en an eSCapedi~le'dr :~iano~ter CDl.lilty pa,tlerlt t0 fife atCitP, HOnC,ital fr,am j~ i~.ltsvill.e 8ca~,i1 connectilt: v'aith the C~+.use,^ra~ thereb~~ r ~ _ - r J, ,r a.f1o.:•d~.ng approxirna~tely r~ fifty mile twofer :Cr , 1 ~ ~ PiCtsboro,;.C., eras aphro~led. historical and resort intere>9ts of ~ ' ~ r ant ~_z,e a-on; the tn„ ~ciuzty. 'the i r ~ f stressed b~ D i< .II :o_•tn',nce o~ tilia pro ect t~ras - . J r. ,~:oore and lteenl~ a ~~~~°eciated b the J ~ ~~r:plica,tLcl: of A,:i3,;;;aore for l~irense tc; sel]. beer r~Nt Casfi.le Ha~rne in ac ~ordr_~,•nce ;frith „ J 1•r y ~ ~,orrnnissr.one_„r 1~r. ~t'r~ !I rr.aved ~ ~,nct„ t~:)1S s.,card ~,0 011 I'6 Y' , , i la','r tl'1P. ~ n ~t•' c,~ I CO_d aS I'Je..rig itl S,~7C!iia~hy tidl~rl tP.e ;1rD>10SE)d Sa,.il~ Y1a,ing be6n p1'O1lC~"l~ e;{,~,Cl1tPd, 71a:i 1.1.1)Ort li1af110r1 Of ~:i1'. i11.1tOn, ..,E.CDY1deCl its construction l~)e ur? project and ~,,l~.t ' , l ,i E,ed, his Incti nn arras seconded by ;:z~'. 1I1.r1 by I~.ir. i;os;; ~,;)braved. ton and carried. ? ~ ~ r , f1 t*~, / Ii ~ matte:" of having ~t~,e blue arints and i7U~ s d~' Ail a'r~r)Gi ' t ~ ; r , ~ . ~ i ' r r er ; tk ~ 1' ' r. ad _ 1~-- p tran,~Le~rcd from rna~,~ boob liar. 1 ~.~.nr.~. ca ton of L•C.God.~rey ao. 1....ea~,e to .~e_1 n.,e_ at ~..lte_9 ~t_.o., a~f , I, 10. -,on a / (~lr ~ C nGG; bliidP.rS and leaves t0 D f i - ~ ,rO,eCt dnd ~CI,rBSerVB ,,he rCr~Ord 2, ~ I~(:T'r .ItVanU.C '•1 I'(;fP.i'rCd t0 t[1e col%I7j,Y ~i~tUl'ne' t0 °~OCe]'taiYl T,il~.' laCtS 111 a CaSC ill thE; ~ g s rrapos _d by 'i,he ' as _,P,~ 1.StC'r Of l'}EL-'QS, tvaS rel t?i'I'ed back t0 the 13eL''1° ~i~ I'~ ~ ~ ' n n i r ~ I o~ ~ n , otet' of '.~eedS t0 B,SCeit&1n th8 C0't Ut (.G ~OLlr~ 1t1 1,"rlliCfi tktl ~ f,d_~.l 1'ra,~ _rifor.awd he was inlalVed, yam, a.nd report to ~ r'~ Board at a subs';QUent meetin ~ in order° ti~.~:r may be provided for in the count-r';; 1"~a_ ~'~F ~ t t}le expense _ - ~ nttdget• Upon motion of :.'r. i,~cr~s s~'ee~mded ,"r. r.Crt~s1: the follo',~ring 'sere relea..e~l fror:l payment 'k F ~ ~ ,l s G of penalty and Doll tart for the ~re~~rr 1933 i'c'x the rr~,asons givel~rs I1,~. n rnotlon of .:.r, a`{i.nton ~ ' ' . + secoil~,]eu .`z:'. It-r11, t:.,e •,h~~i,rrflan v~ra~, rr 1I authorised to nu..~~, .>e " JU.C11 InaterlalS tII~~lt 1n h1g 'l1Cl~'!"GG'nt 11e dZ j1 , ~ f. " , y . { ~ ~ ec..s nece„nary to rar~rf on t:le a'rork a~ ,;te Cauca,,,; ~T•a~..:,C,.;zllitin ,enalt~r and ';011 crla.cgecl ~"~inst logs in block C, :lydraore, account of aea~h t~ ; 1.. Lome III ~ti succescfi,tl ma.nne-~' in connecti n" ' 1 on ~,wii;n the C.~'~l,A,a~rark. a~~- of her hu:~l)and Fear ' 2 it ~'3;~ ' t ~~ork, ';fount and irrs.nc:,:illan did not return to „ . _ ua.. •l 4t , a ,,i11i11n;t011 l.Int11 ,aj~lter tax liStillr" •tiinc. ' ~ ~ ACt ion OIl 1', he re Iles ~ t0 ;7 , 9 yrovzae sUecial oi'ficezs for the beach resorts s•ras ot,)oncd._ , p until a SUbSedllCnt me etill~ `,Pllen Ill o a - ~ - ? a a r c ~ 1 .le mema..rs wive preserl~. •k'~• ~fJ•`I'.Hi:Inr.:,;t )r:na.l.t„ for not listing lo~,~ 1 and 2, block l0, aouth'rfilr~iinfton kfeightJ, !t ?k J , a:ecol.Int of ~ t~ ~ rt, 'n the eountr thinking this eras included. ..ava~~: 11s ~od a~ther prape.• I J lipon motion of i:'z , Hall, seconded b' :1r. :-I1nti •.r ~ -M.~.... of t)exsonal oo~ a y n, P::r. Harr, J~.ffe ,r~z;; glan~~~d a 1cf~~nd _ , ,1 nd Clog taxes amounting to ,;7.60 for each ,:-ear c ? ;~'~'d 'cis ~ ~:~utcrtG r G. , l; Y hi~u and due b- J,'T.l , ~ 1. al and 1~3,~, t J , . o~. ~.,~f.n..~ tty, p,na._t,- for not .._sting lot ~~r'linter Fa r1. Gardens purc}>4~sed b, ~1. cl. and chased against lot iio.17 in bloc]. 1 X05 .f a7• the eason tkla.t ~~l'' i;iart: Hin ~ • ~ ' ~ ' ~a • ~ ' -r ~ •m r owners. P+(r. Jaffe ha , r e~ who ,.IOU~-h'. It, u~..d ,~,,.,n ll~ted o, _oz c d to t«ne ~ne pxopeit,y over and it aoaears to ~ ' ' ~ V i! the ,~atisf'aation of t,liJ r3oard t}kit the Said real estate is ~rrorth no more th<~ n, r r r. i L, +i - therefo;•e I~.?r. R' 1 ~ the ,..olt~,age held by i,2r. Jaffe, and j' lpon mptioi~ of i'ir. ~l'rn,sk; s°con~ar~d 'o,a :.fr. hosU, ~:le ,Board au~,no1_~ed the a.cceptanoe of , y ? ~1 ic.1 he, na equity in t,le ~~arse, '~3•J5 ta.=t.cost and inte:cest due on lots ~2 and 23 Pine Acres, fedoral Foznt tot'rnship ! . C 1 re i < 9 J•,3 iL,clusive, Mlle same charged ar:',aii~st L,S.Andrevrs ~ i'or the ~ ~ o'~ c'ti David .~i ors _9,~6 and 1927, 1~,~. to 1 ~ ~ xon and (,narles ',."Jilder, colored citi,ens 'tlavin hewn ~ r; r• ~w,t` r:,~ and r, .r ~ h 1933. The sari a~:~oLt,lt of ,~c•35 acing the fu1.1 Caunt,y Health Oi'.F'icer and recon~aend g ex4~mined by t'rte As~~..,t I. i,~, ~Ll~~.~~aaed ay :LC.,Tot.nson Septein~Je. _lt., ed by the County ;'~r`elf;Ire Oi'ficer ',v ~d to i;i'le s.inot4.nt du ~ ,:~'7.G4 is due 'cy L.S..u.ndrerrs on other Iota in County -~'-orl~ as irnnates. ere a~im_~t~ ,1~; e cn said lo~~. The remaining ,r fine Acres. t i'~:' This ]3cu•rd having never bcerl called on for ~ ~ r • r r the T~latlonal i~le_er~ - an•I pa-t of one a;?pr~:,priatiorl provided far Tc•c m~,~~er of transs'errzn- ~i;hE~ rean~,d maps and blue prints ~IOrn IT&3.~) book Dios. 1 ana 2, ,plo,ltr,ent Bu:°eau at meeting of ~doveraber 13th 193 to nee; , ~ ~G •ecord.s ','ras refe,~:•red to i;he County Auditor aid ~ Ii' upon motion of i:fr. ')'rash seconded 1 9 3, did ~the.~efole, ,i.; bzn.t„I.l and leave. to protect the z , f y 1',ir. Hall, aUt,.lOrl7ed "clod c`1'7'17' 7n Pot of zi' anc '~(.~~'r''p•, n~ r~ 'a. a l - half of the amount of the follotra,r. bills ,z ~p aved r,:,~ pa,,.;l, ~a •~I~~~1 of ~~,~d,., t, a.~h pot'rer to ~~ct. g due o to I ~ paying half' of the amount: ~ -3ulE.au, contingent upar: the City r , t+' 3 i,non Inotzon dill se onded cowl;ter bills i',os. ?749 to 27~J9 ,rely approved for ra;lr,len~~. Y c , ~ r, '+Jestern Ifni all Te1e;~,•ar,h r ~ ~ : r a ~ fall :'rs ~ Co., Pole rams x.98 Tile bucl?et of h ~ r' f i;ciueat;ton for 193v-193dr Ira,, znereasecl c o s iJnilervrood F~lliott Fi" .4 , c aher rye,, Rr.rl~ af' l;r evrriter. 0.00 p .,outhern B'v.11 lelep'clcne Ua., vent of r ~ • . , , 250.00 • Phone 7_ I~. rl 5. ~ 9' ,.~~•intenan~e of P_~rn~ ~ • ' r . 7~ ~ ~ . , 490.2,5 5?lz tirocata.onal Instxuction~,.•••••• ~ A rcpolt of the 1,~.~dies =yet ,oom for 91'u5 them A ' t ' . . . onth of .°a' udi,Zn= • .ras zeceivea and o_rciered filcdd 837.50 ~ i! ~ ~,r.;, . . .P !I t ilpon ii~otlor; of :x', ;{in r k, Total, . e amounts vrhiclz vrere not anticipated as r.eceipta ~ ton, scr,anded by P,r. fall the roar ~ unds having been received to cover file ahoy is r ~ estate on t'rhi h o,? , r. ~ d ozdc,red that all real , r , ~ c the 1.~3 ~a..te,, hate not bc,en '~~.id be r or ,1a•slu.rsernents also r'~ gold for said un aid ta:ces on ~ > Zan . • • ~ 581.67 she first -TOnday in September 1934 The le`r ~ p r ~ c,al phase ws Lx enae for holding special tax e1ec~ , o the Coun 'F r , , , 030.00 tndependentl5 of the City, or both in tY advertis1ng r•~, r ~-r roca'tional ~~',ncl~,, • . • • . , cl.uced _rt the see advertise>;~ent Int of r:~~ Fail r,.1:~~, dal llu.a ~ , cost to be charged a.i:cinst h r , the anrol ~~rl,~'~ S t e p.o1)erty acid the dir;tribi.ltion r ai , Cii;• and Count o the co,~ts betti~reen ~,le ,at:_~ Y Y, J xeferred to the County A'ttorne ' 1~.:~ a ~rrlnd ~oti~.l of ,?,049.17. Y ,rl.tn poorer to act. Th ~ f t'r!e Chairman. a 13oa~zd u'_rr;Ii took a recess su~bjaot ~o 0,11 0 ~ ':',=1;~y 1 ..W.~.....~..__.__.M~...,.y..~.......W.., - .-~;.ri»~:.:.;:. • II _ i r: i 'r`Jilrrin~tan l:i. C, ~ri.tl, 2nrl 193 VJiltnin~to ; , , y , 4. ~ n,1~.C., July 9th,1934. The reCrular v~eekl• meetin of tyre F3 . , + , , r , y ~ o~r,tfi~, tins held. 3:0U o clool.:~,;;;,, The regular weekly meotin~, of the Loard was held at 3;00 otc lock P.M, Frc~ent: riddison ~ie~rrlett ^h~~' ~ ~,r,. ,,.7.r,'rnan, Geo....rr:.~,>1,., i,l~,I,l;o;~s,Jc:1s.1.I.iia.ll and ~,;-1 ~.•r ~ esent;Addison Hevrlett Chairman, Geo. Vl. Trask and .,h.ltorl Pr J.H.Hinton. ~ ; f; t . ~,.r 1~O~E;r A..OOS'e ',Jd9 'C'';F.; ~ r to 1 ,7 • „ ~ f p c It any to1r~ un, ~ou:nu,:,si.orle,:u that there a,re sirie~ minutes of meetings of June 18th 25th and Ju c..ilrlren be; a• ~ ~ , ~ ~rl The ~ ly 2nd were read + ~n~, c::•re.l for ,~y l~i~f ,,alvatlorl ["~1~r~ay i~otlie, ~~r.~ of which rrlrrile ~ and approved as recorded. 1i.kely to ber,orne counf, i ~ • , k x four ,~-rre ~ . E Y c 1c,rG„,~, that; the coo t f'ar rna.lrlt^rrc r ~ X~~er rlonth and asked ~ha n ,e to tJlc..~ol,rF, is ,;~';?rr , This Board at meeting of July 5th,19.~4, adoptod the recommendation of , ~ t the Counl~ !..rant an a; l)rona~iati.on of ~p50.00 ')cr ~ .00 urman Kellam colored for the ba the Recorder. to hire i' to~:rard their r,<~,re ,•znd ~;,pl0,~in 1,c,r inorlth :rol• ~ r rnr)nLlt out Th Y: , lance of his term on the Count Farmu o ,a,r,ll <~.~•ditional chilu r,lrat :,la"~- 1-, court costs amountin~~ to `''8.55. T Y p n payment i la i;Yle Home. ti;;nn motion i' c fl • : ~c ~~,~~r111~ted of the b w t Hoyt appears and this Boa r~ l o 11~c,~k, Jcconded b7 ,i:e. ~ilni,on Mlle , rd iu so Informed that y ? , sec uest cr< < ~ ~ an Kellam has since the ado lion of i qy$ z..celved to be considered in file ire )arr~tlon n" 1,, ; 1 ac Thurm Y , p the recommendation, escaped, thez•efore u oa i': 1 i l tyre coun~y s 1?~~k-1935 ~audl;et, motion~of I~lr. Trask, seconded by Ir1r. Hinton, the said action o ' p rv f this Board of July 5th,19,~4, f t~,or rnotier] ' is hereby recinded. I 0"P .1ntr,r° rieCrlni~lA,~i 17,~~ il~r li . ,,ors, i;;re r oliovrin~ 7. 1„.t",i ' a,n~irllrnCil,191„ ado )led: 'e 8D Oli 'ild;3 ,r 1 cao Upon motion of I,1r. Hinton, seconded by P,ir. Trask the Board au I~' thorized the addition „ i ~ .00 to the Re inter of Deeds a of ,100 „g pprnpriation for Stationery, Printing and Bindin " ~ ~1t a rel;lr_a,r inee ~1n; of fire 3oa,rd of Cornrnissione-,~' ~ ' 1,., of 1, .,r :Hover' unt,~ held for the purchase of Standard Forms Printed'. g f i fS ' on l~~cnday, July 2nd 19;4 on the c ~ i• ~ • o _ , , ac o,.ln, of the _~a„umu1~,~;on of nivil ,,,ctior;;; , 1 r Cui:cr~lor Court; of I,ie~+r Hanover Counter ~1 in the ; 11~ ~ , , 1e .~OaTd, i)y Un~,ni11i01,1~ UC7te ~ ~ . r ~ T (,1ec~l ~o r~,,~~i upon motion of rdr. Trask, seconded bJ Ps. Hinton, the budget of the Loard of Education ~ t-:~ r~o;~ernol of Ilort'rr fa~elina, to order a s' eciel ter, r ' ,1...1"~ i 193.4, and to continue f ~ A , , 'i c,olzrt to actin orl Jltl.y 30th for 1933-1934 was increased for Vocational Instructions b ~`u0.00 on ac ' or aperiod of I::~r ~ ~ , Y w count of funds , I c •~recha ~.nd ~,ae Cl.eTl: r~~ Y,, a, ".a , Co:~:'mi,;,ior.ers -.rs,;; o.rdcrcd to advise the ~:i ~ ' • „ ~a.~ o'' °11~ c: having been received from the Board of Vocational Education of the De 7artment Public orerlior o1 ~r~7.,, a,s4lon. s ructions at Ralei h which was not an~ I ~i In t g , ticzpatad. F, ;,u~;;~rur ~ T. _ t~ ~ c.u.,,3t10n :ri1'. ~IC3.:i i .fial ~ c. f! ~ 0~ ly that 'I; h@, ',;O:i"11;i.~1.OnerF9y Qr1 dL'OOLIYlt Of t•r1 'r ~ ..iV_nc, Axnc,nses ~,nd f v, ~ e ~ 1r'].r,,~.,~,~1 i.rr U on motion of i,~Ir. Iiinton, seconded by I,4r. Trask the Board autho I i nl.l_ol ~ng ,,tr r~o11c~ o. ~rle ;~ir~,~ , 1 ~~r p ? rued and diroeted the , ,1 _ t~ona_. -~cim7.rli,~~_at"ion r~~ t to n z ~ , ~ o::e i;n payment of ,;2.00 .r. ,~.G.Long, ,supt., of the County }!arm, for expense incurred in the ~ ~ ccr.nt,-;~ em,~loyec~, 1-.art of r, :1" ~:~,la~J rer_aiellon mr~cle J,,,1~~ c,7~~. ~ „ , . ~a., , li , ,ra,~ del e.. r ed r,,+, ~ _ ~,he capture of Thurman Bellamy, colored, escaped. G limo for „ire prol,~cration and adorli.i.on o:(' ±}~1p bl?~dr, ~l ,,e ~ ; i ~ ii: i~ i~ "lith ~['~f crence to ~ ~ ~ ~,;i, ~ A communication was received front the County l.uditar showin e pl.. c.a.t on o!' g the amount of County funds ~.C.~,o~lfi~'e1 for 7.icense ~ Atr,orne°~r r; ,ti. ~ a ~ '~o ~)c~11 bcc;r hr, Co~~:r osit in each bank s P and ~ler_, erc.re ins~r.uc~ed to t~.i:c file ]rr).ti;er o ~ rt,, on dep a of Jun, 30th,19,S4, together with a memorandum of securities ~.~.~lr Juc~;r. I i i i :or lr~re ~)ir.:oce• oi' ~~1cc - >t . - held in each case. r z'Gatna.n , ~,~re I_na1 d1a~~osalion of tyre care '~,~rherein i:r,Go~~~'- ~ ~ ~~~;as found u <s~ i'. t; ~;ullty of ,rlolc~tin,~ tyre aroll:.~ai"lion 1,~~ and it ~ ~ 1i14er"' ,r r .[ct:.. •li. ~f'irJrit ~ chr:~lfed. ''irlr' )le ) 'c "as U on motion of i,Ir. Iiinton seconded b P~;ir, Trf,sk r,F.Cla ton of Fa et vi ;r, p , Y , y y to lle, PI, C, , ; r. was released from a mrent of enalt• for not listin lot `~12 in bloc p~ P g L k 35, Wzlmington Sk. 1 ; xr; The nlr,tter cf )ure.ila,3in~° electric F'~z r„'• Beach fir the year 1933, on account of being anon-resident. , l- the i r), n., _ jui1, ~,~ras u?7on rno~lon a'~„., i;i .,.lailrnan arld >5aer•i1 ~ ~+vitn p to act. - rep r,rl [o the I~ . ~ ~ o ire„ ~ A bill far street assessments due the Cit ~ of ti'ril.tuirl ton b the Doard of Education in the ~ , to zng auplicr.,~,ions fo1 1' ~ ~ - a;~~ amount of 2 964.82 rind a1 and ~l fi59.46 interest as claimed b the Ci o 1"J' i ~ i ..:,.rc, to sell baeT havi~~~-~ beer, r~•~~ ~ ~ ~ p p ~ , , Y ty f .rlmington, f~ ~:lnd accorrlin~ to lain, ;°rere u~aon motion f u' ~ "~°,cutr:d _n p,''°uer foi~n, r ~ was referred to the Courlt r"atorne . 1 {F}`~ o Ittx•, ~.1n~on sec,on,ra Y Y c,_~ Irk :~:r, I-tall, r~lil)z'ovedz , . ~i''. +7,T~,Gasltill, Carolina .i3ryac;1 l',oad , ei~-h- A roquest for reduction of the assessment on the old brick buildin owned b the estate of i+.''. g Y ~ t miles f%rom ci t;~ li,aits. [ S Ilrs..~•=~i.I~,ly, Gordon :;oad, I;,;r'.1,,,~ 1.~ D.h,Pridgen, in block ;~~153, was held over for further information. ,r` ~i f~ nnxe ~I,P,icl~,oy, Seabree~se.i l; d 7` Pinar Carolina ~°Bn~l, ~ r ~ ~i • ~ w~•- .goad near ;,a;,onbola Loop :r:; Upon motion, duly seconded., county bzllu I,os. 1 to 50 inclusive, ware approved for payment.. ; , >~:w.~ I jy f 'UI)orl motion r,i' ';Ir. Minton sP - 'I The meetin~ then d ' k g a Mourned. r4 ,coveted b,~ 1;Ir. i~ia11, i,Iiss Sophia I~Iort:.rop et a?. ,rei~'e relrascd frori p, ~ r a. ; f ~,,,~lilent oP pencil for roe 1i, r fV 'j ;5 5 st_nE, proverty in I,~tsanl~ot'o tour 'r~~ r `lr~ rho year 1933. rs 1Ia io. ~i,:, vi. ~ to 4 3 . ~~Clerk? r s , 1_1,~ 1,0 ~ n,r 1 ~ ;llhlrn~;ton, i!,.,., July lGtr1,19;i~1. Jpon motion, duly seconded count, b=1 `r ~ . ~ ~ ~ ; S. ~7.~ t0 V~.7'e ~.~i,Ul'OyeCl fOi" J,~IT;IG'n~v' _ . p`, r• pi I • n3~ hL'Cn 1'10 t,10r1 Of ':;Y,^ * P , L • rizll, SeCOnd!.tl by _ . a:i Y1t0r1 "he >>OaTCl '1'.113 j°s•~ , rnr - f ~ , ~ ~ . ~ z'oved ,,lie aayinei~,;; o f ~ ~ arc y,~ 1,1 r 1, 1'~ ~ _ t. .F'. l',r <~~,+~; ~ `,n~a''(1 !7~ . .1~.y:'1 3:00 0 CIOCI. E ~~~r~.54 for the 1urchase ~7f ~ ~ 'n.,,,_ of tit„ beer u5erl for making ~~,naly;~ss for. alcoholic siren. tl~r `-~~'~t' and the pa ~reni, ~ ~ , of t Gont?an i'or r _ Yti ~:13~ ~0 U .Lair t^C ? Y ~aal:ing t11e ancll,rj88 all 11 1' `k~_';1 ~ , c ~ , ~ A r•rC 'y' " the a~7~1)rOVU.l Of the .~15triC%'t SOliCltOr > e1J~JP,C.. t0 ~~i .re:3ent~ =ii1,,11~.,On .BCr1Ctt Ch=~J.CT(1c~11, (rI~O.~~.1Y',.~,~_,~:..r:_•.~0`:S ~.rld J.:.hl'ItOn • , ' ~r ~e`~0111ti0n~ VJ('1'e 2'8Ce1ve(1 fi'Om X118 .i~:OI'th rJar ~ cC ''~•~A n,• ~ i1 !°e(111C,t Gf J11r1,°n .TOitii J. ~ ~ k'' :~Ur a 1'i',('lUC;1'-11 Of file au~ieSSrnent On t}le pro?)erty 0' 7 ~ Ua.1r: _ o T i .:'C~:. _.E ~.lllb ~C~ratl0n 0:~• ~101n., lemOnS~~]~~~i, On ~ 'T^ i n .a. ~ ,n n , P, a, ~'e 10 the CO'.,il~ri"lteP. arna the s dor)ted r7.t their meetinr? :Held rrt -•n ~ Sr~I~.l_, ',°,ai'fit ~ ail bloc:t ,>~11G s., upon i~not_nn r f . r. d i ~ ~z_ .1in~, '~G~IC}7 Cn JUne 20th E dC ''1C 'r , i P.7.ght m0r1'{;h$ schoDl term pT0 'T'am f 0 , ~ , n 7T.31nE; t. I,! ya3{ _ ,n;-C,, rr, ~ ' • > 1 belle.. I'l i';1~ ~ ~ Q_a ~,,0 1"1 UC'!1 ".ll,]1TOtiilerlU a8 ti~eyaee111 ileCeti~;Ja7.y and yJTOT)er. ~ r a homes arlc~ a~~prec,iation of ~lre 9r_ cooperation of tyre County Coi„missioners r ' .,~s-+ i3 of thr, zo.;ious counties r`, bill ~~f Gco.L.Peschau. '~)enut hocor; er i'or ,;~G0,00 for sea°vicr?~ prE.FSidin~t' over , U?an i:;ot' r ~ . ~~;T~, ~ ~h ~ -,a y ~ - t, ~nr rd b I~Ir. I. 1 ton, dal ~econc:ed r , :Dr~:l+, co~~.1~r ~ r~rr _ ~ ~ 1 motion of Lil°. l~.a,;1., Seca 1. y Itirlton, the ,Y , the ;nerzfl ,,a:~ au~.,rtcri7ed to proviae mealy anti lod~;inC ; r.cc~iJed ~.nd u~or ~ ~ .for str~,te patrolmen not e::cee~ ' ~ ° s~f~ Boar;l. <~,rt*,h r•~ ~ + ~ ~ o PeNchau ~o i;he ex,,ent of the number of d1r.g ,x10.00 tn~~.l, i.f tie finds it necessary to retain ~~k~ e~i..eri a.na d1z~,c~r,d ~he i1,~ymant t theix services to aicl h' , • y .t da~rs c~~• ~ !~F not e,ceeedin t~rrelve days. 1m in n~rncaling traffic on the Carolina ~eaoh road throu.~h ~ ~ ~oz~r-ri since July 1et,1~~5~t, at ,r~,00 ~,er day ~ ~ ~ Jul• 4th. t, y ~L~~;~ r Upon rtoti ~ - on o.~ u,, cad bar :i''. rilnton the 13oarzl a.;?provo;; the pal~rtent of a T~; r. - ~as, r~e~orll., , The follo~ring good anti la`°rful men vrere dral•rn to r , serve a ~ oust, bill nor 3.:0.00 to :~±;a;;tern ^arollra ~I'zainillg cileol, :?ocl:y ,.+ount,':`,C., for t,orrsil for ~;Yle trial of Crlmirlal Case w s ~u1o_s 1r, the •~uper.•1o~ C 03~_,,,-; , - • Nell er• ?o~'ezN anti Jamen :,tell H r_, ~ , r s, eek beginning July 237•d,1934: ~~_t,,l ?~1,~~.on for Lc.r.t I?e~,is+,e1, ,,a,,,~ ~?eistez, ,,a1J1n , J , ,L.P,loorc.. _ie,lry I4u.~nberger. P.Z,ICniUht. 7Jrn.L,i~otte ry 1 r'a-~ a. f'--" ~ r " C,.~"Z. ~ ~,le,_ ,,~run~. r~ .',e~% i~~;love~r ~eilnty boys cor~l:rllte~5 to e l~r~crrlin~ acltool, r. l,.C..,~.~ne < ~ . ? 3 c h. ,>e. r. ,l,ran J J.Raclcley. ?~'.L,L~iills Jr. J.'.!. i°~ 'tt i 5~~~.CreeCll. ~ri,13.,?O~erS, T ~ f , JO.nSt01'l. }~',J,,,,,e:'rl ~ s~-~1~ tl T°C' ~ ~ , n ,,~„1 f'C~UCt~10n Df t:;e kl"a5l:J~lnent Ott tilt; 1c11id - ~r.G.iVo G ~.H,~~_,tmrber, C.B.Iiornegay, J,i~.Irlills. ;,d•,~r.L,Dli~ris.' ~u~st of ~F,'rce Tide, ~~lat~ex ~-o~•re~~. .,a.,lr.~~,~,1 for a r, mble. J,I,.Riddick. ~~.Arl'•t~l.ll" C ~ ~ i~ Df t116 ,1•~,r" a j.C,; O1"f a~00011Y1~t Of V'rr6ve ':TU,010r1 Oyei' a pel:'iod 1~,IV.9rna11, _ - c.rle y.i,.KcLrt1G'•f• 'i~.l~,'iUrY18u. ~.li.J~-11i1E'C. j~, s QCE;~3,T1],C hOt~:l SI.tB, ~i~X'a. Y.,~~•11~.~ . ~.i~„1'ii0?`tOTl. ~ rlh.~il'dr P., ~,T.PrBS,:, _ '1 Irpr~l l!?lti t0 19 ' •'r', 7"'P-' , t P r'Cl tilr•.Or1 1.1r1Cler COr,aiCl,ia~i0n• C+,1'~lrTrO~ p - - One i,:duriCe ~lashetl,l,, :•,l J1A1 iC~1G'. 3=~ ra,~ _..LP]. r.,d a 1 ~t, c, ,J,Cant~;ve11, C.B Case. ~ ~ 11 'r ' 1'jrllt,peCit. i~.1~,iU~j'ell :,.i!,.~~I1nos. , , . ~.Iiarra.,,,s,Jr, l? P o, _ _ . .>5211d11 ~ A re~JOrr _c ,e, ~ r0i'fl ti'lE 30arCl Of !~Cl11Ca"liOYl a"nOVlil'lg bc61ar1Ce n, ~l„J. Gayer'. 'J,I3.Dz~.niel:r, i. o.~ cxpendit.lrca ~,a,; recn,.ved ` } une,~r)ended b ~ o;,e ofi' ear ~Turre 30th,1934, of P134.91. ~ file '3oard then taolc t; ~ ud,;et a1 J.o~rance ?t „1 Y a recess until `,,00 0' clock c~,., C r ~ T:.u..~day Jul ~ Jtil 1.,~~ t0 r, ~ a onside~,?the t,oun"ty s budget and to trartsa'~; ~1 tel. Linn motion of nded bv':':r. 'r~:~,'. the ,3oNrd autho7~lzed and d~.r.cc~ca that I i:~ -oa,•zci c ~urh o~.ler 'lurine ~ r four, l;r ,o•. se.,o ~ , t1C,.~ , ~ l~llat lT.u,~ COi::e Ve ill(,' CD,,nj•,~ ~ i r 1'+0)'1 +he i~a51s 0., f'(rn l9 ~-l•~34 c1,IT)1"OI)r1i1 1011'3 pellClin(; ~ ~ con.,~.nu~., i t, or,err~Lt_on,, u: j'. ,t~•n _ r „11r y;; ^ ~11,lflitOr ",9a,", .3LS0 lnyt]"l,lCted t0 r-',ltrTl file - ...l~,n,~ orl o:F ~L'ne 1.93[1..1931; blulget. Tarr; „o~.1n~,y e. „ ~ c~ ~-n r~. ~ bar:ir- fat rleces;l;zxy expense;; ~l~~ern:ling t'ne Cleric. ,rilrninF•ton July 5t%1 c, ec,~,, fort ~ , 134. ,:1e 13oard of I~.~iuca,~lon oil ,.lo ,,an~ 1 ~ `1 y3pr DVal Of 1• P} f1 T ,h„_r ou...i,et. pux'suerlt to recc,;s t<:llcen Jlrl~ a. ..nd 197 r~ T , ~ x18 .i~Oc>,7'd C a"t 3:QU 0' 1 T1~"r r o 1'_'r'serrt: Addison H'~~;':~lci,t ~`,a' n , ~ , cock ~r'e» ~ e rnontlr of ,Tun. r~ceived and ordered fil.:;d. lrrllc'1r1 ~~c0.,~..rlcal:,.r ,,,,.?Q, S ? - _ . > _01 Of tl.P. Zacli°. I~;;Ot .:001~il .for ~tl ~ j J:r;, rt,.rn11 and ,,r._~.~tlnton. (1• s t 't'ire Count-' s 19"~ _ ~ ' ' ~1 1.,~~ buc1C•et eras consiuered in d•~.a;ai1 n t~1 ; • :f Government its activities ~~nd a d amo,~n~~ for exyuense of Coln r • - a.,. ~ ,a ,o,'re1• to a,ot, lcrlo•,~i.ng +,he courl..tlon of,' the ten~tativel~ 'ti• irls~it~ctlon,, for ~rre year elldirrg JtulE: 30th 1935 t`rer•e lrr~ comi.,i~,tee to ~,~rhom it ',vas; ~°r'ferr~'d ,r1t.. I ,r c;o;ranen,ied to the ;.~nard llktt lhs ~ f 1,,ed file same to be ' ~ '~yw~, r,:, ~ 116 r , f presented at meetin ~ ,i C!"[' hDUu•e Ol7 ~ r j cl~j'.7.~t 111 ;11.D t ~ i ~ g to b. h~,ld _,oncla~; July ~?tir,l~~7}~ tied . .~~111e `3• c~ be reduced to ,;p3,500.60 for the ,,ear 1934; lit~on -notionof ..;r~, r prc;~E,ni; asee;l t ~',~4,500,00 on file ,~,me o,~11z,cTrod b~~ thr ;,,oa;;,.n smon of Tinton .,econded b ~r ~ ~ ~P` •rYricll t, r of file I?ecorder r • , Y •1, Ro.,.~, tn~ ':hoard adopted the; renorareniiation orl aeceunt of its cli1a;51dtited condl~lon, to .1118 out ']lilliarrr rlender~ , s ,~orl and airy upon ~a,.n.~~nt of ti, Tinu'nran 3e11 ~;,g, 5 Inc? ;x8.55 res.)ectiv ely. > 3. ~7=~'= a` 93` r.. A bi.11 for wl.'75 in favor of C.T,Po>,^;ell z'ar 1 • ~ ( r ~a,rtt IGl.l~T_rr~l elHCur'1C ;fc111° 'aGel•e ~ ,ove.l i o_ r_,~ i,.ant. int.' the ~a11 , 11 _ ~ - . ~1 t. `f:ilC ;Tl(>etinr ~'~1Gr1 i~Cl'Ollrlled / 1' ~ ~~-r•°~ ~ r> ~ ~~~,9~~.:~.., ~ ~ _ ~ Clerk. 2w"rol~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.J j ~ - f~,. r~! ~ a '',`~zlmington, i'i. C., J11.1y ?nd 19;:14, ~ ti`Ii~in~ton I'i,C. f 6 , ,July 9th,1934. The retrular vror> r> ~ . ~ .kly meGtingof he .:~o~~x~i.wms meld a~, 3;00 o'clor]: re vier woekly meetirlgof the Board was held ~ + The g at 3;00 o clock P.M. i 't I ,o , Prey. nt; nadison ".~Ierllett Chl;.a.?'r~ ~'r ,r ,i ' .an, Geo. ,.m7•: ,,1:, 1~.,,,.l~Io,,ra ,7-~,;,?,`.~, son Hewlett Chairman ri'al.l anu J:,l{,Hintc,n, Present,Addi , Geo. f,. Track and J.R.Hinton. ~ r J z'. .aoE•er I~,roore tivas r~ L ` p.r._~~en~t an~~ ~to~u „nc; „uirrrnis;;ioi,ers ti1a~ tlc:r.e a,re i~~teP minutes of moetings of June lE3th 25th and Jul cr,i).dr.en beinm c~>,red fpr z~y the <<,lvatipn ~~rrn ~a ~ .rr The , y rnd, ware read and approved as recorded. !l 5' ~ of vrhich nlznrl ~ , , llhely t0 'CIpCOTI1E COUnt~ Cf1a.t'Te~l that ~ )_,r lOUS c„IP 4 ~ ,l t, , t;l"Ie post for m;,tS.nt,,nr.nra to til tr - ~ ~ 'rd at meetin of Jul bth 193 'u e --ome This Boa g Y , 4, adopted the recommendation of the Reco - ~ Iner month, a.nd asked t't1aG the Couirt ant an a,~~~,rci~riation of .'`50 a ~'7c.OC coo rder to hire Si ~ . , ~ Y ~`)r'~ ! 1 0 ~ Bellsm 1 red fo to~,lald heir cr~.ra and ~;y10.00 ner. rgontl7 P r, ' • - : ~ lei' m`E'"ti' out Thurman y, , r the balance of his term on the Count Farm 1 pz a,,,1.1 a: ~..,i~lpt,lcl 1.n;,1~. filet r;iay lac a,dm', ~ Y upon payment 1 to one Norne. Ulnn Tnpt' ' ~ - ~ ~ , ~.~,t,ed oP the court costs amounting to N8.55. Tt novr appears and this Bo 1'r~.al, ,IE,cpnsled 'pt and i., so informed that ; - 1 ion of , , ;:~r, i;ir~l,on, the rerue~ Bellam has since the ado ti ! xeceisred to bs ppnaiuercd in the ~~~rc ~n~,rEtt~ r,. , r" ~~~r - ~ st G,a,' Thurman Y , p on of the recom~nandation, escaped therefore u 1 1 icn .,f trle colanv,~ .r 1~~~4-7..935 ~hud~;et, motion~oP I,4r. Trask, seconded by bs. Hinton, the said action o ' ' pon ~i ~ ~ f this Board of July 5th 1934 is heraby racindad. , i UF,cn ino L' • n iDn Cf tip i',On IfP.Cnl'i!~i~'ii P,':r },l~'. ~ f .rov;~, i;ne follo;'ling zerial,, ~ ~ I', unr~rirrour3ly adopted: i Upon motion of J~ir. ilinton, secon~aed by I.Ir. Tr-.sk, the Board authorized the r: addition i' ,'~t a. re =u).ar illPe ~ • ,r ~°'100.00 to the Register of Deeds appropriation for"Stationer i~' G tllr~ o_ t.ie ,~o<.id of ornr2iss i onE;r, of ' ~ ~ of ~ y,Printing and Binding r ~ ,,~~~tv ;ia,~imrer ~~punt~~ h ~ i ~ r the urchase of standard Forms Printed". S on I.Lon.tay, July ~nd,1J,~4, on t,~E; r?,ccour,t pS +'[Ie =~.r,r,tn",,a1:,,. yf ~e~c. ,,ts Po P GiI ;a.Ct1.Ul;8 i;r ,F,~~ i ~ aup(i ~or Court oi' .,le~,v 'rah a :.cr, o' ~ : ~ l.(, f.. . i, { ~ ovE ~~otn~t the :B ai•d ~ ~ i Y f o u.r,_ln- r 1 11 F 0ll s r a Y r 7 Jr V l t E' r ~ W i ~r n o .rr. r~rsk .,~cond , e ~d „ , on f d b mots e I, , t + - f t t on ~r. [.i CYo ..,rno~, o:C o ;n ,r,t~ ~ up f Y nton, the budget of the Loard of Education # r.o.r ~)1 fa,, o].ina i,o ordc,r a spec! a.1 term of court to be Vii. ~ 1 1 o ~ n ~ 3-1934 was increased for Voc t 134, a,nd tc continue for r~eriod of t~;ro ~~,^eek~s r, A,,: ~ on July ~Oi,n, r,:. for 193 a i.onal Instructions by ~~0.00 on account of funds i i Cor~rnis:Iior.er:r "lar; orci,~~ ~ r, , ~ r, ' ~r.d ~~1e ~]..,1~. of. he 'a~rY'~l, o< having been received from the Board of Vocational Education of t ha Department Public l ~.cd fa alJlue 1;ire ,7cvcrnor. of ~~i,1.7 action. ;;kw Instructions at I?aleigh, which was not anticipated. ,F:~ a +i I T c ~ _ e,Ii,iprr - 3.. :d_1, LnLat t.:'le .,UL)r;il;,';JLOnC]'uy pii ~ pf ].iv).nar ~'~~n~r., ,r ,a ~ aoccun she i.ncrc;~:;~; U an motion of ;;ir. Hinton, seconded b I,Ir. Trask the Boa d ~ y- _ sc,;, ..n.l to7lo'aaing he policy of ~lre ;~~ationr:(1 :`t:zr~~ r, ~ ~ p ~ Y , r autror.ized and directed the , LL1..,~..~~-~~"an, rr';,i,p''(; ,,u ~ ' ayment of ~~2.00 to ~:r. ,a.G.Long, ,:,apt., of the Count Farrn for e~~ense ins count., eml;log ees 1"1art, pf i,ho t~ ;,~,1 P Y , I urred in the J _ ,~:.1a:' r.e(iuct.an rrU'.~,de J~~1~r 1~3:, ~ ,r-„~~~ time ~'or the ~rc~,,irat i.on and ~1 ~ , a,~ ..1r,_ e...,d t capture of T:lUrme.n Bellamy, colored, escaped. i , E, t ~i i'. '~~ith ~~4eference to a ~ ~ ~ ~ A comrunieation was received from the Count l.uditor showin th ant .e pl...,a.t_crt cf r,,r r,or~l f~~P,~ for 7 1 Y g e amount o Co y funds ccn e F~'. h.tto.rne~ and C1erL va~~, e ~ ' ~,l , ~ ~ .i " sr? 1 bPOrf -1a~~,. C~~~.rnt~r ~h:~ on de osit in eaoh bank as of Juna 30th 1934 to ether with a m o f c in,, ~z ac ued to i~ c i,l , 1, ~ . Y~ ,~r ~ ~ P , , g em ranaum of securities a: I(~ rn~ U r, _ urn i ~ Y; ~'nr ~he pt~l, °~c,,c oi' ,t ;c ~ ~ Jude a, , „ held in each case. ~'Ij Cz'tC.1P.`rtr-• ,,,le final dia.,o ~ ~ , , , _ sl~ion o~ ~tnc. ca,;7c °,Y'herczn ~ ~r'~-;;. C,o~, ~ff r~ vras i'otrnd J;uilty o:C "~ripla-tirr~; tra y~roiiibitiorl 1:.r1 ai a .r~• ~ -1~ layer chrr.nt,ed, ~ -~-l~ea~'~.I, ~,he jua,r1 ~r,~ ~;;aa Upon motion of i,Ir. Hinton, seconded by I;;r, irr;sk, '~'1.b'.Cla,yton of Fayetteville N. C. ~j' was released from. a~~ment of malt for no ' ~ ' p p y t listing lot i~12, in block 35, 'Nilmington 3 JT L. t: 1'tle nlrtitter of puz•cha~,ing elec;t~~ i c ~ :ins fpr tu; 'ai ~ ~'z`, Beach fnr the year 1933, on account of bain~; a non-resident. ~ 1, "~ra,~ ~~,~an r„c ~1 oI~ ! E;fe;~,~ed to '~i~n , ~ . Chair'r,ran and ;,her' , , ilf 1'aitn pou.,r. ~to apt, ; `l ~ A bill for street assessments due the 'v'it ~ of ~"tilrnin ton b file P:oard of 'Education in the 5 g Y r ins fpllp~^aing a,,~,plicr~tions z or li ^ ~ ~ , ~ . - amount of 964.82 rinci al and `~1 659.46 interest as claimed b the Ci o and r,,3e i,o in ~ , p P ~ t f • ilmin ton ~e11 ueE L '~~.~.~ri:,E; brrrll e.;ecuted rt," ~ , Y Y g , }r according to lava, 'rears ut~on motion of I,Ir. '-t~ ~ f l~roy;er ~ornl; was referred to the County ~~.ttorne . ,._n~o.r, ,~c.cor.-.lac[ ~ Y ,:r. Ha,11, :a,I,roved: l: , i l '+'/.L.Gask~.l1 C~`3,rol' - ~ - lE zna. t,c,act, 'toad . ei;•1 - A request for reduction of tYle a~.,e..sment on she old brick building ov~ned by the e~ tats of it miles % om eit,a limits. ~ r~, 66 I',Zrs..~.lLHa11, Go~'~on iload i„~~~,~ ak 1 153 as held over zu2 Sher n ormat on. D.E.Prid en in b ock w for i f i l,. f 1.J g , ff , a Annie ~.I:icltioy, Seabree'e.; ~ k. kid Pinar Cal ~ _ _~pwil:a ~9each load near I;.aNon~h - Upon motion dal seconded, count bi11s Dios. 1 to 50 inclusive were a roved for a ant, ) 1 _o..o Loop., ai': f Y , Y f PP P Ym 1, w~:~ 1 'Upon rnotior, cf 'ir. n - ~ , Minton, uecon(icd 'b,~ lrir. Ball, bliss Sohhia i','or':,". ~ ~ ~°~~w ) Tha meeting then adjourned. iop et .,.,_e ,i raise<:;ed frori r.;a,l~aenf, cf nena.lt` fo:c 'r ' not liut_ng hrozltrt,,,~ in I,ia.ron~boro t,o^,'r7rsrri ~ a ~ ` ~ ~i`~, ~e the year 1933. - ~ r nl" , { 5 i` 4, s ,Clerk. U})OI1 1]:10 ti0rr dU1 SeCbd t„ r, ^r ~ - ~ i' ~ "ji_11i17.'.'1!?tr);i JUl'r l~j,h 19i~~. ~ f y rI eu, C01-ln~,, bil1:~ ~,p5. `~7~10 tp ,?C)„l' „ , ~ ~ x" ~ , f f ~J ,lE;l"ecLil.l1.'CIVE,d f0] I; u,/T.i°lit~' ;+~Fpt ~ i } `n .,,~a ' t . !1 U on of pon mpti '~(r. Ha11, sErr,ond;;d b,r iii - 1a - _ntun ';'ire 13oa~'cl 1 - ?1 :I'pVea '~.~~}le p':iylrlerlL U f ~ {;'p-" l',C 'r,,l ,1. ~ ~..rr, ,;i' z ~ f 'P •JQ' fpx file pUr Cl'laSe Gf 'p ~ T~'L ~:f. ~-..~,;r ''r'" - f.1 i. r1C - ~ 'l. "+r'b'i r..~.'1 a'1; p 01(?C.. .ra. eer u~;ecl for rnaY,ing ~rna,lyses fo.r alcoholic stren,th ~ ~ - ~ {S ~~nd the a rent of " + ~ ~ ` g ~ r;~:~~ P Yn ,~3 .00 to hats ,on,n ~ r e,, an fo:c lna~'.in~, ~ 1 s {f ,1 the anal~ees, a, 1 ub~ecl, tp ~ ~ Pre;;ent; ~.li;i,3pn :~e,rlntt Ch,~;rmctrr ~JeO, i,T~-'~^~ roa5 ~tnd ,T,;i,lfi.ntori. "the approval o~' i,iie ')istrict Solicitor. ' r~;_H' ~ tltij'~ Resoll.i-~Lion:~ v~rere r ~ ~,r ~ ~ . ~ ~'t ''arltr;,t rf ,Tl.rr;,~~, .i -,,,11.uc~t_~a1 pf fire a~9esa;neat on i;lle .