1970-06-08 & 7-10 Budget Discussion500 MINUTES OF THE P'~ETING NLY 20, 1970 (CONTINUED) - INFORMATION IN RFGARDS TO OWNERSHIP OF REAL PROPERTY -(CONTINUED) - Mr. Powell pointed out the Commissioners have authority under General Statu~es 105-3~1 (a), Paragraph 2 to require each person recording conveyance o£ real property, before presenting it to the Register of Deeds Office, to present it to the person in charge of the tax records so that conveyance may be noted on the tax records and in order that adeouate information concern- ing location of the property ma~ be obtained from the person conveying the property. If such presentation is required, the Register of Deeds shall not accept for recording any conveyance which has not £irst been submitted to the person in charge of the tax records and such person has obtained information £or the tax records which he regards as satis£actory. Mr. Powell advised if this system is approved, it would allow the tax office to save approx- imately $1,~00 per year and also allow it to require complete mailing addresses for all new ov,ners vrhich would assure the taxpayer of receiving his abstract. Mr. Pooaell said this had been discussed with the Register of Deeds and she is in favor o£ the new procEdure and feels it would expedite her office procedure in getting the deeds back to the owners. After discussion, Mr. Fox said he feels this could be done by resolution but suggested Mr. Bowden and Mr. Powell give the Bar Association information well in advance of date of change. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the Board of New Hanover County Commissioners adopt the procedure outlined by Mr. Powell and that it become effective September 1, 1970. Motion carried three to one. Mr. Harriss abstained from voting. AIRPORT COMMISSION - Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the Board of New Hanover County Com- missioners adopt charter, as corrected, authorizing establishment of the Airport Commission. Motion carried unanimously. (Charter will be copied in Minute Book) Nr. Metts announced that Mr. C. E. Hart£ord had accepted appointment as Chairman of the Airport Commission and that under such leadership he felt it is bound to be a success. SUPPLE~ENTARY AGREEMEIVT, F.A.A. - Mr. Metts requested formal approval of Supplementary Agreement between New Hanover County and the F.A.A. which he had recently signed for account of the County. The supplementary agreement changed monthly rate from $220.84 to $236.44 £or Services Administration Building and Combined Station at the Airport. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that formal approval be given to the signin~ of this document. Motion carried unanimously. SETTING TAX RATE - Tax rate will be set at special meeting of the Board on Friday, July 24, 19'70 at 8:30 A.M. ADJOURNMEIVT - There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board hs/bh MINiJTES OF BUDGET DISCUSSION P~ETING - 9:00 A.M. - June 8, 19`]0 ASSEMBZY - Budget Discussion Meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was Y~.d on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman John Van B. Metts, Jr., Vice-Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., H. A. Marks, Berry A. Williams; County Auditor Perry Shepard; County Administrator Zaurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. SALARIES - Mr. Marks discussed the State Personnel Plan; advising the 1970 Revised Pay Plan can be used, but if used, must be used for all departments on Merit System, and it should be determined first of all whether we are going to adopt the Revised State Merit Plan of 19']0 or use the 1°,69 Scale. By common consent it was decided to use the 1969 Scale. Mr. Marks said it is hoped that we can limit our increments for those on Merit SSstem the same as the County Personnel Plan. Mr. Harriss said this is his position. When asked for comments, Mr. Bowden said if we are going to apply this procedure to those under State Personnel Plan, there will remain an inequity because employees on Nerit System make more on comparable positions than those under the County Personnel Plan. Mr. Metts was of the opinion the County Personnel Plan should be brought in line with po- sitions on the State Nerit System. Mr. Harriss said this question would always come up as long as some positions are control- led by the State, unless we let the State set our salary policy which he would hesitate doing. Nr. Marks said County should control salaries. Mr. Narks moved, sec~ ded by Mr. Williams, for discussion, that the Board limit the incre- ments o£ the State Merit employees to those that are being allowed to the other count~ emplo.yees; that is, up to mid-point one automatic increment, and following that, 60% of total funds need- ed to give everyone in department in the merit area a raise; and that these adjustments be on the Merit System salary grade specified for the position. Motion carried unanimo'usly. ~ ~501 MINUTES OF BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING - 9~00 A.M. -(CONTINUED) - June 8, 19'70 SALARIES - (CONTINTTED) Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that in the event the Board develops certain categories o£ employees in various departments, the category should be adjusted to be in line with similar category of the State Merit System and the Personnel Director for the County should be authorized to do this. Discussion was held as to whether intent of motion was to make such changes during year. rIr. Marks was of the opinion change should take place at budget time, but if person is pro- moted during year change should be at that time. New Merit System employees shall be employed at Step 1. Mr. Hall was o£ the opinion if someone has a lower job and is promoted into higher job, promotion should take into consideration an increase of at least one increment. Mr. Marks said sometime ago certification was required of anyone changing position on State Merit System and raise should be effective when certification is received. Motion and second were withdrawn. Mr. Hall said one day the County is going to have to have someone categorize County jobs with State jobs and this should be started soon. Mr. Metts advised examinations would be required and personnel approved for each position. Mr. Aall stated the "Grandfather Clause" would probably cover the permanent employees presently employed. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, all employees under present State Personnel Plan doing similar responsibilities be classified in similar salary grades and steps as those in other departments. Motion carried. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by P1r. Marks, that during the fiscal year, if changes are ~ade in qualifications and duties that are tantamount to promotions, upon presentation of certification by the State, these salaries be adjusted upward to a point which would disallow a decrease in pay and that it should be adjusted upward to allow at least one increment in pay from the old status, provided this promotion is to fill an approved existing vacancy. Motion carried. P1r. Hall discussed where additional monies for these increases will come. Nr. Shepard said monies will come from surplus fund instead of General Contingency Fund. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the County Administrator be authorized to institute a study desi$ned to bring all county employees under State Merit System criteria for purposes of determining qualifications to equalize salary treatment for positions with similar duties in departments now under State Merit System. Motion carried. I~ETTER FROM HARLAN E. BOYLES, SECRETARY, I~OCAL GOVERNMENT COM1`1ISSION - Mr. Metts read a letter from Mr. Harlan E. Bo5>les, Secretary, Local Government Commission, dated June 3, 19']0, offering suggestions to Chairmen of Boards of County Commissioners on pre- paration of the 19'70-'71 budget. SOCIAI, SERVICES BUDGET - Miss Hall was present for discussion of budget for her department. She was informed of action taken by the Board regardir~ increases in salaries not to use (19']0) ,State Revised Plan. Salaries of those below mid-point will be increased one step, and those above will be on Merit Basis; 60'io of total funds needed to give everyone a merit increase. By common consent it was agreed department heads are not to be included in the Personnel Plan, therefore their salary will not be considered in computing the 60'~ for merit increases. Since Miss Hall had req_uested salaries for her department on the (1970) Revised State Personnel Scale, she was requested to recompute salaries based on the 1969 Scale, and within the policy established and explained to her at this budget hearing. The 1969 Scale is 2% lower than the revised l0'70 Scale. Miss Hall said she would do this but there is one exception, sa- lary of Bradsher, SWS II, where merit increase would exceed the 60'/o authorized by the depart- ment. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the salaries of the Social Services Depart- ment be approved, subject to the adjustments outlined by the Board to L1iss Hall, being made, and with the exception of the one salary (Bradsher, SWS II). Motion carried. Niss Hall reviei•~ed remainder of Social Services Budget which was by common consent tenta- tively approved by the Board of Commissioners. In conclusion P1iss Hall requested the Board of Commissioners not to allow the hospital to increase rates on welfare recipients, should they be requested to d6 so. She said Title 19 has helped the hospitals. Miss Hall'advised the Board if hospital rate is increased, it c~rill mean an increase in the Social Services budget. MIlVTAI, HEALTH BUDGET - Rev. Jerome Jones, Chairman, Mental Health Advisory Board, and Mr. John Wilson, Adminis- trative Director, were present to review budget of the Mental Health Center. Mr. Metts informed Rev. Jones and Mr. Wilson of the action taken by the Board of Com- missioners earlier in the day regarding salaries of county employees. The budget was revi~wed item by item, and the £ollowing items tiaere discussed specifically: Noise Control - Mr. Marks advised he had been in touch with the County Attorney who said stereo can be used in place of Muzak. This will then be a one time budget item instead of yearly. Mr.. Harriss said he would advise Mr. Wilson name of person to contact concerning this purchase. Capital Outlav - This is for the purchase of the £ollowing items: I 502 MINUTES OF BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING - 9:00 A.M. -(CONTINUED) - June 8, 19`]0 x Capital Outlav - (continued) 3 I~esks @$150 $ 450 3 Swival Chairs @$ '75 225 3 Side Chairs @$ 30 90 3 Main Chairs @$ ~5 225 3 Desk Lamps @$ 30 p0 3 Book Cases @9$ 60 180 1 Filing Cab 110 1 Small Refrig. 140 8 Straight Chairs @$ 25 200 1 Table Large 150 1 Table Small 50 Misc. 100 $2,010 Replacement of E~istin~ Dictatin~ Equipment - Discussion of this item was held regarding the need for a central system and whether all equipment should be replaced. Mr. Harriss was of the opinion a study should be made regarding whether or not a central system would increase efficiency, and Mr. Marks preferred replacing worn out equipment only, due to location of Mental Health being uncertain at this time. By common consent this item was deferred until budget is finalized. Inservice Education For: School Personnel Guidance Counselors School Personnel Adm. & Teachers Ministers and Community Leaders Mental Health Voc., Rehab., Soc. Serv. & Health Personnel Dru~ Abuse & Alcoholism - Rev. Jones pointed out that e~erimenting this year with schools has been productive and would like to see the program expanded to administrators and teachers. He said this could become dynamic item in budget as preventative medicine. Mr. Marks informed the Board of a meeting held at the college. The college seem to be ,cinterested in devebping the same program. The Psychologist at the college said it might be possible to provide courses for the program and Mr. Marks felt this should be explored. By common consent it was agreed funds requested will be budgeted. Salaries - Mental Health Center - P1r. Metts suggested salaries be recomputed in compliance with policy adopted by the Board of Commissioners today regarding salaries. Rev. Jones advised Psychiatrists are rare and ones contacted have not been acceptable. Mr. Jones requested the center be permitted to use the $30,000 requested in the budget for salary of Psychiatrist for contract service. Mr. Marks suggested dividing the $30,000, using half for contract service and other half for paying a Psychiatrist since position will probably be vacant for 50'~ of year. Relative to vacant positions it was the feeling of the Board that the Mental Health Cen- ter should not try to branch out at this time by taking on new programs because of lack of space. Rev. Jones said if the Center could not get out of present facilities they were going on a "hot-desk" basis. Nr. Hall said it might be able to go ahead if the Center can be staffed. Mr. Marks discussed Mr. Wilson's position and read description of same comparing it with Aealth Director but said he did not think it should be classified as same but should be classified as 71-4. He said there were no Psychologist IV on State payroll and suggested this be changed to '75-1 (Psychologist I). Mr. Marks said that there is a Social Worker Supervisor in the Welfare Department for every 5 Social 1~lorkers. Mental Health has one now which should start at 68-1. Mr. Marks suggested these three changes in keeping with other three Plerit System depart- ments. Rev. Jones said. they did not want to ~et locked in by being allowed %-number of dollars. He wanted to know whether to negotiate with qualified persons who are interested in positions or not. Mr. Williams said one point should be clarified. If position is in budget and there is a vacancy it would be in order to employ someone, and if nrot, it would have to be acted on by the Board. Mr. Wilson pointed out that a Social Worker in the Mental Health Center was required to have a Nlasters Degree whereas in the Welfare Department a college degree is suf£icient. Also, a person with experience is needed in order to hire people out of school. People out o£ school have to be supervised themselves for two years toward accreditation in Mental Health. He tiaas asked-whether he could not supervise and he said no he could not supervise, admin- ister and treat patients. Mr. Wilson said he was the lowest paid Administrator in the State although this is not the smallest clinic. The salary he is requestin~ was recommended by the S1~ate. Mr. Metts suggested Rev. Jones get the facts checked out on the requirements of a social worker in the Mental Health Clinic. With the exception o£ the above, the Mental Health Bud~et was tentatively approved with the exception of salaries. 503 MINUTES OF BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING - 9~00 A.~. -(CONTINUED) - June 8, 19']0 BOARD OF HEALTH BUDGET - Dr. Knox and Mrs. Mabel Price taere present to review the Health Department Budget. Mr. Metts advised them of the policy adopted earlier today by the Board concerning sa- laries. They were requested to recompute their salaries in line with the policy set by the Commissioners. The remainder of their budget was tentatively approved with the following exceptions: Health Janitorial Supplies Electricity & Gas Telephone Office Supplies, Printing & Postage Drainap~e Pro~ram ' Material & General Supplies Gas & Oil Insect & Rodent Control Insecticide Material I,and£ill Bud~et Vacant position of Dragline Operator increased to $ 850 " " 2,000 ~~ ° 3,000 " " 4,000 " " 2,000 " " 1,200 „ ,~ 4, 500 Reduced " 3.45 Per Hour MFF:TING RECESSED - Budget Meeting was recessed until noon Monday, June 15, 1970. Later in the week it was recommended that Budget Hearings be postponed until such time as the Auditor has the completed revenue pictuse. Respect£ully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board. hs/bh MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING - 9:00 A.M. - June 22, 19']0 ASBEMBI,Y - Special meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commissioners' Chambers with the following present: Chairman John Van B. Metts, Jr., Vice-Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Commissioner Berry A. Williams; County Aud- itor Perry Shepard; County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. INVOCATION - Chairman Metts called the .meeting to order and asked Mr. Bowden to give the invocation. PURPOSE OF MEETING - Chairman Metts announced the only planned business for this meeting was to receive Re- port of the County Auditor relative to the Budget Estimate for fiscal year 19'70-`]1. The County Auditor presented his report. Mr. Harriss raised the question of whether the funds coming £rom the F.A.A. for Airport improvements had been included in the budget estimate. The County Auditor said no because he had nothing in writing in his office to indicate funds will be received from the F.A.A. Mr. Harriss said it was common knowledge and felt the County Auditor could have obtained this in- formation. Mr. Harriss said he felt like it would be well to explain budgeting so that all our citi- zens might understand the budgeting process. Requests are made for appropriations to cover each department by each Department Head, and these requests are received by the County Auditor. After study the County Auditor makes recommendations submitting both the original requests and his recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners for final decision. Mr. Harriss said the process is that simple and thought it would be well to clear up any misunderstandings. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the Board accept the budget estimate as submitted by the County Auditor for study. Motion carried. INTERIM BUDGET Mr. Netts pointed out it will be necessary to pass interim budget resolution, effective July l, so that the County will have money to operate until the budget is adopted. Mr. 4lilliams moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that tr.e £ollowing resolution be adopted: "BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF NEW HANOVER CAUNTY COMMISSIONERS Section 1- That in order to operate the County and its subdivisions from July 1, 19']0 to date of adoption of the 19'70-`]1 Budget Resolution, appropriations are hereby made for the purpose of paying salaries, the principal and interest on indebtedness and the usual ordinary expense of the County and its subdivisions at the same rate of expenditure as provided for in the 1959-70 Fiscal Budget Year. Section 2- This Resolution shall cease to be effective from and after the adoption of the 19~0-71 Budget Resolution and all disbursements made in accordance with this resolu- tion shall be chargeable to appropriations made in the 19'70-']1 Budget Appropriations." Motion carried. ADJOURNMEi~IT - There being no £urther business to come before the Board, Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by ~ 504 MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING - 9~00 A.N. -(CONTINUED) - June 22, 19~0 ADJOURNMENT - (CONTINUED) Mr. Williams, that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Haze1 Savage Clerk to the Board hs/bh MII3UTES OF BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING - 8;30 A.M. - July 8, 19']0 ASSEI`iBLY - Budget Discussion Meeting of the New Hanover County Board of•Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman John Van B. Metts, Jr., Vice-Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., H. A. Marks, Berry A. Williams; County Auditor Perry Shepard; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. County Administrator Bowden was absent attending Army Reserve. INVOCATION - Chairman Metts called the meeting to order and requested Mr. Harriss to give the invocation. CHAMBER 0~' COMI'~iERCE BUDGET - Mr. Thurman Sallade, Chairman, Advertising Committee of the Chamber of Commerce, and Mr. Ves- tal Taylor, Consultant of Marketing Associates of Charlotte, gave a summary o£ marketing of New Hanover County throughout the nation for the past year. Mr. Taylor made the presentation showing the Chamber is conducting a"Three Season" push to bring tourists to the county through advertising programs in faraway and nearby states. Mr. Taylor said there is a"Fourth Season" promotion to bring tourists down £rom Canada and the Great Lakes during the winter months. Mr. Taylor said after heavily working the Ohio Valley market in past years, the Chamber's Advertising market is being moyed into other areas such as Canada, New York, Tennessee, Kentucky and even highland of South Carolina. Mr. Sallade said in the Chamber's proposed 1970-71 program, the Chamber hopes to launch pro- grams in the areas of Baltimore, Frederick, Md. and Ottawa, Ont. Mr. Sallade said advertising is conducted through radio, television, billboards and other audio visual means, but the Committee £inds tremendous response from newspaper advertising, especially in large cities. Mr. Sallade said plans for carrying out further marketing orders in established territor- ies and adding others is based on an investment by the county of $36,000. Mr. Metts inquired if the Feast of Pirates is a part of the committee's advertising. Mr. Sallade advised $500 was being put in the budget for the coming year. P1r. Metts asked if the Chamber mana~ement knew of this and Mr. Menke said they did; in fact, he had tried to get the Advertising Committee to allocate more. P1r. Sallade said the Feast of Pirates will be pub- licized in late Spring advertising. Mr. Harrias mentioned the Ocean Hi-Way and Nr. Sallade said no money, other than dues, had been allocated to this organization. He said when he went to Savannah last year members of this organization were delighted to see him and said it was the first time they had seen any- one from Wilmington since "Hi-Buddy Wade." Mr. Harriss suggested the Chamber of Commerce ~ive some consideration to bein~ present at the Ocean Hi-Way knnual Meeting at least. Mr. Sallade said this is an excellent idea. P1r. Williams said as the Commissioners' representative on the Advertising Committee of the Chamber of Commerce, he would like to say the Committee had considered many programs and many had been discarded, but the proposed programs offered have been determined to be the best -- possible use of the county dollar. Nr. Williams also emphasized this is not an appropriation to_the Chamber, The Chamber of Commerce is serving for the Board of Commissioners in recommending the advertisin~ program and carrying it out when approved by the Board of Commissioners. t4r. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Commissioners approve program recommencled by the Advertising Committee of the Ghamber of Commerce and the amount requested of ~36,000 be tentatively approved. Motion carried unanimously. CAPE FEAR TECHNICAL INSTITUTE BUDGET - P^ir. Fred Galehouse, Chairman Advisory Committee, and Mr. Jim rcLeod, President of Cape Fear Tech, were present for discussion of the Cape Fear Tech Budget. $35,000 was placed in the Suilding Surplus which the Commissioners had agreed to appropri- ate prior to this ti.me and which had been left out of the budget through oversi~ht. Mr. Williams questioned whether there would be an increase from the State as we11 as county in the President's salary and it was determined there will be. P1r. Galehouse pointed out this salary is the lowest salary for this position in the State. Mr. Galehouse said he has felt all along that Mr. McLeod is underpaid, and he feels something should be done. Attention was called to the fact Charlotte is the only Technical Institute in the State larger than the one in Wilmington. Mr. NcLeod advised the State pays 5¢ per mile for motor vehicle operation and he would like £or the money left over in motor vehicle operation (1006) be transferred to Account 1243 to be used toward the purchase of another automobile in two years. l 503 MINUTES OF BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING - 9~00 A.~. -(CONTINUED) - June 8, 19']0 BOARD OF HEALTH BUDGET - Dr. Knox and Mrs. Mabel Price taere present to review the Health Department Budget. Mr. Metts advised them of the policy adopted earlier today by the Board concerning sa- laries. They were requested to recompute their salaries in line with the policy set by the Commissioners. The remainder of their budget was tentatively approved with the following exceptions: Health Janitorial Supplies Electricity & Gas Telephone Office Supplies, Printing & Postage Drainap~e Pro~ram ' Material & General Supplies Gas & Oil Insect & Rodent Control Insecticide Material I,and£ill Bud~et Vacant position of Dragline Operator increased to $ 850 " " 2,000 ~~ ° 3,000 " " 4,000 " " 2,000 " " 1,200 „ ,~ 4, 500 Reduced " 3.45 Per Hour MFF:TING RECESSED - Budget Meeting was recessed until noon Monday, June 15, 1970. Later in the week it was recommended that Budget Hearings be postponed until such time as the Auditor has the completed revenue pictuse. Respect£ully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board. hs/bh MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING - 9:00 A.M. - June 22, 19']0 ASBEMBI,Y - Special meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commissioners' Chambers with the following present: Chairman John Van B. Metts, Jr., Vice-Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Commissioner Berry A. Williams; County Aud- itor Perry Shepard; County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. INVOCATION - Chairman Metts called the .meeting to order and asked Mr. Bowden to give the invocation. PURPOSE OF MEETING - Chairman Metts announced the only planned business for this meeting was to receive Re- port of the County Auditor relative to the Budget Estimate for fiscal year 19'70-`]1. The County Auditor presented his report. Mr. Harriss raised the question of whether the funds coming £rom the F.A.A. for Airport improvements had been included in the budget estimate. The County Auditor said no because he had nothing in writing in his office to indicate funds will be received from the F.A.A. Mr. Harriss said it was common knowledge and felt the County Auditor could have obtained this in- formation. Mr. Harriss said he felt like it would be well to explain budgeting so that all our citi- zens might understand the budgeting process. Requests are made for appropriations to cover each department by each Department Head, and these requests are received by the County Auditor. After study the County Auditor makes recommendations submitting both the original requests and his recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners for final decision. Mr. Harriss said the process is that simple and thought it would be well to clear up any misunderstandings. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the Board accept the budget estimate as submitted by the County Auditor for study. Motion carried. INTERIM BUDGET Mr. Netts pointed out it will be necessary to pass interim budget resolution, effective July l, so that the County will have money to operate until the budget is adopted. Mr. 4lilliams moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that tr.e £ollowing resolution be adopted: "BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF NEW HANOVER CAUNTY COMMISSIONERS Section 1- That in order to operate the County and its subdivisions from July 1, 19']0 to date of adoption of the 19'70-`]1 Budget Resolution, appropriations are hereby made for the purpose of paying salaries, the principal and interest on indebtedness and the usual ordinary expense of the County and its subdivisions at the same rate of expenditure as provided for in the 1959-70 Fiscal Budget Year. Section 2- This Resolution shall cease to be effective from and after the adoption of the 19~0-71 Budget Resolution and all disbursements made in accordance with this resolu- tion shall be chargeable to appropriations made in the 19'70-']1 Budget Appropriations." Motion carried. ADJOURNMEi~IT - There being no £urther business to come before the Board, Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by ~ 504 MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING - 9~00 A.N. -(CONTINUED) - June 22, 19~0 ADJOURNMENT - (CONTINUED) Mr. Williams, that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Haze1 Savage Clerk to the Board hs/bh MII3UTES OF BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING - 8;30 A.M. - July 8, 19']0 ASSEI`iBLY - Budget Discussion Meeting of the New Hanover County Board of•Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman John Van B. Metts, Jr., Vice-Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., H. A. Marks, Berry A. Williams; County Auditor Perry Shepard; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. County Administrator Bowden was absent attending Army Reserve. INVOCATION - Chairman Metts called the meeting to order and requested Mr. Harriss to give the invocation. CHAMBER 0~' COMI'~iERCE BUDGET - Mr. Thurman Sallade, Chairman, Advertising Committee of the Chamber of Commerce, and Mr. Ves- tal Taylor, Consultant of Marketing Associates of Charlotte, gave a summary o£ marketing of New Hanover County throughout the nation for the past year. Mr. Taylor made the presentation showing the Chamber is conducting a"Three Season" push to bring tourists to the county through advertising programs in faraway and nearby states. Mr. Taylor said there is a"Fourth Season" promotion to bring tourists down £rom Canada and the Great Lakes during the winter months. Mr. Taylor said after heavily working the Ohio Valley market in past years, the Chamber's Advertising market is being moyed into other areas such as Canada, New York, Tennessee, Kentucky and even highland of South Carolina. Mr. Sallade said in the Chamber's proposed 1970-71 program, the Chamber hopes to launch pro- grams in the areas of Baltimore, Frederick, Md. and Ottawa, Ont. Mr. Sallade said advertising is conducted through radio, television, billboards and other audio visual means, but the Committee £inds tremendous response from newspaper advertising, especially in large cities. Mr. Sallade said plans for carrying out further marketing orders in established territor- ies and adding others is based on an investment by the county of $36,000. Mr. Metts inquired if the Feast of Pirates is a part of the committee's advertising. Mr. Sallade advised $500 was being put in the budget for the coming year. P1r. Metts asked if the Chamber mana~ement knew of this and Mr. Menke said they did; in fact, he had tried to get the Advertising Committee to allocate more. P1r. Sallade said the Feast of Pirates will be pub- licized in late Spring advertising. Mr. Harrias mentioned the Ocean Hi-Way and Nr. Sallade said no money, other than dues, had been allocated to this organization. He said when he went to Savannah last year members of this organization were delighted to see him and said it was the first time they had seen any- one from Wilmington since "Hi-Buddy Wade." Mr. Harriss suggested the Chamber of Commerce ~ive some consideration to bein~ present at the Ocean Hi-Way knnual Meeting at least. Mr. Sallade said this is an excellent idea. P1r. Williams said as the Commissioners' representative on the Advertising Committee of the Chamber of Commerce, he would like to say the Committee had considered many programs and many had been discarded, but the proposed programs offered have been determined to be the best -- possible use of the county dollar. Nr. Williams also emphasized this is not an appropriation to_the Chamber, The Chamber of Commerce is serving for the Board of Commissioners in recommending the advertisin~ program and carrying it out when approved by the Board of Commissioners. t4r. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Commissioners approve program recommencled by the Advertising Committee of the Ghamber of Commerce and the amount requested of ~36,000 be tentatively approved. Motion carried unanimously. CAPE FEAR TECHNICAL INSTITUTE BUDGET - P^ir. Fred Galehouse, Chairman Advisory Committee, and Mr. Jim rcLeod, President of Cape Fear Tech, were present for discussion of the Cape Fear Tech Budget. $35,000 was placed in the Suilding Surplus which the Commissioners had agreed to appropri- ate prior to this ti.me and which had been left out of the budget through oversi~ht. Mr. Williams questioned whether there would be an increase from the State as we11 as county in the President's salary and it was determined there will be. P1r. Galehouse pointed out this salary is the lowest salary for this position in the State. Mr. Galehouse said he has felt all along that Mr. McLeod is underpaid, and he feels something should be done. Attention was called to the fact Charlotte is the only Technical Institute in the State larger than the one in Wilmington. Mr. NcLeod advised the State pays 5¢ per mile for motor vehicle operation and he would like £or the money left over in motor vehicle operation (1006) be transferred to Account 1243 to be used toward the purchase of another automobile in two years. l MINUTES OF BUDGET DISCUSSION PIEETING - 8:30 A.M. -(CONTINUED) - July 8, 19~0 CAPE FEAR TECHNICAI, INSTITUTE BUDGET -(CONTINiTED) Mr. Metts reminded them ~hat they had requested right much in Capital Outlay last year and are doing so this year. Mr. Metts requested if there is any place where they can cut their budget, the Board would appreciate this he1p. Mr. Harriss said he did not feel too optimistic about this; Cape Fear Tech is still going to grow. Mr. Hall was excused from the meeting at 10:15 A.P1. BUILDING INSPECTOR BUDGET - Mr. Charles Register was present to discuss budget for Building Inspector's Office. His budget was tentatively approved with exception of increasing Office Supplies, E~pense and Postage in amount of $150, thus making total appropriation $600. Mr. Register requested increase of $1,025 in his salary due to added responsibilities which he named as follows: enforcement officer for the County Zoning Ordinance and the County Mobile Home and Travel Trailer Ordinance and is also Secretary £or the Zoning Board of Adjust- ment. The Board did not agree to this increase. ELECTRICAL INSPEC`1'OR BUDGET - Mr. Curtis Carson, who has been in charge of the office since Mr. Woods's death, was pre- sent to discuss this budget. Capital Outlay Item was reduced to ~150, since it was felt an adding machine can be purchased for this amount. Nr. Netts read memo which Mr. Bowden had written the Commissioners on June 26 recommend- ing one additional step increase over that requested in budget £or P1r. Carson who now has more responsibilities. The additional step will amount to approximately 9$230. No action was taken on this. ~eeting recessed at 10:25 A.M. Meeting reconvened at 10:30 A.M. AIRPORT BUDGET - Mr. John Westbrook, Airport Manager, along with Messrs. Aardy Wessell and Herbert Mcgim, members of the Chamber of Commerce Airport Commission, were present to discuss Airport Budget. The following items of the budget were adjusted: Easement Rights Increased to $10,000 Gas & Oil Resale • " " 10,000 Labor " " 6,000 Lights & Power " " 6,600 Office Supplies & Expense " " 800 Telephone " " '700 *Travel " " 2,000 *- This item vaas increased due to anticipated travel of the Airport Commission. Position of Promotional Manager was included in the budget at salary of ~10,0'71. By common consent it was agreed ~r, l~lestbrook will be Operations Manager at the same salary. Mr. Metts said he felt Mr. Westbrook has been underpaid in the past and this is an adjustment that is over due for the work that Mr. Westbrook has been rendering, and adjustment should have been made last year or prior years. Mr. Wessell suggested the F.A.A. work ~,ri th the County Attorney after Airport Commission has been set up to produce acceptable document authorizing the Commission. Mr. Wessell said he was suggesting this.due.to the technicalities involved. Mr. Harriss disagreed saying information was taken from F.A.A. statistic"s and un~il some- one has something to operate under they would be at a disadvantage. The general scope has been approved by the Board and if this requires amending, it will be done. Mr. Marks concurred with Mr. Harriss. MiTSEUM - Mr. Gary Eyster, Museum Director, Mrs. Alice von Oesen, Dr. Heyward Bellamy, and Mrs. Ida Kellam, members of the Board of Directors, appeared to discuss the Museum Budget. Mr. Metts called attention to the fact that when the Museum was first started the group that came down planned to form an association to raise private funds and that only $5,000 would be requested as a one time funding from City and County governments. Mr. Metts wanted to know what had been done about the Association. Mr. Eyster said they are on the way now and had received two donations. Mr. Eyster said drafting of the Charter for the Wilmington-New Hanover County Museum Foundation is being done at this time and $222 is needed for the Attorney's fee. By common consent this was added to the budget. Also, and additional ~150 was added to their Travel Account. Discussion was held as to whether to delete the item of $4500 for air conditioning. Mr. Harriss was of the opinion it is necessary to preserve objects in the museum and Mr. Williams thought perhaps it would be the means of increasing attendance. Mr. Williams was of the opin- ion the museum needs more promotion. By common consent the ~tem was allowed to remain in the budget. A new employee was added to the staff this year, salary to be $5665. This person has a masters degree in art and preparation