1974-04-08 SpM ExhibitsO~~N~NC~ z0 ~ao~E ~°O~a ~ C R~~ ' ~ 0~ So~~ ~~aszON ~ s~~~T.~T~oN ~- WSEk~S, the County Com~.i.~ssioners of New mover County ~= reaogni~e a va.ta3. need to m~.nim%ze $oix erosion and sedimentatioxa and control those act~.va.ties which result ~ erosion and s~edi-- mentation within New Hanover County amd ~I~EA~, ~e Forth Carolina Gsr~.eral Assamb3.y~ through Chapter 392 of the Sess~.on Zaws of North Carolina., 't~73, and ether I.awa, has delegated to local governn~.enta the power to coaatrol activities causa.ng soil erosion and sedimeatatfon;. and W.13~REAS, the New Hanover County Commissioners desire to exercise such power; NOW, THERE~'OI~, BE IT ORD.~TNE~3 BY THE COUlY2~' COINlPIISSION~tS OF NEW HA1+I~OVER CCtl73TY: i'Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control" Section ~. Tina This ordinance shall be known and may b~: cited a$ the "New Hanover County Soa:l Erosion and Sedimentation, Control'' ordinance. Section 2; ~,,. This ordinance is adopted: ('f) for th® purpose of regulating lead--disturbing activity involvi.rig c~.eariug, grad, excavation, fi3.~.3.ag and other manipu3.ation of the earth and the moving and storing of w®ters in order toy prevent unnecessaz~r soil erosion and. aedime~ataton, maintain the balance of nature, prevent the obstruction of natural anal artificial dra3nageways, anhi.bit f3.oodixag, end reduce the undexrminxng of roads and other transportat3 D r facilities and t27 far the purpose of establish~.g procedural through which. the above purpose can be fulfi~.3ed. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section ~ f~ g and h~, herein the Board of County Ca~nissioners of New Hanover County hereby declares its intent that all of the departments and agencies of the County of New Hanaver$ its contractors and sub contractorsg and the incorporated municipalities therein who by ordinance agree ~ shall comply frith the reg~zlations set Earth in this ordinance« Section 3« Definitians. Except where the content c:tearly indicates othea~rise~ the following terms shall have the following meanings a« Accelerated Erosion - means any increase over the rate of natural erasion es a result of Sand-disturbing activitiesp b. Active Construction -- means activities which contribute directly to the completion of facilities contemplated or showr_ on the construction plans. c« Ade quate Erosion Control Measure Structure or device _ means one which contro~.s the sos.l material within the land area under responsible control of the person conducting the land- disturbing activity. d« Angle of Repose for Saturated Soil Conditioa~s -- means tm.e angle of maximum slope at which a heap of any laase sa°~1,~ thoroughly soaked with moisture, will stand without sxzding., c~S~~3A-5za J ~./J J e~ fa ~~ h~ ad J® k~ lv Buffer ~orxe -- m+ar~ns tb.e : t ,i~~ o~° :~an~.' ad~~:s.e~t to a ri~~~r strea~a, bay ;, souxar~.,~ ~;ida i arshS, u3 ale car c~~~her ~riatura:f. 4~ater-- ~. courses the width of wh~.cb.:~s measured ~`rf3rt~ the edge of ti~.e water to the nearest e~.ge ~' the disturbed l.and~ ~~ __ Conservation Division _ th consexav€~ticaxa division of New Hanover County,, , Denuded Area _ any area deprived off' its protective vegetative or other na~~ra1 or artific~.al cover and left in that exposed condition D~.strict -- means ~,vwer Cape Fear. Sai3. and 'dater Co~a.servation mistr~.ct created pursuant eta Cbapter °~3~~ North Carolana General ~tatutesm Erb on - ~-e~ans tk~e ~rreari~g awwy of Nand suw face by the action of wir.d.