E Index to Minutes July 15, 1868INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES REG. U. S. ? `- COIIO[y IRCICYCe SIILCC ??8 PAT OFFICE (.?c ?//{? ?+n Identifyine Trade Mark - New Hanover Count?? 1\. U. _ MU JE T EASEMENTS ` ? To IoeaN nam?s, ep?n af COTT A-i TA? IMpEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OH10 fURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLD tY OWEN {. YUNN, NEN ?ERN, NORTR UROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? Month Dny Year Vol. Page 1. Taxi Right of Way 09 21 1967 14 !?1 2. Airport 11 06 1967 14 10 3. Access Road Right of Way Airport 12 18 1967 14 26 4. CPF?L for filtors, Inc. at airport 02 L6 1968 14 147 : 5. CP$L South College Road 02 l6 1968 14 147 6. Drainage 10 OS 1970 14 536 7. C P& L 02 Ol 1971 14 571 8. Eagle Island 02 O1 1971 14 572 9. Request for easement - Carl McGhee 09 07 1971 15 7 10. Water, Sewer & Drainage 12 06 1971 15 45 11. CP&L Easement for Second Well - County Water System on Highway 421 04 19 1982 19 49 12. CP&L Right-of-way correction 05 03 1982 19 57 , INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATTER: nc?. u. s. County Indezes Since 1868 ? TO luC4tr naen9s? Open Ct PAT OFFIGE ???L?a?f- An IdenHEying Trade Mnrk SURNAME IlIITIAL TAB NATUR? OF PROCEEDINGS l. Discussion on Elder Haus Request for Funding 2. Elderhaus request for funding ELDER HAUS ! COTT A TO 2 TAB INDEX MAD6 !Y THE COiT INDEX GOMPANT, COWII?OS, ONIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. DATE MINUTE BOOK ?? Month Day Yea? Vol. Page ? 10 05 1981 18 937 ? ? 11 16 1981 18 957 ? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES N H C N C -- ew anover ounty, . . _ MATT R: ELECTIONS ` eea. u, s. County (nde:es Sinee 1888 To loeats namss, open at COTT A•ZTAB INDEX )AT OFFIC[ ?t?? An ldentifyins Trsde Mark SURNAME IN171A1 7AB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLO BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORiH CAROLINA NATURE OF PRQCEEDINGS DATE i MINUTEBOOK ? 4 Monih E I Day ( Year Vol. I Page 1. For 1869 election results see TOWNSHIP CLERKS, SCHOOL COMMITTEE, CONSTABLES AND JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. "? 08 OS ? 1869? 1 i 294 2. J,S.W. Eagles received largest number of votes for the House of Representatives. f; ?i 08 05 1869 1 294 3. Election returns from Town of Lillington received. ?? 02 ?, 09 1870 1 407 4. ? Names and number of votes cast for each candidate in August 4, Z870 election Zisted pages 466-468. ?? ?t 08 06 1870 1 466 S. ? Winning candidates for the August 4, 1870 election: y? 08 06 1870? 1 467 House of Representatives: George French, George Mabson, and Samuel A.Ashe ?y ;a ? t ? ?' Sheriff: J.W. Schench, Jr. ?g F f Register of Deeds: William Bivins E ?_. ' p f? :.`! Treasurer: Owen Fennell, Jr. ?w ' t? ?? h ,4 Coroner: E,D. Hewlett ?. ? ? , i s Surveyor; Burrell Whitehead .. ` `; : i? i County Commissioners: A.R. Black, James Lowry, Si1as Martin, E.M. Shoemaker and John Heyer .. ? Ntl ? 'a ?? ?;? Attorney General: Sam?ze3. Phillips ,a ; 3 ?. Member of Congress: Oliver pockery ;? State Senate: A.H, Galloway? ; ??? f? ;. : r ? 6. :?Elections returns for November 10 election for State Senator. ? ., 11 12 1870?? 2 86 7. , `?Names and number of votes received i,n November election listed. ? 11 12 1870?? 2 86 ? 8. ' ;?George W. Price, Jr. had most votes for State Senator, which had to be elected due to death of A.H. ? 11 12 ; 1870;? 2 ?, 86 ? ? ;? Galloway. , `+ r , +,+ 9. ^?Election returns of town of Lillington for May 17, 1871 election for Mayor and Commissioners: ^ 06 02 1871;? 2 170 ? ? F? d ;i ; L.M, Charles elected Mayor ' ?? ` s? B.G Larkins, John Bell, Cu@jo Larkins and Sherman Bryant elected Commissioners ? ;? : f f 10. ? ?,Board received eZection returns for August 3, 1871 election. k: 08 05 ? 1871?? Z 194 ? 11. ? M`Election contested by J. Engelhard as fraudulent and he requested investigation. ?? ; 08 ?? 05 1871;? ?; 2 194 ? 12. kdMr. Engelhard to list specifications and witnesses and file such today. ,? ' 08 ? 05 1871;? ?r Z 194 ? 13. ,? ,?Election wi11 be investigated from next Monday until completed. ? ;, OS OS 187Is? 2 , 194 14. , ;?Clerk to Board to subpoena all required witnesses for contested election. '- 08 05 1871,i 2 194 ? 15. ,? ;SBoard ruled that it has no jurisdiction over contested election of August 3, 1871. , 08 07 1871,? 2 i 196 ?i 16. ;?Election returns for August 3, 1871 ; For Convention ?,123 votes ; Against Convention 3,702 votes ` ;: 08 08 1871;; 2 201 ? 17. ? ;?Delegates elected to Convention: Joseph Abbott, Edward Cantwell and George Mabson. w OS 08 1$71F? 2 ?? 201 ? 18. ,?Member elected to House of Representatives: James Heaton ,. 08 08 1871r? 2 201 ? 19. 5 ;Elections results for 1871: Magistrates p. 201-202; Clerks, Township p.202-203; Constables p. 203-204; ; 08 08 N 1871?? 2 201 I ??+ School committees p. 204-205 'tl ?`? ?3 ?? 20. ;;Bill from Sylvester Petteway for rent of house for election approved. 08 ?. 12 1871 ?r 2 209 ' i 21. 3Bi11 for making boxes for election from J. Lowrey approved, ; 08 12 1871? 2 . 209 F 22. :?Sam Blossom's fee for election services approved. 09 ? 06 187I;?, .s Z 220 +? ? 23. ;?Chris Rowe`s bill for making election returns approved. ; 09 06 1871;j 2 N 220 ; RM 24. :'Election to be held in Rocky Point to fill offices to complete Township's organization. ? , 09 23 1871`p? 2 ? 223 i? 25. ;?Election to be held in Holden Township to fill vacancies caused bq division of said Township. ? 09 ?? 23 i 1871? ?? 2 I 223 ? 26. ?;Results of October 23, 1871 eleetion held for vacancies created when Holden Township divided; ?: 10 28 1871`? 2 ? 235 ; ?i :; I ,i See: Justices of the Peace; Clerk, Township; Constables; and School Committee ! ,? ?; ;3 ii ? 27. ;;Caswell Township divided into two election precincts and Clerk to have this published. ? 06 24 ?# Z872?? ? 2 I 329 28. :$ +?3irvey between Columbia and Franklin Townships ta be done thirty days before an election. i"y 06 .. 24 1872;? 2 ( 329 ?i 29. ,3Committee to appoint proper officers for elections. ; 06 24 1872? Z 330 ? :a ?: ? 30. F?Election precinct for subdivision of First Ward Wilmington fixed at Thorntins Courthouse. ;? 07 O1 1872? 2 333 i 31, Y i Registrars, inspectors and v?ting places listed on pages 333-335. ;? 07 s; R? ? 0 ? O1 ?t 1872? ? 2 333 { ? ? ( ? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -1Vew Hanover County, N. C. _ MATTER: ELECTIONS ` Reo. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 To Iocate names, OpQlf at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX r?r oFVice ?J??a7? An [dentifying Trade Mark ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA f? DATE p,? MINUTE BOOK ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ?' ? a ?' Month ? Day ? Year e? Vol. ? Page ?? ; ;w ?s ?, ?; 1. Commissioners Shoemaker and Clerk to Board to prepare Registration Books for August election. h,, 07 02 1872;m 2 336 ? ?? 2. Names of all persons running for offices and number of votes cast listed on pages 345-347 ' 08 06 1872? 4i 2 345 ?? ??y 3. Offices voted for in August election: Governor, Lieut. Governor, Secretary of State, Auditor, Treasurer, , 08 06 1872?? 2 347 ?? ? , Superintendent of Public Works, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Attorney General, Congress, „ ?`? r„ ;? k "? ?? ;, Senate, House of Representatives, Sheriff, County Treasurer, County Surveyor, and County Commissione?;s ;? ; `' tp 4. Clerk to Board to publish election results on Courthouse door. F, 08 06 , 1872?, 2 347 ;,, ?? , .5. Registrars, poll holders and inspectors of election appointed to serve for November election for the ; 10 03 1872?$ 2 374 +? President and Vice President of the U.S.A. „ „ ;; 6. Committee of Two Board members to supervise and regulate registrars and poll holders for Presidential , 10 15 1872; 2 383 election. 7. 8. 9. 3 Bill from Thomas Gardener for election notices approved. 11 i ; Board to examine election returns of Presidential and Vice Presidential electors, make abstracts and seal 11 i ; it with the County Seal. i Names and number of votes cast for N.C. electors for Presidential and Vice Presidential election. 11 ,10.? Board signed and sealed November election returns. 11.? Bill from J.B. McPherson for election returns approved. 1. 12.;k Bill from William Bivins for election returns approved. ? ri r? 13.` Election to be held in Lillington to elect a Mayor and Board of Alderman on May 5, 1873. , E 14.? Poll holders and registrars to be appointed for May 5 election. i 15.?? Bill from A.E. Taylor for November election, 1872 approved. ? , f ? 16.f? Persons appointed poll holders and registrars for August, 1873 election, pages 77-80. s! 17.E? Vote will be taken on adoption or rejection of proposed amendments to Constitution of N.C. ? ,, 18.¢ List of officers to be elected for Townships. ? !e 19. For Township elections, polls will open from sunrise to sundown. ;20.? For amendment election, voting poll will open from 8 o'clock A.M. to 7 o'clock P.M. ? 21.? List of boxes to be provided for ballots by inspectors of election. ? 22.? Clerk to have labels printed for boxes for polling votes for the amendments to the State Constitution. tl ,23.?? Clerk to Board and George Flack to prepare election returns for August 7, 1873 election. l ? 24.? Judges of elections made returns from all precincts for August 7, 1873 election. ;25.?9 Winning candidates for Township Board of Trustees, Clerks, Constables, and School Committees listed on ? ;! , j? pages 95-98. 2b. t 27. 28.? Clerk to Board to send Certificates of Election to each winning candidate in August election. Duplicate copy of returns of vote? on Constitutional amendments given to Sheriff to file. Sheriff to advertise coming August 6, 1874 election in daily papers. 29.4s dffices to be elected listed on pages 223-224. ?? , 30.i? Chairman to contract for proper boxes to be used in August election. E? 31.?? Polling places for August 6 election remain same except for Third Ward, changed to Giblin Lodge Building. ?t 32.?? Election officials appointed for August 6, 1874 election, pages 225-227. ,, 33. Changes made in registrars and inspectors for August 6 election. : 33.? Al1 returns received and Board will meet again next Monday. e 34. Clerk to Board to make copy of election returns and file in Register's office. 35.?y Board canvassed election returns. , ? 36.E Recapitulation of election results: (Pages 235-238) ?? Thomas Purnell elected Superintendent of Public Instruction. p? ?? Neil McKay elected to Congress. i f Daniel Russell elected Judge of Superior Court. 11 , O1 03 04 04 05 06 : 06 06 06 06 06 . 07 08 , 08 08 08 08 06 06 07 07 07 08 , 08 „ 08 08 04 1872., 2 08 1872, 2 08 i 1872 2 09 1872 06 1873; 03 1873 25 1873 25 1873ti , 06 1873y 23 1873' 23 1873; 23 1873 ?, 23 1873? 23 1873.: 23 1873a 10 1873 09 1873 11 1873;, 11 1873 11 1873,, 3 23 1873 3 29 1874 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 ?89 392 392 395 ' 420 ? 34 Pb 65 ?, 65 ? 66 77 3 77 , 3 7 7 :+ 3 77 ? 3 77 , 3 77 ? 3 8 6 F, 3 94 3 94 `, 3 9 5 ,; 29 1874 06 1874 06 1874: 06 1874„ 08 1874 08 1874;; 08 1874? ?, 10 1874;, 08 10 1874 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 98 ' 101 223 223 224 224 ? 225 ? 234 , 234 ;, 234 235 ? 235 s? r; ?; 4' i ?: :? s c INDEX TO CO?IMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER: ELECTIONS ` ?ea. n. s. County Indeze? Since f888 To loeate namea, open ai C07T A-Z TAB lNDEX r?r OfFICE ?? An ldentifying Trnde Marlc SURNAM6 INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLtNA ?? ?i4 DATE ?? MINUTE BOOK ? ?? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ?, ?i 2", ? 1.;?Recapitulation of election results: (Pages 235-238) , ?? Thomas Sutton elected Solicitor. a? '? James Heaton elected Clerk of Superior Court. ?9 ;? Elizah Hewlett elected County Treasurer. 'j `:; ? George Bordeaux elected Register of Deeds. :i E f? € Month I Day I Year e? Vol. I Page !d f3 r. Ei t? 09 10 1874 ff 3 235 x ?? nfi ?? ?i ? k? ?? ?, b. GE i ? o, S.D. Cherry elected County Surveyor. '? .. tl VS I ` Aug. Morris, Delaware Nixon, James Wilson, John Wagner, and Stacy Van Amringe, Commissioners. '' :s . w: j ? E.D. Hewlett elected Coroner. S.H. Manning elected Sheriff. ' ?+ . ?? , sa ?: Edward Cantwell elected Senator. H. Brewington elected to House of Representatives. ` ?? 2. Clerk to Board to post election returns on Courthouse door. 3. ,Clerk to file certified statement of returns with Register of Deeds and Sheriff. 4.?„Board appointed registrars and poll holders for April 15, 1875 election in Pender County. 5. rElections returns recieved from Pender County election, 6. Victors in April 15, I875 election in Pender County : „ Sheriff - Augustus Gamberg; Superior Court Clerk - C.M. Galloway; Treasurer - W.J. Bivins; Register , ; of Deeds - Thomas Nixon; County Surveyor - B.J. Larkins; Coroner - J.H. Brown; County Commissioners -„ ? W.H. French, Daniel Shaw, C.H. Manning, Miles Armstrong, and A.V. Horrell. 7.,?Clerk to post above results at Courthouse. 8.:.;Offices, candidates, and number of votes cast listed for Pender County election.(Pages 320-321) 9.;;County site for Pender to be at South Washington. l0. ;Registrars and inspectors of election appointed for election in August, 1$75. 11. Clerk to Board to furnish Sherif£ with list of registrars and inspectors appointed. 08 08 03 04 04 04 04 04 07 07 10 1874 „ 10 1874 . 16 1875 , 17 1875 , 17 1875 17 1875 „ 17 1875 ,; 17 1875 ;; OS 1575 ,: 08 1875 28 1875 02 1875 07 1875 07 1875 3 238 ` ,« 3 238 `: 3 311 ' 3 3 319 319 3 3 3 3 3 319 ?; 320 ?; ?; 321 5; ;?. 350 ;; 351 '? 12. ;Changes made in registrars and inspectors of electzon. (See ELECTION OFFICIALS) 07 13. iChanges made in inspectors of elections. pg 14. 'Election returns by wards of City and Townships for August 5 election. 08 ?9 .. 15. Winning candidates for August S election: (Pages 366-367) ? 08 . Delegates to State Constitutional Convention: Stephen Manning, John Smyth, and George French. Magistrates: See JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. Township Clerks: See TOWNSHIPS AND TRUSTEES. Constables: See CONSTABLES School Committees: See SCHOOL COMMITTEES 16. Election to be held on Tuesday after first Monday in November for offices listed in minutes. 17. ,All officers whose terms expire in August, 1876 are authorized to remain in office until their successors are elected and qualified. 18. Election notices to be advertised for three months before day of election. 19. Resolution passed that officials elected in November must give bonds in December, except for Clerk of Superior Court who gives bond in September. 20. ,iRegistrars and inspectors of election appointed for November 7, 1876 election. 21. ,;Offices to be voted for listed. 22. Electors for Presidential election listed with votes cast for each cnadidate. 23. .;Winning candidates: Governor elect - Thomas Settle; Lieutenant Governor elect - William A. Smith; ., Secretary of State - Johnathan W. Albertson; Treasurer-William H. Wheels; Auditor - John Reilly Superintendent of Public Institution - John Carson; Attorney General - Tasywell L. Hargrove; Electors - Oliver H. Dockery; Congress - William Canady 24. .'Winning candidates for November 7 election: Amendment - Ratification 1,625; Rejection 2,960 25. ?Total registration, white and cnlored, 4,673. s? t? ., i! ?? • 3 360 3 360 3 366 3 366 ? 08 07 1876 ' 3 456 ?? OS 07 1876 ;? 3 456 y; 08 07 I876 ; 3 456 ?; 09 04 1876 ' 3 462 '? . 09 21 : 1876 3 i, 473 `,; ': 11 11 1876 ;: 3 R; 488 ?? ;: 11 11 1876 a, 3 a: 489 ;, , 11 11 1876 ', 3 489 ;, ,; 11 11 1876, 3 490 11 11 1876 . 3 491 r? ? ? ?, f? iy spp ? s ^ 1? ? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -?tew Hanover Coun? N C ELECTIONS j, . . _ MATTER: ` ¦eo. u. a. County Indezes Since 1888 ? To loeate names, open at CoTT A-z ra6 INDEx ??r OFi1CE ??lC-7? An ldentifying Ttade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. D UNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ? ? ? DATE +? t ??? ?E 1wINUTE BOOK ?° NATURE OP PROCEEDINGS ' M th I D Y + V l P ? ? on ayl ear t o . I age ? ? , 1, Winning County candidates: Sheriff - S.H. Manning; Coroner - Edward Hewlett; Register of Deeds - 11 11 ?i 1876?:" 3 491 '; y Joseph E. Sampson; Treasurer - Elijah Hewlett; Surveyor - Alfred B. Lind; County ; ?, ?? Commissioners - Edward Kidder, John G. Wagner, S. Van Amringe, Duncan Holmes, and D. Nixon. l; i: Members of Aouse of Representatives - Joseph C. Hill and James Wilson; Senator - W.H. Moore. ? ' ? ,, 2, Letter from Secretary of State, J.A. Englehard, referred to Act to Regulate Elections. Act requires 04 29 1878;, 3 722 ? Secretary to furnish registrations, poll and election books and printed blanks for returns. 3, Election bill of W.H. Yopp laid on table. 09 02 1378;; 3 744 " 4, Board of Justices requested Board to set compensations for election officials for November election. 09 27 1878„; 3 765 ;; S, Registrars allowed $7.00, voting and registration places allowed $5.00. . 09 27 1878?. 3 765 ., 6,N ;? Canvassers allowed $2.00 for November election. 09 27 1878 3 765 7,' Stationary and light to be furnished by Board for November election. 09 27 1878:. 3 765 8;i Register to see that ballot boxes to be delivered to various voting precincts in Wilmington Township. 11 04 1878. 3 774 9.?? ? Board appointed registrars and judges of election for November, 1880 election. (ELECTION OFFICIALS) 09 06 1880 4 225 ? 10?` Board of Magistrates declared registrations places for November elections: 10 04 1880 4 241 , r? ,? First Ward, Upper Division: Home of T.J. Herring First Ward, Lower Division: Home of J.C. Stevenson and Cos. Store Second Ward: Home of J.C. Lumsden Third Ward: Home of W.L. Jacobs Fourth Ward: W.P. Oldham's mill Fifth Ward: J.M. Bremer's Store Cape Fear: Home of I. Johnston Harnett: McComber's Store ' Masonboro: Home of B.L. Montford Federal Point: Home of J.H. Hornes ?? 11? Board appointed poll holders and registrars for August election. (See ELECTION OFFICIALS) oy , 12?y G.J. Boney, Chairman of Democratic Executive Committee of New Hanover recommended extra polling places in ?:, „e ?j the First and Fifth Wards. r5 s? 13:? Petitions fxom S.H. Morton and T.C. Miller for extra polling places in First and Fifth Wards. 14rtr Boundaries of wards established. Is ,15?; First and Fifth Wards divided into new and additional precincts, and new registration to be had. e, ?! 