1970-07-20 Airport Resolutioni 516 NINUTES OF SPECIAI, MEETING - July 24, 1970 - 8:30 A.N. -(CONTINUED) ADOPTION OF BUDGET - (CONTINUED) P7r. I~etts pointed out the Sheri£f's Department had about a 26% increase in their budget of vrhich the majority was in salaries. Mr. Metts said the county has been trying for the past two years to get them adjusted because the Board feels that law enforcement officers are underpaid not only here but nationwide. Nr. Metts advised the county is practically doubling the drainage program by purchasing an additional dra~line in the hopes of getting more drainage done vrhich it has been trying to do for some time. Mr. Harriss pointed out purchase of a crawler loader to be used in proposed landfill operation, another new program reouired for solid waste disposal. Mr. Nletts said all this is being done in the face of losing approximately ~135,000 in intangible taxes this year. Mr. Pletts said it can be seen the Board has done what the pub- lic expected; has done some needed things and also decreased the tax rate. Mr. Williams requested that the adjustments that have been made since budget discussions be called to the attention of the Board members in order that they can bring their books up to date. Mr. Shepard said he would be glad to bring their books up to date. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the meeting adjourn. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board hs/bh AIRPORT CONlItI8SI0N - (CONTITdUED) - (SEE PAGE 500) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA: COtJld^lY OF NEW HANOVER . RESOI,UTION-AIRPORT CONII"fISSION 1. Pursuant to North Carolina General Statutes Section 63-53, there is hereby created the New Hanover County Airport Commission, to consist of five (5) members each of whom shall be a resident in the County, of the age of twenty-one (21) years or more. One of such members shall serve for one (1) year, one for two (2) years, one £or three (3) years, one for f~ur (4) years, and one for iive (5) years, and until their successors are appointed and at the expiration of their aforesaid terms their successors therea£ter shall be ap- pointed by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County for a term of'five (5) years. Notwithstand.ing the fore~oing, the term of any member of such commission ma5= be terminated upon written notice from the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County. 2. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Commission shall be appointed initially by the Board of County Commissioners, and therea£ter shall elect their Chairman and Vice- Chairman annually in July. The commission may appoint such other officers as it may deem necessary for the orderly procedure of its business, and adopt by-laws, rules and regula- tions covering its procedure, not inconsistent with the laws of North Carolina and or- dinances of New Hanover County. It shall hold regular meetings at such time and place as it may from time to time designate. A member of the Board of Commissioners of New Han- over County shall be appointed annually to serve as an ex officio non-voting member of the Neoa Hanover County Airport Commission. Three (3) voting members of the commission shall constitute a quorum, an affirmative action by a majority of the voting members of the com- mission shall be necessary to constitute action by the commission. 3. The New Hanover County Airport Commission shall prepare an annual budget and shall operate within such budget, said budget being subject to approval by the Board of Commissioners of I~Tew Hanover Cou.nty. The expense of the construction, enlargement, im- provement, maintenance, equipment, operation and regulation of The New Hanover County Air- port shall be a responsibility of New Hanover County. 4, The commission appointed as herein provided by the Board of Commissioners of Nekr Hanover County shall act in an administrative capacity and shall be vested with the following authorities and powers; and it is hereby authorized and empowered: 4.1 To establish, construct, control, lease, maintain, improve, operate and re- gulate airports and landing fields; to have complete authority over any airport or landing field owned, acquired, established, or constructed by New Hanover County. 4.2 To adopt, repeal, amend, and readopt rules and regulations not inconsistent with this Resolution, for its own government, management and operation; and 4.3 To adopt, repeal, amend and readopt rules and regulations with respect to traffic on and use of streets, alleys, driveways, roadways, parking areas, cross-walks, and safety areas (not included in the public road system of the State of North Carolina) located within the territorial limits of the lands comprising the New Hanover County Air- port, including by eray of illustration but not in limitation of the authority herein granted, the establishment of routes..of traffic, the regulation of speed, the location of parking areas, the regulation and prohibition of parking and standing in designated areas and on said streets, driveways, alleys and roadways, the prohibition of obstruction thereof, the prohibition of vehicles and pedestrians on the aprons, ramps, taxiways, runways and other designated parts of the Airport. 