~ watery grav~.ty~ air any co~tbir.at~.c~:c. ~;hereof~ (GS1'i3A~52~ Ground Cover ~ means any Iatural vegetat~_v-e growfib. or other matey°ial which renders tb. soil. surface stable against ezosian~ ~,~ -- means amy natural r impounded ~iody of water sand-disturbing ActivitF -~ means any use of tb.e 7.and by Haan in relic? ential ~ indu.stria~. ~ ar commercial devel.op~aent ~ ar~.d hi,ghvray~ road and street ~ ~ sidewa3.~,~ drainage ~, and utzlity canstructioxa and maintena ce that results in a change iu the natural. cover or tope rapby and that may cause or con- tribute to soil. erosion a d sed~.mentatia~n m. Natural. larosian ~- means t e krearing away of the earths surface by water9 ice9 or other n~tural agents under r.atura3. envirdn- mental cond3.tf.ons undisturbed by ~.exa~ J • .~. x~. ~'a~ura:l Watercourse ~ me~€r.s ~ c.ar.t~i.ru€~~i.~ g~.ca~:~~.g stream or body of water. o. Pew -~ m.ean.s any ~.nd~.vidua;f. ~, partnersh~.p, f~.ra~ ~ ~a~.saciatic~a,;, joa.nt ver.ture~ public or private corporat~.on~ trus~~,, estste~ ^ommission~ boara~ public: or pr~.va~te inst~.tution.s utility cooperative ~ intersta~we body v or ether legal. entityp ~GS"!'13A-~52~ p. Person. En.~a~ed in or Cz~x~duc~ T.,and-~~Jisturbin~ Activity means the iaxdividue~. ;; pertr.e:.°'sb.ip ~ ~'irr~t~ as~eoca.etion~ joint venture ~ public ox° private carporatior.., trt:.st 9 estate ~ cammission~ boarda publ~.c or private institutions uti~.ity; coopera~tive~ interstate body csr other legal entity ~'~.nancialiy respox~sib:ie far tla.e iand~-d~.s-~urbin.g activity ~p Pha s~ of Grading; ~- means °'raugh" o~ Y' fixa.e'° grada.x~.g7 r. P1ax~ - means erosion and sedi.ffientation. central p~.a~n.a __.._... sQ Sedime~.t, ._ Means so~.~:d particulate ~.at-~er~ both m~.ners~. and organic ~, that has been moved from its sits of origin sand is in suspensa.on ~.n water„ ~;GS ~'i.3~.-~~~~ t. Storm Water. Runaf f ~- means the dire~;t runo~ f o~ water res~a~ting from precipitation in. ax~,y fiorr~. u. Trsct _ means a"11 canting~xous "lend and bod~.es of water in ore ownership, or cox~tixiguau.s .and arzd bathes of water i.n ~.iverse ov,-nership~ being deve~.oped as a unit although. not n.ecess~a'rily alI at ane Lima. v. Uncovered -means the removal of ground cover frotn.~ t~r.~ ar above the soil s~.~^facs o 0 wW tndertaken ~ Means the in~.ti.at~.ng of any, actsv~~y or phase cif activi-~y which results or w~.~.l .resu.Lt ~.n a change in the ground co~ter or topography of a fact of 1.anei.. x. ~Tissa.b~.e Silta -~ means sed~.~±.ent which is ~.eas~.rable ©n the ground 4. in a ~.akc ar watascaurse ~ or wh~.c.h a.s being transported by tatat+~r and a.s sett~.eab~.e in measurab~.e quantit~.es under quiescent cond~.t~.on.s~ y~, lro'orkiza~ Day's -~ means da;T's exclus~.ve of Saturday and Sunday during which weather conda.°~i ons per.~cit land-distu:rb~.ng activity to be und.ertaken~ ~GS~~x4.W~~~ Section ~~ Sco e and E~c~! us~.ons.,, This ordinance shall app~.y to a:Ll :Land-disturbir~ activit~,es undertaken by any personti with the fol~.owira,~; exclus~.on.s a~, Land-disturbing act~.vit~.es underta~erq on agricul.tura~ lands but not 1im~~ted toa :~orage anal sod crops gra~.n and feed crops ~ tobacco ~ co°~~:on;~ and peanuts; da~.ry animals and dairy productsx pou.Ltry and poulta~ products.; livestack~ a.n.c~.uding the breeding and ,grazing; of anal ©r a~.l such anaffials~ hoes aAa.d ap~.ary products; fur anim~alsr; b. Land--disturbing acta.v~.t:Les undertaken on. forest land for the product~.on and harvesta~ng of t~.t~ber and timber pro- ducts ~. c~ Land-d~.sturbgn.g acta.vities undertaken by persons t~rha are otherwise regu~.ated by the prav~.sions of GmS~ '~4-~~~ through G o S . ~4--6~3 ~ the Mina:ng Act o f 't q7'~ do Land-disturbing activities conducted by ~b.e Sta~e~, ~C:i e o Zand~-disturbing act~.