1974-04-16 RM Exhibitsa ~~' ~ ~~ 1~ ~G~' ~ ~ BALLARD, McK1M AND SAWYER, AIA, ARCHITECTS 612 S 17TH STREET P O. BOX 3667 WILMINGTON, N. C. 28401 PHONE 919 - 762-2621 April 15, 1974 PROGRESS REPORT #3 Governmental Complex - County Courthouse/Jail New Hanover County Wilmington, North Carolina 1. We have interviewed, for general imput, forty four individuals representing as many groups as possible who use the current governmental facilities, who are involved in the total operation of the County and City Governments, or who will be affected by the project. Of course, we have not covered everyone. We will continue of work on this. 2. We have made a quick run-through of all the facilities, in- cluding the jail, all the courtrooms, most of the County Government Offices , and some of the City Offices. 3. We have walked and photographed most of the blocks in and around the present Governmental Center. 4. Our jail consultant, Al Gilbert, will be in town probably the week after the Festival. 5. While George Hartman, Walter Moleski and Herbert McKim have been almost 1000 on this project for the last two weeks, the first full time staff began today. He will begin collecting materials from all departments as soon as we get him settled down and organized. BALLARD, McKIM AND SAWYER - HARTMAN-COX, ASSOCIATED ARCHITECTS HPM:rb RANK 1. E7ALLARD AIA HF_RBERT P McKIM. AIA ROBFR7 V`! SAWYPR. AL4 ~ , .. LARRY J POWELL Tax Administrator ~a`~ RAYMONDE BLAKE,JR Appraisal Supervisor 119 No. Fifth St. ~,~nober ~QO ~l~ ~tCrntngto~t, ~~. ~. 28401 NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU MARCH 31, 1974 1973 Regular Scroll Charges 5,636,844.85 Discoveries Added 1,342,860.49 6,979,705.34 Less Abatements - 14,197.01 Total Taxes Due New Hanover Co. 6,965,508.33 Total Prepayments Collected - 344,311.96 Collections to Date -6,257,309.19 Outstanding Balance 363,887.18 Percentage Collected 94.70 Back Taxes heal Estate Taxes 361,200.30 Less Abatements - 6,761.84 Total Collected to Date -124,719.79 Outstanding Balance 229,718.67 Percentage Collected 35.20 Personal Propert 762-0391 1972 5,355,582.25 1,052.549.69 6,408,131.94 - 17,423.94 6,390,708.00 - 386,692.34 -5,662,948.07 341,067.59 94.6 0 436,216.30 - 3,467.36 -164,338.33 268,410.61 37.9 0 Personal Taxes 319,437.58 Less Abatements - 222.20 No Control Total Collections to Date - 34,080.02 Established Outstanding Balance 285,135.36 Until May 1973. Percentage Collected 10.60 Total money processed through collection off>_ce for New Hanover County, City of Wilmington, Carolina Beach, Kure Beach, and Wrightsville Beach to date $10,585,936.62. This report is for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1973. Respectfully submitted, nie B. Straug n~ ollector of Revenue MAE B. STUART Listing Supervisor JANIE B STRAUGHN Collector of Revenue April 10, 1974 MEMORANDUM TO Mr. Dan Eller, County Manager New Hanover County Board of County Commissioners FROM Larry J. Powell Tax Administrat~*- SUBJ Abatements and Refunds Request the following taxes be abated as these are clerical errors 1. Robert Gore $16.34 2. James G. Henderson 53.58 3. Edward Howard 80.91 (Refund) Request the following taxes be released as these individuals do not reside within the city or town limits, or the personal property is located in the County. 1. Linda B. Weddle 2. Marjor ie Hill 3. Terry R. Hill 4. Larry G. Barefoot 5. Haynes J. Blanton 6. R. A. Bri ndell 7. R. A. Brindell, Jr. 8. David Johnson 9. Ernest E. Watson, Jr. 10. Donald Lo flin 11. Howard R. Salyer 12. Thomas E. Biggs 13. Gladys D. Brooks 14. Beulah L. Davis $20.06 27.12 35.99 10.96 31.38 64.50 61.59 75.09 21.76 23.67 167.95 (1970 ~ 71) 12.68 41.22 (1970-73) 43.40 (1971-73) The following Senior Citizens request their taxes be abated as they were not aware of the requirement to file appli- cation for relief during the month of January each year 1. Ethel Brown 2. Luby M. Pollock $72.20 99.50 Request the following taxes be abated as they have been double listed 1. Willie J. Myer $ 2.08 2. Bryan L. Caldwell 22.00 3. Margie B. Holshouser 37.53 2 4. Edward S. Lorek 5. Washington D. Woodlief 6. St. James Church 7. Leona G. Wise 8. C. 8 S. Contractors 9. Howard T. V. Service 10. John D. Eakins 11. Figure "8" Island Co. 12. E. K. Sherman 13. W. Heywood Moore 14. Esther M. Sanders $ 5.54 58.52 57.65 11.10 37.16 8.30 40.83 338.65 13.93 61.98 (1964-67) 132.93 (1963-73) Mr. Shelton Caulder requests listing penalty in the amount of $33.90 be released as he listed all other property and thought he listed this lot. Mr. Charles E. Jones requests his taxes in the amount of $10.24 be released as he listed this personal property in error. Request this item be placed in the agenda of the County Commissioners' meeting of April 16, 1974. Copy Mrs. King LJP/pjr ~r~ ~~ ~, ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~r a RESOLUTION CONCERNING AGREEMENT TO UNDERTAKE DEVELOPMENT OF A SECTION 201 FACILITIES PLAN WHEREAS, it is desired by the County of New Hanover to insure the provision of wastewater treatment services and facilities in a most effective manner, and WHEREAS, the County of New Hanover recognizes the benefits which can accrue from the cooperative planning of such services and facilities, and WHEREAS, for purposes of federal grant-in-aid assistance such planning is a prerequisite NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT (1) The County of New Hanover does hereby agree to cooperate and participate with the Town of Carolina Beach and the Town of Kure Beach in the preparation of a "Section 201 Facilities Plan" as required by Public Law 92-500 and in conformity with Federal regulations governing facility planning (2) The County of New Hanover agrees to the designation of the County of New Hanover to serve as "Lead Agency" for making a grant application and for preparing the facility plan for the area, provided that such designation is not meant to presume or otherwise imply any particular role of the Lead Agency concerning the provision of sewer services or facilities since such determinations are to be agreed upon among the jurisdictions as a part of developing the plan, and provided that the required Plan of Study for the planning area, which is acceptable to all three units, be prepared indicating that the Town of Carolina Beach and the Town of Kure Beach be included in a review process at predetermined staged intervals prior to plan completion in order to assure full coordination between all three units, Cape Fear Council of Governments staff shall be afforded the same review opportunities as the Town of Carolina Beach and the Town of Kure Beach. (3) The County of New Hanover agrees to pay its pro-rata share of the cost of preparing such a plan based on the share of its population residing outside the boundaries of any incorporated municipality within the 201 Facilities Planning Area as defined by the North Carolina Department of Natural and Economic Resources (4) The Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County is hereby authorized to execute such agreements as are necessary to carry out the provisions of this Resolu- tion This the 16th day of April, 1974 ~ ,-. ~ ~ , r~ ~ ~ y ~~ ~~~~ ~ ~ Cha' man ~y Commis,$ioner ~ G~ ,M ~ ~ i _ ommission ~~L '' Commissioner -~, ~~~ ~~ ~-, ( ~1er to the Board Commissione