1974-05-06 RM ExhibitsY l.. i 19 74 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW The 1974 Board of Equalization and Review met on Monday, April 8, 1974, in the Assembly Room, County Commission Bud ding, Wilmington, North Carolina. At 9 00 a.m. Mr James McKeithan, Clerk of Superior Court, administered the Oath of Office to the Board members. Mr. W. Douglas Powell, Mr. J M. Hall, Jr., Mr. Peter R. Davis, Mr. M. H. Vaughan, and Mrs. Vivian S Wright were all sworn In at this time. Copy of Oath attached. Mr. Hall made the motion, seconded by Mr. Davis, that Mr. Powell serve as chairman of the Board of Equalization and Review. Upon vote, this motion carried unanimously. Mr. Larry Powell stated that there had been two additions to the agenda since It was mailed to the Board members. The first was a request from Figure Eight Island Company in reference to their listing penalty. A copy of their letter had been given to each Board member. The other complaint is from Mr. H. B. Shaw in reference to his property at Redcross and Sixth Street. Mr. Shaw well be represented by his lawyer, Mr. Morgan, and they are scheduled for approximately 10 15. Mr. Powell presented the letter from Figure Eight Island Company in which they requested that their listing penalty be released. They listed their property on March 26, 1974 after being contacted several times by the Tax Office. This listing included their real estate, but as of this date the office has not received their business listings. As was stated in their letter, they were In the process of changing ownership during the first of the year, and therefore had many problems pertaining to the ownership change. They are requesting that the listing penalty of approximately $876 be released. Mrs Wright asked if they had requested an extension for the listing period. Mr. Powell stated that they did not ask for this extension and did not make any contact with the office until the Tax Office began calling them in March. Mr. Hall made the motion, seconded by Mrs. Wright, that the request for the release of the listing penalty he denied. Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Powell presented the complaint from Altamahaw Hosiery Mills, Inc. T/A Burger Chef on Market Street. The building has been vacant for two years. The Tax Office has it appraised at $69,030, and the owner is presently offering it for sale for $128,000. Mr Powell recommended that no reduction be made at this time but that we review the property during the next general revaluation from the income approach, if they do not have it leased at that time Mrs. Wright made the motion, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the valuation remain the same. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. Mr, Powell presented Mrs. A. H. Yopp's complaint concerning her property at Wilmington Beach There is no access to the property, and it is underwater during high tide. Mr Powell recommended that the valuation be reduced by 70o and be appraised at $430 Mr. Vaughan made the motion that the value be changed to $430. There was general discussion as to the difference in the valuation of this lot and the $100 valuation placed on the lot at Carolina Beach, which was the next item to be discussed. The difference In the valuation is based on the fact that the lot at Carolina Beach is underwater all of the time. Mr Vaughan's motion was seconded by Mr Davis. Chairman Powell then questioned the reasoning for the 70o reduction Mr. Powell explained that the topo reduction of 35o and the fact that there was no access to the property (350) was their reasoning for this reduction. Mr. Davis then withdrew his second to the motion and made a substitute motion that the valuation be reduced by 900 or to $100. He then restated his motion to reduce the valuation to $100. There was general discussion concerning the value of the lot to the adjoining owner, who does have a cottage on his lot. This ocean-front lot would add more depth to his lot. Mrs. Wright made a substitute motion, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the $430 valuation be ac- cepted. Upon vote, substitute motion was approved as follows Voting Aye Mr. Hall, Mr. Vaughan, Mrs. Wright, and Chairman Powell Voting Noe Mr. Davis Mr. Powell presented Mr Archie Crotts' complaint concerning his lot at Carolina Beach. Mr. Powell's recommendation was to reduce the valuation of the lot to $100 as it is underwater at all times, and it is at the north end of the beach. Mr Vaughan made the motion, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the lot's valuation be reduced to $100. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. Mr. Powell presented Mrs. J. E. Southerland's complaints concerning her property on Meares Street and Keaton Avenue He reviewed this property and found that her houses did need general maintenance work but there was nothing that constituted a reduction in valuation. If the regular maintenance work was kept up, there would be no problems. Mr. Hall made the motion, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the request be denied pending the upcoming revaluation. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. Chairman Powell recessed the meeting for a break from 9 20 to 9 30 a.m. Mr. H. R. Clark presented Springer Coal ~ Oil Company's complaint concerning their property on Dawson Street. Mr. Powell stated that after comparing this lot with adjoining properties, it appears that Southern Appraisal Company used the incorrect front foot value. His recommendation was to reduce the valuation to $31,970. Chairman Powell made the motion, seconded by Mr. Davis, to accept the Tax Office's recommendation to reduce the value to $31,970. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. Mr. Henry Bost and Mr. Nathaniel L. Bost presented the com- plaint concerning property owned by the Church of the Good Shepherd. They are requesting an exemption from 1974 taxes on their property described as Lot 103 Arrowhead Subdivision which is used as their rectory. This property was not conveyed to them until January 25, 1974. Mr. Vaughan made the motion that the Church not be required to pay taxes from January 25th forward, but with the understanding that this motion is made without formal legal opinion. If formal legal opinion is so rendered, motion will have no effect. Chairman Powell asked Mr. Powell if it was Mr. Fox's opinion that legally there were no grounds for the change. Mr. Powell stated that Mr. Fox said that he was in full agreement, that if the Church did not own the property at the first of the year, they would not be exempt. Mr. Vaughan restated his motion that the taxes on the rectory be abated at the proper time and he explained that this motion was made without formal legal opinion. Mr. Davis seconded Mr. Vaughan's motion. His reasoning was stated that if property was transferred after July 1 from a charitable to a non-charitable organization, it would not be taxed for the entire year, thus, property purchased for non-taxable use before July 1 should have the same classifica- tion. Mr. Vaughan questioned his restated motion. Mrs. Wright made a substitute motion, seconded by Chairman Powell, that the Church not be exempted. Mr. Hall made an amendment to the original motion that the motion be subject to legal approval. Mr. Davis then questioned the substitute motion Mrs. Wright withdrew her substitute motion and Chairman Powell withdrew his second. The Board members then voted on Mr. Vaughan's original motion that the Church be exempt from taxes from January 25th forward, if legally possible Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. Mr. Davis then made the motion that the Church be exempted from taxes from January 25th forward. Mr. Vaughan seconded the motion, but then withdrew his second. Motion died for lack of a second. Mr. W. L. Burkheimer presented the complaint concerning the property owned by the Independent Order of the Odd Fellows. This organization requested that they be exempt because they use their property for charitable and benevolent purposes. Mr. Powell stated that Attorney General Morgan has concluded that a charitable organi- zation must actually conduct the charitable functions within the building itself to be considered wholly and exclusively used for charitable purposes. In the case of the Odd Fellows, they use their property for their meeting place. Mr. Burkheimer explained the charitable purposes of their organization. They give relief to the sick, distressed, orphans, elderly, and others who are in need throughout the community. They use their building on 26th Street as a meeting place to plan their charitable projects. Their building on the corner of 26th and Market Streets is used as a storage building. Mr. Hall made the motion, seconded by Chairman Powell, that it be held in abeyance until after the Legislature adjourns. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows• Voting Aye Mr. Hall, Mr. Davis, Mr. Vaughan, and Chairman Powell Voting Noe Mrs. Wright Mr. W. L. Shaw, Jr. and his attorney, Mr. Richard M. Morgan, appeared before the Board to present their complaint concerning the property known as John H. Shaw's Funeral Home on Redcross Street. The present valuation on the property is $44,400. The petitioners believe that this is higher than fair market value, which they feel is $26,000. Mr. Morgan stated that the building is twenty years old and the location of the property has declined in the last several years. He stated that property around the funeral home has been sold recently for much less than the tax value. Mr. Powell recommended that the valuation remain the same, and that the whole section be reviewed during the general re- valuation. Mr. Morgan called the Board's attention to General Statute 105-287, which states that the value of the property may be reassessed if it has decreased in value to the extent of more than one hundred dollars by virtue of circumstances external to the property other than increases or decreases in the general economy of the county since the last appraisal. He stated that this law applies in this case. The neighborhood has declined even though the general economy of the county has not. Mr. Eller reported that it was Mr. Fox's opinion that the general depressed nature of a neighborhood was too general an argument to reduce the value. If you were to reduce it on that basis, we would be in a constant reappraisal situation on every piece of property, both up and down. If there was a solid, factual development that took place, such as the closing of a street or the construction of a highway, that would be construed as reason to change the value. But the argument that the general neighborhood has de- clined is not sufficient to reduce the value under this statute. Mr. Hall made the motion, seconded by Mrs. Wright, that the request be denied, but that particular attention be paid to the property for the revaluation. Upon vote, motion was approved as follows Voting Aye Mr. Hall, Mr. Davis, Mrs. Wright, and Chairman Powell Voting Noe Mr. Vaughan Mr. Hall made the motion, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the meeting be adjourned inasmuch as they had reviewed all business that had come before the Board of Equalization and Review. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. Chairman Powell adjourned the meeting at 10 50 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Patricia J. Raynor I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and maintain the Constitution and laws of the United States, and the Constitution and laws of North Carolina not incon- sistent therewith, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of my office as a member of the Board of Equalization and Review of New Hanover County, North Carolina, and that I will not allow my actions as a member of the Board of Equalization and Review to be influenced by personal or political friendships or obligations, so help me God. ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~- t9'U`~"`"~-- W, gl Powell Peter Davis ~~ \ ' ~~ .. ~ e---~:.~~ --_ ~ L _ ~ ~ ~. ;J. M. Hall ,.~~ ~ ' f,. ~lliTke H. Vaugha~- i ' i ~~ ~ Vivian Wright T I administered and witnessed the above oath to the Board of Equalization and Review. ~~ ~ ~ 7 7~- / Witness J' Clerk of Court r 4 NOP,TH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY b RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS W H E R E A S: 1. Pursuant to the provisions of former N. C. General Statutes, Section 108-30.1 and 108-73.12A, Notices and Claims of the Cle~.k of Superior Court real property of Murleen W. Lai Lien were docketed on the 14th 26th dad of July, 1971. former N. C. General Statutes of Lien were filed in the Office of New Hanover County against the nb. Said Notices and Claims of day of January, 1969, and the 2. Aid to the permanently and totally disabled has been furnished to Murleen W. Lamb in the amount of $384.00. Aid to Aged has been furnished to Murleen W. Lamb in the amount of $132.00. 