~.,ties conducted by the United States., f. T~ind-»disturbing a~ti~ra.'cics eQ.nducted b~ local go~rernmentb g. Tend-disturbing activities 33ceased by the United States, or h. Dander-disturbing acti~rities financed in whole or in part by the State ox United States. i.. I~andpdisturbing activities at any one times at any one site, the~t do not exceed 43,5603 square feet done acre) in surface area,. In determining the area, contiguous lands under one ownership ~ti3l be aggregated. ,~. Sani-~ary landfills conducted under the regulations of D'r C. State Board of ~Cea~.th,« Section 5. 1'+ertn ts. accept es prov~.ded in Section ~- herein., all persons who pro~- pose to undr~rtake say land.-disturbing activ~.ties must first obtain a permit frog, 'the Conaervatao~s Divzsiond Pextmits may be obtained by submitting the required application form, the required plans, axsd data! payment of the. required fees, anal by obtsin~.ng approval of the pxoposed prsa~ect~ loo proposed word may start instil a valid permit is epprov~ed by the county, agd poBted an the $it~. S~:ction 6. Approval f , Plsus,. a~ Comraesats upon and. other handling of preliminary asoil ®roaioxs anal sedimea~tat~.on. control plena sha13 proceed in an expedzt3.®~.~ '~1~1]~.XS@7r . o a bW h `ropy of each soil erc,sa~an and sedir~e:ext~s~~ion cont~°r~l plan sha11 be submitted to the sower Cape Fear So~.l axzd mater Conservatiosa T1~_strict at the same -~imP a ropy th~:reof is sub- mitted to the County of IV'ew ~f~anou~,r for apprava:t® Such p~.zn to meet the standardti~ set fo~•-~h. in Section ?~ The Lower Cape Fear Soil and hater Conservation Districts withir 20 ca:Lendar days aster receipt of the proposed p~.an~ or within such additlc~nal time a,c may be prescribed by tb.e Couxxty of iVew Hanover., shr~:~1 review the soil erosion and sedamentat::ior. control p~.ar. and submi ~; its comments ar.d recommendations to ~~he Cox~xservation D~.va..siond Fai xure of the Soil. and .dater Conserxr~atx.on District ~co su":~rmit its comments and recommendations witYxin 20 calendar da~~s or witha,rz. the prescribed additional tame sha:t~. riot delay ~'ina~. action on the proposed plan by the local governmentA c,. The county upo~s receipt of ea~:h soil erosion and sedi~- ~ntation contro3. plan submitted to it ;, shall cause a review of such plan to be made by the Conser~.ration Diva,sior..~ which shah. notify the person. submitting the p~.an that it has been approvedg approved with modificataons,~ or disapproved wa.thin 30 ca~.endar days of receipt. 1~'o plan sha~,l be approved u~i~.e~.~s and until a.t complies with a1.I applicable State a~.d count~~ regulat~.ons far soil. erosion and sediment control. da Application for amendment of an erosion control p:~axx in wra.tten and/orgraph3.c form may be made a.t ax.~~ time under -the same conditions as the original app~.ication~ ~3xatil such time as said ~1" amendment is approved by the Bounty ~ the .and-~d~.sturbiu~ aet~.vitie5 shall proceed in accordance with tha eros~.on control p~.an as origi- r~a31y approved« Section `~® Standards, a@ :E~i.sting ~Jncovered Areas All uncovered areas existing on the effective date of this ord~.nance which resulted from iand- disturbing activities exceed one contiguous acres and are subject to continued accelerated erosion and rare causing off-site damage sha21 within 64 days provide approved temporary protection measures and, shsl3. within 'YBn days be provided with a ground cover or other protective measuresfi structures or other approved erosion control measures by the owner sufficient to restrain erosion on that portion of the trac•~ upon which further active construction is not being umderta'~en; providing •~hat this section shall not apply to areas under the ~urisd~.ction of another State Agency administering an erosion and sedimentation control program approvef~ by the Co~cmie~.on~ b. Cover Re uirement.m Whenever lard-disturbing activity is undertaken or. a tract co~aprisi ffiore than one acre9 if more than one contiguous acre is un.covered., aground cover sufficient to restrain erosion must be p~.anted or otherwise provided rrrithf~, wording days ox~. thhat portion of the tract upon. wh~.ch furt~aer active construction is not being undertaken pro^~ided~ that this subsection Cb) sha11 not app~.y to cleared .and forma.ng the bas~.~. of a res$rvoir later to be inuxadat~-d~ l~J .d ca Buffer ~one~ No .and-disturbix~ act~.vity sha11 be per-- muted in proximity ~ a river, stream, bay, sound, lake, tidal marsh or other natural watercourse unless a buffer zone is pro- vided along the margin of the watercourse of sufficient width to confine the visible siltation. within the twenty-five percent (25~) of the buffer zone nearer the land-disturbing activity, provided Q. that subsection (c~ shall not apply to a land-disturbing activity in connection with the construction of facilities to be located oxt, aver, or under a ~.ake or natural. watercourse, dp Runoff Mates,. Dui^ing and after construction on each 1ex~d- disturbing site to which this ordinance applies, provision sha13 be made on or off the site4 far erosion and sedimentation control measures. The structttresy devices and methods sha11 be so planµ~ ned, designed, constructed, and maintained as to provide effective protection from the calculated peak rates of runoff from a ten-- year frequency storms Runoff rates shall be calcla:tated, using the recognized axed accepted engineering proceduresm The cal- culated ten-year frequency peak, rate of stor~u water rwa.off from the site of a land-disturbing activity during construction and after stabilization shall be no gr~;ater than that which vrould result frt~ a ten-year frequency starffi water runoff on the saffie tract prior to the land.-dis~-urbing activitye This standard shall not app~.y to s~.tes of one ('1 ~ acre car lass in size unless such site is part of a larger subdivision or other project area wh~.ch~ when ful~.y developed, wi;i~. generate a more significaaat amoti~nt of runoffs .Ali. c€~lcul.ations and plans for ~O impoundment structures and areas dust receive the approval of the Conservation Division before a building permit may be issued. eo Control Dur" Conatructian. Duri.n~g coxa.atrrxction, soil erosion and sedimentation control practices and devices shall be employed to control soil losses from each Land-disturbing site. f. Guidelines for Erosion and Sediment Control Practices. A13 erosion control plane shall coafor~aa to the minimum applicable engineering procedures. 'fhe specifications and procedures i.n- c~uded in the following publications may be used for preparing and reviewing development p~.ans, as we11 ae evaluating work per-- formance ors site: ~. "Guides for Sediment Control Construction Sites in North Carol9.ns", as prepared by USDA, Soil Conser-- nation Service and on file at any Soil anal Water Conservation District Office. 