C Index to Minutes July 15, 1868INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MU JE T CABLE TELEVISION ` eeo. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 To lotat? Ilamtf. op?n OI COTT A-2 TA? IMpEX q?? MADE BY TNE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO PAT OFi1CE ?.?i??:G.a-e?i An Identifyins Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL iAi SOLD ?Y OWEN i. pUNN. NEw ?ERM. NORTN GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS 1. Tax on 2. Legislation enabling tax on 3. Tax on 4. Discussion of Cable TV franchise 5. Discussion of Cable TV Franchise 6. Discussion on Federal Regulations on Cable TV 7. Discussion on Cable TV Ordinance 8. Presentation on Proposed Cable TV Ordinance 9. Discussion on Cable TU Ordinance postponed untiZ May 18. 10. Discussion on Cable TV Ordinance 11. Update on status of Cable TV Ordinance 12. Discussion on Cable TV Franchise Ordinance 13. Discussion on Cable TV Ordinance 14. Discussion on Cable TV Ordinance 15. First Reading of Proposed Cable TV Ordinance and Proposed Franchise 16. Adoption of Cable TV Ordiance 17. Award of Franchise to Cable TV Company 18. 3 DATE MINUTE BOOK ??? Month Day Year Vol. Page a? ?? 02 20 1967 14 32 03 06 1967 14 36 06 05 1967 14 67 06 03 1974 15 649 02 04 1980 18 545 08 18 1980 18 651 03 16 1981 18 787 04 21 1981 18 813 05 04 ?98? ?8 &3D 05 18 1981 18 $41 06 Ol 1981 18 856 06 08 1981 18 860 06 15 1981 18 864 08 17 1981 18 903 08 17 1981 18 907 09 08 1981 18 915 09 OS 1981 18 915 ?. INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. _ MAT ER: C?OVERNMENOS CIL OF ? ae? u. s. Cou?ty Indezes Since IBBB ?? Ta loeaM namer, OpRO Ot COTT A 70 Z TA8 INDEX r?T OFFIOE C?? TJ111?.s-7?F- An Identifying Trnde Mark SURNAME )NITIAL TAB IIADE tY TNE COTi INDEX COMMNY. COlOM6YS? 01110 SOtD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ,DATEi M?NUi BoOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Discussion on UDAG Grant for Sho.pping Center at Monkey Junction 2, Discussion on UDAG funds for Monkey Junction Shopping Center 3. 03 Ol 1982 19 25 03 15 1.982 19 34 ?. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. _?ATtER: CAPE FEAR HOSPITAL ` To locate names, open at COTT A•2 TA8 1NDEX ?eo. u. a. County Indeze? Since 1888 ??' gURNAME tNfTiAt TAB MADE BY TH@ CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO rtir o?ores ?? An 1denN(YinC Trade Mark SOLO 6Y ?WEN G. DUNN, NEYV 6ERN, NaRTH CAROIINA ?? f? " p, DATE ? MINUTE BOOK ? NATURE OF PROtEEDINGS i? Month ? Day ? Year ? Vol. ? Page II ? ? I _ f, ?? ?? 1.?? Board filed letter from Drs. M,J. DeRosset and T.H. Wood announcing opening of Cape Fear General Hospital !: 06 28 1875?y 3 340 d ? c ;? ? "?? ?or care of poor. `° `" 's; . ??i 4' ;' ss ?,. , ;? , f, „ ?? ?? , ^; G . o? ?' ,? :5 „ • ° ! '+ ?j .? s? ?j ? s, ;K ( ;? , . I ; .? i'? l , , ? , , .. ., ?+ -? .. ?; - ' ?.; ' ? ?i n? ?? `" ?? ? ; I ' ?r .: ?3 ? ? ? ? ? ?? .. ?d _ ? „ ? .. .. zs ` . 6? , ei 1? Y. if tt ., 'E :l ?? ., y, M? ?? ' { , g , ?? ? ; , ?? 1 ?, , ^a , ? ,. ?a t?? . . _? i ,, , ?? .? r; ii . ;F , o. ?f °4 ?i ?? ? .? !? ?i ?i VI .. R? a i ? ' .. «d ? 's ? ? ?? ? ? 'S t ?? . '^ ? ? "? ? 4., 1 i's , ;? ` ? ?6 h .. 1? + j re 1 ? „ .. ?{ { .? _ 9 ,p ?f o, y? ?C fl^' ? 1 E: ?f j 8 i .. .d ? ? ; .. ?4 I? kf f j', i; ?? I? E? e? ' "tl f ? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. _ M?B? ? ?ApE FEAR HoSPITAL ? y? County Indezea Since 1888 ? +?.. ---' To lotat? nom?s? op?p Ot C07T A•2 TA/ INOEX aso, u. s. . MADE BY THE C0T7 INDEX COMPANY, COLUM8ll5, OHlO PA7 OFFICE ?.?i,?'E,Fe,?1.? An IdentifyinS Trade Mark ?8 SURNANfE 1NIT1A1 TAY SOLD ?Y OMEN 0.{IYNN, NEN ?ERN. RORTH GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Moeth Day Year Vol. Page l. Rezoning of property 2. Public hearing - rezoning 3. Traffic hazard 11 20 1972 15 255 12 04 1972 15 279 12 18 1972 15 292 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. _ MU JECT CAPE FEAR HORSEI?N'S ASSL?C. nec. u, s. ? `-? Counry Indezea Since 1888 ? Te lowt? eonqs? op?e at COTT A-Z TII? INpEX PAT OFFICE C.?t?q?/?l? An Identifying Trade Mark SURMAME INITIAL ZAY ?DE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY? COLUMBUS? OHIO SOLQ tY ONfEN 0. pItNN, NEN tERN, NORTH GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK ` Month Day Year Vol. Page ''. ? 1. Rink Hugh MacRae Park 10 16 1967 14 99 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Coun?j N. C. CAPE FEAR RIVER MU E , _ BJ CT ` rtea. o. s, q?J'- Coanty Indexea Since 1888 PAT OFFICE C.?,E??.a? ?n ldentifrin8 Trade Mark ? TO IOOOq Oq11Nf? o?p pf tURNAME INITIAI TAY COiT A•Z TA? INpEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO , SO?D iY OIYEN i. DUNN, N EN ?ERII, NORTN URO LlNA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK ?? Month Day Year Vol. Page ?, l. Bridge - New 11 02 1964 13 390 2. Spoil Area - Army Corps of Engineers 11 02 1964 13 390 3. Resolution - Channel Extension 11 02 1964 13 391 4. Bridge 06 23 1965 13 494 5. Bridge Crossing 07 06 1965 13 501 6. Barge canal from Navassa to Acme 02 16 1968 14 146 7. Navagation Project 03 18 1968 14 165 8. Appropriation 04 16 1968 14 175 9. Land Cjontribution Mr. Shew 05 06 19b8 14 1R? 10. Formal Approval of funds for 06 03 1968 14 192 11. Meeting in District Engineer"s Office 07 O1 1968 14 211 12. Budgeted for 07 lI I968 14 222 ? 13. Project 08 19 19b8 14 240 _.._. ? ? .? .. .. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. _ MU JECT ?APE FEAR TECH INST. a¢?. u. s. ?/?, _ County Indezea Since 1888 ?r ?Q}-- TO IOGat? t1a1Mf? Op?A Ot PA? OFFICE C.? ?//Jl Coz?i An ldentifyin8 Trade Mark ? COTT M2 T11? INOEX ?DE BY THE (OTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUI, OHIO ., . i7 tURNAME tN1ilAL TAB SOLD tT OWEN 0. OUNN, N EN tERN . MORTH GRO LINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK ;`. Month Day Year Vol. Page j'; ? 1. s Bond Issue 03 09 1964 13 301 2. Bond Order 04 06 1964 13 310 3. Transfer of Funds 11 16 1964 13 399 4. Voters eertification - Bonds. 06 29 1964 1? 345 5. w Training Area - Firemen 03 22 1965 13 ??50 6. Training Area - Firemen 04 05 1965 13 ??57 7. Trustee Appointment 04 05 I965 I3 ,?57 8. Oil Fire training center 04 20 1965 13 ??68 9. Oil Fire Training Center 05 03 19b5 ?3 ???2 10. Architect Fees 05 17 1965 13 ?79 11. Bond Sale 05 17 3.965 13 ? 80 12. Bond paying agent 05 17 1965 13 ?80 13. Fee for Title Search 06 07 1965 13 ?87 14. Transfer of funds 03 20 ?9b7 14 39 ` I? 15. ? Transfer of funds 05 Ol 1967 14 53 ; 16. Transfer for building appropriation 05 15 1967 14 61 17. Appointment member to board 06 05 1967 14 65 18. Paving 07 03 1967 14 74 ? 19. Dedication 09 21 1967 14 92 20. Transfer of funds-insurance 11 06 1967 14 108 21. Transfer of funds 11 06 1967 14 109 22. Resolution for bond issue. Ol 15 1968 14 136 j 23. ? Consideration of alternate facilities 02 05 1968 14 141 ? 24. Appointment to Board of Trustees 03 04 1968 I4 154 ? ! 25. Appointment to Board of Trustees 03 18 1968 14 166 ? 26. r i Deletion of Capital Outlay-Parking Lot 07 15 1968 14 226 27. Transfer of funds O1 20 196y 14 294 , 28. • Budget 07 16 1969 14 370 i 29. Request to pave road to pier IO 2U 1969 14 400 30. Transfer from motor vehicles to motor vehicles operation 02 16 1970 14 443 ? 31. Transfer from parking lot to maintenance 02 16 1y70 14 ?43 ! 32. Transfer for motor vehicle operations 03 16 197U 14 453 33, i Funds for improvement 04 06 1970 14 460 ? 34. Transfer of funds 05 18 1970 14 ?74 ; 35. Transfer and appropriation U6 15 19I0 14 485 36. ?' Transfer of funds from fuel to insurance 02 15 1971 14 ?81 I 37. Appointment member to Board 06 21 1971 14 ?60 ? 38. i Transfer of funds 05 15 1972 15 129 39. Bond issue 07 07 1972 15 186 ' 40. ? Bond issue 07 17 1972 15 188 I ' 41. ? Land acquisition 07 17 1972 15 190 ? ? 42. Bond issue 08 14 1972 15 199 43. Bond issue 09 05 1972 15 211 44. Bond issue -?ublic hearing 09 18 1972 I5 220 .? 45. Results on Bond election for 11 20 1972 15 260 46. , .... ? Bond issue, participation of surrounding counties . 02 .. 05 1973 . 15 . 325 .. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. , MU JECT ?APE FEAR TECH INST. ` nec. u. s. County [ndeaea Since f888 ? to lotab Oan1?t. optll of COTT A•2 iA{ INpEX PAT OFFICE C??? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, (OLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD ?Y OMEN {. CUNN, NEw {ERN, NORTH GROLINA ' DATE MINUTE BOOK ? NAiURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? ?? ?, Month Day Yea? Vol. Page ?; 1.?; Bond issue, participation of surrounding counties 02 19 1973 15 336 2.f,? Request for chairman's signature on forms 02 19 1973 15 336 ., 3.;; ReQuest to sell bonds 03 05 1973 15 338-9 4.?= Authorization of Chm's. Signature on Interest Grant forms 03 OS 1973 15 339 5.`'; Resolution to sell bonds 03 19 1973 15 3?5-6 6.i` Resolution opening bank account 04 02 I973 15 360-1 7.- Transfer of funds 04 16 1973 15 372 8. Transfer for Supplies F? P?Iaterials 04 16 1973 15 421 9. Transfer for telephones 06 1$ I973 15 438 10. Discussion of Board of Trustees 06 18 1973 15 441 11. Discussion of bonds 07 02 1973 15 445 12. Transfer of funds - Title Search, Parking Lot 08 06 1973 15 465 I3. Discussion of contruction costs 08 06 1973 25 467 14. Transfer of funds - Parking lot 08 20 1973 15 477 15. Approval of current expense fund 11 05 1973 15 520 16. Resolution setting forth bond form 10 21 1973 16 30-33 17. $625,000 Technical Institute Bond Anticipation Notes O1 21 1974 15 565 18.I Discussion of 05 06 1974 15 630 19.` Discussion of CFTI Construction 05 20 1974 15 639 20.?. Transfer of funds 06 17 1974 15 665 21. Authorization - Sale of bond - Anticipation Notes -$1,325.000 07 15 1974 15 6?3-4 22. Budget amendment 08 05 1974 15 691 23.' Discussion of CFTI piling 08 04 1974 I5 594 24. Discussion of pilings 09 03 1974 15 710 25.; Resolution setting forth interest rate on bonds 11 18 I974 16 45-46 26.' County Manager to report on interest rates 11 18 1974 16 46 27. $udget transfer - construction fund 12 02 1974 16 51 28. Budget Transfer - operating fund 12 02 1974 16 51 29. Deferral of budget transfers 12 02 1974 16 51 30. Transfer of funds - Buildings - Alterations and additions to repairs - facilities 12 16 1974 16 58 31. Deferral of transfer for insurance 12 16 1974 16 58 32. Report on steel pilings 12 16 1974 16 ?8 33. Budget transfe? for bond expense O1 06 1975 16 83 34., budget amendment water and utilities 03 03 1975 16 134 35. Budget transfer - motor vehicle operation 03 03 1975 16 134 36. Transfer of funds for public official liability policy 05 05 1975 16 192 s7. Transfer of funds for public official liability policy 05 12 1975 16 196 38.? Budget amendments for construction fund 05 19 1975 16 201 39. appointments of june H. Jones to Board of Trustees 06 16 1975 16 227 40.: Transfer of funds - various 06 16 1975 16 223 41., Budget transfer fuel (heating) 02 02 1976 17 ?4 42., Approve better re Bd. meetings 02 02 1976 17 58 43.' Tabling CFTI preliminary budget request for telephone system 04 05 1976 17 95 44.. Transfer funds - CFTI 04 20 1976 17 107 45.', Transfer funds - install telephone equipment 04 20 1976 17 110 46.? Transfer funds - for eauipment 05 17 1976 17 125 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. _ MU JECT CAPE FEAR TECH. INST. ` nsc, u. s. ?J'_ County Indexea Since 1888 ? TO IOWt? nam?s, o?p af COTT A-2 TAt INpEX PA7 OFFICE Cti??-?d? AnldentifYing Trade Mark SURMAME INIiIAL TAY MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY. COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD iC OIYEN i. aONN, NEN ?ERN, NORTH GROLINA i DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page '' 1. Trans?er funds retirement 06 07 1976 17 143 2. Transfer for CFTI 06 Zl 1976 17 152 3. Budget transfer £or wastebaskets OS 02 1976 17 174 4. Budget transfer Orkin contract 09 20 1976 17 198 5. Discuss renovation bids 12 20 1976 17 ?52-3 6. Budget Trans. Insurance 03 07 1977 17 297 7. Approve auto Antirecessionary funds 04 18 1977 18 21 8. Budget trans, back taxes 06 06 1977 18 53 9. Barbara Schwarta Board of Trustees CFTI S years 06 2D 197? 18 ?3 10. Budget Trans, plumbing repairs 09 19 1977 18 103 11. Discussion energy conservation grant 11 21 1977 18 137 12. Unemp?oyment Insurance for CFTI 12 05 1977 18 143 13. Buc3get Transfer-heating & cooling system 05 15 1978 18 210-11 14. Budget Transfer - Unemployment Compensation 12 18 1978 18 323 15. Appro?al of contract with CETA 04 02 1979 18 382 16. Discussion - Appointments to Board of Trustees 06 18 1979 18 426 17. Budget amendment to pay trustee travel 06 18 1979 18 431 18. Budget Amendment as directed by State Auditing Department 08 06 1979 18 458 19. Appointment - Frank Cherry to Cape Fear Tech. Board 10 Ol 1979 18 491 20. Budget Transfer - cover alterations to existing facilities 12 03 1979 18 516 21. Budget Transfer - increase in fuel costs & installaticn of air conditioning in vans 02 18 1980 18 552 22. Budget Transfer - to account for fringe benefits which were miscalculated in tne origina? CFT budget 05 05 1980 ? 18 594 23. Budget transfer due to increase in phone rates 06 25 1980 18 622 24. L?onation of shop van for educational program 08 04 1980 18 641 25. Amendment to budget for alterations to electronics lab & machine shop area 12 15 1980 18 730 26, Budget amendment for additiona funds required to purchase new vehicle due to state contract price increase 02 02 1981 18 756 27. Budget amendment to purchase postage machine 03 16 1981 18 780 Budget amendment to purchase postage machine County Mgr. recommended this item be removed from agenda 28• Cape Fear Tech Budget - and that County watch progress of Comm. College Budget & Fiscal Control Act. 03 16 1981 18 785 29. Resolution authorizing signature on checks 04 06 1981 18 796 30. Alteration and addition funds for Gape Fear Tech. 04 06 1981 18 800 31. Don Blake appointed to Board of Trustees 07 20 1981 18 893 32. Comm. B1ake appointed to an 8-year term 08 17 Z981 18 909 33. Meeting with Cape Fear Tech Board of Trustees & Authorization to negotiate purchase of building 02 15 1982 I9 11 34. Adoption of Project Ordinance for the Cape Fear Technical Institute Building 03 15 1982 19 35 35. Contract for Architectural Services - CFTI 922 North Front Street Building OS 03 1982 19£?Z 64 36. Architectural Contract - CFTI Building 05 17 1982 19 71 37. Renovation of Cape Fear Tech Building at 922 North Front Street Q7 19 1982 19 120 38. Donation of Autos to Cape Fear Tech. for Law Enforcement Training 09 07 1982 19 145 39. Award of bids for Renovations of CFTI Building at 922 North Front Street 09 20 1982 19 154 40. Change Order & Budget Amend.- CFTI 11 15 1982 19? ?S 6 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County N. MATT RT CAPITAL C. IMPROVEMENTS PROC . , , Rec. u. s. County Indezes Since I886 ?TO IOqb II?fBK. ?pM at eer OFFICE ???s.? pn Identifyin? Ttade Mark EURNAME INITIAL TAO COTT A-Z TA? INOEX NADE 6Y THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COlUM6YS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN , N. C. NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page ;, 1. biscussion 5-year CIP-to be advertised 06 06 1977 18 41-2 2. Discuss CIP 06 27 1977 18 64 3. Discuss of 5-year CIP-no action 06 20 1977 18 55-6 4. Approval 5-year CIP 07 05 1977 18 68-9 5. Presentation 1978J79 thru 1982/83 05 Ol 1978 18 202 6. Discussion on capital improvements program - special meeting to be held 4/2/81, 1:00 PM 03 16 1981 18 787 7. Discussion on Capital Improvement Program 04 21 1981 18 811 8. Public Hearing - 1981-9Q Program (continued) 05 18 1981 18 834 9. Public Hearing - 1980-90 Program 06 O1 1981 18 846 10. Capital Improvements Program Changed date of Action 06 Ol 1981 18 857 11. Adoption of Capital Improvements Program 06 08 1981 18 858 12, Public Hearing - Capital Improvements Program 06 07 1982 19 83 .;, , ?; INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? N C MATTER COUNTY COMMISSIONERS , . . _ : ` naa. u. s. County Indezee S?nce 1888 ? To toeate names, open at coTi A•i TAB IRDEx PAT OFFICE ?t?J? An Identifying Trade Mar? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NO RTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE i? MINUTE BOOK ??. !? Month I Dayl Year .' Vol. I Page ,; 1.? ? County officers qualified by taking oaths of office. 12 06 1880 4 251 ,. 2.?` Chairman reported on amounts received from Anson County and paid over to Treasurer. O1 03 1881 , 4 262 j 3.! ? ? William L. Smith resigned as Commissioner,and Board of Magistrates appointed Roger Moore to fill vacancy. 04 04 1881 ., ,? 4 282 ?? i 4.k ? ? H.A. Bagg elected Chairman by acclamation. 04 04 1881 4 282 5.? Commissioners, Board of Justices of the Peace and Board of Education to elect a Superintendent of Public OS 02 1881 . 4 290 i ? ;! Instruction. ? . ?; 6.z? Three Boards to decide boundary dispute between County and J. Garrell. OS 02 1881 4 290 ?? 7.'? Joint meeting of this Board, Board of Education and Board of Justices. (See BOARD OF EDUCATION). 06 06 1881 4 297 : 8.?= Board met in called session to appoint po11 holders and registrars for August election.(See ELECTIONS) 06 18 1881 4 304 9..? Board met, but no quorum so adjourned. 07 04 1881 4 306 10.'; Commissioners and Board of Justices met in accordance with Section 5, Chapter 141, Laws for 1876-1877. 08 O1 1881 4 312 11. Full Board of Commissioners present at joint meeting. 08 O1 1881 4 312 12.? Chairman Bagg submitted estimated expenditures for fiscal year ending August 31, 1882. 08 Ol 1881 4 313 13.?; Justice Cowan moved that tax levy presented by Board be adopted. 08 Ol 1881 4 314 , ?4.;; ` Request from County officers to be furnished fuel for their offices not granted. 11 07 1881 . 4 333 „ ? ; 15.';; Board allowed transfer of license from A.A. McLear & Co., dissolved, to remaining partners Behrends-Monroe, 05 Ol 1882 4 378 , ?6.,; Annual meeting of Commissioners and Board of Magistrates; all Commissioners present at this meeting. , 08 07 1882 , 4 396 17.;; ? Chairman H.A. Bagg submitted an estimate of County expenses to joint meeting. (SEE JUSTICES OF THE PEACE) „ 08 07 1882 „ 4 396 , 18.;; . ?, Tax levy recommended by Commissioners for County expenses. 08 07 1882 ., 4 397 . 19.?? =r, Justice J. Cowan moved that tax levy submitted by Commissioners be approved, as it was. . 08 07 1882 ,. 4 398 . ,? 20.;? Boards adopted rule that tax on incomes to be half of one percent. 08 07 1882 , 4 398 21.? Board to petition General Assembly to repeal law stating County buys land sold for State taxes. 08 07 1882 4 398 „ 22.? Joint meeting of Boards of Magistrates and Commissioners dissolved into the Board of Education. 08 07 1882 4 399 23.?? Present Board of Commissioners elected for two year by Board of Justices of the Peace. OS 07 1882 4 349 „ „ 24.,? Board members: B.G. Worth, Roger Moore, E.L. Pearce, H.A. Bagg and James A. Montgomery. „ 08 07 1882 . 4 399 , 25.;? Clerk of Board notified of eZection of Board of Commzssioners by Board of Justices. 08 14 1882 „ 4 410 ., 26.`a Old Board of Commissioners expired and new Board sworn in by Justice John D. Taylor. „ 12 04 1882 „ 4 432 „ 27.f; Board appointed standing committees. (See COMMITTEES APPOINTED) , 12 04 1882 ., 4 432 28.„ Reports of S. Van Amringe, E.H. McQuigg and T.M. Gardner referred to next meeting. 12 04 1882 .; 4 435 . 29.'s t; Board of Education resolved itself into the Board of Commissioners. 12 05 1882 . 4 442 30.?i Chairman to sell boiler of County now at Poor House. 04 16 1883 4 470 31.?r - ,, Annual joint meeting of Boards of Justices and Commissioners. 08 06 1883 . 4 488 .. 32.;; Board of Justices notified Commissioners they were ready to receive them. OS 06 1883 4 488 33.; Chairman Bagg read estimates for County expenses and recommended tax levy. 08 06 1883 4 488 34.? Tax levy recommended by Commissianers was adopted by Board of Justices. 08 06 1883 4 488 35.. Statement from Board of Commissioners to Board of Justices. 08 06 1883 4 590 36. Justices adopted the report on County estimates. 08 06 1883 „ 4 491 37.;; J.A. Farrow elected Fish Inspector of County. ., 10 Ol 1883 ? 4 499 i 38.?; Joint meeting of Boards of Commissioners and Justices of the Peace held. „ 10 15 1883 4 502 , 39., List of Commissioners present at joint meeting of Board. , 10 15 1883 .: 4 502 ±0.; .j Mr.Bagg stated necessity of County owning land of Mr. F.W. Kerchner. 10 15 1883 4 502 „ +1.;? County officers to be furnished with one ton of coal for winter's supply by the Board. 11 05 1883 .: 4 505 +2.;,; Board of Commissioners resolved itself into Board of Education. 12 03 1883 4 512 +3.;` Board met in Special Session to discuss death of Treasurer Owen Burney. 03 06 1884 4 538 +4.': ;r Board met in Special Session to elect a new Treasurer. 03 10 1884 4 538 +5.?$ ,?? ? ?? , !1 Chairman shows receipt for rent of shingle timber. , F, , ?i 04 07 1884 ; ? ?` si 4 540 . '' ?; ai COUNTY N INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hano?er Count? C MATTER COMMISSIONERS , . . _ : ` ¦co. u. s. County Indezes Since 1888 ? ky-- To loeats namea, opee at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX r?t OFFICL ?? An [dentifying Trade Merk f??8 SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, (OLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. D UNN, NEW B ERN, NOR TH CAROLINA `,? DATE t j: MINUTE BOOK K? p, ;3 NATURE OF PROCEEDiNGS Month I Day I , Year '; Vol. I Page ?! t 1.'. Joint meeting of Boards of Commissioners and Justices of the Peace for 1884. 06 . . 02 1884 4 ?; ?; 551 ? .. ?? '?' 2' s Chairman Bagg submitted estimate of expenses and necessary tax levy for coming year. : 06 02 1884'` 4 551 ?t r: 3. .. Tax levy and estimate of expenses were adopted in joint meeting. .. 06 02 1884,' 4 553 `E ?? 4.: .. Annual report from Chairman Bagg adopted in joint meeting. : 06 02 1884` 4 553 '. 3 5. , Mr. Bagg reported Board donated $500 to have a display at State Exposition in October. 06 02 1884,; 4 ° 553 ja 6. ? , Board of Justices extended thanks to Commissioners for their work. .. 06 02 1884' .. 4 554 ?` ,g 7. ., Board to make arrangements out of contract with Mr. Savage due to unexpected flow of persons into Poor 06 02 1884, 4 554 ' ;? House and House Correction. 8. Present BDard nominated and elected for forthcoming term. 06 02 1884 4 555 ? 9. Commissioners re-elected: Horace Bagg, B.G. Worth, Roger Moore, E.L. Pearce, and J.A. Montgomery. 06 02 1884. 4 555 ,. 10. Board of Commissioners resolved itself into Board of Education. 06 02 1884 4 555 , 11. , Board met in Special Session to send convicts out on work detail. (See HOUSE OF CORRECTION) 06 13 1884, 4 565 „ 12. New Board: H.A. Bagg, B.G. Worth, Roger Moore, E.L. Pearce, and J.A. Montgomery. . 12 Ol 1884_ 4 593 ; 13. , Superior Court Clerk, S. Van Amringe, swore in new Board and H.A. Bagg elected Chairman of Board. 12 O1 1884, 4 593 „ 14. : Board met in Special Session to discuss the Jail. , 03 26 1886„- 4 695 ;' 15. Chairmaiof Board of Magistrates to call a joint meeting of both Boards. (See JUSTICES OF THE PEACE) 03 26 1886,, 4 695 '? 16. , Met, but no quorum so adjourned. , 05 10 1886, 4 713 ;; 17.,. Col. A.M. Waddell present to explain nature of proposed public improvements. 05 12 1886;, 4 713 ;; 18. Board met in Special Session to discuss new Jail. 05 18 1886` 4 714 ? 19. Col. Moore explained his absence from meeting on June 30, and voiced his support for Jail issue. 07 OS 1886. 4 723 +. 20. Special meeting called, but no quorum so adjourned. 07 12 1886, 4 727 , 21.. Board met to revise tax lists and hear complaints. 08 09 1886 4 733 : 22. New Board: H.A. Bagg, Chairman; J.A. Montgomery, Roger Moore, E.L. Pearce, and B.G. Worth. 12 06 1886 4 757 , 23. ; C.W. Yates awarded contract to furnish stationary supplies for twelve months. 02 07 1887 4 777 ° 24. Board, tax listers and assessors met, 06 06 1887 5 14 25. Contract for publishing annual statement o? Commissioners awarded Messenger Piiblishing Co. O1 02 1888 5 61 ? 26. Tax levy set down as adopted by Boards of Commissioners and Justices, 06 04 1888 5 90 ,'. 27. Board met to hear complaints of taxpayers, but no quorum so adjourned? 07 09 188$ 5 97 ` 28. Board met to hear complaints of taxpayers. 08 13 1888: 5 f. 100 ?. 29. Present Board expired, but were their own successors, „ 12 03 1888. 5 119 ` 30. New Board: H.A. Bagg, J.A. Montgomery, Roger Moore, E.L. Pearce and B.G. Worth, 12 03 1888 5 119 , 31. H.A. Bagg elected Chairman of Board. 12 03 1888 5 119 i 32. Complaints made against Board because parties have not been ejected from property County purchased. 04 Ol 1889,. 5 156 y 33. Board met in Special Session to consider granting liquor licenses. (See LIQUOR LICENSES) _ 06 24 1889 5 176 ; 34. Board recessed and will hear tax complaints at next meeting, 07 08 1889,, 5 182 , 35. Board met to consider best means of reindexing the County records, 07 15 1889,., 5 183 ?, 36. Chairman to consult Register of Deeds at Washington, D.C. and New York City on reindexing procedure. 07 15 1889„ 5 183 37., Boards of Edueation and Commissioners elected Capt. E.W. Manning as Superintendent of Public Instruction. 09 03 1889. 5 191 :, 38., ,Rate established for compensating indexers of County records. , 10 07 1889,., S 194 E; 39. ;:S.P. Collier and James G. Burr elected to index County records. 10 07 1889;; 5 195 ?: 40.. ;Letter from Gratton Williams of Pender County laid on the table, O1 06 1890,? 5 213 ?,, 41. Board met in Special Session on property valuations, Ol 07 1890 5 214 ; 42. Board met to meet with Boards of Alderman, Finance and Audit of City to consider surveying City blocks. 03 17 1890 5 238 43. Chairman appointed to meet with City Boards. 03 17 1890 5 238 ' ,. 44. ,Board met in Special Session relative to rebuilding Poor Hn?s e. 03 27 1890, S 233 45. ' ? r ! `Board met in Special Session to discuss plans for Poor House. . „ ? ?i 04 14 1890 . ?? '?,? ?? 5 244 , F? h` ?I INDEX TO CO?MISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? COUNTY N C MATTER COMMISSIONERS , . . _ : ` Rec. u. s. County Indezee Since 1888 ?? ?..3-- To loeate hames, open at r?r OFi1CE ?1.??" An (dentifying Trade Mark ?`? SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•I TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NO RTH CAROLINA ? ?? f? .r DATE °? MINUTE BOOK f? NATURE OP PROCEEDINGS ? ? ? Month ? Day ? Year ?? . Vol. ? Page q? ?. i l. Board met in Special Session to appoint registrars and poll holders. 08 , 18 ` 1890 ; "? 5 ; 266 , f; 2. New Board sworn in by Justice Harriss: H.A. Bagg, Chairman, B.G. Worth, Roger Moore, J.A. Montgomery and 12 O1 1890 ka 5 283 ! 1 h ?' p E.L. Pearce. ;; 3.? Special ?neeting called to refuse liquor license for C.B. Kennedy. : 03 02 1891 ;,; ?, 5 316 ? ??. 4.? Board met to discuss new Courthouse, but full Board not present so adjourned. 05 11 1891 _ 5 330 5.? Board met in accordance with advertisements stating bids will be opened for construction of Courthouse, .y 11 16 1891 S 362 tl 6.? Many supplies have been purchased without knowledge of Commissioners. 03 07 1892 ',' S 406 y 7.9 From this date all request for supplies must be approved by Commissioners. 03 07 1892 5 „ 407 ; .S,?r Audit Committee will not audit any claims unless in cpmpliance with order by Board. 03 07 1892 5 407 9' Board retired for consultation at end of ineeting. 08 15 1892 5 438 10.,' Minutes of Special Session of August 15 corrected. 09 11.'t? Annual meeting of Board held. 12 12.?; New Board; H.A. Bagg, B.G. Worth, Roger Moore, E.L. Pearce and B.S. Montford; H.A. Bagg elected Chairman. 12 ,? 13.;? Commissioner Roger Moore tendered his resignation as member of Board. 03 p? I4.a? First Board meeting held in new Courthouse. 05 15.?j J.C. Stevenson presented his certificate of election as new member of Board. 05 , ?r ?. !? 16.,; Board of Magistrates ruled that Chairman to receive $$00 for services in selling County bonds for erection 06 of Courthouse. OS 1892 5 438 05 1892 ' S 05 18 92 5 20 1893 ; 5 O1 1893 5 Ol 1893 S 12 1893 5 453 454 487 494 , 494 505 Bonds given Chairman to be payable in 1912. I ; 06 12 1893 5 505 ?I Board met in compliance with the P'[achinery Act of 1893, but no quorum so recessed. 07 10 1893 5 509 ?I Board to investigate legality of accepting bonds from County officers given in Guarantee and Trust Co., 08 07 1893 ,4 5 513 ? and the character of the company. , ?'? Opinion of Mr. Cutlar that Board could accept bonds from trust companies for County officers, i but must be 08 16 1893 „ 5 514 i for same amount as former bonds. , „ , ? Annual Board meeting held. , 12 04 1893 ; 5 532 ;, I, Invitation accepted by Board from Col. W. Taylor to participate in parade of opening of Gala i Week. ?, 12 04 1893 _ 5 533 ; Board met, but no quorum so adjourned. ,. 12 11 1893 ?; 5 535 , ? Letter from Seamans' Friend Society and others was referred to Chairman to reply. j 02 05 1894 .: 5 543 ? ? ? Board of Supervisors of Roads and Commissioners to meet. 02 05 1894 , 5 543 Joint session held with Commissioners and Supervisors of Public Roads. 02 17 1894 : 5 547 ; Amendments made on minutes of joint session of Board and Supervisors of Roads. 03 05 1894 - 5 558 Annual Board meeting held. , 12 . 03 1894 . 5 594 . i New Board: H.A. Bagg, B.G. Worth, E.L. Pearce, B.S. Montford and J.C. Stevenson; H.A. Bagg, Chairman. 12 03 1894 ; 5 595 ? Road supervisors met with Board. 03 11 1895 5 632 i Joint meeting of Boards of Commissioners and Education. , 05 06 1895 , 5 637 ? ? Boards ruled they were indebted to J.H. Chadbourn as a surety on bond of Treasurer Hewlett fo r money lost 05 06 1895 . 5 637 in failure of First National Bank. 33.;5 Board to pay loss to Mr. Chadbourn in accordance with 1895 Legislature. , 05 ;? 34.?? Chairman to receive $50 per month for extra services on different committees if Finance Committee approves?., 06 kr 35.?? Each Board member will receive $2 a day for service on any committee and mileage if Finance Committee okay?,06 ?? 36.? Board met according to Machinery Act, but no quorum, so adjourned. „ 07 ? by 37.M? John Haar tendered his resignation as Commissioner which was accepted. 07 ;,p 38.?? Board met to hear tax complaints from taxpayers. 08 39.?? Superior Court Clerk appointed Duncan McEachern as new member of Board of Commissioners. 08 M M 40.? New Commissioners F.W. Foster, F.J. Demsey and Jordan Nixon took oath of office with Messrs. Moore and . 12 E? ?? Alexander; F.W. Foster elected new Chairman of Board. ?? ? ?? E? ?° Y B ?? 06 1895 ,, 5 28 1895 `, 5 28 1895 ,? 5 08 1895 „ 5 06 1896 ., 5 10 1896 , 5 10 1896 ,? 5 07 1896 „' S ; 0 i I .y 637 „ 64 7 ., 647 651 722 .: 730 „ 730 747 ; i; i? ,; c? ? l I ? COUNTY INDEX TO CO?MISSIONERS N?INUTES -- New Hanover Co?anty I? C MATTER COMMISSIONERS , . . _ : ` ¦co. u. e. q? Counry Indezes Sincc 1888 To Iocate namea, open at COTT A•2 TAB INDEX a-?.s An Identifving Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO r?s o?v?c[ ?.?i??( . SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NO RTH CAROLINA s ? 'is - NATURE OF PROCEEDIMGS DATE '; ?? MINUTE BOOK ?? ?? Month ? Day ? Year ?; ? Vol, ? Page ?? ?? l.^ Board endorsed bonds of officers who gave bonds and took oaths of office. . 12 . . 07 1896 . .. 5 . ?z ?; 748 •° ;i 2.:? Board ruled that services of a11 persons serving Board who contract bills and refuse to pay will be dis- 12 08 1896 '- 5 749 r' continued. .. ?? +? 3.' Board gave Chairman authority to act as voice of Board, ' 12 08 1896 : 5 750 ?? 4.:; Chairman to consult with Chamber of Commerce and receive any suggestions on how the Board might more • 12 08 1896 ?? 5 750 i; a; ; economically run the County. `' 5.. Contract for furnishing coal and wood for County awarded to P,R. Fowler, Ol 04 1897 5 755 6. Hour of ineeting for regular meeting changed to 2:30 P.M. O1 05 1897 5 758 7. Report from Chairman on sad condition of County finances and heavy taxation and need for change, 04 05 1897 5 796 8. Petition of Esther Southerland referred to Commissioner Dempsey, 05 03 1897 6 10 9. Board recessed so Board of Education could attend to some urgent business. 09 06 1897 6 40 10. Claim presented from Pender County for keeping John Sessons, but Board ruled he was never a bona fide 09 06 1897 6 40 resident of New Hanover County, , 11. F.W. Faster elected Chairman of Board for ensuing year. 12 06 1897 , 6 63 12. , Board reviewed bonds of County officers and decided it was not necessary to have them renewed. 12 06 1897 .. 6 65 a. 13. No bills will be paid by reason of any custom passed by previous Boards except those for which County is 02 08 1898 6 83 ? legally liable. , 14. Question of propriety of Commissioners serving on Board of Education raised, and Commissioners Dempsey and 04 25 1898 6 120 Nixon r@signed a-s mentbers of So?ard-of Educatiari. (FROM Ai'RIL 30, 1$98 to JULY 26, 1989 RULED ILLEGAL) 15. Names given Attorney for action against those who crawled through window of Commissioners' rar m and sleep- 05 02 1898 6 122 „ ing there. . ,_ '' ?. 16.y Request from Board of Aldermen asking City to buy a patrol wagon or Black Maria jointly with County refused 05 04 1898 „ 6 123 17. Board suggested City buy a Black Maris, but not a County matter. .. 05 04 1898 . 6 123 ?. 18., Attorney to take necessary steps to eject persons who have been sleeping in Commissioners' room. 05 04 ?898 „ 6 123 19.,, Commissioner Nixon stated he thought Chairman was going to have Hospital roofs painted. 05 31 1898 r, 6 126 :, 20.,, Commissinner Dempsey stated he felt Chairman failed to have roofs of County painted. „ 05 31 1898 „ 6 126 „ 21.,, Chairman stated paint nad been bought and work would be done soon, ., 05 3Z 1898 „ 6 128 22., Chairman to have all County advertising put in morning and evening papers. . 05 31 1898 ,„ 6 126 23.. Judge S.B. Robinson ruled that Board of Messrs. Foster, Dempsey and Nixon not Zegal, so will no longer act 07 12 1898 .. 6 154 ,, ; as the Board. „ ; „ 24. Meeting of Messrs. Roger Moore, J.L. Boatwright, W.F. Alexander, John Barry and J. Cowan, declared legal 07 26 1898 6 155 Board of Commissioners by the Court. (See SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT) 25. Minutes from retiring Board read. 07 26 1?398 6 155 . 26. Commissioner Barry to consult with Attorney, Solicitor and Clerk of Criminal Court relative to Board's 07 26 1898 6 155 duties to Criminal Court. 27. Minutes from April 30-July 12, 1898 set down on following pages as minutes from legal Board, pages 162-170. 04 30 1898 6 162 28. Roger Moore elected Chairman of this Board. 04 30 1898 6 162 29. 'rormer Board declared vacant by Supreme Court since they accepted other offices of trust and profit. Q4 30 1898 6 lb2 30.,, Auditing Clerk John Galloway removed from office since tried to interfere with Board's rights. 04 30 1898 ', 6 163 3I. J.D. Bellamy and T.W. Strange appointed by Board to establish its legal status. , 05 07 1898 ? 6 164 32., Attorney will be paid by County if Board found to be legal, if not no pay. . 05 07 189?3 6 164 , 33., No reports from any County officers. , 06 06 1898 6 166 ; 34. Former Chairman Foster to c?eliver all keys books, papers and County Sea1 pertaining to said office to this 06 16 1898 6 167 ? Board. 35. Board met to hear report on subpoena to Register to appear. (See REGISTER OF DEEDS). 06 25 I898 6 I69 , 36..; E ?' ?k 1? Board will subpoena various County officers to report on monies collected and paid to Treasurer. . . ?? ?e 06 25 1398 ; N Cl 6 170 ? ?? ? y; E,: ?i INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATTER: COUNTY COrfMISSIONERS ` Rsc. u. s. ?7? ? ,??`,- County Indezea Since 18NB ?? ?r.3-- To loeate eames, open at COTT A-Z TAB INDEI( ?AT OFFIGE C.G,eo/??La-? An [dentifying Trade Matk ?? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTi INDEX COMAANY, COLUMBUS, OHfO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORiH CAROLINA ? DATE ? MINUTE BOOK ?'?", NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? Month I Day I Year Y, Vol. I Page , 1. 2. 3 . '. i ?I Board awarded salar? of $50 per month to Chairman since he gives i so much of his time to County business. 10 03 1898 6 i ? Commissioners, Superior Court Clerk and Register of Deeds met in special session. 11 18 1898 6 ? New Commissioners: Roger Moore, W.F. Alexander and John Barry. ?oor? elected Chairman. 12 05 1898 6 ?? 4.;? Commissioners, Superior Court Clerk and Register of Deeds accepted resignation of r,J, Dempsey from Board.. 12 ? S.I?? B.G. Worth elected to Board of Education by above officers. 12 ? ? 6. Board recessed to act on school matters. 12 ?a 7.?? Commissioners, Superior Court Clerk an? Register of Deeds accepted resignations of F.W. Foster and Jordan Nixon from Board of Education. 8.{; T.D. Meares and Giles Westbrook elected to Board of Education by above officers. 9.;. All powers previously given to Chairman to continue,and in between meetings he shall represent the Board. 10.; Oath given to D. McEachern and Gabriel Holmes, new Cor.imissioners. 12 187 ? 191 ' 200 05 1898 6 201 05 1898 6 201 06 1898 6 203 06 1898 6 203 12 06 1898 6 204 12 03 10 1898 6 205 06 1899 6 235 03 1899 6 246 04 1899 6 260 27 1399 6 304 05 1899 6 315 OS 1899 6 315 10 1899 6 317 07 1899 „ 6 325 04 1899 . 6 361 05 1899 ,; 6 363 02 1900 6 381 24 1900 6 433 24 1900 6 433 07 1900 . 6 433 11.:, Commissioners to meet with Board of Aldermen to appoint a Superintendent of Health. 04 12.? ;; Board met to tabulate votes in May 2 election. (See ELECTIONS.) 05 13.g Board went into Executive Session. 06 14.'{ Commissioners and assessors met as Board of Equalization. (See BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW) 07 15.?' Board recessed to constitute Board of Pensions. 07 ?; 16.i9 Commissioners and assessors met as Board of Equalization. (See BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW). 07 17.;a Board recessed to meet as Board of Pensions. _ 08 18.?? , New Eoard: Roger Moore, Gabrial Holmes, W.F. Alexander and Duncan McEachern. Roger Moore, Chairman. „ 12 , 19.;, Chairman reported he would be absent for several days so Commissioner Holmes appointed Chairman pro tem, _ 12 20. Committee to confer with Board of Aldermen relative to purchase of a plant for crumbling rock. Ol q 21.?' On death of former Commissioner R. Moore, Commissioner McEachern was elected Chairman. 04 22.,; , Committee to adopt resolution on death of Chairman Moore. 04 23.?? CI No quorum so adjourned after drawing jurors for Criminal Court. 05 . 24.` ., I?lemorial tribute to Col. Roger Moore. 05 25.; - .? Board met, but no quorum so recessed. 05 , 26.!? Board met and heard minutes of previous meeting and then recessed. 05 27.'' Board r.iet9 but no quorum so recessed. 05 28.;: ,, ? Board met, but no quourm so recessed. OS . 29.?? Board met, but no quourm so recessed. 05 30.;y ,, County magistrates met with Commissioners. 06 ; 31.,q Justices nominated men for position of Commissioner. 06 32.l; Commissioners elected: D. McEachern, H.L. Vollers, Gabriel Holmes, W.F. Alexander and F,A. Montgomery. 06 33.,, Tax levy and budget presented to joint meeting and approved. 06 34.;, Board and Justices to request General Assembly to empower Board to issue bonds for permanent improvement of 06 , ;_ roads. 35.,, F.A. Montgomery, and L.H. Vollers elected as additional Commissioners to serve until December. 36.h; New Commissioners: Gabriel Holmes, F.A. Montgomery, D. McEachern, H.L. Vollers and W.F, Alexander. 37.;; D. McEAchern elected Chairman of Board. 3S.;a Commissioners Aolmes and Vollers to investigate the claims of a book typewriter. 39.'?,; Orders signed by acting Chairman Holmes to be honored and Treasurer to pay such orders. , 40.;? Board of Magistrates adopted tax levy as presented by Commissioners. R; ? 41.'' Board recessed it being a legal holiday. 42. Salary of Chairman of Board increased to $100 per month due to increase in his duties. 43. Chairman to be chairman of Permanent Roads Committee. +4.`? Board reorganized for coming year and Commissioner McEachern re-elected Chairman. ;, ;; [: ? 08 1900 6 435 10 1900 6 437 11 1900 6 12 1900 6 14 1900 , 6 15 1900 6 04 1900 6 04 1900 6 04 1900 6 437 437 437 437 444 444 444 04 1900 , 6 04 1900 . 6 06 04 1900 , 6 12 03 1900 „ 6 12 03 1900 ,. 6 Ol 07 1901 ,,, 6 02 13 1901 ., 6 06 05 1901 6 08 12 1901 6 09 09 1901 6 09 09 1901 6 12 02 1901 6 444 445 , ? 446 488 4B? 572 , 519 554 592 595 595 615 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, I?. C. - MATTER: ??U?TY COT??ISSIQNERS ? eeo. u, s. Countq Indezes Since 1888 ???j'? To Ioeate names, open at COTT A•2 TAB INDEX r?r orFics ?%7?Ce?F' An IdentifyinY Trede Mark U?-.tT SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COM?ANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH fAROLINA i DATE ? MINUTE BOOK r? i? ??? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? Month ? Day ? Year ?. ;? Vol. ? Page ?'? ?? l,, .M Boards of Magistrates and Commissioners met. ?12 .. 12 1901 6 622 ?; ? 2. ,a Magistrates authorized Commissioners to appropriate money for James Walker Memorial Hospital. 12 , 12 1901 .. 6 622 ?? ?? 3. Salary of Chairman of Board remains same as last year. O1 . 06 1902 ., , 6 628 `:? ?? 4.= .. Letter of Hall & Pearsal Inc.referred to Chairman and Commissioner Vollers. 05 • 05 1902 , 6 :. 650 ? „ 5.; ? Board met to consider tax levy which they will present to the Board of Magistrates, 05 ? 26 1902 ; ? 6 651 " ?3 6., Joint meeting of Boards of Magistrates and Commissioners, 06 03 1902 6 654 ?^ 7. Commissioners presented 1902 tax levy which was adopted in joint meeting. 06 03 1902 „ 6 654 8. New Commissioners: D. McEachern, Gabriel Holmes, H,L. Vollers, F.A. Montgomery and W,F. Alexander. 06 03 1902 6 654 ` 9. &oard to consider purchasing typewriter from Elliot & Hatch Book Type Writer Co. 07 14 1902 6 662 , 10., Committee on typewriter continued. OS 04 1902 6 668 , 11. New Board: Commissioners McEachern, Vollers, Holmes, Alexander and Montgomery. 12 Ol 1902 6 683 12. Mr. McEachern elected Chairman of Board. 12 O1 1902 6 683 „ 13.. Salary of Chairman of Board set at same rate as last year. ,_12 02 1902 ? 6 688 14._, F.A. Montgomery resigned as Commissioners since moved from County. Ol 05 1903 6 693 15. Board of Magistrates met and elected W.F. Robertson to Board of Commissioners, O1 05 1903 ;,, 6 696 ;; 16.. Letter from N.W. Richard making a complaint against J.W. Farrow referred to Chairman, .03 02 1903 ,? 6 705 ; 17.: Injunction against Board erecting County fence filed by John W. Harper. 05 04 1903 „ 6 718 18.. Board of Magistrates met with Commissioners to set tax levy. 06 O1 1903 : 6 723 .. 19. Sanitary Committee and Commissioners adopted memorial tribute to Gabriel Holmes, copied on page 750. 09 08 1903 6 749 ? 20. . Board of Magistrates elected Morrison W. Divine to fill Board's vacancy created by death of Mr. Holmes. 09 09 1903 ,. 6 751 E. 21. Chairman presented his annual report of expenditures for year ending November 30, 1903. 12 07 1903 . 6 762 22. D. ricEachern elected Chairman of Board of ensuing year at $100 per month. 12 07 1903 6 762 23. Board of Magistrates met and adopted tax levy and budget presented by Commissioners. 06 06 1904 . 6 795 ?? 24. Matter of book typewriter referred to Committee to investigate. 10 ?3 1904 7 5 25. New Board: D, McEachern H.L. Vollers, W.F. Alexander and M. Divine and Mr. Robertson. 12 05 1904 7 10 26. D. McEachern elected Chairman at $100 a month. 12? 05 1904 7 10 27. Telegraph from Mr. Robertson received regretting inability to attend meeting. 12 ?5 1904 _ 7 11 ,. 28. Board ruled that County wi11 not buy a typewriter at this time. 01 03 1905 7 16 29. Chairman to go to Raleigh to look after a bill in Legislature in interest of County. 02 14 1905 7 19 30. Chairman reported all bi11s in Legislature relative to County were in good shape. 03 ?6 1905 .. 7 20 ? ?? 31. Chairman to secure copies of bi11s passed by Legislature relating to the County. 03 08 1905 7 21 32. Office of County Commissioners wi11 close at 1;00 P.M, on Saturdays from June 1 through September. 06 05 1905 7 27 ; 33. Superintendent of State Prison , J.Mann, to be notified that Board declines to pay for guard b?inging 08 ?7 1905 7 35 „ back John Forbes. . „ 34. Board to investigate charges against Shearn & Burganes. 10 D2 19D5 7 39 35._ Application of Central Baptist Church referred to Commissioners Divine, McEachern and Robinson. 11 06 1905 7 40 . 36.,. New Board elected: D. McEahcern, W,F. Alexander, M,W. Divine, L.H. Vollers and Mr. Robertson. 12 04 1905 _: 7 42 :, 37. Commissioner McEachern elected Chairman at $1,200 per annum. 12 04 1905 ,,, 7 42 ;, 38. Advertisements for bids for County supplies to be posted at Courthouse. 02 03 1906 „ 7 48 , 39., Chairman absent since attending meeting with Pender County on bridge, so Board recessed. 10 01 1906 .: 7 64 40. . New Board: W.F. Alexander, M,W. Divine, D. McEachern, W.F. Robertson and H.L. Vollers. 12 , 03 1906 ,? 7 67 ?. I 41. D. McEachern elected Chairman at $100 per month. 12 03 1906 7 67 42. Chairman's statement submitted to Auditing Committee to publish. 12 03 1906 7 68 ' ,. 43.,, Board to request General Assembly to make a 1aw allowing Board to hire an auditor to audit County's books. O1 28 1907 7 76 44. ' Board passed a resolutzon on murders and lawlessness. (See DISTRICT ATTORNEY) 02 04 1907 7 77 ' ?. 45. Annual report from Chairman referred to Auditing Committee. 12 02 1907 7 113 ? .. il i? ' $I ?; ?, 't r' INDEX TO COMMISSION?RS N?INU?iES - l?ew Ha?over Count? N C COUNTY MATTER COMMISSIONERS , . . _ : ` ¦ec. u, s. County indezea Since 1888 ?' ?+a-- To tocate names, open at PA7 OFfICE ???1?? An Identifying Ttade Mark ?.g SURNAME INITIAL TAB Corr A•i TAe INDex MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA . " DATE '? MINUTE BOOK '?`d NATURE OF PROtEEDiNGS Month ? Day ? ' Year ?? Vol. , ? Page 1. New Board: W,F, Robertson, D, McEachern, H,L, Vollers, W,F. Alexander and M.W. Divine. s' 12 02 1907?; 7 113 ? 2. D. McE?chern elected Chairman at $100 per month. ,„ 12 02 1967.'; 7 114 ? k: ? ' 3. Board .examined bonds of Superior Court Clerk, Treasure?, Sheriff, Coroner, Register of Deeds and Constabl?2 12 0?_ 19C7.- 7 116 ? and found them satisfactory. ?; 4. Board met, but no quorum. '? ?01 06 1908, ?? 7 119 5. Bond approved for George T. Shepard as Wreck Commissioner. 06 O1 1908 7 133 ,? w? 6.i Commissioner to attend convention of State wide commissioners in Moorehead City. 08 03 1908 7 140 7. Chairman reported receipt of many letters concerning audit of County books. 10 05 1908 ' 7 152 8.f? ?! Contract to be made with Audit and $ond Co, of St. Louis, Missouri, to audit County!s books. 10 21 1908F+ 7 153 ; : 9.`-: ? t, Chairman entered his annual report which was referred to Auditing Committee to publish. 12 . 07 1908 7 157 10.°i New Board: D. MeEachern, H,L, Vollers, W.F, Robertson, M,W. Divine and J.P, Montgomery. 12 07 1908 7 157 E- 11.,' ?; D. McEachern elected Chairman, and salary of Mr. McEachern set at $100 per month, page 160. 12 07 1908 ,. 7 157 12.?9 Chairman to act on request of State Game Warden to appoint a County warden. ; 05 03 1909 7 176 ; ,? 13.4? Board invited State Association of County Commissioners to meet in Wilmington in August, 1909. 07 06 1909 7 179 .' 14.l? State Association of Commissioners to meet in Wilmington. 08 02 1909 7 18Z i, C 15.F. . ?? Several letters received from members of Association of Commissioners expressing appreciation. 09 ?, 08 1909 ?, 7 182 ., 16.? Citizens group to audit County books instead of professional audit at same per diem as Commissioners. . 11 Ot 1909 ' 7 184 17.?? Chairman submitted his annual report on receipts and disbursements; referred to Auditing Committee . 12 06 1909 7 185 18.?? D. McEachern elected Chairman of Board. .. 12 06 1909 ? 7 185 ?? 19.F W.F. Robertson resigned as a County Commissioner. „ 03 0 •20.? Superior Court Clerk appointed J.V.B. Metts to fi11 Board's vacancy. , 04 a4 ,21.?? Letter from Commissioner of Agriculture, W.A. Graham, referred to Chairman. „ 05 , ?, 22." Commissioners McEachern and Metts to attend Association of County Commissioners meeting in Charlotte. : 07 23.? Board met, but no quo?um. 09 i 24.? New Board; D. McEachern, J.V.B. Metts, H.L, Vollers, M.W. Divine and. .7.T. Kerr. 12 25.? D, McEachern elected Chairman of new Board. 12 26.?? AnnuaZ report of Chairman referred to Auditing Board. 12 , ?, .. ia 27.?? Board took no action on bids from Inaependent Ice Co. and P1ate Ice Co. to furnish ice. ' 12 28.E? Board took no action on bid from Springer Coal Co. to furnish coa1. 12 . ? 29.? ? Salary of Chairman set at $100 a month. 12 .. ;? 30. Commissioners of Pender County requested joint meeting with New Hanover Commissioners on bridge. O1 31.?? , ?? Chairman McEachern sick and J. Van B. Metts to preside at meeting. 03 32.a? ?, Chairman to borrow money for County. 06 33.;; Joint meeting of Pender and New Hanover Commissioners to discuss N.E. River Bridge. 06 „ ?,3 34.Fw D. McEachern, J.V.B, Metts and H,L. Vollers appointed delegates to Association of County Commissioners. 07 ;i 35.,? Request for reinbursement from Neptune Hansley for corn destroyed by hogs breaking through County fence 10 zr , ?, k; • referred to fu11 Board. tl 36.?; ?? Letter from C.S. King was referred to Chairman. ,. 10 .37. Claim for damages from Neptune Hansley referred to Chairman for settlement. ., 10 38. C. McEachern elected Chairman at $100 per month. 12 39.4? Chairman's annual report referred to Auditing Committee for publication. 12 40.p? Chairman McEachern resigned after vote on N.E. River Bridge, but Board urged him to reconsider, which he 01 ? did. 41. Chairman to advertise for bids for all County supplies. 42. New Board: J.T. Kerr, J.Van B. Metts, M.S. Willard, W.A. McGir?t and W.E. Yopp; M.S. Willard elected Chairman at $100 per month. 11 12 23 1910 E; 04 1910 ,; 02 1910 .: I I 1910 .. 06 1910 ' 05 1910 ; 05 1910 05 1910 05 1910 05 1910 05 1910 ' 04 1911 '; 06 1911 21 1911 ;q 28 1911 03 191I 02 1911 „ 02 1911 ?.; 05 1911 :a 04 1911 ,; 04 I9 I I ? 04 1912 `s 04 1912 02 1912 ? ?+ ?y ! 7 192 „ 7 193 „, 7 194 .. 7 i98 .. 7 199 7 203 ?a 7 203 . 7 203 0 7 204 7 204 7 204 7 206 7 209 ;,, 7 224 .. 7 224 , 7 225 7 233 7 233 , 7 234 7 236 7 237 7 242 7 262 ' 7 264 ? ,`? ? ? COUNTY COMMISSIONERS INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- I?ew Hanover Count N C ? ?, . . _ MATTER: xec. u. e. ?p????? County Indexce Since 1888 ? To locate names, open at r?T OFFICE ??"ii(d?' An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB IYIADE BY THE COTT A-2 TAB INDEX COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, ONIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month I Day I Year Vol. I Page ,, l. Board examined Bonds of Superior Court Clerk, Treasurer, Sheriff, Coroner, Register of Deeds and 12 02 1907 7 116 ? Constable and found them satisfactory. 2. Board met, but no quorum. Ol 06 1908 7 119 3. Bond approved for George T. Shepard as Wreck Commissioner. 06 O1 1908 7 133 4. Commissioner to attend convention of State wide commissioners in Morehead City. 08 03 1908 7 140 5. Chairman reported receipt of many letters concerning audit of County books. 10 05 1908 7 152 6. Contract to be made with Audit and Bond Co. of St. Louis Missouri to audit County's Books. 10 21 1908 7 153 7. Chairman entered his annual report which was referred to Auditing Committee to publish. 12 07 1908 7 157 &. ATesa Boar?: D. McEachern, H. L. Vollers, W. F. Robertson, M. W. Divine and J. P. Montgomery and D. Mc 12 07 1908 7 157 Eachern Chairman. 9. Salary of Chairman set at $100 per month. 12 07 1908 7 160 I0. Chairman to act on request of State Game Warden to appoint a County Warden. 05 03 1909 7 176 11. Board invited State Association of County Commissioners to meet in Wilmington in August, 1909 07 06 1909 7 179 12. State Association of Commissioners to meet in Wilmington. 08 02 1909 7 181 I 13. i Several letters received from members of Association of Commissioners expressing appreciation. 09 08 1909 7 182 14. Citizens group to audit County books instead of professional audit at same per diem as Commissioners. 11 Ol 1909 7 184 15. Chairman submitted his annual report on receipts and disbursements; referred to Auditing Committee. 12 06 1909 7 185 16. D. McEachern elected Chairman of Board. 12 06 1909 7 185 17. W. F. Robertson resigned as a County Commissioner. 03 23 1910 7 192 18. Superior Court Clerk appointed J. V. B. Metts to fill Board's vacancy. 04 04 1910 7 193 19. Commissioners McEachern and Metts to attend Association of County Commissioners meeting Charlotte. 07 11 1910 7 198 20. Board met, but no quorum. 09 06 1910 7 199 21. New Board: D. McEachern, J.V.B. Metts, H. L. Vollers, M. W. Divine and J.T. Kerr 12 05 1910 7 203 22. All bills for service, utencils, etc. for County to be itemized and statement of authorization. O1 13 1913 7 273 23. Public accountant A. H. Marsh reported on illegal pay to Commissioners. O1 13 1913 7 273 24. Board ruled to have an annual outside audit of its books. O1 13 1913 7 274 25. Telephone to be installed in Commissioners' office. 03 17 1913 7 284 26. Matter of purchasing books for County left to Chairman. 04 23 1913 7 288 27. J. Van B. Metts tendered his resignation as a Commissioner; action postponed. 05 05 1913 7 290 28. Board accepted resignation of Mr. Metts. 05 09 1913 7 291 29. Superior Court Clerk appointed L. W. Moore to fill Board's vacancy, 05 09 1913 7 291 Mr. 30. Moore to be on all committees previously occupied by Mr. Metts. 05 09 1913 7 291 31. Chairman requested to attend meeting of N. C. Association of County Commissioners. 06 23 1913 7 307 32. Annual dues to be paid for N. C. State Association of County Commissioners. 06 30 1913 7 308 33. G. P1 Gloven of Carolina Metal Products, Co., addressed the Board. 06 30 1913 7 30$ 34. Confirmed action of Chairman borrowing money as authorized at June 2 meeting. 06 30 1913 7 308 35. Citizens of Delgado reported on businesses remaining open on Sundays. 06 30 1913 7 308 36. Mr. McGirt elected vice-Chairman to serve in absence of Chairman. 07 07 1913 7 309 37. Chairman to make settlement with Clayton Giles. 08 04 1913 7 311 38. Board.met? but no action taken. 10 13 1913 7 316 39. Chain of Chief of Police of New Bern for reward for capture of man and woman referred to Chairman. 11 03 1913 7 322 i 40. ? Chairman submitted his annual report. 12 01 1913 7 327 i 41. M. S. Willard elected Chaizman for ensuing year. 12 Ol 1913 7 327 42. J. 0. Kerr requested Board offer a reward for person who set fire to property in Federal Point. 02 02 1914 7 338 43. Certain amount of money allowed Chairman to spend in detecting crimes and capturing criminals. 04 06 1914 7 343 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Coun?y N C ERS- = MATTER M b C f B d , . . , : em ers o oar s Rto. u. e. County Indezes Sinee 1888 n? An Identifying Trade Mark rnr o?fita ? ? t i?? ?e?-- To locsts rtames, open at ? SURNAMB INITIAL TAB ?` COiT A-Z 7AB INDEX MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, (OLUMBUS, OHIO . . t , SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NO RTH CAROLINA ? DATE i MINUTE BOOK ? ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? M th D ,k Y V l P 3 ,y on I ay I ear ;i o . I age ? l. '?Members: E.M. Shoemaker Chairman, Elijah ? Hewlett, James Wilson, Rufuss Garriss and Stephen Keyes. 07 12 ?, 1868 w 1 2? ? 2. , ?yStephen Keyes elected Chairman of Board, other Commissioners remained the same. ; 09 06 1869 1 311 3. ; ;'Members: A.R. Black, James Lowrey, Silas Martin, E.M. Shoemaker and James C. Heyer. ; 08 06 1870 ; 1 46$ ,± r? 4. ?? ;Silas Martin elected Chairman of Board. 4' 09 05 1870 ?? 1 485 5. `LMembers: Silas Martin, James Lowrey, A.H '; . Morris, E.M. Shoemaker and A.R. Black. 08 06 1872 ? 2 347 6. ?Silas Martin elected Chairman of Board. Q9 02 1872 2 353 ?? 7. A.R. Black resigned as Commissioner since . elected Sheriff and L.E. Rice took his place. 10 16 ? 1872 ? 2 384 i? ; 8. qE.M. Shoemaker resigned as Commissioner and James Chadbourn elected to fill unexpired term. 03 03 1873 3 ; ?? 31 ?? 9. „James Lowrey resigned as Commissioner and Delaware Nixon to fill unexpired term. 03 03 1873 3 ?? 32 f? 10. Members: Stacy Van Amringe, John Wagner, Delaware Nixon, Aug. Morris, and James Wilson. 08 10 1874 3 236 ?' 11. James Wilson elected Chairman of Board. 09 07 1874 3 250 12. James Wilson resigned as Commissioner. 09 06 1875 ., 3 371 4; 13. R.C. Meyers elected to fill Board's vacancy due to resignation of Mr. Wilson. Ol 22 1876 3 408 14 Morris resigned as Commissioner A H 02 07 1876 3 411 ' . , . . . ., 15. „B.G. Bates elected to fill Board's vacancy due to resignation of Mr. Morris. .. 03 18 1876 3 16. „B.G. Bates declined to serve on Board, D.C. Davis elected in his place. 04 07 1876 ,. 3 17. R.C. Meyers resigned as Commissioner due to lack of time for County business. „ 04 17 1876 ;, 3 18. .;Duncan Holmes elected to fill vacancy on Board due to resignation of Mr. Myers. 08 15 1876 ,= 3 19. .:Members: Edward Kidder, John Wagner, Stacy Van Amringe, Duncan Holmes and Delaware Nixon. 11 11 1876 r, 3 20. „J.G. Wagner elected Chairman of Board. 12 04 1876 , 3 21. Edward Kidder declined to serve as Commissioner due to his age. ? . 12 16 1876 ;; 3 22. „I.B. Grainger elected to fill Board's vacancy due to Mr. Kidder declining. 12 23 1876 „ 3 23. S. Van Amringe resigned as Commissioner, and B.G. Worth elected to fill tne vacancy. „ 12 29 1876 „ 3 24. David Sanders presented his commission from the Governor to serve on the Board. 07 02 1877 , 3 25. ;John Wagner elected Chairman of the Board. .. 09 04 1877 „ 3 26. I.B. Grainger resigned as County Commissioner due to lake of time. 12 03 1877 :. 3 27. „John W. Atkinson commissioned by Governor to fill vacancy due to resignation of Mr. Grainger. 12 15 1877 ,, 3 28. ,John Wagner elected Chairman of Board for ensuing year. :. 09 02 1878 ',; 3 29. ;John Atkinson resigned as Commissioner. .. 09 13 1878 .; 3 30. William Smith appointed by Governor to serve on the Board. . 09 27 1878 ., 3 31. Members: Horace Bagg, B.G. Worth, J.A. Montgomery, William L. Smith and A.J. Grady. . 12 02 1878 ,. 4 32. Commissioner Smith elected Chairman. 12 02 1878 ,. 4 33. ?Members: William L. Smith, Horace A. Bagg, James Montgomery, B.G. Worth and E.L. Pearce. 12 06 1880 , 4 34. "William Smith elected Chairman. 12 06 1880 , 4 35. William L. Smith resigned as Commissioner and Roger Moore appointed to his unexpired term. 04 04 1881 „ 4 36. H.A. Bagg elected Chairman. 04 04 1881 „ 4 37. Members: B.G. Worth, Roger Moore, E.L. Pearce, H.A. Bagg and J.A. Montgomery. 08 07 1882 ,. 4 38. Members: H.A. Bagg, B.G. Worth, Roger Moore, E.L. Pearce and J.A. Montgomery. ,. 06 02 1884 , 4 39. ;H.A. Bagg elected Chairman. ,. 12 Ol 1834 „ 4 40. ;?Members: H.A. Bagg, Chairman; J.A. Montgomery, Roger Moore, E.L. Pearch and B.G. Worth. „ 12 06 1886 ;. 4 41. „Members: H.A. Bagg, J.A. Montgomery, Roger Moore, E,L. Pearce and B.G. Worth. .. 12 03 1888 ,: 5 42. ;H.A. Bagg elected Chairman. 12 03 1888 ;, 5 43. Members: H.A. Bagg, B.G. Worth, Roger Moore, James A. Montgomery, and E.L. Pearce. H.A. Bagg, Chairman. 12 O1 1890 ., S 44. ?Members: H.A. Bagg, B.G. Worth, Roger Moore, E.L. Pearce and B.S. Montford. Horace Bagg, Chairman. . 12 05 1892 :, 5 45. Roger Moore tendered his resignation as a Commissioner. 03 20 1893 t: 5 46. :;Commissioner's position filled by J.C. Stevenson, who presented his certificate of election. , ? r = p } 05 i Ol 1893 .. ? f? 5 422 428 429 460 491 504 511 512 513 566 608 659 662 ,a ?: 743 °; w 748 ;i ¢; 765 ?? ;° s; 2 ,; 2 ?'; i; 249 ?? ?y 249 ?? :? 2$2 `i s± 282 ? 399 ? 555 ;; 593 ;; s; !? 757 y? i; 119 ; ? i 119 C` Ei ?: 28 3 I; 453 487 494 INDE? TO CONiMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count N C MembersCof BoardsERS -` ?, . . _ MATTER: ¦ec. u. s. County Indezea Since IBBB ? To toeats names, open at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX ?? An Identifying Trade Mer? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY 7HE COiT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO ?AT OFFICE Cn? , SOLD 8Y OWEN G. DUNM, NEW BERN, MO RTH CARO!!NA NATURE OF PROCE?DINGS DATE ?; ?? ;` MINUT ?V E BOOK ?+ r1 ' Month I Day I Year ? ? Vol. I Page E' ,, l. Members: H.A. Bagg, B.G. Worth, E.L. Pearce, B.S. Montford, and J. Stevenson. H.A. Bagg, Chairman. ? 12 03 1894.; 5 ?; 595 2. Commissioner John Haar tendered his resignation as a Board member. ? 07 06 1896'?; 5 722 3. Duncan Mc Eachern appointed new Board member. 12 07 1896; 5 730 ? 4. , Members: F.W. Foster, F.J. Demsey, Jordan Nixon. F.W. Foster elected Chairman. ' ., 12 07 1896, 5 747 " '+ 5. F.W. Foster elected Chairman of Board for ensuing year. 12 06 1897 '; 6 63 ?, 6. Judge S.B. Robinson ruled that Board of Messrs. Foster, Dempsey and Nixon not legal, so will no longer act 07 12 1898 i 6 154 as such. . .. ; 7. Messrs. John L. Boatwright, Roger Moore, W.F. Alexander, John Barry and J, Cowan declared legal Board. 07 26 1898 6 155 8. Roger Moore elected Chariman of Board. 04 30 1898 6 162 9.`; New Board: Roger Moore, W.F. Alexander and John Barry, and Mr. Moore elected Chairman. 12 05 1898 6 20Q ;? 10.?? New Commissioners: D. McEachern and Gabriel Holmes. 03 06 1899 6 235 ' 6E " Yi 11.;, New Board: Roger Moore, Gabriel Holmes, W.F. Alexander and Duncan McEachern; Roger Moore elected Chariman. 12 04 1899 6 361 ,12.?? On death of former Commissioner R. Moore, Commissioner McEachern elected Chairman. 04 24 1900 6 433 ;s ,13.'? New Board: D. McEachern, H. Vollers, Gabriel Holmes, W.F. Alexander and F,A. Montgomery, 06 04 1900 6 444 R, 14.? New Board: Gabriel Holmes, F.A. Montgomery, D. McEachern, H.L. Vollers and W.F, Alexander, Mr. McEachern 12 03 1900.? 6 488 ? elected Chairman. _ ,15. Commissioner McEachern elected Chairman. , 12 02 1901 6 615 ,16.' New Board: D. McEachern, Gabriel Holmes, H.L. Vollers, F.A. Montgomery and W.F, Alexander. 0? 03 1902 6 654 ; 17. ? New Board: Messrs. McEachern, Vollers, Holmes, Alexander and Nlontgomery. Mr. McEachern elected Chairman.,_ 12 Ol 1902,, 6 683 E .18.?? F.A. Montogmery resigned as Commissioner since moved from County and W.F. Robertson elected in his place. O1 05 1903; 6 693 ; 19.! ? Commissioner Gabriel Holmes died. 09 08 1903 , 6 749 .. ? 20.k Morrison W. Divine elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Mr. Holmes, 09 09 1903 6 751 ? . 21. d D. McEachern elected Chairman of Board. 12 09 1903 6 762 ! ?? b ll d 1 0 1904 ' 7 10 e 22. ertson. New Board: D. McEachern, Chairman, H,L. Vo ers, W,F. Alexan er, M. Divine and W.F. Ro 2 5 23.? New Board: D.. McEachern, Chairman, W.F. Alexander, M.W, Divine, L.H. Vollers and W.F. Robertson. 12 04 1905 7 42 24.?? Board members: W.F. Alexander, M,W. Divine, D, McEachern, W.F, Robertson and H.L. Vollers. 12 03 1906 7 67 ?y 25.e? Board members: D. McEachern, Chairman, W.F, Robertson, H.L. Vollers, W.F. Alexander and M.W, Divine. I2 02 1907 ; 7 I14 26.y? Board members: D. McEachern, H.L. Vollers, M.W. Divine, W.F. Robertson and J.P. Montgomery. 12 07 1908 7 157 ,? 27.l, ? D. McEachern re-elected Chairman of Board. 12 06 1909 7 185 28. W.F. Robertson resigned as a County Commissioner. 03 23 1910 7 192 ,29. ? Superior Court C1erk appointed J.V.B. Metts to fi11 Board's vacancy. 04 04 1910 7 193 , 30.?? Board members: D. McEachern, J,V.B, Metts, H.L, Vollers, M.(d. Divine and J.T, Kerr. _ 12 05 1910 7 203 ?4 _31.?? f D. McEachern re-elected Chairman. 12 04 1911 7 236 ` ? 32.jj ? Board members: J.T. Kerr, J.Van B. Metts, M.S. Willard, W.A. McGirt and W.E. Yopp; Mr. Willard Clzairman. Z2 02 1912 7 264 ?? 33.;g , J.Van Metts tendered his resignation as a County Commissioner; action postponed. 05 OS 1913, 7 290 ., ,; 34.?; Board accepted resignation of Mr. Metts and L.W. Moore to fill his vacancy. 05 09 1913 7 291 e? ?, 35.?? M.S. Willard elected Chairman for ensuing year. 12 01 1913 7 327 36.`? L,W. Moore and J.T. Kerr sworn in as County Commissioners and M.S. Willard elected Chairman. 12 07 1914 7 407 ?? 37.?' Chairman M.S, Willard resigned as a County Commissioner. 02 Ol 1915 7 433 38.? William A. McGirt elected Chairman for unexpired term af Mr. Willard. 04 05 1915 . 7 449 39.?? W.A. McGirt elected Chairman of Board. 12 07 1915 7 518 ,40.t? L,W. Moore resigned as County Commissioner and W.D. McMillan, Jr, appointed in his place. „ 02 07 1916 7 533 ; 41.? ? W.A. McGirt, Walter E. Yopp and Addison Hewlett elected Cammissioners to serve with Mr. McMillan and Kerr. 12 04 1916 7 597 , 42.? W.A, McGirt elected Chairman of the Board. 12 04 1916 7 597 43. W.A. McGirt elected Chairman of Board. ? !, ?' `' . . ?i 12 03 1917' ; ,{ f3 P ? i 7 651 ?? ?3 ?? . ? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count N CARbINAL HEALTH AGENCY C y, . . , p?ATTER• eec. u. s. C^.rp?4??? CountP Indezes Since t888 ?? ?+.3--?70 I/Cib !1?l11?l. ?pM it PAT OFFICE ?? ? An Identifyin¢ Trade Mark ? SURNAM[ INRIAL TAS COTT A-I TA? INOE7I NUDE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD 6Y OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE ? MINOTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Endorsement of William Taylor to Board OS 07 1978 18 260 2. Endorsement Dr. Jerry Pence & Mr. Buzz Berzinieks to Agency 06 18 1979 18 432 3. Discussion on guidelines for appointment to Cardinal Health Agency 06 15 1981 18 868 4. Committee Appointment - Cathey Blake and Ernest Perry 0$ 03 1981 18 900 5. Co?nents on Cardinal Health Agency Recommendation for Alcohol Treatment Facility Il 02 1981 18 954 (, Appointment of Linda Pearce 06 07 1982 19 89 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS I?INUTES -- ?Vew Hanover County N C MATTERT ?oUN? COMMISSIONERS , . . , ` nec. u. s. County Indexee Since 1888 ? YO IOCOtO names, open Ot r?r OFFICE Ce?l?c? An ldentifying Trado Mark SURNAMB INITIAL TAB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDE% COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLO BY OWEN 6. DUNN, NEW BE RN, NORTH GROLINA DATE MINUT E BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS , Month ?Day Year VoL I Page ;: 1. Chairman's annual report to be published. 12 05 1912 7 266 2. Committee to consult with Representative Kellum and Senator Bellamy relative to putting County officers 12 27 19.12 7 269 on salary basis. 3. All bil?s for service, utensils, etc. for County to be itemized and statement of authorization needed. 01 13 1913 7 273 e 4. Public accountant A.H. Marsh reported on illegal pay to Commissioners. 01 13 1913 7 273 5. Board ruled to have an annual outside audit of its books. 01 13 1913 7 274 6. Telephone to be installed in Commissioners' office. 03 17 1913 7 284 7. Matter of purchasing books for County Left to Chairman. 04 23 1913 7 288 8. J.Van B. Metts tendered his resignation as a Commissioner; action postponed. 05 05 1913 7 . 290 9. Board accepted resignation of Mr. Metts. 05 09 1913 7 291 10. Superior Court C1erk appointed L.W. Moore to fi11 Board's vacancy. 05 09 1913 7 291 11. Mr. Moore to be on a11 committees previously occupied by Mr. Metts. 05 09 1913 7 291 12. Commissioner McGirt to have a11 horses and mules insured. 05 29 1913 7 295 13. Chairman requested to attend meeting of N.C. Association of County Commissioners. 06 23 1913 7 307 14. Annual dues to be paid for N.C. State Association of County Commissioners. 06 30 1913 7 308 15. G.P. Glavin of Carolina Metal Products, addresse? the Board. 06 30 1913 7 308 16. Confirmed action of Chairman borrowing money as authorized at June 2 meeting. 06 30 1913 7 308 17. Citizens of Delgado reported on businesses remaining open on Sundays. 06 30 1913 7 308 18. Mr. McGirt elected vice- Chairman to serve in absence of Chairman. 07 07 1913 7 309 19. Chairman to make settlement with CLayton Gi1es. 08 04 1913 7 311 20. Board met, but no action taken. 10 13 1913 7 316 21. Claim of Chief of Police of Newbern far reward for capture of man and woman referred to Chairman. 11 03 1913 7 322 22. Chairman submitted his annual report. 12 O1 1913 7 327 23. M.S. Willard elected Chairman for ensuing year. 12 01 1913 7 327 24. J.O. Karr requested Board offer a reward for person who set fire to property in Federal Point. 02 02 1914 7 338 25. Certain amount of money allowed Chairman to spend in detecting crimes and capturing criminals. 04 06 1914 7 343 26. Chairman to represent County at annual meeting of County Commissioners and dues to be pa.id. 07 06 1914 7 369 27. Commissioners to confer with City Council relative to money for use in detection of crime. 09 08 1914 7 382 28. Money appropriated for use in suppressing crime put in hands of Chairman. 10 05 1914 7 386 29. L.W. Moore and J.T, Kerr sworn in as Cou?tY Commissioners and M.S. Willard elected Chairman at $1,200 a yr. 12 07 1914 7 407 30. Board listed several pieces of legislation which they would like passed by General Assembly. (See NORTH 12 17 1914 7 417 CAROLINA GENERAL ASSEMBLY) 31. Clerk and Chairman to renew County's note to American National Bank. 02 O1 1915 7 433 32. Chairman M.S. Willard resigned as a County Commissioner. 02 O1 1915 7 433 33. Resignation of Chairman Willard accepted. 02 09 1915 7 437 34. William A. McGirt elected Chairman for unexpired term of M.S. Willard. 04 05 1915 7 449 35. County to continue its membership in the State Association of County Commissioners. 07 06 1915 7 467 36. Board met, but Labor Day holiday so adjourned. 09 06 1915 7 483 37. Clerk to inform Mecklenburg County that Board agrees with assessors assessment. 09 18 1915 7 487 38. ?oT.A. McGirt elected Chairman of Board at $1,200 a year. 12 07 1915 7 518 39. Chairman submitted his yearly report. Ol 03 1916 7 522 40. L.W. Moore resigned as County Commissioner and W.D. McMillan appointed in his place. 02 07 1916 7 533 41. Mr. McMillan appointed to a11 committees formly held by Mr. Moore. 02 07 1916 7 533 42. W. McMillan,Jr. and M.S. Willard to attend State Association of County Commissioners. 07 03 1916 7 569 43. W.A. McGirt, Walter E. Yopp and Addison Hewlett elected Commissioners, and Mr. McGirt elected Chairman. 12 04 1916 7 597 44. Chairman's annual report filed. 01 24 1917 7 608 IO TES N H C C E ER: COUNTY anover ount?, N. INDEX TO COMMISS NERS MINU - ew . , MA T COMMISSIODE RS ` nEC. u. s. '?J` County Indexea Since 1888 ? To IOCafO names, open Gt COTT A•2 TAB INDEX ?AT OFFICE C? ??i?.?-c? An Identilying Ttade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB NIADE BY TNE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTN CAROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK ' NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ti Month Day I Year Vol. Page ! b i d f 07 0 1917 !626 1. County Commiss oners to e pai . Annual dues to State Association o 2 7 2. Entire Board appointed delegates to State Association of County Commissioners. 07 02 1917 7 626 3. W.A, McGirt elected Chairman of Board. 12 03 1917 7 651 4. Chairman's annual report accepted. 02 04 1918 7 665 5. Board met, but no quorum so meeting postponed. 07 01 1918 8 13 6. Addison Hewlett and John A. Orrell appointed to attend State Association of County Commissioners. 08 05 1918 8 16 7. George W. Trask and W. P. McGlaughon elected to Board to serve with W. A. McGirt, W. E. Yopp F? Addison 12 02 1918 8 25 Hewlett. 8, lN. A. McGirt elected Chairman. 12 02 1918 8 25 9. Chairman greeted new member of the Board. 12 02 1918 8 26 10. Chairman's annual report filed. 12 23 1918 8 28 11. Gh?irm?n granted leave of absence of 5 or 6 months to further develop lands adjacent to County. 05 23 1919 8 55 12. County Attorney to represent Board in case of former Health officer, W. A. Newman vs NHCounty Commissioners.08 28 1919 8 73 13. This being a legal holiday (Labor Day) Board postponed meeting. 09 O1 1919 8 73 14. Boards of Commissioners and Education appointed 0. B. Hinnant as Commissioner of Public Welfare at 09 05 1919 8 75 $100 a month. 15., Expenses to be paid for W. A. McGirt to attend "State and County Council" in Chapel Hill. 09 08 1919 8 76 16. Boards of Commissioners and Education to sink a deep sell at Wrightsboro School. 10 06 1919 8 78 17. Board ruled that all purchases charged to County must be approved by proper authorities. 11 24 1919 8 87 18. Chairman's annual report filed. 12 O1 1919 8 88 19. W. A, McGirt resigned as Chairman, but will remain on Board. 12 O1 1919 8 88 20. Board passed resolution on Chairman's resignation. 12 O1 1919 8 89 21. W. P. McGlaughon elected Chairman of Board for one year at same salary. 12 O1 1919 8 89 22. Special officer appointed to enforce traffic laws to be under control of Chairman of Board. 12 30 1919 8 91 23. H. M. Prince appointed special officer and a motorcycle to be obtained for his use. O1 05 1920 8 93 24. Chairman's annual report to be printed. O1 05 1920 8 93 25. A holiday so meeting postponed. 07 05 1920 8 115 26. Delegates appointed to attend State Association of County Commissioners at Greensboro. 08 02 1920 8 119 27. W. P. McGlaughon resigned as Chairman from Board and Addison Hewlett elected to his place as Chairman. 08 13 1920 8 120 28. Mr. Hewlett to become a member of all committees held by retiring Chairman. 08 13 1920 8 120 29. W. P. McGlaughon appointed Register of Deeds until general election. 08 13 1920 8 120 30. Joseph W. Little appointed to Board to fill vacancy. 09 Ol 1920 8 120 31. Board appointed C. L. Philemon Special Officer to replace H. M. Prince. 09 O1 1920 8 120 32. Meeting postponed since a legal holiday (Labor Day). 09 06 1920 8 123 33. E. W. Yopp and W. R. Dosher elected to serve with Addison Hewlett and G. W. Trask?and J. W. Little. 12 06 1920 8 133 34. Addison Hewlett re-elected Chairman of Board. 12 06 1920 8 133 35. W.R.Dosher made suggestions on road construction and parking of autos along roads. 12 06 1920 8 134 36. Complaint from H. E. Bonitz on overcharge by County on motor he purchased referred to former Commissioner 12 06 1920 8 135 McGirt. 37. W. R. Dosher appointed Commissioner to represent Board to cooperate with Kwanis Club. 12 07 1920 8 137 38. W. R. Dosher elected Vice Chairman of Board. O1 03 1921 8 140 39. Wilmington Dispatch awarded contract to carry all county advertising matters. O1 03 1921 8 140 40. Matter of increasing salary of Chairman of Board referred to Vice Chairman and Attorney. O1 10 1921 8 141 41. Chairman left room and remining members voted to increase his salary to $1,500 a year. O1 31 1921 8 144 42. Price quote from G. A. Fuller Co. for furniture for Commissioners' office too high so rejected. 03 15 1921 8 149 43. Board thanked Gourthouse Committee for furnishing Commissioners with new quarters. 06 06 1921 8 159 - MATTER: County ? INDEX TO COMMI?SIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count N C ? , . . , SUBJfCT Commiss zon ers M ember . aec, u. s. County Indeaea Since 1888 ? To IOGaf? ?Om?f. o?Np at COTT A•I iAi iKGEX PAT OFFIC6 C.r,?,??E- An Identifying Trade Mark SURIIAMR INITIA? TAB MADE BY THE COT7 INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO fOLD ?T OWEN i. OONN, N Ew iER N, IIORTN G ROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOQK Month Day Year Vot. Page 1. Commissioner members: George W. Trask W. P. McGlaughan I2 2 1918 8 25 W. A. McGirt, Chairman W. E. Yopp Addison Hewlett 2. W. A. P?cGirt resigned as Chairman, remain as member of the Board. 12 1 1919 8 88 3. W. P. McGlaughan elected Chairman for one year. 12 1 1919 8 89 4. W. P. McGlaughan resigned as Chairman and member of the Board. 8 13 1920 8 120 5. Addison Hewlett appointed as Chairm.an of the Board. 8 13 1920 8 120 6. Joseph W. Little appointed to the Board to fill vacancy. 9 1 1920 8 120 7. W. E. Yopp and W. R. Dosher elected to serve with Addison Hewlett and G. W. Trask also IZ 6 I92Q 8 ?33 J. W. Little, Mr. Hewlett re-elected as Chairman. 8. W. R. Dosher elected Vice Chairman of the Board. 6 3 1921 8 140 9. Addison Hewlett re-elected Chairman of the Board. I2 S 192I 8 182 10. Term of J. W. LzttZe as Commissioner expired. 12 4 1922 8 217 11. G. W. Trask and L. D. Latta elected for ?our (4? years tos?rve with A. Hewlett, W. E. 12 4 1922 8 218 Yopp and W. R. Dosher. 12. A. Hewlett elected Chairman, W. R. Dosher elected Vice Cheirman. 12 4 1922 8 218 I3. Addison Hewlett re-elected Chairman of the Board. 12 3 1923 8 274 14. Addison Hewlett and W. E, Yopp qualified as Commissioners for next four(4) years w?th 12 1 1924 8 316 G. W. Trask, L. D. Latta and W. R. Dosher. 15. A. Hewlette elected Chairman, W. R. Dosher elected Vice Chairman. 12 1 1924 8 316 16. W. R. Dosher qualified as a County Commisser. 12 22 1924 $ 319 17. L. D. Latta, resigned a? Commi?sioner, Frank Ross appointed to fill unexpired term. 1 5 1925 $ 320 18. Chairman Addison Hewlett allowed vacation.. 12 7 1927 8 476 19. Chairman Addison Hewlett, re-elected Chair?an, W. R. Dosher, re-elected V?.ce Chairman. 12 7 I927 8 476 20. Board mernbers to attend State Commissioners meeting. 7 10 1928 8 519 21. Chairman Hewlett granted car allow?.nce. 7 10 1928 8 519 22. Ross asked to be excused from meeting. 11 19 1929 9 7 23. Addison Hewlett re-elected Chairman, W. R. Dosher re-elected Vice Chairman. 12 2 1929 9 12 24. Members: Hewlett, Dosher, Trask, Ross and Yopp. 12 2 1929 9 12 25. W. R. Dosher to present Board at Corp. Commission hearing at Raliegh. 3 3 1930 9 28 26. J. M. Ha11 appointed to fill unexpired term of W. R. Dosher on various committees. 8 19 1930 9 55 27. W. R. Dosher, submitted resignation. 8 19 1930 9 55 28. G. W. Trask qualifications presented. 8 19 1930 9 55 29. Addison Hewlett re-elected Chairman, .I. M. Hall re-elected Vice Chairman. 12 1 1930 9 30 30. Members: Hewlett, Hall, Trask, Ross and Yopp. 12 1 1930 9 30 31. Hewlett Apppint?d tax Supervisor. 3 8 1930 9 156 32. Hewlett, appointed tax Supervisor. 3 20 193J_ 9 210 33. J. M. Hall, re-elected Vice Chairman, Hewlett, relected Chairman. 12 7 1931_ 9 141 34. Hewlette, appointed Tax Supervisor. 3 8 1932 9 156 35. Hewlett and Hall ?ook oath of office, presented qualifications. 12 5 1932 9 192 , J. H. Hinton, elected to the Board. Members: Hewlett, Hall, Ross?Trask, Hinton, Hewlett Chairman, Hall Vice Chairman. 36. Addison Hewlett, appointed Tax Supervisor. 3 20 1933 9 210 37. Hewlett, re-elected. Chairman, HaZl, re-elected Vice Chairman. 12 4 1933 9 261 Members: Hewlett, Hall, Trask, Ross and Hinton. 38. Hewlett named Tax Supervisor. 3 5 1934 9 276 N. C. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count ? MUB EC • County ? T , , Commissi one rs Me mber? eec, u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 ? To IoCYN nam?s, Op?A At r?r OFFICE ??E?? An Identifl'ins Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TA{ COiT A•I TA? IMpEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD tT OWEN i. YUNN, NEN iERN, NORTN GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OP PROCEEDINGS Month Dny Year Vo). Page l. Hewlett, re-elected Chairman, Hall, re-elected Vice Chairman. 12 3 1934 9 312 ?', 2. Members: Hewlett, Hall, Trask, Ross and Hinton, Trask and Ross qualifications presented. 12 3 1934 9 312 3. Hewlett named Tax Supervisor. 3 11 1935 9 328 4. Hewlett, re-elected Chairman, Hall, re-elected Vice Chairman. 12 2 1935 9 394 5. Members: Hewlett, Hall, Trask, Hinton and Ross. 12 2 1935 9 394 6. Hintin excused for personal engagement. 1 20 1936 9 401 7. Ross and Hewlett absent. 2 24 1936 9 410 8. Hewlett, appointed Tax Supervisor. 3 2 1936 9 412 ? 9. Commissioner F. M. Ross called Board from Richmond, Va. Hospital. 4 6 I936 9 4I8 .10. H. R. Gardner replaced Ross as Commissioner. 4 13 1936 9 420 11. H. R. Gardner, appointed Commissioner. 4 20 1936 9 422 12. Hall presided for Hewlett, whose wife is ill. 8 24 1936 9 499? '?.3. Hall to represent Board at Hospital meeting. 8 31 1936 9 450 14. Commissioner to be, R. B. Roebuck to attend meeting before assuming seat. 10 t2 1936 9 460 I '15. Hewlett, re-elected Chairman, Hall, re-elected Vice Chairman. 12 7 1936 9 ? 467 ? 16. Members: Hewlett, Trask, Hinton, Hall, and Gardner. 12 7 ,L936 9 467 - 17. Addison Hewlett absent for wife's funeral, Hall presided. 1 4 ;1937 9 472 18. Member of Board to attend Commissioners meeting in Raleigh. 1 :Ll L937 9 474 19. Hewlett, appointed Tax Supervisor. 3 1 1937 9 484 20.. Commissioner R. B. Roebuck, congratulated on appointment as Lyons Club President. 6 7 :L937 9 507 --21. Roebuck, absent, out-of-town. 6 ,Z8 t937 9 510 22. Commissioners declared Jtily 5th as legal holiday. 7 1 .1937 9 512 23. Gardner, named County Home Committee Chairman, Trask, named County Farm Chairman. 7 'Z6 1937 9 524 24. Hewlett, re-elected Chairman, Hall, re-elected Vice Chairman. 12 6 L937 9 556 25. Members: Hewlett, Hall, Trask, Gardner and Roebuck. 12 6 1937 9 556 26. Hewlett, named Tax Supervisor. 3 7 L938 9 570 ? 27. Roebuck, excused from meeting. 5 2 1938 9 581 '28. Gardner injured in Fayetteville. 5 L6 L9?8 9 583 ?' ? 29. Commissioners members named to investigate dirt at Airport. 9 ?6 L938 10 13 30. Addison Hewlett, re-elected Chairman, J. M. Hall, re-elected Vice Chairman. 12 5 L938 10 26 31. Members: Hewlett, Hall, Trask, Gardner and Roebuck. 12 5 L938 10 26 32. Roebuck, retired from meeting. 1 3 t939 10 30 33. Hewl?tt, appointed Tax Sypervisor. 3 13? ;?_939 10 45 34. Hewlett, re-elected Lhairman, Hall, re-elected Vice Chairman. 12 4 1939 10 97 35. Members: Hewlett, Hall, Trask, Gardner and Roebuck. 12 4 1939 10 97 36. Commissioners members to attend NC Employees Association. 3 4 1940 10 116 37. Commissioners accepted invitation to Glenn Arden Sub-Division. 4 28 1940 10 123 38. Commissioners expressed appreciation to Tide Water Power Co. on bus service. 5 6 1940 10 124 39. R. B. Roebuck, resigned from the Board, L. J. Coleman nominated, appointed. 7 2 1940 10 136 40. Chairman to report to Washington for Airline meeting. 9 16 1940 10 154 41. Hewlett, relected Chairman, Hall, re-elected Vice Chairman. 12 2 1940 10 167 i 42. Members: Hewlett,Hall, Trask, Gardner and Coleman. 12 18 1940 10 170 ? 43. Hewlett, appointed Tax Supervisor. 12 18 1940 10 170 44. Commissioner Gardner, excused from meeting. 9 2 1941 10 226 45: Chairman named to United Seruice Organization of Wilmington. 12 1 1941 10 243 46. Hewlett, re-elected Chairman, Hall, re-elected Vice Chairman. 12 1 1941 10 243 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County N. C. ?U JECT , _ Commiss ione rs Me mber? aEC. u. s. ??L?,,,? q?? County Indexea Since 1888 ? To lotat? na1MS? OPlD Yt r?r OFFICE C. ?GcM!//',:C6ec? .?n Identifying Trade Mark fURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A-2 MADE BY THE COTT INDEX SOLD ?T OIMEN i. OYNN, N TA? INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO EA tERN, NORTH GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Hewlett, appointed Tax Supervisor. 12 8 1941 10 244 2. Members. Hewlett, Trask, Hall, Gardner and Coleman. 12 8 1941 10 244 3. Commissioner members named for State meeting. 6 29 1942 10 280 4. Hewlett, re-elected Chairman, Hall, re-elected Vice Ch?.irman. 12 7 1942 10 305 5. Hewlett, appointed Tax Supervisor. 12 14 1942 10 308 6. Members: Hewlett, Trask, Hall, Gardner and ?oleman. 12 7 1942 10 305 7, Hall, named for Redcross Sanitarium meeting, 1 11 1943 10 312 8. Gardner, delayed for meeting. 1 18 1943 10 312 9. Members: Hewlett, Hall, Trask, Gardner and Coleman. 12 6 I943 IO 359 10. Hewlett, relected Chairman, Hall, re-elected Vice Chairman. 12 6 1943 10 359 11. Hewlett, appointed Tax Supervisor. 12 13 1943 10 360 12. Chairman and Trask named to fix cost scale on stray stock. 9 25 1944 10 406 13. Hewlett9 named Tax Supervisor. 10 30 1944 10 411 14. Hewlett, re-elected Chairman, Hall, relected Vice Chairman. 12 4 1944 10 416 15. Hewlett, appointed Tax Supervisor. 12 18 1944 10 418 16. Members: Hewlett, HaZl, Gardner, Trask and Coleman 12 18 1944 10 418 17. J. M. Hall presided over meeting. 1 29 1945 10 425 18. Members invited to Shriners Luncheon. 10 29 1945 10 464 19. Hewlett, re-ele?ted Chairman, Hall, re-elected Vice Chairman. 12 3 1945 10 468 20. Hewlett, appointed Tax Supervisor. 12 17 1945 10 471 21. Members: Hewlett. Hall, Trask, Gardner and Coleman. 12 17 1945 10 471 22. Gardner, resignation from Airport Committee postponed. 2 11 1946 10 481 23. Budget postponed for funeral of Mrs. Rachel Cameron, Commissioner Trask's sister. 7 3 1946 10 503 24. Consideration taken on contribution to NC Travel Council. 7 8 1946 10 S-4 25. Chairman Hewlett given monthly increase. 8 5 1946 10 508 26. Hewlett, re-elected Chairman, Hall, re-elected Vice Chairman. 12 2 1946 10 529 27. Members; Hewlett, Hall, Gardner, Trask and Coleman. 12 16 1946 10 531 28. Hewlett, appointed for hearing on marriage license fees. 2 17 1947 10 546 29. Gardner's resignation accepted as member of Airport Committee. 3 3 1947 10 548 30. Recess taken for funeral of Mrs. C. H. Gardner, mother of Commissioner Gardner. 8 25 1947 IO 581 31. Commissioner Gardner, na.med for Goldsboro Centenial Celebration, 9 29 1947 10 586 32. J. M. Hall, re-elected Vice Chairman, Hewlett, re-elected Chairman. 12 1 1949 11_ 3 33. Members: Hewlett, Gardner, Hall, Trask and Coleman. 12 1 1947 11 3 34, Addison Hewlett, appointed Tax Supervisor. 12 15 1947 ltl 5 35. Claude 0'Sheilds, in.vited to sit-in on Board meeting. 6 28 1948 11 34 36. Claude 0'Sheilds, Comm.issioner-elect, appointed TB & Health President. 11 22 1948 11 59 37. Hewlett, re-elected Chairman, Hall, re-elected Vice Chairman. 12 6 1948 11 60 38. Hewlett, Hall and 0'Sheilds took oath of office. 12 6 1948 11 60 39. Members: Hewlett, Hall, Trask, Coleman ?.nd 0'Sheilds. 12 6 1948 11 60 40. 0'Sheilds reported on TB Hospital site. 12 13 1948 11 62 41. Hewlett, appointed Tax Supervisor. 12 20 1948 11 63 42. Chairman to attend Commissioners meeting in Raleigh. 3 7 1949 11 80 43. 0'Sh eilds, named for SENCBA meeting. 4 20 1949 11 87 44. Trask, named for Housing Disposal Committee. 5 16 1949 11 93 45. Resolution adopted on departure of Commissioner Gardner. 6 20 1949 11 100 46. Thurston C. Davis to fill unexpired term of H. R. Gardner. 7 5 1949 11 104 ? MATTER: County - INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ SUBJECT Commissioner Member? aeo. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 ? TO IoCON nam?f? Op?? af COTT Mt TA? INOEX PAT OFFICE ?? .m.n ldentifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB INADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD ?T OWEN i. pUNN, NEw {ERN, NORiH GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDlNGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l.: 0'Sheilds, resigned from Committee Hospital Board of Trustees. 2. Chairman to rQpresent.-?ounty on Safety Council Board. 3. Commissioner Trask submitted statement to Board. 4. Hewlett, re-lected Chairman, Hall, re-elected Vice Chairman. 5. 0'Sheilds and Trask r?.amed to revise regulation on Courthouse inmates. 6. Members: Hewlett, Hall, Trask, 0°Sheilds and Davis. 7. Hewlett, named Tax Supervisor. 8. 0'Sheilds named for 40th Convention of National Rivers and Harbors Congress, Washington. 9. Trask, reported he would not run against Davis for Coun?y Commissioner. 10. Commissioner Davis, nominee, invited to weekly meeting to acquaint himself with Board procedures. 11. Thurston Davis and Hal J. Love, elected County Commissioners. 12. Hewlett, re-elected Chairman, Hall, re-elected Vice Chairman. 13. Members: Hewlett, Hall, 0'Sheilds, Davis and Love. 14. 0'Sheilds offered resignation from SENCBA. 15. Hal J. Love, to represent County at Maritime Administratzon hearing in Washington, on H. H. Buncher Co. ?pplication for Shipyard leas?. 16. Thurston Davis, appointed to represent County at SENCBA Board of Directors meeting. 17. Commissioner 0'Sheilds and Davis, named to Committee For Oak Grove Cemetery. 18. 0'Sheilds to represent County at Rivers and Harbors Congre?s, Washington. 19. Chairman Hewlett named for State Commissioners Association, Blowing Roek. 20. Hewlett, re-elected Chairman, Hall, re-elected Vice Chairman. 21. Hall, named to meet with Old RedCross Sanitorium Directors. 22. Members: Hewlett, Hall, 0'Sheilds, Davis and Love. 23. Action rescinded on Hall, H. J. Love named for the Board, Old RedCross Sanitorium . 24. Commissioner Love, named for SENCBA representative. 25. Raiford Trask, appointed by CSC to serve out term of Commissioner Hall, resigned. 26. Commissioner James M. Hall resigned. 27. Commissioner Geo?ge Trask took oath of office. 28. Members: Hewlett, 0'Sheilds, Davis, Love and Trask. 19. Commissioner 0'Sheilds, appointed Vice Chairman to succeed Hall, resigned. 20. Davis presented resolution on services of J. M. Hall, resigned. 21. Commissioner Trask, named representive on Inspection Committee. 22. Cammissioner He?aalett retiring, attention called to giving him plague for services. 23. Commissioners expressed appreciation for services to retiring Board member A. Hewlett. 24. Commissioners Trask, 0'Sheild and.Horton took oath oi office. 25. Commission Davis nominated Chairman, declined, Horton nominated Chairman of the Board. 26. Resolution adopted on services of Addison Hewlett. 27. Members: ?• T. Horton, 0'Sheilds, Trask, Davis and Love. 28. Chairman Horton, to serve booklet on "Coroners in North Carolina" by R. A. Myren, Asst. Director of Institute of Government. 29. Chairman Horton to answer questions on school for newly appointed Tax Supervisors. 30. H. J. Love, appointed Tax Supervisor. 31. H. J. Love, re-appointed to Communuty Hospital Baord. 32. Chairman to investigate room for Commissioners away from traffic nosises. 33.'Commissioner Horton, re-elected Chairman, 0`Sheilds elected Vice Chairman. ? 22 1949 11 116 9 6 1949 11 119 10 17 1949 11 l29 12 5 1949 11 139 12 5 1949 11 139 12 5 L949 11 139 1 3 L950 11 144 2 20 L950 11 158 5 Z9 L950 11 188 10 l6 L950 11 217 12 4 L950 11 227 12 4 L950 11 227 12 4 1950 11 227 12 4 L950 11 228 12 Ll L950 11 229 2 ?6 L951 11 243 2 ?6 L951 11 244 5 7 1951 11 259 8 6 L951 11 278 12 3 1951 11 306 12 3 L951 11 306 12 3 1951 11 306 12 l.7 t951 11 509 2 Ll 1952 11 317 9 3 L952 11 361 9 3 L952 11 361 9 3 C952 lI 361 9 3 1952 11 361 9 3 1952 11 362 9 3 1952 11 362 9 15 1952 11 364 11 24 1952 11 379 11 24 1952 11 381 12 1 1952 11 381 12 1 1952 11 381 12 1 1952 11 381 12 15 1952 11 385 3 9 1953 11 407 3 9 1953 11 407 3 9 1953 11 407 7 6 1953 11 413 8 17 1953 11 446 12 7 1953 11 472 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES N H N C C neo SI ONERS- anover us -- ew ounty, . . , MATTER: Miscella a eeo. u. s. County Indezee Since 1888 ?,?'"' To tocate names, open at COTT A.Z TAB INDEX r?r O?FtCE C.?i?? An ldentifying Trade Mark UiGJ 8URNAME INITIAI 7A8 MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, fOLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ? i; ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE ? MINUTE BOOK I p ;`' Month ? Day ? Year ? VoL ? Page E k" # 1. ?? ?+R.S. Seller and Nicholas Carr petitioned to be appointed detectives. 10 17 ky 1870i? 2 72 ?9 ' e t 2. E; ,; Application from College of Physicians and Surgeons referred to special committee. ? 12 11 1871?; 2 249 ?? i.? 3. ?k Reward will be offered for capturing and convicting any party charged with highway robbery. 07 07 1890?? S 256 y ? 4. ??H.C. McQueen and R.W. Hicks appointed to attend the Southern Inter State Immigration Convention. , ?? 11 03 1890? 5 277 5. p? ? Reward for capturing Dennis Horn divided between Alonzo Mi11is and W.T. Bray, both who claimed reward. ? 12 Ol ;? 1890?= 5 284 e ;; 6. `yCol. F.W. Kerchrear and Capt. S.W. Noble appointed delegates to attend the Southern Inter State Immigrat- OS 04 1891R, k? 5 324 " ion Convention at Raleigh. ? ?; 0 ? 7. ' 'No action taken on matter of County exhibit for Southern Interstate Exposition, since no desire expressed.` 10 05 ° 1891' S ! 353 8. ,Board to grant ?icenses in accord raith Committee on Wilmington Welcome Week. 12 OI 1891?? 5 365 'I f 9. Man allowed to exhibit his show "Galatea" if pays $1 for each day of exhibit. 12 O1 1891 5 ?i 365 ?+ 10. _J.I. Macks of Mereantile Association of Carolinas to furnish books listing all merchants in North and South 05 O1 1892: 5 6; 495 ?' ?? ? Carolina. ; ?E 11. Petition from citizens requesting County to place as much County insurance with Carolina Insurance Co, as ; 04 05 1897 ` 5 796 ? I " possible; referred to committee. `? 12. James S. Daggett appointed a student to State Agricultural and Mechanical College at Raleigh, 08 02 1897?i 6 32 ? 13. jBoard will consider applicants to the A& M College as soon as its president is heard from. 09 06 1897'? 6 41 14. ' Money allowed J.D. Flynn and W.W. King for arresting Ben Smith, a murderer. ? 10 13 1897 ?° 6 p 48 ? ? 15. :Board received check from H.C. McQueen for money left after paying Pinkerton's detective to investigate 12 13 1&97`'+ 6 p 68 ?? ? fires in County. •? . ? I 16. , ;Proposal of State Geologist J.A. Holmes to put up meridian post in County referred to committee. 04 04 , 1893?; ?? 6 a 112 ? 17. ,;Matter of putting meridian posts in County went smoothly and one put in premises of Hospital. „ 08 O1 1898; 6 e 172 4 ? 18. ; Contract with Bell Telephone Co. was renewed. „ 04 03 1899; 6 dt 245 ?; k 19. ::Bonds of W.L. Tharp and H. Hauser approved. O1 O1 1900', 6 379 ? ? 20. ? .;Board to offer reward for proof of person or persons who murdered Edward Wallace. ; 04 02 1900?! 6 ? 427 21. ,;Money allowed to entertain the German warship Panther when it visits Wilmington. ,. 09 26 1903;, 6 752 ea 22. rMoney and land appropriated to State Test Farm as requested by Hugh Mac Rae. 04 03 1905?, 7 ? 22 s ? ' +a 3 23. :Communication from postmaster, T,E. Wallace, filed, 06 05 1905 ' 7 27 24. iExpenses of Committee to Columbia, S.C, looking after store to be paid. 03 05 1906,? 7 48 ?; a 25. .?,Bids for grain and forage opened and awarded. 03 05 1906? 7 r 48 ? 26. A.C Nelson given license Under "Act of Healing". ?. 06 04 1906''sa >? 7 54 ? ? 27. ' Letter from 4th assistant Post Master General relative to gate at Island Creek referred to Chairman. , 10 Ol 1906 ! 7 64 ? 28. Chairman reported purchase of bloodhound for County use. 11 06 1906'? ?. 7 65 ?? ? 29. ,Petition from Harnett citizens ?or protection from forest fires received. Ol 07 1907; 7 , 74 ? 30. Board offered reward for arrest and conuiction of anyone setting fires in woods. Ol 07 1907 7 75 a ? 31. Bond renewed for William Gregerson. 05 04 190$ ' 3 E 132 32. ?Bond approved for George T. Shepard as Wreck Commissioner. 06 01 1908 : 7 133 " ?? 33. .?W.G. MacRae and Board to secure information on Inland Waterways and turn information over to U.S. Engineer. 04 05 1909? 7 ll4 ? 34. :Request from T.H. Wright for rock for tennis court not allowed. 04 O1 1912 7 247 ?p , s? 35. :;Money appropriated to secure a.branch of a Federal Reserve Bank in Wilmington. „ 04 06 1914' 7 343 ?? ? 36. ?,Hugh MacRae addressed Board relative to Federal Reserve Bank. „ 04 13 1914,, 7 345 Ei 37..,,Appropriation for Federal Reserve Bank rescinded. • „ 04 13 1914., 7 ! 345 38. ,;Board appropriated money to Food Conservation Commission :, 05 03 1917,„ 7 619 39. Chairman and Mr. Yopp to destroy an illicit still. 08 06 1917;, 7 632 j? 40. ?; Eill from Wilm.ington Cycle Co. for bicycle frame o?dered paid. . 3 ? 1919 8 ? 39 ' i; 41. ?;Money allowed for historial markers as requested by N.H. Historical Commission. ? 6 I8 1919`? 8 63 ,? 42. ;?U.S. map to be purchased showing National Highways, Railroads,:€?treams, County Seats &. . GB 9 ? ? Y? ?i 12 7 1920'?: 4?X '? o. 8 I36 ?? ? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS I?INUTES - New Hanover Coun?j, N. C. _ MATTER: County Commissioners Miscellaneous eeo. u. e. County Indezes Since 1888 ? To tocate names, open at cOrr A-Z Ta8 INDEX e?r OFFICE ?L?o?E- An IdentiEying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OP PROCEEDINGS ? DATE ;? M?NUiE BOOK ? i? Month ? Day? Year ; VoL ? Page ;; l. Board allowed money for State Forest Fire Warden. 10 3 1921 8 175:° 2. W.G, Mercer and E.G. Hall appointed Forest Fire Warden. 12 9 1921" 8 183? . 3. Money allowed for N.C. Geological and Economic Survey for prevention of forest fires. 7 28 1922 8 206.' . 4. Board to buy an o.fficial survey chart of North and South Carolina. 4 2 1923, . 8 235' ;, . 5. Traffic census to be taken. 9 9 1923 8 249 , 6. Money allowed to make signs on preventing forest fires. 1 10 1925,y 8 323; , 7. Canvas covers to be bought for ilags bought by Board. 6 8 1925 8 342 8? Norman Stewart paid for work done on call bell for comr??issioner's office. 8 14 1928 8 527, 9 ,? Bd. Chairman and CBC to sign FERA agreement. 05 06 1935 9 338 ?, 10.i? Board Chairman granted funds to Miss Ester Elliott for Club Room rent. 10 28 1935 9 386 11.;; ?, Authority given to advance County payroll checks. 12 20 1948 11 63 12.l? „ Authority given to close County offices for Christmas. 12 20 1948 . 11 63 ... 13.?? Board approved contract with Otis Elevator Co. for elevator repairs. 06 20 1949 , 11 103 `i 14.,; ?? Radio Station WMFD congratulated for power increase. 07 11 1949 .. 11 106 a 15. Public responses allowed at Board meeting, none received. 11 14 1949 . 11 135 ? 16.i? Public thanked for presence at Board meeting, invited to participate in discussions. 11 14 1949 11 135 . ? .. 17.`I E Commissioners to close offices for Easter Monday. 04 03 1950 11 168 ? 18.?? ,? Commissioners directed letter of appreciation to Public Safety Director T. G. 0'Neill. 06 10 1950 11 195 ;? 19.?? tj Commissioners directed letter of appreciation Council Member E. L. White. 06 10 1950 .. 11 195 .. 20 i i i C i d h l i . omm ss oners rece ve Marx Nat an comp a nt on County janitorial supplies. 09 18 1950 11 210 ? 21.? ?. Commissioners declined Sol Sternberger request for Alexander Berry payment for taxes. 10 09 1950, 11 215 , 22.?' ; Commissioners declined double page advertising space in "Gimlet". IO 09 1950 I1 215 , ? '23.:? i .d Commissioners authorized closing county offices for Christmas. 12 . 11 1950 .. 11 230 . , Q v24.?? Commissioners authorized closing county offices for New Years. 12 27 1950 11 231 ,, ? ,25.? Commissioners received letter from International paper Co. ,, 12 27 1950,,: 11 231 „ k? G? .26.;? Commissioners recessed for Labor Day. , 08 27 1951,v 11 284 ,. i+ _27.?? f; Commissioners closed county offices for Armistice Day. ., 11 05 1951.. 11 300 ., ?8.? Commissioners closed county offices for Christmas. . 12 10 1951,,, 11 307 ,. 29. Commissioners recessed for Easter Monday holiday. 04 08 1952 11 330 30.? ? Commissioners closed offices for Independence Day. 06 _ 30 1952 ,. 11 345 .e 31. Commissioners closed offices for Labor Day. 08 25 1952 11 361 32.;; ? Yx Commissioners brought attention to people pumping out septic tanks and migrating which causes problems. 02 16 1953 11 402 tl 33.?? Commissioners recessed for Washington's Birthday; Monday set aside for observance. 02 19 1953 11 403 ? ;? 34.:? r? Commissioners recessed for Washington Birthday. 02 15 ]954 11 487 35.`? ' I5 Commissioners voted to observe Easter Monday as holiday. ? 04 12 1954 ., 11 501 _ 36.?? %; Commissioners recessed for Memorial Day. 05 24 1954 11 515 37." Commissioners recessed for Independence Day. 06 28 1954 11 526 38.;`j R, Commissioners recessed f? holiday. 08 30 1954 . 11 540 39.`? Commissioners recessed for Christmas. 12 20 1954 11 563 40.? ? Commissioners recessed for Easter holidays. 04 12 1955 11 588 41.cf = Commissioners recessed for Memorial Day. 05 23 1955 11 601 ? 42..% ? Commissioners recessed for Independence Day. , 06 27 .. 1955 11 ._ 609 43.; R Commissioners recessed for Labor Day. . 09 05 .. 1955 11 528 44.;; Sympathy letter to president Eisenhower. 09 26 r 1955 12 .. 1 r? , 45.` Received letter from Mrs. Mamie D. Eisenhower, thanks for his letter of good wishes. 10 24 1955 12 10 46. ? ? ? Invitation to attend county 4-H achievement might also to attend art Exhibition and golf Banquet. 10 : I? 31 ., 1955 : ? ; Ee {? 12 ?, 13 ,i`. ?: ? ?? ? i INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES --m- New Ha?over Count? N C COMMISSIONERS - MISC _ ? , . . _ MATTER: . eec. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 ? TO IoCO?? namis? Op?O ot e,?r OFFICE C.?e?l??F-,, An Identifyin¢ Trade Mark SURKAME INI7IAL TAB MuCE Bll THE COTTT N EX COMPANYX COLUMBUS, OHID SOLD YY OWEN C. O UNN, NEII I ?ERN, NORt X GROLINA NATURE OF PROCE?DINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page I. Invitation open house, American Cancer. Letter of appreciation from Miss Helen Cheek. 11 14 1955 12 17 Z. Letter of appreciation for Achievement Day program. 11 21 1955 12 19 3. Letter of appreciation from Caswell Training School Chairman reported of dedication of terminal. 12 05 1955 12 22 4. Letter of thanks for donations to Christmas funds. 12 05 1955 12 25 5. Greetings to employees and decorators. 12 19 1955 12 27 6. Letter of thanks from Stonewall Jackson Training School. Congratulations Radio Station WMFD. 12 19 1955 12 27 7. Acknowledgement from family of late Mr. Everett F. Jeffords, Jr. 12 19 1955 12 27 8. Letter of Appreciation for "Community Day." 12 19 1955 12 27 9. Letter of Appreciation from Mr. Phillip Price. 01 Q3 I9?6 I2 3Q 10. Invitation to attend SENCBA banquet. Ol 23 1956 12 37 11. Commissioners expressed sympathy to the Trask family. O1 30 1956 12 38 12. Invitation to attend dedication services of the prison Division. (New annex). 02 06 1956 12 41 13. Invitation to open house National Guard Installation. 02 27 1956 12 42 14. Attention called for Washington Birthday. 02 20 1956 12 44 15. Letter concerning district meeting for County commissioners. 03 05 1956 12 50 16. Letter of thanks for efforts made to aid construction of Presbyterian College. 03 12 1956 12 52 17. Commissioners to thank Messrs. Doaust and Smith. 04 09 1956 12 58 18. Commissioners invited to Wilmington College to hear speaker. 04 09 1956 12 58 19. Letter expressing thanks for cooperation in Azalea Festival. 04 23 1956 12 64 20. Letter of appreciation from Miss Vera Belle Lornery. 04 23 1956 12 64 Zl. Invitation from County Commissioners of Toole County, Utah. 04 30 1956 12 66 22. Report on Student's Government Day. 05 14 1956 12 69 23. Letter of thanks from Mrs. Mary N. Hartley. 05 21 1956 12 70 24. Thanks to Wachovia Bank & Trust Co. 06 04 1956 12 73 25. Invitation to attend meeting to discuss State and County relationship. 06 11 1956 12 75 26. Invitation to attend dedication services, Winter Park Fire Dept. 07 02 1956 12 80 27. Mr. Mayhan reported on hzs attendance to Commissioners aonvention. 08 20 1956 12 89 28. Communication concerning TP Hospital funds No action taken. 09 17 1956 12 95 29. Invitation to attend and discuss family courts. 09 24 1956 12 96 30. Invitation to attend Democratic Seventh District. i 10 O1 : .956 12 98 31. Invitation to attend Board of Directors meeting. No action taken. 10 09 1956 12 99 32. Discussion of County Manager Form of Government. No action taken. 10 15 1956 12 101 33. Discussion of over time pay for Deputy Clerk of Superior Court. Agreed personnel rules and regul ations 10 15 1956 12 102 be abalished. 34. Communication for County representatives to attend conference of assessment administration. No action taken.l0 29 1956 12 104 35. Discussion of weeltly meetings. No action taken. 10 29 1956 12 104 36. Invitation from Sears Roebuck & Co. to attend cocktail party. 11 19 1956 12 108 37. Invitation from Babcock-Wilcox Co. to open house. 11 19 1956 12 108 38. Received acknowledgement from family of late John H. Farrell. 12 03 1956 12 113 39. Discussion on ambulance service rates, clerk to get schedule rates from co. Ol 21 1957 12 123 40. A member of the Institute of Government Staff to attend meeting concerning Building Inspector. O1 21 1957 12 124 41. Invitation to attend Institute of Government for County accounts referred to County Auditor. 02 04 1957 12 127 42. Invitation to attend Azalea Luncheon. 02 04 1957 12 127 43. L,etter pertaining to School for County accounts. 04 Ol 1957 12 142 44. Letter of appreciation from Mr. William G. Broadfoot Azalea president. 04 15 1957 12 145 45. Motion to change mec?ting days failed a second. 05 J6 19?7 12 151 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATTER• COMMISSIONERS - MISC. _ ee?. u. s. County Indexee Since 1888 ? To (otah nam?s, op?n af COTT A-Z TAi INDEX e?r OFFICE ?G? AnldentifyingTradeMerk MILCE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, DHIO SURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLD tY OWEN i. YUNN, MEIN ?ERN, NORiX GROLINA ?; NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS l. Motion to meet one hour earlier, referred to County Attorney. 2: Invitation to attend County Commissioners association golden anniversary. 3. Appreciation for use of Bluethethal Field, crime air patrol. 4. Letter of thanks for resolution relating to Allied Kemecott Titanium Corp. 5. Letter of thanks air conditioning Register of Deeds office. 6. Board welcome Hon. J. W. L. Wade City Mayor and Hon. Glenn M. Tucker, Mayor Town of Carolina Beach 7. Board appreciated season greetings from citizens. 8. Letters of appreciation to Mr. C. R. Morse retiring. 9. Executive Secretary to get State Flag, staffs and stands for commissioners office. 10. Boards, joint city/county approved one make motion other second before adopted. 11. Board accepts house from Security National Bank for material, pay $1.00 to convey title. 12. Board comment on paint and display of flags in office. 13. Notice informing of n?w law book, executive secretary authorized to purchase. 14. Notice informing of NACo meeting, and extra copies of year book. 15. Letter thanking board for cooperation, concerning water lines to textile firm. 16. Letter requesting assistance of Board in welcoming distributries education clubs. 17. Letter of commendation to Mr. J. J. McWatty and Mr. Louie E. Woodberry 18. Chairman signed proclamation, declaring National TV Week. 19. Chairman presented Mr. Mayhon a certificate of award. Mr. Mayhon retiring give speech of appreciation. 20. Retiring chairman, J. M. Hall, Jr., was commended by Board. 21. Retiring Sheriff, Marin B. Register was presented a certificate for services. 22. Board present Gavel with inscription to Mr. Hall. 23. Letter expressing appreciation for Deming pump. 24. Contracts to be awarded for water line. 25. State agent to make recommendations for planning board. 26. Received Christmas Cards, letters acknowledging opposition to Federal Aid to Schools. 27. Meeting of the National Assocaition of County officials, Board will attend. 28. Received 1959 Tide Table and Calendar from SENCBA. 29. Board approved request to participate in the entertainment of delegates to National Rivers & Harbors Cong. O1 L9 1959 30. Letter of congratulations to Mr. Ben R. Clayton, recently named President of Greater Wilmington Safety O1 L9 1959 DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Yenr Vol. Page 05 06 195? 12 151 05 20 1957 12 154 06 17 195? 12 161 08 05 1957 12 172 08 12 1957 12 173 10 14 1957 12 187 12 23 1957 12 205 12 30 1957 12 205 07 28 195$ 12 283 08 04 1958 12 287 08 11 1958 12 290 08 18 195g 12 293 09 t5 19?$ 12 301 09 15 1958 12 301 09 15 1958 12 362 09 t5 1958 12 302 10 20 1958 12 318 11 t7 1Q58 12 332 12 ?l 19,58 12 337 12 ?1 19?8 12 337 12 ?l 1958 12 337 12 ?l 1Q58 12 339 12 L5 1958 12 343 12 15 19?$ 12 343 12 l5 195$ 12 344 12 ?2 195$ 12 347 12 ?9 195$ 12 350 O1 12 1959 12 358 12 360 12 362 Council. 31. Letter of appreciation from Ben R. Clayton. 32. Letter, Mr. William Formyduval, open office in Bladenboro, NC, Municipal consultant. 33. Discussion of City/County consideration tabled. _ OY J2 1959 02 ?9 1959 12 372 12 376 34. Dr. Albert Coats to meet with the five governing bodies and attorneys to discuss same. (Above) 35. Approve Legislation for Commissioners to fill vacancies on condition. 36. Mr. Hall, informed Board of new services of NACo. 37. Board changed meeting from weekly to Bi-weekly 9 AM instead of 9:30 AM. 38. Letter concerning the establishment of Watershed Districts referred for study. 39. Motion dead for polling policy. 40. Motion defeated for administrative appropriation. 41. Suggestion to remodel the Commissioners room, no action. 42. Letter from Mr. C. B. McCandless, made a part of the permanent records, copy to City Council. 43. Letter of appreciation from James Moore, chairman of CAP Friend Days. 44. Dr. Albert Coats, Director of Institute of Government appeared before the Board. 45. Letter informing of joint meeting with 6th .District, topics for discussion, invitation to attend. 02 tl 1959 12 378 02 L1 1959 12 378 03 L6 1959 12 397 03 ?3 1959 12 404 04 13 1959 12 413 05 )4 1959 12 424 07 )1 1959 12 455 07 ?0 1959 12 471 O8 l2 1959 12 485 08 L7 1959 12 489 09 )8 1959 12 495 10 )5 1959 12 503 10 L9 1959 12 506 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. _ MU JECT ??R?z,I?? BEA?? ` ae6. u. s. //?Q ?,,,?/???? Counry Indezea Since 1888 ?' Ts b?Yb oam?f? O?NO ai WTT A-! TA? INDEX Pl1T ?FFICE ?-Lctl!//KdtG" EAn Identifyins Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAE MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY. COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD ?T ONEN i. YUNN, NEN ?ERN, MORTB GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Extension of Zoning jurisdiction 02 15 1971 14 582 2. Appointment of Members to Planning and Zoning Board !?3 Ol 1971 14 587 3. Final approval appointments to Planning & Zoning Board ?3 15 1971 l?+ 591 4. Public Hearing-Regulations for waters of NHC in vicinity of Carolina Beach 08 16 1971 14 6?9b 5. Request to apply tis building coeds to one mile limit 08 02 1971 14 671 6. Request for No Wake Zone 07 19 1971 14 667 7. Appointment metnbers Carolina Beach Zoning Board of Adjustments 09 07 1971 l? 5 8. Complaint littering on highways 06 19 1972 15 145 9. Nourishment for beach erosion 08 24 Z9i2. ?5 2(?3 10. Appointments to planning and zoning commission 03 04 1y74 15 593 11. Deferral of request from Carolina Bch. for funding of Fire Dept. 04 16 1974 15 616 12. Assume responsibility for plumbing inspections 05 06 1974 15 625 13. Report on recommendation of fire inspeetion committee 09 16 1974 15 717 14. County participation in Carolina Bch. restoration project 10 07 1974 16 '.5-16 15. Intent to fund resporation project 12 16 1974 16 72 16. Discussion in Inlet 08 04 1975 16 248 17. Presentation of growth ?, development policy for CB 05 30 1976 17 130 18. Invitation to pig picking to benefit Federal Point Medical Center 08 17 1976 17 181 19. Discussion on landing strip in Southern end of County 11 21 1977 18 138 20. Discuss Erosion at Carolina Beach Inlet 06 19 1978 18 230 21. Warning signs at Ft, Fisher 07 17 1978 18 249 22. Request info be furnished Frank Hill on Erosion Problem 08 07 1978 18 :58 23. Discussion on Emergency Service Supplement for the Town of Carolina Beach 06 ?4 1979 18 415 24. Request from Town for funding Emergency Medical Services 06 L8 1979 18 428 25. Opposition of Town Council on use of landfill 06 18 1979 18 428 26. Proposed improvements to Carolina Beach Inlet 07 ?2 1979 18 441 27. Funding for Rescue Service 08 06 1979 18 459 28. Mayor SeaweZZ discussed Solid Waste 08 06 1979 18 460 29. Approval - sale and lease agreement Library 09 04 1979 18 468 30. Approval - sale of County Property - North side of Charlotte Avenue between 4th & 5th Avenues 09 17 1979 18 476 31. Meeting with Carolina Beach Town Council - sanitary landfill 11 19 1979 18 513 32. Approval of request for 90 day extension on Carolina Beach landfill 02 18 1980 18 559 33. Mayor poty and concerned citizens appeared before the Board re; Landfill & reading of a resolution 03 10 1980 18 564 34. Adoption of Resolution designating Carolina & Kure Beaches as.Community Employment Centers 05 05 1980 18 593 35. County Manager Cooper explained problems in acqui?ing clay for Carolina Beach Landfill 06 02 1980 18 612 36._ _ Bids received on clay for Carolina Bea.ch Landfill 06 25 1980 l0 623 37. Funds budgeted for Carolina Beach and Kure Beach for EM? funds and lifeguards 06 25 1980 18 621 38. Appointments to Carolina Beach and Zoning Commission 07 28 1980 18 640 39. Letter of Assurance to Corps of Engineers for Carolina Beach inlet project 08 04 1980 18 646 40. Carolina Beach Mayor asked for release of funds for erosion Ol 19 1981 18 752 4I. Discussion on Carolina Beach Berm Project 03 )2 1981 18 778 42. Report of illegal trash disposal by Town of Carolina Beach - County Manager reported 03 L6 1981 18 789 43. Erosion Control Funding for Carolina Beach 04 06 1981 18 806 44. Authorization for Carolina Beach fireworks display - dates 05 18 1981 18 841 45. Guarantee ?f Carolina Beach Berm Funds 08 17 1981 18 903 46. Commendation on Carolina Beach Fublic Showers 09 08 1981 18 920 N INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS M?NUTES -- New Hanover Count C COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ? ?, . . _ MAiTER: aec. u. s. Counry Indexea Since 1888 ? 70 locate names, open at PAT OFFICE ?? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•Z TA6 INDEX NU?DE BY iNE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. D UNN, NEW BER N, NORT H CAROLINA DATE MINUTEBOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month I Day Year Vol. I Page 1. Price quote from W. A. Fuller Co. for furniture for Commissioners' office too high so rejected. 03 15 1921 8 149 2. Board thanked Courthouse Committee for furnishing Commissioners with new quarters. 06 06 1921 8 159 3. Meeting postponed since a holiday. 07 04 1921 8 160 4. Membership fees to State Association of County Commissioners to be paid. 08 O1 1921 8 169 5. Meeting postponed since a legal holiday. 09 05 1921 8 173 6. Matter of bonding County against forgery or raising of County's checks referred to entire Board. 10 03 1921 8 175 7. Messrs. Little and Dosher to investigate insurance policies of all County properties. 10 05 1921 8 177 8. Board declined proposal of National Surety Co. to bond County against forgery. 10 05 1921 8 177 9. Addison Hewlett re-elected Chairman of Board at $1,500 a year, and J. W. Little elected Vice Chai rman. 12 05 1921 8 182 10. Agreement between City an? County and Tide Water Power Co. on land development rescinded. 05 O1 1921 8 197 11. Membership fees paid to State Association of County Commissioners. 07 05 1922 8 203 12. Members of Board to attend State Association of County Commissioners convention. 08 07 1922 8 207 13. Money appropriated for auto expenses of Chairman. 08 09 1922 8 207 14. Board instructed all County offices to observe Armistice Day, Nov. 11, as a holiday. 11 06 1922 8 215 15. Joseph W. Little, whose term as Commissio?er expired, expressed thanks for support. 12 04 1922 8 217 16. George W. Trask and L.D. Latta elected for 4 years to serve with A. Hewlett, W. E. Yopp and W.R. Dosher. 12 04 1922 8 218 17. A. Hewlett elected Chairman at $125 a month plus car allowance and W. R. Dosher Vice Chairman. 12 04 1922 8 218 18. Resolution of appreciation extended to retiring J. W. Little. 12 04 1922 8 219 19. Expenses approved for Mr. Dos}ier to travel to Raleigh on behalf of County's interest. 02 15 1923 8 220 20. Expenses of Chairman paid for travel to Charlotte to investigate a road trailer. 02 15 1923 8 220 21. Expenses paid for Commissioners to visit adjacent County institutions. 06 04 1923 8 244 22.E xpenses of Commissioners traveling to Smithfield referred to Chairman. 07 09 1923 8 249 23. Membership fees for State Association of County Commissioners paid. 07 24 1923 8 253 24. Any Board member who can attend to represent County at State Association of County Commissioners' meeting. 08 07 1923 8 257 25. Expenses of Commissioners who attended State Commission Convention approved. 08 27 1923 8 259 26. Since a legal holiday (Labor Day) Meeting postponed. 09 04 1923 8 262 27. All married men to be employed before females for any clerical positions in County. 12 03 1923 8 273 28. Addison Hewlett reelected Chairman of Board at $150 a month. 12 03 1923 8 274 29. W. R. Dosher reelected Vice Chairman of Board. 12 03 1923 8 274 30. Annual fees paid State Association of County Commissioners. 07 07 1924 8 302 31. Committee named to attend State Assoc. of County Commissioners to be held at Wrightsville Beach. 08 08 1924 8 306 32. Meeting postponed since a legal holiday (Labor Day). 09 O1 1924 8 308 33. Addison Hewlett and W. E. Yopp qualified as Commissioners for ensuirg 4 years. 12 O1 1924 8 316 34. A. Hewlett re-elected Chairman of Board at $200 a month and W. R. Dosher Vice Chairman. 12 O1 1924 $ 316 35. Qualifications of W. R. Dosher as Commissioner accepted by Board. 12 22 1924 8 319 36. L. D. Lotta resigned as a Commissioner and a letter of thanks given him for his services. O1 05 1925 8 320 37. Frank M. Ross appointed Commissioner to serve unexpired term of Mr. Lotta. O1 05 1925 8 320 38. Matter of providing a meeting room for County Commissioners referred to Chairman. 03 30 1925 8 333 39. No quorum so meeting postponed. 07 06 1925 8 344 40. Membership dues paid to State Association of County Commisssioners. 07 07 1925 8 345 41. Time for Commission meetings changed from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. 08 03 1925 8 348 42. Expenses approved for W. P. McGlauphon for summer school. 08 04 1925 S 349 43. Chairman and Sheriff to act of Special Court term. ' 08 24 1925 8 350 44. No quorum (Labor Day) meeting postponed. 09 07 1925 8 351 45. Hewlett re-elected Chairman at $250 a month; W. R. Dosher re-elected vice chairman. 12 07 1925 8 361 46. Wilmington Awning and Tent Co. given contract for window awning in Commissioners office. 02 O1 1926 8 371 INDEX TD COMMISSIONERS MINUTES N H C N C ew anover - ount?, . . : MATT RT COUNTY COAM?IISSIONERS ` nsc. u. s. 'p????? County Indexea Since 1868 To loeate aames, open af !AT OFfILE ?e?'ii(d? An Identifying Trade Mark ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB (OTT A•Z TAB INDEX MADE BY TNE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BE RN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUl'E SOOK Month Day Yea? Vol. I Page 1. A. Fred DeVere paid for repairs on Commissioner's office. 03 Ol 1926 8 376 2. No quorum, meeting postponed. 07 05 1926 8 388 3. Association of Commissioner dues paid. 07 23 1926 8 391 4. Delegates appointed to attend Commissioner Association meeting. 07 23 1926 8 391 5. A legal holiday (Labor Day) meeting adjourned. 09 06 1926 8 396 6. Commissioner's advised it has no authority to appoint Special Officers. 11 O1 1926 8 403 7. Board voted to purchase sub-index sheets. 11 16 1926 S 407 8. Trask F? Ross presented qualifications for Commissioners. 12 06 1926 8 412 9. Chairman re-elected, salary fixed. 12 06 1926 8 412 10. Vice Chairman re-elected salary fixed. 12 06 1926 8 412 11. Annual appropriations submitted, ending 11-30. 12 06 1926 8 412 12. Resolution adopted. Ol 14 1927 8 420 13. Trees given to commission, if wanted. 02 07 1927 8 424 14. Chairman to use personal opinion on special funds case. 02 21 1927 8 425 15. Board voted for more meetings. 02 21 1927 8 425 16. Bid for paint to be secured. 03 15 1927 8 431 17. Committee of freeholders named to investigate killing of chickens by dogs case. 03 29 1927 8 432 18. NC Statute authorized for purchase. 03 29 1927 8 433 19. Commissioners, auditor and attorney to attend meetings on budgets of County. 03 29 1927 8 433 20. J. P. Newton's request to purchase county land referred to Chairman; Auditor charged with rental and 04 12 1927 8 434 uncollected rent due by Newton. 21. Board to pay W. A. Carother's $42.15 on claim for chickens killed by dogs. 04 12 1927 8 434 22. Elevators repairs authorized to Otis Elevator Co. 05 12 1927 8 442 23. Board to get price on J. A. Orrell request for bookcase, etc. 06 23 1927 ? 450 24. Holiday - meeting postponed. 07 04 1927 8 450 25. Payment authorized to J. L. 5kinner for dues to State Commissioner's Assoc. 07 26 1927 8 455 26. Tarmac authorized from Champion Compress Co. 07 26 1927 8 455 27. Fish Inspector J.B. Hewlett resigned, and .7. H. Southerland filled vacancy. 08 O1 1927 8 455 28. Chairman and Auditor to represent Board State Commissioner's Association. 08 O1 1927 8 455 29. Representatives at State Commissioner's Association to request next meeting in New Hanover County. 08 O1 1927 8 456 30. Commissioners joined city in discrimination investigation of gasoline dealers. 09 20 1927 8 463 31. Resolution on Murchison National Bank notes adopted. 10 18 1927 8 467 32. Culvert authorized for purchase. 11 22 1927 8 474 33. York Manufacturing Co. lettered on possible cotton mills for county. 11 22 1927 8 474 34. Letterheads authorized ?or Commissioner's office. 11 22 1927 8 474 35. Gharles Hall claim for reimbursement for chickens killed by dogs under investigation. 12 20 1927 8 478 36. County expensed Matthew girl's return to Florida. 12 20 1927 8 479 37. R. A. Doughton, Commissioner of Revenue, paid for auto plates. O1 03 1928 8 480 38. Negro Relief work under report. O1 03 1928 8 481 39. Check writer approved for purchase. O1 10 1928 8 483 40. Return of Hattie Thompson to Columbus Co. referred to Chairman. O1 10 1928 8 483 41. Charles E. Hall claim for reimbursement declined. 12 17 1928 8 484 42. Tarmac Bd accepted from American Tar Products. O1 31 1929 8 486 43. LIst of holiday under preparation. 02 21 1929 8 489 44. Board voted for membership in Wilmington Traffic Association. 02 21 1929 8 489 45. Washington's birthday voted in as holiday. 02 21 1929 8 489 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?y, N. C. , MAT ER: COUNTY COMMISSIONERS `?' nEC. u. s. County Indexea Since 1688 + YO lOttlte naMBS? open G1 COTT A-Z TAB INDEX r?t OFFICE C.?i?? An Identifying Ttade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MAOE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD 67 OWEN G. DUNN, HEW BERN, NORTH CAROLIMA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day I Yenr Vol. Page 1. Letter received on teacher's salary from John Bellamy Sr. 2. Hire of industrial agent under advisement. 3. Repairs to Comm. Hewlett's gate and fence referred to Attorney. 4. Appreciation given to American Legion fcr airport dedication. S. Commissioners granted membership fees to Commission Association. 6. James D. Mote, Ca?vary Baptist Church, allowed commissioners 30 min. on television; accepted. 7. Holiday adopted and referred to Chairman. S. Bar Association expressed appreciation for holiday observance. J. George Hutaff request method to aid farmers, granted, 10. No action taken on high electric rates by Tide Water Power Co. 11. ? ? 12. 04 02 1929 8 501 04 17 1929 8 502 05 15 1929 8 509 06 04 1929 8 513 07 10 1929 8 518 07 02 1929 8 518 02 19 1929 8 561 03 12 1929 8 564 03 19 1929 8 564 05 14 1929 8 574 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? N C r COMMISSIONERS y, . . , MAT ER ` ?ec. u. s. County Indexee Since 1888 io loeafe names, open ct COTT A-Z TAB INDEX r?r OFi1CE ?J%? An identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB ?DE BY THE COTT INDEJf COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BE RN, NORTH GROLINA NATURE Of PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTEBOOK Month Day I Year Vol. I Page l. Application rejected for pool table. 12 11 1929 9 12 2. Action approved on November 28 conference. 12 Ol 1930 9 79 3. Action approved on November 26 conference. 12 O1 1930 9 79 4. Increased power rates endorsed. 12 02 1931 9 89 5. Payment authorized to State Commissioners Association. 06 22 1931 9 115 6. J. B.Stanley requested, declined cork leg. 07 20 1931 9 118 7. Sale of motorcycle authorized. 11 02 1931 9 136 8. Board authorized directory. 02 15 1932 9 152 9. Obiections made before board. 06 27 1932 9 168 10. Commissioners authorized telephone; funds given to Wilmington Light Infantry. 08 15 1932 9 176 11. Chairman to attend city/county meeting on unemployment. 09 12 1932 9 180 12. Sale of County wood authorized. 10 17 1932 9 186 13. November 11 action confirmed. 11 19 1932 9 190 14. May 10 observed as holiday. 02 13 1933 9 206 15. February 16 action confirmed. 02 20 1933 9 207 16. Board voted to meet with City Commissioners and discuss election expenses on city/county consolidation 03 06 1933 9 208 to be held March 28. 17. Chairman, Ross and Hall named as committee to settle differences between auditor and Clerk of Superior 04 03 1933 9 213 Court over amount of fees due. 18. Action confirmed on commissioner's conference held April 14. 04 17 1933 9 216 19. Vice Chairman Hall presided in illness of Chairman. 05 29 1933 9 223 20. Business resumed. 06 05 1933 9 224 21. Recess taken; back tax discussion set for June 15. 06 12 1933 9 226 22. City/County meeting held on Senate Bill 180 (delinquent taxes) and Special Act of 1929; city/county committees met; bill relieved unconstitutional, unfair and rejected; meeting adjourned. 06 12 1933 9 226A 23. William B. Peschan and C. B. Parmele requested, declined aid for expense of American Legion State 06 19 1933 9 227 Convention August 18-20. 24. $10 payment to J. L. Skinner, secretary-treasurer, for membership dues authorized to State Commissioners 06 19 1933 9 228 Association. 25. Joint session recessed until August 4. 08 07 1933 9 237 26. Recess taken, and Budget to be discussed August 11. 08 Ol 1933 9 237 27. Recess taken; Board met in council room, city hall. 08 14 1933 9 238 28. Transaction of County busnesss discussed. 08 14 1933 9 238 29. Vice Chairman, James Hall, presided in absence of Chairman. 12 26 1933 9 264 30. George L. Stanbury, Guilford County Commissioners, requested, declined membership fees from board for 03 05 1934 9 276 American County Association. 31. Twelve acres from J. H. Blake authorized, subject to Attorney's approval. 04 02 1934 9 279 32. Recess taken, subject to call of Chairman. 06 25 1934 9 289 33. Board approved payment of beer to be analyzed for strength. 07 02 1934 9 290 34. Chairman named for Commissioners meeting, August 14, Asheville, NC. 08 O6 1934 9 296 35. Rent of space requested, declined for sign. 08 13 1934 9 298 36. Committee requested to study power-rate reduction. 08 13 1934 9 299 37. Hinton and Hall named for committee on power reduction. 08 13 1934 9 299 38. Chairman to letter Mrs. Thomas 0'Berry on relief funds. 09 24 1934 9 303 39. Business transacted. 10 O1 1934 9 304 40. New post office proposed, Congressman J. B. Clark to secure appropriations. 11 13 1934 9 309 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS aEC. u. s. 'q???? County Indexee Since 1888 PAT OFi1CE ???r:(.ae-y?-.z An Identifying Trade Mark MINUTES - New ?Ianover Count?y? ?. U. _ MATT RT COMMISSIONERS To loCate names, open at (OTT A-Z TAB INDEX ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MIADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COIUMBU3, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE Month Day Year 1. Board took consideration on suggestion for Advisory Planning Commission. 2. Chairman authorized to attend State Commissioners meeting on re-employment Bureau funds. 3. Chairman to appear before Raleigh committee on gasoline tax. 4. County affairs resumed. 5. Board took no action on FERA quarters. 6. Meeting adjourned, and business transacted. 7. Meeting adjourned and business resumed. 8. General discussion and requests made on providing funds for South 6th Street building repairs. 9. Sale of closet combination and lavatory authorized in W-side house. 10. Board members and auditor to attend Institute of Government meeting. 11. Board members and officials to attend Government meeting. 12. Board served temporary restraining order by Sheriff from Judge concerning Special election, but referred to County Attorney. 13. City/County held meeting to fix 1936 departments appropriations. 14. Peter B. Ruffin request taken under consideration on ways and means of promoting Port interest. 15. Board endorsed Carl B. Rehder for appointment to WPA project. 16. Consideration taken on getting federal grant for vegetable plant. 17. Reorganization proceeded. 18. Board proceeded to re-organization. 19. Board declined appropriations for Association of County Commissioners for films. 20. Board endorsed safety program. 21. Error detected in minutes; correction made. 22. Error in July 5 minutes changed. ' 23. 1938 city directory authorized. 24. Chairman and auditor to attend State Commissioner's meeting. 25. Joint city/county appropriations discussed. 26. Chairman attends state commissioners meeting. 27. Special meeting held on welfare funds ? Hospital increase. 28. Joint special session held. 29. Index books purchased for indexing county records. 30. Recess taken for Christmas holiday. 31. Recess taken for New Years holiday. 32. Letter on double taxation received; joint meeting called. 33. Board authorized payment to State Commissioners Association. 34. Chairman and auditor to attend State Commissioners Association. 35. Motion carried to oppose toll charges on telephone calls from Wrightsville to lUilmington; Chairman and County Attorney to represent County. 36. Commissioners invited to Institute of Government at Kenansville. 37. Recess taken for joint session at Courthouse. 38. Notice of appeal on commission action given to County Attorney. 39. Recess taken for holidays. 40. Recess taken for holidays. 41. Board met in regular session at Courthouse. 42. Board met in regular session at Courthouse. 43. Board allowed Wrightsboro Home Club to have grounds filled. 44. Pistol ? Rifle Club request received for plant grass on range. 02 02 02 03 03 05 04 04 05 06 06 06 04 1935 04 1935 25 1935 25 1935 18 1935 O1 1935 29 1935 29 1935 20 1935 03 1935 03 1935 03 1935 MINUTE BOOK Voi. Page 9 321 9 321 9 326 9 330 9 330 9 337 9 336 9 336 9 342 9 345 9 345 9 345 07 24 1935 9 357 08 05 1935 9 370 08 05 1935 9 371 09 09 1935 9 379 12 02 1935 9 394 12 06 1936 9 556 02 14 1937 9 567 ' 07 11 1937 9 599 07 18 1938 9 601 07 18 1938 9 601 07 25 1938 9 602 08 O1 1938 9 603 08 Ol 1938 9 603 08 08 1938 9 607 09 ?2 1938 10 11 09 !9 1938 10 11 10 24 1938 10 19 12 19 1?38 10 29 12 28 1938 10 30 02 06 1939 10 39 02 13 1939 10 40 03 06 1939 10 43 05 22 1939 10 58 07 31 1939 10 70 08 O1 1939 10 71 11 13 1939 10 93 12 18 1939 10 101 12 27 1939 10 103 02 12 1940 10 110 02 26 1940 10 113 04 15 1940 10 122 04 15 1940 10 122 ? ? N INDE? TO COMMISSIQNERS MINUTES --- New Hanover Count?y C MA TERT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS , . . , ` aec. u. s. County Indexea Since 1888 ? ?''`? To locate names, open at ?AT OfFICE ?,el?? An Identifyin6 Trade Mark U`t'S SURNAME INITIAL TAB tOTT A•2 TAB INDEX IYIADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH UROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month I Day Year Vol. I Page ? on - - l. Committee authorized Raleigh trip/airport project. 06 10 1940 10 131 2. Action of July 22 confirmed. 07 22 1940 10 143 3. Chairman and Coleman to attend State Commissioners meeting. 08 05 1940 10 146 4. Board declined license for sale of fireworks. 11 04 1940 10 160 5. Recess taken for Armistice Day. 11 04 1940 10 161 6. Commissioners accepted city invitation to Defense Council. 12 09 1940 10 168 7. Commissioners to attend commissions meeting in Raleigh. 12 09 1940 10 169 8. County offices authorized closing for Christmas holidays. 12 23 1940 10 171 q First Presbyterian Church petition reauested Commissioners to issue no licenses to open business on 02 03 1941 10 179 Sunday. 10. Commissioners authorized to attend State Commissioners meeting. 02 17 1941 10 182 11. Commissioners invited to Wrightsboro Ladies fish fry. 04 14 1941 10 193 12. Motion carried for Commissioners to Recess April 17. 04 14 1941 10 194 13. Commissioners met in regular session at courthouse. 05 19 1941 10 202 14. Commissioners met in regular session at courthouse. 05 26 1941 10 205 15. Commissioners met in regular session at courthouse. 07 28 1941 10 219 16. Recess taken for holiday. 08 25 1941 10 226 17. Utilities rates of Tide Water Power referred to city-county commissioners. 09 OS I941 10 229 18. City-County commissioners discussed incinerator. 10 06 1941 10 232 19. City-County commissioners discussed incinerator. 10 06 1941 10 232 20. Commissioners met in regular session at courthouse. 10 13 1941 10 234 2I. Commissioners presented agreement on taxes. 10 13 1941 10 234 22. Commissioners agreement adopted. 10 13 1941 10 235 23. Commissioners closed offices for holiday. 12 22 1941 10 247 24. Commissioner to confer with city on Signal Control quarters. O1 26 1942 10 256 25. Chairman named for Institute of Government meeting. 02 09 1942 10 258 26. Commissioners approved xental space for Signal Control Room. 02 09 1942 10 258 27. Commissioners met in regular session with city. 08 24 1942 10 289 28. Commissioners closed offices for holidays. 12 24 1942 10 309 29. Joint meeting adjourned, transactions resumed. 05 03 1943 10 328 30. County Commissioners closes offices for holiday. 05 17 1943 10 331 31. Program presented on State commissioners meeting. 06 20 1943 10 337 32. Meeting adjourned for holiday (July 4) 06 29 1943 10 338 33. Letter received from F. E. Beane, complimenting commissioners. 08 02 1943 10 343 34. Authority given to attend State commissioners meeting. 08 02 1943 10 343 35. Meeting adjourned, transactions resumed. 09 07 1943 10 348 36. Magazines authorized for State Commissioners meeting. 09 20 1943 10 349 37. Ministeual Association suggested before commissioners meeting. 09 27 1943 10 350 38. Commissioners to attend state commissioners meeting. 12 13 I943 10 361 39. Motion ruled out on rescinding February 22 action by commissioners. 03 13 1943 10 361 40. Commissioners ruled out motion to rescind February 22 action. 03 13 1944 10 361 41. Communication on buses taken under consideration. 06 04 1944 10 379 42. Chairman to execute agreement for telephone lines at airport. 06 12 1944 10 388 43. Commissioners received invitation from Stamp Defiance Chapter for Flag Day observance. 06 12 1944 10 388 44. Statement received on postponement of State Commissioners meeting. 07 31 1944 10 398 45. F.D. S?telljes letter to attorney general received on discrimination practices with water meters. 08 07 1944 10 398 N MMISSIONER MINUTES H N C C ount?, ew anover . INDEX TO CO S - . ; MATT RT COUNTY COMMIS SIONERS ` aec. u. s. 'q???_ County Indexea Since 1888 ?? ?+-3-? To IoCate names. open a} s An ld?ntifying Trede Mark ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB r?r OFi1CE ??'ir<Ln?-u- COTT A•2 TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO . SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEMI BE RN, NORT H GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE Of PROCEEDINGS Month I Day I Year Vol. I Page l. Contract approved with Otis Elevator Co. for elevator services. 08 21 1944 10 401 2. Recess taken for holiday (Labor Day). OS 21 1944 10 403 3. Letter received on date for State Commissioners meeting. 09 05 1944 10 404 4. Commissioners authorized renewal of County Offices magazine subscription. 10 02 1944 10 407 5. Commissioners authorized purchase of Michie N. C. Code. 10 09 1944 10 408 6. Commissioners authorized closing of offices for holidays. 12 11 1944 10 418 7. Commissioners authorized reconsideration of its action to close offices for holidays. 12 18 1944 10 418 8. Letter from fuel administrator, C. J. Potter, received on more coal to Wilmington during shortage. 12 27 1944 10 420 9. Recess taken for holiday (New Year). 12 27 1944 10 420 10. Easter holiday authorized. 03 26 194?, 10 432 11. No quorum, recess taken. 04 02 1945 10 ?32 12. Action confirmed on committee conference April 20. 04 16 1945 10 435 13. Payment authorized to State Commissioners Association for membership fees. 06 04 1945 10 443 14. Date fixed for Commissioners meetings. 06 11 1945 10 444 15. Commissioners divided coal orders, if prices are same. 07 02 194?5 10 448 ? 16. Recess taken for Labor Day. 08 27 1945 10 456 17. Dates fixed for board meetings. 10 O1 1945 10 461 18. Offices closed for holiday. 11 05 1945 10 465 19. Offices closed for holiday. (Christmas) 12 17 1945 10 474 20. Offices closed for Chr istmas holidays. 12 24 1945 10 474 21. No action taken on appropriation for NC Beach Association. 08 19 1946 10 509 22. NC Beach Association request for funds taken under consideration. 08 12 1946 10 509 23. Purchasecf window shades authorized for office. 09 09 1946 10 515 24. No action taken on appropriations for Fishing Radio expense. 09 30 1946 10 518 25. Commissioners fixed date on electing county officers. lI 25 1946 10 527 26. Offices to close for holidays. 12 09 1946 10 530 27. Commissioners granted rec{uest to Legislators to establish joint Domestic Relation Court. 12 16 1946 10 531 28. Commissioners took consideration on Central Labor Union request for convention funds. 05 19 1947 10 566 29. County offices closed for holiday. 05 26 1947 10 568 30. Commissioners expressed sympathy for loss of Ephram Coleman, brother of Commissioner Coleman. 06 09 1947 10 570 31. Commissioners received rec{uest of SENC Beach Association for funds. 06 16 1947 10 571 32. Commissioners wired Tri-State Booster Association to hold convention in County. 06 16 1947 10 571 33. Commissioners authorized telephone. 06 23 1947 10 572 34. Commissioners took consideration on funds for SENC Beach Association. 06 30 1947 10 573 35. Commissioners authorized to attend state commissioners meeting. 07 28 1947 10 577 36. Commissioners granted Institute of Government with copies of board minutes. 08 18 1947 10 580 37. Recess taken for holiday. 08 25 1947 10 582 38. Commissioners took consideration on series of lectures by F. W. Gerken. 09 22 1947 10 585 39. Commissioner Gardner n?med for Goldsboro Centennial celebration. 09 29 1947 10 586 40. Commissioners voted to request merchants and citizens to display flags for "Freedom Train" exhibition. 12 08 1947 11 4 41. Commissioners authorized closing of county offices for Christmas. 12 15 1947 11 5 42. Attention called to District Assoc. of County Commissioners meeting. 03 O1 1948 11 15 43. Authority given to close county offices for Easter. 03 29 1948 11 19 44. Commissioners authorized to attend annual state meeting. 05 10 1948 11 26 45. Commissioners authorized observance of Memorial Day on May 31. 