TDA Board Meeting February 5 2014 NEW HANOVER COUNTY TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BOARD OF DIRECTORS February 5, 2014 PRESENT: Bill Blair, Mayor – Town of Wrightsville Beach Anne E. Brodsky, Motel Owner – Kure Beach Kim Hufham, President/CEO – NHC TDA Neal Johnson – County Vacation Rental Property Frank Jones, (Hotels -150-) - Wilmington Dean Lambeth, Mayor – Town of Kure Beach Connie Majure-Rhett – Wilmington Chamber of Commerce Carl Marshburn – County Attraction Nicolas Montoya, (Hotels -150 rooms+) – Wrightsville Beach Chuck Pennington – County Bed and Breakfast LeAnn Pierce, Hotel – Carolina Beach Angela Rhodes – County Restaurants Bill Saffo, Mayor – City of Wilmington Dan Wilcox, Mayor – Town of Carolina Beach Lisa Wurtzbacher, New Hanover County Finance Officer EXCUSED: Commissioner Jonathan Barfield, Michael Keeler STAFF: Jeanette Foster/Administrative Services Manager, Recording Secretary Shawn Braden, Executive Vice-President of Marketing Karla Thompson, Technology/Systems Manager Mikie Wall, Vice-President Sales and Services Connie Nelson, PR/Communications Director Linda Brothers, NHC Financial Analyst GUESTS: Anne Marie Hartman, Sabina Newman, Ed Wolverton (WDI) Chairman Carl Marshburn called the meeting of the New Hanover County Tourism Development Authority Board to order at 5:30 p.m. at the Lucie Harrell Conference Room (#601) at the New Hanover County Government Complex. Chairman Marshburn welcomed our new TDA Board members: Mayor Dan Wilcox of Carolina Beach; Mayor Bill Blair of Wrightsville Beach; Connie Majure- Rhett, Wilmington Chamber of Commerce and Nicolas Montoya, Hotel representative for Wrightsville Beach. Also recognized reappointments to the Board: Captain Carl Marshburn, Attractions; Anne E. Brodsky, Kure Beach Hotel/Motel Owner; New Hanover County Commissioner Jonathan Barfield. 1 President/CEO Kim Hufham presented plaques to Anne Marie Hartman and Sabina Newman for their years of service on the New Hanover County TDA Board. ITEM #1 – EXCUSED Commissioner Jonathan Barfield, Michael Keeler. ITEM #2 – INTRODUCTION OF ED WOLVERTON, WDI Ed Wolverton, new President for Wilmington Downtown, Inc. gave an update on WDI and upcoming events including their annual luncheon on March 13. ITEM #3 – MINUTES APPROVAL – OCTOBER 30, 2013 [Motion made by Anne Brodsky, seconded by Mayor Dan Wilcox and unanimously accepted to approve the October 30, 2013 TDA Board minutes as read.] ITEM #4 – FINANCIALS/ROT REPORT – LISA WURTZBACHER New Hanover County Finance Officer Lisa Wurtzbacher reported on the first 6 months of expenditures (July 1 – December 31, 2013): Marketing and Promotions - $691,991; Visitor Information Services - $63,483; Administration Expense - st $146,985. Total 1 3% expenses equal $902,056.00 or 53% of budget. nd 2 3% expenses for July 1 – December 31, 2013 = $673,421 or 26% of budget. Convention Center - $167,447 or 53% of budget. Total expenditures through 12/31/13 = $1,742,925. Revenues (includes City of Wilmington) $2,178,969. ROT increase for first 3% for July – November, 2013 for same period of time over previous year fiscal year =4.85%; calendar year = 2.47% increase. Second 3% increases for July – November, 2013 for same period of time over previous year fiscal year for Carolina Beach = 6.91%; calendar year =4.57%; fiscal year increase for Kure Beach =8.38%; calendar year = 5.81% increase. Fiscal year increase for Wrightsville Beach = 4.32%; calendar year = 1.91% increase. 2 City of Wilmington ROT collection for City of Wilmington – 2.37% increase over previous year for same period of time (July – November, 2013); for the Convention Center – 6.31% increase. We are continuing to grow. Economy is picking back up. [Motion made by Frank Jones, seconded by Chuck Pennington and unanimously approved to accept the Financials/ROT report as presented.] ITEM #5 – REQUESTS FOR FUNDING FOR CAROLINA AND KURE BEACHES – KIM HUFHAM CAROLINA BEACH At the October, 2013 TDA Board meeting, the request for Boardwalk Makeover (now known as the Carolina Beach Downtown Initiative) was tabled until the next Board meeting as more information was needed. The CBDI group provides family entertainment during the tourist season (May- July, 2013): Music for Tuesday Family Nights – May 21 – July 2, 2013 $1,945 Magic Shows for Tuesday