4.4 To adopt, repeal, amend and readopt rules and re~ulations with respect to the use of the Airport and its £acilities by the public, including by way of illustration but not in limitation of the authority granted, the terminal building, the ramps, aprons, han- gars, taxiiaays, runways, water plants and shops, and to prohibit the use of, occupation of, or trespass upon any part thereof. , 51~ AIRPORT COMPIISSION - RESOLUTION - (CONTINUED) 4.5 All rules and regulations adopted pursuant to the authority of this Resolution shall be recorded in the proceedings of the New Hanover County Airport Commission and a true copy of all such rules and regulations certified under the hand of the Secretary shall be filed with the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County. 4.6 The New Hanover County Airport Commission shall cause to be posted at appropriate places on the New Hanover County Airport, notice to public of applicable rules and regula- tions pertaining to the New Hanover County Airport. 4.'7 To employ, fix their compensation and (subject to budget appropriations) pay such persons as may be deemed necessary for the purpo~s herein set £orth, as well as to discharge any or all of them. 4.8 To lease (without the joinder in the lease agreements of the County o~ New Aan- over) for a term not to exceed ten (10) years, and for purposes not inconsistent with the grants and agreements under which the said Airport is held by said New Hanover County, real or personal property under the supervision of or administered by the said Commission. 4.9 To contract with persons, firms or corporations for terms not to exceed ten (10) years, for the operation of airline-scheduled passenger and freight flights, non-scheduled flights, and any other airplane activities, not inconsistent with said grant agreements under which the airport property is held by New Hanover County, and to charge and. collect reasonable and adequate fees, charges and rents £or the use of such property or for services rendered in the operation thereof. 4.10 To operate, own, control, re~ulate, lease or grant to others the right to operate any airport premises, restaurants, apartments, hotels, motels, agricultural fairs, tracks, motion picture shows, cafes, soda fountains, or other businesses, amusements or concessions £or a term not exceeding ten (10) years, as may appear to said Commission advantageous or conducive to the development of said airport. 4.11 To erect and construct buildings, hangars, shops and other improvements and facil- ities, not inconsistent i~rith or in violation of the agreements applicable to and the grants under which the real property of the airport is held; to lease the same for a term or terms not to exceed ten (10) years. ~F.12 To expend such funds as are budgeted and appropriated from time to time by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County airport purposes, and to enter into contracts and to pledge the credit of the Neva Hanover County Airport Commission to the extent herein authorized; provided, however, that neither said Airport Commission nor the individual mem- bers thereof shall have authority to pledge the credit of the County of New Hanover. 4.13 To contract and deal with the Civil Aeronautics Authority of the United States Government and ar~y other representative or agency of said government relating to the grad- ing, constructing, equipping, improving, maintaining and operating of airports and landing fields acquired under the authority of this Resolution. 4.14 In addition to all other rights and powers herein conferred, the New Hanover County Airport Commission is authorized and empowered to exercise the powers granted poli- tical subdivisions under the Model Airport Zoning Act contained in Article 4, Chapter 63, of the General Statutes of North Carolina, and is authorized and empowered to exercise the powers granted to municipalities by the terms of Article 6, Chapter 63, of the General Statutes of North Carolina concerning public airports and related facilities. 4.15 Any funds derived from the sale of the municipal airport bonds shall be used by the co.mmission solely for the purposes heretofore indicated. 4.16 All funds coming into the hands of New Hanover Count~ for the purchase, construc- tion, operation and maintenance of airport shall be kept separately, and be disbursed by the County Auditor upon the vouchers issued by the New Hanover County Airport Commission and within the budget of appropriations or funds held for such purpose. The vouchers is- sued for the payment of money for the purpose aforesaid by the New Hanover County Airport Commission shall be paid by the Auditor of New Hanover County, tahen properly endorsed, when there are funds on hand sufficient therefor. 4.1'] The fiscal year of the Naw Hanover County Airport Commission shall conform to the fiscal year of New Hanover County. The Commission shall make reports to the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover Count~ quarterly and at such other times as the Board of Com- missioners may reouest. 4.18 If any part or parts of this Resolution shall be held to be unlawful, such un- lawfulness shall not affect the validity of the remaining parts of this Resolution. The Board of New Hanover County Gommissioners expressly declares that it would have passed the remaining parts of this Resolution, if it had known that such part or parts thereof o.ould be declared unlawful. 4.19 The New Hanover County Airport Commission shall in no case be liable for damages for injuries to persons or property caused by or growin~ out of fueling, refueling or ser- vicing any airplane at said airport. 4.20 The New Hanover County Airport Commission is authorized and empowered to adopt and use a seal. 4.21 This Resolution shall take effect from and after adoption. 4.22 All existing contracts will be honored. ~