06 O1 1948 11 29 46. Commissioners continued bids for county coal. 06 07 1948 11 30 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? N C COUNTY COMMISSIONERS C , . . ` , MAT E R: aEC. u. s. PAT OFFICE County Indezea Sincc 1888 ?l9l?a-? An ldentifying Trade Mark ? To locate names, open at SURNAMB INITIAI TAB C017 A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, ONIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE Month I Day I Year 1. Commissioners voted to congratulate W. K. Scott as governor. 06 28 1948 2. Commissioners recessed to meet with City on joint appropriations. 06 14 1948 3. Commissioners discussed SENCBA funds, but not allowed. 08 04 1948 4. Commissioners recessed, no quorum. 08 09 1948 5. Commissioners referred Safeway Transit fare increase to committee. 08 23 1948 6. Commissioners went on record opposing changes to ABC system. 03 07 1949 7. Commissioners Chm. and auditor to attend State Commissioners meeting. 03 07 1949 8. Commissioners closed County offices for Easter. 04 04 1949 9. Commissioners closed County off?ces for Easter Monday. 04 11 1949 10. Commissioners telephone to be moved to new location. 05 16 1949 11. Commissioners invited by Wilm. Chamber o£ Commerce and Wilmington Baseball Club tocpening of baseball park. 05 23 1949 12. Commissioners recessed for National Holiday. 05 23 1949 13. Commissioners authorized state commissioners meeting. 06 ??6 1949 14. Commissioners recessed for Independence Day. 06 27 1949 15. Commissioners to investigate welfare dept. and J. Walker Hosp. for high cost, requested by Mrs. J. A. James. 07 25 1949 16. No action necessary by Board on issuing business license. 08 29 1949 17. SENCBA payment approved from advertising fund. 08 29 1949 18. Board to work out beautification pragram with Supt. of Parks for courthouse, Hugh MacRae Park and Legion 09 26 1949 Stadium. 19. Hours of Board meeting fixed for 2nd mondays at 7:30 PM instead of 10 AM. 10 10 1949 20. Board agreed to cooperate with City and Kure Beach on forming Association of Municipalities. 10 21 1949 21. E. B. Briggs granted funds for sign by Commissioners. 11 14 1949 22. Action of October 10 rescinded on holding night sessions of Board motion adopted. 11 21 1949 23. Board authorized closing of County offices for Christmas. 12 05 1949 24. Board authorized closing of County offices for Ghristmas. 12 19 1949 25. New Hanover County contract approved with Communication Maintenance Co. O1 30 1950 26. Board took recess. 02 27 H50 27. Board went on record to express appreciation for Mrs. Gause services to County. 03 20 7950 28. New Hanover County invited to Exchange Club lun?heon on opening of River Road to traffic. 05 OS 1950 29. New Hanover County postponed reading of minutes. 05 15 1950 30. New Hanover County received census report from Census Supervisor, A. S. Williamson. 06 12 1950 31. New Hanover County voted joint appropriation for luncheon at Cape Fear Hotel to promote N. C. Coast . 07 24 1950 to Great Lakes Highway. 32. Board granted appropriation to SENCBA. 08 28 1950 33. Board recessed for Labor Day. 08 28 1950 34. Board authorized closing of county offices noon saturdays. 10 02 950 35. Board received letter from Lector Ray of Cumberland Co. Commissioners on meeting of 3rd Dist. Comm. Assoc. 11 27 1950 36. Board postponed appropriations to SENCBA. 12 04 1950 37. Board to view E. L. White request for SENCBA Fishing Rodeo appropriations. 12 11 1950 38. Gommissioners received letter from N. C. Merchants Assoc, for "Reta?ler" ad. Ol O1 1951 39. Comm. Davis read statement on salary increase for employees. 03 05 1951 40. Commissioners voted to grant salary increase to county employees as of March 1 to June 30, 1951. 03 05 1951 41. Commissioners appointed committee to confer City and Bar Assoc. on uniform system of holidays. 03 05 1951 42. Commissioners discussed school auditorium with City and Board of Education. 04 30 1951 43. Commissioners invited to Band Booster's Club banquet at Famous Club, May 14. 05 07 1951 44. Commissioners approved payment to Attorneys D. Sinclair and L. B. Tillery for S.C. case. 06 18 ]951 MINUTE 800K Vol. I Page 11 34 11 32 11 39 11 40 11 41 11 80 11 80 11 85 11 87 11 93 11 95 11 96 11 99 11 104 11 110 11 114 11 118 11 123 11 127 11 131 11 135 11 137 11 139 11 143 11 152 11 159 11 166 11 185 11 186 11 189 11 197 11 205 11 206 11 213 11 226 11 22$ 11 229 11 232 11 245 11 245 11 245 11 258 11 259 11 266 INDEX TO COMMISSIOl?ERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER: EOUNTY COMMISSIONERS _ eEC. u. s. p? Counry Indezta Sinee 1888 ? To locate npmBS? open at CO1T A-Z TAB INDEX PAT oFFICE Cn??(,f-?E?.' An IdentifYing Ttade Marlc SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY. COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD BY OWEN 6. DUNN, NEW BERM, NORiH UROlfNA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUiE BOOK Month I Day Year Vol. ? Page 1. Commissioners recessed for Labor Day. 08 27 1951 11 284 2. Commissioners granted SENCBA appropriations. 09 04 1951 11 284 3. Commissioners to allow special civil court October 22. 08 27 1951 11 283 4. Commissioners received letter from Historic Commission on services of T. K, Woody. 09 10 1951 11 286 5. Commissioners extended congratulations to Mexican Petroleum Co. for opening plant in County. 09 24 1951 11 289 6. Commissione?s discussed naming 3 man committee of Commissioners to deal with problems in County depts. 10 08 1951 11 292 7. Commissioners authorized closing of County offices for Armistice Day. 11 05 1951 11 300 8. Commissioners authorized closing of County offices for Christmas, 12 10 1951 11 308 9. Commissioners approved painting of Commissioners room in Courthouse. 12 17 1951 11 309 10. Notice received on Commissioners Assoc. meeting in Fayetteville March 19. 03 03 1952 11 321 11. Chairman to purchase typewriter fox New Hanover County Historic Commission. 03 24 1952 11 325 12. Board granted permission to build fence around Historic Commission. 03 24 1952 11 325 13. Chairman reported that Commission Assoc. meeting was success. 03 24 1952 11 326 14. Chairman Hewlett retired from meeting to attend funeral; Vice-Chairman presided over Board. 04 15 1952 11 331 15. Chairman agreed to cooperate with City on Student Officers expense for luncheon. 04 28 1952 11 333 16. Chairman received SENCBA request on amount of money to them for activities, 06 09 1952 11 340 17. Chairman closed offices for Independance Day. 06 30 1952 11 345 18. Commissioners authorized continuance of dept. on old basis, pending budget appropriations. 06 30 1952 11 345 19. Commissioners attending Commissioners ASsoc. at Morehead City, Aug. 11-13 to reserve double rooms at 06 30 1952 11 345 Atlantic Beach Hotel. 20. Chairman met with City to consider budget appropriations. 07 24 1952 11 353 21. Chairman invited to State Dept. of Conservation and Development meeting, Rocky Mount, Aug. 25-26. 08 25 1952 11 360 22. Chairman granted funds to SENCBA. 09 08 1952 11 363 23. Chairman invited with wives to attend Fall Achievement Day program. 10 06 1952 11 369 24. Chairman authorized papers on airport lease. 10 27 : 952 11 374 25. Chairman authorized letter to CP?L for putting plant in County. 11 10 1952 11 378 26. Attention called to giving Hewlett a plaque £or services. 11 24 1952 11 379 27. Motion carried for manager to carry out policies. 12 Ol 1952 11 381 28. Board voted to forego necessary appointments. 12 Ol 1952 11 382 29. Further discussion on foregoing matter postponed. 12 Ol 1952 11 382 30. County employees granted Xmas vacation. 12 08 1952 lI 384 31. Purchasing order received for oil and grease contract with Gulf Oil Co. 12 15 1952 11 385 32. Attention called to abandoning custom of appointing special committee of board for various positions. 12 15 _ 952 11 386 33. One man committee discussed; changing old system discussed. ? 22 1952 11 388 34. Motion failed on not needing committees on certain positions. 12 22 1952 11 388 35. Commissioner Chairman to reserve room at Chapel Hill for meeting. IZ 22 1952 lI 388 36. National Cash Register bid accepted on selling county bookkeeping machine. 12 29 1952 11 389 37. Commissioners meeting adjourned. 12 29 1952 11 389 38. Chairman presented letter from Commissioners assoc. for two day school at Chapel Hill. O1 05 1953 11 390 39. Commissioners to write State Hwy. Dept. for removal of trees from road. O1 05 953 11 390 40. Commissioners to continue committee's monthly reports. Ol 12 1953 11 391 41. Cominissioner Chairman announced meeting in Raleigh, Feb. 12 on Govern't TV educational channel Set up in 02 02 1953 11 396 City. 42. Commissioners invited to hear H. C. McFayden, director of NC Education Assoc. Public Relations. 02 09 1953 11 399 43. Commissioners granted five day 40 hour a week working basis for county employees from 8:30 to 5:30 02 16 1953 11 400 44. Commissioners received notice on Commissioners Assoc. meeting March 25, White lake. 03 02 ?953 11 404 I INDEX N C TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MATTER , . . , : a ecc. u, s. ?q County lndexee Since 1888 ?,?''" ?o lotafe names? open ot r?r ove?ce C.L'c[e?? An Identifying Trade Mark U??'7 SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•2 TAB INDEX ?DE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, ONIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORiH CAROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month I Day ? Year Vol. i I Page 1. Commissioners received notice on County Accountants school March 10, Chapel Hill. 03 02 1953 11 404 2. Commissioners invited to Spring meeting of American Shore and Beach Preservation Assoc. 03 23 1953 11 410 3. Commissioners called attention to Commissioners Assoc. at White Lake. 03 23 1953 11 410 4. Commissioner Chairman called attention to Commissioners Assoc meeting on welfare program. 03 30 1953 11 411 5. Commissioners voted to observe April 6, for Easter Holiday. 03 30 1953 11 412 6. Commissioners approved new work schedule for 7:30 am to 4:30 pm working hours 5 days a week. 03 30 1953 11 412 7. Commissioners received Post Office briefs to Examiner E. T. Stodola. 04 13 : .953 11 414 8. Commissioners announced summers hours of County employees from 7:30 to 4:30 . 04 20 1953 11 416 9. Commissioners to have executive committee from Local Bar Assoc. to meet with them May 11. 05 04 1953 11 416 10. Commissioners received schedule of state meetings by Tobacco Stablization Corp. 05 04 1953 11 418 11. Commissioners received notice on Commissioners Assoc. meeting; payment approved for it. 05 04 1953 11 419 12. Commissioners announced city county meeting on consolidation of Rabies problems. 05 26 1953 11 424 13. Commissioners allowed no additional off for Memorial Day which fell on Saturday. 05 26 1953 11 424 14. Commissioners called attention to Commissioners assoc. June 21-24 in Asheville. 06 O1 1953 11 424 15. Commissioners granted Earl W. Brown, County employee, vacation time. 06 Ol 1953 11 424 16. Commissioner Davis stressed closer affiliation with churches. 06 29 1953 11 432 17. Commissioners met to discuss tentative budget for county depts. 07 27 : 953 11 442 18. Commissioners granted funds to: Military, VA service and Civil Hefense. 07 27 1953 11 441 19. Commissioners took consideration on SENCBA funds. 08 24 1953 11 448 20. Commissioners recessed for Labor Day. 09 02 1953 11 451 21. Commissioners discussed tax listings for various industries. 09 14 1 .953 11 453 22. Commissioners called meeting for correcting errors in minutes. 09 21 1953 11 454 23. Commissioners thanked by Mrs. Juliette Highsmith for vote of confidence. 09 21 : 953 11 454 24. Commissioners received letter from W. R. Johnson for locating mapping service in area. 09 21 1953 11 454 25. Commissioners reported on Cole-Layer-Trumble Co. request to appear before board to outline their work. 09 21 1953 11 454 26. Commissioner Chairman read Mrs . Virginia Walsh letter of thanks for ditch cleaning 09 ?8 1953 11 454 27. Commissioners received letter of thanks from Rosemont Garden Club president for stop signs at Devon Park. 10 05 1953 11 457 28. Commissioners approved payment to Michie Ca. for N. C. Statutes. 10 05 t953 11 458 29. Commissioners to work on contract with minutes for offering prayer before Board meetings. 10 26 1953 11 462 30. Commissioners received inquiry from J. J. Harte Co. on information on public improvements. 10 26 1953 11 462 31. Commissioners met to follow routine business. 11 02 1953 11 464 32. Commissioner Chairman announced Commissioners Assoc. at Wrightsville Beach, Aug 15-18. 11 16 1953 11 465 33. Commissioners invited to Optimist Week celebrations. 11 16 1953 11 465 34. Commissioners offered to adopt managerial form of Govern't for County. 12 07 1953 11 472 35. Commissioners discussed adoption of managerial form of Govern't for County. 12 07 1953 11 472 36. Commissioners closed county offices for Xmas. 12 16 1953 11 475 37. Commissioners invited to SPA dock to witness arrival of S. S. Cnosa with cargo of lumber. 12 28 1953 11 477 38. Commissioners discussed schedule for determining fair values for property valuations. 12 14 1953 11 474 39. Commissioners adopted Dec. 16 action on property valuations. 12 21 1953 11 475 40. Commissioners invited to SENCBA banquet. O1 11 1954 11 478 41. Commissioners invited to SENCBA banz?uet Jan. 28. O1 25 1954 11 480 42. Commissioners expressed appreciation and congratulations, to C. T. Burke for appointment of Postmaster 02 08 1954 11 484 43. Commissioners to provide place of ineeting for Commissioner Assoc. 02 15 1954 11 486 44. Commissioners recessed for Washington Birthday. 02 15 1954 11 487 45. Commissioners recessed letter from Optimist Club on negotiations on airport lease. 02 15 1954 11 486 46. Commissioners received invitation to attend opening of 3rd Division Hwy. Shops. 03 O1 1954 11 490 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUT?S - - New Hanover Count? N C MATTER CAROLINA BEACH , . . , : _ nec. u. s. r?r OFFICE Counry [ndexea Since 1888 ?? ?+.?-? To locate names, open af (.e?l?a-? An Identifying Trade Marlc ?-8 SURNAME INITIAL iAB COTT A•Z TAB INDEX NIADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIp SOLD BY OWEN C. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH UROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK ,' NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS s Month I ? Day I Year Vol. I Page ',? 1. Request from Ti dewater Power Company for right of way and franchise for road along road from Wilmington 10 02 191'L 7 259 to Carolina Beach referred to Attorney. ' ? 2. Request from C. C. Chadbourn to extend Federal Point Road to Carolina and Wil mington Beaches referred to 09 13 1913 7 314 , Committee. 3. Infected cattle near Carolina Beach to be sprayed. 07 06 1915 7 467 4. Auditor to notify Beach Companies and Mr. Humphrey that County deposited its money to complete Carolina Ol 17 1916 7 527 ,? Beach Road. 5. Request from lot owners at Carolina Beach for Board to locate their property referred to Auditor. 04 04 1916 7 543 5. This Committee to report on best binder treatment for road to Carolina Beach. 06 Ol 1916 7 55? 7. Request of New Hanover Transit Company for improvement of Carolina Beach Blvd. referred to this Committee. 06 05 1916 7 561 8. Request for repairs on Carolina Beach Road referred to this Committee. 07 03 ?916 7 569 9. T. E. Cooper, Chairman of Board of Education requested repairs on Carolina Beach Boulevard. 02 04 191t? 7 667 10. Motion to have Beach interest help pay for repair of Carolina Beach Boulevard did not pass. 02 04 1918 7 667 ll. No action on request of Woodus Kellu.m for road to be b?_?ilded to Carolina Beach. 2 3 1919 8 34 12. Mosquito control for Carolina Beach discussed. 5 15 1925 ? 339 13. Maps showing seashore resorts to be printed. 12 1 1925 ?3 359. 14. Request from Carolina Beach Corporation that the Board help provide parking considered. 6 7 1926 ? 386 15. AssPssments set at Carolina Beach. 7 23 1926 8 391 16. Caroli?za Beach Mayor John Plummer request for mosquito control aid agreed. 4 17 1928 8 505 17. Approved request from Carolina Beach Mayor to hardsurface roadway terminus. 2 19 ?929 ? 559 18. Will Batson's offer to furnish parking space at Carolina Beach considered. 6 3 1929 i? 577 19. Wi11 Batson'?s offer to lease Carolina Beach Iot to County for parking place referred. 6 18 ?929 ? 579 20, Southern Bell permitted to continue telephone poles at Carolina Beach. 7 23 1929 8 585 21. Sale of motorcycle to Town of Carolina Beach authorized for $25 cash. 11 9 1931 9 137 22. Motion carried for sheriff to accept?tax at Carolina Beach within City limits. 5 2 1932 9 162, 23. Authority given to use County farm drainage prisoner in cleaning debris at Carolina and 11 28 1932 9 192 Wrightsville Beaches. 24. Commissioner Ross disapproved U?ing prisoners to retrieve timber from ocean. 12 S 1932 9 193, 25. Carolina Beach Olderman requested, approved Northern Ext. take-over. 7 1 1935 9 353 26. Carolina Beach owners request re'?erred on drainage issue, E. S. Waddell referred on sand. 3 16 1936 9 414 27. No action taken on sand issue on lot of Mrs. Waddell and Miss Ethel Halch, Carolina Bch. 5 11 1936 9 426 28. Carolina Beach requested, declined salary and auto expense for Officer. 9 8 1936 9 451' 29. Carolina Beach petit:ioned and conference with State Highway Dept. regarding Highway ?? 40. 9 8 1936 9 451 30. Recommendation approved for Carolina Beach to absorb court-advertising cost. 8 22 1938 9 bl2 31. A:a.thorized funds to the Chamber of Commerce for carnival. 7 31 1939 10 70 32. Carolina Beach Carnival postponed, refund requested. 8 28 1939 10 79 33. Authorized widening Carolina Beach Road. 9 18 1939 10 83. 34. Authorized G. W. Goodson to use benches at Cax-olina Beach pavillion. 6 10 1940. 10 131 35. Carolina Beach given funds. 7 23 1940 10 143. 36. Canal Drive approved for inclusion in highway system. 4 28 194i_ 10 195.. 37. Carolina Beach advertising funds considered. ? 11 1940 10 309 38. Commissioners invited to First Aid Station at Carolina Beach. 5 2? 1940 10 441 39. Request approved for paving of Canal St. at Carolina Beach. S 23 1940 10 442 40. Committee named for Carolina Beach and County d???ainage. 1 7 194'? 10 ??7'6 41. Drainage re??;uested at Car. Bch. , Sheriff a?lowed public office, .?.d?re?tis?.ng funds _approved. 1 21 194? 10 477 , 42. Committee named on donation for Carolina Beach First Aid Station. 4 1 19?-?, 10 488 INDEX TO COMMISSIO?tERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count N C COUNTY COMMISSIONERS y, . . , MATTER• eec. u. :. r?r OFFICE Counry lndezes Since 1888 ? An identifying Trade Mark ?'to loeate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE RY TXE (OTT INDEX fOMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD 8Y OWEN 6. DUNN, NEW BERM, NOR7H CpROLlNA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE Month IDay Year 1. Commissioners received reply from McLean Trucking Co. to Feb. 29 letter on invitation to "Sea land" termina1.03 08 1954 2. Commissioners called attention to Commissioners Assoc. meeting. 03 08 1954 3. Commissioners called attention to Cornmissioners Assoc. School and meeting March 18. 03 15 1954 4. Commissioners chairman reported on Commissioners Assoc. meeting at Cape Fear Club. 03 22 1954 5. Commissioners invited to Charlotte democratic meeting. 03 22 1954 6. Commissioners extended thanks from Gen. Motors parade of Progress for Azalea Festival Services. 03 29 l 954 7. Commissioners report of achievements presented from Dec. 1952 to Dec. 1953. 04 05 1954 8. Commissioners received SENGBA report. 04 05 1954 9. Commissioners voted to observe F?.ster Monday as Holiday. 04 12 . .954 10. Commissioners directed letter on petition to hold Allen's Lane open for further investigation. 04 20 1954 11. Commissioners agreed to convey N. E. River Bridge Tender Cottage to Cape Fear Boys Scout. 04 20 1954 12. Commissioners invited to Wilm. Lions Club and State Commission for Blind servic es. 05 10 1954 13. Commissioners received letter from McLean Trucking Co. for offer of services before Interstate Commerce 05 17 1954 Commission h earing. 14. Commissioners called attention to Wilmington College banquet, 05 24 1954 15. Commissioners recessed to observe Memorial Day. 05 24 1954 16. Commissioners received letter from Commissioner Assoc. President on reservations at Ocean Terrace Iiotel. 17. Commissioners Assoc. payment approved for New Hanover County membership dues. 18. Commissioners Assoc. meeting discussed for Wrightsville Beach. 19. Commissioners recessed for Independance Day. 20. Commissioners discussed county audits from W. C. Barfield. 21. Commissioners invited to opening of Gregory-Poole Equipment Co. branch office at Eagle Island. 22. Commissioners invited to American Redcross annual meeting. 23. Commissioners received letter, advising that Addi?on Hewlett, Jr., acceptance to Historic Comm in place of his father. 24. Commissioner Chm. for meet with Mrs. Raiford Trask to plan ladies entertainment during Commission??s Convention. 25. Chairman r?ad plans for 47th annual commissioner convention. 26. Commissioners received payment from N. C. Industrial Commission. 27. Commissioners received SENCBA report. 28. Commissioners received SENCBA report. 29. Commissioners thanked ladies for participating in convention. 30. Commissioners adopted report of resolution committee on commissioners convention. 31. Commissioners received Nash County Commissioners letter of thanks on convention. 32. Commissioners took consideration on funds for SENCBA. 33. Commissioners received invitation from SENCBA to attend Xmas program at Carolina Beach. 34. Commissioners meeting postponed for holiday. 35. Commissioners read letter of thanks on Commissioners convention. 36. Commissioners reported SENCBA progress. 37. Commissioners discussed considering SENCBA funds. 38. Commissioners discussed considering Resort Muncipalities funds. 39. Commissioners Board of Directors meeting set for October 8? 9. 40. Commissioners invited to CPF?L dedication of new generator plant. 41. Commissioners invited to Home Improvement Tour at Castle Hayne. 42. Commissioners received SENCBA report. 43. Commissioners declared county a disaster area under National emergency. 06 Ol 1954 06 07 1954 0 6 07 1954 06 28 1954 06 24 1954 07 19 1954 07 19 1954 07 26 1954 MINUTE BOOK Vol. I Page 11 491 11 491 11 493 11 494 11 495 11 496 11 497 11 498 I1 501 11 506 11 505 11 512 11 514 11 515 1? 516 11 517 11 519 11 519 11 526 11 524 11 11 11 530 5?0 533 07 26 1954 11 533 08 02 1954 11 535 08 02 1954 11 535 08 09 1954 11 536 08 23 1954 11 538 08 23 1954 11 538 08 30 1954 11 539 08 30 1954 11 539 08 30 1954 11 539 09 13 1954 11 540 08 30 1954 11 542 09 13 : .954 11 541 09 13 1954 11 541 10 04 1954 11 544 10 04 1954 11 544 10 04 1954 11 544 10 11 1954 11 546 10 11 1954 11 546 10 11 1954 11 546 10 18 1954 11 547 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES N H C N C . , NlATTER• COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ` - anover ounty, ew . ¦ec. u. s. County Indezes Since 1888 ?? x+?--- 10 locate nqmes, open ot COTT A•i TAB INDEX rAr oFr?ce ?? An Identifying Trade Mark ??? SURNAME INITIAL TAB ?DE BY THE C0T7 INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBtIS, ONIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN , NEW BE RN, NORi H CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS bATE MINUT E BOOK Monfh ? Day I Year VoI. i I Page l. Commissioners extended vote of thanks to Home operations, military, State Hwy, patrol, etc. 10 18 1954 11 547 2. Commissioners received Commissioner Assoc. newsletter £or passage of legislation. 11 O1 1954 11 550 3. Commissioners approved SENCBA allotment. 11 15 1954 11 553 4. Commissioners approved allotment for Commissioner Convention. 11 15 1954 11 553 5. Commissiox?ers approved allotment for Commissioner Convention. 11 15 1954 11 553 6. Commissioners approved allotment for Industrial Promotion. 11 15 1944 11 553 7. Commissioners received SENCBA request for hurricane damage funds. 11 15 1954 11 553 8. Commissioners discussed relief for hurricane damages. 11 15 1954 11 554 9. Commissioners raised objections on CPF?L cables in Cape Fear River. 11 29 1954 11 557 10. Commissioners raised whether city or county should expense Grain elevator. 11 22 1954 11 556 11. Commissioners received SENCBA newsletter on federal disaster loan. 12 06 1954 11 559 12. Commissioners received SENCBA report. 12 06 1954 11 559 13. Commissioners agreed to continue legislation to increase county revenue. 12 20 1954 11 562 14. Commissioners recessed for Xmas and invited to Xmas party. 12 20 1954 11 563 15. ? Commissioners received letter on two day school for commissioners by Institu?te of Gov't, Chapel Hill. O1 03 1955 11 564 16. Commissioners received legislation by commissioners assoc. Ol 03 1955 11 564 17. Commissioners invited to Lee Jackson Tea at Legion Home by United Daughters of Confederacy. O1 17 1955 11 568 18. Commissioners approved payment to National Assoc. of County Officials fox magazines and membership. O1 17 1955 11 569 19. Chairman announced his attendance for Board of Directors and Legislative committee of Commissioners Assoc. O1 17 1955 11 569 20. Commissioners invited to All Seashore Hwy. Assoc. election, Morehead City, Jan. 25. O1 24 1955 11 570 21. Commissioners reported on 2 day school, Jan 18-19. O1 24 ?955 11 570 22. Gommissioners endorse act of Commissioner Assoc. to create fund for hospitalization of public assistance. O1 24 1955 11 570 23. Commissioners voted to oppose bill from Leagueof Municipalities to give them domination over real estate. 02 07 1955 11 572 24. Commissioners announced Commission Assoc. meeting, Fayetteville, Feb. 24. 02 07 1955 11 573 25. Commissioners assoc. newsletter received. 02 07 1955 11 573 26. Commissioners read bids for sand fences at beaches. 02 14 1955 11 574 ' 27. Commissioners read fence bid from Miller Building Corp. 02 14 1955 11 574 28. Commissioners read fence bid from Moore-Fonveille Co. 02 14 1955 11 574 29. Commissioners read fence bid from Gregory Const. Co. 02 14 1955 11 574 30. Commissioners read fence bid from W. S. Funderburg, T. E. NEwkirk, Corbett Lumber and Moo?Fonveille Realty. 02 14 1955 11 574 31. Commissioners accepted bid for fence fromMoore- Fonveille Realty. 02 14 1955 11 574 32. Commissioners took consideration on county siren matter. 02 14 1955 11 575 33. Commissioners recessed for Washington's Birthday. 02 21 1955 11 577 34. Commissioners Assoc. meeting announced for Fayetteville, Feb. 24. 02 21 1955 11 577 35. Commissioners invited by Dr. B. Frank Hall to discuss converting county home to private Boarding Home. 02 28 1955 11 578 36. Commissioners received full payment on Hurricane sand dunes work at beaches, Chm. announced. 02 28 1955 11 578 37. Commissioners received SENCBA letter on election of Ralph T. Horton to SENCBA Bd. of Directors. 04 12 1955 11 588 38. Commissioners agreed to close offices for Easter holiday. 04 12 1955 11 588 39. Commissioners Assoc. convention to be held in Richmond, Va., July 17-30 Chm. announced. 04 18 1955 11 590 40. Commissioners discussed procurement of objectionable industry in county be referred to Legislators. 04 18 1955 11 589 41, Commissioners discussed summer hours for county employees. 05 02 1955 11 594 , 42. Commissioners discussed summer hours, city manager suggested 39 hours. 05 02 1955 11 594 43. Commissioners discussed summer hours, auditor wants to remain same. 05 02 1955 11 594 44. Commissioners discussed summer hours, CSC declared 50/50 decision. 05 02 1955 11 594 45. Commissioners discussed summer hours, Register suggested 8-5 pm schedule. 05 02 1955 11 594 46. Commissioners discussed summer hours, Sheriff said didn't matter. 05 02 1955 11 594 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. , MATTFR: COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ` nec. u. s. Counry Inde:ea Since 1888 To IoCafe name5? open qt COTT A-Z TAB INDEX (??l(?,?e.y??' An Identifying Trade Mark ? SURNAM? INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO !AT OFi1CE SOLD BY OWEN G. OUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Qay I Year Vol. ( Page 1. Commissioners discussed summer hours, welfare approved 30 minute. 05 02 1955 11 594 2. Bids difference authorized for commissioners office equipment. 05 09 1955 11 595 3. J. M. Weeks bid accepted for commissioners office equipment. 05 09 1955 11 595 4. Commissioners authorized transferral of funds from General funds to various county offices. 05 09 1955 11 596 5. Commissioners invited to Optimist Recreational Little League Club, May 30. 05 23 1955 11 600 6. Commissioners took recess for Memorial Day. 05 23 1955 11 601 7. Commissioners Assoc. meeting announced, Chm. to arrange reservations in Asheville, 06 20 1955 11 607 8. Commissioners Assoc. reservation referred from George Van derbuilt Hotel, Asheville to Battery Park Hotel. 06 27 1955 11 608 9. Com?niss.ioners xecessed for independence Day. 06 27 1955 11 609 10. Commissioners approved payment to Institute of Government for membership dues. 07 05 1955 1Z 611 11. Comrnzssioners Assoc. summary report discussed on meeting in Richmond, Va. 07 25 1955 11 616 12. Commissioners read Rev. E. L. Pridgen's letter, wherein Bd commended on segregation stand. 08 Ol 1955 11 619 13. Commissioners discussed purchase of dictaphone. 08 O1 1955 11 619 14. Commissioners invited to Optimist Club lucheheon. 08 08 1955 11 622 15. Commissioners Chm. announced meeting with Sheriff, Chamber of Commerce, CP$L, State Patrol, Police Chiefs 08 15 1955 11 622 and City officials to discuss hurricane emergency plans. 16. Chairman read telegram from Gov. Hodges, congratulating him on fine address on segregation. 08 15 1955 11 623 17. Commissioners recessed for Commissioners' Assoc. convention, Asheville, Aug 21-24. 08 15 1955 11 625 18. Chairman reported satisfactory attendance to State Commissioners' Convention, Asheville, Aug. 21-24. 08 29 1955 11 626 I9. Commissioners read Kiwanis Club letter of appreciation to Bd. on handling of budget. OS 29 1955 11 627 20. Commissioners recessed for Labor Day. 09 05 1955 11 628 21. Commissioners received letter from Atty. Gen. N. B. Rodman with enclosed speech addressed to Commissioners 09 12 1955 11 629 Assoc. convention. Asheville. Aug. 23. 22. Commissioners discussed Hurricane Hazel's damages and negotiation of contracts for work. 09 12 .955 11 631 23. Commissioners received SENCBA report. 09 19 1955 11 632 24. Commissioners received Silver Service which was placed in Custody of the N. C. Colonial Dames for safe 10 10 1955 12 7 keeping, but must be returned upon request. 25. Received invitation to attend Charlotte-Mecklenburg County civil defense organization. 10 10 1955 12 8 26. Meeting for 10/17/55 will not be held. 10 10 1955 12 8 ?27. Receivedletter to attend meeting of the BOard of director of the State assoc. of the County Commissioners. 10 24 1955 12 11 28. Procurement of Presbyterian College discussed. 10 31 1955 12 13 3'.9. Chairman reported on Dedication Ceromony and plaque. 12 05 1955 12 22 30. Commission excused from duty. O1 3I 1956 12 31 31. Report on railroad. O1 09 1956 12 33 32. No meeting. O1 ?.b 1956 12 34 33. Discussed change in meeting times. Ol 23 1956 12 38 34. Commissioners extended thanks to Ogden V. F. Dept. O1 30 1956 12 39 35, Commission suggested T. B. Hospital acres not in use be returned to donor, no action. O1 30 1956 12 39 36. Chairman authorized to attend joint meeting of the Board of Directors. 02 06 1956 12 41 37. The Chairman recommended planting sea oats, sand dune. 02 20 1956 12 46 38. Mr, Horton appointed member of N. C. Commissioners assoc. tax study committee. 03 05 1956 12 50 39. Chairman authorized to attend meeting of Tax Study Committee. 03 05 1956 12 50 40. The Chairman reported on seperation of real and personal tax property. 03 12 1956 12 51 41.? Chairman reportedon Tax Study Committee. 03 12 1956 12 52 42. Received invitation to attend conference with Admiral Crawford. 03 26 1956 12 56 43. The Chairman Commended Azalea Festival president Mr. Will Rehder. 04 09 1956 12 58 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUT?S N H C N C --- ew anover ount?, . , MATTER: COUNTY COMMIS . SIONERS ` ncc. u. s. /?. County Indexea Since 1888 ? To locate names, open at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX r?r OFi1CE C.?,S?,<C?o-? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAI TAB IXI?DE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLO BY OWEN 6. DUNN, NEW BE RN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month I Day ? Year Vol. I Page 1• Chairman announced briefs to be distributed. 05 14 1956 12 68 2. Granted requested for police protection at Seabreeze. 05 14 1956 12' 68 3. Commissioner offer congratulations to candidates for County Commissioners. 05 28 1956 12 72 4. Mr. Horton to attend ABC Control Board to speak on ABC of County Government. 06 04 1956 12 74 5. Mr. Horton to represent county on industrial Committee. 06 04 1956 12 74 6. Mr. Horton to attend meeting to discuss Wilmington College. 06 04 1956 12 74 7. Chairman to investigate property of Mr. D. L. Smith. 06 04 1956 12 74 8. Mr. Horton received Certificate of award. 06 11 1956 12 75 9. Mr. Horton (new commissioner) take oath of office. 06 25 1956 12 77 10. Board approved Dr. John T. Hoggard's picture for Commissioners office. 06 25 1956 12 78 11. The board welcome Mr. Berry A. Williams, County Commissioner elect. 07 02 1956 12 80 12. The late Richard A. Burnett's picture approved for Commissioner's office. 07 09 1956 12 82 13. Report on trip o New York, received report on Industrial Survey of City/County. 07 16 1956 12 83 14. Commissioner James E. Holton to represent County on Safety Council. 07 23 1956 12 85 15. Minutes coxrected and approved. 07 30 195b 12 85 16. The Chairman accepted and gave thanks for framed copy of "I am the Guard." 07 30 1956 12 85 17. The Chairman announced board ready for question of resoluation, companies to submit new bids. 07 30 1956 12 86 18. Bids received for revaluation of property. 09 10 1956 12 94B 19. The Chairman was authorized and directed ?o join City in execution 50 yr. lease Legion Stadium to USA. 11 05 1956 12 105 20. Commissioner Barry Williams take office Commissioners their administrative policies. 12 05 1956 12 111 21. Board adop?ted a Certificate of Award for services rendered by Mr. Raiford Trask. 12 03 1956 IZ 112 22. Commissioner WIlliams was welcomed to the Board. 1 2 03 1956 12 lI3 23. The Board approved the Standing Committee r?amed by the Chairman. 12 10 1956 12 115 24. Board agreed a resolution should be made in respect to the passing of John H. Farrell. 12 10 1956 12 115 25. Mr. Williams reported on his attendance of the Fayetteville area Industrial Develop. Corp, meeting. 12 17 I956 12 117 26. Board authorized renewal of annual membership in the National Assoc. of County officials. 12 31 1956 12 118 27. Mr. Williams and County Auditor's to attend school for newly elected commissioners. 12 31 1956 12 118 28. Board agreed to continue membership in the National Assoc. of assessing officers. Ol 07 195? 12 120 29. Mr. Williams request study of reports concerning Health Dept. O1 28 195?? 12 125 30. Mr. Williams ask Board to employ Secretary for Clerk's Office received for future consideration. 02 04 195'? 12 127 31. Mr. Williams reported on Cape Fear River Basin Flood control hearing. 02 11 1957 12 129 32. Motion concerning Commissioners salaries failed a second. 02 11 1957 12 130 33. Received list of District Meetings for County Commissioners adopted motion to send letter to Mayor Dan 03 04 1957 12 135 Cameron. 34. Commissioners agreed on salary for the Chairman. 03 25 1957 12 14(i 35. Chairman, Authorized to enter Deed of Trust lien on docket. 04 O1 1947 12 142 36. Approved Commissioners membership dues. OS 20 ]957 12 153 37. Meeting adjourned commissioners left for airport. 05 20 ]957 12 154 38. Board approved next convention of County Commissioners to held here. 05 27 1957 12 155 39. No action taken on meeting time change. 05 27 1957 12 155 40. Mr. Williams appointed Mr. Holton and Mayhon to study bids for courthouse air conditioning. 05 27 1957 12 155 41. Adopted resolution from Board of Education. 07 O1 1957 12 164 42. Board ta meet with Mr. Marshall I. Pickens Director of Hospital and Orphan Section of Duke Endowment 08 12 1957 12 173 43, Board regretfully accepted resignation from Mr. T. K. Woody, Clerk to Board. 08 28 1957 12 177 44. Board appointed Mr. William C. Houck Clerk to the Board. 08 28 1957 12 177 45. William G. Houck, received welcome as new clerk. 09 16 1957 12 180 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count N C E T COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ? ?, . . , MA T R aEC. u. s. Counry [nde:ea Since 1888 To loeate names, open at COTT A-2 TAB INDEX reT OFi1CE ??7? F!n ldentifying Trade Mark SURNAMB IN1ilAL TAB MIADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COIUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN 6. DUNN, NEW B ERN, NORT H CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DAtE MINUiE BOOK Month ? Day I Year Vol. ? Page l. The chairrnan and clerk were authorized to sign application for State funds for Mentally Handicapped. 09 ?3 1957 12 182 2. Mr. Hall, presented Mr. Woody a complete fishing outfit, 10 ?7 1957 12 185 3. Board to meet with Governing Body of area to discuss damages by high taxes. 10 07 1957 12 185 4. Board approved letter to Governor pertaining to impact, export rates. 10 14 1957 12 187 5. Board held emergency meeting to discuss Beach erosion. 10 18 1957 12 188 6. Mayor J. E. WAde invite Board joint with City to appoint Director of Civil Defense. 10 28 1957 12 190 7. Board sent telegram, supporting.?hamber of ?ommerce in interest of US-17. 11 04 1957 12 191 8. Commissioners chose office for funeral Mr. C. Heide Trask. 11 04 1957 12 192 9. Commissioners adopted resolution in honor of Mr. C. Heide Trask. 11 04 1957 12 192 10. Mr. Berry A. Williams to represent county at three city committee meetings. 11 18 1957 12 193 11. Motion died to reorganize Board. 12 02 1957 12 196 '12. Board reject resignation of C. R. Morse. 12 23 1957 12 204 13. Board accept with regrets resignation of C. R. Morse. 12 30 1957 12 205 14. Mr. William reported on preparation of program for convention. 02 10 1958 12 223 15. Chairman J. M. Hall presented certification to Mayor Wade. 11 12 1958 12 330 16. Received NACo report. 12 08 1958 12 340 17. Chairman Holton, Jr. presented certification of communication to Mayor Tucker, Carolina Beach. 02 02 1959 12 370 18. Chairman was authorized to call and visit Mr. W. E. Peterson concerning airport landing lights. 03 02 1959 12 390 19. Chairman's salary to be set at $1800.00 per year. 7 1 1959 12 454 20. Board autho?ized members to attend State Convention in Asheville. 7 6 1959 12 462 21. Chairman J. E. Holton, Jr. resigned as Chairman of the Board. 12 7 1959 12 518 22. Mr, J. M. Hall, Jr. appointed new Chairman to the Board• 12 7 1959 12 518 23. Chairman Holton, Jr. thanked the Board and presented the gravel to Mr. Hall. 12 7 1959 12 518 24o Approved travel expense for a delegate to attend Mid-Winter Session of NACO, San Diego, 1 4 1960 12 532 Cal f . 25. June 20th meeting cancelled, annual State Association of County Commissioners meeting. 6 6 1960 12 579 26. Mr. Williams reported of attending Annual State Association meeting, discussed complaints 7 5 1960 12 582 of travel expenses spent by Commissioners. 27. Chairman Hall, Jr. apppointed to the Board of Directors of Committee of 100. 7 5 1960 12 583 28. Budget meeting, approved $21,068.00, Commissioners budget. 7 8 1960 12 589 29. Chairman was authorized to issue proclamation for Industry Appreciation Week. 11 7 1960 12 625 30. Messrs. J. E. Holton, Jr. and Berry A. Williams retiring from the Bnard affective ?2-5-60.11 21 1960 12 630 31. Mr. T. M. Hall, Jr. re-app?ointed Chairman. 12 5 1960 13 630 32. Mr. John Van B. Metts, Jr, appointed Vice Chairman. 12 5 1960 12 631 33. Mr. John Bright Hill, re-appointed County Attorney. 12 5 1960 12 631 34. Mr. W. G. Houck, re-appointed Clerk-Executive Secretary. 12 5 1960 12 631 35. Committees to be appointed at next meeting. 12 5 1960 12 631 36. Mr. W. Allen Cobb, re-named Assistant Solicitor. 12 5 1960 12 631 37. Accepted with regrets resignation of County Attorney Hill, appointed Mr. L. Bradford 12 19 1960 12 635 Tillery to succeed Mr. Hill. 38. Chairman, expressed gratitude and presented citations to retiring members. (above) 1 3 1961 12 639 39. Commissioners recessed to attend funeral of Mr. Walter Duval Bass, County employee. 5 1 1961 12 668 ?.p, Received convention report, State Association of County Commissioners. 8 7 1961 13 9 41. Notice received of NACO Convention, motion carried for one member to attend. 8 7 1961 13 9 42. Commissioners authorized personal citation for Mr. Sherwood Versteeg and award.of 10 2 1961 13 24 Station WKLM be recorded in the records. 1 . INDEX TQ COMMISSIONERS MINUTES --- New Hanover County N. C. MU JECT ? , _ Count y Commi ssion ers- aea, u. s. County Indexes Since 1888 ? To IOCOl? nam?s, op?n at COTT A-Z TA? INYEX PAT OFFICE C.?,?? An ldentifying Trade Mazk SURNAME INITIAL TAE MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OH10 SOLD ?T OWEN 0. YUNN, NEN tERN, NORTH GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS narE MlNUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Commissioners invited Boards of County Commissioners from Burnswick, Onslow and Pender 10 2 19?1 13 25 Counties to Neighborhood Togetherness Dinner, 11-20-61. 2. Mr. Braak and Executive Secretary authorized inviting Commissioners and Attorneys.(above) 10 23 1961 13 30 3. Commissioners closed office from time af adjourment until 3pm for funeral of Mr. T. K. 11 20 1961 13 38 Woody, Sr. 4. Chairman Hall appointed ex-office member on the Community Planning And Development 12 18 1961 13 52 Commission and Zon.ing Board of adjt?stment. 5. Chairman authorized to appoint three members to Community Planning and Development 12 18 1961 13 52 Commission and five members to Zoning Board of adjustment. 6. Chairman Hall, authorized to employ an architect for space for Social Service rerrrodel??ngr 12 18 1961 13 52 7. Notice of District meeting in Onslow County Courthouse January 17, 1962. 1 2 1962 13 54 8. Commissioners to attend bid opening for repairing Armory. 1 2 1962 13 54 9. Joint meeting, bids open, contracts awarded for A?mory repairs. 1 15 1962 l3 59 10. Commissioner Hall, Chairman excused to appear before the Grand Jury. 1 15 1962 13 60 11. Commissioners to attend District Meeting in the Onslow County Courthouse. 1 15 1962 13 61 12. Commissioner Metts, Jr. requested to abstain from Ins. and eliminate agency represented. 2 5 1962 13 62 13. Comrnissioner Mayhan, to meet with officials regarding Winter Park Little League. 2 5 1962 13 65 14. Commissioner Braak, appointed as one of the Director Advisors on the Education 2 5 1962 13 65 Committee of NACO. 15. Commissioners endorsed River Bridge Resolution for SENCland Development Association. 2 19 1962 13 67 ]_6. Commissioners endorsed traffic light? at shopping centers leading into Oleander Dr- 17. 2 19 1962 13 68 17. Commissioners approved change in State Association dues, letter written to that affect. 2 19 1962 13 70 18. Commissioners approved Wilmington College Resolution, 3 5 1962 13 72 19. Chairman Hall, Jr. reported on NACO's stand on Urban Affairs. 3 5 1962 13 75 20. Chairman Hall, Jr. excused for emergency appointment, Vice Chairman Metts presided. 3 19? 1962 13 79 21. Commissioners urged to attend District meeting in Greensville for policy making groups. 3 l? 1962 13 83 22. Commissioners received credentials admitting them to Azalea Festival Activ?ties. 4 2 1962 13 87 23. Commissioners authorized to attend the 36th annual meeting of the ASBPA. 4 16 1962 13 -98 24. Commissioners recessed to meet 5-14-62, no quorun present. 5 7? 1962 13 100 25. Commissioner J. M. Hall, Jr. received a certificate of inerit from Mayor Kenneth G. 5 14. 1962 13 100 Wooten. 26. Chairman authorized to sign agreement for fallout shelter in Courthouse. 5 14- 1962 13 102 27. Commissioner Ha11,Jr. authorized to write opposing the elimination of puZlman service. 5 14. 1962 13 103 28. Commissioners authorized Ghairman to invite the State Convention meet in New Hanover 5 21 1962 13 111 County in 1964. Annual State Convention held in Morehead City June 17-62. 29. Commissioners authorized and urged to attend State Convention. (above), 6 4. 1962 13 115 30. Commissioners endorsed the Alochic Education Rehabitation Program. 6 11 1962 13 117 31. Commissioners att?nded the 55th annual meeting of the State Assoc County Commissioners. 6 11 1962 13 117 32. Commissioners recessed to attend funeral of Mr. Harry M. Soloman, Civic Life Leader. 8 6 1962 13 140 33. Commissioners take holiday, Labor Day, no meeting. 9 4; 1962 13 144 34. Commissioners signed resolution in honor of Dr. Albert Coates. 9 1? 1962 13 150 35. Commissioners received Intergovernmental Relationship Questionaire for study and report. 11 51 1962 13 167 36. Commissioners authorized to attend State Association of County Commi.?sioners meeting. 12 3 1962 13 17b 37. Commissioner Hall, Jr. Chairman reported on Commissioners District meeting. 1 il 196? 13 181 38. Chairman Hall, Jr, authorized to sign approval on request from John Talbert & Assoc Inc. 4 1 1963 13 202 39. Commissioners to attend the Annual Convention of State Association of County 5 E? 1963 12 212 Commissioners. ? MATTER: INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. , SUBJECT County Commissioner? aEO. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 g? +..? To lotat? namis? op?n at COTT A•2 T?? INpEX r?T OFFICE (?1.?- An Identifying Trade Mark ??-8 SURNAME INITIAL TAB INADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD tY OMEN 0. pUNN, NEM ?ERN, NORTH GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NAiURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Received Commissioners book, Chairman reported on attending the State Convention. 5 6 1963 13 212 2. Commissioners authorized one member to attend NACO Convention, expenses paid. 6 3 1963 13 221 3. Commissioaler Ernest R. Mayhan appointed to the Mental Health Board of Advisory Council. 7 15 1963 13 228 4. Commissioners postponed meeting to attend State Association Convention. 8 5 1963 13 244 S.. Commissioners had special called meeting for accepting a certificate of appreciation 9 13 1963 13 251 from the US Coast Guard. 6. Commissioners expressed sympathy to Mr. & Mrs. Houck, death of Mrs. Houck's mother. 10 7 1963 13 258 INDEX TQ COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Coun , N. C. ' MU JECT County ? - Commissioner Member? xec. u. s. ?/? ?'?A???? County Indezes Since 1$88 ? To IoCaN nam?s? Op?n O! COT7 MI TAt INOEX r?r OFFICE C.G"t,tQ//"J/K.a-? rAnldentifying Trade Mark SURKAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD !Y ONEN i. YUNN, NEA iERN, NORTN GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS l. Commissioner Horton, re-elected Chairman, 0'Sheilds, re-elected Vice Chairman. 2. Commissioner Horton, re-elected Tax Superv?:sor. 3. Membe?s: Horton, 0'Shields, Davis, Love and Trask. 4. Commissioners invited to SENCBA fishing rodeo banquet. 5. Commissioners presented portraifi of late J?.mes Malcolm Hall, Sr. to family. 6. 0'Shields excused from meeting for 12:25 appointment. 7. Love spoke on County expenses. 8. Horton, appointed to fill position of Commissioners Association. 9. Commissioners took oath of office, J. M. Hall, Jr and Ernest R. Mayhan elected. 10. Commissioner Horton, re-elected Chairman< 11. Members: Horton, 0'Sheilds, Trask, Hall and Mayhan. 12. Commissioner Trask, elected Vice Chairman. 13. Members: Horton, Trask, 0'Sheilds, Hall, Jr. and Mayhan. 14. Commissioners Davzs, Trask and Ho?ton to check CSC records. 15. Commissioners T. C. Davis and T. D. Love retiring, apprec:ation extended. 16. T. D. Love read statement to the Bpard. 17. T. C. Davis expressed appreciation ?o the Board, paid respect to former Board members. 18. Chairman Horton briefed Board on new duties. 19. Commissioner E. R. Mayhan read statemezrt to B?.ard. 20. Chairman Horton approved vacation time. 21. Commissioner, Chairman to attend Commissioners Association meeting, Raleigh. 22. Commissioner Mayhan, named for SENCBA meeting. 23. Commissioner 0'Shields, announced resignation. 24. L. E. Brc?adhurst, appointed to fill unexpired term of Claude 0'Shields. 25. Claude 0'Shield, presented certificate of award for services. 26. Commissioner Leon E. Broadhurst took oath of office, welcomed as Board member. 27. Commissioner 0'Sheilds extended thanks from Board members. 28. Comm.issioner R. T. Horton, named to handle documents and papers on Civil Defense. 29. R. T. Horton, re-elected Chairman. Raiford Trask elected Vice Chairman. Thomas Woody--Clerk, John Bright Hil1--County Attorney 30. W. Allen Cobb, appointed Assistant Solicitor, John J. Burney, appointed District Solicitor. 31. Members: R. T. Ho.rton, J. M. Hall, Jra, Raiford Trask, E?°nest Mayhan and L. Broadhurst. 32. Mr. R. T. Hnxton resigned as Chairman and member of the Board. 33. Mr. Thomas Woody, appointed Executive Secretary for a period of six (6) months. 34. Mr. James E. Holton, Jr. appointed a member of the County Commissioners to fill unexpired term of Ralph T. Horton, resigned. 35. Mr. Raiford Trask, appointed Chairman until first Monday in Decea?ber 1956. 36. Members: Trask, Hall, Jr., Mayhan, Broadhurst and Holton, Jr. Mr. Hall, Jr. elected Vice Chairman 37. Mr. J. M. Hall, Jr. elected Chairman for one (1) year, Mr. E. Mayhan elec?ed Vice Chairman, Thomas K. Woody--Clerk-Executive Secretary, John B. Hill-County Attorney. 38. Members: Holton, Jr., Mayhan, Broadhurst, Williams and Hall, Jr. 39. Mr. T. K. Woody, resigned as clerk of the Board. 40. Mr. Willia? G. Houck, appointed Clerk to the Board. 41. Members: Holton, Jr., Williams, Mayhan, Broadhurst and Hall, Jr. DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 12 7 195.? 11 472 12 7 1953 11 472 12 14 1953 11 474 1 11 1954 11 478 S 10 1954 11 513 6 28 1954 11 526 7 21 1954 11 532 11 1 1954 11 550 I2 6 Z954 ?? 557 12 6 1954 11 557 12 13 1954 11 560 12 6 1954 11 557 12 6 1954 11 557 12 6 1954 11 557 ?.2 6 1954 11 558 12 6 1954 11 558 12 6 1954 11 558 12 6 1954 11 558 12 6 ?954 11 559 12 13 c 11954 11 561 3 14 1955 11 583 3 14 1955 11 583 4 4 1955 11 587 4 18 1955 11 589 4 25 1955 11 592 5 2 1955 11 593 5 2 1955 11 593 9 12 1955 11 630 12 S 1955 12 22 12 5 1955 12 22 12 S 1955 12 23 6 11 1956 12 76 6 11 1956 12 76 6 18 1956 12 77 6 25 1956 12 79 6 25 1956 12 79 12 3 1956 12 111 12 3 1956 12 111 8 28 1957 12 177 8 28 1957 12 177 8 28 1957 12 177 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. _ MU JEtTCommissioner Members- ae6, u. s. Counry Indexee Since 1888 ?I ?? -- To IoCOt? nam?s, O?NII oi COTi A•2 TA{ INOEX PAT OFFICE ??? An Identifying Trade Mark ?B SURNAME INIiIAL TAY MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD t1 OWEN i. YUNN, NEN ?ERN, NORiH UROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUiE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l. J. M. Hall, Jr. -- Chairman, J. E. Hilton-?aVice Chairman John Bright Hill-- County Attorney, William Co Houck-- Executive Secretary 2. C. H. Houck, appointed Clerk to the Board. 3.. James 1?.Hall, Jr. and Peter H. Braak, elected County Commissioners. 4. James E. Holton, appointed Chairman 1958-59. 5. Peter H. Braak, appointed Vice Chairman 1958-59. 6. John Bright Hill, re- appointed County Attorney. 7. W. G. Houck, re-appointed Clerk-Executive Secretary. 8. Mr. Sam W. Johnson, re-appointed Tax Collector. 9. Mr. T. D. Love. re-appointed Tax Supervisor. 10. J. M. Hall, Jr. resigned, J. M. Holton, Jr. appointed Chairman to the Board. 11. Peter H. Braak, appointed Vice Chairman. 12. W. G. Houck, re=appointed Clerk-Executive S?cretary. 13. John Bright Hili, re-appointed County Attorney. 14. Messers. J. ?. Holton, Jr. and Berry A. Williams retiring affected Dece??ber 5, 1960. 15. Re-organization of the Board: Chairman----Mr. J. M. Hall, Jr. Vice Chairman----John Van B. Metts, Jr. County Attorney----John B. Hill Clerk-Exc Secretary----W. G. Houck Members: Hall, Jr.,Braak, Broadhursy, Mayhan and Metts, Jr. 16. Re-organization of the Board: Mr. J. M. Hall, Jr. re-elected Chairman, Mr. Metts, Jr.. re-elected Vice Chairman Mr. L. Bradford Tillery, appointed County Attorney W. G. Houck, re-appointed Clerk-Executive Secretary, Mrs. Evelyn M. Foster, Secretary. .. Members: J. M. Hall, Jr., Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan and John Van B. Metts, Jr. 17. Re-organization of the Board: Chairman, J. M. Hall, Jr. Vice Chairman J. Van B. Metts, Jr. County Attorney, L. Bradford Tillery Clerk-Executive Secretary, W. G. Houck, Mrs Evelyn M. Foster Secretary Members: J. M. Hall, Jr., Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan. and John Van B. Metts 18. Re-organization of the Board: Chairman, J. M. Hall, Jr. Vice Chairman, John V. B. Metts,Jr Caunty Attarney, L. B. Tillery Clerk-Executive Secretary, W. G. Houck Secretary, Mrs. Evelyn M. Fos?er Members: J. M. Hall, Jr., Peter H. Braak, Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst and John Van B. Metts, Jr. 19. Room Alterations - Budget Discussion. 20. Room Alterations 21. Room Alterations 22. Retirement Statements 23. Re-organization 24. Dr. Hooper Elected Chairman 25. Salaries 26. llistrict N. C. Association meeting 27. Chairman, Board 12 5 1957 12 199 5 5 1958 12 254 12 1 1958 12 336 12 1 1958 12 336 12 1 1958 12 336 12 1 1958 12 336 12 1 1958 12 366 9 8 I959 I2 494 9 8 1959 12 494 12 7 1959 12 518 12 7 1959 12 518 12 7 1959 12 518 12 7 1959 12 518 11 21 1960 12 630 12 5 1950 12 630 12 4 1961 13 39 ? 12 3 1962 13 174 12 2 1963 13 208 07 06 1964 13 350 08 17 1964 13 367 11 16 1964 13 396 12 07 1964 13 400 12 07 1964 13 401 12 07 1964 13 401 03 17 1969 14 306 09 15 1969 14 390 11 03 L96y 14 407 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES --- New Hanover Count? N C COMMISSIONERS - MISC ` , . . , MATTER: . eEC. u. s. County Inde:es Since 1888 ? TO IOtoh nam?f, O?Nn Ot COTT A•Z TAB INDFX ingTradeMaric MILLE BY THE COTi tNDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, DHIO PAT OFFICE ?p?7?? Anldentif y SURNAME INIYIAL TAB SOLU tl OWEN i, p UNN, NEN 6ERN, NORT N GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Letter in acknowledgment of E. L. White resolution. 10 19 1959 12 507 2. Letter informing of annual Jefferson-Jackson Dinner request appropriation. O1 18 1960 12 536 3. Thank-you letter from Mrs. Louise S. Bland of the Christmas Bureau. Ol 18 1960 12 539 4. Pictures taken for use in State Association Magazine. 04 18 1960 12 563 5. Invitation to attend Founder`s Day program. 04 18 1960 12 568 6. June 20th meeting cancelled due to annual State Assoc. meeting, Board authorized to attend. 06 06 1960 12 579 7. Received NACo Convention in Miami, Fla. 05 07 1960 12 587 8. Commissioner was authorized to attend the NACo convention. 08 Ol 1960 12 603 9. Thank you Ietter from H. M. Koland appreciation for "Roland-?rise IIay." 08 03 I96Q I2 6d4 10. Letter informing of Commissioners District Meeting urging attendings. 11 07 1960 12 626 11. Commissioners authorized to attend the dedication of the Jospeh P. Knapp Building. 11 07 1960 12 626 12. Notice of school for Commissioners, authorized members to attend. 02 06 1961 12 646 13. Notice of School for County Commissioners and County Accountants, Sec. to make reservations. 02 20 1961 12 650 14. Note of appreciation from the family of Walter D. Bas. 06 05 1961 12 686 15. Thank you letter from Sudan Temple, A. A. 0. N. M. S. 06 05 1961 12 686 16. Thank you letter from Mrs. E. C. Keith regarding the Corp of Engineers. 06 19 1961 12 689 17. Report on 54th annual convention of the State Assoc. of County Commissioners. 08 07 1961 13 9 18. Thank you letter from C. & D. Board members. 08 07 1961 13 10 19. Request from Nettie R. Floyd, regarding renewals to periodicals. 12 18 1961 13 53 20. Miscellaneous recommendations from Mr. Harry Hayden, to be Committees of Projects. Ol 02 1962 13 54 21. Notice from Institute of Government scheduling conference for Commissioners and local Boards of Health. 02 19 1962 13 71 22. No action taken on request from Continental Biscuit Co. 06 04 1962 13 113 23. Brochure on the 27th Annual conference of the NACo. 06 04 1962 13 115 24. Notation of Calendar duties for County officials 1962/63. 07 02 1962 13 124 25. Reminder of NACo's New York Conference July 8-llth, 1962. 07 02 1962 13 124 26. Letter inviting Board to attend opening of P eoples S.aving & L oan Association Branch in Winter Park. 08 20 1962 13 143 27. Invitation to attend dedication services of the New First Christian Church on Oleander Dr. 04 16 1963 13 207 28. Appreciation from Champion McDowell Davis for Resolution passed Nov. 18, 1963. 12 16 1963 13 273 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES N H C t N C - ew anover oun ?, . . , MATTER: Carolina Beach aec. u. s. ?AT OFFItE ? County Indezee Since 1888 ? An ldentifying Trade Mark ?? ?-- To locate names, open at ?g SURNAM@ INITIAL TAB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX IMADE BY TNE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLO BY OWEN 6. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORiII GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DAtE Month Day Year MINUTE BOOK Vol. Page 1.;; Appropriation request declined for Carolina Beach First Aid Station. 5 13 1946 10 496 2..; Request far special officers near Carolina Beach received for consideration. 7 29 1946 10 506 3. M. L. Landers authorizeu for. employment on Carol.i_na Beach drainage system. 4 7 1947 10 558 4.. Motion considered in regards to dredge Henniker Ditch. 4 16 1947 10 S60 5., Ap?:ro?red paymer?t t?? T?1. F. Freeman for izalf-cost of survey for dr?ining Hen,.i.ker Ditch. 4 16 1947 10 560 6. Carolina Beach Clerk reqta.ested c7_eaning of d?itches . 3 22 1948 11 17 7. Carolina Be:?.ch Schooi. Commit?tee's comFlaint refe.r???e?. on playgro?.;.nd. 4 10 1948 11 25 8. Appro?xL.atic??.?- gra?;.ted to ?Tation:?l Federat:ion :;f Post Office Clerks for convention. 4 10 1948 l?. 25 9. SENCBA funds discussed, not aZZowed. 8 2 1948 11 39 10. SNECBA payment approved. 8 29 1948 11 118 11. Carolina Beach Manager R. H. Hamilton request taken under consideration on appointing 2 13 1950 11 156 D. L. Tanner as Constable. ?2. Notice received for public hearing on dredging at Carolina Beach. 3 13 1950 11 156 13. Carolina Beach Manager's request for funds taken under consideration. 4 17 1950 11 176 14., Attention called to widening of Carolina Beach Hughways. 6 26 1950 11 192 15. Carolina Beach Manager requested funds for Beach Erosion, authorized investigation, 6 29 1950 11 193 16. Erosion report submitted by T. C. Davis, deferred. 6 10 1950 11 194 17. SENCBA granted appropriations. 8 21 1950 11 205 18.. SENCBA appropriations postponed. 12 4 1950 11 228 Y9. SENCBA Fishing Redeo appropriations investigated. 12 11 1950 11 229 w?. Car. Beach Manager advised ?hat Civil Defense director salary is too high. 1 29 1951 11 237 21. SENCBA allowed funds. 9 4 1951 11 284 22. Carolina Beach granted funds for erosion from Emergency Fund. 12 10 1951 11 307 23. Carolina Beach erosion survey requested to be extended to include Kure and Fort Fisher. 12 31 1951 11 309 24. Authorized letter to Carolina Beach Manager on opportunity to become Director of Office S 26 1952 11 338 of American Municipal Association, Washington. 25. US Treasure pa?ment authorized for Carolina Beach erosion, payment approved to W.J. Batson.9 3 1952 11 362 26. SENCBA granted funds. 9 8 1952 11 363 27. Board went on record favoring Channel at Carolina Beach. 11 24 1953 11 380 ;?8.. Major Gen. H. D, Linscott called attention to no lifegt?ard at Bch, two marines drowned. 8 17 1953 11 446 29. Carolina Beach Manager requested for drainage to be investigated by Board members. 8 17 1953 11 446 30. SENCBA funds considered. 8 24 1953 11 448 31. Board recommended flood gates for Carolina Beach drain area. 8 31 1953 11 449 32. Carolina Beach road petition referred for speed zone. 9 2 1953 11 451 33. SENCBA report received. 4 5 1954 11 498 34. Carolina Beach Manager requested endoursement for repairs and beautification to Fort 6 7 1954 11 518 Fisher Battle Acres. 35. SENCBA report filed. 8 9 1954 11 536 36,, SENCBA report filed. 8 23 1954 11 538 37. SENCBA funds considered. 8 30 1954 11 539 38,, SENCBA invitation received for Commissioners to attend Chri?tmas Program. 9 13 1954 11 540 39. SENCBA progress report received. 9 13 1954 11 541 40. Carolina Beach Manager reported on damages to beach by hurricane. 11 1 1954 11 551 41. Carolina Beach Chamber of Commerce approved ?unds? SENCBA approved funds. 11 15 1954 11 551 42. SENCBA requested funds for hurricane damages, newsletter received on Federal Loan. ?.11 15 1954 11 553 43., SENCBA report filed. 12 6 1954 11 559 INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MU JE T COUNTY COMMISSIONERS _ (members) aeo. u, s. ?.?p Counry lndezea Since 1888 TO Io?ON ?am?s? ?p?q Ot COTT A-2 T?? INpEX P?T OFFICE ',`.+± ?l:? An Idenpfying Trade Mark ? SURNAME INIiGL TA? NIADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD ?Y OWEN i. pYNN, NE/ tERN, NORTN GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUiE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page ; 1. Request for funds for statzonery 02 02 1970 14 438 2. Resolution altering composition of mode of election of the Board 02 16 1970 14 441 3. Appropriation for travel 03 16 1970 14 453 4. Transfer of fcnds - telephone, advertising 04 20 1970 14 464 5. Discussion salaries and travel allowance 12 04 1972 I5 276 6. Salaries 12 18 1972 15 292 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County N. C. ECT ??MEMB?ROMMISSIONERS MU ` , _ J ae?. u. s. ? `_ Counry Indezea Since 18f78 ? T? bwt? nam?s, O?NO Ct PAT OFFICE C.?c?!/7? An ldentifying Trade Mark =URNAME INITIAL TAS COTT MZ TM INpEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY? COLUMBUS? OHIO SOLD ?T OWEN 0. YUNN, N EN ?ERN, NORTH GROLIt U DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page ? 1. T'ransfer of Funds 06 O1 19%0 14 480 2. Appropriation-Advertising 06 15 1970 14 4?5 3. Ratification of Action taken by Board Prior to Swearing in of Commissioners 12 07 1970 14 551 4. Reorganization 12 07 1970 i4 552 5. Advance request to appear before the board 10 04 1971 15 15 6. Public address system for office 10 02 1972 15 ?29 7. Public address system for office 10 16 1972 15 ?35 8. Additional chairs for office 11 20 1972 15 252 9. Purchase dictating machine II 22 Ig72 IS 2b8 10. Public address system for office 12 04 1972 15 271 I1. Transfe?cE funds - Service contract on dictating machine for office 12 18 1972 15 291 12. Chairs for Commissioners' office O1 02 1973 15 292 13. Discussion Travel Allowance O1 02 1973 15 299 14. Certificates to former O1 OZ I973 15 30I ? 15. Awarding Service Certificates to O1 15 1973 15 301 16. Awarding of Civil Defense Certificates to Ol 15 1973 15 301 17. Answering telephones - Mr. Vaughan Ol 15 I973 15 306 18. Discussion of Extra meetings and open meetings O1 15 1973 15 312 19. Dinner meeting O1 15 1973 15 314 20. Addressing of mail O1 15 I973 15 314 21. Resignation of Chm. Oxenfield O1 30 1973 15 315 22. Election of r?. H. Vaughan - Interim Chm. O1 30 1973 15 316 23. Discussion on vacancy Ol 30 1973 15 316 24. Discussion on vacancy 02 05 1973 15 :?16-7 25. Mrs. Savage in charge - commissioners' office 02 05 1973 15 323 26. Appointment of W. D. Powell 02 15 1973 15 328 27. Appointment of M. H. Vaughan - Chairman 02 19 1973 15 329 28. Stationery for Commissioners 02 19 1973 15 335 29. Shortening of Minutes 02 19 1973 15 335 30. Copies of Minutes and Agenda 02 19 1973 15 335 31. Agenda Items, Deadline for 02 19 1973 15 335 32. Commendation of Clerk to the Board 03 05 1973 15 337 33. Stationery 03 05 1973 15 348 34. Comments by Peter R. Davis 03 19 1973 15 358 35. Appt. of Vivian Wright as Vice- Chm. 04 02 1973 15 359 36. New county map for office 04 16 1973 15 376 37. Stationery 04 16 1973 15 376 38. Transfer for advertising and dues 05 07 1973 15 383 39. Policy on reusing tapes 05 07 1973 15 385 40. Policy on use of Building, Commissioners (discussion) 05 21 1?J73 15 ?21-2 41. Endorsement of Nat'1 Guard 05 21 1973 15 422 42. Complaints from press on Personnel meetings 05 21 1973 15 423 43. Resignation of Comm. Hall from NHNII-I Board of Trustees 06 04 1973 15 429 44. Vote of Thanks - Chm. Vaughan 06 04 1973 15 431 45. Policy on use of Building (adoption) 06 04 1973 15 4312 46. Appt. of Comm. Hall to Regional Mental Health Board 06 18 1973 15 439 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MU JECT COU(MEMBOMMjSSIONERS ` fl¢?, u. a. County Indexea Since 1888 ' TO 1otCN naeOls? open at COTT A•2 TA? INOEX P?T OFFICE ?? .?nldentifying Trade Mark ??_ MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SURNAME INIiIAL TA? SOLD tY OWEN i. pUNN, NEN tERN, NORTN GROLINA ? narE MiNUrE BooK ? ? ? ; €? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month , Day Year Vol. Page 1.??, Resolution supporting Conder for V. P. of Nat'1 Assoc. Counties 07 02 1973 15 444-5 2.; Reappointment of Comm. Davis ?r Powell to COG 07 02 1973 15 445 3.;? Appointment of Comm. Powell, Hospital Board 08 06 1973 15 460 4.';' Appt. Chm. Vaughan, Harbor House 08 06 1973 15 460 5.?' Appt. Comm. Wright, Lower Cape Fear Planning Unit 08 06 1973 15 4b0 6..': Appt. Comm. Davis, Airport Commission 08 06 1973 15 460 7.' Appt. Comm. Wright, Board of Health 08 20 1973 15 469 8.' Length of terms on boards, 1-year 08 22 1973 15 479 9. Tour of Maryland Coast - Davis F? Powell 10 02 I973 IS 508 10. Use of County stationery 10 15 1973 15 514 11. Comments by Chm. Vaughan on Planning ? Zoning 11 05 1973 15 517 12. Chm. Vaughan requested to write City of Wilmington 11 05 1973 15 521 13.' Commissioners discuss rationing gas 11 19 1973 15 529 14. Election of Chairman ?, V. Chairman 12 03 1973 15 531 15. Request letter be written to Coach Raymond Durham 12 03 1973 15 537 16.' Discussion of Chm. Vaughan's gravel 12 03 1973 15 537 17.:. Commissioners discuss Automobile Tax Cheating 12 03 1973 15 537 18. Commissioners discuss long-term leases 12 03 1973 15 537 19. Chm. requested to sign statement of support for Nat'1 Guard and Reserve 12 03 1973 15 537 20. Discussion of Commission Membership 12 17 1973 15 548 21. Request for copies of letters ?1 0? 19'i4 15 555 22.: Invited to Ogden Rescue Squad Barbeque 1/12/74 O1 07 1974 15 549 23. Decision for early adjournment 02 04 I974 15 574 24. Channel buoys - Richie's inlet letter 02 04 1974 15 575 25.' Appointment of Comm. to serve on City-County Joint funding 02 18 1974 15 580 26. Denied request to pay touring bill 02 18 1974 15 582 27.; Discussion of physician's fair 02 18 1974 15 585 28. Discuss deadline for agenda items 02 18 1974 15 585 29. Bridge lights; discussion of budget amendment 03 04 1974 15 592 30.? Resolution to commend J. Davis 04 O1 1974 15 512 31.1 Discussion of agenda distribution 04 O1 1974 15 512 32. Motion allowing Comm. Hall to abstain from voting on budget requests 04 29 1974 15 520 33. Discussion of Star-News article re: Joint meeting OS 20 I974 15 537 34. Comm. Vaughan's statement re: Press 05 20 1974 15 538 35. Resolution of appreciation - J. Davis 06 03 1974 15 545 ? 36. Discussion of Comm. Hall's legality on Board 06 03 1974 15 545 37. Commendation of Comm. Hall 06 17 1974 15 563 38. Discussion of tree-planting program in County 06 17 1974 15 567 39.. Discussion of downtown federal Gov't. Buildings 07 O1 1974 15 ?74 40.; Committee appointments 07 15 1974 15 588 41.: Resignation of Comm. Hall 07 15 1974 15 588 42.. Discussion of replacement for Comm. Hall 08 05 1974 15 589 43.', Tree planting program 08 05 1974 15 594 44.? Discussion of appointment of vice chairman 08 05 1974 15 696 45. Discussion of resolution of appreciation of J. M. Hall, Sr. 08 05 1974 15 696 46. Consideration of replacement for former Comm. J. M. Hall, Jr. 08 19 1974. 15 704 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- N?ew Hanover County N. C. c°IJ?MEM?°R ISSIONERS ` MU , _ JECT aea, u. s. County Indexea Since 1888 ? Yo IoWH nam?s, oplp Ot PAT OFFICE C.?,E?? An Identifs'ins Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•2 TAt INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY. COLUMBUS. OHIO ' OIMEN 0. YUNN SOLD ?1 , KEN ?ERN, NORTH GR OLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Arrival of Comm. Vaughan 08 19 1974 15 704 ? 2. Consideration of replacement for Former Comm. J. M. Hall, Jr. 09 04 1974 15 713 3. Appointment of Claud 0'Shields, Jr. 09 09 1974 15 713 4. Oath of Office - Claud 0'Shields, Jr. 09 16 1974 15 714 5. Resolution supporting passage of Revenue Bond Amendment 09 16 1974 15 716 6. Veterans Day Observance to be 11/11/74 09 16 1974 15 720 7. Chairman to write Senator Rountree re property tax 10 07 1974 16 18 , £3. Plaque for J. M. Hall, Jr. 10 07 1974 16 19 9. Recess for George Alper and Claud 0'Shields, Jr. to be administered Oath of Office 12 02 2974 26 5? 10. Election of Chairman Peter R. Davis 12 02 1974 16 >5-56 11. Election of Vice Chm. Claud 0'Shields, Jr. Z2 02 1974 lb 56 12. Discussion of County Commissioners' election being held on Non-Partisan Basis 12 16 1974 16 71 13. Presentation of gavel to former Chairman, W. Douglas Powell O1 06 1975 I6 75 14. Deferral of conflict of interest agreement O1 20 1975 16 91 ?, 15. Appointment of Comm. George Alper to N. C. Marine Resources Center 01 20 1975 16 94 16. Comm. Vaughan leaves meeting due to doctor's appointment O1 20 1975 16 95 17. Public Hearing to be held on non-partisan election of county commissioners 02 03 1975 16 103 18. Transfer of funds for Civic Center Study 02 03 1975 16 105 19. Comm. M. H. Vaughan announces intent to resign 02 03 1975 16 105 20. Public Hearing - non-partisan election of county commissioners 02 17 1975 16 12-3 21. Comm. Wright leaves meeting due to another engagement 02 17 1975 16 114 22. Comm. Vaughan appointed to investigate using County Farm as demonstration farm 02 17 1975 16 116 23. Conflict of interest agreement tabled 02 17 1975 16 117 24. Motion to sever table 02 17 1975 16 118 25. Comm. Alper leaves meeting due illness 02 17 1975 16 120 26. ? Comm. George Alper appointed to Port and Waterway Commission 02 17 1975 16 120 27. Resignation of Comm. M. H. Vaughan 02 28 1975 16 124 28. I Election of William C. Taylor to replace M. H. Vaughan 02 28 1975 16 124 29. Discussion of non-partisan election of county commissioners (died) 03 03 1975 16 133 30. Discussion of rearrangement of table 03 03 1975 16 133 31. Rec{uest of former County Com?n. Vaughan for budget deniea 03 03 1975 16 133 32. Plaque for £ormer Comm. M. H. Vaughan 03 03 1975 16 I35 33. Comm. Wm. C. Taylor appointed to Bicentennial, Harbor House, Study committee re salary survey F? CRAC 03 03 1975 16 135 34. .Iaycees to be invited to New Hanover County 03 17 1975 16 147 35. Comm. Vivian S. Wright greets Children of Confederacy 03 17 1975 16 147 36. Discussion of Adoption of Code of Ethics 03 17 1975 16 148 37. Presentation of plaque to former County Comm. M. H. Vaughan 04 07 1975 16 151 38. Permit for fireworks - Azalea Festival 04 07 1975 16 162 39. Policy re Verbatim transcripts 04 07 1975 16 164 40. Discussion of change in composition of County Commission Board 04 21 1975 16 178 41. i Policy re tapes of Commission meetings 04 21 1975 16 179 ? 42. Discussion of conflict of interest policy 04 21 1975 16 181 43. Discussion of budget circular A-95 04 21 1975 16 181 . 44. Discussion of National ASsociation of Counties 04 21 1975 16 181 45. Discussion of material received by Commissioners 04 21 1975 16 181 - 46. Policy re xerox copies of county business 04 28 1975 16 184 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. _ MU JECT ?OMMISSIONERS ?ME?TBERS,` ae?, u, s. ,,,n?'_ County Indexea Since 1888 ?j? ?--? To IO?at? namlf? op?p Of COTT A-Z TA? INpEX PAT OFFICE ?i?(,o-? An Identifying Trade Mark wB SURNAME INITIAL TAY ?DE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD tY OIIEN 0. OUNN, NEw ?ERN, NORTN GROLINA DATE MINUiE BOOK E? NATURE OP PROCEEDINGS ,? Month Day Year VoI. Page 1.' Comm, Alper leaves meeting 05 05 1975 16 193 Z. Transfer of funds for Public Official Liability Policy 05 05 I975 16 192 3.`^ Regular June meetings set for 11 am 05 05 1975 16 194 4." No smoking in Assembly Room 05 19 1975 16 204 5., Discussion of NACo convention in Hawaii 06 02 1975 16 216 6.` Motion re legal counsel for Comm. Wright 06 09 1975 16 219 7. Comm. Wright leaves meeting 06 23 I975 16 231 8. Change of ineeting time, July, Aug ? Sept. 07 07 1975 16 235 9. Designation of Chm. Davis as voting delegate to NCACC Annual Convention Oi 07 1975 I6 236 10. Special meeting called for 7/14/75 07 07 1975 16 238 11. Appointment of Alyce B. Brown as Clerk to the Board 07 21 1975 16 246 12. Comm. Alper leaves meeting 11 17 1975 17 9 13. Comm. Taylor leaves meeting 12 15 1975 17 27 14. Change meeting time for october 09 08 1975 16 266 15. Visit of Catawba County Comm. Abernathy 09 22 1975 16 273 16. Change meeting time for Nov. and Dec. 10 06 1975 16 280 17. Tickets presented by Carolina Bch. Lions Club 10 27 1975 16 293 18. Discussion of Chm. Davis' letter re consolidation 11 10 1975 17 5 19. Opinions on Legislative Study on Building Inspectors 11 24 1975 17 13 20.. Election of Chm. and Vice-Chm. 12 O1 1975 17 15 ? 21. Special Meeting called for Dec. 22. 12 15 1975 17 25 22. Discussion reimbursement to Comm. Wright for trip to Raleigh 02 16 1976 17 67 23. Comm. Alper leaves meeting 03 O1 1976 17 73 24., Letter from WKLM radio concerning program for County Commissioners 03 O1 1976 17 75 25.' Discussion on separate election of Chairman 03 15 1976 17 82 26. Discussion on expans?.on of the Bd. to 7 members 03 15 1976 17 82 27. County development panel invited Commissioners to tour County's dubd., drainage problems, etc. 03 15 1976 17 87 ' 28.' Discussion separate election of Chairman n 04 ?5 1976 17 95-6 29. Introduction of representatives for YWCA week 04 ZO 1976 17 100 30. Proposed review schedule for Coastal Area Management Act 04 ZO 1976 17 105-6 31. Discussion of reaction of County Industrial Facilities and Polution Control Financing Authority 04 ?0 1976 I7 109 32. Joint meeting w/City Council, April 27 04 Z7 1976 17 113 33. Chm. Davis left meeting to greet French vessels 05 )3 1976 17 117 34. Chm. Davis returned for balance of ineeting 05 )5 1976 17 119 35. Demolition of County HOme Bldg. 06 )7 1976 17 144 36. Agreement to invite Sen. Smith and Reps. 06 07 1976 17 148 37. Chm. Davis' statement concerning appearances before Bd. of Commissioners 08 02 1976 17 170 38. Change date lst mtg. in September 08 02 1976 17 172 39. Comm. Taylor's statement re: Star-news editorial on Comm. Wright 08 31 1976 17 184 40. Comm. 0'Shields on radio 09 07 1976 17 191 41. Chm. Davis' statement re reception at NC Marine Resources Center 09 20 1976 17 198 42. Amend. to minutes of 10/20/75 10 04 1976 17 209 43. Chm. Davis report on meeting of Governor's Council on Employment of Handicapped 10 04 1976 17 211 44. Invitation to DNER reception 10 )4 1976 17 211 45. County congress for NCACC 10 04 1976 17 212 46. Chm. Davis changed vote "aye" so vote would be unanimous on bids for Sheriff and Health Dept. 10 19 1976 17 217 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MUB EtT COMMISSIONERS ?MEMBER? nso. u. s. CounTy Indexea Since 1888 ?r ? To IOqlb nam?s, op?n at ?OTT A-2 TA? INpEX rAr ovFice ?? Anldendfying Trade Mark ?B fURNAME INITIAI TAB ?D8 BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OX10 SOLD ?T 011EN i. pUMM, NEM lERM, NORiH GROLIMA DA'fE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Present certificates to former Chm. Peter Davis and Comm. Taylor Ol 04 1977 17 253 2. Select CPA Firm 76/77 O1 04 1977 17 255 3. Appt. Ellen Williams to Port, WW and Beach Comm. O1 04 1977 17 257 4. Chm. 0'Shields out of town O1 04 1977 17 257 5. Appt. 0'Shields, Williams and Gottovi to COG Ol 17 1977 17 266 6. Chm. 0'Shields report on NCACC O1 17 1977 17 267 7. Authorize Chm. 0'Shields to sign checks O1 17 1977 17 268 8. Set Special Meeting for tax extension O1 17 1977 17 268 9. Appt. Comm. Gottovi Airport Comm. p1 17 ?g77 17 26g 10. Comm. Wright left meeting Ol 17 1977 17 268 11. Appt. Comm. Alper to Hospital Board Ol 17 1977 17 269 12. Presentation of Director of Services 02 07 1977 17 273 13. Presentation of Economic Development Plan from SEDC 02 07 1977 17 279 14. Comm. Gottovi reqeusts night meetings 02 07 1977 17 280 , 15. Comm. Gottovi on Downtown Revitalization Comm. 02 07 1977 17 280 16. Comm. Alper F? Gottovi on Library Committee 02 07 1977 17 280 17. Chairman out of town 02 07 1977 17 281 18. Discuss visit to County Departments 02 21 1977 17 288 19. Change 2nd meeting in March 02 21 1977 17 289 20. Comm. Wright absent 03 03 1977 17 291 21. Discuss meeting w/legislators 03 03 1977 17 296 22. Letter delivered by Ted Sampley 03 28 1977 18 3 23. Discuss mail delivery by County employees 04 04 1977 18 17 24. Discuss information booklet 04 04 1977 18 18 25. Arts Council Lucheon 04 04 1977 18 18 26. ? Report on study re: Taxes and reveunes 04 18 1977 18 22 27. Discuss Withholding taxes and SS from Commissioners' checks 04 18 1977 18 22 ?, 28. Approve Social Security for Commissioners 05 02 1977 18 29 29. Comm. Wright left meeting early 05 16 1977 18 36 30. Invitation to s:?eak supper at A F? E 05 16 1977 18 39 31. Comm. Gottovi appt to Social Services Bd. 05 16 1977 18 40 32. Write letter af recommendation for Wildlife Commissioner 05 16 1977 18 40 33. Chm. 0'Shields let meeting early 05 16 1977 18 '?0 34. Chm. 0'Shields in hospital 06 06 1977 18 ?1 35. Change of date for lst mtg. in July 06 06 1977 18 52 36. Comm. Wright request latest on Open Meetings Law 06 06 1977 18 53 37. Comm. Williams to attend Water REsources Conf. in Washington, DC 06 06 1977 18 53 38. Comm. Gottovi to attend NACo in Detroit 06 06 1977 18 53 39. Comm. Gottovi resigned COG 06 27 1977 18 54 40. Discuss actions by Board on Quasi-Judicial Capacity 07 05 1977 18 71 , 41. Discussion on Quasi-Judiczal actions 07 18 1977 18 77 42. Change of date lst mgt. in Sept. (Labor Day) 08 O1 1977 18 81 43. Discussion on meeting w/Agronomist 08 15 2977 18 ?0 44. Comm. Williams reported on cost study for City and County 08 15 1977 I8 90 45. Discussion concerning meetings (NACo) 09 06 1977 18 97 46. Discussion on night meetings - no action taken 09 19 1977 I8 I05 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. _ MUBJE?T ?MEMBERSOMMISSIONERS _ rse?. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 To IOtM? nam?s, op?n at COTT A• S T A? INOEX PAT OFFICE ????? A?nIdentiEyins Trade Mark ??- MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO fURNAME INIiIAL TAB SOLD ?Y OMEN i. CUNN, NEN ?ERN. NORTN GROLINA DATF MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Comm. Williams request info concerning reimbursement for transportation F? Hospital costs for mental paitents. 09 19 1977 18 105 2. Special Guests: Col. Hight, Adm. Green, Thomas Taft 10 03 1977 18 110 3. Comm. Williams appt. Hospital Board replace Comm. Alper 10 03 1977 18 113 4. Letter sent Sen. Smith thanking for info on Foreign Trade Zones 10 03 1977 18 113 5. Letter to Jr. League endorsing Old Wilmington Guidebook 10 17 1977 18 119 6. Discuss sending representative to Denver, Colo., for All American City Awards 11 07 1977 18 129 7. Comm. Gottovi appt. to Land Use Steering Committee of NACo 11 07 1977 18 129 8. Letter of endorsement for Adult Day Care Ctr. 11 07 1977 18 130 9. Continuation meeting Nov. 8-Library Architects .10. Discuss Public Address system for Assembly room 111. Reelection Chm. 0'Shields as Chairman 12. Reelection Vice Chm. Alper as Vice Chairman 13. Sponsorship bloodmobile 12/15/77 14. Change date for lst meeting in January 15. Request to change 2nd meeting in January 16. K. Gottovi attend NACo meeting in Feb. in Calif. 17. Budget Trans. - Governing Body public address system 18. Endorse School for deaf in Wilson, NC 19. Discuss inviting Legislators to Azalea Festival 20. Discuss ground breaking for Albert Coates Bldg. -21. Seminar on leadership and management, 3/29 and 30 22. Meeting on Urban Rules - w/Charlie Rose 23. Commissioner Williams info on enforcement fire code rating 24. Endorsement Santini Amend. Lobbying Disclosure Bill 25. Request for explanation of functions of agencies requesting funds 26. Endorsement-application Section 8 housing 27. Invitation tc? opening game at Blair Park '28. Authorize County attorney represent ABC Composite Board 29. Discuss Community Involvement Council 30. Refer letter re: Community Involvement Council to Voluntary Action Center 31. Discuss State Water Resources Board 32. Discuss Balance Growth meeting-Lumberton 33. Discussion letter re: NHC 250th birthday 34. Request endorsement of resolutions of Democratic Party 35. Comm. Williams left meeting early 36. Change date lst meeting in September 37. Col. Hight to attend meeting to explain costs on diking and dredging 38. Comm. Alper - appointment to Library Advisory Bcard 39. Designate Clerk receive written requests for Notices of Special & Emergency meetings 40. Requested a Federal Inspection of Railroad Tract 41. Approved Collector of Internal Revenue Report 42. Discuss Reviewing Membership - American Shore & Beach Association 43. Di.scuss Opening Meetings Law 44.: Priorities for Local Government Issue 45. Meeting with Planning Commission Members 46. Discuss Marine Resources Center Facilities 11 07 1977 I8 I5"I 11 21 1977 18 138 12 05 1977 18 140 12 05 1977 18 140 12 05 1977 18 142 12 05 1977 18 144 12 05 1977 18 144 12 19 1977 18 151 O1 03 1978 18 156 02 20 1978 18 172 02 20 1978 18 175 02 20 1978 18 175 03 06 1978 18 180 03 20 1978 18 186 04 17 1978 18 196 04 17 1978 18 196 04 17 1978 18 197 05 15 1978 18 207 05 15 1978 18 214 06 12 1978 18 224 06 05 1978 18 219 06 19 1978 18 232 07 03 1978 18 244 07 03 1978 18 244 07 03 1978 18 244 0$ 07 1978 18 253 08 07 1978 18 256 08 07 1978 18 258 08 07 1978 18 258 08 07 1978 18 261 08 21 1978 18 266 09 05 1978 18 276 09 18 1978 18 279 09 18 1978 18 279 10 02 1978 18 288 11 06 1978 18 301 11 10 1978 18 304 11 20 1978 18 305 COUNTY Hanover Count INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - Ne N C COMMISSIONERS y, w . . _ MATTER: ` REG. U. 4. / County Indexee Since 1886 N?' ?3-?Te I?eat? nam?s, ?pai at PA7 OFFICE ?,y,77?,? AnldentifyingTradeMark ?? EURNAMt INRIAL TAs NUIDE YY THE COTT IN EX TOMPANY?, COLUMYUS, ONIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NE W BERN, N. C. DATE MINt1TE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS , Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Appointment Norma E. Philpott, Deputy Clerk 12 04 1978 18 311 2. Termination of Office - Commissioner George E. Alper 12 04 1978 18 311 3. Presentation of Certificate of Appreciation and Plaque 12 04 1978 18 312 4. Commissioners 0'Shields and Armistead Sworn In 12 04 1978 18 312 5. Elected Chairman, Vice Chairman, Deputy Clerk and Clerk 12 04 1978 18 312 6. Change First Meeting in January 12 04 1978 18 318 7. Discuss Meeting in Winston Salem 12 04 1978 18 319 8. Request for represen-cative to Human Relations Meeting Ol 02 1979 18 334 9. Ordered booklets re: County Government - What is a County & Why? 02 39 I979 38 362 10. Preparation oF Manual - Policy & Procedures for Commissioners 02 19 1979 18 362 11. Budget transfer - Governing Body - Travel & Advertising 03 05 1979 18 368 12. Date change for 2nd meeting in April 03 19 1979 18 374 13. Radio Spot Announcements 04 02 1979 18 384 14. Input for COG Land Use Committee goals & objectives 04 02 1979 18 384 15. Discussion Corps of Engineers' Meeting conflict with Commission Meeting 04 02 1979 18 384 16. Request by Wrightsville Beach for support of Commission for support of additiona sales tax for beach erosion 04 02 1979 18 384 I7,. Discussion letter re: Hospital expansion con tractor 04 02 1979 18 384 18. Discussion - land acquisition - executive session 04 02 1979 18 385 19. Renewal agreement County with Fire Departments 04 17 1979 18 388 20. Uelay - Ambulance Franchise until May 7, 1979 04 17 1979 18 390 21. Discussion - Public Hearing for oil refinery 04 17 1979 18 390 22. Budget Transfer to pay appraisal fee for landfill 04 17 1979 18 391 23. Discussion - Bill concerning appeals by Public Service Companies 04 17 1979 18 391 24. Discussion - land acquisition & possible litigation 04 17 1979 18 391 25. Adoption - Preliminary Condemnation Resolution 04 17 1979 18 391 26. Discussion - Legislative Briefing 04 17 1979 18 391 27. Discussion - changing July meeting 04 17 1979 18 391 28. Discussion - appointment of Greater Cape Fear Convention Center Authority 04 23 1979 18 392 29. Awarding of contract for operation of Sanitary Landfill 04 26 1979 18 394 30. Cammissioner Wright left meeting at 10:25 a. m. 04 26 1979 18 394 31. Discussion - Soil Stewardship Week 05 07 1979 18 400 32. Discussion - Land Acquisition & Committee Appointments 05 07 1979 18 404 33. Sale - Copies of New Hanover County Code 05 07 1979 18 401 34. Date change for Second Meeting in July 05 07 1979 18 401 35. Chairman Williams report on proposed bill relating to tax exemptions 05 07 1979 18 403 36. Chairman authorized to write letter to congressional delegation - moving of Corps of Engineers 05 07 1979 18 403 37. Discussion on industrial water problems 05 07 1979 18 404 38. Discussion on land,requisition 05 14 1979 18 405 39. E;udget Transfer - for payment of 3 appraisers in landfill acquisition 05 21 1979 18 410 40. Btzdget Transfer - registration for 4 Commissioners NACo Conference - Kansas City 05 21 1979 18 410 41. Discussion - mileage reimbursement - bicycles OS 21 1979 18 412 42, Approval - Minutes - May 21, 1979 05 30 1979 18 415 43. Comm. Wright & Armistead left early 06 04 1979 18 424 44. Discussion - I?ppointments to CFTI Board of Trustees 06 11 1979 18 425 45. ni.scussion on abandoned autos 06 18 1979 18 431 46, Discussion on ?ossible litigation & personnel matters 07 02 1979 18 444 nov unt C H C N INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - N COMMISSIONERS er y, a o . . , ew MATTER: ` rtec. u. s. County Indezes Since 1888 F?? x+3?Te I?esU nam?s, ?pM at INADE ? COTT A-I TA{ INOEX BY THE COiT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMB US, OHIO e?r OFFICE ?i79?? An IdenNfying Trade Mark ?8 SURNAME INtT1AL TAO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN , N. C. DATE MINUT E BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Pnge l. Comm. O'Shields served as temporary Chairman inMrs. Williams absence 07 23 1979 18 444 2. Ellen C. Williams designated as voting delegate to Annual Conf, of N.C. Assoc, of County Comm./Ral. 8/14-16 07 23 1979 18 447 3. Change of date for first meeting in September 08 06 1979 18 458 4. Comm. Gottovi attending Social Services 5tudy Commission meeting 08 06 1979 18 4?9 5. Comm. Gottovi requested inforination on Snow's Cut property 08 06 1979 18 459 6. Special meeting - discuss proposed Ordinance regulating NHCo, Water Supply System 08 L3 1979 18 460 7. Comm. Gottovi request for report on 911 Emergency System 08 ?0 1979 18 465 8. Comm. Gottovi request to publicize Board Appointments , 08 , ?0 I979 IS 465 9. Chri. Williams suggested Co. Depts. having problems with red tape contact Dr. Sarah Morrow 08 ; ?0 1979 18 465 10. Discussion of committee appointments & personnel matters 08 ?0 1979 18 465 11. Discussion - 911 Communications System 09 ?4 1979 18 472 12. Postponed September 5 meeting - Solid Waste Study to September 11 09 l4 1979 18 472 13. Agreed on use of Belk-Beery Parking lot for Riverfront celebration 09 ?4 1979 18 472 14. Comm. O'Shields discussed Waste Management contract 09 ?4 1979 18 473 15. Discussion of possible litigation & committee appointments 09 ?4 1979 18 473 16. Appointment - Mr. Bob Warwick - Port, Waterway & Beach Commission 09 )4 1979 18 473 ? 17. Special meeting to discuss with consultants solid waste management 09 ll 1979 18 475 18. Chm. Williams presented award of heroism to Deputy Sheriff James D. Poole 09 i_7 1979 18 476 , 19. Comm. 0' Shields commented on work of Clean Community Committee 09 ?_7 1979 18 477 , 20. Board declared month of October as Clean Community Month 09 l7 1979 18 477 , 21. Comm. Gottovi inquired whether anyone was attending hearing - State Goals & Policy Board 09 ?_7 1979 18 481 22. Appointment of Claud O`Shields to Board of Health 09 i_7 1979 18 481 23. Discussion on Guide Booklet prepared by League of Women Voters 10 ?1 1979 18 489 . 24. Comments on request for Public Transit Authority Committee 10 )1 1979 18 490 25. Discussion on Grant funds for urban waste demonstration facilities 10 )1 1979 18 490 26. Comm. Gottovi requested copies of response to letter from Clean Water Association 10 )1 1979 18 490 27. Discussion on letter from Dept. of Natural Resources & Community Developement 10 ?l 1979 18 490 28. Discussion on letter from Water & Sewer Authority 10 )1 1979 18 490 29. Discussion of use of prison labor 10 O1 1979 18 490 30. Commissioners agreed to write letter of endorsement on raising limitations for bidding process 10 Ol 1979 18 491 31. Comm. O'Shields reported on meeting N. C. Assoc. of C.C. Executive Committee w/Dr. 5arah Morrow 10 L5 1979 18 497 32. Comm. O'Shields reported he appointed Dr. Charles Biggerstaff to Mental Health Board 10 15 1979 18 497 33. Comm. Gottovi requested Commissioners consider appointing a Courthouse Bldg. Committee 10 15 1979 18 497 34. Comm. reconvened meeting at 7:30 p. m. - met with City Council members - 911 Emergency System 10 15 1979 18 499 35. Special Meeting with Library Building Committee 10 22 1979 18 499 36., Request to Board to consider changing one monthly meeting to a night meeting 11. 05 1979 18 510 37. Discussion on length of ineeting by Comm. Wright 11 05 1979 18 510 , 38.., Chm. Williams & Commissioners commented & discussed letter received fror.t Carolina Beach 11. 05 1979 18 510 , 39. Discussion on architects for proposed court facilities - 3 chosen 11 19 1979 18 511 40. Approved fireworks display on Masonboro Island 11 19 1979 18 514 .. 41. Discussion on changes in meeting time & format 11 19 1979 18 514 42. Discussion on bulletin board display 11 19 1979 18 514 . 43. Comm. Williams re-elected as Chairman 12 03 1979 18 515 ? 44. Comm. Gottovi re-elected as Vice Chairman 12 Q3 1979 18 515 45. Consent Agenda approved 12 03 1979 18 515 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count N C T COMMISSIONERS y, . . , MATTER ` nEa. u. s. Counry Indexes Sinee 1888 To loeats names, Open Ot ? ? COTi A 70 Z TAB INDEX e?r OFFICE L?,s-?i. An ldentifying Ttede Muk SURNAME INITIAL TAB ?ApE ?Y TNE COTT INDEX CO?ANY, COLUqOf. OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Selection of architects for consideration of building Court Facilities 12 03 1979 18 520 2. Appointment of building committee for court facilities postponed 12 03 1979 18 521 3. Comm. Gottovi requests update on temporary water system for Flemington 12 03 1979 18 52I 4. Chairman Williams left meeting at 11:20 a. m. and for remainder of ineeting 12 03 1979 18 521 5. PQeeting of 12J10/79 recessed until 7:30 p.m. 12 10 1979 18 523 6. Meeting reconvened at 7:40 p.m. - Comm. Armistead was absent 12 10 1979 18 523 7. Mrs. Williams commended for speech at cornerstone laying for new Shrine Bldg. by C. G. Beery 12 17 1979 18 524 8. Comm. O'Shields suggested Mr. DAvid McPherson of Columbus County be appointed as Regional Forum 12 17 1979 18 530 Representative Council of Gotrernments 9. Comm. Gottovi requested information on Burton Steel operation on Oakley Road i2 17 I979 It? 530 10. Comm. Gottovi requested information on Lorek farming at Airport 12 17 1979 18 530 11. Comm. Armistead commented on junked & abandoned autos on lots 12 17 1979 18 530 12. Discussion on appointments, personnel & legal matters 12 17 1979 18 531 13. Comm. Wright absent from meeting Ol 07 1980 18 532 14, Consent agen8a approval , O1 07 I980 18 532 15. Chm. Williams to write to County Congressional Delegation - improvements te harbor Ol 07 1980 18 535 16. Comm, 0'Shields commented on questionnaire from the Inter Balanced Growth Board Ol 07 1980 18 537 17. Comm. Gottovi commented on Workshop on Finance for County Commissioners Ol 07 1980 18 537 18. Former Comm. Aiper commended Comm. on inception of night meeting O1 07 1980 18 537 19. Discussion of legal and personnel matters O1 07 1980 18 538 20. Comm. 0'Shields req..consent agenda state whether c?r not this type of property tax exemption l?ad been Ol 21 1980 18 539 by the County i?? the past 21. Appointment of Comm. Gottovi to Ivew Iiorizons Task Force developed by Cape Fear COC= O1 21 1980 18 541 22. Moved to w"rite a letter to legislators a change in the nuclear inventory tax exemption O1 21 1980 18 54i 23. Appointments made to OAR Board of Directors Ol 21 1980 18 541 24. Made Appointments to Nursing Home Advisary?,Board & Board of Electrical Examiners Ol 21 1980 18 543 25. Postponed appointments to Port, Waterway & Beach Comrn. Ol Z1 1980 18 543 26. Special Session -,discussion on praposed court faci2ities building 02 24 1980 1& 543 2%. Comin. Wi?liams absent 02 04 1980 18 544 28. Vice Chairman Gottovi chaired meeting 02 04 1980 18 544 29, Change in date of first Comm. meeting in March 02 04 198Q 18 546 30. Reappointment of Comms. Gottovi, 0'Shields & Williams to COG Board 02 04 1980 18 546 31. Vice-Chm. Gottovi signed proclamation for Human Services Month 02 04 1980 18 547 32. Questions concerning Federal Magistrates Act by Mrs. Gottovi 02 04 1980 1"0 547 33. Comm. Gottovi reported on her attendance at Finance workshop for Comm. 02 64 1980 18 547 34. Comm. Armistead suggest,ed Commissioners write letter of appreciation to Pete Lewis & Staff 02 04 1980 18 548 35. Comm. Gottovi req, report from Lower Cape Fear Water & Sewer Auth. & Henry von Oesen & Associates 02 04 1980 18 548 , 36, Executive session to discuss litigation matters with County Attorney 02 04 1980 18 548 37. Special meeting to discuss litigation matters with County Attorney - Comms. Wright & Armistead absent OZ 04 1980 18 548 38, Consent Agenda approvel - item 14 deleted 02 18 1980 18 551 39. Approval of inemo to agencies receiving county funds 02 18 1980 18 555 tor solid waste 40. Mrs. Wright moved to authorize application for renewal of the lease to use land owned by Corps. of Eng./ 02 18 1980 18 555 41, Meeting recessed until 1 p. m. G2 18 1980 18 555 42, Meeting reconvened. 02 18 1980 18 555 43. Chairman to write letters to form short term solid waste disposal committee 02 18 1980 18 555 44. Comm. Gottovi reappointed to S.S? Board C2 18 1980 18 558 45. Meeting recessed at 2;45 p. m. for executive session to discuss litigation. matters 02 18 1980 18 559 46. Meeting reconvened'to public ?ession 2:55 p. m. 02 18 1980 18 559 : r , . . _ .____-- -.?. --.,.,_ _ a.,?,.--..-: _. . .. . _ .?. . ,: . , . . ._ . ,. ? - _,.: ? . .. . _ ?.?,, , . , . .. . . .. ,. , . N. C. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County MUBJECT , _ ?a rolin a Be ach - ? ' nec. u. s. County Inclexea Since 1888 ? to IowN nam?s, op?n af COTT A?2 TI1? INOEX PA7 OFFICE ?p?J? Anldentifying Trade Mazk fURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY? COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD tY OIYEN i. 9UNN, NER iERN, NORTN GROLINA NATURE QF PROCEEDINGS DATE MtNUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Progress report on sand dunes at Freema.n Beach. 1 31 1955 1? 572 2. County agreed to assist Carolina B?ach in ditch cleaning. 4 25 1955 11 591 3. Letter of thanks received from Carolina Beach Chamber of Commerce for aid in hurricane. 9 12 19S5 11 630 . 4,? SENCBA report received. 9 19 1955 11 632 5. Discussion of bids for sand dunes rehabilitation machine work in beach area. 9 26 1955 12 1 6. Thanks ya?.? letter for services rendered during hurricane emergency. 9 26 1955 12 6 ? 7. Sand dunes reh?.?.?itation to begin soon. 10 3 1955 12 6 ? 8. Permit granted to Carolina Power & Light Co. to install wires, Westside Highway Bridge 10 24 1?355 12 10 ? at Carolina Beach. 9. Sand dunes should be comp]:ete today, 10 31 1955 12 1.3 10. Sand dune repair bilZs presented. 11 7 1955 12 16 11. Sand dun? invoices sent to State. 11 14 1955 12 17 12. Sand dunes completed, up keep discussed. 11 21 1955 12 18 ., 13. News Bulletin received in regards to funds for beach erosion. 12 S 1955 12 23 14. Received invoi?es for work done on sand dunes. 1 3 1956 12 30 15. Discuss sand fense. 1 9 1956 12 33 ? 16. Received finial payment for ?and dunes. 1 17 1956 12 35 ?? 17. Board agreeded to help with fund to stop erosion. 1 17 1956 12 35 ;? = 18. Representative to make test to end beach erosion. .1 30 1956 12 40 19. Discussion on grasses to retard erosion on beaches. 2 6 1956 12 40 ? 20. Congress to be petition for funds to help stop erosion. 2 6 1956 12 41 21. No objection for construction of pier at Myrtle Grove Sound. 2 6 1956 12 41 22. Received report from Soil Conversationist on grass for sand dunes. 2 20 1956 12 45 23. Seal bids receiv?d for errecting fence on beach dune. 2 27 1956 12 46 ? 24. Discussion on removal of hurricane debris. 3 5 1956 12 SO ? ? 25. Contractors to remove debris with awners perm?.ssion, Carolina Beach jetty discussed. 3 12 1956 12 52 1 ? 26. Soil test report received, 3 26 1956 12 56 i ? .? ?, 27. Progress report received on sand dunes. 3 26 1956 12 56 28. Received report on sand dune fence. 4 16 1956 12 61 " ? 29. Approved funds for jetty construction project. 4 23 1956 12 63 ; ' 30. Sand fence completed, performa.nce bond returned to S?ears Roebuck & Co. 7 9 1956 12 81 ' 31. Request for ditch cleaning referred to Mr. Rivenbark. 8 27 1956 12 92 32. Request for cleaning Henniker Ditch with v?ew of draining beach area referred to Health I1 19 1956 12 107 Department. ? 33. Received December report from Carolina Beach Club Station 197. 1 14 1957 12 122 34. Letter from Mayor of Carolina Beach concerning resolution adopted for four lane highway. 2 18 1957 12 132 35. Letter received pertaining to Bill passed for Beach Funding. 4 8 1957 12 144 36. Board granted $500.00 to Beach Association. 4 29 1957 12 147 37. Request for help with drainage referred to Mr. Broadhurst. 4 29 1957 12 148 38. Board approved addition of Carolina Beach Ave. 8 5 1957 12 172 39. ? Board to renew request for four lane highway project. 9 23 1957 12 183 40. Committee of City/Town Officia?.s to discuss tax problems of Carolina Beach. 12 30 1957 12 206 41. Citizens requested reappraiser of Carolina Beach property. 1 20 1958 12 215' 42. Letter from Carolina Beach Town Clerk, to property owner A. C. Todd, questioning 2 `:3 1958 12 220 assessment. , 43. Received SENCBA report. 2 3 1958 12 220 ,. ..? ..? ?, . ,x,? ? , . _ :, •..: ,. . , ;:,. (Y ' ? ?i ,?.- '?. ,;?:y . . . . .? • .. -.t ,. ,.?.<< . .? ' ??. . '".,u? `.,'iw ...?._?..•..... 3,?..?.'_.?...?i ? ???.d.:.,w..,.u...??..v?:..?- ..... .'ik.::w..+x?z„ i...a;...e;.:.-?.,.rx?s_..c...?.?,.?;.Law.?.,.,e,.r,?,::o;a...:r..n?.rw...,?,e.?:??a.:,..:,,?.?ti:.?i..?.,:?«???,...*...,.x.:w.?.ay?.2?a.? ., S.tAs?,.?'..o.wL.:.??._?s?.::.?_.?,..,...,.?A,.:;?,d(Yr?::,i?.e??':iww.... ?.:.t::.:.?C:?t4'. .......:..s,__:,.._ ,.. _.__.. ,.. .x.. .,__.,_, d.: .. . . ... ... . ...._.:.. ._.. F..?._..._.?..... .....k.. ,u'... ..w'1IIre. ... C INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Coun? N T COMMISSIONERS j, . . , MATT R ` rte?. u, s. County [ndezes Sinee 1886 To loeat? names, Open af r?r OFFlGE C??l??-.. An ldentifying Trade Mark ? SUKNAME INIiIAL TAB COTT A TO Z TAB INDEX Mso?o 66YT ow? G?NDUwN e?O.ANYE COLUIYOSNON?O DATE MINUTE BOOK !< NAiURE OF PROCEEDINGS P` << t kE Month Day Yea? Vol. Page t' 1:,a Comm. Wright requested to abstain from voting on approval of Feb. 14th meeting minutes as she was not pres. 03 10 1980 1? 55S 2. Consent agenda approved plus amendmenL to Museum budget 03 10 1980 18 560 3,' Date of list meeting in April changed to April 8th due to County holiday 03 10 1980 18 560 4. Meeting recessed for a break from 8:05 p.m. - reconvened 8:25 p. m. 03 10 1980 18 565 5:' Comm. Gottovi requested priortization vf p-rog?ams for county agencies 03 10 1980 18 566 6. Commissioners request letter to be written to FPA to drop "lawGUit aginst County 03 10 19$0 18 566 7. Chairman Williams recessed meeting to Executive Session at 9:52 p.m. & reconvened at 10:40 pm 03 10 1980 18 567 8. Meeting adjourned 03 10 1980 18 568 9. Approval of consent agenda 03 i7 I980 I8 568 l?. Comm. requested Planning Dept. to draw up application request for a Statewide Growth Center Designation 03 17 1980 18 570 11. Comri. Gottovi requested update on water delivery to Flemington 03 _7 L980 18 i70 12. Comm. Gottovi requested update of construction of a lawn crypt at Oleander Memorial Gardens 03 _7 ?98u 18 570 13. Chairman Williams recessed meeting at 11:15 a.m. G3 li 1980 18 570 14. Comm. Wright left- at 11:15 a.m. & was absent for rest of ineeting 03 i7 1980 18 5;0 l?'. Cr?airman Williams reconvened meeting at 11:29 a.m. 03 17 1980 18 570 16. Commission postponed committee appointtnents 03 17 1980 18 571 17. Comm. Gottovi requested info on "free trade" zore location in N.H. County 04 07 1980 18 578 18. Comm. designated week of April 20-26 as National Volunteer Week 04 08 1980 18 578 19.. Agreed upon County Manager's suggestion to have Mr. Jake Wicker to discuss service districts 04 08 1980 18 580 20. Comm. 0'Shields commented for records of County's relationship with Corps oi Engineers 04 08 1980 18 580 21. Chm. Williams recessed meeting to Executive Session at 10:25 p.m. 04 08 1980 18 580 22. Chm. Williams reconvened meet.ing to Public Session at 10:35 p.m. 04 08 1980 18 580 23, Mrs. Wright left meeting at 10:37 p.m. 04 08 1980 18 580 24. Comm. met at special session at 1 p.m. to discuss proposed county water & sewer program & judicial faci lity 04 17 1980 18 581 25: Discussion of funding sources for water & sewer, & judicial bldg. 04 17 1980 18 582 26. Resignation of Commissioner Vivian S. Wright 04 21 1980 18 582 27r Comm. Armistead absent 04 21 1980 18 583 , 28, Consent Agenda approved 04 21 1980 18 583 29. Letter of opposition to House yill concerning Barrier Islands - comments by Comm. 0'Shields 04 21 1980 18 587 , 30. Comm. 0'Shields designated as voting delegate to N.C. Assoc. of County Comm. Spring Legislative Conf. 04 21 1980 18 587 31, Chm. Williams announced cancellation of Special Meeting on April 23 04 32. Meeting convened at 7 p.?r?. - Dr. Armistead absent 05 33, Mtg. re?.essed for break from 8: u3 p.tn, until 8:20 p.m. 05 34. Special Meeting w/Wilmington City Council 7:30 p.m. Comm. Armistead was absent 05 35. Chm. Williams stated mtg, was called to discuss & take necessary action on proposed Fair Emp. Ord. 05 5pec. Session at 9 a.m. - Dr. A,rmistead absent until 9:30 a.m, to receive recommendation irom Post, 05 ?6" Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc., to hear comments from Waste Mgmt.-comments & Recommendations from Plann. Dept. 37, Executive Session to discuss land acquisition 05 38. Meeting recessed at 9:15 a.m. & reconvened for. Public Session at 12 p.m. 05 39. Presentation of Certificate of Award to Comm, Vivian S. Wright 05 40. Comm. 0'Shields discussed Volunteer Action Coordinator's reception 05 41; Meeting recessed to executive session to discuss legal matters & pos?ible land acquisition 42. Executive session recessed 11:30 a.m. 43. Executive session reconvened to Public Session 11:37 a.m. 44, Meeting recessed to Executive Session at 11:58 a.m. tn discuss personnel matters 45. Meeting reconvened to Public session at 12:08 p. m. 46, Special Meeting set for discussion of Landfill Site 21 19$0 18 587 OS 05 05 1980 18 05 1980 18 08 1980 18 08 1980 18 08 1980 18 08 1980 18 08 1980 18 19 1980 18 19 1980 18 19 1980 18 19 1980 18 05 19 1980 18 05 19 1980 18 05 19 1980 18 05 19 1980 18 588 592 596 596 596 597 597 599 603 603 603 603 604 604 604 fi w H N C INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- N C COUNTY COMMISSIONERS oun ?, anover . e . _ MATiER: _ aec. u. s. County Indexta Since IBBB fo bwt? nama, open at COTT A TO I TAB IND An ldrntifying Trade Muk ? MA1E IY TNE fOTT IN1EX (ONPAMY? PAT OFFIOE ?e ?I9l?e?7!?S EX ODLONIOS. ONIO . , SURNAME IBITIAL TAB SOL D BY OW EN G, DU NN (0., NE W BE&N, N . G DATE MINUTE BOOK PIATURE OF PRO(EEDINGS Mor?h Day Year Yol. Page 1, Co?issioners discussed County Manager att'ending NACo meeting in July 05 19 1980 18 604 2. Commissioners held public hearing at Trask Jr. High School Gym 7:.s0 p.m, on prnposed landfill sites 05 19 1980 18 604 3, Chm. called meeting to order and read statement 05 19 1980 18 604 4. V-Chm, Gottovi asked County Manager to present consultant's recommendations on landfill site 05 19 1980 18 b05 5. V-Chm. Gottovi closed hearing & adjourned Special Session to review Consultant's report re: Landfill.site 05 2,2 i98U 18 606 and Personnel matters 6. Comm. discussed proposed landfill sites and consultant's report 05 22 1980 18 606 7. Discussion on COG finding regional solution to solia waste 05 22 1980 18 606 8. Executive Session - personnel mattexs 05 22 198U 18 606 9, Public hearing Monday, June 2, 1980 at 7:00 p.m. in Assembly Room Q6 02 19&0 ?8 b08 10. Comm. 0'Shields reported of the NCACC 06 02 1980 18 612 11. Comm. Armistead requested information on ballfields at Trask Park 06 02 1980 18 613 12. Chm. Williams recessed the meeting to Executiwe Session at 1Os06 p.m. 06 02 1980 18 613 13. Chm. Williams reconvened the meeting to Public Session at 10:40 p.m. 06 02 1980 18 613 14. Appointment of 3an Morgan to replace Comm. Wright 06 25 1980 18 624 15. Chm. Williams recessed the meeting to Executive Session at 8:1b p.m, and reconvened to Public SPssion 8;45 06 25 1480 18 624 16. Cha?ged date for second meeting in July from 7-21 to 7-28-80 06 16 1980 18 615 17, Special Meeting June Wed. 25, 1980, at 7:00 p.m. to adopt Budget Ordinance 06 16 1980 18 615 18. Recessed to Executive Session at 10:54 a.m.-reconvened to Public Session at 12:05 p.m. 06 16 1980 18 620 19. Administered Oath of Office to Janet Sutton Morgan, Commissioner to replace Vivian Wright 07 07 1980 18 625 20. Recessed to Executive meeti:g at 10:12 p.m. - reconvened to Public session at 10:23 p.m. 07 07 1980 18 635 21. Chm. Williams was absent for meeting 7-28-80, V. Chm. Gottovi resided 07 28 1980 18 638 22, Comm. Gottovi requested recap on COG Solid Waste Comm. 07 28 1980 18 639 23.. Comm. Armistead reguested that Sect. "8" Par, "B" of Juv. Detention Subsidy Contract be deleted 07 28 1980 18 639 24. Award Cert. of Appreciation to Mr, I, John Tinga & others leaving County Appointed $d. of Commission 07 28 1980 18 639 25. V-Chm. recessed the meeting to Executive Session at 10:54 a.m. -reconvened to Public Session at 11:35 a.m, O7 28 1980 18 640 26. Comm, 0`Shields requested the Planning Director to check into plicy of billboards 07 28 1980 18 640 27. Change of date c?f first meeting in Segtember to September 2, 1980. 08 04 1980 18 641 28, Comm. Armistead volunteered to serve on the Bond Issue Committee for Board of Education 08 04 1980 18 645 29. Reminder to attend NCACC Annual Conference 08 04 1980 18 646 30, Chm. ?iilliams recessed the meeting to Executive 5ession at 9:50 F,m. - reconvened to Public Session,10:16pm 08 04 1980 18 647 31. Comm. 0'Shields congratulated on being installed as president of NCACC 08 18 1980 18 651 32. Chm. Williams recessed the meeting tu Executive Session at 10:59 am-reconvened to Pub. Session at 12:10 pm 08 18 1980 18 652 33. Special meeting - Comm. Armistead, Jr, was absent 08 18 1980 18 653 34. Spec. meeting to discuss cQntract with Waste Management & N. H. Voluntter Squad in ref, to landfil,l 08 25 1980 18 653 35. Chm. Williams recessed to Executive Session at 3:20 pm. -reconvened the mtg, to Public Session at 3:55 pm 08 25 1980 18 653 36. Coima. Morgan request information on State Forestry Program ? 09 0? 198a 18 660 37. Recessed meeting to Executive Session at 9:17 p.m,-reconvened to Publi Session at 10:23 p.m, 09 02 1980 18 660 38. Recessed meeting to Exec. Session at 9:37 am-reconvened to Public Session at 11:02 a.m. 09 LT 1980 18 661 39. Scheduling of press conference 9-11-80 at 4:00 gm 09 11 1980 18 661 40. Comm. Gottovi to attend Coastal Zone 80 09 15 1980 18 666 41. Chm. authorized to sign State Grant application for UcfICR report 10 06 1980 18 E73 42. Commissioners expressed concern ro Robert Morgan re: Revenue Sharing 10 20 1980 18 684 43. Oaths - Barfield, Blake, Gottovi 12 O1 1980 18 709 44. Remarks-Williams, Morgan 12 Ol 1980 18 709 45. Presentation of Certificates & Awards 12 O1 1980 18 709 46. Reappointment of Alyce Rusmisell as Clerk 12 Ol 1980 18 709 INDEX TO COMMISSIOI?ERS MINUTES - New Hanover Counfi N C ???TI COMMISSIONERS y, . . , MATTER: ` eEa. u. s, County Inde;es Sinee 1888 To loeats names, OpBll Ot ? r?r OFFIGE C??l?s-?T An [dentifyingT'cade Mark ? ?SO? T O D e COTT A TO Z TAB INDEX ?BE ? aS ? ?NDUN ?,?N ?ro . SURNAME INITIAL TAB BY L W F E N W R N N NATURE OP PROCEEDINGS DarE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 1.; Comm. Blake was designated by common consent as voting de].egate for legislative goals conference 12 01 1980 18 724 2. Chm. was authorized to sign contract with Raysand for Airport 12 Ol 1980 18 724 3. Appointment of Commissioner Blake as COG Representative 12 15 1980 18 736 4.?. Appointment of Comm. Barfield to SENIH Board 12 15 1980 18 736 5' 0'Shields postponed ??5 and ??16 on agenda to later meeting 01 05 1981 1$ 739 6.` 0`Shields announced invitation to Board of Education meeting 01 05 1981 I8 745 7. Discussion & approval of new chairs for Commissioners O1 05 1981 18 746 8. 0'Shields moved, seconded by Blake to adjourn - 0'Shields adjourned 1:54 am Ol 05 1981 18 746 9. 0'Shields adjourned Special Meeting - on Water & Sewer 3:50 p.m. Ol 08 1981 18 748 10. 0'Shields adjourned Special meeting on Judicial Building and Solid Waste at 4:34 p.m. O1 15 19$1 18 749 11. Discussed length of night meetings Ol 19 1981 18 753 12. Discussion on solid waste conference - Nashville, Tennessee Ol 19 1981 18 753 13. Commissioner Barfield appointed to Cape Fear Council of Governments to replace Chm. 0'Shields OZ OZ I98I I8 762 14. Discussion on name plates for commissioners. 02 02 1981 18 763 ?, 15. Comm. Blake moved, seconded by Chm. 0'Shields to adjourn - adjourned meeting at ].2:07 a.m. 02 02 1981 18 763 ' 16. Change of date-second meeting in April from 20th to 21st - 20th is holiday 04 06 1981 18 797 I 17. Letter expressing board's condolences to family of Lawrence Bowden, former commissioner 04 21 1981 18 813 , 18, Comm. Blake appointed to Board of Health 04 21 1981 18 813 19.: Letter to Congress Representatives endorsing the I-40 04 21 1981 18 813 Z0. Letter indicating no objecto Kure Beach ABC Bi11 04 21 1981 18 814 21. Letter to FAA Opposing Antenna Tower 05 04 1981 18 831 22.. Letter to support Governor's Highway Program 05 04 T981 18 831 23. Discussion on length of ineetings 05 18 1981 18 840 24. Expression of condolences to family of former commissioner Claud 0'Shields, Sr. 05 18 1981 18 841 25. Commissioner Gottovi reappointed to DARE Board of Directors 05 18 1981 18 841 26. Discussion on Telephone Bill Paying Facilities 07 07 1981 18 886 27.. Discussion on construction of table in assembly room 07 07 19$1 I8 888 28. Discussion on Facilities for payment of telephone bills 07 20 1981 18 890 29.. Gottovi's report on Human Resources Conference and Federal Aid Conference 07 20 1981 18 893 30.. Authorized fireworkds display at battleship 10/2/81 - 08 03 1981 18 894 31. Appointment of Comm. Blake as voting delegate for annual conference 0$ 03 1981 18 899 32. Discussion on Telephone Bill Paying Facilities 08 03 1981 18 399 33. Change of date of first meeting in September 08 03 1981 18 899 34. Comm. Barfield expressed thanks for flowers sent during his illness 08 17 1981 18 905 35. Update on Nuclear Emergency Exercise 08 17 1981 18 906 . 36. Discussion on Star-News Publishing of Public Records 09 08 1981 18 920 37. Discussion on the Rearrangement of the Commissioners offices 09 08 1981 18 920 38. Commendation on Carolina Beach Public Showers 09 08 1981 18 920 39, Guidelines for payiaent to Commissioners for extra meetings 09 21 1981 18 927 40. Explanation of Comm. Armistead's absence 10 05 1981 18 930 41. Comm. Gottovi's a-tendance at Hazardous Waste Siting Meeting 10 19 1981 18 943 42. Discussion on Zoning problems in Castle Hayne 10 19 1981 18 943 43. Comm. Blake to Wilcome Governor's Crime Conunission 10 19 1981 18 943 44. Chm. 0'Shields to be absent from 11/2/81 meeting 10 19 1981 18 944 45. Discussion on zoning ordinance regulations pertaining to horse stables 10 19 1981 18 944 46. Discussion on 1982 tax listing form 10 I9 1981 18 944 t N C INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - N H C ?°?? COMMISSIONERS anover oun y, . ew . _ MATTER: ` aec. u, s. ?y County Inclezes Since 1888 To lomb namas, OpBO Ut PAr OFFIGE (??.teTJ?L?'r-? AnldentifyingTradeMark ? ? 1 ?De T COTT A TO Z TAB IND ?,N ?? E EX WBERNYfN OH?O SURNAME INITIAL TM OW S 0 BY E DU NN N DATE MINtITE BOOK NATURE OP PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Endorsement of Treatment Facility for Alcoholism and Drug Dependency 10 19 1981 18 944 2. Items Mrs. Whitmeyer & Mr. Sharp, withdrawn from agenda 11 02 1981 18 945 3. Comm. Gottovi`s vote changed on Clean Water Bond Resolution 11 02 1981 18 954 4. Recess until Wednesday, November 4, 19$l. 11 02 1981 18 954 5. Presentation of iieart Association Fund Raising award Plaque 11 16 1981 . 18 957 6. Discussion on Request for Establishment of Rest Home Advisory Committee 11 16 1981 18 958 7. Discussion on Cemetery Committee 11 16 1981 18 958 8. Recess until Monday, November 30, 19$1 11 16 1981 18 962 9. Election of CFiairman Blake and Vice-Cfiairman Armistead 12 Q7 19$1 18 964 10. Presentation of Plaques to 0'Shields and Gottovi 12 21 1981 18 975 11. Request for Hearing Aid for elderly lady 12 21 1981 18 978 12. Request use of lot at 3rd & Market Street for Yard Sale (Lions Club) 12 21 1981 18 978 13. Co?n. Barfield and Blake expressed thanks to staff for assistance during their first year 12 21 1981 18 978 14. Letter of thanks to AAUW for help in Resource Recovery Bond Issue 12 21 1981 18 979 15. Discussion on Retreat for County Commissioners Ol 18 1982 18 988 16. Discussion on Plans for Legislative Conference • 02 O1 1982 18 1000 I7. Discussion on Consolidation of Governments in New Hanover County 02 08 1982 19 08 18. Discussion on Buffer for Area Around the Airport 02 15 1982 19 13 19. Discussion on Meeting to Discuss consolidation 02 15 1982 19 14 20. Discussion on Consolidation Committee 03 Ol 1982 19 25 21. Suggest.ions for Gifts to Visiting Dignitaries 03 O1 1982 19 25 22. I.ocation of New Hanover/Pender County Line 03 15 1982 19 30 23. Discussion on Format of Commission Meetins 03 15 1982 19 33 24. Discussion on Procedure for Handling Complaints 03 15 1982 19 34 25. Discussion on meeting with the Pender County Commissioners concerning New Hanover/Pender County Line 03 15 1982 19 38 26. Discussion on Statewide Interagency School Discipline Program 04 05 1982 19 43 27. Discussion ?n New Hanover/Pender County Line 04 05 1982 19 44 28. Discussion on Pender County Landfill 04 05 1982 19 44 29. Abandonment of Rail Line between New Bern and Wilmington 04 05 1982 19 44 30. Discussion on Septic Waste Disposal in Walnut Hills Subdivision 04 05 1982 19 44 31. Discussion on Septage Disposal in Walnut Hills 04 13 1982 19 47 32. Discussion on Group Care Homes 04 13 1982 19 47 33. Discussion on N. C. Rail Plan 04 19 1982 19 50 34. Authorization to participate in Industrial Recruiting Trip - Appropriated Funds $10,000 03 Ol 1982 19 24 35. Discussion on America's 400th Anniversary Committee 05 ?3 1982 19 63 36. Discussion on Pleasure Island Festival 05 03 1982 19 65 37. Discussion on Groundbreaking Ceremony for Northeast Interceptor 05 03 1982 19 65 38. Discussion on Meeting with Hospital Board 05 03 1982 19 65 39. Corporate Seal of County to Include Impression made by Rubber Stamp 05 17 1982 19 72 40, Recess until May 25, 1982, at 7:00 o'clock p.m. 05 17 1982 19 75 41. Discussion on New Hanover County Day at World's Fair 05 17 1982 19 75 42. Change of Date for list Meeting in July 06 07 1982 19 80 43. Policy and Procedure for Sale of Surplus Property 06 07 1982 19 84 44. Visit by Gov. Hunt on June 18 06 07 1982 19 88 45. Resolution establishing policy and procedure for sale of surplus property 06 21 1982 19 93 46. Discussion on Interagency Task Force on Studen Discipline 06 21 1982 19 101 i' ?' NATURE OF PROtEEDiNGS y, E 1. Good Luck wishes to News Reporter, Russ Clarkson 2; Home Psychiatric Nursing (Delores Brewster) 3; Change of Date of first Meeting in September 4; Discussion on Continuation of Meeting 5. Comments on Presentation to ChemiCal Engineers r. 6; Continuation of Planning Public Hearings 7: Discussion of Confidential Memo 8: Continuation of Agenda Items - 12,13 & 14 9. Comm. 0'Shields left the meeting at 1:55 o`clock and was absent for the rest of the meeting 10, Discussion on Roadside Hunting Ordinance 11, Recess until September 27, 1982 '12 Comm. Armistead left at 2:50 o'clock PM and was absent for the rest of the meeting ?13 Expression of sympathy on death of Pender Co. Commission Chm., Marvin Autry !14 Discussion on joint meeting with Planning Board to discuss Hotel/Motel definition 15 Request for demolition of house on Walnut Street between geventh & Eighth ?treets (Barfield) 16 Request for clergy parking spaces at NHMH (Barfield) IlT Discussion on Ocean Front Development Conference i 18 Discassion on request for Pornography Display Law ;19 Discussion on Jail Crisis Meeting in Wash. ? . 20 Discussion on swearing in of new Co. comm. '??21 Discussion on letters to Congressmen concerning taxing of social security ?,22 Siscussion on special meeting to interview Clerk applicants E ?23 Presentation of certificate, plague ot outgoing commissioner Armistead ?24 Oatha of office administered to Comm. 0'Neal and 0'Shields ; i25 Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman Gottovi, Chm - Barfield V-Chm, i?26 Change of lst meeting in January 1 ? 27 Discussion of continuation meeting l ;28 Comm. Gottovi to be absent from Req. Meeting December 20, 1982 '29 Meeting recessed until Mon, Dec. 12 1982 30 Change in procedure in holding Public Hearings i31 Workmen's Compensation for Co. Comm, ? ?,32 Appointment of Comm. 0'Neal to Fire inspections Committee, Airport Commission and Hospi- ? tal Bd, INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATTERT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS _ acc. u. s. ? "" County Indexee Since IBBB ? To bmte names, O?IBn Ot fOTi A TD 2 iAB INDEX PAT OFFIGE (.Y?,?/l71.?v.? An Iden6fying TradeMark ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MA9E IY TNE lOTT INDEX (OMPANY, GOW?Yf? ONIO SOLD BY OWEN G, DUNN CO., HFW BERN, N. ?. DATE MINUTE BOOR Month Day Year Yol, Page 07 06 1982 19 113 07 19 1982 19 121 08 02 1982 19 124 09 07 1982 19 149 09 07 1982 19 150 09 07 1982 19 151 09 07 1982 19 152 09 20 1982 19 157 09 20 1982 19 158 09 20 1982 19 158 09 20 1982 19 159 10 18 1982 19 175 11 1 1982 19 176 11 1 1982 19 182 11 1 1982 19 183 11 1 1982 19 183 11 15 1982 19 190 11 15 1982 19 190 11 15 1982 19 190 11 15 1982 19 190 11 15 1982 19 190 11 15 1982 19 190 12 6 :.982 19 19? 12 6 1982 I9 192 12 6 1982 19 193 12 6 1982 19 193 12 6 1982 19 199 12 6 1982 19 200 12 6 1982 19 200 12 ?3 1982 19 200 12 20 1982 19 207 12 13 1982 19 ;:04 ? SUBJECT INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County? 1?. U. _ MATTER: COMMITTEES APPOINTED ` ? To tocats namea, OpEO 0t COTT A-2 TAB INDEX ¦ea. u. s. County Indezee Since 1888 MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO r?r OFFICE ?J?? An IdenNfying Trsde Merlc SURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS 1.! Members appointed to Standing Committees: Poor House- Stephen Keyes and Elijah Hewlett Work House- E.M. Shoemaker and Stephen Keyes ? DATE I MINUTE BOOK ? Month I Day I Year ?I Vol. I Page i ?? . ? {` 02 06 1869 1 180 Ci ? ?? ?: cp 6? 01 l, Auditing- James Wislon, E.M. Shoemaker, and Stephen Keyes ?- iy 'I ? ? Finance- James Wilson and E.M, Shoemaker y ,; Roads and Bridges- Rufus Garriss and Stephen Keyes ?? E Public Buildings- Stephen Keyes and Elijah Hewlett ;? ? 2.,? ? ?, Stephen Keyes and E?.M. Shoemaker appointed a School Committee to consider school matters. ' ;, ?3 3.?? ? Members appointed to Standing Committees: Poor House- James Lowry and E.M. Shoemaker : 09 °? Work House- A.R. Black and James Lowry { ., Auditing- J.C. Heyer, E.M. Shoemaker and A.R. Black „ Finance- J.C. Heyer and E.M. Shoemaker .i ' ; Roads and Bridges- A.R. Black and J.C. Heyer i? ?y ' Public Buildings- E.M. Shoemaker and James Lowry ;? 4.?? Standing committee on Public Schools ap?pointed: A.R. Black, James Lowrey and S.W. Martin. : r. Q9 5.; Frank King, S. Bunting and Lawson Rice appointed a Committee of Finance to examine County's condition. ?'' 88 6.,9 „ Chairman revised standing committees. ,? 09 7." Chairman to be ex-officio chairman of all standin committees exce t the Auditin Committee. ;, g P g 09 ?? ± ,: ? 8.i' Members appointed to Standing Committees: Auditing - A.R, Black, E.M. Shoemaker and A.H. Morris tl; 09 ?? Work House - Silas Martin, A,R. Black and James Lowry ? ;G "i s ? Finance - Silas Martin, A.H. Morris and E.M. Shoemaker ;? k': ? `? _ Roads and Bridges - Silas Martin, A.R. Black and A.H. Morris ;; `? '? Public Buildings - Silas Martin, E.M. Shoemaker and James Lowry;', ° , _? Poor House - Silas Martin, E.M. Shoemaker and James Lowry ?. : F i 9.;? ; L.E. Rice temporarily appointed member of Committee on Roads and Bridges to fill vacancy left by A.R, Blacl?;. 10 10.; L,E. Rice appointed Chairman of Auditing Committee in place of A.R. Black. r:; 11 11.",? r Commissioner Rice to become Chairman of Auditing Committee and member on Work House and Roads and Bridges ?; 11 ?? ?d •r , ?. Committees. ?; ' 12.?? Revision of Standing Committees: Auditing - Lawson Rice, James Chadbourne and A.H. Morris e? 03 ;? la ? ?. Work House - S.N. Martin, L. Rice and D. Nixon f• ? ?` [ Poor House - S.N. Martin, J. Chadbourne and D. Nixon ` ,? Finance - S.N. Martin, J. Chadbourne and A. Morris ?; ?? "? Public Buildings - S.N. Martin, L. Rice and J. Chadbourne „ '! 7 T 'k? Roads and Bridges - S.N. Martin, A. Morris and D. Nixon E, 13.,? Commissioners Martin and Rice appointed Committee on Paupers, and they are to hear all applicants for aid , 12 1y', ,? and relief at Poor House. 14. .; Standing Committee appointments: Work House - James Wilson, John Wagner and Augus Morris „ 09 . Poor House - James Wilson, Stacy Van Amringe and Delaware Nixon ;. Auditing - John Wagner, Stacy Van Amringe, and Delaware Nixon Finance - James Wilson, J. Wagner and Stacy Van Amringe ?; Roads and Bridges - James Wilson, J. Wagner and Delaware Nixon ' Public Buildings - James Wilson, J. Wagner and Delaware Nixon Out Door Poor - James Wilson, J. Wagner and Stacy Van Amringe ;; 15. 16. ;Chairman pro tem to appoint an additional member to Poor Committee. 03 F ,Standing Committees appointed: Finance - J.G. Wagner, S. Van Amringe and S.H. Morris ; 10 ? ?, ? Auditing - S. Van Amringe and A.H. Morris , ,: Poor House - J.G. Wagner, A.H. Morris and D. Nixon ;; ?'? ? f N E 07 1870? 05 1870 ?? ,N 21 1870 08 1871.?? 02 1872?i 1A 02 1872F? 02 1872?? 1 412 1 486 2 8 ?? i 2 200 ? 2 353 2 353 2 353 ! ?? ?j :? 2$ 1872;, 2 386 hS 04 1872?? 2 387 ,,? 21 1872??? 2 398 17 1873 3 ? e 40 ji a i 02 1873?? i? 16 1874 ??' ., ka ,?E ?6 1 ;; ?4 3 3 150 ;, E? ?.? ?I i? 26 2 ?? E i ?f ri g Ci bai 16 1875^r; 3 311 ?, ? 12 1875;`, 3 387 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES r- New Hanover Count?? 1?. U. _ MATTER: COMMITTEES APPOINTED ` ?ea. u, s. Counry Indezee Since 1888 ??.?--+ To loeate names, open at tOTT A-Z TAB INDEX r?r OfFICE (??? An ldentifying Trade Merk ?3`'.? SURNAM6 INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORiH CAROLINA ?9 DATE k? MINUTE BOOK E? NATURE OF PROCEEDtNGS , ;? Month I Day I Year p? Vol. Page i 3? - - r, - ?' 1. Standing Committees appointed: Work House - J.G. Wagner, A.H. Morris and D. Nixon 10 12 1875'?? 3 387 ?? ,? j? ? Public Buildings - J.G. Wagner, S. Van Amringe and D. Nixon ?? ? "' ?i Roads and Bridges - J,G. Wagner, S. Van Amringe and D. Nixon ?: N? ?? ,i ?, ; , Out Door Poor - J.G. Wagner, A.H. Morris and S. Van Amringe = Fi ? ,; ?. 2. Commissioner Davis placed on Auditing, Finance and Work House Committees. OS 05 1876? 3 434 ?`'' 'f ?; 3. Standing Committees appointed: Auditing - J,Wagner, I.B, Grainger and B,G. Worth ? O1 03 1877,r 3 519 ; ? ,w Finance - J. Wagner, B.G. Worth and I.B. Grainger E, ? Poor House - J. Wagner, D. Nixon and D. Ho°imes ?,? ,? Roads and Bridges - J. Wagner, D. Nixon and D. Holmes „ , b? ?; Public Buildings - J. Wagner, D. Nixon and D. Holmes ., ?? Out Door Poor - J. Wa ner and I.B. Grain er G? g g tl Yj 4.?; Taxpayers appointed W.L.DeRosset, Henry Nutt and Ed Kidder to investigate management of County. 5. Commissioner W,L. Smith appointed to Auditing Committee in place of Mr. Atkinson. 6.? Committees appointed: Finance - B.G. Worth and H.A. Bagg Poor House - A.J. Grady and B.G. Worth 9 Roads and Bridges - James Montgomery and H.A. Bagg Public Buildings - H.A. Bagg and A.J. Grady 7. Conference Committee: Commissioners Bagg and Grady and Smith. 8. Committees appointed: Finance - W.L. Smith, B.G. Worth and H.A. Bagg ' Poor House - W.L. Smith, E.L. Pearce, and B.G. Worth. Roads and Bridges - W.L. Smtih, J.A. Montgomery and E.L. Pearce ? Public Buildings - W.L. Smith, H.A. Bagg and J.A. Montgomery 9. Roger Moore appointed to Finance Committee and Public Buildings Committee in place of W.L. Smith. 10. Committees appointed: Auditing - B.F. Worth, Roger Moore and H.A. Bagg Finance - B.G. Worth, Roger Moore and H.A. Bagg : ? Poor House - E.L. Pearce, B.G. Worth and H.A. Bagg ? Roads and Bridges - James A. Montgomery, E.L. Pearce and H.A. Bagg ? ? Public Buildings - Roger Moore, James A. Montgomery, and Horace A. Bagg 11. Executive committee of Donald McRae, B.F. Hall and Clayton Giles to prepare exhibition for October i , ? Exposition at Raleigh. 12. Committees appointed for 1887: Finance - B.G. Worth, Roger Moore, H.A. Bagg Public Buildings - Roger Moore, J.A. Montgomery and H.A. Bagg ? , Roads and Bridges - J.A. Montogmery, E.L. Pearce and H.A. Bagg E Poor House - B.G. Worth, E.L. Pearce and H.A. Bagg ? 13.? Committees appointed: Finance - B.G. Worth, Roger Moore and H.A. Bagg " County Home - E.L. ?? ;? Public Buildings - ?? Roads and Bridges r: 14. Committees appointed: Finance - B.G. Wor County Home - E.L. ? Public Buildings - a ' Roads and Bridges ? Pearce, B.G. Worth and H.A. Bagg Roger Moore, James A. Montgomery and H.A. Bagg - J.A. Montgomery, E.L. Pearce and H.A. Bagg th, E.L. Pearce and H.A. Bagg Pearce, J.C. Stevenson and H.A. Bagg J.C. Stevenson B.S. Montofrd and H.A. Bagg - B.S. Montford, J.C. Stevenson and H,A. Bagg d? Hospital - B.G. Worth, J.C. Stevenson and H.A. Bagg 15.? Committees appointedn Auditing - Commissioners Moore, Nixon and Foster Finance - Commissioners Moore, Nixon and Foster Roads and Bridges - Commissioners Alexander, Dempsey and Nixon 02 09 12 04 12 04 12 ,', 04 12 12 O1 OS I877„ 3 27 1878;, 3 02 1878 4 .; 07 1878.° 4 06 Z88Qw, 4 04 1881 4 04 1882 4 07 1884, 4 D1 1890 5 „ 03 1894 5 ;; 05 1897;? 5 ?i ; ?? , i? o! 525 : 765 2 ? ?, ?? H k 55 r" 249 '. i? ?, 282 ? i, 433 ? F i? 541 , ;, „ 285 , 596 4? ;s 756 ?? s; E: ? ? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County N C COI??IITTEES APPOINTED MATTER , . . _ : _ Rea. u. s. County Indezes Sinc? 1888 r?r off?et ??? An ldentifyina'Trsde Mark ?'y? ?+.fi-- To tocats names, open at ??8 SURNAMH INITIAL TAB COiT A•Z 7A6 INDEX MADE BY THF CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA "! ? DATE ?E,?, MINUTE BOOK ?? 4 .? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month I Day I Year ;? Voi. I Page E? l.? ,; Commissioner Dempsey appointed to Finance and Audit Committees. - 05 02 189? . r: ' 6 ?; (F 122 r ;? , 2.: County Attorney appointed to Auditing Committee, a permanent appointment. 06 06 1898 ' ? '? 6 ? 134 ?? ?i 3.,{ Committee on Public Buildings appointed: Commissioners Moore, Barry and Cowan. 07 26 1898 ?? r? 6 E. 156 4.: Committees appointed: Auditin? - Roger Moore, John Boatwright and John Barry, 05 02 1898 6 ;? 164 ?+ Hospital Board - John Boatwright, John Barry and Roger Moore Roads and Bridges - W.F, Alexander, James Cowan and Roger Moore County Home - W.F. Alexander, James Cowan and Roger Moore ,, .- Public Buildings - Roger Moore, James Cowan and John Barry 5. Co?mittees appo?nted: Finance - Roger Moore, D. McEachern and G. Holmes :, 03 Hospital - G. Holmes, .Tohn Barry and Roger Moore Roads and Bridges -- W.F, Alexander, John Barry and Roger Moore County Home - John Barry, D. McEachern and Roger Moore PubZic Buildings - C. McEachern, W.F. Alexander and Roger Moore „ 6. Committees appointed: Auditing - Commissioners Moore, Holmes and McEachern 12 Hospital - Commissioners Holmes, McEachern and Moore Roads and Bridges - Cor.unissioners Alexander, Holmes and Moore , : County Home -? Commissioners McEachern, Alexander and Moore , „ Public Buildings - Commissioners Moore, Holmes and Alexander ? 7.; Committees appointed: Roads and Bridges - Commissioners Alexander, Montgomery and McEachern ,. 06 ,; County Home - Commissioners Montgomery, Vollers and Alexander , n, Auditing - Commissioners McEachern, Holmes and Vollers . Hospital - Commissioners Holmes, McEachern and Montgomery Public Buildir?gs - Commissioners Vollers, Alexander and Montgomery Permanent Road Improvement - Commissinners McEachern, Holmes and Vollers 8. Committees appointed: Auditing - Commissioners Holmes, Vollers and McEachern 02 Permanent Roads - Commissioners McEachern, Holmes and Robertson Roads and Bridges - Commissioners Alexander, Robertson and McEachern ' County Home - Commissioners Robertson, Alexander and McEachern Buildings - Commissioners Vollers, Robertson and McEachern 9. Sanitary Board: Drs. Bullock and McMillan and Commissioners McEachern, Divine, Robertson and Vollers. I1 10. Sanitary B oax'd: Drs. Bellamy and Wood and Commissioners McEachern, Voller.s, Rnbertson, Divine and Montgom- 12 11. ,Board of Health: Board of Commissioriers, Mayor Springer, Attorney Bellamy, Drs. McMillan and Harper, Drs. 12 Carroll, Bellamy and Moore. 12. Drs. Wood, R.H. BelZamy, A.H. Harris and T.B. Carroll to inspect a11 slaughterhouses. 12 13. Auditing Committee increased to include the,entire Board. 10 14. Finance Committee appointed: H.L. Vollers, W.F. Robertson, M,W. Divine, J.P. Montgomery and D. McEachern. 22 15. Gommittees appointed: Public Buildings: H.L. Vollers, D. McEachern, M.W. Divine 01 County Home: J,P, Montgomery, H.L, Vollers, M,W, Divine , Permanent Roads: D. McEachern, M,W. Divine and H,L. Vollers „ County Roads: W.T. Robertson, J.P. Montgomery and M.W. Divine , Bridges: M.W. Divine, W.F. Robertson and D. McEachern ?. 16. Members of the Board of Health listed. 02 17. Dr. E.J. Wood appointed member of Sanitary Board. 05 18. Committees appointed: Public Buildings: H.L. Vollers, D. McEachern and M.W. Divine 12 County Home: Entire Board Permanent Roads: D. McEachern, M.W. Divine, H.L. Vollers and W.F. Robertson „ 06 1899 6 236 .. ;. 20 1899 :. 6 04 1900 „ 6 ?2 1903 6 18 1904 07 1908 14 1908 18 1908 05 190$ 07 ].908 04 1909 365 :; 447 f 701 7 9 ,; ? 7 159 7 161 ? ,, t? 7 163 3 152 7 159 7 165 „? 27 1909. 03 1909 06 1909 7 169 ?; 7 175 ? 7 187 !? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS ?INUTES - New Hanaver Counft?? 1?. l?. _ MATTER: COMMITTEES APPOINTED ` neo. u. s. ?J? ?? County Indezea Since 1888 ? To locate names, OpB11 0t COTT A•Z TAB INDEX e?r OFi1CE LC?.R?//7? An IdentiFying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLO BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA a G , DATE ? MINUTE BOOK ?? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ?'' ? r,, Month I Day ? Year ?? Vol. I Page ?? i; l. Committees appointed; Roads - W,F. Robertson, J.P. Montgomery and M.W. Divine 12 06 ;? 1909?? 7 187 I,': ?? Bridges - M,W. Divine, W.F. Robertson and D, McEachern , ^a F? 2. Sanitary Committee - Mr. McEachern, H.L. Vollers, J. Metts, J. Kerr and Drs. Wood and Bellamy. 12 ? 23 1910?t ?X 7 204 ` 3. Members of Board of Health listed. ? 12 ., 23 1910,' 7 205 F pi 4. Committees appointed: Auditing - Entire Board ` 01 05 1911a, 7 208 ?? Public Buildings - H.L, Vollers, D, McEachern and M,W. Divine ?'? ? , F County Home - Entire Board . ? ?w ? County Farm - J.T. Kerr, H.L. Vollers, D. McEachern . ? ?, ? .? ,?? Permanent Roads - D. McEachern, H.L. Vollers and M,W. Divine ?; ka 'Fb County Roads - J.V.B. Metts, J.T. Kerr and M.W. Divine -' rA 6J '4 "? Bridges - M,W. Divine, H.Z. VoLlers and D. McEachern • ?r f, 5.; Board of Health appointed Drs. E.J. Wood and R,H, Bellamy to their Board. a ? , 6.? Committees appointed: Public Buildings - H.L, Vollers, D...;McEachern, M,W. Divine I . ?? Auditing - Entire Board , County Home - Entire Board ? _;! County Farm - J.T. Kerr, H.L, Vollers and D. McEachern ,, ?i ii Permanent Roads - D. McEachern, H,L. Vollers, M.W. Divine and J.V.B. Metts Ey ?a ?? County Roads - J.V.B. Metts, J.T. Kerr and M.W, Divine e P r Bridges - M.W. Divine, H,L, Vollers, and D. McEachern ? 7.? Board of Health - D. McEachern, Mayor Smith,Dr. E.J. Wood and Prof. W. Catlett 8. Committees appointed: Jail and County Home Buildings - W.A, McGirt, W.E. Yopp and J. Van Metts E? Courthouse - J.Van B, Metts, W.A, McGirt and W.E. Yopp ji ' County Home and Farm - J.T. Kerr, W.A. McGirt and M,S. Willard ? ? Permanent Roads - M,S. Willard, J.Van B. Metts and W.A. McGirt County Roads - W,E, Yopp, J. Van B, Metts and J.T. Kerr 04 03 1911 , 7 213 ,. 01 02 1912 7 241 07 12 27 1912 ?; 7 254 09 1912 ' 7 267 . Bridges - J.Van B. Metts, J.T. Kerr and M.S. Willard , ? ? Auditing - Entire Board ? ? ?? • ? Oakgrove Cemetery- W.E. Yopp, J. Van B, Metts and W.A. McGirt. ., ? . t , 9.? Drs. E.J. Wood and R.H. Bellamy re-elected to Bcs rd of Health. ;, 01 06 1913 " 7 270 .10. Permanent Committee on taxes: Commissioners Yopp,? Metts and Attorneys Bellamy & Bellamy. (See TAX DEPT.);; 01 13 1913 ; 7 273 „ ,11.? ? Dr. E,J. Wood resigned and Dr. A,H. Harris appointed to Board of Health. ;, 03 24 1913 7 286 , ? ,12.p L.W. Moore to be on a11 committees previously occupied by J, Van B. Metts. 05 09 1913., 7 292 tl ,13.? Rev. T.P. Noe, W.H. Schaefer and Rev. A.G. Howell appointed to County Board of Visitors. ?. 07 06 ? 19I4;, 7 369 ;, .14.sj H.M, Chase, J.A. Taylor and M.J. Corbett to investigate Health Depart?t. 07 31 1914,? 7 375 15.?? Committees appointed: Jail - Messrs. Willard, Yopp and Moore. 04 19 1915{ 7 453 .r ?$ ? ? Courthouse - Messrs. Moore, Willard and Yopp ii County Home and Farm - Messrs. Kerr, Willard and McGirt p Perm?nent Roads - Messrs. McGirt, Willard and Moore ? County Roads - Messrs. Yopp, Moore and Kerr ' ' Bridges - Messrs. Moore, Kerr and McGirt ?? Oak Grove Cemetery - Messrs. Yopp, Moore and Willard ' 4a ? Auditing - Entire Board 4 16. Collection of back taxes referred to Auditor, Attorney and Mr. Willard. 06 07 1915?! 7 461 ` 17.? Messrs. Lrillard, C.C. Chadbourn and Auditor to report on accepting part of Carolina Beach Road. 02 14 1916 7 537 ,. i 18.? Committees appointed: Permanent Roads - Chairman, Messrs. MacMillan and Hewlett 12 04 1916 7 598 = . ?! Bridges - Messrs. MacMillan, Yopp and Kerr i ' ., ?. ? '? ?,?y ?s? ? Yr ? P f r : r' p ? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER: COMMITTEES APPOINTED ` eec. u. s. ??. ???/???? County Indezea Since 1888 YO lOtatO names, open Gt COTT A-Z TAB INDEX e?r OFi1cE C-?-Re/r?(.a'-z?i An Identi[Ying Trade Marlc SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY? COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD BY OIIPEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORiH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS 1. Committees appointed: County Roads - Messrs. Hewlett, Kerr and Yopp Courthouse and Jai1 - Messrs. Yopp, Kerr and MacMillan County Home and Farm - Messrs. Kerr, Hewlett and the Chairman Oak Grove Cemetery - Mr. Yopp. 2. Committees appointed: Permanent Roads - Chairman, W.D. MacMillan, Jr. and Mrs. Hewlett Bridges: Messrs. MacMillan, Yopp and Kerr County Roads - Messrs. Hewlett, Kerr and Yopp County Home and Farm - Messrs. Kerr, Hewlett and the Chairman Conrthouse and Jai1 - Messrs. Yopp, Kerr and MacMillan Oak Grove Cemetery - Mr. Yopp 3. Citizens Committee on Crime; J.A. Taylor Roger Moore, W.H. Sprunt, C,C. Chadbourn, J.C. Williams, Marsden Bellamy and C.B. Newcomb. 4. Committees appointed: Permanent Roads - W. D. McGirt, Addison Hewlett and W.E. Yopp Bridges - W. P, McGlaughon, G. W. Trask and W. E. Yopp County Roads - Addison Hewlett, G. W. Trask and W.P, McGlaughon County Farm F? Home - G. W. Trask, Addison Hewlett and W. A. McGirt Oak Grove Cemetery - W. E. Yopp 5. W. P. McGlaughon, G. W. Trask and Marsden Bellamy appointed a committee to investigate Superior Court Clerk's salary. (See Superior Court Clerk) 6. Members of Ferry Committee: From N. H., W. A. McGirt and W. P. McGlaughon, and from Brunswick, J.J. Knox. 7. Committees appointed: Permanent Roads - W. P. McGlaughon, W. A. McGirt and W. E. Yopp Roads f? Bridges - A. Hewlett, G. W, Trask and W. E. Yopp Courthouse F? Jail - W. E. Yopp, G. W. Trask and W. P. McGlaughon County Farm F? Home - G. W. Trask, A. Hewlett and W. P. McGlaughon Oak Grove Cemetery - W. E. Yopp Health Committee - W. A. McGirt, W. P. McGlaughon and A, Hewlett 8. Committees appointed: Permanent Roads - A. Hewlett, G. W. Trask $ W. E. Yopp Roads and Bridges: J. W. Little, G. W. Trask and W. E. Yopp Courthouse $ Jail - W. E. Yopp, G. W. Trask and W. R. Dosher County Farm F? Hon e- G. W. Trask, A. Hewlett and J. W. Little Oak Grove Cemetery - W. E. Yopp Health - W.R. Dosher, A. Hewlett and J. W. Little Ferry Commission - A. Hewlett and J.W. Little Farm Home Demonstration Work - J.W. Little, A. Hewlett and G. W. Trask 9. Members of Mosquito Commission: W. H. Stone, E. N. Hardin and Dr. J. H. Hamilton. 