16?s Polling places established in First and Fifth Wards. (See VOTING PLACES) ty 17t? Registrars and poll holders appointed for November 7, 1882 election: (See VOTING REGISTRARS) F, 18?? Election ordered for School District 5 to levy a school tax on all white taxpayers in District 5. s ?? 19?; Registrars and poll holders appointed for November 4, 1884 election. (See VOTING REGISTRARS) 20w? Polling places for new registration established. (See VOTING PLACES) `# 21? Registrars and poll holders appointed. (See ELECTION OFFICIALS) 22t{ Election to be held on subscription or not on capital stock of Wilmington, Onslow and East Carolins Rail. .i r, 23?; Election to be held on March 24, 1887 on subscription or not on stock of Wilmington, Onslow and East '? Carolina Railroad. (See RAILROADS) K; 24:r Registrars and poll holders appointed for March 24, 1887 election. (See ELECTIONS OFFICIALS) 3 25,,j Board ordered an entire new registration to be held for November election, 26?? Board appointed registrars and poll holders for November election pages 102--104, (See ELECTION OFFICIALS) 27.?? New registration to be had in County before November election. t? ?h 28.?$ Registrars and poll holders appointed for the November, 1890 election. (5ee ELECTION OFFICTALS) ,g .? 29.?; Registrars appointed for November 8, 1892 election. (See VOTING REGISTRARS) ?? 30;j Poll holders and judges of election appointed for November 8, 1892 election. (See ELECTION OFFICIALS) 31{? Board met to pass upon all bills for November 3 election. .? 32? Attorney Davis explained how much Board was legally required to pay poll holders and registrars. ?. 33?? Board set rates it would pay registrars and poll holders. 3G.?? Registrars and judges of electian elected for election in August on school tax levy. f „ 06 18 1881; 4 304 09 04 1882, 4 412 , 09 04 1882,' 4 412 ;; 09 04 1882„ 4 412 ; 09 27 1882 4 417 09 27 1882;; 4 417 _' 09 27 1882„ 04 07 1884.. 09 O1 1884„ 10 06 1884 09 06 1886: 10 04 1886 02 07 1887 4 417 ,, 4 540 . 4 574 : 4 581 4 736 4 745 4 776 02 07 1887; 09 03 1888? 09 03 1888_ 08 04 1890y? 08 18 1890 09 05 I892 10 03 1892 11 08 1896 ; 11 09 1896„ 11 09 1896 , 07 07 1897.: ,'. ; , ?f I; il 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 776 1?2 102 263 266 439 445 740 . 740 740 ? 21 INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES --- New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER: AEO. U. :. Coun?y Indeacea Siacs 1888 fy? ?r.? To txats hames, open at v?r or?re6 (a?i???.a4?'.s' An Identifyin? Tnda Mark ??? SURNAME INITIAL TAB S K? ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? ? 1.?? Election to be held on May 2, 1889 to vote on bonds for a act to improve roads, ;; 2.`` Registrars appointed for riay 2, 1899 election and polling places set. ra ? 3. ; Times books of registration will be open set down. ;? 4.'? Poll holders appointed for May election, see ELECTIONS OFFICIALS AND VOTING REGISTRARS. s? 5.:f'List of votes cast in May 2 election, and election on road bonds which lost? ;q 6. ;Election to be held on June 18, 1901 on road bond issue and new registration to be held. ?, 7.`?Poll holders and registrars appointed for bond election. ? 8. ;Board met to canvass election returns on road bond issue. 9. ; Statements from registrars and poll holders on election results of June 18, pages 563-566. 10. Recapitulation of election results, road bond passed. 11. Election to be held on June 7, 1905 to vote on road bonds for road improvements. 12. Polling places, registrars and judges of election selected for June 7 election, pages 25-26. 13. Hours registration books will be open listed. 14. .Chairman to have ballots prepared for June 7 election. 15. , Board canvassed road bond election results, pages 28-31 and declared that the bond issue had passed. 16.,;Bil1 from Nathan Schloss for rent on election day was referred to Finance Committee. 17. .General Assembly allowed election to be held to decide question of Recorder's Court in County. 18.,; Registrars, judges and polling places established for Recorder's Court election. 19.;;Board receivecl results from canvassers on Recorder's Court; election went against Recorder's Court. 20.:; Papers to be drawn up for an election to decide on road improvement bonds. 21. ?Manner in which road improvement bond election papers to be drawn up. 22. New registration to be held for road bond issue and registrars and judges appointed. 23. 'Times set when registration books will be open and when books may be inspected by electors. 24. Board to give at least thirty days notice of election. 25. Election returns of registrars on road bond issue, pages 147-150. 26. .Recapitulation of road bond election; road bonds passed. 27. _Request from Board of Education for an election on school taxes. 28.,rElection to be held on school tax; date of election and time polls to be open set. 29..,Polling places, registrars and judges for school tax election appointed. 30. ;Election carried for school tax levy and votes recorded from Townships. 31. `Board to consider an election on road bonds. 32.,;Board called for an election on road bonds for May 31. 33...Way ballots to read for road bonds. 34. Polling places, registrars and judges appointed for May 31 election. 35. Dates and times registration books will be open for road band election. 36. ^Election returns for road bond issue set down on pages 2I8-222. ELECTIONS COT7 A-Z 7A8 INDER a ADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO OLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW SERN, NO RTH CAROLINA DATE b? ', Month I Day I Year ?? ? : 04 ?7 1899 ?? : ?? ; 04 ?. ?7 1899 ?g ?? " 04 k' ?7 1899 ; " ,; 05 ?l 1899 .i ?? ?0 05 ?4 1899 s' ?? 4, 04 29 1901 sr ?; ' 05 ?6 1901 M s; N? `, MINUTE BOOK Vol. I Page 6 247 6 248 6 248 6 258 6 260 6 547 6 549 " 06 ZO 1901 ?? 6 ?? , 06 20 1901 ;, 6 06 20 1901 .; 6 05 Jl 1905 : 7 05 J1 1905 7 05 J1 1905 , 7 06 ?5 1905 7 06 ?8 1905 ? 7 O1 ?7 1907 °` 7 03 22 1907 7 03 22 1907 7 „ 05 ?9 1907 ,, 7 „ 08 ?3 1908 ; 7 08 )3 1908 , 7 08 ?3 1908 7 OS ?3 1908 ? 7 „ 08 ?3 1908 G 7 10 ?l 1908 : 7 10 ?1 1908 ? 7 .. }, ^ 04 )5 1909 r 7 „ 04 L9 1909 ,; 7 04 L9 1909 7 ; 05 , 04 04 ., 04 04 04 . 06 37. Recapitulation of road bond votes; road bond issue passed and Chairman to advertise for sale of bonds. 06 38. Commissioners called election on road and school bonds and set dates, hours and election officials for May., 03 39. ?Commissioners to give 30 days public notice of election. ;03 40. ?Election returns on road bond issue, pages 296-300; road bond issue passed. 6 05 41. ,?Election returns from election officials on school bond issue, pages 300-304; school bond issue passed. OS 42. ;Auditor to purchase additional election booths. 04 43.,;Board ordered an election on May 8 to vote on special school tax. 04 44.?,New registration to be held for May 8 election and election officials and polling places set. (See ELECTION04 OFFICIALS) : ?6 45.;;Dates and hours registration books to be open for May 8 election. ,,04 < < ,, e? : ?? 1909 , 7 )1 1911 7 ?4 1913 7 ?4 1913 ; 7 ?9 1913 7 ?9 I913 : +. 7 19 1916 ;; 7 ?l 1918 ??, 7 ?1 1918 7 ?l 1918 7 ; ?; 8 563 563 ? ?; 566 25 25 ;. 26 ;, 27 ,' ?s 28 , 75 83 83 88 ?? 141 ?; 142 ? ?! ?? 142 143 143 147 150 174 175 175 177 214 214 214 214 ,? ?6 1911 , 7 LO 1911 „ 7 LO 1911 ?: 7 LO 1911 • 7 LO 1911 7 )1 19I1 ` 7 216 ' ?; 218 ??, 222 s 284 286 296 300 ;; ;: 548 i ,, 686 687 687 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -? l?ew Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MAiTER: ELECTIONS ? Rea. u. s. /J?I ?,,, County Indezee Since ?888 ? To toeate aames, open at COTT A•Z TAB tNDEX e?i OFfICE (.G?U///? An Identifying Trade Matk SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA DATE ;i MINUTE BOOK f? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS '? ' ? Month ? Day ? Year ??, Vol. ? Page '? i ' 9 Sd l. Board ordered an election on May 8 to vote on issuing school bonds. 04 Ol 1918;? ,„ 7 689 , 2. Election officials and polling places set for May 8 election on school bonds. 04 O1 1918', 7 ' 689 ?? ?? 3. . Dates and hours registration books to be open for May 8 election. 04 O1 , 1918 ; op 7 690 '; ug 4. Chairman to fill any vacancies in election officials positions. 04 Ol Z918; i `' 7 690 ;f SEE BOARD OF ELECTIONS FOR FUTURE ENTRIES . 5. Election returns received from May 8, 1918 election on school tax levy and bonds. 05 10 1918? oF 8 i? 1 e 6. . School tax levy and bond issue passed election of May 8, 1918 p. 5? 9 , ,, 05 10 1918`? .? 8 5? 9; . 7. Board ruled to have an election on school bond issue on May 27, 1919. 04 23 1919;' 8 46 ? 8. Election officials appointed for May 27th election. See voting Registrars. ., 04 23 1919' .! 8 47 ? 9.?? Dates and hours registration books to remain open for May 27th election. 04 23 1919 8 47 ; 10.; , „ List of inen who made election returns on school bond issue. 05 29 1919, , 8 56 . 11.°! . ;, Election returns from Townships on school bond issue for May 27th 1919 election p. 56-60 _ 05 29 1919 8 56-60 is 12.?? k May 27, 1919 election on school bonds carried. OS 29 1919 ., 8 60 .. !? 13:; ;; Compensation for election officials for Primary held April 6, fixed at $5.00 a day. 04 05 1920 8 104 . E 14.?? Registrars and poll holders allowed $5.00 a day and 3¢ per name registered for June 5, 1920 election. 06 07 1920; 8 113 ;e 15? , Board to ask Legislature to allow Board to hold State and County primaries on same date. 06 07 1920 8 114 . ? ?16;? Pay for registrars and judges of election for June 5th and July 3rd State primaries increased $7.50 a day. 06 14 1920Y 8 114 17.(? M Bills from Wilmington Star Co. for publzcation of notice of State primaries referre d to Attorney. 07 O6 1920 8 115 r ? .18.?? Bill from A. Silverman for services in June 6th and July 3rd primaries approved. 07 15 1920, 8 116 ?A ,19?+ ?, Bill from Wilmington Star Co. for publishing notices of County and State primaries approved. 07 15 1920.y 8 116 ,20. y Board and Board of Elections to fix compensation for election officials for future elections. 07 15 1920 8 117 ,21.f; r Money allowed A. Silverman for services in last election and for stationary and aut omobile hire. 11 04 1920? 8 133 ,22;i John H. Rehder and W. M. Sneeden not allowed entire bills claimed for use of their premises for past 11 04 1920 8 133 , E 4 election. . ,. . k; .23?q Pay set for election officials. . 06 05 1922, 8 201 ;? 24.? k? Primary expenses approved by Board. 06 07 1922: 8 , 201 s? 25=" , , Expense bills of primary held Ju1y 1 approved ?iy Board. .. 07 02 1922 .. 8 202 26.;; School improvement bond placed on ballot. . 7 1 1957 12 164 ;f 27.r; Election date d?.scussed. 7 8 1957 12 166 28.?; Committees discussed the proposed bond issues to be voted on. „ 7 22 1957 12 168 , i, 29,? E County Attorney, explained proceedings for election on bond issues. „ 7 22 1957,,, 12 ? 169 . . 30:? Election to be held 2-3-58. 7 29 1957;, 12 170 , 31.?? No action taken on suggestions for Chairman of the Election Board. „ 11 25 1957,: 12 195,; , < 32.;? Special election for bond 2-15-58. 1 6 1958,. 12 209:. :, 33:?? :r Board of election ta provide and super?ise election. . 1 6 1958„ 12 211 „ 34.'e Approved use of electric heaters from Community Hospital. . 1 13 1958., 12 214.. 35.?; Received repo?t on registration for special election. 2 3 1958;. 12 220. 36.k? ? Granted request County to furnish voting booths and ballots. 2 10 1958.; 12 223,: .37.?? Hospital bond defeated, School bond passed. 2 Z7 1958?. 12 225.. g; 38.t? Accepted and filed report on election returns. :: 2 24 1958,; 12 226.. 394? ? Received offical election report and copy of offical form. , 3 3 1958_; 12 229,; .a 40.?? E Approved advance funds for election board. ., 3 17 1958:; 12 235,± . 41;? Board of election to rearrange Masonboro voting precinct. 3 31 1958 12 239.. ;; 42,?q ?oard of election to print and distribute ballots and supervise. 4 28 1958 , 12 251.: , 43.?? Discussion on voting machines. 5 5 1958;; 12 254;; 44.? ? ? + Received and approved payment for election. „ 6 2 I958,; 12 263?, . r INDEX TQ COMM?SSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County N. C. MU JECT , _ Elect ions ? nEC, u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 ? To (OCaty naM?f? o?NA pt COTT A•2 TA? INpEX r?r OFFICE C?.E?? An Identif3'ing Trade Mark MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SURNAME IN171AL TAB SOLD iY OWEM ?. CUNM, NEN tERM, NORTN GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK , Month Day Year Vot. Page l, Received re-turnes ?f special election. 6 16 1958 12 308 2. Report on election run off, approe?ed payment for November election expenses. 9 29 1958 12 303 . 3. Election expenses inadequate, referred to County Attorney for election laws. 11 3 1958 12 321 4. Mr. Henry C. Bost, Chairman Election Board reported on election expenses. 11 10 1958 12 323 5. A??horized payment of?present-bills,, letter to Messrs. Hewlett and Yow on election laws. 11 10 1958 12 323 6. Voting machines considered for purchase. 11 24 1958 12 335 _ 7. Authorized paytr?ent of election bill. 3 9 1959 12 394 8. Pay rate for ?lection agreed on. 5 18 1959 12 437 9. Invoices wiZZ be paid on gresentation if properZy supported and certifzed. 7 ?8 ?959 ?2 4bb 10. No action taken on purchasing voting machines. 9 21 1959 12 498 11. Dis-satifaction over election pay placed on agenda. 11 2 1959 12 511 12. Approved recommendations for future pay for election officials. 11 16 1959 12 514 13. Letter from the Board of Election on behalf of Mr, Rivenbark. 1 4 1960 12 533 14. Notice of boundaries change in the polling precincts. 3 21 1960 12 557 15. Authority given to pay ele?tion bills. 5 16 1960 12 575 16, Mr. Henry C, Bost, infor?n.ed Commissioners of necessity of a second primary. See line ??20 6 6 1960 12 577 17. Special Plection for school bond order 5-26-62. (pages 84-87) 4 2 196? 13 85 18. Appropriated funds to election fund. 6 4 1962 13 113 19. Included $10,000 izi budget for election. 7 16 1962 13 132 20.. Mr. Bost to present written details on recommendations for new elec?ion. 6 6 1960 12 577 21. Budget approved as recommended by auditor. 7 15I 1?360 12 591 22. Request for registration change over, rejected. 7 18 1960 12 592 23. Letter received in regards to the proposed reuision of the elec?ion machinery. 9 6 1960 12 610 24. Committee appointed to study matters of permanent regis.tration: Il 21 I960 12 628 Chairman Hall, Mayor of City and Chairman of the Board of Election, City/County Attorneys and Representatives to General Assembly be as advisory Committee. ? 25. County/City discussed proposed new registration system, no action taken. 6 5 1961 12 684 26, Mr. L? E. Boardhurst, committee of one to confer with City Committee and Chairman of 6 19 1961 12 689 Board of Election on new regristration. , 27. Hospital bond election to be held with general election November 7, 1961. 6 28 1961 12 694 28. Motion carried to pay cost of election with understanding State will reinburse. 11 6 1961 13 33 29. Received election returns approving Hospital bond and rejecting special tax, resolution 12 4 1961 13 40 adopted. 30. Appropriated $10,875.47 from State to election account. 2 5 1962 13 65 31. Action deferred on election cost. 3 19 1962 13 79 32. Special election for school bond order 5-26-62. (pages 84-87) 4 2 1962 13 85 _ 33. Appropriated $2,319 from Airport Easement Fund to Election Fu?zd. 6 4 1962 13 113 34. Included $10,000 ?n budget for election. 7 16 1962 13 132 _ 35. Appropriated $2200.00 for election budget. 10 15 1962 13 160 36. No dicission on election budget survey, taken for study. 1 21 1963 13 186 37. Election cost placed on agenda for later consideration. 4 16 1963 13 204 _? 38. Messrs. Broadhurst and Mayhan to study proposed election system and recommend. 5 6 1963 13 209 39. Budget meeting, report on condition of voter registration system. 7 10 1963 13 232 40. Joint budget session, election cost referred to Committee appointed. 7 22 1963 13 238 ? 41. Election machine report received. 8 5 1963 13 242 42. Mr. Bost announced avacany due to resignation of Mr. E. C. Sneed. 9 3 1963 13 247 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, esa. u. s. A????? County Indezee Since 1888 ? YO (Otat? nanNf. o?Nn 4t r?r OFFICE ?^??-C.a?.. .?n Identifyins Trade Mark SURNAME INlTIAL TA! ` t' NATURE OP PROCEEDINGS ri t? f? - MATTER: N• y• _ SUBJECT Elections - COTT A•Z TAf INOEx MADE 8Y THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OH10 SOLD iT OWEN S. OtINN, NEw iERN, MORTH GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Yenr Vol. Page 1.,: Mr. Henry C. Bost, announced his resignation as of 12-31-63. 2.;; Letter from Mr. Bost notifying that he vacated his membership and Chairmanship. 3.?: z, Board of election to investigate proposed voting machines and report to Commissioners. ,? 4.;; Authorized Board of Election to attend schaol on election laws in ?shville. 5.??? i Letter to City Council regarding the use of voting machines. :; ?, 6.?: Report on voting machine.study received, no action taken. 7.`' No action taken on offer to rent voting machines. (dated as written in book) 9 3 1963 13 247 ! ? 10 7 1963 13 260 12 2 19?3 13 269 12 2 1963 13 269 2 2 I963 13 270 12 _6 1963 13 272 11 18 1963 13 275 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER: ELECTION OFFICIALS ` ¦eo. u. s. County Indezes Since 1888 To locate names, open at COTT A•2 TAB INDEX PAT OFFIC[ C?i?-Ca-? An Identifvins Trade Merk ? SURNAME INtTiAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY. (OLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G DUNN NEW BERN NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS 1. Recommendations of judges of election received. I 2.f Judges of election appointed for various precincts. ? 3. Perry M. Rice substituted as judge of election for L.E. Riae 4.' John Dyer resigned as judge of election and William Iiarris appointed. 5. Judges of election appointed for Townships. 6.? John Larkins and Miles Armstrong appointed judges of election for Lillington. 7.?i Judges of election appointed. G 8.;?Stephen Currie declined to serve as judge of election. ,, 9. ? G.P. Rouke appointed judge of election. 10.;:H. Eilen excused as judge of election and W.A. French appointed. 