3. Murleen W. Lamb owned an one-eighth undivided interest in property in New Hanover County, particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the Southern line of an old asphalt road 255 feet West of the Western side of U.S. Highway 421, N.C. Highway #40, South of Sunset Park, allowing from highway 30 feet from the center thereof and 20 feet from the center of said asphalt road and running Westwardly and parallel with said asphalt road 70 feet to the Eastern side of Washington Street extension; thence South about 105 feet to the Northwest corner of Lot #40, thence East and parallel with said s asphalt road 70 feet, thence North 105 feet to the point of Beginning. Being a part of Lot #41 and #42, in Block #2, of the G.C. Bordeaux sub-division as shown on map of same in Map Book 3, at Page 42, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County. This is a part of the property referred to in deed recorded in Book 295, at Page 212. 4. As recorded in 73SP378 in the records of the Clerk of Superior Court's Office of New Hanover County, James D. Carr was appointed Commissioner to sell said land described above. Said property was sold, and said sale approved by Order of Confirmation dated January 4, 1974. According to said Order, the proceeds of sale were distributed, and recipient, Murleen W. Lamb, received $513.81, said sum being the fair market value of her interest in the property. 5. The sum of $513.81 has been paid to and received by New Hanover County; this being the total amount received by recipient from sale of land and her interest therein. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREWITH RESOLVED THAT: 1. The Notices and Claims of Lien against the property of Murleen W. Lamb, docketed on January 14, 1969, and July 26, 1971, in the Office of the Clerk of Superior Court of New Hanover County are hereby amended to release from their claims the land described above. 2. A copy of this resolution be attached to the aforesaid original Notice and Claim of Lien in the Office of the Clerk of Superior Court of New Hanover County. -2- 3. A copy of this resolution be placed in the New Hanover County Board of Public Welfare case records pertaining to the assistance furnished to Murleen W. Lamb. This the 6th day of May 1974. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~ S`;_..__ _ ~ ' ~ ' s -Z X~' ,~; ~---- -3- ,:9h u n 133 Marlboro ~~ azl CASTIF HAY y~.rn!r~!-L yN+~ '' 1 C O U N T Y Rim v ~~~~ 1573 .~x~' - xFD -~ IIT 9\.. arDnEIHA /002 F r ~~~ ~,• 1339 =l6M 3~~ r f~ /34 4 ?~,: v~ \< ~o`y n Il..~ 1002 ~' f< 'O /QW N \ \ y / _ =_. rkgOf 133 , 1 1 t^ ~rW "4ce a` ~ n .1 ~~t^,p l .. , I ,R µ^ F~ %r 1337q~~"~ r3ig •1 cA"<arFieHnYNe ~ NORTH110FF1 _ _ =1 1~~P /334~aar C~pp \ ~ .~~ ~.4,~ 9 / ---. I r :;11' Id335 ~ B36 ao ~ I37P ~ ~ ~~ ~}~.. 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',~ ~ "1 ~ ~ ~r a ~ Iy'~ 4.= i a 871 x SUNNY POINT MILITARY ;,, ~ ~ >'i 4 'L .~., r OCEAN TERMINAL ,, '~ i ~ ,~sf:r ~ Yl ; r r y~ %~ ~ 421 S ~ F .'{+~~ ,u . ~ ~ : 8 7~ r{ <I" 33~ F' s l ~a 'p aF 3 ~ s~'~ ..~ ,r: l ~. :r 52~ ~eY~P.~i~' ~, -- f ~y,; .. Ballard, McKim and Sawyer • Hartman-Cox • Associated Architects May 6, 1974 PROGRESS REPORT #3 Governmental Complex - County Courthouse/Jail New Hanover County Wilmington, North Carolina 1. Information gathering is about 90~ complete. Some detail follow-up is in process now, and should be completed this week. 2. The compilation and correlation of the program information is 'about 40~ complete. 3. Preliminary maps and graphs are being developed. 4. We request an hour and a half in the afternoon of your next meeting to make our first presentation. This will be May 20th. BALLARD, McKIM AND SAWYER - HARTMAN-COX, ASSOCIATED ARCHITECTS HPM:rb Reply to ^ 612 South 17th Street, Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 919 762 2621 ^ 1071 Thomas Jefferson Street, NW, Washington, DC 20007 202 333 6446 f STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER IN THE MATTER OF CLOSING A ~a r CERTAIN PORTION OF "AN UNNAMED ROAD, RUNNING PETITION BETWEEN KING'S GRANT AND CRESTWOOD SUBDIVISIONS IN THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER NORTH CAROLINA YOUR PETITIONERS, STEVE F. AIKEN and wife, BRENDA B. AIKEN, RUCE D. FERGUSON and wife, KATF~E L FERGUSON, RUSSELL S. KETTERMAN, JR. and wife, MARTHA E. KETTERMAN, and JAMES T. CARPER and wife, JUDY P R, citizens and residents of the County of New Hanover, State of rth Carolina, respectfully petition and move the Board of Commissioners the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, as follows 1. That it is deemed advisable to close a