10. Committees appointed: Permanent Roads - Addison Hewlett F? W. E. Yopp Roads F, Bridges - A. Hewlett, G. W. Trask and W. E. Yopp Courthouse $ Jail - W. E. Yopp, G. W. Trask and W. R. Dosher County Farm ? Home - G. W. Trask, A. Hewlett and J.W. Little Oak Grove Cemetery - W. E. Yopp Health Committee - W. R. Dosher and A. Hewlett Ferry Commission - A. Hewlett and J.W. Little Farm F? Home Demonstration Work - J. W. Little, A. Hewlett and G. W. Trask 11. Committee on distributing insurance: Col. W. Taylor, F. A. Lord, R. H. Northrone, G. W. Trask and W. R.Dosher. (See Insurance) 12. Committees Appointed: Permanent Roads - Addison Hewlett, G. W. Trask and W. E.Yopp DATE MINUTE BOOK ' Month IDay ( Year Vol, Page ' 12 04 1916 7 598 y 12 03 1917 7 652 04 O1 1918 7 692 12 02 1918 8 26 12 23 1918 8 29 05 05 1919 8 52 12 O1 1919 8 89 12 06 1920 8 134 06 O1 1921 8 156 12 04 1922 8 218 12 04 1922 8 219 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. MU JECT ! - Carolina Beach ? ? ae?. u. s. /? County Inde:ea Since 1888 ? TO IOWb eanNf? Ople Yt COTT A-! TAf IN6EX PAT OFFICE (??Fi??(,/?E' An Identifying Trade Mark fURNAMB INITIAL TA? MADE BY THE COTi INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO S01,p iY OIIEN ?. pYNN, NEN ?ERN, NOR?N GROLIMA #? '? ;' DATE MINUTE BOOK a ? ? ?? ? ?? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS r; Month Day Year ; ? Yol. ? Page ?? s? . ?' l?; Letter to Sunny Point Fire Dept. 2 24 1958, 12 ''? 227 .. ?? ; ; 2?, ?? Letter from Carolina Beach Town Council, expressing gratefulness for drainage. 3 24 1958 12 237 :: 3?} Mayor of Carolina Beach and other Offical? requested funds for erosion. !' 9 22 I958 I2 306 ''; , 4x, p Executive 6ecretary to investigate ways and means of aide. 9 22 1958 12 306 . fq 5;? Discussion on widening of US-421 and erection of bridge. 9 22 1958 12 306 ?'? ? ?? ;? 6p? Executive Sec. to confer wi?h State Highway Commission regarding groins at beach. 9 29 1958 12 309 , ? 7?; Proposal to furnish groin riprap, tabled until Board know amount ?f funds available. 11 3 195$ 12 322 ' . Fn ?? 8?? ? ?? Application for Federal Fund through Civil Defense Office for beach erosion. 11 10 1958 12 328 F 9'.. Received appreciation-resolution for hurricane cleanup. 3I ZO ?958 Z2 329 ? ?!10?} Chairman Holton, Jr. presented certificate of commendation to Mayor Tucker. 2 2 1959 12 370 rII. Letter commending Town of Carolina Beach. 2 2 1959 12 370 `.12?? Civil & Defense Mobilization approved $7,000 for hurricane rehabilitation. 2 9 1959 12 375 :13?: Mr. Tomlinson to clean ditches at Carolina and Kure Beaches. 3 5 1959 12 391 ,?14;?? Board approved outlined project by Corps of Engineers for Beach erosion. 4 6 1959 12 409 ?15?? Appropriated $10,000.00 to be used with Civil Defense Rehabitation money for erosion. 7 1 1959 12 454 ,16f': Request for assistance on drainage problem delayed for next meeting. 9 21 1959 12 498 :? ';.17?; Letter from Mayor A. L. Mansfield expressing appreciation for services during hv.rricane. 10 19 1959 12 507 ':18;, Letter from Lions Club in regards to proposed Ferry service. 10 19 1959 12 507 < <,. ?19''i Approved payment of $60.00 to Henry Von Oesen for services at Freeman Beach. 12 7 1959 12 522 ?'; ?20?'. Letter of appreciation from Stacy N. Thomas, Town Manager Carolina Beach for jetties. 12 7 1959 12 523 ???21;? The US Corps. of Engineers refused to improve Henniker Ditc??,?Co?u.nty to improve. 12 31 1959 12 529 ?22; Invitation to attend public hearing to discuss the joint beach erosion study by Corps. 7 5 I960 12 585 ? F Engineers. @'23?; ? Budget meeting, appropriated $10,000.00 for erosion and groins. 7 8 1960 12 589 i.24?, ? Board express willingness ta accept plan C. for cooperative erosion. control. 8 1 1960 IZ 60I ?25'; Letter informing of plans after study af erosion control, Board to study. 3 6 1961 12 652 :.26i. Corps of Engineers reqv.est reassurance regarding erosion project, letter confirming. 3 20 196T 12 657 ?_27?s? ?udget meeting, approved $10.000 for erosion control. 7 26 1961 13 3 2'?': Thank-you letter from Town of Carolina Beach in regards to Ferry Service, 2 5 1962 13 65 29'". Letter of app?eciation for assistance with cleanup after flood tides. 4 2 1962 13 89 ?30?; New break water device to create artificial marinas & check erosion. 4 2 1962 13 89 ?.31:; AnnuaZ meeting o? State Dept. of Water Resources Sept. 21, 62. 9 4 1962 13 146 32?? Beach preservation report, Commissioners recessed to inspect beaches. 12 3. 1962 13 174 -33?? Resolution declaring beach a major disaster area. 12 3 1962 13 176 ':.34;: Authorized payment of $1,200 for emergency repair work for beach erosion. 10 7 1963 13 258 35? Emergency Erosion 04 20 I964 13 318 36, Beach Erosion - Hurricane Protection 10 05 1964 13 380 , 37+; Carolina beach berm and dune project - Freeman Beach O1 03 1967 14 18 ?? 38;, ? ?? Proposed budget for berm and dune project ? O1 16 1967 14 22 39'; Funds for budget for berm and dune project 05 O1 1967 14 53 40;; Discussion With Kure Beach 04 16 1968 14 174 41, Berm 05 06 I968 14 I86 42;: Resolution: CaroZina Beach inlet 03 17 1969 14 304 4?r Chamber of Commerce Meeting 09 15 1y69 14 3y0 44s; Beach erosion control and Hurricane-Wave protection project 03 16 1y70 14 454 45T; ` County contribution to Erosion control , i2 21 197? 14 560 ;; :a ?r ?, ?' . * ? , ? ? , ,. ? ? ? ? ? __? ? ? ?i ? ?, - ii INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MATTER:COAM?IITTEES APPOINTED Rec. u. s. County lndezea Since 1888 ??'"? Yo IOta}0 names, open Ot (OTi A•2 TAB INDEX PAT OFFICE ?I?I? An ldentifying Trade Martc U`a SURNQME INITIdL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN 6. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLlNA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS 1;$ Roads F? Bridges - L. D. Lotta, A. Hewlett and W. R. Dosher County Home ? Farm - G. W. Trask, A. Hewlett and L. D. Lotta Courthouse ? Jail - W. E. Yopp, G. W. Trask and W. R. Dosher Farm F? Home Demonstration Work - L. D. Lotta, A. Hewlett and G. W. Trask Health - W. R. Dosher, L. D. Lotta and W. E. Yopp Oak Grove Cemetery - W. E.Yopp Ferry Commission - A. Hewlett and W. R. Dosher DATE Month I Day I Year MINUiE BOOK Vol. I Page 2. Committees Appointed: Permanent Roads - A. Hewlett, G. W. Trask and W. E. Yopp Roads F, Bridges - L. D.Lotta, A. Hewlett and W. R.Dosher County Home - L. D. Lotta, G- W. Trask and A. Hewlett Courthouse ? Jail - W. E. Yopp, G. W. Trask $ W. R. Dosher Farm and Home Demonstration Work - L. D. Lotta, A. Hewlett, and G. W. Trask Health - W. R, Dosher, L. D. Lotta and W. E. Yopp Oak Grove Cemetery - W. E.Yopp Ferry Commission - A. Hewlett and W. R. Dosher 3. Entire Board named as Building Committee for Courthouse annex. 4. Committees for State Association of County Commissioners: Reception Committee: F. M. Ross J. D. Taylor, Dr. H. Codington, 0. H. Shoemaker, T. H. Wright, F. A. Matthis, J. E. Thompson and W. B. Munroe. Automobile Committee: All Auto Dealers Entertainment Committee: W. R. Dosher 5. Committees appointed: Permanent Roads - A. Hewlett, G. W. Trask and W. E. Yopp Roads F? Bridges - L. D. Lotta, A. Hewlett and W. R. Dosher County Home - L. D. Lotta, G. W. Trask and A. Hewlett County Farm - G. W. Trask, A. Hewlett and L. D. Lotta Courthouse ? Jail - W. E. Yopp, G. W. Trask and W. R. Dosher Farm Home Demonstration Work - L. D.Lotta, A. Hewlett and G. W. Trask Health - W. R. Dosher, L. D. Lotta, and W. E. Yopp Oak Grove Cemetery - W. E.Yopp Ferry Commission - A. Hewlett and W. R. Dosher 6. Committees appointed: Permanent Roads - A. Hewlett, G. W. Trask and W. E. Yopp Roads ? Bridges - Frank M. :?oss, A. Hewlett, and W. R. Dosher County Home - Frank M.Ross, G. W. Trask and A. Hewlett Courthouse ? Jail - W. E. Yopp, G. W. Trask and W. R. Dosher Farm and Home Demonstration Work - F. M. Ross, A. Hewlett and G. W. Trask Health - W. R. Dosher, F. M. Ross and W. E. Yopp Oak Grove Cemetery - W. E. Yopp Ferry Commission - A. Hewlett and W. R. Dosher 7. Frank M. Ross on Jetty Commission to replace Ms. Lotta. 8., Members of County Board of Agriculture: Masonboro Township - A. W. McEachern, M.S. Emart, J. T. Brown, and H. B. Peschan Federal Point Township - T. J. Burnett, George Henrica and S. T. Keyes Harnett Township - J. F. Klein, R. F. Beasley, R.G. lNestbroo, and S.Funstra Cape Fear Township - E. I. Tinga, W. R. Vann, W. D, Rhodes, Jr., H. A. Rau and B. Van Bavel. 12 03 1923 8 274 Ol 28 1924 8 280 08 08 1924 8 306 12 O1 1924 8 317 12 07 1925 8 361 12 18 1925 8 362 03 O1 1926 8 377 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MA TECR: COMMI"TTEES APPOINTED ` ¦ec. u, s. County Indezes $ince 1888 ?? ]r??-- Yo IOCGte names, open Ot COTT A-2 TAB INDEX r?r OFPICE ?n?? An ldentifying Trade Mark ??8 SURNAME INITIAL TAB NIADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLU BY OWEN C. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATiJRE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE, MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page . l. Merchants Exhibit and Ladies Rest Room Committee: Mrs. W, B. Cooper, Mrs. E. L. Hinton, Miss Margaret Price and Mrs. Marcus Jacobi. 2? Standing Comm2ttee: Permanent R??.ds, Hewlett_ Chairr?.an, Trask and Yopp. I?oads and Bridges: Ross Chairman, Hewlett and Dosher. County Home and Farm: Trask Chairman, Hewlett and Ross. Courthouse and Jail: Yopp Chairman, Trask and Dosher. Farm-Home Demonstration.: Ross Chairman, Hewlett and Trask. Health: Dosher Chairman, Ross and Yopp. Oak Grove Cemetery: Hew?ett C?aZrman, Ferry, Dosher and Yopp. Airport: Ross Chairman, Hewlett and Dosher. 3. Standing Committee: Permanent Roads: Same (above). Roads and Bridges: Ross Chairman, Hewlett and James M. Hall., County Farm and Home: Same. (above). Courthouse and Jail: Yopp Chairman, Trask and Hall. Farm and Home Demonstration: Same (abov?). Health: Hall Chairman, Ross and Yopp. Cemetery: Sa.me (above). Airport: Ross Cgairman, Hewlett and Hall. 4. Standing Committees: Same as above, perman.?nt Roads unlisted. 5. ,Standing Co?nmittees : Roads: Trask, Hewlett and Ross. Courthouse-Jail: Hinton, Trask and Hall. Farm-Home: Ross, Hewlett and Trask. Health: Hall, Ross and Hinton. Cemeter3: Hinton and Hewlett. Ferry: Hewlett and Hall. Airport: Ross, Hewlett and Hall. 6. Standing Committees: Home-Farm: Trask, Hewl?tt and Ross. Courthouse-Jail: Hinton, Trask and Hall. Demonstrations: Ross, Hewlett and Trask. Health: Hall Ross and Hinton. Cemetery: Hinton and Hewlett. Ferry: Hall and Hewlett. Airport: Ross, Hewlett and Hall. 7. Standing Committees: Same as December 4, 1933 P. 261. 8. Standing Committees: Same as December 4, 1933 P. 26. 9. Standing Committees: County Home-Farm: Trask, Hewlett and Gardner, Airport: Gardner, Hewlett and Hall. Courthouse-Jail: Roebuck, Trask and Hall, Health: Hall, Gardner and ?oebuck. Home Demonstrations: Ross, Hewlett and Trask, Cemetery: Roebuck, Hall and Hewlett. Hospital: Hall. 10. S?anding Committees: Community Hospital: Gardner, County Home and Farm: Trask, Hewlett and Gardner. Courthouse-Jail: Roebuck, Trask and Hall, James Walker Hospital: Hall. Home-Fartn Demonstrations: Gardner, Hewlett and Trask, Health: Hall, Gardner and Roebuck, Oak Grove Cemetery: Roebuck, Hewlett and Hall. Airport: Gardner, Hewlett and Hall. 11. H. R. Gardner included in standing committee for Community Hospital. 12. Standing Committees: 13. County Home-Farm: Trask, Hewlett and Gardner, Courthouse-Jail: Roebuck, Trask and Hall. Community Hospital: Gardner, James Wal?ker Hospital: Hall. 05 03 1926 8 384 12 2 I929 9 12 12 1 1930 9 78 12 7 1931 9 141 12 5 1932 9 193 12 4 1933 9 261 12 3 1934 9 312 12 2 1935 9 394 12 7 1936 9 467 12 6 1937 9 556 12 13 1937 9 558 12 5 1938 10 26 MATT RT N. C. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? , , Commi ttees Appointed? To locafe names, open af COTT A•i TAB INDEX ecc. u. s. .? County Indezea Since 1888 NADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO P?r OFiICE C??',?.?e?? An Identifying Trade Marlc SURNAME INIiIAL TAB . SOLD BY OWEN C. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day ? Year Vol. I Page Standing Committees: (con't) 12 5 1938 10 26 Home-Farm Demonstrations: Gardner, Hewlet and Trask. Health: Hall, Gardner and Roebuck, Airport: Gardner, Hewnett and Hall Oak Grove Cemetery: Roebuck, Hewlett and Hall. Standing Committees: Same as above, P.26. 12 4 1938 10 97 Standing Commit?.ee: Same as above, P. 97. 12 2 1940 10 167 Committee (members from Board) appointed: 12 6 1954 11 558 Community Hospital: J. M. Hall, Jr., County Home-Farm: E. R. Mayhan Airport: Raford Trask, Chamber of Commerce; Claud 0'Shields Courthouse-Jail: R. T. Horton, S'ocial Service & Health: R. T. Horton TB Hospital, Hugh MacRae Park, Oak Grove Cemetery and Industrial Promotion: Board. Mr. Horton appointed as assistant Liaison Representative of th? Board of ABC. 10 10 L955 12 1 Mr. T. M. Jeffords and Dr. G. R. C. Thompson re-appointed as members of the Boxing 10 31 L955 12 13 and Wrestling Commission. Mr. Cicero P. Yow, resigned as County Attorney, Colonel John Bright Hill elected. 10 31 L955 12 l5 E. M, Bulter and Mrs. J. Wallace West re-appointed to the Board of Directors at 4 23 1955 12 64 Communit? Hospital, Thos. K. Woody appointed Executive Secretary for a period of six (6) months. 6 11 1955 12 76 Mr. Hall appointed County Represeaitative on th= Exec?ati?re Conur?ittee, Chamber Commerce. 6 Ll L955 12 76 Mr. H. M. Bridges appointed Dog Warden. 7 16 L955 12 81 Mr. E. L. White appointed Director of. Civil Defense. (Services without pay) 7 L6 L955 12 83 Mr. Peter H. Braak, appointed a member of the Farm Advising Council. 7 ?3 L955 12 ?35 Mr. W. B. Newkirk and Mr. Lloyd D. Dunn , appointed Representatives of the Board of 10 15 L955 12 101 Trust??s of Winter Park Voluntary Fireman's Relief Fund. Mr. D. Boet and Mr. D. R. Murray, appointed to Wrightsboro Fireman's Relief Fund. 11 19 L955 12 108 Standing Committees: 10 LO 1955 12 115 County Farm, Prison and Home: L. E. Broadhurst Chairman, James E. Holton, Jr. and J. M. Hal1, Jr. Bluethenthal Airport: J. M. Hall, Jr., James E. Holton, Jr. and Berry A. Williams. Hugh MAcRae Park and Oak Grove Cemetery: Berry A. ?zilliams. Drainage: L. E. Broadhurst, C:ommunit?.Hospital.: Ernest R. Mayhan. Committee of 100: J. M. Hall, Jr. Courthouse-Jail: E. R. Mayhan, B. A. Williams and L. E. Broadhurst, Safety Council: Ernest R. Mayhan and James E. Holton, 3r. Committee appointed of Refuse Disposal: Berry A. Williams, L. I Lassiter, Henry F. 1 7_1 L957 12 121 Permenter, Cliff D. Lewis and Hugh Oosterwyk. Mr. H. H. Hall, appointed to serve on Fire Inspection Committee. 2 11 L957 12 12? Mr. Berry A. Williams, to serve as County Representative on Fire Committee. 2 11 1957 12 129 Mr. Williams,-appointed official -representative to Lower Cape Fear Port Development. 7 22 1957 12 168 Mr. Holton, appointed to represent Count y Mr. Capps to represent Ci ty, for Tax Office. 7 25 1957 12 169 Mr. Andrew H. Harris, Jr. appointed as acting County Director for Civil Defense. 8 5 1957 12 172 Committee appointed to New Hospital Board: 8 26 1957 12 176 L. A. Raney, A. E. Jones, Hargrove Bellamy, 0. 0. Allsbrook, Alan Marshall, Bru.ce Cameron, Hugh MacR ?e,Jr., Daneil H. Penton, C. Heide Trask, R. H. Holland, Rye B. Page, ,3.•C. Thornton and J. H. Hall, Jr., Mr. Heide Trask appointed Chairman. Committee apppointed to select gift and plan party for Mr. T. K. Woody, resigning: 8 18 1957 12 177 Mr. Broa hurst, Mr. Williams and Mr. Mayhan. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Ha?over County N. C. ?U JE T ` , _ Comm itte e A ppoint ed - ? asc. u. s. ?J'- County Indexea Since 1888 ? TO lo?ot? no1Mt? op?p ai COTi A•Z TA? INDEX PAT OFFICE ????:(?o-? AnldentiEPi?g Trade Mark MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY? COLUMBUS. OHIO fURWAME INITIAL TAB SOLD ?Y OWEN ?, pUNN, NEw YERN, NORiN GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Voi. Page 1 a l. Board of Commissioners appointed as New Highway Committee, 'r?ir. Williams as Chairman. 9 23 1957 12 183 2. Mr. R. A. Dunlea and Mr. R. A. Asliworth appointed as committee, Seagate Fireman's Fund. 10 7 1957 12 185 3, Mr. Holton, appointed official County Representative, Board of Civil Defense. 10 14 1957 12 187 4. Committee appointed to study closing prison farm: 11 18 1957 12 193 - J. M. Hall, Jr., Leon E. Broadhurst and James E. Helton, Jr. 5. Committee appointed fox Street Names: Charles T. Burke and L. E. Broadhurst. 11 25 1957 12 195 . _6.? CouMty Fire Inspection Comm.ittee: I. y?. McGee, M. A. Abernethy, H. H. Hall, L. W. Watt?, 11 11 1957 12 192 ` E. V. Garner, J. G. Brinkley, E. B. Wright and Berry A. Williams 7. Committee appointed for Institution site: Messrs. E. L. White, F. Graham and A. Hewlett. 12 5 1957 12 200 8. Authorized Chairman to appoint a committee for trip to New York to discuss Waterways. 1 27 1958 12 218 9. Mr. E. L. White and Mr. H. E. Payne appointed to the Board, Wilmington College. 3 3 1958 12 232 10. Community Hospital Board appointed: Beecher P. Adkins, E. L. Bulter, W. M. Cameron,Jr., W. D. Campell, W. Gordon Doran, J. E. Holton, Jr. Dr. A. P. Kelly(temporary chairman), M. N. Leary and T. D. Love. ,, 11. Committee appointed for W. W. a?d Frances M. All, property compl?.int; • ,. : 3 24 1958 12 237 :? Mr. Broadhurst and Mr. Mayhan. 12. Committee appointed to study Kure Beach erosion: Mr. James E. Holton, Jr. chairman, 5 26 1958 12 260 : Mrs A1ice Strickland and W. G. Houck. 13. Committee appointed to study Ambulance Service: Messrs. Berry A. Williams & Broadhurst. 6 16 1958 12 267 14. Drainage committee appointed for drainage of Mrs. J. T. Vick, J. M. Hall, Jr., Mr. 6 30 1958 12 272 Broadhurst, Mr. Mayhan and Mr Houck. , 15. Messrs. Williams, Broadhurst and Mayhan, committee to investigate drainage of Mrs. _. 10 6 1958 12 313 Maude P. Martin. , 16. Drainage committee appointed: Mr. Garlarid S. C?a.rrin, Chairman, Colonel Charles H. 11 17 1958 12 331 Burnett, James Ferger, John Tinga, Herman H. Hall, M. S. Emmart and Dirk Swart. 17. ? Chairman to name appointments for Fire Inspection Committee. 12 1 1958 12 339 , , 18. Standing Committees: 12 8 1959 12 341 Airport: Mr. Hall and Mr. Holton, County Farm-Home: Mr Broadhurst and Mr. Braak, ', Rural Fire Dept. Inspection: Mr Williams, Community Hospital Director: Mr. Braak, , Chamber of Commerce: I?^Ir. Broadhurst, State Highway: Mr. Williams, SENCBA: Mr. Br;?adhurst , Committee of 100: Mr. Hall, Rivers- Harbors: r1r. Williams, SENCLA: Mr. Williams?. 19. Drainage Committee Officers: James Ferger, v?ice chairman, John Tinga, secretary. 1 2 1959 12 351 20. Mr. Peter H. Braak to serve on Steering Committee. 1 5 1959 12 :?55 21. County Planning Board: J. Einder Huges, W. Horace C. Corbett, Wallace C. Murchison, 1 5 1959 12 356 Robert R. Bellamy, Jr. and Edward B. Ward. _ 22. Letters to the above appointed informing of County Commissioners cooperation and support. 1 5 1959 12 356 23. Representatives appointed to Highway Survey and Planning Committee: 2 9 1959 12 374 ? Mr. J. F. Collier, Mr. J. C. Thompson and E. S. Capps. 24. Committee to study Civil Defense salaries: 2 11 1959 12 378 , City Manager, Benson and Secretary Houck, Councilman Capps and Commissioner to study ? sick leave and vacation schedules. 2 11 1959 12 378 ??? 25. Committee to stl.idy Anbulance Se.rvice: 2 16 1959 12 380 Mr. Braak, Chairman, Mr. Hall, SherifE Mi1.ls, Mr. McCumber and Mr. Houck. 26. Mr. Broadhurst to represent County at Parks and Recre??.tion mee?ing. 4 6 195? 12 409 . ?_7. Board to appoint representative to appear at hearing of Bitl ?k1079, to oppose Bill. 6 1 1959 12 422 28. Messrs. Will.ia.ms, Hall and County Attorney Hill, committee to revise wording on SPA 10 19 1959 12 505 Plague . - MATTER: N. C. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County SUBJECT , _ Comm itte es Appoi nted- eec. u. s. County Indexea Since 1888 TO loeat? nom?s, op?n Of COTT A-Z TA? INOEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO PAT OFFICE ?.??. ?.n Identifyina Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAi SOLD ?110NEN i. DUNN, NEII iERN, NORTe GROLINA Y DATE MINUTE BOOK ? c r'' NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year , Vol. Page i? $; lk Messrs. Broadhurst, Braak and Houck, committee for security cages at jail. 11 2 1959 12 510 2: She.riff Mills, County Attorney Hill and Secretary Houck, committee for Fire Arms Control. ll 2 1959 12 511 3,' School Fire Inspection Committee: Fire Chief, Secretary Houck, County/City Elect_ricial 1"i 16 1959 12 514 Inspectors, City Manager and Mr. ,Tohn 0, Marshall. 4;? ?, Committee to study Future Development of Hugh MacRae Park: Messrs. Hugh Morton, J. E. 2 1 1960 12 540 ; Holton, Jr. and Berry A. Williams. 5,'?' Committee to study suitable office for Recorder's Court: Judge Smith, Solicitor Walker, 3 7 1960 12 547 CSC Edwards and Secretary Houck. 6. Mr. Braak, named as committee for proposal of County property to Mr. J. C. Hanchey. 3 7 1960 12 550 7.. Committee t?o study back tax policy: Chairman Hall, Jr., Tax Supervisor Love, Collect?r 3 14 t960 12 55<< Johnson, Secretary Houck, County Attorney Hill, Mayor Capps, Jr., City Manager Benson and City Attoriiey Yow. 8. County Trash-Du.mb Committee: Messrs. Holton, Merritt and Houck. 3 21 1960 12 556 9;; Mr. Al E. Gibson appointed, Board of Directors Community Hospi?.al. 4 LS L9F?:) L% '?64 10,' Confederate Centennial Committee: Messr. H. J. MacMillan, G. M. Tucker, W. G. Houck, 10 3 L960 12 616 Mrs. J. D. Crowley and Mrs George A. Moore, Jr. 11? County Extension Advisory Board: Messrs. John Lorek, Cole Porter, Ray Black, Mrs. G. 11 7 L960 12 624 Moo?re and Rev. Francis Womack. 12?' Con?unittee to study sitf? for dump: Messrs. Peter H. Braak, E. R. Mayhan and J. V. Metts. 11 7 L960 12 624 r: 13.??! Committee to study matters of permanent Registration: Chairman Hall, City Manager Benson, ll ?1 L96U 12 62$ Chairman Board of Election, Advisory Committee, Attorney Hill, Attorney Yow and Representative ta General Asse?nbly. 14R Comm.ittee appointments far 1961: 1 L6 L961 12 643 Advertising Convnittee: Mr. Mayhan, Airport: Messer.s. Hall and Broadhurst, ?. Azalea Festival: Mr. Metts, Committee of 100: Mr. Hall, Community Hospital: Mr Metts, Farm- Home- Prison: Mr. 13ra.?k, Highway Mr. Broadhurst, Fire Inspection: Mr. Metts, Social Sercices: Mr. Braak, Wilmingtoci Ports-Waterw?.ys: Mr. Hall. 15« Committee to negotiate Hospital cost, James WalkerMemorial: ???*Messrs. Bra?.k, Mayhan & Love. 2 20 L961 l2 65i) 16?; Committee to study Airpo.rt Ins. Mr. Metts and County Attorney Tillery. 2 ?0 L961 12 650 17.; Committee to study Surplus Food Program: Messrs. J. D. Raynor, Bill Walton, .Tr., Mayhan, 4 4 L961 12 660 K??r?)o Lehto and Hall, Messers. Mayhan and Titlery to study County Insurance. 18.: L. E. Broadhurst, committee of one f.or new ?Registration system. 6 19 1961 12 689 19., Mr. Broadhurst, as c<?mmittee for Pullman Ser?cTice. , 7 17 196]_ 12 698 20. Messrs. Metts, Braak and Mayhan, com?Tnittee to study space for Social Services. 12 4 1961 13 40 21. Messrs. Metts, Livin;ton and Wesselt, committee tor County Insurance. 1 15 1962 13 60 22, Mr. Mayhan, as committee ior Winte?r Park Little League. 2 5 1962 13 63 23. Attorney Tillery, Mr. Love and Mr. Hall, Jr., committee, personal property listing 7 2 1962 13 121 of Cape Fear Towing Co. 24? Messrs. Mayhan and Broadhurst commitree to study proposed Election Syste:n. 5 6 1962 13 209 25.: Mr. Broad'riurst, co,.-?unittee to meet with adjacent Counties regarding Pathologist. 6 17 1963 13 222 26. Messers. Broadhurst, Mayhan, Til_1ery, Metts, Capps, Symmes and Yow, County/City, 7 15 1963 13 234 , Committee to study joint appropriations. 27.' Commissione.r Mayhan and County Attorriey Tillery, committee to work out details for 9 3 1963 13 249 ? avaarding Certificates of Merit. 28, Policy on appointment of inembers 08 21 1972 15 204 29', Appointment to 12 04 1972 15 278 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MU JECT CONIl?IITTEES APPOINTED ` aen. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 ? TO bwt? names, o?Np Of COTT A-Z TA? INGEX PAT OFFICE ?? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY? COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD ?T ONEN i. pUNN, NEN iERN, NORTH GROLiMA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Membership on 2. Carolina Beach Planning $ Zoning Commission 3. Family Planning Task Force 4. Political Action Committee of the N. C. Assoc. of County Commissioners 5. Cape Fear Council of Governments 6. Lower Cape Fear Planning Unit (policy board) 7. Appt. of Walter Craven to NHMH Board of Trustees 8. Discussion of Appointments 9. Appt. of Comm. Hall to Regional Mental Health Board 10. Appt. of Mrs. Feenstra and Mr. Edwards and Expansion of Airport Commission 11. Appt. of Mrs. Charles A. Wiklinsonto N. H. County Retirement System 12. Appt. of Comm. Davis ? Powell to COG 13. F. L. A9eier, Museum; Gerald H. Shinn, Museum; Comm. Powell, Hospital Board; Chm. Vaughan, Harbor House; Rebecca Hall, Mental Health; J. Richard Tamisiea, Mental Health; William A. Phillips, Mental Health; Ethel Booth, Mental Health; John Van B. Metts, Mental Health; Janet S. Morgan, Mental Health; I. John Tinga, Planning; J. D. Orrell, Jr., Planning; Miriam Schwarz, Cape Fear Tech.; Sheriff Grohman, Lower Cape Fear Planning Unit; Comm. Wright, Lower Cape Fear Planning Unit; Dan Eller, SEDC; Comm. Davis, Airport Comm. 14. Comm. Wright, Board of Health 15. Discussion of Comm. Davis' appointment to Airport Comm. 16. Length of Commissioner terms on boards 17. Alex S. Hall, Mental Health 18. Thomas W. Burris, Jury Commission 19. Paul S. Grimsley, Museum Board 20. Charles W. Hollis, Planning Commission 21. Original members to Environmental Impact Committee (15 members) 22. Ted Glod, Zoning Board of Adjustment 23. George Kidder, Airport; Janet S. Morgan, Mental Health; Dr. W. A. Phillips, Mental Health; A. B. Moore, Jr., Museum; Mrs. A. D. Howland, Museum; Paul Grimsley, Museum; Mrs. Linda Nance, Museum; Samuel E. Oots, Social Services; Paul Foster, Planning 24. Comm. Vaughan, Harbor House Executive Committee; Comm. Davis, New HanoverMemorial Hospital; Comm. Wrigh? N. C. Marine REsources Center 25. News releases 26. Mrs. Alice von Oesen, Mental Health; Rev. H. L. Aman, Zoning Board; Comm. Davis, Airport Commission; Comm. 0'Shields, Council of Governments F? Mental Health Adv. Bd.; Chm. Powell, Council of Governments _ and I??gion ???di.?m CQmmi_??iQn; ?Qmm, Wrigh?, Board of Health and Planning Unit, Dan E11erZ SEDC? Sheriff Grohman, Planning Unit 27. Adve?tisement to run re vacancies 28. Appointment of Rev. Aman and Mr. Craig to Zoning Board of Adjustment 29. Resignation of Comm. 4Vright from Fort Fisher Marine Science Center 30. Discussion of Commissioner's being appointed to Group Care Home Board 31. Discussion re policy 32. Policy re committee vacancies 33. Appt. of Comm. 0'Shields to Legion Stadium Comm. 34. Appt. of Comm. Alper to Airport Commission 35. Appt, of Comm. Alper to Council of Governments 12 04 1972 15 278 02 05 1973 15 325 02 05 1973 15 326-7 02 05 1973 15 327 03 19 1973 15 356 03 19 1973 15 356-7 04 16 1973 15 376 05 07 1973 15 385 06 I8 I973 15 436 06 18 1973 15 440 Q7 02 1973 15 442 07 02 1973 15 445 08 06 1973 15 460 08 20 1973 15 469 08 20 1973 15 469 08 22 1973 15 479 10 Ol 1973 15 508 10 Ol 1973 15 508 10 O1 1973 15 508 11 05 1973 15 524 11 19 1973 15 529 11 19 1973 15 529 07 15 1974 15 686 07 15 1974 15 688 08 05 1974 15 694 10 07 1974 16 17 11 04 1974 16 42 11 18 1974 16 50 11 18 1974 16 50 11 18 1974 16 S1 11 18 1974 16 52 12 02 1974 16 62 12 02 1974 16 64 12 02 1974 16 64 12 02 1974 16 64 ???ITTEES APPOINTFD INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County N. C. MU , _ JE T ` aec. u. s. County Indezee Since 1888 ? YO IOCOb natMf? op?n af COTT A-S TA? INOEX PA7 OfFICE ??? .?n ldentifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAQ ?DE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY? COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD ?T OWEN i. DUNN, NEN tERN, NORTH GROLINA ' NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE 800K €? %; Month Day Year Vol. Page : l.;? Reappointment of Dr. Frank Reynolds to Health Board 12 16 1974 16 74 2,'. Appointment of Dr. Andrew Cracker to Mental Health Board (did not accept) O1 06 1975 16 83 3.;'; Discussion of funding for Environmental Impact Committee Ol 20 1975 16 88 4.?; Appointment of Comm. Alper to N. C. Marine Resources Center O1 20 1975 16 94 5.`? Appointment of Joan Coco as Chm. of NHC Task Force of Family Planning 02 03 1975 16 103 6.`, Appointment of following to Environmental Impact Committee: Bill Grathwol, Steve Laufer, R.M. Cassidy, 02 17 1975 16 117 Louis H. Adcock and Mrs. W. W. Stanfield 7. Appointment of Dr. Charles P. Graham to Mental Health Board. 02 17 1975 16 117 8. Appointment of Ben R. Graham to Zoning Board of Adjustment (did not accept) 02 17 1975 16 l20 9. Port $ Waterway Commission: Comm. Alper, W.S.R. Beane, F. K. Willetts, Jr., DAvid S. Charpe, M.H. Vaughan 02 17 1975 16 L20 10. Appointment of Stewart B. Hull to Zoning Board of Adjustment (alternate) 02 17 1975 16 l20 11. Appointment of Comm. Taylor to Bicentennial, Harbor House F? Coastal Resources Adv. Council 03 03 1975 16 L35 12.' Environmental Impact Committee - Sam Cox's replacement to be appointed 03 17 1975 16 i_49 13. Southeastern Economic Development Comm. - Mrs. Augusta Cooper reappointed 03 17 1975 16 L49 14. Reappointment of Juanita Dale to Carolina Beach Planning f? Zoning Commission. 04 07 1975 16 162 15. Expiration dates set for membexs of Environmental Impact Committee 04 07 1975 16 162 16. Zoning Board of Adjustment - Stewart B. Hull appointed as regular member 04 07 1975 1 6 162 17, Appointment of Larry Goff to Environmental Impact Committee 04 21 1975 16 180 18. Zoning Board of Adjust. - appointment of C. G. Berry 05 05 1975 16 194 19. Resource, Conservation F, Development Board Reappointment of Paul Foster 05 05 1975 16 194 20. Social Service Board - Appointment of Karl W. McGhee OS 12 1975 16 197 21. Port Waterway Commission - establishment of terms 05 19 1975 16 201 22.,? Museum Board - reappointment of Paul A. Grimsley * Mrs. Charles L. Nance, Jr. 05 19 1975 16 203 23.?, Mental Health Area Board - reappointment of Dr. Charles P. Graham ? John Van B. Metts 05 19 1975 16 203 24.; Social Services - appointment of Beatrice R. McIntyre 05 19 1975 16 203 25.'; Airport Commission - appointment of Glenn G. Moore 05 19 1975 16 203 26. Environmental Impact Committee - reappointment Herb McKim, Paul Denison, Paul Gregory and Sue Hayes 05 19 1975 16 203 27.; Lower Cape Fear Planning Unit - appointment of Sheriff Grohman 06 16 I975 16 223 28." Cape Fear Tech Board of Trustees - appointment of June H. Jones 06 16 1975 16 227 29. Museum Board - Appointment of John Jefferies 07 07 1975 16 237 30.' Environmental Impact Committee - appointment of Stanley Lipman and William Rose 07 07 1975 16 237 31. Planning Commission - reappointment of Charles W. Hollis and appointment of Tatum S. Robertson 07 07 1975 16 237 32. Retirement System - appointment of Walter A. Holt and Richard M. Morgan 07 07 1975 16 237 33. SEDC - appointment of Dan W. Eller (!7 21 1975 16 242 34. NHMH Board of Trustees - Caronell Chestnut, Frank R. Reynolds, Walter Craven, Bruce B. Cameron, Jr. 08 18 1975 16 257 35. Zoning Bd. of Adj. - H. J. McGee (declined) F? NHMH Bd. of Trustees - appt. Kleits Wideman Rhodes, W.J.Kelly 08 18 1975 16 258 36. Jury Commission reappointment Thomas Wood Burris 09 15 1975 16 271 37. Zoning Bd. of Adj. - Appt. Calvin Wells 09 22 1975 16 273 38.; Zoning Bd. of Adj. - Appt. William Kelly, Calvin Wells (did not accept) C.G. Berry, B, B. Willoughby 11 03 1975 16 298 39. Marine Resources Bd. - reappt. Norris Teague 11 03 1975 16 298 40.' Plumbing Bd. - L.O. Goodyear, H.G. Herring F? Melvin Powell appointed 12 O1 1975 17 20 41.? Zoning Bd. of Adj. - appt. Ezra Hester 12 Ol 1975 17 20 42. Bd. of Health - Appt. Dr. James E. Furr 12 08 1975 17 23 43,' Appts. to Ports, F? Waterway, Environmental Impact Comm ? Plumbing Bd. 02 02 1976 17 57 44. Denial of appt. of Council on Status of Women 02 16 1976 17 61 45.? Appts. to Bd. of Health, Plumbing Gd. and Bd. of Electricians 02 16 1976 17 69 ?, INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MU JE T CaMMITTEES APPOINTED ` aec. u. s. ?, `- County Indexea Since 1888 ? TO IOWt? 11o1MS? Opln OI COTT A•Z TA! INpEX PAT OFFICE (.?//"{? An Identifying Trade Mark ' SURNAME INIiIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD tY OWEN i. CUNN, NEN iERN, NORTH GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vot. Page 1. Appt. of Dick Levers to Carolina Bch. Planning Comm. 03 O1 1976 17 77 2. Reappt. of M. C. Brown to Lower Cape Fear Water F? Sewer 03 O1 1976 17 77 3. Appt. of Richard Sniffen to Planning Comm. 04 05 1976 17 99 4. Discussion appointment to Southeastern Mental Health Bd. 05 03 1976 17 121 5. Howard Suttle declined appointment to Southeastern Mental Health Bd. 05 17 1976 17 127 6. Mrs. Fred Willetts, reappointed to Museum B.d 05 17 1976 17 128 7. Raiford Trask, Jr., appointed to Airport Comm. 05 17 1976 17 128 8. Mrs. W. J. Kelly appointed to Museum Bd. 06 07 1976 17 144 9. Discussion of inember for Region "0" Family Resources 06 07 3976 37 145 10. Appt. Jim Miller to NHC Task Force Committee on assessment of Youth needs 06 07 1976 17 145 11, Appt. J. D. Orrell to Planning Comm. 07 06 1976 17 161 12. Appt. Sonya Robinson to Region "0" Family Resources Bd. 07 07 1976 17 162 13. Appt. I. John Tinga to Planning Comm. 07 19 1976 17 165 14. Discussion of appt. members to Ind ? Pollution Control Authority 08 02 1976 17 173 15. Discussion Environmental Impact Committee 08 02 1976 17 174 16. Discuss appts. to Hospital Bd. ? Ind. F? Pallution Control Facilities 08 16 1976 17 181 17. Discuss appt. to SEMHC Bd. 08 16 1976 17 182 18. Constitution ? By-laws Cape Fear Region Resource Conservation F? Develop. Project 09 07 1976 17 :.88-9 19. Appt. W. H. Sutton- Hospital Bd. 09 07 1976 17 192 20. Appt. Kingoff, Watkins, and Jervay-Hospital Bd. 09 07 1976 17 192 21. Discuss of Planning Comm. 09 20 I976 17 1.94-5 22. Confirm Insurance Adv. Committee 09 20 1976 17 198 23. Ind. F? Pollution Control Authority 09 20 1976 17 198 24. Appt. Larry Powell - Historic Property Tax Comm. 10 18 1976 17 200 25. Reappt. Ted Clod-Zoning Bd. of Adjustments 11 O1 1976 17 229 26. Terms set for Handicapped Committee lI O1 1976 17 229 27. Reappt. L. M. Hall and A. L. Davis to Region "0" Family Resources Bd. 11 15 1976 17 234 28. Discuss on Committee Appts. 12 06 1976 17 241 29. Duties of Port, F? Waterway Comm. 12 20 1976 17 244 30. Appt. to Bd. of Health, Carter, Hall, Melvin, Chadwick, Reavis and Seidel 12 20 1976 17 252 31. Appt. Hicks and Clemmons to Port, WW and Beach Comm. O1 04 1977 17 256 32. Appt. Crumpler to Zoning Bd. of Adjustment Ol 04 1977 17 256 33. Appt. Ellen Wms. to Port, WW F? Beach Comm. O1 04 1977 17 257 34. Human Service Transp. Committee O1 17 1977 17 259 35. Appt. Ellen Williams to Human Service Transp. Committee O1 I7 1977 17 260 26. Discuss City/County committees Ol 17 1977 17 265-6 27. Appt. Comm. Wright to Bd. of Health O1 17 1977 17 266 28. Appt. Chm. 0'Shields and Williams and Gottovi to COG O1 17 1977 17 266 29. Appt. L. 0. Goodyear to Plumbing Bd. O1 17 1977 17 268 30. Appt. Comm. Gottovi Airport Comm. O1 17 1977 17 268 31. Resignation of H. MacMillan Historical Comm. Ol 17 1977 17 268 32. Appt. Comm. Alper to Hospital Board O1 17 1977 17 269 33. Comm. Gottovi on Downtown Revitalization Comm. 02 07 1977 17 280 34. Comm. Alper ? Gottovi on Library Committee 02 07 1977 17 280 35. Appt. original Ind. Facilities F? Pollution Control Authority Q2 07 1977 17 281 36. Oaths of office Ind. Facilties ? Pollution Control Authority 03 07 1977 17 296 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. , MU JECT COMMITTEES APPOINTED ` aec. u. s. County Indexea Since 1888 ?I +?- ?o IofAt? 11Om?f? Op?A ot COTT A•I TA? INGEX PAT OfFICE ?^??? An Identifying Trade Mazk ?8 SURNAME INITIAL TAi MADE BY THE (OTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD iT OWEN i. pUNN, NEw ?ERII, NORTN GROLINA nare MiNUTE eooK ,, NAiURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page 1.; Reappt. Jeannette Bennett Carolina Beach Planning F? Zoning 03 07 1977 17 299 2. Appt. John Maye to Zoning Bd, of Adj. 03 28 1977 18 9 3. Discuss Cardinal Health Agency 04 04 1977 18 10 4. Reappt. Paul Foster - R.C. and D. Bd. 05 02 1977 18 32 5.? Acceptance letter from Paul Foster 05 16 1977 18 39 6.?; Comm. Gottovi apptd to DSS Board 05 16 1977 18 40 7. Appt. Committee to study Consolidation 06 06 1977 18 52 8. Franklin Elmore-Wilmington Ins. Advisory Comm. 06 06 1977 18 `?2-3 9. Louten Hedgepth - NHC Retirement System 06 06 3977 I8 `.2-3 10. Richard Morgan NHC Retirement System 06 06 1977 18 `2-3 11. John Jefferies Museum Board 06 06 1977 18 `2-3 12. Mrs. A. D. Howland Museum Board 06 06 1977 18 `2-3 13. Dan Brawley Museum Board 06 06 1977 18 `2-3 14.. Lenox Cooper - Airport Commission 06 06 1977 18 .`2-3 15. $illy Mason Appt. to Museum Bd. 06 20 1977 18 63 16. Barbara Schwartz CFTI Bd. of Trustees 06 20 1977 18 63 17. Richard Feagin Project Council for the Congregate Feeding Prog. 06 20 1977 18 63 18. Resolution expanding membership to LCFW F? S Authority 07 05 1977 18 68 19. Endorsement Paul Foster Planning Comm. 07 18 1977 18 79 20. Connie Gillan appt. to Museum Bd. 07 18 1977 18 79 21. Charles R. Smith appt. to Planning Comm. 07 18 1977 18 79 22. Discussion on advertising for Committee Appts. 07 18 1977 18 79 23. Approve run ad ?or vacancies 08 15 1977 18 89 24. Appt. Comm. Alper to COG 08 15 1977 18 90 25. League of Women Voters commend CC on advertising Committee vacancies 09 06 1977 18 95 26. Presentation proposed resolution amending By-laws of Hospital Bd. of Trustees 09 06 1977 18 97 27. Discussion concerning attendance at appointed Board meetings 09 06 1977 18 97 28. Discussion on abstentions from voting by Planning Commission 09 06 1977 18 97 29. Appts. to Library Advisory Board 09 06 1977 18 99 30. Ap?ts. to NHMH Bd. of Trustees-5 new members 09 19 I977 18 106 31.' Comm. Williams appt. to Hospital Bd ?o replace Comm. Alper 10 03 1977 18 113 32. Appts. to Library Advisory Bd. Parkinson, Shelfion, Cotton 10 03 1977 18 113 33. Appt. Waddell to Library Bd. 10 17 1977 18 121 34. Reqeusted copies of Open Meetings Law sent to appointed Boards 10 17 1977 18 120 35. Reappt. Crumpler and Aman to Zoning Board 10 17 I977 18 120 36. Reappt. Burriss to Jury Commission 10 17 1977 18 120 37. Comm. Gottovi appt. to Land Use Steering Committee of NACo 11 07 1977 18 129 38. H. G. Herring reappt. to Plumbing Board 11 21 1977 18 139 39. LIbrary Bldg. Committee-Alper and Gottovi 12 05 1977 18 143 ?0: Dr. William Eakins I?ealth Bd. 3 year term I2 05 I977 18 145 41. Joanne Parker - Consolidation Study Comm. 12 05 1977 18 145 42. Jim Gillespie - Title XX Comm. 12 05 1977 18 145 43. Ethel Booth reappt. Mental Health Bd. of Directors 12 19 1977 18 152 N. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County COMMITTEES C. ER , _ MATT : ` aec. u. s. Covnty Indezea Since 1888 ??'`_? TO I?Cib 11?M?f? ?pM at COiT A-2 TA? INOEJI NADE SY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMtUS, OHIO r?r OFFICE ?/? AnldentifyingTradeMark W=CY SURNAM6 (NfT1AL TA! SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Comm. Alper pleased w/advertising vacancies O1 03 1978 18 157 2. Discuss Airport Commission by-laws Ol 16 1978 18 160 3. Appt. Graves $ King - Electrical Board O1 16 1978 18 162 4. Appt. Fullwood - Planning Commission 02 20 1978 18 l76 5. Appt. Merritt and 0'Shields - SEDC 02 20 1978 18 L76 6. Appt. Lee and Clemmons - Port, WW and Beach Commission 02 20 1978 18 l76 7. Appt. Kizer - New Hanover Memorial Hospital Bd. of Trustees 02 20 1978 18 L76 8. Appt. Lewis and Al1o - Kure Beach Planning Bd. 02 20 1978 18 L76 9. 0'Shieids, Ap1er, Wi33iains-Counci2 of Governments 02 20 1978 38 ti7 10. Tabling appt. to Library Advisory Board 03 06 1978 18 l81 11. Revised appointing methods to Council on Status of Women 03 20 1978 18 L86 12. Robert T. Brown - Library Advisory Board 03 20 1978 18 l86 13. Appointments to Status of Women 05 Ol 1978 18 ?04 14. Appt. Derick Davis Social Services Board 06 29 1978 18 ?36 15. Appt. Meares Harris, Jr. Insurance Advisory Board 07 03 1978 18 ?46 16. Appt. Gregory & Fennstra-Airport Commission 07 03 1978 18 ?46 17. Appt. Davis, Nance, Graham & CArter-Museum Bd. 07 03 1978 18 ?46 18. Appt. Ed. Sammuels Airport Commission & set terms 07 17 1978 18 252 19. Appt. Ernest Swain-Museum Board 07 17 1978 18 252 20. ReaPpt. Sniffen & Hollis-Planning Commission 07 17 1978 18 252 21. Comm. Alper-appt. Library Advisory Board 08 07 1978 18 260 22. Reappt. Cotton, Shelton & Waddell-Library Advisory Board 08 07 1978 18 260 23. Appt. Wayne Morris-Community-Based Alternatives Task Force 08 21 1978 18 267 24. Appt. Committee to Study Detox Center 10 02 1978 18 288 25. Meetings with various Boards and Committees 10 16 1978 18 293 26, Appt. Louise Smith to Library Bd. 10 16 1978 18 294 27. Appt. Andrew Harriss to Energy Council 11 20 1978 18 309 28. Appt. Richard Reeder - Bd. of Health, 11 06 1978 18 302 29. Appt. E. G. Vereen - Plumbing Board 11 06 1978 18 319 30. Dr. Full - Bd. of Health 12 04 1978 18 319 31. Nursing Home Advisory Committee 12 04 1978 18 320 32. Metes & Bounds Comm. Deadline Extension 12 18 1978 18 320 33. News Releases Ol 15 1979 18 345 34. Quennon Beatty to SEDC, Mimi ?unningham to Nursing Home Advisory Bd., Larry K. Neal, Bd. of Heaith Kenneth Williamson, Zoning Brd, of Adjustment 03 05 1979 18 3b9 35. VAC to serve as Governor's Citizens Involvement Council 03 05 1979 18 369 36. Brd. of Directors of NCACC - Public Assistance Funds 03 05 1979 18 369 37. Appointment of Bob Mack - 3year term to Lower Cape Fear Water & Sewer Authori?y 05 21 1979 18 413 38. Appointment of B. H. Baskerville & Mike Padrick to Nursing Home Advisory Committee 05 21 1979 18 413 39. Appointment - John Ormsby to the head of Water Bond Committee 06 04 1979 18 415 40, Appointed - Mr. Louten Hedgpeth & Mr. Richard MOrgan to Retirement System Brd. of Trustees 06 04 1979 18 424 41. Appointed - Mr. Hiram Tucker to Carolina Beach Planning & Zoning Commission 06 04 1979 18 424 42. Discussion on appointments to CFTI Board of Trustees 06 11 1979 18 426 43. Appointed - Mr. Ben Kennedy to Airport Commission 06 18 1979 18 432 44. Appointed - Dr. Thomas Loftfield to Museum Board of Trustees 06 18 1979 18 432 45. Abandonment of Landfill Committee 07 02 1979 18 443 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County N. C. CAROLINA BEACH MATTER ` , _ : aec. u. s. County lnde:ea Since 18BB ?? To loeate nam?:, OPBn at rn1 OPFIOE C??l?sz?- An Identifying Trade Mark ?PH ?Y THE COTT A TO Z TAB INDEX COTT INDEX COMPANY? COLUN?US? ONIO SURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLD BY OW EN G. DU NN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. DATE MINUi BOOK NATURE Of PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Voi. Page l. Carolina Beach I?.let Improvenent Project 04 19 1982 19 52 2. Reappointment of Hiram Tucker to Carolina Beach Planning Commission 05 19 1982 19 65 3. Discussion on Pleasure Island Festival OS 03 1982 19 65 4. Contract with Carolina Beach for lifeguards at Fort Fisher 05 17 1982 19 66 5. Report on Ceremony at Carolina Beach for erection of public beach access signs 06 07 1982 19 88 6. Contract with Corps. of Engineers for Dredging & Maintenance of Carolina Beach Inlet 08 02 1982 19 130 7. Approval of Carolina Beach Inlet Navigation Project 08 16 1982 19 137 8' Temporary building and mechanical inspections services for Caroli na Beach lI 1 1982 19 i 178 ? ? ? ? N. C. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County TER COMMITTEES , , MAT : - County Indezes Since 1888 ?,?j?' Te IeeaU nam?s, ?pM ?t COTT A-I TA? INOEX nec. u. s. q ?? MADE 6Y THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMtUS, ONIO ?' ? ? PAT OFFICE ?/im?-?' An Identifying Trade Mark W:.i:y SURNAME (N(TIAL TA! SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. a . .. DATE M?NUTE BoOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Voi. Page 1... Appointment of Flowers & Orrell to Planning Commission 07 23 1979 18 451 2. Appointment of Finance Officer to Social Services Study Commission 07 30 1979 18 452 3. Reappointment Allan Strange to Insurance Advisory Committee 08 06 1979 18 459 4. Reappointment of Dan Eller to SEDC 08 06 1979 18 460 5. Appointment Ben ivey to Hospital Board of Trustees 08 20 1979 18 466 6. Appointment of Bob Warwick to Port, Waterway & Beach Commission 09 04 1979 18 473 7. Appointment of Claud O'Shields to Health Department 09 17 1979 18 481 8. Appointment - Jack Ross - Airport Commission 09 17 1979 18 481 9. Appointment - Ed Snead - Jury Commission 09 ?7 ?979 ?8 48? 10. Appointment - Frank Cherry to Cape Fear Tech. Board 10 O1 1979 18 491 11. Discussion - personnel matters & litigation 10 Ol 1979 18 491 12. Dr. Charles Biggerstaff aypointed to Mental Health Board 10 15 1979 18 497 13. Appointment - Mr. Jim Hunter, Mr. W. W. Stanfield to New Hanover Memorial Hospital Brd, of Trustees 10 15 1979 18 498 Mrs. Hamilton Smith to 14. Appointment - Mr. Franklyn Parkinson, Mr. Robert T. Brown, Mrs. Blanche Tucker, Library Rd. - 3 years 10 15 1979 18 498 15. Appointment - Milner, Kress to Museuri Board 10 15 1979 18 498 16. Appointment - Shirlee Gearhart and Edith Kaplan to Council on Status of Women 10 15 1979 18 498 Appmt. Comm. O'Shields, Eddie Hartman, Judge Tillery, Judge Burnett and Chamber of Commerce to be l?• notified of appointment for proposed Judicial Facilities Building 12 17 1979 18 530 Hobart Whaley, Roma Lee Hall, W. H. Grathwol appointed 3 years to Board of Health? DeOther Melvin & 18. Richard K. Reeder - 2years and Dr. Murry K. Seidel for 1 year 12 17 1979 18 531 19. Appointment - William King to Library Advisory Board 12 17 1979 18 531 20,. Appointment - H. G. Herry & L. O. Goodyear to Plumbing Board 12 17 1979 18 531 21. Appointment - Mrs. Lois Whitmeyer to Zoning Board of Adjustment 12 17 1979 18 531 22. Adoption of application form 11 03 1980 18 700 23. Plumbing Board, Hospital Board and OAR Board appointments 11 17 1980 18 708 24. Recission of apptmt. H. G. Herring to Plumbing Board O1 07 1980 18 533 25. Reapptmt. of Rev. Allen Layman, Mr. Deother Melvin & Ernest Fullwood to OAR Board Ol 21 1980 18 541 26. Reapptmt. of Mr. King & Mr. Graves to Board of Electrical Examiners Ol 21 1980 18 543 27.. Reapptmt. of Mrs. Martha McTntosh, Richard Gerrish, Elias Peagram & Mrs. Routh P. Dixon O1 21 1980 18 542 28. Reappointment of Comm. Gottovi, 0'Shields & Chm. Williams to COG 02 04 1980 18 546 29. Rea.ppointment of Cotnm. Gottovi to Board of Social Services 02 18 1980 18 558 30. Mr. Ralph Godwin introduced as new director of the Committee of 100 03 17 1980 18 569 31. Johnnie Parker appointed to fill out remainder of Mr. Derick Davis on Social Services Board 04 08 1980 18 580 32. Mrs. Kathryn Wilson, Mrs. Helyn Lofton & Mrs. Marsha Eichenberg appointed to Nursing Home Advisory Comm. 04 08 1980 18 580 33. Jobe V. Hardee appointed to Zoning Bodrd of Adjustment 04 21 1980 18 588 34. Cor?im. ?ottovi, Mr. Charles Wells, Mr. Pat Woodard reappointed. to Coastal Res. Commission 06 02 1980 18 613 35. Discussion formation of Agricultural Land protection Advisory Committee 06 16 1980 18 616 36. Disc, on Ordinances concerning jointly appointed Board & Committee-appointed Bd. of Examiners of Electricians and Council on the Status of Women 08 18 1980 18 650 37., Slgn Study Committee with City 11 17 1980 18 703 38. OAR - Barfield, Vincent & Richardson 12 15 1980 18 736 39. Health - Eakins, Franklin & Durham 12 15 1.980 18 736 40. Planning - Sebian 12 15 1980 18 736 Coastal Resources Advisory Council - Woodard 12 15 1980 18 736 41. 42. Council on Status of Women ?- Deshields, Racey 12 15 1980 18 736 43. Zoning Board of Adjustment-Williamson, Hardee, Hussman 12 15 1980 18 736 . 44. Request for exemption from Bill H-169 allowing political parties to fill vacancies 03 16 1981 18 788 45 . Committee appointments 06 O1 1981 18 857 INDEX TO COMMI55IONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATT R COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS ` xee. u. s. County Indezes Since 1888 ?? fo b?b namas, Op@tl Ot COTT A TO Z TAB INDEX rer OFFIGE ?.?i?L?,s-?' An Idenrifying Trade Muk MAGB ?Y THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, GOLON?Uf? ONIO SURNAME INIiIAL TAB SOLD BY OWEN 6. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS l. Gary Cannon appointed to represent New Hanover County on Coastal Resources Advisory Council 2, J. R. Fullwood to Southeastern Mental Health Center Area Board 3. Maurice Wester and James Whitted to the Planning Board 4. Peter Braak and Pau1 Gregory to the Airport Commission 5. Industrial Airpark Committee discussion 6. Claud 0'Shields to Industrial Airpark Committee ??gq???m?$_t_s????-chard Sniffen - Planning Board, Don Blake - Cape Fear Tech. Inst., Don Roth, James Forte, ?• E. J. Marxh and Ann Craven - P'Iuseum, Louten Hedgepeth & Richard Morgan - Retirement Syst. Bd. of Trustees Meares Harris, Jr. - Insurance Advisory 8. Clarification of terms of Human Relations Commission members 9. Appt. of Chm. 0'Shields to Lower Cape Fear Water & Sewer Authority & Comm. Blake to Cape Fear Tech. Bd. 10. Appointment of Ludlow and Ward to Zoning Board of Adjustments 11. Appointment of Childs, Funderburg & Merritt to New Hanover Memorial Hospital Board 12. Appointments to OAR Board of Directors 13. Discussion on establishment of a Cemetery Committee 14. Appointments to Plumbing Board of Examiners, Board of Health, Human Relations Comm, & CBA Task Force 15. Comm. Gottovi to serve on Fort Fisher Park Task Force 16. Appointment of Katherine Marks to Council on Status of Women DATE MINUTE BOOK , Month Day Year Voi. Page 06 Ol 1981 18 867 06 15 1981 18 868 07 07 1981 18 888 07 07 1981 18 888 07 20 1981 18 893 07 20 1981 18 893 07 20 1981 18 894 08 03 19E1 18 899 08 17 1981 18 908 09 08 1981 18 920 09 08 1981 18 920 10 19 1981 18 945 12 07 1981 18 972 12 21 1981 18 979 02 Ol 1982 18 L000 02 15 1982 18 L4 17. Appointment of Frank Hickman to Southeastern Mental Health Area Board 03 Ol 1982 19 24 18. Reappointment of Bab Mack to Lower Cape Fear Water and Sewer Authority 03 Ol 1982 19 25 19. Appoi_ntments to Board of Health, Board of Electrical Examiners and Port, Waterway and Beach Commission 05 03 1982 19 64 20. Discussion on Establishment of Domiciliary Home Co?nunity Advisory Committee 03 15 1982 19 29 21. Update on Boundary Commission 05 25 1982 19 78 21.a. Discussion on Special Meeting for Cominittee Appointments 05 25 1982 19 78 22. Appointment to Cardinal Health Agency (Linda Pearce) 06 07 1982 19 89 22a. Appointment of Dan Eller to Lawer Cape Fear Water Authority 05 17 1982 19 75 23. Chm. Blake to serve on Transportation Advisory Committee 06 07 1982 19 90 24. Appointments to the Council on the Status of Women 07 19 1982 19 123 25. Appointment of Alyce Brown to Nursing Home Advisory Committee 07 19 1982 19 12? 26. Appointment of EMS Advisory Council 08 02 1982 19 125 27. Appointment of Ted Bagley to Board of Health 10 04 1982 19 167 ( 28. Appointment to OAR Board - Joyce Bragg 06 21 1982 19 98 29. Discussion on City request for County participation in appointinq Bicycle Advisory Committee 06 21 1982 19 98 30. Discussion on Domiciliary Home Community Advisory Committee 07 19 1982 19 123 31 Discussion on appointment to Marine Resources Board 10 18 1982 19 174 32 (Blake) Request for appointment to Hospital Bd. ' 11 1 1982 19 183 33 Appointment of O'Neal to Hospital Bd. and Airport Commission 12 13 1982 19 204 INDEX TU COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?y, N. C. _ MATT RT E R ENCYTSYSTEM 9?? aec. u, s. Counry Indexea Since 1888 To Ioeots nam?:, 0?1611 at COTT A TO 2 TAB INDEX rer OFFIGE ?l?a-? An Identifving Trade Muk ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MSO? D?BYT OWE?NT G!NDUNN C?O.?NEW w??f NON?O NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Jerry Ramsey & Bill Lynch gave update on 911 System 10 15 1979 18 498 2. Rejection of bids for telephone system 05 03 1982 19 57 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATTER: CO?SKTFORCEED ALTE?T??? aec. u. a. County Inde:es Since 1888 ?TO I?Cib IIaf11K. ?pM it COTT A?t TAt INOE)t ,,,,/???? MADE !Y THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COIUMDUS, OH10 PAT ovcice /'rr-?„a-? An Identifying Trade Mark EURNAMt INRIAL TA? SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE Month Day Yea? MtNUTE BOOK - Vol. Page 1. Appointment to Task Force 09 05 1978 18 277 I 2. Budget Transfer - Emergency Shelter Care 12 04 1978 18 319 3. Expansion of Task Force - projects for Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention Ol 15 1979 18 343 4. Appointments for Task Force: Eric Lutmer, Mrs. Raiford G. Trask, Jr., Mr. Mel Martin, Mr. Jim Blake, 9 979 18 376 Ms. Sheryn Green, Ms. Jane Robinette, Mr. Tom Fields 03 1 1 5. Use of additional CBA funds 10 15 1979 18 492 6. Recommendations for use of Community Based Alternative Funds 05 05 1980 18 592 ?' Adoption of By Laws for CBA Task Force 03 02 1981 18 777 8. Appointments to Community Based Alternatives Task Force Q3 16 1981 18 789 9. Funding 05 18 1981 18 835 10. Appointments to CBA Task Force (Eleanor Stewart) OS 18 1981 18 842 11. Term set for Eleanor Stewart on CBA Task Force Ob OZ ?981 18 857 12. CBA Task Force Recommendations for additional funding allocation 11 16 1981 18 956 13. Appointments - Wayne Morris, Hutchi.nson and Howie 12 21 1981 18 979 14. Recommendations for Allocation of CBA Funds 05 17 1982 19 70 15. Approval of Additional CBA Funding 09 20 1982 19 154 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? N. C. MU JE T COMMUNITY HOSPITAL , , ` aEC. u. s, ? r- County Indezea Since 1888 ing Trade Mark //%? An Identif r?T OFFICfi C ? ? TO bWb no1MS? Op?p Ol COTT A-2 TA! INCE7I MADE BY iHE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO y . c? SURNAME INITIAL TA? SOLD ?Y OwEN i. OUNN, N EN iERN , NORTB GROL INA DATE MINUiE BOOK ; NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Voi. Page l. Report O1 20 1964 13 284 2. Need for Funds 06 19 1964 13 341 3. Hospitalization Appropriation 06 29 1964 13 343 4. Budget Approval 07 28 1964 13 360 5. Salary Increases 08 03 1964 13 364 6. Report 09 08 1964 13 373 7. Salary Distribution 10 19 1964 13 387 8. Salary Adjustment 10 19 1964 13 387 9. Salary-Lab Technician I2 07 3964 33 404 10. Bank Statement 02 15 1965 13 437 11. Directors 02 15 1965 13 437 12. Budget estimate 07 06 1965 13 503 13. Board of Directors 09 20 1965 13 522 14. Salary adjustments 10 18 1965 13 537 15. Disposition 11 15 1965 13 546 16. Budget for nine months Ol 16 1967 14 22 17. Transfer of funds 02 06 1967 14 27 18. Hayes, Miss Pearl-Release from contract 02 06 1967 14 25 19. Committee Report 03 06 1967 14 36 20. Plans for - bill 03 17 1967 14 46 21. Security 05 Ol 1967 14 54 22. Security at 05 15 1967 14 60 23. Oxenfield and Newkirk bill OS O1 1967 14 53 24. Electrical wiring and water service 05 15 1967 14 61 25. Closing of 05 15 1967 14 60 26. County auditor's recommendation 06 05 1967 14 64 27. Request for items from 07 02 1967 14 74 28. Audit fee 09 18 1967 14 90 29. Sale of auto 10 16 1967 14 97 30. Roof on boiler house 10 16 1967 14 99 31. Exterior lighting 12 04 1967 14 125 32. Care of Grounds 04 O1 1968 14 171 33. Insurance, Property 05 20 1968 14 187 34. Equipment 09 03 1968 14 240 35. Sinks and Walk-in ice box 10 07 1968 14 251 36. Formal approval for civil defense storage 10 07 1968 14 252 37. Civil defense storage at 10 07 1968 14 254 38. Collection accounts receivable by New Hanover Memorial Hospital 11 02 1968 14 266 39. Surplus items 11 18 1968 14 269 40. Receipts sale of fixtures O1 06 1969 14 286 41. Nurses' home 08 18 1969 14 381 42. Use of Nurses' home by Opportunities, Inc. 0? 18 I96y 14 383 43. Use of Nursing Home 10 U6 1969 14 394 44. Disposition of property 06 21 1971 14 662 45. Extension of time for use of space by head start and youth corps 07 06 1971 14 664 46. Rental of space 06 05 1972 15 140 af. .. .. . , INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. _ MU JECT COMMUNITY HOSPITAL ` eEC. u. s. '?J'- County Indezea Since 1888 ? TO (OCaN 11aMls? 0?0 Ol COTT A•S TA? INOEX PAT OFFICE ??t?,?-? An ldentifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAS NIADE BY THE COiT INDEX COMPANY? COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD !Y OWEN ?. OYNN, NEw ?ERN, NORTN GROLINA `E NATURE Of PROCEEDINGS ` DATE MINUTE BOOK ?? Month Day Year ?, Voi. Page ? ? ky l.k', Report from County Manager 2.4; Budget ?ansfer honoring check payable to Andrew Earst Drawn on Old Community Hospital ?? ? 12 03 1973 15 537 11 18 1974 16 48 » INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MU JECT T?TUNITY SERVICES CONS JL- ae?. u. s. ^1J County Indezea Since 1888 ? To IotaN 110nHf? opNl Ot COTT A-I TA? INpEX PAT OFFICE (??l,?p-? .?n Identifying Tra?3e Mark fURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY? COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD tT ONEN i. YUNN, NEw ?ERN, NORTB GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Voi. Page , 1. Request for incorporation fee 05 O1 1967 14 53 2. Blount, Asa - Program of the Aged 06 19 1967 14 71 3. Responsibilities of 07 03 1967 14 75 4. Resignation of Consultant 02 05 1968 14 137 5. Governor's conference 02 16 1968 14 146 6. Employment of Community Consultant 10 07 1968 14 253 7. Full time consultant 04 08 1969 14 313 8. Community Services Consultant 04 21 1969 14 321 9. Authorization for S county ?? ?$ ls?? ?? ?2' 10. Authorization for 06 05 1969 14 33? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATT RT eec. u. s. Counry Indezes $ince 1888 ?? To loeat? nam?s, O?lBII O} r?r OFFICE ?11?- An Identifying Trade Mack SURNAME INITIAL TAB NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS I. Request to remain in Charlie Rose's congressional district 2. Request to remain in 7th Congressional District CONGRESS ` COTT A TO 2 TAB INDEX M?DE ?Y TNB COTT INDEX COMPANY, COWI?CS, ONIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO„ NEW BERN, N. C. DATE, MINUTE BOOK Month . Day Year Vol. Page 03 16 I981 18 788 04 06 1981 18 806 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES N H N C C anover ouniy, . - ew . _ MATTER: CONSTABLES ? ' Reo. u. s. q?- County Indeacee Since 1888 H* ?+3?-- To loeats eamea, open at r?r OFFIC[ ?n??C.a-? An Identifyin¢ Tradc Mar? ?? SURNAME IN171AL TAB COTT A•Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INbEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ?a ? Month ? DATE IDay I Year 1. Elkanah Allen, Richard Sellers, and William Moore appointed Constables of City of Wilmington. ' +; flA 08 26 ! 1868 I ?? ? , 2. William Fenly appointed Constable of Middle Sound District. ?; OS 26 1868 3. John W. Wells ap?pointed Constable of S. Washington District. `, 08 26 1868! 4. Other nominations for constables to be submitted by Massrs. Keyes, Hewlett, and Gaines. y; 08 '' 26 1868? ? 5. Constables appointed: Daniel Sikes- Upper Blaek River District, Americus Horrell- Lower Black ;? River Dist. ;; 08 27 1868? ? , Montague Taylor- Long Creek Distric?, George Gunganns- Piney Wood Distr ? ?; ict ?i ' ? 6.I,hA?p?pointing of constables post?poned. ?i 08 28 1868?? <, 7.??Constables appointed: Wesley Corbeth- Caintuck District, John Mecks- Holly Shelten District ? `Y ? ;, 09 Ol ?€ 1868?? ,? Issac Brosom- Rocky Point District, J,A, Reaves- Federal Point District „ : ?? ?? A.P. Bridgeman- Wilmington District i° 8..;Elkanah Al1en approved for Wilmington's Constable. 9. `John W. Wells qualified as Constable for South Washington District. 10.;.4Bi11 from A.P. Bridgem?n filed. 11. ;Mr. Bridgeman's bill returned to him. E? 12.;?Bi11 from A.P. Bridgeman. ?a 6? 13.'iBill returned to A.P. Bridgeman. ?', h 14.;;Joseph Wrighsmith appointed Constable of Middle Sound Precinct. ;a 15. ,?Bill from E. Allen received. ? 16. ;?Letter from W.H. Moore filed. ?, 17. ??E.Allen's bill as special officer approved. i 4? ? 18. t?Bill from R. Sellers approved. 19. :,Bill for fees from Constable Sellers approved. . ?j 20.;?John Bell appointed Constable of Long Creek District. d? 2i. ?;BiI1 from Constable A.P. Bridgeman approved. ?? 2Z.??Constable Allen's fees ap?proved. ?G 23. :qBi11s from constables approved. ?, i.; 24. ;; Issac Brown appointed c:onstable. i 25. ? 26. ? Issac Brown F?onded as constable. John We11s appointed constable. 27. ,?John Herring appointed Constable of Caswell Township. i; 28. ;;Ephriham Haws appointed Constable of Caswell Township. r 29.:;Constable. John Bell's fees approved. 4? 30. ??Bills from Constables John Robinson and R.S. Sellers approved. 31. °;Bills from Constables Sellers and Allen a?pproved. , 32. `;Constables elected in August 5, 1869 election: k? J.F, Reaves - Federal Point, Jas. Montgomery - Masonboro, Joseph Highsmith - Harnett ?a William Moore - Cape Fear, T.E. King - Grant, J.N. Brown - Holden, John Bell - Lincoln ;i `' C.J. Costin - Caswell, A.V. Horrell - Franklin, John E. Rivenbark - Union ; 43 J.W. Mashburn - Holly, A. Walker - Columbia, Joseph C. Hill - Wilmington ;; 33. ?iSamuel Thomas appointed Constable for Union Township. ,a ?! 34. ??Constable Horrell's fee for an arrest approved. 35: ??James Moore appointed Constable of Union Township. 36. ??Bryant M. Gurganous appointed Constable of Col_umbia Township. 37. i?Bills of Constables J. Reaves and Jas. Davis approved. ?E 38. ??'Bills of Constables Allen, Roger, Highsmith, Hiny, and Sanders approved. 39.?{ A.A, Horrell appointed Constable of Caswell Township. ?i ? 09 09 ?F 09 09 09 i ,. 09 , 10 ? 11 11 ', 11 ;; II ; II ;; 11 ;; 1 Z E` IZ , OZ 02 ; 02 03 ?? ?, 03 ;; 04 ;, 0 7 << ? 7 ?r 08 „ 08 t, ? 09 ;? 09 09 ? 09 10 ' 11 ,? ?: 12 r i; E? f? 04 1868 ;; 07 1868 ;, 09 1868 ;f 3 09 1868 i; 11 1868` ? 16 1868? 24 186 f 07 186f 12 186f 13 186f 14 186f 20 186E 27 186E 22 186f 22 186F 02 186? Ol 186? 06 186? 11 186? 22 186? 21 186? MINUTE BOOK Vol. I Page 1 29 1 29 1 29 1 29 1 30 1 31 1 31 1 37 1 38 ;? ,3 1 41 ? 1 41 1 42 ; 1 46 i 1 85 1 100 1 103 1 I08 1 118 1 122 9 1 128 i i4s 1 143 1 15 2 1 173 ? 1 181 f? 1 197 1 199 1 218 06 1869 ;i 07 1869 ;? 03 1869 ?: ?, 09 1869 ;? :? „i ?o i wi e? 06 1869 ?,; 08 1869 ?? ,; 16 1869 ?? 16 1869 C? , 05 1869 `,? 02 1869 ; Y? 06 1869?? i i 1 264 1 271 1 287 9 1 293 1 313 1 322 1 328 1 328 1 332 1 338 1 346 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover CONSTABLES Count l? C a ?, . . _ MATTER: aeo. u. e. reT OFFICE ??? County Indexee Since 1888 An Idrntifying Trade Mark 1?? ?r.3- Ta toeate names, open at ?'?g SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH (AROLINA 4 NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS 1. Resignation of C.Z. Costin as Constable of Caswell Township accepted. . 2. John Beasley appointed Constable of Masonboro Township. 3. Application of R.S. Sellers for position as Constable of Cape Fear Township received. , 4. R.S. Sellers appointed Constable for Cape Fear Township. _ 5. Bills from Constables King, Moore , and Bell for services approved. ,6. Clerk to Board to notify magistrates and constables of new act concerning government of Counties. 7. Order made on how magistrates and constables to make out bills for fees and cost for arrests. 8. Constables must follow above order on bT11s or they will not be considered by the Board. ,9. J. Moore resigned as Constable for Union Township. r ? ,10.,? Fee of John Bell approved. ?+ ?? 11.?? Hugh Wells appointed Constable for Union Township. F? ,12.Y? Constable Hill's fees approved. f. ? 13.; Fees of Constable Horrell approved. 14.? R. Sellers resigned as Constable of Cape Fear Township. 15. William Moore appointed as Constable of Cape Fear Township. ,16. Thomas Hill's fee approved. .17. Bills of Constable Horrell approved. ,18. Application from Richard Sellers for position as Constable of Cape Fear received, but no vacancies. ,19. Al1 unqualified constables of Townships must qualify or offices will be declared vacant. ,20. Bond approved for C. Costin, Constable of Columbia Township. 21.? Benton Sarking appointed Constable of Lincoln Township after the resignation of John Bell. 22. Constable Thomas King of Grant Township to renew his bond. 23. Bond approved for John Beasley, Constable of Masonboro Township. ,24.` Bond approved for Thomas King, Constable of Grant Township. ! 25. Bond of J.H, Brown, Constable of Holden Township,approved. 26. Bond of William Moore, Constable of Cape Fear Township,a?p?proved. 27.? Bond approved for Thomas King, Constable of Grant Township. ? 28.6 R.S. Sellers and Nicholas Carr petitioned to be appointed detectives. ,29. Bond approved for Joseph Wrighsmith as Constable of Harnett Township. 30. J,J. Beasley resigned as Constable of Masonboro Township. 31. Fees for Constables Sellers, Hill and Carr approved. 32. Constable Hill's bond to be registered and deposited with Clerk of Superior Court. .33. Petition from Union Trustees that Edward Johnson be ap?pointed Constable of Union Township disapproved 34.? Constable to suspend collection of taxes in dispute with Wilmington Township until Board acts. d 35.? Richard Sellers appointed Constable of Masonboro Township 36.? Constable of Wilmington to suspend tax collection until Board acts. ? 37.?; Constable Hill's fee not allowed. 38.? Bond of R. Sellers approved as Constable of Masonboro Township. 06 09 ? 39. Fees for Constables Sellers and Hill approved. 40. Attorney London's opinion concerning cost of magistrates and constables filed. . 41.? Township constables elected in August 3, 1871 election: (Pages 202-204) „ M Wilmington - Joseph Hill; Federal Point - William Montgomery; Masonboro - B.S. Montford; Harnett - Joseph Wrighsmith; Grant - Thomas Nixon; Holly - John Meeks; Cape Fear - William Moore; „ Holden - John Walker, Jr.; Union - John PigfQrd; Franklin - A.V. Horrell; Columbia - Benj. Williams:; Lincoln - John Bell; and Caswell - Calvin McDuffie. „ L.? p T. T.PP P? PCI"P(? ennGtahle on ?etober ?_3. 1871 to fill vacancv due to division of Holden Township. f?, DATE ?" Month ? Day `'. 12 06 p, s 12 06 ;, 12 06 , 12 10 ,; O1 03 ??, O1 04 ,; O 1 04 .. O 1 04 02 09 05. 04 07 05 07 06 08 02 08 02 08 ? 02 08 29 . 08 30 09 05 . 09 OS 09 21 , 09 22 _ 10 03 10 03 10 03 10 08 10 13 . 10 17 e. 10 17 1 1 0 7 12 09 12 09 12 10 12 17 12 31 „ 04 22 O1 03 06 02 ?? aa ?f 7 05 7 05 0 0 8 08 10 28 0 Year ? F, '' p 1869E? ? 1869?,; 1869;? ?, 1869?? 1870y; 1870,e 1 1870;; 1870?; 1870'' 1870 1870 1870, 1870 1870, 1870? 1870, ? 1870. 1870, 1870,; 1870,a 1870 1870 1870? 1870;; 1871' 1870' 1870 1870{ 107??a 1870;, 1870 1870.: 1870;; 1870 1871 1871: 1871. 1871 .? 1871,; 1871; ?Y 1??1: ; 9 :a 1871 ?? Ik { ?? d± E,? ? MINUTE BOOK ?? Vol. I Page ?? ?g 1 3?F 7 iR 1 347 `? !+ ?? ?? 1 348 ?? i? !t 1 355 ?, 3 k, 1 394 ?; ?? 1 397 ;? k? 1 398 '; 1 398 ?, 1 408 p?. 1 437 ' 1 450 1 456 1 463 .° ff 1 465 +, 1 465 ?. 1 471 1 474 ;' 1 487 2 5 !;, 2 14 '" ;. 2 18 ;, 2 28 ''. 2 28 f; 2 30 ;; 2 3 2 h. ?? r 2 35 y; R 2 71 k. 2 7 2 '' E' i t 2 83 '; ?. 2 97 ? 2 9 7 `' 2 100 2 104 ?` 2 107 , 2 150 ? 2 110 ' ;. G ??? F E`. 175 ? 180 ? ;" 189 ? 203 ,; .? 's? ?; ?E i! 235 "? ?? ? ? i i ? 2 2 2 2 2 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS N?INUTES ¦ta. u. s. County Indezee Since ?888 ??t osv?ce Zn??bu?Il?/-?,, An ldentifrin¢ Trade Mark - New Hanover County? ?. U. , MATTER: CEMETERIES ` To lecsts asmes, Opl11 Lt COTT A•Z TAB INDEX ? SURNAME INlTIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTt INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ' {k '?" DATE ?? MINUTE BOOK ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS f' ?? 6 "? ?? Month ? Day ? Year r?? Vol. ? Page ?? ; ?' ? 1. g ; ?? F.M. James paid $50 per annum for caring for Oak Grove Cemetery. 08 03 ?? 1885si 4 ? '? 645 ? 2. ?t p; Matter of pump at Oak Grove Cemetery referred to Chairman, 05 03 1886?9 P: 4 Y ? 709 f ? 3. ??'Chairman to have Oak Grove Cemetery cleaned out. „ ? 12 .. 15 ei 1890?? ?:, 5 9 289 9 ? 4. ?a ;;Matter of macadamizing road to National Cemetery referred to Chairman. 04 .. 02 1$94,+ w, S 562 5. ;;J.W. McCartney appointed Superintendent of Oak Grove Cemetery, 06 03 1895?? ? 5 ? 643 ? E 6. ? ;?John Crandell was appointed Superintendent of Oak Grove Cemetery. . 12 02 1895F. 4 5 680 ? 7. ;Services of J. Crandell as Superintendent of Oak Grove Cemetery dispensed with, ? 09 07 1896;" 5 731 ! . ?? ;s xt 8. ,;H. Gerdes appointed to fill vacancy as Superinte?dent of Oak Grove Cemetery. 09 07 1896 5 731 ,? i' 9. Petition of citizens to have work aone at Dak Groue Cemetery deferred. ., I.2 . 08 1896; . 5 750 °? ,? 10..,Applications from men to be Superintendent of Oak Grove Cemetery; Alex Huggins elected Superintendent. 11. ..Committee requested money for leveling and preparing ground on Oak Grove Cemetery. 12...New section of Cemetery to be divided into white and colored sections. 13. Superintendent of Cemetery to be present at each burial and designa#?e place of burial. 14. . Sup2rintendent of Cemetery to keep records of status of all interments and file physicians certificate. 15. Committee to have fence around Oak Grove Cemetery repaired. 16. Matter of Oak Grove Cemetery referred to Commissioners Montogmery and Vollers. Ol 05 1897 5 02 02 02 02 05 07 ? 17. .Committee on Oak Grove Cemetery given more time. 08 18. ' H. Gendes allowed money for extra work done at Oak Grove Cemetery. 10 19. W.W, King presented bid of $100 per year to keep Oakdale Cemetery and to be accepted when contract is made. 01 20. W.W. King appointed keeper of Oak Grove Cemetery at $100 per year. 12 21. ,Work to be done on bridge near National Cemetery. (Numbers 21-26 are out of order.). 06 22. „Thomas F. Bell elected Superintendent of Oak Grove Cemetery. 12 23. :,Fence at Oak Grove Cemetery blown down during storm and Chairman ordered it repaired. 24. ,Thomas F, Bell elected Superinten.dent of Oak Grove Cemetery at $50 per annum. 25. .;H. Gerdis elected keeper of Oakdale Cemetery at $50 a year. 26. ,;Report from Superintendent Gerdis was filed. ? 27. W.W. King to care for Oak Grove Cemetery at $180. 28. ,W,W. King to keep Oalc Grove Cemetery at $100 a year. I 29. Proposal from E.J.W. Anders to sell his land for use o£ Potter's Field Cemetery referred to Committee. 30. Committee to investigate matter of paupers` burying ground. 31. Commissianer Metts presented plan for public burying ground. 32. Commissioner Metts to appoint a keeper for Oak Grove Cemetery. 33. .Board to buy land fram Lucy M. Nash and So1 Steinberger to enlarge Oak Grove Cemetery. 34. ,E.D. Conway elected Keeper of the Pauper Cemetery at same salary as last year. ? 35. .Oak Grove Cemefiery Committee: W.E. Yopp, J. Van B. Metts?and W.A, McGirt. 36. Gate to be bought for Oak Grove Cemetery fence. 37. Mr. Yopp allowed $25 to clean up Oak Grove Cemetery. 38. .;Mr. Yopp reported he had made a contract to clean up Oak Grove Cemetery for $25. 39. E,D, Conway re-elected Superintendent o? Oak Grove Cemetery at $15 a month. 40. F.W. Cornish elected to fill unexpired term as Superintend?nt of Oak Grove Cemetery due to death of E.D. Conway. ?? 41. Sma11 lodge to be built at Oak Grove Cemetery. I 42. ;Lodge at Oak Grove Cemetery finished and money allowed to paint it. 43. Mr. Yopp authorized to put a pump at Oak Grove Cemetery. 44. Bill paid Pine Forrest Cemetery for disinterring of Robert Reaves. (See SOLICITOR) , 45. ;;Oak Grove Cemetery Committee: Messrs. Yopp, Moore and Willard. ?;i ?? i ? . - 11 :_ Ol _, 12 , O1 12 12 06 02 1897 02 1897 02 1897 02 1897 06 1901 ;? 22 1901 05 1901 07 1901 05 1903 : 10 1903;; 02 1898' 06 1898 06 1899 OZ 1900 -. 03 1900 , 07 1901. 04 1905 03 1906 07 1909 „ 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 04 04 1910 ;; 05 02 1910 ? 12 05 1910 ; 03 04 1912 12 03 1912 ;, 12 09 1912 .; 12 27 1912 ., 06 09 1913 .. , 06 17 1913 ,. O1 05 1914 09 08 1914 y 10 11 02 04 04 05 1914 02 19I4 . 09 1915 : 05 1915 19 1915 ?; ?; ,a ? 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 756 ? 763 763 ?; ; 763 ?? ?. s 763 ?i S: 548 '' ?? `F 577 ?? .? i' 505 ° ?3 i,, 604 ?? ;? 694 s' 766 105 203 346 ?s @? 380 F: €? 490 ?` ?, 512 ?- ?? 4-4 ?': ii 69 ;? a° 178 '??? r': 19 3 ?' ;? ;; 194 204 °? ,; 245 ?`, i" 265 ?? 2?i 3 ' ,? 268 ?; 306 „ 30 7 :; r ; 331 `'? ? 382 i? i' 7 385 7 397 7 4?5 7 449 7 453 CONSTABLES INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hano?er Count N C y, . . _ MATTER: ` eeo. u. R. County Indezes Since 1888 {]? ? To ioeats names, Op@II at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX r?r orriet ??a?' An [dentifyina T'rade Mark ?? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW B ERN, NOR TH CAROLINA ?? J NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ?{ , DATE ?' !° MINUTE BOOK ; Month I Day I Year t? Vol, Page ? ? 1. ?aBoard received bond of William Montgomery as Constable of Federal Point Township. ?s ` 11 07 1871!? :s 2 240 ? , 2. iq ?;Nicholas Carr elected Constable of Masonboro Township due to a vacancy. i .? 11 07 1871;; ? 2 241 3. ;?D. Devane appointed Constable of Franklin Township. t< „ 12 04 ; 1871?;, 2 244 s ? 4. ,s ??Attorney to be consulted on eligibility of Mr. Carr as Constable. „ ;, 12 04 1871y? 2 247 f e ;? 5. ?9Mr. Carr is eligible for office. I2 11 1871 2 249 tl 6. ?Bond of Dennis Devane as Constable of Franklin Township approved. ;, 12 19 1871"? ' 2 275 ? ?? 7. ,?Board registered bond of Nicholas Carr as Constable of Masonboro Township. , O1 08 1872;; 2 282 ;? a? 8. ; ,jBond of L.C. McDuffie as Constable of Caswell Township approved. „ Ol 23 1872,? 2 285 5 9, „ Quincey Rochelle appointed Constable of Holly Township. 02 05 1872'; 2 288 „± 10. Resignation of Mr. McDuffie of Caswell Township, laid on the table. 04 26 1872, 2 315 ;, 11. . Application of A.V. Horrell as Constable of Caswell Township, laid on the table. 04 26 1872, 2 315 . 12. Joseph Hi11 resigned as Constable of Wilmington Township and Simon Hayes elected in his place. 09 02 1872 2 353 . ' 13. , Bond accepted of Joseph Highsmith as Constable of Harnett Taanship. , 09 .. 04 1872 ?. 2 357 ?. PP 14. Constable Cherry's fee approved. 10 07 1872 2 380 ' , „ ki '? 15. ,L.C. Duffie's resignation as Constable of Caswell Township will be accepted when vacancy can be filled. 10 28 1872' 2 386 d; ,. ; 16. .,Application of A.V. Horrell for appointment as Constable of Caswell Township deferred to next meeting. 10 28 1872 2 386 ? ? 17. ;Matter of appointing Constable for Caswell Township deferred to next meeting. 11 04 1872 2 388 ?a , ,_ ,, ? ;? 18. A.V. Horrell appointed Constable of Caswell Township. 11 09 1872 2 395 ?; _ , 19. James Williams' bill for constables fees approved. 03 03 1873 3 33 ?; 20. Application from R.L. Sellars for appointment as Constable of Holden Township laid on table. . 04 21 1873 .? 3 64 „ ;, , Z1. Bi11 from Nicholas Carr for constables cost approved. 08 04 1873. 3 92 •? ?? . , 22. Bills from William Moore and W,L. Rivenbark for constables cost approved. , 08 04 1873 3 93 : 23. Constables elected in August 7, 1873 election: (Pages 95-98) 08 11 1873 3 95 ' ,? ; Wilmington - Solomon Nash; Masonboro - Jeremiah Hewlett; Federal Point - Jesse Lowe; Harnett - Joseph ? ?; w .., Highsmith; Grant - Thomas Nixon; Cape Fear - William Moore; Holden - Levi Nixon; Rocky Point - George ,. „ ? " ?, Carr; Columbia - Americus Horrell; Wnion - Washington L. Rivenbark; Holly - James Lamb; Lincoln - `. • . FF II \ William Mclntyre _. . .. ?' p? i 24. ;Bills from Henry Williams and R.L. Sellars for constables'cost approved. 08 23 1873 3 104 `? '' 25. aBoard deferred matter of vacancy in office of Constable of Federal Point Township and the request to ap? . 10 . 06 1873. ?. 3 112 ?'s yn ? point Nicholas Carr. , ?. ' ps 26. Bil1 from A.V. Horrell for constable`s fees approved. . 10 . 06 1873, „ 3 115 ?? ,, 27, Bond of William Mclntyre registered for Constable of Lincoln Township. 10 17 1873 3 116 , 28. ,;Bond of Constahle of Masonboro Township registered. , 10 21 1873 3 120 29. „Petition of Nicholas Carr to be appointed Constalale of Federal Point Township laid over. 10 22 1873 3 121 ? 30. Petition received from Jesse Lowe to appoint J. Whitney Constable of Federal Point Township. 10 23 1873 3 122 ' ?. 31. Nicholas Carr appointed ConstaY?le of Federal Point Township. 10 23 1873 3 122 ?, . 32. .;Bond of Nicholas Carr registered as Constable of Federal Point Township. 10 24 1873 3 124 ' 33. Bills from W.L. Rivenbark and Simon Hayes for constables'fees approved. .. 11 12 1873„ 3 145 '; ' 34. .;Bi11 from Nicholas Carr for constable fees approved. „ I2 02 1873,; 3 15I 3? „ 35. 'Bill from George W. Carr for constable's fees approved. 12 02 1873' 3 152 fj 36. ,Bills for Simon Hayes and Jordan Nixon for constables' fees approved. 0,2 02 1874; 3 174 ?; r ,'i 37. Fee of Jeremiah Hewle?tt as Constable of Masonboro Tawnship approved. „ 03 02 1874. 3 189 , ?y 38. ,Req,uest from S,F, Walcott for appointme?t?_ as Constable of Holly Township laid over until Trust.ees send , 03 16 1874„ 3 198 ?? ;? ; their recommendation. „ ? .? ?w?, 39. ,? Fee of Nicholas Carr as Constable of Wilmington Township approved. O8 04 1874, 3 233 ?? 40. _. aFees of William Moore and Sideny Brown as Constables of Cape Fear Township approved. E f ?si ?I , 08 i 31 1874` f, ?i ?? 3 239 ?$ ? j? ?a ? ? INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER: CONSTABLES ` Reo. u, s. County Indezes Since 1888 ? To locate names, open at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX r?r OFFICE ?ellll?a? An [dentifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ?: ?`' N? ?' DATE u? MINUTE BOOK j NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ?? ? , ?, Month ? Day ? Year ?? Vol. Page 1 . 'n €? ?' ? 1 Fees of J. Williams as Constable not claimed. 09 05 1874? 3 244 s + . !i ? FN , 2. Fee of John Mosely, Constable, approved. , 09 : 05 1874?? , 3 247 `:i 3. ? Referred application of Stephen Walcott for position as Constable of Holly Township. r 09 16 187/+?': °9 3 261 ,? .4. Applications from S. Walcott and C.M. Harriss for position of Constable of Holly Township laid over. 09 23 1874:y 3 263 ,# ,5. Resignation of Thomas Nixon as Constable of Grant Township accepted. i? 09 ? 23 1874?. 3 263 ?' ?? 6. . J.H. Brown elected Constable of Holden Township. ?. I 09 ?? 23 1874?? ?U 3 263 t' ki _7. Application of J. Davis for position as Constable of Harnett not granted since no vacancy. 10 06 1874: 3 265 '' ,8, ?ond of J. Highsmith registered as Constable of Harnett Township. 10 06 1874?. 3 265 y 9.? Fee from Jeremiat? Heralett as constable approved. 10 06 1874: 3 266 10.r? Application of Charles Harriss for position of Constable of Holly Township laid over. 10 07 1874 3 268 11 ? osition of Constable of Grant Township for Hum hre f C li ti W D A laid over. 10 07 1874 3 269 p p y ca on o . . . . ; pp 12.;; ?? Fees of Constable C.H. Strode approved. 11 ,13. Fee of William McIntyre as Constable of Lincoln Township approved. 11 14.? Resignation of Thomas Nixon as Constable of Grant Township accepted and C.M. Humphrey appointed instead. 11 n 15.? Fees of Constables Carr, Al1en, Hewlett, Wash, Sellers, Davis, Whitney and Brown approved. 12 ,? 16.?9 Bond of John. H. Brown registered as Constable of Holden Township. ; Ol ? d d f h h i Ol 17. ? - ???. . ees approve a t e r Constables N. Carr, C.H. Strode and W,H. Howe 18.?? Fees of Constables Walker, Wetherly, Strode, Bear, Haynes, Manning, and Rivenbark approved. 3 02 19.? Fees of Constables Mclntyre, Westbrook, Strode, Williams, Martin, Nash, Carr and Manning approved. 03 E '20 Fees of Constables Ashe Whitney Hill and Newman approved 03 _ . > > • 21.?? Fees of Constables Hewlett, Brown, Highsmith and Rivenbark approved. ? ,22.'? Bills from G.W. Carr and R,L. Seller as Constables approved. ? ?; 23.?'?, Bills from A.V. Horrell and George Carr as Constables approved. ' k 24.`? Fee of Constable Carr approved. - ? 25.? Fee of Constable Nash approved. 26.?? Fee of Constable J.N. Van Solan approved. °? 27.?? Constables elected in August 7, 1875 election: (Pages 366-367) ?? ?G Wilmington - Solomon W. Nash; Cape Fear - William Moore; Federal Point - Balam Wade; Masonboro- a ?6? k Jeremiah Hewlett; and Harnett - Joseph Highsmith t 27.? Fees of Constables Strode, Ashe, Nash, Whitney and Carr approved. ? 1? 28.? Fee of Constable Hewlett approved. p? 29.?? Resignation of J. Highsmith as Constable of Harnett accepted and James Hewlett elected to vacancy. n? 30.?? Fees of Constables Nichols, Smith and Hooper approved. ,? 31.j? J.A. Hewlett resigned as Constable of Harnett Township. ?i ? 32.;? Application from Nicholas Carr to be appointed Constable of Harnett Township received. 33.t? Bills from Constables Highsmith, Harper, Carr, Strode and Whitney approved. ?, 34.?? Edward McKay elected Constable of Harnett Township. ;? 35.=i Fee of Constable N. Carr approved. ?6. Bills from Constables Bear, Strode and Nixon approved. Y 37.F? Bill from Emanuel Nichols for incidental expenses approved. . E? 38.F? Fees of Constables A. McKinzie and Newman approved. ?il 39.e Bills from J.H. Brown and S. Potts for incidental expenses approved. ? ? 40.? Fees of Constables Walton, Nichols, Hooper, Bassett and Hewlett approved. 41.?i Fees of Constables Nash and Ashe and Strode approved. ? 42.? Bills from J.C. Hill for incidental expenses approved. ?+3.` Fees from Constable B.W. Wade approved. 04 05 05 „ 06 07 ?. 08 08 10 10 „ 11 „ 12 02 02 02 02 04 05 05 06 06 06 07 y 07 _08 { ?i 02 1874; 04 187/?; 04 1874, 07 1874 04 1874 05 1875, 02 1875; 05 1875 05 1875 06 1875 08 1875 08 1875; OS ZO/5, 08 1875' 03 1875,; 07 1875„ 07 1875; 07 1875.,, 09 1875:; 16 1875 07 187G.,. 07 1876;' 07 1876, 11 1876.:: 03 1876.. 05 1876?. 05 1876: 07 1876` 07 1876, 07 1876. a 08 1876 08 1876" ?J?? .1876?.i ;: ; k? 1? 3 273 3 276 , 3 277 3 281 3 289 3 292 3 298 3 309 ` 3 310 3 316 3 325 3 326 , 3 333 3 352 . 3 364 3 366 3 383 3 384 , 3 389 , 3 403 , 3 411 3 411 , 3 412 3 413 , 3 427 3 435 :; 3 435 3 446 3 446 3 447 ? 3 451 3 451 3 45 7 ,; ?; ? ?? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES --- New Hanover County N C- SUBJECT CONSTABLES ? j . . _ MATTER: eeo. n. s. County Indezee Since 1888 To tocate names, open at PAT oro?sa ?11? An IdentiFyins Trade Mark ? SURNAME IN17'IAL TA8 MADE BY THE COTT A•Z TAB INDEX COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ?? ` DATE i? ?" MINUTE BOOK ?? ` NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS a '? 'LP ' Month ? Day Year 's? K; Vol. Page ? j l. 'a y? Jason Loftin elected Constable of Harnett Township due to resignation of JosepYz Highsmith. 09 " ' 04 , 1876=; ? 3 ? 463 ?? E 2. 'Bi11 from E. Nichols for incidental expenses approved. 09 ? 27 r 1876?? ,? 3 481 E ? 3. ': Fees for Constables J.W. Bryant and A.M. McKeinzie, C.H. Strode and N. Carr approved, y, 09 27 1876?? a, 3 ;? 481 ?? 4. ,P Fees of Constables E. Nichols and J.W, Whitney approved. 11 22 1876!? 3 ? 498 ' ?, ? 5. , Fee of Constable Sol Nash a roved. ! pp ,,, 11 22 1876:? 3 ? 499 ? 6. ,% Fee of Constable J.A, Ashe approved. 11 22 1876,L" . 3 500 p' 7. :, Fee of Constable Jason Lo?tin approved. .. 12 04 ? I876 ua 3 ?? 504 ?? 8. ,, Fee of Constable S. Nash approved. 12 .. 29 1876:` .. 3 514 "? ?. 9. , Claim of Constable Jereraiai? Hewlett against Harnett Township referred to next meeting, 03 .. OS 1877; 3 531? :? i? 10. ..Board unanimously elected Nicholas Carr as Constable of Harnett Township, 05 14 1877 3 546 11. Bond of Constable Nicholas Carr approved. 06 01 1877 ,. 3 551 ° ,, ? 12.. < Fee of Constable S.W. Nash approved. 08 11 1877„ 3 593 ; 13., ; Bill from N. Carr for incidental expenses and for fees as constable approved. 08 11 1877 ; 3 600 `. .. , 4, 14., ,, Fee of Constable Carr appraved for Ju1y. 08 11 1877,; 3 603 15., : Election of a Constable for Wilmington Township postponed to next meeting. 08 16 1877;; 3 606 F, 16. ?Board opened and read petitions for office of Constables of various Townships. 09 06 1877? 3 609 i; 17. ^N. Carr appointed Constable of Masonboro Township. 09 .. 06 1877 .. 3 ?: 609 ? ?, 18., , James Smith appointed Constable af Harnett, Frank Moore for Cape Fear, and T.O. Bunting for Wilmington. 09 06 1877: 3 610 ,; 19.; , Frank Moore and Nicholas Carr approved as Constables of Cape Fear and Masonboro Townships. 09 . 10 1877 3 611 ?? i9 Z0. ,Bond of Constable of Wilmington Township fixed at $1,000. 09 10 1877 3 t; 611 i 21., ,.Bond of Constable Bunting of Wilmington Township approved. 09 .. 17 1877' 3 613 ;i ?s 22.,. ;C.W. Oldham unanimously elected Constable for Federal Point Township. 09 17 1877 3 613 . ?? ?F 23.,, Bond o? James Smith as Constable of Harnett Township approved, „ 09 17 1877,; 3 6I3 ' 24. : C.W. Oldham granted until next regular meeting to renew his bond as Constable of Federal Point. 09 17 1877 3 ,'? 614 ?. 25., C.W. Oldham presented his official bond as Constable elect of Federal Point. 10 Ol 1877.; 3 625 ':; ? ?? „ 26, ti Bill from N. Carr for incidental expenses approved. 11 06 1877. 3 °?; 644 `? 27. Bill from S.W. Nash for fees as Constable approved. 11 . 06 1877 3 645 ',' ?? 28. Fee from Sol. W. Nash for Constable's services approved. 11 06 1&77 3 647 ; 29. ; Bill from N. Carr for incidental expenses approved. 12 15 1877? 3 667 °? b? 30. BilZs from Constables Richarc3son and Nash ap?proved. 12 15 1877 3 668 ; 31. ; Fees of Constables S.F, Williams, E.R, Brink and N. Carr approved. 12 15 18771 3 669 ,? 32. Bill from N. Carr for incidental expenses approved. 12 . 15 1877 .. 3 670 `' ?, 33. Fees of Constables Smith, Oldham, Bryant, Nash, Bunting and Carr approved. 12 15 1877;, 3 671 ?? 34... James Smith resigned as Constable of Harnett and T.B. Carney appointed in his place. 06 05 1878,. 3 725 r, 35. ? Bond of T.B. Carney as Constable of Harnett approved. , 07 O1 1878„ 3 333 ",i 36..: Nicholas Carr to give a new bond by December, one of his sureties having died. ,. 11 07 1878,? 3 776 ` ., 37. Bond of Nicholas Carr as Constable for Masonboro approved. 12 06 1878 4 4 38. Bonds of C.W. Oldham and T.O. Bunting returned since their sureties not justified. 12 06 1878 4 5 i. 39. , Office of County Detective to be abolished and incumbent to be notified. 12 „ 06 1878 4 5 ?, 40. No bills will be paid deputy sheri?fs executing processes in Justices' Courts save for fees of constables. I2 ,. 06 1878 4 ?; S?' ,? 41. ? Bond of Constable T.B. Carney of Harnett Township approved. 12 18 1878 4 :: 5 ?. .. ?r 42. Bond of Constable T.O. Bunting of Wilmington Township approved. 12 18 1878 4 6`? ?? 43. Bond of Constable C.W. Oldham of Federal Point approved. 12 27 1878; 4 8?F 44. Office of Constable of Federal Point declared vacant since present officer failed to renew his ?ond. 12 27 1878 4 9 R' 45. A Edward Schriever elected to fill office of Constable of Federal Point. 12 27 1878 4 10 4? 46.`; ,?„ Bond of Constable Ed Schriever accepted. Ol 06 1879;; 4 11 ;; ! '?' s4 " _ . ? , { ? ? 'p ?: ?? ?i ?? INDEX TO CO?iMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? ? C CONSTABLES MATTER , . . _ : ` ae?. u. s. County Indezee Since 1888 ? To loeate names, open at r?r OFFICE ?? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ?? ;1 ? F" Month DATE Day ?: ' ?` Year ; S? MINUTE BOOK ?? I? Vol Pa e 'W ?', I I h': . g a ?: l. Constable of Cape Fear deceased and Henry Schriever appointed to the post. ?. 02 17 1879?? 4 22 e, I , :3 2. Bond of Constable Henry Schriever of Cape Fear approved. ;, 03 03 1879;r 4 24 ?i ? 3. Constables N. Carr, C.W. Oldham, and T.B. Carney given more time to renew their bonds. p; 12 15 1879Cr 4 139 ; ? 4. Bonds of Constables T.O. Bunting and T.B. Carney will be approved when the sureties justify. K O1 05 1880?? ? 4 142 ;? .5. Bonds of C.W. Oldham and Nicholas Carr approved. ; Ol 05 1880;,; 4 142 6. Bond of Constable James Elden of Masonboro Township accepted. u 12 06 ,? 1880;? 4 250 7. Bond of Constable-elect J.A. Sharpless of Cape Fear incomplete and referred back. ; 12 06 1880,.; 4 250 _8.? ? Office of T.B. Carney as Constable-elect of Harnett declared vacant, he failing to file his bond. „ 12 06 1880,; 4 250 ;. 9.? , Office of George A, Lowe as Constable of Federal Point declared vacant,he failing to file his bond, ; 12 06 1880,'; 4 250 ;., , 10.?? Office of J.C. Smith as Constable-elect of Wilmington declared vacant,he fai?ing to file his bond, 12 06 1880. 4 250 ?: 11.?? ;? Board appointed T.O. Bunting Constable of Wilmington Township in place of J.C. Smith. 12 06 1880 4 251 ?2.;; ?? :, James Elden qualified as Constable of Masonboro by taking oath of office. 12 06 1880 4 251 13. Bond of Constable T.O. Bunting of Wilmington Township approved. 12 20 1880 4 256 14.'? ? Constable-elect J.A. Sharpless of Cape Fear allowed until January to file his bond. 12 20 1880 4 4 256 g 15.!y' T.O. Bunting qualified as Constable. 12 20 1880 ? , 4 258 ? , , ? 16. ? Bond of Constable-elect J.A. Sharpless of Cape Fear accepted. O1 03 1881 4 262 ? 4 17.p - No constable in Harnett Township so Nicholas Carr appointed to fill the vacancy. 07 11 1881 4 307 ? 18.?? Bond of Constable Nicholas Carr approved. , 08 Ol 1881 4 ?. 315 19.?? Bond of Constable T.O. Bunting of Wilmington, and James Elden of Masonboro Townships approved. 12 05 1881 F 4 342 ?? 20.'? Bond of Nicholas Carr as Constable of Harnett Township approved. ; Ol 02 1882 4 348 21.z' ? Bonds of H.B. Williams of Federal Point and F.R. Montgomery of Masonboro approved as Constables. ; 12 04 1882 { 4 434 , ? 22.?, Office of Constab?e of Harnett Township vacant and T.O. Bunting appointed to serve. . 12 04 1882 , 4 434 „ Y 23.?? Robert Swett failed to give bond as Constable-elect of Wilmington so office declared vacant. O1 02 1883 + 4 443 , 24.,9 T.O. Bunting failed to give bond as Constable-elect of Harnett and the office declared vacant, n, Ol 02 1883 ; 4 443 25. r T.O. Bunting appointed Constable of Wilmington and his bond approved. , Ol 02 -883 ,: ? 4 443 „ 26.e B.F. Bryant elected Constable of Harnett and J.W. Millis elected Constable of Cape Fear. ;, 02 05 1883 ?, 4 450 „ ? 27.N? - F ;? Bonds of B.F. Byrant and J.W. Millis approved. 03 ., 05 1883 , 4 453 28.t? - s Board received annual report from Constable T.O. Bunting. , 12 03 1883 ?? 4 510 29.? M Bond of Constable T.O. Bunting of Wilmington approved. ; 12 03 1883 ,; 4 ? 511 ?30. - Bond of Constable J.W. Millis of Cape Fear approved. 12 F. OS 1883 . 4 515 ' .y 31.?? Bonds of Constables-elect Charles H. Thomas and John Hancock approved. 12 O1 1884 ,; 4 594 ,, ;? 32.?? d Charles Thomas and John Hancock qualified as Constables. . 12 O1 1884 ,; 4 595 f 33.?; Error found in bond of Constable-elect F.A. Montgomery and he given more time to file his bond. ., 12 O1 1884 . 4 595 34.;? Bond of Constable-elect Richard Holmes of Wilmington approved, and he qualified as Constable. 12 O1 1884 „ 4 595 ?? ?5.?? ? Bond of Constable-elect F.A. Montgomery of Masonboro approved. :. 12 15 1884 ;, 4 597 ? 36.;? ,? ' Constable R.F. Holmes allowed more time to file his bond due to irregularities in it. 12 07 1885 „ 4 664 ., ,M ?7.r; Bond of Constable-elect R.F. Holmes approved. 12 14 1885 ;. 4 670 „ i; 38•;; 's Letter from Emanuel Nichols laid on table. 04 05 1886 , 4 698 39.? Bond of Constable-elect James Elden for Masonboro approved. ,. 12 06 1886 ?, 4 758 ?. t 40.?? ? dy Bonds of Richard F. Holmes and James A. Hewlett approved. 12 06 1886 . ? 4 759 ? ? 41.? Constable-elect John Pleasant of Cape Fear given more time to file bonds. 12 07 1886 4 759 f 42.':? ?? Bond of Constable-elect Henry B. Williams of Federal Point approved. 12 13 1886 „ ,. 4 768 i e 43.?,? Bond of Constable-elect Richard Holmes of Wilmington approved. 12 05 1887 5 , 53 44.f Bond of Constable-elect James A. Hewlett of Harnett approved, , 12 05 1887 5 53 ?3 45.?p Bond of Constable-elect Richard Holmes of Wilmington approved. 12 03 1888 ; 5 120 46. James A. Hewlett, Constable-elect of Harnett, failed to file his bond due to clerical error, given time. 12 , 03 1888 4 ? , S 120 F' ? , ?• ? ;1 ?i ? "; ;? R1 E9 ?? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - N H t C CONSTABLES N C anover ew oun y, . . _ MATTER: ` seo. V. s. .?q Counry Indezes Since 1888 ?yr ?.?- To loeats names, open at r?r OFFIC{ (.?i.`t.?,?1?0?' An IdeatiFyin? Trnde Mark ?? SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•2 TAB INDEX MADE BY THB CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NO RTH CAROLINA ,? ?? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? DATE ; MINUTE BOOK ?? r; Month ( Day ? Year ?; Vol. ? Page ? - ?? 1.?? Bond of Constable-elect James Hewlett approved. 12 10 ;' 1888 ;? 5 i? 121 ? 2.? Bond of Constable James Hewlett of Harnett approved. : 12 02 1889 ?{ 5 ? 204 ?? ?! 3.,= Constable R.F. Holmes given more time to file his bond. 12 02 1889 ? 5 204 ?? 4.? Bond of Constable-elect R.F. Holmes of Wilmington approved. 12 09 1889 ` 5 205 g? 5.'; Constable-elect John W. Millis presented his election certificate, filed his bond and took oath of office.. 12 Ol ?a 1890 ,? 5 284 ? ?: 6.as W.H. Stokley refused appointment as Constable for Harnett and Thomas Conway elected in his place. : 12 29 1890 +, 5 290 ?? s? 7.; J.D. Southerland presented his certificate of election as Constable of Federal Point and his bond approved. 02 02 1891 ? 5 f; 312 ?I , 8. Bond of Constable J.W. Millis approved. 12 07 1891 5 367 ?? ,, . 9. Bond of Constable-elect, J.W. Millis, for Wilmington Township approved. , 12 05 1892 : 5 455 ,i 10. Bond of Constable J.W. Millis approved. 12 04 1893 , 5 533 „ 11..,, Bond of Constable-elect J.W. Millis of Wilmington Township approved. 12 03 1894 . 5 595 12.. Bond of Constable J.W. Millis approved. , 12 02 1895 ,a 5 680 ? r? 13._ Bonds of Constables-elect Brick W. Wright and George W, Gracly approved. „ 12 07 1896 ;, 5 748 „ , 14., Board ruled it was not necessary for Constable to have his bond renewed. 12 06 1897 6 65 15. Bond of William Sheehan, Sr., Constable-elect of Wilmington Township, approved. 12 05 1898 ; 6 201 16. , Seth A. Robbins, Constalbe-elect of Federal Point Township,refused to qualify. 12 10 1898 .. 6 205 G e? 17. .. Bond of William Sheehan, Constable, approved. 12 .. 15 1899 . k, 6 364 ?, 18. William Sheehan elected Constable. ? 12 . 03 1900 ,a 6 4S8 ? 19. Bond of Constable-elect, William Sheehan, referred to Attorney for correction. 12 08 1900 6 493 20. .. Bond of William Sheehan as Constable was approved. Ol ,. 07 1901 „ 6 515 ,: 21. Bond received and approved for Constable Sheehan, Constable of Wilmington. 12 02 1901 ;; 6 616 22. Bond of William Sheehan as Constable was approved by Attorney. 12 09 1901 ;, 6 620 , 23.,, W.B. Savage elected Constable and oath given. 12 O1 1902 . 6 684 ? i? 24. J.A. Dean, Constable of Harnett, given more time to complete his bond. „ 12 02 1902 ? 6 688 ?; . 25.d Bond of W.B. Savage as Constable approved. ,. Ol OS 1903 ; 6 t 695 4? . 26.,, Bond of W.E. Dean as Constable for Delgo district not complete. , 03 02 1903 „ 6 705 ? 27... Bond of W.B. Savage approved as Constable. .. 12 07 1903 ,, 6 765 f" 28. Bond of W.B. Savage approved as Constable of Wilmington Township. 12 05 1904 . 7 10 29. Bond of W.B, Savage as Constable of Wilmington approved. ' 12 ., 04 1905 7 43 „ 30. Bond of W.B, Savage approved as Constable. 12 .. 03 1906 7 67 ` i: 31. Committee to arrange for pay of Mr. Savage. 01 07 1907 7 74 32. Bond of Constable Savage found satisfactory. 12 .. 02 1907 ' ... 7 116 ,? 33. .. Bond of W.B, Savage as Constable of Wilmington Township approved, and bond of George Smith as Constable of 12 . 07 1908 7 158 ;, . of Harnett Township approved. 34. Bond of N.B, Chadwick as Constable of Cape Fear approved. O1 04 1909 7 lb4 35. Bond of W.B. Savage approved as Constable. 12 05 1910 7 203 36. Bond of George R, Smith not approved as Constable of Harnett Township. 12 05 1910 7 203 37. . Bond of G.R. Smith approved as Constable of Harnett Township. 01 04 1911 7 206 38. J,S. Bryan elected for unexpired term of W.B. Savage, who resigned, as Constable of Wilmington. 05 06 1912 : 7 249 ' y? 39. , Appointment of Township Constable deferred to next meeting. 07 O1 1912 7 253 ?; ? 40. Bonds of J.H. Davis and G.R. Smith approved as Constables of Wilmington and Harnett Townships, . 12_.. 02 1912 , 7 264 `' , 41..' Salary of Constable of Wilmington set at $720 per annum. , 05 O1 1913 ? 7 „ 289 ?? r• 42. County to pay for half of rent of telephone for Constable J.H, Davis. Oa. 09.? 191?= 7 306 ;; 43. ,; G.T. Smith appointed Constable of Harnett Township. , 10 06 1913 ;. 7 316 ,; M' 44.!; Bond of G.T. ?m?-th approved as Constable of Harnett Township. ' 10 17 1913 ;; 7 318 45. ?s , .? ' . I Amount set for bond of Constable. ;. 11 1 02 1914 : ; ?? 7 395 "; ? ? ; ?: „? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER: CONSTABLES ` Rso. u, s. ,q?1,_ Counry Indezee Since 1888 ? To tocats names, open at COTT A-2 TAB INDEX ?AT OFFICE ??(?o-? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAM6 INtTiAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA DATE ?? MINUTE 800K 'F? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ?; Month I Day I Year :`. Vol. Page '.c l. Bond of G.T. Smith as Constable of Harnett Township approved. 12 14 1914 ; ?, 7 409 t 2.€ Bond of ,Iohn H. Davis as Constable was accepted by Board. 12 17 1914;. ?: 7 415 ° ? 3.? Board to discontinue half of pay for Constables'telephone rental. 04 19 1915h; 7 454 : ?, 4. Wilmington Constable to attend sessions of Superior Court and execute processes instead of a deputy sheriff 07 06 1915,? 7 467 5. Bi11 of Ur1 Taxicab Co. paid for use when Constable searching for murderer of L.R. Hudson. 10 04 1915?: 7 489 6.? Wilmington Constable offered reward for capture of John Henry Wright, charged with rape. O1 24 1917 7 607 7.?i ? Bond of G.T. Smith as Constable of Harnett ?'ownship approved. 02 17 1917 7 611 y r 8.?? Bill from Wilmington Taxicab Co. for auto services for Wilmington's Constable. 08 07 1917 7 633 ,; 9.;; Applications for office of Constable of Wilmington Toi,rnship deferred. 6 3 t9I& 8 ?? 10.;; Resignation of Jack H. Davis as Constable of Wilmin?ton Township accepted. 7 2 1918., 8 13, 11.;' A. Silverman appointed Constable of Wilmington Township. 7 2 1918 8 13 . 12.?? A. Silverman given more time to file his bond as Constable. 12 2 1918 „ 8 27 , 13.;; A. Silverman requested salary increase, no action taken, Legislature to decide. „ 12 2 1918., 8 27 , aj 14.;; Bond of Aaron Silverman as Constable approved. 2 3 1919 8 35 ,_ 15.?; ; Reward granted to L. M. Belk for capture of Jesse Johnson, escapee from roads. 4 7 1919 : 8 42 ? 16.p; Salary of Constable Silverman to be investigated. 11 3 1919., 8 84,. .17.;? A. Silverman to be paid as Court Officer and money not to be deducted from salary as 12 1 1919, 8 88 ;? Constable. ? „ 18.iE County to install telephone in resident of Constable. 7 6 1920 8 115 „ 19.?; Money allowed A. Silverman for services in last election. ll 4 1920 8 133;, ?? 20.?; Qualifications of A. Silverman as Constable of Wilmington Township filed. 12 6 1920., 8 134 21.`; Bond of A. 5ilverman approved. . 12 17 1920 . 8 138,, 22.,i Metal badges purchased - for Constables and Special Officers. . 1 3 1921, 8 140 „ 23.;e W. F. Alexander resigned as Constable of Harnett Township. 3 7 1921 8 148 ., „ „ 24.?? ? A. Silverman, Constable given more time to file his bond. „ 12 4 1921 8 217 ?? 25..; Bond of Aaron Silverman approved. 12 L8 1921 , 8 221 „ 26.?, Bond of J. W. Bell accepted as Constable of Harnett Township. , 2 5 1923 8 228 ?27,:; No action taken on paying Mr. Bell as Constable of Harnett Township. 4 2 1923;, 8 236 28.i? J. Hinton suggested J. W. Bell be appointed traffic director of Wrightsville Sound. 5 ?1 1923 ; 8 243, 29.w; „ Constable Bell to be paid for capture of one whiskey still. 2 19 1924;, 8 282 30.??c J. W. Bell paid for capture of one whiskey still. 3 3 1924 . 8 285,. ;? 31.;; Bill from Constable J. W. Bell approved. . 3 5 1924 „ 8 285 „ 32.;; Salary of Constable Silverman paid, extent of his disability to be investigated. 5 5 1924;? 8 295 33.,j J. W. Bell tendered his resignation as Constable. 5 5 1924„ 8 296„ 34.?, Salary of Constable Silverman approved for May. . 6 4 1924? 8 298, 35oa; G. W. Smith elected Wilmington Constable, due to illness of A. Silverman, at $125 monthly. 6 9 1924; 8 299 36.F, J. W. Bell re-appointed Constable of Harnett Township. 6 30 1924 8 301 „ 37.?; Constable Smith not allowed a fu11 month's salary for June. 7 7 1924, 8 302 38.?? ,.. Eight days salary to be paid former Constable A. Silverman for June. 7 14 1924,. 8 303,, ?? 39.?e Constable Bell paid for capture of whiskey stills. , 8 4 1924,. 8 304., ;? 40.?? Board to inquire into State Constabulary at next Legislation session. 8 8 1924,. 8 306;, !; 41.,; ?; Appointment of D. V. Baldwin as Constable of Castle Hayne referred to Mr. Trask. 8 18 1924, 8 307 „ 42.;;' Constable J. W. Bell paid for capture of whiskey still and arrest of C. Taylor, Linwood 9 2 1924 . 8 308 i ?; ;? Sidbury and G. Bloodworth. ,. 43?; :? G. W. Smith qualified as Constable of Wilmington Township, bond accepted. 12 1 1924 8 316 ?; 44? ? ? ? J. W. Bell paid for capture of whiskey still. , ? 3 2 1924 ; , ; ?i 8 331 .? ?; ?i INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count N. C. ? MU JECT ? ? - Consta bles - aec. u. s. County Indezes Siace 1888 ? 7pa-? TO IoCOb na1MS? Op?n Yf PAi OFFICE ?^?? An Identif3'ing Trade Mark ?8 SURNAME (NIitAL iAB COiT M2 MADE BY THE COTT iNDEX SOLD tY OMEN 0. oUNN, N TA? INpEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO EN 6ERN, NORTH GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEFDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Constable G. W. Smith to explain office receipts. 8 4 1925 8 349 2. Constable G. W. Smith resigned, appointment deferred. 9 7 192? 8 396 3. Constable G. W. Smith salary paid as if in office. 10 4 1926 8 400 4. Constable G. W. Smith resi ned Archie arine a ointed as re lacement. g , pp p 10 4 1926 8 400 5. Constable Archie Marine bond returned to surety company. 12 6 1926 8 410 6. Constable Archie__ Marine presented bond ?.nd qualifications. 12 10 1926 8 413 7. Constable Archie- granted ten (10) day vacation. 8 1 1927 8 455 8. Petition received, action deferred on L. L. Carpenter as Constable. 12 6 1927 8 476 9. Advisement taken on G. W. Smith petition as Constable. 6 4 1928 8 513 10. G. W. Smith appointed Constable for remaining term. 6 19 1928 8 516 11. Action deferred on protest against Constable Smith. 7 10 1928 8 519 12. Action deferred on Smith as Constable. 7 17 1928 8 521 13. Charges filed, hearing called, Smith appointed Constable. 7 24 1928 8 521 14. Constable Smith bond approved. 7 24 1928 8 521 15. CBC to letter representatives on Constable fees. 8 21 1928 8 528 16. Constable Archie Marine salary advanced, bond accepted. 12 18 1928 8 528 17. Constable Archie Marine qualifications and bond accepted. 12 31 1928 8 551 18. Constable Archie Marine resigned as Constable, payment approved. 3 12 1929 8 563 19. Constable Carl Cook failed to qualify, job offer taken under consideration. 2 9 1930 9 79 20. J. D. James as City Constable under consideration. 4 7 1931. 9 100 21. J. D. James endorsement subrnitted, no appointment for Constable needed. 4 13 1931 9 102 22. J. D. James withdrew application for Constable. 8 3 1931 9 120 23. Cons?.deration taken on L. W. Tindall as Constable. 8 17 1931 9 123 24. William Tindall appointed City Constable, bond fixed. 7 11 1932 9 170 25. William Tindall's bond reduced as Constable. 7 18 1932 9 171 26. William Tindall's approved as Constable. 7 25 1932 9 172 27. William Tindall's bond accepted. 12 5 1932 9 193 28. Oliver Carter application filed for Constable. 12 12 1932 9 195 29. G. E. i?Iorgan elected Harnett Constable, placed on fee basis 12 7 1936 9 467 30. Constable W. H. Ezzell presented bond and qualifications, approved. 12 7 1936 9 468 31. Constable W. H. Ezzell's bond approved. 1 18 1937 9 495 32. No action taken on radio for Constable's car. 9 13 1937 9 540 33. William H. Ezzell, Constable, presented bond. 12 5 1938 10 27 34. Constable G. E. Morgan resigned. 9 11 1939 10 81 35. Consideration received on G. W. Smith's application as Constable. 9 11 1939 10 81 36. Applications received for Constable to replace G. E. Morgan. 9 18 1939 10 83 37. J. L. Craig appointed Constable- Dep?u.ty Sheriff. 10 2 1939 10 86 38. Constable W. H. Ezzell authorized refund on bond. 12 22 1941 10 246 39. Constable W. H. Ezzell to make list of drowning equipment. 7 20 1942 10 282 40. Constable W. H. Ezzell to make settlement with County. 8 24 1942 10 289 41. Constable J. L. Craig's bond accepted. 12 14 1942 10 308 42. Constable W. H. Ezzell office declared vacant, since no bond. 12 21 1942 10 309 43. Cons?able W. H. Ezzell notified to submit bond. 12 14 1942 10 308 44. No action taken on M. K. Hobb's application for Constable. 1 4 1943 10 311 45. D. F. Sar?dlin's application for Constable taken under consideration. 8 2 1943 10 343 46. D. F. Sandlin appointed Constable. 8 9 1943 10 344 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. _ MU JECT Constables - xec. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 ? To loeab nam?s, op?n at COTT A•2 TA? INpEX r?r OFFICE C.?i?b?f¢?Il.? An ldentifYinB Trade Mazk SURNAME INITIAL TAR MADE BY 7HE COTi INDEX COMPANY. COlUMBUS. QHIO SOLD ?Y OWEN i. OUNN, NEM tERN, NORTN GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Constable H. L. Craig resigned, K. R. Pinkson succeeded him. Constable R. H. Knowles resignatior? accepted. Payment to Constable L. R. Pinkston referred for services at Kure Beach. Walter L. King request received for Constable of Federal P'oint. Mayor L. C. Kure request received for Constable of Federal Point to be appointed. Kure Beach Mayor Kure, disapproval received on King as Constable. Walter L. King letter received, requesting withdrawal from appointment of Federal Point Constable. R. E. Arthur, J. S. Canfield, B. M. Robbins, L. F. Duke, J. A. Hollemon, E. V. Shaw and L. J. Zebilin applications received for Wilmington Constable. Lawrence F, Duke appointed Wilmingtan Constable to unexpired term of the late J. F. Jordan. R. H. Knowles claim, via Attorney, declined for gun taken from him by officers while he was Constable. Application for Constable referred to Sheriff. Accepted resignation from Mr. R. C. Patten, Constable Cape Fear Township. Surety bond of $1,000 each accepted on County Attorney's approval, for Lawrence F. Duke, Wilmington, James B. Moore, Masonboro and Joseph M. Sh?ngleton, Harnett as Constables. Request granted for advisory opinion, in regards to Constable fees. Mr. Wingate J. Baldwin, appointed Constable of Cape Fear Township. Accepted surty bond for Wingate J. Baldwin. DATE MINUTE BOOK ,' Month Day Year Vol. Page 5 13 1946 10 496 5 19 1946 10 566 6 23 1946 10 572 8 8 1949: 11 112 8 22 1949 11 116 8 29 1949 11 118 9 6 1949 11 119 2 20 1950 11 158 6 26 1950 11 192 11 5 1951 11 300 9 23 1957 12 182 9 30 1957 12 184 12 5 1960 I2 632 6 26 1961 12 691 S 20 1963 13 216 6 3 1963 13 220 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover CORONER N Count C . ?, . , MATTER: ` Reo. u. s. County Indezee Sinee 1888 ??+.? To locate names, open at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX rAr OFFICE ?t?? An ldentifying Trade Mark ?`? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ?? ? DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ?? Month ?; I Day Year Vol. Page 1.$ Bill from Owen Burney filed. ;? + 08 - 06 1868? 1 10 ? ;? ?? 2.? Owen Burney ?presented his bill for services and it was approved. €? 08 € 19 1868 G 1 16 3. Bill from Coroner Burney ap?proved. kC ?? 09 „ 07 1868 1 38 4. Bill from Coroner Burney approved. ? ?? 09 ?? 08 1868 1 39 5. Owen Burney permitted to inter bodies coming under his jurisdiction. E ? 10 09 1868 1 66 ? 6.Q Bill from Coroner Burney ap?proved. ° ;? 10 ?, 09 1868? € 1 66 7.R Doctor's bill presented for report as ordered by Coroner, and approved. k ;i 11 20 I 1868p? k 1 121 8.;? Coroner Burnery's bill approved. ?. 11 27 1868j 1 127 9..`? CorDner's bills received and approved. ;? 12 11 1868?; 1 139 j 10.' Medical bill from Dr. Bellamy for a Coroner's report approved. , 12 14 1868?f 1 141 ?? i ; 11.' Coroner's bill approved. O1 02 1869?? 1 ?i 153 ?i e 12.,? D? Bellamy's bill for post mortem operation approved. ; O1 02 1869`:; 1 , 153 ?? f? ? Letter from Dr. A.D. ?'IcDonald filed. 13. ?; O1 07 1869[? 1 158 . 14.;a Letter from nr. A,D. McDonald filed. O1 12 1869? 1 162 ? ?_ 15.,? Bill for post mortem ordered by Coroner approved. ,, @1 18 1869t? , 1 165 16.;? Examination bill as ordered by Coroner approved. O1 ,. 18 3 1869?; ,, 1 '165 17.;? Coroner's fee approved. ?; 02 01 1869?? 1 ? 175 ?{ € q 18.;? Fee for post mortem examination approved. , 02 06 a? 1869?? t 1 i 179 ?' 20.?j Coroner's fee approved. r? 03 04 1869?? 1 192 ;; 21.; Dr King's post mortem bill for examination on John Bremin approved. ) ?, 03 20 "' 18690? ? 1 200 22.,°? Coroner Wood's bill approved. s ?; 04 21_ S 1869;? ;, 1 220 €. 23.;;? Coroner Burney`s bill approved. ; 04 27 1869;, 1 222 ?, ?g 24.;: Resignation of Coroner Owen Burney received. , ? ; 08 ? 02 1869?? ?o 1 284 ? 25.???? Application from Mr. Allen received. ? ?? 08 s? 02 1869 ti? , ?? 1 284 : 25.o;.?Bi11 for post mortem examination a?pproved. ? R; 08 03 1869p; ,4 1 286 27.;? Coroner Conoley's bill approved. j ? ?; 08 ?' 03 1869;? i? 1 287 I E ; ? 28.;?Coroner 5.5. Satchwell s bill approved. $; 08 03 : 1869; j ? 1 288 ?j 29.;?Elkanah Allen appointed Coroner. ;; 08 19 1869;? 1 308 ?? €? ¢ .; 30.??Coroner Allen's bill approved. ,; 10 05 , 1869i? 1 331 31.;?Coroner Allen's bond approved. ;; 11 O1 1869?? 1 335 'a ? 32. ?? Coroner Allen s bill approved. `? 11 F. .,02 a 1869 ?? CI 1 9 339 " r ?' ? r; 33.; Coroner Al1en's fee approved. 12 07 1869?` 1 351 ? 34.r1Post mortems' performed on a infant, N. Bannerman, Sandy Sikes and Hannah Moore. Bill reduced for these. ; 12 07 1869;? 1 352 ?? ; 35.,?William Love's bill for post mortem examination approved. ;, O1 03 i 1870pa 1 k 394 ?? 36. '?? Dr. Wina??s' bill for ? ost mortem examination a? ? roved. „ P PP ?' Ol 1 03 1$70'.? 'i 1 =39?+ ?? ?? ? 37.;iCoroner's fee approved. d O1 ;, 04 1870;? , 1 396 ' ? ? 38. ;i Coroner's fee approved. ,? ;; 02 08 1870 ?? 1 ; 402 ?? ? 39.;?Coroner Satchwell's fee approved. ??; 03 07 1870;? 1 413 40.??Coroner Al1en's fee a?p?proved. Y ?, 03 ' 07 1870;? 1 414 ? ? 41.??Letter from Messrs. Sellers and Carr filed. F 05 • 05 ? 1870?# 1 432 ? ? ?E I 42.?y Coroner's fee from Mr. Sellers approved. F 06 r, 08 1870? 1 443 43.' Bill from Dr. Love for post mortem examination approved. ? 06 08 1870j ; 1 443 ; 44.?q Coroner Allen's fee a?p?proved. g; 06 08 ? 1870?? 1 443 45.? Dr. Winants' bill for post mortem examination approved. ? ?r 07 05 ? 1870? 1 452 46.qi?? Coroner's fee ap?proved. ;r 07 06 1870?? 1 456 47.f Coroner Sellers' fee for holding inquest over infant of William and Mary McNeil approved. ?? 08 Ol 187(? 1 461 ? ?? ?` , ? , INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATTER: CORONER a ¦ec. u. s. County Indezee Since 1888 ? To locate namea, open at ??i OFFICE C???••?7? An Identifying Trade Merlc SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ;? DATE @? MINUT E BOOK ' NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ??? Month ? Day ? Year ;? ,.. . Vol. ? Page ? t 1. Coroner Allen's bill approved. 08 O1 1870'?? 1 ?a 461 ?1, 2. E.D. Hewlett elected as Coroner in August 5, 1870 election. _ 08 06 ? 1870?! 1 ? 467 tr? ,; 3. H.S. Mecom's bill for post mortem exam on Hiran Bishmp approved. 08 29 1870?? 1 471 d4 ?, 4. Coroner Allen's bill approved. „ 08 .30 1870?? 1 474 ? ,? 5. Bill from Dr. Winants for post mortem examination on.Harriet E. Williams approved. 08 31 1870< s; 1 483 4; ;; 6. Bond approved for E.D. Hewlett as Coroner. 09 21 1870.? FO 2 9?' !i ?'' 1 7.? ? Bill for post mortem examination from Dr. Thomas Wood approved. a 10 08 1870?? 2 33 ;? 8.? ? Coroners Hewlett and Allen's bills approved. 10 08 1870?, 2 33 ? 9.; Richard Farrow's bill for making coffins as ordered by Coroner approved. 12 09 1870; 2 99 " 10.' Coroner Hewlett's bill approved. 12 09 1870 Z 99 ,, 11.`a James Lowrey's bill for coffins as ordered by the Coroner approved. .9 12.;+ Dr. Winants' bill for attendance at Coroner's inquest approved. ? 13.j Coroner Hewlett's fee approved. { 14.?? Coroner Hewlett's fee approved. i? 15.;? Coroner Hewlett's fee approved. ii 16.;? Bill for coffin requested by Coroner from R.S. Harris approved. ?': 17.Ey Coroner Hewlett's fee approved. ?? 18.?p E. Hewlett's appointment annulled as Standard Keeper since he is also Coroner. 19. Coroner Hewlett's fees approved. 20.N William Costin`s bill for making coffin not allowed. ? 21.?? Coroner Hewlett's fee approved. E? 22.? Dr. King's bill for post mortem examination approved. 4 ? 23.? Dr. Winants' bill for post mortem examination approved. 24.N Coroner Hewlett's fee approved. ? 25.?? G.W. Corbett's bill for Coroner's inquest approved. 26,,; Coroner Hewlett's bond approved. i? 27•,? Coroner Hewlett's fee approved. :, 28.i' Coroner Hewlett's fee approved. s 29.`? Coroner Hewlett's fee approved. 30.i J.E. Winants'and James Lowrey's bills to Coroner approved. ! 31.? Coroner Hewlett's fees approved. E 32.k? Coroner Hewlett's fee approved. i 33.?t Coroner Albert Jones'fee approved. ? 34.,, Edward Hewlett elected Coroner in August, 1872 election. (See ELECTION) 35.?? Board accepted bond of E.D. Hewlett as Coroner. s? 36.?j Coroner Hewlett will serve as Sheriff until Board appoints or elects a Sheriff. (See SHERIFF'S DEPT.) 37.,? Sheriff elect failed to qualify, so Coroner requested to serve for a time. .; 38.?? Coroner Hewlett's fee approved. 39.?j Dr. A.D, Mc Donald's bill for post mortem examination ordered by the Coroner approved. 40. Bill from Coroner Hewlett for services approved. 41.? Post mortem examination bill from Dr. Winants approved. ? 42. Coroner Hewlett's fee approved. 43.? Coroner Hewlett's fee approved. R 44.? Bill from S.S. Satchwell for coroner's inquest approved. 45. Coroner Hewlett's bill approved. 46. Bills from John Perry and A.D. McDonald for coroner's services approved. 12 17 1870„ 12 31 1870.; 02 03 04 04 05 05 , 06 „ 06 , 07 08 08 . 08 08 , 09 09 10 11 11 O1 02 02 08 09 .. 09 09 10 10 . 11 12 12 02 02 03 ; 03 06 1871; 06 1871., 05 1871:. 05 1871; O1 1871.; 12 1871? 02 1871?, 02 187?.? 05 1871?, 12 1871,; 12 1871 12 1871"e 12 1871; 04 1871;; 06 1871;; 02 1871° 07 1?871.; 07 1871 02 1872 05 1872 05 1872 06 1872„ 0Z 1872,; 06 1872 06 1872 07 1872 14 1872;? 04 1872', 02 1872,d 02 1872. 06 1873', 06 1873,. 03 1873:? 03 1873? ,? i; i C' 2 105 ,. 2 108 .. 2 123 v; 2 130 „ 2 143 .s 2 143 ;. 2 153 „ 2 156 ' 2 ll0 ? 2 170 ;; 2 180 ,, . 2 209 , 2 20 9 ', 2 209 2 209 ; 2 215 2 220 ;, 2 228 , 2 241 2 241 ' E? 2 278 ?' 2 289 2 289 , 2 348 ., 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 354 360 ; 360 380 382 389 '; 403 c? e ? 406 ?? 426 ?s 427 ;? 3 33 F 3 33 ; ?\ INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? N C NlATTER CEMETERIES , . . _ : ` Re?. u. s, County Indezee Ssn?e 1888 ?}' ? To loeate names, open at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX ?Rr OFFtCE ?l9l?,F?' An Identifying Trade Mark ')?_? SURNAME !N!TlAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMVANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLO BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLfNA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS r' DAiE p; ! MINUTE BOOK ? ?, "? Month I Day I Year ,? ?. Vol. ? Page ,a I o? }.. Road to be cut to 01d Craig Cemetery. ?? 07 06 1915 ?? 7 C, 465 ?y , 2. F.W. Cornish employed as Superintendent of Oak Grove Cemetery at $25 a month. ? 12 13 1915,? 7 520 ?' r: 3. F.W. Cornish elected Superintendent of Oak Grove Cemetery at $25 a month. ?? 12 04 1916ty 7 597 ?; 4. Oak Grove Cemetery Committee: Mr. Yopp. ' 12 04 1916?' 7 597 '' 5. F.W. Cornish elected Superintendent of Oak Grove Cemetery at $25 a month. ,? 12 03 19I74, 7 651 !?; ?n 6. Oak Grove Cemetery Committee: Mr. Yopp. ,; 12 03 1917ti, 7 ? 652 ;?" 7. City Council to be requested to improve the road leading to Oak Grove Cemetery. ,? OS 22 1918 ; ?. 8 10 " R: 8. Salary of F. W. Cornish, Keeper of Oak Grove Cemetery, increased to $30 a month. .. 05 22 1918 ?' ;; 8 10 9.? E? F. W. Cornish elected Supt. of Oak Grove Cemetery at $40 a month. ?? 12 02 1918 ' ,, 8 26 ,; 10.?? ? Oak Grove Cemetery Committee: W. E. Yopp. 12 02 1918 8 26 • 5 ! 11.?? ? F. W. Cornish elected Keeper of Oak Grove Cemetery at $50 a month. 12 O1 „ 1919 8 -. 89 ? f? . . 12.?; ? Oak Grove Cemetery Committee: W. E. Yopp. .. 12 O1 1919 _ 8 89 ? 13.? Land bought next to Oak Grove Cemetery for burial of outdoor poor. 05 O1 1920 . 8 98 14.? F. W. Cornish elected Keeper of Oak Grove Cemetery at $50 a month. 12 06 1920 8 133 j 15.? •? Committee on Oak Grove Cemetery: W. E. Yopp. 12 06 , 1920 ;" 8 134 16. F. W. Cornish elected Keeper of Oak Grove Cemetery at $50 a month, 12 05 1921 ,` 8 182 17. . ? Oak Grove Cemetery Committee: W. E.Yopp. .. 12 OS I92I , 8 182 . 18.} F. W. Cornish elected Keeper of Oak Grove Cemetery at $50 a month. 12 04 1922 " 8 219 19. Oak Grove Cemetery Committee: W. E. Yopp. 12 04 1922'-: 8 219 20.a Several applicants received to care for Oak Grove Cemetery due to death of F. W.Cornish. 03 12 1923 ;; .? 8 230 21. ; Robert Johnson to care for Oak Grove Cemetery temporarily. ?, 03 12 1923',' ,? 8 230 #' 22.? Robert Johnson made permanent keeper of Oak Grove Cemetery. ; 04 16 . 1923? 8 ' 239 ; 23. Robert Johnson elected Keeper of Oak Grove Cemetery at $50 per month. 12 02 1923 8 274 :p 24.? Oak Grove Cemetery Committee: W. E. Yopp. 12 02 1923 ? 8 274 25. Robert Johnson elected Keeper of Oak Grove Cemetery at $50 a month. , 12 O1 1924 ' 8 316 ,26.?? Oak Grove Cemetery committee: W. E. Yopp. 12 Ol 1924 ? 8 317 27. Robert Johnson elected Keeper of Oak Grove Cemetery at $50 a month. ; 12 07 1925 8 361 ;, ',28.'? Oak Grove Cemetery: W. E. Yopp. I2 07 1925 8 361 ,29. Improving closet facilities at Oak Gxove Cemetery as requested by Board of Health referred to Mr.Yopp. 07 26 1926 8 392 30. ;, Payment made on burial of Infant Reilly. 10 08 1926 ` .? 8 401 .. ? 31. J. F. Hudson request for reimbursement of Mrs. Nancy Royster's burial expenses declined by board. , 07 12 1927 ; 8 453 , 32.r ? Atlantic Coastline reimbursed for burial expense of Ferney Young. 11 07 1927 . 8 469 33.?' ? i? B. N. Rivenbark expenses 7.50 on Infant Clemmon's burial. 11 15 1927 .a 8 471 ?? ? 34.p', ? Action on burial e xpense of Mrs. Annie Wright referred to Welfare 0£ficer. 11 22 1927 8 474 35.4? ? Resolution on Winter Park Cemetery adopted. ,. Ol 24 192& ? 8 485 F, , ? 36.": p? Burial and hospital expenses for Baby Davis submitted. 03 27 1928 .. 8 501 „ rm 37.?? Herbert Hayes, drowned county home escapee, allowed burial appropriations. 04 24 1928 ; 8 506 38.ki Board declined invitation from James Freeman, U. S. National Cemetexy supt., due to airport meeting. 05 15 1928 ,? 8 509 p 39.? $76 payment approved for Woodvin-Andrews Co. for burial of J. C, Gurganeous and Infant Turner. 05 15 192$ ,a 8 510 40. Payment for burial of Calvin Reeves approved. O1 07 1929 !; . 8 552 ? 41.? John Wilkins temporarily employed as Keeper of Oak Grove Cemetery during illness of Robert Johnson. ' 03 04 1929 ? 8 562 42. Nellie Harrison granted appropriations for burial. 04 02 1929 . 8 562 43. John Wilkins elected Keeper of Oak Grove Cemetery in illness of Robert Johnson. 06 02 1929 ? ?? 8 577 , 44. J. W, Stillman appointed Keeper of Oak Grove Cemetery as successor to Robert Johnson. 07 09 1929 8 583 ? 45. John W. Stillman, keeper of Oak Grove Cemetery, requested and granted permission for nephew to reside ` , 08 27 , 1929 ?? ,, 8 ;; 593 { . ? with him. „ ?? , ?? ;5 ;? 's ? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? N C CORONER MATTER , . . _ : ` eeo. u. s. County Indezes Sinee 1888 ? To loeats namea, open at rAr otF?es C.?i?? An IdentifvinQ Trnde Mark SURNAMH INITIAL TAB COTT A•Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? DATE t? j$ Z MINUTE BOOK ? ? 4 ?? ;' Month Day Year ?? ? ?, Vol, Page l. ,? r;Bill from C. Costin for coroner's fee approved. ty ; 03 ,, 03 1873i: 3 !9 33 ?` 2. F? {9Dr. S. Satchwell's bills for post mortem approved. 04 07 .. 1873?. , 3 57 I ¢ 3. ;?Hardy Newkirk's bill for coffin for coroner's inquest approved. ? 04 07 1873c " 3 57 ?? I 4. ?" ,?Coroner Hewlett's fee approved. ??; 04 07 1873?; 3 g 57 ? 5. ;yBill from Dr. Bellamy for post mortem exam approved. 05 06 1873:? 3 66 6. '; Coroner Hewlett's fee ap?proved. 05 06 1873 ;1 ,,. 3 i 66 ?? 7. ;;Bill from Robert Carner for coffin for coroner's inquest approved. , 05 06 1873'.? 3 ea 67 ?? ?4 P? 8. „'Coroner Hewlett's fee approved. . 06 02 1873? 3 75 ? t? 9. ,?Dr. Winant's fee for post mortem exam approved. ; 07 07 1873 3 84 ?? 10. Coroners Hewlett and Smith's fees approved. 07 07 1873„ 3 85 11. Bills from Joseph Smith and James Lowery for Coroner's bill approved. 08 04 1873 3 92 12. Coroner Hewlett's fee approved. 08 04 1873 3 92 13. aApplication of Coroner's jurors for pay for sitting on murder case of Willie Carter referred to Attorney. 08 23 1873y 3 101 '?: ?s 14. Bill from Thomas Davis for corner approved. . 08 .. 23 1873 .. 3 104 • ?, 15. Bills from Ed Hewlett, Daniel 0'Connor and Dr. Winants for coroner's inquest approved. 10 06 1873. 3 114 ;? . . ,? 16. Bil1 from Daniel 0'Connor for coroner's fee approved. 10 06 1873< 3 114 a 17. .Bills from Ed Hewlett and Dr. Winants for coroner's inquest approved. .? . 11 04 1873,. 6, 3 139 ?t 1? 18. °'Bond of Coroner Hewlett approved and registered. 11 05 1873? 3 140 ?? P1 19. Bills from Sol Bear & Bros. and W.W. Lane for coroner's fees approved. 11 12 1873 3 145 5! ? ? 9 ,? 20. 'Bills from Dr. Winants and John Lillington for coroner's inquest approved. , 12 02 1873 3 151 ,? ; 21. ,Bills from S.S, Satchwell for coroner's inquest approved. ,: 12 02 1873: 3 i', 152 ?; 22..;Bi11 from Ed Hewlett for Coroner's fee approved. 23. Bills from Daniel 0'Connor and Dr. A.E. Wright for coroner's fee approved and for inquest. 24. Claim from George Lucas for services rendered in post mortem exam at coroner's inquest referred to the Auditing Cornmittee. 25. ?Bills from Thomas Gardener, S.S. Satchwell and J.A. Lowery for coroner's inquest approved. 26. Bills from Dr. George Lucas and Ed Hewlett for coroner's inquest approved. 27. 'Bills from ?.D. Hewlett, Dr. Bellamy and Dr. Winants for coroner's inquest approved. 28. E.D. Hewlett elected Coroner in August, 1874 election. 29. Claim of Robert Counor for inquest not collected. 30.' Claim of G.F. Lucas for post mortem not collected. 31. ?Bill from J.E. Winants for coroner's inquest approved. 32. .,Bond of Edward Hewlett, Coroner elect, approved and oath given. 33. _ Request of Coroner Hewlett and R.S. Harris for contract to furnish coffins for paupers rejected due to exis?ing contract. 34. Coroners' fees approved for Mr. Hewlett and L.Votters. 35. , Bills from D.0'Conner and E.D. Hewlett for incidental expenses approved, pages 273-274. 36. .:Bills from Coroner Hewlett and D. 0'Conner for coroners' fees approved. 37. ,,Bill from E.R, Brink for coroner's fee approved. 38. Bill from Dr. Lucas for post mortem exam on Grace Watson approved. 39. ;;Bill from G.F. Lucas for coroner's fee approved. 40. Bills from Dr. Buie, Dr. Winants, Sol Bear & Bros. and A.D. McDonald for coroner's fees approved. 41. ,'Coroner Hewlett's fee approved. 42. ,;Bills from S. Vol?ers and I?r. J,E. Winants for coroner's fees approved. 43. ;rJ,H. Brown elected Coroner for Pender County on April 15, 1875. 44. ::Bills from E.D. Hewlett and S. Vollers for coroner's fees approved. .? sg ?? ,, 12 02 1873;,. 12 02 1873? O1 05 1874 : O1 05 1874 Ol 05 1874 02 03 1874, 08 10 1874 09 05 1874, 09 05 1874:a 09 05 1874, 09 08 1874 , 10 06 1874 11 02 1874 11 02 1874 12 07 1874 ,, ?. O1 OS 1875 ;. ;. 02 02 1875 , 02 02 1875 r. 03 03 1875 , 04 04 „ 04 , 05 06 1875 ;; 06 1875 ;; ll 1875 ;; 08 1875 ?; 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 152 ?' 15 2 e; ?? 162 ?? ±Y ;? ?3 16 7 ?:? r? ?. 169 ?: 186 `. 237 ' 244 ;r 244 p, 247 p, 25 2 ?. ?' 265 a, 273 ;' 273 ` 281 w; ? 29 2 ,', k:' 295 y :I 298 => ?? 309 'R 315 316 319 326 Ff INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -? New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATTER: CORONER ` aeo, u. s. County Inaczee Since 1888 r? ,?' TO IOCetB 118fflC3, open a! COTT A•Z TAB INDEX r?r OFi1Cf C.?i?? An Identifying Trade Mark U? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA s, NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ?? DATE p; MINUiE BOOK ? Month ?= I Day I Year ,? p, , Vol. ? Page { ? C 1 Bills from D. 0'Connor and L. Vollers for coroner's fees approved. c; 06 08 ?; 1875?' 3 ?? ?, 333 ?? . 2. Bills from E.D. Hewlett for coroner's fees approved. 07 08 i" 1875r? 3 ii 352 € 3. Claim of Dr. D.M. Buie for making post mortem exam laid over. , 08 03 1875?my 3 364 ',a 4. . Bill from E.D. Hewlett transferred to L. Vollers for Coroner's fees approved. ; 08 03 1875'??? : 3 364 '? ?. 5. Bond of E.D. Hewlett, Coroner, put on record. p 09 06 1875?; 3 372 ?; 6. Bi11 from W.W, Lane for coroner's fees approved. ! 09 06 1875: 3 373 4 ?? 7. Bills from Dr. W.W. Lane, D,M, Buie, E.D. Hewlett and W.J. Love for coroner's fees approved. 10 07 1875;? 3 s 383 , 8.? Bills from W.J.H. Bellamy and Sol Bear & Bros. for coroner's services approved. 11 09 1875; 3 391 ; ? _9.? Bills from Sol Bear & Bros., E,D. Hewlett, Thomas Garaner, and S. Van Amringe for coroner's services okayed 02 07 1876 3 412 ' 10.;; ,t Bills from S. Van Amringe, E.D. Hewlett, Lahn Voller, and Sol Bear & Bros. for coroner's services approved. 02 11 1876 3 414 , 11.;' Bill fr?m E.D. Hewlett for coroner approved. 03 08 1876„ 3 419 . ?? ?2.7; Fees of Coroner E.D. Hewlett approved. 04 03 1876 3 427 . 13.? Fees of Dr. J.E. Winants for coroner's services approved. 04 03 1876 ,? 3 427 .t ? 14.?? Y Bills from W.W. Lane, Sol Bear & Bros., and E.D. Hewlett for services as coroner approved. 05 05 1876. 3 435 15.€ ? Fee of Edward Hewlett as Coroner approved. 06 07 1876 3 446 ? 16.y Fees of Coroner Hewlett approved. 07 08 1876: 3 451 f ,17.j? Bill from Coroner Hewlett approved. 08 07 1876? 3 457 a ?? 18.? Bill from Sol Bear & Bros. for coroner's services approved., 08 07 ? 1876? 3 457 . 19.i Bills from D. 0'Conner, E.D. Hewlett, Sol Bear & Bros. and Dr. B.F. Cobb for coroner's fees approved. , 09 27 1876, 3 481 ?.0.? Edward Hewlett elected Coroner in November, 1876 election. ; 11 11 1876 3 491 ;; ;?1.?? Fee of Coroner Hewlett for September approved. , 11 22 1876.n ? 3 498 ,? „ ;a 22,?? Bills from Dr. D?Rosset and Dr. G.H. West for coroner's fees approved. 11 22 1876n 3 498 23.? Bill from P. Newman for coroner's fee approved. , 11 22 1876' 3 499 w .24.c? Bill from 0. Royal for coroner's fees approved. 11 22 1876, 3 500 25.E Fee of Coroner Hewlett approved for October. ;, 12 04 1876? 3 504 , 26.f? Fee of Coroner Aewlett approved for November. i 12 04 1876„ 3 507 ' €? ,27.i? Bond of Coroner E.D. Hewlett approved and oath of office given. 12 05 18764 3 508 28.?? Bills from Dr. A.E. Wright and E.D. Hewlett for coroner's services and fees approved. 12 29 1876?.' 3 514 „ 29.?q . Bills from Daniel 0'Conner and T.C. Miller for coroner's fees approved. ; 06 05 1877. 3 553 t 30.` Bills from Duncan Holmes and E,D. Hewlett for coroner's fees approved. F 06 05 1877. 3 553 _ 31. Bills from E.R, Brink and J.D. Stellges for coroner's fees approved. 06 05 1877 3 554 ; 32. Bill from E,D. Hewlett for coroner's fees approved. 08 11 1877,, 3 592 , 33. Bills from D. 0'Conner, Sol Bear & Bros. for coroner's fees approved. 08 11 1877 3 593 34.;? Bills from E.R. Brink, E.D. Hewlett and D. 0'Conner for coroner's fees approved. 08 11 1877; 3 594 35.;? Bill from A.E, Wright for coroner's fees approved. 08 11 1877 3 595 , w; 36.Rg Bill from E.R. Brink for coroner's fees for July approved. 08 11 1877 3 606 ; ,37.?? Bills from Sol Bear & Bros. and T.C. Miller for coroner's fees for July approved. 08 11 1877 3 601 k? 38.;? Chairman to contract with Dr. A.E. Wright for Coroner's inquest duties. 09 10 1877, 3 612 ? e? 39.'? Dr. A,E. Wright to attend all necessary coroner's inquest along with other duties. , 10 O1 1877,, 3 625 ; 4 40.? Bill from Dr. E.R. King as coroner's expert approved. , 11 06 187T; 3 ' 644,? ? ? 41.? Coroner's fees of E,D. Hewlett approved. ., 11 06 1877;; 3 644 ? 42.? Bill from Coroner Hewlett approved. „ 11 06 1877; 3 645 ;; 43.? Coroner E.D. Hewlett renewec? his bond and it was approved. 12 03 1877,, 3 658 + ? `? 44.9 , ? Coroner s fees of D. 0 Conner, Sol Bear & Bros. and E.R. Brink approved. „ 12 15 1877; , 3 668 s 45. Coroner's fees of E.R. Brink and D. 0'?onner approved. ? 12 15 187T 3 670?, ? ',46.Y Bills of Coroner Hewlett referred to Attorney for opinion on said bills. ?. ; ?,, ?„! 08 07 18??; "' "? ? 3 740 ;. ?? ?6 ? CORONER N C MATTER INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County , . . _ : _ ¦cv, u, a. /??? County Indeze? Since 1888 ??!j?' To locat? names, open at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX v?r OtneR An Identifyin? Trade Mark U?tY SURNAME IMlTIAL TAB MADE S7 THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO C??S.?-? SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN. NORTH CAROIINA . 1 ? ? DATE 41 ?? MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ,. Month Day I Year ;s Vol. I Page !? !r i ?? `; i? 1. ;?Bill from Coroner Hewlett for summoning more than twelve men to serve as juro?s not allowed. ., 08 09 1878,? ? 3 741 2. ?j :?Bon?i of Coroner E.D. Hewlett presented and approved, Mr. Hewlett came before the Board and qualified. ?? , 09 02 , 1878'! 3 743 ; ' 3. , , ,aBill of Coroner Hewlett against County transferred to D. 0'Conner approved. , 09 16 1878'; 3 750 ?c 4. i ,?Bond of Coroner E.D. Hewlett approved. ??? 12 ?; O1 1879?? 4 131 ' S. ';Bond of Coroner E.D. Hewlett accepted and he qualified by taking oath of office, pages 250-251. w? 12 06 1880;? ?. 4 250 i ? 6. 'Bond of Coroner Edward D. Hewlett approved. ?; 12 05 1881;: ' 4 341 ?? ? 7. Coroner E.D. Hewlett died and A.H. Leslie appointed to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Hewlett's. . 10 05 1882? 4 424 ? ?? ? 8. ?Bond of Coroner David Jacobs was approved. .? 12 04 1872,, 4 434 ,y '; ?i k 9. . Bond of Coroner David Jacobs approved. 12 03 18?3,; 4 511 ? ?: 10. Bond of Coroner-elect David Jacobs approved and he qulaified as Coroner of New Hanover County. 12 Ol 1884 4 594 ;, 11. Bond of Coroner David Jacobs approved. 12 07 1885 4 663 12. Bond of Coroner-elect T.C. Miller approved. 12 06 1886 ; 4 758 13. Bond of Coroner-elect, Thomas Miller, approved. ., 12 05 1887 5 52 ?? ?9 14. Coroner-elect?Daivd Jacobs?given more time to file his bond. e 12 03 1888`y 5 120 '? ?' 15. Bond of Coroner-elect David Jacobs approved. 12 10 1888 ' S 122 `. 4, 16. Coroner David Jacobs given more time to file his bond. 12 02 1889.'. 5 204 ? 17. Bond of Coroner-elect David Jacobs approved. 12 09 1889r 5 206 ??' ,s 18. . John Walton, Coroner-elect, presented his election certificate, filed his bond and took oath of office. 12 Ol 1890` 5 284 '{ 19. ;Coroner J.C. Walton granted more time to prepare his bond. 12 07 1891 ?? 5 367 t, s: 20. ,Bond approved for Coroner John C. Walton. 12 21 1891{ 5 371 ?? ?a ?? 21. ?Bond of Coroner-elect John C. Walton approved. `. , 12 05 1892. 5 455 ^'; ?! 22. ,;Bond of Coroner J.D. Walton approved. 12 04 1893, 5 533 ? 23. ; Bond of Coroner-elect David Jacobs approved. 12 03 1894 ; 5 595 i`. Rd. 24. .:Bond of Coroner David Jacobs approved. 12 02 1895. 5 680 ?? ., 25. ?;Bond of Coroner-elect David Jacobs approved. 12 ?? 07 1896i 5 748 ;? ;' 26. ? Board decided it was not necessary for Coroner to have his bond renewed. 12 06 1897 " 6 65 : ,i ?? r 27. ^,Dr. W.W. Harriss, Coroner-elect, declined to qualify so Board elected Dr. Richard Jones Price. ` 12 05 1898Y; 6 201 " 28. 'Bond of Richard J. Price, Coroner-elect, approved. .. 12 . 10 1898.? f; ?? 6 204 .s `? Yi 29. Bond of Dr.Richard J. Price approved as Coroner, . 12 15 1899? 6 365 ?? ;? i; 30. Resignation of Richard Price as Coroner was accepted and Dr.W,F. Stokes elected and qualified. .. 11 05 1900`; 6 486 % ?? 31. 'TdF. Stokes elected Coroner. . 12 ? ? 03 1900 ? 6 488 s'', kd 32. Board notified Coroner Stoke it did not approve of him sending stomach to private chemist for analysis. 03 07 1901 ; 6 533 ?' 33. 'Committee to investigate matter of unburied corpse and who was responsible for neglect, . 04 O1 1901; 6 534 , ?, 34. Dr. W.F. Stokes allowed money for services as Coroner in case of unknown negro corpse in Federal Point 04 Ol 1901 6 535 ? and in case of Minnie Aiken. . ,; „ 35. William F. Stokes resigned as Coroner and his resignation accepted. 36. Dr. C.D. Bell elected Coroner to fill unexpired term of Mr. Stokes, 37. ,Committee reported former Coroner Stokes was responsible for nonburial of unknown negro in Federal Point. 38. ,?Claim of Mr. Stokes for holding inquest on Mimmie Aiken not allowed due to insufficient evidence. 39. Bond of C.D. Bell as Coroner approved. 40. Bnnd of C.D. Bell as Coroner was returned for completion. ? 41. :Bond of Coroner Charles Bell approved. I 42. ;C.D. Bell elected Coroner and oath given. ?t 43. ,;Coroner to give his bond for his term of office. 44.waBond of Coroner C.D. Bell approved. 45.s;Claim of D. Doscher for services at inquest of Joseph Neier laid over for investigation. .j 04 „ 04 04 04 06 . 05 06 12 12 „ O1 09 12 1901 ; 15 1901 15 1901,;, 15 1901 , 20 1901 05 1902 w. 03 1902;. O1 1902 02 1902;, 05 19034, 08 1903,; i: F? , ?I 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 536 537 `` 537 ,? ?: 537 ?? ; 567 n? C" 650 ?? ° ,i 656 ;; ,? 684 ?" ?i ?a 687 ?? ?i 695 j? ?; 747 ,? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County CORONER N C MATTER , ` . . _ : ee6. u. s. r?r OFFICE ?.???' County Indezee Si?ee 1888 An Identifying Trade Mark ? ?c+3?--? To locate names, open at ?f`.? SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY TH@ COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBIIS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OP PROCEEDINGS ? DATE =; ?j Month I Day I Year i ??, - - '? l. Superintendent of Health to investigate all sudden deaths without physician's attendance and report to ???09 08 1903 ? ? I Coroner. ' , ;, ? MINUTE BOOK Vol. I Page : 6 747 2. Claim from Dr. J. Dosher for services at jury of inquest referred to Auditing Committee. ? 10 05 1903 ?? 6 3. _ Board ruled to allow $15 to Dr. J.A. Dosher for serving on Coroner's jury, ; 11 02 1903 ,? ,tl 6 .4. Coroner C.D. Bell given more time to p?esent his bond. 12 ? 07 1903 ;; ?. 6 _5. Bond of C.D. Bell approved as Coroner. ?^ 12 10 1903 N; 6 6.? _ Bond of C.D. Be11 approved as Coroner. ` 12 ;, 05 1904 . , 7 7.? _ A11 unusual deaths of convicts to be reported to Coroner. ?J 10 02 1905 ,? ? 7 ? 8. Bond of C.D. Be11 as Coroner approved. 12 04 1905 ; 7 ; 9.;: . ? Bond of C.D. Be11 approved as Coroner. 12 03 1906 7 ? 10.?? Bond of Coroner Be11 found satisfactory. 12 02 1907 7 . p? ?? 11.`? . a; Board to discuss better way to examine witnesses in capital cases before coroner's jury and magistrates. 02 24 1908 , , 7 i 12.' . 6 County Attorney to be present at a11 coroner's inquest and trials of capital felonies. 02 ? 24 1908 . 7 E, 13.?; . ?; Bill from Coroner Be11 for investigating death on beach approved. OS 04 1908 7 14.? Bond of C.D. Be11 as Coroner approved. • 12 07 1908 7 15.Ea Bond of C.D. Be11 approved as Coroner. 12 05 1910 7 . ?? : 16.? _ ? Dr. Joseph Akerman elected Coroner to fi11 unexpired term of C.D. Be11. 11 22 1912 , 7 17.? , Dr. Joseph Akerman elected Coroner of County. , 12 OZ 1912 7 18.? Bond of Dr. Joseph Akerman approved as Coroner. y 12 05 1912 ;? 7 19. .- Dr. Akerman reported that majority of cases he had attended to allowed him no compensation. 02 03 1913 ,; 7 ? k 20.t Duties of Coroner set down as advised by Attorney Bellamy. „ 02 03 ? 1913 „; 7 ? :, , 21.?? Harrison Madre allowed $5 for removing dead body of drowned man. 04 07 1913 ,: 7 22.? John J. Fowler elected Coroner to fi11 unexpired term of Dr. J. Akerman, resigned. 08 04 1913 „ 7 23.? Bond of J.J. Fowler approved as coroner. 08 25 1913 „ 7 ?.4.? Coroner"s ?nquest to be included in reports of Court stenographer. _ .(See COURTHOUSE) , 11 10 1913 :,, 7 25.? . ? Bi11 from C.S. Burnett for auto services needed by Coroner to investigate death of James A11en approved. 04 .,? 13 1914 .. 7 ? 26.?? Fees of Coroner for inquest over Charles Pope, an infant, approved. 10 05 1914 , 7 _ ?i ?? ?.7.?? Bil1 from C.D. Burnet for auto service for Coroner to be paid. , 10 12 1914 7 ? ? 28.? _ ? Amount set for bond of Coroner. ' 11 ,. 02 1914 .. 7 ?.9.? Coroner J.J. Fowler informed Board he would not accept a second term as Coroner. 12 14 1914 7 i 30. r Mr. Fowler recommended a salary be paid his successor instead of pay for only inquest cases. 12 14 1914 ; 7 31.? . „ Coroner's office declared vacant and Alexander S. Holden appointed Coroner. _ 12 17 1914 , 7 32.`? ? Bond of Alexander Holden approved as Coroner. 01 09 1915 ;; 7 , 33.?„ . Bi11s from Coroner for investigating deaths of E11en Williams and of an unknown man approved. 01 11 1915 7 ¢? 34.p? ' Bill from Wilmington Taxicab Co. for expenses of Coroner approved. 02 09 1915 ?; 7 ?f 35.::? " ?? Bond of A1ex Holden approved as Coroner. Ol 02 1917 ;, 7 36.j? _ , Board to request pardon from Governor for Charles Cooper and Sandy A11en in matter of George Galloway as ,. 09 04 1917 ,.: 7 ?? _ ,y recommended by Coroner's Jury. . 37. Bi11 from acting Coroner John Davis, approved for viewing body? of Wi1ey Hi11. t, 11 05 1917 :? 7 38.. ` Bill of A. S. Holden, Coroner, for holding inquest on body of John Whitehead approved. , 07 02 1918 ; 8 39.? All bills submitted by Coroner to be paid after having been certified by Supt. of Health ancl County Atty. 09 03 ? 1918 8 40.? , ? A. D. Holden given more time to present his bond as Coroner. 