F Index to Minutes July 15, 1868FESTIVALS l? C MATTER INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Cour?fi? : . , . _ ` ¦ea. u. s. County Indezes Since 1888 f? ?.?-- To loeats names, open at COTT A•2 iae IN?eX MADE BY THE (QTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO r?r ofv?et ?? An ldentifyin? Trade Mark ?? SURNAMB INITIAL TAB SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS k? '' j? Month DATE I Day I 4? Year ?? ?? MINUTE Vol, I BOOK Page I ? il ? 1,??Invitation accepted by Board from Col. W. Taylor to participate in parade of opening of Gala Week, ' ?y 12 04 s'? 1893? 5 533 ?? ' 2.;'Messrs. Merrison and Pearsall appeared in accordance with Produce Exchange to request funds for Atlanta 07 22 , 1895` j 5 651 k ? =i Exposition. 4 ?, j ? ?? ?g 3.??Board will appropriate funds for Exposition if Board of Aldermen will match funds from the City. 07 : 22 1895 ? 5 651 4.@;Commissioner Stevenson appointed to see that money properly spent to advertise County at Atlanta Exposition; 08 19 1895t? , 61 5 660 ?w 5.??Board to pay bill of State Geologist J.A. Holmes in connection with Atlanta Exposition. 02 03 k; 18964a 5 691 ? ;; . ? 6. .?Wilmington Lodge of Elks allowed to erect booths and stands during Carnival week free of taxes, 10 07 1901;? !E 6 602 o, 7. pShows in Pythian Carnival exempted from taxation as requested by Knights of Pythian. .` 10 06 1902?; ;? 6 676 S. ;Junior Order of United American Mechanics e?empted from taxation at Carnival on October 19 to 24, 09 26 1903?". 6 752 i 9. Junior Order of Mechanics will have a festival in Fall free of taxation. 06 06 1904' 6 79?i ? ?? 10. Money appropriated for County's exhibit by Merchants Association at State Fair. 09 04 1906p 7 61 ': ? F? 11.: M,M. Jacobi requested, on behalf of Merchants Association, that money approved for advertising County at 02 04 1907y 7 77 ' State Fair be turned over to them. „ ? p; 12. Matter of money for State Fair referred to Auditing Committee and County Attorney. 02 04 1907, 7 77 ' I? 13. . Money approved for prizes for agricultural exhibits at Fair. ?l 05 1917:: 7 646 ?; ?: 14...Money approved for expenses of parade held on May 1,1923 by various organizations. 6 14 1920 8 114' I ? 15..:Southeastern Fair and Athletic Association allowed to exhibit at agricultU.r e fair. , 11 14 1922, 8 216;; ! 16.:;Committee to censure the Billy Clark Shows exhibited at the agriculture fair. :, 12 4 1922 8 220t; 17.,;Request for license to exhibit the Billy Clark Sho??s declined. „ 4 2 1923;; 8 236?; 18.'State Dept. not to issue license for circus within five miles of County Agric. Fa?r. ?, 9 10 1923; 8 263=?? r 19.';Request for reduced Ferry fares during Agric. Fair referred to Ferry Commission. .. 9 25 1923;? 8 264;; ;; 20.,.Greater Wilmington Agric. Assoc, may have carnivals at Greenfield Lake upon conditions. ,. 9 18 1925;, 8 352;; , ;Chairman to represent Board at N.C. First Annual Pagent of Progress. 21. , 5 8 1926„ 8 385?; h 22.„Merchant Exhibit report tiled. ,, 11 1 I926;; 8 3 403;, ?: 23. ;;Merchant Exhibit report filed. ;, 12 6 1926;; 8 411;; : 24.:;Merchant Exhibit report filed. . 1 3 1927s; . 8 ; 418„ ;f 25.;`Merchant Exhibit report filed. , 2 7 1927? 8 424?' 4? 26..;Merchant Exhibit report filed. , 3 7 1927;, 8 ?3 428;? i ?? 27.,,Merchant Exhibit report filed. 4 4 1927?; . 8 433;; ?, 28.,?Merchant Exhibit report filed. 5 2 192744 8 439'. 29. ;;Merch?.n,t Exhibit? ?eport filed. 6 6 1927;; 8 445?' 30..;Merchant Exhibit report filed. , 7 5 1927;; 8 451?; 31.,,Merchant Exhibit report filed. ,, 7 26 1927;, 8 455?; 32.,;Merchant Exhibit report filed. 9 6 1927, 8 461` ? 33.,;Merchant Exhibit report filed. , 9 27 1927?? 8 4C5, SMerchant Exhibit report filed. 34. 11 7 1927? 