1935 Meeting Minutes _ _ r. ~ E . Meetin of December 31st 1934, continued, ' _ g ' _ ~ 3-17 . ~ ~ of Januar 7th,1935, continued• heet~asg Y , ' i !s U an matron of fix. Ross, see ended by Nr. Ha 1, the matter of oarrectin p. Ban error x T a k econded b Tr H nton he :Boar a xoved the a ment of 1 't~' i the division of t:~e land and buildin s assees~ent of Ike U on motion of I~:r• r s., s y N. ~ i , d pp , p y appearing. n g ~ ssrs..Id.JJ•Divi .p ~`~CCxbett `block 533 was referred to, the Chairman tc make suc ne X36.35 to Iir. Gordon Van Schaack fox personal services rendered Greenfield Dzive and ~ ~ h than es ~a c y p beautifiaation project. arrections necessar and with ` otiver to act. g and I f, , i ~ 1 'o u Upon motion, duly-seconded:, the ,paymen ` of X40.00<to the Moore-Fanvielle'Real Upon oration of l~r. Hinton, .seconded by Tdr. Ha11, the f ollotiving re5o uti n .was. nan mously ly • tY a ` ad4pteds far: rent of four offices in the Carrell building. at ~1Q00-each for period from t December 7th, to January 7th, account of Relief Administration, was.aPProved `NH:EREAa The Federal Emergency Relief Administration has turned back to the oaunties r t 1 r Ha11 the Clerk s;ras i the res ansibilit of rovidin re ief for its indigent arsons who'are-unable to woxk, Upon matron of ICr. Ross seconded by , nstructed to p Y p g ~ P , furnish p ifi d as Iznem.lo• ables b the administration and ~ J:H.Boatwright Bc San., upon adva.ce of the County Attorney, a certificate statin ' who a,r, cla7s e ~ y , , that, trrth :reference to his- surety bond ~706T0-07.334-32, LIr. '~'Jilliam "lienk + en h as ~ ; f e H ov th e :-er o cute h rit' ~ fir. 1 properly performed the' duties of his office as constable of ,FJlluiin,;ton ,townshi ,Jti~EA~, The County o N w an er, lance e m r f ,the Aso d C a ies t'~ ~ en in a inst him b ..the Count n with the FERA, is without-an organzatiar. to make investigations and render service to ~ and that. ,r.ere-are n,, suits p d g ~ Y Y, ar has any alaam ' 1 ` 1 been made upon said bond to the' Board` of County'Cammiss~aners. ,the County s poor, TN.EREFORE_ BE IT , ~ 't-1 fox December was received and or • • -RES~LV~D That the Officials of the Associated Charities be, and they are hereby r n .report of Jas•'tJalker Haspi a dared filed, , i ' requeoted, to resume operations and function as it did pxiar to its mergex witrt the } U on motion du1~ seconded `fJ,B»Ze~ri Ater 212 yicRae Street wa°~ ranted Federal Emergency; Relief Administration. E p , J, a , , C an .abatement.. i of taxes on a val'aatt.on of ~1$S.OG household and kitchen f'~~rniture listed-in .error far `~I ~ , the-year 193'. 4 . ~ Tne Audit Report of County Officers prepared by l~tx•Edward C. Craft, C.P.A., for- fiscal ,year.ending June 34th,1934; and also office of the Clerk of` ~upexior Court; to Aecember I , 3rd 1934 vras received. The follo~rring good and lawful citizens were draern to serve as jurors in the Su er' : i p for y Court for the trial of criminal cases for vreek beginning January 14th 1935; ' The County's Auditors cash report<for December was.., received and ordered fY1ed. O.I~Prid en `JJ.Ha~antromer ~ g r ~ Y 8.~.;illliams.:r.S,V-~ughn. r~.R.'Je ls. Fred Little, -Upon motion, a bill for 8,14,00 for personal: services of Landscape Foreman, ~."J,J.Brrdgham, i J,HJohnston: J.:y.I~Ickdams. J.E,Evans, C.B.Davis dlil lard Aell,,. 3.E,Frady," ~ rendered Greenfield Drive beautzfxcation pro act was` ap roved fox a ant. Sa-- eigler,Jr, H.Ludham,. ; R.L.Letvis. L.A.Hanson, ~,,J F ~ ~ j , p p Ym ount~~n. _ J•L,Burke• Y Emory..J•tJhi e. R.,r.Biddle. E•B.;~Iurray. J.~.Bullard. C.H.Davis» J L 1 T F r t, . »Baldvrin, Leon oration of Ir:r, Hall, seconded. by I~r..iinton,_ the hire of dice Johnson, serving a ; Harry E.Shepard• Ghas,Fi~nkelaten. C.HStanland. Joe Pollock, 'JJ,J.Lac ~ • i y Tb,E,Block, t'.velve months term on t.le Catznty .Farm =with the privile e of one Commissioners to hire - g ' Roger !~J.Hewlett, H.A~arr~ngton. L.B.I~Iintz, RC.Pickett. H.~,Slaith. J 'A , , »Boesen, out after .serving six`mo7iths, was authorized. C,DRivenbark. ;'J.Pd.Blanton R f. - r' ' , .x.ld,.ne B,T•Granam, P,.T.t~al__er, ~{.t~,Kure.: , ' ~ Upon' motion he Board' did not look lvith favor u on the exhibitn of a "WALIfATHuN" r p g The meeting then ad,lourned. I sr:otrr in this-county. 1 ; !1 ..:_..~_1,~ ~ ,r r upon oration of l.,r. gash, seconded by I~~rj-Hc,11 `the ~atate of GeriE•Burnett blocks ~J , , a , C,lerk. ':'Jilminotan,il•C., January 7th,1935. F x,35 and~49 way.granted an abatement of taxes':: an a valuation of. X1050.00 arsons) Pro art erroneous) char ed o a ,p `~:~e re;-l.ilar vree. y seating of the I3aard eras held at 3;0'~ o'clock P•i• p Y ,Y g as n t listed for-the yeaxs 1931-932 and,1.,33,for the r i ' - reason ..that ,the said amount represents Goods,Wares and Lierchaxidise in store,'- listed for .for the year '1930Geo.E,Burnett died: Dec:,31;1929 and:: the stare ra art transfer ireaent: i~ddison He:vJ.ett Chairman Geo,`rJ.Trask .Jas 1d Ha 1 ' p p Y red o , , 1 and J.H,Hinton. >Col. R~.iricClelland Tlovember"`5th 1`9 0 Bi11 ' 3 ~ Nos1441 to 1580 were appra,ved for payment, { The mPetin hen ad ourned, g J r',equests of tli@ 7tate` ASSaciation of Count, C'~~;missionexs and the Eastern Cu,rolina , J ' ' k Chamber of Commerce fox contributi one to pay e,cpense of having a repr„sentative ut L.. yj,~ I i Raleigh durir~ 'the present session o~' the legislature tc aid in securing legislation Clerk. , for he good of'the State and use his efforts to head off 'detrimental le~-i lotion s , • ~ 'lrrere received but not 1 ` s- a ooked upon. ~ritn favor by the Car:imiesioners'.` , .i ~ y , J f ~ , i r, Upon motion of ht_r. Hinton' a ~r . ' , s conded b ~.r, Hall the'Board rov th ''~a ant of ~ ~ _ ~ r Y , aAp ed e r Ym ; , . u w,, ~ _ . a... ' 4 C;.~ G ~-..c. ~12~7o to" 3~..ckson & Be11 Com all for eighty" bn b ~ , i P Y, ~ ~ .oks, Auto Test Records purchased y _the Sheriff far the use in checkin u o , t~ . , , : ~ , . _ v..; Fl; , , , _ . ~y J g p n auto lights .etc. , . ~ I t u • .u ,L l.'. ..4 is„F. .11, Jt~.~..-.. ...,J.~., Ali ::t f~.~.. ~'~u.:3 U~s~~t~, V . . Al-°'~~~i.~ _ ~ . . . a t. ' [ ; Upon motion of 1rlr. Iiinton sec on d r ~ • - C _ • de by,ldr• Ha11 Hum hre Bro hexs of Bur a„r il..,,, = ~.c ~9t~,zu ~~,`r~wrr ~1Y,~,,., _ _ y (/7!' p a e ~'x~~,'t a~; V , > ~ u~:?yLt°i r,1..}C, 41} it~.:.iU 1,,'F. 7, t nCti , V n i., i o n „ „ were released from payment=of ena.lt for no ' n~ Q ~ . , i p Y t listing lot ~ 14, in block ~~100,, wf~rr~,,...~d }-t>• . , . :.ic',,.,,-,-,. 1J ,..d. ..,...1a1C': u.u ~'°I..E}?. 't ..psi T.ird 1.1 ~!'~'S i~21 .t 4,rG tU ..x~,1'vld pane;; ' Carolina Baaah for the gear 19x4, an account of bein anon aesident t,,,,,~ r t,:, i ` sr t g ~ ,..iGi iw~. , ~ r ,,,._.1Gtl~,_S _.~r,~,. a. f, ~ c, t _ I,~:A; GaS w,.lri i'ra~6: Annaubl 5 ~ C i ...e. to .,vend f , a 1 ~ .L Id', 1 C.rj~ ?:~1.. u u~L1iG ~ u :'t-, A re nest of the _ ~ d ~ ~r _1, ~ ~ . ? ~ e _,ai u:x ol~ n4: t`o ?'oz;iliurse-tile ~ ~ ' q Board of->i,duca ion t'•~a.t the sum ;of 3` 450.0 be placed to-the Cxedit , ~ , ~ ~ i. ,~...ii V~~,. .1,i IJ~r. L. J..e~~.L a.a ~ • lw':. td rl ~ CZ ctld e G7::i(; , . e e~.;; ~~r:1e C~7 ;1CtL--~ ~ i' Plf ,~C'a . . of tae Board of Education to take c - ~ ~s rt are of ktaintenance of Plant, X2,200.00; ' _ i o.l., tow. 2 an ' % 1 1 h Book Fund', X1,000.00 and S eci 1' th r , p a Vacatianal -ax L.iscellaneous 8250.00 for the mon • of January, eras u on'`motio _ h ; ,r I p m of Z'r: Hinton 'seccnded b ~ PGr. 'H 11 ranted. „ • ~'u.~t,C~'t cr , 1• + r, r ¢ , 1 a , g • ~...t~..,i...e~ xow l:'wrt off' i,.~e ~otz ,t4,r's f•, re rzsl: to ~f; ~ a a . rt ~l ~ ri `,r~C ..ar~li'„E`at .UttdJ.l 1}IS t°it'1"' " ' "rs a° c r` u.. ,~Ji'luti.ttur UI L~,i,~F_' ,~c1at21Y1R'110n it cl ,~,::'u ' r~• < r 1 Upon mwtion of itir. Hall ~ ~ it.~, o~' o~r,^ , seconded b' ~~r. Trask th `tfort be ~ c ~s.ej irc ~ , ~ k,. .~~rv 1 J e Ba x e~ ~ : a d directed that , :t..v~~ ~,,m~:n.,..e:: ~~u c14w~.:er~ ~r~:.t~'„~ xenewed to secure Fe , a . ? ~ .:ci;a_ne- va y' dare), Aid hrou~h the Relief Admi Chestnut :.n; ~ia~, ~ ,p _a • ~ • 1. J nistration to extend _ uf.,, 1iilari~-„~ 1 a d'1 be and , ~::z ot~~,,1 x,e ~u,.~, 1 tr ' ~ S eat eastw r ~ ~..tti_ s.-v~x,wl , ~ ta~ ~ _..r. I,e na~ ~.~rvr,l av ~.iei:l Y, ~ Burnt klill creek. 1 - t uc ,,F~ ~.taaru' ~.t ~ - i -r ~ A communication was , received from the Count A ' , i uditor advisi the ount on ~ .t;1 zc°; Y ng ~ .ti f,'ts ta'.er n r • u va r deposit in eac:i' bank ;an o , as o, December 31st 1934 tom t, t, o"' , , ether with r ndum of u. f;. > ~ , rl Se U f o a mama a 1 ~ ~.:~.,G ~ ~p?a?,~.1 JIe:.C.; 1('. ~.:.~;~.•_.eGt: ,c.~T'f:. c rities held zn each case. - ' . r~ , i. oa t<;e ]Lad e. ~ t Y ~ ~ _ , , c jJri A' 1 _,C'a ..~~.,t a b.,. ~_.t; ,~.a. ;~i ~7,..'.E;?,.t.t°. ti:'L;5 reae2V"~.` :LY,~' , a a..~,c.'eu t _1~ r..n motion of .>ur• I~Ii.nton seco - ~ ~ nded b, ;~x. Ha11 the matter 'ustin tie -i difference in fees amountin to 1 ' o a J g k ' 20 GO r C 8 arithheld_b ,~t er Cler_ k L,~.~;;f, c~ ~.u»e~" t „=1. ~ ~ ~ - • it • • arr1SS, farm .'cry . _ItaL. u uCT"tu z..C• ~ 1 t7' I'etli.iui:lalry aU ;t~:~...1~21~; ski +,,lt T')t' t ';=r i Y N H ere ,.,U ea t. .~r: I of the Superior Court ~ re art ,P»r~t, u~ n t; .r , r 1 .t i for , p ed in the audit f~repared'by Dur. Edvrard Craft,C ..~~u ~ecet,vecl fo:° ~;ye.,ta,~~iar~, ~ ~ year::end~.ng June 30th,1934, on nits begun riox to A ril 1 t 1933 "v~nile the 1 j 5 f Clerk of the Court was on.. P P s , : `~'it1~ „~f„„ , ° , { fee.. basis, _was referred to the unt ..Attorney t ~ a„_..yet:ce to tr.~ r „ a.,,.~ , , . , Chairman, Co Y _,w_,1.,e:;~ ~,ac~,1 ~aa'; 'me_ , of _t and the Count in . , y ~,vv.~c, t~: ~ t..eix rr• r. Audi t r ~ - L s Y for for investigation and' re ort to th apse went mee ~ ~ ~.1e ,~o.~xci n , ~ ~ . ) ,;TT, . 1 p e Board at a s ~ t,. ~,,,e. t..,.r., ~.~Fon to r~a~~ t,.e ,7 en ; ,Y c , t~ ~ A. Jaliil {t .M1 fa,jy C' ~..~e ~ a ~ 1 t_N , ,5 _ ir1 1-a Coutlty s ~~.t71~ ~a..~,t~~.1i. .:I'1't;;.a~;~alt t0 tlllr atE.~r aton ~ ~ A~~;_.,,.Fl cr"=~tn Y~„~,,, „r;r, . Upon motion of iir. Hinton d - e, ,seconded. by i~ar. Hall the Boar the recommen r o,.. ,ut_ . of ~r" , d eating upon the Tax A~,,essors, alloyed he follovvi ro arty of _ ~ , ~g reductions rn assessments nn the p :..,,,cnreci cy ..r» i`r , ; 2~r.J.,t•Brooks on ,ry ~•_o -a; ,,LL~r°1 t ~ o,f r . ~ , account of the extxome' i n s• d lapidated condition of the buildi B ,_x , t.,~. :i ~1t~irrd =3 .~lr}, r: ~ _z» t,.:~~i~I~~~:t It~.„J ~ 144i loore, i t - - e.. ail r _ L', ~ `aiwa v k It;:iJ. ~1v A ~ ~ I" ° ~ ding block 13$ 0,00 1 -.,,t~ + ~ ~ U~ ,~F~ :n_ ,r,~ t , ~r , southeast ~ 75 d •~•....~lU of ~ ~ ° r l-~z~w..:.at<i t~ J n ..Doc u !~u l- c, , ~r ' , ` n cor er k & ,Jauex Streets. reduced by ;w 3, ~l ,.,...,.:t.la .~a.. ~,..G.z,3r, ;t;,,,,.,r+; i v .u • gout n m n 1 11 300• 11 hwe ( 1 QO;~;n- _ ~ i~ ~ k c~ ' 1.'? ..i, d t a t,,i" 1 u G a Bt a Ir , 11 t1 151 n 1 ~ 50.0 ~ - - u_°°, ~a.a~~,,~-T, !,.ln '3.w~'.~,~~<Ll o. a`. ,.t~t1l.'~,» - ' i Nort ' n ,1 ~ 7 0 heart ~I 3, n n ~1ox ` „ 1 500.00 -~o A thtiaest 1 1, 10 .v a `~S,1 s n n tt , ~ , or T. ° ~ , , c ~ ~lca,N.:,.y ,~...0., .all t]g I . 11 :t0ia 'S ~ yet _ r~ , ta.,e:; ran Va,a.1a:+,tia;~ of Guc~. , ~ 3 and an abatement of taxes on ed• ~ , ~ ~ a~ ;;~a~ a:°~~ ;L , ,tu.; „ a valuation of. 19 300 ~ s order U,=~,1 to.~ ~.o}~ ~.t~ ~~o.. ~1 ~i r °~~;h-,, u s : .Q0 far the, Jear 1934 wa 5 ~ ~.,a i~,~ -~~.~_1~,.. .~,_~i1',1.,.t,~ t~11r. b~in,."° , . I Upon motion of r ~ ' I~r• Trask seconded by ;14r. Ha11 ~ an nt , s. Dais ~a a was.:.ranted ~ ~.bateme ' , of taxes on a valuation of "1 50 Y Y C' } X10 Caro ~o , 0.00 on house located on black'#bB, .lot ~~_~.I ?~u,,;:_: e' w, °~0;,3 ~.1 ',~,I~.,I ,iru„ t o , , _ , line Beach :for th ; , ~ ~ , , ~ ~ ~r~ I e 3 ear 1934 on act T11 ; ~e}.s ~;r,t ,r , ~ ,c a ~ , .~z 1 . , lst,.1954, , aunt of the same not tom leted Ap ~ y U_:~ 1 ai e. ~J u,rrz~.z,~, l y P ~ tw ~t, ~ t~' ..r1i~. ~ ~ ~ 1 .°M. ~AtE'aa~i .;rf'11.1G' ~L+~ '~`~,av2.t: Iy ~ ~ ; ~ .ii [1 • ~ ~ 5 i ~I ~ 1 1 r f , • 'L:~ , e r ......k,.~. _ ' ~ ~ ~ > ~ ' - ',n nF Janua 21st _1935; con in~_red, !c ~eetz g ~`Y ~ .,.,.,,.3.:.~ ra :vr,Nr t-;,;i, L.. J;Jj.. VT;' iitA('~.r ~ r a.. ~ ~ ' Robert Holmon a.nd Jabriel Gay, two-aged. colored. citizens, presented for-admission the Count Homs by he Asaistaht Count Health Offleer were u on motia~ dul ~ to Y 3 , P _Y . seconded, ranted admission subject to the investisatfan ahd a nroval: of the .Count p. Y t~:':3U LAt I,'... F;j C)!, it U:~` , lp ~ I r _ „ ' ` ` ~ r '?lelfaxe Ot'flcer and at such tlme roam may be ava~;Iable to rece~.ve them.:.. 1 L'e±~:° :.l,tl'.'iC,,l n;,r.: tr u ~,~s ,~w~,,.,, s:i;° I t . , r . i{~~ ^1 , ~..r~.ue Olaf, o..~d r,I,r,: ~ ' ` ; ~ , - , ?~oon motion of 1r, Rosa, -seconded by 1~r', Trask, bills in'favor of li,r„Lnn lej for I .o.. ..v ,;.o;t , '.l...0 i~.t .a :1 fldr i)_r -.Tssl.. ~;u~7''i tJ J'[; ;1 . r, a... - b irs to the 1':_ambin at the Count Home and fore raw . ~ ' , c, t.,'-~:`'•~-~~~1 , re a P Y xt ark in' connection wrlth t ~ 3 .wt , s.v{),`'i.. i OT ~r!;.[; JF' ...~..i;...,)r v r-. n c; v^,`. ~ r: ~ ~ ~ i Ua the installation of additional radid~ors-and servlce'lzne connecting with the near t,r o ~ u i ,,in a , a. _ ,~~;rr g '.Ij v14 n~ ~ d ~ .a. «.t.ir4 rd :.,~Al .a r, ~F X51.. ` ~ ~ 1_.,.A~ n~L,~.r,-,.,J ~c ~ , : eatn ` la,nt a re atrn a cost of 402.53 was a roved for a e -c~ ~.'.c,;_r N :,f. h B P gg g ~ pp p ym nt, J . I , . tT on motion of ?~'r> Ross, seconded b Mr.-Trask the reouest of ;~ir~:E.L.Hnton for , r , a . .z, '7.. ,~_-L.a 1C. F,.. i;'t).,+' 1::(al..i,::.i, i)" n ~ 1 ~ P 1 !i. 'Cr a~ , ry,~v { ~ ~ •;-I~: ~ ?::i~..;r ;sl; a reduction of the assess rent an house in block ~2, Carolina Heights account of % )r , t ~.:'i",`: 3~1G~i'., ~e.,~:ri.ur1` :o 'la i'rz,+' rCa ~r-, f , ~ ,,yt _ i 1l .A 71..:, :.t._.. 1,t,,; r,:~!~y ;:1 _ + a" )Br a artment haVln never been re hoed sln e d ,J ',:-~e ,7 V-; ~ I)~ ~ l PI P g P e amaged by fire In 1933, eras ~ ? referred to the Chairman with power to act, ~ , , { . z..~ .:ate 1 C' ,,.,1,...: .,I L _ , • , • •',i' vale On mot ion, Of dir. Hitlton SeCOnded b htr R0 3 , , p ~ y s ,the Chairman eras authorized to a ~.„_~.:t,_; . . . . . . . . . repair the shea roof at the Stockade at an a roxlma e , y pp t east-of X50,00, .OZr , ~y Js.10 + •IVrJ V, bJ. ~~?ti 1 Y .fir JJ~ t ' - , • , ° , ~ ° , ° ~ ~ • : ; • ~ ~ . _ . ~ . , , ~ , `~3 ~ Gpon motion, d~;~ly seconded, ..the Chairman 'ryas authorized to 'purchase.' duplex windovr, ' . , ,J r rt:i,iUr*.•..'1aii.J (1 N"'e, J`,~~e, rJ ~ 9 j ; , ~ ~ ~ • ~ • • . t~ : ~ shadLs to replace t e of shades in' the Superior Court room, using his judgment "as to she best price obtainable. - I ~ ~..l.~c. e . r , r , a > s e • , , • , . .rd ~z r `TV - ~ ! • .-_,w ~ .r ~ ~ i1~aon motion. of 11_r• Hinton,, seconded by I~.x'. Ha11, the Chairman .and Ceunty_Attorney k ~ ~ t , v~ere authorized and directed to enter the fallowln order on .the 'ud menu for back .t.' e .G.~_a{; ul~cn .,~.j~ ni•~ ';.I,.:~;~;2~F , ua'. , . 1 takes recorded in Jud ent k t ;a ~ . ~ gm Boo To.19,Dockets 2do. 264 and 290, also judgment boox ' r,,r _:.3a '`_1, ~J c~.u l,:t~~~.~r { a ~ eMas 9.6'.al. .ei ,r,('e .u~)rf, - ~ pa v , .r r..: 7i' ~7.05~cost `~d t~ the Glerlc_of Ido,20, dockets Ho~484 and 650- to-:wit: Count account oi' having •r I',ecordera , , C peen t_led ~.n the Superior Court for she same offera ' indletment o~ P ce upon J tI'i.. Grand Jury after his cost h~:~cl been aid ,:end 8 ~ _ r "The east art of lots i 2 and 3 in bloc r 1? , ~ .05 to Le.roJ Joff on P ~ k 214 conveyea b3 Fred ~Illletts accouht of cost pa d to the.. Clerk of I~ecorderr> Cortrt z~rh ~ ~ -i dnd wife to I.x.~znner and vr' en c~,,,e ,raS doc}:etev; on wppeal lfe is hereby r..leased from this lien and operation.. to the Superior. Court and a nol ros with :.lea . I? ve tr,iken Septem'oer Term 1J3~I. of this ~ud~ment. I Upon motion of Ir, Ha11,'seconded b• ~Ir. Hinton the Board actin u on t e Y ~ g P h I recommendation of the'Chairman-vaho investi ated -the recuest of htr Jo P.R C~ s, uss ~'or a reduction of the assessment' on house located on'`lot 53 Brookv # ruod assessed . , , „ ~ : , ~;,.e,.. foT. at "5 OCO.OO for the i , , . ' . 'c':." ~o;~.,acr,i~arl ..ti,, l ~ , f rst-tzme in 1934, and found that. the same was aesessed out . . v , _ - ; ' ~ ~ . , y. , , ~ ~ „ of lzne wrth bul ldings of slmllar construction reduced the a d , . `A -ry,, v,-,,- ~w V, , . _ q ~ s i assessment to eaaa.. _ ' 4 000.00 and a a . t~;,e r, ~ r, ' ~ ~ ~ n bate;ient of taxes on a valuation o 0 _ f X1,00 .OO for :the ear 1934 ' Y ' it fr Y 7`A-... k i Y~ ~ .;F..: _ n~ . Gras ordered.'.. ~ y Upon mot ioh cf 2~dr • Ha11= the Board a reed r s : i , g to _ontlnue ~r.rrnxsh.i::r ,;rood from the l , , t , „ ~ = County Home to the relief unern e . w,,..~,.;, _ ~ .r~4,. ploy d. , _ , ~r~ - - ,The followin sad a f` 8 g nd lawzul.rnen here dra~:vn to serve as jurors iri the Superior ,.lv ,~1 . ~ ; , : Court for he vial p ; ' - _ _ ~ :-s~r+• ;1 , ' ~ ' of civil-cas..s for tyro weeks term be innihn ~ebraar 4th 9 3 5. _,,,..U. _ _ { u a i.~,.: _ G, ~,7 ~ ,i B,J,~i"g°. ;~.V.Butler. J.n.Newlcir'.'t,7r, KU h Ste hens: i~l.F.Roberts.`F.dwar i g P d Jenkins. I; T.C.Baref ;ot» ~»+rt»i4annin; . -J,~1`.CTeor Je, `A,~,Cumber ~fi."'1., i r.: c,) .:lc'.,.or: _ ;..til , s , ~ ~r , 3 ~ ~Iheeler H.rd»Kendall. r 1 . ) ti'} ;v... ;aa - r,,,.., r, c• s, ; T.A.Kivenbark ~-r. r,. ,A.JOnes, ,.,,~,,ne. ,.I.~,Lho:npkius, T.F„9"atkins, h.J.Zibeli r i 5a.,~ , ' n fl ry 1 'd~J v _.t, F , , r~ G,i -G , ii.-:QL.., ~ n `..rJ air{, - - i , ~ t~" .,p Ui?I~. ~#{J ~ .f t ~ ii- r - _ ~ - J,1~»:I~ T -r . ,..i~r{, , - ~ ; ~A . . .~'r cl,:; r a t, ~d land. ~,x+Lode~, _M»L.Rivenbark Geo N } o,~ r ~ _ ~a 'z ,I. ajim. 7I.C.P.Bcthell. .s"-. , : i • Second vreelt be innin e r a ' ,I ,}..,..,a g g F b uar~ lltn,l935- ~II . .w,.._,v, ~ .C.Rlvenbark, ,J,C.Stancill,V.Rivenbarlt r. . , ii t~~c a3 I , ~ A . _ ,.il,, ~,~e.l .P.Godtivin, J.R.He~rett, '7.CS ; v,. _ c 1, ~~ae Vo r -,Pl + J ~ ogg~ n s. C T-Clemmons,-J N Smith ,.z~ ~u :,F_ .~.rs~~, , ~,~,o~,~ Y• V.C.'~eathers on.Lonnie'l~ar ~ c _,c, i~-, ..av~l ~i, , F~ ; a . ; _ . , a-..; Po_ lowe .ns lows, , .d ~ ? -=zew.,~~);-a n..~ _ R»G»Souther n , . r=~ ;.r.., 1~nd.J.~~t,?ScTntixe.0.r,~cNona d r ; ~ _ ~ ~ ,~._a . , :~,,~al.~ 1 ,t~,Gr_ffith,Jr:» ';V»A.~ellers. H»F~Snow ,I . , , xdl ..r~.,,,~ „~Lq :.r ~ e>,'~f i,, `F_ ( re r.a ~ . fU S ,I i r ._a.. Gc, ,a,j,;~,.; ',V.Hudaon. .Landers, Lrrr<est brasher. J»H.J *~A.,* i ohneton. dr.p.Toon,Jr, r,- '10'~ D i ,d; ~ o'r~^r~e~l, m - she meeting then adjourned. d F J' _..~~j ~ J t . ~i ~1 - ` erk» i ' ~`i lmin[;ton, N. _C., Januar` ~~nd,1935. ~ ~.~~.r ~ . s, ail The xegular weekl meetin ? ~ , g of .the .Board ivas he Td : at 3:00 0' ~ - olo Ci k.P slYa• - _ , ,i - y v~.7 t,= a.., .,,J .Lv .r.. ~a (.r J.: - Vii. a. 4~,,-.. _ , ~ , II Present: A~Iclison p• ; H.,rrlett Chairman ~ n~ Trask, Fa~i.Roas Ja Dr nton~ . ~ ~ , _ ~ , s, I.Hdll ana J.H.Hi s,,.. 4.,. _ :a~, ' ',?r. Albert h ; ' i .Perry appeared and re°!uested-a th ' t of t _ . ~ . , at he be ivem a oar he Count 's ' insurance, he was referred t w < _ ~ , w , f o the Local B ' card of Insura er y~ , nce Undexw_lters as the matt ~ of 'distributing the Count ~s In , y,; ,,c7 . ; _ _ Y surance was referred ` . h t ' I to ~ the ~ ~ „ ~ ~ , , . m some time .past. ~ 5: o~,..,J . ~ _ _ - ; - . .4.. ,a , th e r fere - _ to the matte ~ n - - . . _ . F a~... -u . , a ~ ~ , . ,r , ~v.~,, _ - _ . , ~ r o ad~,usting certain fees due b P,ir. r'.N Harrlss former.. ~ .4 h Clerk of the:.. Superior Cour ~ . . Y r - t, the commit ' tee appointed at meet' ~i re nested 1 th was ~ 9 to file its .:report and redo ng of January 7 , } - ~ mmendationa concernin he next ~ _ a ; ~ . , , ~ this matter, at t ~ _ , c . dL.{~ ,.c meeting of the Board, - , _ . ~ . , i _ . , a ' - - , P otlon of s Lr ~ , Ross, .the ~ ~ ! ,E Chairman eras ant Hess' t, . horized - as to he' to co rnmissio NIa a_ ; r nfer Ca ~ ~ , I oba with the Clt _ - , _ . , P ble cost of aeaul ~ Y u ~ _ r . yin fin _ , _ . , : , , Jury Januar . to g ger print enulpment as recommended b the Grand a -a r, . - ~ ~ and r ~ - ~ ~ . p . Y rm 1935 `or Y 0 , k~ F' _v r ,I~ r ,r e P t to the. Ba x._ ~ , . . . ~ ~ A,,~ ~ _ k 1:,. 4 ry,.. ~ and at a subsequent meeting,: , ~ ~ ~ Uti, . w~ . ;c~ _ ~ ~ y u.. YT ~ , , ; ' , Upon motion of a~~r t. , _ 1. ~ ~ _ ~ . ~ ~~~~1 r , r, ~r Hinton, seconde 'r, . _ _ _ _ ..u ~ r , ~ ,v r, - _ , ~ .13 d by ..,r, Hall ~ r....>...,,_,,::, ~ t e Board au~horized the payment ofP ~ ~,~;.~,ra.~r„ , ,o toward the burial 'ex epee ,li -.U , P of Jackson Brown r , Station near '','rijrhtsvill:e Sor ,Pauper,. who resided at IlicCumbers , , , . an and P . i dl..d at Jas `aa , lker Hosnztal ~ ~ ~ a on mot . - ~ P pan of ..:r. ~ .f~ •,1,•, ~i _l` u , r Trask_ seconded by zlr, Hin >K ~ ~ , . .i>a. eleased from the pa ent of ton, Felton .Jones of Dillon,S,.C,, was.:,. - Ym poll and ~ } penalt for not .listing lot at Seabreeze, rederal i,;, _ „ Point townshi fort Y ' _ , - - ~ , - - Y ~ ~ , ~ ears P . ,P, , ~ ; t . P:. ~ y P he Y 1932, 1933 and 19 - --Y 34 cn and there~~ore' not, s account of bei -resident ub0ect to ng a`non , l_ v. l~.r.~ k~ `ai ~,,u, ~ 1 , a ment po11 taxes - - ln this ~4 .J :..1~{L t.~: i-4{J. ...1,v4 ~1 ,.:.,..'e I J _ r' county.. > r Y ~ r ~ t'„ , , ~ _ } tr 'rJ - ; r `I , ' ~ . : ~ ' :ice , , ' r , 5.,- - 1, - , 1. y ~I ~ , , . , .W J..~ , , A r , 0 ~1 _ ~ 1 _ , ~ . r y~ r ~ ..k. Q' , 1 9 ~ = in of J'anua 2~sC 1935; cantin~,aed,< ~;j tie e t g ~Y' ~ , _ I~ , , r :~obert Holman and Gabriel Gay:, two aged coloxed citizens,:presehted fox adm.zasion z r to the County Home by the Assistant County ~.ealth Officer, were apon motion du,l i Y w' seconded, granted admissiom subject to ,the investit,ati,on and approva,~ of the Count , { , - " .J._..", ° elfare 0}'fieer and at such time raaml ma' be available to reactive them. rl.. , , r. Y a-.,_y li ,.1. r.,. ~ ~l.aa„, 1- j, 1, ^ - I ~ . , . ?1 oh motion of :,Ir, Ftass oeoonded by ttr, Trask, bi is in favor of H,E:I,on • le fare. . , , A: : > 4. <.,r,.,, reoalrs to `the plambing at the County Home and for extra work in ranneetlon with , ice,., ~ ~ , _.c ~ LL '1 . , - 4.1 a,w .1,,, Jwy4:J V.-... u,l .l L1, te.«_ frJ e~ --t(„t ' 1 7 C; ^tlr,. , r ~ J _ ,,,.1~.,.,, ~.-I r~:.,_1~~,' ; ' ~ e installation of additional radiators and servsee line connect a - • ~ : , I , . ~ a , .rr th ing with then w _ _ J ~ , _ _ r w{, r...l:-~ , ~aTUr : ; ~ • ant a .Ire atln a o o st of 402.53 wa$ ~ "Droved for a me t b., , P. P Y n heating pl gg g g ~ .W , i9. i? -.n, : _ . U an motion of ,a'r. Ross, seconded b Mr. Trask.. the 'request of firs, EL,Hinton for r , :'~=r-,.. a reduction of .the assessment on house in block 2 Carolina Hei hts accoun of r ~ .1 4 ,.i/lrn ~ A J. ` ,r.~ ~ • - ' .r :r ~ ; , ° uo er a artment Navin never been re laced since dame ed r-. . : , , -.:;J.. , 7 . A ~ g P g by fire in 1933, was referred to the Chairman with powex to act. . ' Upon motion of ~Cr. Hirlton,_seconJed by lrtr, R.oss,'the Chairman ,,,~,s authorized to , ,J a , . G ~ . _ , , , ; , , , < ; x , , i , reoair the shed roof at the S ockade at an a roximate 'cost of 0 00 _ pP ~5 . • + e • „ a 1 . 0 f ) e't'1 4 f f f ! . i , , , y. l ~i / 7 ~ ~ G" Gpan motznn, daly seconded, the Chairman was>autharized to urchase du lex window- , , s shades to replace the old shades: in the Superior Court room, acing his jud~rnent'as ! o the best price'obtalnable. . ' y,~,~~~ J~ -,v_ tlpan_,motion of err'. Hinton seconded b ;six, Hal- he a , _ Y 1, t Chairman nd County Attorne,~ were 'authorized and drPeted to enter the following :order on the 'udl cots for`baek .~F" J ~ 4 - . ,.a~ ~ , 1: , f~ gm , c s l o. 204 and' 290, al ud[j} ent baax - taxes recorded in Jud ent Baok No;19 Do ket d !4 1'_ r r .r6Mp. /.d. ,,...at1~ ~ sa ~gm .i. .,.,.{!.-a i,~~~;'~'~LN!": 's67A taai.ys~ .-,.t•;. !-mot.,. s~ !1. n.i n _x, , ~ ...a~.. ~ . ,tk ,;~7.C5~co~t pfd ~ the Clerk oz ~ TTo,20 dockets iao.484'and 650- ta-wit; - Court ~ rlecorder ....,account of-navln~, ceeri ~~,.ad In the ouperl~.r' Court for the s~rne ofi'e s indictment "qt the G and s , n nce uy,on „ ; J r Jur,~ a~ ter Shia cast h:tid been ~ 4~id µnd `„B r The east art of late i 2 and 3 In blo k - p , ~ ,Q5 to Le>,at voff on P ~ o #214 conveyed by Fred ~filletts account of cost paid to the C1er.f of iteco i r ~ t„~ 4 ~ r era- tiourt `,~rhen aa,e .,~~s uacr. ~ r ~.nd vrifa to I.x.k'inner and :wife is hereb ra:Teased from this lien and e a e1,c~ an ,~~~,Ea1 Y np r tlon ' to tae superior Court and a na a 1 -roe wltn leave taken. ~epternber Term 193~~. - of this judgment, • - t;pon motion of 1~r. Ha11 seconded b '1v1r. Hinton the: y, I s ,Y , Board aet~ng,upon the recomxdendat~.on of the Chairman rrho investigated the_ re~ueet of 2~r.Jas,P.Russ !I I, ;ar a reduatlan of the. assessment on house-located on lot #53-Brookvrood, assessed' I .r..,t ,ur'..= ~,1:. t' l ~r ,t :.F l.r1{. 1 ~ ~ at X5,000,00 for-the first me in 1934 and `found that t a ' he s me was assessed out o . l , ; - ~ ~ of line with buildin s of 'similar canstru g coon,' reduced the said assessment to f - ~0 son valuati i ` ,v f ~4 G0.00, and an'abater~lent of taxe` a ~ on of X1,00 o Iil_:~., c ~ 0.00. for the....year 1934 .,r, - . - _ . ~ _ as ordered rr V ~ _ ~ 1 " -.1 , . Upon'motion of 2~r: Hall, the Board ,agreed to aantir~ue furnishii-~ -;rood from the II , , , , ,t e.- , . ';aunvy Home to the re7.ief unem~lo d, _ , ~1 . , . , ~ The follawin ~I~od' and 'lawful rnen ere ' g , w drawn to sexve as Jurors In the Superiax . , , , I , 'Court for 'the trial of civil' cases for t~~~o ~zeek 'r , , . - . w - J - ~ ~ t~~m '~eginning` Februar 4th 1935 s . = Y ~ J4 , , ~r,. L ..1, .1 .J . . r J, - y,. n ,u . B.x.Biggs. ',~.Vasutler, J,n.Newkir'.< Jr. Hu h Ste a t , ',i v , g p.h ns. .F.Rooerts Edynard Jenk ins. T.C.Barefr,ot, F,.,tr?1lannin J,'1'.Georr~e, A,E'Cumber 1,"1, ; , , g u 'nheeler. H.~dKendall F , , , I a -i„ ; u t.a..l.:,,.1 u:,,. ~v~u „ . , t T r t:•.. r ~ , _ , . ~r ,,,,~;J.:_,, . ~ ; .A.!~ivenba_k.~,,AJ'ones - ~ t-' ~ 1 ..~a,,_. T•~ y f ..w,ne 2;i~ lho:np_.lns. ..r.,,aatkins. L.JZibelin. ,f i; - , y, i.. , . r - _d •1J a'1'af t. ,T ry:. r n , „ ~ ~ t ~d Holland.. ~.HfLOde H.L.Rivenbark. Leo 21 7 y. . . i ~~~~_~,,,,,1 . ,Jr.+.i ajim. l.C.P.B the 11 e , ' walla m - • , 1 ! >1 ` , 1, ~ , ` ~ g g F bruax;~ llth,1935- Second wee~t be innin e .I i I . I ~ ~ ` A ~ _ ~ ' .Rivenbark ,t t ' ; . r„ _u ' - .CStaneill-V Rivenbark E ,.n t,:~c-a... r~ -,.,,..4.. .w,~ ~,.J_.,_u,? ~ ; .P,G dtivln, J.~,.Hewett, I~.C.Sco •an J.B.va;lOls g~ ns I . ,J, J: .uLl a. rl!.~.. , 4 -r !~F. y-•, ~ nzx~. , r_ ,4 ~ k.J.Ferr -C.T.Clemmons. J.N.SmI h Gc tai, ..1. ~ • ,.v ; , .v_ : a4,_W ~..o_, ~ Y V.C~leathers oon.honnle Ha.r o 710WQ, , ~ , outherland.J.,~.~dclntire D.F.,~eNa a ~ ~ ~ ~r~~. ~ .,:.,k.a_-, ld. r.~1Gr1ftlth,Jr, r,.D,Sellers .,d n A no , . a,;,.. .u a.u::, ~ , H.J,,,arrlss: "`1 ..1.,: ucl . .:c. , ~ .V.Hudson, .Landers. ,~rnest ?~rashex. J,H,Johnston. ~J.PToon,Jr, ,i 1 :f c.r, she meetin then ad. ;L g _ Bourne , „ ~ ~ , r, ~ _ - , i ' erc, ~ , N.;_~., JanuarS 2~ris1,l9~a. ~ ~ ~ _ ,i , , . n v, `The xe , v 1~ gular tiv~.ekl meet ~ , , _ ~ 4i. Y n~ o the Board eras he d a o'clock P.~r. - - , _ ' c 1 t 300 , 1 Present• { t1'~dlson Helvlett r, , f , . ~ Chairman, ,,eo.~„Tra k ~ r - , _ , r_ .t:1, - s , F Ross, Jas~1~~.H~11-and J.H.Hinton~ _ . ,.r, .,s~n,..,,.~ -,~„L. ..._..,F.,,, <L.... , ~ , , d~,,, _ , I; ar. Albert I, 4 ,::.Perry a eared , PP and re guested ~ that. he , ~ : be -^•ivem a ear o the Count s _1~ `.M1„4{ r:.., , A. ~ . t f y .W , , , , e, , _ . insurance ~ ~ ,,.y •w_ . ._a, ~ J , y,. . , he was referred to .J , . e he Loeal.Board of ' nsurance Un~lertvriters as the matter •4- .:~o.; ~ n , ~ _ of distributing the Count ~s insure - v _ , - t,, Y nce .was 're y _ (erred ' " ' A, w. , r i, to them some time est. ' ~ r"; ~ - c _ _ , , . J • • ~~i th re xence to . _ _ Ii the matter of d ' ~ , , ~ - ~ < ,;c~ ~ w ~ t4 ..";u Clerk a Dusting certain fees due ~ ~ rmer , , by ,,~r. ~ .11,Ha_rlss,fo _ ~..i,.~ t of the Suoerior - Court,. the committee a ointed requested to f ~ PP at meetin of Januar .7th, i~as • lie its _ report-and recommends g Y r ; ~ • _ , tlons concernin this .matter at the next ~ meeting of the Board,. _g , - a,~.,. , - _ 'H-'~? ~ '=j-_ - . , , ; r , ~U~ ~ , ! .I U on m ; , P a ion of fir, -Roe = ~ ' , . ' _ _ ~I_ , ~ . _ s, e Chairman eras authorized to confe Corrunissl0ns~'s , ' ~,z~ w,,r_ as to the probable eo r with' the City ~ - , ,A s::f, ! , st of s ca ~F~ r. - c airing finger print caul me Jur J' ' y_'anuar to p nt as reco e Bed b the Grand - , Y rm 1935 mm n Y , v _~_,1_„~.. 1, : and re 0x.. „ ~,c i n port to the _ ' Board at a subsec;uent meeting y ~ an ~ - - u~ P ,motion of a - ~ ~.~,~:.L Is ~ a .ir, Hinton, seconded b ~,rr . , _ m~ ~r, ~_~4~llr?a:., _ _ Y Hall - 1 the Board aul,horl.zed the payment of , - ~ - .~-v~. t J„4w~a;. 1 ,50_toward the burial ex ense ~ P of Jackson Brown Station near "~'ri~htsville ,pauper, who resided°at HeCUmbers . Sound and died . . - . - _ at , aali.er ,ll< _.,~~:i• - 4~ _ 31:.1.. ry, ' Jas Hospital ' ~ _ _d .s. ~ I,- ;-1 ;~-,1 J Y~ , Pan motto 41 ._.,._.,,A c ,:a` . , , n of , ~4Wc, _ ~,r. Trask", sego - ~At released from the ' n e by .f.r, iiinton, Felton Jones of Dill S.C.` was ...Payment. of poll and_ Penalt for on, ? , ; , Point townsh' Y not list' federal ~ _ :4 lp for the ing lot at Seabxeeze, ~ ,u ~ , ear 19 ~ - ~ , ~ , , . , Lw a _ , '-i ~ .J. ...tom -J and therefore; Y s 32, 19.33 and 1934` on aocau 'dente. - ~ nt of being anon-reel u _ _,µ._'AN , not subJeet to avm . d~ , , .poll taxes in ' yU J taunt _ _ y. - ,J ,n ;o , I ~ ~ . ~..w . Y , ~ ~ e ~ , , [ 1 , , 9 W „ ,A .,t _ . - I J - ' , ' 9 1 trr~l_~°, Jab r ~ ~ _ a ,a , ~ ~ , _ ~ : . , .'ii i t 0 r ~ , ~ I A r ( e , . 7. I - ',leetfnf of January 2~t11,1935,, continued. . , ' 3 , . 1 ? 7 - ~ , CUIlR L . sl ' ~ , ~ o. a?; hand ~..o. to 5.00 ~'2 5 0.0 pan. 1T 160 0 I ~ - Cau - 10 ~ ,,~2 0 0 , a b; 22 u n 165 n 169 <ti . 5 " 25.00 - 125..00 fs , . , n n - 22 t+ n 1'71 ° 225 - 55 25 00 - , 1,375.00 ~4,OOq,O~ } ' ':"~GC'~11HUl1Sl'; .c~G~i1A~i; ~~;o. ~l 'Bond loo. 1 to' 35 35 25 ~ 0 , Coin{7n - ~ • 00 - , , ; . - ~ . I 75.0 815.00 ' , ~a c . _ ~ i. , .u .u ~ - . .w o; o. f , C zn n - w.~ 00 54 _ _ . , ,_a o lfo -35 .and l_to 17 1.7 2 . 42 425 `00 ` ~ 5 0 w . qi;r~1 ;oupons, ....................~.....~.,....,,,~37 -036,50 ~ ~ ; . ; : ~ ~ - K~. ~I _ _ . I , y ~ BO'tI~ Pr1II) ! , _ - i ~ _ r , , . ~ k _ _ ~ . , ' I, 13otids dos. 9 to 10 2 , 1 000.00 f - ~ 2 400.00 ~ 2 0:`)0,:00 u I, : B nd Ito. 61 " - " 1 r~0.00 - 10 OOO.OU l0 OOU.00 , ~ ' b ..ripU~Ja ; 'g j. _ , Bond Iio r 31 40 - 10 ,1 1 000.0 . ~ ,.r,. j r 0,0 X0.00 I, ~I. - , w L.`S ~ JY "J. • . x'., i . G i! +i~ [i 7 -,".,J 1 ~,+'f rj ~ r; 1.~1 r _ II - it q II , ~ . } ~ 45 5a _ 14 l;oo~.~o _ r~.oo0.40 ~ - ~ " iii "-126 o 1 oao.oo 'y ....9,000.00 33,000.00 -r,,, : r01',~.nUl~sr. ; . - , T a . -Bona i{or 1 35 3~ 1,000.1)0 35,000.00 35,OOQ.00 , i ~ _'fT ~ z 11 .:i ~~'~^,;n . : _ Bona_ „o. 27-28 ~c 29 - 1,OOd.00 - 3,000.00 3,000.00, , . , „ „ ~ ,f ~ _ Total. 3ond~;.,..,..,...,.,.,,., a~83 000..00 X83 000.00 I , - 1, I~ _ ~ ~ , , , , , _ ~u ;i.7~: , Total Cou ons and Botld9 aid . , . . v-r p P ~ ~Z20,036r50 _ , - , fi - ,y ,1 n I, ,f;. - ~ - r .~;'1 i'hQ meetin- tiled ad Darned. ~ , ~ ~ ~ - , , _ ,y d , , . .1 , ~w I ) - r , _ _ a C ark. _ _ "'..9 , ~ , ,r. "adllm~.n ton l'I. C leoru,~.r 4tn 1~J3~ I,: . _ TrE rdgular ire('.-1~ rneetin- of the J3oa,rd held at 3;U0 09 cloc'_•: P,Ia . ~ , ` ~ ~ ~,J'__ ~ :'resent, ~;ddison I~ie~rrlet~ E.,hs,r„~dn, Gea.,.Traak r.,"~..G;;:1, JaS.~i.Fial1 and T. H,Hinton. . G , F P . r o a r Lie ~Ut a~^ zve ~ e , f ecw ar` o the a' _ Cliaz e~~ of t„ „c .nn~_,.e r;a r, ~a ~ t and 9 T . - = , ~ , asked the Couanissioners to _bear 'in mind improvements to the Tugger Head r.oau to P;ioore's _ _ _ '~ree"~ ~~,Gtle Groands and t'tle ConstruCt''gtl Of ~ ' c . _ ~ z ~ ,e river z~ad to cart Fz~her when - , I~ ra , . . i ,I ' _ - .U.~.. ~ ~ stabr,tzttzng, iro'eets to be consida,red b~ -the xt>s;t ~ . - ~ r I I , 1 J ,>r e Pldrning ~ca_d under the ne.r relzei - d . - 5 + jr.n„e„ `CG1. ,+alker "l' ~•lor vrae °Jresent and told.tkt n• c ' I I ' it i t 3 ,y r a,~ f e B and that the ns.~ooiated Charities dre „ - r' I r a'~ f i nrliriC it difficult to r~a.ise funds.. ~ , t ~ , , ' to care for-the.: vount s ~.nazlent unerll to ~ables f , a duo largely he thou?ht i'ror2 s'ecteral Gover;>raent 'me , - , C ? z rferenee, ana su1~;ested legiwlative 'e r, ; a , , autllorzty fo~~ the aatninistration oi' l~~edez~al :r'unds by' local' authorities: i T . .n - t ; r _ _ - t ~J s' - ~ delegation of members` of the. l.I rule Grove S hool P e t-T a L ~ c ar n~ e chars ..ssociatian appeared j _ . ~ ; . _ r r ar, stied that a., auditorittrn be nraviaed for t~~ rtle Grove :school ~ ; > pointing out t:iat Chexe, l l.s r.o recreat;,.on:llall'in ti1• t o: ` , - - .,.~,r I`,°, 37 50 ~ a c rznunl.t~f.-fne=Bad ~ ~ ; J; _ ! ~ o r exl,reased l.ts-vr~.llrnp;ne,s to consiaex _ ,re I,,le pz"oJect zf 1+ederal rams ...could be secured ::and asked the delegation to take the ~ _ I 1.3 a LU u~r G; ..y In , I n u „ _ v fir-,. ~J ~.1.. ~ . v ' atte~ u,. tatll the Board of Zducation. f II „ ' 7 ~ it _ ~ 'u , ~t , l9 r, , . ~ raelegat~on of local stc k ~ " ' ' c a.nsur;:tnce agents and tyro local agentu relaze~entizt~, mu~ual r I rt ' II ~ .1 companies a geared ~ „ "t _ , . ; ~l bexore the Board: to recezve't~te. opinion of the Count ,t tame s ~ Y Ya o ~ , . - ti~ ~ d , j y . ne legal xir•ht of th r • " , . , ~ ~ J ~ e Co unt3• t n a.ns are i n Mutual coiilpanz es . The Count t orne ~ ~:.r. aarsaen Bellarn,• " . ~ I, ~u•,~ ~..,~,,ruled that he cotlsl,dexed Lnutual insurance lagal,f the olio..:. , ~ t, g a', , v r ~ ? r . y ,f c crs: o rr~ ~ of r, o n 1 J r ~ .truth file laws '~t C ' i .3 _ _ . s,~ ~ A~ r~., aro ina-.and its 11abz11ty and premiums are limited. ~ .U J~ l}^je .legal cjuestl,on arose vrllen i,.r, 1:,u,Latl.mer ana l.` .F.E ' 4 ~3 I, " w r .Livingston, loc a?~nts al ` mutua]. ' 'r ~ _ , ~ - asked'for a share of he Count's ,Insurance at a savi of ~ , 43 ~ ~ = ,r J ~ 25r to the County over: stock... ' II ~s .'w...~ er of tote ocal r ' ~,C >i:! c.~"r,panles. The uoard i~ras informed b , ha nerab s Z ~ 4s ..7 rv-, 1 oard of 1'zre Unde.tvrzter ' :I „ „ rL:; , ~ w.,.:,~1 ~~at .the two :mutual re resentativ s s . 'a L , ~ , r ° ; _ . ~ . p e h~ rea a 'pror~~~ _ part, of ~,~e premiums did b `the p Y n g Y do ro osed tlla:t h U~ Czty of '~~Yltnington without assulnin any of the''risk ~ d „ ;~a „ tJ~~, oU ~ p p t e same : 01 c~ n ~ l 7 ~ ~ , b e p z qY " ,v <,; -~•;;~C ? ~~0,v'i s,dcpt,ed for the County. `It was the"'feeling of 'this Board that the uestor~ to be I~ II , y.~~ 12s - j „ ;,A, coilszaered t°ras tree d ~ - 1 ' ~ a oiition of ~r form of .insurance tl~:i.t Mould mean a saving of 25~ to ' ~ 125 c-~~ _ ..m.. ~ „ T..;, the _ ~ k _.~.a,. , } ,oaf. payers, Therefore aftex considerable discussion, the matter vial u o~i motion of'' - i ,,r , secanaed b 1'u i, r r, , . , i.``` • X035, y r. Trask ta,..en UYICie_ G,G.i$1Gleoat_On - _ ,.u I r n , ~ 11 , , ! It u y 31:I - r „r tt i, t~~ „ „ - n ~ ~ 1 ~.+v ~ ti xP.Cja88t Of i:r, i;,,'o'.PrBStQn for d redl1Ct10r1 of the 8,S5eSStnent w l v 25.00. of ~55,,080,~0 an the .Gold d it li t vt f aU ,storage ,lCJ<nt In t' ~ r ,1i , „ r,r, :i.C} P blac.. X233: to conform nearer tiie ursha~e ri e - ,I :as w~9 ~ ~ u - ,.p 200.00. to h a ~ p p c t:ze property tras offered I i ,ed , „ ~ zm by -the north Carolina ~ar~}~ ~~f Trust uom tl cr , ~,,.1 .,n ' s0 ~;1 1,:200.06 b. ~a Y, as upon motion of ,',x.: rasl., secotuioci n -~r. I1oss ' referzea to the Ta.t ,L se,,sors fc,r a tertt~,tz.ve assessment f ~ ~ + ~ , l s , _ .00 l e .J „ .r , , xv :a., r~l~,' 1 000 ' oz _the ear 53 I+ ,I , I, ~ ~ . 3, .,12.50 u vra 2G~ upon moti ' a ~ on of I,,r. Trask, secortaeci by „,r. Nall, ,ur.Z,R.;?uss ~i3 released front the a ant ...u~ p Ym 30 118 to 225 ~ n u -10 ~ 587.50 of taxes on , 3l n a a valuation of '"-,390 00 erscnalwnd y~3.00 poll ts:xes of J.U.11crwillan char ~ed 57 to 10 5.00 2, 700.40 mains t ' , ~i P g :nt ,d 31 n 25,00 1 10 , p pe_ty In block rrlOl for trle year 1930. 7l to 125 , 0.00 II 33 n - 55 a 25.0 1 375,00 „ n ;10 ,I: ,t only - 1 " 25;00. Jncn trtotion, dal seconded the Board took uncle ' ' , Y rcon u 3 25.0 , : sz ez~tzon ne_p1~~n su ested b „ l to 355 X1325 ,r 0 , y<, I:~r, t{.R.Emor~ of ti e S , Y 1-0 h 23.75 7,..718.75 J tar-l~tetrs staii, that an advisory Planning Cemtttission be forr~led to i~.~Ri~Y 45 to 242 -19 select pro ec C ~ ~ ~ ~ ,_._,____30MaS,; 8 2..~ 5 4 702.50' 1 ~ t~ that ma,y be secured tclrau~h rederal crock relief' under' the net~r relief > i? Coupon ido. „ „ proEr~an. 1 1 to 5p 21,746.25 21 74G.25 ~ ~ . 2! to 50 a .Q0 1,:250.00 , CC ~i11. HO~~ :~OiVI~ ~ - 24 30; 00 Coupon 11a, -.-,-72.0..~QO 1,970.00 l0 Bond Rio. 9 to 28 - 20 " 23.7 5 47,00 475.00 , ,w,,..,.,.. _ ~.4. .nw......_ - _ - ~I -i ~ ~ ~ ~ 5. : ~ . j " 'o "'a l,eetin~r, of i~'e:;ruar 4th 1935 coni~inued. ~ r , f ~ 'n of 1'ebruar ~ktti 1935 continued. It ap;?ear7.ng to the ~v.tisfr~et7.on a~' Une Aoard, and .the Loa,rd finds tlia$ extra: fleet]. g Y , , F ; era to ed b lr• 's~~N•Harxiss -to ra,ss~.st xn z~ecarders Court r e1p ~ p Y Y r , p..7.ar t`o uctaber 10 r arras neaessar and 7.t also appears Sllat r.Ir. llarxiss a7.d e,t 1eas3 ~ ? th'1~J33~ 'J on ctotion of ~5 . P,oss, seconded oy „ir. liinton,t!re i?oard authorized the pa tent of ! Y, p P t ,r~0.00 out of ~ r ; • ~ 5rtr personal funds for yucn extra helps, and ttae ~ounty',~ttorney xi~tvin~ rule " is rent an twa a,c,d7.,ta.onal I+ERx admin7.strative oi'f'a.ce;i in the Garrell 'pudding, rtal:ing 6 d tnat the° -~,1 of six oz'f'7.ces at °'10.00 ~~,e~:• rnontil each. County Con~a7.ss7.onexs have a'1ega,1 right to xra.nt the allotir~nce raj^r, f;or .such ~ a tort 4~ 1 .,r extra. ~ help `enlplayed then, x~ ;i ound necessary; l~r. Ross moved and 7,t yvas secortde , kj~ ~ t = a bf 1~'~~'1~. ~ ~ T11atlOn of Irv fhntan 5@aandEd 17~~ }~'.1' ~t0"~ S vi, r a. ~ and aa.rried, tli<a,t an ada].t7;ana,1 SurA 01' :;;7.30.00- for exl,en.le f Or G~tra h Lpon , ~ a.i, .ur.r.~.0. LO 13u1 11st tiraU ~;ran~ed an I~ ; A ry e1p inctarred` , 1 ~ ...r. Harr7.ss thxau h the o e„~t7.an ai the ~ ecoade~~ t,ou by ~ Irbrrtement of taxes on a valuatiotr of ~35U.00 w or t'rie ye~lr 1~-34 an house on 1;ract of ' . ; 0 p rt prior to October l.Oth 1,9 • ; 'be aTl.avredas an offset of "'80.30 ir1 fees due the count =r , ' 33, land in Cape I~'ear totirnshlp burneu pllU~ ~o ~~prs1 lst,l4i,~~1. Y,a,, snorrn by the loa.~ow7,r `co.:rnunication and statement tre axed b .the Counter ~ d• ~ I p Y ~ ~u ].tors ~ . ,~panmotrai'i of.;,r, Cr~.sr., seeorluea °;,r wr. rIa11, .,.r,G•I3.Lowelc,.oe'eras;Irant~;a an rv, V„ ~ aoateraent of trz~.es on a valuatia~7 of ~200,Ct0 ~iausehold anti tritchen f'tirnture liyteu 'raJilmirll;tan i.. C. ~ebruar 1 t ( , , J s 1935.. Iiorl• l;aard of Count <Col,mis~ionex,o ' in e'ror f'or tl~e ;year 1934. Y ~ . °rJilmin~;tort 1lorth Carolina, , Gentlemen;. co:rr+r~llii cation ,;dos received f'call, 'the colored Char,.ber of Comtrierce recuestinr that the , ~ b Refex~rxn6 t,o t oul° `rnzriutes of J~nuarz 31st 1G34 j;~,. e • ~ , utatter of ..cons tructing a ne1"~r building at Peabody schoaZ be pxe~ented`as a pr,a ject antler , ~ , r 1 ~ F./rte-„fiaWxn~ ~.n ,r ;I 'r analysis of the re art of J.13,TlIcCaba Co, -7.ri aacorda v ° „tee nely relief set-up,, eras 7^eferr~d for` aansiderat7.on .to 'the Board of ~~aucatlon. ' p ~ nee ra.tll n , t e rulxn~ ,af your.:: 1 Poaxd as t o ter t~.irl ite'tns ; ;"liii Cri analys zs s ho~,~s a l7alance of ~ 61.;~~0 d ' ; t , N ue a,~ fine Clerk, T, ! I a s „ , J U on ,.rotio~a of lr. Ro'sh seconded b~ 1ir. Hrntut: ~.te Board air xoved the cl~ dent of t x~~~e r that the 7.tettr state Corn-,lcod -vs- ucad7.rr;: ion trr + _ ' y ~p , P Jr . , caf«nl.;~~ior~s on z:nher tan e e:' vr~' , r ~ .,n •a?32.8C-to lily. C.G.p'oard, i~rchitect, for services rendered 7,n ara,~vir~ 5 arlcl su~ervl.;iarf 7._ o ta.r ~ 1 lch unaer the larv bclolAga -r,a the ~lerl~ ' ~ T i' havo osen`i.raclucied• area ..noulan+~ of urarl: in cannect7.on"ti~rith the construction of heating plant and syster+ at t'~te col,.nty f I,' L, The re nY" ~ ~ har,le? port of Ll-. ~....,,_aft, acr~ec.ule 2_srla~rs ~41.~'rO tirithheld bf,tlre cle ~ r r ~i ana I attach hereto a i:el~art` s hotrxng an analysts ai' ilii~ rel,art in accordance t ' , your former ruling. rx'~` ~.,pon .;otiori of fair. Rosh seconded b+ 1.:_r. , a Peruecr far a 1x11 a rPt;ues ~ of ,;:rs. tuar~ , ~ ~ reduct,.lan'of the assessment on the east u~~rt of lots 1-~-3-c~nd 4 block 1 8 and refund the tyro ler,art,. togctner sno~r~,, tcle follol~r7.ng rec~ull,s; + ~ 5 i id of t~~xes pa7.a on acc,aunt of error 7.n a.s~essii~; the-..lot an a per. frurt~t faot bu.sis as W^. _ ~ ~ ~ 48 feet, vFrhereds fife lot is only 40 feet wide' eras resexxed to ~;he Chairman vrth i;he al scree s r otim Jall, ~1/3~ 4ro1.a0 . ; . , .a alathority to ma.~e such reduct>.on`anu refund tl~rat im hi" 'ud merit is 'terra"ct and pro aer Le..s Inner7.tdnae tdf 1~em 5,00 f 1 C 11, ,,F subJect to fire approval of trte Coulr~y t.ttornef. ~ x..6.30 a , _ r L~can moti~n,duly seconded t'ne 3odrd uri~;niiltausl endorsed a `ro osal'-axcx-subm'tted b< ~ , ~ ~alrrnc,e due. as r,e~ andlysa.s of I Y p -1' Y r .~r. 11os.r .far the carstructon of xcad b , the •-r vJ „ r , S t t h , IF!; ,~r. Cray ~ s report 24,00 $ . , y:, a e a.r,.l a~ CoLxnzss7.on frar,l the V7.la ---------4- 7ie•~°r coos noaz ~+r1L;htsville, connecting vr7.t~~ route X30 near E~~,leade and tl~enc~ r , m contnuing,:frorrt d • oin~t north of 3a~ neade on route ~ 30 to route ``~10 neWr r ' e ~ e l ata.1 due ~r~e Count p ~ r~ ~r Cap tl ,Iayn Jr as l.er r r - ~ as i~rdica`ted by z"ed fisting ore chap subrr~stteci nepo_t .,~8D~30 r k car!Itaittee frauE Cite 8odrar~,,vtt- investir<ated the t;~~-~ttel• of sellin~~~ « rat of ~ t 1' Yau*~, very truly g 0 r, I r, tie (~OUilty larl('l Or] 1'UUte i'~40, and reGOr.IlflenCted flee sa21re ~iir,ii0;ia I;aOVed an(1 1t vra;; UP,C°Ilded b,, L~r, rail and c~;.rried, ~liat au~l~uri~ty is Hereby liven to se].a a pal°t of the County's i..Orrell, .-,uciitur. , Lana loc,a,tea ore trte east sloe .uf ~t~~te Hi~nr,w,~ rr~r0, inimc;diately nol~tl~r of tl~te Hill'ivray 1, _ 1C0 feet in vridt'a °rl sa d h lt~~ra. r;r'T , ",-r•n,' , - buildinC, ~ i il,~; y and u~5 feet deep, to llr. ';~I.H.BIaI<e f'or tYte ! 1 ~J~Z7 ~~J ~l tL.L,J ~.1 111 !J1 ~ ~ ~t 11 ~ 1 ~f Li IJ.,: L~_',. (,l v (I .~(r~'!~0 . Graf, t0 ,)GC.1 ~4~ le r ~ , , ~ , , ~ su,,: of ;10.00 per f rum f' pot on said hi ~i~wa .~IIG,r_1tC PIIR~TOD I1'i ~+,7,ICii (,Ct~T~ ;;;,C?'.Ulr~ t, i y y~ ,l r cl ~ T~ . ti~~;on motion, duly seconded '~.'r. Isaac ~,hain ww5 '•ranted an abatemen~ f v f~ 0 t aXe ~ OI'i cl llc~,:.,,t Jt16e ~f Co.~~„ Fear endirll;'leal• cr:uinl, .-::ax~r;nd.endng Dnditi~; kd• llue _ v,.,, ,r~ ~r~ ~.lu~,~lon of ~;~s~~•UU Eoud,,,vrares and rrlel•ch<.rluise listed in enrol for the year 15!34. i'Ia. :>uit Co1!ected. 11/31)/24` f.>~3u,/;il G'3C/~2 3 3133 12%1 3~ Co.~ Co. / / r / i i tJ~,°r, m Lion, duly seconded count's bills Dios. 1750 to 18(x8 vre» ! .~Ga.-4/17 .,r 11.85 5 ~ e ~.L1Iloveu far ~raynlent. ~ i nr 1U.2~_ l•60 •&Q ~ X112..2 2 33' 6.95'' 5.35 1,60 6,95' ~ ' ; 35~a3,7.0 19 ;23 5.30 - 3 7 1'ne meeta.ng then u.d~ aurnea. . _O l'.60 ,5.30 , 3716..'1 27:31 6 8 ~ . t / / 5 5.N5 _ 1.60 1.00 .60 ~ x984 3 20 33 4.80: . ! 3 ~ 2O 1.60 4.80 ; a c, ~ ! Cl,~rk. ;,d7.lmxn ton '?.C. a~eb 11 h g, . 10.2 3/14/2 1.55.: 155- 8 , ruary t ,1 ~5. ! 0 1.55 ~ 1579-11/23/2. 1.60:.: 1,60 1 , ~ 1.60 2 ~ 51.10/17/31 3 .`40 r; 1.80 1:.60 1.60 ll.e re;ul~~r tireelrl`r 1.1 ~ , .r , eetlnG of the 3oaxd eras helu thr~ da f at .x.00 o clccls i ;~s Total 42.30 3 ~ . ~ •70 5.25 1~~.05 8.55 12.75 1.00 24,00 >?recjertt: itu.:;isatt i~:e~rrlett ~lr_tirrrr.n Gec,'J• ,~1: . TraS , 1,,,..,Ross, Ja~.h.Hall aced J.Fi.Hintan• I Total -t~nount fees retained ~ , • ; It appearing to the ;;pond upon presen~t;,.tion b~ i~dr. O.;,']'odd secretor ~ and Geo ' ~ b,~ Clerk 4500.00 445'3.35 4 i r , J .ri. 41.51 o,,]c.CO:-iotrt.l._. `lt~orr ~ ~ 1 ie,r for ~.Ze Prul;.re;:;rlve :~u11d1nC c.. Loan ~tissoci~ttion, that rn settler~ient of ~f ta..,es due on v~crous pieces of irr° art for the ~ elver 1934 account of the a , Under 1lniit p p Y J H me Ortncrs 6.65 87.49 0 Loan Corpoxation, apl~roximatinC ~1 668.00 tyro iter,>s of taxes were err rteo sl ~ on the „e ' ' - o u y paid, one ~ . st nt7.adle part of lot 1 art 2 block ~~510 ai~o.~ntin~ one Expense allowed 180..89 200 ,7 ~ ~ 5,p ~ , P , to ;,v57.52 later sold to i .00 67.00 98._:88 1 otal 1~. J.Ii.I~ack, and ,,58.25 on tte ores t 'end of tat 1 trloclc i~511 1~cter s old t v , o A. Thomas , wh7. ch, Pa7.d Co.1.00 - it ras stated, v~oula result in the persbrlal 1'oas of lbix `l'oud. Therefo~~e u on nlotian f ii eh, ~ , Srue C .24.00 25,10 l~r. ~zntan` , F p ° real tae ual ttro items , o ,seconded b° t,r. , paid ire error vrere ordered refunded .ed 6 ~ to the Progrer~sive wilding ~ Loan Hssociation and `the t«~a cli:counts prat ed See minutes 2 b 34 - , r re-ore d 1 neu + I ~ Due County] on report of ,J'13.1Ic an , i . Cabe Co., :.61,30 the amounts enargea back to_it. k i~ less ~~Jood..Codd7.ngtori Inheritance tax 5.00 17,30 U on rho rf ~ 5.6.30 .r p ti on of l~.r. Na11, seconded by Iur;• ltint'on, the .chard ac in.~ u'on the atztlr .Due or. rer+ort E.C,Cxaft 6 p arity ~ ~ 24.00 Can be held i contained in the `'ud ant of flee Court 'authorized' the h' e o , , I Tata1 rr . 5,25 , of rv J ~ , it f Heniy_Taylar, without aost,/ ~ 80.a0 ~,.,,.rl. ~ ter having sexved ninety days on the county'fa,rm as pxoviaed in said 'ud' ant , tosi ! 1~5 recorders dou• J , of tyre . 30 i t. 17 ' ~ ; ~ Upon motion of i3 ,T x Upon motion of %Ix'. Ross: secarlded,b ~ ~ x. Ha 11, seconded by, rui, _intan,, the Board ordered a-se a,7rdtion of tl~l p e , ? y Iur. Hall, Jordan 1~:cIver, 54 years of age, having poll and real es~a ~ ~ . , , to-tax uue on-flee soathcrest art of-lot 3 d •r r, . I been ,examined by the .Count ra a t. p an r~orthtires y e 1t.,. Oxf7.cer ana reco , ~.re . rrmretided b the Count _yJe1f , , block X146 c; t pa- o~ lot 4, ~ ~ Offices, tra,, admitted to the o Y y , by HC,Pennington for the 3rear 1x34, and allotred fir. Thos;.0.Sa1mo 41. . ~ C unty llorrle as art- inmu,t e. n t o pa f - the real estate to , x on Sartre itnotzt be in=• regained to . ~ pay the poll tax of Pennrn ton un ri r ~ -:account of tavrn to take .the said ro ~e c' g ' i.l ~ l,r• J.Ear1 ~neeaen ,.~e ~ g l v .b tck and Penn n ter l~d0uatex, made a verbal rs 'ort of h's nrent for the same p 1 Y i gtan having na equity in the le ~ month of J nu , p depart a any.. 1 The follow' 1 ing co>..pons, ~ were .resented by the County ,`auditor ~,s n~avzri~ been ~ti he ~~u ].tars aasll report for the month `of ~ C - 5 d Samar vra^ ; ' ll ed • vre re p , ~ y a r,ceivea and_ord~red f burned zn he pretence of t~2e }3oards aCIIGr~; i I A camrntulicatiora was race' ived z nom fire +.ount Audi t e os it ~ ' C , ~ p in each bank-as of ~ Y or advise the amount on d p ou on Alo• 33 board No.'2 to l25 Inc• 124 ~ 25.00 - 3 1 u ecember'3l zn ~ , G_•Q0. st,1J35, together wish a merrorandura of sectarities Irela , ' each case. r F ~ ~ Coupon ;iJ..pena e 7 7 i ~ ~ 5 ~3,1U7.7~ ~ ~ f; request of the 3otrra of ~'d I, part of ttre count ~ ! ; uc,ation that tl e s ~eait ° ~ ~ rnau.l,:.tl~c r,o local f ' , ,lith reference to the .matter of distributin:~ a . ite school fund to take ca ~ urn °f ~,~~,500.00 be places to 1~I1e Cz, a~et~ts tiaho naive not heretofoxe -octets°~~~ted l.rr any of r,re ;~o ' ! re ~f expenuitures for fete nlorrtil f ~ ranted. ~ nave re ues p ~ f tufty btu„lrte,,,,, ~lnd who ! o ebruary, was. 6 tad to share in t~ru carne, inr;ludn~~ replf,sent~r.tives ai irrutuctl Insu'~ ' Companies. Tire Count ~ tonne ~ hay' zante Upon itiotion,duly seconded ..:the car Y t In xuled'th4tt w~~.~. i . r ~ue~t of :.s, O.R.13rinsorl ors the' , r~onr~anre 5 g It l.e~,~._ to lnaule with 1,Iutual payment of tales on do ' to be released fr ? , ~ a mov ~ ~ , p s, .ir. 'rr sk ed that oaf, of the.~80,OJ0.0U in.,urance ittl..i.' ~ g killed tr~'o weelcs after list i uue ~ ~ ~ anon ~r l5tir1935 ,.ie ~ 1 ebru~lx~ ' tl~.t the Co:~nnissione ng: was declined for the re' tlsrs F ~ . rs have no legal sate-torn to a ~ and .E•E1v7.ngston and r-i.G.Latilner• represental,ivc;~ of Itrutu file t,:.x payer on flu Y, bate ta,:{es on ro art ~ a~°rned ~y Nummell & p al col,lpanxa•,, r ~ri1 lst• p )J 3 ~ erry stoat. company represent~,tive~3, be riven ;;~10 OOO.OQ . rer;~ui`r:in 50 , ~~ruh and t~ e d' T • ~ ~ ,OOG.00 be turtzea over to the Locl~l Hord ai ]~'ire'llnde air ist~ibutea as it mast tlirecf, r riter~ to be ~'he mutter of -selectin~~ the in ~ „ i, suranoe cornl7anze~, ~lnd term of i~~7liaies,, rr.Gs u on rnotiGn of ti ~ ,i Chairrla _p r,, _,os,~, seca,idecl °y 1ir• r,.lntln, refe7~red to the n to vrork out ' to the beat interest of'the 1 Cal nta , i I f 1 I i F 1 R S i~ I I;,eetiti~' oi" i''eY~xar:.r~ llttr l~~«~;v adntnur.u. _ n: , ~ ~ t ! ,,.t~~ , Y1 , al L ) ..L!' t 1[, I ;1.w,:, :,~I} ,t~, `w:i. # i , UpGn rnoi;ior, oz' :,:r, :,'iritar;, se octcxed oJ' :r• t:;i,si., a rer,uest of the Jjo~4rc; U , ~duc<~tian to ~c ;~c~.'rnitted to tT..~sz'ez' 000,0 a'rotr: 'aa1 ' ~u,1 Gut1 ~ ~ , ,Y ~ _ t , to > ,~a, c'1,~, k'T'UVIUed / ~ ~ ::!D ~f1'l,iati _ Gi~ 1'Gr)~w t1 .:D~. ,,,I,7i;n lAa'tl(7n i}i' ~':,..rtlr1 a11,0e1',OC14f)~,~, fly >_ri ,I,e .SU.1~~lErirNr#tb..~ C~U.ajyet .r f)r 194-1v,15 xUr tale purcna.se of ct t7ud3 3Tld tale ll,Cl'elavU '~1tM C11ct.jJ'+' alr< C" c ~ i cj I 1-' ~ 3~:° la' Sur aedlr ,r..~ Hers ~ ra, r ~ .Y, / ~ r ' f }ki ~ p l'b.7-l ~ nuit i ~ !1~ yr rnortey not, usea, tG '~urrent ~,ritense tc PlaNle iris „o~l,~d of ~du.as.tion to + , ° 1 r 5 r;er d4 = o '11~"d;:le ~''i r ~ , " - ,~~w, ~ ,fit ;,.u.cl; l.nt,l.,,a,., aantinue ,o ~ ~z,,"e the apera.tion of` t,1ie school ,uses vjitl"i adult t~rivers, tivas granted. , I tan ~o~~. ~,W I ~.:.,a iC',.".; ail; y r1.G' :::s.ii ~:id ;3Uktr'ii f,l:.;,rl'DV«:;~.1 ~::tN ~.L'~ ~,r. - . H CGril!~.U'Ii1Cat7.Ur1 fa'orri ~hF3 iiaa.rG pf %Ctuaatlon salsa ;Ut: the Ca?~nt C Y! " ~ n'.r 'y^ + r ~ ' - r S ~ a~fil;3.r141'!t8T'u ~w~e..J ..a .i. ,_:u~iici. _..,`i:! ~ "vl(,t,L 'rt'.i.". ;'1 r~;ira ii:C'#3t:?l, i:l.l I1,'J'.e't. u ' cn r,btice, tnrit in tire-~v817't it fa.ilea to seoure II'ederal f':#nds far the nl ~ ~ - y 1' rst ` Df b.n ~.tUCl7.~,.U?'t tU gyn.. tecxi,U{~j scnadl, ltatcd Asa rltt?11der 1 r0,'4at i'ti its ' ~ r. ,i;i '"r in ut1 .;~~.~ri..C: 1r ' t , ~ ~ .~eaer~.l 1 4- ...C 6 v . ~ uuvu.•. , :i~ rl} ~r{.J'iiiCli~. ,.11 yFi~.sj7 1 ;iS: .~L!::..,.t r~**ff ~r , Q , I,, ' P a P1'r:,jr. y'p , 1" r{'rt -r,. 1 .c• 4 ~ tl ru->lu2n rr t.l...~' d rf e f , ~ r ~ . _ 0 21 aa_ 1 ~Lt.dt.an. el C,•, tG leC ue.3t tfle nn;, ~ r ,„5 , i p,• ' , r r r, i'_ . , t Y. i. aurl~ Ca.,+t,ll ~~_-...,s ~,t„va D. ,..UGa.t a...Ad.:~!~~;~ x 1t.,ttil.G .1 i~.l i.lt; .:.r.,,l 6.. ~UI1C11 cell~.l I)~L~.)v 7 ..l! i{i ~r • liSlGnera 1 , _.i.,;:St.rtf: .~:•-llr• . ,.l , , tG r..;a;.e arrdn~e~rents fart ~ unds to ',erect the'~lroposed aarha.tan. ~ id `~;z ~ ,.::t ?,.rl~ , W,. ~ . , , . . , } ri...,, ,.~tlrav K., r ~ ra,a „r 1 1...1 ,r~,,r s,11t~.,GrT.LU~, uJ i:~~+I`;..l,:i.~t x.l.t~~~. ,,.,,ltn,., 'R , :,J.v e:lk!O~d~.:.11,y; r~.r~a tF, ?'i~lUrtl t>l:k t ? ,:ii::.C, ? n 'larid 1. rsa o~xon of a r..,osr~, seco'nt,ed y~,:,l, the p_~,yL~sr,, of i~,lf,nffiae e'~;~p n _ r, t. la zrz ed li one. r d e r , ~ ~ y e eral . e mp1 yraent L.,re~,>a iax t.le r,^;cntrs ~ , ~ , x„ c~ o. r,.,~.. o.r~. ,~,zGrl r el r,,1 + r~-; 1: z ' ' , U~ ,,ten 6 3. ~C~ G~ ~,r,~ ua`d71f;,; 'r i.) 'j', :i. +7aC.Uc'3.T'! 'fJas ''a ~ rU'1£d ~ ar v,' int. sr -c .r' ~ ~ '!1 r j? , p f P p ~ ~ ~ ,rWv ^z.ve., ~a p;zrct;.<~~e pert ~a.~k,,rl.~ g«.,o1a,~.e )~1r ~,lle'J~. , tr~i'S:e a t.•,a alt unera ~lrr~ A~ - . ~I: > `u4 ~.B~Je th1R GG:.._:'ar,ltjr l+!':.t:i l.i~ 1;~r'UG1': 117 C'1'.ll±:C i;U ~eG.. Y'v'i11'Cr e~.~i;;r.;r,1 e, U ali ?riatlGn of i,{r. ~;'rltan °eaanG i3 :f ill tom' ' + , p r , u e y• r, a 1, t z. ~.lr„~rria.trl a residen~ of x r' ~ a ol~'rr, od H me t ' • ~ . ; Q ~ , ` ,rv „Y - ,lr a t 'tovrnshrp, ants vrhr~ a.r~,~iverten~ 1 rid. Y ' lw4ea 11 ~ v s a ~ 250 00 `.r,cn x,lot 1 sr.: _.v,1.1 ..cl~?i.ea U,f :.a'. ..yr,,,l: _ z• x ra0nal c 'r ° , # t°'lltficu 'irl Ci,J,x r,n,, proi7ez~ty in ~~ilmxn~ pan ;o~~rn~hti fore r<lte ear ' y34 v~ds excusectfra ~ ~ -of' t~.:te:; ~n r~•i::iati?~n a~" ~ ~~E'p.i,,0 crl el' , ~ 'a a. i , p y t m the ~aJ~.ent oz ~ .l n~ . lot.:, r_n. ~ n I;l acl~.s . 5 ,.tnC h, the t~;,ces tllerean t'rte ; . r r' ~ r , d t0 city Of r~1yCl11~~,a0n Only,'_On deca,Ant of ~eTng a resident ~a_.~ ~n.a, ,-~.,n gar tG;' ~@ ~.::•~.1 1 GI' rC::>.;;Gn ,'t:,:,'; ;,;r:i. .sl;~u.li ? 1 ;teia ;~.rl'u' '1t1,: i?i.';e: Or1 y~ of 1':a,rnr;~,t tozrrnahT i and slat s.ub'eat to tar Tnthe Cite *r~m - d'al ~:,~t ~ _ ,t t ~ ~ • ~w~~ at mod- Qain°i. ~i~aall t V „ t tlt~.L1(1; I, ..E,1', :r'.1l;ra ,lt.';r .z_)jl!;wl"k1 t0 ~P. 'tl(, G:1.".j.. ;)rOpel ~y Q Tl x' t y 7 ww~- j7l.te~a` as lUL'S :}OG~ 7 i", ~ a I , + , '3):'~7 a' I LS (1 lte Jt of ;dr r _ z. c • ,-t; ,T r=!° l^. 'z'F• 1'r , ttr r, ~ 1 .t. e , P,~rGtelc f Ur a rG(iuCtlOf1 pf .~,~.,e:~arnent an ,..rt Gf wx # ~ no Ctt t0 _nCw e~.~., to wl;r? iiUtf':.. try ~r1G ' 'f, t + . ~ a . « ~ ,r Ou tae _yIl10Cf. , 5:, ,I ~I,, Li 1..0;.1 ,it uaE. "„r. i' rasvillo 'tear,'h 1t- ter~r,iarl an a r1t ~~J ~ ,p cis ~F~ r~"n -,rr, ~ r ; r aver a.~' . P ,e. ?...t to r r L - , a a0U ~ af' _ -.T.`Idf~e, eddy rr,G~S~FeI. ~G Gd . , R., a., .,.,.,$u , J, ~ii~a , , a ~ -L!r; Irl ~..!t;'. 1 i;t:,, 1 :~nC? b co;;sic;rreu -_:,t file tune=af rr n 1 . ~ n , °e era re nc,, -o~ „a; per a~,><,~ge ?.n th::~t area by th ° ;d,: •.45',, e,1-J. - ~ .rye .4 ~ ~ t~.Yr P~ f , .>>sa. .:,J~ ,.;'T al _ ~',a..:', ..'~WU.I'.Le,t ~J;;r ~ ,~Lil~atr, ';~rUc;.,~Gv1a o~.~e.~t; .rl.~s l',i.l;Tl;;Jt ,'I'u:a y s: ,cz !I~ LIp0j1 T&Ob1GIr Of i.x`~ ..a U;, .:e, aa~le r ;-,z fh u ) t~, ~7 nF~ s Ci~J~ .S• lr.,,3~ ,.te .Jaar=a C.q,)~aV..GT,iI ~~r:~,.,,n=, a:. '~U::.e:, a, laa .i'1Ut,r 'W t~ ?.ltl 'tail 'tI~,1 ;1, r t e ?J, fi%erlt Uf t .w 9 u.. •t: , a wit t G Ol ~ ,1e ,>s 0 t~ .,.t, vUruUn./a>, ~Cna~,G~ .U2 ~Iv.Ve.a. ..s.nCl larlacca.j)B ~prVl.Ceu l„nderw<a lit«e i)r~yt..: a~ ~ r..~.l~;iGU:r n.. CCkllClitiQn,,..,, '.t~8C1?at;4al.atl ,.~,:r'.: :.:8 it3$ x G' i~l,t3ck :i,' 1C~;. ~ -1 Gxeerlf field pray e'ct. ..,e ~r 1 ,.y~:..{7,ier3 a.'Preed ~:1+.t .tlaz ..,:.C " E rl , r, f' ~ 1 , s..Ullld {?e. L. 11 I, i r , l; - r, , . e a ~ ~y lp , al t ~ ; ~e,•, '~;nt of ta.:i:"". ail y;~i' on ui .ll;ii,r),j . ~ i• I.. Upar# rio~zol: of ,;r. :=intcn ;,eccn,eu ~o' :.-r. mull t'r:e =ten -r a,a.;n:` .erne far tle •e~.r 1 ~r.~s urc~,e«: (I: t ~ , r.ULtrC~ a~,~~r0Ver1 t..e u~~?tle:t V1 ~ E1 ,~.1 ~ ~ n " C t0 ii,~SOC' ~ L 4~ T~ ~:d ,harities for roG;:; rent ~~,nd fnod frr ri!~runk>.~uo.ne, ~r~,rrsient 111U1~erlt, a~ re COlarf1131rtked CJ" U.i~ "~elfrlre Offz. . - ~ '0'^,....,_ .1117 ..,'!;I"~Cf, C?_ G'. L:r....l,;r'S Ci7 i rl~' r,l •i ~1' aerr mot' ~ ~llb !'iV.~.:'G ,,,U:! ; r1';u.,1u:,..u?I~S.:;.i t,tl I .~.,z,~:e~ voit:,t,~ ;lean ~,.1, 3:30. ~ j y t , - , ;a_.,.t~'JG r. ].r;L; I,rr,Jl:tii; C,. :I~`p C ~ JUraan .,:CiVe: :riclVln left i;i1C 1. - ~ i•' •r 1. C;i~. t:tl. A ;.i.,. J ~t r 1', va 1T#~,~ ~Griie U.b an 1r17;]~ab8 ~,nereU Cilia~.I1'r" ..ls,l~ .ble 0 ~ ..:10wu ._U., , 'fir I, «al :r' .11,U1: 'Sf'U,I„iE,li 1';,r rUOlt: ~'O1' d,iiG~~i:er i,tlrl 'u ~ ~ ~!i ;t:i: , dci ~ ~ o•~.. , uz~cr, r.ecot~mende,tion of 1;r.e Courltf ,le1f;+.rc Oyl'zcex r - . ~ - I^ ar"1d U~:CI? ?ri0t1021 Of '1'ra;7}:, ;i8CU11QeU ".~r .r'. .^~05:; "T::rrlfr~~Ci ad:11:;Ui 011 r I li'' li'~ i 1 f ~ ~ ? C _ a c~ia n. , - i,l,{;T,~~od an 1nQ1~e11t C1t1Ler1 ~.;Ei e..:rti 0! •r.'.,...~.'ta '_'«~r'llL'U , i!!1.u :;!;E;ri .,.~.iaF _.,i'A1'[SP' i, ra ^F' ~ a::U. 1. ` 3 ar,ail r:3 j i4~e. ! ~,i 'i .,1 ..V., ,lial, ~C: UUilt {.111i ..o U„ w .}('.t _11.,'..,,..iil,,, (.~.,.X:-,i.;_LG, 411 .,.,.il~E' t.lr .18 I:~.:ir_'1.Ji.ltlGn GS LIlU ~y ~ c ~ r~~ .1 c ~ l an nlo'tl.on o1' ,r. `ia11 „ecurl{led br ;.:r• ~r •1 ~ z• ~ M i.rva.ance _'lsl,, ,,n., ~,~I~ t a:~ :~~cn~J Gerue:, tvas alea:,ca fro,u ,~aynleni; of w1,U0 s;~les cost char~;eu a~la.inst lot rr73 'ernside far file ~ erg' 1'.~--:~3 orl ~ _ J ~ t. , aLCOU.rIt Of P,r, aJ' In fH,llure of ti;}18 1' Y C~ ~ F , + -i:. 1 ~ I ~..-e,i, iL' :i .~a _'Ct r i'" o ` i i oz' ~ irlcllade } :.t F r t_iu in uiae ~t~ ,em nt of . 110 ezl~i", .n;,; a t11ec1moU21t OI all tr r a" ~ 1: a(. C; r;' r1 „ r y 'i ~ ~ '1,IeG due b~ lllrii for tCte ,re,~~y~ 1 G ~.l (:U~t. ~ ri a'.. 'i;, 1_ , . I:- r. , i' )t,~ r s ! r,'.f~,..I,,.L°~ t{) Sr,.s.?"~ n i~fy11 .,L,.U1,`i, ,~nri _ _ T * , iJ , Gn rl t' p o ton oz l,.r, lrinton, seconded by If::, I~~~,11, irup Board au ,,llorz~rea ~inCl rJi.rcrtea _ !ld the ferry'oar.,.•t Johtl nnox be advertised for sale f'or tnirts d,,'e• Bi{.~,t tci 'oe ~ ..,r~,, t:la ~ourltr :t~a,orlte ~ .iez t.~~`, 1~ ie~;al lar 'rte ),olAni;J to .;;y;.lz'e TP.rE1VeQ nOt l~~tez' ~,}lld.nl~iaraYl 15th'19'J5. n oci fl, ':111.`~11:z,. ;U _ :'110,1 'a't'.t31' a nUt, 1. 1 ilJt'r 'riC.:'E;=~GI'L - "rt 1'he ~om.ni~Uxoners re,~erving the ri~,lzt to .'J reject an;r or all aids. t7urin the in e i;`+,• ~ t rzurl au~ttoT_~,r vras';~iven to le~.se the Jahn . . i Lno:c f or y~300.00 far frei 7 ~ t ~ .,.:;L~~, ~ firs ~ el:,~~ .,l#a~ ;~~t#~r.Cl, ~ , ~ r i 1 ght tzafflc bet~een ,rz:lm~.n ton-_and I•orfal~ ~ a 1~.~~~,1~~,1;i:11C;r.', ,provided th~.s . ' ,e.: ;.;:~v cy .utu;;,i In9ur~.nCE zew ~ l.i dgrceal.le tG tl`!e 7.jl~uranCe COtllp2;ny, the 9a1Cf ajjl0l?nt to ~Je d'a 11.eU Un 1;Ile; ;Gt~TCl1~98 G 1_ ,t:... ,,1:; ;1'i.~L. uii 1, _,F ;.'Oli ~i>:y tJ UE' I pr1Ce Of the fern 'OOat ~.r_1. a1rr;:- `,,r10r:; '1'hµ "~ll (~~)Oo'Jf' j+ L..r r~ - , y zn ca.t;e oz purchaNee _ ~ .a 1 ~ u~ a ~~NJ, ~ .„art,.; uo:.~.Ue~ la;z c~ l azx Gln'a . ~ .0~.'. '',;1v. Uf « , , -t'U,~C: r', iii! ~U~?nF'H:I J~ 'lr ~0'arl~ t PLC ,Ul'1` ~t , - I F ~ ~ ,l ~L.1:..,:7e lnsul`;~.YiLe D$tll;1 . r, Upon mUtlOrl 0 =r• "rlasl'' seconded Gf [ ...r ,r z. _ }i ~:1 ...;rOrJ. ,.:)1,1','e, r' r' _r .ll'al'rr uu q l1T'Zlr?'(a n „G 'tu„ > ~I ~ 0 1r`a,l ~i3oard I f i l f.:z•. I inton, ' ,Te;l.Gres ~ of cane ~'ewr toy°.j1s i.p ~ ~ ve_ t,u rl~ Lc . _ ~ I i t'ras ranted an a}~~~tement of Hall i;,~,r f'ar file J ar 1J31 on ~.ceount of being l?on- ~ aY =-T'=' Lnuexrrl°i~err~ Par i al;r~ rt~w,r:. , ,.A• 1, l resident and the saute listed in error, _ ~ } _ u JLUfiO i,UUI..•1.~r^., i~BUI`« ,2=1,..," ~Jl t[1~~ ~LL_il l0^.:1'li Ul 1!I.~'r fill k';. Jrl'h ~i,1=s tJi,~' . 4a ~dl#t .'la w~~ ~ cy j~''~e'v:i.,u ii U~aLu Ll:l~~ i~ .I?~~ , j t~ OOIt?f1Un10at1Ur1 VruL3 r©Ce1Vl;d 'fr0rfl i.I'. `.1~•rt,]~enCll;rS011 v.:i r .l , T~l::_tin111~~ ~'~U ~l~>i).~1U ;,0;. e~`~' 'as}:ir1? tY~le lsoarr; to w~ a": )rove 11 ' ~ r.. :U~ _ C}) li..: ' I , ~ r,. r ,r. v n L.~.tU , l a i n J ~ . L I cre se in h's L- b I r ~ , z s,.la , and r ~ a ~ t r r' ~ , 'r' n ~ ~ t .e o ~ ,1 sal' ~1 ~ .zuc;n I Y cries oi' LL11 1•lza f..ve clel.~.s• ,,o uL ~ - ~ ~ . - ~ ~ -a'~_zuutio.l ~,,.3 zt was t~.en for t11e rea ~ ~ ~ d, r.iay :~.eterr,::.rie a,_lotl; e o;ae: I:v,J;~ti ~ I eon that the Bo~rrd n~_~.s no au~norit to increr;se his sal<~r or i his Clarl2.~and the tiros to con<•' 1- y y ~ ,,zc cr increases in swlarie;; is during the prepL~ration ila Of' tYlB aOUnt tµ bUdret along W J J~i", Oa ,.ir,!~i,y i3eCUa~ae.i ~J': ,.Yj ,D..I;. ~ i;)1'OVf:!1 ;IiL ~.Ji r!-~ I Y f, itn otter ~overllrrienl;~,l matters. ~ , a;,~l.l.nt a1' I. L ~ - _ ~i., ~ air.' ;i,.~. ~ , s'a1 1,.1.t~;ilt 0'f ,Jl ~'.t•;,.lirlt'b',D• ,r I~r 1 Upon motiGrl dul ~ seconded , ~ - I 1 5 the board allprovEd the pa. Went of ~ 6, G5 to riet're ~t L. d Slrlith ~C Cor,lps,ny, and y~~~53.9G to 1:iitci ~ ~ { ae~l .printing Company bath of `Raleif;;1.,11,L'e, zor ~ r,. _ pr~.nted f ed - - o.~_oi,1.~ r ~ OI'rrl5 fUT'n1Jh tilµ 1i8~1~iteT' of ~~eeQ°S _ ~,1~Ur.~ d.,lt ,11.~ I:.C;' ,,C:1, _c6';v:. „i, w,..;rl; 7. 1. ' ".C ~ r, .'1 •1 r - _U: :f? . C1~ '~'rl1 C'il.l?., `7 ]~Dt. ~'i,'U ~i C I.,~i~ r ,~:.i ~("q f, r- r ~n!• Upon u1DtiDn, du1~ seconued o _ 1. - J c unty bz11s 3tio.~• 1c~9 to "1~10vrereapprovsd for pµyroen~~ ~ , _:,~,1: ' - }~t ?T, COllf E:1'enCe Of t11e membe ' firs ,r ''ar.:_: ~z'r' i -%r1?'C.t ,.t ' r. ~ rs of the Board of County Con~nissioners held Tuesday - ~ 1~ebruar~ Stn 1J3„ au1;} ' , • ,J 1or~.ty teas given authorizing ;and drrectin~' tiie d ent of " en ~ - salaz zE.,, to them em~loysu an tre f - ara ~ra~clute,. • Co pE. • I-Jrr•~i1 ,L rri.. . ~a~ ^ r ~ ,r,! y _ e y through l ehruar 15th 19,5 and hat het ~ u ~ ~ ~ c z' i;,l~ ..;o 1. i n..~ a n • ~1. y , r u , .~.attlL;,:: , b8 C011t1j1UCC1 Urltll d' ~•.t.:~ar~• ...'.~y1:8k~. ~:.:.:.'~Cl'U.~I'r ~~.','l,i;iarr I Zsposition is made of the fer boat. ~'.r r~ 7 ~ r : i.1(i' ;'1-:. '.i.'ne me,etln~~ then ad'ou n rY r y.e_i ~a,:.aPr .a : ' " ~ rea. .Bo~1,~r,, ,..~~nz,,.=.. «,rItC11~1~. , , .P? c,,, r,. ~ ~ ,,.Jo.t.l;;c11t, •i,.U;lrlu, . .~a,.~t,_,,}. .~.$li,rerd. ..'.,•i~z.,lr;o:r .~.~.~ti;l.:t,'i r',r ~..rr ,,;d ~...,r.II,E;:~iu01i, ~I .v,'i,7'L~~IIf;;, , - . _ - , . . Cle~1.. ''lzlrlin~tan i'}•C F a35, .:1,'11- ~ i.~..: L . , z~ t , i '1';1e re ~ulc~r Sues? rcl~ 'r ' ~iL-i;ta~r:';,,,r,. ~ . , ~ c e z DI I }le Bo<zrd ~ - , ..1eJ e as Vela at 3:.00 ~ e • u:;;;ll;,, , ,,h _ ~ ,o e.. , 4 , . ~ .uu,.tl7o:l.d, d rv -062 e ~ . l e.~.',1,.Y'1Jt1e`r, ~ o ~ ~.L"Te ~ I Present , . ~ _ J z C;.,., u;ln, .r . ~ ~ , ildUl:i0r1 ~eti'alett I~ ,:t v ~.~F{i',;.u i' n t '1111.1,«.'. .;ilil6ll-1, 7, T} - ' narrr~~,n, Gea. >r.Trask r e14.t~ s ~ ,T ~ ~I ~in~on. ~ i ,..a :.a.z.. ,i: I. i , a S j ~ . ~ SIG i.. o ,Taa.llt,xiall _~nu J. e.l.C. n/p ,~.,n, , , I ~ t .t, ~'rTV Al I, I. ~~rrA t'1 1., F+.. . r I a i ,r r ,n rn~. I;.IJI~..r,,. rl ~ - I ,x.,.11._1,1, ~.rl.l'aue'. h ` . Coulltw «ltto,ne bezn: rs ~ . I J bent, .the alaa.ra subnutted b D ~ 2 7 ` 1 for expense f'or trCating o. CDI.IIlt'. ii"1Cli`" ~ r. .Bu..loa wli'i'^:l r, e,,;.i't ,r _-=n , i I ~E11t t0 b@ . _..1:...;,:,^...a_ ~,t1 J Incox ora~ed v;''~' r eredztea alanst't~:i;ce;~ due b~ 5ullocl:s Hoapit~.l ~ ,I 5, j p ,z~ helih over utltil nest meeti • r..~ ,r i. _.~ylr I L,....YG .l~,t U~an mat i 1 .tar N.' .,,•~~~'dll i_~~vl s r•, 1 ior of ~a11 se r, . .u~•Tie r i.. , J.~') ~ r,onded b ~ ,a;. , I ' '''~lr';1 ;:r lrasl<, ~}ul'S. ';i ~ ~ LUrw _ nw_~.1a,lPlk; • r.., 1.,. O;r:-fir l..a::i.r.i ~i~l.', I,11and \llz'.5aln Lev of ~ 1 ~ Slayton of 11~#zsnTng, , ; 4, cr.,. nzc.:., , ~ Y ~h'z'lotte, I~'•„ .end. Cizu ~ ~ ,ll~`_ :iarV+~•y LGe, }ii' a~ltz', 'fi'r - •i:.l{avrel~l. • o ,lr ~ (1 G'lu 1 i..Cl,,V~;trt L}C a'?Tj, . ru ~a111rr9 of lve~•r or o ~#el~s J.lt.iyas t. ~ WerB released f'1'oCl j)U.~'1:lOT'it 02 '-ell; 1 ~ p ~ / ''I:I. :1~'e:i~,rl, ~'Pr~ ~ 1 7 - c, , N ty z or not 1TS ~ ~a1 :?z1~, ~ .-art: os'~. ~u., .uL • . i. r ' ~aT't;11i1~;t Le~,Cil t'at'tler .,J I tii~ pr{7178rt.y In ~'dNe SG't:.r.tU 1~ -•ueris• a., Ucw ;ill~il:;,l:1• ..1~•~~17.I.':'~Grl. v,IlU „ ~ t0 n9,11, M ~ ,r_ +~~r' ~ '111~.1LraCL3, ' rCS el;blVel y Ala?..r.,ta• .;.)~~l 1, ,t,' i , '.L ~ ior. r P y zoz 1~1"le year 19~~k, an ~cco°~nti o cia" - ,er;1:=t,c.r-. ~ -i.A,11J 1 -r, a. beiu.` ncln-z°coiaent;a Lev' 4;a~ , lion ,.,.Ll'ris,:} l~~,l,), b' 0 Cti100 tell?a3eU 1T0;:11h.~111ent of enaa:t' ~art','1F: ,~~'.°r .IOU, .a., , ._r~.r_.QT: .1 .,.)1'{:~,'l;t:. .rt1.~l;:ill"1 ,.ir''.0 rr. ~ P _,r ~ "s.e„ ..'oa .r, - z'I~o. «.elu.?3r;~art1; , t' , r 0!: itUtl.Oll Qf ~rr, .`illlt :r ~ 'tI ~7e''t , o _ 0 1, s..cotlcied ~ k of ~ tlif-n a ~ ,d:x1'~~t,~~, 30,x0 to Green ~ is-r;,r, 1,' ...z, 1..:~.., uae hoard autaarizerl fire yidyllelr~ a Joa..nw~i, • t, ~r for ~;ro coalzn,, 11;;81% ior t:te t~~ s, ~ #,u_ fiat af' aolznty ;a~,uper ~y> f' I Rr yE r ,t ~ Ik y v ,5~ ~ ~ ` 4 =,~~'~=~~r. _ a~ ~A • r e 1 32/ 1' ~Y' i' ,~Jilrnirl;;~ton i~I.C. 1~'ebz'uaa'•~~ '~r ~ ~ c~, - > a ~ ,~Jt1,~iJ~~j° I. ,k ~ ~ > , l.rle -r'e;ulaz' 7dc[.;i ~r rtrer;t~n::~ .,f the ~ioard wa;, bred ~ ~Vilmin~'ton i~1. C. March 4tk1 ].935 i~ 1 FrG'Je7t: ,,~C~(.t19Grl 'le',Jlei;t ';rii:1,1,~'Sla,i1 ieCi~ .r'.'1T" ~ , J.,J ~'ir1CI, "~..1.,I~iritOfl, 1 The regular vreeltly rneetinh of the 1~oard °rr<<.;7 hold ~:~t 3s,:0 P°h1° 1 ~ ;inn mot ~ Mori o.~ ...r :iintan ae!;on~zera b} :;_z. W' J ;c t:'1P, Cit;Ir of ~lilrn~rli~,cn t'or ~ rc 7oi',.' t, ~ )vEit uu~ Iriz:;nClort of ~ P.`esento Addiso'rr ~fe~wlett Ch~~.irm~tn, Geo.'1~l,Trauk, 1i'°I,°Itos;~ dnd Ja,s. Id. Hczll. s , P i ~LOrra~~ part oi'~pxer,lium on suz'ety uanus of '~b~.bq „ , and L,,..IIG'ril.ier;iOn aCCOllnt oI~ TB,:C 011eCt~.;rt o:C~iL'h`, 14T UP.T'1~oLl 1~Y'p('rl "r f.L„}~pltpn f ~ June ;a~1t:I,1934. '~''''0')~z Ir3t,l``;;,3 ' rl I,i1~..:.A°Debnr>~~ vr:~~.,:, upon motion of I:;r, i;oC;~,1, seconded by 5'r, '1'raair, released from the 1 t ~ ti ~ r ~ , ~ e 1, . ,payment of ~:1 °00 su.les co.,ts for non-paymt,nt Qf ].d5~ tc:..<e:s on lot /~~2, bloc]: ~'l, `1~,on rnol;'o:r rl'~I'i- ;j~;:or,r>cif~ri c, on account of ~'azlurr; of :,he !'rrx Collector tc incl.udr same in eta~temr.nt ,I ~.ar+riL'~r ~~ri~lts 191' to 201 Cunr,et I'a.rl , ~ . :z :f „ ',vr e ap~~,rove~.1 z'or a.~,a1r , ©f ~taxos on "a'i property" due for file year 1r~.S3. ~ .t 11t, I1T)ort TIl~, I,;.Orl Gf ~~1"' 1~, ,;ei;,)YideCl _ . 'itint0il ~;I1L SOfirrl ~.J~,> rn; <1u, ~ > r a f IC 1 x.75 tO ~,'t' i ~ )t "a t-=' i~`rftc:it o ~ i~' ~ ;~r. 1~.A.~~Vasren appeared befo;°c tltc Board ur .in•e- file Cor,:rrds-~ioner;~ to r u e ~ r a t .,1 ~Io's~: ~ f g ~ ed C the t 1nC., :i'D],' t'(rrr,r OfjL i 1nL ~',)1.1T~(i~'6:;eCl ,"~~i)1' G1'1e tv r,; ~ ,1,,,,, ,)lrt'~z,-~= c~t~ co' ~ , ~ ~ - scse:;sment of ,;755G°.)0 on Ci-~evrolet autonlo~r,ile ovmed ~r . ; ~ a_1~ ~ anty / a , r,~efl ,y nzm ~ a dcmonstrc~tzon L ' car for the Raney-Chevrolet Company for t.,e ye:zr 1ii34. The Boat'd could fzncl no reaaon on '".1e =3o~al'11 :i ,,,1. r . ~ ~ ~ r vrhy it sho'.11d. rever;,e its action of ~~rebrl.lary 25tI'1. The re uest vras tneref ore e s..rca ,.1 _.,,uESt of L.S.~,an~le!1 to cau~0~~1 ,ran `r +„<~z~~ ~ 4 deciin d. „r ~i ~ u ~,Orr;'9 t ed. Lle on ~z.~ 0.„ ;a of 1ynC1, p,zrt ;lllson ~Iaagl10U1.'U 0'~7', - ~ t ,.15r'lzp,[OL' ~r~c ~rr;;:?,s ~ <r;,. C ,d,,.e].1 A:ricultura;L ~ T l~ ~ ~:"es,:;~ ,uy ;•~l , g A ent for the A~laraic Caas r and g t ine k,,ti lw.iy Co . , il;',z~);1 ~i~.~'s OVeY1001"E)Ll b„ ~Q1:i %>,tt~OT'ne'J' l,l orl E."F,tC'11n-a,'~~;10I"! O~i' ~ n 'i'~ 123 ~ a_~. ~ ~ r p _ t_tl~, ~ne ~o,~rr.l :~,~,;,,ne and L.L.I~"u.~rnea Fresidei~t of ~,1~ ' p~, n,, ~ d file ~ ~ ~e Couthed,,tern farm & Poultry r~..~tur,,l .,,tc:;<zn ;e a eared ~ - ;u;..u .i0_ LLB .~Cu;;On .:r!lt 1t lr1N nOaUi;'0?'~rt;r t0 C;i,nC:el a f.- ~ U„~ ~ 1 p p ed ,1 ~ ~:~,.+a is~1rc:Ier'~1~ !,rr-in; tree Corrxria;:;ioriez's to take over tY o' ~ ~ 1 recap et , t Ii n nd r E~ ~ a esume •m v' o - ,l l~e zed, G pay ent f salax' s~ ' as authorized b" a recent act cf' the I~e i 1 r Y ' - z~.I~orC of Ja:~. ,"al :e,. io ~;i f,al :COi' fife r~u)ntti of Jan, J ~ , ~ g s atu e, After sorry discussion the ~ -y. .zaiy r` s zr.~e..r~rl ~nc.i or~ac;red a_Ied,~ Cnmsniss~ioners requested that in Grder to ascertain to '~rrhat extent the services of a , i County sent 'ova,a de:;i:ed, a I~etition be ;~rep3,red and ciraula,ted a,monc; ttre far..er;s 'IJi:UIl 1f1Gtit_1?1 U~ ° ~ . L r 1T':1u=, seC(7Clae!1 ')jr U,ir, .I1::tOrl I,4z'.t.,J.`~'.L]. era ',vaa ;,r;~rr~~~oci ran a~~. ~ _1rd t:^:en precept the sa:;.e to this Bodz for cor.l~iderr:tior, ,a, t; sor,;e fat r, -~n ate~le,tt J ur, rn~..tzn~. C. G,S):e[} uCl 1 V-a1 ,1'U;yOn 0:~' :a4l~~JrtJr~ '..ixJeI! ~.~,;,'C;0'tlrlt~ ~.7.;iiti;i,i In Cr'T'OI' fGl' fie;,' '~f~~~ ,r~ a'~;1r'~,:'+;r~ t G ~~'il~ Si~,131~-1(; t? on 0 ' ~ ' , a:, ~1 i,~~4~ Xt , f tP_e (iitltl7. u .Oile1'9, u~1gri 0~dter~Pn_t Cf ~ellet•g t:C' ';;pOrl J7.~Otlon Of I:.r. RQ.~7, seconded bj ii.T', TTa;;k, ~;1e Gh,,+,ixrC0I1 l"r8.a aUt'iOriZGd and > at aiu a~connts axe. not soliteilt and are un-coil ect<~,b].e acct srzoulci . ~ r, r r ao~t~ 1u~:wa ~oc;en Misted' tilze ' ' directed ~o .,oop„raie `rn t.r ~.:e r1~A <rnd. purchase ~rhatever .r,aterials rreces ,ax to 'oe~r. t:ie fzrat ~ , i Y a t_me :i_~s listed tr~,.:ps, , , f` ' complete the co:l:~truetion of addztzon to the County ~icme burld~.n , g ,c. ioal`li uerhnsd ..;e : ,.guest o"~ ' ~M r ~ _ . a. ,•.'i.,d,.a 1~c1..eSil~iXx f© - x u,~c A,ane- ;n~vzc,l~?, ~;o;r rerlue.~t of ,..r. rr~;,lter ne~~lett far i"~ correctzcn of the "1; ta;xxes ck~rged ' Y ' ~I~ar~•, ,:~~;azns ' zoz` ~ ~a ac,.zon'o~ .n~ ;.rs.,es.,:nent oa ~r550,UG on 1re~~r - airav_ olet c-ar f'rJx ~.re ~ ~ ~ Jas.' °Ferr in block x'71 r.'or the Geary 1917 1916 19' - acccarit I~f' 'oei.1• , 'm r, 'rea;: ..3~I,cr, Y ~ y , , .z9 and 1920, alatnin~; the same ui_ed .,urn, r , ~ ~ ~ ~ r~ ~ ~rrv to ptr~ r u,,e a car v~,ri ce ;a fair ,~:~t,,r of ~ ,r:until' ~ , tohave been paid by the late L,,r.Iriuore a.nd filet tiro error occured tiroru h double ? Iii ~iae uC::rU~.,~~_,a~;a~; ';J'_tilQilt ::rzle .:.r. ,iarren utd;C'(t t)"r' ' ( r - ~ ~ g • a~t ne rr,,_1 only ,~7o°~)u oz" ,~lOU,r~O in >~A li0tin~, '„a,, referred tv the Cirairm:~n and the County nttorne r ~;rith ,ovrer to act I i. , . Cr:', 'Oll` file >>O.1r~+ 1 t 1". { ~ ~ t..,, ~ t ,'itlo _ ~ ltr,.Ci nfi 11 ~!"rt t0 d],aCI'11;11S1~1,te J.n ~t~[le v'a~lue G1 u;G!;10~r.1iC9 ~ f~01' tiyl~P~a?'G09~~ ~ k~ _ - ~ j ~ ~:oit :::etion of ..r. Fio:ss, ~;econaed by 1s. Trask, the request of ':,:r, Fz'ank If.:,z'~~i ~ ~ ss for s; ,ir1e ,^,~t,,yl, of roq.ndf , 1 .r ~ '.t sel,aratzcr. of the po:l,per;ona,]. and real eatate tuxe.; due by crank I{es].ep on lots r .,._nr; tn~ re!,u..~1a zn the oi~i'ire of the J~lerl: of ;u~)r•rior ~:]o~.trt under 13 and 14 I::yrtle (;-rave Farrns fcr the years 1'~31,iG932 ens 1333 err] allow him to ~ ' ~ t 1 ~.Gti. ~ f(I )C!~1 SJ1u11 _."~ttpk a'_(~. t0 TO )1ciCB t11P OT'@r'P ~ t ~ , „i. A c ,r pd ote ~ ~ y l .~.n~ lirnitecl ~ciilicht s th.. taxes on ,.wed lots vrs~r:out been _e aired to :~a the ~-er,a 1 .r. p~~°:te'.,~,ed 'n~~ ~,Ize lt~ s,,~~~~om, 'eras ~ ~ ~I y _ s na t~,c charged therei , - „a ;'~u.ii for rxrra ~ ~ n ' u _ being cont~i~acz„u by sire `~oaxd. It ap;rer~rs bhat the cn account of Craving to take the lots ~uack and Iie:~lep havin,i; no equity a.rz the s~.une preaErlt :iC`tl? 1Ci':'''" 3"'i31;G'if1 i,r~ 1, • i, ~ ~ l ~ ~ _ - lkr~r. c ea ~ ~ r'C "l0ec~. 'rl` t:1C1 + ~ ~ C`~', ~ r 1 ~a ^f.Li)~.aC1 t~ '~';1 t'.'11n '~C;7 fir' ;:'z~ 1I11U f, j.r1r10t 'OA YiaS grP.nted.• -lt ;d ~ e ~ 0 oaC i,,,I ~f .,n3 Cll1„ t 5%~,1:`le bern[~ Ol,r't of pz'int, ',`r:'1e1"u1J tnc C`.i~(J:3,Cit OL' ~ ~ °ws un _1~i:1_terl° Tile ;'lilmi.;;ton avins C; Trust CGmr)an havzr~,r~ au.,~lified and is a me " Y ~ rroer of the L'pon motzon of ;:M. 'r, ,i-,-, . e_~, repo<>zt Insurance Corpo__4tzan; entztlea to deduct ~~,0.O.Ou fro:.:. the ~ r ..~r.,~n, .~~.,.cr,~_~e-~, b,y :;!r, ;r~;..il:, file Bo-.rrd a~~ ~ro~red ~~i ~ t County's brwla::ce bef ore ca.l-culati the amount of collateral nrce~- ;;1;,~ to ~,fm. .''',`'i ~I pp ~ r, ;r,~yat_,)~ of ~ scary to ratect . ~ ~.r~1c1111 i0r 1;.11(laCd,Ge FirVl".: .~i r' p _ .,.s rellaered t.te 'er i';r~ I Ce:nty funds as rovided b' la,ti~r. Therefore reouer ;ti,., ,~z ,n~ _,].i plo,,~c~„ ~ p y y .,t to deduct ~..~,t amount a.s aforesaid id r and pledge collateral oiz file erce of the a~':.rerate balances of •'c CUi1f11,in1C'dt].On '1' ~ ~ ~4~ FJ~; COUr1tB OVP.r r., C., 1vCd 1rG151 .,r. Ai.;~.,~lanU ynr.l- r; a• ~ ~ r,.-, ~ yJ G~~G 00 ) ''r R' r- , ~ 3UI'CaU Oi IdPn~".. r'1 `i , '.'lll~ 00 bE iJl~-~CCC) 1n C:1;~:.~~E, Oi tfl8 , . , VlaS U~ On mOt1Cn Of , lraSk, S .QDl1Ci@"~ bJ I',';2`. ~:~ll, ~'rwrltCd• ~ y Ca,..On, li .,Ll(,'1 (:i ~'Ot,lreaU 1S CI'ecrteCl b~~r the pxeaent 1? ~1.'i].~'1'.,1.1I'9 i0r' ~ t:ris co_~vuunity, •rras reer,ivad for topside ; ,r~ ~ ~ c ~ , r~,t_on, ~nthdrevr :?zs motzon to name and de.,z~,rwte t::e ~ecuzity yr,.tional Bank a,s one e ~ ~ of the Countys' de~ositorie,.. I ~ Lhe cl+~;.rn o:E ir,p,;.BuiLOOk: for e;tpenses for tre, v.tcaent of a couni;y epee„ent, to be ;I,' , ~ cr°eclited on the t:lxes due 'o} I3u11ocl: ~r ter, f ~--o~p~ ~a1 Incorpoz•,~ted, >.~ar) upon motion o.k' ~ ~ request of ~:~e Bcard of "Jducation tna.t the su::: of ,~.~,500.U0 be placed to the credit I S 7iir. [11ntOt1, ,JeC011iled D' :,!z'. ~ , r r f Tzd>3_., Olelxed to t~ze C1air;nan ~ r , P ' of~ t{.e school account to take care of e: )endituras f A <<. it an.l ter.. County .ttr,orney I c~ th„ rnont., of I,_arch wa., upon ~ t0 confer 'rri ~ ~ ''aotion Of " ; A Y.r.,) r th o:re alt ~ai_~r,~is,~ione-s aft' ~..r. Trask seconre.~ b~- :,w_1 ~r~. i ~ ~ r as to Their etude in i,he 1~ rrd "e'~,ort ~ ~ ~ ~ , ,r .zted or uo much , mrit ,er. _ ~ ~ h , t ~ereo~, gnat may be lsa,r,]: to the 3oaTd at subsequent meetin~s. nacessar ~ ~ y. V z; ~ Dr. ~ .Irloare a~~~.eare~ :l z~ a, staozng tlz,,,~ it vras srri;gester. b.; the h ~ ~ ti>at ~ on motion of T1'rr° P.oss, seconded b Ls_r° ?.'all the Board ar, rove ~Ltf ,o,.~,lz~a.~~n~_s ~ Y , .p a the payment of I a anW19 .":7.';ljr 'Je 5eCl1T'ed tU aid zn j,L1rCIlctSln" o.-~ ~ r~ x'67°41 tG ' G azal.~,.r,, for pl>.~nting around ureenzield tic I,x. Gordon Van ;~cha~cx for landscape services rendered tre Gree,lfield Lake hike in connection ~'rit'n the scher.~e oi' ~ - ro' a r oea.z~zlication, by grantin~~ the i:aus ,lnited p sect far Febru..ry. Shor;s Incorporated to ex:r' , ~ . . zLat at and, and Jreentield streets from 'r~azr h 11th to ~~~pril 1st, ta, free, in cons~u ~ _ c , ~ J , . era~,zon al' uo~aal,irrF a part of the Fate recce ~~ts for tho,t .1pon motzon of l'r. Ross, seconded by ~ :-iwil, the County „uditor eras authorized t purpo,,e. 