for college teaching. Her duties will be research and other work necessary to compiling the Loraer Cape Fear Chronolo~y. TAX COLLECTOR'S BUDGET - Mr. Sam Johnson, Tax Collector, was present to discuss this budget. The following changes were made: Advertising Reduced to $2,900 Auto Alloi~rance " " 1,080 Repairs & Maintenance of Equipment Deleted Telephone Reduced to 125 5OJ J 506 MINiTTES OF BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING - 8:30 A.M. -(CONTINUED) - July 8, 1970 TAX COLLECTOR'S BUDGET - (CONTINUED) Mr. Metts said proposed increases in salaries are contrary to county policy. By com- mon consent Mr. Shepard was requested to increase each salar5 by one step only. P1r. Shepard advised Friday evening, July 10, that after having discussion with Mr. Bran- don, salaries will be reduced to $29,~36 and new employee requested will be deleted from the budget. APPOINTMIIQT MEMBERS TO AIRPORT COMP'iISSION: Mr. Metts proposed the following names to the Airport Commission: Term L. L. Doss, Jr. 1 Year Lenox G. Cooper 2 Years W. N. Mobley 3 Years George E. Kidder 4 Years Dr. C. E. Hartford 5 Years Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, approval of these appointments, subject to adoption of charter, and also moved that the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners be authorized to name the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of this Commission to serve for one year. Notion carried unanimously. RECESS - Meeting was recessed until Thursday, July 9 at 8:30 A.M., when budget discussions will resume. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board hs/bh MIIQUTES OF BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING - 8:30 A.M. - July 9, 19']0 ASSEMBLY Budget Discussion Meeting o£ the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was recon- , ven~d on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chair- man John Van B. Metts, Jr., Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., H. A. Marks, Berry A. Williams; County Auditor Perry Shepard; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. County Administrator Bowden was absent attending Army Resesve. INVOCATION - Mr. Metts called the meeting to order and asked Mr. Hall to give the invocation. TAX LISTING DEPARTMENT All items other than salaries were budgeted as recommended by the Auditor. Mr. Larry Powell was present to discuss budget. Travel - Increased this year due to desire for more people to attend tax schools. Citv and Countv Tax Listina Salaries - This year ti~rill be 9b15 per day for month of Jan- uary and $14 per day for the two weeks in February. This is same as ~t was last year. Data Processin~ Contracts - Question was raised as to why two data proces.sing contracts are budgeted. Mr. Shepard said a contract cannot be signed unless budgeted, and the contract iaill come up for reneVaal prior to next budget time. Capital Outlay-Rental Cop.y Machine - Mr. Metts was of opinion charge should be made to outsiders for copies made for them. He sug~ested checking with the Register of Deeds regard- in~ amount to charge. Capital Outlas - Mr. Powell listed following items in Capital Outlay: Electric Type- writer, Three Desks, Two Adding Machines, One File Cabinet in Key Punch Room, Two-Seater Chair, Two Office Chairs, File Table and Electric Mail Opener. Salaries - Mr. Powell was put on a step to bring his salary on line. Mr. Powell requested further consideration be given to additional increase over Mr. She- pard's recommendation for Mrs. Pridgen, Mrs. Wallace, and new position of key punch operator. By common consent Mrs. Pridgen was classified as 9-5 with salary of $4646; Mrs. Wallace 8-~, salary of $49~6; and new position 9-2, salary of #4150. Mr. Shepard had recommended a one step raise for Mrs. Lester. Mr. Powell requested this be withdrawn, as he had not recommended she be raised. By co.mmon consent the Commissioners agreed to this. SUPERIOR COURT BUDGET - Approved as recommended by the Auditor. COURT OF JUSTICE BUDGET Approved as recommended by the Auditor. It was pointed. out Mr. P1cKeithan had requested ~10,000 for furniture, fixtures , and maintenance. Mr. Shepard said he was of opinion $5,000 will be enough for this year. Mr. Williams said he would go along with $5,000 but there need not be request for any more this year as far as he is concerned. , ~o~ MINUTES OF BUDGET DISCUSSION ~IEETING - 8:'>0 A.M. -(CONTINUED) - Ju1y 9, 19~0 PAYMENT TO MR. WOOD'S FAMILY HIS SALARY FOR MONTH OF JULY - By common consent it was agreed family of Mr. John Wood,;Electrical Inspector, be paid full month's salary for month of July. AGRICULTURE AND ECONOMICS BUDGET - Mr. Bag~ett was present to discuss this budget. Amounts recommended by the Auditor on items other than salaries vaere tentatively approved with exception of Office Supplies which was reduced to ~900. Discussion Held on Labor - Mr. Hall suggested P1r. Shepard determine during year how much la- bor will cost, additional groceries, clothing and medicine for jail after closing the County Prison. Mr. Metts pointed out that even with the County Prison, County did not have crew for ditching. Mr. Metts pointed out County can get labor from the State if it finds it is spending $100,000 instead of ~65,000. Mr. Metts suggested Auditor check to see what procedure is in getting prisoners from the State and Mr. Shepard and Mr. Bowden to work up a crew routine. Salaries - By common consent it was agreed county reduce Mr. Baggett's r€quest by $500 thus making his salary $5,363 from the county. By common consent Mr. Shepard was requested to refigure salaries o£ other employees allow- ing them increases as near in line with County Personnel Plan as possible. CIVIL DEFENSE BUDGET - Gen. Andreor Harriss ~ras present to discuss this budget. Budget was approved as requested by the Department with the following changes: Gen. Harriss requested salary for the Typist II in his office be brought up to Grad~ 54, Step 2 which is the proper grade for Typist II. Last year when the County adopted the modi- fied scale it placed her on Grade 53 or $18 less than Grade 54. By common consent it was a- greed this position be classified as Grade 54, Step 2, salary being ~48~2. Janitorial Service School Attendance Telephone Printing and Mimeographing Travel-Out-Of County Emer~ency Operation Center Reduced To $900 " " ']00 " " 700 " " 200 " " 200 ~~ ~~ 500 Gen. Harriss requested petty cash reserve fund in amount of $25 which was agreed to by com- mon consent. BOARD OF EI,ECTIONS - Mr. W. H. McEachern, III, Chairiman Board of Elections, and Mr. Henry Bost were present to discuss this budget. Budget was approved as recommended by the Auditor with following exceptions: Salaries-Office Travel Salary of Executive Sec. Voting Machine Custodian Eund Reduced To 96 800 Increased To 850 " " 5,589 Reduced " 600 Discussion was held on storage of voting machines. Mr. Bost said 18 had been left in schools since May and there had been no complaints. Nr. Bost was requested to be down on Fri- day night to discuss with the Board of Education possibility of leaving them in the various schools. Mr. Williams congratulated the Ele,ctions Board on reducing their salaries by 20'~. Computer service vaas discussed. Mr. McEachern said the $4500 was a rebudgeted item of re- gistration list, and the Board hoped to:sell lists to candidates and others who might be inter- ested. The computer service stores disks, updates lists, etc. The county has advantage of secur- ity of the records. Mr. Williams was excused from meeting at 11:00 A.M. AUDITOR'S BUDGET - Mr. ,Shepard was present for discussion of this budget. The budget was tentativelyapproved as requested. Mr. Shepard explained Capital Outlay is requested for purchase of typewriters, chair, desk, and small table. The Board suggested Mr. Shepard attend NACO meeting in Atlanta on Consolidation. I~iACRAE PARK BU-GET - Budget ~vas approved as recommended by the Auditor with the following changes: Grave Removal Removed Repairs and Maintenance Equip. Reduced To $1,000 Capital Outlay Increased To 2,200 Building Construction Committee Removed Vacant Position Increased To 3,323 By common consent it was agreed to request Mr. Bowden clear up old cemetery. ~ ~o~ ~ MINUTES OF BiJDGFT DISCUSSION MEETING - 8:30 A.M. -(CONTINUED) - July 9, 1970 COMMISSIONERS' BUDGET - Budget approved as recommended by the Auditor with following changes: Budget Expense Advertising Capital Outlay Removed Reduced To $2,000 Reduced To 800 Repairs and Maintenance Reduced To 100 County Administrator's Salary was increased $2,000, bringing it up to $14,500 Personnel Assistant Salary, Attorney Salary and Civil Engineer Salary were combined into "Professional Services" with $31,000 being budgeted. Position of Legal Secretary was omitted. Salary of Nrs. Bowman was increased one step; salary of Mrs. Savage two steps. As to advertising, discussion was held concerning placing part of this item in the joint Planning Department Budget since quite a bit is spent on advertising zoning hearings. By com- mon consent $1,000 was transferred to this budget. RECESS - Meeting recessed until 7:00 P.M., July 9, when budget d.iscussions will continue. Respectfully submitted, hs/bh Mt NUTES OF BUDGET Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board MEETING -']:00 P.M. - July 9, 19']0 ASSEPIBLY - Budget Discussion Meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was