12 .. OZ 1918 „ 8 41. Bond of A. S. Holden as Coroner approved. O1 02 1919 8 42.' Auto bill paid for Coroner Silverman used in investigation of drowningof Dan Squires. 05 05 1919 ' ,i 8 43. ?ualification of A. S. Holden as Coroner filed. 12 05 1920 8 - 44. Bond of A. S. Holden approved as Coroner. ' 05 p 02 1921 .; ?i ;! :4 i 8 755 ?? i? 757 ;r o,? 765 7 66 :; +r 10 ? 39 42 67 116 125 125 13 ?. 157 203 263 264 ;? 266 279 279 ;. 287 ,; 310 ; 313 3 23 .; 345 386 391 395 y 411 411 415 k 423 ,; 4 25 435 , 606 ,. 639 ,; 647 .?. 13 18 27 ? 31 48 134 ? 154 ?? ii fi INDEX TO COMNdIS5I0NERS MINUTES --- New Hanover County, N. C. , MATTERT CORONER ` aca. u, s. County Indezea Since 1888 ??o lotafe names? open at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX e?r OFFICE ?? An ldentifying Trade Mark SURNAME INIiIAL TAB MiADE YY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OXIO SOLD 8Y OWEN C. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE Month I Day 12 05 12 18 05 21 06 11 10 22 10 22 10 22 10 22 11 05 12 03 02 25 04 07 05 05 O1 05 11 05 12 06 10 25 12 18 12 O1 12 09 12 05 12 07 12 07 12 05 12 19 07 06 08 13 Ol 27 02 02 02 24 05 05 05 05 09 22 02 02 06 14 04 04 12 04 06 18 10 29 10 29 lI 12 06 19 07 14 Year 1922 1922 1923 1923 1923 1923 1923 1923 1923 1923 1924 1924 1924 1925 1926 1926 1927 1928 1930 1930 1932 1936 1936 1938 1938 1943 1945 1947 1947 1947 1947 1947 1947 1948 1948 1949 1950 1951 1951 1951 1951 1952 1952 MINUTE BOOK Vol. I Page 8 219 8 221 8 243 8 245 8 267 8 267 8 268 8 268 8 269 8 273 8 283 8 289 8 296 8 322 8 405 8 410 8 467 8 549 9 77 9 80 9 193 9 468 9 468 10 27 10 29 10 339 10 453 10 537 10 538 10 546 10 563 10 563 10 586 11 12 11 32 11 84 11 228 11 266 11 298 11 298 11 301 11 340 11 350 1. Bond of A. S. Holden as Coroner approved. 2. Bond of A. S. Holden as Coroner approved. 3. Bill form Coroner J. J. Furlong for inquest on death of Beatrice Morton declined pending investigation. 4. Bill from Coroner Furlong for inquest on death of Beatrice Morton approved. S. Numerous applicants received to fill unexpired term of Coroner Holden, deceased. 6. Asa W. Allen appointed new Coroner. 7. Bond of Coroner fixed by Board. 8. Bill of F. C. Hansen paid for a launch conveying body of Davis Flood from Rock Hill. 9. Bond of Asa W. Allen as Coroner approved. 10. Health Department to purchase autopsy instruments for use of the Coroner. 11. Bill of Coroner Allen for inquest on Rosa Williams was approved. 12. Coroner to be paid each day for inquests. 13. Mrs. Morris Caldwell paid for X-Raying N. Armstrong as coroner re?uested. 14. Coroner A. W. Allen bond accepted. 15. Coroner A. W. Allen approved payment. 16. Coroner A. W. Allen qualifications accepted. 17. Coroner A. W. Allen allowed office. 18. Coroner A. E. Allen qualification and bond accepted. 19. Coroner A. W. Allen qualification deferred, bond returned. 20. Coroner A. W. Allen qualification and bond accepted. 21. Coroner A. W. Allen qualification and bond accepted. 22. Coroner A. W. Allen qualifications presented. 23. Goroner A. W. Allen qualified. 24. Coroner A. W. Allen bond given to Sheriff. 25. Coroner A. W. Allen bond accepted. 26. No action taken to pay coroner telephone expenses. 27. Coroner allowed telephone rent. 28. Coroner A. W. Al1en resignation received, action postponed. 29. W. G. Doran, Jr., appointed coroner, replacing A. W. Allen. 30. W. G. Doran, Jr., request approved for Deputy coroner. 31. Coroner poran stated approval for Dr. Fred Coleman as assistant coroner. 32. Payment to coroner approved for inquests. 33. Coroner authorized typewriter. 34. Payment approved to Coroner W.G. Doran, Jr., for investigation of death and inquest. 35. Payment to coroner approved for services from emergency fund. 36. Coroner payment approved for investigating death of J. L. Farrow. 37, Former Coroner Gordon Doran Written letter of appreciation for service to County. 38. Coroner Dr. W. F. Barefoot referred to County Attorney for payment for investigating deaths. 39. Coroner Fred Barefoot resignation received. 40. Coroner Fred Coleman appointed to replace Barefoot. 41. Coroner Fred Coleman appointed; bond approved. 42. Coroner Coleman approved payment $3 instead of $10 for"reviewing body; rest payable at inquest. 43. Coroner bill received for autopsy at Duke Hospital on Mrs. Emily C. Baysden found dead in parked car at Carolina Beach. 44. Coroner discussed for investigation of Mrs. Baysden body. 45. Attention called to payment for Coroners jury fees to be made Iike other jury members instead of lump sum, 10 27 1952 11 374 O1 12 1953 12 391 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? N C CORONER y, . . , MATTER: _ ncc. u. s. County Indexes Since I888 ? Yo loeate names, open at COTT A-2 TAB INDEX PAT OFi1CE ?pJ?J? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN 6. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTN CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Board discussed placing Coroner's office on salary basis. 04 13 1953 11 413 2. Coroner bill for inquests and investigations referred to County Attorney. 08 24 1953 11 448 3. Coroner bill for autopsy on Eddie Beal received for investigation. 10 05 1953 11 457 4. Coroner bill for aLtopsy on Billie Robinson received for investigation. 10 05 1953 11 547 5. Coroner bill for a?opsy on Billie Robinson accepted. 10 12 1953 11 459 6. Coroner bill for attopsy on Eddie Beal accepted. 10 12 1953 11 459 7. Responsibility to determine causes of death, Board discussed, is duty of Health Officer before coroner's 10 19 1953 11 460 action. 8. Coroner payment authorized for removal and reburying body of William S. Benson, Jr. 10 19 1953 11 461 9. New Hanover County Medical Association lett?r of endorsement received for trained pathologist for coroner, 11 16 1953 11 465 as suggested by Health Officer. 10. Coroner unspent budget requested along with burial expenses in W. S. Benson, Jr., case. 04 12 1954 11 500 11. Coroner urged to attend School April 28-29 at Chapel Hill. 04 26 1954 11 508 12. Coroner Coleman submitted request for salary change from fee to straight salary basis. O1 17 1955 11 568 13. Coroner salary set; allowance for car fixed. O1 24 1955 11 570 14. Coroner allowed to rotate burial arrangements among funeral directors. O1 24 1955 11 570 15. Coroner business picked up; doesn't want salary change, but Board adopted no change resolution. 02 21 1955 11 577 16. Coroner bills referred to Chairman. 02 21 1955 11 577 17. Coroner payment approved for services in death of Janie Merrick. 02 28 1955 11 578 18. Coroner payment approved for services in death of William F. Brooks. 02 28 1955 11 578 19. Coroner request approved for payment to J. Walker Hospital for autopsy of Marcell Buckner. 03 28 1955 11 585 20. Coroner Fred. H. Coleman resignation accepted. 04 18 1955 11 589 21. Coroner Fred. H. Coleman resigned, unexpired term to be filled. 04 25 1955 11 591 22. Motion offered to appoint Dr. L. B. Mason as Coroner. 04 25 1955 11 591 23. Motion offered to appoint H. E. Fales as Coroner. 04 25 1955 11 591 24. Dr. L. B. Mason appointed coroner. 04 25 1955 11 591 25. Board voted to request legislators to change Coroner salary to flat salary basis. 04 25 1955 11 591 26. Payment to Dr. H. M. Taylor approved for autopsy of James McKoy. 06 27 1955 11 608 27. Coroner payment approved out of Coroners budget. 06 27 1955 11 608 28. Coroner W. Gordon Doran, Jr. requested increase in salary, authority to set coronor's 6 1 1959 12 440 salary. 29. Received report of coronor poran being ill, requested to employ Dr. L. B. Mason 3 7 19?i0 12 547 30. Approved $75.00 emergency ser.._ . payment to Dr. L. B. Mason. 3 7 1960 12 547 31. Caroner's salary and employing substitute deferred until budget time. 3 14 1960 12 554 32. Approved payment of $60.00 to assistant coro.ner, appointed by Clerk of Superior Court. 3 21 1960 12 558 33. Budget meeting, request for salary increase and funds to employ assistant tabled for 7 8 1960 12 589 later date. 34. Motion carr?ed for increase of $150.00 for extra help. 7 15 1960 12 590 35. Invoice from assistant coroner to be approved by coroner and explanation for use of 2 6 1961 12 645 assistant coroner. 36. Approved transferring within budget. 4 4 1961 12 662 37. Letter received informing of Solicitor?'s power to authorize autopsies. 6 19 1961 12 688 38. Budget meeting, Coroner's salary increased from $2400.00 to $3600.00, plux $10 per 7 22 1962 13 2 ? month car allowance. 39. Authorized W. Gordon Doran to attend the Coroners seminer. 4 16 1963 13 L?4 ?40. Funds for deputy coroner to be appropriated. 4 16 1963 13 204 INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. _ MUB E T Coroner - aec. u. s. A???? Counry Indezea Since 1888 ? To IoCaN nam?t? Op?D at COtT A•2 TA? INDEX PAT OFFICE ?'E??i, .?n ldenti(YinB Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY? COLUMBUS. OH10 SOLD iY OMEN 0. CUNN, NEw iERN, NORTN GROLINA NATURE Of PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l. 2. 3. 4. 5. Authorized funds from autopsy for purchase of a two-way radio. Letter received proposing adjacent counties cooperate in employing Dr. George D. Lumb on a 50/50 basis. Dr. Lumb to meet with Mr. Broadhurst and joint Boards to discuss proposal. (above) Authorized $50.00 from autopsy to cor?ocner-Jury. Budget discussion, agreed on salaries for coroner and assistant coroner. 6 3 1963 13 220 6 17 1963 13 222 6 17 1963 13 222 6 17 1963 13 223 7 29 1963 13 239 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Couuty, N. C. , M? ?E? CORONER _ ae?. u. s. /??? County Indexea Sinae 1888 ? TO IO?Ob nam?s, o?il af COTT A-2 TA? INOEx PAT OFFICE C,?iE??G.a?s- An Identifvins Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAY INADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO fOLD tY OWEN i. oUNN, NEM ?ERN, NORTH GRO?INA DATE MINUTE BOOK , NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Voi. Page 1. Expense for burial 05 03 1967 14 42 2. Extra help 03 20 19Ei7 14 38 i 3. Trip 08 28 1967 14 ? 84 4, Request for addition of $150 to his budget 12 16 1968 l?- ?281 5. Request of L. Starr McMillan, Jr. Ol 06 1969 14 ?289 6, Replacing coroner with medical examiner 06 03 1969 14 339 7. Coroner-Medical Examiner system U6 16 196y 14 342 8. Medical Examiners' request for funds 04 19 1971 14 610 9. Medical Examiners' request OS I7 197I I4 642 10. Medical Examiners' fees 06 07 1971 14 650 11. Filling vacancy O1 04 1972 15 64 12. Appointment to fill unexpired term of F. Starr McMillan O1 17 1972 15 69 13. Approval of bond for 02 07 1972 15 72 14. Bill from assistant 02 07 1972 15 71 15. Question whether coroner and medical examiner should be called on 02 21 1972 15 76 16. Salary of 03 06 1972 15 92 17. Transfer of funds 05 15 1972 15 129 18. Transfer for Radio Maintenance 05 21 1973 15 421 19. Transfer• ?of funds O1 07 1974 15 >52 20. Discussion of coroner position 03 18 1?74 15 i04 21. Budget transfer - bond 12 16 1974 16 71 22. Report on Coroner position by Comm. Wright 03 ??3 1975 16 135 23. Budget Transfer - Container for decomposed bodies 11 17 1975 17 7 24. Approve Coroner's Bond 09 i?7 1976 17 192 25. Budget Transfer for radios 09 20 1976 17 196 26. Budget Trans.-Radios 02 21 1977 17 288 27. Budget Amend.-cover FICA, Insurance and retirement 09 19 1977 18 103 28. Budget Transfer-Autopsies 06 05 1978 18 219 29. Budget Transfer-pay for autopsies 06 19 1978 18 233 30, Budget Transfer-complete fiscal year 06 29 1978 18 235 31. Budget Transfer - funds for salaries, wages & FICA 06 19 1979 18 430 32. Discussion on Office of Coroner 02 15 1982 19 13 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MATT RT CEMETERY ¦ec. u. s. County lndexea Since 1888 ?? ?a?-- To lotate names, open ot COTT A-2 TAB INDEX ??T OFi1CE ?c?l?l?e-?T An lde?tifying Trade Mark ?? SURNAME INITIAL TAB AWDE QY THE COTi INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIC SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE Month Day Year MINUTE BOOK ; Vol. Page 1. , Frank Clifton, Duplin County, given burial expenses as instructed. 10 29 1929 9 4 I 2. $15 allowed on buria? expenses of Mrs. Sadie Gordon. 03 03 1930 9 29 3. Payment of $30 approved on burial expenses of Mrs. T. E. Clerk, confe derate pensioner. 06 17 1930 9 45 4. Bill approved of Atlantic Goffin Co. for coffins. 05 27 1930 9 43 5. $30 approved on burial expense of Mrs. Sarah E. White. 06 24 1930 9 46 6, Frank Pridgen allowed $12.50 on burial of Baby Thompson, drowned in rock quarry. 07 22 1930 9 50 7. E. W. Anders employed to survey Oak Grove Ceme?ery. IZ 16 1930 9 82 8. $20 given to Rev. J. A. Sullivan on burial expense of Garland Womacl?, of Recrosss Sanitarium. Ol 05 1931 9 85 ?. Rev. J. B. Gibble granted $7.50 on burial expense of Jannet Davis, 520 Dawson St. 02 02 1931 9 88 10. $20 of a$33 insurance policy accepted to expense burial of Ellen Sumpter-who died at County home. 03 23 1931 9 98 11. Letter received from Seagate citizen, expressing appreciation for surfacing road to Seagate Cemetery. 07 20 1931 9 118 12. $22 payment to W. H. Montgomery authorized on burial of Herbert Jordan, indigent. 11 02 1931 9 136 13. $15 payment approved on burial expenses of Josephine Jones. 12 28 1931 9 145 14. Authority given to cut trees, clean and enlarge Cemetery and Grounds at Oak Grove Cemetery. O1 16 1933 9 198 ? 15. j All applications for Oak Grove Cemetery Keeper referred to cemetery committee. 02 06 1933 9 204 16. $13.50 payment to Rev. J. E. Allard authorized on burial expenses for Mrs. A. Barrett. 02 20 1933 9 206 17. J. E. Johnson endorsed, elected as Oak Grove Cemetery Keeper at same pay as Stillman,,former keeper, 03 20 1933 9 210 18. $13.50 payment to W. E. Yopp, Inc. authorized towards burial of Elizabeth J. Russ, indigent. 09 11 1933 9 2S0 19. J. H. Hinton, Chairman, recommendation adopted and D. J. Browning appointed keeper of Oak Grove Cemetery 12 18 1933 9 263 with 30 day trial run. Services of J. E. Johnson terminated. 20. $25 given on burial expense of Ross Briggs. O1 22 1934 9 267 21. $ZO approved on burial of Harry S. Barnes, pauper. 03 05 1934 9 276 22. Land purchased from E. K. Bryan for burial place referred to Chairman and Hinton. 04 23 1934 9 281 23. Son of F. M. Justice, pauper, given $20 £or burial. 04 20 1934 9 282 24. Permit for future burial approved for County pauper cemetery. 05 14 1934 9 284 25. Burial permit adopted, and only paupers to be buried in Oak Grove Cemetery. 05 21 1934 9 2&S 26. E. K. Bryan land recommended, adopted for purchase to extend cemetery. 05 21 1934 9 285 27. Bids by G. H. Cook and W. D. Colwel? submitted and rejected Oak Grove Cemetery repairs. 08 20 1934 9 299 28. William Ritter to be buried in Oak Grove Cemetery. 12 10 1934 9 314 29. Payment to Andrews Mortuary approved for burial of Mrs. Percy Lewis. 12 10 1934 9 314 30. Burial expenses of Jackson Brown authorized payment. O1 21 1935 9 318 31. Payment to Green and Sadgwar approved for 2 coffins. 02 18 1935 9 324 32. Payment to W. E. Yopp, Inc. was approved for 3 coffins. 02 25 1935 9 326 33. Plot for Burial place near Oak Grove Cemetery to be surveyed. 03 11 1935 9 328 34. E. K. Bryan refused warranty deed, and offered straight purchase for land for cemetery enlargeme?t. 04 16 1935 9 334 35. Funeral expenses for Mrs. S. P. Oldham approved for payment to Clerk Superior Court. 07 15 1935 9 355 36. Funeral expenses for Mrs. M. L. Smith approved for payment to Clerk Superior Court. 08 19 1935 9 376 37. Funeral expenses for Mr. Harry C. Long approved for payment to Clerk Superior Court. 09 09 1935 9 380 38. Burial expenses for Alex Bocker approved for payment to Clerk Superior Court. 12 16 1935 9 397 39. Burial expenses for George E. Felleng approved for payment to Clerk Superior Court. Ol 06 1936 9 400 40. Burial expenses for Mrs. Mary I. Dixon approved for payment to Clerk Superior Court. O1 13 1936 9 400 41. Land authorized for cemetery. 04 27 1936 9 423 42. Better title sought for cemetery land. 06 22 1936 9 438 43. Fees for burying pauper paid to Keeper by undertaker. 10 05 1936 9 456 44. George I. Crandall appointed caretaker of 0. Grove Cemetery. 10 12 1936 9 457 45. Fence material authorized for Oak Grove. 11 09 1936 9 462 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MII?UTES - N H ? C N C ! ew anover ount y, . . , MATTER: CEMETERY acc. u, s. Counry Indezea Since 1888 Yo lotafe npmBf, open at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX PA7 oFFICE ??.l?,o-d?.. An ldentifying Trade Mark SURNAME INtT1AL 7A6 MADE BY THE C07T INDE7I COIHPANY. COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD BY OWEN 6. DUXN, NEW BERN, NORTN GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day I Year Vol. Page 1. Bill from Andrews Mortuary for burial of Franklin Helms received, declined, referred to Chairman. 11 09 1936 9 462 2. Payment authorized on burial of Mrs. S. R. DeBose. 02 08 1937 9 479 3. Wire fence purchased for Oak Grove. 02 15 1937 9 481 4. Donations open and Wilmington Star-News thanked for beautification to Oak Grove Cemetery. 06 07 1937 9 507 5. Bids accepted for burial of County indigent. 06 07 1937 9 507 6. Payment authorized on burial of Mrs. M. S. Hewlett by Clerk Superior Court. 06 21 1937 9 509 7. Payment authorized on burial o£ Mrs. V. S. Bunting. 07 06 1937 9 520 8. Andrews Motruary bid for burial of indigent declined. 07 12 1937 9 521 9. Funeral arrangements to be made for County home inmate. 05 31 1938 9 588 10. Rev. E. T. Halleck to minister for inmate. 06 06 1938 9 589 11. Payment made on burial of Mollie Garrison. 08 15 1938 9 610 12. Oak Gxove Keeper given increase in salary. 08 22 1938 9 611 13. Payment approved on burial of Mrs. Sadie E. HusseY• 12 12 1938 10 28 14. J. H. Shaw and Sons declined burial of 1?4ary Boone in Oak Grove. 03 06 1939 10 43 15. ST. Thomas Catholic Church land sold, cemetery transferred. 04 24 1939 10 51 16. Payment of estate applied to Mrs. Sarah James burial expense. 05 08 1939 10 55 16. Recess taken for funeral of W. H. Sprunt. 10 09 1939 10 87 17. S. M. Creech request for reimbursement postponed on land purchased for burial plot for paupers. Ol 15 1940 10 106 18. Payment approved on burial of Mrs. Johanna M. Matthews. 03 04 1940 10 117 19. Payment appxoved on burial of Mrs, Alice L. Calder. 03 11 194Q 10 117 20. Payment approved on burial of Allen E. Scott. 07 29 1940 10 144 21. Payment authorized on burial of Mrs. Anna M. Schulken. O1 06 1941 10 173 22. Claim released insurance benefits applied to burial expense of Sabra Ann Russell's sister. 04 07 1941 10 192 23. Payment authorzzed on burial of Mrs. Alice .B. Weeks. 05 12 1941 10 200 24. Letter written to H. H. Harsis on loss of son. 06 02 1941 10 208 25. Payment approved on burial of Mrs. Rebecca W. Bishop. 06 02 1941 10 208 26. Payment increased on buxial services. 12 27 1941 10 252 27. Payment authorized on burial of Mrs. Laura Harrison. O1 26 1942 10 254 28. Payment authorized on return of Lucille Bell's body. 03 16 1942 10 263 29. Payment authorized on burial of M. T. Davis. 05 04 1942 10 270 30. Beautification plan referred for Oak Grove Cemetery. 06 29 1942 20 280 3I. Payment authorized on burial of Cicero Howard. 07 13 1942 10 282 32. Payment authorized on burial of Mrs. Carolina Wilkins. 07 20 1942 10 283 33. Payment authorized on burial of Mrs. E. H. Whitaker. 09 08 1942 10 291 34. Payment authorized on burial of Mrs. C. H. Davis. 09 08 1942 10 291 35. Payment authorized on burial of Tnfant Dudley. 09 14 1942 10 292 36. Hewlett retired from meeting for funeral of Walter Farrow. 12 14 1942 10 308 37. PAyment approved on burial of Mrs. Martha L. Turner, 02 O1 1943 10 315 38. Payment approved on burial of Walter Umphrey. O1 28 1945 10 479 39. Payment approved on burial of Edgar W. Coleman. 03 04 I945 10 484 40. Invitation received for confederate Memorial Day exercise at Oakdale Cemetery. OS U6 1945 10 495 41. Pump authorized at Oak Grove Cemetery. 04 21 1945 10 561 42. Funeral Services set for Mrs. C. H. Gardner, mother of commissioner Gardner. 08 25 1945 10 582 43. Payment approved to Andrews Mortuary on burial of unknown baby girl. 08 25 1945 10 582 44. Payment to W. C. Vick approved for £uneral of Mrs. Mary H, Vicks. 11 07 1947 11 1 45. Map recieved from L. L. Merritt, C. E., on boundary of Oak Grove Cemetery. 04 11 194? 11 87 INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. , MATTER: CEMETERY rtcc. u. s. '/????? County Indezea Since 1888 ? Yo lotate numes? open Cf COTT A•2 TAB INDEX r?t OFFICE ??"i??s An IdentiFying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB 1AADE YY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD RT OWEN 6. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTN CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS 1. Board agreed toYesume work at Oak Grove Cemetery ASAP. ? I 2. 0'Shields reported on plans to rehabilitate Oak Grove Cemetery. 3. Historic Commission letter to Smithsonian Institute received on investigation of iron casket on County Home property. 4. Funeral payment approved to Mrs. Edna T. Carter for Mrs. Lena Thorpe burial. 5. Committee named to negotiate with Rev. T. P. Noe on purchase of lot at Oak Grove cemetery. 6. Cemetery committee request approved on having State Highway to improve through Prospect Cemetery. 7. Payment approved for burial of County Home inmate B. J. Rathgen. 8. Cemetery committee given high comments for having provided road thru Oak Grove Cemetery. 9. Payment to Sadgwar Funeral Home authorized for embalming body of Maggie Freeman indigent. 10. No objection raised on county exhuming bodies to transfer from old cemetery at Sunny point to County. 11. Burial permit to John H. Shaw F? sons declined on Infant Fredlan becuase he was not indigent. 12. No objections raised on body of Willie James being turned over to Sadwar Funeral Home for welfare burial 13. Sadwar Funeral Home to handle burial of John T. Thompson, County Home inmate, who died March 11. 14. Board to discuss conserving burial ground at Oak Grove Cemetery by buring bodies deep enough to place atop it another body. 15. Bill to Quinn McGowan of Warsaw approved for taking body of Mrs. W. E. Baysden from Wilmington to Duke Hospital. 16. Cutting of weeds from Belleview Cemetery reauested by John M. Sutton. 17. Attention called to destruction of Oak Grove Cemetery property by vandalism. 18. Purchase of Blk. 551 lots from Rev. T. P. Noe agreeable for enlarging Oak Grove Cemetery. DATE Month I Day I Yea? 10 24 1949 05 29 1950 ` ?_?, MINUTE BOOK Vol. Page 11 130 11 188 10 23 1950 11 218 11 13 1950 11 223 02 26 1951 11 244 04 23 1951 11 255 04 23 1951 11 255 04 23 1951 11 255 12 08 1952 11 383 12 15 ?.952 11 385 O1 05 1953 11 389 02 OZ 1953 11 397 03 16 1953 11 408 03 16 1953 11 409 04 13 1953 11 413 10 12 1953 11 459 10 19 1953 11 461 04 05 1954 11 497 19. Burial expenses advised in W. S. Benson Jr, case. 04 12 1954 11 500 20. Complaints on removal of shrubbery from family burial plots at ?ak Grove cemetery referred to county Attorney04 26 1954 11 509 21. Hospital (James Walker) to pay for burial of babies born dead. 12 19 1955 12 12 22. Board declined request for fences in Oak Grove cemetery. 3 18 L957 12 138 23. Mrs. Grace S. Hixson explained Oak Grove cemetery policy. 1 13 1958 12 214 24. Board approved raise in price atPaupers graveyard. 2 17 1958 12 224 25. Mayor Wade, informed of Bellevue cemetery cleaning. 8 18 t958 12 293 26. Request from Mrs.E. R. Ellis to remove trees from her lots densed.. 11 17 1958 12 332 27. Property with title confusion location in Oak Grove Cemetery, no action taken. 3 .?3 1959 12 403 28. Denied requect for Connie B. Bradford to be buried at Oak Grove Cemetery. 11 2 L959 12 510 29. Reopening Old Site for buri?.l at County Home ??.?.ced on the agenda. 11 2 1959 12 510 30. Old Cemetery at County Home placed on agenda for futher ?tudy. 11 16 1959 12 515 31. Board has no jursidiction in dispute over cemetery land, Mr. Meyland informed. 3 2 1960 12 557 32. Budget meeting approved as recommended by County Auditor. 7 15 1960 12 591 33. Request for prison labor to clean Bellevue referred to County Attorney. 10 17 1960 12 619 34. County to assist in cleaning Beilevue Cemetery. 11 7 1960 12 625 35. Authorized prison labor to clean Bellevue Cemetery. 12 4 1961 13 42 36. Removal of graves referred to Chairman Hall, Jr. 12 3 1962 13 176 37. Chairman authorized to proceed with grave removal. 12 17 1962 13 179 38. Oak Grove removal referred to Chairman and Mayhan with power to act. 1 21 1963 13 186 39. Received pro;ress report on Oak Grove Cemetery site, action deferred. 3 4 1963 13 193 40. Received grave removal report. 5 6 1963 13 209 41. Notice of Memorial Services May 30, 1963. 5 20 1963 13 218 42. Mr. J. F. Hobbs and wife offered to donate six (6) acres of land for cemetery use. 6 24 1963 13 230 ?3. Approved ACL easement agreement to reach new Cemetery tract. 10 7 1963 13 258 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?y, N. C. , MATTER: Cemetery acc. u. s. County Indexes Since i888 ?+ k-3? 70 loeate namBf? open at COTT A•2 TAB INDEX r?r OFFICE (,?i?l?p.7?' An Identifying Trade Mark ?-? SURNAME INIiIAL TAB ?ADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN 6. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH GROIINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE Month I Day I Year 1• Letter regarding Right-ot Way for 17th ST. extention. 2. Received report that instead of 93 there were 158 graves to be removed, additional boxes authorized for the extra remains . 3. Consent for relocation of cemetery on Martin-Marietta property 4. Discussion of Cemetery Committee 5. Discussion on establishment of a Cemetery Committee 6. Discussion on Rural Public Cemeteries 12 lE 1963 12 1F 1963 M?NUrE soo?c Vol. I Page 13 274 13 274 OI 19 1981 18 751 lI 16 1981 18 962 iz o? i9ai is 9?2 06 ?l 1982 19 97 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATTER: CETA?EmploymentuProg.? ??-- re ?.eaa nam?s. .o.e at corr Mz ru oro?c a¢e, u. s. County Indezes Since 1888 MADE 6Y THE COTi INDEX COMPANY, COLUNI?US, OHIO r?r OFFICE C???? AnldentiEyinsTtadeMark SURNAME INITIAL TA! SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Transfer of Funds 2. Deletion CETA VI Positions 3. Budget Amendments 4. Funds for Positions 5. Budget Amendment - Continue thru 12/31 6. Authorized Mgr. to Sign Contracts 7. Title III - Budget Amendment 8. Budget Tranfer - Education Expenses for Administrator g, Budget Amendments - extension of CETA II, VI through March 31, I979 10. Authorization for County Manager to sign contracts 11. Discussion of information at the NACo Meeting 12. Contract with Cape Fear Tech. 13. Approval of CETA contracts with schools 14. CETA Project Ordinances I5. Budget Amendments to correct previous Amendment 16. Budget transfer - project ordinances 17. Letter written to State requesting E5C to take over PSE program 18. Budget Amendment - deobligation of funds 19. Budget Amendment - funds for resolving audit questioned cost 20. Budget P,mendment - Make funds available for expense incurred in September - salries, annual leave & office supplies, Blue CroSS and Blue Shield 21. Budget amendment - to pay Division of Community Employment for over reimbursement 22. Repayment of Disallowed Ceta Costs 23. Authorization for Gounty Manager to sign contracts for Summer Youth Employment 09 L8 1978 18 280 09 t8 1978 18 281 11 ?6 1978 18 301 11 06 1978 18 301 12 04 1978 18 317-18 12 18 1978 18 322 12 18 1978 18 322 12 18 1978 18 322 QI 02 I979 I8 334-3 02 19 1979 18 i63 03 19 1979 18 375 04 02 1979 18 382 05 07 1979 18 404 06 04 1979 18 422 06 04 I979 18 422 07 02 1979 18 443 07 23 1979 18 449 09 04 1979 18 471 09 17 1979 18 481 10 15 1979 18 493 Ol 21 1980 18 539 05 1.8 1981 18 839 06 15 1981 18 868 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? N CHAMBER OF C MATTER COMMERCE , . . _ : ` ¦ea. u, e. ? r?r OiFItE C.Ce . `- County Indezes Since 1888 t?//i? An IdentifyinQ Trade Mark ?' ?+?-- To loeats namea, open at ???? SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHtQ SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE Of RROCEEDINGS ?? bATE MINUTE BOOK ? Month I Day I Year Vol. Page ? 1.? Committee from Chamber of Commerce saw Board concerning fees for gauging and classifying ?? spirits of turpen-?a 08 11 1868?? 1 11 ?; tine. , ?? ? F ! 2. Fees for gauging and reclassifying spirits turpentine reduced. ; ': 08 13 1868i 1 13 3.? Rules suspended in Board meeting to confer with the Chamber of Commerce. 4. Letter from the Chamber of Commerce filed. 5.R Letter from Chamber of Commerce regarding fees of Inspectors referred to J. Heyer and A.R. Black. c 6.;?Communication to be continued with Chamber of Commerce concerning fees of Inspectors. i( PA 7. ?? Communication from Chamber of Conunerce filed. S.??Committee from Chamber of Commerce re4uested aid in advertising advantages of County, and aid given. 9. .Chairman to consult with Chamber of Commerce and receive any suggestions on how the Board might more i economically run the County. l0. ;,J.A. Chadbourn, President of Chamber of Commerce, requested money for book on advantages of County, ? 11.?3Board will appropriate money to Chamber if it feels it advisable after learning of County's finances. 12.`?Men from Chamber requested more money to advertise County's resources in book;refused. s? 13.;'Board and Board of Aldermen to confer with Chamber relative to exempting new factories from taxation. ;,'s 14. ??Chamber and other commerical bodies to publish that manufacturers will be exempted from taxation for ten ,; !' years if start business here. 02 02 1869? 1 176 02 ;n 09 ?3 ?' 09 ?? ? €, 1 V ' 05 ?? 12 03 03 :? 04 ° 12 02 15. ,? ??Learned that U.S. government thinking of rebuilding its wharf on river. !: 02 16. ;? : Board wants Chamber to ask our U.S. representatives to urge the wharf be built of stone. E. 02 17. i?Board to contribute to booklet as requested by Chamber of Commerce. k; 03 18. ??Letters from Chambers of Commerce of Rocky Mount and Kinston asking for endorsement of training schools; ' '7 06 no endorsement. '. p? .. 19. s, :?Letter from Chamber of Commerce asking for money for channel project referred to Attorney Bellamy. ' 09 Z0. Fi ??Board appropriated money to improve harbor as requested by Chamber of Comznerce. ; 03 21. ,, ;Attorney reported Board had right to appropriate money for channel project. ? •? ? 05 22. ;j ? ;qManufacturing sites on County Farm set aside and blueprints to be displayed at Chamber of Commerce. 10 23. ;?County Attorney and Chamber of Commerce to prepare bi11 for Legislature to a11ow annexation of part of 01 ?9 ? i t? Brunswick County. (See BRIDGES) r` ?? 24. t?Chamber of Commerce to appoint a committee to settle dispute between City Council and Bca rd of Health. ', ? 07 25. ; piChamber of Commerce requested a free ferry be established across river to Brunswick County. ? ;: °: OZ 26. ;, r;Committee to confer with Farm Demonstrator and Chamber of Commerce relative to an exhibit at State Fair. , ?, . 08 27. ?, r;Chamber of Commerce requested an election to vote on issuing bonds to build a bridge to Eagles Island. ? , 09 ; 28. `?Mass meeting to be held to discuss issuing bonds to erect a bridge to Eagles Island. , , 09 29. %Resolution from Chamber of Commerce urging Farm Demonstrator to withdraw his resignation.(AGRICULTURE &EC.) 12 30. `?} ;Copy of map of manufacturing sites at County Home farm to go to Chamber of Commerce and Rotary Club. n? . (' O1 . 31. ;eMoney appropriated to secure a fish industry in County as requested by Chamber of Commerce. 04 32. ?Money used to correct reports in nearby states that seaside resorts closed. ;c ' ? ?? 6 + C 05 . 03 1869 21 1870` 22 ZO/Oz ? 03 1$70? 04 1896: ? 08 1896 ` O1 1897 Ol 1897 H. 05 1897? s 13 1897: 08 1898 ? 08 1898 , 08 1898 ', 24 19Q3 ; 03 1907 ' i 03 1907 02 1908 , 04 1908 05 1911 ?' 13 1913 1 178 2 13 2 18 2 27 5 715 5 750 5 ? 5 $ 5 ? 6 ; r 6 ? P ? 6 6 i i i 6 ? f 7 i 7 7 i ? ? : ? ? , 7 14 << 1913 t? 7 09 :i 1915 :? tg 7 02 „ 1915 ; 7 08 1915 ?? 7 08 19 Z5 ;y 7 13 1915 .?? ?, 7 03 1916 ???: 1! 7 03 1916 : 7 07 1917 ": 7 fs .? 777 ;i 777 ?, 798 ?? ? 67 ' 84 ?? ?? ?; 87 ?? I" 87 709 89 ? ?s 108 ? I25 131 234 27 2 `1? !? sp ? 310 435 475 485 485 519 522 543 620 ? , , t? N N ?I C C INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MI?UTES anover oun y, . ew -- . _ MATTE ?hamber of Commer ce - •tc. u. s. ??q, ?,,,q County Indezee Since 1888 ? TO IOCa? nam?s,?op?n Yt , COiT A-I TpB INDEX Trade Mark M0.6 E 611 THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OH10 r?r OFFItE C ? An lden6f in t ??i? tr ? , ., y g p C - e SURNJIME INITIAL iAB SOLD Y T OWEN i. p UNN, NEw 6ERN, NORTX GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month ? Day Year Vol. Page l. Committee from Chamber Commerce urged Board to rescind agreemen? with Brunswick Co?znty 2 3 1919 8 33 on Ferry over Cape, agr?ement to be honored no objections to bridge over same. 2. Allowed money for en???ainment of 115th Machine Gun Battalion _ 3 21 1919 8 ?E1 3. Mr. McGloughan to attend tour of Middle East arranged by the Chamber of Commerce. . 4 S 1920 8 103 4. Board favored maintaining an aviation field in County as requested by Chamber of Comm. 7 12 1921 8 164 5. Thanks received from Chamber Commerce, Rotary and Kewanis Clubs for Deeper Waterways. 12 5 L921 „ 8 182 6o Chamber of Commerce requested aid in developing park near Greenfield Lake. 5 24 1922 8 199 7. Chamber of Commerce requested an ordinance relative to rubbish along ?ounty road. 7 28 1922_ 8 205 8. Ghamber of Commerce requested Airport be named in memory of Arthur Bluethenthal. S 3I I?27' 8 444 9. Chamber of Ccirnmerce lettered Board on Ferry matters. 11 15 1927 8 470 10. Board lettered Mr. L.D. Latta. 11 15 1927 8 470 11. Chamber of Commerce request to employ Industrial Agent, Legislature to authorize bill. 9 4 1928 8 530 12. Adopted Industrial resolution, Industrial Committee to have full power over Industrial. 11 13 1928 8 542 13. Chamber of Commerce communication on weights and measures referred to the Chairman. 1 21 1930 9 18 14. Chamber of Commerce request for funds for industrial survey taken under consideration. 3 11 1930 9 29 IS. Chamber of Commerce request for free causeway a?., Wrightsville Sound, no funds. 3 18 1930 9 30 16. Cha.mber of Commerce proposal to change Smith Creek to Smith River endorsed by Board. 10 19 1931 9 135 17. Authorized the Chairman to represent Commissioners at Commerical and Civic Orgar?i- 1 25 1932 9 149 zation?."called by the Chamber of Commerce. '` conference, 18. Chamber of Commerce outline of unemployed for 1930-1932 received and filed. 5 9 1932 9 164 19. Wilmington Chamber of Commerce request for funds referred to the County Attorn?y. 1 8 1934 9 266 20. Chairman named to attend the Chamber of Commerce conference. 6 4 1934 9 286 21. F.M Ross named to attend the Chamber of Commerce conference. 6 11 1934 9 287 22. Chamber of Commerce requested the improvement of Nigger Head Road. 2 4 1935 9 321 23. Chamber of Commerce appropriat?.ons requested, received for advisement. 12 30 1935 9 398 24. Chamber of Commerce Secret?ry requested appropriations, taken under consideration. 3 9 1936 9 412 2?. Chaznber of Commerce requested appropriations for monthly rent, taken under advisement. 9 8 1936 9 451 26. Chamber of Commerce request endorsed, Road to be hardsitrfaced. 9 14 1936 9 452 27. Chamber of Commerce authorized funds for bringing in industry, ect. 9 28 1936 9 453 28. Chamber of Commerce report received. 2 1 1937 9 478 29. Chamber of Commerce to meet with Board to discuss advertising plans. 6 1 1937 9 504 30. Cha.tinber of Commerce was deelined funds. 6 7 1937 9 507 31. No action taken on Eastern Chamber of Commerce request for reinbursement of road funds. 12 5 1938 I? 27 32. Chamber of Commerce request received on extending highways. 8 28 1939 10 78 33. Chamber of Commerce fund cancelled, continued on Community `?ervices. 7 23 1940 10 . 142 34. Chamber of Commerce funds continued. 7 29 1940 10 143 35. J.M. Hall named to attend Chamber of Commerce meeting. 12 23 1940 10 171 36. Eastern Chamber of Commerce declined use of Legion Stadium for Fair. 2 3 1941 10 179 37. Chamber of Commerce considered for increase in appropriations. 3 24 194I 10 189 38. Junior Chamber of Commerce d?clined ball game at Legion FieldS. 7 17 1941 10 2?6 39. Chamber of Commerce declined request for Fire Station. 12 22 1941 10 246 40. Chamber of Commerce granted use of Zegion Stadium. 11 16 1942 10 302 41. Chamber of Commerce request favored on Hospital for TB patients. 7 12 1943 10 339 42. Chamber of Commerce expressed appreciation on tax reduction. 7 26 1943 10 341 43. Junior Chamber of Commerce granted use of Legion Field for Show. 3 13 1944 10 374 44. Motion f?i-led on allowing funds for the Chamber of Commerce. 7 27 1944 19 397 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -? New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER: Chamber of Commerce ? aec. u. s. County Indezee Since IA88 ? a?. - To locqff nOm?s? Oplq Ot COTT A•Z TA? tNDER P?r OFFICE ??1?.7? AnldentifyingTradeMark ?8 fURNAME INITIAL TAB MIICE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, (OLUMBUS, ONIO SOLD iY OWEN i. YYNN, NEII {ERM, NORTN GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS l. Chamber of Commerce granted appropriations. 2. Chamber of Commerce given pa-?rment for expenses. 3. Chamber of Commerce Secretary W.J. Cartier named for Civil Aeronautics Hearing. 4, Chamber of Commerce letter received for joint meeting. 5,; Addison Hewlett named on getting office for Chamber of Commerce's Civilian Production ., Associstion. 6,, Junior Chamber of Commerce report received. , 7.. Chamber of Commerce offered services to aviation committee, requested joint meeting. 8. Board to participate in expenses for Conservation and Development entertainment. 9. Letter of appreciat?on to .Tunior Chamber of Commerce for aid in getting people to vote. 10, Wilmington Chamber of Commerce invitation received for dinner meeting. 11., Wilmington Chamber of Commerce invitation received for new baseball park. 12.. Wilmington Chamber of Commerce appropriation request received for consideration. 13,: Junior Chamber of C?r7merce granted meeting in Superior Court raom. 14, Wilmington Chamber of Commerce payment approved for advertising fund. 15,_ Wilmington Chamber of Commerce sketch for road-side Drive-in at Hugh MacRae Park taken under consideration. 16, Wilmington Chamber of Commerce Committee requested road repairs to US74-76-42I-117. 17, Wilmington Chamber of Commerce granted funds fram the Advertising Fund. 18. Carolina Beach Chamber of Commerce granted funds for Beach erosion. 19. Wilmington Chamber of Commerce letter received regarding survey needed for Military Personnel.needs. 20., Jursior Cha.mber of Commerce letter received endorsing School Auditorium. 21.. Wilmington C?.amber of Commerce letter postponed on N. C. Press Association Convention. 22.: Wilmington Chamber of Commerce letter received on negotiatiori.s for Pembroke Jones Park. 23. Wilmington Chamber of Commerce granted funr'cs out of Advertising Fund. 24, Wilmington Chamber of Commerce request discussed for Act to permit new building. 25. Wilmington Chamber of Commerce reported on D.C. trip with Claud 0'Shields.and C.T. Davis on Naval use of Airport. 26. Wilmington Chamber of Commerce granted funds. 27. Wilmington Chamber of Commerce granted funds. 28. Wilmington Chamber of Commerce granted payment from Advertising Fund. 29. Wilmington Chamber of Commerce Agriculture Committee expressed thanks for Dairy Show. 30.. GTilmington Chamber of Commerce approved use of Legion stadium March 23-30 for rodeo. 31. Wilmington Chamber of Commerce approved use of Legion Stadium Apri1 29,May 1 for Stock Show and September 16-19 for Cattle Show. 32, Wilmingto?Chamber of Commerce thanked Board for Azalea Festival Rodeo. 33,.? Wilmington Chamber of Commerce bill received, no action on N.C. Jaycees State Directory. 34, t?lilmington Ghamber of Comme-r°ce news I?tter received, no action on "Joir_ the convention- Getting Crew". 35. Wilmington Chamber of Commerce request for funds tabled. 36. Wilmington Chamber of Commerce letter received on Special United Fund Meeting. 37. Junior Chamber of Commerce granted use of Legion Stadium for Labor Day Circus. 38. Wilmington Chamber of Commerce letter received on Jac?sonville, Fla. inquiry on zoning. 39. Junior Chamber of Commerce request for Kings Bros. Circus at Legion Stadium referred to County Attorney. DATE MINUiE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 8 14 1944. 10 399 11 20 1944 10 414 4 3 1945 10 433 11 S 1945 10 465 4 22 1946?? 10 494 11 4 1946 10 524 11 10 1947 10 593 3 29 I948 I1 20 5 17 1948 11 27 5 16 1949 11 93 5 23 1949 11 95 6 6 1949 11 98 8 8 1949 11 112 8 29 1949 11 118 11 28 1949 11 138 6 24 1950 11 197 8 7 1950 11 201 8 21 1950 11 203 10 9 1950 215 5 28 1951 11 263 5 28 1951 11 263 7 9 1951 11 269 10 15 1951_ 11 294 11 12 1951 11 302 1 28 1952 11 313 4 7 1952 11 328 9 15 1952 11 364 9 15 1952 11 365 10 13 1952 11 371 2 9 1953 11 399 2 9 ?1953 11 399 5 11 1953 11 420 7 20 1953 11 438 7 20 1953 11 43R 7 27 1953 11 441 8 3 1953 11 443 8 10 1953 11 444 8 10 1953 11 44[? 8 24 1953. 11 448 N. C. MATTER INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES ?--- New Hanover County , _ : Ch ambe r of Comm erc? xaa. u. s. ?q.? Counry Indezea ?ince 1888 ? To (oto?0 eamsf? op?n af MRCF BY THE COTT IND X COMPANYX tOLUM6US, OHIO v?r OFfICE ???C,a??" An Identifying Trade Mark SURKflME INIiIAL TAB so?o ?r oweN o. OUNN, NEII iERN, NORtN GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month ? Day - Year Vol. ' Page 1. J?nior Ch?:i?ber ,of Commerce released from schedule-B taxe?; on Kings Bros . Circus . 8 31 195 "? 11 449 , 2. Jurl?oz Chamber of Commerce payment continued for State Directory. 8 31 195? 11 449 3. Junior Chamber of Commerce approved payrtnent for State Directory. 2 8 1954 11 484 4. Junior Chamber of Commerce of Wrightsville Beach Airport letter received. 2 15 1954_ 11 486 5. ? Wilm.ington Chamber of Commerce to wx'ite supporting letter regarding Airport lease. 2 15 1954_ 11 487 6. Wilmington Chamber of Commerce Agriculture letter received on Committee for 3rd annual 4 12 1954. 11 500 Fat Stock Show. 7. Junior Chamber of Commerce congratulated on "Get out and vote" campaign. 5 10 1954_ 11 513 $. Wilmington Chamber of Commerce request for fxa.nds received for consider?tion. 6 7 Z95!? ?? 5?9 9. Chamber of Commerce of Wrightsville Beach request for funds taken under consideration. 8 30 1954 11 539 10. Wilmington Chamber of Commerce requested funds, no action. 9 20 1954 11 542 11. Wilmington Chamber of Commerce letter read for County to observe Fire Protection Week. 9 20 1954 11 542 12. ?,Tilmington Chamber of Commerce funds under consideration. 10 4 1954 11 543 13. Carolina Beach Chamber of Commerce funds unde? consideration. 10 4 1954 11 543 14. Wilmington Chamber of Commerce appropriations discussed. 10 4 1954 11 544 15. Junior Chamber of Commerce letter of appreciation rece?_ved for use of Airport facilities.l0 11 1954 11 546 16. Wilm?ngton Chamber of Commerce report received and filed. 10 25 1954. ll 548 17. Chamber of Commerce Agriculture Committee approved funds. 11 15 1954 11 553 18. Wilmington Chamber of Commerce approved allotment. 11 15 1954 11 553 19. Wrightsville Beach, Carolina Beach Chamber of Commerce approved allotments. 11 15 1954 11 553 20. Wrightsville Beach letter received, thanks for funds. 11 29 1954 11 556 21. Wilmington Chamber of Commerc? ballot form referred to Ch?ai?zan. 11 29 1954 11 556 22. Wilmington Chamber of Commerce Agriculture Committee Dinner invitation received. 11 29 1954 11 557 23. Wilmington Chamber of Commerce Agric. Committee's invitation for '"Dutch"Dinner meeting. 12 13 1954 11 561 24. Jtznior Chamber of Commerce bill received for Directory. 12 20 1954 11 563 25. Wilmington Chamber of Commerce Agriculture Committee's noti?e received for Feb. meeting. 2 21 1955 11 577 26. ?hamber of Commerce outline received for Show at Brogden Hall,March 22nd. . 3 7 1955 11 580 27. Chamber of Commerce outline received for Stock Show at Stadium?April 21-22?-?23. 3 7 1955 11 580 28. Chamber of Commerce outline received for Rodeo at Stadium,April 22-24th. 3 7 1955 11 580 29. Chamber of Commerce outline received for Visitation at Stadiu.m in July. 3 7 1955 11 580 30. Chamber of Commerce outline received for SwineSale at Stadium in August. 3 7 1955 11 580 31. Ch?.m.ber of Commerce outline received for Dairy Show at Stadium,??ptember 15-16th. 3 7 1955 11 580 32. Chamber of Commerce at Carolina Beach expressed appreciation for services at Fort Fisher. S 16 I955 I1 598 33. .Iunior Cham?her of Gommerce request received for publication funds. S 31 1955 11 601 34. Wilmington Chamber of Commerce requested appropriations for Fat-Stock Show and Sales. 7 5 1955 11. 610 35. Chamber of Commerce Agriculture Committee letter received on Junior Cattle Show and 9 5 1955 11 628 Distribution Committee Appointments September 15-16th. 36, Harry Cherry, Chairman Horton, L.C. Walton and Gordon Doran appointed to Committee. 9 5 1??55 11 628 37. Wilmington ?Chamber of Commerce granted funds out of Advertising Fund. 9 12 1955 11 629 38. Chamber of Commerce £rom Carolina Beach expressed thanks for aid in hurric?ne work. 9 12 1955 11 630 39. Chamber of Commerce report received. 9 19 1955 11 632 40. Authorized calls for Civil Defense to be taken at S.E.N.C.B.A. office. 11 21 1955 12 19 41. SoE.N.C.B.A. received letter relative to hurricane rehabilitation program. 12 13 I955 12 26 42. Governor Hodges to deliver the speech and award the prizes at the S.E.N.C.B.A. Banquet. 1 9 1956 12 33 43 Governor Hodges and Mr. Saunders to discuss new industries for area after removal of 1 17 1956 12 35 Railroad, survey to be made. ? N. C. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? MATTER , _ : Cha mber of Comme rce - ¦ec. u. s. Counry I?detea Since 1888 ? To loco?s nam?s, op?n af COit A-2 TA! INDEX MItCE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO r?r OFFICE ??9? An ldentifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLD ?Y OWEN 0. pYNN, NEN ?ERN, NORTH GROLINA ?? o, . ? .- ? DATE MINUTE BOOK ?; ;; NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month ? Day Year Vol. Pnge l?' Chamber of Commerce to hold workshop January 26th to discuss Community problems. , 1 23 1956, 12 37 2., Workshop report received, Approved industrial survey for County and City. 1 30 1956. 12 38 3.. Governor to back uA efforts to secure new industries. 1 30 1956. 12 39 4?. Receiv?d dragline report for Black Swamp Area. 1 30 1956. 12 39 S. Aviatio? Committee of the Chamber of Commerce to discuss cancellation of flights. 2 20 1956. 12 46 6.; Chamber of Commerc?to hold meeting relative to having flights restored. 2 20 1956 12 46 7.: Authorized names of Industries, Manufactures and employees, also payscale to be furnished 2 27 1956 12 47 for Industrial Survey. 8. Notice of monthly meeting of S.E.N.C.B.A. 3 S I956 I2 50 9. Notice of luncheon to discuss procedure to expense Industri?.l and Commerical Economy. 3 26 1956 . 12 ?5 10. Meeting with the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co. 3 26 1956 12 55 Il.. Letter regarding promoting Industrial Development to the area. 3 26 1956 12 56 12., The Board endorsed the National Teen=age Driving Road-e-o sponsored by Junior Cha.mber 4 3 1956 12 57 .. of Comm.erce . 13,, Chamber of Commerce granted funds for the Junior Day Cattle Show. 4 16 1956 12 60 14? The Chairman co?nended the Chamber of Commerce Agriculture Committee. 4 23 1956 12 64 15,, Letter regarding truck-ship system. 4 30 1956 12 65 16t County-City survey report received. 4 30 1956 12 66 17. The Chairman reported on trip to washington. 5 7 1956 12 67 18., Received communicatioi?: : on the Industrial situation. 5 14 1956 12 68 19. Communication regarding the Industrial Commat?ee, Mr. Horton to represent the County. 6 4 1956 12 74 204 Mr. Hall to represent the ?ounty on the Chamber of Commerce Industrial Committee. 6 11 1956 12 76 21.: Junior Chamber of Commerce to present recommendations on re-valuation. 7 2 1956 12 80 22. Communication from the Junior ?ha??ber of Commerce, Messr. Hall and Trask named to 7 9 1956 12 81 receive the Industrial report. 23.: Report o? Industiral Survey received. 7 23 1956 12 83 24.. Bi-weekly analysis news affecting Industrial Development received, meeting set. 7 23 1956 12 85 25. Communic?.tion received from the Jtinior Chamber of Commerce re?arding revaluation. 7 30 1956 12 86 26.. Discussion of type of Government to put in effect for County. 8 27 1956 12 92 27. Approved $25.00 payment County's share for advertising. 9 10 1956 12 94 28. Industrial bi-weekly report received. 9 10 1956 12 94A 29.. Chamber of Commerce request to in crease $500 earmarked to $700 taken under advisement. 11 5 1956 12 106 30. Received bi-weekly report°n Industrial Development. 11 S 1956 12 106 31. Request for extra funds taken under consideration pending statement of the advertising 11 19 1956 12 108 fund. Received statement showing amount of Tourists Business for 1956. 32. Letter from Brigadier Gen. E. F. Griffin re?arding hurricane damages referred to Trask. 11 26 1956 12 110 33. Chamber of Commerce was granted additional funds from the Advertising Fund. 12 10 1?56 12 114 34., Expenses for County advertisement referred to the Chamber of Commerce. 12 31 1956 12 118 35.; Mr. P.M. Camak, Manager of Chamber of Commerce to attend Cape Fear Basin Development 12 13 1956 12 119 meeting. 36.. Authorized fund from advertising to S.E.N.C.I. Area Development< 3 4 1957 12 120 37. Received bi-weekly report of Industrial Development referred to Mr. Clark. 3 4 1957 12 135 38, Authorized meeting to discuss Forest Fire Prevention. 5 6 1957 12 151 39, Approved advertising in the Junior Ch?.mber of Commerce's Directory. S 6 1957 12 151 40.. Commissioners Williams and Mayhan to meet with Chamber of Commerce. 5 27 1957 12 155 41... Adopted resolu?ion regarding industry in the county. 7 ? 1957 12 163 ? N. C. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? MAiTER , _ : Cha mber of ?o?.e r??- ¦ec. u. s. County lnde:ea Since 1888 ? io lota?? tlomis, op?? at COTT A•S TA6 INDEX MII,CE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, WLUMBUS, DHIO rer OFFICE ?,?ll?r.z?s An Identifying Trade Mark SURKAME INITIAL TAB SOID YY OWEN i. DUNN, NEN ?ERN, NORTN GROLINA DATE MINUT E BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month - Day ? Year Vol. Page l. Request for funds taken for consi??erat:ion, granted $2,000.00, g 2( 1957 12 175 2. Approved payment for County advertising. 9 9 1957. 12 178 3. Communication from Mr. C.11.Harrington offering services on tax problems. , 10 7 1957 12 l85 4. Representatives expressed views on revaluation problems. 10 21 1957 12 188 5. Received invitation to attend meeting relative to US-74. 10 21 1957 12 _88 6. Received County-City Chamber of Commerce monies forming the East-West Highway . 10 18 1957,. 12 _89 ? Development Association. 7. Discussed invoice for sewer connections to Industrial Prope-rties Inc. _ 11 4 1957. 12 _91 8. Letter relating to eliminating passager trains through Wilmin;ton. ?Z 4 Z957 Z2 :.92 9. Approved payment for Industrial Properties Inc. 11 18 1957 12 ?.93 10. Matters of advertising zn Women's Wear Daily referred to Chamber of Commerce. 12 23 1957 12 :?04 11. Stock Show Barn report received. 1 6 1958 12 ?12 12. Approved funds for ;?'armers and Vegetables ?rowers Association. 1 27 1958 12 :?18 13. Board to meet with the Director of the Chamber of Commerce. 1 27 1958 12 219 I4. Industrial report received. 2 24 1958 12 227 15. Letter informing of C'namber of Commerce stand on import and export rates. 4 28 1958 12 252 16. Junior Chamber of Commerce to insert ad in State Magazine, pay from Advertising Fund. 5 12 1958 12 256 17. Letter requesting funds for Industrial Div. S?2??cland referred to County Auditor. 6 30 1958 12 273 18. Letter to Mr. Rol.and concernin? Ccunty Teachers Supplements. 6 30 I958 12 273 19. Ghamber of Commerce presented tax study and recommendations to the Board. 7 14 1958 12 280 20. Accepted house offered for material, approved $1 payment for conveying title to County. 8 11 1958 12 290 21. Representatives xeceived. study of advertis?ng, more funds requested. 8 25 1958 12 296 22. Mr. Williams appointed to the Advertising Committee, 8 25 1958 12 297 23. Appropriated $4,000.00 to Chamber of Commerce for the Fiscal Year. 8 25 1958 12 297 24. Authorized payment of bill from the Wilmington Merchant Association. 10 29 1958 12 309 25. Report relative to Advertising allotment, County Attorney to investigate legality. 10 29 1958 12 309 26. County Farm Agent moved to declare disaster area for small fa?°ms. 10 6 1958 12 312 27. Appropriated $4,000 to the Chatnber of Commerce to be pazd after County Attorney approves 10 13 1958 12 314 28. Approved funds to employ guards for cars during Stockholm Cruise. 10 27 1958 12 320 29. Approved funds for the Industrial Committee. 11 3 1958 12 322 . 30. Received the S.E.N.C.B.A. report, approved funds for same. 10 27 1958 12 3?2 31. Approved request for Christmas shoppers to park at the Courthouse on Saturday. 12 1 1958 12 338 32. Hanover Construction Co. awarded contract for water lines at Industrial site. 12 19 1958 12 345 33. Chamber of Gommerce to participate in the entertainment for the Rivers and Harbors 1 19 1959 12 360 Congress. 34. Junior Chamber of Commerce endorsed Mr. Williams Legislative School Proposals. 2 16 1959 12 382 35. Letter protesting continuation of Meter adjuster. 2 16 1959 12 382 36. Public Meter-adjuster hearing. 3 9 1959 12 393 37. Authorized payment of $17,950.35 for watermain to Industrial site. 3 16 1959 12 397 38. ?suthorized paytn?tzt of $25.00 for Jaycee advertising. 4 20 1959 12 420 39. Authorized payment of $2,130.44 for Annual Market Stock Show. 6 1 1959 12 439 40. Granted rec?uest of $2,998.52 for advertising. 7 20 1959 12 468 41. RepresentativeMr. R.H. Tate,Committee 100 reported on tax rate, industr;r sites and 8 3 1959 12 475 property valuations. 42. Chamber of Commerce tax committee report on tax study and tigures received. 8 12 1959 12 481 43. Appropriations for Indv.strial Develc?pment red.uced by $5,000, approved. 8 12 1959 12 485 ? H C t N C N INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES anover oun ?, . ew - . _ MATiER:Chamber of Comme rce _ xes. u. s. Covnty Indexes Since 1888 ? TO IOCO?? OOM?f? Op?11 Ot COTT A-Z TA/ INDEX v?t OFfICE ?,/?71? AnldentifyingTradeMarlc MIICE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHID SURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLD ?T OWEN i. pUNN, NEw tERN, NOItTN GROLINA .? DAiE MINUTE BOOK ` i NATURE OF PROCEEDlNGS Month Day Year Vol. ? Page 1: Informed Board of the Junior Dairy Show and invited Commissioners to banquet. 9 8 1959 12 493 2.: Appropriated $1500 for Junior Dairy Show Banquet. 9 8 1959 12 493 3R, Chamber of Commerce informed Board of policy to honor local Industries w?th dinners. 9 8 1959, 12 493 4,; Mr. Louie E. Woodbury,Jr. named County representative on good will tour. 10 5 1959_ 12 502 5.: S?Ncland Development report received, appropriated $100.00 for same. 11 16 1959 12 513 6._ Report from N.C. Industrial Commission, relative to changes in Medical Fee Schedule. 12 7 1959 12 523 7?. Memorandum from Youth Fitness Coznmission of N. C. 12 7 1959 12 523 8.. Cha.mber of Commerce expressed gratitude for County Live Stock Arena. _ 2 15 1960 12 546 9.. Invifation to attend State Ind?.strial Development Conference in Goldsboro 3-31-60. 3 7 1960 I2 550 10,, Authorized payment far????.v?l expense for the Commissioners to attend the Conservation 3 21 1960 12 558 and De:?elopment Conference. ?.7.?: State Forester, F.H. Clairidge received letter from the Conservation Development Dept. 4 4 1960 12 562 12. Invitation to atten?dinner in honor of the Market Show Sale received. 4 18 1960 12 564 13.. Water main for Wertheimer Bag Co. taken under consideration until joint session, 6 6 1960 12 578 14,, Joint session no quorum present. 6 8 1960 12 580 15. Chairman HallJre appointed to the Board of Directors of Committee 100. 7 S 1960 12 583 16. City moved that Mr. Benson to proceed with construction of water main, County delayede 7 5 1960 I2 584 17. County to pay half for water main not to exceed ?21.000 and reverters clause. 7 7 1960 12 588 18. Budget meeting, approved $30.000 for water main. 7 8 1960 12 589 19, Cha.mber of Commerce tax committee and Board discuss budget. 7 12 1960 12 589 20, Chamber of Commerce budget restored and approved at $30,000.00. 7 15 1960 12 590 2I. Appropriated $1,096 to S.E.N.C.B.A. and $100.00 for A.S.B.P.A. 7 18 1960 12 593 22, No action taken on bids received for Wertheimer Bag Co. water main. 7 27 1960 12 597 23._ Letter requesting addit?.onal funds for Market Stock S?.les referred to Executive Sec. 8 1 1960 12 602 24. Appropriated $1,309.37 for the Junior Dairy Show. 9 6 1960 12 607 25.: Resolution adopted to build a Commerical Hotel, copy sent to the Chamber of Commerce. 9 6 1960 12 608 26.. Authori2ed funds from the Junior Dairy Show ?o be used for the Market Stock Show & Sales .l0 3 1960 12 614 27.. Appropriated $150.00 for officers dinner. 1C 3 1960 12 614 28. Request for advertising allotment to be considered. 10 3 1960 12 614 29. Appropriated $25.00 County share for Jaycee advertising. 10 3 1960 12 616 30. Letter from Henry V. Osen and Associates, estimates of hurricane Donna damages . 10 3 1960 12 617 31. Allocated $6,500 from advertising fund for Cha?n.ber of Commerce advertising. 10 17 1960 12 618 32. Approved proclamation for Industry appreciation week 11-28-60 to 12-3-61. 11 7 1960 12 62S 33. Notice of area industrial survey in progress, approved, 11 7 1960 12 626 34.. Discussion of events for Industrial Appreciation Week. 11 21 1960 12 629 35.. Appro? riated $100.00 gor SENcland Dev?elopment Association. 12 5 1960 12 631 36.. Matters o? advertising in the New York Times referred to the Chamber of Commerce. 1 3 1961 12 639 37. Mr. Hall appointed to the Committee of 100. 1 16 1961 12 643 38. Chamber of Commerce to share cost for advertising in the New York TimeS. 2 6 1961 12 645 39.. Committee of 100 to share cost for advertising in trie New York Times. 2 6 1961 12 645 40.. Invitation to attena the 15th Axznual S.E.N.C.B.A. Banquet. 2 6 1961 12 647 41.. Notice of State Planning Conference, urged attending. 3 20 1961 12 656 42.. Report of published Industrial Development. 4 4 1961 12 660 43. Report from North Carolina Inc1.ustrial Commission. 4 17 1961 12 666 44.. Notice of Fat Stock Show and Sale, invitation to attend. 4 17 1961 12 667 45.. Citizen's Committee of 70th gave views in support of new hospital, petition ove?.??000. 5 1 1961 12 667 N. C. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Go?nt?y ?AATTER , _ : Cha mber of Comme rce- aec. u. s. nJ,? County Inde:ee Since 1888 F}? a?-? To loto+s namss? opa0 of COTT A•I TAB INDEX PAT OFFICE C???.a? An Iden6fyi?e Trade Marfc ?`g Mlt[ F BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY. COLUMBUS. OHIO SFlRiiAME (NITIAi TAB SOLO ?r OtyEN i. OUNN, BEN iERN, NORTN GROLINA DAlE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month ? Day Year Vol. ? Page 1. Letter informing of the southern State Industrial Development Conference. S 1 1961 12 670 . 2, Invitation to attend Annual Banqu.et of the Jaycees. S 1 196]. 12 670 3. Received 1961-62 budget requests. 6 19 ?961- 12 691 4, Discussion of the allocations to the Cha??ber of Commerce from the Industrial Advertis- 7 7 1961. 12 695 . ing Fund. ? 5. Approved request to give dinner for the State Board of Conservation and Development. 7 12 1961. 12 696 . 6. Chamber of Commerce requested to present budget. 7 J.7 1961. I2 700 .. 7. Approved $4,853.30 for news media advertising, $2,000 for Industrial and Agriculture. 6 26 1961 13 3 8. Approved $1,000 for S.E.N.C.B.A. 7 26 I96i I3 4 9. Mes??saBrown and Camak reque,?ted budget increase to $4,100, approved. 7 28 1961 13 4 10. Letter regarcling a??Field Day" area inspection trip by the Engineering Faculty and 10 2 ??961 13 ?,5 Advisory Group from State College. .?- - ? -?---? 11. Merchants Assoc. to hold firework display on Old Ferry Slip across the ?iver, approved. 11 6 1961 13 33 12. Approved appropriations for the Military affairs event. Il 6 19E1 13 33 13. Letter commending the Chamber of Commerce for achievement regarding Hotel-Motel 11 6 1961 13 35 at Wrightsville Beach. 14. Letter informing of resolution regarding workmen's compensation for elected officials. 1 2 1962 13 57 15. Request approved for Sky-Divers to participate in the Merchant's Assoco ce3?bration. 2 19 1962 13 68 16. Mr. H. Branch, Exec. Sec, and Industrial Cornmittee of 100 discussed River Channel. 3 19 1962 13 79 17. Letter reg?.rding National Airlines Service Susper?sion. 4 2 1962 13 88 , 18. Public Carrier Francise report received. 4 2 1962 13 $9 19. S.E.N.C.B.A. urges actior? to implement the Federal Flood Insurance Act. 4 2 1962 13 89 20. Announcement of the America Shore and Beach Preservation Assoc . annual meeting. 4 2 1962 13 89 . 21. Board p?otest increase ins. rate for Industrial properties, letter to Ins. Commissioner. 5 14 1962 13 103 22. Approved $33,000 for Industrial Development. 6 28 1962 13 118 23. Special budget meeting, approved advertising allocations. 7 6 1962 13 126 24. Fe?eral funds available to match County-City funds for County ground study. 8 6 1962 13 139 25. Decision to participate in ground stucty held in abeyance, Col. Brown to meet with Board. 8 6 1962 13 139 26. County to participate in proposed water stud?r. 8 20 1962 13 143 27. Accepted plan to pay County part for water resources survey, 9 4 1962 13 146 28. Annual meeting of State Dept, of Water Resources September 21 at Carolina Beach. 9 4 :1962 13 146 29. Industrial Development report received. 12 3 1962 13 17? 30. Discussion on revising the County ?eal. 1 7 1963 13 182 31. Notice of National Assoc. of Counties, Urban County Gongress in ??shington Feb. 6-9-63. 1 21 1963 13 186 32. Received Ground Water Survey report, by Mr. George L.Bain. S 6 1963 13 208 33. Authorized tax waived on circus sponsor?d by Junior Chamber of Commerce. 7 15 1963 13 228 34. Budget meeting, received budget requests accepted for study. 7 22 1963 13 237 35. Consideration promised for inc?ease in budget. 7 22 1963 13 239 36. Authorized funds for Posterboard Advertising . 7 29 1963 13 241 37. Letter from S.E.N.C.B.A. announcing meeting of iJovember 5, 1?63 ir? Wil?r:ington,N.C. 11 4 1963 13 265 38. Newspaper Advertising 02 O1 1965 I3 433 39. Legislative Committee 05 17 1965 13 477 40. Advertising 06 23 1965 13 491 41. Advertising Committee 09 20 1965 13 521 42. National Security Seminar 11 15 1965 13 546 ? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES N H C N C ? - ew anover ounty, . . _ MA TER• CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ` Rea. u. s. County Indezee Since 1888 TO IOea?'Y nOm?t? Opl? ot ? COiT A-1 7A? IMDEX r ? e?r OFFtCE ?G?,?c7?- AnldentiEyingTradeMark SURNAME INITIAL TAB M0.CE B?l THE COTT lNOEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO fOLD tY ONEN 0. YUNN, NEw ?ERN, NORiN GROLINA r` ;? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE ? MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 1: Removal of Trains 42 and 49 02 06 1967 14 25 2. Report on Advertising 04 03 1967 14 41 3, Funds 06 19 1967 14 72 4. Study on Growth and Development 02 05 1968 14 138 5., Advertising Committee 04 08 1969 14 309 6.; Request for additional funds for advertising 04 17 1972 15 110 7.. Counfiy advertising 12 18 1972 15 287 8. Discussion of advertising appropriation 08 06 1973 15 464 9. Resolution re: Advertising Appropriation OS 20 I973 15 477 10. Approval of Expenditure Schedule for Advertising Funds 11 19 1973 1S 527 11. Resolution RE: Advertising funds 07 15 1974 15 688 12. Approval of budget - Advertising 10 21 1974 16 28 13. Discussion of amendment to resolution re advertising funds e6 16 1975 16 224 14. Amendment of advertising budget 06 16 1975 16 :'25-6 15. Request for advertising funds FY 75/76 06 30 1975 16 232 16. Approval funding Tourism Promotion 03 15 1976 17 78 17. Request Project Up presentation 09 07 1976 17 191 18. Project Up presentation 09 30 1976 17 193 19. Discussion location Civil War ironclad The Monitor 12 12 1977 18 146 20. Presentation by Clea?ommunity Program 10 16 1978 18 290 21. Agreement with Chamber o? Cammerce for expenditure of advertising funds 08 06 1979 18 457 '22. Discussion on request to meet wzth Chamber of Commerce Task Force 11 OZ 1981 18 953 23 Discussion on meeting with Chamber of Commerce Governmental Task Force 11 16 1981 18 958 24, biscussion of Major Concerns, Priorities and Issues of Importance 12 07 1981 18 963 25. Courtesy Call by Representatives of Takeda Chemical Company 03 )1 1982 19 25 26. Discussion on Chamber of Commerce's request on New Hanover County Day at World's Fair 05 17 I982 19 75 27. New Hanover County Day at the Wor1d's Fair (funding $1500} 05 25 1982 19 76 28. Chamber of Commerce Request for Meeting with Commissioners (Tourism) OS 25 1982 19 78 29. CHARITIES t N C H C INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - N oun y, . anover . _ MATTER: ew ` e[a. u. s. ?? ?? County Indezes Sinoe 18BB f? ?-- To locate names, open at COTT A-I TAB INDEX PAT ornct ?-?'urt///? An IdentifyinQ Trsde Maric ??.,? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THH COTT INDEX COMPANY. COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ? DAiE ?, ;E MINUi °i E BOOK j? ? ;; °s NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month I Day I Year L; Vol. I Page ?? , 1. y . Hibernian Association and Israel Tent Society not exempted from taxation. ? 12 - 04 1882:, • 4 G? u: 432 "'I ?d 2. . Request for tax remission not granted Hibernian Benevolent Society. . 05 07 1883?' „ 4 472 ;` ?. 3:' Letter from Ladies Benevolent Society referred to special committee. 06 27 1892? 5 426 '? 6' ??? 4z Mary Sanders of Ladies Memorial Association requested money for a memorial stone to be put in Confederate 06 Ol 1893r. 5 . 495 ?' ?. y? .. Monument; referred back for more details. .. '' y, 't P? 5?: Ladies Memorial Association to be notified Board will contribute to Jefferson Davis Monument when other 06 05 1893ay 5 501 ?? , Counties pledge sufficient funds. „ „ 6.; Money to be donated to the Ladies Benevolent Society for relief of out door poor. . 07 03 1893 5 509 ?9 7,.. Board donated money for relief of out door poor as requested by Mr. Daniels. . 08 07 1893. 5 512 ?r 8. Associated Charities, all white churches, to investigate all whites on out door pauper lists and to 09 04 1893., 5 519 ;. receive money from Treasurer for their care. .. 9,. Board donated money to Ladies Benevolent Society £or care of out door poor. „ 10 02 1893,. 5 524 „ 10,: President E.J. Gregg of United Society of Charities requested aid from Board for colored paupers and this„ Ol 07 1895 5 608 ' , was granted. . .. ', 11?,. Report from Treasurer J.H. Whiteman for February for the United Charities. .. 03 04 1895„ 5 625 .; 12,. Money appropriated for wood for out door poor to be distributed by Associated Charities. 11 04 1895, 5 675 ;; ' 13.. Annual report from Treasurer John Whiteman of United Charities. „ 02 03 1896,, 5 692 ;; 14. Petition from St. John's Lodge to have property removed from Tax Books since revenue from property used to 10 05 1896;, 5 734 .. relieve widows and educate orphans. ," 15. Petition from St. John's Lodge granted and property exempted from taxation. 10 05 1896., 5 734 ; 16. Odd Fellows and Hiberman Society exempted from taxation since used for charitable purposes. 11 02 1896; 5 737 ;; 17. Chairman to request Associated Charities to appoint a board of lady visitors to visit and report on County 12 08 1896 5 749 Home to Board. „ ., „ 18. Secretaries and treasurers of Associated Charities and United Charities to render a quarterly statement Ol 04 1897 5 754 ? of disbursements of funds contributed by County. , ;, 19. Attorney presented list of property exempted from taxation since used for charities or schools. 02 02 1897 5 763 E. 20. Board filed report from Associated Charities. OS 03 1897.. 6 10 - ? . 21: „ Letter from United Charities relative to striking off names of persons receiving aid referred to Auditing 07 07 1897 6 20 :. r I Committee. ., ;, 22. Petition from Ed Cullen to be sent with his children to Arken, S.C. referred to Associated Charities, 09 06 1897, 6 40 ; 23. Report from United Charities referred to Auditing Committee. : 10 04 1897 6 46 4? 24. Report from United Charities referred to Auditing Committee. Ol 03 1898 6 72 ' ?: 25. Chairman asked that two books be printed for County's charity groups to keep records in. 05 31 1898 6 126 ? 26. J.M. Scott and Joe Morriss to be discharged from County Home and United Charities to pay them $2 a month. 12 06 1898 6 203 27, ? ? Rev. D.C.S. Blackwell, President of Associated Charities, requested repair on their room.; referred to 11 05 19fl0 fi 484 Committee on Public Buildings. „ ., „ 28. Application of Mrs. Ella Gorman referred to Associated Charities. 12 02 1901 6 618 : 29,, Application of Evergreen Lodge Benevolent Society referred to Commissioners McEachern and Alexander, 03 03 1902, 6 638 , 30,., Taxes ?o be refe?nc?ed ?uergree? Ladge 2do. ?9 0£ Loye? and Charity. 04 07 1902 ; 6 644 i, . 31,p Request from Associated Charities for increased appropriations was deferred for investigation. , 03 07 1904; 6 782 32,, Committee requesting more appropriations for Associated Charities was continued. 04 04 1904,, 6 788 , 33. ? • Haymakers given tax exemption on carnival presented for charitable reaso?is. 04 J3 1905 7 22 .; 34. Appropriations set for United Charities. 04 03 1905,., 7 23 ;; 35.. Bi11 from J.H Whiteman, manager of United Charities, disaZlowed. 06 05 1905,,, 7 27 !. 36.. Bi11 from J. Whiteman for United Charities to be paid after investigation. 06 08 1905,. 7 31 ?; 37. „, Street carnival given by Junior O.W.A.M, for charitable p?.rposes exempted from tax. , 09 05 1905 7 37 ` ? E ;? , ; ? ?? R? ?- ;G ;; ?e ?. INDEX TO CO?IMISSIONERS MINUTES N H C I? C - ew anover ount?, . . _ MATTER: CHARITIES ` nac. u. e. ??f???? Counry Indezee Since ?888 TO IOC8t0 1feR1E8. open at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX v?r OFFICE ?K.a? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAM? INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, CO LUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ?? NATURE OF PROCEEDIIVGS ?` DATE ? ? MINUTE BOOK ?? ¢' Month ? Day ( Year ;? Vol. I Page ;? a - ? t; ? ? - ?a 1. Board investigated maltreatment charges of canvicts and sent copy of evidence to Board of Public Charities: b° 10 04 ? 1905?? ?P 7 ?. 40 : , ki 2,. Application of R.W. Wallace for keep referred to Associated Charities. " 03 05 1906N? 7 L 48 X« 3. Street fair of Junior Order of United American Mechanics exempted from taxes; used for charitable reasons.; F; 04 02 1906:? ,? 7 , 51 a .d 4. ? Request from Mr. Reynolds for transportation to Fort Worth, Texas referred to Associated Charities. 06 04 1906?? + 7 ;? 54 5. Room in Courthouse to be put in order to be used by C1erk to Associated Charities. ?, 07 02 , 1906!Y ; 7 57 i 6. Application of United Charities not granted. :. 09 04 . 1906?? 7 61 ? 7. Street fair to be held by Eyota Tribe N0. 5 for charitable purposes to be exempted from taxation. 06 03 1907?4 7 $9 ' 8. Pow Wow of Eyota Tribe No. 5 to be held tax free and for charitable purposes. 04 06 1908; 7 129 ° 9.i Order of Elks to have their Elks feast, held. for charitable purposes, exempted from taxation. , 10 05 1908 „ 7 151 ?? 10.?? Ora1's Fall Festival to be tax exempted since given for charitable purposes. 11 OZ 1908 7 15Z L1.?? ?; Iota Tribe Red Men not allowed a free exhibition of Gentry Dog and Pony Show for their benefit. 03 O1 1909 . 7 170 ,. ?: I2:? Marion Sea Side House exempted from taxes as long as used for charitable purposes. 08 02 1909 , 7 181 , ? .13.?? Eyoda Tribe allowed to hold street fair free of tax since for charitable purposes. , 09 08 1909;, 7 182 : rr _14? Monthly repc?rt from Associated Charities referred to Auditing Board. h 03 07 1910:. 7 192 _ v15. Annual report of Associated Charities read. , 10 03 1910,, 7 201 ,; ,16? r Annual report from Associated Charities referred to Auditing Board. „ 02 06 1911„ 7 208 „ M ,17.?? Report fram Associated Charities referred to Auditing Board. „ 06 05 1911;? 7 223 , : 18.? Report from Associated Charities referred to Auditing Committee. ?: 09 06 1911,; 7 232 : 0 19. • Report from Associated Charities referred to Auditing Committee. 11 06 1911'' G; 7 235 ,. 20.? Report from Associated Charities referred to Auditing Committee. 12 04 1911: 7 237 21. Report fram Associated Charities referred to Auditing Committee. , 02 05 1912` 7 244 22.? a Report of Associated Charities received. , 07 01 Z912 7 253 ? 23.?i S.A. Richard.son retired from manageznent of United Charities since he received no help from colored churche;s.09 03 1912 7 257 5 0 24-.`? Appropriation for United Charities discontinued. 09 03 1912:; 7 257 25.? An organization formed to care for colored poor; J.E, Taylor its president. 10 07 19124M1 7 260 '_ 26. On request of Rev. T.P. Noe and Mr. S.M. Boatwright, appropriation increased for Associated Charities. 11 04 1912;j 7 261 , 27.?i Associated Charities? monthly report referred to Auditing Committee. 12 02 1912;q 7 265 , 3! 28.?j I M.L. Baldwin, of United Charities, allowed to check out appropriation it failed to use in Oct. and l?ov. 01 06 1913'„ 7 269 29. Report from Associated Charities referred to Auditing Committee. 02 03 1913,y 7 279 ,30. Reports fram Associated Charities and Red Cross Society filed. 04 07 1913,? 7 287 ;, 31. Report from Associated Charities filed. 05 09 1913:. 7 292 ,. ?; 32.?? ?? Report from Associated Charities filed. 06 02 1913.X. 7 305 . 33.?? Report fmm Associated Charities filed. 08 04 1913 7 310 . 34.`' ? Bills from City for Charity tickets to be paid. 08 25 1913 „ 7 313 35.?? Report from Secretary of Associated Charities and the Red Cross Society filed. 49 41 1913 7 314 , 36.? ? ? Report from Red Cross Society and Associated Charity filed. 10 06 1913 , „ 7 . 316 , . ? 37.a? ?? Committee to confer with City Council on money to be appropriated for Charities. 10 06 1913 . 7 316 ., 38.?? Report from Mrs. C. Martin for the Red Cross Society filed. 11 03 1913 : 7 322 39. Clerk to caI.1 on City Council for reply to Cornmissioners relative to Charity Fund. 11 03 1913 s 7 322 40. P Report from Associated Charities filed. 12 01 1913 E 7 327 ' 41. Report from Red Cross Society filed. ?? 01 05 1914 7 331 ? 42.` John Van B. Metts and L.W. Moore elected to represent County on Board of Directors of Red Cross Society. 02 02 1914, 7 338 43. Report frnm Associated Charities filed. 03 02 1914 ? 7 340 44. Report from Associated Charities filed. 04 06 1914 ' ^ 7 343 ?. 45. Report from Associated Charities filed. 05 04 1914i? 7 349 ? R 46. Report from Associated Charities file d. 06 Ol 1914 ? ? 7 359 ;; ; ,; tli ?6 ;? ,? ? ? ;'; ?{ I? INDEX TO COMMISSIO?ERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Cou?t?, N. C. _ MATTER: CHARITIES nec. u. s. ,?1' Couney Indezea Since I?8$ ? To loeate names, open af COTT A-Z TAB lNDEX r?t OFFIGE C.?i??t,? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE Month IDay Year ? 1. Report from Associated Charities for June was filed. 07 2. Report from Associated Charities filed. 08 3. Repor?t from Associated Charities filed. 09 4. Report from Associated Charities filed. 10 5. Associa ted Charities and health officers to review applicants for relief and investigate those receiving 10 re lief. 6. Report fram Associated Charities filed. 11 7. Report from Associated Charities filed. 12 8. Auditor ana accounta?t' s report on charities which receive support from County received. 12 9. Board t o request legisl ation for a more equitable basis for supporting charitable organizations contributed 12 to by City and Cou nty. 10. Auditor reported N.C, Sorosis exempted from taxation. 01 11. More mo ney appropriated for the United Charities. ?2 12. January report from Ass ociated Charities filed. 02 13. Appeal from Miss Sadie Bilgein of N.C. State Children's Home Society for aid for neglected children. 03 14. Report fram Associated Charities filed. 03 15. Report from Associated Charities filed. 04 16. Money a ppropriated for United Cha rities. 06 17. Report from Associated Charities filed. 06 18. Report from Associated Charities filed. 07 19. Report from Associated Charities filed. 08 20. Report from Associated Charities filed. 09 21. Report from Associated Charities filed. 10 22. Report from Associated Charities filed. 12 23. Report from Associated Charities filed. 01 24. Report from Associated Charities file d. 02 25. Report from Associated Charities filed. 03 26. Report from Associated Charities fila?l. 04 27. Report from Associated Charities filed. 05 28. Report from Associated Charities fil.ed. 06 29. Report from Associated Charities filed. 07 30. Report from Associated Charities filed. ?8 31. Report from Associated Charities filed. 09 32. Matter of Mrs. Jane Gardner, inmate of County Home, referred to Secretary of Associated Charities. 09 33. Report from Associated Charities filed. 11 34. Report from Associated Charities filed. 12 35. Report from Associated Charities filed. Ol 36. Report from Associated Charities filed. 02 37. Request from Mason Kennedy for help referred to Associated Charities. 0? 38. Report from Associated Charities filed. 0? 39. Report from Associated Charities filed. ?? 40. Report from Associated Charities filed. ?E 41. Report from Associated Charities filed. ?% 42. Report from Associated Charities filed. ?E 43. Report from Associated Charities filed. pc 44. Report from Associated Charities filed. 1C 06 1914 03 1914 08 1914 OS 1914 05 1914 ¢ MINUTE BOOK ! Vol. Page ? 7 369 , 7 377 ? 7 382 7 385 ' 7 385 , 02 1914 7 395 07 1914 7 403 , 07 1914 7 406 17 1914 7 417 04 1915 7 420 09 1915 7 435 09 1915 7 435 01 1915 7 441 O1 1915 7 441 05 1915 7 448 07 1915 7 459 07 1915 7 460 06 1915 7 465 02 1915 7 475 08 19 ].5 7 486 04 1915 7 489 07 1915 7 517 03 1916 7 521 07 1916 7 535 06 1916 7 539 03 1916 7 544 01 1916 7 550 05 1916 7 563 03 1916 7 569 07 1916 7 573 05 1916 7 581 28 1916 7 587 06 1916 7 593 04 1916 7 599 02 I917 7 605 05 1917 7 609 05 1917 7 615 05 1917 7 615 07 1917 7 621 . 04 1917 7 6 24 , 02 1917 7 626 06 1917 7 632 04 1917 7 640 O1 1917 7 642 INDEX TO COI?MISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? CHARITIES N C MATTER , . . , : eec. u. e. r?r OFiiCE ?p?l?r-7 County Inclexea Since 1888 to locate names, open a} ?c An Identifying Trade Mark ? SURNAMB INITIAI, TAB COTT A•Z TAB INDEX ?DE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH GROLINA DATE , NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month I Day I Year l. Report from Associated Charities filed. 11 05 1917 2. Report from Associated Charities filed. 12 03 1917 3. Report from Associated Charities filed. 02 04 1918 4. More money appropriated for United Charities. 02 04 1918 5. Report from Associated Charities filed. 03 04 1918 6. Report from Associated Charities filed. 04 01 1918 7. Report from Associated Charities filed. 05 06 1918 8. Report from Associated Charities filed. 06 03 1918 9. Report from Associated Charities filed. 07 02 1918 10. Report from Associated Charities filed. 08 05 1918 11. Report from Associated Charities filed. 09 03 1918 12. Report from Associated Charities filed. 11 04 1918 13. Board appropriated$150 a month for Red Cross Society. 12 02 1918 14. Board appropriated $200 a month for Associated Charities. 12 D3 1918 15. Board appropriated $10 a month for Milk Depot. (See Paupers) 12 ?3 1918 16. Request from Associated Charities for Board to pay meter rent and gas service in their office granted, 12 ?3 1918 17. Report from Associated Charities filed. O1 06 1919 18. Annual financial statement of Milk station filed. O1 06 1919 19. Report from Associated Charities filed. 02 03 1919 20. Report from Associated Charities filed. 03 ?3 1919 21. Money appropriated for Childrens Home and Aid Society of Greensboro, NC. 03 ?3 1919 22. Report from Associated Charities filed. Q4 ?7 1919 23. Report from Associated Charities filed. 05 ?5 1919 24. Screens and windows to be put in office of Associated Charities. 05 ?5 1919 25. Payment approved for care of pregnant orphan girls, Annie and Penny Jordan. 06 ?1 I919 26. Report from Associated Charities filed. 06 O1 1919 27. Report from Associated Charities filed. 07 07 1919 28. Report from Associated Charities filed. 08 04 1919 29. Report from Associated Charities filed. 09 02 1919 30. Report for office of Associated Charities referred to Courthouse Committee. 11 03 1919 31. A courtroom to be used by Salvation Army for relig ous services on Sunday eve nings. 11 24 1919 32. Annual appropriations: 12 Ol 1919 Red Cross Society -$150 per month; Associated Charities -$200 per month. Milk Depot -$10 per month; United Charities -$125 per month. 33. Report from Associated Charities filed. 34. Winnie McFarland referred to United Charities for aid. 35. Report from Associated Charities filed. 36. Report from Associated Charities filed. 37. Report from Associated Charities filed. 38. Report from Associated Charities filed. 39. Thomas K. Woody elected Secretary of United Charities at $120 per year. 40. Annual appropriations made for Red Cross Society, Associated Charities, United Charities and Milk for Indigent Infants. 41. Money allowed for Children's Home Society at Greensboro, N.C. 42. Money allowed for Children's Home Society at Greensboro, NC. 43, Request for County land to build on Old Folks Home for colored citizens referred to Board. MtNtITE BOOK Vol. I Page 7 645 7 652 7 663 7 667 7 671 7 690 7 695 8 11 8 13 8 14 8 17 8 24 8 26 8 26 8 26 8 28 8 31 8 31 8 34 8 38 8 38 8 42 8 48 8 49 8 60 8 61 8 64 8 68 8 74 8 85 8 87 8 89 O1 05 1920 8 92 Ol 05 1920 8 92 02 02 1920 8 97 06 07 1920 8 113 10 04 1920 8 127 11 O1 1920 8 129 12 06 1920 8 133 12 06 1920 8 133 12 07 1920 8 136 03 07 1921 8 148 03 07 1921 8 148 , INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C? , MAiT RT ??RTTIES ?'' atc. u. s. Covnty lndexee Since 1888 ? To lotale numes, opeq af C01T A•2 TAB INDE% NADE IY THE tOTi INGEX COMPIINY, COLUMBUS, OHIO PAT OFFICf %?oz? AnldentifvinsTredeMark SURNAME INITIAL iAB SOLD BY OWEN 6. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINI NATURE OP PRO(EEDINGS DATE Month + Day I Year I 1. Members of Love and Charity requested aid to build a h?me for old colored citizens. 04 04 1921 2. Report from Associated Charities filed. 04 04 1921 3. Board asked all organizations interested in establishing a home for old colored citiaens to meet and 05 02 1921 reach a common goal. 4. County land appropriated for use of Old Folks Home Society if they can provide enough funds for construction.06 07 1921 5. Annual Appropriations made for Society, Associated Charities, United Charities, Milk for Infants, Rest 12 05 1921 Room Housewives League, and Wilmington Light Infantry. 5. Special holiday offering to be paid for Childrens Home Society. 12 09 1921 6. Nlore money appropriatea for Children's Home Society of NC O1 03 1922 7. Report from Associated Charities filed. O1 03 1922 8. Report from Associated Charities filed. 02 06 19Z2 9. Report from Associated Charities filed. 03 06 1922 10. Report from Associated Charities filed. 04 16 1922 11. Miss Walker and Mrs. Anson requested money on behalf of Travelers Aid Society. 06 05 1922 12. Report from AssociataiCharities filed. 06 05 1922 13. Report from Associated Charities filed. 07 02 1922 14. Report from Associated Charities filed. 11 06 1922 15. Salary of T. K. Woody as Secretary of United Charities abolished, but work to continue. 11 24 1922 16. Annual appropriations given: Redcross Society, Associated Charities, United Charities, Milk for 12 04 1922 Indigent Infants, Restrooms I-?ousewives League, Children's Home. 17, Board rescinded action on abolishing salary of Secretary of United Charities. 12 04 1922 18. Money allowed Salvation Army for entrance fees for 6 wayward girls to Women's Home and Hospital in Pa. O1 22 1923 19. County Home Committee to investigate request for money for Old Folks Home. 03 05 19Z3 20. Supplement appropriation allowed Associated Charities due to more demand in winter months. 03 12 1923 21. Monthly report from Associated Charities filed. 03 12 1923 22. Report from Associated Charities filed. 04 02 1923 23. Money allowed the Salvation ¢rmy for caring for a number ?f girls. 05 07 1923 24. Al1 United Charity bills may be paid without person presenting bill signing sworn statement. 05 07 1923 25. May report from Associated Charities filed. 06 11 1923 26. Mr. J. A. Holleman referred to Associated Charities for aid. 07 02 1923 27. Report from Associated Charities filed. 07 02 1923 28. Money allowed Salvation Army for sending Cooper family to St. Paul, NC. 07 13 1923 29. Money allowed for Mothers Aid Fund for orphans in home of Worthy Mothers. 07 16 1923 30. Report from Associated Charities filed. 08 06 1923 31. Money made available for Mothers Aid Fund on August l, 1923. 08 06 1923 32. Mrs. Cora Alexander King given aid from Mothers Aid Fund. (See Special Services) 08 06 I923 33, Monthly allowance granted Old Foiks Home. 08 06 ?923 34. Request for aid from Mothers Aid Fund by Mrs. M. Huddleston and Mrs. Jarrett referred to Chairman. 08 06 1923 35. Board reduced money allowed Mrs. Cora A. King from Mothers Aid Fund from $25 to $15 a month. 08 31 1923 36. Report from Associated Charities filed. 09 04 1923 37. Money granted Salvation Army for expenses of sending Margaret Dale and Mildred McNew to Salvation Home Oy 04 1923 in South Carolina. 38. Report from Associated Charities filed, 10 Ol 1923 39. Mrs. Sudie M. Parker allowed money from Mothers Aid Fund. 10 08 1923 40. Report from Associated Charities filed. 11 05 1923 41. Duplicate United Charity orders paid to Mary Brown for loss of original orders. 12 03 1923 MINUTE BOOK Vof. I Page 8 150 8 151 8 154 8 8 157 182 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 184 184 185 187 191 194 200 200 202 214 217 219 219 224 229 230 231 236 241 243 245 247 247 251 252 256 256 256 256 256 261 262 262 265 267 269 272 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. , MA TECR: CHARITIES REG. U. 5. (r??/?'L1e??????rC..4'ZCS Countv [ndexea Since 1888 {?i a+.?? To lotate nam2s? open at COTT A-2 TAB INDEX r?r oFFICE An Identifying Trade Matk ??8 SURNAME INITIAL TAB 1NADE BY THE COii INDEX CQMPANY, COLOIN8U5, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN C. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE Month Day ? Yen? 12 03 1923 12 03 1923 MINUTE BOOK Vol. Page 1. Report from Associated Charities filed. 2. Annual appropriations given: Red Cross Society, Associated Charities, United Charities, Milk for Infants, Rest Room - Housewives Leagues, Childrens Home Society of NC. 3. Report from Associated Charities filed. 4. Report from Associated Charities filed. 5. Report from Associated Charities filed. 6. Money appropriated for Community Old Folks Home. 7. Report from Associated Charities filed. 8. Report from Associated Charities filed. 9. Report from Associated Charities filed. 10. Associated Charities to be reimbursed for expenses for caring for destitute family. 11. Report from United Charities filed. 12. Request of W. H. H. Todd for aid referred to Associated Charities. 13. Report from Associated Charities filed. 14. Report from Associated Charities filed. 15. Annual appropriations made to Red Cross Society, Associated Charities; United Charities, the Children's Home Society of NC and Community Old Folks Home. 16. Investigation to be made into money for a home for wayward girls sponsored by Salvation Army. 17. Report from Associated Charities filed. 18. Nloney allowed United Charities due to increased demands made in winter. . 19. Board paid off debt incurred by Community Old Folks Home. 20. Report from Associated Charities filed. 21. Report from Associated Charities filed. 22. Maternity fee of Louise Merritt from Salvation Army referred to Welfare Officer. 23. Report from United Charities filed. 24. Report from Associated Charities filed. 25. Report from Assoicated Charities filed. 26. Board did not make an appropriation to Salvation Army Home. 27. Board allowed money for Salvation Army Home for care of Louise Merritt and Alma Burkett. 28. Report from Associated Charities filed. 29. Money paid Salvation Army for burial of Harry Madlin. 30. Report from Associated Charities filed. 31. Board paid Salvation Army Home for maternity fee of Lillian H. Medlin. 32. Report from Associated Charities filed. 33. Report from Associated Charities filed. 34. Annual appropriation made to Red Cross Society, Associated Charities, United Charities, Rest Room; Housewives League, Children's Home Society of NC and Community Old Folks Home. 35. Report from Associated Charities filed. 36. Report from Associated Charities filed. 37. Office in Courthouse formerly occupied by Recorder assigned to Associated Charities. 38. Report from United Charities filed. 39. Board allowed no money for Salvation Army. 40. Report from Associated Charities filed. 41. Welfare Officer McGlaughon to investigate Old Folks Home. 42. Statement from Merchants Exhibit and LADIES Rest Room approved and Mrs. Marcus Jacobi appointed to its ' Board. 8 272 8 273 O1 07 1924 8 277 02 04 1924 8 281 03 03 1924 8 285 04 07 1924 8 289 04 07 1924 8 290 05 05 1924 8 294 06 04 1924 8 298 06 04 1924 8 299 08 04 1924 8 304 09 08 1924 8 309 10 06 1924 8 311 12 O1 1924 8 315 12 Ol 1924 8 317 12 33 1924 8 319 O1 05 1925 8 321 O1 05 1925 8 321 Ol 20 1925 8 323 02 02 1925 8 328 03 02 1925 8 331 03 16 1925 8 333 04 06 1925 8 334 05 04 1925 8 337 06 Ol 1925 8 341 07 07 1925 8 344 07 07 1925 8 344 07 07 1925 8 344 08 24 1925 8 350 09 08 1925 8 351 09 08 1925 8 351 10 05 1925 8 353 12 07 1925 8 360 12 07 1925 8 361 O1 04 192?i 8 365 02 Ol 1926 8 370 02 Ol 1926 8 371 03 O1 192? 8 375 03 O1 192? 8 377 04 05 1926 8 379 04 05 1926 8 280 05 03 1926 8 384 INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES N H C N C ? - ew anover ount?, . . , MAITER: ??RIT IES _ xEC. u, s. Counry Indexee S;nce 1888 To lotate names, open at (OTT A•1 TAB INDE% PAT OF(ICE ??l?l? An Iden6fying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MAOE YY THE COTT INDE%COMPANY, COLtlMeUS, OHIO SOLO BY OWEN G, GUNN, NEW BERN, NORTN GROLINA NATURE OF PRO(EEDINGS DAiE MINUTE BOOK Month I Day Year Vol, I Page 1. Report from Associated Charities filed. 05 03 1926 8 384 2. Report from Associated Charities filed. 06 07 1926 8 386 3. Report from Associated Chaxities filed. 07 06 1926 8 389 4. Associated Charities report filed. 09 07 1926 8 396 5. Associated Gharities report filed. 10 O1 1926 8 401 6. Associated Charities report filed. ll O1 1926 8 403 7. Associated Charities report filed. 12 06 1926 8 410 8. Welfare office urged aid to Benson family, Sunset Park. 12 21 1926 8 416 9. Rssociated Charities report filea. O1 03 1927 8 418 10, Associated Charities report filed. 02 07 19Z7 8 424 11. Mrs. Lizzie G. Farrow applied, received Mother's Aid. 02 07 1927 8 425 12. Destituted family to get grocery. 02 21 1927 8 425 13. Associated Charities report filed. 03 07 1927 8 428 14. Associated Charities report filed. 04 04 1927 8 433 15. Old Folk Home official to appear before board and present records of receipts and appropriations, 04 04 1927 8 433 16. Records (above) presented, referred to Welfare Office. 04 12 1927 8 434 17. Records checked by Welfare office; bookkeeping system recommended for change, and monthly report expected. 04 19 1927 8 436 18. Associated Charities report filed. 05 02 1927 8 439 19. Associated Charities report filed. 05 24 1927 8 443 20. State Dept. of Charities and Welfare signed agreement with commissioners on Mother's Aid distribution. 06 06 1927 8 445 21. Associated charities report filed. 06 06 1927 8 445 22. Mrs. Rising's request for Mother's Aid granted, subject to Charities and Welfare approval. 06 23 1927 8 449 23. Associated Charities repoxt filed. 07 05 1927 8 451 24. Associated Charities report filed. 08 06 1927 8 455 25. Associated Charities report filed. 09 06 1927 8 461 26. Associated Charities report filed. 10 03 1927 8 465 27. Associated Charities report filed. 11 11 1927 8 469 28. Addie Rowe Saunders granted $10 per month Mother's Aid subject to State Charities and Welfare approval. 11 22 1927 8 474 29. Associated Charities report filed. 12 06 1927 8 475 30. Associated Charitiesreport £iled 12 20 1927 8 478 31. Associated Charities requested and granted work of Road Force to cut wood for poor. 12 20 1927 8 478 32. Mary Pierce granted $3 per month Mother's Aid. 12 20 1927 8 478 33. Associated Charities report filed. O1 03 1928 8 480 34. Mrs. Addie Rowe Saunders (avove) granted Mother's Aid, subject to State Charities and Welfare approval. OI 03 1928 8 481 35. J. C. Carter granted outdoor poor funds. O1 10 1928 8 482 36. Associated Charities report filed. 02 06 1928 8 487 37. Associated Charities report filed. 03 O5 1928 8 491 38. Associated Charities report filed. 04 02 1928 8 502 39. Chairrnan to sign Mother's Aid Agreement for 1928-29. 04 24 1928 8 506 40. Associated Charities Report filed. 05 O1 1928 8 509 41. Annie Mae Nealey, prostitute.paroled from county home, may receive Salvation Army case. 05 O1 1928 8 509 42. $21.18 payment approved for Associated Charities for return of Paul Delvees to his home. 05 29 1928 8 512 43. Associated Charities report filed. 06 04 1928 8 512 44. Associated Charities report filed. 07 02 1928 8 518 45. Associated Charities report filed. 08 06 1928 8 525 46. Associated Charities report filed. 09 04 1928 8 530 C N MATT RT INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County CHARITIES . , , . ` Rec. n. s. ?A??? County Indexea Since 1888 To loeate names, open at C01T A•2 TA8 1NDEX r?r OFiICE ?pIJ?K.a?u.: An IdentiEyinB Trade Mazk ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB UADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN C. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month IDay I Year Vol. ? Page l. Associated Charities report filed. 10 ?1 1928 8 534 2. Associated Charities report filed. 11 05 1928 8 540 3. Mrs. Fred T. Southerland and Mrs. Annie Carter granted Mother's Aid, subject to approval of Board of 11 27 1928 8 544 Charities and Welfare. 4. Payment approved for Associated Charities for taking Bertha Davis to Washington, DC 12 03 1928 8 546 5. Associated Charities report filed for January. 02 04 1929 8 555 6. Associated Charities report filed for February. 03 04 1929 8 562 7. Associated Gharities report filed for March. 04 09 1929 8 569 S. Associatecl Charities report fz?ed for April. 05 16 1929 8 571 9. Associated Charities report filed. 06 03 I929 8 577 10. Associated Charities report filed. 07 O1 1929 8 582 11. Associated Charities report filed. 08 05 1929 8 S87 12. Associated Charities report filed. 09 03 1929 8 595 13. Associated Charities report filed. 10 07 1929 8 598 14. Payment approved for Associated Charities to expense trip of Helen Holmes to Samarcand. 10 29 1929 9 4 15. Associated Charities report filed. 10 29 1929 9 4 16. Trees to be delivered to Associated Charities woodyard, subject to land-owners approval. 11 26 1929 9 10 17, United Charities report filed. 12 02 1929 9 11 18. Associated Charities report filed. Ol 06 1930 9 16 19. Associated Charities report filed. 02 03 1930 9 16 20. Associated Charities report filed. 03 03 1930 9 27 21. Associated Charities report filed. 04 07 1930 9 37 22. Associated Charities report filed. 06 02 1930 9 44 23: United Charities granted $60 to aid in carrying vegetables for poor. 06 17 1930 9 45 24. Payment made to Associated Charities for taking Louise Malone to NC Industrial Home approved. 06 24 1930 9 46 25. Associated Charities repoxt filed. 07 07 1930 9 48 26. Associated Charities report filed. 08 04 1930 9 51 27. Associated Charities report filed. 09 02 1930 9 57 . 28. Charity rate approved for Joseph Lane, blind, for payment. 09 23 1930 9 60 29, Payment to Associated Charities for Charity rate fare used by welfare worker in taking Cora May 09 23 1930 9 60 Armstrong to state school for blind was approved by board. 30. Associated Charities report filed for September. 10 06 1930 9 70 31, Associated Charities report filed for October. 11 03 1930 9 75 32, Payment approved to Associated Charities for hauling wood. 11 03 1930 9 75 33. Payment approved report filed for November. 12 O1 1930 9 78 34, Payment approved to Associated Charities for hauling wood. 12 09 1930 9 79 35. Associated Gharities report filed. O1 05 I931 9 85 36. Associated Charities report fzled for January. 02 02 1931 9 89 37. Associated Cha?ties report filed for February. 03 03 1931 9 95 38. Cans and pair of tongs authorized for purchase for United Charities canning. OS 04 1931 9 107 39. Associated Charities report filed for April. OS I8 1931 9 109 40. Associated Charities report filed. 06 O1 1931 9 110 41. Associated Charities requested, declined payment of extra work during appointment of J. R. Hollis, 06 O1 1931 9 111 successor to McGlaughon. 42. United Charities annual report filed. 07 Ol 1931 9 116 43. Associated Charities bill for Nora McFarland's bus fare paid and charged to Recorder's Court. 07 27 1931 9 119 i INDE? TO COMMISSIOI?ERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. , MATTERT CHARITIES ` aec. u. s. County Indexen Since 1888 ? Yo IOCate names, open Gt COTT A-Z TAB INDEX ?AT OFFICE ?p?? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME IPIITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT ?NDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS 1. Payment to Associated Charities approved for Charity rate fare of Minnie Gerald and two children to Ga. 2. Payment to Associated Charities approved for transportation of Josephine Hair to Conn. 3. Charity-rate fare autnorized for Anna Turner to Duke Hospital for treatment. 4. Associated Charities report filed for July. 5. Payment to Associated Charities approved transportating J. L. Branner to Virginia. 6. Payment to Associated Gharities approved for gasoline used to take 2 Bolton children to Barum Springs Orphanage by Rev, C. C. Myers. 7. Associated Charities report filed for August. 8. ?ssociated Charities given payment for transportat?ng M?nnie Carter tp Goldsboro. 9. Charity rate payment approved for transportation of Carolyn Montford to Washington, DC to parents. 10. United Charities report filed £or November. 11. Copy of Associated Charities financial report received ending Dec. 31. 12, Associated Charities report filed for December. 13. Bill to Associated Charities approved for payment to expense charity-rate fare for Paul Silverstein and Mrs. Grace Robinson to New York. 14. United Charities Report filed for Januaxy. 15. Associated Charities Report filed for January. 16. Change of office for Associated Charities £or better service left to courthouse committee. 17. United Charities report on relief work filed for February. 18. Upon welfare approval, charity rate purchase for returning Thelma Langlye F? 2 children to Asheville, NC; and bill authorized for returning Mrs. Almada Fulcher to ?harlotte, NC, home. 19. United Charities report filed for March. 20. Associated Charities report filed for March. Z1. Associated Charities report filed for April. 22. Payment of Charity Rate to expense child of late Sarah Riggs, to Boston, Mass. 23. Associated Charities report filed for May. 24. Charity-rate fare approved to expense Daisy Riggs to Florida relatives. 25. Charity fare approved to expense Daisy Riggs to Tallahassee, Fla. 26. Half-fare Charity rate authorized to expense Lou Eudy to Dalvation Army Maternity Home, Durham. 27. Charity-rate fare approved to expense Nicie DeVaughn, to Philadel?ihia. 28. Charity rate approved to expense Edward Mintz, Jr. to school for deaf at Morganton. 29. Harrington family authorized transportation to Tarboro, NC releasing county of charity charge. 30. Charity transportation approved to expense Virginia Crumpter to Warsaw. 3I. Belinda Johnson's treatment completed, charity transportation approved. 32. Charity rate approved to expense Edward Mintz to Morganton, NC. 33. Associated Charities needed funds and Col. W. Taylor suggested legislature on it. 34. Payment to Associated Charities approved for F. Duane food xent. 35. Payment to Associated Charities approved for Thelma Kitchen expenses. 36. Former Inmate Mrs. Roderick referred to Associated Charities. 37. Aid requested for Mrs. Henry Ottoway and Sallie Johnson, referred to Associated Charities. 38. Associated Charities reimbursed for Mrs. Harris food, John Farmworth wife, son ? John Lyncy trip expenses. 39. Associated Charities reimbursed for S. Smith trip to Duke Hospital. 40. Associated Charities and Welfare suptin. given linen and apparel for needy. 41. Mrs. Hill requested rag dolls be turned over to Associated Charities. 42. Sewing room Supervisor, Mrs. Hill, advised that more clothing turned over to Chaxities ? welfare. 43. Payment authorized to Dr. R. L. Carter for treatment of J. T. Belcher. DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. I Page 08 17 1931 9 123 07 18 1932 9 171 07 19 1932 9 I71 08 15 1932 9 176 08 22 1932 9 178 09 Qb 1932 9 179 09 12 1932 9 180 10 10 1932 9 185 11 28 1932 9 192 12 OS 1932 9 194 O1 09 1933 9 198 O1 23 1933 9 200 O1 30 1933 9 201 Q2 06 1933 9 204 02 20 1933 9 206 03 06 1933 9 209 03 13 1933 9 209 03 06 1933 9 209 04 03 1933 9 213 04 03 1933 9 213 05 OS 1933 9 219 05 29 1933 9 223 06 05 1933 9 225 07 03 1933 9 230 07 10 1933 9 231 07 24 1933 9 234 08 14 1933 9 239 09 05 1933 9 247 09 25 1933 9 250 O1 29 1934 9 268 02 19 1934 9 274 09 1D 1934 9 301 02 04 1935 9 321 OZ II I935 9 324 02 18 1935 9 325 11 18 1935 9 392 11 18 I935 9 392 12 02 1935 9 394 12 09 1935 9 396 12 23 1935 9 398 12 30 1935 9 398 02 10 1936 9 407 03 19 1936 9 413 IND EX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES N H C ? N C - ew anover ount y, . . , MATTERT CHARITI ES ` REG. U. $. Jf ,p? ?,'? Counry lndezea Since 1888 ?y? k..3-- To loeate names, open af MT OFFfCE ??(,?ce??(?4-?" An ldentifying Trade Mark ?`? SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•2 TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, WLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN C. DUMN, NEW BE RN, HORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month I Day I Year Vol. I Page 1. Associated Charities approved for payment for charity rates. 03 19 1936 9 413 2. Charity rate authori zed for Mrs. Perry to Fla. 04 13 1936 9 420 3. Recess taken for Ass ociated Charities request for funds. 05 O1 1936 9 424 4. Associated Charities affirmed for funds. 05 O1 I936 9 424 S. Associated Charities requested, given funds. 07 19 1936 9 440 6. Associated Charities given appropriations. 07 20 1936 9 443 7. Associated Charities given appropriations. 08 31 1936 9 450 8. Associated Charities given appropriations for July-September. 10 26 1936 9 459 9. Associated Charities submitted monthly report. 11 16 I936 9 464 10. Associated Charities report filed for July-October. 11 23 1936 9 464 11. Associated Charities requested granted advance salaxy for December-Feb. 12 07 1936 9 467 12. Associated Charities report filed for November. 12 07 1936 9 409 13. Associated Charities given Christmas donation. 12 21 1936 9 470 14. Associated Charities report filed for December. O1 18 I937 9 476 15. Associated Charities repoxt filed for January. 02 08 1937 9 479 16. Associated Charities request, granted allowance. 03 O1 1937 9 483 17. Associated Charities report filed for February. 03 15 1937 9 486 18. Associated Charities requested, authorized payment. 03 29 1937 9 488 19. Associated Charities report filed for March. 04 12 1937 9 489 20. Associated Charities requested, discussed funds for April. 04 19 1937 9 492 21. Associated Charities given appropriations. 04 26 1937 9 495 22. Associated Charities report received for April. 05 17 1937 9 501 23. Associated Charities paid to transport Luella Hutchinson to Ga, 06 07 1937 9 507 24. Associated Charities presented statement for June. 06 21 1937 9 509 25. Associated Charities book to be audited to E. C. Craft, CPA. 06 21 1937 9 509 26. Associated Charities request for funds taken under consideration. 06 28 1937 9 511 27. Associated Charities funds for July to be discussed in Joint session. 06 28 1937 9 511 28. Associated Charities funds discussed after recess. 07 Ol 1937 9 518 29. Associated Charities funds discussed after recess. 07 O1 1937 9 518 30. Associated Charities presented estimates, but action postponed. 07 O1 1937 9 5I8 31. Associated Charities funds to be paid to city-county. 07 Ol 1937 9 519 32. Associated Charities asked to aid Linwood Tindall. 07 12 1937 9 521 33. Associated Charities report filed for June. 07 12 1937 9 522 34. Leroy T. Mobley authorized charity-rate fare. 07 12 1937 9 522 35. Associated Charities given appropriation. 08 02 1937 9 52b 36. Associated Charities declined appropriation. 08 04 1937 9 528 37. Associated Charities granted appropriation. OS 04 1937 9 528 38. Associated Charities authorized to prepare expenditure list. 08 04 1937 9 528 39. Payment made for aud iting Associated Charities books. 08 30 1937 9 536 40. Associated Charities authorized funds. 09 07 1937 9 539 4I. Associated Charities authorized age assistance. 09 20 1937 9 541 42. Associated Charities report filed for July. 09 ZO 1937 9 541 43. Associated Charities reimbursed for blind funds. 10 04 1937 9 542 44. Associated Charities report filed for September. 10 25 1937 9 549 45. Associated Charities reimbursed for Old Age funds. 11 O1 1937 9 550 46. Associated Charities authorized Charity rate and burial expenses. 11 O1 1937 9 550 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MI?UTES -- New Hanover Count?y, N. C. , MATTER• CHARITIES nEa. u. s. County Inclexee Since 1888 YO IotOte names, OpeO GT COTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE ?OTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO PAT OFFICE L.?i?? An ldentifYa6 Trade Mark S?JRNAME INIiIAL TAB SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE Month Day Year ? Associated Charities report filed for October. 2. Charity rate authorized for Simon Rutledge and Henry Herring. 3. Associated Charities permitted February budget. 4. Associated Charities report filed for December. 5. Associated Charities report filed for January. 6. Associated Charities report filed for February. 7. Associated Charities report filed for March. 8. Associated Charities report (audit) approved for payment. 9. Associated Charities appropriations fixed. 10. Associated Charities seminannual report filed. 11. Associated Charities report filed for February. 12. Associated Charities report filed for March. 13. Associated Charities report filed for April. 14. Associated Charities report filed for May. 15. Associated Charities authorized payment for charity rate of Marjorie Ranning ? Elizabeth Horne. 16. Associated Charities report and budget received for year. 17. Associated Charities budget estimates presented. 18. Associated Charities budget appropriations set. 19. Associated Charities deficit report received. 20. Associated Charities deficit report postponed for action. 21. Associated Charities report filed for March. 22. Associated Charities report deficit received. 23. Associated Charities report filed for April. 24. Associated Charities report on deficit postponed. 25. Associated Charities report on deficit to be taken care of by County. 26. Associated Charities report filed for June. 27. Associated Charities budget fixed, 28. Associated Charities secretary to meet Association needs. 29. Associated Charities audit report received. 30. Associated Charities annual report filed. 31. Associated Charities audit report filed. 32. Associated Charities report filed for November. 33. Associated Charities semi-annual report filed. 34. Associated Charities report filed for March. 35. Associated Charities audits filed. 36. Associated Charities report filed for first quarter. 37. Associated Charities request declined on county taking over treatment on Willie Mae Merriall. 38. Associated Charities audit filed. 39. Associated Charities budget increased. 40. Associated Charities appropriations increased. 41. Associated Charities report filed for July. 42. Associated Charities report filed for August. 43. Associated Charities report filed for October. 44. Associated Charities report filed for November. 45. Associated Charities report filed for December. 11 08 1937 11 22 1937 O1 17 1938 Ol 17 1938 02 14 1938 03 14 1938 04 11 1938 08 O1 1938 08 02 1938 02 13 1939 03 13 1939 04 17 1939 05 O1 1939 06 05 1939 07 10 1939 07 31 1939 08 02 1939 08 02 1939 09 18 1939 10 02 1939 04 22 1940 04 29 1940 05 20 1940 06 03 1940 06 10 1940 07 O1 1940 07 05 1940 07 22 1940 08 05 1940 02 03 1941 08 11 1941 12 O1 1941 02 23 1942 04 13 1942 08 24 1942 10 19 1942 05 03 1943 08 02 1943 08 28 1943 08 09 1943 08 09 194? 09 20 1943 11 29 1943 11 29 1943 Ol 24 1946 MINUTE BOOK Vol. Page 9 552 9 554 9 563 9 563 9 567 9 572 9 577 9 603 9 604 10 40 10 45 10 51 10 54 10 61 10 66 10 70 10 71 10 71 10 83 10 86 10 123 10 124 10 128 10 130 10 131 10 135 10 137 10 140 10 146 10 179 10 223 , 10 243 10 260 10 266 10 288 10 298 10 329 10 343 10 343 10 343 10 343 10 349 10 358 10 358 10 365 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? N C T CHARITIES y, . . , MATT R ` nec. u. s. County Indexee Since 1888 ? To (ocate names, open at ??r OFFICE ?pJ?? An ldentifying Trade Marlc SURNAME INITIAL TAB COi7 A•Z TAB INDEX MIADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN 6. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Associated Charities report filed for July. 08 21 1944 10 401 2. Associated Charities audit report filed for year. 08 21 1944 10 401 3. Associated CHarities report filed for August. 09 18 1944 10 405 ,.4. Associated Charities report filed for September. 10 30 1944 10 411 5. Associated Charities report filed for April. 05 21 1945 10 441 6. Associated Charities report (audit) filed. 07 30 1945 10 452 7. Motion carried to continue Associated Charity work in face of deficit. O1 28 1946 10 479 8. hleeting called to consider Associated Charities deficit. Ol 28 1946 10 479 9. Associated Charities report filed for January. 02 25 1946 10 482 10. Associated Charities report received on deficits. 03 11 1946 10 485 11. Motion carried to aid Associated Charities. 03 11 1946 10 485 12. Associated Charities report filed for July. 08 19 1946 10 509 13. Associated Charities report released on broken homes. 09 23 1946 10 517 14. Associated Charities given funds to meet deficit. 05 05 1947 10 564 15. Associated Charities annual report filed. 07 28 1947 10 577 16. Consideration postponed on Associated Charities request for appropriations. 10 06 1947 10 588 17. Community Chest discussed county obligation to give funds to Associated Charities. 10 13 1947 10 588 18. Associated Charities designated to receive county funds. 10 13 1947 10 ? 588 19. Associated Charities to give monthly report and monthly pro rata funds. 10 13 1947 10 588 .20. Charity 5ervice=statement received from James Walker Hospital Director. 12 1 1947 11 3 21. Associated Charities report filed, employees approved salary increase. 12 22 1947 11 6 22. Associated Charities budget estimates received for consideration. 5 24 1948 11 28 23. Associated Charities report filed. 8 16 1948 11 40 24. Associated Charities Pres. D?c. Wm. Crowe granted i?.?.nds. 9 27 1948 11 49 25. Associated Charities audit filed by E. C. Craft, CPA. 10 4 1948 11 50 26. Associated Charities referred to Health D?pt for treatment funds for 0. Butler. 11 1 1948 11 55 27. Associated Charities granted payment for budget deficiency. 1 10 1949 11 66 28. Associated Charities funds postponed for budget. 5 2 1949 12 90 29. Associated Charities audit report filed by E. C. Craft, CPA. 10 10 1949 11 126 30. Associated Charities report filed, 11 19 1949 11 130 31. Associated Charities report filed. 2 13 1950 11 156 32. Associated Charities audit report filed. 9 25 1950 11 212 33. Associated Charities report filed for December. 1 22 1951 11 235 34. Associated Charities report filed for January and Feburary. 2 12 1951 11 247 35. Associated Charities report filed for March. 4 16 1951 11 254 36. Associated Charities report filed. 6 24 1951 11 264 37. Associated Charities audit report filed . 8 20 1951 11 282 38. Associated Charities report filed. 3 3 1952 11 321 39. Associated Charities report filed. 3 17 1952 11 324 40. Associated Charities report filed. 4 15 1952 11 331 4?. Associated Chartities report filed. 6 2 1952 11 339 42. Associated Charities report filed. 7 21 1952 11 352 43. Associated Charities report of finance filed. 9 15 1952 11 364 44. Associated Charities report filed. 11 17 1952 11 378 ?5. Associated Charities report filed for year. 2 2 1953 11 397 46. Associated Charities budget discussed on placing it under Social Services. 3 16 1953 11 409 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. _ MU JECT Charities - aec. u. s. Counry Indezea Since 1888 ? TO IOCOE? nom?s, O?ND Ot COTT A-= TM INYEX r?t OFFICE ?.t?? Anldentifving Tiade Mark MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY? COLUMBUS. OH10 SURNAME INIiIAL TAi SOLD iT OWEN ?. CUNN, NEw ?ERN, NORTN GROLINA l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. NATURE OF PROCEEDlNGS Associated Charities report on finance ?iled for February. Associated Charities met with Social Services on public asst. program. Associated Cnarities announced retirement of Clerk Mrs. Bealuh Piner, effective April 30. Associated Charities C-Ierk Mrs._ Piner placed on retirement, letter received. Associated Chari?ies appropiations discontinued, me?ting set. Associated Charities discontinuance of appropriations discussed with Communty Council. Associated Charities discontinuance of funds discussed, Commissioner Davis stressed closer affiliation with churches. Associated Charities finance report filed. Associated Charities audit report filed. Associated Charities letter received, ?oard thanked for funds. Received invitation to attend County Unit of American Cancer Society. March of Dimes excused from payment of privilege tax. Recommendations received on Sorosis Club's eighteenth birthday. Donors to decide about donations given TB Hospital. Letter to attend American Red Cross Membership meeting. Request from Seagate Volunteer Fire Dept. for assistance in securing siren referred. Associated Charities report received and filed. Approved contributions for Infantry Units and Sorosis Museum. DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 3 23 . 1953 11 410 3 23 1953 11 410 3 30 1953 12 411 5 4 I953 11 418 5 26 1?53 11 423 6 29 1953 11 432 6 29 1953 11 432 7 20 1953 II 438 7 20 1953 11 438 8 31 1953 11 450 11 14 1955 12 17 1 23 1956 12 37 2 20 I956 12 45 2 20 1956 12 45 5 7 1956 12 67 6 18 1956 12 77 5 12 1958 12 255 8 4 1958 I2 288 a. . . INDEA TD COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - N H no r C u ? N C CITY/COUNTY ?oNSOL=D?T=? ew a ve o n j, . . _ Mp TfR: nee. u. s. r?r OFFIGE ?? County lnde:n Since 1888 ?' An IdentiEying Trede Mazk I?`? To IowN numes, opan af SURNAME INITIAL TAB (OTT A TO I TAB INUEX NADE 1Y TNE COTT INDEX (qYANY, COLIIqGS? OHIO SOLD BY OW EN 6. D UNN f0„ NE W BERN, N ? C. DAiE MINUiE BOOK NATURE OF PRO(EEDINGS Mor?h Day Year Vol, Page 1? Consolidation City/County Governm?nts 02 02 1970 14 436 2. N.C. General Assembly Bill 1969 03 16 1970 14 454 3. Meeting April 1-3, Nashville, Tenn. 02 16 1970 14 443 ? 4. Joint meetinq City Council and County Commissioners 04 20 1970 14 464 5. Eligibility of voters Ol 15 1973 15 313 i 6. Report on special election 03 5 1973 15 347 ? 7. Discussion on Consolidation Committee 03 Ol 1982 19 25 i 8. . Discussion on Consolidation of Governments in New Hanover County 02 08 1982 19 08 ? 9. Discussion on meeting to discuss consolidation 02 15 1982 19 I4 ;? i ?, ?, i's `; 1, I; INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES asc. u. s. Counry Indezea Since 1888 PAT OFFICE ? ?? An ldentifying Trade Mark - New Hanover Count?? ?. t?. ,?U JECT CITY COUNCIL ` Te lotat? nam?s, op?a af WTT A-Z TA? INpEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO fURNAME INITIAL TA? SOLO tY ONEN 0. pUNN, NEw ?ERN, NORTH GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Pnge 1. Request for financial assistance in parks, recreation and human relations 07 06 1971 14 666 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. , MATT RT CITY/COUNTY OWNED PROP _ M?.?--TO Nesb nanl?s, ?pM at COTT ?•2 TAt INeE7t aea. u. s. County Inde:en Since 1888 MADE 6Y THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUM?US, ONIO PAi OFFICE ?R??J,J??j.? An ldentifyin¢ Trade Marlc ??? SURNAM[ INRIAL TA? SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK , Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Approval saie of City/County property 2. Approval demolition City/County houses 3. Approval of bids 4. Sale of City/County Property 5. Demolition of Dwellings - 9th & 12th Streets (, Sale of City/County owned property 7. Sale of City/County owned property 8, Sale of City/County Owned property 9. Sale of City/County owned property 10. Sale of City/County owned property 11. Transfer of interest of tax foreclosed property to City of Wilmington 12. Update on Project Recoup 13. 'Transfer of property to City of Wilmington 14. Deed to City of Wilmington for County's interest in property 510 S. 8th 5t. 15. Quitclaim to City/County interest in jointly awned property for on-job-training 16. Rejection ?f b?ds on C,ty!County owned property 17. Deed of Correction - 1402 Wooster S treet 18. Sale of City/County owned property exhibit book VIII, pg. 19 19. Agreement-Land Use Plan Update 20. Urban Gardening Program 21. Quitclaim deed to Czty - 709 Red Cross Street 22. Correction in parcel number (18/700/11.3.80) 23. Quitclaim deed to City - 706 S. 5th Street, 7D4 S. 5th Street & 418 Queen Street 24. Sale of Surplus jointly owned property - see exhibit book VIII, Page 33 25. Deed of Correction on property located at 615 S. llth St, deeded to the City on June 16, 1980. 26. O1 03 1978 18 156 05 O1 1978 18 202 06 19 1978 18 225 10 02 1978 18 286 lI 06 I978 I8 300 O1 15 1979 18 343 03 19 1979 18 373 05 07 1979 18 400 08 04 ??7? ?8 470 11 19 1979 18 512 O1 07 1980 18 535 O1 07 1980 18 536 Ol 21 1980 18 542 03 l0 1980 18 560 06 I6 I980 18 6I4 07 07 1980 18 632 08 18 1980 18 648 11 03 1980 18 700 11 17 198? 18 704 12 O1 1980 I$ 723 Ol ?5 1981 18 738 Ol t9 1981 18 750 02 ??2 1981 18 755 02 16 1981 18 764 02 16 1981 18 765 f ' ? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MU JE T CITY-COUNTY OWNED PROP` n¢6, u. s. q???? County Inaezea Since 1888 ? i0 IOCat? no?Mf? eptY Ot COTT A-I TA? INOEX n?r OFFfCE C?E?CQ-? An Identifyin8 Trade Mazk SURNAME IN(TIA? TA/ MADE BY THE CO7T INDEX COMPANY. COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD ?T OMEN i. pUNN, NEw ?ERN, MORTII GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Deed for Delivery 02 17 1964 13 292 2. Foreclosure Procedure 02 17 1964 13 292 3. Tax Foreclosed 02 17 1964 13 293 4. City-County Agreement 03 02 1964 13 297 5. Tax Foreclosed 08 03 1964 13 363 6. Tax Foreclosed 09 08 : .964 13 369 7. Tax Foreclosed 10 05 I964 13 380 8. Tax Foreclosed 11 16 1964 13 397 9. Purchase of Q2 2? 1965 ?3 435 10. Purchase of 07 26 1965 13 507 11. Unpaved block, Campbell St. 04 22 1968 14 173 12. Cleaning of vacant lot at 612 Wooster St. 11 ??4 1968 14 265 I3. Sale of property to Eugene Dunham 12 ??2 1968 14 279 14. Reauest of Walter W. Signam to purchase lot 12 16 1968 14 284 15. Love Alley Appraisal O1 20 1969 14 294 16. Offer to purchase Lena Bell Johnson Property U2 1% 1969 14 292s 17. Purchase Property of Heirs of Lucy McCleary 02 17 1969 14 298 18. Sale of Lot, 1218 N. 7th ST. 03 17 1969 14 304 19. Sale of lots ?8 18 1969 14 391 20. Sale of Lots 10 06 1969 14 394 21. Request to purchase from John Wessell 06 O1 1y70 14 4t53 22. Sale of Property Block tS0 06 15 1970 14 489 Z3. Sale of Property on 9th St. 07 2U 1970 14 49y 24 Sale of property - Block 267, S.E. 1/8 Pt. 4 Ol 04 1972 15 64 25. Sale of property - Lot 5, Block 566 O1 04 1972 15 64 26. Sale of property 02 07 1972 15 75 27. 0£fer to convey property to 08 14 1972 15 193 28. Sale of property to redevelopment commission 11 22 1972 15 268 29. Corner of Marsteller ?, S. 17th Sts, Offer to buy 02 ?5 1973 15 323 30. Corner of Marsteller ? S. 17th Sts., Discussion of 02 19 1973 15 333 31. Discussion of policy on rental of foreclosed property 03 ?5 1973 15 339 32. Rental on foreclosed property 03 19 1973 15 353 33. Rental on foreclosed property (final) 04 ?2 1973 15 360 34. Bid on Block 4, Lot 1, Mercer Place 04 16 1973 15 374 35. Gift of lots 27 ? 28 in Oak Forest Subdivision F? 4.4 acres of Marshland 04 16 1973 15 374 36. Policy for disposal of 05 21 1973 15 ?18-9 37. Approval to sell block 4, lot l, Mercer Place 05 21 1973 15 419 38. Swap with City (James Walker land for Lake Forest School land) 05 21 1973 15 422 39. Frances L. Gray welfare Lien (1312 Queen) 06 04 1973 15 427 40. Mary Chestnut Welfare Lien (812 Red Cross) 06 18 1973 15 431 41. ? Approval to sell 5142 Bladen Street. 06 18 1973 15 437 ; 42, Request to se11 510 Ann Street. 07 02 1973 15 442 43. Approval to sell 570 Ann St. 07 16 1973 15 449 44. Mary E. Chestnut welfare lien (812 Red Cross St.) 07 22 : 973 15 458 45. Approval to sell 206 Gores Row 08 20 1973 15 473 46. Swap with City (James Walker/Lake Forest) 09 17 1973 15 498 . ??.. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MU JECT ?I?Y/C?UNTY OWNED PRQP.` ne?. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 ? TO IowN nomts? op?O Ot COTT A-! TA? INpEX PAT OFFICE ?p?II? An Identifying Trade Mazk SURNAME INITIAL iAY MADE BY THE COTT (HDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, QHIO SOLD /Y OWEN 0. pYMN, NEN ?ERN, NORTN GROLINA DAiE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ,?? Month Day Year Vol. Page ? 1;; Approval to sell 1214 S. 8th St. 09 17 1973 15 501 2. Approval to sell 1015 S. llth st. 09 17 1973 15 50I 3. Mary Chestnut Welfare Lien (812 Rankin) 1Q O1 1973 15 506 4. Sale of Mary Chestnut Property 12 10 1973 15 538 5.? Approval to sell block 135 NWM 2, 204 Gores Row 03 18 1974 15 601 6.` Approval of condemnation of City-County property 03 18 1974 15 602 7. Sale of 716 N. 8th St. 05 06 1974 15 622 8. Sale of 207 Kidder St. 06 03 1974 15 651 9. Demolition of 501 A. llth St. 08 QS I974 35 694 10. Approval to sell 1214 S. 8th St. Sale of corner of Green F? Anderson Streets 12 16 1974 16 50 I1. Sale of I005 North Sth street 03 03 1975 16 102 12. Houses at 715 Nun ancl 812 Red Cross to be offered for sale 03 03 1975 16 125 13. Tabling of sale of property f04 07 1975 16 162 14. Authorization to demolish house at 1214 S. 8th St. 06 02 1975 16 216 15. Sale of 212 S. llth St. 07 07 1975 16 235 16. Demolition of 914 Starkey Alley 08 2S 1975 16 259 17. Demolition of 1006 Orange St. and 614 Nun st. 09 08 1975 16 266 18. Sale of 103 S. 9th and 1007 N. 5th St. 12 15 1975 17 26 19.: Sale of City/County property in the Northside I Urban Renewal Area O1 19 1976 17 45 20. Approval of condemnation Parcel 21-25C Northside Urban Renewal 02 16 1976 17 ?;3-4 2I. Resolution for inspection of City/County property 03 15 1976 I7 ?1 22.' Approva? demolition City/County bldg. at ?408 Wooster St. 04 05 1976 17 !?7 23.: Approval sale City/County prop. at S. 6th St. and Walnut St. 04 20 1976 17 l03 24. Discussion on disposal of City/County property 04 20 1976 17 l10 25. Sale of City/County property 06 21 1976 17 l51 26. Condemnation of City/County owned property 06 31 1976 17 152 27. Quitclaim deed to James Garrison 07 06 1976 17 l61 28. Sale of lot on Noxon St. to Redevelopment Comm. 07 19 1976 17 163 29. Donation of lot on Love Alley to Bd. of Education 07 19 1976 17 163 30. Demolition 1007 Castle St. ? 408 Wilson Alley 09 20 1976 17 197 31. Cancellation of mortgage on property at 1312 Queens St. 10 18 1976 17 ?18 32. Discussion of Sale of County's interest in real property at City's ope?ations area 10 18 1976 T7 218-9 33. Sale of County interest in property in City's Municipal Service Center to the City of Wilm. 10 25 1976 17 223-4 34. Tabling sale of lats 11 15 1976 17 7_32 35. Sale of City/County property ]2 06 1976 17 239 36. Approve bids received on list of properties 01 17 1977 17 263 37. Approve bids received on City/County property 04 04 1977 18 15 38. Discuss bids received on City/County property OS 16 1977 18 37 39. Approve bids received on City/County property 05 16 1977 18 37 40. Demoli?ion of City/County owrzed property 06 06 1977 18 47 41.; Disposition of City/County property-304 Wooster 06 20 1977 18 58 42. Property at 304 Wooster not to be sold at public auction 06 20 1977 1-8 58 43. Approve bids received on City/County property 06 20 1977 18 61 44. Approve sale of City/County owned property 07 05 1977 18 70 45. Approve sale of City/County owned property 11 07 1977 18 126 46.A Recission of action City/County property taken at Nov. 7 meeting 11 21 1977 18 138 N. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Counfiy C. MATTER , , : CITY/CO UNTY RELAT IONS - aec. u. s. ,,,A?? County Inde:ee Since 1888 ?TO IOCitf 11?111?f. ?pM il t?r OFFICE ?q.;?z?,o-?.s An Identifyin¢ Ttade Mark SURNAM[ INITIAL TAt COTi A-Z TA{ INOEX AA?DE 6Y THE iOTi INDEX COMPANY, COLUMtU3, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page ' 1. Presentation Consolidation Committee Report OS J7 1978 18 253 2. Authorization of County Manager to negotiate Water Contract with City of Wilmington 09 18 1978 18 279 3. Award of Manpower Contracts 09 18 1978 18 281 4. District Representation 02 ?3 1979 18 355 5. Utility Easements to City of Wilmington 09 04 1979 18 471 6. Authorization for agreement w3.th City of Wilmingion for softball program OZ I1 I980 I8 542 7. Commissionei5 accepted bus fragi City of Wilmington for Sheriff`s Office 03 21 1980 18 583 8. Discussion on request for fireworks display by City of Wilmington P& R for 7-5-80 07 07 1980 18 634 9. Authorization for County Manager to sign agreement wi.th City Mgr. for separation of FZanning Dept. Function 07 07 198D 18 634 10. Discussion on City of Wilmington resolutions pertaining to Board Appointment 08 04 1980 18 646 11. Concurrence in City of Wilmington Ordinances concerning jointly appoi?ited Boaxds and Status of Women & 09 02 1°80 18 659 Board of Examiners of Electrician 12. Concurrence in City Council Resolution designating Lead Planning for Transportation 09 02 1980 18 659 I3. Sign Study Committee 11 17 1980 18 703 14. Agreement with City for Use of Police information system - to establish a joint system Sheriff/Police 05 18 1981 18 837 15. Agreement with City of Wilmington for Sheriff's Use of Police Information System 07 07 1981 18 887 16. Approval given for Housing Authority to contract for Inspection Servi?es with City 08 03 1981 18 895 17. Discussion of City of Wilmington EMS Contract 08 17 1981 18 904 18. Approval of EMS Agreement with City 09 08 1981 18 916 19. City of Wilmington to use Library Parking lot 10 19 1981 18 944 20. Interlocal Purchasing agreement with City of Wilmington 11 16 1981 18 956 21. Resolution bonating 2 vehicles to City 12 ?)7 1981 18 966 22. Discussion on City of Wilmington charges for Parks and Recreation Programs 12 07 1981 18 972 23. Discussion on City of Wilm. Grant request for Shopping Center at Monkey Junction 02 15 1982 19 13 24. Discussion on Work Session With City Council 03 O1 1982 19 23 25. Further Discussion on Work Session with City Council 03 Ol 1982 19 25 26. Discussion on UDAG Grant for Shopping Center at Monkey Junction 03 Ol 1982 19 25 27, Discussion on UDAG funds for Monkey Junction Shopping Center 03 :i_5 I982 19 34 28. Discussions with City on combined Data Processing System 03 i_5 1982 19 36 29. Discussion on Request to take over City Inspections 05 25 1982 19 76 30. Discussion on Purchase of Excess Raw Water from City of Wilmington 05 25 1982 19 76 31. Request to City of Wilmington for Delay in Septage Dumping fee increase 06 07 1982 19 83 32. Discussion on City of Wilmington request for County participation in appointing bicycle advisory comm. 06 21 1982 19 98 33. Approval of Summer Youth Contract with City 06 21 1982 19 100 34. Easement to City of Wilmingtan for Sewer Outfall at Hugh MacRae Park 10 04 1982 19 167 35. Non-City Residents who use city parks 12 20 1982 19 207 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATiER: aec. u. s, County Indezes Since 1688 ?? To bwts namss, open at r?r OFFIGE ???L?sX?" An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS l. Request for establishment of Cape Fear Convention Center Authority for Civic Center 2. Discussion on appointment of Greater Cape Fear Convention Center Authority 3. Discussion of Proposed Civic/Convention Center CIVIC CENTER ? COTT A TO Z TAB INDEX M?DB ?Y THE COTT 1NDEX l?ANY, COLUN?Of, OH10 SOLD BY OWEN 6. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Yea? Voi. Page 04 17 1979 18 386 04 •23 1979 18 392 09 07 1982 19 141 t INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Countt? N. C. MU JEC' , _ ?iVi l De fen se - aea. u. s. q?? County Indezea Since 1888 ? TO IoMt? nomes. op?n at COTT A-2 TA? INpEX PAT OFFICE ?'?? '??,6-? An Identifyin8 Trade Mazk SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDFX COMPANY? COLUMBUS? OHIO SOLD ?Y OWEN i. pUNM, MEN ?ERN, NORTN GROIINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l. approved payment for libility insurance for Rescue Squad. 1T ,14 1955 12 17 2. Civil Defense representative to help small business and farmers with hurricane damages. 1 9 1956 12 32 3. All Civil Defense calls to be taken at the Chamber o?f Commerce. 1 9 1956 12 32 4. Authorized the use of emergency funds for repairs to Harbor Island emergency drainage 1 9 1956 1? 33 caused by hurricanes. 5. Civil Defense representative to give further help to farmers and small businesses in 1 17 195b 12 35 filling out applications for Government Surplus Equipment. 6. Received a copy of a comprehensive rePort on long range hurricane rehabilitation project, 3 5 1956 12 50 prepared by State Council of Civil Defense. 7. No action taken on suggestion that Mr. Franklin W. Bell return to formal position as 3 26 1956 12 56 Local Civil Defense Director. 8. Received communication in regard to New Hanover Coun?y's stream clearing project. 5 28 1956 12 72 9. Received check for hurricane diaster relief funds. 7 2 1956 12 80 10. T. D. Love authorized to sign papers in connection with reqttest of Civil Defense. 7 23 1956 12 85 11. Mr. E. L. Whitei accepted appointment as Civil Defense Director. 7 23 1956 12 85 12. Instructions given, fariners and land owners to send letters to Federal Civil Defense, 12 31 1956 12 119 Thc?masville, Georgia. 13. Received letter on hurricane damaged streams. 1 28 1957 12 125 14. Civil Defense to match funds for equipment for Sheriff cars. 1 28 1957 12 125 15. Acknowledgement received in regards to clearing streams. 2 25 1957 12 133 16. Civil Defense p]_anning referred to Mr. E.L. White, City/County Civil Defense Director. 2 25 1957 12 133 17. Mr. E. L. Wh?te, reported on communication program. 3 11 1957 12 137 18. Received letter pertaining to Wilmington and proposed National System of Intersta?e 6 3 1957 12 158 and Defense Highways. 19. Rev. Major H. J. Kaylor announced his resignation. 6 10 1957 12 158 20. Mr. E. L. White, resigned as Civil Defense Director. 7 1 1957 12 162 21. Received Civil Defense report. 7 8 1957 12 166 22. Request to appoint Civil Defens leader, no action. 7 22 1957 l2 168 23. Approved appropriations for Civil Defense. 7 25 1957 12 169 24. Received letter relative to Development of Preliminary Operational Plans for Survuval. 8 19 1957 12 175 25. Civil Air Patrol requested funds, taken for consideration. 9 9 I957 12 178 26. Matters of Civil Defense budget deferred for next meeting. 9 9 1957 12 179 27. Commissioners and City Council met to discuss Civil Defense program. 9 16 1957 12 179 28. Civil Defense Director, reported on ways of prot?cting citizens in event of diaster. IO 14 1957 12 187 29. Received letter explaining County Government in case of diaster. 10 14 1957 12 ?.$7 30. Civil Defense p?an meeting 11-4-57. 10 28 1957 12 190 31. Novecnber reparts received and filed. 11 18 I957 12 194 32. State and Federal Civil Defense to brief State and County officials on Survival Plan. 11 25 1957 12 196 33. Invitation received to attend briefing of Governar`s conference on Civil Defense. 1 13 1958 12 213 34. Major J. E. L. Wade, explained the public operatinmal survival plan. 1 20 1958 12 216 35. Received letter in regards to "The Day Called X". 2 24 1958 12 227 36. Granted request to arrange joint meeting to appoint Civzl Defense Director. 5 12 1958 12 256 37. Discussed funds, joint meeting, funds approved. 5 19 1958 12 259 38. June 22-28 approved as Civil Aviation Week. 6 2 1958 12 263 39. Received proposed administration bta.dget, referred to Mr. Love. 6 30 1958 12 272 40. Radio transmitters for fire trucks to be explored. 7 21 1958 12 281 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County N. C. MU JECT , _ C ivil Def ense - aec. u. s. ?/? ?? County. Indezes Since 1888 ??}-? TO IOCdf? nQrtnf. op?q af COTi A-2 TA? INDE7f r?r OFFICfi G.C.i0r1r? An Identifying Trade Mark ?,? INADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SURNAME INITIAL TAi SO?D tY OWEN i. CYNN, NEw tERN, NORTN GROLINA NATURF OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUiE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l.". Budget approved on conditions of other contributing sources. 8 4 1958 12 288 2. Civil Air Patrol, offered services of amblance. 10 20 1958 12 317 3? Funds available through Civil Defense office to repair hurricane damag?s to beaches. 11 3 1958 12 322 4. Federal Government to participate in Civil Defense programs on 50/50 basis. 12 8 1958 12 ?40 5. Civil Defense dia?ter report received. 12 8 1958 12 341 6. Received letter and application informing of Federal aid for hurricane damages. 12 ?9 1958 12 349 .7. Received Ci?ril Defense program report. 2 2 1959 12 370 8. Letter, 85th Congress ammended the Federal Civil Defense Act, enacted public Law 85-606. 2 9 I959 I2 375 9. Hurricane rehabilitation report received. 2 9 1959 12 375 10. Committee appointed to stu.dy Ci?ril Defense salaries, ?ity Manger Benson for City ar?d 2 L1 1959 12 378 Secretary Houck for the County. 11. Special meeting to discuss ambulance service. 2 L8 1959 12 382 12. Ambulance equipment to be purchased by County, placed in hands of Civil Defense. 2 L9 1959 12 385 13. Approved r?quest for supplemental hurricane damages, forwarded,. Region 111, Thomasville 3 2 1959 12 388 Georgia. 14. Civil Defense expanion tabled for further study. 3 Z3 i959 12 401 15. Colonel James B. McCumber, presented copies of Civil Defense expansion plan for study. 4 6 1959 12 407 16. Legislation for Federal aid failed to pass, Civil Defense expansion considered? budget. 4 L3 1959 12 411 17. Commissioners to spe?.k with representatives, Bill SB10, Federal aid for Civil Defense. 5 4 1959 12 431 l?i. State Council of Civil Defen?e informed Board, Federal auditor refuse to pay on cantract S 4 1959 12 431 with Board of Health. 19. Commissioners received list of precar.tions and safety measures to observe for storms. 6 15 1959 12 448 20. Civil Defense budget to be decided after joint n?eeting with City Council. 7 1 1959 12 454 21. City/County appropriated $9,000.00 for Civil Defense. 7 ?2 1959 12 472 22. Civil and Defense Mobolization appropriated ?48,808.00 for hurri?ane damages, beaches. P, 3 1959 12 477 23. Appropri?tions for Resque Squad truck to be considered in next budget. 2 1 196?. 12 541 24. Matters of proposedPrototypecom?iunity fall-out shelter taken for study. 5 2 1960 12 570 positive 25. Four of the five Commissioners ex?ressed feeling toward the prototype project. 5 16 1960 12 574 26. Moti?on carried to proceed with plans for fall-out shelter. 6 6 1960 12 577 27. Received award in form of resolution, in recognation for County/City Civil Defense. 6 6 1960 12 578 28. Funds for emergency mobile canteen unit to be considered in budget. 7 5 1960 12 584 29. Budget meeting, approved estimated budget plux additional $4,000.00. 7 8 1960 12 589 30. Budget meeting, approved at $4,770.00 7 15 1960 12 590 31. 3oint appropriation sessian, appraved $9,540.OQ jointly for Civil Defense and 7 27 1960 12 S98 Mobilization. 32,L etter received, declining appropriation from County for Rescue Sqttad. 8 6 1960 12 601 33. County appropriated $300.00 for CAP Friendship Days. 9 6 1960 12 605 34. County appropriated $450.00 for C?P Friendship Days. 10 1 1960 12 615 35. Approved Inter-Agency Communication S?stem. 11 7 1960 12 624 36. Receiv?d estimates for damages done t? County by hurricane Donna, adopted resolution 11 21 196Q 12 629 for Federal funds. 37. Civil Defense to share $350.00 appropriation for Sheriff's walkie-talk?e. 1 3 1961 12 640 38. Action deferred on prototype fall-out shelter, to be studied by County/City. 5 15 1961 12 679 39. RedCross, announced Diaster Institute 6-9-61. 6 S 1961 12 686 40. Budget meeting, approved $750.00 for CAp Friends Days. 7 26 1961 13 4 41. Received letter regarding federal fall-out survey, Commissioners pledged support. 2 5 1962 13 64 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. _ MU JE T ?i.?ll Defense ? aec, u. s. Counry Indexes Since 1888 ? To IOCat? nam?s, Op?D tlt COTT A•Z TA? INpEX v?T OFFICE ?p?? .4n Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD ?Y OWEN 0. YUNN, NEw ?ERN, NORTN GROIINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS 1. ?:eceived progress report on the National Fall-out Shelter Surve?r. 2. Received notice of employing a Civil Defense Social Service Officer, duties outlined. 3. Fall-out shelter to be placed in Courthouse. 4. Special budget meeting, approved $5,473.25 for fall-out shelter. S. Joint session, approved budget as presented. 