D Index to Minutes July 15, 1868INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER: Aec. u. s. County Indues Since ?888 ? To loeat? nam?s, O?Il11 qf PAT OFFIGE ?L?.? An Identifying Trade Mark SUQNAME INITIAL iA6 NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS l. Comm. Gottovi was unanimously reappointed to Dare Board of Directors 2. DARE _ COTT A TO 2 TAB INDEX M?DE ?Y TNE COTT INGEX ?OMPANY, COLIIY6YS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. DATE MINUTE BOOK :k Month Day Year Vol. Pnge ?? ;i 06 02 1980 18 613 ? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER: DATA PR°?ESSING i aec. u, s. County Indezea Since 1888 ?? io loeate namas, OPBO O} COTT A TO Z TAB INDEX oer OFFIGE ?Jl1L?o?'i. An ldentifying Trade Mark MAGE ?Y TNE COTT INDEX CO?ANY? COLUqOS? OHIO SURNAME IHITIAL fAB SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. G NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK ': ? Month Day Year Vol. Page :! 1. Input/display terminals - Burroughs submitted only bid?- bid was accepted and Finance Officer auth. to sign. 02 2. Reclassification of Computer Operator 03 3. Purchase of Fixed Disk 10 4. Discussion with City of Wilmington on combined Data Processing System 03 5 t7pdate on Electronic Data Processing System 12 02 1981 18 755 16 1981 18 780 19 1981 18 940 15 1982 19 36 6 1982 19 196 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER: DEAF, DU? A? BLIND ` ¦Ea. u, s. County Indezes Since 1888 f1? ?e?-?-' To tocat? names, open at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX PAT oFricc ?t?? An [dentifyin? Ttade Mark ?+?.? SURNAME INITUL TAB MADE BY THE CQ7T INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G, DUNN NEW BERN NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? 1. Letter from W.J. Palmer about "Deaf, Dumb and Blind" approved. ' 2. Monthly allowance granted Harriet Faison, a deaf and dumb pauper. 3. Clerk to see to getting Dallas Page into Deaf, Dumb and Blind Asylum at Raleigh. 4. Letter from Asylum for Deaf, Dumb and Blind given to George Pagec i 5. ?Letter from John Nichols, Superintendent of Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institution filed. ? DATE MINUTE BOOK ?? Month I Day I Year Vol, Page ? 1 11 02 08 08 OS 13 1868 13 1871i 07 1871 14 1871 03 1875 03 1875 ? 02 1876 j P 02 1877 ? 06 1877 ?? 04 1878 :? ; 22 1878 " 07 1879 ;` ? 06 1878 '; Ea ? Ol 1902 ?; 1 108 2 126 2 197 6. Chairman to ascertain number of deaf and dumb in County. ?} 05 F, 7. ' Request from deaf and dumb boy to be sent to asylum at Raleigh referred to Chairman. ?? 10 8. ? ?Petition for assistance for blind boy and girl until they are sent to Raleigh granted. %i ?? 07 9. ,+W. Green, who is blind, and his guide were granted transportation to Florence, S.C. ? 11 10. ;Money allowed William Bowden, Eli Pea rsell and Squire Durden, colored pupils at Deaf, Dumb and Blind Inst- ' 02 ;i itute?for clothing. . 11. :?Miss Lizzie Brown allowed $25.00 per [y year for clothing at Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institution. 07 12, f;Money allowed Lizzie A. George for a ? deaf and dumb mute in the asylum. :. 07 13. .;After January 1, 1879, the allowance ?, granted blind girl,Jane Washington, to be disallowed. : 12 14. ?gApplication of Bertha Justice to have her deaf and dumb child admitted to the Asylum referred to Finance i 09 ?' :? Committee. . ii ?: 15. r?Money allowed Mrs. Bertha Justice to send son Leo to deaf and dumb school, ?, 09 16. ??Money allowed Lee Justice for expenses at Deaf and Dumb Asylum at Morgantown. f ':, O8 ? 17. f?Mrs. Bertha Herring given money to send her son to the Deaf and Dumb Institute. "s 08 18. 'Mrs. Bertha Herring allowed money to send her son, Lee Justice, to Deaf and Dumb Institute in Morgantown. ! 08 19.: Asa Reeves & Lula M. Watson sent to Deaf & Dumb School, Morganton., ;; 12 , 20.:,; j State Au.ditors bill referred for keeping blind pupils. ;; 5 21.?; State Auditor's bill approved for tuition of blind pupils. 11 C? 22.k; Clothing requested for David M. Mitchell, blind. „ 10 E? 23.?? ? St?.tement signed to aid Cora May Armstrong, deaf child. 9 , 24.; Charity rate approved for Joseph Lane, S. C. Home and Cora Armstra?zg, deaf, State Schoo , l? 9 25 ?? Approved bill for clothing and transportation of indigent pupils to State ?nstitutions .;; 12 26.;? Ewdard Mintz, 9, given transportation to Deaf-Dumb School, Morganton ? 9 << 27.!' Dorothy Jally authorized transportation to Deaf-Dumb School, Morganton. ;, 9 € 28.; ? George McKoy authorized transportation to Deaf and Dumb School. 1 29.,; ?? Robert Corbett, W. L. Daniels, Helen Todd, Martha Turner and Grace Tate, blind given 4 ,, k? ?? ? ?reiief funds. 30.?; , Frank Wilkins, Lula Hill, John Payne, Louis Goodwin, Pricilla Loflin, Sarah Bat-.tle, ., 4 : ;; Mary Green, Hannah Moore and Haywood Wilson, blind given relief funds. ;? ? 31.'; € Relief ?or blind approved for Sarah M. Battle, R. W. Corbett, W. L. Daniels,?.H. D. ? 8 ;; ,; Futrelle, Mary H. Green, Jerry R. Hill, P. B. Lofton, Lizzie Mapson, Bishop A. Shell. ,; `., Bella Troy, Haywood Wilson and Frank Wilkins. 32.`+ Blind assistance given to Sarah H. Donaldson, Henry Hartfield, J. F. Mears an?3 John & „ 9 k? Molly Wilkins. "s 33.u; , Aid to blind approved for Amos Lacewell, M. S. Jones and Mary S. Smith. 9 a 34.;? Aid for blind approved for H. F. Brodeaux, Lavinia Foy, Mattie J. Graham, Spicer Love, ?; 10 =g ?; Lewis Payne, Anna D. Brown, Chamberlin Swinson and Mary M. Walker. ?; ;; 35.?? ?? Aid to blind approved for Annie C. Tate. ?; E; ? 10 36.;, k? Aid for blind approved for Caesar Collins, Mary B. Henderson, Eva J. Markiton and ;, r. 11 ?? Elizabeth Stricl?land. ,; 37.y S Blind tunds approved for Frances Wallace and Lula A. Zeiagler. i? 11 2 212 3 322 3 322 3 482 3 567 3 633 3 698 3 737 5° Yi i? 4 80 1 i 4 5 k 6 672 ? `t ?s i I O8 1903 ?? 6 747 . 06 ?? 1906? F 7 60 ? 05 1907 ," < 7 104 . 03 i 1908 ?? 7 140 4 ?? 1922?N 8 217 3 1926 t? 8 384 , 5 ;4 1926?a 8 404 29 E! 1929;? , 0 4 16 ? 1930 R,' 9 59 23 19 ?0 ? 9 60 ' 1 1930;; Ri 9 78 16 1932??i .s 9 380 30 „ 1932?'' 9 382 11 6 1937? 9 474 6 1936;? ?? 9 417 6 ?? 1936j? :? y 9 417 23 1933',? ;' 9 533 13 :; .y 1937R? i 9 540 ?? i 27 1937?? 9 541 ? 11 1937;j G f 9 545 ? 25 ?I .? 1937? 9 549 1 1937? r? w 9 550 15 ? , 1937; 9 554 N INDEX TO CO?iMIS5I0NERS MINUTES H C t N C anover oun ew ?, . - . _ MATTER: Deaf , Dumb & Blind ? ?ec. u. s. Counry Indezea Since IBBB ? To locate eames. open at r?r OFFICE (??.<?? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS E§ F? ?? Month DATE Day ?? Year ? MINUTE BOOK Vol Page ? ?^ I I ? ? . I ? ? !' c? s Blind funds app?oved for Annie G. Holmes, Emma J. Dixon and Henry P. Langston. 6; 11 22 1937? 9 554 ?? a Henry P. Langston and Frances Wallace rejected blind tunds, approved for ADC. ?? 1 17 1938F^ 4 9 563 , ? ? Blinds fi?.nds approved for Lula A. Zeigler. ?a 1 24 1938?_ 9 563 a Better method _ for handling applications for blind funds referred to County Attorney '; 2 7 ?? 1938?? 9 567 ,? I? 3 and Social Services. . `?, ?; , ? 3 i Lula Zeigler and Lavenia Foy transferred to Dependent Aid Fund for Blind. 3 21 fo 1938;g r 9 573 ?; Ei Quarter of blind to be paid under Social Security Program. ,, 5 31 1938?; 9 588 ;; :a Henry P. Langston replace Priscilla Lofton, decreased on Blind Aid list. . 9 19 1938;? 10 11 ;; Edmund Mintz, Jr. authorized clothing, Edith Brown authorized a coat. . 10 24 1938„ 1D 19 ;; Ossa Sanders approved for Blind Funds. , 1 3 1939„ 10 30 ; Henry Bordeaux approved for Blind Funds. .. 1 16 1939,: 10 33 `?. Si1as James and Clara Kerr approved for funds. . 3 13 1939;; 10 44 ;' Relief for Blind approved and included in budget. ., 6 5 1939.; 10 61 ? „ ?? Peggy Jenkins aid for blind substituted to Herbert Futrell. 6 12 1939., 10 62 ,; Daniel B? Swain approved for Blind Aid. 6 26 1939; 10 64 ,P ;? Mrs. Ann F. Hargrove and Evelena W. Mcl?ae approved for Blind Aid. .. 12 18 1939.; 10 100 ? :; Laura Saunders, Holly Nash Waddell and Clarence Hewlett approved for Blind Aid. „ 1 15 1940,, 10 106 !? William Henson Hardee approved for Blind Aid. , 2 5 1940;? 10 109 ?? Theodare And Samuel Taylor approved for Blind Aid. :, 3 4 1940„ 10 117 ;; G. E. Deittrick approved for Blind Aid increase. . 4 1 1940;; 10 120 ;; Lula Green approved for Blind Aid. „ 4 8 1940.; 10 121 ;? e? Sarah McD,Battle cancelled on Blind Aid, John Wilkins approved for Blind Aid. 5 13 1940? 10 127 ;; Commuttication on Aid received from State Commission for Blind. 6 3 1940,? 10 130 r; State School inmates approved for Blind Funds. _ 1 27 1941w? 10 177 i; r; ? Blind funds approved. 4 14 1941,? 10 193 ' Mary J. King approved for Blind Aid. ; 12 8 1941:; , 10 244 ;; Harry L. Dixon granted Blind funds. ,. 4 13 1942:; 10 267 r R; Aid for Blind fixed, ,. 4 27 1942„ 10 269 ;; ? Wi11 Ziegler approved for Blind Aid. 6 15 1942;?° ; 10 277 ?< ' ?? Laura Sanders allo?,aed increase in Blind Aid. 8 10 19422? r?, 10 286 ?` Luther Blanton restored for Blind Aid. 8 17 1942„? 10 287 ?; Blind Aid allotments approved for 1943-44. ? 4 19 1943, 10 326 ,, Frank Wilkins approved for Blind Aid. ; 10 4 1943? 10 351 ?" Blind Aid allotments approved for 1944-45. 5 15 1944,; 10 383 ,. Blind Aid approved for 1945-46. 5 18 1945.: 10 392 , Blind Aid approved. 4 26 1948?g 11 23 `' B1ind Aid estimates approved, .. 5 28 1951..; 11 262 .; Blind person to operate Lions Club stand in place of Mrs. Phillip Price. 6 23 1952; 11 345 y, Blind funds referred an William B. ?reen. „ 10 11 1954'?; 11 546 ;? tt Received report from State Commission of Blind. 2 21 1955k? 11 577 :j ,, ?.etter received from State Commission for Blind on stand in Courthouse. 6 27 1955? 11 608 :a Mr. Louis Mclntire received free privilege license for the Blind. ; 4 16 1956. 12 61 ?;. Board tentative approved budget for the Blind. ; 6 16 1958.; 12 268 ? ? Authorized cracker machine for Courthouse basement. ` 7 14 1958?? 12 278 ,? ;? ?; Miss Nettie granted approval to renew subscription to State Magazine. 2 16 159 ?; 'i 12 381 ?, , Approved request for pepis-cola machine in Courthouse, on approval of Sheriff. , ? 4 20 1959;? ?6 12 420 ; `? ;: s. „? k' ?s .. :_ . _. . ? . . . . ? _ _ . .. ?. . _ _ _ ... .? . - - ?-._. _,-- ---: .. ..; : . _ _ . - - . - - , , _ ? - _ ? - MATTER: ! INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. G. _ SUBIECT Deaf-?b-Blind - ? xee. u. s. Counry Indexee Since 1888 ? Y? ?oCON nam?:, ep?p Ot COTT MZ TA? INpEX reT OFFICE (,?i?yQ,Ijfj;?p?.E'i An ldentifying Trade Mazk MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, WLUMBUS, OHIO SURNkME INITIAL TA? SOLD tT OWEN ?. pUNN, NE/ ?ERII, NORTN GROLINA . NATURE Of PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Received 1959-60 budget for the Blind, tentative approves. 2. Received notice regardinf free privilege licenses for the Blind, GS105-249. 3. Received estima.ted budget, approved subject to final adoption of budget. 4. Budget meeting, approved as recommended. r?,?- t? ? . - . ? ,?. _...__ _._.... _.. __ . .._ .. ._ . _ __ . . _ . _. . . . S 18 1959 12 434 9 21 1959 12 499 6 6 1960 12 559 .. , ? _? .. _?, INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count N C DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION y, . . , MAiTER: aec. u, s. ? County Indezee Since 1888 TO IOCOt? I1OM?f? OpeO at ? COTT A TO Z TAB INDEX re; OFFIGE l?a ? AnldentifyiagTradeMark SURNAME INIflAL TAB M?oE {Y TNE COTT INDEX GOMPANY, GDLUM{OS? ONIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS uarE n?iNUrE eooK Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Recommendation for secondazy road & bond fund expenditures 03 17 I980 18 S69 2. Right of Way Encrochment agreement with DOT 05 19 1980 1$ 602 3. Financing for Secondary Road improvements 11 02 1981 1$ 953 4• Contract with DOT for installation of Water & Sewer Lines 07 06 1982 19 106 ISSIONERS MINUTES DEPOSI N t C H C N TORIES oF F U?S i ?NDEX TO COMM . oun y, . _ MATTER; anover ew - REO. Y. s. County Indeze? Since 1888 ?,Pd.? An [den6fying Trade Mark ? t ( , To locats namss, open at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLO BY OWEN G. DUNN NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ?AT orr?c . i , tE t DATE ;; ?. MINUTE BOOK I? ?, F? €; NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ' ;' Month I Day ( Year ?? c? Vol. I Page ? ? i 1.? Money in Special Fund to be put in a bank's certificate of deposit at best available terms. , ; 07 ?: 02 ?,? 1883"? ?? 4 479 2.` ? Money in General Fund to be put in a bank on a certi ficate of deposit, y 07 20 1883?? 4 484 ?? ? 3..'' Repealed orders on Special and General Funds deposi?. ing them in banks. 07 F? 27 ?:: 1883!; ?? 4 484 l+..; Money in General and Special Funds to be put in Bank of New Hanover or First National Bank to draw 4% 07 27 1883;? 4 484 ?4 annum interest. .. $; ? 5.' ., Treasurer reported money put in First National Bank at 4% annum interest. ^ 08 06 1883?? 4 485 ? 6.( J.W. King to surrender old certificate of deposit to First National Bank and take out a new certificate : 03 17 1884? ' 4 540 ?? +. +a of deposit payable to his order. ., i: 7. Treasurer to surrender present certificate of deposi t to First National and take one out for a larger sum. 12 15 1884y?: 4 59$ i? 8. Statement from First National Bank stating funds on hand for County. 12 07 1885 4 664 y 9. Certificate from Teller H.M. Bowden of First Nationa l Bank showing credit to County. Ol 04 1885 4 671 ` ?? 10. Certificate from Teller H.M. Bowden stating County's credit in First National Bank. 02 O1 1886' 4 682 :' 11. Certificate from Teller Bowden stating County's cred it in First National Bank. , 03 Ol 1886„ 4 687 ? 12.,, Statement from Teller Bowden on County's account at First National Bank. 04 05 1886. 4 697 ; , 13.., Statement from Teller Bowden on County's account at First National Bank. 05 03 1886 4 709 ? 14._. Statement from Teller Bowden on County's account at First National Bank. 06 07 1886,; 4 ,? 717 ?' 15.., Statement from Teller Bowden on County's account at First National Bank. , 07 05 1886.. 4 723 ;. 16.. Statement from Teller Bowden on County's account at First National Bank. ,. 08 02 1886;; 4 728 ?R 17. Statement from Teller Bowden on County's account at First National Bank. 09 06 1886, 4 735 ?, 18. Statement from Teller Bowden on County's account at First National Bank. 10 04 1886;.` 4 743 ;; 19. Statement from Teller Bowden on County's account in First National Bank. 11 Ol 1886 4 750 ' 20. Statement from Teller Bowden on County's account in First National Bank. 12 06 1866?. 4 755 21. Statement from Teller Bowden on County's account in First National Bank. Ol 03 1887' 4 769 : 22. Statement from Teller Bowden on County's account in First National Bank. . 02 07 1887 4 775 ?; 23. . Statement from Teller Bowden on County's account in First National Bank. y, 03 07 1887 4 792 s? ?', 24. Statement from Teller Bowden on County's account in First National Bank. 04 04 1887, 5 1`' G? 25. Statement from Teller Bowden on County's account in First National Bank. 05 02 1387, . 5 7 r; F. 26. . Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden on Cou?tty's account in First National Bank. 06 06 1887" 5 15 tl; 27. Treasurer to surrender to First National Bank the certificate of deposit held by him. 06 06 1887i 5 15 ?' 28. Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden stating County's account in First National Bank. 07 04 1887 5 19 i "; ' 29. Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden on County's account in First National Bank. 08 Ol 1887? 5 F, 34 :ha 30. Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden on County's account in First National Bank. 09 05 1887y 5 38 31. Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden on County's account in First National Bank. 10 03 1887; 5 42 y: 32 Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's credit in First National Bank. 11 07 1887 5 47 ;; 33. Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's credit and amount overdrawn from First 12 05 1887,. 5 National Bank. 34. Treasurer submitted certificate of Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. 35. Treasurer submitted certificate of Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. 36. Treasurer submitted certificaCe of Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. 37.. Treasurer submitted certificaCe of Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. 38. Treasurer submitted certificate of Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. ; 39. ? Treasurer submitted certificate of Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. ., ? 40. Treasurer submitted certificate of Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. 41. Treasurer submitted certificate of Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank, 42. Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. , 43..? Treasurer submitted certificate of Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. _; i? t i 51 Ol 02 1888. 5 02 05 1888? 5 „ 03 04 05 06 07 08 Q9 10 05 1888?, 02 1888 d7 1888 04 1888': 02 1888; 06 1888. 03 1888 ?: O1 1888;: +i ? ia S: i I 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 61 ;, 66 :?? 76 ?? ,? ? 8 0 '. ?, 87 :? 90 94 97 102 108 INDEX TO CO?IMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count N C DEPOSITORIES OF FUNDS ? y, . . _ MATTER: nec. u. s. r?r OFFICE ?L County Indezes Sinee IBBN ?o.? An Identifying Trade Mark To loeate names, Opl? at ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•Z TAB fNDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLO SY OWEN C. DUNN, NEW SERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ;, uATe s? ?? i? MiNUTE BooK p,? Monfh ? Day ? Year ?d Vol. ? Puge ,; , l. Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashi?r Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. ;. Il 05 1888,y e. 5 112 r? 2.? Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. 12 03 1888;;, S 118 3. Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. Ql 07 1889?° 5 130 r? + 4. Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. 02 ,, 04 1889.: ?? k 5 134 rd 5. Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County`s account in First National Bank. 03 04 1889 ` 5 15Q ? 6. Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. ' 04 .. Ol 1889'i ,, 5 154 7. Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's credit i n First National Bank. ? OS .. 06 1889:; 5 159 . 8. Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. 06 04 I889 ,a 5 x I70 , ,. 9., Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bo?rden showirtg County's account in First National Bank. 10.6d Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. r' ll.?a Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. `; 4+ 12.l? Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. ;13.? Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank, 14.d? Treasurer submitted certificate from Gashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. ;i ?.5.?? Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank, ? ,16.? Tr.easurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank, 17.ed Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. f? 18.? Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. ? 19.` Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. Z0. Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. Zl.;? Treasruer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. ?i „22.?? Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. G4 ,23.?? Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County`s account in First National Bank. :? .24.1? Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. .25. Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. 26.? Treasurer submitted ce?tificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. ;27.?? Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden snowing County's account in First National Bank. Ei ?28.?? Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. ?? 29.'? Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. 30. Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. ? ,31. Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in Frist National Bank. ! ?32.?! Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. 33. Treasurer submi.tted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. ?? ;.34.`? Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. 07 Ol 1889 5 178 08 05 1889 5 183 09 10 11 12 O1 , 02 . 03 04 OS 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 12 Ol 02 03 04 05 06 07 .35.?? Rr Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. 08 ,? . 36.;; ?o oi Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. 09 37?? ?. ?, Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County`s account in First National Bank. 10 38.E? Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing Coutny's account in First National Bank. 11 .39.? , Treasurer to appear before Board and ascertain if County money was drawn out of First National Bank before ,. 11 . ?; its suspension. 40, Bonds of County to be made payable at Bank of New Hanover. 12 ?i _41.'tl Report from Chairman on money which had been deposited in the Atlantic National Bank.(See FINANCE DEPT.) 05 42,s Treasurer submitted certificate from J.W. Norwood of Atlantic National Bank showing Treasurer's credit in 12 the Bank. 43? Board of Education and Commissioners indebted to J. Chadbourn due to money lost in failure of First 05 i i National Bank. (See BOARD OF EDUCATION) . ? ' F; ?8 03 1889 5 190 07 1889„ S 194 04 1889 , 5 198 ., 02 1889 5 202 06 1890 S 210 03 1890 , 5 217 03 1890 5 234 07 1890, 5 240 .? 04 I890 5 245 02 1890 . 5 240 07 1890: 5 256 04 1890 5 262 Ol 1890 5 268 ? 06 1890 5 272 03 1890': S 276 ? O1 1890 5 280 ? 08 1890 5 286 05 1891 ' S 293 02 1891 5 312 OZ 1891 5 316 06 1891 5 320 04 1891 5 324 Ol 1891 5 331 06 1891 5 337 03 1391 5 342 07 1891 5 350 : 05 1891 5 353 02 1891 5 358 30 I891 5 364 07 1891 5 368 02 1892 5 415 04 1893 5 534 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES Rec, u. s. Counry Indezes Since ?888 r?r o trict ? i.??.a?-2'?.' An Identifyina Trade Merk --- New Hanover Count?? ?. U. _ MATTER: DEPOSITORIES OF FUNDS ` Rf' ,?'? To foeate names, opert at COTT A•2 TAB INDEX U?,? SURNAM6 INITIAL 7AB M0.DE BY tHE COTT INOEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHlO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA b? NATURE Of PROCEEDINGS DATE ,?? ?, `- Month ? Day ? Year ?p; ?; s? MINUTE BOOK ? Vol. I Page 1. ;Board to borrow money from National Bank of Wilmington and issue a promissory note to Bank, ?. 06 03 1895C; 5 2. `'Chairman reported having collected dividends from First National ?ank, 06 Ol 18964; 5 ?, 3. ,?Chairman to borrow sum fo? six months for General Fund. 4. `Auditor's letter receijred on bank for County funds. ,} 5. ;;U. S. Fidelity and Guaranty Co. responsible for loss of County funds. 6. ;'U. S. Fidelity and GuarantyCo. paid off Auditors Bond. 7. ?Designation of depository for County funds referred to Chairman. 8. .; Banks f?.epositories designated for County func?s, deposits f?_xed, interest noted and b?.nks 1 i s ted . 9, Interest a;reed or? County f?unds in banks . I0. Auditor to divide County deposits with Morris Plan Bank. 11. North Carolina Tndustrial Bank named County Depository. 12. .Bank deposit and securities memo received from Auditor. 13. ,Bank deposit anc? securities memo received from Auditor. 14. Bank dc?posit and securities memo received from Auditor. 15. Bank deposit and securities memo received ?rom Auditor. 16. ,Bank deposit and securities memo recezved. from Auditor 17. ;Bank deposit and securities memo received from Auditor. 18. Deposit authorized with Nortl? Carolina Bank and Trust Co. 19. „Bank depositories and securities memo recei?red from Auditor. 20. ,Ban.k depositories and securities memo received from Auditor. 21. Bank depositories and securities memo received from Auditor, 22. ,Bank depositories and securities memo received from Aud.itor. 23. „Bank depositories and securities memo received from Auditor. 24. ,:Bank depositories and securities memo received from Auditor. 25. .:Bank deposits and securitities memo received from Auditor. 26. :Bank deposits and securities memo received from Auditor. 27. Bank deposits and securities memo received from Auditor. 28. ,;Bank deposits and securities memo received from Auditor. 29. Bank deposits and securities ?emo received fram Auditor. ?0. ;Bank deposits and securitzes memo received from Auditor. 31. .Bank deposits and securities memo received from Auditor. 32. .Bank deposits and securities memo recei•aed from Auditor. 33. ,.North Carolina Bank and Trust notes xeferred to next meeting. 34. .North Carolina Bank and Trust declined notes and Bond exchange. 35. Release of Bonds and notes authorized, Greensboro Bonds released. 36. .,Greensboro street improvement Bond authorized, releaseci without withdrawal. 37. ..Bank deposits and securities memo received from .Auditor. 38. „Bank deposits and securities memo received from Auditor, 39. .°Depositories of County funds, Morris P1an, People's Savings, Wilmington Savings and ,North Carolina Bank and Trust ?anks. 40. .Bank deposits and securities memo recei;red from Auditor. 41..;Bank deposits and securities memo received from Auditor. /?2. Bank deposits and securities memo received from Auditor. 43. ,Bank deposits an.d securities memo received from Auditor. 44. ;Bank deposits and securities memo received from Auditor. s: ? ?? ?? 06 1 ? 1 3 „ S 5 O1 E: 1896 ?, 5 2 192.?; 8 2 192?; 8 15 192?; 8 2 1927?? 8 12 1927`' ?? 8 ? y? 7 5 1927„ 8 5 l4 1929 8 9 L6 1930 9 , 9 1 1931 9 _ 0 3 1931; 9 , 10 5 1931 9 11 9 193]?, 9 12 7 193I, 9 12 14 1931,: 9 1 2 1932 9 . 2 8 193?6 9 „ 3 8 1932. 9 4 4 1932. 9 5 9 I932 9 .. 6 6 193?; 9 .. 7 :l8 193?3 9 8 8 193z; 9 9 6 1932: 9 10 17 1932 9 11 7 1932, 9 1 9 1933, 9 . 2 6 193?? 9 3 6 1933; 9 4 10 193?; 9 4 24 1933 9 , 5 1 1933, 9 5 8 1933 9 5 15 1933, 9 6 5 1933 9 7 24 1933 9 7 31 1933; 9 8 1 193.? 9 9 5 1933 9 9 S 193? 9 9 18 193?; 9 10 9 193? 9 ,a ?? ii 643 ; ? 718 ? 718 222 ? t? 223 ?, .? 233 ?; ?r , 440 ;; 442 ? e1 r ;? ?51 574 59 117 ;, 120 ' 133 :. R, 137 =. , 142 ?, 143 ;: 146 ? 1 S 2 ;; 157 .Q ? 1S9 ;; 164 16 7 ;; 171 ;, 17 5 ;; 18 0 ;; 18 6 E; ?: 18 9 `? t 19 8 ,; 204 ;; 209 ° 215 ;; 217 2L8 ;,. 219 221 ` 225 ;: 235 `: sr 236 ? ?, 237 ;, 247 ;: 248 ?, f 250 ;; ?; 25' .. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS ?IINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MAiTER:Depositories of Func?? eac, u. s. Couaty Indezee Since f888 ? To loeate names, open at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX v?r OFFICE C??Fi?? An IdentifvinB Trade Mark SURNAME INITiAL TAB MADE SY iHE COTT INDEX COMPANY. COLUMBUS. OH10 SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? DATE ; MINUTE BOOK ?;? Month I Day I Year .' Vol. Page '; r l? Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. - „ 11 6 1933;;; - 9 ?, 257;; 2? Bank deposits and ?ecurity memo received from Auditor. 12 11 1933. 9 262:? 3. Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. ? 1 15 1934:: 9 267,. 4?? Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. ,, 2 5 1934;; 9 273" 5. Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 3 5 1934: 9 276:, 6:? Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 4 16 1934,; 9 281.; 7? Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. , 5 7 1934„ 9 284:, i 8.? Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 6 11 1934,; 9 288 . ? ? i i d f di A 7 9 ?934 9 . 29? 9;?; Bank deposits and secur ty memo ve rece rom u tor. ? 10.:?: Bank deposits and securit? _ memo received from Auditor. 8 6 1934. 9 295 11?; Bank deposits and cecurity memo received from Auditor. 9 10 1934 9 301 12.;4 Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 11 5 1934 9 309 ?.13.;; Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 12 3 1934 9 313 14.;; Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 1 7 1935 9 316 ,15?; Bank deposits and security. memo received from Auditor. 2 4 1935 9 322 ,; 16.;; Bank deposits and securit? memo received from Auditor. 3 4 1935 9 327 ?? 17.?i Wilmington Savings Co. allowed to deduct ?r om County allowance. 3 4 1935 9 327„ ,? 18?; t, Security National Bank as County Depository withdrawn from motion. 3 4 1935, 9 327 19.; Security National Bank designated for Count y funds. 3 11 1935. 9 328, 20J? Bank deposits and securit? memo received from Auditor. 3 11 1935.. 9 328' ?Q s 211R, Bank deposits and security memo received f?om Auditor. 4 8 1935 9 333 22«: Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 8 5 1935 9 370 ? 23 .?? Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 11 4 1935 ., 9 389 . ?24:? Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 12 9 1935. 9 396. 25.?? Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 1 6 1936, 9 400„ !; 26?,? Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 2 10 1936, 9 407. 27.;; Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 3 9 1936„ 9 413 ?3 `28?; Bank deposits and securit.y memo received from Auditor. . 4 13 I936„ 9 420. ?? 29.f? Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. .. 5 4 1936., 9 426.. i; 30.;„ ?? Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 6 22 1936.. 9 438 .31.?? Bank deposits and securit? memo received from Auditor. 7 20 1936„ 9 442 •.32.; Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 8 10 1936 9 446 ?, 33.;c Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. . 9 8 1936 9 451, ,34.;5 Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 10 12 1936. 9 457. ;{ 35.;: Bank deposits and securit.y memo recei?ed from ?uditor. 11 9 1936 9 461 36.,; ?< Bank deposits and securit.y memo received from Auditor. 12 7 1936 9 469 .37,; Bank deposzts and security memo received from Auditor. 1 11 1937, 9 474 ;i 38.r? Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 2 8 1937. 9 479„ 39a! Bank deposits and security.. memo received from Auditor. 3 8 1937„ 9 485,. ,? 40.?? Bank deposits and securit.y memo received from Auditor. .. 4 5 1937, 9 490,: ?s 41?? Bank deposits and securit? memo received from Auditor. ,. 5 10 1937. 9 498, 4??;z S Bank deposits and securit? memo received from Auditor. . 7 19 1937 9 523, E 43f? ?a Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 7 26 1937 9 524.? 44.? N B?.nk depositories selected. 7 26 1937 9 524, , 45.ry ? Bank deposits and security r?nemo received from Auditor . . 8 9 1937 :, 9 530 ; 46.? Bank denosits and securitv memo received from Auditor 9 7 1939;: 9 539;. ?E , ?, aa ? I NDEX T O C OMMISS IDNE RS MIN UTES -- N H t C N C anover oun y, ew . . _ MATTER??posito ries of Fundg eea. u. s. /?? ver OFF{CE Ca?7l?.a ?? County Indtzee Since 1888 ?- An IdmtifyinC Trade Mark ? To loto?s nam?s? Op?n ot SURRAM$ INliIAL iA? COTT A•I TA! INDEX 141µCE Bl THE COT7 INDEX COMPANY. COLUMBUS, DHIO f0lD tT QWEM i. QONN, MEII lERN, NQRTH GROLtNA NATURE OF PROtEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page ' I l. Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 10 11 1937. 9 545 . 2. Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. . 11 8 1937. 9 552 3. B?nk deposits and security memo received fram Auditor. 12 6 1937 9 557 4. Bank deposits and security memo received from Au?.itor. 2 7 1938 9 567 .. 5. Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. . 3 7 1938 9 571 6. Bank deposits and security mem.o received from Auditor. 4 11 1938. 9 577 .. 7. Bank deposits and security memo received from l?.uditor. 5 9 ],938 9 582 ; 8. Bank deposits and security memo received from Audi.tor. 6 6 1938. 9 589 9. Bank depoaits and security memo received from Auditor. 8 8 1938 9 606 10. J?ank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 9 12 1938 10 9 11, Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 10 1Q 1938 10 16 12. Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 10 17 1938 IO 22 13. Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 10 15 1938 10 27 , 14. Bank deposits and security memo recei•?ed from Auditor. 1 9 1939 10 32 15. Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 2 6 1939 10 38 16. Bank deposics and security memo received from Auditor. 3 6 1939 10 43 17. Bank ?leposits and security memo received from Auditor 4 10 1939 10 49 I8. Bank deposi?s and security memo received from Auditor. 6 S 1939 10 61 Z9. Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 7 24 1939 10 69 20. Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 8 7 1939 10 72 21. Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 9 18 1939 10 83 22. Bank deposits and secu?ity memo received from Auditor. 11 6 1939 10 93 23. Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 12 4' 1939 10 99 , 24. Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 1 8 1940 10 105 25. Bank deposits ax?.a security memo received from Auditor. 2 5 1940 10 109 , 26. Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 4 8 1940 10 121 27. Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 5 13 1940 10 126 28. Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 8 5 1940 10 145 29. Bank deposits and security memo re?eived from Auditor. 9 16 1940 10 154 30. Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 10 14 1940 10 158 „ 3I. Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 11 4 1940 10 161 „ 32, Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 12 9 1940 10 168 33. Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 1 6 1941 10 173 34. Bank deposits and security mema received from Auditor. 2 10 1941 10 181 ? 35. Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 3 10 1941 10 187 36. Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 4 28 19?#1 10 196 37. Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. S 12 1941 10 I99 38. Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. b 9 1941 10 ?03 39. Wilmington Savings and Trust declined interest on deposits, funds tr?nsferred. 7 21 1941 10 218 40. Bank deposits and security memo received From Auditor. 7 21 1941 10 218 41. Bank deposits and secu?~ity m?n.o received from Auditor. 8 4 1941 10 222 42. Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 11 10 1941 10 240 43. Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 12 15 1941 10 245 44. Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 1 19 1942 IO 252 . 45. Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 3 9 1942 10 262 46. Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor 4 6 1942 10 266 I NDEX TO C OMMISSI ONER S MINU TES H t C - N C N anover oun ?, . ew . _ MATT RDepositories of Fund? Rec. v. s. 'q??? v?r OFFICE ?p.?i??z?.s- County Indexee Since 1888 An IdentiEying Trade Marlc ? TO IOCO? IIOM?f? Op?O at SURNAME INITIAL iA6 COTT A-Z TAC INDEX MII,C E BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, DHIO SOLD ?Y OWEN i. DUNN, MEM ?ERN, NORTN GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? DATE MINUTE BOOK , cs Month .; Day Year .. 1iol. Page ?, Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 6 8 1942_ 1O 27? 2, ?3ank deposits and security memo receiu?d_ .from Auditor. ,. 7 27 1942_, 10 284 3., Bank deposits and sect?.rity memo received from Auditor. , 10 19 1942., 10 298 4,. Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. „ 11 9 1942,_ 10 301 . 5,, Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 12 7 1942 10 306 6., Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 1 18 1943 10 313 7. Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 2 8 1943 10 315 8.; Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 4 15 1943. 10 322 9. Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 7 26 1943 10 342 •10. Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. $ 9 1943 10 343 11. Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 1 10 1944 10 364 12. Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 4 10 1944 10 377 13.. Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 6 19 1944 10 392 14.. Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 8 14 1944 10 399 15. Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 9 5 1944 10 403 16. Bank deposits and sectr?ity memo recei?ed from Auditor. 12 11 1944 10 417 17. Bank deposits and securi?y memo received from Auditor. 6 11 1945 10 444 18. Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 8 27 1945 10 456 19.. Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 10 29 1945 10 464 ~ 20.. Bank deposits and security rnemo received from Auditor. 12 10 1945 10 470 ?21 Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 1 14 1946 10 477 22.. Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 3 11 1946 10 485 23.. Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 4 15 1946. 10 493 24. Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 8 19 1946. 10 509 25.; Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 9 9 1946 10 515 26., Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 10 14 1946 10 520 27.. Bank deposits and securit_y memo received from Auditor. 12 16 1946 10 531 ?28.. Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 1 6 1947 10 533 29. Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 2 17 1947 10 545 30.. Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 4 7 1947 10 558 31. Bank deposits and security memo received from A?.ditor. 5 19 1947 10 567 32. Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 6 30 1947 10 573 33. Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 9 2 1947 10 583 34,. Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 12 8 1?47 1? 4 35. Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 1 26 1948 11 11 36,. Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 2 16 1948 11 14 37.. Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 5 17 1948 11 27 38?' Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 6 21 1948 11 33 39.. Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 10 18 1948 11 52 40. Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. II 8 1948 11 56 41. Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 12 6 1948 11 61 4?_.. Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 1 31 1949 11 71 43. Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 2 14 1949 11 74 44.. Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 4 11 1949 11 86 45. Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 4 2 1951 11 252 46.. Bank deposits and security memo received from Auditor. 4 9 1951 11 254 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- N H C t C N anover oun ew ?, . . _?pTTER: De posit ori es of Func?? ace. u. s. Counry [nduee Since 1888 ?• ?•.}-? To loto?? nom?s? op?n W COTT A•2 TA! INDEX e+t OFFICE ?.?i??? Anlden6(7'?ni'fradeMark w.g- MIltE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY. COLUMBUS. OHID fURliAME INITIAL TAY SOLD tY ONEN i. DUNN, NEN tERN, NORTX GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE 800K Month Day Year Voi. Page l. Wilmington Savings and Trust Co. d?signated County depository, 11 2 ?1953 , I 11 464 2. Peoples' Savings and Trust Co. designated as County depository. . 11 2 1953 _ 11 464.. 3. Bank of Carolina Beach designated as County depository. . . 11 2: 1953. 11 464 4. Bank of Wilmington, letter of thanks received on Branch Bank at Sunset Park ?;rea. 4 5 L954 11 497 5. Bank of New York letter received on releasing securities to Bank of Wilmington. . 6 27 L955 11 608,. 6. Attention called to Wachovia Bank and Trust Co. entering County through merger with 7 5 1955 11 610 Peoples' Savings and Trust Co. 7. Received interest from Bank of New York payable to Bank of Wilmington. . 12 L9 L955 12 28 ._ 8. Received report of funds deposited by Airport. 4 :+_6 :+_95& Z2 &? 9. County Auditor to deposit money from Hospital transfer to?aard Hospital indebtedness. 5 ;?7 :i.957 12 155 10. All Banks and Savings and Loan Companies covered by FDIC are disignated as depositories. 1 :i_2 :i.959 12 385 11. Letter from First Citizen's Bank and Trust Co. requesting to be a depository for some 6 6 :?_960 12 578 County funds, Appro?red. 12. First National Bank certified for County Depository, Resolution to sa.me. 4 l4 ?.96I 12 659 INDE? TU COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. , MAiTER: DIRECTION SPORTS ` To lowt? namas, open at COTT A TO Z TAB INDEX eee. u. s. Counry Inde:es Since 1888 /ApE /Y TNE COTi tNDEX OOMPAMY, QOLUM/Yf? ONIO PAT OFFIGE (??l-?-i?.. An ldentifying Trade Mark ? SURNAME lNITIAL iA6 SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. 1. Discussion on funding consideration DA'tE MINUTE 800K NATURE.OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page 05 18 198? 18 835 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. , MATTER: DSolgcitorTTPublic Defer?ier aec. u. s. ?J,_ County Indeaces Since 1988 ? To IoCate namCS? OpEn Ot COiT A•2 TAB INDEX rer OFFICE C?E??C.? An ldentifyinB Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COlNAANY? COlUMBUS. ONIO SOLO BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BFRN, NORTH UROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Solicitor J. A. McNorton oath of office taken already, and qualification presented, accepted. 2. Special term of court called to try Bauk cases, as recommended by district solicitor. 3. Woodus Kellum, solicitor, recommended and Board approved payment to Wilmington Hotel for expenses of C. R. Goodrich, in courtcase. 4. Payment to Adams Studio approved for photo copies of finger prints for district solicitor. 5. Notice from solicitor acknowledged on substitute solicitor, and payment approved. 6. District Attorney bills approved for payment. 7. Solicitor authorized chairs. 8. Solicitor given paytnent for services. 9. Solicitor granted allowance for indictment forms 10. Attorney, E. L. Yow referred for payment in A. D. Brinson case. 11. Attorney, E. L. Yow authorized payment in A. D. Brinson case. 12. Solicitor D. Sinclair authorized payment for indictment forms. 13. Solicitor C. Sinclair authorized payment for indictment forms. 14. Solicitor H. W. Smith considered for salary increase. 15. Solicitor H. W. Smith requested salary increase. 16. District Solicitor to petition return of kidnappers. 17. Solicitor H. W. Smith to write for return of Ralph Lee for trial. 18. Solicitor D. Sinclair authorized payment for indictment forms. 19. Solicitor D. Sinclair advised R. H. Curry on DUI charge. 20. Payment to J. C. King authorized for services as solicitor. 21. J. C. King appointed solicitor, replacing J. A. McNorton, deceased. 22. Solicitor J. C. King letter received on appointing C.P. Yow as Assistant Solicitor. 23. Assistant Solicitor Yow allowed salary increase as other county employees. 24. District solicitor request approved on L. B. Horne stomach be examined by FBI. 25. W. C. Murchison appointed Assistant solicitor replacing J. C. King. 26. Attorney fees paid in case of Frank Paul. 27. Solicitor explains question of Sheriff expense. 28. Payment to Attorney, E. C. McIntire approved for case of Lizzie W. Marrick. 29. Payment declined to McIntire for Lizzie Marrick case. 30. Payment approved to Specials Attorneys J. M. Walker and L. S. Elkins in murder trial of William Burnett. 31. J. J. Burney, Jr. attorney paid for services in James R. McKoy case in Superior Court. 32. District Attorney to be employed. 33. Motion carried to call on solicitor to assist District Attorney rather than appoint one as suggested by Addison Hewlett, Jr. 34. Act to appoint district attorney opposed tabled for further consideration. 35. District Solicitor office approved. 36. Act for law library and appaintment of solicitor received. 37. Solicitor J. M. Walker referred on office expenses. 38. Attention called to needs of assistant district attorney. 39. Application received for the Assistant district attorney. 40. Appointment of District Attorney postponed. 41. Appointment of District Attorney postponed. 42. Attorney W. A. Cobb appointed Assistant solicitor. 43. Attorney W. A. Cobb appointed Assistant Solicitor. 12 O1 1930 9 77 06 15 1931 9 114 O1 23 1933 9 200 05 08 09 23 12 21 02 08 08 OI O1 23 06 12 06 19 06 18 Ol 06 03 10 07 21 10 20 11 17 O1 19 02 23 11 29 02 05 02 26 12 24 06 16 12 06 05 31 11 ZO 07 02 07 02 08 13 03 10 12 29 O1 12 02 02 0 3 16 03 30 09 02 O1 11 O1 11 O1 11 Ol 11 O1 25 12 20 1933 1935 1936 1937 3938 1939 1939 1939 1939 1941 1941 1941 1941 1941 1942 1942 1943 1945 1945 1945 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1951 1951 1952 1952 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 9 219 9 381 9 470 9 479 ? so? 10 34 10 62 10 63 10 101 10 173 10 187 10 217 10 236 10 241 10 251 10 260 10 358 10 426 10 429 10 474 10 571 11 61 11 97 11 224 11 268 11 268 11 279 11 322 11 388 11 391 11 396 11 408 11 411 11 451 11 477 11 478 11 478 11 479 11 481 11 562 44. W. A. Allen Cobb, appointed assistant solicitor, John J. Burney, Jr. District Solicitor. 12 5 1955 12 23 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MATT R SOIiCltor-PubliceDef-ender aec. u. s. County Indexea Since 1888 TO IoCaf9 names, OpCn Gi COTT A-2 TAB IHDEX v?r OFFICE ??7? An ldentifying Trade Mark ? SURNAMB INITIAL TAB IMDE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COIUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN C. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH C1IROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDtNGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month I Day I Year Vol. I Pnge Mr. W. A. Cobbs re-appointed assistant Solicitor. 1 W. A. Cobb re?a.ppointed assistant Solicitor. ? Assistant Solicitor to receive 8% increase, providing he handle Social services cases. 8 W. Al1en Cobb re-appointed assistaf?t Solicitor. 1 W. Al1en Cobb reappointed assistant S?licitor. 12 W. Allen Cob re-appointed assistant Solicitor. 1 Approved action of John M. Walker for prosecuting clients for missuse of Social Service 1 checks. 14 1957 12 121 6 1958 12 212 3 1959 12 477 4 1960 12 530 S 1960 12 631 2 1962 13 54 L5 1962 13 60 Letter accepting resignation af Johr? T. Schiller, approved. 9 4 1962 13 146 W. Al?en Cobb re-appoin.ted assistant Solicitor. 12 3 1962 13 174 W. Allen Cobb re-appointed assistant Solicitor. 12 L6 1963 13 272 Assistant 12 07 -1964 ?3 402 Salary --Assistant Confirmation Assistant Office space, Mr. John Walker Appointment of Assistant ltenovation of Uffice District Conference Pa?ment of rent for Solicitor Walker 19. . Formal appointment of Assistarn District Solicitor 20. Additional space and purchase 21. Approval of lease preparation for additional office space F? purchase of used carpet and drapes 22. ?'ransfer of funds 23. Rec{uest for funds as budget item 24. Transfer for new office 25. _ Trans?er for rent 26. . Reqiaest protective custody for informer in drug case 2? Transfer of funds - 28 Letter to DA from Judge Tillery 29 Discussions o? Judge Tillezy ? letter Transfer funds to purchase misc. office supplies 30. Approval budget amend. to purchase additional furnishings 31. _ Trans. funds purchase additional furniture 32. Denial budget trans.