~ro~~~crty c~i' i eceiveci, from tlrt, ~,or~th Gaz lin~~~i ,p ± i c.! ~ c'.' f'or' ~ 1 , , r~ll h~ a' ~ 0 ,>EU~ra lOn O:P ~OTIl° 7)eln0li,;~~7"d'1?.On ,F~~~ '7•_ Q.~' r „r~ rt 1 t u d~pted at their meetin. ' ~ ~ ,1 r., ~ 11f~ a., uuon t:rotioir i~ef?r--,. .,d to the Co~,:naitu.,r. ~+.n. tie n.ol., ~t ~~c. ,,;.lie ~~'r~.ffit~ ~in h].oor. F 1 .,a.~rtlln,~ ,,cash on June ~Oth ender°Iir~ ~Llle :;~s T r ~ ~ 1 eight months school term r~ro,''a t r,-, > 3 a... ,e:.sori; ~~o ins,.: 0 1ur~1' . r „ ! z m for' t ~ rte,, ,tens ~a„~ ~,:e deem n~.ce,.r=a ~~~,nd p_o gar. 1 S n 1 l~,omea, and at~lireciat~.on pf ~he ' y ¢ cooperation of flee moll. ~ ' ~ , , •xF my c.o..mi.rsionc,zs of the variplls counties _ ~ ' y-al'- ;i ~J11] ~7r Ci°0.~,.p~~:`Chci. x)8`)1 t' ~~r^'_1T;;1,1" ~'Or i6~l.rl~ SOT' BG7."V1(';'?5 ')"'C;9~.i.~li1 Er OV~3?' , r~ ~ n 1'l0 n d It ~ l . ~ + t UI o ti 0 ul se a' % ~ i^ C•0~!'l~'; i.'. ~ " n ~ .1 , r. T""' '~.L`~f 58COnded b~ ilr. I'Ii1`11;On 'the ,l , y conned ~,Ie ~ ~ s c0,,1. 1, r;,:; I^r ce i.verl. ~n,r.~~ llr_~o,~ :,lotl,on o~t ~ Z'i , , herlir 'aJaa aL1~IlCri28d tU prOVide inpc~l8 an([ lOClE111g ~ r ~ , .for state patrolman ~ Board. a~. r, . , + eu i not eticeedin_ 1.0.00 total ii' lr ~ r;.3. .i.,r,ri.-.er, a":va rl.irrrctr.d the ila,'l17r~'nt ~p i;eu.,lvau t,o ,he ,~tralt~of i.,_Ze number of d' e rinds it nece~.,o,r~~ to retain ~ e + their s rvices to aid him ' ~ ~ ~ ~ da,~s r;e ~,-f,! r ~ - V'~, r - t e- eedi.n t~:velve daTrs. in nrndl.in~, t1~.I:fic on t_•re (,az•olina Beach road tnrouuh ~ t+-.i .since Ji.l1y 1st,1J~~4, u.t .x,,.00 ~,er I,i,r not etc g July 4th, ~ y E%;~, ~~pOn P:i9 tlpr1 pl' ~r,a9 SeCCY1C}r3'•1 ~zr :`'tp'~Qn the L~D~.i'EI 8.'.'?y~rC?Vpa t11C tti~p, ruCllt Of T.Ie followin ~ 1'1 1'i,.. ..;0 ~ r ~ T,. liou,at '~l C for ~,onsi.l ~ g00i[ ~~11d la,~"11 U1 men 67e?'C C}rcw~;'~Il t0 SerVa a5 'UrOr'i lr. h SU? "i~r ~~Ur't ~ ~Di 1° • tf~ .L;3,~~~Irr ~aI'Olirf<l `)_'I'ain:,l,~ 3ch001, )?pC_'~r ' for tl~a trial of Ct~irninal Cases tiveek r' ~ ,l t e le. , , be ~ 1Yln1.Yl l~r r U "r,.; O1)c';(~;,C~rl ~ ~ ~-a- ' ,>>r' w,l'~Iil"i na11 Je:'::'~J 'i~pgela and Janlea .;1C1'1, n,L,l~ioorc., ?!ants I~r p 6 U ~ a_~ ti3...d,1~34; ~ ,d,a, T " ~ or B.,.rt ~ r, urnb r L Ifni l.t ~Ir ~ ry - L n J e t,er. g a.B.pot~er. ~'.U Ca" « •r ,it. Live e~,~ ~'~,,,~~~,v~ 1~ ,r L~~~ ~o ~,~s.c Lrairl:n~, Schoirl. ~.n.L;,~e. .C ~3 • . , rne,,. A1_e,. {;k~r>wI ~~,<<[ e. ~et..It, ,~o,~s .,o~: ~ . ~ .1lanch• J.,r.>~acl.ley. ~i~'.L.l;fills Jr. J,':J.J~II "t -.,,,'~~I,~ }r=:A~ ,..~.~r08Ch• 13.13.i~0 ars. J I,~-~ a - f > ~ n.,,0r'l. .~~.J,l.c__1~ 1, x°r, „ , ~rn~, r C .I _,t>nrbc.r. ~,.3,1~1o1°neg~a r ~ ~ . ~aesi, of the T ~(e ~fat~t;.r pp,,+e ter,,.;,~„,Y fnr a r,>duct,~on of t:;e aua,. ^.3inent on the :larrd~r.: .G.ti'~omUla. J .l~'.Ric~dicl;' Y• ~ .I..liil_,;. ~,u•,°;.L.Davi,~. ~ ,k 1 - - - ' ~ J.A.1S'[r~.l..l.° ~ -'1 Of ~tiP - ~n•.n l,Yl't Of' 1',`cL`IE' '3l'r)S~LOn OVeI ~ l~f,'l^10d ni.e hotel 1 ~ 9ma11. ~ ~ T,. _ ~ wrd, T.I,.Hartlas • xI'1e5. .1,. ~n n 1 ~r~• 1 ~Cr?~:. ^a7.te ,vrr7''~l~t "r111~~ ,.1..,,- p'.Z r11,,0, ~ I 1.. ~.L.l;fo.ton. y u P Jr..I,.e„~. , , ~ J .~.5`h1I• e t ~ :7`0'i~1 7 C,l ~ CrT i r n ~ 1 p . _,.1.Pre,9~~Onr h:aL1r1C(: r^a ~ionl~i.elle. ~~'iG 1., J/ !'13,^ i'!'C81Vl:d ~r1Cl td.~i..,il lr.1CL,T CpnSJ.'l,1"~ OIl f C.I,i. t.,~. Cantwell ~ u - , I } TS'Ott p s];Ct"~t.l.,.:r.~ ~ r t, .T • li r.A~. Cc..Se. ~1 .1;1.2"eph. :~.1~ li }-.I:rllarriS , f >,rl~. , r ..i~'i,tl,l'~~._e, ...i'i.,.lnes. s J r 1 Sa.relli A re~~e_+,;. r n. 'rJ,',V r' ~ ~'~r~~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ° , -he 13oar;1 of .~crucation ;;Ylo~'lirrg r; valance .Ja;,e... C1.73.Daniels. i e~rl~,endz~,Les ,ra., r.ec~..,v.-I .Ctp.lr , n~ ~ ~a uno;~l"~en-,led oud~-et a,1ln,~'ra,nr,e at close of year Ju_rre 30t.i,1~:7~k, oa •,01..91. Tire Board then tools a recess tTnL' , ,r c r r, ~ , ~ ~i1 ,a.DU o clor,l. P;a.rlsrtay July stir 134 to _ 1' o lside,.., the ~punty budget and to tran~'ar~'; ~ ' ' , ~t attch o ~lrer 1;' , ~,r - , _ Ulu°n rnoi,i cn o1' '1..T', ';or' ' econdeii ids :".r,'. `Cl ~1~, Lhe '~io~r11'I author]. sad and r.ir .,etr;~I that: t'r1e,l3q~rrd, n tlal]1E,5,, ~,},?L~G mu, CG;:1C tt,~ air . , 9 ~ q~;~ C P ~ ± , c+ l~~ r .r v ~ the ~u;3is of firs ? ~,,,,-1.. 3 = t~,, ~~ro~ ri, ~ ~ e:~' ~p~.lt~r Cp.]ti.~Y1u(~ ?'ta O')C1'..r~._On~; U1'i0r~l , j ,.~13r ?i., r~'~s:, :,-J~,,f; r a.. <; n.; , ,i~~n t re . ~~,.t;~p~,~zon o.C t1rN 1.9,;r1..lt';z~;; ~ourl.Fmot. Tian .,ol.1rl~^~,~ i'tlzilitor ;'acs ~1L~o r r, ~ ~ .l - - a~.c P„' 1 ter. , ~ ~ ~ r Clsrl< 7, c: e l~ f s., ~ 1 ~ for n~.r,.,,, ,a •~I en,jc,.. ,~~,n li:,~, he f oi" 1,:rie ''~pard of !9~~~.lpa~apn pn t'n~ :,r~rnr rr~,~~a!~ -J 'JJa ~~,in1,1,oI; July 5tr 15'3 c'"s a le a. r ,~~~lc , e t . ' 1`~ur;;l,tent to recc'vs talcerl Juiy wnd 1934 'tire. "3or,• ~i- ~ ~ t?`P,.,ent: ,~t~lUlf t"~' ~ _ ~UC_. L i{ rp r' '~1;1 ~C 1 nCl 0]'(lE;'I'L'(.~ ~11„'(1. ion H ~.1P1:t Cl~a~ n .,p t C ~rn_ r~. ~ ved a r 1 1T'1;1G1r7, ,,r~Q.1i'.1T'c6;,: .I? i.~. i'~n ? Ort~ pl' 'th ~ p ra , f1C fil~)n~[l 0. , lip ;1,~~ .,~i.~rlt:yll ~ -r; ~ OIi. ,I% e LG,C[i~~ >~„~t ll~plil p1 u 7~ +1 rhe County's 193':_1'"'35 b ~ - al,d ,T,...c,,.r.t ud e t tiva ~ . , ; , ~ s cons_r~ehed in d~.~,uil and C t-sr a.~, 'the Government its actiVitio:, c-~nd amo•~nts for e~,pr:;nt;e of onn ~ k - r't lcnn'.rl?~ ~,.le corul,.u.•.on of _ 1r1ut1t;.itl0nu f pl' 1i11E% '~IBu.I' ;.'11C~ ' a C ~ ~ ~ Til; COIThr' i' ~ Pr"PCI '';11ti1 po':'ae1. ~p d. 1, ~ , ~ tCI1t0.t1tiP1j~ fJ.;{ed, the 6E1T11P, t0 br. 'I'0° t1n~ Ju11p :)~~tl"1,1..3J, ~lE,_e ~~~y:- ..~1,t92 tQ l!i101t1 it l`J=1. -.._I , p .,anted at ~ - r.,, ha r• ';l7.ocl''1116. recn;aiaenr,ad tr? the }lo~~rd ~,lt~~ +hP ~ rile etlnC' vp P C~, ~,C~~4. uCG U-; iv r„ ~ fl.,,~ '1., ~ C A 1. b~, h_7.d ,,oncla}~ ;Jr.lly ~ .xled ';Iy ',r,.11ir ~dllc ;~3 500.Q0 fol the ~+eer :1,~3. , Uuon motion of ar _ ,.,ant a,<';e~;sment o~ t4 500:00 on tl'a~ ~-~l .~lnti~n ~ ~ s ,+~,r, ,p awed bar thl, ',3oL~~„~~;e ;f ~econdeu b~ .;r. ~,osh tyre a ~ , n • ~ . ; ' ~ n ~;aPl.ic!l , ~ , n,l,, r r , ; o' rd wac•~t , n _ o account ~ ~ • onc',_t..o , t ed unc, leraor.,I:,enda"tip - ofi i r~r.11~~~,id~ited c 1, ~ or ~Llla Becordey t;o hire out `+'rilliam iicnder;ron ~ and Tutrl.man Kellam"fir upon p~avm.ela of ti~8. ! ' r-~ncr. ;;13.55 res.~eci",ivcly. ~1 a z A will for ;1.75 in fa ' vox of C,T. ~ o,, l P °c11 i o,~ ~ , 1 rc,r;ct, inr; elecil,ric i'C~n:i f Y ap,,oved for p~l'naetrt, nr file •ai7, stare r ~ `l'ire m,,etiri ' f,'s~ren a,d'ourned ,~"~r~ J . ~ . ~ '_`7`_ i - akr.•. - t N,.~. ~ .,,....;ww.,,1.~ Q ~ E. X93 _ .r 1. i CJl ~ W.I ~,r 1.,11".,~7,r~J `t^ ~A. tlla. ~'d . ~ a'C'pti';r}; o~ ,Tiny 1~~~;ifl';"'i4, co~nGzrlllr:'rl, ° f ,k ~On "riJ ~l 1 ~ f r: OI:~n~?+ ~Gil.~.7 .~~.~''':E. ~ :,l T11 h h'IY' ~'i rnn ,t ri d~ , 11' .Q~7..1., Of ..7i~.On ,,..,)1..lF;,i ~ t L~,~' u(1 ,~7r,0 c f 7 ,I j) ,1 (C SO-L"u r:>,;) J ( 8 • , ~ f:ii' 8 , fi a,t ~ a _ f , r r )V l`1 i~:]e tirl'1?;1C?pl i. C)~ ' t h' .:1. 7 „ 1 t0 ZN?I~I,11F v 0~0 ,,'U11~ ul .l 1 r~t , i .•t: } cr, ,o ~ S 3.r.u ei~ ~ lll S'id '»7• {1 7 tf ~'1.Ct1,-, G'O.,t 0~ ,!lt. :~01 .p`;11, 0 ,y , ( 1 ,.~JG. Oi 1rIlL't,.. 1 .t .Ut,r r ,Q ~.rrCl,;ental ~~)r'Y1 E5 9~ r,riB cb~.:7,011U•1. :~~''1;i~.i~0"i1rYt~' ~.`.''i'1(tF3 ,tip, r~].,.~,~ 1:', t ~t_ .r~~ 1•.'~"b(~l f,:~i;G '`t?D'j' OIl >.~CCf1Uk1., ~ f~ 'Ur ,(1 pPf 1`t ~ 1~ ~ ~'I1" -1 i ,r r~ c' :t '~C: l,f~ (;1 t 7 ] 1 '.lk„Lti,,, J a1G {~.RF'T Q 'rJ J~, a r~ r'~V G~ ~;'~a TYi..n: 1,b11t s~ C1i• r1. ,'.t >(0.). ~ r -],rl rG"i~aifG "r .~";f ,~r„'~ ~ a. ;ti ~ r: IT".l.Yrl `3p0Y. :J (,Or'P ~w'~' 1', ^;rl l r~'n ^ r1C ~ r' + 1 u+ ~,Il:. ~ SC le~(,'1rJ(1P 4 . ~.r,„J P 1 ''r ~i,. 7 i~.,JI~1 0 !'y ; ~~j~t3t~'1'~1 nt, 1'i< i; 1, l' , i.t., ~I'lu:', ,,~i w 't' ~ ^ _ ;rTQ ='x.11,°/ i , c~ r 7 lr.+.rpn C].P~ _ ~ ~ lr1E; _ ~ , ~,°c~ a , 1 ( CJ i "N~•33 ~n!lA rjri~'1"'(C10.1 1 f0' i 7 ;p rir, .Y n rn .}q ,'~T'~l!.[ y Cl .,tlii,A C7 ~ 7-rl~~. i ~ ..,~~..5 .JTil~.;:'.I1,~ ~l,Je~~,.~7 ~01;'~41 ry~~.J,~~11.7(~Q71i1i~•,rf0 p J 1~ y `911. ~a~. ~ , J' 1.(i . , .r F t l a., i ~ I rr r r CI ,.n - r d;~, _ t)r,..~ i~t t y, ;~1;;0'?? i, J,. i...,,a;;,.rl Z1 f 9:. '-lrl •;r~v r,<;a ^1,.iC ' Upon rnYlti n + e;~: - _ ~ - ~ ...1.~ c ~;7ri:.,r,:;t ?r:_,7.1e,~ i, u pf , .j'• L1,4Yly r1~Ofl(lrll?C! 11'~ !"r', 7' h n 7 "~,~'~"1 kI'<.~ r ~ ',..1. i!!G ~~':UtIC,I :)!.t_ ~ ~ i. I]„JVpCj. ',1 P ,G ) l L: } :'t .t.LJ.'(~- ~ :,r t' , 1 , - r ,r. s-r n a. r 7 ~ _ i l ~F'L?fil.,n~% Gf .M• ~ r ~CJ!'..~ .':b;i.°Is :L. ~,"1~~;.1 1 c 9 a 1 t ~ r , c-1' , d ja,~l 1',es au~ ~~•7,rar•1 .-o,,:..r1, o:r' .~~1,.ce 'r, " ~ 1, r'~. rat~ti.l ,r,`t~,° , r >r T ' '~1~ ~~06 p ,t1 iOll r ~ _ i~., ..7, +.C r fly Q i n n a n v, n , . f I ,l 1 , a , , 1 , i y ~ , r C)1' 7. ,t<L1rP b~ L~ rU :~Y p~lt9 r. ,.,,,zODU 1 r lift },,iP r 1 , . ~ ~r. , , ~ . r 1 r „ ~ ~~~.it ,n r~ a ~..1. , 1CJ21 Ii]OaU U~ 1,0?17 PiPCO'(1~1~rJ, f ,..T,'. lit7;;`1, f'r1P .3Uti.~:rl EI7UOT30'C.~ t,},8 r?';II q ~ _.1..~.,, ~ yn, e,, tl n •'n.l n. p., . ,.1 f; L41' 1~1~ '^b7(.;1". t') ii ,-1.,1, r'1"~~', 1'U%11:1. 1. -.1, ~~.-,~•`r 1. r1~D,•l 1, .x,l 'YivJCI,' ;El'. ~I~© i,ll~• 'i', I _ ~I.•. L; I ~,I~ .i.~ it t' 1 ] 01 n-r o a LT ~ r. ~ f f C.; L_Jl~ ,t;, 7 .7 .~;5. ...r'i.11 0. , - ,r ~ 7 rJ,11: ''~l.,c fifl., ,.Oi. 1 ,lf1C'). ~i•., r01.1 c(r.' '~~G ~'.1 t0 1. -1°.'~~ 17 ~ _'1~ ~,tnn - rv,~~F ~ ..~19 i 1'~( ~'.,r, ~rn~,~ ''r: ~ ! 1, q, 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ` i. 1' 1'1"rl ~ r .r' f}v' 1,~1~'1Y r"• >7 ~'Q~r ?l i, l•1'.C r~i~ r ~f;c' 'in 1.^'il. .r r. r ~ - ..,,.v - n fi iYi" , a• ~ ~U , ,Ct (i;~ (1 J. i _ I ' l (4 G`l: vY ..~..7; .y r., ,'1,1., T.• ~:'.Ll,tl Jrl ° I,YA' 0. 6' ~;'"M:i ! ~ k ~ • } 1. t.,,. '.r.p , r,j' 1U'i ~ r, I ~,ri -Ptl ~ prl a 1,1~ VCJ , ?'r ~ :r r ~ l F~~. 'n l;.v..r,~, v0 ,ti(i, ~;;'.i'i.1_ Or'.~L.,ir?..,,l..L~~/ G'..~ ~,Cr ul"n:`1+' .i.liC;),"1'r ip,1,~.~ .1 - , ' li q ~ ~ rl. , n,A lei _ , , ~3 ri, ir:0 l1 l ~Lf"'• O+1 0 r, Pj r rf ~ 9 n ~ a. ~ ~ ti r • i r- 1 _ i, J.~i, ,'i yi., i i11:, (1. .U 1_!, .v}iJc' t~ 1.0.~.•_J, }'Cr ` , _ 1 - l'".r', ? ~'r~n •'r~p ,.r i.•r~ - .1 ~ /r'~ .rah. 4(I Of , 1' .11 1'c n~? P( r ( Y'l1 f~ r'P, ] r r' - ~ ' L rlu.l t F f I a~ .i , , ~ n,~u ' 1... .V , A ~..1 .1 - ' y _ _ _ ~ ~ , .r ,,J_ 1, .,..1, )~:_,Cl ~ t^ ,t hIl;, I;I' ;1r~ s, 0„_ vCr . 1. d' t r ~ Yl~a ~ailtl~'r ~!1~~(Jll TlliU9r1 ~.Y1GI i ~ ,'J,_ c,r r) .i ,r ,.i G ..~C111',. CG C)f ij , ~ , I n„ ,c , _ ~ ~l - 0;~.~ r.,:r_, C3, ~~~17 ~t:.( f; t~hn r, }-f r'' J, ,;7`l'1 C' .'~G~.i~Gfi ,i. t.:'-ti ;+rlk ri,, n.., 1 r~ r~,-~~ 1..._ c- 1 ~^r, j n a > > ~ - , 7 ~ ~ .,U._ ~O1' ..Yl :x110 Y)U;i`'~ tr "'f• 1 +1 :,.,lpnE 7', '7f, l"~,rl, p:7 Pr } ~~+aF,r Y .r.• n :~r'n n i i` i a ..l ~ .1. 1 r i„ J~Q•~~ ( ° a.,, .'f ~ ,.,;1:'11,, ` ;.t'.GYic%,l .~1.'~r ,Ci i.:" zl ''i11.'~i r^~;r,.^+4.r1 -la s r.~ _vr 1, 1.. 1.11 ~.n,Y. t r~~ U' ~ Uf C OT '7. O~? ,ti, ~ aY ~ - J i V1I7, ~ r ~ r > .3. E~!1 .1:r+;~ti ~"T 111 r~ 1CFi:(J 1'-';~ ;rC' v ±i t . • ~ ~ . • ~ _ ~0 . 1'ln OYl G_lll rpc~lt,l~,~ 4 r;G:'r)tgi h-. .p ,1.1.,•, i rte. ~~1;0 OLini;,! `•L1C~:.~i.0~ ~7U1)1!71'~i,P,CI (.1S ,.~:.'P,.'. nT .c ~ ~iYr ~ + ,r'~ ri.. _ 1'l Z',. )ll 'r~ t C_l .,l F; i'L.. !'i.1~l..j ~J _1;r1 v~ ~ J,,"~ r1 l,..ll (;'I _ r '1 r , i'l~,f P~~i i 'f y f ,Ij~, .,7`, i". )'7 ,T. .Z,' ~ .?•Prl, r rhi ~ i j r. ,.T°..~e d~ r.. 1117, :.~,li, Ja (:0 !.L.. Ale ~1'll.`"; 1C r. ,i tt-rn _ 7 FZY 1 ~ ..x._..11 4~' ~ l ' I r ( 1. ~ 1. ..l' EEE ~ ~ 1 ~ J I ,i r,:,. r)Ctli']•;l },~,°r r>~ 'r,(P~:fIY; 0° r~ 4i ~ lw i" a,,'1!}~r~,ri'li ~il,j t~l 1^is,rv tr ~i. f .:i. I : ~ ~i +•~~.,._~.,v -~~ti' r i "'i, ~ ri' „ hrr'•an i _ 1 n ;ko... ~ r, ~ "Lt'~.. •rar u, ni~ed _ ~.nr~ O.i LP ~.~'.t 8,~ ~~r'i", I)~ ii'r.• 3;' L);Ll ~1~i~~r° ,iEJ71:P U^'t'. ~i.l' 7 - w , 1 u i C- , ~i 1 ~4 LJi' i1%1.:CF'll i Or i,1•r'•~c:,. n ~.1. F ....~•n., ' ~r ,7 ,,,1 ~ i ~ ~ '1,.., .,pr: p - ~ 'l,On ,r, r .iC,l1A1.+GU ,1~1"'i, j;~~~p ,).F ^~y. ~F, Y.<~{~ r,,, r 'rl,^ r-r' ''fl 1. ..171" t1fi CC'"",101'"..~;?.OT17 1 ~ J , ( i, 1. - , , . ~ ~ . . , . , ~..~;::~1~ 't, ;i'.r"ft (lam t, r,.- r•v.+, ~ n^ 1: l.~.n ( 'f _ ~.l C_ 1, Yi '?i C _ '1 .I!~ Dr .'!p` r,yrrl iU ~ ~ _ )1,_a J.U,1„ ~i IJ~t:i; ,r~ 1^~i ,{'r" 1 i r l ~ r .'1~1 :i G ~ ~ 1 ~ ~~i 1.0';3 i~ i f1 r, ~ f r ~ - +.r - ,i ~ r : n _ '1 ISO, .5 :Yr J -;.T~l r . .r. 1 ~ ,~i'-:1','.,L ~~:ir 'it'~1~ 911.,1 ' - 1n ..a _ ,7 , ~..,..,i C 11 I,~.OYi Uj .1'. .".1'1w0Ylf ..c ~~r.;l 1. , ~ - _ t . „ r ,I r I;~j", ri. 4'r a. r. - ..10 ,~.r:7i1,n iJr? 1.'!.I~'t,1. i..'.. it ',!w^^r, !'fS~J.rI, r• i T' 'F y,'~ ~ '7 ,r~~l~ r'?~ C~ i~''l.l~. .1.J1~n i5( 1 P~ w: r., r ~ 9 ~ ,J.10~ ills; pf.cLt (t'.iL.. ~P3 toy . L~ r C." f n + l , y -it't i.;. 1i:i; i ~i. i, 'i,.. :1 0.. ^1 n Cl. ~ , i' til i } r ~ 1 ~,.Yi ~ r ? i~ ~i . . , Ur ~tl~l~ i~ n -C'i; `ri I `i Fv ~ ^~o ~ , , . ~ i _'1~.~, 11 I_li.'_0., ',1.-0 ~~1."~0 a„11. ].I'.7 , 1;)-111. .i?. ~F _ .c i ~ , ( i'r it ,r r' - '1 _ _ , , ~ pi r. ~..n r'1 , 1 y, ~ i , l..a i tJ 'r rll .j A - 1,~ ~ r,^ ! t .r 11.-~~ ,~."n-/" 'i 1" •1'' L, .i,l .r^~l,li,y .0.. r. r' n. x,41' I, , 1''' i n_ ~ ,.C. 0 a - r' :1.;7J..i,c.i a r r n l _L07v T, dd. - ~ . ~ z..... 1 u. , .....,,7 i ~^4 ~l)Y' ~ 1 1i a ii1 .L.-A - r' r( ."°FY. ~ f a "~,"i...li ii U.. .rlJ1. f, 1 ~1. rn ,r ,1~~nr,~ r, 'rk ~ 'U'~ ;(l '1,1"~f. .i t..~ ;C.^ l il' 1 'l~ ~r . _ 7 r~~,., ~ ,1~,~.1 c.iG - _ _ - - , r i r ~n^ •1 -F C I-;,r, Sri-~.i..:1ti ri.(;4',lrlE' ii10'1 {~`.ii' 1'C~I:U „+-,1... I' - - , .,!1J.~~ ',Q~,-1. ~i .~U'_: .in,i :~t .,..._...,.1 ,,.,.,.1 ,,110 _~.;iG, ;.O:ililLc',7 ~r,!, , - U~r,r-~. -.i i~-. ,J., r. rr ,'~t~i ri•.r n,1 k n,. ,r .r n.,.i c + , , ~ I ~ ~1'. ,1. r~i r,rr - _ ,J C• ~.0.' :u1-, 'h .17.'j.iG,iC;if ~O1' ,~YiC n r f +'..071(a.`,,i ,..Li.J,, ,1 ,~..,,i~Lif,J1i~ 011 r. . .W Ua '1.,;,.tT'_ TP.: ~6^'.' ,J•:il'),'.)Q ~t; r'' .a. ~ ~ .i if l~t'C(l ..Cr~l ~IpI1 :),-rl ~ P ~l_9L't ' .i , _ d '-'f - W' f 0~ ,~iu;7.i ~ ,7..L,.ia7 Y i.~ p.c ' ,i'T'~ r• r`' r, rl a. + ~ i ' t F,'r1;~1 ''1"li rl, i;h l 1 } , •trS -Jl r. ,0 ~ ~ ,7~~ n, _ °.11'11 c 1'~1!11~11 ,I r . _ .^G,Iv. __Unf 1.~u. _;l (}0'.hl'. r '~1~id.t_+~i ,1c1.'v'L' 1i(;?tl (A15 .irtF'l ,a a ~ ~ i „ ~i a i 7 iv I n 1. „ 1. _ ~ i , C7. rr .i ~ Y' 0i. ~ i, `.i 1 llrt[, l ' ~ - I z _ ._.W 7 c7.i1'". .1. -_'~!1~~~ Gi v ,'i Ji. ~ld.:..i:bu1CJ'f, n~ J .w~Jetj,l ~i0" . ~ _ fC'1'C~ l~',~1.y1~~J2 '1:1:i a"i~k', ,7 F~lv~r1(~ ,rr ~t1,~ rrr,,t„ rrrv r - _ r ,,J _ ~ _ 1.~•J•) ''Ir3,a ,:.7'UOJ. ,~.~e ''F`~ y. tit, i Pl'a ` ~'r t "r' C !1 . 7 'Q',rl,i,i•'Ir. 7 .!lf ~0,._1.L~ V+ .n:~8 c' ~ OrV;.CP,O 01 ij~jr-. I. ,r ,..i A 7 rl. I. ~ n ~:~1 t',1.. (`'I ^1 ! r',_x'r.l r, 1 17 i; ^•)r? 7,1 r0, .u}~ ~ ;A ~ . . , 1 k J 1 ) ( 7 Ur}, tr},.,:, t%`; !'~1 I; 1'O lrr(~- y0]' 7~,rrli::. , a r. z .7 t, ~ X.1.J iJ ~F r 1 ( ! f'i 1 l L :7 w k'~ 1..7U .7111.17"rl a.liE!i ~~J Gar, i. L'G'~: (:.~r'~'.'i.Y; i'.~7 'I~ f 1 1^ 711^ - + _ u,~ 1 . ''J. Q 0 C~~O.. , L19,';C19,4? .itt1 r 7 ?1;1 1 i;C n, , _ - ~ _ n ~ F ~'tc ~ ~n ) ~l .lrF ~ ~ ~ , . . ,.ti, ~II .:,YlC, I,U ol,'I~.- l4 . b'. . 11'l~.17, '~'f; I'1a,-i ji1°G,~~;.'~ ~ ~ . a 1 f f 7 11~, d~N 1. r)i9 li`,) P, _ J+. V - ~01"^,' 0 1' ~y.,' r - 1 ; l' ] r a. .6T ~hr; ~~Ou,i'Cl. fl l~ '_):.0 ,Cr X11" b10ri:`. ~^;]4~ by c1 E)C11 ?7ri U1 ~ 1,.", I. (~'1 ~ 00!x.. 1 1 01.1 f ..~.i rr i ",'f>! v0 t: . 0:~ 1. :0 `.1;1''.. k, n~ ; h(~.• 'tirn ~ .1 ~ h' - ~ ~~r _ _ ~ ~ "1.P., r'',.;I!' ! Y' ;t1 ~"i4',Oi' T 0~' , - '0,:1'1, , OI1 0, ~~.G.O~ tC 7 .o ~ erlt }le re I~I t1':G' 1''n'r Yinl ~1.l,m ~F nP. 1 ,)111?' n 19~, ,'1U , il_ ~'t~,. 1....`.i i.'t.l, . rl',. r, - , 1) ?"~?f, nr F,i._'^1"1 ,1.11', °_U ;1, ~ 1'} i,(,~'C '1~ ,~i' •IIP 1n -,1;~ ~,c.~ l 1,. li.rlr,r •j, t~r,1'pln:'ir G G ,p ~.T„_. ,,..5, r„' r 1r , ~ sr, , (1= ;r' 0 I . i'li? r° qr,t f T ,r ui.; 1(; , .,11(: ~J~t~'if F . i;. ^ - ~ r r, ' 0,1 ~ '3p:..•d r:zut. ox i:ea t;.le { `h' I y ~ ~ ~ ,1~ ~i rll~., ~ lna r ~ r, 1 '~)'r i ':1• _...L.7. , _ . `.ON 7.1 . . ._..1 ~l,f l,. . il, ~p >1 v.. ) ~ 7 p ,J1)~t- ~l nY, °r r r) 'r ~ rnn~ '1 7`C.!p1'{, ~T1Tlf;~'Cl ~pl' Cll~'I,_J. 1'lt?One f 1~,y ~ .i ~ . ,,.r, r~~ , _ C ' n ~ ~ _ . 1~;, 1?~!. ?'F', 7 yr,;?r, ufi i,IV. %1.~1'_., 0f r lr., i 1. ^r t r , _Jr G:C ,~1...~Iic~4i)Il l0i HLPf;ei; rj .'i8Y11,;, tl.i? ~.jlr' r ~ 80,`11'1! 01 ti^-9, ~;lOr1 f U+' '.'T}il it ' O ; -~r~' _ ~ c, r ~r t.~ (!1~P11:.:n;° ~;',i(??; a};1 1 f? , r' ~'C').. C }1 ,:O.lC-_r';'I '1a.fl 11rrP,r1 T:r~~(1_, J0?' ;1a.4`I'1c;11~;7 1~~i~1. „r,.;;~ :1!;~ ~,.tl.Yl. rv. U1~1~'Cl l~~l/~ ',3p'~1'~l 1; `7 ,v,. ~ 1110 (611"t`3 i; , r, .~..rt c r., .il _.1 .J:., } ~ _L"i~ 0. ~!;:1,llti l tJ'a.1. i'0 iiu:IL..i1, _ ,Y 1L x „0 ~1' h0 Cr~Lir!7101'1F 0~' 1' i`,e On. F' t in e ,<~"'l a~ ?C. I ,t 1 , ..Y.. . ~ rir~r;;:. ~1t:,;,1...to:1 :1, July 3ir'~hf1934. 1 _ 7 li1° vOUTl~`,r7a 1JUC1,:rAt r;~';lfl?~,~f;F;S :EGt ''1 n' ,rya G°r'..lQ7c- , ~rti ~ ,r "r, a p 4 ~.1., ~._~r > ._~47 ~ ,~a,~ pr~.,~e:,red, ~ "or ~ ~a,... ~vf - 1 1 1 + ~^nr~~ 0'11 ~11 G' ! t.,- I-l ~ 'i - I;Et 'r L'r 1 ,~up'r r to r iv, ~.r 7 i 0' ,Q 0r, L' ~0 0~~~ ~ ; ~ ul_~r " ~io':tr' .;ro. ~ helli t 1iD (lay at 3 rd0 a cloc:::~.t". • ~d.~U:l~_OYl Oj~ i)T'p 1„SbTf r..!1r~ L?iirln T",0_0,17 !:iiZyr ?C'.1~:J,,t8~i, `~t- Ei J..~.].j ...G(,~...~ 0_ t~~1e •i~a.S YC, L,r1 iV~1~ c`l. n~ '~1hP C1PT1. ,'7J a 1?1S tJ.'1.1C r`,?Cl. 1;0 111r'r,Tj; ~ C? i F, 7 0, ~ c ~~U~)17-">'k10(;1 1rl file CO~`P7 i ~ a'?"'~ ~r 'qr, ''~t ~ ~ ~ r~r,'GO I ~vl i',L'~ 1~.1C l~rrc`?.ri1 11Ji1 n } ~'i r,T t'u., ro i') ~ ~ %~:'eu0l11if FiC1f.1130~? '.:e','i7.ett nt. ' ~1k7~0r1 • -.l ,O l: ;7'%(lr. :,11,1 la_ ~.,-yrl':w.1~ seD. ,l`T'i].J1;7 an! i~.:'1, 'she 1a~)prOrrl.~i~i 011 rnn,olU i _011 ct,f til° 111E" ,r ~ r ~ ~t r, t- ~ ~ ~ f 3 :~t,10 ~ ~ , ~ 7 1.' a~ , 'J' .i ° r 1ki10 D.. f •:'re 1?1.1~~ttOr1~~J u0 L1EQ t~iE3 ~OIIY"b t'i0Uti8 t/^~ 7 - = 1 J0;1 ...Oa_.0.1 Oi 1' .,'1 "G 1. Ok7 u r' r . ~ , r t U~'~C3 •n'i C~kilrlt"C!'? Ol 'Gi19 u01.1t1tY, o yl3,-..l P,aSt 0~ 'u1l!; +'in(16~'f.7 8.o Il lOL1'E3].~%1'Jn I:J,i~: _JY' 7 - _ T11U ]f,C., l,):11'~ ~t1U?1 2H('i~]OUT'118C1. 'r _ r r i ~ ~ ~ . ~ r ~ ~ annroved file u~~~ Went o~ bill .L or ~ .,170(1 "'J~.1,~1n Or r .ilri'i,0~7 SOCOI],,i0~ ~~r :~p. LI''.Sf7 ~il~ :0'Ltd _ ~ ? _ ~~..7,rr1 ~ f.,. 4 OU.rd c1:1d );l e!~'r':10:1t of J . I . ('l lr I'' 0 ,iiB .71:'.10 7:,111J01':.1,1.., f'Or U ','~illnirr;ton, i'l. C., ,''ui~r ?3 lg~,n., 7 ,t rl ~ • ~ ,..J pi " j;r5, Ak1 ~Orl. Ci.t12P,'7 3~!1Jlna 2'C 1}70 f10Ii16,~ . ( li,]~.1 t'1~7a10?'!~ Ci'~zly 9rdC0~1~''01.i7 t(1G ?'Bl1t1Eo~, fOP .Or 7 . ~rE? I'E,'Ll ~r z 1 r ,.1 a ~y~, 1 iC9: ~1~a~~01, l~ ,~ree 1, e_f~+.ra f , for in:res rl TlIE 0 i 17 0~. „J]? '31-~,r ~ i nl z r~' f „l 0 T 1 ~U ~ r,e COUn`i 1 1 'Cl 1l C• 1 lti ~,1,1 !1 i': 1 Oti ? r'r> c 1 ~ nr, P I^ tl1'7t7S7~Oa~C~tp, "Jz9 1'9fdI'i'9( 1 Tr,.r<<,, _ y (,tlt i L ~ i !~r]~1,C11 `i~ct'~1P.fi~t +,i11I'111c,11 it'.~a,'_~.^':~ ~rP,r1, n`~1,-1r , 1 i~ , r _ al F CGr.t~3.?ly lJr a+,91CA'aal,Gre';"!89 for v:1., ,]AIl7 "IL15 7 ~;1, .1 ,~-_7~r,„,;.,, ,,+a ,~ntl ? ,riiitfiull. ~ bil. :o;' ,p3+;~,Sl i.1 favor or :derr ' a ~~roo.' - l~ an~~,,~oved " le ~3 p~(,,, ~ rr _ - ~ _ 10 • no.;~;tent . ~d ~c~zn1, llho,, ,,19e, 11 rice p , ~ , nn , n i p~,L },I~"t0 'v I„11 ~ yr 1;f 01'Yl(?~,7. ~.11C1 11'lpl, 1!10;'. Q'+ (,1T' . r11P11:f7Yi. q .,,.G„1'1!lA!, }11" 'S.il'. i~s3~~] $1'U~'",i101'1^''OC'l clY1C1 C'11.1'S',(',~,n' 1, c ~ _ - a_ t y, 1 T.°6n~ OI ;j2 ~e.5.~n 0!1 tiles r;09~ fal:ir118 7 U,LE' .d71r' . i 0ii 0) -).,11 Y111tiN,lU i,Cz.-,,.~ j 0~ o, t.~a i ,E 1 i...8a Lr7° .~oOSC 7 , ~.l~Mt 17or1 i of :.'.r. ,r_,won7 se }r'c :"1'. 7 1. .z ar_prtte~d ot; the l ,pry: ! ;J ~ ~ ll ADO, -~llrrko{;t. ~°a ~ ..waded in 'i0. .t ,l, C.U~.r~;E',r Of 1.0~ iy 111 1710(1( ~,},..i, ~'c,rl 'r ~„'I, ,1 and + ,J. ~ t"L 1 Ot .lZ '~JJ.OCl' ~r357 ,,.1". 'DY 7 > f, ~ f 1.I ~flE Ylv,,a. 101 L/:.5~ )~I ~ 0 lot =1 izil: - 7 11 i ~ 1, ~ . ~ ~ . l , ~ a, ~ ~ f' ~ „ v;;.' ~ t1'_T'~' of lOt OL 0't 2 I`qr ci • 0.1 1 . .F~. 1 11~,I11:, P ~ 7 c. or~' >1, i o)1z, ..0_ ,r1Y705 ' ) SI.1s 90.1'~~{1'.i 3t ~ 7 tn,. ,v-ex.L'y 1~3o tU Z u3 i tl lr,ai 8 Sal1C'1 : U~f. ,d ~t1P.'':~~E'9 IGI' ~r , 1 0~1 - 4 , ,0 ,.l l,. ~.P) (F ~)-:C'. J ~i:OD dale ~ pl. 1:I(? ,U~,r 1nJ~#~ 1+pI' t11~ rerlpntl ~1i1r`.1.L ~ti1~1'". ~'i1~,:.F.11:5 CI i.P!i 1.11TP9~c;,~U ~urJCl ~F:1',r'u11Fr,' 110 ~ ai1G ~.JOt?3Sr:,~';li;v ~~X~7; ~'.1B '~Oiil'd ;=iu fO1i.0!:'3: ~ a ~ 1e~rg, tlln title to the said px ,r]e _ L`- i r ~ + ~ . _ ~ r acool•d~.rl~ t;o 11ti;`r vp ,r3~i i.rA~ ;r OF t1 'r'~,;,^O.L1?11, n1 r. r, ~ - , 9 1r'i x,'1'10' 'v 11 .'u' ~ ~ b r, ~ ~•~;~,oa G~ ~ _i rt ~l.l .1„3'Oi cr. llot si.i'~); ~ f >~l ,JOCu to „r..--~>,t~,on, aori,}l:,ect i,:iri~lle n^.rt o. ~o~ .a lo} ti ;?'1,5.00 r~f;;l:;eot overt la't ~-].7 3airth:^ea~ '7 ~r ~ ~ i;' 7 7 )?ne o - tr 1 I~OO,lrl ~.Ct1ri(r L1 .J 71'1 tl]r„ !'P.COI?ll'gE',11ilc~il;n. 0~' i;_., ;1' it1!~i'' _r, ~ ~ ?i, "1 ' 1 ;I I 1 „1 ~ ~ ail( ~Jr ''C'l aili:}lOC'L~ d v:'.0 All `.ti'e U:.fCE'.' 't0 '~AiiO 7 ..,1 .,lli ~'h.t ii i It + ;;'k , 11 ,.J}~ , _ i C;ll 1,lr1Cl 1 L;i71id~ tltB Ci.121i,'t,. .r~,lilGli Ul l~d,i7~ ~i)011 1110~.LOk] Oi iiir(yon 9dCJtT'8. bj' ~ 7 r, , fl :C: $ 7 1 ~ r 7^ 1 ~ ~ r, 1a,1'~ . ~ r1 ~ a , r 7 i ~:d a ilr.I a .t aa,;~e. n Co._ oyin~, "1' f C03t ~11C1 '~?'',F'l'F.Sr C'I ^•n rk ,.r.. , ~ , ~ P'.1(1 .u. G,1) J,,,!1.."1~~ :ll ,I .->,.-n„o t;le p>'o~J..... rlp;~ ~i-ir.e~l o, ~.h,!,,1r~,..~, ~ n "'~r,arc.. i`pri,heast ntls'1; p( ~ ~'•~ikr;rine ,or:.u~, ILnd `>Iellie .,.~uak,i9 to ,.11 0l0(,_~ ;'~07 i~Ua' T;;lf. 107 ~ ~I ~ i" ~ ~ •r l'L'J,f3pI1 1;7111 ~ i• 1Cd1':i ~ Q l..l;a 1?:..:.1.'O1Vn, ."0: e~itL' ,iC.=.00 :tt .,OCriyr .'OLlilt7 i„'J.7 r'r• t.l.. ~„Nia 11I"UUL1 ~`r l'ia,0 1.rit;l.l1C1(?~l ].li .lU ~ 1 i' -7 3 C, S,, ~ CI,;UC~3.,r.Pl",t _ 0: 1tLT' ~ i)r'p ~ 1}/ 0'v"l1lE:(1 c9,T1C~ 1'~ S' tr „ T ~ ~f.,,7.,. l.r.:,i37 019 0 ~ , n r,~~l^ ~ to 1... inDtrlkctiotl,r e.t1d .'Dauos„ Of r, ~.~t,1'~lyloz' 7.ti tAC1, 11'r ,.,I'F,. ~]_1Zc1, ~ r Pd:Ci•;OI' i. 11 ~!:iloC': 1Y1Ci ~~:i8 ~u,':0~ i~ ~.`.On Gl i.1rltOn 9000rld6d IJY ';,~r. lr`.o,-f v 7 ~ a li Joel °.o' ~ 7 r •r 11~ Tel "~1,:i0 f'or ona i, i1 ~:ccpn. ~ f _ ~ E;} n., o...I a steal c binoi; ~ ^ti'el,,.' „ l'. ~ ~ ,•a i;o :l~s:u;;e a bi.~1 0>. Y „anc, ~le ~e~ ~"ir~:d-li, tor, i •~1 ~i ' ~ for , r • ','i,cel' ~i':e -''~e ~~o Uo ~;1t1I r ed .~awiusu ~,:~,a r.l-.ithly ai_or,nnc© of county u;lo :~r,~Jasi~1.11, ,h~rnu'si.n'; o.- 7 ralief zt.lnlls f:~s an~rrov4d t'~1e I,ollr~i, ! ~ ~ r~ qa z, ~ a;;` , rwa„_ ~ ~ - z a~ i1 3ot111;)3~1 rci~ltinu~~d ;'re~~~~ly q~ J, y > > { i.'.oeT~i.;,u cf ,J,,11y 3uth,1934, ront.:nrterl, I a,' ' or'rr_. d 7 , ' ~ r 7 ~n~~' sonr ~ :~,urnsd- :;rat !1, ~ . . . . . . . . ii ~n r.'toti.,,n r,~r ,"r. ra. 1 non: ~ ' 7- 25 i ''r.;l , socon:i~r:z by .z.~ ;on:::rw. ~ , ~ ~07~ ..,,,,.,,...r 18,8 13d., t , . ;~r~ ,1J 1 I netlell;' f01' '10~ 11411 1'gir s,a ~ yl 110,3 rt,1 _'J r? fY'OP,1 !4'~f"i9at Or "~lJ'~ ~ ~J 4' 0 1 ,..J7r°pF31 aJ 117 „Nrf1@~~. 't071210,]J.q TOr' ~,f16 fC~a~r 19v;; ~6~' 1;19r; Cr--- r• '_^'""~~r '2 ~ 53 ~U 5r a ~bn • , E u, 42 1~G ~ ~7 c ~ Ooi19r bY'OT ; , , 7 ~ClagCl , I ~ ai19 ~ 7.at OUI`i9Cl 4,0. (f.~ . D. 7 ~~,r 5.00 n ;~i ed C 17.~,OU , J t o~/ J1 ~1 v0utlt'; ,;i7lru;i r1 ~ ~h':6 ',y.gS r:.1,90 .iC'Ll r77~,,77 - n n ~ry n ~t 1,.1,.1A, II I, ~..r - 3'Y I' 25,00 " L75~),00 a. 4;~ 101 " 10ri__.___.,_,, g n 25.00 '2:x,00 Ir, F~~1TiG'El'1".l~h t111f ~ r;,.Yl~ ~ ,~f;rr0'~7iAYi j~1~lf~.,,1,G:~ Ii; li ..Yl~, .:nJ't & '~,1:' s ,.,,a, i n n r ~,1~?, :i ,,~wzwLd ; , r 1.1J. J,aO_ _ 40 ~b.Qb - 1,0(1(J.Gi) ! ,?r~ r.rtyvlll~ Terr.7:inalp" 1~ ~ ~ alnr,i rt; i .-.:3..~~fi717o~,r;g Ur^, pr ~~iVgo ,.~i.11'J ~.J~' 1~)~:1. t i ~1 , r'„ - • r r• c, , ~ ..1111 ,.1a~ '.t0' !l U; i!, ~ i, n J n n o ~ 51 " ( 50 ° _ ' c: 1 .~~.iar•yd hrc:7~n ~ 1 J aa.r.~ tl~ )JU- - 7., .JO ~i. for ~,ne „a rf' ~ ~ ' ~2.,,C(7 i 1e i.~r o:1 ea7.~I re;ri~rio, an~1 t ~1no n.1 eo...inrr pit .r,,' 2~'15,,t)0 r ~ ^.b:l,i't~! 1,-Qenr~B '61" i,l1C ;;~•8 pi !i r r , ~ it ~ ~ 1 ..i° '7aP^,j1~n~+A Gn~)~Oriu.): ©.,1' 7 S rl 1'0(L l~ + 1:U17IC' ',O t llc a_1 9 L9P,7,~'L.lru ~1p1+ ~ iC~ r rt il_lllf.! (Y 1,~1'la 8 ~ i CC „O, '.011(] 119. 2 t0 ~i-----.•.•__. c ° 7 c 11 ' j i,~ .r'.;[IIIJ t)'IFJ. t k tJ ,1 n ~tArl~; ~lr f ~.U 017 ) - ~ a2,J11 - c .a t) 1~~Y!t ttx).f 1t1~D1',,av 1r: 1:116 ''T.I :1 ~it3 a. ~ C4 p 2,.~0 k7.©;3~1 ",'(1; 110,, Tfjr~1.1J,1^qd i,U 5F)Ci1:'G n u t; 10 l~~G~ir.:_____-^_ _ u 7 ' > ~.ic~~z~. 4, g ,~z.5a . 102,50 I iicellt3©; 'i~ler~~',,1.,w, ';1~ ~';rzrd rc - r, s ~ tir,,- tu;on thn aw~.ov o hip, , a 3 fi ~ ~ A1, ~ , 1,, ~0 ~:~C I ,.'t.,0~ 11G~r H.n;! U.iJUll Di"! Oil a , r „ „ n „ jf) ~ 3~)_-..---______ „ 7 c: j ecan'_>.l ley . ';r::sk r ~au~,,:arizr-r3 , ~ ,ti,,,: r,,..li,on 13 ,,,0 ?9?, 50 ,7,. f ~ ~ ul~.l ~l,.t.,r.,er _ c' rF t1;lt] O.t ,;;..a. C!(1 t. _ ;-191: ; ' ^'14':'r:L }7 ~ > „ 11• n n 3~~ ' 3'd_-... M) n q c ;~Or :J'J.Jd 11C6nf.'.E, LIi;UY: illl'n: n1.A^ ,r,` > r,lE '1i:':~OL:.It •.:L( ,~2.ao 4~~,Q0 a 1J Ilfii "t0 tilp r~:~!~C't i,ildt, D CC~,{,11"lip 1119 h%~1L ]-i^,i;E)1'E9't ].tl U' I u n n n n r n 99 , X199 `Jfi'.'RU 1,? l;E2.YI1' gnF177~:i t c , ~ i:( `V,,.L~ P, f!~{~ 43 JO---__..-....,~.... ~ .JQ O ,9~. 'J~ ~h, ~ r'U I:~rt j 111 Cir!09A ?tU..;6 ,,rU; ;'J '6~ ~ ~ r "17 - lei,. i .1 .Lr,Or7;~i6 'l`)iQ ~+ili~~ltlr! f i, „ n n 2 (iYll' - „ ',4 r J 3 _ ^1'' 1 - ~ , .aQ i .50 ~ v''laCl ;;C' 1' my, t, n n a n.' 1 a,,q - P. ~r l,i,ion DL .:r. . Ur , ~ ~ ,.1.00 C,~ ( -r~~., '7..,~an' by ..w , . _:rta,9 ~..1e sD;,.r•d ur'i - 1r~,)0 ' ~ f;3. 0.'~),t I~, for 1'6111 i r 1 r°'JGC1 ~r1(; ~,El~!`Bnt ,~r~~J.~',, i. (1 un a t".) u n ~ n r ..11,., ,1 Jf ,,:,rr3 a`a , ~ 1G 1~J,00 '100.00 , tJ ~3t .1 ;,,~1, o r , , , w ~ , f 1 rr , • ~r~ c ~ , , j,r:L r,' 1„ ;il~'lf. 47f:1, r3.f1'J ,;O~ll, r':a ~C't1701'y. ' ltl:, i .l .L711I ;Di1r~ ' u r,~ `~j_..-__-,....._-_ 5.00 1,~1r'' Ol~ 76 Or11~ G J - 1.,,,,C 1~,~n 1,•;cn f .1.0:1 Of ..r, 11'Jl 79:'(J?1.6.1 ;h ...rn 7'u ~ ~ 7~ ~l,0 r0 _ 7 " 12,50 'l ,v~J ! i fOr 1 1 i r ~ tQ11, Dr, ~~:,d, l.iBq'~)1tb ';li].3 1'C1O138r] Ei li YrB.'I:f;?]1; ( ,I i. n n q n n ~6 „ OC~__..--- " nr.• n I nrJ~ __^bin,~ 7ra,,~;;"'ttr i,i IF3t;~t iC .13:;'LL 10:,' a• ,r r,~r ~ ~ _ ~....~0~~ - ~,J.t,Q GrtI' 1.. 9, ii-'. :1C 1'C7aOq 1119.; 't10 .r_t n n n r~ n r , nr'On 11.tBC~ Df T6`7t, - cr!°{G''iii; t}}n ~ ':'~t[t a /E: ~fi_..,..__-^___..- 4 ~ 12 ~0 F~ rn , 1 J ~J,+~,J „ u 4 n n ~r~ n i1a--.._..____-_- - n 4,. '~2 12,50 ;~7,. r i i._('9 c ~ 1I C., tt .1 O1 i n G - , J, JO ~1~.c° ~ur.~neoua 7c're:Zt~ ~ ~ 1. 1,,2-- - 2 1u,a0 - '15,00 ' - ~ f y o~ ae,r,a~ ri7rz,.~hecl to tllo ,u, 5 , ~ CDI"1 rat"l1L7 p„p d-1'~~' ::Or'p 11171"7y ufrl,l:) ~li~ ci.11Q 117 n i n v, JC'. i'>c - Dii tl,,.,,°° , 'lpl~-ti;%;..2"'i.l,~ £il1C~ Oi ~la^ 0;717 ','ll~ ~ ,1. - f ~2 1.,, _.a` ° J.i~ :)0 - `:J.~)O 3 1 r r~ ~ ~ - p,11r1 Ct70Ur,at. ':d 77~it~;0i1 'a, n, ,v~ a~~ ~ 9 5J, 0. ,T ?}le UDLli1~y, tLEl"?;O;I GV6z` v0 t, i1= p' r u1 r ,,1.l.CC,.,f3n'i, r, r, r,(1 ~i,.; ,,,.;I;( ,r>i_,SS I i;6rr3gi1F~1 1716 f1'Oi., 't 71 P.A f~`n~• 'i'i ,r., ! n,, J 1J.., ~1r;: 1'Ia I,:'~ i'a ~i,Pr f n;' i~~;n, 0 'J ~ . 'y 0 ,,ra :io 1 to 50-_._.._____.._ _ ~r I i2 I ~ t0 •-i•• ..7GT'G~ Ol.,, I-l1iaCL !!!O~1i121 Cf .:.T il' r r ~f JJ ~ oJ,~)(~ - lau,~'0 ~ Etl "fhr .a. d. ~ ..J.., 3P; 117.'•8x1 ~l~ .r, C'71i~°,1 u n it n ' 7,..7ri~F;,1 and rlir ~ n r ~ s ~ .:,o~rri 27 27 50-_...,_._______ _ _ r 6 ,©d t11o ~.;1 t 110YlariC6 U,. 17.i't~ CClilt3 )rJ1 !P'1• ,.t i(J,.,(„'r 13(, '~l,` '1 j("},(~(j ~ ,`i1.L"11D~; ~.F3ty1~•3~ t'.^.FJ 9!ZfF10 -CO I)© Ch~3.ra r rc, + ~ bB g1VA11 i.r:i. %Ilr~~ lt7f;~D'.l;i 13,(1-i1 ~,~7? 7(:.tji ~0~,,`: h :!1 .!):i: f' ~ .gel a~,-~ty:~au 7~hc I,o'.,;1~y .i~c~~:e a;cD.:~t ~,1 0 r r v0,., . ,.V ~ - 13.10 .185,0(1 ;,on 1-:otaon of . r, .r.~slt Ac 1 1 r ~ ~ ' , ~3 in '~~_F , .:u -r , , a ~JU'~. .i; ,,ir' ':)5 : ,I' n ~ 1,Irs, ,~.r• :,oh 1~ ~ 1, i _~on B1 inv , ~ ire:, ~ ^G ; . ~ ins, n I' ill I ~~.17ri , corr,~lOn Ior~ by Unto u ~ 1 ''0 - ~ t„iE .0 f ~.-til,re 01.'1°8Y' ';,~i;3 ci,.:L, ~ a. i~h u0111i0;-, 0. ~ IU, 1.. '.U GO-- r ,.,,(!l "'o r`0 1 .B'. ,U .C 0'H i ' ~7i': ~}r;, n n n n ~ ,r n ,q.. n y. i i ,w -r,a 1c. - ~ ,,D,rl, - 1,.., ~.o I I ti-,°i0n I:'.O1J1Dn Oi r. ~hr:.;;'' ~;CO,irj.? -..r ~i ~'r, rr n n n rr n r r.r n r r.,~ , ~ a.~ ' oars r, ; . r r d tr r,f1„ r ,tl + ?,o > > ~~"7 ~i~,,~i10.G0 ~ t ,,i f ! , J l r' IG'B- , Ol ~ i a ~)0 j u05 t',l'i i.fJ :~:1!'r1i± O CU 11 r ~ r {'n» ~ . - ,~J ,r,_, _ ~ r. ~ 1 OT'd ~OUnGf 6?:rlG'196 1,", Y'8 rl ?]l.".n n'~.t?1' p D'~ i ,,ir,. lO~u 1 i , „ . ^r, , 6 ,'~.lfJ , ~ Li t r1O ice, ;1 1 > i. r r Ylri -l 7r _ f I ~ -,.t f: A.~,1. Of1..k;. ,0 ..U. 7. r L. i il; . ~ J;) I Il. I ilOUr7 'Oi,ya'.1 Df t{1t1;D't7 5~'Car7SL'"~ h"' l r____ - a ~ T .,:r'.L,i~.,Yoet of ~ i.is lrv ~ Gr~, , . .,,x'.~.u. +,o ll - 17 ~,t,,(; - ~'~5.(i0 UU ~7'1"01~. l7° f1ilF`lt of i?: a911R+°~ `h'~ , '1 t , ,'v. ~ 1~ta 1?..1~, irr;n 9. ~ ;.',t + ;o' ~ r :.0'tJ.il O.,IJ,ro~ ;idrJ il.):~_. ,_Ot".Q i Ci l .._.'i?'t D!"1 fJ Clt:"~f;(~ ~~'i ~dl I 1 ~ lOC':'1';G tD :..,_'D ;:!.G CG'.11~1~~/ `~Or a "!9r10(~ Of aivt ~ , ,n., a. ~ .,:1 'OfiI.U:`i 1'C.... 50 i '.r,. ~ a 0.1 q'' 1b.1^. ~ r~l 5 , ,or1~1 ;gran, - , ~ .,..,.