1974-05-31 SpM ExhibitsY f V ,r, d :,: ! ~~~. ~~,~ T .~ F (1~ffire (!Bf W DOUGLAS POWELL, cHM J M HALL, JR., v-cHM. `~ PETER R. DAVIS ~ pttX,} II~ ~LDIiY1tttSSt.U.tY.exB M. H. VAUGHAN VIVIAN S WRIGHT ~Q~ ~ttn~UPX (~'O~~y~ DAN W ELLER U ~~LL 11 COUNTY MANAGER 14 z'i~nrtl( (~I~tID ~ftPPt JAMES C FOX 77~~77 COUNTY ATTORNEY ~ilmingtan, ZvnIt~ (l~ittlnltritt 28401 LISE K. KING CLERK TO THE BOARD MEMORANDUM To County Commissioners From M. H Vaughan ~'} ~ ~ z/~!-~.~' `~`~ Date May 29, 1974 Re Special Meeting, May 31, 1974 Fellow Commissioners: With regard to the special call meeting on Friday, I will not be able to attend due to having a previous engagement out of town. This meeting seems to me to be superfluous unless some real reason has come up for its calling. On the matter of the Coastal Zone appointees, we were advised ahead of time, everybody had an opportunity to make their input, and a def- inite decision was made, as I understand it, to give the Chairman two days, which would have been expired on Wednesday, May 22, to make any personal investigation which he desired to make. These nominees were directed by the Commissioners to be forwarded at that time unless we were immediately advised of desired changes Accordingly, in my opinion, the selections made at the last meeting should be forwarded without delay. MHV:LKK