'lne Corl~nissionez's aid not Pooh u~)on tki t' forward a co of the audit re ort of the Count rf ~ ,'r 0 ~ e ;.troposi:zl 'with favor. PY P y Ol icers .,_eparea by ~d;r°C .Craft C.P°A .P.A - I for year endin-~- June 30th 1cj34 to the United "t~ ~ ~ ' b , U ~.te~ ride-zty and Guaranty Company of ~ Upon motion of .:r. 'i~ras,• ;f;corl~aed ~o'~ ;::r Baltimore f ~ ,l ~I1`.1tY1 t[re i~ r;lE' ~ ± ' ~ ~ L-d. for t,_eir ln~'ECt1011• a hop for pho ~ o .Y':a. 'ns ? I,. trt of ;,.1.00 0 ~a,1~. ~ ~ : ~ r p tr>...en of fingerprints' in connect' ; p ~ ~ of t1~e I"lUIlle Of iir.C,L','~'fi11te In 6' rn + - 1011 VJ~tll one z'eCerlt .ir~,.rdnLA y _ol..s~ :Mills, ',v4.;; a'~provea for c~.z~ gent T_te mater of re-indefing the records in the o:'fete of Cle_k of ;superior Court u - 'fi't the Co ~t - ~ nde ~ystern as a Pi'(A project at a cost of k~3 900..;0 au;.scxirr~at ~ r U on rnoti on of ~ ely , on a bas is of p ..:r. Iintor7 ~ ~.re Cn4~rirman ',`car ~ y 1'~'IA 400.OG and 0ount "1 5C 0.00 came u ~ a ain bu ,~,r at Rale1 rh ~ l r~ ~ G aLit,i10'r.'lZvd t0 a' ~Ii~;,~r befCr: ~hE; vG:'~.IIl1t~.'=!: ~ ~ Y s , p ~ , t li0 aCt10n P,~,,, td]'Cen° J, _e )rua_,~ .,8th, in t.Ie interest oi' the trig to the various counties to mee` ~ ~ proposed uzstribu'tion oi' rwsoline The mat ter of r`r > > ~ f ~ zo~r_t indebtedne;•s - ti , "~~d ~o` ,r ~ a..t_.Z„ _ree perr:;it tc C.l.Robin,~on, lJorld ,Ian "Je~er~~ _ i the Leg"1Gl~ltuz'e. ~ , aU 15 11Q~7 Jeln~~ CO11Si~1Cl, ~ r ; - ..11, t() peddle ~ t_..... r,,ea~c_1.e zit t_rz,~ county, ~~as declined. i The mee ti rr ~ , g tiles ~d Darned. ~ Upon motzon, duly seecnded, t-~e :,~rrd authorized and directea tyre em',lo'~~rne z ~ nt of a ,~j ~ ~ < i' nl~ht ',YatCr.Ir)<:.n aTid a d ;'rc'',tChr(lc.n Gn t116 fern ~bDat JQ~_:r! 't.I:O ~'`~%~~',~'o ~l r~~ ~ y h at ~,~10°CO per each _ week un~zl the insurance on the said. boat expires. ~ G er~c, ).c h i T}:e claim of Dx, ~ ~ r~ J, ,.atanly ghat t..~ t_t_e of prcparty on Burnt 1,x11 Cre~ he v-rcha:,ed from the Co~.lnty for t~:es is defective, eras referred to t::e Count' r, _ r p 1-~-W i ed y 1~tto_ .ley r~r -:lvestiga~ion ~_rrd re)OCt baol~ tc. the ~,c€-rd ra a`subsealla"'~ -.:r T_ze Count .~.ud' ~ ~ - - , i ~ y ztora cash report nor the month of _ebruary , re; ^i ~rd,~ end ordere - d fzled? filed/ , pY ie audit rep~:rt of Ja„=, 'i;al~er Ilem.orial ;-:osr,z~;z1 ,:;re':~.•i; ~ - and. Com>•;an for rear encl~n~ r "15 rra+ ' ' "yr J.B•I,`cC-;be, ~ Y y Decembe_ ~t 1.~4 jras ei - - - ~ , , c ved ~,.ld ordered f'. red. , Thy rlee~i~~- tl~~eri ~ •r~ ~~,c~ c ,....e .s . ~F~ _ _ ~r]~:. ~~rji lraingtol:, C I;'.ax•c;: 11th :1 ; G ~J~° i ~ Tate re~ule.r ~rF,~I',1~: ..r Present. ..ddi s~, ti ~ i son .-.,~rlett Crlaarman, _ °u..;:o:'s,Geo.'11.Trwsk, Jai?.1~:.1ia,l] euzd J il.Hi~t A ~QBtit10. ,r, , u oearzr:g t:.e ;;i~,l:wtuT'es o' l~ r farmers was prose: 1,x,;1 c;}' I,:z'.L.T,.HU;IIOS C 1 ~,t" 1 ~i 1 ' - - < < r«. ~"'.b"L4eerx~nAaifY a 4i rvl, C~. ~el ,3 i~ 'I Meet~;~~ of Ir~ra.rcb. l.lth,1935, continued, tF P 1~.eeting of ..,arch llth,l935, continued. i%~:; t; •s~iriez• vrith a resolution b the members of the ~ . „ ~ G Y Hanover Mutual Lx~lzange, ur Commissioners to re-establish trio County department of farm ~emonstratio Bing she ; n ; j reswne payment from the Colznty f•;ir.d;s, tc the County ~}gricultura,l ~t ~er taent and ~ ovin the sur*~•estion of the.i ' 1t vrith the 5ta Fol~ ~ g C airman, the Board upon maticn of ,,.r. Ross. seconded ? and Federal Government cooperating. Tr:e ~'oard eve instructio r• ~ ~ to :d g n~ to ~ ~ / ~ De artm t o ~ ~Ucertaing from t by ..:r. Hall, instructed the l.ounty kttorney to dra,, a bill emending the City-County ;l ~ p en f r,~,riculture to vrhat extent the .:Mate arid. Federal Governments ~ he Tax Office rict to give the tax payer the rig°ht to designate the overrnnent vrhere his g .~V~_~~ in the payment of salU.ry and other e,t~rnse fcr thi,~ Q.epaxtment bcfcr, ~ ~ !..1tiCZl~`'.t~: ante shall a~ul either Cit or ~ r. t•.~~ -115 action, Du3'rr' F_ Y~ Y County, wnd present the U,~1ne to our representative. ves I)~~ ~ in t,ie Le>-islature for p:wssa?;e. I1, appearing; to the satisfo,ction of i:hc hosz~l ~LI,wL~ 1,~;;s ~;,r.:,; e„ ~a~ra ~~•si i i 'n n~ ' n n f C i i' X271 fnr tree f~~.,rs 1917,1J18,1919 and 1920 ias ~ainat t Ul~cn motion of w:r. Iio,11, seconded by ,,'r. Rocs, tl7e Board authorized t::e purchase of ,I property that eras listed by hi:i ~,vzfe Luc F, Derr far sat he same , ' fa x the t~,vo Rur'a1 1~oli P ~ ~ ~ ,il Y Y d years and ;paid by the ~ .ini rms fo c, .~t a co,>t of not exceedrn~° ~35.OU each to ~„e Cauiity, L.','1.2;Ioore, The Board, therefore, upon motiori'.of i:s, Hinton, seconded b ~ ~ late and referred the same to the Chairman vrith ~ovrer to act. ~ ~ i autk~iorized arld dixecter thr;, Y ~r• ~rasl:, r ~ p ,l 1 t the said .back taxe„ charged against the 'said ~aror~ ~ for the said ye:~,rs in the name of Jas,F.Ferry be cancelled on ec r ~ ' ert~ I~r, J, E~zr1 ~needen, L.eter»Ad uster submitted his re ort for t'ie month of l+'ebruar ? a ou.1t of erro ~ ~ p Y double listing. r a.n which erad received and ordered filed. ~'1 tti 1j3 ~ r ~~,1 1'he zer.Iuest of John I°`errlerr for correction of error in nssesament of tlYe U?~'!i1 matron, d~.11y secondeda, county b111s I~tos, 2022 to ?„17B ~,~rere api;roved for payment.` I;'rs . Isar r1. Perde~rr in block "158 a.nd a refu ~-r land, of Y rf , nd of t~.,.e:~ paid on an ar~sessnient , 1 baed on 48 feet on Lirirhet street in.,tead of tae correct distance of 40 fhe meeting then adjourned. k u feet ~ ,',^~.s / pon motion of ,.,r. !{o~~ss, seconded by Trask, referred to the l.llairraan and th r e county ~ attorne to confer tirith Ire ;;;rs. Thos, Y , iI.';iri,l,-n~~, Col. '~~dalker Taylor and ~~I.B.Thor e T ovrners of adjoining property in tvhicn iimilar errors a!r,e:tir vritl~ th p , rustee, ~i Clerk. 1 ~ , e vie°,r ox re ' ` ad ' u^ m n ~ Y + aching ~ ate t of t:e master a,nd repor~ Their 1.~corn,nendw~zons to the Board . a t J P sub S..(ti ei 1 m~eting. 1 t ' 'Ililmin-rtton Id.C, ~ , ' Upon motion of 1,1r, ;3oss, seconded by :,'s, Trail; the '~oard; ordere Larch l8th,1935, ~ d a separat:.on of the 'i }ersonal property t:~.x -.Torn the reu.l estate i;ax .due b~ L',Franlt B ' ' lot ~ y r~.ttain arzd char5red against a. .a #~4, in bloclt ~F F„lydmore, and allowed Col.tF(alker T..e re.ular vreekly meeti;---,° of the Board vras held a~ x.00 P ~i Taylox to pay the ~a;te,, on s, i ~ T ~ a d re,~l estate for t.ie ~,~e,c,rs 191; a~d~1933 witaou 1 R t being required to pay the persoi;al taxes of I:,r. Brittain caarged therein 'oi~ account`of h i ' Present: Addison He,vlett Chairman Geo Tr sk ~ i' s av ng to take the property bacl~ and li• ~ , . a , J~.s..4,H~i11 and J.H.Ha.nton, navincr a ~ ~ attain no equity in ~.ie ~znie li U on mono u" - r~' r p n of ~r, :.intoi,, seconded by ~.r. Hall, the fo.llo~,•r~ng bi11.~ for office Arequew;t of a~,a J_~.lei,:! ',7i11i~uns to a11e~,r :irs, :d,i,.Gore a discount on a.~•r~ ~ e~:pense incurred by the re-employment Bureau for t_"~e month of Februar t~rere c roved is p ,r ,,e;it of back Y pp d taxe,~ ~rr-!s d~;clined, but the Board took under. consideration the matter o ~ fnr one half: „I ~ f a:~sessments on~~l , he: grater street pra~perty in ,block i~177 • i ~ I ; i a~ :;ou~.lern Beal Telephone Company .........11,95 X5.97 a `,`lith reference to the .rroposr,.l to burchase ~~r_ldit~ ~ ~ Postal Tele.ra h Com an 1. _on~.:~l lr:rnd,f r buric,l of g p p Y, ~ , • , ,03 ,52 , co..r;t paupers ~ ' ! adjoining Oc.Lk Grove Cemetery from; Pir, , E,Y,,13r an th Y James Book 2tore . , , , 1 35 7 V I j Y , e Countywras,~authorized to emalo+~ a ~ ~ •6 surveyor. to locate the tract of land and to furnish a more definite and assure ~ r `1':~e Beclcers Coal Builders Supply Company,.. .48, paid to discr>pt>.on U r o 1 1 ~ of the same to aid in exai;iinin7 the title. ode wo d E lio~t rimer Co 3.00 1.~0 U • . 1 . ~I 7lestern Union Tele.ra h Co g P .,...,,1....,..,,. 1.05 ,53 ' i The 3oard actin~• u ra er a,utliori y contained in ch~~,pter ~~146, ';section ,~19, Puolic Lavrs 1927 i Total X9.19 ; and as aanenraed in 1929,1931 and 1933, and upon motion of I~:r, Trask ~ j , seconded by ;Ir, Ross, i hereby name and designatestile Security :;Iational Bahl'; as a Ue ~ " Upon motion of ?,'r. Trask, seconded by i,'s, :Mall, the assessment on one acre of land 1 in addition to the lip pository fur Count, funds ~ ~ recentl u ~~P - k f ~ 3t of vepositories named at meryting of July 31st 1933. y p rch~„~.d by Dr .a ,Bulloc_. from D,D,>leorge, the s~une being a part of the ' 27 acre "Home Place" vras fixed at X100,00. u I ~ Upon motion of cr. Hinton sewn ~ r.` ~ - . . dad b5 .:r, Hwll, :,.i,q.H.Fertuson trra~a granted :~n abeteraent , '~s' . . of trixes on a, valuation of ;1,350,00 ter the veer 1934 on e~., r r , ~ f ~ ~ I'Io action vras taken in the matter of refund of purcna.se price of the Rosa 17111 ro art 13 acrer; Horne F a ~ h se for.ae.l,~ locates, on on Burnt 1'.ill Cr ~ p p Y A i arms,Federal Foint ~o,rnsni + eek, account of defective tide as claimed b Dr. J.~,~.ata 1 < ,erty p, ourned prior to aepternber 1B3,~ Y n i i It appearin;T to the Cor:~riissioicers that it is 'she de ~ ~ Upon notion of i."r. Trask, seconded by I:s. Hinton, the Bo~;,rd actin P u on tI!e ~ lying east of Ocean v u , szre of some of the o,mers o.f lots recomnien r ~ p ~ t en e ~,t ~lri:h~svi.lle Beach, to convey their title in the same to lotion of the „elfare Officer, authorize. and directed the payment of ~ the Tovm of 'r~ri,;htsville Beach in fee simple for tae ~ a " 501 per day and laundry expense to t:e Mate Canatorium for board and treatment ~ be burdened vrltn a ant of t~ ' reason that they do not cGr~ to of Isabel li!artin colorp o v' I ~ ( p YrP `fixes on property novr under yr t r i , .,d, f r tuberculosis. Isabel u.artin is a idevr Iianover County t a similar interest in said lot a e .The County also nav nC subject no;v at the :Mate school for th s from a standpoint of potential tar, v;zlues the e deaf,dwnb and blind, and gill be. sent from Commissioners therefore ~ ~ ' ~ there to - ~ ~ ! ,upon r+,ot_on of ~;r. Roos, seconded b ~ I:ir. H?~ntoa requested that the .,an~,torium for treatment, i the County also be made a party to the trans-c ~ ' A ~ a taon vrith the ~ovrn of 'Ilri htsville Bach, U on i~ p motion of ],,r. Hinton, seconded by Ins. Hall, the Board, upon recommendation of Upon motion of Iur, Hiinton, seconded b r Iia' ~ c the ~Jlelfare Dfficer, granted an additional ailovraance of °A10.00 er month to f J .Track, hear r Gril'fii colored ii ; _ 5 7 and Lucian Riley, 3 r p the ~ 7di„ent cit_zei.~, having been reco,i:u;ended o tli alvatior. 1:rmy riome far the care of Freddy Campbell,juvenile,•rrith the understandin ~ y e Co~.nt clfare Officer sire e g admitted to the Count Iome as iron.^,te,;. y ' that he is to be placed elsevrhere ~:s soon as possible to relieve tl~e Coun'c of tl' is Y ~ ~ i ~ additional expense. The same to be char.•ed a ainst the emer~enc~ f to ~ Upon mono o r n. g g g 5 and and payments to ~ 1 n f ,..r, Trask, ueconded by :.:r, H~.ill the Co~.~ ~ "'nori2ed ~ ~ begin as of date of IJiarch 12th,1935. to provide trans ~ortatio ' ntY ~Jel.zare Officer ,ram out, , 1 n for John T. Cat,ps, Jr., to 3tonevrall Ja.clcson Training school, • Upon motion of :.:r. Trask, seconded by ?ir. Hinton, tI"ie County '~~elfare Officer was ~ ~ Upon motion of l;:r. Hinton sec ~ authorized to ~ ~ m ' to > onded b,~ .~r, Ross, 1lnnie Cromatie colored of iIarnett ~ provide transportation for Virginia Britt, yow~ig vrayvrard white girl vvnelizp, rtes granted an abatement o£ takes ono ordered placed in Saniarcand by the Juvenile Jud e. ne female do ~ listed in e rot for the ~ g year 1934, It vras shovrn that tiie dog in cuestio ~ ~ r r Dr. J.D,Freeman• I n wa,, o,rned ;.nd listed for taxes by The folio i I w ng communication vras received from the County kuditor. i A :;t ~tement of the wino i • , tot on deposit in each bank as of Fe r ' ~etner ~~ilmin,_;ton,N,C., Pfarch 18th,1935. ~r,+ith a meinorandwn of securi r ~ b uary 28tn,1935, toy, b , - ts.a.~ held i.~, each case, ;rra~~ receive + t -Auditor. ~ d fron. ~..e Coon J 1 tonoz,~ble Board of County Co1r,<nissioners, With reference to the claim of Ux.J,`~T.Stanly for a refs - r art City. on Burnet dill Creels ~ and o` taites raid o.i prop Y ~ a~count of defective title, urchased ~ tax sale, tkirounh Irathan p _rom the County ~.t , ~ ~o1e Commissioner, the Count ktt ole Gentlemen.- informed him that Dr, Stahl urc' ~ Y orney announced that ?:;r. C ~ i c Y P na,~ed t':e same vrith fu7.1 knew ~ lue and I enclose herevrith the report of public funds in the hands of 1'`ir,~i'u'.I1.H~ir i led e of the v~, r ss, ~ on itl on of tie title. T:r~e Board, therefor g Clerk of Y,u error Court as of Deceinb r 1 t 19 4 ' statement from I:Ir. Cole c e, wave in.>~ructions to seclu•e a detail p > e s , B, ancerning t'ne same to ' I am unable to furnish ar_ re ort of receiver funs ' oe considered at t_-!e ne.~:t meeting. l,.i, ~ , Y P d in the hands of . 1i~.rriss as of Jan~.iar 1st 1935 for Ch r C y , e ea~on th~.t ~rhen ::x,liarriss left floe ~ Upon motion of 7,(r. Ross, seconder' b rr ~ Clerk's office he ~ ~ Hevrlett vras a vointe Y .,,r, Hinton, the Chairman of the Bor.Lrd ::r.kddison , carries. ~.!ese fends vnth him. ~ ~ p~ d Tax Supervisor of Taa,ation ~ r ' Yours trul for the year 1930.E Y, J,1, C?rre l l . `1 T`1e matter of appointing the t ii aX a3',3eSSOrs a21d list " • ' ~ , ~ ~ ' "oohed ' until next meeting. e.s for ,.ne gear 1335 was post. T'r,e above mentio. i ~ ned report having; been checked and found correct by the County t,uditor was received and a on motion ~!ras referred to coniiiiitt ~ ~ ' tor, Upon motion of Ro:;s p ee of 2esvr.,. l.?'.Ross Jas. f:I, Hall and J,H,Hinton for silo ~ a~~• ' 7s1~ ' seconded by .;;r, Ha11 1~.,_. . c ing ~,aii re records and approval b the ~ of assessn;snt on 1.ot ~ ~ s•!wir5 „ettin vr+.s -r=~ t i a reduction Car, Y I ~,E2, block X574 from ~ ~ -.n ea ;i~ cnittee, and then ordered fiJ.ed vrith the Re-::;inter of Dceds an .r I ~ assessment, and an abate ' X400.00 to ;,325,00 on account of error in ~ d publ~sl~ed a,, the ~ment of taxes 1 laYr directs. on a valuat' o^ 933 r ion of 125 0 r ~ 1.,2,1 i ~ , and 1934, ;vas o_d~red. ~ 0 fo_ the 5eass ; I U i p pon rho ion of i,r. Hinton, secoiide~. by lis, Hall, tiie Hoard actin- under tit ' ' contained in t!Ze ud ment of the ;;un r' o 'o ~1~ ~ e aut,iority i ty e! 4 c ~J g - . e i r G uz ::uthorized the litre of 1'i;wla I~:'c'Bride ' olored, to Dz. roster Burnett upon payment of tl:e court cor;ts. ' F t 1p ~t ~k l it r.1 f ~~i I i'''f ~ ~ r cur ~ M'_'r W.±rue.warR : t ' t 1 ; l i i, ~ ~,c:,i r~ '~r~'i'1 ~~5th,1~i3:~, wor,t;,.~,,ec; i, I1Teetin of Iy;arch ~ ~ 18th,19~5 continued, r ~ ^ ~ re'.l1Ce'; t0 1,5~i1,~)J -~fl.. ,ai`.r'l. O" 1L vz,~1t~.1:a,..CC Cf' ~i~dt} i)I~ tni "rti I ~r ,r C~'< ,J,fr~.1E; ~4~J~,~)i) '(."S,.iCti:,.',iCn'Y, Oil ;1p'.la? Orl lat t~ ;lOCr~ tl`% I'eaUCC;~.~ LO ~lOil Q~~~ -ind I f f ! Ti18 Onl bl U tctXe On %.I ~riulurl.,'t1C7i1 0'1 air'`). i ~LG..~ V~`~ 1 ar LI:C, f C:;;.r It,' S''~. y d received for the ferr boat John Y r Y nog. ,ras that of the ,tone Tovrinr i for q~l 099.AA and one for ' Gor f ~ the trro small houses on t,~e crest bank of the ri ~ '1~,any '~t- ~ _ i;on ;sue ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , g y ver by Upon..totson of :r. .~n ..~o..~l,.J .,r.,a.., ttl~ ~o~.Id ;,i,:,rover~ she :~ep~lration ~ .Yrahnke for ;50.00, the s,n,les vrere, t.le.refore, post oned to a r/ s r „ , ~Y, ~ p futuxe date. ~ c~ sssp~smont on hp~ o:~.°tr o~ ~,~.rs. oallie G, 3avi1~ in llloc:. tiCi6 ~.nu fix~:,Gl the ~ ~nt~ on thin :ia ''1:'rr;;~t ,,ara. o ~ ~~a 1, Upon motion of NIr, Hall seconded b~ P,Ir, Hit - ~ as.~o.~sm ~ f log 3, ana tar. r,o ~tl~rrest >>~~r~ of 10~ 4, at .;ra,~5.00 I : the Yoke Ise to ~ ' y non, an a,ptlropriation of •`;15.00 was in p~aer ~q et1'~ ale :.:rs. ')avis ~o cleµr file t~j,~~'r, on saki lot. 1 vrs D~,nd of the ~.i~n.C,A,, tovrard the purchase of h 1 bO ~ granted ~ ` Home , Tile a , ro ,T, y~ ok,i for ti1e i'I , ri~:.tlon vra,~, recluer~'tied by l,a. , J.B.iiuntin~~tan r' County ~ ,F, ,y ~ ~ . , ,Jelleral ;BCretr22y, 1e-follavlil~;; ,G'r6p~"try z~ ,,~'i~llasville ~;edCYl ila~ri:1~; O~.OYi.'OrF;~iOar;d .1nU sOl~i :('Ur to eu j , ~ '7,t t:11 t r' r ~h 6Jl1 0 .~x'z~nt:~v1118'~e e~ .0'11 r1 :+.d'e t~C , t'Io action ~rrs,s taken r~ ~ by ~ e o r>.ch, to 'a~toun.~ r!; ~e~en t to oe~'tne amo~zrtt s lr,e con..er.lin~, the matter of nerr quarters f'o:c the of t~ztes Niue i:lle County and t'tle l~rorata.nart ;~:~iF.l to trle r , Offices. 1'.~A y, J t,a.. ~~~l,c~ol out of the :uns~~ rE,al.i~ecl u.t N~;id sale, and~u~olz rnotil;n, caul seeonard tale `i'ax Coll;eetox 'rra5 Y i.;~tl:°~ctert to issue r~ceil,It,~ for tf16 aulour;ts co elected _ii; full settlement of <~,11 Upon motion of it°s, IIintoil, seconded by '..ix. Txasl: variou ~ r 1 , principal) on near bui]. n + 3 comp)-,.int.., of assessments ts,:cd~i~ due on ea,cr. ox trze foilowin~ lots and note t};a ame on tue taz recur-:ia of t'ne Y dims, a,t Ca.rolane, Beach', ;sere referred to the Chai ' , c . pourer Lo 'act. rrn~,n rrltn .,oant,~, a: aid to i)ue _Cour;t-~r, Ta. )oiler„or A ' ~ r. _ ~ 11sl; of ,,<z,,,plications for t~ i a,x 1 ti s t i n 193 ~ .~r,~, a 1 f i:;r. Ho,11 ' + r presen ed to the 13o;~,r am up L zzel~ro.,.(.ifoot Lct ~ ~ 1( ZIZC, °'~C:..7C "`~i.0 motion o d on i ~ri.,htovi'lJ.,, ~:ea',~l ~ ~o ~3~ ' r ~4 r seco_.cied b, ;;.r. Trask, tae ollovring vrere a ~o>_nte rr 1 , ~ ~ - ~ ~ , p1 d for the >-G.:,oli,-lc>_, 1oc:~ '~'7,,~ut 1.:x.1 1~~29 to 141,,41, ;?20.92 P„?.90 respective tov~m5;"1ip;~ for ti:e year 1935: i T.. ~ b r1, n ' 1 ,i n n 1 p c" r i b _.-.lane ..J?., i,o l~b~i Inr X1'7 46 3 1,~6 6 ~ ` 1+ 12 n ,i r'2(.l t 1~~ • r n 1f~ 7 S 4~• ' ~ ~ '.n~:1LO' ra.+~rll i' 1, J U~~ 19- O .,J~ V 1 L1,11 k ~Plilmin{,rton Tovrnstlip, ',+I.F.C1a.rnenter T~' ' ~ ~ . L ` Ca e Fe• , L.FI,;OavI,3 nd T.C „'~llers. p ar ,1.~.~;lilkirls. Federal Fo' ~ int John F. Taylor. 1, ; ; , ~ , ~ - 1'Ia;~OnhorO u ~ ; .,ponrno,~on oi' r a,, secGr;leu ay ;:.r, ..~.n~on, :,lrs. ;:ary iI, Cad~ran lr~~., rel8ased from file Pnrs.'Leila'P~. Horne, ~ , l,s,yrnen~ oi' penalty for not lis ti.n6 10,, 70 Oleander `for file year 1934., for Cne reason Harnett Plo,l Illrs. Janet E.Hi h. - ttie Harnet I'io,2 " ~ tilatr +he said lot °,~r~.s t,:,icen 'ove.c c,y one Oleata~lPr ~evel.opment Comaa» ,rznd ,':;rs. ;o~^ra~n ' ~ Gea.T.Shepard. ~ ; • r r, ~ oe_n~, a nc~n-r.usidPnt, The ~z I,pointrneilt of t ~ , he 1'a~. h~~(..,,3or$ was pCS'~pOlled until TleiCt Tll?et1nP.'. l r+ r~~r' c~ b'~' f'f,'r,rnr~ •r 1 ra ° II~e fo1}.o I.ng _re.~ol.z~~.on o~,_ a • a.. „a. ...t s(,~;cndecz Y;;,- ..,r, ?':oas, tita, aan~,,teus The fol~lorrin~r bi11:> havi ~ ng bee.) a;,proved, '4vere a on mots. o. ; ' s . a ~ r ~ ~ , p » order~d pal.d bi 11 , F,I' here ~,s x„i la: o;. ct'zlrir~;1 a' ot~;, n tit a ~ :i >JOS ,l.u u. uCi an ~.i,GLv,Aiu c$t, ~ i , ~ 2179 to ~ 2~4,, . ~upe_ or rifLi2'i Gf ~G',i ~aI1Cr'f~:'ni0lJ.1_~.'r~ tU T'e",.k e :i.'ti0' -lrj s' p i + c' ~ J f ~.r it+-_ ink; o~ ~.e~~.~.. ell.. i'na' i1,~ i i {ais ,°.trh, llle f:o~lar,rin~; good and lavrful men ~~rere dra'„m to ~ .r x sere„ as ~ulo_s in the 3uper.io: Court _ $l for the trial of civil cases for t~,^ro vreeh, i~ ~~,r~~,. ~ , ~ - - , ~5 ,erm, f2rF,t vleel: begillnin~; . (J~,1 t 1~~. ~~ru~~;r.:..) ~aci.~ :ab ,,:a,E;l:.f IC'f, ,;~OIiYi ~.~,,1,''11r;_It~;t,cillS,(rOVEl'IiQI' April 15'Li.1,1935, ~ - _ ~ ~1~~ _ ~ir'~'ri ~<z~'(J11r1~„ pe reC'u°~'Ci LeQ t0 :;u,ls. ci. 81)P,C:L(;ll terirt Of ti!8 ~~1I1~~'f;? lOT' IiOUT't 7.QI' ~i81V ~ <!alIOVE;I' ~~Cil,iiltj' foI' tilE i;i'1a,1 Of l;].'lfGl,l]i~.1 aCtlUliL~ t0 ve ~,elu GIl 1'_OpUU,r tiU~i Edw. Z. Bing. J,;~~.Sykes. I~I , , I,.~t„rl,-,nd. Robt. Sheer. Jas,~',Yates. G,411,`Pienke - to i,~' preoidEd over by Jadi?e J, I'o,ul r''<"i~,sellc, a~td to oulrtillile for one z'rcel: ,.;nl.ess '11. Arden Lan C ,P,Yir' T n, 7, ~ g , Doran„h, ,1.G,15outherland, P,,R.CIIri:~,tie. Andrevr J, Il.:zza~i~ r ~t1e ,,ll~~.siness ~be e.;>,rl~.er %.>_sro,~cu of. G.1~.,~m1th, L~'..T,Pi :ford. 1.( , ~9~,I..I,Lanler.,f . g Franl; ~ ;rorrell. J,IL,Parker. D,iI 1;,ru1 r ~ 3 Ei.G.''PJillin. R,iC,Pa,rson:~. Luci~ ~ t~by Jr, Iadw,~J,Sco~t. a,n ~,Bisho r, ,cn .,r.i,i , p ~+.~i'w1a017, ,1,O.Ed,rardu, C,~9,BurtOn, 0 . OJ ...I', •T<~..., CGC)lU3U 1,y .,.T'. .x~.n~t 11, ~,O,Cl1C ,,.ilCS :f5 rel ~,.'C: ii'Gitl ',~1,'I;lerit r.- i. t y ~~.,C011d r, t:: 1U~lzl~.l;y i'Or Y10t 1i811n~; '~I'u 7r'I'~y ~ ~ for ui10 ~'cir l~' 1~J3 ;~tnd l~'~ ~k. vreek bog>.nning ,zplil ~,:IId,1935; ~ ~ ° ~ ~ ~ - ~ rE;rzi,l ~:y.i1L'%:a.t1C11S :,~Gr a_:OinUt:!EI",t iii' '~a::.,3:aF';iSC?':' 1`reI'e rer,•81VCd and rev.Q u,J tl~ie ' I?.k'.IalcCl-~nn~y. J.F.Kin R.:I~' lyi - a 8 eier• J.IJ,hietiJton. Jno,G,hurllken• Bill Kin r, ~aixman,~Yld 'ri.~~~Le~' ~~~i:_B CC~1tCi~:eL~u~;7,Ct1, E~!VE:1l G';:,!'~; a'J,~11CE7,1",'t .C;;;1'S, J. v.1Sdti'r'~r(iru' H.P.;'~i11ia:~ls b and H.R.Carbett • R~ . ~ , ~,lph Lee. Geo.E.Benson. L.C.~3idbrlr , ` .P.rletcaer mere u~~ort i~lotiol: of :~r ; , ~ y J k 1daltan~J - as•~., ,,E~onded ~,y ~.r, ,;al:., au~:oin~oa ~i~i~ ]i.F.Crider. ~,9.H.D.Banck ~ - . ,1,'~1,~t0ile • rr1,~~.i,i Pi' i .sae"SOrB i nr 1~Ile r C'ti ~ r ~ ~ „r z el jelzl' 1. ,U •J:1~~o0 'iifli,UJC':'.erit5, Q1V1;,..O,:C; ~;;'1C. lild}:E3 i?1Ve:,'' J.~;;.tIOna Crayon 3Ylmpman,'1J.J,Colli?r. Franklin F' r' P- Geo,'I.Pie~rrton, ~'+',G,Twining, of Cott l ; ir: t':: cn 1zi1 real e:: t~.te. } 1 1,.rr~cr,ii,Pi,I',';Ll.lray• C,A•RObe8Ci1, GeO,L,FwrIfleT, ' I Th , ~ The !iu~~,l':i -~C',ill: lt'Ull ~i,':ie OrC1e1 i]f ,T,` ) N t e .,..z_ , dnd a}. an cnottior~l. of ...r. .,ass, 51.conued e meeti.l~; ttlen adjourned, - ~ by .,.r. rllnton, ahi~ro~~red Otte pa~7aelt~ of ~;2~,00 ;:I~er,ialuti;orneya foe to .L.Cla~'to( Grant t ~>~C.9 I! ~ :;'i~, .,SC~•, I0:[' .ierViCGS de1'eri[i1t1f; ::11en LSiCl~1;,2 l~~ll'Cil e:'li, 1S'~o, i Clerk ',Ja,1m °ton • -nU ,-,1~ , 1:iarcll r.~,5t':1,1.'tiJJ. ~ 1,,~j)021 1:iG%iUYt Of r: r T,ir, r1in~~~,011, °BC;O11 e(I ~tlj ~:°~~r, j~r~1S1: 2, Y'e(.jue5~,; TOl' ci T`0(it1C~l'r i t. of ~tille a.;,;ess:r.er.t cn house of (;',C,r?ed;7 ;1' , 1 rotor .:a~'}., cl1 acrotlrlt of i condil;ion, vrc.s referred 1E, rep"Lll;ir 1'reel~l e~ v0 1;110 rJllUirll'(c6n~~Yu`a ~ eL~i(~_t't10I1. ' ' :v til t ~ . R ~ ~ 0"'l:!.11. t CI f G;' l il'J ~ ~ Y c 1u~ of ~C~1~1e ~o11rd lr,t~ ilel~' ~ _ a a ttL~,~ u~l;r a~ 3:00 . 1 r Prl'',SC11ti ,'ld~~tL~Orl ?ii;;'iJl "1 ir•. r,. rei)0"z v Oy Ji1„0. ~'I 1};el" 'i , , e1~t '~.1d__11aI1 IrQQ,;! ~ n ~ ~~a ~:0;~1)Il;ctl 1'0?:' ~;il(; t1O111;11 Uf lellrl.la. f 'vlc:8 .COE.1-VBC. ~S1C1 OIUC' ,.yas}: _.~:.._io:;; r' ~ red filed, ~ , f it a 1' i . j e J..,,_,wr ~ 'k- Lem. y~ h O Cl 'il0 p ~t30k1 UL' :.!r, :Iill~~ ~ ! :`•111;11CeAU101i& for :iltllCrVlJ~Ut1 1' ^n~ , ;;'1 ~r k n~• ,n , ion ,,ecancied .kl ~~.11 _ I o_ pI _i,o;~e~., l,.n~,e_Nlint Jel,artr,len~ el„ l'cr.,civcd 11nd filed, y~' 5~ 1JG ° I', , t, n(; IjOarU ull WOVE., t ~ a~ [,10,1 ; OJ. '~N ~to ~,ile Sta~to ;io;;'~itaz7. 1 'u nc ,.~y, ~ ~zt ,al ~ for three t;loni;lls t t ~ e~iil, zlpmn ro:)uest of file ;;lerl; of Su'~eria~r Ca,rr~b, 'lire laaLter ai' ~ s' ~ , , 1 rorlalnl; Puna:: tov;ard ira;n.~ert oa sulaiy of Coul:ty r~,I1,; 1lernoistrl,,i:iart I ~a dent and bo,_1ru ! of ~,lil'1i-.1r1 Grant ire~'ori~;,1;~, lent in order 'Lc relieve til - - H ` 1C en1 eilae 1t U,, t~Crne Oy .11e L attic) a Of 1~,i?e (;Ol.ln,,y, ~;.h,ll ll ~ 11.~on :nation of r.',I . _i' ran''-e u for discl.<<s' o t r ~ - i lntO1l ~~e.CnCie(i ~0'~r ~ , ~ U 7. 21. 1C ~e- ~ti'.'.9 Z'ead ITOra ~.',i,u~,Lll(,-~,J;.;tl'_Gt, a(; f:Ilt, e:~;i)1;~1,Illn' ~ ,:r, Ii:zl e Ito ' € r l ~,tl f'1.. I' :'1,:inG' tfiO' ,..s,iOJ;,LIe]']t ;.tie , on to in ;It:. anc'.; ~ o)' uzilifcatiorls re u~red of ti:e a~_ licant r,uz:;ne ' ai, ~u~ai"~ri,~ion o~t.' .101, I/ _p ~ ~ ra~I~;~oirltnient and in~.nr,ial ~ .~e~ rrrl in "bloc)~• rrt0, u.nd lot , n ~r1 ~rer ~ ~ - ~ aslae club pro~~erCy, ~aro.tina ~eac}1 111 r,1oc}. lll0,,.~~.o r~.sr,zclpatioa~ by ire~teial ~~,nd Si,ate gove~'rllaell~,r, i'or a~,lal°~ etc..Ai'ter a'r' i j xl1 orae J i.,cu„,~ion ~ ~3r11,1d'ivi:~j'~ on ~ F, ~ r to u1:.a.I' ~,lle t,r,..es due oli lot rn Su,id dnd ~etin ~ ~,,~r, ua requ.,ated b~ r,ir, ~ upon, ~i1e petition of 187 or-raol'e f~zrz.....,~ of'Lhe count< 1~i ' ,l .LCD: tan L1; ~r ~ , ~ , ,l, ~ Ia undei° utlthol'w l; ~das referred to one Lna_ri,lall vrit(l ~ o,;h G - ~ J i,o~~rer tC act. . I .~~rnea in ~.n -~.c'c of tiie le~isl~ature 1~~35, I,17'.rlall rloveu and I; eras ueeollcied b i ° ~os;~ and carried, that; ari at.'oro ~riation af' ; 83.3,E ` e ' r:lonti y ~ p t , le Inon L'ris :esSl'a. :I.L.re , a. ~ rl.l ~ iv 1 I Or 1'i Of r t~IaoCl ~~nld n,I.;,,Il1t,z '31'un'"'~, -p , ~-ayand June 19.35, os=r~a,ns a,vaildble out of tcleemcl~•t~nc~r ~1'tuld t w 'i r, o arc t:ie ua~tnent ! ari; 17 r '"rI~}l COl1ntf ~Olili.llh,`37.0110 r71e' pf c. os ~ i' L1 I1, 1)r2EleTit allii <l I.~ ~a114 ~0,-..1'tt;,~/ a'tt4 udldl,f Of d 1+c'1,.1'ffi ~enlOnStratZaI1 ;t[,l',nt'for 'G1'115 GOUnt rill 111(alll)t'_]'~ b'U'~11'1' l" ~ r nt i ~ ~oillf tOl,~lp~; 1JaS !1Olll t'Or "r ` Y I, a 1~z„i~~tl~el. T ' X11' Uilr 0,; t, O:f ~ci,IC1I1..~UC~ c~Ct1411 p r g' ~ ex„e~,t a_I.' J.H,1~inton=vrll.o Seca ' r ~ y i,ik1~F !'1-lf ~e U,~1'eeu Ui)On CL)1'10e7.'111116 ~t't1iJ 1 ~ ,UeafeQ t0 ~,@ reCOrdedaS VOtln'' i'i'0, el.y ~ ~ ~ + e;i3e ai f eI'"C~ '1' .s o~ ~ ~ r l crI yooa~ Johrl hno::. I t ~°1~1a ~ z L aper h;{ w(~u tfie sa1~ oi' tree a .l ceu ~ilat the ;ia r c,o c,toi~le iovrin. ~uortl~~l'trr ~ ~z ~,;1,0_~,,,i)0 fur t:Ie ~oiln :;.no., by ~:1e A bill iri favor ~f 1~1r,1.2,T,aoss Jai~>«e~' 1or.' ,a5 19 ~ ~ C a ~ ,,e nE .ia Dear , o_ s ' ' ' dU., iurLtlel" CUII'aJ.,.le1"at1011. 11115 C, e:ali18 4Vit11 i' i L, ~ i _OCW~L1 I(OC. for .~{Of IiYLO~ie: I ~ ~ ~t11e ~Jl~.lller, ~'e1r1;% ~~,"re s2:4-~ a~.l ! ' a ~ r~ ' ~ , ~ ~ i rzuUl'leI' 1'e ~1A1"'nECI 1~:COflt tt!O IiU~ ,11 ~F~,~., AVi1S a~11?I'OVeU i 0T Ildfl:iE=t1t. i ~1pon notion of ..:r, ! UnOn 171 0 11 0 11 O:C L•T', n _ 9 i 'tr '1' 1~' ~ c n 7'l~ - ~ ~~o;;;; ,,ei e ~o, s. conuea 1, _~tnt,an bt11u alo.,, 4 to '~no~ a o r,ci °,r ~ + , lease, fi41e ~'eI'L' fI'c1 s Cl y ~ .I.i,;int;, G_le i;'1J i~~ t0 I'Gr lien, ~ ,r~. r..,:,u , t:'I'(. y,,.!TOVeci~f y 11a1z5e and the use of the s1;1• o Boar~,~, v,.te I t, river to i:r, U,,i,'Ju~a,n a11eI' buildin on Lana ere de of i;i>e t , t .far pau'~enger trana~COl'tat• g st si i :~~ate :hgilwl~y anu `ublic 'rlor}t z a.Cn, sub~eet'to Lhe a?° royal of file / The I,leetin~~ t}~en ad~uurlle ' 1.A til, s Corrlmisslon, for ~r50.00 per 1; rc:aerving E , 1f:•iIt to , ~ - i aanu,a• the Co1711~1 sioiiers ~ a canc,c,l ,.a1d lease at °r : . s ~ of war}.in„ out tfle de tail~lllll t,r, zn~ tl.,le upon ~f1lrty nays nota.ce. The m,v;ter r,, 2t,~,!1,,-,,~~', lc, _ cparata.on of fife lr, rr, _=-----r'- ,,1r. .i..crlett, :.~:r. Fetersun ana t71e ''o • ~ .aa ~ col.tr,irt r:~s referred to '~C1.er1, ,~rllrllll~ i,orl . ~ ~ ; i i , ~ un tI . ~r. i 7. 1,, ~ - , J 1i1C .,,e1^! :1a170Ve1` '~Oll:1tJ ''vatli,i.310i' o, _nE _6;1,1111; 'tree}:l~r tlleC'"ull;~l; Oi %iie ,101:i,ru „Ci.3 iit)1.U. a{; ,'~;UU 1,,,., ' ~:~,~;~f<1i T'S, ielU ttl,,;l I'eSU1:1eQ tt1C' 1)':::11011.(;' ;IOIi 0'i~ itu !~OUtl~t~d,' ' i ~Iar1011;; Oal~'~r1f61'li;a O1' -~?'C'SO?lt~ .',i~U1;i0Y1 .:al`rlf;'' ~ ~ 1r•~, - ;i 11u;]B5[Ii?1e11'tu O1'1 hll1,}.lI• ~ b~` l~l1bS'lrlli~611, JdEi. ;i,-i,].~. 1ir11~ J.;?.!I~1:u011, ~i 11"1Fef~tlilltl;d ~y ~l,;tie ~01.`;1~,11tti; 11~i.~„ at ~a?.ollna :;3ea`11 i'1~'r1rl~' 'D t3ePi e 1rOnl u.,B ~Oa?. L L 'rJe1.'e 1'0 COiillllell(letj „ 'll iA'1Ci Ta`ti :~t' ~ t .7 " I dy 't [le L~'1111rr11a1'1 i;0 .3~e~J0I'S, {~fle 'I'C.Ll0arlYl~ C:1~..9~G'3 ~l.v.:,111it'il a,pfl'c~.?;ed ;.z11d tOlu t,11G' :_10:12'1: t~iilt ii(J I)l1I'(:li;tUt3ll 1Qt~ lrl i~, eliuali'- ~ tzar~e~' G~ 11d l.l~.0i11':10 1 a5111en1'a ~r(~G'~'~q r~ u. - ,r ~ lrl blOC:}~ I,~r,.i11111UVf:L' 11 t1 UCl '1• ' V , Uf i,.._., -~08'Ci ~ - _ lJ,.til bLc6 01' )r '1GJ'~~s v l ~r ~ul' .U:i,~ :C1:11i l) r'1, ~ 'r~~ L' t .'~in1 l~~r ; o o l.l~, C (.,o e t,~~uLwc,ll..l t,r ~~bl.h),~~,, j , st;on.l~;;(, b' ~ :1rui ,t,~ci ,z'1r,~.te~nenLa ,~rizntedt .>r ,:1'. Eit~11, Gae re - 1~.I ~°ceot~ U co.. p ~ .1 c-• au ro~~', ~ _ ~:,:>,lu all un,ncl,it~on 'tea,, adoi~t~..11 _ -.r..r~,'L'el •lOG UO nrl ~.lr„ ~;1 ~ ~ exc f w aavill~ I~F;erl out ui~ ci, ~1.0;,~~,~r:rit, ~I Cr nel.lrl,r t;lo ~ e+~l r~l ~ C~ T'., . ,.all„~~1,k00.e)0,>~;:esslrlent o~ ~ pt aau duLr~ 11 ow ~zrd t~lten, I5 t~.li:.l, e ro l~~a,,,, ~~e 'ul~ d f U i, ~fitel li~~I'i1 l~ r'•~'~ .l taro r1ou~A• ~'d re ~ t;I°le ~hzll~n ,va a..,..eu ti1(, board to ~i. ~ at,1J,)i L•2~ey 8Q a~S 011 lCt ~ 'DIOCI'. ~kU, GU]1St!'L1C~~~ 11eV'e 1.lISl Ol' ~,tle 1)'-]1` ~ r ` ~ ~ , .z,,ai, or ~ ~ ~ . , 1 1a.n1i rzll.:c;1 ~I ed r ' tilt. ~ an .,a al. C c le a~ zI' f~,ru,; 1 c On '!"101.~1Je 011 lot 1~ t ~ ~1iS 1.°~ Y, ,r~,t'lc ~ „1110n'~ C~I1l3I.Ge?' t, it 1'~U~'ttC;l' 6'+,1;; L~l.t;n l.iltuel' : rock 3p, reauceil t V a1 .,laol~ X1,:,50.00 'asa ~atiort, 1'or 1t,a~r.ito:;a o ~;~8u0.~! ~lnd t,~1a on , ed ;7' ;,50.00 valuation a;~at i „ , „ u, ,,00,'JO on ';louse of ~ _ oi~; ~,1,Of)0 17~J v,:lu~z~..1o1 i~~iteu i'ur ~ ~ o~ ~:~,block 3, xeduoefz ~o ,r1,500;Ut) 1 a l 1.,3 i, 1.11 I .13u,rnh,.~l,at 0 ~ , , ,7ti,0U0.0 pl r 1 J10C:. ,}7 ~ , 1 aULI`i c 0.1 Ot , I I i 6 , Tom!. ( ' ~ r ~ C j ~ , t ~ ,T, - ' iiL'e ;i.fl~ 0.1' .-,ilri J- 1;) t, 1~~J], CO'nt1n11eC}, i , r ~ ~ a ~ _ , _!le a,Iplic~,tior, ca f' U..'.,;Ii.l;;ar, ~rJ2 wartiwsiori ,~o ~,:c C,c,l,:ri.~ o~~'rE, :1:~,; :'te ; iu _n abet' , n , , 8riC11:,F° %r1~~,1 t0. A~'i.il~..F,lie(.: 11'' I,t,l: (epGr"(~' °0' '..(i'a~'ti ,/dl'1Ct; ,ll.i..,llr ;G11 ,t+Jr'11 ~i;i1 !..~t;:'. „i~ T ; ' - ' , , ~ lei?. , rnort ~ r~ ~ ,T lu ~ t .~;1 T . s I' l:lo G . e lU 1' i dj i) .r.,i lri~ ~a t11G~' -~ai~,rCl f",slat Ci . ~ r"y , r U e"1.+.:. " F ' ~ Vra,~1Ln c~.i llu..~.t~ 3,i, ur1P, u0ltrit~ .tOlne ' i,1Ll.; r,U .1,.18 rc Urri„~ to 6le nal!t, lri ci,Yi _ni,a.+.'1(.a~E.U aalt(tlialGrl an(1 "Chat nl.s ' u ~ a. .n a. ET2ea F' ,y+. ~ G'-i t..' r, , r ' ' ri01 .kre.~C..,4. ..Galuari ,..eu~ v~.<,,lrril~6'1 tiGQ. lr ~ r•e: ~ ~rau .1~....~o~M,^. iv.~~..,ti~tl ~~n:i J.:I. ,~.,tora. rJecrl ~;eneral.ly ~ir6d and api:c'a;rs dcf la..~, tG>i'~.rd !^rle su~,Eisz'interidd;n ' ~ =c t wr~,Iatt tendti to 'r1 I;,,;11Y Clisri.lpt U1;3ai 'lln at tilti: tame ffi1d 1t nGG4r 'a;2'7C::rl.ri ~ , . , J p f ~ c7d t t 121 s ~ _ , eX1ut1,;" ~ 3C T a1~.0'r+in. 6I~11Ce C~.CreriaC 11 , a , ~ ~ . i, + • , , s d tarred b, i;lie ieue, ter,, ita ,:?u?,~ :::u~_...i u'~~c?: i~ro>,(,le-canriat tre c;orzected z,1taGUt ~lsmissln- tllr;i fronT i,rl~: :i ~ _ ~ J ~ aY~le 3 .6 nerea axe ! 7- ~7 , ' r:,utlan `al' r talc se~,ai, .~a a , A ' ' ~ _ , p n, ~:.YI ~ ~ f ...r~ ~.a.ni;a?I r,(riLL'.i•dl:.l~.,d, t Idt. Vi a en rte llu~ a t i .GVG'() d 1 ,r<.,, ser,G;~deu:al ~ - ;.„a n d t° d~_ , .7" 11''1.1,;,:6 "JArUV86t I'US' (;n@ .;-t.i~. C~ 1:r., ~l,,,Ol.i?ltu :MEd ~t-8'ff ti;e ~pUiit~r ''.p:'~.e. t~ Pay-tal' ~ele~r,..z R ~ 1 ;r,; 0 , i ~ Cautilez'n Lill ~'.alF, ~ .c,,;,.°ir.~- ,.1d6 a n;>*1~E:1 Gf ine'az: is• u8 e" ~ . ' , --.1 ;r i~. ~.,,jt.~Dne l,a., °s.~;', i u ca ~an to ~.J.tcctxu(..~~ .cared i',or d.t i;:ie I~ndervrc'od ~'11iot+ i~'' 4 , i i, 4 • ~ ~ lsl'e' CotnYaany °rl l 5ti , ,c;.,r,~;~ -:c,•.c -,n..terd ai lnc?.~rr1l~~ ed•.!,ra e..x,ense 11T' sel,di C.:elz to tl- le v ~ ~ t. V. . td 4,U' r. ,,i ~ r a-r~. .n r r ,,r ~",DS ail tal `'i'J@5tern i.'n `:ali aC lBhraUh l"o. Vi': { G ~ i ~ a .~-C.+~;;, z a_ trac, ~liwnl,, l,lte, e~ are ~.5 I e ,uCNtBU f the '.,lET'lt OI v1~' GI°^ , ~ ~ . 4. p - r ~ouxt r!~ Js,~:es daol< ~ cre 2' w ,i. . ,i.i . . . • . • . • ~f 4 :~:poT. r~~lo.i of .x. lali, seaonued by .r, I•tlntorl It 1[5 'tno senae cf l,,'~, ~ ~ t 1, i . r :ri1a ..,a.tI'd ndt a 1,7`4.~~ U v 3 67 if suc::. a~rtYiarlt;r, can be secured, tliv Caunt°;, ::ttorne , ro ~ , ' , y ln.i eructed to ux•e Jare~ , , ~ G.l C.3 Y, r, X85;: l On J ~r1C l ~ µ _dlll ~ s-.~r (Ja.~ ~i ;8 +G,t the 4 i; rf ' eF.1,xlEtturP. '7.n C, A v .ln~ !..aU"f.,r~ aUtllOr' i t; r. pf . t12i,~ p , F ;-i a. ~ lr, t ~..Ur, ,.tariU.. ..ittsl. `secan(ted " C~J"~ It 1':te117'l~vr= , r ,pr~r i ~ s py r. ral ttit +<<T.~~.r't:er C~}iarG~i C'?i_i~.0"1f;C Lc ,.J., ~ollrly .urge : nr ub at;on ant, rya - ~ ~ 1. f , ' u t_ ~ tr.Aer,t. + ~ ;fed a rz~urid of :toll ~ k .r ~,U u:Te ,ltatate t~-.,eyr r Iles `,r,_*.: Gr: ~ 1 ~a., co~.lec udd 1,,, i;i1e 'i'a.. ~ ~ , . La eGtar !"'f ~arYlia ~..lenrr tar t'!e 8~:1r l~J'J~ a.. dC'Ca:ltlt, Ox GC'ri" alit r 1-.-, ~ 1~'rul" Gi. Gf ..I 111n oaTT sE,[,,arlrl . ~u;.6,'(~ aU t1G', ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ 5 ~%':~1 a 0I t_ n.U 6 ea o~ i..r s J- a. ~ _ ` Zi! .Lt:C. ..ll,e,,l v.:~ 1 P .a : 17 ~(.G. .,UyA.O.I to .fir{6n.~1,~ii ~a.i.~C)T', ~.ar` e x-;~.'.2Cc 3~Or£l~:r~l~.. Jb'.9 <a .1~. n~ ~a iia ~tLr~i ~ , . . ~ (jy e 4 J~~'rJ ' li',. .l 'L.~ ::l Yav ~cliaal '.,.a.. ~:i e.T lA~e tz'Ie YI" 1 ~r 11+rl G-'i corri:;7unical;iGn ,r~~ r:.ceiudd ;`rcr.: t::e;i;o tr:}~ '.i:uitor , : , _ ,'1c ~IIlatlrii, a~ UE'UOa1t i f dim , 7 t ° r,. r a. . r. wr u ~ 2n~acn o~.nk aw oi' ~:archub n 1:x05 ~ ~ , ~ ~ ,t _ cap v t~ 8 t;r,f.I' r,~2 a .,rl;t..~„it,.i _:~il In r ~ , ~;~t,',0: pl. i c-+nde~r.l. i:,.~ ;:~,y..'ia.; ~ 'P` ` ? f ~ z merzordn~:u.:a cl ' x :t~M lrr 4rte o..1'l.,e u:r. i.., ,r, , J , v:1 it ~.l ~ 'd •~t ~ ,,1 Cu tits aaJer ~.j ~ ~ ,u,,!.ert ,.1,..ii._ L .~il;j].G1;'ci,~,iG11< ri, i, ~ ~ . , r ' .+It1i ref erei(Ce to tYle Cli;:I,1 of "~'l, , cr ~ , f for da..l,~.~, ' !;riari :iatlarl C-ftll~r ,=,eCGtl~aEkt ~i a ..,,r: i 7^ ~ c>r~ i. t a. r. e.u,..~C1G' es ~OT , llt~ ~C'i:;i QT ci CaVr, 1 J J,. _ ~ , 1e .aG G 1'..., vi18 8ri~ aI ..b.l~ va ~.r. ,.a7'tl ' 1 , - s t)iJ~ 1~' ,>n%• G l ,r1 tteI; 1215 0',111 "','.'pia U' c r,+ 3 ar; ,,+t~rr " ~1' 1 ~ ,r _ + ~ ~,r;.r • t j ~ ,r ~ 0~ an t11S a'•`rn 1Jr ei'll eS i 1 rle i;oard I?t~,5' I1~.' tS , t ; ~ z dc, lore an the zdC... gay ~...,CTwCa~e .,G_41a(`~ d~, ~,;.ct.,.~.1~~C~. , . r + - a"~;.nz.an of 1;2e ,,owzt~ :~yto}ne; treat >~rte said cta 's~ras nat r ~ a . ~ ~ f C, ~u n1nL a~ large,.. ctecllned fi r:.i. ,,ry N.;: ^ ~M'~` nr..a~ k , ~ r payi,i~.'rr.L of r.l~: alr;.lnri , . ~ ~ r•~r;ue.~ra Gf t.,e .,~c11d o± },au.,~~:~1an tr2a.,J flee sur:: of , ~ u r~ 5Q iC~O b ,,1~a~..l t~ trre { C'_`eUlt OJ Li~.r+iN(iafi ""i ~,T~r~ 'r` 9 ~ n ! ~ t G . f,,,..d ~ 0=e..,, a. e ,~ae li.s ~ j,lY'P,. r•. ' ii . ~ .r'7'.I .J.i (rc: :,xa 11 ~.1 a. era v'rs„.t.°, r- x:, , ~ - e....,o(;lor2 Uul,~ ,aera:lr.ed co!~:,t'~r ~n 1~ i)s. ~2c0 to 2~15G ,e ~ ~ ~ l ,,1,,,e!.. ~ ~ v 1 G ap~;ru rid fora ayrn, n ~ ;k , ~ . x Ore h1Gt1 UTi Of ? , ~ r' ~ 1u ~ ~ r, r" ;aU sP.CO ,ivy,' G~ ~yl~tlr, - _ S, 21,,ea ,,J ,;1'. llnt,an, ta., rleir~ of lar"in-:~neenan vrere , .-r.u.:,(...r.;'.:,iQ:;an, ,Yi.z i.rJrer,rN I'el` t'~, a. + i!~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - eased _om~ ti:c p~(yr~env- of r l~ fi'or r:a~ en:;. .~`,~r,~e' .io ~ - li,suln~ pTOt~ert;; +n 'olaclc 173 i'or wire Ir ~ 1,.,c. .,e i:,t; ..,.,t1 :C.i. 'a OlI~Ce 1'iCtif; =c.lor: t;;1GIL r,ii' ~i,.,e' +r. 7 _ + ~ . , - y BaI v 1032 ana J3, far f,tie rei;sCn ~Yldt %Ile t:ell'S firer` rl u` i. ` i rr c~u,_~:;~ .);uiriL(a i,ar., f' , ~ ~ e , 1. i.,C, here .:t tk?e tirur , ~ j ~ . d,i. >J+: 1„~I':, 1 Qr'.:e,i''.c'7.,G rer ('C)uiit' ,,,,~ti c : 0,~ `~~F i • i ' f ~0 ~a:,_ a. l~5ti11~, 11,: i, , ,1, 1' r r„~ ~r.~~ . _ ,.6~,,, ri' r + t . i, ~u 1 ' r e ~ - . , „ ,r, tc ,r t) e ter ..••;i,„~N lifit~ r'•e~er:, ,.,~....._,e~~ a~ ~.:e C~:'_CE G~ l,.ie ~U'ti:1t'r ":U~aitO: iU" J ~ ~••av 1U-~ U:: arder 1;a Glt1i'' ti~G tu:;CS Or! Cer't(;yr~ 1C1ta In i,',r, aL1JG16"1;110ri. C ;,1i;U alt ~;rie Pate. }n( n n ~ _',U._e ..Ch, tf1A IUil0,V1r;U ~7GSa1',e11~,';, 'J;rvr'e tlr'.~Cl b` t;lie ~C~i.'r'd: ~ ~ ;0 ~1^:;, Gf ..r, •"~.y7., ..eCGt;aG't .:i.~tGl'i, i',iC n0,ld f~~~:,Vr:: :,i1':.,C: ! ';a f _ c, , ~ C:ar C ~ ~ .1 L' 1.,,_J_ .,t OT tirL' ~ .,~'-.~i:C u1 Jt,re~:1~1,l. ~ .60''G 'f,'I C<C'Q i ~,~1!l~,~Q, u u ~ r # ' i 1 n ri' _~1DCh Lai, ~ i115.0U ~J 0 i r`'--1t..;, .T'{i~q 'l,~(ic /'1 ,~.~~':nt QT'G'Cllt,: >>;)'e' hr-t+ r ~ II n { _ _ ~ r i _ _ Q . , ':I.~1 f,; r i C1 , , C; , . u r c ~e 11 1 ' 00 ~ @:, 6cL"~.iF; 1: erltl tle t0 l;ndei the la'+' bile r't S ,1 P r + . c:~i , an 'C" Grp r r. ~ ~G, r1C Cl~,:.Pl_u at r,he I,',r.1e OY 1? t'..ni;, 211d :'lOCl: nail n ~ 15O li~J C. ,..,.P,., all ;a ValUr.~:_Orl G'I' 1,.~0,~!0 i'UT' f~i '/F::I' 1JJ'; ~t•~ C. ,~r~~ra, n n p { v !i'~O11 ri1Gt1 cn Of ~'r '-i t'- _ y, , t Li, ~.,C J~ lU ali. ._0_1eF 0,',fl!..Lt G. P,^~1e~t OI~ ,1.}i' li y ' , ~~i1~ a. ~ ~ . J> ~ - Us~ell or w 1'_UiiL~1a rl8 as..easrrent:~. arl 1 1' e a.,ly n of t ' , • t , . w a " r, , r , ~ ~G zl ~at~ a `t,1-•'i''1 kC,' 7'tn r ~ t. i a:S ~ dnd - ~_r,. ~ z ,:,o.~~,.i:, ~~:.-~ru antic tlo.~t:~Gt,, ;"flli~.,,.. xJlo h. c,nt lneu • "tr :.n o1r r50 earalinf~, Place eras declineu zor she rPasoiz that'the awns w asse.tied in ~ rI, I1~ ti ~ 11ne ~=1tli adjcinin~, prooertyi . - ~F.: n ~ pp I, ,.i... C. ''l.G. 1.1 ? V :L .li ^ j , li! a ;1 Y,r.. I' : iE; 10r "i;128 lGi, i i mac- i - a~ cavr Ultten r,v zaw a'rrr, , It t",a„ ~rau_~lTtto the aoten~iona~ .,;"ie :~oiird a~< <;r. ^o~s taat anttlnberaf r z ',::tJZ~:l~,a,C on :~,z7 c"r'; _Jr r~u~es r , Y i ^ ec;ezsed foz• zuseatzi;~.tion. a~ariers eho ~ ~ ~ proge, are car?telnl,lu~in~ repairs to t'l~eir }xo 3ert ;are of; tree ' p 1 Y oplnlon:~hat ~ assessments vril7.=be increased b~ rea 'on of U ' ` { :i C ;1,l.lr!,.L'd,L1Urt 'r7C1,5 reCe' 'u iral;l "ro 'mil l i ~ ,1r s s'UCt1 rePairs~ and aln'tin~ It ri~L"a' ull':'ay, 9 zve v en^rard ~lo;:r•:e av~~n~ iar ~~n a~ ,a'v'a>~rl~tzor been ~lle~'iolia f ~ O1 . r ? ' ' z y a thls Board naU ao increase ~is'ilessrlents on rer;,lses on act ~,;.CO tor~r~trd a.n elr~ense of 'l~:a(;.DO ~r, - ~ p ourlt of . 'r to ..~et t._e 1_„5 %~n,~enae a~ ~,i.G :'i~nSchoo_ ~ ha~rin~ neen painters or re~Jaireolln tiZe narnel course of~ ~ , ~e!ui~ terra. 'y""1e reu r, 1`resez'vitz;; ti1E; ~Jl~operty. ~ 1 ,nest t,'a,: cie~.;ll.~eci orl wcca'~rnt o1' . r, ~ ,ne u,.;,:,2s.,1 cne ~ ~talci~ ro -~ssessmeil~s are incz'euved onl in cases ;~'r~ere lle~a additions have been r'::~.de or when 1 e''ul ~ _ c, ~ .,t t:c ,,..arlt arse a ,u ~ ,rlat~ c. ~ : r're , ! r ~duc - ~ n , la 1 :,.i,te_ ,.:.s refcr;~e~i t,r~ ,.te ~o::ru of ~^tle property h~,s been res tared "ta i ~!'~ai~i;,er ,;:,1 i + to a,~''ter re.itl~!,1a1; 01 tyre a:,.:(:~:;m,n~ i el,_0. 1' Qi' ;il(.. f CGr!5i i.lr;.i'd,~i01i. beers ''rcrn`ed rJ, r- . ~ o ~ _C~-On 02 ..t,o Car!i11t1011. 1:leref0e, tii1,~ ~,alird, Upon Il10i;lalt 01' ~ ~'aSu, SCCOndeQ bf :'I'J.SiC re~t.fillril 1tS )<l5t 17ai1C'' n(i~ ~ UjJon mots an of ' :,rri h:intarr seconded b'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ to inertr se .~..,,,esauler,t,., 4 „ a ,i .:all, %t2e ~.012,rC1 8.Ct1r!~;' upal'1 ~i!e O~In10ll t C,. 'Jrape~'t;/ b}r I'e..iSOn 61 rr'r~~.'r:' ':n(1 't • t' t. A - p:.zn:zn~ , cu 2n;,t., .n tnereof .,r,cour_,,es ~%eneral ~ 0 tii8 GoUnt~ :~>ttGTn2'~, aLlr,riorlZBd an(i. Ci:?^gCteCt ~:f:2 „O~~Y"~r ) '1ltEI' 011 ~ rr'r_„~~1`~S '.ir - a~',~, ~ i a. :l + tt,, ~iti,Gr2'tef tC ~ aY1i~ paTi1~..:,~ i 01" t„:~ pl'CSErV~,,6104i O1 1:1 O{;eI vy' t','1 t,llOU~ 1'eC3,r Of 'lrlL'T'e~:Sed ! i the j ua~~alent anal-e ~ an endorse??~ent p2• - order releasing; idle lien ~,nd c,ue"a~~ian ai' a ~ as~;;esyrnen~, j j ud~;nlert s' c curea s,gai ns t Jas uer ~ c~'ao ,r neea f a~ 1„:.,, tales uue or? l.ot. rrl3, i rr b1oc~ ir5? a as to ?,s :'T j _ e ec;t o:iy on the east rn~ u. ~ ~ , a e .al of lo~„ 4 arlu 5 in block ;,~25~, one ~Tie,:,e~i, 'ter ai' deeds broup;lrt to tree uttentlon of -tne .;~aul'u tilr~(t cor.uJl~:int:; h~:: e tar,.~:s i2avirl~ been uaid on tiro'Je" . , , v been 1 _ ly 1Y"1 5clld q ~ OCn. fj"~,JJ. l:ictde u;: Some Of: tn8 ' c: , ~ttorne,~„ In reEard to.tr2e a;lrtount of fees c11i~r~,ed far :recordlnp T] 1 ~ _ , . , cep tair~ f oz:ns _o~ Bulldzn ° ,e; - n ~ ~..j;oa Beef; of Trust tllrzt are snore dlaporxte tT;r ,i ~ ~ s. L.r~ . oz,., ? ~ ~ ~ar2o>rt.r col.?y~lctl.nCS zor reuuctzarl of as.:es~rtents on r~ro7ert' or n irzird ;street ; ,crovic;ed a~ str - _ - ' ~ v; as ~~xesenteu i:o the ~oaru ~ ~ y 1 gout ~ ~ ,I dtute._ It al>_.e~>~?::~; U:~uu X110 rate oS cr~r~e is ii.=.eci 'py 1~,;r ~~nu the ,E ~ zn file fnrr.2 of a,petltion ,re area b~.~r.C,a.rracks,;and •~eg.~ster of Deeds 1 a ~ 'r~as referred to tt.e r'. ~ ~ x? P y s re ulreci to follocr tree .,t~(ttlte, ~,le Oorllnissioner~ il;.ve r+o mod:. .:G,;aSol'd far inVeStl "atlon aat;2GI'].t' t0 *rs n 'i r r .„A ~ and recorn2nendatlans. lnterfere,na~+eti~r ~..t,.on ,,ate :xeier,~ed t.nt,;l ne..~ 1~eetlri~ i L~~JOn motion of ...r, tiinto m, n ~ecantted by 1 L., ' ' . ~ x.,Na11, the ,oard ordered" the cancellatzon LLne Cor.~?lllssionez`s ac~in~;'upon i;he rep;nest of the ..Teter rd'uster v of vile i' ollora'! n~ ~~xes a or ttze xeason _ , ; t , . n . J otea ulydrtllnous 1~ ~ltien._ o ,,aln :the pit;r Corlllrlsslol2ers t'o ask our rcpresenta.tlves Ir the L~ "i.;lature to ~ i 31 oak 2fi,lots 23 and 24 ` z . .y ~ . , ~ ~ , l , l' ~ i e.~0a"i ~t s 4 , Calo..lna Plaae In ~t2e Warne' of Su~~~•s 3;~aClazn, v t ~~ll.. count , lram the 'roves ono LL~ ? ti~5.~~0 as these firers l~s Y ~ 1 a~ the utate-Y~lde deter lnspeatioi~ bell nary ~ ~ ted for t}ze same ear in tlz " ndall send pending in the'Le~-'sl' paid. i lock 26 to ' ~ Y e Warne of 1~::1.:.)~>_e / (,1 ature'. ~ is 2,5 c~ 24 , Carolina Place ida,~i.l',end , f all :`1913 ~..~,00 ,as these 1 ot,, ti,G_ e rested In the name of P.Ai'r=Ji11~ am,s . ' e lilon ~ ; 1!~1~ dnd paid.!' 131oek 30 'Caroli~( P1czc notion of :..r. Hinton seconded b~= :.:I', 1ras1. r(i. ...::..l~endal.l c,anr' 1 11. ~ of ~n s do an l,,cIver ,r~.s u~.(.'n repo?rlwenczation s. ,e record far sae reason i,hat t'rtie log, ,vas-listeu'il2the '~~e ,~elfare''Offa.cer re-adlilit e(i i2 ' y• ' to t e Coanuy 1{omc, as an llt.a~.te ~vlt;i ~;:e r,<~le of . ,1^'.S~rlnson and 1,~~id. a~ ion . ::nciez s ~andin :that in res ee t v" ' r- ~ dam' . { J, ~ p t a ~altng iii tree Cloy, or a~°ra~ zrorn tare :io,i:e, tee is ~Jermittcc, to do so cn , r•, ~ , ly ~^rltn ~r,e consent of tine :,u,ae..l.t~enrae~t, Lean rao~;ior of .:r. Hinton ,e . 5 ccl.ued c ~ "x. N~;ll ;erlt of ' 1 ;,>7.50 to Sr. Portal , the Board `authorised tree paY r _ ~ , ,Geltan for a tent , - ~ i~urchased for trzeuse'of G.,i.';`t'ils©li,:unercu_ar r Leon laationof ;.r, _:lnton, seconaetl 'ay ;..r. Mass, the }otrd a?,~,~r(~vo~i `1 , { i l:Jrzsaner at tlrc County _arm. '~9.OCi ~ , to ,,.r.,~i~,,,raorl far xent of tinriers tools used on ne~'.~ ruaf ~jt the o , C unto m .~o e i, , upon motion; of `ii.rltor?, seconded b. _ - r` l:enti;i ~ ' Y r. ball C.C.S enter ;=ras "zal2tea an dbfttel, ,;pan raota.on oz .:r. doss seconded b l:r. a~intan ~tl 'a - of t,~:e:, or: valuation of ;,1'00.00 , p ~ Y . e i 1 a>~~t.k:., re(;oltltiolr '';~:n , ~ ,,or lt~;~4, l2ousehald and kitchen fl:rrzYiture listed: in errpr ~ ~ ~:(lor t,,d, Ci S -iraAa, emex-'enci exl ~ c' . , ~ , st-ln the nou~in~; cond.~tions at tho uount~, :ior;le, ;:.ncl iipall 1?latlan of i~r, N 11 ' a considere:ole part of the :cost of construcr,icirl r;l' ' 7 ' a , seconded b :~I', 1?' z d I~ c ll, n 'ac'ted b h of ztrona~, ,u:'rte'c flee payluent of ;;~75,(}0 T, Y i foci, flee ,~oard authori,,eU ~z,nd z" ~ e saved= ~y the Coul~ty b;;r :nav?n~' the ~^iari~ adne rzt; t;,'~ T > t'ri faY Oli' aer j;C'~ t,.t.,e G r - 1CeS zn 1;i:le '4UUtileTll i)U11Cain~ f o7' f,ile p'~,:',~1 b' advaIltage of ,lobar Off °r a " rg,~.rri.aLion. Bred b~ tree ll,h.~:, r:nc1 J"-~'-~1~5:, np provision Vlas rlado ri tr,erurrenh rnr~.i~ r,± ,,ar r `l'tl@ ~'e', ld° T '+1~,'i?.;{,l~ , tii8 'TeCe' ~ ~ t , • ~ i, n tI'.1C: t',1011, ,and ,,l ut Of i,,I',,,;:.liill~ 111d,t file L i;il n , I,,~i~. _11 i,ae ,OUt.I,,. 1':U..,, ~'1i11(1 t:;:Vl'. ll(?'?i . r,l,;l;',,', ,i:'Vl'C' eX d c. , ~a , lecLr,tians, ' o ?z5sionez'.z c~~ncel ti?e ~`1 1Ft7'00 increase i lour tnerefare ~e , " Tt. ' ~ ti_C a~Se9t~iTlellt all iilb i20tlSe r ~r s W • , 1 1 IOCk ;~lOl fOr 1„t' t n7 r; eaa~'.e,lt/ X1--1 , f huvin. been increased c ~'e~.,' 1., ,,~r an aceount o~l ~t~+ ~ ...ea-0hV.~~; Gnat flea dum oi' na ~~r, ~ ~ =,.1'.1,-. t ,.c 1, ~ ~ Y z ~,~~son ai' net, ~ 1 v I ,r,,~;r,t ~'(~r , 'a~'e'..'1'ed t0 't i'1 ~ ~ ~ ^airf3 a1rld ~talnt,,.rl~' ~.ii ~ p~ pg.t~ii~, Vld'0 tp'-CfJVe.~ ~ILe C~OSt of sc.. ~ .4 l: tiY'i't;no S t,:~~J' z e ~o,.:.uz ~tGG i c~r ~ ~ u c .~t of ld lmz,rav~„r„n~,,, . • 1nVt,,,tl~d!.lail. i i!rc r;reetiri~ ti:en adjourned, ~ i. ' i r - - f f' i f l l , ,`got; i.n of ..~;z°il r• f-Il n~,6 continued , ~ , y , G' . a. ` ' Jzlrnj;`tpzl,~ .1~., .,pril wind .r~~5 ~k l~1rDr1 i:1 C1i;1.Ut1 Qj~ :..J.'. I1GiJJ, gOGOTicied b}~ i..l'. 1'IkrltOt`., trH~r Cir'L,.L1I'TilH,n~Yrci,p auttl - s , z 17.,84 and ai7~eci;eu 1;4 hatvc a five ?•o4tt1 a,ctuxtior~ to the xrel;ra qu~i,~>;er;; ta.t the o • • !i; CO1'IU ~C'l.1Ct~EC1 t0~''e tl'ler ~r:1 t, :1 of 48 a8Cr.1' 1itrtltx ons l: tG. 14.[ tCl " / .~l.e >~@tj1••lE].x` ti9k,el-: 7,y 1'tl8e t,ln(; (S]` ,,fie ~~~C~~, i`d 'aV CI;, llE l;.: ..l t, J, .ir.. fJ fi , y : + @ -ae~;18,,;at1411 .0.15 ~ , ~ , .tr , i , 1. _ 1 C1, w 3 u4at tai t.ie ~otAnt~ of tt jipro..lrl;lte..~ ,;500. ~ru for t..~i,erials tue :L,l?A , ' f" ~ 1're~ent; 3~dd~son II~tvlett Chairman Ito.',"d,Tz•aslc J~a::,~:~.lit~ll. ~~Y7d J,I~I,~iiriloll. ~4 zurnxsrl I',he l~;l:ror. ~ + , 'j ~ ail , . , ( PPS :P f a. ; f. - , ~ir Y:'`,, „ sri t L, t,an 1,{4 I,,t 4r1 Gf t,.l ...~1 n°t o3ti .,4 rra 1 t rw , a. ~ 1 ,~ct,ondeu,~` .,rr. ~rrl;;l: i;lle reclue~t of i.''.,~.1< T~ •la' I .1 } n ~ xo 1 0 ,,}r. .alrttorl, se ,ortded }7 1,tr. e Cr,ayl., l,,rs. ,t.L.1e4k o1 l~no,.lvi11 J ~ x ay r ' , , . ~ , : ? lenn, . arf ~ a u,7tmenl, 4y t~~`r~k ~ n , , r fo.. a J t.s.. t~i.,e.~ due: 01. lst l l~loG~~ 11 u rolin~~ o ;c~nttn• 1 ,r~+,., re1e~.,,ea f>: ors l~~~yraent ~f pent~liry ~ ar not 1letxn~, l~r71~er1,y s,t .7Galarec; " , , rr , ,r , a ~ Place n ar t i~ ~ „ , ~ zey s r . , V 4 ' f ~i ;.•~•4rr} ~o ~ . c, r ~ Y ~ oa the c4naxtxon oa the b1111CI11t~, i,o ~.r1n.b~.e llxrn to rteet the re+~u rt:111en w ne, r , ,,1,7 1 0~ town.irrlp fol tue year l,:iz, crn acc~urrt of bEZn~, a nan-zeslderlt. ~ ~ 1. t re r1 y, ' :3~} ,ect~re tl~xt~la¢1xx~x t:t la~,n ';li7~ouGI, I;:tc r:or;tc ~ltvriers .;Goan Cor 7or~u~~io1°i w~,s refs"reel: tro ~ i i ;'~,0 4untT~ .,tt r„ ,r~ P~ `r the committee vri th l}oti+rer t4 ~tc~. C J oir1~J ~,nnounuwd 1.t1r., L.~,...jrJan w17.1 nat ~;lve ~.b ~rrarr,:~n~y dEO~ , to „ , 01 d 1;,1C' ',I'~,C'i; 4.C larl4. f~,Cl.jetCent tG tI'18 411i7tyt 9 ~i:1;!: vx'4V8 t+erQBterJr}' OUt Vrrl~ Gt' I , ~ . , i nc C'J 1 T1 r , c. , lr . r, r ' . , ; i. c~, ~,o ~,ct:lon tro,., t~t.,en u~>on t1iE rE, u.eut opt' i.a'ra, l'rles cf ~r' n~'L `t j ~,:at ~,lE, coun~ ~voulu be ~a;te xn attce•~txr ~ deed ~•~rxtriout tiYarrun , ~ i 1 on Salem f•'or ~tia toly ld , Y r. ~ t J, anu l t ~ ~ n.. 1 f7c, c.utle of ,~eor e . alt.t, .ie~ ~,rotli~l, a .:c== .~~novel t.,oul~t~~ r;itlven ncitiv r{rsa~t~in . ;.,?v Ln~tt l.cie .,otrntJ xs zn urgent need of auaxtaic~nu,,l l~.nd for t,rie enl,;,r-~~rnent a , t3 P Otte 't1Gr ,tone lerl:~oro.ri.lt~. ,r rerrietery, t:te cor.c:titti:e reco{,1t,ter.~ed tlae pu.°t;~iase, sr`}7ere~lpon r:a~ boss: m4vea ~ , and It vras acconaed 'r};,r ,.:r. l~ntorl aril carried; that tie xr'rul~irieltuat~.on of tll ^ ; ~ r ~ ~ , ; , , , ; . , ~ , ,orl m txu.{ of nr - '-r- 1 { Ue: , u 3 , !t'; ~ j (1 r+ .Ilrit4n, ,,,4.,oit{.1etl- tly 1J.t.,l .:r'1+9a~rCs,'{11...9'1' lalli let 1+~,Et,i S'VJl"u ~ 1 , ~ r j F ..1 . , {..1~ aaxd l,zrtU 1?v )t,11Gtl~.tae l a~', ~t jJ1.7.C.. D.i ';i'JU{~.~t~'. i .f , rel4~tNeu r'rctnl fz.tyll~c•nt of penalty fo~~ ri4t 17.,~tl.n='' lot 0 in til4+',~lc t`rlE3 , Carol'na ,a I. ~ ~ ~t s , x ~ . x;, -,~'-,y .r h a_CG.G f4. e ,fG l 131, ct,luo :ir3, Etrrnxc.'L. 1`IOrC4l~l f41 r14t lx,~tln tVr ~,ur@a ,,c.tl'~ ~'i o y j+ ' is f18 t-7. C ' -o-r.l'+~ tl l~, t1,04n t,..e silt{io1:,,u~ .4.41'11„~.xi1'wd lrt L1,1't ,SCI, (}j o.1e [,Gr•lti?' r. .t ' c3, narG 135 _ I - ~ u , , C1 ,r 7.llcttd 'Ca11tG7'U ~GlYri5f7 C7'r . ~ •o w ~r - r ,r ~ , %•~f~;., 1p, f 4r t.:8 4r1r l.r~ ~ Un aG44ltl'lt 6f bein nOn-rCa].tli::t11;5 . (11„~.r~1..,0) and _Gtnon motion oy ,,.r..,a.ta, ,ie4arnle.t by ,~~x. :Anton, flx~;d 6:1e r~ ~ ' ~ .t aJ of 1 . t 2l ~ ' 'fa=r A;;s esr3nra ;~;nd I;i~ t m;t.lyers at -5,00 lc~r +:la~ .17d :luti4 . , r ; . r ~ i, 1 J~ 11L.,Ll ,~nd,cllAec.tcra r ~ • - ; ~n:t. a ,s'xth ,.e~ext.nl.c -to arl r~et of the t,Clt4}•al use; t y3r su ~'l:.ic'' el'G ~ , ~ r f, A rtily ;l .7,, to l elxcve t11e tax j,t,;)t,, .s ~ ~ , z t.,a4an,, oi" honey ,rae t_ a,1~ err,.d i ro:i t.re e1,ic,rle.lc,~,; ";'ilrid t4 t.l" ~;c44unt , ¢ ox i,e~r .{a1:4ve1 t~olzl7tJ ox 11eliGzl:l,xes ttte (.4LUtU~r Ctt4rne 'av+v t:ts r11U o ~ln o;~ l,r1e , s, x n .i ~ , r ~ ~ y ~ j z ~r ~,..1 .ta_~ Lx ,,r.aG t,~ ,,.tx,, au ix~xorl,,y e.,.jiens4. ~,Fo1loYrxn~: ~1- G v r u t 'rtct~: •~'.aEr~~.c t4 t'r,', Ch,::zis,'ionel'a ~l' f f-P'F-> ,-,1,, 1. .c+ „ „ n - : ~ G ~ r ~ ..r. o~ :,uperx4r ~3ous~t .:on{~lntle `.itu ,~11 land 4time1,~ ~uudect Uo ba41~ t~.~us xn rlctr.lIanover County, ',+t1.o ctre ' iI uae.4i ~ is {iecr :.;t;ullnf'~t4n no.~r~;Ic;€a ~ r~~',u'iteT~ ,r~'.. t,ac~'' ~1:, t';,' ~ , 7.dc ol.a,.~_Ct1.Sa, :after r ~ _ ,,t June' 30f,}r`1'.l35 Ott post of `1" . - N1J.'G,~G41, t0 1~EP1~r:l,,lea aY1Cl '+r~16Se l[tl7d ttuG UeeYl ,7pld ~©r 11011-~J<.tylElen~r 0~' ~1 tte , , ~ y~ a34t:.ciJ, ~tre rellev~;a 41 a.ll Y~etialtxes anu other ca:, ~s e c 3 ,t a''' r, l X E.~ r0 111tere.rt y' r , u71Ci auver~~l~xnr' fE:4a' 1~1 " ~ a1 ipr~F r~, •;<,=r, , , .tOJl~1~17` jt~,,jrr,,,,iv of ~,alu t~ttf ~ 15 teildel@d yrxtllxn Crte C utt'r ctx tors •}4.,~. k r-:; 0, U 4:t..st1 2 1 For t-7e t~i4n(,.1 al 1 Ch ,r C:'':' .it: C.,~l ~'11efj,P~ ~ 1X 1it411'tI1J 1 ? i < • r; r7 , - CY r 3 i 1 r41 t! e U~,t4 Of 1~t1,xi1 d , 4 tx411 of t1,4 ,adld t=ct .t~rxl ~,Uth,l~55, , , i:Lji„_C1 tiii,Lt taerl4d 41 tllil ~h_ a. :r i- nr t{ 9 `!,lc {ire':' ix:l~ t,I1e, ,,t ' ~ e c ,~alo rtict oc~o,:t~„1 lno~,cl~,,txve a .Y,; oazned • rl '~1.°1'ef4rC ii` w u D i ` r ~ y, k , - - e .poli ,tie f~_e~oin- o,inion tjd orcl~:~.u th~ 1 ~ ~ 1 , ~rl~. goo... at iI ze Ta.. w_._ry C~-''~l.ectcr i,c inA t7•taci,~d to 1er,F xve xn ft.t_1 r, , , c s ,tl _nlent l~a,~.lel~t of ,,u4h 'back. ,,ler)r, ~ 1 t,:•.es as a~, ears Gn the ua4IE tdx records 1 w ; ' , .j 11.t ..n~e7~,~t a~ trle flat rate. of 3,0. ~ ~ 'i ,rllitilr;~t4n .C., rl~aril lr;tn,l:;Ua ; f ii .•,r. Jaa.~,.T,.,~a1e, Cot:~r~!xsrt~.'oner Ful~l.ir' ,ioi'}-u 4f` i,tte '~'t' of ~'v'illtiin~"to17 t~11d „i J U ~ , 3. i,Louit, ,,lsi.er t, rT~rrli~,!°:oi~ y' `r'7 r=~ ~;r~~;p -,,a~ ~ ~ I-t. rl,, ,A.~'t?, ra~,:r..~, ?.D'Ctl,l: U. ~r,8 ~ and ti;; ;al=a ~t J.UU y' 0 8.,- Of _nar,~ jz.,~elli. „YKC ,}jDa f4~.24t,111 ~`es0~.1,111411 ~I _°i iJ.4€~L v~'Cl: "4 01, t # ' , Ttte C o err' 1 ~ f' 1 U 1',tJ l',., C 1' .a3 ~ { i ~ r' M'].'`DJCnt~ .a'1a1S01`1 _.."r].isf,t ...ia':!iYi,tl, .:'00. ~ .;.1~..}I.,....,. `.O~iS Lr1;, :1.=11;UI1. ~ 4iU'alE)i1U1-tt'I'fS G1 I',C;N .~cLLG'reI rQL111t~ x11 ~ G111~ 1!:(?C1,~1t1' ,t:,',E'.:, .r"t~l ii1111 UCi,~' U U 'ri 1: Y J r ~ - ~ ~r > 1 , t~,l on !;,r~ ,1 i;n cl1. .~.r. ,l~}{~, .,.L. f T ~ a - i , * '~i3,de :icC;lirN.! 1~, ..I~ ~ ,~,J1f C; Y' P !=l !.i ',''r , . - ,.C L. )lG~..,t. ..,:1,><U l.~ { 1 1 r.1 r , ed , 011` ~;i": ,1' ! . ~->_Cf :,t.'tlf, 11 f:1f; i L. ~ `s J U.t _,ltJ'U,,(. ( 1~ E.a ~U ~,,:.I, ,1 1 1.~i ~C u ~ ,r '-tV l,{~, U. t, l1 t .1:~,t',f;u 7` 1 t C 1f, 1'.1:1]., ,~.i:Ur 1, tE f 0 ~.1.4i, a r .o: :'t ai d Ctr1r _{t ,o .t f,,~„~. , t~! / - 11,x' .4rrr, j, F dY' y'tUl.). ,._:;3 ,,~1 1 .1.C1' ri r3 ~ _ ~Ln,, ~ ~t,t i'1L .~l').. / > C. • _~:T'. 1-.C.l: 1'I,3I' G !-~,"t ~ ~11;~~.6t L1'lt,~ E' ~i' ,.Ii. - ~,i~~1,~11',I,':1(:riL O1~ 1i. r'a,:,.{ ~.C Gu.! },e""jr 7.Y1 tt11(~ GUI'. E-r _'ot .aa1 ,„t~ e _ ' ;a, ..,r: yin t, _rt 11~>.ri;~ i~ a r~~~ariz~,ys 1'U'91iIr,Ylt U~' t~il'L1:79,d1,^,iC LiOI-ll'it3' '1I'il;CeU:)U't'i 1te~alU~t,I'ii '.i>)C)r1 6,1 U11 .~,I' I; TiUii `.iCL'O;1tlL'd .ls ~ utl o y ; ~ ~ . + > . 1, tvrelt~c '011' } ` { E ~ - _ , , ~ - ~ ir: o,rnF,' 1 tut, le~~';r, 1'~n! . Tee on tue rrulrr;z'e-i;e l~uilu ' r ,r ~ f i ...1~ • _ J a1 t,...u '~tlc ,tc~_1 t,a~.._ ~,;11 ~ted, + 1 E~ltxcens -)l,_1(t.~? rld an .g~;. r",' t. . u a ~4W__ttlan 7_o4ltted ou 61i. no.tlioa~l; c:urncz' _ , ! U1 Ia <t1`;a i f!'I rEG ;i•tt i,11 t _ T ~ - r. v'- ~ ' = ~ •nr~ ~ llt bx 4f „xlrtll.lja4n• .1. t _ur1 1 ter I:~ ;t -t~; xn' !;Ile J j~ ~ a r. ,..gal,, .~r,,,~,n~,,.l a.._, H1,1~on ttte rczerect U.;at a.n c~,u.,a , .~I7tt1C~ s~_ , ` tivlere ,1 non-rssident is -aarnisheed for 0021 t;~,~es and ~rri~o 17resents a ~u~,i;n,;F;l,t fxoru ~ . r' (f ~ tir ~1e4t7?1C Uu"'1,ellt for .,...~5 , ,.i ' , ~ , i ' lx t1~ _tnct ol:~eratxorl of i;lle t,~lirl~ niacta7.ll~, for' ~U~€rcl.ve ' h _ 6 , ttxs_ elal~loyer oz• o~ner cora~etent person cer°r7:f~Pin>` tl7rit 7c is a resident of another ~ ~ G months', count the ~sa:~ Collector 1~~r instruc`tpd ' ; ' • , llected. ,f Y? to _er,•lxt to n~m ~1~e po11 ta.~..~ ,~c ~.o 1 Y:tl;er x'egUxreCi rl tllB '-i , r,P } r U on m t• n l' { r - x cier':~,.o~i 4f lr.e c!~.nr,e.~ .tor a 1'c~zocl; of ttvcltire {,;o11i.a;.s,;, ~ P o xa o 1. 1x11to11 secarr~ed o 3.,r. 1ra,,l. 4i14 :~oara a~~aroved t:ze ,~a dent of - ' ? J ~ 1 ~ ~ 5. ~0 to L.le ~ t_ttr:, Laboratory of 1I ~'iene f'or antirra~ic serum for Lui,tler~:arE'rove a . i ~ ai l ~ ' ~ zhe Uity ~;o~:e~'r11t1eri~t '.ri1.l f arl,: r;ri s clne u e cgna ~i,Arad t4i::et i'7 xtrires 4t; itarui ' f ~ ~ J i1.1 over, -1'or lns :1 J ' t 1~,t14n. ,1'itil T'Lr;l"l?nC8 ~uU COI,11'i1Ui11C~11;10r1 .1'Ut:i i..T. (=0~'i:10 ,,2r ~T rrt?;,)C :~.T(,'I'1~~!tG1i, „J,,,~~ , 'In,n >4.taa _,a,n1,., a ~i1 r ~ : CG'' ~,1.1;;fej ti11~; an a,~~.,.1i ~ ion<tl appro~~xir~t? on t D sl7~i'}leuleuG 3Ui1e 35.70 J;.rl, 1lce 10l' ~ ~ ' f I $ uUt;rV151U11 0:C 1;71G UT'C'L'r1:;" , ~ r ~ ~ ~r ' d , ' "r0I'IS I ;i, xGld ~ea,l.,l-.1c,.t,:.Jl1 ,)!'G~1C1,1;. ~11(],.il{1L1Ct7 au tI'1C J.L~lllfllll(; - 1. ~i7.11T!(~r,~ 'GCdS '1rD"'lclred irl thB w!1ii s, ~,•'r rr' , t. t c• e_J ~c 111_n_.,..eu tr.,, „1tJ,;,1°;d county Eu•re~liiael;t.~~ I1,1,.3 been CD'11t11eteil l)y ,it". ~~an"~SC}l~-;,1tC~{, 1'.1e .50.1i.i I'~,FJ~.S ti1:t~; t't1G 1'ei'lalril.':1( ~;)i:,n~111~r r, irBG, for ti 1!1L:['lilli.txoll ~alA01'1~;' tiie U11e1i1:i1D'aJlcG t4 tilC E_'i,l,ent lri J value r.1 I,iie can a., c,~t~clcri on to core:!},1letion ,,,r~,tnout .1'~ar~xlae ,~.i}ol•o_~,,i.ttions "{iy 1,~~1a t~ou11~,,,r. ~,?r1a11nt invested b~,- tI1~ "•~-'r , - c u1t ~,.!u ~~~ot, n~ r_~i' [ t1ci1 r ,1, ' „ y ~ 1~aUL_U11~ ~ ~ ~t)U'i1 [i10''l;'1011 01 i~~ ~ her r;l"17$ ' .E ~nt0;l, a~40nCteCl hJ . 1'. ~t,J,at., t!° L~OciIQ :J.Li~G1tUL1i;4(1 ti:C ~ay,,t / ~''e reclueat that in ~r1e event the c~:i1~:7ery is ~liw~ 4o11tinued l1' ti!e r'ed of u;10.UJ to ~ ~ _ 3. , - , a_ for a' as ' ' • 1 , t,~t~e .o:ac ~t11Ct !ut~u.~Ur'lal ~~C,no41 for gir s it allt~xctn'~ ~ J u - w e envy f. era ~ { ~ i ~ ~ 1(a elxef i:Clmxfll t14n, 7; 11L' uitlle 1t• t11 ~ti1 e u1 111 e 7 },i ' tQ,IEiE.1 O~DSaI,lOrl 1 OI /..7, i a n ,_:,la .~rltt,, a ,,eif t.wnOVer t30LtYlt~f 4A~;1'~e, r, ~ ~ _ u t; to ,ai,e ,,lty and Lot~nty rovernT~enta fol. a eratioi: as ~ colnlliuli't, , " P x c.t.11,e_, . t~01lCe't:11nj:~ tll~ r%1ta Of you. fee 4i~ar'" d ,,r ,i 7,iln" ~t;e b, 1 tie ~~e~,~ster of :Deeds for rE~o ' ~ Ubon rat' r ~ c ~ ' ' - xon 4 ...r, lra,~l~, „ ecancted b ...z'. loll rs, ;Julia r.r~n a . deeds o{ :trust -used b~ t°ae ~•r4lina :suildin~ T,o~~n ~ssoeiatoi~ :that in f'olm z~ ~ .r, , ' ~E ,?_..a ~ou~tler~~and haviri !}een: eYarrtxrtea 9v the c 3r ~ , :ili htl :'different from tli<7: ~ ~ ' ' ' d it; ~ ~ Y t used o o tr ~r . , n - y t~ ~ourit~ ,._edl~h, C3f~ xcer vjna t'e~4r.,1 r~1,Jl~;u „er locs~l ~uxla7.n;, Loan ,l~erlcxe~, a ~4r the Courlt~r r ~ • 1 u , t. fie. e1f`r~r;: Of~x4er, v,e_e e,ull:xti,ec, to sue ,,aunt Home ~s xnln<,~tes ~ ~Ppeu,rin~ that 'u, fee o:f on1~ 1.~5 ~ for ~ y J r x:, char=ed o ~1er }3uldinj° ' b 4 c. Loan.-,,O N xewson :6r1 t th f ~ a e orrrused is nriitod xn file ;Iecord' ooolc~~ u; „F - the'"Pfore, in~i:3much as a "r4n 1.to~lal~ of ~ ~P r c file ~.r. xntcn, aeooliaeu by ;..1. :.ill, ?„1e ~.,ol.,ntV +elfL:r'e Czlx e' ~=r rr.c4ru bookk na,~ notiv ~7„ert .yet olsxde and orlnted i;o 4ot7t4rm s~~ ~h `11 aorin uses by , . ~ 4 z as „ _ _ ~ ~ e _ aut,rol x red <t o ~7rov a r,. ~ . .,n ~ - , , _ 1 r, ' e,j . 1 e tr~ri., l4r~at;1417 ~4.. „~.l,~Tte .-4U~3 X011 .:4W~.fiC~ «IiUi. JCrU. rr T i' ~r Waralxna Lu7.ldsn' ;Loan tusoc~;.Ition ' it lrza,s ~:ttozn v . c..ve, ' ~ - , U~J4n:re~•jLieSt of J.,~,Letrr'-.t11t~, to Uo '1"r' ` . rr _ r s , nc, ct1_ Jac~,.a4n 1ra171In - aCl10Ul d.?aG retUrtil n • o ~ _ ~ ltlrl rood .r~.terN Jove ~Yr ~r,Axth : 7u z or c:~e Cornparl;rr' ana u,4on recol:unenuatlon of .tile ~'e~Txst ' - ~ ~ d u on 1.lo~iou ~ '1, I' r. . ~ el o.t ~deci.,, arl p y .,la.. to:°t ~el~.~,~t1 ~ fx'orAt '•o . , ; 01 :,1. trasl`,' sec4i`tded 4 J r~r,uol: ,.tr~._rt~,tT ac~l4ol. y ~~'1'• n7,nton, ordered- tna:t on ,~tld a;f'ter file date Hereof ~ ' t,ic -tet;ister of Jeed~ be ana he is hereby uutl79riz ~,uce the s;:tld J ed and di.r.ected ~0 1e Upon motion of }.:r.: rlto"1 t'' 1 ~ x r, v~cortded '~s .,.r, .fall ,.r,_ Ja,,.es H, la,rlr,r ~1' ~ c:~1~cr~e of'~2.00 14r recnrdit,~ said deeis t ' a, '1 1,ne ~ J , ,lv .eacwu,,,~ - ~ o. t7.a,,t to 1.~5 ~0 4o1i1olrn tv.tt street .:,,,,,,r+ t,, , ' ~1, ,r , '"as E,_.,..1j~ v it c~r.~ l~ctylnwiil; c7f f7o11 td:<e5- of t~=.eotznt of ' llv ~ > ~ ; , f _.1~ ra edf ctntz aur.lo, i tlge rn.tde far recordxn,T deeas of u Y - . ns, _ ~ rust of :G ~,1pr ,iu,:la.:nl I,ca11 ;:lsocxGl,i3_4 , h !L Y, , r JGi a 41 J ';7 ~ r rv n ~ ,p r; r ~ ~ a r a.. , ,,~~1_.e~ ._oa t'~:l z 41 tl. r. olritl~ of i;:a~ ~;I, ,r Y•~ ~ ~3 w ..4exvea arld ordul'eo. f>iled.';/ ,on ,nc~~~on c~7; ..r. 1ra3.., seconded by .:r. ?doss, t7e ~~t ,.ei7t ol:' .'20:15 for ~:ts ti~GO', , ilud.' / Yr' n hr~t-tL~.n~ ~i1e 1~i3~~ oQfa.ceu In t~1e oo~z?'thata^e ' ~ , rM ar, ~ ~ - _~owara • , P ~ oa.r ~ment cha,. ed a, ~,ln.3t the S~1e „tee ~lrt~; 131.en ad j parried. ~ +af health, :znd •;a~.30 to J0 ~3rocl~ ~ v ~ ~le~ gees for inspeetin near ele4trict~l vrork in~t ~ a+~ t; he UQ1117ty dame, vrt~.re ~.~}}~~~lrove ~1 „ E ~ erl. ~ L,.an m9i,r4n, cltily ~aconded, count-,~ blllu 'Ios, 257 to ltl ~r : ~ ~4vea for ~ay~~'ni,. I ~ ~5 eze a 1 ah ~ f , _ ~;1e !'t r~~'por~; of C~~1e ? ~:t~ll~a5 roe, L rco1;1 ~ u ,1„ 1 ur ~,t~ r:loi7th of :,::~rcn ,,~~s received and o?'ut,re J,~lan ;ll it f;i 011 0:(' . th Yi l;Oil i;"~~llile _ '`d`~ ~ Ci r`y :.T, . , 11tJ ha v Lf,G' U2 ~ ,iLl~. t, i ~Ja: , ar , 1'~~ ' ~ ~ , .r:J.uE',U ..':'01:1 jJ,t~,;,Ull~ D1 i,}e:1d~.',; ixt. U rD~l 0_ '110 - ~ t lmsting prin..,el'Lt:. a.n bl lC ,~C~,for tllt ~ l:!::i;i anti 1~)3~I on ~:tocourat of ~ ~ A ~ °C rt ~ f t.t11011 IlDi,1U11 Di .,.1. ~•~O~u, :7hC011~ted .t( ..1. .~1'd,i'. Lt2e (lay ~.easement i o'' 1,i1e cads ~ransferrxn~ a.n , 1 .i: Of J U1' eil.'1ol~t .ui'j'TC, -1 r _ ,7~ tle ~ ~ :.e1~ ~~le ~rope_ y betvreen "the rorad a• d~l~,, ~.,,Ctte,;'re1'G rri'U..l',ai Ci, i,:il; ~~ll_";~i(1l1 - x;18 .,aurl~,' f, ct ireeor ~J r~ vorn~J i4]"- eo1:1j~J,et~ 017 .><ti ~i: 1t'.::a l;:i '1 U.l' i1Q ll~i~l~~""'1' s, u 0A , -1 a,GU~I:',G U1 the C4ndit14n t)".''rie 0I'472,tt~'+` , ~~~,ux 4l?,711a,11tl,~.rE?p. _VU, 1., l it-t , ' o~r., ~T1'ove ctnu !~e+Tl ;~.tso=t, ,11r1x.. , .,u, : , ~ .:ne ~,D;sr1 i 1L~';~ O1' ii1V~3'~l~a~j,417. ,i1C: l~l~lt'i,1'1'' 311' `C174Ur,neU' b tr. ~ i1 a ~ ~ L. .v._ y,.s.,~ x .m.,_r~,.,, :r__ , c ~ • ~ t. ~ o.t 337 ' ,~eetin- of :~pri1 2S'th 15,x5 `aontirlued. ; ! 'ri7ilm~ng ton,I~•i. C. ~ ri1' 29th l93 ' ? P > b. , far board and treatment of J'•T„~crl'c'r~er arid. 1 , ~ ' I . _ Isabel ° `i • s~~r ~ n ;ra., ;a ~.rl~. o r~.u, ~ . ,A' I?e regular vveekl' raevtJ.n ~ ~,he; Board `vvas held at .3.0 ~ . y C . 0 P I ' U ion 7notx an of Iar. Doss sedo„uad IJ ]r. :a17. Ir r 1 _ Y , t e pa;~l~nt of-w1S.57 to 3.P,I~errir- _ I~resent, r:ctason' ,:1evrlett Ghaxrrn n Geo,; _ ^s ~ :r ~ , q, ~>f~ I,: , r,Tr.z.Jl<, ,r.,.:.Ito.ss and Jae. ,,i,liaa.l,. County agent, fnr sertvil used. xn treatment of sirt -one cio s zor choler a sel'ef y _g a as x ~ r;:era.dure, -tivas ao~~rovea, ' :yr. _John M,oecher~ .aisxrxct ~°r~E; ,idrnxnistrator ,vim resent; alsp' r • ; x P ty ~a,l~na.l~iolrer rYr . '~laxr ,,,a' ar ~as,~,L, tiadecJ. d ,f ( c• `~i - c, 7 9 r~• n T' ~ ~ '~l.ter H ,l ~ n ,LatlxN ~J.,.h„,c and,a one re,ruest of ~,~.Loft,on l,s , tii~ , , ,nx.r>t rnaetxn: of _ ~ dt G,n xter,r of X13,55 hack taxes. dot. art the pra~ert~• tyre Baard:~ v°r P, d .h r. 5a-;:, - . , . the x; ~ ,r as hEl fox t.,.e' l~u_lao,~e a~ ~x~cltl .Cox „ut,1' r,arr<.la~~,, , ~ n ~r L. ~olvaen ~ des r - , c_w..lan ~o of , are , ummer . t ~zrnett .tavrrlshx be r, xn ,.1 ~ . t11e os~, > p, ae e on ~,a,rountrf unaertazn~~ ~ J ,'I' of ~,I,,r„- ,I i- v, k.,:t.~. ve •eta'ole canrYeJ•y` < f-- ~ ;s ~o vrhxah IJroi~erty xt rras` ZntErclcd to appl a5 clairiie~r tires a an'motxa`ti'of R ~ ,r i 1, .[:ir. ~3eachcx''advx.eca tle` CaTITt7'r c a. , . ~ r r, ~ Y~ ~ p . oss, .z,xa~onerN t<l:at the I~„C,1+,c~,R~, 1":, ~ ; seroixdecl bt r;lr, 1rasl: referrda ~n the 1`~ G , acl,acc..lned,a J ? Calji~y fvttorney for xnve,,txgrztxan, i 1~ ! of ..vegetable cd,nnery to tc lacat~tt at l;ne 'nix trreal.Jt • ~ 1, • f , ~laroval comer o.. xf :,1: ant tl.z,,ht ~I~° ~treet;s cn the l~i.~ti'is o~i'ferecl b, ,~hc ~xt~r and ~ r _ , f , " „ , •Jau.ft~ ,yoaelrnnen~.~ a,t rncc 1ne ..ollo}ving ~,aod grrd l~,~rl.,,l r,,er) ~rere d~atrn to serve ds rya.. _ r P,,, r,7 t.~ug of r Juz rs xn the ,,,~tle~xax Gaurt 1. ; ~It:.,;d" 1~~5 tnat ne hdd • : t ~ p.xl ~ r ` , a.nrestJ~,„-ytet..>,rloflrrer 10+,rrl•<.arl nri the ~ a n t~ ~ l cr tree trial of >crx:na.ndl fo. _ ~vro vreekh a (R( i ~ e J_nr.xng- l . Ou t, l U 1dL Da ~ x rah S+ ~ 7 I~ 11at1°rcen'DavrsOn and ','Irii"ht , o'rrraed 1,~ '"n; ~ n t ~ i •1 r, .~ra.rP ~t I'~..llar,. anti. ire ,e.'_, .ne fxr~t_ y~eck ],.a,~ 1at.~ ].935. re,a.t~rr term- i r „ I (Jet erl •,.r, cu I.lrr~.te of ~ i cos1; far z•epairs and recor~dztio~,irr~ i;,~e buy ;a~ i.,, ,r ~ m ` .1 _n~, ~.nd o~.Cerq.d td ~ - ~acl. Orre11, rI.S,Rliark. ,7ulxan tla Ia . , .JUbr.,xv :),r:n~}rer ~+~~A r. ,r eaves. J.G.I;uhlken, f cannx.ng prapa;~i.tiorl on the follo~rving basis: .,.Ci.px~o~t. ~....rr ex, C y .+lne~t ~...:ILxr:~. .Jf.~<larshall'. I?.D.Jiar.ravv. , r G.g.LO.'a,horne. .7.`r~l,Itoberts. ~,.v1.Had •es. ,r r° , t; _..,.Illiodes. ,',`.L,ylillifard. , rn . 111at l;hn tyro .~overnr,lents ;ro~T' d r'1 C. " ~ • , ~ ; A, r x roes - f tx P x ~ ...1r:u.. ~ 0.. r.v~,~,c,. xa~. enc. 1,J.b U .O. G 1 J.I..~,us~. Frcd ,Ixllett~. 1; rr10.n ca Yr - i, ,<< : n,. .ar gar 4 o DavxN. ,.o~ Hart.,. ,(~i J .aOriC,x~z:onxng and rci)axr:ing f;11e S~:xG builclxn?' nTl aUt!"r ~ .Y ,r.„GO,rt E , ..,..._larir0e • L., ,L t, x..t1L utx~.c.t y J ~ ,finch, t.exbext F. ~mxth.Oscar ,,.Herr r1 x ~y, of ''~l 0~ 7 1. ,,..t, . , a coat , 25~a~ I,lua ren~,, 1xg~rtu 4,,nd vraUer ~~rnVxcled Lf .r ; . f, . „ • ~.r; Lu_ene Johnsen. r.G.I~ax'riss, D - r 'r , a ~ _x~,r.1e ,,trvc,,,ul~ l,rtx ,,rrp 5 s. .tiarrx.~an, ..a,.dce I,. Ireal ~na.~.~+avrJ.er. I E, bore;: can be used. :;idriey Ilorrell. C'r,.a„l;,Hall. J.S„tilliams. J,C.~takes. ' (Iea,D,ulot'ae. ,,.";`I,Saundera. I~'.L•.Hu~;~rrs. Z.L.t~ladstone, Icr?'rr e; ar x e ~~J. C,T)avxs,, 4 ,'.ft~'x' 8. V'L'n~~x°al d1uGLI,,;xan 0:(` the ~uJ,~1, i N er , , x . ,rG,dG .n0 r~.c..t r,a enorlaed bf ~.Ir. ?ous and casrxe:a, Iar i,ci8 ;,?iecxa.l .Germ: ~aa, ~Oth 1~s35 i~ J , • A. 1, - ~ e 'acne )t iazte ~ 1 l,J on , on s 0t<~ zx~~ure~ r~u e ~ e . ._,~:~Iiobi)s. K.D,Jonc~. z~ L rr• I 1 L a ,n~::xr~rU;;.:' xr?c~u~iJ,nr rer,. , , „ ~ ,'~e ~.+rnds. .y`~ d ra."a _ . ~v`;elvc ri:ul;vh:,s u.;3.Coley. );..~„Ortrnann, 1~.]....3elch. - ; ,ry I,G~ lore. . , ,~.J.~lllir~rnv'or!, Ernest l,, ~eaJ.e. C.T.;daltor;. ~;ureon Ba:cle~•. J, L', Iond.burne.~.• -l:at tl~e C11s~rr' , I,'~ ;;'.)?.C'ard'. xbu~xo.l af, ~1,e s~.,,rne ire k~arrte c,>~a~l b~/ l,ue t,xt? ~.nd .:'r u d :..,.Cottle, iv,1,~.rt.iderraan. ~=eo,SLeurand. S~,i:t ser[t~er, r ' , ' y J ~ J?lrllt' . 1 U J ( `lnae• r..t! ,l,~rere tt OVerntile,ilty . . e rt . .P_erce, J. ,I.Oax tex. IJ,C,iilli~J;,. ii. Clyde ;pest. .:nr:•i~ J.:a~t. s.T.rebster, I.J.Carson , ' 3 f, ha, eacn lOCa1 ~tnxt x ,r , ; , ~.u,.P ~L..r. hers~~ '%arn .<<~. _ T. ry a ~ .y , ;I,I+,J31.xttrJ,xr1, GGa,CrudG]~ a TT ( ri r• cucx vt. t~Ile rx~, .tt to ".71.t.fvl ~ fan. li~tAj 1. r 1 n Jxe~.J, rY ..L:~. ~rr~,.en~7 7 ~I s:1,<7 C'.. ~)c).14...a1 xjd«.i s.Ci.l~a 'J~-J ~ e• d,, 1. _avve~.l. ';r~,lte:. Dxaalcs, tY.~.;,'.~ose. ~.I3'.~,e~tbrixal.. C:C,:."~r'n I f ' ..arlki~,, xrlVei i~atea the sea , ` I21. ~tT~,-~2. kt~e cor,r,x ~~uee ~ ~ - .oast of ~~r. rT.~~.Iiin: f o • { ~ c.. lnent alA h , 7 S x correataon of aaaes,, . ou„e in rr~.oc,P, l~,;l ~:s directed d.t lr,eeting of ril lst 1935 'recamn!entleci +h~a p : , p t 1, .,c,',l",~,,;, Pax ,rr t ~ r..}. .,1 the a'4 750.00 ease t" r r , s.,lnent i.e_ redaced ~0 ,:,;4 OOO,C~O c)n ~.ccouni' x v;est.,eri, a a~knned yn t1e canfe ~ < ~ afer_ox, and that an r..~,a.,, ,.a,:.;c~l o~,, ,1 r x.;fr+:.,,~7.st~rit 'ili~:ii O'JerrtrttOr7t aE,'.il,' ~ ~•r' ~ alaatement nn U 'Ta11iH,tia11 Of ~..;`~t~O„iG ~`'O1' t'tl2 ~-ear l~„%G ;)w' ;r•• i " , r r,,,a ~ l~l"iv. (,_~,n~ed, 1hE _eCOi,t.,,C.r.Gv.tlUrl u.C tYie Corrariitto~e vvas r;}dopted, 1' i a ~ ~ E , ~ t ce_a]. ~~o•rex•l::aent I~urrr ever to ~~i1e lot~:•_ ~~,~r... + ' a .,.IIte] 'i oard t11en.ta0_, [l, t~ ; I 1 ,,i. j ~ +~r,,cr~, ''e cr~~u er la ;ii; con',iriued ~ i ~ , ~ ~ ren, Y'he ~ 1' r ~ce~ ~ .nt_1 x.00 o c_oc]; P, ~ a :uay 1.i COII,1; _t.ii, ~r I !n j'1~ , 1!c6,l,Il` ~ fed„E' i U i ic, r - r - , a~ 1 t 1~~,~ ~,u meet I ~ ';t'itihtlYe Clay Cor,>misslonel'a to consider 1'~ite m~:fi,ter o;' estca,blish'n- ~~n '~i=' . t , ~Y1tl,.1C~,,~,1011 1 y . co nux. t~P~ c~~ of ~ ho';irzirrur~r r~" , . ~,s ~direeted b~ ~J,n act of the le -isle>t '•e 7, r ,l tip ~ , ~ oureru J w uz .~;~,7, c ,~o,~ut,~ ~o,.nnxsuxonex,3 :~Yru the , afc.~ o~ ~,,,e I ~ 6 ';~-~J' of `~ii.l.rninE;ton ''.;aa autl~Yal ~i :r a , . u..~, nut the de,._~il:s ir, rclf.:cr,~~~,, t.~r ~ IC i,he' canneY•y 17iti1 IIr. >3eech e~ . ~___~.__i._.-- 1 Cle . Pl'Ire aint meet - . ~ ~'llrllxn~'tnrl 1'~ , J xi1~ ~tiras t,.e17 uti ' ourned and i"1~~ r • r • . C. _..a is 1 a . ~ Y ' , ~ ~ ~ C vOU.Y~„y .~ai.i.~I.1u,'~1.C1?~1'~i levll'u1e±.~ '~;V1a~J1;161'~~l0r'~~ ~ u ~ , t, of COUn~~t;affars., ' i ' Dint r,l et • • n • J e xng of the ~xty acrd county ~o1,,nris,Jxorxers eras Held this dozy at 3:00 P,I:1, 3 1 ar tits-_ ur pose of con • d r _ , It appetLy~ln: tc the ~,ati.;_c~, o rd..:the. . p T sx E1 _rr. .,te ~0 t w~. . i t g ~ = r ~Uxwn o:i tlae r~ a., . , : ~ C T estkblishment >bf an Idea txfx.natxon ..ud^u flat an ,.t~.rn cf ~,~ar;. i,r,z.eu ?~~areau ..s . , i a1nn,.lr,t;in~; ;to •~G2.01 ah.:x ett a ~zxnst ~ r~ ~ rb a ~xlected byt the Legxslarure lta,S5. ~ g g pdrt lot., 1 u ~ a and G ~blo r;l ~ , ~ t ~ r ~ ~ ,r15 and ',52,8'7 , , ag_vxust dart lots 1 2 4 , , ~ ~ ? , 5, G blocl~: ar16 xrr the na,,re of Ca ~ e z"ear i~'i~her Corrr ~~,11~Ffor . p ~ 3 Freserrt . f d• ~whe gear 1`375 are daub v axscn I-lely e ~ . 1111 clYarges and t,h.at`tlra Ca~~e ~h'c~ h"b ~r~, er 1 tt Cnaa.x~man,' ,7as.I~~.&~,ll ~:nd J.rI.Hintnn of t.le Coun{~~ ~o~.xd ~~nd ,ar x ex ~ac,,,Czn,~ ha,J nev ~ , I or W 'leer F j° ~ ' < b a~rvri~d 1^ea1 e;;t<.,te In said. rlo,~Ic , ; a Blax and:: tJ. Laui~ 1 ~ T xshe~ of i,he Cxt .~od~d, I; , , a~ xe~>zeaentEt~ by ~no.~~.atevens 1;'sn., upon e:tar~,a- ~ 3 i nat~ Or, o_ ti ale, tide .,:~aara lzlaatl rnation of '.;r, •a=~ , ~~r, • = •e~i t Tx aI. seconded a ~,z.nvOn ordel ,I ` y ' i,.ayor. r;altel° lI, flair; I)laced be~ orfJ the rneetin the -stems of Her i;;,e same ca.nrcl.led, ' _ _g J L. r';l~:r. 4 ~ suitable d ^ ar> ;ualif_ed fm• tine ai~~ointment af'Identzfication-«l; el•t to b ' , 1 xp e xn charge of. the 3ureau, (iu~)1 r:~o~~,ion of _ ~ but rio action vvas~ token otlfer ' • r I ~x•. TraLa,, rr+vco,lriea L,V ,;,r,:Ial].. an ~ ,;n~ r'~ea ~ tna the disnu~si on o~ the matter efxoz~~11 f to tr,e en 1,) ox l0, e~4 ua t ,_,;,~;s a g d the Bureau, i a.,;,:~;`r1,~ ~ alr,c. `'S a:ra the name e ~,r G , i,na,t 1t xs the sense oi' l;lie meetin that 2~r. IIe~rlett car,7mun' S' • ,yl , fled g xcate vritlY .::z~.i-Iel,l' of ;i.L,Sri,itlr f'ol• Li,e ° ew 7. nin a ~ n a 'r luul 1,+~,.~ oz~,~:' e~~ C~IiLC , of ..the 11ni ed States Secret Servile 1),v.`s. ' f o_r the rewsoll t'tlat t~?e Colinv Co;~." ~ _ ~ ,r ,rove , xt , le vlera of 1 x eon at Cha.:rla ate I~;, C. <vr' h tl I , , , , ''y urxssi'orxers are in doubt as to t;~e ahxl.xt to ~t;,1~ t. n~ t~ol1 ec t,,~e.~:: oz t11e enar~e, and further ~i• ~ asr;ertaining the ..best met~,od of proceedure and. oi,her tlrin~-s tl~,t 1~'r be Of 'oe ? ' ~ divided ,hat the said 1x1ar,Ic ha.s since beer. sub- ~ the Gon>rna.s ~ 6 S r el J.t to ~ li ~o 7.otu, and sxonexe 1n tfre .,uccessful orc;anxzatxon anal o~~ea?ation of the bureau. cola to varsous persons. t ~ i xhe joint mee in then- d o ~ ~ iir;on laotiorr of R a ~ , a urns ~r , . ~ P,.. , i' ors ;JCCanded b g ~ d, ..and.. trYe fol],ovrxn nozlnt basx.nea,~ v,as then tram t { ~ y :r. Hall., ;t,7e division aft s lnent b -:the G ~ c ed: ,he asses y la't, assessors .orr the;prol~erty of the estate of # J.J,~ioare bl Ii" 3 eras an roved, t;' a; ~ oc ,r25 , .p Upon r,~ovxan of ~v-r. Hinton seconded b• ,,ir. 11 a '1' ~ , ; of b ~ .rr ~ pp xcatxons :far tic~nse far the sale .sex for th.e i:ollovrxng vrere aZ~proved:' Up0i1 motx.on duly seconded the anent f ~ a e - ~ J'r o ap35.70 to ,o,r, Gordon Van Schaa,ok'for landsc p , services rendered the Greenfield ra' ' ,a` ! p Ject , ryas' approved, Tr r ~ , C „ .B>.rd Uunset P rk, T J ,r , : _a ,Keith, :.State ,.11 htida 40. ~J.L:h IL g y # ore, ore ~eacn, Upcr1 raotxon of :::r, Ross seconded b ~ x 2~ • ' S; D. Sneeden ;linter Fark o1i State H hwa 7 y r:r. IIal1. a r c 1 reerJr ~ g_ Y o.20,U.,B,Spxndle Carolxnd ~e f pllxaatxOrzz3fol lxaense to ueI , aah I vrexe approved for the' f ollowin ' ror~,c„ . g 'I j. ~ niel ;i ,~10ar1 TJOtiGt1 wT r I i a C, hxnes' ~t of ...r. hint n ' ate;: ~i~;Iniay , 3-0. F,I,i.II G ~ ~ l ` 0 , se „onded by; .i~r. HaII, t11e rJnairman eras authorized and ` . I: r ~ . c oc~ran, rrrx htsvxlle;,aound. to _ ~ dxreated , C. x~. >lams0 on b 1 approve fu~ure ~ , tea. I; y, ~tate,Illgh~ray 40; ?:rs. r3.L.'~la~ar,-:orr 0'° • •hvra~, ;r30, ~'I.pllcdtrans-:fox lxnense to sell beer lvhen presen~ecl to hx.m xn'due foi•n1~ I I, ~ ,don I'1ace,ha.g and properly a,eautecl. I; D rul , is directed by an teat of j w the Le xslatuxe 1 , :iel1ate;3il1 ~=4 se Bi11 7F Ga . _n the serer of the 5 ~ 935 rt 2~ a_.d ~~nu 81 Ins meetxn _ th y olicxtor` of the ecorders_ Court vas en ad,],ournea, ''2 100.00 ,e _ xncreas ed .from yjl 500. GO to ~ r e _ > p , , 3" ~ ar _as of aprxl 17th 193 ~ ~ 5 and' the ~ ; ° ~ p : salary a~ ..the Con.,. yule of ,rxlnlxr~, tern towr~shap ova,, fixed at 1 200 t . , • , r ~ ~ ~c~~` ~ ~ ' and u o r r° w , .00 per year as of A rl lsij 1~J35 rE~~,,ea~xvely~ „ , p n no ion of r. Trask, senonded b I~:ir." Ii r, ~ ' .f`icieht ~ Clerk, furrus be; transferred f y a,,s, the :ward directed ttldt sul ram.. the emer .enc fun !l r, rr y d to meet t11e incre s. la.r alloered a.,e a a y ~ e aunty ~olxaxtor arld lle salary of he Cotrs x tab 'I i _e, 'I i~ tai orr irlatson, duly seeonaed, the sold ' ; ~I . ' mee tirrrr of 1' 11 ry provxued far tho Gaunt ~ l'arrr :~emon~.;tra~or at 1 i tiara.. 28th, 1935, vas ordered aa.d t ~ i~! p a ;ir, J.f.Herring. ;i , ,iith rei'erer~oe to file ~ud 7uen wg ,-{.Biddle f'o: bac ..taxes due on the nortlrv'res ~ ~ t 'ai ns t ,r t ~ ' part ox lot; ;~l xi7 'olocl•. r~ii3 , ' le ' board: ; uaorl motion , . 'golf , of _..r, orciex~ed tilGrt ~,le lien of said 'ud]i;ien '',c ~ s} Ross.,:.ren;;nded':t~y 1••~x' i J ~ x~ )~eret,y released and'disnhar.ed nso?'ar as it n,ay a~)ply an or ag~xlnsi, atll ' g I ~ er propol'ty oti'~i1ed L~r i11 gull Force and ea'fe,,t +:;s to tl~1e nnr~thvre~ ~~I•I'LBiaale, but rEi;~itrs ~ ~t t of of t ; ,l~r u 'o< t k-al' 1 r~l, b~ocl; 63 vt'liah lroe'-' ~ ~ al au:" ~te:~ r, iii)e. ff agi~,x115t 4 g 1 L f Ul.aar tl u, tree pa,,r;lc.i,~ of ;;~;~.00 to ;f,T .t,~ , 1~ ^ f 1~Ul1ie, „a; ~~iLl'Q1f .Craom ~7r•! f Or rent OI r0af7.1:!? tn015 11500 c1 tilt, upUnL~ eu. ' I1 orr nlotiou, u1y aecon;led , p the ha;~,lent of 3':.13 to ~ - °iuu she Stor t~h, .,ar Drina; ~ar,a a< ti; , . . ' , ~ e , k. ` a~ S ~ , ` t._ ` ~ ~ i i, a `,"~ilrrcirrrr~on i. C. a.'sc~ 61~h 1.35 , -~,J~ sa 1 9 r 1 uA_1'>> l: Cliff.:, l.? , It y7,1, L. 1 f ~ t : , a. , ' , .:,v:. < -Ll' a."' 1"-' 'a Vi 1, 1{`ro 11'' a I ~ ~ I`he re~;ulr~r ~ree~iy mwetin~; of t'r}e Ssoard v'ras, h~:Id a.t 3;GG ' 1 ,i ~.-'T4]"". }.1 +y :,P.,. ;~..'t J ~~A eynr, S~ ..7 ,r q. , ]r ` ^ y w..vJ~.{il, .._w7 r.>, f..v4sv Irv W~,..ty i,.;yt, .Slr. Lik ~d J. la.4.a., A:l,.i~J :.Jim,, ~ t # 9 , , r . 6 t_T''fte..,,. ,t{(diSpll t~,.rVlput ~~'lu.lrriiarl, se0.t'r.~rTl,a~:,~+.yrr.,`i©5~3sl,nd rl.~.:{1ntGl' ,,,a .r+iT l..y ; ~r C. ,4.Ll:; ul' ,.L„ P- ,•,Y , w . -v .i.I,1E,:ia, ti..eia .v, Yl :=.i~atb ,rF'Ll';a ,J l"it.l,., . n., ar. wears Y~~.vzn,. snv~..tz-~.ted the re~lueSt far d r a .r,r ._~zr.a..,« ,i.v~.~ .,v{... v ,~.,v.: ,:a.e Fitt, i e uct~.on of dv,~ s p ~ „u w ~,.:y c, t.-, t A r, M „ : e orn~nt, - i n tl U- , r r n.a _ t ,!r y . w+., ~ +-s ~ 1 , : ~ s „1 s o o of ~ara~i J, ?~(o~ra.~.on )art of Iot ra„str~izddle oz~: 1 , bIOC«. ;1 r t,... „_.t..4...,,~.,,.ir as a~ ~l:.l«~u ,k 1.E u~?Crt ,,.~#~;1 t:., {a.'t.' . 1'• ~ ~ ; r,ro,- ,,,,j d hd~t the «J,.,,,e be r~~1>zc~d ~.~or,,.,5~.0 ,0 vc ~ ,~60 ~ fl r c , u., • dw of ;L r~.l I,~ r I,)33 . •z „ ~ ~ .c ~ - _h , t,,t t.:~ . ~ p , on =~ccourl4 of , d~teriarated and dila icrzted condition ~triich ho.s exiutUri s' ' its I P znce ~~tt aate, Upon rnati ~I U~' r, IIintart 3ECOnfied '[7' `l~'rEtS~' tii8 rP.GOr.