WRFC Minutes 2013-10-08 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE WILMINGTON REGIONAL FILM COMMISSION,INC. A North Carolina Non-Profit Corporation The Wilmington Regional Film Commission,Inc. (WRFC) held a regular meeting at 8:34 AM,on October 8th,2013. Mr.William Vassar,Ms. Carey Jones,Hon. Bill Saffo,Hon. Beth Dawson,and Mr.Jimmy Smith were present in person. In addition Johnny Griffin and Karin LeMaire were also present. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM JUNE 17th.2013 BOARD MEETING VIA CONFERENCE CALL: The minutes from the Board Meeting via conference call on June 17`h, 2013,a copy of which is attached as EXHIBIT A,were unanimously approved. 2. APPROVAL OF AUDIT OF FY 2012-2013 FINANCIAL STATEMENT, : Kemmy Goodson of Goodson&Taylor,CPA's,provided a brief overview of the audit. The audit for 2011-2012,a copy of which is attached as EXHIBIT B,was unanimously approved by the Board. 3. APPROVAL OF FUNDS FOR ECONOMIC STUDY: The Board ratified the decision to provide $10,000 in order to begin a Supply Chain economic study. The study is expected to be complete in 60-90 days.The total cost will be $40,000. Other entities involved in the effort to retain the NC Film Incentive are expected to contribute to the final cost. 4.PRESENTATION ON MEMBERSHIP ACTIVITY: Johnny presented information on our current Members,sales figures for FY 2012-2013,current FY 2013-2014 sales. 5.PRESENTATION OF MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR 2013- 2014: Johnny presented information on 2 surveys we conducted with past and present Members/Advertisers as well as a crew survey. These were helpful in finding new leads for Membership sales as well as reinforcing plans we already have set in place.The Commission will continue to try to provide as much value to our members as possible. Tori Jones,our Membership Coordinator,will continue to handle our Membership sales and renewal efforts through January 2014.After that she will be leaving to concentrate on other projects.Upon her departure all sales and renewals will be handled in-house. 6.PRESENTATION OF PRODUCTION UPDATE: We have recently wrapped two feature films and two TV series.Currently there is one TV series in production and 2 independent films in preproduction.Two TV series are already committed for 2014.There is continued interest from TV series and feature films for early spring. 7.INCENTIVE UPDATE: General discussion on the film incentive. 8. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: A contract to hire Ms. Rita Harris as a lobbyist was unanimously approved. Ms.Harris will represent the Commission in its efforts to work with North Carolina state leaders and members of the General Assembly in order to maintain the effectiveness of the Film Incentive program. There being no further business,the meeting was adjourned at 9:34 AM Respectfully ibmit , , 1 , , , William Vassar,Chairman