1974-03-18 RM Exhibits~. i~ 5TA7E ~ ` _ 3/ P _ A ~y 1 ~"~'. ,~ .a Y * . ww•. r ~ 1 ~~ ,~ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAY SAFETY IAMES E. HOLSHOUSER, JR. GOVERNOR BRUCE A. LENTZ SECRETARY Division 3 New Hanover County Wilmington, N. C. 28401 March 14, 1974 Subject: Intersection of Greenville Loop Road and Masonboro Loop Road Mr. Richard A. Fender Director of Planning Wilmington-New Hanover Planning Commission P. O. Drawer 1810 Wilmington, N. C. 28401 Dear Mr. Fender: DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS This is to answer your request concerning any proposed improvements for the above subject intersection. At present, we do not have any plans proposed for this intersection, however, we are planning to widen Masonboro Loop Road on the west side of this intersection within the right of way limits to provide a left turn lane onto Greenville Loop Road. We also plan to install some channelization islands in the southeast quadrant of this intersection. This will require the purchase of some additional right of way in this area. As you know, there is a food store located in this quadrant at present which poses a definite sight distance problem, especially due to the cars parked at this store. It is our intentions that the islands will prohibit the cars from parking within the sight distance area. You also asked for my comments concerning the effects of rezoning the property west of the intersection from residential to office and institutional. In my opinion, this will create additional traffic problems at this intersection which would warrant a traffic signal once the area was developed. There would also be a sight distance problem for any entrance to Masonboro Loop Road in this area due to the horizontal and vertical alignment of Masonboro Loop Road just south of this intersection. The Department of Transportation would pay close attention to any requests for commercial driveway entrances in this area. Trusting this is the information you desire. Yours very truly, '~ i~~"'~CiCB1 T. W. Funderburk _ DIVISION ENGINEER ,., moo. ,~ ~~ ~~ TRIANGLE GAA POST OFFICE BOX 1468 O=~J - PA ~ K C~~ WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401 SALES ~ Navem~nJc 23, 197 Ce{2~ccu? t'nat~et~tc.es, I{ie. iJaft;~lt Ccuca.P c.{ia AT: A.Cex P'a~.pa~5~5, Sn. 1L= : 7Jna.ulag e cfi~clt Ge{2~eme{rl TlwS .ice ~a adv~ e -c.~` ~ ;?etu~1~~.cl~~P.e r1,~tlt ~ltit~ car~r~ana;~.a{i fan yawn can}~anati%a~i ~a ca{~~~.uct a dr~nct ~ e dc;tcla a.Ca{ac~ :tl2e r~tttuui pnar~e~t;Ctie~ .P~c.v~e~ 1~e~`i~ee{2 S~i,2ve~c. Te~vra Sul~cf~.v,i~„~a{2 a{uf ~,rvcaeu(teacl Sul~c~v-ts~.a{1 ex- ~evtdxrtig ~nam ~6ie pne~s e {~ diuu,vta~ ~ ecc~s ex~e;~ ~;a S,i.~ve~c Lafze. T(~,U~ r~entn.iws~tia{i ~ n,we{~ tutaGt ~~l{n c.truren~5.~cu2~~,{1q ~lutti ;Ltte cfc.~:clt r/act ca{tit ~~LCCC.~: r~cu!re 2~Cncci [~r! tihi.<t ~.ihrr{ c~ ~ r~e%-tJt.P , !, rat ~#'(~,i~ ~ %~ rn r ~, t..~~? w a ~` c~_a~sc ~Ite. d.~~cdc {tan hrcatw,~cuc.~: 3ccr~~e. ~a ass ~'a Guvtcl~r. ~l~e c;tt,c~c.{rage a t rracuc ;~tca;,erc,~rl. S.c{1Celle.~~ tlacilt~3, Sh~GS u ~1/~1?P.~ LSOfJ C(~I~iST~?llCTIO~`~ CV. .pro- ~~Uf)~'U ~l. ~(CCl(1te~UY1 f'ne h-c.~ fc{zt ,-,i ~(f 1~~,;, ATTEST This letter was entered into the record of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners meeting held on March 18, 1974 f ~ ~ 1 ,--~ Y Clerk Lo 'the Boa~c~ ~ 1 1 March 12, 1974 MEMORANDUM TO Mr. Dan Eller, County Manager New Hanover County Board of County Commissioners FROM Larry J. Powell Tax Administrato~~-~ SUBJ Abatements 8 Refunds from February 1 thru March 18, 1974 The following Senior Citizens request their taxes be abated as they were not aware of the requirement to file application for relief during the month of January each year. 1. E. W. Hines 2. Marie Coley $ 17.33 61.80 Request the following taxes be released as the taxpayer reported incorrect information. 