Family Nights – May 21 – July 2, 2013 $ 395 Music for Thursday Family Nights – May 21 – July 9, 2013 $14,650 The Town of Carolina Beach respectfully requests total funding be submitted in the amount of $16,990 and funds are available. Previous Requests: Carolina Beach requests for CBDI (previously the  Boardwalk Makeover have been approved by the TDA Board beginning in 2008. [Motion made by Mayor Bill Saffo, seconded by Neal Johnson and unanimously approved to accept the requests for funding of $16,990 as presented for family entertainment during the tourist season (May – July, 2013.] KURE BEACH The Town of Kure Beach respectfully requests funding for expenditures for lifeguard services for the summer of 2013. The requested funds include expenditures for two budget years, 2012-2013 and 2013-2014. The expenses to be reimbursed are calculated as follows: 3 Remaining 2012-2013 Reimbursement $55,837.29 FY 2013-2014 Lifeguard Expenses incurred 71/13-11/30/13 $92,785.87 Total requested consideration to be remitted if approved $148,623.16  Previous Requests: Kure Beach requests for the lifeguard Program have been approved by the TDA Board since 3/28/06. The Town of Kure Beach respectfully requests funding for expenditures that were incurred for the Pleasure Island Free Summer Concerts held during the summer of 2013 (FY 2013-2014). The six free concerts, held at the Ft. Fisher Military Recreation area, attract tourists to Kure Beach by providing an enjoyable and affordable entertainment venue. Total requested for consideration to be remitted if approved is $8,000.00.  Previous Requests: Kure Beach requests for the six free concerts have been approved by the TDA Board since March 2006. The Town of Kure Beach respectfully requests funding for expenditures incurred for entertainment at the Ocean Front Park during the summer of 2013. The entertainment included concerts, story time and magic shows. These events attract tourists to Kure Beach by providing affordable entertainment. The breakdown - $17,020 for concerts; $2,625 for story time; and $1,050 for magic shows for a total of $20,695 which is requested to be submitted if approved. Previous Requests: Kure Beach requests for the family entertainment has  been approved by the TDA Board since 2006. Total requested funds: $177,318.16; available funds as of 1/29/14 are $173,426.00. [Motion made by Mayor Saffo, seconded by Anne Brodsky and unanimously accepted to approve requests for funding. Available funds will be reimbursed with balance paid upon receipt of ROT.] ITEM #6 – FILM INCENTIVE RESOLUTION – KIM HUFHAM Kim presented a proposed film incentive resolution to the TDA Board in support of the film industry. Several organizations within the County have approved and sent resolutions or letters of support. In addition, several tourism associations throughout the State of North Carolina passed resolutions to extend the film incentives until 2020 (this would be an additional 5 years.) Copy given to Board members. 4 ]Motion made by Frank Jones, seconded by Neal Johnson and unanimously adopted to approve the Film Incentive Resolution as presented.] Kim said copies will be forwarded to the state as well as Johnny Griffin. Note: Copy of resolution in TDA Resolution notebook as well as Exhibit book XII. ITEM #7 – MID-YEAR UPDATE – KIM HUFHAM President/CEO Kim Hufham presented a mid-year update to bring the Board up to date on mid-year programs. Some of the highlights include: st  Room occupancy tax receipts for 1 3% collections (July-November) for fiscal year to date over same period last year up 4.85%. nd  ROT receipts for 2 3% collections (July-November for fiscal year to date over same period last year: Carolina Beach – up 6.91%; Kure Beach – up 8.38%;  Wrightsville Beach – up 4.32%  Wilmington July – November ROT receipts 2.37% increase over same period last year; CC District –up 6.31%.  Kim gave a brief overview of the Smith Travel Research report on percentage change from CYTD 2012 – 2013.  Percentage change from YTD 2012 on competitive set comparison showed N.C. with a 5.09% increase; New Hanover County – 1.9% increase. Other counties showed increased of up to 19.4% increase (Carteret County) down to a minus 5.5% (Cabarrus County.)  $153,763 spent on media between July 1 – December 31, 2013 (online – 44%; PPC – 26%; print – 24% and Facebook 2%).  