-fund position for Secretary for one month. 33. 34. Budget trans. for office equip. and to pay secretary for vacation 35. Budget Transfer-autopsy and exhumation 07 I06 1965 13 i99 12 ? 18 1967 14 i-27 UI 2U 1969 14 29U 01 D6 1969 i4 289 ? 06 16 1969 14 ,340 06 I6 1969 14 I 342 09 02 1969 14 386 Ol 05 ? 1970 14 428 11 ?20 1972 15 262 03 19 ? 1973 15 353-4 03 19 1973 15 354 03 19 I 1973 15 354 04 16 1973 15 373 05 ?07 1973 15 383 11 419 1973 15 527 04 Ol 1974 15 611 05 06 1974 15 630 05 , 20 19Z4 15 634 03 15 1976 17 86 04 I20 1976 ?7 108 Q5 03 1976 17 121 07 O5 1977 18 70 07 18 1977 18 76 05 _5 1978 18 212 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES H N t C N C D c L T ? ^ - anover oun ew ?, . . _ MATTER: P oli itor , ublic Defen? er ¦[o. u, s. Covnty Indezea S?nce 1886 •?T OFFIC[ Cn?? An ldentifYing Trade Mark ? ,)j?'?' To locate names, open at ?/`t> SURNAMH INITIAL TAB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NOR TH CAROLINA ,? ?? ?a NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ?? DATE ?; ?? MINUTE BOOK ?p °, Month I Day I Year `? Vol. I Page I e , 1. r? J. Richardson's fee as Solicitor approved. ? :, 11 07 ? 1870?; 2 ? 83 ? 2. F wdLetter from John Richards, Solicitor, regarding fees due him. ',. 08 08 1871;; ' 2 199 , ? 3. ,6No action taken on above, Board would be pleased to hear from Mr. Richards again. ., 08 08 1871;? 2 199 4. ;p Mr. Schenck's fee as Solicitor approved. , OS 12 1871t 2 209 5. ;Sheriff Schenck's fees as Solicitor approved. „ Ol 08 1872;; 2 283 ? 6. f•Petition from Mr. Murphey, Solicitor, to have claim acted upon recevied. . 09 . 06 1872F; 2 360 ' ? s 7. 'Mr. Murphey's petition given to Chairman of Board. . 09 06 1872?; 2 ? 360 `' R? 8. 'Board granted Judge Cantwell's request for use of Grand Jury's room in Courthouse for Solicitor's office. 10 02 1872:; 2 373 ;a 9. y Bi11 of Edward Cantwell as Solicitor approved. , 11 07 1872;, 2 f' 391 r; 10. Bill from Edward Cantwell to be paid subject to approval of Auditing Committee. 02 19 1873 3 25 11. Mr. Cantwell notes that Grand Jury reports insufficient bonds presented by various Township officers. 03 12. Standard Keeper will report all persons who use weights and measurers illegally. 03 13. Al1 weights and measurers must be sealed by Standard Keeper after April l, 1873 or illegal. 03 14. ;Solicitor Cantwell's fee approved. 07 15. Solicitor Cantwell's fee approved. 11 16. Thomas Sutton elected Solicitor in August 6, 1874 election. 08 17. Solicitor Cnatwell's fee approved. 11 18., Fee of Solicitor W. Norment approved. 05 19. Bill from W.S. Norment as Solicitor approved. 02 20. Bill from W.S. Norment as Solicitor approved. 03 21. .Bi11 from W.S. Norment for Solicitor's fees approved. 06 22.. .Bills from B.R. Moore for Selicitor's fees approved, 592, 595, and 600. 08 23. Inquiry to be made of Judge O.P. Means and Solicitor Moore relative to Grand Jury indictments against 12 ? Commissioner Holmes. , 24. Solicitor's bills from B.R. Moore approved , pages 667 and 669. 12 25. `Claim of Solicitor Moore referred to Auditing Committee. Ol 26. Solicitor Moore allowed $50 in his settlement of extra services. Ol 27. Solicitor B.R. Moore to draw a bill of indictment against John Garrell. 09 28. ` Indictment against Mr. Garrell to be presented at next term of Criminal Court. 09 29. ; Above order against Mr. Garrell reconsidered and same left open to next meeting. 09 30. Solicitor B.R. Moore ex-officio County Attorney protested Assembly's abolishment of his salary. 07 31. , Mr. Moore will accept $500 in lieu of his salary if paid quarterly. 07 32., Request of J.C. Hill which was referred to J.D. Taylor not granted as advised by Solicitor. 12 33. Application of Cronly & Morris and Norwood Giles referred to Solicitor B.R. Moore. . 12 3?+., ; Fees allowed Attorney and Solicitor commuted and a salary of $i, 200 per year set. 12 35. , Finance Committee to settle with Solicitor B.R. Moore under old arrangements. 03 36. Agreement between Mr. Moore and Board made in December is rescinded. 03 37. Matter from Solicitor Moore referred to Judge James McRae. 12 38., : Board to request General Assembly to prevent an act making salary of Solicitor of Criminal Court fixed. 02 39.. , Board to request General Assembly to leave manner of paying Solicitor of Criminal Court up to Commissioners. 02 40., ; Solicitor of Criminal Court to be paid $100 a month in lieu of all fees and allowances. 03 41. Solicitor B.R. Moore of Criminal Court to assist Solicitor O.H. Allen of Superior Court in prosecuting 04 of State versus J.C. Davis. 42.' Solicitor stated when regular term of Court is held and when a special term could be held. 08 43.? Board decided special term of Criminal Court unnecessary. 08 44.;? Board passed resolution on murders and lawlessness, pages 77-78. 02 '; ?? :i j? ?w 1? d ? 24 1873 3 24 1873 3 24 1873, 07 1873 04 1873: 10 1874 02 1874; 08 1875, 07 1876 08 1876 :; 05 1877 , 11 1877? 03 1877 15 1877 ; 07 1878 , 10 1878 04 1878 04 1878: 04 1878 07 1879 07 1879 05 1881 05 1881 05 1881; 06 1882 06 1882 OS 1882 21 1887 : 22 1887' 07 1887; 04 is92 01 1898, 01 1898, 04 1907, 41 42 3 42 ? 3 85 3 140 ;' 3 235 ` 3 274 ? 3 326 '? 3 412 ?; „ 3 419 ' 3 554 ? 3 592 =? 3 658 ? .i i? 3 667 '` ,a 3 679 ?. 3 681 3 745 ?? 3 745 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 6 6 7 745 81 ; ?? 81 ?: 340 342 344 362 362 : 442 7 81 t; ,+ 781 ?? 64 793 ? 411 : :i ?? 170 ?; 170 ?? ? 7 7 ;; ?? ,, E? , ?i ?? t N H C C N INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES AT O _ ? anover oun y, . . ew -- P _ MATTER: Solicitor bli Defen c er eea. u. s. County Inde:ea Since 1888 ?? x+.3--- To loeats names, open at r?r OFFICE ??6? An ldentifying Trade Mark ??? SURNAME INI7IAL TAB COTT A-2 TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORiH CAROLINA DATE j; MINUTE BOOK ?y; NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS i Month I Dayl ? Year '?? w ? E Vol. ? I Page ?F ,, 1. Solicitor to be notified that sterner methods of law enforcement needed. 02 04 1907;, 7 77 ; ri 2. Clerk to notify Solicitor Duffy that a woman had been sentenced to County Home. 10 03 1910 ? 7 201 ` F ? 3. Councilman Moore requested Board to ask Legislature to create position of Solicitor for Recorder's Court. Ol 06 19134a 7 269 ? 4. Commissioner to investigate condition of Mrs. Capps, a County Home patient, and confer with County Solicit?.06 09 1913?y 7 306 ?.y or. (See COUNTY HOME) 5. Solicitor to indite all delinquent lister if do not list their taxes by September 1. , 08 18 1913p? 7 312 ? 6. Al1 persons who have not listed taxes to be turned over to Solicitor. 09 O1 1913?? 7 314 p. 7.p ` Request from County Solicitor for office in Courthouse referred to Mr. Moore. 12 14 1914. 7 411 s , 8..? Solicitor to see that autopsies performed on all necessary cases before burial. (See CEMETERIES). 04 05 1915 7 449 . ,: 9.;? Solicitor to investigate request from Shepard Ultey for compensation for time erroneously served o n roads. 04 19 1915, 7 453 10.'; Salary of Public Defender fixed at $50 per month. „ 04 02 1917„ 7 617 , 12.;? Report from the Public Defender filed. .. ?? ?e 13.;? Report from the Public Defender filed. . 08 14.a? Report from W.F. Jones,Public Defender, filed. 10 ;? 15.;; Report from Mr. Jones filed. 11.?; Report of Public Defender referred to Chairman and Attorney to investigate. 06 04 1917, 7 624 11 16. 17. ,18. 19. Report from Public Defender Jones filed. Report from Public Defender Jones filed. Report from Public Defender Jones filed. Report from Public Defender Jones filed. 12 Ol 02 03 20.,; ;3 Report fromPublic Defender Jones filed. 04 21.,? Board requested Judge and Solicitor not to hold May term of Court due to small caseload. 04 22.??; Report from Public Defender filed. 05 23.?k Report from the Public Defender filed. 11 '-; ,24. Salary of PUblic Defender fixed at $50 per month. 12 ??, 25.?° f? Qualifications of Edwin T. Burton as County Solicitor and of J. Felton Head as Public Defender presented 12 " ?d "` ki to Board. 26.k? p December report from Public Defender filed. O1 ; 27.k± Report from Public Defender filed. 02 :? 28„? Same as Feb. 3. 03 29?? Same as Feb. 3. 04 ? ,30?g ?. Same as Feb. 3. 05 31.Fy Request of J. Felton, PUblic Defender, for salary increase declined. 05 , ?, 32.,; r Report from Public Defender filed. 08 , 33.?; No action on request of Solicitor E. T. Burton for a vacation. , 10 34:' ? Salary of Public Defender fixed at $50 a month. . 12 .. i 35:'. Edwin T. Burton resigned as County solicitor and J. B. McNorton appointed in his place. 04 36;i ?? Qualifications of J. A. McNorton as County Solicitor and Woodus Kellum as Solicitor of 8th Judicial 12 .. k . i t District filed. . , ,? 37;i Qualifications of J. A. McNorton as County Solicitor approved. 12 s, ;a 38?° F Expenses of Solicitor Woodus Kellum paid for transporting witnesses for Greer case. 02 39? Expenses of S. S. Lawrence to be paid for investigation for Solicitor. 09 ?{ 40:? k Bills incurred by Solicitor Woodus Kellum approved. 12 ? 41?? ? George D. Motte paid for services rendered Solicitor in case of State vs. T. E. Cooper. 12 ? ? 42?? Reward for witnesses in murder case of Leon George referred to District Solicitor. 06 ?, 43?? Expenses paid for Solicitor Kellum in matter of habeas corpus proceedings of A. S. McNeal. 07 02 1917 „ 7 06 1917 y O1 1917 05 1917 , 03 1917 07 1918 04 1918 04 1918 Ol 1918 30 1918 „ 06 1918, 04 1918 ; 02 1918 02 1918 27 1919 ^ 03 1919 03 1919 07 1919 05 1919 05 1919 „ 04 1919 06 1919 „ Ol 1919 14 1920 06 1920 7 7 7 627 , 632 ,: 642 645 + 7 652 7 658 7 663 7 671 7 690 7 693 7 695 8 24 " 8 26 8 26 y 8 33 8 34 8 38 8 42 8 48 8 48 . 8 68 8 80 8 89 8 105 8 134 04 1922 15 1923 25 1923 O1 1924 22 1924 a 25 1925 ? 19 1926 ' ?" ?; s i 8 219 8 228 '. 8 264 8 316 ' 8 319 ?, 8 343 ?? 8 391 ;? ?S t{ INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES N H C N C ? - anover . r MATTER: DRAINAGE ew ount?, . ` ecc. u. a. County Inde:es Since 1888 To laeate names, opsn at COTT A-ZTAB (NDEX rer OFFICE ?? An Identifying Tzade Mark ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. D UNN, NEW BfRN, NOR TH CAROLINA ; NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS r' DATE ?? MINUT E BOQK ? f s Month ? Day ? Year VoL I Page ?e ;? ?r. 1.;? Daniel Shaw, James Garrison and J.J. Wolvin appointed appraisers to visit lands of Elisha Porter. ? 04 06 1874?? 3 2Q8 f? ,. '? 2.Pj Above jury to assess damages on land and benefits to any land near contemplated work or enlargement of w 04 06 1874? 3 208 =6 ?d ? ditches. ,o "? i! r ?? 3.!,i Clerk to serve notice of land drainage on Elisha Porter's property and all other matters required by 04 06 1874?? 3 208 ., ?3 „ ?; ;? Chapter 39 Battles Revisal. 4 ?; ?` ,? 4.? Returns and documents of appriaisers in matter of wet lands of Elisha Porter filed and passed. ? 05 25 1874?y 3 218 , ? ? . ; ? 5.?; Clerk to make up bill of cost for investigation on lands af Elisha Porter. 05 25 ? 1874`, 3 219 ?? . „ 6. Dawson Durham requested appeal of appraisers report on Porter`s lan?d to ?up?ri;?x.? Caurt ?ran.ted. „ 07 06 1874.; 3 227 s ?_ .? 7.; Letter from W.A. Riach stating he has complied wzth agreement made to deepen ditch draining the Masonboro 04 OS 1897?° 5 796 +; ?.'; , Turnpike. , 8. Permission given to lay a drain across the road at Jumping Run if done at no expense to County. 04 25 1898 6 120 s' 9. 3 Request from A.O. McEachern for change in drainage on Newbern Road referred to Committee on Roads. . 09 03 1907' ., 7 108 ?R , 10.. Matter of draining roads in Winter Park Gardens referred to Roads Committee. 09 06 1911 7 232 ` ? .. ?: 11. ' Complaint of Frank Weston of flooding due to poor road drainage referred to Road Committee. 03 04 1912 7 245 '° 12. E Petition from J.E. Taylor relative to drainage of government property to be used for school purposes 10 07 1912: 7 259 p; ? referred to Chairman. ` ? . ., Fi 13. . ?s Chairman to take up Mr. Taylor's petition with Board of Education. ? 10 07 19I2? ?w 7 259 °; ?, 14. , Request from C.H Bonham that ditches be cleaned out to alleviate flooding referred to Permanent Roads Comm? .. 04 07 I913. ?, 7 287 `o t? 15. H.F. Wilder of Highwood Park Development Co. aZlowed to lay drainage pipes through its property under ? 04 07 1913', 7 287 ?; ? ?; supervision of Superintendent of Roads. i ?? 16. J.H. Bonham applied f or opening a ditch leading from Turnpike. , 07 07 1913.?; , 7 309 ?? ?y 17.? ? Superintendent of Roads and Sanitary Engineer to investigate drainage at Winter Park. , 07 07 1913 7 309 ?s '; 18.y; Request from Mr. Bonham for relief from drainage problem referred to Superintendent of Roads. ?, 10 15 1913'? " 7 317 Fr 19.,; Request from Mr. Bonham to relieve ditch drainage problem referred to Superintendent of Roads who recommen, 11 03 1913,; 7 319 id ?a .,; ded no action. „ ? , p? 20.,; Superintendent of Roads may employ an engineer to ascertain if ditches can be improved to drain in Winter „ 04 06 1914;: 7 343 ;; ?? Park Gardens. „ ,; ; 21. : .? Letter from citizens of Winter Park read relative to drainage. . 04 13 1914? 7 345 +` , 22. ?_ Report on drainage at Winter park Gardens. 05 04 1914'?. 7 349 ;i ; ?? 23. s Board passed a resolution on ditches along public roads and their drainage. : 05 04 1914; 7 349 ,. ?? , 24. : ?y Ditch near powning Branch to be filled in if property owners will pay half cost of pipe. .. 10 12 1914' ^ 7 387 i?} k3 25. ; Matter of excess water draining on land of Horne Place referred to Road Committee. 02 O1 1915,? 7 431 ?' , .. ?, ;. 26. = ? Matter of ditches from Winter Park and Turnpike draining into land of Dan Beuton and J. Williams referred ., 04 05 1915 7 448 !; ?? ,? to Permanent Road Committee. ., F' j?, 27. Road Committee reported on clearing ditches near Winter Par. ?4 12 1915 7 451 ;: ?;? 28.; George Hutoff to put in a deep well and County to care for drainage. ,. 09 18 1915 7 487 `' ?; 29. Board to lay drainage pipe on lot of Winter Park Presbyterian Church if property owners buy pipe. 02 07 19I6. 7 533 ;; 30.,; Drainage pipes for Winter Park Gardens to be laid by Road Committee next week. 03 06 1916; 7 539 F? .. „ 31.;; Letter from New Hanover Co. Drainage District 4?12 referred to Permanent Road Committee. „ 05 08 1916 7 554 ?; ?a 32.„; Assessment agaznst County roads for Drainage District ??l was ordered paid. „ 07 03 1916`' + 7 570 ?? ?? ?' 33. ; Winter Park Gardens re uested culvert under Turn ike• referred to Permanent Road Committee. ?l P ? 05 07 1917? 7 620 ?i r, ., ?o ;,, 34.; E.S. Hancock allowed to cut a deeper drain for watex to run off into Five Mile Branch. 02 04 1918?' 7 663 g' ,. f ? ? 35. F Request from L. Clayton Grant for a drainpipe or support for ditch on Seagate-Greenville Road deferred. 04 Ol 1918F;? 7 685 i +? 36.' Auditor to pay annually tax level by N. H. County Drainage District #1 for Winter Park District. 08 05 1918 8 16 ?? 4? ,? ? 37.; ci Supt. of Roads to put in drain pipe at mail route crossing on Castle Hayne Rd. 08 05 1918i`? ? ??$ 16 ? 38.?'; J. S. Franches complained that drain pipe on Castle Hayne Rd. Caused flooding on his land. f 10 03 . 1918?? 8 17 ? a? S? `? ? 39.?? sy !? __ _ Complaint of J. B. Fenley of drainage on his land referred to Road Committee. ; . 1' 10 03 1918?'; f; i 8 17 ; 4 s ? N C MATTER INDEX TO CO?MISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County DRAINAGE , . . _ : ? Rec. u. s. County Inde:en Since 1888 ? TO IOCets f18rt18S. open at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX ??r OFFICE ?,4?? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMVANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA o? '? ? DATE ;. ?j ? MINUTE BOOK ; NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? Month Day 1 1 Year ?? ?? VQI. ? Page ?? 1. No action on drainage problem on property of J. B. Fenley. 02 10 1919 ',°? 8 35 " ? , Ry ,s 2. Supt. of Roads to open ditch on Masonboro Road so property of D. W. Trask would be properly drained. 02 10 1919 ' 8 35 i; ? a ? i? a 3. Supt. Dempsey to purchase drain tile to complete drainage work at Farm. ' 03 10 1919 `+ ?? 8 si 40 4. Supt. of Home to lay drain tile along road from Castle Hayne Rd. to Home. 05 05 1919 ;§ G? 8 48 `r 5. Complaint of R. Canady of water standing on his place near road referred to Supt. of I?oads. 08 28 1919 ? 8 73 ?; {r 6. Delegates appointed to attend Drainage Convention in Washington, DC. ?; O1 09 1920 : °u 8 93 ` ?f 7. Request from R. L. Fox to have ditch along Market St. opened to drain off water referred to Supt. of Roads, ., 06 07 1920 _` E; 8 113 , ;: 8. New Hanover and Brunswick to use part of land of Atlantic Coast Line Railroad for a drainage canal. , 11 Ol 1920 `'' 8 130 9. Damage to drainage ditch along Castle Hayne Road referred to Mr. Burnett. O1 31 1921 8 143 V , 10.?; :, Enlarging drain ditch on Wrightsville Ave. and draining road to Winter Park School referred to Road Com. 02 07 1921 8 145 11.;.' .; Request for better drainage system along Scotts Hill Road referred to Road Committee. 02 07 1921 : 8 145 12,,j No culverts or drain pipes to be installed on any roads without permission from Supt. of Roads. 02 07 1921 8 145 13.;°: ?9 Delegates named to attend N. C. Drainage Commission at Elizabeth City. 04 04 1921 8 154 14.;? . kY Request from J. I. Crews to have ditch on Gordon Road cleaned so water would drain referred to Chairman. 03 06 1922 8 189 !; 15.?? Request that Audubon Blvd. be drained referred to Road Committee. 04 03 1922 8 193 - ,a 16.?? Appointment of delegates to Drainage Convention in Goldsboro referred to Chairman. 04 10 1922 8 195 ?? 17.?? Request to drain pond on Wrightsboro Road referred to Road Committee. 07 28 1922 8 ? 206 ? ? , 18.? , Request to install pipe along Scotts Hill Road to drain land of 0. Pearsall referred to Road Committee. 09 05 1922 ; 8 210 19.,? ? Pipe to be laid in ditch at Masonboro colored church to drain same. 12 08 1922 ? 8 220 , ? 20.?? Request of L. L. Hanby that County lay a drain pipe under part of Wrightsville Turnpike received. 05 21 1923 8 243 r r 21.N? Means to be provided to drain water from YMCA lot before it flows into courtyard. 06 11 1923 8 245 „ 22.;? ? Supt. of Road to relieve drainage problem on land of James Crews. 07 07 1924 , 8 301 ; 23.r; Water draining off highways onto private property referred to Road Committee. 08 04 1924 „ 8 304 : 24.I# ? , Drainage of road in East Wilmington referred to Road Committee. 10 06 1924 „ 8 310 ; ? 25.?? . Complaint of R. A. Rouse on water draining from County Farm land onto his land referred to Mrs. Trask. 10 06 1924 ;, 8 310 ., ? 26.r ; County to deepen and widen drainage ditch through Winter Park. 10 06 1924 ' E, 8 311 , , ?9 27.;a County to open ditch to drain water from land of J. A. Rouse. 10 10 1924 8 312 ? ,; . ,? w , 28.Pi Matter of drainage situation for project 353 referred to Road Committee. 05 04 1925 , 8 337 ?; _ 29.r ? ? Drainpipe to be installed under road at Seagate near Mr. Capps if needed. 05 21 1926 8 385 30.? Installation of drainpipe in Courthouse basement discussed. (see Courthouse) 12 10 1926 8 413 _ ? 31.? Action of sewer and drainage in Courthouse delayed. (see Courthouse) 12 16 1926 . 8 415 : 32.. . Y Drainage system in courthouse approved (See Courthouse.) 12 21 1926 8 415 p a 33.?? ? ?i Board awarded contract to fix and connect courthouse and 3rd st drainage. 03 22 1927 8 432 'i 34.=E ' R. L. Fox's request for county to drain water from Fox Subdivision main street referred to Chairman. 08 28 1928 , 8 528 „ q ,.. 35.?? Request to install larger culvert under road at Castle Hayne to drain water referred to Chairman. 09 04 1928 ,. 8 530 „ ? . ?? s 36.`? , Wrightsville School drainage investigated. „ 09 04 1928 8 530 ,, 37.?' Installing headwalls at culvert on Wrightsville turnpike east of Delgado referred to Chairman. 09 18 1928 .; 8 532 , ?? ?? 38.?? Letter from H. E. Ritter receive on ditch drainage. 09 18 1928 ;; 8 532 , 39.?j Request to install drainage tile on Ritter property under advisement. 09 25 1928 ' .? 8 533 ia 40.;? Enlarge drainage on Castle Hayne Rd. submitted, but no action taken. 11 05 1928 , 8 540 . ° 6! 41.;; Manholes, headwalls, pipes authorized for Borden Ave. drainage. 11 09 1928 8 541 w? 42.i 3 ? Pdition for ditch at Tidewater Power Company received but not granted. . 03 04 1929^ ., 8 562 ?? .. ' . 43.? Land drainage endorsement received from Real estate board. 04 09 1929 8 ? 569 ? 44.; Drainage at airport referred to Chairman. 04 16 1929',. ? 8 570 45. Drainage pipe purchased for Hanover Gardens. 05 06 1929 , 8 573 46. Drainage and malaria extermination request taken under advisement. , 05 21 1929,? ?? 8 575 ' k; ? '; '? ?# r; ?; ?i ?. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES --- New Hanover C Counfy N MATTERT DRAINArE ` ? . , . , Rca. u. s. County Indexea Since 1888 To loeafe nomes, open at ?AT orvice ??1?' An ldentifyingTrade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB (OTT A•Z TAB INDEX MADE iY THE COTT INDEX COMPANT, COLUMBUS, ONtO SOLD BY OWEN 6. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORiH UROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATUR? OF PROCEEDINGS Month I Day I Year Vol. I Page 1. Drain tile approved for Williams Ave. ditch. 06 25 1929 8 580 2. Guard and foreman hired for road drainage work. 07 16 1929 8 585 3. Drain pipes purchased and Thomas Wright paid county to raise lot. 08 05 1929 8 588 4. Drain tile authorized at airport. 08 OS 1929 8 588 5. Request to run city water Iine along Wrightsville turnpike referred to Supt. of Roads. 09 24 1929 8 597 6. Drainage opening referred to committee. 11 19 1929 9 8 7. Winter Park drainage authorized cleaning. 11 19 1929 9 8 8. Drain pipe approved at Wrightsboro school. 11 19 1929 9 8 9, iN. A. Spencer requested, granted deeper drain ditch. 04 15 1930 9 38 10. Drain ditch authorized for Wrightsboro Baptist Church. 04 15 1930 9 38 11. Drainage authorized at Winter Park. 04 15 '? .930 9 38 12. Convict labor approved for swamp drainage. 05 05 1930 9 41 13. Stockade drainage referred to commissioners. 05 20 1930 9 43 14. E. I. Tinga request for cleaner drainage referred to Chairman. 05 20 1930 9 43 15. Richard S. Rogers request for drainage canal taken under advisement. 05 20 1930 9 43 16. Large drainage culverts reQuested for Ness Creek and Wildcat Branch. 09 09 1930 9 58 17. Sewer pipe drainage approved for airport. 11 2S 1930 9 76 18. Drainage and repairs approved for Cherry Street and 7th Avenue. I2 23 1930 9 83 19. Northeast and Marathon Ave. to be drained and graded, Ol 05 1931 9 85 20. Culvert drainage requested, declined at Spoffors Mills ditch. O1 28 I934 9 286 21. Labor to drain swimming pool authorized by Board. 06 11 1934 9 288 22. Conference with highway and Public Works requested to clean river ditches. 06 11 1934 9 288 23. Drainage culvert lenthened under road near Masonboro Loop Road. 06 11 1934 9 288 24. Drainage pipes bidded by Cemert Product Co. accepted for airport extension. 10 08 1934 9 305 25. Di?ch along Blue Clay Road to be cleaned. O1 14 1935 9 318 26. Request received, investigated, on opening ditches at Castle Hayne. 09 09 1935 9 379 27. County Farm drainage authorized to water shrubbery. 05 14 193b 9 432 28. Paul Galog requested, considered on draining his land. 06 O1 1936 9 435 29. Murray Bass requested, considered for land drainage. 11 02 1936 9 460 30. Drainage investigated. 11 02 1936 9 460 31. Drainage authorized at Wrightsboro for new Ladies club. 11 09 1936 9 462 32. Ladies report submitted. 11 16 1936 9 464 33. Drainage report submitted for November. I2 14 1936 9 470 34. Drainage report filed for December. O1 04 1937 9 472 35. Drainage ditch petitioned, agreed for Highway 40. O1 18 1937 9 475 36. Drain pipe authorized around recreation center. O1 18 1937 9 475 37. Drain relief authorized for Audubon area. O1 27 1937 9 476 38. Drain opening to be investigated by Chairman and Trask. 03 22 1937 9 487 39. Ditch opening at Masonboro requested, referred to Chairman. 04 12 1937 9 490 40. Repairs to drain requested, referred to Chairman. Q6 14 1937 9 508 41. Drainage improvement at Winter Park taken under consideration. 07 26 1937 9 525 : 42. Motion to cZean all drainage not seconded. 06 27 1938 9 594 43. Heated discussion on drainage problems with County home and farm force. 06 27 1938 9 594 44. Drainage repairs on P. Buis land requested, referred to Chairman. 07 11 1938 9 598 45. Drainage committee requested from each township. 08 O1 1938 9 603 46. Drainage repairs requested, granted for B. B. Cameron land. 08 08 1938 9 606 INDEX T? COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hano?er Count?y, N. C. ' MATT RT DRAINAGE ` .ec. u. s. Counry lndexea Since 1688 To loeate names, open at e?r OFF?GE ?,?J'l? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME lNIT1AL iA6 COTT A-i TA8 INDEX MADE BY TNE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, ONIO SOLD BY OWEN 6. DI1NN, HEW BERN, NDRTM CAROLINA DA7E MINU'fE BOOK NATURE OF AROCEEDINGS Month ? Day l Year Vol. I Page 1. Cleaning of drain and culvert requested for Blue Clay Road and Acorn Branch. 08 22 1938 9 611 2. Committee to investigate George Biddle request for ditching. 09 19 1938 10 10 3. J. E. Wiliiams referred on drainage for Hawthorne Rd. 10 10 1938 10 16 4. Motion carried to employ engineer for county drainage work. 10 17 1938 10 16 5. M. T. Ridaught referred on ditch for Pxincess Street. 10 24 1938 10 20 6. T. H. Wright referred on drain for Garden City. 11 07 1938 10 21 7. G. H. Hutaff conferred on ditch cleaning on his property. 12 12 1938 10 28 8. Addison Hewlett, Jr., request declined for drainage work. 03 06 1939 10 43 9. Pet?t?on referrec? pn flooding conditzons at Mi11s Creek. 03 13 1939 10 44 10. Deepening creek and installing flood gates granted from Greenfield Lakes to Cape Fear River. 03 13 1939 10 45 11. Relief of flooding conditions received at Green Mills Creek. 03 27 1939 10 47 12. Drainage improvements in E. Wilmington referred to committee. OS 15 1939 10 57 13. Request for drainage repair granted at S. Wilmington Place. 05 22 1939 10 58 14. Sewer pipe authorized for drainage at airport. 06 19 1939 1? 63 15. Mrs. J. R. Guthrie complaint granted £or drain cleaning at Audubon Ave. 08 14 1939 10 77 16. Three culverts replaced at Winter Park. 09 05 1939 10 79 17. Cleaning out of Acorn Branch drain referred. 09 25 1939 10 83 18. Drain Force to build ditch along Rock Hill Road. 10 16 1939 10 89 19. Culvert referred for Carolina Beach Road. 10 16 1939 10 89 20. 5. W. Garrett re?erred for drainage at Greenfield Drive. 11 20 1939 1Q 95 21. H. H. Hartis requested received on drain cleaning 12 26 I939 10 101 22. Committee named to investigate drain cleaning at Greenfield Lake. 12 27 1939 10 103 23. E. C. Raurk,.. Jr., request referred for bad drain at Keeton Ave. OI 15 1940 10 106 24. E. Schulken reauest referred for bad drain at Audubon Ave. 02 26 1940 10 116 25. Dxain authoxized cleaning along Mrs. Sherin land. 03 11 1940 10 117 26. Drain force authorized to clean school grounds, 03 18 1940 10 118 27. Funds postponed for Greenfield drainage. 09 23 194Q 10 155 28. N.C. Ec{uipment Co. approved payment for drainage equipment at Greenfield project. 09 30 I940 10 155 29. More men from drainage gang autharized at airport. 09 30 1940 10 155 30. Joint dxainage p roject postponed. 09 30 1940 10 156 31. Culvert considered for Myrtle Grove. 11 12 1940 10 161 32. No action taken on sewage condition and draining at Forest Hills. 11 25 1940 11 165 33. Committee named on connecting city Oleander drainage system. 12 02 1940 il 167 34. J. D. Hinton request received on ditch at Castle Hayne. 03 10 1941 11 186 35, S.W. Gaxrett referred for culvert at Gxeenfield Lake. fl3 10 1941 11 187 36. J. E. Wade granted request for Greenfield drainage repairs. 03 13 1941 11 191 37. Pexmission granted for ditch to be dug at Oleander. 11 03 1941 11 238 38, Action reconsidered on digging ditch at Oleander. 11 17 I941 11 241 39. Action rescinded on digging ditch at Oleander. 11 17 1941 11 241 40. Motion rescinded on digging ditch at Oleander. 11 10 1941 11 240 41. Hugh McRae protest action to use prison Iabor for ditch at Oleander. 11 24 1941 11 242 42. Request for drain improvement presented. 03 23 1942 11 264 43. Request received on drain improvement. 03 03 1942 11 264 44. W. E. Sanders request referred on drainage improvements. 05 25 1942 11 274 45. Samuel Winstead request referred on drain near Kure Beach pier. 07 06 1942 11 281 46. Relieving drainage considered on J. C. N orth prq?erty. 10 12 1942 lI 297 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count N C DRAINAGE - ?, . . _ MATTER: _ nec. u, s. County Indezea Since 1888 ? To lotate names, open at r?r OFFIGE ?e?"J1?o-t? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•2 TAB INDEX INADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BE RN, NORT H UIROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month ? Day I Year Vol. I Page 1. Bertram Quelch requested drainage improvements on property. 10 26 1942 10 298 2. Drain pipe approved under Middle Sound Road. 11 30 1942 10 305 3. F. G. Harriss referred on drain repairs on Blue Clay Road. 12 28 1942 10 310 4. Funds granted for expense by drainage and Malaria control. 02 15 1943 10 316 5. Betram Quelch referred on culvert along Blue Clay Road. 04 15 1943 10 322 6. Drainage complaint referred along Colonial Village. 04 26 1943 10 327 7. Joint payment to Pearsall and Co. to be made for Burnt Mill Drainage 05 10 1943 10 329 8. C. S. Thompson referred on drainage correction on Tyler Street. 07 12 1943 10 339 9. State Highway Dept. was asked to repair washout at Brookwood. 08 09 1943 10 344 10. Drainage complaints referred on conditions along Winter Park. 08 23 1943 10 346 11. Highway Dept. asked to? install culvert at Kure Beach. 10 04 1943 10 351 12. Committee named on improving Burnt Mill Creek drainage. 04 03 1944 10 376 13. EQuipment approved for improving Burnt Mill Drainage. 04 10 1944 10 377 14. Drain opening granted on Pauline Ave. 06 19 1944 10 392 15. J. B.?-Riggs request referred on Pauline Ave. drain. 08 07 1944 10 398 16. Estimated cost for drains and canals at Greenfield Lake taken under consideration. 09 25 1944 10 406 17. Z. A. Sneeden bids referred on dragline for Greenfield Drainage 10 02 1944 10 407 18. Complaints referred on bad drainages at Riverside Apts. 11 06 1944 10 412 19. John Colucci request referred on cleaning ditch at Seagate. Y1 20 1944 10 414 20. 0. 0. Whitlock request referred on cleaning ditch at Longwood, 11 27 1944 10 415 21. Report received on drainage condition along Southern Blvd. 02 12 1945 10 427 22. Improvement to drainage ditch referred to Highway Dept. 03 05 1945 10 431 23. Opening of drain ditch approved referred along Camp Davis Highway. 09 04 1945 10 456 24. Bad drainage condition at Riverside Apts. discussed. 09 04 1945 10 456 25. Riverside Apts. drainage condition discussed. 09 10 1945 10 457 26. Drainage condition to be investigated at Shell Oil Plant. 09 10 1945 10 457 27. State Highway and Public Works was asked to inspect alldrainages along highways. 09 10 1945 10 457 28. Committees appointed to report on Carolina Beach drainage. 