11.,' James M. French appointed in place of William French as a judge of election, 12.. Clerk to Boar€? reported names to act as judges of election for August election. 13.`? Judges of election appointed for August election: '? „ First Ward: Henry Penny and Jacob Richardson `? Second Ward: S,D, Foy and E. Pennypacker ? ;i Third Ward: Joseph Neff and John Bulken ?? Fourth Ward: William Thurber and Perry Rice ,? Federal Point: Anthony Hawes and Joseph Davis ?; Masonboro: Henry Bisht?p and Sol Smith ?i Harnett: Joseph Pickett and A. Morris ?? ?j Grant: Alfred Loyd and Ezekell Qhadwick , ,; a Cape Fear: William Moore and Murphy Ward ;i Holden: J,H. Brown and John Scarborough `? Lincoln; John Be11 and W. Myers ?? c? Caswell: Horace Henry and W.A. Lamb F? Franklin: A.V. Horrell and D.N, Sikes .? Columbia: R.B, Frayper and G.'"W. Galloway ? ?? ;? Union: David Pigford and Hugh We11s ,; Holly: George Page and John Rowe 14.?; John Parker appointed in place of Jacob Richardson. g 15.?4Henry Penny excused as judge of election. .? ?6.;,Thomas Rivera appointed judge of election instead of Henry Penny. '?? 17.r' John Bell revoked as judge of election and Miles Armstrong appointed in his place . 18.,4John Bulcken relieved as judge of election and J.W. Spaulding appointed in his place. 19.?„ John Scarborough relieved as judge of election and 3ohn Bryant appointed in his Qlace. '? 20.?`'sGeorge Page relieved as judge of election and C. Costeen appointed in his place. 21.??C1erk to file certified statement from judges of each precinct for August, 1970 election. 22. ?Judges of election appointed far November 10, 1870 election of State Senator: ; `? First Ward: John Parker and David Anderson x? ;i ? Second Ward: L.D. Foy and J. L.Boatwright ?. ? i; '? Third Ward: John Bulken and F.W. Kerchner 4? ?k Fourth Ward: H.B, Eilers and A,J. Costin F? Federal Point: Anthony Hawes and Jos Davis k! i? Masonboro: Henry M. Bishop and So1 Smith ;? "•' Harnett: Jos Pickett and A. Morris ?j ; Cape Fear: William Moore and Murphy Ward ? DATE ? MINUTE BOOK ;? Month I Day + Year Vol. I Page ., I 10 10 11 11 12 05 +; 07 ?a ; 07 „ 07 ;, 08 . 08 07 ? 07 15 1868 19 1868 02 1868 ?i !i 02 1868 ?; 1i 11 18684 A 11 1869? 06 1869#, a 19 1869 ;? 19 1869;$ Y? OZ I869 ?; 03 1869;; 06 1870: 06 1870? 1 73 1 73 1 93 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 93 140 236 264 280 280 ! 284 ?? 286 453 453 r s R? P? j ';i P '?y '? 07 ?. ;, 07 i 07 08 08 08 08 :, OS 10 ?? 06 1870?? !a 06 1870 r? a 06 1870;; sq y O1 1870:`, .? 0 2 187 0 ????? 02 1870 ?i ri 02 1870 ? 06 1870ss 22 187Q ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 454 454 I 456 4 459 ? ? ? 464 , 464 ? 464 469 73 INDEX TO CONiMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?y, N. C. _ MATTER: ELECTION OFFICIALS ` ¦eo. v. s. County lndexee Since i888 {]? ?+3-r To locate names, open at COTT A•2 7AB INDEX ?er OFFICE ???a? An Identifying Trade Mark ??....? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMYANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTN CAROLINA c: ? r; DATE r? MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS F: Month I Day I Year !, Vol. Page "r i 1 1. Judges of election appointed for November 10, 1870 election of State Senator: ?; 10 22 1870j 2 73 i F; i Grant: Alfred Lloyd and Ezekiel Chadwick ? ? ' 4 ?{ i Holden: J. Harriss Brown and J. Scarborough i; ? 6 Lincoln: John Bell and W,W, Myers ? 6 Caswell: Horace Henry and W,A, Lamb ;, ;? F Franklin: A.V. Horrell and D.M. Sikes . ,y ' Union: David Pigford and Hugh Wills ?, ?1 Holly: George Page and John Rowe ? : Columbia: R.B. Frazier and C.M. Galloway 2.? Fletcher Be11 appointed judge of election for Lincoln Township in place of J.S. Rhodes. 3.?, F,C, Burnett, S. Cherry and John Bell appointed inspectors of election. :d 4.?; Inspectors appointed for August, 1871 election to elect delegates and the question of "Convention" or "No ., `e Convention": 11 07 1870 O1 1871 02 1871. 2 80 2 15 2 2 168 First Ward: Henry Hashagen and I.H. Brown Second Ward: E.J. Pennypacker and J.C. Lumsden Third Ward: Charles Bissenger and Joseph Sampson Fa?th Ward: John Whiteman and John Bauman 05 06 '? ?, Fifth Ward: James Darby and James Richardson l , Federal Point: Stephen Keyes and Joseph Davis „ ? ? ? Masonboro: H.M. Bishop and Sol Smith d ?? ?! Harnett: Delaware Nixon and Joseph Pickett s! . ip €? Grant: Orren Colvin and Ezekiel Chadwick . ? ? Cape Fear: Samuel Davis and Murphy Ward . .?? ? Holden: I.H. Brown and S.S. Satchwell ? ? ,? Lincoln; John Bell and William Bivins , Caswell: Henry Hall and W.A. Lamb . ?, ?? w3 Franklin: William Robinson and D.M. Sykes ? ?, ;? s3 Columbia: G.F. Walker and R.B. Frazier .. i !? ,c Union: H.F. Murphy and D. Pigford ., y? ?? Holly: George Page and John Rowe 5. Board rescinded appointment of J. Sampson as inspector for Wilmington's Third Ward and J.E. Winants 06 ? ? appointed in his place. „ ? ?? .6.<? Poll holders notified in Caswell Township that voting place changed from the Borough to Point Caswell. 06 7.? , Did not grant request from Union Township to replace Owen Colville with Andrew Shines as poll holder. 07 ?., 8.;+ Clerk of Board to inquire if poll holders have necessary ?011 books. 07 . ?? 9.`? Report of judges of election on October 23, 1971 election held to fi11 vacancies when Holden Township was 10 r, '? divided, winners listed. kt .: n? 10.'?? Inspectors for August, 1872 election: (Pages 333-335) O7 ?e ?? First Ward, Subdivision: John Love, John Colville, John Eagles and William Walker P First Ward, Subdivision: William Malin, Robert Orvell, Owen Burney and S.T. Potts . ?? Second Ward: Roger Moore, John Boatwright, Thomas Comer and E.J. Pennypacker ?? Third Ward: W.H. Gerken, M. Bellamy, E.F. Martin and St. Von Galin „ ? ? Fourth Ward: C.M. Stedman, George Peck, Stacy Van Amringe and John Smith ? ? s Fifth Ward: Josh Russ, George Flack, Jr., John Millis and John Savage f ? Federal Point: Stephen Keys, Henry Da?vis, James Burriss and 3oe Burriss Masonboro: Elijah Hewlett, W.H. Moore, W.H. Costin and John Berford 09 1871,;, 2 173 ;; 24 1871 05 1871 06 1831 28 1871 2 178 ;. 2 190 2 191 2 235 .: Ol 1872` 2 333 , ? INDE? TO CO?IMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER: ELECTION OFFICIALS ` eeo. u. s. County Indezes Since I888 To locats names, opsn at COTT A•2 TAB INDEX r?i o?ncc ??.?Ce-]? An [dentifyins Trnde Marlc ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY iHE COiT INDE% COMPANY, COLUMBOS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTN CAROLINA `? DATE ?, MINUTE BOOK p? ? NATURE OP PROCEEDINGS ? ? ;, Month ? Day ? Year °; Vol. ? Page ? ;: " '? ?? I.y; Inspectors for August, 1872 election: (Pages 333-335} 07 Ol 1872'' 2 333 y? oy ?? ,? Harnett: Delaware Nixon, W.H. Williams, A. Newkirk, and James Grant F ? ?? Si ?5 Grant: D. Mi11ow, Robert Nixon, Jacob Chadwick, and Sylvester Capps ? ?? .. ?; ? Cape Fear: Murphy Ward, Sam Davis, S.W. St. George, and T.R, Williams ! ?? ?, ,. ,i Rocky Point: A. Gownberg, John Mosley, D.T. Durham, and R.T. Bowden ?9 ? ?4 Holden: John Penny, John Littleton, W. Bannernvan, S.P. Hand ? '? .. ?. ;d . Union: David Pigford, R,W. Garriss, John Powers, and John Rivinbark Columbia: John Hohnes, B. Gurgnns, G.F. Walker, and R.W. Moore Lincoln: W,J. Bivins, John Bell, F. Bell, and W.W. Larkins Caswell, South Side: D.G. Corbett, W. Pridgen, H.V. Aall, and Alonze Brown Caswell, North Side: John Paddison, E. Howes, O.R. Hollingsworth, and Jas. Moore Iiolly: John Rowe, A.H. Mashburn, Robert Williams, and Daniel Shaw 2.,: Samuel Rochelle and Charles Tate appointed inspectors of Holly Township in place of A.H. Mashburn and 07 02 1872. 2 336 John Rowe. 3... Clerk to Board to prepare list of registrars and inspectors and post at Courthouse. 4., S.H. Bell appointed inspector for Lincoln Township in place of F.H. Bel1. 5. Thomas Lewis appointed inspector in place of M. Bellamy who is not a voter of this County. 6. Board decides not to excuse D. Davis as inspector of Harnett Township. 7.,, Thomas McLindon appointed inspector of Rocky Point in place of R. Bowden. 8., Timothy George appointed inspector of Masonboro in place of John Buford. 9., Joseph Farrow appointed inspector of Masonboro in place of W.H. Costin. 10., Bruce Freeman appointed inspector of Federal Point in place of Henry Davis. 11,,, Joseph Russell appointed inspector of Fourth Ward in place of C. Stedman. 12. , A.A. Wiggins appointed inspector of Subdivision of First Ward in place of John Colville 13.,: O.M. Fillyaw appointed inspector of Subdivision of First Ward in place of John Love. 14._, Fred Poisson appointed inspector in Second Ward in place of Roger Moore. 15..; Duncan Bryant appointed inspector in Masonboro in place of Elijah Hewlett. 16.,, A11en Rutherford appointed inspector in Fourth Ward in place of Stacy Van Amringe. 17., Changes in registrars and judges of election in Wilmington referred to Commissioners Shoemaker and Heyer. 18., Changes in registrars and judges of election outside Wilmington referred to Commissioner Black. 19.,, Claims about pay for inspectors and registrars referred to Attorney London. 20.,, Poll holders appointed for November election for President and Vice President of the U.S.A,: ., First Ward, Subdivision: Elizah Lerne and Fred Sordgwork „ First Ward, Subdivision: R.S. Waldron and George Jackson , Third Ward: E,F. Martin and N.G. Sampson „ Fourth Ward: Stacy Van Amringe and John C. Smith Fifth Ward: W.H, Thunber and George Flack . Federal Point: Stephen Keyes and Henry Davis ?, Masonboro: Elijah Hewlett and William Moore Harnett: Delaware Nixon and Edward McCabe , Grant: Char?es Foy and Alfred Lloyd , Cape Fear: Murphy Ward and William Moore ? R'ocky Point: A, Gounburg and John Mosely Holden: John Lillington and John Penny Union: Elijah Torte and David Torte , Columbia; John Holmes and Archie Walker 07 02 1872. 2 07 06 1872' 2 07 10 1872 2 07 10 1872 2 07 19 1872 2 07 19 1872. 2 07 19 1872, 2 07 19 1872 2 07 19 1872 2 „ 07 19 1872 2 .. 07 19 1872,; 2 , 07 29 1872 2 07 29 1872,? 2 07 29 1872 2 07 29 1872„ 2 07 29 1872 2 08 03 1872 2 10 02 1872 2 336 ? 337 ,; 338 , 338 ' ?? 339 ? 339 339 ?; 339 .a 339 ' bj 339 ; 339 ; ;' 341 ,y 341 "' r? 341 341 ' ,n 341 i; 342 ? 374 ?; ?? k? ?,. F, Pa ?p f: 4' ?4d 1? INDEX TO CO?IMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER: ELECTION OFFICIALS a ee?. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 h? k±3-- To locste names, open at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX v?r OFFICE ?? An Identifying Ttade Mark w_? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY TNE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ? 'r& "' DATE Fa, MINUTE BOOK „; IdATURE Of PROtEEDINGS ?, p? Month I Day I Year `, Vol. Page .g ?; 1. Poll holders appointed for November election for President and Vice President of the U.S.A.: 10 02 1872.' 2 374 'i' Lincoln: John Bell and C. Larkins . Caswell, South Side: Alonzo Brown and Henry Hall „ „ Caswell, North Side: John Newkirk and Lot McAllister ' „ :; ? Holly: Owen Carr and Peter Carr ; :. ., 2. Inspectors appointed for the November election for President and Vice President of the U.S.A .: (374-376) ; 10 03 1872;, 2 374 ? ?? First Ward, Subdivision: O.A. Wiggins and David Mote . .. . Ir `? ? ? First Ward, 2nd Subdivision: W.D. Mohn and Robert Onell .. . ?q Third Ward: H. Vonglahn and A. DeRossett ., ,, „ Fourth Ward: H.W. McLorvin and W.P. Oldherm . ?; Fifth Ward: John Savage and John Mi11is ;; Federal Point: H.S. Howe and Nicholas Morris , , Masonboro: James Beasely and James Hewlett ? .. , k; Harnett: R.K. Bryon and Joseph Foy .. ? .. ?; .`? Grant: R. Nixon and L.H. McClornmy ,. ., E? ? Cape Fear: Samuel Davis and A. Grady . .. „ ? ? Rocky Point: D. Durham and R.T. Bowden ,;; ?; Holden : Patrick Hand and W.T. Bannerman . .. .?` Union: John Powers and Robert Rivenbark : .. ;? ?? Columbia: H.S. Eversett and G. Walker ., ?. :? ?? Lincoln: W.W. Larkins and .Tohn A. Jones ., . _ te ?j Caswell, South Side: D.G. Corbett and W.S. Pridgen ,. . t; , ?? r; Caswell, North Side: John Paddison and O.R. Hollinsworth ?i GE Holly: Jacob James and H.W. Player , , „ , ! 3.;? H, Bell appointed poll holder for Lincoln in place of John Jones. 10 14 1872 2 381 ? ?a ,? , 4.?q Ephrin Howes appointed poll holder for Caswell in place of Lott McAllister. 10 14 1872; 2 381 a ?? , 5.t? Committee of two members of Board to supervise and regulate registrars and poll holders fox Presidential 10 15 1872 2 383 , '; election. 6.;?, Polling place changed from Gerkin Store to Frence home on Gibbin Lodge at corner of Princess and 8th St. 10 15 1872 2 383 ;' 7.?; Elijah Hewlett relieved as poll holder in Masonboro and Sterling Serllings appointed in his place. 10 28 1872,a 2 386 ; , I 8.?? A.L, DeRossett relieved as pollholder in Third Ward and W.v. Jacobs appointed.i,n his p.lace. 11 04 1872 2 388 '; ? , 9.?? Elijah Lome relieved as po11 holder in First Ward, 2nd Division and Robert Sivent appointed in his place. 11 04 1872 2 388 , 10.?{ William Mclntyre and Samuel Larkins appointed inspectors for May 5, 1873 election for Lillin gton. 04 25 1873 3 65 11.,; List of boxes to be provided for ballots by inspectors of election. 06 23 1873 3 77 12.`;`? r: P?ii hoiders appointed for August, 1873 election: (Pages 78-80) 06 23 1873 3 78 S? , ytl First Ward,Subdivision: H. Kuhl, O.A. Wiggins, John Brown and David Mote. y ?t' First Ward, 2nd Subdivision: Daniel Smith, 3ohn Love, Robert Onell and Robert Sweat. ?? Second Ward: T. Cornor, George Jackson, George Tilley and E. Manning. i? ;? Third Ward: J. Sampson, John Hargrave, C. Bissinger, R.Fitzerald. „ ?„ ? ?i Fourth Ward: William Fowler, Preston Canning, J. Whiteman, S. Van Amringe. ., „ s? Fifth Ward: G.C. Muller, George Davis, William Gordon, William Thurber. „ i? t, ;? Masonboro : Joseph Smith, E. Hewlett, James Beasley and James Hewett. _, „ ?? ?r Federal Point: Nicholas Morris, Henry Davis, Jr., H.S. Horne and S. Keyes. ,; , ?? Harnet?: James Grant, E.McAbe, D.C. Davis, and James Foy. ?? Grant: L.H. McClammy, R. Nixon, Alfred Lloyd and Charles Foy. . .. ,, p? ? ?? ?! Cape Fear: Samuel Davis, Murphy Ward, William Moore, and Thomas Williams . .. ,. ? ,? fY ?E I? ? \ INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER: ELECTION OFFICIAI,S ? ¦ca. u. s. Counry Inde:es Sinee 1866 To locate names, open at (OT7 A•Z 7A6 INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO PAT ornct ??? An ldentifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NAi'URE OF PROCEEDIhGS l. Rocky Point: Joseph Davis, John Mosely, D. Durhum,and Aug. Garnburg. Holden: W.T. Bannerman, John Holmes, John Lillington, and Jesse Dicksey. Union: Robert Rivenbark, David Teste, John Powers?and Elizah Tate. Columbia: G.F. Walker, John Holmes, H.S. Everitt?and Archie Walker ` DATE w? MINUTE BOOK ? Month ? Day I Year ? Vol. I Page ' ? t9 ' A2 o? . 06 23 1873?! 3 79 ? S ? ?r '[ N; ? .. €; €' . ?? ? ;; Lincoln: Herring Bell, C. Larkins, William Sivins, and William McIntyre. `y ?? ?, s: `._ , ? Caswell, South Side: Robert Keith, Henry Hall, W. Pridgen, and Andrew Bordeaux. y ?? ? • ? ?,?; Caswell, North Side: E. Hawes, John Paddison, O.R. Hollingsworth, and J. Newkirk. „ , E? ?I ; Holly: Peter Carr, Jacob James, H.W. Player, and Owen Carr. ' „ Fi ;, C 2..?Persons exempted as po?? holders: O.R. Hol?insworth, J.R. Paddison, O.A. Wiggins, John Love,and William 07 07 1873;' 3 83 ?y Thurber. 3... Persons appo'inted as poll holders to fill above vacancies: Marion Moore and H.C. Register for Caswell, North: O.M. Fillyaw for First Ward, Subdivision; John Garrell for First Ward 2nd Subdivision; and Ed Hewlett, Fifth Ward. 4. T.L. Thornton appointed poll holder for Subdivision First Ward to fill vacancy of 0. Filligaw. 5. Clem Schirver appointed poll holder for 2nd Division First Ward and John Gunell excused. ?a 6. George Shutte appointed poll holder for First Ward, Subdivision in place of David Mote, deceased. 7.' Henry Martindale appointed poll holder in Masonboro and James Hewlett excused. 8. R.E. Calloway appointed poll holder in Fir$t Ward, Subdivision and George Schutte excused. ' 9.w Elizah Williams appointed poll holder in Federal Point and Nicholas Morriss excused. ' 10. ', George Peck appointed poll holder for Fourth Ward, Stacy Van Amringe excused. 11. Election bills from Archie Walker and Alfred Lloyd approved as poll holders, , . 12.t Judges of election made returns from all precincts for August 7, 1873 election. 13. Bills from D.M. Millan, .7. Cutlar, John Powers, Neil Gerken and W.S. Pridgen for elections approved. , 14.: Inspectors appointed for August 6, 1874 election: (Pages 225-227) i ' First Ward, Upper Division : William Phenny, O.A. Wiggins, Owen Dove, and L.J. Thornton. ?? „ First Ward, Lower Division: William Beadley, Thomas Lewis, James Lowery, and Robert Onell ?, ,; Second Ward: Charles Mallett, Sr., James Post, George Jackson, and J.C. Lurnsden. , , Third Ward: James Dry, H. Von Ghan, Lawson Rice, and C.F.W. Bissinger. ? Caswell, North Side Black River: Ephram Hawes, J.B. Croom, George McDuffie, and A.M. Colvin. Caswell, South Side Black River: Sandy Holmes, George Corbet, Jackson Lewis, and W.S. Pridgen. Columbia: Seymour Wagstaff, G.F. Walker, Bryant Gangamus, and H.S. Everitt. Lincoln: John Bell, John Williams and W.W. Larkins. Rocky Point: George Hill, D.T. Durham, Robert Marble, and David Armstrong. Holden: Thomas Lewis, James Moore, John Kenney, and P.H. Hand. Union: Rufus Garriss, S.C. Fillyaw, Elizah Tates, and John Powers. Grant: Thomas Nixon, R.J. Nixon, Andrew Nixon, D. McMillan. „ Harnett: D.C. Davis, J. Ennett, Jordan Nixon, and James Grant. ' Federal Point: Solomon Reaves, H.P. Horne, Joseph Davis, and Joseph Bumuss. Masonboro : William Waddell, J.J. Beasley, Joseph Smith, and Henry Martindale. ' ? Cape Fear: Murphy Ward, Samuel Davis, Emannual Williams and D.S. Sanders. Holly: Samuel Hill, Jacob Janus, Samuel Rochelle, and William Player. .? Fourth Ward: C.S. Servass, W.P. Oldham, W.G. McRae, J.K. Cutlar. Fifth Ward: George Flack, John McEntee, Hiram Hankins, and F. Singletary. 15., William Holden excused as inspector of Masonboro and John Ottoway appointed. ? ?? 16.` James D. Dry excused as inspector of Third Ward and J.C. Scott appointed. 17.? Board met to make changes in inspectors of election, but no quorum so adjourned. R ?? k ?? 07 07 1873; 3 07 ; 07 ; 07 07 08 08 08 08 08 08 , 07 07 4. 