~.;~.cii .._..__.v._.._,__...____.. - .4 n I _ _ J - ! r ~~l it ` ~ .,piU.•.i ,:rJ,,. a~ ~ Jt r G - ,f1,!'~lll),,,(1 ,~~),0~)l),O0 r. D.., 9.:0'JtU:.., U~ .~r, ~J'i.7~r i,i. ~ ~ " n 'lJ 5 i~ ~ r1 r~(I t' Cl 9r ~~~I~ ~ ~ - _ . J ~JJ(J LO Oo0,C11'~ fl 64G,,.~ . e, ow: d .~..1~,_,orizr,,1 ^c:1 tr,t, o~ nr , .~:.s._..~.__ ~ k. a19d ..cce , far ,:~,c ••~trai no11 cry ~ ` ~ - iar J -rly f ! ~ _ _ , _ C~9~t 0:. ;p402, ~0 ~ .N3 ~ Ql,~ ~r•~ ° ''1 , Viii n~,,~'i;7: 1 ~ i?°~.1,"Cf::I,P., w. .,t, 0: r~J:,,ri0 1'0?" p~, ~ ~ ~ .1 _ .;cu;to o. 31 -;at1~ ;lo, 71 ;0 80 10 I~`',00 - '?50,00 ~ y ~.,,~01 '10+.1:; 11 0 1'. Lr15'" 0'G 1 ~r, F, ~ ~ n u rf~ n ,,i ~r 4. L r. i ..ni.Ua, rC.n.~.1".l !i,Yl~~ .'t~ "~i.,;.1:.:1`: 1 ~n Nv O2 O~Y[1•t a _ 1 .J,QO - 25,00 300.OQ i~i~, ' 0 :0 r r' ;a .;1C v' a....~,,. 1.; ,.1 nt;._'O - r c'~ ~ i .1C8,1~ !it D'1 ~ilI.JU 't Ci, q°"1Z?r:~, , 1 ~,J r ~ '~ot~ii ~otw7o'a;; >,.n:l. =;or;i, :~~~1:°°to;i ,~k2 8?.e.75 1~: i' .Alan I11D'G1'Jn 0±. r, .l. , ~~nz-~.~ ~ c + _ ._r s;~c ,~7 er~ `':Y - r:i~;ton, the !~o~~rd Doted to rn, L t''te '+r G ~ - `1'i'Ol'I:° r,i0:7,~~5'9]A'il i,C f , m 9'~8n •1;_ ti'.l:Ct. ':~!]^')3L1rIuC8 7°ltt ':'t1 ia'-11~.'lU.i"4 .u 'i ~ 1G r " n• ,n 1~° i.''i 6r :7'~I' 'r .1 r..~•~ .a ~ - J_rt,u6, :9Z•}C i70~ lilt ,.af ,lll~ D,7 ~11a17 _.~1~JU.1 _:8:l, 't'~ J ee~ ,'h1s ,~au1„ ..rd is r~ ,1 - ~ , i~ J8v C.Cp6; ' r,,1, , ~ , ( ~ ° '7311'°f h,/ ,Ae 1)0°' ~~t1F~'nici:ll vG;ai;7.~,y Eli1(! tar%'e 01). 3171? OtC~OP i in)~t.t,3t:°i.~-1 ~„lynt~ aY- .1 a .i1 '."0111, v.l.n 1.'10 r1~:C0 Or ' ra ' I t.OY~i~ ,r i ~r ~1:,, :'0~~~7 reD9n~1y t,..;F17 0'(C'T' ~°j' i.:1C ~Jt'.t`i,(>', ~0 r,,~p,;; 1GSf:.^.~i,•tf8 _.._..~.r..~.~ s •,7 _ L'; 1... ;'its au~:!L'6'1•.a i,y r. a.1?"0<tQ iL ti,i,<' r~`r+ ~ ~ - 1 • v ~;1or1:, ,Vilmington, N, C,, August 6th, 1934. ' , . ~'hP f o r , 1'• y 1.20"~11? .0,x',0.13 ..tlG':~01'1(7S ~;,C; @ ,Jl'8S@Clt©=~ t0 CI70 ~-0ur'd i " r ~r r , i ar,rl t i~+ .,1° v l~ t f °14i11.Or '?8 ,L~' ~lij ,;x;6'1 ~ ~ •,•rery r,,:ec;~.5ri rind o~.trne',l 1'1 fire prer~6nc6 of >;l1e '~'oa~^d; ~ > Th Board 3'00 0~ lock P,M. ' i i - p met in regular weekly session at c ~ Presents Add' ~Y T ask F,M.Ross Jas.M.Hall and J.H. Hinton. a.son Hewlett Chairman Geo. r Counon i~:o, 40 mend Plo,------•_--__--___..__os _ i r. 7 ' 1 p 11 11 II L1_~ Q 1 J 50 ~ 1:-~,50 - 1 7~ 'g-LO--120-gy°---- - 5 " 1'J„5o - r, i Mrs• .41ice Gurganeous,Inmate at the County dome, appeared before the Board requesting „ a...50 , 45 '--~---------------19 - 1 " ;??,5G - ,,~„50 ~ g~,o0 ~ the Commissioners to return to her the ~p300.00 she voluntarily turned over to the County Co~r~, ~ ; ~ , on or about the date of her admission April 23rd, 1934, but after~aking time to consider on rlo. 41 .,on , .do, 47 to 51 Inc,- 5 25,00 - 125 0o the matter h eed to receive X5.00 per month as of august lst,1934, F 41 , s e very willingly agr ------110 - ' z5.oo - to mee to that received at the Home, which amount 41 _ ,x,00 ~ t little personal expense in addition 151 - 1 " 12.5n - 12.50 t -y-- ' 1G~„ao 2~;rJ oo was upon motion of Mr. Ha11 seconded b I~ir. Ross, granted, hereby amending a resolution ,1018 3~.:)5: - ~ ~ ' Y 1 w nc from 50 e Cou~or ~ ~ of this Board at meeting of July 20th,1934, and increasing the a to a e ~ p r week t , 4~ Bond PJo, 7,B,g-,~2-23-24----- - G ~ - , nK 2,aC ~ to 8 ecorded as votin Nv. The Commissioners ~35.oa 1.,5,00 ~ yp •00 per month. Mr. Trask requested to be r g woul 00 00 to Mrs. Gur aneous while she remained i Co,illa:9 ,ro ~ _ d not agree to return the full amount of ~3 g . 41 _,ond :',o, 179 _ 1 12,50 - 1;~>50 at the Coun 11 would a ree to take her and become respomsible for her `~1 ------lei to lee tY ome,unless some person g - a " 12.5J - 100,00 113,5p ~ care as it was vex a arent that she is incapable of managing her affairs alone. Couhon 'vo, 41 3:1 d r;,l , ' 119 - 1 12,50 - 12,56 ~ Upon mote b Mr. Trask, a request of Mr. 'JJarren Johnson,Trust 12,,0 1~~,00 on of Mr. Hinton, seconded y 3C~~eoL~,O~~~; Off an far a reduction of the assessment icer of the Peoples Savings Bank & Trust Comp y, Coapon rdo. '2g :]o,7d ;;°,_-______71 to 75 - 5 „ _ ~ e ed to the tax assessors for .5,CO 125.00 125,00 1 on house of Miss Fannie R. Williams block #155, was ref rr ;OA.; BO:d:13: Coulon 'ao 4 ~ _ investigation and re ort to the Board at a subsequent meeting. ~ 1 sand iVD. _ p „ r, 88 1. 12.50 - 12.50 ~ - 4'= " 2G-2'711.0-41-12---- 5 " :'.2,50 ~ ~ U 307 were a proved for payment. , " 45 " 3s- -r r 11,50 Pon motion, duly seconded, county bills Nos.83 to p 37 10 .1 1„ - JI,2,50 1,12,50 237.50 362 50 R OCI~IOUI~O~i;)g; ~ . Co „ Upon motion nded b Mr. Trask, the Board granted the request of the u on No. .•9 r3ond :?o, 31 to 355 Ir7c,, - 325 ~ 23,75 o ~ of Mr. Rosa, seco Y office while he and his deputies „ 7,71~,7D Sheriff 'to em to Mr. J.A.Salling tp stay in his 9 2'S 242 - 193 " _ ~ r p Y ~ n at Elizabeth Cit A ust Sth 2C 7 .7D 4,70,,,,0 are away in attendance u on the Sheriffs Associat~o Y ~ , _1B 140 - 23 ?5 00 - r p 11 n .°3.50 er da for the four da . 57J,oo thxou h ed to ay Mr. Sa i g ~P P Y Ys 2g 14.2 325 _ s4 „ r g the 11th. The Board agre p , 4 JO e u n n r0 u - N,'10,,.00 30 100 - 4s 25,00 - h of Jul was received and ordered filed. " 30 66 „ 1 5 - 1,^00,00 A report,of the Ladies Rest Room for the mont Y „ „ 2 u0 ?,5.00 - 1,D00,00 3N 1 Only - 1 " 25.00 - ~ r, rr5 00 A t to the tax collector, in the penalty of 1 4u 1 to 13 Inc. _ .1 •~r pond of Thomas A, Henderson as asslstan wa resented the said „ „ ~z „ ~ a ,.J.oo - ~.5o,nn ~2 500.00 et Company as surety, s p amount No ti3 - 4 " 25,00 - y w~,th the National Sur Y do motion,duly seconded, unanimousl ap roved 42 „ 25 „ 2 „ 1--,DO having been fixed b the Commissioners, was up Y p 7 ;f 9 3 25,r~0 _ 75.00 b t Y Y he B ii „ 42 „ 29 " rk4 oard, 1 w u Div n „ 1b .,:,,00 - 4J0.00 1''~ 40 olily-___-_ _ 1 n , r advisin the amount mn de 1 i °~•~0 " __-_____'0.~0 A comet om the County Auditor g posit in: unacation was received fr ~ ea her with a memorandum of securities held in each case. Grx> r _ed r or ,.nra . . . . . . r~ ch bank as of July 31st,1934, toget { I I~ iG ~ ~i ~ ;1 h 4i i -~~i..~ 2 ,.r ~ ; I 997 ' n of Au ust 9th 1934 Conti i_ iSeeti g g r ~ hued. ~[eeting of ~~.ugust 6th,1934 continued. Section 5. That for the said fiscal ear the e Y r ars hereby appropriated out of the County Home Fund" the follow ing; Tt appears that the '~1ilmin ton Star-News G (Page Corporation) listed and aid a valuation of .~21 085.00 P taxes on Count .:oi"~e and F personal property for the year 1933 of which amoun gym'" " " " " ' is re resented a t X12 0 22 32 r P s machinery, and it further ap ears that the 'S 0.Op ~ ' 5'37 char~ad ae "Not Listed" o - P .R.Page Corporation is T t for th s' n a valura,tion of X20,000.00 machiner in build Section 6. ha e aid fiscal yeax there are .rereb Chestnut Street,block X191 fox the sam Y ing at X109 o riated for the "Health Fund" Y e year. This Board is also advised that appr P the followings machinery has been remov the eel fr°m the building at No.109 Chestnut Street a `i X12,500,00 machiner listed include nd that the - A ro~riation Y s all the machinery owned by the ',~.R, Pa PP P ,Health Department,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 8 3 Corporation and an aba ge ~ 42.25 ement of the X20,000.00 valura,tion is therefore r Vital Stata.stics,..•,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,a „ ~ Therefore u on motion e9uested. n 135.00 P of Cdr. Ross, seconded by Mr. Trask the matter w A Indexing Vital statistics,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , as the Chairman and Tax Assessors for invests atio ~ ref~rred to 100.00 n and with ower to a ~dosquito Control,,,,,•,,,,,,,,,,,,~„ s g P ct , . , ° 1 2oa, oo ~ • , 9,777.25 t ' It appearing that the first loo d• m, P n ay in septembex, the da on vrhi Section 1. That for the said fiscal ear the Tune 18th, ordered the sale Y ch the Board at meetin Y re is hereby of real estate for the unpaid 1933 taxes i g °f appropriated out of the Hospitd,l rand" the fall°win s holiday (Labor Day) Therefore ~Ir. Hinton mo ' s a legal B ved and 1t was seconded by sir, Hall and 'fi carried, that the said a ction of June 18th, is hereby recinded and in 1 Appropriation Jas,~lalker Hqs ital Board hereby orders that all real estate on wh ieu thereof the ? p ' 15,300.00 ich the 1933 taxes have :got been aid be sold for said unpaid taxes on t P ~ F: ,he Second }ilonday in September 1934. ,,ection 8, That for the said fise~~.l year there zs hereby I y F: appro~~riated out of the "School Boob Fund" the followin 'I Upon motion of Tdr. Ross second g eel by Mr, Hinton, the matter of fixin the a items to be charged in connection with the save g mount of they t 'J f, rtising and sale of real estate fort School ,cooks,.,.,,..,". 10 O00 00 unpaid 1933 taxes, was referred to t he" ? • he Chairman the Count I?. y --uditor and the County ' Attorney with power to act. ~r r, ~ 'on 9 That for th a'd L Sects , e s i fiscal year There is hereby ~ ~ ap ro riated out rf the h 1 j p p oe oo land the following. ;~i The County Auditors cash report for the month of ' i ~ ~'uly was received and ordered filed,! i School r,"':ainten~nce ~ 18,573.00 Upon motion of 1~r. Ross, seconded b tJir. Trask ~ rs, Mary H. , School Debt service Cook was released from 15,753,50 } payment of penalty char eel for n t o g o listing property in block #543 for the e School Building Fund n account of being a non-residents PROVIDED Y ar 1933 2,683.75 i , however, the said taxes due fo S shoal Capital Outla 'd A. r said year Y, x,000,00 s paid within a reasonable time. k. Miscellaneous Appropriations 1,330.00 S shoos Audit 200.00 40.x40.25 A request of the. Board of Education that the ~~r p sum of X3,300,00 be 1a p ced to the creel' of the school fund to take care of ex endit~ zt plant and book f P aces fox the buildinCr f and, maintenance of ueetion 10. That for the-saidfiscal,year:there arehereb ~ and for the month of - Y August, was upon motion of Mr. `Trask' second appropriated fox the !'School' Pension Fund" the fall.o~ n , eel i g. by DIr, Hinton, approved. i a Miss .Kate.. Johnson ' 4 with referent 679 50 _ s to the recent roTbery at Jones' Park y'Jri hts '1 • r~ presented a s , G' vi le Sound, the Chairm,~,n Pdiss Adelaide Neareri . . . . . . , 5 4 38 2. 'il uggestion by Mr, Luther Toan, that the Count u Hiss Kate Yarborou ' t~, to aid in the apprehension of crimin Y P rc ~se tw° blood hounds gh,E~tate,...,...,,,.,,,,,,, 25.13 ' ~ ass. No action was taken, t Fannie Blount 522.00 i No action was taken in the matter of the ~ " " " " " " " " " purchase of typewriters with county relief Bessie Burnett I f finds for the use in the rel' . 522.00 ' ' ief administ ~ ' ~ , rat r.an off ices, in lieu of rentin the same' Matilda Stor , , , , , , 2 ~s, rs' I g Y,•°...,° 52 .00 2,795,01 t Upon motion of Mr. Hinton s ~ mem , econded b,~ 1rir. Trask, the Chairm,:tin,to ether vrith an S ction 11 ber of the Board who would care to attend w g y other wFr e That for the raid fa.scal year there is hereby ' Convention to be held , as named to attend the County Commissioners appropriated for the "Road Fund" the followings ~n Asheville August 14th, throu h the 16th paid b the Count g ,.`Their expenses to be 1;,5 ire Insurance 514 5B ~ I~. The meeting then ad ourned, Section 12, That for the said fiscal year there are hereby ' - n a ;j., w appropriated out of the County .pond Interest,Redemption i, „ :Clerk. ~ and Sinking Funds the followings i ' 'Nilmin ton N n ~ g , C,, August 9th,1~34. _ Ferry Bond 5ir~king Funds l~7 As advertis Interec~t on Bonds 3,940.00 " eel th , e Board met this da at 3;00 O'clock P.M, ' ' Y " , to consider the County's _ Bonds Maturinr,.. 3,000.00 ; 1934-1935 budget aJr'd adopt the a ro riati C ' PP P on resolution. i Coupon Expense 1 .6 6, 5 .60 Presents Addison Hevrlett Chairman, Gea.W,Trask, F.M,Ross and s Ja .M,Ha11• Court House Bond Sinking lands I 00 I~, Due to another engagement Mr Interest on Bonds,...,...,,..•••••.••••••••~•• 8,250. . J. H.H~.nt°n could not a ttend this meetin but sto red in the office before the meetin wa B, P1 ~ Bonds N~aturing 10,000.00 the Chai g s convened and after readin a communication fPom rman of the B E g • Cou on Ex ense 33.15 18,283.15 oard of ducation concerning an item of 750.00 in p P - ~ eluded in the County's budget a ro ~riat io s PP 1 n for schools, as compensation for Mr. . Ray Funderburk County Home Bond Sinking Fund. Superintendent of Schools,for his services in co nnection with the handling of free Interest on Bonds 95000 text books, asked that he be recorded as a r pp oving the appropriation. Bonds 1~aturing 2,000.00 - 5.00 2,955.00 and et A r Expense on Coupons The County's 1934-1935 B' Mr. Ros g PP opriations were then adopted, and upon motion of s, seconded by PIr. Hall, the following Appro riation Re adopted, all members resent vat' P solution was unanimousJ,l Road Bond Sirzkin Funds P ing affirmatively g 7 250.00 Interest on Bonds,...•••••••••"•..•.~ r ~ ' 92.50 Old Coupons,......,... I 18.13 Expense on Coupons,....,••••••••~•°••°•'••••'• t APPROPRIATION RESOLUTION 4.00 7 364,63 Box Rent , Section I, Be it resolved b th North Y e Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover Count Carolina, this 9th, day of. August 1934 that f School Bond Sinking Funds 1 ' 50,417.50 its activities and institutions f ' or expense of County Govexruuent, Interest on Bonds • or the year ending June 30th,1935 the amounts of the ' folio°rring schedules, or so much of each a ' Bonds I~a$.urng, 42,000.00 s may be necessary, are hereby appropriated. 425.00 Old..:.Coupons;• 178.54 ~4 Section 2, That for the said fiscal ear th P E x ense on Coupons,...,..•.~•~ , Y er. is hereby appropriated for the "County P 4,00 93,025.04 - General Fund" the followin s B R nt g 1 ox a 4~. ~ General F Fund: i" and rti ~9orkhouse Bond Sinking 1 750.00 . tie 84,767.39 , ~ Interest on Bonds,..•••••••••" " " " " " 35,000.00 36,750.00 Section 3. That for the said fiscal ear the B nds 2~ tui°in " " " " Y re are h ~ o a 5~ ~ appropriated f ei eby , or the Maintenance of Public Buildin 'r Charities" the fo11o gs and ' n u Bond Sinking Fund. win t A~ r ~ ant ome g llorkhou~e and ~o y 850.00 ~ ~ Interest on Bonds.,:."••.•••••• r' I Court H u o se ' Jail ~ 6,637.72 X389,573.40 j Total," Charities>• 6,073.06 y 5 000 00 710 78 17, Section 4. That for tYze said f' - ~ - zscal year there are h ' ~ appropriated for the "Sal ~ n ereby ary Fuhd the following: 4 ,i , Sheriff , , ~ . 7,540.00 ~ Clerk S u er p for Court ' Register of Deeds 6,380.00 ~ " 4 g „ Constablo, , 30.00 g • 1135 19,761.35 r= ` ~ ~ ~ - 6 )99 n of August 13th, 1934, continued. Die e t i g Meeting of August 9th, 1934, continued: i of 2~ir. Ball second ' U on m ~ Upon motion , ed by Mr, Trask, I~Irs. Charlotte H p otion of +fr. Ross, seconded by ~tx. Ha11 the follow' ~a eleased from payment, of penalt for ,B,Smith of Philadelphia ta• ing resolution fixin wd~ r Y not listing lot 21 i . ~ rate was adopted, all members votin off ~ g the 193 7 on account of bein _ ~ , n black X527 fnr the g irra..tively includin the C ~ ' 4 ~ ear 19u3, g d non re,.ident. ' g ha,irman, ~ Y i i Be it resolved b the Y Board of Commissioners of New Hanover Count t U on motion of t.r. Hall, seconded By l+fr, Hinton the ' tax levies and assessments u on all Y' hat the followin ~p ,n , Ilo~rd authorized the payment of p taxable pro erts f'or h B 54 to the E„tate of T. B, Cox the same b P J t e year 1934 as rovided ~5• ~ sing the prarata paxt of count su lera authorized by the General and S eecal Acts P and;-' • a Confederate e Y pA ent P of the I~egislature,to be as follow ~ due z`~r. Cox p nsioner at the time of his death Jul 1 Q s: y 7th,1.34• TAX RATE: Pro ert ;~r, Trask P Y X0.70, Po11 X2.50 Upon rriotiar, of , .,ecanc]ed by ~lr, Ha11, the Board authorized ~1 60 to the Camera Shop for four hoto r h the payment of ; p g ap s of the Court House and Annex same to be,~' f 34hobls ~ 1 s Y p e 1 .02 u ed in a booklet of the Count sonsoxed b th ~ ~ .50 Wilm'n"~~ ~ Y i ton a r tam & Pr' : Schao ~ P zntin Cam a l Pensions,.,.,, g P nY .006 ~ and the +rilmin~;ton Chamber of Commerce. School Books ':;i " .022 ;~r~ + School Bond b' nd - u •224 42 U on motion of I~~x. , p Hinton, seconded by<~Gr, Trask, the Ch<u,irman way ' Count H ~ asked to a Hain ome,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .048 a committee to confer with a like committee of h p` t t e City Commissioners with reference i- h~ General Fund,..., ' .15 to filin application with the ro er autho .50 p P cities for a reduction of the 1i ht ~ Speeial Tax g , 1 ' ~ .05 and power rates for his cau~nunity. Health fund ~ i Hospital Fund. ~ ~ , r .04 The Chairman name l~r. intan and ~Tr. Hall and :the County Attorne to serve on th' Count Home ;Bond 1++' ~ Y is Y und .007 Committee. I'. Court House ~vnd Fund,. •05 Ferr Bond r'u d ' Y n . ,p26 The meeting then adjourned. R oad B nd l++' . o and ;y .~73 .OS 4'Jorkhouse and . l aunty Hame,Bond,Fund9 .004 - > ri„• ii y Clerk. s Total ......................$0.70 s X2.50 , Wilmin ton N, C, Au 2 .l g , ust 0th 1934 + r g , . E: Upon motion of ~r. Hall seco ~ t: r to ~ , nded b,~ 1Ir. Ross, the Baard eve arztho The regular weekly meetin of the Board was held ~ d: cation of the ditch cross' g city to than e she g at 3:GO o oloclC F.I~i. 4 in ~ g certa g in 10 is of 1•~r9. E1ene P+4, Shands at burs re-laa-ate saki ditch in the street ad'oin' Beach and ry r ~ ing, Present: +?ddison Hewlett Chairmen, Geo,+`+.Trask,F.I~:,Ross and J,H,Hintor~, ~ K. j Upon motion of i~r• Ross second , ' ~ to Coma , ed by ~r.Trask, the Board authorised Upon motion of lair. Hinton seconded ~ Idr. Trask the a ~ ~'1 p ny I, 120th, Infantry, account of it a_i Payment of ,,100.00, + Y , etion of the Bo~.rd at meeting s 193. _935 a ro r~ of Au ust .13th 193:4` f xzn the' char es of he + o ' pP p anon. g , , B g t County.:. prapoxtior, in connection with E k ' the sale of real estate for the 1933 un a'd - wa 'c The meetin z taxes s reeinded and in lieu th ~ g tnen adjourned. _ p y ereof he i Is ~ following distribution of charges were unanimortsly a,daptea by-`the Boards j ~ ~.r; ~ ~ 1 ~ p t~ for .roper~y Outside For _ropez~,~ in ~ I ~ Clerk, ,l ','lilmin~gton Township. ~;dilmingtorl Township.. ~!1 k'rs t ! 1Vilminr-ton ¢ , lv. C., August 13th,1934, I'; ~ , ' The regular weekly meetin oft :Ldvertisinb (each piece) ~~0.20 X0.10 g he Board was held a ~ , t 3.00 o clock P.M. Ilaking up :?dvertising list,.,.,... .05 .022 L is f Presents- Addison Hevrlet ~ Sales Certificate,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,, .50 .50 ~ I t Chairman, Geo,laJ.Trask, Jas.I~S.Hall a ~ r nd J.H.Hinton. ~ntering „ertific~zte,,,.,,,.,,,....... X25 .l~ It a ear' ~ Total , ..............."1.00 .75 pP ing upon advice from the Gount ++elfare Of ~ Y ficer that the + is now carin7 for f' Salvation Arm 6 ive children who otherwise would be Y Home P, appears that th H County charges and it f Due to the serious illness of IIr, George Harris Recorder the Baard a on motion of : e ome is not financially able to mee ' urtner , , : P L' r actin u o t tni,, e.~ ense the Hr. Ross seconded b LIr a k uthar'zed and directed the a ent of his solar as F•, r g p n the advice and recorrunendation of th P ref ore, this Board, , Y Tr s a i p ym ,v r{ e County '~~elf~~.re Officer and Recorder to firs. Eu enia Harries Ajent his 'rife. f'i~ of ~u.r. Trask s econded bar. H' n r ~ ~,e upon motion ~ g 6 , • ~ Y i ton, ,ranted the salvation ^ t a~gg of ~~5.~.00 per month, beginnin wit "rmY Home an appropriation li;$ g h august lst,1934, for the care of Re ue;~ts to ~ f ,N H lit Ea kern block "11 r l9 indigent children, '7 separate the ass~ssmen~s on the property o c c , rr 6 _ The Board decided in acco and "rhe Jocelyn Company, block rr59 in order to clear up indebtedness etc., was upon t~ I ~ rd pro action ante vrith law, to mike the followin cha ~ motion dui e 'e airm n with owes to act. P in connection with the sale of g rges for the county y s conded, referred to to Ch a p real estate for the 1933 unpaid taxes: ' For Propert outside U on m ~ ~ '.9 e ister of `Nilmin ton + Y Far Propert in ' P otion of l~r. Trask seconded b' Mr. Hinton, Cdr. .B.R g g A Wilmin tan T ~ Y ~ c • ~ Y ^ . i g orrnship. Nilmingtan Township. tovm..nip was granted an abatement of taxes on a valuation of X250.00 plated and silver t ~ Adve ~ y ware listed in a 933 for which no exem tion eras allowed b the s' ~Y rtising (each piece) ~p0.20 ~ erxor for the ye r 1 , P Y ' For servin noti 1/2 or ,0.10 Tax Zister as provided b~ law. g ce .60 1 2 or 3 J ~ Sales Certificate 0 Enter' '50 .50 re uest of ~ R for a reduction of the assessment on five room house ing Certificate .25 q rs. .,ebecca Yopp :.:y .25 1oc:Lted on ~.ot ~8, black ~~47, Carolina Beach was referred to the Chairman with power ~ to -wct. Total - $1.55 X1.15 , i ~ B' were submitted b G,H.Cook and ids for repairing the building at Uak Grove Cemetery Y 1 0 U ~+'~•D.Colwel ~ • 0 eetivel U on motion of crr. Hinton,seconded ~by ~r pop motion of l~tr. Hinton sec 1 ~.t .137.00 'and ~$175.5 resp Y p onded by ldr. Trask ldr. by the Boards ,the following resolution was ado tea Trask, bmtn bids were rejected. , . WHE ~ P RIi,AS funds are re~:~itted to The ldan r ti7atts and C ufaeturers Trust Compan New Yo A report of Jas.Wal'.~ter Hos ital for the month of July was received and ordered filed ompany, Baltimore far the a ent of y' rk and to Baker P and duly 1st, each ear P ~ bonds and coupons maturin Januar 1st ' Y ,and g Y The Boa h Court and upon motion of lair. Ross, seconded by , rd acting upon an order oft e WHEI~AS funds are 1 D:rr• Trask, authorized and directed the payment of the following items: r p aced with the 'Nilmingtan Savings and '1'ru purpose of pa in bonds st Company for the ,s ecial • Y g and coupons maturing on said dates A in the case of Svenson-vs- Garrison,, Ma I ,and Cape Bear Hotel. Lodging furnished furors Y fi ie Term Su erior Court 1'933• X21.80; Dixie Cafes Meals furnished furors n case3 0 WHEREAS no securit' , f scan be obtained for suon f unds~ p ~ 1933 .9. B0• Wilmin ton Furniture Co. Now Therefore Be It ~venson -vs-,Garrison I+da"'Term superior Court `b ~ g , 4 1 RPw, ' Y °vs- State of North Carolina April Term 1933 OLVED, That the placing of such fund °vs° Cole ;10.$0; 'Tide '+~ater Power Company s with the said banks for the X6.75 total y 1 without obtaining securities t purpose mentioned. , X49.15. herefor is approved. ~s est for aid for I~drs.Mar Gu Upon motion of Mr. Hinton se o The Count ;lelfaxe Officer having investigated the requ y y ~ f , c nded oy 1ir. Trask, the Board a r Y 'nes Sea ate, recommended that she be placed ~ h~7. cast of the folloti~rin its ppxoved the payment-of esiding with°the famil 'of ?dr.' john E, Hi , g;, t~ g mu incurred by the Em 1o en Y aetzn u on the fore oin recommendation P ym t Bureau for the month of July: on the'Out.Door poor lists therefore, the Board g P g g i and u ' F ~ `econded by I,Zr. Hinton, ranted Ddrs. Gu and ' J on mo lr~ T sk s g Y, aged indigent ames Book Store ,3 3 p tion of r, ra , Au ust 1st 1934 to be c1~3r ed a ainst the a Underwood E11 ~ ' S Half ~pl•68 citizen, an allowance of ~3.00`per month as of g , + g g iott .Fisher Co., 3,00 „ 6 ~ ~,.Soutl~ern Bell `1' 1..50. ut Door Poor Frond. ~ M e> ephone Co. , g, 39 i l~estexn Union Telegra h Com a 4'70 0 ' p p n 5, SE s Idos. 337 to 37 inclusive were a roved for i y' ~ 2.93 Upon motion dui seconded bill pp , Y Total payment. authorized i , ~ tip10.81 yl s Upon motion du1 T ~udit the county officers for year ending June 30th,1934, ( , y seconded, county bills I1os.308 he matter of asking ,for bids to a to 337 were approved far ens. was os ens meeting. ' ;i paym p tponed to a,subsequ r c) A request to rent space on count Y Prone_t t , r a U on m lSrs. 21ixs.F.C.Stevenson o1' Jac~csonvi e, Fla.., Humphrey Bros., that the Commissioners do r Y o erect a sign was declined fo th ,e an not care to ma e i s p otion dui seconded, ~I signs erected o r the natural beaut of ~ ' Y k N,J. were released from payment of penalty for not I nits property, Y its drivevr<<ys by having Burgaw,N.C., and Geo.D,Norcum,Red Ban , + P f decal oint and ivfa o b tan,~e s n oro tawnshi s ~ listing char ed a ainst roporty in ~'filminb P P Upon motion du1 sa rP g g p account of being non-r~sidents. I + y conded, the Chairman was authoriz •-sPectively for the year 1933, on ~ ~ ldar•yland Casualty Company to be attar ed to sign an endorsement for the ' i' effect that said bed to Ferry Compensation i f policy shall not cover an col policy ,x01.006777 to the , 11 Y ief wa projects. rkers or persons workin on relief g ~ 1 ter ' ' !4 ~ F x>,~ . ~ ~ G :,,Y•w:~r: G' ~ ' . n of August 13th,1934, continued ' tieeti g ,99 [ b2eeting of August 9th,1934, continueds i motion of Wr. Ball, seconded b Mr Upon motion of IL Upon Y .Trask, Mrs. Charlotte H.B,Smith o r. Ross,, seconded by fir. Ha11, the f'ollovJin resoluti was released from payment of penalty for not lists ~ f Philadelphia , ' tax rate was adopted, all members vot g on fzxi~g the 193 an account of bein q ng tot ,~21, in biotic #527 for the ing affirmativel incl d 4 ar 1933, g a non-reuide ' y u ing the Chairman ~ Ye nt. ! s j Be it resolved b t y he Board of Commissioners of New Flanover Count t U on motion of l~r. Hall, seconded By ldr. Hinton the ' tax levies and as Y, hat the foil w P , Board authorized the sessmenta upon all taxable ~ ° in to the Estate of T,B.Cox the payment of property i'or the year 1934 as rovid B ~ X5.54 , same being tkze prorate part of o authorized by the General a p ed a / . cunt su le~nen nd Special Acts of the Legislature,ta be as fol. ndl due I~lr. Cox a Confederate pensioner at the time of his des Y pp t lotivss th July 17th,1934. TAX R1TEs Property X0.70 Po11 on motion of Ii~r. bask, seconded b Mr. tp2.50 Up y Ha11, the Board authorized the a en 1, 60 to the Camera Shop for four photographs of the P ym t of ~ Court House and Annex, same to be ; SOhools,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ~ ~ a booklet of the Count .02 X1.50 ~ used in y sponsored by the Wilmington Stamp & Printin ~ Com an i School Pension s ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • , ~ . 006 l ~ and t k,e ~J11ma,ngt on Chamber of Commei ce. g p Y ( a chool Books ;i .022 School Bond Fund ~ o ion of 1Jr Hinton second ` ' ".224 Uonrnt , edb li " " • " .42 p ,Y r._Trask, the Chairman was asked to a oint f County Home,. e to confer with a pp ~ • .048 a commit,e x e eommittee of he City Commissioners with ~ ! General Fund reference , .50 to filin ' .15-- g appJicatiun with the :'proper authorities f ~ Special Tax ~ or a reduction of the light R • ~ .0~ and power rates for ahia community, , ' Health Fund .023 j Hospital Fund,.....,....,,... . . .04 The Chairman name r. intan and Irtrr Ha11 and the County Attorne to serve o ' County ~ome'Bond l'' d Y n this un . .p07 Conunittee. ~ ` ` Court House;'B and Fund ,'05 Ferry Bond Fund i~ ,026 The meetin '.then adjourned. ~1 Road Bond Fund $ 03 ' .08 " , ~ Workhouse and count Ho° _ ` y me,Bond.Fund, , U04 - ~ t~. , - . , i r,~-.~--,.~..____... C1erY.. ~ To tat,.., ~ ..................$0,70 ~p2.50 I Wilmrr ton N. C, Au u 20 h g , , g st th,1934. ~ U I! on mot ion of ~ , p r. Hall, seconded by iJr. Ross the B kl h f~ location of the ditch c + oard gave authority to than e the The regular wee y meeting of the Board was held at 3;00 o'clock P,Ni, tossing certain lots of lira. Elene R2. Shad ~ g n n s at huts e i`~ j ~ re-locate said ditch in the Bach and street adjoining, Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman Geo,W.Trask F 1I o 1 i ~ , .R ss and J.H.Hintou. I Upon motion of i~ ' to C ~ r• -oss, seconded By ~r.Trask, the Board author U on motion of fix. Hirlfon seconded ~ 1Rr. • ized payment of '100 0 p Y Trask, the action of the Board at meetin ~ ; ompany I, 120th Infan g ~ , try, account of its 1934-193 0 of Au ust 13 h 1J34 f~ + 5 appropr~atron. g ~ a , lxing the charges of the County s proportron in connection with 'j lay the „a_e of real estate ::for the 1933 unpaid taxes was recinded and"in lieu thereof'the The meeting then adjourned. F. 'e _ foilowin distribution of char j ~ g gee yrere unanimo~~sly adopted-b the Boards Y ''~`Y I a J4• ~ For Property Outside For Property in Clerk, ~ '~tlmrnaton Ta~un h, IJ' 1 T _ ~ i ~ s gyp. i mington _ovrnsnzp. ~Vilminton, N, C., August lath 19.4 I 3 ~ , . e The regular weekly raeetin of :ldvertlsin~r each secs) ( p X0.20 b ~O.IO g the Board was held at 3:00 o'clock P rialcin~ u ~~dvertisin list 0 a. ' .1~. g A g 5 .02z,, . Presents- Addison Hevrlett Cha' Sales Certificate,...,,,,,,,,..., .50 .50 p` i rman, Geo.'