~rl('ndatiOTl f;. ~ c an s f o.C le f a, ~ r ,,t8 d _ , ~ dnd are ~,~•~,tetnErtt oz ~ ~ ' r ~ ,r ~ r. ~ a: , _ i ~ take al. d ~#aludbzan oz I~!O.C(~ G,~,,; ' _ it' ar the ear,a ~ _,i.. ~t.,..JJ'.,,....1 ~ u,.~. .Cu.~,,, u~.,,u,a~„~a..Cttt,. t.,.. ,.a ~.L. ,1 .',~°1 e. ~ ttiif~ ly~l4> ltr. ~ arcle ~ dS - - ` • i-r ra ^p' y. r I•rs T , '~•a * s ~ A, 1 e . _ j)j)~ i r,-t...2tt .,Ca.,.,a,. tJ1 ..«cU LC, ~,...;..t,,.:_t~.a.L n • lti ;~"M;{,'.,'i,:: . t?r~r,a ,E~i. ,y, ~ { ~t,, t, „ „ _ , t. U,,. ~:..L :~.~tt:, at^t, C.`.;: ..U ES i l't, v{J ,a:lylr,::.~! (1 i al(,1 , , , 'r. T , ,l. :n - i ap6n rdatlan O~ r. .t1n~JCC: ,.BCanCled U :,:r. 1r~tS~ ttie 7 ~ a_ :v~_,_ui,., v t, c;a sl..,.,-,~1,. , i , 5 , UZ erln denden~a ,af rulllr :p - ,..~.1.~. . , _.,A. ~ w}. t.{C'. ,t;, t,t~,.s t, i.v,.i~a ~ K , •M - • rt r, r„ if ` e r;r rtd.,r alitt"taZZLett to proVZde tT':in'at~.a?t..tlari ia2 TJl,1C;f tnn ,.ifLet)cird an - ~ _n~"j a,i .C:t. r ~ Gaunty{(, ~ indi.~;ent ~,rd ari ,applicant fctr ad.rni:>sior-~ to '~1`ie d~otint'T ~:orne to the hor:ie ' ,~t . . x v Ile . d ~ , ".:1 , . „i , , + i a.# d f h1 ..._a.. t,1...J 1iJ.~i..: .:+.e ~..?..s:it, iU :kr+]r,.. tV'. t„+t ,.,~i. L.5 v3 .4 t);i..b , e l~," -o1it4 ltiex, ~,t ~tu~ t~le.t .r 1:.,~:zevzn , the „QUnt AAozi., a t y,J , . ; Y , . • , of ~ ~ r, e.ti,r nsF , : ~~._a;ei `.o JS A4111. Li :':iU,T.a 1, t, ~ ,n Y~~.n d-.gys- 1' , - s . .~~e q ,,u ~.d.l.wil')lEt,.. wv.tI,.,.G,l Jt7 t~A , • t, ~ r a. .y r. ,e:.,. ~ n P Y... g ..y, 1 it'~. uFo12 rnauzor: of ~r. .~zntan „ccon~ed a ~ t, ~ a~.u,.ti.~,t ..iu ..e e. ,..t.t t V- , rrl„S 1. ~;tle 1GI1,t,,,z w , ~ ;,,t ~r;.1.1tL C1 I , uial)Izcdtzot}.~ iox « ~ ~ a,tni., -i L`EC. Tli'~ r ^ Jk n~ ^,t ('k t•: ..e ` , i 1 - a ~ p ~p 1 „ , { I1 Cense tooell - ~ry'~ w...+v_.! ;,~i ..r ..aaa>.k 4r d {A714~Y. ,.Vi ka<... ~.-t,~;'• ,F4~ -1"u, I.; ."!d i{a'A , 1,'13 ~_fl + ' ~ u.~r ,t...., epFaravedm o , 4c oa, ~ J. ~:h 'Ia-s !.^r•C 't' _ +.~a, 1. . { ~ ,aui:...,,,:.,_ ,us, vv u..~ E...v.U4uJ.w, a.1 : :altar„, .,C'•'.yy', {,ti,l ;,lat,,,.XO}"t t,a 1'di~t?~.,:1E1' tilers ~ 1..1.., : J:U.I.i l ,~•,'{,i ,,-:i{: ,.1 ,t• a,~.ZLi. ;LG {r? ,.E' _..1~.~o,zn„an; .,.Wdd..e ~a,,nd, ~~~te-_.za;n',rdy i,o. 3t~. ` I~ T.Y,C.iiu~~;ins, ~aaacvelt :~s'ilI atate ~'z °.1~Ya~' ~i 40 s y o L_. ~ r „ ~ iineV. xka r:'1~ J1w,TQn , ,y l„'tiGa.i.t: f?'; Q .~C:a,rQ vi, 't',O; .,sl„1110,3k; :-i r • y e~- 4 ~ . q _ ri5 „ i,:^1. C„ r ~.t, n.k 1,y 1. ,;a T.}.,, 1' k-` T tf , i -r. i i,,)an .,,ai.l.a ~r,r r;n ~ _ _ - , .',.t'::: ..,<E ,.i,.]~ ,tIC..U'y .,c?....,JV ....a ~l l 1 i a n of _.,x, lr..t,.~.. w,.G-~r_8d a .r. .1 than ttr t _ .EK,v{..~ v{. {;ir ;~1r~.:Ar ..c. ,,,:.icr. It :.i„~ ~r ,"lt~l" r , ,1 z , e .~odrd s~il...~dxed t.ib real dnd _ . ru ~ ' v,...x..,t :,aa•:..a' Lilv vr.:,...... V~ r.......a ,.r t.. ~ i" -s .,~1 .1 ~s-i _e., , r~.~. prar.srrt~ t - i ~ t U~y~. ,;o~«i 4~..{;tl :,a.l,:, ,.l ,,,1 ,,t,.e .,{_.r,ru a.L_~....r?~, "~.4:.xa,.. r JdJ, a~ .L..u1 1.1SOr: J,nd d_1o4'rE>G ...r, vC..artiC~n atelnoe~Ger ,ra r,a,! _lt'iE / , . 9y y r , C ,yt+,:), a. a.. ,a c"a - °,!n., -7v., A, jyo-s 1.:41~ 11.1 J.. I?~~ ~d ~ V{ 1J „ Y,t :..1 r_ L««.~ .~{AV ~rr Lt {i k. 1. liL :t14, {r taA `-t. ~l l~..i .e 3} `:'1 1'e n. ~J.leti Ue an'Ia<~ ,,rv.., u1aG.. .u :t:..ST;are fCi;:' Si1,1Q EK::,rS 'rrl''ti'°i %ui - 1 ,c.4~a1, «,u i,;1C ,,t.t,~t,c 0:. s.~. c,tet';~•% 11 a;Ct'r , ~ ~ Cua ~,.,_n,. LL ~ - rG Lt7.Ze ,d.. L..atr`' ,a e=~u- ,a`.` r-•i_ t., d to 1 I ry+ Y -r 6. Y •+J J.e~ I... , Y , t, pd' le oer onr~. ~~,x «;.r o~' .a~_..A.t~,.. _.1~.. td c. . ~}rln9a.1 an 'v.CCallnt o'" t.c~r~ _ _ a :a, ;zi.l 'uE..t.t.., ,J ti. a 1n'-: J , - zn~, to U~...~ ,,rle ~ c.~ra 3er ,r -t, , , ~ ~ , , t bd.C~'..~,rla ,.i.._,,. Jf} ua. u .A, ,v 1L, -..,.w u.: as or: ~}r'u~.zed ,~1~ ';i~a1 1 ~'j 1 i t•':t 1 ~ , ~~r_r1,3 cell :,qtr ~,nla rla e~auz ~y zn i,ne ;J CArr:e; } ~ ~ J. z w~,~ . {.f ....rul. ~.I,AI . tttl~, t is '4L U , , ' , ~ ~ , 1 - s, Cl.ltu I, ;G' ,frU,~E,.. .:I C ~«k~l": G:. i... ~.CW"a.i Wis. t..4 sr. i; ti' ,--,`.n, °,sr # t; 1~ z ; ' T.,t30n IA~t10 l r e+nr~ t _ C_a„ „ n, du.:y w. ..C,.1_.w.,< ~ t'1'-j~ -1, r~ :t,p f"~ Z:'t..~ rant ,l; , a ~u. .,5 Q„ ~ nr .'.r... 1 ~L , Wes. 1..5' J!... Yd .~i~~: a~jpr ~.},,tii~.fz ~ te..tLJr~..C':.~.`j a.t vle ;~n',E try .1.,>a al,~ uCr _.:I'S, ,).it. "~,L~ILrv , , .,,1 sr? . r.,. A. r.. , ~t ,s y.dw ~a ;u. Cr:t4:.ed Yr J., ..3 nt,; a.l,},; ,y .,3„' ~r, 1. r a 4.:C .r' w r G' r ~ u-r~a ll,t #l ~,.ta_.~ ,a,aall .a.d'QI.II'n3 ,,.1.-t, t, Lu :n, a , i , ,J, . i . ,fiS ~a,w-,,,l~r.,u; •,y.,. JU ,,!C.r ::1v:avrl ; a,tl tt19 flat, Saar uar 1 all'1 i 2,4.: -i- ~ ' , I 7 , , r,54 tY, } .~Ut't;ler ^ =`i a ~ ~ _ ,.C..a t,a _ t lad,, .,race... 1, d ,1K~,Gt. w}~ i j s .t. n ~ Y+a ~~S ,r'.;'a Y t;' t'ti+,~ ror hi !1, f n ro+ 1.• i j alv ,_{.r• ~ ~ i o ,.lac,.. , OA ~)tlr' Q'lk of ~ _ s _L s. , 1,~, l"1,- .:e,.zk',~aintr:elz~' of eleatian o.fic1.Lls r.rt~ a;..;rovE~ ~ j , cC it .L Ce 1.1 {~1. {~r Uwal~l ~3 1~ I `('~..4 ~.1 i .l t.n i_..r :.'~a r:a y, ~ A' , i.-.. _ _ c1 L?~a '~,:~n~ :.n ,z.~ • ..,~t 6.~.. :,_~4.1 Qt ~vt C: i. r ~ f •a ,J .a...~ (7_ .we: ~onSs` i~ I 4b..G.1 1-Lt e ,a,.l„i t)f 5~)lr.~}iJ aC a:.,:iCr`Cl ~Ja J,~: Cl'C'~Z~,' pf {,}in r. ,l ,r s F't , # r tJ ~ ~j i _ (..IU) I. lu., . i! i,~i,.,@ -r''' ~S ~ ' }G'11Cti 7~ •n„ r^ , ~ , { . ~ ~ t., , pz t~ze can oi' 1, a,, 0?1 ~ . - i ' f Gi r, ri'r.,~ . ''..T .r. i , C1r Cb.C1r1 a« ~l.a~a71 aeCQi,Uea ~a' ..L.1:1 } 't, { }t, ~ d, tt ,rn, , .,ut'. ,u~ ~ re Llit,~>ir , ~~p 1rs • ~ i q.. it it `~.7fl ~0 .~~e^';..u'; iar ~ Certlfleit Ca. Gi' ,1~' C~! ~ , j i. I. 1 r •1=~ VI Ct~ Qrada,~'~;1 " rrn :.i i~ ; , ~ 17C1"1 ..,Ut1JT1 OJ:~ .ii,ntan, aeCC)nitPi~ ,i ~r. ~OS`t t'., { ~'t"ar ,l~~r ~ ri.,",.; Ce a~_ar: Oi ~ t,l . 1t(;'i, 1{, :'1'r:'l~, , I`,,,,,_ O ' ..f , ~,..l:,r)~1ane lro ......i•rport ~l.n ax to 'o ,e l`lo':ie of o,. 1., . {°3 ,,lia.lCi:~ ~ b . amen ~enn~n~; :Lt t1, ..'tea' COri';~~C:,letlCe of .;,t~_')ll; {7f tP.e d1r-ltQr~ ar r, I~'~~ ~ a '•K,~ ' . ~eTnovln, at. tel~.phan., fra.., u.l. ;1 Y .r. r ri - , ^ r,. ,_a ~,,t, .:1Oa_an au~ w~:ca}~.,ea ~ QI: •;.r_n, i t, ; e 21lnt,t0,1 ,J .1G:..B;' d1a0 uric T,>r~,t,.°~ of rBt7a1'in;, , a~ ra , , , ~ " -a ~a,.~ t)';,'iU',~ ~ - _ n,~., z~ ~-le vel.,l)hon„ line, ,ict~a '11~ 4 ;ta- rr, u r .:N. ~ ~ a f G'T'r:pa to ~~QB ,0 n ,~~`a :r il.:c1Ci1 =~.;1JB~,_~T1,~ l.t „t7@ :1,.L:,lu o~' u'.11.ta't1 :.:~1C1(:3.' tt~''ulu 'l~tlt7lh('t` {t;i'~ a , ° ;1 1~. 11 u'ti11 ti,l.l?lt ~ .lr„t7Sfa :.a~!C?l_>I~,..B Or 1T1veStlq~<it,.G1'1. , l~ t. 1 , 2E~~~:ifiE+~ ,ira,il ~r. J.:,iuy.J.Or, ,:dyar Gr lade TaW'vl't ai ,rrl•'ii~,uztl}.;1,C ,3C'.,'1C:1 u,4" cl ,t'r Ir,:,_ „ , , )i~ { ,.C ..rare e::era~' iT'o ~ n t ~ ..1 ut~:~tr_an 5n.~~ut,otll,ta a1 tl.n1?.ci,t vl }l Ti(""s2°' lpon ut~tzna of a~. rltan rtar ,r t , , ~ >l ~ tll), , ~0 hrl v. dr , J^' Y rE rat , ¢on~~a~ n~ . .rt .A t. r. .iJcl,iv d:' .rwt:, ~.,ite'~ an l a Est„-dent {)1 taxes of .a valu~:t~~ 1 ~ ~ , , r, t on o ,j2fl0..~~} ..au>3 eaola .~,nd !,.zt Chen zurnz t are lls tea , 7 .~..r- ~ _ s in err Or :far t'lE s.En . c. s ~la.,~. ai u0t 1 7 i, ~ f , i- ,w ,ty,,.tr.t.~ r II' n a wl 13~7~t, f } _ ,,:,a. J.{,'(1 .".{t,l,'tl~:s fill, i j t - 9 n it C ti ~ 7 19 It tl 'J;,an t.lotion oz ~ R , :.:r. ~.xntan, s~ea{~n~:~ed r~r .:s. Ti~<~,a': the t3adrd a~"ree to :°tnr~:3«'l~,te' j ~ h I d q~ ~ ,t n n it d f U:ze aJ'l:ount ::of -f.. , ~ - . - , l and.l t:i ~t{z onc;ue rare Underood ' t~~.~e',rr~iter< for the aee of tae i:oaal ; ~a, ° 16 qt » ,t , i ~ ~e-ernLalo;;~i~ient 'aureau at ~:.acst f 1 , , Ln ~ v o _,80,..0 net,i~n IiJV~a o„ ~sa,;ina r~,lf o~ renu~.= lor~ne , I i tl"ie Uf <i tyaeCrl'i'ter a~ .C',re` r r' r ~ ,s: k:, L t,ofo_e; prat lae,i t.:e u,r of ~r`>~Inlzxi~' oon ;ril? a`r he,1f of _ ~ r ~ ; I p ~ re ;uea u of :Donn - ' r~el~,an,~ :,c,n.J,;sttarne~,~a, .~'nr ua' telal; of ~7:-i.t~fl errata ' 1 r;:e ;:~~noiiiit oi' Ga9~. Tti~e ol7rners'nib of rile aaT:le , a. p' r, p na f _ to retu,~.zn zn a t , , , tn., CouTlt,~ stn d~.ria.°eN s~astalned o f , . a y ss.,rlllaa Cr~anl d~',CCillritlaP ila,~in~ been t~ittf~ t~•r u,,:~• _ n ~ ailee~i to have peen tole +~ro~~ert~ a Donald f, r , o k l~lrt~ ;_{rl{~ t~u~x ~ . ltit}~ r~a~,al.ci:irl ttt `l'i011 111U~1,~:1 tti _:r. ':'aU:, ScC?JTIr~e~: b1f i,, r,•-, ~ i, .,j, r - .,,,~,o ~ ' d x~llit0ii, ttie ~[:Q,7.I~,.J.T1 ana {Jlel:~. ad tiil.~ ;jpaT'G ,4 , , i ,r.._„ aat~io, ~ L.,d t,~- sz~;n an ai~re l.' ~ . A-r ~ ~ 1' ~ a recent,,~ud~lnent of ~uller?or Oourt; ltl lieu oi' '}roC~~dizlzte llndel .>r, :i'Lion I~.`~" r f' t ~ ~ ~ e ,e1zU ,r t sale l J 1 ,h. lth t.z~ J.I,Rrt or Elie astal~lzslvilen~ of ~ lrt~ refe , , „r, zzed to th.. :Jaun~,r-...+,torne;,t for a; a.rll~ill, Vef~etlaDLe C`~11:r1~'Ty Oll t.'1C 'QaSIS c7.S ct) rOti?ed 'Qtr r' n n„ i i , . 01111; IlEietitl:'r17" ]"'I ~ ~ ~ ~ e ~J1t,J 3,110 .Ollllty ~Q,,.,..~a~Cil„~a L o ~ ~e,l)lt,{,i .,~rzl a~9th,193^. i . upon motion of _~r, i I ~j -•inton,'secon~ied ~ r. lr ;~1 , :lr; I~, ~~'~a. ~~i~~Srcti'.~ r,ila ~t•.~~~,1,,,;~, nf' , , , 'i~~lE litlef~t;_Orl ralsed b ~ h~,li Cast Of 1;ile fal~Od^J].r14' off laG-' sut ~Jlles =1,1]~ C, i,'~11a (~..c~l't t .r; ' r I n y ..,r, loadus iiellura, c ~ t,J e a.C t;lic r 1 .rn ,~.n r;ar_.nt ~~~11..~.u, ~„3 ,rtiettler StT'eet. U~,J~n'" aSSeStl2ntS OTl r +••rp 7 f L a, ~.i., t,,ont., of atprll I9a5, I ~ u a :.,~ij to ~~.7c l.nalu~ve, in 3rapkt'raod Caere ' ~ro7~erly ~ _ un. I i C r, L 1 Ivviea and inclixied on A' P , i~ %,I'eet dNwrG'uSTTletlt 7' , .eCardS fOr ~Ordan :.Venue, E'ra5 u On CilOt~ 0 1 S 'ReCanded , , , ~ , ,a,~ p z r of _i_r k ~o s , . ~ , ~ ~ ~ , ,~ou~ne_n J~e~l iel,,pnone Ca,, 'ir „ ~ ,,:r, ..la`ce`.:, l..~erred, t0 the `rrlalri;lan Q,nd 1;01111t'r .yttarne r c. ' fz n c1,i~ u• J r.l. ~ ~ ~ reu c 3 far zn~TBat1(,.i.vlo J~ yQa J to the 3oard at lt~ ne:';t lTleetln~ ~ ~,lnes boo.. More, 3,gll I,u~,; 1 , ~ . ! gyres tern 'Jni on Tele~ra{!h 'o, , l y, `~0 r~;. l .i 11,)on `nlotipn, du1 . Seconded c , .i y , aunty az..ls «;os, 2515 to 27fl9 were ar~n vAr~ for ;la~~l~ent. , , era _ 14taI?•,.,.,,,,...,.,,.,,,,. l~l,~~ ± , Upon Motion du1` sec"` , , Y onded; Tnomad Koo e 4 , p r was . r r~, T granted an aaater~ent of taxes on a- ~ repor~ ; Jf i,.,a ,,o,aze, -ea ~ .;oaln iar t.ie lnorltrl valuation of ~v500,00 on buildin 'on the a o~ ;tiirzl '~rrtr) z'eaal~rer~i a,nd oxslez'~~{i ' the ,ears 1925 t`o 193.... ~ north-ti~..st quarter lot ;~2 block; X25"7 for i'l~d, ~ , Y 0 inclTZSive and on a valuation ' ' 1g3t1 ;:z , o#' 4~25t7.00 f'or' the_=ears 1953 ana a .account of tzze dilapidated coedit' y - ion" of the buy over ~1Jan ,r,r , ttxat erlod ildin ttzat Maas .existed ~ a~~.oa o,t. :..r. ~znton ,.r~'~:or=:le~i . l:~tll t r ,i,- , p o~ tsme, :and as reeorunended q r ~ ~ J , J 1C l..t,, ,lent oi' ~p~,t.}, fit) to ,Tr~,rtler , , ~ '(,he '1`il.X ASSeSSOrS. ' ~ta1= er .Pe";lari 1.~: .~i0;j :7J.tctl ' ~41.' ?l~' .I S?:i' 1' i ' l s! ~ t' ~ , t - . ~ n ~ , r ~ ~ © a ~ l act , )E. l 1 Or #,11.. '?p~111, liar:"i.~ ,t~l _a E5 ~ , ~l~l~'OV~tt, ~ The }ne,~tin: then ad' ~ ~ o{lined. .u k r a }fir ~r 1. r1;; :.~a ll 0 1. ~ , n ~ ui eCUe_ ~y'al'i -;Ct of ti"t„ uG'1,~a .«1- a%r' l 3 Tl 1 , 4ti ' " r a ~ : i a.lon of .~r• rlrl,ll, sccclrltt~;.l , - r. I ;`li..'1 ~c G;, .r. ;'~itan t3'rl Q.':7Y3ro r1cG'~iGii'Ox ~,i~.~~.r)~ 'r`d3:1 rtl.l~" ~ ' - n c. ~ p ~ ~,vo,ll~bl., of{i., rC ~ilv eTTierr°orip r . , a.«t~, to provide for thA 'J'ou:lt~r's T~:iz't o:' "i~tle ox 7enae i'ol' olr .F Cleric.; , sx.. ^ -r.,, ~ , 1 ,laTl(, pl ttl, ~llniaa ~lal«,l, a1. ? tiers of t:le Cit;~ ~.rla ~;o~antKa ~,1~ ~~>'avided in r~-ai.d 3yy s a_!1t s i ~I , i, I ; ~ ..:,ratan, ~ .?o-trd :~a aµoyed ~a,'lp' ~iGl;ll,lclt, r)f „r`t 1") lli' t 1 i .:...,rCa1, .c~rC1 uew'i.l ~.';l.,i~z. , ~r ` . _ _ I a . . a..l, ;,eC;,JT~,{~d 0;~~ .l.r, .,znt,~n, !a la 1;~,~I7.~'t~lall tai TCQ, 1~ f - J. 1.l ..erase ta..:s~Il ?eCr r3,t J,,,,f:e' TiQI{~." C11rP G. L tr i " I ~ r n l,~~rlt?r_)ra .~~ntli} ,,{.,r~,tl, ir[L,i . , a.tarovPu, _ , F , 1 ia31 lati an of , ii rltan ;Af'G' ricer j';= ~7r ~ ~ t~ ` ~ I I ~ ~ ~ r , -.t >a~ `ill6s~~J.~a+d 6TiA,! G l~.;i~t~'('1 , >E ~Y,q r..... f~. J ,,.'le Jatdl:t~, r ?,1,~ vCiJ :.,ar ,a Ili;€'ls td~`~1") 1,i1F' 1 - 7 , ,1 ~ ,r~, ° vaai7 JaiC~ t 7' ~ RAP' .,fl,,, l1.i i.. . .I:',~J..r -S.r'!:1 d~.!`t., Cry l,J' ra J,.r, i?' r,` ' ~ 1, w iQ,..,. ::'dam ~;a:'r(i.,:x~ ;1 ;y {)~1 _ o0 • 1 I"50.0 a r , ~a.ru G) r1 10r) I " ' ~a s.,~ear' ~,a, ~u a clerk r T.. . _ . _ - _ -~,u _ , _ - _ ,,,w_. , I, ~ i'' _ 't i i r _ ' I~' J y 1 ! I. L f,, e.' ~ r ~ I.'~ ,r r 7 P " t t., y.. .i . ~ rj f 1 'S ~ 1 ' ~7 r , ~ :E 1....11_,: ,rut,, _ ...ti.L,~ 1 f ~~.l, l„+.:. , ,,.::.u 4, t.r, d«. ~ i i,.., l.. J..., t~a.1~1,2ta F.LLa `v ~ J - . , ! , 1 , T~ ' i , ' XtirJ',rw., 4 fl ,.(+n t 1 f d ' 7 F : - • J_ .t ~ r - ` ' ~ ~ 1 „'~,,c,. say ,~F; ,.Cr,.L~uti ~1tU a :at 1.'?,',~~~ at_r I ~ .iG.T'd: : l:t'S 1, _'G'l:lllt.~t: sue, ,.,Ct1tr r,,,t .zlv a., J..~:., PL 7 - W: ~ t.;:.i.i, ..7 t,,.,J. ,sr 1. ...rrl: t7.a.-a .ii.%7. r7 iC.l~. ..r,~ ..,I. r:1, t"i t~ ,.,.J ti v.i t: b~~,r.°t?r!U ~l;reC i,. t , 4 ~ I,:I.P , i . M W. - ~;lu.,_;1,1, u...ar,.,,, ...Ct>..t.t, ,.7.,ret..o, , 1 ' G Cit..., ,,u.L11 ~Ji t1,..tr.~. r.. .JA~:.,..-, a1, d, t..r U..(.,u,.,._,~r: ~i t,r-, r:. ,J. llta+ oa LL!1 rl 1 ( , y .:a,.C, _ . d~' ~ p; ~•J c+ -j.,-i A.. ...aJ.]Lt], Y -:j. r-. ,;~„JCG'a q• ..:r<_,1,.J,wJ ,30::,,. h r~_ ,l r,ulat<a,' el, t l,,, ,,,~Gt,l je.: ICl!1 ~ 1' ~ f ' d„ , , 3 ''j I (;G;^("~ U " a..T ,1, i C.i .r. i -r ri;"7 1, 1 r-: i n ( f~ i(.. , y y _ , l 4 T 1 ~:t J r... 1J ,;y. r).!i 1, r(; .d . J :c 1 I ,r J.. ri ; ~~I ^ry• ? ..,f, i r, . - ~ 7 _ r.,f'.. fi'i '1,:, A•, 7 -.rn c• ::7.~a ,'i•r'. 7. a., ~ a, . i .E. a s l., a,~:..alt Cy., ..,~,.1, , ,.:.~,,,.r, ,)CZ ' tJl~c4.e., f, I r1 , » l:t ,r`:~,rC., -'t;t,i#itCi , r et.t7C; q~ 1 i) , '''n c l 7.')i ( '.-,r '~s, r f`r' h. .u14I1 iaU. i'~ 'i , A. c" I~ .C .e Held Grfi ».1.1C'~rCc~., Ua,' ul u ,1 t,i]-idle , ~~.WTI ldt,e .,,.t.._ttf. tQtlaG, ,v. -':tics ;1' UlF Jt?'t'f't,S { , {i vs ~_al', d....»)1'xGl:,, ,J,:~i, ,JCtiatl :c,l`~ ~J:;T'{3!~ir. ~ i.) 'I I _ , 91 r , 'q _ . . _ Ir' I 'I,fzlf°r7 lt(, ~,G~1 t,T ' ` r i , i, ~I s " I, I ~v,;~ ~ aJ i..F ft,x""7- Gl .~1°r^ C1 '!1 r,';7 -r.,, , t., , - r ~ . . . , , r , ; ~ (':',J. .lf: .1. , l r, , r r rr- ; 1r.V+] ,rilrCl ° 1 3 i1 iJV. - I ,I, r 1. t,.,J,. d.v i.a, A:t 1•,t O 1 1 i, :r,, C•I' r -1 i e(Ji.1C v~ , ,w ~i, i' - - - i, r. r tnf , 1. . P .a 1 lr. J.. ,_.,..-.G 6...~ ...:7 ~1. ,~7 I"'" .,a„ J-. t"allzn lit".'%(.a. ~'1' rlc, y,p 1 'C~ 7,1, ~i. } , I t1e_ ~Jto_ WCU~ t ..et II - ~aL ±na!..i. ~,U ~ 1a r", ;1 - .,d „ ~.•CC.~.. =J lrrt~, taut .J., vC.l.,_st, .:.a a y C"T I ~ .s,,.., 7 ,a.• ~ .,G•:eiatr' `.)~,;r 7. I, ,.G G., t, ._<l:,_,..: ,C,.,r"iv,r ,._(I~~ t..+,_1:~.. t,i,..wl r, nf. r i rr, _#.d.t(:il, lfJlti , ...a1 , m ~ ,1a,. r~;~ r) _,G~4 `atrt.et• „ s _ > y } tG ~t:.. Cr , . cJ.. , t.. o„, ...I'. Cr 1 ~ a: ~ c i , ~ n r"'-i tR ?wC^ , 4,..G2" `aCrtiC, 1 u pY(er? G .l 6l ~ a. , , i r ,.C.,, C., ,f:' :'u }1~.y, n ,,F 1. , r, •,..t;~, -w,r, 7. a ` r, ,_,.t.. 'I.1G:C., ?C1.t.ty ,r. 4. P~('G,1G, tr t .5 G'd 4 a...u .ta {1..,,r~_C>> (it 'it Jt,"~..s_J:J.. is ;,_i.,;,,..µ a.v „_..il ~;L:.. J.~•:. t C !!in i ~ (,w~: Gr I,3t,.• L~',> , n t~d ~ st' tI ~ .t -i.,,.. J. ,r 5 ,.tr(.E '•?i. : y, 1S _ ! ~f.y,f. ,it~,~.i,.Lt,.t.~; > r , ! t, ,s ~ ~ds:~t. )..Cl; u2 C ,v , ...,t, .G . _<1..1LIC,. .•J~,4,,, z(-r, ;:;,rA 'O..; , , .1. „C 7 :re_MttCt: i , . 1t,. Cis ~ _ 4' Li, :w a .~f: f ~ ~ r. r<; , 7 ,.I i, , ..i ~ 1.. fit' _ ; _ a- .w ' a. Ir _ , t_ :a_ . _ . # J! Ll?.t .L° 9; r - Jt~ r t C ~ ~,.,a ~rC.. ~ ,:r.r<.._ it., ..~4ttt t „ , : _ ~ 1, ~A,:-.G.. a :l..e ~:alaSP lit t , 1_ 4. ,~.;.,ra 7 r lr,„ _ 'u 9 F1r1C1 '.t)aCi. ~t,IE.-t:i,, I _ g a.. i~,.:lrL ,.tle. aalu t,r,._1. r;~ , j 7 „ ..C._.. qtr ~ . _t •'iCr:lUIG' ll+ ,(1 „ ~l Ul 1 LH i a, , tr G l,latL t,:.. _ - y ,'venue. 1,. r Yj c<.Y ph'4`{. , ,..rv c., M,J (~,r ,j+ ::r s ; .4 7: ,,.,r i ..C I,GE G1 J.1..c.t t ] ~ r 1, , .r ,r. _ , , ~ lt~;' ,_O1 ~ .x "tip"'' 73 . ....,t„,,.G1. ~.1.. tom,:tLw_ t uJ :1 1,~.: J ~ , 7 ..,J o. ~,_cc ~ i7~1 .d 1 : L.,,,. ~tllwn. _ _ , .,,f,. s 1.u „ue E1C',;1CT! tJ~ .,c` a;.t_, ~ -1,,,.a.a G_~ t; _ ;r, i 7 ~ . _ 4. l , ~s,~ a,lr tr71~,::~..,: .,C_! w,l ,Jt ;r, 2.G1St ti`w .J...:i`c ..~1!°; G1"' „ v. _ .G j ,J ttl .a;p ,t.=vJ• a.~+ i:l:~ r 7, e i o ' Gt fi'..t 1~- f: ~.'L U' 7 ~ rte, _ .,i. A.a : u'a : G'l~w4w ~)r - ,ow,i vi br ~.L G' ~ " ~ :3.d.1., ;it; 1i1-~ ~t;t i.~ ) ! ....G If. ' tllA~, ' 1 : _ «tG.:.4i ..u..C';F~:, ri.. r : a"o~l~ft [a ;'1 :t!a:"st?a:'0 ~i;YiGGiI. , , _J.,_ r- ..C.._(lt„ t-, ! !tC.., 4a.:, l .'c; u, y ti».1.Jr .:i ~..~Y; 3. vl ~la,.r c , r• .r 1 , w rh t p w r ~ ,.-9 1u,J., ~J,l,;,,.,t. . :~04._.; r, J. m,v ~ , ~.r , H ~ S 9. G cl. - r. v;.. i F' ( ,r c_. ~ ra+•; y ...i t6 ra. !r'y'a brl'Ca. I1 t..., .J ,'II ~•r ! , i 1 e f ~~.~1:... tl ,l, .~..t va.wLUa:. !J ,IL ,,i',. FA w., r(`.'. sir , , r,, tr , Utl .5 VJ. ..J~ev.,l all .Ji~.+}l. rr'1.'~)t~• f /ry i ) , .t~,.tG r~,. l.1tJ l.tI1J 1 .1G -4.ieu J.'C711. ••r,~ { . " 'Q r, r C ~ _ i a } ,iG"'~ : ~ ' . ~ .1 its, L. - V :.L L;w rr. it .l.rl`;:r Li~Q.l{t;'i,'1, ~ AId L .a`#el ~'E1`. y i _ .°J ~.d .,t.i, ..1 ,t'„, Ul. U 1';~pf , ! , „ tt 1••G Jt:y aCl i.tt Tl : .~ru. V: ~ ,L.q r w. ,'..U 17 _{1:i. i;a ,i_ trl..w!: ~,i!i,.4„tJEI.' C., ri.. CI I ~G~l iII:,C .r nary !.,v iy utli:Ci ~ r:, ,..~.~t, ra,~ e U v ao . I ,..h,>.,,..L. J C,ct :..,'t, cL.J lilu :u..: a. '.',:t_% '-r'~'i !1 ~YI~ t _ 7C.'". S, , t2S. v. -v d 9 .J . ,:ly 1 ~l« tl 4V .,lU2t tl~ t,::C G ,r ~ U: G s s w , • _ ,I L .1+~' L1C:'r,' ~,.iDSd ,Q i:'tr In Ut,_ r, r °;t' p , ' rr a r:: t; r r ~ . ~ r , r - _ _ F o ~a i r~' P -t c I r ~ r it , ~ =z..d r,,., ~ ..a..c're~ ~ , , ~ ' n a 1W e, l,,ve. pa....:sc,i.oo1';-Iol1..E: >b ....G.,G _ ,JGt,u,t G .at;i~, t.1 7:,,:~ i l"C'il;~ L 1.-,~ +.,,r ra fi , ~G.z•.,tr~3.2' :u.~}rci.'ll~''tc`1.5 „121~er :aria. ~ , , ~.,_,E , r , , s~~ _1`t , , t Jv.:i~cs of :.,1ec'~,icr1, ~ rr:, Jrlr:et ai ri'1. C~ s, b'. .ru.lr,°{or, ,rJa.r,`~;; , LJ:~ Stu' ''(i1 } ~ - M 1. ~ ~ ,i o l..ni, dace, 't~.~~~~~e :,o?1.ou1 _otzse. _ ,1 a ~ CLiltt ~:(d ,,:e 'r::r~ G r Cve,.{ v ',,.tl'~i 7(i'~ i'~~ n~ _ , i i,r » , ~ - .I:e~a. r3 t L"c'i.r, tY . C. lc'~i. ~/J.ar f~.dJ.?jJ• : i I a, r~,", C' _ `t j,.C vela vii ;i ,,...=1 ,rJ ' ~ /I •t,E ,Llllt;:;u o1 - Jliq G~ of wlPction rs _ ~'i v „elt u. 'r->~~ b .or~a. C'add- . s~ _ ~ Jr:. Jones, u 4~ ' ~ ~ , ,f;alt „ I, Cllr a~7 J.7 r:;at10T, 0_ i:_,~ , .'=iT.G""'ICI' j , • b r•. • I fir. i.. .Sin ~a ~ ri"J1.i..12A~ S~~LGf'. 7 11E~~' ~ ~ T Y'~ r{ Cat-,rtt„ ;lcn..t,.~ir, r , v i.,?"r; i`1 - ! ra t,wirt_,i:.'~lx'1..1t.G'_ C at~iG't. Jt.t„a~,. 'c ~l 'i 1''rr 'U r r". ~ ; : .i ~J.7 Tttc.f Of r 1 ..ae Ga. 't r : ~ e ~',1CGtlari ,'111dSC11 seCr:~e. w~e..,,,,Oti at.~ ".s-t,.,t.C11,~;Lu ! „;E , .(1 ~ s L nc.~ ~o~t., ~aa. r a f i } c1 . • .~:I LL. sJ:Ll,.i C'i. it~i 4r (i. r,,. r. , _ , ~,i r.7, , ' ,.v. ~~a 1'tiu J r r ri t dd._ 7 } 4ti,ttl r,. [L~ a I ~ „ ,.+-r n :r ~ „tu la ~i..l, C,. ~4..s1 ,.i(; ~ ~ I c ..caaW121 CCwi .;L~,~u a.: « a ~ i f ~ u b..c, .ad,1_ ,Jl..ce,, 1 ul' {:iJ„ ,i, ~ C ii, unC; ','7~r(15 I ,aTd the ,;e, . ,t,N ' o_l,.r. P1::.Ce r~l~lltln,''tOn i~a-?'er! y 1.. . Jal. tle..~».rl.s',G'i 2iiz?!le: rn , i , . ~ ,;k b d e ' Ga. a_,~ C~,rbufCl _i~ G,.;7•~, ~1 ; tG: ~'~;C;.~t'SJ 0>I. :;lu..ulGt: ~ y r i 't c• . A" ,n , ' Fa•c - i.; Y• r to _ r _ y ! ,,x1 ,..~.la ~1,.,,lw.ips, y]1•,GincUu ,_tnu r.,.z'~t~: - t4eg1`?~_ary J,i~er~.,zt Ja,instol], .~~,st ,tlltllin~;t,arl, ' ~ ~ '~~~,~e5; of :alec;tioz J.'1.1.irie. , Leons,z'd Fyle, ,Iilttll' "tan i`C,dliuil~t)` ~ °a _ , ' i„C,1,Epni;(lr0 1a;dii5`Ill~i: C11,i2,~ 1'IaCL'. 1 ~ „rlul:lC aU:;es, `=t ti ar]C! .uuP.l~ ~~1"Er3 i~. s r'S G tU. ~Ct.1"]'O.Ll Zl1Uu_ r~.t'.ly atI s ' ~ o lirl~ ~•l~,;ce, Luny,del, s Custer ;.'oast 'hiske r -Creek. " Judges o~' ~1CC~iCrri ~T•n i''1 rl~ ,r, z I 9 .~C, 1 ~ a..,C' , aie~,zstz~:r, .4i1's.+r,1~x,Lul,;saen, t.F,.U,jt~. , • ~ UCt. 4/4 Vlry d. ,J (r li~1~eJ.il• Sn • '1 ~ xuCt~~E.a of .~leotaa3,, :~,~,~r1o111s. r r ~I t~ir. ,(ells. I~ u.;ualld ii`c1:(A, i71~:~ 1:'rEt',.1+1Cit• ! ~ S 1 nG T'].~Ce gae?lttd'a' Ci1 ` 1. t,~ Follitlg Flare, sunset ark; S~hoa7. :otzse, r' -.c~i.,trar ~ . ~ n . l .end ~ ~~c~ _.,.,'~t r, , .,.u~relly ,'7 ~ s t„ tt,t,za tar .;,..:..Leu4''rzn Citnset `Fare. , u] 1~2ectlart, T , - - , ~,es, of ~,lectiol,, .,:ra.t,r~~tbx.~a L, l~levau (,e. I - ~ ,r. "..,.8,~;1C1r ~ y2r.L l,yn~s . JeCCt;G, ',r7.Tti' u0'' - i.'reC? n..i',` , a. r Poll; ' ;:1; n 1 edeza]. 'plno ios)astalp: a_riv, s_c3,ue, FO11C:. ~itatiCn `"'t ti J i o,l • t'i 8 ~ 1M 'uTi;.l' y J t' C 7 ~ 1 „ r., rj, x adu Ja.l ~rrdCe ~tl'eFt, I~ l llf "~tW J: -Falls t; J T.1~, Cie, G'°.,t G, °al't r?81t't.i 'C.. ! ~ ~,a~,,,s c~~ ~,a_et;t,i011 1 ~ ~ uo.,, ~aro.~lna beach at~~~c:, „ 9 ' ~ ictrel :e -~is tra;r ,i.~. ~ ~~;~lor i~,a~' acfl E ,f.O.Grecn. Juci~;e: cf llectian ;,.ti,I,e'disr , , r - Bawd; i+' 7't~~ ,.i,~~, ~ <'..a:ncl~~ 4 ' . „ n~ •~~ets ! x~o;nlln,r ,t'a.O,Ce 01 LT'fl;; r , , ' Jt_r ~ M a , a- " ~ ~ ,t , , ~ - ley ~leanel,: 3tt1 artu ~2 1nCcua , 1 ,8 re~,l.,tr~.i+;lalt tiCa1.C, Of ec:.Ct2 aJa.'dnaill ~ ' y ; ry _,e ~t a l! 'it::ati~~7+ • r;~; n _ , ~ ~f i118G1r(C U Ill- 11~,1Ct _.~lla.ll '~,~@ , TyeneC c, u_, ,..1~;., ' a : ,r ,o ~ 7" t:l,d re l t ar rrle ,,;.~te : t~6 t azJ.~. ~ ,~t~ t?e ~_,,t'~.tloti` of rp,e e~.ec ~ s d • ti t~ ~ , r Jliti:'E6 ~ n, 9 ~ Or , .gun 3~ ..C _.~.teQ, ~;ett"!P,@i"i tiiE hQUrG of OtC1aC~; 12 • 1. , _ ~ cruzett, an~z suttse~ ~rla~. 7~,rdF n.' a._ e~el~ cixf oA~lnr]111~y an t}ae P~th cz~Lj, of ~~une l{'33 ~ti1u i3riti r' :-:t ~ I „1 .:;atur T ''7 7 ~ ~ xt, „unnset otl „ .~.V1C1 ,~,,aC,n. C~J'~ ,,'tlne ~tintz, 1~13C, arld Oti uC,tllrCiO,~'f, Jir11e iith, 19~Jy :~.2]d C11 :il,$I1..-t~'~ r~ ' I lU3d_ ~ ,r r ~ttrle l.,tt]'' + , . ~ ~tnc~ on ~a~ulaa~ June 1e;35 ttie re''a.=,tr:~ra stlt~ll J.' ~ i; I 1..1~ ,1 ~ s 9 , a ttt ~ „I,1 4, t1C '.,oll Zl.t, ~c'~onk ~ ' r_ 1t'~ l~r~.e.v of I.' .eoz~ou: ~.,:zr tea ~ c zve . r 1 } ~ l.. t,a,f2l,,ili.ll5,~rirW,,riG~.~ ana l,,~rCla tdlti', tt1C1P ]'E~;~,~.=tr,xtlt3r ~10aLS ~'Dr _ 0 T 7, - ~ le 'l c.+, t-'e, }::i '.34 G1,r _ e,~, 15 t,ri'Ltl C m' •c ,r" r - - _ i i 1.7,. _ vollool orr of el~;o4,orU. L(]e re~l.,tr•:il~ uh:~.ll attend uhe Jol;.iti`; ~l~tced oa' i~ ~.a:,.,~al' :",,c r 1: res~ C tii]eir v.x.~, al.~lilaiNon 155, '~~:i ~~.G',_u. .e..alve totidns'l>a ~z'eoinctw ~ d 'v dr~ i)' ra I ~ i n Far zt. iJ~]t,lr r~~l~triztz.ot. boar..,, ozi ~aat,,.rda- . ,M s t.at~ ~ t.ceC,_nC tae eleetlan to-vrzt _ tine ?~J c„ ` i cl ( f i~.~.~ , J th 1.,,5 :~r.o,., t,]e r~oli , ! 7 , 1;? t~,l a Cl ~l f,~a. r,,,. 23ia ,-tT]d . " . ; rtou~^ r , , • , 4 the i f t _..aa. Gf v,~ C1aCii ~J,iii•s S'dhen +~T7Lt VdhBw'e tila ae11CE ~)Qai';u stt,la. ,1E' ~ 's ' ~ f ...~:'.C7. ~Jiitr]r L]. t,rr SOS t.1e' 1 ' o~ ~ p 111~;weGi;lpn i 11e_eleC!CT Le _ O,l i. t01'dil9i,lpt., ~c21G 'v`dc:S'd5 cxna till.. ay tI1G' ;:C.1[t a_d, to oo echo n 9 y elc.e~or_ .ihrx11 11e allot"dt?a awed J tAle r.,(rle of , t;lf ~ ~ ry i f ~.n;~ 4aer..ol ap`rearln~' or] the e~Lz.cz iloo?':s` ld . o ~ ~ tt t.lca A l'1C' pl ~ ~ s r 41 ~ a.d ds .u~:Cat, v,~anS` e, t i.,_.; ~Qi ~ cno~l n~~ll, tt'dent • , Y (fit? d:.t~r5 przor to tine ocjerlr.C of the r~~.iati'~.tic~rl 1~oct:s, f. . . iS , .t..~y~tT'ctT`( l+tti.~tQ~'f•' p"" `4 1} 1 -•a, ' rto'tl' l ar., , ve ,tli7l7.C 7 llli xl., ~.Jr Wit,] at.Gt,r G$'af t,le l,et7 1C3c ° R r? . } ,d~_. r ~ ~ t, a.J ~Latzol. of vo~eru anu t.tzz o,~,,;r, ~ • ' ~ n0t1 ~ > a" ~!~1Q1 tC' dG,1C, eleC~,~an c'1VE' I 4°au~;e~ as .~leciittt, , ~ ce of saia u ' , t,leol,lan" and t,i~e ~~url~os~,~ of ~itG ~ ' ' , s;.. .,a',°d1t1G%.1 s L .~a~ile lr] f3t]e CI` li,', ° ~ ,r. I a ' tall , 1. neFF~~:GtzJez~ ; Lj y,J et> 1 n t'1„ - z ox ' G t;~ ,;112nltliton, ~,orti~ ~:arsllrltz,` t%le :i~,~.u lictioca 'tif °o_ r ' e.u tde1~, as til te,J .e~,z,,tratlotl, e ro•J1ce of i.rte yleotion end t(tL ~ur,)c~> of to s~lri`. - a~IVertisernPnt ar tioi.' ;e , e, tru.~ oe znclu~~ltu~d zn ane lie t.iJort rloulotl the ",.rltt::rl,~,~n vr,~ eia'i; ,r ; ~ ,A J1CC. t • 1 . o1a4.4.1s ~t ~ a t 1- , - c ,ti,.ove . ~,.Jct ~tlrr.t,ted to 4.!~~.e L.le. i :,l°emPrtt as hureinal ter not north. Ui~cn neat. t. - i , lan a,t r. .aas, $$CCrliXed ! _ 1 1", ~ 0 en .ale v ".,r, 1, tl re~,dz2E, tLG*ioi] o' file ro;~rti c(,za..., ,.its ail'irr~ed atld fife ~ler~. ,°~t,, itlt'ilai'ir;ed gin' 1 J . t u azrot;tect to . a.ll ")d~ 1;h the ~ ' aJ, i'hl~tl G ~ Cf ~,1~Gl,.Cl.a `.,1 :~.:v'il]i, Cllae 1711 i~l'0}.if;r t1t7't;1,C!' of ~1t1 e1 ~f;'tTOr1, r~ ,e ,rw ,j , 1 , T ~ 4, t.,i , , , t u , :H 1~ , i , ! a o , , , , ~ril.min 1;on i'i a r,0 r. i C - , . C. , t n 1,a;; F I > J. , I~ , I l~ , f I i ' dt"lriinr~t n r :'a r ?71',l 1C~35f 1 d f I . 1'i1e re rUlal' 1"JEEk.1 ~ 1 •r rr , , ; ~ 5 n.eEtl.t~, ~1 i;nE ~aa?~tz ,,:r~ls klelc: a.t ';a; QO + ~ ' i ~ ~ A ~ i e„cnt, .~ac:lson 1Ier,1.E~~ „rlalrrn~n 7t Ht ; .C. , i.reaaSJ.~J x',1.«. a~1 C):11 j •r r„ ,1. ~1,. .,r. Tian 'r~ -r' .c t a. d, ;Ta;. ;-.1'' • - . :rte xE~;l,.~ar crec,.-1s a:,c..tir,4 of file ~oa~a rra.l nEld aL 3.G0 'o c],ork raA+. ,J.:1 t ~ •T{, , l ..av al .,:1, JC1,~-Ja1,,1.ltdff' { ~ ra > 7 1 I i , ~ v t..d 1, Irlt ;3aa1'+l t".. r ~,1 ~ i. ' ' „ . 1- ,rt;,- i~ n ,:,Q,:1,, t.~:f«t c tir,,,,; t. , , c r• r ix '.J 'w 1 ~ , T7 s+ 1..<~,r alte ,a,„~„r- a1.e.lEnt, ,ti_ulso., .,e l., t,, ald..lrla.n. Gt, .i`aTx~;,sl: 1.:..,oas and J~,~f:.:,~:lllf ~ 4, U aa..,r,l,y 1,rtra4lr,n trlE ~JranErt ;a err r . ,t)„':,,,r~ ~ f err - , ~ .~n Jr..tcr t,ti~', I,r url,~ ,r 1I:1 + ,,t.. ,,,tEatnllt t}elect L)~lr' r . I P i~ :1„ t)rp`;' l ~i ~ . • ,.,,and tnle cl t,~ 111,111:: t a r>en,~i ` , r, „act to r ~tr, aa,i t,kl ,r , r r- - , r ' llai,lo fJ rt .I GQ lOI.J<.L [ ,1}E renuest of 1''~,O.liu_~,r+ln, ~,s,,uire, 'alp a reutzption of a:,ue'Jsr:lent on axle i~ror~eri;r ' n r 9~ecan(:lECl bar ,j, t. xa - 5 1111pp r tl I r ~ : _ jr ~ : • > ..1ttLatl,t,~:.l,..e,l Un~PE~ c'1,t.1Vl.,°.-, r. p'1 C :J .r O~,EI al ~ ~,.J. , c, 3 r r I+I ~ F, - , . • . .,"1„rii, U,rlr J^a px ,l e a~ E 00• , aC ,~l , Jcta rGfE1 rE,(1 t0 tk1E fa„ ttS,,Eti,30.a 1 ar 1nV6S t1 ~cli~+t'QOn. + 'l ~ rl, crJ r,11 tt,.e to cer,1.L vrl u..1,_Il + ,1 , .f e':e • J ~ to - v,,1,1,. ik1E' i~t'ldllt.l~~.i'? .,.r arld ~ ~"i I( I .t r al t1E,y ~re,';~ ~r a ~ r > o ' ff ~ t 11:ar11..1 n, (,tl[' ~,i,e ~.,aLtritl ~aL:n;11t I.,E,,f ill , ;~I l IIr.'orl rnotlon of .'r« :o:lrs sepanuEd b ~ 1 i. r 1 1 , .r ~ . ~ „ ~ ..a l .l„ ft)1.~.oY,lr1< re.,a..ua•1pn trrtas ,i lf,.v rE:.,UOav 4f +,~J >'drtG-'? fr , , s y S , r -a, , P n ~ ~u ,;a__ ,t1r,,4 tt1„ ,,arL 1:~J.an~1.';' r_lrlY1_r,rott_~al aaclxi;erl; r• i) 1aC=, ( f!'Wr~ Ja r. T-,l., cr.1CY T+`• ' Ii , , v anrdu d aarlvr rl t,1 a rt o,C Ja Jel ~Lrlu It{ :V© IJa i(il t~ cl.v "va~~li 1Y 7'`i ~T. a- r) rr G~. arGl .1 :,1. r.• ~ - , _ ,1I i1,, 7:f r,, .'i:t, w~ t,tl 47 v1.1 rt; 11d A.'. r ~ ,s ~ tT v v.~ :r + r, y ; _ ` f z5~;1, .o ~~E lal~a,rr,t - ,J'~.i,;.t,:;,3, unaer =.auwe _1111 1172 rr:L(,~fzECd 11,; ttie Gellelal .1a .,erllbl of 1`?artt~ ~arollna. l~, 1;:,;,~ w?~tk1 nrtC21(1~ t ' r ~ • r _ , , , , ,-a .1 I, r ,rll a r y , .,,m 1n cbi, 1,t.1t,a1.1 )ti 16 ~ ~ bt> t1a.L,1 Lile1 ~}.r ~ : v arl ~ C' tip- ,c a. i , ' fY ~ ' , c, .1 ;~t1r11 ,.,Otri 1.:J5 beromc~, Mlle tAt~ of 1,nE 2 ~ ~ , I l.,t),)' Canl~,lt a r .1 ,,OtIIt~T 111'":11 `S S _ > f . J wa o lotl.,l to call rln elEt,tlon 1 o,t ane ox i,trc +ieJn•, r~r, ,1• _ n l_1 ,r11.11 r , 3 n f"~, I;~ ..wUa_ 4w 1ri 'ilfl r .;r two ~ _ 1.1v+,Or1 p7` , n» a 'v`Jne .ltd ,r P •...s r , ~ r 1 , * ; e ,.otdrltJ, 1lpatl tnotlai'l o,, to detcrG,ln., t .rata... sllaul{, oe l..vlecd xa1 1,11... nuraase of d1G nF• In tf1E d v a 'lily t ` , ii r 'r. ,lnt%,2; r,, _z. ..oa; ~ ' 1 C' c.1. .nt , a_ .au.aa.ur :L~la,)t,.LY. , t, ,,1.,..tl ~ .f.l.,r, ;t , ~ [ r r: al AIoI ~ of a.1r1:.rlCton, :,a~ttL .J~,ra1-lna. ;;I~' _ , i i. an , ~ } {I G1 (.J ti t)v v,a...a.l i:. c. p rt( tt ,r• - L,U,,.a.,.t i1 T J t.l.n,o,. ..rv~J:w J1 ~~ri `t' .J r ~p r' r. " ~ : ~ ,~t,~;1~. ,Lutr,{ , , _,0,, ~..,.a- . anti o J ~liN rt.,r.} ,o .E , i ' -C'I,, la b~ at1E o ~ o sio f I t ':al a~rE.. t,ounty y , , ; f ~ ar~lovtrr ~ 1 L. ' ' t,.n, •rr+,v. ~ _ar l'et,~.l'nl;t , ,i;; , .,I t...,At~l s., ~ ' _ rt ' t- ,r ' V ~ 1'J rt , I t~ v,.,, .1 a .1 , . , t1 L ~ 1C n1 N ~c 1 ~n j .r Z n ~ a. t. a ry _ f 4 c.. ,v,) C , tin . ,z1 ~,E :L.,ld In 1,0`,J Y;u,tia r er ~aUllt ari ille.vdO,V " t t1E ,.+4~i,t1 dcd,' 0~' Ir tl.. V' r-,rr, , . a~ a ~J.1 aZlnr). 1ruLJ..( f y of .11'1,. , 3, ~ rl % ~ 3 ' , 114.. J , F, ?"r• r.2 , ,C f•, ; J. ~J: 1.~ 4r r ~ w..:1 aG.L;L1~t,Gi fra.11 I,ku:a,~ 1:'1.,1,14d.tt,,,al2• > Ja~,,f, 1~~J, aG'L:~,,r'n t.1., t1aU_a D~ ,,1an21.:8 rit"!d .:rL111,~(,,, t0 dc4Erl!11nE ,rt,a+~I2Er Watt r.aT1oVE1 I'II / , L, Cau~y J1'r:~Lll lovy a ::~ealwl aw ttJQ tti) a.,nt,~ alt ,tie Jne riLtn"red +,F1OO,C~O Uall;.r r. ,.a .all , r ..a4Ea - i , 1.~~.d1,Ll ~ a °'Ot' t I r „a'... a._ _ I j ~ __,.1~w< , , . , ; , ral ,~,:,tlolt o, .l o :'er. L ~ ar u,lE ~Jui r)o,J~ cf ,.l (:t, r ~ r ti. • 1 r } _ t~, l t „a , c, eve.. ay)rterll, a~. 111E 1-ort o: i -r v) 4.1C1 .Uawxtl.. ,J 17,:. , t y. 1 - :.)a~.uEiit ^vf .'15,/..~V i.J... d a`~'.'_ i ! , ~ 1 ,.4.,{.'.tu.,•A ~nE r,_ i t.btl vO .C 1L1I,1,J;.lt; 1'. ,tv-~ ri t., i +1?.,i121 i,art ..GJ lj ,11 ~ , , ~ r _ f 1~4r1 , , uCI,C Jf xa4111v.v,,loi1 a~, 'i w s ~,_a 7 ratiE ,1~., ~._i,~,. .a, 4. f - I~ ,.Fig G'1:;,-'A1G1:, t:.GaE rJaa ;;,rP 11i 1 a C , r' ~ 1, " '_'«TCZ• cf tkle 1e,r,r and co?leeton`af said t.:7 Ents 'E!nt I I a_. rilr' GfiB ttull',d.•_tt C10.t ~,zr V~lllla~;la1-: af. ],.0')el"'h` i'La 1 ,T 1'~~ ' 'r'w ^ 1 ~ _.1 a ul..l..,t on erllicn ~lk1t~11 be I ~ a. l t?1 ~ el Ererlr,, , ,i ~ ~ i ~ ,G 4.1C Gl'il'v b wl' al :xa CaI ..7. Y c, i i• 1' tJ , ~ ~ i rl u~l rs . ~ ,1,,_, 1, ' - ,,t _u„ .r ar trE .c ~ ~a s..~ in tk1E d ry ,r.L1,l~r.,- 111.. ,.~~,C,3...L,T ~,.r. ~.n l,n~cd o_ lULE'1 '-t.e ~ ~,e..aurilc.nt o.L „nE rare a_ r ~ i1.'.):!Ia~Ta1 pl ,~.ll.Vw.r' t^ » ,-t,,,,~ J ,Jb,.~u V,.r._xi{ r..v.(1, 'r t• 1. 1,..18.11 a:E :1C,lltir ,J r I,1rv r'i iY„-„ i tl , .cr', r~r. - • 1atl~aeQ .LiS`i" 't +i11n11..IC,1;Cn .rG11,u ~u.:Ol,.n), rz11C1 ...UvC, iU 'r',11 L11.~ J Y• ' n , t 411E "i r , y D a ~a,s., -,la..w J6tG' cz tiCilLt an 1'rlliCkl 5114111 1:e , , ' ~,>r ~ ' „1.C ~atlnt , 4 a~ _ aLt,a ,JI , a r ,.a' 1 t, viv ,a_ a. ,.t. J ' ':L , - _ 1. 1 4 - t Ti jri''„ ~ U p.1_.,, qY „ A ti7 I M ~4 ;,.x. A. , r 1.- A , q , 'r`1 :tai c -•'r 't r 1- I+a ~ ,,,.,-lt ~,,.1., , - r- - ` _ , . ,~...rl wa t7,. - 4 v...1 .,.1E ,rU„ _4 ,.r,~.!t1,twl V Lt1„ ; 4, l.o alU In _:le a:t;TVe_ax~l,lortt o7 1,nE rat ~ al ar ,.1.eC;1 1?1 tuta,,,r t:Jl bil '1.1 n r„ ,:rl , A: • 1 1W ,;u .:C'a.: t,i18 r ; , , , I _ 1-~ .J,_ D,1.,1 a..i " I I' ~ 1 ,._1 i, 11 ~,Q 't1t .,•''[a a a f ~li_ .1 d„ ;~a1e1+•rl, „r ~ o z ~l:ln . = - ' , - ~ a ",i 1, r,~ t. ~ r~ tai u(r8 r•,- , ,.l_1.1,J 11trCia lax uslE 1%raY)OSeCt 'lcr , 1 r f '''"1-,r of Jl i ` ~..4.,a ela „t1G 1,... 11r15t .,it,t'i'111, a 1 x ' i 1.1 +J:: 1.,...',.: . J1,, , ~A r j „ , a' » 1' ~ r • , c'a t1Err' e'1r • ,r' it rt,- _u.:3C ,r'•J~ t,.:,a 4,LE awlu _)O,tICi a.. ,.,,,,ti.1..aN..a. _u ~t~L11 tt.1r~,` ~tl a ^ . . . I +-i)~n {rItJL1Ui1 a1 i, , .ca-,, };.r f ! ' - a t, a [11.1 8 + ;.r • _ . • , I t r , , f ,v ,1 , , _ 1 , - t)t~t1. t0 :ald- eleCtlOri 1VE ria;lCC' of `.`tl'.l C:1ECtlan ='riC1 i,n d C tur~ase Of t,r1E ,.J,nle,ln a~ez.lanll „ ..:j, f , 1 tt.[1y t,.lE _)ac.I.:.Ci ..SE J.'1';1,'A.~,.[ d;t:F' (.',.1 f ~ x , , , , x ; , ~ JJ ~ t,raal ~ c)..r o~ ,„urE nE,,.,,,;~r.'er.A lauoll~nea lri 411E ,.;it°;. al r' 1 ;y... , ,;Jl al~el. r lrt a. Qua+: ~.']C r, , y, , iii.lr.~T,CIn. ..11E deal - 011 of t:1e f Ana t,l ~ ~C ~.,,tl'":• : nil; r,1 r - ~ 1. f ar °t,ae r u as tie ~ .r~ i ~ ,-a.., .L.~7 _ : , , r a-,.1 Cll._av'r..d Isle... f, .r• . , A . u 11 r) r ~ '7l „ , - . y. ; , , . {-•a~--~•~ a~. a,-;.rf,tll~~;r- r r'~, ~ 1 ~ ,fl 1n~ ;1~.C,.S ~;Ild 7llE o.~)a011t~,T1lE„t of _Ec,~(.~:.d..:. ~luu ~Lttlj(':.a Of E1pCtlan 1T1 ~fIP + , , , a.n :1 cLld G1.°a`w 1-,r la~A U )1u,, tLO a.E ~',1 :'.7 L . lr u tJ i a I ,7 r~ . u a la:{ 1 ,n • 1. +T1 i.LGt,ty . I,Ot.nu._lfla alEClnCtS . nu d? S ;r ;;f, r ; ' J J fl~- rw at l , rw , r • - _ .,d c7 the CGa,t~ b~ f<v.3 t, ,al.ccl ul.tll a ~a,~se,tzent ,1laetlrl°~ . , v . 1 a t,~ ,a f tt1~ lersptl:tl t fi r,. ~ , ~ ~ k - ' f j ''.4~r C;etl- c%.,"~ai;l,{.J ~ +,tl° r s., fn :'r' ~ - y x ,d-.. o,L 1', 'y l',..L7 - r -r' c. -r 1 I ' , , u~,l~ .LaT' SdIU r ,[v ~ + V11E .,;:t1U. _=Ca,£, a.~ ~a1:,,.,1NPa1at"if;rw°. j. a.'Te i.', :•1 . C"r.«_ a ; Dt c1,C..alti'lu of Pi."tbr' -tit'' 1; {'J j r 4,Iratd~,a z al as•d-^E an.l ^ - v , , ,J,,w. , - , , . , _ ,;:1 . Jw,wJ. ':L't/,lri4; 2:u 8:I l i,~ SQ,t ~ 1., ,._tE ll a i ! ~T:i)allliiot,la;, ° r - ii a.• ~ _ ' „ t.' , ax ,a. 'toa.,, rJ°GQ1'.tEtl Tr, i~„an lila4lart {)7 . dos ,~ecatt, rE r 1 r_• ae i~+ 1..,.g `ile 11 resale„lon r~Ls , , EduB 't) r , J t . ~L,..a Gtl, r ~C1a1'd ;7„ •,.zr.;1 l . . ' -a ' t ° p . , a`""? tip t.,.. u , 1• a. td, 1:. ~0 1,1 U_1 74.tew UttC G:~ t1xaT~P °,r ,1 ; , ' I vQU-1~ auanUEd; =PO-ra'sj, ~ ,•L,. _ ,,.Lt, ...1 a.4Qt,+ •°~1: :,ll..i ~1 ;a' fi f rJ S iTl, iil,tllul"1~ ' T,a 21 ,,aC, ` , L t vltE: c ,a . t . _ -a 1,1011 , A.' . - " t ~ , 1. ,_~1 , , ry 5'rlti:al 1.,rr „ La 1af 411E t,r.LrtE7 ULtE an 5;7, tt 7 Y . a; ~ 1 _ l , 70_..1, yP`;L11Y'e(1 t,~ J ~...1 ..r;,:.oC ,r.' r{,`-• r. :3 - , .,,,...~a~ 1tr,ctEr ~ouNe 13 11 11 , I' a Cre ;a:ryl 4ia;:E,, Gf' .j, _ f 1 7,5 14,,a1tl~tt C, i,r1e GBner:.,l II 1 v :.1.1 ..r L ad f y :.~er:lJly of liortkl 'varolrla a.L (1aL''1 "1'~ 1 U.,. t. j, r ~ " .:lr:ai[7 t.,u utlE le.;.li c. i'::JUIdn~ wy 1~, r}~ r2 ' + , } , .r , . , _ r.., 1.;JJ It ..e G:..E, f; ap , .r ' , ,,.w IpAB., i 0,8x lt,+_ 4 , } :-:r11 l9 c. f C ~ 1 U11,t al a 1E OL » l., Jd r f tr 'i, rr n r i 1' s srl v~ vC' ~ r _,~.-aa_le a.ld ,..1, 1~1,~:i10T1E1a to call lxn a1et.,t1 ! e =,~d1ty l:1 .,:1E aaiilE. ,a .aE t On ;rata ltJ., . ito • ' 1 - r, , ' t, ...le 1.. ~nA,.' i.L U "t t,lt,. ~p 1 r f' ,Y, A ':.ca , „ c a. • ~~lc.l 1 a_ ,Ji~.rl a.~t. al u~:dln~ 1n 1;i1E aevela }rtler, f t 1 :lent; k ar,~a ,7:1a,1n4Enanae of ~reEnl:lela 1'r r.,,o ~,i w ,'.1~~ ,axr: rind u,, c.,.1,.1c1 ~ ~ ~ ~,~ul i la ~l a,1 0). , .1 , ~ , _.ahN, aall~r.~ 1 „ 1 "J.rital ~ r r, , .~r. td'n ~ r, „ 1 ulla,. .a. al~. at`r •I t - r,it. , .1rt f ...1. . - n y:;r~?llal' r . ~ wC a U1, 1:at1 ~ , ~ ,.lu alJtedf. .a. rv i;u. ~ ...43 ,t y"yl) ,.'j'?, !'1 rj•j,,~e,. , , ,T 7 , _ a.,.W=.,., f r u ~ ot~.'u al ~a,t;11s:J1or1er5 of _,E'rr Hanover Caunt- f ~ ~ .t.rWv Sk~ealal nleotlaYi 5k1~~.i1 .t0 11 1 ~•~'1'J ,,,r , n E d ~:n _.aao~re, cunt, t,rle 30tk aw' af. T - lc1 ;y I aet~JEEn the hours of sun ~ C. + ~ 1 ,r I ~ .moo l1 oW t,o...::a.:,;~l.aners al rl.e and' su.nUe ~ is de 4ert;llne trkle :1wr r,t r ~ ~;et`r :allaver• Oot~nt d a ~ , a'' -r , r t_,.,_ .,etia ..ano1 Er :,ount,~ ..ha11 >5 I ln:lf1,:11.t,ri`~J,nio ` .,„o'`, ~ Y, J ~ u,1 4~1e ~ w, ,r 1~r~r a spealal ta.x oh orie 1 a + ~ , E , , un ~ a ll~„use 4a., f al ,r~. , ~ ~ ~ a n~ on ~,tlz -0ne ..~tnt,red (,170:00 ~olldr Z'aladtl all 41~c ' - ; W • ,.._lzs 1 JJ 1. ~a t~.tid 1~,;f'~11.+J7 an . ; 7 on of ales, ploleSolanS l~~a }8r~,,, fOr i,ae lj,. ra l ,r •t.~ • ~ , ; , IJLd.5,,,1ES.i C U?~. ~ 1 , ttrl)~J,ae ax ~,_alrlt~ 1n 4t1~ dE'Ve10 ~1GYlt ~lld 1,1:l.lntetl;tn ~ , -1 r,. aE of GrEen..,e~d _ar1,< said , a~t-a l'1E~1 on [lnd canaltatEd x11 and ` ~ ~ ; ; P r, t, ~ouni,~r ;r,11ak1 , n _r.(.nl_.,1,~ Lrk ' , r, 1 ~ f a_., s~eulflc:~,_ly r-~cs1~n5,ted aria tiPf1nEd r La"'E" a~' 111E ,tie~rentdE ,4 1:1 SC118CiLt1E ' f C ~ Of ' 1 ;art11 ;ch t ^ - _ )11110, `1aS5Et1 F, r . . t.lt, 1Er1G'lal ~aaEt,1~.11' ~,;a - ",,,,.Y 1 5 aESulOn 0a• Sr1,la El 1 : , .A , . ' ! ...1~... u~1tt_ EOi,..an 4t1a.,.. t,ttCi ~.l'E 1n f::.Vpx. of u.:E 18V'°' unCl aOllEat' 0 I ST'Oil'l . r , ,~f u 1,r10SE Caaea rllAx'8 11, 1"a, e}.;1I'h^ ~ ,r 1 n a sold ane I 7 ~ wa51y ct:nt on F, Y ~ ~ , . m )lted bz ,lac .,n r „ , . ^ , ~ - • ...,,lr. E u.ld_ECi Cka.~_<,~.I VcLlaa~lan pT ~+I:p,.,yl 4.r aklal~. Va,r, , +rr ~l _ ~ ,e a tlai.et pll t..lxakl ~tl;,t~l ' be Y'rlnted or ,rri r 4 r uten''i:te '{,oxd.: "1'or _tne :ict to a_(~ 1 :,1 f r r~ , t, h, rY n i,te ~.,~elaxar;ient of ~reer.flelu ' ' t1~ on ,aa1,1 an of ~ ra,?rr anct , ~ A - o < ; ; , . , .l ~ 1ra,a , sECandeck k ,'r lEe1tJ.1..1G. l,al.e .ar.d , ~ ~OwE trt:o a,J,_.ode swi13 - ° ' , . r „ i r y..,-.,,hall k r - ~oi,e tl~k.et o.l trl~lcn an~11 I ~ ~ O1 . tj 1 OT"rEl1a1'S ' i - 7 17r t'f trr, a..' t1E ~nard aut:1a11vEd 111E jlr~ft1.,11t 111ed or ~e _ t,i,en t'rte Y~ard,~ nriz-•ainsi, ir!a :.ct to a:ic~ in tip d -t , ~ ,1 , xua_. of Clt ~ e EtE.~anrnent az::G1 er ~ h} aatri~;l A. - y L~tund-ry Camp ali',T ;on ' 1, v _ ; 7 , E .11E1a ,f -orucr, l~dakln~ out of tlle'Coul' :t_ , ~ a,~ou,lt of Q.rlma,es _ar~: arla 'urecllfial{i 1laite". , t~ r.; ~ ~ t .House. ,.11d l ; N _ ,k l A~,_ LE,d ~n from, of tnE tirlve'(~a'~ on " ~ a d lunnl.l~ lni,o aa.la t.u+~.i ; , ~ _111,ed ntrEet ,y Tpp ..~1~~.,t°r ' Tiklau 111E Sa1Cl .Jr:.L;'U Gf ut?~ 'e ' ..~.,sianei., sildll,trdruy days ! G' on Inotiat~ of - ~r' a. , r ~ -~r. ~.rasl_ .,ECOIiu „ - 1 for 40 .,old ~ ~ - 1; Llection ~~cc natlcv o,l. .,,zlc~ ~.lECt,,.on and v:le t~u• , a_1 . , , c • ~ Edo :wr f ~ + clo E' -y .all ' ~r1E ~ ' ~ -r _ f _loae cf 1,11E a~,1:1e 1r. i. ~ canlr,ln~l~lon and lava;tclr" t1 .,alE of V Q.IE ,al tltal~e nE~sr)aaexs ,4t 1,Si"r" +`'w , .3oard autno11~4d t1e f r ~ ~ ow 1'll ane> of cr , i ~ ~ 1 b _ ~.,a 1,. 4u., .,17,E of :r11rA1_,t~;t~n. zkle desl~n t t tr1E a,.la1J. tlatases' pri ~vE~t s1aE of i l ',c11, lol ai tYlE _xvEa, to ,..r.I1.3.Larle fol' tir10,00. - -nom daces, dnd aN~ olntrlent of rE'~'lstrars w11C1 " ,d , ~ r, ~ ~ u a5 0l EIEaU , ! E 4 eat>'nshl~s, recincts and Srards of the :;oun~~r bE :gas )oi1Ed u.1ti1 ~ q^rr tb ' ~uase~uer~t meEti.t- 0 f 1, w ~ ' tin a~;,111 r„~t ~ on of ?:_rs f r ~t,E sold :~oard c Go?.kalss>.aners• ~ ,~._Y..1loycz f ali llcen" A: , I - _t~ ,1 ~0, rr~La x'ecely ' 1` ~»er rzt la(,~.L~ian' orl a t~LtP ~ E and actlati ~GSt_)oned aeiliiin~r lnl;~e~ tl~u,tlan. r5 • h a-r artc', 'i s T , s - n, - ~ „ ,r . r ..,GVE, on' b~.t.l.t .Cif .01 uk. ~aJ."a Y•,. a,arasl:, ~i'uE:vr - I ' V~On „1Gt1'~~Il iLlls SE?C ~ ;n ; a.,_ l . w8i ai,d re+luestEd f all ~ , ..e , lwel, a„1,~ ~ .~Ga.l,, and Glt' ~o IJravlde atl txt, }'o~}_rlatlarl - _ r, 7 .t~: t, - e t a P r.' 7 T _ • r lr. ,J' . . ~ k G~ lvf .G..l,vl r;1 ni, , 11 Ca 41 ana 1 i 0 kll , ,rte, x x.: C..nat, t0 a „n 1+G'tl ,Or ! v J f to 1d ~a ,F~- j ~tle follot~Jin-:; 811 u trh ,.a..o 1 q ~f , _ ~i eLt y .,E t,,._..laytllel,t 01 SaJ71E anE 4a ~:eED file ~aLtlit` ?,1,,SE71t11 aTJ~? ; t> t.n - j,• ,7 ,...1 Q.~_1J. ,J„021 Triat,lan of '.1 •r: n' ~ l.r.~~Olln~~,- _ ~ ~'~'CGn%tEC b1 r r,. ~t a, r_. fT_~.alc, „T ,.,_jOaS, 4nE rEC;tteSL t,dS rEaBlVeu :or Can51ue1"iwLGlati ~ tttE t1nlE ~ I ry .1.-qf 5 411E 11~:11'tr '.t ;r~~J „ D. ri ,St.lxaS 11111 ~ E%ara.~1011 Ol ~t1Q T` i7 ~ .•tr t c 1~ C ; ,r1 r, i. Co4,1;iidnlt~- vow.t~ v3.. 1rw6 .tM1..r ..U, i ~ ~f S' R ~I .lE f al`lotirln :°aad n r~~ , , , I , u 1 !n 1 I • , c, a d 1 t f En srE ' ,..r LkOn ::t01,1art of ^su p ,;~rrp ,T .4r r, + , I Oa a.,Ca._u..d b. _.8 :=,0strQ Li , ~ ~ + fOr tlr(~ 1E dl.~,w,l v0 S8r'v'e S -1 r' 1 , a'» i' v"Gttltf r f + ZJ1J.~aT..Cl t:1E .=L''1[lerit Of 1. 1~ , , ~ urlal. Of u1V11 Cri.St?S- t' .t ,j U1 a. S. llt „a1E ,~Uy,...10. 0!. Vd1laLlc ~ t..,.,,', ,;1' - h [ i ,r, ~ i .14Lwx t[~t p - . U 1111]. a. t-, ,u.rrltt;:r ,,1~7 ~r.l , ~ c r+ , , trra tr,,e_.~ ter111• ~,rlcl . 1rS t term lJ8"~' i r T ' .C r arle J" , • . 1 , 7, ~ ,r ~:a It ,~.,J.. ,,0U11t,,~, 5 1),~,ri, of F C'r`,SC: 1nC ~f I 1 lln.,..,1~; r,.av 2 7 ~l1 1~ + e., C11,:.1 t1cLL t....ln, - - C,. ~ r C atd21'f , n . • ~ , , -~.t° urr8d Z .L 1. J .lOr 7__1CErS _:l,'_ri.' ~a ; a -8Cc t1 , ~05- C v ~ 01 u"~ ~ t,. a_ _ 111E r~l ~r . ~e.,E. ~el,,~)ly 1;:'35. r* ,..~,t~o~er(~, r ' a t ' fr. .lnuerson.. lea ft' le,-Iari, of ~~,1s -1 ,rs k,, , „ i 1 1( ,r _.1 • "aL,E. ' as u1 4c.... _ Cr t/.P .:,at, Ir , , r., t C',.i:la"t1 } n la u. of °;Lr 11 ~Ic,,,~ I r1.11fxotzn~;. ki,r,.7"', • ,r .~.Everisoll. r .~.i,rau=ES, .,1.0~a k f ..u~1v8a r~:;C, a~derEU f11ed v .i 1 a,iy.:rl:i$. rilE 1: ~ ° t ".L.Lvi 11~~s tan ~ /,r .ti Ux~.un~. +:.dt,to,z,d tex ~;ni;~~ 1 - f a t,T .1 5 '1 ,3-.'• SJ 1-t al r~ u ~anallf ~,n leya a.~~~alalnt,n. x~a lnouzan ~ r rt., , 'I' r, .~i..~r0'tiV n, a f ~.1., ,.l~t~`GEr az a.,CE.: 'r,ln? ',t,l;,L n.. e f .T 4 11 ,I %r ft': ',ud , o ! e: aµ., yt;,. , y 1., 4.I0 ~ J•k1a5...",.iaady" ` ~t nF} }.p, . 11. '1fQ.~+,d17~J~. ~ 1 r~ G.ri le .t,. Ea iy i•'-~'' ~.t.C_.t'-„ tt~~ N 7 I• _ J' 7,~7,~411td1 1141 1., { '-L .w,W1 1J, ~~.l o~.iQ U.I. a.l-.,.. ,i aft-t~N kllr ~Y 1.4 - t .I 1(: _I 1 r! • . •,J.. t1C'E . ~ ~ .''i .T J. 4. F. ~ ~3J 1JV-'°,..1111;; tl1'E Yl4v 1-'v } n'.1d 41 t+J . °ti . , ~-r ' ~ , - . I. ~au.4,gltcY' t~ r. f- .,,n .,Ll~:t,e~, ~ , _ ~ a°'•:1r4, _ U1 ,,1 L„ 1.,t11t1 1 i ~ u ~ ,Tube 3rd ~9sr,,,,~,. • , a .a!~v[). ~atJ,0.lTwnrl, ,,1,„t 1 r ,Y ' r. f 4 ti1v11, j 4rf i a.4Liasf ~NOI1 rlatlan ; s >r 1,•p /t y_ a f r a.. ~ C tart 1EC1 a..Z' 0;; v.~ ';,ta , u i ~ .Z ,'v . - ,r / • ~ 1lAl°r f .4 :~,.l,,r~:, •r , ',ue , i v;t,1 IIE~ f,(,: • E ~ U r C,CIi 'vpl }Pa.. 1-t - - ~ ,.f ,x uaa„ Ci a `t1: , I rant. S _1tE _~a G u,.~ r.tl :_,_1 ~ a>a r . 1 0 d • C T', . Gone ' r, 4 11 leul ,L _.E~J'1 :t ..lt lt. .d 41 l,~ e 1•, ...asarlf .llovrel]: _ Y _,A~.:;,oh1~l~.a + - ~ • - - ~ .~~.t ,.c ~ ~1 r,N .1. ,.1>~ r [ f . • ..al` A 1 :.~i,.E. Ld`P. a --i°t .y _ d: tt __,..rt„ e .,1.. - ."'.,'L'1. ;..,,,rrl., .,rlrin r ~ . ells _ ,A,7E Lo:._u of :_c...1, r . ~ _ , , L,~ , . Jatk~*y .,r' c , ...r. r A,, , ,Jat:a~ ....~,rla a_1. ~llt•.,>.1. cot~l,~4 ,•alt na ~ . •'fQ~lCl. fY 1 1, ~lt,nlna • i , ,}~,+.)L_lttT, , ~ ~G EXC,.Ba ''ll ~ 1 lld„1Sf ~Itlaa~.,"1l1EVJ _ ::r", e.',_'E1`tt•11•tdrE a~ ~ i ,,r a n t r i' .7,,,., k - ~,!j4,,:lu I ;~d„Of10 JJ ttl,, t,0ii.1t ua,,;;11aSC:1.,.:;a+ ~ t ~ ,ltd : - 11"il~d terr;l f?S" Lt1E t11rz1:af' l:rZlillrll "'~,•h0`rUf 1''• • ~1d nx~.l. ,r. t J ' i a~. U;IaE~ ~fTZ001nSanf r ~ S;11ut,r ! ~f ,,1 ' ~ i~.~. „ t aE~l'11r11nr ~ ~ r~ , f,--j, V?r1121,:jf v. rr ' ~ E rl lc ..v,~nalda, .uallfOrd 11 ~ „ JUn„ 1Jt:la !i, ' y „r a.~1G. v.i`~.."5r8.C1:.t11 t'J. T' r j'~+ p ~ ~ aL' , src"lltalle ~a.~.~.1- ~ .t .:t~1~~iElf `'1 rP ,7,,,r ,,,rGO..I. I 1 ,r j e~~ta, .:.fit«dJ. Y1147. t, ar44i ~t1f,tJ r:,JEl if -d IJ i, l C , r , , .e 1 e ' ! `t Va.+.f J,"ir, lO1~aE1' t lEf 4Tf'3:a~taVCL11 0.~^;`7a e yA ,w,ti'•3a5s ~ , f anry (,e;ri;Er. E~,A,.a 7 ' .t l~. t,ler~rls , „ :=r!.`I'atLt;r., " ire . , G a a TaA•re11, , . ~ ~ ~ a'i', eLU t+,I y 3 1 '"?,8r1t1"" H ,^?•'r+"•~L11,11cLr1, l s, 1fr f "T~""~[ ] 7 7 Ja flt<1 1i34a Lf~, GL1E ; .Ox"Glntfl .J ,:L,fltdelavE•: l7aljf o1Sa , ~ att.. + • , T , 4 , ~ , ,,.L,ralil let,ar„ .JJ,...,alt.. 11G• la<,, , ry M. t ~ ,(,1afi,l'l;.r"5. .r:u'i..1et71';1:ri:'0+ •J;, J. ~.,.,.vdJ.r)e'titEx,'' 'I' 1 .iaa,1`^- w ,1 1 «:.1 G 11'-, . . 11 n0 1C7.. V , ur l s « Ztt'tr18J. r~itlz,, A.;, r-t t, t lad' 1 ..1 I 1..~ .,1.4: C illy then tid,j ~lti`tlutl i , - " ' : , ~ r~ a I ran is • • ' :,ee ~l rl~ ' Dt TLltie ~z'a,1..13i~ F" L,9rtt k rruea, i iIy p .1. .iY 'Y r 1 9 r"~ Y'jN i•'7. .p r ~ v+ 8'1,1„ G:f .,:G,~ r~~7~}i.,. air„ ,attJ.na„d. . Iran 1rDil~r1 a"1( eL, A. e s • t °aGl z 1 r tso to 11 l { : , u `a e4,ti<trt. , 'vli 4j ti?)L7 tt.1L1Qi1 a° t x' i7 't C'.' 1 -u at, _ " ' t 'i 1 r A- Oeek, :3.t „11„Y1~;:,V111e >.0 '.lil.~ l;e,^-i ~i:) V' ( - Jo9n tlw+,lorl 9~' .:;r. ,1,;..r, nq ~ ~s, ~ t 5 ;ro c.u. , rr~? u..~o.t.t~d b,~ ter. :;0:,.~, a,le ~9:1T'Cj auf;~la~';. ~ad tie tq. . ' , D U + 1 s, to i811~i~9•~~ !ru 12,. :,T1a1.(t r0 ^•-r. :..r;,~~9ne ~ r lr' 7; GCt ud~e D ~ ~ LL.,r f t}.4 yp].V??. f^~G.YY',rit,, ,zr i •-A'1 'i t f ~ d. _ _ ? )_OYy - „v::,,lal._,Ll.~„ar. ,,TCt}azecx ~tle .teV - , a ?rn,. ,a , , f•_ :r ,,a,., R,ra, 1 x ,led _ d . .7n~.l..Bn 1p~70~~. L>iM.t'E:[1% ll "i + ~rra~..T ~rr1.D_ttl] ..i.l,.laf, ,Jr r:, - a ~ } 8 tF~t, _.9adct a~ t ~ ,~M~,zx~a, ~u,)~ec~ tra ~n ~,,iz}r9tia.J. of t e 7 . r a s. aara~' ':i:,; , YAP?"' , . y., <..•-:o d.', .r•r n 1 - ; n ~ U1 tJUt lxc. S a{lit, t,_ 1 U1'`I; D _ } - , ~ , _ .4, , r ltlt' ,.,.,r,->t..._.+ c).1:~ ,f~al..w7,;-; t,U1ti L2A~' ~ a,w'1`~:3~ ~i1C• 1.OS.Gt1 t, r.a~,1a11 41t .E01~ I~ I JG.;,u1lSgrpnr r+_ a~ :JrLlR:7J~.a:', u91~`.1~~.` ~ ,1 . _ ; Jr ~ ~1~1.er, ,r~:.a c~r7,}tcl~laa C,tr:c, t~zct;z~t~rx zar,;~;~.'~:od (,o ~or~~'~'t~a:~i,,uil d._}wyGtz~t L,l~~~,a, t,o ~e ~ A ~ , / p~ , 1. I ? `+tn. w" 1 .r.` i)~+9«J D,: 1, fv. iA <~I ~rrP. „1'CJ Li 9', (%,tt ~,1 Ci I. >_F: .J i-LU ,I , . D ;p r, p Y 1. ~ i . c,.=<i I1,~i, 911 - , t. I 1,JVT1 t119 t;7,, ,t9,J., ,.t (,li:_lG'Cl u.r I', Tti, I , _ - . } ? ,.~u.>_~., '1r~J..>C;~,tJ.4r, yar ~1;,ntlY; , ~ 11~/ I ~ [7 G' 1' ; { G, J C}'r~' + V ~ 1 .'l q f" r 1 "i l C' ? .5 ,1. 4 z ~ yo_.ar w.a.;Y A , c ry ' 1 ~ .j-r i i ~ 4,1 ~ •.r 11 1': F ri. ~ S:'l3 1 , ..,U 1G.: L~..,.v UUt't,.. ,ak. )~i I' ~.~,G.l , } 'p, U Vtst,+.3 4~4? ~ ~ r-,r 11 „c;,'::r ~x::..LU k„Cs ;lll' a-,+;,+w'i:;U'rl.t Dj t:t., C`'.:i LYi it I. } " " ,rs r ~t ' „ ?,r : r ti,~~.1jd.:aU,. C ~ 9.1 tiGL1Ce 0ii I,.x(;yG,;,]' ( 1,9U Q L7,"+„~, -4, i~ . , ' ? t tC>'.9kr ~C".l.%,~C.a,L[.+- ie(L ~ .J. : S S L. I ? r 1 ~ l1lr TOLrtl,;l,l iY , t, 1 r..1,}fi r~ r: : ; - ry•r, ;m EJ,_. UC1 ,..1.(G~.fil. u~. la.r., ttc,LV rI - +J 1, :.11 C(}I1 c'',"~, t, - .t~ ~ s., 5; I ~ • II .'+,.:£1.~1_a i. iJ ,~,.,.--ti9t I~i1'~ " '1} ( :r ,c• ~'I. t: C ~d ~n +I~Ij P C. T3.1._ .~Ci.d'.'1;,,,1., 1. ..rrla,Jlk11)Y I : .,T•St'm J. ."n., {,ter, .4 '1 r r. r , I j„v '?%t'JG "e=t1 t9tiJ11=t, , r Y, 7 y„ i .J.i1,)~ ~ r ,..U.f .,.Uv~a.t aw ::lll~t~i 1't';r .t' :i , .1i ta~ F ,I f) / g _ v .t .al'., I11~, t.i. l ~.l'.4 dJ.7Ui].J110 ]1t 9 i1 J;1!> , t=,, , : .1-, [:!Lk ~..k_1~, .J ,a~c41l - :Id1.t:i t., : 1 t.!.yc , 1 ;+tl:~ yD,1 .::atl,lr. C~ . '.a,]S aG,,C~ r'~.pr, )7.` 7 + 5,,,, ( _ r., . 11 } . ~'OL[= G ( r;.il , - 1 . ~ . '-CL'.L .-.z....t. ~r+.i c, 1.:. nt.. 4j.r r'.~ s'r, R+ i;,,> ~f, `>j C`. < r.et I ~a: ~ - ~ , t r , I ! ,F ..t. ~ _ _ _ r .,t,~ 1-a_,:t?:O.t •,<.E- Cr~,I:1 i.,:.~ .tN~J..: ~.d:. , r II ~i r~~•)<:1. !J +.5, 41ei1 !J D1 1'-r :1 .t., ti „•t,=! i.., , ` t. i .A,Il 9 } al. C. (,D.,j:i. 1, U.~ !~1_.. ,.a.i t. ~irili167.U11 D~ lr.i,:. ' .)1. a v t1t.Y.~,y,,n o :.~~u„b,,r! , .r. , ~T t , ,rn d D.L ii r1-^, -,r•' ,%.iL, I',a r. 'u I ,~1- l: r'. - tl ~y: .t n.'~Ct rr r, , n. C' ,.di M: r ~ _ tJ. ,l •l.~ C=vi Utr+:,'S I,JC~. l7!~'. t1~.4: itt{' i'll. t ?w,J IIU .,..tv .4 t1(; .I. ..t.J ~q a,! ,.1.. t {-t, ,,.r n '71,.: .c, , J 1. y:.c>t.t ~~.1r..1 .cl Ut'i:t., er k, (}>f,'. r a., G D Li. I , , I , D.. bu(', ,~E_a Ot..t.. tl C1n a}. t,11c a i"1 ~ r , , - I , r. ?1 F , f. I; _ e -r it :4. .,J wG' t- ~w Ju(JY,, ; ,a. 9V;8t' '1 t ~ ~ e~_StEU } ,b ~:~:9rt~or~d. f f it J . ( • .7 ! I v 1: ;J,~ 0~ C a uti' Ctl , ,k , , ~ I 7 r? r, -t:" .::,4, - _A.t: ..V :tt 1..~lta?`1..G'L't t ,L (7tl' , ,.'Ut o 9 of ,x.:11 7',-+.4~ ,.:e. 1}'r .,yr ~ } A_ > . , ~ r q ~ 7. - ry r . f . A. i F..' ~ l 9 ~ } a4 e.1 le "i`tp? i";; .t. ,,,..,,lib Ci: L:ic r:u1 ~,4 t „ ~ d.1.4G wok „w. , . , <r. r, _.rt of ~ a ~ _.u;. :i,' a.aU>~ ;r~,~ !i II, ~I d rl.,..+tNe., _.t(,.li _Pi:j ;.Il , Y Jd '1_)„ e., i ~ nl JF1w1' r ( , U: .lL.r 11.. Ga ti.Afd. `d r.,.r~ li-Li.11i t it ai w, la' +J 6' 7 !~1 5 'r-f ('q ~i ,iI rl~;r,.. ~r n, 'r_r, q.~. x.. , ~ 4W 4~, S ~r.. ri.4-v ,?t.G.i. ?'"v. LJJ _i, .1 .8.~•ll it I.t-tit ,1V ( iU _ , .._...,Ja ~ u,~,..rlll~ a .011 <.t,n x ~ , t r tr „ , , - ,o - . ,a ' _ .I d 1 _ ~I ~ } ,i } 9. v1 ,t...,.. t,ta_ .w..,)e .1. J 1 ~ rC x ~ ~ i, ' e,y, f+ , -y. . „ ,r, .,ai., ..eLy. U .'iw :«J .,D .Jw La v:.a11 / I., IA:.r._: r.'.lk i] h_~ 'k ~ _'7_ ,J~ o~;GJea ~~lver ~a~.u 7;ixD ~+r 1. t .i. ',.G_ , ~az~t, - Lt'Dtuc,d L'u•x.t :1,:9 ,3CvM .1ay1 'v(, `i r r1.. ~ - d l a. .}-.r ~ , r _ 6d4,,, ,,'.4. : J ..v -Cii, '.{tblt. t: .c9 >.4t tkw l.i[: _ _l,il iJ + i ! s=r~ t ~ ..,,~,.1„a,; ~l.n+~ ~ t:u11 L arw:u ;,ert*.llra 19n. , j . _ :H C.u., i,G 11. LL1J UL•.J:C.11,_,4_ .tl' ! i ? ~1 r .1 , tJ~nn ~ac}~zo,r c}1 .~z i?':: .wt :r 1 .t U ~..,.4_ a» .,G~,.v, a.t tl , c2-~ c•... „v., ~c1 li kJl. D..-,,lU-:kS,. _.U.. 1 , -.f J, _ t~d-r ~7 T13CY 1 '.Jt ,t r' nCt:_.:f i;(. ,J.G'r ..~Jl:: ..8.1.:i ~a ! I 7r W , d `"=!r)z'Otr9:l dC'r !riji.l~rld• } r^; ~ F; i t,." i'I. i' : ~ . =l,v ,~kwU ..,.t. J « ?t.~ .l ,.I' 1.11, 1,:, 5lAi~. tall +t t.1D 1~G~J . ~ I . ' ~I , TS..-- - '..1 .:1. - . m...~.: .1.,.. J~ .Ja w.l vti .i -tilA • r, ~7 i ii )Vir L.li „'.Litt ,,i. 'i,~,:, t, q. r° .,y-, a... ,,y ..U-.riari a~, aY -~i1i174111 w: t. C. li.lLif7Ll I, - 1 ..1 1,; t, J.l,dud. p,.+,. t,,.c f,.t'-:, a "ts t: ='G' , - y rry] , .>.W _ ,a z~r7 r . , „ r~ ; _ t .1 A. .:a ,.E i~ ,'tV,.ta; 0. 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'iC C., .4, ra ax. 4 .,p ry ..1 r . c } t..:v' f , _ , - ? .I.Jl+., ,1 ~.az,7 11;` ..,..1~:if," hYn•: i., fi'!.. r,y. v y J.d9 I ~ 911.E :f.. u a, t. , n ,c 4J. Ctl.. iliLt~---" Uu'- rjl`., I, 1:F4 [ 8 .;L11 i, nr $.lf) 11 ,:r~ ' JJ t; ~ aILJ 1'['Oii. - . .t: 4+ . , A.,,,.:~y~.. r. t J,,.,.N'.u ,ri7.a uril!:1;;t1 r jC:.,laT,, G. :"i.t~.. aI ,1p-,1° -':e: U1•i:aLJ.t'e7L ~ y,car:l ry Pr} } y m U t,';,9A u. D;. it~'~Y 1 .e 1.9u 41ndY (1 ?,ai - `A^x. : .i. ;i 1 .Szu? L. •j=tv.> f_ltt a: _ _ _ l~ ii.i , T r 1 t, ~ }r,r N • _ r ri c r n ~°zw f~'^o ~ l . • 4,,191a _FC x( nC?. „ , I 't:':. :lU ~ U'; L ;1 C''i~1 zw ,.s~ t.F~, ,11.,. ~,d,; 9~1~ _ n,. , f,. j ~ r+, Jtf 1, to-,. s r _ lJ , , .r ~ ro i,. 9 7 y. . . , f / . ~ 1 zvf. f i,_l 1.. ~ t~(.I ~ ,.1 ~.1 ~ al_ J it .1. - . 1 _ ~1 1, 1 c . t'-~l>"!:'7 JL ~~'°"'`r~;c:. ~,I } J. t I:... iJ. _t.._ .~.it) c'. r , .iJ111Cy~ ~^l!;. ' :r„ 't 1 JI J+~.,. F.„# `ti~ .1 ,6a ,!JV11 }.,1 JIV ~Lr1v tla,,{l ~u U• i I - :.3 f - , CY, ,,,v~y~>'`A ,'s trl;Cr. ,~_.U _,C):. U,~ ~ i':~? r;) 4 ~ ~ . n n•; i ' d u':' 'tre _vw':.' _y~ `r(..:..~ iatc - _ i ? ~ , a, p i I 11! Ps,ulrtl ,l i r `7 P. q 'i f-j h , , n v C.~U -'V 1. is ;.r:+.~ :.i. -(l lli.~ f. a .,._.l c1,J JY..O a C,.vl~_. ....:.i ~a i.ti.:r~a l.. u.te .l~~r,C a :r9:.. r(}r1 ~Y,'(:?J=+. ~r"~ 1 ,_„n<, . c,t. ,,t.:~ Dar, ta). .cr°rc1..] Gtr ~+:'~iJ~?'.,J o:' i .1' - i a ,.._.,,J(; tri .tu tllS C'y7. r~t.'i1.e ,i! ~ii~ ~ n 'q r,Y,. - U {P~~ , , esS Vl Ll rv A-•::C4Y fjl. L... t,: l". ,J tt L~t milt rr dl+i Y .La-:: 1 w,, ti.•.ti 9,., Ct11tA L(..ar ttl ri tl lli[0 R ' k.,+ .A,.'., ~ t.~ , - ,:;)rn iliDiilCl! i-~ c 1 _ 1 _.G~~,, u"GGhL'C'U ) ~ _ , _f ,i-:, +'ini~ ; r I' - ,r _._.L,rvrt bu6 _ r ..,~,JdCrf Ct 1,; t , , ~ r, f-, , A ~ r . , I e ,LIGa l 0~ , _•.~iL?~ C i " _ ~~'a..,.e.:., ~.lF 2rv3':.~... '9.. ~ r i .,:1t~'. ,111e vOl.til a-nc „q;, , x;; T ~ y J . U» ~i.iG', ,C..a_, ' J,. A, , a. ..4i WDr..+.l1 .]rJ ,..911 ba.Aiw~l p jt._:-l~rt 'AA._Li ld i ~ '1.._ ,t. ai L.. U~. 4.-, `s i.+.x~ r: l:+:s JL, { *(1 l r1, 1. t V a D. ~ Jt... GI U-. lii,+J,.. U,-, tl.y irt.: ltf I ~ .,tLl~a,e :~~1tn'J1D a,rel ,rwV.. J_1~Luw .`l:~ , ~ : _ 1118 Y1CI (,:7 ].rGL1 '1a 1, r. T•: . tt ,J _ r L,Ga<t. n , „ .~LterS .L C,' U Ult,....1.111. ,a U. E I G.. 1, t,. ,,Lt.O t,U.411 ..a_ `l ~,Ljt)~:1„ k). ~?1,1C8t .rC. u..L4c t a ~ r~`G J t t,.'...C.a~,„ a_ r,ltG Jf;Llr14 • - _ w D V e a r'1: IC1 C . a ,5 , r rs , uxa t A.?Lric.,T, bU 'JC:.=,. v11e Ii1Ci:t~i,el' li'J ,?,,,l ta..C ;V,d.'-~ i , J yy~~ a i; 911.: J. • L4~i ,'Y`(i .ric'1G~i;'." v r yr lD td t<+UL,`.[1 + -:lrv ~ 1 c«li[i t'~ , , Neil P? ..!,,.t••I, J r, ~ _ I _ + - C_ :.:~~li.,.C~4~#r:~n c;,`„"1Bu,1'rCt ra,n_, ,L,t CxatWjl + jlt,t]Y? ! , ,-n~. ,.1 1_,. 4 . , ~.,1,, l FLU. I - , : r s .`1„,~l T+t111 ir~a .p''r ry c .,T T°. '•C 3"n" f" f e ~ ! u.L. 1u`~ q. ~ - .s. '.v° k , ~ a _ t;. } ~ _ ?_:,:.::r„rJ,,w9Le_J ,9,,4•_4 J9 0~ a lle~.,l.u ..tl, .6 ?CIiUC°a. 'dJtrG: ~V Y' r•~rt I ~ 11cJlL~kea 121 ;,Ft t;otli~t,les a.z~t~ ~ 1 , 4 Betz a.,l, ~,C4:._;:r}1,., iJ C'., =vt, ?.~,t a:~ "i .,1 i M Ca:1 r,. .-1. as rc~ / f (7 ~ 'I L,. ~t^ J'le,.u ,1'1 (t CI. Lt?''11! 4,i.., 1:. -eCi,l'~ _D..W, da v.l:~.'?t~. ft i,u l; ud V.~iV V~.. ( L}~~~.u Jr. ~ `I~ .f.,: 'y e } a : Gi!' ~iLIU, [i _ :i.IC',., _ • ,~-v~.G~'y c1u0..Yi4 1aC t1~~.i;.u118=a ` I: t_ G. ,.Ct?,1 , ..!L;. , , v ~ LL r c",,# r e CC'? V@~ 1` T CC.I i r ~ 1 t<, 0 ~ - r( +..,_e:,1,19r za..~l H tE+~~'. I f , _7 11 t..Obl9ri a.t I . "95;~ SeC91t<.i r -t• ~ , f 7 ~ iw } e0 't ~ . ~lYlt,prl ~;11F; ./0ard c'Ji} ~ i I' i~ • ' ~ ! ~G ~eVICn „ ~ t al 1'O feC. J1 k. a`, BTlb O>, y ti _ = , T OI Fa10 , ' I' } '~0!,,,~i.tr111r1~ Ilrl,'e?' uilri~:, u,,,l~t 9i„ier UZ1: .;ui,;t,u~•r ,,at.,,_:,9N_ui,Gs:, ,~:;'.A .~C- .aG:a.rt'~i - ~ . ~II.~t7i1'~. ~ ~9.t" 't 1,G + .r n 9'ai,ne9tlon trltn ;ne 7'9-,, _ ' ' ~ d ' "l~el' aU llrtla ~ ~ _ Y, G'lC'C.: 4re:..c1,r~.' v'.:11CE:x''M9~ `~J'sa ,"u:=:.? tJ91'i,• I I 4 I ~ I , ~sr re+~laBS~ 9f file aM ,f ? ~ , ' i ' ..aw:.C1 t,w >.,tl,.Ca:'dall , ~ 1'~ c ' „ rr', - r x., , J, ctv ,1,e .,L1i11 AS .iu. 80//, ((y t- , r~[[,((,~ . II,, r ( dt ~ r,rr s ! a t ~ G" r n ~ ~ 2, 4. ~-:~e rF1aDi..tA 4V 'a .ll, ts~ ?d.,44`a1a1 9V'J Gtd ly i:1aa `~td . . •ai. .a~...,l l`i.. •1 y'-~ 1 .1. G CC u>v~ I e Uh JC.ia91 zi.CL,a!ln'4 r •l i-, , wr n a. (J9U lb,f M i ~ ~C t~.e C.-.::. Ca. a.t. Cam.?' ~+.'::7ijlt, "q i 7a ~ ~a ,;•i i 1 " ~ ~ a„ 1+1 ..5 Dl i,.1e af,9ritxF t~. ~Lttx4 ~ ul.Cl- tC~ 4r? ~ C,1 a q: n, •;17 u 'I _ 1:,a t,.t aYl Ol 0" u ~ q„ j r , i,- , } a ,J 4 4k :,~,e .t.. tel: ?;,"Ci ?rC.+; r= . . ~ ra:r , ~ri:~nter~, ~ r~ Y,.G'~1 c. ~ , , , . I. ' r 1 Ci+.,: Jti~t<1.4,.v 4. ...-.c{:.l, a.. 'tit,,., m,fr...~t R, ,n -1.. 1 i s - ..n autjl~ z~el:az.~' r . > as i,~le tJou~;~.ti~te,~ rr,," I B.t _ci~a o' F r°-,_ , , _ p , , ":,a t, -r+ , r ° i , a_ .,a.lU., ,-re 1 _ „f , , ;a"•t1.r .Od r sn,a.~ 4 Y., u7 1 - ti~i. 1P- 5 1 cLl e a~.. t] ! e a:.. a 9 vU ._t. `:~sv t - 7. ,v. rt<',. , a. ?r cJ ,.cliff %i '.t~` 1,.,} I r 8 ~,.,Ltl. 1 ~J 'ra,S rn , y 1 ,vc.i _ J -d~,1..C •:J~ ~ ~t o= - r 3 a 4,-.ce~ved ,7 . ~ - { ' t 0..1.. Lt ~C t :10 b10t1 Gf - ;;~r `G11 ,4M `;t ,~;11z- ' C} t r.: r.. ~ i r~ ..re zrL+,SI aBCOrlCieC! ,J :r :1Piu } ~ 'I C .4ti:. .•v„ I t11e oa.d a.•t:, .ci`j.,ed :ie ~a~'7iieill; ? J n 9 . A.. - ~ of r::1e` ~oulrb f' ~ ~ , , Mon 9 tAd I al ~l f r t.1 e ~ak'19. ~ 4 ,~Cr e ti..e ,.,>e~a.~.a w: - - - 3 I, - r • i 13,C~.~E'.a~'l:'' t;~~•~ In 1"I:a , ~ .J.~C._ < 1}' ~a, -r, a I caLtzev o d I }~sr i:t„ ~ z e-cenLt~:i;~.on: n~ erid er" , ,:1 ~ ~i~ at;~rle I .:~r. ~,nzl~c tt -`'ellain' 9?: ~ ' U , ~11..~..a,u t,.,, ouJ.1 v ~ ,j ,11e .rest llal ` i 'r- I , ~ a Ou 3 ~)19,,_ A., K'~~t ~.;~,r„fiOlxlllr !1i:.~i, i`e P ,`r+ , ~aJ. Ulie .t,.11 v~.. u ? q L„1,~._ 1 d, C.,..;'1. JttC,~' C~.l' I,iC-'~:, -t 7r 1• ,L ?.r ~ ~c°,, I1i78I ~T, x,.18 CC1~.eT' I't) } C} JG~ d _ dlt t:a.,; _ ~,~i,.~l{.e 't Otll t.ac .r `.i v ,uu _r:aav:;rten~• tr.f, A. , r _ ~ 1 - r Ju :;q -°,>a r„- - rj J ' 1 - ~ : J , .,orFsbzucted c ~ + .ie bl_.. Gor?,jz;;~lotle ,_,~,ury'' d o R , !i a stl.~,..1 _az t, 9 _ ~ 1 0> ( c`3, J, 11idYiL" ~,Oti 9"1 t, H i , ~ , ~,e,..,fa, t,C wt t,u ,.w v! i ?l ,,.-1 rC; / i ed a µ.,l , , al a ~ ~ ; , ~ - k ,.1 ,1; j T . , a : wA.9.~>rt3. coV~r, c ' _ , „_n ,,t. ~ : t , i 'y~y ' z~ ,a -y i Yip, 0,0-GUt 6X1 i G' S1) title F, ~ _ h.4 ,.fid,. _o. t t -drli.~, (J„er~ co;;,,1e+ed Y. , e t ace F R - } 1 la l0,1 11`i~irzC~~1C~~18 U9 C.._irl'"e tli8 19C,.,LUIOxi 9a' 2'991'tl" ti1~r J h , f i':1C LC~-Cr RA T - U i ' r e,. L 7 , , 1 u rt } t{_, U.t ,.,U U:. Ui1 al '':1' ,4'r+,.`;. , - : ,j~ :-py~„-• _ >:.6 ae,. t°. .j <,~,t. I.!':4?1.~e .4_.?.,1Cf __e ,pt, _ the 1 ?m t ~ 1 t f tTlfltD?1 w, 1e D 1 .4 21t .`.'5.., ?.1~,.._.:'.j... = C ~.f1 11e x•' ! : .a s i ' ,,i nJ D.1 11Ck.l.l of ,~>1G.0~ 1 A , -a C... } -v • r•.i. ty: _ _ /'y it a~~..A At ~ti 4t, try ',51* ' 9 )G'Y''" ~yyy~~'i p {`~T': ^ A; e1.1.1,tri,~. x4tti;ti,~ .'.Cd `..'c11+`). S )aCe SG ~.Dli;' :t9 V.''i~' 9._?.:ie1~ 1 ! I' } v v 1nC~ ~QU 1t J r' r r c t r~' J-'rio '£111 r rt': t all Ct 1,`111 1= t, „ L~ itL,l,rl'ti., e ? t? ~,0 ;J`"r + tie a ~,...5' - - Ci 4 . •iti , ' 7 ~ _ C 1 v , ! ett,,...,e~t:i;l('. 1;0 } uai 4a I r. ava~.r Y1Cy*~:Di ,n~ r ~ E..4 µ ..k , a , ( a1 tr ~ r.' 'l : i , _ a1~,J -V a 4t'Ri:.~ t .14F L lirtl 1'C. r ~ . . , ~ t 1=,1t, 1.iatL@z' al' Se'1?2i1 t,y`„ .yr°,,, ft , S atatl9.~ ae~l and In , oa" ~o:1n _.,iD:;,t t:e ,..w;,z'?... Y`R'a r strU9~ed t9 ~'CCeU(, the ~ : - . : ^ - 'rt- 7~'- 1 Cr ' i-,,, c x : allel 9I ::lr xCi ,(i it ,s ..U ti C. a1 _'e .:C ~ „i rrraJt._ .,LLll C= Yi7"i „ =tr~'1,9r1e al 1 ~_?.1,~ -.i J.. , .;,:...tu a _ _ !7?,Y,,- r ~ . 9b ~@ aC Clli ed. ail' c+ .4 t a 1.~. ~ , } ~ , ~.i , ~ t+ -'-tt d 5, lu ',,ttf. Grt1"' I)lk`t t,tl } •r_. rn 'P 1, t;dT1C-i J - , _...t. k i i r . i o., tl.e ~ ll r. - + ~ afi?er ~ ~ s e ..a..~.lz.,].J1oYer~ ~~d~ tp _L _ • , r c., '191i ~'e , n j- h cj ~ y 1 Dv 91 ctUVe: 6? c,' ' „ , i lid ~Lntl G9J.reFa,}Ci,'1e1~iCk~, .+N u,.1 . . , } ' ,r Lt~aotl,, Lloti ct~ of r +.z~ ~ . ~.:r . ~1.. ; . ; • -.znboil, se,:ancietj to i ' a.na ° • !`~QS 0 } t:e ,~'D~rCt " , . A ?'~c11 C.i G:_ i. ,~,N q d ~BTaCnO,~. pra, e"~" tcl.'i Qlle a r ueyJcti'el,t~',d' l•:.~' r ! i 5 t ~ 9I t ~ t - . J i. _:Y.,.C.:+"~;Cl.ert? ill •lr"1~.i11~ 7r- n t74~,a~,illw::i~^~ , o r .e ~~'~az 1J,;a atra a,llo,'red , -~ttlr ~4t1ci ._:z~cl._9~ . .d ~_4..~.r.: k , . , , , urn lez,t _ ~ a Sr,:i i.a„c t, x bo r(a ~ tlla ~s J "•~je alr sal _ t, ac-~e ti ' ~ ~ Lrk ttt'aLjb uelTi~ I9';;lllre{t t9 i1° 4 ,il lu'.t~. t.-a t, ~t,e .r;.,. { r a~' iscLV~,t1~ ta' t~!e L1.~ L;`r'pr; a-7 .~~r •Jtle ",)G'r,JDtl?~,1 t~1 t'lcz~'~e(.t tkaere9.n} OTl t,tp1111•J'~ , + t 9 r VC'_ ant, _ ;;:;:,,,.Y 9i - ~ + .e_n n~viile n~ eiLj t,• lYl _~4.~ys ~ j . ~ ~ i { ' , n ! _ , t; _ C . C W;.._ ~ ,r ,t.~ . , a i; l; e t f; , _ 1 L, ' I ° ~ ,,a s v.,t~ . err. , ' 1 r Ia : • , t 'L i,~ -r i, , . , r . A^ d1'' a s • . ;;.eetin~ of June arc1;1935 continued. ~teeti,l-, oi' '.ay ?'7th,10;35- carll,intied. - , , U~'an I.lotlan, uuly secal,ued, i;i1e a;~~lcati.ol7 oi' t`>..t'~.~Jo+:;k t'Dr license tD u•e11 tl' r t} a bf?G'r at ,~rl,'11t13v1.11e ,:iO:lnC'l9 1'ic'.$ e3,)t)raVE!Cle ~ Ur1 nllt,latl 0 , 1 11.x5: S~CaI i~,. S ~ ~ d 1~y r. ,aa , ~h~ .~ce,ru autlar•:,~ed to : ' e 'r ~.l e Gf ~r!e ferly~~a~~t ,Tatlat ~~nax" to jar.' :,R,~tone for crP ;~,ulll ~f ~'l p~~~ _ , ~ vl~i~d c.,.,rrnalt_.,atlon prey/axed t-7 tt.te .,ev,' xnd~el, vl. ,r ti+e1 , - ' r, `''2'eatCT° <Crtlatlll{; "cltl:lat: be ,p y.n;' - t°, r, ~ a ~ o 1, ;u,.1eG~ea t0 the .'~Oa..Ct 01 u 5 cu_~.1, sub,leot o Illy a~'~rolal of , , `Y v ' • • I Y „1,. ~ aj ~alln,T :,Iii-,1nCe_a at ,aS}11rl~t,art,` llr~lll~, SOnle,-eaf©it tp arT`e9t the ~7 ~ R,, r ,l ,u„a;rllyN,°O.1C.~v Gf ~ un5+.11c~', zt~r t,~ eaa11 ela..lon dt ,lolt m 1 Coul ~ . , 1'I$ner, ti'1as a~i!roved wncl erdered ior~ar'~ted'to t;onr,~'essrrtan u.;3a as~d C1t~rx to ae ~ y i M1 ~areserited to trle ar~r~er au'f;.lo`w~l{;les at h r• I :r'a'n ,na:,~o11 of i..r, }boa:; seenrltied ~,a~ .•'.r .I~~il l • L _ - ~ ' :,aWalrt~;~an. ~ I s. >J , C,17,,)~.1 Ct1.{,7.aPl QI 11.+,!;n;j' + c f , tr ,,a .r~11, beer° Hera a!:py;l~ove~l i'or trle _z"a11a1'1i,n~'; tT':oll rnoi;ia21, du1,r ser>anuec~ Ja:.at,) ~cfrl ',r~z.~ alla~'Ted ~ . ~ f L ry „ d~1 a0w t,a..,c.nt a_ t~..ea an a r v:1u1),i:ian al <r300 00 an house arl C;}l, _ , , , i r „ -T ~ r ~ i ~ lc a•r as Zoe 6, L.,oc}. 6 . t,d~ olzna ~each,fol r! .,.nle .•.Ct\ay, .~eO.C_GBuG' )•8d@ra•~ ~O~.rlt 2'q,(11Sr11j~, ' .;.^r C~~ t, a. i. , z ; r . , it 4 r Li;.e JCct_ 1J~_ an c1CCrJ.,.n~ 0~' t1G,, llatlrl . ,~PCIr CUI![,!let f t C) c. E ~ , , ~ n r ; . • I:. ~ ed un,11 the ~,..r ~•.a 1 r,5 l _ 1_~ T. aalet-nl .,~n~er Parl~.:`i~l n:~ r, l ~r,,. „ ~ ~ y r ~ , ,~rna l,,~p, yl l r aeT.';li~.i.`l)I,~ .e.7.n3 v.. ~`T~i, .tr, ~ v, p ,y';r~ , t., r;~' _ II i ~ ..tatzd 1.. ,.•~~l _1a:111 4 r r.- W• + y : r, I, I ~•.l tlr) ~ , t1!att rub Marl a~ ~,,a , .~lr:,a,t ,~~aoncled i',r ;"r, _ ( .:'r•~. ~r i. I~ ~ , _ l ~ a s'~ts'~~ i.tle ;~,a1,51?,1.C0 t>,a.,e:~allexlt on ' ' _ L. - ~ r 1 r „ , ,,r ~t~o ilu11L<1~~, of ,,oae,~ t1.,al;o Co,,,)dn ',';'illalri;~ton 1;01'1 ~ t ~~I. +.~,)Cn ,,lo~,.Qn f,? :-:.z. t';'~ c ,r ~ , , T_ l Ji ns1:.~J,;;1Ta,,r r..Ct11LeC1 to ~t0 GU~.00 , a yS a~ t,arls eLl b .;:r 1l 1,t r, r 'I ~t i f. J. ~ G, y r~.:a, .l .~aellera i+wa t.~1~_. }„'p:',, ~ i S Cy.. r. C'~'-, ('a7 y.,, z:a i'aa. , le ews~ lw:.l l.,t~~ l.J~ d,nd 1.,~ z _ , " ~ , ~ .t,.,,.-i ` ' t, i ~ 1 on ,~.ccaurl4 of` t,tla ,fa t, n • I; ~,n;:L,a.l.,n.: 'al ti,;~ns ,)ri Eu v:.~1i.~.tlol a 0 n ,r,~ Jonaitlan oz i!}e i~ . • ~ la1.w„ 111 rlaC_. „•l.,, j, € , , - -.oz . i~ U~?: }a.; ,t, ,r,,,,, .~u11 _Yl_ 11t11Crr GL,i1_.!. ~lo,l tki.., v..113ted of i~ 1, 1 - ' .s ~ e t ~ r.~erl arl of °tlnle, [ln~l a.n `alirzter~en~> I ~...J 0 r r 1r~ n , _ 1 t .:1 v n C/Xt `1„ Cbllrll, Cti. tl_e 1a..i onrll t., arl of tilr' " rye, , I~ ~ _ , . , G rr ~ r,x el,i_e@ Q71 ~ vc`1,11U.rt,lil Orl of Y'1 O~r~(1 fnx <.L1C1 r,~ c ;•,r„ f i ~,~Uetl t ,50 ti ~C.ara_ ,d~ oideled y, rl's. Vi1~ La.t' aL.44J. Y I ,I it _ , _ y ~j 1 , n 1~')Gi1 t.1b~l0ii Gf rP'On!.1 r .i, , .,,j; , , ~ a G ed t tl <,e,}, : ~ 5r t - 4 - ~ ....i. Y:..!;lnilan ,.Lll@. ...laa_6Y r,y Vi.a = Cl ,~,.I , ~ ..a. 1,,,ta,, b'.t« --,aJ..([ ^I-'1i1'atfo~ 1'',~ r; l j~.,~ n• ,_;._..t. , A , ,r' i i ~lt,an .uat..oCl Ol .,.1". ::'ll a"''~Cafi=1P ~)'r ''y. L ! r _tt , 3 . aL'.1b101 I i ~~'l ,.1V .J..,.s11!lr~ D~' ,la., 7,N.,@u,~?.,Pfau alt {,tte-n i:erP.. { p, ,7 i,. ~ - ; _i' n ,,'i=,,,. °a c.,. „ ter..- tl tq.l UI U. ,.Y t. jl .L.. ~.:al ~.a{l. t):...,~,rltt .1:~.,. Il !J .1.a L::. ~1N. ~ 7 I a11r,,0 ~Ca1 ..E_,,,.,rww.u rllt..,t .Leal , rl, , ! , 7, ~ i,~. r, .r , . , w, 1C , ,Illed U ~ I t~...._n 1, -L) . • ~ 4 ~ t...~ ,:a,~ ralGl., S~L~;,.lsrr:zii a:1 ~ 3 - u. ct; ; Y , .w?r 1 ti.~ ~ 11 .n t' ' 1 ~S r; } a i r ~twt,e 1 , 1 0.. 8I tG en.~k,le tr_e ..eCe1VC.. 0f-ttle ;t1li?l, n, a ~ _ vla.t .o..l@ate~,a I ,.1~_1,l ..a,,,ul+>+u:. L+..a dnd 7JJ.1't'' On L , „ ' , , t+., - r,: _ .1 , L1y~ C10;1n ~G.1k, ~~ae _ .t) s'i,'.'al ! 3 P1ldlnt- d21Ci 1aa n n, , , .r t. , ' a.',_, , a. ~<le 1. d .'wua Wwt,_an b r.!-~ t N.i 110? t,ll,lt.c. t+.C'U!a. a'f n , . ~ ~ ~ , i, ~ i,, tw. B,, tlU2 Otl t, ut c. Ti C1 10t, t5 "1; I, I ,'J G ~ <.1Vt,: ..acl,Lt y7aa,;f;~,t' .t11t.1. Ot.18I L arLt} ;}7 , P~tu , '.,r , r . , ,f ~ r , pJ.j. Uil ~ a1a y l: ,a ~G'1 tGI r1@ ~a.,. i,', tal s ECi l F.'.et 1rl :t i I r 'r , Date , ~e arl s,t11~.1 ~.1., _5ald i11t1a,C~11`i'" l ati,ll ~lalCia d rlaz "a "E i it -°TU.lsrc~ .lt+.t 1ct~-11_,LG :lari:a .aGs?j?~E,la.`ila;l. ' ~ ~ • i ii i 7Y1` a2C'tBr to ~f>'J') t1U"-,:it.°. + 4'' ,•lr i , -f'r?':, -,•ca- +r. ~ i ! CUlSe11~ „a___ ,.1. Utle Vk. .vP O'~ i.ie :;C:luUel af_1t~ede Ui)On 1':Ial31,U'11 of _:;1'. ~r't~ua. ::ut:atl:.;PC i7,r ~ 5'..,.,r - 7 u - i~ , lt: i f _Wl• ~tasu G0,-1ttU I;1w,LS rt S • .7,.,^r r rr,; '"rtr , i ~ 4 . N7t.a G d,. ,L:ra,rS liECE• F Aa•~d.r< tl,aL;n x~ca..tt:tc,ricta,tlell bt Inc, . ~ ,r ~ .:r..,....+,.a;,:.:.~ to et,y)~.a r e::tr~~ het' to ~ , llv?"e a j")I GVf:tl Cil , f~ ~ a tidJ! ~J , r fs fi` , ~ ~ ~ _ 1, .t rn.l.. ll,, , _ ~ - , _ u i • ! I~ 1'U"na1'Slil l?CU. iii.{,.y7 ~ r .4^.. Y, r. raT:. J, _ aa~, x11;;1 1%f~ .t8F.1,ua~~~~1V.1 w"•r~",;la _ ,~6lii`!an'1 Gil ,1tli- h 'tl i ;I - - ~ .»C t 8 T 8C5 t , I - I , ' " . ~ ' . , rar ?'ECttlCtl'1t~" al:,n'al,S tU vl3'" , ~ , , , ~ F - u V.r.,~, t1tC::Cla1'(, u,:uli'rdai;ion al' '=r ri' -[;a e c , , F, , ~ ~ _ _ n. rl, otlued i UUU1 tl1(/,t..Qli t,l)l u:tV ra °a,., r , .t,~ ~..A.: t, it.. ~ „ , , i 1t.~~a ,:~J:CI,. ,r ut1@ .~8. 151 ,UYr' `r, , :•a , 1 a,. i ~ t> d, y:%<~~ 1 :;:r, r ...r. `.iUau 7 f' ~ a. t, r • r „tIC rad_Ct C,t.tu.tarl..,eC~ ~:le 1Ft"l;~U,:at,:! Il i; vs, f a;;t1a~'~ E.. ~ ,hrE. , ~ av, !LC _S <.,..e U J l i. - - •a tvia.~; a pno aoa tatia , a 0~' ,:.e r.C(.~:,.!y ra~,,,G ~L,11Cli,ar ,~,>rir rl. -r , y ~ a:„ .A r: II, , , 8, .1 .,.LC.., a~, Ul. I n , I. _ J 6 ~4Yt.,.,_.,.:1.e 0~ Ca.~f Oi +.:tP tlt,€:~ Uii' 41. i.?5~ iarPliSilBd C,sr ~+.i@ i;.:.i;;i:~,' r f z'n ' ~ .E_ Cf tic k. . o~ cl: ~ ~ ~ a,. r ,ilZ.t;i.'1?tall ,,r"" 1 T ,.,fa,+ ,f +n, ybd.; l8nl)u CULInt. , a ,1.,,.1x) ,-a,nC1 ...1', :,1,~:: l lta u0 ' i1'1,r, r I c, - , a a ; )r~ ca- r,^ r~ ,y 1 ) el: t., aro r+ t.l i)''' ~ wt a Caa u ~ a •~,Y ntr , , .r i ...e r, v 1. wr v y. llwt.-, 'Jgll 11't !J*'•U.U. tl C' + C f I' -itt0.~A1.., S _.a •.i:iAa).'U~'e~ f3":P u.:: a.+.?'S~ itnu fit' ' j~-- T+ ,c• t i _ , l[ aG l n£'C..aaG.,.J ..~1(i,..a to Llr'P't 1,::7." ,~i 1 r e 1 na ' a: , , ;..J n v ~ 01UI,1 ~I , ' e11E'.,. 8:1{'mil i1nCi. ,:tri ln~U..LCt1U'i' :i1-,•1;'ed U~ 1PS1V.E;nt t717i1~8 :1S t+ L" , , ~ c, u ....,rGi.nrler Ieu.zy,ta,~lc ae~clre ,"•ud e J.Pau1 C, ~l ~ _ ,.)'1c.Lea.fe <:t '~llt..lr,k,_tal"t c3,t x':30 a' C1:ar'~ I E~ iS v ~ ~ i , l tle a- :lrl~`1,"i tle f P 7. _ , l- ",-5 t _ ~ y •a: , r..C1d, JllnG ~ fit., t.,rAi)al'i:Ll'-lli I'' i G'.. , r '.l ~.1..-v.. 4! t.4.. i.. il. u.l... JL7 ttl1~• S: d}i. !J U.L -.,.v ^ A, ~ 4. 5.'t , '7. .f`...r~ 7 - J ,r 1) e1,J.,,lae-dal. 7r.;a:lv.:.i,li},1, -1--- rC'avlu.lnlr,~' u.1e CI,I'`u al t j a a.• r•. I I i r; ~,`+at ...1 d;1Cl u va '~atnt,;_ ~a:iirRlaS an„ra and 'the i;,, r , J.: of D -~a 1e Mona 11'onl ' @';llatit)~n~ t1E a:l,lui CG.;t11Y11~~V ! r„-, r~ iYr~., +rn V + ~ - . ~a ,1aa G,,.~t'Sr;,,} itU1-:..n,t, .~,~:,C.~u B1eCt10n a1_ ,~L111 ~.td ~ + ,1 t a n i t , $ i A . ~ d if ea G. 1. e t; ~ i , t, ars 'al. _1'C ul .1a~'crl.,tl ASOII. tal„ Br:;!i,,,'y ~'~lild ,r. C,, ' , ~ ~ , ~.G,t_ 1'e. 'uCtlr'iT f vttt, . UC.a u.011 Oi rd.tl~.~f:rt~ ,tie ~)YtJ?T1.4.1OnS OI G.1) aCt ti,S:,' GCI - it , r ~1 1 '4. 71 ~.~JS e;~i510n of {i}'1°` lin- ~,c 1 , ti _r , rti i p a i. - I ('f1;; .+,)i, ;,1y. , .!121'.._l .t,;~L' ^J.,.,}f; t0e;CEI, 1 ..',P1' p,;.C4e1' .,U ,;rlt,'+~ irf;Y!1 otie 'raV1S7.Q116 ~l ~ ~1. „ a1 a,, U'~l?'ll~~~rl. r ~ r~ n , S 1 ins a: ,i,ticl. :,,,},•ay~ ,e, `'6, `lob tune ~ az t}le ~>or al' a~a~;ci ,i.,til~~~ I'i I , ~ i ra , nor,n au ~tle t~. r ~i1r~ + .(,,011 r1Gt, 7.:. ;,.'•."',`.'3'I D;?. i~,il~ .i~t)....«1.:: `i,;1.1 v:iE' L;ICi7.-1.+ U;:11. :0r1'C;n~• {~'1e 'I ',/'l,.,It k~;rr;a ~i , J ;![.E.7_,. , ;,?:C; :)0't1 iiilJ{,'_Uii 3 3~i,1e ;J'~ ' ' 1o a .;D 't•? ll~;tarllGs' i'or f~, ~ rr,).~,, a f;;~ 1;''e nt1~ ~ ,i h YILt;C 7;1,?' lC:"c;.1 T)1_,"/I!'~:,'.1~"C1 ~ ~ ~ ~ II ?,1:. r1~!.l:;i21 ,l,or, _ ,7~.zr'le 1~~~;) i ' > ~ I i ~ ~I)}a_ali IllO~lUr1 0~~ ..i'.. .-ij,T7t-a :1 -~:'Ori. l..t Gv •..7,,. POSS:.. a, t:. i. ~,.,r. r, 1 i ~ , ~:..P7 ~:.~...:U}..l. to J 'b I i `.l"t~ .'r ,1 ti• r ~ ~y Cr t v '~C'i),rN 1C3`~,130~ 'anCl 1'+_~ C't"lrlr'°efl a%alrtat ~,~j idC 'I.i r ;,ry r•a G' ' t C t l 't'1" .feE 71 rii0(.iyn"' of I~1:~ +:rtP '--1-, ~ I'6 4: 1s,nd 1'1 1Y1~ r f C Cl ~ t r , , ' .1_..t -t1 ~ i i, a f Cl a ; , t, a ~~'.1S 1:1 1., , M,, c - ~ ~ e Cl8 . 1 C+ ~,r - III ; ' G Ty u.i~ r.drle of _µa, ~'~10u.,a,_,e,+t any ,.1dJCr1n1Yl~: tP1e l:~ndS 01 C" r+ r ~ y ,,ay ordered cr~n Y I 1 y bads tax 1.,cald~ _ol r' r t , t a:. 11, ~ r ~ d_ao.t.l, . [ .,altl@ aeln~ a e,~ ,~.jul~an _:evrle~t Ctlalri;lcttl Geo.:7. Ts a,sl<; r rr ; , i Ct0llutfUl Clldr, $ etrlCl t}ie ubu}li,`r1 n ~ ,r rr r a,-.~ , s ' ~ ' .,,,_t0aa anLt ~,.l..Il..n~,an° ~ ~ _I1-_;i,_ylt,..ta ,7..ale t,t.a G'1J:lrt1. , , i,j,an ltlotlorl of +r. n ~ a - _ / ~ , • a: , N ..Ln~bn ~r1P ,I s - Ii;,ari rn ~ ~ • -r' r; ! ~ •w:. d. „ i, ~ e .Lie t o.E ...x. L. ~,~urc o a1Gn d:11 a~t,a}t,lpd' ~ . ,,.1, - n : , - i y , she G.lalrrTtdn Gattl,~ ..uui toz ar rills rliert' , , Pte „al.lull5,_+1~rler.. ret.,l r ~ , ~r J - / i t - .lent tre .s~L:.t: .r r~ :.,e • ;y + 1. ~ ~ lael of the Leo ~'d 1;C t/aci~` rm ,t• s ;a P to r r ..111 ha}u d_,.t10,.1,.ed -~a d. rl ~ f ~ I. i ~ , lr., .,o,mmalls„l:orl to ,~,.1._e ;orta_ e d the ,1es,,~.olt a.. Irt.,tztute ai' _r ovPl'riraent ,.~t ullai7el _.7.11 sztlface ,,tldltialc::~venue nci't}1 i •„r, 1'ac!t C.ral1~;;' ~a clt P ~ i ur~ crr~.c}i 1 a~ a ~ui)1.a !az°.~~ n.° i)laca a.~onaa';: and Tlzesda~r: u ~ , ~ .,r I 1, Ivali . Lj,;: s r, r i „ , r. -r• ~ r ~ ~ J rib ~.~~h u,nC! J.l t,t1~ clt the e..:ae11aB al {,ue COUntir. _,~ratB.l ana ~ @fe,leu to t,tt8 l.,,l:i,i1'11Y;t11 i;a tc.l:e 'tt~e ,;1t_1;ttEr llU ';J7 ii1 ;'i7:a,Ai.B ~ J i I 1 I .ali-;rly,t~, O.if'„C,~.:11s s 11r. To~ln ;L. Hai-' i' i "i, ~ i u _ , 'aru _7a, . ~ , _ ..a<l.,C:ur, ~ oe, r1r, ~,r..hal any ~~u~i~ 1. 1 . t,ulJ, ~ fi 3lE ~ a , Faf .}''llltClP' Ol , --aa1C1 a~ ~dU.Cclt3aY1 cl'J!~P,c1'Ct~ rr,11Ct 5Ll'p1ni~;tBCtd list of Yleti'1 aC11aa2. l~t,~lu` Y' (ir1. i ~ ~ ~ ~C'1,'fi i Cil of r'. ,l'.,.~rl ' . A • ` ~ 121 'J J,LCi ' I 1'.~r , u.,CDll.l.t: ? .,111{~U11 1•l';; ' i;=! t~=' nr~' r j,-} : ci!.l+.tl ul r ~ „ i ~a 7C1: • . a:,' , _ : i .....1a,_101..,..u ),a~r4a ,C i)U 0,,3` r1eeC.Gd' 2Cli 1;_lE '~Crl00Z `a VStelA to r'rsa.lLTie 1".l', id r ' j 7.. lrl,1'O~hlri(; COr1--fwr}tcd ' laced lrt i,t1G' f;4u11t1t6 i~irCaE• ) { . , , ~ ~ a-' c, 1 ; t. ,1~.. ..•.k~~?. 1"1 .U utle21;3' .ila dll.rl.t,, t~i8 1 ~ G,:;1 rr+s COtiCt1 V1a11S at t r. a. r~ 5 '1 ' ry l ~r:r , I ~ , eatll'i"~e 1 CUti U i;i ~ x., l,l~~l LL .~Cuu 1 ~ ~ , , - Je -.v r, CU0~0~ , I --2Tk , , E;~cj. I i' .a i ZU(;I'~L_ .aU,rt~' i+ li,, ' + "f , ,r.OTlaiin~ t, U Ut:: 1L1r 1i1:i iICC). J ' ~E'4'i y + r C'G + "1, , I ' _ ..d•IlUUEI' ~at121u~ SN~J., 7JO.L~~'. i.,f rC~ l `a i le t _ ~ < I ~ • ' a I I lij'~Ol"I I,~:O~iGi; O1~ ~:1 :':U:)t.; ~r~ 1 r ~ da rC'Ce'.v@ ..gr: COYl:i1'.lE'1'C.~1U11 fi,IIL} ai;l1~.~,'. , ~ . C C. ! f' 1, ~ 1' • ~ ~ .ulavan {~!te ~aar~.1 ~,,t}t)roveLt t F; 1~,~.~rlaent of ~ ,,,~.t~0 I,0 ~'3pVl~n r.iar,,3e` Of r k : u ._,_rl 1'or 7aa10~b , . ; r; 'k _ e .moo r ' ~ ,a ` J t+ ? 1Ja Cif 1 NC ~ , ,7. , ,u ' • o- ~ r ~~<,~~+tilla~ l J.1,, C,- 1lnt, llt~t 01.1er 01 I f 1Ld G~ 4L121 D tl 1C.j a J..1d +,iae :~Cd.Yd f Ult(,d.t1011 ~,.,e,l ,,.L ~ ? I ~i ~ n cnl tL,c„,loft ,,li,tl ~.t~' ~ ~,olr,,l~ i.o I - I 'l. ralrbez` ;,,1; ~~xrd~.11 elect a Je n.,,, r e ~t,.r`tr~rcrt' lfa:ce • I 1 tare. Olj.rcer fo.. a ti,,o e~,~ t,elltl, Y I :t 1'e'tL.B;;I O:f 1;}1e arC{ n,. ; -o of ~~.{ucac~.an {,t1at t 90 ~l 'te cxedit r ~ ~ u :r i ..',e ac'~lo 1 i 2 ~ gee laced ~a ` ~r.~cnn r. ~ ;G , rle scut r)i" ~ .~o=ward gloved t}Zat :,.x J".i'~.noll_N 1~e elect~:a ' ~r of , to - ' ~ ~ ~ a~caunt tale ~ q - _ ~ votaitu~ s care al e;: c, 7 z. ~ ~ s• , „811~•tlCltlea 10,1 t1e :,1x1"it rz:t~ LU)OT1 ,relfar. 0xz_Cer to aUCC>~ed t11t11Sell faI'. 1:}le •r . of ,,Llrle, • , ensuln, t,.a_ ewz... ~ [ iStal~l ali . 1', .'~OSa SCCa11U v ;1' : • ecl_ L~~ .,.1, rash, ~;r~~ntect, tliu'moi;carA 1•as seconded r., f a„ 1'1t an ctnCa `art, r , I .Lnlr.pu~1~ cdrrled, ; t 1 I ~ :sil audit 1"e ~o ' , , _ ~ rn i 1 l t of the `Cori ' ' ed salla,~t r, 1a.;`"o~flce ,rcP;, - n ^ ~ lag e w r ` o ~ ~~b:.:rllss-ion °s 1 r ~ , ~ , to n 7 }t~le~l ,7.a~,1,.cC~.Le .,a, ,,a.,.a~,t,! _ n ~ a~~d of ,,ou.n~-r el ten tool,. I. @ ye~11 .1~,5~, .11x5 lecelved ".i1d ui7o11 lnatiori ~ ..ond -•rv °r , t ~ a rece..a u71t11 :10.00 o G.lacl. - A OT ,..r.:+~rC1Su°: aCCbr:ded u~ a1r.-nlrl~D119 i aJ ~lllle 10th 1035, { I,}1e i0ard all t.;bl'1L8d ~ f > s t t ne A»;;~111eYi1; Of t1e ~CUrItV} a }lalf ~ ri r 1 r ' ,'e )rirr`zi;lOrl ~ , t • of ;~,~~U. u C Z'b.. ~,_.e L ; i , , I of tale sane. ~ , i- ` I. 1 C1.er1; , ~1r11 lA'tcn,;:. , June l0 c}1,1t~35. I I Zt arpearirl~ that in uhe celax'sc: ~,t' „ A ~ ~ ~e-conLlit,lanin~„ and e=ui !)i11 ~ ache ~7Llzl~<i:l~ q~nled ~ I t . t E., i, 1, .~nlmett ~1e~.lalil o:: t}i~ ~.T~ : ~ , v c,st h~11f'of ion 3 b1a l- 3° ~171auant to ,c, f' Cdnller .k ~ ~ a, faz...tile r.s'T~ Cii;;r..GaurllrJr .1 n recesa {;~.}-e11;,Tutie 3rd 1.035 t}1e ~3oard'rnet n ` . ~,.12 ~a11er r'C,arlt '(1da a r+ ry a: ~ , f. p ' i ' , r 1 l et,uldr a eSa . ,;n L~,t 14.00. n.i.., a _nt1C'l vertet: u1 r r ~ La . xV~ c ~ a:' w a I: ~ eenauructed an' a sma11 ' clrt o~' the ~ ~ ttie (.orrmllusa.tslaeru aniGOrUurj~t r t r r, , i add olYUn~': lot a~(Jl"18d r ~ ~ ~ a A ~ v0 at ,e1.Cl ,tie _IL1t1 t,UtE ~f tTOVa1111;1ent CClY1vL~n' n~' i'' , r ~ .a1i~o.11 Leanrlr{1 ' t,. Y o , t coverriG aualt Ck1:0 fiGGt a .e. :'11 t.1,, t)1;): ~ . rn~~rc tP n at Cl1aL.e1 :.ill tilati drfternoan. ' ~V•~..11~ b„en carl:)letecl ' It 1S . j. ~ boo r, y-„ i noti'1 111~z~t,ctic~hle to cYi~_tl.~c t}1e l.acr~t`ot1 0'`' t'11e ';eGiler " n - t, 1 11 er I ~ - . , , : i , ; , , e al E lal7oli iilotl an of r• a ,allCte l T , 1t;011ME _ ~ .1C1 , F the t ~ i d )?J' ._.r. .1111ta1r t}7@ .d~a4yrCt ci,lt, ~ ~ F,' v n C1 ..S 01, }?et'11Ctt 1~i11tai1'i?ari ',ea.,, `"rl.,l5 T, nc T t pa,Jnteeit of 11a1~ of i , , , . ~ . ~to..,~, ~ .....lie,ll ~~t1cl J. I~. ' rtt t17. q 11 e ~ ,x10.00 d,,111ir>.l re~~ta1 l,ar said , 1, , ;:.Wrier 1N, ; ~ , li . o~ero,ted~ he t,.e -1 Ge sa 1on~; a;~ t,!lr, c Y • -.~r,~ Or , C1~,1r <21C~ Caur1 n• ra - lI ut~ i a ~ , .r3 i G.l „l0b,ar1 Cllal,r ~ , r a ,r r r r. p„ z I 1 1 - - , ~,Ir t, al..rnLtenG6 t,t1e ',t , i)-''r i tlP a:,.ler . - ,t ~1tJ {,C , ,~ecbn,_te.l, t„1B . Or-h<Cl , 0„ rl ut1c1111r.1b115 uC) r@._Li.~„ , ~,.r,:,.1r10Ytla:r O'l3e " * r' ~ i a_ of utllcrt 1,, a~reeagle to ' A~~ ~ 11 s 1' ~ the OV'I r ~,dt ~ , ' Y,. a ~ i i , e ..e11ef iLlrl~nlata dtal to 2~ ~ - r, , ne_°, a, 1 .l: a;trs ' u '1, ~arhE ::r of , tl .Ju..~d,l,_~•Jt v11e~' , , I r , I. (,rzt}l l~'Z@r n : ' :~ctu'lln..s ~s~ttol sal +,rte ~,e„/ :..,,1 a. ovel Pt-nuL« ~ou..~ ~ urlrt. + the e ce to lllwtter of n . ae11~ ' ~ ' a~tnor~.Led'antl snst, _ ,~•o;~t, J'o1n 1~r~o:~" t.r ;;..a~lrl:t~..l ,rr~a t I` cce ~ r n pt Ile af~es o~ tµr. tl}aorl ilo~lo ~ :.s ' ">s:•,~' ' ~ , ;t ~ _i.~.:~toll@ al '1 4`-~.:?(.' ~.l ,u n a_ ..~ntan w~conded .wr. ,x,11 tt!P .v, . d a,,; ; I ~1.,drer suttl cannot 1;e sb m, w , - > ~ i un u ; .rr.a o.ar ,.:~T'gVBC{`..tt1E. tiCl .rla.:~ t' Clal'e . of , n ~ ~ „ d 1.111;; 1S tll ~ u r ~ 5 t,ii C 4117. a1Q , •rr~ `,~Ct11d ..ts:l,, a:k' i; ~ ,r;.p r. - oar tl1@ .Ta}in t~ 0_'` r ? ,Ae 'J O.,.Lt15S1oIi~'rS t.ay~ .t1C ~UI.La,+121 O.tl1G~ C.t,?,.1"1u0 0~ tda ~:t~le„I t,.t!t, ,:;11r8~.u: • _ 11 t LC, a lal`I~ "t~erlbti of clLlvel'tiS7.nt' I' r • r `t and_Grl~`resl~c.a~,encL:, roatal lelei;rai'n '~a•,,, I , v Jx~ol"1 notion of ;1,.r , :~ewteril ilnlon cele4s'~,ltn Ca., 3,~5 :~lntan, :tr?,`.anLlP,C{ )1~ i Y c• , C , , l . -,~i, I 'ill '„er4cn;a,1 f!ra:Ert"' - a:aaS, ti,e :3ae.rd SBl!;:11?cited ttlP 1'e~1 @ a`:. v0utrlGln ..i6?l:"elC,"tibrle ~a., 1 ~ ! / 1 0l 1.~e Tear 193 ~ ern In ~1lnllnt,+,an and :.,asartvola ~o,r.l., ~11tt1es ~OaK ,;:tore,......... ~;.1 and allayled „_r.r. ~ „ . 1~ _ ' ~ 1.Or", k 1....cC..:czt.!lean to dr ~ c `1 tr,r~ . k ' ' 11r UiJt?1' ~1' !"11-ttlClllu ~@111 p f 'l,}1G Y'P'tt,l G'a t=;,i,E. td.. Cll1G' ala aA tau. ! Ci•'. z'e ;wired to I)rt`r the rt „ , I e s A ' al=n j , 01 ;i~'.Vl tl': 1;A sir + , 1 r an~:1 t,,~.., t,il~,.r~:ed ~~81'e].n an ECG 7 . c tu,_.e .l.e '1~„t~iert,T UUeT' _121C] :.T ~ :;•111:E~ j ......C~,"•C,IP1 n }]v,V n~ ,r ill tt!., i rt@ ° o e. l J ~..,,,1. ;off to.:.~ LL @4ur111~ ~,.{l~t o1 ;~.;~r ;r ' _ ~ ~U ',11a e~~ It t,, T v 1J 1 u U F., l 1, y : : Vf .Jr. ~.'.d,~,t'.n.r,. r,^ r,°ti:,• a. y, L ,G:-z -7 / a ~ ~c_ Uo e;i'erla t,tle.,trjut+ ~t;leet i)a,~otlu ~ ' It 1-, ; „1a, _:r11ts ;ray 7 J i' C11S ~11. Ls,,ya t.: s, rj )`r=`~.': i i ` , ,ll l ,aC) U, t,c.,1.,,n at ,._la tiIile? ~ I i . ! - L - t. 1 f ' G i k = r r l ~s I ; ~ ~ t I ~ } I 347 , :i ~ a' ~ :'E~..i y,; Ci' +;'11ne 101;;=+t' 1`~u'- r ~t' t ( , Jf Co.l,znt.ed. 'I i t •"~e~it7'. 'of J'Liria 1`7t.~z .lt'~'iJ C021t ,i11.C;- , , ~ si f II ' r 1'~?OrA k+01,,.On Of L'. .G , .,3~:OnCled .~;1YltOti ~ ~r, a ` I ~ 10 111 C t v aza au~lzOZZZOCI. tt. )a','T;t ~ "'an rat" 0 ~ J,r ~ ~ ~ h;~,-1 GAl•lpei.,ht~l7n ;:n!il ..,1'~il., ,10..00 G+'~crl ,:,e,r Creel: 1 erg; ai' ap ~aU Oz r. aa, S~~C ,l.lr'~.ti ilal.l, , , r + i~' i t , ~y t.ie (,OLn1t~r r , I f I , , , J 3 ~ ,01 `ttla 'wr^ 7. 1°7r.'d '~a iia°" al1G V1l'iii;!1 (J. ~'r° ~nt~ - i O.w Je G al I l A tM i. ~a~ n , a, =x,1 a ) b a due OI I , ~ zc~.r „a . i~d d!.ce ,tal~lc t o •f- k-r~ ~ l~z~ea x ,r , )i' o~ ,,~);1.~ i.!ii:tll h ~ c"',,, r 1,t~nC u~:r v - ~ ] ~ G ~i,,.r i L " •~10 i,. i'. 'r . ~ , , : aA i~lYr r,I T, - n. ,~yr , „ t~ 'C,'{ .1 t .I.. '~7 , , rt 1. A. .r fl at; .r a.':lbvti 1.,. ~e uk t~.lakJ ,~rc~,l.a ~ ,r 't : ~ ~ , ~.1... Atea -r a t;e , , ' • . ,7 . lanaver. C' 1, 1Ct, vape .l t,az t0 +r11.~111p_ l,.l ~1'... i:'1 , ~,0 ~ O1' t'le erlrs l': J(. t0 lt3,a4 e ,>"r r, w r ~ r,,of~ :~cor.l ~at,e 1t?,~1~1 1c,,,, , OU11t - ~ ;i ~ :Oar ~er)te'~lber;?nu , .-w•... , uh L<~Ita incluazve, and one ez~;ilLrl ol: t1'te t.a'.tea due t}n 3 l 8 _,.u: ~ f ~ r / a 1 ~nd .p_.. t of ~ zllr~,n ' 3 I o 9 ~ U.'i+~Z.7~e:1t t.(?r'[Itll, fir bi•'r `'f-, c, ,••rv.,, 0 f..aOx lra ;.1.111,~'G11 7~.`; .i: ~ r,f G11.i,1 Cd' aC+.l~i "lat :..G.,.1, ~ r C C"z" r.' € j .~a .~oo~t lax rJ.1e e ~_N 1.~J1'to l.i~~ ztlclaa.Jl.ve ~~1,1 n ~ j L iL ~ »iJ~. _1 n fr_'lt~ F++`^ rr l .L u.3 U 4~ , , . n a~,la_i t. , _ to Ll,,... i,.~e, ta..~., ltx~ atl znt~.r.~ t ,`I it <-ti>_d l' .d,l. d 1 n5 , cr R r , - , , ~,1, t - . 1.11 .Sl_ 4a ,,,v..30 111 a?.Cl~-'t n,., vn F ,T, ~ a, r•, , ~ a.. ' r a 1 ~ G -a d, Y1 a it<,,,r a',~an, ~ ~.rlit~u ~ , rr ~',a z~ { ~C,.~l to 504Y ~,r+y ' ' 1 ( •J 1, A. ~ 1. tin ~ . ,T , , _ , 1 l ail?~'ovr.ei for ~);z'~Itlrv i J t1t~ .I C1,.Yon ..1„,~ ar' ~ f r: r i JGn .~,IOtx an Of 1 1'1 ~n i r ! r 1 ! Ot ..-.,ntk,ll ;.=1.-, .1 1.J~ .,r. ,,~tll 1., j 2 ,O.,a, :3;:CUi,UC?;, 0~ ::r. i1J, , ..,v.Flxj"ea t ,,.lea:~,,t~ ,l'u':l ~ y J , , ~1,n~. ,a ,.i r., . D C ~J La i , , V V Ili' ,-L 1-} 1.) r V ~ ~ n ~ A: t, 1 II , G...1.-. i. r.lu tTrSpy' , ..~~.f ^r. 7~ti}. (}r ~ .r , ,rr ,,~A'1 T, : a. A `1 1)a4tlellta'[ .J4 Al:111, a_ +.+•.~0 iSl:...btr.l x7i?, a. 1 ' `1~- 5~i , r! Ja t -ft O ,J, ~ -r ,.1 ~ ~ , ~ .p •']:i t. 1.~ ? rf 1 J,. '-lv f ' ~ J .cn l3 r ,<t:,,,..u ~ei,.tnd'o - - ~o[, lu,, iru: 1wrl IJr11.r. ~zde 1Raz.,, .t o' „t.. I'~ rz , G:A 1 r. k, ..ri i Tt v Jt, On,r~r,CQi.irl~ O.I Qe1n„ r.w t.an-x''Y`.1.Clent. , OQ.t,O al, -L.1 G u; 1. r.,~, , , , ltJ..._~ G, >r, z,.;Jlta~u:-le r , ~ i its' ~^~?~.rwt l.~:w7 t a..l. ~,r~~ti_1 .v l.:ic: 1. tlariri: 1. ~ ~ it ~'1 C ..1. , ' c)r. 1.~~iJ 'ra,t"1.Ci:.('n ~`i,l).:r,tir'°. .li . : Rt, ,A.. r,..', , z ,y _ „ , I 5 ~ ,,L10Lb Gf _ ~r);-ti,, ,.C:' of .a1tC t....,.~ ~ t' n 1' • '~tra174 ul. r ,.J ~Jra r ::r',r7 ,rp,:~ ,fl yr 1u,,,~Ll.o.l of . 7J~J, ,0 f.., is , , ; r - a. es or1a one xe~ue,~ o e. ' :~o , ,'dN v:~-nn~.;zr~ , ~r ata t t 9 l II, , r + r. ~ 1r ,lc ,r~1 ,,t 6t:r. 7rr),~r.. v~ of ,a.,n _ E~ r, ry ~ ' 1 ~u i.a,.. ne t t t o,rna i1z <~tld J, J, Lou ~ i11x n Jr, it v7.~k1 ,.,ie aril le -0i 10u ~Jr,, ,;,1,..';,.: CY'~rOg(1 d.tv C L ~ ~ p _T . i.. ? L` i U , - , ! i lily t, i.l.,, I'.r.„w ;1?dear ' ir'.7 J. :_r, 7 It3 ;ra y ,i,' r,~ ,r r,, 1 , ~a ~ ~ r. a.~l. ~0,, ec)z 11.,, a,?,_ 1~J1 on ,,cari;tt a.1 u r~r • ~ ?i?' ! ~ ,7e,J tez n l»,~ t ,~r~a a~rne., 1;,~~ ~J;,., ~ , . , ~ , ,r:. , : , .ne ~ ~ , tvy ~e a r tez~.:zp, ac..,ua,r~d `nrn. at.~,h 4.I s w..,-~ .~aZ' _1,.t.1 ,rC,v1 a ;7 'r , ,a..,; , J- ,C J., I .k i _ y , 1. Y',~ . . J ..:al, vll 1.r5. I I r, t''~ ,l !a ' 5, ~ , , _',r ~y.,a T tt, ..~,Ch;- :(.a_~C1o.tU_~ 03 „a0tlnt OC :t G..l,,1 s~LS .e~i,, ~rL~ aJQ?~,t"i .}~'il.'i;, ~rd„~ _~e!;lznetl, rOr brie l°ea~an , JBVG'1.Of)t1lGYu~ ~JG::"iL)d.n':?. , t 1 I v 1 E 1' .1. ''11G'-' {lef:Cl tlcxtlw;R~,rr1. ~.nt., rr, ~ r n ' J J c .aazu ~)xuy~e:r't; to silo ~~1;ate o:C ' ortl'i ~~iral~..la dais ~1a1, r, 'fl - - , . t~"sear aYl t~"1P ?.'eG ' r r, r ' , ~:lc Courit r t I ,r r,. , , : , . , ,.1 z>~,. aw ut' o.l ,tac ,,o'utlt~ . J _,uc zta„1 ~,A..A1 ",z w ~ c7r , ~ !1c a-a,t• 1`' rc t'eec eu - r ..tJJ, lac 1~,r- ~ . atifl ;j,r . ; I ' a 1zI'ed I 1.,. ''-i'atT ;CU+JyE1l1 tArzlt :rft aYl~.leCl CDU.'la'r ~ r a~„ v, r~ I, 1.;~on lrfatznn D:. ~ :r , J,. _ 1, , 5 i ~ zll,~ t,o;~, 3050 t_ ,~10a ,rc.~c a~,~travad foz a m_nt. . p J , i L ~ w • _17 .t A ,7l,a t. I.~.1..i !14~t ,.C • is •J.J Ia. r~ --.'aal ~4 r).r •`)l't)Zf Cw / Q} _ ~ Cti r,lie ,)e `7,leltt ?l , i':i Jc.,21 V,.i..J 'i11 .1.1.3, 7~ it I,l-a 'Y ~ ~ J ~ V ,1__ aC1,.1„ . fl 1..e ,ill_,.1ti;s7 al J ii~~ 1 ,.;.t C_.1rC'1?Se at'.i~l?.iT,in'~ t0 , , l.nG"i1•'Al. . F. .,t, r:.: , to )~JJs~71s ~ 'llle i'tc:et.;1~ t!len auJaiaan,.~ta a .i yn r..cat.~.z~xon~lt,., _ j u_. .,,;uz::r,,~lic, ~1->e au_14_tz n ~ ~t nth ~ _ ~ J v , , ~ - ~ ~Lltu 1G,;r wGJ_ b,~, ~ .Jzl~~t;awlrlty wnller~r. v};joz' A ' _ _ r i Clex•1.. I a . ...:.l.e hr ' , , ~ cind Jar:..J...G1tGl7 Jx • 6A1,~1 t rl - ,.A., , , ~ r 3 3 u ]e I)l a et uCc:' rr•1 Ik i tJ~!1 <.@:Cl_jur`lrtf:?"':i ~ ',l+er't ~';i1r f, 7 ;.t k .i (t .a~),3eG , 'll ,j t., u.yt.J,, ;V YYl•'J ,J • a:x ' T ~ ~ ~wtate af` `i'ao+~,`G.a'l.tr ;,t. ~Vilmin. on 4^ u ><z.t,, r.,_r,t,.. ,;195`: gt ,,i~.C., June 24th,1935. : t rl ~,e 1~C ed ii u c~i) sae i,G1i1 i.iYt,>1 , r~ •J- ~.~.:1ai',% , t,e r=,1 .;~t.CCt~ i l"'OLl ":1C 7 n ~ - 4.. , ~ 3 ' :'i CY'.~~CaSi.Ana al 'r1P,b.1: 1,4 )•"9~ :r. .f,y ~ 1_' 1. al. J. Ud ,.IS. ~a JA'i ~~.i. P.,7 atl~ ) Cl J ~ ~~1 r az i.l? Fsa,I,lO:i 'fU,t,;. ;r~:(`~1 ir, y _ , s: r ~ .J u z.,~„z)F,.t ~o btl1, ,o,. 1 >'he xegular rree1.15! meeuzng''of the '3oaxd was held at 3s00 otcloel: P.1.1. : , fcr .,d~a • Present: Aduisan lie~vlett Chairman Geo.';J.Traslc i'.I~.Ros, Ja u aid i' 'r' A ~ ~ s s. • l~a,l7. t J, H. Hxnt on. ..raE m4etz~, ' I ~ - , t'ti re ues t of ; J'. HBrowrr f oY' a. d n n r,. i c~~a i1. , , q - • re uctzon of aa~esaments on hzs property and the , ~ - _ . ~ property of :.1r. Smalabones blocl;< ;~10? 'was rcft;rred to the ,'I'an es o 's ? ; ez,,-, I ; 3 Ass s z . :i, II ''I ~'I; ,;i1:~zn~.tatl,.;.~:., June 1'7ti~~ 1r~~:, u st f l..r. ul n., d~f Upon ntata.on of lyr. Ross seconded b 1>wr. Trask the rer e o " ~l; I , ~ Y ~ 1 J z tea or .,;1 ry, eorreetxon of assessments on lots at Idlerrild Harnett To~rmship, accGUnt of lots s'o1d . , 1;.e . -r I ,r'nCra,y ttlaeta;A~ izf tla~' , •J rn r r _ ~~a her . ~ )0 j - faz' Y,hic : ne claims to ,lave received no credit, eras referred to the Tar: f~ssessars for ! I investigation. is ~ t rr,;~C,'lit , J .J C'"' r', I , ~ ' r• , o r. I ! , ~ The re uest of ~udle~ fi c~ L'sc . 1 1 ; ~ • , _r, q J umphr ~ t.la~ ohs charge of :,rJ10.00 arrest a.,.>~,,Ni~lcnt; on f, l,, ' r~+.' ~ a`.' rlie _ c_~.'d cl' . ~ 1.1 I , r':r, ~ ~ . lobs 25'7 to 24~ inclusive ~ lSette Avernze in 13 °o hvroo J r, t' z o d be cancelled fol° the rea on ~ 1'111 c1, d. y, ~tl-,,, i~i,C JC i I,~ 1 vin p1iC , r' that the reason was improperly clklri; on le ~'r, c z for Nor en ~ . " ~ ~ ^ed tr 7 treet a;;sea,~rnent re o 'd., ct „ ai,.-_, ~ 'L-.4.1,1011 Ir! ~,i1r 1! 1 :11i~ 1,. e ;tills OTl ..era' ,1 .,1 ' ~ r i , i ~ ~ uio c 1;~,~ 1;, ~ 1 f,,. ~ avenue whereas 'the said lots a,re located on l,letts .Avenue and tiaras therefore overlooked ' I•, ` ~ ~ r , : I . - ~ t~t,..ye 1z ;_~r' o°; ,,G r.:;~, ,,,el;;,,„ upon examination of title yva4; referred to a co;.+rl2ittue of file i3 and to ' nve :d ~ ~ I rterl'~:~~'i'a~li ~rhi n ~~r ~ J _ _ ~ ~r _ !e ,.tip ~ o z stigate p> c Dull kie .aLL~ra-.i,1' ,~'7.;r ,.;1,~0,~.{jC~ f)cr ;r., t1~ ~~~,;r7 ,lr' r and report at the next meeting. - - , f~ i - 2~.,1,, Necari~.zed Cly 'x'. ~"2nt-0}_, „ r~rw r, ~ . 1 ~ r :."~.:.,1 i~U" C•DYiI lug. I,•, ~~G r. f -r:. ,;i,: , , , ~ qT r,u, r tr. t i;~l ~ ~,t~ bl 01 _c!~ ~ 1Ja,)-....3r~ taua~;'e~•~. 1'Ia or -r ter Y al H, Bldzr and. ,l.Louzs rzsner Czt~ Commissioners we e t 3 J , re pr sent and a J Dint Lt I, mee rin of the two ards i'aas, • l d ,o , . , ' i ~ g o ca le f r the purpor~e of ,taking such:: action as lna,y be necessary tourard the `,appointment of an Identification Officex for the joint Idanti- j 'j f cation 3ureau created b act 'of 'the Le=ialature'1935 = n r ' ' Y- g , .1 e,tanination was ;.conducted b, a rearsentative f o ' ~ P, ~ ,,4, rrJ, ~ r m the Iederal ~JuiFau of Id,.ntificatian on l:ay 20,7.905, ,a. J,tessxs. L:S.B1and, Harr B, roles E.Y,F~tedd and David -~d'thers aon k' . ~ ~ ~ Y , i to in the ey~amznation p g , ion, 1 ' ' and after rada. the' a ers b the federal :`3ureau the s v7 ' i C ~ p p y ame ere returned zu sealed ~ , , pazcel to the rho' iruian of this 3dard Gn June 71.935 z l ~ . 'I 1; r'~ and lublic y o tned at this meetin 0 L ZJ 2 I 0 11 a s 3 p g, „1 ' ~ resealing the f.ollovrzn'. 1z'ades: A ng , { , - ~ 1, 3 € ~ I I ! E'~t ~ re(';117.').l' '.':1PC' ;:~1:' 0'~' 7 I 0:>: iJel'1 i1` ,r i ~ ``0''•(1 a-t ~01.1iTi~~r l.`alll:'t1S;.ilOn~,-:';% h ,t .).1C5.17t 1',0. 1. L ~Zand ~6° G'OOd.' dna,G_ 'aUi.111t,~r, Meld ai J ` ~ r7 _ L `p~ t ~ ~ • ~ I ~,1., ~OlirtilGlG.O' ;.tt hi1i11 . 'n tl ~ 1 M1.7.rD11:'1~,, QYl r'l,li7e 171;11 l,ivr .,t L DIl~ ~''.Cll'1',.' Y / Y f~ r, " 2. Harr 'FFales) 90°o Ver 'ood.- 1 i, r s )1~.. X11 ti1D1l11?9i%, Oi tli , a ,i n . _ , . r-{,,1 ;o'~; ~ o:~:C~:1'F' e -jo~.1r.~ 4, ,~.n,J 3. E.R.IIedd) 5l ° Paor. ! ,,y .r,• ,~re0r~e -,1 .t„?.. 11'1 I a. ;alu~zoll, rr111ch 4rr>.,~; :;r'onl.le~.l ~ ~ 4.David ~tiVitherspoon) 55~ hair. c -.y i.1 ,J 011 ;I~l-? ''.J,.iC 11n%L'111:1a-t1`al~ ;l,Clq'i''":Ci 1)i" '~ae tl'(,i. ' Ik, 1p , , ~~7hereupon tir.Geo.~,Tra k mo d a r .r •~:w~, ~il<, t „ • it w s seconcted> by l,'laya_ ~ralter H, Blair and i xt, , ~ _'~t ~ ~.1oc,.r. ai .1„1:1~.~oli c~~~~, i,'f~~ r~;;;, unanimousl carried tha,t~ '~r. Harr h 'Fa1 ,e, r. ~fle ~+u,~~. a,° ,aunt, o'~ er orI ,.t~ Y , ~I y es, a~JI1z ant Ilo.2, ma,iring the highe.,t ;grade , - - ~I be and he'is hereb ' . - ~ •..~1arc,~' ;,nt.llrc;r, ?ior~ll )r,~"r,1'," a ointed Identification L err to b l ~ or. Sri ~I , any'. • , _ _ rl.t. _ Y pp _ xp e in char e of the Bureau ~,I , ~ ' Identif' g of , . , ,,i, l rcation created under said :~,ct, for a term 'of twv years endi' on `the l~ `~,onda gay co!,.1 ; .,'A.x ones.: ,2 rrolr co in 1~a 193 ~ Y : I a 1 Jrzyl al ells Ylfz.lea zil one Y 7. The matter of fixing the salaxy of the Identification Officer, location of ' <t , , , .arar x+ln, nr : suitable uarters d. wa ac aanv, ,,.1e.rl, ;1c,~.nr ~ trz,. trot ,..zirninr~,1. q an equipment,...: s referred to the Chairman and he or fo, of : ~ , ~ I i;t"1r ~r ' , , ~ L ,1~ ~.1Ca(, ,t1,,n a_'qC,,' C.tSef}s 1r~,,a Vrila LL reCDi:Bnendati0ns t0 b@ Submitted at a '0'n Tlleet'n ~1 ~i' czl. .l~ ~ ~ ,t.:~ rrzll:tze i t i `of the two ` d I :.tact ; J g Bear s. r „ r--.~'.cJr'i,5, U'ne ,rranu T I i~~,~• ~.11r;j ;.lt U; if' ,ILill~ el'in '~tck Lt „~r~li,;,;r~'ivo i;, ~c1rl,.uilt~ c~i~,,, r~at~>~.letecl retLtxiled apAcaring .that the appropriation for Mosquito Control passed b the Cit~ of E'dilm t ! Y_ y ing on igton ~ z~o_ of I ~ for fiscal ea . 1,,, r ila ;1;, f r., - . i; i on of tary .,r - f r end n 0 a ' a 3 , o.i ,.,111;'r oltzbz ion Y i g June 3 _,135, i.~ '50.•00 in excess of that provided' by the County , 7 4 t I ~ o,Jtle~ cna,l 1 , I1 ~ ',e~ a~,~--.~ ~ ,)Llali e ofn'icers ~ 7 - and it further a ears flint there e ' nsuff' n It y a ~.t„r~ ,,114 • al rj ar i i cis t f rinds' ~ , ~?p ~ to meet :the pay xo11s concluding zding p gram for 1Jof 1.35. An emergency therefore exists' and in view:: of this fact `LL~,rw...~ „ _ male t ~ r ~ o ..,van trv l / ~ r, , i' ~ r...,:1, ~I::1"k;l X1.1 C1'11:'11'1~>,, rip l ;q bile JJ,7.1 Cat`,:'S ~fi 421° _f CO nt bud ~.r. Ross moved and it was seoonded by 2~r. Hint on .and carried _that the u g ' ~ ~ ancz, ~ allowance "f or mos uit`o cone of 1934- 3 •,71L,1.w:~;, tilers ;;il rt~ J q r 19 5 be increased b a 50.00 to mee : g ,y ~ lar'g'e t r Y rV Ylis ewer ency carne iI•) f'ro;a 7-,? . ~ rtlL,n~pr of adaitional .canes and that appropriated b :the Cit.:.. of ~~Yilmin ton. ~ CO_~Ir,,[ b LJa1111, 2',1 v:1 iiC'.',~ la r~arn ? 4 o Y ~ an,~ ' r - ,.J.1r;?, 11, l.a t!1e i "Clitfl7,ilaUa 0'1 ~"i i-• , f , , ,y : xz_l..an of ,<tze ,aaro: of Coti?rlt~~r Upon mot,.on of lrir, Ross,: seconded by lr~r. Hinton the re asst of the B ,,D:l zau..o ,urn o;. t; e ~ of ' lr ~ q oard of Education ap~,l , O'~~.1i'c~r e' -atlove + ~1 1 a:-_ tYl , . at the Commasioners approve he follo~ring re assts for Federal G n s` r.,u.i~,u a,~ leasb a ~x2r'°~a q rat .for new s h ` ~n a1:a c;rirll.nrtl court is c,; n~ neoess;xr ~ ~ ~ e ool I, ' ~.J.,., .70,. on ~ 1 . P Y to di..,7oae o~ i uxlaings -additions fu d ` I >ol ~ , l oc,_.et ~ of ~"zal ~ t.~e c1 ~ ..zri,~c.- s , rniture an equipment on a basis bf 55~ of the cosy b the o ~ ! . .,.n ~;er•r ~ y Cunt I~~'' zr I' , .az~over Counl;y. y - and:45~ of the cost b the Federal Government was' a roved ~ Y ~l,L .1J~C- r;~. 1.. , pp and the _ Boaxd of Ldu int y r o . ry ~ ~ , z,. ~ ~h~, G ~J.,le ~ n . nut h cafi on ~ r,~1, rtallov~2' 1 .acrd of „a,xnt~ Cot_i:t ~'1'z orized to pxoceed with the `pro'ects on ..that basis: - ~ ~a1.111c,ir ,I,t f i_ , ~ 1~,n_k.latlu~` r ia,~ aF1erS ' J .on k 11.1 1?1'" l'llli ,,r e,1~1CS't 11,3 , ,r' :ova_°:1,,r. of tll~, , ~..cellen~y John 3. i 6I'lil Uf ~ ~ L F 0 .l ' r;,l Ca.r , ! aunlaria,. ~,ot,.l•~ ;1'Dr ~cle t r nlzna, bo or;le~ a special >Peabody fie, r~____o School OOliflt~r, ~l.lal 0J Ci'i':1111ra1 C:; " ,r :Iuz"th ~.~aroli rla tc ~ r ' ~ser3 ~anl' lil _,e~ I7:ailovcr t.ultil a. ~ 9 r,ontetle on J~.zl~ ?y~'- ira~- Y Pro o , ! - ~ ,u,~,J 1~t,11 lt,3r .,r , „ f ~ tr~7, ,.v~5 ~Ilci to c~)}it't;u~ p sed cost of .new building !and additions : x > .,..11 w-~z'l 1 ~ i ~ 8 ,000. 0 ~ o .laiii I.i ~ ~a.A r xe~ ,:1f1 0 -Pro os ~ ~ 0 i act:e't,, J ~r11ca ;i,(;r;n-]r~, n ' ~ r ' p ed cost of .furniture and e ui ment r Trh f ~ .,7. ; .r,.l,,., .ii Tot q _p a 000.00 .cos t 5-t- _ I r, 1J?'t „~.;1~~1r:~J , J. ; ~ al 00 ~ r~ i J.r'au.l '?1•_ ;r~11a L,7.6L ~'7 'tri.,. ~~.1 L;'~C i''tr,i; 1• i, , .04 ~ 1, i1 ~ 1 . t,'l, l.~ t1., 1 I, rt) ~ . ~1~.._,0 a11Z ulvi;l~,; r1'~..1,,''~ .,a~. orl rlur):'ce ; I, t . , ~ Grant from Federal Governi.nent - 45 ~ 7 ~ , t,n b 1nu co:'rl.ir,'i,iUU _ ~ 1i''1,,~ J8,~50.00 , llal~:1 said Spec' . r., ~ r-~G:),t J1.1c1ge 1,--•i ~ tn, l r~ ' ~ rr' a To be furnished b ~ New ~li~lllover C u r i „ 1..11. terul. 1..., l)., ~~,,.;z~tlccA Y o nt5 46,750.00 aIlCl !'1e i:3 r ~ ~ ..'11 f; ~,I r~ ~l eT.t', r , n }7C'_etrZr ;]1'~C'fiUf1E'.~1 to i',l 0i t;alr,3 ~Olin~;f ~0'!i~i~~iOSiCrS 170, ,raVi:l'i102' a.l 'tI1C. ~ T111 v 'r',' 0'~ t11i^ c+ L.' M1 F 1 ~1;.,.~8 Of n ~ reaOlLi.;.all bG '.11e i 1.!?7!il,i"11'19115 l" :.0_ t,1 t~~.~ h 1.11'1 i, . F~ ~ <acif„-~ t. e~rlie,,t. 10',^'', r, ,ryP , f, .ti 1.n 1,11e _'3 ~l.ale a. ,.,r71-. as cGr ~ or:twa of GU:U'il;„ i ianover ~0{.111t ua,, za:~ o y .a ,L yr,.al,1r Ltec:tz_71 helc' T- ~ ~ tlelkry ^ ? 5• r r r ~ - r e r , - _ ~ . _ LL a~ i ~ a, `47 -:a ir,,~ ai :r1~~ 10r,:7 I,9;a,' cart im~.r°d. 1 ~ , , 'ee~inF,• of ~Lt.ne l`i ~.1, ! 1`) ' :"itt~~-[. , , f I `,~)Q;1 I'lai;7.~?"r ~1'. ~;D. ,Giti.'[;i. u' _ ~ ~ rJ I ~ ~ , ...CY1, ~•l~ii .f:3ar.~rrl aUbri _ r . t ~j ~ 'il;,l.i~ 'C;a1' i, .aY: i?a'' r Ylt~ ~1!' U~ ~ln' n ar1LG'~,[ the .lC}1;', i'C~0:1 ,late«'4:1 of .ta;,J, J !',i, , . .;~1 13 . f,,~. U c,' ,n of , _ , , , ~ u - .,l' i'rN„G, y ;i' ~ ~ :rDl,ln ~t f'r. i ~ r , , r, ~ ~ ~ ¢.3 -'~'r:.t.if' . , 1 ~f, p. ;~t1 , )1~,^ .4^ rr,-. n '1 " U1 C F! i,: , ..,.._tt ~.r. :C G 'ax: r~,~.hfl ,.d tt; title i i.:.d., ~ T ' ~ i ~.1, ..4~~«~ ,.1, ).a~. rJ. 4r [r I, k~ , ~W. .1 .t^ l ~.-~i y _,f u ) 4~i'~ lJ rat lam' ~~,t.._F, t:f ~..1"l X'L tJ1 ~J «~~?it; 7,n r: 't ~ l 1 , , . - , ~ ~ r..S d~ v, t.d 1 ..ate a(,iJ j. ftr y, ,z Y, 1 1 '1: 1 d.l 1-• ~ i". b 1 , ea t i , ~ _ anav ? y..^;: i' ,~cL )e t.p4,. LDSin'ih.LU ~C':1=,~," y , I i r r, i.. , ~ , J. , . l2 6„t ~,t,,l L rt r Y x ~ ~ e« .L ~ v I X a. ~.e ..;f~. y , , 4 . 1.:J, .1 ;J a i , ~ ',`1 ' ~ ..,,,12',,, ,a« :E.x.,O~.~ ITDt;t t7?.lnt~ UYt~ t u ~ i , _ ar„ tit ~ y. ,G ~.?J~>: A , ) t v i r lA a T ~ r ' n:~ ane ea.. r~y'~l' ~ K~ 1 p r l i U)"r, +L'1:1'tG''Y.lbt;r `~.ld o ;'i.,1,) .r,, ~ .;4t}ar ln..~:~ia., e, c1. 4f trilk, t~.l..,.3 tk2le ~ ~ J .1 V r F,< l r r•i v = " - ~ r a.,. ~,cr ~ u,. gin,.. ~ ,~.11 ~n + 1; 1 ~ ~ Carla; laent f.eyJt~n ,r1C 6.10 !-:..JDI r. , ,:i - . f~. r 1t ~ - tN y)°..I..~a.:fr2,J:.6~~7.rlr:.' t '4'. t1..F~.(;'t i~lii,~.r~.ed,ci,~~21.':7:Jt .:[~..li,.7d,.,if,att .E..aS aril: tF-~~.:e.. ? t li,~~:, I 'In f 1 a' ~ 1 r p l':i~,. :a ii~c.1..~6.., :1',.1 r b. fa 3 v J ~ J ; r~ r , , ~ ~ ,(11, f1, r' , rr .d: ,.r 1 nu Tt,.: to r''7•UO a. rl ! c"(~. 'P. c: , ! : , CS. l la,l a,.. r la f n1 , ~ 1 „ . ~ , r "ti r 'n ( ! ~ .le. ._L. .:1 Y~ I l U fi ~ -,ixaT1~ 7 ~.~_,ur1.~P,~ ,a7.1rLb.;r r,., t ~J~. 1,a J~1~.. ,rr; : : : , a .117., ,r, _`,,~1 :i.._(1 ...,)„1(1`N. rr, h , J ,rovocl fa N. ~ ~ , ~ - A W7,ay'1`le i'r~ , E, 1,,~ ; , , arl - , , tt7an .C,t an of a ;~L ,.r:,.i;; ;;tt . ,,r. I~ r SaT, al _ . 6.11 GnueEl f) ;dul ~ ~-r f ' ~ .1x---, , , in~~ , _ .l..;i,,?a ...i!.l 4 , ~ I~ i ti~.,Jrar.1,? Ui r pf i .1 r r, ; ~ + r;~; i it 1 Ur'.t „ , a. ,in ~!a ;".:.l~.fit a.i „Y. 4_ t, J . ~ 0 r ~ L , i 1 ~ n rn' , a U' ~a_ ,1, , ~P t..; n~-' 1 ~ , . ^ y _U , _ 1~,;..e a.t.,., ~ ,il~ t n . b,a,. it=J,.I.ri. a.`7 i. i.. ~ fi s' y ` I! .I „ ~ „!.-:2e~~,.n 4-a r~ ~ :Dt ~1.. ~ eC t 1 Dn D '4 ~ r ; ~ ~ ;kr! pan-~•~ i . of .;~.t~J..~ , ; u J~,.. G i .~io. cv ~ r . , , a x 1 a vi ~.lc j ;:r . I I ~ ~r ~ t 'i , ~ ~n~, a,,., ti ~`orl?riaii r; ^1,ti :1:; J.),:,. ,1 .U ..;1C1111;1VG~ il1tX^~{r..;io:)~I !'01' l~,.si<~T1C1. ari' ~tl-~a:,r~Y,+' C1 r s _ I 7~' - , ~C,.le.t4: ai f" (,i A:. f„..~trk. 'r, .r,. - ~ ; , , ty .U,..-s > r ~r7 ra,.~lca~ a_ ~..L(,il '1 +•',,r-, ~ ti,;au-s t,~iar! a~{ l.,,r ar , z,a~ tr-'. m ~ a.( r" 1..:.C, ..aT ~ .,.tOf 1~t3~,, r'11 ~ ~ • a. _s ...~.,..p., t t ~,..ry .:.,w4 !0'r ~.1„ 1, a. c. - r a „ . • , i I , , ;r7, f it ~,t, ,ltl ^ c . r' , _ ~ , _ ~t.~ D.w_tr„ .tr_lu D.~ atl. a ~ v.. , ; 0~ J a., n r{a:.: ltG t, ~5t7n.J,1 27 T 'E ~ , . 1„ aI la,, JCi t.,. : f, ,7., ,r { , , , u@d i . , 0 7.,, , na. J. ,..,Jatt..~ll..n J. • , w~ ..,t,. F E.rl_1 r , r re , to r, :1v. ~ J .La ~14': ,e r'(`5. ,f t' 'V,:3 r f r. . n , . - J.~ v .1 D.a. v~ 1: 1,y ;..+,1~. Drl l . 5 ( 4 y~ . ,Ja11,x6 a.I I, .~.t~, OS-`j ~I .(1r ~i1], c~,~. 4,4 A... . 44 t«t~. al~..'~AL. I i ' ! ~.,,r .Gy n ~.-f,Z ,r=.i.~, a~rnD., v~, 3(.1,1 ,:a.iCi ~s.:.l.? r~'.r t ' t.1 i, i , c, ~ ' ,.:1C' ,r i ~ p i , • _ f .41 f.or ,,.Cl f~, ,l r} ,,uD:' n y;.. r, z,o t 1 r. <J 6 r~r T~ a+ Y r;r' 1 ~'1€ ,.1 rr, y, ~h,a v .,r,.r, d ~ ) ' ~.,r I~ ~jrr].,,t2,,,cri:. ~~D::2~~1t1r ~c ,-r,r,icn fo_,e~,G.,urr; ot~ t...,crtr'r~ o.. o~~.a a~~o.~.>,n.~ T~c.tn x~}t,tri a,, ~~~.a.v7Tiu'a for ,_.io z~s~t,ron • , _ , I ~ t;',!~E a :~l,e rl+ded ~i .~n:`s fe t ~.i~. , ,J Cro =.ir G', f,' 1". ~ ' ~ p ;,r. } r, r. 1 t: _ L rtJ ~a „ne t~,;u~ of <,artt ,~~.rolr,la ua;:~ r10 1 i ~t1~ Cour;t'r xt, d7: az`~~ ~ F f,. r c. r.><z,~„~~~. a., z.eca.,.~,, a ,o,attb~. J to ~ , z.,tl 7...F.~I ~.;..1 7. wl c6.it< .l u~lut, k'rcre YCC r:eG ..t.i'.l x , .L,u. _ ~ arl .,lary.J.. claw r ~,t_1.,.. ca,~l16 r _ 1. c ..,P . ~ ~ y . , .,ran. of ,,i r. ' , . z ~ 5~ l:~;riz lr~a~°' .,,,ul, r 5 . ' 1. 1 , 9 ~ t. I o,~. ~0 to 3103 .r„re . i a ~r~.u Ot ~ a J ll t, . ,J ..w J.t.l e.., lJ _,a,lu i!.Ir ' S- , 1. _zaCL..Ci r,(,~+tJi (JvOr.~. 'f`ile y-= ~ •'r sr • ~ . i 1, , i, 1~a,rGi):i ulJ.l::; ~ 1, 1iv>t n C;Ea'i;" # v : ; :rC , a^ a.r ~ ? D?. , 1~ x,.18 a+_c ! ,s ik~l.i .t. e.:L`1e2:; 2 ~.t:l(u;i 7. T1; , tC x ,,'-<n „ ~ ~ , c. , 't{ inC'i 7'~`ti ll"i Z,iyUa1~ t ~ ^ _ r.~ :tA„ .,e..uw,a•. b:t..,t7 i,.~. 0 t.,i.,.t, v _ = , z, xan_ih ~...~1 c-.,az,~r)z!~ ~ tiie ouzl'~.:.r~^• f_,,., ~ ~ i ~!i -,7 ,ry i-.'-. ~ G a•6 Vu~ +J r1u Ju,~{;j.t,n v-6«wl, uu 1 611_. -.,~.,.'t ~.,7.t~~«.~Otlltj' =.i~'~nT18r~. Dd i _ _ , II r _ rr:.l (j ,::u. a~ ~7 e..i. ~1e ~.1 r..11.1d..J . , ~r•_ , ' ,1 .r1~.1 ~ - ~ d, :lO~.b.fll,~T., t.,~,., Ile )~I'0,~.~',r D ~ I r I !J'1l 1~ Q U7` ~ ~ '~c0,~,te'",r ~ :'~Tjd 4 ~ , ,n ; ~ ~ Z' .i11i,uCa . , ,,.1>,. r.w,• 1•, .~zc.,, t:l~~ ~;;i,ate of ~.l:o;z;O,tT ~tilmin tons,' ~ E i tr7 ~7e : a.z * ~;~r~tia,Yl, .lai. ~1~6 g ,11.C•, June ~.4th,1~35. ~ - ~ x.: , 't3,:ied f I. U{.i t1f ~,°.rlrir~t+j' J~ ,r , , r~,CaaLtT1'b :t' ,,c. _..>i,hl, ; _ : , • 1. • ~ - J i ,e.l ~ C +,lie l`,'J~r t~,::ES GT ~ t a ~.+._.tU a,•..vU ,)fit ct „1W .L~1'~f ~'",/..D~. J,rt?,,•., , nz,. .f-.., ,i ! k.' . ~ w ._,a or,, ,r.ry„ r(,i c, : o ' , , The regular vre'ell mee u xn ~ of :the Board bras held at 3 s 00 0' i, ~ - . ~ ul:~ ~ _ ~.y . ~ Y 6 clot P ' ' . _ , if ' ! f c?. (1 27'.DTIo r ' ~ lb bar,leJ - i, •,w Present: AddiQon lIewlett Chairman Geo.',7.Trask f' 7`i as ar r . .R s,J a.~•Hall and J.fl•Hinton• i i , , I' ' k request of J.'.i:Brovrn for reduction` of assessmentd an h's " cl ~c. r . _ _ r property do the , r, - i,, i ,'I~' , _ _ property crf ;:lr. STnallbanes, black: 1102 vras i:'e~'erred to the Tax Assf.ssors. i ~ ~ ~ ~I ' ~i f'. t - 1 , ~ ,3:.~.a..,n.'.tin,.; ~aTlc 1'7tli 7.'~,:. r s r .uest'df s.J x, r7ins e,d f' . I i Unon ntotian of _::r. F?pss se;~ancled b 1„z'. T t;r~e @r . - ~ Y ~ l t a oz I eorrectian of a~: essments an lots at Idle~a'rild iarnett Taivnshin account of lots sold I I '~"t1e rrp 1Z' ,rJ~;1: 1t 1 .r' a,' , ~ ~ ~ ~lu ;11eet_,.; ,,.t ,,r18~o:zTri for i:rhic-: ne clai.aa tb nave received no credit era;; refer e ~o ' x r~ ~ ,tel=: ~L'; 3;~JJ . x d t the 1a.. sseU,Joz.1 far (i I , 'I - inve,,ti~;ation. Prr;,r'r~t: 'r cis a..1e , - il~ i ~r i.: ~rf. J, .r ,i:'~.L....j.'..,,: G., :i .,.i.r. :11, 1~. %tl tl i ~~;Cl~~. i Jr r _ ,I„ r . ~ , yne re7uest of lludley Hurnpilre;/ La~l•, that, the change of .,;;310,00 ';street a.cUessrnent on- 2~n 1 e"~n 1, 11 u:i ,i1e .~t,_~`'r.E ~ ~ lota X07 to 4,~4~ znclurive 'et s ,li;; a t ,tivenue in Brool:vrood, be cancelled for the reason Ili~r).',.,,r'1r ~~i1_~a,, - c ..,t.at_,~,, ar ~,.1, ,1,, 1., hat the -re~san ~'ra5 m o e I i _,~t' l.rl.~w'ii,,.iCl"I ,G i ~ ~ i pp p r1y c,liuz'-ed Gn (ile SG1'eet r1.OS8SLmetit I'BCCr(~a f0 d f ~ 1' ;:1''lu t 'uc6P1C Gli ~al~e T~'a.tC.1-",,~ 1) ~ ,,:r. ';,"J r r Bar en ` ~ - '1 ,1~u =~,'~ra2.:ri~tsd b r.' t ~ ,venue, vrhereas the said lots are located on l,;etts :venue and wa:; therefo i 1i1:~.i,{-'t~ln .l _ D.. rc ove,rlool.ed ti ,~.1 a1 , ,n -v7-,,;•'~,~~~ , ;~,1~ cu ;rt'; r 1~; - ~ t~ upon exaTnination of title wars referred to a co,.mittr,e of thE; rd ,r , ,.le,:117,;_ :.>N ? ~_'o . ~ ~ , oa to investi~ ate ~ r;eriDez.,hi ~ ~ . j ~,it, g ~l p1, r,_, a ,;(liil.. oa .a U: a, ~ ~l' ~;~r~ Ali „ , ~ and're~~o i I " ~ , ~ , r ~ ; er ~ r Y ~ r a :the nee-~ me~tin . I ~ 2cL':'. , F r ~ '+.11 , 1,e~ s Lt~~i.t ~ t , ~T g ~ 9 'I;Cirl rt.; l li • _ :U' ~3r~'., `:l' 1 -.r.1 '.r, i?f. rti - ~ of i,li~ .,U'J.11'_J{1i ) 'ifi i r.q ' ~ G j!~«CiGl .L, ,t ,7 .CDa ,)'''e, 71~`._GI, , S ' ! u.,~- laa~ox ",+alter ri. t3lair and. ri.Louis ~{'isher, City GoRltnssioners, vrere ~oxesent and a •oint meetin of the two D ds va ' ~ J I i G oar s called for t~.~ purpoae of asking; such; action as ut~a~r be f ; ' necessary tovrard the apnoi'ntment `af an Identification Officer for the 'ont Identi- i ~ ~ " f icati'on `~32areau ,cre'a~ed b act of the L s ` I Y egr lature 195, !:fin etiamrnata.on vas conducted ' by a representative from t'r~e Federal "'~ur~au _of Identification on ,~a ` 3~ 'l I li y 20,194 0, , ,,~e.,srs..~.;,,Tiland, Harry z;. Fales E.R,P,~add and David ~+'rithexspoon taking 'the e~.amination, i ion, and of to grad. a• the a ers b the 'ede ~ a ~ n„ p p y ral ure u_the same vrere returned in sealed ~ C ~ axcel t 1 - p D' he Chairman of this 3o~,rd on June 7 1935 and ublial o )ened at tn's ~ R - j 11J . J O L. J l I p 1.; : ~ p Y 1 z m e. t z n o, i. ~ _ _ _ revealing" the follovrinJ (Trades: gJ { ~ , ~ ~ tit a regtt7-:a.' ,-:~,r;ea;`~ I ~ Of 2;'~ a° T,~le ~~~aalll O:f.' 1~Ollnt,;r 3~a1!1:-1;~i1i0:'1C'.1';i; 'deer IIa,notrez' ~Jou1.1 1 ,1. , l,py~lic:~nt l~ro. 1. E.S. Bland 86°o Good.- ~ I 1 7 . t~~ •t~_d r~L i.:le ~ourtnrn-z e ~.:,t ;Ii ,rt ' n n ~ ~ ~,-1,ro«lr1a, or1 ,?tine 17111, lg,~~r ,;ri ; 1 11nin~,u.1, ;Ort:1 2. Harry E•fales) 90~ Very good.~~ j ~ _ t.1 _ 1 ]ileln,l,,,. o i t , o - 3 d ir. ~'z'-111 _ 'o.~:~ a':~e~ ~ ~ _ ,e 5a:aru h« ~ ;~..rl,, 1. E R 1,4e d) 5l f Poor ' f ~ ed ~,1 ~ oL.o'tr' r. ~.i1;r; re,J01L1t,1011 l'liii C11 17r~_" ~l ,j a tt 4o DaVld ~1VIth8rS 0011 55 o fair. s ~ ~)J" z'. Geo,~ °o h,..,.,,. , ~ , E,~ a:: r,n11..r~~1 t p ) ~ l rw:., :,i1r,. )lyo_~1 tirote ;rr;~;; ).1t1::E,1i1:unl:;ly ;,r~ ~hereu~on ~rGe ,r • J ~ .~.U~ 11;. , l a,~1,Trask moved and it was secon.~ed by ~,>ayor 4~alter H.Blair and P 1 . r e ~ r:,1e : ~r 1,1i:na ~1itzarr o.P unanimous'1 -f oc;':~;~ of t'r1c ~Lt",o.r ~ c,z,i,:,irt-~,~- c<~.,~t; aAl t:"1e Y carried,, that I;r. Harry Fales; applicant ho.2 -ma,kin the hi hest ride 10_ „ourt o1 ,r + g .e, 8 , :Po1~ tri '.1 ~ ' ei'r -~~1.tlove~' „oi.lntrr 2'~,ortL ~ ~ be. and he<.is hereby a ointed Identification Ex era to Yee ) ~ ~ ~_"r1.~, J pP~:,,. p in charge.. of the Bureau of r s i Identifa,cation created under said 1~ct, for a term of two;yeaxs end on the 1st 1~ionda ' i ~ i , 11'lt~i;.~~ Or I~l'1" t~Yld, a :i' !lU , Y .ay X01 1, r' .>i ortf it ' in;Ma 193 ' ' y 7. The matter of fixin the salad' of the Identification Officer 10 ~.1 ~i~ll o! Mlle ,ola;rte ,t:: .:,e•;r ~ 1.,~t 111 the a of ~ ~ c tian .,~,llu rcl ~ , . suitable uarters'and e u~. ment was re e ,ed to • , ,tita,l~, L'at,t'e -e,.:r. ~ _ '~i'l,~l for ora.raa,nal 9 q f rr the Chairman and th ' 1, ~~~.oli. , it_.n P , e ,,la or foi of ' l,1 l~? l a'p~ a ~ , ` , e .1 ~ ` "oz ~ 1':;:'~ 1,r~a•t,~ whQ :rill.` be reeozarnendations 'to be submitted at a ' oint raeetin' of the trvo Boards . i ~ !-G1C a~,t :i21C! j s ~ ~ J- g "t.r, r, ~ ~ one t-1'and Tuz'y at ~'2 ~ ,r ' 8 JL l ;V31~i.d-~ I• a ~ ~ a1., .l'e1'ia l,l,:, i r;oil.l''tPr? „P It` q'p earl ha. , r, l.l.~_o,,, ' ,i{,~ ~;i7~r,ss f„ ~ . t;p,- J y m ,,l ~.,,tarae~l ng t t the.. appxopriation for l~osqulta Control pasted by the City of ~~dilmi rton Lgton 1;,,.,, - ~ ,,aAn;,, riu,.z v ~i`ol ~ f,, a 1 for f s a ~ , 11..;1.:;,'t u. .,)rl;•,r ,1,~;~ ~ , , j - n o_ 611e Rrohiba.ta,on ~ cal year ending June 30,135, is;, ~~50,00 in excess of that rovided `b the y gun y . tc1e~. r,i1. ' , , ' L~. , the ity ' and it further: a a 12,x,•;; a x-o 1 s r , J.I1Cti i ~lablic off scars alzd appe rs that there. are lnsazfficient fiznda to meet ' p 1 canclud>,ng Y ~ ~ - . - z ~w ' tne,vror)+ program for°1934-1J35. An emergenc therefore exists and .n v' iding ~J, s ~U,,S7.!)1'^ tr115 f C ~ _ ~ ~~o ev~)l 1~ Y ew of act ~ . ...a ~'.i'r,1 • ~ ~ y ~ ~,ae tail c~~F~ _ 11,r• Ros mov ~ ~ , s ed and it was seconded b :Ir. Hinton and carried ,~..s ,at .a ol~e Y that ails a of r i,. 1 'ol._• , and • + Co my budget ,1 ,1'.itl,... i r allowance for mosque o control 1934..1935 be increased b50.00 to m' , ~ leis '°i , y ~r set tiles emergenc Caai%, ,u .~l 11C ~i l.:~za~;e nt1r:'':)er a:t ,;G:i~ and t Y ' u'~ ('ro1, , ~r, , , , ditiar2al ~ hat a ro 'riated`b . ~ ` c_~,~u~ to pp p y the .,ity of ~ilma.ngton. 1 _ ,~„co~ ~,3 ~ a L,ur1.c' L ~ r ;y - o I i " ~ ~ - i f'. Y 1. , , ~ ~ ..Lu, - a i v 1;, ~!le llllilii~ilUll~ 0 » ' ~ ~ y +~o,r1i;;1ic:lera o-r 1; 1e ~ ,r ~'s ,..l.iart o:f t:l~,~ -;adios al' ~o2=.rat'•r Upon motion of 111r. Ross, seconded b ',1r~r. Ha,nton the re uest of th i tac~~,. i ol..lt~ as ~;,r .:~.t,navpl~ ~ - ~ that.. th Y , q e Board of Ed1.>,cation .,a ~et::1 oa cri~.liT1:11 cai an in >~at~ a~, leaNt t,lree e Commissionars approve he follov.a,ng requests far Federal G s , art xs :7E, t)Ga~al', to-.ti r t f oz new school l c;~aeN .io',, 0;1 J ia~~ose of toes criraiiirl ' buildings; additions,furniture ''and'equi ment 'on a basis of 55 0 ~ r et ~ of ,.r^ i and 4 Y I of l ' p / f _the cost by the Count t z.a_ wn , r~ oft ~ . :~3C I'l' ~',r~ , -,~,1r l.anov`er vaizht° . 5~ he' os 1 ' rrt f c t by the- ederal Government vras','a roved and th`` B I ~ . „L -L,' U.1.,~, 21 tasty ~ pp e oaxd of Ed . ' .,~.,Gz,ti.~) t• H -n cation i 1 0... ,;ear ~ • ~ . ,.ar.it .,he .>Ddrd ' ~ n author~.z d ~ of ~ol2nty Uor,c:tl~,z.onors e to ::proceed w~th:the protects on that basks: ~ -tanov ~T ~ount;y 1)r;;u'imou:; _y rc; - Sze , .on i ~ :~r111ntr.1C~,lla '~;OV('," r.- st 1125 1i;~;i~71iD11C;tr ~p'~~ i I ~ 1:1;).' a:C E,11C ',~t.:Lt,L' , . r ~ x.11 _r• 18r1':1 Of I~ i ' r ,.J aa. .'.'aZ'ti1 nu?'Ol~~ n7,. ' ~ , 7.iy)E.riar ,,oui~ for w E'o oit-tor :;~ecial , Peabody Ile~ro Sohool I t r to tTi,,~ ~ Of i 7 ~ CU 1111 J, 1lait12 ~ orlr,l_n'.r~ t,, ;,eu only 1n :';err ?~,alover C ~ai'Olll1~., v0 t, 011tr'?118 dal I~ , %C 'i i I.1 t r ~ , ' ur'til. .iuf'u; u ~ tlr 1,-,,;,;~ , .r,. `'l' `~Jtlz, Z~5`, ~:Lr1ri to car;ll,;tiiie Proposed costa of nevJ bulding and additions , X80,000.00 / i oz' , ~ '~ri1C~'-~ e~~2lier ;:id.;o r11c~'; a- r Proposedc~ostof furnit e and 10 ~ .~:.iici r r ur e ui n nt log ~.~t~, <~ccalan~, o~ r n~) j ~!1N' 'i' l~•i r - i .,1.,..i _111.!: 1 TDt ~ ~ J,~Q~•QO L, ~_~-~~~8':r~::D al ..cost •65 00 ~i.'~:,lldl~l?1 ~ .:.Li: _°l 1~'i^, , 1'1:x' (,f1e JP , 0.00 I ~ i.. ;t'11E~ 13j ~ 1' i1,; : .,.fT~~ i,'i]'I F ''11r1y`1h i i ~~,hDae r .qtr ',~_t,1 ;'U;,' t''.;~t;9 ~ ~ rA ~in~olvi:1r, ~ 1~ tin 'ace'.eb F.l' ~,r,,i:;l;.1~3 1 Gram from federal Goverrvnent - 45,E 38 250.00 l t :-tt cc; • a t~, 1]olCt ,U. r ~-la ~~2'il,~i'17.Un, tlt,:rt ~?l~Ct,r, ~ r ~ 1B -.tied ~,~,ocl,~l Ier1n• t ~,u -_1;;1e1.7.o be ,~;.;i,rle.i To be furni.3hed by I,ew liauover County 46 750.00 ~ and h ._.w . ..~1_,Cl',.~0 1~il.~C 'silo , ~ e l,:i 11C?'eljV C , '~~.t.t=- 0~ 111e i ~2',v 7 ,r,, > _ ' ,y li1GCtGl~ t0 D 1.1~,, Ga-o~~i~,a).arl~iN t~, ralril.'3,1a]' of 1.A.1'i1L-1'1 ilU'~)~)r U~.' ~"i,i i r,. ~ l,C t.te ai .artCl i'll r01.' ~ 1'G~ alut laii U Otte ''"t t llt~llli,!lall:;'1_• - ~ ilt~±• ~.1.; ttG , , - t I, { ~ill:1l?~ ~~r 'i~il r n ~ G l 1. ...t~~t ~ta.aall)10 ~'EQ~Cn , 6 f dnUVei' uat1.11ty ~6t rgr:.' ~ .lnt,y (.0,11:;;liOtte]'.; ~r~ i ~lll~,r 1!1CC, t l rl;.; 11E:1(1 ,Ti.iY1C' 1 1 c~ ~ r ~ f 1r,,:2,7.~.J,~. I ~ _ ~.~i y s y - rM..c,,.,.. , ~ 34` ,er~;lrl~;. os' ,',~ui1e 10th 1935 continued. 7 9 ;.;oetirlg of rune i'7th, 1935, contintlerl, ' upon r:1o'!;i.on of ' "2 ..o:. ~;ocoar]ed h,7 ,:-r. ;Iirl~orl '~rie fir' lr r, , xl,rrl au~,tlo z d t;.l r~ 1~ ;:.x'. Ii' alf~ (i:nl")G, a~-1~~10Y! 11Ua' C..CCC'dl ~ Q f ,r , T' 7, C; PG ~a ;l!? 1,; Of~ g T ~)Uli ',aGtf0:1 Of ~T' tO~Ja, ~UCCintteC~ uy ri,;.lf oi' ~ ~ ' . t c ~ol:lnt , ~,.r4 , r' _ y f.• c~,' d G~ of1~>.nd i r i t ~ ~ , ~ ` y f ..11' n ~ ~ ;'!„l3 -1110','!QU ~t0 ?.)a` 011e ei ili;ir Of ~,I'1~ t r; r ' ~ c' a ~ , c` cir~l e,..ti ,r ~ ~ ue o.r acrc~l r~.r o ].1~ ~n - iGer Ol' ~)e~1 , ~le~ 11.i' l,('r' U r ~1'~ iC J , u f ill" a ~u~,~ _e. tr~,l,].r~ 1,o thr,:a:~~~ ~ ,r i e aria ~ ~r, r ~ - ~anuv~~~ ~ ct, ~~.r 7e 1 t,.:.,z' i;o~,,nah,~ c Ir,.'. d ~ ~ ~ ''r r 1930 to 193 ! r~~ ~,.1,~i.i,.)V 1]. r' ~;r fllllrl ->~~:1,'.(lC`a q.aJ, r,(?r10~_I ''r'Ul•l ~L1;1f1 l~ r~. v.. p1,111t, _ ~I'r.4 1 p t1.1'N , 1S'aYl~ llil ~UU~r~ J' t~.~ ~Ui:.1's 4_• _ D~~~/ a,, .ri' 9 ~'i7~, d ~ - ] _ ,f1,7 ~i,`"),, ~f,llI011r`~;fr L~:L~)U ~ ~ 1nClL1;~i'Te GLYld 0?le e.i~rill;l1 t;!„~ei,1 ' n ' 1 w~~'~< 1, u ,te.i r) J' a ~ Ol' l i1E; dut, 0 ~ ~i , Of >J!~~r' L er, tina,lv~,;, ,'r„U oa~ll ~ ' ~ n t o~i .:p~.llr~;.~.n ~;.1}~E;(!t I~y]Url 'liar tl'!0 1^r;;,a~'i i ~ f a. ~ ~ f ? ~i-~:'t, C1~~~t~J.YI'' '•r „1''t1.Otf Qf~aluC.d ~.,t;r.Ll,lat .~e].1,.3r~, ,.;Q(Jul 01' uC16, 'rU:],I'~,' 1rJ~°)1 t0 ~IC~~::~ 111CZi1S'VO 111 I.J 1,1 r.l~ r fyp 1 J ? , 'L ,1, , , ~ , r 'k~~n~~i a~:il p1.1111, Y1~.' l~ ~~~J. (30 11'I 01.'lAer t~~ ~.1 t,th i;a'+'A~ l4 f' r!i~ r'I. 1 ~ , r~.. , , U., 0,1 ..,.U c' a.n ;r ..r~l ~::Ic .~-~z ianda. I i J11 0,,..4P1, I_~r •rif}Qn(reCi ,O~..ITi"!, f ~('~F t >u~u tU ;~~i;,v' ',r~aq'_ raV~ . ~.~,~.1~-;>i~, +;i n ,I~,a'( ~ ?~")011 I~~19t10n Of O.,:r, ~)r:COliLle~, Jy r'. .'."'le~'r~ i.. ~'.f'U,1 ! V, C ,i )ll ~ 7' 1i11tCn f,(~ ~ ~ i'. ',11 I 9 ,,il.._... ,,a ;i~'UJ JiJ, c~•~-,,; r y ~.~Yl~ae(~ ~)j ;a,t1', aU!:7`'PC, C r~ ~ ~a. ~r 1 J I ;0'11 , ~ i; ~ f t) 11. ~~1,j)tOV (if a, p 1 •~ll rf,• 1 y ) i7" lol~, 'i L.. e c i~ } r i~ / ' F ~ail~lt~r ,C.i o , ~n„ ~a ~ tint o1' n:r ~ n. . ~ (i o aol 7. ,i n; 1,•~ parr.. J4 ~J~ ~ C1e I'~cr.: ~ a' ,nc: ' ~ ~ , ~.G,1r 1, ~'.v 1,u~U ~'1 CUtl.i2'lC~ OI :'S fi'1,1~~. Oii 1, , ~.~I'~ "i ,a• .r~ ~ u•i.;r ~l:ilii.GYi `~G!l~' 1.J~1 U1l %a~]COl.lttl of~ gc],ni cil f10n~r ~1UCIlt. Q~ .,~~J.1.0 1Ji: f,~i~ r.., 7,.'.. t, U:i .)_D'~;, i,°~~~'3, ~;.LG(,',r G~ ~,~r1;,!.t;V1..lr~ ~~r„ Y ~ ~ 1~~ ~ r,,i.~ 1'~~~~',7 i;a 1(.~~~ ~ 11"'r1' r' ~~r sr, ~ . ~ , . 1.CIl , OI' r ~ ~ ,f , i.. ,.1`:l V., c:6Yld 1~,,: • ~ O(' l .I, ,jrLl'lr., ctrl ;i,r1 i. I, CJ1,'1nl`l'fi G:!; t .n ~ ~ ~ , , 7 ~ a 1r CC ,.LIu, , t U 7" iT'~;6ra_. ~a ! I v;;',11~~(, Q(i Gf ~~7?iJ.r~~ L~'ll!~ f, (i ',iil 1r"'P f' 7~ Q:L g, 1 , .:1~:;,_OYl , 'a^_' „11 L~~,P7!'L:lil U~ ,~1G 1G3~ 1, 6..~..u ~i ~ ~ ~ _o. E c~~,clon .r~~t I~ ~ r, e '1~•r~~~ez't~~ of ,Tc:;n ;;I I n ti' i, o; J Lougltl rl J_ ~ :1 1 'r'1 1 Uf a.U~' r)u 'r , ,av G E(L ail t',l .~a , lar 6 '1}17h p, , i r i. ,i1 ~ ~;~.zrl' , ~ - ~ i rind J, „ : w i„~~, Vti+r, u1.i' nl~i.].~ ,.in r.li(I ai i,il~; ~ 't r1i OC' ~ ~~r% ~,~Q].' I ri,, ,IG" 1'.31 7 ~~'r' 1~; n r, ~ f , 1 ~,Jc;,a•~t r1~ - ~ ~,ii., ~ ~ U~~ ~ 01 :.~,_,allt~il 0:~ ;:i ~_ltC O'1Jll.,I'U:11. aC.I~IlI"E',ls t)'1TUl,lr'1`! ~ r1 , ,.i t '1; O,rnr ] ~ r a ~i•~ 1, r, ~ ~it1C . , po I, , ~'or ,_,,,zr. yc: 1'IS o,y ~,1r. .(or~1,1~ - 1.os 1.' cn u; u'1n nI' ,oy,L,d • ~ , ;1 J~~ ~ r I, ('l .t (1 :G 1~7f; ~ ~ i ~ ~jc;tl' -1, r '..L 1'1 i~l. nrl 1r (.i~ ~ f' J ' titer, na moo. _V°;] ~l i 1:1: no .,U~.!~)r~1,71`r. ',%'C l , WSJ ;leU, 'L O1' utl r,~' OlI 1 - ',.:r~,t ,~1a uncrt i;r~>,11~,i'eL'rin;; ' 1~ ~sazci 1:ir1,~,orty ~to ~Lhe agate of '~ior~lYl Crzrollna Moos nob ' ' ~ r1'~'~~).°,li,I" 01'I t, ~r'~'.L~):;:~;} G.'~ ;11E; '~~gU11t I (!e COI.IYIty~ .LL1d'_.I;O i-~ ''(1 r'~.,;il'!f.''(17 r;'r~i~ ,~,ri ~ r, ~:r,,,,,, i'_ ? 11 ~ I f'i ~ atr 'IUl~01r CLlll~/' ~ ,,Cilii,~e~.i OO~I'fl!,'r !11).:i ,la;i, ~051~ t0 3, ~J '^''P tr"n / •'1 , f ~ l '.r.,~. r~pprove(i fo_ pv,~ll~~nt. ~ 1; 11q 1! I i I I'L„ 111(.,,t''1V t:~...n CL~.~IO',_1_C1.,C1. ~ ~ '7 rl c r}; . Ii ;'/ilm' n r n z I,to ,I~I,C,, June 24th,1935. I J ~ ~ The re ular wecl;l tneet;in of tlzeJoaxd wash d ~ 0 + ~ i ~~a C Y g el at ~ t 0 o clocl": F.,.:. y~f ~ Pre:;ent; Ad(]ison I~Iewlet~t Chairman, Geo,',V.Trask i~',I;?,Ross Jas.,,i,Hall and J.I~I,Hirtton. f f ii i ~ I " 1'. 1. ~ A. ' ~ ~ rl ~i,, ~ ;j request of ; J,~I,Lro•rn for reuuc~lon of a~..easments on his property and ttre ~ ' property of ,.r, Sraallbanes blocl~: X10? was referred to the Tax Assessors f fit: s`' V7an rllOt~.On Of ii'r, ~ s5 seconded b~ iur• T' 'r ~ 1' r' ~ ;I 1 0 y zas}~, t 1e re_Iuest of 1:s,J.L.drYnatead for ! correction of as e:~sments on lots at Idlerrild ilarnett Tolvnship, account of lots sold ~ I ~'i ~ for 'Yvhic:. he claims to ;rave received no credit vra- e r ~ t i~ A s eu f ,i ~~_~I , s r (erred to the fa s sox or invests ration. 4i-~". t ~ ~ - i'he request of Dudle r Hurl 'rrre~ Ls; . that the cr r e f ,''3 0 0 Inc 5 p a, ~a g o ,p 1 0 street a,fsc,,,~,lnent on. ~ lots 237 to 24`' inclusive ,.setts v n v A e ue xn Brook rood, be cancelled for the reason - th' t t.h a ~ c I , a ere son bras zmp~operly clraxged on the street asse.~urnent records for Borden j Avenue, vrhereas the said lots are located on ;;lefts Avenue and was s,,; therefore overlooi;ed ~ upon ef;amznation of title, eras referred to a corr;mittee of the Board to investigate I and re17ort at the next mectin . g I:la~or ;dal ter H. Bair d 's J 1 an .Lout i fisher Cit Cen~lli,~,,loners were present nd I f Y , a a ~ oint J meeting of the t~vo Boards vras called for the ur e:;e of tak' n - Y r p p z sue l action aN may be necessary tovrard the a~ ointment of an Identification Officer f I I p or the C o~.nt Identi- fication 5ureau created by act of the Legislature 1°35, ;in examination was conducted ' ~ by a reprr;sentative from tlae Federal ~sureau of Identification on ]~la, 20 1935 y f ~ ~ ~ ~ ;,iessrs. L,S.B1and Harr L. Fales E,R.]'~edd and David '~d'the s oon ' , f Y , _ i r p tal:zng tnc examrnat Zon, on, and after gradii~; the papers by the federal :dureau the same were returned in sealed arcel t a~ p ,o t>ze c,halrman of this .hoard on June 7,1~~5, and publicly opened at this meeting, s=r ' a;;, revea].ino the follovrin rades: ing, ' A,~' f 7 1. ~ i , 'applicant lyo. 1. E.S.Blandl 86,E Goodr'" r ;r!' .Ol]s re0U.G5 ~,8 f ' ~ •r , , or~ ._EUr a of r- s1;r rrt~s ,~c~r ~ . . ictzor~ aN.,es e orl ~ ;ez"l loci#;ed an 1,1t'r) 'i;~ir'a " ° 2• Harr .L,Fales 90°o Ver ~ood.- t_ col U~?.i~,a y o Y ) i Y g r. t - an 0b11C;rb', ;;1'lP Ulil:1C I13.1,~1Ylzi ~Jreb'laUuly'DeGTI Uli.0i;11ti;efl 3. E,R,P,~edd) 51~ Poor. iYi the form of L - petz~~lon arld referred l;o file fir,, f,l:'lher " " 4. David Withers oon 55 Fair.? Tal::~sseasorw Yr~cN received p ) ~ cansidera~zon. f ~,~hereu-on Mr.Geo.W r r 'I p .Trash moved and it was seconded by t,.ayo_ tiJaltex H, Blair and ` _,pon 1,;otxon oy , r.', nosa, seconded o;,~ ;1•, .1„ ~ unanimous) carried tYrat LIr. Fi~tirr L Fale ~l' ar::z.,n;.rl~T ova,' ; ~ f ~ -1 '°r:.,;; ~~c~,l°;~, __;~~,i t;.'ovide Y , y, s, api scant No.2, mak g t e highest grade, one 'cr,.,;,1o.r a~; ,,11;, ,;;;l,o ,~t,~,,~, ;~.nd fir, lop , ,_crin,. be and he is hereby appointed ldenti.fication ~'xpert to be in char e of the Bureau f ve 11Li! ll ti 0'1 `i c111S 01' the ~ ~ J`; 1':aU a ,..t i~ i,.,.~ .1~. ril'0~ ~ ~ 0 j.~ilor:~ ~ivirr'~ ~~i1~,;,,, Identification ere ated under said dct, for a term of two years ending on the 1st &Idnda r ' j' in May 1937. The matter of fixin the s la ~ of th ' y 5.y ' l re~ueut of ...r ~ ~ • a. „ g a r~ e Ident~f~.cation Officer, location of 7 .~.~LGai ~,aez,~z5~7zc1 ~a.,,• ,,,Je,11, 1~ ;I„ r ,r suitable quarters and equi ment was referred to the Chairman and the of 1:)' f ,1„ ,illt it N _u~ p r 1 Or for i. 0 ~ _.1L1 ~da ay,~2oprz,~~lion fot' L.re y~arrt .f)e;;lonstr:>.~o:1~s - r' recolr~nendations to be submitted a s!zl.ar~~ to - i'~" , ~ t io t a ' oint meetin of the two ~ consi:ieratioll 1~,-~ J ~;r1,c00. ~O pe-. ~r(,._,.r, ;rl:~,~ rc~,~,_,~~ J g Boards. ~..1_ tlrl1e O7:' ~Y'ai,'a.i?.,i,10r1 U° ~t;re COUT1tVtE n:r ' 1~,~~-193G 1~1.1d~;et. It a~ a Zpe ring that the appropriation for P~osquito Control passed by the City of Wilmington ~ Cutler ,:)',"+allll i:6;ld ~I' 111 pa''~1~ 1 ~ ;ton `0 z ``'z, ~ '~uiozer-~ e~I ,trl.' ~n~1,~ ; ;ri tlecn far fiscal year endin June 30 1935 Zs 50.00 in excess of that provaded b the e,~a,r~linec.l b~. ~lir r' , ~ _t,.,11t r,_ ,i-~. 'I~ g > > ~"v y Count e ~o.lnty :1~ 0 ~i ~1' and it further appears that there are insufficient funds tom Y ty t:~ i~ .n1' :'eCa'11PIeil~ier~, r 'ii ~ - - f, ~~fr~pg 'ulU011 eel the ,o ,iur) ' r~l; ~ z.. ".ie11'are ~Jz_ iaer. pa rolls concludin of ,.r. _:1..t,oi1 ~rrl . the y ro ram for 1JJ~ 1935. g . e1 - '.oUs, a7-.m,,t~,cd to l;ia~ ~ ~ ,,I r I;~~r;. ~ worl: p g An emergency therefore exists and in vievr ling ,~nunt;- ~.o,..c. _.rl 1, .r of tlra.s fact ~~~r. Ross moved and it was seconded b hiz•. H' nton nd ~ y i a carried, that tl~rc County budget L t ~ `1~hc follovring h:wi~r~ i'ile~a ~ 'I~ ; ~ ~ , `l~~l_e~~~uw~~l"1.~ irl ,,r,~~ i~ ~l ~,reze allowance foz mosquito control 1934_1935 be increased by tip50.00 to meet this u ~7on l,lo~lion if ' ~r, ~ r%TO~ ar:n for l~i r, ~ ~ emergenc 1 ~ ~ ~"Or1. ,d ;r , r C..rilit, i~0 ~C f and th Hinton ~ „ Y at appropriated by the City of ~Jilmington. y ~ irQl'flan ~ Cw~l ?lr?1~r, I,~aE ~••~~Y, Y v. ~„a~'U' ~ i. n.~ , tr, t. _ ~ , ~a~~1a :,,~,~r~lc rosld, iso,rto ,~~,=0. Upon motion of t~lr. Ross, seconded by llr. Hinton, the request of the B and ~•~'a,~~uooz••~', `;iversiae ~]s r,., - tiaat the ~ o of Education _ rvi,,, .~ta~~iora, C<lstle ;~ylre, Coulmisazoncrs approve the follovring requests for Federal Grants for new school l' buildings, additions,furniture and equi ment on a basis of 550 of I~ DI upoY, ~:1ol;ion of - p ~ the cost b t ~ ~ ,t, y he Count 1,0.,x, s~ ~ai1~:,ed icy .:Ir Hzialoi ~ and 4 the y . r 5°~ of cost b the 1'ede wa m, re111;.,,~ of .,:r, '1L1~,1 J~c;;:,,o ,1. , ~~le jo~ra u,,ani~~lo1,1s1y ~~>;°o~'ei~ ~ y ral Government, s approved and the Board of ~,ducation nt y Cora<;risui on to • ~ a 1a verled to rc ~ue„b the Mate i~z h;Ja~- f rra ~•u~riie ,~io,''.;~ ~ authorized to proceed with the projects on that basis: M E C!1. lJ ~ - ~ c `J r,6111~ ~1C~.0d, _.Q' V ~ a' 1{1~ e • ,~1~)1_U 1'OaC1 1Ca~'11r1 r u~ ~iCI',ia~ Oa' u.1'%T0~;1111latL'.L`~,' Ol1G-fbzl and _;1rT.1ClE, ~Ili'Uilr':1 ''1lG' S C J~a1'Cl the ill,l~iy UiTl1Ud L,~' ~,'t3;.a_~I• ,a111r.i,.~:~~1 Peabo~ Negro SCh001 Out',11e~16tt,1.ii ''i drld c~l`~0 1 + 1~a2'~..Oi1 Of utie ~4tSlle ~ir i; ;lu , ~2r,U~tl of1U i]111~` a r Dad n •.a, 11e '~,r,ala~ 1 (,VC1 ~ r',lf; i f 'I ~;runo 1~_.~1irt~ ~.ronl Route ,•1 .-~',•tii:1o a Proposed cost of new buildin and additions J _ ,e o.. 1a.1?]k; l~.~ng ~:J~,~~;t aI '7• .1. 1 :,a.r10 •z_~.ctly '~r;,~;,~ .~.d, P g X80,000.00 r' ;,'1"(7;r,t~t~~1• ~ 1c~~~~on s ~,.~_tce, :tis ~inu1J:zted 1rr ~'e;'r t:raczrlL~ on ~aap xoposed coat of furniture and equipment 5 000.00 Total cost . X85,000.00 I 'l';1e t1~~;; (,zo~:1 oa' t;le 1r;. l r• ,'1t t0 ~1ii i 'e a tat Lul~_iE, ;~,,1i r ~ ,",r each Grant from Iederal Goverrunent - 45~ r j ul:inr, . , ~ ~ '''x..1.11., .r. of . 1 . uU c , 38 X50 00 a11i11g ~~lat~.;:1;~ ~t(~li, ~ ~ li n , ~ • ~ •~I I '~`la ta:~ 011 e~•rr''1 ,1l„ ~ ,e, u <aa._uc of anti rule oi' f,; ~ ~ is 'far=z To be furni;rhed by New. Hanover County 46 750.00 ~i ~ u UI'11U f Ij ~ ~ y 0:,' O')1111a11, .1J.ki Ltbl!(ie 1ti OYlly '~?l• ~,~1~i,y 1?1.'r; :1~i;i) ,at; ~Olillt,';~ ,I - I ' i !J, ;r ,gyp; -:;5 „ _w.:, , ~ I,Zeeting of June 24,1935 cantinuad. ~ 349 heeting of June 24,1935 continued. i ~ , ~Ililliezn doal er School Joseph B. Caison and :~Ienry Oxtaslcy, having submitted al:pla.catzons in proper from Auditoxiwn 2 class rooms sanitar closets furniture and e ui for ].i.cenae to sell beer on thr; Carolina 3each road and at Carolina Beach resroct vel , Y ? 9 pment, , 1 y, s vrere upon motion of 'rr. }iintan, seconded by :~:r.Tiall,approved, Total cast ~ ~ 24, 500.00 n o Hi n a ~ ri 1 ~ Giant from federal Government - ~5~o 11 02 J Upan matzo f x. t n, sccon ed w:r. Ha11, the Ghairnlan wa,~ authorized and To be furnished by ldew i{anovex County 13 475 0 directed to hav, 1~ t f Wane,, of persona ,r,io have paid taxes a;isesscd against them f ,i I , 0 Sox the year 1'x;54, s~:;lected i'rom the 19,54 tax uoo}a as the 'u s ~ r ~ r,~ li t and oraer~d listed _ Del .ado school as required by law. rluditorit~n, 5 class raorns and sanitary closets. d request of the ..egister of Deeds for an increase of salaries for his tti~ro ueliutierr for the next f'isral year, eras taken under r,onsidera,tion at t; he time af' prer,axation of the a~ Total cast 1y35-1~d3G bu~~I;et. 1 { ~ o~ 2,0,000.00 Grant fxom 1+ederal Government - 45i~ 9,000,00 ~~y , 'To be furnished by Mew Hanover County 11 Ul,on motion of ..:z , fras_., ueconded by hall, file Chairman and fire Clerk vrere autnorized x ,000.00 to s ri a bill of sale tra,nsferrin- the ferr~rboat John I:nox to ~ ~ ~ zed C g J~..,.atone, Upan l~a,~ment ent of 1;he narchase price of ~;')1,0~~9.00. I~~~rt1e Grote achool 1 dd • Upon rnotir,n duly r;lade and carried the follourin notice of el yr a itional class morn and adztoxa.urn. , g ectzon alyd ne r ~ re~;iatratian, designating the polling places and narni the Re istraa's and o11 holders s Total cost of tize special election on tree Port ~eveloprnent Bill vras authorized a:: the official r:otice ( 5, OOU. r)p ice bederal Grant - 45f 2 250 oa' saza speczz,l election. . 0 0 „0'T I CL Or' 1;l~; C l U i G',D ~ ^ ' m J ~rGI.~T~-.r~~ION 7.o be furnished by Ilew IIanaver County 2 750,00 ~ i r , 2~fotce is hereby given that a special election 'rill be held in ilevr Ilanov ' ;I~ Tile,,ton ~c,haol ~ ~ er County s - an fu~sday July 135, betti~teen the houra of sunz~ise ana sunset for the u oa f { , p xp e o New boiler radiation and ~i es. T1evr sash in t ~ee ' • submitting to 'thr ~;ualif'ied electors of T;e~,v Iianover County, the ruestion of ratify iIa T p hz casement wrndo>,vs, ~ r; g ~ giving sufficient light in dark basement roods and electric wzrzn he r~z~aviszorly of an .pct p:~.;,se~ at the 135 Ceasian of the General f~sercibly of Piortrr g Carolina, the sar.7e being; entitled, "I~n aet to a~utnor2e emroo',ver and direct the IIo rd f - - Commissianera of ?;evr ianaver u't - ' ~ a a f - total cost Co n y to exi~end money fox the develoument of she Port of 'i, 4,0:00.00 ~ u kederal Government Grant - 45~'' ,Izlmington, Ilortlf Carolina Said ~~ct being also l.nov~n as the 'Port Develo nrent Act." 'I{ , i~ 1,800.00 I ~ to oe furnished by ]deer 1fa11over county 2,?OO,UO . ,yll,electoxs rrho ~,~e zn fav,,r of ratif in the nxovisians of id t n k Y ad ac . ~lldtl Vote she he ballot~'u~zon ~,~rhich s't1d11 be printed or vrritten tlid ~rrords I+~orest hills School > { , 'I 2 additional class rooms, ~ ".1'or the act to aid in t..e ~.ievelonment of the ' ~ ~ ~ Port of ',~Jilmington Tdurth Carolina". Total cost ~ r G, 500.00 find all electors vrho o~ ose the ratification of said ac s ~ 11 ~7 1 ederal Government vrant - 45 ~ Tp t h<>, vote a b«..lot upon wYrzch trhich ~ 2, 925.00 . ' , s 1 ~ ].1 be ~ ~ ,r } ~z Trznted or vrritten tn., ,rorc~a, To be furnished by l~dew Hanover County 3,575.00 "A{ainc t the act to aid in t:'ie develo meat of ~ the '~Vri °htsbaro ~choal p , f r u Ort U~ ,j' 1171' I] . i z ,ton, '.forth (~rolzna. 2 additional class rooms and cafeteria ' T'ox the pur,:,osc of thze elr~ction, as au~;rrorize-,: and directed b•~ aaid r'tct t'rrc iaoard - S , a ' 01' Ca~;irnisaioners of ~~fe'~•r Iianovor. Court do hEreb~~ order u. nevr 7~e a~';~ rt-' Total cost Y , ~,f tfa~zon. ' a,ooo,~o 7, ede xal Government Grant - 45 j~ 3 600.00 , , The fo7.l.owzr.~ are deli{,Rated a„ tyre T.IO11ing places for the `To~~rrisriil.u,prec.rrc~c ~,rv1 f ~ ro be furnished by hew Iianover County 4 400.00 ,,~s ~ , " f c..LZ o.nd the,.-f)eS;iOii~ 17err:ln'af~ter Y1d61~~~a are a1hi01rlted aS Iie{;fbt,r~_~1'a ~1nd JUdIe5 Of ' ~l.ection zn said ta~,rnsn' ,)a - ~ r~ ~ . a~• 1y , ~~~Ie~~Il„tU anu _C1ni Idevr Hanover High School & airs -o fl ~,Vilrain~tan 'i'o~,rnship: ep t ooza, one new boiler, windovr sash and door replacement, g , I~fr.~t .,aid; haxdwaxe for exterior doors and painting. _ i Pollir~; i1 ~,cc ~ngin•e 1{otwe, 4ti1 and Campbell. ~ I-?eC;istraz• I.:r~ti.{crman C~irroll,l~i05';- N 4th St, Total cost ~ , , ' 7, 500.00 Judrres of --~;lection iarvin C1arl:e. federal Government Giant - 45f 3 375.00 To be f ' Capt. Chf•istman. urnished by Idetiv Hanover County 4 125.00 , acaond klard,]?irst !'rec~ T,r.t; ~ _Bradley Creek uchool r + Polling Place llementiray School. C. f .a Registrar ~.L.I~iurrell 413 Id 2nd ` a c,terza. ,St. Judges of ]Ulection A.T,I~Ia,rriss. ~!~ota1 cost 2 000.00 , ~ hederal Goverrvnent Grant - 45f 'gOp~Op O.,d.1llesuicl~,. To be furnished by I1evr Hanover Count Y 1,100.00 Second ,~lard,;,ecand Precinct; 11 ( A Buz.ldin~;s i Polling Place Police Station, City Ha11. R airs to Registrar C.D.Jacobs 311 Grace S re ep electric wz.rzng. t et. ~ Judges of :,Jlect.on J,i;..Ilewell. .d, U. Green. ' Total cost 3 000,00 Federal Goverrunent Grant - 45o ' , 1,350.00 'T'hird 'dlrad, first Precinct, To be furnished by Tdevr Hanover County 1 650.00 , , ~ Pa11in- Place U Czovrle~ 1~,.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g ~ nets, StYl, Przrlceua. ~ Upon motion of Iur. Trask seconde n ~ ions Registraz° I:iiss. Cazrie ~~~";:ite,~~',U6 I:{drket. , d by I;Ir. .,ass, the 1934-1935 school Yiudget a_!.proprzat Judges of ~'lection l.udd. Jkirden. were increased by budgeting the folloti--ring unantici"a , p fed receipts; David aloan. Vocational Fund ;1 604 • G eration of ' '48 fnzrd ,rdrd,a~.cand Precinct; p plant 154.00 BooTc fund 464.23 , t Po11in{ Place Tsaac wear Schonl To cover deficit zn appropriation Txeasurexs Uond preraiurn P.e~istrar ~,.z~s.,T.B.'rliIliancol~l, :LG 3t:a St. I 50.00 ~ Judges of i;'lectiorr 1,,L.}3audon. I+ Upon mo ' o 1 tz n of .s. Trask., seconded by i,ir. hall Gaston I,rra.lfclLef,tr~zn. , I.izlls,colored aged and zndigen E cz.tzzen, havz.ng been investigated by the Co,;.nt Heal 'Y U b ~ the , '~Jelfara Officer was admitte Y t z ff~cer and reco,,.men~.ed 5 I{'ourth ~Jard; d to the County home as an inmate. Upon motion of l.;r. T a k s ~ ion Pa1lin~r P1are '1'mleston x s econded by i;:r. I"Iall, I;~rs.Sarah Oli h vrds on recor.~nrendat ~ ~ ti,chool of the County ',+~~,lfare Offi.aer pant up ~~,egistrax C,.C.LeGwirl ~~k19 !3 5trr a , granted ari a`~ pro ? , t. , , ~ l~ ~~riatian of r from the , bothers Aid fund as of June 1st 19• ;p15.00~oer nrontl Judge,z of rtlecti,on ;`~.:Nr.avrinsorr. , ,j 55, subject to ti~Ie az;pz~oval of the State Board of ~ , Charities and public ~Jelfare. ;J.II.Re~;i;ztez, ~ , i 'r f r ~ ~ _ _ , ~ a I +.~.n 'l / p i i,(ceting of June 24t1 1935 continued. f 9 i.eetin~ of June 24th,19:55 continued. ~ fifth ~;l~:a.rd; 1~'irst ~~:recinct; 1T~on motion duly made and carried the follovrin notice oi' ele d hollin~:- Place ~'o , a C coon an ne~~ ~ ~ utrr ly ont N ~ eet, registration,. designating the palling places and naming the P~egistrars and poll ~ i;e~i,~~trar 1.`l',r:eal,;r~5 :.earF~ ~ 'e ~ of theis eci~al elactian-of the holy r p Greenfield Park and Greenfield Lake Development Judger of L1er,ticin ,,,L.~3reraer. Bill eras authorized as the ofilcial notice of said s ecial ele p ct2on: r'ifth lard• Iecond Precinct: r , NOPICE OI' ELECTI01~ AIiD I~~i I~EGISTR.:,7IOIl. Palling Place .Hn~'ine H ~ ~ • ~ .Dose, 5t~r,cc Castle Stye Notice z5 hereby g_verr that a sreozal election will be held in llesv iianaver County on i 5) Registrar J.R.Da.v:ia,.320 alt'-.1 ; et • Tu~v>sday,.-,July...30, 1,3..5., between the hours :of sunrise asrcl sunset for the purt~~ose of t+ ~I t P . ) t . t ~ ! i' Y J.rdt,es of rlec~~on J. H.Cuztis submitting' to the qualified electors of Ivey llanover ::ounty, the ;uest2on of ratif in Y g 1 1'obert J.teer, the provisions of an'-.act p.<~.:;;eGi at the 1J35 Session of the ``eneral Assembl of Narth „ Y ~ Carolina, the. same being; entitled An Act to I~errnit the hoard of Corrsrrissioners of New ~i..~rr 'rJard, l'z~~st Precinct: Hanover County to exiaend money for the Development and P;azntenance of Greenfield Park i and Greenfield bake". Pollin Place Ittner''s ~,~,n f More 1 ~:.a?. e~, i.egi~t~'~ar C•R.Branch, I61u r::a,r':et „11 electors who are in favor of ratifying the provisions of said tict shall vote the ij~ Jud~c:, of ~`lection Gc~cion I~ttner, ballot u bn which shall be printed ar writtenthe words• p lIi.11- ~ "F r t h L o e xet to aia zn the development of + ~ ~;.::ta j.~.c~.~, .;econc: :'"ecinc;~; Greenfield Parr. and Greenfiela Lake". ~ ~ ~e P 11~nC, ..la, ~;ine ~IEU;,e 17t~:,~_aa;;'.: ~U tr, v, . ~<.c,~~i;t_ar, J,~..;Jomole, lu i~ii`~svllc kve ~ And all electors vrho oppose the ratif2cat2on of said Act shall vote a ballot u on which + ~ p Judges ri ylection Di11ar~B~lla.~!y, shall be~prirted or written the tivords: h,::,~'ti11en. n, ainst the ~ t- to 'd ~ ~ c a2 in the development of Cape. Fear !'o~rnsnip; Greenfield Park and Greenfield Lake". ' 1, j, P~11inF; Place .Jii=htsi rv For tyre ur ore of this e1 cti" ago ~cheal. p p e on, as author2zed and. directed. by said:-.Act, the Baaru o~ + ~et;zN thal• s, J.~~. ;ie;; ' b ao P Comm2ssianers of I1evr Hanover Count. doh . ,t ~ r 1_,_ „~,~1, y ereby order. a nevr reg2stration.. Jttdgeti o:' '~:1ection l..L:liei°rir7~;, j~' ;~j,~,Sei~teT• The fall'o~vin axe desi hated as the ~oll'n> >1~ • g C 1 z g I aces fnr the iownshzps, precincts and, wards and the persons hereinr~f I;er named are appointed as :Registrars and Jud es of iarnett ~['o'arshi.~: El.eaiion in said townshi ~s re ' s ~ C ~ ~ I , p tints axed wards. i Polli::g Place ,linter Par'L 3ohool :io_~se, ?Jilmin~tan Township: , ;1 i~~egistxar ,O,Thoi:~~ :7i.~ite:.~ Twr.'~, ~ ~ Forst t9ard: Engine ::Dose 4th and Canr bell Streets. , + r p Judges of Election 1,I:rs,J~:r,et 'rli~~ih Po11in~ Place ~ ,7,I~,c.;ellers, Registrar P,Zrs, Herman Carroll 100 N 4th S reet • , ~ ? t JudgeU~ of Election Marvin Clarke, Po.! line Plaoe r,~ , ~ : ~ Ca t.Christman L ,a~,~.tE cnool :I~., , p I~te~i S%raT ~'i C.`~'a ,l0 ' i~~.J. ~ , . Judges of islectian ~;,,~;;,~~t ;;a r;,;,~~~ Second ',irad,First Precinct: o - Po11in Place yr J, ~~i, Jan:;,: , g Hernen ay School. P,egis tray 3,E.Idurrell 413 Id 2nd Street. t i 1'~llin~ Place 7 :,i1e,Pos±• ;..,T,a~,rin-or,> ;tore. Judges of Election n,T.Harriss. _ , > ~ :e~;~;, ~rar G.T,~he ara l'.lj, ~ 0. ~,J,:~iessiek. p ~ J~~~dJe:, of ;lectian ~ Juan on ,George. :.C ,:urs•ay. Second '~Jard,Second Precinct; Polling Place Police Station, City Hall. o.l ~ ` P lint; Place ,,,,.:;t ',jil;~rl~~~ton ;o~-per':; ;tore, Registrar C.D,Jacobs, 311 orate Street. Registrar ~ T - i r- ;lit, ~ Jud es of Election J.A A1eti~rell J ,-:Ieruert ~a.iri., , ~ , g . ~ Judges ci Election E~' ~ ~~`J.O,Green. J,_,l~~.la~.~e. Leonard Py1~~, ~ Third YJard,First Precincts . f ~a~orlba.ro ~:`o•,~rn:.thi~~ : Po11in Place 0' ow ~ ~ p g Cr 1e,~ C~e~,ner~, 8th ~ Princess. Registrar liiss Carrie 'dJhite. 806 I~,Iarket S reet.t l t Palling Place Lurnsden's Oyster ;~aast,,ihiskey Creek, Judges of Election Chas. Darden. David Sloan. Registrar' l.:rs, ;j.H.Lw,~den 3,r'.U•rw• ' , J~.idgesof Election :;,,Hollis, i:r. 41e11U. Third 'dJard,Second Precinct: Polling Place Isaac Bear School. Po11i_~g Place - r' use. Re istrar P.Irs.J.B.~"lilliamson 1 S r' I onset . arl. a~nool ..o g 5 8th, Street. 1 &erristrar ~,i;,,LeGwin, „i'.D,;~'?. Judges.of Election L,E.Baddon, ~ Judge;; of Election ?:xs,Octavia L.Prevatte, 11rs,1;icKeithan. Earl lying. Fourth ';'Jard; u Federal Point Tom h' ~ 11' s zp, Po ing Place Tileston School. Registrar L.C:LeGwin 419 S 5th Street. Polling Place t r~ l,r Compan;r, Judges; of Election ~1.F.S~rinson. ! ~ Off zee utate ~ or ~ .,~a.1 ~ Registrar J ,2, ;ir.HRegzster. ~ Jud• .~.Ta,~1or, ...N.D.~~ ~ oe~ a:C .~lection 5.~,Le>rrris . S.T.Ke eU. FiftYr ',`lard, First Precincts Y Polling Place 523 South Front Street. '1 • Tlie rei:~i;ration boolt of e':~c,. to.rnshi ~~irecin • A 'or the Re-is~tras ~~',T,xeal 305 ilieares. p,~ ct acrd ,ra_d y~rtll o,. :.ept open f g , ~ s•ej;z~tratzon of electors betti'reen the hours o" 9 + Jud 'es of Election ',V L em x o eloclti a,nd sun,~et of ewch day, g z ,Br er. beE:;inning ~~~n Jul: 6, .1935 and tae book • : s x211. Ne clo ,e on C.B,Vau~hn. red foz ~egistratsan at suns t g ,~at.irciay~ July ~0,1935; and on 5atuida~ July :6 1C"~ don ,J y' , on aaturd 1935 an ~ S aturda• Jul ~ , ay .July. o, ~ . f y X0,14)35 the Ie~;istz•ars vial attend the ~o ' ' ~ esaec~tiiJe - kifth ;Jar~.~ Second Precincts ~ 11zng l~lacea of their r toy°rn;;hips, precincts and rr~~1~ds ',vith their re~~' ~ ~ cf o eleci.orsw `l'ire R .•'s ' ba.strat2on books, fax the re~2s tratiou F 112ng Place Engine ,douse, 8th and Castle9 streets, a ~ e~,z tz.~_~ rill attend"the polling` laces of otivnships, Registrar J.RDavis 320 S 4th St" p trre2r respect2ve t ! , zees. precincts and wards tvitn their respe'ci;ive boolr~s on S ` ~ n om trle Jud 'es of L~'lection Rabext 1,~1 ie holm o£ 9 0' clocl::i,la, aturday July ,~7tri,193,,, fr 8 e s ,f to tae hour of 3 0' clock I'.;., at rrhi ~ s '}viii he J. H, Curtis. open to the inupeet;ian ref the electora c1 t2rne t~ze book e 'd of th ~ ~ 'd T s of ;;aid to~rnships,precincts ~md crards, an f sal e ector ~211 be allowed to object to the name of ~ • 1 said Sloth ~`Jard First Precinct; book. B~ ~ J .person a_~~ea2~zng or b ' n order of sire ~-oaru of Cc;:~7zasioners ~ ,11 , ~ sa2a Board. This the 24t~u d•, of I1et~ .Iar,ovei Co~rnty, duly ar~pzovcu Y Polling P1aee Ittne7 s afore 1608 i~1Ia_rket Street ReJ;is trot ~ ~ ~ ' 1 of o June, 1935. , C,R.Branch 1610 La:rh.e ~ „t i d ? reef. Ju gesof l~lectzon Gordon Inner. C.h;.Hill. Si~;th ';lard, Second Precinct: Polling Place Engine House 17th and Dock St ~L rel, lig. r Rebistrar J.lI.1'/omble, 10 '~Irightsville ~~venue. Judges ofi:lection llillard Bellamy. L.E, J~11en. gat: , ~ ~ . LSeetin~,r of June 24th 1335 continued, , ' , " I' ~ ~ r r li ~Ii1rr, nCtoa ~i, to , J ly lst,1935. ; f , Cape Feax lovrnship; ~ Pollin ~ Place '~Yr' r s r ere ulorr vreel:ly ~rneeting of fire :B:,aru '~~r~s .r td t , ~ t• n b lght bo_o S,choal, Ph g e a, x.00 o clod..,-.:. .i Ftel;istrar LIra,J li ' es . ,fir tbrook, I~.F.B.i~l. ~ i~ ! Judges of :~lectian E.L.1"ierrin• Prea~::~~. „duiuor; H~..rlct~ Cho,i,:.a,'~ Geo.',7,Tr~as1: I+'.i;~,Ro:r;; anu r~ 'r n~~~, g. , , 7.,.,Hz it..,, ~y1.F`S it . e ter. G 'Jy-a11 r)i;i0n, ~~~.lly ScCGt1aed, _,'r.rl,D,Seilerc,Jr'., Qf i'.`•.,:.,,0:,;,Ui'G i;a:ri:ai;ljl ,~~1';~ ;]'~.~ti'tL'(. ,~~Yt j Harnett, TOwn~hip: ~~~titG'L2unt CJ,f ~)ol.l t:C{ea fo?' t;/I;;A1' 1`.:'~~s o"'1 ~J.CCOiznt Gl' 1111i1era~~G. I v Pollin r i'lace ~ Lr1on rnati°rrof I'r~~s'.~ ~~n';c;:1 , f ~ ~~,'linter lath Scha -c ~y ;r :nto;t ;.ir~.J,...Lci, ,1 rl ai:~::bl~d `~~lorld war ' a1 House , ~ > Ite~istrar ~ Veterans resiclin-~ at Durham ,.,C, ~rra.s 'gin r, rI,O.Tnoraas, ;linter Park ~ , GxN, t,~ freelicense to lx;drlle medicine in tors Judges of 1~'lection I:Tz•s.Janet H' ~h Ooun~y far'aper.i~d of ::ir mani;hs from J'a1y 1,;t 1S'35• as ,~roviried 'n~~ la•rr in ~.,r.cclr ca:rea. ~ j 'r'Lh,Sellers. It ap,;~eaxin~ t'o the :board tYsat street asseednrents on 1nt~; 237 to 242 inclusive on ::(efts 3 Palling Place 5 Avenue Braakvrood, Hart7et~ tavrnshi ' are nelrad`ed in the 2~eecrds of u ,r. a eagate School.:House. , P~ tzc.et pa ing Fee is~rar as ses„rxents; for' Borden t~venue artd for that reason u on°c F p xaminatrnn of title of said ti". .Taylor..li.F.D{~3. l.f ' Judge's of Election I~rs - l its 'by Dudley H~.rnphrey +'sy. , t'.ne street; assea:r,nents s o char ed vras '`not disclosed ana i _ .Rosa Gaddy. ~ , i ~ ~ upon I.n~uixy arras inforrtred ry the Tax Collectors Office that no s reef even r assessment.. Jones.:.. P E, at (t vrere chax~,ect against lots an ;ietts ~vvenue,BrooLv~oad; Therefore u on trratiosr of i.s, itoss f ~ , B p sT'' Pollin. I?1a ~ r ~ s •conded by :;:r. Hintoh, 4~:°. oard unanimousl ord.;red that scree - r «^ess y t pavint, aa., ment.~ on g ee 7 Lti1e ~ost,,~.J,upxzn~;ers Store. y r Y n ked'istra-r G,T Sh r, f said ..o~~ be cancelled o.: the records- f street assesarnen~s i'ar 13raalr-vvaod rlilrnett ~ epard,.,.l.D,~1. a ~h~ , t Judl,e.~ of Election Judson George.' tavnN gyp. i R. C,riurra ( y U :.n ~4:ation of ,,.r, :toss, seconded b- ;.r, Trac]: i;i;e xesolutiort ado ~ c a ~ : ~ t P J , I to f t tteetir,„ of 'I x" Pol , , cnunt~, ta;;es under sc.redule B is terei~ ~ n d ' 1in~ P a ,~,Ir Su 1935 ?e in r 'r ~ ~ en eu ~b~ f irsin • the ~ y f, i ~ 1 Ce Ea° t 'rlilming ton~l,oger's Gara- ~ - i ;~I R ge• taxes on Pavrnbrol:ers at ;~2tJ0.OrJ rind Inatallin; lterr ~~'1 ~ ,r, cvators at .;r10,U0y;a_ ;;cwt. egis tar J. Herbert John:,ton, :Cast ',Vilrnn~•ton, i Jud esof Electi ~ g an J.F.Klein. i , • upon.. otion c:. soar, :~ec~rtteu r~~ ~ ' r .~r, .each'.., ,3n~:•r:. au'.!~r, ~~..;csz c . Leonard le. w;ae lr~~'Yr .t' cf r,! ' ~y ~~~n,lf mast of _ ,e.:~iu;:t:s on; "oor~cis ; 1.,,r ~ - ~ o a~shcc~a_ ~:ff icc_•s at ,l, i ~,~.~,;vil e Bec~Ci and orr ' ida::onboro ~ ~ ~ tl~:ree`speci~.l o'ficers at C;rralin+N l3eacls i'o~^ tl2w ~c~.;~r~n ~~;1F, . t r.ovnshzp. 1 i ~ U on matron of fr. H nton s d ~ ' ~ ~ Pollirtl Place Ltunsden's 0= stet Roast ' p i , ecan ea a,~ ,,Ir. moss, the Board approved the application ~ ~ , Jlii,~i.c,; reek of ;'Di'~a,tson fox license to cell beer ';;J I,c.gistrar l~x•s.i~t,Ii,Lumsden I',1~'.~.~,-~; r at Diners Tilling station nn the Carolina ' 3each road. Judges of Slection ~;;ells. ii,, Hollis . Upon motion of ~r. Hinton, seconded by I•ir, lrasl:, the Chairman. eras authorizes to , Pollin,• ~ proceed with the Federal Emergent" Relief Administration tnw~r~ 11Gce sunset Park, school iiause. J u..d the construction ~ Ite~~istrar ~ , • of a small prison building at the County Home on a basis of labor to be i'urnished ~ I~.Ia.L~G~rln, P„F,U,r~d, b the F'r~RA and m to ~ , Judges of l;lection I~1x~~. 0ctavia L,Preva -t Y a ri~,l ny the Count,. t e. Eaz~l h.ing , ' A request of the Aldermen of Carolina Be ch a b• resolution that th H , , is adrd approve , acid re uest the State H' shwa va bederal. Point To'anships q ig y Public dot... (,ornmission to take over al,proximately one :,tile of road an the Idorthern l,xtension of Carolina Beach as a part of the State Polling Place p.' ~ ~ Highvray aystern, eras upon motion of l..r. Trask, seconded by L~ir. Hinton a-~ roved. I~ if ice State Port ltcaltlr ~„onr~~an~ Ca • 13th, pp ~ io • ltegistrar ~ ~ , ~ r ! ~ J,E,Tza,ylor, I~;,b,D,;~:,. Upon motion of ...r. Hinton se o riea n n by L.r. Trask, the Boars oraered that the County 1` ; Judges of election :~.~'i,Lerris. ~ j ccntinue its operations u on the basis of the lc ~ ~ r ~ ~ S.`I.kle~ es. p J34-135 a1t,ropriatione pendin6 the ? adoption of the 1935-1936 budget. The registration book of e°. lr 'r ~ 'r c tovnNhi~,precinct and w..rd grill be kept open for..thc U on wo ~ •i ~ i • p trop, av._y seconae~-: ~:.r. ;'i,T,Blalce a c~~.sabled fdo ld 'J r r registration of electors bet~veen the hours of '9 0!` 1 ~ , r a_ veteran, v.as ,ranted , ( be r e oclc ~.,I:I, ahd sunset of ed~ch da;~ tree License t y'/ rnnin on Ju ~ 6th 1935 and the. boob o peddle vegeta.oles ana fruit ~.n lie~r i-lanover Count3~ fni a periou of a g S ~J > > s c1i11 be cLOsed i'or re ,s' a n j Satux'day, July 20,1935 and on Sa z , gl tration t ~un~et o i three rnon~hs from date hereof, as provided ~y lavr in such eases. S , turdaf, Juls 6 1335, on oat~,zrdat Jul"~ 13 1C35 at,c1 R ' on atuiday, July 20,1935 the Registrars,'rill at f y ' ' tend the polling places of their Upon motion of lr:r. Hinton seconded b Lit ar"r. ~ respective townships, precincts and vra s ~ ~ , y Tr , the ;arm and Drains e uards and g g re istration o , , r Frith their i•es1,ec,,ive boons, for she foremen vrere .ranted a vacation of one week a r - g f electors. J,he registrars will at S e cn ~•rith pay, and autnorit5 given toW~ r ~ r tend the l~ollinT; ,laces of their em~1o a su'as r r eslective town.~hi ~s „ p Y titute durinl, their brae of absence to be arranged by the Supt., of ~ precincts and ~alds •:~rith their "~~~gistration boob on ~Sat~.~.rda the July 27,13~o from the hour f ~ ' - ~ Y County Farm, , o o clock tl,J~i. to the hour of 3 of clod: P,l:t, at vrhich time said boots will ' r ae open to the inspectian of the electors of said to~~rnsh•i rs recincts U on t J and ward , and any of said electors vri11 be all I 'p p motion of lur. Hinton, seconued by ~`r, Trask, the Board approved the action of I otived to ab' ~ son sect to the narnc of an,/ uer the Tax Assessors in separating the assessment on the east third of 1 , appearing on said book. By order of the .board of Cor: ~ ots two in duly approved b sa'd n,risrionez's of Nevr iianover County, b~o~ck x`241 at ';~'1 550.00 fo ~ y i Board, w , r the years 128 to 1930 and X1,150.0.0 far the years 1931 ~ to 1934 inclusive in order to enable he t I{ural Building & Loan Association to pay Upon motion of p' the tares on the northeast one sixth of lot 2, due by James kic}wrdson a ainst whop ~r. Hinton secomd~;d b lr, I ~ r Y• call, the Board acting u on the are ioval of th g the County Attorney, authorized and directed h p xp e lot was foreclosed. ta}: for eriod fro ~ o•• t e Payment of .j~49,60 cor.~dnission on revenue ~ P m „pril lst,l~o3 to September 30 1334 to 1ii• ~ 'ss "'orrrer i Clerk Superior Court, the sane haven. been ' ~ ~ cT.ii.ll~rri i the matter of adjusting the assessment nn tr_e buildings °f 1rs.E,V.11cl;enzie b1 ock 146, g Paiu over to the county and is due fire west half of lot '1 0 Clerk, oi' Superi°r Court under tit 1 ~ r~ n account of their dila•idated eondit"o, ~a- e air, , r i r, tit s upon t..oti on - ~ referred to the Chairman and the Tax Assessors for investi strop and re oc~ ~ ~ . g c rnendation. :1 report of i;he Ladies kest-:Room for the ~ .pooch of ,;,ay eras received artd ord..-red fileu~~ ~ k re or , r p t of reauctions of various assessmes:ts on prorerty on south Third Street b~ the T~ Assessors a rox'r:2 i s ~ 0 00 vr- J ~ ~Statomant of. 1t~33 tastes and s a ~ ro ed i at r 6 0 00 a license chargesY to fire hart (1o11ector •nd •r~ourtt u~uid by; ~ pp g w , pp t . t hear to the c,orurty ;,i,rditox as of October lst 19J~ a ' 3 i ~ ~~nd ordered filed. ~ 1, ,raa received fiorr t:rie County auditor The Board then took a recess to F 'da ~0 ' i~ ~ c ri y 12. 0 o clot.. noon Ju1~ 5t1.,1J35. i r,. ~ Upon motior•. ~~f P,ir. Ross, seeondecl b~ r.r. , ,:A>5' , ,>r :r .~a11, ,~i,,,; ~ Sella i,Iay it;lfl'inlC tires released i paysncnt of penalty for• not listin_~ 1 - i~" Clerk, ;i accnl~rrr ' , ~ ~ „ U , of ;r19, Ogdon Place fox ~t.rerear 1.933 ar:r-1 1~.`'~~~` on ~ L of oc ing ~"ba ~ f r. o!tr file Oount y at li~tin~> time . , ~ ~ i' 3 ii'ilu.ington,Iu.~,, Jul, 5th,1.,,~5. 1J_~~on motion o:~ I:~r. .xi;tton s~ ~ , ,u b' the .r c°' e by i::r. Tres?:, tyre 1cJ35 asse,,r_tent of ',e150.O0 fi,~ed ~ Pursuant Y. to ~ecess tak n July lst,1.3,, the Foa.d o_ Cor~nnissioaers of Iue~v Harr I'a,: .~sse ;sots on brrildin~' on t:1e sou:thwes • ~ ~ ~ f ' nVEr i i otivned b Levi Batson et al w V , ; tone cluaztcr of lot ~3' b1nc1 ~3 County met at 12:00 0' c1 : vi' H ,,Y as made efl:ec~ive ~ ock Hoar itn-the Boars of .~lections to receive the result as of :day lst,1927 on acrountof the extreme of special el cr f dilapiaated condition cf one of - eetion held Jul 2nd 105. the builuings,wlrich condition ~•'c er~.ad °f ~ Y ; time vrhich said building has since been re o r e..i~ fed over that p i m Z ed and ~:n ua,tion , ~ of ,~750.U0 ;ras allatived for the ears c„ abatement of taxes on a vat Present; Addison Hewlett Chairman Jas.L,Ilall anu J,H.Hinton of tit F' i ~ and on ~ ~sFO 0 , ~ Y~ 1~ti7 to 1~u9 and on p55U,0U for ~cr.rs 1`J~30 to 1J~"~ Commission ,F e .~oara of County ; ~ u 0 far the ~ err, and ~,.essrs. H.R,Garaner, R,S,I„cCeella,nd and Jolzn H, Niggel members ~ ye~.z s 1, oa and 1934. ~ t of i I he County Board of Elections. ' Upon motion, duly seconded Oount~~r , ~ ~c,i:rlu I~,os. 310~~I 11~' > to v ~ vr~~,i~e a~~uroved i'oi~ paymcrtt. ~ The Board ~ 7 , of Election., duly presen~ed to t::e nrt><uissiosiezs, a judicial determine ' of the re n ~ ~ teen T:~~:c ;:;cr.t'_ng then aujolai'ned, port of the election hela July ..na,1~~3,, usiuer the rovis~ p _ans of Section 30, ~ Chapter 418, Public Lativs 1935 North Carolina. vrhich. ,,he :3 • ~ the ~ oard receitea and ordered ` .n 11 • ~ f same s ~L pread upon its :,reputes aq follnv~~ss { rl' (:1 e r•i: , ABSTs'ACi OF VUis;S t t Cast at ~ r: °r m , a election held FGR and AGAII.a~ tl.e ratification of 2uevr Hanover Count A16ohalie Beverage Control Act an the Tuesdw~> r..ext a ~ Y I fter tltc, feast londa in July A,J. 1335 , , . t ~ r ~ Y , rt aainl; t'r::e secoatu day hereof in the unun~ T t '.,Torte Carol' ~ ' } o_ ldevr Hanover, ins, at the places a~poir,~ed by law far h+~lding elt~ctiuns in said County, , ~ - ' . v i ~ , ~ ° ~ 2leetin of J 1 5th 1935 cantinued g u~ ~ 4 . , ~ as required by Section 30, of Chapter 418 of Public Law 193 r lrieetin~ of July "8tlr, centinuec~. s 5, ,Mate of Pdorth Carolina. ti Upon,raotian of ;.:r• ~?oas, secorlced ry i:r, liirrto{, Lire Chairl~ran ura~ ~;i . . s au ~ as i..,e cl to ~ i'urnish 1000 feet of lumber anti t°rro dozen am~xll window ~a r Election Precinct For the ratification New v, r p Wen for.:reiaizin~, fire 3 Against the Ratific - . a Jot "a . Hanovex u anon Gnre befitting n S i' h ~J ter street; labor to be furnished b the' !;,R•:'t, and rent Y ~ i Co n y A~,cohnl~.e T1ew Hanover'Count ~ - . Bevera Y free by }yrs. ~l,B•Coo,~er, to e'ria,ble ti,e locs.l k'~A, ta''set u an acrditional :resin' ge, Control Act. Alcoholic Hewers, e p ~ g' Cantrol ~ room trzat ti~rquld give emy~lo' ,ent to 3U0 ar;350 women thus rernovin- them froalr ~ Act. ~ C uirect relies' ro 1s• 1 - , Upon motfnn of a~,r. 7.rask, seeorrued c,d i~r. }iirrton, }.irs.E.V,lcKenzie ',`ras gxa.nted a first Ward 338 , . 'e and '"a ~ ~ 17.0 ' 'reaucta.on of ;1,300 00 abt•,esw g , ment on buildfn s .on the aaest half -of lot f~1 block , , c rd, 1st. Prect. u59 ~ L ~ n n l79 l=r6, far t„o; yeaxg 130 to 134 fnelusfve, on aceoun~ of the Ulla~ idated canuztzon 2nd. Prect. 316 ~ r *i~e' ouldn -s that r.a e p 49 ox u ~ s risted aver that erica o~ ' l' ~ Third ~~`Jard 1st. Prent. ~ ~ p time,; a,na an abatement of ~ ' 18 179 ' taxes on a valuation oa: ~1,30(7:UG for said years eras ~•rder~a, !'l~ ' , 2nd. Prect`. 243 83 ` fourth Ward 504 ~ ,,ar ~ ~ , _ 125 Th„ Doa_d ,r .,,~npaUhetfc Sritli the request of the Fender Count r Planninr 3oard ' Fifth. 'Hard, 1st.,Prect. 507 ~ ~ , r `p r 1 7 t r to_secure_ t }r ; 3 nat `rr., oin them' i.r an efs o t : r a ate..}.ig}I ay ioac, mantiine_,~ fof ,,..,e ,,I Fifth Ward 2nd.'Pxect`' 3 ~ ~ 60 91 canstruct;on ,of tree ~,egro 1~Ieap I~nad from Pioore's Creek Battle Ground to Vxlmrn~-tors ~ ' ~ Sixth 'lard, lr~t. 7?rect, 563 ~ • ~a~ A 2I7 ,r~tn 1,~,~ labor and. gill take ~~he latter up rriththe 5tate';Hi~ht}r~tiy Aictrict ~:~'ngineer. ,l ~ n „ ~ 2nd. Prect. 4fi0 , 134 Cape Fear Precinct____r 12g " on rr~ation of :.'x. li'nt~~n e ` , 54 , up i , s conaea .y . frr~sk, tills of: expen,~c for reds tz ~~z s, , i~ ( Seven bile Post 67 12 rrreals rind rer7t cf ~alliri r:lr;,ce , a r -re gat • n ~ " ~ n , A , ~ g , r, ,595.x1- fUr holdln~, .,l~ecial .leution ~ ~ Seagate Precinct 215 ~ 68 vuly 2;1~' 5 ~ ~:re a 1i}roved or ,,ayrnent. i F P~Iasonboro 83 28 . ~ Federal Pofnt 98 n ~ 33 lJpcrn n.oufon, ~,rly seconried, t:~e Board acting upon the follor~rinL; <,i:.te;:.e,nt l,rer~ared ~ i~ :Sunset .Park 187 ~ , ~ ~ , 55 l,r -1e ~.ount,~ ,~udito , au~~ipri~~o tll~ pay~ne~t of h~lr` ut "ti-e r;ro1'its of _•.ecoiuers Last ~Jilmington 234 ^ urt fo ishe , pa n ~ a I~ ; ~ 91 ,o r r e..~Yir1~' Jane ~Uth 134 to one ~xt- ax ,Jlr:.i.; ~;n , •ov' JJinter Park 3 ~ Y ~ ~ a 4z feed by !I , 05 1.:56.. _ la,,. , Expense ~.'8 258:39 i Total 538fi ~ s it ~ ~I ~I 1802 Less Cle.x ~,578.1~~ ~ ~ L '.!e further certify that the total n>zrf~ber of qualified voters re i~ g .,tered f or-said .~~,.,u~0.~,5 , a election is 7,188, and vre further;~udfcfall .determine and de ' • l~ i~ of the A afa ~ < Y dare .that the provfszons; n , et resaic~ 1 ~ Zave been du7.y rat if fed b~ a ma,dority of tne-qualified voters of ~ vo:~ts l,7~.q,32 ; New YYanover ~ - ;i count,/ at said election. Jail l 4c;'9.33 8 ~~5, r,5 ? 'i. i - ' ~ 'I STATI; OF N03~T}I CAROL e 12~IA, N ~r Hanover County. . . , ~r~? G7<' 40 a`ro~'it: ~ , ~'Je, the undersigned the Count Board f ~ ~ i > Y a ilection., for said County, having Cou.lt, ,r l,w_.l.~~U 1 opened, canvassed and ~udiciall determined fire o ~ Y riginal returns of she eleouion in ~ Gzt~ 1,2~'l„~u ,,,,~,5)r,~p , y i tho several precincts in this County, held as above stated do he• ~ ' ieb certif' that the ' ~ f Y ;I above is a true a°ustract thereof and contains the number of le..>a1 ballots Ti;e ~:{ect~ing, tiler adjorl:e,:. + said precinct;' L cost in Given under our hands c~ " this 5111, day of July, 1J,a5. -.~..;;/~~2_Cs-=~_:~_- _c ~ i ~ C-l-e; j,-' H,F.Gardner. John H, N` .el r ~;Jil{ni'n.~~o, ~ ~ - igg ~ Ceunty Board of Llectfor>N,, i ~,t 1.,.,.C., July l.,th,1.1u,,. j R,S.17cClelland Swo ~ rn to and subscribed before me this 5th daj of Jul 193 i'ne regular redll cieeti~l- of tlae so,zra ~,;a~ ir':,lu h' u~'~ ~ ~ z~ ,R { s 5 y 5. Y - c a t z° a,, a~ ~:~0 o cloc_. ~ r { y _ iI.F.Carpenter Idotar Public. r iresent: :1~~uzson ~Ie,^rlett ~.~azr~:ran Ueo. a•rr~L6]i A',....,.ous ~cS.....:ri~ll and u 9 J...• Hl nton. ~ 1d01'A?ZY SEAL ~ Y o lr.y eommis.rion expires liov.lNt,l~~~. 1{ h reC;U@Ot Of :~r. :~t..~.ul;elding for a 1'eduCtlarl Of 1;~t1C aS5e8S?:r~:I1t an briliQiri' 1Yl { ~ I{ ' j~ i ~ ~ :;loc]~ ,1114 eras ?'eeeived for investig.t;iorr ana to be corl;;zu~.~~re~'. fat he rle„t 1^eetin7.' ' I U ~ '1'he meetir;g then ad corned. , , , , ~ „ , : . . ~ ; ~ 1)l On T110t10n Of ~wr, lle.a:., OcG arlCie,~ U . :ij ntUa tat, i~Qd,~ G. l ita~L1 .1C a;i:i2;iaCll~il a i a . s 1, t Ori _ r ,.l _ i lg fats o~,,.,o,~ u,, .,,L.,Jalsn at Caxalina ~e~ch, irrcluued in acz•e'.age, an a - Ow~~v 01 y~lu'G.UU l~e_' dC~'e i'Or T:C 1~U1'~~?G3C: Of ~1(:;:il'117! u:18 tii.'•:B:i Cale T.'18re('ill: ~ ,CI erk . 'rlilminrfton T r~ e ,l„C., July 8th,1~u5. ~ Bloc1~. I~;o• lU5 5 loLa - ~ ,r',~ , . 1;:, a c, r ~ i' 121 13 " .1.07 7'he regular meetir of the B - ' ~ card wau he la t11ia day at 3; 00 0' cl acY: P,1~,1. ~ ii n ~ l,~~x 7 1,C~ { 135 ~l - .UO Prosent: Addison Hevrlett Chairman, Get.','+.Tra.sY: y ~ ~ l P Ross,J,D;I.Hall and J.li,Hinton• u - 13G li: - o`, The request of 'u'1,L,'Na1sh throe h ° 137 l~ A `w.5~ g his Attorney L,L,],Iotte, i,hat certain lots recently sold at Carolina Beach included in acreage assessment. e a:~is in i'. order to clear the a- , b assessed on a lot b 'l tai ~~es ~ t ices on the lots sold, was referred to the CYiaixrnan for fnvestigGtion o acs • 7,' ` and submit ti' is recommendations to the Board at a subsetuent meetin-. r 1:" 1 , V»'On :otlan OI F~ `,r ,r ' , it r - ~ , I h {ryp inton,, ;~ecc.,,;e~i o a..~: TraN~., c a t;.~n., rr ter ~i1'ie,~~c Upon motion of dir. Hinton, seconded by l~r. Trask the Cler1. o:' auP..rior C:~ ,.,~t 'uvod , ,_.,lL ,~f 3J,C0 ,,z,,;, ;l.OlJ:~r~r;l F~ , Corbett PacY,a o Comuany was x f n , ~ ~ , ~ released from payment of penalty far nut lstin> > g o_ ~.a,l,,r~.1 a,:,lsin;,as of ;.~•s, ,,w:W~~ ''.Cln.. , :~,c,,r ~i ;,c7f,;:.;._;__._ i'u~ ..~i~a =r - . 5 Troperty in Cape Hear toyanahip o= the ar 1934 on account of,beir ' y'=~ absent f rom the County at 7.isting time; IvTr. ''Jflli,am statement ~ra ri •.,r° t,, t~ . • a U. Dremer far not listing pro~ert in Harne .>uu~ o~_ .~=,o,r:.~r, GJ4 s , G'vel dUa , _ Gm `,.1:; ;aunt3 vac 2~ln0illlt ';:l ,I . -U.ii > ;1 Y tt toti~rnship for the ears 19,2 10333 ana l~ ,4/ Y > eaCl1 ba,n'.~ a~, of June 3U l`u35 t0'"Oi,~lOr i7? th .:i!?~1.:1"•::.~ti:'. Od ai, alt:'. , i. 1,; ' and an abatement of poll taxes for the ea s c a ~ ~ ~;':i y r 19,~2,1J33 and 1934 on account of being - a. non^resident. E i reliOrt Cif L`cG....,~ 0"u~ .~Oal:1 fG+?` Cnti, `f ~;~na ,~,,..,..I :t l ~ :;.1 . , J ter C Be h-a wa ~ ~r a1 t c s ul,ori motion, granted an abaterle year , ` 1934 on account of error in 1's nt of ~1.U0 ucg tax for. they ~~r, ,:,otion crle oazd ro ad r;:{e ..~a~L of 0~ o ;s ; ~ , f ting, stating that he has not av~rned a do. in three years', `k~ v~ ~ t L~a~ n i~a five blue pzir{t:; , g -Arepared for 'the construction of the proposed four roor, l:xi,ori :u;-luit~f; ~t i;iie Count ,f r , , a dome n as .1 application of ll,V•.~aldwin for li ue~~ a County-F~,RA ro'ec~. tense to sell beer at Castle rIa` ne ~ resentea zr~ d p ~ form and execution, 'v'as upon motion d J ' u1y seconued, approved. r+illiarr: henry.,. Ha,rvell an a ed'and feeble indi~ent cti~,eri r~c~v~ . : S ~ , llr~, l~~.c.l; u l,rineu U Y pi . the :.ssfstant Caunt Healtr. Osficer rind ret;ar,rmenued to°~ she ow;'`' Tyre application of ??argaret Garris to sell beer at loe~ ~ r - ch Road V . Y a_ ~<~la ~~.1 C?zl iccz ;ras ton on the Carolin~..~ea admitted to'the C ~ ~ ' eight roiled from Wilmington, was referred to the Sire" o~inty riome as an l~r,~ate. riff for investigation. it on m t i on f H' Upon 'io ~ ~ , ~ ~ - , p o o .:~r fntarr, seconded b5~ :::r., Y;,oss the el tfan cz .:.r. lra~.. cccondea u,. l' , ~ ~ , , i enee, ~ .r r a., j.,~, ~~lr a iilc~a ~ f o11 of-r ~ , of tl,e en{ 1o Went b a r- ing bills for office p runericari ~ ~7 , `'~'``ni;-r ' ~ / p yi ere u for t.re rnorrth of Tune wez°e a ~r~ ~~~1 ~Tete_an of „u~nera:oau „or.rnty, wau ;;,~•n;,eu rz~~e Licuir~tie to t,r:;udle rlauicirle pI awed for half of t'r~e amounts ~ i r: the C ol..lt~ for a period of t_.irty says. ,'Jestern Union Telegraph Co., derwood-E 1 ott :r'' h "vP 1'25~vP .fit an a~;li ~ ,.1. . Un 1 i is er Ce., 3.00 ~ ~~i ca.tzon of J.~i..31i,~c,i<iedge for LacElauc tG :;~'~1 1~,~:,~.,' u l~:c~,,~ic{n un ~'ilr; Car~;~linar ~pUtherlr "de ].1 'l elephone ,Co,, 1'50 3CaCii 1~L0ku, j)z'eserlted il'1 Cilie faz: ~lli'u ~ ~L'1;.,:~li i! t11 !c~~;1 5.75 2 88 ~ , , ~.r,, ~ r::i, James Book More 39 f i S roemalrer 0_ 1.95 Ripon moti o - a'., , , 0. Ir Oi 1 , :OnUeU aj' ._T 17t(11'1, ~,;~C ~ ,t11:.:J.t~U1' ',r<:. 95 ru~l'. OCi . . .Q11il i,~ cl ,.i t.:ia GOi.i l~~ ~1fie U5 ~ COp.,.9`0 01' 1115 iI11:~,lliil ?"E'. pt~I't ~'Cl' ;Jl. eil' l:lt(.+7. lli; 1il.l il; 1''i li tT t` 1' ~ rl t, ~l,.,r,'al c.'6 8.42 azrri, ~ A 1?hcn . fl+ ' :ra vlan_af rrHII1'~'Ori~. ,~(t'JO1,.1C.. 'J~: :..:.i,i;., 't'tl(~ rCCOri11i1C'rll!'. 1 .!1~ 1,!C ! ' 4~ t ~ q ~ 1.,1.1 1.~ 1.. ~ 1, r'e~~0•• tY;e a9Se~Sment 0I ,r3;," _u'~.0~! iL:' ilartil Ca.rglin,z .L~;? , , , s~ ~ f' Yi~i, l`1111U lid', J i•OL,,,. +f.~,.~ ''~rw~ ~ ,,z „ ~ _ , Q t, 4 ~l~'! ~ ,r z rieetin of J 1~ 15th 1~~~3 ~ u Y , 5 aonua.nued. '1 , _~,A ~ , ~r Ij ...~C %'1:~., a.i il','..L j' , E:e.~~~..'~.w ~a. ~t to r~'~QQ QQQ.gQ arld trle v[ ,P( i , .~„..,,,t.,,tti of ,,11,~~.,O.UO cin 1~I,rr1 end 'c. rOC r R ~~'r~,J ~.C1J Grl b ~ ~ - , the Bstate of e 1 u~lc]' - . i. s Pwnni.e ';lilliarrls black 155, to land ~9 900,0 anu inC clf ~.ricr _L o _ . __a,, ea T•:larr ,rrL: ' ~ 5u` ~ o~~' .:eci ~o adri~;e i tiv8,000.00 as of i>.pril lst,l.9Ja, wa;~ adopted. wing to ~ ~~1~ ,c~iera}. ~Q~;orni~.:~•rt ~c~r'~.~ 'Lac oosL for _~h :z:~E.] :~rlaaneis z.n~Urio iJoun~t,'r ';:aid. li:zs3 ~ ~.ncr'ased ta` 31~ per ;r~.n ?er c.~a~ ,dnu -.'eE;uer~t trtai; t!le t'ovc„1i1. . ~ ,J ,~s ten; ~~..lo~r.nce .,c _,.cl c,.~e,.l Uison motion, dul seconded the Board a a` coz~linr~l. Y , pproved .the recornrnendata.on of trie Tax c ~ Y to zeduce tho 1 2 0 0 ' Asseaso S 0 ,7 , assessment on buzldzn~;s `of ;'~~rs. Biorence` re , but declined her re nest for a f h strange to ~~1,000`,Up , a;rc] t~l~n goo:? a ~ecess ruo eet ~ ~ ~ urt er xeductzon, for the ryas on that tree same / l? o ~ o ~r1., , ~_1 c.~ tie c,',ICtt,'r,i.1n. a,sse;~ued on ~rn equal basis a'rith otrier propert zs no',r Y - The r:,eetin , t)'len ad ' r, S O ourxred. ..Zer... ~ ~ rf , i 1 Clem.. ~ rlillair~,pton r try ~ ~ ;`TiZrnittr,ton,Ii.C. Jul ~ 2;~rtd l93 s J , 5.. ~ ~ 1' , y i ~ Uoirrt :2eotir.~; o~ trle .~oard o~ ~o,rrttzaszaners ox' _.e~r <,anavez• r.:o~~rit anu'- t~~e tit o:t' The -re~ulru' vree'.~Zy lueetxn ~ ai' the .~oaru ~rra h ' `Q i Y Y ~ s elu. triz.. day at 3.00 0 .clock i:.;.., 1,n~Atan eras ciel`d tips daa ;l~lr,_ a~ ~:30 t~,ii., d`or the purilose of lihin~• tine a'~ ra rations ~ ~ , f'nr de5artrnents of'' City and i~ unty ='a A ~ r~ l~ Iz _ ~ o ~ v..znnents z'or t'z~cal year .ending June X0,1936, Present. :~drii;on ?7e'~r7.ett Cna~.rnzan, 1eo.,r.Tr,,..l~,j'.'a.?~oss and J. H. Hinton . me ;wired by Zarr to - ae r.~acie J oz~:itly. u ~E pon motion of ...r. :'oss, seconded b s, `fra;,,~ ne ~ d r _ . , Y , oar oxuc_ed ~i'1at=tllc r e r~.-, , zte;.ly of ~r~,. nt. _ .a_ non ae,rle~~ ,~rraz_h~~n o.t' ,:.e .:a~.lnt~/ ~,oL,:~a wnd Go:rL,riz zon zs i:,eo ~;~.lz st,, ~ ~ ,rl. t8,xf;u cik~tr~;ed a~;airtst n rncz an tln rn d ~:rt cl' lot ~ , .j. ~ 'ss a _ , ocl. tf~~1J io,. _ ,..,..bass s..nc~ J~L,,.;..Mall and Czt Co ~:rzs~ionel s- ,r,Lor;l:~ ~ zsner' a,nd Ja;s.i';,J~.,+aue. tle yearn 1r,U5, 1895 and 11,96 arnourit'a,rl~^ to 12.'4$ be can ' i ~ , ee led on, the .Mack ta.•r, reeordrs, ~ ~ zcr tlla reaeon that the sar~~e is a bountf'ul cnar.~e :,d r' , ~ I/ C a a~~l,aient zrizkrzlit' of -r ~ C ; n ~ ~ ~ Y to ,,ount,~ ~ ~-~u_soa r~..rr_. ~w, ~.,na~r.aan r,t trle ..ounty.~oarE. pres~.tizr~;. to ~ rOVe ].t5 : Cl~~zm, and #'urttler t,lat trrG Sr%.ld JTO e s~ ar ~ z~ L p rty r purcna,.eu b :J 1 , ~~prll 5th,1~9~ rLnu s 1d Jul ~~•st Zt~9~: Y ae _larrtei ~ y ' 1, e rallo'Yrzn~, arjproprza~zorly ¢rere uYaon 'rHatzan aY _.r. l~ ~ ~r - ' , : oss, s•..eo..-fed b,, ~,i.~:her, , U'~OIl rAOtion 0f' 1'r. r ' ~ , , ~ ~ granted by a '~inalll.r7QUs VOte. I, 1. r. ~ du , aeCOnCIeG D f . x'. ~.Ouw, .,aC~. ~d;~e;3 Cilar~ed t~;~i.1nGt 1.Ctlr`~.rd , ~i , ~r.~~,dle;~ ore third interest zn aloc.~: ';150 ;-'5.C1,i'ar th a . , ,r e e r 1,~ i1 ,ra r , s oracrea cancelled , J'aa. t~l~.er :.elnorzal nas laztal ~ • , . zor the saute zs a ver d` ~ , 30 60U.D0_ oz.ttl. A ~ s ~ ,1 y zubtiizl ch~..~ge a.nd said `llZock has since oeen subdz.vided • nd ~ .7 r~ ~ ~ ~ - . ald cff to various per:~ans. a Iu.ent_tzc~~_on .~u.~ you ~.,;uzp„len~ anu auUlllzes, <l, ~k.}t0:00 u s r { ~ ~41a?^t Identi~'icatiarl J _l..per~i; in charge, l dOU.Ot;3 3I I It, ~ l;n 'i - _ 3aard of ?iealtnt - ` U I"1 lIl Ot 7. art O i ..1:' 1 .tpgs, SBCOr"iG.etl i7y ...1". .!r:L7.l, ~:LC: r2~ue0t Of .,,r. ,r"aC7C'tU:i 1~~-11.ur;1 ti • I ~ ~ r , ~ , a~ t; at aal~,S'1~a arl I}:, 01 l'. ~ r (~cl ?•J v ~ ~ i _^1,1J,J .rlu~ 1 ~ ~ti 11~ ~ s t.1P , lea„le., .~ul.Iui,l„ hoa,n .-ssoci~,tiion oe ,rp ~ _ ~ , . _OlCoan~,J ; allo~..d tU pa,Y t,le tO:iG's Ori the eal~ab "tiCd18 ~upplras q i! ~I d u 15c~ ~ ;~'7 n 5 ,U„ ..J n~lrt of lotsrl;~,.l o.nci ~ blocl° i~6 ,,~j. . , , LLa' t'd n t~ re(a lli2'ed tC peel an 317~oil wn!1 Ca.~.;lC•~-.'1C~, :1 %a~:C l~~r:.,,l <1,j5 5~Q ,r .QQ L; x ~ can., bJ ~,,_+.;~1zll~.ar.>s War 'Lilc' 'r>,w,; 1~"'r, ~:,E; ~ i ;fir 1 _ an;L ~ G!11'c rn t` r. ] ~ ct ; , relieved a'rort ~L:~.'naoni, of !a,'~ a. ' ~ , ~ t%:r~,.~_r lu _rent,_,r, 90U OU t ~ yen _ty a'or not, 1..~~ii1,r;l~r.r ecii v ct~;iL r1:3t :1~~ a_tica urea-,~r'~ in ~ ~ the rl.~ae o~' L..>.C:~,n;ady l~or file .ear 10;.,7 an r~ccou r~ ~ - r ~ ~ ~~J,u~0.65 ~I° ~ , nu q, rl2,Zl:1~ 1;0 t,>:!3 '1, '1C w..,~Ct ")''0 r'Tt~ Le,.a are i7~i'!'i<1"G :.011 ~t";I,tE .~Oal'(1 0S :iealt; a aC,C_" wlU.l (cL tie i' J l JOU.OU n~:u , a1.' ,'i1111r~.1[U, iklVin~' n0 E;~ 111 f•~r ~ y F ~ I r - ~ 1 ~ n ~.1; :,urne, ,ras rer..~rrera ten Ctr., :;,L~.iw~'tn<~n ; f'ar ir7ve,ati Loon ~Ln:i ',°rit;n °~o',vc,, ~ ; 1 to a,ct. ' ;;37,'790. u5 ; { ~;r;on ~I:~otion of ..:x~. ~r.z~:~.. ,~ecEirir.;e~a Y, 'y. a. 1 ~J, ._1 .l;OT: t,.. Gz?'Ci ~t "~0'r0_ ~i` l;l"1;,J~~ 01~ / ~'01,'.tlt',.iN' p~,2't a'J'7r0 1 I - .C1L~o.t? aTl 0~'. -r ~r~~ / . , ~i ~ ? i, pr10,1~ an :~Ui1.I'(i 0i ;.i.a,ltil, • Q '~1k7. QQ . ,I i)i~,.,_. O,i.IU a i' ~1 r nr' 011;1 ~;l ~ yr , i~j ~ ~ ~ _ L('I slr ''r llU llne~' ,.,C~1_ „1~J'3 n a n ~ CC ni~1111a~ '1L'l ~l)li 1 ; , . , , ~U 3~~. 1~ iGi~ ~ ~~17 ~ 61' ~."~a ~11~u 14~, f :~~„LC1.1 ".;i k?a:'ovo ~ zr:~~:,co:;•a ;rc t~~ue cti t ,F'C~ , _ r ~ ,r37 790:, 65 I , J. i1 i i f anG - .'.1 ,,,,:le zn la2i~,,11, 10~G~1, , i 1;11":'Oll~~i: ~110'':11C1e?' a.nd U.nl Y' , nl n ,c. . , . 0 ~ ~_.u~, ~lrlr, u, :iJ, ;`,l~r u ~ nd ~ JU .y . ~ , ~~!te !,ol!.r;i~,~, caYt~:cr~ ;r. 'a ~ ~ r::;t~it,c;azr_~ c'%, ,mo,,, oz - , , t i .,z i.. ,Mate z n;ray ~,o.2Cl ~ ~ A U~ot~ ~,atzon, fire ~oznt,lneetinE; una:sa.nou:~l.v reco~t:liiiended triav t:ze ,~3oara of tea ' tr1 inci e ,r.A , t t1P ~ , , r;; ar.~,;.cy1~at! on ol. cre..trn ~ ,solar - U,. e ~ - C, ,Li ;oua jade ~~rzct~i~;ural ;'~.zr ',1~c;ea fire u~oz e,~-o! t!,c of one ._.,~lti ..tzicer ~ly,~,~400,40 per,year out oi` the °2 919.4 alloyed f • ~ ~.,oca1 lost ,,rne:"ca~2 r ~ a c znci, ~ , of l,er,zorr i,a pro;,iote a~;rzcultur~yl ~nteroNt;i, •t ~ e:.ses mnsa,larzes, ,tnereoy rnai:in~~ ills sa,lar -3 `600.00 er ea atea ' Y ~r r z n,~ d of ,~3, ?00.00 `I - n tl,a anu a~Uo~nzrt~; ~ , au z or. ul..>, ly .and ~.te 519.0- dal anre oe ~ e p ~ , I colas ~l.er~, to be 1_noti'rn as 'Ie;r _~znozre:~ ~outtt~ l,r Iricafi~~;~az°.~;~c+• the ~~z'ci ~r ail :.~.otriort ? r , ;roportzon d a~.ton. ~~z.. a~ner. air ices d s ~ o~ x all , .o, „eeonc~ec, r;y r: _,a7 J., 4 ~ ant;; ' c- . , ~ ' ~ en}~.inyoes as may he directed bit the ijoard of Health. i ~ v~ a- ",i i, ~r ;1leu 0~' ,.:O.,.irS. J.J.,~C~ „'ci, da' E'.rlGl r. :,.loscY.~61. T • L, precerrLa~zve,, of pile .,:e>~ic~,;i ,:e-. o , i~ ~ ~ , , . ~ .~z r, ,o ._olE, ~~11 u~rz c11.1 kl .,'~.:.r ~ ~ ~ z.t tit;.:: cotlaLy auzlli 1 ra!..t of l9~'~ ~ :Ulir:.n~ the diacusaior, of the fore ;Ding resolution a :Itotion b '.;r. ';;o,de - " 'EUi,: J'G'~, r,.,, ,~1'G`I1U8Cl 1~.~'J' l'~t(J rl.U,:.r ' ;liC'• r' n'v. ? i„ s Y , L;ity L0';Ts111D810Y]er °r ~ ...GC..l.G 11_ .l :.e ~:iF~ ,3.0: r „ ~ i0vu irU,a of Public r'~Dri'.a, t0 1nCreasC sa,larze;~ b 1.~~:~o S ?)'~1;P^ ~ ^`r n 1' LC ~0 ~ .A1 G1 tC11 t;i111e '~0 ;G1 J~ii'~ it Y U .a i7 la,u o,llolr, C., ' ~ ti - ~w > : _ y i .Il Ol ~,j,9QQ.QQ 7~Or r ~ I , , ~E,:,z ~1~ ,.,~,t ~~:<<, „a:.,iar ~ , ~~~c~ -.,c~ iu 1„ , schooa. dentist and convey ance to rerao,in the same as 'last ~ ea d ~'dle OT' uOli ~ , ~ ~ c ~l. •G~..a,,~~' ..0'~ ,i~ ~ 1 rld ~"~El° P r, .11 nOt 1'QCr:lUe a SeCOnd o :o.A .1 L ~ , .y, a ~t ,c.. to .~~>'o ~.1 ;i' ~~le ' ~,:orne• l,h,; :L~::.. ~ ~ th~refore not put to a vote by fife Cn.L~iz°;,lan. ~o~rreve-r 'rfiad~e 'oi,ned 11 l~. t I .;o,,l;,~,,; r r in 1a.rn .l.(i6:a. Z0i' ~;:,';Lt ~t!_l rat~l GJ ~E;,',1C ol'i ','1111C11. v.l' .'.J'~ ~ ~ ti above c ~ ~ dTi I ';e rl resolution unanimouw. , , ` ` o l ii l . , ~ 1 1~ i:1:;G." 1 , _ u 11~ , :'1 r ~ , i, ~ i ~ _ ~ -•OC ~-1 Ir11C ids; CplleC;tor U:`l j'Ur~;>d_ly uC~~Cyiii;Cr ijT'd 1~i~1;~ a1~Ler i1i-iV111~ c1dV@r- ~ ;I 1 c'~ ~l ; ~ ~ s i :.ueQ 'Giie U~zd l)?'opei'ty x'Or sclle OYICe c. '(rOC)' 1~OS' a0L11' GOn;;G(',1T' r. - 1~~i~11i% On 1 Sup e.i P ~ Aatzon an ~ dint relz6l i3,1;'1T0')riati 0n0 ',7C,S O;;t 70ned t0 a 1'S ~ r ' .l ,zti e aces, t;c~r.:.. 1. p 1 1 cent rte tint,. b'rldCz~; x,11 ~LISt ~.)tTr,1~J~1;;, Upon motion, the ap~rLZ'o>aria.tion 1'or l:~osriuito i~ontr 1 ,rws t"-~r r ~ t ~ ~ ix 1 ~.t .;~2 5JU.0) Uozntly 'JO 1 .'Ot10n 0~. IZ'clui:, .~'i000'.1~laL'l I')~f ..I'. _fi.'.~.~. ~!1C v i ~DT'1'6Eli 1 ~ t s 0 ~11t,; r,C11~LJ'c Q;.i 1GE„; r..., a izoviue t~a,c„l.ortatio.t z'or :G;;.cile , ~1• The >;'olloa~ri~n^ sal~r~ in cr~ , ,r ..c~~'ti.,, ~~.i a.r_ortLin~''te ;,itaout ~ ,I creases ere a!lol°rec.c the !'a„ collector. and ;lis '~s~' ilanJi:~ ~ r~ , ! `~l i~etLZ• ald ~r.: J. ~ a w is 1„int:, : ~o der ..o.ne zn ?~unCzn~~,ou, ',s ~ j I ~ ~ „ t 'Ii-W~i,ri;,,. C. '.R. lrriorse T l ~ ~ , aJt Co lector from ;y2,=JU.c)U to ,:~r~,5~)U,00 jointly, t _ 1 r~ , , ,can ~ ~ o lr, c ~ as..~,g lton Jr ocn"e rl 1 _ - ~ ~ ~ t. a:_ Ool. 2 OJU.UU 2 1 U U f~ 0, 11, ~ 0 ~i,,,~ 1111E- t0 9~1 ~;rc::'e ~.0 ,f ';.ellt• ~ f > 1' r it i 1 n , q .Q . a,~ ~ fLro e d s o~ 1~a~. , I Z.ir:.2uasseY, Cler.~, 1`,~~u. ~u u 1 9~O.U0 ! ac ',oa:L'd aa'~zYl~- Ll_latl 1;^e i J '7 B o n,' II 1"'500.OU " Ts6~4''00 ' ~ - _ ~ w_iv ce o:t t,_tc Con11t-, , + }n . r yr ~ c:~CO;iueCl .;'r~ 7. , tvorney and. ltpan t~O~IaIT OI' i.3,u-, R ,I ' ? • J .~Oc, ~~at..al l..,e 1 , ..;i '_-r'OC'10~ t``iat the' _Yet'1 , rr '^OIiC J.~ii.Dav1S, held 3,:at1, II 1p50U.00 1,~20sOq { tetierr~ -e Ccr~ ~ol ,,,,c] a: .~r.ove:i ~a~?.,U;,r <.Zca.. V o ~ e~....a.l.,, ~ J.~I.Davzs .Auto. All ti~ , n . , ` r i r~ " aor all - e - tea,' 1t , o ance same as la.,t ~~.r 300.00 , ~ , . ~ ezi~i nNe~; zn,,u-w• e ~ r,.:w ,~I~,~ > J 2 n ~ a.rlczden~ ~o .;olL~in~ qZn ~ L Allo;'tance f'ar ez.tra clera.cal nel 1 Oq U ' v c~tit:n July ..,tlci,l9~o nor t.le p,...;....,... , O,p d oz L:;c ~~r;~lover ~ul;:rL•~ ~,J.,,t.~;~ol; tr~ur.zzc~,~~D _c ~ rera~,e E,ontztrl .Icl:, The i I meet>.no then adjourned. ~ 'l'~1" I'n~~Ol.'t 0?,' ~L,~I;C,l' ~101'1''.~. „ ~ ~ ~ L ~ ~ r I f'ilad. _ ~^1 :fo~ t: t r.,r.1;,~ o, June ~'er..ezvvd ai , oz~. , , t...',~-i , ; ~ - C~e'r~. , 'r~~n otic,l of r. ~,c:Lu, c 1~',cL, t l l t;'l :~l r~ a ~ i c1,,~p11Cd41a11 QI .:.r"'~.ae~: ~rZu ~ ~ n. ~o rc,cr o.~ sae ;~tiz'o~it;,w ,3E,ac:, i~~l ~ rl ~ ~.lmzn~ton,_1,C., July 29th,1935. ,t" •i r. i . , •0~~a~, C y, 1t I:?iles ?a'arr ,.1,'inlT,:an Je - O-E, :i a] „1 r .1_, .1 ,...U.I, 'Uv.,y~ a j The re lr gu ar zvee..ly meeting of ,tile Board tivas held at 3sQ0 o'`cloalc ''',c, tL' ~ ' ~ ~o~~;; cash z., ar~ t i ,~r ~ ' , a ~z+lcred } ' ~ Presen ..:Zed. t. Addis'an Hetrlett Chairman, Geo.,~.Txasl.; F,1uc.Ross, Jas.ai.Hall and J. H.Hin r1 n, r,-, ~ t .n. „ ,c ~E',t~,'~ :titt,L o ~ n ) tt,?~ ~~i..,.c,l r:~s Thee i•ecei~ea. ~ z. e ,l state ,ot' Leander Bullard vras ,r:.pon motion oz' ;Yir. Roes, secanded b ;;ir. H' €ranted an abateme ~ r ,,1 ,a - y, zrlton, i nt of x,4.50 poll taxes charged agaxn.~t lot ,rlti, bloc], ;r9, (,arolina F"' I i'~~~on :.ration o. .r. .~o;;r ~ ~'laee z'or the r 1J34 c , ~ ~ ~;l i „uv authorized t - , ~ i~c I Yea on a count of the death of :.~r. Ru.llard stlartly ai'ter list' o _ c ~ ~ ; zng ~xme. ~ '~i1~,erc:;~ 1'~,~~t; ii:l 1Ju ~)UU.UU 0 1 i, ~U, ._:L ~1,~~i, ~ - , ~a a (,d,'i!~ ~U 1 ' 1 ~ ~ c~ E: ,.c_C...~:.~ - ponmotion of i;ir. Trask, seconded by ,:r. Hitttan, t~narevr :C<lr~st an a-red anEl ' 1~ zndi ent aiti~eb Having peen examined b' the Count;~~ ?iealtn Ozi'icer rand ~ J ~ aecorrmlended ~ r 1~ ttic.. County f ~r'~11are Oxfzcer, vras adr:litted to the L'ount Ii me ~aa ~ r: ' !t y o ~ r rlrnrate. I~, Upon motion of :ir, "oss seconded ;'z'. Hintim (,hr~ a~ ~ Offie ~ Y ~,a d al,t,,or zzed file Uounty „e12'ar? sr to provide.transpoxtatan through the '1'zavelers ~,id 1or L',eath'i rro~,an recentl" treated a• s,'t lk' ' ela j' `I~~ s ' ~ C c~ Proodson, a youn0 Y t a ex e ~.zaZ pz~al, to ~tai.t'orcL aUZ•in~;,,, Corin. t,ttus t reZievin the ~ ' g Caunty oi' Further ex' ense, p E ~ , r f' , 1.~~_- _ - ~-'^--nom,--...,« w _ . _ _ __,..r_: ,_.w ' ~ h+~ ,„J , r r 1, , C c~, i r ~ . a , 5 9 j ; ;l 1'lleetin Cf Jul 29tH IyJJ ContilnuCa° ' . ' ~ Y ~ etii - of` nurust ldz 157 cohtinued ~ C 4 uI on motion of ,~s. Itcr.l, .,wonded by i~lr. 'Lrask, fire order of this ri ~ Fear 't'ovrnsrii ° . ~ ~ , . n card o1 Cape.,... p~ hits ° J?A.rrJe.~traz aok? ~ c hedule :,gay 20th,1955, fixing the Uounty levies under a chedule x3 was arnenr ' ~ Point `1'oi~nsn~. r . ? , • , k., ? aed by f ixa.n ~ l~ ederal I ? ° ? J?L. Tayl or !3, order tnc County tar. on Photo ra hers at 12.50 -the same be' n~ -g °x ~ . g p ~ , 2 E, ha11 the a is nett.-Townsni v{inter Park Pre cin. 1 0 Tnoma., . , , mount charged r x p, c r. ~ amended. by the atate. , ttarnett •~Own~nlp, "ea~ate Pre C~nC u~ . ? , . ? ~ ? ~t.l,? Ta l Os,'? Y t~iarnett '1'bwnsnip, 7 iril.e Precinct,:.......... G.T~he ard. p `l'hc request of" ~r? I? Spain that propert in ;glocie 82 a ea ~ Y 9~ , , pp x?.ng ~n ha.s name on narne~t iovrnsnip, Bast ~lilmin~..ton Precincts,... J.Herbext Johnston. the 193tt tax books be advertised f'or bale by ..:the `tax collector iox the un' ~ },;asonboro '1`ovmsnlp, Lurlsdens Store`..??.....o. Tlirs` Rebecca L ,d paid ~ ems en° ' 1934 taxes in the name oz' ,~1x11i,am 4>fal~cex, a~acount oi' puret7sa,se imnredi ~ :~asonbara ``l'owna'hi Sunset Paxk'Precin t ately after p, , c L?I1LeGvrin. listing time 193.4, urea referred to the Chaixman and= t;ount y .lttbrne with , act. Y power to ~ ORIGIT~i~L t'~TUtt2>aa OF . r+'GISTRr~RS AIiD ~ J1J GBS OF BLBCT101~. It rerluest of 1;~. J. •talmes 33avis zor a reduction of 'the as~esament o • . n tl~e propert } of a off oxd :,ii11s ~s xef erred to the 'Chaixma, d .r ~ • ~ y ~ p , n an •r. .llntan taretn • ;+e Leonw 1, Carroll Ike istrar .and T h 't~ r ! 1 , •ry Er w~t.r the pay , 5 .H?C riutman and ry,?!'?Clark,> Judges of Blec4ion ~ , E ~ssessors_fox ~.nvest~,~,ation"and: report aaell to the .~3oa d; ~ r , i. 1 r at a sugser~uent ;neetrn~,'. at _~.rs~ ,~a_d prec_nct, liew ~ianaver County, do crereby certify tyres at the electiob } ~ Held tr.is day in saa,a County 'f'or t]e r~ur ose of sul~mitti to tiie ?ualii'ied .electors ~ 'Iuest far a reduction of aa.ressment on hau.~e of _~~a,tre ~i. bla~vers `lot bf- baiu. County the ruestzon of rat if zri the' rovs' e s - ~ ~ at ~ n s f~16, block ~ Y C p , z n of an :pct pa.lsea, at tlZe .1.35 ffi4,. lox pub I)ivs3.on urea received for investigation. sessa.ora o~ the Uenera.. ~:sseral~ly of .=orth Carollnw ,the .game ben• entitl ~ { ec An pct , G to autirora.ze aria direct the Board' of Cotmniss rte s ,re • ~ ' ' i o r of T, r~ rianovez ..County to e..pend ~t. ~ , i Upon motion of i:r. tto~s, seconded o tlr, Minton the action i' ` ' morie~r fors 'ttre a,evelo merit o~` cr t t, „ , Y , o the ~oardof County ~ p t e ar, ai ,J~,1mzt~ton,. rlortn Ca_ olina 5a~.d tact oeing l l Gormnissioners Jul ~'ttli 135 in namin I.~esers. ,v D ~ w lrn yr Q h u o v , _Y ? ~ C .biac3Si11an Chaa,rrnan and lu ~ a1 0 o n a.. t e P rt evelolment ~:ct Inc' i'oJ.J.ow~ numbex of votes vrere gas t• 'j; I ?.i ,V' • d casts, ~ , ° °Divlne an axed D°- Poison members of the ltew Hanover County t~lcoi~alic i3eve ' r rage i 1; ..anl;xol i3oaxd, and fixing the salary of the Chairman at ~2,40~)fJU ;oer ear: and For trre xct. ; ;uerber oi` ;votes 65 ii Y the ~ z ` 4 ' salaxies of :.:wars. Divine and Possonat ~;pl`800.00 oer ear :each ~ ainut the l~ct. l,urnber o'' t i ~ X Y , , o of said rnembere ~ f votes 28 . to serve for a term of two years gnu one:,for iota -ears t ` o be determ~.ned a '~a xnvided b~ and::. d s p J un er authorlt oi' Cha ter 411.3 P ~b1~ ~ , ` ' ,~.,-f`ur. ~ Hex certif' .that. there •rrere l94 u 1' . , . Y p u _c Lairs 133b, rata,fzad at a Y g a ~,fied eaters-registered ~n seta recznct electzan duly ca7.led and held Jule 2nd 195 " ~ ~ arrd 'n ' t1 d t v , ~ p ~ , , J y , 5, .and as per do order of Judge 'J Paul e tz e o ote dt saxd-election. J'nis 30, tla,~ of JO.IY, 1935. I ~razze7.le,,ludge presiding July 2611,1935, is "hereby confirmed b a unanim Y ous vote, Zeona Carroll:: Ike •istrar. , The Tare yssess'oxs having finished ,theix`vroxk of asses r<• 'i'T~ Cnr's rr, - ' 1 sa.n im z t an ua. . ~ g pxovernents, ma..xng , J t,e oz .~lect~.on? reductions and adJustrnents in assessments orx real eetate vihere conditions ~rarr A . I;i.T.Clru•ir:, JudjPe of ,.iectzon. I. ant~d ~ ~ l; ~ such action, for ;the year 135• the Hoard u`on motion of rT ,r , p .s. Hintonn, seconded b~ ~ ;I ~ --r? -Kass, approved and ad'o fed the assebsnrents ,;o trie undersi.ned do hereby ;apco'n ~e ' ~ , p so ,fixed b,~ the Assesb ors _ z or t.re e r Ifj J. _ I z t J aria Carroll tc attetrd r. ~.ttr the result above i; 19;5, by a' un<znimois vote, a certified to the rrieetzr?1 of :the ~oaxd of Ca.n;vs tan ~ L' yr '~'a: I _.C s er,~ a e novez• County to ;count i ~ and tabulate the votes in tre agave Election. ' Unan motion oi' _.:r° Trask seconded b~ y ; ".r. Ha21 Tr. '1'nou . J. Cause eras... . ;f c•7 n ' a110ti7ed to pay , the 1~~2, 1~~5 and 1934 taxes due by'.,.re. l;lizabeth aassex on toners in 't~loolc 1 G~~' Leona T• Carroll ate istrar. i p Y lf5r f ~ ~vitnout be2ng renuired to pa the ersonal ta~.es fo 'd ~ a ~ T?~Christr~an d_ t' . . Y p x saz ,fie rs charged agra,,.nst the , Ju ge _o,f r,lec ~zorl. ~ _ ' earze on account of said propert• not vrorth TClan!: Jude, _ oi' r ~ J ',Iie amount of the mo~'•,~. e e~t li. ' z gage on salae geld zo I~ by ir. Cause and :.rs• ,;asset, :,avin~ no e':uit n h C i y t o same. i ' ; ~.~..?:iurrell :~e ris tear and Joirn '~t ~ ;t, ~ ' „ , L iurr.,r _n~ ar,a (~„1..::e;szcY, Ju1~ea of Election Zne 3eard of r~ducation suirllitted _ ~ ~ A~, at :~econci ',yard last r:r, t yr ~ r r zts County 1J35 1936 but,,et e,~timat~a ar;~•e~atin~l , r ~:nc, lde ,.anon. Co'~zn~ ao ne~eb cw°tii tlai; at the e1e p n, nary C ~}1Qfll~ ::J4(3 154.96 C h ~ . ld 1'.tn u des , 1 O 1-1 ,1 ~ , a ool boots r10,4~0?00 total ~~;p58,51r1.96, inrludinE rniacellaneou~ i f zn sazd ~.;ounty tar the purpo•;,c of su'amitting to the qualified •;~otezs items amountin to ;,,2 950.00 to ~ of wait Count•~ to a.. ~ ~ ~ ti, , be allowed only to the e;ti:ent of flee amount received ~ e ~?ueation ai ratif,~~.rig ~rre prorision.~ oi' .,,n ~:ct passed at t,~e 14,5 cro~a t 1'ine.~i, i'ori'eitures and do« tax. ;;n item :k' ~ ~ T ~ Session oi' t.,e Ueneral ~:a;,embl 'oi i~.ortn < l' ~ ,~F c ,~,743.~~ ,ap>>earin~, zn :;aid buuget f'or ~ y .,aro zna, t're s,amc beinC erititl~,a An ;~.ct to , ~ street pavzn~; assessments vas not allovred, or included in the total of ~5i3 5'14,96, autlrorr.ze and direct the ::aaid oi' Co:.:rissianers ot` ;evr _ianover Count to ex~en~l 1aane s ' , The 1».~d re ~ ti'ras received for Ntud and .action to qe taI>en at fire time of ~ for the deTrelc went of the sort: of I ~ Y ado Lion oi' p "rlr7xngtan, hiortn Carolina Said xct bet al:~o p ? t'~le County's 1935-1936 budget. g Icnovrn as tare "Fort Development :pct". Ttre i'cllawin :nur:rber`oz' votes vrere cast: u i Ti T ry C j Upon motion of :~r. 'Trask se and t 4' , L , c ed by l,.r..loss, the Board approved the appl~.ca~zon of ~ or tyre ,ct. I,ur..ber o: votes 91. i ~ ~ the Board of Education fora 1`ederal Grant f'or site construction and e ui Tiro a ~ - ~ ~jgainst the rot. fiumber of votes 20? t ~ A~ Iy ~ Junior ]fiUh School and' Vocational SchocT at a-cost oi' `•'350 00`-u d ~P ,0 0 estimate , I ~,e further certzi'y that. t:.ere vrere lb6 qualified voters ref~istered in said •rec' n,t , p z c, I ' I ' Upon nlotzan of ~.:r. i,oss seconded ,b, 1~ ~ ' c - Pfi and entitled to vote at s is elec i 'ti's 3 I; , J r Iznton, Counter bills 11os.`JS to 13k ue.r~ a t on? l i 0, gay of July 1935. i approved for pay~rent. , <; °.rJ. hurxel]. :•,e~i:> trar? the Board ttren took a recess to 'Phursday 11; U0 o'cloc.l: A,2. A gust 1st 1935 to Jorln Turrenl;ine Jud e oi' Llec ~'.:;1 ~ u C tz , ~ b ~ s , I reCelve file result of si~ecial Creeni'iela rid , i.' ~ a Port llevelopment electiorwto be veld C..+..._essic3~, Judge ofilection, I July ~O,th,1935. ~ - r ~ %e trle undersi _~ned d ~ ~ ,a , _ _ !I,~ ~ ~ c nez'eq,~'appaint ~,L,A,:urs _~l to attend 1'ritir ttie r~.~ult above ~ r., ~ ' ~ o t e ~ . of Co~~~lzas.. -nez,. of ~Ierr :.~rno re_ count ~o _ cer rii'ied to tide meet in•~ f" ` t1 3o•rt•d ~ r , , ,G r , r , - y C Olrllt j C1erk? ~ and taraulcite tlZa votes in tale at;ove elec'tiom. i' r, °~?~urrell Re .i~, tra • a S. ~ t ii +Eilrai aeon i~i.C. ~ro:~n I:. Turrentine, Judge oi' :lection. ku;ust 1st 1955, . f 0,',=1.lressielc, Judge of election. ~ ' pursuant i;o recess taTcen July 29th 1935` and a, blic- . ! Lo a~ ~ ' ~ in cornplzance wz.th chap er tf390, Pu cal L tits 1.35,., the hoard of Gomrnissionexs of Atew Hanove h' da at ,,,cr, u,D.Jacobs, 1'~egistrar and J.n.Pievrell and Melanie K. Goodman Jud:es of L!ect'on r Couni,y met t ~s y C z :L1:00 0' clock c~. - ~ at Second '~7ard Tr1., for tole .:purpose of tabulatin ..:and de' It of` election , a;econd Precinct, TTewi Hanover County, do herelay certit' tt7at at ttre g daring, the resu election lze~.d Qom., Y held on Juj.y 30th,1935., to determine he west' " E• ev and this day a.n .,old Count for tnepur oae of u'bririttitr- to h , , 9 z.on Shall C~etiY .lanove~. County 1 y _ . , Y, P d~ t e qualr.Yreu r appropriate, annually,: fox a period of six voters of aaid ..Count - the tiestion of, ratif in she rovsions ' o ' ~ ~ ~ fiscal years, .tile sum of two cents (2~~ 7Q.. y> ~ Y g p f an clot pa.~sed at fur, _~,~6 ~essa.on of the General issembly of'-T?orth Carolina, flee same bein entitled " A ' on cle One Hundred collars of the assessed value of he real ..and ersonal ioperty r , g ~ t' ' E ta.,able in said County, which said suer p ion t ar i Co u~a.ssiQne s of ' w rTa to authorize and direct ne :~o d o ' ri c .shall be used- and ,e.;pended under thedzrect m ~ r 1e Hover County to expend ; I ~ one ,for the d - `T ~ „ c, . , and contz of oi' said Board of Gou~nissioners under such P s` or throu€,h ~ e~relopment of the Port of .rilmang~ton, I,ox .,t~ t,az olr,rra gate :~,ct bein, xul.s and re ulatson , _ such agencr.es as it shs,ll i'rom time to tim g also ,-nown as `the "port' Desrelc~ment pct" The follov~ina number o2' v ~ • , r e prescribe, for the per ose of encoura~zn~ ~ 1; ~d,e,~_tirc.ze oa.~t, fire use of the Poxt of 4ril^:rngton ` Plorth ;~,ro P v'thin the . ~ Tina by shippers and industrres ~i distx~,butzng area of aaid Port; to old in ~ ~ ..through For tt~e` bet. i~url~ber of f th P ` ' , ~ ~.ncr.,asa.ng the tonnage and 'cargo rnovzng votes 60. e oxt ox ~rz minr~ton, ~~ortn Carolina.,, to promote.and develo .the reco nition of the t:~ainst the :set. ;;umlaer oi` votes 15° ` advantages of the bha merit of r P G p ~;oodb tlrou,;i1 said art" p •~e furtrier stags there v~re 09 . 1.f •ed_,{. s ~ re 1 yea a z ate. re~;istereci a n aar.a pree~.nct rznci entitled Prevent : Adis on iievrlett ~hairnran r ~ r C - ` to vote at- said l ' ` , t' ~ ` ;cl .-1..3osa and J.ri.Hinton. e ect>_an. I'nis ,~0, gay o~ ,{1y l..~b. i The following .duly and le all a'- • the „ - g y ,~po~.nted, by tnerr:respectsve election oxticers_ of ~ U..).Jaca~.s, ;,egr.,tzaz. precincts acrd wards to niaF:c Ft~eir=returns ;~~,nover k, to the Board of Cor,-~nssioners oi' :,oar ,~.~.Ne~~~l~.; Judge ai .~l,eotz.on° f 1 Cowlty, maae their xe;.urns as f'ollowst Ire , u e oz,r,leoti ~ 'd' i lames B. Goodrian J d. • G or . I r 'd I , ~ 'i I'zrs t ,lard, . , • . . , • . ,ie t'lre undersl ned do hereb ap~ oint ~.D. JacSus to attend r~'i~.. t,ic result above ~ ...l,lz•s.T,eana `i'. Carrol"1'. G Y p Second ;~crrd, is t, Pre c_nct . . . . . . . . certii' ~ T,: „ - ~.k~.P~iurrell. a.ed to the meeta.ng of the Board o.. Ca~nz.sslaters of I,err i,a„o,c_ CoLlnty to second ';lard, 2rld, Precznct ~ , , . • , • • , C.U. Jacobs • count a.~rd tabulate tl:e';~aotes a.n i,hs above elecuz,on ' Third ,lard, is t, Precinct, , . .L._' , a.e ,mite. :L'irird ~Jaxd, 2nd, Precinct, . . • . ,......rss.J,I3•~r~illianrson. .,.'.Jacor,,;, ,zega..~txaz. r ourttr,,.~'~ard • . . . . .L. C.LeUtir , , , • . , , an. ~ J,~.l~Ier;tell, Jude of ~l.ectior.. r'zftil hard lst, Precinct g ~ . •,..L.T.Kea1,. ' ":.~lanie Goodrrarr uuu; z o r'i2'ttl ;card, grid, ~ z e.cinct . . . . J.Fl.llava r.~th ',lard, 1st, Prec;~nct, , , ~ Sixtia';Jard, end, Pxecznct,.,,,.,,,,•,• r~ f'~ ' v ~ • . P 1 ~ _ c e I.teetzng oz kugust let, coritznued, 1, ~ eetirrg az raugust 1.st, 1.ra~I, contznued. ;fie, Ca.xrie ~uhite, Heristxar and Ii,D,atanland anti ~Tkio r, az,d - , , 6f~ ,Judges of hleoti , , ,te ' ~ ' fined ao r2areo• ' .r~ point , ~ , on .,r:e unaersz Y ' ~T , t.Keal to atitena ~'+itn the result abavc at `Chird rlard .~~rst Precinct Ptew,i~anover C t ~ , , , oun y do, hereb certit 1 Y tnat at the certzized to tns,meetznr~ oz me ?~oar~i oz Commzsszaners oz .;err ~,nover ~o+ electzon held .this da zn sand Gaunt -f oz tr:e ur o~ ~ a~tY Y Y p p .~e of subrnzttin~ to tt2e o;ua1 to taunt ~:ns tia5ulate tt:e notes a.n the above election , if zed electaxs ofi' said Count the ue . y, q st on os ratzz zn the ~rovzszonf~ Y ~ T at ~.n ract paasEd S 3 'the 135 ~.sssian of" the ueneral iassembly of c~orth Caxolifta the ar. at ! , ~ , sine being ~nt~tled An A~et to autr2axzze and direct the .doard of Gorrottzsszoners of ivevr .ianovex C T+y F _ . • , ' G, ' e end mane fqr the develo ment 'oz: h . Y ounty o r,. T. r~eaL, ?eCistrar, Y p t e ort o~ ,rzlri_r.t,ton,i(ori;h Cdro;lina'~i „~.R05°ran JUCf e al ,~18Ct~,an. ~ 'Said i:ct ben also Irnovrn as _the "Port .D v ~ „ f ~ g e elopment tact .The follatvzng number of ~J`tt.I3reiner ~ afe f i;l , , vote yr , u g_, o ectzona s exe cast, z ,re, v.rs,Davzs, registrar ar2d 1~rs.G',r~,a~avis and ueoP.Ga~zoxa Judse i G s o1 ,~lec ,zan at ; liar ~:re ~?at. Zttnn'aer of votes 1~0. },if`th "raid "eaorYd Preainat I;etiv n r , , , , ove_, County, de Hereby cextzfy .that at the , A ainst `the tier, Itur.~ber, of votes 24. • ~ election held tnzs day in said t; a r J o my zor trl~ purpose oz uubmittzn~; to the ~ualifiea p t •s of said Count a r . e1.,c az y, the.. ,uestion or _atzfyrng trio pxovf:rions as' an ~+et passed at i r > ,°Ie fuxthex certit' that here were 248 : ualii'ie ~ ~ , Y q d votcr~ re; zu sexed 'in a.5 s o _oi h U r , . , ~ saia precinct , rte 1J 5 e sz n t e eneral ~.s,,emoly af' I~oz to Caxolina, the taros being errtitled!~~n; and entitled to vote s,t sand election. Ttizs o0 day oz J l J u y 1~Ja5. Act to autnorz~e and direct thee Board of', Car~izis si one ~ ` r.: of z~ev kianover County to expend ~ ~e~ i'or the develo went of r f . ~ n , mor p the ort of „z1m.n~ton, Ilorth Carolina, . saia tkct being alp o Carrie ,,bite, tegietrax, i.novm as the °PQrt ~evela ent rlet", The foTlarr~ o ~ , I~ -ng number of votes ~~rere casts v~ j ~ ki.D,Stanland, Judge of kllection, J.Iio~gard Jud~°e' of %lecti r , ~ un. -r ar the Act.. ~~~tuaoer as votes 5II. ~I A ainst the ti t.Piumbe ~ c rot votes 1b, ,fl ; i ;le the unde2iszgned do kiereby aj~poa.nt C.S, ;'mite to attend ~r~ith the rw,;;ul4 aLav e i~ ; ~ certif`ied to the `meeting of tree k3oard of Car,•unissianers o ' A, "a , , , , _ z eve n Hover Count to= ;le f"urtner certzf that tuexe vrere 1,58 , count and tabulate the votes in the above lets Y Y qualifzea voters rega,sterea zn saia I}reaznct a~ . , tzon. a nt tlpa to vote.,.... ,d an e z ~ at said election. znz~ 30, day of July 1965. , 1~ ~ ' f' CS,~;'~hite, ~~egis tzar. . , ~ . , J,.~,1lavzs, ~ ear. _,e z,s ! , ~ H,:U,Stanland . Jud e of ;~,lectzon. • i ~ Iss,C.r~,Dava. Judge of Election. s " ! J. Hog~;ard Jud e of ~lectrorr + , ~ c~eo.P.Gafiord Jude az Eleatzon. ~ + ~ ~ a'~e Firs . J d ,1 r` A ~ , ~ , , rz l Tarns o2i e ~ is tear and If x' • ~ ~ n , 4i ,G , rs,:,,~,I~cl~s~ztr2an and I,~r.,,C,,~,Trott; Jud•es she unaer:,zgned do hereby ap aznt J,??,Davzs to attend rr h ' ' of Erection at 'rh' d a ~ ~ y ' ..~s p zt the result :above ~er~ifzed ~ zx ard, stand lrecznct, Ileac ;Ianavez Count cia herebt ter. to tine. ireetzn o1 tr:e ~ ~.d ~ m ~ T,r f 1 ed~ ~ Y, J tzf,~ that ~ oa_ cs da~.,rozsszoners of _.ecr ~.anorer County to count and tabulate t i t the election held .this da~~ in said County for ..the. ur 2ose of s br ' . [ , ~ 1 u nzttin~ to tale tree votes zn the above election. ~ t' t e i tualzized voters of sand County,... she question oi` ratzfy~ng teas rotri5ians of • n ,r ~ p aet J.R.Davzs, .,egzstrar. i) i passed at the 1935 Session of, the' General l~ssembly oi' l~;or`th Carolina the p • - , „arse being - 1r5.C.Y.,..~rzs Judr;e oz Llecta.on, ~ , ~ pl. ~ en ztlea An xet to authorize and direct the hoard of Camnzsszanexs of kern ~;alloTrer r • pl Geo.P,Gafro.d J d~e az , cr G lectzon. County. to expend move f`or trie develo m i ~ i~ Y p _ent of the Part of s~llrnz,,~i,on, 3;orth Carolina", aazd 'Act being .also ~~noi+m as the !'Port .ud ~ ~ ; i ~ ~ ~ ; ~ velopmen , .Act , :.The f ollovrzng number of =~e, , C u lzn and Ue d ~ ,,._...~ranch ..e 2.,, ~xa~ e:nd J. J.Lo h r ~ r a T C _ or~r e Laug.z].zn, Judges of election i it votes vrere cast:' at Cixtn 'f•Ja:rd, 1»'irst Trecinct, 17evr ~ia,naver ;;otznty, ` do Hereby certiz"y_ that at the ' ~ I+ For the het. Plunl'oer oi' votes 57. - elect.an held this day in said County f`or the purpose of submi ~tinj- to the ualif'ied 1. Against th.e pct, i~iurnl,~er oi' voi;es 05 electors ai' said~~ounty, the goes ion of rati.~' in tJje rovisiota ox' a 'e -rvs the 1935 ~esszon oi' the General Asser:bly of Ilorth Cdrolir~e;, tYie ;;aloe being e..titled ;~le i'urtller certify that t~t~ere wexe 122 n,ualii'ied votes re ~istexed in saia ;,recinrt "An t-yet to: dut:;orize and diz•ect the :Board of ~or.~nii' ' o : e a',; g a.ssz r ere 01 ..e r a~.novex County to ' and entitled to vote at said election. `i'bis 30 day oi' July 1935. ex~~cnd rione~ for t:~e ~ievelo vent oi` the 'r ~ ' i ~ , f y p ozt of ~~.~1mi,raEi,o21, ,.or.tn ~xolina aaza Kct ;i being also Irnativn as the "Poxt Jevelopl~+er,t art". The iolloai;.~,G :iii ,er cif' t~al;rs.~ •re••~: u~i;,t: ,:rs.,T,'3,'~'lilliamson, rie~i,~txar, . `i i,:rs.P,S,trlclteitil ,n Jud e of Election ; ~ - I: I:r , ~r , - ~ , ~ ' g , ~ or t e .act, ..umaer oa rotes ~.7. _r ~.rs.h,I;I.1'rott Juu~e of Eleation, x.ainst -the t ; I L ~ e Itunber o~ votes.. .57. ~ i >re th roe ~ e' undexsi •ned d , - o hereb as oznt ~ .p r~rs.J.d. t;zllzacrson to attend vr' •rI. h suit above ~urtrier certif tr , ~a zt t e xe Y a~ there ~~ere 375 ~uali~`ed voters re,zsterea z2r d i. certzizea to the meetzn~• of the Board of C ruu' T r ~ + ' a L sae pxeexnct ~ ~ zsszonezs of P.etir lldnoveL County to coun~ ~ na ent;tlea to vote at said election. This' 30 day of Jul 1935 • ~ ~ Y and t~ibulate the :votes zn the... above' election.- ' I " ~ ~ C.k;.Brattcn, rtegzstrar, 1~{ ' ~ ~ r:SS. J.$.~91.1 ~ r f z , zamson, Ile~,zstrar. , J, J.Loughlin, .Judge oz` election. i i hrs.. R.S.I•,kclterthan, Judge of EJ.ect;:on.: Gertrude L u*il'n a G z Jude oY .~leatzon. I i,trs. E._~,Trott Jud e of Llectien. , ; .re ~~.e uraersig2leri da hereb r aa'Jaillt C.~.Branch to atteriti vr' th , 5 ~I z the xesult above " ,le, L C.LeGwin, aegis tear and F,D.~te]. j~es and ;r,H.P,e ~ eer:.zf ze , , ,_~r , . i g~.ster Jud ss of .~J.ection at d to tyre ir2eetzn of t:ze Boarci az C r:nn ~ Yr . r oorth precinct Iderv I~anover Count ` da s ' ~ ~ ~ C o za zaners of I~ety ~;anave~ County to y,, _ierebf certii' that at the electzosr hela this cat?rnt ana tabulate she vot ' ~ ' Y es zn the above elect r. zo . ~ day xn said County for the pur ore of 'submitt' ant p zn~, to the qualified electors of saia Co " the guestiarr of ratif in~ she: o , Y 6 pr va.szons of an .act passed at the 1935 Session o1 the C,T?.Braneh, l~ef;;i;:;trar. ~ ' ~ General ~.ssembl `of h;arth C of Y ar zna the same bein ' L y . • , , na ~ , ~ en~itled An_xca to au~tlozz~e a J.J,Loughlr~, .Tudi;e of .Electiox, direct ttle'Board of Goranlzsszoners o II tiv' f e klanover Count, to ex end mone for`=the G d : ~~Y n p Y er~ru e Lou~,.~1a.n, JuciCe o1 k,.leatzorl, i development. of the Part of ;(ilmington Plorth Cazolina a" f wn as e , . a zd net also ;bezng_.k.n° ; the "Tort Development Act". The tolaoaviii n c ;le J.n.,dornol ~ g ur.~ber of votes mere taut, e> ~e~;istrar a21a 7;,.~.x11aI; ana ~,P,Duncan 3ua~es or z ectzon a 1 ,,wed, ..~cana exeeznct, ^,etr ra;nover County, do hereby certzf' ~ tkzat at -.tire elect' r Y zo i rl For ti2e Act. Held.-t:,zs day in said Couht~ tox the ur ase'oi' subrllttiil to tine . ...Plumber at votes 131. p p ual ainst, tY2 n . of said 6 9 it zed electors e ..ct. Idumber of votes 121. ..ounty, the question oi' ratit'yin8 the.. provisions 01' an':~ct' 's,ssed at the p 1035 cession of the ve:eral sserlbl of Iiort.~ Carolina tk2e s.;rae b sing entitled , An Y : , ';9e furthe_ certif that blare vre .a t _ ; __Y re '258 qualified v e ~ • inct c to authorize and direct -the Board of oil2~rl s ~ ~ , and e of rs re~;zstered zn.said pest 4 ~ C z sza2lez.~ oz Ire~r ~ianover; County to e,cpend ' ntztled to .vote at said election. 'Thi ` 3 ' rnor~e xor t~~~e ~ ~ , , s 0, day of July X935. J development of the .port oz .tzlll;i2l~ton, Plarth Caral~.na , Sa1d :act been ' r also l:novm as the "POxt ?~evelo ~ment ket", The follovrfn : ~ a~ I g nuriber'_ of votes 'vrere cast: ' LC.ZeGvrin, tie °istrax, G 3 t .r`D.Stel'~'es Jud~•e of ~a u ~ or vote ,L ~Gr tt2e rtat, i~l Irlbe'" ' J , ectzon. s 1 3. f ~ ~ 'r ry°I.ki.Re. istex s I g ,;'Jude of Election. ~Cazn t t 1.e :,e number oz_ votes 2~. ,;ed r , ',Je the undersi ned do hereb a~ ;r _ C Y _ point L.C.LeGvrin A • ertzfz e furtt2er , , a: r . ; , . to attend aritn the result above c certify ~r1at there. vrere 209 aualzfzed vo~er~ re~,zstsred ~,n sazci pzecznct to the meeting of the'13oard-of Cot~niss ,r late.: and toners of I,eav Hanover Count to count and tduu entitled to vote at said eleataan, Tnzs a0, da,~ of Jul l~?35. Y Y t the votes in the above election. t i t L:C.LeGtirrin, ajegistrar, 4a:,',omble ~e .if.~trar. ' , g I`.D.Steljes Jud e oi' E1 L l , g ection .~„A len, .Judge oz Election. g , udge of Electzona .,,P.Ihincan, JudCe of ~,lectzon. 'ire, ~'.T,Keal Registrar and 5.'~J.ktoiva , _ , , nand vJ.ki:Bxemex J d r ,°iard, ,,e tree enders' r " • ~ •~r , , ~ ; u gesoz_P,lectzon at Fzftr ~ z~nea to hereb a~2oznt J..{. ,oz.<I~le to ~attene~ ;v~tt1 the ~ ~ , , ,~a.rst P e zn t etv-: Y r~ re,~talt above Derr f r c e , Pl ~ranovez County,do :hereb ce , , s to tree ~ , , f. , , ~ . ~ ' - z tea ~ ry Y rtify that at the election hela tnz eetih~ of one ~oarcl of Uo^~Iizs.~zoner~. of i,ear tianaver Count a y to count ana-tabulate day zn saia: Cow2ty i oz the per ore oz - - ;t, , L ej, p submitting to_ tkle qualii'ied voters of sara County.:.... t .e votes in the aoove Election. ' the question of ratifying; tkie provisions. of an Act - a c 'the *y i i a i p sled-at the 1J35 Session of T` i t2.ar, a. } . , ~ Ueneral Assembly of north Carolina to , e sa,::e being entitled'~~21 dot to aut:;ori.ze ana L,=,.~11ei1,Judge ai' Election, direct rile Board 'of Coy=ul2zssa,oners `of' P;ety . a ri nover:County to expend mone~Y f'ar the r Duncan, ,,Tudge of Electia2l. ` d ea.. ' development of tY2e Part of i~lmin~ton G , Ploxth Ca ~ „ rolzna .Said act 'bein ale o ainovrn as g F. 'the Port Development Act ,The t'allovrin ,e :'x ~ ,u r, ~ , , g number of votes`yvere casts ~ s. ~.__.,ro~turao~,:.e~;zstr.~.r ana .~.5,:.crz°zng a,na ,,.~.;;o~ttor ,lud.:~s az' ~l~ct'o~i g z F at Ce,1,e 1'earrre>;inot, I~;err Hanover County, do ilereb~ certii'r til~~t ,rt , h ~ ~tr2e eleaUzOn f For tkie A t ' ` c Idtu~ber ov votes ll3 eld a t U.1zs :~av zn said Count; far tae ur Hue of sub7rizi.t 27- Against the .ct, • o± • ~ y. p, ~ , o ttie 4,ur~11f`ied cleataxs Itumber.,of u~,zd ~ounti the ue t; •Ir_c ,1-~ ~ w verse 3~,: , s u z za,tzf 12 tree ra~,zA tan., ~ ai o.n east r1as;;c;cl at the' 1935 . ~esszon af- ties General s~eribl • 1' r, °I~2i rya 1. i ~ ~ A lax - ra 1nI~, i;he S~.Sn~ heir " ~rl ' ~ ri ~ y' ` ,r7e f`urtr2er cextzf`y ~k2at, there vrere 24~ u -~a ` ; , ~ tzt~.ed_- :~n ;pct . q alzfzea trotexs re is r , . recznat ~.u.rorizc ant, dz7ect the ,ward oz t,au:IZSS2:orlcrs of ~lety ,a ~ ~ , te_ea zn saia p Ii~,vez ~oant and entztlad to'vote at'' aid electz ~ ~ m," 4Y Y on. one ~ ~ y tcl,e spy ~i~l Taus a0, day :of JtIlSJ 1935. ~ or tr!u uevelol~ment of trze .Dart af` ;~z11~ri2gton 'artlz C~.r°aI.' . , F. u..~eaa tier 1'.r 7i k .k rn , zna , .ja.i,a.{.~ _i('t .)t'lli~' P ~~n n r+ Jr,x .~.T,ILea1, ie zstrar _:.a as t..e Pa~ ~ rel~,,,,~en~ .pct , ,r!,e o11o•a1.rl. nu,i ' i I n C g ue~ t11" votes a°re,•c; ca:~ i s .F~otivan~ Jude of Election. . ~ .?i.BreMer Judg ; ~ i!a1 ,:c •act, r,urnber oz' votes 1S , e o' E:.ectian. a ~~azrls, u:ie, ,ct. Iduraber of voles 11 l° , ~ ~ L s a:, _ . F ~ o-..-...._....... 1 ~ , • f r a.a.Y.~ I , . r ~ , .~,eetin^ az' ,iur'ust Lst '1905 conLinized. - r 9 ;162tin~; oa ::ll{LT~t .L~lt,~.~~:7 Can~lliua'a. qie fLlrtll@r certir~ ttlat LCtEY'e 1*tCr2;4`/ Clxe3,17.11.@Ci, Va7,C;~'!•7 ret}],S :j ~ r~ G~. e0. acCiG p. arl i}recinct , ,tea 'Gr'g a , 'ana entitled La Va'GE 'a% saia',,leC7;aon. `J;'h1 ~ ~s(3 Cta' az J t.~ JS . ' ~ ' : a r. 1 ' t 4 ,.v aJ ,d~w, . ~ s e, a,rU . ,r:.,:L,. nr ~ - , L J !S . • :1W 1 ,,r~., ant: Lr ~ 1 ,i 11.'1 1, l71 -;.L F) i; i. s ~ ~~I ~ .nu ~ ~ ~ . , , '1@ r'1`F'C`Y'Ci, r.,- IUV~ ,qr y : Ll ,j.,tl Zt1G stia nP r~ 1, i'n}~, 7 ~ ~ e , , .M J u:...i i. .~~I, .,11u U-~JU~,,L(7li , , + i.~ T .nfs % r•1^ Y.'~C. "i^ 't C'. '1 `i `af } '1 'S, ~ . ...s. J..'1,r~ u'~.J ~ , d~.. _ri a~.au. a,zt au.~ ttte 1. - ~ ' • rag .,1, ~ u ' , , ;-i. ~ _ ~;d ,~".,vzc>,r• a ~ -~0 @ a~, }ut ~r i,_r' i 1, p , T L - , _ J'.,J.stl@%:I"ln"-' . ~ d r t+• ~t.,',7,,`'r:.%nt / v:lE tluf:Si,;.f31`i U.: 1'wt12? 1i1" •zi I f.>> u ~,e of ..,}.£Gulan ,tr Lllf; }ilaV'i~I.LDI.a Q~.' :".~Yl itL., ~,,.~YG1G.%~ cY,~ 1:i r 1 _ , +r,t,~,.atue~ ~ud'@ QI .ul .,.:wa. aS 1:'2C (reYleg'a.l .;3..;-,T,taJ." al ti rtll r, , > , Ir t ~ ..eCtian• C a ,;tt Ulgna., t.lf dc11t.C` UE.].:Ic. OrlGa Gle~.1 ; n r1~ai, 40 y ~ .,7 1 .I C.?a.1C)'ZE wrla. (~.areCt ttie ;C,aS.T'[1.a1: l;~ :;.ad3l.ane".'r ' a-. } t s ~:~r .~l:ave~ ~,uun~rt t,o e:.r~en~ • J .re the undersi rued cla nerea~ a~~.~ant ..:rs J ,:Fe . , ~ ~.;e ,lerclc ~..1,.~~ o~ t..o ,~a ~ l; r,,.., , r,n ry Oi r U~ , :..Ltz~.. Lan 11 I t:i Gl ~ • .ri. + stt)raaY, t0 attend ~lg'GYi * r a 1 I ~ J t.. Y~ v „ „ne de.:ult ~ ~ wad .;ct_ a~in„ al..a • certi~ae.1 to ~nG l,,~e+,all. az li.le ;Jo~.rC. as I',:1'il S OiE; ry ~r,„ VE "..liar;:: ,..e C. ,~eVr.,1001::CCIu :•.^v r; a S g r r~, G1 .,wJ ::~.naV@r :~p;.lrtri tb ~ ~ .rle tall:art~n; tt;lr";lgt.l OS VOCea rlCl"L, U(,l3ti ; • J co . ~rld ta?;u:>.ate L:le votes lr Lne aaove eWectaon, unt ~ , , t.:rS~.t,. tG~lLart)al': :ter%iNtrar ~`Gr .,Ll.:lt?@Y' Ua V r s .s . ,t1G .1Ti.,+ ' air@Y7 ~;r. r! 1+'.1.~8*_'riYi~, ~7Lld~e pi' .~;.LEC1;l.an• s:~~,;,1nSt tiles :1Ct. iltl,lael' Q1.~ ~lOieS ;:',brie. I I ::`•t'«i~3eltter ~LtC~{ae bl:: ~,.~t3ctao „i 7 n, ' • fE L2. !...e-: pl 1Ty, ~tl:.u u.l~;.e y'1Gre 'OJ tju:t,~.a~a0'd ~lU'hel.~ rC-"awta'^~.° c°7t t+l ;iE. Ail an a~t,,l yJd'e.,>:1Cu i :r r. k , ,r E r , ~ r: , - ~,r. , ..M,..a for .:e r~ , r., rr , y r, , tF~( T r,~ t 1 ~ 1 ~.nri .,~i~..,..,.~ tJ la au ~'G .3>kaC r~..CCt7.On. 1t:LN ~7fi} r.+,a;r UT' a ~ t ,wa).r~.~r u.nG~ .,,1•..e,fG',u c«:G. w....,~f'„g,: Jud~,es Or .:,yeC`Gaan r~ r ul r ~ < ' 1 .~pa3'tt; rrECgriOt, ,lerl :Iarla'ler ~OUlii~y, C10 ".erenrt- UErI,gI'~' "Gtl'it c11.; tike n]. r Y ~ . ~ ~ ~ e,,tzor ..alct tnla da,y an sagd :.oun~y a'or the iJUr;cane oa 4'1tUT:lattin~ to the '~u~11Ia.Bd tale ~ .,M, ~..a~YOwo.l~ ~ 1, , al .~~„lc, 1 ~ 0 u C- u;.,t2an G. r~,ta_ Pan L..C aV~~,laTta a~ an :iCt i}..t.:i'~Ci + f,., ' '~U'ar"(, r1u,,rr e,.1.On, , ,l ~J. I, , 7 „ . at. uCtw ~dJ 4~ r,C y, ~..r e a~ 1J,I. c r 1; fr.. y, Tr} f f rc r, i t i 1 Cs uli.., et:cral .,.~ae,.l~a1.J 01 .:rar~.l .~arG..ana, tt`le:~,s;.T;^cE DG'lr'ap C:11,,7,4~.t;U 'r ;,n ;rt to aaztho ,ra;~ .,,~.T, ,3,u,.~,,e, nx vlerta,an. ry ize r 11' tnc ~t'~d al ~a r- c, n }+r , • 3 I W I( G .t.sal.Uu@..a aI' .,ell :Iu.nai!e'l ;'ollnty tO E,},iEnt:1. I.iartU" Sal' ttl~' .a'T°~, F J ~>r~la~,lrlent , ,i "'"t~ ,i 'y' e• ,`r '.-i1 i - . , _e=r rn.r..,.• r r I( • a~ tries _o~h, of ,;':loran;ton 1ar~n ~ , , F ~ o ,~e al>tt -~.~.,.,l.e.,~,r{z fi ~ ~ f: e r• C ~Ct.Cl.:ntl v.:..C,. 1, ,lelnf~ O~wa i>r10}ln c„ „i?e''"a $ ~ J P~ I,G c..I.~l,n,t l It-- ,..G 1~,,~~lt ~..,ave i r e • I 1.l P. t I! 'nI ~ r. - ---s'A ~ ry r. r}(+ rip Y(P.. -.fi„ 'F+•, i cm .r. ' I Vela aYIlent rCCt ,..1e Sax.COlJan- "nU:l~7er `OI VOaE,r rrt.,,,i<e CUG;t. Cw. u,..l.. < ,_„et1-1~ 61 ...C; Ca..., a:. 'r a,'..:a53,Otle~'r5 t;,. k 1 g o,l Yea,,,, cowl,, t 1 ' • - et,n~ +;+~,UIF~,I,;e t ,a `rp tn,rt a~ 2 ~.~ti ,.le a'~ave r~lectgan. 1' yF ar Vtle lGr't, - ~e:.. „ r.i lttr'~1ra, r+ . ~r . tl ~ IIur,l~er at' ~ioi,c.., 23. ' ~ , - , ~i'k _ - , r , ~ t~~ain:lt the ;ct. A,11rlaer al';votes 07, `.i.,~CO~;" ~Llrtf;h a"~ .,yBCI;?all. ` r I~ I , JJ ~ • ~I I ~ , 1 + / .,7:.,w..,an,;lu'~F,~C ').1 _'::eCt10f1. + ~ .ertiiy t,~lat ~rl~.re „ere. ;ua,lai~ea ,ro;Jer~' re;i~,~;~rea an 'ue,ici ecnnet 1 , o..rt Jan...; ,f)n 1.: ,.tr..,r ana ~ I ana c,r, ~a u ecl t~ rotc rr.,, uv,~a c'lectgoYr, _lt~., ~ . ~ L. 1 ~ {7 datr at Jial~t l93 t a, ?..rp v .:lgg'i;ler o.na I: T p FJI,,, ,3'ytclg~,, o.t , ~ 7 J 5• t . .'1 GC' 7 .r. .;':ar" ii Fr1 ...,Y. i ,'r I u.ael ~ r ,n , ,~w..., w~ra -r.,.. ,.n,,aar r-e,,..nat, :.nav.,} ~,aarlt as .,~r'eI:)- r~~• ' .Ir' P i y9 r r ,t i,g~y t1 L~' ~i4 l a: ~ i a : e eC „gars i,"'.la vtlg.~ Cl;a,'F an u ,,ad ,;aLi"ti`' + c d 3.~:i.~$,;;~.I.Olf.rej~..,~u1'.a,T`. ~f ~,fl> t~l„ i~,~L~3auU' as ,.c(Ji:auLl.na t0 t~l@ , r. , , is rs ~ x' I , m.u~,l_S~;v.xe1=.v„07' ai aw.,l ~ ,fir I'r,~ rr 9 . o ~nt~ , ;uea~..aYl o_ r:.wta;rvgn~~ trle ,a. ~JAG••V1.siatlN.al anttct ' r.t.gleyes f ~url~e a:. :~leatlan, I c .,c«.,~:;;; s~ E~;iel;1u.". ~:a,,.ail Ul 'C:G ;,r r r.' ~ ,rt, .:.<.1.,~..rl., J }GF• ~n :1 .:e rz1 '•..,•-e.,:)1t aI :.orwri ~wI'a1.an`c~ r.._;, r I E ~ ! aj L.. y,.,~ ..v.i? rira-. ~ II :mod. a. a , a~».Ile I).anEa - C+° I ,~tl,,,~ .lt r.UJ_ 4,u aa;,:ia;~`, G cli.~ a1,1eC~ G.., j y ..a,~ya az ,U. .;:ilS~3i0nCr`~ 9~.' ~e,r ::ai`iUVer ii ; , :.e rl r. ,j ,r• . , 1. , t e ,lrtaersa nea do r:a r - ~ c u _r ~J aria0....U ,..~„`I~,,,la.. UO ,~ttenQ u.: urle .1Caulu ~ u ,...ant 01' %:.r Ors, of ,j' ~T,:.:ri;Lan, -C 1.. ~Iartn GiLrO ina I c, wCC IC A., ~t~-~., F'1 to -,r., .yy~o ~,na,n as to r r~ r., :P tt e _ a~ ~ .,,rwl,l,j~,.nt :~Ct; . . r rJ r , , ce_ .~.fa,.d to t'l., ztrbya t.,,.- nltnoe~ _oi rcte~ ,.=GCtt_f:G 0, U>]e ~ae,__.: G1 ,a:3na,S:.a11CrS Ua'.:E},t ,;ate;. .':ana~l~_ r ,}t=, ~o aovnt t~ ' ~ ...,aa. , a.na t,?~}ala~e the vates In trlG ar)ove e' ~'etian. ,l ~ _ J.i;..it^»~rlar ,,pr"a.lt'^ls'" ~I ~ _ s : ~f , _ t *r_ 1 ax +,.Ye `.ct. L;ar v*< ~,'o yes ~ ~ i~ . ~.g.+:yes, Juage al .~~.PGtacri. , 7 r,. - r} ~i ++.tl•Ja~ltl. ~t-',.}. ,J urn;r,.P a~ ~fi.'t.ian. 7 ~,1~.:.~ l; ~ . 1. u; 1U~.z :.ni ',r ~J tin C." ~ I • ' i'.~ i/~, ,~1 rr~ G?i1F:.' ,y, T ,.v 1'dr E.r i? 1 ,1~~.. i, 7i": 'P , i,"i r, v j. - p s, fl f;: ii.''~_ i:.i.~1 .._.,r~,, ..i r ;r~~ "X.~ ) I,lii.~!._.,_C,a. a,e.., _ n'' ~a .w,:,~7 r .Ci; :1;-, cl,._: ~.:,~.lfa.'l.:c=: ~11t1~.,,~ Q~ ;Z.CC'.10T1 ~~t 'tai; v~_ :.i ~n 1.1I C,. I; I~ ~i , i. - ~;ns,. C•L~.. c ~ ,r, l I. ~i rater 1" rc : 1! , n c .1 • ~ G a "v'0 to ~d ; ,r r~r ~1 ~ '1 "C „ -..:UV ~G}21i.:r UO t~~"'~''' Ce?".ua~~`- '-.1~"ti, ~ r.,+i el~C,,:;~n. y:..., u•_~ G .11' 1 ;told crags (,l,J.'. It" i(1~ -,i v ; T ~ , ..Ct,.,1t,, 1D1 .1 ~.dl a;:E Of~ ,v_ La 1;Y1@ ,~t~`~.1i11G.,, '0: rs ::1 '':I~ ,~~,a v01t1tJ, ;Ileac alt C71 1-gf,y_tio tllB ~r071,.^._U:;,., r~~l' ;a,, r,.~. 1~~7h ri'.i:01'~in..il -la,.:::.,f,ri,' ','';tY'. „C,J:,IOn t7f tale !.iUY:era]° "tti ~e'aGl" O ~,a (t. '~iG,r' d •i r, T.., r'8Gi J ~G. , y rt all 1 , sa.::e beln ' en>r. leu .'1n za , , ~ _ ~ ,_0"1. i. 1 ' , A' 3 u i.11' UraZe aYla Cl ;LeGt tile' ,~aa2Ct 0~.• r;;0,:115S10ners 0i : C:e . r ~ :r n ~ r-„ 1, 4 I 1 i .o-= s . aVe_ „alp..,, t., ,a.,Ci .•;Q:tc~ .L .U.1r~.U~,.~'' ;r.i,'0(1« . - 1OT' urle aCVela~7,:letlt ai C~1C rOrt 6i ~,t11~:J.2~~,tan ii r'-'. u _ . t , a~ ~'1 '.~.,.rolgna 1s: •~cu ;~a";~ ,;.lao , I- t. 3; j.no'ltn,-s n tt,i ; • , : ; - r=r. ~ . • ` z nv~, ,a rte ` _:.e,,,; ~,.a,;a_n°c' J.ery;,_,, ,1G.:n_;,On to ~tt~nri ',1' ~ r 'i ct t.~t; r01t_~ClClau..lGnt Ct , ~11e aU7.WO't1C1 n't:t~5, ,r ~L liaf. :,e'tzlt ~ ! E1 ~ vate„ ..e-.v ~~a..v. S - , ,r ' S•u0,<<G CP;'t~Saeu ua orte .:!eetlrly ai %:1e -a0ard ai` `Ua 1a.3S? arte'"~ of Ltl { ~,a, ,szrlOYes' ~,OUilt ' i~ { uU ~I - .o,n:~ drag tr+ tal~,~~ , r r i, ' r 0a r::e ..Ct. }z.^, a ,'r` v - , ,:_C' Va.,-,ti _A t.1F.'' c~,.;Ote ~leCtaOn, , a i! . Gl,ew c.9, it , ;.ct. .;urtlc~e:. c:~` votes' lei, s I it • ~ 7. 'Br`)Irr~ 1atStw'tO1T, ~e~ltr,t"cr. I 1 . .`.e..~,1 ~ •?_r ~1.*3~. rr - A T Y r... Y i z ~ I r ..lrtner _CG-t1IJ t,.lu~ ut187'e ,+4`re l4~ ..ur~latgea 'J nCu J,-••'.rq'Gwr~ ,a1~Cti'e a~''~'+~eCu~.a:l. o~er~' re a~,1;~T'eit gn ;.alta aec' ~ : ~ and entz _leu to vot E„, ~ , •t , r•, ~ - v t , _ -r`a.ta2~~n,,sudgP 'oi _1...c pion. ~I e dt .,c.1Ct tileCu.uCri« i,.,.~ .J~y aajr G.i Jitl'r l~.fs5. 7 J. r t: ~ I r'Je „rS ~ ~ ~r 1.. . ebeccw Lure.den,, xerastrar atlct :~.E.naal.ia and ..,argon ,Jells, Judges oz I I 1 , ....E ectaon at a~a ,~.n 1? , , u, . , ' . " s aoro ~recanct, .tetr _~anr.vez :,aunty ca nereay certit,~ tsls.t at ~ let .Il n, ~Ll(-.~;C 01:::,18C tiiaTi' ti°le ele t a ' p1 ' y-i , a._ x• ~ I c ~ n n.,_a t_t.,s ~aJ an sand Coan4y l; ox ,ttle r~utr~ase a~ sur32aawtang t© +.ne t~ t { ~ ~ ....~U:t~-~J.in, Juu~° of yleoton. ~ , ,u~.l_gae2 electors t' , p „~gd „ounty, tine ;ues't_on oz rat,_tyin~; the provisiorl:s of an .j ~ ! ~ G1.G UnCIBl'':;,,. 118C2 u0 i:e;'eD"r` ~ ..t., ;oti• `:c as.ssea at ; trie 1:935 :~essi on of ~r R Ueneral ert13o1y of iyortil yarolirta file sarue y ay r. gnu _ .CtT::orl~~a Caatl;en~i ',r~ti~ file ro.~;al~ , ~ ~ aegng entitled pct to` autnarize d'~d direct_ t:;.e ~ and os ' ` ~ , T. cer r; ~ i'ied' to l,tle nleeti~'t~ of tle ;roag,~, ~ ' r o lro:~.1.. saona-rs of .,e,t u ag 1.0.:.,iaSgt~nErS Ol .C.; ..:1nU~ler '~aU::t.f ~0 :;3na" r ^ a, end 'ko v - ~ P ~ L ~e_ amount t o p.,, Y ~ ne, nor the dev~lo f ~ CUl.llit ano ~,C~t7.tli~, e u:t„ JtG'S i11 ti.l,, Cle GlwGi;..Ons ~i t a' o z; n r ~ j plli .,rat 0~ 1: t1$ k:Ort of ;ralTAin;i;011, 1IQr1;.1 Carolina . ~aau :ct 'being: also ~:r1:Jvln: as the "-Part :~evela~T2~erlt :'1ct+'. Thr: i'ollo'+iin r i ' e r>wnnsr of 'rotes:..'ere ca;st• I - m; _ ~ - ' ~s.ne ~ _ria.~;.l, Juti;;e oi' ectlcn. , , r or the .:ct 'tur~oer of votes .59. ~ ~.~.s~,rcihln,Jt?ar,;e' at :;wac~.~lon. ~ , k i ~1,aanst one ,:ct. .:,urtrber o~..votes 02. ' I ! ' J r I e ~ihS loy ,_.,er;gatrar dncl ,r L-, r . ~.1<~ U, 1 I :ate ion Dina ~.~~.~"e`r•r1J'tt JLta~'e~• 'a~' :~'leatgan at I I ~ea•ate ~reC.nCu _;e}Y "a P,. ~:.Tf ~ ,.a Stn..r Certgt twat,there t'ler t1 n1 f r ~ 6- K.llov„_ Coul.~,, ac .ele:r, cet~ ~ y. e 65 .u«_a_aea votes re~gste_su an sand areeanat ~.11~.t1 ry~•,'ry t 9 v µ~~.y, ~..y„~ ~..e ~c.cc~~o:l '.Uru. e.~ltitle ~ t111L.' d Tr al: ,~~~lc~ ;,ot<t.Yt~ ~a~ ~ a d to vote at said ;election. , lhis 3~ da o.~ J 1a3 ~ my _v v ~ 8 j_Lt_rOaU' al ; n. ..:J.;, t,,.u. to i,s1C ~'ttu.ll..:.e~.i eICC%ar~; O Scr.?Ci '~iUtti:t'', tfl@ (`,,?eatla i aS -n .aa'?%1?1 i ;r" , lr}`" ~ , u ; l a . a. as . n .'iCt .,.5 Gt,~ Wk. ;:1G . J ; I .a _ , .~ea~yDrl a.. 'vllU iu.leral ,u~^e'i'~al~ n * 'T• I r of` _ ar; Y .,~=:1'01; ri~~ «fl ~„~a.; I~ , °ac~ to _s.~etlecca ~umsden ' .'t_., ..ea..r"_C '°'-}iv •....!~~~,.CCi ..1 ~a"~B~"1Strar. , E utltTlO_'lve 1 ~ T1 C.l':;.i dai,~'C~ to ;tn ax va.;.. rin,,n n-' , t1E S ltd 8 D.. ,.~5. r~dC'• ~U rat ~ tU ~21:U11„ _ J , : Fj • .::.argon ~~e11.s ,Tug - ~Or the .t::VelO~ainent ai` t:ie xOrt al. r_!(t1.-.-;'tOn _ , it n r r,:~i ~tISO ~ ~8 Q'1 „~.@Ct~an. ~ Ca ~sl .~.r_ ...la ..,1~_, ,.Cu , ~ cno';ill au ttte "Part .Jetraloir,;leli~; ::ci;" rl4 h °r I011011,1" ilLt,:?Jfla {)i Tt ~r'c '~tt rJe the 'under . , , ~ e ao nereu~ airaoant .ss. :-;ebecca auTnsa•en to attend svatll the result I 3n61r8 r , a , l?O1' the ',Ct« ~ G@--~..fa,.ct t0 the flleetan~; O:k the ~Oarp 0~ ~.,O11:I:11ss7,0Yler,°. Of i<e;t t»i'a ~ t. ~ co no,<.,~ ,.,oul.ty ..t.., z ~ ~ I~ ' aa•va Ueu v0, unt ~ , I an vabtalatP the Votes gn the a?aove e1 petann. , ~uag:laL ytle .~,C'1;. i.t'1t1L1~ Ol ,'0'~E'S l • ~ ..:rs. 3,eoeaca Lu:.ts~,@n,,,Gga:~tl~Lr • I , o I ~ rG SLlrt.1W_ .,rt2a t.I1'' ~ • ~ q • , • ,~P U tt2G'x8 1leTa err :-lz«11.1ge „ n ..~.~.~QI..aS ~Ud"'e o eo , , u o Lena z'..~:as ~ei'eu, i n , ~ . i°~ t,_, 1.~ ~ : 6 1 clot;. . , - a _ _ , ~t and eiitl>;led to Grote at ':.rzga'election, "r':~lis - _ :,iar.~on tells ~ dm ~ ~ ; ~ .~0, da, o~ ~ulJ l~?,~a, > u ~e oz ~~.ctaorl, . ' ~I , rre L.~,.LeUwan ae } ~ ,r n ,,,F ,,R - , m astray and , , ; , a,.,., , i ~ _;.L:~iln~ an7 ,.r5..r~r,, ,,:C LG'u.tan wilt, E'.a a~ ~lectaon at ~..u.1wy101 , tG~ t,ta,l , a'anset Park ~ i 1,. n , , , T'eG..nC V ..leVl :ianoVBr ,,al.tnts Ga 11(:r& air aer tag r bhcit at ttXr' ...~~rtla " r., n, ct.-an, ~ , ' > Jg ~ c,lec.tzon held ,r~~1t0n,JaUrB u.1 .ale ~t11~ i ~ daJ gn sagd ,County t''or the ~ur~ose of suc;;attin~ to tree tu1~.~.~:~,e • ~ J,~.=le~tle t ~L,a,„ i' `I+'1ect7 on• ~ 1 ~ electors o.~ ' , r,e o~ ~ saga ~doanty tare question of ratif~irg the ~rov~saans of atl:.,ot ~,;;,ed` - , F ~ at ~h~ 135 r1e t,t.te ,itnCEelSl 11e~1 d0 tleretl tt , ; ,i. ~ r. P s-ol,. 0i the Uen T, ~ , ,>1 ~ « - r , e.. a1 rts.,eYnbly ai iiortn „alo]...na, ~z~e sane -bean ,entl~leca rr ~ ~ rs y a r~c?,..~t .,.~,z t,tl;~, :~c~l~an to a~tend ..t•.°il tsle ~'esul~ ,aoov~ y.r o • b ,1.Y1 ltct 1; ; 1 , _ ; a 6 au~_lora~ , , Cet 41.i ied to %he lileeti n;'" aS~ t+ @ _~a. • - ..r , ;r, i , ~ e and.: 0.1re Ct tl ~ r rr i' t e oa_u of Gor~.las~zoners ai ;,ew ,~ana1~1 '*rount~~ tG' e~i~ , ~lU a~ a.:t,Ca5~a0nerS a1 ~@~J ' " ir1tV uC t,aL1Yl e'ld i.]OtY i _ ~•naveg" t,oL ~ for A , - . ~ e tri,. deve ~ o ri7ent r rF tt : , and lrauula4e t_le vat@~ ~n one aoove ~'.;_ectaon. y ~ P of the ~o_t a~ ;,>.lluar>~; ~ 1~, n ~ ~ '-o ~ ~1o_tn Carolan~. , ,.c ~ nein~r ~.1;o i a~tn as the " t+ i, ,r`.:~ T r l'axt ~r~velgpYnent .get ~ rule 1,ollovtang nurloer o, vowed t~rerr; ,~ri„. . a 1 a " ' ~ to L . y z , eggs trc-r,r.. ~ I v t1M, J . ~ , 7~.1ton Jude of l;lectioni' , a o ~ ~'or trle rlat. du„lber of votes Vic;, , f •'3.rierllett J' aF°e a glee ~iollr , ~ u s `~aanst tree :gat. Iu~~el• o~ v:~tes 4'~. I' r ! rt-t,l ~rlat t.iere .tore l9 qua.?.i~'ied voters r.e i:~ p=` ' , 9> i and en~i tl _ toz'..~i ? Y: uayti ~rec .nGt " ed to vase at said election. Ina. 3Q, da,t° o~ ,luly i~?~u ; pl f ~ ~ l , .T.eGwin stn r « ,t ' l i { r~ ~ ' ~leCCl011. I- , e ','xN. l',~ary ;t~cC.l~c,i~:ttin ~ _ ,Jucl~;e ox .,,l~i,',1o41, {i rI 4 1. i ' ,,i~-, ' i . , , .«+w,-". !WFx1'.u.y,4h~ ~ r::.'--. rr~- ,-,.b-^C{`~yMy.q.~.p.~.~ .J -.F _ f_ - , 9 i - V. ;ieetinq oz ,august lst .l continued. • i~~ ~ i,teetin,; of ~,u(;ust,,LSt,.l~3p ~;ontinuea. 'rle the undexsigned do nereu a ~r.~oinr, L.;,i.;LeUwin to tt nd v1' . j Y p, a e itn ~rle result e,bove t '."P f ~ a~ the undersigned'do nereo ap~aoint i,eona r csr,itl~d to t1e meeting of cn~ ,~oard oY ~oriznlsslmners o't"__x~tew ?•~nover Count• ~ e • ; Y Ga,~roll to attend wztn tole reault to abovE certliied to the l~eeting os the ~oa,rd ns ~o7l~nr,sslonerFi o2' clew tlanov r ' count 2nd tabulate the 7rotes in the above Plection. ; e. (~aurlty tp count and tabulate tyre vot~ss In tine above eleanion. L.Li.LeGwin tie istrar, ~ g rt.~.Kin J d re os' rl `'Leona? ;r, Carroll tee istrax. ~r u ~ ect~.on. a r g . 'P.1~:Christman Jud e oi' .elect ' r g ion. ~trs,I~tary'r~.cC.LeUwln,rludge `ai' ~.~'1;ecti n. _ r.~, Clark, Judge oi'':election. ttECAPITULi~TLON ~r+ N , ~teL,ra.urrell re l.rtrar anct ,T h + g , o n it, 1'urrentine and G.'rt,~iessick Jud es of:l'll c ' Votes for : .Votes , ~ e tr.an P; r . against at aeco:rd ~+arct ~'~i~'st rrecinct stew xlanover Uourit d© Etereb e , ~~ectian Precinct. Total ~ is , ~ Y _c rtii >;hat t the eg ter~ed ttre ~?ct, the Act. d th.' r y y a elution hel is ~#a,/ zn said Gaunty for ttre purl3ase 'oz' subrrittnT to .the ualis'ed j g ~ Voters 02' said vount;j the `rluastion' Ox rani' ~ ,-y ~ xirst hard 194 65 A ya.rlg tee ~rovislorrs of rln =,c,t 1.~.,sed at the r ~a iI p ~ 1G'u5 secslon of the general ~s;embl~ ' s ' n os lrortn .,,arolina trie' same hei srititled "`An ::et 'i .~scand-,laid, 1b t,.reclnc~ la6 9I . _.L ~ , i( I a' I r t ~0 to ;,err~~zt tl~e ~oaru. os' tor~tlssioner 2;; • • 106 - Y I Y s os _,evr :lancver :.Count to e~:~end rnorie ..sax ttre .second tJ~Id, end, Precinct 6Q _ : i, 15 ~evelc;praent and :.~interlarice af" t~resr"field Dark and t~reeni'.eld' Lake", h f 1~ w' p : Third '.Yard, lst, Precinct 24S 120. ~e o air 24 i) Tnixd ;yard, 2nd, :Precinct . , . ~ , ; 122 number os` votes were cast t ~ ~ 51, 05 , I i I fourth ',hard j i`ax `trre firer, I'1lzrnber oi' votes 6£3 ' 2bti 1~1 127 I ; , t, r..,. ~ , , , 1 k.l.ith paard 1st .eainti'~ .re .:ct llumbel° of votes 43 { ! ,Preclnct 24~ 113 3P r'ifth ~Jard, end, Precinct 13H 5 y !I 15 ,lp ,iurtler certii`, twat tr.ere vre P " ~r a „ , , _ ; i r~ 1 ,ualiilea voters regastered In ,~~,ld uxeolnct : Sixth '~Jard 1st Preclnc~h, , ; , , , , , , ; 875 ' ,I ',3 ~ ~ ' ~7 31 ono entitled to vo?.e at said election, Tn c _ is 3G, da,Y of July 1.t3a, ~ .,lxth rlard, 2nd, Precinct,....,....... 209 113 23 y Cape rear ~t,'ovrnshi , , , 47 1, 1?r 18 11 ~ i ~,.~,,._urrell, ~4gluti'ar. ~s ~,r a eral Po1nt Tovrnshlp,,,~,,,,,v,....v.• 23 , i .Harnett T wn r - ; Jolxn Turrenr,lne Jud' e oi~ ~~'lect dn. shl i. i o , p, ~ln er Park Pre cznct, , .151 69 b g j j ~1,4/,..C:ii31Ck Jud re aI''L1eCtlans t ' Harnett "i'orvnsnlp, uea ate` Precinct . 94 0 r 6 rlarnett 'l'ownshi 7 mile Preclnct ~ _ , ` Narnet TOVr 't' , ne ,~E ~r~e ltnCtBr:.'1~Y,~a do rrerel)y 3j~~alnt v,r.,,i;:Ul'rez.l to atterid tivitCl the rESUIt { t nshllt vast :111m1n-tan Prealnct116 above ~ 66 07 ertii':.ed to tri e ~ e lneetin~ oi` the ;card o.` ,Ccl~nissioriers as' i?evr ilanover Count 'to count _ sonooro Tovrnsnip _Luusden~ s More 65 Y ll : , ' ~ 59 02 and taaula.te t:.e vo tes in the above elecio ~~-asonlroro lo,vnshi ~ ~ ~ n, 4 p, ,,upset r'ark ~recinct 79 46 O1 r-. , f l G ,,~.;~~,.1 e ~l, ~egxs trot. , it Total . Jcrrn It, .iurrentine, fudge of l;leation. ~ 1388 38t3 2719 , G,,l,~4esr~lcx, Judge of L,leotiari, it: Ai'ter carefull canvassinn the i'ore~'o` n e A ~ - ~ p _r .,,~,Jacobw, e,,_str~x ana J,pelie~rel~._~,d ..,e_arrle ti ~ d• _Y 5 ~ l g r turns at trt„ several vo~ing preclncta of ;p (1 r; ~ ~ , .rY, T _ , y ,xoo tzar vua~,es oz ~1ect_ar i th., county ancl' tabixlatln the same ac above the ~o d o o :,I ~ ~ ar t. C rarnlssxoners declare that r , , ~:econd Freez-not, ';ear .~atolex Courrt- as nerebv certls tt• ~econa rrarc: ~ ~.t at trre el~.c~zoll ~ tae provl3ions of the .le't -aioresald have 'nsen dul• ratii'ied, o~ a .Y- d maJo~ltJ as ~9 of the 1; t • , . , , _ 0 rl j „ , rey.t .tt..„ sa;~ rn said Coun~y t`or trre' i)urpose ns subrniotin to tne- t~~,lllied eleot,ors cz i{ qualii'ed voters of ,:e.r _~;novPx <County at said -election, ~ ~ ~ said County, t:ie auestiori of ra~czz'r'i.nr the arovls' o , < : . - g _ z ns o2 an ..ct ~a~seu: at trie 7..tS5 sess~orr'o trig ~:eneras r,sserabl~r or . ortti (;aw'r,iina t,ii: sa.I:Le uein" entiYlect • 1J1 1 ~ ,n ~e sl rI`e BDard prf ;'O::i;^issiaYtera Gl :p,l ::c::!0're,.' ~0 ).r17, 1;0 1. ,p'.iCi 1t~Gn ' t 'I' CR~,:,FT.~l,i7 ~li~6~I,('JPr:~1,.?T :~L'LCz rQj~,, ~evelU~4r~ent a :1> i n;~ ~ - ~•r - „ C~ 1 ,1 ,rle ~~r' _ an ._..,enuncc at :,~ree.._ielci I-Gz~ w;a v,celr~~eld L~,r.e iire 1'o.ilo~wing ,.~.:oer o*~ votes were ca:,t: ~~,r ~r Pursuant i;n recess take,l July 29t~r,L93c, and in corn 1i ante ,'rich Chap to 3~ ' 1' _ ~ i P r d9 ~ uo zc , i 7 r - ~ ? for rr~e :,c : Llrra)ex of ~ o~,es I~ .,peal Lar+s 19;~b file ~pard OI' 1,0I;7II11S3i0ners oz' view ~a Ar l r _.anovp:r '~~ounty a~ t.,a eolnple Uing the , _ r , ~ ~ tF -.,~u_r~s4 .::e ..p t, l:Uln'uer uf' votes ~0, ~ caavaas anti declaring the result of the z'ore~;oing election on rile Port ~eveln went Act p , procee eel tizrith trre canvassing and tabulatinG s"or the purpose os' deelari'n the result of ,,r r ,r - , ~ , ~ , . 9 g u ~ , i, r F _ .~.er ce~t__ t.z~,,; :tiers vrere lU9 o dr_~_ea vc ers .er-ir~terec in sazt ',i•eclr;et .lection Held:. July,3Cth,1935, to determine the question " Sha11 t.~te ~o rd oi': or~nissloners ..r ~ ,u _ ~ C a.~d er~ti'_led to ;rate a", sa:c c~.ectinrl. 1:iis 3G, day ai' July 1t~35. of Fleur ?~naver County lev and a ro riots anti 1 Y pP p , cal y, a sum not exceeding nne :cent (1~) , T~. Jacobs, g j ' on the One Hundred ~ollare oi' the as es ' p ,.'e: ' ~'°=`'ax• s sad-value of the r,.al and ;:personal-property: p,. ~ ' i taxable in said County, vrhich said sum sna].l be used and ex end d .r d' ti n and ~ .r,.,erve-~, judge of .~lectloY:, i . , p e under t le lrec o ~ , elanle 1., uoaan Jude o: lectlorr? control of sold Board of -Cor~als~ioners under s h ` ' ~ ? ~ :1 sue' uc rules and regule'itlons, or b,l aucn other ' { agencies as it i'ronn time o time ma rescr.ibe for tit ~ r + - , ' f Y p e puz-cos... of a~ding , encou_a in . i l f 6 ,re <iiE, unCEerS 1~'neCi dG n t' ,ri r~ ° , ~ ~ 7 F r and/ar suppaxtln the develo anent and P ~ e_e .,,.~~nznt x.17. J'G,caas to atter,cr w..~n ttie rest, ~ t above r g ~ maint.,nance os Uraerrtleld Lane and ureenileld Park car , _ ~ n _ a_i_ea ~a-t.re r~eEtln_ os the r(t a1 n _,T~S1Ur18rs a1 ;iEVr ,:dnaV r '0' ''s and Pla -round g - oa, e_ t~ ,zn~ to count ~ YG , to increase the value.. use and facl~ltles of -sold ro art as a bark and ~ 3 y p p Y ant. Udou_.ate one votes in tt~e a,~cre electipn. iris 30 as of J7:1. iG3~; f i ~ playground, thereby prol~oting the health,'prosperlty axed eneral vrcli'are of the eople of : Y ~ Y { NESV Hanover 'County''. I C,U.Jacousr;e~i;,trar, ~ , r a ~ evle l JUa C of eCtipli _ 1 l he o1 oti'ring duly and 1e~;a..ly appointed, oy their res ecti~ve election ,bi'r`icers of the r ~ { I r ~ ~ p ..e.ran_e Goou~ , ..twl!, ~uc.ge pi ~',1ect_on. precincts and vrarda to maJ~e L'neix returns to the Board oi' i;or~rnissoners oi' i~[evr ~{anover ' Counter, made their returns as Yollotivs: n ~rle, Barrie ~.~hl~e .fie }r-,,, + rl , r, I ~ I ~ ~,1$ ac,. ~:nU ._.J.J „ci,. anc; a .a u8 ~ 'fir ."~a" 'a7'U ?uCl'ra:3 U~' ~1 Lt .f ~ e ion ~ at 2j ~ _rd r , ~d ~ r , "az ~ P P i~ r r 1'S t i t 1 ~,»..C1nC1, 1~., . :;i3.riJl r a 'I i e. you .t ~ c i~e_ e;, i7>a.' :l ce_ t z t P_ ~w l t and , ~ J, _ y t tide ~ ..............................::rs. Leona T Carroll eery A , . Sian n 1Ci this .day is ~a,la ~pi.l2'At~' i~or tPe bll" )o'Ue OT sU.ULiI ttlri'~ i;p rile U' l i I S cond ;lard 1st P 'r I t, a _zied _ r e reallct ~ ~ Z. Z, _rlurrell, e ax.. G1 ' salty COUnty, tale gUe9t10Yi ai resul~Yin~ tF>8pr0Y151U1"iS Di~ uTi };Ct j)aSSFd ~ I f Cecond Ward end Precinct,. - , a 1 g C,~,Jacob . a one 135 session' or' tie General Asserbl~*'of North Carol'na, iii G - _ , t „arse oeirlg entitled 'rrtird ';lard, 1st P e I I f r cinch, I . ~ ~ . ~ • . •rilss Carrie ~°lhite. ~"An :~;ct ; ~ ii { k, to perm_t the 3t5ard o_ .0,,4;1isszoners of :.evr =;~r~ovsr ounty to e peed ,cone ror third ,yard, ~;nd, Preclnct, , ...I~rs J till r r Y P . lions. ~,Le De~elo;ament and l:ainter~anct; of GreeYir ielra Paxk and Oreerr~l field Lal:e". ''i; ~ i j b'oux it +lard •j~• 1 e 1 w o U lrig ................:......L,C.LeGwin. .hur;.oer oi' votes viers cast: 1 k'i'th "card, 1st Precinct r ~ , , , ..r,. T.heal, ~'or the pact, ~ r of "votes 10F fi } IsUL"1~G'~ „ r r lf'tn a'lard end Precinct . ~ ~ ..................J.RDavls _ 1 } i `.~alnst rile mot, I~urnuer "o>:' dotes 40. i ' Sixth ''lard , 1st :Precinct , r ~ ,..:.......G.H.Hranch, ~ ~ t S;,xth ,lard, end, Precinct . . . J.I. ;Vo1nb1 afl~ r~ . , . ; , ~ Iu_ Sher ~ p c certlzy that titers tivere 247;aua11_lea vo~ars ret~stered fir. said reciri t ' Cape fear 'iovrnship'.... z , ...................`.,1ulrs. J,,i.~Yestbrool:. ana erititied to . , ; r rsdexal 1'oint'TOwnshi n gore at solo election. This ,3G,:aa~. o. Julu 1935. i .................J..~.Taylox. I inert to nshl rdlnter Park' Fre cinct ,....,.H.G.Thotnas. , , riarnett '1'ownshlp, ,Seagate' Precinct 1' Carl~le .rhlte,.::eglstz'~r. i .....'l.L.Taylor, _ T ~ I H.P.Stan~arad,~tztige ot'Cleci,i or7, ktarnett `t'orvnstip, '1 rude Pxecinet ttia n s, r , ,.,G.T.Snepard , • . .~arde1r . ~ol;t;e,rcr, rF~ud~e of :..lectiori. I ~ r eft avnsiup, East ''ttlmin ton Pre - , . G clnct;.,J,derbert Johnston. _ : .c.:asonboro `1'orvnstup, humsdems Store ~ ; ' I ,..,..,..la'rs.tiebecca Lurdsden. na ~ r;. );a~,,. , e tale Lt r i , , o ~ y j3 :..155 „u.:Ile r,r:Ite tC c~ttenCi LVi~tr ttre reSUlt abi3~tE' ' r ?',~a,sonboxo Township, Sunset Paxk Precinct, ...L.,y,LeGw' i In oer~; • , lea. e nel e u a . lnt . ~_zr.ea to cite rlrestlr.•° c?° ~rje soar„ as vo:'.~=zss~or:ers of i;e~v !ia, v ~ n no er County 1;u coun~ ana tabulate'ttie vo yes in the a'yove else tiara. IG , 2'~ms ,~G, da~r os sul~~ 1935. I AL R.r_tIF?_~a Or ~CxI~lP,~P,S AI.~ J'IIDGES OF' ALE^"' t ~ilGl. C$=lids 4 n~~e,:.e~,ls Grar. ~,r `,Ye, Leona T. -Carroll, Ile~is tzar` and T.li, Chri stman and r • ~ ~ Lion 1 ' ,T..,lalk J d es of Llet; ~ ~ F ; __.~.~~ari,~~,.~a,, ~'u..~e of :~leotickr~ { , at l'~.rst ',lard ;Preclnct, New N.anover Count `doh , , u ~ • _ Y, ereby certl~y ghat at the election r,.r_.,,,, r adios. ?to~~~lt~, Judge cf ~lecticY:. ~ .held this day in said County z'or the uxrose , p ~ of submrttln o 1 d electors g tie walls le oz sold Count„~; the iluestion of ratifyin ize I935 ;fie ~ t=;. g provlalonu oi' an a at:the ..rg.1' , z ;r.,," t~ • Fem. . ~ . l~1_~.,:sor,, ,:e~1s,Ur;a,~ ana.._rs,r.~,I~ale..~ttr~„n ana =:.r~,~,.~ r, session`of the general Assemb 'let passe s = ~ ' ..T ~ - rota Uua~.eti p.. 1 + ~ ; ~ Y 0~ iVOrth Ca'rolzna, tt18' Same be. ~ n`,~` ACt` t0 1 eC't101' ; a-n ` 1' , ~ - - { In ent,.tlsd ~ Tn_ra ,+wd , p ermlt the.:.r3oald of (,o;111nisslonsrs o.' T g c.,-~econc~ 1•'lu~wnCu,_ ~~a~, ~t~rovew Cauny, ao rrareb~ car ~~`v R P t Netiv xanav Y t.~t~ ~.i,.fi, at er .County to expend money-ior the the electlor, .Held this da~r in said aunt ~ a"or .te r ~'c 'T ,,m - 4 . development anct ~dantenance oi' Greenfi ~ C ~ t pu pca.,e o~ ,,L.oml„t1.3, to ~~ze laFi111 i ed el Parl: ai7d Graeni'ield T,a1~e" . ~tre l' ollowing e la ctors. ol` said n { . F r , - r- ~ ~ , , art t;re uestlan o~ ..~~iatiln >alie,, p. o~ r~.~otl., of ~~r~ .ict Uassea a1. nu[nber os' votes 'pvere cast: ~©u= Ys ~ g ~r'ie 1Gv~ Je551.ar'r 0~~ ~ 7 ~r ,Rr,.. ,1 µ the eneral, ~sse>iib y ~1 .or Utz uaa c..~n~, v:.e ss,l.c ',;r;, ; -r for t:le's~et. 4 rrE; entitled s i Number of votes 3 nAn h t ~ r . , . 1• C to ,pe_m_t rile 116ard oS ~t7~..n?ISsloner~ as ~sES+ :a~..l';; ti's: tr ° ~ n _r, ~n.lnt,; ~ c e'°, 1, r.;.arle~r i'ol• . A~;alrtst the het. ltumbsx of u ores 58 ` trig .u ~ , , e elolntent and l,alntenarzce aY i;rsenf'iElt ror?: ar:;: a cr:.a, i~1d i,~,~,e{f ~ • nll*:,C;Cr at t, ~ r , ~.t., 10110,J_li~ ? we further certlsy,CtrFtit firers 'vets 194 ~ualii'ieu vote t aril ote~ .re,.e cast, rs re~a,stered in said piscine For tine .;tit, Z'TUl~ber r,~ ~;otes'~° erititlest to vote at :;old election. t'lis 30 d ~ 0 u r Y 5' a,inst ilia ?,.et liu;:;be,r' c'f vot,es c~' Leona Carroll :ks istrar. 1`' ) k T.li~ C. ~ g nllstrnan Jud e oz Llectron, ;~Q' ~ ~ g T~"ttel° certif;;= t: a.t titers ~~ere 11'? ~;ualii'ied voters z e pis Leru: ; '_a, T, Clan k Jud ~ C _rt so,iu re cinct ~ i ge 0~ L'lECt..Ona any a r '<hs 30, day of Ju1,r lc~;~5~ ~ er.~v,.tlec; ~p vase at soli`: e'ectiar~, , y It. J ~ I:'rs.J.$,htillialrsrr7 ',e fist g ror M ~ ` Judge oi' Llcction, ,r ~x m'..D~,t u ~ 2.> . . r ' 02 xu~~ust 1st 193b continued ~ i p;leetinE of ;august lst,l~l,~b, aantinued. r;.eeting ~ , , t ,~'e the undersigned de heret,y a~~oint .;.rs. J,~.','1i1].ia.rrson to atter;d v~itn'` f' ...the result ~~le,C. rt.~ ~~rrrncrr, tte6lstrar anu J. Lout;,~z.in arrc! txe~~trude i,oul;nlirr judges of ~i:lecticn ' ar,ove certified to the rneetin, 01' :the '3aard oi' Cc>aartissioners oi' few . t~ Hanover Lount at aiatit ,larr~ ~ilst ~xecinot, ~~e~r .~anove. ucunt z!o rrerer, cent;iz that at tyre election to count s,nd tabulate the votes in the above election,:: Y , r Lta. ~ ~ Y, Y y •reld ttr1D da z ount o~ , ~ , y uc ;~uxpose al eau;;:itting to trre gu-.t~.i: i~d elec~~ors oi' ~ - ~aid County., the questlcn or ratiiyrrrg •crze 7rovisiorrs oz an ;;ct asSed at the 1C135 €l ~ hirs.J.H~'tilliarnsonF;e~;ih rar.: ,o e al 1 P ,~esslon ofi tue d"n-r Assembly oz i:ortn Carolina, tape<ss.me bein :emltt:ed ~,n ::ct to g 1=irs.Ra,I~cieithan .`Jud e: of .~1ect . < „ , g a.an. errnlt the ;ward of Gnmrnissloneis. oz t,e~r ~tanovel°'t;ourrt t .~,e d`` , ~,trs. E.•.Trott Jud e of`.~,1eC p _ , y o e _ n money i oz the ~ G , , . ~ g i,z,on. Development a~rct rLLalntenance oz,_~rEenz'><e~.d Park ana Greerrz'iela Laxe" '1'rre zollowln- numbex G ~ i .'t VT' r' ~'t r~ r. of V'OteB orate ;Cast, e, l,,C,LeG in,xe~lstiar :and l~.l]..~tel,~es and ,r,H~?te~,ister :Judges.. as Llirction a;t ?+'or the xct, tltunbez oz votes" 1b9. . y'ourtn :';'ard Precinct Ite~r;`t~,nover Calznt do hereby certif' that a ' . + Y, _Y t the cleation Against titre rect. ltumner oz votes :6~. ' meld this day in said Co,:nty t4r ttre `purpo~.;e of subr,7lttlnt; to the' ualllied 7 I ~ e..ec nor s , of said County, tlr~ question o' ratif in the roviSons oi' an a t . ~ , ; r ;Y ~ P , c pasted at the ly3g ~rJe further eertxfy first there ,were 375 7ualified voters reGisterect in sand recinct 's f session of -the txensral, Assembly of Borth Carolina, the same beln~;'enetztled + ~ p Itn fret anu. entitled to vote b .,aid election, .this 50,da,~ 01' July 1935, to permit tire' hoard at' Corrmissi'oners of i+leur lfanaver Caunt to_ eh end irl" Y 'P oney zor the ' ]evelrpment'and 1.`ainteriahce of Ureenfelcl Pbri: anti t;' eenfi ld a i r e L ]fie 2'he z elloritlg c;..,.l3rancn .Ke l stxar. number of votes orate casts ! J";J,Zougnlln Jud e oi' .C1ect~~on. , Gertrude Lou>trlin `Judre,of .election. G , 6 ' b'or ..the ~~~at. Number oi' votes 14 A•-ainstthe ,:ct Number af'votes 1~2 ~ ~ f~ C ~,re trre unctersirnecl do hereby appoint ~.,.l~,~xanch to attend with the result above certified . , to the meetri~ of he uoard o1' OornrniSsionexs of Mew .~iahover unto o nt nd u ] e o Jtocu a taunt ~ ,fie iurthex aextify that there viere 256 qualified voters xegietered in Said re v t. n' the 'r;iove ale " 1 clnet tree otes a anon ibis 30,day of July 1935. and entitrec3 to vote at saiu eleatioh, Ttus 30 dos o' Jlzl 193. , J y 5. n ~,.1Z. Eranch,Regis tray. Ir r•' I C,LeGvitl J.J,Lou~hlin' Jud e of ±.lectlon. , , eglstrar. ' b , ~ { F F,D,Stel~ea, sud~e at E7.ertlon. Gertrude Lotirhlin Jude of lection. ~ , G !rt.l?.Re~istex, Jude ol` -Electiarr• ~ f': .a'e, J.H.',Vorn't~le, l''<e~;istrar and' ,G.>;.~1.1.en _and ~~,P ,Duncan Jud' es oz' .~leoCioh at S' t and ' ~ ~ ix n ~t ,re` the' underaz ~ned don rs r , • . , . ~1 ~ ~ g ere] a ` olnt L. ,..heGtiriu to :attend. rr n ~ ~ , J pp it the result above ,~ecorrd lreclnct, L,evr ran,;ve~ t~ourity, do nexeay ;certify trra,t'at the election held trzis ' ~ cextifie r d to the meElJln(, 01 the -~Dard a~ CoL'7r11s`31an~1~ 02 ;BPI .ra*.10v8r !~oldnt tG da' 1r1:Sald S;aUnt IOr trre llr OSe - Y Y Y A p of submitting to the qua,l'ii'ied electoxs of said Corznt count ..and tabulate the -votes in the `above election. a I r~ p ~ . , • y Y, t ze ,u„stion, oz ratifying the provisions of an ,tat passed at fire .1935-.:session. of the General assemyly of :,oral Carolina ttle' name bein en itled 'ct t r • th ~ o g ~rz a o per nit e ~ and L.C.heGvrlri 3teC;rstrar. of Coiimissio-hers` of l;evr-1•Ianover ~ ' s county to e~cpend tnone far tree .Uevelo ment ana r.:aintenance ~ ,i _~,..~.Stel,~es,Judge of alectian. ` oz` trreenfield rare and Greent'zeld Lak'e'. 'Z'he follovrin nl t, g unbar of votes were cast; , ~ , ee ,r,H.fteglster Jttd e of-Election. ~ ; , g . , ' i~or the pct. :;urnuer of votes 9~. t .le:, L.TKea1; .registrar and ,,.rJ.Rowah and 'y~J,H.Bxemer-Jud~e~ ,,oi Ele'ction at Fifth , N ~ ~ ~ ~ 1;; rdurnber of votes 36. s -~galna le ct, +ard, first Precinct, l~elr :ianover Colznty, +io hereby certify' that at 6he _election ?veld this day irr Suid county f,'or the purpose oi` submitl~ih ' tc trre cualif'ied Bloc o ;c ztzrrner ~ ,~•i;^ ~ • ~ ~ 1 t rs ~er,,i ~ ttlat tare ~rere X09 .lualll'led voters re~l~tc.red in said precinct and i ~ i„ of surd county the cueUton of ratif''in•= the •~r.nv' ''s o' ~ , 1 ~ _ r zslon f ern pct passed ~~t t,ie eni;itl..i to vote at .~ra~~.d election, This ~0, day of July :L 935, 1935 ;session ut~ the CencraJ. asse!ubl -oi' Iv'ortli C~:~,' a ~a n' i„~; y _ohin , tt,e me being eni;itled ~n ' Act to permit tl~~e ,ioard of Corruuissiohers a~i".'~~ew iianovex Courit to exerid r.1ot~~e; i'or Y P J.H,',lorable, t~egistrar. tile Uevelopnlent nd i,;ainten~lnce oa .~reetrfield la_k anc~ Crreur~i',.Eld Lake 'life i'olJ.otiv- L,E,A1len ud^°e of "r'1 r a ~ r i n J ~ a e .t_on. ing nurnr~er oz 'rotes 'stare cast; 'd. i; ,I., ,Duncan, Judge at' ;,1lection, 1 For file Act. ~fur:iber of ~ ~ ~ ,~~e ti~~~ r r ~ , . vo~ea t3 t. un.lersii,ned do hereh~ appoint J, H.++ornble to attend with the result auove certified _ i:~airrst tree :',ct. '."urn'~~er af' vo~es fit, to tyre rneetin oi' tt1e Board oi' !.'o:~i~a~s ' on ~ a g _ sl ers ox r~e~r .r hove°,' uotrrrtf to count and tabulate ~ one votes ih the above `election.. '1'nis 3U, day oz' J"uly 195. ~ ++'e lurtt,er certify that there rrrere 24:2 cyualif'icd voters registered in said precinct J,rI.'rromble rte °istz•ar , 6 r ~ ~.na entitled o vote at S~rid election, This 30 da of Jul 1935. ' + Y Y `,,E.xz.len,Judge of Llectlorl. i ! f ,t,P,Dutlcan J dfe of l;lect' r , u C, is i. T. Keal xe Tistrar , , g i S, ',9. Rowan Jud :e of lecti~n ~ , le '"rs. J,~,.'~,~est°nrook'Re istrar and '~+;.I`.Herrin and ttl' ' tier ,1ud re ' > > ~ , C , C g ei 1, s of i,1t,c,tlon at .r. H. Bremer, Jude of :~lectiarr , , Y, Y Y ' Gape Pear rrecinet +~!evr ~'~anover vaunt do hereb certif ttla,t at tyre election ne].rl ttlis clay in said "Count for the ur use o" submi tin to the ual%f'ied ale to s Y p I~ g q c x of said ,,orlntY, +e the undez~sgned ao hereby appoint E. T. 'Keal o attend ~r' ' s ~ above the uestion of- L , , , , _ t ltlr fire fie ult 9 xatifyin~, she pxovlslons of an lief pasted at the 19.~o session of t:e . certified to-tree meeting oz .`ioard of t,omrnlssioners of Taevrrianovel• County t~ oo!.rut tXeneral Assembly of t~aoxth Carolina file same bein^ anti-tied "~^1n ;1ct to r~errnit the ' o G ~ >3 and ~rnd Labu1<<te the votes in ttre above. election, of ~otrunissioners of .sew x-mover t;ountt tc wend ;..one i`o n ~ .P ~ z f x1 y rte ev.+upment avid ,::alntenance oz' Greeni'ie1.d ' r; a tx r Bar_ nd reeniield Lake 2ne follo~ring nwnber of vo~es were casts e :C T. i..eal lte' istr~'.r , g For fire ,fief ilunruer of votes 09 + S." 'i!. Rowan-.J~u~i.e of~ ];faction A~'ainst the t l~iumber or 1. c votes ?0. 1. `~d. H: Srerrer Judge of Election the further certif that the we d~ nu' c ,ue J.R. Davis Re Tatra a ; Y fie re 1 aliflei voters registered In said precinct and g r nd firs. C. K. Davis and Geo. P. Gax"f'ord'Jud;~,es of lection entztled to vote at said election. 'i'bis 30 da of Jul 14),5. i at f'if'th ;lard end Preci:~~ct, ilet~ Hanover. Count a i r ' ' electicrr ' 'meld th's da' a. Y, o Lereby ce_tiiy that at fire f i Y in s id count for the vur~ . , I Y ~ .hose of supu,itting to ttre qualified electoz5 r~rs,J.A,.'lestarook, ;~eglstrar. of said County, the question of ratfying;the provisions of an pct assed at-ttie 1935 E.I,Herxin `d ' p g, Ju ge o9. ..,leet..on. I ~ .]ession of the General Assembly of i~iorth Carolina the aril nAn ;:ct , ~ ~ to ertiit file Don ` c , s e being entitled ~ 's{.F.Ssitter, ~udl,e of ,election. p r o ormrlisslonexs of 19e1v ~'tanover Cotltlty to expend money for itre , . ' ' Development and t,lailtenance oi` Gre;:nfielcl P i ark a:nd Greenfield Lake", `o'ne following ',`Je t_ze izndersi ned do he eb o t,'"+'rs ae number of votes ~°+ere cast: , g' r y app in t.. J..1. J stbroox to attend wltii tae result .auove cextlfled to the meeting of the' ~soard of Cornmissoner~" of 1!evr Hanover County:ta count i and tabulate the votes in tire"-above election. r'or the E~ct , iv'urabex oz' votes 41. :,:rs. J,A..testi,lool. ~ Aegis tar, against the r1ct. 1~lum'~er ol` votes 29, r,.L.l.errin Jud e n` i+alection. g, g } r,~,i''.Seitter; Judge oi' ,,>lec ion. !le further certify..that there orate 13S .qualified' voters registered 'h said xecinct artd entitled ` o vote at said election. g p 3~te' m This 30 da , J.~. ~a~ for ' ' r - ~ ~h~ ` ' , y of` July' 1935.. ,I , .~ega:ztrar and ~.l.ILe es anci ,~.A.Levrls Jud es of election at led Y , C eral Point ~recinst, iuew '?~a.nover Count 'tio iler.ec7 t .certif that. at file slant • n • n • Y, 5 Y , io held t.~is .day in said :t cl J. R, 'Davis l',e Count r for the` ~ , , gi~trar J , purpose oz submltt,.ng to the qual_z led elec ~oxs of said Caunt,~, tyre ..question on r~rs C I~. Davis, Jude of Llectiorl of ratifying the pxovisions ox' an ~.ct passed at the 1935 session of.' the ~er~eral A seurbl s Y Gea. Gd,f2'ord, Judge of Election , of New Hanover Counts the lathe bail entitled '~An Pict to ermit the ~ ' d, g p onto of Co;,anissioners off ~ieti'r Hanover County to expend money fox the i7evelopment and .~aihtehs,nce of dxeeni"' rs field ~Te the undersigned do Hereby appoint J. R. Dav' Par;-t „ a , , is to attend w tr s ' t_above and t,xeenileld T It n ~v s n r o it the re Ltl ..,a e T e folio inl, unbar f votes wale casts i certif Ted to` the meeting ;bz the Rod'rd of (<ommissionex~ y t ~ a gaunt acid tabulate file .:votes ; in th ~ y of LCe~r __ana ter Co arty t e above Alec plan. For ttte Act I^lLrr,2ber of ,vote (i ,s 15. l~gains file ,ct, -llurriber oi` votes 10. J R . ' Davl s ; Re • , glStrar ;ors C, r~. Davis ..Jude of lJlectic~n ,fie further certif' tiia, e iv e 4 ual'i'.ed'v tars 6 ~ a y t th re ex b q z i o registered in sold precinct Geo. w. Gafz'az'd Jud ,c,n nd entitled o . ~ - , ge of ~lec~~ vote at said elec~ion. 1';lis 30 day of u1y 1935. E J..:;.Ta lox Rs astl'ar, ' Y g . G.T.Keyes Jtzd` e ai` :elect' ~ 1; ion. 5~,~.Ze~=tis Jud~•e at' :elect' , ~ ion. she to e undez°signed do hereby appoint J.E,Taylox `'to attend vrith the xesult strove certified to fire meetih of. ~ . tl g tale oard of Con!r2issl onexs of. 1levr ?•Ianovea „ounty to count a!zd tabulate e votes ih-tae-above election. ~,~,Ta~lor 1~ , Y , eg~strar• 's S,T,Iieyes, Jud-~'e of ,i , U EleCt'1Orl• , . i , n 4 ~ - j i,:„e ,zn~; az august 1st, ly 5, contznued. ~ ~ J, i;.eetin~; ort i>.ugust lst,1935 continued. ' .re, ti, O.l;IOrn2.s, ltegi,rtrar and cane G rli~~n ana ~ ~ ~ ...:~,Carldl_n uuJces oz Election at j E1 ~~~'J ;iintor ::'a,rk. rrecincr,, iiew :;anover „ounty do tiez'er~~. certil.~~ t,r~:rt ~ ~a ~ ~ , , f at trr„ e1PCti n 1 r on ;;e, i'.ua. :ser~ecca Lumsden, :t~4z.itrar ana ~,l;,riolliu ana ;:,arion delis Judges oz dayln Oald COUnty :C"or t[18iJUT'pUt;e OZ CUJili11tit11~ir' t0 tYle (Lld,1?.I"g ~ 0 u 1414 1 z u elec~,ors ~,lection at i~.:asonaoro ~recznet ie','r :tar ~ ' the uestian oi' rar,if' in- the "rovirsions o' ~ ,t,-• ~ 0z ~aza'~ount T~ ~ iorer Co.Anty, do Hereby cerrizy tr>a,t at the 4 ~ y G, A ~ an c, p,...,',e.z at ~,aE lyoo session oz~ i Y, elec~,ion Held tni:r aay in said County for the purpose of suhrrcittinr to the ualiz'ied t re Ue ~ 9 ! issernbly of :~ort:z t,at'cilina, t:,e Udine ocinl; en~,it~lecz !1n ,".ct to i)erntit r,~rc Loa r neral .electors oy sai.a County, the question o;, ratiz in~• the r v':.~~' o I r.i oI Y ~ p o z z rs az an ;pct passed ` Coy+a,rzssioners oz r~e•~r :.~n,nover E,ounty to expend money z'ar the ~evelc~smc~nt , ~ o3~5 session of the ueneral t s , r ~ ana .,ia,irrte11ance at 't'he 1 is embty oz 1~;ortrz t~..olina, the sarne oeing entitled 0z~ ~~.;ri:errz'ie~ld Park an~:> ureenLield Lame ,tne xallovrzn~; nuraoer oz~ votes viers caste =~~nAct topermit the Board oz Comrni:asioners oz r;ew :;a,nove ~ - z (,ounty to expend ~ror:ey fox the P,evelopr~ent and .~.intenance of <<recn;:ield Park and U Benz"' 1d r ze Lake '1'ne r'ox tnP ,ct. I;;znner oz votes 55. ~l'l.a~vin number ai votes viers cast; c f g ~ ~ainst the :zct. ilurnbcl° of votes ~l, w'or t.re .''.c ~'~unrber ai" vot,es 55 . t, .le z';zrt.ier certify rnat vnere ,,ere l~ky ~,ualiiied voters, ret;lstereu in said , l lain; ; the << ~rc.ainet a +C pct. I",~rnt)er o:t' vot..,r 05. - ~ nu r eni;it!.ed to vote at sazrz eleat~an. r.lzts ,~U uay al July 1=35,~y, ; J 1 !1..~i.`~hCTriras pie l~~r~r• ' 1 P. tit'' '~1 n „ r + - , ~ ,'!e z'uxtter c r Zap t exe sere 65 ~ualil'ied voters rezs,,ered in said recinct P ;n 1' J"net d. th.l;n, ;Oudr,;e or ~1.ect, ana entitled to -vats at said elec~ ~I. 'Jt, • r I _on, r.s 30, clef of ,.uly 1:935. .,1i.aaridhn, JUL!~e OI ~12Ct' ' ' C zon, } ,.xs.Feaecca Lur:ISden filer-zstrar. ~ ~ ' ,~e the undersigned do nerebi a::s~oint ;.tr,Tnor.~Ias to tt d vr' ~ ,i a en itn the ,.eyult a.~ove ~.E,~©11,iti,, ,Tudge oz' z~ilectzorl. _ ; cez. tified to the meeting oi' the .ward =ot` Cornrnissioner~ of ;ieti~r :'.anov - . • e~ t;ounty to CGUnt ,Lrzon ,;ells, ,ludGe of ~ler,izon, anti t~;bulate the votes zn the aoove electzon. ~ n ' c• ~ ~ 'i. G,Tno~,ias, ..el;z~trar. .te tneurirlersi~ned do.hereby aj~point :.;rs.r'=ebecaa Lurnsden to attend ~rritn tr!e res'~:lt absve j . , Janet t~7. ;11, „udB Ut t;~.eCT,? GrI, Ce3.'t1'lled v0 the meeting oi' ttlG ward 0~' C%aT4<41].Saioner:i 01' :,BuV :~anOVe1' (,Oi,tnty t0 COUrit and I. .~~analiri, uu.u~;e ot" ilect~ on, tantllate ',;ne votes zn tae above election. f e! .ors, 11~ebecca Lulscien,;tegistrar. t , Ne, ,r,"L''.Tayl-or, ~t~g2~tT'ar ~,27d arGIL~. ,~rtL~ltori arit~J ~.Ii•.-,71 '~i , e~, judge;; oz ~1ecGio ,riallis, ,~u ctio , _ n at ~ dge o.t' _s1e n, I , aeagate ir}recznet, rie=~v :;anover County, clo hereoy certify ;i~w,t at ti?e election ,a -:_~•rzor ,+el1s dire o t7 ~ this da in'said , , ' , old , u i, z Llec,..on. y county z'ar tne,purpase at' `suo.azttin- _ta t:rerualii'ed - z electors oi' sazd i (,ounty, :the ~uestzon oi' ratii';~zn~ the; provisions `of an +iet i assecl a ~ ~ ~ ,te ~,:,:.l,e~~rrin :.e -is tra:r anct tiL L~ n.~; r ~ , ; p t ,rye 1~a~, so ~ , ~ ~ ~ and ...~s. ar • s.~zon oz y .ucCLeuYrzn ~uages oI' i:lecti on at ~ the treneral :{sijernbly';of' .ortn Carolina, the sarne 'being `entitled ":An pct to "Doris' ~;unset idi•k ya:.'ecinat, l~ew Hanover Count da nereo cent _ . zt trio 4::. Y, y zfy .:za.t at trio election Held ~ • . j , ~ hoard o.t -~ornltRissz,aners o,t atevr rianover :.ounty to exl;eand money for the ~evelonrnent and ~clzs day zn said County z or the purpoae oi' suorazttin ° to the . u~7. f v ' a ttiaint a - { ~ „ r~ , 6 `I z iea aters o~. sazd en nee of ~reenla.el.1 rar_. and Greenfseld Lae lne ~oll.oti7zng nurnr~er of votes „oana,~, tie question`ot' ratiz'yin~; tne'provsians of an '~.ct brs~ed ' ~ 1A : ~ a I. d a~ 19 sLsszon ~ ~rere ca u r _ _ aiI at= ofi ~.re er.eral .~s,~embl of :,ortiz ~,arolrna one am , , Y , s e bezn entitled _ n ,cct to err,ut , p r'or fire i:ct. ;,ur.rber at' vn"tes 58. ~ ..~oa~d 'of Cor~,rzssroners 'of' ,=evr -lanouer ~,o'anty to ex end ?none f'or t.'rre Develoi~m~:~nt ~ ' p , Y z~ °ainst tue ~ ~ and ,:ain elianeA of P k n yet. ;;u.,roe'r oI votes 14. t ~ Gr.enfzeld Par.. and ure~nt_a1.d Dike ~ the z"ollo'~rinr; number oz' votes 1?i'r; C~zSt3 ~ ' I .7e i'ur~:.iler certiz'y ~,:fiat t:~ere ~'rere 9~1 uualiiied voters registered in Baia ,;r.ecinct and i''or the ~~.et. _:'~~tu4oer oi' votes 49. entitled to vote at said election. i' i;tJ ~ ~ ~ Q rl_s , 1~f oz u,..1y 1.1~Q, h,;azn..t file ~ct, i~iu.mbex. of vo~es 0~. ~ I'f t i' ~ ' to iii"I t ~1 :`l,C,laflor, I,o~is~}~ar. 1 , ter cez ~,.iy trk),t there 'aer.e '19 qualiz'ied votes re„isterea in said precinct and '~.,1 ' ~ • ;,;arttta ,lalton, Jude oi" Ejection, ana er.~ztled to voce at; said election. 'i'ris 5U, d~~y oi' Juiy 135. J,:3,He;•rlett, JudCe oz' Election. 1 r I; I ,le the uncle . ~ ~ L.~~S,Leuain, ae ;i,trar. i. z~,zgned do Hereby appoint ,I. (.,raylor to attend with t:ie result above certified ~-i,L.:r;ing, judge ox ~~'lection. ! to fife meeting oi' the Loard of Cori~nrss:.onerU or :;evr i;anover ~~ounty to count a.r;u tabulate 's'ss.;~ar,• ;,cL'.Le,xwin J~ud e oz' r,lecti n J , o I' the votes in the above election, i I ',i',C.Taylor, r'e istrar, r+e ',ne ;.tndersined do nere''~ ~:~~,l~oi;it L.._,he(.r~~lir~ ~to atte~ir~ NriL~t ti;e result abo=re cez'tiz'ied ~ - - ~ ~r vU ~'ie ,Oc61'C. 0:. t~0i'r1':115C~GIi~r:i C1I ~.eir ;'.E1ri0rei' ,vU11t~ tG CCIliY]'t v,iiU i:il.'JU.l.clte ~rle ~rUteS iii .:arttta S. r~~l:,nn, judge of _~,lect;:on, f' ~ T ~ + n ire ;above c.l.ecti on. I ....lietivletr,, ~;,~dge of .Cleetion, :",!~eGrrin.i:e;;istz•ar. i. ..e, u.7.'.ahepard,ilegi.strar alia J.~, ~eor~:e artd 1- ~ ~ ~ ~.L,'lagarnall c7UdG~a 0. Llectzon a~ '~0'18r1 ':.~.t,ing, JUU~,e 0~ ~1.8C~yC)rl. ~ . h:.ile Trecinct, ~;,evr ~;ar.over tsountt~ da uer.en'r - ~ - I a f coif' ~ ,f ..:G~.LFU',1_ , ~ ~2'~1 ~riu1~ a"C =t,;.e E.l8Cr1'On t161Ct (,:1~~ T.~ „I~aT" 7 Tl ~UC1:"C U2 ler'1,I011. E,~~ i f. day zn said County t'or r,:,e iaurpose of subr:rttin~; to4'~he ualiz'ecl electors oz Baia County, fire question oi' rani' 'n` ;s • q ~ ~ ~ 3 yz ,g tie prov_,~1ons oI' an .ct passed at; ~~uYre 1.~.:.. ~es,~ion i~; oI' the ~~eneral'~='ssembly o1'~ r',ar ~.n Carolina, ttre <;ame wing enti les. ":;r~ «ct to peri:;it the P~CnFI`L~UI,ATIOT~i } _ Board of Cor~miisszoners ai' ~~e=,~ .`lahover County to' e::,:end rnone i s'or the Develo'~r:ient and Total Votes ioz• Vote 5 1 -'lect~on Precinct. i~:iaintenance of 0rreertiield Park and~Greeni'ield La:~e". 'i'ns 1'0llo~,vin: nn.cr:ber oz votes Iegistered. fife ,pct, lainst ~n ~ t e pct. were cast: i 1 194 5 I i~or tare i1c~. I,iimber of votes 02. i~,'~, ;'~ard,..••••_..,.•.....•..~•~.•....•,... 1 5~ JECUIIU rlal'd, lst, UI'2C1nCt . . . . . . . . 1~6 fjrj 43 1'.gainst tr:e r',ct: ldur.~iber of votes 07. ,second 'raid, 2nd,Precinct,, lU9 43 3 p ' .;e i'urttrer certiz'y tY>at •~here were 35 nualizieu voters reg,i;-stored in said )1rerinct ana 111z2'a "a,rd, 1st,rrocil,ot 2'~7 lU5 40 antitlea to vote at said elerr,ion. '1'ili;7 30, tiny oT' Huh 1935. ' n1lyd ~:ard, 2nd,Precincl; , . , . , , . 11.7 5(S I ~ , 19 j',oyartn ;iard 256 11.4 142 ti a~z~'1;n ;~axd 1st, Precinct,......, ti4 bl G,'.~',Snel;ard, r!e J;iG}trar~ ~ • ~ • rz.i i,h ;dard 2nd Precinct . . . . . :laC 29 J,1,:.George, Judge of Election, ~ ~ , 41 Six tl 1 Ijr1,.1V'~ILaI;1an 1LiCl "f' Oi' .t'~~-G'Ct:.Or!• t t'iard, 1St ~1.'C'CiriCt,, . ~75 lf~i9 62 ~ . r try ~rard 2nd p • , , . ~ , ~zec~nc~ N~9 95 ,fie, the undersi~,~ned do itereb~ a~sso' Udue Fear ~ c r ~ j f .i int G,r,~nepara to atterici vritlr file resu.>_i ~oove , . _Totvns~^.zp, 20 t cerii'ied o i t tl e meeting of the Loard of C ~r. ~ - , , t ttedezal Foint T `w orrurrzssianers Qf :~etir ;lanover count 5 to coup o nsnzn . . . . . . . , 46 15 i0 i and tabulate file votes in the above election. .iarnett Totivnsnip, '=Vinter Pq:rk rrc~cinct 149 55 22 , > , s ' jarnett 1'ownsiii lea ate Precinct ' p> g , 94 38 14 , GT,Sne~ard,;ltegrstrar. ~tarnett `l'o~vnsni 7 l,;ile Pxecinci J.1<.Geor~;e, Judgre oz' election, P, 35 08 0'I ~Iarnett 'lotivnship, r;ast '„~ilmington Zarecrict 115 49 lg BL,;Va~art~an ;Jud-s'ox' ~lertion, , f g ~,~asanuoro Toi;rnsh' + zp,;Lumsaen s More,,,.. „ 65 05 0~ ,.e, J,Ner!sert Joitris torn Be~ istrar !.~,sonbora c , } g an lss . r'argaret farmer and L,KPy'le Judges,. oz` otirnslzp, 5`unset, Park Precinct, , 19 4n O4 ; 'lee zon a t .~aat ,Jzlrrzng ton T~rec~ pct, ; T~1erv ~alzover ~ Tonal, . , , . , , . 5703 :L084 G20 - ~ount do here'b;- certit' that at tyre election Held this da in said C Y, ,I Y 'pied s Y ounty for fire purpose of submitting to the cjual1 cleci;crs of said County, the uestian ~ t ~~ite7' earefull` carrva~s ' ~ .F,^- r ~ . F ~1 of ratifying file provisions of an Pict pa~aea,a y u tiff; tae xor~vur.ng I~~uzns of trio ,,etieral voting; ,.~rECS.ncts of fife ,i ,re t „ sesszori of the Ueneral assembly oz North Carolina ~o,lnty and tabulating fife ~atne as above, fire ,soar'd oi' i;o:;z'izs5iollers decJ.are that the "An ~~t to ~e ~ , the sarne "being entitlen 1 rt,rit tae 13oarcl of CCirm~aissioners of Tevr liar" .,one t'oz c~ rr r , ' provisions of the ~ct,af oresaid eras Hat rat it fed and failed to over t,ount~ to expend . Y. votes a "gins Y l a rrkl,, ow zt1 01, 268, . ; Lne Develol;went and .._aintenr:nce 'oz t~r;eeni'ield Part r n `ollavring to t the aet. ; and Ureenf zeld Lace .rho x ! number. oi' votes ~vere cast; I~ The hoard 7. , 1'. Por-tire rte Tiun~per of votes 49. :Ien_ Dole a rece~U tnitil x.00 b clori, l,ii,, t;iiis crag to zut''~;rlet• curtsi~.er crie Against the"xet. TIurlber of r Courty1s 19x5-19~o budget al~uropriations. ~ ~ ates 18. ~J fu tlI I e r er certify fir„t tizere here .1.15 ;ual.fied voters re~• 'd sreclnct gxste_ed zn saz 1 alid entitled. to vote at sa:zd election. Ti~.is 30 day , Clem,. . of JuIJ 1935. y J.Iferbr. '~tI'az'. rt Jonristota ~te~,.~a r i i Iurs,l.~r•~zrei, k'arlser Judie or~ ;~;lECt,:on. ~j I L,1C,Fyle Judr''e o?' Tlection. r f, ,;e tr,e undersiz;Iled do nereb= e appoint J.lierner.~ Johnston to attend tvitn the result auov 1; Ce'..'tiI fed t!ie Cleetiilg' QI 'ttr@' !~Oard off' COC:~1T CQllnt 1. zss~.oners: oz T;ew llanover County to a aria tabulate the votes in fire above e ection. J,llerbext Johitstori;Regi..trar. 1,rs.zlar~aret r'arriiax Jud e of ~lertior,~ : g ' L,h,Fyle, Jude of election. ~f l; ~k F~.;-. +r 4 I j-. h:: f. f u _ r c 3 7^1. "lilmington,l~!. C. Au ust 1st 1935. ~ ~ n n ~.y3 ~ g + ~iecting of r~~.ul;ust t , o, cantlnueu, Pursuant tc~ recess taken this daT 114'" ~.r ~ A ~ r~ , , J at o /r.I,:., the .3oarcl rne~ at 3:UU Cpon motion oz' a::r• 'rrd.rl~, seconded by ::;I. rtintan, the Gooperati~ituilding and o' chair P,~s' to f"urther consider the Count 's 1935»7.936 bud yet ~ way ~ loured ~~r ~ Y C~ ~ Loan nsaoclat~.on a1 to pay the ~.J,S~ ta,tes aue on property.Irr blocks J5 and 06 without being required to pay the personal ro pert ta.:es of David nines and i o P I Y I?resent: Addison lietvlett Chairlrran, Geo.'rV.Txaslc Jas.lr.Hall F.;i• r rr' s'~ectivel cl~arrred afa'n h T ? , Roc,, and ii•C,IIew..lrk re r y, st the same, on accountof having to take t e . ;.Hinson. roperty baci: and dines and i!ewkirk having no equity in the same. P r 11pD11 rllatlan Of' ..r. t:1nt02? se00nded 'a' 1':.r. '.?rash blll4 'U ~ ~ yo J l r cxpenue of lie istrars ~ upon :~.rotiou oi' r~~r. ,.,.11., seconded oy L:r. rrinton, ttre .~oard ~~nciorsed and reconnnerxlod , ~ Jla.lges o. .~lection, dent and 1':ea1s, ~;~;rel;ating ;;499.00 for ncldin' t':Ie tw ` ~ r the aa~rountment of r;:r.Carl ~itehder for file ah,~o~rntrnent ox' ~,+•P.A.Pro'ect Supervisor C o special - ~ J elections Jul}~ 30th 1436 wore a ,roved r'or r~a• Rent ' Ar . ~ for the ,~iilmirl,~ton ~1strlct. 1 Upon motion the 3t^~te }ii1;17~:~ray and Public ~,'lorks Can>rnlsslan were requested ~ `1'ne Count's 1y;55-1966 l3LrdGret i:;stilnatls vrere presented and considered in detail tc, make a survey of the proposed road along fire Ocean strand from Oarolina ~ ~ ~ rI?rr~t~ of ex Bess i'or uaunt~ ',rovern~nent its ~ ct'vit'e nU in t'tut'ons i'or ..each to v an.t amp s p J , a s a s 1 1 ::asan'uoro Inlet. file ;,soar ending ,Tune 30, 1J36, was fixed and the carne to be forlner.ly adopted by adoption oz the apliropriation resolution at meeting to be rleld august 2~tn,l`'J35. ' `.fter completing fire in:~,er~l:i.an of allntranr,e~~ irI the 'Jounty's 19;,5-1Si3r; ~ ~ V r.r _l - f o r trre varioua de ;artments of caunt~r ~~averrrr~ ~ ~ .n~, ~ ~ , I , ~ ! ..n~,, ter, ~..,,eting ti~,en adjourned. dine rollovring coupons and bonds were presented by the County Auditor as .having been, paid, .do ' ;~i,r_ ^"°rore~ °117.?reed in the presence of trie Board: f , . Clerk. ' 11 to 2~ Inc. - lU ;23.'15 ~!2'r'.50 427.50 i~'~ ~1i11::i,;r~aon . ,tu: ? ~ F ounon io. 11 3onds I~+a. , i, r , gLSt ~tn,l;~~,~> :+'if 'r1G reF;ular. vrec}:1• .;;eetix~^- oi' the .;o •rl r . r, , , r'CU}'`I ri0115~ POi~IL~ . vras het l t 1ir~ da r at . ,~0 0' l o 'r ~ ~ Gotrpon ro. ,,onds '..o. 11 to 160 Inc, - 9U ti5.00 2,ti5U•UU 26 " " lr~b " l09 " _ 5 .?5.00 125.00 ,,I i`resent: ;~rldison [evrlett rJn<'tirrran, Ueo,',i.Traui:, Jas.l:,?~~l]. and J•H.rIa.nton. i ~ ~ 23 1'll " 225 " - 55 " 25.00 1 37b•UU 3 '150.00 ~ request of ~~~ol 'lall.er 'r~aylor to inrrea';;e the 14°5-1936 aIi ire ~~r ~ - - .1 1~ ration for. the , ~;~1i1n.Ingtan PLibliaLibrar b~ lUU.00 io en ~ble t' i'L=-~~ =~~':~1~~; I ~,I Y J ~~r a ,rye trustees to c~ecure retie-; a~ 7 Standard Library ~wrricir c.udltlonal ~,~i~~r ~ ~~a ~ Y~ ~ t a; Co~~rpon'o. 29 ?ond:r :.o. 30 to bU Inc.,- 21 1~_, ~O.OU 630.00 y~ Jt! ~.~.},-a~r..wtl0n V~lOL11Cl _ellee,~ to the CreUit of the n u ~ n n n n r County r'ronr standpoint of advertising, teas received far cc~I~i.ueration 32 1 50 - 50 2u.00 1,250.00 l,S[~0.00 i ;1 :r ~;,f .retex 1)ro•rrn :~ui1'in °;~i a ~ ~ rOl~'J i30idIX:;': a~~e reu fo_ one .)zrectoro of fire :r'iln,iragton-.tart Trazfla a;zso, s, ~ vl~ 7 n , .~.ro were a_„c ~ ~ Go,_~on '.o• 4.~, pond :;a. 1 to 50 Inc., 50 c> 2F,.50 1,1,.,0.00 present, and urE;ed tine Gorririissiar't~1^s to ae,~Ignate teat A550C~.~~~.10 ~I , a; erlr, - to look i n a ~d ~r ~ • , n as tne~ " X14 " 1 4 - 4 ' 25.00 100~U0 ,I 5 t0 r. , P,G ~l.il~ieYld rraJ;' and i;t0anp OJ~ )T'orll0~~111 • ~h - •r.~.. ~1 1 g e Fort 1ntE.c.~t Here n +I 44 " II 7'~ " 'l0 " 25 00 1 750 UO 1 unu.er tree Port ~eveloliment ;'ict ratified at elF;ctior n ~ G o - , e_d Jul•, ~0 1JJ,; and t ' be all yr d a . J ~ a th<~t end a II n c _ c ~ - ~ a e to alsbur.,e a onion of I ~ - ~ x 76-775-'!J-~;U-84-'r;rj-~~d liJ - d ~ 12.50 100.00 p t e tax InorreJ tc ue uerlved i'rom file levy. . r ,I u u ~ n , ~ lee ren,,uest bras tahen under consideration 4-1 91 ~0 94 Ir:c•,- 4 ~ 1..50 50.00 li; II II n.4 II II g,1 119 - 23 12.50 28'1.50 ~j 1 Joan i(!Ot' o - , II .I Q, II ~I q ~7 ~ `7 II 'J ton o1 ;>:r• rrinton, weconded by :'::r. x[a~.1.s t:~r!e Poard, upon recorlimenda.tian o' 1' .4 1,-2-1:.3......5 - 3 1w.50 ~ 37.50 3,450.00 fi f . ne r ~ lracahalic Beverage Control~oar~, approved tree ~s a to ~ , ; ' I stores Selected bz to nu cations of sire fr,llotir~ng ! SCiOUL ;30T'~;DS` [ e .1can~lic -~e.~~'~~~e ,~on~r~i :;oard: ~ [ Cou~~orl ~lo,4~k i3ond T(o., 1 to 18 Ina,,- 18 ~ 25,00 4oU,UU u~ n ~l . u n 0 44 - 2 6" 2 U O G2'" 0 0 'rVarehol?se k~io. l0U 229 2i rte ~~G r ~ ~ , ~ 2 5. a. o at e_ ~I set 20 00 f~'. 'I 1•~e~•••••• r• • per mall~h ~ II 11 11 II n C F~r~incipal ;;tore lio. lUl ~ _ i , 225 i,[arket ,street ~ II 4d 4C only 1 25.00 2a.UU , ~ • ~ • • ~ • ~ ~ • • ~aD.OQ I! II r II II I" n II t' L' ~ `k4 05 to 59 - 2.00 1'1,,00 j ~tol~e r;o. 102, 1201 north fourth ,fir I u eet,.....,....•....., 16.00 I ,tore ida. 103 618 P " " " ,1 F1 " " 62 " 1i}y - 4~3 " 25.00 1 ,00.00 r + GastL ,~treet,•...,....•...•......... 35.00 II I~ , „tore ~;o. 10~s Station 1 n ~ 2 X1'75.00 > , rlrl~nt„vllle Beacn,..........• 20.00 ' f ;t ` are .,'o. 105 Palais n ~ - `~,r;:-?OUL -g0'i~xa. oJa1 _,uzlaing, Carolina Peach,... 50.00 " " _ ~ Administration offices IrourtYl a , ~ Coupon i:Io.rt4 Pond :Io.111 to 150 Inc.,- X10 C~ 25.00 1,000.00 floor Gwell =3uilaing,.. • 55.00 ' " II ~I a r - .4 151 200 - a0 1N. 50 625.00 ~~'lre Chaim tr• ~ ~ n n a ,I _ ~ ~ i 3. 1 tlnly 1 2~.OU 2~.OU ran arld !~.lr. ..lntorl were named t r , i1 a , o intestiGate a reques~, of 1.[r.B.~.!,<.r:rerorr i'or a II II n a r~auctlon of file a,;sessment orr i,ire property of i;he Clar1;..L~ 'rl~ ~ - I 34 18 ~tlo 6~. - 4b 25.00 1,120.00 ~ Jn~ r Lumber Cc~r..u~,n nI11 ~ ~ r ,r n , „ sate, and the Cnaf'i'ner propert ad,olnin: th ~ - y' 34 II ,I 64 ' 125 - 62 u~.00 1,5o0.0U I Y ~ ~ e o1c; Hotel site a~ Uarolina 1?eaCn• ~ ,I ,I ~I n ~ n ~ n +I 2 1`7J U 32 a7 6 1 5.0 .0 " 32 " 65 " 72 ,j 25.00 200.00 I hrs. Annie E. Gaskili and ,'~oran 3r an ~ - o y t ,~1111arns, itavirrg been es:arnined by the II II II II n II 26 25 00 6 0 OU ' County H..a1th Orficer and re r ~ 32 75 10_ ~ 5 . com.rendeu b n , ~ of r~+i '1' ~ f t e Co~.l.,ty ,ie1f'a.}'e Officer, vlere 1(~arl C9otl~n n n II a ~I u _ n r ~ r. rasl., seconded by ;~r. l?intan admitted o ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ 32 71 18 8 25.00 200.0) t one „o~.~nty Horne as inmate. n n ;52 u n g1 n 12J - 45 " 25.00 1,125.00 i ,I 31 u " 12.7 225 ° _ 99 it 25.00 2,4'15.00 !`pon metian of :,r. Tinton c . , • [ .,econded b~ :~r• :~~tll, authorl~y eras given the Souti>ern ~ II n . r n 1 25.00 2a.UU 23 141 onJ.y I, u ~ Be11 '1'elenhone Coruian to - ~ ~ ( y cut 58 trees on the County's land along the h~.ghvray at II n n n., a~ n _ ~ 4 II 23 '75 4 3'10 UU 4 T rkk~ 11 5. to 2.2 l3 , 1 ~1lnter Park 1n order. to enairle trrem to move their r ~ ; ~ /llED z , line T F' ~ that th s oach zrorrl the _Ilgnwwy, PROV r II 11 a II 41 II 355 - 315 " 2v. 15 '1 4f31,;a5 23 501.25 , e reel are out into cord lengt'rrs far the use oz' the Cot?nt and tyre store s ~ ti- Y P - , ta..en up. 1 i~'JO111~i0US~' 3: C_O~uT~iT`f liu''-;i; F3Ui~i1~:,: ` Tvro bill r Couao'n Ido.36 Bonds lvo.~1 to 1'1 Inc. - 1`7 " 25.00 425.00 s for „25.00 each aa, ~ ~ ~ ~ + o ~ J~~ule to ~,oloznorr ,3.8ternberger and i,lan A• J~.~~arshall, 'tt rncys, a~ per order of the ~ouxt i ~;ugust Special term S r' 9 ar servlce~ lender.. r3 Geor.e K1n tried wt the, ~ 7 s~ 33,435.'75 . ~ g g ~ ro~,al GODUarl~ upe_1or Court for a capital zelony,were referred to the County ;;CIIOOZ ,'1 OU 00» <~4 UUU Attorney- tvitr ~o•;r • B0_PDS PAID: Bond ido. 51 to 60 Inc. 4 iJ ~ ,0 ,r .00 ~ ~ J e1 0 aC r, n u u n u n r '71 75 5 1,000. U o,000.U0 9000 ~UU 1 t"t rec[uest of the Boaxd af' Ld ~p42,433.'l5 y ucatlon tYra,t the sum of .,3,000.00 be placed to the credit ~ ~ of the s ch 4 0o fun, to take care oi~ e-~penditures f'or tine month of ~u t was ar roved. ~r ,F ,z _ t hug, s , rA _ne 3oa.rd Alen took d recess to 3.OU o clod: P.1,~,, Thursday August Stn,19J5. ; i upon motion of („r. earl e rr. ~ ~ ' ~ s Bonded by ,.,1. Hinton the Chairman wa~ t- ed to have the culvert re ~airect tt ' ~ au,aorla r/ f -'.M~ r;"_ ~r~,y i 1at eras recently wasrrecl out on the road connecting Uard~n City - - witn Audubon. Cl~rl:, t ',+ilrninE ton,.M.C., August 8t:r,1935. f A Ca?11r:1Lin1C'~,ti0n WaS received S'raT11 file QOUl1t, PUr ~ - r3 ~ he ii and I'liet tY'liS da at 3• U ' ~ a J ,~uuitor advising file amount of dey~osit in ~ ~ saarrt to recess ~a~cen rlui,Lwt 5th, 1,3 5, t o y •0 o eloal_ i e cn bank as of Jl;ly 30,19;55, together vrith a memo a 'n each case. x ndurn of securities held 1 x i Present: :cdc.risan Hewlett Chairlrran, Ueo. ,'i. '1'raslc and J. H• Hinton. ~ lpon .,notion, duly seconded ;;a••~d ~ t llstin rrali' - ' • •.Pryde Tres relr.ased f'rorn payment of penrr:Lty f'or no , g acre of land in Barnett townshi ~ z'or the , ea y ~ on account The f'oll.ot~rin ~ calrvnunication eras received f'rorn the Count` Auditor: of iravin li. a i rs 1, 31 and 195,, C J g 5 u..c. otnex property in the eou:nt,~;~ f'or said ear til' nlc' n r this vr~s included. y s 1 1 I , ',111?r~ irtarl, l'1•C• Au~~l1Bt nth 19~5s nv t f upon motion Gount,~r wills ?~ios. 135 to .510 were ann ~ ~ '~=~onorable .Hoard oi' ' ~ oners Ioved t'or payment. ? ~ c,olllrltl.,si , Nevr Iianover Count;r. upon raol;ion, du1 seconded ? , Y tyre ..~oard approved the payment of .,,21.25 to iiirs•;~lntlie !,r^ N Gal~ps z'ox vrz'iting rile jury list. ,Jentl Gaon. `f'he County I efface hereto a copy of the advertisement sho•~ving the various tax rates 5 Auditors cash r ~ , elort for t~~e nroni;lr of July ',Y<~s received and ordered filed. recarnnnended by Ins i'or fire year 74'35, the total rate being 65y.' as compared vrlth 70 for 1934. This means a re,.tuction of '1~' by reason of the addition o~f a added f ~ or Dr.Russell Bellamy appeared in tlr the Po~ ~ Colnulisslonars o a e Interest of curbing venereal uisease and urbes n ~t Uevelol~ment as a reaalt of the recent election. ~,le ,revery 1'orturnate in ,sing able t cqulre an area of land on wh~ se regatlo to In~a:'.e tiers r d d h ontlnuatlon of the 65 or z'u tr c )le of prostitute women to Ich to esta'olish a colony for the g ~ •ong, ,r e uctlon an t e c ~ rt er i~eductlona of course in an be operated ender strict rnedlcal su dell exaurin~.t>. Ia ctependen~ upon i'uture collections. T attach a sta,:ement shorvin rn~ estimate of .e effort to clear the strer=ts f pervlslorr and Y g J 1 0 our city o botter~~ ~ col lec~tions from n th• n ~ ro~~ert taxes and bacl; av control venereal diseases. J f such objectionable women and to ~ sources of er a p c y t .,es. I also attach a r. • sta.t~..mant shovring the cas41 balance on JLIly 1st, ~eacept for sin}cirrg funds), the arrtici- pate~.i recelnts froin property tastes, b?:rck to :es and other. sources, as yell as the amount of LYI t Of' - the budget for e?.tclr xund ahd tl~e rc~,luirements for Jul ^lu~:~.t ~ P, Y~ G .tnd Uepteurb~a of next ear .r, r Y o the funds Lila(; i~nave he?~•eto'ore 1~ir;~on fi'.Yu.rad to i)r,~,~,i;,,. ~ ~ o ~ lst„ 1 ne only fund t,lr~~tt ~rti t0 Il?~ tU lie alit a~ 111'ie 15 fire"'va'anty ::UIr1L''' xl,lliu-t'ri1101"1 a`~;Qt:LI`>j t0 Pieta Treed L ti i ll .r - , ~ r , ~ ~ 4 °eeti.n ot" Au'ust ~tri 1935 continued. °~I„"d~~ ~ C , ~ ~ ~ r. ( r ~ " j. t~ ~ ~ ' eetin~t oI: :1ut;ust ~;tri,14?3,~ ean~irnted. i,. b rl~ViB i11 T. ~1'he ra'Ge leV' ~ ~ ~ T'~011 P10t1 Gn Ol 1:_r . '1'rASll 3eCU1]ueU i1 ~ra'. li~ 11~ ~ , - ~ led SOI' tn1J IUT1U 1H line 1117111 a.llolded I)y ~1ai°d E(I1C1 l'~ ~ y 1 Uli, l„1F, V11alI'I';Ic'.ll Y~`l;`I 1Tlalil'Ut~1~Br1 "GO !11~hET' eVerl tP1GU'''n 1t1e t0'1;a1 r' l'' l' ~ , ~ ~ ooltld n01; 1,Yri~~ t!1e UOUilty ,~1CtOrl'1Ey and ~17e LC7Cta,1 ~~~Vel'111f1E'llt rt ~Vik10r ~ ' If?11' ~ } ' d LO 1J.1g1'1 Sot t )1t7iU1'1 b u ct , C. fC7. E 111,rleX'. , ~ dlly _ ~ C~+nCBi"1"IlIl~ tl7e 1.0111"ity ll;llri~ t't ;t:~c:i't Oi 11;3 5111.~Clli'~ illl'1C~S ~C1 hUl'QI1c13G 1t:; CllV11 ~ Y'd,~iP.. k , 1 5Cf!001 Loan l`~OteS t0 file e17d tit;lt 1L1]'C,tler 1]k?j'Ot,1a~11i!11;7 lr1aV bF', 1;1<tittr; Pti ..t Tile S [ltc; fifes ect7tta.ay Nuulaitted t ~ irt'~5u?"E;r ~~OZ' ti1F;' t1L11'Ci1~LbC 0~ 571Ci nO1,,t;S• `.i'hld ~?ll"!'i111~1:iF? 1YOl11CX 1'a)i111 el G£:1"T 1,llli~ f;0 t~11C', . Cnltr;t;' in inter^st rate. • J,n.Urrel,.l.. Trle r;eet`_n t17en ad "aurned. ~ J Castl - ~i. ~ ~ ,r ~-i~lance. ~p?ro" Ju1~ 1 t ,~.;~;r 7: ',~~~,.~r:.'~:' T~,.~:es, 01;iler• pax(„~ ~-;ate ~a~,al Y ,.u ~ ,p i;rlatiolls, ;e>> ~ ~ er ( ; ~ ~ t,,,0. 'i'ota .,1 y}. , it ~i Uounty rlomo 4,1a`~,y3 2 412.00 la '(7 u ~ ~1~ra.n ~°t,nl~ :-rlr.~•l.l;,t 1,_ th 1'':.„~. ti , f ,~Ib . ~ .Q~ 25 3;?J.~J o 1- r r C, r Genera:L ~r; t~7i1. 14 =c • ~ 25,550., 4 6 3t1Y ~ ~ i ,`032.00 ~li,t,J0.14 b6,~UU.OU .l~a ls6,ii~j:u.li~.' 115 72'~i ~ ,~ti 'S1,93'1,y ,apecial - 0 'a~ ~~c , .01 21,13,11 ~ I'6•~.1+1~.r 't,0 r.l~~r ;!le"tl:( Oa. ~ " i' - - .L0,1~5.00 .Otil 1~0 1~, l'Sti a e ~ „ e ~c~:aa ',~r iu..~x 1,i1i.1 a ~ 411, ;);,~U o ;;.~.o~l,~ ~.UU 1.0,000,00 _ i 46;62• ' ; ,ij ~ riealhh ?I,012.U6 .r,;:~~~t;.UU - awS.uU ,u;~,; lu p f ~ 1J,. 1 J•U~ 11 U~~J f OO, .hospital '1 i;a~i«Ub ~ 1t,U Uu - ; ~ . ~ .~,i, ~~,;r~~},ts3 C ~ ~ ~ }:e;d c ~ ' •,J, _ x;~ ~ r , - ll r,~U.i!U ~ 15 'r ~~e.r~;e.;t. i~UUiao.~ 1 tt G1>i~_.'~+,lan, ~:co,rr r,~..13~: ,J~aa, .tl~.l1 tlnii J,:.•,,...nton. POrt, ~ ] w0,'1,'l UU 1J,3U1).UU 3 ti''S ,b~=+16 ' ll 1 - - '7,bUU.UU .Ur Y 50i1.0u ' ~ ' i Zy,1z6.UG' ~ . ~ ;toads _ c ' - - _ =a t•,' , ~ , , ; cJJb.OU '/~U,UU - 1 U`ab U I ~eI' i;:U:::.Y,, _.'ealUl;llt ..lie Lit ,.~;t0.1 ~i~I't-`,1,`[tLl~ll'~ ,l'a~OCic~t.1011 ;find (ln,~(?~~ «410I7 ~alar;/ i+'und - - 16 1:~7b.UU _ ' ~ ~ '100.40 , ~ u~~aill a>,l>Eareu i.)ehoz'e the :~onrd lrl tl:e in!;ereot; o' ~ol'~.lt~l~;~i~,irr~ ?lall:, ±'i)r tie - 1(7 t;io.UU `~1 q OU 10U,4C - ~ r, l ;~011f.)O1 f4~ J 4,4)0 C1 1 1 r ~ f~- - iC; t 1 ( r;. % iJ., ~ f ~..u ruhd , 1 '1~0.U1. 9 JJJ.QJ 1 ~ n Cij' Ull.l.' CiB V'Cl i1'Oi;l ii@ 1~OI't C'dE; O~l elit l,c,ty atl~l BL;~~11~~...,1 .,}C, ~ i is r , ,SUU.Ii) .Uti '1~,,3b.~,Ul1 4~S 1~'~~ ,140,Ub ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~DO1:S Gbd.U'1 ~.,1~i0.UU 50,00 ti d~J.O'J .U~J 1l tl'q ~ ~ - 4014,96 ~~G1:(+,i:,,~ v=~!iaU;lt,_T• 'J,%i`lJ;l J, tlO~Ue i'ul' l~~;lil'~)Va.1. l~lld ,hi t: ti;ll.~at.ttll'i,r~ :f~Ul t;i~(^_it' 1~, (i P nSl C1J 1 ~~Jil•'11 4b~` UU ~ ~ ~ su' • Sl; r__ri ° ..i~l;~Cu ~i .`t t I~; ~ t 0 ~ ~ ,l.,~i~/.7.11(1 •UUJ J,~6J'(.'11 .i. '/~~6.~111 13,925,~U 1. i. t711~1t pt',~!i?Jal 1~ ,.illlE;iaa r1 ;,7 a C ~,~1~.1r.,~111 - ~ `15~,1)u 1 Iv Z,170,~U i''U,GU~~_0:'. G1;l"..,;v ..;~i.:.tl~' 0 1; I1, 1 ~;~1,lll~ 3ond 1!~un~1s ; ' - - . o Co ti me. 1,?,31.~~5 +1:32.00 _ Z 0',7n 0 1 ~ c ~ _ yL t: ww . Ui~ ~ i:,,;1 J~.,11 .:;1~~": ~o ~ U JS83, J3 2 ii~9 ~ it i.,l'( 1. I Court ,house J 819.1;0 2 a0zs~uU _ , , ~ .6. X00,00 3 239 ra ~ i' i:. ~ s a,~J~).UU .Ur~r., 2U 'l~,l rU f ~'''erl''/ - 1,0ES6,UD - '1 GUU.OUr 1,.96,48 ~ , .u _ d,5i3a.uU 6,'r'I~.GO 1,'190,00 s 563 ~ i i (Oads - 1, 344, OU - 11 n2 UU ,i a (1 ~ ,EO ` 1 ° i~choula 1l u' ~ ~ ~ ,u 1r,,_b..OU ~iU~,.1~i ~ i,b~5,11U 11 u~7 ; - , ~IO.LU - U1 OU~.ui~ •iv~?~ `J5 ~ c u ~ ,1~ ~ ~i ~ a'lU.(.U J1 'r,,, l ,d.~i.ii; Ln.h. l8 Z97.~16 312.00 _ l' , `1.1.~ ,_,~,~~h1.5U 11,988,69 L ~1 ~ ;i ~ ill ~f Tota! S2'~~~~'~'`.?~ ~UUU.~lS 5,j g9 i ~n' ~ ~ . _ , 1 z7C~OC _ _ _ _ i:, r , , ,11,.E I~.Ut, • f5~ 4t~~ ~.0~ ~U u~:' ~ ~~a__~ 11~ ~ - ~ti. 'i.. .r _ .„•.i , t.' ~~I.N , ,Il ~1,: :.i; li 1 1, i; . _ 1' c ~ . , i . . , . _ la 'f w L c J 0 ~ t~mated Othel t,eoelpta 1.,35 .1936. _ ~ ~ ` ~ . Uelleral a drools aI Hooks ;toad i` ! , _ . F o 1 a. ,1, c n n r , 0. 0 • ~cheduie 1? saxes,...,.,... 3,Ouu.OU w u.. 5 13ec.r T,icanse, • . , , 2,000.00 ~ . ~ ~ _ , c..,_ ~,a,( ( aadvertisln~ Costs ~ c, _ ~ „ i 90.00 A y _ ~ . _ t_.., Glty oi' ~lilrlin~t an, , , . 300.00 _ Cornmissiolls - c..~er.. :i ' .~u, , ~~.,c.. . ' 1'z'e aid ~ ~ _ ; u",. p 1,000.00 ~ , ~ a,c , Cornnis5ions Tax Col:l.ector•. 1, 500.00 r" Ices -Jail w:':. - , 1,0.0.00 IeeN Election _ ~ lUU.OU 'e ~ r ~ ~1 1 es - Stenogra al7ez' • , a 0 k'eea - 0 tiler, { Intere;~t, ...e„r•,•,•••. 1,UiJU.Ou (c.,I ..a .._C_,'_..., ~ _ .:~iC°t{~ ~ L ~'I: ~ U.i a~ l,l ..lf..; Jury lu'.@~,ls, ~ _ _ ..:C~.; _ C' r~ r:i~ a „t.::~~;.. 7 10.00 ~ ~ ti ~ _ a Jur • J. 1 ~ : lax, - - . ~ _ .v, r • • 250.00 _ ' ria ~ ~ ~ r,.ar Ge License _ ..:wc~v a. ~.a l~r~. .~,i 250.00 ~ _ ~ _ . . ldot Listed Pena7.t, ~ y, 'r5.oo lie corders Court . , , . 1 ~ ~ o ~ ~.t ~ . _ cfi'ectivcl t;, ~,i..~ 1,500.00 Y k~ nt, , . z -o~;e 300.00 ~a1es ' _ , Mate r1 di ~ - - 50.00 ~ - „ ~ ~ : u t 120.00 ~ae :u,-... , ~ ~ ~ i...,. 1., , o hers lild,...... 53~.OU ~ ...a~, ,...la r~ .L~~., .l c..~,,.,, ate z ~ ~t locat,loral Education 1,35ii.00 7 - r r~ r i i ~ I~ i ~ r 1 ~ 1 lll~,.....:..•.,•.. ~:.C;:. _ .~(.lct _ i:. t _....,1'i..._ t ( _ ! i',,,. 1 tl',r'.,'f: Shoemakex U.fI r '10U'~00 ~;i ;r,,~' lreasu~er,.• BUO.OU ~ . Liquor~leetion - 1,081.14 Do,' l ~ ~ ~ i ax,. - ~ ..l~C~ _ 1 _ ,U., `,C L 1, )J ,.ab11 ' 1''ines • • . 800.00 w lorzeitures,...,.... 6 500.00 vocational Educai;ion,~otnez• ' ioi ,:.e .,~.;1. ~'',_o;~ ..,~I . ~ , ~,cl, C mmiss ) - ~25.OU Y, _ ~ , . o ions - Carolina Beach 125.00 _ ._w , r.~~ c~. _ ~ _ . _(,1 . .,,~,i;.~ol u:~ .,.'.i~, ~ r s'w c 11. Total ~Stllrlated '7~, Q F r ~.8 , 6.0.14 9, ,,9 0, U0 50.00 700 00 Uion motion s' ~ ac)~ _ 0'7 , . 1 0 r. _znton seconded b i,Ir, Trask _ „ ' g , ~ i Y , trle r'ollowin • resolution lixin • file ~ z o_,Lotiti ln~ tax rate was they adopted, all members ~ • I ~ a..,, ~ , _ . _ ~ ! _ . w l1e sent ~ n votrn- aalzrruativel including 7 , t fie u alzmlan, - t~ y _ .!.oy ~ - c: ~ ~ . ~ ~ 13' 1T ; ~ ~ _ <t F; „ - ;ii ~ i', ~ c. c r ~:'iw(711, ~(hVEll b,~ trle Boars. oz r ~ ~ , Connnissioneru o1 ieti'r a o 1 ~'0~.~.Ol'J1 ~ 1' !I n Vel' ~OUnti~ twat i;t1E _'l h 'b'. n n ' x eVlea an aSSeSSiIleIltS T > a ! t. ;.l 1: upon all taxable hrooert ~ t or tr? a ~ a3r as ~ provlued and authal fired by the General and ; ~ ~ - ~ e ~e r 1~ ~ , w_.. _ a . eC:.a1 'c 1~Pl9i ..~.V~'y1C17t ~:'iri. ~~';;t.:~,.,bl.,., u: ,l v ,J':.'~` I .lcta o1 the LeLl~lar,ure, to ae as i"ol ; i, { TNC R~1T1;; property '0.65, Fo~ll ~ 2, 50. . f. County 1?ome,t ~ ~ - .05 Ge11eI°a1 h'und , , .15 .50 , .t .02'1 L ~ f~ jIe&11;11 rllnd,..,.....•. •023 `I -~C: Qr I:. J;: a(T~ li;;f:li C'I;ULV l~~_(''•.1 L~ i,'[; ',.,_:.i;l'ir! 1 i • ~ ~ ~ ~,i, Ilos i tai x ~ ~ ;iL',i t. :.C~ru 0.,. i ~'Or~t ~ o ~ :3ehool Fund,........,, ~ _ IV, .Od 1.50 School i~oo};s,, 1 l ,02~ Sctlaow 1'ensiene . , , , . , ~ ai s ~ ~ 4 . , • , . . O U ~ . ~ . _ _ . . County iionle .rv3ond i++'tuld, , , .005 , , Court l~iouse ~~.iotld i, . d 0.,., r,,~ _ ,,11~;,~ : ~ ; i~. ,1 ~ ~ ~ 1' ~.Uad .,30r1d 'U d , ~ l:, i , i ~ Id lund,..•.,.•...,. .224 .L42 ~ ~ ,~~Llo;~ r Total, 0.65 ~ ti ~ ~ , _ _ , '.1. , ;c,.1;rC • • rV . J U , . 'i` ~w ~ J er ~ j ,..z u . _ _...._...r.,..,_ . ~~v _ { ' ~ j:~~C:etin;; 0~' rl~l~L1St 1~•,tliaii):) COliti)1LlCd. t~ '1 > > i;:eetlnE, DI' i~+u~ru5t 1~t11,1.a5J, COrltlnLiOQ. 4 ~t;pon notion oz I~.r, ninon, secondea ray ;:.r,:~caeo, the Onairn>an tva',;~ a111,1:os•ized to an a(;I'8ertlen'C Yrlta tl?B Mate n1~;111vay arlCi ~'up~l.iC 's`~Ipr}:S Dinr;li?J51{1019 'T1VinT tt18 ~ I C r ~ t, ;;ig:.~','ay .;OI'~"iSSlCri ttiP, rLg11L t0 bee.UtLly the 1:011171}~ tia111e J)rG~'.iEr~ty £11Gr1g and iiC t,~1,~':~~ ILlTi Ui~' ~Ui~,:.[~,~IUii _ , ~ ad~acur,t to Mate xigliYvay 4U. s n 1!'18 1. a' l'liu:ii Oil 'aii~,~.l ':;,t~.iie 1'eJO:(.'t of it'~; i~,G ,'i'I1~'~1F~S i7 S „ ~i ~ . LL11 tlCi?i?18~ dilu ~ ~ A„iad :_~on r',otion of ss. :~Inton eeconued u:' ~ , t ~ 1• 1 y~, ~ such :;:r. :~.o.ss tyre ,sollrcl gut loci ed t.~e .ent a0 ,JCIa,~..~, q8 ;;~I'OSCrlbei.~ )Jr 1;Y1C: aged :,Oa,z'd Ot' ~UJ..1t;;I ;,UI.;:tI;;J~C1?`!Ci(y, 9 a i p: ='~.0~ t6 !,:1SS 1~eila ..tack IOr aa1't GS 1,ilr~'f: QO,;fa Cti;tr1~1 11G1.~) reCGJ^dlll~ ~%pVCrillnent UpGn r;10"IJi0C1 Of ,.,r. '!'•'ar'1{ ~a~-r• r', ~ ~,r i12:~6 i~CI' L118 ='•E~7.5tier GI i'7i~epE, I a , ,Cn~e.~ I) ,--r. -._.1t~1.7 aCtiall Orl $i1 a' ~ s e ~~ov~ ,i ei'eI•red i'o,, i; 1'urtiler oa??~~a.de:ca~"~i'.;n, t reel; D' .:-r. .;oss ser,cncled I•, n „ e i`o~.. o;vin lien ~ t_w,or I50 , I,~nto , ti g tI•nct 1'or t.l~le ' I uj)D!1 ?aOtLOrl at~ '1~i'-`1,S~r 5°~'a.7n.:~ed C1tr 'i~'/ ~ i. ~ BuUe 6f file .;ounty GCLaa ri' ~,'u - -9 ~ ~ I,i1t.,1 ~-'~G 1 ~t e a 4 al'I'y t0 t11B :Mate ;11(~Yll'dayl;Gl;iT;l].;3;3L011~ "v1~S a,,proved ~ f. arc. ~ ~ ~'l('~~I,°,~ l.,i~0:~1 V.1' ~];i) -rtr'r'Y I •n~,. ~ ~ , Gf tY18 1101fdJ'e Q1Cer, 1'aP1~:8:~ i,T! uil 0'w°JJ,71C2 Of ~J. i1'?I'1~t1021 d:G tt1E ,;r:a_.L.a., arru tliB v_G.r: ~~E..e c..Utt1GI'1l,eU alld C11T'eC,teU 1;G G1~;1"1 %ne :i~ilue OIl bi;~'i~.~f 1 ~ 0 1) a' ` i 'e~ 81' 't"!„el'; 1 J'Ci;"t t.w t~0~1I , ~ i ,Ja;;rable to ary a',vinrlc l la.i.~> ~~~,~~-nin< >"~ree~t tc•,r~ ~cl~.ei >>~nd, I of -,r,e ~ounty' ~ , ~l~•c~. tnc c~wW~e of >;i~1.l~a? a. s i J coloz'ed -~~1i-ii,_;ent cilildl'en. _ i A ,~.~r.. .IU.7;4i1'_ . I,;:~L~`~ ~JL~';~.;J `~~....I~JaICII. i,•n* r, Ei CC.,1:,kC1 f. ss . '1'. C. 1: 11~.~~•~'nite and ~i ,.i ~ - i'.l~ii r'OI? :~'iilai,l•1 uf~I:;P . r 1r~v_n; 1 )].i anions in due - ~ 1 I Se f 1R :,ah l,.)1 ~ J. crla J. Gr ~ .(a - + r. -.r n ,r~r,rv u~ ,.-~•~.t -•1 r' n 1 V peer a~t locatzOns Drl l;:le ~~ictle 'ra' ~ - wC,ll;)C v0 5ei. ,-viS.J (.%1'' ~~`,._..~:~~.IG:'.Lt.~ -..r'Y ..iu;(,'~.;{ CC;L;~~.'~,. ~~:i1J 1i(,~~`Y: :~.1i~i'v~i / i i~ s yne lo<.iI rand at Pauline :~t~,•~.nue ;and -wr„et Street r ~ . ~ ; t y ere a~~)~rov~d. ~ 11 i J a'> `I'::I~ :;~J~:...~..~., ^,wde ar:d entere i ~ c.f u.~t l 35 b n G r.to ttilu the 1 ttl, day . tl~ ~ ~ y a a JI 0?1 it tl Un 0~' r.1.?tG]'1, ;3 e COl1.,Cl1 I'~,,. ~ . lI a5~~. tih COII i,:",ap'. ~'GI' 111 Ci' > ~ ~tlu,; t;le ,~ooEc, gnu ~s±y~~een ,,e .~Dard o: Co .e;issioners oI~ .;e1v :ianover G r,nt r area ~,r;e ~;ta w~t• ~ "d , { r,~Gras o1 ~llc ~o~.inty JI~i'icia,l.J l~o` fi::,ca~! •rell , 0 5 to ._I,,;n del ~7 7 - .i 1.' 11 C11 t'Ig .J 1i.8 ,i)y 1JJ~, t, ~.L c6~ I.I CIF: t0 1 ~ ,"c ~^TYicr :~u~r, ~r,al't.~J.P A., at a cost of ~;~~70~.OU, `file contrr,~,ct to i~.lz~a~i~t 1;11e C rR , ~ ' , G L,, 0-L'i t~l;l,te~1 Clt~ yf 1r h'. `i' ~ County .-L;~ ~oa.lec't,oz' 1.934 ta.~ colleot i ans t'ra~s a'~°n~,raeci t0 J. !3.I,(cC~~.'~Je r ~ r~ ~ ~ ~ _ a .ns i 1' i ~e~, ,zt e. co.ir is os ,~35U.00 to be hail joirli,ly by file Oity arlcl ~~~'aunty. ~ w _ 1 I~ ~ fc~,I. and in CGr~uiG`eratiDn X118 5<aP. 02~ C~ne dollar al~rll),~11y tU be paid t0 j ~UpU19 '.'ilo"a;10n UL' lull'. :~i'1~1.;on 50CGnClei: b~ ~,'r ~ r~' ~ , 'LP:E ~'Da.!' Ci ~~U.'~.i1fS6i UrterS Of i.ely ::anDYer CO1J.nty li'I L1'iE .itilt8 ~1(;hYrdydna pUbi1C v` 1 y ~ . 1'ra~~., ~.1e -~,al~v it ~,,;;ro~, r,d ~1Fi~r1,18n oi~' i~u.11~ ~ - - , 1 1 •n. i.~ ~ ~ file ~ii`C:'~'S ~C".' iw510n th.e Sala :~Da,ra Of ~G'.i'i1aSlOnerB 0.' ,te 9 1Td.r ~ v ,.ave_ :ounty I.ereYly r;ar~;azns i coa~G ai t,ro . oc_-et --Teter ~,.~il:iil : aa1',~, rnurca;~~se~i ;;y ~IlU ..cter Tn11~Jec~i;~~r at a tO~Ct.~ Coat ^r n't ~'F~ c ~ c ~r~, ~ 1, 1; 1 s.r:a ~,_.ees ana aoea t~l~„r.- ~resentw lease u,lto •,lze sar~. grate µna I ulzc i oi' ,1,..30, 1 ~f~~ f u .;Gri "'GI:,:! ~ SSI On i 0r a ~F^ i p T ~ , ~ r•' 1 G£ ' i a ~ v _ _ i.._ _ d Cp:._ti211C1ri~ G.1 U,I]6 ~.._3,,, ana enal,l~, Ji,.,1.e ~ t 5 alld ';i' r , I 'lj } '<J,.. 'i w'w'Ch COrl';;IcCt Snall ~.:erewlter aut'or~a.tiCa~ilr 176 2.tenaed Trani year tG re~I' l1n'ill Grle { t b1 i)re~~tlt8(I O f ~~.:T. (1.1.:G:~ Citie1']1 1:iI110U?'?t1.1 t0 Q~1, ~,,U;; 1' { ,,,,Jh. ~ t 1.'Or 1nOClil~'1t1r1; OnE 1JUlC' r.. iF ti ~ +r,_ l~+ +r 7 ~ ,r ~ ti. t. o zer _d_ ar ps_o_e .c d ~r t~vo lonlel~ b.,tt 1 ~ A ~ a, ai ~tilnle ,.n any ,,e~, not2iy z.le other anc ~ U ve~i .l'or ini ut 1 eI r a ra,`id Uo .;as recce re ; 'a ti Dr, _r, 1, Itin~' of its ar_s-re to terminate sale: -1~r i ~ Y- I - e.'~ert, w1_ ~1 t.1e t~~.l.o~„zng a.,s~:~c.ed _ ^Ci,,ErL~r, 117 Vries ~ Upon ~::IGi,i Ore D~1~ ,,;~r. IraN'1: : ~ or~;i _ ; ~ - , ~ , `3'C 1 eQ U,, ~•,T. _il't0;1, i,;:E i,0;.,.,il;t:3iOtlerS rl(aleeCl tU 1B'~.ae i _ ~ ~ flE ' a~tde t t~DUnty rjt0 ir, U t`IC' ~itia~t8 ~''~],`';fl'w'Jd~~~ i:111C1 1J ~ 1' ~ < < f 1. a ~ ill ;l ,3 . GI' rl ~ lil, .'U _C ,lOr~ t) ~ LOrI tET'Ifi O:i 7 ' fBd,r~ °'I^ d. ,Y t ~ t' ~ r, r- r 1 t zro;~ 'll 1. :a~ De.t~in ,~_i4On cal_y loc~+ e. crl tr~ecl:;. aide G. tit,..te ~i iI',,0.~ 40 ~uut rloxttl U 5 ff ~ ~ J ly 1st,l,,,» l~nt J'ree, ~~rovided ,.1~' oulldi~J~'.; unil ,n•emise 'e t ~ . 1~ g ax t) Ili ~ciGQ nI" r,c ~i'~r r, ~ c• n. ~ I'eil,llr aria tuli.y llluli.l'ell la 1, tr.e ll~?11'Jaf '~Ci;ll111Sa1,UI19 UsC')l',ri`,8 ~ G.,~„ D; ,~1rLlI1~t0.. ~r1C~ °lOl~' Gf~'_ f1 Oj' tLe u.~la .:twi,E' ..ll,.~~,w~ a.ld ?'t~111a_D ~ ' ' •ii0r}.S ~;;0'''L~11SS1Ur; InC1'~ad1 a'1 '~Ur~:lGll 0;{ i;11e la,I1d bet-GIl'lIl'' tU trle C 't;,l'lt`~ 1 s E. ~ r? D J O ~ ~~I ~~.0'i: 7a{~OZ'er vDUt~C? Ui~ the ftlc~t:^,;i Gast 1,1T:e ~aA~TDad '(I ~'c.;; C' tr I'a1:Cn rlU,n.n~ 7 ~i' r ' ' C u.! 't ~ le p ,~n ~otlu.l, . r.:orrla ;:Gore .,~1>.a re1.,a~ueJ. z'rola ~ua;liar~~nL oz ~)en~lL~iy for 1.o~C li t; 1 t ~ - ~1 'l,' and ~ :c ~ .3 1~.,, 0 9 C`U'„1'Ieen ~:'"le l~ri9Or! C:aI:_~ ah:~ ~.,ae CO'.;rlt: iOllie~ 1','1~ file rI(;:at0 C.~dI'l.r gild GultLVate dT1'.~ J l '7 b1oc1. „ 9 ~;,llrnzn, ton :3eacn I~OI' the Iear 1934 ol~l accbl~ln'C of beenf: a non. I ~ ~ ~ ~ U ~ ~ t~ OJ wc„la iarld v !i ~ r. ~ yc re.Iiclent. r _an t;:e le..s.~ .~,a~ ~eaxre. E 9 ~ 2 ; nat cert~i.n 'try„ 1 ~ ~ ~ , ~ e c. Gt aI a,nd ''.ri0',`•17 a., file r'•.C:, -u~t::..~ :~:.tE,t%L1,1rCeteG Orl tt1G to::~t '-file i~.~s'lik Orgai11Z~1tlOn l'1T1iCi1 ~~Vi11 C1098 ~ CS ai'1'1CeS hErB a~~d i' ~ i,. ~t i ~ a a. _ - ~j .l lnc?~ to l~.yet~.~r_..1,,: to side D.' :.ou~e ~:U a~oout i,en luiies noI'tIi off' ,,Winlir; t,al: cc:,;~i~~tyl.- o~• ~,'o :ilnatel~~ ;;zs;t J:~orru the ~+'~,F.1~, organization tklcre w uro rJ r,- { as, a n .Delon ax .:.r, ~~:~~.z.r, .~econued .r, iras!c,; wcres, vrith t.'Ie r''>r,i'lt t0 L'~ine anci rel_ove fl~or?, file ;.;w,.d l~u•Fr~;ases all such w'l,one au file ai.1o~~~red to iemave the o-t'1'ice Turn' P _ . Intl., ana ec~Ul,~nl.,nt TxluTOllc6uU(~l t°litn lOCal ~G~ln~~' )"ellei' lR.cti~pr? T.ic.Y de°I"e tU LISE iGr' ~ ~ - ~ ; , ~ o~t ice at ~ ~ ~le .~U.L..G ;1',: ~'1>l~r~: rs v.': ~ 'i I'l1ndS t0 their •x' ~ - ~ ~ - Ui ~ t; ~ t.~_r, ~tle ]'wULU., tG qe reElCaeC~ b t - J.c3,,f ,t ,ev'111e, pI'UVlded the aarflt l'r111 be pl'apeTly lil~.l i':e(.l a5 ~`(8Vr ~ ~ tI'uC~': caul 1'~rara 9E,la "iUa.:"r r it Lieirl-' eS-~:'8SS1 ~ L1:iU.f'.rStaod "JY'li~ r1`l n~ ri"' a G i ~ ~i 3, ~ } k I p, rl „rl„~~.arl~; 0f . tit~nover Ooui7ty property and. returned to t%1is Cawley r'nEn they cease to use it. a i;c;rl r ; ' ~ ; e _dllzaad to G~I1er sect: on., Gt i;ne ~tc~te rAot a~.,nte~rr~,~i1~.tEd nor irlcluae.d in ~ ~y I 1i re OT~I; Ot u.~ _ ~i,11E tBri:~u 02~ till':. ~8c:'8. 'i~r1E ~>_E6UL'E utktl j. ~Ii,~:2VriS@ rIaVE L:~,B I'i~;~?t t0 C1.E11r .,l~lCt t0 ~ ~ the ~~,dYeS ,,Cat .'.00"'1 I'O1.' %~18 i10)1t11 Of JLl1y 41a„i ]'eCiOi•Vef~ anel GTdere~'~ I~IleCl.? Cillt'Va :'ri r•1 r. r~ t: v c,,~ 1 to Ior a~,__cultu_~,... ~.u_:.~o„cs an,, e'~ ti;e u~.wc lana tlk.~ It .r.ay e.~ec,t to use ~1'ir tlliu pUI" OEe, It 15 1~lil"tier ''Kr1 C13I'St:GuO. t:k1,t 1:18 .;0.:nt Gf' .felt' flat Cir r y . ~ .1 B. I'e58r eS file U7)on ?IlOt10r1, COlinty ~Uills li'05. all t0 illeTe a~ rGVeC1 '0^ ]~'1' , . 1 pp I I I a,~uJente I'L~,~'a tC1 ~;et ~rUL'! Said ~'Lta?"I~' an}' `)t;?;IB l;l:a~<< 1t Illi;.ti' IlE:F'Ct 1rG",I tine 'CG t1InP. IOr ',;'Cie U ,l,ull~.iC T~11ry~aSeS Gi~ Z;]8 COUnlr'. i U~on motion oz' ~~s. Hinton, .iecanJ.ed r. Ha,11 t}~1e ~ ~ ~ d ~ ~ l , ~3oard ordered the Doll tl:i-re,~ ci>aree against rlm.h,Smith, b1oa~: {~"C" lot m7 ~~'drlore rele~aed as to '~~lillni .:'ton to'wn~,711i i~ox the ~ year: 19?J 1 30 and 1931 'f ~ ~ y y ~ P e ~ g a ci e of:. gr~ ion tc Icee. i;l~~e I it 1. i'o r -n 'tote H~, hvra,;r n ~~biic ;o?}_e Gor.un~ission au.,ur~les ti, >~r ~ u.la tl]a~ ile OYa~ .rat reridellt 02' 'tijihllifl~;t(7Il CG'~9r1G111p 1.~r1;;L'I:~ Coil. Olt1lC.ir1~ a State Of' "'GOd 1'8Ua1.I' aril uC SUrreY,dE' a u dl1TlYlg i;haj; t'_n1B. a - ~ I n re~,tll.l t"lie ,.dice, ac; 'vre'1 a5 file OtiJBr j?r0:~ertleS aerC''!rl uC`SCrll)eC 'GaCI, tU t118 JrU'~eI' a1l'~;l1al"ii:ie~ ~ ~ } k' 0 , !C';,' !1wn0Oer ~~Ollnty UpDti t.18 t;erlnil'latlGn Ui' t.''lla lft;se; F;~21(1 ti'le `~'tLLte tie"h~l~ci~I a,ncl hu1,11iC S~ `1'11e meeting then ad ' ourned, t, OR'I,1..J.;1.a_1 1u P.i ~.le~ t0 lnaUre 0. t 0 I'eillll)Ll]'.,e „ile ~Olln'~~ti C. 3' ;,Eti+' .lc«?10VE;r ~~01' yl%- i' i IIE irlSUrdllCe ren;iU!?18 On t;ie Sc6iU '1I'G~ )eI't' faI' a COGBI'~.t-e rl(?t e3,Ge6d111 2" i )!'i011:;c.nd C1 L ].1 ~ ~ i i ~ 18 It a.'S ~~~rJ(1,~,U.~~~~ C I . 1 1'Jilmint;ton I'i. C. Au use l9tr 1935. ~~~i~::,,~,iT(.(,:J .u,~ ,~1'u- :.r."U ~L.~at 11 ~,tle 1wV', Of' tl'le ~T;atb' StlUlilC2 'DE C'11iLr?~jGd SD aS tCl ~i'he regular l^r'BC]C~ly Tlle8tirl? Of the 13 r r80,' 'F~ n n ~ 1..-~ c r„* a.l c Oard IVa,~ hela ti115 day at 3:~~ 0~ ClOCk I'.1s"'~.. ,L.12., ~h~ .~OUn~.:y G1' 'iel7 ..ic~rlUVBr tG ilall~e ~?iCi Cc~~e f.'ar ~.le C1~lSu U~~ pr150IleI'S I1D1V - 0•S~ Ii~;r1EC?, tU the :Mate ::z~;l~~.;a;~ v.Cld t'lli1J~1C ,ial'1cS (.i01i;7i?If'iS.':.DIJ OI' ii' j;llE? lily S1"10llld hg Presents 11d~aison I-iewlett Cnazrman, Geo.''Pl.Tras]t I',rLHoss and c:°lariied ~•o as to r'en,uire isle t,ount~~ Gf a~~~ely ~:IanoveJ' t0 m~i.nte.i.n t,lie count r rDads of J. H, lil ntan. ~ J . ~~1e Baia county, then upon t~~le hai~~:~eninC ot~ aa.id everts O1' either:' 0'1' them, the .i',aarc~t t;fi' . llpor~ motion oi' ir~r, lzask, seGOnded b ear. :~inton tl~le ~~o erclely ~ Crn~~~llss~ nners of i'iely :~.r,ovelr ~r ~r t > p Y ~ al'd "ranted i',ir3• 11'ctir P ~~a11r11;~ I'E"~,E,1'Vi.u ,,,1C ].~;.'l, .l7 Cc 11C;G~ til:~a ~1411'e[,li?f,nt. a refund of ts,res ~ y. a ~ paid an eight feet of land' charl;ed to izer in error in blocx ir15~ on valuation ai' ,93.75 per ~'ron~ foot on ~:earl:et ~ c~ d I.i lI. 'r l> ~ F,~; ~ ~ w . treat I'or t11e ears 1,110 to 193 Inr,,, an .1L;,,~ ;~i:~.,EO~ tl1F. ?,~.?'ti..e~ ler o ,rare n,lu:;i , w,;a•e .,~lcnt to ire ~...ecu'~ed in 01'1 a valuation OT' ~ .38 Y ~ d11;.~.1.Cdte ~i '1 ~ F, i ~r- "It' r a ~ R p 4 per fromfoot for the ears ~ 1 au ~ u ~ ~;:1.._I' I'e~..~e ~t;lre oa:~~ .,n..rs _?1 c~E.::il da11c.~ + .,..i? autlulJ°~i1,; a credit on taxes d e Y 1.~3 and 1934, the same to alp y ~ ~ c au1} t;IVc.n. u by ner. Tills discrel)ancy carne about b erroneousl c11ar~ing p,' ' 'Vri h Y Y g - :r 7.izos 'ri., g t on a basis of onl i'ii'1; i'eet ~ m r1 ' ~ ~ , ~ '~r,r. T 4 „ ~ Y ,y instead y 'ive i'eet, ~al'~Ter ~1.,A'ii, i.aU';1,I~w ~?:a, ~l,..L_, ~~Yl~:~.~, oi' i'i1't -i i~>r. ~d .,t;: :Ii;.~ yC'" layJ.ol' vrith t'orty-five feet instead ~ „ of I'li'ty r'eet, `;l.B, i'hGrpe, Trustee with t'ii'ty-give ; . feet instead of fifty-three feet and ]~,~ss. l~,rar~ r •s ~ :.'!"C~'uT, ~7' 1~, , y t•. Pe~devr vritn i'ort -ei ht 1'eet,wherea !7, ~u:: ;y,:~~,•niG_,, Gnt~iru;4~lr~, Y g the correct charge should have been on fort feet onl 1 "ne n. Y y, a 1 adjoining property. a ti Clerk lugs instr'acted to ask - _ d y •rrs'. iaylor and ~i,~r. ,Jrignt to xeilriburse the count to tlae extent rc,- Y r oi' the refund allowed 1:ils. Perdely, as that amount sY ~ .__~u~:J~'~;!'~tf~_ i '1 lould have been charged to them. '1'rle Fore Din order way' d • . Ei g U a opted notlritrl-st• that ~ > r 'f i rn tzzs o irlion ire doub - ' anazn~ the ruling of tize County ~ttorrley, ,.Q,i:,L ~ k~ .,U: 1.,1..,.;I1,,~1~,;~;L''~~ : il::,t!V~.L;;; CG:,b.7 i P fed r,ne le~,alzty oi' tl'le noardsi action. '~~n.e ii and feelin' notvevex, t ii tll&t the morrll obligation was sufficient to a o g' ~~~''~'UT: i~ r ~ 'rn yr want the acl;ion taken, i~aiiJ.sOl, L,,t,.~E,~,~,, Cl~~i~'r,>{a,tl, „ ..:w~ . wd~~ odor Cl ere:. i, , On account of having to vacate the se'~';in~ roolrs 'guest ; to use file Court rouse b ~ 1 locatea in tide custorll building, a Ie, ;1,~. , , , ~ asement for relie3' serving ouarters which would .:ive emplG;nnent ~ ,..~nU:r~.~ lU LLC~~:i~IT`.i~ g tc 1.b0 or d00 cramen, was referred to tide C aiz'man w' ;I ~ zt11 power to act. r,, _ 1 I 1 A reduest of ,l.L.Farlner i~'sc;. for e.Ia f or 1;,rs. Jul' a 1d .Y T . ' r ' ~ ~ r >.a II rris residi.n. at front at ,1 "~i;D I~~l1:LI., ~,(0.~,;,a CC'.~1I~,)_C1~;. ~ g 1 1)aerson atrcetra, on account of bI'oken arm susta' ~ ment Lnea In a fall on the Court ' ou.~e base 1 aalklvay leaden from the a ~ g nnex to krincess OAon ^u)ti c , Cha>.rllian t~or invest' otreet July 11tI1,1935, was ret'erred to t11e ~ not :.r. liznton9 „ecanued 'sa,~.>, t'~h~ ;;orl,d a;l,,,c?Trcci calci diJ t,i:t,ed that zgatlon• ~,;le t',VD urYlu.ll UGi1erS U:iL:: for il~'E;t].n~ tI1C ;111Vf3r1l1E! ctnl .)I'1;i011 bUll.li?.I?".5 , r • V i home hP il'~' ~ t~ a,i, the. Ccuntl 4 I~ul~ec, i'or cl 1.leriad ;1' ttrree yearns. l r 'r } ' ; i A . W . _ _ - ~ ~ _-~Ww..; t .,"'"~°w'". a,- oa wokL~,en k i, n._,.. ,..'.n . C r ~ P4eetinr of :tu8'uet 19tH I'~Sll, continued, . 6 , .o;;L;n~ o: ~uCust G6ti~,l~.~,i;J, cor ~ir:ueU. e~ 3n l , l}non nation o1' :ur. ]Tinton secori~~ed .'r. .~,css file „oa.rd 7 roved p~ y~, Fund y,- ~ Y o 1 A a ~ a general , .~rou~;ntx'o ~va~,;•a, N of c1ai~ F ror 6.UU to +.r. ~,U,~c~aacllern Ior e,{y~enses incurred in na~rin~, L ~p11~t,~i6~i.,aa • r E r .utlra:~n inocula; ~ e hid mule and t~rta ponies hit~en rJy a xa~aiu. cog running; rlt larGe, ar.d trle same ~,',ao i~,,, ~I; ' 1',, ° i r re 1'eI'I'8d a'eCtiC~Yi v• ;'hc~'t 1~.. liie iJi~lt1 I1'a'L't:1,L ,jecl.r 'LClerl. ;ia ~'ACS'ek)y to t;'1B :~DJ-.rd 0~ '1UCa~,l0n ICT' '~x,.y111Bnt ULI~ OI Gi1e :3ChO0J. QOh 1;~.}: au 1;I18 1.c,~~~! a1rE; ~ r ~r... cts. ap}~%ror.~a i~:teu zer tr;.e Counts i,eliet", uncial i'~,{) 1.C U00.t)U i' upon rlotion oz' ,~.r, r_'irlton, sacanded Uy l..r. ~~~r~zs!~:, the ;3aa,rd actinr> LrJOn is ~ 1 a, C,l t1T 1C~ltq lilP.rtC 0~' ~~UpP,Tiar ~0112't al.ltilarl~etl pa i:lGtit Ol' -'',i~J~.l)l) to ,),y~',',~1Y12th GO~~Vr;,•r Of~ ttre i' r - ~ , Y I a t urrer~.l. , ~ c ~I oa 5,,. '1'tlat 2 or t ne ~ r~ld. i~i.; cai P".P c r~' c.' ~ ~ u ~'1.;.1 l,l:ere ICJ r1G?'eUy ~.fi).,n,ie5 Of i~._~. ,,~:~rla L0u1CSe ,,,111'Gn, 197.(10",'! 02 von~I~~aerate I~rlalOnBr. ~ a(1;]'_'Oi~2ldted SUT' the F'Ort !~G~ICIG''I7s~.'nt~, ~ AFC l'iirl' ~ (i'-F ~ Jy~~,~J~,~p e _ ~ ~ A ~ - Ute., ;~ept., 16ttt,1?vJ i»nCi VL'1'.U~iC:r UI ~ I~J;>J r. ) Upon motion, county ~oiils t.aa. 3~f1 to ~tU 'were ah_~rove,:i Tol pa;,~rnenl;. ~ s ~1'he i'ollavlin~ti; ~,Oad ai"til 1r~,'irl~ul i(1el'1 1`lere ~ar'a',7T1 to 5eJ"de a9 ~]L1S'Qi':i lrl t;le .~l!'7erip+, ~'r 1 ~ ~~.irt i'ar t'i1B tl'idl CS C7'ii:.lnal C::i3'C8 iar ';Tee,;: Je~;lrlriin~ ,~Cb$E:~;iber ~1tr1 143,iJ1 W:=::tiOt'_ !~!ui'; Sor ~.::C .;~B.iG. h1`u(;;:,I. VL2~r C~17GL'8 ara tit;"'.'l~~l ~ i E, C _ l j ~''Lili~" 61ie ] pi _O',ti111 ~ h'}.l.kJe]"t ii',;;,Cr$an,CPui.;j,;,',~jt71t.1. .i.h,:,.CG.L~LLI~,IOn,~)_'.'~rIli."4'.'ti0'C'.^,.Ci.L.(;llIC11:1~.T1"" t: r ` „ ~ ~J.Rolran. F= ' `~cTver. ~ i..~. ,luansan, g. ~.t.i~~oonae. t'. ~~.~Ik~,ris. ~!.;r.,iile,le;~. Allard ~~i;ei'~wll, , , . . . . . . `'i7U UO i~OCert NCO+,t, .I.:1Orl'121~'. i~.~r'.~~-~TiY1pn. 1;,:~~..~iCrr, ~~.~i.'' + ~ ~ 'lE,...:u';18:'II~T ~;G'uT''t~ ~r ~ ,.~.rton` l , ~wdri ck, Ir ~ _ . . r,0?'c~.OG U.~t,3rlnson. ~rr!1.J,.aF~ad'r ~~.~.%11ianC~.:J. ,l.tl.''f61~.er:i.'l.,`~.~UI'Y'• p': n' „ cG'1' GI UE:ed~,.. w...:... G; ~1 7 ,..aultaoy, , . , . ,~,I~IC, (ill ~ rlarry :iundley. 1, Greer. t,L,1ie11lev. ,J,3ove.rell, r,.$.~,ea.ne I r~onE. ,G,,:;.w . , I~ -y y ~ ~ r , ~ ,'.I ~ nol ~ . , • r . . a . . . . . . . . r . . . . . . . i e . a r • . e . . .L J i ' aw U / V ~1 ;a.~rsn~;,11 :~}rri~~r. J Marl. Cla~~'.:. {J~o n~ on 1 ~ a r ~ ~ _ ~ ~).~.3o,~I n. ~.G.albley. -],~.Conne,r, Jc _.t!'iat. IG ' a aa~Ct _.,(;u.l 'y~'(4;{' `,:,c:e ..::~e l,fwl"c;~ r` r the ~T11 tf:rrl nerlnnin 1' e' h r _ ,ue~' G~J' Oj. .~.5'' 0 1 g Septel ;J .l~tt1: _ ~ ;G ..r,~~ :.OI,L 1';,r t ,,t ~n~l ~ - ti ; ....oair: t L G.T. ~l.'1113tTQT1f,;. l~'.i1~.i;''.C1leilZle. J.L. Clerrl 1{.`.1~.liotl'(I',T1C1'~:.:i'.G.P'arrnei' 'r ~ CO1J ~ " :r~r::e . `p. •~'rF ~ ' nt~ ....,r.IOI'IC,-, r.r<.....r..... ! 'f,,.~.,,~ Y. ~ ry' ~ n Un v ~ ~ J.,~~.~c~n tlr~. l,d, ;alnltn. J. ~.'31',nd. :a. ..8l~lnd. P. Garvie. ri.?~arnes. ,c . . . . . . . r , , 5,;ir~3.. ~~0 .lm. .au].rl. ed ,,.Jor~.an. ~~..~~.~~'oun~.~li i~. ~~r. ~~'i.Pal~.er. ~.:;.i ci renuer .r; ~~ir~a_ use,...... r , , r . , r ovm ~ ~;.r1,r':ci)anald. J.'l,l;iosd. 1',,~+lwl~'d. .C.ra~ ~ _ f. Joe Ab1~. I. 3..~..rsllaurn. ~,'a 'I~~ 5b ~ 1 i i 1~1e me,~ ~,ln, t ilea adjourned. i f C1e `.f ~ '~V11;f11ri'_ Url EJT, nu~;1,Wt .~(~ti1,1JJJ. i7 ~ ~ '~hB re~~111c!r wee'I~ ulet.tl'n Oi tYle r, i t , i ~ YL: ,,_v, ............r.i,.........,.r ,'<<~ ~1( J 1 =0:.'~1 ',Tad 11e.~ri l1~is aa,, at ~;~0 o clE~c~. ~s .~,1,:.4~a Presentt ~tiuaison i.e'~;1ett t;ha3.:,~ian ~ea.,r.lydal~. ~~~.~_.I~o,~s Jas.;,.:~1a:r1 . ~ ::'e._~_ ::Y.. .:E.::}lu;~~~.Ic_,.. :~~.r)r;<E)'1 , n,nc! ~ , ~.~ntarl, ~ ~ , r . . _ ~ , . . . r r r . . . r ~ . > r . r . r o . . c . a . r . r u t v r ~ ~ ~ a J r..; r~ ~ u on tnot2 on a ~.,r. iI ~ t~ p 7 0 r,,,, _ }a oss, seoande,.i b~ ;.~r, ,;al]. I.:rr~, .z.,atter~ eras ..kilted ail au.~.ternen ! 01 r " 02 ta.'{eS On one female d0 Ctk'lr ed In P, 1'1'02' i 0 ~tl ° ~ par r + ,~r t ~ . _ . _ . r,.. { ,r _ _ ~ 6 r ~ 1934, riarn ~t ~ to~~, ns 1iu. ~ _ , , . ~~]On re CUrrli;'lerld;~t101] 0'i i,!r. 'l'ras]~ rlrs. ~:al'~ irUr"~:J.noUS r~..a.~ ='Cii'S~. T .~t'~C:~' ;iil~ t t11e C011.nt'J ;iCTCe uOOn 7a' rdellt 0~ 'l~ ( T' 0 t' i •P • i ~ r r')rC, c,.. ~ , , , ~1f', u . l ~r .b) .1 n,~il.y lot' i~er ~rna_nt.,uar.ce of flew dl9oxced ~ ~ r:, r husband J,}d.Gur~:~rznous and ~oxov~i~aed t'urtner tikLt ha ~ r~ ~ ^'1 , is to ~;7.v~ .ler an .AJ.worr.~.lr,e of ~,v1.50 mor. t:~11~ i'arrlex e on~Ll u ~ . ~ . ~i1:_~ _ n:- ~ sa_ w , - r. r:-~ J ~ - urarl Ttl0~ti0n Oh '"r. A ~ :',oau, rz..oond.,a of ;:~r. Clinton, ;lrs. Ida Lee t~. 13r:i111aey ;v~zs r~aleaded Ira;'ll ~)a ent 01' n t i' 'r ~I n: ~ ~ Jv:`~ ii ('~~(j li 1 ytT1 pe al ,y 201' 11u , J .-~_1,E ~rO~,C2't~% 1,1 I,.OC!~ ,+~w i~ ToT f,tie ~etir I;.,,t, 51nCe ' ~ ' ~ , ;i 1 it purcilaed by :':r. ~?.,:`i.fla2'rid;;, Jr. -~i c . n L.i i~._e'~v J _ J!C.Ilu" ~~h, ~ 'ii i' .,p On L10.~1O1i ai T `1„r1t0n, w2C0nC1P,C~ TiY :.r. irJ,S_C, . ..,w?;nCI::~id11 UO10'_"Bu, reL]Q1nE; wt _ aU Fla - li rgal'r '~i. G s -r~Lr.`e~ a re~~~~,.nd o" r.53 i' E?(:ir. s V~ I ~ ~ r o2' _ r ~ A,G i:~~~=,pol1 taxes C011eCted ~l ~7arn1:1n1nQnt' 011 iiC(lOl.il'li,(i? ~bEiTi'" i1GI1~ T r rr "a' G ;all ~J.r:ea a ~-'i,~lf . ,f; a • ~ ~ , ' ~ ~ • • . ~ ~ ~ ° • ~ , . • » , , - ..'l. 1 ~ a 1'e%iIQEI"i. 8S1A ;LwTi11U LJc 1 :0I' SaIG ye:~2'O in Fender COl:il'lt~' aE Ce2t12iOCl. b\r .,.r.li('O.~i~.Lli;a;; ~el'1(iei' %OUI~",~~I ~l.l~:~li,OS'. ''0 ~v' ` ' I1 ~1'i.Ct~_ ..'u, t,c.._ J,i ~ 1,. .tii((~, .!L' h}' I liuon l~rotion o" , s;: I :a. 1r~ , seE,onuea ~~'~y ,_r, :-:Ireton, ,.r.~.G.~,z'i~t~li;tr ot~ LeUr~.,1};'e,~~ , . . 'TJdS relea.3ad lrartl payn':en$ UI x`ellalty I~O;' r~!Ot I29t1ne IOC ~rJ10L'i 1J,~T1I1aL,~~,:~~; :;G~.CtI _ F~ tiw . i 1~Or t}le yeEilli 19JO F~nC 14151 On aCL'011nt Ol~ be:n^~ a r~ 1'1 "'d _,,,~,.C ..,~,ti~1 l r 1L.1!'~ T,.. ~"1 . . I; ~ .o re.~7. erlt. - . N 1."(']GTt 0~' J~lS iidlkt'r ~GS71ta1 J~G -r' ~'il _`w~ti _..r..,., .C~1.~:'u, .,.~~s~. C'i:'~o'J ~ l I' t;le P101;t11 OT' Jtll~~ Vl'd;; ?'eGG1~Ved arld 0yCt8I'eCl etl.f~ 1j ~ ,i ~ ~ . Uporl motion, the ,~oard corit'irlaed it;: action in cani'erence iielt' ;~uCust 21,1~rI`~~,, in adopting the proposal eu'~Jrllitted by ti;e ;iilrnin~~torr fort-'!'r~.;; i ,^,~s ciation cunoernil;g 1~=~r"~r ~ "uau:^,, . . . . . . . . . . , < , . a~3~,..Ot? c a o :~:aL~,i"~da ~~tc~ ~ e r , , r < , < , , . S~r.QC1 ! 'i,S~;, r~~~l the uisr,tu'Nenrerlt of i'r.t,lds to ~oe E.teriveu I~ror~l tl~~e Port 1)evel~)pn~ellt Tax Levy anu rlarnir>g ~ , , t~:`:egsrs. S`i.Z,h'Oy, ~.~.Car;lei'011, hC'tBT ~3. ;~112'Slrl ~i.'r'.I)rBJ`::el and r'~.Iex ri0I~I11><ll"! lieliiUel'a OI , ti'le `+~11TIl1r1ti;t01'1 7~Ort l;D(ilI28SiOri and 21.7;11"1~ the C0l'flyJBliSat~lOn Gi tilP, Sa1Cl i%e.~iO62'e at ~ ~ t:l~, u(.,7 "W:~O:_ ~ . G:~~EW 2"' ~"C".,; ec1Cn Er '!E;'atlrl' r1Ut t0 a;iCeCd tl'! d IU2"tile, ~ "'->']~~1'T1~ZeC; =C'"_' l_`Iv " .uc.C'. 1'v.l"l~l~' ~.AE.' -.r1'~'n p a1Ve 1'ieetirlt;S jJBr year. ~~'"011 iautiall "]}1B 1~Da2' - t, COr1I'1T'med lt`d' ACtia11 Oi' :~U'USt 1 i'~ ~ ~ ! ";1" C ? st, I935, au ~,rlorizin ° the I;1~ ,:rent of ]6, ~,0 ;1< _i' . t ~11r1'erfle (;OL11't CO to In tYle :i.13. C, Case Oi' ~lrlallt et. al V L10arC1 OI (;Or,'II"iiaS7.CI1eI'N e ~ a1, , • • • • " ^ • " ° , . • " • " ° • ' ^ • , • ' an a weal in the S rallle Court szb ee'c t :~tE:~1i iso~i-ler ~n„~ ,.:~c . ..........o.`., . 1~:' '7:c,rs:0 p. up , ' j to t}1e a~ ~iraval oi' file C unt'~~ httoxne~r r~nu ii' lie ~ ~ . r p _ o ~ ~ same iJ not contrary to the provisions of ti}e Commissioners bolid i'ur.nisi~led }:,v o?-"uez' of J ^Cl~e J.PauI 1~'r1LlF1Ie. Tne ~,~1.;'3.C.~ i'C1 1 T`n S i;}re -~r~.,. _('r. .I_~~' r,c:.l .-f,~• i1G' Su 1. ~ ~ ~`E':. _ C: d_ f. L~ aa, to re..albu_~e tiie county to ttre e:{ter;t a~ , cost aid. ~rnE~.. ;e c~u~~, 01 ~~lir; "Cou,r,~,; ;oriu l LE ;ea~.l.; ~,iol ~ - 1 ~ ~ f'1,.n~~. L..lf~~ (i _,1C1'i ~ Yl~... '1 13 - ~ r'i , ~ _ rr r,~pol1 r~otlon, the ...oard au~.;,orized tPie payi~nel~lt oi' ~„.50.00 to t;ne CtcEte ~icsuical,:~:~~1e2~;i~,~ ~ ' ~,C,.1r t~ L.p'ir i~anC~ ,r Y.1 Ir. 1''t.?tClw z'o7~ "rioard and 'treFltlnE;nt ai !gar"2n~ton Costin,211ebrlatc. f upon mo iol., .le „na2xm G <<~ ~ ~u ~ ~ i , an t o .ether 1'ri t~~ ~~ny a l,rlel' ulem'ocr o1 L:e ,oaxd t; Hat can, .1T~ 1'e ~ t , ~ ~ . , ~ . , , ° . , ~ . , , . * J,]O.l ' F, '~C1.{y?vli .,1~1JE,1lE~F . n li~`,i i, ,;~:1. b~! j autllal'I~ed to u.ttend a corizererlce 1~+It}1 :r,~:,~,Calciwell, ,'d,P.t~. ~~lurnin~~~tr::'~ox aL ~ ~ r ° ^ ° . , ° . , ' ~ , , ° . , . ' ' ~ ^ ° ' • _ i i .k'ayetteville,~~~.C., ~,~,'ednesday :,uk;uet 28ti1,1~3b, at count~~ e_r:Jense. ~ Got~.rt !iou:r ',ong !!1.lli(`: _~iala, i The Count ~'s 1936-1'36 and"-et r , . I' i_.~~;zr c i~an ~ , . , < , . , . , , 't;,;'.i~~,~ J t. Irop~2,'atyonw u~ze ~lren ~~dopted amd uTaon r~o~.iorl oa ,I ~ ~ . , , ~ , , . ~ . ~ , I ?Tinton seconded 1~ :.;r. Ial1 th '~':1 -~oYl~~< < , . p 1r r~ Y , .e f'ollolr_ng an Jra~ria~,ion ~ 7. 1 ~aa~ ullar.ir,iou., Y' ~ , - , . , ~ r . ~ . , r ~ ~ , ~ , ' ,C)i,,-. ~t.~ ~1 _ revo u,,lOl a aUOpted, all members voting ail~irlnl~tivel ,;n'~,4 ~ .'E:.,..;> ~ ~ ~ ~ , . ~ , . ~ ~ . 6 , . .L'i '1c?I.tiB ]~.pl'110~!iIi'i].'IQ:~I T' r~ A -'~E""].';y'~ liU;i;U ~~rrl~;_af;~ .i~'urlCia ~SOLUIIO.I _ It,~~e oll i>oa~!~,,.r,.r ................o.. 7tlklmC)l) Section 1. ;e it re9alved b t}le .:oar, ~ - ~ unto ~~E~~~r;=~~..<<<;Lt.:.l~ ~ ~I)~>l,~t'(~~ Y ~ oI county ~al,li,u„siorexu oI' ;:etr Ial:over ~o J, ~ ° ^ ° ° ~ ' ^ ° ° , , ~ ~ . ~ , ° , 2d xth Carolina trlis ~iith day ~ a ~ '~;rorz,,;~.n ~_rienGF~ r, ~ ~ 0 ~ , OI r1U~;Uat 1.,3,,, tt12.t 202' e'{~~~e11se OT' C0Llritjr (s0Ve2'rililellt r - r " " • > " ° • ; , • • • . , • ` , • " • • , ' a Ci® r { ii its Activities And institutions t'or the ear endin ~ • ~c oi' tP~ Y g Jane ~U,IJ.56 the aanoun~.. - Sollnlvin~ schedules, or so muc11 of sacs ~za ma'r be necessar a' ~ i:~v a~,~lrouriated, ~r,aEa ~-uru i;ia_:.ri~; s~~zuu.i~ i. ~ y, I e here ~ r~ - ~ l.i t,ci~E,';:i i, (,Ili JE=III:,.., . . . r , . . , . . . , . . , . . ',~';)~.l.~Ll coon 2. 'Ct at i'or file ~ ' ~ ~ ~ I;lu u;,~~..~,;al~;, . , , < r . , ~1 1 .I,.7~.~„l ~ ;,0 2 s ~IC1 I ~,scal year there is rerel~y ay~propriated f of the ' ,iohnty _ , ` . " , ~ .,ou~nr~, gar;n:;~~~,,,,,.. ....................r..<. ~t. E genera]. Fund" the i'ol.l.otivin f 4 n A. F ..caw !.t: 11~ y v . a • ? r e z n u . • n w • . n . r . e . . n r e n . n a a M _......,-.^.~..-..._.}W r7, ~~C}S~,~O .I. ' Genera]. hund ~ ~ ~ 109,01...87 t EmerEenc r'und 5°~ •a r Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r . . . . . . . . . . . . , s 5~ 450 114,463,51 I 1~ i _ L ~ r' ' ~ 1~feeti i' Au ~ " c3= t ~lg o gut 26tri,1J o, cnnzrnuect• r j i school Bond Sinking r'und; E Interest on Bonds,.,,••...•...• 48 377,50 ~ ~ I r r r n' ~ 77~ Old Co>aporla .L75.00 1 :.:ccti.l~, o~' .~.,uLr~l,lb~,r ~~.~d,19JC continued• ~ ' i ~ i ?Bonds T.~,turin(~, , . • . . . . 43 OOU 0 .0 i Cotz>_~on %',c' ense ~ ~o ~:1c,o11 rr~otiorl d':,~.1 r7eoonded tii2 :!;acrd -a~ v' A 11.•6,, ~ y , y lz ue of Gawp~~.r z17, section 805 i Dar Rent,....,. ~ U ~ Public La~:as 1935, i'ix2r1 the discou,~l~ts ~:ind ,en,,lties in ~~z~n2nt of taa ~ the-t i , , , . , . • • 0 tir 91, 131,1' - 1- ~ ~ ~ , , p ] e ~ a ,~rr~a.11 c~ dui. ,and p~.~,,.~~~le on ~(,_1C..first I.;olld~~ of October 1":i~,J, if actu;:111y '+'lolkhoiasc ~r, Count ~ Horne :[pond r'und; ~a:id_ ~n es:~sl1, wa follavrs: J I ter. ~ on nds ~ , , , n ,~z - o , , . • • • , • 850.0 I~c,0U.,1,~ , (1) On or bel"ore the 'irat d;,,! of ~:;overaber 1,~ discount. l ~ ~ de i ~ '.~ot~i1 1:~ud ~°et j On ox oo, oz'e 1;' . ~ u 2 f11° ~ ' ff ~a.,,,, pp 1~ , ~ di scoullt. ~ t d~, o_ llea21.1bGr ~I ti •.a•.••.a... y'i1JU ~,16o•40 ? (3) 011 or bofr~re the firsi~ d~~~,y o1' I~'ebru,:;,r~ the t~~.,~ ftil~l,~,l.l oe ;aid at Irar '!t~ ~I ~ ~ ,i~~~ ~ ~1~ .cc .l ~ N : ~ or face v~~lue• k„ °'I The meeting then adjourned. ~l; / ~ . P ~ ~ ~ ~ !,l',~,~ 1~L',~l~is~. ' r~ 7.,: . 1 1 1 1; (4) After i;he fir,;t da'° o'' T+'ebru.:;x'~~ ~,nd on or bei'or~ `h r r' C er ~ ,I ~ e farst la,~ o-. ~ t;arch t'asre sil,~ll be atl.dcd to the ta,7: 12nr.~lt of 1~~. 1, , 1 Y / i; i 7 f,l it (5) :"~.ft2r the first rh=,,;,~ o~f :.~a.rch 1,.nd on or oe:fo:°e t!°1c fiz'st ~lra of ~~I t; y I, i~1'i)ril, tI121'e :i~%iilll Sat '.'fLCd T,0 t11C t<:!X ~a _DeYli'lt r Of u`o• ~ J ~ i. 1 f~ ~~`Jilr;un~~~i;oa,i~;•C,, «u~~ust 29th 19;55• A~'ter ~l;l1e :`'ir:~t da ~ of~ r~ iri.l `end ~ ~ , ( ) ~ l :u nn o. before t:~., i lrsl; d~tiy of I, f~ ida,y there sr1(..11 be a.dcled er1:~1L~ of ~=o I~ ~ ~ p y r The ?~01~rd 0'f GO1:°;r1ilOS1U11~Sr5 Of lif,'r`'! :_C111DVr'r (;Cl.lnt'~ 1T1 :,~'aI~10~~1 1 Iri J~ . c~iJ~J~,1n ..ed this d'~y, i(~d1SOn 1i!','~rlett Ch'_61r11<<ltl u20 _I';,,,Oly Cl !~v', r r2 a - ~ ~7~ ..1't2r I,he 'i.1r,L d:;.y Of C 2 a';o S r' ~ , , • 2,Y"i 1 ,s'::0;>i, U 1 1G%; ,".".-,2Ylt d1~.~ b CC~~ i 0,11 1 OFl Or bGfOr :~'iT' t day 0~ 7 , y .Sol'-lt_Oi1 ' lip Offered by L:I' ~~T"?,ilit' i:.~ tC55 ~GCOil(~P.d .a ~e0o,d.~1.'rii,Eil: Jlli':e, O1'(; 1J1'1~,11 bG' ddl:'d Lp'l~'1t'~ Oi ~i''o, 1 _ ~ , ~ , / P~; IV ih N? av 1tJ~J V~V.'iiJ" l 1''_~1tit ~lp~ldcU,tlon oe~.l~i.d.e cxlni r3u'orri~~te:z to ~~11e o:'fic~ ~.a ..~~?ti1~7~, '~'llt'~. _~1.jouri72d. e of ~,~e j 11nit2d :~t!~.tOS ~iStrlCt L11;'111eeS'~,~ „111i13'il`rtOn kl~~'. f0I' l~ e lG'T;J,j r ~ s s ,,z_,nt i'oi' 1,ae 1711Tp0;ie 0" arreS~l,l~% `~lCt~~72 exQ$10i1 %tt 0Tt r.'`2St2e~ c A2 Si"v2 0" "i1 ~ o )C ~ .ry _ _ _ ~I , _ .r 1C11 13 loc.-~~e;l e1sj:1t08i; :n 7.125 ;iOLlti"l Of ii11m7;T~tOZ1 1(OrtP (,~~rOllll':i. ~%121-'ko ,ii1?11z11 'toil ,~e'~'1;21:1bcr ':iti1 1;~;;J is; ~i 'i':.e me2~Lin,=:, ti~len :~;~d,jo~~-11'ned• ;fl r ~ ~ I.'1li ~ i i:11;..P 'i ..l.ly' I,''Il;G~1:1;'~ O.E ii:_8 .:(,~r,T'!1 e1d l;.l;, d'a~- ..V ~iUO UDC -'IC / ~ log, 1~.,;:. C.1er1" ~'roNo~tite J~,"~.r.:..lIull, Geo•;iaTr~~e_L,~~~.i~::•i;o;s ;~1d J,iI•.iii con i j' p' 1 1L2 `~it::.irlii~Ln, ..'id150'n .IC6~.°tit, b01:'1t; c61)aBTl'~ 011 ,I000llll~t of J.tti211d1I]ir ~(;0 'oi,l;lt'' U ~ y ,rt'ki ~I ~~1-l.a].Il~tOll,r~,G,, ~Gk~21.lbPr ~Z'd,1 i - ~n~J SiilUi, 0` '2i,tCV]. ~e ~11Ce C~1k~].rAl_1,i1 J - , ' .z.~ .,.•1.,'.11 L,Y't,:;1fJ.eC~.2 ~I V ,ii `i'lle ret;ulf:;~' ',7eclay rneetinr of the Loard ;eras h21rJ. ~ hi;; d~,~- ~t 3:" ' ~ ~ ~ - ,~v a clock , f _ ~ ~ 1'i;<il',2:,t lll'U,;;Oiit('d :Jy i..l. ZfJl,iri.:iC1 _.,~..1 ~i;:12 ~0'.i~,t'~ w1'C.,111 1~1;; 1G.rlda lIl ~_lP,, vC'.;Si;10 i~'. ( I'rC;,2nt: ;i.. i'' rr .n '.j"11L [9 GC~:101"i ~~j~ O1)G11111i~ C,~li,Cl'1 ~~r0ii j;:::,' ~;'.1"idS O1 ..-.:!L!.'i;_~E'E' t0 t'1111Ce (1 f' '°fC ~'di10n ~:e':11e., ~ ~-:I'l1T'r"111 •a;:.~IU:S al''t(~ J li f~ri- i 5' ~ ~.UT~e (,r(, , r f . • x f1t011, , .,,11':1 -!.150 r'l'r:11,leGi, Ui' ,.1 ~tez'tr~u: L1r1Ch 1;,1~'?. 1: L 1e :,I. :~Ci,i, L11~Ci1 i0 - '-OVJiii~;' 'tile brU.11Ci1 - _ c CI~~Ct 0' ~lc~Ci'ti 'r~li) 1)C Eilll;.T' ECl J,Yl1I ~ ~ ~ co~lt:nue file ditcl_ :ro; r Aj rer1uir2d 'o :l„) P L L i~ ~ I~ :i~,ide ir~..,i< ;1~ ce ;1 ! 1 to 1>>l, , 'a";lu 1 Jv, Cltj'' t,0..~;;ii,cSi0rl21.,, i~•]~OL11;i ~~iJ:1er ~ „ d -iii „11T'O.Jr;'i1 .11;; ~,(11QS t0 :'.COTI1.i~.,'r1C:i `r',i~,0 reCl;1VC'.C fDr 11iV8;~~1 :,t10C1 ;:!,a t0 i;ll e n~~,ds o:f ~11.7a ~J•r~•~~7~~de ,1e0..'2i1 cU1C1 :1 joint "i]eetlilC, Oc C1t'' 1~' ' ~ " ! ~ - c { _ ~ - J 'a d I,OLt.lt~ v0';tl,.J.v,ilO1.C; CS ~ ~~-e~~12~'a1 dr;11~~'~;2 of l,na:; In i,n~~,t :~ectlon rra~, !~le1d nor ~.~1e uurpose of el.cctin ~ Con,,olidU.t2d L'it'~~~- 1 - r ~ - =ti ~ Ool.n~y A~~,, t,o1l;;ct;o_, ' ' t:_e . o~li'~ upon reco~,sl~~ld,,tion of 1J'J01. '..10ti0il Of ~~~ltf LO.,,:;115`J10n2T 1,01.11U ~7 T ^G~ ~ r~r~ i, ~ ~~'~ioi'1 ;1'~.Ot10i1 OT :..Y'a ~11ltOll, aC0.:~1ed }7~1 i,.T, I30';s~, ~ 1, ~~,i,,~ ,~.le. ,J .CJil gyp, ~e I ~ ~ ";k (,0.~11t, 1 J10i1 r i30,~5 ~SI' U r( i~~' 'r ~1 ~ ~ ,1~ .(.'J.i':'.r2 O'~,'f1Ct?r, ~°L1.1tOd ...1', :F,rIJC;"t ~,l[;1th. ~ulllid 111011-'f~llt Oi' i111~2r 1'clTi': '`~~J 'I , ~ • 2 h,G .1a...~1..~0'_;.31~ ~..GC fed ~lt,}r-~0':~ll"lty lc1r: ~~0 ~ 120 ~Or and ~ , i + ~ ~d •~0 'I ii ~T2.;~• 'rI01tOn Jr. i:,olfJt27,f1t `1~J.XriOi.lAC 'r r •n~ _ fOr 11"1CiG.e11tc3,1 A y~E,1.Je;? Oi'1 i%.17,1.i v0 JQl1n i!C;hi~l~.la :;OSjJlt,;!1 ,lf :'ilvlli.11100 (:1. f01 Ir02 dl for to r~ucr ~2d ~he.n,~.,~.vea for a ~e11a of t',vo ~ - , vn~ ~c~ i, i~' Ci~lO i~lt, 1 rl',~~1.,2'o~t OI~ '112 .iOa,rC7. 01, ~'GL1C~a101i b.19u <,TLi. i!,.i" `.i~0.. 'rPS~ 7 T'~ae Co~~,~ ~ J ,r _~arlover r r 1'1~f:1J~,011~~1'~ ',721' ,"~',0"1!!i.tI~1C;t1C ';rlt.(1 tI'?(, r2C f F i, ~+^c r - _,y' .u y ,.Mlle, .,OLi(1'~~ 1uest e_ the F~OaT'd o'_ ,.;~,;.c1r;~,,, , of J~~,~, , - ~I ~~lalher P~aemoxial_ Hos~it~;~,l for ,r school te~~c:~ler,re~Liz'ed_,by the .io::rd of :.~;ducr~,~Lo11. on a~:cou.l~lt of pilysicr~l disr~-azli~t~ i a ~ ~Jer~~. ~ra:,t for ;~llu0 000 00 to be re~r, ~ i b~ ~~elf- Y ~ -a d 1 ~ ~ be ~nlaced on i::12 school r~ens~loll ro7.l r.lld ~~~7.1e,,.;d i~060,70 ~L;1rll~L~:~llz o . I i 1101.11de~~l:l h017UC7 f01 i'B'"c,lr7.'lp' ~ i ~ ~ f Of iil1..U'ot 1<.,tii - , i' el"11,,.i~?;111F, ilil(1 21iLli 1?lF" x.12 IIOS1;1t:'%1 C?,n(:l ~ %''iC'd ';r1t11~ ,1 - ~ , P ' ~ I I 1~:~J~,, ~,,.ls referred to the 0..,l.zi.:a~, Co~.~lhty ;,u~,litor ~~rld Co~...nty =:Ctorne~ far ~ " ?)•ii Fc~rl~gn Loui.~ r•~ ~ a'.:(;,a',r`) • . i 1a. !;Boll 1:.d ~ 1' Pr 'rr~ i ~ i i ti'le - ~I . ~ ~ u ; ~;er ,,~~,~r~on I+isher, '~rrho preseili;ed a' , , rPlt ' , ~ ~ 1000E"m@nddtl0n ~=i,l'ld TL,~Ort ','J J,C. t0 tfle ..~Oi).rd It f'1,ibOC; ,U ~ r u2st, gnat .If tl1e ..it,; Co:,:..1G„larlera ',rill 'oiu tir1t~ s ~ ~ _ ent nletin,_~• TLiS item ~•ra,a f~~ J 1 t,.._e Board of :~.rsa~err:; o` ~l~ne . r ~ ; t ~ ; ~ ~ not included in the I:ioard o"f ~d.uc~:,tion' a buci~;e~~ 2si;i.r~~tes submitte;l to t~lis 3oard ~ i~e„pitL,..l in r,..1 ,~111ic~„ ion fox ;U,_d funds, t112 Cou11t,~ rril]- cooaerr~.te c,2tcl t.lenl to the i. e.~tellt of it-:; 12g~~1 abi111;y ~ fo~° a royal .far tl~le -;year 19:i,~-1906 1 i , ~~~w • ~ PA , ~,il(1 era~l thcr.ef ore lo~~ ~.cluded icl the County's ' bud yet a l I. In CO1"1S 1(le'r'0'i;10't'! OE' ii i7, r• r r ~ _ ~ II;J011 a]Oti01'1 C1Lll 02CO11C~2d the BO~xd ;~u1;,ClOr1ZACl tI12 T~f1' ?n@I1~ Of JO r... e`~'~ry. J..,..,:i~ r.;rrd.~ ,ld ;Ia:..heschau oi'ficers of the r~o~'.cta,l ~..~.lr Ti1co,, > Y , _ .>r- ~,V .00 to t~n2 ,~Lat2 iio,pitr~l rt F';r,1ei~~P1 i'or be~~:'~:I tins Lreat~^ierlt far Ra rnond ~11e~1ar.d co~.::;;itt ~ !i a~;rc2int to tl~ n:,fer title to the t;ouilty in fort r one acres of 1:~~ 'r 'd'~~t~ollboro ~~o~,nsili' , , ~ ~ Y l 2d to tilt' r ~Pl inebl'1,;1to part of C,~:rter ?3rzc2 e,nd C 13 ' , . ~nd 11 ~ ~J~a~~ no;~pit~~~l> Ctle Clerk of ~l.ly~erior Cou t,1~~~ . .F:,,rr.~le lands, tilt C%11;,ir.;.ti;in :r~.; upon mo~ion o~. i.:r, Ross, ' ii second r 1- ' ed b5 i:;r. .Ii.rton, e.ut:.os~,,ed to ::lak:; ~app~ication for a Federal ~1~rA nt i11 tine ~ ~„10,1 1::otioll of ..r. ilii~to~~l, seconded by )::r. Trask, an apllica~,lon for lic~n;le ru7lount of ~r105,000.00 for the e onstruc~tiorl of h_,,ir ~rxoi.rn ~ •,thletic > .Held on said larlds. ~ d^, rGCreation, :.uld presen~.ed ?li nro~,er f©rm•b Joe :zndecson to sell beer at ~)eabreeze P ~ Y ~ ederal Faint tov.msh.ip, ',~~ra:~ approved. ~I li I~ Upon ?notion of ''.r• :doss, ;.iecon~:;ied by i:~s. Hinton the bi - to furnish t d of J i~.,',.,~„uldin inc. i ~ U'~,on 1ntiC11 dui 1 one 1935 Foard truck riith >Tovernor for the ~~r ~-1 ' Ited ~ ~ I1 , 5 r~~Iecoilded, tie Cr1~11r.~1zun :.end Ooiulty :.ud.itor ;rcz'e ;~,uti~loiized to o Count 1U.rm .~t N co5~ of ~~8U1.00 eras ~ccel > - ~ to the' 17e' „ - ri, a.i ~t.al2i-"h r11. w~n ~o U: ~'r11;~~1 ~f ~ ~ lnf; ~:1e 1o,r2;,t b1~I._12r, Ine only o~ner bid r;as th:,t o~ Ran2 -Chevrcl2t Co•, cfferil7~ , t:1e Uo~.~1tf ~,,.,~.,na.., to ~_tlcc ~ 1e ,.,L;~t~ ,a.~„~~:_orlel~~;;, t_1e Iil~rtter Chevrolet truck a,nd ~nvernor fox x'846.40 y of County pus'ch~;.:~2 of:i2r; uarlover CouiltY school Motes 11e1d uY ~:,e ~to,te. ~ ~ f it ~ Upon lrlo~tiorl of ~:r ,1.to, r,econrl.ed .iinton a rc~uet ~o - i Jpo11 ~aotlon of iiinton, seconded by I:r, Ross, the ;Board ordered ~~,n item of taxes ~ . y ~ ~ ~ f ~o~:d of ~lducatiotl :uaoLUltinr to .~~4.17 char^'ad ar'< - that w3,OG0•GU be pl,~,ced to 1;:~1e credl~ of tre school ~;.~,eoL~nt to ta,l~;e c;_1.r o~' ~ psi ~ I 2 y ~ „~1111.,~ t,~~11 J. ~o,,,,?1.1dY1S ')ll Orle l.lCr2 Of 11~i1d, k~elrt 1~OrI1B, e.tpendi~ture,; for the month o~!' ~~er~temb~r, ~rr~L,~ ,N;;h~z°oved. ~jl Cwpe i+ear t;o~>rnuhip, for the year 1'J 31 c,arlcelled nn the lrr,ch file ren,s~n i ~.x records i or t11~3,t the so.id 1<:~,Ild is the nroyl2l:~ty of tho ','iri htsbol'o '~~'..~~tiUt Church 1'ld ~~'ras only 1~1e1d ~I I b~Joll r,letioa of i.'.1°. bash, secor~ued 'oy • :,o:~s, t,c :5e..ird .Cee.1111~ t~::at It ';;oilad b by I~;:r• Jo~,;,erth~~ns as one of its tru:;tees. e it I~ UYl]"iSe t0 Oer1~11't 0~2r~120.d G~ECtl'iC l'JiI'20 tQ bC, fai;rUll~; :111 Ir0i11: Of a .T'Llll :'J<':ly ,~~t file 1'i., 1~' a _ ~ '17.rt;Ort ~ 2,lli:•ilOrlZOd t.':2 111r,t.:'.11<~~.tiotl OI ::..Tl Ll1'112r<''1 OL1i11.1 ger'V1C d i ~ ii e 5 t::2 Ilde .~~-.ter .,,.Oi? ;f10~1Di1 Of 1'a i;1t1 OPI, v@CO11(~2~ ~y ~..1 aOSS, n,lldf~ S directed 'Q~ l0.'1J file 5or~rd l.l]70?1 ~ ~ approv~~l of t~ze County =lealtll .,.t°ficex ~~r:~,nted th ~ ~ ~or zo;rer l;~nh,~~i.ny Lo t::o residence o:[' .,is• .,l:tipper ',•i~luse home is 1.oouted i;: front of ~ ii u.lf, ~ ~ .e clai:a o, Bullocks hospital Inc., I - ,,a credit on taz.~es duo b ;~~,id klosn: rt~ln •.r,o, ;:~,t cost to t'r12 Coul~it ' of a,~pxo,~imately .;104.50. ~I Y , ~trLl gar ~_le Ye_,rs 1931 to 1934 inclusive, <Unounting Y~ y i~ to ~;,311,.04 on :a.ccount of tz•eanlent of "~~~rie ~ ~ 1~3~i to - :xlerld~al, lJ c.,t~.e :~tz2et ,rorl 1..:.~' l~ ' on o1. ~ it r t!2b1'1.1i'S 3ru 19JJ• ~.i~~~e lleitl'T ll ~ ~ 1 ~~'~10Y1 7!lOti " . '~I03B, ,1JCOY]Cled by ' 1', ~.le C..::1 i„'!? ''r~,s 7?.l.li;!'IOTI^~~'Cl tf.) Y > ~N ~o.la_ld2 _I_.:1ov~z Coun~~r indi~~ellt _ • ~ !r'.~.(:Ct (9, CU.""'itt~ t~r0':, 'i;.18 .IOP.S'd t0 IIl'r'..'1P• 2d,]LIStIfI@11tS ~n t,le lot ':,.iSGa;,i'Old'11tS 7 _ ~ 0 ~ J~ a a (J )011 IrlOti011 Of .'r. t0(~,"7 1ieC0'~ ~r _*y ~ 4;15;1 dt. Car011T1a 32aGll t;i'~:i ~~!10 -dl^c;l0f e'-;uwli.'in~; i;i1P. "aAlec;.`i 1'ef r 1 , ailed b,, ~,:r• 1~n~on,t:1ei3o~~~rd u,,on recorrmlend~ltion of tl.e ~ ;ues~e~i ',ir?lf':~.z'e O~.ficer. authorized payment of - ~ ~'ed.~' C• i~~~z':lcle ~.i11 ~ai'~:1 ~!o',~or to ~~.ot• ~r~a J transpor~~t~,tiou':fox holulie ;iollis co1o1 routfl 'to his i~lor,!e ~1t _e~rrhe~rrl ' ~~`pon ~r.otioll dul~~ seconded co1.~.nty b;. i_ls ='cs • 518 to u45 1'rere a~~;-lroved for .1 ~ EI - it Upon motion of :...r• IIi.lrLarl, :;ecoilded 'ov i,r, Ross a ; ~ .f~ ~ .011 :liotlo;l of ;:x'• ~i'r~.sl:, seeoilclod by :toss, tie o,~r'd r~ltiloriz~~d L:1n i11st.,l.lrztion I~ , anal,, b_11,~ .as• J77 to 517 crer,- 1 •G-- ~ •a roved for a~ mellt. of t~.leuilor ~ 1 t':'.e ofica of ti.2 Coullt,.~ h':~~rlu A~e11ta ~ wup F Y le 1 ~ N i r1 re~~uest of t.:rti~. ~;al ,T• doiles ~l'or t1 reduct~.ion o~ , ~ , =~3 block ~ e1.1~~,;e;,~lon o~~' C.:1.J)illon, Co~.!I~lty :.f;t.nt, ti`1at t:~le Cor~.llty tape Uo1;~e s~l;ex;s tovrard (r , f ~...iS2SS]1lC.l~ Otl bU] ~-din; 011 101: ~ f SUCU] .11n' ~'cd(:r,a ~"I'~ilt for ~'~'lB 00.'13~~Z'~aCti~11 O1:' El VC~~eG:~,ble ~'T"~~ t,~1z'o1in,1 r~lllce rr,as 1GCei r~r t.C 11.I"1~~ 1711? l1 l' , 1'1w~ 5 ;i~~:.n, , v~1 f or i11v~;.,ti,~•~,tion. - - 4 { ~ ~~'f.'_".211 n(,ler COi ;:i11'''e7' :t 7.017. F lf~ 4 ;I it ;i j. . _ - _ . _ _ ..r~. f _ _ ~ } 1 • r. 1 ! Prcetiilg of,~eptember 9th,19~~, continued. a , , I,:c~~~L.1r:p; ox r;t;htamher 1Gth,195~, co~~tinued. U;!J011 matJ.~)11, d,J.ly seCCn~.±ed, t,12 CaL'~lill:ldJlOaeT`S ';'~l;tlrl;; ~~l]~f]l1 53, COrtL:C'1CcttE9 U j fi1o ~,ltirh ulx~7er10r l;oiJ.r~, as"~hOr1r~'(I trlF' ;;(:~yRre11G Gf ~;7~~~•~~' t0 .:_r 1 r ~ jl';'~,U1'1 IIlQ't','LOn, t1"'C COrIiIT11(.~c11.aClerr3 deClll~~r] tU ~.,r't.11; I„7.t;lOrii; ~ t0 '1C1CLir e::L~eI1F9e for ! fOr '•'iat16l' 1 eYUGl1:~e~ Oi 'Y g' , p ~a11~ ~ , ~ a ~ ~ ad,T Larl ~ iUi1 t. , 111 i d l,i; iut,~a~l:.~.ucc o~°.~ ,e~, ~ e ii, ~l f r trez:trlel<<, ',Y Lor~i~'edcr~,'t ,enr:,iorler 1;z ~.n, ~ox~ ~~n e rx. l~ .,.,,,t to env ~t~zt osl; _ o ~witr~out fiz'~.~t ~~c,~;~~n~r.,l; SIC ln";tter to ~~I~li:~ a~,~,~d I'or .zc.prov~l in e.o,cll individl,iu~1 ague «porl motion, rh.:ly seconded, the ~o~.rd c,pproveel ~~lf ~~s~,"Inent b ~ to bs c`on~~.1r-~ed. 1-~ f o:.fic~ ~h„en•e o::' i.le ~~'edera,l i e-enr:~lo~ raellt Kure ~u .f'o: J.l~~ ~ , a.rld ral~°ar~1; arnoull~in~ 'to ~ 48 z3 ~l.''l.e Clerh 'alas 7.nfJ~;1'UCted t0 ;.~s.T71C,E i:i'_" 1{.(;~~ellefl'~'F~r ~ • min n~i'['tlll'' i;;18.t _'C1'O dL'~l~sd. 'I . t~ , -naer of tka,e o.ufce ~ ~~l E~~ J a,f~tar ;d.~~ctzn: the ,-ho° ~r~~r~l ;x c ' `'`'~t d Je pay ~.~Zt from the bud;~:~et .,.,.1a,varrce f :~1a0~•00, there > 1r `i ;^riJ.l b-„ r;, bc~l;~,nce of ;,101.0 £nr ~(,i2e rerna~.nzng teri l,rontits ~ ~ ' h, ~~,.,_~~r ~ " it T(;`i0rt O:I ~i1G c~,dles 1'C5~ roaRl fCr t~'re rnanth o~ ..ept~:r~bf~r, l„~.:, :"$C P.i'v~i ,i- i ordered filed d '°'d Wilmin .tan S ,N.C., Septerpber 23rd,1935. ~.J'f,)Un rIl(7t10i1 O~ 1.. itlilton .,~,011:~C;d 'Ci" ..:r. „ - i' , _ 7 ~ 1 ekl me t , Ross it _ e u ar we e in n e f'. ( , J , ,ra.s Pu~.aOLf;iJll 'i',at ~,,,A,r The r g y g f to Board :vas held this day at 3.00 o~clock P.PvI• :.:al"se,Tax Collector 'oe relieved of ,,.ny rEa•~onsibilit ~dr lia;bil" ~ n~ l Y rty i'or t;he co~ler.tio,~ oa i;he 1.,x,4 ailoollected tr~.xe, or:ta,x ~,ev r / Present: Addison Hewlett Chairman F y and prig ,~taxe~, after > IuI. Ross and 7.H.Hinton. ran roval of h1a settlei>>e h th- ~ 1 , ~ ~ ~ r : ap . rrt writ c t,ou.~t,~ Gorrrna.ss..oners, ~~laa t-la.t rle f~~rtlier be re~,,.rired to rna,lce ~~Iuily settl~;ments '~,°d.th tle County t~uditor Car ~ti!1 The following resolution eras upon motion of I~r. F.t~ Ro manses ss, seconded by P>7r. J.H.Hintan, collea~~ed by hi1Tl ~~~ad ta,c~y a receirnt tiz~re'~ar. ads ted: p ~1: y ,.Ie :..r,,,~ ,1,, ~;le:i czd,Io:.l_ned. 'NHLREAS, groat demand has been made, from time to time, upon the County Commissioners of idew Hanover County,, to- rovide a hi hwa ths,t ou ~ ~ ~ - p g y ~ w 1d connect Kenwood 'i ;I., is ~f;r pry _ Avenue with Chestnut Street in the Cit `of VV1mi1 , _ . _ Y zgtan, to relieve can ested traffic a _Clc~l:, on State hi hwa 30 enterin t ~5 g g y g he City of -Nilmin ton also far the s fe d ; S , a ty of the school t. ,i cl~iildrell attending school in the city, and` y a z s~ ,I ,'ilrr.ir~~toli, i~i. _C., ~ie~ptG1libBr: lOth,l9~`,5, t '~NHF;RE~S, the County of Idew'Hanover is wfthout u h ~ atarxytopov>_deahg~ray' r i h 'I'.c re,~,.r1~:x ac'.~~.,~~~ rneeuxn~ ~~1' t!.~; rrs,rd :rzs ne].d this day at `3: r„ ~ ~ to meet this~demand,and • ~ d~ 0 ~1GC14 FF i 4; ~ :'r~:sent: ,ddi;,o_r :Ir,e,~l:tt C;tw,.r.r:an Geo.,;,?'r..~~„ 1< ,_~,nd J,EI~ - iNHEREkS, 'a Federal grant has noW been approved for this ro'ect Try r ` ~ , ~ , Hii~to1~~I. p REFCRE BE IT i ~i J , r: is ~~i .:"r. _ ~ ,.:.',l;ii`L,1 ai'1Q r:~„~ ~~~ec c~iv~d tz,~ Lr,,..~li, ~ ,~tt';.,~ ;1n~~.- ~a1,- Y, ° RESUhVED; That t Hi hwa and Pu 1 ; ~r.,. ~ ,~;r~ ~ he State g y b is forks Comma i ~ ~ 1 r~,,.,l,i,;,;, ss on be, and it a.s jl fox c~cncer o`' i;'.r; g~.un r;.,~,r1 f;on~uc i:1 :IU;; o~,lt c: f'izi~ds r:d lrl oyez' ~ ~ hereby requested, to locate and establish a ri-ht-of-wa for th e „R „ , . _ .,,f S Y e onstxuction of a I! ::o?,~zt~i~~.~e tc ,•,c,c.tve r,di~;!•I ~lnd )i~'_~r tl°.~.t~:,c.~nt it ,:ill uG nec~ + ~F highvray that v~uld connect Kenwood Avenue with Chestnut ~ ~ ~ , , ~ , U~~~ U Street as a part of its l`~ k lrl I)`1r_ Pi ~S't le' ~ ti~'~ T'~' ~ lil hl"la S Stem. E .v.. ,c „.;~.:s ,.~n, _ ,cr,lr~;, dc~alJ tre:;tl.i.,ut, ..~.c.~riUe~. by t'Ie g Y Y ~ '~1 AEi;lSt3.ilt Fti"'d.ial0i'lUi; U:(' liui;E) l,ni~JCr;iit~~. ~i~iei'el'OY'G :OIl '~10'1;10Y1 U~ . ~ _ . l~, ~eccndad F~~ ~ a U on motion of iv`r. Hinton seco.ded b .~dx Ross Exline Neti li t;i 1iil,~C:1, i~.? -~::::Lj;,_ ,1', ~"~;,t;t~;I .x.1'1 1G'. ,.iiaC= 0_ „-J0.00 rOlri '~1C i'Cior .:ef p ~ ' Y T • ~ Vton haul. bee fi ~ ...,y n `~'~.~rld to ei,rz:~1o 'Ian, to cotlti:.c~.e t_~,~ recommended b the Count '~rlelfare O.~ficer an x~ r~, .L~~ci,~ i~..~.,,,,~,ry, Y Y d e amined by the Assistant County i. f ' Health O~ficer, was admitted to the County Home as an inm<rte. ~I, f. ~I ~ Ur:on >'aotion o£ ..a', ~'r._s?r, secancied by I , ._iirtiol, ~ 1:, ';eli:;Irl~. 0_ i'ic~~~ ,,~,s 1I ~ authorized t;o f'urlli;,il t1~,~:;,;-~ort~~ tiol fi' ,r r c, Upon motion of iuir. Hinton seconded b it'lr ~'o~, z 1 c~ .ua,:.,la ,..Zntz 11;1ii' yc_~r old yolA~~a, to ~ ~ Y n mss, the Board upon recoruneladation of ~bc acco;ra:: Hied ~,y His Inotl~ier 'Co tae Deaf and. D1zleb .;c,iool .t i.~orE~~,1ton,1.C., ::~t the County ~Jelfaxe 0lficer, authorized the purchase of school books for SaJn and ~ ~ ~ . aosj: of ~;~11,~8, Bert Register not to exceed a total expenditure of X1,90. Sam and Bert Re aster ar ~I g , ,i~ Nerr Hanover County indigent children being cared for by Pdrs. T•H.Holmes at Pdt ~ , .Olive,N.C. lI-von motion, d,.ly sccoa,tied, i,.,e ~sc~~z'd :.ctil.~; or: t;:o 1„corra~~.r_ac~ation of ~~lc. (,o~,,;~i:h ~f' ~ U on motion of Iuir. kloss e o p s c nded b Plir. Hinton ~~lelfar. e 0,. icer, authorized trle ~purcn_tise o£ rr:,ilro~~.d tra.n.,Icrtation ~9.G8 ~'cr ~ Y , a petition of twelve resident o ert r . ~ « Y ~ ~ ' ~ owners of P~asomboro _to wnship, pet itYnnin t the State Hi` hwa o Y ~I Ufa, 13rc~.l.~a.1 a,ld fled:-l~n i~?+ivrJ L:1 ~11L1T' .~Oa.e ~~t .~-hTcS:'i,i„~11 C~a~ I1, ~.:r.. L ~ g g y C mmission to take over f -s I ~~,l~c,~c taro girls fc~.~rt::en ~,.nd seventeen y~.,r:~ ,l ~-e re;:ect~ively a,re ter:~~~z ~~~~ily ~ g g y p and maintain a road leadin from Pdasonboro State hi h~~a. at a oint narth of Betha v~ ' I r ~,n ;~ethadist Church ::thence rwlnina in an eastward! df ~ 1bCa.ted 11eJ.'e `;71ti": i,;-1e~r I1Uilt, a 1';iT'.":~. CiCl:",~~it,;I'~) 1:, .:il~uil~ t0 CB..~ fC~Z' '~i.,, ~,.1Ci t , o reCtlOn far a . ~ ppro mately o ne half ~ ~ ~ '1 1. ' i , ~ mile to Pa eci residence WaS a rDVed and orders f0 ~ fur~_ler r,l~,_~,e,urF~ th~~~t C.e.r ;:,~,ren~.~ r,,ro °~o~,i: c.l xelicf ~.:i_l c.re a11arJl, :,o ~'~~ror.l.; g , pp d rwarded to I the State Highway r ~ ~ ~ ~ , ^ ~ ~ Commission at Ra'lei h for its consideration. I u,.ds for one _r r. e~i; ~~Irl~. aoi.IC ~f' order t o ~.:,vo i d c o1i ~ ~.,lu.ed cr_.~E:1 se Lo tl~Ie g Cov.t;ty, the above action ~~r~,.; t;~lceil. Upon motion of ?~~r. Ro3s seconded b Parr. Hinton the Boar ~ Y d authorised the ~ purchase of i J:r, Prrc,. iCello,r<zy a,~.c:~:~.r.ed. aald °:sl~:ed~ file Co:rrllssieners t~:I rec;~~lezi; ~iaie ~t .tc ;~ri l,~;In,y a Remington typewriter for the tax listin de rtment at a co t _ g pa , s of $170.00 less , Corrnis,~ion to t~:.Ice over ro~~.d servin; oi~~•tIt fa.~:iliee 1~~...din~~ Cr~:a t,':1C :~t~te 'ir~h~~z,5 , X22.50 allowance for the old t ewriter less 10 and loo discou i C ~ ~ Yp > ~ nts, makrng a net cash ~3,~ r~. point n~.ar the :~:ethodi.st C:curcl~l on tae ?,f~sorrl~oro .lor,p road ~to F'!!_~;e' o z~c;~iaeaee, payment of X119.48. i as Ii. part Uf tI"1G i;il~zj;e II1(~Il•,,l~Sr c,;f~}tUin. Wile?/ 1'JL'18 ,Gi'Ud t0 SeCLl."C tJ. ',:)C-'~~1t1Gr1 f~l'Oia '1~nU' , i reside t~- ~erv d , , ~ k B reason of th n .z 5 e y ~~e r.,~.d~l.u „i~~F,sent~:,_le ~....:e for ennaiderc,,tir:,n ;~ut,a..c!uer~ Y e County having leased the Stocl~,de to the State Hightivay and Public meeting. PJorks Commission for a period from June lst,1935 to June 30th 1945 rent fr ~ , ee, the i Board, therefore, upon motion ofr,~r. Ross seconded b fir. Hi ~ Y nton, instructed t.ne i A request of I, x'. Clarence 4~~. I?o~~ucti1~I t!-:.~~~ ~ ~ ~ i County Auditor to cancel the char e f.or 200.00 rent du LEI„ co,ulty ..cfu.ad azs 1J~. po_1 t,:~,.~.., g ~ e by the State Highway Commission deducted by tae `!,ax Collector £rom :~'~lO.OG ~ l.lr~~ fees -cresented for ~-n;en1; • cn ~ ~ for the month of June 1935. 1 , ~ ? r account ofais iiia;'Ji.7.ity to ;,ecru°e cmi~lo~,~ra~llt and nov: on re~ief, ~.;::,s received r I £or co:~szcleratzoll. ~ ~ Jpon raotion of P,Ir. Ross, seconded by Pyle Hinton, the Chairman was instructs r d to ~ t investigate, .w, claim of a Pir. V~ade for possible damares that ma c I, y a crux to his a, t~etit:io:l .;i ,lid b ~ t:e,It~r-ei;-'~It - ~ +~:~Pe frog farm in the event the ;Mate should locate a rig ht-o r, 5 ? r.,,,].del'!tS Of' .;.irldle al)U:"1d ~Get1~~10111n~' '~aE'. f-YVa throU g Y gh his intere,,ts, ';i;Yr;ray Co ~.li„oion Lo ns,~.r.d :~~.lr°.~ue t;re r~o_~d le~:~ail1~ :i'rora the inl;ersectiorl of '~:e oonnectirrg I{enwood Avenue with Chestnut Streeb,and report to the Board at its next m _ seta ng. ~ SCi':a01 1'~CId LI,t C~~I'lady~;z UtOre 'cal"1Cl r,i,li'llYl,~ C'~~~OnCI C::2 ailUT'C':1 tU J.il.::e:1dCr5 Tieldi } ng. ~ The Chair ~ a ~dic;t,~I~lcc of ~.bo~at -:00 ~~at ds, ~~rati~ presented .ar,d u~~on ;,~~ot i oll of ~.;_1',?~Ii;~ItOrl, ~ man reported his iuvestigatlon of the request of hrs. Julia Harris 110 1 Front Street for , 0 south 1 _ aid toward meeting expense of having to em to some on .7eC0i1',ed l;'~' 1_X'. iI(, ,idu :.,U~01'OVed a11U Or12~1'i}(1 '£Or,~lar~aC~ tU '~,.1L ~i~~<v~`~wJ r ~ p Y C t0 h 1 Co:anloszon ~i~or : o:I;,ider~, ~ ~ ~ around her home durin h r elp out _ ~.~t_on. g e physical handicap account of having broken her arm in a fall ? ~ at the Princess street basement entrance o'°the Court House annex Jul 11th 19 ' In view of the fact th t tl r Y , 35. U.I~on Iaol.IOa oi' ...r. Hr~:Ii;ou, ;,;corl~_~.ed by :,.x~, `i'~z'a,~~_~:, L'oa'd a~~.lt.~oriz;;~1 L;ze p~iyme'lt a 1e e wasno evi"deuce of negligence on the rt of t pa he County, ; rt o~f y~~u50.00 to tae ~~lil: °,I 1;au tort Co.,:nis,ion o~~.I~ ~ ~ u,ae and that her husband is en a ed in the wood business with av r t ~If. zuncl:, dera_v~.r z rol., 6 g era6e success, the Board r~necial '~a., a:;vied ~,.rnder ~~~t~:t.ori"~~ ~ a~~ ~ declined to rant aid _ al gr1::.htier 390,1~_~.nllc l~,ac,.l 1,,~.., to g `iief.t 'i?rC'llrnlrl,r~~ 1'."lCltentC.l exi;E:n':;e5 Of t:la r. ~ ~D.,,,li~9lOll• 11,C, CO ,~'~1,~:~lOli „~J,',) ' I z~ul,.e:~l,ed to file an ite~niaed i, ,t , a. ~ ~ _ ~ i~ Upon motion ul ~ 1,:N,crit.lt o, dlsuuracrlen~~ oi' t:.e,~a _.;I:c~,~ , d Y seconded, the Peoples Building ~ Loan Ar,sociatlon was allowed to i tili<~ 'Ja~.crd. I p ~ 2 block 61 the back taxes due on t le east middle art of lot 1 and J p~ ~ , less the personal property tax due by P,I.F.Williams for the years 1928,1929 and 1930 char ed ther i i „ ~ g e n, and ~ _ . , ~I further :released from payment `of pezaalty ;for not listin. char ed in t al Ilha.l r~IOtioa oz' i~r, !rash, ~,econcied uy I;rx. Hinton, ;,.r. ;i.il Corbett ~aaa s~!llt„d g g he name of , ~I ' L.B.Canady for the year 1927, all on account of having to talcs the said basement o£ t,~:;ti;:c.: on v~:lu:ztio:: of ~"1 350. ~ ~ ro ert . , Ou rouse b~_~rned oh lot; -~!~10 Cre~~re , p p back and Canady or ~dilliams having no equity in the same. Y I)~.vi,lon, C;~~pe t~c,~a tovnls,~rp prior to April. 1st 1934 ~ 71~.~~:r:eni, q~ ~ , , _nd rele~„red. £r~o:r~ ~ J ~,rU.Jr., ',ien~Llt~j faJ.' 11 at llki~t111~~' 193 ~ Orl aCCOU11t 01 'lJeilig ~~OSC'llt fra:u file l,Ol.l11'~;,d r~ at listing ti::;e, he Board declined the re nest of Clarence W. Rowan for a refund fr. o ~ q of pull taxes deducted ~i'' m his ~p10.00 fury ticket by the Tax Collector, on account of bean on relic Upcn motion, duly seconded I~~ ~ ~ c"y,'~F' B f, I R I , ._S. viidlC', itp?:'1'1;i ti~ld'~ «TU,11tedc!n,~01ltC'Ille?7t Uz ta:~(,S.,l~~ ~ r ~ on h,.use burned o„ loi ~ ~ ~ Upon motion ~ ~.t ~ea,;~~,te, II:_,r'r,ett to,;nsilip :Uecenlber 1928 ~~sser;sed a~~ ;aGCC' „ of 1~Ir. Hinton, seconded by s. Rosa, the Board recommended payment of ~ w X17.75 ~by the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board for eleven certified ' ~ copies of the 7 °t~~~,arl ,noi:~ion a.f :,,r, 'i,r 1935 Alcoholic Bever r t b i ~,EOrn~~;r-;I i'~y L:r'. Ii~nton ~ "d Ur'id~a age Cant of Ac received y Hon. Hai~rigs 1`7ewman f ~,le ..c~u'd a:;z'ee to o<<11 connect>_o or use in i aver t!le rLlll of i;,r;:;I1clI i.Il i~'o~; 'i'a~,~,~rl o':: ~ ~ ~ Co~-i.1~,~ n with the i unction roceedin s concernin sai . L,~~t t:~~~~ i;; uo~,~r l;ein« drr.i::ed 1i3~ ..ale ~ p g B d act. to repln.cc. the t~;o cro,,~,l;~,~~~., tl~~~ ~ ' 1< t ~~Ve r(~CC11t1V `C'St1e%~. OUt, ia1 CU:,.=1J('.' ,,~10:i Ol ,t_.ce I,,,r£1c..~, f~tz•IIi;,,lrag she n;.cl,ex•i~wl fur Che ~ - s~:.r,Ie ~~,s e Board acknowledged receipt of notice of the County Solicitor a ~Igre~,cl. co:I;3Lruct_o.l o.. talc Pdarshall Bs bst' u ~ li i to u i ~ plolnt~ng Alan A. q , su it to 3o c for sexve d r ng the vacation of the Solicitor and j I ~ upon motion of Mr. Hinton seconded b ?{r. Ross the B ' i i 1~ea1lu.~t of r~' er T Y , oard approved the payment of N5.00 ~ eII ;i., fo:r red~.IC~ion ~ ~ ~ tl~,s p day far the fame served not exceeding ten days as allowed b ~ ~ : ~ ~ .,.~i..llt o. Y law. ]:lrauar I;y a£ t; ::e e of ,t~~ o£ i~i. , - „Fr~d;en, bloc,ti 15;; ~i ~~,tec o~ I ',ll@ L1az1T'r~1i.~r1 ;`1'.Tr, ,','f. I'C. r::1'~ 'I L' 0 C ~ ~:`il , ,i _.,..;;1, ..,nil .a' iii:`I~LOi: ti7iti~ I 'r i r ~ ;i _ _ _ it ~ ~ ~ 383 i Meet in of Se tember l.feet,iu~ oa:' September 30,1.0.,5, continued. g p 2~rd,1935, continued. j l;pon motion of r. iii r]ton ,ecanded n~ ~ a U on motion of li4r 9 J~ :,r. _,o.:.:,, ;;;r:~. v.C.~7ran+; eras rc~leasE7il lroln , ~ ~ p H d by Mr.Ross, the Board authori . + , one zed 'trap payment 01' i~cnalty aoz~ rlo~ liatin~; "Lot nea~r~ aut~set Fr~rl." i~or 15+3 on acc ul i' spox atian n Yt o ~ or Edith Cra.bb Gore to Chadbouxn,..95~ and Mary Blanehexd t ~ ~ absent .i'ralrl the Count ~ ~ ; , ~ _ o FayettevT oezns ~ at, lzatzn tl..le . 1e~~1.85 ~ ~ r both trans tent indigents and transportation ]recommendedb 6 f;' Y the ,Count' 'Nei Y fax ' e_Of ~ • y , fc ' +,,on motion oi` ~r, rtinton seconaea ,:y .:,r, ~ ~ ~.h ~~]r~ 3oard ~uthor~ ~~l tl]e aa•~ ~.~~n~ oI r; Upon motion the Chaixman w s _ ,>r : a authorized to have blue xint r naal'r°~ens'ian t~ ::'rs. ,,iar 1'0'. r" ,aa ~ p s prepared for ad c - _ Y y',~tane, _ ,.tr kIan oyez ~.aunty~ schoal te:vcile]" rye ~,ared n heating a the Caunty Home. d~tional ~ y - , ? tre z3oard ai' ~ducatzan,and r,ensxon retluestea at rne~tan- 1 ;,e ~ ~ - o u ptenrbe] . t,n,1 JJ,}, tr_ ttraut having made provision fox ttte same in its 135-1J36 bud 'et estim' es T, The meetzrrg then ad,~ourned. f 8 at p_Cserrteu to tr~~ ~ Co ~rtty Co.,...fis>ianers; at ~;ne rate of 5r~0, TO annually . a~~ F , ~ f beg,.nnzrrt, „eptember 23rd,1_~~, ~ ~ tine date or' opening, oi' ttie 1935-1tr36 ',s anool ,ear. Trre sal; nl . _ l 4 i , ;aid: out of any 19Sb- ~ • 1936 school or Izensaan i'uric~s `al~cila~hle to b " x e char ed a ' r I . , 9 i,a,irtst surZllua, ii' G4ny, at tt~e i Clerk. ~ cl'o,;e ai L re lz..cal ,rear, dnu z.t rro sur~olus apuears, tie same to 'ae aarzried over as a t~~~ficzt ar~aznst the saizoal ~~enszon zunu. Pa° ~I:;nts to be nr dc~ , ' •iilmitx., r C ;ry t ~ a ,,cto+~er •t , ,tan,.;..a., ~L'1}tfrtlU$I JU~rI1 ~:9~~iGp ; rlr ~ LS t, Jc'3.nLldl,f lit, P _y l,,t, and June lst oi' e~,crr ~T l _ s ~ ear v:ion notion of r, .;oss, seconaea 01~ .,.r. }rotor, an autamooile a11ov~~;nce oi' y~12.50 '~~er 'I i ,.,1 I olio ea ..~r. rl.~,.r~. es` .t~z:n4,ez~l~rznt Js~_;er ~ zn criaz,r,e of the 3ureau of r!'nc rcgulal' itronthly ,nrr;eting ai' rile '~aaz'~t >,vas- ~ ; ~ ~ i i rr_ltl ttz~.s d~~~ at 3;+30 0' r~ r,c~ .'.,'r, Iderr~zr ration as of uepternoer. 9th,1~~5 and au~trtori ~ vra ~ ~ Y, , 1 ~ > J'" s given to tia....1e. ,,azi i oient `I r. , ~ r ~ , ~'.rc. ,c.nt. i':uaison :?e~;nett r"i1 n Y ~ rh - -r ` • il.tr;c:u firurn the er~er~,encf fund to .neet `this additional ext>ense. asp c IP. T* ,r• - azr..raa, rTtk, _.tll ~~nc ~ ii `L ~ i ~ . ,...znton. ~ ;I !osc-~~ , r~~ • ~ on r~>.otian, du1'y secnnderi eount~ bits id's ; - ~ , zson..,cured la;cense to sc7.1 b~ ~ ,I , o 5lc ~o ~~,7 vrere a~~proved t'or ,:)a~:,hint. ,f liiE ]'111111(" .tafi~lan ~ .er Jai1c _„t,1.1~~,~ lu ranrlUction ,}i,;, ;~t ~Qasitiart n'ear' +.~t111;et 1'a2'k O1'r ::tr},te rl ~ -"rtO r,-, li c1o;;~e,d i;nc ~Ltrs:~.nes~ at 'r~ i~~r.,~.l „ aria t;a':; novr I.le fallovring food af~d 1.e,rri'ul men ~~;rere dra~m,to s^~wP as 'ur ~ ~a- Fi = gala or~' in t,.te hu. c I' ~ 1 ,locat~.an oriel rrove~ to Lutnsue~z~s0~'s~t~:r z•o,,s~ r r~' ~ , J u_ _ r our i ~~t 011 7,,ie ~~Uv tt:e 'tr1~i~. ~01' .,1vJ,1 .,u,,iea, t',!0 '~1C'G~,;J t$rltl ~}e',inYlill~: 1'lr$'` weep (,1 t (i'ir~ ~ . usanUo7a Tar;+,~,1 ]'+~~u. r A ~ g t c c }er 14.ti1 1, Pe..vzanr„ Cree, anu r~r,uests ~ r 9 i u this 3oard to 11 :~o ~~e tr~tnaler•rt~d i;o l~li~ ~ osr t3zv license ;1 _ ne:v location tot' 1,i1e ;ale oj' bee •+r, r T uciout n;),~rzn~; to ~.~.l~ong, ~,~a ~3isrt~. ~ ..~..~tr~:te. ,....1'ay. Ji1c1.~.~.Grtzuc~r. ~F.:.~„~~i~~~, rln. secure actditioi2al lzcen.~e, L, o ~ t; ~ , " r , p n nl~.,_ar, 01 . r. rizntotr, scca,,de~i i)y ~:os:~ 1° ,J.,lilxna. `1".:..k?ea11. ~ r , r a 4 1 r~~l t n • ..Iu-hey. T , C.I.3rin,,or„ rurt ' u,ratcu e g e ~iiln. I l; c , ue~ r~i;j ~I' ~ .r18 r yr'r c, _f l a J 1r ai., ' ~:rho.~„7,~,u.neti,..row,,~.C~-.~1~s.L.~.rlutrra~n. '.1'~aa.nders r r - . L,r.Peteraon, ;:rr~. , . , • 3ra~~~m. ,`,.:..:3rerner Jood.' t `l'tle ~~oard actznG upon the recanun~t~a= ~ ~ o. e. .~,_._Cua1~., v,J,..oGZriso.t. I:~r!?.e 7 1 atzan o$' tyre .e1~l:r,re U,ta'icer ansi upari r~iotion` r' / o ; ..,r. mass, wccaaidoil b, i:~T'. tIG.11 autlrUl'1"ed . . r ~ t16 1)ur Ct18ue 1 ~ , ~ r: r, ;•,-~a f a. r, - C' at.~.aL1{~.1 Tom. lrtoa,;a, Oan~l ,7.,.._., JC~DI}eT ~.,l.,t,laJb, ,~ilelG.eI1 ' I, , ',,',Ct1aa.=artatlbll 4~I"lOt~.Yltin''ta X13 1 1 ~ .tu .oz' r:1,,.~no~ rnitt~ I+~lle a r,u ~ , s ye r u~~, r'oiored _ i n.r: 1 e 1'i , , ti 0 i, tiP, ~T €,t1U t.~ed , • , C I c:i ~.C 1001 tai tt d:,tonld,r,.C,, rai' ~=,C'e~.tiilllC;tlt of t' r.i,'f..,.etir:v• o~_~.i T;:a,r, 7 r~. `er1i;U11 T i' ~ a ],r16. ~uraorcular u ~z ~,~...c11, l., u;; ~a,~r+l.c~l~l.~l.na•._]cni~ 1,~ir;le]. i. ~ nnttersc,n, ,ch. .Q.'''e~.l. :Ioc~;'it] ~ rr ~~1 1 it I fl ~I'i)01"1 ! ~-1 . .'i05u uA'0 Ci- ~ , ,:,,cD,Drv:rs. ~ar~l:lCl;,~l, '...:':Lliltl. ;.r:.,:.yer,~, iiGO.t. ,iii r r, I ,lotiol] of r, n cu rJr 1'~~1~. r.u,.,o~~nil^s. Xa' Izzrttony d.n dcldztzanal a~.i01+2.1Y a ~~.%I1G.G;P,r~", J. .:~i(;.~Gliei', ~f...~~.:.~'._.~.iCl:.. r' ~',~i r - .v3';.~nt l., .~Or,~h, LU ,E~,_CL ,i'1a1G~,'. rr~;., 1;Y'u,l;red ..l?'.u.,~,:t,tltt'1 t0. 'a 1CE. U ~ irv~~,Od ~ ~ 7, + - zni; r~tzs:lzvin~ c~.I,enses r!~ . r ,rn veil rec~i,~,~l ~rc ; ent a ~u e "o ~'rital ~ ~ ~ LlT'ti<a,.l,i,.l..y iO;C GcdnCGl 0~' ,.t1e t,(jrl~Ue 3,I1r.~ ?Lull. ~ '~'C Ll.ieil ~1Cl,jG~~T'(iEi(a, it U]or, snot al' , iof; 1;~~' ,_or3,3, serohiu'.ei b' ~ r J ~ or 7~ire .r- • _ ~~z' .lin ) , up<a~ d, u~ ol? >~cootlnucnu~..~ iou `,J1:?_~t r~~'.~~_ ` - ela,~>-rr U_a icrn7• at~.',f,.o]°; r; a. - - - Ie;I tl".1 ;:Ii1rCt+~i,~;e OT ,.T'8.1i:1I;a]' ~I1. A ~ r F r ~ n ~ 0,,,."."' , ~n oz ,ill„~8 So~r _a'., nine year Dies i}oz~otr+y Tolly to ti~;e ,;rate Sena 1 - ~ , a .~ox 1;1].e Deu2~ anu =~ulnb r,~t ,~;i~~x;;rrraon, uVilmingtan, Id,C,, October 7ti1,1935. i ~ '1'1"le 1',ac.~?."C'l aCt1n~~ i1:~On tk1C Tr~ inn P' 'i L I ~ l co.~,a..nuat._ol, o~l' ,;lie ':;otaZ~t~r ~,tE~la~;"+.1°E Oi~1'ice:• and Canon ' r;rOj'~]01? 01' 'i.~'• aCiJ, ;ieCanC'ted ~7y Yi1r1t01'1 1':~~, 1 ' 'f'ile re~Ula 'rr ' r' =,o f, 11~ed ."ra, i3~,.(',lar<~r Dltnn f -;o ~ r se~ay meeting of the .board virus hel~,i at 3.00 P,;a o ~ , rl- haw ~,rt :t 2c11 ~oou' ;ttec arlr~iv~;) ,0 1;iii ~ ~ i ollnt , r ,y 11P Yl n 1 'U ,ic ~_L,. rl,'!i ~ Ylllr., lie U,)Orr GOthrP v;,t;CE' 0.~ ,r ;ro1~.~rty 1o~si.eci ]~I 'o1oc1 rl;?c~~ to t,ne ~Col.ntr ~.r,; ~ralunt• r' ~ r ~ ~ , Present: !~ddison Hewlett Ch'~'rrnan - a_zl~ rr~,ze~d ,,u I•.er. dz ~as,t~.kla,ll and J. H, Hinton. i l!'r~an l:~lof,ion o1" . s v ~ T. I , . oJ' ~~-c°l..r'c ~ ' Hinton, t le 8os,rd incr~ dsea the a°~ roe.°i- the 2'o1J:ovrzng report on 1934 tax collections t~ras submitted o~ C,R.alorse Tax Collect .p I .l , OT J at].orl c~t „'x,00 1)er v,'er>>k to ;'r,nu i{ " ~,-eery ~ ~ ell z or tyre care a~ ti>,^ra 'li •s ~ . / wnoli `vas received and oddered cizeclted: ? cn~.lilreri, to J g x'1.50 1~er 'creek on rrccou.n~t o.i aavir! - '~la+~ ~ ' i t~ ~ red, an' ~~ddit_onal cnilrl 01` LiZe r, J.-s l,l ~,1[~ ar~,P1 ~ t,it~) her. ~I Statement of :1934 Count Tastes, 1I '1'i1C Cr ~(ld;.]'t.lu.i anCl ] :~1>Af;01! !1~191riF 1nVt?;;t;.~~~tt;E'L~ ';11C C1~~iI7. 0 L13tieCI aS per ~rlbat a aama,e to i a Ts, ~~trade i'or pocai~'a1e i rat: Insol t ~I r. yen s. I~ L t7zs ~x'oC i arm ana l~rorne site on i3urn~i; ~~.:i.1 Cz~u~!,: Real Personal 4 4 ~ ~ . 3tc~,te ,ii ;!naa~r C ..;lilz~;'~~, ~ cis' old roci, ~:~,uar]~y, it the ~ 5, 64~ti45 Fersonal Fro ert b2' 532 95 H P Y ti t a .~,_O1: ,,ll0i1J,il lOGOT,A d rlignlray $YlroUr~i1 01'18 aa111e C0 11110 0 0 7.11~" a CO1. 2 845 533 a F ~ > Polls 2101 Q 2.50 5 250 Iiern~roau rritrl ti]e Cite at ~"']r r; ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ e. ,nt.it ;street, recorrr~l~:,nc.eci trnt :.'r1 t~lne event kilo .;t;:i.te C01? Lxcess, 3 115 '703 6 snclzld locclte ;aid rorad and be`rin ~ ~ ' ' 284.00 ~ 8 067.45 s D67.45 hat excaedi n . 2r~{i ~.Irl a c.on,~ z uu t.ion of r~rlc salnc, that the Coturty ray him ~ Gold fcr Taxes ,I ,r _n null ~ 86,123.67 sc~Ctlcr+lt;l),, 01' d:~,lnc~ges that lacy accrue. The ]:~r~~col.r.aottdatian X51,425,481 ~ .'70¢ ~ 359 978.37 ivrot List 1 L23.67 ','ras adol)ted. ~ ed ao d 88 I ~ 2, 0.49/ 380.49 j Discount, 347.52 i! Foils '~Inite 4615 Fre a ments to Count i'ay7:r<'lit oa pre~nliLrrn of ~~~~10 0 ~ P Y y d tar 62 617 Au i 347.52 iz~ ~ lls , .18 . 0 0ll fire 'ooncl of ;arr~, !{'~'.le; e~„ - o Col 1491 6lOG 2.50 15 2G5.00 City-Courlt~~ ldentilic~ t' ~ tipert in ctiar~;e oa trle , Faid County Auditor 2 > 23613.81 P ti,zorl .~Jureau., a;; a depu~;,r °i~rerzl~l',ln i<~vor ai ,;,Utwiu Joues 317.18 313.81 i ulteTi2~1', t',a,, Ll+.)Ori aCtV1 e t ~ ~ ~ , c ox .lie ~0'~II'ltjr ;t%OI't'le`J ~l' i ~ 1.)OgS r it e r:.trtnorit~ w, e~1_r.ed, zar tare rear~on t:~ra1~, under 1 092.00 f o.C file ctct ore4~tinlz rice said C r ' ~ i~ our.eau o1 icicn~,;.f r' o p Lx ',~zl-coca-Ci1a Lo. s' b;,' i;he Cit~ Count r ~ i~eatio.z, tr;e e.:~er~b n,u,+ed , 597.67 u ~ Co,-;naissioner'„ to 1_, e zn cu;cr'~;e oz' ,zr~,iu oi'1'iceis clotileli t~ritil all 377,4 3~ 38 I! h Gtle ~.utrlority riven a de ;ut ~ r]. •,r - ~ 3 650.12 y crizr ~.]d „t~tt t,i acts rroula no in any ularlner, hovrs Tr:ls statements ' ei:tect file sheril'1'. ~ 350.12 f; Le°s Abatements; 493.64 376 939.40 y W ~ y ~p ~ Count over X31.79 Cit short X28.83 upon rnoticn, duly seconded, a bond of C,';,';:or se in the ~I Consolid~a~ed Uzt -Co,ari~tl~ Trz, ~ penalty;oi" y; 37,500.00 as y ~ .t ,,.,ll~;r,~,oz ~'ritlt one I;~ ~ Listed.Late: ,I ti]e ~~aid amount rk~vin> ' ~ dtional Suret,~ Comvany as ,,urety, , ~ ocen 7zxed ln~ the uoard oi' C u ~ Real Fc Personal 'll a nty,Cor;~,rnissioners as the ~t ,1~0 ~ .70~ 77.93 i i Caullty's part of said uond, ~;ras au proved Polls , 1 al.l members present voting'atairrnatively. 337 02.50 842.50 920,43 Yours ver tru ~i l Y lY~ ~ IJnon rnotiorl, duly seconded tree i>o C.R.Morse, ti V and atlthori:?,eci rile Not. Listed Collected: 011 1?ura'ou1;'rls auain~; ~ payment ol'.~58.00 brl~,nae due,, ~ Cit -Count Tax Co L .~lacicines ..o:., 1490rr63 and ~ ~ n ~ Real P y Y hector. c 1'nnds and used in rile II~Or~l3 nurcnasec~ tritri~jo9.nt~`Coupty. ezsonal 1,129.61 lo,:,al r,,r ~ ~o1ls 1.2.50 ~i t oif'ices here prior to removal of tt~e oi'i'ices to , i i~c~ye~~l:evlle ~ , ~ ~ Penalty 1,07.63 l X49.74 ,i'iln z'Clez'e; CC t0 .a Cai"ill' +rtzica{:ion receiveu z~ro.;t :..z. i,.,]),Caldrr~,ll i)istzict ~}ir'e4~,ar risld by Count Collected 120.61 .J, I' ~1., i''a;r'ettevil~le , ' : Y I . C., eancerininc° ~a to 'r';. No' ' ~ ~ ~ 1 z•~:h~`~y ~e,,~utii'icati.on project car 1~sted Sold 2,880.49 vr>s'iuu,, coo ~ ~ ; 11~1Ca~ upUl)^ ?ay l;i1C J .~aTed ' ' to to Hz~n;•ta,T Go; lin s` _ Penalt ~ to {a.:1,~ ,~n~,in~y, ='^is :,oard `endar;:;, ~ z~szon, n~J:lotting four n~zle Y ollected 1,466.OG ~d ~,]e project and ur)on-motion az` :;rr.llintnn ~ =~dv Cost 41.60 )ucon~ieci r. :,.os;~, desi~natcd o 1, ~~ori:_al~l or' Mate ; ~,;~c { `,iilutin~;tan i;ot~~trd Golcis;;o].a I~_c,il ~y on route ~:O i"rom i ~ctlu of+,te 30bo',~rc~rd r1e,.ir;~'r; ar) s,,otst'nr beatzti~Cicaton 383 618.33 under :.aid ,ro' cct, l,l' ~ ~ ~P ~ J .>.lca~,c in ~.~crr at these st~~cl.at~les ~ ~ ~ uu" to be;;irt t,le '+ror]t, to '~)t uo~sext.tz.ned wt:.en re y Uuo _ n motion, the 1935 tax. books vrere then ordered delivered to the Tax Coll .'t 3'e1~0]'~G Q1~ ,!a,a. .alt; r' _~:;litr~l. SO1' 'i;i1e i,i or;til , , , , ~ci ' colt ec tvr for d . zi,led, 0i ~C1•te,ltllE,1 ~'li:~S IeUE;7.V"e 1, d,llli 01'~"t%I'b ectzan .~i" !'he:joaru declined r,o rele~:", , , iltcludeci in 1JCtc)~, "'~~i,ie i.'t~t~ra'rL~,~ ~~roul p;rylaerlt al~~ auverti.sin~- coots . / U;on motion, the I3o,~rd order th t .ll t x a tu.?.ca c+ue c,l~, i c ed a a a p yer., who hr.tve fazled to list ~rreix pro err n )a•o1,erL;~. t' V and are ch p y arged vrith a penalty far failing to list such property and vrho comes far war settle their taxe d acrd' ' s on or before December 15th,1935, sh~rll be al:lovred t a ~ - r. their taxes without Tn~ty the arno8nt of ~ the penalty. i . t; ~ , w_:. i. i ! _ _ ~ _ - i _ . _ , -f li '1~,~~ _ , Meeting of September 23rd,1935 continued s ~ , ~ Upon motion of 1,'s. Hinton seconded b ~ Y ~'•Ross, the Boaxd authorized tra ~ or Edith ns or , p tation Cribb Gore to Chadbourn„95~ and P~axy Blanchard to F . t both transient ndi ents and trans ortat" ayetteville~1,85 - g p ..ion recommended b the` ~ ~ ' if Y oanty fJelfare Offs , er Upon motion, the Chairman was authorized to .1 have blue prints, pre pared for , heating at the County Home, additiana,l ~ - . f~ ~ , . z The , , . , meeting. then ad~au rued. r d . r' ...Clerk. z ~ rf11ri11ri~ ~ er'i5 ;ton ae t '!'i1E; re ~uZa~' 'T!a11t~1~. ~r ~ . i i''r n '7 ~ i G - ~.ect_ng oi' ~.r.. „oar~l ti'tas held this- d~, ~ ~ - . , y ~v ~tQQ 01 C1OC1' t: ' PT'Cf;ent' ?C11i~:r:ll> a' ~7 -i !i i~erl~.e~t . , .t1..,1rC1Q.n, +......`.~09~, .;Tz~r~,... ~ia1l,s.nC1 T iT u ......1.1 ~ 011. _ . . _ , JO(;Gi~~, ~ . n _ . _ ~ ~ ~ , u1.~u17 c, ..'azi~ed 1lcense to se,.]. b, r. T.. c, r - - -oe- ~ a,1e lst,1 ,.75 in conn~c; ioh ',liar, 1 111n~' st~.i`;ian ].oration near ~uncet _ - _'crS'f; On ouat2 hir,rir~av .,kG.Q . _ C1 0`tiEd file business i:t, "1~tiCl ~.occ'3,ton ~lrlil r~ p e rr , c~n{~ 11CtS nou ovcd 1,0 l,u,.i,,cit.ns ulster roast al Ur1e ' ` 7 - ~1UQYlE)Or0 J:~OU~ i'O~,Q rt~~ Pe1'V1Q,nCe GreC=:, ~T,R :°ei.Ueat«`"i trli° G• , . 4 , 7 arci to k>e tran~7erred t ii , rt , . erne 0 1~ r.. r location ,pr ~,r,e ua,1e of bee ~~,r' , ~ ~ _ r 1 r i t, 1101 _ ~ , rt Pic3, T.11~ t secure additional licenNe, '~.~'~on ~iptibal oi: r :riintoll i' - ~ ~ , .,eco,ldeet n ,r , _ , rec!uest eras granuecl. ; : .•.os;;, l.i7e i` , . , one ~~oara actln~ upon;th~,~ re corrnnerlciatio?~ oL' tle .,'e T ' . la~~le 0..1 icer an~i upa~1 nlal:lon oi' i,lr.' rtoi~s, seconded r'.~2. a~.11 'air -J ~,n , t 101•i.. d tie purcils;re ~t11 au'. li ry , ~ . ~peiciell ti'..lnsaor'tc ~ a..ra, lc~os.1,. , ~,tlon c~rr_an,,ing 'to ;;~1~.t~u I _ar ~.1,,znoi' r.2it,r Mine ' ' ~ , ~c. r o1~, ool.orea lnciigert to t:xe Ur_ . , ~ilo~~eale :ios1ltal a+ Gastonia,..., C. 1'0~. teaturer,t t v 01 ,Ut1r ' ~rculox ~ _ . ess, s°~conueci of .:r. iri':`,cil. _ , ';'r~,' ranted ~ , , v dition~;,l allowance of ,;;~J 00 . , ~ ~ ~ , j + .Cl ,.~Ltln~~ ._1S 11'G'_1'1; E:;t!~nt, , ~rca~,itlont ~tii, a~._:o ~ ~ ~ »es tirn.le receivl.nF; ~ - i ~ 0:, ,)1 LLi 1 at ~J'Gt:'11.:11.:, 1.. L G'~' C~? n : r _ . : ' , - ce_ n:' t,11e tiinGue <~,nd ~ur~l. , . , , u,.,on ;~]orlo,l ai~ ~ ~ , t ~ o.~a, :~c.cnll~ied by _a. ''~~117ton ~ i , e ~o< OT Ville ,~'.ti~;,T'E,' O~rJ,1"~>,• ~ , > ~ Ct, U~70.. I'0'CO,.lli.C11;;a~;i01t , a.Uvf.tG7. 1?aC'r.~ 1 _'ilit'CIi`1,SC aI v r~ i ~ c- / ~ 4 , ~1~11 I,)O1 ~,~.I,x(ln CI~ ~]r],1, Jn IaT i ~i; i 11ilte ~lrJuS' OlCt 1J01'01,1~~ ,]~0~.1 P . ..t1QC~ ial" t.l .i)(;at Cl,t"1(1 Ji.i,ifti) ~ti~ .~,i~-''U~1riu01i, j%' i i _ ~1 I1 e ~ . yr ~ l'. . ~ L.'.'."r: r 1,r~ 1 ~~oa,l'a ac~ln~~ 1-i~~ol] 1;11e 1•.,c~. ~ iel,..~,t_~~lt o~ talc fir r.,J.~'~il'e 01'1' r rao~Cio1? oi' _.'~:r. ':.05~; scaonci ,o ,~;,r 1 0~,', dnc~ ~i1;Gio]1 ed of . ~ . ~.lr,~nrl ;'r~irited 's 3 - _ _ , tl~; , , nOri,li :iCC011G 't P ~ , ~i ' f 1 c 1'~1~„1'cl !lUnr1 O~i' 1c0.'f 1,:' ~ - 1'e ~t J, irl~tial U1: i;0 %tit' ;Olil'1t~Wr :~q~e , ~~;i irilaEi,1;E UUpSl 'Cr^~r ~ 'r'~ 11 t; 1' 1.110;~C.1"+;,r ,.1 l + r.~fG.l,(,,. 0i . .r lGCct~;Eu _.l '0_OG'~. t.~~ r ~ Pra , - lf~ f,0 ..I' allntU aw ~FOtUnta2"ll~r ~1r;reed "z `17.P,I' _ 9e ,.;~l:l, ..,'u~_,. ~ „ ~fl., ~ i ,~;',1', ,~,i; ~i; ~ ':~71~, ; ' 0.1 _ ~ _ , SeCOnUCC'1 ,'r rflritOn ~ a :'1v T01 ~0',~_n~' ~ as„a flA ~ 5 Cl •1' cl ~ ' „ , ; • ~ ~ _ 0 - v 0 ,1 l . # t a~ ~ l , ~ , r, ~ •'d i r rl .rl ° T r' ~ - ,r ~ , tiiC' :,Qa~:^CZ 1nC1'8a ;.l~iUl O1. (1 r v. t, a~Ji0~17. - ^-i ' ~ UCr 'i,L'U~; ~ ,rte.. VO 1•.tclly +~7'~l:n~~°~..~. 101' '1:11 + j, c i'1:1iC11 .,.i~ .r !-aa ^o ~ , v ~ ~ e Gai E: Ol 1;w0 Y, ~+~1u Jsc.c,i r • ~O )el .J.,t,n 017 l'• l~`,(~,., Cnll,t.reri, t0 ~ e:'e~et. ,.w l,r1t. ~ ~ Prl. ~ ~LOrll"I'I; 01~ 11r`LVi17~, ~ n , ,.laced ali additional. _c.lilci oi' file .t1~;U~s ~.iniiZy ' ~'tater~ic~lt pf` ~ t n;;n 4', r 7 (l,. L'~11C1 i ~ 1ili. ~ li_l~l ,';'ll;("1: iia'lli,: role:- r~ ~ x -T ~ 1, . - 1 ri ~,.le ~la,im oi° a Tye.'.'fade for pos~i"ale LI.~ ~ea are per ,~ustrat;t. ~ ~ i , r , Ci rlf. i ' yl ; i 'fie ~0 111; frog l~~~z'm ~inu 11or11•, meal r. site ou .~~ur11~, .:,.al ~ ,,,`4, a 'a~~ = _ - atcil,~e r: ~',1\lt1~r , ;,r:'E}i, nr Q1.C1 rOC1: ;11a2'1'y, 1I the tt. ~017~Z ~}~~5,~'il~ :J + ' , 1. ~ :d;ll; -1'~ 'nl~` t_~ ~ i', l' 0~ v~ 0I1 ,t10111u ~ UCJ i,C a t1i~_Y1dC3,~~ 'Ui17'OUt~~'i1 title S8,r,1e Col7nc'C'$in ' ~ ti n GOZ. J.',~1 ~ ~ ii C111t?Ol~ lii'till Ti!1C rlt'~, c~~ :aae`,1,n'lt 'T 'r~.i ~ ~ „ r _ i~ ii + .,ct, re r,ol~~ler~cicci tn~t ~~01'~ ~''l.cc~s 3 115 7U~, „ • , ~ ' 1 ~11D1?,1C1 ~.aCFlt, , ~ 1 ? n UI"10 f'Vt,.l'f. ;!iC a gate ~ ~ } :;art FL1~ ~ O~~,<~~; ~i constru.ciiion o1' t,i~7e ~ "m - GG i~ ~,.xl,ll, i;t'1~~ ~ l;t7e ~oLin~ty -pay r„, ~ E3f~ 1.~,) , liot eaceellin, ~~1i~1.U0 ~ - ~ al ~ ~ .rn 7 n~,., _n xtlll se~~tl~laont o:C dkrl,l~i, ~ uJ r . ; , .7eC57 1VC•N Ala ) n ~,OEG tll<'t i_dI C1CC1'11.e. `J'Yle ~'eCOl.~GlenQatlDrl $G51,~25,4131. t .i( r~ i~'~ni i is-inr^ ~=:~'.fs '1 .jFi d~ al t..d. ~ ~ , .~04 ' ~I ';1;~,~~r,,,z,' 34'7,:2 PO .49 - Po11a ~~nitr 4G15 r; 1 p`~ i 1"rlt'1,~ o~~ ~ ~ 1 t { 34'7.5'2 +i 31'? „ -LB _ ~ _ ^ J l~ I~i1t,c r: ? i i rev i.l . 1•~ ~J hiCLl,!.iU'l oi~ ,;lU.i)0 pll ~ - T~ ~ r r~ h~yf).l.'7n1C) ~I tf1C OGn~t Ol' l,dr,,r J6' i° p_l.a (p~ 1451 ~ „ ,,it 1 'li"~ . u r.~.r; r, s,,,~ r.~~]• 223 G13.~1, ii (;1%,y-~OLUIt;' ZCiL'1!i`.lI1Ccbti1017 ) 7c.1.,,, e,•.aJert 1n C11aTge Ol 1;ile , 513.81 ~.w._.._ , ~ iutJ sueriii,ln l~~vor oi' ~.~aviu Jolles, A ,~I1G1~i11 'iir.ta + ~.r~ ~ , ~li7C~rl ~,U6_Ct. 01 ~Yile ~fJ~iTlt'r -:~t,OrnB P: JO~o I ~ d~clinec; IO' lder ~ _Y~ 1`ther~ont_ltul ,.11.1 ,1101"iL f Ui t'~71C ~1Ct Cl'Fe~i,ll1` one @ d i1 , said bureau-oi' iaentir.''catiort' the`"e:tuert narlieci ~o-f. L1. +__-,,ora,»t,ila Go, . ~ ~ ,T i ~;r Cn. ~~lt;,'-U«~il 'ry Co,:laissionel ~ - _ s to b~ ~n ge o7 stria o1J; xce is cl.othea SJZtcI ~.ll.' , , ~~$a,6.,l,.:lc,. , ;;IVell ~w uc,~u~y a,~eriti ;and : , eI . , tt><~ clis acts ti'raula n r n r ' o in am mien e , Icc.t Ciic ,~ner11l. 'Les "n s ~ba1,,,raents; +r.,,,.,.r. . _ _ ~ , . . , ,1C 1 r~ Oll .f10 1CI1, Ql,il}r `7!;Callaed t n t r uanu oi' c,.~,.::n,•se in tiie dnrrlt r of '3'7' 500.Q0 as i OOZ1so11,Uated pit -~'~~it11Z r ~ k , p ~ Yr i r 1 .,..s ved mate: 7,r;t u.lleotor tirl ~h .the jfational ar.rret' Gom h,m as surety, , file s~11d ,.rl;ioiint i>,~.vi';,.~ ~ ~ p , . a, 4~.:1:I7 ~ lxed nJ, file ~O~,rC1 -~°~i G2 personal ~ r,;'+ . ~ , of County-Cor.~issiones?s as file ~ ~•,J,~O ~ .70~ 77. , C C11111 ~ ~ a U~ 1 t; C~ i' ^ , Y .1 a:11(~ eCl"id, ~r~ia ajl'arOVea all ~O,r~y ~ ~ 41•.)~l .9'; , .members w ~ ~ .~37 , ~ F~~ r. , ~ i=El~°^ f F?±• r r , pre..r.nt voting,a~airtnatively 5 _ _ , Li;]on r otiou du~1~r :>ecoluied to ~s ~ ~ ~aarei atttnorled the ua ~ ' - due. - -toy Lis red Col3pc t,@d , , _ ynrent ol; x,58,00 oaldnce r. 1,~'-C;;~lir.i G' ,a,,r X0.1.1 '7°, all ;3urrorirI7;, ~1~tdlnl; rtac~]lnes os. 14004Ei3 a n e;~l er na>14,,0~,13 t ~ r. ~ sonal ~ J,.t.;, vurcaas~~3 1+,.th ~ oznt ;County l ,irlcl,; ~ncr sad i.lt 1,ile loc;11 ~ ~o l1 t. .a? Oi ices here L1r' ~ '-i,9 l~~lyeii,evlle,i;.~,, y-lax to removal af' the ofi`i'ices tc 1, i;~.' ',r11;!1 r1I('1'O CC t0 ;l C0 .'n +i Li.. ~+a ^t ' l'Ut 1017 I'CCelvCG 1 C ' , 1'a'rc tcvi.l. t+= ~ z'o;l ~ u..~k , orz~n''z~ `n pr,~ „ , .l.l, t ...r, ~~••:u.t~.ld~rrell, )l strict aiirecUax ~ 1 ~oll,.,,~,e~, i> . + . , 1.Qnce min , ~~'r ~ ; i~y , v<il'io ~ t~ to ~;i~nvra beautic~rolorl xi,'ect lar ~o:.d us co~ n~.;l~a, ,,A~t,:,a~,reu;'u t'l10 ~ P _ J r ..ter ` , , ~tc3,te ;il ill'rc+,' t ~'a , . i .:G:.`uV l ^~~n.~l + t~ tit tC C1.1S i;Ollll!;~; 1'!liE; ':i0' , g ~ ~ ,r .,O.:ir,1i.,S..On, z'rJ.l"O~tln~ IOUs 17J.~-L~ " 'aQ . f ald e11.JOr,,ed t, t1 ~ ! , ~tt ' e ;prOJt,Gt ~~nd U.,Cn T;lOtiOn 0: ...r.}ilrit011, { Q~.. +i i r:(, uccarlc:ecl ~L7~ :OS;:i, ~4Cii"'na',p r, w L, p0~' 701,01' ut' ' , + ' ~lte t1.7E, + trilnllnt;ton torr;:~rd Golu7~,~oa'a ~r yon rouUo .0't`rotn alul . uu t,e a0~aor~a,r-a i5ie,l le'r~ as syoots s'or beautii'i catiol ;;:",s~' r ~ . ~ unuer .;alu project, i„iJ.ea~a ill ~,;;.~,cii o.l . be yin 17r~ t;n~se :~tr~:'~c~7es to 'ne dete•l.r ed t'r,ien,re~:uy to t t, t „ol'Jc, x in r;.• ~ ' re1~Or~ OT Jaw. ;ZL:E - ;.".,iG:~., .~,.~a.~ i,::~n,~ ~O.~,N 'FJ g i 1, _ "'err.,, ~ Lt~- ~,'~'r' 1 ,r. 1' u,:l'~~ iUI ..lL a.. t~UflL. tY,' ~ 1 ~101it1i of a~?tOtlill@ 'a 1'.,.:('~Cl ,.~Q?~: 1..wed, 'i 1 ,i:iS 1(,uE'.1ve~L1 'wlltt U i'l7e .ao~11'u C.C?~;li nevi to rclea'~ ~ ~ .I1C111t1eC ~.,v,; C. . .ll'l',il].G .U1'I'r4J 11'(1:!: iCi ftBllt ~O:.i~a ..;G',..,.., ';"(-;ii i~.ii,i i A i'1 kav r -rc,~,~•c, .,L„ L- i''~, 1 in lac]: t,~,.~~ lit. - ~ u:i duvc,.,~_.,_.l~ ~ i% •'4, _~t- ~ ~ 1.~1.r,d~ ~E'c ~ • 1 „ c... L_, li' Uf;rl'1,',, pa _ ~ .i3.1.:G` p1'0~785,'~~ ~ ,~..u .J.. ~_1 tii+'Cl, 1.l r , i 1 fr(. I,n ~1, AGf r+r, L, 1~~, f~V h'1 r1 rr ' . - _ ' ` _ 1.. ,...c ;)1„ :Co;rward ~.r1ci ~ ~ . _ ~ ~ ~ u~..ti Q 01;.. ! E ~ P E• i ! r' 'Ci r~~ , r i., r ~ ' ~ ~ ~ .1 {~L ';"1i~1 lC~,d'ra I; i; i~' f,,1C: c7dI1f1F3rlt Of V.w A~ ~eil I .,l+ ]S T. ,F' . _ , ..a:. . r _ , - r ~ - r r ~ ~ t.~ . , . I i i~, ni' :i(;111;Carlber 30 193J Tl I ~.,eG'tli _ _ , ,CO ~lntteA. )meeting of Geptember 23rd,1935 continued. i I, lJron 111atian ai`; iiltOn~ seCancied,'• : U.;!3 i:.?'9. ,T r"rani, '=',Cz! rE,l,,~l, . . u . t' Cl ' U , '7 17 I Upon motion of Il~r. Hinton, seconded by rdr.Ro the Bo d- h'or Trot list' ~ ;~-.,!r,, c~ , ? az' authors ,r„vrlent ' ai i~anitl 1;~,~ 1n~, ,J~a u r1~.wa ..u~i.~et .a~!;1., xor. av'. • ' ' zed trdnsportati 1 ~ , 1 , on _~c.uount °ai for Edith Cr1bb Gore °to Chadbourn.95~ and Bury Blanchard t oq ~•n.•: al7:,e:lt ~ro..r a,lc ~.,ounttr ~~rd liatin.- o Fayettev>.lle,~1.85 kl..x ~ C t,l:aa~ both transient indigents and transportation taco mmended by the Count 'Jolfar ' y 'r , e 0 i ~~CDI' r~ I .ir ."tlntUr` r"e + 1 ~ ;:'pion C7~t,101i o . r, a COnraeG ,J ..1'e .ta,J._, 't11c' ,~Oard ,a1tl;TlarllCd ti?e ~,etJ'iiCnt ak' • ry Upon.. mots on, the Chairman was 'authors ' ; , . , zed to :have blue- r l raer,r;lort to ,x'a. ,:are :Na ; ;~t r . . r , pints prepared fox ad „c,t;oa a J J_ ore., .•+~-.~+xrove~ Cocint,y .,c[1e,r~1 te:rcner,rerl~c.d ay` ' d heating at the County Home. ltional ~ '.s d,z•d at ~uucatlon and e,ens~.an rP-'t , ~ ~ r. ~ ~ ~ tnt~ o , . , t at~.u au nlee ~11r~, off, :,cl~terlrl~er Jtn l.JaS ,rithaut' ~ I slaving Yfita,de prov1:11un 1'qr' trre sa>~~e irr its 1935-193G 'riudr~et e;;tirne;tes Gti~r~senteu. to tritw :The meeting then adjourned. .r „ _,.!'ss rlers- • at;' to rt` ~ ; , ~ P F ,wa, ,lt~ vo r z o , e r to o1 ;r5a0,10 d}rr~u~,,:.L ~,e ~ ..rin„n 3 ~e member 23 d 193 , II , V , r tno a~.te a]: o,~en1n~; of ,,re ]J~qa-1~u6 sariool -ea,r. •r,'lle 'saiao ~ ~ Y J to , ~,a.d,' out az an `,19,55- i - - 1~Je, ,~cnool az' ircn~lon 1'ur~a°.: az`t«l.lacile Ga 'ae etl~x>•.nd'~i,,~, , I 1 i J t 5 Ux',~:lttu' , 11 ~+Tly, at t kle . Clerk,.. ' ~ ~ , ~ - ClaaC ai: tt1C 11`uCal year, ar1U 11 rid at!r111us aJ,'..;eszts the 9al;re 'Ca ae aar2'1ed vet as ~ , 0 Y . :~+..c1t ,~.1nst tree "rlc.~ael ,.cn:lioil ',`'urru, .I=;a, t~ - , -r ,J G, ~ Jwr.n,., to ae_i,l~..ic t?ctolerl.; - ~ >,l11rn1n .t _ t J~,:rllrrxrx• ~.st , ~,,a(r,.t~.,-,., ~Er'p~.Gl(ikiE1 ~~tnl,~.~~~i~. r1`'`t"~ I ~7,nd ~UnG~ ~.St Ofi~ f'` ~ n : , lot ' s' , a~' ,c1 t _lorl i~o ion al' _1 e , ; ~ l i , ~ r :~oas seconae.l I~' ~I~nton, do autor.labile allow nee of ~~12.50 •~er - I ~ 3 i r,, . • T10,1,,r! 1/e•,: >3.:i.lA„G'U ...1 tl .i...,...,~,1r. rn ; r C, 1 ,.Yl~;C'. ;~rrl nt ~..:;ie.. t ,.n Ctlal:(;e a2' 1;rle ~1~1'E:alt ' 4f' ~r~, ~ culax lnon ~lll~ zoos ~ 1n~ ai: t 1~' ~ v'~ ; I i~,~ , yield tn1u.. ~1a~ 1 kc r c~ F,. Fg i J aV v..,fl 0 CJ~aC's- ~ ~rierltlllCat10r1ra'„~ of ,~.,pt.,r.i7er 9th 195 and autrlaz'i•~ ra.r ` i,r•'.,y~ ci , . > , J. ~ „lverl Vo t1~~.:,,xe_ ,,,lif'•~clert { w I ~ r : ~ ~ r~ `Ile ra r n ' . ' ~ n I . il..~:th, i'xa.. u C e,.~e CJ .~'11r1Ct ~a 1TlGet tla1., C.Ckelltiarlal_p:tilenaetl ' xrC;lC:nt. FUa~~i13(}n iie,1`rlett ;ilalrt?rG,n . r' i _ ..,....a:~u, J'~ti,~,`i.:r~ll r~nct J.?A.:Jintnrl. ' . ~•.r:, r+• inr1 i,ra1;1o1i «.i,... ,a..Cnnded Cpt7nt'F b' _la v. ~.i:-,• ~ . 1 7,0~ . 513 vo ; c~~7 vie ~ e w„ aved i'nr _'ca ;lon +,,~'1:lon s~curetl 1lcense to se7.l beer ~lzl ~ `h'i ~ ~ , ' - c _,,t,1.,,,~, 1z1 conrlectlan ;rift, ; :r1a T1111rig ;tC,t'i,lOn tit lnazt~Orr nC:' r' "7~ ear atzn.,et l~z',: all k; • : , I _ A q t~,te tl., :'i1ra;~, °+l0 ~ „ 'i' e l allo+ ..n ,od and. 1~.Vrf ul ri :.r • . , , r. r. , Y it ,arid ~ra~ no,r c1 4 g .en ,r,~~e clralrrl to so2vq uxo~.~ ,1n the >~u°erior ~ urt I., J.n•,;rd ~l~e l,u<~.rness at ~ r J J~ o .:,az.~ location-.and. Ulovcci to ` ,Yrnrr ~ 1. , ~ ~lh, la.%En„ ~ r p ~ r ~C.r rOd.;i, 'an ,,Ile X pt ti:e t1 101 `oi C1V11 C~:t?s t,';ia 19eC.+.',a ,,e2'ifl ~'F ; A nl [ G C , 1nn1n~, ~ 1.ICt V18...k .JCtaber l ~tlr,l.~.5ae ~ , asonaaro I,ciaC! rac~ci czt I'ervlanae Creer, ar ~ 1Ct re,,ue~t~ tilz., 13aaru to ~~llbi~r ;ir r~ I i~ ~O G " ~ r ~ • ilea I e txan~~e_a ea to Yr1s new lacatlcn for the sc 1 nee , i C 01 boel' 1'11 trraU , ~ T • , - n - . , ; tlh.cf ltl t-,e t r.arr.r.~, i,c ~.:x;(.LO,1,~,tl V..~e,:.l.n,u.' ~ -'.....~o'rtl ~;nr._r,rsalnr;ir. :.t~.r.~.wt~:~~~r~n. Nectars a~dltional 7.rcerse ~ t . ~ _ , ~ ~ ~~~OX1 --ra ,l a.t o tl 1 L1 r1 ,IVn f"' ' t ~:i • t , i. Irl ! '.i r - T' : , r, , .,oca,laea a ^ gas 1~.1ns. zecluest ,a- ~ J x ,o,l., ;11e ..,,.:,1, . ...e...>0~~11, ~~ea.~.e,utIles. C.i.tllJa'1n;ane ,:urkl ?od~x;i. Jila.'f :.'ll,.,}ti~~cv ~ t u gr<3,nted, ~ i'; v • . " _ f~ r ff r tt !11-a; erJ tl~:ltlrrlett•~rn..e~1e V~~~).r°;+.J.~.,.'tl ~itl~lk'liii, L~. ~',i ate 5"' i t nt' .'-.r"' .,l mss. U, ,.Pc.,,e~„nn. 1.. a,r,,,, us rt ae.sra,~ner:~l'erl "i ~i'1^r ~ ' .l rte ~.,oaru. sots n u on ne p ~ ~ e. e _ ,,Goer. ,,,.r_ar,p.ls., 4eJ._.orlnson. Lrlie rare. „ lecairlrnrr,c.~:tlon a2 rise ,e1x4,.re Oz~ lcer ~.nd uT an Tuo t~ o irtr. 1~a, r~> , seconded 1; , r,, ~ n of y . _w ut,,rox'ised f.lo _ r, , x^ 11 , l~Uretra,~e i;.rlalr`?Il a,. u: „rr e ~ :::COt1.! ;'r,v '~~Ctpi)er ';l{rt 1J35: ~,rlelc.en, ,r,.Gn.~r,,arl,tlUlon ar.:altlltlrs~; to rl~.0u `ar :~lesyna ; , 1 ,,rnlth, nine our sal%; co ' 1ndl;~Pnt -to- t:>e U ~ loxes- . , r~,ol-eaic .~0;;!~1ta1 a- r T U• ~ ' astonia ~ ~ - ° - r7 } , ,~v.t,tl t'o~ tireatuurit ~ ,:.,I.,,-c~x,,c. u._,.-Gl.p;e ~.~,_~erl~~ar, ~ i, r4 r,r':,,r, , , I S!iinP.. , oa ,t~uercular ..Ll_~CIJ.tl _*U,s a)s.U.C1.Glx=),St1r.t.::? C,1..G u(.lt,.LE.? , I, , : , , , ~ r "'tiC!C<'»"Carl, r Cl.i.e ,'ed~_!a. '.'e:i-.I.. it.~raCl'"f€`1n.,.(Jir.: U 'il~(ir]a.r1i.C.~.t..JCairi(1.+ r II~ i! 7 ,....1)~.IJcL4r~r.u, 1 ..7 ,.,^c rr r r..: i'., , n r • i , 1i ..t~.1c.l.r(~k:i1G'~;ew.:'...lnne ,•~.LtJC"1N• UG'a.:~r~li.l.l..t1^s I`.:Rr:~a"iJtl,n`~', 1.j an raptlbn ,pf . a'. _,as s socande , - ~ > tr Cf -,-1., ~~-noon G.tl aadltlar': U, n. C;C_ .3 , :,u, _ ~ 9 rr„1 allou~~nae,az 0 „1Cne..tl , .1r1:_n"ti...il.Gra:lt. C.a+.~orJ't. ~a;rarti .,i1,ttC1G~,'e (fir do tea i.. :~r:, ,n i? Q +q. e. { 1 tki to {,cz; ~ i {i ._,Ga o1n~; n1S 11 V; n~ eF,pC'nSea 1vlxle reCei v ]7r ` F I ~T(:Q.~,IIIC)ll~r, rl u ~JUJ;C ,'.nuLll;al n ¦ EJ ~ _ i ~ a u t .JUr slat .ri . r, . a 0' , , ~ CanCEr n~ i;t10 tUn~11G and ~,"1ZrA< ~L',r. :,,r„~;1 1rLlyt! ~,~.;~`vi:ilh~Cl, ~ ~ u~~or! rnrrl,ior; o~ „_y. ,'n _ r a`,,~, >reCD]{etr.d U f _.,X'e ''iintpil iie 3pr:Zi'Cl 11. r'., 1 ~ 'r. , I fi i aI ',11C .1r~IJ ,~'C Qi' , ,nr ~ , ~ ~1 s rU^ _ Cor~l..,l,eir:..C 1Cll ..L - _ i tl ~~3 ~ C 7 ~G.. , a i~i1 J '1' U I.:ie li ltil f, 1l ci,a L7 j~ ~~~~'c.~' ~ ' i F,n ! ~ , ( I t .1..IIU, ~%",;.On OI ',711+~'~ !fJ2 iI mile yr~ci.r o1u ..)or•o~~r,~r Jo11 to f;11e ~,t't ~ : ~ = Y w e .,cnool ~c~r 1,:1r ,~oa,t ann. ~la,uli~~ a~~ ,~'~."~~a;~;ton. ' t~ I , '1' ' ~ r '+~ilmin~;ton, id. C., Octa~ber 7tn,1935, . f, _0a. d ~,Ct7.1'1~~ il}!Un ~~~1A 1'°CUt~q'1+?tl(A~1:i OIl a~~ ':nE :oL+'nt"t1 ~,ta .i + i N on i , 1~ rL~17~.~ e ~111cer ~.n,J r;lotior~ o~ , - ';o ;.1, ,seaondec~ c~ ...rtl Aiirr~c,n -°x;~rrtw'u _ i>le ro ttla<<,,reekl raeetzn th ~ 'd +va ~ , i g y g o e oaz s helu at 0.00 1.PG. E, rse-,.~aroara Ourin of :.u,rl.~ , ~ no7"~t,t '.~~~cor!d , ,tr'r,et adntxssion to one Count, r , ~ r. Herr , , , i ~ ~ larnrr av a:.l 1nr:lr:~te, uiJan carllf~;~ir~licie of ,.1 a ~ f I , 4 to C,'.,1;ed in t<37 aa'': ~'~t]2 t, 1" i ~ r_• 1 ~ o ~.le •aol.rnty ~r, valuntari:ly a freed ~,irV Tier, Present: Addison Hevrlett Chairman, ~7as e,;tl 1Ja11 and Ii. Hinton C, r U_-on 1~1u ~,x orl of 't e•~ n • . ..o.~.a, ..e~.arlded c, ::::r.- ni nton z , n ~ n ~.r .k'ne i'o1l.ovr; ~ ~ ~ r Y l?e ~oa,,c,, xncrr~.,ea ocl r-u' • _ - _n~ re~ozt on 1934 tax collections eras submitted ;b G.~t.~~ rse lax Co 1' ~ ~.tio.. a.L ,,v~.00 per 1'ree~: to ;.ax, ^ ~ e _.~z o. - x Y o , actor i ,t ~tir~nc!ell zor ~~re care oz t1•ro ?ir;~s crlilcirer! t ~ 5vnlen vrag regelved anci oddered checkeds ,r'~.50 Her week n ~ ..u , o r n . I o `tccot«nt of ~ ~,vii-~g i~lacud an ~.dclitiona,J: c~iilc~ as ' i lr1 r1er. t,1C ~,1u~,,~ ~«r-.sly ' V , 8'tatement of 1934 Count Ta:tese ':i'i1c C~1r,irrl,^.:1 ~lnu •r' Cr ; Listed a,, pax ;Abstxact: -rl°'~... xE;..lteu tne' el `~*r of .a ~,x. 1°Tade f'or possible Insolvents cr_Lma~;e to ilic fro. farm. ~ ua - , i g 1 nolric site on 3urn+, r.;111 CrLeJ; or old n a ° r the Deal & lersonal 45 464' 245 -0 4 ,qtr{te ::i ~~~;av ' .r _ ~ roc1. ,u rx5, x~_; ~ ~ ~ Personal ~ropert ti'~2 532.95 i~ n Y , I f, ~ Lo ..n_,,,a, ar. ,,rlotl,l.u lacy ~e a nz~rrz,,;ra,, trirouTcl Col. ::prleroou ;~1t11 file Cit~f,'at 'r1 J t,_ uno same connecting 2,845,533 Polls 2101 C X2.50 5.,250.50 c ntir, ,tl set, reaorrz:ienced til<it .gin Clio euerlt 4lie ::rate (,orp ~~.~cess, 3t115~`703 284 0 8 i srioulei lac~!te said.. road 0 ~ ,067.45 ~ 1 e~;li1 c,onr;tru,o~tioi7 of_rhe ,;c,iire, i;ilFit the Count 1a~~ riiin 50 ,r T xe 067.45 ' y i ~ ~.d fc a .s, 86,123.67 i not c;;ceerli n~; ;r~~UU,-uu i it 111.1. ;J ';e~tli,r~ient o ' ~ - 7 , 123.67 was ado~ated, i daln~sgo~r that r'!a',r accxlae. Thereoo::'11:enuatiori X51,425,481 C~ e70~ a 359,978.7 Iv~ot fasted Gold, 2 880,49' 1 ~ > rI Discount, 347.52 880.40 -PoJ.1s-,shits 4615 Prepayments to County ltuditor 62 617.18 I'~1y1?wnt o~ prc!niwll of :rlU ! , s 347.52 617.18 L' h ' ~ ~i;e UOilu p;k' ;idr!',r ;.Polls (.01 1491 610G :~J 2.50 l5 265.00 r (;sty-~nunt ~ Identi7 , r, ~ = • rU.le,,, e:r:pert in cnarge of t;ne ~ Paid County Auditor, 223 613.81 J ~s _ cation ,.,ureau, aU a clelru~,y slrerlJ:1 in i'avol' az C.~1.vid"Jones 613.81 °i '~:nerixi~, ',vas ~uhon advice o1 trle Caunt~~ , ~ ' ' la 0 0 autnorxt of 1;rle a ~ ••t~arne,~, cieelined, •z or 1, no z~eason t:a;,l~r unsex ~ g 1.,..592.:00 , Y ct creatin4 Cne'said bureau;of identit''. Corp L+r.'~Vil-Coca-Ci1a Co.' 597.67 0;,r tide ;;ity.Colant~ Cor{u!is aeation, the ex;7er~t n,ued , ' 377,433.0 sxonexs to be in cnarge of uaia ot'z`1ce is clothed 1'ritn all 38 6G i x ~ 3, 0.12 ! tyre autnoi•it,y given a de ttt ~ s~ p y lertl' and trio,t His-acts vJoula n ~ • n Thls statement , er:rect rile sheriff. ot, 1n ,an,~ rna nex,_ ~ shows ~ 650.12/ -Less :Abatements , 493.64 ' '376 939.40 ; , County' over 31.79,City. sklort X28.83 ~ i~pcn motion, duly seconded, a bonc't oi' n 'R 3 C,_,e .parse in the penalty .of' ~r37 500.00 as I ' _ r Gonsolid~lted C1ty-Count T lrix C~11 3: , >;asted bate: S ..actor 1'rzth the r:' ~ ~ R r, the acid ~xrlaunt Navin ' ' ° atlarl~,1 ~uretJ CompanJ.as silrety, f , C Dean fixed. by fire ord. ~ Deal Fc Pars' ~ (01111 's • a oz .Gaunt ,.Corlmissioners rile onal _a~11,130 ~ .70,E ~ 77.93 p Y as ~Y part of sold .:bond 1+ras ~ Polls , aid roves, all members - re,;ent 337 Q2.50 842.50 920.43 P votin at.t iririativel.y. P g Your. very; truly, ~ Ilaon notion d C.R.Morse r my seconded, 'the ?3aard atti;iroz'a:~ed l ,.F Not Listed Collected: ' ~ onBurl'otl hs al~dinf', tie payn.ent of ~,'„8 00 balance due., City-County,,Tax Collector. I C rachines` 1= . ~ ros, 1490~C3 and 1490;x`!3 r a - Real Personal 1 129.61 pu~cnaset, vrith joint County- , 1 ,I11C1„ end usEd 111 t%18 ' r l0 1 ea .~_,A oi'fines liars prior to removal nf' the ot'i'ices to ells ].2.5fl r'~ ~ i''!:!yetl,evlle t~.C. 1 4 , , ~ y 7?enalt 107.63 7.,.249.74 , ~'it;ri rciL:re. ce to a conrinunlc ' ' ,Itll>,1, r~'r~,ettevi:ll ton xecelvLa zro:l : r, ::.;).C~ld~rrell F)istric~tIrireator Held bit County Collected 120.61: ' s ,f e,1~.1,,, CoilCer~xrij; 5t~ate li ' t lls"t AT0 . , 1, h;:zy boslutiiica.tiori project for ed fold 2:',880,49 ` 1ra1'lous counties s onared ' p av rise star ,e ~ r P tc rnis ~c~lan r 'r - ~ e II1„rr,~rat, r,,oru}11s~,iUn al.lottin tour rlr.les _ enalty;Collected 1 466.06 t}, ~n1a r,oaxd endorsed the }ra'ect a , 8 ~ ' 1• - J nd'u°;ari ni , . ~ -~'~dv Cost n seconded L}r _z'. pass, desl Hated . x o~1on of _._z.,rxntaii, 1.60 , Artlar~ P of utatc ° 11' orl route '.O f`ront` r1J.1n'ntton to',;;:~hd Go:lcisf~oz'o ,.1;n,4xy, 'i and _a~te ~O~aotirrwrd ±i~ r.ae-~•r~ as 'sF~ots i~or'beautificatiotl X383 618.33 111'1CtGT' LC i(1 ' 1'U '@Gl,. , , s t' J u.x ea ' rvv''.. lit r„~..~t,. or t,~E:se to ~ stxe (;crle„ to ae -de oernlinea ~irlen ready , beCin t1e '~,'ol'J;, I ~ Upon motio - n, he 1935 tax books were then ordered delivered to the Tax Collector for C.~ I " i r ,,pr C ca' ~~~lc . 1 o~ ~ ,~r1,,-e' ,..~a~ital. z ':ae ii}ontu ~ ~ coil L. ed ectron I, ~ r 1. ,Le G, 01 •~e1-t,c.i,iuer ',,a;,, l'eucived :ann. oriaer i i~ i'!'!G opal's dCUl'_11CC1 t0 i'l:le~., ~L' . i .ll'c,,i e ;u, .r'u~r ~ •1,,, r UNon mot , irlcJ.uued sir 'uaL~l~ t, ~sr.;; uue ~ r ,:~ly'.,,~i!t, ox''auvertiaing;: cots. ~ on, the Bo~~rd ordered that all tax payers who have failed to list their ro er r ii and p P tY a: r t;roz,errtTr. are chax ~ ged',v1th a,penalty for failing,to last such property and ~sho comes forvrard and'. settle their axes on or before December 7:5th 1935 s b hall e 1111.ovred t o ,a the amaflnt o i' their-taxes i Y f ~ I N vrzthout the penal y, i ' I I f~ ` , i I - , N,, f'.. ~ - t t e "1 t?+ ' I 4 Nilmington~N,G. ;October 21st ~ ,19,55. ~ rfectin~; of October, 7th; 1935 continued. i i The. regular weekly meeting of the Board eras".held this day a;t 3:00_o'olock P.&t. ' An applicatz.an of trr. ,J+D.Jenks for license to sell beer at th • ( e Radro Statian~ " Princess ;treat xoad t ~ o . he same being in .due form d;nd execution was n the rent: 'Addison Hewlett Chaz.rmd,n, F,1~,Ross Jas,~:.Hall and JH Hinton . : a ro re.,. , F , ~ ~p ved. , , , pan motzan, Rudolph HardtivicY, a prisoner at the Count of ~wr. Ross seconded b 'qtr t . F:~rn! r motion. H~n.on the o' ~'f Lpora s Y , peration of. the Act to relieve ~ l I ~'s l the Red .Cross Hos z.tal for tre ti Y , wa,s oxdered sent to , p o, Went of tuberculosis, the tax payers o ew anover oun y of penalt~.es, passed at the 1935 sess.!on of the t Legislature, reducing the znterest rate ta,3jo flat on all taxes due on property that.. I ,Cho County..Auditars_cash re3art or ~ ~ c , I f the rnontlo of e tember was 'receive p ~ ' d l'!a~a been sold for taxes whzch `sa.id Act b~,came ino er ~tz.ve on October 20th 1935 was' in filed, ed and order.. ' , ~ , i; ~ h,ffect,;extended to°January ~nci,1936 under'autharlty of an Act passed at ti!e1.935: i I, I ~ Legi la.ture giving he County Carrdnissoners power'- to adjust, settle and `compromise t~~.es, i' i pon ma t.on, county bills llos. 828 to 945 vrere a raved for A , era c , th., sarue to at~ply on all oac~r ta.~e,z prior to :1934 and on the amounts tclat a a n tri, pp paymant. ~ / pp , ~ f brzcl. ta; records. y , lla,r~r Finkley and Joe tioore two old color ' f ed ' . Cztizens, .having.: been-e:~amined b~ d the Assistant-Count Health Of ~ • ~ , Y facer and. recommended by the Coiznt ~h`elf~ upon rno~~on of .:rr. .ix,.ton, tn,. Board approved tae l~ay~aerrt ot~384.18- to T.1,.Coo er Co.' y dre 0: facer ,w p ~ I admftted to the County lIome as "inmate , ere , 01 coal' .:;6.35 ire ~ G, a s+ toy bU~ tons C. r ton, and-~O~l per tom aeeoant ax Guffiy'labor bz11, and I, .,3.50 for laoor used 1n rnovin;; coal alread;~ in ~t~e hind of ilia Court adouse to 'provide , ' I'. . { , Upon motion, tr!e hoard out ~c ~ , , . , horized the urch,,. Dora for storm .the°abov~ coal. lne Board also , ~ r~ 3~ p Ue of tre,nsportata.on far David Hip r 6 aiproved the,l~.yr!ent of X756.13 to The r y _ r ' and B~11s G~.lla.vay,colored dentence ~;hsrnith n. t,o ,n ar' i'or coal 1u } d to 2~errssan Trainiri i ~przn~er a1 0 ~ y rnlshed the Jar.7.~and Count dome and , 374.33 to ~ . g Sc~rool. Y _ ~ rdorth-Smith Coal `Company:.`or c~.r at' `coal furnished the Cour no t use. The meeting then adjourned. G f g g p Y u i for the ~rilmin~,ton`Port Gottrunnissxon, _lhe fallorvin 'Dud et- resented b Iar. Peter 3• R ff'n ~ r' r ' . ivas'u on motion of oar. Sloss _secanded a' I~r. x,11 i. , I p n , • ,adapted for iaerzod from !.ovember 1st, I Clerk. 1935 to ,June aOth,L9369 shaw:ng an e:fpendture ~f" ~65UQ0 per r,lonttl: I ~Jilmin ton 1t.C. `'Oct a g ~ , ober 14th,1~35. ,.,n I' ~i~llLl;iil~T01`, FOR1 CO1~<'~ISa'I4Pd The xegulr~,r weekly meeting of the Dzoard >rras h ' 7 , r ~aI _ old thisday at 3:00 1?.t~I r7~L~r!I!SG!.©iI,I~,.C. I,~ L ,i ~i Oet.,,?1,1935' ~ ;,1 ~ Present: ,yddson Hewlett Chr•,arm• ry an, F.ir.Ross,J~,s..4.Ha11 an ,,t d J,H.Hz.nton. ~ . ~ BUDGET I ~l: ~ ~I The questzon of providin :trans ort~ti ~ ~ , f f7 p on for, Christian i~hite to iTew York was i;~ it referred tothe C.ra~rmin wr.th poorer to act. ' ~ Boaxd o.t` County `Commissz,aners J , ~ ,,~Lk~, 9 4 1~1eMr l~naver .Jaunty... ~,!r,~ ; 'i , ~ i;enneth ~dl, Turner, and aged white citizen ,°tlminl~tpn ~I•`U. • ,was upon :motion, admitted to the Count : • dome as an z.nma,te. y I i i. Uentlemerr: ''i. I1';~1 ','till Daniels and 'Joe Hall t' tVPO ~ .7e ar i7 pas aged.. colored citizens,; having; been examined bz tt,e ~ _ _ e ~1- ed to submrt nerealtl! our budge ~ of anta.czpated income ~nd i Tt n:,sist~,.ni: County health 0±'ficer and recommended b the c J ~ ear,«nse,r far tie co,nin~ r;~!onths ~ ~ Y C unty ';lelf~~re Of~xeer, were . , , adr~~itted to fhe County ;Iome as inmates. It i~ our unaerstano.in thr~,t tae tax oi~ 2~~ • er `'100.00 v~'ziua~i n of 1;h r ~ ~ yr o e i' . ~ ta~rablesoi` l~7evr Hanover Count ~rri11 , acid a~~~~rozimatel~~'7 600.00 per a,rnur,!. i~our ll~,rs. Julia, Harri. y ~ t o Y , I 4, ys appeared. before the Doa.rd re _ar raontls of the current year having alr~rost pa.~:!ed eve sti'oriit our fi"uies for ti!e next g dzng arr ~.nlury chimed to have been , ~ ~ ' due to falling on the Court House hounds ~ t~Yent, rnon~hs thoun the income av,~zilable for use durin~ t><!t ~rcriod •rrill b~ i-~ g T~~~ Doa~rd took ~ , g g f, k 1' the positicn there' ivas no A ia,b~lity agai,st the County. I apuroximrately,,~15 ~OO.UO, f'~~ > r ~ ! - ~ ~ ale last below our antici~cated e::!ense,~: 1t I , ~ f,f Upon motion, the La Mode Sho tiva:~ ran ' ! ~ P g tad an abatement of taxes on ~ ~ ~ ~ a valuation .af 5 l rt f T. y; ~;;~2,Ou0.00 personal property listed in error fo ~ a a,. o _1,_r. J,1.~iiers - ''300,00 sex<vaontn.' r the;yewr 1935. y ~ 1 ~ `J'ra el~ , , v Ong expo-:uses of r~ze_s and Diner members of the Coz,m!rtiasron - ;E; Upon motiom J.G.I{uhlken wa , , s released-from payment of po~.l and personal axes char ed ` w175.00 jr~er r~onth. ~ , ; ~ g ry.gainst John YJrede on ro p .party a.n blocY. ~~350 for the: ye~tir 1928 en account. o h~vi ~ to rfemuneratlon to the ,rilmin(ton Tort--irafl is ~tssaciatian for use of f _M ng t take the ro art back 1 ; , p -p Y and dlrede having no equity in the same,- tnelr t11es, tara.FZS, and stenagrapner s tune as needed - ~125,UO nermonth. • , , , th. Ofra.ee sta~pla.es rent and maintenance - ~50.UU er rnantn.' pon motion, Mrs. aallie C . Davis: of ';~hrteville r Total- ' 650.OU ' ex ._~ontn or ~ 13 OOO. rJO rt'ar -20 months , ' , TZ..:. ~a,~ released from payment of ~ p ~ > , penalty fox not listing char ed:a ainst ' i g g C.N.Gedbald bloc a,ccou , k ~~119 for -tae year' 1931''on nt of bez.ng a non-sesident. _ Our antcinateci__incorae durin the same.:. eriod of tvrent -rltont;!ts - X00 0 ' • ~ ; _ 8 p y t.s ,rlS,U U. , { Upon motion dui. sec on ` , Y dad a r • r • ~ , re „ , u et ~ s of , n t F ~ he 1 Bo~~.r ~ t za one inter7U on f h ~ s, ' a,d ' ' , d d of Educc,t~.on .that the sum of a. o t e o r1i s~ on to lust phi bu (,et a~ ~h., end at the i ! ir4,500.00 be placeu to its credit to ~ ~ ~ take care of expenditures for the: month of ,Lerzoc. r..entl.arieu .=Hove. i~ October, was ranted g r.11 al'1'an~ement alas been rlh`~.Ci2 ".1 ~ 11 the '~~l~.min,''tOn i Ort-Try:, f iC ?iaSOC? at10r1 ' e communication i'rom G.Colucci regardin re airs to rrutike tale of their fae:'.l't'e~ 'n o der t •-!va'd duclicetion and ~in ors e a f~ g, p to the road to his lant in ' ~ 1 1 i ~ a r o ~ i r to ze lt~c ' P I IJave Grove, by the :Mate Highway Corr~nisszon ~ as'r!uch:as ;roe:;' ~ T, .i wad received. _ ~.1,1e on the services of J,T.hzers. t • is A request of ~•C.FIudson or a separation of the assessment on lots 9 and 10 1'..:~pectfullt 8u'~r!itted ~ block 7`27 Caroli ] ~ . f t ,r , n.. lace, was approved. :~1L~11rG`~U~~I PUP,'f `PH.~+FIC. y v i If :,Iy. _Peter D. Ruffin. x reques for an abatement on taxes'. on the Estat ' • e cf John Griffith, :block. 75, was ~ referred to`Corrnnissioners Jas`.Td,Hal J,H ~ d" on motion ~ r , . a .Hzntbn and the Chairman with over to act. ~ p , ,dLt1,~ seconded, the .ioayd au~nori~ed 'the pa~-ment of salary to !tIz'.J,T.!~ eza as P „a h 1 'and vrYten` the same becomes due and a dale all otl!er ex.aenses to be aid ant u on a, roval dad ~ 1? Y } 1 p Y ~ ~A The request' of T~~r.` A.HSkelding for ared % of the `Cal r' . r r uc xon of the assessment on hi`s property ineV azrman al the ~`xlmington sort Cor~,r.,a.saz.on. q, block X114, was 'referred to-'the Ch ' azrman, 3~r. Hall arzd Per. Hinton for investigation. . It'appe~.ring that 1~dna Ro ors i•~l~.o ;eras sen~enced b~ the Recorder to a tercl of 20 'da on t ins C H g , , J yr ~~n xtem of 15. aunt, arm and a ~ ~ 00 d n 70 back axes' char ed a aa: . ' e f . , g g nst the property of J.A,Taylor,_ in the name Y f ult oz pa,~rent of X15. z.ne an t e cost of the court,>;~9.00 on k ` of AR,Taylor for the year:1899 b a cnaz:. e o~ ~ ~ , lock ~;<190, was ordered btful C t arum. and disorderly, was thrown errox or misunderstanding, released b tar. I~ char,-e. T ~ , .abated on account of dou !jichard ~ i Sheti~r Assistant to the .Je~ut ~<Clerk without lzavin~ zecerved; a neat of the n- {f ' fine and> cost think' ~ , I' ' ~ , znn i,.he same dad teen,paid on account of`a receipt navin'• bean 'written ; g i n ' Upon motion, duly seconded 'Count - by lir. C:T,,IuI e s D r ~ • r nut 1 k - c •^de ~ court for 15.00 erne and 9 00 , y bi ? 1s P1os 9 ~ Y e C er l:d o~ rU court coUts .out 5 , 46 to 956 mere approved far payment, calla , ~ ctx"on not made pending reduction of fine to'~~10.00 to corract a discrspanay a °earin~ r~ Pty g r; , The meeting then adjourned. on the commitment issued'to ilia Su Count farm ~vhich reduction eras:made l ~ ' ~~il i Fs p Y , atex oy ;tile iaq cozder Th ~ r, ; erefore upon motion of !~.r. Ross, seconded by ~,r.Ha11,_the Board released lie I,. i ~~r. taro. deputres i'rori a ent_of the cost of the court in said case and re nested th '~h • 1 p Ym , q e $oard ,i~ Clerk. ~Yi1m' at r - a.n ton N`,C ion to take ,,z.milar action as to the a art of the f z.ne g , October 17th,1935. lr Y~ - ~ + k r I At aspecal-meeting of "the Commissions p ron of ~7 ~ e, s_ ~ . ;a j ~ , ~ u_on mot' , I .:Hewlett Chairman ~ rs held this; day at`3;30 P.I,r. ,.r. _~oss seconded b ,~r. Hall tue uha~.z.man rr s authozrzea to urc,laac a p , F.i,,.Rods , Addrs°n riety t ~ J , 1 Yliei°rriter for the Clerk of Su~-erior Cpuxt at a cost of y~80.15 and the old mach n ~ ~ i~~ and_ Mx. J.H.Hznton,,bein ~ l• p ~ x e ~,nd g pre,.en~ three b~.ds , were received from the fallowing for furnishi ' one volume of hic.' , ` . + nds' are available in the ~ ~ I nd ~ I ~ ng and Znst 1 'i, ae s Osges a.f tYze fu Clerks bud eta z o ~riatior~; . a ling a_1 necessary. g rp i ma erial and labor to extend heating Sys em to take care of the new additions atthe County Home, as asked far: U~o • ~ z ~ ~ L n tno~a.on of l.~,r. Hinton, seconuea uy :;:r. r.all, Jonn Davxs,colorea, vra, released. horn A.E,Cumber, a,ll new material, ~ pa;~raent of malty f'ol not 1' 'n o~erty in block 40 ~'ox file ~ a a ~r if I A.E.Cumb r ~p388.00J• n p ~ ~.stz. g Pr 1 ~ _ # , ,fie x~ 1941 and 1~~5, on ~ e , i used rad~.ators are used, account of residing out of tie `County at listing time. Da • ~ 335.00': r~ Sher I:,oore Plumbing Co., all new mat ~i t crawl, 625:.00 , H.E.I.ongley, all new material U on mot { ~ > p on of'; I.ir. ?oss secor>ctecl b, :;-r. :1~till, tide as~essr.!ent ox ,,~1 (~2U.OU on 1U9 c~•e~ f' ~ , 462.00. : , a 3 0 ~ . H.L.Longlay, if used radiators are use land owned b i ~ d, 39$ 0.~ y the eatate of J. T. Kerr or7 Gum Bxalnch,tlarnett toi~rnsni ;;^ras reduced to °~900.U0 0 A, } , r1.~•Cumber being the lowest bidder; trre contra ~ as of date- , sum of ct vras awarded to him, in and for the of 1927-on account of the timber nava.ngbeen rut oil tyre Jame at that time and r, r • 1, the Weird Navin• ne lected to make claim f'or reduction and an ab~ valua 5 g , atci~.ent of taxes on a ton of y~900.00 was allowed for the ears 192'7 to 193 nelus'v~ Y ~ r. and on a valuation of ' E: The meeting then adJcurned. ~P7~O,QG f ' of or .:the ,~eass 1933 to 1935 inclusive. III , , i , .ice Clerk, - E'~ , } ~ s 4 ~ ~ ) , y ~3~ ;;'.~,otilit; of uctooer ?1a1: 1(J;15 cun~~irnze r ~ d. 1 ' ','.eetirr ~ of octaoer wStn 1x35 continued, ' > li upan ~~ation az' .;.r. -,oss, seCtanuecl by ,..r, 'i1a11 trie ~+ax:ks > Progxeus xuministra,tio a1~.o',red tl~:e use oz an oz' n r xce c~~n the aaserlent f'1.oar of the>l, eJas 'curt rl ass a "T~~.ii'a G'r ~(~?~Tr Ll~'GL~?iA ) ne ~'3:rliE n r.J,~ the to 11Ct;xrlg 01'xxee and ra,?]tad 'ctrl a r ~+QMr4~ti used / E*, v 1m 't l',~-!?r"U r f ~ ~ lzro r;ri;.~tarr ~ 1 0~ ~V25.4O,~lor Arita COL-_,~ i L - unt,~zl vrltnJ,ratrn. Asp x cm~ 1 er i; 9e, It vra.s a reeable „it.l t11e 3~ioard ~ , that an a ed. e~ ~ ~ f + cl T g p son, xnrrate at the vathdx,,,r~s T.iI~ Lr.~.,L maac vhxr ~.{~tn, aa~ ;of October-,. 1„,~5, by tree .:olln~,~ of ?~:ew I I~amc, :.who can meet' the reouremen kenned~ r~ s is az' tie Uount +relfare p'... , r 1 ~~.nave~' a Uubdxvsior, `and riutici'al aar•orat on f ~t: ~ • ~ a~• ~ ! i Y z.lxce.,, will be ad• +l > k P x o the ~Le of .,oz1,h u yoflna, ~ ss ~,.n znmate`at ..the rrxtt - oiinty liorre. eel ! ::ereinUfter called the Lesror ~iz•;, r o; the 'ir. t o . - i ~ y p ~ part, t ,d.; l.~ _ 4t - t 4f ~ .lJ xwl~•~y,y • t a., e~, 1. ' . S } ~ i•~ ! 1 „ ' ~ 7 U on motion f r. h ~k1 e P , rr~ hurray .,a,, released i ~ r. y, sa k aru,~tt.ea 1 or ,rxlmin ari a u c,o, ru, - roar the payr~ent of aenalt 1 ~,t lO, ~erzGan Leg:rorl, an tlr._ncorport~,tea ~,n,~rzot~.a I lot ad oining Rehd s 1 Y ox Hat lxstln ~ • j er , :~larnett tairnshi 1'ar ttl a g o i-nraf xt saaxet du1 chartered b . a r • . + ~ • • ~ P, e ,err 1..27. ana r r ~ y ~y ..the n tlanal a-l,.crlx.~_.tlon cf ah~ „mez xc€ln ~ ~a"iarl' (hereinr.fter caned the Lessaes) all'of ~rilriirl~;ton ;i®i~r I:~tinover Count' r~ ? ~ Y, ne a o>,ving gaol and lavrf'u1 nren vrere dravrr; to serge a~ • t.r r ; ~yzarties'.of the: secoi,a part. i I- _.:crth Ca_al~na Jurars xra ~lze r r, OU; e. ar 'C Our a a ar ,Ele trial af' Grlr,nxn{LI OaMes for vreel: be}'. .Dr>aS at.u rrec.tirl~ ~,r ~ ;,xnnin ~ llo~~ ember 1 cr t , of the oard of ~oun4 >>of,~u.i • g ltll 1~35t g ~ ssxaners of .,ew flanovc,r ; ~j Ca~~nty ltorth Carolina, hela on the 2~?tn ' da,T of Octaber 1935 the 1`ollowin ° ' g Isaac Sh n. . ' I. „ rp • ai J T T~trrlan Jr.J',I].'dlil 'gin ~ ^ n ~ resalutian vans duly xnt'rauucecl, read ana ado tad: I .C, . P/.l~av35 . =7 ~ r x .x; ;s ~ ~ l~~,r.,~ , ~ ..l . ,urd, ~ P J ..,G_ee~.. ,,.1::Gars ~ tl,, , ~ arren.~d.L,~tane. ~r~:lrrin~torc cost coo. 10 t,inerlaarr Le~xan caneelved the_xdea ccna ' t..~i'ai~rrllee.~' ~ s , . ~ , li Penrends . l~~,L+ . Su . G.l,x 1:1. xan, they. rl.Cleve. ~,i = a. ~ublxa xscrea~lanal p r ,s tr • >i.i:cUarr.°ar;. ~ , ,r _~.n.far a,.nter fa~ -the C ant of w .ana e nd h h f al.I'.I~attr' :~.u..~el.~., ,I .Carne 1 J arter. Gu r - „ ~ o ~ +a v r, a e en Joe C ~ ~ c,( Y ~ , .Uhepard,,.~..~,.,rhte. t ~ 9 ' aid of t:ie r=ort:s ~:ro-ress rdministra.~ian of tiie united ~;4~(t,es Governrnen carried tc;is g t ' T.f.. lar~hal.r, T'. J~Sneeaen. ~ J..C,l~rovm, D.H.~arnett. a r n f, j ~ ~ n _ .<t.Ly~ton. L,C,rAemby, ri.lSzrrell r~,~,, u].wn tc success u.. conalusan; and , ~ J,~'rreeney.~,D.Ta,~ lox. _'1. ~lerrin~;, ' rrilmih ton `oat J L.LVanN, :~,Ia.Eerr~ . ~ r,. l~d~",~''i~'~'~'W ~ a• 14 nr118r..Can L6 °l On tllra 11 '7. S SUb:ildlii.r' J L.T.T1n~,~,. G.D,ba~~ner. s g ~ €s ~ ug t .>r I ;.L,1~clntire c;.L:v7ard L,II.Shevr. ~1 ~a' s T i ar , ' aenc;, Coasts a.r ra_ po_ated' purar~asea tcze tract of land upon vrrrxcrl sald i , a,. ~uallc` reereatxonal center Has teen established`and zvliic~h is ner'elnafter mores ec- A rre n;ee,.ing then adJaurned, ix<aally aescrxaed; and , _ p ' , ; ~ ,1i~:~w.'~, in order ao rake po~sinle federal a;; naval'and asszstance for° ' ss.id recreational rojeat, said sub:,idiar a.ena Coastal k'airs I con orated l~cs Clery^ p Y f; Y~ n p ~ ; ~k• conveyed' title to said tract of land to luew ]a;noirer .County;'.. and a ;f r ~ 'r~~ Coa:;tal fairs ;Incarr}orated has abli aced selx' o v'd an" i g xt t pxo_1 e { : n J • ,Yxlml tan C r~, drd a..l fund^, xn addition to those granted by the '.~Jorl:s Pragres~ Hdministr~ltian, ~ ctabex 2~3tn,l~vo. a ' nvicesva_,~ to cotr~lete said ~ecreatianal center, and - ' Tha re~ulrtr ~ree]sly rleetn~ ox` the Tiaa ~ ~ { ~'AS the Board of ~o~riss'one.°s of A;evr 'lan o d a r~l tinsheld tni d i ~ z over C un~y eslres to . 1 s a,~ at 0 ~ ,r_, ; lase control of 'said reareatiar. 1 car r ' ' - ~ , 'c' r ~ , _ a te~ xn the n~(nd,, of ~l_lmxngtan .ost r,a,10, . Presents ~'~dr~ison a` P~ ..ew1.,~t (,nalrman r', itoss niealaan L~giar~,: to be used solely far sirrh purposes' as the Lessees herein Warned ' ` ' , ~as.,~. and ' I ' ti~>,11 J,~i.Hinton, ~ sha.,.l deem prayer far #;he public recreation aria t}enef~;t; • r~rs, ,,alderman t;nair,,>an ana.. ~xs.~11'red , ; 1 A?ovr, therei ore, be It resolved that t:ie .~oard of ~'cl:i:ll:;;; lone,, , le _ ~ oi' P~;cGr ~~'r x rot the t,ounty- (,auncxl. oz t , x'arent-.Teachers ~ssociatioh at ~ ne +°ucve~~ C lea 1 r ~ ,r~ „ n . ,i, ~f~f _ aunty se t o: ~ board of rustees de,~l~,n~tea b,, ~+..1,.._r.,, gun A o.. t :,o. lU, to ,ip-arerl and 'urged tcze hoard to ut `f'orth ev , , seaur funds for r_ p ery e ~,r tha varlou,, r 'P ~ ~ -fzort ~ imerlcan Leglan `f'or a :tear, of twert 20' ear~~ tree rarenuses vor;~e •ed to view ;;etinover ~l j f.;~. _Y~ ~Y_ _ y p of .et.s approval f ar cne ~aar~ of ;aducatxon at r, +-E; ~ , ~ • - o i mcetn~; of ~ru.rle 24th, 1935, ~ ~ .-r,~ a ~.oastal r'airs Irlcorturatea bl sees r~atea ul^~e 1>~:r aa'r of .;ovcr.tber 1.,35 ,C ,t k;~ a ~ Y ~ } xnrl reodrdpd in ~pooi- 24° at Pace 552 in the recd,°ds o: the O~i'~!'ice of ~f,l~,e register of ~w~. Up On iilatl0n Of' ~r. Yantal'I 9eCOnQ d 1 aetdw 01' ]~iL'Pr :~.nCVer ~allnt'~ relerenCe to 'Pria'.,Crr deed 1S htrE'C>; Y~tde 1'Or 2, i'ull. e u~ :.r. i~ia_l, the ,3nazd ranted the e + ~ L'sther ~,.~1liatt t~ha~t th ~ ~ nnarr,q~y ~ r i~ues~ oI~ .ise / G~~Y,; t r r;s ~ P r< ~ i ~ n e uount~ ~ ~ _~u ion of fife a_er:l.,es auti~.o~_~ed ~o b~ lea;;e~ Ohl.: _ESC_tt~ion . w,, buiL.li locate y a~~-io]~rlate -,r1;.5.7,r~na1 cost af' rent oz" cllz':; rooms in the " ~ ~ ~ i ~ don the Cout~i-ea:, t corner of r'otlrth ~c P - ~ r - privileged girls, provided fife C't s~~r" rlnc~.,.r ;;tre~,~.,, 1'or urn.el ~ A;~ID ';1~~'~'~;AS, ':'lilnairgtan nowt 1.0, lU ~:erican Lerinn has d,asi nit-'1 t7 ~ ~ ~ c~ to secure ,dpk funds ~ ~ 1 Y 1.L .naLe a simil;lr a~i,rol,riation, xn the event effort five trustees ~vhose names a- ea a~• c~F~~~ r ~ ~F, r •~~_r for eln~~lo,~nent of a social vror~er ana nee :p x u Le~a.,..ti l.e_e~.,, to bola ~.:e rr~:mx"c,, leased ~h)) i f' `r e s a ar , t.~ 1 i~ ~ r p s puCCB~Sf'Lll, ~.n,, e,::1Sea 1'qI' i,~le _lllrii0..e5 tle_'elnUei~O.P. ~:teQ; Ui)an ~~r . 1ri0t2an 02• i:S.tilfltUrl~ OeCGnaGCI b _:ir. itOB` 4~ ~ ?'i~Pd, ';'[''.li,:.~,r'l.l:, t':'a~- leave f'or tire. years: 1891 192 ; c Y s, ear,.: taxes appearing ,on tyre `oack tax books 5d I a ~ ti 1J0~~, 1903,1904,1905 and 190b amou ~ - f ~ = - ~ trre east rnidr~le part of lots 1 2 and 3 ~ n ing to X14.44 charged against ~iiat for and in considers,tion of t:.e prer<i:;es anti tlia surer ai one dollar : , , xn b ocl~: d~49 in tne- name of" t11e rieirs of Harry ~ 01.00) lr, hand avid h~. tl~e Lessees the'reaei ~ ;Ar.. Hovrard, was ordered aaneell y v of u~ali is Hersh ~ aclrnovr!. d r , - I? J e gad, e on aeeount:of being a daubti'ul char e and a .:Arent friabilit the Lessoraoe~ p•r,; ~ r' t ; • 4 of the county to prove its g P_ _ Y N Yrer_,~, ~emise ana.ease .c a.y.~. Lessees their successors a~' y a Ho>.vaxd in 190 calm, the said property llaving_oeen`sold bT the heirs oi' ifenr nerefnafter r vided f ~ ~ ~ t, ~ N . y P o , or a pexxaa c~ ~wer.~y ~20r ,ea,s, begxrn.n~; on ha 28da;~ of ,1935 :ana termxratir~ orr the' 28 da-- of October i a Oc ~olrer , g ? 1955 tha ~ c.ertuxr. to ~ ~ x Upon motion of l,ir or parcel of land 'vritn structures therear; in the C `aritt~ of yr iia o ~ Ile Hover, a gate of in the sewn ed by ..ir. Hinton, an item of ,x,'11.80 back t°, s h ed North Carclir.~ ~ ~ ~ • ; ~ , ~ ,•r . ante c arg d anc~ .rlore par~xcularly ae,,~r_.,ec, follo~t,~, to-rvzt: name o the-;heirs of d i.?ucF.oy on;property in'hlock year 1385, was orderad c, {151, part mf lot ~2, for tare ancelled on account a~ being a doubtful cn ~ - ~ ~ 1. arse. BeginninL polr.~ xr. ~Tle so.:thelll line of span r40t10n du ~ '1'~ract i1'0, Oi' tho l:arte'" ^ 1d : r' e ~ . . t ~ a' , ~ s ly seconded C01111t~ c wl 3_xa C~lvl~_.-n, J~.O iee~ f;c+a~jr::rClly 1rOrli the e3~U81'1i i 9 y bills Idosv57 to 1033 tivere approved 1'or ra•~7nent,~ti ~ line « t_~ ~ _ p a- ~a~L i~_~,n1a~., _.0. 40 ~„alOlina :~ea.;;~: ::0au), she S 1Q ~,eglnlling palm belrlg Opon motion of 1r. .toss, :seconded a :-r. ri'n~ three Hundred thirty-lour X334) feet sotztn,~rc:rdly xram the southern line oi' Soutrlerri and necessar a er Y 1 torn, toe Board agreed to z~urnisH tyro bind e boulevard oi' Sunse ~-r' ~ ~ Y p p to re-•vrrxte and repair the t•rro oloclc oool,s 'r the ~ t 1'a-1, 11 Sala souvllexz: ~lnea_ ,,ula Setz...e.l, boulevard vas register of Deeds ,vith ..'PA labor. l r the off ice o~ e,~tenaed east;;~.rd, ra.r:a running thence zroz:i the saia be~;lnn:n- ?rortn 22 de:~ree~ min E. ~ r, ~ 27 f utes ~,dest,parallel tivitll the said State rl:•1•.~~a- loo. a0 dis an • L J t ce of eleven Hundred r'{'.~' Upon rnation oi' far. rtous, seconded bz7 11,, 1150) Ise: ;;c1e northern line of bract loo, ?6 af' t,cle said carter ana ~•ic r. Hinton J,~id.:>;v~ s v ~ 1 e r , a,n o :lasonboro ~ovrnsnip ~ a•~ V ~ivi;;zon; thence •idortli 67 .ue rees 40 minra~es East .~larr_ t:e nertrrern ~ ,ranted an abatement of ta:;es on one f'ernale do H , G 1.ne of the ! . I gusted in error for the year 1935. s ld duct :.o. 2(, a distance of~ about eleven l:tzrdred'~xiteen 1115 feet to a Uoin . U on' nro ~ . - 250 ~ t tnat is p .flan of :tin, tlxntan,, s,e~onusd_ a~ ..s, feet .,estwardly of the carter line af` iatnrnu2,it~~°: give ;°{ren rne~~~ured at r' ^L Boss,. the Hoard' approved trig separation of an let ~ 1~, t assessments on thee. pro art of t g_ _ a _Comruunit :.Drive: thence southv;a~jdly ~ ' r. - p Y he AtJacobr Hardware Com an' ved Y ) ~ t ~ , pa_allel wxtT~ Corun_ty e ana N,~O the following assessments fire p Y, clock ,151 and;appro feet v:~~st~rrardl,. from ~•h, f a ' ~ ' i d and recommended by the Tax'assess-.ors a fo11`rvsl ~ ~ e center thereo_ the 25~ lest to be m..asuleu at 1zt1~t ant;1E to o Lormrunxty Drive, five riundred tvrent~~-five (525) feet;: thence ~astvral•d1~,r with a Line that is at rzght r tR ~ , Diddle,-east and part east milli le to ~ommunxt Drive (50 ~eet fear, the Centex o~ sai(i ci?•'v ' e lot 2 recentl Y 1 e}; ~ y purcriesed by A.& J;Dlugin thence southvrardl urith dal ~q r` , t ,r, ~ ~ • , , i ~,~24,700.00, the part reTnainin `to h an on she astern lx:ne o,. Ca.~.,l.zn_~ Y g J _ztie (,.0 it,ct ~,e~~- g' e N.Tacobi Hardware Companyand,described as ~'rard ~ ~ I, dart west and west_mil ` 1 f r t_ ~ r die log-2,w~;st Half and east middle 3 E Y nom the center of sand. a.xve}, xaur rlunarea zzlt~: {u~O) .:feet; :thence ~.~estwardl,r t part 4, ;45,300.00, vrxtrz a ~ , i ( line at right ,angle to Communl,~y ~r1ve, t~°o tii~n,:rea (21`0) feet; thence south-. 1 upon matz.on of ter. ttoss sewn tvardly'' ~~ra11 1' r . r• , ~ ,,Y • , ~.~t:, led by ~4r. ll • s P e xUh Cor'a1lur.xty D~xtie Ara t'~a r.tc..area ~.c_tY iee~ vresttvaxdl ~ ;:1'oru the • lid , ,~Ir Oxan.Hxntozi was ranted an abatement a J of taxes on a valuatxan`of ~ 2 500:00 f g icenterthereof (.the 250 feet to be ..measured at riMnt an le to tiara Drive ab a • ~ or the year 1932 on house located on lot ~~52 , rund~ ~ g ~ o t `c z (.e _ed sixt , t36p fe ~ a,,• 'c ~ - de,..., i, Villa Vie,,v Hat completed: until et a ant le _ xn of ~l, e7 ~ ~ , after: A ~ J to x h ...eos ~_ms.nutes,..a uni prxl; let 1932. , P ~ st fz ttre ~ paint of beginning, the said ..:paint being ~:r: fire"satrt. err; li,e of the above mentioned The Hoard agreed to take over s !`Tact =30. 28:' of the part' ~ and .grice D'v is ~ an• thercc ~ • .r: °o•- ~ , p - , at,t ~7 a ~ree...~~ m.m,t~.. ;des t ur lus overnment ~ ~ ution , ex x g ERA Pools acrd corrnrrodita.es for dxstrxb a ti he ti°rlth .ana along the southern line of said Traet I`a. dstande of four ni , ar use at the County some in ,addition to th ~ ' t rl.~ z ~d ~ x.~t e xe clan food 'and maintenance now ,furnxslied g 14601 feet more or less to the ~oirt of lie ~inr;in y poor and infirm charged in its° case.`` " + g g_ TO ~~VE ;~I?D'iC riOLD the laid Iµrds ~zd prer'~ises tc~`-etier xritl~L all a~nu s 1 z~, - - : zr ~;ular 'f Upon rtrotion,the Hoard leclin' the ri hts I ed to ~ , ;privileges and as urteTanaes tl~arsur,ta belari~ir,:- il,,. , sel,arate the personal and' real: estate tax of t~r.?t•F~ : ' ant +p ~ lr, "r', i~x•~a appart,aining o the sald~ Lessee ~ . ~ 2 , ;Iolnisarr orr black 1'19 for `the ears 19 a 1 s s thex a rv 'a , • . , Y 3N to 1934 lnclusxve ar to release' the ~assaahuse4t twen.~ , 20 , r sue essays a~ riG.e..n~~ Ue~ p, ov _~~;t, ion UTTe saxa -te1•nl oi' i 5 ( )years. F Life Insuz~anae Ca., from payment of erso - , P Hal tax of ~..r, Johnson clla.rged against sand 4 SJZ•opsrty, 1'or: the reason drat `~r. ~ h 4 > . , IT IS AGREE b r the ar-axes llerete ' r.,. o neon appears to be solvent and the`:taxes charged . , r. . , ~,i~~.:l rive tale rx rat ar:a } are ,just and 'correct. Privilege to sublet 11 ~ r ~ , ,c ~ ~ ' i ~i a or ana part of said. prr.L..,.: , 11,i• ~~a, oz t.,lr:; lt,cse 1'ar civic and re tr ~ . creational purposes-an1,,, mr~:ir,g ~re:~(:; ~ . ,,,,c,., ,~eri„r..i r. 1.;rte:.; r:; :;~.id trustees anon inntf an of i.°,r. a ~ ,a s.na.ll 'deer,. oss .,econue,i .b i1 pro ~~J o Y x Kinton, trle f'ollowin l.ea e eenrent between_tne per° C unty and .Local Past ]~o, g s r . ,10, ~rllerlcan Saeglon coverin ~ uroved ` It is furt:ner al;reed bti~ me prir:,ic~; ,•er•c~';t ;,I,,.;;, ,:c r;;Ge, rk of t g the ;recreation field vras aP. rental's as,-ator4sa'd rU uerlved Tram and the Chaillna.n and the ~lq i ~ha11 be useu salel ' f, ~ , ~ his hoard ',vane authorized and dixeated to execute: the rem... Y.( ~,r li;;,1 , c yl,,~(E ::,,t~roir~~:::ents ai' sa' same or the Count,/. , P fees aryl it is agreed tlTat the ;.said lessee., :.i~ ~ ld le~.iaeli ~lO~~ f ,..a~ ~:,~._G yen ~r ~ ~ oW all said rental manna i or 'th - .,,,A,~, per ce,. lru meats u;~on y e -p~lr~ . r , ,L,,,, ~ ~,~;rent r;xpr,,iz•s Arid ir.c~z,,:atre- saia leased premises, said sure so ~:~ri ~,sile i,o i?t c>~;,,~nced . e.~airs and im ~ an13 u•~on r~~,l•r<la:;,,r,~, pravetnen~s as designated iron ~rraxnar re ai ! ' fi; yoremises, Y p z .:,.tic tri>b:i;t~l~ of tr;e ~.ic l ;r„' . ~ . , 1'' i'l. ;I , - :3 ~ »y?, P~ w' l.? h` . ,f - - i9 ~ j tvlceting of Uctober 28th 1935 an'' c tinned. ~ t ~ ~ of Uctober 2~utn 1935 r r~eet>_n~ co lcznuea, ~ P' IT IS Fl}Fl`l'N.IiC; STIPULMT.}';D that the ~o ~ ~ and of fzustees i'or ,'dilmin ~1- hmerican Legion, herein termed tyre ,L s ~ ~ L ,on lost ilo. 1 es i,ea sYr~,ll hold ofi'ice for the full C' this lease rxovided term n moti air oi' iLr. toss t}1e ~,hairr - r • ~ , I ,however, t11at if' any vacancy shall. occur a ron s of uao n3n and „ount} .cuc.z nor were named to confex with "r' of death, disabilit removal 1'r.am ~h I aid board b the Tar ~„allector concernirr~ the above matter and re~)ort " Y, t e aoirnty of r~etir mover failure tom Y reason o y. r bacl~. to the Loard to~;etaer , i n ' lmi rr ~ to n , i C ~'~at,!!o. 10 ~me~i an L a~rrtain ,,inn tiny iur~.ler reoorxn..nia~a.ans, anal then t'rrih,ten en ti~r', membe r ,ue.,t a,~l be made b,y tnz.; Inc-asl ~~r' ev n c egzon, or nw,lfeasanee of any member ' ra6i ~ ~ e t the remaining members of the said .Board of t ~ then and in P to fire Tam ~o_lector cance• n>,n~ tare met.rod of h~Lndlin~ ta:: collection ~listributians zustees shall f i11 said vacs tl~,t oe+,ereen the Cit•~ and ~vount•~. IF 'I'I~ra 7.~85~5,' at anv time Burin r^i ' ' naY• ~ ~ s ' or fail ~ t 1 J.ife of this lease abatndan the l • to comply>utith an' of .the eased r ~ + P emlgey 1 s ,zpul~,tzons af' this lease; regarding main • ci~iiv~ toen d` our~ned tenance ~r1., •~~e ~ a ~ repairs to said leaped premise~~ then and in tha~ ~ an t event tyre said Lea'sor rna ent d take charC'e of said premiserr-'and t;h's , " Y er u z 1~~.~e a!>ii11 "become void and of no e1'fe ~0n and , C t , ,~1,-n l1 - c' IN r~I'f11.~CS ;'lLrw~'Pw01~, 'i'~ ~ r r~, ~T, ~ ~ Cler_;. +rilmin~ ton i~i, C, 1; venrbe • 4 t 93 jj . ~ IL ~ c ~ 3 o r t a 1 5. I ,1L~ P.( (,r Ti-l~ IP.~'1 1'' , ~x, ' ' , ~f ~IHS (.AU~~I7 T~.:IS INSTR j ' executed inns name b its cha' r,~• U~ENT I ~ r Y r.r~,,,n of the Board of t~oll:missioners and a to be ,r 'le_k ';and i'ts c ~ tteste' oflor>zte ac,al tc~ be aid fixed, theda and ea ~ d hY its i , Y y .r fzrNt above written, he ref~,ular -rreal.ly rreetin~ of the -soaru -eras held at 3:00 0' clac:r',],i. ' Attests , 1'~C~o'f HAA}O~T,~R COlJ11TY ~ 7 t - , rre:,ent: i;Uri;.son i'lei'dle't Ci~rakrraan Jas,~,rlall aliU ~._r 1'r ~ rL tun. ; . . ~ I~. i _ I Addison ~ _ y He nett; r+-per :;1'u,Yn1 :-,ai'~'in a,~ e~reu r:~nd zntroduceci '`r. J.`r' u~ , - ~ Ule;lr. Chair.. - --P , ~r.r es new.~e,,~ el,!~;loyed - ~ man, Beard of Ccrmmssioriers aol~e>.uaa for tare .,ilmir~;~ar1 Port uo::un1ssran. ~ ;fir. !?o •s - ~ s , ,r~r. l~,ll mid the Chaiz'man Urere named to vroik ou - ~ - - . ttlro . h the , t pions to carry on re ' ' u,on urotion of _u.. Hinton, ~ ~condea a5 ,ur. :call, the i'ol lowi r resolution ~•ras ~ ' s , ociaterl vir,Lr'ities of ; Lief for}; n`~ ,ter Lam ceases to function ~:ovembox ].st ' ~ " ` ~ adopted: ,l.•,55. ' r, + there zs such a lame accumulation of cr m ~ - I; a ion m ,lH } otzor! of 'fir. ~~;.11 ~ z znal c~,aae on the docltiet seconded ay i,,r. Hint an, ,`?iss Briuna i.el ai' tae 8u erior Court a~' ~cvr ~ n ~ . i ; r . eliding at Cilarlo,,tc i,, C, ~;~~~s , * lY, a cztiren of this Coun A , ~ over ,.ount~r, l,orth „arolirra, for trial, and r, ~ , • , (,r_,r~ted are aba Ferment ''cf' taxes; on a valuat' ty ~ ~ ~ ~Aa a lax e number of _ riauseholG •,na l,ttchen lu • ion 'af`,'27- , ~ ~ ~ ~ prisoners axe no~rr confined in the corranon prison ~V a,00 / a1 erne Count' of l;ety _ n ra' „ znr.ture e;•:errlrtzon `at Carolina Leacji f'or tie c J na over a r ztz. trial. f' ' ~ ye r 1J35. ''b o crzrnznal r:tse,3, and ti'l~.RBAS, as the rrel~t tend of court of vile County of_;err r~anover for tl;e trial rip application far license to ~ sell beer at;,,rrightsville S u d / of criminal case;; follotirri the , ~ regular term convening November lltn,1935, will not ' " I:.x. x'.1~rlarxill, the same beinr 'r o n , c~r~as submitted ;by . 6 z 1 proper f deep .and e;cecutioh, eras u pan m ' convene until January 13;tn,i936, .Nana that from': tllzs date tiaere SFr I seconded -b J,r. .tin. } otion of }fix' ill be a tar e num)e1 Y ton, approved. ,Ross, ~ ~ of additional cases docketed for trial in the Superior Gour~ f'or said C unt~ on the a ~ u~" ~ ~ criminal'calender, and pop rnot> on of ...z . tizntan, seconded b tlr. • . _ y Ha1l,, the Chairman r7.~.~..,~ zt zs°tne unanimous o~ _ , ~a=x, I,.L.~derritt.to re Seas, auttaorized ~a en7 lo~ ~ _znzon of the =~oard of GountY t,o;rnnz.rsz©ners of ' t p ,3 ! p pare maps and certain' data`'of ~ ; • , , ~ i,he Count a' • ~ ae~~r :~•nover County that at ].east on„ .~o~}. cr~.inal t r ~ . i the precept pra,dect; ~~ec}uzred bt the D Y zzl ort, zn aonneation vntr, er;a ~s necessary to uzspooe ai i J epartmeht of Air Cormnerce a ~ r ~ the rases Wove on the docket for trial in Tdetir .ranaver Oo v 'r r'a t a,,hzn~tan,,~.C. unt~, ,,orth rolzna~. a ~~.n L>:,T1~ ~ w 1~, ,,z r>a i t ~,.re ;o~:rd of ant ; ;r' ~s' 's , L~-.ll, ,na uo ~ o: r.a loner of IJew , ~ ~ audit report of (,ount~ 0 , " iizcers prepared by l,`r. i;dward C. Craft- ranaver ':ounty une,nimously renuest pis L'xcellenc ~~ohn :;,B,Lhrin?ila,us Govern r endin J C.1~.,"~. Y~ o of ~ one 30th, 1935, leas received and p~,. Went of ' ' year ~ ''orth Ca cl' a or f zscal t:1e ~ gate of r " r +a . , ~~,r50U.p0 balance' d to to order a ~ )ec_uI ~„rm of the Su rr.r io. art f r ne c,:ntract way e ue on account of Zudrt 1 I o o t trial I F i ~ approved, „r 01 crLrninw_ cases-only, to convene an -iecern')er 16th, 1935, and to continue i'or one weak. - ~ 1 3e it further resolved tha,, file '~1er:. of rile r~or,rd of 'county Coln?nissioner.s be `1'he f ollovrinr co~r,mun' + t 1Ca lOn "v'ra' , , ~9,ni1 !h 13 llere~~Jr C11ri,Cted t0 i'urni:;i~r a Oopy Of ttll~ re801ut10r] t0 t116 GOVern01' aJr the i s rcceivc,c] horn t,re l,ounty :~uclitor: . fate Of ;pet}1 ~'arolina, dt %i1e earlreS t UaSlrlble n101ireIlt. nti"F• n ~ ~i ` zi ungton, c,,, October 28th 1935. ' coin :ania r~ ai zr - + i!onorau'1 - rr' ration yr<_a .ce d of ~~:re rout, ;~ud~tor anovriag the a~.rount of de~ osit in ~ - V,; e :.oard of county Uorrmissioners, eacrr bitirur as oi' Octoi)er 3ist 1~~35 to:~ether } " ~ ~ r= i, rlt a m~l.ro_~induan of secu~ Zties hell i n - ~'Jilnrinf;ton,};,C, , C~i7:'1 CraC. Gentlemen:_ ~ ulron raatian of :..r. Hii~td~n ,~a~',onded b~• :1r, :;all ail a~~~aro rid c r it ~ ~ , ,r , _ p tiara of ,p1,6J,1.~J wa„ , ! ~r.inir0;1 Out Of '~!,g P i°=•gBnCj; ;'Lind, to iieadgLl;;~rterS :uattery t0 Clear enCLlmbrur'1Ce;i Otl lt3 ~ ';Jaen f;he con;;olidrrted ta-,, books t'or 1C733 vrere I,~ade u and to proper.~y in blocr. ,159 to'ena'ale it to secure a a'Pr. L=ove.•nrnent Grant 1'or file aonstruction~ ta., collector, t!-re met~!od ~ A rued over to tree . . of nanctlz I ~ ng,them was di,~.cussed by ,a re;,resehtative of J.B. lac Cabe ~-n-{ a;~.zzppznb ne};r quarters; '~aravided, no~,~rever, one G:ty of '~~,~lmin~ton l~ri11 Grant a like ~ , and Conrparry, the tax collector :and his ' assistants and r~,~ rara.~iatzon.:~o;n,;.~n-~ I u~~r~~, Ould ~ Y i i ,c, .."!i~ 110'G to r:1~r;e w Si,;;ril,;r reCRre.i ~ concerned float it;w the waiter; a,nd it was _a reed %b ~a11 ~ e necessary to re~,;uire the pa :Went ;of 11' first pa' pent and ~ • _ Yr pa and do ta~:es in 'the ,>R the amount properly uzstrzbuted, t'm C upon tdotion of l,ir, i,nton p ~r ,r ~al~ taxes and divideu :between ~ t Y reutaindez to be applied to property' 1 s..conae b, file :•:az ~ai;e ~errice aoraor~.tion oi' Czt3 and the Gountr on a ba;;is of ~acr-,dry, ~}l, C. , ~'~as ~~rarlteda refund of the 4~/ enalt>> r~rnich • as ail - ~ ~ ~ l/3 and tnl,s r;as the then ro 'ortian of 2 3 and ~ p , den to the oaaG ta„ generally done. p ~ any tncllzded 1:7 file 3,°,1e9 ae.°t? f! ~^,~.tE Or1 vE:?" OLl° r)r0~:,~r t1P.5i`'~ ld the i ilY Oll " - , 1 )1 tl1,. , ew~~ 1932 in ac or P F a ; -1 It has been called + ~ , c ..dance ,.~t}i tn~ 19~~ pct a::>.c:1 1.1>.evea sae pax payer al ail pencil.tie,:, J to my a~ter!tion however drat this ractice was ~ ~ iollo~'red ~ a'1d ~it:ner casts efcept t:~lree per cent inter:~st and adveri~,isin8 fees on account of in 1-iandling the 1934 taVes p rot pa~~nent lla,ving been I:~;ode to t_1e Tax Collec~:or rri or to Octobe?' 20tl1,1935. `J'he effect of t;lre i'a_1 ~ ore to da t1~1is is illustrated b the rkindlin: oi' the upon r,iotion, duly seconded, a re«uest or t~ne hoard of education that ~L'17e curl of ;;;,15 ;0`1,75., i following recei ts: Y r ~ , p G > .I for :,tale loans and ;2,'180.01 for insurance due, ~i)e provided, together with t:~re sum of ;~~1'148 dated h?arch 9th 1~J35 v~ras h• - ~ andles as i ollows ~3, 000.00i'or ;maintenance of slant I or 1, ;1e month of I~~ovember was ranted. City County 'T'otal ~ Property tax ,510 a5 5. G6 ;~r16 ,;itt1 reference to ; ~,r r~,•~~; ~ ,r ,11 a corn~riunica~_on recelv,,,. prom t..e Secur_~, _;~.~_onal ;la,1k,, ,..:,v~,rin, a reduction o.f intere~ - ` ~ ' ,,t rage on t_me 1~:)o~ats fror:r 1•,-:~ to 1~~, the v;aard declined to ~ l,,is receiut sl~rould }lave been nandlPri - ' n. . as acce t t'ni~ red, ~ 'a ~ - • P - ~ me~,r.on on >.tN ,~.,Jl;;.n~ ~:,~~_.~ca~e of de,osr.t is:;ued i)y fire sni:i aan};, r:...-. a9 tnls rate Of 111tL'reSt 1S r10t e~?Ual t0 i;!alp ~1_0',`rea ttre r011:'lt~r the Ottler 1)_t17>':a .n City Co ~ n - unt,,r -Total the „lt~T Proper•t;,~ tax ;7.89 ~.r3 ~ ~ ?011 ta., 2.00 ~ ~ ~ll:6l F 'Total 2.50 ,4.50 request of 7:ressrs, 'f,I',~arden and G.VanLeuver~, ~,~~r:ts ±'ar tree weirs oz ..i,lii,corr i i X16 11 ~ a e,< flat certain corrections be made zn ta,, lay ~_ng an.. rrs.,esal'rents on tee l:'orter's f ~ ~ ~ _ _ , ` hFec.. Plantation and ma a ; s, ~ r r . r ~ • ,Y. ; ~ rsh l nds 1_ fed zn t.ze nar;_ of ..ti u. :.:,,,,.J ti 1s et a_.r, ~Iaz.~et , , : tolvnshp, veal after investigation and upon r:ratiorl oi' :Tinton, secancit.,; c~.' ' ~ :.r. mill , , ReceiTat ~ 2477-dated `June 17 th, .1935 .was handled as f o1l ~ ~ rr o,rs, ~-an~ed as foilovrs: Aba+event - of. taxes on a valuatiob of •1J~1.40 an 1r~0 ac_•e oi' ' Clt`t w• s Irta?'s:r land . ~ ready 3 . County Total zncluaed in tree assessment on 871 acres t°orter' u ;;eci:' plazlta t ion I or tare i', ` Property tax I`ll a r 1 r~4 to . , yp .60 3 Poll' t'a;~ 'w • .0 ,15.50 ~-°N6 tnc., and on a valuation:<of ~3t~~.00 fee t:`le par: 19??7 to 1~Jal? Il;c. ~.CiCf 2 ,~.'ri~~ Or1 art ~I --.-,~5Q 4.50 assessment oi' X270.00 f"ar trze ears 19x3 to l~?35 i:~cl.lsive a;~ro~l:~t~! n.~' t ~r f oral l3 - _ _ Y _ 60 . ~ , X20.00 Trr.is a ~ 2t ;~bate„rent af' taxes for the vewr l~"~5 a?; v._l~ra,ton f ' c~U r a. p yrnent sno .lcl have b e o ~r3 ,OJ c.r ,:Taus:: 1oc.L~ed e n handled as. on Porter's 1:. k ~ , ec.~ tracti on accoun~c of its Lvor~±•ua.. ,rnr, ~ou~i~ly un~rrr;~~1,.t;H,.~.,, ~or!•ziticn, I Cit Y CoLint 3. :gin abatement of taxes on a va u:tian e y;,~,5.: v for t:~re ~te:crv 1~ 3u to Y Total ~ 193, i Pra~erty tax• 10. ~ I ~ 54 ~ 4,.96 c, Poll tax X15.50 and on a valuation of `"180.00 for tine ~~ea~ l°;~3: to ~.~°~::t ;icl.usikre ~:.,::uarr' ' ~ 2.00- 2~ 50 ~ ~y,:~~ tc ,,~lU. ~ - 450 _ on ti~re,rty five acres 1'` fed `n ergo orn t}Ie Ssla,rc: ,1 •~uei; s'ac' ; : - ~ , fatal : l i s i r r ~ ~ . „ u , 2.54 ~ ~c~ foal ~ 7.46 , r - s a_ v - ~2~~.00 ey~ade by ,r = q~ z I 1ur,J,L.3ecton in 1.x.0, Evrrial, ,~..~1,. ~iri,rt,°e tc „c ,)~;5 1n;,trl:d of 3' 1( acres as.heretofore lzs~ed, I thin];: it err u d 0 1 be ~'re ll t ila't e1'zect; ,1ou issue instructions ~ to the to the tart eoll.eetoz ,I a ,A . 's'he claim od r ,j L U Pc'' for rue :~~,:,,~>,...,c;1 a ~ t: , h t no poi ~zal pa , ent b ~ . a_tl >.~;e t c,.~;re.t on a v,.~.u;:itiarl of ,:~54ri.OG an Y`n e accepted that is not`suff' ~anddog ~ ~ a 1935`r'ord Cedan a ,r `n rror i~r)r• 1:u;=. •~n.i.• tax. icient oll uto.robil., wia ~e.i e v 1 ci.~i~r,.i:.. ~ „ to cover the _p t, t.~e ,;,;,,n„ tc h:., 'I' dt SO m11 ~ .1B property UT a]'i0t!1er l;erSan 1~'a3 'r3;rt~";~,L ,'ih~'lr~as'.i) t1;C' I^, L7]'"e,;. p~ i+-, ,i~ h ch a.f trio, t'irst pa~mrent as 'S ~ l v ~ ~ ~ n~r•sii_r a;; o: :'4~,,,. and distributes accordin 1 necessary be ap°lied to th a ll and dog °ax ~t,1935 can be ast,irlished,. C Y p e .o f ll7at only the propert = a, Y tax b,, uivided on a ,er r " cersta e ba, ' i3y ilarrdiinir the m- t~ ~ sis a per as; sti e~. G _ - gs ~ted ;~ou1d insure tile. lJou funds be>.ng ~ri,dited mt:1 file proper ra ~ nty_and lace). of its time rrow re aired 1'or t ~ p portion of ;callectiohs and ~ wale ti~ould eliminate consider.. rl he ~ublia Acaauntant i , n an endeavor to tr r;nces in x:11 ef'r'ort to see ti>.at ace out these .various differ the ~ d , un reach i,lreir + proper destinat' . w Tan. i ours `truly r yp ,7 urz~el l . ly , r.~~._..~ c, 1;;leetin~ oi' i'fovember 4tn 'U" J , >1 u, continued, U ~ =f,:` .,7C:'.'B1 1~: ~J`' C021 "ed pop motion dui _ :ic~. , y secon~:ied count o' t i ? ,I 111s t'io.!. lOtsS to .Lrl.~ ~rre7'e approved k z or paY~ien County bi1.l~ tos. 1176 1177 <lnd t t' , ha r > L173 lncu_xed by the Identii'ication 6f:i' ort :-~ctlcr. ow . .~ess seNc~ne: Gv ~ r.». 1Cer t .~L.11, „rIC l%G,~eili3~1a0rivru anal"]C~T2F'~+ %1]f? V1nCy aecured p],TrCha3e Orders fOT the F3~:1fi~ n , ~ V11tn - • . C Wer., f0.lY1C'1 t) ~be neCe:]3e(,,,r OUt .G-: _:~,e' p_ ~.;G _t~._c~C,l'" i,:a? :~'u` ;~~~5~ ~ + ) } r a ~ efpen9 w ~B .S~C3." r ; ><x tl. ( , V w 9i,a1'~ L.1 _J tG.t.Ce t'r f....t Qa !f; 'uni3Llar] his department and were therefore a,~ es J Ironed i~c ,Yment ~ 1; ~ . p r rJa . Of i•Crf' _~:G G1" GC1'G :~:~G : 0 ~u vr'ii. ~ t ; r0y r{ C ,Y, „a , @~ Ji .DaQ in a,'(tG_ t,0 C1Y@~ v ~.i;e :?reS;°tTlt ~ ~ . 'o'ne me th„n a ~ ..e wr.v ~u..,s ~ ~ , e't1'] ~ c, d r P :'c:l"<<: ;g =C. rG.r i !:.i(1' u;. v i , 7 ;E; C 'ne""7" ~fi 1.1 F~ JOU_n~d C., ~C E,:.:~,,.P, 74`. ,a ~ ~ .e i;".^r~ ~ t.,~ X10 'ULr:~ C': Sv s` r~ nnG,yC.,.- ~ -:~i~9•%1 ~ s . ~ ~~rl~ _ _ . Clerk. , ~ Uj" }Yt::.l, ".'Ci~,'";:C:n`v G. iv...ll(.r :3Y~.'?'Ul}r1~tf:i tC? t.til; ti'Illrnin„1;D ~ ~ n,id.~~., 1`i0Vei211)eI' 7~1it1,1wJ, ~ _w_.,._. ,':6 wCC:e~;`'.'= .;Cr~:~i ,~.'G_ ':c., ',"4i"~ dlJ~IiCrl.:ed ' . Yesterda• ;,onda~ :'o .1 i J, f vcmoer 11.tn,lCa5 being ~trmist lla, ~ - 1 cr 1 lGf. and ~ e -.~y ~c... e ~.cr.r o*h(, e. ? .ui 1 c , - ~ ~ .V:1 Gl UV~, 4: r'Cr:] J.. CA 1~.. ~.l ~ S 1 lel,ula,r ',veea':1 rt ~ rd r°a y' a e!~al rioli Y t" t, c y , ee tin of the .yea da n , r s het. d this day at > > e ~ ~ :e., ,~i00 1.I~1. _ G. , OD . _<1.~, a.'1e „lil~:r',`.,..;1 c.:~ :O1'l:.e.l ;.t~,Q 1?1'it,r'uct:c~a ' pr8° is r :r ,d~:C, Cri:!"_ C: ,..C __'J r4t'~J,(r'~) ;PrC'.C; w r('.°G oG 1 :1 r, r•p~ t t~ gent: :((Id_.]on .-lee,l ~ _ , :rr a...,A~.,-,i .o e' •~nair~na.n, a'.,;i Moss Jas,~;1 }ji:.}..~. c6nt.~ ~ "i.Iill]t „,i- ..i, _ v , .1 `;L; "',:l'' _O.i ~~1 i:lf: ;C, r~rn- +~n y ~I Ui)on :no Li on -c,_ ..:e _ ...e^_ ~ u t1. aU' :I'F; , iwiw rl'G~reC1CG:,` wll'. li);E:21t tC ~'r`lr.•,;tl~.i oi' n - d ltan ,aecoi r s - , r - . - 1d r _ , e - , , G , u 1-' , ~ r~ TA . . 1~ 11 , r a -A y , r , ICt ~ .c. _ ~r UCU gut 1 , , u , c ~ 1. rEt U . .t _ "erC 11..,I. :,r L. la f, , r,.presentatlv:,s of the -~711r~in:~ton er. <<uzf In ana a purcaase a~i auto tJ ort ~~ol:i:ais~ri;l], a'or ~.ut:1 mabile l or ofi'iaial uae o ' of ity to r ~ G, ~ _ r- _ ~I , _ aut of the funds ' ~ • ne Gomtnis~a.ons .~ol:.cl tor, .,"r.J,'1, Q , - _ ^c.,..~a, a., w ,F...,.,e... c; ;,U,;,t c!. .':o~;;e Gf , ,l.:eaz'e' , G;lo~i: rfc,;.~b ~ ~ _prav~aed in its oud et aTio ter ~ ,r.ier~, , ~ ce-. `-'.G r,~~ - - .Y~ , 1,935 'Tr"' c "r r~' ~ p ~ tne< hoard E1,tr Tneet].C]F% _ .a :G; D;i w.~G'~r,, Cy C, o....:e':,.,T~:G'I.~ %,:ii.: ~a L',.'uC:' 1. ',E t!:P. ~ ~ ~ d,u 0; U :;k,r:G v+l ~,};c. 1.,: 1 ~ .anted ct ' IS l~ >3oard also authorized a;dva.need e11- ober 21st, s liar zl:a U., ~tct::G~:t cf ,r. ~ n ,1 I monthly transportation a11oti'ra r ym o ,~rlu").CO orrt of 1 ~ u 'c,•~, ta::~,~ c;n vw:.uatlon a: ~,.Qu,~,..0 nce fox tvavemre - is ~ r t~ enaalP tr ~ to mr~,:e the lnztlal payment on the ,.d11 ' e iyinln~;ton ]'oe]' Cor,~russio ~ . pug ~ a.s.. of the auto~tobile, n - ..Ct:Gr Gr _ ..i.,Gii: .-.JCrIQeQ :i~iiS : F i-n n Upon motion of seco _ ~ ~ _ e~ , ~e oy ~c.... ,Y. ~:oore ~;as '~xl.! ~ed 1 .r:r, K1nt01'l, 1111Bd b' .'S. ' t h ~ Ar` _ ~ " ' ~;p~.55 ~Srans''~ortli` `~11, .he _soa.rd autllorize~.t the ~:~~'me~ 1z c!: a -r~;_a::._c~r of ~,;~t.CJ ~oz' tiP ~r~u; 1c~„~ and ?c,3?, an(i on ion for Perr, << - _ . ,~t of r~ . . ,j ,u~•~ I~G at0tleila ll a ' ~ _ .'C:. v ~C :~'G ?C ~ r' r• J CI 8011 lI'alllit1u :D:.. rCa:,C~VG:. r'rG%i ti:B !i'et','~F r a rt] c ~Gy t:1e ~Dtltltz ;l- 'n .~Ch001 ;1a rA ~r "V1 - _ W n. ~ ..a .3 ii1 :Inane ~.le,~, f elfal., Orrice .~co~~l n .n - - . 1', fie QeQ _GC% „ i J, ...1Gr _ rt a'_ JC: c: _e:i ;r ,.':e ..tten ~=.te:~lent C•1 1:"rs ~n ~ , . .,..u.'iii, ~r~.t.n , John haul`.; nc t+ e .,..~-.,E'r if tale a _.'1Y c n,,,l a .r ~ 7 , nit ind.z~ent clti,~en, 55 years of a, re i~lv' ' 1)z', ~.'l,Sullivan anu recorrnended n , ~ + ln~; `c)cen e„~ir:~ined by r ~ . ':ir, r~,17, Y Jo ant e1f~r Qfi~ . ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ' seeoncled 5, tie t a iCEr, ~`ras LI~Dn 11]atlOn Of `'1 ,C'-C«t =J ~?C r,~eCi, „ ';'1i, , c~e~E' (;r2C]teC u0«tCi!iCnt Cf f;'Xc5 a rni,tted ~ ~ r. ,l •:i NZi7~i6n, d to ~ig vDUT'i~i i'arne <i +~a: C C; ru~uc.~.iCn C_ ~~~~',~~.~r _C_ E 'l]iC !`1 ~;n ,o;r - C,~,7 .,1 t C" ,a Y ' aN an to 1 ~l nu 1 1 j ~ - _'.i..~~~. nv v:i$ 9F'::?'" _rvJ c bra C:.-uu11E G.- ~~P SD"`.z v, C. '•t , .,Q n~ ~ u. ..t I_a._ Gf 1D ;r; l'I,D(;i; 1 ~ fog i o,rlnl; resoll,tion'~ v r ~ ~ 'r` . - ~ _ _ re e u1~ t ioil of ,..r. - , ~ cY ~ s..:... ~ti:,e~...e..~ ,kt;.~ e~ , ~ . , , - I as.}, seconded ~zy .":1. pall ~ ~wa~rs:a::~... cn ~l~e :,e.~ ~ t,l,a n. i ~ ,~~d red; ~ _ ~ 1 - ` Gl) ~ i _,'C .l, ,cJ, l P?'(A va ~~C'" „G^r. .i.'cd liC e; ~G_" t e,. '.L' `1P nr r.•, 1 d.ff~!~Auhere ar ~ • - ~ D .u:, l.,_ t,t rt:.~l,,.,,~,",c,t, . I ' :e CeruaiTl GQUt1t reco'd^ r "T ~~r i. v r~ p„~.. ~t_ct-cr-a - , 1 y i a ~t7~.~ ~.,:'C nei.d 0f' i'et1i3 1 ,v - - ci' :'"1_'e;' Ct ~r?'`1:'t,'r'f"~ C~~I'~, C: j' ~ ndelinU, Cdti.110?it"1' bind' r' b1llt~tlrl~,C;.aS3it lnrr - r, ~ . f ~s'^~1i' rv G, lnr C:nU .her]C;.ing, and y of _0~ _ _ rc,} . . C'r !.....u .'C. ,..!E C',i' ~ 1 i 1LL.. _,110 `Sl)il + lr~ _ r 11?~t ;Z11Ci (.11 , 1Clen„ ~'l.tr,Gu Vlele nCt C~1'Cy ~ ?f;" -C' ` - E~ ~ ,5, ,t, ided 121 u116 ~OUnt~'S 'otid-P . .l...l+:o~~ , ,r..U,... .G'r ,:;f: iirnd Ct.';u .1,17•t(7,1O f'0?' i.}ie 'e ol:~, and J G~t to accom~l.i;,h tni~ ; ` it is ae~irable to secure a l~eder~~,1 G ~ , th'r ' „ ,r. G rer!v:ier;t Grant t a' ~ - . i,~ need, p~i0,~, 1I-~,1~C?~r,0('~a IT D 1Q In ,~U,~aaying(' . "~i: ..C ,..C ;r 'a i1~ tir.nCri~~Grl - -o .r•.,a,,. ,i~ tr - ;.rip r , aa:, rdn~„~.t u1,h.:-_._v..~ ~ v .,rl ao.; :~,~OLVhD, ~h~t the }3oard r ,G.: cr ~ r.:~r~= r~- - ~ y'~,e Corual~,,]aners cf Fr ~ r~ 1~ ±•_W _..,,,1, _r_" CI~.iE' trr:G' ...?SC.:'L,pID U6;v115t. f°,•~ j; u, ' e ~;111~ ~Ier ~Cl.in~ J Vr' 11 ,t ip, C: t 0 „ P."t,I' c~ieral ,'F'.P,A. Pro'e 1 sl~;nnsoz' a , ~r t ct to .,.,cure trti;, need and tc tnat end 1,1 a~ - ..N.D..,,,_ c: c~:~~' ,._„u e;.~_,,,,•;e_ :cz' ce:-c~eza' cses. contributions for ~~.he n~' v: 1 r:la](e one 1'o1:Lo~lvz?•;, - - , , E ; 1_orcvu~,,.on of tt]is 'iro'F~ r ,)..ct as needed: - Ci, ''Ct1;r! u '~1 oe00rGer~ G'. "1: `ti vD 1']'. s ~ , C .:'r. _ _ .:~i ~.w_ ....~..LL... _ ~ c ,r'C'rE d'; l'll~'eh ?'OI" , .f `y r,t. Suncrlntendenre >g ~ , . ~ ~ ,600,00 Material and Su~o,..i e~. . ''~CtUl~i]lent l'entalc; ~ r' .;tj' ,;Cli t,Ur'S Ca°~" r!;::Cr; =G?' t.:., ...C. 'C „h„ o~ .a 1.: i. ,i ~ - ~ !1JB, 00 _ ~ tQ Ce:' ',v.+,a r C:Cu_'t'eC c.nll D. ~ e. 0'.a f ilc,.,, Total i, ' i,3,~~,CO ! `T' ~ ~ ra ..1~., t_C_. .,'C'.JO~c. _ 1:CC`1, ~ .nr..,.p„ 1,"at; ~''J~' t0 CU!]SiCe~'. i., I A , ie i rdF+h_,~'x,~ add , 1 trlU!"ral T'GU[f1 ld nee'(.ied r~i; - -v~ ~:...C1 C~rO'eC~: G: `Y" the , Dilnt •r_n'arr;l t 0 CST t r ~ i ~ - " - ~ .a.: I_~r18DnerS tna~t are COI. ~ Ol,e_ly u6~T'e~atC Ct.'~::._il,~ , - ~ ~ 1 , n ~nlttecl t}iere under er]~ence oi' ti]e ~ - ! y~ ,f.~IZI'EiU; courts , rand tYte con:;truction of a four ~ = ~ , a ucm ...z lch ~n"iron building has been urol!n:;ed ta;' . , relieve this con.,estion in . i a_r.. ~ C ,hc rnaln prison buildin8 ana '~r}1~ru.AS, suff'icier,t i'unc r, ' .lN ',+ere not plo~rided in i:i1e Count ~ vrorJt, and y s bud~;•et to accor~;_,liei: this lj~ ~ ''+'~l~i~~ i1. is neces~a > u ry ana ue„irable to secure a r'ederal Goverr' 'r~.Y _ , in SUpUlyin~ this rteed, l>yj,~Ci ~n lL1Gi1't U,~7.lt tU a1d =U~"ul',C.?1'., ~G reCe.^,C t~~' , i-~ i + ~ t ,l + IiL'iJCLV1~;I) ~ 1 . 1~i 1T ,.,._En :!Otic.:.C61 .tc.L..,_.~ ..iG ~!G,,,_u .:.L'l, ;li; 1.:,.i)~) D I,~GCI: ;p(.';t: iCl' , , b,l file JadrG /Y;F. ~OTa1111S i~ 11 •rc ~ _i ~r.:rl:G:)f• ui~ CO1:S:t:e_ri,~,. a p Iry~+J , - , _.0 l._ J Of ~iev'rtlali0Ve1' t,Ollnt . b ~ .er C J' ,.s ~ Oc, E'Ct T Dr tiie Cre:~~lD]'1 C,1' S~~DnuOr a r'edez'al ~',',~,t{,rf0'eCt f, thdt tree iv'QLUILV '5'111 U"117 :'(;CrCC'i ^r~• a,.l•- •r t J tG SGCUI'e thl:; need ~ ~ • ~_Onw_ uc.,.s. .....C: tCi .,.....d ~.C.. c... ~1C1: i;6 ::.a~' ,~C :i;:CG';SL'~)~. t to ma1:c Lhe foll.o«ing cotitz•iilutior~' , and l,o r,hat end iler.e',)y agrees for file prosecution of Bald project as needed; r ~ -l; _ „ _~.,C c1: ''°le e~li -:air't:e.i". ......_;cs$, ~G,;. ...aC~~_ ,a:u ~....iiill~LU1;. t Skilled help ~~7 20~ . 50 I,i;a~erial and Sup]lles ~'.".C i0:1GwiT;~; rESO1l1t1C1: ~;a.. ,CGTl ,.SJ~,_G'., C~ .:D,,S b.Ei;.Cl.l.t'.il 1'. !1".l?. 1 tu.~ I 1 098 62 " lr. r.lr;.c11~,1.a. . l „ ' ' ~G'~ ~EaS Gt~l, , a~1,3a1.1~~ ' i~ILS;F`:~AS ' ; in t; ~ cez.a s reefs in :ludubon ~+=.~.,.,:a,~ t.+.' ou.rl~'r of ..e]•r :.ar:GV r~s _c;~,. ,~.ya. t:; _7 , ana .+`ln~er P rk a~ ~ ~ - er , .d : ~ ~ E fleck w ~~.ut.llc. reel°eu~~onl~l ,,ar1i ~.Ji.~aVi`D, ~.I~,:1,~n"''iTl ~ a > u :]1'10iIr7 Orl id t;!a.) 'Jr8 )cued tJy i,':r, ~c a c --r„°,yt. ~ - ecr ar d r r ~ _ 1 G.._,,.u..: t,y a.,.S e alid ')J~;F~k; e ba la in need o_ repairs and - AS „ . , It 1S the deSilE Of the li + ' - ;il:,. ^'tp _ ~ <;i , oarci of Go, iss _ n ~ost .o. iG :e_ _cc., ""t;~ l; l t:~ sr.l~.. as enc ~G 1 a Inn i. over ~ "J' J, s of ?;e1v ar;ove~• unt ~o recur rede al Government Grant to aid the C 1` - o J -~~irs !ncor~~oz•ated nurr,;la,se:; a tract cf i&:1C1 0;; ,;;;ic!: a ~uu7.ic T' oust in rnal<in ~ _ ~ .eore..tlona~. 1:~c.~~~' is tG be streets, `l'i-I~R)Ji~'OPE, I3~1J ?T Y 8 nece,,sary repairs to the said - ~a~:.isreu and t`:~,SOLV.~D b~ tI]e ar ; ~ - > ,f o _d of Corr?t' :1 o.rd r v~ , , isai ~ ~ e~ t rte, , Dr1t,rS Oi 1184"~ i 0 _.C 't'DSS. ~'le 1'P,C1,,,.c.... . C,~._ ,viG S:? 1': tr:11L'@ ~'Ui' SL, C1 ~ e(; E,i..'i I.a r ~ _ i ru:~l n a ov , e , s ohsor a f ed - - Count. i1 rr~11 ~ - r ~ e_.al Governnletrt ;II,P,A. Pro ect Y~ tat the (,ounty --4J~'et, sai.a su'nsiduar~r a~enc' cor.;-e,~ed 'itle t.o scald i.'~ict cf lalAd to ';e~lv 1 agrees to rrk~e the f J to secure this aia, and to that end hereby ,;;~~A; ~ y,,~C y..r .b n -~~.ctio,cr Col.lrrt,~,aTr.1 , .t,~ t lie u.,,N a r'e Gi ,,.:1.: .,iQ(.i'a ~.lu t (z 1 C;, i';',..;. ~ lei 1';1 ,t'.;l i. vl'~n t 11 r , 1 , ollo~~ring contributions for the c' e uu.care'a ~G ~i.id rose ~ 1' Cut30n DftI11S pI'O~eCt. ..aUntl' ~p ^ri r~ , , LZ`l' v i r C_e4--n~i ulu...ll:r1F: f u_,.1.11 G:lc. ~ 1 aril., '.S'11C3 Cif .l~itld _OI:C.tC(i Gli 1;}iC c f a!]d alld ''i4 ~°4''1 ,n ~DOliF!drj~ Cf' GrCCni?CMG i.:e`1.];e, „G ere:'." GL'..:(`.ili~,;~ i;.:P,1'CO1:, r".:GC 1;1'Q(;; .C6Ue U~;L11 7 clai":Grlcl ant f COt 'rail ^r ,t r''~ ' 5r i. • , a ..~.,1' 7 ~ Upon rtotiori l r sec ~ ca.,LL~, ant, .nst c_ li~~ c. .,.i' du a or ded the p ~ ~~G V~ 'r,~ f r,7r; r ~ , 'overr(bcr 2nd 1~3 oard pprovecl i coon of th or "',,G one ;cart: o. ~D:.....~~....D...,_., o~ ,:c„ ,:c;rc, ~ r' S 1n c V^ t le a ,r e: CQtilrtiL.SlOne_'G r•,' d . . ,'.t t.i° 1,0i.i1i", u1.r. UG11f;QT' f " s 1d c,,t1C1T]~ .;r,J•i.t11T'e ~ n ..uE,~,C ~.,.',n,t'T'D'6Ct t0 .;eCUrC t i0 ",;.1] t" ~ , a OIi }1'° S, '',~lll 1n~ftOr1 pOr ' ''0 ~ ~ i. ~ G ,.C ,.,t.z% l?1:U ,.i.ll i' ]'C'(';. :V I'JC~.i:C le rY lu Salary for t},~ lilOCltll t GQmtr11551Un 7011C1~~ rf -D~~.pVv1I"i~ GU;]uI'l:illtlGt:B i,ire ll"'C4FC'.1t;O1] ,t7 ,!`i. ~ of ilovetnbe _ or 1' 19J5. y ~ ` f U170I1 mOtiOn Of L~.r. ~iintDn SeCOnd 0 + ~ f ed ;y ;r, .,OSS ~'I it - UUJe__tt'i~P~r;(iF~271'"~' ,'i ' . l' insulin throe ;h file ixea ~ , ~.te .~oard atlthori~,ed file )urci]ase of _ _ L : 1~1r ~~partment, ~ _ 1 i'or trea~rnent of :firs, I~;~.a ~ - to without -.-,~,'„er~el c:,n;1 ;,u; , ~r s~ funds, at tyre ~a,therine ]ie ~ rat Grilitlz a!; inr,.a ' _ tlnc.cl, !lor~]e, c.Llitlrller.t ~~'.?i . ,'t' ,i : 4 U`on I;(oi,ion of I,ix. hintor~, seconded r , - 3o~s the r.en~zs"i'. "o`~a1 ~,~.t ~ . ~ nv r.,r• payment of exoense 1'or 5 ~]ec-"1 , ` , ' services rencler.ed inch ent uner,]~ . - - , C ~ loyables ,'rere ~~`~uroved for d.~ ~ ~ c~ .143 I;udG~et appropriation set L1U ,,rc p ~~r.lent our of tn~ 1J.)5 , 11ez' uei,J,rt1;lET1t 0' • r ip~ r::eF~t1Tt~, ~nen aa'0'r payments ~by ~tlle Count' and Ci f ~oa_d. of ::ealth, on a basis. of e'~}uai ~o. ~ a_n~c~. 5 t,~ . t :r~., x'ln~ tl.;at ulrs. _:1i:iabe~l. J. Cay~us in C~~ei'1:. G.GN arses oi' land at Sear . ~ ' air ezzoi't to pay fire 194 taxes on her Gate, inadvez'tentl 'aia „ s oi' land, Greenville, arlountln. to ;;p Y the tu.res G1' J, 1, Capps on sever1 uc•e i.: Minton tyre - ~ •95, therefore, ut]on moti • ~ ]tied ~sY r ~oa_.a ordered th© 0.95,E ~ Drt of :.;1.Hall, „ecol k' ~ tir } er!'GTl(;Ollul a' r lid ore;,ited on tl.e 19~~ taxes due b ~ 11 Y p ld bJ ;.Irs. Carps tra:lsPerrea a J el' or. tyre 6.62 actor Da-ate ,ik~lr~'ea '~~c~l; to J.1~.Cc::I:~}~s atld receipt cancelled G , and the same h~ • t ~a 1 ~ e ,-.,,_-.7.,.r.- a . ~ ~ _ ~ ~ , - ~ , rl f.~~, k ~~~ilmington ii verlib T , , o B_ lutrl,l~~,5. , , ~y...:l,i iA~ ~ i~r l„Rin t 7 , y~[~i+r ~ 1'Ii~Gt~~",It QI` C.~ltrtl,, ~,~~h, J.~ie rega,lar V;EC~ly IaEEtin~ of Clle .~OarCi ~`va3 hE1Q 'thi di' ~zy ~.OQ o' clot)` i LresEnt: rid-~ison iiewlett ~ e ~~o~,~,;.: I!o _ ^ ~ , ..l1ail'C;lr.~T1 it ni:,t{OuF3 C ,rr: _.:e _ ~ W Cv..i~,, 4. C ;''lI'~ l l'Pt;~ ~ ° GE ~.:~r. i .r.sl:, ,7a;~.:,[.iiall I I7e.i~:~i ra.:, . and J,~i,Hinto n, ~ r; request a J 1,'~! I r ,'a~t.5' 1'0I' E:Cem 'Se_ai ,.eJi..?te E ~ o i. d ~t1on 7x _ ~.u:.il, u t,.:+rl..i.:1 la,tlu ,).al,:i;.r?V<t~'ia ~t or;i ~~,~zaert of poll'.t~,. , deaf eras dec r ~ , . r w..r,a oti account ai' ~ being Ir1ed, -.1I ~.le rea,,0I1 ~;Iti:t t l"IErE l;i 1G 7rOV1S1Gii 1 ~ ~ 1 payment of poll. t,wi:es e~~cE,,t n ~'.a I n the lc.w to E:~err;ot f ~ re:::!e..~ crt ~ttc ~..~r C': , : _ I CaaE„ Of' ~'iUVertj and 1nf1I'1f11t1ES. - rGCa ~.„,.ar~T,°,,:'s.t till., C1'"h'1I.3.iI01'~r;:, ;9~~;1; h. "r0 t;;.'C:i.Qti i'ei"rC~r S ~.I.r ~I:. j7 , _ . 4C _ .l 1.G<t: 0 L.. l) ~ _ , :azi ar ~ ia(i,a; tiiili.va~I'il, 1v,Al„ 41~(i;2 I3C'I).~,[aiIGCi4I u on m t - , O,1Gn di iiir seCUnded p :e, ~e..,, J'u:Ne~:,L~Iu0liit u0 SGi"t'e i:pi'.? tw~''N,iuti•' i~0 t1tiL'i:ii"-1'Qii,l' ili0li.t~il° pll x', r Hall, y ;..r. Hinton, tree 3oard author. ~ ~ bull..t n~;., at 1Ge(. ti , i located ~iftrI and w,~~ ~ Ie rentin -t t~ , .+io F a(' • ? l Iltl1 ~ ~Ol -r. ~e ' b 1 C.. :V t~G~ l„i t~^. I.~i o, ,_~a'~,,, > ro ~ Str~.:ets at X10 Ou :e.' ;~to ~ J . _ ..,tc°;.;,~iti'li; i.l;u7" ;,l;tc~r, t~^,: : r+?,i to :1trF r, at :~1c.00 per C,lOrlth anCt !';lnth and ~ ; ~ ~ UEVenth and Ilun :'or Inrewt:I.:.tLO:; - 1, ~ . ~ astl,y t.rEP,t~ t ~ • l.i, .,C. '1..,"w 0.. 1'e"1.tM.ii li: ' y t,p >,i1C? litlCBa"11Q?' r a ~;~.~O.OC rye. „ le.~,i;t.l° eC,~ng _[i0Ii15~ and gaVE aLtthUl'1t'y ar1U. a t 1' rtiGrltY1l'Or L,F{rA,~ _.,._...,_'i1,1~; tl`:~ :3i,Ger, u~`i;iarized ~ttiE chairman to ~ in ;uaf,a.n~; a ~r•, cQO~~erate vritti the Cit r 11 nece><;s~,.,~ purct~"1~ses o1' r,?atErials and suu°i ' - Y x'Ef~ail'ing the Sr7,1C1 builuln'"S 4 ..~..lES ffr B~SUipj~in~, heatinrf and ~C::. ..:c.,.._''i 0' . ,._..~CY. ,^,a:"I.:ta' , ` „ 6 , tU~E pile. tint:t the I; i a ~ , a :7; i;M , Ut]r , r r, ~ nl Cu1lC~„n~ I'En~ea t)V ~ _ , C. v0:il",~i4;Ii,,,11C.~;1 (iCCf7;,~C'~1 :;tk, x~On~ ~:,I'P,Et, the E,C1'iEriae f'UI` 5an18 t0 be '[i0rn ~t 41h ]toI'th 'ra..at C tii.~-Q _a _ ..a u0`ty@;~cl'It ~~a. ~.t.,iC'8 ..i.P. 0 ''t - e Jozn b the w n .jai,., o., 1.:, .1~1 ~irel t„ r Y t ry „ ~ i`o repairing the building at iVintPl and ua a. Y 1 7 and county. the n , ~ -i'E , n ,~eirt- ' , z exoe P ~ °a,::side I ~ ~r.~ ~-e~.. r• I ~ stle ~7„rEet.~J tU oe Ue(IUCt r _ 9. :W, . • r,t., ;t 13.~,I'BL'ti „3 Milt. ~`?1; ;,<11i,1 1G~~, ~ p~3,lfable, e,; 1'I'ai'.7 the '.'Ent ~liC ;4_:,°,". c~1 _tA'i G1 •C. ? t .r f ~ , i` i _ ~ l., lati iiCL'C~ G. ..;=1ir17 ~1)1irrC11 rI'a.l`t, O.ai~i,r~y['•,1 lri ii~10 ~ _ vrL.l:k~V'l:a. -_wQr `„D ;"133 ~...~FlC~i;)iCilt~ C': Ili ,v,,,~~.);. ~'i~Il? e?,"i~~a` l1r:i,3 i;' i y r1 rEC~U6;t of iGr,gu tt dE "1a 1 -i ~ { lu t, GT,ll. o r1ch, a forr::el' inmate of the Co,int tome ~G!-, .,,5.;:c:~~_,.1_~:n~„ t tl"iE ~?s^ociated Gnarities, y far aid, eras rei'Erred 1 tD r~~0'~ _:J u1 C,. Gi r"` a.:, ia:" ' -i ri"~ li 0 l',(l._i (~'?1.3 L~r Sets t.ie;1 h',' '.i1~QP, ~.ii^ `1Q .ii } ii .i'C. ,S?i it i;i011 the Board i ~ .~1 r,~Cy r , , n COnipllanL'e w1tt1 a xeCGi~~lrflEndatlUrl pf t 'r . ~ ~ ~ ~ :=i,t.".o?"I:.t'd ;uu.y:,~t'.lti, GA ,;,;4, h~ tl".:]I?,i "01`i,i? i~I011 1 iii. ;)x(1:1}l ~ ,iiE and Jurz T t and 1,lDGT1 - f ii0J0n1,)Er r~ t?IOi,l0t1 of ~:1z'. NOCS SECOnd b' ,1 t te_,(1 1.,'J5 .'^"~'~:1 C;'! Lle "'rl ~;:P CD~.Qlei? :eu` I' 'a ~ - ) i - , ed ~ ~,~~r, tally aU~t'1GI'1I,ECi th n ' > r G1 ~l'.. ,,~.I: .iw; :,try 1Q[i.~ 'iii: 1~1;.;~t?Ci, 1 ',,ii.}", ..i;,, Cpllrt tG E"l:)10" pan .Xtra C1E".'k i r ar' C „loci: Cf „I1E oUpErlOr I tC t w:e 3 tr:.inl"" GQUl'SC ;le e t2 ~1~~ , , , + ~ 0 ra, p.._lOCI Oi' trilrt' Cla'rS v' 'e~ n., t. Qi i .t7 L t.. '._.,,,;li,i.l:l? u0~`i:lli~i;lil?llr per ;,ion~,:i, t0 list ..YiB nc~TIlE:; Of ~'_1 rr• , f ~ at a I7a:.I1:SA Salu,I'y OI ,~1~0,00 nUt 'i~11ed their ~;Li«rGiC..,a, t,.,CCU:OrS anal adTClni,'tI'atUT9 ESC, ~ a-- ~ . , , rE'pGl't 'tvi~h f r~ a° ~ S9Ci0 ha ..,~a..bi. lU_ alu i'G. ..u:i, I' ;,1;' i ° . %18 ~le-1, ~ rE.:lllred b ~ P6 _EA, t,ui.~ a ;a;~ w~. y11R ,l al:tr:~i~il, ,ll?" :+13i:['I` U.1 if% labv a r EXeCUbUrS acid adni1T115tratOrFJ E G , na o0 nO~,iI„I SUCK ~;UaralanS :.-a.OCriD'Or0 UO,dn;3'.::'J '+~C 1'i~:,_~v~,; i,,,, t.., to cor:,te in and rr>a.I_e > u~ ::o[_At a I„~.,.,. and at the = ~ucYt rel~~orts au are rF'`•~ . end of said ttlirt~ ciao s e • - -idled ; J riad tc report progress of tnE `aor}: to tlii'~ 'r ~O;i,rdr _~a0ii.85JG ~Or rEO.tCF1011 Qi .,~:_E.~:,S:uCII1S C1L c''"S,'. T ;t~i~` UjiOri IIi0tI0rl !ir Sa , a '„A„~ r ~ _ ~)ii ~ I .11.1 l t 11t: l: ,t l~ c1Ntl o ~ - t ~).1'.',1i..11i.Ce Cil ,:1 wa., u.,, a „~.;~ill ,7101',?. ,~1,1 , ~ r.w., .13U t0 „~~tt' l~ll w.. ~I;a11 ~i.ill~l i.. f}"1Di.1tt,[SO e ~d iotirE;. to pa the ~ 10 , f,r more w' , - Y 1 ~%35 ~ta, es crI t 2.~. b1 r' ~ ; r•,,~:: ' , lttiout bEir,, rec;uired to pay the ~ex;,on7i o-.. G, . or ~_~n, ' ao11 ~ C}lar'e(a a'"a'T ! C" wnU ta:: of 'tol~.lnd il,~'~prr;p ~ ~ 1 18 tf1E SaIIIE On aCC0UT1t O1' t1aV1..; , . 4 , ~ r tai: P. a. and %a$ser having ri0 EnUlt r C' 0 ''nC :11.~1d. UI'GpErty OVEra't a 1095 "'~,n .~i ~;Ya; ~ t , I n the ~ _ :Iw r ,v:. 'e M ~ ~ ~ or ~ ~ ~ ' , ~ i a y ~r~ .E. i r,,_, n.tt..I~, ~iI¢ ~,CUx;, {c?tl~,t., .at. , 5y':4t~~, t0 1nClUQE ~IlE ~OI'C.i 1~C}°i ,?i`Qiall:r" i,i]t' Ijo(.a;d o. '~"i~lt.1«~ . Ur;on motion, the -joa d r ~ ~ ~ ;l ' r <1ve auto oI,-ty to cooperutE vrith the ~ portable t 7e1'r '~'it~r ~.n tYIE ureilace ci' - ; - - yI ri.tel' fDP l; tie T Ito ci :G.t ;liUt_C;. G;' .:I'r l:lt'.t0l1 .;S~C:,.iL':1 U` ...I'. I' ~ ~ ~ , :ra:;.:, ,i..l. ioi' y,,llw.b~ r.u.. tilt. ~i~ ax t;ollec~oz U oizice a~ a cost o1' ;62.50 less ao=", ~ - y u..0iint6, :state wOr Care C1 In4I;unt ~U'~..1.8 :UI 1-~i_1["," "t ~ ~ •i a .fit Sr~.t?„ t:. :a t' .ill .l tl i 1.T'aui rl' - - ~ , N. S ,1 110115 `[liS `~G11Flt~j, vuda al:'~~I"OVEN. ~I e aard acting aeon an c,?'dez• e2 ti"le recorder <<~' appro r„ a ttie ~ ~ ~ i aoloraor~~~ Sternber~;er and ~ 3 r pa,~ment of ;p,,0.(?0 eacn to . , .ahe,~w,d I'or their services as ~.)e`~u !t ~ . 1• , i lieu eCOrder, U,:;Gr. t^ObIO.1 OI' ...I'. lra;i'' :;P,CantleCl pti1 .2'. ;i?11i,0).1 ~t lr~''~T ~ ll]'~~ '.I'C '1'i. "ltntl ~ , { 'f , J C .~L.,i .Ta.l.df~ Er R/!~. L it , ' nn aUClit I'E'IUrt Of' tIIE CpnS01,1dated "ia:,: U"f'i ~ ~ an al?iz~eme2lt Oi t~,XBS Un I3. 1'~~ ~.1.1i1t1Dli Q~' r~ ~?~?ll.i;~ .1.~Or t;}1!? `rr('i,.t' .~,':l;'~? r~a~ ( _ce zoI' fiscal s N ,ti . )Q far r ~ probated by J,B,1~rlcCabe u; C m1; ^ ,leax ending June 30,1154,. tnE -,r.~ar 1S~3 , .e ~ , r;~ ~ i'~ 0 a21'l ~Jau ) ~ J a.1d ~l.r~~ f0r u. j a-a L,.~ 1 ~ x.111 a.,.'~ , aTl z70);[Bali; Qt' CIC~::;1',Yt10 tlGil 1 - i rl.sen red and acre ~ red _ 1 ~ ~ ? ~l,tie CU11t:inF' Uy f~1rE In 1912 all gat ;;~il~'t ';'rE?.ii, 4>iit~ Of i~,Ill'i;l!, 'fJ1Q(;~~ ~~].~t). }'}lU upGl1 %i0t1Gn i t ~r r r'-'~ r-, i. ~,uly seconr,ed ttie Ln Bow_d iu_ ~~AEr allowed arI abaten?ant o~t' t?aE ~~axes a;:;oul~?~ir?t to .~~~10~~.:30 char;~ed r~~~t~irl~at nr _ a! rnlan ,,,,as au"thori zed t o cart ~ ~ O,jeCt rind t0 g0 t0 ra'~8~t 7 y Out t!lE r'Lrili aiI'pOrt said lOt ant: nU".ld`n i +h ?:t' r q,?i t • ~ stills to conger ,vitn'r. n b s 1 g an ,,,.E n :ne oz 1„Itcilr.ll ia.r ,:hr •,r,,l.i~ .1.,~1, Ian B,C,Q[]l,ni, oi` cont'er w' 1:r I b and ~~1sc ~a lth .ur, i'4iller, State Director of !iviat' - to _t leiF:n to 1?Ein~ a daubtflll chr.r~;e. ~ j the airport, in order that abut loci to complete the project rentlest f'or oval at ,rash_r:g'ton ma be had ~ c • , y d5 SOOn as pOSuIb1E. ~ repOrt Of JaS, JlalKgl' ti OS iiit~l fOr i,;'ll' I.?pt?t;l Q1 vCtO'nC}' 'vJ~l.;± 1'G't',(',,1Ve11 t111[i 0.1'dC:'1'[~?li, , k letter written r ',rr i'i 'oy .Harz, ~ :~~,°-den ~ , led. , _y y to CoTMxnisaioner Jas.,.:.?~,,11 concerning ne a chase ' of an automocile t'or ttie oI'!" ' ~ , G, t p r IcI~. L19P, of the ;iilmington fort Coe;irlission i•,aC of'f'ered to ` t' the ClEr1~ for re 1 ~ , U r ~l'i1E mee~ln~~ +~nen ~d~ r ~ P Y ~ ~ J our n~ d, ' ' ! Capon motion, the Count'- ,i r ~ ~ . ~ ` elza_e Oil' ~ ~ ~ .ter ->r Calvin I3e11 to E ~ icel w.os au.tharizECi to purchase trans' o tat' ~ f r ~ r-~_~ n ast Carolina Trainin 5 ho ~ p r for o { ale.:-.. g c of u..aer ~e.Itence. lbTi].mingten,l~.1~., .Pearn;l~er ~nd,.J,Q35, 7.ne i'ollovring good and la',~rl'?a.l men vrer ' ~ r e ulw~rn to serve as ,jul•ors In the Superior I.~ourt for The r.e~;ula.r Tree};7,y meeting of tide Board wa.s }Yoga t17is rlr~;y a,t 3tp0 I~.l<~~, the tidal of civil cases ttvo vr~ ..e~_s term be~~innin~ December 21,d 1935; t , J,r',Rulfs. J a Present: Addi on Hewlett Chairman Geo,V~.Trralil; i'.It'i.Rcss Jas.I~r.llal.l r;~Ir I s , , z l , ,II.Hintan. ' .A.C rter. Stephen Provost Jr,J.G ',7 L P, Harrell. Ear11I.Shi n, ~ .Tienken. J. A,I~'arley. C,Y7,b'ountain,; , r~ , :L,I,I'..cG wa p. , .'rl,llason. ;;lbert y+enbez'~.C '.l " ~ iladv,'ick; It vra' C ' ,T o n. .~,t„Hines. ~ b r r tla~tela, E,L.C s brought to the attention of the onnal,,,sianerc ly t;onorable }larriF7., f~ewcruan, =.,..:4nderUon, ,red Sher - •r r Chas.'1'.Flotvers. S,I~ a•,• . „ Half, I~,G,C1ar}.. J.I?,Jenkins.~i that Geo.r~.Croonl anu J.Ti.Ada,ms Jr. dead uil.i. izI 11ecol•derti Court to a f' x E y lI a fenF3~: . II1SOn, GE U,1stCi'aI'lane• ~ ,z 'nd1e, ; r Second `veek De .-.rthur C.Di.Eh1.:~.1, Hall .abl of drum ~ fi t. ? t ° , comber 9th, _ k. and claorderly, and „hoo~Ing f..reivarks in l e .1. ,y, resl.cl,l,ivel.y, v,ere 'i'heo~G.Lm;iiE. G,D,Zab finer printed and bolo ra bed b the Identii'acrii;aon T,e 'nrtn)ent. It fu•t,}i , , on. I~.C,Cantvrell• Theo,S l~ ~ ~ ~ I P ~ p Y l z ex ~~.G,~andlin. J,l;',Portex. 1i.G„ 3r~an - c iraeae_.CoyrIet,e~t, C,:~.Cookr apl,eass that thesE tyro citizens bear good reput,ai,ian; i.n t}lis co;rnl;tzni.i;y and st;oudd Lac;! C. 'rloodcock. x,,,~ D y t• =;.S.Russell. L,IIrShlnner, ~r,:~,:.t?ann, ~ not have bEen sub~ected to this method. of ident.if~c~a:ti.ox~ for t.ho offense coma . ebnam, rr,Ir; Cup tis. J fitted, / •'r c x. J. Carroll . ~ t- ,Colby ';;'.D7Johnson. ,',lei Jani ki `Pheref i:.r ~ ~ ~~i ~ , C, ,v,;;ha_ elI'ord.ii,,^t,She~`r. _ orE It was upan motion of a. Ha~;1, .cconaed by J I . t Ini,on, orclercd, ths,t t}Ie G•L.I,Iitchell, i;,?,i.Davis. .L.n,i3adon, ofi'icer in char e of the Bureau of ldentificra,Li[in recur„ to tliene i;wa cit~.zena & i r'or the ;,I,e>rial Cximinal Term beginnin De their fingErprints, photographs and negatives trakt~n. It wa:i fi.lrtllE~x orclerecl that 6 g comber 1Cth,1935t ~ the Chairman arran e .a~ Dint meeti of the 1"i~ty and ~'t7lmt, r Colnmisnzallerf, foz' tl~ie } g ~ y S.U,Yapp. J.I,Crews, pur,ose of formulatin• rul~a al,d rerula~t,ion:i _.cvernii;- offelir3.erF1 tf) be thoto~Ira~k)ed C ,t .i,i,:cDou~all. T,L.S side 'ns, ; 1 g G g I 1' I .L.Dixol;. '7, :!,Koch. l~,,L,l.• ~ _ p n~ ',+r J.tIenry. Jack ',1i.1k1 and fingerprinted by the department under taut.l;ar,il,,y of. the .1.~~35 Act.. 'I'hE llccorder ,li 11,, , ~ r t~.li•~o0z'E. J.`~'1rAndre~-rs. r ~'.~'J.-~~osoc,. ;~'.L.iifintz. ~~;.L,Vdck. sheriff Countzr httarn~s a.nd District .laJ..icii,ar wr.ra I•ectl~::;ted i;o be !resen"t at ~t}I~ ,,Dun Hall, ~ ,T Y + 1 L.D. Jacobs. L.G.;3 ^ ,L.llevrell. J.k'.Rouse. ',7,Thurr<:anl meetin 1t.1~'.I3ea,;ley, J.R,lutch, , ~ ~=1,P:ic.!achern. _,Fri,Dunham, J,il.l~~"oV1S. , il.L.tiC_I1T1a11, "p , i1.J.Shepard. G,I+.Jo~rner. '+'„u, i~•S.•~ricltard. J,T.Chestnut.:,S,t~ield• , ~ ThE annual re .art of T. A,Her;dea.inn Cleric of ;u,perinr Court, was trF~nerited, and u. an P_ Ia en, , x p VerniE Hicl.n;an. ~if.i+',Stie ard, g C, u•=~17p1ebt+rY. ;,L.Harrison.i~..ri.,Peebles' moti.in v,'a• „ P L,L,Ki s receivEd and referrer] ~a the County r',u8.itr,r foz, o~h~clrii~),, g ng• ,i.R.Ci!isnolm. '1'he nleet in then ad ' Dorn A' o ~ ~ ; 7 ~ r~ v' , a ; , g J ed. ~i ~~s, J,~,Ho11Lu, ~upEr~ntenrlent of Pohlad ticJf.rir.., .d 7~C'f f,he Comnl_ssa.nn~I;; tl;at rr i:r, J.T.BEIc i v' bca n r.eneivin_. treri,tmrlnt ~~,t, t,iie avortll. tlarclaria Sri, Ye. b no has e ~ nat,ari.azm ; _r;~ : ~ ~ ~ J for ~ ~ . t . , , _ - tuberculosis at the „ounty fx.l;ensc, ive~ dii;c,i..r~t,c, 11~ ghat anr~ti.t,tlf,iar~ on r ~ k. lErl•:. ~ ,,ecer,Iber L,;th 1:35 as cured witl') the exce ~taon of a eo)_la:)se.d lun> whir,h tirauld require additional tl^eatment at inl,~rvFa:1F of nrle ra.c.h t,Ylree v~eelrc fi,t rl c,o:~~t o~f U ~ X5,00 a. treatment by a prir~i~te phyna aiF~:n, a.nrl l ecammet~,cieri that ttair~ ~t),pII'opriation , be Dade. It Was thErFfOre uion inQl:iOt'~I a'f T'r'~~r. 1iiT'1i,t!Il, eecali.de[l. by 1ti:r°, '1'TFlk7k , , I" , granted in order that ~,~ix, Belcher mn,y rlc;nt.ar;tle t:o reeEive tlrea.tmelt~l, rtr;aeh~,ary f Dr iuix. Be1c}-1er z.F temhnrs~ri..l,y rPF~ic}ang vri t,l~; h~i~ra ltl.n at 1:i9 COLp1EtE rECOVer' . f s.-oraasvi lie, Ga, On reccm,menda,tio of t,hs Cauntq `r'~eli'a,re nfi'ireT, a.tid u.?irI nlot,icn of utr, r a c, de ~ n ,r I Tra ak, .e ~ n ,d by Iir.:ninton Get. BannEa^man of Ca,p,rr. I?ea,r t,ativnshill was graz~;ted kzdmission to t,lre a Calinty come a:a an inmate, pravld.Flc~ he ra,ai meet the requirezl?erah,w o2 the ';!r_;lt's.z'e Of f iCer. 'A ' 1 'z~ ' ~ x p+., bieetin of December Q ~ r~ . ~ 2nd,1.35, continued. - 4 ti The urcha p se of a three year maintenance cantract for the typewriter at a cast of '"21.01 wa nevv 50L Remington ~ of DecernbPx 2nd 1935 con ~ a declined, ~ Dieeting , , tinued. g: r ,r Lon motion of ter. P Hinton, seconded by lir. 'Trask, the Tsoard aut f }iorize d and ~ directed the payment. of X10?00 to Associated Clxr ~ Bellenry F~ >3ellamy, County Attorneys 112 rzt~.es rei.mbursin a.t f ~ .5~ per manth, l/ orders furnished Mrs, L++' ene Harris an 4 ~ ar food D,G,Edmonclsorr, Clerk to the Cout Auditor n ~ , d ~10.U0 for tra.nsportatian fo Y . 135.00 Farmworth, wife and son a r John to once Stanle .,...Sten ~ + nd John Lynch, indigent transients to Ric Bias F r y, a~,rapher,,,,,,,.,,,, 75,00 ' " ' ! tlaurl relievin th hrrrond Va J Co g e County of possible further expense. ' ~ Ed Uear~;e, anitor urt House, (Old building),.. 100.00 " ~F~~ ~i,Rich Janitar Court house Ann n n L.1. , , ex) 95.00 i 'k~ Upan motion of l~r. Trask second r, ~ D, J,Brownin Kee per Oak Grave GemEte. n n , ed by i~r. Ross, P.,r. A.'1'.Bla,ke of 1,' g ? 1 ''J', , • • , 41.66 ~ was granted Free Licende" to edd.le v ;>.lmington town S,G.LonUr, :opt?, County Home and ]!'arm P egetables and fruit i.n New Han;;v sh p ? . , . 125.00 1 for a period of six man er Coun s, H. Bonner 1.`atron Count ~ ~~om n ' thr frorn date hereof on account of bein a ty ~ ' 3 e,"""~••~••~••• 50.00 ' g di cabled ~ filar 'Teteran, as provicAed by lavr in such cases, ,~Qxld C,I„Philemon, Rural slice 130.00 n u , F. Porter Davis, kural rolice 1x0.00 1° " ' ' J,H,Souther].and, I~'ish Ins nectar , , , , , , , . , 1 Upon motion of J~rr? Hinton, seconded b :ir. R I , • , , . Fees Onl~ . 1 Y oss the Board granted an a Y of X5,00 to Caswell Trainin Sc ' pprol'r.tati / 1.G.7~arrg, Supt., County jrome and Farm Auto.Allowan g pool, lunstan,iJ,C,, for its Christmas F ~ on ~ ~ ? ce, 25.00 per month. and 1J35, +r,A.'Nhrtney, Care a. Court tir;use Glack . . . . . . 10,00 " L•II.Pollock who secured C ounty License to se].1 beer at the Base B 11 who has sznce moved to location on route 40 a park, and of 1.~r ~ ,near Castle Hayne, was u on n .Hall., sec onded b I~,i. P motion STANDING CG};li~!ITTELS ~ y r. Ross, a.llavved to transfer said license to fi ~ location on route 40. rls new County Horne and farm, ..---.._______,._______Geo.'+Y, Trask, Chairman Upon motion of i~Ir. Ross' seconded b 1 Addiean Hew1e -F t y A.r, Hall, the following se oration tt ,]~.Ross,l a , ~ ~ nd building assessments on ro ert P of land . Fo p p y of L. C. and estate of Ddrs,Flla, k~ure a _ _ rt Fasher Sea .each, was approved: t Court rouse and Jazl,- - - ------..-..-..______J,H,Hinton, Chairman ~eo,'1~.Trask-Jas 11. Hall. ~&'ilmington N,C. N v ~ ~ , , o .47,19,15. Name Deruonstration ~+lock,__________________________r~,}i,R ss Choi o , rman Board of Count Com ! ' y missioners, Ada~.son Hewlett-Geo. ~7.Irask. New Hanover Count ail T y' r- mington,l~.C. J.calth,- _____________..____Ja~ t a , 1'!~. a H 11 Cha' z rma n ' I 1'•Nr,Ross - J.H,Hinton. 1 Gent ].en! en: - As re ue Oalr Grove ~ernete ______________________________J, ~ ~ q sted by Per. L,C,Kure for division of pro ert H.}iintan, Cha~,rman Sea Beach. I recommend div' I p y at Dort usher ~ Addison Hewlett - lslon as follows: , 1 L,C.Kure Cafe Land '225,04 Bluethenthal Airport,_____________________________F.1~I,Ross, Chairman ' ~ 3 Bldg. 1500. Addison Hewlett - Jas.a~I.Ha11, ~ 00 1,725.00 ( l,Irs, Ella Kurt Est. Land u X2$5. DO `rh Pavilion Bldg. 250.00 ' .~e meeting then adJaurned. d " Land 475.00 -,i 4 225.00 ~ f . BatYr Clouse Bid 450?00 .._.....r~~cr , ;f.. g _ _ _ _ . _ _ . 6 7 5.0 --~-r---- I 0 Clerk. r ~ This division shows an increase in lan y d value a counting to x,450.00 placed on East lot 9 and 10~ block 9 at th "+Yilmington,IrT.C,, .December 9th,1935? e intersection of Atlantic ~ ~ Avenue and Avenue K, where the Cafe an ' d Favzl~.on are ].ocated,I;`r,Kure `1'he reTu a .r vrar.ts the Cafe propert se crate' r r ~ 1 r vreekly meeting of the Board tivas held this da at 3c06 P,I~? Y P a f_ om l.rs. >;l1en Kuxe ]Jstate. Y ° Present, r".ddisan Ilevrlett L'hairruan, Geo,t~;F.Trask, Jas.ik,Hall and J.ri.Hinton. Yours ver trul Y y, { I.rs. Sadie 11'. IJ: Y l~,P.F].etcher, T A urphey of New ork City, eras gra.ntea a refuna of penalty paid for. not listing ( ax ssessor) pra,ext in block 152 fo h' ' I Y r t c years 1932, ~16.8U- and 1933, ~plla34, and an abatement ~l Upan motion of IJx. Ross, seconded b I`r, H' of enalties for 1934 ~ ` ' P X10.58, and 1935, X9.83- ma,kin a total of 48.55 to a 1 as a Y inton, payment of a I.~ill for X185.50 g pP Y to L~r.I,evvzs L. Nerrii:t, Civil >;n inee credit an all taxes due on said ronert u on the a meat thereof. i g r, for services in • r p- y P P Y securzng graae.~ etc., of tY~e airport for the Department of A' r it Comrne_ce in connection with the ',LP,A, The fa].Jov ' ~ grant, was approved. And the Ch ving special venire of fift men v~ere drawn to serve, as 'urors in th S airman eras further authorized to secure boarin s Co ~ ~ J e uperxor and other additional informs ' g urt at mouth ort in Brunswick Co nt at 10:00 a claa A P,4. De tlon of. the field thaC ma be r P u y k , cember lOth,19,15, by ~ connection. Y equired in this order of the }Ionorable '~".C.Harris Jude residi S ecial December Term 1935 in the g p ~ P i , divorce case of J. J.A1cKo vs Glad s F. IicKo Upon motian of Y Y Y I~.r, Ross, s ec cnd ed b~ Mr. Hall all ba - one quarter of lot 4 block 23 ' ck taxes due on the N.+l. R.S,Brawn 520 South 3 S H.P.A~lunson, 201 Sout}r 4th,St. and a ' 9, prior to the year 1900 ovrned b Llsie Howard " ' t' • mounting to X32.44 was ordered cancel ~ Y ' I~tc2din Eubanks, 122 South 8th, St. R,N.Johnsun, R.1.D.~1. led on account of the same being a Chas.G.Boran 217 Soutlr 8th S doubtful charge. The re uest was '+7•L.'Narren, 511 Chestnut St. ~ > > t > q presented by VP.A,Szmon E ' sq• ~'hrr.I~ewis 812 South n John T. Canteen, 505 Harnett St. A re e t, ? 2 d at. '~l.J.~lalletts, 818 South 6th, St. D.J.Nea1y, .207 Iueares St. qu s ~.n the form of a prepared resolution f' ~ ~ received from I+ir,4Y.D.~acb~Iillan Jr. ar an Znerease of his salary, was Y{.I~~I,Robinson, 207 iledcross St. B.D.Schwartz, 202 North 13th, St. , ,Chairman of the Alcoholic Bevera e Control ' Board and taken ~ ~ ~ c ~ under adviNement, g J,F,Council, 1617 Grace ~t. B. lutay, 1406 Chestnut ~ • J.Vl.hennon R,F J.D.Barnes, 308 Grace S e ' , .D.~1. A bill for 9. 6V ~ L.O.Fonvielle 317 South 1 t St. .T.Benton, 213 Nort}~ 17th ~t. ' 7 h, 00 fees in favor of C,N,ldurrzn Ii ? - warrants for arrests zn Fed ~ agistrAte, for issuing nine R ~ C.L,Boddie 1~.~.Harriss, 1615 Castle St. eral 1'o~.nt tovrnship, eras a roved f 'ect :305 „alnut St. T k to the approval of the County Attorne pP or payment subJ A.S,Gur~rrerson, 1601 South 4th St. Cecil Robbins, 312 North 9th, St. f~ 4 y A Bert Br w ~ ' C,L.Alorris, 104 Redcrass St. ~ o n,212 south 17th,St. '~r.S.AlcKeithan, 16 North 8th, St. Action on avrarding the contract for }lea H•C.It4ason, R.F.D. 2. De tang the porch off is partment of health, was deferred tc, a sub e adJoining the, '~l.R.Stewart, 106 Castle St. E•V.Hunt,Jr., 54 Hanmattan. sequent meeting. C,J.Oldenb D.J,Batts, R.F.I?.~3. uttle, 10 North lOth,St. r~. The Board then roceed.e J.B D.H.~illiams 418 Cam bell St. p d to re-organization. .Brock, Seagate,N,C, ' P A•B•Rig s R.~.D, 1 Raymond Retchin, 1103 Chestnut St, 1'he g ' ~ , term of the Chairman of the Hoard hav' Ylalter V!. Storm 316 Ann St. Baxter Rivenbark, R.F?D.,fl. meeting at which a chairman is Ong expired this day and this being the ,,l A,p,Blant ~ Y,,F.Alford, it.F.D,a~3. to be elected, i~~r.lrasl: tuoved that 'I .H vrlett on, Castle Hayne. r n be re-elected Chairman ~r e r F - l,lma Iiardison 618 oouth 3rd ~ . his motion was seconded b I;x. red ftirrg, 406 Coon. ' ' t `I unanimiousl elected Ch Y Ross, and Irs.Hewlett was S A.Vi.Sidbur 815 Oran e St. Y aa.xman of the Hoard for a term d •S,Cash, R,F.D.~~~1. y' g at c'225.00 er mon of one ear and sala. fixe I.~JJ K 13 P ' ~v p th and X25.00 per month far au Y y ~{•x•Spencer, R.r,I'~,#3. } onzg, 09 ra.ncess St. tomobile expenses,. Carl ire C,A,Ili111ams, 4 South 17th, St. y' hder, City. Upon motian of I~tr, Trask s II.L.S' J.Alfred Bodine 205 South 4th St. econded lm son > ? ~ by I°,r. Ross, I~IIr.Jas.l,`.Ha11 was re-elected J P ,Delgado. ~ Vice Chairman of the Board ~ ~ ~ Z~+.G,VIe r ~ Cl de l_ason 419 Chestnut S , ar.d authorized to si n warran lsl^., 306 North. 14th,ot. Y ? t far Count ex enses in ca G' is on tkre County Auditor J.F., Y P se of absence of tyre Chalrma `laltera, 113 North ~nd,St. n. Upon motion of t>ar,Trask se I~'• R•B•Pare r C ~ inee of tlae Federal Hou A ' , conded by ~~r. Ross, os,K,~la .k ~f C nember of the Executive omen szng dministratron, of the Board and solar fixed ~ ody was re-elected Cler accornpanied b ~ i~x. Jo e h ne 'xecutive Secretary a geared and ~r Y at ;212.50 +,er mon ~ 5 s p LaI~~,2oy ~ , pl urged the th. Commissioners to rant the an a ~ropriation of ~~''50?OU er month 1 ma' 8 I'HA pl - ~N P to ar.d It in The follow~.ng were re-elected to trieir re ~ ~ntaining offices here for an additional six months, and explained the benefits June 30th 1936 and Sala ~ speative positions for the ear e..ing~ it has con 1r , i rles fixed as follows Y trr.buted to local industries and labor a.n ma_.ing .Federal funds mailable for + s the con struction of nevr buildings and repair. to old buildings. After discussion, it was upon motian ofidr, Hall seconded by Ilr. Hinton, ordered- That an a~~~ro~riation of ' ~ k25.00 e • , ~ 1 ~ 1 p i month be ranked the Federal liousin~ Adrninistration to aid i g tin carrying an and r~intaining its local office for a period of six muntk~ i'ram Deo.~mb er lst,1935, in order to provide em to ;rent to those rrho otherwise vrould be p yr a charge on the County, the same to be pain cut of the e;ner~;ency fund. ~ t ' ie t. 'aeetinr of December Stn 19;5 , 5, continued. t.~t. r+ ,,G of D comber ?5th 1935 cant' r ~,~eG~~,~ e , , inae.d, Tne f'ollo;vin~, five bids #'ax labor and m• auerials anr~ i ns~talling plumbing an ~ ' according to plans ands ~ d hen ~ , pe0ificatians, in the ned'r prison buildinr be t~~ uNOn motion of ;~r. '~ra:rf, seconded by :-.r. tXint~~n, the Board ordered a , at the County Horne, wez•e received: 1~ in~r constructs ~ r, Hal and real esta'u sel>ars.taan ~,J, d ~elea saxes due cy ~.~,Tuler on hrope.rty its block aQb, ~-art of 1nt east mi3d1~ five arc .ranted th ~ 1. r ~ e rer;uest of D.}iag'ue,Lsq., to , ti.15.Cuanbcr,..•...,.......... npr~^ + t.I,. ir'it {a the a` r [ ~ ~ 570.00 ,rr ~ r~~. t .ces due an t}re said real estate only, nor the ~ ~ a h ~lJrlY.~lrlC•.ly fl: uan , F .~~7.,- 1(~~!' ,?J wnclu°'_'r ~ , 545,9 _~u,; to 19 e, 0r. account rf having to take the said property back i GeO.rt.iltCarB . , , , , . , , , ~.r r ;iavin ' no L11 ~r ~ , 5~r9,CO ar,u ;o.r, gale ~ ~ t~ zn ties sore. 'i'ris ward further released payment of ~i ,J.,~,Do,iher, .Tr . . . . . . . . . . 701 00 ~ nenul,., : ar rat 1i gtina said ~rop~erty far tr;e ear 19`'9 a.n ~ ' Ei c ~ , - Y ~ t,ae na,^r,e a~ i;~Gilton j. ~ .7~and1 . . . . . . 471 00 ~~nye y, ~ } ;~1) llpan motion of l.r , A t r-~ •p t,~ ~ i ;r. I~iinton 3.,cond r z A reaar a: cvei is a.,a disbursements of tize'~iilmiu,~tan .port Co±;urrisnion for tlae month > el ny Intr. .loll, the errn~tract for furn' r, rr P^ vras received aril d r ~ l installing the above ~,ras a~;var~ P °'r iehinr an ,f .~o~e..lb,.~ ~ or eye, f~l„d. r. _a_d to ri.L.Lcngley, he being the lo~~ves ' ' ~ d = ! ~ f! far the sum of 'r4 t bic.der I ~ 7.1.00. in and ~ ~ f ui,c,~n :,an, Iz ss I.enors ~aldadell v,°as release~3 from pay~ent,char~;ed a~ainat pro~crty ,.ice`°~ T1'ze fol].o•winr five b ds in bla•~k 3~ in t;"~e na~,e of 1;:.1-.'i~aylor. for t:~:e veer 1935 cn .iecaunt 0f laav r ~ ~ i ag to i g for fraini.3hin~, 1;~.bor and materials and s ~'s radiators accoxdin to 1~ n in tallin~; t~rro to e tl~e ,~rol~erty ba:.... ~ A a s ana specifiaatl.ons in the C adjoining the Depabtrnent of Healt:a err :t' ~ Dort Houle porc~r of'f'ice ere reaeired. t a~ r~ea,•in~ brat l~ acres of iaind at ~~aaralina !reach listed in "r ~ r. t ~e ~aarae of . , ft, ~ ylva ~ : or t:~~:e -.•ears 1930 to 1932 incl~~ssi•re,assessed at °100.00 and list d a A,E.Gumbar ~ , e s lots fito ll h ~ , • ~ 169.00 ' ~ . c' V E for the • ears 19 3 and 1~" c ~Jl."~?1,;9ay ion,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ~ .~n ula ~ Y ~34, assessed at ;~540.r)O on ~hieh the ta;;es appears 157.00 a~ Geo.A.I:aore ~ ,:eve een a,aia : ~r uue yearn ~Q to 1v.~2 inc..asive, is the scene proueL ~.y listed as 1, ,,•„I„.• 105.70 l .t:. ~Y.R.Dosher,Jr . ~ lays 6 to 9 in olack earolira Beach ay Caroline "reach ~Jarparation far ti;e year 1':130, i It ~ 140.00 i"- a:aa ?ist~a by the';7alsh interest since that tir:ze and n~avr avrned b• I,,7J.';Jal:rh. The Hoard ,~.T~ongle,,~ 175.00 r ~ y ,;~cre~ ore, upon ruction of ix. Hintan,aecanded by ;::r. 'i'rask, gave aut~ority to Credit Upon notion of Idr.'Crasl: second tree taxes paid 'oy J.R. Silva on tree 1,~ acres for t:~1e years 19'30 to 1932 on the ta:~ea due , ed by ;::r. ?~a11 the ~ • labor e,nd install.in~ the abov ~ + - contract .far furnishin„ r.~i~,,terial by vhe Carolina Bean; ~orporatian and the ,`Jaish interests, an the said pro ert p Y ~ e ,vas aw~~rded to ~~J,R.bosher,,Ir., he bein the 1 ~~r ' 'airider in and for ~ o~r,st ne sum of X140.00. r.. .,pan snotian of ,~~r, ~i'rasr, seco.rded a, '.,r. .tnton, ;,`ins il,ar~:aref; Crr~~cam 0f iti~hrnannl,Va,, IJpOn motion of I~~(r u ~ ~ ~ a ~:-anted an abatement of sales carts and malt for dela ed a~ ent char d ~a'ns . Tr sl., seconded by ;Ir. Hinton the P i ~ p Y Y p .Im ~e a~, ~ , t ,:'10.00 „ ~ , Boa •d aut;,.ori ed tin > r,,, lot ;~1,, Audu:oon for the ~ ea 1?3 r ~ > ~ to the Associated ~,hd,ri ties to reim~;tzr•se ~ E .~-,Jr'•ient of ,I r 0, _ o_ tr,e reason t.iat the lax Ca_Lector faiJ,ed to it for trans,, r ~..~.5'mith to puke llaspital for, treatment" :ortation aurni;hed inc.:ade this, item in ,.taternent of taxes due b,,r her for one year 1930 as requested in ~ r:~r co~.unication n~ of l~ebrur~ry 21st, 1931. d `r 11~t~on motion of P.lr T • rasa seconded b ~ purchase of Y a~a'• l.intan, the ~o:~.:iczsi.oners autiiariUed U}or. motion cf i:r. Hinton sec~anded 'a• I,..r, 1'rasl<, ~.r.. E. .Ifaw' •r•.~ ,r the I , Y ~ din5 ran grrnt4i an d pr,~~! Of S'n08~ e4C1a for the t'.7a leg 1.3te ' , ~ ~ m~.~ , . + • ~ , t charges ,rho are udder the cane o' " < ~ bofs, Ife;r fanove? Gaunty ~~-=.~~c:nent of taxes on a valua~zon of w,,00.~JJ iiousenoid ana kitchen furniture above i ~~ra. 1,.li,H:;lmes at :~~t.0live 1<LC. exe:.:,tion listed in error for the ea ~ ~33t r 1 y r l. ;atr.l+'oster Hollhs a r , n at,ed an~~. disc b1 ~ havin7 b a ed white inui~ent citizen of 120 J ck .,P ~ U an m0t.on of ;_r. Hinton seconaea 'n '=r, 'r~r~=_~ a a~,r 1 r, een _,tarilined b o ,~~r,,.t k , y n ~rropriat$on of ~10.C0 to the y the A;~sistant deal ' ~ ~ s~. r home as an inmat th Officer, vras admitted to the Count Boys' Christr~s rand of Stonewall Jackson I.anual 'i'rainin and Industrial ~~ch0ul at ' ~ ,e. Y ~ Concord, Pi.C, ,vas alloyed. Geo.',r,Ca ~ s , 1p , physi~a_1y disabled indigent ritiren eras ~ slelfare Officer, and upon motion of ?~r. ~ ~ ~ uiaon recormnendation of the repar~ o~ the Iac.ies -just boom for tree month of :Iove;nber was received and ordered. 1' Caunt• Horne a ~ ; A Eras-•, .seconded "by iar. Hall aarnitted tot ~ fled. y s an _nmat., to da lir;,zt vrork in consid ' ~ r rnraintenance. elation oi' receiving his ~;n offer of lUU.00 b• }:s. L,C.ru e for C n t' as ,z z• ~ r ~ e ou tf s 4 s storage t~ n.. c0mp~.ete with No act' A ~ fixtures at the Stockade ;vas declined and instructions veers ~:iven to c e ~ Lam' ion suns taken in the ma Ater o#' providintt t ' ' ' 3e lax 4'Jright Ne;v _rI r~,nsportation far returninr~ ;liza ~ perrni.ssion from the State r=i hwa Commi.zsian to sell the same. arouse County sub'eet f ',T a ~ @ Y 4 J roin i,ew Yoxk as requested by the ;Jelfare Officer, Upon motion of ur. 'Trask seconded b iar. Hiratan ',x.;:,is.Hal1 head of Ja.Oksonvilleh'la. A request of the B , Y , Y oard of .~duc~ition t}~,t tlae suer ~ ' o~ l 000,00 v ;ras relea~ ,i r P r ~ vv , be placed to t.re credit 7 se fr,_m yay,n~nt of penalti for n~.t listing 10~ at ~rool~~v od far tyre years , o the School Lund to take care of expend" I itures for the month of Decerab- ..a~ ~J•, ed 194 and 1935 on account of bein anon-resident. cr, .r 6z ant , . g , A request of '~~J, ,V.Lerris to be relieved of the ~paJrrnent of do a• L' cn m ~ ~ tlae do died few C t 3. for the reason float - p noon, dul• seconded ..x•. Geor 'e .,asteen of iZock • i~oint PendEr Caunt• was ranted ; ~ 6 days after listinr 1935 vr• 'V y ' k y ' 'r' g ~~•i~ht to • g as declined, The @ormnissione"•s P n a refund of ''x4.57 011 taxes and malt collected b arnia}unent fe t a i~ oasts tares on property existin r A , i hav~ o , ~ ,r p p Y y g x he ye r 19a4 an ~ ~ ,1 g and pz0p~zly listed on April 1st. account of being ran-resident and having listed and pald po1.1 tares in lender County A eornrnunicati for said year as certified b I;s,iear=e r', Lucas 1~uditor for ;;ender Corrnt~. on ,vas received horn the Count „ d' y ' Y C + Y Y u itox shotvin ~ tie amount of de;~osit' ~ i n eacli bank as of Novem' r g oe_ 30th,1935, to~;etner vrith a rnemorand U an mo r r ~ held in each um of securities P tian dul seconded the Hoard ar .roved the ~a Went of 15.)J t0 John a~.~~haw cas~. , Y , Ip I YI ~ s •cr' Sans toward the burial expense of Alex }3locker. ti reciuest of lies. Raymond She and ; , P inr funds to provide trans~ortati n i Win- A con~nuna.cation a 1 ~ a "rai rc>`:,n of 1 Ale z'• ~ her husband from State Has ital I o tar rear E d~•essed to 1"x.,I,.~.,,,ac.Iriill n,J.r , u} r tie oho_ic. 13everage P at lialeigh vras dec lined. Control hoard, declining his request fur an incre,rse in salary until after the A.II,C. ~ ~ Upon motion of iµr. 1 stores have been tried out a sufficient len th of time to lcnaw yr}rat }rofits rna be ;r g I Y inton, seconaea by lur. }fall a bid ~ s and wend the Court House clock at ~ ~ °f ~~'•,J•_~•`,`mitney to care for expe.ted etc., vras presented by ,,s. }iinton but actuon deferred until rz full meeting o{ ~ a a raved. ~~1D•00 per month as oi' D-cembe • ,gas the .tioa.rd. ip i lst,19a5, ,r t The meeting then ad•ourned The County Auditor's cash rep ' J , filed. ~ or # or the month o#' November vras d'/ ~ re0eived and orders R' Upon motion, County bills Nos. 1282 to ;"C1erY,. 15x9 Inc., were approved f'or a p yinent. ',Jilmington,iv.C., December 23rd 1935. ' + The meeti ~ , ng then adJ ourned. ~ ; e regular weekly meeting of the Board wan held at 3:U0 P. Ju. Present - - ,,a : Ai.cison Hevrlett Chairman, UeO.~'f,l.rask,Jas.J~~,}ia.l.l and J,H.}Hinton, t' / Clerk, { Upon motion of Iur. 'l~rask It~ir. Archie I~4urra was .routed an abatement of n • ~ ';lilmin ~ ~ + Y g ~ 1.9ti , .sr.le,a ~ a.,t ~ gton,I~.C., December l6th,1935. ~e;?~il,,~, ~ ' _or delayed payment and for not listing Charged against "dot ad'.Re.hder for t J , he The regular weekly meeting of tine is Year 1927; 48~ for dela ed a nrent for t~:e 'ear 1931 and. .23 f , oard ttias held this da a + .,r t Y p Y y N ai floe year 194, making a ~ y t 3:00 o clod, 1',1w, otal of X2.66, also penalties for delayed payment and f'or not listen, arnountin~~ to Present• ~ ch - g X5.17 r disan Hewlett ~nairrnan, Geo.'JJ,Tras Y t9 ,arged against "Lot adj.,rtelnder", in t}1e name of Noisy Hogera fo_r the c:ar, 1927 :1.9`~ k and J,H.Hinton. ; 19,30 and 1933 t0 1935 inclusive on account, of gerrer.a,l mi:aundc~xstandira: as to the li~~ti E a ng of A motion offered by I,s. J,1-i,l~inton toe ~ t11E property. xempt I;~_r.Grover Thomas of ',inter Park Harnett ; z tawnshi- fror~ ~a ment of , , p, Y poll taxes on a ~ ' ccount of physical disabilities failed to r~ Upon motion 0f ' t receive a second and was t}•rexefore r. '1'ra n i.` Ilint.on t:hr? 'd declined. Tt a r sY,, seco deg by s , oz er ldopted at meeting o.l' Oct,, 7tl~r, that he is receiving .,P50.00 nronthl ppea-ed upon statement of ~;r. Thomas 1935, relr_asinu tlae tar. ra ~ fr r rs, meat of en~al.ti.e f0 ".N ~ ` Y hour the rederal GoveraLrnent. are I very on I y p s r at Fisting z.f the taxes , paid on or before December. 15th,1cJ3:i, wa~3 exten~::ed i.lrrc.~r~r1r January 1st 1936, 1 U on motion of i;: . p r :.intan, seconded 'u advanced a ent of Y I:x. '1'rasrc, the Hoard authori• ected U on r " p Ym ,75.00, three nront}rs a ro r' zed ono die ` p motion oa ~~~r. Hall, seconded i,y :~~r•, liintnn, i.;ary drawn grad 1:,1~.,Neville Navin been pp p iat~on for December, January and ` exa,rined b the Co ri a ' •r ~ • ~ ' g T'ebruary, to the local T'ederal Housin A Y unt ea_t~n Officer and recanunerac~lr,--,~i b i,,ae ~Jel.far~ Office E dminastration Coninittee ou ' adroit Y ~ i, were appropriation provided at meetin , t of the ted to the lr ~ g of December 9th,1935, County ame as inan,tas. ll• on motion of t'r. Trask p , seconded by I.x, Hinton t}a the personal and real estate taxes ? e Board ordered a separation of of I' , ~r.R,_ii,Roebuck l7, 1$ amd 19, black G, ArdTnore for ~Irarged against lot 16, part 'on ble Lif A ~ ~ t}ae Years 1932 to 1935 inch ~ ate ermissz Equita e s,;uran~e Societ to wive, and gear I' Y pay the t~rxes due for said e al ~ ~ ~ estate only, on account of Navin t y ors on the re , g a f orealase the said ro er rck ~ having no equity in t}ae wane, p p ty and I,":z•. I;oe.,r iii. x. _ i Y.~~.. W r t i _...w~, - e iL'lE e • ~ is sing of Dnasmber 23rd, 1935 rontin , ~ . ' ued' December 30th 1935 "I Meeting of , ,continued. ' ' U on :nation of far r c ~ p r, call seconded .Upon motion of ~iirr, 'i'rask, se onded by ~~;,r. Winton Count bills N d f a~ ~ Y as. 1590 to 1785 ~ ; an land ar ?~irs• 1,', r• , ~ Y -~s• Hinton, the as.~es3ment of ;''1 were a7nrove ,finent, Ri.nar,ls black x165 was reduceat ~ 7 250.00 1- p ' ; error in basin~• o X12 210.00 K tnp a,rsessrnent an a fro , an accauht ; correct 1Nidth i nt footage of thirty feet ;v °f 1 on motion du1- seconded the 1935 ~ s only tvrenty-two feet an ~ , hereas the ~ J} , Y , assessment of ,~4,OOO.UO an the house of 'I on a valuation of dune. zialf inch, and an abet ~ rs, Bessie N~artin estate block ~r9 I { ~v5,040.00 for the year 19,55 wa. event of taxe ~ , 9, woo rna,de effective as of date 1929 on The assessm s ordered. s of its aonditian an ~ i ent of .jy14,375.00 on tine land of account d deteriorated value, and an abatement of taxes on a b2rs. C.S.k'urber bl ~ n of '~3 500.00 f increased to v~19 415. ock aaluatzo ~ , or the ear 1929 to , 00 effective f'ox the ear ~ 165, eras ,r ,I 1932 inclusive and on X2,750.00 for the i r. ; the aases;sment an a franca. Y - 1936, an account +~f error Years 19.3 and 1934 was ordered. ge of twenty-five feat wher a in basin krona Street ire thirty-five fee , e s the correct vridth ~ ~ ~ t three an on ~ survey of the pro done half inches, acc rdzn~ ~ The Board acting under the authorit of Cha ~ i uerty by lur. J, L,E3ecton Civil ~ T' ~ ~ ~ to an actual Y Ater 73, P.L. Lati,s 19x5, reduced the , k'onviellp, : n~in~er* submitt buildiri assessment of .'400.00 char. , ed by T,;r,,r..,~, g ~ ged against Ueorge :iivprs bloat: 8, lot 5, Lave i Grove to ''175.00 far the ears 1929 to ] ~ ° Y .9c2 inclusive, and from X360.00 to 200.00 ~ Upon rnotian of T;Ir. Hi ~ far the years 1933 to 1935 inclusive and .•n abatement of Wasp, seconded by fir, }Tall the ,;11 taxes on a valuation of i purchase a , eriff wa on a valuation of yN225.00 for earn pproximatel 60 ~ s autha.riz.~ Y '1929 to 1932 and on X160.00 far ea ~ 1 33 Y# of tuxkey ~ 2., ,er Ea tr, y rs 9 to , meal. I` pound for the 'a' 1935 ~~-nnl.~.+.sl.~re ~r;;,~ ordered and t ~ r J it prisoners chr.i' - he bu;ldina assessment of ~,45U~00 charlred agains~ ~ ' stmas r , ~ ~ d- Jahn ?~I. Robinson block ,~14, tat 16, Love Grove was reduced to '7.75.0 f ~ 0 ar the ~ The Chairman announced that s.h t years 1929 to 1335 inclusive, acrd an abatem V sets, .curets, pajamas etc, to th ent of ta,,,es on a valuation X275.00 for hail r~een turned o ~ , e vat theears 1929 t 1 ver to the Associ~ited Charities ~ _ ue of ~p1,g43,60 J o 93?,, and on a valuation of :230.00 for t'rie ears 1933 to 1935 I;~ for dirt and ~u t, . , Y rib of a~ , ut P ~ ~ ion , , ell ~rras oraer_d al]. an acc; to a o n t'r~ e u t of. i e ~o t b , the dil un a needy. y the ,~,p„~~ apidated condition of the buildings and to ~ ( enable the aount;~ to clean up the back ta;~es due on said r fl property through IWr. V. A report a~ James ~,;allcer tic. :~idbury, tlortga~ee, who was forced to take the spital for the month of l~ovember yr property aver at a loss, thereby filed, as receive clearin. a total item of "'138 ~ , d , ~3 a " i I' and g ~ ock tare ordered • a due on the t~vo above small dilapidated l pieces of property by comaromisin . th g e same at X90.59. Ul,on motion of li' , i ~s. iiintnn second rent of telP h ed '~Y a;r, hail, the Boarri autho ' ~ `5~re f ollovrin good an , _p one ;for the ,,,P,h, Asai nmPnt of-~' ri, -a the payment of ~ g d lawfal men were drawn to serve as jurors in the Su eriar g rice located in the Uo ~ ~ ~~ourt for the trial of cri!ninal c P i~ ' in the event the `'car urn r+ ~ ea ks P.rogrea~a tidrninir ~ cuss basemen es January term 1936: t a~ratian fail s to make provision for the s ' Dr, J ame . T , t~. , ,~,..ne.r Dexter. S.P. Hawes. r' ~ no» Hog1_.ard, L. T.t,a.nden J G..•,.5a.lpass, D.G.Rcgzstpr,I..T.Kin Jr. oho ,uarshall , g r ana i,:rs. C.1~.lleister app~arpd fo }3ernar:l 0 Neill.',~.G.S,Southerland. r.L.Bsll. ~ ' Board of Education and told the Boa t' r th E.N,S,na11. L.C:k~(ars ' ar rd .pro h C rru~ e ~ia11. B ~ru of E + 3 a Ir.o ue ~ ~ ~ ,T,n.~Vill.iarns. ~~r.C. a ~ r~ f d L' ~ v 13 1 'f ucation g s,l,, Attorney ,or the rau_ l,,aa,rs:rburn. Geo.T.Newtan»L,P.Ha11. ~ hat it appears necessa.r to sen r i of Comrnissi Y d re Tess. ~~.~.C..ammans. L.E. s. , ? onexs and the Board of -~duc~l P ntativ~s from the t~aard U eery. _.L,Pearsall. ~.ii,S~rrann. ~.,J.Idaore Jr. ~ tian to '~+"ashington to ex edits a J,?•.GalLnan, R.P.TWicClanm;. ' ' ( funds far the various ach P ].tat ~ ~ y Rauer ti. Smith, ~ 1 col protects approved and submi ,mcnt of •~.~iven, Sig Goodman. I~'ublir, 'darks A tted b t'~:is B r+ G.~.Prid en. A•G,r,~ite. ~ n dministratio Y oar., t : g l,.A.La.ne V i' i n June 24th 1935 a tl.e Y .B,aanders, Jna.o.~aEachern, ,i to that end, by making guff",,;: ~ and asked the Canuriissznners ca-a'~~' I'.H.;~kzppQr, l.Baggett. r. L, Cantwell. rienr• , i.y~,nt funds available to oa th ,ration _y Lee. ;J,I~..tlodwin, t U qua i shingtan. i e ex~pe th ~,i1.Ha11. Ellis Ii. ~ e' r' r~ II it I~'ter d Y nse of ~ ~h he c~, .,,I). ,off ' ?.r Cararnittee , P t• ~~•Y~.LeGwin. 1..,J.Garbett, scussing the matter the Board a roved C,~,3ich, '1',' ~ , motion of ?vir. H' P to k. Ha inton, seconded P e request and ur~un rtley. b.L.Jiood.. ~15Q.00 fort by ;+';r, Hall, ~rantad an ar, cab 'a ` i' rans~orta ~p ,ri t~ion of ! assn and other neceasar~ e• not exceeding ~ p Boards to ','lashin . J .~pense of the cor, ~ ~.r.. rn_etin t..an ad au.ne 3 stop in an effort to secure. i, ~ ~ ~uittee from t11e two g J d. the said aehool projects nr n.ncdidte all.atment of Federal funds fo a ~j:! , ovided a con ~ r _ r. authorities in '+"Tashi ~ isr~•naa can be scrap ed T,vi th r . • n~.tan, g the prrl,e_ C1er1c. Areu ~ r _ i q est for reduction of rise a i , i' ~rlilrningtan,id.C. Jarluar 6tn 19~fi. ssm-nt an the rai~ert-• , Y , I:' vvas dealinecl for the r P _ of ;!Irs,A Juste F' ' i L eason that the same ao e~irs i , ~ , ~ iak,bloc~ 205, „Y r , r i propert• . _P n line w ~ The re_.ul,:._ rueeting ~ . q ~ ~ ' stn as.lessments on adjoining - c- _ of the .r3oa.r1 .ra„ he1.d at 3.00 a clack 1'.;,~. , r , Upon motion of L1 Present; Addison Hevrl a'r„ ~ . r. Trask, seconded b Is. iii t ~ ~ ett Ch i..aan, Uea.'~+,Tras~c and ,I.H.Hinton. of ta~ss an a valuat' r Y n'`ano i;~Ir•G, T.a~>tavall wa~ a grantee an abatement ~ ' fan o~ w445.00 personal pronert- for ?:'r. Peter ' f• Wilmin~~tan tawnshi rn the ear 1935 _ ~ra7rn Ruf_ in Chairman of the ~r. 1m' Y , as to i . ington Tort ~avuni.ssion appeared and gave ; hav' P ly , on account of residin^ a ti, r , ins' listed in 7~ilminLton throuf ~ t kores~ t1i11s, Harnett tovrnshio and t_.e .,o.nniss.oners a very interesting and encouraging verbal re ort of the activ' I Eh error. ~ of 1~~. ,T,T,Hiers Uene al f _ p sties r Agent _or the Co~nis,iion, for the two months ending The meetin trren necember 3].st 1935. '11h' 1~ ' ( g adJ ourned • , i z t was pat shown t}sat any great amount, of new t onage had r ~ ~ ; ,z_; passed thra :h this ~ r~ n } ort by reason ciz err. Hie_~ efforts, due to the short time the i ~oraaiis s i an !,~`u' has been active, his contact with various shi in interests has been ~~n~~ra PP g very uraging and satisfactory results are expected. Clexk. tililmin~tan ~ ~ ~ ,A]•C•, December 30th,1935, . ' It appearing due to the abler { The regular we kly meetin o .ae from the Git of T~s. G,r'.Dressell far an ~ Y indefinite ~ g the board eras held at 3:00 P perio;l of time h' Present: Addison ':swiss; ~ , is Tess .nation as a member of th '.'l' I g e ilmingtan Port Cormnissian , t Chairman Geo."~. r. sk Ja T_a, , s,Tl.Hall and J su'omitted at meetin ~ of D r,ember 3 t ~ i .h.tiinton. b E e O ~h,1935, ~~as upon motion of Jar. Hinton, seconded A request of I~e;~srs. Fred ~Jille Y ira,,k, try rea.uctantly aaaepted, 's'he appaintrnent of his successor eras tts, Frank Harriss, J.C.Pr~ postponed for an appropriation f ~tlow and r to a subsequent meetin . or the Chamb R•D.~ronly,Jr.,~ g . er of C omrn being forced to curtail some erce to aid it in Carr in on vrithout'~ b Lir. Hail of its functions, was ui~on Y g The uest ~ F Y ,received foi consideration motion of ys. Hinton, seconded q ton as to vrhorn the monthly a,:,propxiation of ;,12.00 to the 'a.ilmir~ton Port and advisement, Consnission for use of files steno,raoher etc. of the ~'lil.min.ton , ~ , E Pori; Traffic Upon motion of Zr, '1' ~ ~ ~a:;ociatian shall be ma ~ ~ r~s~, seconded b de paydb_e, it was upon motion of ~r» Trask, seconded by X600.00 each o Y Tom'. }(intan, the B a~• r~~!r, Hinton . n lots ~1 and ;m7, block 10 t,, ~ o ja cancelled the assessment of , ordered, that the same be payable to one ,rilmington Port Co;nvission as assessment on lot ~2 ~ ~ 0 ,rrightsville Beach provided in its a ~ ,r to X300.00 on account of 1 ,ana reduaed the ;y600,00 ~ pproved budget of October tilst,l935, to be disbursed by it to the lot 2, used for the of 7 and pearl r' '~rilmin.~ton Wort T a ' right of way in extendin Y all of lot ,~1 ana part r ffic ~ssocaation. g State Hi hwa tension of '~irightsville Beach a g Y #20, to the Northern , na texas on a valuation of "1 ' granted 1Qr.Chas.B.parmele et al a a' of •`1 committee com osed of i:.r, Add' n H vrl ~ L' f 7 „ ' n natement D P iso e etc hairrnan of the Board o_ ~o,a,nisaioners, ,500.00 for the year 1935. r. J r oho r, HaCgard, Chairman of the Board of education and icr.Syrus D. Ho ue ~ Att o.rney for the Saar ~f ' ~ g ' ' A communication vas received fro 'r d lducation eve the Commisuioners a verbal re rn ~.~re. T.N,Hill General S , g port of recent advising that rag dolls and ra • upervisor Pro'ect',4,P.-4136 , conference tivith Postmaster General Fade gild other official at 'Tashi r g animals valued at ;30.50 ha allotment Y 3 n~ton concerning, Associated Charities for ~ ~ ve been he of ~;~.P,A.fuu~ distrib~,tion. turnea over tot r d ra ~o Calls county to take care of the School building program ~ ~ ul,y requested and filed vrith the tivith the Administration as set forth at meetin g of Due to his absence from the Cit• `.J this Board June 24th 1935 ?;:r, Ho ue s eakin i'or the cornrnittee toy ll g P C _d the acrd his rest nation a y for tiie next several moot •~r ~ that vr, i~' ' t• I B s a member of the'«'ilrriz ~r v 7 hs, U•k,Dressell tendered; arts,, ,~a~ delinitely favorable toward alloting the funds requested and th.t + + of Ar~r, Ha 11, seconded b n`ton . ort ~oiavission the same attitude a nee d ~ ~ ~'r' v ~ ~ Y 1s. Hinton, decli , which was upon motion p, re al:iong other oa icials with Thom they conferred. The Cornrnittee further uric}r I~ir. Dressell, Wed and referred to the Chairman confer :ras very much eneoura~ed wi ~~r t e sul of Chef c f r to ,,,ra r ~ t. h re t r on ererces, Dr.R.':;.Hogue residing at s}rington D, and a brother of C rus D. Ha.ue Es ' ~ , y d , q,, rendered valuable assistance A comrnunicatian was xeceived from to the committee in gaining a }ointments with the various officials the Robert R, Christ Boar 1r pi , ref ore, tyre to share in the distributio ie,Lacal Insur e uesting d upon motion of i:i ~ ~ ~ ' ~ n of the County~s acarui once went, r q r. 1-[znton, aecondsl bJ .x, lrus~c, gave rn,~~ructzons that a letter members of the -vocal 1]oa ng insurance r on- of appreciation r i rd of 1~'ire Underwriters a p-erniums as other n be written Dr.Hogue for his ~aluab_e services rendered the aor.rruittee, distri'outian of th , s allotived ' e conanissions on the busine, by the Local Jioard in the ~i ,s # ~ July lst,1935. It being the olic ss vrritten for the City of ~'lmi ton on Upon motion of ;;,r, 'irask seconded b~ ~':r. iiinton are asst of I:ir. Edvri ' P ~ , ,l , q n ~cada, that the as possible ai:ian it Y of this Board to distribu bl State Hi~;ly , g s citizens, the same ;vas to its business as; equita y g ray GaIm,,iss: on repair tiie road leadins~ crest from kr.Skinners place near ~ r Underwrit referred t ~rad1 V e.rs with request that they allow I:s o the Local board of r'ire e,~s Creek to route ;~3U, was approved. lir. 1leade was asked to secure a etitian . Chr_,,tie to partici ate in t}ie distribution f rcrn the proper t' owners and '.esidents served b ~ this road f P of the County's accruing insurance r p y or submission t ~ the }Iighway p e.uiums. Department. The Chairman announced recei t of of the a~lcohali P X5,000.00 from the rof't . c .Beverage Control Stores. P i.s accruing to the operation Upon vot r inn of ice. riinton, sec. onded by .,s. 1ras:r,, the Clerk of Court was granted an e.dditiont~l appropriation of ~ylOO.00 and thin da s extension of time f a • The annual report of T,A.Hen ~ Y Y z extra h 1 ~ erson,Cler~; of Su: erior g ~~'t~ listin the na r• ~ e P ~ earrect by the County Auditor, was re' P Court having been checLed and founu~ yr mss of guardians,administ_story etc., ~~i.n the vievr of ascertaining those c.eived and referred tot rd for ho have not filed reports vrith the Clerk as re aired b law. checking against +,he records he ca Boa q Y and approval as rep air mruittee of the . 1 ed by law. Upon motion of is i' Hin n 1:'r.ri.!t.~:;' n colic, seconded by ~r. t n, illia~ls ,ras granted an abatement. , of taxes .on ,value 3 Y opal ro ert above " for ~ tion of ~ OO,OU ,hers p p y exemption listed in error + t<ie year 195, f.,., _