09 24 l 945 10 459 29. Petition received on drainage improvements along Market St. 09 24 1945 10 459 30. State Highway and Public Works letter received on drainage problems along highways. 10 Ol 1945 10 460 31. Drainage repai"rs authorized at Legion Field Stables. 10 22 1945 10 464 32. Culvert repairs approved along Old Blossom Ferry Rd. at Castle Hayne. 11 26 1945 10 467 33. Consideration taken on purchasing dragline for county drainage. Ol 14 1946 10 477 34. Drainage investigation requested for J. T. Vic.ks at Seagate. ? 02 11 1946 10 480 35. Drainage correction referred for I. F. McCaskill at Castle Hayne. 02 18 19?6 10 ?8i 36. Kure Beach delegation request drainage improvements. 03 04 1946 10 483 37. Delegation requested to appear on drainage improvements. 03 04 1946 10 484 38. Engineer report on drainage received-deferred at Carolina Beach. 04 22 1946 10 493 39. Drainage ditch along Wallace Ave. referred to Highway dept. 05 06 1946 10 496 40. Drain ditch in E. Wilmington to be inspected. 07 15 1946 10 504 41. 0. 0. Whitlock complaint received on drainage condition along Old Meares Road. 08 05 1946 10 508 42. Request reported on Cleaning of ditches at Winter Park. 08 26 1946 10 514 43. Complaint referred on Wrightsboro drainage. 09 03 1946 10 514 44. Drainage responsibility postponed. 88 26 1946 10 515 45. Drainage responsibility discussed. 09 16 1946 10 516 46. Committees named to investigate Winter Park School drainage. 09 23 1946 10 517 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MATTER: DRAINAGE aec. u. s. County Indexea Sinee 1888 ?+ ?+..3? To locpte names? op¢n Gt COTT A•Z TAB INDEX ?AT OiFICE ?.?i?l?' An ldentifying Trade Mark ?? SURNAME INlTIAL iAB MADF BY THE COiT INpEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHfO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF FROCEEDINGS ?. E. A. Shands complaint referred on bact drainage at Audubon. 2. Carolina Beach drainage investigated by Rep. R. M. Kermon 3. Rev. B. J. Willis letter received on bad drainage and Burnt Mill. 4. Carolina Beach drainage system to receive aid from commissioners. 5. Rep. R. M. Kermon to submit bi.21 for fund for drainage improvements. 6. No action taken of city manager request to improve Burnt MiII Creek drainage. 7. No action taken on petition to improve drainage at Masonboro. 8. Dxainage repairs referred on Blue Clay Rd. 9. A. P. Blanton complaint referred on drainage along Castle Hayne Rd. 10. J. B. Funderberg request referred on drainage improvements along Blue Clay Rd. 11. W. E. Sanders request referred for improvements to drainage at Gordon community. 12. Bids authorized to complete drainage at Carolina Beach, and remove material from Henniker ditch. 13. Deepening of Henniker Ditch requested to complete Carolina Beach drainage. 14. Widening IIenniker ditch authorized to connect with Carolina Beach drainage system. 15, Bids received for Widening Henniker ditch. 16. Talman Transfer Company bid accepted far widening Henniker ditch, 17. Payment to M. H. Lander, C. E. Approved for Carolina Beach-Henniker ditch project. 18. Complaints on bad drainage along Newton Lane referred to Chairman. 19. E. A. Shands complaints xeceived on bad ditches at Audubon. 20. Drain pipes authorized under Audubon Road. 21. Payment to G. W. Talman approved for dredging Henniker Ditch and to Henniker for damages. 22. S. E. Loftin request referred on installing pipe on Audubon. 23. Agreement signed to cut ditch for draining water from Audubon Blvd. 24. A. A. Everett complaint received on bad drainage on Wrightsville Turnpike. 25. Drainage request received from H. E. DeHart at Seagate. 26. Drainage complaint received from Mr. Dexter at Seagate. 27. Drainage requ??t referred at Maffitt Village. 28. Drainage rec{uest received at Wrightsboro School. 29. Drainage pipe installed at Castle Hayne Rd. near school. 30. Drainage considered dragline work at Winter Park. 31. Drainage complaints received by J. A. Smith at Big Gum Swamp, 32. Drainage consideration received for Winter Park. 33. Drainage repairs approved for Prince George Creek. 34. Drainage repairs received for considerationat Castle Hayne. 35. Drainage repairs received for Blue Clay Rd; persons written. 36. Dxainage repairs received for Castle Hayne area. 37. Drainage xepairs at Odgen considered. 38. H. W. Scott, soil conservation Dept. spoke at length on drainage. 39. Bulldozer to be used for drainage work. 40. Dragline drainage work considered for Middle Sound. 41. W. K. Rhodes request for drainage repairs taken under consideration. 42. Drainage repairs referred along Wrightsville Causeway. 43. Drainage repairs referred in E. Wilmington. 44. Drainage funds by dragline work reduced. 45. Drainage work by dragline approved for Motts Creek area. 46. Drainage conditions xeceived in Scotts Hill. DATE Month ( Day I Year 09 23 1946 09 30 1946 10 2I 1946 01 06 1947 01 13 1947 MINUTE BOOK Voi. ( Page IO 517 10 518 10 522 10 10 O1 13 1947 10 Ol 20 1947 10 02 10 1947 10 02 17 1947 10 02 17 1947 10 02 24 1947 10 03 17 1947 10 03 24 1947 10 03 31 1947 10 04 28 1947 10 04 25 1947 10 05 12 1947 10 06 02 1947 10 07 14 1947 10 07 26 1947 10 08 11 1947 10 09 15 1947 10 11 03 1947 10 11 O1 1947 11 O1 26 1948 11 03 22 1948 11 05 10 1948 11 05 10 1948 11 06 14 1948 11 06 21 1948 -11 09 13 1948 lZ 11 15 1948 11 12 13 1948 11 O1 10 1949 11 Q2 28 1949 11 Ol 10 1949 lZ 05 02 1949 11 05 09 1949 11 533 534 534 537 544 545 545 547 550 551 556 561 561 565 569 575 577 579 584 592 1 11 17 25 26 31 33 45 57 62 66 77 66 90 92 05 23 1949 11 95 05 23 1949 11 95 06 Q6 1949 11 98 06 20 1949 11 102 07 18 1949 11 108 07 20 1949 11 109 08 22 1949 11 115 09 12 1949 11 120 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?y, N. C. _ M TTERT DRAINAGE nta. u. :. ? `? County Indezea Since 1888 ? To lotate nome5, open af COTT A•2 TAB 1NDEX t?r OFFICE C..G..tP/i7G? An ldentifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL 7A6 MIADE YY TNE COTi INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN 6. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH [AROLtNA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS 1. Drainage conditions received at Prince George Creek. 1. Drainage repairs agreed for courthouse. 3. G. H. Hutaff referxed on drain work and walkway at Smith creek. 4. Ditch at Myrtle Grove Sd. not to be filled in by County. 5. Drainage work referred at Fernside. 6. Culvert for Four Mile Post by Atlantic Coastline continued. 7. Culvert xepairs referred for Golf Fairway, Azalea and Highland Dr, roadways. 8. Drainage deleted f rom airport improvement project. 9. Draina?e deleting from airport improvement project discussed. 10. B. L. Pressley referred on drainage rec{uest for Carolina Beach. 11. Atlantic Coastline referred on dxainage under tracts. 12. No action taken on Kirby Sidbury request for drain pipe. 13. Airport engineer J. Norwood notice received on saving money for drainage. 14. J. A. Yopp request referred on drainage conditions on his land. 15. Drainage request referred at Harbor Island. I 16. Drainage request approved at S. Wilmington Place. 17. Dr. J. M. Jenkins granted request for drainage by deepening Prince Geoxge Greek. 18. Aid request, granted to clean out ditch at Carolina Beach. 19. Petition approved for opening drain ditches in Cape Fear. 20. Rabert E. Vereen complaint received on ditch on his lot at Carolina Beach. 21. Carolina Beach mayor letter received on recent cleaning out of ditches there. . 22. Drainage anct road improvements requested check. 23. Favorable consideration given to drainage improvements in Forest Hills at Hanby Beach. 24. Mrs. Walter Carney request referred for drainage correction. 25. Garden Club referred on drain between Cape Fear NE RiverBrzdge. 26. Carolzna Beach Manager request received for dragline work on Henniker Diteh. 27. Action adopted to resume dragline operations. 28. B. B. Burie request received for ditch repairs at his Motts Creek Farm. 29. R. W. Austin, Jr, reauest declined for dragline drainage at Cypress Pond. 30. Drainage repairs request received for Market-Gordon Rds, and Carolina Beach. 31. Gordon Rd. canal completed. 32. Harnett Ave. Authorized pipe. 33. Carolina Beach Yacht basin authorized cleaning. 34. W. T. Batson paid for drainage work at Carolina Beach. 35. W. J. Batson approved payment for Carolina Beach drainage pro3ect, 36. Myrtle Grove Sd. residents requested drainage repairs at Colvins Creek. 37. Frederick Willetts requested drainage repairs at T. B. Hospital and ditch repairs at Devon Park. 38. Carolina Beach drainage work report made, Hanby Beach house damaged. 39. Congress reported on Carolina Beach drain work. 40. Federal Pt. drain work completed; dragline moved to Austin-Gordon Rd. 41. Drainage budget reported. 42. D??inage work approved for Castle Hayne. 43. Drainage work discussed for Market St.- Gordon Rd. area. 44. Pipes and.pump authorized at T. B. Hospital. 45. Pipes from Harbee Borkenhagen authorized for Winter Park drainage. 46. Progress report on drainage progects. DATE Month Day f Year I 09 29 1949 12 28 1949 O1 Q9 1950 02 06 1950 02 13 1950 02 27 1950 03 13 1950 04 05 1950 04 07 1950 04 17 1950 04 24 195Q 06 05 1950 Q7 31 1950 08 14 1950 09 18 :.950 10 30 1950 04 02 1951 04 23 1951 06 04 1951 06 25 1951 07 02 1951 07 23 1951 02 23 1951 08 20 1951 02 11 1952 02 11 1952 f33 12 1952 03 24 1952 03 31 1952 04 28 1952 O5 19 1952 05 19 1952 06 30 1952 07 28 1952 09 22 1952 09 29 1952 11 03 1952 12 08 1952 12 15 1952 12 22 1952 O1 05 1953 O1 (?5 1953 Ol 12 1953 O1 12 1953 O1 I2 1953 O1 19 1953 MINUTE BOOK Vol. ? Page I1 I21 11 144 11 146 11 154 11 156 11 159 11 I63 11 171 11 172 11 176 lt 179 11 189 11 199 11 202 11 210 11 219 1 1 251 11 255 Z1 264 11 266 11 268 11 273 11 273 11 281 11 317 11 317 11 323 11 325 11 327 11 3.32 11 337 11 337 11 346 11 356 11 366 11 367 11 375 11 385 11 385 11 387 ?1 390 11 390 11 391 11 390 11 391 11 393 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County N C DRAINAGE MATTER , . . , : ` eec. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 ? To locafe names, open at r?r ?FFICE ??? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB C07T A-Z 7A6 1NDEX MIADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. bUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Yen? Vol. I Page ! 1. Castle Hayne drainage, and future work at National Guard, Myrtle Grove, Seagate and Wrightsboro reported. O1 16 1953 11 395 2. F. R. Stegall drainage complaint referred to State Hwy. engineer. 02 09 ?953 11 398 3. Harbor Island drainage requested received for study. 03 OZ 1953 I1 403 4, Rosa Paxker request received on drainage at Castle Hayne. 03 02 1953 11 404 5. Fred Willetts request received on drainage repairs at Five Miles. 03 03 1953 11 404 6. W. L. Shepard request received on drainage repairs along New Bern Ave. 03 16 1953 11 409 7. Myrtle Grove drainage work set. 03 16 1953 11 409 8. Fred Jordan written on drainage work. 03 16 1953 11 409 9. Dragline moved from Gordon Rd. to Myrtle Grove Sound; T. B. Hospital scheduled next. 03 23 1953 11 410 10. New dragline cost listed; only repairs to be made on old dragline. 03 23 1953 11 410 11. W. 0. Lambeth letter read on drainage progress. 03 30 1953 11 411 12. Drainage crew to replace culvert at Myrtle Grove. 03 30 1953 11 412 I3, New dragline discussed. 04 03 1953 I1 4I4 14. Drain request received from West Audubon residents. 04 03 1953 11 414 15. W. H. Kelly request referred for Myrtle Grove drainage. 04 20 1953 11 415 16. Myrtle Grove drainage work completed, T. B. Hospital next. 05 11 1953 11 420 17. Walker and Pierce Nursery letter received on appreciation for Gordon Rd. drainage work. 05 11 1953 11 420 18. Drainage inspections reported. 06 OI 1953 I1 424 19. Peoples Savings ? Loan letter received on relocation of Alvida Chadwick drain. 06 09 1953 11 427 20. Mrs. Alice Stric&land request for drainage repairs at Carolina Beach not authorized. 06 15 1953 11 429 21. No action taken on draining low areas for mosquitos, flies, etc. 07 06 1953 11 435 22. Drainage at Prince George Creek referred to Chairman. 07 06 1953 11 435 23. Dragline progress reported. 07 27 1953 11 441 24. Dragline moved from Prince George Creek, needed at Blue Clay Rd. 07 27 1953 11 442 25. Meeting on drainage set with Carolina Beach manager. 08 24 1953 11 448 26. Drainage investigated at Carolina Beach. 08 24 1953 11 449 27. 0. E. Eldridge complaint received on drainage repairs at Greenfield Lake. 08 24 1953 11 448 28. Katherine Be?l requested walk way repairs over drainage canal on Burnett property. 11 02 1953 11 464 29. Rerouting drain on C. D. Patterson property referred to State Highways. 11 23 1953 11 467 30. Drain work referred at Gordon Road. 02 O1 1954 11 482 31. Drain petition referred at Seagate. 02 08 1954 11 485 32. G. H. Hutaff drainage rec{uest referred to Marine Corp. Auxillary landing strip. 03 O1 1954 11 489 33. Dr. E. F. Keever petition for drainage received no action. 03 08 1954 11 491 34. Dragline to take care of Ogden drainage. 03 08 1954 11 491 35. Drainage work to be furnished along Gordon-Market St. Roads. 03 15 1954 11 492 36. Wrightsville Beach Mayor letter of thanks received on funds. 03 22 1954 11 494 37. Drain report received. (:3 22 1954 11 495 38. Drain report received. 03 29 1954 11 496 39. Drain report received. 04 05 1954 11 498 40. Drain repairs referred for Kure Beach. 04 05 1954 I1 498 41. Drain report received. 04 20 1954 11 505 42. Drain repairs referred for Kure Beach. 04 20 1945 11 508 43. Drain Report received. 04 26 1945 11 509 44. Drain report received. 05 03 1945 11 510 5. Drain referred for Winter Park Baptist Church. 05 10 1954 lI 512 46. Dragline work completed. 05 17 1954 11 514 INDEX TO COMMISSIQNERS MINUTES eec. u. s. County Indexes Since 1888 rnT OFFICE ??l?l?a? An Identifying Trade Maric - New Hanover Count?y, N. C. , MATTER: DRAINAGE ` Yo locate namez, open at COTT A•2 TAB INDEX SURNAME 1NITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLO BY OIYEN G. DUXN, NEW BERN, NORTN CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS 1. Drainage report received. ? 2. Drainage report received. 3. Drainage report received. 4. Drainage report received. 5. Drainage report received. 6. Drainage funds reported. 7. Drainage report received. 8. Drainage report received. 9. Drainage report received. 10. Drainage report received. 11. Drainage report received. 12. Dragline foreman E. W, Davis suffered stroke, vacancy to be filled. 13. Final dragline operations reported. 14. Drainage report filed. 15. Drainage report filed. 16. Drainage report received. 17. Drainage report recieved. 18. D?ainage report received. 19. Drainage continued for Kure Beach. 20. Drainage report received. 21. Drainage report received. 22. Drainage report received. 23. Dragline move from Bernard-Whiskey Creeks area. 24. Mr. Phillips objections reported on dragline crossing his land for Bernard-Whiskey ?i.reek Project. 25. Cleaning of Henniker Ditch taken under consideration. 26. Phillips pipeline (Oklahoma) Ietter referred on running pipe underCape Fear River. 27. Drainage report received. 28. Drainage report received. 29. Dra inage report received. 30. Dragline petition received for drainage in SE part of County. 31. Telegram received from Phillips Pip?line on pipeline application. 32. Drainage report received. 33. G. H. Hutaff advised that no Navy dxainage contract was received by county. 34. Drainage report received. 35. Drainage report received. 36. Drainage report received. 37. Ditching report received. 38. Drainage report received. 39. Drain completion report announced for Carolina Beach Hwy. Silver Lake Area. 40. Drainage report received. 