2. "Guidelines for Erosion and Sediment Contro3 Plann'~nq and la~plementation", (EPA-~R2-72-0~5) Aug~u.st, 19?2, as prepared for the Office of Resr~arch and Monitoring,. U,. S. Environmental Protection Agency, and available from the Superintendent of Document, II. S. Govern- went Printing Office, Washington, D„ C. 3b Other major guidelines or uneasures as may be developed by the Conservation Division and approved by the County Commissioners. g. Ma~cimu~a Slo e. No slope may be graded to an angle gr+a8ter than the angle of repose for saturated soil conditions applicable ~~ ~' 'I'1 for the type of soil involved unless the soil on such slope :°i.s retained by some adequate erosion controlling structures ground cover or d.evice~ In any eventQ soil. left exposed shall within 30 wor,,,~, king ds~s of completion of any h,~as_e of .and-disturbing activity be planted or otherwise provided with a ground cover sufficient to restrain erosions hm Additional ~ieasureso If the county determines that significant erosion is ©ccu~xi.ng on a disturbed site despite application and maintenance of the approved protection practices the person responsible for the land-disturbed activity may be required to take additional protective action4 is Areas Not Qtherwise Coveredm Notwithstanding th~- pro- visions of Section ~-9 when it is determined that severe offsite erasion and/ar sedimentation occur as a result of and land-~ disturbing activitys regardless of the size of the sites remedial action shall be taken within ten calendar days of notifications Notification shall be submitted in writing by the Conservation Division and receipted by the owner or agent responsible for the damages Section Se Inspections4 ao The determination of whether a land-disturbing activity complies with its approved soil erosion and sedimentation control plan and with the conditions under which the County has issued permits for it shall be made through a system of on-site inspec- tionsa Notice of the county°s right to make such inspections shall be included in the certificate of the plan°s approvals '~ 2 The inspection shall be made by ~'~he Conservation Divis~.on to determine whether the measures required in the p~.an are effective in controlling erosion and sediment resulting from the land-disturbing activit~.es. b. 7~fg through inspectivn~ it is determined that a person engaged in a larad~»disturbing activity has failed to comply with the plans notice of such failure and s direction to comply shall be served upon that person by certified mailp The notice shall set forth the measures required to achieve compliance with the plan and it shall state the tune within which such measures must be completed. If the person engaged in the land-disturbing activity fails to comply within the t~.me specified he shall be deemed to be in violation of this ord~.nance and no further land-disturbing activity shall be allowed until specific written approval is given by the cauntye Section g. Fees. The fees charged by the County for the administration and enforcement of this ordinance sha~.i be prescribed by the County Board of Commissioners. Section '1Q. A~eals_. ao The disapproval or modifications of shy proposed erosion control p~.an by the Conservation Dirr:ision shall entitle the person submitting the plan to a public hearing if such person suU~.its written demand to the Clerk to the Board of County Comm3.ssionc~rs for a heaard.ng within '1,~ days after receipt of writt®ri notice of disapproval or modification. ~~ b. Hearings held pursuant to this section sha:~l be can- ducted by the County Commissioners at their neact regularly scheduled meeting, provided the request is received in writing by the Wednesday priors co As provided by general law (now codified as Go S~ '10~+B-1C) every decision of the Board of County Commissioners on such an appeal shall be sub,~ect to review by the Superior Court of New Hanover Gounty by proceedings in the nature of certiorarih Pending the final disposition of such appear na action shall be taken which would be unlawful in the absence of a permit issued under this ordinance® Section ~'i® Penaltiesd as Civil