6. Approved payment for libility insurance for Rescue Squad. 7. Rescue Squad referred to civic club for equipment. $, Receive report on continuity of Government in event of attack. 9. Approved $152.00 additional for insurance premiu.m for the Rescue Squad. 10. Received resig?zation from Colonel J. B. McClumber, Director of Wilmington County Office of Civil Defense. 11. Letter ta Colonel J. B. McClumber, expressing apprec?.ation. 12. Colonel J. B. McClumber to continue services during Cuban crises. 13. Rescue Squad requested funds for operation, budget estimates requested. 14. Joint budget discussion, approved with increase in salary of secretary. 15. No action taken on suggestion to select a Home Guard. 16. Colonel J. B. McClttmber requested to be relieved of duties, Cu1?an crises over. 17. Received applications from Mic?l}ael Bibin and two other retired officers, for Civil Defense Director. 18. Received statistical data report on County fall-out shelter program. 19. Short-wave radio being repaired for Sheriff's Department. 20. Received letter of acknowledgement from Rear Adm. H. J. Wuensch, US Coast Guard Commander, for resolution. 21. Received Civil Defense resolution, accepted for study. 22. Approved three(3) Civil Defense resolutions, Pages 263-264-265. 23. Ratification of Agency 24. Director 25. Surplus Property 26. C.A.P. Building 27. Budget Discussion 28. Fallout Shelter DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Yenr VoI. Page 2 19 1962 13 68 3 19 1962 13 83 S 14 1962 13 102 7 6 1962 13 126 7 16 1962 13 131 8 20 1962 13 143 8 20 1962 13 143 10 1 1962 13 156 i0 IS i962 33 i?2 10 15 1962 13 164 10 15 1962 13 164 11 5 1962 13 167 5 20 1963 13 215 7 22 1963 13 238 8 5 1963 13 244 9 3 1963 13 248 9 3 1963 13 24& 9 3 1963 13 248 9 3 1963 13 248 10 7 1963 13 260 10 21 1963 13 262 11 4 1963 13 263 Ol ZO I964 13 284 O1 20 1964 13 284 05 18 1964 13 328 05 18 1964 13 328 07 21 1964 13 357 09 23 1964 13 378 29. Budget discussion 07 12 1965 13 504 30. Request - civil air patrol O1 03 1967 14 17 31. John H. Waggett request - civil ?.ir patrol O1 03 1967 14 19 32. Waiver tas per ride at carnival - civil air patrol 03 17 1967 14 43 33,. Review O1 02 1968 14 132 34. Organization ?of 02 05 1968 14 141 35. Fallout shelter in jail 02 05 1968 14 141 36. Resignation of director 03 18 1968 14 165 37. Resolutions 04 O1 1968 14 170 38. Report, Col. Griffin 04 O1 1968 14 170 39. Approval of director 05 06 1968 14 186 40. Resolutions 06 03 1968 14 194 41. Transfer of funds 06 03 1968 14 193 42. Budget discussion 07 08 1968 14 215 43. Request for funds for Car 07 11 1968 14 Z21 N. C. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? CT ?IVIL DEFENSE MU , _ BJE ` as?. u. s. ? _• CounTy Indexes Since 1888 ? To IotOf? nam?t? Optl1 Yt ing Trade Mark /?"{? An Identif r?r OFFICE C??c COTT A•i MADE BY iHE COTT INDEX TA? INpE7I COMPANY, [OLUMBUS, OHIO y ? SURNAME INITIAL TAY SOLD ?Y OMIEN 0. YUMN, N Ew ?ERN , NORTH CARO LINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF FROCEEDtNGS . Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Storage of supplies at Community hospital 10 07 1968 14 254 2. Formal approval for storage at community hospital 10 07 1968 14 252 3. Storage of supplies at Community Hospital 10 21 1968 14 262 4. Continuance of Disaster Plan 12 02 1968 14 277 5. Salary increase, director O1 20 1969 14 294 6. llirector's request to hire Typist II 03 17 1969 14 306 7. Request for typewriter 04 21 1969 14 322 8, Resolution 04 21 1969 14 323 9. Funds for Radio net 06 16 1969 14 342 10. Budget approved 07 17 1969 14 372 11, Increase in salaries 08 04 1969 14 3%9 12, Storage space at community hospital U8 1? 1969 14 382 13. Resolution 09 02 1969 14 S85 14. Personnel-employ relief help 11 17 1969 14 409 15. Award to Mr. Hall 03 02 1970 14 448 ' 16, Requirements for Emergency Operations Personnel 05 18 1970 14 477 17. Request for appropriation mutual aid fire services study 05 18 1970 14 477 18. Personnel requirements for Emergency Operations 05 18 1970 14 477 19. Generator 05 18 1970 14 478 20. Budget 06 O1 1970 14 484 21. Increase in Director's salary 10 19 1970 14 537 22. Approval request for appropriation for labor unloading fallout supplies 12 07 1970 14 551 23. Transfer of funds from salary to office expense 02 15 1971 14 581 24. Presentation of award to Mr. J. B. Metts 02 O1 1971 14 571 25. Transfer of funds from salary to equipment 03 Ol 1971 14 586 26. Transfer of funds from Acct. 11 505 to 11 503 06 07 1971 14 650 27. Transfer of funds for desk 06 21 1971 14 659 28. Civil Defense, USA 06 20 1971 14 662 ? 29. Travel allowance to be restored to budget 10 04 1971 15 20 30. Letter commending volunteers 10 04 1971 15 20 31. Awards ?2 06 1971 15 52 32. Transfer of funds 05 O1 1972 15 ll8 33. Transfer c£ funds 07 17 1972 15 192 34. Relocation of 250 KW Generator to the Courthouse 08 21 1972 15 203 35. Commendation - General Harriss 10 16 1972 15 236 36. Resignation of Mr. Meares Harriss, Jr, as head of 12 04 1972 15 270 37, Correspondence Ol 15 1973 15 314 38. Time Allocance for Gen. Harriss 02 05 I973 15 328 39. Fence for generator 03 05 1973 15 346 40. Discussion of generator 05 07 1973 15 385 41. Decision on generator 06 04 1973 15 430 42. Transfer for Emergency Operations Center 06 04 1973 15 430 43. Packaged Disaster Hosnital 06 18 I973 15 436 44. Denial af phone service for Chm's. Auto 08 06 1973 15 466 45. Proclamation-Joint Industrial Civil Preparedness Day 10 15 1973 15 511 46. Transfer of funds 12 17 1973 15 540 INDEX TO COMMI?SIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ M?B; T CI (NOWDEPREPAREDNESS", - aEC. u. s. ? Counry Indezee Since 1888 TO loqlt? nam?s, Op?tl of COTT A•2 T?{ INOE)I , r-.?J'- MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO PAT OFFICE C.?(?!/"/?GO? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAe SOLD tT OIIEN i. YUNN. NEN {ERN. NORTN UROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE NIiNUiE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Letter of sympathy to Mrs. Wm. L. Eason 05 06 1974 15 530 2. Community Shelter plan 09 16 1974 15 119 3. Ratification - Joint Resolution #5 10 21 1974 16 33-4 4. Budget transfer for bond as Special Deputy O1 06 1975 16 32 5. Request for budget transfer for 50 metal chairs 05 26 1975 16 ?05 6. Denial of request for inclusion of report 06 02 1975 16 ?13 7. Tabling of resolution re Energy '?ask ?'orce 06 16 1975 16 ?23 8. Adoption of resolution re Energy Task Force 06 23 1975 16 ?28 9. Budget transfer for transciever 06 23 I975 I6 .?Z8 10. Energy conservation week of Nov. 8 10 13 1975 16 ?83 11. Appointment of Ben Washburn As CPC 04 20 1976 17 :11 12. Security of Supplies 07 19 1976 17 :63 I3. Budget trans. - Salary of Clerk-Typist 12 06 1976 17 :?40 14.. Commissioners briefed on Crisis Relocation Plan 06 06 1977 18 ?41 15. Budget Tr.ansfer - purchases by non-profit agencies 05 15 1978 18 .?12 16. Budget Transfer-reimburse property bought by Winter Park VFD 06 05 1978 18 ?22 17. Budget Trans-complete fiscal year 06 29 1978 18 235 18. Removal of Water Tanks from Flemingtfln 09 05 1978 18 276 19. Budget transfer - janitorial ser-ices for end of fiscal year 02 05 1979 18 353 20. Request of Civil Defense Publicity 02 I9 I979 18 361 21. Contingency Plan for Radiation Emergency 04 02 1979 18 382 22. Budget Transfer - installation of radio masts & antenna for radio equipment 04 17 1979 18 389 23. Budget Amendment - janitorial service 08 20 1979 18 464 24. Postponed-discussion of hazardous wastes transport 09 04 1979 18 473 25. Discussion on transporting hazardous materials 09 17 1979 18 478 26. Discussion of transportation of hazardous materials 10 O1 1979 18 486 27, Acquisition of packaged Disaster Hospital Ol 07 1980 18 533 07 20 1981 18 890 28. Briefing on Brunswick Nuclear Emergency Plan 08 17 1981 18 906 29. Update on Nucleax Emergency Exercise 30. Letter of Appreciateion to Civil Preparedness Coordinator Ben Washburn 08 02 192 19 131 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MU JECT CIVIL SERVICE ?o?. ` ae?. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 t0 IOCat? nam?s? op?Y a} COTT A-Z TA? INOEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OH10 a?T OFFICE (???!? An ldeatifyins Trade Mark fURNAME INITIAL TAE SOLD tY OWEN {. pUNN, NEN ?ERN, NORTN UROLIN? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page ? r ? 1. Appointments needed 2. Resignation 3. Abolishment of civil service commission 4. Possible elimination of 5. Discussion of inerit of present system 6. Act 7. Terms of inembers t3. Status of Civil Service Act 9. Appeal of Mrs. Margaret Gore 10. Ruling - Mrs. Margaret Gore 11. Discussion of employment practices 05 18 1964 13 330 09 ?3 1964 13 378 04 17 1967 14 47 11 04 1968 14 265 U3 1'1 1969 14 309 04 )? 1969 14 315 Oy 15 196y 14 s89 10 20 1969 14 402 II 02 1970 14 543 11 02 1970 14 544 11 ?i7 1970 14 545 /.. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MAiTER: sEC. u. s. County Indezes Since 1888 ?? fo low» nam?s, Opln a} PAT OFFIQE C??L?E' An IdenH?vin$ Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS l. Request for appointment of Board of Directors 2. Month of October - Clean Community Month 3. Comm. 0'Shields & Comm. Gottovi were reappointed to the Commission 4. Establishment of Citizens Task Force to help with PR work, etc. 5. Approval of establishment of citizens task force on recommendation of clean community commission 6. Appointment of Assistant County Manager to commission 7. Appointment of Representative to Commission 8. Clean Community Regulations 9. CLEAN COMMUNITY COMM?SSION COTT A TO Z TAB INDEX MApE tY TNE COTT INDEX COMPANY, aDIUIYYS, ONIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. DATE MINUTE BOOK Month ? Day Year VoI. Page 05 07 1979 18 400 08 17 1979 18 476 06 02 1980 18 613 12 O1 1980 18 723 12 15 1980 18 733 05 18 1981 18 841 04 19 1982 19 54 06 07 1982 19 88 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. ,??qpTTfR: rtec. u. s. County lndezee Since 1888 ?? ? To lowt? nam?s. O?IQO at r?r OFF14E ?,?L?.?' An ldentifying Trade Merk SURNAME INITIAL iAB PIATURE OF PROCEEDINGS 1. Offer and ncceptance for funds for User Charge/Industrial Cost System 2• Resolution authorizing County Manager to sign Clean Water Bond documents 3. Resolution authorizing clean water bond grant application 4... Supplementary grant increase for SSES project for City of Wilmington 5. Resolution authorizing application for clean water bond funds for Flemington System 6. Discussion on Public Hearing about Water Supply Grants ?. Resolution authorizing application for Clean Water Bond funds to construct we-1 at Laney-Trask Schools CLE.F.N WATER ? (OTT A TO 2 TAB INDEX MADE tT TNE COTt INDEX GOBANY, ODItlM?tlt, ONtO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Yea? Vol. Page 12 01 1980 18 710 06 Ol 1981 18 845 07 07 1981 18 872 07 07 1981 18 873 11 02 1981 18 953 11 16 1981 18 958 04 05 1982 19 45 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER: CLERK TO THE BOARD ` eaa. u, s. County Indeacee Sinee 1888 ??" To loeats names, open at COrT A•Z rAe IkDex ??r or?ice (.?i?.Ca-?'+' An Idenrifyin¢ Trsde Mark ?J?.L7 SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY 7HE COTT 1NDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS 1.; Bi11 from R.S. WaZdron as Clerk to the Board approved. 2.e Bill as Clerk to Board by R.S. Waldron approved. E 3.; Clerk to Board to examine all vouchers presented to the Board. 4.V, Bill for services as Clerk to Board from Mr. Waldron approved. 5.; Bill for recording and issuing orders from Clerk Waldron approved. ? 6.p Investigation made of Clerk Waldron's bill. i 7.;? Clerk Waldron's bill for postage, revenue stamps and spittoons approved. ,, ,; 8.;? Clerk Waldron to give report to Board. ?? g. ? Cierk to subscribe to Raleig? Stanr3ard for the Board. 10.,; Clerk's fee approved. 11.; Clerk to Board to issue all orders on Treasure to be signed by Chairman of Board. (See TREASURER) 12.;: Claim of Clerk approved. ? 13.,; Fee for Clerk approved. 14.' Fee for Clerk approved. 15. 16.: 17.; 18. 19.' 20.? i 21. Bill for recording and issuing orders from Clerk approved. TAX Clerk to confer with State Auditor regarding property assessment of County. (See ASSESSOR) DATE MINUTE BOOK ?M Month ?Day I Year VoL I Page 10 O1 1868 1 63 11 02 1868 11 14 1868 `p O1 02 1869I , ?' ?? ?? O1 02 1869'?? Ol 02 1869I „ O1 „ O1 ,: 0 2 02 02 , 02 03 04 „ 04 04 Clerk to give Sheriff list of evaluation of property of the County. (See SHERIFF) ?: 04 Clerk Waldron`s fee approved. ;, 05 ' Fee of Clerk to Board approved. ,; 06 '? Clerk received weights and measures of Express Company and made draft on the Treasurer to pay. ? 06 , Clerk to procure notes from Superintendent of Work House for wood and materials at Work House. (WORK HOUSE),; 06 22.;? Clerk and Chairman to complete tax list returned by several assessors of Townships and report to Board. ,? fii 23.fi Extra pay awarded Clerk and Chairman for computing above tax list. 24.?i' Clerk to report boundaries of Townships to registrars of voting. 25.; Clerk Waldron's bill approved. 26.;, Clerk Waldron's bill approved. 27.`? Clerk to advertise that Inspectors to hand in inspection returns. , ? 28.;? Clerk to have oaths of office aad certificates printed. 29.; Clerk to note vacancies from August 5 election to Clerk of Superior Court .(See SU?'ERIOR COURT CLERK) :? 30.;N Clerk Waldron's bill for services approved. 31.;? Clerk Waldron's bill for issuing and recording orders approved. ? 32.?; Annual statement of Clerk of Board filed. ; 33.;; Fee for copies o? Sheriff's bonds sent to State Auditor approved. 34..; Bill for copies of tax list approved. 35.:; Clerk's fee for list of jurors sent to magistrates approved. 36.`' C1erk Anderson's bill approved. r: 37.;. Temporary Clerk to Board appointed. 38.:° Clerk W.T. An?erson deceased. 39. ; 40. 41. ', 4 2 . ?, 43. 44 . ', 45. ' 46. ! Applications for Clerk to Board and Register of Deeds.r.eceived. ? iR. Waldron elected Clerk to Board and Register of Deeds. Resolution on death of William Anderson. ? ;Resolution comm?nds Mr. Anderson and offers .condolences. ?Copy of resolution on Mr. Anderson's death to be published in papers. Copy of resolution on Mr. Anderson's death goes to his family. yClerk to communicate with several Townships concerning W.F. Palmer's letter. Clerk to write up Books to September 30. ;, 06 06 07 07 " 08 „ 08 08 08 09 ?„ 09 09 ;, 09 .. 09 ,. 09 10 , 11 ? 11 „ 11 :. 11 w, 11 11 ;. 11 11 12 12 ? ? 11 1869i 25 1869 !t 01 1869y? Ol 1869 ? 10 1869 ' 13 1869?; 04 1869? ?e 05 1869:: ?, OS 1869i? 21 1869!; 21 1869`:e ,j 11 1869sr ; Ol 1869,? 26 1869;? ,,? 26 1869py 26 1869,? ,? Y 26 186 9 ;; 06 1869;? ?? 07 1869 ?; ., 03 1869 ?? 09 i869,p ?? 09 1869;a ?? 09 1869 ;;; ? 07 1869„; 07 1869? ? ?? 07 1869,; 07 1869;? 07 1869.? 08 1869 ,: 05 1869!; Ol 1869;', O1 1869 ;? O1 1869;; O1 1869:q 02 1869R; 02 1869:a ? 02 1869 :, ti 02 1869 ?; ?? 06 1869?r t, 07 1869 ?? ? 1 93 1 119 1 154 1 154 1 154 1 160 1 168 1 172 ,i 1 175 ?s 1 183 ej 1 185 ;; ?? 1 192 ! 1 206 ? 1 206 1 218 1 220 1 227 1 247 . 1 261 1 261 ? ! 1 26 2 ?. 1 ; 262 1 264 ? E 1 270 1 287 Z 292 i ? y 1 292 ?? 1 29 7 1 316 1 316 1 316 w ? 1 316 ?? 1 316 ;; ?? 1 320 ;' 1 332 ;; 1 334 ;, 1 334 i 1 334 1 334 ? ?? 1 336 1 336 ?? ? i 1 337 ? ? 1 337 1 348 1 351 INDE? TO COMMISSIOI?ERS MINUTES --- New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER: CLERK TO THE BOARD ; eca. u. s. Couniy Indezea Since l888 ? To loeats names, open st COTT A•I TAB INDEX r?r OFFICE ?,rJ?1G?,e-? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAM6 INITIAL TAB N1ADf BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ,, ? DATE ?k MINUTE BOOK ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS p; k' Month Day Year ?y Vol. Page ? 1. Clerk to certify to abstracts of General Taxes and Schedules B and C as correct. (SeeTAXES) ? 12 21 1869'? 1 391 r t; ?? . ,, ?, 2. Clerk authorized to place County Seal on teacher`s certificates as presented by the County Examiner. ,, 12 21 1869;; 1 391 '? i? 3. Clerk to answer letter from Commissioner Bird of Henderson City. O1 03 1870 1 392 ?. 4. Townships' school committees to report names of clerks and of each member to Clerk to Boarc3. Ol 04 1870'.? 1 397 ?; ?, 5. Clerk to notify magistrates and constables of new act concerning government of Counties. ? O1 04 1870',d 1 397 G" ? 6. Order made on how magistrates and constables to make out bills for fees and cost. (See CONSTABLES) O1 04 1870" 1 397 1? , 7. Letter from Williams and Murchison returned by Clerk. ,, 02 08 1870,j 1 405 ?? 8. Clerk advised Williams and Murchison that decision of ?upreme Court refers only to Government Securities. 9.•, CZerk to issue a certifzcate to Sneriff for amount of taxes rernitted in name of Mr. Incy. tq 02 08 1870„ 1 02 10.'?a :? Clerk to subscribe to Raleigh Daily Standard for the Board. 02 ?? 11.;; ?, Clerk to confer with Auditor of State regarding Tax Books for 1870. 02 ?? 12.?? ` Clerk to have published an order on presenting bills to the Board. (See COUNTY COMMISSIONERS) 03 t s 13.? Clerk to draw off names received from fire companies for further reference. (See FIRE CONIPANIES) 04 14.?? k Clerk sent copy of Board's reso?ution concerning Board of Trustees of Wilmington to E. Mc Quigg. (JUSTICES) 04 IS.? Clerk to advertise public sessions of Board to revise the Tax List, a1l persons to make complaints then. 05 1b.? f C1erk to request assessed valuation of Wilmington C&R Railroad from State Treasurer in order to levy taxes. 06 17.? ; Clerk Waldron's fee for transcribing Record Book P approved. Q7 ? 18. ? Clerk Waldron's fee as Clerk of Board approved. 07 .? 19. , Clerk Waldron's fee for comp?ling statement for Commissioners approved. 07 Z0. Clerk to confer with Lincoln Township school committee about levying school taxes. (See TAXES) ,, 07 •21.? Clerk Waldron's bill for ?posting books for Commissioners approved. „ 08 22..? Clerk Waldron's bill for making out Tax List approved. 08 23.? ? Clerk Waldron's bill for transcribing Record Book approved. 08 24. Clerk to notify Franklin Township's school committee that it is too late for Board to levy Township taxes. ,,, 08 25. Clerk to notify Franklin Township's school committee that the Township Trustees may levy Township taxes. ,. 08 26.?! Clerk to post election results of August 5, 1870 election on Courthouse do?r. 08 F 27.j Clerk to file certified statement in his office and with Sheriff of returns made by judges of election. 08 28.?? Clerk to receive cancelled list of juror and witness tickets for safekeeping. 29.? Clerk Waldron's bills approve. 30.? Clerk to post notice of o?ficers recently elected. 31.j Clerk to late Board to present statement of receipts and expenditures, assets and debts of past 2 years. 32.?? Clerk to procure blank forms for certificates of election and oaths of office. €' 33.?? R.S. Waldron resigned as Clerk to Board and William J. Bivins elected as Clerk to Board. ij 34.;; Clerk to purchase small Bible for Commissioners' use. F? ?, 35.,`, Clerk Bivins appointed Robert B. Wood as his deputy. s 36.E8 Former Clerk Waldron to conplete all unfinished work of his office. :9 37.;; Clerk authorized to purchase necessary office supplies. ?, 38.i! Clerk to notify Township Trustees that all unqualified clerks and constables must qualify or offices will ,? be declared vacant. 39.?? Clerk to obtain two money order books. 40.? Clerk to retain copy of "Acts of the Legislative Session of 1879 and 1870 delivered by late Register of ? ? Deeds. ? 41.? Clerk to index Books N and P, lately copied. 42. Clerk to secure safety and care of public records of his office. 43, Clerk authorized to repair pavement in front of Court House. (See PUBLIC BUILDINGS CONIMITTEE) 44. Clerk to issue allowances for September to paupers since they were not issued in September. „ 08 , 08 09 09 09 09 09 09 1870.4 09 1870 10 1870.. 08 1870 . 06 1870 06 1870 03 1870,; 06 1870 05 1870 05 1870 , 05 1870 06 1870 ; O1 1870 ,; O1 1870 ? 02 1870 ' 02 1870 „; 02 1870 ,, 06 1870 06 1870 a 30 1870 31 1870 : 03 1870 03 1870 03 1870 ; 06 1870' 06 1870 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 405 .; 410 ,? 410 411 417 426 ? 426 437 440 ?.' 451 451 451 ?; ., 457 ;? 460 p; 460 463 ?,?. 464 , r' 464 ?.; 469 ` 469 481 ? 4-83 486 ? 487 '? 487 ;; 1 1 09 06 1870, 2 2 09 06 1870 2 2,' 09 06 1870. 2 2; 09 08 1870", 2 5 09 09 09 09 09 10 08 1870 08 1870 2? 1870. 22 1870;, 22 1870?;? 08 1870`, ?s ?, ,. 2 6 .` 2 7 4, 7 2 17 ? 2 17 ?.?? 2 17 '. i 2 32 ' CLERK INDEX TO COMMISSI?NERS MINUTES - New Hanover County N C MATTER TO THE BOARD , . . _ : ` REB. U, s. /I County Indezee Since 1888 To iocat? names, open at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX ??? ? r?r o?flc[ ???(,atG' An IdentiFyine Trade Mark SURNAME INtTiAL TA8 MADE BY THB COTT SOL? BY OWEN G. D •? lNDEX COMPANY, (OLUM805, OHtO UNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA {? ? y NATURE OF PROtEEDINGS DATE ?;' MINUTE BOOK ?: ? ? ?? Month Day ( Year i; Vol, I Page ? 6 , 1. ? `; Mr. Binins' fee as Clerk to Board approved. , 11 ' 07 1870'; 2 ' 83 6u 7? ?? 2. yyClerk to prepare for publication an abstract from expenditures book of County. 12 16 1870; 2 102 E; ? ?, ^ 3. {Clerk to Board`s fee approved. 12 31 1870`? 2 107 ? ? 4. ,tiClerk to have forms printed for Superintendent of the Work House. ; O1 11 1871 2 117 Ej py 5. ;Amount of claims against County received from the Clerk. y 02 06 1871? 2 120 ?? ?? 6. ;; Mr. Bivins' fee as Clerk to Board approved, 02 06 1871 ; 2 123 ?; r ?z 7. Clerk to apply to S. Ashe, Representative, to furnish copy of fee bill and Revenue Bill, County will pay „ 03 13 1871,: 2 134 ?N ., any expenses for these. g. C?erk to inquire of cor?tractor for building and maintaining bridge over Hamilton Creek. „ 03 31 1871,,, 2 137 ;; l0. ,Clerk Bivins' fee approved, 05 O1 1871 2 153 ; 11. Clerk to advertise for bids for subsisting paupers in the Poor House. 05 05 1871 2 154 12. _ Register of Deeds allowed $2.00 per diem when acting as Clerk to Board. 05 12 1871 2 157 13. , C1erk to grant license to parties applying under "An Act to Raise Revenue". 05 12 I87I 2 161 Z4. ,Clerk to advertise open meeting to revise tax lists and hear complaints on lists. .. 06 24 187I .. 2 177 4. 15. C1erk to inquire if registrars and po11 holders have necessary registration and po11 books. . 07 06 I87I?. ., 2 19I ? ?? 16. ;Clerk to subpoena all required witnesses for contested election of August 3, 1871. 08 05 1871 2 195 ?; 17. ;Clerk to see to getting Da11as Page into deaf and dumb asylum at Raleigh. „ 08 07 1871' , 2 197 „ 18. ,.,Clerk to notify County ofticers to renew bonds if due for renewal. 08 I2 I871a 2 206 ,? 19. ,,Clerk's report on claims allowed by Board from September, 1870 to September, 1871. , 09 05 1871G Z 218 ,, 20. ,.R.B, Wood's fee as C1erk approved. 09 06 1871`, Z 220 =' 9i 21. .:R.S. Waldron's fee as late C1erk to Board approved. . 09 06 1871,, Z ZZO ^?? ? 22. Clerk to send copy of map showing separation of Holden and Rocky Point Townships, and certification o? .. 09 23 1871 ., 2 223 ' ?c ' division by Board to the Secretary of State. 23. Clerk to bill for rent of room in rear of Commissioners' room. 09 23 1871 2 223 p` 24. .;Clerk to notify occupant of room that Board's control over said room ceases in October, 1871. 09 23 1871 2 223 f; 25. .Chairman and Clerk to certify corrections of map dividing Holden Township and creating Rocky Point 10 02 1871; 2 225 ? ? Township and forward a copy to the Secreatry of State. - 26. .Clerk to return to Sheriff the Board's approval of manner in which he collected and paid County taxes. 10 02 1871 2 226 .. ir 27. Clerk to make out scrolls for Jury List. . 10 07 1871 . 2 233 : ?; 28. Clerk to copy list of delinquent taxes and give a copy to the Sheriff. (SEE SHERIFF'.9 DEPARTMENT) 10 28 1871 2 235 ? 29. ;Clerk to place County Seal on Tax Books. ., 10 30 1871? „ 2 238 '; R, 30. Clerk to place County Seal on Sheriff's tax returns. 12 11 1871 2 249 ' 31, Clerk to issue and execute all orders of Board unless otherwise directed by Board or by law. O1 02 1872 2 278 ? 32. „ Clerk to obtain blank school registers and Certificates of Teachers from Superintendent of Public Instruct- O1 08 1872 2 282 ion. ? 33. Clerk to publish notice of accepting proposals from persons for medical attendance for Jail. Ol 08 1872 2 282 34. Clerk to ascertain amount County spent on sick in Hospital and m2dicines for Poor Hou?. 02 05 1872 ., 2 287 `:' :, 35. Clerk to send abstract of school law recently enacted to each school committee. 02 12 1872 2 292 36. ..Clerk to notify special commissioners that Board is ready to assist in carrying out provisions of annexing 03 19 1872 2 301 ' .? ?? part of New Hanover County to Sampson County. 37. , Clerk to contact Duplin County and request they place in navigable condition North Eas? River running ,. 05 07 1872; 2 317 ;? , I ? through their County. ?? 38. ,,Chairman and Attorney to examine work of Clerk in copying tax lists into the Tax Books. 06 19 1872,. Z 328 ?f 39. '?C1erk not to deliver 1872 Tax List to Sheriff until directed by the Board. 07 O1 1872. 2 332 ; 40. r,Clerk to hold Tax Books until Sheriff presents bonds for tax collection. ? 07 06 1872 2 337 ?; ? ,f 41. ,iMatter of marriage license book referred to Clerk and Commissioner Shoemaker. ,9 07 29 1872' 2 341 ? °i . '? ? I. .. _ . )1 ' ?? s: 9 ?? .tl ?? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES CLERK TO THE BoARD ` - New Hanover Count N C ?, . . _ MATTER: nea. u. s. r?r OFFICE ? County Indezeq Sinee t888 L?7?.. An Identifying Trade Mark f?? ?.?-- ?•?? To toeate names, open at CO7T A-2 iAB INDEX SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SO LD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA i; '? DATE ??? MINUTE BOOK ??? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS E'?' ; ? j?'? Month ? Day ? Year 6?? Vol. Page ;g r'? ? l.' Clerk to make out election returns and have ready for August 6th Board meeting. 08 . - 03 1872 2 342 , 2. Clerk to publish August election results on Court House door. 08 06 1872., 2 348 ;? 3. Clerk to file in his office and with Sheriff a certified statement of the returns made for August election? ? 08 06 1872:? 2 348 ?? ?' M: 4. Willi am Harriss appointed temporary Clerk to Board. ? „ 09 02 1872 ;, 2 352 ' :? ,5.o Clerk to send copy of boundary changes of Caswell and Columbia Townships to Secretary of State. 09 02 1872, 2 353 ; .6. Clerk requested Sheriff to deliver a statement of Schedule B Tax and other related taxes with an affidavit. 09 04 I872'`: Z 357 ? , 7.?? y Clerk to notify Caswell Trustees that Board feels interest of citizens will be best served by changing , 09 04 187Z' 2 357 ? ?? '?? ?? present overseers of roads. . ., s? 8.x? Clerk to sign Tax Books_ for 1872 and affix seal of County Commissioners. 09 05 1872 2 359 . 9.I!? Clerk to retain custody of Tax Books until Tax Collector qualifies. 09 05 1872 2 359 10.,? Clerk to endorse 1872 Tax List, affix Seal of Board and deliver to Mr. Pigott. 09 12 1872 2 364 11.,; ; Request from W.J. Bivins, late Clerk, to have James Bishop post up Books of County at Mr. Bivins' expense 09 17 1872 2 367 . , Ed ?? granted. , ? ?? ? ?., 12.?q Clerk to send copy of appointed election officials for November 5th election to Sheriff.(See SHERIFF'S D.) 10 03 187? 2 376 ?13.? Clerk to post a copy of election officials on Court House door. 10 03 1872 2 376 ?? 14.i? Clerk to turn over 1872 Tax List to Collector Pigott and accept his receipt. 10 07 1872 2 379 15.?s , Clerk Hill's fee approved. 10 07 1872 ,. 2 379 ?, ? 16.a? ,? Clerk Hill's fee for issuing notices for registrars and inspectors approved. 10 07 1872 .? 2 380 „ I 17.? Clerk to furnish necessary certificates to Standard Keeper for requisition of Weights and Measurers. e 10 14 187?q 2 382 ,18.;? Bill from Jasper Bishop for posting County Books approved. ,? 11 04 1872 .. 2 389 ?? ,19.;j Bi11 from Clerk Hi11 for services approved. 11 04 1872, 2 ' 389 ;? ,20.? Clerk Hill's fee approved. ., 12 02 1872; 2 403 ;. o-? 21.?° i Clerk to compile list of jurors for use of Justices of the Peace. 12 16 1872n 2 405 ? k 22.?? Clerk to procure a Record Book for use of County Commissioners. 12 16 1872 2 406 ; ;, 23.?i Clerk J. Hill's fee approved. 12 23 1872 2 412 ., ?' 24.f? Clerk authorized to erase names from Wilmington Jury List. O1 06 1872 2 419 ' 25.j R Clerk to have labels printed for boxes for polling the votes for the amendments to the State Constitution.. 07 10 1873, 3 86 rs .. 26.?? Clerk to summon Superintendent of Work House to appear before Board to answer complaints. 07 10 1873 3 87 ? ,. ., ,. ?27.?g • ?4 Clerk to make certificate and affix Seal of County on 1873 Tax Books then turn them over to the Sheriff. ? 07 10 1873 .. 3 87 .. ,28.?? Clerk to make certificate and affix County Seal on Wilmington's tax book and give it to the Sheriff. 08 04 1873;' 3 91 29.? ? ? Clerk and George Flack to prepare election returns for August, 1873 election. . OS 09 1873 ,. 3 94 i; 30.;; ? :? Clerk to post each candidate's name and number of votes cast for each?,in August, 1873 election. ? 08 11 1873 3 98 ? 31.? Clerk to file certified statement of returns,made by judges of election?in his office. 08 11 1873 3 98 , r? „ ,{ , 32.,? Clerk to send certificates of election to each winning candidate in August election. 08 11 1873 3 98 ? 33.k? ,R Clerk to inquire into expense of repairing bridges at Washington, Rockfish, and Sills Creeks. 08 23 1873 . 3 101 . a 34.?? ;9 Clerk to post statement of County receipts and expenditures for 1873 fiscal year. 08 23 1873 3 102 35.., ,, Clerk to draw warrants in conformity with newly adopted form of the Auditing Committee. 08 23 1873 3 102 36.4? Clerk to notify Superintendent of Work House to appear before Board and show cause why he should not be 08 23 1873 3 102 ; ?? r9 , F? s removed as Superintendent. ? ? . ?? f 37.?? ,, ?lerk to have Record Book K for 1791 to 1793 recopied at rate not to exceed amount allowed by law. „ 10 18 1873, 3 118 „ 'i 38.y, Order of Board on October 18, to have Record Book K recopied to be modified, not to exceed $50.00. 10 21 1873"; 3 120 r; k 39.Ye Clerk to notify Clerk of Superior Court, Treasurer, Sheriff, Register of Deeds, and Surveyor to appear 10 2? 1873 3 121 ? 's 4?0 . 41. ? 42.? j and file official bonds. ? Clerk to revise Jury List and jurors to be drawn for special term of Superior Court. 11 04 1873 3 132 ; ? Clerk presented tax list for preceding year of those who had paid their taxes thereon. 12 0? 1873 3 151 ; r Clerk to issue copy of order to all County officers, except Sheriff, to settle with the Treasurer. O1 0? 1874; 3 163;; . ?o "; i, i? r? YNDEX TO CQ?IMISSIONERS MINUTES N H C ? C - ew anover ounty? . _ MATTER: CLERK TO TH . E BOARD ` Rao. u. s. Counfy Indeze? Since (888 r?r orne[ ??l.?p.7'?7 An Identifyin? Trade Mark ? To tocate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•Z TAB INDEX MADE BY TH@ CQTT INDEX COMPANY, (OLUMBUS, OHIO SOLp BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ?? o? ?r NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? DATE ?; MINUTE BOOK r? ? , Month Day Year r; Vol. Page ? _ 1. :? Clerk to prepare proper papers for reco very of State taxes. ? 02 „ 03 1874? 3 ! 183 ' ? 2. : Clerk to tax Wilmington Railwaq Bridge Co. for cost of investigation into tax matter and to notify Company 03 05 1874; 3 , !P 190 i? of the action. ? ? ? ` i 3. ; Clerk to send notices to Trustees of To wnships to list the taxables. 03 05 1874't 3 i 192 ° 4. , Clerk to send notices to one Trustee of each Township to meet with Board according to Machinery Act. 03 05 1874' 3 192 5. Clerk to serve notice of land drainage on Elisha Porter's property, and all other mat ters required by 04 .. 06 1874?' ?? 3 208 Chapter 39, BattZes Revisal. ?+ p ? 6. . Clerk to write Duplin County and credit them with $87.95 for New Hanover County's par t for Rockfish Creek 04 ? 06 1874 .. 3 h 208 E? ?? Bridge. ? sy ?? 7. ,, Clerk to make proper certificates for exemption from road duty for Messrs. Mclntire and Gurganns. 05 8. ,Clerk to notify jury in Johnson boundary case to meet at Leesburg. 05 9. ,Clerk to file report on Elisha Porter's land and make up bill of cost. . OS 10. Clerk to send certified copy of tax remittances to Sheriff. 06 11. Clerk to notify R. Henry Murphy to present his bond as contractor to build Moore's C reek Bridge. 06 12. , Clerk to furnish Surveyor Colvin with list of jurors in disputed line case of Murry vs. Murry and Powers. 07 13. Clerk to furnish Surveyor Colvin with list of jurors in Teachy vs. Murry and Power's case. 07 14. Clerk to summons Wells Bradshaw and James Murry as witnesses in Teachy vs. Murry and Power's case. 07 I5. ;Clerk to notify J. Simpson that Moore`s Creek Bridge not being kept up according to contract. 08 16. ,,Clerk to have all eligible names for jury duty copied from tax list and presented to Board for revision 08 of Jury List. 17. , Clerk to make a copy of returns of August 6 election and file in Register's office. , 08 18., .:Clerk to post election returns of August, I874 election on Courthouse door. OS 19. 'Clerk to file certified statement of returns with Register of Deeds and Sheriff. 08 20._ , Clerk to make order on Sheriff to pay claims against Cape Fear Township. 08 21.: ; Clerk to enter by number names and all warrantsopayable by Treasurer;listed now in his office. „ 09 22. ; Clerk to notify late Treasurer that Mr. Hewlett is qualified and authorized to accept all County funds, 09 books and papers. 23. Clerk to deliver to S. Cherry a certificate of his having been duly sworn in as Surveyor. 09 24. Clerk to make up bill of cost in processioning case of Murry vs. Murry, and of Teachy vs. Murry and Powers. 09 25. Clerk to hand over .7ury List to Sheriff for proper service on parties drawn. 09 26. Clerk to insert "recess" in place of "adjourn" on records of all meetings since September 7, 1874. 09 27. Clerk to inform Clerk of Superior Court of jurors' rates for Superior Court. 09 28.. , Clerk to inform Chairman of each committee of the business of his committee within ten days of each meeting 09 29. , Clerk to inquire of State Treasurer by what authority weights and measurers were furnished County. 10 30. Bills from John Srnyth for incidental expenses for September and October approved. 11 31. . Bill from J,H Smyth for incidental expenses approved. 12 32. , C1erk to notify all Trustees of each Township to list a11 real and personal taxables for 1875. 03 33.. , Clerk called meeting to order and Chairman pro tem appointed. 03 34., ; Clerk to give Sheriff the registration and poll books. 03 35.. ; Clerk to serve notices on registrars and poll holders of Pender County. , 03 36. Clerk to post results of Pender County election at Courthouse. 04 37., , Clerk to file certified copy of Pender County election returns with New Hanover Register of Deeds and 04 , Sheriff. 38.. Clerk to notify officers elected in Pender County and deliver notices to Sheriff of New Hanover to be forwarded to Sherif? of Pender County. 39. ;Clerk to give Sheriff tax lists of Pender County Townships as returned to Commissioners of Pender County ??. 18 1874. 20 1874'., 25 1874.. O1 1874 29 1874 07 1874 07 1874 30 1874. 04 1874y; 04 1874, 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 216 2I7 219 ;: 222 `;' ?; ,, 223 ?: ,+ 2 28 `; r± 229 ?? ;, 230 '` ;? 233 +`? Ii ?i ?? 233 K; 08 1874 ?, 3 234 6; ?? 10 1874.; 3 238 j 10 1874 3 238 ;; ?? 31 1874' ,. 3 ?, 239 ~?? s? 05 1874 ;; 3 246 ?c 08 1874? 3 252 ?- a? s, ,; 08 4 1874 ., 3 ?+ 252 ': ;? 09 1874? 3 253 ?` 10 1874 14 1874 24 1874 24 1874 , 06 1874„ 02 1874;, 07 1874 03 1875' 05 1875 , 15 1875, 16 1875 17 1875„ 17 1875;. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 255 258 264 ;" 264 ?? 265 ;. ,. 273 281 387 : 308 ;, 311 ?; ?? 311 :y 319 ??' 319 04 17 1875, 3 320 05 ? i? 24 1875? r? ;'z !? 3 329 N C MATTER INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS ?IINUTES -- New Hanover Count? CLERK TO THE BOARD . . _ , : ` ? To tocats aames, open at corT A•z Tae INUEx aeo. u. s. County Indezte Since ?888 MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO ?Ar OFFICE C??? An ldentiEying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ?y ?? DATE r; ??? C?. MtNUiE BOOK ,." NATURE OF PROCEEDBNGS , ? ?. Month I Day I Year ?? Vol. I Page ; ; 1. Clerk called meeting to order and Chairman pro tem appointed. 06 - 08 1875;a ?a - 3 ?; 331 i; , 2. Clerk to notify Messrs. Cronly and Brown to meet in Commissioner's room today. 06 0.8 1875; 3 331 ? 3. Clerk to turn over certain Townships`abstracts of 1874 tax lists to Pender County and take a receipt. 06 08 1875 3 332 ; 4. Clerk to notify Chairmen of Boards of Trustees to meet with Commissioners and assist in revising 1875 Tax 06 23 1875, ? 3 336 `? L ist . .. 5. Regist er Bordeaux stated he had neglected to have J. Sampson, deputy Clerk, sworn in, so it was done. 07 Ol 1875p? 3 342 6. Clerk to turn over registration and poll books belonging to Townships of Pender County. 07 08 1875',y 3 349 ?, 7.? Clerk to furnish Sheriff with list of registrars and inspectors appointed for August, 1875 election. 07 08 1875 3 351 S. ?? Clerk to notify Tax CalZector to pay c?.aims for WiZmingtort Tosat?ship. 12 16 1875' 3 400 , ,9.p? Letter relative to taxes of L. Vollers referred to Clerk for investigation. 04 17 1876 3 429 ?, 10.; C1erk to furnish State Treasurer with copy of report on receipts of Superior Court Glerk. 04 19 1876 3 431 F? ?ry 11.?? Clerk to make a full copy of returns for November 7 elections and file it in office of Register of Deeds. 11 11 1876; 3 489 , 12. Clerk to ? notify new owners of property sold by W.F. Potter to list this property for taxes. 11 14 1876,? 3 492 ., 13. C1erk authorized to insert name of S.T. Potts on all orders given on Tax Collector and Sheriff against 12 23 1876 3 512 , y W ilmington Township. . ', Q 14.? Clerk to invite sealed bids from drug stores to provide prescriptions to out door poor and other poor. O1 29 1877: 3 523 ?.5.?? ? Correc tion made in minutes concerning bill of Cost vs. R,F, Eyden. , 02 05 1877, 3 524 16.? Clerk to notify County Attorney of each meeting of Board and request his presence at same. 03 05 1877„„ 3 531 ;;, 17. Clerk to furnish each assessor a copy of minutes of this meeting. 05 29 1877 3 547 18. Clerk to notify all outgoing magistrates to turn over all Acts of General Assembly, copies of Battles 08 16 18774, 3 606 ? Revisal and jury boxes to the Board. ? 19.? Clerk to make up Jurors' List for Superior and Criminal Courts for ensuing year from 1875 Tax Books. 09 06 1877, 3 609 20.? Clerk to draw off a duplicate list from Jury List already made for use of Commissioners. 09 22 1877?; 3 614 21. Clerk to furnish Board with a list of overseers of public roads. 09 22 1877? 3 615 22.? ? Clerk fees of S.P. Swain approved. , 11 06 1877i 3 645 . 23.? Clerk to examine Tax Books and ascertain who has not listed polls. Ol 19 1878 3 683 , 24.l a ? Clerk to appear before magistrates prosecuting tax cases and make an affidavit to same as not listed. ' Ol 19 1878 3 683 ? 25.' ! ?' Clerk to notify parties by postal cards that Board will receive bids for furnishing coffins for the poor. 02 04 1878; 3 698 ' r 26. ? Clerk to furnish each Township assessor with copy of tax assessments. , 05 15 1878`. 3 724 ?7. s? Clerk to notify presidents of banks of City to list their stocks for taxation. 07 02 1878; 3 735 28. _ p Clerk to list all parties coming to list taxes and put names before the Board. 07 22 1878'; , 3 737 ,, 29.?? Clerk to inform president of UNC that Ed Alderman was appointed a student. 08 05 1878, 3 738 c? ?0.?? Clerk to provide Ed Alderman with a certificate of appointment to I?niversity of North Carolina. „ 08 05 1878,:, 3 738 ., :? 31.? Clerk to give receipts to M. Cronly for Tax Books presented by him. 09 02 1878 3 744 32.ya Clerk to furnish justices of Wilmington with one Jury List for their use. 09 23 1878 .4 3 764 33.?? Above Jury List to be kept in Jury Box to be in custody of Clerk to the Board. 09 23 1878 3 764 34..; ? Clerk to amend minutes of September 17, 1877 meeting regarding issuing County bonds. 09 23 1878 3 764 , 35.f9 _ ? Clerk to request Chairman of Board of Sampson County to settle claims due this County. 12 27 1878. ? 4 8 p k. 36. Clerk to notify Federal Point and Masonboro citizens that their petition will be acted upon soon.(ROADS) 02 ll 1879 4 21 37. ! Clerk to furnish M. Cronly with a copy of order on Carolina Central Railroad. (See TAX DEPARTMENT) 09 O1 1879 4 102 , ? ? a , 38.? A11 officers to renew their bonds by December 15, if they have not done so. 12 Ol 1879„? 4 132 ; 39.?' Clerk to furnish Garnett Walker a list of public roads in Aarnett Township. 02 02 1880; 4 170 40. Clerk to notify all magistrates to make their annual reports if they have not done so. O1 03 1881, 4 260 ? 41.?; E C1erk to list all parties applying to list their poll tax. „ 08 Ol 1881° 4 315 ? 42.? Secretary of Board of Justices, John Cowan, notified Clerk of Board of election of new Commissioners. 08 14 188Z'; 4 410 ; 43.ii ? Clerk to list all taxable property and polls of white taxpayers of Cape Fear. 11 05 1883? 4 505 ' 'k r ' i ti y `I ?: si ?Y ? ? ?f CLERK N C MATTER INDEX TO COi?MIS5I0NERS MINUTES - New Hanover County TO THE BOARD , . : . _ ` Rao. u. s. q?? County Indezw Since 1888 ? To tocats namea, open at tOTT A-Z TAB INDEX r?r osncs ?•LO-?i An ?dentiFyin¢ Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ? ` DAiE G, ? MINU'f E BOOK ? 4; . NATURE Of PROCEEDINGS ? ? Month ? Day? , Year ;? Vol. ? Page ?? 1. Sheriff to collect taxes on white citizens of Cape Fear for use in white public schools. .. 11 . . 05 1883. F. 4 ?: 505 `' ? ? 2. Clerk to deliver order to Sheriff to sell ?.ands for nonpayment of taxes. Ol 07 1884f 4 ; i 522 ?; ? 3.'? t Clerk to make a list of all taxable polls and property of white citizens in Harnett and give to Sheriff. 09 O1 1884 " 4 576 ?+ ?p ? 4.. Clerk to furnish Sheriff an abstract of taxes due by F.W. Clark. 11 O1 1886. 4 750 ?r i ? , 5.? ,a Joseph Sampson elected Register of Deeds and acts as Clerk to Board. 12 05 1887 5 ? ?? 52 =? i ?' 6. ., John Haar elected Clerk to Board. ?. 12 O1 1890 ., 5 280 ?; ! ?? . r, 7. . . Col. J.G. Burn elected Clerk pro tem to Board. 12 Ol 1890 5 283 ? Xn i. 8. Clerk to notify Pender County Commissionrs that this Board will confer with them on N.E, Ferry when they 11 02 1891 5 359 ;: ; designate. _ :, 9. Clerk to issue writ to Sheriff to lay off new public road in Masonboro Township. 06 06 1892 5 423 ; 10. Clerk to notify several jurors to appear before the Board. 09 05 1892 5 440 ' 11. Clerk to notify supervisors of roads in Masonboro that a road has been declared public. 06 19 1893 5 506 ; 12. .. Clerk to notify Chairman of road supervisors that Board is meeting March 11 to appropriate money for public 03 04 1895 5 629 ;. ; roads. . i ; a I 13. Clerk to turn 1895 Tax Books over to Sheriff for collection. 09 04 1395; 5 671 s, ; 14. Charles Norwood elected Clerk to Board. 12 07 1896' S 747 ,. ' 15., Clerk to collect all rent due County and pay amount to Treasurer each month. O1 04 1897 5 754 =; 16. Clerk to notify Dr. McMillan to go to State Farm at Castle Hayne to examine camps, (HEALTH DEPARTMENT) 04 08 1897' 6 2? 17. Clerk to make an alphabetized list of persons exempted from jury duty from the several lists available. 06 15 1897* 6 19 : 18. Clerk to notify members of Advisory Board of Pensions to meet with Commissioners, 07 07 1897: 6 21 "? ;• 19. Clerk to notify banks of remaining days to list their bank stocks. 07 14 1897 6 29 : ;? 20. In response to claim from Pender County, Clerk to inform them Joi?n Sessoms was never a bona fide resident 09 06 1897 6 ? 40 of New Hanover. (See COUNTY COMMISSIONERS) ., „ t, 21., Clerk to request dates of admission of patients to Eastern Hospital. (See INSANE PERSONS) 09 06 1897? 6 41 ' ?. 22. Clerk to endorse Tax Books and lists to be turned over to Sheriff in manner set down in minutes. ,. 09 06 1897. 6 42 ? 23. Clerk to write Dr. Miller, Superintendent of Eastern Hospital and ask for proper statement against N.H. 10 04 1897;, 6 45 ? , instead of objectional letters sent by Steward Reid. ?. , FROM APRIL 30, 1898, TO JULY 26, 1898 ALL BOARD ACTION RULED ILLEGAL . ?; 24.,. Clerk to inquire when Board of Managers of Hospital could meet. , 05 02 1898:,, 6 121 ?; 25., Clerk to notify Mayor that County will not buy a patrol wagon jointly with City. (5ee COUNTY COr1MIS5I0NERS} OS 04 1898„ 6 123 ' ?, 26. Minutes of this meeting taken by Deputy Clerk P.S. Leboo, 05 31 1898,, 6 126 '?, 27. Clerk to ask City Board of Regents of Hospital when they can meet with County Board of Managers of Hospital. 06 06 1898 6 134 i' 28. Clerk to notify resident physician and head stewardess of I?ospital they are to make monthly reports on 07 05 1398 6 149 ?. first Monday of month. 29. ? Records kept by temporary Clerk since April 30, 1898 to be transcribed in record book of County. 07 26 189$ ? 155 ` 30. Records not in official Record Book because it was held by illegal Board.(See COUNTY COMMISSIONEI?S) 07 26 1898 6 155 , 31. Entire Schedule B and C and dog tax to be ?aritten out in full in Record Book. 07 26 189II 6 156 ; 32. Minutes from April 30-July 12, 1898 set down on pages 162-170 as minutes from legal Board.(LEGAL RECORDS) 04 30 1898 6 162 33. , Register of Deec3s told to serve as Clerk to Board, but refused, so W.P. Oldham elected Clerk to Board pro 05 02 1898 6 163 f ?? tem. . 34. Clerk to procure a record book which he did and presented bill from C.W. Yates. , OS 02 1898 6 163 I ? 35. Clerk to request late Chairman Foster to deliver keys pertaining to his office, books, papers and County 06 16 1898 6 167 !e Seal to this Board. .. ?' f' 36..; I?ir. Foster to give combination of safe in Commissioners' room to Clerk Oldham, 06 16 1898; 6 167 ? ?, I 37. Clerk to Board to endorse Tax Lists and Books as set down in minutes. 09 05 1848„ 6 . 178 ! ?„ 38. ` . _ . ? W.H. Biddle elected Register of Deeds ar.d will serve as Clerk to Board. q i . 1 12 ? 05 1898' r ?I 6 198 ? i? ?; ?. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUT?S - New Hanover Counf ?LERK TO TIiE BOARD y? 1?. U. _ MATTER: a eec. u. s. County Indezes Since 1888 ? To loeate names, OpEtl at r?r OFFICE ?t?? An identifying Trade Marlc SURNAME INtTtAL TAB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE f0i7 INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OH10 SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH fAROLINA NATUBE 0? PROtEEDINGS ' DATE G? MINUTE BOOK !'? ? Month I Day ( Year '; ?? Voi. I Page l. Deputy Register of Deeds, John McLaurin, qualified and will be Deputy Clerk. ? 04 03 1899'?? 6 245 2. Clerk Biddle to endorse 1899 Tax Books and Lists given to Sheriff as set down in minutes? 09 04 1899 ?°, 6 334 3. Clerk to Board to notify all County officers to present their renewed bonds on December 15, 12 04 1899 ' ?a 6 362 4. Clerk to post public notices that Board will hear petitioners to open road and land owners at next meeting.: 04 02 1900?;; 6 427 5. W.H. Biddle will serve as Clerk and John McLaurin Deputy Clerk, 12 03 1900c; 6 488 6.? . Tax Books for 1901 received from Register of Deeds, endorsed by Clerk and given to Sheriff. 09 03 1901 ' 6 593 il 7. Clerk to notify all County officers to renew their bonds before first Monday in December. 11 15 1901 ; 6 612 .8.?? W.H. Biddle elected Register of Deeds and will serve as Clerk to Board. `? 9.'? Jonn McLa?rin e?ectea Deputy Reg?ster of Deeds and will serve as Deputy Clerk to Board. 10.?? Two bids for building County fence given to Clerk unopened due to injunction against building fence, s ;} (See BOUNDARIES) i= 11.;; Tax Book for 1903 delivered by Register and Clerk to sign and deliver to Sheriff, ?2•; Clerk to purchase Bibles so colored and white persons can swear on separate Bibles as suggested by Grand Jury. 12 Ol 1902 6 684 12 Ol 1902 ??, 6 684 05 04 1903 6 718 09 08 1903 , 6 747 12 07 1903 6 764 13.?; Tax Books for 1904 received from Register, signed by Clerk and delivered to Sheriff? „ 09 14.? CLerk and Chairman to sign contract with Carolina Trucking Development Co. 04 f; 15."? ? E Bond of Register of Deeds, John Haar, approved, and wi11 act as Clerk to Board as we11. . 12 16. , ? Attorney Bellamy reported on back taxes collected and Clerk asked for itemized statement of persons paid. . 07 i 17.;? k1 Clerk requested itemized statement from Attorney Bellamy on back taxes collected. 08 Ir 18. C1erk to request Attorney Bellamy to give his opinion on whether or not jury tickets issued for June should 08 ?s ? ?? be paid. 19.;? Chairman to se11 rock at the quarry upon an order from the Clerk to the Board. 03 20.?? ? Clerk to Board to turn over 1910 Tax Books to Sheriff for collection. 09 21.?? Clerk to furnish copy of Grand Jury's report to City. 10 ? 22.? Clerk to notify Solicitor Duffy that woman had been sentenced to County Home. 10 ?? 23.i? Clerk to notify City Council that Board of Health desires a meeting with them. 05 24.?i Clerk to send copy of bria?ge resolution to Pender's Register of Deeds and the Pender Chronicle. (BRIDGES) 06 25.?? Duplicate order to be issued by C1erk to J,H. Westbrook. 1p 26.?? ? Auditing CLerk to take notes of ?his meetin.g in absence of Clerk to Board. 03 27.?? Clerk to notify Board of Health members of ineeting with Commissioners. 07 ? ?i MS .. 28.?? ? Public asscountant A,H. Mash recommended County minutes be signed by Ghairman. 01 i3 29.;? ?? 4 W.A, Williams appointed C1erk to Board and assistant to Auditor at $1,600 per annum. . 05 30.?? ?w C1erk to get names ot a11 persons exempted from jury duty. 05 31.?? Clerk to reply to letter from Miss Mary Cronly which was referred to Permanent Road Committee. 06 s? 32.;; ?? „ Account of W.H. Shearin to be paid for board and clothing of convicts when approved by Clerk. 06 33.'? f, Clerk to issue duplicate warrants to Atlantic Paint and Varnish Co.; originals having been lost. ? 08 ;r. 34.' F C1erk to call on City Counczl for reply to Commissioners relative to Charity Fund.. 11 # ? 35.-?, ?i Clerk to send Sheriff a transcript of this meeting. 11 ?? 36.`{ CLerk reported having received no report fram Recorder's Clerk Skipper. , 11 37 38 39 40 41 42. 43. ? William A, Williams re-elected Clerk to Board for ensuing year at same salary. , ? C1erk and Chairman to borrow money from American National Bank. ? ? Clerk and Chairman to borrow money from Murchison National Bank to build Work House. ? ? Auditor presented list of delinQuent po1Zs and C1erk to present same to Grand Jury. i ? Matter of horse of Joe Wheeler drowning referred to Superintendent of Roads and Clerk to Board. ; `; Report fro m Auditor and Accountant stated importance of C1erk Williams'work. 9 ' W,A, Williams elected C1erk to Board at $1,700 a year. 06 1904' 6 809 02 I906 7 SI 03 1906 7 67 06 1908 a 7 137 03 1908 7 140 03 1908 ° 7 140 a, 01 1909 7 I71 06 1910 7 199 03 1910 ? 7 03 1910 7 08 1911 ,.; 7 28 1911 :,; 7 05 1911 _ 7 05 1912 y 7 01 1912 7 13 Z913 7 01 1913 7 29 1913 7 09 19 Z3 7 17 1913 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 11 1913 03 1913 10 1913 10 1913 „ 12 01 1913 , „ 08 „ 08 10 12 12 12 03 1914 .; 15 1914 „ 05 1914 07 1914 : 07 1914 ? 07 1914 i r, ? 7 7 7 7 20 0 201 ? 218 ,. 2 24 ,. 234 247 254 273 289 295 , 306 307 311 322 323 ,. 323 „ 327 , 377 „ 381 , 386 403 403 407 ?. E I?_ INDEX TO COM?IISSIONERS MINUT?S - New Hanover County, N. C. , MA TERT CLERK TO THE BOARD ` pEC. u. s. d?"??_ County Indezea Since 1988 ? Yo lotafe ntlmet, open o} ?Oii Ad T?B INDER !AT OFFICE ??,o?n An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INIiIAL TAB ?DE BY TNE COTT INDEX COMVANI, COLGMBUS, ONIO SOLU BY OWEN G, DUNX, NEW BERN, NORTH UROLIN? NATURE OF PRO(EEDINGS DAiR MINUTE BOOK Month (Day ? Year Vol, Page ; 1 l. C1erk and Chairman to renew County's note to American National Bank. 02 O 1 1915 14 1915 14 1915 14 1915 OI I915 07 1915 13 1915 03 1916 06 1916 28 1916 04 1916 05 1917 7 433 ? 7 454 1 463 2. Due to illness of Clerk Williams, Auditor to employ B.F, King to act as secretary to Wil?ington assessors. 04 3. Sheriff to furnish Clerk with proper Court statements so Auditor can credit correct amounts to correct fund 06 4. C1erk to advertise that Board wi11 meet as Board of Equalization. 06 5. C1erk to write J.O, Carr xelative to putting down deep we11s in County. 6. William A, Williams elected C1erk to Baard at $1,700 per year. 7. C1erk to report on ownership of "Thir? To11 House"' on Turnpike. 8. Clerk to write Governor and commend action allowing trustees at convict camps to go home at Christmas. 9. Cier[c to request answer from Brunswick Coanty rela?ive to proposa? made by this Board on October 7, 1915. 10. C1erk to Board to have roof of Jail and County Home repaired and painted. 11. William A, Williams elected C1erk to the Board at $1,700 a year. 12. Letter approved from Clerk to Mayor of City relative to City employees firing a rifle and damaging Court- house clock. 13. P4atter of furnishing clothing for C1yde Hardison stolen by G. Galloway referred to Superintendent of Roads and C1erk. 14. Commenoration to be made on death of late C1erk W.A. Williams. 15. Thomas K, Woody elected Clerk t.o Board to fi11 vacancy at $100 a Month. 16. K. Woody elected C1erk to Board at $1,500 a year. 17. C1erk to have brickwall in courtyard repaired. 18. C1er.Y,. appointed to a Committee to look after burial of out door poor. 19. Request from jailer to increase money for salary to employ a cook refeLLred to clerk. 20. Clerk to obtain quotations for preperation of school bonds. 21. Thomas K. Woody elected clerk to the board at $135 per month. 22. Authorized clerk to pay bill to Wi?r??ington Iron Works for repairs on trttck. 23. Clerk to secure information on aerial bridge as urged b;T N.W. Jacobi. 24.C1erk to press matter of colleeeion of back taxes with J.A. Norton, special attorney. 25. Clerk to secure parts of truck from E.P. Dudley. 26. Clerk to employ extra help to clear premises around courthouse and jail. 27. Thomas K. Woody elected C1erk to Board at $2,120 per year;, 28. Thomas K. Woody elected Clerk to Board at $2,000 per year, 29. Thomas K. Woody elected Clerk to Board at $2?000 per year. 30. Salary of Thomas K. Woody as clerk to Board increased to $2,400 per year, 31. Thomas K. Woody elected Clerk to Board at $2,000 per year. 32. Board rescinded action of November 24th increasing salary of C1erk to Board. 33. Board rejected legislature t? repeal law r??ative to salary of Clerk to the Board. 34. Salary ot? Clerk to the Board raised to $2,400, legislature allowed B??ard to fix salary. 35. Thomas K. Woody elected Flerk to the Board at $200 per month. 36. Thomas K. Woody elected as Clerk to the Board at $200 per month, 37. Clerk to revise jury list from 1924 tax books. 38. Thomas K. Woody elected as Clerk to the Board at $210 per month. 39. Clerk to write 1e?ter to Edward C, Craft C.A.P. on audit of County books. 40. C1erk to secure quotations on coal supply for 1927. 41. Clerk to secure bids for coa1. 42• Clerk granted two weeks vacation. 43. Clerk to in€orra Government Heads that County would not pay indebtness without purchase order from accountant. 11 12 12 01 03 09 12 03 7 464 : 7 503 7 518 7 519 7 522 7 540 7 586 7 597 7 615 11 05 1917 7 646 1I 05 1917 7 646 11 05 1917 7 646 12 03 1917 7 651 02 15 1918 7 669 . 7 2 1918 g 13 10 7 1918 8 20 10 25 1918 8 ' 22 12 %' 1918 8 26 12 2 1918 8 28 9 2 1919 8 74 9 2 1919 8 74 11 3 1919 8 85 11 24 1919 8 89 IZ 1 1919 g 89 12 6 1920 8 133 12 5 1921 8 182 , 11 24 1922 g 217 12 4 1922 g ?19 12 4 1922 g 219 12 4 1922 g 220 2 15 1923 g 228 12 3 1923 g 274 12 1 1924 8 316 6 25 1925 8 343 „ 12 7 1925 8 361 4 26 1927 g 437 . 8 1 1927 8 456 7 28 1928 8 520 . 7 13 1931 9 118 9 8 1931 9 126 I t N N H NDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES C C C oun y, . anover - ew ? , MA TE R:Clerk to th e Board ? aEC, u. s. ?p??? Covnty Indexea Since 1BB8 ??'" Ta lotofe names? opep af IAt OFFILE ??J'/K,dici? An IdentifyingTrade Mark tl??" SURNAME INITIAL TAB COiT R•2 TAB INDEB IAADE BY iHE LOTi INDEX tOMPANY, COLUTABUS, ONIO SOLD BY OWEN & DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTN GROLINA NATURE OP PROfEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOON ? Month I Day I Year Vol, I Page 1.. Clerk to notify parties with claims against County to present them On the 10th. 6 20 1932 9 168 2, Thomas K. Woody granted two weeks vacation, 9 6 1932 9 181 3. Thomas K. Woody granted ten day ?acation. 10 2 1933 9 252 4. Thomas K. Woody granted ten day vacation. 9 17 1934 9 302 5. Thomas K. Woody to answer question on W.P.A. funds. 10 26 1936 9 +59 6. Thomas K. Woody granted two weeks vacation. 8 23 1937 9 ?35 7. Thomas. K. Woody.reelected Clerk to the Board. 12 5 L938 10 26 8. Thomas K. Woody reelected Clerk to the Baard. 12 4 L939 10 97 9, T?omas K. Woody reielected Clerk to the Board. 12 2 L940 10 167 10, Thomas K. Woody re-elec?ed Clerk to the Board. 12 1 L941 10 ?43 11. Thomas K. Woody re-elected Clerk to the Board. 12 7 1_942 10 305 12. Thomas K. Woody re=elected Clerk to the Board. 12 6 1943 10 359 13. Thomas K. Woody re-elected Clerk to the Board. 12 4 L944 10 '+16 14. Thomas K. Woody re-elected ?1erk to the Board. 12 3 1945 10 +68 15. Thomas K. Woody given monthly increase. 8 5 1946 10 i08 16, Thomas K. Woody re-elected Clerk to the Board. 12 2 1946 10 i29 17. Thomas K. Woody to fill out form for North Carolina Industrial Commission. 12 ?3 1946 10 ?31 18. Thomas K. Woody re-elected Clerk to the Board. 12 1 L947 11 3 19. Thomas K. Woody re-elected Clerk to the Board. 12 6 L948 11 60 20. Thomas K. Woody re-elected C1erk to the Board. 12 S 1949 11 l39 21. Thomas K. Woo.dy re-elected Clerk to the Board. 12 4 L950 11 ?27 22. Thomas K. Woody re-elected Clerk to the Board. 12 3 L951 11 306 23. Finaun cial statement to be filed with Clerk to the Board. 3 ?4 !_952 11 326 24, Thomas K, Woody re-elected Clerk to the board. 12 1 I.952 11 381 25. T. D. Love acted as Clerk in absence of Thomas K. Woody before Commissioners. 9 l4 !_953 11 ?'?53 26. Thomas K. Woody re-elected Clerk to the Board. 12 7 1953 11 '+73 27, Thomas K. Woody re-elected Clerk to the Board. 12 6 L954 11 i57 "28. Paymen t to Cape Fear Studio approved for Thomas K. Woody's por?ait. 3 7 .955 Il i80 29. Thomas K. Woody on vacation acting Clerk appeared before the Board. 8 1 _955 11 i20 30. Thomas K. Woody re-elected Clerk to the Board. 12 5 1955 12 22 31 Thomas K. Woody re-elected C1erk to the Board. 12 3 1956 12 L11 32. C1erk to make policy of courthouse parking. 3 4 ?_957 12 36 33. C1erk to write letters relative to Seagate boundary lines. 3 ll 1957 12 ?36 34. C1erk to confer with Mrs All about drainage of her property. 3 ll I_957 12 L36 35. Clerk authorized to act on painting flag pole. 3 ll L957 12 L36 36. Reques t relative to Hugh Mac Rae Park referred to Clerk. 3 Ll L957 12 L37 37, Employing dr?gline operator referred to Clerk with power to act. 3 L8 L957 12 L39 38. Clerk to get information on voting machines. 4 L5 1957 12 L45 39. Clerk to study courthouse needs and repairs. 4 l5 L957 12 145 40. Property damages in Hugh MacRae Park referred to Clerk. 4 ?9 L957 12 L48 41. C1erk authorized to complete insurance coverage on Community Hospital. 5 ?0 L957 12 L53 42. Clerk to write Mr. Addison Hewlett,Jr. relative to extension of City limits. 6 3 L957 12 L57 43. Cost of Community Hospital roof and courthouse tower ?eferred to Clerk. 7 1 1957 12 L63 44. Clerk instructed to find office with less noise for Commissioners meeting. 7 ?2 1957 12 L68 45. Clerk authorized two weeks vacation. 7 ?2 L957 12 L68 46. Thomas K. Woody C1erk to the Board resigned. 8 ?8 L957 12 177 INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATTER• Clerk to the Board - nrc. u. s. ^ County Inde:ea Since 1888 (? ?--r To bto?a nanros. Optn ef C07i A-Z fA8 lNDEX r?T oevice ?l?,ce? An Identifying Trade Mark E1`,? fURK/lME INITIAL TAB MII,C E BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD tY OWEN i. DUNN, NEN ?ERN, NORTH GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Mr. William G. Houch appointed Clerk to the Board. 2. Clerk to report on revise jury list at next meeting. 3. Payment to Thrif-T-Stores, referred to Clerk with power to act. 4. Clerk reported the bond tztle had been published in Wilmington Morning Star. 5. Clerk authorized to published adoption of Hospital Bond. 6.- Clerk reported school bon.d had been published with notice of public hearing. 7. Clerk authorized to published adopting of school bond and notice of special election. 8. Clerk to file sLatement of debt incurred and to be incurred for school purposes. 9. Clerk to prepare application for approval of proposed school bond. 10. Clerk reported notice of school bond and public hearing had been published. 11. Clerk to publish notice of special election. 12. Clerk to express appreciation for invitation to.luncheon. 13. Clerk to write Senators and Congressman relative to St. Lawrence Seaway. I4. Mr. W.C. Houck appointed Executive Secretary-Clerk to the Board. 15. Clerk and Chairman to execute deed conveying property to State Highway Patrol. 16. Clerk reported on special election returns and certified copi.es. 17. Clerk to file orginialstatement with Board and publish a copy of returns, 18, Clerk authorized to sign proof of loss for County on boiler at County farm. 19. Executive Secretary-Clerk authorized to purchase new 1aw book. 20.. Executive Secretary-C1erk to write commending Mr. J.J. McWatty and Mr. Louie Woodbury. 21. Executive Secretary-Clerk to have inscription put on gravel for Mr. Hall. 22. Executive Secretary-Clerk to Earite City expressing appreciation ?or Deming Pump. 23. Executive Secretary-Clerk to acknowledge resolution from Exchange Club. 24. Executive SecretaryClerk to place the audit report on agenda for next week. 25. Executive Secretary-Clerk authorized to pledge support to County Planning Board. 26. Executive Secretary-Clerk to arrange for Clerk of Superior Court to meet with Board. 27. Executzve Secretary-Clerk to request traffic survey ?or ligl?t in Ogden Community. 28. Executive Secretary-Clerk authorized to check operation of the trash dump. 29. No action taken on request for transportation for Executive Secertary-Clerk 30. Executive Secretary-Clerk authorized to receive up to date report from street committee. 31. Executive Secretary-Clerk to secure estimate cost of automatic parking gate for dump. 32. Rttles and regulations of courthouse parking approved with arnendments. 33. Executive Secretary-Clerk authorized to send copy of agreement to Cape Fear Amhulance Co. 34. Executive Secretary-Clerk to cantact J.B. McCab and Co, relative extra auditor charges. 35. Executive Secretary-Clerk to refer duplication of street names to Committee. 36. Executive Secretary-Clerk to meet with Messrs. Mallard, Rivenbark,Lassiter and County Attorney concerning'Oleander Drainage Problem. 37. Letter to State Highway Commission approvzng new bridge across Cape Fear River. 38. Letter in support of Federal Aid for Airport. 39. Clerk to inform sheriff of desecration of animals at Fort Fisher. 40. Executive Secretary-Clerk to make arrangements for Board to attend N.A.C.O. Seminar. 41. Executive Secretary-Clerk authorized to attend school in Chapel Hill. 42. Executive Secret?.ry-Clerk to inform representatives of Bill for Microfilm program. 43. Executive Secretary-Clerk to notify fifteen complainants : of assessment hearing. 44. Authoria.ed to inform Corp. of Engineers no objections to elevated walkway. 45. Executive Secretary-Clerk confirm joint meeting to study Civil Defense Expansion. 8 2$ 1957: 12 177 9 16 1957 12 181 9 23 1957 12 182 I 6 1958 12 207 1 6 1958 . 12 208 1 6 1958_ 12 208 1 6 1958_ 12 209 4 14 1958 12 241 4 Z4 2958 ?2 2??. 4 28 1958 12 249 4 28 1958 12 249 4 28 1958 12 252 5 5 1958 12 253 S 5 1958 12 254 6 2 1958 12 264 6 16 1958 12 269 6 16 1958 I2 270 7 28 1958 12 284 9 15 1958 12 301 10 20 1958 12 318 12 1 1958 12 339 12 15 1958 12 343 1 5 1959 12 356 1 5 1959 12 356 1 5 1959 12 356 1 12 1959 12 358 1 12 1959 12 358 1 12 1959 12 358 1 12 1959 12 358 1 12 1959 12 358 1 26 1959 12 365 1 26 1959 12 366 2 2 1959 12 369 2 2 1959 12 370 2 2 1959 12 370 2 16 1959 12 379 2 16 1959 12 380 2 16 1959 12 380 2 16 1959 12 381 3 2 1959 12 390 3 9 1959 12 394 3 16 1959 12 397 3 16 1959 12 399 3 23 1959 12 401 3 23 1959 12 403 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- N H C t N C r ew anover oun y, . . , MATTER C lerk to the B oard - aes. u. s. r?t OFFICE C?? County Indezee Since 1888 TO loea+? nam?:, OplO af COTT A-Z TA! INDEX ?.? An IdencifYing Trade Mark ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MuC E BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY. COLUMBUS. ONIO SOLD 1T OWEM i. YUIIN, MEM ?ERM, NORTH GROUNA qa ? . ? . .. i i ??'' NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK ?? ?; Month Day Year Voi. ? Page l?, Executive Secretary-Clerk to work out plan on cold storage proposal. , 4 13 1959. . 12 411 2?; Executive Secretary-Clerk reported of 90NIM gun for the National Guard. 4 12 1959. 12 421 . 3.; Executive Secretary-Clerk to notify property owners Boards dicission on tax assessment. ? 4 20 1959 12 421 4?; Authorized to inform Mr. M.D. Newton to prepare his property for drainage. , 5 14 1959. 12 423 5;; Authorized to inform S.A.C.C. of Boards view on passage of Bill S.B.10. . ; 5 14 1959 12 431 6.. Authorized ? to enter in to contract with Board of Health for d?ainge. 5 14 1959. . 12 43T 7.. Authorized to inform Merit System Council County adopt Merit System. 5 18 1959 12 437 8,. Authorized to study property liens of J.C.and Bertha Kuhlekn and report to Board. 6 1 1959 12 439 9. Authorized to inform Schloss Estate Corp. their property to be reviewed Janurary 11 1960. 6 1 1959 12 440 10.. Authorized to inform Congressman of support in Rural Re-development. 6 1 1959 ,12 441 11. Authorized to request County Medical Officer to make periodic visits to C.Home.and jail._ _ 6 1 1959 12 444 12.. Authorized to confirm appointment of Mr. Peter H. Braak to State Board of Soc. Sers. 6 24 1959 12 451 13.Authorized to invite the Dept. Heads to meet with Board for budget clarification. 7 3 1959 l2 455 14.. Authorized to seek replacement for dragline operator. 7 18 1959 12 466 15.:: Authorized to secure additional bids for courthouse air conditioning. 7 1& 1959 12 466 16.., Authorized to inform the Health Dept. not one penny of County monies for attorney fees. 7 22 1959 12 473 17... Authorized to make new jury list. 10 19 1959 12 506 18.., Authorized to confer with sheriff and secure bids for security cages. _ 10 19 1959 12 507 19.,. Authorized to secure names of inspectors, inspectin.g.schools. 11 2 I959 12 510 20.?,: Authorized to request Junction to be added to sign at Myrtle Grove. 11 16 1959 12 517 Executive 21.: Mr. W.G. Houch re-appointed Secretary-Clerk to the Board. 12 7 1959 12 518 22.: Executive Secretary-Clerk reported on lien of Mrs. Ida W. Sampson and Gertrude Green. 12 7 1959 12 521 23.., Authorized to inform W. Albert Brown,First Christian Church abatement request denied. . 12 7 1959 12 522 24..: Authorized to secure statement from tax collector for pass five years. 12 7 1959 12 523 25._ Authorized to inform Grand Jury of difficult of drawing new jury list. 12 21 1959 12 526 26. Instructed to place notice ?n legislative file relative to liens and?burial expenses. 2 15 1960 12 545 27.., Instructed to inform State Delegation Board oppose Federal Aid to Ed.u.cation. 2 15 1960. 12 546 2$.. Authorized to proceed with Civil Service Exam to employ Clerk-Typist for Recorder°s 3 7 1960 12 547 ,Court. 29.,; Instructed to invite tax collector, Sam W. Johnson to next Board meeting. 3 7 1960 12 549 30.. Executive Secretary-Clerk informed Board of request for bleaches at courthouse. 3 14 1960 12 552 31.. Executive Secretary-CZerk presented invoices for Health building and courthouse repairs. 3 14 1960 12 552 32. Executive Secretary-Clerk reported of having checked bonds and coupo?.s for burr?i?.g. 3 14 1960 12 552 33. Authorized to place the employment of an attorney on a retaining fee far tax office. 3 14 1960 12 554 34.; Instructed to secure maps with polling precincts boundaries. 3 21 1960 12 557 35. Executive Secretary-Clerk arranged and had pictures of Board in S?ate Assoc. Magazine.? : 4 18 1960 12 565 36.? Authorized to aide County Attorney in preparing resolution in honor of Mr. Dosher. 4 18 1960 12 565 37. Au?hori?ed to send road petitions to State Highway Commission and ?equest consideration. 5 2 1960 12 569 38.. Executive Secretary-Clerk read bond order and published notice of hearing. 5 2 1960 12 571 39., Executive S?cr?tary-C1erk c?rtified affi.divat on adoption of bond. 5 2 1960 12 572 40.. AutY?orized adding extra paragraph to minutes. 6 6 1960 12 577 41., Instructed to secure heavy riprap or granite stone for Freeman Beach bluckhead. 6 27 1960 12 581 42..Instructed to write letter of appreciation to Colonel Alex P. Kelly, resigning. 7 5 1960 12 582 43, Instructed to confer with electrical inspector on his refusal to inspect schools. 7 15 1960 12 559 44., Instructed to write T.B. Upchurch relative to adjacent courthouse property. 7 18 1960 12 592 45., Authorized to advertise for new prison boiler. ? 28 1960 12 600 INDEX N H C t N C TO COMMISSIO?ERS I?INUTES oun anover ?, . ew -- . _ MATTER: Cl? ?k to th e Board _ aec. u. s. County Indezee Since 1888 ? TO IOCah AaMls? Opfll Ot ' MA,tE B11 vAr OFFICE ?JJ1? An IdentiEying Trade Mark SURkAME INIiIAL TAB SOtO ?Y COTi A•Z TA! INDEX THE f07i INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHtO OIIEN 0. OUNN, NEN iERN, NORTN UROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day ? Year Vol. Page 1. Letter informing that County oppose appropriation,requested by Rescue Squad. 8 1 1960 12 601 2. Letter to Corps of Engineers, Bo.?.rd'S willingness to participate in non-Federal Funds . 8 1 1960. 12 601 for erosion control. 3, Instructec? to investigate funds requested for Ma:rke.t Stock Show and Sale. 8 1 1960 12 602 4. Authorized letter explaining and approving Health Director's salary. 9 6 1960: 12 606 S. Instructed to aide in.drawing resolution opposing Conges.sional Investi;ations. 9 6 1960. 12 607 6. Authorized bid for toilet fa,licities for jail deputy, with power to act. 9 6 1960 12 607 7. Instructed to investigate drainage problem of Mr. W.E. Saunders . _ 9 19 1960. 12 611 8. Authorized to confer with C. Attorney for rulir,.g on Health Dept. authority to levy tax. 9 l?? 1960 12 611 9. Report on drag?i?-?.e operation, authorized to investigate additional cost for work. 9 19 1960, 12 612 10. Instructed to refer petition from Mr. W.E. Sau:_.ders to drainage committee. 1? 3 1960, 12 615 11. Report on conditions of Health building, authorized to get estimate for repairs to begin. ll 7 1960 12 626 12. Instructed to write resolution in support of the State Board of Health monies in budget. 12 5 1960 12 632 13. Instructed to confer with Dr. H. Johnson relative to lns, policies for Go-Kart racing. 12 19 1960 12 635 14. Authorized to make adjustment of C.P.L. claim against dragline. 12 19 1960, 12 636 15. Authorized to prepare and arrange for Microfilming County Record?.? 1 3 1961 12 640 16. Instructed to contact J.A. Westbrook and Baldwin-DesChamps Ins. Co for Airport ;,ns. 1 3 1961 12 640 17. Instructed to notify Railroad Ins. Co. of County's intertest in claim of W.W. Young, 1 3 1961.. 12 640 18. Instructed to confer with committee on collecting delinquent tax. 1 3 1961. 12 641 19. Authorized to negotiate regarding estate of William P. Bass, deceased. 1 16 1961 12 642 20e Authorized to extend invitation to Evangelist Dr. Billy Graham. 1 16 1961 12 642 21. Authorized extra phone for prison farm. 5 1 1961 12 669 22. Authorized to have resolution ?k32 from the General Assembly framed. (Azalea Festival). 5 1 1961 12 670 23. Let?ers to Sheriff, Police Chief and Coronor, Solicitor empowered to authorize ,autopsy. ? 6 19 1961 12 688 24. Authorized to investigate insect and rodent control for ?ounty Departments. 7 22 1961 13 2 25. Instructed to contact Board of Education relative to the budget as adopted. 7 28 1961 13 6 26. Authorized to publish copy of Hospital bond as adopted`, also notice of intent. $ 21 1961 13 10 27. Instructed to notify Mrs. Dorothy DeMello that County denies her claim for accident. 8 21 1961 13 13 28. Approved action of Sec, regarding sidewalk in front of Health Building. 11 6 1961 13 34 29. Mr. W.G. Houck re-appointed Clerk-Executive Secretary. 12 4 1961 13 39 30. Authorized to arrange for Judge, Reporter and Jury for extra term of court 1-8-62. 12 11 1961 13 51 31. Authorized to arrange for extra term Superior Court February 5, 1962. 1 15 1962 13 60 32. Instructed to inform Chairman of hearing regarding Northeast River and Hilton Bridge. 1 15 1962 13 61 33. Inst?ucted to refer matters of Soc. Ser. space to Mrs. Helen B. Sneeden. 4 16 1962 13 95 34. Authorized to secure bids for air conditioning units in Recorder's Court Offices. S 21 1962 13 111 35. Authorized to make reservations for State Association Convention. 6 4 9162 13 115 36. I?structed to inform Dept. Heads of monthly reports due. 8 20 1962 13 143 37. Instructed to send resol_ution for Dr. Albert Coates to Commissioners of Johnson County. 9 17 1962 13 150 38. Executive Secretary-Clerk to appear for Special Venire drawing. 10 15 1962 13 164 39. Executive Secretary-Clerk to appear for Special Venire dra?aing. 14 29 1962 13 165 40. Executive Secretary-Clerk to make list of all County owned property. 11 5 1962 13 167 41. Authorized to order volumne 4Band 4C General Statutes. . 12 3 1962 13 176 42. Instructed to confer with State Highway Commission about speedlimit near Babies Hospital. 6 17 1963 13 223 43. Instructed to investigate prices and s.a.?ples of proposed certificates for emp{i.oyees. 7 15 1963 13 229 44. Instruct-?d to investigate nuisance complaint of hogs in the Myrtle Grove Neighborhood. 8 S 1963 13 242 45. Received report on certificates authorized ordering 500 to be presented at next meeting. 8 5 1963 13 242 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATTER: Clerk to ?he Board- eea. u. s. ??j ??p????_ County ?ndezee Since 1888 ? TO IOtO?f nam?s, Op?11 at COTT A-Z TA! INDEX ?o/?%z(.d??' An ldentifying Trado Mnrk MILC E BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHID ?AT OFFICE fURNAME (NITIAL TAB SOLD tY OWEN 0. DUNN, NEII ?ERN, NORiN GROLINA PJ - _. ?d ?? NATURE OF PR4CEEDINGS DATE MINUiE BOOK r, Month Day Year Vol. Page ri , 1?4 Report on Auto bids, authorized re-advistising when dealers able to bid. ? ; g 3 1963 13 247 2, Instructed to investiga.te re-recreational of Civil works projects. 9 16 1963 .13 255 3?: Mr. W.G• Houck re-elected Executive Secretary-Clerk. 12 2 1963 .13 268 4,; Instructed to inform Dr. Charles R. Vernon of action regar.ding Mental Health Center. ,12 2 9963. 13 270 5.' Hazal Savage appointed acting clerk 04 16 1968 14 175 6.; Ha:?al Savage - resignation 06 )3 1969 14 340 7. Appointment of Lise King 03 l9 1973 15 348 8. Discussion of Mrs. King's Application 03 l9 1973 15 358 9. Reappointment of Lise K. King I2 02 I974 I6 56 10. Discussion on Temporary help in the Clerkfs Office 06 15 1981 18 86$ 11. Change of Clerk's name (Alyce B. Brown) 05 25 1982 19 79 12. Performance Evaluation for Clerk and Secretary in Commissioners' Office 06 21 1982 19 101 13. Acceptance of resignation of clerk to the board Alyce Brown 11 1 1982 19 183 EI4. Discussion on method of appointing a clerk to the board 11 1 I982 19 183 il5 Appaintment of acting clerk to the board lI 15 1982 19 190 16 Siscussion of special meeting tointerview clerk applicants Il 15 1982 19 190 17 Authorization for County Mgr. to make offer for clerk to the board position 11 15 1982 19 191 18 Confirmation of appointments of Lucie F. Smith as clerk to the board 12 6 1982 19 196 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - N Han r Co t? N C C?E? oF SUPERIOR COL RT y, ew ove un . . , MAiTER: eec. u. s. r?r OFFIGE Counry Indezes Since 1888 ??1L?a-? An IdentifyingTradc Mark ? TO IOtYf! IIOMOS, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A TO Z TAB INDEX MAOE {T THE COTT (1(DEX DOOPANY, ?OLIIAYYS, ONIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Budget Amendment - Furniture & equipment for judge's office 11 05 1979 18 503 2. Budget Amendment - Courtroom furniture 12 03 1979 18 521 3. Budget Amendment for purchases for courthouse offices, judicial offices and law library 04 21 1980 18 584 4. Budget Amendment - Clerk of Court 09 07 1982 19 146 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count N C ??AST M ?UARD ?, . . _ U JE?T ` rte?. u. s. ?f?, County Indezea Since 1888 ? To lo?ab aam?s, op?O at /?? An ldentifying Trade Mark PAT OFFICE ( Ci COTT A-S MADE BY THE COTT INDEX TA? INCE7I COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO . , SURNAME INITIAL TA? SOLD tY ONEN ?. pUNN, NEN ?ERN, NORTN GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE Of PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Discussion of honoring Coast Guard 09 04 1973 15 480 2. Decision to honor Coast Guard 10 15 1973 15 515 3. Removal of Coast Guard Cutter 11 05 1973 15 523 4. Resolution commending 11 19 1973 15 528 5. Letter protesting removal of cutter 12 17 1973 15 540 6. Resolution commending Coast Guard 12 17 I973 15 540 7. Resolution expressing appreciation Ol 21 1974 15 557 8. Coast Guard cutter O1 21 1974 15 566 9. Endorsement of efforts to obtain Coast Guard Cutter for port 02 29 ?g;6 ?7 4, 10. Chairman to go to Washington, DC for presentation at Coast Guard headquarters 02 17 1976 17 67 11. Table dredging for Coast Guard Cutter Northwinds 11 07 1977 18 129 12. Budget Transfer $15,000 donation for dredging Coast Guard Cutter Northwinds 11 21 1977 18 133-4 13. Discussion on Coast Guard responsibilities with regard to Pollution Cont rol 05 17 1982 19 69 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. , MU JECT COASTAL AREA MANAGE- a MENT ACT xsc. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 ? To IoCON oanNf? op?ll at CdTT MI iA? INOEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX (OMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO r?r OFFIC6 (.?i?? An Identifying Trade Mark tURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLD ?T OWEN i. pUNN, NEw /ERM, NORTH UROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Dny Year Vol. Page 1. Request for resolution approving 2. Discussion of 2. Discussion of nominees 3. Nominations for Commission 4. Vaughan's statement re nominees 5. Discussion of planning responsibilities 6. Appointment of Comm. Vaughan to Coastal Resources Advisory Council 7. Land Use Plan - NHC 8. Resolution declaring intent to prepare and adopt Land Use Plan 9. Pilot Program to test land classification system 10. Pilot Project - Land classification plan 11. Application - Planning assistance funds 12. Approval of Public Participation Prog. 13. Appointment of Comm. William C. Taylor to Coastal REsources Adv. Council. 14. Discussion of Planning District Coordinators 15. Request to appoint Planning district coordinators 16. Appointment of Planning District Coordinators 17. Approval of Coastal Resources Contract 006 18. Approval of budget amendment - CAMA grants 19. Invitation to attend Coastal Resources Commission march meeting 20. Discussion on draft of land use plan for the Coastal Resources Comm. 21. Report on comments received from Coastal Resources Comm. 22. Proposed review schedule for Coastal Area Management Act 23. Discussion on filing suit against CAMA 24. Public hearing on proposed growth ? Development Policy for NHC 25. Presentation County land use plan 26. Letter of intent - permit letting for areas of environmental concern 27. Request for details Carteret County ]awsuit 28. Distribute Synopsis of CAMA 29. Discuss Public I-?earing on CAMA 30. Discuss on CAMA public hearing 31. Approval to send telegram to public hearing to endorse CAMA 32. Public Hearing consider Implementation and Enforce. for the Issuance of Local Minor Development Permits 33. Public Hearing on Plan for Implementation and Enforce. as required for Issuance of Local Permits 34. Implementation and Enforcement Plan 35. Discussion on Coastal Energy Import program 36. Approval Implementation and Enforcement Plan 37. Signing CAMA-Implementation and Enforcement Plan 38. Agreement with N. C. Resources & Community Development for CAMA permits 39. CAMA - Recreation Planning Grant 40. Approval of CAMA Grant Application for Issuing Permits 41. Revisions to CAMA land use planning guidelines 42. Amendment to CAMA ?lanning Grant #2313 43. Agreement with Department of Natural Resources & Community Development for CAMA permits 44. Acceptance of Grant & Contract Amendment under CAMA 45..Contract for reimbursement of CAMA Permits. 02 04 1974 02 04 1974 05 31 1974 05 31 1974 06 03 1974 07 15 1974 08 19 1974 10 07 1974 10 2I 39'4 10 21 1974 11 04 1974 11 04 1974 02 28 1975 03 03 1975 03 17 1975 04 10 1975 04 14 1975 06 02 1975 02 16 1976 03 Ol 1976 03 O1 1976 03 15 1976 04 20 1976 05 17 1976 05 20 1976 08 02 1976 11 15 1976 11 15 1976 04 18 1977 05 02 1977 06 06 1977 06 06 1977 07 18 1977 08 Ol 1977 08 15 1977 Q9 Ob 1977 09 19 1977 10 03 1977 07 03 1978 12 18 1978 05 07 1979 06 I8 I979 11 05 1979 Ol 19 1979 06 ?2 1980 11 i7 1G80 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 ?? 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 I8 18 18 18 18 573 ?75-6 540-4 644 652 681 701 19 ?3- 24 24 41 41 124 135 139 I67 168 212 65 74 75 80 05-6 128 129 170 232 232 23 32 54 54 78 84 88 97 104 113 243 321 402 429 509 514 607 705 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTE aa6. u. s. County Indexea Since 1888 PAT OFFICE ???l..?a??" .?n Identifyias Trade Mark - MATTER: COASTAL AREA S- New Hanover County, N. C. _ SUBJECT _ MANAGEMENT ACT To locab nam?s, op?a af tOTT A-= TAt INpEX NU1DE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO ? fURNAME INITIAL UY SOLD ?T OWEN 0. pUNN, NEN tERN, NORTH GROUNA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Monih Day Year Vol. Page l. Appointment of Gary Cannon to represent New Hanover County 06 15 1981 18 867 2• Planning Grant Proposals to be submitted to office of Coastal Management 03 06 1981 18 785 3.? Resolution concerning legislation affecting CAMA regulations 04 06 1981 18 804 4.'' Endorsement of HB 1173 for Purchase and Maintenance of Coastal Lands 06 15 1981 18 867 5. Contract for Reimbursement for Issuance of CAMA Permits 09 08 1981 18 919 6. Public Hearing - 1981 CAMA Land Use Plan Update 11 02 1981 18 948 ?. CAMA grant award and budget request 09 07 1982 19 144 8 CAMA Contract for fiscal year 1982/83 11 1 1982 19 178 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C? _ MATTER: ADVISORYRCOIINCIL/COMM?SZoN ee?. u. s. County lndexee Since 1888 ? To loeote nam?s, open ot (OTT ? TO 2 TA8 INDEX ?[?o?'i An Identifying Trade Mazk NUpE IY THE Wii INUEX GOAMANY? fO111M1US? ORIO pAT OFFICE SUBNAME INITIAL TAB SOLD BY OWEN G, DUNN f0„ NEW BERN, N. C. NATURE OF PRO?EEDINGS DATE MINUiE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page I 1. Discussion on Public Hearinq for CRC Post-Disaster Plan 06 07 1982 19 88 2. Discussion on Proposed Policies for Post-Disaster Redevelopment in Coastal Communities 06 21 1982 19 94 3. Discussion on meeting with Coastal Resources Commission Staff inembers 06 21 1982 19 98 4, Discussion on cancellation of work session on Post-Disaster Plan 08 02 1982 19 129 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. _ MU JECT COLE-LAYER-TRUMBLE ` nec. u. s. County Inclexca Since 1888 ?'?` '' To IoWN aam?s, op?q at COTT A-! TA{ INOE7I ` r?r OFFICE ?? An ldentifying Trade Mark t1?-br SURNAME INlTIAL 7A! MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLO ?Y OMEX i. OYNN, NEN ?ERN, MORTM GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page ? I. Discussion of 03 18 1974 15 504 2. Discussion of 04 Ol 1974 15 512 3. Report on meeting w/officials 04 16 1974 15 5I6 4. Discussion of 06 03 1974 15 551 5. Report on Cole-Layer-Trumble 07 O1 1974 15 ?75 6. Amendment to Reappraisal contract 07 15 1974 I5 ?79 7. Report on CLT 08 05 1974 15 593 8. Discussion of contract amendment 08 05 1974 15 ?93 9. Report on 08 33 i9i4 I5 ?;99 10. Addendum to Reappraisal contract 09 16 1974 15 114 11. Addendum to Topographic Mapping Contract 09 16 1y74 15 715 1"l. Report on 09 16 1974 15 715 13. Report on 10 07 1974 16 18 14. I i Report on 10 21 1974 lb 34 ? 15. Report on 11 04 1974 16 40 lb. Report on 11 18 1974 16 49 17. Report on 12 02 1974 16 53 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. , MATTER: ?OMNfENTS, GENERAL PUBLI ? Re,. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 1?? To loeats namss, OpYll Ut COTT A TO Z TAB INDEX rer OFFIGE ?,[e?1t?a-7? An Identifying Trade Muk NADE ?Y THE COiT INDEX COM?ANY, COLUMlUS? 0810 SURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERtl, N. C. NATURE OF PI?OCEEDINGS . DATE. MtNUi'E BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Comments from C. G, Berry, Judicial Building 11 16 1981 18 957 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? ?oUN? COMMISSIONERS N C MATTER , . . _ : ` taa. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 Fh ?ra--?- To loeate names, open at r?r OFi1CE ????? An IdentifYing Trade Marlc ?`? SURNAM6 INITIAL TAB corr a•z rae iNOex MADE BY TH@ COTT INDEX (OMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ? DATE ? I MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? Month I Day I Year Vol. I Page ? p! ?.. E.M. Shoemaker requalified as Chairman of the Board. ?? 07 21 1868? 1 2 2.? Board members: Elijah Hewlett, 7ames Wilson, Rufuss Garriss and Stephen Keyes, and E.M. Shoemaker, Chm. i? 07 21 1868? 1 2 r 3. Rules adopted to be used at each Board meeting. !; '? 07 21 1868 ? 1 2 t 4.? Motion adopted that a11 debates on motions and business be kept secret unless otherw k; ise indicated by BoardM; 07 E? 21 ? 1868? k 1 2 ? 5. J.T. Rhoades ordered Board to pay any money due him to Allan Rutherford for Rhoades` account. ? 08 11 18681 ? 1 11 6.? Chairman authorized to procure necessary books and stationary for Board. ? 08 13 1868? 1 13 f, 7.p William H. Bernard presented bill for books. ?; 08 17 E 1868r ? 1 14 8.?j ? R.S. Waldron presented bill for stationary and it was approved. t? 08 19 1868;? ? 1 16 9,,?? Baard met, but no quorum so adjourned. ;; 08 25 ?, 1868;? 1 28 r 10..z Order made for books and stationary for Board. ;, 09 O1 1868;f 1 ? 32 ? 11.+, Bill from Mr. Keyes for services as Commissioner approved. , 09 02 1868?? 1 33 ?? '; 12..: E.M. Shoemaker re-elected Chairman of Board for one year. ,; 09 07 1868;? 1 39 ? 13.j a E.D. Hewlett bonded for his office. ?i 09 09 1868?? `? 1 41 ? 14..? ?? Bill form E.M. Shoemaker for services as Commissioner ap?proved. ;, 09 09 1868,? ? 1 ? 41 ,? 15.', Board to acquire.legal consultation in person of M. London. ; 09 09 ? 1868` 1 41 ? 16.t? Board ruled no more claims will be approved. (In reference to old claims) ?k 17.?; Bill from R.S. Waldron for Commissioners'supplies approved. !? r9 18.;"s Supplies ordered for Commissioners. 19.;; Regular order of business suspended. 'i Z0. Provisions purchased for Board. 21.} R.L. Sellers withdrew his name from bonds of E. Hewlett and Elkanah Allen. + 22.{`.? Board adopted seal for County. i '? 23.?? Purchase of oxen yoke authorized. 24.^? Fees of Commissioners Hewlett, Keyes and Garriss approved. P. 25.Y? Justice Foster to vacate office in Courthouse for use of Commissioners. ?? 26.i? Notice that claims against County to be made by claimee. ;? 27.f? Rules suspended to confer with Cumberland County Commissioners. ?? :? 28.?; Chairman to supply 1,000 Certificates of Registration to registrars of voting. 29.??Rule adopted concerning bills presented Board. ? 30..j John Sanders and Owen Fennell reported before Board. ?, 31.?; Notice to be given of request to General Assembly to issue bonds to raise money. s 32.,,Bi11 for provisions for County approved. 33.y?Board ordered map of County. 34. 3Letter adopted to be sent to precincts describing their precincts. b 35. j Purchases for County made. 36.:??Board requested permission to have all accounts of County officers_investigated. ,? 37.,?Fees of Commissioners Keyes, Hewlett and Shoemaker approved. 38.;6Letter requesting presence of R.B. Woods at Board meeting sent. ?, ?? 39.N?Bi11 for lumber and wood approved. ?? 40.??Bi11 for flatting approved. 41.??Bi11 for stationary approved. F; 42.??Fee of Commissioner Garriss approved. 43.?'Janitor Hill to purchase coal and wood for Commissioners' room. i 44., I 45. E 46. IClerk to Board to examine all vouchers presented to Baard. Approval for purchase of County Seal given. ' Stationary bill from R.S. Waldron approved. 09 ;; 09 ` 09 x, 09 ?? 09 ?k 09 09 09 ;, 10 I? 10 10 10 ?? 10 , 10 _? 10 F; 10 ;. 10 , 10 a? . 10 10 ; 10 11 11 ,? 6: 11 ; ,? 11 ?r 11 11 6; 11 ?, 11 ?; 11 i:? 11 ,. P 09 1868 ?? a? 15 1868?? s 16 1868 ?? 17 1868? ?? 18 1868 G? ?a 23 1868 ?? N 29 1868 ?? ,, 30 1868 ?t =? O1 1868?? 09 1868? ? 12 1868; ? ?? 13 1868;? :a ?1 13 1868;? ? :s 14 1868 ?? 14 1868? 24 1868 a? 24 186 8 :? 24 1868 F? ? 24 1868 ?? 2b 18b842; ?? 26 1868 ;t 02 1868 ,t 02 1868 ;? 02 1868 ?? 02 1868?? c 02 1868 ? r; ? 07 1868;, 12 1868? 14 1868 ; 'r 14 1868 t? ?:. ?? 20 1868?? ? 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i! 41 j i 43 ;? 45 4? ? 48 51 ?, 58 i 61 63 67 68 69 ?9 70 j 70 ? ? 85 ? 85 ? R ? 85 ! M 87 I ? 88 ; ! 88 ?? ? 93. ;? i; 94 ?i ? 94 I 94 j ; 94 97 j i 107 ? 119 1 I I9 ? 121 N . INDEX TO CO?MISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, C. _ MATTER: ?oUN? COMMISSIONERS ` eec. u. s. County Indezee Since 1888 ?y> >r.3?-' To toeats names, open at PAT OFFICE ?.?i ?? An [dentifying Trade Marlc ?`.? SURNAM6 INITIAL TAB COTT A•Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA 4i 'i n ;; DATE ;? MINUTE BOOK ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS 'a Month ( Day I Year ?? Vol. I Page ;? ;i . oard adjourned for the Thanksgiving holiday. 1 6 i; 1868?; 1 , r e, 125 ?? :? 2. Gas bill presented. ? 11 27 1868???¢ 1 126 ?? 3. Coal bill for Commissioners presented. ` 11 27 1868", ? 1 ??? 126 y- ?? 4. Gas bill received. ;p 11 28 1868?? 1 !? 133 '; i; 5. Repairs on office of the County Commissioners to be done. 12 04 1868?; 1 134 F? 6. Chairman to become informed on structure of an "Act". 12 .. 04 „ 1868.a; ,? 1 ;; 135 ; 7. Fees of Commissioners Shoemaker, Hewlett, Keyes and Garriss approved. 0 12 04 1868.; 1 136 G: 8. Brooms and coal to be purchased for Commissioners' room. „ 12 08 1868? ` 1 137 ?? , 9. Letter from Clerk to Board of Franklin County received. . 12 11 1868,; 1 139 ;'; if 10."' Gas bill for November, 1868 received. 12 11 1868 1 139 ?i . „ 11.`.' Report from Mr. Garriss received. , 12 11 1868 1 139 ?? 12.?^ Commission to report on number of children and schools in New Hanover County. (See SCHOOLS) 12 14 1868 1 142 1J :? :} .13.? Letter from Attorney General of State filed. ? 14.p Report on schools received. ? 15.? Bill for painting office of the Commissioners approved. 16. Map of County to be prepared. r 17.?? Rules suspended to discuss bill of John McDormott. ;? 18.?` Bill for furniture and paper for office of Commissioners approved. ir ?? 19.? Bi11 for shades for office of Commissioners approved. 20.°? Bill from Commissioner Shoemaker approved. 21.; Bills from Commissioners Hewlett, Keyes and Garriss for services approved. 22.? Order for bi11s postponed. k 23. Bi11 for making map of County approved. 24.?? Bill for desk for office of Commissioners approved. 25.?? Bill for map of County approved. 26.! Bill for furniture approved. 27.?? Bill for locks on Commissioners' desk approved. Fg 28.? Authorization given for money to be raised for County expenses. (See COUNTY DEBT) 29.?? Authorization given for issuing bonds. ?i 30.k? Bill for desk for Commissioners' office approved. ; 31.? Gas bill approved. 32.? Bill for locks on desk of Commissioners approved. F 33.? Bi11 for duplicate map of County approved. 34.k? Impression of County Seal sent to Secretary of State and Clerk of Superior Court?... G. Gx 35.??: Authorization given to raise money for expenses. ?? ?? 36.?, Rules of government of Board presented. r? 37.?y Bill for duplicate map of County approved. 38.y? Fee of Commissioner Shoemaker approved. 39. Fees of Commissioners Hewlett, Garriss and Keyes approved. 40.? Bill for books and stationary for Commissioners approved. ea ? 41.?j Received rules for governm?nt of Board. 42.?? Law book for Commissioners procured. ?; 43.?? Bill for books for Commissioners approved. 44.? Standing cotmnittees appointed. (See COMMITTEES APPOINTED) 45.ef Clerk to Board to issue all orders on Treasurer and they are all to be signed by the Chairman. ? 46.f Bill for telegraph and wood approved. f! y; ? ? 12 22 1868.; 1 12 22 1868„ 1 12 22 1868.? 1 12 23 1868; 1 12 28 1868„ 1 Ol 02 1869 1 Ol O1 O1 Ol Ol .. O 1 O1 O1 O1 Ol 02 1869,; 02 1869,; 02 1869,? OZ 1869?. 07 1869 07 1869,; 11 1869..'i 11 1869 ;. 11 1869? 12 1869 ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 O1 12 1869; O1 12 1869 O1 12 1869 ; O1 12 1869,; O1 18 1869.? Ol 19 1869 O1 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 29 1869: Ol 1869 y O1 1869„ Ol 1869 O1 1869 O1 1869 06 1869 06 1869 06 1869. 02 02 03 06 1869 10 1869 `? 04 1869 io '?r ? P+ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 144 ; 144 ,, 145 ; 146 > 149 ;; 15 2 '?, 15 2 ?; 15 2 ;; 154 ?? 155 ? 15 7 1j 15 7 :: 161 !: 161 I` tt 161 161 '? 162 ' 163 , 163 '• 163 °? 165 ;. 167 . 171 a. 174 „ 175 175 y 175 175 ' 179 179 : 180 180 183 ???'. s, 19Z f , INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - Nev? Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER: ?oUN? COMMISSIONERS ` eaa. u. s. County Indezee Since f888 To loeats namea, open at COTT A-2 TAB ItlDEX r?r otricc ?tJ?•:?.o?-?' An ldentiEying Trade Mark ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN 6. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROC?EDINGS 1. Fee of Commissioner Shoemaker approved. I 2. Bill for m?aunting map of County approved. 3. Bill for printing rules of order approved. 4, Fees from Commissioners Hewlett and Garriss a?pproved. 5. Fee of Commissioner Keyes ap?proved. 6. Letter from Duplin County Commissioners filed. 7.,? Letter from Columbus County filed. i; 8.j?Fin.ance Committee to receive bonds from Chairman. (See FINAN?E CONIMITTEE) ,? 9.,;'Fees of Commissioners ?hoemaker, Garriss, Hewlett and Keyes approved. 10. ?Stationary bill approved. 11.?:Rules suspended to approve April bills. 12.F;Stationary bill approved. 13.!rFee of Commissioner Wilson approved. 14.;?Fees of Commissioners Keyes, Hewlett and Shoemaker approved. f? 15.i;Fee of Commissioner Garriss approved. , 16.??Bil1 for stationary for Commissioners approved. 17.i;Fees for Commissioners Garriss, Hewlett, Shoemaker and Keyes approved. ?, 18.??All stationary, books, and printed material for County offices to be requisitioned from Commissioners. ?; ?? 19.;;Mr. Wilson to procure stationary for County offices. l? 20.,;Chairman to advertise "An Act to Provide Registration of Voters". t? 21.??Fees for Commissioners Shoemaker, Keyes, Garriss, and Hewlett approved. 22.? Work done on desk of Commissioners. 23.!?Letter from Mr. Shoemaker filed. iF 24.??All County officers to appear to ren?w official bonds. G= 25.??Stationary bills approved. ?? 26.;;?ees of Commissioners Keyes, Shoemaker, and Garriss approved. ?; 27. ;;?ees of Commissioners Hewlett and Wilson approved. 28._,;Officials elected in August 5, 1869 election to appear before Board to qualify. (See ELECTIONS) i? 29.;jStephen Keyes elected Chairman of the Board, ? 30. ??Fees of Commissioners Garriss, Keyes and Hewlett approved. e 3I. ?;Bi11 for sundries for Commissioners' office approved. ,4 32. :;Board met and adjourned there being no quorum. 33. ?oBoard met and adjourned there being no quorum. 34. ?#Board met and adjourned there being no quorum. 35. ;;Board met and adjourned there being no quorum. 36. `.Board met and adjourned there being no quorum. 37. ;;Board met and adjourned there being no quorum. 38. ,;Bill for telegram approved. 39. ?Board to procure Aandbook of County Officers. If 40. ;;Fees for Commissioners Garriss, Hewlett? Keyes, and Shoemaker approved. ? 41. ??Person to be employed to copy Books A and B of Wills. ,a :? /?2.;?Fees of Commissioners Shoemaker, Garriss, Keyes and Hewlett approved. Fi ? 43.??Bil1 for supplies for Federal Point Township from Henry Johnson approved. I? 44. ?}Fees of Commissioners Hewlett, Garriss, Shoemaker and Keyes approved. (R 45. ??Report from Secretary of State received. ?` 46."CResignation received from Chairman Keyes, but was not accepted. 9 ? DATE ? Month Day ?; `f ? 03 04 ?? j? 03 04 ;, ?? 03 04 ?? ;; 03 04 :; ?; 03 11 i? ?: 03 22 ? :? 03 22 ;i 03 22 ,: 04 05 , 04 21 : 04 21 05 11 ?; 05 ? 11 ? OS 11 ;, 05 11 06 O1 :, 06 O1 + 06 21 ;, 06 21 ` 07 06 :. ,n 07 07 ? 07 07 ;r 07 19 `? 07 21 ? 08 03 ?. ;; 08 03 ? 08 03 ;; 08 09 ;, 09 06 ?. f ; 09 07 , i; 09 07 ? 09 09 09 ?10 ' 09 11 09 13 t; 09 14 ;, 09 15 ;, 09 16 !; 09 16 ? ;; 10 05 `; 11 O l ? ;; 11 02 ;? 12 07 ;? 12 07 ;. 12 10 ` O1 03 , Year I ? 1869 1869 ? ! 1869 ( 1869 s ? 1869 ? 1869 1869 's 1869 ? 1869 ? 1869 ; 1869 ; IS69 a 1869 tl 1869 ; ? 1869 ? 1869 ? 1869 ; 1869 ; 1869 ; 1869 s 1869 ' 1869 j 1869 y 1869 ? 1869 w 1869 ; a 1869 y 1869 ; 1869 ; 1869 ? 1869 ; s 1869 3 1869 ? 1869 ; 1869 ?; 1869 ; 1869 1869 ; 1869 ; 1869 i ? 1869 ? 1869 ? 1869 ? 1869 ? 1869 ; 1870 ; ? s i MINUTE BOOK Vol. Page 1 19 2 1 19 2 1 19 2 1 193 1 197 1 199 1 199 1 200 1 206 e 1 219 ? 1 219 ?; 1 22? ; 1 227 1 228 ? 1 229 . 1 246 1 247 1 256 1 ' 256 1 264 1 270 1 27? ? 1 281 1 282 , 1 286 ! 1 286 . 1 288 : i 1 297 ? ? 1 311 1 315 ? ? 1 315 1 322 i 1 322 ? I 1 322 ' i 323 ,? 1 323 1 323 1 3 24 1 3 24 1 332 :; 1 . 3?34 1 336 1 351 1 351 1 357 1 394 ? I INDEX TO CO?IMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? N C ?oUN? COMMISSIONERS . , . _ MATTER: ` eeo. u. s. County Indezea S??ce 1888 ? To loeats names, open at r?r OFFICE ?iJJ?? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME (NITIAL TAB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW B ERN, NOR TH CAROLINA ?? DATE ? MINUTE BOOK ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ?? Month Day Year `? Vol, I Page ; I I ? ?:i ? - a L. Letter from Commissioner Bird of Henderson City. (See CLERK TO THE BOARD) Ol 03 , 1870?? 1 i" d? 39? ;{, 2. Fees of Commissioners Garriss, Shoemaker, Hewlett and Keyes ap?proved. ?. Ol 03 1870f? 1 394 ;? . ? 3.? Fees for committeemembership from Messrs. Garriss, Shoemaker, Hewlett and Keyes approved. ` 01 03 1870?y 1 394 ?? , _? , 4. Board to issue Certificates of Indebtedness to E. Pennypacker in ?ieu of Certificates lost. (See BONDS) 02 O1 1870,? 1 399 ?r ?:, tq 5. Fees of Commissioners Hewlett and Keyes a?pproved. y"; 02 08 1870?? 1 401 ?? _ ? ? ?` 6. Comm. Shoemaker to be the Committee on Stationary for County offices instead of James Wilson. 02 09 ; 1870? 1 410 ??, , 7. Fees of Commissioners Shoemaker, Hewlett, Garriss and Keyes approved. 03 07 ; 1870r, ? 1 ?; 414 ?ry . 8.? All bills presented to Board must be accompanied by the order of authorization. , 03 08 1870; 1 417 r` ' . ? . 9.r :r No bill will be recognized unless it has the order of authorization. ; 03 08 1870? 1 ' 417 ? E? 10.4y Time schedule set for bills to be presented to Board. 03 08 1870,. 1 417 „ €+. ll.N° ;; Fees of Commissioners Keyes, Grady, Shoemaker, Garriss and Hewlett approved. ? 04 05 1870 1 425 ? : ,12.;; ? James Wilson added to committee to settle with County officers. 04 06 1870. 1 428 ? ,13.? Fees of Commissioners Wilson, Hewlett, Shoemaker and Keyes approved. „ 05 03 1870 .y 1 435 ;? ,14.j? Accounts due for payment from other counties to be approved. , 05 04 1870, 1 f 436 ! ?? ? ,15. Committee to collect all laws from revised codes and acts of General Assembly for use of Commissioners. , 05 05 1870? 1 ," i 438 ! I E? 16. Committee to obtain facts for a loan from Messrs. Utley and Dougherty. (See BONDS AND COUPONS) „ OS 05 1870;; 1 439 :?: ,17.? ? Bill for record book and stationary approved. , „ 06 08 1870,; 1 443 r' ? .18.? Fees of Commissioners Garriss, Shoemaker, Keyes and Hewlett approvec?. = 06 08 1870,; 1 444 ' 0 ,19. Bill for broom approved. ,. 06 08 1870;? 1 445 ;, 20.? Fees of Commissioners Hewlett, Garriss and Keyes approved. ;, 07 05 1870;k 1 452 ^; :21. Stationary bill approved. :. 07 05 1870;; 1 ?: 452 tl, 22.? Bill from Commissioner Shoemaker approved. .„ 07 06 187Q„ 1 456 ;? 23. Fees for Commissioners Hewlett, Garriss, Keyes and Shoemaker approved. 08 O1 1870; 1 460 "? 4 ?? d i f A 18 0 l 4 I ,2 . Boar met to rece ve returns o ugust, ection. (See ELECTIONS) 7 e . 08 06 1870 1 466 ':, 25. Board added number of votes cast for County officers and members of the House of Representatives. , 08 06 1870'' 1 466 ?i ,26. New Board members: A.R. Black, James Lowry, Silas Martin, E.M. Shoemaker and James C. Heyer. , 08 06 1870'; 1 468 " ? 27.?? Ez List of taxes remitted by County Coirnnissioners. (See TAXES) „ 08 29 1870? 1 472 -: ?o ? rd ,28. E? Tax list acted upon i?n open Board. 08 29 1870;? 1 473 ';, ? ? 29. Fees of Commissioners Shoemaker, Hewlett, Garriss and Keyes ap?proved. . 08 31 1870,: 1 ? 483 '„ 30. New Commissioners met and qulaified. . 09 05 1870;a 1 485 : 31. Silas Martin elected Chairman of the Board. 09 05 1870,; 1 485 ;' 32.? s , New Board adopted rules of government from retiring Commissioners. ? 09 05 1870,n 1 485 ?; ,33.?? New committees appointed. (See COMMITTEES APPOINTED.) „ 09 05 1870 ; 1 485 ?, ?? 34.?? Clerk to Board to purchase small Bible for the Commissioners' use. 09 06 1870 2 1 s? 35.?? Chairman to report on taxes levied for schools,if any, and how applied. D9 21 1870 2 9 36.p`? Clerk of Superior Court sent names of officers of County who are qualified. 09 22 1870 Z 17 1; i? ? ? 37.?! Special meeting to be held on contract for the Poor House. (See POOR HOUSE) 10 03 1870 2 27 38.?? Chairman to purchase coal for Commissioners' use. 10 08 1870' 2 32 N. 39. Board upheld Sheriff's refusal to pay Special Taxes to State Treasurer. (See SHERIFF'S DEPT.) 10 08 1870'Ay 2 33 ?? ,40. Board feels Special Taxes only for County use. 10 08 1870'? 2 33 ?, 41. Room to be rented for use of Board at $12.00 a month. y 11 07 1870,a 2 79 ;, , 42. Committee on Public Buildings to furnish Commissioners' room. , 11 07 1870;; : 2 ; 79 F I 43. Bill from P. Heinsberge for stationary approved. 11 07 1870i 2 83 ?. 44. Board met and adjourned. 11 11 1870; 2 85 '? r 45. Complaint from R.K. Bryan that school tax levied is oppressive. 11 12 1870„, 2 87 ;; 46. Board ordered above tax suspended until further consideration. ,; 11 12 1870_` 2 ,' 87 ?? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES H N N C C . _ MATTER: COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ` anover ounty, . - ew Rco. u. s. ?ounty lnde:es Since 1888 To tocats namea, opan at COTT A•2 TAB tNDEX ,,/????_ MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO ??r orrtet ?i.Kdu-.s An IdentifyinQ'I?rede Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLD BY OYYEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ?? 4 DATE ?; ?n MINUTE BOOK ? ? ?? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? Month Day Year !'? Vol. Page ? - 1. ? ;'Board rescinded order to suspend school tax in Harnett Township. (See SCHOOLS) , 11 21 1870?; 2 90 ?i ? I' 2. ,,Tax against R.K. Bryant used for Township expenses not school purposes. „ 11 21 1870y 2 90 fi ?? 3. ,tCommissioners' fees and mileage to be paid by the Treasurer. 12 05 1870! 2 93 ? ? 4. E;Chairman to purchase coal for Cummissioners' use. „ 12 09 1870'' 2 96 ?? 5. ;.;Any purchase by the Board or County officers to be accompanied by written order for the same. , 12 09 1870, 2 98 ?s F, 6. ,, Above order to accompany bill when presented as a voucher. ? 12 09 1870, 2 98 ?i `c !k 7. , ; Bill for white wash on Commissioners' room approved for G. Lillington. 12 09 1870, 2 99 M? ?: kc 8. i ,.Bil1 for cleaning and paint for Commissioners' room approved for Penny Flanagan. 12 09 1870i. 2 99 4. ,? 9. &iIl for making keyes for Cormnissioners' room approved for John Perdue. 12 09 1870?, 2 99 ,; 10. Fees approved for Commissioners Shoemaker, Black, Heyer, Martin and Lowrey. 12 09 1870 2 99 „ 11. , Request by Commissioners for permission to levy a tax for County debts sent to Senate and House of 12 16 1870 2 102 , Representatives. (See TAX DEPARTMENT) „ 12. ; Claims against County to be presented on or before last Friday in each month. 12 17 1870 2 104 ?p E ? 13. Mr. Price requested Board to investigate tax assessment and give what relief it could. 12 31 1870, 2 107 . I 14. I ., Constable to suspend collection of Mr. Price's tax until Board acts. (See TOWNSHIPS AND TRUSTEES) 12 31 1870, 2 107 .' 15. ., Board of Trustees and Mr. Price to appear before Board. 12 31 1870„ 2 107 ;; ? 16. , Rent for room of Commissioners approved. 12 31 1870,w 2 107 ' ?? 17. ,: Jas. Wilson's bill for balance due as County Commissioner approved. „ 12 31 1870;? 2 108 ?, 18. p pproved for J.S. Williams. . Bill for car ets and material for Commissioners' room a 12 31 1870.? 2 108 ,? ?' ; 19. ,. Consideration of Mr. Price's protest against taxes levied, postponed. (See TOWNSHIPS AND TRUSTEES) O1 03 1871, 2 109 ;' 20. ,Constable of Wilmington to suspend collection of taxes until Board acts. (See TAX DEPARTMENT) O1 03 1871 2 110 ' 21. Parties to appear before Board concerning taxes levied by Wilmington Trustees.(See TOWNSHIPS & TRUSTEES) Ol 07 1871 2 113 ?. 22. , Board ruled taxes levied by Wilmington Trustees is illegal. O1 11 1871 2 118 :? 23. ,, Justices McQuigg and Harriss protested above decision. : O1 11 1871?. 2 118 `' 24. , Amount of claims against County received from the Clerk. 02 06 1871? 2 120 $; , 25. ,, Board will not pay cost for misdemeanors, officers must bill Township where offense committed. 02 06 1871' 2 121 ?` 26. Rent for Commissioners' room. 02 06 1871? 2 123 ;. , 27. ,, Fees approved for Commissioners Black and Heyer. „ 03 06 1871 2 130 ' ? 28. ., Stationary bill from P. Heinsberger approved. 03 06 1871,. 2 130 ;,; 29. ,.eRent for Commissioners' room approved. ? 03 06 1871„ 2 130 ;, 30. F.J. Lord's application to be excused as juror not allowed, beyond control of the Board. 03 31 1871: 2 137 t 31. , Bil1 for furniture for Commissioners' room from Daniel Smith approved. 04 05 1871 2 143 ;, , 32. , Rent for Commissioners' room approved. 04 OS 1871• 2 143 ?; 33. .Commissioner Lowrey's fee approved. 04 05 1871„ 2 143 , , 34. Commissioner Shoemaker's fees approved. 04 08 1871 2 146 35. ; F.A. Schutte's bill for framing map of City approved. 05 O1 1871 2 153 ?, 36. .Orders passed on fees of County officers. 05 12 1871 2 157 ;, 37. , Commissioners allowed per diem each of $2.00. , 05 12 1871 2 157 F, 38. ,Orders passed on May 12tt? pages 158-16I, are amended, see Tax Department. OS 27 187I Z I65 R? 39. ,, Stationary bill from John Love approved. 06 02 1871, 2 170 ?; 40. _ Rent for Commissioners' room approved. 06 02 1871. 2 170 ;? 41. i , Chairman to report to State Auditor accounts of all insane and idiotic persons supported by County & City. 06 24 1871„ 2 176 ; 42. Clerk to advertise open meeting to revise tax listb and hear complaints on lists. ; 06 24 1871' 2 177 4; 43. : Rent for Commissioners' room approved. 07 05 18713, 2 181 r: 44. Board met and adjourned. 07 08 1871a 2 193 ?; 45. ;, Board received election returns for August 3, 1871 election. „ 08 05 1871„ 2 194 ':' ?? r? ? ._ . ii ?? ?i i INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS M[INUTES N H N C C - ew anover oun?j, . . _ MATTER: ?oUN? COMMISSTONERS ` ?a?. u. s. County Indezee Since f888 ?y? ?y? To toeats names, apen at An Identifying Trade Mark ?3?:? SURNAME INITIAL TAB r?r o?cice (??.?o??'. COTi A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO . SOLO BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NO RTH CAROLINA DATE ?' MINUTE BOOK ?, NAYURE Of PROCE?DINGS `1 Month I Day I Year ;a, . Vol. Page ,i ?. l. August election contested by J. Engelhard as fraudulent and requested investigation. , ? 08 05 ?, 1871?s 2 194 'a9 2. August election will be investigated from next Monday until completed. 08 OS 1871 .? 2 194 3. Clerk to subpoena aIl required witnesses for contested election. 08 05 1871 ,? 2 194 ,? ,4. Board ruled that it has no jurisdiction over contested election of August 3, 1?71. ; 08 07 1871 - 2 196 ? ? ,5. Inquiry to be made if Board has power to compensate registrars for August 3rd election. ;r 08 08 1871'; 2 199 ; .6.? i Committee of Finance appointed to examine accounts and financial condition of County. (COMMITTEES APPOINTEI?) 08 08 1871 „ ` 2 200 .7.? Letter from Secretary of State concerning issuing blank books to County officers filed. ;, 08 08 1871 ?;, 2 200 „ 8.',? . Commissioners declare winners of August 3, 1871 election. „ 08 08 1871,., 2 202 „ 9.s? BiZZ from Exce?sior P?anting Company for freioht and lumber approved. .? 08 12 1871'; 2 209 10.?'' John Heyer protested approval of Sheriff's bond because insufficient and sureties not good and sufficient. 09 04 1871 2 215 11."; c, John Heyer protested approval of bond of Superior Court Clerk due to insufficient securities. 09 05 1871 2 217 12.`; John Heyer against approving bond for Register of Deeds due to insufficient sureties. 09 05 1871 2 218 13.?= ?? Fees approved for Commissioners Black, Heyer, Lowrey, and Shoemaker. 09 . 06 1871 .. 2 220 F; 14.?; George Flack's bill for clerical services approved. , 09 06 1871 2 220 ;i ,y 15.?; Rent for Commissioners' room approved. 09 06 1871 2 220 ? 16.?? P. Heinsberger's stationary bill approved. 09 06 1871 , 2 220 ?!d 17.k? Clerk to bill for rent of room in rear of Commissioners' room and notify occupant Board's control over 09 23 1871 2 223 _ ? I ?.8.; J.9 . 20. 21.? 22. i 23 . j I 24 . r . , i 25 . ? room ceases in October, I871. Application of S.E. Rice to investigate accounts of County officers not accepted. Chairman and Clerk to certify corrections of map dividing Holden Township and creating Rocky Point Township and forward to Secretary of State. John Heyer voted against approval of Sheriff's bond. Board to rent room presently in for no more than $10.00 a month. P. Heinsberger's stationary bi11 approved. Southerland and Steagull's bill for conveyances approved. Thomas Gardner was paid for services to the Board. Chairman to examine order book of Treasurer and to dispose of orders not called for and credit proper accounts therewith. (See FINANCE DEPARTMENT) 09 23 1871 . x? ,. 10 02 1871 : r 10 02 1871 ; 10 02 1871 10 02 1871 10 02 1871 10 07 1871 ' 10 07 1871 ; ,. ? ? 26.?? Orders taken from order book by Chairman listed. i? 27.?? Chairman to collect payments from Counties who have paupers being cared for by New Hanover County. ?' ,28.?? Board met and adjourned. ,29.'?? P. Heinsberger's stationary bill approved. ,30.?? Fees approved for Commissioners Martin, Shoemaker, Lowrey, B1ack and Heyer. f? 31.f? Claim to be paid D,A. Lamont as allowed by old Board. ?; 32.;; Chairman to confer with Mr. Chadbourn regarding his appointment on a school committee, ,, 33.Fa No more claims will be accepted by Board which are barred by Statute of Limitations. ? 34.?j A.R, Black allowed per diem amount allowed Commissioners for time going and coming to Board meetings. ?', ?5.;j Fees approved for Commissioners Shoemaker and Black. ,? ?? 36.IN Chairman to enter suit against all Counties indebtedto New Hanover County. k? 37.y? Bonds destroyed in presence of Commissioners and Treasurer. a 38. Letter from George Harriss relating to lands was referred to Chairman and the County Attorney. 39.E? Jusfiice Corbett to appear before Board to inquire about matter of working on Turnpike Road. ?? 40.;o Matter of Thadens Lamont versus Justice Corbett appealed to Superior Court, Board can take no action. S? 41.°s Board to give relief to Cape Fear Township since no one would give bond for Township Clerk. 42.? Board rules immediate repairs to be made on Jail or a new Jail to be built. (See JAIL) r 43.j Chairman Martin agreed with Work House report having recently visited there. „ 10 13 1871 10 28 1871 11 06 1871 2 224 ,^ 2 225 2 226 2 227 , 2 227 2 227 2 230 2 230 ; 2 231 2 234 2 239 2 241 2 242 . 2 246 , 2 248 11 07 1871 , lI 07 187I 12 04 1871 , 12 11 1871 12 11 1871,? z2 lz is?l oi o2 zs?? O1 08 1872,: O1 23 1872 ; Ol 23 1872 z, 02 05 1872 02 12 1872 , 02 12 1872 ' 02 12 1$72 ? 03 ?B 04 1872 ;? i 2 249 2 249 2 Z?a 2 Zsz 2 285 2 285 2 287 2 290 2 290 2 291 2 294 ;: ?; {? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATTER: ?oUN? COMMTSSIONERS ' eea. u. s. Counry Tndezes Since 1888 F?? ?.3-- To loeats names, open at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX r?r o?c?ci ?.?l?? An LdentiEvine Trsde Mark w.? SURNAM6 INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPpNY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ?? DATE ` MINUTE BOOK ?? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ?' ?? Month I Day I Year ;; Vol. ? Page '? ?? G;: 1.;?Board feels Work House not properly cared for after Grand Jury's report given. 03 04 1872G; Z 295 k? 2.;; Board censured manager of Work House for neglect, but since conditions have improved no further action , 03 04 1872„ 2 295 ? will be taken. (See WORK HOUSE) .? 3. Letter from Clerk of Brunswick County saying they will not pay bills of Hospital in Wilmington. 4. Sampson County sent "An act to annex a part of New Hanover County to Sampson County", this was filed. 5. ; Special Commissioners appointed by General Assembly to work with annexation of County: Dr. J.B. Seavey, E.G. Ward and Dr. C.S. Kerr. 6. Clerk to notify special commissioners that Board is to assist in carrying out annexation provisions. 7. George Ti1Zy? to pay damages on Gounty brick wall inflicted by his horse and dray. 8. Agreement reached between Franklin Township and Board on annexation. 9. , Special commissioners to deduct valuation of Franklin Township from total value of New Hanover County and . Sampson County to pay New Hanover County this amount. 10.,, Assessment of debt of Franklin Township entered on Board records and registered with Register's office. 11. , Commissioners from New Hanover and Sampson approved above plans concerning debts. 12.,. Board suggested Treasurer drop suit against Sheriff for noncompliance with tax collecting laws since_he , has since made payments. 13. ;Clerk to contact Chairman of Board of Duplin County and request they place in navigable condition North °• ;. 03 11 1872 ?;; 2 ? 299 ?? 5. 03 19 1872 ;; 2 301 ?? ? ;. , 03 ? 19 1872,? 2 301 ?; ?? ;n .. 03 19 . 1872;; 2 ?i `? 301 ,? 03 25 1872„ 2 302 ; , 04 O1 1872. 2 308 ,. 04 01 1872 2 308 , 04 O1 1872:, 2 04 Ol 1872.; 2 04 12 1872., 2 05 03 1872 2 „ East River running through their County. 14. ,.Chairman authorized to purchase reports of State's Supreme Court since 1868. 05 15. Committee appointed to examine accounts of al1 County officers. OS 16.,. Chairman to inquire why order of Board to enter suits against parties failing to register licenses has not 05 been complied with. 17. . No quorum so adjourned. U5 18. .:.No quorum so adjourned. . 05 19. .. Chairman Martin's bill for purchasing law reports approved. : 05 20. Committee to examine County officials' accounts reported Sheriff refused them access to his accounts. OS 21. Chairman to inquire about Sheriff's refusal and subpoena Sheriff if necessary. 05 22. „ Chairman to write Secretary of State to procure copy of Tawnships' boundaries in the County. 06 23. , Chairman and A-ttorney to e}amine the way the Clerk to the Board copied Tax List into the Tax Books. 06 24. Matter of voting in First Ward referred to Chairman. 06 25. ,' Committee to examine accounts of County officers and of Board and publish reports of such if necessary. 07 26. ', Board will pay for building two bridges if citizens will furnish all other material. (See BRIDGES) 08 27. Commissioner Black to inquire into propriety of County abandoning Bannerman's Bridge. 08 28. ,Board filed report of committee which examined books of County officers. 08 29, , Committee members to examine County books will be paid $5.00 a day. 08 30. ,City papers may publish report on County books if they do so without charge. 08 31. , Board met,and with returns from judges of election listed names and numbers of votes cast in August electi on.08 32. List of declared winners of August election. 08 33. , County Commissioners elected: Silas Martin, James Lowrey, A,H. Morris, E.M. Shoemaker and A,R. Black. , 08 34. ,, Petition for pay as investigating committee not allowed since no services were performed. 08 35. ,Board will meet at Courthouse to hear complaints and revise tax lists. . 08 36. ,_ Committee to have tax list for different Townships prepared for the Board. . 08 37. Journal and State to advertise meeting of Board at Courthouse when newly elected officers wi11 qualify. 08 38. , Thanks from the Board given Chairman Martin for his efficient discharge of duties. 08 39. . Sials Martin elected Chairman of the Board. 09 40. __. __ . ,; Rules of Order amended and adopted. ?? _ . ? . 09 y?d 07 1872 2 07 1872„ 2 07 1872 2 20 1872. 2 29 1872 2 29 1872,. 2 29 1872 2 29 1872., 2 11 1872. 2 19 1872 2 24 1872 2 O1 1872 2 05 1872, 2 05 1872, 2 06 1872 2 06 1$32 2 06 1872 2 06 1872„ 2 06 1872,. Z 06 1872„ 2 12 1872;, 2 14 1872,, 2 14 1872,. 2 31 1872 2 31 1872 2 U2 1872:9 Z 02 1872;+ 2 309 309 314 316 317 :w ,4 318 ?,; 318 ?; 3 20 F.: E, 3 20 ; 321 ' 322 '`' 322 : ?? 327 r, 328 '. 330 • i? 332 r; 343 343 345 ' 3?5 345 ' 346 347 348 !; 349 ., 350 ° ''r' 350 ?; 352 ?' F' 352 ;; 353 ?;? 353 ,. i; ;'. i; i{. INDEA TO CO?ViMISSIONERS MINUT?S - New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER: ?oUN? COMMISSIONERS ! ¦e?. u. s. County Indexea Since 1888 ? To loeate names, open at COTT A-2 TAB INDEX ~ PAT OFFItE ?,r?"J? An IdentiEying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ?i NATURE OF PROCEEDiNGS ', DATE ?; MINUiE BOOK ?? ? Month ? Day ? Year ,?i Vol, ? page ?? l. Chairman revised standing committees. .(See COMMITTEES APPOINTED} ' 09 .? 02 1872?- 2 353 ' ;? ,2. Chairman to be ex-officio chairman of aZl standing committees except the Auditing Committee. 09 02 1872w3 2 , 353 , 3,,? ? Standing committees appointed. ' 09 ?'. 02 1872? 2 353 ? .4.? Dissatisfaction with Board's action on construction of bridge at Murray's Ferry registered. (BRIDGES) 09 02 1872 2 354 . _5.,? Board to ballot on sufficiency of Sheriff's bond. 09 02 1872:? 2 355 ?. i _6.i ? Board voted not to accept Sheriff's bond. 09 .- 02 ° 1872?; ., 2 355 tl ,7.? Chairman to procure two new record books for the Register of Deeds. 09 02 1872, 2 357 _8.;? Board resolves to elect a tax collector for 1$72 since Sheriff did not qualify. y 09 02 1872; 2 358 9.,y Names listed pf Board members present when tax collector elected. „ 09 02 1872?.y 2 358 :` 10.;; ?, Commissioner B1ack appeared and requested his name be recorded as voting for the tax collector. 09 02 1872 2 358 11.'? ;; Coroner Hewlett will serve as Sheriff until Board appoints or elects a Sheriff. 09 06 1872 2 360 12.;, Chairman to act upon Mr. Murphey's petition as Solicitor. (See SOLICITOR) 09 06 1872 2 361 ¢, F: 13.'=i ? ?? Committee recommended Board employ a person to complete work of Register Bivins at his expense. 09 „ 09 1872, .. 2 362 , ,14.;? Board filed report of retiring Board of County Commissioners. 09 10 1872 2 363 15.? d Chairman to procure oxder books. 09 12 1872? .< 2 364 . ,16.;' P All purchases made or work done for County to be recorded in order books. ? 09 ? 12 1872 2 364 " .17.? When present claims to Board, the party must have an order from the order book along with the bill. 09 12 1872; 2 365 ?, ?8.?? Itl Committee on Public Buildings to estimate cost of an addition on Courthouse for use of Register o£ Deeds 09 . 12 .. 1872 . 2 ?., 365 _ Ej and the Board of Commissioners. ? . ? .19.+ { Chairman reported steps taken to procure order books. ' ? 09 ? 17 187Z; . 2 , 367 , .. ,20.? Dr. Cutler to appear before Board regarding remitting tax. (See TAX DEPARTMENT) , 09 17 I872F, 2 367 2I.?? John Moore and W,H. King to ap?pear before Board. 09 17 187? 2 367 22.?? Board declares office of Sheriff vacant. 09 24 1872; 2 370 23.?? Board to elect Sheriff to fill unexpired term of Sheriff and election to be by ballot. 09 24 1872; ,? 2 370 24.? ? R,B. Frerzier elected Sheriff. . 09 24 1872: 2 , 370 a ?5.?? ?, Letter from Chairman stating inability to attend meeting and asking it be adjourned until October 2nd. .? 09 30 1872e , 2 372 '1 .,, ? '26.? ? Board meeting adjourned. .. 09 30 1872 2 372 Et ,27.?? Committee on Public Buildings reported a need for a two story addition to the Courthouse for the Register IO 03 .,, 1872. „ 2 . ? 37b ?.?; ?; of Deeds and the Board. .. „ : ;28.?' ;? Chairman Martin very ill so Mr. Black elected Chairman pro.tem. ? 10 07 1872: , 2 . 379 .. ,, 29.r? b? Rent for the Commissioners' room approved. 10 07 1872 2 380 . 30.'?? „ Board deferred matter of Sheriff's vacancy to next meeting. .. 10 07 1872 2 380 31.?? ? Board balloted 7 times for election of Sheriff, but no majority so no election. 10 14 .. 1872 . 2 381 . ,32.,a !; Commissioners Shoemaker and Morris appointed Tellers for above election. IO I4 1872 2 38I 33.?; ,d Postponed consideration of Sheriff`s office until October 15. . lfl 1? ?872 2 381 ?: 34.s; Commissioners Shoemaker and Moriss acted as Tellers for Board's election of Sheriff. 10 15 1872 2 383 . ;? 35.?; ;, A,R. Black elected Sheriff on third ballot. 10 15 1872 2 383 36.;1 ;? A.R. Black resigned as Commissioner since elected Sheriff. ? 10 16 1872 .. 2 384 . 37.;; h? Vacancy on Board filled by L.E. Rice. . 10 16 1872 , 2 384 . ?; 38.?? ?? Commissioners Morris and Lowery appointed Tellers for election of County Examiner.(See Co. EXAMINER) . 10 28 1872 2 387 e 39.?, R Bills from Commissioners Shoemaker, Black,Lowrey and Morris for services approved. 11 04 ? ' I872 2 " 389 E? ?? ° 40.;; rt' Board to examine election returns for November Presidential electors election , make abstracts and seal it. 11 0? 1872 2 392 41.?? Board signed and sealed. November election returns. 11 k; .. 09 1872, 2 395 . 42.?? Chairman to request from the General Assembly an extension of time to settle State taxes since tax books ? 11 21 1872; 2 398 , , ? , were not delivered on time to the Tax Collector. ; 43.p Board ordered that vacancies occasioned by resignation of Commissioner B1a ck to be filled by Mr, Rice. ; 11 ? 21 1872; 2 398 ' r . ?? ,? ,:. ,; ?? , s; ?I . ?oUN? N C MATTER INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? COMMISSIONERS , . . _ : ` eac. u. a. County Indezee S?nea IeeB ih ?e•?-- Te toeate namea, Oplfl at COii A-Z iAB INDEX r?r OFFICt ?/! Aw IdentifyinQ Trade Marlc ?`? SURNAME (NITIAL TAB MADE 6Y THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ' ! ?i DAiE , "` ? MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ??s ? ?? ? '„ . Month Day Year ?" . Vol. Page ? ?? 1. ? . '.;Committee to ascertain amounts due by any County official and Attorney to bring suit against such persons. ; 11 - 21 1872?? 2 ? ?s '` i 399 ?d f= 2. =Fees approved for Commissioners Martin and Southerland. , 12 02 1872; 2 403 ;? ?? 3. '';Captain R.P. Paddison to request Bladen County Commissioners to cooperate with New Hanover County's Board „, , 12 23 1872' 2 409 ?i ?? ' in placing a draw in Beatty's Bridge. , ,? t; ?; ?? li 4. Chairman and Commissioner Shoemaker authorized to audit and direct payment of a11 legal claims against , 12 23 1872;; 2 410 ?3 ?a Wilmington Township. „ ?, ?$ f r, 5. ,;Stationary bill from P. Heinsberger approved. „ 12 23 1872;,. 2 412 ?; a? 6. ,;Fees approved for Commissioners Scott, Rice and Mann, special commissioners. 12 23 1872,; 2 412 ,? 7. Fees approved for Commissioners Lowery, Morris and Shoemaker. .. Ol 06 1873;; 2 420 ;a 8. ,Stationary bill from Samuel G. Ha11 approved. O1 06 1873 2 420 :, 9. Board met and adjourned. Ol 20 1873 2 422 ; 10. Board met and adjourned. 02 04 1873 2 424 11. Stationary bills from S.G. Hall and P. Heinsberger approved. 02 06 1873 2 426 ? 12. Pages 3-23 list meetings held during the years of 1873-1875. ., 1873 3 3' ,. 13. Commissioners Morris and Clerk Hill appoint_ed tellers for election of new County Treasurer. 03 03 1873, 3 31 ; 14. ,Resignation of E.M. Shoemaker as Commissioner accepted. 03 03 1873 3 31 15. Thanks extended to Mr. Shoemaker for services. .. ? ? 03 03 1873; ?? 3 32 ' ?: 16. rJames Chadbourne elected to fill unexpired term of Commissioner Shoemaker. 03 03 1873: 3 32 ' 17. .,Resignation of James Lowrey as Commissioner accepted. 03 03 1873 3 32 s; 18. ,Thanks extended to Mr. Lowrey for services. „ 03 03 1873 3 32 p; 19. Board elected Delaware Nixon to fill unexpired term of NIr. Lowrey. „ „ 03 03 1873 3 32 '? ?p 20. .Stationary bills from P. Heinsberger, Silas Martin and S.G. Hall. 03 03 1873., 3 21. .,Board approveci fee from Commissioner Martin. 03 22...Commissioners Chadbourne and Nixon qualified before the Board. 03 23. ?Comr.iissinners° room in extension of Courthouse to be furnished by Public Buildings Committee. „ 03 24. Matter of granting liquor licenses referred to Chairman with power to act. 03 25. ?Report from Chairman on cost estimates for support of County from March, 1873 to July, 1874, pages 43-44. 03 26., Board ruled no license tax can be collected on a bank, shares are taxable as personal property. 03 27. Stationary bills from S. Hall and P. Heinsberger approved. . 04 28. Com.missioners granted power by General Assembly on August 14, 1868 to excuse Persons working on highways. . 04 29. A.H. Morris authorized to sign warrants drawn on Treasurer as temporary chairman. . 05 30. ;Fees approved for Commissioners Morris, Rice and Nixon. 31.. Stationary bills from P. Heinsberger and S. Hall approved. 32. ,Board's meeting at Courthouse to revise and compute taxes to be published. 33..,Amendments added to meetings of April 21 and May 12 concerning taxes levied by Township Trustees. 34. .Stationary bills from P. Heinsberger approved. 35. .Fees approved ?or Commissioners Martin and Black. 36. Met and adjourned, no quorum. 37.,,Stationary bills from S. Hall and Thomas Gardener approved. 38.,; Fees for Commissioners Morris and Nixon approved. 39.,,Met and adjourned, no business transacted. 40.. Mr. Morris, chairman pro tem, authorized to sign warrants drawn on Treasurer during absence of Chairman. 41...Fee for Commissioner Rice approved. 42, ',Stationary bills from Samuel Hall and P. Heinsberger approved. 43..; Commissioners declare winning candidates for August 7, 1873 election, listed pages 95-98. 44..?Board met to hear tax complaints. i? . 05 05 05 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 07 08 08 08 08 03 1&73 :, 05 1873 ;, 10 1873 ?, 24 1873 :. 24 1873 . 27 1873 : 07 1873 ,, 21 l?i?3 ;, 06 1873 ?;. 06 1873 .. 06 1373 : 12 1873 02 1873 :. 02 1873 .. 02 1873 16 1873 ?. 07 1873 .. 07 1873 .. 09 187? ?, 22 1873 „ 04 1873 :, 04 1873!. 11 1873„. 14 1873 :. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ?3 34 ;; 35 ?? ? ,; 3 u ;, ;; 3 41 ?', ?; 4 3 ;; 51 ;, 57 63 ?: ?. 66 „; 66 6 7 ;, ; 0 :, 7 5 ;; 75 ?5 76 :s ?34 ;; 85 ?, a5 s; ? 88 ;? ? 92 c; 93 „, c ?} 4 j ?, N MATTER C INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MII?UTES -? New Hanover Count? COUNTY COMMISSIONERS : . , . _ _ eec. u. s. County lndezea Since 1888 To loeate names, open at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX ??'Jl?;? An Identifying Trade Mark ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO r?r OFFICE SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA DATE ?. I MINUTE BOOK `'?. NATURE OF PROC?gDINGS Month Day I I - • Year '? fd ,. Vol, ? Page '? p .. 1. Stationary bill from M. Taylor approved. „'; 08 23 s ; 1873?; 3 104 ?; 2. Commissioners' fees approved for Messrs. Morris and Rice. ; 08 23 1873R; 3 104 ,, 3, Met and adjourned since no quorum. 09 O1 1873?; 3 110 .; 4. Stationary bills from P. Heinsberger approved. ? 10 06 1873r°? 3 115 ,a 5. Bill from S.G. Hall for records and stationary approved. , 10 06 1873:? ?k 3 115 . 6. Board to meet until tax complaints disposed of as required by law passed by General Assembly. 10 17 1873. 3 116 ?, 7. Chairman to employ and pay clerical aids to help in reaching adjustments of tax matter. 10 17 1873; 3 116 , 8p? Board to meet to hear tax complaints and newspapers to publish such. , 10 18 1873,. 3 117 9.? ' Corrunissioners to approve a?l expenditures from Tow?ships. 10 22 1873,; 3 121 F 10?,? If taxes have been levied?Board to issue warrants on the Townships' money to pay claims. 10 22 1873 3 121 ?? 4;1 11?4 All debts due by Lincoln Township to be paid after Board approves. 10 23 1873 3 9 12.?y Board recessed to meet as Board of Education. , 10 25 1873; 3 127 , tn 13'? ? Board to request Governor to call a special term of Superior Court. ,. 10 27 1873.,, 3 128 ;? 14. No tax complaints presented so adjourned. 10 30 1873„ 3 129 ;, ,15. List of claims against Grant Township approved by Board. ? 10 31 1873,', 3 13Q 16?, No tax complaints or further business so adjourned. 11 O1 1873,,, 3 130 ,17?? Fees approved for Commissioners Morris, Nixon and Rice. ; 11 04 1873, 3 139 .; 18. Bill from S.G. Hall for stationary and books approved. ? 11 04 1873;4 3 139 ; 19. No tax complaints, so adjourned. 11 11 1873:. 3 142 , ,20„ ' Letter from Board of Commissioners of Duplin County spread on minutes concerning Rockfish Creek Bridge. i: 11 12 1873:? 3 142 . E 21.? Fees for Commissioners Chadbourn and Martin approved. , 11 12 1873 3 145 , pf 22?? ? Stationary bill from S.G. Hall approved. 11 12 1873;; 3 145 ,23.?? Met and adjourned since no quorum. ?. 12 O1 1873 3 147 ?Q ,24.?y Letter from r?ayor of City notifying that City will no longer care for indigents within City, in minutes. ,, 12 02 1873 3 149 . k ,25? Bill from S.G. Hall for books and stationary approved. 12 02 1873,. 3 152 , ?v ,26:? ? Petition from R.K. Bryan for a division of County forming a new County called Jefferson sent to General , 12 08 1873;; 3 155 . ? ? Assembly. °° ??? ?° II ,27.?` Board will consider Bryan's petition at December 15 meeting. „ 12 08 1873.„ 3 155 ,. ;28.? Met and adjourned after some minor discussioms. , 12 15 1873,. 3 159 .. ,29.+ Fees of Commissioners Rice, Morris, Hewlett, Nixon and Martin approved, pages 167-168. O1 05 1874;; 3 167 ;; ? a 30.a? ? Bill from P. Heinsberger for books and stationary approved. Ol 05 1874 3 1 8 E 31. Fee of Commissioner Rice approved. Ol 05 1874;.` 3 169 „ 32.9 ? Board to approve bonds of County officers who have not yet been filed at next meeting. , 02 02 1874? 3 172 ,33?, Bill from H.M. Bowden for books and stationary approved. 02 02 1874„ 3 174 6! 34?? . Chairman informed Board he would be out of City for four weeks. , 02 03 1874;,, 3 185 , y ;35.?? A.H. Morris to act as Chairman and empowered to sign all warrants made on Treasurer during Chair's absenc? 02 03 1874,. 3 186 ,36,? Books and stationary bill from S.G. Hall approved. 02 03 1874 3 186 ,37?? , Chairman pro tem authorized to pass upon Masonboro Township claims. 03 02 1874., 3 189 ? 38. Letter to Chairman from Duplin County concerning Pockfish Creek Bridge spread on minutes. 03 16 1874? 3 197 . 39., Board called to order in accordance with Machinery Act of General Assembly. ? 03 17 1874?.; 3 199 „ 40? Board met with Trustees to agree upon uniform scale of valuation of real and personal property. 03 17 187?+ 3 199 I? 41?? Commissioners present at joint meeting listed, and Chairman read Sections requiring Board's attention. 03 17 1874 3 199 „ ?, 42. Attorney London gave his construction of the Machinery Act and answered questions. 03 17 18744 3 199 43.?; Met and adjourned since no quorum. 04 24 1874;, 3 213 , 44.`? Mr. Morris to act as Chairman and is authorized to sign all warrants on Treasurer during Chair's absence. ; 05 04 1874; 3 213 . ? 45.? P?Iet and adjourned in absence of Chairman. 05 ` ?a 15 1874..; a ;? i? 3 215 ?, :y ?g,d i? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATTER: COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ` Rca. u, e. ?/???? County Indezee Since 1888 ??+.?-? To locats names, OpOfl 0t COTT A•Z TAB INDEX r?r o?r?cc ?i.?.a-c?r An Identifying Trade Mer1c ?$ SURNAM! INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INOEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWFN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ' 'y ' DATE ;, MINUTE BOOK ?f !? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS `.d ? Month ? Day ( Year ?' Vol. ? Page ? ??. 1. After tax complaints filed adjourned in absence of Chairman. 05 23 1874 3 21? ?? , ;, 2. ?Mr. Morris apnointed Chairman pro tem with power to-sign warrants on Treasury during Chairman's absence. 07 07 1874 ' 3 229 ?? ?. ?s ' 3. 'Board met to make changes in inspectors of election, but no quorum so adjourned. ; 07 14 1874 ?; 3 229 k' ?i $ 4. „Board proceeded to canvas election returns. ;, 08 10 1874 ?; 3 235 !? „ 5. ,New Commissioners elected in August 6, 1874 election: Stacy Van Amringe, John Wagner, Delaware Nixon, Aug.,, 08 10 1874 ;, 3 23b ;; ?, ; Morris and James Wilson. . ,y ?; 6. .,Commissioners Martin, Morris, Chadbourn, Nixon and Rice turn over to Board elect all property of County. ,. 09 07 1874 . 3 7. „Board elect has qualified to take office and oaths given by Jesse Cassidy, Justice of the Peace. ,. 09 07 1874 „ 3 $. John Wagner elected Chairman pro tem, ana then Ja?nes bJiZson electec? Chairman by vote of 3-2. . 09 07 1874 ,. 3 9. .,Committee to prepare rules of order for more efficient government of Board. 09 07 1874 ., 3 1J. Matter of?acceptance of of?icial bonds of newly elected officers arose. 09 07 1?74 3 11. .County officers elect who did not present bonds at this meeting are given until Sept. 10. 09 07 1374 3 ' 12. Report of committee to draft rules of order received a?4d adopted. 09 09 1874 ? 3 13. Applications referred to another meeting. „ 03 09 1£374 „ 3 ? 14. ,, A lications ref?rred to another meetin PP S• 09 10 1874 , 3 15. „Applications referred to another meeting. 09 11 1874 „ 3 16. .All meetings since first assembly on Sept. 7, 1874 have been continuance with only re cesses in between. . 09 14 1874 ;, 3 17. Clerk to strike out word "adjourned" on the records of above meetings and insert "rec ess". 09 14 1874 3 18. ,Board met and called to order and then recessed to 4 o'clock P.M. 09 15 1874 , 3 19. ,,Cotnmissioner Wagner appointed teller of election of Tax Gollector. 09 15 1874 ,, 3 , 20. Referred application of Recca Jackson for any position. 09 16 1874 „ 3 , 21. .,Chairman appointed members of standing committees. (See COMMITTEES APPOINTED) ., 09 16 1874 „: 3 , 22. „Applications received and reviewed. 09 23 1874 3 23. .;Met and adjourned since no quorum. . 10 05 1874 3 24. Com?issioner Morris asked to be excused for the day and granted; Board recessed until 4 o'clock. 10 07 1?74 ;, 3 25. Chairman may employ any needed clerical aid to properly conduct business of Board. 26. Chairman informed Board he will be absent for several weeks. 27. .John Wagner appointed Chairman with power to sign all warrants on Treasurer. 28. .Board to visit Jail to investigate complaints from prisoners. 29. Applications of David Proctor and Edward Davis tabled by motion. 30. Board to examine collection of fines, forfeitures and penalties received by Superior Court Clerk. 31. Fees of Commissioners Morris and Van Amringe approved. 32. Stationary bill from Sol Bear & Bros, approved. 33. Fees of Commissioners Nixon and Wagner approved. 34. Chairman read writ of attachment signed by Sol Bear & Marsden Bellamy against James Mann. 35. George Flack to appear before Board. 36. Fee of Commissioner Van Amringe approved. 37. ,Stationary bills from P. Heinsberger and W.H. Bernarcl approved. 38. .?Fees of Commissioners Morris, Van Amringe, Wagner and Nixon approved. 39. ;Bill compromised and allowed partial payment on bill of Dr. Lucas,who made judgement against County. 40. Board adjourned to meet as Board of Education. 41. .?Minutes approved with corrections to the itemizing of Corbett Township bill. 42. Chairman pro tem to have Court and Cominissioners' room put in good condition. 43. Board and Trustees to meet to agree upon a uniform scale of valuation of real and personal property. 44. ,S. Uan Amringe appointed Chairman pro tem. 45. Bill from P. Newman for stationary approved. 10 07 1?74 :: 3 10 07 1874 ; 3 10 07 1874 3 10 24 1874 3 „ 11 02 1874 „ 3 11 02 1874 ; 3 „ 11 02 1874 . 3 11 02 1874 . 3 11 02 1874 ., 3 11 16 1874 ,. 3 12 14 1874 ,.. 3 O1 05 1875 ., 3 249 ;; ?r 250 „ 25? ?, 250 ?. 250 25Z :. 253 : 253 „ 255 ;? 256 ., 258 258 259 260 261 i 262 ,, 262 264 ' ?? ? 268 ;; ? 269 `, 269 ?, 269 ? ? ?70 ? 271 272 273 ?; ;' 2 7 ?} (; ? 27 ?'+ ; ?7?. ; 233 ?' i 29? ,: O1 Q5 1875 ,. 3 292 O1 05 1875 „ 3 292 02 O1 1875 :, 3 295 ,. 02 Ol 1875 .„ 3 295 .. 03 Ol 1875 :, 3 302 „ 03 03 1875 ,,. 3 307 03 03 1875 ; 3 03 05 1875 . 3 03 05 1875 3 ;; ? ?? kI 307 308 309 ` o-? I? ?, i ?? INDEX TO COI?MISSIQNERS MINUTES - l?ew Hanover County, N. C. _ MATTER: COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ` rtea. u. s. 'p?? County Indezee Since 1888 P?? x-a-- To locats names, open at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX ?p?iLa-r? An Identifying Trade Mark E?a? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE fOTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO r?r OFFICE SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA .. ? DATE ?i MINUTE BOOK ?'?', NATURE OF P?OCEEDINGS ? €9 l.? Fees of Commissioners Morris and Wagner approved. 03 2. Stationary bi11s from Conley & Yates and P. Heinsberger approved. 03 3.? Stationary bill from P. Heinsberger approved. 04 _ 4. Board met in special session to receive and canvas election returns held in Pender County; winners declared?, 04 ! 5.? ? Commissioners elected for Pender County on April 15, 1875: W.H. French, Daniel Shaw, C.H. Manning, Miles ,, 04 , ? ; Armstrong and A.V. Horrell. , 6.?k? Fees of Commissioners Morris, Wagner and Nixon approved. ;, 05 7.?? Stationary bills from Conley & Yates and P. Heinsberger approved. 