07 . 07 10 1873 10 1873 22 1873 22 1873 } 14 1873 ` 14 1873 , 14 1873., 04 1873 11 1873: 23 1873,. 06 1874? 07 1874?;. 07 1874 14 1874?s ?i 1? f' G,i 1? 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 83 , t;. 86 ?c 86 ?- f38 i. 89 ; ;.; 89 ? f! 89 I# 90 '? ,Y 9 2 p+ 94 104 !, s, 225 : ?, '; ,; i? ts ?. ?? ?' :? k? ;; ; a? : r? ?i 7. 228 ?„ F 228 '9 K? 229 '' H N N C t C INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - ELECTION OFFICIALS anover . oun y, . _ MATTER: - ew ` Rec. U. s. County Inaezea S?nce 1888 ?? X.?--- To loests names, open at COTT A•2 TAB INDEX r?r OFFICE ?e?? An Identifying Trade Marlc ?8 SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ! ? p? DATE ?j MINUTE BOOK a NATURE OF PROtEEDINGS ?. ? Month I Day I Year ;`? Vol. I Page .; y l. In Third Ward, H. Von Ghan and Lawson Rice excused as inspectors and Andrew Yopp and Neil Gerken appointed? ?, . ,q 07 30 1874 :? 3 229 . r ?4 2.? In Fifth Ward, George Flack and Frank Singletary excused as inspectors and S.T. Potts and John Millis p- , 07 30 1874 :`' 3 230 ? ? appointed. ? ?k: ? ... 3. In Holden, John Kinney excused as inspector and William Wood appointed. ° ?? 07 30 1874 ` 3 230 ?; ?; 4. Bills of John Powers and Thomas Lewis for elections approved. 09 05 1874 ? 3 247 ? '^ 5. Board appointed poll holders for Arpil 15, 1875 election in Pender County: 03 16 1875 ? 3 311 ?. ? _ Caswell, North Side: George McDuffie, Jas. Moore, J. Fennell, and Haywood Johnson. ?, ,. . E ? ? ' . ? Caswell, South Side: Sandy Holmes, George Gorbit, Washington Barnhill, and W. Pridgen. . .. .. ,? ?? `'' kf Rocky Point: Dawson Durham, W. Ennett, Matthew Carr, and William Huf?ham. .. ??? 'R Union: Elij?h Tate, W.L. Rivenbark, C.B. McCleese, and John Smith. ?? Columbia: Archy Walker, Bryant Gurgainus, Thomas Mclntyre, and Sterling Everett. ?a ?p Holden: John Laybon, Jonathan Johnson, C.N. Sparkman, and Jas. DuPree. .. ??? . ,? Holly: Owen Carr, Daniel Shaw, Jas. Brown, and John Mashburn. . t, 4a Grant: Alfred Lloyd, Charles McClammy, Dugold McMillan and Lynn Grady. . ?y Lincoln: William McIntyre, M.C. Taylor, Sherman Hodges, and A.H. Paddison. . 6.?q :, Clerk to Board to serve notices on registrars and poll holders of Pender County. 03 16 1875 r 3 311 „ 7.?j Statement made in aggregate by judges of following Townships of Pender County spread upon minutes: Union 04 17 1875 3 320 6; k'; !_, . „ ??? Rocky Point, Lincoln, Holly, Holden, Grant, Columbia, and Caswell. .. ?? .$.;? Bills from W. Pridgen, Alfred Lloyd, and W. Rivenbark for election in Pender County approved. 05 08 1875 ; 3 325 ; „9.?? Bills from Archie Walker and Alfred Lind for election approved. 05 08 1875 .; 3 326 , ?.0.;, Inspectors of election appointed for August, 1875 election: (Pages 350-351) 07 08 1875 „ 3 350 , ,;9 First Ward, Upper Division: William Phinney, L.J. Thornton, Duncan Holmes, and O.M. Fillyaw. , , `y ,. ?, Second Ward: George W. Betts, C. Malett, Jr., James F.Post, H.C. Brock. . . . ;1 ?'' First Ward, Second Division: J.M. Wise, Robert Orrell, Samuel Reid, and Julius Ward. , ?? .? ? k; t , ? Third Ward: James D. Dry, John Hargrove, James W. King, and Jas. Huggins. . ? , ? ?? Fourth Ward: William B. Hall, Walter Henderson, W.P. Oldham, and N. Jacobi. ;; , ,, Fifth: E.L Hewlett, Anthony Howe,Jr., John Mclntyre, and Jesse Rogers. - , .. ?s 'j ? i? Cape Fear: Emanuel Williams, Thomas Hill, Marshal Bishop, and D.S. Sanders. „ „ ., r? d Harnett: Edward McCabe, Jordan Nixon, James Grant, and E.J. Ennett. , , A ?I ?? Masonboro: John J. Beasley, John A. Farrow, Joseph Smith , and John Ottoway. ; e; Federal Point: H.L. Horn, Joseph Davis, Joseph Bunnuss, and W.H. Williams. i? ll.i, List of above officials to go to the Sheriff. 07 08 1875 . 3 351 12.Y? Changes made in inspectors: Third Ward, John Hargrove in place of Edward Howard, and Joseph Pepper in 07 28 1875 3 360 ., `; place of W.H. Williams. , 13.?; Inspectors changed: Fifth Ward, Jesse Rogers in place of John Darden, and in Cape Fear, 3ames Williams OS 02 1$75 ., 3 360 . Y .;; in place of Marshall Bishop. „ , 14.;i , Inspectors changed: J.C. Scott substituted for James Dry in Third Ward, and Walter Fanlong substituted 08 03 1875 ,, 3 361 ?, „ for Nathaniel Jacobi in Fourth Ward. ?5•I ?6. ?.7 • 18.?' ' Bills from Jones David, Anthony Howe, William Pratt and Giblen Lodge, W.H. Williams and P. Newman approved,, 09 06 1875 , Bills from L.J. Thornton and E.D. Hewlett for elections approved. 11 09 1875 ? Bill from C.H. Strode for election approved. i Inspectors of election appointed for Nov. 7, 1876 election: First Ward, Upper Division: Henry Brewington, William Phenney, M.M. Johnson, and Christian Hussell. i i ? First Ward, Lower Division: James Heaton, George Robinson, Robert Orrell, and John Struass. , Second Ward: William Hankins, Marcus Bear, George Jackson, and Jas. Neff. ? Third Ward: James Huggins, J.H. Al1en, Alex Hostler, and J. Hargrave. 3 3 03 08 1876 . 3 09 21 1876 3 373 391 , 420 473 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Ha?over Count? N ELECTION OFFICIALS C MATTER , . . _ : ` Reo. u. s. /? ,,,, County Indezes Since 1888 ?? To locat? names, open at reT OIFICE C?Lc/t///? An ldentifying Trade Marlc SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•I TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ?? !? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ?? DATE MINUTE BOOK I ,. ?° Month ? Day I Year F Vol. I Page r, . ?: ' Fourth Ward: Wiley Cornish, James Cutler, William Bank, and W.H.M. Koch. ' °.? ? R? t ?, Fifth: W.A. Jordan, Henry Penny, William Mayo, and William Biddle. ;. y? ? ? ; Cape Fear: William Moore, James Mosely, Claus Schriven, and John Castine. ^g ?! ?? ? Harnett: Jordan Nixon, Jerry Hewlett, F.M. Wooton, and W.B. Giles. ? ; ?4 ?? ? ? ? i ? ?? Masonboro: Joseph Smith?Alonzo Hewlettaand Joseph Farrow. '? ,; i, , }k ?? Federal Point: Henry Davis, Balaam Wade, H.L. Horne, and John Biddle. G FE G l. ?, ;;Tames Grant excused as inspector and F.M. Wooton appointed in Harnett. ;09 ?7 1876 ?; 3 477 2. ;?hristian Hussell excused as inspector and William Mahn appointed. ,10 ?4 1876 , 3 487 ?? 3. Henry Brewington excused as inspector and George Ada?s apgointecl. 10 ?? Z87& `? 3 !?&7 . 4. John Biddle excused as inspector and William Montgomery appointed, Claus Shriever excused ? and James B. 10 ?4 1876 3 487 ?, Cowan, John Casteen excused and Isedell Johnson appointed, and William Biddle excused and W.H. Goodman appointed. 5. ?ills from J.J. Cutlar, W.W. Harriss, C.H. Thomas, Northrop & Cumming, Alfred Howe, William Holmes, G.E. Bender, Allen Evans, Henry Taylor, George Bourdeaux, and A.B. Lind for elections approved. 6. ?Bills of poll holders referred to Attorney for his opinion. 7. Canvassers allowed $2.00 for November election. 8. Judges of elections appointed for November, 1880 election; First Ward: O.A. Wiggins, C.W. Stewart, Simon Richardson and Owen Nixon First Ward, Lower Division : John L. Dudley, L.L. Boon, Sol Nash, and Joshua Meanes Second Ward: L.T. Bowden, R.F. Eyden, George H. Jackson and George Burden Third Ward: John L. Cantwell, John Keen, John Hargrove and Al1en Evans „ Fourth Ward: A.L. DeRosset, John Norwood, James W. Green, and F.C. Singleterry Fifth Ward: Nichols Morris, John Waddell and Henry Green ?, Cape Fear: William Johnson, J. St. George, Blockwell Williams, and J.A. Sharpless Federal Point: Josh Montgomery, Jackson Farrow, Henry Davis,and George Green Masonboro: W.C. Fergus, John Farrow, Joseph Smith,and George Hewlett Harnett: W.B. McKoy, A.A. Moseley, J.A. Holts, and Jordon Nixon 9. Charles Murphy judge in place of C.W. Stewart and James Dudley appointed in place of Henry Green. 10. Poll holders appointed for August, 1881 election: Pages 304-305 First Ward, Upper Division: James Stewart, Charles Murphy, J.O. Nixon and Simon Richardson First Ward, Lower Division: John Strauss, John Dudley, James Lowrey and Josh Meanes i6 ; Second Ward: R.F. Eyden,L. Tate Bowden, George Burden and Charles Mallett „ Third Ward: A.J. Yopp, Walker Meanes, Al1en Evans and John Hargrove ?; Fourth Ward: P. Cumming, A.L. DeRosset, J.G. Norwood and Jas. K. Cutlar Fifth Ward: J.M. McGowan, J.G. Darden, J.B. Dudley and Washington Howe ? Cape Fear: W.O. Johnson, J.W. St. George, Wright Dixon and Luke Grady Harnett: C.B. Futh, F.M. Wooton, Jordan Nixon and C.H. Alexander „ Masonboro: B.S. Montford, Lewis Todd, Joseph Smith and J.J. Hewlett Federal Point: J.H. Sawage, J.O. Wilson, Archie Freeman and W.H. Williams 11. ?12obert Thomas appointed poll holder in place of J.O. Nixon for First Ward. 12. iTohn H. Brown appointed poll holder in place of James A. Lowery for First Ward. 13. ;?ashington McNeil appointed poll holder in place of Charles R. Mallett fn?' Second Ward. 14. Poll holders appointed for November 7, 1882 election: Pages 417-419 First Ward, First Division: S.H. Terry, W.H. Strauss, William Wiggins and John D. Nixon First Ward, Second Division: W.M. Parker, Frank Maunder, J. A. Lowrey and John S.W. Eagles 12 )4 1876 3 08 )8 1878 3 09 ?7 1878 3 09 , ?. )6 1880 ? .v ? 4 :y :? ? ,a 09 L3 1880 4 ,, 06 l8 1881 :? 4 ,.07 Ll 1?81 :; 4 , 07 Ll 1881 ', 4 4.07 L1 1881 ,, 4 09 ?7 18£32 4 505 rN ,? ;t 740 ?° 765 225 232 304 306 306 306 417 First Ward,Third Division: L,N. Legwin, H,B, Willis, James W. Telfain and James H. Carraway , ;; fi , ?? ?i 1„, INDEA TO CO?IMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?? ?. U. _ MATTER: ELECTION OFFICIALS ` rtec. u. e. County Indezee Sinee 1888 ?,' ? To loeats names, OpBO at COTT A-Z TAB IkDEX r?r OFFICE ?l?,I-?' An Identifying Trade Mark f1?? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA , ?s MINUTE BOOK ?? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Fl DATE ;, ??? Month ? Day? Year '??? Vol. ? Page ;? i? tia 6?, . . . + l. Second Ward: J.C. Munds, J.G. Burr, L. Tate Bowden, G.E. Burden and J.H. Neff 09 27 1882??? 4 417 ; '9 F Third Ward: George F. Alderman, A.J. Yopp, John E. Taylor and John Hargrove `? ?? p, ?? Fourth Ward: A.L. DeRosset, D.L. Gore, George Chadbourn and J.K. Cutlar ?? ?? Fifth Ward, First Division: J.W. Branch, W.E. Mayo, J.C. Hill and C.H. Ward , ?7 ?1' r? ? r? Fifth Ward, Second Division: T.H. Johnson, J.W. Mill;is, John H. Davis and Alex Huggins ;' ?? ?' Cape Fear: W.O. Johnson, Oscar M. Fillyaw, C.H. Thomas and Joseph Sharpless :? ? ' ? ! Federal Point: John H. Savage, John W. Canady, George E. Green and Balaan Wade V,# ?? Harnett: C. H. Alexander, Hosea Shepard, R.C. Taylor and Ed McCabe , , ?? Masonboro: D.J. Fungus, B.S. Mumford, James Elder and Jospeh Smith !;i 2.:? W.J. King appointed poll holder in place of H.B. Willis, and John Cantwell in place of A.J. Yopp. u 3.?? Joseph Smith appointed poll holder in place of L. Tate Bowden, and A.B. Cook in place of W.E. Mayo. 4.;;? G.W. Aldridge appointed poll holder in place of J.H. Neff. 5.?? Poll holders appointed for November 4, 1884 election: Pages 574-575 ua First Ward, First Division: O.A. Wiggins, Wellington Banks, Charles Haynes and Elijah Auny °i "s ;; First Ward, Second Division: John Silvia, S.H. Morton, Daniel Smith and C.H. Strode First Ward, Third Division: George Willis, T.C. Lewis, J.H. Howe and Aaron Kellogg Second Ward: Robert Orrell, John E. Crow, George Berden and Washington McNeil Third Ward: L.W. McLaurin, C.D. Wilson, John Hargraves and Alex Hostler Fourth Ward: T.H. McKoy, John J. Fowler, George Chadbourn and Washington Howe Fifth Ward, First Division: G.W.W. Davis, J.W. Branch, J.C. Hill and C.H. Ward Fifth Ward, Second Division : J.W. Millis, John Darden, J.H. Davis, and Alexander Sampson 10 23 1882 10 23 1882 10 27 1882 09 Ol 1884 ,; ,?? ,, Cape Fear: W.O. John,A.J. Grady, J.A. Sharpless and C.H. Thomas :: !? Harnett: Hosea Shepard, C.H. Alexander, J.A. Holt and Jordan Nixon ;I Masonboro: John J. Hewlett, William Pratt, Charles Craig and R.E. Heide ,? a? '' '? Federal Point: J.J. Farrow, John Cannady, Stephen Keyes and Henry Taylor ?? . 6.;? Elijah Adams appointed poll holder in place of Ben Shaw. 10 7. ? C.H. Strode appointed poll holder in place of Thomas Brinkley, and Frank Maunder in place of L.H. Morton. L 10 ? ?; 8.?a F.W. Alderman appointed poll holder in place of T.C. Lewis, and J.D. Smith in place of J.E. Crow. 10 ?+ . 9.? W.H. Yopp appointed poll holder in place of L.W. McLaurin, and John Dudley in place of C.D. Wilson. 10 i 10.?? David Deal appointed poll holder in place of Alexander Hostler, and A. Howe, Jr. in place of C.H. Ward. 10 ? 11.? John St. George appointed poll holder in place of W.O. Johnson and Iredell Johnson in place of A.J. Grady. 10 12.?? c. C.Scharff appointed poll holder in place of Frank Maunder, and Charles Gauzen in place of E. Scharff. 10 ? ??. 13.?? ; Appointment of Elijah Adams as poll holder revoked and Ben Shaw reappointed. 10 14.:# ?? Poll holders appointed: 09 pr First Ward, First Division: O.A. Wiggins, L?lellington Bank, Charles Haynes and E. Adams. ?? ,? First Ward, Second Division: F. Mander, C.H. Ganzen, Daniel Smith and Thomas Brinkley . ;3 ' ? First Ward, Third Division: I.W. Alderman, G.S. Willis, I.H. Howe and Aaron K ellogg ? ? ,? Second Ward: I.D. Nutt, G.H. Smith, Washington McNeil and C.R. Mallett, Sr. ?? Third Ward: L.W. McLaurin, I.L. Cantwell, John Hargrove and F.L. Hutchens , ? P Fourth Ward: W. Oldham, M.S. Wilson, George Chadbourn and Washington Howe Pg j? ? Fifth Ward, First Division: J.W. Branch, Fred Rhew, J.H. Howe and C.H. Ward ? ?? s? Fifth Ward, Second Division: J.W. Willis, J.A. McGarity, John Davis and John Sampson ` '? Cape Fear: John St. George, A.J. Grady, Luke Grady and C.H. Thomas b ° ij Harnett: Jordan Nixon, Garrett Walker, W.F. Alexander and T.B. Carney a ;? ,? Federal Point: J.J. Farner, John Cannady, Stephen Keyes and Henry Taylor "i ;a Masonboro: Charles Craig, John J. Hewlett, R.E. Heide and J. Elden 06 1884 ;, 06 1884 Y 06 1884 y 06 1884 06 1884 06 1884 .? 07 1884 ,? 25 1884 06 1886 ?,y 4 425 , 4 425 4 425 4 574 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 579 580 ?. 580 580 580 580 584 584 ?, 737 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS N MINUTES - New Hanover Count? C ELECTION OFFICIALS MATTER , . . _ : ` ¦ea. u. s. Counry Indezes Since 1888 rer op??e[ ????.?iI?1? An ldentiEYing Trade Mark ?i, ?.?-- To Iocats eames, opsn at 'S`? SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ` DATE ? ?s MINUTE BOOK ?? 1§ ?? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS . Month ? Day? ?. . Year ?" r? Vol. ? Page ?? ? . - - E; ? 1. Andrew Walker appointed poll holder in place of Elijah Adams, and W.F. Furpless in place of Wellington Banl? 09 21 1886 ?j 4 741 ? 2.?: W.F. Carpenter appointed poll holder in place of 0. A. Wiggins and Joseph Smith in place of ? J.D. Nutt. ? 09 21 1886 ?? 4 ?, 741 ?d 3.:;' Daniel Klein appointed poll holder in p lace of C.R. Mallett, and W.H. Yopp in place of John L. Cantwell. ' 09 21 .. 1886 w+ , 4 i 741 ` ? 4.;; C.H. Stemmerman appointed poll holder i n place of F. Rhew,and N. Morris in place of C,F. Von Kampen. ', 09 21 1886 ?+ 4 ? 741 a ? 5. ; Poll holders appointed for March 24, 18 87 election: Pages 776-777 ;; 02 07 1887 ;; 4 776 ? , , First Ward, First Division: J.C. Stewart, George Potter, Charles Hayes and Andrew Walker , b; ?; "' ?? , First Ward, Second Division: C.H. Ganze, J.F. Maunder, D.M. Smith and Thomas Brinkley ;, ?° ea E? kl ? First Ward, Third Division: J.W. Alderman, Walter Thorborn, Aaron Kellogg and J.H. Howe „? .. Second Ward: J.D. Smith, Daniel Klein, John D. Nutt and Washington McNeill , ,,, Third Ward: W.H. Yopp, L.W. McLaurin, John Hargrove and N.G. Sampson Fourth Ward: George Chadbourn, W.P. Oldham, T.F. Bagley and Washington Howe Fifth Ward, First Division: C.H. Stemmerman, C.H. Ward, W. Blank and J.H. Howe Fifth Ward, Second Division: John H. Davis, John Sampson, A.F. Cavis and J.W. Millis Cape Fear: Ed Cobb, M.G. Chadwick, Joseph Sharpless and Benj. Wilson '? , Harnett: W.F. Alexander, Garrett Walker, Jordan Nixon and T.B. Carney ., ?, Masonboro: R.E. Heide, C. Craig, J.W. McLaurin and John J. Hewlett Federal Point: John Cannady, Stephen Keyes, Henry Taylor and A. Freeman 6. Poll holders appointed for November, 1888 election: Pages 102-104 (See VOTING REGISTRARS) 09 03 1888 ;y 5 First Ward; First Division : J.C. Stewart, Wellington Banks, W.J. Kellogg and A.J. Walker ?Y First Ward, Second Division: Frank Maunder, C.H. Gaugen, Henry Turner, and Augustus Williams First Ward, Third Division: G.S. Willis, I. H. Rehder, James H. Howe and Aaron Kellogg Second Ward: G.H. Smith,J.D. Smith, Washington McNeil and C.R. Mallett, Sr, , Third Ward: W.H. Yopp, C.D. Jacobs, John Hargrove and R.L. Hutchens „ ?. . Fourth Ward: W.P. Oldham, M.S. Willard, James K. Cutlar and John Sampson Fifth Ward, First Division: J.W. Branch, Fred Rhew, John H. Howe and C.H. Ward , „ Fifth Ward, Second Division: J.W. Millis, J.A. McGarrity, John H. Davis and Emanuel Jones , „ ? „ Federal Point: W.R. Green, Henry Kuhl, Stephen Keyes and Henry Taylor ? , , Masonboro: R.E. Heide, Charles Craig, John Hewlett and William McLaurin .. ; Harnett: W.T. Alexander, Garret Walker, Jordan Nixo.n and T.B. Carney .. .. , Cape Fear: A.J. Grady, C.C. Bordeaux, Charles H. Thomas and Levi Nixon . ;? 7. Junius Love appointed poll holder in place of Wellington Banks, a nonresident. 09 17 1888 5 8.' James Budd appointed a poll holder in place of G.S. Willis, a nonresident. 09 17 1888y, 5 9. C.R. Mallett, Sr, declined as a poll holder and S. Van Amringe appointed in his place. 09 ll 1888; 5 10. Fred Rhew declined as a poll holder and Duncan McEachern appointed in his place. 09 17 1888 5 ? 11. John Pleasants appointed poll holder in place of Levi I3ixon. 10 Ol 1888' S 12. S. Van Amringe and G.H. Smith declined as poll holders and N B. Vincent and John Norwood appointed, 11 05 1888: 5 13.' G.W. Branch and Fred Rhew declined as poll holders and C.H. Stemmerman and W.J. Reaves appointed. 11 05 1888 5 14. . Poll holders appointed for November election: (See VOTING REGISTRARS) 08 18 1890 5 ?, First Ward, First Division: W.F. Funflass, W.F. Carpenter, A.J. Walker and Albert Sanders ?? First Ward, Second Division A.L. Scott, J.F. Maunder, Henry Gause, and George Peaman First Ward, Third Division: L.M. Leguin, George C. Jackson, Thomas McFarland and John Howard Second Ward: H.M.L. Green, Walker Taylor, John G. Norward and Washington McNeill Third Ward: E.G. Parmlee, John Hargrave, James W. Taylor and L.H. Fishblate ' t, Fourth Ward: T.F. Bagley, W.J. Rosenthal, James Walker and James K. Cutlar , Fifth Ward, First Division : Fletcher Hewett, George Warrett, W.H, Henderson and Hamilton Hargrove r y? ;, i ?? Fifth Ward, Second Division ? W. Simpson, James M. McGowan, David Bryant and Moses Grainger, Jr. ; k. y6 r ?i ? ?, ?, ?; 4, 102 ,: E? ;: I„ i? ;'? i. ?, ?? e; ?? 