Penalties , (1) Any person who violates any of the provisions of this ordinances or rv.le or order adopted ar issued pursuant to this ordinance$ ar who in~.tiates or con- tinues a land-disturbing activity for which an erasion control plan is required except in accordance with the terms conditions9 and provisions of an approved plan9 shall be subject to a civil penalty of not more than ~'TOOm No penalty shall be assessed until a person alleged to be in violation has been notified by certified mail of the violationo Each day of a continuing viola- tian shall constitute a separate via~.atian® (2) The Board of Gaunty Gammissianers sha13 determine the amount of the civil penalty to be assessed under t.._..~j ~r° °~~..s suY~scct~.s~~ ar?d sha~.~ ~a~:e ~r~.tte~. i?emend for pa~e~x~e~ up+a~ ..the ~~erso~.~ :~~~ v~.~a.~at~vn and v~.~~~:~. set forth irz deb~tail a desc~°~:~.p`'~? vn ref t2~s ~r:~a;~atior. for ~rhic7~ the pena~.ty has ~eerY. :~.~t~,a~sed~. In ~etez~a~.n~.ng the amour~k' of t:~.e p~ena:~.°~y vhe County Gotn~tis a~c+raers sha~.~. consider tb.e degree axed extent of hartr~ caused by the v~.oaat~.on ~;.~.d the cost of rectifying the d~at~age If payme~.t ~s ~d~t rece~.ved or equitable sett~.emesat reached ~r~tha.r~ ~Q days after detnar~d for. payment iw made ~, the wetter shah. 'be referred tv the dew ~Sancver° Caun.~y .iittorney far ~.nsti~;utivn t7f a L`.]..'~'7.1 r~ctza~s. in the name of the County of ~eY~ $enr.~~er ix2 the appx°opriate divis~.on of ~Jhe ~enere~. C.azart cif ~'uti,'~~t.ce for reccavery of the pena~.~y~ Any su~~.s recovered shall be used to carry out the purposes end requirev~e~ts ryf t~~.s ordinance, ~~ Gra.mina"~ ~'e~.a~.t:~es~ .~.~ parsa~. ~~i.~ ~naw3r~~.~ or ~r~.II~,. ~~.~ v~.o~.ates any prav~.sivn of this ordixxa~zces cr ruie or order a~opi~ed ar issued pursuant to '~h~.s a:i°digance ~ or ~rha ~.a~diragly or Dui ~.~fu:lly in~t~.ates or continues a ~.and~-di turYsi~.~ act~~rlt~ far wh~.ch an erosion contro:~ plan ~.r~ required except i~. accax~~-. dance with the tex~.s ~ condit~.o~.s r; ~.~nd pra~r:~.ciona of a~. app~~o~cre~ p:~aa~p sha~.l °be l•~y of a mis~e~xer~nar pun~.sh.a.ble by ~.~apr~sa~.~ menu net to exceed ~G da~TMs~ yr 'by a fine no~~ to exceed ~~C~~JG ar 'by baths xn the discr~:tion <~f ~~he caurtm ~ectaan '12n ln.~ux~.ct~.ve &e:iicf,:, aw Whenever `the hoard ref C~c~unty Camm~.ssiane~~s has cause to l~eli~eve that a~'i~t' pex°san i.s triolatixtg or t1~a.re~,°~eni~; to ~~" ~~ violate this ordinance or any rule or order adopted ar issued pursuant to this ordinances ar any term, condition, or pro- , vision of an approved erosion control plan, it mays either before or after the institution of any other action or pro- ceeding authorized by this ordinances institute a civil fiction in the name of the County of New Hanover, for injunctive relief to restrain the violation or threatened violationo The action shall be brought in the Superior Court of New Hanover County, bm Upon determination by a court that an alleged violation is occurring or is threatened, it shall enter such orders or judgments as are necessary to abate the violation or to prevent the threatened violationm The institution of an action for ixt~junctive relief under this section shall not relieve arty party to such proceeding from any civil or criminal penalty prescribed far violations of this ordinance ca Nothing in this ordinance shall restrict any right which any person or class of persons may have under any statute or common law to seek injunctive or other relief® Section 13, Separability Clau,~,~sem If any provision of this ordinance or the app~.ication there- of to ax,~y person or circumstance is declared fi~ be invalid9 such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of the ordinance which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this ordinance are d+edared to be severa'b3.e. Q ~~ Section '14m Effective Date This ordinance shall become effective on and after / _e___9 °i9~p . ~ ~ ~~ ~: GUI~IEL~ STAl'~ARS~~'."'