05 8._f ? Bi?Zs frorri John boTagr?er ana De?aware Nixon for incidental expenses approved . 05 9.;; Board met in special session to choose jurors. 05 10.:?; Letter from L.C. Shepard of Knoxville, Tenn. referred to Chairman. 06 ll.?;a Letter from Cashier of Fayetteville National Bank Zaid on table. 06 4." 12.F? ' !3 Letter from John G. Oldenbuttle referred to future meeting. 06 13.?? Clerk called meeting to order and J.G. Wagner appointed Chairman pro tem. 06 14.?? Township claims presented Board and approved. 06 ;:? 15.'? Various biZls presented ana referred to Commissioners of Pender County. 06 16.ah Clerk to notify M. Cronly and J.K. Brown to meet in Commissioners' room with Board today. 06 P? ,17.g? Chairman pro tem Wagner authorized to sign money warrants. „ 06 t; ,18.y Bill from S. Van Amringe for incidental expenses approved. . 06 [a ,19.;' ? ? Stationary bill from P. Heinsberger approved. . 06 i r ,20.;? Bill from Englehard and Saunders for postage and stationary approved. .. 06 21.?: Special meeting held to discuss Township tax listing and assessemnt. ., 06 22'?4 Letter from Mayor of Weldon, N.C. filed. 06 , i r 23.?y Messrs. Canady, Steadman and London to investigate conduct of this Board from Sept. 1, 1874 to present. . 06 ., 24.?? Board met to hear tax assessment complaints. 06 25.;; i1 Board met to hear tax assessment complaints. ,_ 06 ,26.'; Board met to take action and hear tax reduction complaints. 07 y;? '27.,, ! Board met to hear tax complaints. ?7 ? ,28.;j Board acted upon applications for reductions of assessed valuations. 07 R? ,29.;q Application of Elkanah Al1en referred to Chairman. 07 30.?? Board considered taxes to be levied for 1875. . ?7 ,31.F? ?? Chairman to examine and report as to Commissioners' fees. 07 ,32.;? Board considered regular monthly business of claims against County. 07 33.;? Claims referred to Pender County. 0? ,34.;; Stationary bill from P. Heinsberger approved. ?? 35.' Fee of. Commissioner Wilson approved. . ?? _36.f; Letter from W.H. French referred to Chairman. ?? 37.;; Letters from J.W. Thompson, W.R. Edwards, James Lowry, Stephen Keys and M. London all filed. 07 38.tt? Commissioner Wagner elected Chairman pro tem. , 08 39.?t Stationary bills from C.W. Yates and P. Heinsberger approved. 08 40.;j ;; Fees of Commissioners Wagner and Morris approved. . 08 41.?€ .; Board met to canvas election returns of August 5 election for delegates to State Constitutional Convention,. 08 :R i and Township offices. , 42.?? Special meeting relative to taxes of E. Kidder and sons. 08 i? 43.?; Commissioner Morris explained law requiring Board to reorganize at its annual meeting. 09 ? 44.,? Board proceeded to reorganzie and by a 3-2 vote Mr. Wagner elected Chairman. 09 , Month I Day I Year Vol. I Page ; ! 05 1875e; 3 309 , 05 1875„ 3 309 •, 06 1875,, 3 316 ; 17 1875;; 3 319 ;. 17 1875 „ 3 319 :. 08 1875 ;; 3 326 ;. 08 1875 ,; 3 326 ., 08 1875,, 3 326 17 1875 3 327 07 1875 . 3 07 1875 . 3 07 1875 3 08 1875 3 08 1875 3 08 1875 3 08 1875 3 330 330 331 331 331 331 „ 331 08 1875 3 08 1875 ,; 3 08 1875,,: 3 08 1875 , 3 11 18 7 5,. 3 23 1875 3 28 1875 _ 3 29 1875 ,. 3 30 1875 , 3 Ol 1875 ,, 3 02 1875 3 03 1875 : 3 07 1875 ,,, 3 07 1875 , 3 08 1875.. 3 08 1875 , 3 08 1875 3 08 1875. 3 08 1875 3 28 1875 3 28 1875,, 3 02 1875 „ 3 03 1875 ,, 3 03 1875,. 3 07 1875,. 3 25 1875 3 06 1875 3 06 1875 .r 3 331 332 333 . 333 „ 325 , 337 341 ,, 342 343 .. 341 „ 343 . 345 348 348 : 349 „ 351 351 3?2 352 358 358 360 364 365 366 370 . 371 371 ,. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?y, N. C. _ MATTER: COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ` eca. u. s. County Indezes Since 1888 i?? ?,...?--- To loeate names, open at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX ?AT o?Eicc (???y?1f.? An Identifying Trede Merk ?8 SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA i? N NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ` DATE ;q MINUTE BOOK ;; ?, Month ? Day ? Year r?; Vol, ? Page ?. ? l. ?, !Commissioner Wilson resigned as Commissioner, and a letter of thanks extended to him for services rendered.?' 09 06 ,, 1875 3, 3 I ?? ? 2. ,dBoard received bonds for ensuing year. ;y 09 06 1875 try 3 3. ' ?'Application of Duncan Holmes to fill vacancy on Board referred to next meeting. r6 ?i 09 06 1875 '? p, 3 4. 4;Letters from H.B. Gay and E.H. McQuigg filed. ? 09 06 1875 k? 3 5. Fees of Commissioners Wilson, Van Amringe, Nixon and Morris approved. ; 09 06 1?75 hy 3 6. ;Bill from W.J.H.Bellamy for Commissioner's fee approved. 09 06 1875 ?? 3 7. Letter from Silas N. Martin received and filed. ; 09 13 1875 ; 3 8. i :Board met in special session to select jurors for October term of Superior Court. , 09 17 1875 : 3 9. Applications from W.E. Freeman and J.D. Woody referred to the Board. .. 10 04 1875 3 10. Petition from citizens praying for appointment of Jasper Bishop to fill vacancy on Board filed. 10 04 1875 ,, 3 11. Board balloted with a 2-2 vote to fill Board's vacancy. 10 04 1875 ; 3 12. Bill from S. Van Amringe for incidental expenses approved. , 10 07 1875 ., 3 13. ,Stationary bill from Samuel G. Hall approved. „ 10 07 1875 „ 3 14. Fee of Commissioner Wagner approved. , 10 07 1875 ,; 3 15. „,Minutes on page 348 ordered amended relative to levying taxes for 1875. ,. 10 12 1875 ?. 3 16. .,Letter from Mayor W.P. Canady laid on table. „ 11 Ol 1875 , 3 ,?, 17. „Board met and adjourned since no quorum. :, 11 05 1875 ;; 3 , 18. „Matter of retrenching expenses of County left to Chairman. ?. 11 09 1875 ;: 3 19. Fees of Commissioners Nixon, Morris and Wagner approved. 11 09 1875 ;d 3 , ' 20. ;Stationary bill from C.W. Yates approved. „ 11 09 1875 ?; 3 21. .;Met and adjourned. 12 06 1875 ;,; 3 „ 22. „Met and adjourned. ,. 12 08 1875 ;, 3 ; 23. ,;T.M. Gardner and D.C. Davis nominated to fill Board`s vacancy, but after 3 ballots no results. 12 11 1875 3 24. , ;A.R. Black substituted for D.C. Davis, balloted again wtih no results. , 12 11 1875 „ 3 ''i 25. ,:J. Norwood and H. Taylor nominated and after three ballots no results; motion to adjourn was withdrawn. ., 12 11 1875 ,; 3 26. yChairman submitted report to relieve financial embarrassment of County, spread on minutes. ., 12 11 1875 ;. 3 ? ; 27. ;No Board members to have work done at County expense unless authorized to do so by Board. ? „ 12 11 I875 ., 3 , 28. .:Report on reducing County expenses was adopted. ,. 12 11 1875 .; 3 ?i 29. 'Stationary and book bills from James & Price, Samuel Hall and P. Heinsberger approved. 12 16 1875 ; 3 ' 30. Bills from Commissioners Nixon, S. Van Amringe and A.H. Morris for incidental expenses approved. . 12 16 1875 : 3 31. Petition from citizens requesting Henry Taylor be appointed to fill Board's vacancy referred. w Ol 03 1876 3 32. T.M. Gardner and D, Holmes, J.C. Hill and T.M. Gardner, J.K. Cutlar and T.M. Gardner, J.W. Brown and T.Mo ., 01 07 1876 , 3 i Gardner, Anthony Howe and T.M. Gardner, and William Moore and T.M. Gardner nominated to fill Board's ,. , vacancy but all balloting tied. ,e ? 33. .Board receiveci application from Duncan Holmes for appointment to fill Board's vacancy. „ O1 07 1876 , 3 34. .R.C. Meyers and J.C. Hill nominated to fill Board's vacancy and R.C.Meyers won by 3-1 vote. „ Ol 22 1876 .; 3 35. „Application of William Kellogg, Sr. to fill Board's vacancy laid on table since vacancy just filled. . OI 22 1376 ;; 3 36. ,Received resignation of Commissioner A.H. Morris as Board member. . 02 07 1876 „ 3 37. ;New Commissioner R.C. Meyers sworn in. ,. :, 02 07 1876 ?; 3 38. ;,Bill from S. Van Amringe for incidental expenses approved. ,. 02 07 1376 .e 3 39e „Stationary bills from P. Heinsberger and John D. Lerr approved. ,. 02 07 1876 ?, 3 ?i 40. .;Fee of Commissioner Van Amringe approved. ,. 02 07 1876 ., 3 ' 41. Bill from A.H. Morris for incidental expenses and from Mr. Morris for Commissioner's fees approved. „ 02 07 1876 ?; 3 42. Bill from Samuel Hall for stationary approved. . 02 07 1876 .. 3 43. ,Board resolved itself into a Board of Education. : 02 11 1876 :: 3 44. ,`Fees of Commissioners Wagner and Nixon approved. t 02 11 1876 3 F f ? ?? 3 71 ?'? i? 372 ? 373 F 373 ? „ 373 373 j ?' .; 375 ', i; 376 '? 37u ?; 3 ?0 ?? 380 e; 383 ; i 383 ?' ?. 3?3 ; 386 ; x' 388 i? ?'. 389 ?; 390 3 91 ?; ? !p 391 +? !c 395 ' ;+ #. 396 ;; € 397 E: ?? 397 „ 1's 397 ' i' i; 397 ;? ?; 397 ?? i 39? ; 4?3 ,; 403 ; {? ? 404 ?, 405 ;, 405 ?; 408 ' 408 ? 3' i. 411 j; i, 412 ;? ; , 412 ; 1; ?; 412 ;; ii 412 j; , 412 ?i ? 413 ;; j, 413 ;? 414 ?±' i, .? i?? i€ ?i N INDEX TO CONi?IISSIONERS MINU?'ES -- New Hanover Count C COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ?, . . _ MATTER: ` ¦eo. u. s. Connty Indezes Since 1888 ?' ?r-3?-- To loeate namea, OpBll 0t r?r OFFICE ???6-? An Identifying Trade Mar? ?? SURNAME INITIAL TAB (OTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY TH@ COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA DATE ' MINUTE BOOK :' NATURE OF FROCEEDINGS ; `s? Month I Dayl Year " Vol, I Page 'A l.i? ? ,I Bills of John Wagner and Delaware Nixon for incidental expenses approved. , 02 11 1876,. ? ? 3 „ 414 ? y 2.k Bills from A.R. Black, Samuel G. Hall and P. Heinsberger for stationary and books approved. , 02 11 1876 , 3 414 „ E 3.? Met in special session. 03 O1 1876 3 416 ,; ii 4.? Board met and recessed until 7 o'clock P.M. on Wednesday. 03 06 1876.. 3 417 , 5.? Fee of Commissioner Van Amringe approved. , 03 03 1876 3 419 „ F: 6.ri Chairman to have necessary blanks printed for listing property in different Townships. .. 03 13 1876 3 420 ,? ? , 7.t? B.G. Bates nominated to fill Board's vacancy and unanimously elected. „ 03 18 1876,' 3 422 R _ 8.?? Board resolved itself into a Board of Education. 03 18 1876 . 3 422 „ ? 9.? Bi3Z frarrr Pat Davis referrea baek for ?nformation. 04 03 I876.. 3 424 „ 10. ; Bills from John 4dagner and D. Nixon for incidental expenses approved. 04 03 1876. 3 427 , 11. Fees of Commissioners Wagner and Nixon approved. 04 03 1876 3 427 ?, 12.:, Stationary and book bill from James and Price approved. 04 03 1876_ 3 427 13.`; Capt. B.G. Bates declined to accept position on Board due to lack of time. . 04 07 1876 .. 3 428 „ 14..? J.C. Hill and D.C. Davis nominated to fill Board's vacancy and D.C. Davis elected. . 04 07 1876? 3 428 „ 15.?, Commissioner Myers resigned due to lack of time for duties as a Commissioner. 04 17 1876 . 3 429 „ 16.;; Election of D.C. Davis to fill Board's vacancy on April 07, 1876 to be had over since no majori ty. .. 04 17 1876.. 3 429 17.'' D.C. Davis and J.C. Hill nominated to fill Board's vacancy and Mr. Davis won by a 2-1 vote. 04 17 1876 3 429 .? 18.k? Motion to elect person to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Mr. Myers was not seconded, no action. , 04 17 1876 3 429 . 19.?i ,? Bill of State versus Commissioners of New Hanover County to be paid. , 05 Ol 1876 3 432 _20.:? Application of H.E. Scott referred to Chairman Wagner and Commissioners Davis and Van Amringe. OS O1 1876, 3 432 „ ?; 21..; Commissioner Davis placed on Auditing, Finance and Work House Committees. OS OS 1876,,. 3 434 . .22.,; Commissioners Van Amringe and Davis to examine 1875 property valuations and report if valued to o low. 05 05 1876_, 3 434 „ 23.;; Bill from John Wagner for incidental expenses and fees approved. ;. 05 05 1876. 3 435 24.?i Stationary and book bill from Philip Heinsberger approved. „ 05 05 1876,, 3 435 25.?tl , ?? Board met to hear tax complaints on assessments. 05 16 1876 3 437 26." Board resumed hearing tax complaints. 05 17 1876 3 437 r; 27.:' r? Board continued to hear tax complaints on property assessments. 05 18 1876 3 437 28.s? Board heard tax complaints relative to assessments on real estate. 05 19 1876 3 437 ts 29.?? Board resumed hearing tax complaints on real estate assessments. 05 20 1876 . 3 438 30.?? Board met and acted upon communications from taxpayers in Wilmington Township. 05 22 1876 , 3 438 ,31.;5 Board to continue its session two days longer due to pressure of business coming before it. , OS 22 1876„ 3 438 , 32.`? Board met and recessed until call of the Chairman. 06 05 1876„ 3 441 a 33.„; Call meeting held and S. Van Amringe appointed Chairman pro tem. 06 07 1876 , 3 442 34.;; Fees of Commissioners Nixon and Van Amringe approved and for incidental expenses. 06 07 1876. 3 446 35.., Fee of Commissioner Davis approved. . 06 07 I876, 3 447 „ 36.;; Fee of Commissioner Davis approved as well as his bill for incidental expenses. 07 08 1876,, 3 451 37.'; Secretary of State to furnish County Commissioners of each County with copies of election bill changing 03 07 1876 3 456 ;? election date. . .. 38.h; Fees of Commissioners Davis, Nixon, Al1en, Morris, Wagner and Van Amringe approved. . 08 07 1876.. 3 457 , 39.;i Bills from D. Nixon, S. Van Amringe, and J.G. Wagner for incidental expenses approved. ,. OS 07 1876., 3 457 40.;, Stationary bill from P. Heinsberger approved. .. 08 07 1876? 3 457 . 41.?? Duncan Holmes elected to fill vacancy on Board created by resignation of Commissioner Meyers. 08 15 1876 . 3 460 . 42.", Board met and recessed until 3 o'clock P.M. 09 04 1876 3 462 ?? 43.;i Letter from Balem Fuller laid over until next meeting. 09 05 1876 3 464 44.'?? S. Van Amringe made Chairman of ineeting. 09 08 1876 3 466 i 45.?; ? ,{ it B? S. Van Amringe made Chairman pro tem, then the Board recessed. ? 09 09 1876 e' i? 3 467 ? ; Ci. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MATTER: COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ` e[a. u. s. County I?de:es Sinee 1888 {`?, ?To loeats namea, open at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX r?r o?ncc C?i?-P -7%? An ldentifying Trede Mark ?i? SURNAMB INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOL Y '? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS r.; i? l. Board met and recessed until 3 o`clock P.M.; S. Van Amringe made Chairman of ineeting. a ; 2. ?;5. Van Amringe was made Chairman pro tem. 3. '?;Fees of Commissioners S. Van Amringe, D.C. Davis and D. Nixon approved. 4. ;?Board met in special session to adjust some irregularities in registrations. 5. ;;Board met in special session and then recessed to October 24. 6. ,?Board met in special session to consider matter of Clerk of Court. 7. .,Board met but no quorum so recessed. 8. ,Board met but no quorum so recessed. 9. Boara eanvassea e?.ection returns for November 7 election. met 10. Board?to compare and certify a correct statement for all persons voted for in November 7 election. 11. Board received all returns so adjourned. 11 11 1876 11 11 1876 11 11 1876 3 3 3 3 12. Commissioners elected in November 7, 1876 election: Edward Kidder, John Wagner, Stacy Van Amringe, Duncan _ 11 11 1876 Holmes and Delaware Nixon. 13. Fees of Commissioners Davis and Wagner approved. 14. Stationary bill for September from P. Heinsberger approved. 15. Board met in special session to discuss matter of Clerk of Superior Court, 16. .New Board of County Commissioners met. 17. Commissioners Wagner, Holmes, Nixon and Van Amringe sworn in. 18. J.G. Wagner elected Chairman of new Board. 19. ,'Matter of offical bonds referred to next meeting. 20. Bill from J.G. Wagner for incidental expenses approved. 21. ,;Fees of Commissioners Holmes, Van Amringe, Davis and Nixon approved. 22. Fees of Commissioners Van Amringe, Davis and Wagner for November approved. 23. Stationary bill from A.R. Black approved. 24. Bill from D.C. Davis for incidental expenses approved. 25. Board met but no quorum so recessed. 26. ?S. Van Amringe made Chairman pro tem. 27. „Letter from Edward Kidder declining to serve as Commissioner due to age and frequent absences from County. 28. ,I.B. Grainger elected to fill Board's vacancy created by E. Kidder? who declined to serve. 29. 'Board met but recessed until December 29. 30. ,Resignation of S. Van Amringe accepted as a member of the Soard, he suggested B.G. Worth as his successor. 31. ;Fees of Commissioners Davis, Holmes, Hewlett, Van Amringe, Nixon and Wagner approved, pages 513-514. 32. ,Bill of S. Van Amringe for incidental expenses approved. 33. B.G. Worth unanimously elected to fill vacancy of Board's due to resignation of Mr. Van Amringe. 34. Captain Isaac B. Grainger and B.G. Worth appeared and qualified for office. 35. Special committee to investigate finances and debt of County and make recommendations. 36. Application of R.F. Eyden laid over to next meeting. 37. Chairman appointed Standing Committees. (See COMMITTEES APPOINTED.) 38. `Board met in special session to select regular venire jurors. 39. Board met in special session to revise Tax Schedule B, but no quorum so adjourned. 40. Board met in special session to revise Tax Schedule B. 41. ,Board met in special session together with Board of Assessors. 42. Fees of Commissioners Nixon, Wagner and Holmes approved. 43. 'Stationary bill from P. Heinsberger approved. 44. David Sanders presented his commission from Governor and qulaified as member of the Board. 45. ,';Hilton Ferry to be turned over to Duncan Holmesaand O.G. Parsley & Son to be relieved of their bond. ? D B OWEN G. DUNN, NEW ?? BERN, NO DATE RTH CAROLINA G? MINUTE BOOK ?? I = Month I Day I Year ?? `e Vol. I Page ? , ;, 09 15 1876 ;? ,s 3 ? 471 ??? 09 21 1876 ;r kn 3 473 ?? 09 27 1876 ' 3 f 481 ,N <, ?? .: ? °? 10 07 1876 ^? 3 484 i? ? ? 10 22 1376 ,B 3 485 ? 10 24 1876 : 3 485 ?i C? 11 06 1876 ?? 3 488 Es 11 .. 10 1876 ' ?, 3 488 '? u 11 22 1876 „ 3 11 22 1876 , 3 „ 11 23 1876 ;; 3 , 12 04 1876 ;? 3 ; 12 04 1876 , 3 12 04 1876 :; 3 12 04 1876 , 3 12 04 1876 ,. 3 12 04 1876 :? 3 12 04 1876 . 3 _ 12 04 1876 ' 3 12 04 1876 ? 3 12 12 1876 ' 3 12 14 1?76 ; 3 12 16 1876 3 12 23 1876 ?; 3 , 12 27 1876 .. 3 12 29 1376 ,, 3 , 12 29 1876 ;, 3 12 29 1876 „ 3 12 29 1876 :. 3 , 12 29 1876 ,: 3 „ 12 29 1876 ., 3 O1 03 1877 „ 3 O1 03 1877 3 ,, 03 17 1377 „ 3 04 27 1877 ; 3 04 30 1877 :; 3 . 05 29 1877 ., 3 06 05 1877 ;, 3 06 05 1877 ??, 3 07 02 1877 ;: 3 ,. 07 02 1877 :: 3 ; 4 ` u? ?7 '' 1 488 : 489 ?, 489 ' 491 ;.? t ?? ;; 498 ? e, 499 ?? 11 500 ;; ?i 503 ?p 504 ?; 504 y; 504 '.' i 504 ;? 505 507 ri 507 507 509 507 511 512 513 513 ?{' 513 ` 515 ;? ? 515 ;; 515 ?, 515 ; 516 518 ?,. 535 540 540 547 553 553 566 566 t N C H C N TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES COUN TY CO MMISSIO NERS oun ?, . . _ MATTER: anover ew - INDEX ` eac. u. s. County Indezes Sin?? 1888 ? 70 lacate names, open at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX PAT OFFICE ?? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA DAiE 7; ? NIINUTE BOOK ?, t? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month I Day) Year ; Vol. ,i Page ;; ap 1.? ?? Board met in special session to discuss Tax Books. 07 ? 11 1877-. 3 580 , 2.?? Board met in special session relative to Clerk of Superior Court. (See SUPERIOR COURT CLERK) 07 16 1877?; 3 580 3.°i , i Board met and continued unfinished business. 08 11 1877 3 590 k 4.?s Bill from S. Van Amringe for incidental expenses approved. 08 11 1877 ; 3 592 ;, ?? . 5.i3 Fee of Commissioner Wagner approved. „ 08 11 1877t; 3 592 , t 6.r ?, Stationary bill of P. Heinsberger approved. , 08 11 1877 3 593 ,. 7.ra Fees of Commissioners Nixon and Wagner approved. ;, 08 11 1877 3 594 , ?? 8,?; Bill from S. Van Amringe for incidental expenses approved. 08 11 1877,,, 3 600 9.,'? Stationary bill from P. Heinsberger aggravec3. , 08 11 1877., 3 600 10.;a Fees of Commissioners Grainger and Worth for July approved. 08 11 1877. 3 600 11.;: Fee of Commissioner Holmes approved. 08 11 1877 3 603 12.'.: Board proceeded to consider unfinished business on school districts. 08 16 1877 3 606 13.;; ,? Board met and recessed. 09 03 1877„ 3 607 ,.. 14.k; Board elected incumbent J. Wagner as Chairman for ensuing year. 09 04 1877„ 3 608 :. 15.;; Letter from Henry Price laid on table. . 09 06 1877 . 3 610 .16.?iy Board met in special session. 09 10 1877.,, 3 611 „ ,17.{; Board met in special session relative to taxes. 10 29 1877 „ 3 628 . f ,18.;? Board met but no quorum so recessed. . 11 05 1877y, 3 631 , :? ,19.,? : Stationary bills from C.W. Yates and P. Heinsberger approved. 11 06 1877 , 3 644 , ? 20.; Fees of Commissioners Holmes and Wagner approved for August, pages 644 and 646. 11 06 1877,, 3 644 ., f? 21.:i Bill from S. van Amringe for incidental expenses for August approved. 11 06 1877 3 646 ?, 22.,, Fee of Commissioner Holmes approved. 11 06 1877 , 3 646 ,. .23.?; ,, Bill from D. Holmes for incidental expenses approved. „ 11 06 1877,_ 3 648 24.;R Board met in special session to diseuss delinquent poll taxes. 11 23 1877;; 3 656 ,. . 25.,? Application of United States officers referred to Chairman. 11 23 1877.: 3 657 ,. , 26:? Inquiry to be made into Grand Jury's indictment against Commissioner Holmes in criminal court. 12 03 1877.: 3 658 .. 27.lE Received resignation from Commissioner Grainger and copy forwarded to the Governor. „ 12 03 1877, 3 659 , 28.?? Commissioner Grainger resigned due to lack of time for County business. . 12 03 1877,. 3 659 29.?i +s Board met in special session relative to liquor licenses. . 12 05 1877„ 3 661 .. E? • 30.k? ; Col. John W. Atkinson presented an appointment from Governor as Commissioner in place of Capt. Grainger. „ 12 15 1877„ 3 662 „ , 31.?y Chairman requested to be excused from drawing Jury List for Superior Court since he plans to bring suit 12 15 1877, 3 662 ? ?i against the City during special term of Superior Court. . ,. 32.;; Commissioner Worth called to Chair and Board proceeded to draw jurors for Superior Court. 12 15 1877 . 3 662 , 33.;, Bill from J.G. Wagner for incidental expenses approved. 12 15 1877 . 3 667 34.?? Bill from D.S. Sanders for services as Commissioner approved. 12 15 1$77 3 667 35., ? Fees of Commissioners Wagner and Holmes approved. 12 15 1877 3 668 36.,; Stationary bills from P. Heinsberger, S. Jewett and P. Heinsberger approved, pages 669-670. 12 15 1877 3 669 37.`? 'i Bill from B.G. Worth for incidental expenses approved. 12 15 1877 3 670 38.?^` ?a Fee of Commissioner Wagner approved and incidental expenses for Commissioners Holmes and Wagner. 12 15 1877 3 671 39.',? .? Board met in called session to receive Sheriff's report. Ol 09 1878 3 683 40.`? , Board met in called session relative to taxes. Ol 19 1878 3 683 6 41.;; ,? Board met in special session to consider Smith's Creek Bridge. 02 16 1878 3 700 42..? ?? Board met in called session to select jurors. 03 11 1878 3 713 43.;i xa Board met in special session. 03 18 1878 3 714 ? 44.3 Board met in special session relative to Smith' Creek Bridge. 03 22 1878 : 3 715 ,? 45.'?? ;{ 4^ Board met but no quorum so adjourned. . E 04 ? O1 1878 i1 SM 3 717 0 COUNTY N INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? C MpTTER COMMISSIONERS , . : . _ ` Reo. u. ?. Counry Indezee Since 1888 ?y? ??a-- To locate names. open at COTi A•Z iA6 INDER reT ornc? ??./?.s An Idendfying Trede Marlc ?`? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT (NDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ' ? DATE F, ? MINUTE BOOK i ?? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ' ? ;° ` ;; ? Month I Day I Year ?A Vol. I Page ; i ? F? , l. ?Commissioner Atkinson moved to pay Commissioner Wagner $62.50 for issuing County bonds; this approved. 04 LO 1878 ., 3 719 ?? ,? 2. ??Board met in called session relative to taxes. 04 29 1878 k' j 3 720 ` ? ' 3. Board met but not a full Board so recessed. G p? 06 ?3 ; 1878 c; 3 725 , ? , 4. ,'Board met in called session to select jurors. 4 06 11 1878 °s f, 3 730 ? d 5. , r{Commissioner Worth choses Chairman pro tem. 06 11 1878 !G 's 3 730 ° E4 ? 6. iBoard met in called session, but no quorum so adjourned. . 06 24 1878 i? 3 732 E" ?? 7. ;Board met in called session relative to taxes. . 06 25 1878 ?; 3 732 ?, e? 3? 8. , Chairman to discharge persons from Poor House whom he thinks fit to be discharged. 06 25 1878 ' 3 732 "; ;, ? , 9. ?Board met in calZed session re?ative to taxes. ; 07 15 1$78 , 3 736 ?? 10. ,Present Chairman .Tohn Wagner elected Chairman for ensuing year. 09 OZ 1878 3 743 << 11. Petition of Alexander Oldham relative to disorderly proceedings on Nutt Street referred to Chairman. 09 02 1878 3 744 , , 12. Board to go to Poor House as one body on September I1. 09 04 1878 3 745 i; ' 13. .,Being indisposed, Chairman Wagner asked to be excused from meeting; Commissioner Atkinson calZed to Chair. 09 O6 1878 3 746 ?; , 14. , Board recessed and met again as Board of Education, , 09 11 1878 3 748 R , 25. , Board received resignation of John Atkinson as a member of the Board. 09 13 1878 ;?. , 3 748 ? ;; ? 16. Resignation of Mr. Atkinson laid over until decided if he is eligible, he having signed one of County bonds, 09 13 1878 , 3 749 s. ;; t? i 17. ,:Joint meeting of Justices of the Peace and the Board to be held on September 21. 09 16 1878 3 750 ?? I 18. Board assembled previous to joint session with Board of Magistrates. ; 09 21 1878 ? 3 763 I: ' ?; , 19. Resignation of Commissioner Atkinson accepted. „ 09 21 1878 ?? 3 763 ?r °; ?: ;s 20. ?? ,Board recessed to meet in joint session with Board of Magistrates. , ? ? 09 21 1878 ?, 3 763 "' ?i I 21. .Board acted on tax matters of 1878. ; 09 23 ? 1878 ;; 3 764 ?' , , 22. Col. William Smith presented his appointment as a Board member from the Governor and was sworn in. , 09 27 1878 ?; 3 765 , ?; , 23. .Board met, but no quorum so adjourned. 10 21 , 1878 , 3 771 jt i 24. t Response of Board to statement of Grand Jury of Criminal Court against County institutions set in minutes. . 11 14 1878 ;? 3 777 ?; ; , 25. Last meeting of late Board, and new Board met and sworn in by former Chairman, Justice J.G. Wagner. l 12 02 1878 F 4 1 '' ' 26. New Board: Horace Bagg, B.G. Worth, James A. Montogmery, William L. Smith and A.J. Grady. 12 02 1878 4 2 ?? ?°, 27. , 'Commissioner Smith elected Chairman; Chairman appointed standing committees. (See COMMITTEES APPOINTED) 12 02 1878 4 2 ?' I; ? 28. ? ?Chairman of Board allowed $15 per month for extra services. 12 02 1878 ? 4 3 °i ?' , 29. ' „Appointments under this Board to be made at first regular meeting in January. 12 06 1878 ,' 4 5 ?. I ? 30. Commissioner Worth reported he collected claim due County from Bladen County minus his fee. ` O1 15 1879 ;, 4 15 ?; h, 31. '?Application of R. G: Rankin not granted. Ol 22 1879 4 16 !' ?? '. 32. Bill from J.A. Engelhard to be paid. 01 22 1879 , 4 I7 ;, 33. ;Chairman to petition Legislature to enact a law similar to Section 8, Chapter 16, Battles Revisal. Ol 22 1879 ; 4 17 34. , Board to request General Assembly to pass an act to equalize the burden of privilege taxes on merchants. Ol 22 1879 , 4 17 ? j; , 35. Joint meeting of Board and Justices of the Peace to levy taxes for 1879. (See TAX DEPARTMENT) , 08 04 1879 „ 4 9t? i; 36. Thanks extended Board for reducing County expenses. 08 04 1879 ; 4 90 , 37. Board discussed tax Zevy and then adjourned. OS O8 1II79 :; 4 98 ? 38. Board met with County assessors. (See TAX DEPARTMENT - Assessors) 09 Ol 1879 ? 4 101 ? j 39. , Chairman absent so Commissioner Worth call to Chair. ., 07 O1 1880 ., 4 216 ?a ;? 40. Meeting of Justices of the Peace and Commissioners to hear estimates of general expenses of County. 08 02 1880 ` 4 219 `' , ., e; gt s 41. , Chairman read detail estimate of general expenses of County for fiscal year 1880-1881. . U8 02 1880 : ?? 4 219 l? ?? !? 42. ? 'Resolution of thanks extended Commissioners for their proper execution of duties. " ,. 08 02 1880 • 4 220 ?; ?? 43. New Board members sworn in by Justice Col. John D. Taylor. ? ' 12 06 1880 4 249 `? t i? 44. New Board: William L. Smith, Horace A. Bagg, James Montgomery, B.G. Worth and E.L. Pearce. ? 12 06 1880 . , ? 4 249 ?; y? , 45. William L. Smith elected Chairman for ensuing year by acclamation. 12 06 1880 ' 4 249 ii ?f 46. Standing committees appointed and Board proceeded to act upon official bonds of County officers. 12 06 1880 ', ?; 4 249 i' i( ?? +; i ` i? ?? tli C, ii ?; ?' ?? i? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover ?ount?, N. C. _ MU JECT rCORPS OF EN?zNEFRS ` aeo. u, s. ?/? ???/???? County Indezes Since 1888 To IoCOt? nomtf? oplp Yt COTT Mi TA? INpEX P?r OFFICE (.f,cl?/rt:(„o-?cs An Identifying Trade Mazk ? SURNAME INITIAL iAY INADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO fOLD t1 OMEN {. YYNN, MEII iERN, NORTN GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK '. Month Day Year Vol. Page , l. Emergency Erosion - Carolina Beach 2. Hurricane F? Shore Protection 3. Whiskey Creek Dam 4. Hurricane F? Shore Protection 5. Road Closing at Airport 6. Public Hearing - Permit to Dig New Channel Bradley Creek 7. Public Hearing - Improvements New Inlet - Kure Beach 8. Permit to Construct Pier - Atlantic Coastal Waterway 9. Erosion Prob?ern 10. Resolution - Dredging N.E. Cape Fear River 11. Masonboro Jetty 12. Col. Grygiel Transfer 13. Dredging - Everetts Creek 14. Harbor line 15. Notice of permit request 16. Notice 17. Preliminary Tidal Flood Study 18. Resolution providing permits of easements to deposit spoil from dredging Wilmington Harbor 19. Right of entry construction 20. Flooding of various major streams 21. Hearing March 16 - N. E. Cape Fear River Project 22. Report from - on diking and dredging costs 23. Deed for Masonboro Jetty Project 24. Chairman to write letter re: proposed move of Corps of Engineers Office 25. Authorized use of landfill at Sunnypoint, N. C. by County 26. Leased 25 acres - north side of Snow's Cut to be use for park purposes 27. Reapplication for license to use property for solid waste transfer station - owned by Corp.-not approved 28. Letter of Assurance to Corps of Engineers for Carolina Beach Inlet Project 21. Contract with Corps. of Engineers for dredging and maintenance of Carolina Beach Inlet 22. Endorsement of Proposal to Widen Wilmington Harbor Turning Basin 23. Approval of Carolina Beach Inlet Navigation Project 24. 04 20 1964 13 318 04 20 1964 13 319 05 04 1964 13 321 06 29 1964 13 345 09 08 1964 13 370 09 08 1964 13 373 09 23 1964 13 378 10 05 1964 13 381 II ?2 ?9&4 I3 390 11 02 1964 13 391 02 O1 1965 13 433 05 17 1965 13 484 07 06 1965 13 500 03 20 1967 I4 38 12 02 1968 14 279 12 16 1968 14 285 04 )8 1969 14 310 02 19 1971 14 583 02 19 1971 14 583 03 06 1972 15 85 03 06 1972 15 92 08 .?1 1978 18 263 12 ??6 1978 18 300 OS 07 1979 18 403 11 19 1979 18 513 Ol 21 1980 18 541 02 18 1980 18 555 08 04 1980 18 646 08 02 1982 19 130 08 02 1982 19 131 08 16 1982 19 137 ,.,.?i INDEX TQ COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. , M g ECT pOWGOVERNMENTSR COUNCIL- aEa, u. s. ? `?,/??? County Indezea Since 1888 ? TO IOC4h Aam?f. op?p a1 COTT A•2 TA{ INdEX PAT OFFICE C.?/fit:?,o-?ci? An ldentifying Trade Mazk MADE BY THE fOiT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO fURNAME INITIAL TAQ SOLC ?Y OWEN ?, pUNN, NEw tERM, NORTH GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Monih Day Yenr Vol. Page l. Discussion of 09 18 1967 14 91 2. Establishment of 10 02 1967 14 94 3. By-Laws 11 20 1967 14 115 4. Resolutions 12 04 1967 14 118 5. Report on 06 )3 1968 14 195 6. Funds supplied 08 )5 1968 14 235 7. Meeting in Wilmington 12 l6 1968 14 282 8. Budget 1969-70 04 08 1969 14 311 9. 13udget 04 ?? 1969 1? 323 10. By-Laws 10 06 1969 14 394 11. Conflict of ineetings with SEDC 07 07 1970 14 496 12. SEDC-Council of Governments 05 )3 1971 14 639 13. Appointment of Members 05 17 1971 14 647 14. Designation as Lead Organization 06 05 1972 15 131 15. Regional development plan 06 05 1972 15 137 16. Improve housing conditions to achieve higher standard of living 06 05 1972 15 138 17. Health planning council 06 05 1972 15 138 18. Confirmation appointment members to 06 05 1972 15 139 19. Health Planning Council 11 20 1972 15 262 20. Resolution Re: Transportation Planning 22 03 I973 15 535 21. Discussion of (leave the politicing to the politicians) 04 07 1975 16 164 22. Endorse Regional Emergency Services App. 02 21 1977 17 290 23. Authorize CETA VI position-Planning Tech. 05 16 1977 18 39 24. Comm. Gottovi resigned from COG 06 27 1977 18 64 25. Appt. Comm. Alper to COG 08 15 1977 18 90 26. Report of funds available for bikeway 11 21 1977 18 138 27. Report for COG - John Ingram 12 19 1977 18 148 28. Public Hearing - Land Use Plan 02 06 1978 18 166 29. Emergency Medical Service Grant Application 02 20 1978 18 173 30. Alper, 0'Shields F? Williams reappointed to COG 02 20 1978 18 177 31. Requested to secure funds for a study of the economic i?mpact of Piedmont to Port highway 03 20 1978 18 i.86 32. Denial resolution for solid waste study 07 03 1978 18 ?38 33. Discussion on COG Boundaries 07 03 1978 18 ?44 34. Application Title III Project 08 21 1978 18 ?67 35. Discuss Area Housing Opportunity Program 12 04 1978 18 311 36. Karen Gottovi Appointed to Council 12 18 1978 18 327 37. Request - COG be designated as the area agency on aging - tabled Ol 15 1979 18 332 38. Request COC be designated as the area agency on aging Ol 15 1979 18 332 39. COG Iand use committee goals and objectives 04 02 1979 18 384 40. COG designated as Area Planning Agency on Aging 04 17 1979 18 387 41. Request for COG to update Solid Waste Planning 06 18 I979 18 428 42. Comm. Gottovi to participate in Regional New Horizons Program O1 21 1980 18 541 43. Reapptmt. of Comms. Gottovi, 0'Shields, Chm. Williams to COG Board 02 04 1980 18 546 44. Discussion on COG finding regional solution to solid waste 05 22 1980 18 606 45. Contracts for operation of Multi-Purpose Senior Center 07 28 1980 18 638 46. Co?m. Gottovi requested recap on CQG Waste Coinm. Meeting 07 28 1980 18 639 INDEX TQ COMMISSIONERS MINUTES N H C ? ?OUNCIL A ? -- ew anover ount?, N. C. i OVE RNMErTS , MUBJECT ? se?. u. s. PAT OFFICE Covnty lndezea Since 1888 ?? AnIdentifying Trade Max'k ??a.y To IoeaN narrNt, opM a! w8 SURNAME (NITIAL TA? COiT A•I TA? lMpEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD ?Y OWEN i. YUNN, NEN tERN, NOR7N GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK ' Month Day Year Voi. Page 1. Discus?io: on ?'ederal regulations on Cable TV 08 18 1980 18 651 ? 2. Transportation Planning Grant 02 02 1981 18 I 761 3.; Transportation Pla ming Grant Iocal match 05 1$ 1981 18 833 4. Approval of Co ntract with Council of Govern ments for Senior Center renovations 09 08 1981 18 910 5, Discussion on UDAG Grant for Shopping Cente r at Monkey Junction 03 O1 1982 19 25 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. MATTER: COUNCIL ON STATUS WOMEN- ? Te I?est? nam?s. ?pM it COTT A-2 TAt INOEX nsc. u. s. County Indezes Since 1888 MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMYUS, OHIO r?r OFi1GE ??? An Identifyin¢ Trade Mazk SURNAY[ INRIAL TAS SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS 1. Endorsement of Status of Women 2. Revised methods for appointing to Council 3. Appointments to Stuats of Women 4. Change name of Council on Status of Women 5. Appointment to Status of Women 6. Appointments to Status of Women 7. Edith Kaplan & Phyllis Chisholm were rea.ppointed to the Council 8. Appointment to Council of Status of Women 9. Concurrence in City of Wilmington concerning jointly appointed Boards 10. Committee terms set for DeShields and Racey 11. Committee appointment - Louise McColl 12. Appointment on Stutus of Women - Katherine Marks 13. Reappointment of Louise McColl, Katherine Marks and Millie Elledge 14. Appointment of Barbara Keeley to Council 15. Postponement of Appointments 16 Appointment of Luke and Sanders DATE Month Day Year MINUiE BOOK ` Vol. Page ' 03 06 1978 18 177 03 20 1978 18 186 05 ?l 1978 18 204 04 17 1978 18 194 06 04 1979 18 424 10 15 1979 18 498 06 02 1980 18 613 07 28 1980 18 640 09 02 ?950 18 659 Ol 19 1981 18 754 08 03 1981 18 900 02 L5 1982 19 14 06 77 1982 19 91 07 )6 1982 19 112 09 07 1982 19 152 12 :.3 1982 19 203 INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER: COUNTY DEBT _ aea. u. s. County Indezes Since f8B6 ?1?' ? To loeat? names, open at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX r?r orr?cc ?? An ldeatifyinY Trade Mark ?B SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX CpMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTN CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE ? MINUTE BOOK Month I Day I Year ? Vol. I Page ? ,: L. Certificates given in favor of Henry Johnson, Washington Gills, R.L. Sellers, John J. Conoley and W.J. Cor-? 09 _; ? bett, as well as to Nicholas Garr and Elkanah Allen. i` 2. Certificates given in favor of Timmorman Woward and Richard Jones. ! 09 ,i 3..? Certificate for Thomas Lewis to remain on file. ;? ?9 w, 4. Certificate given for John Wooster. ?; ?9 5. ? Certificate given for James Darby. 6.?, Certificates given for Edward Glavins, Eastin Robinson, Abram Moore and Lucretia Ostean. ;? 7.?? County certificate given for Rebecca Sidburry. ;? 4i 8. ' Cer?ificate given for Jot?n Sanders. 9.,; John J. Hedrick and H.B. Eiders presented County certificates. 10.!; Claim from Bank of Wilmington presented. ; 11. ? Committee to investigate claim from Bank of Wilmington. ?? „ 12.;, Certificate presented in favor of John Ligvin. 13. " Report on claim from Bank of Wilmington. 14.;? Notice made that all claims to be presented begore Board. 15.;? P.H. Cannady presented a County certificate. .q 16.;;County certificates presented. 17.?p County certificates presented. kt ry 18.; Conference to be held with First National Bank concerning loan for County. 19.? Unable to secure loan for County at present. 20.'? Loan approved for County. +i Y 21.,?Chairman to negotiate certificates of loan issued for County use. 22.?5 Chairman to investigate terms of a loan. E? 23.`?Received report of committee on making a loan. 24.?? Committee to ascertain debts due by County. 25 . I 26 . 27 . ', 28. i ? 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36, 'Investigation to be made of loan for expenses of County. ', Loan or bonds to be issued to secure funds to meet County expenses. ' Loan from party in New York received. Authorization given for money to be raised for County expenses. IAuthorization given to raise money for expenses. ;County certificates presented. i ? Finance Chairman to confer with First National Bank. (See FINANCE COMMITTEE) Finance Committee authorized to issue bonds to pay claims against County. ? Finance Committee to sell bonds to pay claims of County. (See FINANCE CONIMITTEE) ! ? Finance Committee to negotiate bonds for expenses of County. i ; County certificate for R.J. Jones presented. 3 ; Treasurer not to pay any claims against County unless ordered by Finance Committee. 37.?Y County certificates issued. 38. County certificates for Warden of Poor presented: Cindy Johnson,Benj. Waters and Susan Fellows 39.?? County certificates for Fin?nce Committee presented. 40. 41. 42. ' 43 . '' County certificate for Emanuel Roderick presented. ; Finance Committee authorized to sell bonds to raise money to pay County debts. ? , Finance Committee to investigate affairs of County to ascertain actual indebtedness. iCounty certificate for I. Peterson presented. 44.? Finance Committee issued a certificate to E. Pennypacker for money borrowed. 45.x Committee to obtain facts for a loan from Messrs. Utley and Dougherty. 09 10 yy 10 10 10 , 10 10 10 11 , 11 „ 11 ; 11 ?? 11 , 11 ;, 12 ^ 12 k? 12 ?, , 12 : 12 ` 12 12 ' 12 ?. O1 i? O1 O ? ,: ? ? 03 03 `, 04 04 06 o. 06 ?? 07 08 09 09 Ol O1 O1 ;, 4 02 i 03 05 ?? > 15 1868 1 43 16 1868 18 1868 24 1868f 25 1868? ;! 07 1868?? ?? 15 1868?? ?; 2V 1 QVQ !?? 21 1868,; ; 21 1868,; 21 1868 ? <, ? 24 1868 ,, , 02 1868 ;r ;; 06 1868F? 07 1868 ;! 14 1868 ?? ;'s 27 1868;? st 28 1868 j; E` 04 1868;? ,g 08 1868s? i ?O 1V6? ? .? 22 1868?? ?? 23 1868?` s 24 1868 ? 24 1868! 24 1868 ?? s 07 18b9? 12 1869? ? 1 29 1869? ? 04 1869p ? 29 1869;R ;, 21 1869f? ? 27 18694? ;i 07 1869 ;? i' 07 1869gg 07 1869,? 03 1869;? fs 16 1869 p? ,s c, 16 1869 ?? ?, ? 03 1870; :s 04 1870?? ?? 04 1870!a ,? 08 1870?° 07 1870?q hr 05 1870'?I ? s ? 1 1 1 1 1 1 ? 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 45 49 54 55 65 72 &0 83 ! t ? 83 j ? E 83 ` 85 90 95 101 120 126 133 134 137 138 144 145 146 146 148 156 162 171 195 202 219 222 249 250 269 289 326 3 26 395 398 398 404 415 439 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER: COUNTY DEBT ` ¦ec. u. s. County lndezee Since 1888 ?1+ ?r-a- To toeats names, open at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX r?r OFFICE (,?i?? An [dentifying Trade Mark ?ff SURNAMB INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERH, NORTH CAROLINA ?? DATE ?? MINUTE BOOK ?? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS '? Gg , ?; Month ? Day ? Year ry Vol, ? Page ? 4 1. County bonds hypothecated and money borrowed from bank. ?? 06 07 ? 1870?i 1 4Y 442 ?a hl ? 2. County certificate for D.J. Love presented. „ 08 O1 ?? 1870?? 1 ? 461 is 3. Chairman Keyes executed a"Note" on First National Bank of Wilmington. , 08 29 1870;? 1 469 E? ?e 4. Money from bank note given to Finance Committee. 08 29 1870k' 1 "? 469 ?? S 5. Chairman Martin reports First National Bank request payment of notes. 09 08 1870k? 2 ' 7 k; 6. Chairman Martin recommends sale of bonds as collateral for Bank's notes. , 09 08 ].87069 2 7?_ ?; , 7. Finance Committee to negotiate loan to pay money due First National Bank and E.J. Pennypacker. . 10 03 1870y 2 26 '. 8. Commission approved for James & Meares for obtaining a loan. ,, 10 13 1870;? 2 37 ;' 9.;, ? Committee to confer with Representatives relative to Zevying a tax to pay floating debt of County. .. 02 06 1871,; 2 119 ;? ,a 10.t; F? s? Amount of claims against County received from C1erk. . 02 06 1871. 2 Z20 „ ?? 11.;: ?a Finance Committee to pay bond interest by a loan, no funds in Treasury for such. 02 06 1871„ 2 120 :, 12.!'. 6 Matter of raising funds to pay interest on County debt referred to Finance Committee. 08 08 1871 2 199 ; 13. Assessment of debt of Franklin Township entered on Board records. 04 . O1 1872; .e 2 309 . .. 14.?E Report from Chairman Martin on County debt spread upon minutes, pages 125-126. , 10 15.? Current expenses of County are promptly met and credit of County is good. ?, IO e 16.? Treasurer to pay coupons on the bonded debt due March l, 1874. „ 02 ? 's ?.7.; Commissioner Chadbourn to report if money can be raised to meet payment of bonds due March 1, 1874. „ 02 ?? 18. Chairman to make arrangements to take up note of $10,000 now due by County. 09 , 19.?? Bills from Bank of New Hanover and National Bank for interest on debt approved. 10 20.? Report from Chairman on note due by County spread upon minutes. .. 10 21.? Chairman took up note due First National Bank and is now cancelled. ., 10 .r 22.?? Chairman paid interest due on note and executed a note payable to Bank of New Hanover. Pages 268-269. 10 23.C Bill from Bank of New Hanover for interest on debt approved. 11 ? 23.?? Bill from Bank of New Hanover for interest on debt approved. 12 !? ' ? 24. Report from Finance Committee on new debt contracted by late Board. „ 12 25.; Finance Committee reported on coupons paid by Treasurer on bonded debt. , 12 26. 27. 28. 29. 30, 31. 32, 33, 34, 35, ? Bill from New Hanover Bank for interest on debt approved. O1 5 Bill from Bank of New Hanover fox interest on aebt approved. 02 ! Bill from Bank of New Hanover for interest on debt approved. 03 Bill from Bank of New Hanover for interest on debt approved. „ 04 Chairman pro tem Wagner ordered to borrow money to pay unpaid debt of County. „ 04 3 Financial statement of Commissioner Wagner regarding discount on note spread on minutes. Q7 Mr. Wagner unable to secure a note in the State, but made a note in favor of Bank of Marior, S.C. 07 1 ? Money from Bank of Marior, S.C. remitted to deputy Treasurer S.D, Wallace. . 07 ? : Board to levy taxes to pay County debt and interest on debt. „ 07 ; By act of General Assembly a commission appointed to ascertain amount of debt of New Hanover County to be . 08 assumed by Pender County. _„ ,? ?6.?? Messrs. James Wilson, Silas Martin, Alfred Howe, and John Wagner and Augustus Morris appointed commission 08 to confer with Commissioners of Pender County relative to debt. 37. ? Treasurer received money on note drawn by John Wagner and payable to Bank of Marion, S.C. as credits on , 10 ? g said note. .. 38.k3 Copy of agreement signed by John Wagner to pay Bank of Marion, S.C. $6,OOO,and Mr. Wagner promised to pay 2% 11 ! interest per month if County defaults. 39.?? Chairman submitted report to relieve financial embarrassment of County. 12 40. Bill from Bank of New Hanover for interest approved. ?2 ? 41. Bill from Bank of New Hanover for interest approved. ?, 02 25 1873:; 25 1873;; 02 1874,Y 26 1874,,, 12 1874., 06 1874;a 07 1874,: 07 1874,, 07 1874; 02 1874; 07 1874 ; 07 1874.? 07 1874:, OS 1875;; 02 1875 ? 05 1875, 06 1875;; 17 1875 = 07 1875;; 07 1875:; 07 1875.a 07 1875.: 11 1875 , 11 1875u? 11 1875- ?? 09 1875,; it 11 1875' 16 1875,+ 11 1876ii .? ;i, ? t E 3 125 ? 3 126 `: 3 171 ',; 3 187 ;, 3 257 z. 3 266 F? 3 268 : 3 268 ,w 3 268 , 3 273 w 3 28I ,, 3 284 ?? 3 285 ;'. 3 292 ' 3 298 ?; 3 308 ;; 3 315 ',; ;; 3 320 ;` >: 3 347 ';, 3 347 :a 3 347 3 348 ,. 3 368 ?. 3 369 ,? 3 385 i; 3 392 3 397 3 403 3 414 ? COUNTY INDEX TO C0?lMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County N C MATTER DEBT , . . _ : - ¦ea. u. s. County lndezes Since 1888 ? To loeat? names, open at COTT A-2 TAB INDEX r?s oFf?ec C?i??d? An Identifyine Trede Mark 8URNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPpNY, COLUMBUS, OHfO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA !? b ? NATUR? OP PROCEEDINGS DATf ` ;'? ?i MtNUTE BOOK ? ? ?? ?? Month Day ( Year ;i ( . Vol. Page ? ? ? I l. ;;Interest bill from Bank of New Hanover approved. 05 05 - 1876 '; 3 ? p+ 435 ? ?? 2. ;:$Bill from R.F. Langdon for interest approved. ? 12 29 1876 ` 3 514 3• ; ,{Special committee to investigate finances and debt of County and make recommendations for actzon. ? 12 29 I876 y 3 Y? 515 ?? 4. { ?'?Finance Committee to arrange with certain banks to pay orders issued on Treasurer, these banks will be ? 03 05 " 1877 :: 3 ?! 531 ?s ` i ;; paid along with interest from first collected taxes. ? s; ?? ei 5. Amount of taxes levied to pay floating debt and interest on same. ; 07 02 1877 ^; 3 567 ?t 6. .;Warrant presented by Paul H. Langdon to be paid out of sinking fund. 08 07 1877 : 3 587 ?? , 7. ? ,.Special committee on taxpayers to superintend issuing of bonds for County debt. 09 17 1877 3 613 8. ? Ct?airman authorized to issue bonds as suggested by Messrs. DeRossett, Nutt and Kidder. 09 17 1877 .. 3 613 ? 9. All persons holding County indebtedness prior to Jan., 1877 must present same to be funded before Oct. 22. 10 03 1877 3 627 10. No bonds for County indebtedness prior to Jan., 1877 will be issued after October 22. 10 03 1877 3 627 ' 11. ,Bills from Bank of New Hanover and National Bank for interest approved. 11 06 1877 3 644 12. ,Commissioner Grainger reported old debt has been reduced and floating debt ceased. 12 03 1877 3 660 ? I3. Bills from First National Bank and Bank of New Hanover for interest approved, pages 668 and 671. 12 15 1877 3 668 ;° ? 14. i Report from Special Credit Committee on all old County claims. Ol 19 187$ .. 3 694 ? 15. List of amounts due parties from old claims. O1 19 1878 3 695 ?? 16. ,List of outstanding claims which are fundable. Ol 19 1878 3 696 ? 17. Co1.Atkinson to invest County's sinking fund so that interest will be drawn. 02 04 1878 3 699 ?; 18. Bill of New Hanover Bank referred to Commissioner Worth for settlement. 11 29 1878 . 3 781 E. 19. , ;Commissioners submitted a statement of County finances for past twelve months and County debt has decreased. 08 07 1882 4 398 ;? ' 20. Bonded debt of County has been reduced. 08 06 1883 4 490 ' 21. Interest on certificate of deposit in bank pays interest on County debt. (See FINANCE DEPARTMENT) 08 06 1883 : 4 490 ?, , 22. Interest on amount of certificate of deposit to pay interest on County debt. (See FINANCE DEPARRMENT) 08 06 1883 4 490 ?' 23. Cotrunissioner Bagg reported bonded debt of County not reduced since persons holding bonds to maturity. 06 02 1884 4 553 ' f 24. Certificate of Deposit in First National Bank to be used to pay bonds when due. 06 02 1884 ; 4 6 553 25. . Board to borrow money from National Bank of Wilmington and issue a promissory note to Bank. 06 03 1895 5 643 ?E '? 26. Chairman to borrow sum from First National Bank for the General Fund. 06 Ol 1896 5 718 ' ?? 27• Treasurer to furnish Board with a full statement of financial condition of Gounty including its bonded and 12 08 1896 5 750 i j floating debts. , 28. Report from Chairman on sad condition of County finances and heavy taxation and need for change. 04 05 1897 ?- 5 796 . ?s ? '? 29. Special tax to be levied to pay off County's debts, misnamed "County's Surplus". 04 05 1897 5 798 ?' 30. ? Entire County debt had been cancelled along with interest on it, 12 13 1897 . 6 67 , , 31. Tax levy for 1898 will enable County to pay off interest coupon on County debt and take up 15 or 20 bonds 06 tl 1898 6 140 of the County. ,? 32. Due to insufficient tax levy last year County now indebted to Bank of Wilmington. 06 20 1898 5 167 33. Chairman reported he had paid off two notes on County debt and Treasurer reported on remaining debt. 12 OS 1898 6 199 34. Notes in National Bank of Wil.mington were paid and duly cancelled. 11 16 1899 6 361 35. Loan of $8,000 authorized from a bank to meet County expenses until taxes become available. 05 16 1900 6 442 36. ,Chairman to borrow money for County. ?+ 06 21 1911 „ 7 224 37. Chairman and Auditor to borrow money to pay interest on school bonds. 06 08 1914 7 367 38. Clerk and Chairman to borrow money from American National Bank. 08 03 I914 7 377 ?' 39. ? Clerk and Chairman to borrow money from Murchison National Bank to build Work House. ? 08 15 1914 7 381 '^ `' 40. ?Commissioners to borrow money to build Work House. 10 12 1914 7 391 41. Auditor to borrow additional money from American National Bank for construction of Work House. 11 18 1914 7 401 ;; 42. Auditor to renew County's note to Murchison National Bank. O1 I1 19I5 7 425 fr 43. Clerk and Chairman to renew County's note to American National Bank. 02 O1 1915 7 ?? 433 a. _ `'ri E, ?? ? "? ?y ?? 1? ?? ??. INDEX TO CO?MISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?y, N. C. _ MATTER: COUNTY DEBT ` aea. u. s. "???? County Indezes Since 1888 F?, ? To toeate names, open at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX r?r OFFICE ??? ?"??(.,au7. An Identifying Trade Mark f3\? SURNAMH INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE C67T INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN 6. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH (AROLINA ? DATE ?? MINUTE BOOK ;+ NATURE Of PROCEEDlNGS : G; 1 ;: Month " ? Day I Year ?:; „ Vol. Page ?4 ;d ? ? ? ?± ' 1. Auditor to borrow money for work on Woxk House. ; 06 07 1915.! :a 7 460 2. Auditor to borrow? money for account of North East River Bridge. 07 28 1915?' 7 473 3.k ? Auditor to trorrow money. V 11 18 1915 '' 7 511 0 4.? Auditor to borrow money to pay County's note due on December 17, 1915. ? 12 ., 07 1915?, ., 7 517 h? 5.? ? ? Auditor to borrow money for County. 05 ? ? 08 1916?' ?. 7 553 ? 6.e; fe Chairma n and Clerk to borrow money from American Bank and Trust Company for General Fund. 07 .. 03 1916FS 7 571 , „. 7.?? ? Auditor to renew note due November 19 from Eyer Company, New York, 11 .. 06 1916 1 ,. 7 594 ?€ 8.?? Auditor to negotiate a loan for Road Fund and Chairman and C1erk to execute same. , 12 13 1916 7 661 ^; 9.?,? Loan au t2?orized at December I3 meeting to be issued in anticipation of taxes to be col?ected. I2 18 1916 7 602 10. Auditor to renew County's note for not more than six months. OS 07 I917 7 621 ll.:t Auditor to borrow money for County roads. . 07 02 1917.. 7 625 12..; Auditor to borrow money for Road Fund and General Fund. 08 06 1917 7 632 13.?? Auditor to borrow money for the General Fund. , 09 04 1917., 7 639 ., 14.;; ? ii Auditor to borrow money for extermination of the mosquitos around shipyards. 06 „ 03 1918 .. 8 11 ?. 15.'; ,q Auditor to borrow money for County roads account. 06 ., 03 1918 8 12 ,. 16.`? Ft Auditor to borrow money for County roads account. 07 02 1918 8 13 17.!' ?a Auditor to borrow money for County roads account. 08 .. 05 1918 . 8 14 „ 18.,' Auditor to borrow money for General Fund Account. 08 05 I918 8 14 19.';? ? ?? Auditor to renew County's note which matures on Sept. 3, 1918. 09 .. 03 19?8? . 8 18 . 20.?` ? Auditor to renew County's note due on Oct. 4, 1918. 10 07 1918 8 20 • ? Yy .. . .. 21.< Auditor to borrow money for General Fund. 03 03 1919 8 39 ?? 22.;; Auditor to borrow money for the General Fund. 04 07 1919 8 43 „ 23.6; Same as ?pril 7. 05 05 1919 8 48 sq ,. ., . 24., ?c ? Auditor to borrow money for maintenance and extension of mosquito control work. 06 .. Ol 1919 ,. 8 61 u F 25.;i ?; Auditor to borrow money for the General Fund. 06 ,. O1 1919 ? 8 61 ,. 26.'?? ! Auditor to borrow money for the County Road Fund. 06 Ol 1919 8 61 ? o. 27.?? .? Auditor to borrow money for the General Fund. 07 07 I919 . 8 66 ?; 28.!? ? ?: Auditor to borrow money for the Ferry Fund Account. 07 ?. 14 1919 ?. 8 68 ,. 29.?? ? ?a Auditor to borrow money for the General Fund. 08 . 04 1919 . 8 70 . ?a 30.;? , Auditor to renew County's note on Ferry Fund Account. 08 28 1919 8 73 31.?? ;? Auditor to borrow money for County's road fund. , 08 28 1919,,, 8 , 73 ,32.Fk Auditor to renew County's note maturing Oct. 14, 1919. . 10 21 1919 „ 8 83 33.?; Auditor to borrow money for the General Fund. 04 05 1920? 8 104 kR „ { 34.; ? W? Auditor to borrow money for the Road Fund. 04 14 1920 . 8 105 .. 35. Auditor to borrow money for the General Fund and the County Road Fund. 06 03 1920 8 112 36.:; ka Auditor to renew County's note for the General Fund. 0'7 . 16 1920 . . 8 117 37.'; Auditor to borrow money for General Fund. 07 16 1920 8 117 ?, 38.?? ` Auditor to borrow money for County Road Fund. 07 16 1920 . 8 118 39.,? k ? Auditor to xenew County's note for General Fund maturing on August 11, 1920. 08 , 13 1920 8 120 ? 40.?? ? ;? , Auditor to renew County's note for General Fund maturing on Sept. 4, 1920. 09 ,. O1 1920 .,. 8 120 .. , 41.+i ,? .? Auditor to borrow money for County Road Fund. 09 . 09 1920 . ., 8 124 i. „ 42.?? °? Auditor to borrow money for the General Fund. 09 ?. 20 1920 8 126 ., 43.'? Chairman to execute the County's note as part payment for a truck. 03 07 1921 , 8 148 ' 44.a? ?'? Auditor to borrow money for General F? Road Funds. 04 04 1921 8 151 45.;? Audztor to execute a note on County to mature Dec. 15, 2921. 04 08 I921 ; 8 153 : ? 46.?? ?B ? Auditor to borrow money from banks in City from time to time as needed. Q4 08 1921:? rr 8 153 ; ` ? f i j i ?! t ? ?F ? !1 1 l ? INDEX TO COMMISSIO?ERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATTER: COUNTY DEBTS Rec. u. a. Coun[y Indezea Since 1888 ?? a+.a--? To loeafe names, open af COTT A-Z TAB INDEX ?sT oFV?ce ??.? An Ideatifying Trade Mark ?B SURNAME INiTIAI TAB ?D@ BY THE COTi INDEX COMPAXY, COWMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH [AROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS 1, Board rescinded action of April 4th having money borrowed for General road funds. 2. Board to borrow money for school purposes as requested by Board of Education. 3. Money to be borrowed to equip new high school. 4. Auditor reported County's account overdrawn so Auditor to borrow money for expenses. 5. Board of Education to renew its note for $70,000 since State has not advanced needed loan. 6. Auditor to renew two notes of Board of Education. 7. Auditor to borrow money for the Road Fund and General Fund. 8. Auditor to borrow money for Road Fund. 9. Auditor to borrow money for the Road Fund. 10. Auditor to borrow money for the Road Fund. 11. Board issued note to W. D. MacMillan, for payment of Packard truck. 12. Note to be signed to buy another ferry boat. 13. Auditor to borrow money for the Road Fund Account. 14. Auditor to borrow money for the Road Fund Account. 15. Auditor to borrow money for Road Fund Account. 16. Auditor to borrow money for construction of County Home. 17. Auditor to borrow money for Road Fund. 18. Auditor to borrow money far Courthouse Annex Fund. 19. Auditor to borrow money for the Road Fund. 20. County bills Nos. 684-800 ordered paid. 21. County bills nos. 1056-1291 ordered paid. 22. Bills nos. 1292-1494 approved for payment. 23. Bills nos. 1495-1589 approved. 24. Bills nos. 1589-1745 ordered paid by board. 25. Payment of $25 to be made to attorneys D. C. Sinclair and C. C. Holmes for defense of John Hall, charged with murder. 26. A bill for truck repairs approved. 27. Considerations taken by board on motorcycle and car for Special Officer. 28. County bills nos. t746-1825 approved by board for payment. 29. Bills nos. 1826-2067 approved for payment. . 30. Bills nos. 2068-2476 paid. 31. $80 bill to J. E. Marshburn and Sons approved in payment of chewing tobacco. 32. Bills 2477-2676 approved for payment. 33. List of bills approved for payment. 34. Sheriff bill for 47.53 approved for payment. 35. Bills 27b7-2993 approved. 36. ?ills approved for payment - 1-120 General disbursements and 1-45. 37. Bills to Sheriff Jackson approved for payment. 38. $20,000 borrowed from Road Fund. 39. $28,000 note to be renewed for county home building fund. 40. Bills 46-170 Road Account and 121-320 General approved for payment. 41. Bill to E. C. Craft for auditing approved for payment. 42. Bills 32I-400 General Fund approved. 43. Bills 401-517 General Funds and 171-205 Roads approved for payment. 44. Bills 517-586 General Funds and 206-240 Roads approved for payment. 4S. Bill to JR and BC Davis for guarding B. M. Jones approved for payment. bATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day I Year Vol. I Page 04 08 1921 8 153 07 14 1921 8 165 07 25 1921 8 167 08 02 1921 8 170 OZ 06 1922 8 188 07 17 1922 8 204 07 28 1922 8 205 04 06 1923 8 238 07 11 1923 8 250 08 13 1923 8 258 12 17 1923 8 276 03 18 1924 8 287 08 08 1924 8 306 09 O1 1924 8 308 O1 20 1925 8 324 07 06 1926 8 388 07 19 1926 8 391 07 26 1926 8 393 08 15 1926 8 398 10 08 1926 8 401 12 10 1926 8 413 Ol 10 1927 8 4I9 02 07 1927 8 424 03 15 1927 8 431 03 29 1927 8 433 04 04 1927 8 433 04 04 1927 8 434 04 12 1927 8 435 04 19 1927 8 436 05 12 1927 8 441 06 06 1927 8 445 06 15 1927 8 449 07 05 1927 8 451 07 05 1927 8 451 07 26 1927 8 454 08 08 1927 8 456 08 08 1927 8 456 08 19 1927 8 458 08 30 1927 8 460 09 27 1927 S 461 09 27 1927 8 461 09 27 1927 8 463 10 I1 1927 8 466 10 18 1927 8 466 11 O1 1927 8 468 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County N C coUNTY DEBTS i MATTER , . . , : nec. u, s. r?r OFFICE County Inae=ee Since 1888 ?p?? An ldenNfying Trade Mark ?+ ?-? To loeate names, open at ?S SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY TNE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLO 8Y OWEN G. DUNN, NEYY BERd, NORTH UROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Payment of stenographer fees approved by Board. 11 O1 1927 8 468 2. Bill to J. S. Lane, police, approved for payment for Goldsboro prisoners. 11 O1 1927 8 469 3. Bills 587-689 General and 241-94 Roads approved for payment. 11 15 1927 8 472 4. Bill to Sheriff approved for payment . 11 15 1927 8 472 5. Bills 690-766 General and 295-315 Roads approved for payment. 11 22 1927 8 474 6. Payment of $15 reward to Maggie Foreman approved for information on escapees. 11 22 1927 8 475 7. Bills 767-780 General approved for payment. 11 22 1927 8 475 8. Bills 767-878 General approved for payment. 12 13 1927 8 477 9. Payment of reward authorized to Tate Faircloth, Faison Police Chief for capturing prisoners. 12 13 1927 8 477 10. Bill to J. M. McCabe and Co. approved for payment for auditing. Ol 03 1928 8 481 11. Bills 316-344 Roads and 879-934 General approved. O1 10 1928 8 482 12. Bills 935-1007 General and 345-400 Roads approved. O1 24 1928 8 485 13. Bills 1008-1087 General and 441-446 Roads approved for payment. 02 06 1928 8 487 14. Bill approved for payment for clothing for Gladys Nfatthews. 02 06 1928 8 487 15. Bill approved for Mrs. E. Parham for meals to prisoners. 02 14 1928 8 488 i 16. Bills 1088-1179 General and 467-508 Roads approved. 02 14 1928 8 488 17. $28 Bill to Union Labor Record for publishing sales notices referred to County Attorney. 02 14 1928 8 489 18. Reward approved for payment on information on escapee Oscar Moore. 02 21 1928 8 490 19. Payment of $150 to Dept. of Agriculture for posion. 03 13 1928 8 493 20. Payment of $100 approved for Emanuel Rhodes for damage settlement. 03 20 1928 8 494 21. Bills 1180-1346 General and 508-600 Roads approved. 03 20 1928 8 494 22. Payment of $15.77 to Mrs. L. 0. Ellis approved for expensing Ruth Ashley training school. 03 27 1928 8 501 23. Bill 1347-72 General and 601-604 Roads approved. 03 27 1928 8 501 24. Bill of $85 to Herman L. Johnke for painting and repairs of courthouse approved for payment. 03 27 1928 8 501 25. Payment of $363.55 approved to Will Rehder for planting shrubbery at courthouse. 03 27 1928 8 501 26. Bill to Superior Court approved for payment. 04 02 1928 8 502 27. Payment of bill 1373-1496 General and 605-47 Roads approved. 04 10 1928 8 505 28. Bills 154-95 General and 671-95 Roads approved for payment. 04 17 1928 8 506 r j 29. Purchase of Road roller and tractor approved. 05 15 1928 8 I 510 ? 30. Bills 1540-1690 General Funds and 671-640 Roads approved for payment. 05 15 1928 8 510 31. Payment of $60 to L. H. Kennedy approved for wagon for county farm. 05 22 1928 8 510 32. Payment of $11.15 to W. C. Strain approved to pay for cleaning and repairs of boiler at county home. 05 22 1928 $` 510 33. Payment of $300 to W. B. McCellan and Sons approved for 2 mules at county home. 05 29 1928 8 512 34. Bills 1691-1783 General and 741-68 Roads approved for payment. 05 29 1928 8 512 35. Payment of $24.86 to Fred Devere approved for letter forms at airfield. 05 29 1928 8 512 ? 36. Bill of about $2,061.25 approved for payment of registrars, poll holders, etc. 06 04 1928 8 513 37. Bill of $8.20 approved for payment of Home Demonstration supplies. 06 04 1928 8 513 38. Bill of $95.35 and $7.50 approved for indexing and recording, respectively. 06 04 1928 8 513 39. Bill of $247.50 approved for payment of airfield construction. 06 04 1928 8 513 40. Bills 1784-1870 General, approved for payment. 06 04 1928 8 514 41. Payment of $14.50 to Fred DeVeres approved for airport work. 06 19 1928 8 514 42. Payment of $7 approved to pay for Blue Bird Farm for two Chinese Arbo Viteas at airport. 06 19 1928 8 514 ? 43. Bills 1871-1938 General, and 769-788 Road, approved. 06 19 1928 8 515 44. Payment of $35 bill approved for Salvation Army to pay for services of Annie M. Mealey. 06 19 1928 8 515 45. Reward or capturing Warren Moore granted to Baltimore Md. Police. 07 10 1928 8 520 46. Bills 1939-1225 General and 789-866 Roads, approved. 07 10 1928 8 520 INDEX TO COMMISSIO?ERS MINUTES N H N C C anover ount?, - ew . . , MATTER: COUNTY DE$TS ` x¢?. u. s. ,q?,,? County Indexea Since 1888 ? Yo loeate names, open at e?t OFFICE ?p d? An ldentifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB ??C COTT A-2 TAB INDEX MAOE BY THE C07T INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO . , SOLD BY OWE N G. DUNN, NEW BE RN, HOR7H C AROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MlNUTE BOOK Month I Day Year Vol. I Page 1. Bill to Mrs. J. S. Holmes for fire equipment approved. 07 10 1928 8 520 2. Bills 1-55 General, and 1-77 Roads approved for payment. 07 17 1928 8 521 3. Bills 56-244 General and 18-78 Roads approved for payment. 07 17 1928 8 521 4. Bill to C. B. Lynch for drawing airport plans paid. 08 14 1928 8 527 5. Bills 245-73 General and 79-97 Roads, approved. 08 28 1928 8 529 6. Bills for truck purchase and fan repair approved for payment. 08 28 1928 8 530 7. Bills 245-339 General and 79-121 Roads approved for payment. 09 11. 1928 8 531 8. Bills 340-572 General and 121-235 Roads approved for payment. 10 09 1928 8 536 9. Bills 573-603 General and 236-253 Roads approved for payment. 10 ?6 I92& & 537 10. Bills 681-767 General, and 275-279 Roads approved for payment. 11 13 1928 8 541 11. Bills 768-851 General and 280-335 Roads approved for payment. 11 27 1928 8 546 12. Bills 852-9368 General and 336-380 Roads approved for payment. 12 11 1928 8 548 13. Bills 937-1063 General and 442-464 Roads, approved for payment. Ol 15 1929 8 553 14. Purchase of Michie Digest of Consolidated Statutes of NC authorized. O1 15 1929 8 553 15. Bills from Jackson and Bell approved for payment for register of deeds material. Ol 22 1929 8 554 16. Bills 1064-1362 General Fund, and 465-528 Road, approved for payment. 02 12 1929 8 558 17. Bills 1363-82 General approved for payment. 02 26 1929 8 561 18. Bills 1559-1672 General funds, and 609-54 Roads, approved for payment. 03 04 1929 S 563 19. Bills from Buck Studio for photographing Marigold Darden, injured in accident, approved for payment. 03 26 1929 8 566 20. Bills 1769-1907 General, and 692-759 Roads, approved for payment. 04 09 1929 8 569 21. Bills 1908-1966 General funds, and 760-768 Roads, approved for payment. 04 16 1929 8 570 23. $ill from Woolvin-Andrews Co. for Edgar Fales casket approved for payment. 05 06 1929 8 573 24. Bills 1985-2052 General, and 782-826 Roads approved for payment. 05 14 1929 8 574 25. $ill for News-Dispatch Pub. Co. for advertising sales of property approved, subject to Cole 's approval. 05 14 1929 8 574 26. Bill from Mrs. A. L. Mayland for courtcalendar approved for payment. 05 28 1929 8 576 27. Bill for Carrie Hargrave to Streetcar transportation approved for payment. 06 03 1929 8 577 28. Atlan tic Coastline paid balance on bill for changes in Smith Creek yard. 06 03 1929 8 577 29. Assoc iated Charities paid for railroad fare for Viola Taylor trip to Winston-Salem County Home. 06 03 1929 8 577 30. Payme nt for membership fees to State Association of Commissioners authorized. 06 03 1929 8 578 31. Bills 2053-2255 General and 826-94 Roads, approved. 06 II I929 8 579 32. Bills 2256-2282 General and 895-927 Roads approved. 06 18 1929 8 579 33. Bi11 to News-Dispatch approved. 06 25 1929 8 580 34. Bill to Duplin Co. Welfare approved for J.T. Vicks's care and capture of prisoner. 07 O1 I929 8 582 35. Bi11 2283-2459 General and 928-992 Roads approved for payment. 07 Ol 1929 8 582 36. Bill 1-46 General and 1-21 Roads, approved for payment. 07 O1 1929 8 582 37. Dupli cate check 41 on Road account authorized to I. C. Reynolds; original check lost. 08 05 1929 8 588 38. Bill from Hamlet Police for arrest of L. A. Pittman declined for payment. 08 05 1929 8 588 39. Bills 47-162 General and 22-49 Roads, approved for payment. 08 13 1929 8 580 40. Bi11s I63-247 General and 50-1161 Roads, approved for payment. 08 20 1929 8 592 41. Bills 24&-316 General and 1?7-139 Roads approved for payment. 09 17 1929 8 597 42. Bi11 from W. ?I. Blake for plans and blueprints of new county barn approved for payment. 09 24 1929 8 597 43. 317-4 36 General, and 140-197 Roads approved for payment. 10 O1 1929 8 598 MATTER: ?oUN? EXAMINER N C INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County r , . . _ ` ? A, .ea. u. s. ? Couacr Indezee Since 1888 To locat? namss, open at CoTT A•z TAB INDEx ??r OFFiC6 C.?i/t.I??1.? An IdentiEYinB Trade Mark ? SURNAM6 INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORiH CAROLINA . • •? DATE j MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS 4 ? Month ?, I Day I Year Vol. I Page I 1. Allan Rutherford appointed County Examiner. ? ?? ;: ks OS ?: - - 27 ? 1869? e 1 - 244 2. Letter from Examiner Rutherford concerning Superintendent of Public Instruction. (See Superintendent of.. ..?? 11 02 1869? ? 1 338 3. . Clerk to Board authorized to place County Seal on teacher's certificates as presented by Co. Examiner. :; 12 21 ti 1869p 1 391 4. Report from the County Examiner filed. ?s O1 ? 03 1870 1 393 ? 5. ? Report filed from the County Examiner. ?; 03 08 1870s 1 419 6. ? Report from County Examiner on number and condition of schools in the County. ?? 04 06 1870? 1 426 7. ? ?+ Statement of County Examiner on examination of teachers. ? 04 06 „? 1870?s 1 426 ? , i 8. , 4tl Application of A.R. Black for position of County Examiner received. , ;; 05 02 1870?? '? 1 433 9. ;? Allan Rutherford resigned as County Examiner. ,. 05 03 1870a? 1 434 ? +? 10. ,'!Report of County School Examiner received. , 05 03 1870., 1 434 ?; 11. ?`. Fee of County Examiner Rutherford approved. 05 03 1870;; 1 435 5? i` 12. .° Fee of Examiner Rutherford to be paid out of School Fund. .. 05 03 1870?, 1 435 t? f' 13. r?County Examiner directed Miss Murphy to "continue the school". (See SCHOOLS) 05 05 1870,? 1 438 14. .5 ;? Miss Amy Bradley appointed County Examiner. ;. 06 06 1870F 1 440 15. ??Miss Bradley appeared to take oath of County Examiner. 06 07 1870n'y 1 441 . 16. ;? Letter from Superintendent of Public Instruction Ashley concerning appointment of Miss Bradley filed. ik 08 02 1870£? 1 465 17. sReport fram Miss Bradley on persons granted certificates of qualification as teachers filed, f; O1 11 1871? 2 118 18. ;?Amy Bradley resigned as County Examiner. ;, 12 04 18714; 2 245 19. ;pA.R. Black appointed County Examiner. ,, 12 04 1871;; 2 245 20. ,';Thanks given Miss Bradley for her work and for doing so without com?ensation. ; , 12 04 1871r? ? 2 245 21. ;?A,R. Black qualified as County Examiner. ,??, 12 11 1871;?'? 2 249 22. ;?Records of County Examiner turned over to Mr. Black. : 12 19 1871?? 2 277 _ 23. :? :.'A.R. Black resigned as County Examiner since elected Sheriff. e9 , 10 16 ?? 1872`;; i 2 ? 384 24. r? ??Commissioners Morris and Lowery appointed Tellers for election of County Examiner. c 10 28 ? 1872?j + 2 387 25. ,?Messrs. Blake and 3ervett nominated as County Examiner, and George Jervett was elected on first ballot. : 10 28 ; 1872;; 2 387 ?' :? 26. ??G.W. Jervett declined position of County Examiner and referred to next meeting. ,; 11 04 1872? 2 388 ? 27. „3Rev. H.B. Black appointed County Examiner. `? 11 ' 21 ki 1872e 2 399 ? i 28. `?Bill from H.B. BLake for County Examiner approved. ', 06 02 1873 ?„ 3 76 ? t? 29. iiFee of Henry Blake approved as County Examiner. ?? ',; 02 02 1874;; , 3 174 30. ?Y r?Board elected Board of County Examiners for Public Schools: A.R. Black, J.H. Smythe and Mrs. Flora Wise. ? ?, 11 09 1875:; 3 390 31. '9Board elected A.R. Black, Eustice E. Green and Mrs. Flora M. Wise as Board of School Examiners. 03 ' 05 1877; 3 531 be d ? ,r. 32. 4?E.E. Green came before Board and qualified as County Examiner. ,. 05 07 1877;"s 3 545 33. y?A.R. Black appointed County Examiner. ;. 09 06 1877'„? 3 609 ? 34. ?`A.R. Black appeared and qualified as School Examiner. .. 09 10 1877,? 3 ? 611 ? I y? 35. ;'?A.R. Black appointed County Examiner in place of R.W. Chadwick who resigned. „ 12 20 , 1880:; 4 ? 256 k MATTERT COUNTY FARM COMMITTEE INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County N C , . . , _ nEC. u. s. Counry Indezee Since 1888 ? To locate names, open at COTT A•2 TAB INDEX r?r OFFICE ??Jl'/L.?E' An ldentifying Trade Mazlc SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN C. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day I Year Vol, I Page 1, County Farm Committee members: J.T. Kerr, H.L. Vollers and D. McEachern. O1 05 1911 7 208 2. County Farm Committee: J,T. Kerr, H.L, Vollers and D. McEachern. O1 02 1912 7 241 3. Matter of F.L, Huggins buying part of County Farm referred to this Committee. 07 Ol 1912 7 253 4. Part of County Farm sold to Huggins Nava1 Stores Co. by County Farm Committee. 09 03 1912 7 257 5. County Farm Committee: J.T, Kerr, W,A. McGirt and M.S. Willard. 12 09 1912 7 267 6. This Committee reported it would soon be time to buy seeds and fertilizer. 02 03 I913 7 280 7. This Committee to purchase horse for County Farm. 04 07 1913 7 288 8. County Farm Committee: Messrs. Kerr,Willard and McGirt. 04 19 1915 7 453 9. County Farm Committee: Messrs. Kerr, Hewlett and the Chairman. 12 04 1916 7 598 10. This Committee approved request for fence wire and drainage tile for the Farm. 12 04 1916 7 598 11. Renting of office for Farm Demonstrator referred to Farm Committee. 02 05 1917 7 609 12. Request from Superintendent of County Home for a mowing and bailing machine referred to this Committee. 06 04 1917 7 624 13. Farm Committee recommended F,J. Dempsey, Superintendent of Farm, be paid $10 ?month and Kirby Daniels 07 02 1917 7 625 $5 a month. 14. County Farm Committee: Messrs. Kerr, Hewlett and Chairman. 12 03 1917 7 652 15. Farm Committee received suggestion from Superintendent of Home for more drain tile and use of « gasoline 12 03 1917 7 652 ? engine for Farm. 16. Matters of building new barn for County Farm referred to Farm Committee. 8 5 I918 8 14 17. Matter of salary increase for Demonstratb?; Ernest Dupress referred to Farm Committee. 9 3 1918 ?; 17 18. County Farm Committee recommended $25 a month for Dennis Dupree, Black Farm Demonstratcar. 9 16 1918 8 19 19. County Farm Committee reported favorable on erection of barn at County Farm. 9 16 1918 8 19 20. Supt. Dempsey's request for a car load of drain tile referred to Farm Committee. 11 4 1918 8 24 21. Request that Williston Industrial School be developed into a County Demonstration p?.ot 11 4 19T8 8 25 referred to Farm Committee. 22. Request of Supt. Dempsey for drain title referred to Farm Committee. 1 27 1919 8 33 23. Farmers' petition to Board to restrain Supt of Farm from putting farm products on local 3 3 1919 8 38 markets referred to committee. 24. Farm Committee reported unfavorable on a demon??ration farm at Williston Industrial 3 10 1919 8 40 School. 25. Repair of buggy used in County Home work referred to committee. 4 7 1919 8 42 26. Farm Committee ordered buggy used by Supt. Dempsey repaired. 4 14 1919 8 44 27, Matter of building at County Home for protection of insane referred to Farm Committee. 5 5 1919 8 48 28. County Farm Committee: G. W. Trask, A. Hewlett and W. P. McGlaughon. 12 1 1919 8 89 29. Committee to act on repairs for County Farm B?u.ildings, Stockade and Juvenile's porch. 1 S 1920 8 92 30. Committee to buy one-5tock Y?og from County Agent for County Farm. 4 14 1920 8 1D5 31. Matter of electing a Supt. of Home and Farm Ma?ron referred to committee. 12 6 1920 8 133 32. Committee Members: G. W. Trask, Addision Hewlet? and J. W. Little. 12 6 1920 8 134 33. Committee to report on application for positions of Supt. of Farm. 12 % 1920 8 137 34. County Farm Comnittee to dispose of horse used by Supt. of Farm. 4 1C 1921 8 147 35. County Farm Committee: G. W. Trask, A. Hewlett and J. E. Little. 12 ` 1921 8 182 36. A11 aplications for keeper oF County Farm referred to Committee. 3 lE 1923 8 240 37. L. D. Lotta named Chairman of County Home-Farm Committee. 7 2E 1923 8 255 38. Request of State Highway Commission to lease part of County's land referred to committee. 8 l; 1923 8 258 39. Committee to purchase a tractor for the County Farm. 12 ; 1923 8 273 40. County Farm Committee: G. W. Tra?k, A. Hew?ett and L. D. Lotta. 12 ; 1923 8 274 41. Request of W. S. Dexter to buy piece of County land referred to Committee. 12 ; 1924 8 315 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - N H t C N C ew anover oun ?, . . y MATT R? ounty Farm ?o?? tte? aec, u, s. County Lndexea Since 1888 ?+ k..?? 1o IOtd}e names, OpeR Gt COTT A?2 TAB INDEX ret OFiICE ?.?i?? An Identifying Trade Mark ?8 SURNAME INIiIAL 7A6 ?DE BY THE fOTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUM8U5, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ' NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day I Year Vol. Page 1. County Farm Committee: G. W. Trask, A. Hewlett and L. D. Lotta. 12 1 1924 8 317 2. Discussion of opposition of Committee on E. Dickinson purchasing sand from County Farm. 3 20 1925 8 334 3.., Committee and County Attorney to confer relative to buying Worth Tract of land. 9 16 1925 8 352 4. Making lots from Worth tract of land left to committee. 6 7 I926 8 386 5.. Committee to consider type of County barn building. 5 7 1928 8 509 6. Committe? authorized to adjust insurance claims with State Insurance adjuster on 5 7 1928 8 509 County barn. 7. Monthly reports received and filed. 10 10 1955 12 8 8. Monthly report? recei.ved and filed. 20 24 z955 Z2 iQ 9. Monthly reports received and filed. 11 14 1955 12 17 ?LO. Monthly reports received and filed. 2 6 1956 12 41 Ll. Received check from Federal Government, account of County Farm A. C. Program. 2 20 1956 12 46 12. Recommendations for fine job at County Farm received. 2 27 1956 12 48 13. ?r. Mayhan comp?ainted of releasing Mr. John V. Thompson from the County employment 3 5 1956 12 51 as Foreman of the drainage crew without giving him notice of intention. 14. Mr. Mayhan, resigned as the Committee of Farm Affairs at 12:40 pm. 3 5 1956 12 51 15. Grantedrequest that County Farm supply Commu.nity Hospital with vegetables and etc. 8 27 1956 12 92 16. Received bids for furnishing truck for County Farm. 10 1 1956 12 97 17. Bi11 from Taylor Termite Exterminating Co. received for investigation. 11 19 1956 12 107 18. January report received from County Farm Agent. 2 11 1_957 12 129 19. Approved payment to Taylor Termite Exterminating Co. 2 11 1957 12 129 20. Site for new barn received for investigation. 9 23 1957 12 183 21. Plans underway to remove unsightly building at County Farm. ? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County N. C. ME MAT'fER: , _ COMMITTEE ` REC, v. ?. PAT e?nct ? Counlty Indezee Since 1888 ?7lCo.?w Ao ldentifyine Trade Merk ?y? ?..? To locate names, open at ??? SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A-2 TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COI.UMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NO RTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ?? bATE ? MtNUTE BOOK ? ?' Month I Day I Year ? Vol. I Page i i o; s ' ? 1.E Men appointed to County Home Committee: E.L. Pearce, B.G. Worth, and H.A. Bagg. ?;12 O1 k' 1890 ?? 5 285 ? t p ? 2.? Men appointed to County Home Committee: E.L. Pearce, J.C. Stevenson and H.A. Bagg. ??12 03 1894 ?? 5 596 ' 3.° ' Committee on County Home reported visit to Home showed it in good condition. ;t03 Ol 'y 1897 €a y1 5 ? 778 4.F? Committee members appointed: W.F. Alexander, James Cowan and Roger Moore. `:05 )2 c? 1898 A? 6 164 # 5.'' ; Members appointed : John Barry, D, McEachern and Roger Moore. 1 03 ?6 6r 1899 ?( ?r 6 P 236 6.I? This Committee to locate land County is donating to Pe st House after conferring with Board of Aldermen and ?+04 J3 1899 i? 6 246 ? ri yj Superintenden t of Health, Kg °E E? , . 7.:oi?tembers appointed: Commissioners McEachern, Alexander and Moore, ,} 8. `Members appointea: Commissioners Montgomery, Vollers and Alexander. 9. ,Committee on County Home reported verbally and more time given for rest of report. 10. „Witness tickets to be paid J.A. Bannerman in case of State vs. John Wallace. ; 12 ?0 1899 : 06 12 03 I.1.,;This Committee to have ditch filled and terra cotta pipes Iaid. ,.04 12.,; Bids of S.L. Smith and R.R. McCartney to repair County Home referred to this Committee, I2 13. Members appointed; Commissioners Robertson, Alexander and McEachern. OZ 14.,` Matter of surveying County Home tract referred to this Committee. ?,OZ 15. Committee on County I?ome to accept bids for repairs on Home. „03 16.„ Request for payment from Rev. F. Hi11 for preaching to inmates of Home referred to this Committee. , 07 I7.,; County Home Committee to make repairs on County Home. ! 12 18.,+ This Committee to report on changing way County Home is kept and maintaining farm at Home. ,,06 19.,? Committee to consider establishing a House of Correction as recommended by late Grand Jury. ;,06 ¢ 20. ., This Committee to have repairs made on County Home by advertising for bids. 11 r. 21,? ., This Committee to build fence around female ward o£ prison at County Home. 07 ?, 22.; Committee on County Home to have a peanut shed built. 10 23. ;, Resignation of F.A. Montgomery as Superintendent and application of J,R. Handle for same referred to this 11 ?, " ?'i , Committee. ?. 24. fy Rebuilding of peanut shed at County Home referred to this Committee. ?, 08 25. .; Repair of heating unit in Insane Department of Home referred to this Committee. 11 „ 26.? This Committee to ?dvertise for bids to paint roof of County Home. ? 04 27,? ?, Received request from Rev. C.R. Kriver for compensation for past services as spiritual advisor at County 12 .. 28. 4r County Home Committee : J.P. Montgomery, H.L, Vollers and M,W. Divine. 01 29.' Entire Board appointed to County Home Committee. ;. 12 30.' Committee members: Entire Board. Ol 31.:! Request from Frank Huggins to use part of County Farm land for manufacturing purposes referred to this Com? 09 32.; County Home Committee: Entire Board. ,. O1 33.,, Req?est from J,H. Moore for benches and stand for preaching at County Home referred to th.is Committee. ;. 09 34.., County Home Committee: J.T. Kerr, W,A, McGirt and M.S. Willard. ., I2 35. Mr. Kerr of this Cammittee suggested peanuts at County Farm be sold immediately. 01 36.?' ;? Mr. Kerr reported having pruchased two cows for County Home, but had not been delivered. Ol ?, 37.? h, This Committee reported blankets would be purchased for Home inmates as suggested by Grand Jury. 02 38.? ,a This Committee to have roof on County Home painted. F 03 39.,i ? This Committee to build a potato drying house. ; 10 40. ., This Committee to carry out recommendation of Superintendent of Home relative to fence. 05 ,. s 41.;i Letter from Dr. Thames relative to pauper woman referred to this Committee. ? 11 42.?; This Committee to receive bids for an additional heating plant. 1Z 43.i; Recommendation in Mr. Rasberry's report relative to Baling Ferage referred to this Committee. 11 ,, , i; 44.hp f? ,? ?p ?: :? ? Proposal from Cement Product Co. to install septic tank in County Home left with this Committee. ? 01 i ?ek 7? . 6 366 ?4 1900 ?? 6 J2 190I ;- 6 f> ?3 I902 6 J7 1902 ., 6 ?2 1902 6 ?Z 1903 ;? 6 ?2 1903 ,? 6 ?2 1903 E; 6 a6 1903 `? 6 „ ?7 1903 !y 6 ?4 1904 ;; 6 ?4 1904 ? 6 07 1904 ' 7 02 190b q: 7 ,? Ol 1906 ;, 7 „ 06 1906 ' 7 ?s 05 1907 ?'; 7 „ 04 1907 i, 7 06 1908 ?; 7 07 1908 ?'; 7 04 1909 k; 7 06 1909 ?; 7 ? 05 1911 „ 7 06 1911 ,; 7 0 Z 191 Z,?; 7 03 1912 ,; 7 09 1912 ?' 7 06 1913 ; 7 06 1913 ? 7 03 1913 i 7 , 03 1913 ` 7 ,; 06 1913 ',?' 7 s? 04 1914 `? 7 ?, 02 1914 ?a 7 ?; 02 1914 ?' 7 ?? 02 1914 ?6 7 14 1915 u? 7 ?? 447 6i5 638 ?; 644 687 ,? ,: 7 Ol ?; 701 ` a? ? 705 ?; 731 st 764 797 7 97 ,. 8 5• 57 ?' 64 E? 65 106 112 129 158 ., „ 16 5 ?p: Y? E? 187 ' 208 232 241 ; 258 ?, 26 7 ; 270 0 ?? 01 270 ? ? 28O "'' a' 281 f? ?? 316 `s ,., 349 , 395 397 397 4-29 INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Coun?y N. C. MATTER: COUNTY HOME , _ CO MMIT TEE a eec. u, s. Covnty Indezes Sinee 1888 ? To loeats names, open at COTT A-Z TAB tNDEX !AT OFFICE ?e,TJ1l?o-? An Ide?tiEying Trade Mark SURNAMH INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COiT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, ONIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA '? DATE 49 ;'? MINUT V; E BOOK e?; NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS : ?? Month ? Day ? Year rG Vol. ? Page `?°' ?? ? 1. County Home Committee: Messrs. Kerr, Willard and McGirt. 04 19: r? 1915;: ?? 7 ? 453 , r 2.?? Request from Farm Demonstrator for a stump puller referred to this Committee. ?` 03 06 1916' 7 540 ?; .? r 3.? T.J. Dempsey elected Superintendent of County Home and Farm as recommended by this Committee. I, 09 28 1916 <? 7 586 4. County Home Committee: Messrs. Kerr, Hewlett and the Chairman. .. 12 04 1916; 7 598 ''?' ,y 5.; This Committee to get permission from City to move Pest Houses. 12 04 1916•.? 7 598 , ? ? ? ,; F 6+ Request from SuQerintendent of County Home for a new wagon referred to this Committee. 05 07 L917' 7 620 ?'. 1 7?? This Committee recommended a hay rake be bought for the Farm. 08 06 1917: 7 632 ., „ '?? 8.;3 i? This Committee to add to plumbing at County Home. .. 09 04 1917:: , 7 639 ?.. 9.?? This Committee recommended that the County Farm raise more livestock. 09 04 1917" 7 639 ` ,? LOk, County Home Committee: Messrs. Kerr, Hewlett and Chairman. 12 03 1917 7 652 11„; This Corrmmittee suggested material needed for a laundry at County Home. O1 15 19?8 7 661 12.;? Complaint from Mr. Dempsey on heating system at County Home referred to this Committee. 01 15 1918 7 661 .13?j ?? This Committee purchased laundry machinery from American Laundry Machinery Co. 01 15 1918 7 661 , 14:,? Purchase of a boiler for laundry at County Home referred to this Committee. 02 04 1918e 7 663 , ,15.?; a County Home Committee: G. I?. Trask, Addison Hewlett and W. A. McGirt. 12 2 1918; 8 26 . 16.p; Recommendation that a trained nurse be employed for County Home referred to Committee. 2 3 1919 8 34 ,17?; This Committee to erect a lattice fence around the ?ounty Home grounds. „ 6 11 1919 8 63 ? 18.?; Repair of Caunty Home roof referred to Committee. 11 3 1919 8 86„ 19.?? County Home Committee: G. W. Trask, A. Hewlett and W. P. McGlaughan. „ 12 1 1'a19,. 8 89„ 20;; Dr. Louis suggestion on enlarging County Home and Hospital referred to Committee. 4 5 1920, 8 103 .21?? Committee members: G. W. Trask, Addison Hewlett and J. W. Little. „ 12 6 1920 8 134.; 22.?; The Committee ta report on applicants for position for Sup t. of Home. ,. 12 7 1920. 8 137„ 23.?; County Home Committee: G. W. Trask, A. Hewlett and J. W. Little. 12 7 1920; 8 137 24.?; Committee to paint roof of County Home Buildings. ?, 6 5 1922, 8 200_, 25?? Committee to repair `roof of County Home Farm Buildings; ,. 7 5 1922„ 8 202`; 26?w Committee to investigate constructing an annex on Home to sep?r?.te inmates from prisons.,, 11 6 1922?, 8 215,, 27?? ?, County Home and Farm Committee: G. W. Trask, A. Hewlett and L. D. Latta. ; 12 4 1922,; 8 219; ,28;? Committee to investigate request for maney for Old Folks Home. . 3 5 1923,„ 8 229;. 29?;' All applicants for keeper of County Home referred to Commit?ee. 4 16 1923.; 8 240 30?? Night Guard matters referred to Committee. 9 10 1923? 8 263 31?4 ; County Kome Committee: L. D. Latta, G. W. Trask and A. Hewlett. 12 3 1923?, 8 274„ , 32:? ., County Home Committee: L. D. Latta, G. W. Trask and A. Hewlett. 12 1 1924,; 8 317., 33:?Request from Stockade Supt. E. L. Eakins to purchase County land referred to Committee. , 8 4 1925 8 349, 34{; ?. County Home Committee: F. M. Ross, G. W. Trask and A. Hewlett. 12 7 1925 8 361. 35?„ Request that Commissioners donate land for a Flyinb Field referred to Committee. 7 6 1926,, 8 388 : , 36.; , Board referred drain pipe issue to Courthouse Committee. 2 21 1927, 8 42? 37.; Transferring County Home inmates to another ward referred to Committee. 1 17 1928. 8 ?+83„ 3&,? Approved County Home Committee's recommendation to plant trees. 1 17 1928. 8 484, 39rt County Home Committee approved $1,433.50 bill to W. A. Simon for constructi3?zg smoke hous?, 6 24 1930?; 9 46?, ,; pumphouse and workhouse at County Home. ,. ,? `? 4G?? Employment of foreman. and guard tor County drainage gang referxed to County Home , 6 29 1931 9 , ?? ;; Committee. . . ?3 41,`? Bids on County Home Building referred to County Home Committee. „ 12 18 1939 10 115 100 INDE? TO CO?IMISSI?NERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County N C- S°B'E?T COUNTY HOME ? ? . . _ MA'(tER: ` Rea. u. +. Counry Indezcr Since 1888 ??,+.?-- To tocats rtames, open at COiT A-Z iA8 INDEX o?r o?vict ?.?i?+4??s•'t'?' An ldentih'inu Trade Mark ?.8 SURNAMB INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE (07T 1NDEX COMPANY. [OLUIYIBUS. OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH fJ1ROLINA ;y ?? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ` ' DATE ?; MINUTE BOOK ?; ? ??? Month Da Year '?a ? Y ? i?'? Vol. Pa e d ? g ?? 1. ,? Count Poor House to be hereafter known as Count Home. Y Y 12 OS ? I890 ?? 5 ?` 286 °°. i? 2. Dennis Rountree to be sent to County Home, 12 08 1890 ` 5 287 `? „ ? , p? ;; 3. ` Contract for keeping County Home awarded W.H. Pickett on same terms as previous contract. . 12 . 08 1890 ., 5 287 'z 4. ; Commissioners Bagg and Worth to check on fences and stables at County Home, . 12 15 , 1890 ? 5 ,? 289 ?; ?f 5. ' W.H. Pickett given more time to file his bond as; Keeper o£ County Home, . 12 . 15 1890 ' S 289 ?; + 6. ; - Bond of W.H. Pickett as Keeper of County Home approved. eN 12 29 1890 F, 5 290 ?f 7. : Meeting called to fi11 vacancy caused by death of Superintendent W.H. Pickett of County Home, v . 03 21 1892 „ 5 410 `! r, 8. : Mrs. W.H. Pickett said she may fill her late husband`s position with an assistant, but needed time to ?? 03 21 1892 ? 5 410 ?, consider the matter. .? .? i? 9. , Mrs. Pickett will continue her husband's contract as Superintendent of County Home if bonds approved. 03 28 1892 5 410 10. Baard investigated complaints against management of County Home as presented by Grand Jury. 08 08 1892 5 436 11. Dr. Potter, Superintendent of Health, reported he knew of no iIl treatment at Home and Mrs. Pickett doing 08 08 1892 5 436 : a good job. 12. Dr. Potter suggested a man be put in charge of Home even though Mrs, Pickett doing well under the circum- 08 08 1892 5 436 stances. ?? • a; 13. , Messrs. Harper and Hansley, former and present assistants at Home, reported they knew of no cruel treatment, 08 09 1892 , 5 437 ?d at County Home. 14.., , Contract to furnish coffins for pauper dead awarded D.C. Evans. 12 19 1892 5 462 ' 15. ; Numerous applications received for position of Superintendent of County Home. „ 12 Z9 1892 ;, 5 462 t 16.; ; M.G. Chadwick elected Superintendent of County Home. ;a 12 19 1892 ,; 5 463 ;? 17. . Superintendent of County Home Chadwick given more time to present his bonds. Ol 02 1893 5 464 , .. „, , 18. Committee on Finance authorized to accept bonds of Mr. Chadwick if they are satisfactory. O1 02 1893 5 464 19. Committee on Finance reported they had accepted bonds of Mr. Chadwick. 02 06 1892 5 468 20.; Grand Jury reported repairs needed in basement of County Home, and Chairman to have this done. .. 04 03 1893 .. S 488 A r: 21.' Chairman reported stockade at County Home had blown down in storm; it is to be repaired or a new one buzlt. 09 04 1893 : 5 518 '' . >, .. 22._ Money appropriated to Rev. John Hill for services as a minister of Gospel in County Home. 1Q 02 1893 ; 5 524 23. Report from Superintendent of Health Jewett suggesting proper steps be taken to heat Insane Department of 10 02 1893 5 524 the County Home. 24..: Superintendent of Health recommended a supply of inedicines be kept in County Home. 11 06 1893 5 528 25.,; Superintendent Jewett`s report referred to Superintendent of County Home, who is suppose to furnish medic- 11 06 1893 5 528 „ ines for the Home. ' 26., Application from Rev. R.F. Hull as chaplin for County Home laid over. 11 06 1893 5 528 27... Committee on heating Insane Department submitted two estimates for work, and they given power to act. 11 06 1893 ; S 528 28. Contract awarded to C.W. McClammy to build a prison house at County Home. 12 04 1893 5 534 29. Committee reported progress made on heating at County Home. 12 t3? 1$93 5 534 30. Committee reported prison house at County Hbne completed and accepted by them. O1 Ol 1894 5 538 31. Applications read for position as Keeper of County Home, and contract awarded to G.H. Terry. 12 17 1$94 5 605 32. Bonds approved for G.H. Terry as Superintendent of County Home and House of Correction. Ol 07 1895 5 607 33.; Money appropriated to Rev. John Hill for services as chaplin in County Home. 08 05 1895 5 652 34. Sheriff to take Harrison Pierce to County Home, he being an epileptic. 02 10 1897 ' S 765 35.,{ Committee on County Home reported visit to Home showed it in good condition. . 03 Ol 1897 6. 5 778 f. 36.; County Physician to visit County Home to examine inmates to see if it would be safe for relatives to care 03 O1 1897 5 778 for them. ? 37.y J.F. Hill was allowed $5 for services as chaplin at County Home. 04 05 1897 5 798 38.; Superintendent of Health Jewett recommended separate apartments for male and female patients at County 08 05 1895 5 653 I3ome and better bath facilities at the Home. ' y? {? ? . . ' E? . M? '` ?b ?i MpyT R N C INDEX TO C?MMISSIONERS I?INUTES -- New Hanover County COUNTY HOME ; . . _ , ` Rec. u. s. County Indezea Sinee 1868 ?'?' ?c?3-? To toeate eames, open at COTT A•2 TAB INDEX t An IdentiFying Tradc Mark ?? SURNAME tNtT1AL TAB MADE BY iH@ COTT tNDEX COMPANY, COIUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA •?r OFFICF (? ?j?-? i • i' ? DATE ?? MINUTE BOOK ': ?? ?? NATURE Of PROCEEDt6VGS ? Month ? Day ( Year ??? ? Vol. ? Page ?'? f ]..? Sheriff to purchase clothes for Lonny Brown, a discharged prisoner from Work House to Keeper of Home. 09 ' 02 1895 : 5 . 668 k+, _ 2.p? Report from Superintendent of Hea?.th J.C. Shepard on condition of County Home submitted. 12 OZ 1895 5 680 u 3.? County Farm to be cut off from County Home leaving small plot for Home's garden. 12 08 1896; 5 749 4.i? Man and wife of undoubted Christian character to manage County Home and Board will supply all necessary 12 08 1896 ' 5 749 ? ? E . supplies. ., ? , 5.?? Chairman to request Associated Charities to appoint a board of lady visitors to visit and report on Home. 12 08 1896 ; 5 749 f? 6.F ointment of T.A. Watson as Su erintendent of House of Correction, County Farm, and Action deferred on app P ? 01 04 1897 ?- 5 753 , ; ;; County Home. ?• ° , .7..i Messrs. ?oster, Dempsey and Alexander to axrange for supplies for County Home. 01 04 1897 5 753 8.,; Letter from late manager of County Home, S.H. Terry, filed. 01 04 1897 5 754 9.. Contract awarded D.C. Evans £or furnishing coffins for poor. 01 04 1897 5 755 10.,, Substitute motion relative to County Home stated County will also furnish medicines, O1 05 1897 S 756 11.?? .r T.A. Watson awarded contract to car? for County Home. O1 05 1897 5 756 12.`; ' Y? Commissioners Foster, Alexander and Dempsey to supervise County Home and House of Correction. O1 OS 1897 5 756 13.; Bid from City druggists to fill prescriptions for poor was accepted by Board. OZ Q5 1897 S 757 . 14."' Report from Superintendent of Health on number of inmates in County Home and reported condition of Home 07 07 1$97 6 21 ' `5 good . .. 15.tl? T.A. Watson, Manager, to look up record of John Sessoms as to date of enery and discharge from County Home. 08 02 1897 6 31 16.kR Superintendent of Health reported on number of inmaCes in County Home and conditions were good. OS 02 1897 6 32 j` 17.,? Superintendent of Health reported on number of inmates in County Home and that conditions good. 09 06 1897 , 6 41 18.,; Chairman suggested child be sent to County Home while his mother is in Hospital, case referred to Dr, 10 04 1897 „ 6 44 „ ; McMillan. ? a 19.r?, Report fxom Superintendent of Health on number of inmates in County Home and that heating unit in need of ^ 10 04 1897 6 45 „ ?? repair. ?? ,?0.;; Request from W.A. Strauss to build a fence around field at County Home referred to Roads and Bridges Comm. 10 13 1897 6 48 2,1.;j, County Physician McMillan reported on number of inmates in County Home and that heating unit in Insane II Ol 1897 „ 6 57 • Department needed repairs. ? ? 22.,; Dr. McMillan suggested more discipline at Home, feels Superintendent is too lenient. 11 Ol 1897 „ 6 57 . 23.? ?1atter of furnishing a cooking range for Home left to Chairman. lI O1 1897 6 58 24.; . ;, Range, pump and heater purchased and placed in County Home. 12 06 1897 6 63 25.' . ?y Dr. McMillan reported on number of inmates in County I3ome and that he feel management to inc3uZgent. 12 06 1897 6 64 26.,; Keeper of CounCy Aome to have a ro11 call twice a day. 12 06 1897 6 64 ?r 27.?:'' f4 Dr. McMillan to draw up rules governing County Home. 12 06 1897 6 64 28.'i Grates, heaters and ranges for County Home in good shape and attendants will be held responsible for their 12 13 1897 6 67 condition. 29.' Contrac? to build a fence at County Home awarded to William Strauss. 12 30.? Inmates at Home must be present for each meal and must sleep at Home before money will. be allowed for them. Ol 31.;? Inmates at Home may not leave without permission from Superintendent. Ql 32.`?y Superintendent must report monthly on a11 persons who have passes to leave Home and those who leave with- Ol ?` out permission. 33.il'; Dr. McMillan reported inmates at Home healthier than before and food good. O1 34.i; Dr. McMillan suggested inmates at Home be vaccinated for virus, O1 35.;; Dr. McMillan asked for more time in submitting rules for government of Home. ?Z ?, 36.4; Money appropriated to purchase vaccine virus for County Home. O1 ?_ 37.:? Dr. McMillan reported County Home clean and we11 kept. 02 ,? ;; 38.,? Dr. McMillan submitted rules for governing County Home, listed on page 82, 02 ; f? ?. 13 1897 6 67 03 1898 6 72 03 1898 6 72 03 1898 6 73 03 1898 ; 6 73 „ 03 1898 6 73 03 1898 6 73 03 1898 6 73 08 1898 6 81 08 1898 6 81 :s is ?? ?? COUN INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - N H t N C C TY HOP? 1E ew anover oun ?, . . _ MATTER: a Raa. u. ?. /?? ??.. County Indezes Sinee 1888 F1? ? To locats names, open at COTT A-2 TAB INDEX a-c?:e An Identifyina Trade Merk ?8 SURNAM6 (NITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO rer o?rm? ??L? , SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NO RTH CAROLINA ? DAiE ?A MINUTE BOOK ? ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? Month ? Day ( Year Vol. J Page , I !a 1. ? Superintendent McMillan reported County Home well kept, but some walls need whitewashing. 03 07 1898 ? 6 106 c ?: . 2. s Superintendent of Health McMillan reported County Home well kept, but wall still in need of whitewashing. 04 04 1898 ; 6 , 113 ?! ? 3. 4 Dr. McMillan called attention to condition of bridge on County Home Avenue. ' 04 04 1898 :, 6 113 ?y . 4.?` ?y Superintendent of Health McMillan reported County Home in good condition. .. 05 02 1898 '.; 6 121 ?+ ?s 5. Matter o€~repairing bridge le?ading to County Ho?e left t€? Co?nmissivner Dempsey, ?? 05 02 1898 6 122 6. .. Chairman reported all rooms and halls at County Home whitewashed. ? 05 31 1898 ': 6 125 ?r 7. Commissioner Dempsey felt Chairman failed to have roofs of County Home painted, Chairman said work would be 05 30 1898 ; 6 126 :; done soon. 8. Report and bill from Superintendent Watson referred to Auditing Committee. Q6 06 18g$ 6 I33 9. County Physician McMillan reported County Home in good condition, but water unit in need of repair. 06 ?6 1898 6 133 10. Dr. McMillan reported bridges on Home Avenue in good condition. 06 ?6 1898 6 134 11. Report from Superintendent Watson referred to Auditing Committee. 07 05 1898 6 148 12. Superintendent of Health reported County Home in very good condition. 07 05 1?98 6 148 13. . Report from Superintendent Watson referred to Auditing Committee. 08 Ol 1898 ,. 6 171 ,. 14. Superintendent of Health reported County Home in good condition. 08 ?l 1898 6 171 15. „ Superintendent of Health reported County Home in good condition and no sicknesses there. 09 ?5 1898 6 178 ;: 16.,. Contract awarded Antonia Swan to paint roofs of County Home and mend all l:eaks and gutters. 10 03 1898 ,. 6 183 „ 17. ; Superintendent of Health reported no sickness at County Home. , 10 03 1898 , 6 184 ._;,? 18.,; Bid from W.A. Strauss to put a fence around County Home referred to Committee on Roads and Bridges. 10 ?3 1898 6 184 ,, 19. , Committee on Roads and Bridges reported urgent need of repairs at County Home, 10 ?7 1898 ? 6 185 „ 20. Superintendent of Health reported some sickness in County Home, but it in good condition. 11 )7 1898 6 190 21. Superintendent of Health reported County Home in good condition and inmates well. 12 ?6 1898 6 202 22. Edgar A. Swinson discharged from County Home and granted $3 per month; Henry Boney discharged as well with 12 ?6 1898 6 202 allowance of $1 per month. 23. Joe Morris and J.M. Scott discharged from County Home and United Charities to pay them $2 a month, 12 ?6 1898 6 203 24. ?1ary Lenard to be discharged from County Home. 12 ?6 1898 6 ? 203 25. Applications received for position of Superintendent of County Home and House of Correction. 12 ?6 1898 6 203 ' 26. T4.G. Chadwick elected Superintendent of County Home and House of Correction. 12 )6 189$ 6 203 , 27., Bond of Superintendent Chadwick approved. 12 LO 1898 6 216 28. „ Superintendent of Health reported County Home in very good condition. ? O1 ?2 1899 6 219 29.,, Superintendent of Health reported Home in good condition except for a few light which are out. 02 )6 1899 6 224 30. Superintendent of Health reported Home in fair sanitary condition and no acute sickness, 03 J6 1899 6 235 31. , Superintendent of Health reported County Home in fair sanitary condition. 04 ?3 1F399 i 6 245 , 32.. Superintendent of Health reported Home in good sanitary condition, OS Jl 1899 6 259 ?? 33. Superintendent of Health reported Home in good condition and no acute sickness. 06 ?5 1899 6 297 : 34.., Committee reported that part of County Home tract to be donated to City to build a Pest House. 06 ?5 1899 6 298 ;, 35. Board incensed because Superintendent Chadwick handcuffed white man to Negro while transporting to Work 06 J9 1899 6 300 , House. ?, ; 36. Petition from citizens asking for discharge of Mr. Chadwick. 06 12 1?99 6 300 ? 37. Mr. Chadwick stated he did not know of the incidence until they were on their way, and it would not happen 06 12 1899 6 300 again. 38. Board agreed that if ?1r. Chadwick allowed such a situation again he would be discharged and his contract 06 12 1899 6 301 _ . r, voided. 39. , Superintendent of Health reported Home in good condition, but grate in cook range "a thing of the past" 07 ?5 1899 6 316 and should be replaced. 40. ; Superintendent of Health reported Home in good condition, but grate in stove still out. 08 ?7 1899 6 325 INDEX TO CO?iMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?y COUNTY N C MAiTER HOME , . . _ : ` e¢c. u. e. •Ar OFFiCE ? County Indezee Sinee ?888 ?]? x..T-- To locate names, open at l?rs-? An Identifying Trade Matk ?`? SURNAMS lN171AL TA8 toTT A•2 TAa iNDex MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS f??' ? DATE il k; ? MINUTE BOOK '! [: Month ? Day ? Year ?; Vol, ? Page << k? l. Contract with W.G. Chadwick to keep County Home made clear as to what he was to provide. 08 Ol f 1399;w 6 326 ,? 2. Superintendent of Health reported Home in good condition, but discipline lax and suggested light employ- '.° 09 04 1899i?' „ 6 335 r , ment and roll call. `?? I ? ; Pr hf ^1 3. Superintendent of Health reported County Home in fine sanitary condition, ; 10 02 1899.; 6 337 ? ?? ? 4. Register to give City authorities the deed to tract of land for Pest House. 11 ? 06 1899F$ 6 346 " S. Superintendent of Health reported County Home in good condition. 11 06 ?; 1899?? 6 347 ?. 6. Superintendent of Health reported Home in good condition, 12 04 1899' .y 6 361 ?o 7.? ? Money allowed W.G. Chadwick for inMates of Home set. : 12 15 1899 6 364 8.?? Bond of W.G. Chadwick as Superintendnet of County Home approved, 12 20 1899 6 366 t 9.;; Superintendent of Health reported one death at Home. O1 O1 1900 6 . 380 Go 10.F; : Superintendent of Health reported Home in good sanitary condition. 03 ; 11.?; , Superintendent of Health reported Home in good condition. ; 04 o? 12.? Superintendent of Health reported Home in good condition, but two deaths in Home. „ 05 13.?; Superintendent of Health reported Home in good condition. 06 14.? ' k Superintendent of Health reported Home in good condition and one death of dropsey, 07 • ? 15.?? Superintendent of Health reported Home in fair condition and one death. 08 ki 16.¢g ?? Superintendent Clzadwick to explain why he refused to deliver convicts to Superintendent of Roads. . 08 . x 17.; Mr. Chadwick appeared and acknowledged that Board had full control of County convicts in his care. 08 ' C 18.? ? Superintendent of Health reported County Home in good condition, but foundling left there was very sick. „ 09 . 14.?5 ? Mr. Chadwick notified that if he keeps a foundling it must be done at his expense and not County's. 09 , 20.? ,. Superintendent of Health reported County Home in good condition, but three deaths, including foundling's, 10 ; 21.?y Superintendent of Health reported Home in good condition, three deaths. 11 i 22.;? Superintendent of Health reported Home in good condition except for Insane Department which has open 12 ?X . ?? i windows. ? 23.? Mr. Chadwick awarded contract for furnishing food, clothes and rledicines to inmates of County Home. . 12 24.? ? Superintendent of Health reported Home in good condition. O1 4 25.4? r? Bond of Mr. Chadwick as Keeper of County Home approved. Ol ?? 26.?` Contract between Mr. Chadwick and Board set down. . Ol 27. Superintendent of Health reported Home in good condition. 02 k 28.? Contract awarded J.W. Deal to paint roof of County Home, 02 a .29.y? Keeper of Home to furnish Auditing Clerk with list of all inmates and when their sentences expire and of , , 02 k? c i l i ddi ;Y any a t ona nmates. 30.; ? Superintendent of Health reported Home in good condition, and one death this month. . 03 , 31.p? Verbal report from Commissioner Montgomery on painting roof of Home approved. 03 32.?? 5uperintendent of Aealth reported Home in good condition. 04 33.k? B.W. Howard to be sent to Home due to mental derangement. 04 ?t 34."., Jennie Farrow admitted to County Home. . 04 35.?; ? Superintendent of Health reported Home in good condition. • 06 ?, 36.?? Superintendent of Health reported County Home in good conditzon. 07 s 37.?? James Brockett se nt to County Home and Attorne y to look into matter of a guardian for him. 07 38. Superintendent of Health reported that County Home in good condition. 08 i 39.t? Superintendent of Health reported that Home in good condition. 09 40.? County Physician authorized to transfer insane prisoners in Jail to Insane Department, if not confined for 09 criminal off ense. ?; 41.`? Bid accepted from William Goodman for Franklin blankets. 10 42. ?? E Superintendent of Health reported Home in good condition. ?, 11 05 190Q 6 402 . 02 1900„ 6 425 „ 08 1900, 6 434 04 1900. 6 446 „ 02 1900 : 6 449 06 1900 6 459 06 1900 b 460 07 1900 6 466 03 1900 . 6 473 ' 03 I900 ; 6 473 L Ol 1900 ,? 6 481 05 1900 6 486 03 1900 ? 6 490 03 1900 6 490 y 07 1901 , 6 511 , 07 1901:; 6 514 y 07 1901 6 514 04 1901, 6 516 . 04 1901 ;; 6 516 13 1901 , 6 519 ,; 04 1901 04 1901 % Ol 1901 ;,, .? O1 1901 15 1901 , 03 1901 Ol 1901 Ol 1901 05 1901 03 1901 ! 25 1901 07 1901 ;} 04 1901 ?; k ,, f ?: ! 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 531 ? 532 534 534 537 553 574 _ 574 ; 585 ; 593 596 603 ? 611 ? ?s '$ ; ? i. / INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County N C COUNTY HOP?E MATTER , . . _ : ` aEO. y. s. ^? County Indezw Since 1888 ?? ?-? To locate names, OplO at rAt antas ?.Rj?.?,a?'i An Identifvine TrAde Mar1c ??.? SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA r F? DATE Ey ?? MINUTE BOOK , ? ss NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS i Month Day Year ?; Vol Page ? ?i ` ? ? ?i . ? i ;i l..y County Home Committee gave verbal report and given more time for further report, E„ 12 02 1901?; 6 615 I . 2.'? Bond received and approved from Keeper of County Home, W.G. Chadwick. 12 02 1901!` to 6 616 ?? 4 3. ; Superintendent of Health reported no sicknesses in County Home. : 12 02 1901,; 6 617 ef !+ f? ?s 4.,? Contract awarded J.A. Springer for furnishing coal for County Home, 12 02 1901?? 6 618 ? ?l 5. Bond of W.G. Chadwick as Keeper of County Home approved by Attorney. 12 19 1901i :? 6 620 :? ?i ' ? ;, ?, ?? 6.:' ,? Superintendent of Health reported Home in good condition. Ol 06 1902?3 6 627 ;? €• ; 7•os ?? Superintendent of Health reported Home in good condition. ? 02 03 ?? ? 1902", ,, 6 631 ?i "; ?? 8.,? Annie Dudley transferred from Jail to County Home. , 02 03 1902; 6 631 k? 9. ' Superintendent of Health reported Home in good condition, 03 03 1902' 6 639 ?; 10. Superintendent of Health reported Home in good condition. 04 07 1902 6 643 , 11. Committee on County Home to have ditch filled and terra cotta pipes laid at Home, 04 07 1902,, 6 644 :; 12. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 05 05 1902 6 650 13. . Superintendent of Health reported County Home in good condition. 06 03 1902; 6 655 ;r ?a 14. Superintendent of Health reported Home in good condition. 07 07 1902. 6 660 ;_ 15.. Superintendent of Health reported Home in good condition. 08 04 1902F` 6 667 6; 16. Superintendent of Health reported Home in good condition. 09 O1 1902. 6 671 ? 17. , Land to be surveyed between County Home and W.E. Worth's if Mr. Worth pays half of cost, 10 „ 06 1902' ., 6 676 !?. ?. 18.: ? Superintendent of Health reported Home in good condition. 10 .. 06 1902, , ? 6 676 ?: ,? 19., Superintendent of Health reported County Home in good condition. 11 03 1902,„ 6 679 ?i ?: 20.;a Superintendent of Health reported Home in good condition. : 12 Ol 1902 6 685 ?' y` 21.,_ C.H. Edens and W.G. Chadwick applied for position of Keeper of County Home and Mr. Chadwick elected. 12 02 1902, 6 686 j 22.., Bids of S.L. Smith and R.R. McCartney to repair Home referred to Committee on County Home. „ 12 02 1902,, 6 687 e iE 23.,, Mr. Chadwick was allowed more time to complete his bond, O1 05 1903r; 6 693 ? 24.; Superintendent of Health reported Home in good condition. O1 05 1905?, 6 694 ; , . a 25.., Superintendent of Health reported little sickness in Home. . 02 02 1903.? 6 699 ;? 26.,; Matter of surveying Aome tract referred to County Home Committee. 02 02 1903, 6 701 ?; 27. Superintendent of Health reported Home in good condition, 03 ., 02 1903 6 704 '?1 ,, 28.s Committee on County Home to accept bids for repairs on Home. 03 02 1903,; 6 705 =_ 29.: ,. Bond of Mr. Chadwick as Keeper of County ?Iome approved. 03 ., 02 1903;: ., 6 705 ;? 30. .? Superintendent of Health reported Home in good condition. 04 .. 06 1903 6 710 :; ';' ,, 31. f Superintendent of Nealth reported Iiome in good condition. 05 ? 04 1903 iy 6 717 :s '" !? Y 32. Superintendent of Health reported Home in good condition. 06 Ol 1903; 6 724 ;? 33. Superintendent of Health reported Home in good condition. „ 07 06 1903,; 6 730 ,,; ;o 34.. Request for payment from Rev. F. Hill for preaching to inmates of Home referred to County Home Committee. 07 06 1903! 6 731 ' 35..; Superintendent of Health reported Home in good condition. 08 36.„ Superintendent of Health reported Home in good condition. 37. Superintendent of Health reported Home in good condition. 38.,, Superintendent of Health reported Home in good condition. 39.,; Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition, 40. County Home Committee to make repairs on County Home. 41.; Mr. Chadwick given more time to file his bond as Keeper of County Home, 42. Bond of Mr. Chadwick as Keeper of Home approved. 43.. Superintendent of Health reported Home in good condition. 44. Superintendent of Health reported Home in good condition. 45. Superintendent of Health reported Home in good condition. ?? 46.; Superintendent of Health reported Home in good condition. ?; I? , 09 10 11 ?. 12 .. 12 12 12 Ol 02 03 04 03 1903; 08 1903;, 05 1903. 02 1903: 07 1903:, 07 1903,; 07 1903?: 10 1903. 04 1904; Ol 1904 07 1904, 04 1904 ?;° ?:9 ?? I 6 743 ' 6 748 ? 6 754 6 757 .? 6 763 f'; P; 6 764 ?'?3 6 765 ; t 6 766 ? r 6 773 ? ! ? 6 778 ; ? 6 781 ' 6 787 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - - N H C t COUNTY N C HOME ew anover oun ?, . . _ MATTER: _ eac. u. s. r?r OFFICE ? County Indezee Since ?888 ? An [dentifying Trade Mark ?y? x.fi-- ?8 To loeate names, OpCD at SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A-Z TAB IkDEX MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NO RTH CAROLINA NATURE 0? PROCEEDINGS DATE ,' MINUTE BOOK ?; ? ??°? Month ? Day ? Year ?? Vol. ? Page ,, ? l.j Superintendent of Health reported Home in good condition. 05 . . 02 1904 ' 6 . 791 2. Superintendent of Health reported Home in good condition. 06 06 1904 „ 6 796 ' i 3.? Committee on Count y Home to report on changing way County Home is kept and maintaining farm at Home. 06 06 1904 ^ 6 797 .{ 4.? Superintendent of Health reported Home in good condition. 07 05 1904 ; 6 802 5.? ? Superintendent of Health reported Home in good condition, ' 08 ,. Ol 1904;; „ 6 805 ? ; 6.? ! George i?cAuslan gr anted permission to go to County Home, but h e declined. 08 . O1 1904 ;, 6 806 ? 7.1; k Superintendent of Health reported Hame in good condition. 09 06 1904 ` 6 809 ? ?.; Special Committee on County Home was continued. 09 06 1904 6 810 ?? ,. 9.`q Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. ip 10., Superintendent of Health reported convict camp in good condition. 11 11.;; , Thanks given Dr. D.W. Bullock for gift of furniture to County Home. 11 12., r? County Home Committee to advertise for bids for repairing County Home. 11 13., Contract for repairs on County Home given to T.F. Ty1er, and contract for coal for Home given to J.A. 12 Springer & Co. ;i 14.? '? i Several applicants received for Superintendent of County Home and F.A. Montgomery elected at $70 per month. 12 15.?1 ? Superintendent of Health reported Home in good condition. 01 , 16.,PM ,? Report from Superintendent Montgomery on County Home referred to Finance Committee. 02 17.? t? Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 02 18.?? i, Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 03 19.', ?? Report from Superintendent Montgomery referred to Auditing Committee. 03 20.;; ,' Report of Superintendent of County Home referred to Finance Committee. „ 04 21.r; Money transferred from General Fund to County Home Fund. ,. 04 22.?; Sanitary Board ruled that a11 persons entering County institutions must take a bath. 05 23.;? Superintendent of Health reported inmates at County institutions healthy. 05 '24.<? Report from Mr. Montgomery referred to Finance Committee. 05 ?25.k? Superintendent of Health reported County Home in good condition. 06 ?6..? , h Part of purchases for Independent Ice Co., mules and carts, charged to County Home. 06 ., 1 ,?7.?d , Report from Superintendent of County Home referred to Finance Committee. pg . e? ?8.? ? Report from Superintendent of County Home referred to Finance Committee. 10 . 29.F? Report from Superintendent of County Home referred to Finance Committee. 02 ?30.;? ;; Contract awarded Messrs. Brooks and Taylor to supply groceries for the County Home. 03 ?1.i? Report from Superintendent of Home referred to Finance Committee. 04 32.h; Report from Superintendent of County Home referred to Auditing Committee. . 05 33.??? o? Report of Superintendent of County Hame referred to Finance Committee. 06 34.;? Bids for supplies for County Home accepted from Messrs. Brooks and Taylor. 06 35.. Report of Superintendent of County Home referred to Auditing Committee. p7 36.? Fence to be built around female ward of prison at County Home by Conunittee on County Home. 07 37.:' ?« Report from Superintendent of County Hame referred to Auditing Committee. pg 38.t' Superintendent of County Home granted ten days vacation. 39.;a Report from Superintendent of County Home referred to Auditing Committee. ?i ;? 40.`? Report from Sup?rintendent of County Home referred to Finance Committee. f1 41.?? Report from Superintendent of County Home referred to Auditing Committee. 42.;? Resignation of F.A. Montgomery as Superintendent and application of J.R. Handle for same referred to ? Committee on County Home. 43.?? Report from Superintendent of County Horne referred to Auditing Committee. i? 44.;? Bids to furnish coal for County Home referred to Public Buildings Committee. I? ? 08 09 10 11 11 03 1904 07 1904 07 1904 07 1904 05 1904 05 1904 03 1905 06 1905 ,. 06 1905 06 1905 , 06 1905 ., 03 1905 , 03 1905, O1 1905 01 1905 O1 1905 05 1905 , 05 1905 05 1905 ? 02 1905 03 1906 ; 05 1906 , 02 1906 ,? 07 1906 „ 04 1906 04 1906 02 1906 02 1906 06 1906 06 1906 04 1906 O1 1906 06 1906 06 1906 7 4 7 6 7 7 7 8 7 11 7 11 7 16 7 18 7 18 7 20 7 20 „ 7 22 „ 7 22 7 23 7 23 7 23 7 27 . 7 27 7 37 7 39 7 47 7 48 7 51 7 52 , 7 54 7 54 7 57 7 57 7 59 7 60 7 61 7 64 7 65 7 65 12 03 1906 7 66 12 03 1906 6 68 , INDEX TO COMMISSIO?ERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? N C MATT RT ?oUN? HoME , . . _ nec. u. s. aer OFFICE ??J'J County lndezea Since 1888 ? An Identifying Trade Mark ?',?'"? To lotafe name3, open at W=-C SURNAME INITIAL 7A6 COTT A-Z TAB INDEX ?DE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OIYEN 6. DUNX, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS 1. Public Buildings Cornmittee awarded Springer Coal Co. contract to furnish coal for Home. 2. Report from Superintendent of County Home filed. 3. Report from Superintendent of County Home referred to Audit Committee. 4. Report fram Superintendent of County Home referred to Auditing Committee. 5. Superintendent of County Home requested a fence be built in order to raise hogs; granted. 6. Report from Superintendent of County HQme, J.R. Hardee, on inmates. 7. Superintendent of County Home's report referred to Finance Committee. 8. Superintendent of County Home reported on inmates in Home. 9. Superintendent of Health reported County Home in good condition. 10. Superintendent of County Home reported on inmates in Home. 11. Superintendent of Health reported County Home in good condition. 12. Report from Superintendent of County Home on inmates in Home. Z3. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 14. Rebuilding of peanut shed at County Home referred to County Home Committee. 15. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 16. Report from Superintendent of County Home on inmates filed. 17. Superintendent of County Home reported on inmates in Home. 18. Superintendent of County Home reported on inmates in Home. 19. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 20. Superintendent of Home Hardee reported on inmates and that two mules transferred from County roads to County Home. 21. Superintendent of County Home reported on inmates. 22. Superintendent of County Home reported on inmates in Home. 24. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 25. Due to crowded condition of Jail, future prisoners will be confined at convict camp or County Home. 26. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 27. Superintendent of County Home reported on inmates in Home. 28. Committee on County Home to advertise for bids to paint roof of Home. 29. Superintendent Hardee reported on inmates in Home. 30. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 31, Superintendent Hardee reported on ir?mates in Home. 32. Contract to paint and repair County Home roof awarded to Hanover Iron Works Co. 33. Report from Superintendent Hardee on inmates in Home. 34. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 35. Ga11ee Rodder allowed to enter County Home if so desires. 36. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 37. Superintendent of Home reported on inmates in Home. 38. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 39. Superintendent Hardee reported on inmates in Home. 40. Superintendent Hardee reparted on inmates in Home. 41. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 42. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 43. Report from Superintendent of Home on inmates in Home referred to Auditing Committee. 44. Superintendent Harc?ee's October report on inmates in County Home. 45. Superintendent of Health reported County Home in good condition. 46, Superintendent Hardee reported on inmates and convicts in County Home and Farm. DATE Month IDay Year MINUTE BOOK Vol. Page O1 07 1907 7 74 O1 07 I907 7 75 02 04 1907 7 77 03 04 1907 7 81 03 04 Z907 7 81 04 O1 1907 7 85 05 Q6 1907 7 86 06 03 1907 7 89 06 03 1907 7 89 07 O1 1907 7 94 07 01 1907 7 94 08 05 1907 7 104 08 05 1907 7 105 08 05 1907 7 06 09 03 1907 7 107 09 03 1907 7 107 10 07 1907 7 110 11 04 1907 7 112 12 02 1907 7 115 12 02 1907 7 115 01 07 1908 7 119 02 03 1908 7 122 02 03 1908 7 122 02 06 1908 7 124 03 02 1908 7 126 03 02 1908 7 126 04 06 1908 7 129 04 06 1908 7 130 05 04 1908 7 131 05 04 1908 7 132 05 04 1907 7 132 06 01 1908 7 134 06 01 1908 7 134 07 06 19438 7 137 OZ 06 1908 7 138 07 06 1908 7 138 08 03 1908 7 139 08 03 1908 7 140 09 98 1?08? 7 144 09 08 1908 7 144 10 05 1908 7 151 10 05 1908 7 151 I.1 02 1908 7 154 11 02 1908 7 155 12 07 1908 7 159 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County N C _ MA7T RT COUNTY HOME , . . _ nec. u. e. ?AT OFFILE County Indezea Since 1888 ? To lotote namB3? open o} ??? An (dentifying Trade Merlc ? SURNAME INITIAI TAB COT7 A•Z TAB INDEX 1NADE BY TH@ COTi lNDfX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN C. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORT H CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month I Day I Year Vol. I Page 1. J.R. Hardee elected Keeper of County Home. 12 07 1908 7 160 2. Sanitary Board set aside land on County Home farm to bury dead animals. 12 16 1908 7 163 3. Adam Miller allowed to go to County Home if he so desires. 07. 04 1909 7 Z64 4. Superintendent Hardee reparted on patients and convicts in Home during December. O1 04 1909 7 164 5. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. Ol 04 1909 7 164 6. Superintendent Hardee reported on patients and convicts in County Home. 02 01 1909 7 168 7. Superintendent of Home reported on inmates and convicts in Home. 03 01 1909 7 171 8. Superintendent of Health reported Countq institutions in good condition. 04 05 1909 7 173 9. Superintendent Hardee reported on inmates and convicts in Home. 04 05 1909 7 173 10. J,H. Howard was admitted to County Home. 04 05 ?909 7 ?74 11. Superintendent of Health reported. County institutions in good condition. OS 03 I909 7 176 12. Superintendent Hardee reported on inmates and convicts in Home. 05 03 1909 7 176 13. Mayor McRae of Citq allowed to dump night soil on County Home Farm. 06 02 1909 7 177 14. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 06 07 1909 7 178 15. Superintendent Hardee reported on inmates and convicts in Home; referred to Finance Committee. 06 07 1909 7 178 16. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 07 06 1909 7 179 17, Report from Superintendent Hardee on inmates and convicts referred to Auditing Committee. 07 06 1909 7 179 18. Superintendent of County Home reported on inmates and convicts in Home;referred to Auditing Commi ttee. OS 02 1909 7 181 19. Superintendent Hardee reported or? inmates and convicts in Home; referred to Auditing Committee. 09 08 1909 7 182 20. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 10 04 1909 7 183 21. Superintendent of Home reported on inmates and convicts in Home. 10 04 1909 7 183 22. Several ??plications received for postiion of Superintendent of County Home, but no action. 10 04 1909 7 183 23. Superintendent of Home reported on patients and convicts in Iiome. 11 O1 1909 7 184 24. Statement about remarks made on unsatisfactory crop conditions on County Farm. 11 01 1909 7 184 25. H.C. B1ake elec ted Superintendent of County Home. 11 O1 1909 7 185 26. Superintendent of Health reported Home in good condition. 12 06 1909 7 185 27. Superinfiendent Hardee reported on patients and. convicts in Home; referred to Auditing Corrunittee. 12 06 1909 7 186 28. Report from Superintendent of County Home on inmates and prisoners; also reported escape of prisoners. Ol 03 1910 7 189 29. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 01 03 1910 7 189 30. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 02 07 1910 7 190 31. Grand Jury's report relative to County Home referred to Superintendent of Health. 02 07 1910 7 191 32. Bond of H.C. Bl ake approved as Superintendent of County Home. 02 07 1910 7 191 33. Superintendent B1ake reported on patients and prisoners in Home. 03 07 1910 7 192 34. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 04 04 19?0 7 193 35. Report from Mr. B1ake on patients and prisoners in Home referred to Finance Connnittee. 0?+ t7? 1914 7 193 36. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 05 02 1910 7 194 37. Superintendent of Home reported on patients and prisoners in Home; referred to Auditing Board. 05 02 1910 7 194 • 38. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 06 06 1910 7 195 39. Superintendent of Home reported on prisoners and patients in Home in May and referred to Auditing Board. 06 06 1910 7 195 40. Report from Superintendent of County Home referred to Auditing Board. 07 05 1910 7 197 41. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 07 05 1910 7 197 42. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 08 O1 1910 7 198 43. Superintendent of Home tendered his July report which was referred to Auditing Board. 08 O1 1910 7 198 44. Superintendent of Health reported County Home in good condition. 09 08 1910 7 199 45. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 10 03 1910 7 200 46. Solicitor Duffy to be notified that woman was sentenced to County Home. 10 03 1910 7 201 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MATT RT COUNTY HOME ` nec. a. s. County Indezea Since 1886 YO IOCOtO names, OpCn at COTT A•I TAB (NDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COlUM8U5, OHIO r?r OFFICE ?[p?7? An ldentifYing Trade Mark SURNAM6 INITIAL TAB SOID BY OWEN C. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDI?IGS Month IDay I ? Year Vol. I Page 1. Report from Superintendent B1ake referred to Auditing Board. 10 03 1910 7 201 2. Plan from L.D. Smith to heat County Home referred to Public Buildings Committee. 11 07 1910 7 201 3. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 11 07 1910 7 202 4. Report from Superintendent Blake referred to Auditing Board. 11 07 1910 7 202 5. Report from Superintendent Blake referre3 to Auditing Board. 12 05 1910 7 204 6. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 12 05 1910 7 204 7. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. O1 04 1911 7 206 8. Report from Superintendent Blake for December ?a? referred to Auditing Board. 01 04 1911 7 206 9. H.C. BZake appointed Superintendent of County Home and Farm at same salary as last year. 01 04 1911 7 206 10. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 03 06 1911 7 210 11. Report fram Superintendent Blake referred to Auditing Board. 03 06 1911 7 210 12. Report from Superintendent Blake referred on Home referred to Auditing Board. 04 03 1911 7 213 13. Superintendent of Aealth reported County institutions in good condition. 04 03 1911 7 213 14. Report from Superintendent B1ake referred to Auditing Board. 05 O1 1911 7 217 15. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 06 05 1911 7 223 16. Report from Superintendent Blake referred to Auditing Committee. 08 07 1911 7 230 17. Report from Superintendent Blake referred to Auditing Committee. 09 06 1911 7 232 18. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 09 06 1911 7 232 19. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 10 02 1911 7 233 20. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 11 06 1911 7 235 21. Report from Superintendent of County Home referred to Auditing Committee. 11 06 1911 7 235 22. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 12 04 1911 7 236 23. H.C. Blake elected Superintendent of County Home and Farm. 12 04 1911 7 237 24. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. O1 02 1912 7 241 25. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 02 05 1912 7 243 26. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 03 04 1912 7 245 27. Bond of H.C. B1ake approved as Keeper of County Home. 03 04 1912 7 245 28. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 05 06 1912 7 249 29. County Physician's report stated that County institutions in good condition. 07 01 1912 7 253 30. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 08 05 1912 7 255 31. Dr. McMillan reported County institutions in good condition. 09 03 1912 7 257 32. Request from J.H. Moore for benches and stand for preaching at County Home referred to County Home Committee 09 03 1912 7 258 33. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 10 07 1912 7 260 34. P.H. Rasberry elected Superintendent of County Home. 12 02 1912 7 265 35. Chairman to arrange with H.C. B1ake to remain at Home as Superintendent until 3anuary 1. 12 03 1912 7 265 36. Cows to be purcha?sed for County Home to furnish milk for inmates. 12 27 1912 7 268 37. Settlement to be made with former Superintendent of Home B1ake. 12 27 1912 7 268 38. Salary of $75 a month and duties of Superintendent of County Home and Farm set down. 12 27 1912 7 268 39. Bond of P,H, Rasberry approved as Superintendent of County Home and Farm. 12 27 1912 7 268 40. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 01 06 1913 7 270 41. County Home Committee reported two cows had been purchased for Home, but not yet delivered. O1 06 1913 7 270 42. County Home Committee to buy blankets for inmates at Home as recommended by the Grand Jury. 02 03 1913 7 280 43. County Home Committee to have roof on County Home painted. 03 03 1913 7 281 44. Settlement made by old Board with H.C. Blake relative to his claim will be honored. 03 06 1913 7 282 45. Deed to be delivered to National Wood Products Co. for part of County Home tract. 05 09 1913 7 291 46. Request from E1k's Convention to decorate County Home referred to Courthouse Committee. 06 02 1913 7 305 . INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MA TEER: ?oUN? Ho? _ ncc. u. s. County [ndezea Sinee 1888 ? To lota}e namBS, open af COTT A•Z TAB INDEX r?r aFFICE ??1'Jl?a?-?E'.?' An ldentifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB ?DE BY THE COTT INDE% CQMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month ? Day I Year Vol. I Page 1. Recommended pay for T.J. B?ewer as County Home guard set at $35 a month. 06 09 1913 2. Commissioners to investigate condition of Mrs. Capps, a County Home patient, and confer with County Solic- 06 09 1913 itor in matter. 3. Mrs. Capps left County Home. 4. Report from Superintendent of County Home filed. 5. J.P. Herring, Farm Demonstrator, to supervise County Farm along with Superintendent of Home. 6. Report from Superintendent of County Home filed. 7. Committee on County Home to build a potato drying house. 8. P.H, Rasberry re-elected Superintendent of Home at $25 a month. 9. BiI.l from J.T. Brown for repair o? NIr. Rasberry`s buggy approved, 10. Mr. McGirt to call for bids to furnish heating plant at County Home. ,11. Report from Mr. Rasberry not presentec}, he being sick. 12. Report from Superintendent of County Home filed. 13. Report from Superintendent of County Home filed. 14. Letter from Superintendent of Home complaining of damage by fire read, but no action taken. 15. Report from Su{?erintendent of County Home adopted and Committee on Home to carry out report's recommenda- tion on fence. 16. Report from Superintendent Raspberry filed. 17. Report of Superintendent of County Home filed. 18. Report of Superintendent of County Home filed. 19. Request from J.J. Hopkins Son & Co. for right of way to Atlantic Coast Line Railroad on County Home land referred to Attorney. Z0. Report from Superintendent of County Home filed. 21. Old Pest House on County Home land to be rented. 22. Report from Superintendent of County Home filed. 23. Report from Superintendent of County Home filed. 24. Amount set for bond of Superintendent of County Home. 25. Recommendation in Mr. Rasberry's report relative to Bailing Ferage referred to County Home Committee. 26. Report fram Superintendent of County Home filed. 27. Mr. Rasberry elected Superintendent of County Home at $90 a month. 28. Bond of R,H. Rasberry as Superintendent of County Home approved. 06 17 1913 09 01 1913 09 01 1913 10 06 1913 10 12 I2 12 Ol 03 04 04 05 06 1913 O 1 1913 04 1913 04 1913 05 1914- OZ 1914 06 1914 13 1914 04 1914 06 O l 1914 07 06 1914 08 03 1914 09 08 1914 09 09 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 08 1914 08 1914 29. Bond of P,H. Rasberry approved as Superintendent of County Home. 12 30. Report from Superintendent of County Home filed. O1 31. Bond of T,H. Rasberry approved as Superintendent of County Home and his report filed. Ol 32. Proposal from Cement Product Co. to install se?tic tank in County Home left with Committee on County Home. 01 33. No further action on proposal from Cement Products Co, on septic tank. 02 34. Henry and Amanda Lumsden offered care in County Home. OZ 35. January report from Superintendent of County Home filed. 02 36. Report from Superintendent of County Home filed. 03 37. Report from Superintendent of County Home filed. 04 38. Report from:Superintendent of County Home filed. 05 39. Report from Superintendent of County Home filed. 06 40. Report from Superintendent of County Home filed. 07 41. Mr. Moore reported he had given an option on certain portion of County Home land for manufacturing purposes 07 42. Option received from Thomas Bacon on County Home 1and. 07 43. Report from Superintendent of County Home filed. Og 05 1914 02 1914 02 1914 02 1914 07 1914 07 1914 14 1914 17 1914 04 1914 11 1915 14 1915 01 1_15 09 1915 09 1915 O1 1915 05 1915 03 1915 07 1915 06 1915 06 1915 12 I9I5 02 1915 7 306 7 306 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 307 314 314 316 316 327 330 330 331 340 343 345 349 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 359 369 377 382 382 382 385 395 395 397 403 407 411 417 420 4 25 429 431 435 435 441 448 455 460 465 465 471 475 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? N C MATTER COUNTY HOME , . . , : ` eec. u, s. County Indezea Since 1888 ?+ ?}--' To ?oicfe neme5, opert pt n?t OFFICE ?e?? An ldentifying Trade Mark ?? SURNAME INITIAL TAB CO7T A•2 7A6 INpEX MADE YY THE COTT INDE% COMPANY, COlUM6US, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month I Day Year Vol. ? Page 1. Standard Supply Co. purchased part of County Home 1and. 08 02 1915 7 475 Z. Committee to fix prices for sale or lease of County Home land for manufacturing plants. 08 02 1915 7 475 3. Report from Superintendent of County Home filed. 09 08 1915 7 486 4. Request from Mr. Pittman for an option on Gounty Home land for manufacturing purposes referred to Board. 09 18 1915 7 487 5. Messrs. Pittman and Chadboun requested an option on some County Home land. 10 04 1915 7 489 6. Report from Superintendent of County Home filed. 10 04 1915 7 489 7. Board refused proposal from J,D. Robbins for pilings from County Home 1and. 10 04 1915 7 489 8. Tide Water Power Co. to erect wires and poles along roads and across County land to connect County Home, 10 04 1915 7 490 Pris?n and Sanitarium with plant. 9. Mr. Moore reported progress on sale or lease o?' County Home 1and. 11 01 1915 7 501 10. Report from Superintendent of County Home. 11 01 1915 7 503 11. Report from County Home Superintendent filed. 12 07 19I5 7 517 12. Committee to report on managernent of County Home. 12 07 1915 7 517 13. More time given committee reporting on Work House and County H?me prisoners. 12 13 1915 7 519 l4. Board of Health recommends employing a nurse to care for County Home patients. O1 03 1916 7 521 15. Report from Superintendent of County Home filed. 01 03 1916 7 521 16. Copy of map of manufacturing sites at County Home farm to go to Chamber of Commerce and Rotary C1ub. O1 03 1916 7 522 17. Duties of Superintendent of County Home set down. 01 24 1916 7 529 18. Duties of Matron of County Home set down. O1 24 1916 7 529 19. P.N. Rasberry elected Superintendent of County Home and Assistant Farm Manager at $65 a month and Mrs. O1 24 1916 7 531 Rasberry elected Matron of Home. 20. Nurse not to be employed for County Home as suggested by Board of Health. 02 07 1916 7 535 21. Report of Superintendent of Home on supplies furnished Work House referred to Mr. Kerr. 02 07 1916 7 535 22. County Medical Society not allowed to use one of pest homes on County Home farm. 02 14 1916 7 537 23. Superintendent of County Home to use one of pest homes. 02 14 19Z6 7 537 24. No action on?request for compensation for Rev. J.Hi11 who serves as missionary ta inmates of Home. 02 14 1916 7 537 25. Report from Superintendent of County Home filed. 03 06 1916 7 539 26. Report from Superintendent of County Home filed. 04 03 1916 7 544 27. Report from Superintendent of County Home filed. 05 O1 1916 7 550 28. John T, Nance and wife allowed to enter County Home. 05 Z8 1916 7 555 29. Request from Mrs. Fulford and Mrs. Baker for acceptance at County Home referred to Chairman. 06 05 1916 7 561 30. Auditor to purchase Pyrene Fire Extinguishers for County Home. 06 05 1916 7 563 31. Report from Superintendent of County Home for May filed. 06 05 1916 7 563 32. Report from Superintendent of County Home filed. 08 07 1916 7 573 33. Chairman and Clerk to sign deed to tract near County Elome to Standard Supply Gompany. 08 07 1916 7 573 34. Proposal from H.C, Blake to superintend County Home left in hands of Chairman. 08 07 1916 7 575 35. Report from Superintendent of County Home filed. 09 05 1916 7 581 36. Salary of P,H, Rasberry set at $40 per month. 09 05 1916 7 581 37. Roof of County Home to be repaired and painted. 09 28 1916 7 586 38. F.J. Dempsey elected Superintendent of County Home and Farm. 09 28 1916 7 586 39. Matter of Mrs. June Gardner, inmate af County Home, referred to Secretary of Associated Charities. 09 28 1916 7 587 40. Report from Superintendent of County Home filed. 11 06 1916 7 593 41. Superintendent of County Home to se11 one of cows at County Home. 11 06 1916 7 593 42. Road Committee to investigate water supply of County Home. 11 06 1916 7 593 43. Auditor to purchase buggy harness for use of County Home. 12 Ol 1916 7 595 44. F.J. Dempsey elected Superintendent of County Home and Farm at $90 a month. 12 04 1916 7 597 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - - New Hanover Count?y N MATT RT COUNTY C HOME , . . , ` nec. u. s. 'p???