107 ;' 107 ` k? r 107 ? ?. 107 108 ? b: 113 113 266 ;? ?; d, \ INDEX TO C?MMISSIONERS MINU?'E5 ?-- New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER: ELECTION OFFICIALS ` aec. u. s. Couaty Indexea Since 1888 ??? ?.?-- To loeate names, open at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX PAT OfFICE ?.?i?? An Identifying Trade Mnrk ???? SURNpME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLO BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA k'? ?{ ?a NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? DATE ?° MINUTE BOOK 'G; ?"; Month ? Day ? Year ?; Vol. ? Page ?, 4. ? ? .1 ? ?', i ?. l. Poll holders appointed for November election; (Continued) " .a ' 08 18 1890 ?? S 266 ,1 4. p? Federal Point: John Cannady, Henry Kuhl, Joseph Davisa and Henry Davis , ,{ Masonboro: $.S. Montford, C.W. Bishop, Joseph Smith and Robert Green , ; 9 Cape Fear: Joseph Kerr, J.J. Jackson, Benjamin Wilson and J.H. Dorsey = .« Harnett: C.H. Alexander, E.W, Manning, Henry Hill and Jordan Nixon ' .a 2. Poll holders and judges of election appointed for November 8, 1892 election: F, 10 03 1892 !` 5 445 ? ? ? ? First Ward, First Division: J.M. Woolard, J.H. Sweeneya W. Hill and G. Merrick ? „ ? First Ward, Second Division: T.B. Carroll, J.P. Flynn, Jacob Scott and Harry Martin ° ., ? i? First Warc3, Thira Division; W. Heirst, J.J. Dray, Sandy LeBoo and Sam Caldwell „ ,; Second Ward: H. McClammy, W.L. Winstead, M.J. Merrick and Wesley Gray. ;? Third Ward: S.H. Fishblate, Robert Jones, W.N. Harriss and Peter Morris . . Fourth Ward: A.J. Shepard, Edward Green, Ed Daniel and Jim Moye ?; ?? r Fifth Ward, First Division: W.H. Northropp Jr.,Abraham Jones, D.D. Cameron and W.B? Loftin ti?? "? Fifth Ward, Second Division: John Williams, Sam Long, Abe Shriever, and Sanders Farrior ?; k? .. ?? Cape Fear: A.W. McFadgen, Bunn Bryan, Henry Wright and Alex Moore c$ ?3 s? Harnett: S.H. Bell, Owen Jones, Joe Hewett and Holly Pearce ; ?? ;i ? Masonboro: B.S. Montford, Jos Smith, C.W. Bishop and Robert Green ' . ?, ? Federal Point: W.H. Biddle, William James, W.H.M. Koch and Casa Hill , , ? f, 3.?j Judges of election appointed for November election: ? : 10 Ol 1894 ' S 587 ?? ?; First Ward, First Division: T.A. Lawther, John S. Sweeney, W. Hill and George Merrick , „ ,. ?3 <i First Ward, Second Division: T.B. Carroll, Preston Merritt, Jacob Scott and Henry Martin ;? ?? First Ward, Third Division: W.R. Hurst, Charles Craig, Sandy LeBoo and Sam Caldwell _ ; .; ?` Second Ward: D. Oumbuan, W.S. Wishart, Wesley Gray and Weldon Perringlow , E +? .. ? Third Ward: John R. Turrentine, W.N. Harriss, Robert Jones and Peter Morriss : °? _ ?? r Fourth Ward: W.H. Northrop, Jr., O.A. Wiggins, Edward Green and Jim Moye ? .. ?3 a i 4E Fifth Ward, First bivision: D.D. Cameron, John Craig, Abram Jones and W.A. Loftin .? . t? Fifth Ward, Second Division: J.T. Reynolds, J.P. Stevens, Joe Bryan and Sanders Farrior ? k° . ? Cape Fear: W. Blossom, M.G. Chadwick, B. Bryant and Alex Moore .. ? Harnett: W.H. Stokely, G. Walker, Owen Jones and Holly Pearce , ?, ? Masonboro: J.P. Walton, C.W. Bishop, Joe Smith and J.J. Hewlett " ; ? Federal Point: W.H. Biddle, J.W. Foreman, W. James and Charles Hill ? _4.?? Claim for services from County Canvassers received and pay allowed. 12 03 1894; S 596 „ ? .5.? Attorney explained how much Board was legally required to pay poll holders and registrars. 11 09 1896 5 740 6.?e a Judges of election appointed for [lugust election: (See ELECTIONS) 07 07 1897 6 22 f? ?; RE First Ward First Division: James Grady, S.T. Shiver and David George . ? First Ward, Second Division: A.C. Skipper, John Carroll and M.J. Merritt - id ?s ?? ?. ? . ?? :. First Ward, Third Division: G.A. Peterson, John ?EI. Webber and R.W. Merritt . q? ? First Ward, Fourth Division: J.O. Powers, J.C. Williams and John W. Lee ? 4? First Ward, Fifth Division: Paul Gary, Robert M. Hi11 and C.O. Knox ;P ?? , ?? Second Ward? Neil McIntosh, Washington McNeil and T.W. Wood . ?, + ? Third Ward, First Division: B.F. Boykin; George Rayford and T.P. McCaleb ? , i iy Third Ward, Second Division: M.N. Marshall, J. Anderson and R.H. Pickett ; kI ?? Fourth Ward, First Division: J.N. Furlong, J.H. Chadbourn Jr. and J.N. 0'Berry ?? Fourth Ward, Second Division: Stephen Greelish, William John and Dan Sheehan ? + Fifth Ward,First Division: M.A. Yarborough, A.W. Polite and R.H. Benson ., ? ? Y !? Fifth Ward, Second Division: H.W. Howell, Robert Simrions and J.A. Odum , ?, ' ' P, ? F' d? ? i? ? INDEX TO COMMIS?ION?EE?S MINUTES -- New Hanover Coun?j 1\ U ELECTION OFFICIALS MATTER j . . _ a : Reo. u. s. ,y? ,,?,?q l?`,ounEy Indezes Sinu I888 ??y--? To Ioest? names, open at r?r ovvlao 6.iCe,aYtrv/fsG3? An Identifriss?'X'reda Mar? ??.r.8 SURNAM[ INlTIAL TAB COTT A•Z TAB INDEX MADE BY TNE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLO BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA °p k' iVATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ?' DATE ?' MINUTE BOOK `' ? ? ` ?' Month I r Day I Year 4? Vol. I Page ? .p : f, 1..? Judges of election appointed for August election: ? ;? 07 07 1897 4 6 22 ? ;, ?? Fifth Ward, Third Division: J.P. 0'Sullivan, William H. Darby and C,B. Capps ? v? i ' °° ?, ?? p Fifth Ward, Fourth Division: William Sheehan, L.S. Sheridan and W.W. Sheeter ? ?+ ?. ;, s? Federal Point: George E. Green, J.A. Biddle and W.D. Rhodes i? E ? ?, ,? Harnett: C.H. Alexander, Joseph Pickett and J.W, Lowry pF s y: t ' Yg Masonboro: J.M. Hewlett, W.H. Waddell and J.A. Montgomery ? ;' ? „ is ( ? ! Cape Fear: C.C. Bordeaux, Lewis Hollingsworth and J,T. Kerr 4 ; ?'? ?j ? ; ? jQ i E 2.,; Poll holders appointed for May 2, 1899 election. (See ELECTIONS) ? ; OS Ol 1899 ?? 6 258 @? ii ? First Ward, First Precinct: J.E. Bisset First Ward, Second Precinct: W.R, Smith ;; .. „ First Ward, Third Precinct: John N. Bennett First Ward, Fourth Precinct: Sam Hall, Jr. First Ward, Fifth Precinct: J.T. Mc Iver Second Ward, First Division: J.C. Munds Second Ward, Second Division: T.E. Wood Third Ward, First Division: J.G. Marshall : Third Ward, Second Division: N. Schloss Fourth Ward, First Division: T.B. Oldham p Fourth Ward, Second Division: Gaston Evans Fifth Ward, First Division? Nick Morriss ? ?r ; ?ifth Ward, Second Division: Woodard Howell Fifth Ward, Third Division: G.W. McClammy , Fifth Ward, Fourth Division: G.G. Amann Harnett: G].T. Shepard , i? E Masonboro: J.J. Melton Federal ?oint; Thomas Sterling ?, .. .a ?, . Cape Fear: R.W. Bordeaux ? ; ?' .. ?? 3. Poll holders appointed for road bond election: (See ELECTIONS) 05 06 1901 ;; 6 549 '{ ,. ?? ?. „ First Ward, First Division; George T. Bland and John D. Doscher ,. ,, c, ? First Ward, Second Division; T,B. Carroll and M, Rothgon , `` . ;; w First Ward, Third Division: George T. Hewlett and J.F. Mclver Second Ward: R.W. Wallace and S.P. Collier r, • E? t ,. ?- Third Ward: Walker Meaner and George P. Cotchen ;! ?' „ ?? Fourth Ward: W.J. Bellamy and T,G. Pickett ?! ' .. pn fi ? „ Fifth Ward, First Division: J.M. Branch and Fred Griffth t ; ;a ? Fifth Ward, Second Division; J.M. McGowan and H,A, DeCover ? .. .. ?; Cape Fear: C.H. Carteau and Thomas J. Belcher ?; ; r , ? ?S Masonboro: Charles W. Bishop and Joi?n Wagner , .? ?_ s? ' Federal Point: John Keyer and Will Williams ,' ?; ,• i ,. Harnett, First Division; R.B. Moore and D.T. 0'Borew s' i` ; Harnett, Second Division: C.H. Alexander and Robert Parker ?; :, 4.; Statements from registrars and poll holders on election results of June 18, pages 563-566, 06 20 1901 ?, 6 563 5. ., Recapitulation of election results, road bond passed. 06 20 1901 6 566 , , ,, 6.- .. 3udges of election for 3une 7, 1905 election: 05 D1 1905 7 25 " .. 5? „ Cape Fear: R.W. Bordeaux and J.H. Johnston . .. ;, Harnett, First Division: T.J. Kenau and George W. Rogers + , Harnett, Second Division: W.B. Canady and J. Robert Parker ': , r. Masonboro: B.S. Montford and Henry Mellon ?: `' ?i Federal Point: Theodore Biddle and Hill Williams r? ?? ?; Wilmington, First Ward: J.D. Motte and G.H. Heyer i ? Wilmington, Second Ward: M.O. Brian and J.C. Springer ?F .• ?, '.i Wilmington, Third Ward: H.S. Fennell and George Cotchell ?, e; Wilmington, Fourth Ward: L.M. Leywin and W.A. French, Jr. ?; Wilmington, Fifth Ward: B.M. Wilson and James H. Burriss !j ?; 9? E 7.?; Judges of election for Recorder's Court election: (See RECORDER'S COURT) 03 83 j? a? '' ,s ?? ?? ;? c: ?{ ?' INDEX TO COMMISSIO?ERS MINUTES -?dew Hanover N Count? C MATTER I O A . , . _ : ELECTION FF CI LS _ ?¢a. u. s, County Indezea Si?ee 1888 ? To toeats names, open at vwT OFfICE ?sl?.?o? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTi A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ? DATE ?` MINUTE BOOK F! NATURE OF PROCE?DINGS ; ? ?' Month ? Day I Year ?; Vol. I Page ?; ? 1. Cape Fear: W.H. Shearin and J.W. Winders ?, 03 22 1907' 7 83 r , Harnett, Delgade: Bishop Weaver and H.C. Crouch . f. s ? Harnett, 7-Mile Post: J.R. Canady and L.R. Mason ?? ? Masonboro: B.S. Montford and E.A. Orrell ' Federal Point: Theodore Biddle and Hank Williams ?y „ , . First Ward, First Division: J.D. Motte and John Milliken ;? . „ ' ?? ? , First Ward, Second Precinct: M. Rathjen and F.W. Kuhl ,p „ ,? ?? First Ward, Third Precinct: John Barnes and Foster Pridgen : i ?i second Ward: ,T.B. Hand and Herman Meredith „ _, „ , Third Ward: J.F. King and D.D. Lennon , Fourth Ward: George Davis and S. Siegler ,. 5; Fifth Ward, First Precinct: J.F. Littleton and L.A. Hewlett ,? ? , ?? Fifth Ward, Second Precinct: W.F. Brittain and J.O. Brown. ,. ,2.;? Judges of election'?far road improvement bond issue: Pages 142-143 08 03 1908 . 7 142 y `+ , ?? Cape Fear: W.H. Shearin and J.H. Johnston _ ? . ?? Harnett, First Division: John Goby and Bishop Weaver . ;? ?? . , ? ?t . ?; Harnett, Second Division: James Shepard and G.R. Smith `y , k? Masonboro: W. Liensden and Andrew Capps u. .. ,. ? Ry ?? _ ? Federal Point: J.A. Biddle and Hill Williams ,, , ?? ;y Fzrst Ward: G.H. Heyer and C.L. Speneer , , ,,6 ;; Second Ward: T.W. Wood and W.E. Worth ,. .. ?; , Third Ward: L.B. Rodgers and L.B. Sasser , „ ; ? `` Fourth Ward: Roger Moore and W.A. French, Jr. „ , ,?'? Fifth Ward: R.A. Burnett and W.W. King , „ _3.M? Judges of election appointed for May 26, 1909 school tax election: ,. 04 19 1909 7 175 ? Eq , ?? Cape Fear: W.H. Shearin and J.H. Johnston , .. ,;; s; Harnett, First Division: John Goley and Bishop Weaver ? .?? a Harnett, Second Division: James N. Shepard and George R. Smith ., ?. i Masonboro: William Lumsden and Andrew Capps ? ?? ;? Federal Point: J.A. Biddle and Hill Williams . ?? ? . ., First Ward: G.H. Heyer and C.L. Spercer ? ? ?9 Second Ward: T.W. Wood and W.E. Worth .. ti ? Third Ward: L.B. Rogers and L.B. Sasser . ?? Fourth Ward: Roger Moore and W.A. French „ t; G" Fifth Ward: R.A. Burnett and W.W. King 4.`a Judges of election appointed for May 31 election on road bonds: 04 10 1911 7 214 . ' s i+ Cape Fear: W.H. Shearin and J.H. Johnston i3 F? Harnett, First Division: W.A. Woods and E.C. Holt , „ ?' C Harnett, Second Division: G.R. Smith and Gerrit Walker „ ? ., t. ,?? ? Masonboro: D.D. George and Andrew Capps , . E °? Federal Point: T.J. Burnett and Melvin Horne ? . ? , ,?? First Ward, Precinct l: T.P. Lamb and C.F.W. Rehder .. ., e, Second Ward: T.W. Wood and F.S. Shepard ? First Ward, Precinct 2: G.H. Heyer and C.L. Spencer ; ? Third Ward: L.B. Sasser and Russell Bellamy , ? p Fourth Ward: W.D. McMillan, Jr. and T.G. Pickett ? .: ?R E? i° ,? `; ti? g ?d G tl j? E ? Ed I? ?? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES N H ? N C C -- ew anover ount y, . . _ MATT RT ELECTION OFFICiALS ` REG. U. S r?r OFFICE Coun?y indexea Since 1888 ??71?a7? An ldentifying Trade Mark ? Yo locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTi A-2 TAB INDEX MIADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month ' Day Year Vol. Page _ .._. ? ? _ r._... _ _._.___ . ..,.... _ . . , r_ ____. __ ---...__._ ...._ _._e . . .._. _ - -» __ ? r..?_? . _. .__ __._ .? ? ._ _ r.. _.. .. . - ... ?.:• - .?. .?....? . ??.. i Fifth Ward, Precinct 1: J.E. Taylor and Henry Gerdes 04 10 1911 7 214 ? Fifth Ward, Precinct 2: J.O. Brock a nd T.B. Willard 2. Poll holders app ointed for road and school bond election on May 27: Pages 284-285 03 24 1913 7 284 First Ward, First Precinct: W.H. Cox and W. McD. Evans First Ward, Second Precinct: W.H. Howe and William Sheekan, Sr. Second Ward: T.E. Sprunt and W.J. Meredith Third Ward: Brook French and John Hall Fourth Ward: W.P. Emerson and J.M. Stevenson Fifth Ward, First Precinct: J.J. Loughlin and H.K. Nash Fifth Ward, Second Precinct: W.M. Creasy and D.J. Fergus Cape Fear: W.S. Cooper and C.E. Kerr Harnett, Delgado: W.G. James and H.C. Blake Harnett, Seven Mile Post: Garrett Walker and C.H. Alexander Harnett, Seagate: G.W. Westbrook and Z.A. Sneeden Masonboro: C.W. Bishop and J.A. Hines Federal Point: J.A. Biddle and Hank Williams ? 3. Election officials to notify Commissioners at once if will serve. 4. Board ratified appointment of a11 registrars and poll holders. 5. Bills for poll holders referred to Chairman to donfer with Chairman of Board of Elections. 6. Bills of registrars and poll holders to be paid upon approval of County Attorney. 7. Judges of election for May 8 election on school tax and school bonds: (See ELECTIONS) Cape Fear: J.W. Windows and D.J. Joyner Harnett, 7-Mile: G.T. Shepard and W. Canady Harnett, Seagate: G.H. Bogers and R.L. Pittman Harnett, Winter Park: A.H. Hight and F.A. Montgomery Masonboro, Whiskey Creek: E.E. Southerland and R.E. Hollis Masonboro, Sunset Park: W.E. Price and J.H. LeGiven Federal Point: S.F. Keys and J.A. Biddle First Ward: W. Mintz and C. McD. Jones Second Ward: T.A. Shepard and G.B. Applewhite Third Ward: L.B. Symmer and R.E. Williams Fourth Ward: W.M. Peck and R.F. Fox Fifth Ward, ??1: A.H. Ketchum and A.H. Kethcum Fifth Ward, ?62: S.J. King and Henry Hewlett Sixth Ward: J.H. Wamble and Van Woodcock 8. Compensation set for judges of election in November 5 election. 9. Judges of Election appointed for May 27 election: Cape Fear - J. W. Winters F? D. J. Joyner Harnett, 7 Mile - William Canady and G.W. Westbrook Harnett, Seagate - J. B, Hewlett and L. D. Latta Harnett, Winter Park - J. W. Hale F? Walter Horne Masonboro, Wiskey Creek - W. E. Price ? J. H. Legwin Masonboro, Sunset Park - S. T. Keyes Federal Point - J. A. Biddle First Ward - W. K. Mintze F? C. Mcd. Jones Second Ward - T. A. Shepard F? J. S. McEachern 03 24 1913 7 286 05 OS 19I3 7 291 06 05 1916 7 563 06 17 1916 7 565 04 Ol 1918 7 687 19 11 1918 8 25 04 23 1919 8 47 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? C N ELECTION OFFICIALS y, . . , MATTER: ` acc. u. s. Counry Indezea Since f888 ? YO IOCQt9 nqm¢S, Open Gf ?AT OFFICE C.?i?? An ldentifyingTrade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX SOLD BY OWEN GTDUNNENEWB RN, NORTH CAROLHNA DATE MIMUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day I Yenr Vol. ? Page Third Ward - T. B. Sasser $ R. E. Williams Faurth Ward - W. M. Peck ? F. W. Peiffer Fifth Ward, lst Precinct - J. E. Taylor F? C. L. Barnes Fifth Ward, 2nd Precinct - Henry Hewett F? William Sneeden Sixth Ward - J. H. Womble ? E. Mann 10. Chairman, Attorney F? Board of Education to set compensation for election officals. 04 23 1919 8 47 11.. Pay for poll holder fixed at $5.00 per day for Primary held on April 6, 1920. 04 05 1920 8 104 12. Poll holders allowed $5.00 a day for June 5, 1920 election. 06 07 1920 8 113 13. Pay for judges of e?ection for June 5th and July 3rd State primaries increased to $7.50 per day. 06 14 1920 8 114 14. Resolution on pay for election officials. 11 04 1920 8 133 15. Poll holders to be paid $4.00 a day and 3¢ a name subject to approval of Board of Elections.(see voting 06 05 1922 8 201 register) 16. Bill from Center Cafe for meals for poll holders during June 3rd primary approved. 08 07 1922 8 207 17. Chairman of Board of Elections fixed pay for election officials for June 7th election. 06 09 1924 8 299 18. Pay for election officials set by Board of Elections. 07 07 1924 8 302 19. Pay rates for election officials for Nov. 4th election set. 11 06 1924 8 314 20. Elected officials include: 12 06 1927 8 476 Board Chairman, Addison Hewlett Board vice Chairman, W. R. Dosher Clerk, Thomas K. Woody Supt. of Roads, R. A. Burnett Supt. of Stockade, E. E. Eakins County Auditor, Bellamy ? Bellamy Auditor'? Clerk, C. E. Amonson Courthouse Janitor, Ed George Courthouse Janitor,L. M. Rich Oak Grove Cemetery Keeper, Robert Johnson Supt. of County Home ? Farm, S. G. Long Matron of County Home $ Farm, S. G. Long Special Officer, C. L. Philemon Fish Inspector, J. H. Southerland Stander Keeper, L. S. Simmons Courthouse Clock Keeper, J. S. Simmons S?anding committee listed. 21. Same as above all were re-elected. 12 03 1928 8 547 22. Standing committee elected. 12 03 1928 8 547 23. Addison Hewlett re-elected Commission Chm. salary fixed at $250 month, $50 allowed for car. 12 02 1929 9 12 24. W. R. Dosher re-elected vice Chm of Commission. 12 02 1929 9 12 25. Thomas K. Woody re-elected Clerk to Board, and Salary fixe d a? $225 monthly. 12 02 1929 9 12 26. Following individuais re-elected: R. A. Burnett, Supt. of Roads; E, L. Eakins, Supt. of Stockade; 12 02 D29 9 12 Bellamy and Bellamy, County Attorneys; D. G. Eamondson, Clerk to Auditor; Mrs. E. T. Keal, Steno.; Ed George and L. M. Rich, Courthouse ? Annex janitors; J. W. Stillman, Keeper of Oak Grove Cemetery; S. G. Long, Supt. of County Home ? Farm; Mrs. S. G. Long, Matron of County home; C. L. Philemon, Sepcial officer; F. Porter Davis, Special Officer; J. H. Southerland, Fish inspector; W. A. Whitney, Keeper of Clock. ?27. Chairman Hewlett re-elected at $250 salary and $50 car expenses. 12 07 1931 9 141 28. James M. Hall re-elected Vice CHairman. 12 07 1931 9 141 ,? ( MATT R ELECTION N INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES --- New Hanover Count? C OFFICIALS , . . _ ` Rec. u. <_. ?q??_ County Indezea Since 1888 ? To loeate names, open at COTT A•2 TAB INDEX PAT OFFICE ?p?/K,a?z? An Identifyins Trade Mark SURNAMB INITIAL TAB MIADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, ONIO SOLO BY OWEN 6. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month I Day I Year Voi. I Page 1. T. K. Woody re-elected Clerk to Board. 12 07 1931 9 141 ? 2. Individuals re-elected to positions (Same as Sec. 2, 1929) except R. A. Burnett and E. L. Eakins not listed 12 07 1931 9 141 3. J. H. Hinton elected member to Board and Addison Hewlett and James M. Hall presented qualifications. 12 05 1932 9 192 4. J. H. Hinton expressed appreciation for being elected and firm stand on economy. Board proceeded to 12 05 1932 9 192 reorganization. 5. Addison Hewlett re-elected Commission Chairman and salary fixed at $200 per month and $25 per month auto. 12 05 1932 9 192 6. James M. Hall re-elected vice-chm. of Board and authorized to sign warrants on auditor for expenses in 12 05 1932 9 192 case of emergency in absence of Chairman. 7. Thomas K. Woody re-elected CBC and salary fixed at $200 per month. 12 OS 1932 9 193 8. Individual officials re-elected to positions (same as Dec. 2, 1929, p. 12). 12 05 1932 9 193 9. W. H. Hinton awarded contract as Keeper of Clock at $100 per year at lowest bid; James S. Simmons bidded 12 05 1932 9 193 $114 per year. 10. Hewlett re-eleEted Bd. Chairman and salary fixed at $200 per month ?, $25 month auto expense. 12 04 1933 9 261 11. James Hall re-elected vice-chairman of board. 12 04 1933 9 261 12. Thomas K. Woody re-elected Clerk to Board; salary fixed at $200 month. 12 04 1933 9 261 13. Positions re-elected: same as Dec. 2, 1929, p. 12. 12 04 1933 9 261 14. WILMINGTON: lst Ward, lst Precinct: Judges C. M. Trott, 0. D. Christman 07 19 1933 9 232 2nd Ward, lst precinct : Judges T. A. Shepard, W. J. Meredith 2nd Ward, 2nd precinct: Judges H. A. Newell, W. 0. Green 3rd Ward, lst precinct: Judges J. E. Evans, B. C. Fussell 3rd Ward, 2nd precin?t: Judges R. J. Divine, Miss H. Y. Trott 4th Ward, lst precinct: Judges H. M. Turrentine, W. H. Register 5th Ward, lst precinct: Judges W. E. Bremer and S. M. Creech 5th Ward, 2nd precinct: Judges J. H. Curtis and A. E. Hilburn 6th Ward, lst precinct: Judges W. C. Lassell and Dan Walker 6th Ward, 2nd precinct: Judges J. H. Tiencken and L. E. Al1en ? Cape Fear: Judges W. J. Wilkins and W. F. Seitter , Harnett: Judges Mrs. J. High and W. F. King I? Masonboro: Judges B. E. Hollis and Frank Mercer ' Masonboro: Judges L. M. LeGwin and A. L. Mincy Federal Point: Judges S. A. Lewis and S. T. Keyes 15. Election officials to make returns to board: 08 24 1933 9 240 lst Ward, lst Precinct: J. E. Madrin 2nd Ward, lst precinct: Z. E. Murrell ? 2nd Ward, ?nd precinct: J. A. Newell 3rd Ward, lst precinct: Miss Carrie White 3rd ward, 2nd precinct: Mrs. J. C. DeVane 4th ward, lst precinct: L. C. L1eGwin 5th ward, lst precinct: E. T. Keal 6th ward, lst precinct: J. R. Davis 6th ward, 2nd precinct: J. H. Womble ? 16. Election officials to make returns to Board. 08 21 1933 9 240 Cape Fear: Mrs. J. A. Westbrook Federal Point: J. E. Taylor Harnett: H. D. Thomas Harnett: W. C. Taylor INDEX TO COMNiI5SI0NERS MINUTES - New Hanover County N C ELECTION OFFICIALS , . . ` _ MATTER: aec. u. s. PAT OFFICE ?,',^ County Indexee Since tA88 ?,/??.(?o?-? An Identifying Trade Mark ? Yo locete names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB WTT A•Z TAB INDEX MADE YY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORiH CAROLINA NATURE OP PROCEEDINGS 1. Election officials to make returns to board. Harnett: G. T. Shepard Harnett: J. H. Jo?nson Masonboro: Mrs. R. Lumsden Masonboro: C. D. Bender 2. Addison Hewlett re-elected chairman of Board. 3. J. M. Hall re-elected Vice-chm. of Board. 4. T. K. Woody re-elected Clerk to Board. 5. Positions elected: same as Dec. 2, 1929, page 2 except Mrs. H. Bonner elected County Home Matron 6. Wilmington: lst Ward, lst precinct: Marvin Clarke, Capt. Christman 2nd ward, lst precinct: A. T. Harriss, 0. W. Messick 2nd ward, 2nd precinct: J. A. Newell, W. 0. Green 3rd ward, lst precin?t: Charles Darden, David Sloan 3rd ward, 2nd precinct: L. E. Badden and Mrs. McKeithan 4th ward, lnd precinct: A. F. Swinson, W. E. Register 5th ward, lst precinct: W. E. Bremmer, C. D. Vaughan 5th ward, 2nd precinct: J. H. Curtin, Robert Meier 6th ward, lst precinct: Gordon Ithner, C. E. Hill 6th ward, 2nd precinct: D. Bellamy, L. E. Allen Cape Fear: E. L. Herring and W. F. Seitter; Harnett: Mrs. J. High and W. E. Sellers Harnett: Mrs. Rosa Gaddy anct J. H. Jones; Harnett: Judson George and R. C. Murray Harnett: J. F. Lkine and Leonard Pyle; Masonboro: B. E. Hollis and M. R. W ells Masonboro: Mrs. 0. L. Prevatte, Earl King; Federal Point: S. A. Lewis and S. T. Keyes 7. Wilmington: lst ward, lst precinct: M. Clark, Capt. Christman 2nd ward, lst precinct: A. T. Harriss, 0. W. Messick 2nd ward, 2nd precinct: J. A. Newell, W. 0. Green 3rd ward, lst precinct: C. Darden, D. Sloan 3rd ward, 2nd precinct: L. E. Baddon, Mrs. McKeithan 4th ward, lst precinct: A. F. Swinson, W.H. Register 5th ward, lst preci.nct: W. E. Bremer and C. B. Vaughan 5th ward, 2nd precinct: J. H. Curtis and Robert Meier 6th ward, lst precinct: Gordon Ittner and C. E. Hill 6th ward, 2nd precinct: Dillard Bellamy and L. E. Allen 8. Cape?Fear: E. L. Herring and W. F. Seitter; Harnett: Mrs. J. High and W. A. Sellers Harnett: Mrs. R. Gaddy, and J. H. Jones; Harnett: Judson George, R. C. Murray Harnett: J. F. Kline and L. Pyle; Masonboro: B. E. Hollis and Mr. Wells DAtE MINUTE BOOK Month ? Day ? Year Vol. I Page 08? 21 1933 9 240 12 03 1934 9 312 12 03 1934 9 312 12 03 1934 9 312 12 03 1934 9 312 05 17 1935 9 340 06 24 1935 9 349 06 24 1935 9 350 Masonboro: Mrs. 0. L. Prevatte and Earl King; Federal Point: S. A. Lewis and S. T. Keyes 9. Wilmington: lst ward, lst precinct: M. Clark and Capt. Christman; 2nd ward, lst precinct: A. T. Harris 06 and 0. W. Messick 2nd ward 2ncl precinct: J. A. Newell, 49. 0. Green 3rd ward, lst precinct: C. Darden and D. Sloan 3rd ward, 2nd precinct: L. E. Baddon and Mrs. McKeithan 4th ward, lst precinct: A. F. Swinson and W. H. Register 5th ward, lst precinct: W. E. Bremer and C. B. Vaughn 5th ward, 2nd precinct: G. Ittner, C. E. Hill 24 1935 9 351 INDEX TO COI?MISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? N C ELECTION OFFICIALS , . . _ ` MATTER: xcc. u. s. PAT ovv?ce Councy Indezea Since 1888 ??? An Identifying Trade Mark ? To locaTe names, open af SURNAME INlTIAL TAB COTT A•2 TAB INDEX MADE ?Y THE COTi INDEX COMPANY, COLtlMBUS, OHIO SOLD 6Y OWEN G. DUNN, NEIM BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DAiE MINUTE BOOK Month I Day ? Year Vol. I Page 1. Wilmington: 6th ward, lst precinct: G. Ittner, C. E. Hill; 6th ward, 2nd precinct: D. Bellamy, ? 06 24 1935 9 351 ?? L. E. Allen Cape Fear: E. L. Herring, W. F. Seitter; Harnett: Mrs. J. High, W. A. Sellers; Harentt: Mrs. R. Gaddy, J. H. Jones; Harnett: J. George, R. C. Murray; Harnett: J. F. Kline, L. Pyle; ? Masonboro: Mr. Wells, B. E. Hollis; Masonboro: Mrs. 0, L. Prevatte, E. King; Federal Point: S. A. Lewis and S. T. Keyes 2. Officials to make returns: lst ward, lst precinct: Mrs. L. T. Carroll; 2nd Ward, lst precinct: 08 Ol 1935 9 358 Z. E. Murrell; 2nd ward, 2nd precinct: C. D. Jacobs; 3rd ward, lst precinct: Miss Carrie White; 3rd ward, 2nd predinct: Mrs. J. B. Williamson; 4th ward: L. C. LeGwin; 5th waxd, lst precinct: E. T. Keal; 5th ward 2nd precinct: J. R.Davis; 6th ward ?st precinct: C. R. Branch; 6th ward, 2nd precinct: J.H. Womble Cape fear: Mrs. J. A. Westbrook; Harnett: J. E. Taylor; Harnett: H. 0. Thomas; Harnett: W. E. Taylor; Harnett: G. T. Shepard; Masonboro: J. H. Johnston; Masonboro: Mrs. R. Lumsden; Federal Point: L. M. LeGwin ' 3. Officials to make returns in Greenfield Development Election: 08 O1 1935 9 364 lst Ward: Mrs. L. T. Carroll; 2nd ward, lst precinct: Z. E. Murrell; 2nd ward, 2nd precinct: C. D. Jacobs; 3rd ward, lst precinct: Carrie White; 3rd ward 2nd precinct: Mrs. J. B. Williamson; 4th ward 2nd precinct: L. C. LeGwin; 5th ward lst precinct: E.T. Keal; 5th ward 2nd precinct: J. R. Davis; 6th ward, lst precinct: C. R. Branch; 6th ward 2nd precinct: J. H. Womble; Cape Fear: Mrs. J. A. Westbrook; Harnett: J. E. Taylor; Harnett: H. 0. Thomas; Harnett: W. E. Taylor: Harentt: G. T. Shepard; Masonboro: J. H. Joi?nston: Masonboro: Mrs. R. Lumsden; Federal Point: L. W. LeGwin 4. Hewlett re-elected Chm, of Board. 12 02 1935 9 394 5. J. M. Hall re-elected Vice-Chm. 12 02 1935 9 394 6. T. K. Woody re-elected Clerk to Board. 12 02 1935 9 394 7. Positions re-elected: Same as Dec. 2, 1929, page 12. 12 02 1935 9 394 8. Judge Officials for school Special tax election: 04 08 1936 9 418 lst ward: Marvin Clark, Capt. Christman; 2nd ward: J. R. Turre?tine, 0. W. Messick; 2nd ward: J. A. Newell, W. 0. Green; 3rd ward: C. Darden, D. Sloan; 3rd ward: Mrs. Mckeithan, L. E. Badon; 4th ward: F. D. Stelyes, W. H. Register Sth ward: W. E. Bremer, C.B. Vaughn; 5th ward: J. H. Curtis, Robert Meier; _,_ 6th ward: G. Ittner, C. E. Hill; 6th ward: D. Bellamy and L. E. Allen; Sunset Park: Mrs. J. D. Prevatte, Earl King; Federal Point: S. A. Lewis, S. T. Keyes; Masonboro: B. 0. Wells, B. E. Hollis; Winter Park: Mrs. J. High, W. A. Sellers; Seagate: Mrs. Rosa Gaddy, .I. H. .Iones; 7-Mile Post: Judson George, R. C, Murray; E. Wilmington: J. F. Kline, L. Pyle; Cape Fear: E. L. Herring, W. F. Seitter 9. Elected officiers to make returns for special tax election: 04 08 1936 9 418 lst ward: Mrs. L. T. Carroll; 2nd ward: Z. E. Murrell; 2nd ward: C. 0. Jacobs 3rd ward: Mrs. C. S. White; 3rd ward: Mrs. J. B. Williamson; 4th ward: L. C. LeGwin 5th ward: W. G. Smith; 5th ward: C. R. Branch; 6th ward: J. H. Womble; 6th ward Cape Fear: Mrs. J. A. Westbrook; Fed. Point: J. E. Taylor; E. Wilmington: J. H. Johnston; Seagate: Mrs. W. C. Taylor; 7-Mile: G. T. Shepard; Winter Pk: H. 0. Thomas; Masonboro: Mrs. R. Lumsden; Sunset Park: L. M. LeGwin 10. Hewlett re-elected, Hall and Roebuck re-elected. 12 07 1935 9 467 11. Hewlett re-elected Chairman; Hall Vice Chm. 12 07 1935 9 467 12. Hall re-elected Vice-Chm. 12 07 1935 9 467 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS t? N H N C MINUTES C T ! ou? y, anover . . ew - _ MAT ER ELECTION OFFICIALS _ ?ec u. s !AT oFVice Counry [nde:ee Since 1888 ?PJyJ? An Identifying Trade Marlc ? 70 loeate names, open af SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A-2 TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDE% COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDtNGS 1. T. K. Woody elected Clerk to Board. 2. D. G. Edmondson re-elected Clerk to Auditor. 3. Florence Stanley re-elected stenographer. 4. G. I. Crandall elected Oak Grove Keeper. 5. S. G. Long re-elected Supt. of County Home-Farm. 6. Mrs. H. Bonner re-elected County Home Matron. 7. C. L. Philemon re-elected rural police. 8. F. P. Davis re-elected Rural police. 9. Positions: re-elected. Ed George, janitor; L. M. Rich, Janitor; G. I. Crandall, Cemetery Keeper; S. G. Long, County Home and farm; Mrs. H. Bonner, County Home Matron; L. M. Philemon, Police; F. P. Davis, W. A. Whitney, clockeeper. 10. T. K. Woody re-elected Clerk to Board. 11. Positions elected: Ed George and L. M. Rich, Courthouse janitors; G. I. Crandall, Oak Grove Cemetery Keeper; Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Long, Supt. and Matron of County Home and Farm; C. L. Philemon and F. P. Davis, Rural Policeman. 12. Positions elected (Same as above, p. 26) 13. Positions elected (Same as above, p. 26) 14. Positions elected: Ed George and L. M. Rich, Courthouse janitors; G. I. Crandall, Oak Grove Keeper; S. G. Long, Supt. of County Home and Farm; Walter Horne, Jr., and F. P. Davis, Rural Police; W. A. Whitney, Keeper of Courthouse Clock. 15. Positions elected: S. G. Long, Supt. of County Home and Farm; G. I. Crandall, Oak Grove Keeper; W. A. Whitney, Clock keeper; Ed George and L. M. Rich, janitor; F. P. Davis F? H. E. Williamson, Spe?ial Officers. 16. Positions elected: S. G. Long, Supt. of County Home and Farm; G. I. Crandall, Oak Grove Keeper; W. A. Whitney, Courthouse clock-keeper; J. W. Guthrie and Harlee Crews, Janitors at Courthouse; F. P. Davis and Grahman Koonce, Special Offic ers. 17. Positions elected: S. G. Long, Supt of County Home and Farm; G. I. Crandall, Oak Grove Cemetery; W. A. Whitney, Courthouse Clock-keeper; J. W. Guthrie and H. C. Garrison, Janitors; F. P. Davis and Grahman Koonce, Special Officers. 18. Positions elected: Same as above, p. 416 19. Judges for special election for Junior College: lst ward: W. A. Jenkins, B. Y. Fussell; ?nd ward, lst precinct: R. E. Williams, Jr., and G. H. Brinson; 2nd ward, 2nd pct: H. T. Carroll and L. Goodman; 3rd ward, lst pct.: C. H. Ca nnon and G. A. Hardwick; 3rd ward, 2nd pct: Mrs. G. R. McKenzie, H. R, Fussell; 4th ward, 2nd pct: R. F. King, .I. J. Eiden; 5th ward, lst pct: W. E. Kenn and J. T. Meshaw 20. 7th ward, lst pct: P. J. Baschon, W. K. Gaylor; 7th ward, 2nd pct.: H. Habenicht, W. T. Beck; 8th ward, lst pct: J. E. Rose, Mrs. J. A. Scott; 8th ward, 2nd pct: L. G. Gore and Mrs. H. C. Doran; Cape Fear: J. A. Westbrook, Mrs. E. Savage; ?arnett: L. A. Covil, P. B. Willets; E. Wilmington: H. P. Garvie, C. L. Munn; Winter Park: J. L. Lamb and W. C. Long; Seagate: Mrs. J. N1. Walton and Liston Larkins; Masonboro: P. K. Monford, Mrs. R. M. ?ttoway; S. Wilmington: A. L. Cashwell and G. C. Cashwell. 21. Federal Point: Mrs. J. D. Skipper ? C. L. Bowden; Caro. Beach: R. F. EAkins, Jr. and F. J. Plath. 22. Judges for Special election for T. B. Hospital: lst ward; W. A. Jenkins, B. Y. Fussell; 2nd ward, lst pct: R. E. Williams, G. H. Brinson; 3rd ward, lst pct: G. H. Cannon, G. A. hardwick; 3rd ward, 2nd pct: Mrs. G. H. MCKenzie and H. H. FUssell DATE MINUTE BOOK Month I Day ? Year Vol. I Page 12 )7 1936 9 467 12 07 1936 9 467 12 07 1936 9 467 12 07 1936 9 467 12 07 1936 9 467 12 07 1936 9 467 12 07 1936 9 467 12 07 1936 9 467 12 06 1937 9 556 12 06 1937 9 556 12 05 1938 10 26 12 04 1939 10 97 12 02 1940 10 167 12 O1 1941 10 243 12 07 1942 10 306 12 06 1943 10 359 12 04 1944 10 416 12 03 1945 10 468 02 10 1947 10 539 02 10 1947 10 540 02 10 1947 10 541 02 10 1947 10 542 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? N C MATTER ELECTION OFFICIALS , . . , : a rtEC. u. s. r?t OFi1CE ?? Connty Indezea Since 1888 ? io losote names, open of ? An ldentiFying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•2 TAB INDEX MRDE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUNISUS, OHIO SOLO BY OWEN 6. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATUR? OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month I Day I Year Vol. I Page l. 2nd ward, 2nd prect. : H. T. Carroll, L. Goodman; 4th ward, 2nd pct: R. F. King, J. J. Eiden; 02 10 1947 10 543 5th ward, lst pct: W, E. Keen, J. T. Meshaw; 5th ward 2nd pct: H. K. Chase, R. A. Britt; 6th ward, lst pct: W, C. Hatch, Jr., R. L. Burris; 7th ward, lst pct: P. J. Baschon, W. K. Gaylor; 7th ward, 2nd p?t: H. Habenicht, W. T, Beck; 8th ward, lst pct: J. E. Rose, Mrs. J. A. Scott; 8th ward, 2nd pct: L. C. Gore, Mrs. H, C. Doran. 2. Cape Fear: J. A. We stbrook, Mrs. Eugene Savave; Harnett: L. A. Covil, P. B. Willets; 02 10 1947 10 543 E. Wilmington: H. P. Garvie, C. L. Munn; Winter Park: J. L. Lamb, W. C. Long; Seagate: Mrs. J. W. Walton, Liston Lar kins; Masonboro: Mrs. R. M. Ottoman, P. K. Monford; S. Wilmington: A. L.Cashwell G. C. Cashwell; Federal Pt.: Mrs. J. D. Skipper, C. L. Bowden; Carolina Beach: R. V. Eakins, Jr., F. J. Patch. 3. Judges for Agricultural and Breeders election: lst ward, 2nd pct: W. L. Tordoff, P. Y. Fussell; 09 2nd ward, lst Pct: R, E. Williams, Jr., G. H. Brinson; 2nd ward, 2nd pct: H. T, Carroll, Louis Goodman; 3rd ward, lst pct: Mrs. A. 0. Hollis, G. H. Cannon; 3rd wrad, 2nd pct: Mrs. G. R. McKenzie, H. R, fussell; 4th ward, 2nd pct: W. J. Mallard, R. A. Jenkins; 5th ward, lst pct: W. E. Keen and J. T. Meshaw; 5th ward, 2nd pct: J. T. benton, R. A. Britt; 4. 6th ward, M. C. Moore, R. L. Burris; 7th Ward, lst Pct: T. W. Keith, T. A. Lawther, Jr.; 7th ward, 09 2nd pct: Henry Habenicht, Robert Barefoot; 8th ward, lst pct: J. E. Rose, Mrs. J. A. Scott; 8th ward, 2nd pct: Mrs. 0. L. Sewell, C. E. White, Jr. 5. Cape Fear: J. A. Westbrook, Eugene Westbrook; E. Wilmington: C. L. Munn, M. E. Loney; 09 7-Mile: L. A. Covil, Mrs. E. M. Rivenbark; Winter Park: J. L. Lamb, W. C. Long; Seagate: J. F. Applewhite, Sr., Liston Larkins; Masonboro: P. K. Montford, Mrs. R. M. Ottoway; S. Wilmington: H. V. Dixon, G. C. Cashwell; Federal Point: Mrs. J. D. Skipper, Mrs. C. L. Bowden; 6. Carolina Beach: J. M. Thomas, J. W. Reed. 09 7. Judges for special school tax election: lst ward, lst pct: 0. W. Anderson, B. F. Eichorn; 04 lst Ward, 2nd Pct: Mrs. T. J. Overby, R. F. McLamb; 2nd w?rd, lst pct: Mrs. Nathan Cole, J. W. Daughtry; 2nd ward, 2nd pct: Robert Jenkins, Miss E. Sutton; 3rd ward, lst pct: Mrs. B. E. Hollis, E. M. JOhnson; 3rd ward, 2nd pct: Mrs. N. H. Larkins, 69. B. Clemmons; 4th ward, lst pct: W. J. Mallard, Mrs. J. E. Leonard; 5th ward lst pct: H. F.Watters, E. A. Bordeaux, Jr.; 5th ward, 2nd Pct: Rev. R. B. Jarrell, Mrs. W. H. Warren; 5th ward, 3rd pct: F. D. Stelyes, D. E. Walker. 8. 5th ward, 4th pct: J. W. Stillman, Mrs. C. L. Harper; 6th ward, lst pct: W. C. Hatch, Jr., Moody Naylor; 04 7th ward, lst pct: E. C. Hines, W. W. Holton; 7th ward, 2nd pct: Henry Habenicht, C. S. Willoughby; 8th ward, lst pct: J. A. Wofford, R. C. Phelps; 8th ward, 2nd pct: Leslie G. Begor, Mrs. J. A. Scott; 8th ward, 3rd pct: J. E. Johnson, J. H. McEachern; Cape Fear: Mrs. J. A. Westbrook, Mrs. Andrew Gymtrnk; 7-Mile: Mrs. Nellie Covil, W. D. Gorman; E. Wilmington: R. J. Innis, 0. J. Spence; 4?inter Park: E. W. Thomas, F. M. Foy, ,Ir.; Seagate: Mrs. Shelby Russ, L. A. Batson; Masonboro: W. H. Lumsden, Mrs. Ruth Ottoway; S. Wilmington: James H. Davis, C. B. McCandless; Federal Point: Mrs. J. D. Skipper, Mrs. H. T. Rothrock. 9. Carolina Beach: W. T. Bannerman,Ralph Rollins; Kure Beach: H. C. Brandon, J. H. Lentz 05 10. Mr. Horton re-elected Chairman of the Board. 12 11. Mr. Raiford re-elected vice-chairman of the Board. 12. Thomas K. Woody re-elected Clerk to the Board. 13. Col. JOhn Bright Hill re-elected County Attorney. 