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Mr. Harriss presented request £or appropriation of $2y00 for construction o£ two storage
buildings at Hugh MacRae Park in the Optimist Field. They will be 6' x 12'. The site has
been inspected by the Hugh MacRae Park Committee, including Mr. Hugh Morton, who has given
approval. The Optimist Club will furnish wiring and plumbing.
Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that upon recommendation o£ Mr. Harriss, who
is a member of Hugh MacRae Park Committee, the $2900 requested be appropriated, funds coming
from C.D. Interest on Investments. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Bowden called attention to Governor's Conference on Drugs Abuse to be held in Raleigh
on April 15 and suggested anyone that could attend, please do so. Mr. Harriss suggested Chief
of Police Williamson be contacted and invitation e~ctended that anyone he wished to attend
go along in car going frorm County.
By common consent it was agreed to write Bill Sutton, 1970 President of the Azalea
Festival, a letter expressing the Board's congratulations and thanks for a very fine Azalea
Festival this year.
There being no further business to come before the Board, meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Hazel Savage
Clerk to the Board
April 6, 1970
On April 6, 19~0 the Sirst meeting o£ the Board of Equalization & Review met in the Commis-
sioners' Room at 1:00 P.M.
There were three Board members present, who were sworn in by Mrs. Betty Balch. Said members
being, Chairman John Van B. 3°Ietts, Meares Harriss, Jr., and H. A. Marks. Also present were Tax
Supervisor, Laurence 0. Bowden and Assistant Tax Supervisor, Larry J. Powell.
The Board met to discuss and set up a schedule for property complaints to be brought before
the Board of Equalization & Review.
A three day session was scheduled, starting April 9th, lOth and 13th, and passed upon by
the Board.
Chairman John Van Metts requested a list of complaint property, broken down to building
and land value separate.
There was no further business to be brought before the Board at this time so Chairman
John Van Metts moved to adjouxn.
The Board of Equalization & Review recessed at 1:10 P.M. until 9:3o A.M. on Thursday,
April 9, 19'70.
Respect£ully Submitted,
Betty Ayala
April 9 , 19'70
On April 9, 19']0 the second meeting of the Board of Equalization & Review met in the
Commissioners' Room at 9~3a A.M.
Present were Chairman John Van Metts, Meares Harriss, Jr., H. A. Marks, J. M. Hall, Jr.,
who was sworn in by Mrs. Betty Balch, T~ Supervisor, Laurence 0. Bowden and Assistant Tax
Supervisor, 7~arry J. Powell.
The Board met to review and hear the property complaints. The first to appear before the
Board was Reasor Chemical Corp., represented by agent, Mr. H. E. Ginn, who stated that Reasor
Chemical Corp. was out o£ business, closing on Dec. 18th, and wished value of the building
reduced. Chairman John Van Metts stated they would recheck this property and inform Mr. Ginn
later of the final decision of the Board. The Board at this time recommended no change.
Chairman John Van Metts received a telephone call from Amsey Boyd in behalf of R. C. Boyd,
Sr., who stated his property, 12.5 acres adj. Battle Ground Park was low ground with no highway
frontage, there£ore wished a reduction in land value. The Board recommended a 35% f~ctional
depreciation as recommended by the Assistant Tax Supervisor.
At this time Chairman John Van Metts suggested Mr. Powell telephone all remaining people
on the schedule and confirm their appearance before the Board o£ Equalization & Review. The
Board recessed at 11:00 A.M. for this purpose.
At 11:20 A.M. the Board reconvened and Chairman John Uan Metts requested a sc.hedule of
those who planned to appear before the Board in person. The Assistant Tax Supervisor, Zarry
J. Powell, in£ormed the Chairman that two people had afternoon appointments.
Tax Supervisor Laurence 0. Bowden made recommendation to hold no meeting of the Board
of Equalization & Review on Friday, April 10, 1970 because at that time there would not be
three Board Members present. The Board moved to reschedule all complaints for the final
meeting of the Board on Monday, April 13, 19~0. The Assistant Tax Supervisor, Larry Powe11,
was instructed to telephone each person to appear and in£orm them to appear at the last
meeting of the Board on April 13, 19']0.