~Y,Tras~, Jas.l~?.Ha11 and J.H.Hintan Entering Certif~,c~-ate . . . . . . . , 25 .12~ F' f'+ R+, ~ , It a satin 1 Total 1.00 .75 pp g upon advice from ~,he amount} " ~ ~ ~ elfare Office is novr caring for five children w r that the Salvation Army Home . ho otherwise woul ~ d ~a ~ be , a Count D e o r cha ~ u t , ae e ears th< r e a s r_ous illn s f p a Y s nd e s o li.r, Geor e rr' ec d tit a d m' ~ p t the Home is not financia ~ ? Zt further b Ha iss, R or ez, e Bo r ,upon otion of actin u on th 11Y able to meet this expense therefore ldr. Ross, seconded b Mr. Trask authorized and directed the a ent of his solar as g p e advice and recorrmrenda + , ,this Board, Y , P Ym Y t~.on of the County ~felfare Officer and u o Recorder, to ~rs..~'u enia Harries A-ent his tivife. of lsr. Trask, seconded b ldr. p n motion g S , x of ~'S:~ 0 Y Hinton, granted the salvation Arm- H m t ~ 0 per month be inn' ~ o e an appropriation g ing with august lst,1934, for the care of ' Re~uer~ts to e ~ ~ indi ent childr s crate the assessments on the ro ert~ of JJ,H,T~1cEachern block 116 'r i ! g en. a P p p , rr ~ T I~ he Boa ant, the J rd decided, in accordance tivith law ocelyn Company, block #59 in order-to clear up indeatedness etc., was upon i proportion in , to make the following char es fo motion dui seconded refers -'he " m n-with awes to act. connection with the sale of re 1 g r the county + Y ed tot Chair a p I a estate for the 1 ' 9S3 unpaid taxes: Fox Property outside For Upon. motion of ~ W e inter of 'Nilmina~ton I ! Property in r. Trask, seconded by Mr. Hinton, Mr, .B.R g ~ k. 'YVilmin ton Townsh'v to g i,, V~ilmington Township. wnsnip was granted an abatement of .taxes>on a valuation of X250.00 dated and Silver tt d ware list yr lows b th td 6 n it A vertising (each piece) 0.~0 ~ ed in error for the year 1933, for .which no exemption as al d y e Fo ~ 1/2 or X0.10 Tax L'ster r serving notice i as provided by taw.; .60 1 2 or 3 Sales Cert' ~ 0 if i cote Enter' '50 .50 A request of lI educt'on=of the assessment on five 'room house ing Certificate rs. Rebecca S. Yopp for a r i ' ~ •25 .25 located on of 8 '4 a c~1'na Beach was referred to the Chairman with power } ~,block,~7,Cr. 1 to act, Total . . $1.55 X1.15 , . Bids for re emeter were submitted by G,H.Cook and pairing the building ~~t Oak Grove C y n t 137 0 0 res ectivel U on motio.l of i:4r. Hinton, seconded by , U o '~Y,L.Colwell a' p motion of PJir. Hinton second ~N 0 and .175.5 p y p by the Board ed by 1'ir• Trask, the followin resolu Ur. Trask, bdth bids were re'ected. s g tion was adopted J WHEREAS funds are re._.itted t ! o The Ptanufacturers Tr e'ved and ordered filed +ratts and Compan Baltim ust Company, New York and to Baker A report of Jas. Walker Hospital for the month of July was sec i and. J Y, ore for the payment of bonds and cou o m y 1st, each year, and P ns maturing January lst,~~ The Board acting u on an order of the Court and upon motion of .~r. Ross, seconded by W Hr. T ~ p he followin items: HET~k,AS funds are placed with the 'N'1 r,zsk, authorized and directed. the payment oft g i mington Savings and 't'rust Compan for thew ecial ! purpose of paying bonds and Y _p , coupons maturing on said dates, and Cape 14~eax Hotel: Lod in~ furnished `arose in the case of Svenson-vs- Gaxrison,,ilay g d J is furnished 'arose in canoe of WHEREAS no securities can b ~ Term-.Superior ::Court 1933. X21.80; ,Dixie Cafe: flea J e obtained for such funds; Now Therefor. avenaon . ~ e Be It va-'Garr ' Term'Su erior Court 1933, X9.60; Wilmington Furniture Lo., } ison, TQay p RESOLVED Th<ti -vs- Col n -vs» State of North Carolina April Term 1933 f t the placing of such f t ~ X10.80; Side'+Vater Power Comps y without obtai aids with the said banks for the ~;~6.75 t` nzng securities therefor is a r v purpose mentioned , otal X49:15 Pp o ed. : ~ 1 U The C ated the request for aid for Mrs.Mary Guy pon motion of M tt oun ,J ti ~y elfaxe Officer having inves g d that she b 1 r. inton, seconded by tit, 'Trask the B e ommende e aced i. half cost of the follotivin it } oard approved `the payment of residing with the famil `of 1dr.:JOhn`E. Hines, Seagate, r c p ~ g ems incurred by the Em To en ~ on the fore oin~ recommendation p p Ym t Bureau for; the month of Julys on the Out Door Po therefore the Board acting up g 1- f a or 11st, ' n ranted ldrs. Guy, and aged indigent I nd upon motion of t1r. Trask, seconded by 14r. Hinto g ~ James Book Store 'F'3 3 934 to be char ed a ainst the Underwood E11' w S Half ~lgg citizen, an allowance of 3,`00 ex month as of August lst,l ? is g iota Fisher Co., 3.QO u _ $ p , 1.5U But Door Poor Find, a I ,..5 outl~ern Beil 1'e~.e hone Co. A f 4r~ ~ p ..3q 4.70 ~ ~destern Union Te1e ra h i 6 B p Company, 5. g0 ~ 2.93 Upon m bills Nos. 337 to 370 inclusive were approved for F I otion, duly seconded ( payment, 1rr Total autlnorized,,.,.•,,,~,~•~ 7 kf ? $p10.81 _ Upon motion, du1 se The he count officers for year ending June 30th,1934, i ~ y conded, county hilts Nos.308 to 33 matter of asking for bids to audit t y 7 were approved fox ent was post o et'n . P~Ym p ned to a subsequent me i g P. request to rant space on count ~ y property to erect a sign was decline U o ~ tevenson of Jacksonville, kla., Humphrey Bros., that the Commissioners d f n S or the reason p mot~.on, duly seconded, hrs. 11rs.F.C. d from a ent of malt for not / n si ns erect o not care to mar the natural beaut ~ lease p Ym p Y ,I I~ g ed on its property, Y of its drivew~~ys by hiving Burgaw,N. C, and Ge D Norcum Red Bank,N• J, ,were re ,_r,,.. - ' ' al Point and T~Iasonboro townships f listing shat ed a 'n t ro7ert in Vdilmington,Feder U on mono g gas s p y Y non-residents. ~I p n, duly seconded, the Chairmen w respective) f 1933 on account of being as authorized to si n an ends y or the year , t4aryland Casualty Company to be att• g rsement for the a ch I effect that said oli ed to Ferry Compensation oli 4 , P ay shall not cover an' ref' p cY #r01-006777 to i,he Y ief w oikers ~ proJc.cte. or persona working an relief, I' ~>m. t a, »:S.1 •--~n.,,......,........_ _ ,r, « ~ ~ r 6 ~ !4 ~ ~ I t ~ieetln Of :~U i g gust 20th, 1934, continued. G f The followin~ goad g 6 and lawf"ul men were drawn to serve as 'ur u for the trial of• ~ ors in the Su" ~ Aerior Court , Criminal Cases for week beginnin ~e tem Meeting of September 4th,1934, continued. C p ber lOth,1934. - ~ A. L. Carter, G, G, Be clcn~~n, d, H S e ' o of Mr. Hinton e . p ncer. R.R. Williams, :~•Parham, Upon mote n , s conded by 2~r. Hall, 1~rs. Glad a Rollins A,B.Stallworth.Il.oY,Miller L.~', Y of Hi h Point g , Jno.I~cDougald, I~'.H•Orre11 T,1oinpson, p1,C., was released' from payment of penalt for not ~ J,B S ~ ~ - R.B Y l~stin . mith .bong. B.F•Piexc the ear ;1933 `'on a g part of Farm ~59,Winter • 1Y•l~ •~Vooten.Jno.S.McEachern, G.J.Smith , Park for y , , ccount of bean anon-re ~ son. e, ~ id B.M.Hill• a.J.E11 4' g s ent. i .<~•Russell, `N,E,Downing. FI.T.DoLts Jr is • + _r H.C.Knowles Jr.J.J ~ , -~.L.Glover. S , .Thoma:a~, I .A.Ha es I.L' _ 2. P re Yn S,R.Bryant M.M. White: S.A ..Todd. Upon motion of Mr:- Hinton, seconded:. by Mr. Ha11 the B and , o authorized and d' e y Tartt, R,.4, (,asteen. ~'.L.M ers - •S.kipper. E.ZW.Ki half f erected ' Y G.T.Swain. `Y~`tKland ng• ;the payment of o the 1934.1935 appropriation provided fox th er• H•J•Everett, e milit$ry organizations. ~ For the t , x al of Civil Cases woo C• r, ek be inning September 7 1 th,1934s z Upon .motion of Mx. Rosa., seconded by Mr. 'Hall he Bea d r autho ' ~ L,C,Le~win. A.T.Har c a r razed th e ur h ; riss..~lbert P,uss• E.E,Puref p se of ? N'. ,T,J,Watters. _oY• J.Z,Norma four pairs of handcuffs at X8.50 per pair';for'the Sheriff. , f Louis n. Hanson.Robert Tate. •E.W.Peter J•~Carter•,' i T.B.Rabon. E.J.Toomer. n;H• acn. LZ.Batson• L,GS Saunders. R.T.Bissenger.=R•E-` poonex• Upon ,motion of lair, Ross., seconded by ~r, Hall the centract t ~ B.H.S chulken. '+V.P,Burknimer. 'M. V , .Arthur... Jae,., , ,I r o audit the: records Bennett. ~r.B,Cole. J Tilley. and :accounts. of all county officers.'for fiscal ear endin ' i EIP,Russ. no.WMur~.hiso Y g June 30th 1934 was 7; n° warded to Mr. 11dwaxd C Craft C.P`A ~ ~ a a . to cos r , t to the county of ~700,00,and in , . , , c o nts ~j addition thereto and after llecember lst'1934 to audit the `records and a c u The meeting then ad'ou ~ rned. it of the ,Clerk of Superior Court for five months' eriod Jul ` is P , y t,1934 to November ~S 30th'1934 at a cost to the. 'count `of 20 ~ . y ~ .00 per day'.. not to exceed $100.00, j The above does not include the Tax Collectors' books and records` w i. . , hick is to be Clezlt. - ~+Vilmin 'on N ~ e .under e irate' contract it b' ' ~ , .C., August,27th 1934 don p , sing a Oo1nt 0ity-County proz~osztzon. , . The reular weehl y meeting of the ~3aard vras held hi 'I 1 ~ s da at 3:0 ~ U on motion of M.r, Ha7.1, seconded b :Iir; Trask Mr. ©'A,YJatt a a Y 0 o clock p,M• P Y , ez supervising Z;. i Present. Addison Hewlett Chai foreman of the men on relief project xepaixing County; Homo building, was alloweu rman, Geo.UJ.Trask. Jas ~ , .M,Ha11 and J,H,Hinto 80~ per hour for hirteen hours for ha.s services, :payment to ba made b he count Y Y ~ ~ n, and char ed to local xelief. I Upon motion of 1'r H' f. r g ` r. intan, seconded by Mr. ;Hall r~rs, l~ ~i ' I , arY 'N• Cowan tivas , payment of penult for not rel - Y lusting l0 170 Oleander f eased from anon- e oz thee: i n_ du1 s d - r. sident, year 193,3, account of b ifpon mot_o , y econ ed count bills Nos. 371 to 532 inclusive wexe' approved , 11. sin ' Y ~ g fox .payment.:: s t I, ' 'The Board actin u on g p ~uthorit ~ Y contained in , u the ~udgmen~t of the Recorder _ Upon motion, duly seconded, the Board acting upon a.xulin of the County Attorne ' pon mo ion of Mr. Hintonseconded `b l~r, ` s Court,.. and g S Y: I J•L.Brownin <to h' Y Hall, gave authorit to her ,authorized the' a of of solar due the late Geor e° `xis a de f Y e out,with out'en~ p ~ Y g Her s s Recox r,, for , ~ g is wife for the support of hie wif t sentenced May 7tn,1934 to se a and nine children Brownie ' 'period from August lst, to 2lst, to Mrs. Eugenia W. Harriss', Executrix, and"the i . , rve nine months an th g-was'. ' rohib e Count >F P ition laws and privile e even ~ Y...arm for violating the « payment of walary for -three days, ;August 29th, 30th, and 31st, to Geo. L. Peschau, 'i~ g ~ the Commissioners to hire out a Recorder a ointed b `the Govern 11 e'.' four months of the said sent fter havm~ pP Y or o fi th ..vacancy accasianed by the death df i''. secs. sexved ~ Ha r ss r. x i , U on motion o la p f r. &till, seconded b 1Ir. Tr- 1 Having been invests < Y asl;, Joseph lranklin Justic The meetin then adjourned. e 77 years of age,; b' i Of'f' ga ed by the assistant, Health Oi'fi - icer, was admitted to the Qount n cer and recommended by the ~irelfare" ~ y ome as an inmate. ~ ~f e i I U on mutt a p on of fir, inton, seconded b tIr ~ Clerk? 5( s, take Edw Y Hall, the '~,`delfa .1 and ldintz nine year old deaf re Officer was authorized to ~r.'" { and dumb youth to the State dumb at for antan sch VJ'1m'nTton N. C Se tember 10th 1934. g , N, C. 001 for the deaf and , ~ ~ i ~ ~ • + p + i? ! The re~ula we kl me 'n f h D and vras held this da at 3.x00 o'clock P,M. g r e y etigo to o y , I !'i `9 Presents Addison IIe~vlett Chairman Geo.Yl,Trask and J,H,Hinton. ~I i r:~ r'. i' I~ i Upon mot on of ;fir, Hinton seconded b l~r. 'Trask, Mr. I.V. Peterson of Ca e Fear ii, Y P i! townshi was p granted an abatement of poll taxes. charged in 'the real estate ax t e' . ~c books for 'the ear 1933` on account of o11"tax also char ed to ether with ersonal Y , P_ g g P ' proper y in`the rsonal ook and the same paid fox the year 1933,( ;a~ ' ~ ~ ~ 1~ fP ~ -1 pon motion, of Mr. Hinton seconded b Mx. Trask the Board approved the payment of ~ ~ Y , FS half cost of en es of the National Re-em to ent Officer I the following office exp s P Ym n _ I ~ James_Book & Stationer Store ,•a,•.,..` 2.40 County's part,.... 1.20 Y , ~ ~ Underwood E1 , • 3.00 1.50 ~..-~-~"`~Y r liott Fisher ,Company, • ~k Southern Bell Telephone Company,......, 9.80 4.90 k ' ,N 1 84 ~ estern Union Telegraph Company,...... 3.G9 ,I Wilmington, N, C., Se tember 4 18;89 9.44 P th,1934. , tiY r w A schedule of otivned buildin re ared b 1~r. A, Sittion contractor The re ul~i P' Y , , g eekly meeting of the Board w values of county ~ P as held at 3.00 0' clock P,l,i, by authority of the CouBnissioners, ,at the request of the North Carolina Inspection I Present: Addis ~,r, and Ratan ;Bureau f'o the ur use of romulgating an average insurance rate to cover g , r P P P ' on Hewlett Chairman, Geo.W.Traslc f Mr. Trask seconded b ~r.Hinton V F,M.Ross, Jas.bl,Hall and J?H Hinton. the said buildings, was 'presented and upon motion o , Y . The Board actin u on tli was adopted as followss" g p e authorit y contained in the ud ent of Total value of buildings,....••••••••••••••~•~••••••~412,041.7fJ ~ lday 4th,1934, and upon motion j ~ the Rec9rdexs Court of Trask se ~ furniture in buildin 36-.000.DO Nalker and Albert Lewis f . conded b,~ Mr. Ross hired out Z wood Total value of contents and gs, or the balance ' in of their terms on the Count 7, .7 ~ of the Court amountin to Y Farm. The'cost~ , g X10.85 in each case to b -insurance 44 704.17 within a reasonable tam e held against them a d aid Zess l0~ co . , e after their relea e n o be_p - r. s Total 02,337.60 E .:Grand Upon motion, duly seconded J i ~ ea sy, co ored citizen, haven be by the Colored tivelfa.re ' en in da. Upon motion of 'neon seconded by Mr. Trask, the Board approved the. payment of Mr. Hi , Jlorker and recoupnended b the g veatigate ,r to: he State School at Mor anton N, C. admitted to the Count Hum Y County Welfare Officer was X12.85 charit ..rate. trans ortation for Edward 1~intz g , ' Y P , Y e as an inmate. , , r . t The W lf• the"Board approved and authorized e are Officer advised the Board' Upon motion of ur Trask, seconded. by Mr. Hinton, .that Sam and Bert Re ester ~ ,juveniles, have been di I s • g New Hanove Count ~ repairs to 'gin the road leading from State highway o the ~yrtle'Grov,e ..two small. bridges. ~ M u charged from the Eastern C o r y ~ ~ o nt without h<~ving a home or la line Txaining School at Rocky oolored school. . p ce to return to, and are coun arrangements could be made to have _ ty charges but Olive Mrs. T.H.Holmea .the ' iff and u on motion of Mr. Trask , N.C,, care for them at a r. ~ it aunt.,. xesiding at Mount ~ The Board act the recommendation of the Sher . P , E I cost of X10.00 per month a ing,upon ,:.the vment to ~r.Louis Angel for be done. Upon motion of Mr nd recommended the this ~ second' d and directed Pam s ! .Hint... t ed b authorize ~Yelfare Offic on? seconded,by Mr. Trask th Y,l+~'• Hinton,. ember 4th,through the 9th, at<the rats i! it er was ad + e reco f rom_Se t I e .opted and 'it was authorized mmendation of the ive:days services as specialofficer f p a w d b h ' p r month be paid. to Mrs. 'T,H and dixected hat he sum of 10.00 of 1 made in addition to that llo e y t e Commissioners ii fr .Holmes .for the'care ~ ~ 0•• per week, Thia time was om Septembex is ,1934 to Au of the wo youths,for eriod at mee ' gust 31st183~• P ring of June 25th1934. , ~ ~ , ca ~ A co 'the County Auditor informing e commisaionexs'the amou~~ ~ A request of the Board of Edu Lion that the-:sum of "2 870 mmunication was received from ether with a momorandum of securities si ! credit to take care of th ? .OO be la o t-1934, tog e building fund, mantenanc P ced to-their n deposit in each bank `as of August 31s , for the month of S e of lent ~ eptember, was upon motion of P and, vocational fund ~ held in each case. granted. Trask, seconded b fir. .;i I y xa17., ~ d and ordered filed. J' ' i The C t for August was receive ~ ounty Auditors ceah repor I A requQSt of the Mpors-Fonv tells Realt I personal propert tax d Y Company to be released fro '1 s Nos. 533 to 586 wexe approved for payment., Y ue by A,~1'.Parker char ed a m payment of the ~ Upon motion, du1 seconded, county bi 1 lot X14 Ardmore, on accoun C gainat real estate in block Y t of having to tak G, parker having r,o equit in e the same over by foreclos a The Y the same ,-was held over f are nd meeting then adjourned. or further inve ~ stfgation. ~ ` ' , r Ash. ~ _4._._-_.___..__.___. ~ ` ~ Cl e k. - ~ t .~-x~= r.~<t~; , : ~ Y'i ~ ~ z , 3O Fl r' r r Wilmin on N. C. _Se ~ Wilmin ton . ptembex 17th,1934. r g , B., September 24th 1934. , ; The B ~ w oard met zn regular weekly session this .day at 3100 o'clock P.M. The regular eekly meeting of the Board was held at 3s0 0 o clock P,M. 1 Presents Addison Hewlett Chairman Geo. 'N, Tea v :.wont: Addison Hewlett Chas ,r rraan, Gea.td,Trask, T±',Td,Ross Jas,hi Hall s , Jas.M,Ha,1land J, H.Hintan. _ , and r. J. H. Hinton. r; The Comm , se oners having found that the Estate of C..~,Mi11er has, no eguit in ~ , Upon. motion, Tries. a~zrah H, Linderman of New York. Cis was Y Y released from.: . ' lot No. 23,.bolck No. G,Ardmore, and upon motion of Mr. Hall seconded• penalty. ;for not listing lot ~2, block 18 C T?aymc.nt of , by fr. Trask, ~ , Y . - , arolina:Beach for the ear 1933 on separated the real and personal taxes due on same for the` ear account of being a non resident.` > y .1932 .and 19S3and ; ,granted the Peoples Building & Loan.Association rivile e to' ` p g pay the,real estate sax due on cold lot far the ears 1932 and 1933 0 tion the Board u ' Y , n account of having to t~-~ke the;~~ Upon ma , a thvrized the-purchase of school,boaks t said lot over fox'non-payment`of obligat on due. The Clerk was-in~ ;1.40 for Sam .and Bext Re teter' o the amount of .,txucted to file Y g re g ,New Hanover Count char es who are bein 'ca d g ' a claim with the Administrator of the estate fQr the personal tax. far b Mrg. T,H,Holme~ at Mount Olive P Y- , T,C,, ~ ' ' Are ort , p of Ladies Rest Room'far she mcnth of Au ust was receiv ~ r P,K.Tdontfbrd and 1~x: and g ,e and ordered filed,) a M Mrs. A,Ludeke came before she Board re ussti th 9 ng t , the Board of Commissioners' an, d the Boaxd of Education work o li on motion f M ut some lan to` xnvide p l? , o r. Trask seconded b I+ir. competent drivers for srhool buees. Rir. H.A Y Hintan,,Thos.K,WOody,was granted a vacat V .L ch and.}dr. f - ion. Yn L,T.Landen 'of the`Baa;rd for ten working days be innin Se aember 19th 1934 g p , of Educatran were also present. Mr. Lync}1 stated that n ~ s= ` o,proviszon was made in the budget for'mainten~nce of-buildin s at Rural " " i g ~chaols,,but he had .agreed to J'udgment having been secured by Nathan Co e for X87.70 back:.taxe$'d ~ su lenient to the e:•ctent-of< 1 ue New Hanover pp ~ 5,QO per month,; whichtagether with`State allowance County by Jas. H. Morse and wife on lots-23 and 24 Caroli a , na Place, for. the year 1924 of X7.50 would make a ~ota1 of only X22,50. The r~taer was left with h • .:and the saz.d ,judgment having been paid sn full 'ao the County Aud`' t e Tlinaxd of , . Education t a work out` and` submit a definite re ues ator `on April 28th t t s , q or ucn amount as they wish ' 1928, ' he Boaxd, heref~xe; .upon motion `of Mr: Trask, seconded b Tyr H added to the allo~anae `far 1nt Y intan; ~ ~ endnce of plant. auahoxizedand directed that the - I l judgment be cancelled on'the records in the office ~ of the Clerk of Superior Gourt. ; , G on coati on of `1~r R s . , . t i ~ o s, the purchase of 700-feet of 24 inch,pipe for the Air art ~ ~ , p F I i extenszon'draznage, was authorized. pen. motion of Mr Hal , seconded b T,dr. Hinton, the Board actf n u an t - `j and g p he nvestiga$ian' ' recommen atl,on of the Secretary.. of Associated Charities, Mrs'. L.O.ElYi ' The Chairman s out}iarized to 'have la,ns and o • ' s, authorized . . T? s,ecifications prepared for a , the payment of expense `f or maintenance and treatment of W 1 , new buildz.n at the rr ~ ; i liam Golden of No.112 - g Coun1,~ none for. a central heatz.ng plant, also ior,chan es ~ , g W'oostex Street.,_at the State Sanatorium for tuber . . , culosis ' 'f . - , ~ in location of bo~.1e I f , or a per~odr of six months , r, pz,pes etc., af,the pz-esent heating s stem. i Y ~ ~ rem date of admission { i ~ r j ~ , .Bills for X262.00 for'service of ~ e s s special aificers at Spofford 1~z11s,° acaouhteEt , Requests to compromise the accwnulation of back to ~ ~ . ~ I xes due a ainst the thes•,riks satuatzon was a r ~d - Mary ,E. Pxease -51 Acres B1a k g property of, , pp ov~ ~'ow ,pe.yment zn add~.tzon to a previous payment l c Swamp, and Jas. Pigfgxd, 15 acres' Moore and Seota ~ - of ,24.00, Y ' both Cape Fear townshi -and Mrs. H t I?? M.. Bisho block , . , ' p, No:166 ~~ilm , ' , ~.ngton township, ~ was upon motion of },~r. Hinton, referred to a committee of`the ' l i Board for investi , . Up an oration Mrs, T~tzldxed ,J, Bear ~vrs gation.> , d released from; pay~pent of penalty fox not listin hex ro ert in W_ a l I g p P Y ilmin tan ~ownshin for.tne ea ''l9 7 u 'N~.th reference to .`the trouble she :.Count :has ex e ~ , g ~ y r 3~. ~ , ~ Y p xienced ~.n the past with bailer ~I sections at the County Home erackin the Commi g, ssianers will look . < ~ ~ into this wzt}z the The. ~ha.rman wa,s authorized- to ,vrite a letter. to Tries. Thomas O'Bexxy, calling view of carracting this trouble. , attent~.on to the iaat`that there-is na,tabac ' ca ox cotton x tivn: zn th ~ _ g o zs caun y and that the need for'help in the rural count was not relievecl`thereb and to Upon motion of }fir. Trask, seconded b Per, Hall' She o Y ~ Y , Bard .approved the payment. of i; rreques+ hereto a=.~i°efu31 aonsa.der this before cutti f ~ t ' Y ng a f relzef ~o thzs class of a bill for X70.20 to tie State Hz~;hway and Public 67orks Commission for car' ' 'f' ~a'', citfz ns • ing ox 1, e ~ thzrteen prisoners ezghtean days at 30~ par prisoner per da xhis duet y o the congestion of the jail during the. period of recess in Re o P `~°r' r ~ the a c rd.xs Court pen$ing : application of ~?rs. L, B,Tuc'r_er i'or .~icense to sell beer at ~~arolin-~ Beach ,_Lnd Harbor~,~ ppozntment of a Recorder by the Governor to fill the vacane occasioned b Tsl~:4nd w ' the death f Y y , as . }~provc.d, ~ a George Harriss, the Recorder. f The Board find' Re~uea~ vi' a reduction of the asse.7sment on file col~.l atu~•-age ~~lant black ~ X33 zng a necessary to employ extra Shexifi's' Deputies to preserve order woo taken under consideration. a Spofford hulls by reason-of the strike situation,_agreed' u on motion of a~r.'Hinton p seconded by brie, Trask, to allow the ix deputies on.dut :.there a ~ f ~ L . Y , p y ox thea.r ~ -t Report of J'as,'~alkex dos ital zar; she -month of august was rece~.ved and ordered i,rled,t services ~t the rate of X3.00' per night, `and .also for' their. services to b p l e rendered j d wring the week ending September 22nd,1934. The''Shenff was instructed" d ` to_ ispense ~ Upon rnc~tion du1 seconded the.`Boaxd a` raved the a ens of, X37.50 court ..fees to wzth their servzces as sawn as pose'ib1e. : Y , pP , p Ym ~ ,a { ° ' the Clerk of Bu erzor Court' ' 6 00 to F.C.Ulmer for services in secure levels at ~ ~ P ,fit r n6 i Counter r'~ome f r'ee ions and ~~'18.00 to O,VI,Watts fox work an"barn at o ntra rzea ark p w I Upon oration of Mx. Hinton, seconded by }v'ir, Trask the; Chairman was uth a orized to ga , ~t,;, the County ~~ame "7. i to Raleigh and take up with the ' ro er authorial p p es the mat ex of extending the i w airport pro,jnct by'lengthening the runways over recent! ac wired land `s 5 b ~ ` Y_ q purcha ed ' Y ,x~e t~eetin~ then ad'ourned~ ` ' ~ C ? he Countjr for stoat pur ose, p ! ~ l li Y.` rn7l. -pen motzon of Iuir, Trask, the Board approved the payment of ;17.60 to Mx. OW,Watera` i~ r ~ Clerk. xor 44 hours sexv~ces supervising vrbrk on county barn at 40 er hour. I .u t p 'Nilmingtan,lr,C., October 1yt,1J.~4, . , Open motion, duly seconded, county bills Trios. 533 to 6 w 17 ere approved for paymentr ~ The re ulax week! 'meetin of the`Board,:was held at x.00 P.TuI, g y ~ ~g I bill for X50.00 attorneys fees due Thompson & Wilson Attorne a 't ~ ~ ~ :'or their se ~ , ys t Elizabeth C~. y, , , Present: F~ddis on Hewlett Chaixznan - Geo.6't.Trask, F .TJI.Roy s, Jas.T.-, Ha17. and J.H.H~ n ion, rvzces zn connection with sale of the ferryboat`Menantic to Geo.G,Da~ge ' ~s cf L~liza.beth Citr way recommended a and County Attorney Marsden Bellamy. ;a J, nd approved for; payment. 7 The meeting then ad otirned, This been the date on vrhich the settlement-_af the'193,~ tdx collections is to be lgade by tree j iy tine ! . • ~ n ~ ~l ter H B1a' ` ~ Consol~.a,ated City-County Tax ~~llector, Cz.ty-0outtnzsea.o er al ir, Mayor, y . ti'+• Zouis' fisher Commissioner of Finance and JE.L.t~lade Cor~nissioner of Public '~rarks, r ~ j - - vrere' of t}ie two Boards 'was cawed o order by lddison 7.74 , present and d C oz.nt meetzng ' Hewlett Chairman of `the Board of Count Commssianears, presiding. Tr}x.C,I3,biorse ~ ~ Y 1 Tax Coll"ectar-then resented the folladving,statement of settlement of the 1933 ' p i t~ i~ 3: tax collections vrhich eras a on motion oi' Tom`, Hinton, seconded 'by Trir.Fisher'received h p f~ t t Auditor and .City Commissioner of finance: sub'ect J o check by the Caun y A ~ STATEA~E2'T OP `1933 ' COUNfY T:~XES Listed as er abstxac . 420 -486.05 'Real Estate ....................s~r : , 48;..698.04 . Personal 28 829.61 ~ .75 X373 5~8.54 l~< , Corporate` Excess - ' 14 9.50.00 Palls 4474 p x.25 ' - 1!486.00.... j: Do s ~ r 37.13- Hugh,l.acRae ;.390 001.67; . , ( 342.34 l .c Less AbatementN X369,659.33 931,27- , ' ~ Listed and Co11ec`ed by Tax-Collector } ,213.32 r' A1ot Listed Collected,... " 55.9'5 ' Held b Count Gollected,.....,~~~~. Y -Y 16. p,0 Held b Count hdr.Orrell 3;, Bensoir,., Y Y, 3,G45,06 ~ ATot Listed`Sold,.., - 95.85 ~ , Advertisin Cost Col .ected, ~ . , . ~ ~ g : 1,814.36 It Col ~'397'33l i'~6 i ~ Pena lected Y , ! r~ , ~ . ~ ~ ' ~ ~ s? G ,f'' { Wilmington,. N. C,, September l7th,1934. Nilmington, N, September 24th, 1934. The Board met i ~ he re ular weekl meotin of the Board was held t 3 ~ n regular weekly session this day at 3:00 o clock P.M, T g Y g a t00 o clock P,M, Presents Addison Hewlett Chairman Geo. W, Trask Jas.M.Hall and J H present: Addison Hewlett Chair:r~:~n, Geo,`N.Traslc F,M.Ross Jas.M.Hall and H .Hinton. , , J. .Hzntan, ~y i P p. The ~ ~ ~ h Commissioners hav~.ng,,foundthatthe ystat@ of C.T.Millerhas nv equity in ~A. Upon motion, z_xs. Sara H. Lin.clerman of New Yor.~ City wa3 released from payment of 's ~i ' " ' lot No, 23, bolek No. G Ardmore 'and upon motion of Mr. Hall seeonded.b enalty for .not listing 7.ot ~2, block x`18, Carolin~_~ Beach for the ear 1933. n ? ? ? y h2r.Tz,ask P _ ? Y , o s~ separated the real and..personal :taxes due on .same fox the year:_1932`and 1933and ~ •,r account of being anon-resident. y granted the Peoples Building.& Laan Association privilege'to pay the real'esta ' tax due on to ,.,a-~, , . said lot far the years_1932 and 1933, on"account of Navin to t~rlc ~ Upon motian,;the hoard authorized the purchase;af school books to the amount of e_the , i i said lot over far non- a 'snt of obli ation due. The Clerk was inet .'1.40 for Sam'-and Bert Re ister Nevi Hansver Count char ey who ,,P Y~ g ructed to fzle ~ g ~ Y g ....are being cared ~ , f a claim with the Administrator of ::the estate;for-the personal tax. far by;t~rs. T H.Holmas at Mount Olive,N.C., F:.~ ~ ~ _ i ` ~ A A report of Ladies Rest Room for the month of `August was received and ordered fl ~ Mx. P.KMontfoxd and Mr. and Mrs. A.Ludeke came before the hoard requesting that r • e .J the Board of Commissioners and he Board of Education work out some l.anto' rovide P P d `Upon motion of fir. Trask seconded b Mr. Hinton Thoa,K,Wood was ranted ~ ~ com event. drovers for schonl buses. lair. H,A.L ch and'ldr, L.T.Landen of the Board ? Y ? Y g a vdc~ti 1/ p _ Yn ~ on , . fox ten working days beginning September 19th,1934, of vduca.ta.on were slso present. Mr. Lynch:.stated that no proviszon<was made ihthe : ~ ` f r mainten~~nce of bo'ld' ~ f budget a a ~.ngs at Rural ~chools,,but he had. agreed to , f ' Judgment having been secured b Nathan Cole for "87.70-.back taxes due 1 u lenient to` the-extent of ''15,00 er month which to ether w'th St t ' 11 wanes ' Y ~ Yew Hanover s pp ~ p , g i s e a o County by,J'as. H, Morse and wife on Tots. 23 and 24 Carolina Place f ~ f 7 50 would make a total of onl 2 0 he ma rv f ( . , or the year 1924 0 ~ y ~ 2.5 . T tter as le t wath the"38oard of and tha said judgment having been paid'n full to the County Auditor onA ril ~ Educs.t-ion to work .out and submit a'definite re uest f'or such amount as the wish 1 1. p .28th 9 Y 1928, the Board, therefore, upon motion of Mr. Trask, econded by i~ir. Hinton ~ 5' -added to the 'allowance for Maintenance of plant.