1. Family Dollar Stores of Wilm. $ 12.00 (Refund) 2. Nolte E. James 24.94 3. Phyllis B. Miller 17.93 4. James Nelson 29.62 5. Hugh MacRae II 82.68 6. Russell P. Hoy 41.06 7. Henry J. Bethea 13.06 8. Annie King 31.64 9. Robert Hill Construction Co. 59.52 Request the following taxes be abated as they have been double listed. 1. Florence Profenious 2. Theod ore McIntyre 3. John Kelly 4. John D. Jones 5. Charl es C. Lanier 6. Vera C. Crocker 7. Smith Creek Development Co. 8. Mary L. Massengill 9. Elias Mack 10 David L. MacCallum 11. Jerry R. Massengill $596.04 (1939-1973) 23.17 (1966-1973) 330.52 (Refund-1948-1973; 199.35 (Refund-1946-1973) 29.05 15.88 19.76 29.62 34.72 2.10 2.09 2 12. George K. Hufham $ 48.44 13. Wilbur A. Greene gg.70 14. Johnny B. Beck 168.71 (1969) 15. Ada Mincey 43.09 (1970) 16. Mary Highsmith 79.17 (1969) 17. W. H. Vereen 12.26 (1970) 18. James Spangler 33.44 19. Betty S. Justice 10.45 20. Earl Klutz 7.03 21. Herbert E. Parham g2.4g 22. Fitzhugh Lee Jr. 7,86 23. H 6 R Haulers 5.02 24. Donald R. Tancredi 1.00 25. Edward F. Tayloe 19.23 26. Figure "8" Island Co. 63.08 27. Duane H. Josenhaus 8.66 28. W. M. Echols 3.80 Request the following taxes be abated as these are clerical errors. 1. James 8 Annie Sprunt $226.53 (Refund) 2. Williams Lumber Co. 98.26 (1967-1969) 3. Letta Hufham 9.45 4. Lawrence Ripa 13.53 (Refund) 5. Jack F. Hart 6.65 (Refund) The below listed taxpayers contend they listed their property during regular listing period and further request the 10% listing penalty be removed. 1. William H. Land, Jr $ 3.50 2. Leslie W. Harrison 26.34 (Refund) 3. William H. Leonard .08 4. Henry C. McCullen 3.38 5. Jack F. Hart 2.43 Request the following taxes be released as these individuals do not reside within the city or town limits, or the personal property is located in the County. 1. Lena F. Dinkins $ 23.93 2. Lynn T. Toedt 13.00 3. Riley E. Harris 26.73 4. Calvin B. Walker 12.15 5. Steven F. Ganiere 28.28 6. Duane M. Josenhau 50.17 7. Paul W. Horton 26.73 8. Associated Utilities, Inc. 904.00 9• James V. Ray 66.50 10. Kenneth H. McChesney $ 7.77 11. Raymond E. Hawkins $ 39.57 12. Eva N. Moore 11.87 13. Johnnie McKoy 35.03 14. Edward A. Padrick 59.72 15. Thomas Hare 70.78 16. Sarah P. Cribb 41.19 17. Hufham's Credit Clothiers 222.08 18. Ida Rivenbark 75.58 19. O'Crowley's Cleaners 360.78 20. Murray K. Batson 36.75 21. William B. Register 15.73 22. Nellie M. Prusa 6.40 23. Gerald Metcalf 20.72 24. Richard Niec 1.51 4 ~ 3 (1971 8 1972) (1968-1970) (1968) (1969) Request this item be placed on the agenda of the County Commissioners' meeting of March 18, 1974. Copy Mrs. King LJP/pjr ~a`~ LARRY J POWELL Tax Administrator RAYMOND E BLAKE, JR Appraisal Supervisor 119 No. Fifth St. ~anuber ~I~`I ~I ~'„ `Qo 4~ ~a ~tttntngton, .~. c~. 