.~ATIC}NS FO~t S oL COUNTX ©F NEW HANOVER, ~I'OR~i CARULZN'A D®finition A plan ~r carrying out land-disturbing activiti~rs in a manner that will hold erosion and sediment damages to a minimum. Purpose The purpose of this standard is to provide instructions for preparing detailed plans for altering the ground surface for the following purposes in a manner that wi.11 control so~.l erosion and sedimentation during and after constructions '1a Provi.de more suitable sites for buildings faca.lities and other land uses. 2. Improve surfac® drainage. 3p Control erosion and sed~.mentation. Conditions Where Practice .Ap lies Thins standard is applicable to all areas covered by the "~Iew Hanover County Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control. Ordinance' as adopted by the County of New Hanover, Check List For Soil Erosion Plans ~A11 plans must include the following ~.nformation i~ the f®x°m requested before 'being revieweds~ '18 Data Re aired The plans specificatiRns~ timing schedules and the application shall be submitted to and approved by the Conservation Division prior to the commencement of any such activity and shall in- clude the following data '!q (a) A vicinity map drawn to a scale adequate to show the relationship of the site to its general surroundingsg (b) A plan of the site drawn to s scale of such size suit- able for review (generally the same scale of 'the project plan) showing4 ('1) The boundary lines of the site on which the work is to be performeda including the approximate acreage of the sitem (Clearly delineate on the plan the extent of the proposed denuded area and state the amount in square feet or acresa) (2) Existing topography on the sate and on land adjacent to the site within one hundred ('100) feet of the sites boundary linesp including the location of axry buildings9 structures9 utaxities~ sewers9 water and staac°m drainsfl wooded areas and other significant natural featurese The topographic map shall show two--foot contour intervals4 Such topography shall be delineated for the land area within the project and extending 100 feet beyond the pro,~ect boundary. All elevations sha11 be based on U.SvG.S~ MSh dstum~, ~~ ~ ~) PrapGSed impro~reare~.ts on the si~~e;; ~..nc? c~d~~ n~ p:~es~;n~ devel.opme~t ar~d future ut:~li~.~at~.o~d ~.~` l~:ua:~.;7~V ~4) x;7.1 dra~.na~e prr~~r~'K~..s~ons ~, err~s~~~Y2 a~~~d se~~~..m~~~.-~ contra:#~ measures,, ve~etat? ~e ~ract~ces or ot~.er prc~~;ectve deva.ces tc~ ~e ct~r,tr~zcted ~.:~ conrect~.or ~:Tti~. car as part of the ~p'rra~aosec? wor•l~u (~~ Provisions ~`or er~as:~.on co~itrc~;~ during convtruct~a~i (t;empora:c~~ a:a~d dur~.n,~ the :~.ife of the aci2a~ty (permanent~~ Such pro~r~..sxa~as sha`~.1 a.r.€:;~.ude a time schedule and se~uex~ce cif operateons ix~.d.~..cat~.ng the anticipated start~.n~ and. oomp:~et~.on dames of the particu:Lar deve:top~ent sequences Included a~.sc~ sha1:7< ~e the esti~2ated t~.me of e~osure of each eras. pr~.or to the comp:~etian of effect~.v~e erasion and sed:~.ment control. a~easures~ (~) A complete snd adequate ~radin~ p~.an far harro~i p~.ts ~; and mater~.a~L processing ~`ac~.l~.t~.es crhere applicab~.e~. ~'~~ A genera. d.esc~°~.p~;ion sand 1.acat~.cn rs~" the so~.s ty~p~s on the s:~te.~ C8) The name anc~ address of the o~.