recon- vened on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chair- man John Van B. Metts, Jr., Commissioners H. A. Marks, J. M. Hall, Jr., Berry A. Williams, County Auditor Perry Shepard; and Aazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. County Administrator Bowden was absent attending Army Reserve. TNVOCATION - Chairman John Van B. Metts, Jr., called the meeting to order and asked Commissioner J. M. Hall to give the invocation. SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT - Sheriff Millis was present to discuss this budget. Items were tentative~y approved as recommended by the Auditor with the following changes: Bonds Repairs and Maintenance Increased To $ 680 Reduced To 300 Office Supplies & Expense Increased To 1,800 Telephone Reduced To 1,000 Total Salaries 12educed To 253,191 Salary Grand Jury Officer Deleted Capital Outlay Reduced To 23,562 Sheriff Nillis requested 4 additional men in this budget plus 3 of the 14 authorized. last ~ear which he was unable to hire. Sheriff Millis said additional men are needed due to addi- tional courts. Capital Outlay is for 4 cars (trade) and 1 station wagon (new purchase), car radio, and £ile cabinets. Mr. Metts expressed the feeling he felt law enforcement officers, not only in New Hanover County but nation-wide are underpaid but did not lrnow whether Neva Hanover County can make full adjustment in one year, but would like for it to do l•ahat it can to bring salaries up so as to be able to get qualified people. Mr. Marks suggested takin~ other:_items before salaries. JAIL BUDGET - • Jail Budget was approved as recommended by the Auditor with following exceptions: Bedding and Linen Increased To $1,250 Elevator Contract " " l,l']6 Electrical Supplies Reduced To '75 Groceries Increased To 15,250 I,aundry " " 800 Medical " " 1,800 ~ Capital Outlay Reduced To 150 Auto Mileage Local Jail Budgeted 300 509~ MINUTES OF BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING -']:00 P.M. -(CONTIPNED) - July 9, 1970 SHERIFP'S DEPARTMENT AND JAIL SALARIES - Mr. Marks had made study of other counties relative to comparison of number of deputies and salaries. Mr. Marks reminded evezyone New Hanover County is next to smallest county in the state in area. Mr. Marks quoted comparisons,in 10 counties after which he pointed out Nera Hanover County had hi~hest average current salary.. Rowan County has the same. Mr. Marks pointed out larger counties have fewer deputies than ours and he felt New Hanover County might have over-loaded last year. Mr. Marks pointed out 23 deputies were asked to be raised four steps when New Hanover County is the highest paid. The final increase would amount to $105,000. Sheriff Millis advised a rural area usually has less crime. Crime is increasing. Other counties do not have as many courts. Mr. PTetts said 36 deputies were approved last year with thought to have control in more than one section of county at all times. The Sheriff pointed out beach areas have more narcotic problems. P1r. Marks said he thought starting salary is too low, but he understood City of Wil- mington is giving only five percent across the Board to its policemen: PTr. Marks suggested starting deputies at Step 3 on same classification. After further discussion it was agreed, by common consent, to hire new deputies at Class- ification 18, Base which is $5,919 and raise those below this to this figure and to increase those over two steps or closest to 10'~. Mr. Shepard and Sheriff Nillis were requested to work this out. Mr. Marks said he h~ould like to see Sheriff Millis improve effectiveness of the deputies he has now. Mr. Williams said he ~~aas opposed to increasing numb~r of deputies. s Mr. Marks said last year the Board budgeted 14 new deputies to be hired a few at a time and possibly this year the Board can budget for the additional men for shorter period of time. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Board authorize the Sheriff to secure the additional deputies requested on the basis of budgeting for one-half year with the in- creased starting annual salary beginning at ~5919 or Grade 18, Base Step. Motion carried three to one. Mr. Flilliams voted "No". JAIL - ~ Jail Construction Revenue Fund - Mr. Marks advised he had contacted Commissioner Craig , concerning $60,000 for Jail Renovation. He advised Mr. Craig the Board preferred setting it aside to use at a future date £or a new jail. Mr. Craig said it sounded reasonable but he would have to contact his people giving a definite answer. Commissioner Craig called back and said there were a few stipulati.ons. Trustys need security screenings on windows and he would want a letter from the Board stipulating it is setting this $60,000 aside for a new jail which would be built within next few years. Com- missioner Craig said he would like a time limit. Mr. Marks said he told him we would have to have a bond issue. Mr. Craig said he ~,*ould still want a letter. Mr. Bhepard suggested cost of screenings come out of ~$15,500 budgeted for Court House Renovations and full $60,000 be set aside. By common consent this was agreed to. SITE ACQ,UISITION Mr. Marks said the Board compromised last year and purchased the YMCA property. Mr. rarks said he had talked to two real estate people concerning the Pearsall property and they were of opinion that they knera of no industry that could produce price of lot and it could be worthwhile to no one but the county. They feel that in £ive years it would be worth less than it is now. Mr. Marks said inasmuch as the count9 cannot build on it now, he would like to see purchase put off and felt the Board would have to until merger of City-County is com- pleted. He said he would much rath~r not spend this money but put it with the $60,000. He said he would strongly like to see the Board take 2~ off the tax rate. No action was taken on this. COUNTY AID BUDGET - County Aid Budget was tentatively approved as recommended by Mr. Shepard with following changes. Intangible Reports budgeted at $50~ Deleted Public Audit Increased To $~8,000 Training School Donations " " 200 Litigation Fund budgeted at $1,000 Deleted EScpense - Consolidation Purposes budgeted at $500 Deleted Charter and Review Commission for Conso3idation Reduced To 15,000 Dog Pound Contract budgeted at 9~1'7,250. Water-Sewer Contract budgeted at $28,000. SERVICES TO AGED - Mr. Marks was opposed to funds being budgeted for Services to the Aged, saying there are more ororthwhile agencies such as Trav~lers Aid, Family Services and many others. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that this item remain in the budget. Motion carried.. COURT HOUSE BUDGET - Court House Budget was tentatively approved as recommended by the Auditor with following 510 MINUTES OF BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING - ~:00 P.M. -(CONTINUED) - July 9, 19~0 COURT HOUSE BUDGET - (CONTINUED) changes: Fuel Reduced To $ 3,000 Convert Ann~x Boiler Deleted Space Rental Added 3,500 Maintenance Cre~~ Increased To30,000 GEEl~11ERAL CONTINGENCY FUND BUDGET - Budget was tentatively approved as recommended by the Auditor. TAX ON BANK 0[JPIED PROPERTY - Request from Ira D. Butler, Jr., Tax Supervisor, Brunswick County, that New Hanover County adopt a resolution to eliminate property tax ex~mption for bank owned property ivas discussed. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the following resolution be a- dopted and the Tax Study Commission and Mr. Morrisey, be advised of this Board's action: Motion carried unanimously. "Be it resolved that this Association secure active backing of the Boards of County Commissioners represented by this Association to elimiriate the pro- perty tax exemption for bank owned propert~." REQUEST FOR APPROPRIATIONS - Mr. Shepard requested the ~ollowing appropriations: To - Airport I,abor T'rom Farm $11.00 County Aid Bridge Lights 54.90 Fron - General Contingency $65.90 To - A& E Farm Labor 8`7.00 From - A& E Surplus 8'7.00 Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. 1`Tarks, that the appropriations be approved as requested. Motion carried unanimously. RECESS - Meeting recessed until Friday morning., July 10, at 8:30 A.M. when budg~t discussions will continue. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board hs/bh MINUTES OF BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING - 8:30 A.N. - July 10~ 19'70 ASSEMBLY Budget Discussion Meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with tl~efollowing present: Chairman John Van B. Metts, Jr., Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., H. A. Marks, Berry A. Williams; County Auditor Perry Shepard; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. County Administrator Bowden was absent attending Army Reserue. INVOCATION - Chairman Metts called the meeting to order and requested Mr. Hall to give the invocation. REGISTER OF DEEDS BUDGET - Mrs. Lois LeRay, Register of Deeds, was present to discuss bud~et for Register of Deeds Of£ice. Budget was approved as recommended by the Auditor with the following changes: Repairs and Maintenance Equipment Reduced To $ 900 Capital Outlay, Kodak Item Added `]10 Merging Indexes to Data Processing Deleted 10,000 Salaries: Farrow 11-5 9~5182 Shipton 8-3 3819 ~ New Position 8-1 3819 Microfilm Pro~ram - Mr. Williams tiaas of the opinion the microfilm program might be deferred if Laboratory Space in the basement could be assigned to the Register o£ Deeds when the Health Department moves. Mr. Metts said he would hesitate nooa to have Mrs. LeRay feel the Board is committing space to her. Mrs. I,eRaS did not feel the program should be deferred. She i~ras of opinion it is important to preserve the records. This item was left in the bud~et. Mer~inP• Indexes to Data Processin~ - Mr. Williams expressed the opinion merging indexes to Data Processing should be considered with consolidation. Mr. Metts suggested since this is a five year program, it be delayed. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Willia.ms, this item be deleted and further study be made. Motion carried unanimously. Janitorial Service - Mrs. LeRay requested better janitorial service and was instructed by the Chairman to discuss this with the County Administrator. ~ 511~ ~INUTES OF BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING - 8:30 A.M. - July 10, 1970 -(CONTINUED REGISTER OF DEEDS BUDGET (CONTINUED) - Additional Full Time Help - Mrs. ZeRay came before the Board later in the meeting and requested the extra help budgeted at $2500 be changed to permanent help. She said one of her full time employees will be out because of illness about four months. By common consent it was agreed that she be allowed a full time person instead of extra help, salary of this position to be $3819. The Board made it clear to Mrs. LeRay there will be no extra money for extra help. Meeting recessed. APPOINTMENT OF ~R. FRED B. GRAHAPI AS CHkIRMAN OF THE CHARTER COMMISSION ON CONSDZIDATION OF CITY-COUIQTY GOVERIVPIENTS - At this time appointment of Mr. Fred B. Uraham as Chairman of the Charter Commission on Consolidation of City-County Governments was announced by the Mayor and the Chairman o£ the Board of County Commission~rs. The Mayor said he and the Chairman were of one mind in the selection of Mr. Graham. Mr. Graham accepted the Chairmanship and said he was looking forward to the assignment and knew he would have full cooperation o£ the City. and County Officials. Nr. Schwartz, City Councilman, and Nr. Hall, County Commissioner, expressed their de- light in having P1r. Graham head this Charter Commission. Budget Me~ting reconueried. JOINT PLANNING AND ZONING BUDGET - Mr. Timothy Wood was present for budget discussion. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the budget be approved as presented; sub- ject to concurrence of the City of Wilmington. Notion carried unanimously. At a later budget discussion m~eting Mr. Shepard advised the City reduced Personal Ser- vice Item to $20,']96 and deleted Capital Outlay Item in amout o£ $75 COUNTY FARPi BUDGET - PZr. Shepard suggested setting up #25,000 in this budget, since the County Prison will be closed September 30. After discussion it was, by common consent, agreed to budget $20,000. Mr. Bowden was contacted and he advised it was his intent to increase salary of Lutha Mintz one step which the Board agreed to do. COUNTY DRAINAGE - By common consent it was agreed to transfer this budget to the budget of the Health Department. CORONER'S BUDGET - Mr. Starr MacMillan, Coroner, was present to discuss this budget which was tentative- ly approved as presented, with exception o£ Travel which was increased to $600. f MEATTAL HEAUi'H BUDGET - Mr. Narks said Y~;had received a letter from Rev. Jones taking exception to one salary, that of Mr. John Wilson. Mr. Marks proceeded listing following changes in the various salaries and classifications o£ the positions at the Mental Health Center: Psychologist II 71-1 $10,116 Social Worker II 66-3 8,808 Nurse Supervisor 6~-1 8,4'12 Psy. Assistant 62-3 7,344 Vacant Psy. I ']5-1 12,240 Vacant SW 63-5 8,4'12 Vacant Rehab. Counselor Delete) and other neor pro- grams until quarters Vacant Rehab. Secretary Delete) are available to handle them. Typist II 54-3 5,088 Typist zI 54-3 5,088 Typist II 54-1 4,656 Mr. Narks read letter he had received from the Chairman of the Mental Health Advisory Board, Rev. Jones, relative to classi£ication of Mr. John D. Wilson as Zocal Health Admin- istrator I. Rev. Jones said his Board considers the assignment of Mr. Wilson to Local Ad- ministrator does not fully reflect either the merit of the individual to the Clinic or the nature of the Clinic program as engrossing three counties, and in the light of the possibil- ity of securing a full time psychologist which will possibly mean more administrative duties associated with the cl}'nic, his Board felt Mr. 4lilson should be reclassified as Zocal Health Administrator I2, Step 4. Mr. Narks said the Commissioners have been three years getting evaluation of the positions of the Nental Health Departm~nt by the State Department Personnel. Finally, re- quest was made to Dr. Osb~rg and later to Mr. Caldwell who agr~ed to make the study im- mediately, and staff came down from Raleigh and evaluated the positions. ~ 512 MINUTES OF BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING - 8:30 A.M. - July 10, 19'70 ME[~TAI, HEALTH BUDGET (CONTINUE-) - Mr. Marks read a letter from the State Personnel Department of Raleigh which said they were classifying Mr. Wilson's position as Local Health Administrator I, sayin~ Mr. Wilson's responsibilities do not include Administration of a comprehensive Mental Health Center. ' Mr. rarks recommended that Mr. Wilson be classified as I,ocal Health Administrator I as recommended by the State Personnel Office in Raleigh with increase of two increments, because when Mr. Wilson was first hired he uras told by the Mental Health Board he would be permitted to do outside work to supplement his pay. However, later he was advised by the Commissioners he could not do this. The Mental Health Board pointed out to the Com- missioners Mr. Wilson had already contracted to~.work at that time after which Chairman Dr. Hooper wrote a letter to Mr. Jones saying commitment for present semester should be honored but before any other commitments are made they should be presented to the Board of Commissioners £or approval. Mr. Jones said he never received this letter. Mr. Marks said he was of the opinion outside i~ork cannot be permitted since no other departments have this privilege. Mr. Marks said since~Mr. Wilson will have increased du- ties in the future, he feels the Board will be justified in giving him additional incre- ment and he so recommends. Mr. Williams sa~id he would reluctantly go along with ~ecommendation because Mr. Marks, who is more familiar vaith program, recommends it. By common consent it tiaas agreed Mr. Wilson be classified as recommended by Mr. Marks and at salary recommended. VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENTS' BUDGET - Mr. Joe Monroe was present for discussion of budget. Departments requested $3'7,400 which was approved by the Board. OGDEDT RESCUE SQUAD - Mr. Thompson was present for discussion of this budget. ~5300, which is in line with amount budgeted for individual volunteer fire departments, was budgeted for this group with understanding it not be used for ambulance service. PiTBLIC LIBRARY BUDGET - Miss Katherine Ho~aell, Librarian, and Mr. Poisson, Chairman of Library Board, were present for discussion of library budget. Nr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the budget be approved as presented, subject to concurrence of the CitS, with possible slight adjustments up or down. Motion carried unanimously. At a later budget meeting Mr. Shepard advised City Manager approved library budget as presented. RECESS - Meeting was recessed until Friday evening, July 10 at ~:00 P.M. when budget discus- sions will be resumed. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerl: to the Board hs/bh MINIJTES OF BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING - July 10, 19'70 -']:00 P.M. ASSEMBLY - Budget Discussion Meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chair- man John Van B. ~etts, Jr., Vice-Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., H. A. Marks, Berry A, Williams; County Auditor Perry Shepard; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. County Administrator Bowden was absent attending Army Reserve. INVOCATION - Chairman Metts called the Pleeting to order and asked Mr. Williams to give the invo- cation. SCHOOL BUDGET - Dr. Heyvrard Bellam5, Superintendent of Schools, Emsley Laney,Chairmaa, Board of Ed- ucation, and others connected with schools, were present to discuss the School Budget. At the outset Mr. Pletts advised those present of the loss to the county of 9~135,000 in intangib3e taxes this year and o£ increased cost in Welfare due to Medicaid. Mr. Metts said the county is not in as good condition as it thought it was with the 1% Sales Tax. Mr. Metts then explained what the Board was doing in the way of increases £or covnty employees; namely, one step increase for those up to the mid-point and those over the mid-point will be raised based on 60'/ of total funds required to ~ive entire department a raise. This, Mr. Metts advised, will amount to between four and five percent. Some classifications had to be changed in certain situations. It is the intent of the Board to revamp whole step system and job classifications with an attempt to try to get county and the utate Merit System on an equitable basis, so that everyone that is paid by coun- ty dollars will be paid in a reasonably fair manner, however PTr. Metts said the Board cannot rectify it all at one time. , 513 MINUTES OF ~UDG$T DISCUSSION MEETING - July 10, 1970 - ~:00 P.M. -(CONTINUED) SCHOOL BUDGET - (CONTINUED) ~r. I,aney said the Board of Education is char~ed by law to maintain an adequate school system, and they take that to mean a system that measures up not only from a standpoint of adequacy but up to desires of the community in line with the capabilities of the community insofar as income is concerned, and this budget has been care£ully prepared with those two points in mind. Mr. Laney suggested within field of transfers within the budget to save tim~ and expe- dite such transfers that some different method be worked out. Last year the Board o£ Com- missioners asked that all transfers be submitted to the County Commissioners before any ex- penses were actually incurred that were over and beyond budget figures. This, Mr. Laney said, is working a hardship on the Commissioners' office and the Superintendent of Schools' office. Mr. Laney suggested a committee consisting of Mr. Shepard, Mr. Bowden, and Dr. Bellamy work out a recommendation for the County Commissioners that might modify the present plan to some degree. He said he would not sug~est eliminating it altogether but to make it more workable. Mr. Metts said this was not a budget item. rr. Laney said he realized it might be dis- cussed at anoth~r time, Mr. Laney said guide lines could be worked out and details be eliminated to some degree. Salaries - Business Nana~er - Mr. 4Jilliams raised question of large increase in Busi- ness Manager's salary. Dr. $ellamy said it is one o£ the most responsible jobs in th~ coun- ty. It was pointed out u:hen Mr. Davis took over from the former business manager he did so with a reduction in salary. Nr. Metts announced Mr. Harriss had been appointed as Liaison Commissioner on Board of Education. After discussion, Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that this increase be left intact. Motion carried unanimously. Salaries - Clerical - Nr. Netts asked what percent increments are and Dr. Bellamy said 10%. Dr. Bellamy said only one increment had been given. Mr. Netts said he did feel that in the past their secretarial help was low paid and hoped Mr. Bowden will be able to work with them when he begins revamping the County Personnel Plan. Instructional Supplies - Discussion was held on Mr. Shepard's recommendation that this item be budgeted $3,000 less than requested. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the figures be left as recommended by the Auditor. Mr. Harriss made a substitute motion, seconded by Mr. Metts, that figure be set at ~96,'750, as requested by the School Board. Vote was called on substitute motion. It failed to carry, Messrs. Metts and Harriss voted "Yes" and Messrs. Hall, Marks and Wi].liams voted "No". Vote was called on original motion. It carried three to two. ressrs. Hall, Marks and Williams voted "Yes" and Messrs.~ Harriss and Metts voted "No". Secretaries In Schools - Dr. Bellamy advised this item was transferred from the Sup- plemental Budget in order for the Supplemental Budget to carry the load of the additional $100 for additional teachers needed. Senior Hi~h Athletic Pro~rams - PYr, Harriss advised he and Mr. Metts had been appointed to the Athletic Committee and felt the athletic program should be detached from dependency on gate receipts; if it is worth having it is worth paying for. Mr, Harriss said this is the reason this item is budgeted. Retirement and Social Securitv - Dr. Bellamy said this is an item they had estimated low in the past years and had paid quarterly before. He said they are now in business of paying monthly. Every year has to stand on its own. They had to catch up this year and did not know until they paid in May how much it would be. By reason of this the item had to be increased from $155,000 to $205,000. Wa~es of Drivers - Dr, Bellamy said the increase is due to addition of seven new drivers making total of `75. Dr. Bellamy said the State has approved seven buses (six were tenta- tively approved until this week when he was notified seven had been approved). Dr. Bellamy said the School Board could stay with ~he six and use old State maintained bus if the Commissioners will commit themselves to a new one in August, 19']1. Dr. Bellamy said he would like to have $38,500 for six buses. He said a private car- rier would be responsible for entire operation,but he felt it would be cheaper to purchase buses. He said the State would pay fixed amount for private carrier. Mr. Metts questioned the cost of leasing instead of buying. Mr. Narks said instead of leasing why not contract with carriers, asking if State would pay that. I1r. Bellamy said "Yes," Mr. Metts pointed out county might not need buses if county goes to year-round schools. Dr. Bellamy said year-round schools are distinct possibility but not right away. He said paying private carrier would be recurring. Mr. Metts suggested the School Board find out fu21 details as to which would be least expensive. Repair Parts and Replacement - Increase in this item was noted due to need for addi- tional buses for athletic teams on field trips. Libraries, Operation and Maintenance - This item was transferred from the Supplemen- tary Budget. ~ I 514 MINUTES OF BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING - July 10, 1970 -'7:00 P.M. -(CONTINUED) SCHOOZ BUDGET (CONTINUED) - Meetin~ recessed in order for Dr. Bellamy and his staff to confer and decidE where to cut to offset the Sb50,000 ~•rhich was added to the budget to take care of Social Security and Retirement. Meeting reconvened and Dr. Bellamy reduced the following items in the School Budget by amounts shown: Special Education Equipment $ 2,000 Naintenance of Plant 34,500 Audio-Visual Equipment 1,000 Instrumental Music Equipment 5,000 Shelving 2,000 Sterilization Cabinets 2,500 These reductions, plus the 9$3,000 deducted from the Gas, Oil & Grease, amounts to $50,000. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, approval of budget, as corrected, subject to check bein~ made on buses. Motion carried unanimously. SITE ACQUISITIOII (PEARSALL PROPERTY) - Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, Page 8 of budget. that item of Site Acquisition be retained on Mr. Williams offered substitute motion, seconded by Mr. Marks, that Jail Construction Reserve Fund be increased to $100,000 and $55,000 Sit~ Acquisition be eliminated. Motion carried three to t~ao. Messrs. Hall and Harriss voted "No". SALARY INCREASES FOR CC3UNTY II"iPIAYEES Mr. Metts said in studying budgets the Board ran into several discrepancies here and there. The Merit System was approximately 5% on a step which covered Welfare, Health and Mental Health Departments. The School System was running that and the Civil Defense and the Agriculture and Economics were running approximately that. P1r. Metts said he asked Mr. Shepard if he would figure what it would take for the Board to add another 2'/o to the sala- ries of the county employees which would put the rest of the county employees in line, with exception of those ~ohere the Board had made special adjustments, and Mr. Shepard 'said it will run approximately $5,000. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the adjustments be made. Notion carried unanimously. AUTHORITY TO INCREA,SE SAI,ARIES OF ELECTED OFFICIALS - Mr. Williams su~gested consideration be given to askin~ that legislation be changed in order to permit raises for elected o£ficials. APPOINTMENT MEMBERS TO WILMINGTON-NEW HANOVER PLANNING COPTPIISSION - Mr. Metts informed the Board he had received letter from Mr. Timothy Wood, Director of Plannin~, advising terms of Mr. I. John Tinga and Dr. PTack Pickard, wi11 expire on August'l, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that Mr. Tinga and Dr. Pickard be reappointed to the Planning Commission for terms of three years. Motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, hs/bh Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING - July 24, 1970 - 8:30 A.M. ASSII`'iBLY - ~ Special Meeting of the Board of County Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman John Van B. Metts, Jr., Vice- Chairman Pleares Harriss, Jr., Comraissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., Berry A. 4lilliams; County Auditor Perry Shepard; County Administrator Zaurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. The purpose of the meeting was to adopt the 19']0-~l budget and set the tax rate. INVOCATION Chairman Metts called the meeting to order and asked PSr. John Powell to give the invoca- tion. A~DOPTION OF BUDGET County Auditor Perry Shepard presented the final proposal of Surplus, Revenue and E~pend- , itures for fiscal year 19~0-'71, advising total budget is $11,083,359 and he r~commended tax rate of $1.5£3 based on 50'~ valuation and using 93% of tax base. Mr. Williams inquired of Mr. Shepard as to whether this will leave the county in as ~ood financial condition insofar as unspent and unappropriated funds as last year. T•1r. Shepard said it vaould. ~r. Shepard said sound surplus was left in every fund and he went along with the recommendations of the Local Government Commission in Ralei~h. Mr. Williams said he knew ~veryone was very anxious to reduce the tax rate and in the past the county had ~ade a practice of being conservative and had stayed in good financial condition and has had a very stabl~ tax rate over the_years and he wanted the.practice continued.