_ Counry Indezea Since 1888 r?r OFFICE ?n ?wa-?c. An IdentiEying Trade Mark To locate names, open at ? SURNAMH INITIAL TAB COTT A•2 TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT 1NDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, ONIO . SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month I Day I I Year Vol. I Page 1. Bond of F,J, Dempsey approved as Superintendent of County Home. 12 04 1916 7 597 2. Report from Superintendent of County Home filed. 12 04 1916 7 599 3. Resolution that Attorneys prepare a bill for presentation to Legislature allowing Board to issue bonds for 12 18 1916 7 603 use at Work House and County Home. 4. Report from Superintendent of County Home filed. 01 5. January report from Superintendent of County Home filed. 02 6. Report from Superintendent of County Home filed. 03 7. No action on letter from County Health Officer relative to Pest House on County Home land. 03 8. Report from Superintendent of County Home filed. 04 9. Contract to wire County Home for electric light awarded to J.W. Blake. 05 10. Superintendent of Roads to build disposal plant at County Home and 1ay a water pipe from pump at Work House 05 11. Superintendent of Roads to turn a mule over to Superintendent of Home. 05 12. Superintendent of County Home's request for new wagon referred to Committee on County Home. 05 13. Report from Superintendent of County Home filed. 05 14. Report from Superintendent of County Home filed. 15. Request from Superintendent o f County Home for a mowing and baling machine referred to Committee on Farm. 16. Report from Superintendent of County Home filed. 17. Bi11 from C.D. Murphy for County Home farm approved. 18. Committee on County Home recommended a hay rake be bought for the Farm. 19. Report from Superintendent of County Home filed. 20. Insurance increased on County mules. 21. Old barn at County Home to be pulled down. 22. County Home Committee to add to plumbing at County Home. 23. Monthly report of Superintendent of County Home filed. 24. Report from Superintendent of Home filed. 25. More additions to water system at County Home to be made. 26. Material to be purchased to build septic tank at County Home. 27. Board authorized issuing bonds for Work House and County Home and form of bonds set down. 28. Report from Superintendent of County Home filed. 29. F.J. Dempsey elected Superintendent of County Home and Farm and Mrs. Dempsey elected matron at $100 a mo. 30. Report from Superintendent of County Home filed for month and for the year. 31. Superintendent of County Home suggested more drain tile for Farm and use of a gasoline engine; referred to Farm Committee. 32. Report from Superintendent Dempsey filed. 33. Salary of Superintendent Dempsey fixed at $75 per m?nth and matron of Home fixed at $40 per month. 34.. Matter of purchase of gasoline engine for County Home referred to Messrs.Kerr and Hewlett. 35. County Home Committee suggested material needed for a taundry at County Home. 36. Complaint from Mr. Dempsey on heating system at County Home referred to Committee on County Home. 37. County Home Committee purchased laundry machinery from American Laundry Machinery Co. 38. Report from Superintendent of County Home filed. 39. Purchas? a?' a boiler for laundry at County Home referred to County Home Committee. 40. No action on request from Oscar Edwards to lease part of County Home 1and. 41. Report from Superintendent of County Home filed. 42. Report from Mr. Dempsey filed. 43. Report from Mr. Dempsey filed. 06 06 07 07 08 08 08 09 09 09 10 02 1917 05 1917 05 1917 05 1917 02 1917 03 1917 03 1917 03 1917 07 1917 07 1917 04 1917 04 1917 0 2 1917 02 1917 06 1917 06 1917 07 1917 04 1917 04 1917 04 1917 Ol 1917 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 605 609 615 616 618 619 619 619 620 621 624 624 626 6 26 632 632 633 639 639 640 641 10 O 1 1917 7 641 10 O1 1917 7 641 10 O1 1917 7 642 11 05 1917 7 645 12 03 1917 7 651 12 03 1917 7 652 12 03 1917 7 652 Ol oi oi O1 01 O1 02 02 02 03 04 05 07 1918 07 1918 07 1918 15 1918 15 1918 15 1918 04 1918 04 1918 04 1918 04 1918 O 1 1918 06 1918 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 658 658 658 661 661 661 663 663 663 671 690 695 „ ?r ?- . INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINU?ES --- New Hanover County N C MATTER ?oUNTY ?oME ? ? , . . , • nec. u. s. Counry lndezea Since 188$ To loea}e names, open af COTT A-Z TAB INDEX PAT OFFICE ?pJ?? An Identifying Traae Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBU3, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day I Year Vol. I Page 1, Application of Charles Casteen and W. B. Skipper for admission to County Home referred to Dr. Arnold 06 03 1918 8 11 Stoval, 2. Report from Supt. of County Home filed. 06 03 I918 8 11 3. Boiler for laundry at County Home to be purchased and ventilator in roof of kitc-hen at Home. 06 03 1918 8 11 4. Bill for shoes for Miss Callie Millis at County Home ordered paid. 06 03 1918 8 11 5. Report from Supt. of County Home filed. 07 02 I918 8 13 6. W. B. Skipper and Charles Casteen allowed admission to County Home if would share a room. 07 02 1918 8 13 7. Report from Supt. of County Home filed. 08 05 1918 8 14 8. Lettez° of cutting of trees by mistake on County Home land referred to Messrs. Hewlett and Kerr to fix 08 05 1918 8 16 a price. 9. Salary of Supt. Dempsey increased to $85 per month and that of the Matron of the Home to remain at $40 08 05 1918 8 16 a month. 10. Report from Supt. of County Home filed. 09 03 19I8 8 17 11. Same as Sept. 3. 10 07 1918 8 20 12. W. B. Skipper to be admitted to County Home as soon as possible. 11 04 1918 8 24 13. Report from Supt. of Home filed. 11 04 1918 8 24 14. Horace King to put in hot air furnace in Insane Dept. of County Home. 11 19 1918 8 25 15. F. J. Dempsey elected Supt. of County Home and Farm at $85 per month. 12 02 1918 8 26 16. Mrs. F. J. Dempsey elected matron of County Home at $40 per month. 12 02 I918 8 26 17. Repo?t of Supt. of County Home filed. 12 02 1918 8 26 18. Board to rec{uest Legislature to allow Board to levy a tax to keep and maintain inmates and prisoners 12 23 1918 8 29 at Home. 19. Report from Supt of County Home filedo O1 06 1919 8 31 20. Mr. Dempsey and Plumber Genoust to cross connect water pipes at County HOme so water pipes at County O1 13 1919 8 32 Home so water can be had for laundry. 21.. Plumber Genoust to overhaul furnace at the County Home. O1 27 1919 8 33 22. A pump and fittings to be purchased for County Home. O1 27 1919 8 33 23. Report from Supt. of Home filed. 02 03 1919 8 33 24. Recommendation that trained nurse be employed for County Home referred to County Home Committee. 02 03 1919 8 33 25. Food to be purchased for County Home. 02 10 1919 8 36 26. Supt. Dempsey not to hire out any prisoners in his custody unless authorized by $oard. 02 24 ?919 8 38 27. Report from Supt. of Home filed. 03 03 1919 8 28 28. Bond of Supt. Dempsey approved. 03 10 1919 8 40 29. Bill in favor of Columbus County to be paid for careing for Billie Williams who stayed from County Home. 03 10 1919 8 40 30. Report from Supt. Dempsey filed. 04 07 1919 8 42 3'? 31. Repair of buggy used in work at Cou.ntY Home referred to Farm Committee. 04 07 1919 8 42 32. Mr. Dempsey to erect a shed over boiler used in laundry at County Home. 04 14 1919 8 44 '.33. Matter of building at CountY Home for protection of insane referred to Farm Committee. 05 05 1919 8 48 34. Supt. of Home to lay drain tile along road from Castle Hayne Rd. to County Home. 05 05 1919 8 48 35, Report from Supt. of Home filed. 06 O1 1919 8 61 36. Supt, of Home and Farm requested a buggy for use of Home and Farm. 07 07 I919 8 64 37. Repoxt from Supt, of Home filed. 08 04 1919 8 68 38. Same as August 4. 09 02 1919 8 74 39. Repairs to be made to roof and gutters at the County Home. 09 02 19I9 8 74 40. Matter of improper purchasing habits of Mr. Dempsey referred to Mr. Trask. 09 08 1919 8 76 41. John Hill's request for custody of Mary Hufman, paroled with Supt. of Home, referred to Judge of 10 06 1919 8 79 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - N H t C N C COUNTY HOME ew anover oun ?, . . , MATTER: ` ¦EC. u. s. 'q''_ County Indezee Since 1888 ? To lotate names? open Ot e?r OFFICE ??J?a-? An ldentifyin? Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MAOE BY THE fOTT A•2 TAB INDEX COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEMI BERN, NORTH CAROLiNA NATURE OP PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page of Juvenile Court. 1. Report from Supt. Dempsey filed. 10 06 1919 8 79 2. Supt. Dempsey granted a 10 days vacation. 10 06 1919 8 80 3. Matter of a nurse for County Home inmates referred to Mr. Trask. 10 21 1919 8 ?3 4. Report from Supt. of Home filed. 11 03 1919 8 84 5. Mr. Dempsey recommended new refrigerator for County Home. 11 03 1919 8 84 6. Miss Lewis employed as a nurse for inmates of County Home at $50 a month. 11 03 1919 8 84 7. Money allowed J. J. Jackson for services while Supt. Dempsey was on vacation. 11 03 1919 8 85 8. Place at County Home to be provided for detention of juveniles. 11 D3 I919 8 &b 9. Repair and painting of roof at County Home referred to County Home Committee. 11 03 1919 8 86 10. Mr. Dempsey to employ a nurse to care for Charles Casteen, an inmate. 11 03 1919 8 86 11. Request to admitt Susan Sterling to County Home referred to Dr. Crouch of Health Department. 11 24 1919 8 87 12. Hanover Iron Works Co. to install a warm air heating plant and new porch roof at Juvenile build?ng. 11 24 1919 8 87 13. Mr. Dempsey to employ a nurse to care for Charles Casteen, an Inmate. 11 24 1919 8 87 14. Report from Supt. Dempsey filed. 12 O1 1919 ?8 88 15. Susan Sterling admitted to County Home. 12 O1 1919 8 88 16. F. J. Dempsey elected Supt. of County Home and Farm at $85 a month. 12 O1 1919 8 89 17. Mrs. F. J. Dempsey elected matron of County Home at $50 a month. 12 Ol 1919 8 89 18. Request from Oscar Edwards to rent part of HOME LAND for hog pasture referred to Attorney and Auditor. 12 O1 1919 8 90 19. Marshall Brown to be admitted to County Home. 12 08 1919 8 90 20. Report from Supt. Dempsey filed. O1 05 1920 8 92 21. Lucas Williams granted admission to County Home. O1 05 1920 8 92 22. Repairs on Juvenile section of Home referred to County Farm Committee. O1 05 1920 8 93 23. No prisoner to leave prison after dark except to perform duties. Ol 14 1920 8 94 24. Matter of purchasing special shoes for Miss Callie Millis, inmate at Home, referred to Auditor. O1 14 1920 8 94 25. Salary of Supt. Dempsey increased to $100 a month. 02 02 1920 8 97 26. Report from Supt. Dempsey filed. 02 02 1920 8 97 27. Capps-Griffth Plumbing Co. to furnish lavatory material for County Home. 03 O1 1920 8 98 28. Report from Supt. Dempsey filed. 03 O1 1920 8 98 29. Dr. Lewis suggestion to enlarge County Home and provide a hospital for sick inmates re£erred to Home 04 05 1920 8 103 Committee. 30. Report from Supt. Dempsey filed. 04 05 1920 8 103 31. Chairs to be purchased for County Home. 04 05 1920 8 103 32. Report from Supt. Dempsey filed. 05 03 1920 8 108 33. Bill paid J. P. Herring for setting eggs for County Home. 05 03 1920 8 108 34. Report from Supt. Dempsey filed. 06 07 1920 8 113 35. Supt. Dempsey reported roof at County Home was leaking. 07 06 1920 8 116 36. Mr. Trask to correct trouble in boiler in laundry room at HOme. 07 16 1920 8 117 37. Report from Supt. Dempsey filed. 08 02 1920 8 118 38. Request from Mr. Dempsey for salary increase for Matron deferred to next meeting. 08 02 1920 8 118 39. F. J. ?empsey granted vacation of ten days with pay. 08 02 1920 8 118 40. Bill from J. W. Blake Electrical Co. for wiring at County Home to be paid. , 08 02 1920 8 119 41. Health Department recommended Allen Register be admitted to County Home. 09 O1 1920 8 120 42. Bill of J. W.Blake for fans and wiring at Home deferred to Chairman. 09 09 1920 8 124 43. Auditor to buy Davenport Wooden Sale Shoes for convicts. 09 20 1920 8 126 44. Report from Supt. Dempsey filed. 10 04 1920 S 127 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATT RT COUNTY HOME nea. u. s. ?(. County Indezea Since 1888 Yo loeate names, open at COTT A-2 TAB INDEX C.Cwei?? An ldentifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB ?DE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO PAT OFFICE SOLO BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS 1. Report from Supt. Demspey filed. 2. Same as October 4. 3. Request from Seamen's Friend Society to admit M. Driscal to County Home referred to Health Officer as was request for Sallie Hargrove. 4. Matter of heating Juvenile Annex of County Home referred to Commissioners and Auditor. 5. Matter of electing a Supt. and Matron of Home left to County Home Committee. 6. F. J. Dempsey resigned as Supt. of County Farm and Home. 7. November report from Supt. of Home filed. 8. Juveniles detained at County Home are inmates and not prisoners. 9. County Home Committee to report on applicants for position of Supt. of Home. 10. W. C. Page elected Supt. of County Farm and Home at $100 per month. 11. Mrs. W. C. Page elected Matron of County Home at $50 per month. 12. Matter of hiring Rev. Fred D. Dean as Chaplin for Home and Stockade referred to Committee. 13. Report from Supt. of Home filed. 14. Bill from Standard Supply Co. for repairing boiler at Home ordered paid. 15. Appointment of Rev. Dean as Chaplin to Home and Stockade referred to Minesterial Association for consideration. 16. Bill from Electric Maintenance Co. for repairing dectree motor at Home approved. 17. Rev. F. D. Dean appointed County Chaplin. 18. Report from Supt. Page filed. 19. Supt. Page's report filed. 20. Wilmington Iron Works to install new tubing in boiler at Home if cannot be done more economically. 21. Board declined to pay bill from Standard Supply Co. for tubes for Home's boiler because cost excessive. 22. Supt. Page's report filed. 23. Violet Freeman admitted to County Home. 24. Rec{uest that Mrs. Hugh Owens be admitted to Home refused since she has tuberculosis. 25. Report from Supt. Page filed. 26. Report from Supt. Page filed. 27. Bond of Supt. Page filed. 28. July report from Supt. Page filed. 29. Request from Dan Ross for admission to Home referred to Chairman. 30. Reports from Supt. Page. 31. Bids for installation of new boiler in County Home received and awarded to H. E. Longley. 32. Report filed from Supt. Page. 33. Appliances purchased for County Home. 34. Sugar captured from Whiskey still to be donated to Home if legal. 35. W. C. elected Supt. of County Home and Farm at $100 a month. 36. Mrs. W. C. Page elected Matron of County Home at $50 a month. 37. Application of Mary Marble for admission to County Home referred to County Health Officer. 38. Report from Supt. Page filed. 39. Same as Dec. 9. 40. Matter of admitting woman to Home referred to Mr. Little. 41. Report from Supt. Page filed. 42. Request that Joe Edwards be admitted to Home referred to Health Officer. 43. Report from Supt. Page filed. 44. Same as March 6th. DATE Month Day I Year MINUTE BOOK Vol. Page 10 04 1920 8 127 11 O1 1920 8 129 11 O1 1920 8 130 11 O1 1920 8 130 12 06 1920 8 133 12 06 1920 8 135 12 07 1920 8 136 12 07 ?92(3 8 ?36 12 07 1920 8 137 12 10 1920 8 137 12 10 1920 8 137 O1 03 1921 8 139 O1 03 1921 S 129 O1 03 1921 8 140 O1 10 1921 8 142 O1 27 1921 8 142 02 07 1921 8 145 02 10 1921 8 147 03 07 1921 8 149 04 05 1921 8 153 04 05 1921 8 153 04 05 1921 8 153 05 24 1921 8 156 06 06 1921 8 158 06 06 1921 8 158 07 05 1921 8 162 07 12 1921 8 164 08 O1 1921 8 169 08 O1 1921 8 169 09 06 1921 8 174 09 21 1921 8 174 10 03 1921 8 176 10 03 1921 8 176 11 27 1921 8 180 12 05 1921 8 182 12 05 1921 8 182 12 05 1921 8 182 12 09 1921 8 183 O1 03 1922 8 185 O1 27 1922 8 186 02 06 1922 8 187 02 06 1922 8 188 03 06 1922 8 191 04 10 1922 8 194 H INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES N C N C anover - ew ount?, . . ? MATT RT COUNTY HOME _ aec. u. s. County lndezea Since 1888 ? 70 loeafe names, open at COTT A-2 TAB INDEX ?AT OfFICE ?pJJJ? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY iHE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN C. DU NN, NEW BE RN, NORTH UROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEQINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month I Day I Year Vol. I Page 1. Fire extinguishers to be purchased for County Home. 04 10 1922 8 194 2. Report from Supt. Page filed. 05 O1 1922 8 197 3. County Home Committee to paint roof of County Home buildings. 06 05 1922 8 200 4, Report from Supt. Page filed. 06 05 1922 8 200 5. Report from Supt. filed. 07 02 1922 8 202 6. County Home Committee to repair roofs of County Home and Farm. 07 05 1922 8 203 7. Report from Supt. Page filed. , 08 07 1922 8 206 8. Chairman to act on all applicants for admission to County Home after being investigated by Health Officer. 08 21 1922 8 208 9. Repart fror? Supt. Page f??ec?. 09 06 1922 8 211 10. Same as Sept. 6. 10 02 1922 8 212 11. Bid accepted to install radiator heating units in colored ward of Home. 10 02 1922 8 213 12. Report from Supt. Page filed. 11 06 1922 8 214 13. No action on application of W. R. Evans for position of Supt. of Home and Farm since no vacancy. 11 06 1922 8 215 14. County Home Committee to investigate constructing an annex on Home to separate inmates from prisoners. 11 06 1922 8 215 15. Report from Supt. Page filed. 12 04 1922 8 217 16. W.C. Page elected Supt. of County Home and Farm at $100 a month, 12 04 1922 8 219 17. Mrs. Page elected Matron of County Home at $50 a month. 12 04 1922 8 219 18. Board made its annual apppropriaticn of Mr. Page for gas and oil for auto for Farm. 12 04 1922 8 219 19. J. P. Newton allow to rent County land on County Home property for 3 years. O1 I6 I923 8 224 20. Report from Supt. Page filed. O1 16 1923 8 224 ? 21. Attorney to draft a bill to allow Board to issue bonds for Courthouse and County Home improvements. O1 22 1923 8 224 22. Board requested permission from Legislature to issue bonds to build more buildings at County Home. 02 17 1923 8 229 23. Report from Supt. Page filed. 03 12 1923 8 231 24. Report from Supt. Page filed. 04 02 1923 8 236 25. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Page to be replaced as Keepers of County Home and Farm, 04 04 1923 8 237 26. All applicants for Keeper of County Home referred to County Home Committee. 04 I6 1923 8 240 27. Bill from H.E. Longley for grate bars for County Home heating plant approved. 04 23 1923 8 240 28. May reports from Supt. of Home filed. 06 11 1923 8 245 29. Same as June 11 (except not May.) 07 02 1923 8 247 30. Architects L. N. Boney and J. B. Lynch will be paid only one fee for working on plans for County Home 07 12 1923 8 251 proj ect . 31. C. H. Bonham elected Supt. of Home and Farm at $100 a month. 07 30 1923 8 255 32. Mrs. C. H. Bonham elected matrol of County Home at $50 a month. 07 30 1923 8 255 33. Report from Supt. of Home filed. 08 06 1923 8 256 ? 34. Guardian appointed to oversee pension and income of Mrs.Lavina Fulford, inmate of Home. 08 31 1923 8 260 35. Auditor and new Superintendent Bonham to take an inventory of County Home. 08 31 1923 8 260 . 36. List of rules and regulations govexning the inmates and prisoners at Home. p. 260-261 08 31 1923 8 260 37. Report from Supt. Bonham filed. 09 04 1923 8 262 38. Matter of night guard for Home referred to County Home Committee. 09 10 1923 8 263 39. C. W. Watkins hired as day guard at County Home at $50 a month. 09 25 1923 8 264 40. G. L. Smi-?h hired as night guard at County Home at $60 a month. 09 25 1923 8 264 41. Cow to be purchased for County Home. 09 25 1923 8 264 42. Report from Supt. Bonham filed. 10 Ol 1923 8 265 43. Gasoline and oil allowance for auto granted Mr. Bonham. 10 Ol 1923 8 266 44. Report from Supt. Bonham filed. 11 05 1923 8 269 45. Extra sections for boiler at Home authorized. 11 05 1923 8 269 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count N C COUNTY HOME ?, . . _ MATTER: ees. a. s. e?r oFCice ? ` Counry Indezes Since 1888 C..?c?i7l?o-7?.s An IdentiEying Trade Mark ? To loeate names, open af SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•i TAB INDEX 1MADE BY TNE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COIUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE Month Day Yea? ` ?: MINUTE BOOK VoI, Page l. Report from Supt. Bonham filed. 12 03 1923 S 272 2. Bill in £avor of County Home for labor furnished Jail referred to Sheriff. 12 03 1923 8 273 3. Bond of C. H, Bonham as Supt. of County Home approved. 12 03 1923 8 273 4. C. H. Bonham elected Supt. of Home and Farm at $200 a month. 12 03 1923 8 274 S. Mrs. C. H. Bonham elected Matron of County Home at $50 a month. 12 03 1923 8 274 6. Annual appropriation made for upkeep of auto of Supt. Bonham. 12 03 1923 8 274 7. Report from Supt. Bonham filed. O1 07 1924 8 277 8. Boiler in heating system of County Home to be insured against personal liability. 02 04 1924 8 281 9. Report from Supt. Bonham filed. 02 04 1924 8 281 10. Clara Byrd to be employed as cook at County Home at $25 a month. 02 04 1924 8 281 11. Report from Supt. Bonham filed. 03 03 1924 8 285 12. Mrs. Luvinia Fulford to be charged boazalfor keep at County Home 03 27 1924 8 288 13. Report from Supt. Bonham filed. 04 07 1924 8 290 14. Electric motor and pump to be purchased for County Home. 04 07 1924 8 290 15. Report from Supt. Bonham filed. 05 05 1924 8 294 16. Same as May 5th. 06 04 1924 8 298 17. G.W. Branck, guardian of Mrs. Luvinia Fulford, to pay her bill for care of her at Home. 06 04 1924 8 298 18. Burial expenses of Lottie Samuel, who died at Home, paid. 06 04 1924 8 298 19. Report from Supt. Bonham filed. 07 07 1924 8 302 20. Bill from James Walker Memorial Hospital for treating County Home employees Watkins and Sandlin approved. 08 04 1924 8 304 21. Board adopted form to be filled out by all applicants to County Home. 08 04 1924 8 304 22. Report from Supt. Bonham filed. OS 04 1924 8 304 23. Bids received for installing heating system at County Home and contract awarded to H. E. Long2ey. Q9 20 1924 8 310 24. Report from Supt. Bonham filed. 10 06 1924 8 311 25. Mr. McQuillan of Pender County to be admitted to Home until other arrangements can be made. 10 06 1924 8 311 26. Pender County charged same as this County for keeping its prisoners in County Home. 10 06 1924 8 312 27. I?eport from Supt. Bonham filed. lI 03 1924 8 312 28. Sandy Allen, employee of County Home, given salary increase from $10 to $12.50 a week. 11 03 1924 8 313 29. Report from Supt. Bonham filed. 12 O1 1924 8 315 30. C. H. Bonham elected Supt. of County Home and Farm at $100 a month. 12 Ol 1924 8 316 31. Mrs. C. H. Bonham elected Matron of County Home at $50 a month. 12 O1 1924 8 316 32. Salary of W. T. Shepard, night watchman at Home, increased to $60 a month. 12 Ol 1924 8 316 33. Annual approprzation made to Supt. Bonham for auto upkeep. 12 Ol 1924 8 317 34. Report from Supt. Bonham filed. O1 05 1925 8 321 35. Board paid deficit incurred by YMCA for Christmas dinner they served County Home inmates. O1 05 1925 8 321 36. Mr. Bonham allowed automobile upkeep allowance. O1 30 1925 8 326 37. J. J. Farrow admitted to County Home. 02 02 1925 S 326 38. Report from Supt. Bonham filed. 02 02 1925 8 328 39. Report from Supt. Bonham filed. 03 02 1925 8 331 40. C. W. and Richard Long Wilson admitted to County Home as inmates. 03 Q2 1925 8 331 41. Report from Supt. Bonham filed. 04 06 1925 8 334 42. Admission of John S. Harriss to Home referred to Chairman. 04 10 1925 8 336 43. Report from Supt. Bonham filed. OS 04 1925 8 337 44. E. M. Motte admitted to County Home. 05 11 1925 8 338 45. Report from Supt. Bonham filed. 06 Ol 1925 8 341 46. Same as June lst. 07 07 1925 8 344 C . , INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. MATTER: COUNTY HOME ` ¦ec. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 + To locate names, open at e?r OFFICE ?ea??/?E'.e An Identifying Trade Mark ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•2 TAB INDEX ?DE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLO BY OWEN C. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month I Day I Yenr Vol. I Page l. No definite action on proposed fertilizer plant on County's land near County Home. 09 02 1925 8 350 2. County Farm Iand not to be sold for fertilizer plant. 09 04 1925 8 351 3. Report from Supt. Bonham filed. 09 OS 1925 8 351 4. Report from Supt. Bonham filed. 10 05 1925 8 353 5. Bills from R. H. Reville Sr. and Jr. for work on County Home pump house approved. 11 19 1925 8 358 6. Report from Supt. Bonham filed. 12 07 1925 8 360 7. C. H. Bonham elected Supt. of County Home and Farm at $100 a month. • 12 07 1925 8 361 8. Mrs. C. H. Bonham elected Matron of County Home at $50 a month. 12 07 1925 8 361 9. Annual appropriation made for upkeep of Mrs. Bonham's auto. 12 07 1925 8 361 10. Request for salary increase from Mr. Bonham declined. 12 07 1925 8 361 11. Request of Clem Wright for admission to Home referred to Welfare Officer. Ol 04 1926 8 365 12. New pump motor to be purchased for County Home. O1 04 1926 8 365 13. Report from Supt. Bonham filed. O1 04 1926 8 365 14. Report from Supt. Bonham filed. 02 O1 1926 8 370 15. Report from Supt. Bonham filed. 03 Ol 1926 8 375 16. Same as March 1. 04 05 1926 8 379 17. Hartford Steam Boiler Insurance Co. discontinuing "crackage clause" on County Home boiler. 04 OS 1926 8 380 18. Bill from Maggie Foreman for helping at County Home approved. 04 05 1926 8 380 19. Plans for construction on County Home from J. B. Lynch, architect, accepted. 04 19 1926 8 382 20. Report from Supt. Bonham filed. 05 03 1926 8 384 21. Same as May 3rd. 06 07 1926 8 386 22. Request from Pender County to place one of its citizens in this Home declined. 06 07 1926 8 387 23. Bids to be taken to construct prison and dining room at Home by plans of J. B. Lynch, architect. 07 06 1926 8 388 24. Auditor to borrow money for County Home construction. 07 06 1926 8 388 25. Report from Supt. Bonham filed. 07 06 1926 8 389 26. Macy Colwell, of Duplin County, to be admitted to County Home. 07 23 1926 8 391 27. Bids listed for construction of prison and dining room in County Home and contract given to W. A . Simon. 07 28 1926 8 394 28. Contract for heating County Home buildings awarded to R. W. Dixon and Plumbing to H. E. Longley. 07 28 1926 8 394 29. Architects compensation for County Home construction set. 07 28 1926 8 394 30. Harry Barnes to paint roof of County Home. 08 20 1926 8 395 3I. J. B. Lynch, architect, paid for plans for construction at County Home. OS 30 1926 8 395 32. New boiler for laundry at County Home to be purchased. 10 04 1926 8 400 33. Usual Monthly report received. 10 04 1926 8 401 34. Mr.J. J. Farrow formerly an inmate, granted admissi?zn to County Home. 10 04 1926 8 40I 35. Monthly reports for October filed. 11 Ol 1926 8 4Q3 36. Boiler purchased from Lingo Metal Works. 11 O1 1926 8 404 37. Monthly report received, filed. 12 06 1926 8 410 38. Grease trap and sing liner installed at County Home. 12 10 1926 8 413 39. Septic tank to be purchased from Cement Products Co. 12 16 1926 8 415 40. Six dining tables built for county home. 12 16 1926 8 415 41. County Home supplies referred to board, 12 21 1926 8 415 42. County Home report filed. O1 03 1927 8 418 43. Payment to R. W, Nixon for heating installation approved. O1 03 1927 8 418 44. Supt. Mrs. C. H. Bonham reauested sala?y increase. O1 03 1927 8 418 45. County Home building contracts completed. O1 10 1927 8 419 46. Monthly report received, filed. 02 07 1927 8 424 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MATTER: ?oUNTY HaME i ncc. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 ? To IotdtO namBS? open ot COTT A•2 TAB INDEX r?r OFi1CE ?cse,m? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INIiIAI TAB MADE BY THE CdTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Note of $30,000 on County Home received. 02 07 1927 8 424 2. Six coffins purchased for County Home. 02 07 1927 8 424 3. Monthly report filed. 02 21 1927 8 425 4. Monthly report filed. 03 07 1927 8 428 5. Repairs authorized at County Home. 03 15 1927 8 431 6. Monthly report filed. 04 04 1927 8 433 7. Ashley A. Peebles admitted as County Home inmate. 04 04 1927 8 434 8. Mrs. Draden Thomas, N. 2nd St., admitted to County Home. 04 12 1927 8 435 9. Dozen bibles and supplies approved. 04 12 1927 8 436 10. Monthly report filed. 05 02 1927 8 439 11. Cleveland E. Car admitted as County home inmate. 05 12 1927 8 442 12. Pipes and cutter repairs awarded to W.T. Croom, Jr. 05 24 1927 8 442 13. Bill to W. T. Croom (above) approved for payment. 06 06 1927 8 445 14. Monthly report filed. 06 06 1927 8 445 15. Mrs. Elizabeth Harker, 83, admitted as inmate. 06 08 1927 8 446 16. Monthly report received. 07 05 1927 8 451 17. Monthly report received. ? 08 O1 1927 8 455 18. Rosa Teachey admitted as County Home inmate. 08 O1 1927 8 455 19. Springer Oil Co. awarded coal bid for County Home. 08 16 1927 8 457 20. Caswell Johnson admitted as County Home inmate. 08 30 1927 8 459 21. Annie Julia Gurganeous and Elizabeth Nelson admitted as inmates. 08 30 1927 8 459 22. No action taken on employment of boiler caretaker. 08 30 1927 8 459 23. Supt. C. H. Bonham resignation accepted. 08 30 1927 8 460 24. 14 applications for Supt. taken. 08 30 1927 8 460 25. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Long appointed Supt. and Matron at County Home. 08 30 1927 8 460 26. Supt's business transactions considered. 08 30 1927 8 460 27. George Bryant conferred as guard. 08 30 1927 8 460 28. MOnthly report filecl. 09 06 1927 8 461 29. John Ward admitted as County home inmate. 09 14 1927 8 461 30. Insuring of boiler referred to Chairman. 09 27 1927 8 465 31. Monthly report filed. 09 30 1927 8 465 32. Supt. of County Home and farm allowance on car transferred. 09 30 1927 8 465 33. Teacher Eloise Duncan allowed room and board for $20 a month. 10 25 1927 8 467 34. Monthly report filed. 11 07 1927 8 469 35. Frank Fears admitted as inmate. 11 i5 1927 8 472 36. Use of grist mill approved. 11 22 1927 8 474 37. Former inmate Mrs. Mary Workman re-admitted. 11 22 1927 8 475 38. Mrs. Victoria Gurganus admitted as inmate. 11 22 1927 8 475 39. Monthly report filed. 12 06 1927 8 475 40. Sarah Graham admitted as inmate. 12 13 1927 8 477 41. I?4onthly report filed. O1 03 1928 8 480 42. Benjamin Hawkins, 66, admitted as County Home inmate. O1 17 1928 8 484 43. Henrietta Jones admitted to County Home as inmate. O1 31 1928 8 486 44. Boiler repairs at County Home referred to Chairman. O1 31 1928 8 486 45. Monthly report filed. 02 06 1928 8 487 46. Action to admit Robert Morris as inmate approved. 02 21 1928 8 489 ?? INDE? TO COMMiS5I0NERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?y, N. C. , MA TER: COUNTY HOME ncc. u. s. County lndezea Since 1888 ? To lotate namBS, open at COTT A-2 7AB INDEX r?r OiFICE Cn?? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MIADE BY THE COTT INDE% COMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NAiURE Of PROCEEDINGS i. Monthly report filed. 2. Emanuel Roderick, 66, admitted to County Home as inmate. 3. $2,500 repair cost for County Home boiler declined. 4. John Harriss request approved as County Home inmate. 5. Employment of S. C. Long as carpenter authorized. 6. Repa?rs to be made on County Home screens and windows. 7. Monthly report filed. 8. County Home building fund note adopted for renewal. 9. Chairman announced May 1 resolution on County Home note. 10. Monthly report filed. 11. Annie Mae Nealey, prostitute, paroled to County Home matron. 12. Monthly report filed. 13. Oscar Carney admitted as inmate. 14. Henry Loftin admitted as inmate. 15. Monthly report filed. 16. Henry Loftin admitted as inmate. 17. Boiler to be repaired at County Home. 18. Action taken to renew note on County Home. 19. North-Smith Coal Co. awarded coal bid for County Home. 20. County Home report filed. 21. Ben Hawkins given second chance; allowed to remain as inmate. 22. W.C. Pigford, 55, paralytic, admitted to County Home. 23. Supt. bond received. 24. Committee to accept recently built barn. 25. Monthly report filed, . 26. Mazie Lane request to admit 10-year old child deferred. 27. Mazie Lane child admitted as inmate. 28. Carpenter.to be employed to aid on hay carrier. 29. Monthly report filed. 30. Ma?pass Johnson admitted as inmate. 31, Helen Lassiter assigned to County Home; father hired out . 32, Land issue referred to Trask. 33, Purchase of watchman's clock directed. 34. Victoria Gurganus, 76, admitted as inmate. 35. Monthly report filed. 36. Malpass Johnson, inmate, to receive $40 a month. 37. Note on County Home approved to People's Saving Bank. 38. Thomas Atkins admitted as inmate. 39. 12 coffins granted for purchase. 40, Appreciation granted for County Home. 41. Monthly report filed. 42. Miles Wilson admitted as inmate. 43. Note renewed on County Home. 44. Monthly report filed. 45, Miles Wilson, former, inmate, re-admitted. 46. Salina Johnson, 63, admitted as inmate. DATE Month I Day I Yea? 03 05 1928 03 05 1928 03 05 1928 03 05 1928 04 02 1928 Q4 Q2 1928 04 02 1928 04 OZ 1928 04 02 1928 05 07 1928 05 07 1928 06 04 1928 06 04 1928 06 26 1928 07 02 1928 07 02 1928 07 10 1928 07 24 1928 07 24 1928 08 06 1928 08 06 1928 08 06 1928 OS 14 1928 08 28 1928 09 04 1928 09 04 1928 09 11 1928 09 25 1928 10 O1 1928 10 O1 1928 10 09 1928 10 16 1928 10 16 1928 10 30 1928 11 05 1928 11 05 1928 11 05 1928 11 27 1928 11 27 1928 12 03 1928 I2 03 1928 12 11 1928 12 11 1928 O1 07 1929 Ol 07 1929 O1 07 1929 MINUTE BOOK Vol. I Page 8 491 8 491 8 492 8 493 8 502 8 502 8 502 8 508 8 508 8 508 8 508 8 512 8 512 8 516 8 518 8 518 8 520 8 523 8 523 8 525 8 525 8 525 8 527 8 530 8 530 8 530 8 531 8 533 8 5 34 8 535 8 536 8 537 8 537 8 539 8 540 8 540 8 540 8 544 8 546 8 546 8 546 8 548 8 548 8 552 8 552 8 552 2. N H C RS MINUTES S O N C '?' anover ount?, ew - I NE INDEX TO COMMIS . . , MpTT R ?oUNTY NoME ? nea. u. a. ??i??? County Indezea Since 1888 ? to loeote names, open af r?r OFFICE ?p?'ii(,o?-? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB COT7 A-Z TAB INDEX MUIDE YT THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month I Day I Year VoI. I Page 1. Monthly report filed for January. 02 04 1929 8 555 2. Monthly report filed. 03 04 1929 8 562 3. W. S. Wilson admitted as inmate. 03 12 1929 8 563 4. Peter Haskins admitted as inmate. 03 12 1929 8 564 5. Monthly report filed for March. 04 02 1929 8 567 6. Charles Brown admitted as inmate. 04 02 1929 8 567 7. Application blanks given to County Home. 04 09 1929 8 568 8. Lena Taylor and two children admitted to County Home. 04 09 1929 8 568 9. Walter Branch filed application for nightwa?chnam. 04 16 1929 8 57Q 10. Mrs. Annie Beilet admitted as inmate. 04 16 1929 8 570 11. Mrs. Fannie C. Beshom admitted as inmate and pension given to County. 04 30 1929 8 572 12. Lizzie Parker admitted as inmate. 05 06 1929 8 573 13. Monthly report filed for April. 05 06 1929 8 573 14. W.G. Strain employed to install smoke stack, glasses and clean boiler. 05 21 1929 8 575 15. Monthly report filed. 06 03 1929 8 577 16. Joseph King admitted as inmate. 06 11 1929 8 578 17. Monthly report filed. Q7 O1 1929 8 582 18. G. D.Williams admitted as inmate. 07 09 1929 8 583 19. Reduction in lighting rates authorized. 07 10 1929 8 583 20. Bids secured for gutters and pipes and roof repaired. 07 23 1929 8 586 21. Reconstruction of barn left to Chairman. 07 23 1929 8 586 22. Mary Lane, 70, admitted as inmate. 07 30 1929 8 587 23. Monthly report filed. 07 30 1929 8 587 24. Mrs. Annie Potter Morgan admitted as inmate. 08 13 1929 8 590 25. L. A.Bilbro admitted as inmate. 08 29 1929 8 593 26. Monthly report filed. 09 03 1929 8 595 27. Springer Oil Co. awarded coal contract. 09 10 1929 8 595 28. J. B. Fox, Royal Baker, to erect sign on County Home property. 09 10 1929 8 595 29. Contract to replace gutters and pipes and repair roof given W. D. Anderson and Co. 09 10 1929 8 595 30. J. W. McCartney and Irene Gammond admitted as inmates. 09 12 1929 8 596 31. Construction bid received and awarded to J. I. Crews. 10 Ol 1929 8 597 32. Larry Ennett and Calvin Hall admitted as inmates. 10 O1 1929 8 598 33. Monthly report filed. 10 07 1929 8 598 34. Construction contract authorized by county and J. E. Crews. 10 07 1929 8 599 35. John Exson admitted as inmate. 10 22 1?29 '9 3 36. supt. to collect $25 life insurance toward burial expenses of inmate L. M. Mot t. 10 22 1929 9 3 37, J. R. Shaver admitted as inmate. 10 2C.3 1929 9 4 38, Authority given tp purchase cane mill for County Home. 10 29 Z929 9 4 39. Monthly report filed. Mrs. Gerganus's application for admission decline d. 10 29 1929 9 5 40. Mrs. Mary E. Gurganous, 87 admitted as inmate. 11' 12 1929 9 6 41, Courthouse Committee reported on completion of Coun'?y barn,accepted and $561.50 bal.paid. 11 19 1929 9 7 42. More shed construction and purchase of mule authorized. 11 19 1929 9 8 43. Money paid to L. A. Justice for shed at County barn. 11 26 1929 9 10 44. Monthly report filed. 12 2 1?29 9 11. 45. S. H. Swartz admitted as inmate. 12 24 1929 9 14 46. Committee to report on requirements for County Home ot3.?--building and new smoke house. 12 24 1929 9 l5 INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Countt?, N. C. , MATTER: - County Home - acc. u, s. County Indexea Since 1888 To loeate npmBS, open at COTT A•2 TAB INDEX PAT OFiICE C?F?? An IdentifYing Trade Matk SURNAME INIiIAL TAB MADE ?Y THE COTT INDEX COMPANY. COLUMBUS.OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERM, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS l. Payment to J.B. Huntington for Christmas,Dinners at County Home approved. trees 2. Monthly report filed. Twenty-five pecanA?approved for purchase at County Home. 3. Purchase of cheap handles, screws, ect. authorized for coffins. 4. Commissioners voted to have Caunty Home painted. 5. Monthly report filed. 6. John Lofton admitted as inmate? subject to Social Service approval. 7. Lang Wilson, ?.dmitted as inmate. 8. Miss Lottie Warren's care bill to be sent to R. F. Warren. 9. J. R. Guthrie, Sr. admitted as inmate, subject to financial assurance`S`relatives's pay. 10. Monthly report filed. ? 11. Contract for mixed paint for County Home roof awarded to Dawson-Moore Paint Co. 12. Purchase of pressure pump, referred to Commissioners Dosher and Trask. ? 11. Purchase for motor for County Home authorized. 12. Annie Keith and J.R. Guthrie admitted as inmates. 13. Robert Ellerby admitted as inmate. 14. Monthly report filed. 15. J. R. Shaver re-admitted as inmate. Authorized payment to T. J. Head balance for pump. 16.William Wyatt admitted as inmate. 17. Woodshed and pumphouse building erection approved, advertised for bids. 18. R. N. Sweet and A. R. McGrath admitted as inmates. I9. Construction plans far smokehouse, pump and woodshed approved and bids advertised. ;'20. Bids received, contract awarded to W.A. Simon. i i21. County Home report received. '22. Mrs. Caladonia Roderick admitted as inmate. ?? '23. Ida Hardison admitted as inmate. Payment of $35 to ?I. A. Simon approved for smo?.ehouse. 24. J.R. Gt,tthrze admitted as inmate. 25. Sale of County ?'ome sand for City work approved. Monthly report filed, 26. Allen McGowan and Isham Riley admitted as inmates. .' ?27. Committee named to maintain milk cows at Coun?y Home. 28. Monthly report filed. 29. J.T. Whatehurst and Mrs. Ann Herring admitted. as inm.ates, also John Exons. 30. J?a.lia Murphey adcri.itted as inmate. 31. Contract fo?coal award_ to Gardner Coal Co. Monthly re?ort filed. 32. Mrs. Amanda Hancoc?:.sadmitted as inmate. 33. Bill to Dick Rigister for repairs to pump approved fox payment 34. Courzty Home report for September filed. 35. Applications for County Home will be•req?ired to assign ins. polices for burial befc?re admission. 36. Wilmington Iron Works awarded contract to install hog ?.n and chimney at $36.80. 37. Mr. Herreny. defer?ed admission to County Home a? inmate. 38. County Home report tiled for October. Approved payment ot bill for cooking syrup. 39. Monthly report filed for November. 40. Mrs. Laura Guthrie employed as County Home Nurse, salary fixed at $50.00 month. 41. Maria Davis admitted as inmate. 42. Mrs. Henrietta Butler and Miss Ruby Butler admitted as inmates, if property equity to DATE MINUiE BOOK Month Day I Year ! Vol. Page ? 6 1930 9 16 1 6 1930 9 16 1 6 1930 9 16 1 28 1930 9 19 2 3 1930 9 20 2 3 I930 9 20 2 11 1930 9 ?? 2 18 1930 9 26 2 25 1930 9 27 3 3 1930 9 27 3 18 1930 9 30 3 18 1930 9 30 3 18 1930 ? 31 3 18 1930 9 31 4 1 1930 9 33 4 7 1930 9 37 4 22 1930 9 39 4 29 1930 9 40 ?+ 2? 1930 9 40 5 13 1930 9 42 5 20 I930 9 42 5 27 1930 9 43 6 2 1930 9 44 6 10 1930 9 44 6 24 1930 9 46 7 1 1930 9 46 7 7 1930 9 46 7 15 1930 9 50 7 15 1930 9 50 8 4 1930 9 51 8 26 1930 9 51 8 26 1930 9 51 9 2 1930 9 57 9 9 1930 9 58 9 16 1930 9 59 10 ?? 1930 9 70 10 14 1930 9 71 10 21 1930 9 72 11 18 1930 9 75 11 l? 1930 9 ?5 12 1 1930 9 78 12 1 1930 9 79 12 16 1930 9 82 12 16 1930 9 83 expenses. INDEX TO COMNiI5SI0NERS MINUTES - N H C t N C ew anover oun y, . . _ MATTER: Cgunty Home _ eec. u. s. '?.??? County Inde:ee Since 1888 ? To loeofe nomes, Open of COTT A•2 TAB INDEX r?r OFFILE ??IJ7c?? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL 7A6 MADE BY iNE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Yea? Vol. Page l. Louise McCree, admitted as ?nmate 12 30 1930 9 84 2. County Home report filec?. 1 S 1931 9 85 3. Approved payment of $12 t? Y.B. Huntington for Chrzstmas dinners for inmates. 1 13 1931 9 86 4. A.M. Allred admitted as inznate. 1 13 1931 9 ?6 5. Miss Annie Jones admitted as inmate. 2 2 1931 9 88 6. January report filed. 2 2 1931 9 89 7. Dividend papers for George Waddell, deceased referred back to County Home Supt. 2 2 1931 9 89 8. Recieved draft for $700 from Hartford Steam Boiler Co. for repairs to County Home boiler. 2 17 1931 9 92 9. February report filed. 3 2 1931 9 95 10. Mrs. Mary Smith,and Nancy Nixon admitted as inmates, $12.50 from K.O. Burgwin goes to 3 16 1931 9 97 County. 11. T.W. Gordon, admitted as inmate, any Ins. paid goes to County for expenses and burial. 3 23 1931 9 98 12. Mrs. Mary Eliza Piner and Peter Fin???ley admitted as inmates 3 23 1931 9 98 13. R.R. McCarteny, admitted as inmate. 4 7 1931 9 101 14. C.J. Bachelor, admitted as inmate, 4 27 1931 9 104 15. April report filed. 5 4 1931 9 105 16. Robert McNeil, admitted as inmafie. 5 4 1931 9 107 17. John C. Bowden admitted as inmate. 5 25 1931 9 109 18. Monthly report filed. 6 1 1931 9 110 19. t?:l?.re?.ce ????-rdo???e Vhde?z ax?d Will?alr Henry Prease, admitted as inmates if room available. 6 8 1931 9 111 20. Mr. S.C. Long, Supt. of Horne granted vacation of lOdays beginning July lOth. 6 19 1931 9 115 21, John Williams admitted as inmate. 7 29 1931 9 116 22. Monthly report filed. 8 1 1931 9 117 23. Thoma.s McDonald, admitted as inmat.e. 8 24 1931 9 124 24. J.I. Crews gram?ed permission to take cane to County Home for producing sugar. 8 24 1931 9 124 25, Mrs. P?Iaggie Bell requested and granted adtnission when opening is available. 9 14 1931 9 127 26, Springer Coal Co. awarded coal bid at County Home for $465. 9 21 1931 9 128 27. Approved payment of $9.4-6 expense for Helen James and Geneva Wilsnn fro`?V?nceboro N. C. 11 9 1931 9 137 28. Moses Tunster admitted as inmate. 11 23 1931 9 139 29'o Monthly report filed. 12 7 1931 9 142 30. Received inspection report from L.G. Whitley, State Board o? Charites and Welfare. 12 14 1931 9 143 31. Board voted to admitt Penny to County Home for treatment and observation for ten days. 1 4 1932 9 146 32. C. J. Vader, dimissed for offense of conduct unbecoming as inmate. 1 4 1932 9 147 33. C.J. Vader allowed to return as inmate, providing he abide by rules of Home. 1 11 1932 9 147 34. January report filed. 2 1 1932 9 150 35. Statement from Auditor received, showing comparison of inmates,Juveniles and prisoners. 2 23 1932 9 154 36. February report filed. 3 1 1932 9 155 37. Lottie Williams, 57 admitted as inmate. 3 14 1932 9 157 38. Monthly repc?t filed. 5 2 1932 9 163 39. John McCoy admitted as inmate. 6 6 1932 9 166 40. Supt. and Matron of County Home granted vacation for ten days. 7 5 ?932 9 169 41. County Home tools loaned to citizen's farm project for unemployed. 8 8 1932 9 175 42. William Freddie Sykes admitted as inmate. 8 8 1932 9 175 43. Mary Calder admitted as inmate. 8 22 1932 9 178 44. Springer Coal Co. awarded coal bids for County Home and Courthouse. 9 26 1932 9 182 45. Authorized construction of building for gust mill and la?a.?.dry machinery also repairs, 10 7 1932 9 189 INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS M?NUTES N H C t N T C oun - ew anover ?, . . , MATT R County Home - Rec. u. s. Counry lndexea Since 1888 ?? ?.?--' To IoCate npmes? open Ot COTT A-Z TAB INDEX PAT OFFICE ?l?s An Identifying Trade Mark ??? SURNAME lNITIAI TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINU?E BOOK Month Day I Year Vol. I Page l.Laundry building completed, n??.chinery and gust mill installed, emergency funds appropriated 12 5 1932 9 194 for repairs to old brick building. 2. C. H. Bonham's application f?r Supt. of County Home and farm received and ?iled. 12 5 1932 9 194 3. Received plans and specifications far remod<?lingold laundry room, approved. 12 _2 1932 9 194 4. W. R. Dosher awarded bid for old laundry room remodeling at price of $525. 12 '_9 1932 9 195 5. Hinton announced intent of resolLution to abolish Home and Farm Demonstration Agents. 1 3 19?3 9 1?6 6. Hugh McRay and D. J. Fergus protest abolishment of Home and Farm Agents. 1 3 1933 9 197 7. ?Tilliam Barber, Ben Hill and Lottie Williams admitted as inmates. 2 6 1933 9 204 8. Appropriated $25 monthly County part to care for five inmates at Old Folk's Home. 3 ?7 1933 9 211 9. Jas. M. Morgan admitted as inmate. 3 ?7 1933 9 211 10. March report filed. 4 3 1933 9 213 11. Henry Pridgen admitted as inmate. 4 l0 1933 9 214 12. George T. McRay admitted as ir?.mate, on approval of 5upt. of Social Serviceso 5 8 1933 9 219 ? 13. April report filed. S 8 1933 9 219 14. Request for financial aid for Katherine Kennedy Home to be considered in budget. 6 L9 1933 9 227 15. North-Smith Co. awarded bid for coal at County Home. 6 L9 1933 9 227 16. Authorized purchase of fire extinquisher from Pyrene Mfg. Co. at $93. for County Home. 6 L9 1933 9 228 17. James W. Bla.ck admitted as inmate. ? L7 1933 9 231 18. Hartford Boiler Ins. Co. to inspect boiler at Coumty Home. 7 31 1933 9 2??, 19. County Home repairs, recommended by Grand Jury, referred to County Home Committee. g ?l 1933 9 240 20. Charles .i. Smaw, admitted as inmate. Henry Pridgen notified of dismissal for liquor. 8 ?8 1933 9 246 21. William Hopes admitted as inmate, approved payment of $1 to repair eye glasses for inmate. 9 il 1933 9 249 22. Hansome Evans admitted as inmate. 9 18 1933 9 250 23. Miss Mollie Thomas admitted as inmate. 10 9 1933 9 253 24. Charles MEZone and Anthony Cunningham admitted as inmates. 10 23 1933 9 255 25. Henry Pridgen dismissed from home, re-admitting James Guthrie and Robert McCartney taken 10 30 1933 9 256 on advisement. J. W. Buck need cloth, approved payment of lau?.?.dry bill for J.W. Buck. 26. Mrs. Ruth E. Baker admitted as inmate. 11 ?3 19.?3 9 258 27. T urkey aut?t?orized for Christmas Dinner. 12 18 1933 9 263 28. Louis Everett and W. H. Prease admitted as inmates. 12 26 1933 9 264 29. C. A. Bordeau admitted as inmate, if refrain from alchol. 1 8 1934 9 265 30. Mrs. Sarah Jane Rogers admitted as inmate. 1 15 1934 9 266 31. County Home boiler cracked, Ins. caneell?d, central heating suggested, C W A funds requesto? 2 5 1934 9 272 4 32. North-Smith accepted coal bid. 2 5 1934 9 273 33. Frank Hill admitted as inmate. 2 19 1934 9 274 34. Dr. W. C. Peterson, released from County Home for treatment. 3 12 1934 9 276 35. Applicatzon to build County Home infirmary approved for C W A. 3 12 1934 9 277 36. Robert Hansley and George T. McRay admitted as inmates. 3 26 1934 9 278 37. Frank Berry admitted as inmate. 4 2 1934 9 279 38. Mrs. Mary A. Gurganious admitted as inmate. 4 23 1934 9 281 39. Alexander Buzzel admitted as inmate. 5 21 1934 9 285 40a Mrs. Eleanor C. Bishop and Della Tebro admitted as inmates, cook rang? referred to 6 11 1934 9 287 County Home Committee. 41, Material for C W A authorized, David Nixon and Charles Wilder admitted as inmates. 6 18 1934 9 288 42. Ma;estic range authorized for County Home. 6 18 1934 9 289 43. Mrs. Alice Gurganious inmate, requested and gave $300 to ?ounty voluntarily. 7 30 1934 9 294 ,?,: ?, INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUT?S -- N H C t N C T ew anover oun ?, . . , MATTER Cou.nty Home _ pec. u, s. Counry Indeacee Since 1888 To lotate noMe3? open ot COTT A•2 TAB INDEX r?r OfiiCE C.??-?.L? An IdentifyinB Trade Maric SURN4ME INITIAL TAB NADE BY THE COiT INDEX COMPANY. COLUMBUS.OHIO SOLD BY ONEN 6. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA AIATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day I Year Vol. I Page l. Mrs. Mary Robinson admitted as inmate. 7 30 1934 9 294 2. Mrs. Alice Gurganioza.s, requested return of $300, refused while at County Home. 8 6 1934 9 295 3. Boile?? problems to be corrected. 9 17 1934 9 302 4. Plans for new building authorized, payment approved ta F. C. Ulmer and 0. W. Watts. 9 24 1934 9 303 5. Advertisment approved ror bids to install central heating at County Hame. 10 8 1934 9 30S 6. Received bids, awarded bid to H.E. Longley. Acceptedliabili?y from ?artford Boiler Co. ZO 15 1934 9 306 7. Mixer, material, ect. authorized for construction of heating system. 10 15 1934 9 307 8. Brick, not steel to be used on chimney. 10 22 1934 9 308 9. H.E. Longley paid for installing heat plant. 11 5 2934 9 3D9 10. Charles E. Lesie 55, admitted as inm?te. Il 13 1934 9 309 11. Emma L. Clemmons, Edward Jones and William Steels admitted as inmates. 12 10 1934 9 313 12. Additional rooms for County Home referred to Committee. Sprin?er Coal Co. awar?ded bic?. 12 10 1934 9 313 13. W. T. Croom authori?ed payment for tinner tools used on Co?+_nty Home roof. 12 10 1934 9 314 14. Walkway at County Home ?°e?erred ?o Committee. 12 10 1934 9 314 15. W.S. Tusch claim, declined payment for injury at County Hom.e. 12 10 ?934 9 314 16. More rooms approved for County Home. Clothing authorized for Nathaniel King. 12 17 1934 9 315 17. Robert Holmon and Gabriel Gay admitted as inmates. 1 21 1935 9 319 18. Bills for plumbing repairs and extra work approved for payment. 1 21 1935 9 319 19. Wood approved from County Home for relief un.empioyed. 1 21 1935 9 319 20. Nor???.?Smith authorized to deliver coal at C?unty Home. 1 28 1935 9 320 21. Jordan Mclvers admitted as inmate. 2 4 1935 9 322 22. Payment to architect approved for County Home heating. 2 4 1935 9 323 23. Jordan Mclvers left, William A. McLeod admitted as inmate. 2 11 1935 9 324 24. Material authorized for const?eu.ction of County Home bu.ilding. 3 4 1935 9 327 25. Henry Griffin and Lucian Riley admitted as inmates. 3 11 1935 9 328 26, ?.A. Wilson's application to County Home held in abeyance for trazl. 4 1 1935 9 332 27. ?ntnate C.J. Vaden, due to constant drunkenness dism.issed. 4 1 1935 9 332 28. Bill to commit inebriates to County Home to go to legislature. 4 1 1935 9 332 29. Jordan Mclvers re-admitted, payment to W. T. Croom approved for rent of tinners. 4 8 1935 9 333 30. Five more rooms az?.thorized at County Home. 4 8 I935 9 334 31. Mrs. Julia A. Skupper and Mrs. E. Sou?h?an3 admitted as inmates. 4 8 1935 9 ?34 32. J.D. Brock paid for electrical work at County Home. 4 16 1935 9 334 33. W.T. Croom, approved for payment to rent tools. 4 29 1935 9 336 34. Payment made to hospital for hospital beds at County Home. S 6 1935 9 338 35. D. Roberts, G. Wilson and C. Lynch admitted as ixunates. 5 20 1935 9 342 36. Cutter Swann and Tom Barber admitted as inmates. 6 10 1935 9 346 37. Gaston Mills admitted as inmate. 6 24 1935 9 348 38. Louis Belden pa.id for County Home prison's blueprints. William Harvell admitted. 7 15 1935 9 355 39. Andr?w Earst admitted as inmate. 7 29 1935 9 357 40o Mrs Annie E. Gasl?ill and J.Bo Williams admitted as inmates. 8 5 1935 9 370 41. Authorized beautif;Ti-?g County Home property. Boiler to be insured. 8 19 1935 9 375 42. Mrs. Mary Gurganous admitted as inmate, monthly payment made by divorced husband. 8 26 1935 9 376 43. Exline Newton admitted as inmate. 9 23 1935 9 381 44. Blueprints prepared for addi?ional heatin.g. Barbara Dunn admitted as inmate. 9 23 1935 9 381 45. Mary Finkley and Joe Moore admitted as inmates. 10 7 1935 9 384 46. Ken?.eth M. Turher admitted as inmate, also Will Daniels and Joe Hall. 10 14 I935 9 384 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. ; MATT RT County Home _ aec. u. s. County [ndezea Since 1888 ?'fo lotote naMet? open of COTT A•Z TAB INDEX r?t OFi1CE ?a,?T?1? An IdentifYing Trade Mark SURNAME INI7IAL TAB MADE BY TNE COTT INDE% COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY aWEN G. DONN, NEW BERN, NORTN UROLIN? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS l. Coal bids received, con.traet awarded to A. E. Cumber. 2. Springer Coal C?•paid for Courthouse coa1. 3. Catherine Kennedy Home inmates, if qualified will be admitted to County Home. 4. Insulin authorized for purchase thru Health Department for Mrs. Mary Smith. 5. George ?annerman admitted as inmate. 6. Received bids for heating new building, awarded to H. E. Longley. 7. Foster Hobbs and George W. Capps admitted as inmateso 8. Mary Brown and E. K. Neville admitted as inmates. 9. Authorized insurance for County Home boiler. 10. William Robinson admitted as inmate. Payment to State Dept, of Labor approved for boiler. 11. William Robinson and F.W. Spencer admitted as inmates. 12. Community Old Fol'? Home report received for January. 13. Applications for?Andr?w Sklives, D.D. Clemmons and John McNeill approved, referred to Social Services. 14. Payment for boiler authorized, transferred from emergency fund. 15. Frederick W. Spenser, County Home inmate returned to Washington, D.C. 16. Clara J. Ezzell and Frank McCarthney admitted as inmates. 17. Janie Beamon admitted as inmate. 18. J.L. McLeod re-admitted as inmate. 19. Re-admitting George A. Wilson postponed. Lydia Walker and Annie ???ewkirk admitted. 20. George A. Wilson re-admitted as inmate. 21. Ed Scarborough and George McKoy admitted as inmates. 22. Charles Dee admitted as inmate. 23. Frank Berry admitted as inmate. 24. Abraham Lincoln Beaton admitted as inmate, also Elizabeth Moge. 25. Charlie Charles admitted as inmate, Charlie Charles re-admitted as inmate. 26. Caladonia Roderick and Catherine Armstrong admitted as inmates. 27. Purchase of ice box referred to County Home Committee. 28. Eyeglasses authorized for inmate Jordan Mclver. 29. Joe Perkins admitte.d as inmate. 30. Mrs. Mazie R. Sel.lers and daughter Mrs. Minnie Sayent admitted as inmates. 31. Mary Mclver admitted as inmate. 32. George Wilson inmate, returned to hospital. 33. Fannie Bannerman and _:Martin Dyker admitted as inmates. 34a Georgr T. Sternberger ati.thorized payment for Gounty Home refrigerator. 35. Coal bid awarded to T.E. Cooper and Co. 36. George T. Sternberger approved for payment for refrigerator. 37. Mrs. Alice Gurganous inmate, given allowance increase. 38. Mary Tooner admitted as inmate. 39. Monthly report submitted. 40. Hen?y Pridgen, declined admission. 41. George Capps admittec? as inmate. Turkey granted for Christmas Dinner. Report filed. 42. Report filed. 43. Precilla Ha11, Dan L. Smith and Janis Jackson admitted as inmates. 44. Community Old Folk Home given City-County funds. 45. Della W. TeBoe admitted as inmate. DATE MINIITE BOOK Month I Day Year Vol. ? Page 10 1?7?. 1935 9 384 10 21 1935 9 385 10 21 1935 9 386 11 12 1935 9 390 12 2 1935 9 393 12 9 1935 9 396 12 9 1935 9 396 12 23 1935 9 397 1 13 1936 9 400 1 20 1936 9 401 1 27 1936 9 403 2 3 1936 9 406 2 7 1936 9 408 2 24 1936 9 410 3 9 1936 9 413 3 16 1936 9 414 3 23 1936 9 420 4 20 1936 9 422 S 11 1936 9 426 5 14 1936 9 432 5 18 1936 9 433 6 1 1936 9 434 6 8 1936 9 435 6 22 1936 9 437 7 13 1936 9 441 7 20 ??36 9 442 8 3 1936 9 445 8 31 1936 9 450 9 28 1936 9 45I 9 21 1936 9 453 9 28 1936 9 454 10 12 1936 9 457 10 19 1936 9 458 10 19 1936 9 458 10 26 1936 9 459 11 ? 1936 9 460 11 9 1936 9 462 lI 16 1936 9 463 11 16 1936 9 464 11 23 1936 9 465 12 I4 1936 9 470 1 4 1937 9 472 1 18 1937 9 475 1 18 :?937 9 476 1 25 1937 9 477 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - N H t C N C ! ew a?over oun y, . . _ MATT R County Home - nec. u. s. Counry Indexea Since 1888 ? To locate names, open at COTT A•2 TAB INDEX r?t OFFICE C??? An ldentifying Trade Mazk SURNAME INITIA! TAB N?ADE !Y THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN 6. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORT H CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MfNUTE BOOK Month I Day I ! Year Vol. I Page . l. Community ??ld Folk Home report received for December. 2 1 1937 9 ?78 2. Cotton authorized at County Home for matt?esses. , 2 8 1937 9 479 3. Alice ?erry a?.mitted as inmate. 2 22 1937 9 482 4. County Home report filed for February. 3 1 1937 9 484 5. Jas Ben Garrett admitted as irztnate. 4 5 1937 9 489 6. Samuel Yeoma?-as admitted as inznate. 4 12 1937 9 490 7. Mr, Robbins, employee of Alex. Sprunt and Sons admitted as inmate 4 26 1937 9 495 8. County Home report filed for April. 5 3 1937 9 496 9. County Home recommended for boilere 5 10 1937 9 497 10. Mackey Bakkard admitted as inmate. 5 17 1937 9 500 11. Joseph Bovie, Jessie M. Gadyes and Carrie Whitals.er admitted as inmates. 5 24 1937 9 502 12. Mrs. Alice M. Gurganous not to b«? returned to County Home as inma?te. 6 1 1937 9 503 I3. Tubless boiler postponed at County Home. Screen porch authorized at County Home 6 1 1937 9 504 Z4. Wilmington Iron Works awarded contrac?? ?for County Home bo?ler. 6 7 1937 9 507 15. No smoking signs placed at c?ounty Home to reduce insurance. 6 14 1937 9 508 l?. Tide Water Power Co. awarded contract for County Home refrigerator. 6 14 1937 9 508 17. Eli F. Pierce admitted as inmate, also Frank Selders and brother to pay bill. 6 21 1937 9 509 1$. Inspection o? County Home postponed, Roebuck out of town. 6 21 1937 9. 510 19. Complaints made against County Home and Matron. 6 28 1937 9 510 20< Lula B. Wesley and Henry Jones admitted as inmates. 6 28 1937 9 511 21. County Home electric unit sold. 7 12 1937 9 522 22o John L. Hines admitted as inmate. 7 19 1937 9 522 23. Report rec2ived for consideration on County Home, recommendat?on made by citizen comm. 7 26 1937 9 523 24. Cou.nty Home and Citizen Committee discussion, prisoner work around Home suggested. 7 26 1937 9 524 25. William Han.sley admitted as inmate. 8 2 1937 9 526 26. Improvements discussed for County Home. 8 9 1937 9 530 27. Thomas Wood admitted as inmate. 8 16 1937 9 532 28. Frank C?u.mber admitted as inmate. 9 20 2937 9 S41 29. Coal authorized for County Home, bid awarded to W. B. Thorpe and Co. 9 27 1937 9 542 30. Mrs. N.J. Canady admitted as inmate. 10 25 1937 9 549 31. Lura Lofton admitted as inmate. 11 1 1937 9 550 32. J.F. Hobbs ia?admitted and shirts and apparel authorized. 11 8 1937 9 552 33. Ce1i Drescher, Laney Johnson and H.W. Guthrie admitted as inmates. 11 8 1937 9 552 34. John Willia.ms admitted as inmate. 11 29 1937 9 556 35. Jake King admitted as inmate. 12 6 1937 9 557 36. Mariah Moore admitted as inmate. .?,r 6 1937 9 559 37. Clyde Leslie re-admitted as inmate, J.C.Bowden and Eliza Williams admitted as inmates. 1 3 1938 9 561 38. Mariah Moore, 90 admitted as inmate. 1 17 I938 9 563 39. William Walker, Isaac Hardeman and J. F, and Callie Richards admitted as inmates. 2 7 1938 9 55? 40, George MeKoy admitted as inmate. 2 21 1938 9 569 41, John Williams admitted as inmate. 2 28 1938 9 569 42. Hot water tank installed, showers referred to County Home Committee. 2 28 1938 9 569 43. Lydia Price admitted as inmate. 3 14 1938 9 572 44. Removal of inmates to new buzlding requested, give Cot?.nty Home to prostitutes? 3 ?1 1938 9 572 45. Florida Williams admitted as inmate. 3 28 1938 9 575 46 Rolling chair purchased for inmates. K. Turner and Sam Yeoman sent to James Wal.ker Hosp. 4 4 1938 9 576 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - l?ew Hanover Count?y, N. C. , MATTER: County Home - acc. u. s. County Indexee Since 1888 Yo IOCGfe names, open ?} COTT A•Z TAB INDEX e?r OFFICE ?? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INI7IAL TAB ?DE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, ONIO SOLD BY OWEN C. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTN CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS 1. Painting of County Home considered plus bath facilities. 2. Rev. Alf?ed Barfield granted admission as inmate. 3. Bids to be secured for hot water heater. 4. Hugh McKins and Hattie Mogan admitted as inmates. 5. Arnold Miller admitted as inmate. 6. Fannie Brown, Charles B. Alwater, and Hill Guthrie admitted as inmates. 7. Walter McNair admitted as inmate. 8. Frank Cumber declined admission. 9. Frank L. Trask admitted as inmate. Stoker authorized for County Home. 10. Bids received for stoker, awarded to North-Smith Coal Co. 11. Georgia Mae Buck admitted as inmate. 12. Jas, Puppert Head admitted as inmate, also George T. Spooner and Frank C. Batson. 13. Received coal bids, awarded to Thorpe Building Supply. 14. Mrs. Mary Guy admitt?d as inmate. 15. Charles Leslie referred to Supt. for re-admission. 16. Norman Buyant admitted as inmate. 17. County Home inmates authorized to have Christmas Dinner. 18. Frank Cumber re-admitted as inmate. 19. William L. Tew admitted as inmate. 20. Arnold J. Goodson admitted as inmate. 21. Dock Gainous admitted as inmate. 22. John C. Bowden re-admitted as inmate. 23. Mrs. Edan Register, Charles S. Roughton and Walter Hudson admitted as inmates. 24. Sa.muel Williams admitted as inmate. 25. R.E. Weeks admitted as inmate, also Mrs. Delma Ritter, Arthur Evans and Saul Hall. 26. Margaret Boykin admitted as inmate. 27. John T. Welkins admitted as inmate. 28. Thomas R. Lang admitted temporarily as inmate. 29. Gaston P. Wells admitted as inmate. 30. Columbus Meares admitted temporarily as inmate. 31. Construction of toilets authorized at County Home. '32. County Home coal bids authorized. 33. Walter C. Branch admitted as inmate. 34. Frank Andrews admitted as inmate. DATE MINUTE BOOK Month ? Day I Year Vot. ? Page 4 4 1938 9 4 18 1938 9 4 25 1938 9 4 31 1938 9 6 13 1938 9 7 11 1938 9 7 18 1938 9 7 25 1938 9 9 12 1938 1U 9 19 1938 10 9 11 1938 10 9 26 1938 10 l0 10 1938 10 10 10 1938 10 11 7 1938 10 11 14 1938 10 12 5 1938 10 12 12 1938 10 1 9 1939 10 2 6 1939 10 2 27 1939 10 4 10 1939 10 4 24 1939 10 5 1 1939 10 S 15 L939 10 6 12 1939 10 7 3 T??39 10 7 10 1939 10 7 24 1939 10 7 31 1939 10 9 5 1939 10 9 18 1939 10 9 Z5' 1939 10 in ? in?n ?n 35. County Home coal bids received, contract awarded to Thorpe Coal Co. 10 9 1939 10 10 36. Edward Wrisbon admitted as inmate, re-admissi€?n of Charles Leslie taken under consideration. 11 L939 10 37. Leslie P. Hufham admitted as inmate, 10 30 1939 10 38. Hinton Gurganous admitted as inmate. 10 30 1939 10 39? Janie H. Ganous admitted as inmate. 11 6 1939 10 40. Elizabeth H. Mason adrnitted as inmate. 11 27 1939 10 41. County Home inmates to have turkey dinner, 11 27 1939 10 42. T. R. Lang admitted as inmate. 12 ,26 1939 10 43. Sketch presented on County Home prison building. 1 2 1940 10 44. Clara E. Wells admitted as inmate. Termite treatment postponed for County Home. 1 15 1940 10 45. B.J. Carner admitted as inmate. 1 22 1940 10 46. James D. Doberson admitted as inmate. 2 S 1940 10 576 578 579 588 590 598 600 602 9 10 11 13 15 16 22 ?3 27 28 32 38 42 49 52 53 57 62 65 65 69 70 80 83 84 86 87 88 91 91 92 96 96 103 104 106 107 109 N. C. INDEX TO COMMI55IONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?y MAT EB• , , County Hom e ? Rec. u. s. County Indexea 5ince 1888 pl',?? To loeote naMeS? open C} r?r OFi1CE ?s?IlCa?7?.. An Identifyiag Trade Mark U? SURNAME INITIAL TAB COT7 A-I TAB INDEX MADE iY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BT OWEN 6. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH UIHQLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCF.EDINGS Month I Day Year VoI. I Page l. Walter James admitted as inmate. 2 12 L940 10 112 2. Walter Fisher admitted as inmate. 2 19 1940 10 113 3. Agreement for Federal Funds approved on County Home building, 4 1 1940 10 120 4. Mrs. Anna E. Kelly, 80 admitted as inmate. 4 22 1940 10 123 5 Frank Riley , idigent admitted as inmate. 5 6 I940 '70 I25 . 6. Jo?.n T. Wilkins re-admitted as inm.ate. 6 17 1940 10 132 7. Frank G. Batson admitted as inmate. 6 17 I940 10 132 8. Joe T. Pridgen admitted as inmate, also Tate Walker. 7 22 1940 10 140 9. John C. Bowden admitted as inmate, also Hill Guthrie. 7 29 1940 10 143 10. County Hsm.e Building Sv.pervisors to select brickmasons. 7 29 I940 IO I44 11. Matilda S. Shufford admitted as inmate. 9 3 1940 10 I52 12. Authorized advertising for bids. 9 9 1?a40 10 153 13. Bids received, contract awarded to Ideal Plumbing Co. 9 16 I940 10 154 14. Bids advertised for heating, received and awarded to Ideal Plumbing C?. 9 23 1940 10 154 15. Certified checks returned to bidders. 9 23 1940 10 155 16. Springer Oil and Thorpe Coal Co. awarded coal bids at County Home. 9 30 1940 10 155 17. Jefferson Brantley admitted as inmate. ?.0 14 1940 10 158 18. Employment authorized for installing roof. 10 21 1940 10 158 19. Lemuel Reddick and Susan C. Patten admitted as inmates. 10 28 1940 10 159 20? Appointments to County Home and Farm held in abeyance, operation continue. 12 2 1940 10 167 2I. Sabra Ann Russell admitted as inmate. 12 9 1940 10 168 22. Payment to Ideal Plumbing approved on County Home Plumbing. 12 18 1940 10 170 23. Adonigh Sherpard and ST. Luke Betht?.me admitted as inmates. 1 20 1941 i0 176 24. Samuel Martin and Arfihur Baldwin admitted as inmates. 2 3 1941 10 179 25. Sophie T. Drye admitted as inmate: 3 3 1941 10 186 26. E. T. Mason admitted as inmate. 3 10 1941 IO 187 27. Mary C. Atkinson admitted as inmate, Emma Y. Odum admitted temporarily. :? 31 1941 10 191 28. David Bynum admitted as inmate. 4 7 1941 10 192 29. E. L. Yow's ?•equest referred on placing Mrs. Elizabeth Marine in County Home. 4 14 1941 10 193 3a. Tate Wells re-admitted as inmate. !? 21. I941 10 195 3'l. EZsie J. Bryant admitted as inmate. 5 26 1941 10 205 32. Charley Leslie admitted as ir?.mate, also David E. Barton. 6 2 1941 IO 207 33. George Washzngton Gurganous adm?tted as inm.ate. 6 2 1941 10 207 34. Mrs. J. H. James admitted as inmate, consider?d for funds at C?therine Kennedy Home. 6 9 1941 10 209 35. Closing Old F?lk Home refeyred to Social Service and Commissioners. 6 28 1941 10 211 36. Coal bids rF?ceived, contract awarded to Springer OiI Co? 8 4 1941 10 222 37. Raymond A. Lyttle admitted temporarily as inmate. 8 26 1941 10 225 38. Stephen Sherman admitted as inmate. 9 22 1941 10 231 39. O?iva C. Miller admitted as inmate. Mrs Anna L. Nixon admitted as inmate. 11 31 1941 10 239 4p_. County Home authorized piano. 11 10 1941 10 240 41. Mrs. Lucy H. Barker, iKa.ry H. Green and John W. Guthrie admitted as inmates. 12 22 1941 10 246 4?. Miss Olevia C. Miller to be admitted as inmate upon arrival. 12 29 1941 10 247 43. Maria Walker admitted as inmate. 1 5 1942 10 248 44. County Home authorized refigerator from Sneeden-York Co. 1 12 1942 10 251 45. Nancy M. Howard and David Nelson admitted as inmates. 1 26 1942 10 253 46. Joseph Smith and Muranda G. Davis admitted as inmates. 2 16 1942 1Q 259 N. C. MAT'P RT INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MI?IUTES -? New Hanover County , , C ount? Z TAB I COTT A Home NDEX - • eea. v. s. County Indexea Since IBBB ? Te loeafe names, open at MADE BY THE CO7T INDE% COMPANY, COLUMBUS, ONIO PAT ?iFICE ?? An ldentiEying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL 7AB SOLD BY OWEN 6. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLIN? DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month I Day I Yea? Vol. I Page 1• Charles J. Kunold, Charles H. Stanland and John C. Bowden admitted as inmates. 3 16 1942 10 263 2. Miss Caro Skittlehorpewas admitted as inmate. 3 23 1942 10 264 3. B.B. Rogers referred for admission as inmate. 4 20 1942 10 268 4. Coal bid authorized. 5 11 1942 10 271 5. Springer Coal Co. awarded bid for County Home coal. 5 18 1942 10 272 6. Rebecca M. Williams admitted as inmate. Zack D. Walton admitted temporarily as inmate. 5 18 1942 10 273 7. Priscilla W. Antwine admitted as inmate. 5 25 1942 10 274 8. Norris Streeter admitted as inmate. 6 1 1942 10 275 9, Rachel Mandy admitted as inmate. 6 15 1942 10 277 10. Norman Geles admitted as inmate. 7 6 1942 10 281 11. William R. Strickland admitted as inmate. 7 20 194?, 10 282 12. Mrs. Mammie Prevall admi?ted as inmate temporarily. 8 3 1942 10 285 13. John W. Kuehn sent to County Home from Hospital. 8 24 1942 10 289 14. Exp?nditures for Cov.nty Home Building authorized from General Funds. 9 14 1942 10 292 15. County Home yardman, Sandy Allen granted salary increase. 9 21 1942 10 293 16. Payment approved for extinguishing fire at County Home boiler. 11 2 19?2 10 300 17. Roden Little 77, admitted as inmate. 11 2 1942 10 300 18. Mrs. Anna Walton and Mrs. Tessie Grison admitted as inmates. 11 9 1942 10' 301 19. Florence Lundy and Mrs. Nlary F. Garrett admitted as inmates. 11 16 1942 10 302 ?i. Mrs. 0. W. Fickling granted use of County Home piano. 11 23 1942 10 303 21. Dora D. Hayes ari?liitted as inmate. 12 21 1942 10 309 22. Old truck at County Home to be junked. 12 21 1942 10 309 23. Andrew Wheeler and J.H. Cummings admitted as inmates. 1 25 1943 10 314 24. John Moseley admi.tted as in.mate. 2 22 1943 10 318 25. Mrs. Margaret 6d.Perry admitted as inmate. 3 18 1943 10 319 26. Christian B. Franks admitted as int?.ate. 3 25 1943 10 321 27. County Home Supta to sign check for ration coupons. 3 22 1943 10 321 28. Mrs Leola B. Woodcock admitted as inmate. 4 5 1943 10 322 29. Mrs. Mary T. Grison admitted as inmate. 4 19 1943 10 326 30. Nelson Quinse admitted as inmate temporarily, Mrs Kate Brewer admitted as inmate. 7 19 1943 10 340 31. Joseph J. Johnson admitted as inmate. 7 26 1943 10 342 32. County Home c?al bids received, awarded to Springer Oil Co. 8 23 1943 10 346 33. T. J. Croom declined admission to County Home. 8 30 1943 10 346 34. J. K. Stickland admitted as inmate. 10 4 1943 10 351 35. Motions offered to sale C?unty Home land to W. H. Blake. 1C? 18 19?+3 10 353 36. County H?me boiler bids received, awarci?d to Ideal Plumbing Co. 11 1 19?-3 10 355 37. Mamie Hill admitted as inmate. 11 15 1943 10 357 38. James Thoma.s admitted as inmate. 11 29 1943 10 358 39. Brother of Wa?ter Croom referred for admission to County Home. Nora Wilson admitted. 1 7 1944 ?I.t? 364 40. Recommendatzons made for County Home improvement. 1 31 1944 1`0 366 41. William H. Nixon admitted as inmate, 1 31 1944 10 367 42. Mrs. M.M. Prevatte admitted as inmate temporarily. 2 7 1944 10 368 43. County Home Supt. written on conditions of home, equipment authorized for infirmary. 2 7 1944 10 368 44. ST. James church expressed interest in conditions at County Home, reply made. 2 14 1944 10 369 45. Bids authorized for replacing pipes and gutters. 2 14 14344 10 369 46. Joseph Davis admitted as inmate. Twenty recommendations received for improvements. 2 21 1944 10 370 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - N H t? N C C ew anover oun y, . . , MATTER• County Home - xec. u. s. Covnry lndezea Since 1888 To lotate names, open a! n'' r?t OFfICE ?pJJ7l?o-?- An Identifyiag Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•2 TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX C?MPANY, COLUMBUS, ONIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month I Day Yea? Vol. Page l. ., Supt. given authori??T to control ?ounty Home inmates. 2 21 . 1944 10 . 371 2. Purchase af truck and hiring of matron authorized at County Home. 2 28 1944 10 372 3. Bid for gutters awarded to ?T. T. Croom, Jr. ?zitchen to receive new razage. 2 28 1944 10 372 4. Mrs. M, M. Prevatte cannot be return to Florida. 3 6 1944 10 373 S. Letter from Social Agencies Council received on County Home. 3 20 1944 10 375 6. Oclavia Allen admitted as inmate. 5 22 1944 10 385 7. Jessie M. McGennis admitted as inznate. 5 29 1944 10 387 8. Tom Evans admitted as inmate. 6 5 L944 10 388 9. Bessie H. Sanders adzr?itted as inmate. 6 12 L944 10 388 10. Blanche Perry King and Lizzie Mallett admitted as inmates. 7 LO L944 10 395 1I. J. H. Bonner appro??-ed payment for services for ?,ounty Home Supt. 7 ?_7 i_944 10 395 12. John T. Wilkins re-admitted as inma?e. 7 ?4 '?_944 10 396 ?3. Augustus F. Galloway, Catherine Smith and Sarah P. I-?ockney a.dmitted as inmates. 8 7 .?944 10 399 14. John F. Keyes, George W. Murphy ad?n.itted as inmates. C?u??y Home nurse authoriz ed. 8 ?8 ?_944 10 402 15. Coal bid awarded to Springer Coal Co. Mrs. Emma Ferriado and Washing?o? N?izrphy ????????ted. 9 Ll L944 10 404 l6. Charles H, Stanland allowed to return to Home, if he stop drinking. 9 Ll ?_944 10 405 17. Richard Small admitted as inmate. I.0 L6 L944 10 409 18. Mary T. Warren re-admitted as inmate. 11 6 L944 10 412 19, John Williams re-admitted as inmate. Thomas Robinson admitted as inmate. 11 ?0 ?_944 10 ?Gl?!? 20. M,?.rcilla Ann Robinson admitted as inmate. 1 8 !_945 10 421 21. Ed. Jackson admitted as inmate. 2 I_2 i_945 10 427 22. Sam Birch admitted as inmate. 2 ?_9 i_945 10 428 23. Letitia Mahoney and Emmett Littlelon admitted as inmates. 2 ?6 '_945 10 430 24. James Calvin admitted as inmate. 3 5 _94C 10 430 25. Lv.,?y C. Everett admitted as inmate, temporarily. 3 ?6 :_945 10 432 26. Alex Black admitted as inmate. 4 30 :_945 10 438 27. Otis K. Woodcock admitted as inmate. 5 7 :_945 10 539 28. Clarence Woodcock admitted as inmate. 5 _4 :_945 10 440 29. Arthur McNeil admitted as inmate. 5 ?1 :_945 10 441 30. Investigation of County Home authorized by Social Services, no more admissions. 6 ?5 ?_945 10 446 31. Infirmary cleaned, prices authorized for fence at County Home. 7 2 :.945 10 448 32. Continuance oi Emmett Littleton at County Home, referred to Social Servi?;es. 7 _6 :_945 10 449 33. Charles St?.nland, referred for admzssion to County Home. 7 _6 :.945 ?0 449 34. Emmett Littleton to remain at County Home. 7 ?3 :_945 10? 451 35. Chester Murray admitted as inmate. 9 LO _945 10 457 36. Mary C. ?.??-???.t admitted as inmate. 10 ?9 _945 10 464 37. James W. ??arress admitted as inmate. 11 ?6 _945 10 468 38. ?pplication for F. S. Taylor received, Mary M. Burke admitted as inmate. 12 3 :_945 10 469 39. Mary Ella Moore admitted as inmate. 12 '_7 :_945 10 474 40. Mrs Elvina 5. Hewlett and James W. Marley admitted as inmates. 1 7 _946 10 475 41. Alex Grice admitted as inmate. 1 '.8 :_946 10 479 42. Motion carried to sale County Home land along Castle Hayne Road. Motion withdra wn. 2 4 ?.946 10 480 43. Applications for Supt. of County Home examined by Civil service. 2 _1 :.946 10 481 44. Eugene Jackson admitted as irzmate. 2 _8 :.946 10 482 45. David W. Sanders admitted as inmate. 3 '?_8 :_946 10 486 4b. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Carter certified for Supt. of County Home. 4 1 :_946 10 490 INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. , MATT RT County Home - nec. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 ? To locate namCS? open at COTT A•2 TAB INDEX PAT OFFILE ?,c.G.?71?*?E"i.' An Identifyin6 Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB ?DE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, ONIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERM, NORTN CAROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month . ?Day Year VoL I Page l. Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Jones and Mr. and Mrs W.B. Wi??son certified for County Home Supt. 4 1 1946 10 490 2. Action deferred on applications for County Home Supt. 4 8 1946 10 491 3. Recommendations received on Mr. and Mrs. Carter, Carter's named to County Home. 4 8 1946 10 492 4. James Sidbury admitted as irunate. 4 22 1946 10 494 5. G.W. Morgan and James Thomas admitted as in mates. 4 29 1946 10 495 6. Clarence E. Wilson admitted as inmate. 5 6 1946 10 495 7. Elizabeth Sanders admitted as inmate. 5 20 1946 10 497 8. Coal bid authorized. 6 10 1946 10 500 9. Jack Martin admitted as inmate. 6 17 1946 10 501 10. Coal contract awarded to Springer Coal Co. 6 24 1946 10 501 11. Robert H. Benson admitted as inrtcate. 7 1 1946 10 503 12. Paul Nelson and Horace H. Ehle admitted as inmates. 7 8 1946 10 504 13.Dozier Nixon admitted as in.mate. 7 22 1946 10 506 14. Henry Holmes admitted as inmate. 8 5 19??6. 1Q 508 15. Brooms Wood product request purchase of ?ounty Home land. 8 26 1946 ?0 513 16. ?rooms Wood product to lease County Home land, survey authorized. 9 3 1946 1.U 514 17. Oscar Carney and John D. Eckhart admitted as inmates. 9 3 1946 10 514 18. John H. Stevens, and Peter'Wold admitted as inmates. 9 9 1946 10 515 1'?. Charles Stanland re-admitted as in.mate. 11 4 1946 10 524 2?). John J. Fredericks admitted as inmate, also Jesse B. Williams 1 6 1947 10 533 21. John F. Thompson admitted as inmate. 1 27 1947 10 537 22. James Pifford admitted as inmate. 2 3 1947 10 538 23. Mary E. Cannady admitted as inmate. 3 3 1947 10 547 24. Malachi Russ admitted as inmate. 3 10 1947 10 549 25. County Home investigated on treatment of inmates, Sup?. J.M. Carter to resign. 3 31 19?7 10 556 26. Treatment of inmates investigated, reports given by Matron and nurse Smith. 4 2 1947 10 556 27. Commissioner Trask stated the Supt. and matron were insulting. 4 2 1947 10 556 28. Assistanc? Matron, Mrs Effie Bryant testified that Supt. not Matron? ?eas cor:siderate to '?: 2 1947 10 556 inmates. Inmate Barton testified of illness, W.T. Clark testified? for Supt. and matron. 4 2 1947 10 556 29. Cora Robinson, former prisoner testified for Supt. and matron. 4 2 1947 10 556 30. Inmate Grisson testified of beating by Supt. Inmates testified to good and bad treatm?nt. 4 3 1947 10 557 31. Public hearing continue, Commissioner 'Iraslc offered resignation from County Home Committes. 4 7 1947 10 557 32. J.A. Benson admitted as inmate. 4 7 1947 10 558 33. Commission Trask to cooperate with County Home Supt. J.M. Carter named temporary Supt. 4 14 1947 10 560 34. Purchase of County Ho,me land taken under_ consideration. 7 21 1947 10 575 35. Action confirmed on suspending C. M. Carter, Supt. of County Home and Farm. 8 4 1947 10 579 36. Lula Nixon admitted as inmate. 8 25 1947 10 582 37. Bids authorized for County Home coal. 9 2 1947 10 583 38. Coal bid ata.arded to Springer Coal Co. 9 8 1947 10 583 39. Marcilie Kornegay admitted as inmate. 9 15 194? 10 585 40. Kirby Daniels, made Supt. of County Home and Farm. 9 22 1947 10 5855 41. John McRay admitted as inmate. 10 27 1947 10 591 42. Recei?ied boiler inspection report, no repairs needed. 11 17 1947 11 1 43. Christine W. Hicks admitted as inmate. 12 15 1947 11 5 44. Annie L. Hicks admitted as inmate, temporarily. 12 22 1947 11 6? 45. Gustave E. Bittrick admitted as inmate, temporarily. 12 22 1947 11 6 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- N H C t N C ew anover oun i?, . . , MATT R County Home - ecc. u. s. County Indezea Sinee 1898 ? To loeate npmes, open at PAT oviicc C,?i?? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME (NITIAL TAB COTT A•i TAB INDEX MADE BY iHE COTT tNDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, ONIO SOLO 6Y OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTN CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day I Year Vol. I Page l. James J. McMillan 62, admitted as inmate. "2 2 1948 11 12 2. Mary F. McKoy admitted as inmate. 2 16 1948!? 11 14 3. Mary H. Monroe admitted as inmate, "3 8 1948 11 16 4. Jerry Hobbs, Susie K. Hobbs and William T. Ramsey admitted as inmates. 4 12 194? 11 21 5. E?'i.za L. Hawkins admitted as inmate. S IO 194$ 11 26 6. F?.nnie Norwood Memorial Home aid request received. S 24 1948 11 28 7. Fred Hollingworth admitted as inmate, also James I. Bland 6 14 1948 11 32 8. Sale of Coia.nty Home land investigated by A. A. Blake. 6 28 1948 11 34 9. George C. Smith and Esther F. Smith Walki.ns admitted as iz?rr?a?es. 6 ?8 1948 11 34 10. Daisy T. Jobe admitted as inmate. 7 9 L948 11 37 11. Lawrence A. 0'Neill admitt?d as inmate. 7 ?6 L948 11 38 12. Sam Service admitted as inmate. 8 L6 L948 11 40 13. William Brown, Pearl Brown Reed and Annie Rone admitted as inmates. ? 8 30 L948 11 42 14. Nathaniel Hall admitted as inmate. 9 ?0 1948 11 46 15. Leslie Hufham and Harvey M. Traylor admitted as inmates. 10 Ll 1948 11 51 16. County Home boiler bids authorized. 10 L8 L948 11 52 17. Benhard F. Rath?en 65, admitted as inmate. 10 ?S L948 11 54 18. Mrs. Margaret A. Jordan 89, admitted as inmate. 11 LS L948 I1 57 19. Lonnie Howard admitted as inmate. 11 ?2 L948 11 59 20. Purchase.of Cliff Steel Hot Water Boiler, authorized as recommended by bozler inspector. 11 ?9 l.948 11 59 21. John Merrick admitted as inmate. 12 ?8 1948 11 64 22. Ella W. Foy admitted as inmate. 1 L7 L949 11 67 23. George Melvin admitted as inmate. 1 ?4 1949 11 69 24. Ira G. Ballard and John F. Gore admitted as inmates. 3 ?8 1949 11 83 25. Charlie M. Carroll admitted as inmate. 5 9 L949 11 91 26. John W. English, Katie Lee English and Willie H. ?7?rnPS admitted as inmates. 6 6 L949 11 98 27. Herbert H. Nixon admitted as inmate. 6 Z7 L949 11 I03 28o Walter H. Sneeden admitted as inmate. 7 LI L949 11 106 29. Mamie C. Jackson Haywood admitted as inmate. 7 Z5 L949 11 I10 30. John C. Freimuth admitted as inmate, 8 11 C949 11 1??? 31. Montgomery Hewett admitted as inmate. 9 L2 L949 11 120 32. Joseph ??illiams admitted to County Home as emergency case. 9 t9 L949 11 12.1 33. William Batson admitted tempora•raly,James F. Tyler admitted as inmate. 9 Z6 1949 11 123 34. Commissioners commented on visit to County Hom.e, Supt. and Matron commended. 9 ?6 1949 11 123 35. Marcellus M. Gorman admitted as inmate, OlZie B. Sweat admitted temporarily. 10 10 1949 11 126 36. Josephine H. Singleton admitted as inmate. 10 24 1949 11 130 37. Rosa I. New and James P. Robbins admitted as inmates. 11 21 1949 11 136 Kirby 38. :#'?Daniels reque?t to purchase land on Gordan Road, referred to Committee. 11 28 1949 11 138 39. Oliver C. Connelly admitted as inmate. 12 5 1949 11 139 40. 0'Shie7.ds and Trask, named to revise rules and regulations on inmates with aid of Supt. 12 5 1949 11 139 41. Maude Bell Connelly and Ellen Lee Peice admitted as inmates. 12 12 1949 11 141 42. Wiley Johnson's application referred to Social Services. 12 19 1949 11 143 43. Wi1ey Johnson ask,,d by County to dispose property to pay expenses at County Home. 12 19 1949 11 143 44. Mrs. Sarah H. Caliear and Ida Howard Harry admitted as inm?Le?•? 1 9 1950 11 148 45. John Arken and Henry J. Thompson admitted as inmates. 1 Z3 1950 11 I51 46 . Mrs . Ma.ry M. Horne adznitted as inmate . 2 6 t950 11 154 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTERT COUTlty HOTI[le - e¢?. u. s. County Indexea Sinee 1888 To loeafe names? oped Ct COTT A-Z TAB INDEX ?AT O(FIGE ??TfJ? An IdentiFying Trade Mazle SURNAME INITIAL TAB MIADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN 6. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ']?L Purchase of washing machine authorized for County Home. 2.Bertie ?. Hill admitted as inmate. 3. John Baker and Lena P. Baker admitted as inmates. 4. Louis Wo Robins?n admitted as inmate. 5. March•1.??h action confirmed, So?a.thern Bell to set up poles on County Home Land. 6. Shepard Attley admitted as inmate. 7. Daniel Whiter and J. C. Huey admitted as inmates temporarily. 8.Rifton Scott admitted as inmate. 9. Cicero Chambers admitted as inmate. 10. Deed for County Home land to be executed for Woonsocket Falls Mills of Rhode Island. lI. Sale of County Home land authorized ?o Broom Wood Products Co. 12. Ira Evans admitted as inmate, temporarily. 13. Lewis Dees admitted as inmate. 14. William Batson admitted as inmate. 15. Le1?.oy P. Canady admitted as inmate. 1b. Ernest Bernasconi admitted as inmate. 17. Joseph Taylor admitted as inmate. 18. Josephine E.Sellers admitted as inmate. L9. Pauline S. McArthur admitted as inmate, temporarily. 20. Eliza M. Turner admitted as inmate. 21. Mrs. Alice P. Lanier admitted as inmate. 22. Inspection report of County Home prison building filed by Hartforci Steam Boiler Co. %'3. Na?than Maeshburn admitted as inmate. 24. Charles R. Mason admitted as inmate. 25 William King and Willie Dennis atlmitted as inmates. 26. Iron casket ta.nearthened on County Haiie property, Smithsonian Institute O?f?cia?s to investigate. 27. John Webster admitted as inmate, temporarily. Mrs Sallie L. Fritz admitted as inmate. 28. H. E. Ortman admitted as inmate. 29. Ellen Smith admitt?d as inmate. 3Q. Mrs. Dorthea W. Montgomery admitted as inmate. 31. Charles C. LeSesne admitted as inmate. 32. Boi?er approved for purchase from County Home emergency fund. 33. Edgar T. Mahone admitted as inmate, temporarily. 34. Roy Croon admitted as inmate. 35. W. S. Ppwell of State Dept. of Archives and History to znvestigate unearthened coffin. ?36. Cith garbage for County Home livestock discussed. 37. Joseph I. Summerlin admitted as inmate. 38. Payment approved for burial of County Home inmate, B. J. Rathjen. 39. Laura R. Powell admitted as inmate. 40. Emma 11Teal McKo.?y admitted as inmate. 41. Charotte B. Capps 82, trans`erred to Home to await State Hospital trip. 42. James G. Stathis admitted as inmate, temporarilyo 43. Walter T. Sykes, County Farm prisoner, referred to County Home due to broken arm. 44. Chri? topher E. Wessell admitted as paying inmate. 45. James F. Weeks aZlowed to remain at County HOme. DATE MINUTE BOOK Month I Day ( Year Vol. I Page 2 6 1950 11 155 2 20 1950 11 158 2 27 1950 11 159 3 13 1950 11 163 3 20 1950 11 165 3 27 1950 11 166 4 3 1950 11 169 4 17 1950 11 176 5 1 1950 11 183 5 8 L950 11 l84 5 8 L950 11 L85 5 8 L950 11 185 5 15 L950 11 186 6 5 1950 11 L89 6 5 ?_950 11 L89 6 I_9 1950 11 1_91 6 ?6 i_950 11 i_92 7 ?4 _950 11 i_g8 8 7 %_950 11 ?01 8 21 1950 11 204 8 28 I950 11 205 9 S L950 11 Z06 9 18 L950 ll 7_10 10 2 t950 11 ?13 10 16 L950 11 217 .. .10 2.3. I950 Il Z18 11 6 1950 11 ?20 11 27 1950 11 Z26 12 18 1950 11 ?31 12 Z7 1950 lI 231 1 1 1951 11 2?2 2 2 1951 11 238 2 12 1951 11 240 2 26 1951 11 243 2 26 1951 11 243 3 19 1951 11 248 4 2 1951 11 252 4 16 1951 11 255 4 23 1951 11 256 4 30 1951 11 257 5 7 1951 11 259 6 4 1951 11 264 6 4 1951 11 264 6 25 1951 11 167 7 16 1951 11 270 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES N H t? N C C ew anover oun y, . -- . , MATTER:County H ome ? nec. u. s. /? County Indezee Since 1898 g? ?,+3-? To lotafe names, open af COTT A-2 TAB INDEX r?t OFFICE C.?t?7? An Identifying Ttade Mark ???? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COT7 INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY ONEN G. DUNN, NEW EERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day I Year Vol. I Page l. Benja::?r?:??n J. Bryan 75, admitted as inmate. 8 13 1951 11 280 2. Bids received for kitchen range, Tide Water Power bid received, bids held in abeyance. 8 22 1951 11 283 3. Miles Gavin admitted as inmate. 9 4 1951 11 286 4. Eva D. Jamerson admitted as inmate, i? she make provisiorL for burial insuance. 9 10 1951 11 287 S. Motion carried to investigation. city water for Coun.ty Home. 10 8 1951 11 291 6. No action taken on lengthy discus?ian to make Mr. Rivenbark County H?me Supt. 10 17 1951 11 295 7. Mrs. Elizabeth S. Player admitted as inm?.te, if she pay $3.00 per montli from guardian. 10 22 1951 11 296 8. Wilbert A. Rice and Victoria Hinnant admitted as inmates. 11 5 1951 11 299 9, Sarnuel Seigler ad???itted as inmate. 12 3 1951 11 306 10. Irdell McKoy admitted as inmate, also Sarah H. Simpson. 12 10 1951 11 307 11. W.Te Southerland`s application continued for admission to County Home. 1 7 1952 11 311 12. Alson R. Applewhite admitted as inmate. 1 7 :L952 11 311 13. Robert M. King and Lyman Frank Batton admitted as inmates. 1 21 195L 11 312 14. Eugenia W. Farrow admitted as inmate. (See line ?k19&20) 2 18 1952 11 318 1S. Irvin Armstrong and William. M. Ezzell admitted as inmates'E 2 25 1952 11 319 16. Daniel A. Wright admi?ted as inmate. 3 17 1952 11 324 17. Harry Worsley admitted as inmate. 3 31 1952 11 327 18. Perrie M. Holmes admitted as inmate. 4 21 1952 11 332 19. Dr. Russell Bellamy admitted as inmate. (See line ?? 14) 1 28 1952 11 313 20. Herbert C. Bell,Jr. admitted as inmate, temporarily. 2 11 1952 11 317 21. Mrs Mary H. Monroe ?:dmitted as inmate, burial expenses bore by Mrs. Lena Brice. 6 16 1952 11 341 22. Evelyn Green admitted as inmate. 7 14 1952 11 351 23. Henry B. ??'aller admitted as inmate. 7 21 1952 11 352 24. Rufus Howe and Norman Bryant admitted as inmates. 7 28 1952 11 354 25. 5amuel N. Marsburn admitted as inzn.ate. 8 ?1 195? 11 358 26. i??.?s. Lucy C. Reynalds admitted as inmate. 8 25 1952 11 360 27. Charles M. Jones admitted as inmate. 10 6 1952 11 370 28. Lounty Home boiler authorized to be fixed by hired help. 10 6 1952 11 371 29. Donnie R. Orr Lewis admitted as inmate, also Luclnda A. Bender. 10 20 1952 11 373 30. Ira A. Stewart admitted as inmate. 10 27 1952 11 375 31. Ingram E. Howe admitted as inmate. 11 3 1952 11 376 32. Cancer Society Home of Lumberton authorized payment for boa??' &care of James E. Weeks. 11 10 1952 11 377 33. Wallace H. Styron admitted as inmate, temporarily. Mrs. Queenie L. Lewis referred. 11 17 1952 11 378 34. Charity B. McManning admitted as inmate. 12 8 1952 11 384 35. Washing machine authorized at County Home and Jail. 12 8 1952 11 384 36,? City water consideration for County Home, Cows to be checked for worms. 12 8 1952 11 385 37. Washing machines purchas.ed, Mrs. S. Rice admitted as inmate, temporarily. 12 15 1952 11 385 38. County Home wiring inspected by auditor, heating discussed, all ?.e.atixlg under one plant. 12 22 I952 11 388 39. Willie H Green Sullivan admi•?ted as inmate, social services thanks received. 2 2 1953 11 397 40. J. T. Wilkins's application held in abeyance for investigation. 2 16 1953 ll 401 41. Della D. Batson admitted as inma?.?. 3 2 1953 11 4G?- 42. Tom Davis admitted as inmate for three months. 5 26 1953 11 423 43. Letter sent to County Home Supt. Kurby Daniels, on naming Mr. Rivenbark Farm Supervisor. 5 26 1953 11 424 44. Resignation of Kirby Daniels announced, due to heart attack. 6 1 1953 11 424 45. Applications for County Home Supt. ?.nd ?Ia.tron discussed. ? 6 13 1953 11 428 46. Mr. and Mrs. H.C. Ris?'?enbark accepted as County Home and Farm Supt. and Matron. 6 22 1953 11 438 N. C. ?IATT@R: INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? , , County Home ? eec. u. s. ??i? County Indexee Since 1888 To lotat9 nam2f? open pt COTT A-Z TAB INDEX ??r OFFIGE ?pJ?K,4-rc. An IdentifYing Ttade Mark ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB IM11DE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN 0. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTN fAROLINA DATE MINUT E BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month I Day I Year Vol. ? Page l. Calvln T. Lewis admitted as inmate. Arthur L. Anderson adm??t?ed temporarily. 6 29 1953 11 433 2. Duncan E. McIver admi?ted as paying inmate. 6 13 1953 11 437 3. Converting County Home heating from coal to oil received for consideration. 7 20 1953 11 438 4. Doing County Home laundry at T B. Hospital discussed. 7 20 1953 11 438 5. Combining of County Home Kitchens discu?sed, cost of stove authorized. 7 27 1953 11 441 6. Rebecca Green admitted as inmate. 8 10 1953 11 444 ?. County Home boiler inspection certificate received from State. 8 24 1953 11 449 8. Mrs. Emily Corn2ng admitted as inmate. 8 31 1953 11 450 9. Roy Croom admitted as inmate. 9 8 1953 l? 452 l?. Bertha Y. Blanks's approved for admission to County HOME. ? 21 1953 11 455 11. Mrs. Minnie D. Chadwick admitted to County Home temporarily. 10 5 1953 ll 458 12. County Home laundry situa:tion reported at T B Hospital meeting last Monda?. 11 2 1953 11 464 13. Slaughtering of bull announced for County H?ame meat. 11 2 1953 11 464 14. John R. Moore and George W. Jones admitted as inmates. 11 16 1953 11 465 15. Letter of Sympathy authorized to former County Home Supt, on death of wi?e former matron. 11 23 1953 11 467 16. Wingate ?a. Spivey admitted as inmate temporarily. 11 30 1953 11 469 17. Annie H. George admitted as paying inmate, l2 7 1953 11 474 18. I%Iiss Elise A. Ortman admitted as inmate. Sam J. Butler's application referred. 1 11 1954 11 478 19. Ransome H. Corbett admitted as inmate. 1 18 1954 11 479 20. Robert L. Johnson admitted as inmate. 2 1 1954 11 482 21. William Croom adrnitted as inmate. 2 8 1954 11 485 22. Johannah Nixon admitted as inmate. 2 15 1954 11 486 23. Samuel L Butler admitted as inmate. William A. Rasinger's application referred. 2 23 J_954 11 487 24. Mike Pikramenos admitted as inmate. 3 8 1954 11 49l 25. Welfare caseworker to appear before Commissioners on application for C Home admission. 3 8 1954 11 491 26. County Home report received on detainees. 4 12 1954 11 500 27. County Home line considere?. for connection with city water at Timme Gorp. 5 10 1954 11 512 28. Report filed on inmates. 5 17 1954 11 514 29. Mrs. Martha DeBoise admitted as inmate. 5 24 1954 11 515 30. Howard Mann admitted as ixunate. 6 14 1954 11 520 31. County Home report filed. 6 14 1954 11 520 32. Letter of than.ks from American Red Cross Chapter for donation of bload by inmates. 6 28 1954 11 525 33. Savings reported on County Home light bill. 7 F? ?954 11 528 34. Marie Estelle petition referred for Count?r Home admission. 7 6 1954 11 528 35. Pauline Alderman a?.d ??Jaleria Alderman`s appl?cations referred for admission . 7 6 1954 11 528 36. Carolina Power and Light Co granted easement over Coux?;tST r-iom.e I?.?:d. 8 9 1954 11 537 37. County Home inmates report field. 8 23 1954 11 538 38. William Robert Fountain admitted as inmate. 8 30 1954 11 539 39. Valeria Alberman, Marie Alberman and Pauline Alberman to be admitted to County Home. 8 30 1954 11 539 40. County Home survey report received fror:?. Mrs. A. M. Pemberton. 10 4 19.?4 11 543 41. Mike Pickkamen.os re-admitted as inmate. James Howard admitted as inmate. 10 4 1954 11 54-4 42. County Home inmate report received, roofing dar?ages reported. 10 18 1954 11 548 43. Heating repairs and expens?s transferred from County Hom? emergency fund. 10 25 1954 11 548 44. Mary U. Gray admiLted as inmate. 10 25 1954 11 549 +S. Mitthen Dees admitted as ir?mate, temporarily. 11 8 1954 11 552 +6. Changes in County Home rules and r?egulations disct?.ssed. 11 22 1954 11 556 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - N H C t N C C ew anover oun ?, . . ; MAT E R: County Home - aec. u. :. ?j County Indezea Since 1888 ? To loeate names, open at r?t OFfICE (.(',?,??? An IdcntiEying Trade Mark SURNAMH INITIAL TAB COTT A•Z TAB INDEX ?DE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBttS, OHIO SOLG BY OWEN 6. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCFEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month l Day I I Year Vol. I Page 1. County Home report filed. 12 13 1954 11 561 2. County ?-:or;:F? report filed. 12 20 1954 11 `?62 3. Changes in rules and regulations referred to Ma.yha.m., changes adopted. 12 20 1954 11 ?62 4. Jaznes F. Olephant admitted as inmate, temporarily. 1 3 1955 lI 63 5. Invitation receivec? for presentation ot T V set to inmates, by Garden Club, Jan. 12th. 1 17 1955 11 69 County 6. T Home pr.isoner ?eport received and filed. 1 17 1955 11 73 7. Beatrice Lofton admitted as inmate. 1 31 1955 1? 72 8. Pierre M. Holmes admitted as inmate,. 2 7 1955 11 i73 `?. P.?.yment to G. F. Branch and Son approved for water heater. 2 7 1955 11 .?73 ?0. Cour?ty Home prisoner report filed. 2 14 1955 11 .i75 11. Caunty Home study report received from Nursing Committee. 2 2I I955 11 i77 12. Converting ?ounty Hca?ne -into private boarding home under advisement. 3 14 1955 lI i78 13. New Hanover County Garden Club to beautify :County Home witi?t azaleas. 3 14 1955 11 i83 14. Frank Segars's applicatioxi received for admi?sion. 3 14 1955 11 i83 15. Caunty Home inmate report filed. 4 18 1955 11 a90 16. Needham D. Potter admitted as inmate. ? 5 2 1955 11 i94 17. County Home inm??t? rep,rt filed? 5 23 1955 11 ?00 18. County Home inmate report filed. 6 20 1955 Il ?07 19. Laura D. King admitted as inmate. 7 11 1955 I1 ?12 20. Board agree.ded f?r County Home Supt. Herbert Rivenbark ta carry out County Home op erations. 7 11. 1955 11 513 21. Dave Rivenbark Assis??nce Supt. to have town duties. 7 11 1955 11 ?13 22. County Home c.ensus report filed, prisoners 62, juvc?iles - S. 7 l? 1955 11 ?15 23. Purchased of coal referred to County Attorney. 7 25 1955 11 016 24. Commission.ers ch.eck on conn.ecting Coun.ty Hom.e water lines ?.?- Timm?: Corp. 8 8 1955 11 622 25. County Home prison report fileda 9 5 1955 11 628 26, County Home inmate report filed. 9 I9 1955 11 532 27. Removal of boiler approved from Cour???ous? to County Home. New boiler purchased. 9 19 1955 11 632 28. Month]_y report filed. 10 i0 1955 12 ? 29. Mont;ily report filed. 10 24 1955 12 10 30. Monthly report filed. 1I I4 1955 12 17 31. Mrs. Lourena C. Pepper Smith 73, admitte?. a? inmat?. 11 21 1955 1`? 19 32. lylonthly report fi?1_ed. 11 ZQ 1955 12 I9 33. Insu??n?e check received ior fire at County Home Dairy. 12 5 1955 12 23 34. Mr. Esau. Clayton admitted as temPorary inmate. 12 5 1955 12 24 35 T. H? st?.tionwagon to be placed at County Home. Approved payment for dairy. 1 3a 1956 12 39 36. Monthly re?ort received. 2 6 1956 1.2 41 37. Fhppi.icarlces from T, B. Hospital turned over to County Home. 2 20 1956 12 45 38 . Jame? s Hardy admitted as temporary i.ntnate . 2 20 1956 12 45 39. Mr. Herbert Rivenbark received commendation for fine job at County Home and farm. 2 27 1956 12 48 40. Dis?ussion on drizikizlg at County prison. 2 2% 1956 12 48 4Z. Edward Cornelius Evarls admitted as temporary inmate. 3 12 1956 12 5Z 42. Monthly report received. 3 12 1956 12 52 43. Frederick Witfield Davis, Walter Wright Carroll and An.nie Yopp Mintz admitted :-?s inm.ates. 3 19 1956 12 54 44. Mrs Elizabeth Bolton admitted as inmate. 4 16 1956 12 61 45. Callie Smith Harrison admitted ati inmat:e? 5 21 1956 12 69 46 . Mont?i?.ly report :receive? . 5 21 1956 12 71 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS M?NUTES N H C t? N C -- ew anover oun y, . . , MATTER: County Ho me ? nEC. u. s. County Indexee Since 1888 ? To lotafe nameS? open at COTT A•2 TAB INDEX ??T OFfICE C??i?x?.. An ldentifYing Trade Mark SURIdAME INITIAL TAB INADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, ONIO SOLD BY OWEN 6. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month ? Day ! Year I Vol. I Page l. Board agreed for County Hom? to hire eltra nurse. 6 18 195( 3_2 76 2. Communication concerning fire hazard building at County Home. 6 18 195Ei 12 77 3. Fire hazard building discussed, two new doors to be in?.?_ude? in County Home?budget. 6 25 195?; 12 78 4. Mrs Mary Baldwin adniitted as inmate. 6 25 195E; 12 7$ 5. Request granted, two diseased dogs to be disposed, two others to be returned to ow?mers. 7 9 1956 l2 81 6. Budge?: request discussed, Board agreed to put third nurse full time. 7 23 1_95? 12 84 7. Ella Walker admitted as inmate. 8 6 I956 12 88 8. Discussion on repairs needed ?.t County Home. 8 6 1956 12 89 9. Permission granted to purchase lawn mower. 9 IO 195? 12 94 10. Monthly r_?eport received for August. 9 10 195?, 12 94A 11. T'heresa Bel1 Harris and Jonnie Sidbury admitted as inmates. 10 I 1956 12 98 12. Claude Wright Herring admitted as inmate. 10 8 L956 12 ?_00 13. Mr. Henry Lee Kidd admitted as inmate. 10 Z2 L956 12 ?_02 14. Zebulon Vance Lewis admitted as inmate. 10 ?9 L956 12 I_04 15. Report on County Home repairs. 10 L9 I_956 12 I_04 16. ?ffer from T. C. Barefoot Mattress Co. to renovate fifty mattresses approved. 11 L9 ?_956 12 L08 17. Minnie Moore Foushee and Mrs. Bittie Murray Garney Swinson admitted as inmates. 11 ?6 1.956 12 L10 18. William Dudley and William Dudley, Jr. admitted as inmates. l Z8 L957 12 L25 19. Adrain Deems Sellers admitted as inmate. 2 4 L957 12 L26 20a Bi11 for exterminating County Home bui"ldings referred to Mr. Broadhurst for investigating. 2 4 L957 12 L26 21. Application for Mr. Charles K. Bounlis, referred back to Social Services. 2 11 L957 12 L29 22. Mr. Charles K. Boudlis admitted as i?unate. Authorized funds for bedding at County Home. 2 L8 L957 12 L31 23. Mrs. Emma Parker Walton Carroll admitted as inmate. 2 L8 L957 12 L32 24. No action taken on request to admit? Charlie H. Stanland to County Home. 2 ?5 L957 12 L33 25. Received inspection report on County Home boil?r. 3 4 L957 12 L35 26. Preston McFarland admitted as inmate. 3 11 L957 :.2 L37 27. Georgianna McNei1 admitted as inmate. 3 18 L957 12 138 28. Requested tickets for aged to attend azalea festival. 3 Z5 L957 12 t40 29. Sarah Jane McLaughlin and James Henry King admitted as inmates. 4 ?9 1957 l2 148 30. Phoebe ?Torris Solomon admitted as inmate. 5 6 1957 12 150 31. 'T?7 at Gounty Home left to administrai?ion for action, 5 l?. ?1957 12 152 32. Sam Dudl,ey ad.?iitted as inmate. 5 13 1957 l2 152 33. Mrs. Lossie Melt??n Brooks and Mr. George Williams Whit?e admitted as inmat.e. 6 17 1957 12 159 34. Henry Horne and Bessie Walton Alford admitted as in.mates. 7 15 1957 12 167 35. Mr. Coy Mdti?.i:? a:?mitted as irim.ate. 8 5 1957 12 172 36. Mr. Patrick Thomas Duffy admitted as inmate. , 8 12 1957 12 173 37. Ernest Preston Davis and Lillie Ward Ma-r7ning admitted as ia,m??tes. 9 23 1957 ?2 182, 38. Step??an Aua Justice admitted as inm??.te. 11 i 8 1957 12 194 39. Mr. Walt?er Angus Kerr admitted as inmate. 12 2 ?957 12 198 4;?. Mrs. Ruth Erwin Boone admitted as inmate. 12 9 1957 12 ??OI 41. Rece-i.ved repa?t on County HomE? ari.d farm. 1 6 1958 12 212 42. Mr. John Christopher Freimuth to rent log cabin at County Home, $5.?0 per month. 2 3 1958 12 220 43. Wi11=?am Preston Bass, Dock Dixon, ,7ulia Ma.e McKeithan and Dudley Pridgen ad.iiitted as 2 '_7 ?9'?8 L2 224 inmates. 44, Tyree Yaeger admitr.ed as inmate. 2 24 1958 12 226 45. Received report on study of County Home :xn??. farm. Motion adopted to keep Home ope'r?. 3 3 ].958 12 >31 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- N H t C N C anover oun y, ew . . , MATTER: ?ounty Home - ¦e?. u. s. County Indacea Since 18?8 ? To IOtO!? nam?s, Opln Ct COTT A•2 TAi INDEX PAT OFFICE ??J111?e.?i An Idenrifving Trede Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MI6[ E BY THE COTi INDEX COMPANY, COLUM8U5, ONIO SOLD tY OWEN i. pUNN, NEII ?ERN, NORiM GROLINA NATURE OF PRO(EEDINGS DATE ' MINUTE BOOK , y (See lines ?k23through ??30) Month Day Year Vol. ? Page l. Action on County Home laundry postponed. g 18 1958 ; ;12 293 ,. 2. County Home inspection report. 8 18 1958. ;12 293 . 3. AuthoriZ?d advertising for bids for County Home boiler. .. 9 8 1958. i 12 299 _. 4. Frank Robinson admitted to County Home if he pays upkeep. ?. 9 15 1958. J,12 3Q1 5. Received bids for b,oi.ler., contract awarded to Longley Supply Company. _ 9 29 1958 .'12 308 6. Mr. Milton Leroy Kidd admitted to County Home, he pay upkeep. 10 20 1958 ;12 317 . 7. Mr. Rhoda Farrow to install boiler and employ steam fitter if needed. 10 20 1958 '12 318 8. Susie Cambell Richardson admitted to County Home. 11 3 1958 12 322 9. Hardy Calvin Korney admitted to County Home. ZZ ZO I958 ?2 328 10. Authorized room check and funds from emergency fund to complete barn. 11 10 1958 12 328 .. 11. Mrs. Katie Adams admitted to County Home, Il 24 I958 12 335 12. Lester Wesley Gainey admitted to County Home. 12 1 1958 .12 338 13. Southestern Radio Supply Co. donated recorder player to County Home. 12 15 1958 12 344 14. Received pictures of residents taken with recorder player. 12 29 1?58 12 349 15. Dave Cowan admitted to County Home. . 1 12 1959 12 359 16. Dudley Pridgen admitted to County Home. 1 26 1959 ,12 3h6 17. John William Curtis admitted to County Home. 2 2 1959 12 369 18. Bessie Simmons Hawes admitted to County Home. 3 2 1959 12 389 19. Walter Floyd Harrell admitted to County Home. 3 23 1959 ,12 405 20. County Home Committee gave pragress repcrt of improvements. , 4 1 1959_ ;12 411 . 21. Lula Nichols Millers admitted to County Home. 4 20 1959 12 420 22. Richard Breece Masters admitted to County Home. $ 4 1959 12 430 23. Christiana Aldmon Baker admitted to County Home. 3 3 1958 ;12 231 24. Disci.tssion of Home boiler and insurance settlement. 4 28 1958 ;12 249 25. Mrs.Lila R.D. Legwin admitted to County Home, pay?$45.65 per month. 4 28 1958 ,12 252 26. Emma J. Hewett and Gertie Salling admitted to County Home. 5 5 1958 ,12 254 27. Preston McFarlan admitted to County Home. 6 2 1958 12 264 28. Archie L. Fryar and John Lewis admitted to County Home. 7 14 1958 ,12 279 29. Authorized replacement of water tank, no action on boiler replacement. 8 11 1958 12 290 30. Mr. William P. Bass resident complaint of County Home referred to Social Services. 8 I8 1958 'I2 292 31. ,Received inspection report of County Home a???d farm reFerred to committee. 5 18 1959 12 436 32. Orven Wakely King admitted to County Home. r 6 15 1959 ?12 44S 33, Pest control contract to be discussed and considered in budget.? 7 1 1959 12 453 34. John Wesley Hill and Christopher Franks admitted to ?ounty Home. 7 20 1959 12 468 35. James Hardy admitted to County Home. 8 3 1959 12 476 36. Mrs. Elizabeth Woods Moore admitted to County Ho?ne, also Mary Tate. 8 17 1959 12 488 37. Mrs Sophia Margaret admitted to County Home. 9 8 1959 12 493 38. Mrs. Evaline G. Burns admitted to County Home, pay $40.00 per month. 9 21 1959 12 498 39, Relief getitions for Williei).? Vaun, Maggie C.Hill, James Bo Montgomery and Omer S. 10 5 1959 12 501 Rolgers referred to County Home and Farm Committee. 40. Rosa Bel1e Wortha.in admitted to County ?b me. 11 2 1959 12 510 41. County Home Committee's report on Social Service checks deferred and held in abeyance? 11 2 1959_ 12 512 42. Authorized ir??d_?gents to receive $5from Social Service mor?ies balance go to Cou.nty. 11 16 1959 ,12 515 43. Ollie Burnson admitted to County Home. . 12 7 1959 .12 521 44. Responsibility of farm and home delegated to Mr, H.C. Rivenbark with division of authority.l ? 1`_-`60 ;12 ? ?31 ? 45. Herert C. Rivenbark to operate the farm with Messr. Mintz and Pickett for assistances. 1 4 1960 12 531 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- N H C t N C ew anover oun ?, . . _ MATT R Co unty Home - ? aeo. u. s. Coanty Indezea Since 1888 ? To locah nam?s, open at IIIILCF BY rAr OFFICE ??'l? An Identifying Trade Mark SURIiAME INIiIAL TAB SOLD ?Y THE COTTiN EX COMPANY,? COLUMBUS, DHIO OWEN i. DUNN, NEII {ERN, NORTN GROLINA - .- 4 ?? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? DATE MINUTE BOOK ?? Monih Day Year VoL Page ? _ ;?? ?. ., . 1i; Dave Rivenbark will be prison Supt. have control of chickens and other dutiesm . ;1 4 1960 12 531 , 2,; Supt's of farm at}.d p??..?on are responsible to the Board of Commissioners. 1 4 1960_ 12 531 3,? Lois Mae Branch admitted as inmate temporarly. 2 1 1960 12 542 4.`. Hattie Victoria Beasley admitted as inmate. , 2 15 1960.. 12 545 .. ? 5?; Authorized recommended improvements for County Home and farm approved funds for project.., 2 15 1960 12 546 6,; Sarah Womble Clemmons and James G. Hunt admitted to County Home. _ 3 21 1960.. 12 558 7,; Lina Clemmons and James Faison admitted to County Home. 4 18 1960. 12 567 8?; C?aire D. White and William Poisson Zella?s adr?ait?ted to ?o?unty Home. 5 7 1960.. 12 583 ?o' Authorzzed aismzssaZ of Count? xome nur,?e for reportzng to work zntoxicatec?. 7 ?2 1960. ?2 59D 10., Budget meeting request for addition funds for heating system referred to committee. 7 15 1960 12 591 11.. Edgar Hoad Hines admitted to County Home. 7 18 1960 12 592 12. Budget meeting capital outlay cut from $1000 to $500. 7 lg 1960 12 593 13.:. No action taken on keep the yard man's salary in the budget, all agreed. 7 28 1960 12 599 14.. Mrs. Sadie V.C. Lamb admitted to County Home. 9 6 1960 12 608 15., George Melvin and Delma M. Moddy admitted to County HQm?. 10 3 1960 12 617 16. Authorized change in cnntract for Carolina Power and Light Co. at County Home. 10 17 1960 12 620 17.. Graham Atkinson. and Millie Robinson and Carrie S. Guyton admitted to County Home. 11 7 1960 12 625 18.. Lyman Frank B?.tten admitted to County Home. 11 21 1960 12 629 19..Samuel Nelson Marshburn admitted to County Home, to pay 90% of present income. 1 3 1961_, 12 640 20. Woodrow Wilson Young admitted to County Home to pay cost of care $40.00 per month. 1 3 1961 12 640 21. William P. Bass deceased, former resident estate referred to Soc.Ser. C. Attorney and 1 16 1961 12 642 Exc. Sec. and attorney Calder. 22... Lula Jane Mohn admitted to County Home. 1 16 1961 12 643 23.. Mr. Braak appointed to County Home Committee. 1 I6 1961 12 643 24., Mr. Cato M. Littleton admitted on condition he pay $60.00 per month. 2 6 1961 12 645 25._. Mrso Trudy Leola Shepard admitted temporary for $75.00 per month. 2 20 1961 I2 650 26.., Anna Jones Green admitted to County Home. 4 4 1961 12 660 27. Accident claim of Norah Lee Lovett, rejected she was prisoner at time. 4 4 1961 12 660 28., Willie Richardson admitted to County Home. G. 17 1961 12 666 29. Amos Batson and Earl Hampton Shipp admitted to County Home. 5 15 1961, 12 671 30., Youngless Parker admitted to Courzty Home. 6 5 1961 12 685 31... Julius James Rick admitted to County Home. 8 7 1961 13 6 32. Authorized budget adjustment for salary of new emp?oye. 8 7 1961 13 9 33... Thomas Cashwell and Ruth M. Twiford admitted to County Home. 8 21 1961 13 13 34. Alice Sanders admitted to County Ho?.e, County to pay f?.re to N.Y. if daughter accept her._ 9 5 1961 13 16 35._; Ora Cotton Pennington admitted to County Home. 9 18 1961 13 20 36. Willie Maultsby admitted to County Home. 10 2 1961 13 23 37.,. Joe Pinkey Harrelson admitted to County Home. 10 23 1961 13 30 38.,;, Marie Selders admitted to County Home. 11 6 1961 13 34 39., Raymond Earl Ellers emp?_oyed as County Home cook at $50 per week plus room and board. 12 18 1961 13 51 40.. Grand Jury report, Board requested case history of individuals in hospital section. 12 18 1961 13 52 41P.. Joshua James admitted to County Home. 12 18 1961 13 52 42., Leora Virona Rhodes Prince admitted to County Home. 1 2 1962 13 56 43._; Mr. Earl Hampton Shipp is required to work or leav? Home immediately. 1 2 1962 13 57 44.,, Dora Elizabeth Pender admitted to County Home. 1 15 1962 13 61 45.,; James 0. Baltzeg?r and Josephine M. Hil1 admitted if enough room. 2 5 1962 13 65 N. C. INDEX TO ?OMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? ?V?pTTER: , _ Co unty Hom e - eec, u. s. ??7?. ?? Counry lnde:ee Since 1888 ? To beah namss, op?n of COTT A•Z TA? INDEX enT OFFICE (.?.?P¢//7? An Identifying Trade Mar? 6116[ E 6ti THE COTT INDEX fOMPANY, COIUMBUf, DHtO SURIdAME INITIAL TAB SOLD YY OWEN G. pUNN, NEII tERN, NORTN GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS . MonTh " Day Year Vol. , Page . l. Mrs. Mary E. Berry admitted to County Home. < 2 19 1962 :13 68 .. 2. Christopher Frank admitted on relief policy, work eight hours a day five &half days week.. 2 19 1962. ,13 6$ 3. Resignation from Mrs Rivenbark as matron and Mr. H.C. Rivenbark as superintendent. . 2 19 1962. ?13 69 .. 4. Resignations accepted with pay for 30days, authorized funds and checks transferred. 2 19 ?1962. ;13 69 . 5. Mrs E. Stanley Knott, employed as matron temporary. 2 19 1962. 13 69 6. Motion carried to appoint a board of directors of County Home. 2 19 1962. ;13 69 7. Alex Francis Benton admitted to County Home. 3 5 1962 13 75 8. Action delayed on appointing County Home directors. 3 19 1962 .13 77 9. Board of Health emergency generator used at County Home. 3 19 1962 13 78 10. County Home refrigerators need repairs. . 3 i9 19?2 13 79 11. Res??lut?on of duties and responsibilities given to appro???ea direct?rs. !? 2 1962 13 88 12. Rena W. Gornto and George T. Hardwick admitted to County Home. 4 2 1962 .13 89 13. Adopted resolution appoiY-?ting Board of Dc?rectors with powers ai?d duties. 4 16 1962 13 96 Mrs. H.A. Blackburn, one year, Mrs. H.A. Marks one year, Dr. E.T.Marshburn two years, Mr. James L. Johnson two years, Mrs. H.Bluethenthal three years, Mrm William H. Snyder three years. Mr. Peter H. Braak Cpmmissioner`s term, pages 96-98. 14. Authorized purchase of two washing machines, funds from Home emergency fund. 4 16 1962 13 98 15. Messrs. Dave W. Ri?.renbark and L?a.th?r Mintz to do work formerly done by Mr. H.C. Rivenbark. 4 16 1962 13 98 16. Ruth B. Brinkley, Joe 0. Farrow, Charlie S. Hewett, Omer S. Rodgers and Earl H. Shipp 5 14 1962 13 101 admitted to County Home. 17. Pccepted resignation from Mr. William H. Snyder, member of the Board of Directors. 5 14 1962 13 102 18. County ,Home administration regarding work orders left to Mr. Braak. , 5 14 1962 13 102 19. Salary adjustments for M?ssrs. Rivenbark and Mintz effective date April lst 1962. 5 14 1962 13 103 20. Community Council approveal Boaxd of Di?ectors for County Home. 5 14 1962. .13 105 21. Authorized County funds for juvenile home and county farm salaries. 6 4 1962 13 113 22. No action taken on request for County business from the Continental Biscuit Co. 6 4 1962 13 113 23. John W. Reynolds admitted for recuperation care. 6 4 1962 13 113 24. Commissioners to inspect fa?ilities owned by the County. 6 28 1962 13 118 25. ?Ia?tin Blalack admitted to County Home. 7 2 1962 13 121 26. County Home funds transferred to Farm Dept. 7 2 1962 13 124 27. Budget meeting, budget accepted for consideration. 7 18 1962 13 133 28. Alex Francis Benton admitted to County Home. 7 23 1962 13 135 29. Mr. Omer S. Rogers re-admitted to County Home providing he obey rules and pay $60 month. 8 6 1962 13 137 30. Lovanna B. Simms and Geneva S. Thompskins admitted to County Home. 9 4 1962 _13 145 31. Coal furnace to be converted to oil at County Home. 9 4 1962 13 145 32. Discussion involing different of opinions regarding County Home boiler. 9 17 1962 13 151 33m Mr. and M rs. Tom Gray to move to different quarters at County Home. 9 17 1962 13 152 34. Motion for oil burner rescinded, carried for installing new stoker. 10 1 1962 13 154 35. County Home termite contract awarded to Spiritine Chemical Co. 10 1 1962 13 155 3?. ?1r. N.L. Fcy uec?ir?Gd ?o s?rv? on the Board of ?irectors, reason conflict ef interAst. l? 1 1962 13 155 37. Mr. W. Eugene Edwards appointed to replace Mr. William F. Snyder, resigned. 10 1 1962 13 155 38. Simon Hardison admitted to County Home. 10 15 1962 13 161 39. County Home r?urse to be paid semi-monthly. 12 17 1962 13 178 40. Charles W. Rice admitted to County Home. 12 17 1962 13 179 41. County Home to receive oil fired steam generator. 12 17 1962 13 179 42. Received matron's report. 12 17 1962 13 179 t H C INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - N C N anover oun y, ew . . _ MATTER: County Home - ¦ac. u. s. ??q ?? County Indezee Since 1888 ? TO IOtq? nom?f? OplO af e?r OFiICE C?.,tP/f7? Anlden6fyingTradeMerk SURIiAME INITIAL TAB C07T A•2 TA? INDEX MILCE BY THF COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, DHIO SOLD tY OWEN i. OUNN, NEw ?ERN, NORTN GROLINA ?: .. DATE MINUiE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? kt ' Month Day Year " Voi. Page • l,; ; Report on conveying ill residents, motion carried to use the Yellow Cab Co. 1 21 1963 13 186 2?; Letter regardin? a part-time physician for residents referred back to So ard?of•D??ee?ors?; 2 4 1963. 13 189 3.? New Hanover County Medical Society pledged to continue free services to indigent and ; 2 4 1963. 13 189 '; out-patient clinics. :. 4,: Clarence R. Croom and Frank Whitfild admitted to County Home. ? 18 1963 13 191 5{.: a Acie T. Hennies and Mamie W. Henries admitted to County Home. 3 4 1963 13 194 6.r; Richard M. Grant and Mary J. H. Lee admitted to County Home. 5 6 1963. 13 210 7,. Budget report, approved transfer? within budget. 5 20 1963- 13 215 8., Mrs. Lovella B Blanton admitted to County Home. 6 17 19b3 13 223 9. Budget discussion, approved $2?00 for periadic medical service fees. 7 1 1963 13 231 10. Mr. H. A. Marks and Mrs. H.A. Blackburn re-a???oin?e?' ?o_.t??e ?oard of Dir ectors. 9 3 1963 13 248 11. Report Ol 20 1964 13 288 12. Continuing Operation 03 02 1964 13 296 13. Transfer of Residents 04 20 1964 13 318 14. Directors 0? 18 1964 13 32£s 15. Policy - Boiler 08 17 1964 13 368 16. Matron 09 16 1968 14 249 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. _ MU JE T COUNTY MANAGER _ ae?. u. s. ? `-'/??? County Indexee Since 1888 ? To Io?Ot? nam?s, O?NO Yt COTT A•2 TM INCEX r?r OFFICE C..?//'ii:?„a-?s An Identifying Trade Mark MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO SURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLD tT OWEN 0. pUNN, NEw iERN, NORTN GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK . Month Day Year Vol. Pnge 1. Moving expenses 2. City County Manager's Seminar 3. Resignation of J. E. Marshall 4. Discussion of motion for salary and advertising for 5. Position offered Col. Gnau 6. Additional Office help 7. Discussion study of long range needs 8. Membership in League of City Managers 9. Serving on Committees 10. Army Leave 11. Request to attend Institute of Government 12. Military leave 13. Vacation Schedule 14. Title change 15. Discretionary fund 16. Acceptance of Lawrence Bowden's resignation 17. Appointment of Dan W. Eller 18. Report on County Manager form of government 19. Mr. Eller requested to seek info. regarding installation of Pit Privies 20. Discussion Pit Privies 21. Letter re SEDC and COG 22. Discussion re speaking at Civic Clubs 23. Authorized to make budget transfers up to $150 24. Policy re budget transfers up to $150 25. Authorized to approve expenditures from Museum projects 26. Authorized to accept Emergency Jobs Program funds 27. Designated as project director for Mental Health Construction 28. Transfer of funds for xerox rent 29. Transfer of funds for Steno III 30. Authorized to approve change orders up to $200 31. Transfer of funds for xerox 32. Vacation (8/11 - 8/15/75) 33. Out of Town Nov. 5$ 6 34. Out of Town - Dec. 12 35. Out of Town Feb. 10-13 36. Commendation to County Manager for work on 76/77 budget 37. On vacation 38. Discussion concerning nominating DWE outstanding County Manager 39. Out of Town 8/22/77 to 8/25/77 40. Out of Town 2/8 to 2/10 - City/County Managers Seminar 41. Authorized to reclassify deputy positions to clerks in Sheriff's office 42. Resolution authorized County Manager to sign CP&L contract for outdoor lighting service 43. Authorization to sign CETA contract 44. Land Records System Report 45. Report on State Law concerning Counties spending money for sidewalks or bike paths 46. Authorizied to bid downward on bids received on Animal Control vehicles O1 03 1967 02 05 1968 07 15 1968 07 26 1968 09 16 1968 03 17 1969 03 17 1969 ?5 19 1969 05 i9 I969 1"L 15 1969 Ol 04 1971 03 O1 1971 12 06 1971 06 05 1972 10 16 1972 02 19 1973 07 16 1973 08 06 1973 Ol 07 1974 O1 21 L974 03 04 1974 03 03 1974 O1 20 1975 03 03 1975 03 17 1975 04 07 1975 04 07 1975 04 21 1975 05 05 1975 05 05 1975 05 19 : 975 07 28 1975 10 27 1975 12 08 1975 02 02 1976 06 30 1976 07 06 1976 07 05 1977 08 15 1977 02 06 1978 O1 02 1979 Ol 02 1979 02 19 1979 03 05 1979 04 17 1979 04 17 1979 14 19 14 142 14 223 14 226 14 248 14 309 14 306 14 330 14 331 14 425 14 564 14 589 15 53 15 139 15 236 15 335 15 457 15 466 15 555 15 566 15 593 15 710 16 89 16 134 16 147 16 159 16 159 16 183 16 191 16 194 16 204 16 246 16 293 17 23 17 58 17 157 17 161 18 71 18 90 18 171 18 333 18 343 18 363 18 369 18 387 18 388 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. _ MU JECT COUNTY MANAGER - aeo, u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 f} ?.-? To IOCaN eatMf? op?n at COTT A•2 TA? INOEX PAT OFFICE ??? An [dentifying Trade Mark ?? fURNAME INITIAL iA6 MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLO iT ONEN i. pUNN, NEw ?ERN, NORTH GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DAiE MINUTE BOOK G, r: Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Distributed copies of proposed school budget for FY 79/80 04 17 1g79 18 391 2. ' Commendation for work on bid specifications 04 26 1979 18 395 3. Report on water cont ract negotiations with City of Wilmington 05 07 1979 18 403 4. Announcement :iof County Manager's resignation 06 04 1979 18 415 5.` Discussion on County Manager applications 05 18 1979 18 431 6., Appointment of Interim County Manager - George F. Cooper 06 18 1979 18 433 7. Distributed proposals for hiring consultant for proposed water system 07 02 1979 18 444 8. Recommended Employment Security Commission to take over P.S.E. programs - letter to State 07 23 1979 18 449 9. County Manager Eller informed Commissioners of Conference on Waste Management & Resource Recovery 07 23 1979 18 451 10. Certificate of Award presented to former County Manager Eller 08 06 1979 18 453 11. Plaque presented to former County Manager Eller 08 06 1979 18 453 12. County Manager applications cut-off date 08 06 1979 18 460 13. Salary increase for Interim County Manager 08 20 1979 18 465 14. Appointment County Manager - George F. Cooper 08 20 1979 18 466 ' 15. Recommended Computer system 09 04 1979 18 471 16. Salary for County Manager 09 04 1979 18 472 17. Discussed Courthouse renovation project 09 04 1979 18 473 18. County Manager informed Commissioners of sale offer to County of Graystone Galleries Building 09 04 1979 18 473 19. County Manager authorized to contract for landscaping at L.E.C. 10 Ol 1979 18 483 20. County Manager reported on 911 System 10 Ol 1979 18 491 21. County Manager introduced Mr. Andrew Atkinson, New Hanover County Finance Officer 11 05 1979 18 500 22. County Manager discussed Arts Council using house next to Museum 12 03 1979 18 521 23. County Manager requested to check into bldg. code re: use of portable toilets on construction sites 12 03 1979 18 522 24. County Manager postponed di?cussion on Recoup 12 17 1979 18 529 25. County Manager explained recommendations for the composition of the planning comm. for proposed Judicial f ac. 12 17 1979 18 529 26. County Manager explained request from FmHA for office space at reduced rental 12 17 1979 18 530 27. Advised Commissioners of tour and dinner at Agriculture Extension Office O1 07 1980 i8 538 28. County Manager reminded Commissioners of NCACC reetin? O1 07 1980 18 538 29. County Manager presented budget transfCr from Planning t? create County Planning Director position O1 07 1980 18 538 30. Reported on proposed agiement drawn up for Flemington residents to sign Ol 21 198Q 18 542 31. County Manager reported on disposition of Munds House O1 21 1980 18 542 32. Co. Mgr, explained two budget amendments had been added to Consent Agenda since it had been mailed G2 04 1980 i8 5%+4 33. Asked for authorizati?n far U.S. Army helicopter to land on Masonboro Sound 02 04 1980 18 547 34. Reported on adoption of revised purchasing procedures 02 04 1980 18 547 35. County Manager reported on date set to work k*/representatives from Henry van Oesen & Assoc. water & Sewer 03 10 1980 18 566 36. Invited Mr. Blalock or anyone who wanted landfill info to visit office 03 10 1980 18 567 37. Authorized to sign all contracts on behalf of N.H. County w/CP&L for electrical service 03 17 19$0 1£3 568 38. Appointment of County Mgr. Cooper to Lower Cape Fear Water & Sewer Authoriiy 04 08 ?98? 18 S81 39. County Manager explained Change Order and Budget for Taxiway "B" 04 21 1980 18 587 40. County Manager reported information and bid specs. on Flemington Water System 04 21 1980 18 588 %+1. ?'xplained additional items rebudget transfer 05 19 1980 18 601 42. Discussed proposed schedule for budget hearing 05 19 1980 18 603 43. Explained proposed contract for a Long Range Solid Waste Management & Disposal rlan 06 ?2 1y80 18 612 44. Explained problem. acquiring clay ?or ?arclina Beach I.andfill 06 02 1980 l0 612 45. Asst. County Manager, Gary Cannon responded to Comm. Arm?stead ?uestion to Trask Park 06 02 1980 18 613 46. Authorization for ?o. 2?gr. to sign agreement with City Mgr. for separation of PZanning Department 07 07 1980 18 b34 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MATTER• aec. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 I?? io foea» nnma?, Opbn Ot Per OFFIGE ?l?,s?- AnldentifvingTradeMark SURNAME INITIAL TAB NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS 1. Dept. of Cultural Resource approved by Co. Mgr. 2. Reported that the study of Harry Le Grand on water supply was completed 3. Gave an update on landfill site 4. Authorizeu to sign EEOC grant con tr.acts 5. Authorized to approve demolition of city/county owned buildings 6. Authorized tc pay blue clay landfill bills . 7. Author.ized t? reply to legal services letter re: Flemington water system 8. Authorized to award plumbing contracts for Flemington ?. Call?d out of ineecing to apYear in court 10. I)eletion of agenda item authorizing County Mgr. to procee.d with connections to Flemington water system il. County Manager recommended a special meeting on Judicial Building and Solid Waste Consultants Acting County Manager - County Mgr. is aliowed to designate a person to become acting County Manager 12• in temporary absence or disability of County Manager 13. Designation of acting County Manager 14. Commendation to staff during County Managers illness 15. Recommendation for charges for copies of agendas and special meeting notices 16. County Manager instructed to responcl to Funderburg's request far damage 17. Reply to Funderburg Letter 18. Meeting set up with Consumat, Southeastern Waste Control and Local Government Commission Representatives 19. County Manager to Authorize Small Claims Actions 20. County Manager Commended for Work on Steam Contract 21. COUNTY MANAGER COiT A TO Z TAB tNDEX NADE tY THE COTT INDEX COMrANY, ODLUMtOS, ON10 SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 07 28 1980 18 637 07 28 1980 18 639 07 28 1980 18 640 lu 06 1980 18 673 10 06 1980 18 680 10 06 1980 ?8 681 10 20 1980 18 689. 12 Ol 1980 18 724 12 15 I9$Q I$ 733 12 15 1980 18 733 Ol 05 1981 18 745 03 16 1981 18 785 04 06 1981 18 795 06 08 1981 18 860 07 07 1981 18 887 12 Z1 1981 18 979 Ol L8 L982 18 991 03 Ol 1982 19 26 05 Ol 1982 19 78 07 06 1982 19 111 INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MATTEER ASSISTANT GOUNTY MANAGE? aes. u. s, County lndeue Since 18BB ? To IawM eamu, open at fOTT A TO I TAB INDE% r?r orFwe ?Z?o.?'., An ldentifying Trada Maz? SURNAME INITIAL TAB NIIDE tY TNE COTT INDEX GOMPANY, (OIUYUt, ONIO SOLU BY OWEN G? DUNN lA., NEW BERN, N? C. NATURE OF PRO?EEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Voi, Page 1. Assistant County Manager Received Master's Degree in Public Administration 06 07 1982 19 89 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ M?B? ? COUNTY PROPERTY aEC. u. s, q???? County Indezea Since 188$ ? TO ?OCOb AYill?f? 0?11 O} r?T OFFICE ?^?:CQ?' An ldentifying Trade Mark SURNA?IE INITIAL iAY CUiT Ad TA? IMOEX ?DE BY iHE COiT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOtO iT ONfEN ?. OtlNN, M EN ?ERN, NORTN GIM LINA DATE MINUiE BOOK ; NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? Month Day Year Voi. Page ; l. Purchase of by Moore Fonvielle 07 20 1964 13 354 2. Survey - County Farm 09 23 1964 13 378 3. Survey - County Farm 10 19 1964 13 386 4. Temporary Right of Way 10 (4 1965 13 530 5. Kellwood Corp., Deed of Correction 02 ?6 1967 14 27 6. Tax foreclosed sale 06 19 1967 14 71 7. Sale of Tax foreclosed property 08 ?7 1967 14 8I 8. Agreement Land Purchase Brown-Herring 09 18 1967 14 90 9. Sale of to Filtors, Inc. 09 18 1967 14 90 10. Sale of to Filtors, Inc. 09 Z1 1967 14 91 11. Sale of to Brown-Herring 09 21 1967 14 91 12. Sale of to Brown-Herring 11 ??6 1967 14 107 13. Sale of to Brown-Herring 12 ?4 1967 14 120 l?. Sale of to George Losak 03 04 1968 14 148 15. Sale of to George Losak 03 18 1968 14 166 16. Sale of property to Henry Mishoe 06 03 1969 14 338 17. Kellwood Company option 08 04 1969 14 377 18. Kellwood Company option 08 04 1969 I4 376 19. Sale of lots - Manhattan Drive, Charlotte St., and Lot 16 Block A of Bronx 08 04 1969 14 375 20. Sale of Lots - Love Grove 10 06 1969 14 394 21. Progress on maintenanc? of at Castle Hayne 02 16 1970 14 441 22. Proposal to purchase foreclosed properties Mr. Chuck Paul 03 Ol 1971 14 586 23. Sales of to Redevelopment Commission O1 ?4 1972 15 66 24. Sale to Wanet Sausage Co. O1 17 1972 15 66 25. Request to purchase 02 21 1972 I5 81 26. Policy for disposal of 08 21 1972 15 208 27. Sale of surplus County Property 11 71 1976 17 228 28. Discuss use of County Bldgs. O1 04 1977 17 ;?56 29. Approve street paving petitions O1 17 1977 17 263 30. Sale of Surplus property 03 28 1977 18 3-4 31. Disposal of surplus radio equipment 04 04 1977 18 16 32. Blair Park Lease Agreement-Supper Optimist 04 18 1977 18 19 33. Discuss use of County Parks F? Property 04 18 1977 18 ?2 34. Bids received on Surplus Property 05 02 1977 18 31 35. Rejection of donation of property at Castle Hayne 08 O1 1977 18 36 36. Extension of notice to vacate Old Community Hospital 08 15 1977 18 ?0 37. Request to reconsider demolition of portion Old Community Hospital 09 19 1977 18 L05 38. Discussion on demolition Old Community Hospital 10 03 1977 18 L13 39. Award contract for demolition of Old Community Hospital 10 17 1977 18 L19 40. Purchase property at 310 Chestnut St. and Budget transfer O1 ?3 1978 18 157 41. Chairman - sigh Quitclaim deed - E. E. Costin 04 03 1978 18 192 42. Purchase 36 acres - Masonboro Island 04 10 1978 18 193 43. Proposed acquisition property east of NHIKH 06 05 1978 18 217 44. Authorize Chairman sign redrafted deed-700 block S. 8th Street 06 05 1978 18 219 45. Purchase property next to Museum 06 12 1978 18 224 46. Authorize Ad-sale property 910 Walnut Street 06 19 1978 18 225 ?.. .. ,. INDEX TO GOMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. _ MUB ECT COUNTY PROPERTY _ Reo. u. s. q??- County Indezea Since 1888 ? To IOtaN 110IMf? O?n Yf COTT A-I TA? INOEII r?r OFFICE ??E??.a-? Anldentifyin8 Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAY MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY? COLUMBUS. OH10 SOLD ?Y OINEN i. pYNN, NEN ?ERN, NORTN GROLINA DATE MINUiE BOOK `.? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS . ?. Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. ' Proposed acquisition property east of NHMH 06 19 1978 18 230 2. Acquisition of property for park 06 19 1978 18 234 3. County Property used for Collection & storage of tires 09 05 1978 18 275 4.. Disposal of county vehicle 04 )2 1979 18 384 5.' Authorization of dispose of wrecked Plymouth 05 07 1979 18 401 6.,- Sale of surplus items 06 04 1979 18 423 i. Authorization for sale of surplus equipment Ol 07 1980 18 533 8. Approval of CP&L Co. easement across county farm property 04 08 1980 18 578 9. Public auction of surpl.us County property 11 02 19$? 18 946 10. Appointment of representative to New Hanover/Pender County Boundary Commission 05 03 1982 19 62 ??. Disposition of Co. Owned property adjacent to Musuem 10 i_8 : i_982 19 L73 12 Budget Amendment - 5th Street Building 10 L8 L982 19 L74 „ INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count COURTHOUSE N C ?, . . _ MATTER: _ ?ea. u. e. Counry Indexee Sinee 1888 ? To loeat? names, open at r?r OFFIC[ C.?i??s? An Ideatifrine Trede Mark SURNAM6 INITIAL TAB COTT A•Z TAB IkDEX MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, cOLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month I Day I Year Vol. Page 1. Committee to contract for repairing Courthouse and procuring necessary furniture. 07 30 1868 1 7 2. One month bill from Janitor Joseph C. Hill for Courthouse approved. 08 17 1868 1 14 3. ?'?pproved bill of Albert Robinson for 2 days services in cleaning courtyard. 08 17 1868 1 14 4. Board will not approve any futher bills for services rendered as Janitor, of Courtho use. 08 18 1868 1 15 5. Former cus?om of the County Court will be adhered to concerning janitor service for I Courthouse. g 08 18 1868 1 15 6. Room assigned to Register of Deeds in Courthouse. 08 26 1868 1 29 7.? Sheriff to employ a janitor for the Courthouse. 08 27 1868 1 30 8.€ Contract to be given to box in trees in front of Courthouse. ?s ?, 08 28 1868?? 1 31 ? 9.? ? Branch to be cut from tree in CDUrthDUSe yard that contacts house of A.J. Costin. ?; ?? 09 O1 1868?? 1 32 f! 10•rd Bill from Athony Howe for work on Courthouse approved. 09 18 1868?9 1 49 ?? 11."? Bill for work on Courthouse approved. ' 09 24 1868E9 ?i 1 53 , .? 12.;' ? Bill from M. Hill for janitorial services approved. ;; 9? 09 25 ! 1868?8 , 1 55 13. Bill for work on Courthouse approved, jf E 10 08 1868, 1 66 14.? Justice Foster to vacate office in Courthouse for use of Commissioners. ;; 10 09 1868? 1 67 " 15.€ w Order from County Court on County Trustees. ?' ?+ 10 15 1868p ? 1 73 16.? s Order to have gas fixture in Courthouse repaired. ?? ?; 10 15 ? 1868€ t 1 73 ? ? 17.r k Bill for work on Courtroom approved. e, E; ? 10 20 ' 1868?? E 1 80 S 18.` Bill for repair of gas pipe in Courthouse approved. 1 €? 10 21 1868? 1 83 19.? Bill from Courthouse janitor approved. €f ? 10 24 1868 1 85 I 20.? Bill for work in Courthouse approved. ": ?? 11 02 ? 1868? 1 92 ; 21.E Bill from Mr. Hill for janitorial services approved. t ! 11 12 1868 1 103 22.k? John Wooster's order from the Iate County Court approved. E . 11 14 1868', 1 118 23.?? Southerland and Stegall forbidden to use courtyard as pastureland. ?; 11 14 k 18680 1 118 i 24.? Gas bill for Courthouse approved. f? ?{ 11 20 ? 1868? 1 121 25. Janitor's bill for Courthouse approved. E, ?w i 11 27 ? 1868? ` 1 127 26.? i Bill for repair of Courthouse gas pipes approved. ? h: ?; 11 28 1868? ? 1 130 27. Bill for Janitor Hill's services approved. ?? 11 28 1868 1 132 28. ? Salary of Courthouse Janitor J. Hill approved. (See SALARY) ?; 12 04 1868j 1 133 29.? Bill for merchandise for Courthouse approved. ?'s, ? 12 22 i 1868? 1 143 30.; I Bill for repairing gas fixture at Courthouse approved. ? ; 12 2/? 1868 1 148 31.? Bill for janitorial services approved. N; ?? Ol 02 1869? 1 153 i 32.?? ? Bi11 for repairing sidewalk in front of Courthouse presented. s: ?? ?; O1 07 1869E 1 157 ` 33.? Bill for waiting on Court approved. ;? O1 11 ! 1869 1._ 160 34.? Bill for repairing sidewalk in front of Courthouse approved. !? , O1 11 1869? 1 161 35.°? ?i Janitor Hill to procure lime. ;; 02 02 ! 1869? ? 1 177 36.;= Gas bill for Courthouse approved. E; 02 13 1869; 1 185 i!g ? ? f I 37.?? Janitor's bill for Courthouse approved. %r j; 02 24 f 1869?? 1 190 38.? , Courthouse gas bill approved. ?; f1 03 11 1869?? . 1 197 39. Committee on Courthouse yard appointed. E ? 04 05 1869 1 205 40. Bill for repairing locks at Courthouse approved. ` ?? 04 05 1869 1 207 41.? Bill for work done at Courthouse approved. t3 ? 04 05 1869? 1 207 k d f 42.? Bill for hauling sawdust from Courthouse approved. s? 04 05 1869 1 207 ?? 43.° Janitor's fee for Courthouse approved. ?; 04 05 1869 1 207 44. Bill for lattice in Courthouse yard approved. ?? 04 21 ? 1869? 1 220 I 45.? Bill for merchandise for Courthouse approved. ? ? 04 21 1869 1 220 46. Janitor Hill's fee for Courthouse approved. j ! 04 21 1869 1 220 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New ?ianove? County, ?¢c. u. s. County Indezee Since 1888 Fir x..? To focate names, open at r?r OFFICE ?L?a-7?' An Identifying Trade Merk ?? SURNAMB INITIA? TAB NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS I?: Janitor Hi11's bill for Courthouse services approved. 2. Bill for carpenter's work at Courthouse approved. 3. Bill for lumber at Courthouse approved. ?T SUBIECT 1\. C. MATTfR: COURTHOUSE COTT A•Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COL UMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA R ?? DATE ?? MINUT E BOOK E; Month I Day I Year ;? ?j Vol. I Page ;! 04 27 I869?`N 1 222 ?? ?? 05 11 Ef 1869;? 1 E 229 ? i , 05 18 2869;j ?? 1 , 239 C ?? 4. Bill for merchandise for Courthouse approved. ? 05 18 1869?? 1 239 ?j 5. Gas bill for Courthouse approved. 05 18 f? 1869?; '' 1 pi 239 ? ? 6. ? Janitor Hill s bill for Courthouse approved. 05 27 ' 1869?? 1 ? 245 „g 7. Janitor to buy disinfectant for Courthouse yard. ; 06 O1 1869`?; 1 R? 247 ii ?w 8. Bill for painting signs in Courthouse approved. ,: 06 24 1869,? 1 259 ;? ; 9. Bi].I for Iir?e for Go?arthause approved. . 07 07 1869?, 1 271 :y 10.?? Gas bill for Courthouse approved. , 07 07 1869.: 1 271 .. 11.;; Janitor Hill's bill approved. ?`? ,12.? Bill from Mingo Hill approved. E 13.e BiI1 for merchandise for Courthouse approved. ? ? 14. Seal of Commissioners authorizes payment on certificates of late County Court by Treasurer. (TREASURER) 15. Gas bill for Courthouse approved. 16. Privy in Courthouse y??d to be cleaned, 17. Gas bill for Courthouse approved. 18.?! Janitor's bill for Courthouse approved. 19.? Bill for cleaning privy in Courthouse yard approved. .20. Order to purchase lime, bucket, brooms, water pitchers, and glasses for Courthouse made. 21. Gas bill for Courthouse approved. ? 22.,? Janitor's bill for Courthouse approved. ! ,23." Gas bill for Courthouse approved. 24.i Janitor's bill for Courthouse approved. ! 25. Salary set for janitor of Courthouse. 26. Janitor's bill for Courthouse approved. 27.c Committee to report on boxing in trees in Courthouse yard. ? 28.y Janitor's bill for Courthouse approved. f 29. Bill for Courthouse stationary approved. 30. Repairs ordered for windows in Courthouse. 31. Sherif? to procure coal for Courthouse. 32.?? Janitor's bill for Courthouse approved. k 33.? Gas bill for Courthouse approved. 34.?? Repair bill at Courthouse approved. ? 35;?? Bi11 for horse rack and boxing trees at Courthouse approved. 36.?I Bill for articles for Courthouse approved. !i 37.? Improvements and repair bill for Courthouse approved. 38.? Repairs and materials for Courthouse approved. 39. Committee had trees in Courtyard boxed in. 40. Bi11s for Courthouse approved. 41. Bill for coal for Courthouse approved. 42. Committee formed to report on Courthouse improvements. 43. Arrangements concerning water closets in Courthouse yard made. 44. Courthouse bi11s approved. 