41. Drainage petition approved to drain at Myrtle Grove and Monkey Junction. 42. Drainage report received. 43. Drainage report received. 44. Drainage requests discussed for Carolina Beach. 45. Drainage conditions discussed in Southern beach areas, 46. Dragline needs discussed at Kure Beach-Wilmington Beach. DATE Month ( Day I Year 05 I7 1954 06 O1 1954 06 07 1954 06 14 1954 06 21 1954 06 28 1954 06 28 1954 07 06 1954 07 12 1954 07 06 1954 07 26 1954 07 26 1954 08 02 1954 08 23 1954 09 13 1954 10 14 1954 11 22 1954 11 29 1954 12 20 1954 O1 03 1955 O1 10 1955 O1 17 1955 O1 17 1955 OI 31 1955 02 14 1955 02 14 1955 02 14 1955 02 21 1955 03 07 1955 03 14 1955 03 28 1955 03 28 1955 04 04 1955 04 04 1955 04 12 1955 05 02 I955 05 06 1955 05 22 1955 06 13 1955 06 20 1955 Ob 27 1955 06 27 1955 07 25 1955 08 29 1955 09 05 1955 09 ? )5 1955 MINI Vol. 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 I1 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 I1 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 !TE BOOK ? Page SI4 516 519 520 524 525 526 528 529 528 533 533 535 538 541 547 555 557 563 565 567 569 569 5 72 574 575 575 577 580 582 585 585 586 587 58$ 594 598 600 602 607 608 608 616 626 628 628 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MATTER: DRAINAGE acc. u. s. County lndexea Since 1888 To lotote names? open Gt COTT A•Z TAB INDEX ???., An Identifying Trade Mark ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO ?AT OPFICE SOLD BY OWEN 6. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH tAROLINA NATURE Of PROCEEDINGS DATE Month I Day I Year 09 ?5 1955 09 05 1955 09 12 1955 09 12 1955 09 12 1955 09 12 1955 09 12 1955 09 19 1955 09 L9 1955 09 19 1955 09 26 1955 10 10 1955 10 10 1955 10 31 1955 11 14 1955 11 14 1955 1 1 14 1955 11 21 1955 12 05 1955 12 13 1955 O1 16 1956 O1 16 1956 02 06 1956 02 13 1956 02 20 1956 02 20 1956 03 05 1956 03 05 1956 MINUTE BOOK Vol. I Page 11 628 11 628 11 629 11 629 11 629 11 629 11 629 11 631 11 631 11 631 12 2 12 7 12 8 12 13 12 17 12 17 12 18 12 19 12 23 12 25 12 34 12 34 12 41 12 44 12 44 12 45 12 49 12 49 l. Mrs. W. L. Baker referred Seabreeze ditch cleaning. 2. Carolina Beach drainage discussed. 3. Wrightsville Beach Ave. drainage requests received. 4. Fuel Oil may be poured on water for mosquitos drainage. 5. Henniker Ditch drainage discussed. 6. Henniker Ditch drainage discussed. 7. Drainage work suggested by prisoners. 8. K. G. Wells complaint received on bad drainage at Silver Lake Baptist Church. 9. Abundance of water in New Hanover County discussed for drainage. 10. Drainage problems discussed. 11. Investigation and drainage plans considered. 12. Approved to hire experience man to build storm sewers, catch basins and supervise prison labor. 13. Dragline drainage report received, 9500 ft. completed in Black Swamp. 14. Petition and right of way agreement received for drainage. 15. Approved petition to pave and drainage in Azalea Height. 16. Drainage project for Harbor Island ok'd. 17. Report filed. 18. Petition for drainage of farm land no action. 19. Petition approved for road in Federal Point Township 20. Check received for drainage system Harbor Island. 21. Receipt received for Harbor Island Disaster. 22. Drainage need additional pipes. 23. Monthly report received. 24. Petition to drain area back of Wrights cleaner and Wrightsboro and Castle Hayne Rd. 25. Approved petition for drainage U.S. 17 and Wrightsville Beach Hwy - Leewuenburg Farm area. 26 Received check for Harbor Island drainage project. 27. Request to open a drainage on McMillon Ave. for Winter Park School. (no action) 28. Request f or drainage in the pumplin Kiln Area, Cape Fear Township. Board instructed citizen to get a petition. 29. A letter relative to drainage at Bluethenthal field. 30. Government to share cost dragline drainage for cultivated farmland. 31. Petitions being prepared for Federal aid Farmland drainage. 32. Drainage report received and filed. 33. Right of Way and easement received to construct drainage in Winter Park. 34. Drainage application for Federal funds being prepared. 35. Approved drainage petition South Oleander Development. 36. Received report for week ending 3/31. 37. Approved use of Federal funds for drainage. 38. Petition for dragline drainage in Wood Haven Subdivision, referred to Chairman and Soil Conservationist. 39. Report on Harbor Island drainage. 40. Report showing J. P. Mewton, Jr. and other completed drainage canal. 41. Received receipts Harbor Island drainage project. 42. Received report on ditch clearence drainage. 43. Request to complete drainage on Blue Clay Road. 44. Request approved to improve drainage Newton Lane and Victoria Drive. 45. Chairman recommend nothing can be done about claim of Mrs. W. W. All , Winter Park. 03 05 1956 12 50 03 12 1956 12 52 03 19 1956 12 53 03 19 1956 12 54 03 26 1956 12 56 04 03 1956 12 57 04 03 1956 12 57 04 09 1956 12 58 04 16 1956 12 60 04 16 1956 12 61 04 16 1956 12 61 04 23 195Ei 1"2 64 06 04 1956 12 64 06 04 1956 12 74 06 04 1956 12 74 07 09 1956 12 81 07 30 1956 12 86 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County N C C DRAINAGE , . . _ MAT E R: ` aec. u. s, County lndezes Since 1888 70 loepte nomes, open a! (OTT A-Z TAB INDEX e?? occice ?L.??! An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDFJf COMPANY, COLUMBUS, ONIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day i I Year Vol. Page 1. Chairman recommend nothing can be done about claim of Mrs. W. W. Al1 Winter Park. 07 30 1956 12 86 2. Soil conversationist to survey damages to property of Mrs. W.W. All. 08 06 1956 12 88 3. Ditch drainage and shrubbing request was turned over to Mr. Dave Rivenbark for investigation. 08 20 1956 12 91 4. G.ranted easement return to Mr. T. A.Crews. 08 20 1956 12 91 5. Request for drainage in West Seagate. Bradley Creek area referred to Mr. A. K. Mallard. 08 27 1956 12 92 6. Drainage problems of Mr. George H. Chadwick and Mrs. Florence Grimes to be investigated 08 ?7 1956 12 92 7. List for ditch cleaning and drainage turned over to Mr. Rivenbark. 08 30 1956 12 94 8. The board agreed next drainage work to be Wallace Ave. ext. T. B. Hospital Bradley creek canal. 08 30 1956 12 94 9. The Board accepted right of way easement from International paper co. approved for drainage. 10 08 1956 12 99 10. Petition approved for drainage on property lines area on U. S. 17. 10 22 1956 12 102 11. Pete Peterson request for drainage on Wrightsville Ave. referred to Mr. Dave Rivenbark. 10 22 1956 12 102 12, Request made, Henniker Ditch in Federal Point already maintained by County. 10 29 1956 12 104 13. List of ditch cleaning and drainage requests from citizens of county referred to Mr. Rivenbark. 10 29 1956 12 104 14. Mr. Dave Rivenbaxk reported of dragline drainage Castle Hayne project. 10 29 1956 12 104 15. Communication pertaining to Cape Fear Rivex drainage. 11 05 1956 12 106 16. Report on Castle Hayne drainage project. 11 05 1956 12 106 17. Request for drainage 47th St. and Wrightsville Ave. Winter Park placed on agenda. 11 05 1956 12 106 18. Report of Castle Hayne and drainage project. 11 19 1956 12 108 19. Report on Castle Hayne drainage. 12 03 1956 12 112 20. Report on Castle Hayne drainage. 12 10 1956 12 114 21. Board approved recommendation made by Chairman on drainage. 12 10 1956 12 114 22. Castle Hayne dragline project completed, 12 17 1956 12 116 23. W. W. All, T. A. Crew, T. B. Hospital next on agenda for drainage. Ol 06 1957 12 120 24. Soil conservation agents to meet with Commissioners. Ol 07 1957 12 120 25. Board agree to install one joint of pipe at 3814 Wrightsville Ave. O1 07 1957 12 120 26. Board agree to furnish labor for drainage pipe at Winter Park School. O1 28 1957 12 126 27. Mr. J. D. Ellis, Bolton, N. C. employed as County dragline operator. 02 11 1957 IZ 129 28. Request fox drainage in prince George, Pumpkin Kilm Area, referred to dragline committee. 02 18 1957 12 131 29. Board authorized Mr. Broadhurst and the Clerk to proceed with aIl drainage project to best advantage to 02 18 1957 12 131 County, 30. The Board approved drainage for Mr. T. A. Crews near Winter Park, providing Mrs. All's meet requirements 02 25 1957 12 133 she be next, if not Market St. Project. 31. The board instructed Messrs. Lambeth, Bowen, and Simpson soil conservationist to discuss county's drainage 02 25 1957 12 133 problem. 32. Mr. 4Villiams recommendations for drainage work received for study. 02 25 1957 12 134 33. It was agreed to use dragline if practical for work in WINTER Park- Carolina Line right of way canal. 03 11 1957 12 137 34. Clerk to confer with Mrs. All, Winter Park. 03 11 1957 12 137 35. Jacksonville Ave. off Market St. referxed to Clerk. City agreed to correct drainage at Jefferson St. 03 11 1957 12 137 36. No action taken on order of drainage. 03 I8 1957 12 138 37. Drainage (Old Car-line right of way, Winter Park not County but State problem. 03 18 1957 12 138 38. Board agreed to hire dragline operator for crew's Oakcrest drainage project. 03 25 1957 12 139 39. Drainage condition at airport referred to Soil conservatioist. 04 OS 1957 12 143 40. Request to help with Carolina Beach drainage referred to Mr. Broadhurst. 04 29 1957 12 148 41: Reqizest to enlarge drainage on properties near Airport (Mr. J. B. Simpson, Soil Conservationist) 06 17 1957 I2 161 42. Drainage canal in Rock Hill referred to Mr. Dave Rivenbark. 07 01 1957 12 162 43. Bad drainage at b56 Castle Hayne Rd, referred to Dave Rivenbark for immediate investigation. 09 30 1957 12 1$4 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MATTER: D?zNAG? [ Yo locate names, open ai acc. u. :. „,"?,p? Coanty Indezes Sinee 1888 v?t OFFICE ??e??/?Ca-? An ldentifying Trade Marlc SURNAME INI71A1 TAB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT IN?EX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, ONIO SOLD BY OIYEN 6. DUNN, NEW BERN, HORTH CAROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK {VATURE OF PR4CEEDINGS Monih I Day ? Year Vol. , Page 1. Prison labor to relieve canal drainage at airport. 12 lb 1957 12 2Q3 2. Report on drainage near Wrightsville Sound. O1 13 1958 12 213 3. Drainage at 905 N. Kerr put on priority list. O1 13 1958 12 213 4. Request for drainage on Castle Hayne-Hampstead Road no drainage problem. O1 13 1958 12 213 5. Federal Government sent remittance to Iower drainage County Farm. 02 03 1958 12 220 6. Leevwenburg ditch placed on agenda. 02 24 1958 12 225 7. Messrs. Henry Carter and Hugh McPhatter, Rt. 2, drainage put on agenda for right of way. 03 17 1958 12 234 8. Damage claims of W. W. and Frances M.All referred to John S. Hill, County Attorney. 03 17 1958 12 235 9. Eureka Land Corporation drainage referred to Dave W. Rivenbark. 03 24 1958 12 23b 10. Letter expressing gratefullness from Town Council of Carolina Beach. 03 24 1958 12 237 11, Board appoint committee for claims of W. W. and Frances M. A11. 03 24 1958 12 237 12. Drainage 113 Newton Lane, referred to Health Dept. 03 24 1958 12 238 13. Boa?d to reinvestigate low areas adjacent airport. 04 14 1958 12 241 14. Land owners ditching right of way referred to County Attorney. 04 14 1958 12 243 15. Messers. J. T. Barker and Jessie Clemmons drainage problem. referxed to drainage cominittee,Board of County 04 21 1958 I2 245 Commissioners. 16. Drainage ??1 Wallace Ave., referred to Supervisor of Roads. 04 21 1958 12 246 17. Received signed right of ways for drainage ditch at airport. 04 21 1958 12 248 18. Report on A11's drainage damage claims. 04 28 1958 12 252 19. County to refili AI1's ditch and put property in original shape. 04 28 1958 12 252 20. Secretary to inform Messers. Bakeart& Clemmons to reopen ditch, county will maintain. Q4 28 1958 12 252 21. Road and ditch petition of H. L. Darden and W. Frank Joyner, founded not to be county work.. 04 2$ 1958 12 283 22. Executive Secretary to write State Highway Commission concerning drainage on Wallace Ave. 05 05 1958 12 254 23. Rep ort on drainage petition for Murrayville section. 05 12 1958 12 256 24. Letter from State Highway Commission relative to Wallace Ave. referred to Executive Secretary. 05 19 L958 12 258 25. Board granted $400.00 dragline budget for Eureka Land Corporation drainage work in Green rleadow s. 05 26 1958 12 260 26. Mr. Rivenbark reported on drainage complaints of Mr. E. E. Williamson, Carolina Beach Road. 06 02 1958 12 262 27. Chairman appointed Committee on drainage complaint of Mrs. J. T. Vick. 06 30 1958 12 272 28. Report of drainage problem near State port road. 06 30 1958 12 272 29. Mr. E. A. Palmgren, Harbor Island drainage referred to Board of Health. 06 30 I958 12 273 30. Committee reported on Mrs. J. T. Vick drainage problem. 07 07 1958 12 275 31. Mrs. J. T. Vick refused to open ditch, case closed. 07 07 1958 12 275 32. Rev. Lewis E. Grady, ditch problem referred zo Executive Secretary, immediate handling. 07 07 1958 12 275 33. Board adopt program for twelve months drainage operation. 07 07 1958 12 278 34. Dave Rivenbark, to secure operator and supervise. ?7 Q7 1g58 ZZ 2?8 35. Executive Secretary to report drainage progress weekly. 07 07 1958 12 278 36. Dave W. Rivenbark to contact Mr. Simpson on petition from Citizens of Murrayville property owners. 07 21 1958 12 281 ? 37. Executive Secretary reported on dragline progress. 07 28 1958 12 284 38. Report of survey on Murrayvill.e drainage, to receive primary consideration. 08 14 1958 12 288 39. Drainage request of Florence D. Grimes, referred to Executive Secretary. 08 18 1958 12 292 40. Executive Secretary report airport, Johnson project finished, also next projects in line, buck et on OS 1$ 195 $ 12 293 dragline worn. 41. Letter to Fort Bragg, requesting copies of surplus properties. OS 18 1958 12 293 42. Discussion to rearrange dragline program, left impasse. 08 25 1958 12 297 43. Executive Secretary reported on weekly dragline progress. 08 25 1958 I2 297 44. Mrs. G. W. Martin, Harbor Island drainage request referred Executive Secretary. 09 08 1959 12 298 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES H N C N C -- ew anover ounty, . . _ MATTER DRAINAGE ` nec. u. s. County Indezee Since 1$88 ? To IoCah eum?s? Op?n Ot va* OFFICE ?? An IdentiEy'sng Trade Marlc SURNAME INITIAL TAB MIL6E BY COTT A-I TA9 INDEX THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD tY OWEN 0. OUNN, NEI f BERN, NOR TM GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS narE MINlJTE BOOK ... Month Day Year Vol. _ Page _; l. Mrs. G. W. Martin`s drainage not county's responsibility. ' 09 08 1958 12 298 2. Discussion of next dragline project, operation stopped in Porter's neck neighborhood, moved to State Ports. 09 08 1958 12 300 ? 3. Board to appoint Advisory drainage committee for long range program. 09 29 1958 12 309 4. Executive Secretary responsible to carry out program. 09 29 1958 12 309 5. Executive Secretary authorized to employ Ray Mitchell, operation 40 hr. workweek. 09 29 1958 12 309 6. Committee appointed for Mrs. Maude P. Martin, drainage request. 10 06 1958 12 313 7. Report on dragline repairs. 10 13 1958 12 314 8. The Chairman reported on details of water lines for industrial site. 10 13 1958 12 315 9. Committee reported on Mrs. Maude P. Martin's drainage, Board voted to use prison t?eZp, providing she 10 Z3 ?_ 958 12 3Z& construct basin. 10. Airport drainage next on agenda. 10 20 1958 12 317 11. Board to accept list for drainage committee. 10 20 1958 12 317 12. Letter of appreciation from State Ports Authority. 11 10 1958 12 329 13. Board appropriation additional funds for drainage and erosion. 11 17 1958 12 331 ? 14. Board appointed drainage committee and explained their duties. 