- 1 I ? authorized and :directed that the ent be cancelled on the records in th 5" ~ ~ e office of the Clerk of Superior Court. p ~ , p pipe .:for the Airport on mht' on of I,ir. ?doss the urchase of 7O0 .feet of 24 inch ' ' e~cter~sion drainage `was authorized. , Upon motion of Mr. Hall seconded bF Mr, Hinton the Board a tin ? ? c g upon t e investiga#~on ' and recommendation of `the Secretor of ..Associated Charities Mrs. L`0. 1x peeificatfons: re aced for a Y E is au The Chairman:: was autnorized to ..have pl<~,ns ands p p ? , thorxzed ' ; the .payment of expense for maintenance and treatment of William Golden of Alo.l ~ new building at the County mom, for a central heat~.ng plant., also' for changes 12 , V'looster Street, at the State Sanatorium for tuberculosis, fora period of 's ix months - in 1oc~,tlon of boxier, pipes et`c., of the present heat2ng system. from',date of admission, • , Bills fcr ~282,00'for services of s ecial officers at S offord Mills aceount~t' - P P , Re nests to com remise the accumulat on f k. the strike situation was a rnvsd for.- ens in addition to a "revious a ens 9 P o bac taxes due against the property of, ? PP P~Ym p P Yro S Mary E. Prease, 51 Acres Black Swamp, and Jas. PigfQrd, 15 acres Moore and Scott `of ~;a24.00. . both Cape Fear townshi and Mxs.< H. M. Bi~ho block No.186 -titilmn to ' ~ , ` 1 d P n town r P, , g shier ` was u on motion of sir. Hinton referred to a commit ee of the B a d f ~ U an motion Mrs, lalildred `~`J,'Bear was released from a~ ent of malt for not; P ? o r ar investigation. P ? P JfP P , Y_ I~ listing her` property in 9ilmington tat~~nship for the dear 1952. ' With referenee.to the trouble the Count has ex erienced 'n the "a t w Y P z. p~ s ith :boiler sections at'the"Count nome`craokin the Commissioners will look into this :with t The Chairman was authorized to write a'letter to'Mrs. Thomas`0'Berry, calling` Y g , he view of coxrecti:ng this trouble. ~ attention to tihe fact that there is no tobacco or cotton groan in this county , - and that the'need'far hel in the aural caunt~ was not relieved thereby and to i P J , Upon motion of Mr, Trask, seeoxtded by ter. Ha11, the Board approved the p%~yment of request her to carefully consider this before cunt-ing off relief to this class of ~ a blll:for ~~70.20 to size Stai;e Highway and Public 77oxks Corrunission for caring for cis3.zens. thirteen risoners ei hteen da s at 30 er risone ex da 's due to h ; p g Y ~ p P r P y.,Thl t o "n. connection of the 'ail duri'n the cried of recess in Recorders Court ~enflin A plicatian of l,?rs. p,B.Tucker f'or license to sell beer~~t L'arolin~. Beach and Harbor f ~ J g p 1 g p_ `J the appointment of a Recorder by 'the Governor to fill the vacancy occasioned by T;~land, eras ~~ppraved. the death of George Harries, the Recorder. Request Uf' a rec~.uctivn of the asse:~sment an the cold 3tar~.~;e ,plant bl.ocl~: ~ 233 The Bos.rd finding it necessary to employ extra Sheriff's' Deputies to preserve .order was t~-ken under consideration. ',I F. ~ at Spofford dills by reason of .the strike s tuation, agreed upon motion of ~Ir. Hinton,,! ~ 'f seconded b M Trask to allow the si de ut" s n d th a ~'f he's B rt o 1 s ital fox the month. of :august ~wa:~ recei~reci ~~.rd or~ieied filed.i y x. , x p_ le a uty ere, ~ y or t z epo f Jai, Ya ker no p N {1 ~ 'services ~t the rate''of 3 00 er``ni ht and also`f r the' r serv to `be rendered ~ • _ P g o i ices } J ` durin the week endi Se tember 22nd 1934. The Sheriff was instructed to dis ease ti on motion :dui ''seconded the. Board approved the payment af~ X37.50 court fees to g ~ p ~ _P P , ~ Y , r r r' e(' a~ with their:services as'somn as ossibls. ~ the Clerk of uu crier Court 6 00' to k'•C:~.me-.forse_zzces ins .using levels I P ~ : i,. P ~ i~ ~ ti t and.`"18,00 to O,~rl,'d~atts fo,r. visor}: on barn at ..,Counts.. some for central-tzeating plan ~ f1} U on motion of Mr. Hinton seconded b Mr. Trask the Chairman `was authorized to' o the Count r~orce. P ? Y ? g Y to Raiei Yi and take u with the ro er authorities the matter of-extendin theal ! i g. P p P g I, airport project by lengthening the runways over re gently'acquired land purchased'by ~ The meeting; then adjourned, i f ~ he Count... for that ' ur ose. ` ' Y P P ~ ~ ~ 7in I(.~~~Z ~ Unon motion of I~r. Trask the Board a roved the ens of "'17.60 to Mr. 0.':V,Watera' Cleric. , PP ~Ym ~6 r,. ' r .r U saber 1st 1934. :or 44 hours services supervis-ing wprk on county barn at 40~C per hour. P1z,lmz.n~ton,i.,C., c , r i ~ oard was held at 3:00 P.P~I, Upon motion, duly seconded, county bills l~Ios, 533 to 617 were approved for payment. ~ ~ 1'he regular weeltly meE.tzng of the B I lyyy ^ a~c F M.Ross Jas.i;4.Ha11 and J. H. Hinton . bill fox X50.00 attorneys fee's due Thompson & Wilson, Attorneys at Elizabeth City, PresEnt: Addison:Hewlett Chairman,. Geo.~~.Pr sl, , s Y i i , :~'nr their- ervices in.conneo ion,with-sale of the ferr boat Menantic to Geo.GeDodge ~ and. Count At erne Marsden Bellamy. Y Y Y of llizabeth City was recommended and approved for, payment. ' ? This bein the date on arhieh the settlement of the 1933 ta;c collections is to be made by the ~ , ie by t ne k. ~.e t th d u d o ,d t . eons Tax ~ollectar, City Corr~uissioners yvalter H. Blair, Mayor, i mee ing en a ~o me C nsoli atea Ci y G y ra 'r"J, Louis Ffsher Commissioner of Finance and J.E;L.t"Jade Carnmissianer of Public '~toxk3, ~ ~ m etin of the two Boards was called to order by xddson .were present and d Joint e g 1 Hewlett Chairman of the.: Board of County Commisszoners,:preslding. Mr.C.R.blvrse " ~ Tax Collector tcien presentedthe following statement os settlement°of tlfe 195 tax collections,wliich was upon motion of t?r, Hinton, seconded by 1ltr.Fishex received sub'eet to check b the Count Auditor and' City Commissioner` of Finances ' J y Y AXES I + I STATEME2~'T-OP` 1933 :.COUNTY T I~ Listed'as per abstrac . . _ ~ 420,468.05 Real Es ate, 46,698.04 f, " Personal 8 829 61 Q `.75 373 528, 54 Corporat Exce { a 25 14, 9 50.00 Po11s 447. ~ - 1,486.00 Dogs `37.13 Hugh MacRae 1 i^ ~ rP 0, 1.67 Less Abatements 2" F ~ ~ "389 659.33. 931,27 Listed and Collected by .:Tax Collector ~ ~ 1 21 ~ . i i ' 7•Iot Listed Collected, , b unto ll ted". 55.95 i i Held y Co Co ec , ~ , ~ .Held b 'Count IIr.Orrell Benson:,,. 1G.20 Y Y, ' .s 3,545,08 ~ Aiot Lx ted.Sold Advertising ,C,ostColl.ected,..,.,....:,.. 95.85 1,E~14,36 I I ( Penalty Collected ;~397,331,3~; j t --r--- d t N ie: F .d:+. Y i' i ..x _ . ___~___,~T._..._.__ . _ _ _ _ _ r ~a / n~ R ~ ,,I } 5 ~ ~ Wilmington, N. C., September 17th,1934. it Nilmington, N. September 24th,193~1. ;r The Board met + he re ul,:lr weekly meetin of the Board was h Id + in regular weekly session this day;at 3s00 o clock P.11• T C g e. at 3s00 0 clock P.M. E f Presents Addison H w r ~ ~ went: Addison Hetivlett Chairman Geo•'lJ ~ r e Jett .,hairman, Geo. JJ. Trask, Jaa.M.Hall and J.H.Hinton. -x , .TrasL, F.M,Ross, Jas.Id.Hall and J.H. Hinton. The Commiasi n motion IJ[rs. Sarah H, Lind y' o ers having found that the Estate of C.T.b2iller has no e uit Upon , erman of New York City was released from a ent of lot No. 23~ y in -lt ,for not 1sti 1 t ~ ~r.--- bolck No. G,Ardmoxey and upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded .by Mr,Tra ~ pens y ng o ~2, block X18, Carolina Beach,for the year 1933, on ~ i se crated the :real and ' sk' aunt of bein a 'non-resident. p personal taxes due on-same for the year 1932 and 1933and acc g - i1 granted the Peoples Building 8c Loan As:~ociaton privilege: to pa the` real `e ~ Y state "v t I ta,x due on said-lot for the ears'1932 and 1933 on'accorint of ha U on motion, she Hoard authorized she urchase of Bch 1 y , ving to take the P P oo books to the amount of , i 1 i ' said lot over for non»payment of obligation due. The Clerk was instructed t ~~1.40 for Sam and Bert Register, New;Han~ver count char es who are bean cared ~ ~ o llle Y g g a cl,:~im with the.;Admnistrator of the''est to for 'she ersonal tax for b I~2rs. -TH.Ho mes at Mount Olive NC. ; A report. of Ladies Rest Roam for the month of Au ust was received and o Nir• P.K.Montford and I~r. and ~drs. A,Ludeke.came before. the Boa d the r g rdexed frled,~ r requesting t the Board of,Commissioners and the Board of Education work out Borne plane to provide Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by>I~6r. Hinton, Thos•K.woody was"granted a vacs V competent drivers fox schoel buses. RIr. H,A.Lynch and.Idx• L.T.Landen of the Board ~ fox ten w k. r tion . , or ;_ng days beginning ~,eptember l5tlr,1934, of ~,ducation-were also present.: Mr. Lynch stated that no provision was .made in the ' bud et for maintenance of buildin s at Rural Schools but he had a'reed o t3 g ~ 8 Judgment having-.been<secured by Nathan Cole for X87.70 back taxes due New Hanover ~ supplement to the-extentr`of X15.00 per month, :which together with State allowance 'County by Jaa. H Moxsa and wife on lots 23 and 24 Carolina P1aee for the ear". - of ~7?50 would make a .total of ` on1 X22.50. The matter was -left with the hoard of 1 + Y 1924, Y and the said judgment having been..-paid in furl to the County Auditor on April 28th ' Education to.woxk aut and submit a definite request f`or such amount as they wish , 1928 the Board therefore ` u on motion of: Mr. Trask aeaond d' 'b ' d t he 11 wan e f ~ , a of ' , . , P , e Y Mr• Hinton, ~ adde o t a o c or r~ainten nce plant. authorized and d~.rected that the judgment be cancelled on the records in the office , ' of she ..Clerk of Su erior-Court.:' Can motion 'of Mx. 'Ross '-the urchase of `l00 feet of 24 inch i e for the Air ort p p , p p P p '.extension dr,~.inage was authorized. U on motion of Mx l1 second i~ p , ed bI I~dr, Hinton, the Board acting upon the investi $ion , and recommendat~.on of the Sucre ar f" s - ~ ~ the Chai~n~~,n •rras autnorzzed to have lens nd snecr.fxcatz ns reared for a t _y o A sociated Charities, Mrs. _L.O.Ellis,>authorized ~ A a y o P 1 new building at the County home for a central heating :plant, also for clk~nges ~r' the payment of expense for maintet~anee and treatment of `William Golden of No.112 Wooster Street, at the State`Sanatorium for tuberculosis fora exiod of s ~°'i in location of boiler, pa.pes eta. of the present heatinr system. , P iac months r I from-date` of admission. . , Bills for282.00 for services of s ecial officers at S offord Mills aceountd~' i, ~ P p , k `Re nests to com rom.ise thee:acewnulation of ba k 'a d ~ the strike situation was. a roved-for a ent in addition to a reyious a~ ~:nt ~ 9 P c t xes ue against; -.the property ,of, , , ? PP P Y~ P P ~ ~ Mar `E., Prease 51 Acres Black Swam . and Jas. P f rd 15 a' of ,'24:00. . Y , p, ig Q , ores. il~core and Scott ~ ~ , both Cape Eear township ;.and Mrs. H. M. Bisho b'loek No'.186 49i1min ton toti~ _ , , p, , g rnsh>.p, was u on motion of Iii. , H neon efe t ~ ~ ' U on maticn 'IuIrs Tii died ;'J Bear rv s released from a ent of en~lt for not p i , _r rred o a committee of the Board fox invevtigation. i P , • 1 a P Y~ p Y listing her property in 'Nilmington township for the year 1932. With reference, to the `troubl`e the `.Count has 'ex er'`enc d ' n th a ' y p i a a. e p st with boner` ~ sections at the County home cracking, the Commissioner9 will look into this wa,th the "the Chairman ores authorized to write a letter to Mrs, Thonas O'Berxy, calling ' view of correctingthis trouble. ~ attention to the fact that there is no tobacco ar cotf;on grativn in th~,s county ~ 'a p ~ 'e d thereb and to and that the need for help in th., rural county was no~ reli ve y i a U on motion of Mr. T a k e d P e~ st r r- er 1 h b fore cuttin off relief to this class of ~ ~ p r s , s con ed by Ir2r• Hall, the Board approved the payment of r due hfl_ to .,ar.lul y consider t is e g a bill for X70:20 to the State Highixray and Public ',7orks Commission for caring far ~ citizens. ' il. thirteen risoners ei hteen da s at 3Q er xisoner er. da P g Y ~ P P p y This due to the ~ con e t' n f d P 'j`; e to sell beer at Carolina Beach and Harbor ? g s zo o the jail uxing the. period of recess in Record.,rs Court pen>ling Application of Mrs. B,B.Tucker f'or licens V the a ointment of a Recorder b the Governor to fill the vacanc occasioned b Zsl;:~nd tire. a r ved j pP Y Y Y ~ 3 PP o ~ the death of George Harriss, the Recorder. i'' Request ~rf a reduction o~f the asse,~sment on the rol.d star~age ulant "olock X33 The Board findin i necessar em a She s' D e ode was tak n u 1 r ns'dr'ration. I g t y to ..ploy e.~tr xifi' eput~.es to pre s roe r r e rue co z ?i ~ at S offord Mills b reason of the strike situation a reed u on motion of l~r. Hinton ; I ' seconded b Mr. Trask to allow the six de uties on dut there a ,for their Re ort of Jas. Walker dos ital f'or the: month of ~:u~ust was received and ordered filed./ Y P Y ,PY ~ P P ~ services ~t the rate of X3.90 per night and also for 'their services to be rendered Burin the week end' e e b r<2 nd 1934 =Th he 'ff w u ` d d enae 'U on n't' n d 1 seconded the<Board a roved, the payment of X37.50 court fees to g ing S pt m e 2 , e S ri as instr cte to isp p o Zo , u y pp A' • , w ~ 6 00 to '.CU1mer for. services in securing levels at ith hear services as.somn as possible. the Clerk of-;?uperior Court, ~ ~ ~ k ~1. ' ' -Count '.Home f r 6entral heati 1~~nt and,~18.0U to O.l7.PJatts fo.r vror}. on barn at 1 U on motion of Mr. Hinton;' seconded b 1dr. Trask the Chairman was authorized ta` go , ~ ~ the Count. ~ome• P ~ Y , Y to Rslei Yi'and take with the ro er authorities" the' matter of `extendin the..- g pP p p _ g- is air art ro ect b len thenin the runwa s over recentl ae wired land `urchased b The meei,in. then ad'ourned• P p Y 13 g Y Y 9_ P Y E J '.he Count for that ur ose• Y P p i ~ rn 7 ~1~~Ytrt _ libon motion of Mr. Trask the Board a roved the ~ ent of ~ 17.60 to Mr. O.tiY,ti'Jaters'~ ~ % Clerl~. , PP I~Ym ~ ' . , r ,r t 1934 1 z'ar 44 hours services supervising vrork on county barn at 40~ per hour. ~ Nilmin~,ton,l„C., October is , ~J oaxd eras held at 3s00 P.M. Upon motion, duly seconded, county bills Nos. 533 to 617 were approved for payment. ~ `lne regular weekly meeting of the, B i ` 't ~ an Geo.Pl.Trasl; F,M.Ross,Jas.I4,Iia11 and J. H. Hinton, bill for X50.00 attorneys. fees due Thompson & Wilson, Attorneys at Elizabeth Cr y,_,i Present:.4ddison Hewlett Chairin , , ~'or their services in`connectr.on with .sale of the ferryboat Menantie to Geo.G.Dod,e~ and County Attorney AFarsden Bellamy. n:i Elizabeth Cit' was` recommended and a roped for ent. Y, Pp 1?aY~ , wh'c;m the'settlement of the 1933 tax collections is to be made by the This being the date on i le by t ne The meetin ten d ~ ons 'd 't°- ount Tax.@®llectox, City Carnnissioners ~rlaltex H, Blair, Iulayor, g h a jo rned. C oli atea Ci y C y . i~ 4J' stoner of 1±nance'and J.E.L.1"lace Car,>missiuuer of Public '+'Jorks, ' .Louis usher Commis vrere resent and a 'oint meeting of 'the two Boards was called to order by Addi,~orr w I` C R.b~iorse i - j Hewlett Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners, presiding. ~r. . f r Tax Collector then resented the following'statement of settlement of the,1U33 ,f i 1 ~ , ~ ~ r, ~ p n 'nton seconded b Iuix.Fisher received ~ . r- , tax col ectxons tivhich was upon.: motion of Sys. i , . Y , ~ subject to check by the County Auditor and City Commissioner of linancer ia( I STATEMENT,OF 193.3 .:COUNTY TA}~ ' Listed as per abstrac . 420 468.05 ~ Real Es ate ~ , 4E,G980"I Personal ~ ~ 28, 89.61. G . 75 ~~373, 5~,5.54 I - `Coxparate` Excess -;f 14 950.00 Polls 4474 Q x.25 + Dogs 3'x.13 > Hugh 1TacRae i ~""390 001, 67 ~ ~ .I , ~ Less Abatements 3:42.'34 ~~389,~59.33 ~ 1.Z1 ~n i ~ ~ Listed and Collected by Tax Collector r ~ , f1 ~Iot Lasted C~llected,...~............ + ~ F 55.gF Herd by County Collected,....,:..r°r•~ ~i ; ~ _ r ' ! ~ Held by County 1r2r.Orre.ll Benson,., 16.20 1 ' ' 3 5~1a,08 i Not Listed Sold ~ i 9 85 i, Advertising Cost,Gol].ected,..,.,.....,•. 5• t ~ alt Collected 1 514.36 ~ Pen y ...............r,... , I .397,331.36 1 4 f j ~ ~ a ti ~ k r, ' _a~. e o~ _ . , _ - r;,., ~ rvo ' ~1 i Meetin of Octob A g er 1s~,1934, continued. Dr 397 331.36 Wilmington N. C, October 8th 193 4, a Cr., ' The regular •a~eekly meeting of the Board vaas held at 3x00 0' clock P M ` Insolvents , .,,,,....gip 2,299.32 r Ott „ i Polls,..,,°,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5 040.~'S Pze.lent: ,~ddx,~an Hewlc Chairman, Geo 'rl. Trask and Jaa. P:1, Hall, Dogs ' ~ 285.00 ~ 7,625.07 ~ tion of I~+:r. Trask seconded b i Upon mo ~ y l~rr, Ball, P?lr, Henry L, Taylor,Trustee, was a Sold ~ ' ranted an abatement oi' taxes on a valuation of ''450.OU f'or the a -3r foz loxes g ~ ye r 19 1 on Clouse 92,502.34 - e 1 loc~~,ted on the west middle art ~ ' z ~ Not LZSted Sold,.,,,.,..°,,,,,•,,,, 3 545 08 corm r y p of got ~~3 part 4, block 27~ destza,red , . t°~ prior to April lst,1934. ' Discounts ' 439.81. Prepayments 41 017.61 ' n f 1<rir. Hall seco ced Paid to County ,auditor Upon motz.o o , nl by ,t,r+ lrask, The R.'!l.Page Corporation vaas grant?d . f , 252,394.55 .ent of taxes nn a valu~t'n ,f I an ab~,terr a i.n ,.20,000.00 m~~c}finery located in t~ieir Chestnut Street building and charged as not listed for the year 1933 and the same ~397,b24.46 ~ ordered cancelled on the>assessment records, for the reason that the said machiner ' ' r ~ Over,.,. y , 1.93.10 x397 33 1.36 ' ' had been discarded and the most. of it removed from the buildir+g,and having listed i ~ r____"' i ' Cit sh r, m5,ehinexy owned as of April lst'1933 at X12,500.00 under the name of The 1ilmington- ( y or.t.,y~184.33-do~ierenee ,;p8,77 ~ Star-1?Ievrs. The': Tax'AsseasrAs-:were instructed to eheclr the machiner r far nevr a ~s ssea went it J f'~.pri'1 is t,1 X35, ( j ` CO1vH.'ARISON 1932-and -1J3'' z ~ ~ TAX COLLECTIONS PREPARED B ` < cl ~~ct'n u on the c a rr ~ ~ Y the Boar ~ z. g p re ommend tzon of the Ta... Asse,,uors, and upoh motion of. T1IC COUNTY AUDITOR P;~r. Hall, seconded by 14x. Trask, redi,lced the assessment of y4 000,00 on house ` i ' 1'932 ~ ~ r ~ ' ~ ! 19 ~ located on t11e west middle par. of lot ,~l and 2, block ~~1~7 now owned by A.B,Mintz, Insolvents,..,......°° 01,.52 01.92 pp p0 for the •ears 1929 to 1934 inclusive' fo~ the reason that this buildin i Sold to X2,5 Y , 1 g, 23.6F3 23 8 - i ; ;C •2 having been vac::int for-sever~sl years, it., dilapidated condition was not disclosed Not L_,.ted Sold,,...., U0.8U 00.89 nt examination b the Tax Assessors which condition h~ls existed since 129 until rece y , ~ Discounts,....,°,°•.., 00.30 00.34 or possibl3 longer. I ! Prepaid 0 , i 8. Z4 10.09 It _appearing that the County has a judgment ag~rinst Idr. 4l,H,Biddle for tares due Collectors Conunissions 01.63 01, 59 0 the rrorth~rest art of .'lot .1 in black ' 63 and in order to clear the records • n p ~ , r , Coll ectz,ons,,,........ 63.83 61,89 ' ' of his properi~y in blacl.`~76 to en~Lble him to secure a loan tr~rough the Home Ovrners i~ 100,00 100.00. Loan Corporation, it was,' upon motioh, duly seconded, ordered,; that the lien of , said 'ud ent's hereb xeleased and discharged aainst fhe land desvribed and ~ J ~ Y ~ ~ conve ed in the deed of trust from '~t~`,H.Biddle ta'C,S,Idoble Trustee for the Home Y ~ The 1934 tdx books books ,prepaxed ;by the Count Auditor ore ' ' ~ 1 3_ ec reed ;,e tember 2a ' ~ tvro Boards tom 1 Y re then presented to the Owners Loan Corporation bearing date of ,~eptember 2Gth, 9 , r o p , i p etc wlth-the exception of the nsex~,ion cf the amouaits of roc 1434 to which deed of trust reference is hereb m~rde for a discription of the land r pozate Y ~ excess due by corporations and not yet received-from the State Coy` ~ C i t' Commission. 7.'he same w's por ~tion released. a accepted and upon motion of Iulr. Fisher, seconded b hLr.Ross ordered turn ~ rr Y ~ ~ ed over to I~r. C,.R„~;:orse Tax Collector i'or collection ~~11 member.' U on m t'on f t;~tr, 'i'rask seconded b Lair. Hall a bid of Cement Products Company ~ two Boards votin of'f' , ~ 5 of the p o 1 v , y , i g irmatrvelJ. i to furnish seven hundred twen+,y~fou.r inch reinforced concrete pipe fob County i ~ ti on moti i trucks at their factory at '~p1.45 net per foot, to be used for drainage at the - i p on of P,_r. Prask, seconded by P,Ir. Fisher, the Board ordered t11.~t a.11 tsx ~ r w s vn motion of. I~r. Trask seconded b Mr. Ha11 accepted. rtiz.poLLt extension, a up , Y ~ ! payers who h{ive failed to list their pro~ert~ and are char w' r • I 5 ged nth pen~clt3 for failing to list such property and who comes forward and settle thei r 1 a•d a roved the a ent of ; r taxes oar or U on motion of Pvir. Tr~sl, seconded by i'~ir, Hall, tl e Bo z pp p ym ~ before December 15th,1934, shall be allowed to a the amount of th _ p ' _e 1o Went bureau fox t}1e out the enalt p Y eir taxes with half of yF17.66 for the following off _ce e,tpense of the re mp yt N ~ p Y month pI S tember: ep Under~uood E11 iotar'is her Co ° , ~p3, 00 + Upon motion of b1r. Ross, a committee of the Chairman, Iiir. Fisher Courrt ~ attorne • ~ - OO 6 S y ~ou~hern Bell lelephone Co., 11. 1ularsden Bellamy and City Attorney J,J.Burner a ~ ~ ,l ppoantea to cony er vrith the County s 'vi'estern Union Telegraph Co. , 2, 7.E 1935 Legislators with the view of secuxing passage of a law ravidin for the r 1 50 ,`17,66 p g Postal ~elegrr~ph Co°, • ~p r settlement and compromising old back taxes. U on motion of I:ir. Trask seconded by Ntr. Hall, the ~3oard approved the payment of The matter of deducting the salaries of the De ut Clerk of R p ~ t d emiums due on bonds of C,R.Morse ~ a p y ecorders Court .anti l~zs ,212.50 to H. y!. "Dells Agent, County s part bon pr , ! ssistant from the cost of Recordex., Courtin arriving at the profits ox :loss in the ~ ~ 7• ~ 's and L,IaI,Ialasse clerks in the Tax Collectors office. Tax Co~~ecto_ c.nd. J.AI.Davi Y, I operation of the same, in connection with any settlement that ma `be due the Cit of ` Vlilmin rton as rovided b 1' w f ~ a Y Y KY g ? p y a , or year ending Tune a4,1~34, was upon motion of Iar. Ross, Upon motion of Ifr. Hall, seconded by ]air, 'lraaP., the Bo~~xd directed that an seconded by Mr. Blair, referred to the Chalrrnan, the Count Auditor and Count y Attorne ~~e ~~d asltin. for Cids for the installation of a central. heating Y Y advertisement be ins rte g 3. 0 P~ nda with power to act. ~ ~ H to be o ened at meeting to be held at .0 P. Mo y plant a~ the Gountl ome P . October 10th 1934. ' , City Commissioner of Finance '~'+.Louls Fisher too]: the occasion to su est eriodical joint meetin s of the two o ~ gg P g g verning Bodies to d1. ,,cuss mutual Government affairs. U on motion of P~4r. ball seconded by Ilr. Trask, county bills 1dos.80;, to B70 were p , approved for payment. The following business was then transacted by the County Conunissioners° , action on the re uest of the Tide ~'~'ater Fouver Company for a refund of taxes on old Upon recorrnnendation of the Count r '!+'elfa e ~ 1 x Officer a ents to IJl d 'ellurn ; ~ ~ 'lle Beach account of: wave erosion, is still pending with the • on ac ~ r ~ P Ym rs. E na h Oceanz.c site at ',Nrz.ght~vi 8 count of Mothers Aa,d were ordered discontinued as of September 1s t, 1934° Board. Upon motion dul ~ seconded the 1 , ? 3 , e fire Offz,cer was granted tr~~nsportation expense, The meetin then ad'oirned. g J ' for. taking Pulliam Downes to Stonevrall Jacl~.son Training school. l ' ! ? Upon motion, duly seconded, a request of the Board of la'ducation tlr~tit j~2,00000 ~ Cl k. be pl~~ced to the credit of the school fund for maintenr-rnce of plant anc~-:70.40 far vocational fund for the month of October was ranted. ;Vilmington, N, C,, October 15th, 1934. ! , g , r ~ d vaa,:s helii this day at 3:00 P,P,I. Upon motion, dull seconded, county bills Nos,618 toz741 were approved f'or payment, The regular weekly meeting of the .Boar 1 The fol~.owing good and lawful men were drawn to se vurt yvlett Chairman,Geo.'+V,Tr~zsk,J. H, Hinton .end „ounty Attorney roe as Jurors in the Superz.or C Pxesent. Add~.son He a es or .two w s ry' Cvrunissianer of finance P+ir. ~'~.Louis l+'isher ,vas also present for the trial of Civil C s f eek beginnz.ng October l5th,lu34s ~garsdenBellamy. ~1~Y f contxact tc audit the Consolidated in the interest of acting on the avrarding o For the first week beginning October 15th 1934s Cit -Count-* Tax office. Y ~ R s ~ d bz Palr. Ross J.B.I1cCrzbe ~ Company were employed to .A'.Mus.~elwhzte. a. - Upon motion of °~r. Fishex, seconde ,I r , l~,Teaehey. I J. I{ing, Jr., Joe Ea.aen. to ear -County Tax. Collector for ' I,L,Padrick, Ernest C. ;Thomas, v s" ~ audit the accounts; of the Consolidated C~.ty f ~ ' y en z.ng as ai Dav on F. Barnes. Ear11e Xoyv. er da for Senior Acooun~unt and `15.UU er of ~ ~ H.?~.Savage. h. H, hewis, v ' Robt.L.Caui bell. e ' . <~e tember 30th 1934 at a cost of X20 p Y p i I J,S p Claud Harlre_. p ' Cal. cost not 'to exceed ;p350,00• ~ .~1~rzght. 49esley Henry..:... Paul Ber an day for'Junz~or a4c.ountant, to A g A.F. Walton. Rz.ghton Bz own. ti, C. Divine.. L.T.Ro ere. 'dlalter H. Barnes'. • ~ - 8.,, B T ' Iur• 'i'rask, ser;orrded by Ii<r. Ross, L.II.Hoob., residing at Lingo City ~rwa ! L.I.Lassiter. r 8 I ryan,Jr., ~.R.Melton. Upon ma~r.on of t G,L.Gore. eddle fish and vegetables in flew Hanover County on account of granted free license to p of I! her the second week be.innin 0 t ~ ~ h ~1 d sabilities. „ , g g c ober 22nd,19.~4, p yszc~, i . ' ; Chas, H. Kean. O.P.Stuclce . ; D.G,Ke11 Y Samuel Ruben,Jr., J.D. Horne. ff Y• ,,.T.Mezcer. C.D,',Uessell• Robert B ~Jleb"b? !I Alvin Iiennemore. '~',T,Loal:am r' , y. _~,F.Penny. I,J,SUtton. {i ' f 1 H,L,Se del, P , y Y .,L,Racharcls. L.lI.Jo}rnson. a h s G.~P.Robinson. .H,T vma . I~; , i i P.A.ICing. Chas. '.'l, Yate^ i ~ ' 1~',L Isaac .Hardison. .I,iintz. ~I.D,Bell, '.i.C,Vick. 1„ C, Ruark, Jr. f , ~L The meetin then ad' g J ourned. ,2v, 7< - Clerk, ~`y~ FJ l~ o0 Meetin of October 1st 1934 continued, r g ~ ~ Dr. 397 33}„3 6 ~ Wilmington N. C, October 8th 1934, r i Cr., he regular weekl meetin of the Board was held 3 0 ~ T ~ Y g at t o o clock P, M. k Inaolvente,..,.,,,,,,,,.,~p 2,299.3? • Polls 5,040. d5 esent; Addison Hewlett Chairman Geo '~'f ~c a Pr , .Trask and Jau. N1. H 11, Dogs,.. 285,00 7 62,5.07 ~ r Upon motion of ?uir. Trask, seconded by 1~Ir. Hall IJix. Henr L, Ta for Trustee was Sold for Taxes 92 502.34 ranted an abatement of taxes on a valuation of "'4 00 a~• ~ ~ s r g ~P 50. for the ye i 1J34 on sou e ' Not Listed Sold 3,545.08 i'armerly 1oc~•ted on the west middle art of lot 3 art 4 blo~k 272 de tro ed 1 p p ~ o s Y Discounts . 4;;9.81 Tier to April lst,1934, I Pre a ants P P Ym ~ 41,C17.61 , Paa.d to County Auditor 252,391.55 Upon motion of I~~r. Hall, seconded by Iur. 'Trask, The R.~V.Page Cor oration was ~-ranted. p an ab~,.tement of tares on a vd,luatian of »2U 000.00 m~~,chiner 1 d r y coats in t~ielr X397,524.46 Chestnut Street building and charged as not listed for the rear 1933 and the same 3 Over 19,,.10 y397 331 ordered cancelled on the assessment records, for the reason that the said macniner ' 36 ~ Y i% lj tied been disrarded and the most of it removed from the building,and having listed ~ _ ~ ~ maehiner cursed as of A ril 1st 193 (City short.,4~184.33 dofjerenc,e ,~h8,77) Y p , 3 at a~12,500.00 under the name of The tiJilmington- Star-I~?evrs. The Tax Assessr,p~ were instructed to check the machinery for new assessment it April lst,1935, COMPARISON 1932-and -1933 TAX COLI,ECTIUNS PRI;PARI;D BY The 13oard acting u on the recammenaation of the ' • THE COUNTY AUDITOR p 1`a:, Assessors, and upoh motion of r. Hall, seconded by blx. Trask, reduced the assessment of '''4 000.00 on house 1932 193 c~: t n h yr r 1 ~ ' , Insolvents p1 5 q to ed o t e eat middle part of lot ~~l and 2, block ,127 nor owned by A.B,Mintz, v~ ' 2 U1,.2 to ~''2 500.00 for the e s 9 Sold .v y ar 1 29 to 1934 inclusa.ve; far the xeason that this building, " " " 23'68 23'28 ` bourn been vacant for severe Not Listed Sold,,,..,. UO.SU 00,89 g ~ 1 years, its dilapidated condition was not disclosed Discounts 00.30 00,34 until recent ex~:~mination by the Tax Assr'r~sore, which condLtlan n~zs existed since 1929 3 or possibly longer. Prepaid :08.24 10.09 It appearing that the County has a ud ant a ainst I~4r. 4'd,li,Biddle for taxes due Collectors Corimissions 01.63 01, 59 J g on the northvrest part of Tat ~l, in blocl; {~63, and in order to clear the retards Collections 63.83 4 61.8° of his property in black ~#76 to en~.ble him to secure a loan throw h the Horne v s g 0 mar 100.00 100.00 Loan Cor oration it was u on motion du1 se d P ~ p y con ed, ordered; that the lien of i said judg~rnent is hereby released and disch~~rged against the land described and conveyed in the deed of trust from ,^,`.H.Biddle ^ to C.o.Noble Trustee for the Home The 193.4 tax books books prepared by the County Auditor vrere then re t~vo Boards tom late with t P sented to the Owners Loan Corpor~~tion bearing date of September 26th, 1934, recorded September. 