14. Mr. W. Allen Cobb appointed assistant solicitor. 15. Mr. John J. Burney appainted District Solicitor. 16. Mr. Berry A. Williams County Commissioner. 17. Mr. Hall elected Chairman of the Board. 20 1948 11 47 20 1948 11 48 20 1948 11 48 20 1948 11 49 20 1954 11 502 20 1954 11 503 20 1954 11 504 05 1955 12 22 12 05 1955 12 22 12 05 1955 12 22 12 05 1955 12 22 12 05 1955 12 23 12 05 1955 12 23 07 02 1956 12 80 12 03 1956 12 111 INDEX TO CO?IMISSIONERS MINUTES N H C - anover ew ou?t?? 1?. !?. , MATT RT ELECTION OFFICIALS ` xec. u. s. .? _ ??r OFFICE C.Ytise/i ? County [nduee Since 1888 "?Z?a? An ldentifying Trade Mark ? To lotate names, open e} SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•2 TAB INDEX MADE BY TNE COTT INDEX COMPANI, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLC BY OWEN 6. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTEBOOK Month I Day ? ! Year Vol. ? Page 1. Commissioners James M. Hall and Peter H. Braak elected County Commissioners. 12 O1 1958 12 336 2. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? N. C. Mu ?ECT , _ Emp loym ent Bu.rea u - REG. U. 9. <r{??? Countl' Indezea Since 1888 ? io (Oiob nOm?f. op?0 W COTT A-I TA? INGE7I PAT OFFICE /. An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAQ AIADE BY 7HE C07T INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBllS, OHIO SOLD ?Y OWEN 0. YUNN, NEw ?ERN, NORTH GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MlNUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. ?, ?'?n Luver?;, ??,?o?rm?,ej ?h? B?ard,. m.oney _ Y?ad been ra? sed re?? a. US E?mplo?ment Service. ? 5 1919 8 49 2. Employment Service allowed funds, since Congress failed to provide for servi.ces. 8 25 1919 8 72 3. Board approved money for the local office of Federal Labor Bureau. 12 30 1919 8 91 4, Chairman to investigate amount of appropriation made for local Federal. Employmen? Bureau. 2 2 1921 8 97 S. No action taken on request for money for an Employment Bureau. 4 8 1921 8 I53 6. Request for stenographer and telephone service for free Employment Bureau did not pass. 6 23 1921 8 160 7. Request that Board pay half of stenographer salary for Local Employment Bureau received. 10 3 1921 8 I75 8. J. D. Bellamy, again requested that Board pay part for salary of stenographer for 12 5 1921 8 181 the Local Emgl,oym?nt ?ureau. 9. Monthly appropriation granted for Local Employment Bureau. 2 6 1922 8 187 10. Board made its annual appropriation to Bellamy Harriss, manager of Employment Bureau. 12 4 1922 8 219 11. Annual appropriation allowed manager of Employment Bureau. 12 3 1923 8 274 12. l?nnual appropriation made to Bellamy Harriss, manager of Employment B?a.reau. 12 1 1924 8 317 13. Annual appropriation made to Bellamy Harriss, manager of Employment Bureau. 12 7 1925 8 361 14. Mrs. Lydia C. Harriss appointed to manager of Em.ployment Bureau, succeeding her late 4 2 1928 8 504 husband, authorized $25 payable to Mrs. Harriss. 15. F. 0. Grist, Labor Comm.issioner order appropriations for Employm.ent Bureau payable to 8 14 1928 8 527 E. L. Bell, manager. 16. Action to discontinue Employment Bureau funds under consideration. 8 1 1932 9 173 17. State-Fedzral Employment agents requested, granted $400 and quarters. 11 6 1933 9 258 1$. Half cost of National Employment expenses approved for payment. 6 18 1934 9 288 19. Half cost of National Employment expenses approved for payment. 7 16 1934 9 292 20. Half cost of National Employment expenses approved for payment. 8 13 1934 9 298 21. Half cost of National Employment expenses approved for payment. 9 10 1934 9 301 22. Expenses of re-employment bureau approved for payment. 10 8 1934 9 305 23. Expenses of re-employment bureau approved for payment. 11 19 1934 9 310 24. Half amount of National Employment expenses approved for payment. 12 10 1934 9 313 25. Half amount of National Employment expenses approved for payment. 1 14 1935 9 318 26. Half amount of National Employment expenses approved for payment. 2 11 1935 9 324 27. Half amount of National Employment expenses appro?red ?or payment. 3 18 1935 9 329 28. Hafl amount of National Employment expenses approved for payment. 4 8 1935 9 333 29. Half amount of National Employment expenses apprpved for paymen.t. 5 13 1935 9 339 30. Half amount of National Employment expenses approved for payment. 5 6 1935 9 338 31. Half amount of National Employment expenses approved for payment. 6 10 1935 9 343 32. Half amount of National Employment expenses approved for payment. 7 8 1935 9 354 33. Half amount of National Employment expenses approved for payment. 9 9 1935 9 380 34. Employment Bureau granted use of Cour?house porch, 3 2 1936 9 411 35. Payment approved to Employment Bureau. 4 20 1936 9 422 36. Payment approved to Employment Bureau. 7 27 1936 9 444 37. Payment authorized to Employment Bureau. 10 19 1936 9 458 38. Office expenses approved for payment for October. 12 7 1936 9 469 39. Half payment approved for Employment Bureau. 2 8 1937 9 479 40. Payment of bills authorized for Employment Bureau. 5 10 1937 9 498 41. Notice of hearing from Employment Security Commission referred on Elwood Ech?rt claim. 8 10 1947 11 444 42. ESC report filed on granting Elwood Echart unemployment compensation. 8 17 1953 11 446 43. Civil Service application returned to Board on housing investigation position. 8 31 1953 11 499 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. _?u ?E T Employment Bureau - aea. u. s. /?? ??- County Indezea Since 1888 ? To IoCat? tla?s? op?p Ot COT7 A-2 TA? INpEX PAT OFFICE L.?i???(,a?cc? .?1n ldenti.fying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAI iAY lNADE 8Y THE (07T INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO SOID ?Y ONEN 0. Y4NN, NEN iERl1, NORTN GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDiNGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l., Motion carried to employ Mrs. J. M. Hyhsmith in Social Services office as investigat?r. 8 2. NC State employment report filed. 10 3. William G. Roberson, appointed to New Hanover County Civil Service Commission, _replacing 1 L. L. Mills, deceased. 4. County Civil Service test for typist-clerk referred to Mr. Woody. 11 S. Board to consider a classification and salary for job of Civil Service employees. 2 6. Civil Service Bureau to interview for stenographer. 3 7. Received report from Employment Security Commission. 6 8. Vacancy on the County Civil Service Commission placed on agenda. 2 9. Mr. E. F. Pittman, appointed to County Civil Service Commission. ? 10. Approved request to advertise for assistant custodian. 3 11. Application for assistant custodian awarded to James S. Roberts. 4 12. Secretary to arrange for examination for employing a matron at tr?e Courthouse. 2 l3. Mrs. E. Stanley Knott, employed temporary as matron. (above) 2 Z4. Civil Service Commission report of County employees not been approved by Commission. 3 15. County Attorney and Dept. heads to work out solution. (above) 3 16. Community accelerated public works program report received. 10 I7. Mr. W. Leon Futrell, appointed member of County Civil Service Commis?2on. 5 31 1953 11 4??9 ?6 1953 11 463 Ll 1954 11 479 4 1957 12 191 L7 1958 12 225 LO 1958 12 233 30 1958 12 273 L& ?959 Z2 3&? 2 1959 12 388 16 1959 12 397 ZO 1959 12 421 L9 1962 13 69 L9 1962 13 69 L9 1962 13 82 L9 1962 13 82 15 1962 13 164 ZO 1963 13 217 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MUBJECTEJOBSENCY PUBLIC SERVICE? aea. u. s, ?/{ ??,q,,_ Counry Indexea Since 1868 ? TO IOCY1? IIq11Nf? O?ND O} CQTT MI TA? IN6EX r?r OFFICE C.C.c.?4///ici? An Identilying Trade Mark MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLD ?T OWEN i. YUNN, NEw ?ERN, NORTN GROLiNA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS .DATE MINUTE BOOK , Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Approval of $9G,875 contract 2. budget amendment - $98,897 3. Approval of $39,990 contract 4. Approval of Add'1 $132,826 5. Acceptance of $41,581 6. County Mgr. authorized to accept add'1 funds 7. Extension of EJP Program 8. Approval to extend EJP program 9. Discussion of CETA Title II 10. Approval of request for CETA Title II Grant 11. Budget trans-CETA II and VI appropriate funds and budget additional funds 12. Budget amend. - CETA II and VI extend from 10/I/77 to 9/30/78 13. Discussion on additional Ceta positions 14. Approval recommendation for Ceta II posotions 15. CETA Title VI Plan for 1979 O1 20 1975 16 92 O1 20 1975 16 ?6 O1 27 1975 16 98 02 28 1975 16 124 03 21 1975 16 150 04 07 1975 16 159 08 25 1975 16 260 09 02 1 975 16 261 09 22 I97? 16 273 09 22 1975 16 273 07 18 1977 18 16-7 08 O1 I977 18 85 08 15 1977 18 90 09 06 1977 18 98 09 05 1978 18 275-76 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count N C MED CAL Y ?, . . _ MATTER: ?VICE ( S j ` Rec, u, s. County Indezea Since 1888 ?? To locat? namea, OpBn at PA7 OFFIGE C??l? s-?E- AnldentifvingTradeMuk ? 1 LDe T COTT A TO Z TAB INDEX W w?tlf ? G'N UN aC? ? N OHCO , SURNAME INIiIAI TAB S BY OWE 0 N D N O .? N E NATUI? OF PROCEEDINGS DATE i MINUiE BOOK ;' ? Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Write-off of uncollectible EMS Bills Ol 05 1981 18 742 : 2. Write-off of uncollectible EMS Bills 02 16 1981 18 765 3. Write-off of uncollectible EMS Bills 03 16 1981 18 781 ' 4. Approval of EMS STudy Committee Recommendations 03 16 1981 18 786 ; 5. ?mergency Medical Service Central Dispatch (Ogden) • 03 16 1981 18 786 6. Write-off of uncollectible EMS Bills (Exhibit book VIII, Pg. 39) 05 18 1981 18 833 ,. 7. Writeoff of uncollectible EMS bills 07 20 1981 18 889 8. Discussion of City of Wilmington EMS Contract 08 17 1981 18 904 9. Approval of EMS Agreement with City of Wilmington 09 08 1981 18 916 10. Writeoff of EMS Bills 12 21 1981 18 974 11. Approval of Pleasure Island Volunteer Rescue Squad EMS Contract 12 21 1981 18 975 12. Discussion on Hospital Assistance with EMS Collection 03 15 1982 19 36 13. Endorsement of application for Advanced Life Support System 04 19 1982 19 51 ' 14. Discussion on EMS Advisory Council 04 19 1982 19 53 15. Appointment of Nellie Allen to Council 04 19 1982 19 54 16. Authorization to Write-Off uncollectible EMS Accounts 04 19- 1982 19 54 l?• EMS Advisory Council By-Laws 07 19 1982 19 114 18. Appointment of EMS Advisory Council 08 19 1982 19 125 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATTERT ?ORSEMENTS = xeG. u. s. County Indwcee Since 1888 To lowt? naro?s, Opln pt COTT A TO Z TAB INDEX rAr OFFIOE ???l?o-?.- AnldentifyingTradeMark ? SURNAME INITIAI TAB ?S10?D, YTOWENTGINDUNN`COPANNEW BER?NBSN?G DATE MINUTE BOOK ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Monih . Day . Year Vol. ? Page . 1. Request by Cemm. Gottavi to endorse proposal for designation of Masonboro Island as an Area of Environmental 03 OZ 1981 18 777 Concern , 2._ Endorsement of Housing authority section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Program 04 21 1981 18 813 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. _ S?U JECT ENER?Y ? ae6. u. s. q?,? Counry Indezea Since 1888 ??o IOCON na?s? o?Mn at COTT b2 TA? IApEJI v?r OFFICE C?E??(.a? An IdentifSing Trade Mark fURNAME INITIAL TAY MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY. tOLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD tT OWEN 0. pUNN, NEw ?ERN, NORTB GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE M1NUiE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. County Manager requested to cut County's energy comsumption by l00 2. County Manager reported excellent results from depts re: Energy Conservation 3. Decision to write Congressmen expressing Board's feeling that unnecessary school bussing should be stopped to conserve energy 4. Chm. requested to write letters RE: Energy Conservation 5. Relieving of Gen. Harriss of duties as County Energy Field agent 6. Designation of Chamber of Comm. Energy Task Force as NHC Energy Council 7. Letter to Richard L. Stanley re Energy Committee 8. Meeting in Ra?eigh by Co?. Harriss 9. Energy report & forecast 10. Discussion on proposed Energy Mobilization Board 11. Refusal of participation in Federal Emergency Building temperature restriction program 12. Acceptance of report from Energy Coordinator 13. Resolution-Authorizing feasibility study for Resource & Er..ergy Recovery facitity 14. ltequest for Nomination of Gen. Andrew Harriss for Vol. Award in the County's energy problems 15. CP&L Nuclear Plan Emergency Plan Reponse 16. Acceptance of Mr. Harriss' Energy Report 2/15/82 17. Energy Task Force Report 18. 11 05 1973 15 524 11 19 1973 15 528 11 19 1973 15 529 12 03 1973 15 537 04 16 1974 15 616 04 16 1974 15 616 O1 20 1975 16 ?5 12 18 1978 18 326 05 ?1 1979 18 412 10 )1 1979 18 489 11 05 1979 18 509 Ol 07 1980 18 i37 05 19 1980 18 ?00 06 16 198U 18 ?19 Ol 05 1981 18 744 02 15 1982 19 10 06 07 1982 19 80 INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Counf?, N. C. _?U JE T ENGINEERING DEPARTMEN!' ` a[c. U. s. County Indexea Since 1888 ? a?. .? Te IOtYt? nam?s, Op?p Yt COTT A-I TA? INpEX PA7 OFFICE t??c?/?? An Identilring Trade Matk ?=? SpRNAME INITIAL TA? MADE BY iHE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD t1 OWEN i. OUNM, NEN ?ERN, NORTN GROLiNA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Additional Radio for O1 20 1969 14 291 2. Changing Building Permit Fee Schedules 10 U6 1969 14 3y3 3. Illness of Mr. John Wood, Electrical Inspector 10 06 1969 14 S96 4. Trailer Inspection 11 U3 1969 14 406 5. Transfer of funds - Building Insp. 04 20 1970 14 464 6. Transfer of Funds - E1ec. Inspector 04 20 1970 14 4b4 7. Building Inspector - Stationery and Supplies 04 20 1970 14 464 8. Transfer of Funds - Electrical Insp. 08 03 1970 14 551 9. Study coznmittee to study building electrical and plumbing codes 08 03 1970 14 519 10. Resolution adopting 1968 NC State Plumbing Code 08 03 1970 14 520 11. Plumbing code 08 03 1970 14 520 12. Appolintment Louis J. Smith, Plumbing Insp. 08 03 1970 14 520 13. Additional heZp - Insp. Office ? 10 19 1970 14 538 14. Delays in Inspection office 11 02 1970 14 542 15. Plumbing code 11 02 1970 14 543 16. Report of Building Code committee on use of plastic pipe by John Jefferies Ol 04 1971 14 563 17. Electrical Inspector request transfer of funds Travel to Stationary 02 O1 1971 14 571 18. Emergency pay for assistance plumbing inspector 02 15 1971 14 582 19. Widening of entrance to parking lot on Market Street 02 Ol 1971 14 579 20. Emergency pay for assistance Plumbing Inspector 02 15 1971 14 582 21. Tools and Supplies-Garage 03 O1 1971 14 589 22. Electrical Code 03 O1 1971 14 587 23. Plumbing Inspector-Military leave 03 O1 1971 14 588 24. Discussion of Position of Electrical Inspector 03 15 1971 14 589 25. Inspection Pamphlets 03 15 1971 14 592 26. ApprovaZ by building code council of county regulations 05 03 1971 14 625 27. Licensing of plumbers 05 17 1971 14 547 28. Licensing of plumbers 06 07 1971 14 655 29. Electrical fee schedule changes 06 07 1971 14 656 30. Licensing of plumbers 06 21 1971 14 661 31. Fines-Failing to obtain plumbing permits 09 07 1971 15 5 32. Proposed purchase low boy 10 04 1971 15 2Z 33. Minimum fee for plumbing inspections 11 15 1971 15 41 34. Operational cost of inspection o£fice 12 06 1971 15 53 35. Annual leave and sick leave Louis Smith 12 06 1971 15 51 36. Appropriation for office supplies O1 04 1972 15 62 37. Transfer of funds - Inspection Services Dept. 03 20 1972 15 93 38. Additional employee inspection office 04 17 1972 15 109 39. Appropriation - Inspection Office 05 O1 1972 15 119 40. Inspection fees 05 15 1972 15 130 41. Additional Clerical help 12 04 1972 15 278 42. Additional Clerical help I2 04 1972 IS 291 43. Budget Transfer - to acquire additonal gasoline for storage 06 lI 1979 18 425 44. County Engineer to go to Chicago for Waste Management Seminar 09 04 1979 18 473 45. Budget Amendment - stone & clay for landfill 11 05 1979 18 503 46. Budget Amendment - repiars to Mental Health Center for damages by fire 04 ?8 I980 18 573 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS N. C. MINUTES - New Hanover Count? E T EP?GINEERING DEPARTN?NT MU , ` _ J nec. u. s. PAT OFFICE C?^Fi?? County Indezee Since 1888 An Identifving Trade Mark ? io loeab nam?s, op?n nt SURNAMB INITIAL TAB COTT A•Z TA? fN@FJ? MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY. COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD tY OWEN {. YUNN, NEw iERN, MORTN GROLINA '? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS '?i i,. BudgPt transfer to furnish funds for remainder of year Z,? Budget Transfer to increase for long distance ca11s 3i? Budget Amendment to cover Phase I Contract Costs 4?: Position Transfer-Engineering Technician & request to hire Director of Er..gineering 5: Budget amendment-relocation expenses for director and facilities 6?. Budget amendment to cover expenses of Blue Clay Road Landfill site 7.° Budget amendment to appropriate anticipated revenues on tippling charge on garbage desposited in landfill 8. Budget amendment to cover cost of hiring director earlier than anticipated 9. Budget amendment, expenditures on out-of-county Iandfill investigations 10. Contra?t for disposal of dredge spoil material lI. County Manager authorized to negotiate contract with George Campbell & Associates 12. Authorization for Chairman to Execute CP&L Right-of-way agreement 13. Barrier Islands Flood Insurance Proposed Regulations comments 14,. Engineering Department Budget Amendment 15. Post, Buckley, Schuh and Jernigan Contract in connection with design of Landfill ,DAiE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 05 19 1980 18 598 06 16 1980 18 615 07 07 1980 18 634 07 28 1980 18 639 I2 OI 19?50 18 710 Ol 05 1981 18 738 02 16 1981 18 765 04 06 1981 18 797 06 Ol 198Z 18 845 07 20 1981 18 893 09 08 1981 18 920 09 21 1981 18 926 02 Ol 1982 I8 1000 03 15 1482 19 28 07 06 1982 19 110 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. MU JECT ?NVIRONMENTAL zMPA?T ` - ?TATEMENTS ae?. u, s. q1'? Counry lndexea Since 1888 ?} xy-- To loean nam?s, O?Nn tM COTT A•I TA? INDEX r?r OFFICE ?n???.o-? ?nldenafying Trade Mark ?