portion of "An nnamed Road, Running Between King's Grant and Crestwood Subdivisions" hich portion of said road is described in the attached Exhibit "A" nd is in New Hanover County, State of North Carolina and not lying with- n the limits of any municipality, and not under control or supervision f the North Carolina State Highway Commission or Board of Transportation 2. That the portion of the said road which has been dedicated o the public and which your Petitioners seek to be closed has never een cleared, opened, or used as a public road or street, nor has same een named, and in fact it is neither desirable nor necessary for public urposes as a street, road or public way and serves no useful purpose n its present condition, to the citizens of the County or the State. 3. That the closing of said portion of said road as herein lleged is not contrary to the public interest and no property owner n the vicinity of the said road, or in the subdivisions in which it s located, will thereby be deprived of reasonable means of ingress and ~i r egress to his, their or its property. 4. That the Petitioners are the owners in fee of the lands adjoining the portion of the right-of-way of said road sought to be closed herein, as shown on the attached Exhibit "B". 5. That all other persons, firms or corporations who claim or own property adjoining the portion of the road not sought to be closed, are as follows MR. AND MRS LUTHER IREDELL GORE 302 NORTH CRESTWOOD DRIVE WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401 MR. AND MRS. GENE W. GREY 238 NORTH CRESTWOOD DRIVE WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINR 28401 CONTEMPORARY BUILDERS & REALTY COMPANY, CORP. 2502 SOUTH SEVENTEENTH STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401 That none of the above own lands adjoining the portion of the road sought to be closed herein, and all will have reasonable means of ingress and egress if such portion as set out on Exhibits "A" and "B" is closed. The N C Department of Transportation has no control or supervision of the road, as shown by Exhibit "C" 6. That the legal description of the portion of the road sought to be closed is more fully set out and described in the attached Exhibit "A" and made a part of this petition, as aforesaid. 7. That the portion of the road Petitioners seek to close is used by persons or parties as a disposal site for refuse, trash, and debris which action constitutes a potential source of disease and destruc- tion of the environment all in violation of the public welfare and interest -2- in New Hanover County. That your Petitioners seek the closing of said portion of said road so that same can be used by their children for play and a bicycle path for all without the menance of automobile traffic, which said automobile traffic wou]d be unnecessary and undesirable on said portion of the road sought to be closed herein. 8. That this Petition is brought and made by your Petitioners under the laws of the State of North Carolina including North Carolina Statutes 153A- 241, that the adjoining property owners should be sent copies of the Board's Resolution and Notice declaring its intent to close said portion of said road, and calling a Public Hearing on the Question by certified mail and the meeting of the Board of Commissioners should be held on the ~~ y of ~ , 1974, as provided by North Carolina General Statutes 153A-241; that the Resolu- tion and Notice of this meeting should be published in the local newspaper once a week for four (4) successive weeks prior to the meeting of the Board of Commissioners as herein set forth, and the Resolution and Notice should be prominently posted in at least two (2) places along said road. NOW, THEREFORE, your Petitioners respectfully move that the portion of the "Unnamed Road Running Between King's Grant and Crestwood Subdivisions", as referred to herein, be officially closed and withdrawn from dedication as a public road in the County of New Hanover, State of North Carolina. Q~ , , ~ , Thi s the I D day of 1974. -3- /~ ,~ % ~ ,~ y ~ t l ~ t~.P ~ .M ~.. ~/ J~k _.~- w ~~ , T-~~ ~~ ATE OF NORTH CAROLINA OUNTY OF NEW HANOVER I, a Notary Public in and r the State and Cor~nty aforesaid, certify that STEVE F. AIKEN and wife, RENDA B. AIKEN, BRUCE D. FERGUSON and wife, KATI-~RInE L. FERGUSON, RUSSELL . KETTERMAN, JR. and wife, MARTHA E. KETTERMAN, and JAMES T. CARPER nd wife, JUDY P. CARPER, personally came before me this day and acknow- edged the due execution of the foregoing and annexed instrument for the rposes therein expressed. Witness my hand and seal, this day of 1974. Notary u c y commission expires. y //` ~~ -4- ~ x h; bid- ' ~~, SUGGESTED DESCRIPTION FOR THE PORTION OF THE UNNAMED ROAD RUNNING BETWEEN KING'S GRANT AND CRESTWOOD SUBDIVISIONS TO BE CLOSED UPON THE ATTACHED PETITION BEGINNING at a point in the Southeastern corner of Lot No. 27, of Block No. 1, Section 5, Crestwood Subdivision, as shown on a map thereof recorded in Map Book 10 at Page 2 of the New Hanover County Registry, and running thence from said beginning point, North 10 degrees 17 minutes East 300 feet to a point at the Southern end of a curve having a 20 foot radius, running thence from said point, along said curve, to a point in the Southern right-of-way line of Lord Tennyson Road, said point being located South 79 degrees 43 minutes East 80 feet from the Northwest corner of Lot 35, Section 2, of King's Grant Subdivision, as shown on a map thereof recorded in Map Book 10 at Page 7 of the New Hanover County Registry, running thence South A degrees 43 minutes East, and along the Southern right-of-way line of Lord Tennyson Road, 100 feet to a point located North 79 degrees 43 minutes West 80 feet from the Northeast corner of Lot 36 of Section 2 of King's Grant Subdivision, as shown in a map thereof recorded in Map Book 10 at Page 7 of the New Hanover County Registry, running thence in a Southerly direction, and with a curve having a 20 foot radius, to a point located North 10 degrees 17 minutes East 150 feet from the Southwest corner of Lot 36, Section 2 of King's Grant Sub- division, running thence South 10 degrees 17 minutes West, with the Western line of Lot 36 of Section 2 of King's Grant Subdivision and Western line of Lot 1 of Block 5, Section 5, of Crestwood Subdivision, 300 feet to a point, being the Southwestern corner of Lot 1, Block 5, Section 5, of Crestwood Subdivision, as shown on a map thereof recorded in Map Book 10 at Page 2 of the New Hanover County Registry, running thence North 79 degrees 43 minutes West, and with the Northern right-of-way line of Crestwood Drive, 60 feet to the point of beginning. ': STA fE ,~. ~" v ~~ . y P~2. i~ ~ A ~ O ~ ~'~ 2 Syr t .. ~,,,,,...•,% ~ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAY SAFETY JAMES E. HOLSHOUSER, JR. GOVERNOR BRUCE A. LENTZ SECRETARY New Hanover County ~•Tilmington, NC 23401 April 30, 1974 r i f~ >~ DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS Subject: Unimproved Road Between Kings Grant and Crestwood Subdivisions Mr. Ellis L. Aycock Attorney at Law Suite 2 20 South Third St. ;~Tilmington, NC 28401 Dear Mr. Aycock: This is to advise that the unnamed, unpaved, and partly cleared road running between Lots 35 and 36 of Kings Grant Suodivision southerly into Crestwood S~.zbdivision between Lots 1 and 27 is not under the jurisdiction or supervision nor is it being maintained by the ~v'o.rth Carolina Department of Transportation. Yours very truly, T. T•T. Funderburk Division Engineer of Division 3 ROP/dcm STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER WHEREAS, RESOLUTION AND NOTICE STEVE F. AI KEN and wife, BRENDA B. AI KEN, BRUCE D. FERGUSON and wife, KATHERINE L. FERGUSON, RUSSELL S. KETTERMAN, JR. and wife, MARTHA E. KETTERMAN, and JAMES T. CARPER and wife, JUDY P. CARPER, the owners of cer- tain property adjoining the following described tract of land, have requested that said tract, forming a portion of a road running between King's Grant and Crestwood Subdivisions, New Hanover County, be closed by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County pursuant to the authority vested in them by the provisions of North Carolina General Statutes, Section 153A-241. BEGINNING at a point in the Southeastern corner of Lot No. 27, of Block No. 1, Section 5, Crestwood Subdivision, as shown on a map thereof recorded in Map Book 70 at Page 2 of the New Hanover County Registry, and running thence from said beginning point, North 10 degrees 17 minutes East 300 feet to a point at the Southern end of a curve having a 20 foot radius, running thence from said point, along said curve, to a point in the Southern right-of-way line of Lord Tennyson Road, said point being located South 79 degrees 43 minutes East 80 feet from the Northwest corner of Lot 35, Section 2, of King's Grant Subdivision, as shown on a map thereof recorded in Map Book 10 at Page 7 of the New Hanover County Registry, running thence South 79 degrees 43 minutes East, and along the Southern right-of-way line of Lord Tennyson Road, 100 feet to a point located North 79 degrees 43 minutes West 80 feet from the Northeast corner of Lot 36 of Section 2 of King's Grant Subdivision, as shown in a map thereof recorded in Map Book 10 at Page 7 of the New Hanover County Registry, running thence in a Southerly direction, and with a curve having a 20 foot radius, to a point located North 10 degrees 17 minutes East 150 feet from the Southwest corner of Lot 36, Section 2 of King's Grant Sub- division, running thence South 10 degrees 17 minutes West, with the Western line of Lot 36 of Section 2 of King's Grant Subdivision and Westem line of Lot 1 of Block 5, Section 5, of Crestwood Subdivision, 300 feet to a point, being the Southwestern corner of Lot 1, Block 5, Section 5, of Crestwood Subdivision, as shown on a map thereof recorded in Map Book 10 at Page 2 of the New Hanover County Registry, running thence North 79 degrees 43 minutes West, and with the Northern right-of-way line of Crestwood Drive, 60 feet to the point of beginning. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED. (1) That the question of closing the above-described tract, said tract forming a portion of a road running between King's Grant and Crestwood Subdivisions in New Hanover County, be acted upon at the regular June 17, 1974, public meeting of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, in the County Commission Building, in the City of Wilmington, 14 North Third r ' Street, at which time any interested person, firm or corporation will be heard, (2) That a copy of this Resolution and Notice be sent to all persons, firms or corporations owning property on said road and all persons having or owning any interest in the tract heretofore particularly described, who did not join in the request for closing the above-described road, by certified mail, (3) That this Resolution and Notice shall be published once a week for four successive weeks in the Wilmington Morning Star, and (4) That this Resolution and Notice shall be prominently posted in at least two (2) places along the said road. Done at the City of Wilmington, North Carolina, this 6th day of May, 1974. ,r __ ~T _> Chairman o t oar o Commissioners _ -. / ;' ~ Member of the hoard of Commissioners ,2 ~I1 ' ~ em er o t e oar o ommi stoners CL~ Mem er o t e oar o o ssioners M er of t e Boar o Co issioners ~% o the Board of Co iss~oners ~, (SEAL) TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA OUNTY OF NEW HANOVER May This 9th day of Jae, 1974, personally came before me, -2- s Elizabeth C Edens , a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, Lise K. King, who being by me duly sworn, says that she knows the common seal of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and is acquainted with W. Douglas Powell, who is Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, and that she is also acquainted with Vivian Wright, Peter Davis, M. H. Vaughan, and J. M. Hall, who are members of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, and that the said Lise K. King is Clerk to the said Board of Commission- ers, and that the said Lise K King saw the said Chairman and members of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County sign the foregoing instrument, and that the said Lise K King affixed said common seal of said County of New Hanover to said instrument and signed her name in attestation of said instru- ment in the presence of said Chairman and members of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County. This 9th day of May, 1974. r' - -~- Notary Pu ~1 i c My commission expires STATE OF NORTH CAROLINAr` COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER Lise K. King, being duly sworn, deposes and says that she is Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, that she has read the attached copy of the Resolution and Notice of the said Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, and that she does herewith certify that the same is a true copy of the original enacted and executed by said Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County on May 6th , 1974. r 1 Lis K King Sworn to and subscribed before me this 9th day of May , 1974. r ry Public My commission expires