26, p he exception of the insertion of the amounts of corporate` J.934 to which deed of trust ref en ~ er ce is heresy made Tor a discriptlon of the land excess due by corporations and not yet received from the State Cox orati r Commission. 7.'he same was a p o 1 rele~,.,ed. cceptea ana upon motion of I~lr. Fisher, seconded by NIx,Ross ordered turned aver to Ilr. C,R.Nloxse Tax Collector far collection a.ll ~ members of the ilpan motion of llr, 'i'rask, seconded by Iulr. Hall, a bid of Cement Products Com an tyro Boards votin af'fi ma p g r Lively. Y to furnish seven hundred twenty-four inch reinforced concrete i e fob Count pp Y trucks at theix factor at ''1.45 net er foot t upon motion of I;Ir, Trash second Y ~ p o be used far drainage at the ed by ?u~r, fisher, the Board ordered that ~~11 tax Air ort ex p tension, vras upon mot~.on of Tulr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Ha11, accepted. payers who have failed to list their pro~ert and are ha w' failin to list I Y c rged ith a pen<~l.ty fox , g such propertyand who comes foiward and r settle their taxes on or Upon motion of Nr. Trask, seconded by 1Jlr. Hall the Board a roved the a en befoxe December 15th,1934, shall be allowed to a~ the ~~m t ' Pp p ym t of out the malt p J own of their taxes with- half of y'p17.66 for the following office expense of the re-em log ant bureau for th p Y P Jm e j,.-. month~of September; I U on m Underwood Elliott fisher Co. '"3 00 p otion of I;ir. Ross, a committee of the Cl~~irman tut, Fishe , At n ' ~ E , z, County for ey S'outhetn Bell `1' ~ Marsden Dellamy and City Attorney J.J,Burner a , U elephone Co., 11.UU Q , ppoantea to confer with the County s V~lestern Union !'ale ra h Co. 2.16 i 135 Legislators with the view of securin g p ' settlement and g passage of a lour providing for the Postal Telegraph Co,, 1.60 17.66 compromising old back taxes. - ~ Upon motion of I~,Fr. Trask s z The matter of deducting the salaries of the D econded bJ Mr. Hall, the :3oard approved the payment of eputy Clerk of Recorders Court and his ;212.50 to H,'vU,We11s A ant + „ r g , County s part bond prenutuns due on bond., of C.R.Morse, ~ assistant from the cost of Recorders Court in arrivin ~ ~ he o station of Sat the profits ox leas in t Tax Collector and, J,A~I.Davis and L,IJI,Masse clerks in the Tax Col1e t s p the same, rn connection with an' sett ~ y+ c or office. Wilmington as r v'd Y lenient that may be due the C1ty of U ~ poi. ed by 1aw,for ear end' seconded b Mr Y ing June X0,1934, was upon motion of IIr. Ross, Upon mo~zon of ?VIr, Hall, seconded by IdIr. '1'raslc, the Board directed .that an ~ y B1ai.r, referred to the Chairman the Count ~ Audit r oust ~ Attorney advertiseme - 1 with power to act. : 5 o and C y nt be inserted ask1ng t'or bids f'or the installation of a centra'1 heatin l/' i ~ plant at the County Home to be o shed at meet' g 4 3 p ing to be held a,t 3;00 P.M., Monday. October lath 1934. City Commissioner of Finance li~,Louis Fi•h 'oint meetin s s er took the occasion to suggest periodicalU J g of the two governing Bodies to discuss mutu• " s. Upon motion - al Gavexnment affair of Idlr. tIa11, seconded by I1r. Trash, county bills Nos.803 to B7U were approved for payment. The follows bus ng mess was then trans~,,cted by the Count y Commissioners; Ration on the re west of the 9 Tzde ater Fotiver Company for a refund of taxes an old ? Upon recommendation of the Count '~~elfa • on account of M ~ ~ Y re Officer, payments to Irlrs. Edna Kellum Oceanic site at 'Nrightsville peach account of wave erosion i,s still ~ Board. ~ pending with the others Aid were ordered discontinu i4 ed as of September 1st,19~ . U on mo ' p txon, duly seconded, the ~~elfare Off' The m scar was granted transportation expense,/ eating then adjourned. r for taking William Dovrnes to Stonevr~ill Jackson Training School. u~ 11,;{. Upon motion dui seco > Y nded, a request of the Board of Ld ~ 0 00 be placed to the credit of th uc~tion that X2,00 C1 k. e school fund for maintenance of plant and;$70,00 for vocational fund f or tits month. of Uctober, was ranted, ~ '~V' lmin tan N g r g , .C., October 15th, 1934. Upon motion, dtzl seaond Y ed, county bills Nos,61B to 741 w • ent,J The regular weekl meet,i.n of the B ~trd vr~, 1 i eie approved f'or paym y g o a5 aeld this day at 3;00 P.M. 1 The f ol~owin cod ~ g g and lawi'ul men were drawn to se rt Present; Addison 1 rue as jurors in the superior Cou Hewlett Chairman,Geo.~V,Trask,J,H.Hintatt :end County Attorne fox the trial of Civil Cases f Y '~},zrsden Bellam ~it r` Commiss r f , or two weeks begirnring Uctober 15th 1934s Y J i.o~er o Jilnance NIT. ~l,Louis 1 ah tie z ei v s also present " in the interest of actin on ' w 1!or the f the a ardin of cone ac r first week beginning Uctober l c Cit ..ro g C x t to audit the Con.,olid;zted 5tu,1.J34, y ~ unt5 Tax off.'ice. R .'N. E4 ^ uss elvrhite. R.Teachey, I, J, Kin • Upon motion of 1rlr. Fisher sec ' I.L.Padricl:, g, Jr., Joe Eaaen. onded bJ ~Ir. Roes J.B.1TcCabe ~ Com an r w audit the accounts of the C ns 'd p 5 ere employed to meet C, Thomas. Dawson F. B o oli ated C't -t' rt , 10 ~ 'ri,R.S'ava.ge. L. lI. ashes. Earlie Yo~v. z y ~ouz J Tart Collector. for year endi.n • J S Lewis. Robt L September 3Uth 1934 at s 4' ~ gas of ~r~~ . .Albright. ~'lesle .Campbell. Claude Harl.er. _ d, ~ a co t of ~p20.00 par day f'or ~enioz ~ccountan•t and 15.00 y tih per y enry. Paul Bergen. z for Junior Accountant, total, oast not to exceed .''350.00 Ri~;hton Brown. A.F.',Valton. 1" +h A• C. Divine. ~ L,I,Lassite L.T.Rogers. ~.v~ s, , r B, J,Bxyan,Jr, J ~ salter H, Berne 1Jpan rno~t~! on of I~1 ~ .R,biel ,on. r, Trask, seconded by i~dr. Ross, L,I,I,Hobbs residin at Lin G,L,Gore. o granted g g .,it vas free license to addle fish and ve e ~ y ` I''or the second p tab_es in ew week beginning October ' ~ g N Hanover County on account of z2nd,1934; physical. disabilities. I Cho f s• H. Kean. O,P,Stuc D,C,Kell key, Samuel Ruben • Y ~1.T.Mercer. z ,Jr•, J.D. Horne, Alvin Kennemore, ~~,r, O.D.,9esee1l, H,L.Se del T•Loel;an~y, B.F,P Robert B. Vrebbt , Y r'••I~.Richards envy. T,J.Sutton, i G.,U.Robinson. ~ L. N. Johns on. 1'•I~.Min P.A,King, Chas ~ A. H,Thamas, , tz. l'~.D.Be ~'V, Yatea° Tsaa d son. 11, c Har i ' ~,.C Vicl•, i E,C.Ruark Jr. The meeting then ~ ' ~ y adjourned. ~ ~ ~ ? ~ 1C_, Clerk. , _ . ~ , f G 'L I 307 I i - 'i P~eeting of October 15th,1934 continued. , ~ , ' ` Meeting or' Octobex 15trr,1934, continued. It appearing upon advice of the Cit Uorr>missianer ai' Finanao tlr• r , Y <r t the i at meetin held ',vedne, da Ort e Or'- - ty Oomrnis:~io ~ „ F;e-ardin; the mrz,tter of division ai" coat ~ e C . ~ g s y ~ ob r 1 ,,u,19~4, waved all citi~xgeF3 for license o Hers ~ C of th Td.c .ollector be~ueen the Wity and tax o~n all business or concessions at Bellrarny Park aperate(.l under r,, e r privilege ;l Coun~;~, ~'he Chr~irnva.n sznd County ,luditar vrere named to confer wzttz the City r_.--~~ supervision of the A rirultural Fair rt s 'a P rmzt ;anti Commissioner oi' Fin:znce ana Cit Attorne to xeach •~n ~ ~ e ~ g s ocz. tzon during we(,k of October 15t1z t Y Y ~ amore men., and repor~C to the 1934. ivir, B,T,Reville bein resent asked e s, 20th '1 Board at a subsequent rneetin . g p p rmi Sion to sell b~er in can' g his sandvrich stand at said fair under authority of his unex ai er nectron vrith J 1 r l license to sell b ~ ~ r , ~ ~ at Lumin=~ '~'lrightsville Beach. Mr. Rosa moved and it w s aer Upon r.:otion, the Chr:Lirmrti.~ wa., authorir,ed to z'en+ a concz etc mix( d r ~ - ~ a seconded bf fir, Hint r ~>,n pur,lkraa ' a r„xrried., `Phat upon resentation b; i~`r, f~eville of a e m' F' °n'~nd ~ necessary rnr,.t;erir~,].s to construct concr~et;c t;renrhes for the installs n of e p J p r xt _ rom the ;i ty ~ s do a t am ' to sell beer at Be11am Park "°tr¢rri 9zoners n,aina and returns and the construction of buildin t' r 'l, yr y ,that he be granted the same privile e 'b ' g a t e ne heatin~~ pl~a.nt to sub ect to the a rov- hn ~ ~ g Y I;hi~J Eio,~,rd, be installed at the Caw1t ~ .Gorse to ether vr' Ll ~ pp al o~ t ~ Count, -~tto..n~y. 5 ~ g zG 1 necessary labor to complete srutre. i sealed bids were received from the fallowing, and opened as advertised f.il~on r,cotion of IIr, Minton, seconded by I~,"z', Rocs, surety 'oancls of r,,17. county for z'urnishinc ~ afl'icers far terms be-innin. ror~,l ic?'i ~ ~,r,-, - . ~ all necessary l,:rbor and mr.~terial and making connections neressar to i U g C e )er ~.~4, vrLr.c fz..,. d .;~t the same arnountU a.f { heating lent at the f' Y nst ill nevr - for the recedin- terms. b p County lame zn arrord,:ince with blue prints and speci!'icr.~ti ~ p C _On3~ i r , ti ~i,k.Longley, , , , , , , , , , , , , , ~1 470,10 Upon rnoi;icn of i~r:r. Ross, seconded by l~;r. Hinton, i;lre I:Ioard voted. tl>iit .a surety i r ~ bcnd i'41' 'y15,000.00 Vr2th t}1e ~,t~rndE'~r(l r~~~.rCident 11isL1r~3,riCe Cam,t3,n of Detroit 11i1Gh. i ';`I.R.Dosher 1,61'1.50 ~ T Y ? Y .~..F.Cumber,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1 765.00 ~ c~.s surety for T,A,Hendersan Clerk oi' Superior Court lv'oniinee term be-innin- December , ~ ? G L V 1S'3~, vrill be +:rcceptr(ble if licensed to clo business in this State and if' approved ! Upon motion of I~ir. R ss seconded ~ b;y- the County Attarne~ as to foam wncl exer,utian. o , bJ ,,x. Hinton, thrr contr-;,ct was avr~,rdecl to ~ ~ J bidder 1Jr. H,r.Lon le in and f th~ lowest ~ g y ar the Burn of y~1,470.00. , c . , , the Corrmz~sz.oneru tirere not; inclined to gr<<nt the r(;a,ueat oz' T,A.Henderson,Cl'erJc oi' ( 1lporz motion, duly seconded the Board acceded ~ h Cuperiox Court nominee, th<~t l~r. '~J,C,Idzchols C.P,A. set u) r_l set of books for him t e offer of The Ilartford Steyr ' 1 ~ ~ I s ecf•~ on } n ?3ozler when he ta.kos over the of'1" . Z 1 a c . end Insurance company to apply their liability for cracks e of •P ice ecer.rbc,r ]..34, as the records he ,,hall keep I n p of t}re ~~ount :ome boiler in ~ g , t:u~e sections are proviued for by lair and as to l:is c~:sh accounts this will b ~ r ~ „ Y the amount, of ,402.00, on the cost of Herr boiler to r, ~ ~ e tdl.en caz of inst(_~ll.ed b the ('ourri,~,r ~ ~ n be b the ~ount ~udztor. ' Y , as per tne_r let~er. o~ ,~e tember ?4th 9` ~ ~ Y „ p ,1 ,54, to :~r.~iarold dells, ?{gent. ~ '~ilith z°eference to a recuCSt f r r,~ ' o . r. ~ , Lau_ .,ace ,)runt to be relzc.ved from taxes on a piece of prauert vrhich a )ears to be Church St • t ilpan muff on of 1~Jr, Trasl: get ~ ~~r • ~ ~ ~ Y PI z eet west fz• m o ,,uz ry „treet a , one r,J l.xF ~Iznton, lkrrs. Flizabe~h T,eeuwenber.g was Jr~,nted to ~~he C~ e Fear r"v ~ ;;I r. . ~ a ~ n ab_~ternent of t-axes an valuation of ,~v2,020.tJ0 ersonal ro r ; ~n ,f' P, z er, r. _.o,~.r moved and it ,ras s(. rc,nc,ec. l,y i:s. Tra:,k rzncl the Count "for thQ -r~. p p perty ch~,r~ea .ia Hcld by cal r.ied; tnat the Count` will z•e7.ieve him f'rorn ~a . Y year., 19~~,1~33 and 1.934 f'or the reason that' the sand t,::rson< J 1 yment of z~.rther. taxes on the same ~1 zf h,~ w,.11 furnr,.,r, this :3o~~rd ~~'itl;a writter, st;;tement disclaimin oz~mershi property was listed antt the taxes paid by Otto Leeu~~~rcnber,~ z or the ~ ~a ~ i ~ ~ ~ r ~ g p ra W9,,2 and 1933, oa ~,he property. and is the owner of r~nn :resaon:~ible fox the list' _ zn~; of the per.son_~~1 prape~-t;;- for the - ; J c xr 1934, ;t r. cnunir;~i,c~~~tian was received from the 4'dilmin_tan Clec~rirz~ House .',sspciution J UT on moti ~ ^r~ advising that orr and after Noverabe?• 15th 1934 the interest lid on zb1' ;I on of I;:r.l_aslc,seconded by ldr. Ross, the f'ollovrin= resolui;i n ti ~ p ~ . ~z,., ~ lk ~z z,c F' o vas eido17t,dt f ~,~nc~s irti~.l be reduced from „z;~ to l;;;o. ,I 4V ~'r'.B~ It h:as been brain t ~n, to the ~~~ttention of this .Bo,rrd by corr>rnunicatian horn the' U bn r(oi;ion of i~:~`r. T as}: ~ - ,r n~ County l~uditor that the ~'ax C P r , secondea bJ :,.r. Hinton, I4:r.~J,S,i~urchiscn w~N gr~~nted ~ , _ ollector i~ chrlrging interest on 19x3 tc~cxes r~.t the rate A ~ an abatement of )oil ta.r s f n I of six per cent, and ~ I .e or years 1926 to 133 z.nclu.,xve amounting; to X25.50 ~,,.F' ::nd .released from pa;~rrrent oi' peneilty i'or not; listing; lot ~f21 bloclc 6 Carolina I' '111~I1Ef~5, This Board is advised that it is the a ' , rate should be pinion of the County Attorney that the J„ Place for the years 1926 to 1931 inclusive ~~mouiztin to ~5 95 an .c g tir , ar oust of being ezg t per cent ~.s long as the sales cer.tif'icate zs in force' therefore 'n ' ~ order to cle:cr this matter, Be It ? z . a non..resident and Hat subject to poll tax in this county. RESOLVr+ That the ,I , ~ znter.est on back taxes f'or the year 1933 sh_~11 be at the rate of e , ~r•' Ta r po_~ ok Ja;.',~flaker .~o,~nzta~l for the month of Ser~ter:(be ~ v;• ~ six per cent per (.nnunr, _ z a,~ recEZVed ~,rd oruered filed, A comnrunics.tion was ~ reuelY~d from the Counter Auditor ddvisin~* the amount on demo it~~ 'r~ f - ~ , in earn b.znk as of Se tember 30th : ~ ~ s ~ ~1 on motion o~ .,.r, lr~,sh, aeconued bar I;ir. "r'.intan, divi.rior; of assessment b~ the i a' p ,19i~, ~,ol;ethox with memorandum of securities held Ts„~ t,ssessar:r on ±,he e y , .'z r~ ~ J n e eh c.a,se, a,,t end of log ,tl, b1ac1. l~w05, prol7ea.,3 of ~st~rte Ueo.,'J, Luttealarr, i'ixinl; the as~~essr~ient at ~~2,25U.00 on the northeast part, of.' lot ~~1 n.nd The follotiv' ~;n,~ ~;1,12b.00 on the southeast part of lot ''1 . ~ zng coumrunzcation tivas xeaeived from t}ze C un'~+ r r rf to enable the e.,ta~e to alear the taxes a uJ r~udzt~r. ,~,K in order. to secure a loan, was aplixoved by the Board. i ~lilmin ton Pd,C ~ ~ r t~ , Uctoo.,r 12th 1934 :~.ctin~ ) I~r,Addison Hewlett, Chairmr~,n + ~;,I C uiar. the opznzar: of f,he ,ounty AttorneJ that the ~or;irrizsszoner:~ h<rve no legal , I ~ 4 ri,•11• ~ ~ 1 Board of County Commissioners _ t to cancel uncollected Recordez~ Count cost., the Board declined the request of ' the Deputy Clerk of Recorders Court to cancel old costs aceruin- since 1931 ~~Vilmint;ton, 11. C, g , e r Sir, I 'I'1(e nrtetir then d' E For your information I bey- to -iv r, a Journed. for 1933 -,nd 1932 b g e Stu below a comps rison of tax collections ~ ased on letter from IrIr.I~korse to tlz ,n, r':~ ~ ~ e Board of Cor:nnisszoners; ~ ~ 1 ~y ~ ~ Clerlc. 934 1933 Decz•e:zse Increase ~ Itifilnunrton I~f.C. October ~ ~ Insolvents,,,,.,,,,,. 01.52 S ? ~ 22nd,1J34. ' Sold for t. 01.92 00.40 . axes,,,.,,. 23.68 23.28 ®0.40 Not listed sold,.,.., 00.80 UO The n , Discounts '8~ GU,09 ~ , . re~,ul.~r week,.y meeting of the Board was held this day at 3;00 P,., ~ 00.30 00.34 , Pre aid to 00.04 p xes,..,,,., 08.24 10.09 Prosents .r:ddis n ,r Ol,Bb o He~vlett Chairman, Geo. d.Trasl:, F.lI,Ro~s and Jas.M-,Hall. Collectors ~omrnisszon 01.G3 Ol Collections ,59 00.04 . 1 " " " " 63.83 61.89 01.94 1!pon motzon of Ilrr. Trask seconded b , y I,.r. Ross, county bills Nos. 871 to 943 in wexe a rov pp eci z or payment, ~ Tot,;(1s,,,,,,,,,,,100.00 ~ lud 00 02.38 02.38 ' ' IJpon matiori of Iir. ~ ~ r ~ • err As the total 1 ous, s.concied by Iar. Trask, Joaze ,,Kelly was released from charge against tYr.e fax Collector f ° the payment of na' t increase of .40 in' ~ or l..i., was ~~~39? 331.36 pe lty far not listin• ch~~r.ed a ainst .q.C, a ' solvent. repraseni;s more than y~l 500 f ' blocl: ' g3 g C g C rvzness on property in L-~ Tne total co].1 r. r~ N , .00, 1~ or the years 193~~ and 19,5 on account of Navin to take 1 c~ e tzo,la m~.,de b, g t le ,,aid property r ~ 5 the of'f ice duriri ~ ~ b.ck and ~~l th ~ r erdin: S the t,vrely m ntlz erzoc. y e take,, due thereon. E, eptamber ~O,1934, eras as follows g e ° p s ~ Taxes << ' ~ ~ • • ~ ~ • • ti5F,,226.61 Upon motion of I,Ir, Ross, aecor~ded by 1';'r. Trash, the reco~nend~~ti { ~ 1~1ot Listed Pe , an of tyre Recorder n•,,., 72,Og to hire out Viri;ini,;. fling fo.r t, lie b~:~l~~nce of her terra on the Adv.,Cost cc ,o. County 1~az7n, upon • .10,80 ~ay~ent of the court costs :rrnounting to ,;~~9.05, ~~vas approved Back Taxes ~ ~ . i ? 8a,189,7J ~ I uChedllle "811,. , • 1 U7Dn ma ~ r 5tre ,8'75.00 ~ : tion of I,.x. lras],, seconded by:ur. Ross, Charlie burn was rented et Faving,,,,,. ~~14.:25 tic g a refund of 643.03. .ease t~:x on 1aw;dry paid July 30,1934,receipt ~fi1 on account ~ i Total • . , , , , ~ a ' L ~ of duplicate , ~ •.34~,~64.10 at a percents e cost of 01.39. p yment, he h~cving previously paid she required tax of ;14.25 on ~ o~~ I g recel~pt No.575 f' 3 c. June 12th,1.,a4, the aost of collections ar year enclzng ;'Lpril ~O,1J55. I accotult zs based orr solar' t ~ ~ mzscellaneaus items such as zes only and does Hat take z.z,o Upon supplies : motzon of~rr. Ross, seconded by I~~~r. Hall, the followin resol k ad g ution was ~ ' op red, J Yours very trul , y' ~VHT:P~~S the yr J,A,0rre11. ~ ork started under CAA for repairing and aintin p g Pdew Hanovex County / Court House has never been com~1~ ed p t t , attd I ` , „1 , 41~:t>;AS, the Board of Commi:~sioners f r,l vt r ro'ert o .e .Ianover County is willing to tom lete this p J on a cooperative basis wi th the Ilruergenc I3elzef Adm' p ! , ~ ~ a coernu ~ ~ , . Y znzstr~ition as stated in n_catzon from :,.r, i'homas l,iorr;r:, State I'vorl: Pxo'ect 5u e ~ ' J p zvisoz• to 14r.John Beecher, Local Red' f ,d ' 1 _ze. minzstxator, dca.ted October 1.Oth,1934, ' ,P r ~he~efoz~e be it Resolared, that Slew lIanavar County vri11 flrrnis E - h ~ necessary to com lete said ~ _ n..-7 c 5~ of the amount,;, ' ~ p lroject li65 B. ~a b,i„ed on ran esti~ated total ' ;;880.00. amount o7 ~ ; _.u._.~,.._.r.~ w _ _ . - f` _ r rr-' ' k-- 309 Dleetin oJ:' October 22nd 1934 eantinued. ~ , >r Upon rnotzonof Pair. Trask, seconded by Pvir. Ross, tt2e l0yo reuuction oJ;' the as. 1'Jilrnington,ri,C,, z~lovember 5th, 1934. . aes.~ment ,;j made in 193 on land s,nd builaingr of ~Ir. J,H.~~rallr.~rd in block ~~125,southeast L lot ~6, amounting i;o :;750.00 was made effective as of date of P~~, 1st Part o2' T,l;e rc,•gulr.r v~rceT1Y meetinJ; of ~,he Boczrd ~~rcrs held rat 3:00 0' cloak f'^P~;t, Y ,1927 on acrotAn of the condition of the building and general depreciation of value attbis t~ site and also Navin been over assessed rrt the tirl2e tine assessmen particular Present: :lddisan Iie•rrlett Cr~aizmran, Geo.'JJ,TrasTc, 1r,P,i,l~ass Jas.P,?.Piall j,nu J^Ii"Hinton } g t was increased r , , '''1 000.00 in 1927. r"tnd a,n abater,,ent of taxes on a v;alus,tion by o,nd ~o,antY ,~tl:orney ,,:ar:,den :~ellarny. 1 ~ , of .~p75O^(lU for the years 1927 to 1932 vra,s ordered, ; 11po1-, TnU1;la21 Of' 1.-r'. kiirlta2l, sea0tlCle(1 by ir.?', ~~'rCi:~TC, UiC.~k'~,4r1~ uyJ0anE1°, .1 COUnty Indigent, Due to drama e caused b wave ernsi.on at ':~r i~htrlvill re;~id2ng vrith !I!r. James T. Cre~ra, r,a,pe "lsear ~to~rnshi 'eras anon the recaY~mtenda~tion ~ g Y r e , e.lch, It Wd,E3 upcn mAt16n Of r ~ } n ..,r ~ . ~i ? , PIr^ ?,oss, seconded by ?,ir^ 2rask, ordered, i,}rat the 19;54 a,ssessrnents on all 1 o~ ~,.,e ~~o~nt~ "e1tr~.re Olzz,cer, lr.•,.n,ed an allowance of ~~3.00 per r~tnrith from tha ~1 1orcated on the ?Iorther.n )Jxtena.ian f'rorn i3irminp~h.~~rn Street nor~Y,h e.~. ors ~u,t Door i~'aar i'und account„ ~.,t of Ucc~n ,avenue ti>cl.t are now under water, be reduced to ~50.OU per fifty foot lot. ' By vzr~t,e oi~' r.,uthori'~y~ a~ntaned in 1,ne judJ;cnent of Iteaard,~rs Court, and uTran motion U an motion of "~;i 'P • ~ ~ ~ ~ of ::r. x,11 seeanded by .~r. Tra~lc the .Board authorized the 2j e ' p ; r. ra.~] aec.onded b ir^ oas the ~,,a,,e~„ , i _.r. of J.~.Lzcharn y R , went of ~~UU. UU on th ~ ` "i' ~ - ~ .ree aCr'es iJa2] r~r1d ~,e0n I.',ar a,n Ll'Jan c4 Aent"ai' t I1' f'G 1' ri'~ oa lr~.nd, pare ,~r>.1J.xr~ms, zecleral saint toernshi~, purcn,.~seci by E^G,IIaII from I~;ia,rv J g ~ ~ p Yn ~ e ur, coa~.~. 'r`Jil7.i-erns June 30,1933, eras reduced to ~;r100.Q0 for tyre year~1934 on account-~~ P ± ,r of error in ~ The ree u.est of I:ir. seoz' -e Honnett for n r d ` •s r .r ; ~ 1 G d a ~u tment of bc~.c1. ta..es on h.,.~ Horne In as essm~n, r~nr an ccbatem.,nt of ta..ea on a. valuation of 4100^~U f"ar i;Yre year 134 vr~ , ordered. ~ as blocs"- ,112 ,oy sc.grEag,ttint; the `real and personal property ta;. and ad~uut theassessnrent to confnrm ~;rii;h file tz•ue value of the buildin ,consider. irl r the sands l.iotr of t}1e bu' 1d' C 6 z >~6 ~ CJ Upon motion oi' P~Ir. I'.oss seconded ~b A?r. 's'ects}~ t't1e B ~ti 'rrilicil h;.,c c,ri.:~;ted over U, period of several ears in order to enable h' re Y , zrn to a cure a lacir~/ , Y o xd 2~ctant; upon i;hc recormoendatz „ - r 1 of rice Count; +°relf~,,re Of ~i'icer ~~°rcrnted rem o ~ ~~t °r. ;t• on to repair the building, ,ra„ union motion of ~:x. mall seao2rded b~ 1~;i ~ . Y , p r r5 _lotiante of ~2^50 ,er week r. .Iznton, referred to 11rs. P," r L^ Fow ~ - r: ~ F , T~aJablo toV the Chairrrurn with ot•rer to a,et. 0 a y lcr far th~ care of Jordan .4cIver,Jr., ten yer.Lr o~d mofiherless indi-e p ~ ouch. 6 nt , Y 'Upon 21iC%tzc.n of li!Y', `l'ease,, SeCOnded b Iar^ ~Ilntan ~ r Y col Shah ~,aa ~,r~~nted an aba.terlerrt az L~ ~f ,tis t ~ t~ on a v,.,,lur~.tior~ af~ .;¢305.00 hou,~ehold end T:i when fu ~ ; ' o the -~uestian oi' assn brick: or steel sty, T; f' ~ rnitur~ above erem tion 1._.,ted ~ a or the heat~.ng plant chimney at she p t~ ire ~;rror i'ar file ye~~r 1c~3~m- Count tame the CorlIInissi ne d - Y , o x„ ec~.dCd to use brick. o r uni ' ri vrc~^ c ~ The meetin then ad~ouxned^ ' ar>:a c.'tl,.r reoeived ram the ~oun~y ;udi';or ~,dvisin; fete iunaunt on deg ~ osi in g p soon bank r~s oi' Ortaber 31,19~~, to nether. ~~riti~i mernora.ndum b ai .,ecuritzes nc._c~ in each case. 7. j r„ a, r as e. lne Gaun,,~r ',u..lir.oY ~ cash re;iartfar the mor~ti~ of UctobEr ti~ras received and ordered filed-^~% i"~~ ClerT~, ~ ,Jilrni n Otor, t~t, G,, Oc~aber 29tir,3.934^ ;i t, rrurfh2,:iry re~)GI Of' t.'~ie ra~;C:'(l;, of t11e ~aU1eS' PION llt;~l _Lt ~'J _ , rz~;Y~tu ~ ills ,pound zor• the 'j'}fie re_'U~.ar V(eeTC.1"~r 'n ~'t' ~ %r 311'2neT J.':~~)4, t0~;e"~tler 'rJlth ~i CGmYar18' 1' ~ .c -r ~ ~ r,..c,zn, o~ ~,}ic l~oaru rYau held ai; 3.00 P.L:. I zar2 oz ,h., p~t„t tPJO ~e~~rs, ~~'ras received fr,orn ,r^ J.i3ur~,n ,,idbury. 'z•e~•errt s- hddison iie•~rrlett Chaiz•m a - ^Irr.P,ass J, f.rlin~ an co ,r ire. 1 , ? on ~~id ~OU.21t'~ `i' ~ ~ ~ t i~~o+~1n rr,c~,ion e1' -~"r^ ~ras1~~, Ueconded by I1r. >~os;3 isle. J.v.Sidbu attorney 1~,'arsder, :flelle.rr!wr. r ry vras granted an a'oatemr.nt o.~, t:~.cea ore one iei;i;.;cle dog listed in error for tlr ~ e ,~e~~_ ~4. The assc;s;;ment of ;9,850^00 on rise ro~c:er ~ ~ p is of i~~;:rs k~,rzt22~r_ne 2~:.Br~,nck ~r~.rt 1~` 1.2 ~ „ r Pt .,r 1, bloclr ;;218, v,~s u on motion of IJ~• ~ ~ ~ • „ ~ ,r• ~'i Jpo'n moi;ian of ~r. Tr~,.se<, seconded by :,ir. eiinton the ?~o,rd a~~nroved th ~i~ p .+o~s aeror~crc,c, n I..r. ~rin~,ar, divided. ~ , T. e p •~rnent oz and fi,-p 1 ~ ~ , ~,r9UU.U(. to i;ir, r~ .Lon lair ...,d as zo_lo~,a; ~ L part p~,,~nerrt on aaeount of coritr•:~ct zor inst~~lling heating V f' nlr~ni: ~,t the Count H I ~ - Y ogle . & '.J T,I L Pt. , 2- Land ~''1 800.00 bu' 1d' F , r ~ ~ , , , z zng ;,,3,7.,0.(.10. ~:a,,,SU^00 , 't ic;2ze<:'i; o.° the ~)or~eci, of Letuc.ation ties ~ lI r~l Pt^, ~I 1 8Q0 00 n a ;t ~ i`,t:. the sum of .,r,~,201,00 for Ir!a,inter2ccnce of Plant ~ ? ^ 2,500.00 _,300.00 ,,,,~~,7,0^Ol 1'oz' b'ixed :'harge~~, (Insurance) :;;;3E3n,03 for :3uild'n~ F ' ;~,ci~,cel1,~~.ncous or Vo at' „ z --once, ',p 2„0.(10 z~ar r/ c ,zon~1 ~,nd <,;,3,000^00 i`or Look,,, mrrlrinJ; a tat~cl of .+8 C~14.Or2 be laced To~~,,l ,v ~ ,r , p . :.~.,,u50,U0 to ~iie credit of the s , , drool 1r.rnd io_ she mint}~r of :?ovember, t~ras upon r,2otion of ~:~s.Ross eu or c~: :,eC 'U by :[r'. IilYltan, grt:l-~ted. ' lipon motion of P~;r. Ros:~, seconded by t:r~r. I?int;an e~,:ir;r~ • ' i I:~argaret L, King nu_~ rr~W gran~ed a.n abrrtenrent o.f' ta.xes an a valuation of '900 01 ci" err ~ , ~,r C for t2;e .ear 1~~4 on riou~e ~ pan notion cf :1~z. `i'r~~s]r, seconded .':.r. i-±znton Count•~~ JiT1N r: 944 t 1083 ' i` formerly located on fire esast end of lot ~J _,r,~., - ~ i J J .~os~ a inc. Navin - b „86, bloelc I-I .,r zE,ht~ ~ ills :?t;acb, e:,cc,oultt oi' ti'~er% approtred for payrr2ent. ~ G urned zn 1930. ' .1 pet Upon ~~~:otion of T`r. Trash- ~ ~ ~r ~~`„~r, Tee- o~ expenditures o£ couni~,y ~cppropri~,tions by the ,~o,~~rd or Education for th. ~c. onnec. bf 1,cr. Hinton, i;lre `a,,;;eesment o1' ,;r?,000.GO on e month o£ October tivas received ~:~nd ordered z ~il d e ~ ilou.ee of 1;irs. ~+ai;;y T. Sternbe7•~-er ~ r , -r, on as ~ p.rrt of .lot 1,69 `~;'ri~~•lrt,::ville '~~er_;Ch 'r„zs ~a reduced to ;1,350,00 on ctiacatu2t of r ry~, a erro. zr. ~r,,,,escment~,, ~u1d ~zn ~Lb+:,te2nent, of t~-.zes ore Phe rc2ee~rrr~ l,llen r~djourr~ieu^ C a valuation of ~;~GaO^00 for ~!~';le 7reca • c~3~ . r j. I c Lruiics Rest room fnr the m n r. , f a th oi' r a ~ ~epte.aber t~ra„ rec.ezvc,d ~:,nd orut,_ed rile ~ C a~.. ~ if ion motion ~ T of .:,z. lraslc, seconded by',~ir. Hinton i;he ar, ~ i n house - ','Jilmil7utan T~i.C. ltovernber 13 I; rand ; N 506.00 , ~ses ment a7. sr~, OCO.CO o , ? th,1934. , on luU acre~ti~ of 1;~.nd Baz~•ron r •r., ..~T'eelC _lilet,r,wrne~~ t0'~r'rlallip, L'>c.G I'Ed11Ce~ t4 rP ~ 500 00 ' ore house a.nd 000.00 021 1~ti1 r~ ~ ~ m and an 'i1e ~ ~6a_~r.~ ~rrcr; n2eetin ° of th F3 'd vra~ ~ , ? ~ r d nn account oa ~r~•or ir, asaesumen~, J.:,..J~aore, Y e o~,z s held th_.s day a.t 3.00 o clock ,P,I. ~ abatement of tares on a v~~,lu~ition o!"°'1.000.0 f r , ~ ' vt' 0 _o_ Llre year 1934 w•:r„ orderers. ~ -:,,,r., - 1~~,~~nt; ;,dcli.sCn I~Ie•wlatt, Ch,:3.ir~m~zn- Geo^"J^T'°;..~sk, ~^Pf,?'iass and J,H.Hirlton. pursuant to o:uti2orit~ contained. ' : • ,l zn a ud~rnent of " i~ ~ he ! ofi~ice of ~ ~ ~ re .~upc-a.ar „oust recorded _n t 1? ,l the T,egzster Of DeEds ba0it d ~ [tC,v^ r .,I•,xut}11'18 all lnf7.rm ~=61117 in~;~?'"e21t Olti'.'n F!`~ ; r , 7 , r;•2.1, a c, _ , 1 t~ 5 a u ~ ~ , ati ui~an lnot_on c;z , 1. 'i lots arld 8 - ~ g ~ ~ a /and r, in block , n ir;r ..r. _rr.U ,~r?ran~::~ed on block J 6, assessed at ~~990.00 was ~ „ ..r• ~::.=1~,°,2, ~r~"r11~re~.t a freo T12r°mit to ped~:ile z'i:h in view Hanover Count v, 1934 ~r tibated as to ~LS.Stokes zor 1,ele year' i and ordered ah~rged to P~?~s . idaie 0' Conne , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d 1 e3z,~an one bein ~ the otune~• o_ sire swz i lots as per fire aforesaid g ~ '~~~pon motion of "r, ~ ~ r tuc~~;mtnt. t secanaed r1f ..znton, one -3o~~,rd ~zuthoriz~,t1 ,end directed the f' nr'~.;j!:i;;l1~t Of ':i,r'1 ,~,1 , F 1 n , ~ ~pro~~rzatYOn of p2,,.U0 to ~.1e ,,nildre2ls .Tome society of T,or~th ~,arolin'a h on motion ~ - ul Urearrsbaro T(. C t 'a~. F of 1~r. Trask, seconded bV;,:• , c~ and the e;:.~~en.,~ far the mainten-once f ~ ~ ~ z • ?Toys P,xs, T,Iarnie B. Pittrn~~lr wac gr~cnted an ~ t o hcrn..lc.~s cilz.l.lz Fa. i abatement of taxes for the ear 1934 ' j ' Y on r2 v~~,luati n ~ : lot ~i36, blocl~: ~f5 CAxblina Beac a of ~,r1,000.00, . ;.n~,.~ an -~o~ rile p~.2rpnse of er ~etu~~ tine h'3 n ~ .,r h not comn].ct;ed A r' n p 1 a z t.ric.1 .~po~a, the l,o~~,_d, u~1on liro~tion of ~;~.Ir L pit 1st 134 - i .Hinton , ^ u~CO~tIT(~(i ay i~iasu %1'.=12 , i :.'a 1t.. i the re.}uest of ~,w. :~ndrerr >Ioazl.l to prey :;p41^00 lJ.on ~ f '~i r - rez,,.1t am one o~ two civil weer U;uns thrau~lr th.e Tn:1:1,r1d. ,Jaterw ~ fror ~ s t i P mo ion o!' P~r. Trash, seconded b~- IIr. R r~r ~ an : ~ n the T, ~ . ' abz~temen~t of t~lxe~ ~ our, .~rs. Gez ~,zude L^Po~i,le ti~ras granted a~, :;ortol~, t: ~ T- ~ avY Jarda L-~- . ~ for the year 1934 on a valuation 1 ~Jzlrnzn~,i,on to be ~p1..6c.~Y zn :~,a,t~,.Le ~lcze at Mort ~+zsner. The air ~ of ~I T Ete.l r; 7 , ~ b~. ~ of• r~:l 0 t 1U ~ ~ ' S acl. ~~3G, Caroline, >3eac ,r ,500. 0 bootie on la ~ :dzlmin;;~ton to ~ ~6 the f 1. i1 r c, z h, u 2"1 t it h no 1; c orn ~l ~ r ~ ~ P Y r, v n u er lun. p tu~C,].934, I I, zhe Board acting a eon the r 'upon motion of I:ir. 'Tra,:,'_; s4:~c ~ d ~ ~ _ i 1 ecor;nnendat' n , u 1 ui,b Ir^ Hinton the 'x100.00 aa.,~~~~ a of P1x. Hinton sec ton of the Count r ~;'Jelf'are O:~i'icer and a a~1 rnor,za t J .,,~snr_nt on the ro~er~ 'G ~ p o~; i.,rs . riele2 0 c - . p p Y onded by eriz'. Ros=s ~ 1 TTic13 in oloak ;;+468 tv-.~N reduced to , X0.0 s F U ,granted an appropri.;.ton or ;12.00 per montYr to arcoiznt oE' err ~ a o1 $~pril ].st,.lJ.S,s on Zirs. Perry Etta Pinar ar in fa_lttre to ~,,1 aCCOUlIt of i:.rotY2 r~ r ~ one 10,a z edua t_on on tit,. c ~ t ~ end State ,T property zn 1J,5~, and an soli act t e. ~ lid, T,.