8 469;; , 35.,;Merchant Exhibit report filed. ; 12 29 1927; 8 480;; 3 5 1928, 8 491k; 36..,Merchant Exhibit report filed. F? 37.;?Merchant Exhibit report filed. 7 2 1928?? 8 518<i ?, ' 38.:; Commiss.ioners to appear zn costume at Feast of Pirates. , 7 31 1928?.; 8? 524? ? ? R 6 1928;Q 8 525?; 39.;Merchants Exhibit report filed. .. ?? ?? 9 4 ;: 1928ro 8 ?? 530@? ; 40.'.;Merchants Exhibit report filed. :? ,, 10 1 1928; 8 534?. 41.'..Merchants Exhibi? report filed. ,. 42.;?Merchants E:?hibit report filed. , 11 S 1928=; ` 8 540?? ; ? `? 43.;;Merchants Exhibit report filed. - , 1 '22 1929':; F, 8 553; , 44.?xMercha?ts Exhibit report filed. ? 4 9 1929?? 8 569? ?; ?; ;? ?? E , ? F ? x : ?° 4' ;? "? ? ? INDEX TO COMMISSIOI?ERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER: Festivals eec. u. e. County Indexee S[nce I888 ??? An [dentifvins Trade Mark !Ai OFFICE .LAO d F?? ?-- ?`? To toeats names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX M? DE?BYrT?Hcu?OTnuuu Eucw ocouY?IJf1oDTY g11UIf1o Y'A tY DATE 3? MiNUTE BOOK ?; NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ?? Month I Day ? Year t? Vol. ? Page Yi ? 0 1? Merchar?..?? Exhibits report filed. ? 6 18 1929 ,; 8 579 ;; _.2. McKean Maffit requested lumber be loaned to feast of Pirates, taken under consideration?„ 7 18 1929;: 8 58.4;: „, 3. Lumber authorized for loan to feast of Pirates. . 7 23 1929,+ 8 586;; 4. W.R.Dosher au?.horized for payment of expense to feast of Pirate motorcade. . 8 5 1929 - 8 ?i 588:}? ?? .5. J.I. Crews request to erect refreshment stand for feast of Pirates declined. 8 ZO 1929' 8 592.; 6. S.E. Farm and Poultry Exchangerequested, allowed to hold agriculture fair. 5 18 1931 9 108 ? 7. Tax collection from Tidewater 6-County Fair referred to Oct. meeting. 10 19 1931 . 9 134 8. Authorized no? to tax Tidewater 6-County Fair. ., 10 22 1931 9 135 g, Motion failed to prevent future carnival exhibits. 10 26 1931 ; 9 136 10.€; Merchants Exhibit report tiled. 12 7 1931 9 142 Il.:s ?reater 10-County Fair allowed exhibit, committee appointed to check exhibits. 9 5 1933 9 149 12.?; Greater 10-County Fair e.llowed exhibit and exempted from tax payment. 5 21 1934 9 285 13.:? Walkathon Show unfavorable for e?hibit. 1 7 1935 9 317 14.y: Ten-County Fair requested and granted exhibit. 1 14 1935 9 317 15.?o Dr. W.H. Moore ?equested, declined F?aus Unit?d Show be allow to exhibit. 1 14 1935 9 317 16.k; Agricul:ure Fair, asFects of American Legion, granted subject to approval of revenue 1 14 1935 : 9 317 ;, Commissioner. , 17.?p Coastal Fair Inc. allo?d to exhibit agriculture Fair. 1 2 1935 9 460 18.k? Invitation to participate in Armistice Day Parade received from American Legion. „ 1 2 1936„ 9 461. ? 19.;+ ; July 17th action confir:med on Airport exhibition. 7 19 1937 ? 9 523 ,. 20.;; , American Legion granted agriculture fair at recreation park. .. 9 13 1937,; 9 540'. , 21.;? Commissioners invited to review Armsitice Day Parade. 11 1 1937_ 9 550 . 22.?? Action deferred on Junior Traffic Officer funds. 3 21 1938 9 573 23.?? Authorized funds ?or Junior Traffic Officer to participate in the Washington D.C.para.?e. 3 28 1938 9 575 24.k? Coastal Fair Association allowed to hold Fair at Legion Stadium. „ 5 16 1938 9 582 25.F? Funds requested, declined for water carnival at Wrightsville Beach. „ 8 1 1938n 9 602?., ?, 26.k; ? New York Fair deferred on sponsoring exhibit. 9 9 1938 10 7, k 27.;; Funds declined for New York State Fair. 1Q 3 1938,. 10 15 ?? iY 2g,;; i New York World Fair declined advertising funds. 12 12 1938: 10 29 1 29.;; ,? Floating Theatre granted exhibition. , 2 6 1939 , 10 38 ; 30.?j Action reconsidered on funds to N.C. exhibit in World's Fair. 2 6 1939,, 10 38 31.i? Funds declined for N.C. World's Fair exhibit. , S 1 1939.; 10 54? 32,?; ?: ?hows condemned for Coastal Fair Week. „ 10 23 1939 . 