At 11:55 the Board of Equalization & Review recessed until 2:20 P.M. Chairman John
Van Metts could not be present £or the afternoon meetin~ so Meares Harriss was requested to
take the place o£ Chairman at the afternoon meeting. ,
The Board of Equalization & Review reconvened at 2:20 P.M. with the £ollowing present:
Acting Chairman Meares Harriss, H. A. Marks, Berry Williams, who was: sworn in by Mrs. Betty
Balch, Tax Supervisor, Laurence 0. Bowden, Assistant Tax Supervisor, Larry J. Powell and
Assessor, Raymond Blake.
Mrs. Grissilla Harmon Ray was to appear before the Board but could not make the appoint-
ment. The Board then reviewed her property, and recommended a functional depreciation to
put her house in a C grade due to bad condition of roof and carport.
The first person to appear before the Board in the afternoon meeting was Mr. Robert W.
Appleton, who contended valuation of his property in Block 4'7'] W End 4/5 Pt 3, was too high.
Mr. H. A. Marks moved that the Board check surrounding property and inform Mr. Appleton by
letter of their final decision.
The second person to appear before the Board was Mr. Winfield Clemmons, who contends the
street in front of his property, lot 16 Capri Estates in the city, was in very poor condition
with no drainage and no paving. He refused to pay his taxes or list them until this problem
could be settled. The Board advised Mr. Clemmons that the poor condition of the street was
in the jurisdic'tion of the city and not the county. Tax Supervisor, Laurence 0. Bowden
stated that he would try and help Mr. Clemmons with this problem and the Board would in£orm
him at a later date by letter.
At this time Mr. Powell suggested that the Board reopen the case of Hrs. of Mary C.
Taylor, whose property at Wrightsville Beach,HTock I and J, I,ot 5, Seaforth was under water
and requested a lower valuation. Mr. Meares Harriss suggested the Board needed a letter
from the Hrs. of Mar~ C. Taylor,stating they sti11 intended to retain this property.
The last person to appear before the Board at this meeting was Mr. Fiarry J. Stein, agent
for Mrs. Harry Jaffe. Mr. Stein contends that property in Block 79 Pt EM 1& 2 is valued too
high on the building value. Neighborhood has gone down and building is vacant and in poor
The Board requested that County Attorney, James Fox_be present at the final meeting of
the Board on Monday, April 13, 1970.
The Board of Equalization & Review recessed at 3:45 P.M. until the next meeting of the
Board on Monday, April 13th at 9:00 A.M. since there was no further business to be
brought before the Board at this time.
Respectfully submitted,
Betty Ayala
APRIL 13, 1970
On April 13, 19'70 the £inal meeting of the Board of Equalization & Review met in the
Commissioners' Room at 9~00 A.M.
Present were Chairman, John Van Metts, Meares Harriss, H. A. Marks, J. M. Hall, Jr., Tax
Supervisor Zaurence 0. Bowden, Assistant Tax Supervisor Larry J. Powell, Assessor Raymond
Blake and County Attorney James Fox.
The first person to appear before the Board was Mrs. J. E. Southerland, who contended
valuation of property was too high. The Board, after hearin~ the complaint, advised Mrs.
Southerland that they would inform her later of their decision by letter.
At 9:30 Chairman Van Metts suggested the Board recess and a telephone call be made con-
cerning C. 0. gersey, Jr. to Agent J. C. Wessell informing him that the Board of Equalization
& Review accepted the recommendation of the Assistant Tax Supervisor, Larry J. Powell, to
reduce assessed building value from $3~,575 to $16,050.,
The Board of Equalization & Review reconvened at 10:00 to hear the complaint of St.
Stephens A. M. E. Church by Agent W. T. Childs who contended the property owned by the Church,
17 Acres Pt. R. B. Freeman Tract, should be exempt from taxation. The Board advised that
they would in£orm by letter of their decision. Also, the Board recommended the Church should
use this property more £or Church related activities.
