07-17-20131 Board Members Present: Beth Dawson Sandra Sheridan Jack Mills Allen Trask Linda Chapman Stuart Borrett Dan Owen Absent: Gwen Brown, Nancy Ballard Cox, Nancy Pritchett Bill Terrell, Tucker Stevens and Ben Woodruff Staff Present: Ruth Haas, Director Barbara Rowe, Curator Amy Mangus, Public Relations Specialist The Cape Fear Museum Advisory Board held its regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, July 17, 2013 in the Williston Auditorium at the Cape Fear Museum. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Jack Mills at 4:00 PM. Approval of Minutes: Jack Mills A motion to accept the June 2013 minutes was made, seconded and approved without opposition. Consideration of Absences: Jack Mills Gwen Brown, Nancy Ballard Cox, Nancy Pritchett, Bill Terrell, Tucker Stevens and Ben Woodruff all indicated their inability to attend this meeting and have been excused. Chairman’s Report: Jack Mills Mr. Mills announced that floor is open for nominations of board officers for FY 13-14. The nominations are as follows: Nominees for Chair: 1. Sandra Sheridan 2. Tucker Stevens 3. Allen Trask Nominees for Vice Chair: 1. Stuart Borrett 2. Sandra Sheridan Nominees for Secretary: 1. Linda Chapman Mr. Mills asked that if anyone has any additional nominations for any of the officer positions to please forward them to Mrs. Haas. Mrs. Haas will send out a ballot and tally the votes. The slate of officers will be presented at the August 21, 2013 meeting. Mr. Mills reported that the next meeting will be a joint meeting with the Cape Fear Museum Associates board which will be held on August 21, 2013 at 4:00 pm. MINUTES MUSEUM ADVISORY BOARD MEETING July 17, 2013 2012-13 Board Jack Mills Chair Sandra Sheridan Vice Chair Allen Trask, III Secretary Stuart Borrett T. Gwendolyn Brown Linda Chapman Nancy Ballard Cox Daniel H. Owen Nancy Pritchett Tucker Stevens Bill Terrell Beth Dawson, NHC Commissioner Ex-officio: Ben Woodruff CFMA, Inc. 2 Associates Report: Ben Woodruff Mrs. Haas reported that the Cape Fear Museum Associates has elected officers for 2013- 2014. The officers are: o Mike Ryan, President o Lynore Young, Vice President o John Haley, Secretary o Ben Woodruff, Treasurer Mrs. Haas reported that the Cape Fear Museum Associates have 12 board members for 2013-2014. New CFMA board members are Sean Frelke, Ashley Garner, and Mike Hudson. Mrs. Haas reminded the board that the Museum Advisory Board Chair serves on the Cape Fear Museum Associates Board as a voting member. Collections Committee: Stuart Borrett The Collections Committee recommended approval of the proposed list of acquisitions sent out in the board packet. A motion was made, seconded, and approved without opposition to approve the acquisitions. The Collections Committee recommended approval of the proposed lists of deaccessions sent out in the board packet. A motion was made, seconded, and approved without opposition to approve the deaccessions. Program Committee: Linda Chapman Mrs. Chapman reported that the family science event Night at the Museum is this Saturday, July 20 from 6:00 – 9:00 pm. Grown-up Game Night will be held on Saturday, July 27th from 7-10 pm also here at the museum. Director’s Update: Ruth Haas Mrs. Haas reviewed the achievement indicators included in the board packet. We are still awaiting updated and final numbers from the county’s finance department. Mrs. Haas reported that over one hundred applications for the development coordinator position were received. Twenty applicants were referred and seven interviews took place. The panel has narrowed the applicants down to two and second interviews will be conducted on Friday. Old/New Business: Jack Mills Magic Planet has arrived but has not been set up yet Night at the Museum will be held on Saturday, July 20, 2013 from 6-10 pm A motion was made that the meeting adjourn. With unanimous consent, the meeting ended at 5:00 PM. The next meeting will be held jointly with the Cape Fear Museum Associates Board on Wednesday, August 21, 2013 at 4:00 PM in the Williston Auditorium, Cape Fear Museum.