45. Gas bill for Courthouse approved. 4?i. Application from janitor for articles for Cour thouse approved. 07 08 „ 08 08 , 08 08 , 09 09 09 09 10 10 11 11 12 12 12 O1 Ol Ol O1 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 03 „ 03 03 03 04 04 , 04 k`. ?I 07 1869,, 03 1869 , 03 1869; 09 1869 09 1869; 09 1869 ' 07 1869` 07 1869y 07 1869? 07 1$69,??? 05 1869;? 05 1869;u 02 1869. 02 1869:' 06 1869, 07 1869?, 10 1869:'; 03 1870! 04 1870'; 04 1870;; 04 1870', 08 1870: ?$ 1870.'° 08 1870. 08 1870,; 08 1870. 08 1870. 08 1870, y 09 1870, r 07 1870,; 07 1870: 08 1870: 08 1870' 05 1870;; 05 1870!? ., ?; 06 1870?,¢ ?k G? 1 271 .,, 1 287 1 ZOO 1 292 ' 1 293 : ?? 1 293 . 1 316 ?' 1 3 I6 i? 1 316 r;. 1 317 ??' 1 332 ;; 1 332 ,; 1 338 .? 1 338 ,?? 1 348 ;i 1 351 `+ 1 355 ±: 1 394 ', 1 396 ' ?' 1 397 '?i 1 398 : ,r 1 401 ,.°, .? 1 401 1 401 ? 1 401 „ 1 402 1 402 ;; 1 402 '. 1. 409 's ?,? 1 413 ?? 1 414 ?s G? 1 419 ? ?y 1 419 4' 1 424 E? 1 425 F? 1 4 26 ?? !? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATTER: COUR'I'HOUSE ! Rea. u. s. County Indezee Sinee 1888 To loeats names, open at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX r?t ov??Ce C????/-Z? An ldentifvin4 Trade Mark ? SURNAMB INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OP PROCEEDINGS ? DATE ? MINUTE BOOK I ` Month I Day ? Year VoL I Page f l. Courthouse entrance to be Kalsemized and payment relaid. 04 06 1870 1 428 i 2. Bill for Courthouse janitor approved. ? 05 03 1870 1 434 3. Courthouse bills approved. 4. Use of a courtroom granted State Medical Society for its annual meeting. S. BiII for repairs and furniture for Courthouse received. 6. Bill for repairs and furniture to be paid by bonds sold company and b?lance to be paid by Treasurer. 7.; Bills for Courthouse approved. ? 8.? Bill for work on Courthouse approved. i 9.? Committee's report on repairing Courthouse accepted. 10.?; Fee for Dr. D.M. Buir approved in compliance with recommendation of Court. 05 03 1870 05 03 1870 05 05 1870, 05 05 1870? „? 05 ?i E? 05 a 05 E? ?? 06 ?. ll.s? Janitor Hill's bill approved. 06 ?? 12.=y e4 Bill for lock for Courthouse. ? 06 13. ?? Gas bill for Courthouse. ?? 06 ;? 14.4? Janitor Hill's fee approved. E " ?? 15.? Courthouse bills approved. ;; ?? 16.?? H. Hall's bill as scavenger at Courthouse approved. h. 07 17.?? Janitor Hill's fee approved. 08 ic 18.,', Courthouse gas bill approved. ? ?$ 19.; Clerk to Board to post election results of August 5, 1870 election on Courthouse door. ?; 08 20.? Janitor Hill's bill for Courthouse approved. ?;F 08 21.? Harry Hall's bill for filth removal from Courthouse yard approved. ;, 08 ;? 22.?? Bill for merchandise for Courthouse approved, ' 08 23.i? _ Pavement in front of Courthouse to be repaired, (See PUBLIC BUILDINGS CONIMITTEE) E; 09 ? 24.? County Court certificate given Wiley Stokes, exempting him from taxes. ,; 09 ? 25.? Janitor Hill's request for a gas burner for the Courthouse referred to Committee on Public Buildings. ;; 10 ` 26.?a Janitor Hill's bill for the Courthouse approved. ?' ;? 10 27.S?Worth and Worth' s bill for coal for Courthouse approved. ": 10 ? 28.?iRepair ra bill for Courthouse from A. Howe approved. ; 10 29. ??A. Jones' r bill for scavenger for Courthouse approved. ;; 10 30. ? Continuing Courthouse janitorial service referred to Finance Committee. ; 11 E, 31. ,.;Bi11 for ?@ repairing pavement in front of Courthouse from J.S. Keen approved. f; 11 32. ? Janitor's fp bill at Courthouse approved. „ 11 33. f?Matter of f? employing Courthouse janitor postponed. c; f; 12 34. ?¢Mr. Aill' s fee as Courthouse janitor appraved. 12 35. 'a?Claim of 3. Waad referred to Ghairman of County Court concerning Mr. Wood's appointment, services and pay. 4y 12 36. a `iGas bill r? for Courthouse approved. :, 12 37. :;Bil1 for :; gas fixture for Courthouse from W.H. Dart approved. ;r 12 38. ',;Mr. Keen` s bill for grates referred back to him for information. „ 12 39.??Bi11 for repair of Courthouse outhouses from R.L. Harriss approved. F¢ 12 ?? 40.i?Bil1 from Mr. Keen for repairing grates at Courthouse approved. ,, 12 ? ?: ?;: 41, r Courthouse Janitor`s bill from Mingo Hill approved, r; 12 f E; 42. ??Janitor's salary set at $20.00 per month. ;; O1 43.?OBill for making shutters for Courthouse from Hart & Bailey approved. ? 02 44.; Bill for coal at Courthouse from Worth & Worth approved. ?: ?2 ?. ' " 45.? Courfihouse janitor's fee from M. Hill approved. ?? 02 ? I? 46. A.H. Neff's bill for repairs on Courthouse approved. ; ?Z ?_ ;; :, ? ? OS 1870? 05 1870 f 05 18704 3 ? 07 1870 ? ?G ?O 10/?:i ,, g 08 1870?? ?? 08 1870r; 05 1870? r ?? 06 1870; ? ? 06 1870? r , O1 1870? Ol 1870 ?I f 06 1870t ? t 29 1870? f 29 1870? 30 1870s? ,? 22 1870?? 22 1870 w? ? 03 1870 r t 08 1870? 13 1870? 13 1871 13 187( 07 187( 07 187( 07 187( 05 187( 05 187( 09 187( 09 187i 09 187i 17 1870 ?; '? 31 1870 ?f 31 1870 ; i 31 1870 ?? 03 1871, 06 1871? 06 1871 ?i e 06 1871a 06 1871 1 434 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Z 2 2 436 438 438 439 439 439 441 , ?. 1 444 i 444 ? 444 451 1 456 456 460 460 469 47I 471 474 ? 17 23 27 34 37 _?7 37 80 ? 83 83 93 95 ! I 97 2 99 2 99' Z 104 2 108 2 108 2 108 ? 2 110 ? 2 123 2 123 2 123 2 123 s N C MATT R INDEX TO COi?MIS5I0NERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? COURTHOUSE , . . _ : ` eec. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 F?, z+.?- To locats names, open at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX r?r OFFICE ?s?71?o-?-s An Identifying Trade Mark ?l?? SURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLDEBY OWENCGTDUNNENEW BERN,?NORTH CAROL N'A ?? - k? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ?? Month DATE Day r? Year ?? MINUTE BOOK ? Vol. I Page ?G ?a I I t? ?q 1. Mr. Neff's bill for repairs on pump approved. ` 02 - 06 , 1871„;, , 2 `f 123 ;°. ?i 2. Janitor Hi11's fee for Courthouse approved. : 03 06 1871?u , 2 130 ?? ?' ?? 3. , Bills from George Flack and Toney Ashe for Courthouse approved. ? 03 06 1871?'' rs 2 ? 130 !' rM ,4. Letter from Cape Fear Lodge concerning north side wall of Courthouse referred to committee. I 03 13 1871,? 2 134 ?'? ?? ,5. Petitions of sundry persons for Courthouse janitor's position laid over to next meeting. 03 31 1871;? 2 137 !% 6. Applications for Janitor of Courthouse considered, but no vacancy in said office. „ . 04 05 1871?? 2 140 f? y 7. Janitor Aill's fee approved. 04 05 1871;a 2 143 ` ? 8. Janitor Aill requested bucket, water-cooler, and two glasses for Courtr?om., referred to Committee on , 05 O1 1871;, 2 ? 152 ? i Public Buildings. . 9.?; Janitor Hill's fee approved. 05 Ol 1871 2 153 : r' 10.„i Janitor Hill's fee approved. 06 02 1871 2 170 . 11.w? A.H. Neff's bill for work at Courthouse approved. 06 02 1871; 2 170 ?; 12. Gas bill for Courthouse approved. 06 02 1871.. 2 170 : ,13.? ? Janitor Hill's fees approved. 07 05 1871: 2 180 ; E 14.s Bill for ice for Courthouse from J,W. Schenck approved. 07 05 1871, 2 181 , 15. Janitor Hill's fee approved. 08 12 1871? 2 209 ;: 16. .Tanitor Hi11's fee approved. 09 06 1871 2 220 . ? E ,17.j Mr. Lowrey's bill for trimming trees at Courthouse approved. 09 06 1871 2 220 ,18. Gas bill approved. „ 09 06 1871? 2 221 ?; ; 19. Janitor Hill's fees approved. , 10 02 1871,; 2 228 ; .20. Board ordered 1 lock, 1 load of wood, 2 tin dippers, 1 dusting brush and 2 ton of coal for Courthouse. 11 07 1871, ? 2 240 `: ? 21.;? Petition from officials in Courthouse to build a shed on Courthouse lot received. 11 07 1871; 2 240 ` 22.?? Courthouse bill from A.H. Neff approved. 11 07 1871,q 2 241 ' ,? ? 23.? Courthouse bill from R.J. Jones ap?proved. 11 07 1871' 2 241 ?' 24. Janitor Hill's bill approved. , 11 07 1871„ 2 241 '?; 25.? Tony Ashe's Courthouse bill approved. 11 07 1871 2 242 • ? 26.?i J. Schenck's Courthouse bill approved. 11 07 1871? ? 2 242 ` 27.?i Decayed trees in Courthouse yard to be cut down. 12 11 1871 2 248 28.? i Wood in Courthouse yard to be distributed among the poor. 12 19 1871: 2 275 t I 29.i Janitor Hill's bill approved. O1 02 1872, 2 278 ? 30.?' Bills from George Myers, J.W, Zimmerman, Pennypacker & Shoemaker, and Tony Ashe approved. „ Ol 02 1872,, 2 278 ? '? 1.? Bills from C.W. McClammy and A.H, Neff for the Courthouse approved. O1 08 1872; 2 283 ' k? 32.?? Bills from William Phinney and H.D. Sampson for Courthouse approved. ? 02 05 1872. 2 289 ? ?; w 33.;? Bill from A. Jones as Courthouse scavenger approved. 02 05 1872 2 289 ?R 34.;? 3anitor Hill's bill approved. 02 05 1872,! 2 2$9 , ( 35.? Bills from R.J. Jones and O.G. Parsely & Co. for Courthouse approved. 02 05 1872? 2 289 €? 36.?i Janitor Hill to obtain proper matting for steps in Courthouse. 02 12 1872? 2 291 :i 37.?? Matter of putting pump or well in Courthouse yard referred to Committee on Public Buildings. 06 24 1872; 2 330 ,38.' Clerk to prepare list of registrars and inspectors of election and post at C?urthouse. 07 02 1872,I 2 336 ;, 39. Clerk to publish results of election in August on Courthouse door. 08 06 1872,; 2 348 ?; ; ?? 40.? Board will meet at Courthouse to hear complaints and revise tax lists. , 08 14 1872.; 2 350 1. 41. Petition from R.S. Harriss for continuance of bill board around Courthouse yard granted. 08 31 1872' .. 2 352 ? . . ? 42. Journal and State to advertise meeting of Board at Courthouse when newly elected officers will qualify. 08 31 1872? 2 i 352 p? ?+3.E Matter of outhouse adjoining Courthouse referred to Committee on Public Buildings. 09 03 1872 ,? 2 356 'r ,?+4. On outhouse at Courthouse, Committee recommended building a water closet. (PUBLIC BUILDINGS COMMITTEE) 09 04 1872; 2 358 ;' f 45. Committee on Public Buildings to ascertain a cost estimate for water closet. , 09 04 1872i ,, ? ,:d ? 2 358 '? y, :Y ta ? t1 u COURTHOiISE N C INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Gount? MATiER , . . _ : _ eeo. u. e. ? `?? Counry Inde:es Sinee 1888 To locate namea, opsn at rer otntc C?Ccst/l71./Co-7?i An lden6fying Trade Merk ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A-ZTAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA t?'+ DAiE u; ' ?; MINUT E BOOK s+ ;; ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ; Month I Day l Year ;?, Vol. I Page ?? 1..; Committee on Public Buildings authorized to make alterations on outhouse at Courthouse. 09 _ _ 06 1872?? Z 4? 361 ' ? , 2.;' ? Committee on Public Buildings to estimate cost of an addition on Courthouse for use of Register of Deeds „ 09 12 1872?; 2 365 ?' ?s : ? and Board of Commissioners. ?. ,: 'd 3.,; `, Matter of erecting water closet in Courthouse yard referred to Committee on Public Buildings. „ 09 12 1872?? ` 2 365 `? 4.,; ; Granted Judge Cantwell's request for use of Grand Jury Room in Courthouse for Solicitor's office. 10 02 1872?, ; 2 ?? 373 6? ?I 5.,; Clerk to post list of appointments for November election on Courthouse door. „ 10 03 1$72. 2 376 ?? 6.,; Committee on Public Buildings reported need for two story addition to Courthouse for Register of Deeds and; 10 03 1$72{ 2 376 ?? ? Board of Commissioners. „ „, ;; F: 7.,. Janitor Hill's bill approved. ,. 10 07 1872,; 2 379 . 8.,, Gas bill approved. ?, 10 07 1872, 2 379 ,. 9., Letter from Grand Jury on water closet at Courthouse referred to Committee on Public Buildings. „ 10 28 1872„ 2 386 ;? 10... Board accepted bid of Alex Strauss to build extension on Courthouse if bid meets terms of contract for . 10 28 1872., 2 386 ., s ame . . 11. Money allowed for rent of Courthouse for holding Presidential election. 11 12.; Janitor Hill's bill approved. 11 13., Gas bill from R. Jones approved. „ 11 14.,, Janitor Hill's bill approved. „ 12 15.,. Janitor Hill's bill approved. „ O1 16.., Gas bill from Wilmington Gas Light Company approved. , Ol 17.... Request of Earnest Bany to use Courtyard to erect a gymnasium referred to Committee on Public Buildings. „ O1 18.., Request of Rob Roy Club to use Courtyard for their games referred to Committee on Puhlic Buildings. . Ol 19.,, Granted Janitor Hill's request for coal, wood and window lights for Courthouse. ,. O1 20.., Courthouse bills from Mingo Hill and Ann Miller approved. 02 21. Courthouse bill from William Jordon approved. 02 22. Committee on Public Buildings to have necessary repairs and refurnishing done on Courthouse. ,. 02 23.,; Bills from J.M. Stanaland, Parkins & Taylor and O.G. Parsely & Co. approved. , 03 24.;,. Gas bill from Wilmington Gas Light Co. approved. 03 25.,. Janitor Hill's bill approved. 03 26.,; Adjusting claim of A. Strauss on contract for extension to Courthouse referred to the Chairman. , 03 27.;; Report made that extension to Courthouse was built and furnished according to contract and balance paid. „ 03 28.., Commissionezs' room and Register's office in Courthouse extension to be furnished. „ 03 29..; Chairman to employ someone to serve as janitor of Courthouse. . 03 30. Janitor Hill's bill approved. ,. 04 31. Bills from Tupeler Childs, W.H. Dart, E. Shoemaker and Sarah Payne for Courthouse approved. 04 32. Bills from Landen Perkins, A.A. Hartsfield, Dawson Teel & Henning, 3.5. ?3illiams and 3ames Bryant for „ 0? Courthouse approved. .. 33. Janitor Hill's bill approved. 05 34. Bills from J. Stanerland and A. Carpenter for Courthouse approved. , 05 35. Notice of ?oard's meeting at Courthouse to revise and compute tax list to be published. „ 05 36.; Bills from J.E. Lippitt & Co., Janitor Hill and Jane Bryant for Courthouse approved. „ 06 37., Bills from J.E. Lippitt & Co., William Dart and Anthony Howe for Courthouse approved. . 07 38.?; Bills from Wilmington Gas Light Co., Tripl.er Childs and Janitor Hill for Courthouse approved. 07 39.,, Bill from John Henderson for Courthouse approved. 07 40..? Bills from Wilmington Gas Light Co., John Perden and Janitor Hill for Courthouse approved. 08 41..; Bill from George Peck for Courthouse approved. ?8 42.;: , ? ,? Treasurer's statement of expenditures and receipts of County for fiscal year 1873 to be posted at Courthou?e 10 r? ?i ?? 04 1872, 04 1872, 04 1872; 02 1872,„ 06 1873„ 06 1873;, 21 1873, 21 1873,. Z1 1873,,. 06 1873 06 1873 19 1873,. 03 1873;; 03 1873;; 03 1873_ 05 1873„ 10 1873„ 10 1873r; 24 1873;. 07 1873„ 07 1$73 07 187 3 06 1873 06 1873„ 12 1873?, 02 1873;, 07 1873,. 07 1873: 07 1873.. 04 1873., 23 1373;; 06 1373,; 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 387 387 387 e? 403 ? 420 ° ?; 420 ?; i. 4 24 ,? 424 ;; 4 24 ;; 426 , „ 426 t, 24 ;; 33 ?' 33 ? „ 3 3 ;; 3 5 ,, 38 38 50 ,; 57 . 57 , 57 84 84 35 92 104 113 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? N C MATTER COURTHOUSE ; , . . _ ` nec. u. s. County Indezee Since 1888 ?' ?+?-- To toeate names, Opltl et COTT A•2 TAB INDEX v?r OFFICE (?? ??tt?„?,s,?,, An IdentiEying Trade Mark ???? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ` ` DATE ?,; MINUTE BOOK "?4 PfATURE OF PROCEEDINGS , ? . p? Month ( Day l Year r; Yol. I Page `'° 1. BiZZs from Janitor Hill and Wilmington Gas Light Co. for incidental expenses approved. X 10 06 1873^: 3 `, 114 2. Application to lay Schillenger pavement in the passage of Courthouse not granted. ;. 11 03 1873.' , 3 131 ?x 3. Bills from Janitor Hill and J. Lippitt & Co. for incidental expenses approved. ` 11 04 1873=; 3 139 4. Bill from Wilmington Gas Light Co. for inczdental expenses approved. : 11 12 1873, 3 145 , , S. Bill from Parker & Taylor for incidental expenses approved. : 11 12 ,; 1873,; 3 145 6. , Bills from Wilmington Trust Co. and M.C. Hill for incidental expenses approved, pages 151 and 152. r 12 02 18734, 3 151 i? 7.? Bill from William Bagley for court clerk's fees approved. Ol 05 1874. 3 167 , 8.;? Incidental expenses from M. Hill, Anna Goodson, J.E. Lippitt & Co, and J. Springer approved. O1 05 1874 , 3 167 r, 9.?, Bill from M.C. Hill for incidental expenses approved. 02 02 1874 3 174 . 10.;; Board and Township Trustees met at the Courthouse. (See TAX DEPARTMENT) 03 17 1874., 3 199 . 11.;; Bill from J.E. Lippitt & Co. for incidental expenses approved. 09 05 1874 „ 3 247 12.:s Request from Daniel Hand for position as Courthouse Janitor laid over. „ 09 07 1874., 3 250 k' ,13.wj Petition of Simon Hayes for position of Courthouse Janitor laid over. 09 12 1874. 3 257 . i; 14.?,; C Referred application of Mingo Hill for Janitor. 09 16 1874 3 261 „ ;,1 15.?; Request from J. Smith for use of Courthouse referred to Committee on Public Buildings. 09 12 1874,; 3 261 „ i? :16.?? John Evangelist elected Janitor. 09 12 1874?, 3 261 17 ?q room in Courthouse to be used by Standard Keeper for safe keeping of County properties. Grand Jur 09 24 1874 , 3 264 . . y t; 18.?? Application of J. Ashe for position of Janitor not granted, vacancy filled. , 10 06 1874., 3 265 ., ?. 19.k5 '? Bills from M. Hill an? L. Vollers for incidental expenses approved, pages 266 and 267. 10 06 1874 3 266 , 20.,? 3 Request of J. Smith to use Courthouse for drilling purposes rejected. 10 07 1874 3 268 21.k? Chairman to arrange for furnishing fuel for offices in Courthouse. 10 07 1874 3 268 22.? Bi11 from Janitor Evangelist for incidental expenses approved. 11 02 1874 3 273 ., 23.ra r, Bills from J. Hill and J. Gray for Court expenses approved. 11 02 1874 3 274 f,9 24.'? €, Application of George Merrick for work of whitewashing Courthouse tabled. .. 12 07 1874 „ 3 280 ?, 25.?? Bill from J.E. Lippitt for incidental expenses approved. 12 07 1874 3 281 , ?. :, ? 26.4? Request from J.J. Cassidey for permission to erect an office on vacant land next to Courthouse referred. Ol OS 1875 3 291 . F? 27.?? Bill from Janitor Evangelist for incidental expenses approved. 02 02 1875- 3 298 „ 28.;? Chairman pro tem to have Court and Commissioners' room put in good condition. 03 03 1875,, 3 307 , ;r ?, 29.?s i Bill from Janitor Evangelist for incidental expenses approved. 03 05 1875;? 3 309 „ f 30.?? Bill from John Evangelist for public buildings approved. 04 06 1875, 3 315 ,, ? 31.k; Pi Clerk to post results of Pender County election of April 15, 1875 at Courthouse. 04 17 1875 3 319 ?„ 32.;; Request from Emanuel Nichols for position of Janitor of Courthouse laid on table. 05 03 1875,; 3 322 , ,33.?, ?, Bill from Janitor Evangelist approved. 05 08 1875. 3 325 . 34.f; Bill from J.H. Grotgen for Court approved. 06 08 1875 3 333 .. :? 35 ? Bills from W.H. and D.M. Dart, P. Newman, T.3. Southerland and 3anitor Evangelist foY Courthouse approved. 07 08 1875.. 3 352 36.Y? Bills from H.M. Bishop, William Collins, R.,7. Seasboro, J.H. Lee and John Evangelist for Court expenses ok. OS 03 I875 3 364 37.?{ Applications from John Evangelist, incumbent, John C. Smith and Robert Martin for position of Janitor of 09 06 1875 3 373 .5 `ti ?? Courthouse referred to next meeting. 38.? E Applications from Emanuel Nichols, J.E. Smith and Robert Martin for position of Janitor Iaid on table since IO 07 1875 , 3 380 E8 no vacancy. „ , „ t? 39.?° Bill from John Evangelist for incidental expenses approved. 10 07 1875 3 383 40.? Letter from City Marshal G.W. Price relative to sidewalk in front of Courthouse referred to Chairman. „ 11 09 I875_ 3 389 ? 41.6? Wages of Janitor of Courthouse to be reduced. 12 11 1875 3 397 a,' a 42.?? , Bill from John Evangelist for incidental expenses approved. 12 16 1875 3 403 43.? Bill from John Evangelist for incidental expenses approved. , 02 07 1876 . 3 412 „ 44.?a i Bill from John Evangelist for incidental expenses approved. , , ii 02 11 1876.? ' y ?? 3 414 ?, ?s _ II INDEX TD COi?MISSI0NER5 MINUTES -- New Hanover Counfi? N C COURTHOUSE MATTER , . . _ : ` eFO. u. s. County Indezee Since 1888 {?' ? To locat? namea, open at ??t ocf?ce ??I?? An ldendfying Trede Mark ?.? SURNAME INlTlAL 7AB COTT A•2 TAB iNDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, CO LUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA `a ', NATUR? OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK ? .a , Nlonth ? Day? i - - Year y; , Voi. Page I , , I. ';John Evangelist dismissed as Janitor of Courthouse. 04 " 07 1876; 3 F, i; 428 E? G 2. „;John Statcher and Emanuel Nichol nominated for Janitor and Emanuel Nichol elected. ' 04 07 1876; 3 . 428 ?; s 3. ,;Bill from John Evangelis[ for incidental expenses approved. 05 OS 1876':y 3 k'V 435 ?? ?. 4. v;Board adopted order to have suitable ventilation installed in Courthouse by M. London. ? ,. 07 08 1876,` 3 450 ?, F?i 5. ,;Treasurer to pay M. London for work done in Courthouse. , 07 08 1876,? 3 if 45I ;? ,,' 6. ,,All persons or clubs using Courthouse for political purposes shall pay Janitor and Treasurer for gas. . 08 07 ? 1876', 3 ; 455 ?i 7. .,Janitor shall collect above payment and pay proper authorities. „ 08 07 1876,, 3 455 `' 6' 8. Bills from Janitor Nichols, McRary, and R.F. Eyden for Court expenses approved. ? 08 07 1876? 3 457 9. Bill from Janitor Emanuel Nichols appraved. 11 22 1876 3 498 r 10. Application of James Davis for position of Courthouse Janitor filed. 12 04 1876 3 504 11. Bi11 from Emanuel Nichols for incidental expenses approved. 12 04 1876 3 505 ? 12. Bill from R.F Eyden for Court expenses approved. 12 04 1876 3 507 13. Applications from Charles Sampson and David Cowan for pasition of Janitor of Courthouse received, but Z2 16 1876 3 511 Emanuel Nichols elected. 14. Bill from E. Nichols for incidental expenses approved. 12 29 1876 3 15. Bill from E. Nichols for incidental expenses approved. 06 05 1877 3 ' 16. Edgar Miller elected Janitor of Courthouse by Board. 08 11 1$77 3 17. „ Bill from E. Nichols for incidental expenses for Apri1, May and June approved. 08 11 1877 3 18. . ,Applications for position of Janitor of Courthouse laid on table, no vacancy. 11 06 1877 3 19. Letter from Dr. A.E. Wright relative to sink in Courthouse referred to Chairman. 11 06 1877 3 20.. Bills from J.L. Boatwright and Boatwright and McKoy as Janitor approved, pages 668 and 670. 11 06 1877 3 21., Chairman and Mr. Sanders to investigate charges against the Janitor. 02 16 1878 3 22. Applications of James Davis and Robert Martin for post of Janitor of Courthouse laid on table. 09 03 1878 3 23. Applications of James D. Dry and Abram McKinzie for post of Janitor of Courthouse laid on table. 09 03 1878 3 24. All parties using Courthouse must pay Janitor 50? in addition to usual $1.00. 11 04 1878 3 25. Money collected for use of lights in Courthouse to be ??a.id Treasurer for General Fund, 12 02 1878 4 26. Ben Rone appointed Janitor of Courthouse at $15 per month. 12 02 1878 - 4 27. Committee on Public Buildings awarded F.M. King and Company contract for putting iron shutters on Court- O1 15 1879 , 4 house windows. 28. Board to have an addition built onto Courthouse. 06 06 1881 4 29. Matter of awarding contract for addition to Courthouse left to Finance Committee. 06 18 1881 4 30. Building Committee to investigate ventilation of Courthouse. 06 18 1881 4 31. Finance Committee awarded Mr. B.D. Morrell & Sons contract for addition to Courthouse. 07 11 1881 4 32. C1erk of Superior Court allowed to move his records from his office to Courtroom while Courthouse is being OS 08 1881 4 repaired. 33. Petition to have Water Works Co. place a hydrant in front of Courthouse referred to a committee. 34. David Williams awarded contract for painting Courtroom and jury room. 35. , Copy of proposal of David Williams to paint Courtroom and jury room. 36. ,,Courtroom to be used only for public meetings and permission must be obtained from Board for this. 37.,.Citizens want a new Jail and Courthouse built on site of present Courthouse. 38.,.;Board ruled it is not the proper time to build a new Courthouse. 39.,,R.J. Jones granted permission to connect a sewer pipe with sewer in Courthouse yard. 40. Benjamin Roan eJ?ected Janitor for Courthouse. 41. Board considered matter of purchasing site for new Courthouse. 42. 'Attorney J. Davis said titles to land offered for sale for Courthouse site were good. 43. ;Chairman to consumate purchase of land for Courthouse from Col, J.W. Atkinson and Mrs. Fulton. ;:r ?? t? 514 553 591 592 633 ` h? 634 ' 668 : 701 744 ' 744 ?: 773 °?? +, 1 3 ?_ 15 297 ? . A: 304 ` ?, 304 307 323 04 03 1882 4 369 03 23 1885 4 615 03 23 1885 02 O1 1886 06 05 1886 ; 06 05 1886 i „ 10 04 1886 O1 05 1891: 04 13 1891 04 13 1891 04 13 1891 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 323 615 , ?, 684 ;? ;? 715 E? ;; 71 b j: 744 ?? 3, 293 ;? ?? 323 ". ? ?? 323 i` c ?? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS ?tINUT?S -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER: COURTHOUSE - ¦ec. u. s. County Indezea Sinee 1888 ? To loeate names, Opl11 at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX rei OFFICE ?? An Id?ntifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL 7AB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA 'a i: NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DAiE 4? MINUTE BOOK ij ?? Month I Day I Year ; Vol, I Page ?+' ?'. l.? ? ? Permission given for school children at Hibernian Hall to use Courtyard for their playground, .. 04 13 1$91 :; ?? 5 323 2. Board met to discuss new Courthouse, but full Board not present so adjourned. ? 05 11 1$91 5 330 3.? Board decided to advertise for designs for new Courthouse. 05 18 1891 : 5 330 ,. 4.° Board met to open designs for new Courthouse. 06 10 1891 ,: 5 334 5. List of inen who submitted designs for Courthouse, and design of Eichberg of Savan naha Ga, adopted. ,. 06 10 1891 ;; ... 5 334 . ;Y 6.I? ? Mr. Eichberg to draw up plans and specifications for Courthouse for presentation to Board of Magistrates. 06 10 1891 ? 5 334 . ? 7.q? ?? Mr. Eichberg met with Board to pl.an office space in new Courthouse. ? 07 13 1891 ' ., S 341 , 8.?? Board directed Mr. Eichberg to add 2 1/2 feet to length of building to have more room for offices. 07 13 1891 5 341 ;? 9.?? Mr. Eichberg presented plans for foundations of new Courthouse, and Board adopted them. D8 17 ?89Z 5 348 10.?; Board ruled Mr. Eichberg must present al1 plans and specifications for Courthouse by August 28, or wi11 be 08 17 1891 5 348 fined $100 each day 1ate. 11.,? Architect Eichberg presented plans and specifications for new Courthouse and answered questions of Board. 08 3 12.r? Board decided to use granite for trimming on Courthouse instead of brownstone. 08 1.3.?; Board opened bids for building new Courthouse and only one bid u?t terms of Board and it was above the . 10 ?;, ! amount allowed by the Board of Magistrates. ' 14.?? Board met with Architect Eichberg and he to meet with contractor to see if reductions can be made in his ; 10 `' - ?4 b id . f, 15.4? Architect Eichberg reported only a small reduction made in bid of contractor. . 10 16.E' j Board decided to ask Board of Magistrates to appropriate more money to build new Courthouse, 10 17.?? . , Board decided to advertise again for bids for erection of new Courthouse. 10 18.;'? Bids opened to build new Courthouse and Valentine and Brown of Brunswick, Ga. awarded contract. 11 19.'' Bond set for contractor of Courthouse and date set for Courthouse to be completed. 11 20.?? Board discussed issuing bonds to build Cou?'thouse, but felt more information needed so matter postponed. 11 21.p? Matter of issuing bond to build Courthouse laid over. 11 22.?; Applications received for superinrendent of erection of Courthouse laid over. 11 23.;? Salary of $3.00 per day set for superintendent for erection of Courthouse. 11 f?; ?4.i? ,? J.F. Post elected superintendent for erection o€ Courthouse. 11 25.;; ?? Bonds listed to be issued to erect new Courthouse. 12 26.''' ? ?a Bond approved for Courthouse contractor Valentine and Brown of Brunswick, Ga. .. 12 27.?? :? A?dditional money allowed Courthouse contractor since he had to alter foundations as planned by Mr.Eichberg. O1 28.,? Additional money appropriated for Courthouse due to alterations in plans as recommended by Superintendent 02 ; ' Post. ?a „ 29.?; ? Superintendent Post recommended iron lintels instead of wooden ones for Courthouse and Board approved 03 g ?? ;s additional funds. 30.`? Corner stone o? new Courthouse to be laid by Masonic Fra?ernity and Co1.Waddell to deliver an address. 04 ? 31.e? Special meeting held to receive bids for heating new Courthouse, and contract awarded to Burr & Baily to 04 ,i _ ? :: ? use the Spence system, (hot water). s 32.?y Thanks given J.M. Cronly for use of OQera House when cornerstone of new Courthouse was laid. 06 33.; Contract for putting in electric lighting at new Courthouse awarded Southern Electric Light Co. y 08 ?i 34.w? ; Contract awarded Miles Costin to build wall from Courthouse to school used by Miss Amy Hart. 09 ?, 35.? Contract awarded George Honnett for putting in clock in tower of Courthouse. 09 36.f? Contract awarded Valentine Brown and Co. to build cistern at Courthouse. 11 37.;? `? Contract awarded Messrs. Fore and Foster to replace glass in sash of exterior windows in Courthouse with 11 ?, ?' - Fa French glass. . ? 38.?? Contract bids opened for furnishing steel vaults in new Courthouse. 01 39.;? Contract awarded Fenton Manufacturing Co. of Jamestown, N.Y, for furnishing steel vaults for Courthouse. 01 28 1891 5 349 31 1891 5 349 OS 1891 5 353 15 1891 5 356 19 1891 5 357 , 19 1891 5 357 26 1891 5 357 y 16 189]. : 5 362 16 1891 5 362 16 1891 5 362 23 1891 5 363 23 1891 5 363 23 1891 5 363 30 1891 5 364 O1 1891 S 365 21 1891 5 371 11 1892 5 379 02 1892 5 384 28 1892 5 410 04 1892 5 411 20 1892 5 414 06 1892 5 08 1892 5 05 1892 ;, 5 16 1892 . 5 07 1892 5 07 1892 5 422 436 440 440 , 450 450 18 1893 5 18 1893 5 467 ; 467 : l? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATTER: COURTHOUSE ` e[o. u. s. Counly Indezes $inee 1888 ??+?--? To locsts namsa, apen a! C077 A•Z TAB INDEX ?AT OfFICE ?.?l??? An Identifyina Trsde Mark ?`8 SURNAMB INITIAL 7A8 MADE BY TH@ COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO ?, SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA `? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ?' DATE ?; MINUTE BOOK ? ` Month ? Day l Year ;; Vol, I Page ? ;? ? ?, l.; Salary of Courthouse Janitor fixed at $45 per month. ? ? 03 06 1893??' S 483 ° , ? . ?? <, ?, 2.° J.D. Orrell elected Janitor of Courthouse. ; 03 06 1893 ' S 483 , „ , `? f 3.k Furniture contract for Courthouse granted Thomas C. Craft if he delivers and places in rooms before April 1.03 06 I893 `: 5 483 ?? " ? 4.:k Carpets and matting contract awarded R.M. McIntire for Courthouse if delivered and installed before April 1.03 06 1893 ' S 483 p? u r 5.' Chairman reported nothing had been heard from Fenton Mafty Co. which was to supply steel vaults for Court.: 04 03 1893 `; 5 489 "E ?. ?Y f 6. Chairman to telegrap? Fenton Mafty Co. concerning vaults. 04 03 1893 ?; 5 489 s? ,. .? Es y 7.. First Board meeting in new Courthouse. 05 Ol 1893 ?r 5 493 ? „ ?i 8.. Naval Battalion and J.H. Barnard allowed to use rooms in old Courthouse for an armory. 05 O1 1893 5 493 .. .. „ 9. Board to award contract for ?noving safe from o?d to new Courthouse, 05 Ol 1893',; 5 495 ;, 10. Board awarded contract for light?x?g new Courthouse to Wilmington Gas and Electric Light Co. 05 Ol 1893 . 5 495 ., 11. Contract awarded James F. Post for putting up iron fence around Courthouse lot. 05 O1 1893 5 495 12., Special meeting held to accept or reject steel work in two vaults for new Courthouse? Board accepted vault S.05 04 1893 .. 5 500 13. Old Register's office on old Courthouse rented to Joseph H. McRee, City civil engineer. „ 06 05 1893 ,? 5 501 14., Board decided on brick to be used in sidewalk around Courthouse. „ 08 07 1893 „ 5 513 15.; Contract for furnishing bricks for Courthouse sidewalk awarded Jas. T. Riley. ,. 09 04 1893 „ 5 518 ,; 16. Room in old Courthouse to be used in headquarters of Associated Chari.ties of Wilmington. „ 09 06 1893 ,, 5 522 ? 17., Chairman reported on brick wall built on south wall of Courthouse and who paid the cost. 12 04 1893 , 5 534 18. $ids opened for laying brick sidewalk around Courthouse and contract azaarded B.F. Brittain. 12 04 1893 :, 5 534 19.., Board to appoint a superintendent for laying of brick sidewalk. , 12 04 1893 ;; 5 534 }, 20.. Bonds issued for erection of new Courthouse, but not disposed of, were destroyed. .. 12 03 1894 :? 5 595 21. David Howard elected Janitor of Courthouse. 12 07 I896 5 748 22. S. Van Amringe requested an office in the Courthouse; referred to Chairman. 12 08 1896 5 750 23. E.P. Baily made report on heating apparatus and ability of Janitor Howard to handle the same. O1 04 1897 5 753 24. Contract for keeping clock zn Courthouse tower repaired awarded to George Honnett. 03 O1 1897 ? 5 777 ` 25. Ferry to be placed near Courthouse for benefit of persons attending Court. 09 07 1897 6 44 . 26., Contract awarded Carolina Ice Co. to supply ice for Courthouse; rates listed, 12 13 1897 6 67 27.: Grates, heaters and ranges for Courthouse in good shape and attendants will be held responsible for their 12 13 1897 6 67 condition. 28.. George Honnett to keep the clock in the tower of the Courthouse in repair. 02 08 1898 6 83 f 29.a Carolina Ice Co. to supply ice for Courthouse. 02 08 1898 ., 6 83 ;. 30., Bids opened to paint roofs of County buildings and railing around Courthouse; Chairman to contract. 05 02 1895 6 i 122 31.; Bids to be taken for painting iron fence around Courthouse. 05 31. 1898 6 125 32... Bids for painting iron fence around Courthouse referred to Chairman. . 06 , 06 1898 6 133 F; 33. Matter of electing a janitor for the Courthouse approved. 07 26 1898 6 156 ? 34.. J.W. Brauch appointed custodian of the Courthouse. 08 Ol 1$98 b 171 ` 35. Janitor at Courthouse to be retained at present salary and serve at pleasure of the Board. 12 10 1893 6 209 36. New bids to be received for repairing clock in Courthouse tower since three bids received at same price. 12 15 1899 6 364 37. Contract for Iighting Courthouse awarded Wilmington Gas Light Co, at rate set down in minutes. 12 15 1899 . 6 365 i, 38., Contract for keeping clock in Courthouse for 1900 awarded M.H. Hausler, . 12 20 1899 6 367 ?? 39. Contract awarded Wilmington Gas Light Co. to furnish lights for Courthouse. Ol 02 1900 6 ?. ?: 381 ? . . .. ., 40. Chairman to put closet in rear of oId Courthouse in order. 05 08 1900 6 436 41. Committee on Public Buildings to have fence around Courthouse painted. 11 04 1900 6 486 ` 42. J.W. Branch elected Janitor of Courthouse. . 12 03 1900 6 491 ' 43. H. Hauser awarded contract for keeping County clock. O1 07 1901 ., 6 512 ;? 44. Board responded to Bill 45 in Assembly that the proceeds from sale of old Courthouse would not go to the 02 13 1901 6 519 r? armory of navy or military. ' r; ' E; ? ? i F ! ?? ' ?. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - N H t N C C CO URTH OUSE anover ew oun ?, . . _ MATTER: ` Rec. u. s. ?_//- County Indezee Sinee i888 ? To loeate names, open at eo 6-? An Identifying Trade Msrk SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT r?r OFFICE Cn??C ri A-z TAB INDex INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO . SOLD BY OWEN G. D UNN, NEW BERN, NO RTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE ? MINUTE BOOK !; Month ( Day ? Year ;' Vol. ? Page " 1.?? Contract for keeping County clock in order awarded to George Honnett. 12 02 1901:', 6 617 2. Contract for furnishing coal for Courthouse awarded to J.H. Taylor. 12 02 1901 6 618 3.` Insurance reduced on Courthouse, Caurthouse clock and old Courthouse. Ol 06 1902': 6 627 4.? Jordan Branch elected Janitor of Courthouse. 12 02 1902: 6 687 ? . ?, 4? 5. Bid of Thomas Kidd for keeping the County clock laid over. Ol 05 1903 ' 6 693 ? 6.?, . Letter from W.L. Smith of Odd Fellows relative to buying old Courthouse deferred. ? 03 24 1903 6 709 ., ? 7.'? ? ?? Chairman to advertise for bids on vacant part of old Courthouse lot. 04 06 1903 ?f 6 711 , 8.f? Bids received and rejected for old Courthouse property, but one accepted from Cape Fear Lodge subject to 05 04 1903 6 717 ?y approval of Board of Magistrates. 9., ?, Board of Magistrates met and confirmed action of Board in selling part of old Courthouse lot. 05 09 1903 6 720 10.' T.W. Wood proposed to buy the old Courthouse property, but withdrew proposal since not accepted by Board. 06 O1 1903. 6 725 11.,; Some Courthouse bonds to be paid from Sinking Fund and Auditing Committee to select bonds to be paid. 07 06 1903 6 731 . 12.a Bonds to be retired were advertised. 08 03 1903 6 742 13.? Offer from H. McClammy to buy old Courthouse property not accepted. 12 07 1903 6 764 14.?{ , Offer from T.W. Wood to buy old Courthouse property was declined. 06 06 1904„ 6 797 _15.:? Permission given J.G. Gerchen to use Courthouse for public speaking, 07 11 1904 6 804 16.°^ Contract to keep County clock in order awarded to G.C. Simmes. 12 05 1904 7 11 ?; 17.( ? , Several applicants received for job of Janitor of Courthouse and E.D. George elected. 12 05 1904 7 11 • 18.? Petition to deed old Courthouse to Wilmington's Naval Reserves not granted. 02 06 1905 , 7 18 19..,? Bonds issued to build Courthouse to be paid from the Sinking Fund. 04 14 1905 , 7 19 ?! 20.wa ,; Request from the Haymaker to rent rooms in old Courthouse not granted since already rented. 03 06 1905,. 7 20 .21.?; Action of Public Buildings Committee in renting rooms in old Courthouse to Sargents Co. approved. 03 06 1905 , 7 20 „ 22.r'. Report from Auditing Committee on Courthouse bonds turned in. 07 03 1905 7 34 23.`E p? G.C. Simmons to be notified to keep County clock in better order. . 09 05 1905 7 37 . 24.i? ?? Advertisements for bids for County supplies to be posted at Courthouse. 02 03 1906 7 48 25.?? Money to be transferred from Courthouse bond fund to General Fund. 06 04 1906 7 54 '? 26.;? Bid accepted from J.F. Woolvin for purchase of old Courthouse. 06 18 1906 7 56 ,27.ty Deed to old Courthouse given to James Woolvin upon payment of purchase price. 07 02 1906 7 57 .28.i? Room in Courthouse to be put in order to be used by Clerk to Associated Charities. 07 02 1906 7 57 ? ?; ,29.',? Deed for old Courthouse signed and delivered to J.F. Woolvin. 07 09 1906 7 59 ,30.?? ,? Some Courthouse bonds to be retired. 07 09 1906 , 7 59 31.;, Money to be transferred to Courthouse bond fund from General Fund. 07 09 1906 7 59 ,32.;; ?: Contract for keeping County clock awarded to S.C.Winner at $4 per month. „ 12 03 1906. 7 6$ 33.; ,? Bids to furnish coal for Courthouse referred to Public Buildings Committee. 12 03 1906 7 68 34.'?? R? E.D. Gaorge reappainted .3anitor of Courthouse at $50 per month. 12 03 1906 7 69 35.?? ,? Public Buildings Committee awarded Springer Coal Co. contract to furnish coal to Courthouse. O1 07 1907 7 74 36.?? Koonce Law read requiring national and state flags to be displayed at Courthouse, but no action. 04 Ol 1907 7 85 37.?? Board of Aldermen asked if grounds around Courthouse could be used as playground for children; referred to 06 03 1907 7 89 ? Public Buildings Committee. ?; 38.tlr 6? Report from Public Buildings Committee on Courthouse boiler. 09 03 1907 7 108 EI 39.:i Matter of Janitar collecting money from Sheriff for removing cots for jurors referred to Buildings Comm. 10 07 1907 7 111 40.i? S.C. Winner elected to keep County clock at $48 per year. O1 07 1908 7 120 41.?g ?; Trees and walls around Courthouse to be whitewashed. 05 04 1908 7 132 ?; 42.;# Request from Rev. R.W. Hage to use Courthouse yard as playground for children referred to Public Buildings 07 06 1908 7 136 i 3 Committee. 43." ° Application of George Greinstead for position of Courthouse Janitor filed. Is 07 06 . 1908, ?j ?? 7 136 ,, ??_ ?NDEX TD COMMISSIONERS ?IINUTES --- ?ew Hanover ?ount?, N. G. , MATT R: ?oURTH?USE eEC. u. s. ?q ?? County Indexea Since 1888 ?o do?ate eomeS? open Ot (Oii A•l TAB INDEX IAi ¢FP4CE (,?s?¢//d? l?n ideoEifying Tnde Ntark ',SURNAI?E INITIAI TAB ??DE iY TNE fOTT INOE7I (OMIANY, COLYAtBUS, OHIO SOLO B10NEN 6, GUNN, NEri BERN, NOATH GROLIIU NATURE OF PRO(EEDINGS DAiE Month Day Year MINUTE BOOK Vol, Page ? 1. S.C. Winner elected Keeper of County clock at $5 per month. 12 07 1908 7 1b0 2. E.D. George elected Janitor of Courthouse. 12 07 1908 7 160 , 3. Plans and bids presented by Architect J.F. Leitner for fireproof fioors for Courthouse; referred to 04 05 1904 7 173 Buildings Committee. 4. Matter of decorating Courthouse for Taft Day referred to Public Buildings Committee. 11 Ol 1909 7 183 5. Courthouse decorated for Taft Day by Public Buildings Committee. 12 06 1909 1 185 6. Thanks received from Chairman of Escort Committee for Taft Day for use of Courthouse. 12 06 1409 7 186 7. Chairman reported changing lighting in tower clock. 02 O7 1910 7 190 8. Grand Jury's report relative to Courthouse referred to Pub?ic Bui??ings Committee. 02 Q7 1910 7 190 9. W.A. Williams appointed custodian of building. 08 O1 1910 7 198 10. S.C. Winner appointed Keeper of Clock at $5 per month. 12 Q5 19].0 7 204 I1. Applications for Janitor referred to Auditing Clerk W.A. Williams. 12 05 1910 7 204 12. Application for Janitor of Courthouse from R.E. Weeks referred to Auditing Cl.erk Williams. 02 06 1911 7 208 13. Letter from Superior Court Clerk on chairs for jury box and other matters relative to Courtroom referred to O6 05 1911 7 223 Buildings Committee. 14. Board to recommend improvements for Courthouse to Pub].ic Buildings Committee. Ob 05 1911 7 223 15. S.C. Winner re-elected Keeper of County Clock at $5 per month. O1 02 1912 7 241 16. Register to register Courthouse bonds 79 and 80 in name of "bearer" instead of to C.A. Williamson. 07 Ol 1412 7 253 17. Meares Harriss elected Court Stenographer at $100 a month. 08 08 1912 7 257 18. Applications for Janitor from J.H. Ottaway and M.S. Reynolds referred to W.A. Williams, custodian. 10 07 1912 7 260 19. Court Stenographer allowed one days pay in Holly case. 10 10 1912 7 260 20. Board requested Governor order a special term of Civil Court. 11 04 1912 7 262 21. W.H. Howe elected Janitor of Courthouse at same salary as last year. 12 02 1912 7 265 22. W.A. Williams elected custodian of Courthouse. 12 02 1912 7 265 23. A?plications from H.W. Colwell and G.C. Simmons to keep County clock, but action deferred. 12 03 1912 7 265 24. H.W. Colwell elected Keeper of the County Clock. 12 05 1912 7 266 25. Auditing Committee to supply grate bars for heater of Courthouse. 12 05 1912 7 266 26. Repairs for Courthouse not throughly investigated. 12 09 ].912 7 267 27. Matter of employing a Court Stenographer left to Chairman. 12 27 1912 7 268 28. Bids received to disconnect Courthouse fxom Jacobs Run and connect with City sewage system. 12 27 1912 7 268 29. Matter of holding Recorder's Court in basement of Courthouse referred to Courthouse Committee. O1 13 1913 7 273 30. Salary of W.H Howe as Janitor of Courthouse raised. (See SALARIES). 02 03 1913 7 279 31. Courthouse Committee to have Courthouse clock put in order. Q2 03 1913 7 280 32. Remodeling of Courthouse left to Committee on Courthouse. 02 03 1913 7 280 33. Appointment of Court Stenographer ?eft to Chairman. 03 06 1913 7 282 34. Mr. Meares Harriss appointed Court Stenographer. 03 17 1913 7 283 35. Coupons from Courthouse bonds burned. 05 05 1913 7 290 36. Matter of connecting Court and Jail to City sewage system referred to Buildings Committee, 07 07 1913 7 309 37. Appropriation made for repairs on Courthouse. 09 15 1913 7 315 38. Report from Courthouse Committee on contract awarded fox repairs. 10 06 1913 7 316 39. Courthouse sidewalks to be laid out of appropriations for repairs for Courthouse. 10 06 1913 7 316 40. Meares Harriss to be contracted fox Court's stenographer and also to report on Coroner`s inquest. 11 10 1913 7 323 41. Contract with Meares Harriss for Court Stenographer. 12 Ol 1913 7 321 42. Ed George re-elected Janitor of Courthouse at $65 a month, and N.W. Colwell elected Keeper of Courthouse 12 O1 1913 7 327 clock. 43. Ed George elected Janitor of Courthouse at $65 a month, and L.W. Moore to appoint Keeper of Clock. 12 07 1914 7 407 s? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. , MAT ER: COURTHOUSE nea. a, s. County lndezee Since 1888 To IOCate names, open qt COTT A-2 iAB INDEX r?r OFFICE ??? An ldentifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX CQMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH [AROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS l. S.C. Winner appointed Keeper of Courthouse Clock at $48 per annum. 12 2. Matter of Meares Harriss as manager for Court Stenographer referred to Mr. Moore. 12 3. Request from County Solicitor for office in Courthouse referred to Mr. Moore. 12 4. Mr. Moore appointed progress in appointing County Stenographer. Ol 5. Temporary agreement with Meares Harriss as Court Stenographer. p2 6. Booster Club of YMCA's request for use of Courthouse grounds for a tennis court referred to committee. 06 7. Booster Club of YMCA allowed to build tennis court on Courthouse grounds. 06 8. County Attorney made a statement relative to tennis court on Courthouse grounds. 07 9. Leon Motte nominated to be Court Stenographer at expiration of Mr. Harriss' contract. 12 10. Southern Bell Telephone Co. to place a long distance phone booth zn hall of Courthouse. 12 11. Edward George elected Janitor of Courthouse at $780 a year. ?2 12. S.C. Winner elected Keeper of Courthouse Clock at $60 a year. 12 13. Warrant for Meares Harriss to be signed for printing Courthouse calendar, 12 14. Bill from Meares Harriss not allowed since contract as Court Stenographer had expired. Ol 15. Contract made with L.L. Motte to serve as Court Stenographer at $75 a month. Ol 16. Contract of L. Motte as Court Stenographer approved. 02 17. C.T. Powell to pay amount each week for Court cost. pg 18. Request from 0. Pearsall to use part of Courthouse wall referred to Attorney and Surveyor. O8 19. Heating and plumbing repairs for Courthouse as recommended by Grand Jury`s report referred to W.D. MacMillanl2 20. L.L. Motte elected Court Stenographer at $75 a month. 12 21. Edward George elected Janitor of Courthouse at $70 a month. 12 22. Wooden floors and urinals in toilet room of Courthouse to be replaced with sanitary fixtures and concrete 12 , f?oors . 23. Matter of planting palms and Crepe Myrtle in Courthouse yard as suggested by J.R. Eddy left to Chairman. Ol 24. Letter approved from Clerk to Mayor of City relative to City employees firing a rifle and damaging Court- 03 house Clock. 25. L.L. Motte elected Court Stenographer at $75 a month. 12 26. Ed George elected Janitor of Courthouse at $75 a month. 12 _27. Courthouse Committee: Messrs. Yopp, Kerr, MacMiZlan. ?2 28. S.C. Winner to care for Courthouse Clock at $5 a month. 12 29. Clerk to have brickwall in Courtyard repaired. 02 30. H.E. Longley and H.E. Robertson to submit plans and specification for heating system in Courthouse. 04 31. Salary of Ed George, Janitor, set at $990 a year. 05 32. Matter of heating Courthouse referred to Building Committee. 05 33. John Shepard appeared relative to metal stripping for Courthouse doors and windows; referred to Building 05 Committee. 34. Brick received for heating system of Courthouse, but all bids rejected. p'7 35. Courthouse Committee to install storm doors in Courthouse. p'7 36. Banner sign to be made for display at Courthouse during NC Good ?oads Converttion, pg 37. Ed George elected Janitor of Courthouse at $90 a month. 12 38. L. L. Motte elected Court Stenographer at $75 a month. 12 39. Bid of S. C. Winner at $7.00 per month for care of Courthouse clock referred to Courthouse Committee. 12 40. G. C. Simmons elected Keeper of Courthouse Clock at $60 per annum. 12 41. G. C. Simmons notified to take better caxe of County Clock or his contract would be rescinded. 02 42. DisposiLion of old cistein on Courthouse property referred to Courthouse committee. 04 43. Request from C. S. Burnett to use part of Courthouse property for a gasoline station referred to Courthouse 05 DATE ?th I Day I Year 14 1914 14 1914 14 19I4 04 1915 Ol 1915 07 1915 14 1915 06 1915 06 1915 07 1915 07 1915 07 1915 07 1915 03 1916 03 1916 07 1916 07 1916 07 1916 Ol 1916 04 191b 04 1916 18 1916 MINUTE BOOK Vol. I Page 7 411 7 411 7 411 7 420 7 433 7 459 7 463 7 465 7 515 7 517 7 518 7 518 7 518 7 522 7 522 7 535 7 573 7 573 7 595 7 597 7 597 7 603 24 1917 7 607 05 1917 7 615 03 1917 7 651 03 1917 7 651 03 1917 7 652 03 1917 7 652 15 1918 7 669 30 1918 7 693 06 1918 7 696 06 1918 7 696 06 1918 7 696 15 1918 8 14 15 1918 8 14 05 1918 8 16 02 1918 8 26 0? 1918 8 26 02 1918 8 26 23 1918 8 28 10 1919 8 36 07 1919 8 42 20 1919 8 54 Committee. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? N C MATTER COURTHOUSE ?f , . . _ • a nEC. u, s. County Indezea Since 1888 ? Yo locate names, open at PAT OFi'1CE C.?l?l?' An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB NIADE BY iH tOTT A•Z TAB INDEX E COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OW EN G. DUNN, NEW BE RN, NORTH UROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTEBOOK Month Day Year Vol. I Page 1. Bill from S. C. Winner for work on Courthouse clock approved. 07 14 1919 8 67 2. Salary of Ed George increased to $100 a month as Janitor of Courthouse. 09 02 1919 8 74 3. Supt. of Roads to allow two prisoners from road force to clean Courthouse and Jail yards. 10 21 1919 8 83 4. Repair and painting of Courthouse roof referred to Courthouse Committee. 11 03 1919 8 86 5. A courtroom to be used by Salvation P?rmy for religious services on Sunday evenings. 11 24 1919 8 87 6. Extra help to be employed to clean premises around Courthouse. 11 24 1919 8 87 7. L. L. Motte elected Court Stenographer at $100 a month. 12 O1 1919 8 89 8. Ed George elected Janitor of Courthouse at $100 a month. 12 Ol 1919 8 89 9. Election of Keeper of Courthouse Clock referred to Clerk and Mr. Yopp. 12 O1 1919 8 89 10. Hallway walis in basement of Courthouse to be repaired. 12 O1 1919 8 90 11. G. C. Simmons elected Keeper of Clock for year. O1 05 1920 8 92 12. Courthouse Committee to investigate use of space in and around Courthouse. Ol 05 1920 8 93 13. Money allowed J. L. White for caring for Courthouse during sickness of Janitor. 04 05 192p 8 103 14. Linoleum to be put on floor of Clinic in basement of Courthouse. 04 14 1920 8 105 15. Request from Health Dept. to build garage in Courthouse yard for its automobiles referred to Chairman. 09 O1 1920 8 120 16. Matter of heating boiler for Courthouse referred to Attorney, Chairman and Clerk. 09 04 1920 8 122 17. Courthouse Committee to secure agreement with J. B. Cranmer to share expenses in rebuilding Courthouse wall 09 07 1920 8 124 18. Contract to finish a boiler for Courthouse heating system awarded to H. E. Longley. 09 10 1920 8 125 19. Commissioners to employ a court stenographer due to resignation of L. L. Motte. 09 20 1920 8 126 20. Bill from J. B. Crammer approved as County's part of cost for rebuilding Courthouse wall. 09 20 1920 8 126 21. Resignation of L. L. Motte as Court Stenographer accepted and Norman C. Shepard appointed in his place. 10 04 1920 8 127 22. Norman C. Shepard elected Court Stenographer at $125 a month. 12 06 1920 8 133 23. Ed George elected Janitor of Courthouse at $110 a month. 12 06 1920 8 133 24. Contract awarded G. C. Simmons for care of Courthouse clock at $5 per month. 12 06 1920 8 135 25. Old boiler formerly used in Courthouse was given to Janitor. 12 07 1920 8 137 26. Request from N. C. Shepard, Court Stenographer, for salary increase referred to Auditor and Attorney. 03 07 192I 8 148 27. Bills from N. C. Shepard and Miss Maude Dixon for taking and transcribing testimony of T. J. McInnerny 03 07 1921 8 148 referred to Auditor and Attorney. 28. Salary of N. C. Shepard, Court Stenographer, increased to $2,000 a year. 03 15 1921 8 149 29. Bills from N. C. Shepard and Maude Dixon to taking and transcribing testimony referred to Attorney. 03 15 1521 8 149 30. Bids received to enclose porch on southside of courthouse and referred to Building Committee. 04 04 1921 8 151 31. Contract for room on Courthouse po?'??? awarded to Rogers F? Styron. 04 05 1921 8 152 32. Walls and trees on premises of Courthouse and Jail to be whitewashed. 05 02 1921 8 154 33. Request from Courthouse Janitdr for an assistant declined and Janitor to render more efficient service. 05 24 1921 8 156 34. No action on request from Health Dept. to build another garage room on Courthouse premises. 06 20 1921 8 i59 3S. Courthouse Committee to receive bids to remodel Courthouse porch for use by Recorder's Court. 10 05 1921 8 177 36. Matter of providing a toilet for lady employees of Courthouse referred to Courthouse Committee. 11 27 1921 8 180 3? Norman Shepard elected Court Stenographer at $2,000 a year. 12 05 1921 8 182 3?. Ed George elected Janitor of Courthouse at $110 a month. 12 05 1921 8 182 39. G. C. Simmons elected custodian of County clock at $5.00 a month. 12 05 1921 8 182 40. Request from G. A. Bellamy for Courthouse office to take State income tax lists referred to Courthouse 02 06 1922 8 187 41. Courthouse Committee to improve Courthouse grounds for use of public as a playground. 08 09 1922 8 208 42. Matter of installing storm door at Courthouse referred to Courthouse Committee. 12 04 1922 8 218 43. Norman C. Shepard elected Court Stenographer at $2,000 a year. 12 04 1922 8 219 44. Ed George elected Janitor of Courthouse at $110 a month. 12 04 1922 8 219 45. G. C. Simmons elected Keeper of County Clock at $5 a month. 12 04 1922 8 219 N C MATTER INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County COURTHOUSE . . , , • ` aec. u. s. Counry Indexea Since IB88 ? Yo locafe names, open at COTT A•2 TAB INDEX PAT OFi1CE ?? An IdentiEying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB N?ADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month I Day Year Vol. I Page 1. Architect L. N. Boney to make up sketches for possible new annex to Courthouse. 12 12 1922 8 221 2. No action on erecting an annex on Courthouse. O1 22 1922 8 224 3. Attorney to draft a bill to al low Board to issue b o nds for Courthouse and County Home improvements . O1 22 1923 8 224 4. Board requested permission from Legislature to issue bonds to build a Courthouse annex. 02 17 1923 8 229 5. Bills approved from J. R. Brown for repairs on Courthouse. 03 12 1923 8 230 6. Bill from N. C. Shepard for services for covering extended court term declined since under contract. 03 12 1923 8 230 7. County and YMCA to repair wall between Courthouse yard and YMCA. 04 16 1923 8 239 8. Ste.nograph?r and Clerk fees for Supreme Court to be paid. 04 16 1923 8 239 9. Means to be provided to drain water from YMCA lot before it flows into courtyard. 06 11 1923 8 245 10. Tentative plans for courthouse annex submitted by Leslie Boney. 06 19 1923 8 246 11. Commissioners to visit Courthouse at Smithfield for ideas. 06 19 1923 8 246 12. Architects L. N. Boney and J. B. Lynch will be paid only one fee for working on plans for Courthouse 07 12? 1923 8 251 project. 13. Plans submitted by Messrs. Boney $ Lynch for Courthouse annex. 10 29 1923 8 268 14. Plans accepted for annex with a few changes. 10 29 1923 8 268 15. Payment made to L. N. Boney,Architect. 10 29 1923 8 268 16. Bid to be accepted for position of a male court stenographer. 12 03 1923 8 273 17. Clerk to secure sealed bids for care of Courthouse clock. 12 03 1923 8 273 18. Ed George elected courthouse janitor at $110 a month. 12 03 1923 8 274 19. Bids listed as received for court stenographer and bid of L. L. Motte accepted. 12 17 1923 8 275 20. Bids listed as received for care of courthouse clock and bid of G. C. Simmons accepted. 12 17 1923 8 275 21. Bids for courthouse annex will not be opened until Jan. 10, 1924. 12 17 1923 8 275 23. Board accepted contract between L. L. Motte, Court Stenographer, and the county. O1 07 1924 8 277 24. All bids from general contractors for Courthouse annex and jail rejected. O1 10 1924 8 278 25. All bids for Courthouse annex and jail received and contracts awarded p. 279-80. Ol 28 1924 8 278 26. Boilers of heating systems in Courthouse to be insured against personal liability. 02 04 1924 8 281 27. Sale of Courthouse bonds will be delayed pending ruling by Supreme Court on amount allowed. 02 19 1924 8 282 ` 28. K. 0. Burgwin to represent Board in suit to allow larger bonds issue for courthouse annex. 02 19 1924 8 283 29. L. N. Boney, architect, to be paid for plans for courthouse annex and jail. ? 02 19 1924 8 283 30. Bid accepted from U. A. Underwood, Inc. for courthouse annex and jail pending bond decision of Supreme 02 25 1924 8 284 Court. 31. List of Manufactures' names and prices for material to be used in bid for courthouse annex and jail. 02 25 1924 8 284 32. Chairman and county attorney to test validity of County issuing bonds for Courthouse annex F? Jail. 02 25 1924 8 285 33. Check to be returned to A. M. Blake which he had deposited with his bid for Courthouse annex. 03 27 1924 8 288 34. Courthouse tower to be repaired. 03 27 1924 8 288 35. Money allowed Attorneys K. 0. Burgwen and M. Bellamy for bond issue suit. 04 07 1924 8 289 36. Board allowed to issue larger bonds for Courthouse annex and Jail. 04 07 1924 S 289 37. Advertisement to be made for sell of Courthouse bonds. 04 07 1924 8 289 38. Dates bids for Courthouse annex bonds will be received. 04 07 1924 8 289 39. Bid received and accepted from U. A. Underwood, Inc. for Courthouse annex and Jail. 04 10 1924 8 290 40. Auditor to secure quotations for preparing Courthouse annex and Jail bonds. 04 1? 1924 8 291 41. L. N. Boney, Architect, paid a fee for preparing plans for Courthouse annex and jail. 04 28 1924 8 293 42. Form of Courthouse Gold Bonds set down in minutes p. 294-95. 05 05 1924 8 294 43. Preparing and printing Courthouse annex and jail bonds referred to Auditor and Attorney. 05 05 1924 8 295 44. List of bids received for courthouse Gold bonds, and contract given to C. P. Bolles and Co. and A. B. OS 12 1924 8 297 Leach $ Co. F INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MATTERT COURTHOUSE ` aec. u. s. County lndezea Since 1988 ? To lotate name5? open of COTT A•2 TAB INDEX ?AT OFiiCE (.?i?? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB ?DE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTfl CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS 1. Discussion of steel or wooden window frames for Courthouse annex had. 2. Bids received for installing elevators in Courthouse annex and Otis Elevator Co. awarded contract. 3. Raymond Concrete Pile Co, paid for driving foundation for Courthouse annex and jail. 4. Otis?Elevator Co. paid for elevator installed in courthouse annex. 5. Payments to be made to U. A. Underwood Inc. for work on Courthouse annex. 6. Franklin Motor Car Co. allowed to build a driveway over Courthouse land adjacent to their station. 7. Masonic Fraternity to conduct service for laying cornerstone of Courthouse annex and Judge E. Crammer to be orator. 8. Bids to be taken for court stenographer. 9. Ed George elected Courthouse Janitor at $110 a month. 10. Bids received for court stenographer and contract awarded Dwight McEwen at $105 a month. 11. List of bids for finishing hardware for courthouse annex, 12. Contract for hardware for courthouse annex awarded to J. W. Murchison Co. 13. Contract to install weather stripping courthouse annex awarded to American metal weather strip co. 14. Matter of receptacles for flagpoles around courthouse referred to Courthouse Committee. 15. Repairing and painting courthouse roof referred to courthouse committee. 16. Matter of seats in Superior court room in courthouse annex discussed. 17. Bill from R. W. Dixon for work on courthouse annex heating system referred to Mr. Dosher. 18. Met to receive bids for furniture for courthouse annex but postponed time to receive same. 19. Bids received for furniture for courthouse annex and referred to auditor and architect. 20. Some bids received for electrical fixtiures in courthouse annex, but time postponed to receive same. 21. List of bids received for electrical fixtures at Courthouse annex, but action deferred. 22. Bid awarded for electrical fixtures for courthouse annex but order rescinded and new bids to be accepted. 23. Bids received for electrical fixtures in courthouse annex and contract awarded to Electirc T9aintenance Co. 24. Matter of finishing courthouse annex wall referred to chairman. 25. William Grotgen to work around courthouse during illness of Janitor E. George. 26. Trees to be removed on Princess Street in front of courthouse annex. 27. Board to release money to U. A. Underwood, Inc. for building courthouse annex. ? 28. Door from old courthouse to be sold to Thomas Larson. 29. R. W. Dixon, architect, to be paid for work on courthouse annex. 30. Check to be returned to Northams Book and Stationery Store deposited with their courthouse annex bid. 31. Contract for window shades for Courthouse Annex awarded to Belk-Williams Co. 32. Prices of book cases for North Carolina Reports to be secured for courtroom. 33. Ed George elected Courthouse janitor at $110 a month. 3r?. Bids to be received for courthouse stenographer. 35. Northam Book F? Stationery Store to furnish bookcase for Superior Courtroom. 36. Signs for rooms in courthouse annex to be purchased. 37. Additional expenses of courthouse annex to be paid from General Fund Account. 38. Courthouse annex accepted from general contractor U. A. Underwood, Inc. 39. List of deductions and extras on courthouse annex. 40. Bill from Becker Coal and Builders Supply Co. for transferring coal in courthouse basement approved. 41. William Grotgen allowed pay for extra nights work in firing furnance in courthouse. 42. Bill from A. M. Blake paid for extras in wiring courthouse annex. 43. List of extras on courthouse annex approved and U. A. Underwood Inc. to be paid. 44. James Donnelly paid for plastering elevator shaft. 45. Dwight McEvan appointed court stenographer at $150 a month. DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. I Page 06 09 1924 8 299 06 13 19?4 8 300 08 04 1924 8 304 09 02 1924 8 308 09 08 1924 8 309 10 06 1924 8 311 10 10 1924 8 312 12 O1 1924 8 315 12 O1 1924 8 316 12 10 1924 8 318 O1 10 1925 8 322 Ol 10 1925 8 323 02 05 1925 8 329 03 02 1925 8 331 03 02 1925 8 331 03 30 1925 8 333 05 04 1925 8 337 05 11 1925 8 338 05 21 1925 8 340 06 25 1925 8 343 06 27 1925 8 343 06 29 1925 8 344 07 13 1925 8 345 08 03 1925 8 347 10 05 1925 8 354 10 05 1925 8 354 10 29 1925 8 356 11 19 1925 8 358 11 19 1925 8 358 11 28 1925 8 358 11 28 1925 8 35g 12 07 1925 8 360 12 07 1925 8 361 12 07 1925 8 361 12 10 1925 8 362 12 10 1925 8 362 12 18 1925 8 362 12 21 1925 8 363 12 21 1925 8 363 12 'll 1925 8 363 12 31 1925 8 364 12 31 1925 8 364 12 31 1925 8 364 12 31 1925 8 364 O1 04 1926 8 365 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATT R COURTHOUSE nce. a. s. ?,,,,n County Inde:ea Since 1888 ?'fo locate namez, open af COTT A-2 TAB INDEX !AT OFFICE ??/???(?? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INIiIAL TAB ?DB BY THE C0T1 INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO IOLD !Y OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORiH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE Month Day Yenr 1. L. N. Boney,architect, paid for supervision of work in courthouse annex. Temporary fence to be built around courthouse lot. 2 3. Board to meet on January 6 to assign offices in courthouse annex and old courthouse. 4. Bond to be accepted from U. A. Underwood Inc. for guarantee of courthouse annex work. 5. Old Courthouse building's offices to be repaired. 6. Bids to be opened on Jan. 18 for painting interior of Courthouse. 7. Telephone to be installed in lawyers room in Courthouse Annex. 8. List of areas to be painted in courthouse p. 366-37. 9. List of bids received to paint interior of courthouse; G.W. McMillan awarded contract. 10. Bill from C. W. Yates Co. for furniture for Courthouse approved. 11. Bill from Northam's Book ? Stationery Store for courthouse annex furniture approved. 12. Request from Court Clerk Harris for a committee to report on courthouses' contition referred to Courthouse Committee. 13. Bill paid Electric Maintenance Co. for fixtures in Courthouse annex. 14. Clerk deposited with courthouse annex bid returned to Electric Maintenance Co. 15. Action on contract from Otis Elevator Co. to service elevator deferred. 16. Elevator to be used by Jailer and Janitor for general use. 17. Insurance to be secured on Jail's use of elevator only. 18. C. H. Daniels allowed to put sand in Courthouse yard. 19. W. E. Watson elected head Janitor of Courthouse at $115 a month. 20. Bill from Capps-Griffith Co. for installing heating system in courthouse annex approved. 21. Coal purchased from Becker Coal ? Builders Supply Co. for Courthouse. 22. Painting of 4 additional rooms in courthouse referred to Chairman. 23. Bill for electricity for courthouse annex elevator referred to U. W. Underwood, Inc, _ 24. Bill paid R. W. Dixon for installing heating plant in courthouse annex. 25. Carolina Metal Works given contract for installing conduit pipes in courthouse. 26. Franklin Auto Co. to move part of wall between courtyard and their building. 27. Janitors of courthouse put under supervision of Chairman. 28. Auditor informed Board that courthouse annex fund overdrawn. 29. Chairs for courthouse to be repaired. 30. Space granted in courthouse annex for display of relics of Confederate Army. 31. Chairman to write other counties relative to acoustics in courtroom. 32. London Hilliard of Johno-Manville Co. to submit cost estimate in improving acoustics in cour troom. 33. Copy of contract with John-Manville Co. for installing acoustical treatment in courtroom in annex. 34. Bill from Carolina ?ut Stone Co. for plaster work in courthouse annex referred to architect Boney. 35. W. E. Watson to be notified that his services as courthouse janitor are not satisfactory and change will be made. 36. Chairman to appoint a new courthouse janitor. 37. Flagpole at courthouse to be painted. 38. Auditor to borrow money for the Courthouse Annex Fund. 39, Bill from Carolina Cut Stone Co. for work on courthouse annex declined. 40. Bill not paid John-Manville Co. since work on acoustics in courtroom not satisfactory. 41. Courthouse Committee to have wall around courthouse repaired. ? 42. John-Manville Inc. to install additional acoustical treatment to superior courtroom without pay. 43. B. H. F? B. T. Reville to install iron fence around courthouse lot. 44. Dwight McEwen paid for stenographic services. MINUTE BOOK Vol. Page Ol 04 1926 8 365 O1 04 1926 8 365 O1 04 1926 8 365 O1 06 1926 8 366 O1 06 1926 8 366 Ol 11 1926 8 366 O1 11 1926 8 366 Ol 18 1926 8 366 O1 18 1926 S 366 O1 18 1926 8 366 O1 18 1926 8 367 02 O1 1926 8 371 02 Ol 1926 8 371 02 O1 1926 8 371 02 O1 1926 8 371 02 O1 1926 8 371 02 Ol 1926 8 371 02 05 1926 8 371 02 05 1926 8 371 02 12 1926 8 372 02 12 1926 8 373 02 12 1926 8 373 02 12 1926 8 373 03 O1 1926 8 375 03 O1 1926 8 377 04 05 1926 8 380 04 05 1926 8 381 04 05 1926 8 381 04 21 1926 8 382 04 21 1926 8 383 04 23 1926 8 383 05 21 1926 8 385 06 07 1926 8 386 06 07 1926 8 387 07 19 1926 8 391 07 19 1926 8 391 07 19 1926 8 391 07 26 1926 8 393 08 30 1926 8 395 09 07 1926 8 396 09 15 1926 8 398 09 29 1926 8 398 09 29 1926 8 400 10 04 1926 8 400 N H t? N INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES C T C COURTHO USE anover oun ew y, . -- . _ MATT R ? nEC. u. <_. '?J'- Counry Indexea Since 1888 ? Yo locate names, open at e?t OFFICE ?pIJ7?,D?? An ldentifying Trade Mark SURNAME INIiIAL TAB (OT7 A-i TAB INDEX NU1DE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA DATE MINUT E BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDIN6S Month Day I Year Vol, Page 1. Dwight McEwen paid for stenographic services. 12 06 1926 8 411 2. Installation of drain pipe in basement of courthouse discussed. 12 10 1926 8 413 3. Disposition of discarded radiators in courthouse referred to courthouse commi.ttee. 12 10 1926 8 413 4. Action delayed on sewer and drainage for courthouse. 12 16 1926 8 415 5. Drainage system approved for courthouse and negotiations made by propexty owners. 12 21 1926 8 415 6. Courthouse stenographer appointed on same terms. 12 30 1926 8 417 7. Painting approved for courthouse towers. O1 03 1927 8 4?8 8. Screening authorized for courthouse tower opening. 03 O1 1927 t?8 427 9. Sale of old desk in courthouse basement authorized. 03 22 1927 8 431 10. Ed George and L. M. Rich, courthouse janitors, granted one-week vacation. 07 12 1927 8 453 11. Springer Oil Co. awarcled coal bid for courthouse. 08 16 1927 8 457 12. No action taken to employ boiler caretaker at courthouse. 08 30 1927 8 459 13. Wilmington Light Infantry to use courthouse lot. 08 30 1927 8 460 14. W. H. Davis employed to repair courthouse chairs. 08 30 1927 8 460 15. W. H. Davis' bill for repairing courthouse chairs returned to him. 09 14 1927 8 461 16. B. T. Reville hired to remove dirt from courthouse roof then install wood works to Superior Court 09 20 1927 8 463 clerks' vault. 17. Bill to W. H. Davis approved for chair repairs. 09 27 1927 8 464 18. Repair of ridge rool authorized for courthouse tower. 09 27 1927 8 465 19. Bids received to repair courthouse roof. 12 06 1927 8 476 20. Carolina Metal Works awarded contract to repair courthouse roof. 12 06 1927 8 476 21. W. L. DeRossett to repair sidewalk near courthouse. Ol 10 1928 8 482 22. Work on courthouse grounds granted. O1 17 1928 8 484 23. Removal of trees from courthouse yard authorized. O1 17 1928 8 484 24. Water feeder authorized for annex. 03 05 1928 8 492 25. Instructions given to clean and repair Gable. 03 20 1928 8 494 26. Repairs of courthouse chimney referr?d to committee. 05 07 1928 8 502 27. $2 approved to W. H. Davis to pay for courthouse furniture repairs. 05 07 1928 8 508 28. Repairs of courthouse chair approved for payment. 05 07 1928 8 518 29. Inspector authorized electrical wiring in courthouse. Q7 02 1928 8 518 30. Contract for stenographer and county approved. 07 17 1928 8 521 31. North-Smith awarded coal contract for courthouse (CF: County Home) 07 24 1928 8 523 32. Two courthouse janitors work divided. 08 14 1928 8 527 33. Loose tile reset in lobby. 09 11 1928 8 531 34. Bulletin board authorized for courthouse entrance. , 12 11 1928 8 548 35. Funds granted to equip courthouse rQOm for historic relics. 03 04 1929 8 562 36. Painting of iron fence at courthouse referred to chairman. ? 04 02 1929 8 567 37. Archie Marine awarded bid to paint courthouse. 04 23 1929 8 571 38. Glazing authorized for windows in courthouse. 05 14 1929 8 574 39. Courthouse lot to be used for recreation park. 06 03 1929 8 577 40. Office space in courthouse provided for district forester. 06 03 1929 8 577 41. Will Rehder employed to decorate windows and entrance of courthouse for Feast of Pirates celebration. 08 13 1929 8 590 42. North-Smith Coal Co. awarded coal contracts for courthouse, stockade (See: County Home and Stockade). 09 10 1929 8 595 43. Grass seeds sowed on courthouse lawn. 10 O1 1929 8 598 44. Boyscouts granted use of basement room in Courthouse annex. 11 1.? 1929 9 7 45. Authorized the painting of thirteen Courthouse window sashes. 11?_ ?i9 1929 9 8 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - N H t? C N C T anover ew oun y, . . _ MATT R Courthou se - aec. u. s. 'qJl- Coun?y Indexea Since 1888 ? To locate names, open at COTT A•2 TAB INDEX e?r OFFICE ?i?,?wc? An Identifying Trade Mazk SURNAME INITIAL TAB INADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH GROLINA NATURE Of PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day I Year Vol. I Page l. Approved payment of $10 to Je S. Simmons for opening old Courthouse vault. 12 2 1929 9 11 2. Authorized the removal of shrubbery from Courthouse grounds and replace with less- 2 18 1930 9 24 diseased ones. 3. Declined request to use Courthouse room for religious meeting May 4th. 4 1 1930 9 33 4. Contract for Courthouse door awarded to Roderick and Land. 9 2 1930 9 57 5. Coal contract awarded to Gardner Coal Co. 9 2 1930 9 57 6. Authorized payment of $1.50 to W. H. Davis for repair of Courthouse chairs. 9 23 1930 9 60 7. C. H. Bouham application for Courthouse janitor referred to Courthouse Committee. 10 6 1930 9 71 8. John E. Owens empo.?3?ea for Courthouse repairs. I L3 L93I 9 86 9. Courthouse coal bid awarded to Gardner Coal Co., expenses transfer?ed frorn emerg. fund. 2 2 1931 9 89 10. Authorized signs to be painted directing way to Museum in Courthouse. 3 9 1931 9 96 11. Courthouse windows to be repaired referred to Courthouse Committee. 3 9 1_931 9 96 12. Accepted bid from E. G. King to recover awnings for Courthouse Annex. 5 25 1931 9 110 13. E. S. Waddell offered etchings of Washington for Courthouse office, offer declined. 7 13 1931 9 118 14. Authorized repairs to Courthouse chairs. 9 21 1931 9 128 15. Archie Marine requested to repair sash and re-glaze windows of Courthouse, referred. 9 21 1931 9 128 16. Guard rails for windows of Museum in Courthouse annex referred to Courthouse Committee. 1 25 1932 9 149 17. Request declined to hang small rack in Courthouse lobby for non-sectarian literature. 2 15 I932 9 152 18. World War 1 Veteran5 granted use of the Courthouse basement. 5 31 1932 9 166 19. Springer Coal and Oil Co. awarded coal contract for Courthouse and County Home. 9 26 1932 9 182 20. Painting of Courthouse roof referred to Courthouse Committee. 10 17 1932 9 186 21o Authorized payment of $25 Attorney fee to G?orge L. Preschau, State Vs Beatric Boney. 11 14 1932 9 190 22. Authorized payment of $13.64 to James Donnelly fox Courthouse an-?ex repairs. 1 9 1933 9 198 23. Rev. Andrew J. Howell request for picture racks in Museum referred to Courthouse Commit tee? 9 1933 9 204 24. Authorized advertising for bids to paint the Courthouse roof. 4 10 1933 9 215 25. Cape Fear Garden Club allowed to use Courthouse lawn for flower show May 12. 5 1 1933 9 218 26. North-Smith awarded Courthouse coal bid contract. 6 19 1933? 9 227 2%. Committee appointed to confer with elected officials on ways to reduce court expenses. 6 19 1933 9 228 28. E.C. King awardeabid to replace and repair awnings on Courthouse windows. 7 10 1933 9 231 29. Courthouse boiler to be inspected as requested by Hartford Boiler Insurance Co. 7 31 1933 9 236 3C1. Authorized space in Courthouse for tax-collector's office. 7 31 1933 9 236 31. Clean and painting Courthouse referred to Couxthouse Committee. :?g 21 1933 9 ?40 32. Federal Employment Bureau request for funds taken under advisement. 10 9. 1933 9 253 33. Authorized painting flag pole at Courthouse. 10 9 1933 9 253 34. Authorized repai?s to old Courthouse porch near basement, appropriat?-ons made. 12 4 1933 9 261 35. W.A. Whitney awarded contract for clock caretaker at Courthouse at $100 pe? ?-eaxa 12 4 1933 9 261 36. Material and labor authorized for Courthouse repairs by C. W. A. 12 11 1933 9 ??2 37. W. R. Dosher allowed to install trial fuel-saving device on a County Home boiler. 12 11 1933 9 262 38. Mrs E.B. Josey, director of women's work requested office in Courthouse, declined. 1 Z 1934 9 265 39.. Additional toilets for Courthou?e referred to Courthouse Committee. 1 2 1934 9 265 40. January 6th meeting to get C.W.A. funds to paint Courthouse. 1 8 1934 9 266 41. North-Smith accepted bid for coal. 2 S 1934 9 273 42. Courthouse repairs by W. H. Davis referred to Chairman. 2 26 1934 9 275 43. Courthouse office authorized for Asst. C. W. A. 3 5 1934 9 276 44. Davis-Moore Paint C o authorized to paint Courthouse. 3 12 1934 9 277 45. Hanover Iron Works bid accepted for Courthouse repairs. 4 2 1934 9 279 t H C N G N INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - oun ?, anover . . ew - _ MATTER• Courtho use - ¦ec. u. s. ,?,q County Indezee Since 1888 ? To locois nam?s, op?n pt r?r OFiICE ?p/??c(.o? An Identifying Trade Mark SURKAME INITIAL 7AB COiT A-Z TAB INDEX I1116L E BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD ?Y OWEN C. DUNN, NEN iERN, NORTN UROLINA DAiE MINUTE BOOK iVATURE Of PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. " Page l. 4?.W.A. was asked to economize Courthouse electricity. 5 14 1°34 9 284 2. Authority given to use annex for recreation park. 7 30 1934 9 293 3. Payment to Camera Shop made for photographs of Courthouse and ann?x. . 8 13 ?-934 9 299 4. Courtho-?.se treatment for termites referred to Committee. 11 13 1934. 9 309 . 5. Courthouse chair repair referred to Chairman. 12 10 1934. 9 313 6. Springer CoaZ Co. awarded bid for Courthouse. _12 10 1934 9 313 7. Payment authorized for truck damaged in Courthouse yard. 5 20 1935 9 342 __ 8. Courthouse basement requested for relief s?wing quarters referred to Chairman, 8 19 1935 9 374 9. Aid to Mrs. Julia Harris who fell at Cc?urthouse referred to Chairman. 8 19 1935 9 374 10. Mrs Harris dPnied aid. ? 23 1935 9 381 11. No liability against Cou.nty taken on T?rs. Harris claim due to injury at Courthouse, 10 14 1935 9 384 12. North-Smith and T. E. Cooper and Co. paid for Coal at Courthouse. 10 21 1935 9 385 13. Bids r.?quested on Courthouse ?ieating syst?m. 11 25 1935 9 393 l?. W. R. Dosher awarded bid cor?tract for radiator work at Courthouse. 12 9 1935 9 396 15. W.A. Whitney awarded contract to care for Courthouse clock. 12 9 1935 9 396 16. E.C. King's offer denied to care and repair Courthouse awnings. 1 20 1936 9 402 17. Repairing Courthouse awnzn?s referred to Courthouse Committee. 2 10 1936 9 407 18. E.C. King awarded contract to repair Courthouse awnings. 2 24 1936 9 408 19. Authorized purchase of boiler, payment transferred from emergency fund. 2 24 1936 9 410 20. Wilmington Sign Co. bid to repair sign referred to Courthouse Committee. 3 2 1936 9 411 21. Painting Courthouse ref_erred to Courthouse Committee. 3 23 1936 9 415 22. Authorized bal?.nce to be paid to T.E. Cooper for coal. ?+ 13 1936 9 420 23. Bicis requested for painting Courthouse. 6 15 1936 9 436 24. Trash cans and cuspidors authorized. 10 19 1936 9 458 25. Springer Coal Co. awarded contract for coal at Courthouse. 10 26 1936 9 459 26. Appointment of Courthouse janitor deferred. _12 7 1936 9 467 27. W.A. Whitney named Courthouse clock keeper. 12 21 1936 9 471 28. Capps-Gr?ffith Plumbing to build_boiler for Courthouse. 1 4 1937 9 472 29. Removal of shr?:?bbery around Courthouse referred to Committee. 3 22 1937 9 487 30. Authorized grass seeds for Courthouse grounds. 4 4 1937 9 490 31. Bids received to paint Courthouse roof. 4 12 1937 9 492 32. Inspection report received on Courthouse boiler. 5 10 1937 9 497 33. Authorized use of Courthouse yard to boy scouts. 5 24 1937 9 502 34. Bids received for Gourthouse repairs, referred to Committee. 5 24 1937 9 503 35. A. L. Gaydos awarded contract to replace Courthouse shingles. 6 7 1937 9 507 36. Authorized water fountain for Courthouse. 7 12 1937 9 522 37. Bids received for water fountain. 7 I9 1937 9 522 38. Bids authorized for Courthouse boiler. 9 7 1937 9 539 39. Springer ?oal Co. awarded contract for Courthouse bu?ner. 9 20 1937 9 540 4G. Bids advertised to paint Courth?use fence. 9 20 1937 9 541 41. Bids authorized for coal. 9 27 1937 9 542 42. W.B. Thoupe and Co. awarded contract for coal. 10 4 i937 9 542 . 43. Bids authorized for painting fence. 12 6 1937 9 557 44. Bids authorized for vestibule. 12 13 1937. 9 559 45. Water fountian referred to Courthouse Committee. 6 27 193$ 9 594 . 46. Courthouse elevator reqxiired, referred on certain equipment. 8 15 193?s 9 610 C t N C H N INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES oun y, . ew anover - . , MATTER: Courthous e - aec. u. s. County Indezes Since 1888 ? To IoCO?!f nam?s? opln af COiT A•2 TAi INDEX ?AT OFFICE C.?i?? An ldentifying Trade Mark IIIIIC E BY THF COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLD YY OWEN i. YUNN, NEII ?ERN; NORTN GROLINA ., .1 DATE MINUTE BOOK ? NATUR? OF PROCEEDINGS Month ? Day Year Voi. Page l.. Authorized automatic stoker for Courthouse. 9 12 1938 10 9 2., Bids received for automatic stoker, contract awarded to Springer Coal Coo 9 19 1938 10 10 3., Bids received for coal, awarded contract to Keith Bros. 10 10 193&. 10 15 4. Courthouse referred for vacuum cleaner. 10 10 1938 10 16 5., Courthouse coal removed by prisoners. 12 5 1938. 10 28 60., Consid?ration taken on indigents sleeping in the Courthouse basement. 1 16 1939._ 10 33 7. Courthouse bids authorized for termites. 3 13 1939. 10 45 8. 0. P. Beard declined use of Courthouse for religious services. 4 10 1939 10 49 9, Bi?s received for termite control9 contract awarded to Spirittine Chemical Co. 4 17 1939 10 51 10. Barett Co. referred on use of Courthouse yard for parking during exhibit. 4 17 1939 10 51 llt Springer Oil Co. offer accepted to service heating at Courthouse. 5 8 1939 10 56 12, Autharized decorating Courthouse for Bi-centennial celebration. 6 12 1939 10 62 13. Courthouse coal bids authorized. 9 18 1939 10 83 14.. Notice received, referred on new contrac? for Courthouse stenographer. 9 25 1939 10 84 15. Coal bids received, awarded contract to Thoupe Coal Co. 10 9 1939 10 87 16. Careless parking at Courthouse discussed. 11 6 1939 10 92 1%. L. T. Rogers awarded contract tor ?ou€?thouse vestible. 1 8 1940 10 105 18., Authorized payment for Courthouse vestible. 2 29 1940 10 108 19. Payment approved for hauling slot machines to Courthouse for trial. 2 26 1940 10 115 20.. Payment authorized for hauling slot machines to Courthouse. 3 4 1940 10 116 21.. Authorized payment for hauling slot machines to Courthouse. 8 26 1940 10 151 22. Courthouse coal bid awarded to Thoupe Coal Co. 9 30 1940 10 155 23. W. A. Whitney, clock keeper authorized to purchase new clock. 11 25 1940 10 164 24. Otto Lehman bid authorized for moving bell on Courthouse clock. , 1 20 1941 10 176 25.. Requests for Courthouse parking area received for consideration. 2 24 1941 10 184 26.Payment authorized for hauling slot machines to Courthouse. 3 17 ?1941 10 189 27. Letter written on legal rights to clean Courthouse grounds. 3 31 1941 10 191 28.. Request for cold drink stand declined i.n Courthouse lobby. 5 5 1941 10 198 29.. Belk-Williams Co. bid received for awning in Courthouse annex. 5 26 1941 10 205 30. Coal bids received, awarded contract to Springer Oil Co. 8 4 1941 10 222 31. Wilmington Iron Works bid accepted for Courthouse boiler. 9 2 1941 10 226 32., Coal bids authorized. S 11 1942 10 271 33. Courthouse caal bid contract a?aarded to North-Smi?h Caal Co. 5 18 1942 10 272 34. Petitian declined on air conditioning Courthouse. 8 10 1942 10 286 35. Courthouse parking restricted to non-employees, signs erected. 11 30 1942 10 305 36.. Courthouse yard authorized lights for parking area. 3 8 1943 10 320 37. Courthouse repairs referred to Chairman. 5 17 1943 10 331 38. Bids referred on Courthouse awnings. 5 24 1943 10 332 39.. Courthouse coal bids received, contracted awarded to Springer Oil Co. 8 23 1943 10 346 40. Janitor? authorized to replace Ed George and L. M. Rich, retiring. 9 13 1943 10 348 41. Application recieved for janitor?, Harlee Cows and J.W. Guthrie hired as custodians. 9 29 1943 10 350 42.. Harlee Cows resigned, position to be filled. 12 27 1943 10 362 43.. Courthouse authorized chairs. 1 3 1944 10 363 44. Courthouse authorized gas heating. 2 17 1944 10 365 45. Courthouse clock repairs reported finished. 2 28 1944 10 372 46.. Courthouse lot authorized resurfacing with gravel,etc. 6 19 1944 10 392 H t INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- N C N C ? 'T?T anover ou? ?, ew . . _ M ; Courth ouse - nec. u. s. County Indezes Since 1888 ? TO IOCG?t IIGM?f? OplO Ot MµCE v?r OFFICE ? An IdenNfying Trade Merk SURtEAME INITIAL TAB SOL COTT A•2 TAB tNDEX BY THF COTi INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO D ?Y OWEN i. OUNN, NEw {ERN, NORTN UROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Courthouse br?iler problems referred to Chairman. 7 3 1944 10 393 2. Request to erect bulletin board at Courthouse referred to t?hairman. 7 3 1944 10 394 3. Bids authorized for Courthouse boiler. 8 21 1944. 10 403 4. Notices received from City on repairing sidewalk at Courthouse? 4 3 1945 10 436 5. Payment to J. L. Donnely authorized for sidewalk at Courthouse. 7 2 1945. 10 448 6. Bids authorized for painting C??.?.rthouse. 9 10 1945 10 457 7. Bids received for Courthouse roof. 9 10 1945. 1Q 457 _... 8. Bids received for painting Courthouse. 9 17 1945 10 458 9. Courthouse boiler discussed. 9 17 1945 10 458 10. S. W. Garrett allowed to withdraw bid, Board to confer with architect on boiler. 9 24 1945 10 ?+59 11. Bid f?r roofing Courthouse read, contract award?ng postponed. 10 1 1945 10 459 12. No action taken on offer to fix Courthouse clock,cables. 10 1 1945 10 460 13. Accepted E. S. Piver and Sons bid to re-roof Courthouse. 10 8 194.? 10 461 14. Courthouse boiler discussed, referred to Committee. 11 5 1945 10 465 15. Ramp suggested for Courthouse. 11 5 1945, 10 466 16. Architect plan accepted on Courthouse boiler, bids authorized. 11 19 1945 10 467 ii. Bids posLponed on CourL'nouse boiler, i? .i ly4S IU 4bt3 18. Authorized purchasing larger boiler, bid read contract awarded to Ideal Plumbing Co. 12 3 1945 10 469 19. Payment to Leslie Boney, Architect approv?d for Courthouse boiler plans. 12 10 1945_ 10 470 20. Bids authorized for repairs to Courthouse woodwork and painting. 12 17 1945 10 474 21. E. S. Piver and Sons paid for roofing Courthouse. 1 14 1946 10 477 22. Steam-cleaning autho?ized for Gourthouse. 3 25 1946 10 487 23. Bid for awnings at Courthouse received from Belk-Williams Co. 4 1 1946 10 488 24. Bids received for steam-cleaning Courtharse. 4 22 1946 10 494 25. Chamberlin Weather Strip bid received for Courthouse stripping. 4 29 1946 10 494 26. Louis T. Moore written in reply to his letter, tha?ked for suggestions for Courth?use, 4 29 1946 10 49? 27. Bids extended on Courthouse stripping. 5 13 1946 10 496 ? 28. I Bids received for Courthouse stri in referr?d. PP g? S 20 1946 10 497 29. Motion carried to use gauze material for Courthouse stripping. 5 27 1946 10 4a8 30. Columbus Insulation Co. awarded contract for Courthouse stripping. 6 3 1946 10 499 31. Courthouse oil bids authorized. 6 10 1946 10 50?J 32. Couythouse coal bid contract awarded to Springer Coal Co. 6 24 1946 10 501 33. Public hearing set and brief prepared at Courthouse. 6 24 1946 10 502 34. Ideal Plumbing Co. authorized second payment for Courthouse boiler. 10 14 1946 10 521 ? 35. Payment to Columbus znsu?:ation Co. approved for weather stripping Courthouse. 12 30 1946 10 532 36. Notice on change on heating at Courthouse held in consideration. 1 13 1947 10 534 37. Golumbus Insulation Co. paid for weather stripping C?urthouse. 2 3 1947 10 538 38. Courthouse coal bids authorized. 9 2 1947 10 583 39. Courthouse coal bid contract awarded to Springer Coal Co. g 8 9147 10 583 40. Discrimianti?Te parking matter at Courthouse referred to adopted nrdinance. 1Q 13 1947 10 589 41. J. C. Henderson declined use of Courthouse for services. 2 16 1948 1? 14 42. Domestic Relations Court establishment received for consideration. 5 17 1948 11 27 43. Motion fa?led on lifting Courthouse parking restrictions. 5 17 1948 11 27 44. Placing flag atop Courthouse referred to Courthouse Committee. 6 28 1948 11 34 45. Establishment of Domestic Relations Court discussed at length. 8 4 1948 11 39 46. C. C. Bordeaux declined use of Courthouse. 10 4 9148 11 50 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTERT Courthouse ? aeo. u. s. County Indesee Gince 1888 ? TO low+? nam?s, opl11 af COTT A-2 TA! INDEX PAT OFFICF ?a?7? An Idenii ing Trade Mark MIIL E BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO h' f!?RNJlME INITIAL TAB SOLD tT OWEN 0. 01?NN, NEw tERN, NORiN GROLINA , .. PIATURE Of PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l? Courthouse boiler inspection report received, no condii?ions observed. 2,? Flag pole authorized at Courthouse. .. 3.. Sketch of flag pole at Courthouse referred to Committee. 4a, Loins Club to install gum machine in Courthouse. 5.: Action of March lst not rescinded on Thalian Association using Courthouse ?,??i:h clause. 6.. Attention called to dis?rimination of use of Courthouse parking lot. 7, Stickers and roster to be prepared on use of Courthouse parking lot. 8., Wilson Tree Co. offer received for removal of trees at Courthouse. 9. 0'Shields and Davis to find solution to Courthouse parking. 10.. Bids authorizecl for amplifying system in Courthouse. 11. Marking off designated area authorized for the Courthouse parking lat. 12.. Fred W. Everett offer accepted for eq?.ipment to decorate Courthouse. I3.. Motion carried to thoroughly clean Courthouse, 14. Inspection report of Courthouse filed by Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection Co. 15?, Kinsy King offer referred for Dept. name plates in Courthouse. 16,. 0'Shields suggested sand-b?aster to be u.sed on outside walls of Courthouse. 17. CPA's to use Courthouse Civil vetense Office. 18., L. A. Armstrong bid receiv?d for paving Courthouse parking lot. 19. L. A' Armstrong's bid postponed, attention called to Toules-Cline bid. 20?. L. A. Armstrong to re-check bid on Courthouse parking lot. 21. Color of paint discussed for Courthouse. 22. Wilmington Lions Club referred to Chairman for space in Courthouse. 23. Painting of Courthouse corridor met with app?oved. 24., Use of Courthouse parking lot under inve?tigation for Health, ABC and Law Enf??cement , . Officers .__. 25.; Mayor 41h.ite and Col. R.S. McClelland's request granted for Civil Defense continued use , of Courthouse, request made to get number of cars to be parked in Courthouse lot. 26. Board agreed for Tide Water Power Co's. linemen to trim Courthouse tiees. 27. Authorized closing Courthouse for Washington's Birthday. 28., Port City Iron Works b?d accepted for pipes at Courthouse entrance. 29. Dr. W. C. Funk payment approved for Horace Garrison glasses broken at Courthouse. 3?°a. N. H. C. Histori? Commission discussed damages to Courthouse walls by sandblasting. 31. Bids aut?iorized for paving Courthouse parking 1ot. 32. Bids received for painting Courthouse. 33. Authorized given to tt?.rn City Messenger copies to Wilmington Library. 34. Bid from Charlotte fzrm to clean Courthouse referred to Board and County Attorney. 35. Bid to steam-cleam Courthouse awarded to Western Waterproofing Co. 36. W. A. Whitney awarded contract to ca?e for Courthouse clock. 37. Commissioner Horton reported Courthouse cleaning temporarily held up. 38. Conutiissiozzer Hort?n auth?r?zed to have someone check Courtho??.?e repairs. 39. Motor installed at Courthouse for furnance, cleaning and paving parking lot discussed. 40., Bids received for trimming Old Courthouse, awarded contract to Shaw Paint & Wallpaper Co. 41, Robert Jackson Co. of Kansas bid accepted for material for Courthouse clock, 42., Western Waterproofing Co. bill held up for payment for repairing Courtho?se exterior. 43, City engineer letter received on repairing 3rd S?creet at Courthouse. 44..Converting Courthouse heating from coal to oil received for cons;?deration. 10 11 1948 11 51 12 28 1948 1Z 64 1 17 1949 11 67 2 21 1949 11 76 2 21 1949 11 76 3 28 1949 11 84 4 4 1949 1 I 85 5 23 1949 ;.1 95 8 8 I949 1 I 1? 2 12 19 1949 11 143 2 6 1950 11 155 3 2?? 1950 1 i 164 8 28 1950 11 206 9 5 1950 11 ?206 2 12 1951 11 240 3 19 1951 1'1 248 10 1 195?, ll 29n 10 1 1951 11 290 10 8 1951 11 2?92 10 22 1951 11 296 11 26 1951 11 305 12 10 1951 11 307 12 17 1951 17- 309 12 31 1951 11 310 1 7 1952 1 1 311 2 4 1952 11 315 2 18 1.952 1 1 318 3 12 1952 11 323 4 28 1952 11 333 6 2 1952 11 339 6 16 1952 1 7- 341 7 7 1952 ll 347 9 3 1952 1 1 363 11 10 1952 ll 377 11 17 1952 17- 380 12 1 1952 11 382 12 22 1952 1 1 387 12 22 1952 1 1 387 1 21 1953 1 1 391 2 9 1953 1 1 398 2 9 1953 17- 398 2 9 1953 1 1 399 5 4 1953 1 1 418 7 20 1953 1 1 438 t C H C N N INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES oun ?, anover . ew -- . _ MATTER• Courth ouse - nec. u. s. ?7?. County Indezes Since 1888 ? To (oeo+a namss, op?n af COTT A-Z TAB INDEX C,?.t?'l? An Identifying Trade Marlc ?Illt F Bll THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, ONIO PAT OFFICE SURNAME INlTIAL TAB SOLD ?Y OWEN i. DUNN, NEN tERN, NORTN GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Yol. Page l. Scaffo?ding authorized while Courthouse being repaired. 7 20. 1953- 1? 438 .. 2. Courthouse work schedule announced for 40-hours per week from 8:30 to 5:30. 8 24 1953 1?1 448 3. Bids received for two boilers at Courthouse, awarded contract to Shaw Paint Co. 9 8 1953 1??. 452 4. Conserv?.tion and Development Dept. meeting set at Courthouse October 13th. 10 12 1953 l?l +59 5. Law Library auh?orized to use Civil Defense room at Courthouse. 10 19 1953_ :1.? 461 6. Coble Dairy Co. referred to Board of Health for m?lk license. l?' 2.? 1953. 11 467 7. Bids received for repair of Cour?house and tower. ? 11 30 1953. 11 468 8. Jones and ?Ienness of New Bern avaarded contract to repair Courthouse and tower. 12 7 1953. 11 472 9. Cour.thouse sign approved, lettering "New Hanover County Courthouse". 3 I I954 II +90 10. Letter received from State Archivist relative to seperation of records in Courthouse. 3 1 1954 11 +90 11. Courthouse au?horized decoration for Azalea Festival. 3 15 1954 11 +93 12. Jones and Henness of New B?rn approved contract to repair Courthous?j and tower. 3 ,?2 1954 11 +95 13. State Dept. of Labor bill approved for Courth??.se boiler. 6 1 1954 17 517 14. State Dept. of Labor inspection certificate received on Cour_thouse boiler. 6 14 1954 11 517 15. No action taken on funds for Sorosis Museum in Courthouse. 6 ?8 1954 11 525 16. No objections to Lions Club Committee for the Bli?d installiY?g wall plug and despenser 8 30 1954 11- 539 at the Courthouse. 17. Air conditioning bids for the Courthouse tabled. ? 9 13 1954 1_l? 540 18. Switchboard for Courthouse discussed. 9 ;?0 1?54 l?. 542 19. Damages reported to Caurthouse roof. 10 L8 1954 11. 547 20. Damages reported to Courthouse roof and windows. 10 :?5 1954 11 548 21. Courthouse boiler report file?.. 12 6 1954 11 559 22. Courthouse boi_ler inspection payment?payment approved. 12 L3 1954 11 ?61 23. Catholic Laymen's Assoc obje?ted to movie "Banderilla" about Protestants in Spain. 1 :1_0 1955 11 567 24. Action postponed on Coia.rthouse ele?ator. 1 ?_7 1955 11 568 25. Action continued on Courthou.se air conditioning. 1 L7 1955 11 569 26. Col. R. L. Hill invited Commissioners to attend Corp. of Engineers program . 6 1_3 1955 11 ?05 27. Bid of C. W. Henness accepted for repairs to Courthouse roof. 6 L3 1955 11 ?05 28. Courtl?ouse appropriations held open pending survey of air conditioning cost. 7 :Ll 1955 11 ?13 29. Accident reported at Courthouse entrance to Carl B. Marshburn, referred to C, Attorn??o 7 L8 1955 11 ?14 30. Purchasing of coal supply referred to County Attorney. 7 ?5 1955 11 ?16 31o No action taken on Courthouse air condit?nning. 8 1 1955 11 ?19 32. Ideal Plumbing Co. bid referred to Chairman for removal of storage tank in Courthouse 8 l5 1955 11 ?23 boiler room and replace with another. ? 33. Damages to Courthouse roof reported. 8 l5 1955 ll ?25 34. Carolina Cut Stone Co. payment received for granite work at Courthouse entrance. 9 l2 1955 11 ?30 35. Authorized old boiler from Courthouse for County Home, new one purchased for Courthouse. 6 L9 1955 11 ?32 36. Civil Defen?e calls to be taken at the office of S.E.N.C.B.A. in Courthouse. 11 ?1 1955 !? 19 37. Bids for purchase of air conditioning unit discussed, no action taken. 12 5 1955 12 24 38. Payrri?rLt approved for wa?er heater at th?: Ccurthouse. 1 30 1956 12 39 39. Mon?thly report received. 2 6 1956 12 41 40. Authorized completing Courthouse parking. 6 Ll 1956 12 76 41. Authorized purchase of Iron Fireman Moder DL-75, installed by Springer Coal and Oil Co. 7 16 1956 12 83 42. Repairs to annex boiler pending receipts of bids. 7 L6 1956 12 83 43. Bids received for annex boiler, contract awarded to Id?al Plumbing Co. 7 30 1956 12 86 44. Authorized prison labor to complete Courthouse parking lot. 8 6 1956 12 88 H C t N C INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - N oun anover y, . ew . _ MATTER• Courth ouse - ae?. u, s. Counry Indezee Sinee 1888 ? TO 10C036 nam?s, Op?11 Yf COTT A•2 TA! INDE% PAT OFFICE L?'F.?? An Idcnti(Yins Trade Merk MItC E BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY. COLUMBUS. OHIO fURNAME INIiIAI TAB SOLD YY OWEN i. pUNN, NEII ?ERN, NORTN GROLINA ?' ?'? ' . NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUiE BOOK ` Month Day Year Vol. Page l,: Letter requesting air conditioning part of Courthouse, motion carried not at this time. 10 5 1956 12 101 2? Board declined offer to check Courthouse clock. ,? 1 7 1957 12 120 3t? Authorized bleachers at Courthouse for Azalea Festival. 1 7 1957 12 120 4.; Letter from Taylor Exterrninating Co. held in abeyance pending further investigation. 3 4 1957_ 12 131 5., Accepted offer from Mr. ?red W. Everett to decorator Courthouse for Azalea Festival. 3 25 1957 12 139 6.. Repo?t on air conditioning received, postponed for consideration. 5 6 1957 12 150 7:. Authorized Day-light saving time and changing of Courthouse clock. „ 5 13 1957 12 152 8?. C.P.L, agreement to furnish electrici.ty to Courthouse referred to County Attorney. 5 20 1957 12 153 .9.. Board to study cost of air conditioning -the Courtho?a.se. 5 27 1957 12 155 10. Authorized advertising for bids to air condition ?he Courthouse. 6 3 1957 12 157 11. Mr. Holton and Mro Mayhan to study bids for Courthouse air conditoning. 6 17 1957 12 160 12. Received bids for air conditioning the Courthouse, no action taken. 7 1 1957 12 164 13. Authorized Clerk to make rules and regulations for Courthouse parking. 7 15 1957 12 167 14. Contract for electricial work awarded to John E. Wood. 7 22 1957 12 168 15.. Contract for air conditioning awarded to Thrif-T-Stores. 7 22 1957 12 168 16., No objections to Carolina Power and Light Co. amending agreement for Courthouse. 8 19 1957 12 174 17.. Communication relative to Courthouse air conditioning referred to the Chairman. y y 'ly7% i2 i7u 18. Payment to Thrif-T?Stores held in abey?nce. ?9 9 1957 12 178 19.. Authorized partial payment to Henry Von Oesen and Associates, service rendered for 10 7 1957 12 185 Courthouse? air coxlditioning. 20., Authorized tax listers to list at Courthouse. 12 30 1957 12 206 21. Courthouse parking referred to County Attorney and Executive Secretary. 1 6 1958 12 207 22.. Otis Elevator Co. to in?tall counter-w?ight guards in Courthouse elevator. 2 3 1958 12 219 23. Air conditioning for other office? deferred. 5 5 1958 12 254 24. Courthouse clock referred to custodian. S 5 1958 12 255 25., Appreciation and report from Colonel Smith, Highway Patrol. 6 2 1958 12 264 26. Motion carried Ct?stodians responsible to Executive Secretary for Courthouse grounds. 6 16 1958 12 271 27., Messrs. C. Pope and I. Wright complained of noise and heat, requested air conditioning. 8 11 1958 12 290 28. Authorized Executive Secretary to secure bids for air conditioning, report back to Board. 8 11 1958 12 290 29. Bid to repair Courthouse awarded to Hanover Iron Works, Secretary to have work done. 9 8 1958 12 299 30. Executive Sec. to 2nspect Courthouse roof and report back to Board. 9 29 1958 12 309 31• Board adepted ordinance for Courthouse parking, Sec. to draw recommendations. 9 29 1958 12 309 32. Report of Court?zo??se damages, to be corrected b3? cust?dians. 10 13 1958 I2 3T6 33,, Letter from Carolina Power & Light Go. pertainin; to utility rates. 11 3 1958 12 322 34. Contract for Lepair work at Courthouse awarded to lo??est bidder with clauses. 11 10 1958 12 328 35. Authorized Saturday shoppers to par? at Courthouse. (December only), . 12 1 1958 12 338 36. Authorized the purchase of additional chairs for th? Courthouse. 1 5 1959 12 356 37. M-rs Evelyn M. Foster approved for Courthouse Not?ry. , 1 5 1959 12 356 38. Executive Secretary to present list of rules and regulations.for Courthouse parking. 1 5 1959 12 357 39. Received rules and regulations for Courthouse parking, a?ce?ted for study. 1 12 1959 12 359 40._ Meeting to discuss air conditioning two rooms of Courthouse. 1 19 1959 '12 361 4??. Report of bad septic tank in parking area of Courthouse. 1 19 1959 12 362 42. Report on cost of proposed air conditioning, taken for study. 1 26 1959 12 363 43. Automatic electrical door for parking lot discussed> 1 26 1959 12 365 44. Board adopted rules and regulations for Courthouse parking with stipulations. 1 26 1959 12 366 45. Bid. for septic tank awarded to Hyman Supply Co. 1 26 1959 12 366 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MiNUTES - N H t C N C AT T anover oun ?, ew . . _ M i R Court house - Rec. u. s. Counry Indezee Since 1888 ? TO IOW?Y A011»f. Optt1 Ot COTT A-2 iAl INDEX vAr OFFICE C.?i??Ca?+ An ldentifying Trade Mark M16C E Bll THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, DHIO fURKAME INITIAL TAB SOLD ?Y OIIEN i. pUNN, NEII /ERN, XORTN CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS " DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Mr. Rhoda Farrow considered for ir?stalling septic tank. 1 26 1959 12 366 2. Parking regulations at Courthouse apply only during office hours. 2 16 1959. 12 381 „ 3. Authorized bleachers to be placed at the Courthouse for Azalea Festival. _ 3 9 1959 12 394 _ 4. Building expansion proposal taken for consideration. ._ 4 20 1959_. 12 420 .. 5. Attorneys requeste d air conditioning for Courthouse, informed under consideration. 7 6 1959 12 457 6. Authorized additional bid for air conditioning Co?irthouse. _ 7 18 1959_ 12 466 7. Motion received no second regarding Courthouse bulletin board. 7 20 1959 12 470 8. Letter received with estimates for air conditioning Cr??.?rthouse. _ 8 3 1959, 12 480 .. 9. Appropriated $4,6d0 from original $I6,000 for air conditioning. S I2 I959 I2 485 10. Architect Donald H. Hines to advertise for bids for remodeling Courthouse. 9 21 1959 12 497 11. Electrical service panel of 600 amps not adequate for air conditioning, Von Oesen to b? ° 21 7_?359 12 497 present at next meeting. 12. Discussion of needs before air conditioning to be installed, agreeded on unit system. 10 5 1959 12 500 _ 13. Authori?ed advertising for bids to repair second floor exterior. 10 19 1959 12 507 14. Mr. Oesen presented plans for partial air conditioning power load to be investigated. 11 2 1959 12 509 15. Sheriff Millis, Sec. Houck and Attorney Hill appointed to study Firearms Control. 11 2 1959 12 511 16. Progress report on Courthou5e ?e?a.irs, c?lor ?f paint lef? to Chairman ar?u ?ecretary. 11 2 1959 12 511 17. Courthouse wiring report received from Mr. Von Oesen. 11 16 I959 IZ 4I3 18. Attthorized advert?sing for bids and to proceed with plans to air condition the Courthouse ?ll 16 1959 12 '?14 19. Received bids for painting the exterior woodwork, awarded contract to Mr. L. N. Poirer 11 16 1959 12 514 with use of prison labor and Secretary to supervise. 20. Received a proposed Firearm Control Ordinance, to be published for public awareness. 11 16 1959 12 515 21. Motion carried to remove parking reservations and issue permits for Courthouse yard. 11 16 1959 12 516 22. Accepted a revised cc?py of the Firearms Ordinance f??r study. _12 7 1959 12 519 23. Authorized and appropriated $?.000.00 for Courthouse trim. 12 7 1959 12 522 24. Proposed plan for air conditioning tabled for study until January 4, 1960. 12 21 1959 12 S23 25. County Firearms Ordinance discussion postponed for January 4, 1960. 12 21 1959 12 525 26. Reserve parking f?.r visiting Superior Judge placed on agenda. 1 4 1960 12 532 27. A?tion delayed on Firearms Ordinance. 1 4 1960 12 532 28• Authorized Mr. H. V. Oesen to proceed with pTan to revonate heating and cooling system 1 4 1960 12 533 of Courthouse and to advertise for bids. 29. Received elevator inspe ction report with recommendations, cost to be secured. 1 18 19?t3 12 536 30. Sale, rent or purchase prope?cty ad jac.en? to Courthouse takeurl for stud?r. 2 1 1960 12 542 31. Elevator report received, work not necessary for safety. 2 1 1960 12 5?+2 32. Approved $50.00 for decor?.tin?,?Courthouse for Azalea Festival. 3 7 1960 12 548 33. Approved ?leachers for Courthouse during Azalea Festival, if Committee provide Ins. 3 14 1960 12 552 34. -.l?pproved $2700.00 from Gen. Funds to Courthouse repairs. 4 4 1960 12 552 35. Received bids for heating and air conditioning, delayed adwarding contract until 4-19-60. 4 4 1960 12 561 36. Received Bond order for heating and air conditioning. 4 18 1960 12 565 37. Chairman authorized to execute the easement and right of w?y for power poles in yard. S 2 1960 12 569 38. Motion carried not to issue Courthouse Bond order at this time. 5 16 1960 12 573 39. Counterweight guard for Courthouse elevator tabled for later. 5 16 1960 12 574 40. Approved request for siren from sheriff's car to be donated to Myrtle Grove Volunteer 5 16 1960 12 574 Fire Department. 41. Engineer's ir?voice delayed for more members to be present. 7 5 1960 12 583 42. Budget meeting, air conditioning to be deleted, approved payment of $2,952.15 to 1??r. 7 15 1960 12 591 Henry V. Oesen. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ ry?pTTER: Courthotzse - To IocaN namts, o COTi A•2 TAB INDEX aec. u. s. County Indezee Since 1888 ? pen at e?r OFFICE C^?? An IdentiEying Trade Merk SURIIAME INlTIAL 'lAB MI?C E BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLQ ?T OWEN i. pUNN, NEII RFRU, NORTH GROLINA ?i+ DATE MINUTE BOOK = NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ; Month Day Year Vol. Page 4„ :? .. ., l?, County to assum?, no responsibility for employees parking in Courthouse yard. 9 2;? Authorized transferring funds from Courthouse repai'rs to Jail repairs for toilet needso_ ?,.? 3? Bids receivec"t for toilet falicities, awarded to Herring Plumbing Co. . 9 4? Authorized installing auxilliary panel for additional power, funds from Courthouse. : 9 5. Appropriated $1350 for dog catcher's truck equipment. 11 6; Authorized work on elevator to l?e done under service contract. 1 7, Approved request for bleachers at the Courthouse. 3 8. Approved transfer within. budget to purchase a lawn mower. . 3 9. Approved transfer of $150. from Courthou.se repairs to Jail repairs. 4 10. Received report of insufficient po???er at Courthouse, no action taken. 6 11. Motion carried to re-wire Courthouse. 6 12? Received .revised specifications and plans for Courthouse power from County Electricial 7 Inspector. I3.. Approved right of way for Carolina Power and Light Co. 7 14,, Received electrical bids, contract awarded to A. B. Blake Electrical Co. 8 15,. Authorized electrical changes, appropriated $122.50 from repairs & maintenance. 12 16*. Arnold Pride Mintz, named o?tical Assistance custodian. 12 17,: Electrical work completed, City electrical ir.?pector to do future inspections. 1 18, Thank you letter to Otis Elevator Service for safety concern. 1 19. Approved decoration and bleachers a?. Caurthouse for Azalea Festival. 2 20, Autho.?ized space i_n Courthouse to be used as fall out shelter. 5 21. AuLr?orized securing bids for air conditioning Courthouse. 7 22.? Budget meeting, included $20,000 for Courthouse air conditioning. 7 23, Mr. John E. Wood, County Electri?al Inspector to ?roceed with plans to air condition. 8 24. Received air conditioning bids, contract awarded to Sneeden, Incorpration. 9 25., Henry V. Oesen and Associates to inspect air conditioning for specifications. 9 26,. Authorized tile for fioor in Courthouse corridor, prison labor to lay tile. 4 27.. Report of noise from air conditions, retainer fee held until repairs made. 4 28.. Courthouse tower clock contract awarded to Columbus Tower Clock Co. for repairs. 5 29., Air conditioning report and recotnmendations received, engineer to study fu?ther, 7 30. Authorized new tags for ezr?.ployees parking in Courthoi?se yard. 10 31. Elevator Guard Ol 32. Superior Courtroom Chairs 33. Decoration 34. Appropriation Repairs and Maintenance 35. Appropriation - Chairs, Superior Courtroom 36, Commissioners Room Alterations 3?; Commissioners Room Alterations 38+_ Building Improvement Recommendations. 39. Architect's Fee - Commissioner's Room 40. Furnace Room Ceiling 41. Copy Machine 42. Telephone Switchboard 43. Telephone system 44. Telephone 45. Painting 6 1960 12 6 1a60 12 6 1960 12 9 1960 12 7 1960. 12 3 1961 12 20 1961 12 20 1961. 12 4 I96I I2 S 1961 12 19 1961 12 17 1961 12 17 1961 12 21 1961 13 4 1961 13 18 1961 13 2 1962 13 15 1962 12 4 1962 12 14 1962 13 11 1962 13 18 1962 13 6 1962 13 4 1962 13 17 1962 13 1 1963 13 1 1963 13 20 I963 13 1 1963 13 21 19b3 13 20 1964 13 02 17 1964 13 03 16 ?964 13 04 04 Q6 1964 13 20 1964 13 09 08 1964 13 11 16 1964 13 12 07 1964 13 O1 04 1965 13 Ol 04 1965 13 02 15 1965 13 02 15 1965 13 03 O1 1965 13 04 05 1965 13 04 20 1965 13 606 607 608 625 625 640 657 657 662 685 688 698 700 Il 39 51 54 61 87 102 128 134 140 144 150 201 202 217 226 262 284 294 305 309 319 369 396 403 416 418 438 439 442 458 469 INDEX TO COMMI?SIOI?ERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? N. C. COURTHOUSE MU C , _ JE T ` xso. u. s. ? ` County lndezea Since 1888 ? TO IoCQN nY7nls? O?NA Ct COi7 A-2 TA? IMDEX -? ?J'- ? v?r OFFICE C?CcF?//71?(,a-? tAn ldentifying Trade Mark SURIiAME lNITlAL tAi MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OH10 SOLD iY OIYEN 1. oUNN, NEw fERN, NORTH GROLtNA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUfE BOOK ' Month Day Year Yol. Page 1. Painting 06 07 1965 13 ?85 2. Boiler Inspections 06 23 1965 13 l94 3. Remodeling 07 26 1965 13 >08 4. Remodeling entrance 08 16 1965 13 il5 5. Painting p8 16 1965 13 i14 6. Additional Courtroom 09 07 1965 13 i19 7. Boiler 10 04 1965 13 >29 8. Appropriation - Courthouse Repairs 10 18 1965 13 i37 9. Parking lot 02 20 1967 14 32 10. Courtroom renovation report 05 O5 1967 14 57 11. Courtroom remodeling 05 15 1967 14 62 12. Office Space for warrant writers 07 03 1967 14 74 13. Additional space for warrant writers 08 07 1967 14 82 14. Discussion of courtrooms 08 28 1967 14 85 15. Court room plasn 11 20 1967 14 112 16. Review plans for courtroom additions 12 04 1967 14 120 17. Garden club planting of trees 02 16 1968 14 147 18. Ladies lounge 03 04 1968 14 155 19. State probation officer request for air conditioning 04 O1 I968 I4 172 20. Renovation 04 16 1968 14 174 21. Personnel seeking public office 05 20 1968 14 187 22. Office of military police in basement 05 06 1968 14 186 23. Report on Renovation 05 06 1968 14 184 24. Bid Opening renovation 06 28 1968 14 210 25. Bid opening for air-conditioning and plumbing 07 08 1968 14 217 26. Renovation of 07 O1 1968 14 2I1 27. Renovation 07 15 1968 14 223 28. Decorating 07 11 1968 14 221 29. Court of justice 07 I5 1968 14 226 30. Auxiliary courtrooms in schools 08 19 1968 14 238 31. Renovation of courtrooms 08 05 1968 14 235 32. Renovation contracts 08 05 1968 14 232 33. Oxenfield and Newkirk Bill 08 05 1968 14 232 34. Court reporter request 08 19 1968 14 237 35. Courthouse stairways 08 19 1968 14 238 36. Space for district solicitor 08 19 1968 14 239 37. Courtroom renovation-Mr. Oxenfield 09 16 1968 14 247 38. Authorization to execute contracts for renovation of 09 03 1968 14 244 39. Courtxoom furnishings 10 21 1968 14 262 40. Bills for renovation 1 0 07 1968 14 252 41. Bid Opening for additional renovations 10 08 1968 14 255 42. Approval additional work 10 07 1968 14 252 43. Social service request to use M. P. Space in 10 21 1968 14 256 44. Sale of bonds for renovation 10 21 1968 14 256 45. Courtroom furnishings 11 18 1968 14 269 46. Appropriation for architect fees-courtrooms 11 04 1968 14 266 ver Count N n C H INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - N COURTHOUSE ? ?, . . a o ew _ S U JECT - xe?. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 ? To bCON oa1Mf? opNl Ot rk d M Id T (???? A i[ 'i COTT A-2 TA! INpEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX (OMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO a ra e n ent ns 1 v?r OfFICE fURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLD ?T OYIEN {. YYNN, N EA tERN, NORTN GROL INA ,? DATE MINOTE BOOK ?? ?; NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page l; Judge Tillery's rec{uest moving office 11 18 1968 14 269 2Y, Space formerly occupied by Military Police 11 04 1968 14 265 3« Change order, Judges' charis 12 02 1968 14 276 4: Change order, furnishing courtroom 12 02 1968 14 276 5j Telephones 12 16 1968 14 283 6i. Air Conditioning Judges' chambers 05 05 1969 14 330 7. Elevator 05 05 1969 14 330 8. Air Conditioning Judges' Chambers O5 19 1969 14 335 9. Elevator 05 19 1969 14 335 10. Temporary employment of elevator mechanic 06 03 1969 14 338 11. Renovation 07 17 1969 14 374 12. Location of fire alarms 08 04 1969 14 377 13, Audit Report, Superior and Recorder's Court Offices 04 08 1969 14 S11 14. Court of Justice budget Oi 16 1969 14 370 15. Rescind Action to relocate Judges' secretary 07 i6 1969 14 370 16. Recommendations of Planning Department concerning space 09 15 1969 14 389 17. Moving Plan 11 03 1969 14 406 18: Progress report on renovation 02 03 1970 14 444 19? Elevator - Additional funds for 03 16 1970 14 453 20. Trash collection 03 16 1970 14 453 21. Renovation - funds for 03 16 1970 14 454 22. Sound-Reinforcing System-Superior Court 06 07 1971 14 650 23. Endorsement courthouse hours 06 07 1971 14 656 24; Clean-up fees for users of courtrooms after hours 06 07 1971 14 656 25. Appropriation for lights and power 04 04 1972 15 105 ` 26. Projects 02 02 1972 15 83 27, Plans on renovations to 03 06 1972 15 88 28. Renovations - recommendations on bids 04 04 1972 15 104 ' 29': Report on bids - renovation 04 17 1972 15 109 30, Repairs in superior courtroom 04 17 1972 15 110 31. Renovation contracts 05 15 1972 15 130 32. Bid opening - courtroom furniture 07 17 1972 15 187 33. Relocation 250 KW Generator to 08 21 1972 15 203 34. Judge Wells' letter on cleanliness of Ol l.5 1973 15 314 35. Request from Baha'I Faith Church to use Superior Courtroom 02 05 1973 15 327 36. Repairs and renovations 02 19 1973 15 330 37. Transfer of funds 03 19 1973 15 :54-5 3$. Discussion of elevator 03 19 1973 15 358 39?. Transfer of Janitorial supplies 05 21 1973 15 421 4Q. Air conditioning problem 08 20 1973 15 470 41. Discussion of proposal for structural analysis of existing courthouse 12 17 I973 15 545 Approval of structural analysis for existing courthouse Ol 07 1974 15 553 42': 43. PResentation of painting of courthouse 05 06 1974 15 622 44. Request for offices for Juvenile Court counselors 12 16 1974 16 66 45. Approval contract - new boiler 08 25 1975 16 258 46: Use of Superior Courtroom for drama for Lower Cape Fear Arts Council 09 22 1975 16 273 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County T COURTHOUSE N. C. MAT , _ T R _ aec. u. s. County Inde=ee Since 1888 TO IOCib PAT OFi1CE ?? An Identifyin? TradeMazk ? SURNAY II?M?i. ?pM it t INITIAL 7A8 COiT A-I TA? INOE7I USN OHIO ? H E ? Y TT !N ?C PAN SOLD BY OW N G DUNN O N W BERN NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK ; Month Day Year Voi. Pnge '. 1. Permit to use courtrooms 04 04 1977 18 16 2. Revised permit to use courtrooms 04 18 1977 18 22 3. Democratic Party to use Superior Courtroom on Saturday 06 06 1977 18 46 4. Historic Preservation Grant for Courthouse repairs lI 07 1977 18 129 5. Budget Transfer - Superior Court - Furniture 12 18 1978 18 325 6. Recommendations for Courthouse space utilization 04 02 1979 18 380 7. Tabling of selection of architect to design plans for Courthouse 05 07 ].? 9 18 401 8. Selection of architect to design Courthouse renovation plans 05 21 1979 18 409 9. Adoption of Capita2 Project Ordinance for Courthouse Renavation 06 18 1979 18 429 10. Request for courtroom space in Law Enforcement Center 07 23 1979 18 445 11. Proposed architectural agreement for courthouse alternative 08 20 1979 18 462 12. Discussion of commissions on renovation 09 04 1979 18 473 13. Courthouse renovation project 09 17 1979 18 480 14. Budget Amendment - courthouse renovations 11 19 1979 18 512 15. Cultural Resources Grant for Cour?house study 12 O1 1980 18 724 16. Discussion on renovations to Courthouse 02 1_6 1981 18 768 ( 17. Discussion on renovations ta 4th floor courtroom 03 '?2 1981 18 778 18. Discussion on Courthouse Renovation proposals 05 18 1981 18 842 19. Request for update on Courthouse renovations 06 08 1981 18 860 20. Discussion on Courthouse Renovations 06 15 1981 18 865 21. Appointment of Architect for Courthouse Renovation Project 07 07 198I 18 888 22. Contract with Garner-Yelverton Architects for Courthouse Renovation Project 08 03 1981 18 898 23. Courthouse Renovation - Garner & Yelverton presentation 09 20 1982 19 157 24. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- N H C t N C M r _ anover ew oun g, . . _ U JE T Jail Commit tee - nec. u. s. County Indexea Since 1888 ? TO Io?Ot? namts. Op?11 Ct COTT A-2 TA? INpEX v?T o?vice ?,?,??? Anldentifyin8 Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TA6 MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY. COLUMBUS. OH10 SOLD lY OWEN i. DUNN, NEN ?ERN, NORTN GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUT E BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page , l. Received report from Courthouse ?ommittee on contract awarded for repairs. 10 6 1913 7• 316 2. Courthouse and Jail Committee; Mr. Moore, Mr. Willard and Mr. Yopp. 4 19 1915 7 453 3. Courthouse and Jail Committee; Mr. Yopp, Mr. Kerr and Mr. Millon. 12 4 1916 7 598 4. Matters on repairs for the jail left to the Committee. 2 17 1917 7 611 5. Courthouse and Jail Committee: Mr. Yopp, r?Ir. Kerr and Mr. Millon. 12 3 1917 7 652 6. Courthouse and Jail Committee: Mr. W. E. Yopp, Mr. Adctison '-Iewlett and Mr. McGlaughon. 12 2 1918 8 26 7. Deposition of old cistern on courthouse property referred to committee. 4 7 1919 8 42 8. Request from C. S. Barne?t to use part of courthouse for a gasoline station referred. S 20 I919 8 54 9. Courthouse Committee to purchase filing case for records. 5 23 Igig 8 5? 10. Repairs in office of Associated Charities referred to committee. 11 3 1919 8 85 11. Repairs and painting of roof referred to committee. 11 3 1919 8 86 12. Courthouse Committee: W. E. Yopp, G. W. Trask and W. P. Glaughan. 12 1 1919 8 89 13. Courthouse Committee to invest?gate use of space in and around Courthouse. 1 5 1920 8 93 , 14. Location for sessions of Recorder's Court in Courthouse referred to Committee. 4 4 I920 8 105 15. Courthouse Committee to secure agreement with J. B. Cranmer to share expense in rebuild- 12 6 1920 8 1?,4 ing Courthouse wall. 16. Committee members: L?. E. Yopp, G. W. Trask and W. R. Dosher. i2 6 l??2v 8 134 17. Order of Judge F. A. Daniels to buy N. C. Reports from 63rd to current volume and 2 7 1921 8 145 Nichies Digest referred to Committee. . 18. Purchase of chairs for jury room referred to Committee. 4 4 1921 8 151 19. Request of jailer for screens for jail and l.arge sink referred to Committee. 6 6 1921 8 159 B 20. Board thanked Courthouse Committee for furnishing Commissioners with new quarters. 6 6 1921 8 159 21. Courthouse Committee and ?ecorder to decide on quarters for Recorders Court during winter.l0 3 1921 8 175 22. Courthouse Committee to receive bids to remodel Courthouse porch for use of Recorders 10 5 1921 8 177 _ Court. , 23. Matter t?f providing a toilet for lady employees referred to Committee. 11 22 1921 8 180 24. Courthouse and Jail Committee: W. E, Yopp, G. W. Trask and W. R. Dosher. 12 5 1921 8 182 25. Sheriff request for larger quarters for Social Service office referred to Committee. 8 7 1922 8 206 ? 26. Courthouse Committee to improve Courthouse gr?unds for use of public as a playground. 8 9 1922 8 208 27. Matt.?rs of installing storm doors at Courthouse referred to Committee. 12 4 1922 8 218 28. Courthouse and Jail Committee: W. E. Yopp, G. W. Trask and W. R. Dosher. 12 4 1922 8 219 29. Courthouse and Jail Committee: W. E. Yopp, G. W. Trask and W. R. Dosher. 12 3 1923 8 274 30. Request from W. A. Harriss for a private office referred to Committee. 2 25 1924 8 283 31. Repair of plunbing at Jail referred to Committee. 3 25 1924 8 288 ( 32. Courthouse Committee to repair Courthouse tower. 3 27 1924 8 288 33. Courthouse and Jail Committee: W. E. Yopp, W. R. Dosher and G. W. Trask. 12 1 1924 8 317 34. Matter of receptacles for flagpoles around Cour.thouse referred to Committee. 3 2 1925 8 331 35. Repairing and painting Courthouse roof referred to Committee. 3 2 1925 8 331 _ 36. Courthouse and Jail Committee: W. E. Yopp, G. W. Trask and W. R. Dosher. 12 7 1925 8 361 37. Request from Court Clerk Harris for a Committee to report on Courthouse conditions 2 l 1926 $ 371 referred to Committee. 38. Supplies for Jail and partition for Sheriff's Office°referred to Committee. 7 12 1926 8 398 39. Courthouse Committee to have wall around Courthouse repaired. 9 15 1926 8 398 40. Installing iron guard in jail referred to Committee. 3 29 1927 8 432 41. Courthouse Committee and Chairman authorized to provide metal enclosure or guard at 5 24 1927 8 443 stairway near jailer's quafters. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. _ Mpg,?ECTJailllCommittee - aec. u. s. County Indexea Since 188$ ? t0 IOCOfII natn?s? optn af COTT A-I TM IMOEX PAT OFFICE C?E?? An Identi[1'in8 Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY. COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD ?T OWEN A GUNN, NEN /ERN, NORTN GROLINA ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS , DATE MINUTE BOOK ?. Month Day Year Vol. Pnge l. Request to use Courthouse for Spanish War Veterans meeting reterred to Committee. 2. Purchase of two typewriters for Register of Deeds referred to Committee. 3. Purchase of typewriter chairs referred to Committee. 4. Back tax records and appointment of committee, received fram auditor, referred to Committee . S. Courthouse Committee authorized to purchase building material. 6. Courthouse Committee to correct lighting in Register of Deeds office. 7. Building vestible at courthouse referred to Committee. 8. Courthouse Committee recommendation's approved on vestible. 9. Courthouse Committee authorized to clean Courthouse grounds, 10. Courthouse repairs referred to Committee. 11. Courthouse boiler referred to Committee. 12. Placing flag atop Courthouse referred to Committee. 13. Painting of courthouse referred to Committee. 14. Heating of Courthouse referred to Committee. 15. Sketch of flagpole at courthouse referred to Committee. 16. Courthouse Committee authorized to replace flagpole. 17. Venetian blinds £or Courthouse ref?rred to Committee. 18. Contract for Federal prisoners and detainees at County Jail renewed. 19. Request concerning air conditioning tabled until budget making time. 11 1 1927 8 468 3 20 1927 8 494 5 15 1927 8 509 11 23 1931 9 139 2 28 1938 9 569 10 31 1938 10 21 1 2 1940 10 104 1 8 1940 10 105 3 24 1941 10 190 3 15 1943 10 321 11 5 1945 lp 465 6 28 1948 11 34. 12 13 1948 11 62 12 20 1948 11 63 1 17 1949 11 67 2 28 1949 11 98 2 11 1952 11 317 4 24 1956 12 64 5 21 1956 12 70 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER: COURT OFFICERS 4 ?eo. u. s. County Indexes Since 1888 {y, ? To locats names, open at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX ?AT oFC?cs ?st?:?a? An IdentiEying Trade Merk ?)?? SURNAM6 INITIAL TAB MADE BY iNE COTi INOEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROtEEDINGS l. Charges from William Moc?re as attendant at Court received. 2.? Charges from William Moore as attendant at Court opposed. 3.? Charges from Joseph Hill as attendant at Court received. 4. Bill from G,H. Denmark approved. 5.M Bill from G.H. Denmark approved. ? ? 6.? Bills from W. Merrick, D. Davis, J.H. Gratzen, S. Denmark, Alex Bryan, and B.J. Jacobs approved. ? 7.; Charges of attendants at Court from S. Nash, J. Petterson, A.V. Horrell, G.P. Rouke, R,S. Sellars and ;? John Harriss approved. z< 8.`i Approved charge of A,R, Ttzomas as attendant at Court. 9.;, Elkanah Allen's bill as officer of Special Court approved. 10.;; Bill from A,R. Thomas as attendant at Superior Court approved. 11.:: Approved bi11 of Owen Burney as officer of Court. ; 12.;; Approved bill of A,V. Horrell as special officer of Court. 133;? Approved bill of Sol. W. Wash as special officer of Court. ?i 14.,; Approved bill of Stephen Walcott as officer of Court. 15 . ', F Approved bills of J. Hill and E. Allen as officers of Court. 16.;; Approved bill of L.H. Sanders as special officer. ? 17.;; Approved biZl of R.S. Sellars as officer of Court. i$ 18.„; Officers of Superior Court: Mingo Hill, George Jackson, So1. Nash, Elkanah Allen and William Moore. ;? 19.,? Bill of S.B. Cherry referred to James Wilson. 20.;? Bills as officers of Court from R,S, Sellars, E. Al1en, J. Highsmith and Mingo Hill approved. ? 21.k? Fee from N. Carr approved. F; 22.;3 Officer's fee for Mr. Cherry approved. 23.; Bill from Charles Willes as officer of Superior Court approved. :" 24.;? Approved officer's cost from N. Carr, R.S. Sellars, B.N. Gungamus, and J.H. Brown. !? 25.!?Treasurer not to pay any officer tickets of the late Board unless they have Seal of Board on them. 26.!:3Elkanah AIIen's ticket approved as an officer of Court. ,i 27.';jTickets for officers of Court approved. i 28.;?Officers fees approved for E. McQuigg, W. Merrick, and T. Gardner. 29.;?Board will not pay cost for misdemeanors, officers must bill Township where offense committed. ;? 30.;?0£ficers'fees billed by R.S, Sellers, N. Carr, Delaware Nixon, A.V. Horrell and E. Allen. ;? ?? 31.;;Officers'fees approved for William Moore, A.V. Horrell, and E. Allen. 32.;?Officers?fees approved for A.V. Horrell and J,W. Hawkins. 33.,;Officers•fees not allowed A.V. Horrell, John Surratt, and J. Hill. ; ., 34.:?Officers'costs approved for R.B. Wood and N. Carr. 35.;?Officers?costs approved for W. Thurber, J. Hi11, S. Holden, John Be11, Jasper Bishop, I.W. Hawkins and H.M. Bishop. B 36.;aGeorge Jacksan's ticket for officer of Court approved. ;i 37. ??Officer's costs from I. Brown and A. Horrell approved. 38. ?Numerous officers"fees approved. 39.? Fees approved for officers James Brown, W.J. Bivins, George Flack and W. Gerken. 40.;?Fees approved for officers E. McQuigg, J. Hill, W. Gerken, and W,J. Bivi.ns. F 41.R Fees approved for officers William Moore and William McLaurin. i 42.f.?Fees approved for officers John Surratt, D.P. Foster, and J,W, Schenck, Jr. 6? 43.E Bill from W.L, Rivexhank for officers fee approved. 44. BiZ1s approved for John Bel1 and Stacy Van Amringe for officers' cost. ?' DATE ? Month ? Day ? Year ; °; 11 ?S ? 07 1868 _° 11 w? ; 13 1868 ; ?r 11 s? 13 1868 ?,; 11 14 1868 ?? 11 21 1868 11 12 r} O1 O1 ,: 03 OS 05 05 05 ;, 0 7 08 11 Y' ; 0Z ;, 05 ., 06 ; 06 06 ?' 07 ,; 08 ?, 10 ;? 10 10 P? 12 ;, 0 2 ' 02 ,, 03 ?, 04 : 06 ?, 07 , 07 08 ; 09 IO ' 11 ?_ O1 ? O1 ;; 0 2 ?: 10 E; 1 Z 3; i 28 1868 ! z2 1g6s?) p5 ;s ;a ?8 `? 07 1869? 19 1869 ?? 04 1869 ;; 4j 11 zs69;? 11 1869;? 11 1869 r? ?Y 11 1869;? R. ?; 07 1869?? ?? , 03 1869Ey ?? 02 1869?? ?? i.?a 08 1870Fy a? 05 1870? ? 08 1870;? ?? 09 1870? 11 1870?? ?? 05 1870?? 30 1870 k 13 Z870 :i tb ?' 13 1870 [j ;? y 22 1870 `? ?,I RP 09 Z870 ?( 06 1871 06 1871 06 1871. 05 1871 ?6 s? ?2 1C771 ;! s 05 1871;? ? 05 1871(? ?, F ;? ?? LLv` ? iC ?t 06 1871`? ,? 02 1871{ 07 1871rp 02 1872?? ,?? 08 1872?N ;R 05 1872?j , ?: 07 1872? 04 Z872 MtNUTE BOOK P Vol. I Page I 1 101 1 108 1 108 1 118 1 124- 1 132 1 145 1 158 ? 1 166 1 194 ' 1 229 1 229 1 230 1 235 1 278 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 328 338 405 438 444 446 448 451 474 35 35 Z 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 77 99 12I 124 130 143 171 181 184 208 221 227 241 278 283 289 380 389 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER: COURT OFFICERS ` Rea. u. s. ,?`'- County Indezee Sinee 1888 ? 7'0 loeats names, open at COTT p-2 TAB INDEX ??r OFFICE ???C.6-?" An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMYANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS '' DATE k? MINUTE BOOK ? F;? Month I Day I Year t; VoL I Page ; i? y R i i 1. Bill from William Harriss for officer's fee approved. 12 02 1872'?? 2 406 4 tl 2. Bills ap?proved from Jesse Cassidy, J.B. McPherson, and R.L, Sellers for officers' fees. Ol 06 1873s? 2 420 `?' ? 3. Bill from W.L. Rivenbark for officer's fees approved. , 03 . 03 1873:'„ ?„ 3 33 ? 4. Officer's cost from Thomas Gardnier approved. 05 ?? 06 1873i? .? 3 66 `'? ?; 5. Bills from E.S. Woodford, W.L. Rivenbark, R.S. Sellars and Nicholas Carr for officers' fees granted. 06 02 1873'? 3 75 ?y e, 6. Bill from William Bagley for officer's cost approved. 08 .. 23 1873? ?? 3 104 s? ?? 7. Bill of William Thorp for officer's fee approved. 03 •? 02 1874.'? 3 189 !' 6i 8. Fee of S.P. Swain as officer not collected. ` 09 05 1874a 3 244 ' , 9.? Tickets for officers of court approved. „ 02 02 1875, :? 3 300 ,: 10.?? ?! Officers of Court to receive $1.00 per day except for officers in charge of guard and petty juries who „ 03 27 1876 3 423 ?? „ receive $1.50. :? 11.;? Minutes of previous meeting changed to read that all officers of Court will receive $1.50 per day. ?? 04 03 1876, 3 424 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATTER: CRIMINAL COURT ` ¦ec. u. s. County Inaezee Since I888 ?? ?.?-? To locate names, opsn at COTT A•2 TAB INDEX rer OFFICE ?.???5-? An ldentifvins Trade Marlc ?_8 SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE (OTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G DUNN NEW BERN NORTH CAROLINA ? .. NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS 1. Filed claim of Judge O.P. Means as Judge of Criminal Court. 2.; Bill from Edward Cantwell for services as Judge of Criminal Court approved. 09 10 3. Claim of Judge Means as late Judge of Criminal Court not allowed. 4; 02 4. ? Jurors for first term of Criminal Court selected. ?? 03 5. P ; Committee to make suitable arrangements for an office for use of Clerk of•Criminal Court. 3? ? ?? 04 6. } Clerk of Criminal Court to purchase necessary furniture and stationary for use in his office. r q< 7, 04 7. ??Purchases of Clerk for his office subject to approval of Judge of Criminal Court. ?? :. 04 ?j .? {: 8. ?Bill from J.W. Dunham as Clerk of Criminal Court approved, pages 592 and 595 !: ss 08 9. , ? Bill from O.P. Means for Judge's fee of Criminal Court approved. ; 08 10. 'Fee of Clerk J.W. Dunham approved. ' 11 11. ;Inquiry to be made into Grand Jury indictment against Commissioner Holmes during last term of Crimin al Ct. 12 12. Bil1 from John W. Dunham as Clerk of Criminal Court approved. ; 12 13. =sReport from Grand Jury of Criminal Court on Poor House and Insane Department referred to Poor House Comm. O1 14. h;Report from Clerk of Criminal Court on number of seals affixed from July, 1877 to Jan.,1878 referred ,y to O1 the Finance Committee. ?i 15. ? „ Committee to confer with Judge Means relative to proper construction of Sec. 6 of Machinery Act and Sec. 2 a 06 ? ? of Revenue Act and matter of po11 tax. ?? , 16. ?Indictment against John Garrell to be presented at next term of Criminal Court. , 09 17. Sa0rder on indictment against Mr. Garrell reconsidered and left to next meeting. ?; 09 18. ?YJohn Garrell made a statement relative to report of Grand Jury of Criminal Court, matter to be left open ? 09 ;?i until after Wednesday. ?` Z9. ; 20. 21. 22' 23. 24 . 25. 26. ? 27. 28. IStatement of Criminal Court against Poor House and Work House management. I?Resolved that terms of Criminal Court and Superior Court are sufficient to dispose of County civil and I criminal cases. IBoard resolved that Criminal Court is necessary to County and should not be abolished. '?Judge Means gave notice that an extra term of Criminal Court will be held. ;Annual report from Clerk of Criminal Court found correct. Board stated Criminal Court administers law for much less expense than Superior Court. i ;Board to use all means to defeat efforts to repeal the law establishing the Criminal Court. iLetter from Clerk of Criminal Court enclosing a copy of order from Judge O.P. Means convening a special term of Crimina? Court. ;Certified statement from Clerk John W. Dunham that copy of Judge Means` order is correct. ;Annual report ?rom Clerlc of Criminal Court John Dunham submitted. 29. :,Prosecuting officer of Criminal Court received complaints on condition of landing of Hilton Ferry. 30. ;O.G. Parsley to be notified of above action. 31. ,:?Clerk's office of Criminal Court to be furnished with one ton of coal by County for winter's supply. 32. ?Board to request General Assembly to pass an act similar to act relative to Jurors of Criminal Court for the Superior Court. 33. ??Board to request General Assembly to create a small criminal circuit of five counties. 34. ?;Bond of Criminal Court Clerk , rlajor John W. Dunham, approved. ; 35. ;?Bond of John Dunham approved as Clerk of Criminal Court. 36. f;Office of Clerk of Criminal Court and Grand Jury room switched. ,, 11 '4 12 ?'; 02 05 ,? 12 03 ;, 03 f, ?' 05 !: , OS O1 03 „ 03 11 Ol ?• 02 04 12 v ` 07 37. r?Bond of Clerk o?-Criminal Court, John W. Dunham, approved. 12 38. y;Board to request General Assembly not to pass an act making salary of Solicitor of Criminal Court fixed. , 02 :,s ` Y8 39. }3Board to request General Assembly to leave marnrn.er of paying Solicitor of Criminal Court up to Commissioners,? 02 40. GSolicitor of Criminal Court to be paid $100 a month in lieu of fees and allowances, as rulec? by Gen. Assem:,, 03 w F ?? 'sF ? ? ? DATE ? MINUTE BOOK ? Month ? Day I Year Vol. I Page 07 1868 07 18685 18 1869 17 1877 02 1877 ? 02 1877 ? 02 1877 ? !? 11 1877 ?I ? ?? 11 1877 ?? s, 06 1877 ' S' ?? 1077 i! is is?? ?;; 07 1878 ;: r= I.q 07 1878 :? 25 1878?. 1 37 1 64 1 186 3 535 3 536 3 536 3 536 3 592 3 600 3 646 `? ! ? 3 658 ?? il 3 669 ;? ?4 3 679 `? 3 679 ? ? 3 732 04 1878: 04 1878 ?? ?q 07 1878;? ? r rp E? 14 1878 k? ? 27 1878 ?? ;? k! 17 1879'i 05 1879?? t' 15 1879 ?? Ol 1880,? ; , O1 1880 ;j 03 1880 r? ?? ? E:ti , 03 1880?? ?? 03 1881,?? , 06 1882?? 06 1882 °. '? 05 1883 ;? 05 1885 ri 02 1885 `; 06 1885;? 07 1885; r 05 1886? 06 1886" 21 1887 ?' 22 1887 ;? ?F 07 1887 F? ? 3 745 3 745 3 746 3 4 777 9 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 22 71 139 181 181 189 190 I 26I '? 363 363 505 602 ? 4 606 4 620 4 663 4 724 4 758 4 781 ? 4 781 4 793 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATTER: CRIMINAL COURT nco. u. s. County Indezea $ince 1888 ?}, ?:?-- To locate names, open at COii A-2 iA8 INDEX r?r OFFICE ?? An Identifying Trade Mark ?g SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA .. r. I NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS '? DATE ? -? Month I Day I Year .a ki t4 ? i 1. Charles Daniels convicted of larceny_ in Criminal Court and sentenced to three years. ,? 04 04 1887 " ., ;? E? 2. Charles Daniels farmed out to James Elden for three years. ? 04 04 1887 ;? 3. Bond of?Clerk of Criminal Court, John W. Dunham, approved, ,; 1'L 4. Annual report from Clerk John Dunham submitted showing money collected as Solicitor's fees. 4, 12 5. Clerk of Criminal Court, John Dunham, allowed more time to file his bond due to illness. ;; 12 6. Clerk Dunham allowed more time to file his bond due to illness. e 12 7. Clerk Dunham given more time to file b ond due to physical disability. :, 12 8. Clerk Dunham given more time to file his bnnd due to physical disabiltiy. , Ol 9.? William French presented his com?rcission frorri Governor Fosa? as Clerk to Criminal Court and his bond approved 03 10.r W.R. French granted permission to use Grand Jury room as his office. . 03 11.; i s 12.; 13. ? 14.i 15.I 16. , Clerk of Criminal Court given more time to present his bond. I, Bond approved for Clerk of Criminal Court W.R. French. Annual report from Clerk W.R. French on money he collected for fines. Clerk French given more time to file his bond since one of his bondsmen is out of town. I,' Bond of Clerk of Criminal Court, W.R. French, approved. i Miss Estelle Shrier elected Court Stenographer for Criminal Court. 17.?? Clerk of Criminal Court given more time to file his bond. 4 i 18.? Bond of W.R. French, Clerk of Criminal Corut, approved. 19.? Chairman reported on money collected from Sheriff of Brunswick County due £rom case of State vs. Bryant ? Carroll tried in this Criminal Court. 20.I Clerk French reported no funds collected for 1889. R 21.?? Report from W.R. I'rench, Criminal Court Clerk, on fine collected in November term. i 22. Bond approved for W.R. French as Clerk to Criminal Court. 23.? Bond of W.R. French as Clerk of Criminal Court approved. 24. Solicitor B.R. Moore of Criminal Court to assist Solicitor O.H. Allen of Superior Court in prosecuting case of State vs. J.C. Davis. '25.?? Annual report from Clerk of Court, W.R. French, submitted. ?s 26. Bond of Criminal Court Clerk-elect, W.R. French, approved. 27. Report from Clerk of Criminal Court, W.R. French, on Grand Jury's May term of Criminal Court. 28.' Report submitted from Criminal Court Clerk, W.R. French, on fines collected by him. 29. Mr. French given more time to have his bondsmen justify before Clerk of Superior Court. ?0. Letter from State Treasurer Worth stating County would have to bear cost of extra term of Criminal Court. 31. Clerk French submitted his annual report. 32. Commissioner Barry to consult with Attorney, Solicitor and Clerk of Criminal Court relative to Board's duties to Criminal Court. 33.?i Commissioner Barry reported he had consulted with Attorney and Criminal Court Clerk. g 34. Solicitor stated when a regular term of Criminal Court is held and when a special term could be held. 35.!? Board decided special term of Criminal Court unnecessary. O1 02 ,. 12 „ 12 , 12 ., 04 ., 12 .. 12 12 12 12 12 12 04 . 12 , 12 „ 06 12 . 12 07 12 05 1887 05 1887 ., MINUTE BOOK ? VoL I Page ?? S 5 1 5 1 5 53 5 54 03 1888 ,? 5 10 1888 ?y 5 17 1888 ? 5 07 1889 i 5 04 1889 q? 5 04 1889 5 Ol 1894 __ 5 05 1894 ,, 5 03 1894 ,. 5 03 1894 .?; 5 10 1894 `„ 5 05 1897 ;; 5 02 1889 u, 5 09 1889 .: 5 09 1889 ?A 5 09 1889 a 5 08 1890 5 08 1890 5 07 1891 ,; 5 04 1892 '?? 5 05 1892 ,; 5 05 1892 r' S 05 1893 5 04 1893 .: 5 04 1893 „ 5 07 1897 6 13 1897 6 07 26 1898 ,; 6 120 123 129 131 150 „ 151 „ 539 543 594 ; 594 , 601 ;, 790 ; 204 ,. 205 ;; 206 ?F N, 206 286 286 367 ? 411 453 455 „ 501 - y 532 ;; 532 ,; 21 ' 66 155 :, 08 Ol 1898 6 170 ;, _ 08 Ol 1898 ; 6 170 „ 08 O1 1898 „ .? 6 170 ; p: