1971-07-12 to 07-23 Budget Discussion 6'7 4 MINUTES OF THE MEETING - AUGUST 2, 1971 -(CONTINUED) - i3NITED KI~ANS OF AMERICA - (CONTINUED) - ']. To take such action as will discourage and stop the intimidation of school students by agitators making threats of retaliation if they refuse to join them in their malicious and unlawful activities. 8. That the Superintendent of Schools instruct all principals and school staffs to immediately stop any trouble that may arise, if necessary calling in law enforcement officers to accomplish this end. 9. To punish firmly and suspend or expell any students who disobey any teacher in the per£ormance of his or her duties, or who attacks any teacher on or off the school campus. 10. That teachers at all times, either on or off school property, shall be fully protected in the performance of their duties, and that any violations be firmly dealt with. 11. Your attention is invited to the various reports of incidents re- sulting from gan~s of school students attacking other students in school or on school property, and on buses, to the extent that.large numbers of parents have been and probably will continue to personally taking their children to school and returning for them, because of the fear that their children will be attacked and injured should they ride in a bus. It should be remembered that many of these students have been caught carrying deadly weapons, and in some instances students have been injured thereby. This has been and is an intolerable situation and must be corrected immediately. 12. The unlawful activities of the hate groups, and bigots, have cost our businessmen and taxpayers, who have done no wrong, many thousands of dollars, and we submit in all sincerity that these good and law abiding citizens should be protected and the offenders firmly dealt with to prevent recurrences. 13. Your petitioner, and its members, are law abiding American citizens, freeholders and taxpayers, and has never been classed as "subversive" as Z•ecently charged in a local news media. Further your petitioner and its mem- bers have engaged in no unlawful activity, and this petition is submitted for the purpose of ascertaining i£ the "Fair" or "equal" rule applies in New Hanover County, where we wish to live in peace and tranquility. Respectfully submitted, G. D. "Tex" Gross Exalted Cyclops Unit 5, Province 7 United glans of America J. Robert Jones , Grand Dragon United Klans of America And approved by the Members of the State Board of United Klans of America" Chairman Harriss stated this wbuld be received and made a part of the minutes. LETTER OF WELCOME TO MR. JOHN JONES, NEWI,Y APPOINTED CITY MANAGER - Chairman Harriss stated he wished the Board to join him in welcoming the new City Manager and wishing him well and offering him the Board's £ull cooperation. Mr. Bowden will write a letter expressing these feelings. ADJOURNMENT - There bein~ no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the meeting adjourn. Notion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board HS/by BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING JULY 12, 1971 5:00 P. M. ASSEMBLY - The Board of New Hanover County Commissioners met on the above date and time to d.iscuss the budget for the 19`71-72 fiscal year. The £ollowing were present: Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Vice-Chairman Berry A. Williams, Commissioner John R, oxenfeld; County Auditor Perry Shepard; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden was absent due to illness. INVOCATION - Chairman Harriss called the meeting to order and asked Nir. Oxenfeld to give the invocation. 6~5' BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING - JULY 12. 1971 -(CONTINUED) - ESTABLISHI`1IIQT OF SAi~ARY POLICY FOR 19~1-72 - Mr. Williams stated considerable consideration by the County Commissioners, County Administrator and Mr. Lyman Melvin of the State Personnel Office had been given to the overall salary plan for County employees with the idea o£ trying to bring about as equit- able a salary range as possible in every department of the County. It was pointed out Mr. Melvin is a specialist in this field and assists local governments upon thier-,request and at no e~cpense. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that the Commissioners keep administrative and professionals that are on merit now on standard range and establish clerical in both merit and newly established classified non-merit employees on one step below normal range, based on the 19`]1 Salary Schedule o£ the North Carolina State Personnel Department. Mr. Harriss pointed out Mr. Melvin's study indicated there were some gross inequities in the County's pay scale, and the County was not only not paying what the other counties were paying but were not paying what private business pays for similar work, so with that in mind, Mr. Melvin did make recommendations on how to rectify the situation. Mr. Oxenfeld stated each employee will be assigned a classification number and this is where they wi11 fit in the plan according to this classification. Mr. Harriss stated employees will now understand better u~hat their obligations and expectations are with the County. Vote Vaas called on motion. Motion carried unanimously. SOCIAL SERVICES BUDGET - Miss Lela Moore Hall, Social Services Director, and Mr. J. 4J. Walton, Chairman of the Social Services Board, 4aere present to discuss this budget. Resolution Delegating Authority Pertaining to Aid to the Needy Blind to the Social Services Director - Miss Hall presented a resolution which, if adopted by the Board of Commissioners, would authorize the Director of Social Services to take care o£ the aid to the Needy Blind. Miss Hall stated this has been handled in this manner ~or a number of years and such.~.a resolution had at one time been adopted by the Commissioners. She was oP the opinion request for a new resolution is due to chan~e of Administration in the State Commission £or the Blind. Nir. Williams stated he felt it has been oaorking well in the past and there is no reason to change it. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that the Commissioners approve the continuation of this program as it is now being handled and the chairman be authorized to sign the resolution, subject to the approval of the County Attorney and County Administrator. Motion carried unanimously. Salaries of Board Members - Mr. Williams asked if the General Assembly passed the bill authorizing the Commissioners to change the compensation of the Board Members. Miss Hall stated they did. Miss Hall recommended each of the members be paid $20 and the Chairman $30. The figure budgeted also covers time they might attend meetings out of town. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that the Commissioners establish salary scale of $2~ for each member and $30 for the Chairman for each meeting. It was pointed out the Board normally meets monthly. Motion carried unanimously. 19.409 - Salaries - Mr. Harriss questioned this item and Miss Hall pointed out the £igure was not under the plan just adopted by the County Commissioners. She stated persons were put on the same step of the new plan as they were on in the old plan and there v~ere seven merit raises. Figures shown now will be adjusted to bring them in line with policy on salaries just adopted by the Board of Commissioners. 19.416 - Food Stamp Protection - Miss Ha11 stated money has not been spent because they have been using staff inembers, since there is some question in Congress as to whether they want to cash out the food stamp program. She advised if the food stamp program does stay in effect the money orill be used. Miss Hall advised the Social Services Building had been broken into again. Only minor damage was done to the building. Also, she advised the food stamps are insured. 19.413 - Travel - Mr. Oxenfeld inquired concerning this item. Miss Hall advised it includes case workers also. Medical Assistance - Miss Hall advised the Board she was in receipt of a letter advising that effective August 1, 19'71, people who have an income of over $115 per month will no longer be eligible for aid in skilled nursing homes. There are now 41 persons who will not be eligible after August lst. Under the old plan if a person had less than $235 they were eligible. Without the federal dollar this means $162,528 County funds. Mr. Williams asked if Social Services is diligently checking to prevent persons from remaining in hospitals when they sh~uld not. Miss Hall assured the Board her department does this. Miss Hall pointed out one o£ the problems is that most people in urban Counties do not receive the minimum social security; they have gone above the 9b115. Miss Hall recommended the Commissioners hold her budget request of $252,440 for this item. She stated she isnof the opinion that if a special session of the General Assembly is held in October or November she felt something will be done because by that time enough Counties will have felt the blow. 67b BU-GET DISCUSSION MEETING - JULY 12, 1971 -(CONTINiTED) - SOCIAI, SERVICES BUDGET - (CONTINUED) - Mr. Williams asked Miss Hall did he understand correctly that even with the State appropriating 85% she is still requesting the same amount and she replied yes. Miss Hall stated that she is basing her request on the present population, but under the new plan for persons who apply in the f~zture for skilled nursing care, eligibility is to be based on the actual requirements in a private living arrangement. Mr. Williams suggested reducing this figure to not more than $1~5,000. Mr. Harriss reminded Mr. Williams more than this was spent last year. Mr. Williams stated he understood this, but with the State taking over all except 15% he felt this was as far as he could go. Miss Hall stated if a person living in a housing project with basic needs of $~8.40 received social security in the amount of $90 per month, they would not be eligible for skilled nursing home care under the Medical Assistance Program; they would have to remain at the hospital or ~o out at County expense. Mr. Williams asked what the federal goeernment was paying prior to this time. Miss Hall stated Federal w~ paying 75%, State l~k /o and County l~k %• The St~e will get the 75% federal, but in order for them to take over they have had to cut programs; they will now pay the doctors only 40'~; the doctors and dentists sa4 they are not going to see these people. The State has also cut out skilled nursing home care for the so-called medically indigent. Miss Hall stated it would have been better if the County had been allowed to cut its request in one-half and hold the services; the state paying 18-3/4 % of non-federal share and the County 6~ % o£ non-£ederal share. Mr. Williams moved that the Board of Commissioners approve $200,000 for line item 18.409. Motion died for lack o£ a second. Zater in the meeting Mr. Williams sestated his motion that appropriation for Zine Item 13.409 on Page 52 be $200,000. Mr. Oxenfeld seconded the motion. Vote was called on motion. It carried unanimously. 