09-13-20131 Board Members Present: Beth Dawson Sandra Sheridan Jack Mills Allen Trask Linda Chapman Stuart Borrett Dan Owen Sandra Sheridan Bill Terrell Mike Ryan Nancy Pritchett Tucker Stevens Absent: Gwen Brown, Nancy Ballard Cox Staff Present: Ruth Haas, Director Barbara Rowe, Curator Amy Thornton, Education Coordinator The Cape Fear Museum Advisory Board held its regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, September 18, 2013 in the Williston Auditorium at the Cape Fear Museum. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Allen Trask at 4:00 PM. Approval of Minutes: Allen Trask A motion to accept the July 2013 minutes was made, seconded and approved without opposition. Consideration of Absences: Allen Trask Gwen Brown and Nancy Ballard Cox indicated their inability to attend this meeting and have been excused. Magic Planet Presentation: Amy Thornton Amy Thornton, Education Coordinator for the museum demonstrated the Magic Planet for the board members. Chairman’s Report: Allen Trask Mr. Trask briefly reviewed the by-laws for the board and indicated that the primary charge of the advisory board is to recommend policy. Mr. Trask reviewed the current committees and a discussion was held on what committees were needed based upon the strategic initiatives the museum has adopted for this year. Based on the discussion a motion was made, seconded and approved without opposition to adopt the following committees for 2013-2014: o Strategic Planning chaired by Tucker Stevens o Collections Committee chaired by Nancy Pritchett o Parks Bond Committee chaired by Bill Terrell Mr. Trask proposed a new initiative for the board and the museum. Ms. Haas has been directed to commission a study to define the strategic steps needed to position the museum as a vibrant and essential presence in New Hanover County for the future. A discussion was held to explore the range of issues that should be addressed in the study. A list of topics based on the discussion will be developed and circulated to the board for further insights and thoughts. MINUTES MUSEUM ADVISORY BOARD MEETING September 16, 2013 2013-14 Board Allen Trask, III Chair Sandra Sheridan Vice Chair Linda Chapman Secretary Stuart Borrett T. Gwendolyn Brown Nancy Ballard Cox Jack Mills Daniel H. Owen Nancy Pritchett Tucker Stevens Bill Terrell Beth Dawson, NHC Commissioner Ex-officio: Mike Ryan CFMA, Inc. 2 Associates Report: Mike Ryan Mr. Ryan reported that Associates board serves as the governing body for the 501C3 portion of the museum. The board challenges this year include funding the study previous discussed, developing and managing a spending policy for the investments and continuing to open the lines of communication between the boards, the museum and county staff. Mr. Ryan reported that Sean Frelke with BB&T Scott & Stringfellow and Antonio Fernandez with GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy have both joined the associates board. Collections Committee: Stuart Borrett The Collections Committee recommended approval of the proposed list of acquisitions sent out in the board packet. A motion was made, seconded, and approved without opposition to approve the acquisitions. The Collections Committee recommended approval of the renewal of the loan of the items on display at New Hanover Medical Hospital. The Collections Committee also recommended approval of the renewal of the loan of an item on display at Museum of History in Raleigh. A motion was made, seconded and approved without opposition to approve both loan renewals. Director’s Update: Ruth Haas Ms. Haas reported that the county has been contacted about the donation of the land that is behind the museum’s parking lot. Ms. Haas is working the county staff to facilitate the donation of the land. Ms. Haas reported that museum staff has installed new locks on the exhibit cabinets. Additional funds to place security cameras throughout the museum are being sought and several options are being explored on how to increase the security of the museum and its artifacts. Plans continue to be developed community wide for The Big Read project. Tim O’Brien, author of The Things They Carried, will be coming to speak at the UNCW’s Kenan Auditorium on January 15, 2014 in conjunction with the Big Read project. Mail Call will open on November 9, 2013 and run through January 13, 2014. Old/New Business: Allen Trask Adult Night Out: History and Science of Alcohol on Friday, September 20th, 7-9 p.m. Educator Open House, Thursday, September 26th, 4-6 p.m. NC Shell Show, Saturday and Sunday, September 28th & 29th A motion was made that the meeting adjourn. With unanimous consent, the meeting ended at 5:10 PM. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 16, 2013 at 4:00 PM in the Williston Auditorium, Cape Fear Museum.