Total inquiries from July 1, 2012 – December 31, 2013 = 136,479.  Social Media for July 1 – December 31, 2013: 43,817 total Facebook fans (new fans amounted to a 31.2% increase.) Top cities on Facebook included Wilmington, Raleigh, Charlotte, Greensboro, Fayetteville.  Total followers on Twitter first 6 months = 6,344 with 1,240 being new followers.  The Wilmington Pinterest account was launched August 6, 2012 and as of 12/31/13 we have 823 total followers. Current list of Boards on Pinterest discussed.  YouTube = 1,705 views for first six months of current FY. Most popular were insider tips to Wilmington with 428 views.  Total inquiries direct to Industry Partners (7/1-12/31/13) = 80,287.  North Carolina remains the dominant top geographic referral at 42%.  Communications/PR Activities for first six months included press releases, journalist site visits, media contacts, earned media/editorial, 5 internet/media impressions and non-media inquiries. Also mentioned with public relations mid-year highlights as well as coverage highlights.  Convention and Group Sales included leads, number of people and room nights as well as total number of proposals. Incorporated in this were market segments ranging from associations to sports. ITEM #8 – PRESIDENT’S COMMENTS – KIM HUFHAM President/CEO Kim Hufham presented comments as follows: Kim discussed the upcoming TRAC program which we will be  hosting with NCTFSD on February 20 to our tourism partners. th On March 12, there will be a Customer Service Seminar at  CFCC. We will begin on strategic planning and budgets.  National Tourism Week – May 3-11, 2014.  Legislative Tourism Day also takes place in May.  ITEM #9 – OLD BUSINESS/NEW BUSINESS Mayor Lambeth stated that Kure Beach hosted the Mayors’ Breakfast (held nd quarterly) and one of the topics discussed was the portion of 2 3% tax currently used for marketing and promotion. The Beach mayors are proposing a resolution to have more flexibility in the use of these funds to include beach renourishment. Mayor Wilcox commented that the beach mayors, at their last meeting, discussed their concerns of funding for beach renourhisment. The beach towns are challenged with finding avenues for funding on a yearly basis and at this time, they do not know how much flexibility each town will want. The mayors have requested a meeting with Kim and TDA representatives to discuss the potential impact this would have on marketing. Chairman Marshburn indicated this is not a decision the TDA can make. It is a state level decision. Mayor Lambeth indicated the beach mayors just wanted to let everyone know a meeting is being planned. Mayor Wilcox said everyone has to work together on this. Hopes this can be a win-win situation for both the beach towns and the TDA. Kim noted she would personally like a few of the TDA Board members to attend this meeting. Mayor Bill Saffo made several comments on a portion of the first 3% already being used for beach renourishment and tourism issues. Other discussions followed on tourism and possible revenue streams between the city, county and beaches; on how 6 so much has changed over the years building up to the current status of renourishment. Kim noted a list of the TDA meetings for the remainder of the year is included in the Board packets: March 26, 2014; May 28, 2014; June 25, 2014, August 27, 2014 and October 29, 2014. Locations will be announced prior to each meeting. All th meetings begin at 5:30 p.m. with the exception of June 25 at 5:00 p.m. ITEM #10 – CHAIRMAN’S COMMENTS – CARL MARSHBURN Chairman Marshburn advised the Nominating Committee had met to present a Slate of Officers for 2014 to the full Board. They are as follows: Chairman: Carl Marshburn Vice-Chairman: Frank Jones Secretary: Chuck Pennington Treasurer: Lisa Wurtzbacher At Large: Angela Rhodes Chairman Marshburn called for any additional nominations from the floor. There being none: [Motion made by Connie Majure-Rhett, seconded by Anne Brodsky to accept the nominations as presented by the Nominating Committee and approved unanimously.] Adjourn at 6:35 p.m. Next Meeting Date: Wednesday, March 26, 2014 ______________________________ __________________________ Kim Hufham, President/CEO Chuck Pennington, Secretary Minutes located in TDA Board Minutes Book XI 7 8