`8 SURNAME INlT1AL TAB MADE BY THE CO7T INDEX COMPANY. COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD ?Y OMIEN 0. oUNN, NEN {ERN, NORTH GROLINA r DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Initial discussion 07 16 1973 15 447 2. Discussion of Requiring 08 06 1973 15 466 3. Discussion of Requiring 08 20 1973 I5 476 4. Discussion of ordinance 10 O1 1973 15 503 5. Decision to hold public hearing 10 O1 1973 15 503 6. Public Hearing 10 15 1973 15 511 7. Appointment of Committee 11 19 1973 15 529 8. Discussion of 02 04 1974 15 575 9. Discuss3on of 02 18 1974 15 579 10. Appointment of Sue Hayes 06 17 1974 15 667 11. Suggestions tabled until 8/5/74 meeting 07 15 1974 15 680 12. Proposed projects 08 05 1974 15 692- 13. Discussion of EIO Committee 09 16 1974 15 719 14. Report from 10 07 1974 16 14 15. Invitation to Commissioners re growth policY 11 04 1974 16 42 16. Discussion of funding for FY 75/76 O1 20 ]975 16 88 I7. ?ppointment of Bill Grathwol, Steve Laufer, RmM. Cassidy, Louis Adcock, F? Mrs. W. W. Stanfield 02 17 1975 16 117 18. Resolution for purchase of Masonboro Island 02 17 1975 16 118 19. Sam Cox's replacement to be appointed 03 17 1975 16 149 20. Setting expriation dates for terms 04 07 1975 16 162 21. Appointment of Larry Goff 04 21 1975 16 180 22. Storm drainage policy referred to EIC OS 05 1975 16 190 23. Presentation of policy on development of NHC 05 19 1975 16 199 24. Reappointment of Herb McKim, Paul Gregory, Pau2 Denison F? Sue Hayes 05 19 1975 16 203 25. Appointment of Stanley A. Lipman and William N. Rose 07 07 1975 16 237 26. Presented storm drainage policy, development Plan for NHC and assignment of reviewing EIC Statements 09 15 1975 16 268 27. Appointment of M. H. Vaughan ?09 15 1975 16 268 28. Appt. of Art Bannon 02 02 1976 17 57 29. Discussion of Committee 08 02 1976 17 174 30. Report on the Impact of Septic Tanks on Shellfish Waters 05 17 1982 19 69 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? N C EA EN°??PA; PROTECTIOV , . . _?A'fTER• eec. u. s. r?r OFFIGE ?L?- Counry Indexee Sinee 1888 ? An Identifving Trade Mark To loeat? nam?s, Opl11 Ot ? SURNAME lNITIAL iA6 COTT A TO Z TAB INDEX MI1DE ?Y THE COTT INDEX GONPANT. COLUMI{OS? OHIO SOtD BY OWEN f+. DNNN CO., NEW BERN, N, G NATUI?E OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MlNUTE BOOK ?' ? Month Day Year Vo1. Page 1. Discussion on workshop on Resource Recovery by New Hanover County Ol 05 1981 18 746 2. Acceptance of EPA Grant 07 07 1981 18 887 3. Comm. Gottovi requested Commissioners to endorse proposal to designate Masonboro Island as an AEC 04 06 1981 18 800 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Countt?? ?. U. ? MU JECT EROSION CONTROL?NTATICN aEC. u. s. /??? County lndezee Since 1888 ? TO IoWb 6a11NS? Opt11 Ct COTT A•2 TA{ INpEX v?r OFFICE C?E?:(..aT?c.R An ldentifyin& Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB M11DE BY THE COTT iNDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. OH(0 SOLO ?Y OIIEN 0. YUNN, NEM ?ERN, MORTH GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUiE BOOK ? Month Day Year Vol. Page ? 1. Fort Fisher 2. Funds 3. Fort Fisher 4. Control 5. Shore Protection 6. Unincorporated Areas 7. Permit fee set at $25 per acre 8. Amendment to ORDINANCE 9. Amenament to Ordinance-tabled 10. Adoption of Ordinance 11. Resolution endorsing Carolina Beach assistance for Beach erosion 12. Carolina Beach Mayor requested release of $15,000 for erosion 13. Discussion on Public Hearing on erosion and sedimentation control ordinance amendment 14. Public Hearing to Consider Amendments to the Erosion & Sedimentation Ordinance Text (PP. 3& 7) by substituting "New Hanover Soil and Water Conservation District" for "Lower Cape Fear Soil & Conservation District." O1 06 1964 13 279 ` O1 20 1964 13 283 03 02 1964 13 297 03 02 1964 13 297 04 09 1964 13 310 ? 07 06 1964 13 350 O1 20 1975 16 88 07 17 1978 18 249 08 07 1978 18 256-7 08 21 1978 18 265 Ol 05 1981 18 744 O1 19 1981 18 752 08 02 1982 19 129 09 07 ?982 19 149 1 ? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATT RT ROVRE? F EQUALIZATION ?` ? TO I?Cat? 1unIK? ?pM at COTT A-I TA? INOEX rtec. u. s. County Inde:ee Since 1888 NIADE 6Y TNE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMIYS, OHIO eer OFFICE ?,q?? AnldentiEyin?TradeMark SURNAME INRIAL TA! SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BoOK ` Month Day Year Vol. Page !a 1. Wilmington Hilton and 1978 Bd. of E? R date 03 20 1978 18 183 1 I I I . I . ?; INDE? TO COMMISSI?NERS MINUTES --- New Hanover Count?y N C MATT RT EXECUTIVE SESSION , . . , ` aec. u. s. County lndezea Since 1888 To IOCafO naM2S, open a? r?r OFFICE (w?? An Identifying Ttade Mari ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK s NATURE OF PROC?EDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page ' ?. 1. . Board went into Executive Session. 06 - 27 - ? 1899 . 6 .. f, 304 ?; i 2. Board went into Executive Session to discuss dismissing Recorder's Court Clerk Skipper. 02 03 1913 7 279 j G 3. Board ruled in Executive Session to defer action on Recorder's Clerk. 02 03 1913 7 ; 2$0 ;' ? 4. Board went into executive session on courthouse annex and jail. 1 10 1924 8 278;. S. Board went into executive session to open bids for courthouse annex and jail. 1 28 1924 8 ?, 279j? ? 6. Board . went into executive session to open bids for new jail cell work. 4 2I 1924 8 ? 292;, 7. Board went into executive session relative to bids for furniture for courthouse annex. S 11 1925 8 ?; 339?? 8. Board went into executive session relative to money for forest fire prevention. 2 5 1926 8 372;? 9. County Home Board went into executive session to open bids for County Home construction. 77 28 1926 8 394 10. , INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count N C EXE?UTIVE SESSI°NS M ? ?, . . _ U JE T ae?. u. s. County Indeaes Since 1888 ? TO IOeat? ?omis? Op?n at e?r OFFfCE ?.?iE???i. An IdentifYing Trade Mazk SURNAME INI7IAL TAY COTT A•2 TAt INOEX 1NADE BY THE COJT INDEX COMPANY. COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD tY ONEN i, pUNN, M fw 6ERN , NORiH GR OLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l. I Land acquisition O1 06 1975 16 76 2. Comrnittee appointments and land acquisition O1 06 1975 16 83 3. Land acquisition O1 20 1975 16 96 4. Land acauisition OI 27 I975 16 98 5. Committee appointments and personnel 02 03 1975 16 107 6. Land acquisition 02 17 1975 16 119 7. Land acquisition 02 28 1975 16 123 ; 8. Personnel 03 03 1975 16 135 9. Personnel F? Committee appointments 03 17 1975 16 149 10. Land acquisition 04 07 1975 16 164 11. Land acquisition 04 10 1975 16 165 12. Committee appointments 04 21 1975 16 181 13. Personnel 04 28 1975 16 184 14. Land acauisition 05 05 1975 16 192 i ; I5. Personnel and Committee appointments 05 05 1975 16 193 16. f Land acquisition and committee appointments Q5 12 1975 16 197 I7. Committee appointments, personnel and land acauisition 05 19 1975 16 203 18. Litigation 05 26 1975 16 206 19. Land acquisition and lawyer/client relations 06 09 1975 16 219 20. Personnel and committee appointments 06 I6 1975 16 227 21. Lawyer/client relations and land acc?uisition 06 23 1975 16 230 22. Personnel 06 30 1975 16 234 23. Personnel, committee appointments and lawyer/client relations 07 07 1975 16 23b 24. Personnel 07 21 1975 16 245 25. Airport lease agreement and committee appointmen?s 09 02 1975 Z6 263 . i 26. Committee appointments 09 08 1975 16 266 . 27. Committee appointments 09 15 1975 16 271 i ; 28. Committee appointments and personnel 09 22 1975 16 273 29. Committee appointments 09 29 1975 16 276 30. Land acquisition for hospital discussion w/Michael C. $rown 11 03 1975 16 296 31. Committee appointments I2 O1 1975 17 19 32. Committee appointments 12 08 1975 17 23 33. Tabling land acquisition 12 22 1975 17 33 34. Executive session to discuss land acauisition, personnel ? Committee attps. 02 02 1976 17 57 ? 35. Discuss land acquisition ? Commt. Attps. Ol 19 1976 17 47 36. Discuss land acquisition O1 05 1976 17 42 37. Discuss right of way for Laney/Trask schools sewer line 02 11 1976 17 58 38. Discuss land acquisition lawer/client relations and comm. appts. 02 16 1976 17 68 39. Discuss personnel and committee appts. 03 O1 1976 17 77 40. Discuss committee appts. 04 05 1976 17 99 41. Discuss committee appts. 05 17 1976 17 128 I 42. Discuss committee appts. 06 21 1976 17 155 43. Discuss attorney/client matters 06 30 1976 17 158 44. Executive session 03 15 1976 17 87 45. Executive session 04 20 1976 17 112 46. Executive session - committee appts. 07 Ob 1976 17 161 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County N. C. EXECUTIVE SESSIONS MU E , _ BJ CT ` a?o. u. s. '???" County Indezea Sincc 1888 ? To IotptO tlOmts? o?Np Yf r?r OFFICE ?i:LOr-?i .?n Idenafying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTi A•2 T?? INpEX NIADE BY THE COTT INOEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHtO SOLD lY OWEN ?, pYNM, N E4 ?ERN , MORTH GR OLINA ? NATURE OF PROCEED(NGS DATE MINUTE BOOK ?. Month Day Year Vot. Page 1: Executive session - Atty./C?ient 07 19 1976 17 L65 2. Atty./Client matters 07 28 1976 17 166. 3i Executive session - personnel 08 02 1976 17 L74 4?; Atty/Client matters 08 11 1976 17 175 5: Executive session - committee appts. 09 07 1976 17 191 6,? Executive session - personnel 10 25 1976 17 222 7; Executive session - atty/client matters 11 0? 1976 17 229 8? Executive session - atty/client F? commt. appts. 12 20 1976 17 252 9. Committee appointments O1 04 1977 17 256 10. Attorney Lennon Ol 27 1977 17 270 11. Committee appts. F? Attorney/Client 02 07 I977 17 281 12. Land Acquisitian 02 21 ?977 17 290 13. Land Acquisition $ Attorney/Client and Committee appts. 03 07 1977 17 300 14. Land acquisition and Committee appts. 03 28 1977 18 9 15. Commt. Appts. 05 02 1977 18 31 16. Commt. Appts. 05 16 1977 18 36 17, Commt. Appts. 05 16 1977 18 40 18, Attorney/Client and Commt. Appts. 06 06 1977 18 52 19. Discuss City/County prop. 304 Wooster St. 06 ZO 1977 18 58 20, Discuss committee appts F? Personnel Matters 06 20 1977 18 Ci2 21. Discuss atty/client matters 07 05 1977 18 71 22. Committee appts. $ personnel 07 18 1977 18 79 23. Committee appts. F? attorney/client matters 08 O1 1977 18 85 24. Committee appts. 09 06 1977 18 99 25. Committee appts. 09 19 1977 18 106 26. Executive Session - Commi?tee appts. 10 03 1977 18 113 27. Committee appts. and personnel 10 I7 1977 18 120 28. Land acauisition 11 07 1977 18 130 29. Attorney/Client, Land Acquisition and committee appts. 11 21 1977 18 139 30. Committee appts $ personnel matters 12 05 1977 18 145 31. Land acquisition F? Committee appts. 12 19 1977 18 152 32. Land acquisition and personnel matters O1 03 1978 18 157 33. Committee appts. and personnel O1 16 1978 18 161 34. Personnel O1 23 1978 18 163 35. Land acquisition and committee appts. 02 06 1978 18 171 36. Land acquisition and committee appts. 02 20 1978 18 176 37. Land acquisition and committee appts. 03 06 1978 18 181 38. Committee appointments 03 20 1978 18 186 39. Executive session 04 03 1978 18 192 40. Acquisition of land 04 10 1978 18 193 41. Executive Session 04 17 1978 18 196 42 Executive Session-personnel, land acquisition & committee appointments 05 Ol 1978 ?8 204 43 Executive Session-Land Acquisition-Library site 05 04 197$ 18 205 44 Executive Session-Land Acquisition-Library Site 05 10 1978 18 205-6 45 Land Acquisition, & personnel 05 15 1978 18 214 46 Land acquisition & personnel 06 05 1978 18 223 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover C t T EXECUTIVE SESSION N C oun y, . . _ MATTER ` aec. u. s. Counry lndezes Since 1888 TO I?N ?m?f, ?pM ?t PAi OFFICE ?qi? An [dentiEyin? Trade Merk SURNAMt INRIAL TA? COTT MZ TA{ INCEX MAD6 !Y THE COTT INDEX COlNPANY, COLUADYS, ON10 SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NE W BERN, N.' C. NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Personnel and Land acquisition 06 12 1978 18 224 2. Land acquisition OS 25 1978 18 215?6 3. Land acquisition and committee appointments 06 19 I978 18 234 ? 4. Committee ap.pointments & Land acquisition 07 03 1978 18 a 246 5. Committee appointments 07 L7 I978 18 252 "y 6. Committee appointments & Personnel 08 )7 1978 18 260 7. Eyster Matter 08 09 1978 18 262 ,? 8. Tentative litigation w/Dr. Finger & HealthBcard 08 Z6 1978 18 262-3 ` 9. Land acquisition, personnel, Committee Appointments and Atty/Client matters 08 ?1 197$ 18 267 10. Land Acquisition 09 05 1978 18 272 11. Personnel Matters & Possible Litigation 10 02 1978 18 288 12. Committee appointments & land acquisition 10 L6 1978 1$ 294 13. Committee appointments & Personnel matters 11 06 1978 18 302 14. Committee appointments & land acquisition 11 ?0 1978 18 309 15. Land Acquisition 11 ?8 1978 18 310 16. CDBG Bonds - Flemington 12 J4 1978 18 316 17. Committee Appointments & Land Acquisition 12 ?4 1978 I8 319 18. Committee Appointments 12 t8 1978 18 327 lg? Discussion of personnel matters O1 ?2 1979 18 336 20. Discussion - land acquisition & personnel matters O1 02 1979 18 345 21. Discussion - personnel matters, land acquisition, & litigation 02 05 1979 18 354 22, Discussion - committee appointments, personnel matters & litigation 02 19 1979 18 363 23, Discussion - cammittee appointments 05 05 I979 18 369 24. Discussion - land acquisition & committee appointments 03 19 1979 I8 375 25. Discussion - land acquisition 04 02 1979 18 385 26. Discussion - land acquisition & possible litigation 04 17 Z979 18 391 27. Discussion of land acquisition & litigation 05 Q7 1979 18 404 28. Discussion of land acquisition & committee appointments 05 21 1979 18 413 29. Discussion - committee appointments & land acquisition 06 04 1979 18 423 30. Discussion - litigation & committee appointments 06 18 1979 18 432 31. Discussion - possible litigation & personnel matters 07 02 1979 18 444 32. Discussion - appointments 07 23 1979 18 451 33. Discussion - appointments 08 06 1979 18 459 34. IIiscussion - appointments & personnel matters 08 20 1979 18 465 35. Discussion - possible litigation & committee appointments 09 04 1979 18 ?33 36. Discussion - personnel matters & litigation . 10 O1 1979 18 491 37. Discussion - appointments - 10 15 1979 18 498 Discussion of litigation w/representatives from N.C. Attorney General's office, Div, of Health Services, 38. N. C. Solid & Hazardous Waste Division, N.H. Health Dept. & New Hanover County Engineer 11 05 1979 18 509 39. Discussion of litigation re: Law Enforcement Center 11 19 1979 18 513 4Q. Discussion of litigation re: Flemington 12 10 1979 18 523 41. Discussion of personnel matters 09 26 1980 18 668 42. Discussion of personnel matters 09 29 1980 18 668 43. Discussion of law enforcement cente litigation matters with Attorney Lennon 10 06 1980 18 673 44. Discuss legal matter with County Attorney 10 06 1980 18 681 45. Discuss litigation 10 20 1980 18 689 46. Discuss personnel matters 11 03 19$0 18 701 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover ?'XECUTTVE SESSION Count C N y, . . , MATTER: ` ? Te I?eab nanl?s, ?pM it xcc. u. s. "'???? County Indezee Since 1888 PAT OFFICE ?.yi7.??T?-y? An [denNfying Trade Mark SURNAYE INITIAL TAO COTT A-Z 1At fNOEX MADE 6Y THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMYUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERH, N. C. DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Dny Year Vol. Page l. Di?cu?s committee appointments and litigation matters lI L7 1980 18 708 2, Discuss committee appointments 12 15 1980 18 736 3?p Executive Session to discuss personnel matters and committee appointments 08 17 1981 18 906 ?? 4,9? Executive Session to discuss personnel matters and committee appointments 08 17 1981 18 . 908 5. SExecutive Session to discuss contractual relations and committee appointments ? 09 08 1981 18 920 r 6. Executive Session to discuss contractural matters and personnel 09 21 1981 18 929 7.i?To discuss contract negotiations and legal matters concerning it ?y 09 21 19$1 18 929 8.','sTo discuss Committee Appointments 10 19 1981 18 944 9. To discuss contractural tnatters and litigation 11 02 198I 18 954 10. To discuss legal matters 11 21 1981 18 955 11. To discuss contractual matters and easement acquisitions. 12. Discussion of legal matters 13. Discuss committee appointments 14. Discuss litigation matters and committee appointments Discuss with Architect and Contractor for Law Enforcement Center validity of claim against County and 15. also discuss personnel matters 16, To discuss attorney/client matters and committee appointments 17. To discuss attorney/client matters and personnel matters 18. Executive Session - to discuss attorney/client matters and land acquisition 19. To discuss land acquisition 20. Land Acquisition discussion with Steve Royal, Tax Admin. & Ed Hilton, Dir. of Engineering 21. Discussion on land acquisition with Steve Royal and Robert Contwell 22. Discuss personnel matters and litigation 23. Discuss attorney/client matters 24. Discuss personnel matters, committee appointments, litigation and contractual matters 25. To discuss land acquisition and personnel matters 26. Executive Session to discuss personnel 27. To discuss personnel inatters and litigation 28. To discuss personnel matters 29. Executive Session 30. Executive Session to discuss litigation and committee appointments 3I. EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR LAND ACQUISITION FOR SCHOOL BOARD 32. Executive Session for County Attorney to report on a Iitigation matter 33. Executive Session to discuss concern about the Airport Mgr. - relationship with Talbert-Cox. 34. Executive Session to discuss possible litigation 35. Executive Session 36. Executive Session to discuss a legal metter. 37. Executive Session for attorney/client consultation relating to potential and pending litigation. 38. Executive Session 39.Executive Session to discuss personnel matters 40. Executive Session to discuss Land Acquisition (SEACOR) 41 To discuss personal matter 11 lb 1981 18 959 abov? d?tes out of ?rder Ol 05 1981 18 746 O1 19 1981 18 753 02 02 1981 18 763 03 02 1981 18 778 03 16 1981 18 789 04 06 1981 18 806 04 21 1981 18 814 05 04 1981 18 832 05 13 1981 18 832 05 18 1981 ?8 834 05 18 1981 18 842 05 27 1981 18 842 06 ?l 1981 18 857 06 OS 1981 18 861 06 15 1981 18 688 07 07 1981 18 887 07 20 1981 18 893 08 03 1981 18 899 see ':op of page for 8/17 - 11/16 12 21 1981 18 979 11 04 1981 18 955 ? Ol 18 1982 18 99I 02 Ol 1982 18 1000 02 L5 1982 19 14 03 ?l 1982 19 26 03 15 1982 19 37 04 05 1982 19 47 05 03 1982 19 64 05 17 1982 19 72 k9 94 1982 19 168 11 15 1982 19 191