-6y~'ble j ointl.y by the Count) a-,~~~te~~ient of t;~,:~,es r , J o the aT~prov,~,l of f ~ 01 a v31.u- ~i~' ~ i1e gate ~epriz•tmenL of Cha,rrt; eo c d r~ ~ lfare. z ,ion o£ y~10.00 x ar ~tl1e yeazs 1933 and 1934 ~~~as ordered. rn ~ ab1 rc , e , TI1e i'01101Yi11 DOd ~ ' ~'pU11 matiar2 ~ , ~ C •~r1d 1wwful men 4vere dri:itvn to se ~ ~ ~ ~ r Couri~ oi:.r. }~o~s, 5e~.~,n~led ~by ;.iz^ Hinton, t:+ze :Hoard voted to no on ~i for flee trial of er' ~ ~ zve as Cu~az~ zn the ~upc.zaa unttni2nousl.v ~ ~ zcco.rd, zmzna ea,,e,, for `~~eel: beginning Tave2nber 12 < c?3~ ^ Taal ~ _ ~ gr then approvlrlg the propoaa~. to secure a ne~~^r t~nst ofi'ice buildzn rather ti ,l. ~~t~~n~ian of P ~ ~ ~ a „ th~ present atruc~ure, and the ~hairma,n arras reg2zestecl to vrrite J,1;.Johnson. D ~or~~~re,~;;7~2r .H.Cren~}1ar-r^ J^D,,Leivzs^ rirlt01r, ~ . ~n =r^ B~Yard ~~lark urging that he us C: his eft~'orts to~+~ar:I se~ ~ , C^E.Robinsan r ~'~~.C.Ca~rac}1e. Henr I'IirkTl<;.n~2. ~1~,0.-~ to ~.~1r + ~ ~ ~urzr2g a,1 ~~z rrour • Y r~ ..nd, 11 _ iatr.an • L^C^.,11en C.S.1+;ve H.S.Kzng• J.1`i.Alexi ~ ~ _,J.Porter• d o z-1 I~ zett^ S.B.Ho u~,. C^~LPotve.~J.. ~ unlea. ]i^l,^C Y R.A.D J.1~1^Gi1~ - '~~^Pri.~~roller•^ ~ ~ i~, ouncil. J^E.'JJinstead. 1.rard. J,S,aJxllzanw. t r, ev, t~aon moi;ion of ?;r Tiinton seao d r ' << r~ • .'Alen Smith. G^'~~!^Croom. ~ ~ ~,r^L.ritni2,lrrr ~ ~ ` aont~;ril A ~ n ei c~ ,,.z^ ..oaa, the }3aard, by virtue of authorit i' S.H^F'utrelle. ?;^Z^Pla«e • T.L.Smith, 1~d in the d a Y S^ Ruben. ~ z^ Julius ;Jenber~^J.L^P,iurrr:;.~ . B " T, .~i.V.Norris. u,~orr ; Cu ~,rl'rr.,,1t of Recoi~~crs ,.,ouz zutelorized the hire of Alfred ','Jil ^1~.~Ierr~.tt, pa,~me21t o£ the court costs. l:~ams ~^COatJ.rl. n,G^RaYle~:111. .~.V.G,l+ountcrin^ Edvr^„t~Lrle«. }TaY Garvey 'i 'The meetin~ t}1 Corte _ 1, ' g en a~Courned. z•ncn~-, the 2natt~r o~ treating certain zr2f sated arts of tl P 1e old court house l;u' 1Ci' ' , i - i or tez'nrite:; ~ ; ~ , . ~ z z.n ~ 1 7 h.. ~ r C .n"tter ti~rau upon motion of - N r ~'JG? 7C. ~.rrrlT.' to the t,'o,_trt .o - ,;:r• ..o.,u, .seccwded by ;~lr. Trask, referred uUe co:~u..ltt..~ i'or inv~CS ~zg~rti on. [ - - + z•k ^ _ u!~on 2notion 0. ~ir,:~,9.i ~e~:0 ~i~3~I 'll~ i!, 1 , 1:C1~:Lr1Ga 1'; ~B:,IiC'. I n :r^ ri1;o 1 , , 5G year old cxtiaen„/ ~ k , ' ' ~ . s a-~ ,ict,~,in f>`. ~lozre5rhnec :!.~S'h10,1<rz,,'j, r,'ontintae;:l, ~`aJ,V1n•- ~n';^ i?1~I~tI±l(;!.'ti~tF;~ «I1U. :'e%;17'11I[I E3Y1f10f~ n'r~ 1; 1'1 G' ';G1,1!'!td"r •'O~.t~;:b]"5 ~)"'.~i~1CGi G~1„' ''.1 r 1! , ~r ~ ~o ,G' a , ~ ,1dlni.~tf,Fa~J t ,hlm>.n~ton, C., r~to~v.nb.,r .,,,ti1,1~34. r,,15•' ~~Oula~t YiC1IlG' fix:: 'Li ':1'1T11.6tG'. '0 n ~ i Ili)Gn Taf_1i11(JY'1 VJJ' 'lr-~,:Ir:, '.30CGi1~.L,'.'j ',1 Jr :a'• ,f)33, 1, 1 .,1"jJ :Lllr,.!(,j°J. '':2• "`GmU~'3,r Wf,'0,~.1'V r18et1nc Uf the '~i "r ~~+i~I.: 'fin r 1 , .~,r ~r rlna i I1;; true;. c ~ 0'x,1 ~i L ~ ._..].1 ~>,t 3.00 0 ~lc~,.,. ~ tC1 p1,lTCi.~;.;1? ne4t;a5<rT~~' 'IJ1nU.U;V :;~afj!;~ 2~6: 1,'i'!E ~U~BI'LG' „OL11'txt)61(1 '}~,Ci x~,)l.;f;n '1 r' 0 i.a I, r~,tr±; unfit 'i9'C 7,l:ie+ ~ j>+•.3i;,lti _i'!d1i30i1 iiet7l.Att I:1t1J.lI'i(1'1.:1 (~eo• !,`t'r;zo1: ~?~.IdI.tiO~s Jas.lVi.i~,].l. (-Lt1(~. {I~.i{.t~lnt0rl. - , , r _ _ G ,;~(lll ,:10t'1ClY1 Q.`~ ...y', L1'~L31:, t; (;C)ibl~'rj ~~i „.l'. ~:10`1~Jt ~ I J Oi 0_ t: F;[1:, . !'(,~~1'' tr,A1'':i _::+7d I~~n;IL~,11:i.31aIle1J ~.Ct1,1,4; lruan I;i1EJ ~Ll t}.1(lrlt' G'O1'ItI~1nE'd iI1 th0 '1,I1 ri[1c,Ilt l)f t!1@ I ~ : ~ ~ r j, ! j:nlj. I1G1.ii;"u, z`on}., ;l},~ .,Iii: Sl~',',.},5 .'`1~'r1l;Tn.; r(i :~~7`{~• 71"a .!)i.' 21C17.~j1, ;'I ca ~ ,I > a , r i ' urt' and' u an 'm ~ , 1':~.. , s a ar,~:o~'.{ a 1~ ~s~ioll GJ.~~,{lrltan, ;Ir.;can.,{ol by Ha1~ aiahor _~z~:(l t~t1e . , ~ ? lIG'ICI71~)N';C GtI1,1.`~34, 't<!c'1T0:1,i~1rO~7~3u ~Oi' ~r•.j.,lv'!!~. r?l."'" pi' 1~ i , , r. ap '.Z c' ra ''z cl Gaff` ter th;rt i 3 r e ' r' , _ y r Z.E o.C sent.,nr..,, L1i~ion p.:,~~,.nt of th., wart ;:,~.~t's ::~InGilntin~^ to ~,~8.75. lj)6n '(i(7~~;,On, f1U,ly SG~rgTU.eG 10~a:1J 2):x..1.., G3, ~.t)'~~'~i I~;D 1.11~i '',Y~~7~; l'1+);'CVC•f~ C „ r it 02 •°nt ,.?"1 ~ U~Rr1 t11t)l;il7n nf' ,r. S~~,ll, 9eCCI11'a!;~~ fin'}liiil t;ile ~;OIIIlIli3si 9rler3 -E1Ct1rif," '!1 On the , 0T 11G,. • , r iy: 1 ~,i~,1IA oi. i_r. ''73,, 'a l'.~~fJ11.,n:1 r'. .'.1Tlt(i;l L,l, ~'ilr,..,'~3'.",ZZ ! il~'1` ;D~ arit' 1 IiCi ~ j., to ' cL ii L_nec, ih' ,ae _,jud~,nl~n1; of the I'<ec~_•I:~cr ~ourt :~,u ho ~~e2~ t!•1~ hir~ of y .a, n. ~ 'l, J ~1''. , I.A i, ~ ry'~III~Q~ ~UG~I i t' ~~•7 P a ;J.,I :U .,,.A~l1t 0 tf.l.<~.';; ~)Ai ?.~,.:,Z`~,v!Gti Q= .,~a,~y~vr.!.`~!3 ,,,L~,G ~1'' `1r)v1113(:.1) .i.0!.' 1;:. lmanuel r'Oder1C~': "rf+;°?' tr111"t~ (,l;:Ll.~ ;Sr'T7'rP_ to o ` 1.,. ii f' sen,,.nc., a on ~i-, , ~ " ~ . 1 ,r ~,-~Y' , f f , ~ ~rlyfnBXlt Cfi: tLC court .L„J~, (fi llt; O~.yU'i11!lj :1,-i,il:ai~:11;}1,,:i J,y...;. ar`:L~¢'..''~c1:,~ln,i i~Z.~fJili Cantu... f _!J ~J '~I ~I1 '~i 9 f,~A ~ : "~C - .I k ~ .y n 7.: - T a ~~i ~ r~' . , 'iV , t "1, :1 ~ Outs~~e 1 tiV jldlQv'f_ ~,G'..11:t,v1 ;".)ii,N'~ ~0 ~,~1z. Ni, .S'• f J. "..~..V~~CLE ,.t ~ rlun~ l7n •1~~ r n ',If• a ~ o isN~.ar,er of Pub_.,~ ,la1..~, a~)L.e'~r?(1 ~.rith 1..Z..Jo:in Beechcl.' ~'S 300.00 rJn tr~l"~nr," r t .o` ~ r ~ _ r ~u r..a~ va ~ ~r.,l , 1. _ ~,n~.~;,. .`.u5nirlis'tratar, a.nd ehpl~~ineLt to l;i1e 13 1 a k'eder~Ll :~s~'ef r , oay G h:~~ ~anne~; ~ 10,~~Q~(}0 Ott ;(1~1.r.~!"lU^;f re~'naved:,xaYil ~ ~'=!,'.1CVr~ rC'1, ~ ~ ,~'i I ~ ° ~ !'~~'PC -rn ' ~ ~ , r _ ')I' .i .1 1:J f, ~,;~r G,.,.!.C1 ..').,.,.~1 1'1C~ 7.I ~3u~.tcLD~,E ll';r~(3i'$ C('iid.~Ci Y)0 'a t,t:>r ,-j - ~ t_ ~ ~n~ fin;~nci~,l co-ope> o,- it i ~ i.(),~ 1')+r vile ;1t <Lnd {'Qllllt' ~raVEr2'A'l1Cti 1' 1 0 t 1'1,t th ? . ~ ~ ~ It .ray eapla n d } e taro overnments 'i:0., ;1C,.~,:1, ~liG ~p:9,]..',~L.4.1 '0':,?;f r U.~..;.~(~'. s.I1'~ ,i+1J ,...:'S,(; 1,' r a ,~i ~ •y ta,, 1 f '-oi-~:r , 1 I i,~' t~~ 7~ ~ro1.I~.d be expe(;ted to furnish nece~su:zry fulida for. _ront :~n~l re-conditionin~:~ of asx . Ii-~~..~.1 to ~t,,t~=Irl ;11ee~tin ~ r' t;~_~~ ;r.,,; - ~ ~ :i:r,.'. .gay _!~(t'., ~J1 ~:_OI1 f>>.' ~,irN ~>U:i%,l.l~ r -oulldi~~r a)p~l(',x, ~7~.t~S` 8ta~ if b'~,Bed`On 'iP r 1 v. , , . . ~ ' , 1-,ria.i of tvJa .,~Lrs wou~.d caat a. ro_. J PA n.. t' ,i, y I~ '..I')71 L.1 i1 ~(:.:1„ .'(Il ~ .'lid, ~J :18 )1'F'.UrI, 1(t. Y,J J 1 OJ,: ,.l y,a VLill~~~... ~(a J1A. ~.I1~ YI~ ~IIl:L1/LJ, YY `l~ V1/IJ.'J~ t.~r'Lt, ~ 'Pj~ r Yt. L.' r 1 ~ a d inner el~c ~~.Lz..x ~n,.ni~ t_ ~,~021 to Earn' '•h ' l1. 1'7t ~ ,r > J i5 lab n f0~~ ~'ll~' iUr I)U3.., u.C Iil,. 1;;"" 1'Fv;Q;~bl).::1:1~ u1 f-'Ytr' a 4s ~i, .Y.. _ ~ ,N U t1 .-i~ ~+f,.~7.I~.,..1t.,,1?°r 01' Lau T'.~':'7,' IIiC,Ctl«ner" P,~:,ik~'"~ITIO'Tlt :'.~iC. rfifDdr Can$"+~ar.•~~~ .r nom,' ;1 ~,I1:~ a y x ..y ~tJ.t„ SJCUa.~1a51 :~1'.Kinton.mavBd "b11,, 1't iI1C' 3!'C~r11aG'Cj ~TJ iatr. fall ,lYla C3,rrleu~ l'n{~l; t~'1iI7 ward is 1ntOre3ted 1n $BC11.X'lrl~ J a y'edez°~I i~;ef' ~<~nnery anrd ~~rill. ca-~~er ~te >,=ai th the pit Corl>nlissi'oners' ;~nd j1RA :ii°' .,C;t;';~ti:; i;r1:;t7 Sl;~'f3ilrnB(1, + ' J ~a vll;:v ~11a, .LIi<i reque..t~ ;4r. vohn :seechea,y ~'aaal eliei' ~dministr,f~ar t'n he,ve Ii,l1 jn =Pf I^P ^p 7 P x '.a r a,, a f ( t .i _.~zn:o~~ ~ti.lt .av1 r vo rn~aL~:,, a s qua o~ Vn-~ rlr~tE_ xn~, furnash ,,uch ihfarmn~,t n ~n_1 J 10 ~r~rku).~l en ~hle this ~oarci to t+.~~.e- flxrther potion. T}le ~'r1:,' °°^Inan ,L T, ,r 1.,.,,,,.. ,t<, . 0,.....t-3,,. Ly L:.'~ c. C.v_:e. ,a dSC..:.,~ t~.'1 Vd~ra„ ,.t,I1~.C.ln~, In,~,y be :,IIit.4Uly' {Tld aU.~,i14in~.e far t'tli.3 pt1T' )030 1 . I t a ~nei~,r;'~'r t;o f,hc ~ ::L 'd r,s ,•i ~ :7 ' ,r, a . -l y f 21` °i lhLf' 7'0 ,,i _ nc - ~ t ~N ~ U t .cl~ _ I llh.1,...t,~ ~t,..Vin ~~'15 ,I Z'1t,;1t,~v:~1~ ;iVB• ? ~ , u.. ~ U: „ .,_~:1 ,i,1j0 ,a r~ C' SC `S:L di::'~, ti :"tJi~. I. YI1F'CjW C1 ~?'C;.t `1flOnt , r' _ ne for tnE, e ai dirrLu a,~ and h1;; narent3 'in~,noii~lly un<tl)le to 1•oea.~ n;lli: „ _ p ~ 1 .l i S~Gr ti1F,' rl.wtlnel'l~i 0.~ tfli3 (.j1J0113E ''1- -fir' .:x1.1.1.}~lYi :i.'ti1~0. L6_.,,i..6, :~'r,. w, r ~ zt 'i~~~ ~.1CJ021 illn`a( r:j ~ P T sA~.ra c a ~ r ,iti _)11 uy'J a" ~ 0»r, Glj f ! r , , , , _ ' E ~ti.1,.. , , l;l„_l ellal't hF T1,.tdE t0 ar,CtlrE, neCOa`3~~,r!f fi2e~.lCinO;' `!li'Gid~::'1 i118 ~ aU:z' I'+~1.i 0: %LCjltln7 ~ tr kl;~ G11 ~Lnd i~. n?, r' 'P" ' U1J~,lI4 0~ 1,,,={'aU.i3C''1 ';i11'ljll' ll' ~r, , . ~ ~a,, u >3.d.,(,.a`JfLl~ thclt t,t18 .711511 I ~ ~ i t r.rl ; necii i~ i ~ u y'~in ou , os: tjl.. Count jr f undw ta>rvard ine~;tin,r ,.r/"~ _ e,j' I,C:i ~r_~l.l~ 1Lr! ( 1 ~J;C fa7e~U ,Gl' 1?1C'A,,rr }?(3 ,''~tlt„!:j ...r ~0 t, ~ ~ c .0r .lr i ,7. L 4. A ,1rj( '.n.l, Iu_ C1"J.,1.~C;il 1{.:'(1~'(. l'.ii'(~''1+)1' ~i71i~ .,H11Ci7. u T' 0'),1,1110 11t i, i111 e =,:1^'J y'1 `l i ` ~ ~ 1 ~ _ , t1 ,C'.1 r , ,~,1^.7 .11.11;?' j, , L',:2. I~Intoll, 3B(',O:IC}ed ~'r (jau i°~ ~n,~,!~,7 1. L '~11 'I lA Q if ai P U,~, l ~ ~ ? _ • , ~ l ~,r. i'r .1 :.:C a ; r~ .r,. r ~ 't i ~Ol`1 ii10 0..011 0.. ;,r. 0C ('r;r .r. _ ;lr. .:1 ~:I_iYl U~`3 ^a Jlii t 1'f ;",inl,r~l!'ly 1'~,P ,i rP, ~ iC81 ~+E a(,*r~,n{;r~,•d J.. _!1viJa} s61;~IQ11 (~.'ll{ ! r 11. r ' a. • . ~ ,.y,,- , ~ , OII.'1, 1.S L^ fU; ,'Jli.. ll~,i`I}, ]:.J'S~GI,i' _,,f~i3~a:C1;;~,,ir1 i .1 for ~eAl D:~,vis, 1'o~zr year. alri cli,G_ole coy-bred 'ooy, to ~Lnd fxom ,.~a~ Loma C. fort e"''i t 1' e r _ -r , r =,.~,nen ,art ~n 'Mate Ortho~.,-.1ic ~10~' i t~:11. o t , .,110 .,a, ..U.,P,.1'S t f~ ~ .:Ol;l~ „E.; ~ n,,-l- I I _T:A , r u i;r': 'T~~1.0?1t i Ii Lit"~,~ C:OLIi'}' , I;n. - ~ ~ 7 c, S` ,y. t~ . 'r~,:, ,•~.:,,.~,„rk.a r, t~, ~'r1 nd n cornkti"~ncc t~'I ,no rN'~ ue nited ata,te u> > . 1 _ - U,.-, _ 7 st o:. a :r ,,nata~. ltabert :'3• t~~,1 nol~ts the '.11J W~ •`1' U ~ ,_.,Ja '.'1':i f _I),,11 (i'.:li~ ~ r i ? 1 =~a~ 1 h_ ' , I'' ~..tian~ r,!'i'1, .1~0: a~. .,{B ;,p h'_l1IC ^,~,C~ ~ ~ ~:r. .IS ;~O,:Q11.{0.1 3c~,~rd ui. o.I llio ~ o r. cf Ro ~ b tar. E"111 ~ , r ~ tl, ~ , ~,v ,r ,~n~ c• _ , ~ u, , ~11~110-hied I~,~ r ;~,~lj one ~.au .•.1.'oz..o;nG..t n:.:~lcer~U i?: =cii L c~,,. ~ Itli ~1'„ , r ~ , ~ f~ , , t , a ~ ~ ' ~ , ~ ,ln;, u~,, 1Ct C, .ne;'a 'r ~(lr?I,,allp; C wc'•iSS', 1.1. ~u i?1('i1 pha+~a~raph n1' :i01Ge n.Lt,l1?",t1, 1i1.;3±Ur~Cwl ar indlls'tri.~l I. ~;C11?!` Si.O1C av 1L , ~'ll~ 1 G~a1"1 ilC ~~.0 1.1~ S~ nG };_a11 `r7. ~ j'- ~ ~ - a, o. >5 , ~ , I , ~.a ~t:.~. , vher ~2:,,", i;.n ffonU ax inters )t in triis ~.auntr, tc~~e,,.,rr ~'+it.a ..l b:r:i?f de:ICZ~zati(n t' n• ) . ~ r i n ll1 ~,,ny m_i.nrlo~ ,Io:au~ia~.e. ~ to 'ne ~ n 1e ,dixic a~ran~ed al.an +vith ninety-nine a Jhers from North Caro~.'ina. Countie',; arc,11 ~ ).ra ry , ~ the vr~l1 `of the resce'ption raams of ~en~Ltar ~'eyn~7d:' o''fi,ces ~i+ ,.ashin-t~n ~ ~j)Ct1 111011 Qii, Il'~, j 1p,,, ra ~ L> ~ ~ ~ . x _ , . I ~ .l~E Jii,'.If..,..~~ r ):u ,1 , . l:, ..G ,..n ° ? a x u!'.0 1 ~ r R ~ A ?1a t.R,T1"~,~n ~ P ~ ~ , : T t ~ ! o. 1.~ ~ ~ ~ '.r r. ~ r A. ~ o . th~ i , o:up.'~, ly s pls,nt ~'~rr~3 3 ~ 1. ectFd. 1 I..,r d ~u,;, fl • , , 1 y. u_ ~a~r' Che,i ~ I r:,ra, , aJr~,.,,!:1 '.3E.~. rC1G~,i',0t10 'a0., F7.~~ ~ ~T~¢n'aOti021 Of .:.r. x111t~Jn aecDtlded n ~ , Jr;.laca 3GO'~~_ ;~ursre - , y ,,a1.1, t11t ~)~~y,u.,nt of ~1~3.35 to ~a~:'i;er~' r y•IJ0 y~.l~.`~J .,_t.. , `',J,vir, J~Urha?;i, ~~t~et% ~•.1.1f1 aZ' Or e){ 01730 'i' In ~~V nd~ i L' i' ~ or c1o t:'1 i'~ e i gent ~u ' 1s - i 1 i I1 ~ 1 p t to L , 1115t].~,11~;1ri;1 f Dr' Mile - ewr 193~~_1 `.-),;)rj '.'f:LS .1) )rOVBr:~ y , II • l1pC,1 1'IUb1Dn, r:).Ll' 50~10r1ti~(;i~ t't1 ~(i ~ = 4 , I wJ= , ~0 _Giil'. I3,~;o...1E~ U,j)0:1 u[i8 .i,1.l;tlpl':, Cf;1i;(.11r18d 1:1 J ~ e 'o e.r,s 'y I vUl1Tb, h~~1~0 •L,tthrl-' ~i. i. I ir_.r~, i r ud .(leut a~ tlI i~;er, ra .1 I,.on o;: r ~ r 'i r 1' ) ,j : a 1:r, j?~.1~. .~..cnn~ael 1, r .:.r .I ton a re ue3 ~ of ~~~ell T ainin r haol ~ of t~~1fJ 1"Otlrt ~r"a r ~ i ,G ,i1 f, aU't uCLC1; 1!aI (r l jl(il1 'ii,~; L1~a7~; , ~ 1?1 , ~"7 ve„3: 7" C r G ~ t~, c:;~:a1.1.1I,_n~ to ~9 ~0 Kinstall ~ ,r n , r' C . i' o r ;.u1 ~l')~. ra r ~ ~ n ' ~ r ' 1 ~ ? ip p iatr•~ o.t ,,~~o. ~0 ~u,~.1d me~~ina ex~)ense for the t n r' ~ -1 Y . en,e~ ~a~.nA11~n1, az' t~18 •.%1ild1eil o.. t,a3vr~c1~. ~lrainin; school ~Jhristmas 1934, w=ua r~ ~uraved~. ?n oruer ~,:,o crua"nle the heir- f' ,.,,:r , P. „n f 11c:~~ r I! l e v~..... ,.i 3. ~r>_L J.n }Ir i:.,.,}L'L YI:. ~r~3, Oa. lot ~ bl.oa, r { • r Ir , r10~ .>.1ey 3~~r~ ~ ~ )Gn rnal,.or2 Gl r; rr ~ r K ~G..',J a,3,.lr.,S?T1triT~'r OIl tf10 ;1:`; a!:l7lll'!:,fei ~ a _~r. j_~;,1•:, ~,.,(~O11aP,r.), 'sig. '•~intOn, thB t_~'1 ' i rr;~ io1~o'ws: ~ ~ e+ J i~oard alltllO.A, d e sPpr:(ratian a- ~-1e uersonal t'L:r f n' n Liiiaah o=, , , n l~.L.Bucr~. c,~,r~Uea ,~~,ainst .52 acros ,~,j' J.an~t,yi,_~rt of Cari,U, I~ 1w^t 1.(~t ;~4, ;y~},~~~Jd~~t,' !.;,.~•onborn r t r '~~oar 1930 1931. and J,93~ 1 ' tr) rrla trip f a j' e y ~u~. unt~i n to x,10.,,2 ~Ln~, allovt ~ d .+es ~ hw~„.'t lot i'F`'~ 2 :r. ,T.:~ ~,dw , c i m... x0.04.. ~ . ar~.s to pay the-real es~,-lte G<~..~: an the s:bluE for said fears in settlement ~ _u~,,:Ll, , . , • , , , , ,;,~3 ~060.Q0 ~.rlerea~., on accountaf the tif,e to ';he 3:~id 1,:Lr1d h:1.vlncnever vas ,i . tc, l 1n 13.Z.13uri:. Upon I11oti_,n of x ~~-o;i,a s , eccl a. + , 1 + r .,u n 4 a , , J ~1r. Hlntan she f'1,. , ~ tl aar Shen toad. x'ec~ss au~ject r.a the ~a11. b1 the C1lairrll~n to }~:Lndle i;he , A ~ ' ~ }',l. i n , La rAI~;.+,,I (..(.i 1'1S t 1'L1C, u E~~ ~ r, , ~ d, i u i1 r , G , i. ' ijl'3~;xu''., }rte m~,Ltter of t,~'.~S1n~ aver arid.. 1I,1,,•'S• ~ 1+8;1Er"~ 1' ~ ~ uci11n1n~ Tnr1 a ,er, 3n~ ta' ,aCt 0r7 ,.Ll'l;y O t11P,i 1(1'x) ;tors tklrat play ro )erl ??or,levriY'u 1ri ulilluo~ Tc12'1i,1Y1-(irCS~:' %a R'~xn aau~P1C1'n ~ Ca211$ 'a+~f p y iI,1 aV'E rac..d f i . r~r• r a are the .~ae.rd. t'," l ~ wC„~ltlea La ~t1f. axl li~ex~:~v~ an a vl e51111;L.a ,,r 1' ' ~ ` . , ,~,r~.?'rJ..a siding, ~,nd clirlirl~ute dar ~erauu , , , ; f,. 4~, i . A.e f C . rc)o1'` , J , _ j du. ~1,[i::G~ '.~.I~jli~wll 1'Rr T:lt ~ ~11Lr1,11~;0.1, 'r.C.f ~ECeu2bEl' 3rd l~`3~i e r:a, L.I~ af_0ctober war:, ~jry n , ~ t,.<, C1 ~C. CL:nu ar4'. ~F.~+,r Anrt ll r '1 l.ip0li 1I1p1~iUti U'~~~ ;)eC'Or(l• r r r _ ~ J l eu ..a.~ntY lY, s 'Ia3. 111 t 1 ~ .A: ~ r_~ ,.rr1,.~ ina _ e ,>':1 r tll~etn - oi' t~)e tG~.~ ii ~ru.:~ ~~,.1. i '~t; ~t r , r 1;11 G l ~ . = c, l C. a = j,, u r"ll. rJ N, 1 , ~ _ .1... '^p.. - C ~ C (d ii~~ '1 t l0 ~ 1' 7 r,;, ~ ~cllalv~I, ooa. rind 1 I~'''' :1 r:,?" , .6'~ ~ .r ~ ..~..1'!v,'. .~ltt1'1tr plc ,t-! p~~. ~ ? , I 1~U.C 7~j 1 `,`l _VE, c.,, 1uG?;, 1I1 ) (1: ,.aU ~lv ;.n, •.t l.i. .....:J~~:.r .l~l,..,... ~1 ,j ;e ~i'1~ of CiVj i ~ ~ tk1e uui ;.L_. 1~_~ _.1 :11,,1;1. '0` ~'0T t ,0 'd r • ~ e(,r:a ~eg~.nn~.n , 'i ,~i1':i~ 4','"eti}; 1iCr,:CI'1~)t;; "'U 1~~4I ,MQrh,,*; l- n y ~I'rell -+~0'attt`!' :xu.~i tat , t1o.V1n~, i, l~r, rvi; G;'' 0! , 1(~G 'C , ~r~ r10 nTii) h! n , ;Lr1urC.rl h.~.' ~ ~Sr41:~~?,,,,lta~~ xreSidit~~y ~T[.1,?1i,r°(. ;11, r3"1~~11..11!t,c;,ul.oll; i~ 1 r i o , ( Lu_. I.1i ,..,.2~.1 G!1 ,1 r~ 1 ~a U,, F._.... a),v . rvrll,l T T i1 CtirG. i .a ~,Vr: ,l,! i;:I t'1C1J.1 wands `f.' ~I 1;' P 4. Y 1 ~ „ ' ~ r i` , Lr i 1 u T a2. 1, ,;.~.1'b;,.rBI'• ~ .,1. crape J.:i~1 (~Q(~. ,,i.,,.~.1 ,auc_. ._.,.~~,;.i 1a1 1~.uy M1`ltr. (il.i'.LC grit, T ~rt~11)sf,na. . L ~iQ~ ~ ~ ~ ? is c3 • . 1 ,'J-• : l.ldi. T,y~.PGk`l~'i1,o ~n~z,' +7 "~e .U„'IS~. „ Ijl •1a..~31',i;i;{nt.C:?' ,a.-„ (?•t~..Ls~1C1_• ~~~.Cst`~3,l~iva:'a{-5". :.~~~.:2a1'lid i ~.i..,{l10uEn. ~ ,t' L ~,l , .I 1, .tl ,.,.~Y.P ti= „ N ~ca~r.. ti` ~ ~~'aitn~ul y;p~y~17,;..~~.~c~s ~ ,1, pp E:~,.t;.1.C,. 1' ,~.t3la,,.;~Lrla. _ k1ns. ~.reasuz~e:I~ oi' I,;te ~'a.~_u of L~, ; , ~ .~..~Ja:;rl~cr`. i,s,r 'r` duel, iol~, (:Jr~t~~at) " ~ Ganes; I , y , y2'eEi$11,...~ i]1~ ~.;n'11:G ;~l1nOc~i, ~jJ ~)'~Jp.l)0 I~I. uec,olld >,~d~F~k- ~euolnbcr , 1i)tr~ lg3lt; ~ i, ,7• 1. 1, r - .a .,il" ~Griz'Ln Q1~ L,~aG ~1P!"_~.A' a , al~{1 ..1115. r ~ ~'u11d~', r'' O'JLi,I) .,:~.~V11~:3. + „y ~ .'.O~I~ t.::u, ~ .'j:Il. 1 T,',rf'e1..L 1 .d. rie1~.(':'E~3':`• n ~,.i'.J:.;•+. ..ir.j1, '01 h -.i 1 l:,.. i. E:. ~.~a l~fa.Q. (i• "•L.i, it ~i '1 •ll],'Il ~'.'r ,Cr~~4~1: ,,I"LC~!: 4v 11`L?r1i1'~ ~t'',1 iJ. L1 ,11; LJG~L ;'(i 1 ~ ~r-~~ Lll"I t,w.l~ ~ 1 U arAUGw„„~.. li.t: ~L1Ju .C~I,_~ ~ - J a ~G1L1~ ;i)Li,:A1.;~~: ~ _ .L?,. 'jOr Cl %Ll ;I1 c• r J :'C,• r(1 1,:0!1 OI 'i' - ~ ..11'14i''o r 'vdGT'e Uppl'1 I anco iioul 1 ..~I'ru,:, r~..,_, ..,~co,ldt,1 li' '~r;t 'd~• J , „ l,,e.8,i L C7• ~.7GC. 1 Y J !J 1, L :1~C:a, l_L_.j ,81:1 ';1 it t .Ja.,.,u Il. ti'uL_.1i ~(i ~ il.':Il,::,.~~1rt;1~(r U.I1.~lal.. -'10 ~ ~ ~ 1. ~ ~ _ ^Uaa.!.1' ; ~ IlE) Iii(?[{. ~ , 1.C.,. p 1u Qi ..iJ%1,~r..d a10?IG'.i :,,1101'1:1, t : 'l ilil; l:~.Rn rid'O;i1"F' li1'':i~~~1 - , , J _~OCt t11C, ,.U'11G1.''a'U1~ ~ .d. r.t e Hen1'y r X1.1!'0 , n,. '•i. ~ , 1. z .liu~.l:,, ,d~;11., ~:)a'euc'nl,~Ll ~~=~r,:1~a1' '~;ri t,~I iI; . ~ % r;l(~ ?i;1i)?1',,1. ~+lii'~ i , , ~ v ~3 ,;iu O ~.l 1C:L,:i.1. ~gGTICIU ''~71 $l.i r.1 r.. iti `/'-,r";.•~- '~G~'.: (L1,, alil'C'../i ~L(1-~,! "7 ~ ' i ' , , 1, Oc)~~.Ola 1"a a'; w e r _ _ _ _ , r r 1_ e(;tin~; Of• i(0`rCrnilB)' .1.~`~th,1.'',~'r%I, Cantinlde(~s - 1~~ ' - h<,1Vin'~; A1C]~Y! i11'~';.;t1j°;:ateli 0,!"J:1 CF. C:OT;111enI,)Cd by thr: (;all"lt~r C11~~'~.tr'3 ~)%l~].L'F)a Pr1,,' % t," o. r' 7 ~ ~idrnit Lt~.(1 to ? trllmin~;Lcn, iI. C. , TIo r~mb,rl :,3111,1. JStI. ;h~; Co;Jrltt~ io,nc -.,.::+1 inrrl~-t~LF.:, ' p 1. ,.J Qn~G~d i);f .'~'iQ;JO) 11.11 t7.C' ~,n, , c Yrr 1 ~ t, , 1 ,7,- On r~Gi1gT"I Ui~ i.':1', 'I'Y',ltF~I' ' eC ~ ,I' 1+., +;L1d~.!.] I~1ri.1i ,i-,." t' , , i' 1 'ina i11~ tr1 r :":10 ;>u 'tiv~.~:~1y n>eetsn~- of the Sa:zY~d. ~rc>,a nol.d •,iG 3 s00 a o1>~ ~ .;~I. to ~1~rCi;i:y;;e :"i;(„',;u1,r;y' l`i1ndOVY S~1:lde.`7'~1~ar (,tlE.wl1j)C]'1.G1' ~u01.1.I't 1"u0'ffl I,O lli)~.'.(C~3 J''l'.;,~C., dlrr tilliLt Or UESC:. >resunts .~~adi~an 1iewJ.Att h~;i,rrnarl ~~~a,~l.`L.r:~1u1; f~','Pr1~,~Rous Ja;1,;,i,Hr,,11. rand i7",f.Iantan, - L J ` t{ i..ir70I1 I11ai1~)r'l fJf ,er. L'')yr' .3eC~1nC,e~~ ..Od:~ 1)T 11:i OI 0:-r'; ~ ~'r ' . ~u t, n:C ~ hE r<Li i1n l' 1 t 1 It . i I1 ci ' I' . ' ~ - ~ , : ' , . 1 tr~4r,~ and .he', CamTaias3ioners aa~in~ lipnn I; ~ y cal t ~.ned t j u ~nnert , nP the 1~ ,.'.av1•i, r~nii, _.1~r1v,3 ,7;n+.4 I~.. ,l.;.lalal'1~~~n~', 't I'} j~~Fi4is ~Ci yr^" ,1C'l.U- II 'JJ.1. P c, + /10Ati. L' ~ _ (y(.'.t: , ,~.,rt,~n ~ e.t0~~.e~d vaaz~is,Lnd U an illation a~~rillltOll, s¢oand'ed by i,:t. HA~.~., f3,1it11~7:Ci Z,;~1 1'118 ~~cvCrrlbe~C Stl 1:,~'~r 1`l~;re r7."~rO~T!',.1 ~1.'0; :.6'n'ai~:11L. i~, ~ ri , 111'(: a- ..red Go~'i' aftor t.lirty dzys ae•vicE oi' seritenc~, upoll pwylu~~nt o1' the court ( ~;~,;t,.; •~.~otilntin~ to ~w8.75, '~Jij011 '110~L1On, 11U1,y S~aOpnaed, COUIIty ~'r1~1S i;a9, ~,11Ci(i~ ~;G ~~„Il~, VJ(31'C arJpraved~i.'al l?(ltI'a I „ill„11t. r . Uyc,~`n rlot•.on c,a r. Ball, secollde~. b'~ '.:r, I•%izlton 1i1e Cozr~nirlsinrle , ,t`nc~ ;a3 th-' f~ • ~ 2(..L ~ 011 c i C1;.G11 ,i':aol~):i O1. .,.1'. Q1Si;i Eei;ii?"''~ 1 "T ~~1`itirli tll, ''iiU':•1.t:;On 1 f n l i 7 ~ ' 1. ~ , Jf `1 A , , a~zt7Er t~ol~~~:11„r ,1 ,,„a ~ut~lol~ity con~~,.nEd in the' j~~d~frs~nt al' 111E I~ecar~.lcrs Court autlior~irac~ t:'1c hire` of £1fl ,Irv t~;mc>7t o r , ,a, rJ ~ c~i ra;.G:, c)r, 'v',, ~',!arl az tii'~7~ r1 t).~~ll ,dd'Ja i.'',',(L' i~YJnBr''~ 1 'ri, , ~ t ~ " ,l F: '-1?Ya~' Litz: year ? lm>~,nue_ ~oderl...,., :.tft~r tr2lrty d~:>.,~> ,l;;r~~ri~e of sentence;, upon;~~~~~rnent n~f.' the court 1J'i;;, rift '',i?G' f. t]'_~ rJ','1113~; ~,~'JE~~SL1G:7~,.~ .,~T1~ .~0,~ ',G1C7 1'C~,9CrrS ~14EYJI ~ i- COu tti s , ~r~ ~U~,~~~ ~JII `?;Jett r' (l'.ll:]? E? lr }i'' ~ n ' t ' F. i.~ ~ *f , ~ , ~ G'r «,11."le:' t,Qullt' 7et3a1. i ;c; 1;11, •t+t 1 _ Yj - .,.r.' Jas.t~,L.'~Va,d(^ ,its Commisai'aner az' Pubic `1Jor~~J, ap~earf;cl ',rif,h rr.lohrl i~eecher ~0~,00 ~Yl +,:.Til't1Pr ,;11~( ~";Y'?~t)?' i,f) jl;rll lst~l9.~r. Y ~ ~p t. , ~:c,ce,.~ ~,el::..f ;.drninlstratar' and o~.,1>>.ined to the; ard'tha~ 1''ed" ~ A ""r p a e]'~ ~e 1t111f,y J 1.0 000 00 0}1 1,,,t •l,rr ,r ~,,•r•„ . ~ „ , . I ~ ] r., O(7 (,V ~,nA'9E. ~ra1~1..,':r '10r 1i '7~ 1~ 1, >3?7 ~i ' • LL ~ .pcl_. y~t,!;~,!?, ca,.tild i1,, aac:ztel 'nets. ix ~uitabJ.~ r~u;•rt.r.~ c~nzld tea secured c~nd financial aa-opera- ' tinn by 1',ile City and County Gavernmettt~. It ~^ras ex 1a,ned that the two eve •n1ne1 is • • ,t !j '..;p;0 I ::,C,~~~!,J?1, t,le ~.ui,1.-,il,~.l, „a...i!t t ..~..1~(~'+` J„'l~~ ny' ti18m1)e:C i~. 1,'t1.e !~Qi.1 t.1 i. 1 ~ 1 1 ' y ~ r~ CIO rrolrld bE expected to furnish nace»s4L,ry f ands far rent ann re-coiir.~itionin~ 41' 11;q t- ;1 1-:~ Ti .111!, O! ,.tt ~a: I>7ai)].^Jlaa.~7 Ji r .Uri t~~; I;I;O lil. i i' t T , aw , , _ , . ,1~ o: bu.1.~.in~' avtex. vrat etc. if b, t,; cd on , i0yl;t""i'',v';i:. .ctl ',i(i' tale 2'B;JC;rI°" ~ ;1 i, ~ •>r° ~ 7 , 3 T~14r10a of t'r!a years would Ca.+t :•1~]i)rlt~C- ~ ~ ..!1!':'~~ c1,~ .,~.~1; ;1 avornl~,?;. ~ a t° 1'`' ~ k~ - irnatal.y 3,000 J ' . , . _ lncf . er(,en~y :~dm istr,~.t,lot2 to Earn sh r.~l.] ~,.a f 1'1111 , Uz1e l~n ~eliaf i 17 l;~bo_ and r ~ O1 ,,t1C; la,:',1(l.,G ,i, (!l i. 11;:~ 7 k:GOi:.i,~''~(~ 6~,. Illti f.' .aC. r;+._.}, _ ~ L~7.ll.ta s use t 'r i pr ^ . W ~oY, .LV.> r~:;'i; :I~t:1ci mac.l~nu~;~, equipment etc.,: ~.ft~z° cGn:•sder.:r,ble di;~cus:~inn ':11'.Hiritatl nlavr~tl ~l,n'~. it ~ T ,':;n~.~ .,1,~ ~ ,1.,Fc, .,°a~,s oecorided by I~,.r. Mall ;~sn~, e~rrieu; ;'t'hat t_n1s ~3o~rd i~ intex~~t~~c1 in acl). ' s I 1 n,, 41 ""edero.' :3e~f Jn;nnery ..and `~i:L~. r(°r..c;~ ;p vrith the ~ r .pare-~ pity Co,nni~. .s _ a.neru 'uizl NR .110 aOt:+ 1t", i,! ,'rl ?,i1~0U"li'S, ' i to Ci1rr,t an':z, ~rra re~~ues t.; '''"r, ~ohll ~EC11Er ~naat. l' ef' ;3 " ' ' , e 1 aminlatr~-.tor to Il•~.ve ,gin . ; . . ~11~n;er ~eent slate .L4~ rn,~a.e a, stuaT or, the matter ;;and i'urnlsh':uah x ~ Y .:~.~_~~ir. I ,_.f,,, y a 1n ornl<~t1on tha~ ;rrottlrl enlblE th1;~ ~o~~,rd tQ "t,.lke>furtlier ~.at~on. Tl:e Ciu~1'rrnan d , Clerk. ' r 1 n 1„r, .,Veda. tivex'e TF~,1 :11y,,,li. ,~.t aTtO,..C,V,' t OrT i `4, - , t. ii, ,J~l, .a ..u aa,rS.~n VJr17,s, bUildln~u m~~;y by, sUYtr~ble lnd rlvn,ila .l:a .is71' ,t'1I,S urJOS^•. ' P i ?C1ec`1r • n J. a. ~ y+ n 1, , f. a t' . ~ ai, ~ as ,he ~oa1d yt.~,t w~~n cry .~1. Ch~.~1.a,~ _3c,1vi11 f~l,J „la,~htzv:il7.e ;',v~;.,? 7t . ~J~U~,~ of C~ _ :~:3 ~i~ di~~ nE~:d 01` medlaine ~Or thG `1'e,~tmant t7~'.UitJ,~)Ci;t;,7 J.Yld il~ A . -~,.n~r1C113.1~.y 'an_tb~.v ti0 jJrOaa:`E 1r1~11.L111 _'aI' ti"1F,~ Z'E;:.t]n.n1', of 111tH d' ~ •a L I.1 t tr. ,ii, t 1~z' - ~..r "r13 upQ11 "n~t2Ur1 +:~117.V 3ECO111C?r1 al'~li_ iI 1.1,:11 C t i i , , I. J , . - ~ - r ( , I'e , e'L~O1'1 1'(...dC to SGC.1rB 11eCE,a:3ary ' I;Ie4l,1CY:n;.'S 1i:IrC)ilk f; ~;he C(:.h.~ re~,'i c>'f' :.6dlRln ;ti"ilt?,I 17 c6Y1(l ~ t (rf,p,r' I:i ' ri i ,i, x. 7 _ - 1 7 iI, lln-:3 .1 _ a S1'1JI t.rlilt lL llln - . C 1. L'(IU , il;. ~ 'i;,r ,~r7~" _ "I~C'.l i1'6i1'~, 1'r'r '.1','1 ~ i ( 1 i11 •Ij;Js~{~ 70. '.9 t; }1 ,11 ltt fr `r~'~ •r' ~ i I , - ,1, - , a fi i`. I'1l ,O(,~y~'1C r.> ~ •:r, ~.S :Il u ! C f U 1h.1 C;)urLrd Tr1Uet1r1Y 1:Ln10111'lt) tU, ~,.1' , ~ v ~ + USA a. Z.1 1i'U ! 1.,::~ ry r'!',1:1'1,a l+1~;,1.1.f~ C'-1 l~f:Ct ~ f;il ~1'C',,iel' 111.:;:' i~(;i10E;. ~ 0TH .l~.,InO',lt F + ~ ,1 ,11111, U..:v µ ''~1~.1r.1, , T ^ ,1 1i;.1's ,t111t01'l, '7Fv'l,On'aet~ J~~ .U+I:1 1"'I i. ''7 't(i I,l, i, I .1 i' Y•• Ll',Jan In ~1Cr ~ ,r F~ a L" k, ) I IE'• ~ ~ i _ a, ),1 ar~ irr. t, 1. : 1t „(1 Oa,i7 3. 'DJId c1 1J~ ::r. ~,lnt~')n Re 'IGa.:k'%11'e G"'~'iCer ~k10 !7 1' ~'1 . U: _i'i'I(;a „-~•'a'-~ ~ ~ . ' ')7.100`) lir_',i~, u:(~`.t l 1 ~ ~ i;'--'i,11 )rll'l;.,t~,1011 f 01 JteRl'1 D~P18 1 1 T, .rp., i ' ~ ~ _ a o y ..ar a1.1 or1) ale cu_~.lol c,d boy, to ~,nd i'ram +~~:~:~toni,J,, G. far t]°eat1ne111', ;.11 t''le ~t~,te Druho~JCdi,~ ilaspil~i.1. ~:v; . .t,.ifill~ a•p1J(,,.1r~~:: ~ ',:1c '-'c ~ - _~'.~i;;11.,1''i t(J ~1;~iC~' ;JCI]'n,~ .)'~;r' t,^:,~i C'. ~':ll~" I ' r, , . - , ~ l~+rt ? 'rtl ~Ii ~ ~ ~ LOi~ ,I'~'. ~ i i? i'Ir,i•~ r.i, J ..~.:;i0 /'C)"; (1 r;,11.i:'~ fi ;~j :',~1n / Tit .40i1~J1W23,YI(:E 'illtli t?r, ~ ~ ~ 1 ;rl ~~r-.na ~ ~e' u~, ,t f is ~ the ! t ~ ~ ~,tes ~,na i~obea t G,~nol(~s ~ T ;avol,It', I'e t' i t:1 r'~~' (f• .-i x , ~ i , L' . , _ A a $ 0 n1~Ed Jt' i) 1' 1 ' u t „ _ 1..11,1 ,r.t :.,,1,.. a '0 : UF, r, ~,I,S ~ }L;.tU~ >I ` 'laa~'~t LlTlan 'f!1au1at1 01' r•^ ~ r .1 1 a 'L ,eU !1 • ~0 S rU , hall T~1' Ltl ~:L].ii ~~(le 1c3.;'J C'~1G1:'',IY1.1f;nt i)'~if' r? ; , r.~ _ ~ sr ~ , 9BCln1E,, by LTr• I~iall, d•11~~ia101 ..,..1~ tfl(, e,ri ~.P.,. ~ .t: ..,;11n:x',li,+; t,t11a ~r_t') ~1L:P 1"~ "r' i)f~ 'C ` 1)0 (`,C",Ullx;: Li, 'r t nti~ ti ~ r ' tilF' ~,C~ul!';r,J: Y, , - x tl,e .lug, i~ 1,t;7,ap, ~ ~ °1.,Ct1 pn0>Q~...dph of sam~,'nclturr~a., i1i~tOriCa,:. (7r iilduatl"1~,1. - , . , It ~ .1 l) ,a,t)tJ,i , na O;i ~ other t?ll,%1 tI7C1:1' /:.17..iPl. i,''a'..i ;301nt tJ interest 11't111S 't~, 11 t,r ~ a n ta~"at:ler :with a brief'de:rcY~i~tian of the name ( 10 Ci~airV,l.•al o, i i ~l' ~]0~;~..Ol..e tU'- I)E err ~ " 1 u~ 11 :{.n', Iila,11Y1P' 1 rT ~ an ~ . BEd along ivlth n1n„ty-n,.ne others from Noxth Carolina, ,~ountre7 around ' tho ',•rM11'of thR` rases tiara rooms o#' .yen-' ~ n' ~,7 ~ :.t . , , ~ t1 nrl ma F ~ ~r~ 'T ale ~ „ , , ~ ,e du an rJ. . ~ ~ o.. f 1 , ~ j ..4 , ~,....1„ ~J,~• t7,1v ~.a1xa''v,. L,~ ~.)15..L,> r. `1(; 'ta,,, -raTh, S-, a i.'a a rn ~~"P Pi ~ i , ~ T ca 1L1 A v , pl?o ~aa~,rr l o t1i~ dot>> Gil~nic tl Corn a~.iY' s 1 1nt rr~i~ seTect~d. .lll~lE.,'+7~, ^f -i, I a., _ ..,ylla ,•tt,n, ill, y,~l,a; r~rlr.+' ~ltllt_GV..~, ' .J~ 3, >J upon .na~lon of ...r. Hint;oll ;,ecorlded 17T 1 . ~ 1. ~ ~ P , Y ate. , t'.1_ pa;~]lent of '~1~3,35 to a~~{; 1.~~ Jar.It;s .ioo,; :~t , az t,, ~ . ~)5 , ;1 ~ ~ i"-}llrhEi'11 ~7t a.ti: '~.11~1 T ~-r ~ c ra 7t r. , 'J J J . J . • ,Y r ...Lot, f:ar F,_.ye11.s„ f'or clat:lini; fivo indi~erlt pupila in State S tl rl:> 10r f ~i ~ in sisal c,. t''1e ve?r 1~3~-1,):a5 c~~~s a))rovi-d. 0 J1 iClll 1 Can I:ii,h ' ;j ~ ~ , a ~ i ~ r p ..J' ~.~.onded i,t'le L 'd i • j A, 7 U7.1. (4" ilk ;.r:nn ~ilf: .~'~l,~i~10:'l ~ } ; 'uJ~r~• fi '~J~ :;Q:1 L_ lei 1t'~ !lc' J x,.1..,2, as L11e ;;erorde:rs r ~ , t, ''w a'.L. , C,~tTf; .1,Lt'iQi~, 1,1j ~"1i?'C 0'J.l+ •~~bil. ~I'sll~,ai0:!" L11i011 !'3~1?:,,':1(~ LNOI7 ;lafi! 9T1 +7ti i.~ts T'T:,1,j., :)0~^.OYI~I?+~ ~))r ''r. 111,:11011 ;1, r8! 1185, Of !.i~.at,Vf.'~l ialll' ou ~ r 1n~ School OS' tl2e ~OU1. ~ ':ii:"1U)lnl,i'rl LI) '~i.oC1, ~ K1nS~t ~,t '`'rr ~•r r 7 ~ aU,-.C., 1J_ 7,11 ~_tpl,,rapri,2tl.at2 UT y~r0,.~~~ ;;n;!'~'~.l'~l i71('.Ot1t1~ 8J_pe11Je fOt tYIE enlert,~,inn1'.:nL o~> the cilil~;irell of Cac'w(:_l.l. ~1'rainin;, School C1lriutlna ].;33r~1 w.~ ~ r I T ~ ' n 01'u e ~ is ~p1r.)ved', c t,u ns11)1 the h it of ~r ti, i~ a a. ,`s.na '7 „ ~ ~[q ~ Q G~ 1a GftO ~Cl;.•~d G.1-i(,', (!n. ~1.;!1G r?liudl e.lt hw.l1 Of 10(, ~,U, bl0an )~l~J the ~~'J (1 (1 ~ , ;1rJ0Y1 m0:iar1 ' a , 'n i •ri s' r U6 ;J aa:r, „t1 V o.f _~-r. `l~.'asl~ .`.1:3 'a.LLp~V;} 0351 nl; 0Il , 71<'. u,l.,._ aC'Jctr'16 .,~•3 l'aIli1.,~1 ~1f s ,117ta1'1 t,."1t, hoard i1U'ti1G~' ae` C'Ji:Lrdt 11 I ~ A + l ,.1 t ~riE ~ i i p O:f the pe1~o11a1 t4-1~ of 13,lr.~L1C1~: C L1 e ~1 iaiud;.e 1)•~ ~ 1 ~ a a.~~.1;oUt .9~ acre„~ ',~1f 7.and, p<1r~t of Cr2~) s ~ , .1 ~ ,at +r~., w`~:,~J.~,O -auonboxa~ ~r~lrrnshin, f'r~r t~i~ ,;~sar 190,1931 ,;end I932 (aallourl~~;ir1~. Lo 0 3`' • ,<1 w, and 4~llovred ~ ,~Je~ I1-.~.t~ to ' , , , ,t..., ~'-ou~.UU •r. J.D,1~+'dwards' to pa the real est,ltp't~:l".~ orI he s~~.ma f , t' ' ~ _ 1u ~ Y 01 Bald y..ar., 1,1 .Jettlement ...~p3lOal)o00 cxeof, on aecounto~' 111E title t~ 'aria s;~id l<l.nc1 Il.tvin~ never vested in li..L . a3L1 Cl: , , i lJp 011 11111 1,';111 lit' .•:~l' • ,':as:j , °'r a~ ' , , seean-e by 1.11. Hinton,- t2 n) rr., , ~ t• za~ ~oe,ra thEn tools rcac.a;; aub~etiL _t'o the c~.il], b'f trle G1~' 1,~ i , e ' ~ ~ l i,. „ E v,11,1.~.s~-~,1 7`t:i ? I1,>trLli o t,'.z ~t ~ 11211C:1,rl t0 h~,11C~w u ;}lE _4~,~ , ~~eaaral .Reef Canning ma~;9;,r a,nd to' a • ~ l,at,Jt1,.,I„1a11~ ,Ise nli~vttE~' 0~ t~.l~;1tl oVe" and iIa1';ravlrl ~ .~iatltrl~l'12 t, , C On (1,n atiiCl' in::~t f;~°1'S t't1'.~t m , - '~,ol,.l;:'rt11u a.rl .>unsc~ idL'k in 'F~' ~ ~ C Y ay prop„rly_ I ,,o, ~ axq~_ ua 1mi,r~ve raa,(t ~eclities' to txie ail. nt~;r~sts and cgrti., b..lare 111E 3oard: ~ „t~erf:1C~... I 7 , f' u u. . -~~,,<°az>.a sdin~ and ~ ~ , tar ~~1m1n£ctE G1a11~Erou;;,,trltis?C irfl':`, 1,118 t1.L~..,~;e >ir , C 1 ,r' T. ~ V .r'1.e z~pu,~ ~,zU, .'a11,(:r ilosjtltcrl for tr r,~., ~ 'tdilminntoll, '`I.C. Deaerirbex 3rd 103 i ~e ma.>t,ll Of ~ ,~?v~~ s 11~.~~+ ~ a, sober w~tS ,~cCCived c'~?1tl a.(,„~.CC I~ It )OII 11101;: (';II I r .1. ` ~ , C. ,1y 3P,(,anQetX, Ca?1nUy o?lls I'iass r1 ,T,n , ~ LC1E r~!;11.';1' C?CE1.lV lileetln.~ a~ ttl~' 0~„ l4 to 116. ,ire , ,.,,:~a J 3 a~4i ~r.ze he7.l ~t s00 ~ ~.pi_ o t . l ~ ~ , , ~I Alts 101.1(1;'*'~ , . 11 i~ C, ~~(10(1 ;a!.d 1nw~~'arl •}1~ , ~-~eh'~• ~r, LL i '-,.r T,`,Ore CiIcilln t r c k rti .1.~7.t3a.I1 -,...'~?.~R,a I 7 r 4, ! for ,Iie tl'i(.l r a ae ~ t;rar Ln r,h2 ~ X7e1 11.' ta- 4~•1'l, iTeas ,~.1.A:,.a_., s...nU1JS ~i,.J, il' ~ i , cl , es t rJ_ two yveel:s be~innin~s ' I, 7 r.,1~.,.4. ''a;.,[t f~1'rel~. tyiaLillt~J :Lld;toJ.'r1~!.lrllli u,1,1Ce`t1 "t}x;: Lti _ a,,,,_ 7 ~ ~.t a~ 01. Y. eaDr@ tt1E: !SOY ar:~b~,p ( 1 t ',ry (p~ pp 11 a E 1 e '"8"1d f , ,1, , • ? . 