+~.r and deve~.operv (°J~ Tit~.e ~ sc€~Ye , north errc~~~ ~ date name ` address and phone num~ier of a~ndv~.dua~. or arganizat~.on preparing plans 2~ Calculations ar.d Detai~.sa aFhc~w all calcul.atfcns and detr~i? s used for design and constxuct~.oxz of de'br~.s basins ,, irapouud-- ments 9 diversions ~ d~.~es ;, watexc~ra~s drams ~ c~zl~tr-er. is anc~ ~._.r' ~ ~C~ any of;ber water ~aanage~:zer~t a~~ sr~~~. e~as~.oxz c.c~~a.t~•a:~ ~~e~;s~..re to be used duria~g az~e~ a~`~er cor.~cxct~c~xifl >~ FinisY.3.. Si.opesa but a~..~d ~'~..~~.. a ~.c~p~s that are ~>o he :~tab~.l~.~ed tirith vegetat~.on: ~b.a~.L k~e nr~ stee~~c> than ~ b.r~~~a~,ar.ta~. -to `9 verts.caZ where ana~.~.te~.ance :~s to be performed with vehicu:Lar eq~.ipmeut.. Steeper stapes sha~..:~. be stab~:;i~zed w.~.~tb. ~zech~an~ca~. Measures such as r~.prap ar r~:ta asA~.~.g ~xaa1~ s or a that approved measures:: ~4 A'rains e~ kreas ~ State i.ra acres the total, dra.a iaa~;e area of each tri.buta~~ e~stera.ng the s~.t~; and the dr~z~.nag~: area of the site to be dev~opcc~~ ~~, Surface Ilrai~na~ ~ ~'ro~-,~.sic~x~s sha°~ ~. be ~asde ~:~c~ ~co~.~re;~ srar~`ace runoff at r.onersasive ve~.ac~.t:~+~s tc~ stable aut:~ etti ~ ~`empora:~ channels ~ f~.umes ~, nc:~.i~.ed pipe aut~.ets ara.d s.~.m~.~.ar strur.~~urG~. c~easures sha11 be pra~r:~dec~ as n~;eded during a:~~.. phases of c©netructson apex•atians~, Sta~^m culverts p~.a~rzed to rep°laceMB~or natural draixaageway~s shall be des~.gn~d to ac~~r~madate ~~j®~ear frequenc~a~ c°tarn~s~ ~~ Narrative. Report lnc~.ud a~ Genera3: Notes Include auv general Hates far serl~me~.t con•-- trol that spe~~, aut thy: procedure for ~mpleme~'ti~ the plane b~. Construction. Schedules .~~ con:truct:ion s~;hedule sb.a~.~. be an in~egra~. part csf the plan, It sha~.l estab~.i.sh a seque~.ce of operation with starting dates fc~r cleaz~:i~.~. and/or gradxng~ ti~airzg of storm dra~.n and. cu~.vert instal`la- •tiox~:s , duration of exposure of sai~.s anal cr~.tsca:! area .~ c ~~ 0 r: c'3.~+~.~.1?i~s i;:1~21 y ~~,~"i::~? ~°~?Tvkp&~:~'`e~.~'y' u.x~~i ?~ M~.`L:"'Ca~xi~ . ~.3`~d.7..~'a"d"¢`°: L~l;x ;•.+~~ ~,rTa;~~"± w., .P°~._ :~„~,r~~? cif"'~:'•~ ~°.::~°.~5'~ .~.".Lc~'E; s. ff~ ; ~3a ~~ :' :'dF~ s ~E'~4~'.$:'k~ ~ az~xe~ m~~~~~a~g :~~ ~;v~~~,~~.~~g .~u~; ~c:~:~.,~.:° ~rsmp:~:~.~:d. ~~.r~.~ng ~::I~~~ ~~~.c~.o~:~~ ~:.~ lac:: ~oz~s~_~~~•ec~ a~:~e (~ ~ .~imir.ing n~.~ g.~~;~.~~:n ~:~~~ Fork ~~:~ ~ n~c~.,~..~.~a~.~, axaea ~~¢c;es w3ary •~o ~::~ e:~~~z ~w.~ ~~~ ~:.eav i.~ig ors ~. co~ex ox~ o~:~ex~; axryeaa ~ndi stux~~a~d; t 2 ~ e~ca~s-p~.e°~._._~~.g w.~ a:~l~ ~:z+ :~nd~.v ~..c~:~.~,. r~.~.~eas ~~ quickly as possi.~,~e ~o p~::~mi.~ ~xaswa~~.~a:i~n ~af:° p~.anne~. hemp®ra~y and per~~~xaesat; ~:a°~eas.~v>n c:,~aa~.~::~~'.,. meas~cxHes. ~:. ~x~osion Car~~rh.w:, : ~~~ge~a~:a,~~~ and me~han~.~a~ exQ~~i~ax, ccan-- ~~ of me~.s~.re:~ shat ~ he :~nc~.~ded in ~:he pl~.n. S~ai:.e pro- po~ed pxyc~c~edu~es ~.:~~d ~e~$ ~~t~il p~~~g~~.~:a°~i non, mu~.ching anal ~-Fege~:.ai~:~ng, ~.a~~:.~ ~+~d~.~.g ~.pp ~~~.ci~.~~.~a~a a~a~ee ~~~ ~.xme, ~'er~.~..:.i~ez , ~;eedxng nn~.~*~u.L~es, a3~is~ x'~,a~tes, ~yp~s o~ sod, and a~~. ~"~her ma~:~x~als ~.s~~ze. °~w.~z~po~~a~~y~ measuxYes s~aa~.~ be p~.anreed •~:~ ~~r~n.~~a~ ~. e;~~~i~xa ~:~'i.~ougho~°~ ~~he cnna~~m~ac~aon pal i~d. Pe~:~manen~~ n~eas~~aes sha,la be p~.an~ded for she ~ini~~xeci :~a~~~ sax-~:ace~~ d. ~-~a~er~er~.~. Thai the .hand--cii.~~~ax~Ya~.ng a~~:?,~,~.~y sY~a~.l be cond~zcted in ~.~cz~r~?~.nce ~~.~t:h she p~~an.. "?. Recaues~r~ ~°om Appr~~~~al. A :l~equ~:s~ ~c~~, A~apr=o~.~a~, f~~:~~:wm 4~h~~.~~.d ancompany a~l.l Sr~a.~ Er~as~.~%n p~.ans o Req~ae~~ fr~r ~.ppr'o"~a~ F'.~r~m are avai~.aD~.e from she Con.ser~a~ic~n Di.~is~oon ~f I3ec~ ~ianove~ County Pngin~:ering F Se:~~ric:ess Off~.ce.