28401 NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU FEBRUARY 28, 1974 762-0391 1973 1972 Regular Scro~.l Charges 5,636,844.85 Discoveries Added 1,341958.88 6,978,803.73 Less Abatements - 133605.78 Total Taxes Due New Hanover Co. 6,965,197.95 Total Prepayments Collected - 344,311,96 Collections to Date -6,149,166.89 Outstanding Balance 471,719.10 Percentage Collected 93.2 Back Taxes 5,355,582.25 1,052,549.69 6,408,131.94 - 17,077.65 6,391,054.29 - 386,692.34 -5z542z421.23 461,940.72 92.70 Real Estate Taxes 361,200.30 436,216.30 Less Abatements - 6,289.81 - 3,348.12 Total Collected to Date -115 896.17 -151,104.03 Outstanding Balance 239,014.32 281,764.15 Percentage Collected 32.60 34.9% Personal Pro~ert Personal Taxes 319,437.58 Less Abatements - 216.67 No Control Total Collections to Date - 32,095.31 Established Outstanding Balance 287,125.60 Until May 1973. Percentage Collected 10.0% Total money processed through collection office for New Hanover County, City of Wilmington, Carolina Beach, Kure Beach, and Wrightsville Beach to date $10,361,651.73. This report is for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1973. RespectfuQlly submitted, -~n.¢-~ Q Janie B. Straugh~ Collector of Revenue MAE B. STUART Listing Supervisor JANIE B. STRAUGHN Collector of Revenue JBS/pjr r ~, M " J ~~w ~~~~v~~ ~ov~~~ J®urn.al ~ToucY~.er ( P R O P O S E D) . ~~,~~~V ti vl~ ,~~ ~~~~ C~ ~~~ Cudc Account Debit Credit PUBLIC SCHOOLS: Budget s ~ ,•, _ ~ `~' , Regular Funds `' 51 301 7 Taxes: Ad Valorem -~ 1973 134351 OC 51 339 0 Intangibles Tax 20,088 6~ 51 397 S Transfer From Capital Outlay Fund 38,046 74 Supplementary Funds 51 301 7 Taxese Ad Valorem - 1973 61,789 86 51 339 0 Intangibles Tax 9,238 97 Book Funds 51 301 7 Taxes: Ad Valorem - 1973 2,049 00 51 339 0 Intangibles Tax 306 40 51 397 5 Transfer from Capital Outlay Fund 16.,588 70 Capital Outlay Funds d 046 38 74~ 51 660 g Transfer to Regular Fun , 51 660 9 Transfer to Bonk Fund ~, 16,588 70 Actual: Regular Fund: S1 299 0 Fund Balance: Appropriated 192,4$6 35 51 299 0 Fund Balances Unappropriated 192,486 35 Supplementary Funds " 51 299 0 Fund Balances Appropriated 71,.028 83 51 299 0 Fund Balances Unappropriated 71,028 83 Book Fund: 51 299 0 Fund Balance: Appropriated 18,944 to 51 299 0 Fund Bal,ancei Unappropriated 18,944 to Capital O,~tlay Funds 51 299 0 Fund B~:lance: Unappropriated 54,635 44 51 299 0 Fund Balance: Appropriated 54,635 44 Totals 619,554 00 391,730 16 Ezplaination To eliminate fund balance deficits •ih the above funds. ~ ~. u•, tie. _ March 4 ~ 1974 e 0 ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~. 7 - ~ i i ~./ J®t~~nal ~Toucl~er ~, ( P R O P O S E D ) Code Account Debit Credit GENERAL FUNDS 11 301 7 Budget s ~,d Taxess Ad Valorem - 1973 ~~ 47,278 00 11 339 0 Intangibles Tax 14,673 21 11 660 9 Transfer to Puplic Assistance Fund 121,488 09 11 660 9 Transfer to Mental Health Fund ~ 21,119 41 11 660 9 Transfer to .Local Govt. Bldg. Cap.Res. 28 Actuals 11 299 0 Fund Balances Unappropriated 80,656 57 11 299 0 Fund Balances Appropriated 80,656 57 PUBLIC ASSISTANCE FUIVUs Bud~eta 41 30T 7 Taxess Ad Valorem - 1973 27.109 00 41 339 0 Intangibles Tax 4,353 98 i 41 397 1 Transfer from General Fund 121,488 09 Actuals 41 299 0 Fund Balances Appropriated ~3~52,951 07 41 299 0 Fund Balance: Unappropriated ,~, 152,951 07 MENTAL HEALTH FUND: Budgets 47 301 7 Taxes: Ad Valorem - 1973 4,541 00 47 339 0 Intangibles Tax 914 48 47 39? 1 Transfer from General Fund 21,119 41 Actuals 47 299 0 Fund Balances' Appropriated 26,574 89 4? 299 0 Fund Baxance: Unappropriated .~ 26,574 89 - Continued on next page - Totals Explaination I ~ ri r, is 1 D J ' ~ !' w ,J Val ~~ ~. ~ ~J'~ ~ ~, ~i ®~ 1V 3 J®u~nal Toucher Codc Account Uebit Credit - Continued from first prage - LOCAL GOV~t, BLDG. CAPITAL ~tESERVE FUG: ' Bud~et~ 71 397 1 Transfer from General Fund ~ 28 Actuali 71 299 0 - F nd Balances Appropriated 28 71 299 0 Fund Balance: Unappropriated 28 PUBLIC SCHOOLS CAPITAL RESERVE rF_U~`dllt ~ Budgets - 74 301 7 Taxes: Ad Valorem - 197'3 4.128 56 Actual: 74 299 0 Fund Balances Appropriated ~ 4,128 56 28 4 6~ 74 299 0 Fund Balances Unappropriated i ,~ ,1 5 i ,, r Totals 509,917 38 406,919 1S Explaination ,~ o To eliminate fund balance deficits in the above funds. ~. u.+ c u __-_ March 4 ~ 9~ .. ~k i^ ~e ~ ~.~ ~-~- ~, CAPE FEAR COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS SUITE 206 1 NORTH THIRD `~~IL1~~INGTON, N C 28401 Serving Locnl Government in the North Carolina March 18, 1974 Counties of Brunswick, Columbus, Telephone: (919) 763-0191 New Hanover and Pender The Honorable W Douglas Powell, Chairman Board of New Hanover County Commissioners 803 Colonial Drive Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Dear Mr Powell At the January 8th meeting of our Executive Committee, at your sug- gestion, a discussion was held concerning the desirability of the other counties in Region "0" cooperating with New Hanover in providing legal services in the New Hope Dam lawsuit Chairman Ben Halterman was directed by the Executive Committee to appoint a special Committee to study this matter and to bring a recommendation before the next Executive Committee meeting Chairman Halterman appointed the following people Commissioner J M Hall, New Hanover County -Chairman Commissioner Edward W Williamson, Columbus County Commissioner John $ray, Brunswick County Commissioner Cecil Eakins, Pender County The Committee met in Riegelwood with all but Mr Bray in attendance Mr Hall explained to the group that a lawsuit against the Corps of Engineers was threatening the completion of New Hope Dam, a water supply and flood con- trol project vital to our region He stated that New Hanover County and Cumberland County had provided legal services to the Corps in opposition to the lawsuit, and since the project would benefit the other counties in the region, they should share in the cost of legal fees The group agreed with Mr Hall's proposal that their counties share the cost Mr Hall reported that he had discussed the project with officials of the Lower Cape Fear Water and Sewer Authority who informed him that New Hanover County would probably receive 75% of the benefit from New Hope Dam On that basis he proposed that New Hanover County pay 75% of the legal fees, with the other three counties splitting the remainder on a per capita basis He reported that to date New Hanover had spent in excess of $10,000, and that figure did not include the fees for January The Committee voted to accept Mr Hall's proposal, with a limit of $15,000 total legal fees to be so divided Continued - See Page Two Letter to The Honorable W Douglas Powell March 18, 1974 Page Two At the February 27th meeting of our Executive Committee this report was presented. The Executive Committee unanimously voted to recommend that the four counties divide the legal fees in the manner recommended by the ad hoc committee We have recently received word from your office that the total legal fees on the New Hope Dam litigation were $13,749 79 On the basis of the above mentioned formula each county's share would be as follows Brunswick Columbus New Hanover Pender $ 932 33 $ 1,806 58 $10,312 34 $ 698 54 The Council of Governments recommends that you request the respective amounts from Brunswick, Columbus, and Pender Counties Sincerely, -,~-`-: ~r Beverly P Paul Executive Director BPP/aes cc W A Kopp, Jr. B F. Williams Edward W Williamson J M. Hall Cecil Eakins John Bray Ben B Halterman