1.Tr t'4e1 wj':, J6ir.L +.A wj in° 4i ,3111 Sr .L :.n .7 7 '.l, t t,nu 1a1 , a, _ 1 .;ual..xlc,.~~_on:; tt3 ,'1,,2~ r, _ t. sti, ~el(1°,i`E11. f'r~ „.yrG„ . ' -,i': 1~., ui' .t,r"t ll,.u {p. . U .1.1. V,1..:~~[['--• (f - T~~.`~ ~:4,1.N.. .1 J:j.L if ~ :5, _ - iT ~ ~l• U .li, V.I~Qa Y7.~ylcLi+~+ ~ i . )Q11 U.3 , . • ~t+,7.Clrv S,t`;,s~~.Q~itOils rJ. E- ,,r a- ,...ul .,71E L'n1tt..l ..t~Li es "'1110'1 ~ r U<~,"u.nt var:1`J'. T drJ~,. , 7 m i~ 1 0-. 1 a i J .C.'J+.n? : Ji•1- C..lr~, .~~.1.10:;t i t. /r r9v,1,.Bb;,1G1C, ~ ri"U :.Or~110Ilxt~: ~ ~ rl 1u( y,.At.,Cil2a(i.BS. V:, «'c).C-1~', ~'1 n (.1.. caws t~lful 3~.,, ~.1L.e , . , . . , . s . . o r . ,.:J.~ - 1' ,,.U.l~ar_.er. ~>..~~al1~c,' .,,~I.~ .1 ry k1ns, 1 easul~er ; a~ L- ,t,~ 1 . f1;Uane"~ ~ .ucr..+,ion 1:U,OtOU,r.)I) iy J • .i1 '1'reasul'aa` Or'.T.0ltlit + r' - . i ( .;ecanu l'~l:tl: ll(:celnl',' ~ c _ ~ 'cz1l...;, OJEj'.~.1) I, C1' 1.111 1 ]~i,a I .u '.~~U"a i~OC~1i1r1 Oi ,,i1,) ;:1 .1I:'.'~11i . 'r !~alx)11 ;.;,..iCIIlS 1~ ~ ' b C;l:a ( ~ v.ts, a,f1.1-.U'J J,. _ ' '.a0u~ ~ ~ ,i~ a,. ~ Jr.rt'ela., ~ ( il; lr.l'l,rt _ ,lc'" _.i+fl, ' ~.J?' . 1, cj as a"'~ aG t('.~', I~', .,.1:'.1,~ •al ~ ~.l...i:,yl(1:ICl. _;sl, ~ r" '..8 ,u1'rl,,. , u:;'~'0 il'.tU1•"L-~ •N!3;1 "i i;. ,'t ,i;- :,lU .:.0 , :U1'Tt ..Lt 11C1i „Ci. v ~O1 _ 11'_'(1 Oi ,',CJ1,,11,ili 1•r~ I~ 1, i;.i;.~3enuC1 a ,c~., .A:~L1Et7Ott. , ,.0 t•` r .;01^''11,, J.Uaei'a F i r,r, uh(.11 iicay. j: 10x150 ?:O~ bEl.,'~,i~,,t{etrn(~ ~ , ~,•Ztu. .1.1.1 U~: ~iraa :Jti~;LI[]l.t?:1 :1 'fi', i 'n 1:C _r? 1 , . , . ~ . J ~ ~ ~ , _ • i, it . ,,i r , ~ , . It ..g ' , r v ~.l.u . . ~ . t701'iliu G, l ~ L f , :.1„ Cif ~Cl 1. _ a 0 i,, ? I ' , 1 ' r, i. [ 11",l; s 1, 1 (.111.;11, ;1. ltsi~01lt= , , I i"'l, 7. '1' ' r 1:11Ya 1VG ( , r , °fl ~1'tb Il:l'e~il,' '111. ~ ( t11i..11'i,.,.',iu1'1S Oi' ~..,JIi."~:~ .11)11:'.:1, ,~Il(;I'i,,, 1LUC~~n 'l.)~'1~Oa'IJ P tJ en iZQ~O;,,'I1i~flr 3,'_j,r~ ,i1.1C1-'0 j r art ,Dii0r,l.iJ.I' i'IeIlI. ~`rC,7islw7i~ C!•;,., (v ;J ti. rl i. !~i. 1J. ..u.,l U:1 , + ,i1F'1° it 112 '11,~ t'IiU i ,:'t'~ iu 1 .,.1 , 13 ~ . i ~i:.1a- bond:. '.1 i t}.1 '!k~ ~----I)`/7~~~ l.r~},..~_ i4~F.L. ttOsly-.il.i'. ;Sl'•.2'C+,./i U-:'iii,: Pz oc~..~, 1~Q11a . , ,.,.,..,..,,r' a'~u On • • il~ >•'ae". ~_1k~i 4a!1(; 1v.J.an f.1i. It 7 . r t Vii, I ( atn ~ • E ''Lf::'~1}1~; 0:i' ?~'~r1Jr:,~l1(.r :;._°~;.1y"',i'~c7 CI'1°. ii~:.'Cia - '~1e~tirl,. oi' ~OQe171~?91` ;';~•~~,1 °~~4~7 nl;:~ ^LleCf• ~!r; :.r"1,~C1 >1:1C),. li;;~ !'l~ 'i ? ;i(' .,1 11,,%:., Uf i;i'1E' r;~:~.2'i: C1 ;01.15.1'~~' , Ji:~ifll:.i ).I)Yili;l n . ) 7 IG!'1J ~''ID1" 1tiU~,19T1 U.L ..1. .:.C'~-1.',1:7 'a C,Ofi'~r':LI i l'i l..)_.'Ly :LCD; UuUCl7 , 1 1:1911rr)G''°v I('1`" ~ 1 ,11V1fr :C'~":~T'~~ Q ~:1~',C-,.I,C#~0;3 ?:f„;~~, « `~,il rr: ~ , / i j , ~ _ - Gl'-;i j :I?jll. ;9ti.,tiliJi:.', ,,:i.) '"t?t':~'1~.' ,I' 1 .'•t; .'JCIw t:or~l.,,;, I~e~lnrl~;,on, 11t.:~'~~.;/r~11•r;ter{Gle~•]~: t~~ I,t~' o~'"ui~s`~~, '~s.~ , . .l!:1~.; ~ ~~t _ , _r ; T17 ~ -'S:':.i • .;.I';i101.t:;; y:CE~~a~ u:a' p~' ~r;(;C~~ 7 ll:l~.l~i1f1 ~i~~r .Cl,~ 711t;,,'~,~~T R1 ~C~~,ti r`11,,:,}„1,~~,71 '9°f' , ,1 1. 1' , _ll r 1 i0'ill';A1 f~,~. Y1~~Y'„' ';"l.'''T"1,11{) C):.~`l: ~ ~,flC i'r"I,~~: 'F `P ^i~~l -rr r-, Oil , ~ f d 1 _ ~ i k, t 0 „ C , t Ci _ .1 01 • w f.r , r; , ~ " uw 'i r r rep I y i , " - u,1 :i01tgl i)'a ,l ;t11ar,:,J.t ;Ou.)f 3t1'.tf: f ..7• -'sL`T<Ut:,~,''aC10L~11113.t ~P _ _ ~ _ L_1 ~ i - ry, Y 1.J qq ~1 t d ,a U 1 ~;i ,..,1~..,1i tl Cl ,1.1~ 1 17- ; , ...111,1,) ,-7 r I i 'l, e c1, J f. xx ..~"'~'~',:7 .r.t ~ .77 1_.~) .J. J.'! 1 7.. U:):.7.. Ix.~f ~ ~r t ,I..; ..I ' T r ~1'T~ rx~ na. .r - . , ~ ,10' ;r. f,, Ltl^ ...-`i~. J Ul,'~o<l , z C{:Ltl~C, u~97. t~.. ~ E:,> + ~.ts, i~~ L'~ _~r),I11117.;i:, `.017t;J':i . . r r 0i.:.OVl;,1"1' U1: I,.,.:i,~. UQiI?~`) ~;i7,•r.1.'i,: 4.1~ ~ '~J,1 l J-7 f' } r ri', ~ , . 7 7 I I f f .b(i. ,,.;til; O1 ."~}4~af1V 0f: ~7 t.~"?-G,. rrf' LM.IiC~ 1T1 ir~~nu~4' 1~ t~--~~ rU• .11 Li i,llf;,`IY1 ~1,r .1.1:`s ~:'0'~t I.~rf,~, ~`J .~I",rr0,~:~~ 1 ~ ~ r ' ,n r r~ ~ y _ f f 1 J;' • ..1 ~I,JIa , , ii,. YID; 0~ ~:1.,..,.x 'Z~., Ur~~.i 'n~~.ir,. r, 1'.E'T1~,`1 4{.Y. ° ,i ~.1'~ .I,J.Iv;~ _..Y1.1,~ ,,._'.4111.1_ ~J 1..1,11 ~ ~ r .Gs,lu; 1 .4;>~.J:l..:).7;. )i1 C:i rt..~ar)J :i! 1° )5 t v Il s ~ ,W; Lt'1{~ ~.F,71t7 ~ l n~ ,lll' ~ 1r.I t C r, ~ ~ ~ _ J„ t]..u~ ~,..t~,;....u. .w~ S'l~lr,~ 3 r, Yl IJ. 71L )t~. ,1~. ~tl YIE tlln ~ I r t I 1'r r'^ 'r 5 a;+', ;k a •1.; a. f s i.~J, r, t.l. ,c a.. .1.nu1,T.,'_tl.riw r , ~ ..u,l'~~I .,1' i a M9in lrill,< T ~ ~ ~ J, , !1'.t... , a 1..t7 «i"', i i'a J.1J~., t , Z: ' 1 t 01 {'(ri,~ .{1,>w1OG';v3 :L1SI1,3 ilGGl„u:.1CrLlt, 1 .tn~:l ~i0 (~1' .:i "'xCtJ, '4Ci Slll;t~; a ~ ~ J, J;r L y_• i'IP C1L : `tlS:. _ :;„19; 4,1{J ( 'r~ ')on:';1C1 ,J.I,~J11 i7 if ( ( r ' I ? .t 1 ' i,'r 1 r - fi+.` ~£r j 5. i 1 .G , , ' ~V )~.?et~ ~ t•.U•. (1.: U.. ~:'1.i., V T it i '1 n,,r r : , ' ,,y f ~ t 1~~.a, .l:l .`~,'nar,.l't,~. ,~a+lii tiCjR1:~~,Y'1 ,r. U,1" ,1 N "01 .T, ~'1.:.,3,u_ 1, i J. 1; ' ,r ,f c7,., ~•,l''I i• 17 - a, _7 .,r1Cii' E ~ y1 .t~ ,4i-91 + :.x`1~.? }1 1) r ;'C7 J . r , ~ . . i, r ~ + r,; ~ 1 . -~Tl r .,1 I ~ ,)l~'.;r~Jl) ~rlw-1'1?:7 ,.`,:,t, a. J1'1Y1 1.r.1,1, 411.~a a,1C; 1~1r, ,I1*~r11 i'1-sr, ;117. I i` r,` ~ ~ . ~ - 2 , ~ ~ i J i r Cll., . Giau• ' : „ ,~J1. '~°,L+.i "~U[;,., d`..1 _~?'IJ;7. :_r~ - i';,. . :I-.T"ir f I .I., 1 T.V ~ r ,,.1~ , : l ,,...:.1 :L,..II,t.:l,b !'T .1 I1 , _ ! ~ ~ .3 P ^ r, ,.ra ra"~ , } ~ ~ dl , ~ r .T,.. J ~,l..W. r i r , - ~ ~ M~ .7 ,i-~ r<xa f ~ 4i5 Y ~ 1. - ~_Q1, ~ ~1 '.,rOL~t1G ,J .7.. v,.Lt ° M ..~jr,,,.l ~7 7 u.i~uu.:."5. r'tr.. bJZ +.1, ~:x,l',.il. ,.r rAl,l,a Ga. .,.-1,???"~). ii 1. ..,.1~ 1'..f v aa.t4J,,,,,;, ? ~ a 7 (.i^ , ~1 , iC1 I(LJ,ItWi lO,i.i C7 ~.E'~r _ 1 r ~ ..:,PL ,i l'l E. r,1 ,.I ;.1 r. •?(.1 tr'f i~ rv d.. 't-. ~1 ,4 ~ ' ' 7 ,c' •Y r., ,'i).., O% ,i"1 .'.l r~ '~i1'.r, ( ;1 •,i r• ~ r - I -r- i. Gx 1517 O~ f . 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I a ~ ' ~ 7 . n iG ' _ U . ? w' au ,.lay z~. ,,9n1;.-- 1 ,1:~ . {J.:.i~ r~' ;.r Vt , - 7,1neti ~:T: t 2F} m . n 2 ; t?i5 v4., ! air n , , ~i1~ ~ .h:-,a It ,:':C''.'3•a(1 x:10 11i"~. ,x ~.:4en~, G )x.h. ;r~1~1.?T J _ y ',tc.,= 7 ~;1 ...a, .-.?'tea ,1 ,y. . , ^ .,.li:i.. l., ._.:1.C11':e I.~ t~ ~.~:i' -;.;.'-,'ra..7. n rr ~°1 t,r ~r . n. ^'4.. - . . n;rlli;" :,a.T' 11 ~ ),tc~.~~ C~'7'IS OS 117a ~n 7, i, i,, :4 ,r '1Ct , ,J 1..11 1.4J~.1 l l 1'71 r)f Ia' it i~ U i~ , i t; !I, L,),. _lrr L f I i t :9u~f .~~:Ga''.~'°.~ . t f .1 r, , ;0. s r- _ 1, i ,f: ~t~ ( I,a;1411 1 _ ~tlC I ;:Ilc' ni , ~ ii; i.;,":,: -?i:L 1' "'Inr ~ t),r. ~ " a .1~,1 l.1QV`F;?1~{ c .ir_>u..a..,;w J. .)~~~t) x1... U17 1Z.3 I,: r',.. ~ 1. 1 w A i. Y, 1 _ .7 ..J}7 J i?l`~11i 1~1~?iii 'i;1 7. StS . 1-'vv l~ 9l r''lrj~:;n ~t_ ii ( J y Y ~t,(l J1'l~(ti:l l:. .r~i.117 i!_,I'a i:a('rp~ .~rt~?l .,v2 ,9...17 5., U. , f a 011 J - _ _ , Q. ,r~~ ,.t) Il t~; .~OIB f ri'..7 ~ rTa , s ~ ~ 7 ~ . ~ . ~ i h r n „1 ' I~ 1 r. . _ , ( 1~ t~i 1,! ~ 1, . 0 1' ~ r': ~ , n - ~ 1 i, s, i, 0 i t I , 4.,._10~r'i,:i.P a. U _ .,Oa,~7 a, -,tL _ 1_- ~ ~ ~ _ . ~ • t. ~ , _ - :t~ -i.)+: 0a , -,1, ~ n,r t .r ,a;S~._-. ,~;,.:3 ..G.la'..a ail 9'09inw , ~ , , . t ; ~ , - i , 1 t a tA~ r :1 .C.. .~.~1± ~I r'9 nC1° k't J 5~^ ~ , :J ~~Ij~ yµ~ f: j. 1 4?' sl : r^ 1 a d '.'J u ! ; ,j. _ 1. r);1 I, r 1 r , , I f lt.. t; .1 S 31 i n i . U I; d l 1 ° .,.1. 11~ w...9 ~ t1E, •.{T~a~• O1^ ~ ^T ,r y as i ~ r J , t ; t~, ~`)1 u 11.. 8 t.T C',1' ,J,.1, a., t', r v t , .,1 r..:.:o, w. '?11,', ;7.111 ' I~iL -n/' r _ _ . - I~t`'° J a, f' 1„1 f . r. _ } t; ~:lJi_, it _ l~l ii E., 1..'rt l',r `i ia,t',:L, ~ 1 I - ; -.r Il(,~t,•., I ~i , ~ y'~ I'1'~' Ct, , e s r t) . i.. l,l ;t J~.«r , (:n>3 t , - , ~ ~ r r,'_' } 1 u u j ] G. gat Ci } ~ 1 7,Pr' is F g, ,ll A ,11 ,IJ ,C ~ tl.,t' FUr, ~•rY.fs tt, k ,f v ax~i„I `,1 , ,,L~~ . r~,l, > - „ if ,i t; ,r. ac . ~ . , _ ;,e :.o `,c~ j r, e :L,, ua.r_' .1 , r. • J 4 A,. .xhh 1} 1~,..~1 I', • , , ..r , , . 4 . , ,,a a., ~J t ro r: ,.r f r ~ ut (Ir~) l I - d _ ~ !i, ikt1:, , r")r r,:, : i ~1~: ('l. ~ ~r1 as . r•''• ~ !tP-11ni~ r ir~i , t. 7 tt It ,r , G ~ t ;tiQli IJa , J~.Jt! sr,.,~ti'~ .~T,ti ['_hata ,tit t"I1>arr n..'I'G. ':1 OC";~ rYf:'.:" .i' tG G;1„'P .`fa," n' i ~ ~ :a _c .V, , ~ ' ' k f, ~ [ ~'r.1,~,nCi. - x :I` L.!'tL.: I .t { G~: d t , d' , 4. s, 4l frlt •a..ta •9t , •t t! , ! , . , . t , . , r • ~ , , - ~ .4 r ',r11, 1'. ,i'~ t}~ .,La{171 ,,I:.,.':i1 .1't .:r, .1r},i„r G 163.',i~~'ti i''~ , J - x J J 1: :.A .x a, ~1w, JV 1J rt, E 'il. Y~I, i; '1. ,r, _ k - . z. ..>~,L' ~J.l;s Ff,6.', pit t~Yi3"1?.1 UG. u~....t Gil `.1C; ~'>1r~_. 'fr, {t „ a , f u rl fa,~ i ' , ~ , + ~ . r~ "A , .L.r~ w.x.,J-r}~(.' :alJ ii1.},~~ i.iu, , .I+,.: a~ i '7 ~ 7-. y ,fx ~ ~ / r~ i. ~f) ' Ik ka..J .1! NkJ. t, i y: r. „ ~ I f .E.....,1 i' 1:I . 3 , ~.V ir, .b.t ~,I f i, ~ ' iLE 4~~(,`.+.,~ ~ LJ,. 1L+. 11 L... r. . ; Jar J'.rl i. Y..iJ. r}~' ? rya ~ / , „ ~ + ' . ~ I i , , rv. r i n ...3 V,r oe.h l?,: ~ .l`~ awa i'.. t... .r'~T 4. o, ~e!'~/1',q~ - :.;(i ,fs .L _ i t _ , _ , [ . 1' . , . ~ F3c11;- G.t"I ~.,'ie~ '1~, 'G c;~`ty In t3lttil: .I , , , r r,; ti:l ~ ~1 .,.kr ~ce al; `r.., ,s, ~'.i `1i1. ,,t: ~ ,"f '}gyn. ~E- .r 1•', °'~r i J . , + ~ v , .ate, ' 7 It~,~ i.t 3p J~`v.'Ul. @'~ r .,t.':'E•j a C,'1~:. _ , _ 7 , 1 , . ,.xww W~•.~.t1 C,.r!... r tJ ;U-;{.`.. i,.U xJ+. .i~; r,-, ,~v ~rJ T',L C'G. I: Iv t • ~ _ .c . t R ' t t+a .+w1"1{. , .,Y' t L , ' ~ a". _ i. E)` ri} Lu _O k' _ka .0';.'1, i?, 1CG ;alga ; ci9 V 1 ~r , ~ , ~ ~ - r : 'F1,, i,l;i Iivir ;tt!!e ~.r.~ 1+= :.,.c I.J„rr73. [ 1, y,p C~l,: ~ C1 ~e ,;.ili , _ , .C,: `'w f'; 't (3Y .eta ~ ! ~ _ ..~,~u,C:r.._2. ,r~... 1~ I,....} ,+J., J.. , ,;;tt tk~'° ~ I ~ ,j _ j Y x~ 4 .F~ v 1 x.~s},k ~l~ G,.,r. I,t,_~..t. t :I : ~ k a. . - . ;.~tyJ t:rr)C: Tr ;l• : ~ s ,.u,., I - J i z -;J L, „ UYi 1. w , n.t . , , r ' l t _ L,- tr c.f , ,,4._ ,,„r.-,. Y,.. r., i..-. V ."..~rl-(?1 .,,wall! „ _ t1 r+. ?n - cr _ w.lrw u .Y It i, 7.:;;f .fi.~ .~J..Z I.. rL.• .a il~,. tllca a7. T: .4 J ' 1, ,,.,rr ?s (t .i k, „ta ','^~Y`itP:l+; ,r'~ + ,..,,w ~ .a. F. u-. Jam. -,:.s.. __fx?.,1 ,t L ~Itw R?.v CJs t1 f', r.. uL, i Y 1 ' }~{?r,y T° .C - F'3 ~ ff't•^ 9 , f,' u , , . E 1:. 4 t.~ s to rJ e .t. _ k _ , ~ . ,I . I „ , a r,-,r~ a.~ n ,-gin • . a ~ ..Z-rv- 1. a_.... L. . r t „ f , i , " I. . , 'r r. e. •s~ .x't u ..e ?,i"1 , ~.,1,.. 1.. , ir~.. , - ..`Vfi ~ -:3U ;S pr.. I ti q v.. 4..,~ ,.Ct;,k ,t xl,,,x : .,Y,..~., y0 a.~,.. _ ...4.-.i, t_Y ' r, R.L. II ,e. 111 t ~ '~Ga , , , r'~-, ,s ' ~ .0 x f ~ w ;7,r,", ~srr_ ~,=rte,.. ~T, ,:r _ ,r.~.x__- ,w: tG .-L. ~1 k,,~'. a, , :1 :.s ~.i. u.. v:tta , _ t'. !J ' ~ ra . . ,I - ry yy 1 , ~ I I..~'...t . ~ Y.'j 1./~~ i,yo 4t tr.l i; i~ 1 ! t`t~4 - i 1 " i', ~ , ~l , , - . a Jlk w. .t.'. / ~ I ! ,.l :l'- 4 , , ..v .s t1 ~ ~t tl .~iCJ V- i~rl F.' l; f i t, ,F. z J.t - r,. / I' +-e. rnr rFp1rF ~ , YI ~ Y1 _ ,.1,_. a•„ „ , , ' ' r r e r,:. _ S . ~ ' 'm 1 -.J r', ~ .,i;.'. r'~ Y',-' A. l" l: ! _ _ i., ~J. :b _ 1 'E''„~. } :r ~ ~t •~lU I , ~ 1 ~ r ' . ~.I:l,: 'NZ In. I ~ f, ~ 1 , ~ .t' l t f 7k - r jl I i J , ' ; - 1 / G , _ r 1. ( . I i : k' 't': ~ l,. , „ it ,'o, I I, , , : : r,, ~ _ _ :,f ,Jilmin~ton, N. C. December; 31st 193&. c r J r . , ~ - - 0. xir, r , , r. , ,~i . , , , , i .....~Gz t~ 5.. ,,:r1Cu--_ t;F't.~ .1 i1 .Y~' 1 ; r•, L ' I r r :l_w~. t,, , . . The re ular we 1 ,r ~ 1 ~ ek y meetzn~ of the Board eras held ~,t 3,00 0 clad, P,A~. ' , . i ; I y , ~J ' f t . , . ~rt~tJ~~•: i~ rcrr;-ct n` Present: ~ , nddi.,on te~rrlett Chairrrian, Geo.~J.Trask, Jas. H~~7.1 and' J,I,Hznton and F I a~, _n,eo~xor~ rat ra,~ 1, ..,n ,1 ~ R ' L I r t al ~,r.4:. thw.'i.`yj. ~ t,~:,}, rri :l A.. 1=' -;,,'1 r .;I H , 7 • i as,s, I i a V t;~, S r !7 Y' 0 ~ a r. t) v- _ f _ _ ...or.. :.Upon motion of ' r H; n La ' _ , t n ` seconded b • ijr. Hall the Board' ave per i . I , c.~~r.cTilJ t.re -L<s-e r'~' .r. ~ &~;;; . - r, s y ~ ~ m sszon t o bur I w,. y ..Yt v~....1...,L~t',.£. ,.1 ' C.' ~:tte ..a } 'n I ,,.I' t.t Y .J.,:iltt, hl .v .~tir~...,, ~ :I'. J,illam Ritter e ..o> o: , ~ r, M, ~ ,a colored resident of Phzladelphza, in Oak GroIIer Cemeter for the r t . r ~ ,ea<~e,~ 1, , Ir ,r, , , , , ~ . . Y, reasa.i . , " , A. ..o_. L_ _.x, ~r. that o her members of'his famiL• ire burie there. ion I• .~et^ca.[~v: ~ ~l t ' , , _ ,~,,',J l~ X11 r, t x , 1 r r , l ~t~ill; ';G I I:.t '1,ii ( ~irr~ I (r ,R; t i ~ _ t - i 1J r ht>.. ~ r, i ' ` h r ~ , - ~ t~ty r J Re uests of Pair. . rooks for a reduction of assessments on buildin s in blocks Nos l ' - _,,J~ I G; and 151, on account of their dilapidated condz~zon, were upon motion of lzr, Rosa e _ , ._i: _l, ..,c.L~ 0 1.-.1 1.: r'~,~. ar , s conded :38 • by Air. Hinton, referred°to the Tax: ~,.ssessors fox investigation and re ort to the 13o r s p a d at _ts tded at its 1 yt,;~ + ' a' next meeting 1 , . ~ . ~ L 7~, . ~ I, { Upon motion-of P,~r, Trask, seconded by Pir. Hall, the request; of So onion B. S',er r t nberger,,~sq., ' l v~r;: ru\. nut.. an adjustment be m~~de in the' taxes "on .the ro ert of'Est f , ;er ,Esq., ` - P p Y 0 H~.Bishop, nloek 1B6 ~ on'account of the.. , ~ d~.lapzdated condition of the buzldit~~~ ;was rr..erred: to the .Chairman J. `186 , ' # ,llr}.l~tc} ,_:,:;a. , , ~ , ' to fake t , , l.,;:,..t ~ he matter u with h / p e Czty Commzssloner of Finance, wit}_ the view of v~ioxkn out ~ , _ _ . , some method of adjustment ~:nd report to the poard at a subsequent meeting.' s ,.:v e t, , a;Gi:tl;:; G1 ~,(Ie ~'4„s_><: ,a „Yw'r -t ' r° .t 't 't_ L' out t Ck Ci.C,:. ~ . { ~,,r..:~,a Upon motion of :,'x yi ~ f _c,~o•r,; , . I. nton, t1e County ,telfare_ Officer was authorized o secure clothi , N ~ . , I ~ rt,; .7w~~. ~ z 4~s1- ? - - - ~ , th ng from ,;,c~..,,r.~:,,...,,:.Gl.~ ,,,t:ca V4:!fr.r.=a~~~~ e,County-Home for_Nathaniel Kin colored eh~.rit anent r ~g f rom g Y p, zn Jas, Plalker Hospztal,~,n order ~o return him to his home at Armour ld, . ttie t. a.~ u '@ } `=r't L.1e 'r~,~ lint:. alt., 1. _ , _ , i ~ t2~a ta., t:~ t? Q' , r =,a ,arC:•: 'fir ,r,° 'r • , , u r= , t.:, 1. :i : F ~ v c~ e+ t • . ~ t~ r L T':i« L ~I on mo , .,.N,,,,.~,,: k~.,. p Lion, duly seconded. the Board a roved the a-went of 1 v,}c N~;z case ~ , e, ; _ _ , 1,_ ~ pp P Y $ 6.94 to the`North Caroli Y~J a>rorn a na; ~x.l,..,...r.~J~ ,:~aLe~ ,4 OI! ct.n,?sec~.;1. In ,.z'fII,~. pd~G .7an8,t02'1U711 for b0 Ana, . ' thi; a'~,~a ct?st,i _H~:,il.. , , ~ ~ ~k ~,_a es and and treatment of JT,Helclier from December 2nd t I , ~ _atrt~c, ',ttilrt~ ~t~~o- -Y,',, x.+,, x . ; , o January 2nd. i ul'GGltrl~?d ~3`v' ~rti;.,~ 4 1, t_z,~a,a' '.t.6ret .,L'.~ 'ltj;,an i10 C'„ (i _T1~0.., , v j. z , - ;,L tr I. i:.C]ur ".y,~ r , i.: r G:it U on m0 ~ ' ~:~tGk...,~ =o~:~ in~e._.z ,~~,i_~ a tion of t,r. Trask secon'ed b ~Ir. Hinton` ,t st'}~Ne,,,x, , „ , Y ~ ~ ve a thorn to rent c - ~ . ` ~ , p _ the Board a u e kn.. , °"i-~' 3 small house on the. Blake land adjoining the airport, to Hr Hootat a re ' - ntal of_ X1.00 l,^,t _::I " t I per v~eek, :with the understo.ndang that he zs to vacate the premises at an tm 1 v t,,; FJ ' ~ e e c. ,;~r~ , , , c..c , _x: ,~,w ,~t,l' ,',a,.,.. r'7 ~ 3 , , County may ne°d the- s~ e ©r , , 0 ,,11, ~ ~ - c, a~n f other'purloses. j~ 1 d.T U'.'1 lVitl., ,nr ,L- ,O~tlvy~L''1(7i! %1 lt.v~._ , t ,C<4 ,.i. ,L 1G !i ~ G:,,~r. l::E',.: Ott 1.:.1 y~ ,,,i s . , „ • i ~ i ',,u ~aN.;..t<i ~:~';s te',"l;` t, i r1,1, , li, Upon motlo Of 1" - ~ ~ _ , I'~. ; I , , +s,- ~ - ~ s .,l.otl rto ~,i'o;,, J• s. int on, seconded b,; i'rr. Hs,hJ:, ti:e ` estat of .Edward.':' ,1, , _ / ~ Davis wv,N released from payment-of enalt r for not lsti ` xo ert in b , p Y_ ~ P P y lock No,149 for '4h ,a.sed e , .year 1934, on .u , acceunt of having listed ether ro ert and throu h-error thi ' i i ~ ~~a. t~~a':; ,~~',~i u'a~~.h~ p p Y s 'tras ted t ii. ~ 1 _ ~ lA v '1 } w i i. I 1 .l l ti I. - J ii t, x ~ fRt, S UAOn ~:i: ~~,~;u„~ , ~t~.~t. u~ :1 ~_r c: ~ - ~ ~ motion_of ~<r. Halle seco de i : ~ ;:l u { , n d b ?var. 'H nton the :payment of 19 b ~ . ~ am 3 _ y frilli I ~ „ i ~ ~ 1 .7 ~ _f is ; - f 'u, •Fi to Brid h I , ~ zei, ~1177t.u gam for;. Landsca a '1 p .5ervzces, bea~._tzfyzng Green~feld Drxve, was approved. c,. , ,C I 4 ~ _ , , , . . , la ,~~1... . , ~ , , ~ ~ , , " Upon otion _ _ t , , , , yen o ~~2 d c ~a~v ~ dul seconded ah .:Board ov , Y , e al pr ed the 1%a m ~ p0 t' t f o An revs i~'Iortu~Lr ` i for tYie bur' YJ~' F > , lal of Nits. Fercy Zetrris. °Y t r. A ( , I-. l } (j ~1- t C.. ~ 0 a , r • ' „ n ~ ~ , , S,, t 0_ a ~ 1,1 C Y:'~`: ~ 4 i rl:~ , _ ~ .~~_a, ~t~eru ° ~ xC ,ItYI.°,,,a ~ ..c: :u" Ir., ''II . - r.L., , ~ 11 ~.'.,1 i.L : - •~t,, .....r':i• .:L ~ ta~ll~th ~.`'1'L.I~, i:..;.~,~Lt wG.. Yr5"v~~~l : I' „ , I'~ n 1, 3" - r' 7 I „ , _ ~ , , ; a ~11 ,w ~1 • :il, vV 1 f - i. ',ll , wtl So ,..l.il ri ~ l,h,. ~^'ti n-l, s:4; ' , „ 1L' 11 ' : i x l l'" ,,llrt; ; '~.'u., . ~..,w ~ _ . _ _ r. ~ E . Meetin of December 31st 1934, continued, ' _ g ' _ ~ 3-17 . ~ ~ of Januar 7th,1935, continued• heet~asg Y , ' i !s U an matron of fix. Ross, see ended by Nr. Ha 1, the matter of oarrectin p. Ban error x T a k econded b Tr H nton he :Boar a xoved the a ment of 1 't~' i the division of t:~e land and buildin s assees~ent of Ike U on motion of I~:r• r s., s y N. ~ i , d pp , p y appearing. n g ~ ssrs..Id.JJ•Divi .p ~`~CCxbett `block 533 was referred to, the Chairman tc make suc ne X36.35 to Iir. Gordon Van Schaack fox personal services rendered Greenfield Dzive and ~ ~ h than es ~a c y p beautifiaation project. arrections necessar and with ` otiver to act. g and I f, , i ~ 1 'o u Upon motion, duly-seconded:, the ,paymen ` of X40.00<to the Moore-Fanvielle'Real Upon oration of l~r. Hinton, .seconded by Tdr. Ha11, the f ollotiving re5o uti n .was. nan mously ly • tY a ` ad4pteds far: rent of four offices in the Carrell building. at ~1Q00-each for period from t December 7th, to January 7th, account of Relief Administration, was.aPProved `NH:EREAa The Federal Emergency Relief Administration has turned back to the oaunties r t 1 r Ha11 the Clerk s;ras i the res ansibilit of rovidin re ief for its indigent arsons who'are-unable to woxk, Upon matron of ICr. Ross seconded by , nstructed to p Y p g ~ P , furnish p ifi d as Iznem.lo• ables b the administration and ~ J:H.Boatwright Bc San., upon adva.ce of the County Attorney, a certificate statin ' who a,r, cla7s e ~ y , , that, trrth :reference to his- surety bond ~706T0-07.334-32, LIr. '~'Jilliam "lienk + en h as ~ ; f e H ov th e :-er o cute h rit' ~ fir. 1 properly performed the' duties of his office as constable of ,FJlluiin,;ton ,townshi ,Jti~EA~, The County o N w an er, lance e m r f ,the Aso d C a ies t'~ ~ en in a inst him b ..the Count n with the FERA, is without-an organzatiar. to make investigations and render service to ~ and that. ,r.ere-are n,, suits p d g ~ Y Y, ar has any alaam ' 1 ` 1 been made upon said bond to the' Board` of County'Cammiss~aners. ,the County s poor, TN.EREFORE_ BE IT , ~ 't-1 fox December was received and or • • -RES~LV~D That the Officials of the Associated Charities be, and they are hereby r n .report of Jas•'tJalker Haspi a dared filed, , i ' requeoted, to resume operations and function as it did pxiar to its mergex witrt the } U on motion du1~ seconded `fJ,B»Ze~ri Ater 212 yicRae Street wa°~ ranted Federal Emergency; Relief Administration. E p , J, a , , C an .abatement.. i of taxes on a val'aatt.on of ~1$S.OG household and kitchen f'~~rniture listed-in .error far `~I ~ , the-year 193'. 4 . ~ Tne Audit Report of County Officers prepared by l~tx•Edward C. Craft, C.P.A., for- fiscal ,year.ending June 34th,1934; and also office of the Clerk of` ~upexior Court; to Aecember I , 3rd 1934 vras received. The follo~rring good and lawful citizens were draern to serve as jurors in the Su er' : i p for y Court for the trial of criminal cases for vreek beginning January 14th 1935; ' The County's Auditors cash report<for December was.., received and ordered fY1ed. O.I~Prid en `JJ.Ha~antromer ~ g r ~ Y 8.~.;illliams.:r.S,V-~ughn. r~.R.'Je ls. Fred Little, -Upon motion, a bill for 8,14,00 for personal: services of Landscape Foreman, ~."J,J.Brrdgham, i J,HJohnston: J.:y.I~Ickdams. J.E,Evans, C.B.Davis dlil lard Aell,,. 3.E,Frady," ~ rendered Greenfield Drive beautzfxcation pro act was` ap roved fox a ant. Sa-- eigler,Jr, H.Ludham,. ; R.L.Letvis. L.A.Hanson, ~,,J F ~ ~ j , p p Ym ount~~n. _ J•L,Burke• Y Emory..J•tJhi e. R.,r.Biddle. E•B.;~Iurray. J.~.Bullard. C.H.Davis» J L 1 T F r t, . »Baldvrin, Leon oration of Ir:r, Hall, seconded. by I~r..iinton,_ the hire of dice Johnson, serving a ; Harry E.Shepard• Ghas,Fi~nkelaten. C.HStanland. Joe Pollock, 'JJ,J.Lac ~ • i y Tb,E,Block, t'.velve months term on t.le Catznty .Farm =with the privile e of one Commissioners to hire - g ' Roger !~J.Hewlett, H.A~arr~ngton. L.B.I~Iintz, RC.Pickett. H.~,Slaith. J 'A , , »Boesen, out after .serving six`mo7iths, was authorized. C,DRivenbark. ;'J.Pd.Blanton R f. - r' ' , .x.ld,.ne B,T•Granam, P,.T.t~al__er, ~{.t~,Kure.: , ' ~ Upon' motion he Board' did not look lvith favor u on the exhibitn of a "WALIfATHuN" r p g The meeting then ad,lourned. I sr:otrr in this-county. 1 ; !1 ..:_..~_1,~ ~ ,r r upon oration of l.,r. gash, seconded by I~~rj-Hc,11 `the ~atate of GeriE•Burnett blocks ~J , , a , C,lerk. ':'Jilminotan,il•C., January 7th,1935. F x,35 and~49 way.granted an abatement of taxes':: an a valuation of. X1050.00 arsons) Pro art erroneous) char ed o a ,p `~:~e re;-l.ilar vree. y seating of the I3aard eras held at 3;0'~ o'clock P•i• p Y ,Y g as n t listed for-the yeaxs 1931-932 and,1.,33,for the r i ' - reason ..that ,the said amount represents Goods,Wares and Lierchaxidise in store,'- listed for .for the year '1930Geo.E,Burnett died: Dec:,31;1929 and:: the stare ra art transfer ireaent: i~ddison He:vJ.ett Chairman Geo,`rJ.Trask .Jas 1d Ha 1 ' p p Y red o , , 1 and J.H,Hinton. >Col. R~.iricClelland Tlovember"`5th 1`9 0 Bi11 ' 3 ~ Nos1441 to 1580 were appra,ved for payment, { The mPetin hen ad ourned, g J r',equests of tli@ 7tate` ASSaciation of Count, C'~~;missionexs and the Eastern Cu,rolina , J ' ' k Chamber of Commerce fox contributi one to pay e,cpense of having a repr„sentative ut L.. yj,~ I i Raleigh durir~ 'the present session o~' the legislature tc aid in securing legislation Clerk. , for he good of'the State and use his efforts to head off 'detrimental le~-i lotion s , • ~ 'lrrere received but not 1 ` s- a ooked upon. ~ritn favor by the Car:imiesioners'.` , .i ~ y , J f ~ , i r, Upon motion of ht_r. Hinton' a ~r . ' , s conded b ~.r, Hall the'Board rov th ''~a ant of ~ ~ _ ~ r Y , aAp ed e r Ym ; , . u w,, ~ _ . a... ' 4 C;.~ G ~-..c. ~12~7o to" 3~..ckson & Be11 Com all for eighty" bn b ~ , i P Y, ~ ~ .oks, Auto Test Records purchased y _the Sheriff far the use in checkin u o , t~ . , , : ~ , . _ v..; Fl; , , , _ . ~y J g p n auto lights .etc. , . ~ I t u • .u ,L l.'. ..4 is„F. .11, Jt~.~..-.. ...,J.~., Ali ::t f~.~.. ~'~u.:3 U~s~~t~, V . . Al-°'~~~i.~ _ ~ . . . a t. ' [ ; Upon motion of 1rlr. Iiinton sec on d r ~ • - C _ • de by,ldr• Ha11 Hum hre Bro hexs of Bur a„r il..,,, = ~.c ~9t~,zu ~~,`r~wrr ~1Y,~,,., _ _ y (/7!' p a e ~'x~~,'t a~; V , > ~ u~:?yLt°i r,1..}C, 41} it~.:.iU 1,,'F. 7, t nCti , V n i., i o n „ „ were released from payment=of ena.lt for no ' n~ Q ~ . , i p Y t listing lot ~ 14, in block ~~100,, wf~rr~,,...~d }-t>• . , . :.ic',,.,,-,-,. 1J ,..d. ..,...1a1C': u.u ~'°I..E}?. 't ..psi T.ird 1.1 ~!'~'S i~21 .t 4,rG tU ..x~,1'vld pane;; ' Carolina Baaah for the gear 19x4, an account of bein anon aesident t,,,,,~ r t,:, i ` sr t g ~ ,..iGi iw~. , ~ r ,,,._.1Gtl~,_S _.~r,~,. a. f, ~ c, t _ I,~:A; GaS w,.lri i'ra~6: Annaubl 5 ~ C i ...e. to .,vend f , a 1 ~ .L Id', 1 C.rj~ ?:~1.. u u~L1iG ~ u :'t-, A re nest of the _ ~ d ~ ~r _1, ~ ~ . ? ~ e _,ai u:x ol~ n4: t`o ?'oz;iliurse-tile ~ ~ ' q Board of->i,duca ion t'•~a.t the sum ;of 3` 450.0 be placed to-the Cxedit , ~ , ~ ~ i. ,~...ii V~~,. .1,i IJ~r. L. J..e~~.L a.a ~ • lw':. td rl ~ CZ ctld e G7::i(; , . e e~.;; ~~r:1e C~7 ;1CtL--~ ~ i' Plf ,~C'a . . of tae Board of Education to take c - ~ ~s rt are of ktaintenance of Plant, X2,200.00; ' _ i o.l., tow. 2 an ' % 1 1 h Book Fund', X1,000.00 and S eci 1' th r , p a Vacatianal -ax L.iscellaneous 8250.00 for the mon • of January, eras u on'`motio _ h ; ,r I p m of Z'r: Hinton 'seccnded b ~ PGr. 'H 11 ranted. „ • ~'u.~t,C~'t cr , 1• + r, r ¢ , 1 a , g • ~...t~..,i...e~ xow l:'wrt off' i,.~e ~otz ,t4,r's f•, re rzsl: to ~f; ~ a a . rt ~l ~ ri `,r~C ..ar~li'„E`at .UttdJ.l 1}IS t°it'1"' " ' "rs a° c r` u.. ,~Ji'luti.ttur UI L~,i,~F_' ,~c1at21Y1R'110n it cl ,~,::'u ' r~• < r 1 Upon mwtion of itir. Hall ~ ~ it.~, o~' o~r,^ , seconded b' ~~r. Trask th `tfort be ~ c ~s.ej irc ~ , ~ k,. .~~rv 1 J e Ba x e~ ~ : a d directed that , :t..v~~ ~,,m~:n.,..e:: ~~u c14w~.:er~ ~r~:.t~'„~ xenewed to secure Fe , a . ? ~ .:ci;a_ne- va y' dare), Aid hrou~h the Relief Admi Chestnut :.n; ~ia~, ~ ,p _a • ~ • 1. J nistration to extend _ uf.,, 1iilari~-„~ 1 a d'1 be and , ~::z ot~~,,1 x,e ~u,.~, 1 tr ' ~ S eat eastw r ~ ~..tti_ s.-v~x,wl , ~ ta~ ~ _..r. I,e na~ ~.~rvr,l av ~.iei:l Y, ~ Burnt klill creek. 1 - t uc ,,F~ ~.taaru' ~.t ~ - i -r ~ A communication was , received from the Count A ' , i uditor advisi the ount on ~ .t;1 zc°; Y ng ~ .ti f,'ts ta'.er n r • u va r deposit in eac:i' bank ;an o , as o, December 31st 1934 tom t, t, o"' , , ether with r ndum of u. f;. > ~ , rl Se U f o a mama a 1 ~ ~.:~.,G ~ ~p?a?,~.1 JIe:.C.; 1('. ~.:.~;~.•_.eGt: ,c.~T'f:. c rities held zn each case. - ' . r~ , i. oa t<;e ]Lad e. ~ t Y ~ ~ _ , , c jJri A' 1 _,C'a ..~~.,t a b.,. ~_.t; ,~.a. ;~i ~7,..'.E;?,.t.t°. ti:'L;5 reae2V"~.` :LY,~' , a a..~,c.'eu t _1~ r..n motion of .>ur• I~Ii.nton seco - ~ ~ nded b, ;~x. Ha11 the matter 'ustin tie -i difference in fees amountin to 1 ' o a J g k ' 20 GO r C 8 arithheld_b ,~t er Cler_ k L,~.~;;f, c~ ~.u»e~" t „=1. ~ ~ ~ - • it • • arr1SS, farm .'cry . _ItaL. u uCT"tu z..C• ~ 1 t7' I'etli.iui:lalry aU ;t~:~...1~21~; ski +,,lt T')t' t ';=r i Y N H ere ,.,U ea t. .~r: I of the Superior Court ~ re art ,P»r~t, u~ n t; .r , r 1 .t i for , p ed in the audit f~repared'by Dur. Edvrard Craft,C ..~~u ~ecet,vecl fo:° ~;ye.,ta,~~iar~, ~ ~ year::end~.ng June 30th,1934, on nits begun riox to A ril 1 t 1933 "v~nile the 1 j 5 f Clerk of the Court was on.. P P s , : `~'it1~ „~f„„ , ° , { fee.. basis, _was referred to the unt ..Attorney t ~ a„_..yet:ce to tr.~ r „ a.,,.~ , , . , Chairman, Co Y _,w_,1.,e:;~ ~,ac~,1 ~aa'; 'me_ , of _t and the Count in . , y ~,vv.~c, t~: ~ t..eix rr• r. Audi t r ~ - L s Y for for investigation and' re ort to th apse went mee ~ ~ ~.1e ,~o.~xci n , ~ ~ . ) ,;TT, . 1 p e Board at a s ~ t,. ~,,,e. t..,.r., ~.~Fon to r~a~~ t,.e ,7 en ; ,Y c , t~ ~ A. Jaliil {t .M1 fa,jy C' ~..~e ~ a ~ 1 t_N , ,5 _ ir1 1-a Coutlty s ~~.t71~ ~a..~,t~~.1i. .:I'1't;;.a~;~alt t0 tlllr atE.~r aton ~ ~ A~~;_.,,.Fl cr"=~tn Y~„~,,, „r;r, . Upon motion of iir. Hinton d - e, ,seconded. by i~ar. Hall the Boar the recommen r o,.. ,ut_ . of ~r" , d eating upon the Tax A~,,essors, alloyed he follovvi ro arty of _ ~ , ~g reductions rn assessments nn the p :..,,,cnreci cy ..r» i`r , ; 2~r.J.,t•Brooks on ,ry ~•_o -a; ,,LL~r°1 t ~ o,f r . ~ , account of the extxome' i n s• d lapidated condition of the buildi B ,_x , t.,~. :i ~1t~irrd =3 .~lr}, r: ~ _z» t,.:~~i~I~~~:t It~.„J ~ 144i loore, i t - - e.. ail r _ L', ~ `aiwa v k It;:iJ. ~1v A ~ ~ I" ° ~ ding block 13$ 0,00 1 -.,,t~ + ~ ~ U~ ,~F~ :n_ ,r,~ t , ~r , southeast ~ 75 d •~•....~lU of ~ ~ ° r l-~z~w..:.at<i t~ J n ..Doc u !~u l- c, , ~r ' , ` n cor er k & ,Jauex Streets. reduced by ;w 3, ~l ,.,...,.:t.la .~a.. ~,..G.z,3r, ;t;,,,,.,r+; i v .u • gout n m n 1 11 300• 11 hwe ( 1 QO;~;n- _ ~ i~ ~ k c~ ' 1.'? ..i, d t a t,,i" 1 u G a Bt a Ir , 11 t1 151 n 1 ~ 50.0 ~ - - u_°°, ~a.a~~,,~-T, !,.ln '3.w~'.~,~~<Ll o. a`. ,.t~t1l.'~,» - ' i Nort ' n ,1 ~ 7 0 heart ~I 3, n n ~1ox ` „ 1 500.00 -~o A thtiaest 1 1, 10 .v a `~S,1 s n n tt , ~ , or T. ° ~ , , c ~ ~lca,N.:,.y ,~...0., .all t]g I . 11 :t0ia 'S ~ yet _ r~ , ta.,e:; ran Va,a.1a:+,tia;~ of Guc~. , ~ 3 and an abatement of taxes on ed• ~ , ~ ~ a~ ;;~a~ a:°~~ ;L , ,tu.; „ a valuation of. 19 300 ~ s order U,=~,1 to.~ ~.o}~ ~.t~ ~~o.. ~1 ~i r °~~;h-,, u s : .Q0 far the, Jear 1934 wa 5 ~ ~.,a i~,~ -~~.~_1~,.. .~,_~i1',1.,.t,~ t~11r. b~in,."° , . I Upon motion of r ~ ' I~r• Trask seconded by ;14r. Ha11 ~ an nt , s. Dais ~a a was.:.ranted ~ ~.bateme ' , of taxes on a valuation of "1 50 Y Y C' } X10 Caro ~o , 0.00 on house located on black'#bB, .lot ~~_~.I ?~u,,;:_: e' w, °~0;,3 ~.1 ',~,I~.,I ,iru„ t o , , _ , line Beach :for th ; , ~ ~ , , ~ ~ ~r~ I e 3 ear 1934 on act T11 ; ~e}.s ~;r,t ,r , ~ ,c a ~ , .~z 1 . , lst,.1954, , aunt of the same not tom leted Ap ~ y U_:~ 1 ai e. ~J u,rrz~.z,~, l y P ~ tw ~t, ~ t~' ..r1i~. ~ ~ ~ 1 .°M. ~AtE'aa~i .;rf'11.1G' ~L+~ '~`~,av2.t: Iy ~ ~ ; ~ .ii [1 • ~ ~ 5 i ~I ~ 1 1 r f , • 'L:~ , e r