02-20-20131 Board Members Present: Tucker Stevens Beth Dawson Bill Terrell Dan Own Jack Mills Nancy Pritchett Ben Woodruff Linda Chapman Gwen Brown Absent: Stuart Borrett, Nancy Ballard Cox, Allen Trask and Sandra Sheridan Staff Present: Ruth Haas, Director Barbara Rowe, Curator The Cape Fear Museum Advisory Board held its regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, February 20, 2013 in the Williston Auditorium at the Cape Fear Museum. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Jack Mills at 4:00 PM. Approval of Minutes: Jack Mills A motion to accept the January 2013 minutes as amended was made, seconded and approved without opposition. Consideration of Absences: Jack Mills Stuart Borrett, Nancy Ballard Cox, Allen Trask and Sandra Sheridan all indicated their inability to attend this meeting and have been excused. Chairman’s Report: Jack Mills Chairman Mills welcomed Bill Terrell back to the board and thanked him for his service. Associates Report: Ben Woodruff Vintage and Vine is here. This museum fund raising event will be held on this Friday, February 22nd from 7-10 pm here at the museum and will feature stations with food and wine pairings. The CFM Associates board recognizes and supports the museum’s need for a full-time Development Coordinator. Mrs. Haas has requested the position be funded in the museum’s FY 13-14 budget and is waiting to hear from county management on the status of that request. Collections Committee: Nancy Pritchett The Collections Committee recommended approval of a loan request to the Museum of the Cape Fear in Fayetteville, North Carolina. A motion was made, seconded and approved without opposition to approve the loan request. MINUTES MUSEUM ADVISORY BOARD MEETING February 20, 2013 2012-13 Board Jack Mills Chair Sandra Sheridan Vice Chair Allen Trask, III Secretary Stuart Borrett T. Gwendolyn Brown Linda Chapman Nancy Ballard Cox Daniel H. Owen Nancy Pritchett Tucker Stevens Bill Terrell Beth Dawson, NHC Commissioner Ex-officio: Ben Woodruff CFMA, Inc. 2 Program Committee: Linda Chapman The museum is collaborating with the Cape Fear Camera Club and will host an exhibit of approximately 40 handpicked photographs in the threads gallery. The exhibit opens April 9, 2013. The museum has applied to receive the Iris Seismic Monitor. This kiosk will be housed in the discovery gallery for a year, if awarded. The museum has also purchased a gently used Magic Planet. The purchase was made with a combination of $5000 approved by the CFM Associates board and a Grassroots Science grant. The museum is participating in the NC Science Festival’s Statewide Star Party on Friday, April 5, 2013 at Airlie Gardens. Attack of the Bloodsuckers opens on May 24, 2013. Mail Call will open on November 8, 2013. Strategic Planning Committee: Tucker Stevens Mr. Stevens reported committee is working to plan a meeting with the Williston Alumni Association. Director’s Update: Ruth Haas Tomorrow, February 21, 2013 Mrs. Haas will accompany several other non-profits and NC Grassroots Science Collaborative supporters to make case statements to the North Carolina Joint Appropriations Committee for NER. The request for proposal for the $500,000 parks bond has been forwarded to county finance for approval. The goal is to have the RFP out the first week in March. The objectives for the bond money are: o Landscape plan for the museum grounds that addresses drainage concerns o Renovate pavilion area to support an exhibit to tell the maritime/riverine history and ecology o Useable courtyard for classroom, event, and visitor use Old/New Business: Jack Mills Vintage & Vine, Friday, February 22, 2013 from 7 – 10 pm. PI Days, Tuesday, March12th, Wednesday, March 13th and Thursday, March 14th from 8:30 am to Noon. History Day, Tuesday, March 19, 2013 A motion was made that the meeting adjourn. With unanimous consent, the meeting ended at 5:00 PM. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 20, 2013 at 4:00 PM in the Williston Auditorium, Cape Fear Museum.