At 10:15 Mrs. White appeared be£ore the Board for Hrs. of George S. Lewis. She contended
valuation of property too high in Block 256 Pt. EM 1/2. Board advised Mrs. White the9 would
inform her by letter of their decision. The Board accepted the recommendation of Assistant
Tax Supervisor to reduce assessed building value from $625 to ~150.
At 10:20 Mrs. J. W. George appeared before the Board to contend the valuation of the
propert~ located at Seabreeze Beach, Lot 25x100 Pt. R. B. Freeman. She said the building
located on the lot is of no good and should have no value. The Board suggested she have the
building removed then the tax office could remove it from the tax books. The Board advised
they would notify her by letter of their decision. At this time the Board approved the re-
commendation of Assistant Tax Superisor Larry Powell to reduce building assessed value from
$1,100 to $500.
'' `463
At 10:25 Mr. & Mrs. Ovater K. Doggett appered before the Board to protest the valuation
o£ property in Block 214 Carolina Beach. They stated ocean is moving in on property and Corp
o£ Engineers are considering building berm where their buildings are now located. Chairman
John Ban Metts informed Mr. & Mrs. Doggett that the Board would advise later b~ letter of
their decision after revieoring this matter with the Corp of Engineers. Mr. J. M. Fiall, Jr.
suggested a letter being written to Mr. & Mrs. Doggett informing them if the land they own
is reconstituted to expect a higher valuation to be placed on this land. The Board accepted
the recommendation of Assistant T~ Supersrisor for no change at this time.
At this time Mr. Powell informed the Board that he had not received the requested letter
from the Hrs. o£ Mary C. Taylor. He also stated he had discussed the property with Mr. John
Taylor and he stated: "They oaere not willing to give the property up but feels it should be
reduced". Chairman John Van Metts suggested the Board accept the recommendation o£~Assistant
Tax Supervisor and reduce the assessed land value from $10~ to $25.
The following list is the final decisions of the 19']0 Board of Equalization & Revieoi:
Owens Electric Supply Co.
Ideal Plumbing Co., Inc.
Diamond Shamrock Corp.
Reasor Chemical Corp:
Hrs. Mary C. Taylor
R. C. Boyd, Sr.
R. C. Boyd, Sr.
Hrs. J. F. Meyer
St. Stephen A.M.E. Church
Grissila Harmon Ray
Win£ield Clemmons
Donald B. Koonce, M.D.
Robert W. Appleton
Mrs. Harry Jaffe
Mr. William R. White
Mrs. Edna Z. Flissell
Mrs. Artimes M. Pastis
C. 0. Kersey, Jr.
Mrs. J. E. Southerland
J. W. George
Ovater K. Doggett
Sixty-Third St. Equities Co.
Mrs. Rosa B. Gaylord
Hrs. George S. Lewis
Hrs. W. P. Pugh
No change
No change
No change
No change
Reduced assessed land value from $100 to $25.
Tract A(12.5 Acres Adj. Battle Ground Park)
reduced assessed land value from $3125 to $2025.
Tract B(3.6 Acres Adj. Battle Ground Park &
Pt. T~ot 16) no change
Reduced assessed building value from $19~5 to ~725.
Place property in exempt status
Reduced assessed building value from $4150 to $3625.
No change
Reduced assessed building value from ~9325 to $6525
No change
Reduced assessed building value from $']625 to 9E6325.
No change
No change
No change
Reduced assessed building value from $37,575 to
No change
Reduced assessed building value from $1,100 to ~500.
No change
No change
Reduced assessed building value from $625 to $400
and adjusted land size to agree with deed and re-
duced assessed land value from $625 to $2'75.
Reduced assessed building value from $625 to $150.
Dropped from list at their request.
There being no further business to be brou~t before the Board of Equalization & Review
at.this time the Board adjourned for the year 19'70.
Respectfully submitted,
Betty Ayala