11 17 1958 12 331 15. Drainage Committee: Mr. Garland S. Currin, Chm., Col. Charles H. Burnett, James Fergee, John Tinga, 11 17 1958 12 331 Herman H. Hall, Morris S. Emmart, Dirk Swart. 16. Prison labor to lay pipes on Wallace Ave. 11 24 1958 12 335 . 17. Drainage request from Oleander Co. referred to Secretary for drainage committee. 11 24 1958 12 336 18. Letter from Henry Weyers, referred to Secretary for drainage committee. 12 O1 1958 12 338 19. Letter Mrs. J. T. Vick, to reopen ditch before favorable action. 12 O1 1958 12 338 20. Board appointed, drainage committee, meeting to elect officers: Mr. James Ferger, Vice-chm., Mr. 01 02 Z959 12 351 ' John Tinga, Secretary. 21. Discussion of facts and decisions to be carried out. 01 02 I959 12 35I 22.. Mr. Long and Mr. Bealle handle drainage in Odgen area. Mr. Simpson to Iayout ditches. O1 02 1959 I2 352 23. Committee agree Odgen area First dragline project. O1 02 L959 12 352 24. Mr. Rivenbark to clean ditches on Gordon Road. O1 02 1959 12 352 ' 25. Request to change ditches on Weyer's property Winter Park denied. Ol 02 1959 12 352 26. Oleander Company request, city must clean their ditches for further work from County. O1 02 1959 12 352 27. McKoy request at Airport, Committee ruled lower end of ditch to be cleaned. O1 02 1959 12 352 28. Received drainage committee report. Ol OS 1959 12 355 29. Boa?d accepted drainage committee's report with amendments. Ol 12 1959 12 358 30. Problem of drainage on Porter's Neck project, no action. 02 02 1959 12 371 31. Carolina beach drainage request considered. Petitions property owners Myrtle Grove Sound referred to Comm. 02 09 1959 12 375 32. Kure Beach, drainage problem referred to past Engineer, Sunny Point. 02 16 1959 12 379 33. Oleander drainage problem referred to County Attorney, Secretary, Mr. Rivenbark,Mr. Lassiter & Mr. Mallard, 02 16 1959 12 379 34. Snow's Cut - Seabreeze drainage referred to drainage committee. 02 16 1959 12 379 35. Drainage complaint of Taylor Fireworks company, referred to City then County. 03 02 1959 12 388 36. Meeting of Drainage committee. Ip3 115 1959 12 391 37. County Attorney to prepare bill to prevent stopping up ditches. 03 05 1959 12 391 38. Received progress report. 03 05 1959 12 391 ?? 39. Henry Street drainage, referred to Board of Health and Mr. Lassiter. 03 05 1959 12 391 40. Prince George Creek drainage, not on proper farm. 03 05 1959 12 391 41. Myrtle Grove Sound drainage next on agenda. 03 05 1959 12 391 42. Everett`s Creek drainage request approved. 03 05 1959 12 391 43. Carolina and Kure Beach drainage, delayed for Federal Government to clean their end. 03 05 1959 12 391 INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATTER: DRAINAGE ` aec. u. s. County Indezee Since 1888 ? 10 lotab nam?s, op?n af COTT A•2 TAt INDEX PAT OFFICE ?,v?L? Anldentifyin¢TradeMark MI?CE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, DHIO SURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLD tY OWEN i. YUNN, NEII tERN, NORTH GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS l. Long Branch drainage, delayed for owners signature. 2, Snow's Cut Seabreeze drainage, approved for hand ditching. 3. No action on Azalea Drive drainage, until property owners secure engineering advice. 4. Drainage Committee, request a policy to correct errors left by developers. 5. Received bill drawn by County Attorney against drainage blocking approved by Board. 6. Ditching and drainage request o? Municipal Golf Course, placed on agenda. 7. Granted request for ditch cleaning at Municipal Golf Course. 8. Drainage for property of proposed college approved. 9. Discussion af the drainage poZicy, drainage of Hawthorne Road Catch Basins approved. 10. Mr. Rivenbark and Secretary to clean ditches and lay pipe in Vicinity Hanover Shopping Center. 11. County forces to install pipe in Vicinity Hanover Shopping Center, property owners to purchase pipe 12. Request for lowering culverts along Kerr Ave. deferred for inspection and study. 13. Secretary to request favorable consideration of drainage problem on Kerr Ave. 14. The dragline operator hours are to start when he reaches his machine not fram C. House. 15: Request to lay pipes for Mrs. Julia F. Elmore Carolina Beach Blvd. approved. 16. Drainage problem of citizen in Ogden area referred to drainage Committee. DATE MINUTE BOOK Month ? Day Year Vol. ? Page 03 05 1959 12 391 03 05 1959 12 392 03 05 1959 12 392 03 05 1959 12 03 16 1959 12 03 16 1959 12 03 23 1959 12 04 06 1959 12 04 33 I959 32 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 17. Secretary to inform Mr. M. A. Newton to prepare his property proper for drainage. 05 18. Trustees of Winter Park Baptist Church ditch and road improvement request done on conditions. 06 ]_9. Request of dragline operator amounts to resignation accepted at end of day. Secretary to se?k replacement. 07 20. Letter requesting date for drainage on prince George Creek,letter informing of schedule. 07 21. Petition to eliminate the dragline operation to be considered at budget time. 08 22. A committee to be appointed to investigate possibility of eliminating dragline operation. 08 .23. Drainage problem of Orville E. Eldridge, delayed for invastigation. 09 .24. Discussed investigation of Mr. 0. E. Eldridge drainage pipes layed by owner should be maintained by owner. 49 25. No action taken on Carolina Beach drainage placed on agenda for next meeting. 09 26. Motion seconded for a written weekly drainage report from drainage supervisors. 10 _27.. Board to request State Highway Commission to install pipe for Rev. C. G. J?ohnstone of Forest Road. 11 28. Drainage request of J. S. Nixon referred to committee. 12 29. Appropriated $60 to complete payment for drainage and erosion at F'reeman Beach. 12 30. Drainage complaint of Mr. Richard Shew, referred to Wilmington College trustees, immediately. 12 31. Drainage complaint of Mr. Marian H. Congleton, again referred to committee. 12 32. Meeting of County Drainage committee. 12 33. Request of W. L. McIntire, taken under advisement of Mr. Rivenbark for investigation. 12 34. Mrs. Homer H. Ward complaint of ditch through yards, he fence or by material for work. 12 35. Mr. B. T. Manson, referred to Mr. W. H. Lumsden or Mr. Hall, State Highway maintenance Dept. 12 36. Mr. George Crandell and Mrs. J. F. Smith request for dragline ditch, to be improved by hand crew. 12 37. Mr. Marvin Congleton drainage private problem to be referred for assistance from ASC . 12 38. Petition from Mr. R.L. Downing one owner refuse to sign letter informing Mr. Downing of same. 12 39. P4r. Blackburn, Mr. Rivenark and Mr. Simpson to investigate and take action. 12 40. Mr.Southerland referred to Mr. Rivenbark and Simpson to investigate and act. 12 41. Henniker Ditch at Carolina Beach US Engineers will not improve, give permission for county to improve. 12 42. Rev. Nathan L. Whitted, Rock Hill Road, drainage require dragline operation, survey and work soon as can. 12 43. Dragline policy, dragline to be used on county farm when not busy elsewhere. 12 44. Summary of work done in 1959, committee agreed to continue to function for the ensu ing year. 12 45. Seaview drainage complaint of Mr. Francis G. Leonard to be investigated by Secretary with power to act. Ol 46. Approved request for prison labor to be used for drainage at Bethany Presby. Church. 03 13 1959 12 13 1959 12 13 1959 12 20 1959 12 20 1959 12 06 1959 12 06 1959 12 04 1959 12 15 1959 12 18 1959 12 20 1959 12 03 1959 12 12 1959 12 08 1959 12 21 1959 12 21 1959 12 05 1959 12 02 1959 12 07 1959 12 07 1959 12 21 1959 12 21 1959 12 31 L959 12 31 1959 12 31 1959 12 31 1959 12 31 1959 12 31 1959 12 31 1959 12 31 1959 12 31 1959 12 31 1959 12 31 1959 12 31 1959 12 31 7959 12 18 1960 12 07 1960 12 392 396 396 401 407 4Ii 411 413 413 419 421 409 409 423 447 466 469 475 485 491 498 498 502 510 522 522 524 526 528 528 528 529 529 529 529 529 529 529 529 529 529 i27 550 ,? INDEX TO COM?IISSIONERS MIN?UTES --- New Hanover County N C DRAINAGE , . . _ MATTER• _ a¢c. u. s. q???? Counry Indezes Since i88$ ? T4 IOCQ?1 RQRNt? Opftl Ct ???-Cd? An ldentifying Trade hlarlc cnr OFFICE SURI?AME INITIAL TAB COTT A-2 TA! INDEX MI?L E BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD {Y OWEN 0. DUNN, NEM tERN, NORTN GROLINA DAiE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page , 1. County to clear ditch near college if college get right of way from property owners. 03 21 1960 12 557 2. Letter of thanks for assistance in draining college property. 03 21 1960 12 557 3. Letter from Mrs. Oliver Carter, Sr., requesting drainage referrec3 to committee. 03 21 1460 I2 557 . 4. Drainage petition citizens adjacent US 17 referred to comtnittee. 04 18 1960 12 567 5. Pipe installing for Roy McCampbell approved if he buy material. 04 18 1960 12 567 ? 6. Budget meeting repairs and equipment reduced from $3500 to $3000. 07 15 1960 12 591 7. Budget meeting, approved as recommended by the County Auditor. 07 20 1960 12 594 8. Drainage petition from Holmlock Terrace Subdivision referred to committee. 09 06 1960 12 606 9. Drainage complaint from Mr. W. E. Saunders,Route 4?1 referred to State Highway Commissi on. 09 19 I 96Q I2 6I0 10. Drainage complaint from Mr. W. H. Green, Wilmington Beach, referred to Exec. Sec. and Supervisors. 09 i_9 ? 960 12 611 11. Secretary report of insufficient funds to complete drainage comittments, also dragline in shop. 09 19 1960 12 612 12. Petition from Mr. W. E. Saunders, referred to Committee. 10 03 1960 12 615 I3. Board request drawings and grade levels for drainage project on S. Hawthorne Rd. 10 17 ?.1960 12 619 14. ? Drainage complaint from Rev. Whitted, referred to ditching Supervisor. 10 17 1960 12 619 '? 15. Secretary report on cost of Ogden drainage, motion carried to table at this time. 12 05 1960 12 632 16. Approved payment of $52.00 salary of Jack Alford Jones dragline operatore 12 05 1960 12 633 17. Letter regarding CP&L damage claim against County dragline, referred to Secretary with power to act. 12 19 1960 12 636 18. Allocated $600 from General Emergency Fund to Drainage and Erosion Fund. 12 19 1960 12 638 19. Invoice from E. B. Towles Construction Co. $85.50 approved payment of $11.00 for labor not for equipment. 02 06 1961 12 645 20. Drainage request presented by Mr. Hugh McRae, Jr., referred to Secretary to issue work order to County 02 20 1961 12 648 ditching Supervisor. 21. Drainage problem in Subdivision (Tanglewood) Masonboro taken for consideration for new budget. 02 20 1961 12 650 22. Petition from Rev. W. V. Randolph, taken referred to Board of Health, dragline operation to operator under 03 06 1961 12 65I State Board of Health. 23. Letter from John T. Talbert, Jr. and Associates regarding Civil and sanitary consulting engineering problems.06 05 1961 12 24. Ditching petition from citizens along Wildcat branch, referred to Health Dept. 10 02 1961 13 25. Board of Health to use dragline for Murraysville section drainage if no cost to County. 12 11 1961 13 26. Drainage complaints from Myrtle Grove Sound, Mrs. R. E. Bell, referred to County Attorney. 02 05 1962 13 27. Drainage problem not legal for County be?ween property owners. 02 19 1962 13 28. Drainage petition from citizens South of Myrtle Grove Junction referred to Health Dept. 03 19 1962 13 29. Dragline to be repaired cost from Refuse Disposal account. 03 19 1962 13 30. Dragline drainage deferred on canal east of Oleander Court. 04 16 1962 13 31. Special budget meeting, approved $5,000 for dragline. 07 06 1962 13 32. Drainage inquiry, letter informing Dr. Stewart M. Johnson would get to drainage problem soon as possible. 07 16 1962 , 13 33. Ditching Petition regarding Everett's Creek referred to County attorney. 09 04 1962 13 34. Commissioners have no authority regarding Everett's Creek ditching. 09 17 1962 13 35. Drainage request from Mr. Harold C. Green, Greenview Ranches Subdivision, referred to Chairman Hall. 10 Ol 1962 13 36. Notice of field trip relative to salt water marsh drainage April 15, 1963. 04 Ol 1963 13 37. Petition from Green Meadows Subdivision referred to County Attorney. 05 06 1963 13 38. Sa1t Marsh drainage report. 0 5 20 1963 13 39. Drainage complaint from Mrs. Caldonia Gwen referred to Drainage Supervisor. 11 18 1963 13 40. Drainage F? Sanitation Districts 04 19 1964 13 41. Problem Carolina Beach 42. Carolina Beach 43. Ditching 44. Legislation 09 08 1964 13 11 02 1964 13 11 02 1964 13 11 16 1964 13 686 24 46 63 68 78 82 96 126 130 144 151 155 202 211 215 274 310 371 389 390 399 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County N. C. R DRAINAGE ? T , _ p T ` eec. u. s. County [ndexee Since (888 ? To IotrtN nQppf? o?llrt aT v?T OFFICE ??ill?? An ldentifying Trade Mark fURNAME INITIAL TAB MIICE BY THE COTTT N EX COMPANYX COLUMBUS, OHfO SOLQ 6Y OWEN i. ptINN, NEII ?ERN, NORTN GROIINA NA'fURE OF PROCEEDIMGS DATE MINUT ? E BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Request Mr. A. Schlegal, Castle Hayne 02 06 1969 14 297 2. Wrightsboro Area 03 17 1969 14 303 3. Green Meadows Petition 08 04 1969 14 375 4. Green Meadows 08 18 1969 14 381 5. Request - William Martin 03 16 1970 14 451 6. Salaries 03 L6 1970 14 453 7. County Ordinance 09 )8 1970 14 528 8. Easements 10 )5 1970 14 536 9. Tanglewood 02 21 1972 15 81 10. Tanglewood complaint 06 04 1973 15 425 I1. Tanglewood complaint 06 18 1973 15 434 12. Whitman Development complaint 08 06 1973 15 464 13. Discussion of countywide system 08 20 1973 15 475 .14. Tanglewood decision 08 20 1973 15 475 15. Discussion of storm drainage problem 09 04 1973 15 484 16. Complaint of Daniel A. Clark, Sr. 09 17 1973 15 498 17. Complaint - Pine Valley Subdivision 10 Ol 1973 15 S05 18. Discussion of Tanglewood Ditch (busby) 10 15 1973 15 515 19. Discussion of Kimberly-Scott Corp. Development 12 03 1973 15 534 20. Transfer for Busby Ditch, Tanglewood 11 19 1973 15 529 21. Di?ussion of repair of Busby Ditch 03 04 1974 15 592 22. Request to gain access to McGuire property 04 16 1974 15 615 23. Repoxt by County Engineer on McGuire's request 05 06 1974 15 626 24. Discussion of Silver Lake Road 12 16 1974 lb 70 25. Requested improvements to ditch on Silver Lake Road (Yank Stewart) Ol 20 1975 16 91 26. Drainage Problem - Hanby Beach 03 03 1975 16 I2R Z7. Storm Drainage policy referred to Environmental Impact Committee 05 05 1975 16 190 28. Drainage in Foxcroft Subd. 05 05 1975 16 190 29. Drainage in Hillsdale Subd. 11 10 1975 17 4 30. Drainage at Myrtle Grove Sd. 02 Q2 1976 17 50-1 31. Health Dept. to proceed w/drainage project at Myrtle Grove Sd. OZ I6 1976 17 60 32. Request for discussion of drainage proposal 02 16 1976 17 67 33. Discussion of proposed policy on storm drainage improvements 03 O1 1976 17 72 34. Drainage in Green Meadows 07 19 1976 17 165 ,35. Drainage easement-Martin Marietta Corp. 06 20 1977 18 ?2 _36. Drainage System proposal O1 05 1981 18 744 37. Report of Drainage Study Committee 08 17 1981 18 902 38. Drainage Study Committee Report 09 21 198I 18 925 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. , MATTER: eec. u. s. County Indezes Since 1888 I?? To loea» nam?s, O(lBq Ot rer OFFICE ??? .??l?a-?..' An ldentifvine Trade Mazk SURNAME INIflAL TAB NATURE OF pROCEEDINGS 1. Denial of request for CBA grant application 2. Continuation of Emergency Shelter Care Program 3. Lease with New Hanover County for Outdoor Adventure Course 4. Slide presentation on Outdoor Education Program DRUG ABUSE ? COTT A TO Z TAB INDEX N?OE iY THE COTT INDEX GDI?ANY, COLU?Yf, ON10 SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Poge 05 07 1979 18 403 05 21 1979 18 409 12 03 1979 18 516 11 17 1980 18 702