13.411 - Boarding Home £or Children - Miss Hall requested permission to increase the rates in boarding homes as follows: Pre-school £rom $~5 to $80 per month; lst through 6th grades from $80 to $85 per month; High School, from $85 to $90 per month; and abnormal children from $100 to $105 per month. This vrould not increase amount asked for. Miss Hall stated they were having a hard time finding foster homes. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded b9 Mr. William~ that these increases be approved. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting recessed at 6:15 P. M. Meeting reconvened at ~:30 P. M. SHERIFF'S BUDGET 11.710 - Auto Exoense - ' Mr. Williams questioned this item being increased from ~16,000 bud~eted last year to $25,000 this year. Sheriff Millis stated they had run over last fiscal year by $2,000. Also, another car had been requested and with anticipated increase in expenses, he believes it will take $25,000. 11.728 - Capital Out1a;Y - Capital chztlay Request covered: 4 New Cars (one outright and 3 trade-ins), $13,'700; 1 Car radio-installed, $1,060; 2 typewriters, $`700; 3 File Cabinets (2 letter size and 1 for 3" X 5" Cards), $450; 2 Desks with Chairs, $440; 1 blue light and siren £or patrol car, $441; and convert frequency for base station and mobile units, 9~1,665 - Total $18,456. After discussion, it was agreed to leave amount requested for this item as is. Use of Denuties - Discussion was held as to duties of school deputies now. Sheriff Millis stated they are being used to patrol. Mr. Williams expressed concern over e~rpense of guards being flzrnished by Security Companies to guard schools. Mr. Harriss stated school deputies were advised they iaould be used to kaep dooan vandalism at the schools durin~ the summer months. Relief Matron - Mr. Williams raised question concerning salary of relief matron. Mr. Williams stated the Board was under the impression the relief matron would taork only one day per week, but this budget request re£lects more hours. Sheriff Millis explained Mrs. Rogers, the former matron, had left and another hired who will be putting in more time. Sheriff I~illis stated the jail census has gone up; between 5,000 and 6,000 more meals were prepared last year. Utilitv Men - Sheriff Mi11is explained two utility men have to be hired now, since the Court does not send men to the jail. These men are necessary to clean up and serve. Elevator Contract - Elevator Contract was discussed. Mr. Williams suggested the Chairman check into gettin~ the contract transferred to a local concern. Sheriff Millis agreed this should be done because having to send all the way to Washington is bad when someone is caught between the floors. Mr. Harriss requested Sheri£f NLillis check into the situation. , Reouest £or Secretars - Sheriff Millis reguested a Secretary be added to his department which would relieve a deputy who is tied up all the time. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that the Board of Commissioners authorize position of Sento II for the 8heri££'s Department. Motion carried unanimously. 6'7'7 ~ BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING - JULY 12, 19?1, (CONTINUED) - SHERiFF' S DEPARTN[FN'P RTIDGET -( CONTINUED )- 11.717 - Radio~Maintenance - Sheriff Millis requested more be added to this account because he ran over budget last year in amount o£ approximately ~260. Mr. Williams su~gested holding item as is and if additional funds are needed there might be a possibility of transferring vaithin the depart- ments budget. Photo~raphv Eauipment - Sherif£ Plillis advised the Board his department had received the above eguipment, the federal government paying 60'~o and County 40°/a. Also, if the County spends as much as $1,000 for repairs to the room for this equipment it will receive 60% for renovation. Mr. Shepard stated flands are available in the Courthouse budget. Ammunitiori - Sheriff Millis reported the FBI is going to furnish his department a course on this and Cape Fear Tech will furnish a portion of the ammunition. The Pistol Range is located back of the old County Farm. This concluded discussion o£ the Sheriff's Department Budget. AUDITOR'S BUDGET - Tentatively approved as presented. EXPENDITURES - OTHER 11.5~1 - Retirement Svstem - New Hanover County - Mr. Shepard suggested reducing this item to $~5,000. Mr. Shepard stated the actuary will not give him an 0. R. on this, but Cnunty will have sufficient funds. This is the old retirement system. Mr. Shepard stated approximately $6,000 is paid out each month and he has $150,000 on Certificate of Deposits, $90,000 on Treasury Bonds and around $30,000 Cash. Mr. Shepard stated it takes about $~2,000 per year, plus $3,000 actuary. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that this item be reduced to $70,000 on recommendation of the County Auditor. Motion carried. 11.52~ - Insurance - General - W/C - M& E~ Etc. - Mr. Shepard explained County probably spent $25,000 last year on this item and in this budget item will cover quite a bit of neia equipment. 11.536 - Hospital Insurance - Emplovees - Chairman Harriss expressed concern over jump in this item. Mr. Shepard stated the County Administrator recommended this; this is what is being paid on personnel of the library and dog contract. 11.547 - Pitney Bocaes Posta~e Meter - Mr. Shepard explained this item dropped because last year it included cost of the machine. ' 11.551 - Demolition Contracts - Mr. Shepard stated this item will cover demolition of James Walker Hospital and the County Farm. Mr. Williams stated this had been discussed and this will not do all demolition needed, but is a11 the County can stand in one year. 11.540 - Trash Disposal Contract - Chairman Harriss stated iY the County does not continue present arrangement, it will be necessary to buy more equipment for other County land£ills. Chairman Harriss asked what the County is getting in way of income from the landfills. Mr. Shepard stated practically nothin~. The Chairman requested list o£ haulers using landfill sites. 11.548 - Service For The A~ed - Mr. Shepard stated $6,000 had been requested, but he recommended same figure as last year; namely $4,000. __ Medical Examiners - A£ter discussion it was decided to leave this figure at $6,000. SCHEDULED BUDGET DISG`[TSSIONS - The following departments were scheduled for Tuesday, July 13, 1971: Airport, Charter Commission, Civil Defense, Superior Court, Court:_of Justice, and Museum. The £ollowing departments were scheduled for Wednesday, July 14, 19'71: Advertising Committee, Commissioners, and Sta£f, Coroner, County Garage, Election Board, Expenditures - Other, and the Inspection Department. MEETING RECESSED - Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, meeting recess until Tuesday, July 13, 19'71, at 5:00 P.M. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board HS/pb J b'«s ~ ' , BUDGET DTSCUSSION MEETING JTTI,Y 13, 197i 5:0o P.M. ASSEMBLY - The Board o£ New Hanover County Commissioners reconvened on the above date and time to •discuss the budget for the 19'71-'J2 fiscal year. The £ollowing were present: Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Vice-Chairman Berry A. Williams, Commissioner John R. Oxen£eld; Count~ Auditor Perry Shepard, County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. INVOCATION - Chairman Harriss called the meeting to order and asked Mr. Williams to give the invocation. AIRI~RT BUDGET - Dr. C. E. Hartford, Chairman of the Airport Commission, Mr. John Westbrook, Airport Manager, and Mr. Rudolph Shackleford were present. ~ 11.422 - Repairs To Field - 523 Runway is cracking and Mr. Westbrook advised water is getting into cracks. The F.A.A. has notified the Airport this runway has to be repaired. 11.429 - Salaries - Chairman Harriss advised salaries will be adjusted in line with policy adopted by the Board on July 12th. 11.412 - Easement Ri~hts - This item will enable Airport to acquire cutting rights on ends o£ runways. Item increased to $3'7,105. Mr. Westbrook advised County will eventually get one-half o£ this amount back. 11.418 - Zabor And Professional Service - This item covers labor fnr cutting trees for easements and architect fees for air conditioning tower. Item increased to $11,500. 11.421 - Repairs to Buildin~ - Item increased to $24,500. 9n insurance check was received in amount of $13,092 from insurance company in settlement for recent fire at airport. The $5,000 that was budgeted last year for putting in air conditioning and not used is also included in this item. Terminal Reserve ~land - Dr. Hart£ord reguested an item be included in the budget to be known as Terminal Reserve ~ind in amount of $20,000; any surplus that the Airport might have at the end of the year be.applied to that item. The purpose of this item is to provide money for a terminal building in the future. Chairman Harriss suggested name of account be Capital Reserve F~znd. Mr. Williams suggested that after the Airport Commission finds out what the surplus is, the~ come back with a request that the specific amount be appropriated to Capital Reserve E1znd. This concluded discussion of the Airport Budget. CIVIL DEFENSE - General Andrew H. Harriss was present. Space - It was pointed out County pays for space furnished by City but the County gets it back from the government. 11.501 - Office Space, Heat, Water, Li~hts~ Radio Po~aer - This item reverts back to $1200; the amount originally requested. 11.504 - Telephone Includin~;I,on~ Distance Calls - This item reverts back to $60~; the amount originally requested. 11.506 - Travel Out of Countv - Schools and Seminars - This item reverts back to $350; the amount originally requested. 11.512 - Bond For Special Deputs - Mr. Shepard advised this is a new item - Bond for Deputy in amount of $150. 11.513 - Capital Out1aY - Mr. Shepard advised this is a new item which covers Communication Radio Conversion in amount of $500. - Salaries - Mr. Harriss advised General Harriss of the policy the Board of Commissioners adopted Jul~ 12th concerning salaries. CHARTER CONII`2ISSION - Mr. Tim Wood was present. Mr. Williams asked Mr. Wood how much longer he thought it would take to close out the operation. Mr. Wood stated they anticipated they will probably be through in November and the budget is predicated on this. Personal Service - Mr. Williams asked for break-down. Mr. Wood stated he had requested no increase; he was hired at salary of $14,000 and a part-time secretary at $225 per month. , BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING - JULY 13. 19?1 - CCONTINUED) - CHARTER COMMISSION BUDGET - (CONTINUED) - Consultant And Le~al Fees - Mr. Wood stated when the Charter Commission got going he was informed the sum of ~15,000 would be appropriated for legal fees for services to be rendered by Mr. Cicero Yow. This was presented and approved. Since that time it became rather obvious the Charter Commission would not need that level of legal services, so the actual charge is considerable less. Since that time Mr. Graham has discussed this with both Mr. Yow and with the Institute of Government and what is planned for the remainder of the life of the Charter Commission is for the legal services to be provided at cost by the Ins~itute of Government rather than by Mr. Yow. This is satisfactory with Mr. Yow and an agreement has been worked out with the Institute of Government based on a fairly firm estimate of $10,000 to complete the legal services which includes providing any legal advice to Mr. Wood or to other members of the Charter Commission; to complete an outline of the Charter, which they will get next week; and to work on both the first and second drafts of the Charter; if necessary, and to provide the proposed legislature. This concluded discussion of the Charter Commission Budget. BONDED DEBT - Bonded debt approved. NVENILE DETENTION FACILITIES - By common consent, Mr. Charlie Brown, Chairman, Juvenile Detention Facilities, his Board and Architect ~oill be asked to be present for a progress report on this facility. 11.849 - Prepaid Tax Discount - 11.850 - Sales Tax - ~ Both items remain as budgeted. Mr. Shepard stated Sales Tax,increased due to,increased purchases. Mr. Shepard stated County is not gettin~ many tax payments, because interest rates are high. RECESS - Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that the meeting recess and reconvene at ']:30 P.M. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting reconvened at ~:30 P.M. SUPERIOR COURT BUDGET - This page remains as is with exception of Item 11.7'74 - Court 0££icers Rental transferred to Court oP Justice Budget. COURT OF JUSTICE BUDGET - 14.401 - Ftzrniture. Fixtures And Maintenance - Mr. Shepard stated Mr. PicKeithan requests $4200. Mr. Shepard had a list of items he " had received from Mr. P1cKeithan. Item raas set to ~3500. 14.403 - Superior Court~oom Renovations - Benches and Jury Boxes need repairing. Mr. Bowden stated it will cost $3500 to get the seats reconditioned. Mr. Bowden stated the seats and jury box wi11 cost approximately $5,000 to renovate. After discussion, it was agreed to add $2500 to this figure for labor. TAXPAYERS ASSOCIATION BUESTIONS - Civil Defense - 1. What portion of cost of Civil De£ense is paid by New Hanover County? . Mr. Shepard stated 50'~ matching funds received from the State, therefore this year cost to County will be $12,500, more or less. 2. Question o£ having spent only $16,745 last year was discussed. Mr. Shepard explained this was amount spent for 10 months. His office has been billed very heavily for May and June. Taxpayers Association asked i£ the work load in this office was great enough to employ three people. Chairman Harriss stated this is a 24 hour operation at times, and it has to be staffed in order to furnish this service. Mr. Williams pointed out budget £or this year is $26,535 and last year it was $24,954 or $1581 more this year. Commissioners' Bud~et - This was not discussed because the Commissioners had not yet taken up this budget. Juvenile Detention Center - $g2,000 was reguested for construction and $20,000 for operation. Approval of this budget is being deferred until Commissioners talk to the architect and find out when completion is scheduled. Mr. Williams stated the $92,000 will be from the Governor's Law and Order Committee and approximately $18,000 of the ~20,000 for operations will also come from this source, however, if facility is not completed before 3/4 of the year has passed onl~ a small amount of this will be needed. Representatives asked if the Center could not be consolidated with the Jail Construction. Mr. Williams stated this had been considered by the Juvenile Detention o££icials with the State, and a£ter a lot of deliberation it was felt this is the most feasible way to handle it. It is felt it is best to keep the juveniles away from the hardened criminals. Mr. Williams pointed out County will receive this year 75% from the Federal Government but next year it might change. Also, other counties will pay on a per diam basis for use of the facility. A~riculture and Economics - Chairman Harriss stated there are not many £arms but there are many 4-H groups who work with the young which is important. Also, one of the projects is the Harbor House Marine Science Center. Three '7-day student work shops are conducted in oceanographic work. E~phasis has been shi£ting from farms to business, poultry, and swine production, etc. It does require salaries. You have to have a director and others to work on these programs. Harbor House is largely funded by the State. 679 sso BIIDGET DISCUSSION MEETING - JULY 13, 1971, -(CONTINUED) -. TAX1'AYERS ASSOCIATION 9UESTIONS - (CONTINUED) - Airnort - Chairman Harriss stated Airport Accounting is verg difficult to understand because the County has spent money which has not been paid back by the Federal Government, and the Count~ will probably come out with a little balance this year, probably ~15,000 or $20,000 but this will be after the County £inishes purchasing easements and gets approval for the whole Airport Plan. The Taxpayers wanted to know if Piedmont paid property taxes on planes remainin~ over night. The answer was no, but they pay a landing fee everytime they land and tax on gasoline, which ~oes to the County of New Hanover and, this is part of the revenue of the Airport which permits the County to operate usually a$15,000 to $20,000 surplus ~eneral operating fund. The County is not supporting Piedmont. Piedmont also rents property £rom the County and the County makes money on this. Counts Gara~e - County garage is being consolidated for purpose of covering all County vehicles which will be serviced there. General Con~in~encv ~znd - $'75,UU0 was placed in Contingency Fund last year and most of it was spent. Chairman Harriss sta~ed'•the:'County has to have a cushion to operate; cannot tell what might come up. M[JSEUM - Mr. Gary E~ster, Pluseum Director, and members of his Board of Trustees were present for discussion of the Museum Budget. Budget was approved as recommended by Mr. Shepard with following changes: $'750 was added to Capital Outlay - Air Conditioning and $8800 reinstated for Capital Outlay Displays . Mr. Eyster requested a secretary be added to his staff. The Chairman suggested volunteer help be obtained. By common consent this request v~as denied. This concluded discussion o£ this budget. At this time Chairman Harriss continued discussion of the Taxpaye~s' questions as follows: Advertisin~ And Industrial Development - $39,000 has been requested but only $36,000 has been recommended by the Auditor this year. Mr. Harriss informed the Taxpayers Association. Mr. Williams sits on the Advertising Committee of the Chamber o£ Commerce which watches over the spending of the funds. All proofs o£ advertising are submitted to Mr. Shepard who pays for them if they are in order. Mr. Williams stated he did not think this item should be included in the Budget as Chamber of Commerce Advertising. This is misleading. Mr:_:Wi13:iams.'.moved,.seconded by PTr. Oxenfeld, the name of this item be changed to New Hanover 9dvertising by the Advisory Committee of the County Commissioners. Motion carried. Ca~ital Outlav - $100,000 Jail in C. D. in 1970-']1 and $100,000 this year will be in C.D. $50,000 Remodel James Walker Hospital is in surplus and will be carried £orward. $11,6'7'] School Paving has reverted to surplus. $1'7,250 Dog Pound - renovations and contract. $75,000 Revaluation appropriated for 19'71-'72 fiscal year (now have $85,000); law requires making provision for this in advance. $55,329 C.F.T. Building on C. D. and drawing interest and restricted. ~38,500 School Sites - some was spent during emergency - set aside for sites where additional schools will be needed. New School Administration Buildin~ - The Taxpayers Association recommended insurance money collected from fire insurance coverage of Hemenway Hall be set aside for the purpose of a new Administration Building. Chairman Harriss stated this is intention of the Commissioners. Overspendin~ Bud~ets By Deuartments in 1971-72. - Mr. Harriss stated this v~as not true only possibly in the Sheriff and School Budget due to emergency during past year. RECESS - Mr. ~enfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that meeting recess until Wednesday, July 14, 1971 at 5~00 P. M. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board HS/pb s~~ BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING - JULY 14. 1971 - 5:00 P. M. - ASSEMBLY - Budget Discussion Meeting was reconvened on the a~ove date and time with the £ollowing present: Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Vice-Chairman Berry A. Williams, Commissioner John R. Oxenfeld; County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden; County Auditor Perry Shepard and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. INVOCATION - Chairman Harriss called the meeting to order and asked Mr. Shepard to give the invocation. ADVERTISING ADVISORY COMMITTEE'S BUDGET - Mr. Ed J. Menke of the Chamber of Commerce and members o£ the Advertising Committee were present to discuss this budget. This Committee's budget request for 1971-72 was ~39,000 but the County Auditor recommended ~36,000 the same as last year. Ohairman Harriss advised the name Sor this budget will be Ne~a Hanover County's Advertising Budget in order to remove any lingering doubt that this is a contribution that the County is making to the Chamber of Commerce which, of course, it is not. Mr. Harriss stated the County is fortunate in having the help of the Chamber of Commerce in mailing and stuffing w}~ich would probably cost the County from $20,000 to $25,000 additional if it did not have this service. Mr. Williams stated he would tentatively support the ~36,000 appropriation recommended by the Auditor, but $39,000 would be considered as the Commissioners get further along with the budget. Chairman Harriss concurred with Mr. Williams. Mr. Sallade outlined the program followed last year and urged the County appropriate the amount.requested. The Committee advised they proposed to do more of the same during the ne~ct year. The Committee stated $36,000 will.not be as effective this year as it was last year and asked for further consideration for the $39,000. Mr. Harriss pointed out the fact that the Chamber of Commerce had not received the support they should from the motels and hoped the Chamber would make a particularly concentrated effort this year to enlist many of the tourist oriented facilities. Mr. Williams asked that New Hanover County be invoiced, but sent to the Chamber of Commerce for ve~ification, and then the Chamber send it to the County Auditor for payment. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, continuation of the program as has been recommended by the Advisory Committee for the coming year within the limitations set by the Commissioners in the final budget consideration. Motion carried unanimously. CORONER - Mr. Starr MacMillian, County Coroner, and Mr. Gross taere present to discuss the budget £or this department. Coroner MacMillian stated HB 34~ was not passed, and unless the lata is changed, the Coroner in New Hanover County will be up for re-election at the end of his present term. Discussion was held on the Medical Examiner System in which the Coroner stated in places where he has worked the Medical Examiners do their own autopsies. Also, the Coroner stated there are many autopsies being per£ormed which cost a lot of money. Chairman Harriss advised the Cproner the Medical Examiners had been written a letter concerning this, requesting autopsies not be made unless it was felt they are justified. The Coroner also stated he had had difficulty in getting Medical Examiners when they were called and cited certain instances. Chairman Harriss stated he would investigate these. Budget was tentativel~ approved as recommended by Mr. Shepard. COMMISSIONERS' BUDGET - The Commissioners' Budget was tentatively approved as recommended by Mr. Shepard. $11,868 was transferred from Professional salary £or an engineer.to Inspection Department's budget. Professional Services in the Commissioners' budget request were then split as £ollows: Administrative 0£ficer I(67), which starts at 9b9,000 and who will take over personnel and other duties. Remainder to go to consulting services. Meeting recessed at 6:15 P.M. Meeting reconvened at 7:45 P.M. Mr. Hall joined the meetin~ after the recess. BOARD OF ELECTIONS BUDGET - Mr. Bill McEachern, Chairman, Mrs. Vivian Wright; and Mr. Newsome were present to discuss the Board of Elections Budget. Mr. McEachern stated he wished to cut this budget because he had just learned there will only be two elections this coming fiscal year. Discussion was held on Custodian Fee for voting machines. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that tentative figure be established at $2,000. Motion carried unanimously. Final changes made in the Auditor's recommendations are as follows: Salaries - office - Registration reduced to $1,000; Truck rental reduced to $200, Precinet Personal Service reduced to ~16,000, Printing Ballots reduced to $2500, telephone reduced to $250, voting ssz BUDGET DISG`[TSSION MEETING - JULY 14, 1971. -(CONTINtJED) - BOARD OF ELECTIONS BUDGET - (CONTINUED) - machine custodian reduced to $2,000, extra hel for voting machine custodian reduced to $350, and Capital Outlay reduced to $9,600 ~(eliminating IBM Typewriter.) Salaries requested for the Chairman and other Board members were not reduced; the Chairman's was increased this year by $1,000 and the Board members by $300 each. Budget was tentatively approved. DOG CONTRACT - Mr. J. W. Johnson was present for this discussion. Discussion was held on dog contract in which it was pointed out due to City Dog Control I,aw it is costing the County more, therefore Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that the ratio be ~0'~ City and County 30'~, with provision the City not enact any new laws that would af£ect cost of contract without first discussing it with the County. Motion carried unanimously. INSPECTION BUDGET - The Inspectors were present to discuss budget for the Inspection Office. Budget was tentatively approved as recommended by the Auditor. Additional personnel was requested; namely an additional Building Inspector, Electrical Inspector and Plumbing Inspector. Capital Outlay item was discussed . It was pointed out by Mr. Bowden that radios will be needed for the three additional inspectors. Justi£ication £or the additional personnel was given by Mr. Bowden by stating that Building Inspection fees collected in 1969-70 amounted to $54,859. Also, there needs to be a closer check on trailers. By common consent the Inspection Budget was tentatively approved as recommended by the County Auditor. COUNTY GARAGE - Mr. Harriss stated this budget would have to be approached this year on an approval basis and hope that it is somewhere right. Mr. Bowden called attention to the fact personnel was retained that had been at the garage previously. Budget was tentatively approved. TRASH DISPOSAL CONTRACT - This was budgeted same as last year. GENERAI, CONTINGENCY - $'75,000 was budgeted same as last year. MACRAE PARg AND OAB GROVE CEMETERY - By common consent it was agreed to ask the County Attorney how to go about moving graves from Oak Grove Cemetery. By common consent this budget was tentatively approved as recommended by the County Auditor. RECESS - Meetin~ was recessed until Thursday, July 16, 19'71, at 5~00 P.M. Respectflzll~ submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board HS/pb ~ BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING JULY 16, 1971 5~00 P.M. ASSEMBI,Y Budget Discussion Meeting was reconvened on the a'bove date and time in the Commission Room. The following were present: Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Vice-Chairman Berry A. Williams, Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., John R. Oxenfeld; County Auditor Perry Shepard; County Administrator Zaurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. AGRICULTURE AND ECONOMICS BUDGET - Mr. Durwood Baggett was present for discussion of this budget. Chairman Harriss stated this budget was appro~dmately $7,000 more than last ~ear; $4,000 being in salaries. By common consent this budget was tentatively approved as recommended by the County Auditor. REGISTER OF DEEDS BUDGET - Mrs. Zois LeRay, Register o£ Deeds, was present for discussion of this budget. Discussion was 4~eld as whether to reduce Item 11.'701 - Data Processing - Merging Old Indexes from $10,000 to $5,000. Mrs. LeRay advised that by appropriating ~10,000 annually for three years will save the County $2400 the first year. By common consent it was agreed to leave this item at $10,000. This budget was tentativelg approved as recommended by the Auditor with exception o£ salaries. Policy on salaries was formerly set at first budget meeting. ~ ~683 BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING - JULY 16. 19~1 -~CONTINUED) - REGISTER OF DEEDS BUDGET - (CONTINIJED) - Mr. Bowden asked Mrs. LeRay if records of the Tax Department and Auditor can be duplicated. Mrs. ZeRay stated these records can be filmed and stored in another place. Mrs. LeRay suggested employing a veteran with film experience full time. Chairman Harriss suggested getting on raith it, and Mr. Bowden supervise the operation. Mr. Harriss asked Mr. Bowden to furnish recommendations before the budget discussions were finished in order to determine whare it should go. CAFE FEAR TECH INSTITUTE BUDGET - Mr. McLeod and members of his Board were present for dis~cussion of this budget. Mr. McLeod stated there was one item he would like adjusted; Item 611 - Replacement Motor Y'ehicles. He requested amount left over £rom Motor Vehicle operation last year be trans£erred to this account for purpose of purchase. This item was increased to $1600. Mr. McLeod stated he did not at the present time see where the County will get matching funds for neva construction any time soon. Therefore, he requested the ~55,329 budgeted for new construction be used £or Remodeling and Repairs to a barge 4ahich Cape Fear Tech obtained for a cost of $500. This barge will provide approximately 28,000 square fee t floor space, but it will take money to provide water, sewerage, lights and heat. He stated it would be necessary to go to property control for advice as to what they can do. At this point they cannot tell what it will cost but it looks like it will take approximately $50,000 to get the barge in condition. Mr. Harriss stated he would like to, with the concurrence o£ the other Commissioners, put in the budget tentatively an additional $50,000 for this work and consider the budget as a iahole. Mr. Williams stated he was inclined to keep this money where it is and give the Institute authority to go ahead with this, and if matching £unds become available, then the County can find funds for its share. Mr. McZeod stated the Institute will have to spend money to begin with; they oaill need some engineering plans. Mr. Ha11 moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that Cape Fear Technical Institute be authorized to proceed with the renovation and repairs to the barge, and that this fund be earmarked for this purpose. Notion carried unanimously. MENTAI~ HEAI,TH BUDGET - Mr. John Wilson and Dr. Schulte were present for discussion of this budget. Discussion was held on Item 18.401. Mr. Williams asked why figure had doubled. Dr. Schulte stated budget reguest was £or $5,000 instead of $8,000 as originally reguested due to some programs being dropped. Dr. Schulte stated drugs are down because patients are buying from prescriptions; they are not dispensed from the Center now. Rent was discussed. Mr. Wilson stated staff has doubled and at present have use of upstairs o£ a house on 15th and Market Street. This hou'se is £or sale and if sold, Mental Health will need to rent space. Location on South 1']th Street is not ade~quate for staff. By common consent budget was tentatively approved as recommended by the Auditor with exception of Item 18.425 - Consultants and Community Pro~rams being decreased to $5,000 and 18.4Q8 - Rent increased to $4,000. Salary Policy adopted by the Board was explained by Mr. Bowden. Mr. Hall asked what County's share o£ budget will be. Mr. Shepard stated approximately ~33,089. Mr. Williams stated Columbus County had e~rpressed desire to come in and hoped consideration would be given. Meeting Recessed at 6:30 P.M. Meeting Reconvened at ']:45 P.M. NF•QT,TH DEPARTMENT BTJDGET - Chairman Harriss asked reason for large increase in Item 16.404 - Biological this year. Dr. Knox stated it was for Measle vaccine. Item 16.401 Attendance Board of Health was increased to $600 due to increase in number of inembers on the Board. Chairman Harriss stated he was o£ opinion the Commissioners would be sub~ect to criticism and suggested it be checked be£ore they accept payment for serving on the Board. Mr. Williams asked if the law had been changed whereby the Board of Health members' fee can be increased same as the Wel£are. Mr. Hall stated they did not have the same respon- sibilities as the Welfare members. $1450 was added to the budget for possible legal expense. Item 16.42'] was discussed rahich is Major Repairs. Nir. Fiall was of opinion a new building should be considered instead of renovatin6 the o1d James Walker Hospital. Dr. Knox stated the County is eligible for funds from the Hill Burton Foundation in amount of 40'~ to building and 40'~ to movable equipment within the building. Dr. Knox stated the County will have a better chance to get these funds if it is associated with the New Hanover Memorial Hospital. Dr. Knox stated he had been informed that the Health Department and Mental Health had been allocated grounds at the hospital,for building which also includes parking space. 68~ BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING - JULY 16, 1971 -(CONTINUED) - ~'•QT,TH DEPARTMENT BUDGET - (CONTINUED) - Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the 9b100,000 be left in the budget and name it Building F1~nd and direct the Medical Director and County Administrator start re- searching this proposed project and report back to the Commissioners at the earliest practical date. Motion carried. Bill From M,r. Henrs Von Oesen - Mr. Bowden stated he had received a bill from Mr. Henry von Oesen in the amount of $750 for services rendered in trying to renovate the James Walker Hospital for the Health Department. By common consent it mas agreed to budget $800 under Item 16.429 for the engineering fee just mentioned. Mr. Williams asked if position of Director, ~,hvironmental Sanitation was included in salary plan adopted at first session of the budget session. It was determined this position was covered. Treatment o£ Jail Inma~es - Chairman Harriss stated the Board felt it was the obligation of the Health Physician to provide medical services for the jail. At one time it ~aas agreed the County o~ould hire someone at a reasonable figure to handle this. Chairman Harriss stated he does not find anything in the statutes that says that the Public Health Physician is not responsible for the jail. Dr. Knox stated the County can appoint~a County Physician to look after jail inmates; that is the way the law reads. Dr. Knox stated the contract County has with the State says he cannot prectice medicine. After discussion, Chairman Harriss requested Mr. Bowden to ask Mr. Fox to research the law on thi.s. Item 16.448, Back Hoe Rental was discussed and item reduced to $8500. Item 16.453, Capital Outlay was increased to $5500 for purchase of back hoe. Garage - Nir. Bowden discussed whether or not Mr. Shepard will remain as foreman of the Garage. Dr. Knox stated this was the first he had heard but he l~ew Mr. Shepard vaas a heavy duty equipment mechanic. Discussion was held as how to operate the Garage. Chairman Harriss stated the Health Department will be billed for services. Sol~id Waste Aides - Dr. Knox stated these men will supervise haulers bringing trash in telling them where to put it. Dr. Knox stated large quantities of material has been carried to the Military Cut-Off Zandfill which is presenting a problem. Mr. Harriss stated commercial haulers have not been paying for use of the landfills. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that Mr. Shepard be authorized to exercise his power to subpoena Commercial Haulers to collect these bills. Motion carried unanimously. Nir. Harriss requested Mr. Bowden to refer this to Mr. Fox for a legal definition of a commercial user. In the meantime, it is understood anyone hauling trash for hire shall be subpoenaed for nonpayment. Mr. Williams stated sometime ago the Board decided to get prices from commercial haulers to handle landfills on a contract basis and inquired what the status is at this time; whether to do this raould be better or for the County to purchase the equipment and whether there is enough money in this budget to do which ever the County determines is best. Chairman Harriss stated he felt Mr. Bowden is nrepared to agree there::.is no way that the County can sufficiently control commercial operators in this process that will make it satisfactory. Unless you watch them, you cannot know hoia many hours they will v~ork. The Carolina Beach Landfill iahich the County operates with its own cr.awler loader is operating on a hi~hly satisfactory basis. The one being operated on contractural basis is operating on a highly unsatisfactory basis. NLr. Harriss stated he was of the opinion that with equipment the County now has and with addition of a tractor, 1ow boy and portable air compressor which is necessary to crank the equipment up, the County can operate both landfills. This will cost approximately $'7800. A duplicate set of equipment tiaill serve another two landfills and by common consent P7r. Bowden was instructed to look for toao more sites. It was pointed out another crawler will be needed which will cost about $40,000 and an operator at salary of $']800. After all expenses o£ operation, maintenance etc. is taken into consideration, it will cost about ~55,00~. Mr. Harriss recommended that Dr. Knox and Mr. Bowden make a study of the burning of certain types of trash. Mr. Bowden said burning is pretty expensive. Franchisinp~ CountY - Chairman Harriss stated County has a very difficult situation in commencing franchising because of overlapping routes. Chairman Harriss stated only suggestion he had was to call the major operators in and tell them the County is going to have to be divided up and have it in a more orderly and regimented fashion; license those people who are quahfied and assign them to landfill sites which they will contract to use and pay certain amounts. They will be infarmed they iai11 have to come to some agreement to divide up the territory. The Board should try to get them to volunteer to do this; if not draw~~a line and tell them the Board is going to franchise people in these areas and they can submit their quali£ications to serve these areas. 6HJ BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING - JUI,Y 16. 1971 -(CDNTINUED) - HEAI~TH DEPARTMENT BUDGET - ~CONTINUED) - Mr. illiams stated the Board had been thinking about this for months and thought someone vaas studying it with the idea of bringing some concrete recommendations to act on. Mr. Harriss advised Mr. Williams Mr. Bowden had been studying it and hoped to be able to bring in something to consider. I,andfill Budget was changed as follows: Item 16.520, Capital O.utlay tivas. increased to $48,000 in order to purchase a crawler loader, two tractors, a low boy and portable air compressor. Item 16.521, Insurance was increased to $1,000; Contract Services'was reduced to 9E12,000 and Item 16.51'], Site Acquisitions and Improvements was added to budget in amount of $2,000. Mr. Bovaden was instructed to proceed with purchase of the items authorized above. Two -river Sanitarians were added @$7500 each, total ~$15,000 to operate the equipment. Tuberculosis Pro~ram - Item 16.544, Physician fee in amount of ~2100 for project under Tuberculosis taas deleted by the State, there£ore the County increased their share of fee to the Physician to ~5700. Mr. Harriss requested Mr. Bowden check to determine if County might be in line for some state or federal funds. SAI~ARIES - Mr. Williams asked that consideration be given to salaries of several positions that 4~ere not included in the motion at the first budget discussion meeting. Mr. Williams stated he would like to be present when these are settled. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the following salaries be granted: To Elected Officials: sheriff from $12,500 to $15,000 Register of Deeds from ~11,'700;to $13,000 Auditor from $12,500 to $15,000 Coroner from $ 5,409 to $ 6,000 To Annointed Officers: County Administrator from $14,500 to $16,500 Clerk to the Board from $ 6,684 to $ 8,000 Tax Supervisor from $10,071 to $12,000 Director of Social Services from $16,332 to $1'7,460 (same grade & step) After discussion, Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Williams the motion be tabled until Tuesday, July 20, 1971. Motion carried unanimously. RECESS - Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the meeting recess until after the regular meeting on Monday, July 19, 19'71. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, HS/pb Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING auzY 19, 197i io:i5 n.rt. ASSEMBLY - Budget Discussion Meeting was reconvened on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., John R. Oxenfeld; County Auditor Perry Sheparcl, County Administrator Zaurence 0. Bowden, and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. TAX LISTING BUDGET - Mr. Powell was present to discuss this budget. Budget was tentativel~ approved as recommended by the Auditor with exception of Item 11.816 - Data Processing Contract - Present which was decreased to #'S25o and Item 11.820 Postage increased to $4500. Capital Outlay represented following items to be purchased: two multipliers, electric'typeV~riter, water cooler and copying machine. COURTHOUSE BUDGET - Mr. Bowden stated Repairs to the Courthouse to both roofs, 566500; repainting of exterior; tw~ conditioners with larger ones and a small system Tax Office. With dropped ceilings these systems and electrical wiring is constantly having to be to the Sheriff's Office. and Other Buildings will consist of repairs ~ offices need replacement o£ window air- in Mrs. LeRay's upstairs office and the will cost $3500 each or ~'7,000 for both; chan~ed. Also, minor repairs are needed SERVICES TO THE AGED - Mrs. Louise Love, Executive Secretary, o£ this organization, and Mr. Ed Snead appeared to request the full $6,000 which they had requested in the budget ~e approved instead of the $4,000 recommended by the Auditor, After discussion, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that the Board grant them the $6,000 requested based on final analysis of the budget. Motion carried unanimously. Later in the meeting Mr. Harriss stated he wanted to see itemized budget before agreeing to even the $4,000 requested from the County. 686 BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING - JULY 19. 197i -(CONT]NUED) - NO WAF~ SIGNS - Item 11.552 - No Wake Signs was discussed and $800 x~as budgeted for this item. LAND SITES - I~ANDFILLS - This item was deleted because ~2,000 was budgeted on Landfill Page. 11.551 - DEMOLITION CONTRACTS - This item was tentatively budgeted at $30,000. RECESS - Meetin~ recessed at 11:35 A.M. Respectflzlly submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board HS/pb JOINT BUDGET P`ZEETING CITY COUNCII, - COUNTY COMMISSIONERS JULY 19, 1971 2:00 P. M. ASSEMBLY - Budget meeting was reconvened and joint meeting of the Wilmington City Council and the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building to discuss joint budgets for the 19'71-']2 fiscal year. The following were present from the City; Mayor B. D. Schwartz, Mayor Pro Tem John Symmes, Councilmen Luther Cromartie, Ben Halterman; City Attorney Cicero Yow; City Manager E. C. Brandon, and Miss Claire Hu~hes, City Clerk. The following were present from the County: Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., John R. Oxenfeld; County Attorney James C. Fox, County Auditor Perry Bhepard; County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. SAI~ARIES - Chairman Harriss advised the City Councilmen the County had adopted a pay plan which brings all non-merit clerical personnel and merit personnel up to one below standard grade. This has made very substantial changes in the County's budget. Mr. Harriss stated he hoped the County will be able to get everyone on standard grade next year. Prior to this, some of the County's employees have been grossly under paid. M[TSEUM BUDGET - The following changes were made in the recommendations of the Auditor concerning the budget proposed for the Musuem: $750 added to Capital Qutlay - kir Conditioning, and $8800 was bud~eted Yor Capital Outlay-Displays. Salaries were adjusted in line with the pay plan adopted by the County. Total of the adjusted budget is approximately $36,680, thus resulting in County and City share being $18,340. Zast year each share was $16,042. Mr. Symmes moved, seconded by Mr. Cromartie, the City approve their one-hal£ share on the basis outlined. PTotion carried unanimously. PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT - Discussion was held con.cerning the need for an additional emplo~ee in this department. By common consent both the City and County agreed to hire another person, thus making tot~l share for each $35,284. Mr. Bowden stated this Department needs a printing machine. They noia have to make a trip to City Hall for such ~aork which is time consuming. Mr. Bowden stated this will require $760 additional from the County. By common consent the County Commissioners agreed to budget $'760 for the prin~ing machine for exclusive use o£ the County. PUBLIC LIBRARY BUDGET City Manager Brandon stated the City has budgeted 5% increases in Julg and 5% in January for all library personnel. Mr. Brandon stated the City's Budget is the same this year as it oaas last year except for the change in salaries. Based on this the County's share will be $43,150. Mr. Hall expressedconcern over line items o£ the Public Library which were requested by the library bein6 reduced by the City without consideration being given. Mayor Schwartz stated the City is budgeting all they can afford. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that the County adopt its share of the I,ibrary budget based on the County's share being ~43,150. Motion carried unanimously. TAX COLLECTOR'S OFFICE BUDGET - Chairman Harriss stated there was no point in going over the Tax Collector!s budget due to the fact a bill in the General Assembly had recently been passed giving the County authority to collect taxes under contractural agreements with municipalities paying a charge for the services. A committee was appointed to study and work out an a~reement between the City and County. Chairman Harriss appointed Commissioner~Hall, County Attorney Fox, and County Administrator Bowden to this Committee. Playor Schwartz appointed Councilmen Symmes, Cromartie, and City Attorney Yoar to the Committee. Mr. Fox advised he had copy of the Raleigh agreement with Wake County and approved their way of handling. Mayor Schwartz stated the City Attorney also approved it. JOINT BUDGET MEETING - CITX AND COUNTY - JUI~Y 19, 1971 -(CONTINUED) - TAX COLLECTOR'S OFFICE BUDGET - (CONTINUED) - After a discussion, in which Mr. Iiall suggested that if it were determined the City is paying too much for the service or the County is not charging enough, that the contract be renegotiated during ~he fiscal year, Mr. Fox pointed out the Raleigh contract is based on a year to year basis and is not bendable. ~'ir. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, tbat these joint boards sitting in joint action adopt a schedule of fees the same as exist between the City of Raleigh and Wake County. Mr. Fox stated he Selt the County should wait to see if this is adequate; to adopt a contract based on fifty cents per each listing may or may not be adequate. Nir. Fox suggested waiting in order for Mr. Shepard to determine whether this is adequate. Mr. Fox stated he obtained a copy of the Raleigh contract and flirnished copy to the City Attorney as a format to be considered, but he had never recommended adoption of the schedule of fees the same as Raleigh nor did he believe any of the Commissioners had. City Attorney Yow stated it may be cheaper for the City to collect their own taxes and the County Attorney replied it might be conceivable. Chairman Harriss stated this will nave to be worked out with the Committee and hoped that it can be worked out immediately. Meeting of the Committee taas set for 8:30 4lednesday morning, July 21, 19'71, at City Hall. No action was taken on Mr. Hall's motion. CHARTER COMMISSION BUDGET - Chairman Harriss stated Mr. Tim 4Jood had advised he anticipated the Charter Commission would be terminated by November and the budget is based on this. Budget share for City and County is ~10,000 each. Status of Mr. Wood's exinployment after tei~mination of the Charter Commission was discussed. Mr. Brandan stated he was on leave of absence, bu~ would not go back to the Planning ~epartment. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that the County adopt budget for the Charter Commission, County's share being $10,000. rotion carried unanimously. DOG CONTRACT BiJDGET - Chairman Harriss stated the Commissioners were ~oing to propose a division of expense more in line with the actual work. 961'J,250 was budgeted last year and it is expected to be ~29,140 this year. About $5400 was due to the City's Leash Law, so the County took $5,000 from the $29,140 which left approximatelv ~24,000 and the County proposed to spend $12,000 which will leave the City's share about $1'7,000. This is about 60-40 ratio rather than 50-50. Mr. Hall suggested if it is going to be based on percentage proportion, something be included to the effect that there 'be no additional laws passed by the City that would a~fect the dog pick-up or e~:pense o£ this operation. If additional laws are passed by the City that would increase the cost, the cost will be absorbed by the City. Mr. Bowden pointed out the County proposes to bug radios at County's expense for Mr. Johnson and install them in his trucks; radios will belong to the County. Mr. Johnson has had to purchase two trucks. Mr. Cromartie stated Mr. Johnson is doing an excellent job and just about breaking even; that Mr. ~7ohnson had told him that he e~pected to clear about $1700 this year for all the time he has put in.. Mr. Cromartie was of the opinion Mr. Johnson's contract should be increased by $2,000. Mayor Sch~~artz did not agree. It was pointed out the City had never been char~ed for putting the dog pound in shape which cost abou~ $2500. After further discussion, by common consent it was agreed it would be a 50-50 proposition and everything, including radios, rent, etc., will be divided. $5,000 will be added to the budgeted figure of $2g,140 which will bring cost to the City approximately to $1'7,000. Fees.~collected will be taken into consideration before the City is billed. Meeting ~aas recessed until 5:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Haze1 Savage Clerk to the Board HS/pb BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING ~JI,Y 19, 1971 5:0o P.M. ss~ ASSEMBLY - Budget discussion Meeting was reconvened an the above date and time in the Commission Buildin~ with the following present: Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., John R. Oxenfeld; County Auditor Perry Shepard; County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden; and HazeZ Savage, Clerk to the Board. SCHOQZ $UDGET - Dr. Bellamy and his staff were present for this budget discussion. Dr. Bellamy stated it had been difficult to prepare a budget this year due to legisla~ure sti11 being in session, the School Board not having as yet received a Court Order which might ckange the whole organization of the schools this year, and almost all records having been lost in the fire at Hemenway Hall, ~ ~$ 8 BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING - JULY 19. 1971 -(CONTINUED) - SCHOOL BUDGET - (CONTINUED) - Changes were made as follows in their budget reguests: 20.409 - Clerical Salaries increased to $89,360. Salaries - 19 Teachers @ ~,100 reduced at first by $500 per teacHer, amount budgeted ~125,400. Item 20.419 - Instructional Materials increased to $1~9,690 in order to purchase library books. Attention was called to Item 20.420 - Vocational Salaries and increase noted. Dr. Bellamy advised this was due to salaries increased and additional 3 positions. Total staf£ novr is 38. Item 20.421 - Secretaries in School - increased to $194,626. Item 20.424 - Wages of Janitors & Maids - increased to $215,34'7. Item 20.425 - E~el reduced to $5,000. Item 20.430 - Repairs & Replacement Ftiirniture & Inst. apparatus reduced to $61,000. Vandalism cost the County $27,000 last year stated Dr. Bellamy. CONTINGENCY - Dr. Bellamy requested $25,000 be placed in a contingency fund for payment of outstanding bills; only to ~e used to pay unpaid bills. Request was granted. BACK HOE - ' By common consent it was agreed the School Board purchase a back hoe for their use now and sell it to the County iahen they no longer have need for it. Item 20.438 - Repair Parts & Replacement - Dr. Bellamy stated this item includes an activity bus which would be nice but the School Board can provide for the program if the Commissioners will provide a regular activity bus with travel seats. Dr. Bellamy stated this type will cost around 9~8500 and this item can be reduced to $14,0'70. Item 25.401 was increased'by $378,000, total figure $403,000 £or purpose o£ receiving maximum insurance on the Hemenway Building and contents. Building was insured for $1'78,000 and the School Board has had an advanced payment of $78,000 on this which Mr. Shepard has and the School Board hopes they can justify the entire contents. Item 26.403 - Television Studio in amount of $4,600 was eliminated. School Buses - Formal approval was ~iven at this session for the purchase of seven instead o£ ten, thus reducing amount budgeted to $49,700. SCHOOL PENSIONS - (COUNTY) - Dr. Bellamy stated attrition will graduall~ cut this item out. Teachers hired now are informed they will not come under this plan. CAPITAI., RESERVE - Dr. Bellamy explained they had purchased a payroll machine which he would like protected. It will be paid for over a period of three years; $8800 being first payment. He requested as much as possible be left for site acquisition. Dr. Bellamy stated he wanted to discuss with ~the-Commissioners as soon as he can a year- round program and extended day - split schedule to get double use out of the high schools. Dr. Bellamy stated sites they will be looking for will be for elementary schools. Mr. Hall suggested allocating $2,428,000 to School Budget disregarding line items and let the School Board work it out the best way possible. Dr. Bellamy did not think he could accept this without cutting people off. Mr. Spencer stated they are requesting $82,0'70 less than what they first reguested in the budget. Total County participation will be $2,'759,000 of total budget (approximately). $85,800 was transferred from regular budget Item 20.41'7 - Salaries - 19 teachers to the school supplement budget, leaving $39,600 for 6 teachers on Page 94. After discussion, it was agreed the Board would recess for a few minutes in order to give Dr. Bellamy a chance to discuss possible further reductions with his staf£. Neeting reconvened. A£ter a very brief ineeting with his staff, Dr. Bellamy advised the Commissioners the following items could be reduced in his budget; Page 95, Item 20.429 - Repairs to Building and Grounds by $10,000; on Page 95, Item 20.430 - Repairs & Replacement Flzrniture & Inst. Apparatus by $10,000; on Page 95, Item 20.436 - Wages of Drivers by $~10,000, on Page 98, Total School Books, by $10,000; on Page 99, Item 26.401, F4zrniture & Inst. Apparatus, by $~4,000; and on Page 99, Special Activity Bus, by $6,000, total $50,000. With these reductions the school budget was tentatively approved. Meeting recessed at 6:45 P.M. Meeting reconvened at 7:45 P.M. 689. BUDGET DISCUSSION P~EETING - JULY 19. 19?1 -~CONTINUED) - JUVENII,E DETENTION FACILITY - Mr. Charlie Brown, Chairman of the Committee on the Juvenile Detention Facility, P~ir. Frank Ballard, Architect for this facility, and Mr. Ronald Knoff of the Social Services, who has been tiaorking with the Committee, were present. Mr. Brown stated total cost of facility will be $218,520.00, with County being funded $91,'758.00. This will mean cost to the County taill be $126,'762. Mr. Brown stated it was necessary for the County to Budget the full cost of $218,520.00 in order to receive funds in the amount of $91~758•00 but operation of facilities budgeted can be reduced to $3,500 since the facility will not open until July l, 1972. Bid opening date was scheduled for Thursday after Labor Day, September 9, 19'71 at 2:00 P.M. Budget was tentatively approved. OGDEN RESCUE S9UAD BUDGET - Two representatives zaere present for discussion of this Budget. Mr. Harriss advised that they will receive the same amount as the Volunteer Fire Departments; namely $5,841, which is abnut a 10% increase over last year. This amount is to be used for operating e~penses; cannot be used for equipment and cannot support the ambulance service. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. ~enfeld, that the appropriation be granted. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Harriss thanked them for the service they are rendering the County. VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTPIENTS' BUDGET - Mr. Horace Murray was present for thi.s discussion. ~5840 was budgeted for each of the Volunteer Fire Departments with the exception of $6104 being budgeted for the Winter Park Volunteer Fire Department. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Ha11, that the above amounts be appropriated. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Murray stated the Volunteer Fire Departments had just entered into a fire insurance policy which is based on pieces o£ equipment which will pay any person injured ~100 per week £or life. Accidental Death, loss of limb or sight is $5,000. This is paid for by the Department. Mr. Harriss thanked the departments for their fine work. RECESS - Meeting recessed to reconvene Wednesday Morning July 21, 1971, immediately after joint meeting with City Council. Respectfl.illy submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board HS/pb BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING NLY 21, 1971 9~30 A.M. ASSEMBI,Y - Budget Discussion Meetin~ was reconvened on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Vice-Chairman Berry A. Williams, Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., John R. Oxenfeld; County Auditor Perry Shepard; County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. INTERSTATE 40 - Mr. Berry A. Williams called attention to news item in a Raleigh paper on J~ly 21st stating that the Planners of the Hi~hway Department have recommended that Interstate 40 be extended down to the vicinit,y of Selma and at a later date be e~:tended to Wilmington. Mr. Williams pointed out this urould mean extra mileage from Wilmington to Raleigh and ea~tra cost to the traveling public. Mr. Williams stated, in his opinion, the planners rejected urhat he thou~ht was the most feasible alternate. Mr. Williams recommended the Board be represented at the public hearing and stated he, Mr. Williams, had made an unof£icial request that this Board be notified when hearing o~ill be held. Mr. Williams felt an official request should be made and moved, seconded by Mr. _ Hall, that this Board officially request a hearing before the Highway Commission before a final decision is made on this route. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. flall suggested Mr. Zem Doss be asked to help on this matter. Mr. Williams suggested getting all resolutions possible from local governing boards and from other interested groups and have other representation at the meeting. Mr. 4lilliams also suggested using material that has been gotten together by the Council of Governments in its transportation study. ssa BtTDGET DISCUSSION MEETING - JULY 21, 1971 -(CONTII~TiJED) - INTERSTATE 40 - (CONTINUED) - Mr. Harriss advised PTr. Williams the Board would appreciate it if he would get the information together and write the letter. Mr. Harriss stated this was very important. TAX COLLECTIOId - Mr. Hall stated the solution the City and County had arrived at just previous to this meeting was that all the tax levies ~•~ere added; all of the municipalities, plus the £ive million dollars which the County will put in:. This ca~ to approximately $8,~01,000 and divided percentage wise into what had been esti.mated the operation of the whole office would come to approximately 1.5 percent, so it i,~as a~reed that for this fiscal year, the County will operate on a basis of charging the City 1.5 percent of the collections. Mr. Hall stated there is a little discrepancy between the collections and the levy,tut in the final analysis when qou take into consideration all of the other collections it will run it up to about 97'~ to 98% of the total that the Board figured, so the County did not think is sufficient to go into too much detail. The County is to pay the City $375 per month rent for the present space and move the o£fice when the County can do so. There is to be a get=together between the financial agents of the City and County to make a rebate to the City for those people whose pensions require payments by the City retroactive to July 1 and the County assume full responsibility £or the billing and collection of taxes as of nova. Mr. Hall stated everyone felt it was a good and equitable proposition. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that the County assume the operation and expense of the billing and collection of taxes as outlined and this service be made available for all municipalities on the same percentage basis•and it be subject to an annual re- negotiation. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Williams stated that since the County has officially assumed responsibility for collection of taxes, every e£fort should be made to secure the flzll time services of a Tax Collector at the earliest possible date. By common consent it was agreed to instruct Mr. Bowden to proceed with the reorganization of the personnel, including the acquisition of a Tax Collector who is to be appointed by the Board of Commissioners. Mr. Bowden stated he and Mr. Powe11 plan to visit three offices which Mr. Henry Lewis had recommended next week for ideas on how to set up New Hanover County's Tax Collection Office. Mr. Harriss pointed out with the moving of the utilities from this office, and streamlining of the procedures, the County should be able to operate more efficiently. Mr. Bowden stated tentative plans on the location of the office have been started, but he would like to develop them be£ore discussing them ilirther. N(r. Harriss suggested Mr. Bowden look into the installation o£ a concrete vault. Mr. Bowden stated there is one already; all that is needed are the doors. Mr. Shepard reguested the Board to turn to Page 4'] of Budget Book and appropriate $4500 for rent, and at the same time he stated he would anticipate revenue of 1%z percent or $40,000 £or collection of taxes. County's share of Tax Collector's Office will double due to fact County will be assuming full responsibility of this operation. N[r. Bowden stated some of the personnel he would like to get them on the merit plan, to work this out administratively. are below and some above the merit plan and and with the Board's permission he would like ~ Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the personnel be brought into the County pay plan with no one's salary being reduced. Motion carried unanimously. SALARIES OF ELECTED OFFICIAI,S AND APPOl1v~r~D OFFICERS - Mr. Williams requested that the motion which t,ras tabled on July 16th regarding salaries for elected officials and appointed officers be restated: The motion was: "Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the following salaries be ~ranted: To Elected Officials: Sherif£ Register o£ Deeds Auditor Coroner To Appointed Officers: County Administrator Clerk to the Board Tax Supervisor Director of Social Services (Same Grade and Step) from ~p12,500 to $15,000 from 11,'700 to 13,000 from 12,500 to 15,000 from 5,409 6,000 from $14,500 to $16,500 from 6,684 to 8,000 from 10,0~1 to 12,000 from 16,332 to 1~,460 Mr. Bowden stated salary of the Director of Social Services recommended in this motion puts this position on standard same as other pro£essionals under merit system. Chairman Harriss took each position, one at a time, and after discussion Chairman Harriss stated he felt the Sheriff should be given $15,500 due to the fact the Sheriff directs some 60 persons and that he has personal exposure same as his men and he, Mr. Harriss, o~ould go along with other increases if the Sheriff is raised to 5~15,500. Mr. Williams moved that the original motion be amended by increasing salary of the Sheriff to $15,500 instead of $15,000 provided for in the original motion. Mr. Oxenfeld seconded the motion. Vote was called. Motion carried unanimously. Vote Vaas called on original motion. It carried unanimously. . 691 BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING - JTJLY 21, 19~1 -(CONTINUED) - SAI/ARIES OF ELECTED OFFICIALS AND APPOINTED OFFICERS -(CONTINUED) - Mr. Hall stated it should be understood that newly elected officials will not be drawin~ these salaries, these raises are based on the person's experience. Mr. Bowden was instructed to place these positions on range. SER~CES FOR THE AGED BUDGET - Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, Motion carried unanimously. that the budget request for $6,000 be granted. RECESS - Meeting recessed until Friday, July 23, 19']l. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board HS/pb BUDGET DISCUSSION PIEETING JiTI,Y 23, 1971 12:00 P.M. ASSEMBZY - Budget Discussion Meeting was reconvened on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Vice-Chairman Berry A. Williams, Commissioner John R. OxenPeld; County Auditor Perry Shepard; County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden, and Hazel Sayage, Clerk to the Board. INVOCATIaN - Chairman Harriss called the meeting to.,order and asked Mr. Bowden to give the invocation. [dAIVER OF NOTICE OF I"~ETING - ~ Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the formal three days notice required for special meetings of the Commissioners be waived. Motion carried unanimously. LETTER OF THANKS TO I,EGISLATORS - P~r. Harsiss stated he raould like concurrence of the Board for him to thank the le~islators £or representing our area and the State as a vahole so ably during this session of the Le~is- lature. By common consent this was agreed to. ADOPTION OF BUDGET - County Auditor Perry Shepard pres ented the £inal proposal of Y und balance, revenue, and expenditures for fiscal year 1971-72, advising total bud~et proposed is ~b13,318,23'7 and he recommended tax rate of '79 cents based on 10~'~ valuation and using 94% of the tax base. Mr. Shepard stated this is an exc ellent budget and the highest bud~et in the history of the County. Mr. Shepard stated the County is still in good sound financial condition. Mr. Harriss stated a good part of the surplus, generally, represents savings during the past year. Mr. Harriss stated the Commission should be con~ratulated, but a good deal of praise goes to the department heads who certainly did a good job in keeping the expenses as low as possible. Mr. Shepard stated the Commission ers having adopted resolution to bring in the 1/ Sales Tax will bring in about one mi.llion do llars. Otherwise the property owners would have had to bear this to keep the County moving fortiaard. Mr. Harriss read the following budget resolution: "Be it Resolved, that for th e fiscal year be~inning July 1, 19'71, and ending June 30, 19'72, the following appropriations are made to the various funds o~hich are deemed sufficient for carryin~ out the necessary operations of :the New Hanover County Government: Total Tax Bud~et Rate General ~lxnd ~2,448,045 $0139 Agric. & Econ. 43,90'7 005'7 Public Assist. 2,386,628 0'761 Social Services 683,'731 0231 Health 843,436 0691 Mental xealth 171,099 0055 Debt Service 1,180,879 1532 C F T I Re~ular '72,II52 0096 C F T I Building 55,329 -- Revaluation 190,'741 013'7 District Courts 31,000 -- Jail Construction 200,000 0151 Juvenile Det. Fac. 218,520 0192 School Regular F1znd 2,560,965 2573 Supplement 9~a,975 1000 - Book F1ind 15,000 0004 Building rlind 25,000 Cap. Outlay 132,605 0148 Driver Training 132,000 -- Bond Const. -- -- Pensions 100,225 0133 Cap. Reserve 8,800 -- ~ 69 BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING - Jt7I~Y 23, 1971 -(CONTINUED) - ADOPTION OF BUDGET - (CONTINUED) - Lunchrooms 450,000 --- School Imp. ___ ___ Regional'Driv Edu. 18,500 --- Building Reserve 378,000 --- $13,318,237 ~~790 "Be it further resolved that a tax levy of '79 cents per $100 be 1'evied against all taxable property in the County as of January 1, 19'71 to support the activities of the County Government for the fiscal year 19~1-72 using a base valuation.of $689,000,000. "Be it further resolved that $2.00 be levied on each taxable poll or male person between the ages of 21 and 50 and the taxes levied and collected under this Section shall be for the benefit of the Public School Fund and the poor of the County. "Be i£ further resolved that the Budget be adopted in detail and spent in amounts appro- priated for each item unless changes are approved by the New Hanover County Board of Comm- issioners and except where administrative changes have been directed by the majority of the County Commissioners." Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr., Oxenfeld, that the above resolution be adopted and that the tax rate be set at '79 cents per one hundred dollars based on 100'~ valuation and estimating 94% collection. Motion carried unanimously. ADJOURIdP1ENT - There being no further business to come be£ore the Commission, Mr. Harriss declared the budget meetings closed. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board H,S/pb Minutes of the Meeting - August 16, 1971 ASSII`1BI,Y - • The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Vice-Chairman Berry A. Williams, Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., John R. Oxenfeld; County Attorney James C. Fox; County Auditor Perry Shepard; County Administrator Laurence Q. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. INVOCATION - Chairman Harriss called the meeting to order and in the absence of the scheduled minister asked Mr. Hall to give the invocation. APPROVAI, OF MINUTES - REGULAR MEETING, AUGUST 2, 1971 - Mr. Williams stated his motion on Page 3, third paragraph, should read "Mr. Williams moved that the Board o£ Commissioners recommend the Charter Commission restudy representation on the Consolidated Government. Motion died for lack of a second." Mr. Harriss requested correction on Page,S, next to last paragraph. The following words should be added to the first sentence o£ this paragraph: "and east of the Intra-Coastal Watero~ay." Following these corrections, Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that the minutes be approved as corrected. Motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF BUDGET MINUTES~ NLY 12-23. 1971 - In order to give the Commissioners more time to study these minutes, by common consent, approval was deferred until next regular meeting, September 7, 19'71. REPORTS - No reports were due by or through the Commissioners at this time. APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS - HEAI,TIi DEPARTMENT - Mr. Bowden stated he was in receipt of a letter from Dr. Knox enclosing invoices from E. F. Craven Compai~y amounting to ~5,401.91 for repairs to the crawler at Carolina Beach land- fill ($2,182.52) and to the 15-B Dragline ($3,219•39)• Mr. Bowden advised the Board that in answer to letter he had written Dr. Knox asking if this would carry them through the year, Dr. Knox had replied stating he would estimate an additional $5,000 at this time. Mr. Williams suggested appropriating $6500 in order to have a cushion in the event there might be need for some minor repairs. Mr. Bowden stated repairs to heavy duty equipment is very costly. Mr. Harriss was of the opinion funds should be appropriated to cover only this bill. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, transfer of $5,401.91 be made from the Health Department Surplus for repairs. Motion carried unanimously.