10 90 „ 33.;; Willia.m A. Peschan claim for return of pipe received. 10 23 1939 ,. 10 90 „ 34.;, W.A. Peschan request received on free license for ?gr?culture Fair. 4 1 1940,,, 10 119,. 35.;? Coastal Fair granted free license for Agriculture Fair. 4 8 1940,. 10 120 , 36.;; Rules laid down for Coastal Fair. 4 8 1940 10 121 ?: 37.;3 Merchants Exhibit request received for ?ncrease in funds. .. 6 17 1940.. 10 132., 38.?? Mrs. George Leftwich, Sorisis, protested against improper Shows at Coastal Fair. 9 9 1940.. 10 153.; 39.p? a Auto thrill show declined at Legion Stadium. . 3 10 194?.. 10 187. E? 40 k9 J.H. Niggel referred on free l.icense and use of Legion Fields for Coastal Fair. ,. 3 17 194J? .; 10 188 .: ?.l ?? Corunittee's recommendations adopted to decli?e carnival for Coastal Fair. .. 3 ?4 1941 .' 10 190 ;; 42?? No action taken on request to grant Coastal Fair Carnival, letter written on refusal.. 4 28 1941,: 10 195, 43?? Robert Strange request declined on Agricultural Fair and Carnival for Coastal Fair Inc. 9 15 1941 ., ` 10 229 .. f! 44?? Coastal Fair land appraising report received, no action taken. ,, 9 15 1941.; 10 299,: ?„ 45.?? ? 4y N No action taken on Fair and Carnival. . ? ' ?i ?Y 9 29 1941;' ? 'f, p , I 10 231:; i" f? 1 f II, INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES --- New Hanover Count?, N. C. ,?pTTER: Festivals - nca. u. s. ?g p County Indezea Since 1888 ? TO IOtah DOm?f? Op?? Ot COTT A-2 TA? INDEX vet OFFICE C..?,?BJyJ?•<(./.?i Anlden4fyinaTradeMark MU.CE BY THE COTT 1NDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUT, OHIO SURNAME INITlAL TAB SOLO fT ONfN 0. ptINN, NEN ?fRN, tlORTM QROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE Month Day Year 10 6 1941 3 9 1942 5 3 1943 5 17 1943 6 28 19?? 6 29 194 3 6 29 1943 7 10 1944 4 14 1947 9 22 1947 10 13 I947 3 29 1948 3 29 1948 4 12 1948 1 31 1949 3 7 1949 2 28 1949 3 28 1949 3 28 1949 4 4 1949 9 18 1950 9 18 1950 2 19 1951 3 12 1951 3 12 1951 3 19 1951 3 19 1951 3 i9 1951 3 26 1951 3 26 1951 9 10 1951 11 12 1951 12 31 1951 3 3 1952 3 17 1952 3 17 1952 4 7 1952 9 29 1952 10 20 1952 2 9 1953 3 2 1953 3 9 1953 MINI Vo1. 10 IO 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 IO Il 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 1I 11 11 11 11 Il 11 11 11 11 11 I1 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 1TE BOOK Page 232 262 329 330 337 337 337 395 559 585 588 19 20 21 71 80 77 83 84 85 209 210 241 246 246 248 248 249 249 249 286 301 310 320 323 324 330 367 372 398 403 406 l.. License favored for Fair and Carnival, Shows and gambling restricted. 2. Coastal Fair Inc. declined permission for Fair and Carnival. 3. Coastal Fair instructed to deliver warranty deed. 4. Coastal Fair referred on warranty deed. S.,.Coastal Fair agreement continued for di?.cussion. 6. Coastal Fair lease agreement discussed. 7. Motion carried for Coasi.al Fair to s?ll land. 8. Bill for lights for Fair grounds held in obeyance. 9. Motion faiZed on granting Endy Bros. exhibitation. 10. W.K. Rhodes declined use of Legion Stadium for circus. 11`." W.K. Rhodes declined permit for Raftery Show. 12. Funds gran?ed for Azalea Festival. 13. Attention called on mail-+ng checks to merchants. 14. Appreciation expressed on Azalea Fes?ival. 15. Clean-up campaign l?tter received from Mrs. J.R.Wood on Azalea Fest?val. 16. Azalea Festival funds granted. 17. Azalea Festival parade postponed. 18. Offices closed during Azalea Festival, approved displaying banner at courthouse. 19. Hi?hway Dept. to clean highways during Azalea Festival. 20? Appreciation expressed on Azalea Festival and to its officer.s. 21. Ross-Manning granted permit at Maffitt Village. 22. Motion. adop?ed to permit County Show. 23. Allan Marshall granted funds for Azalea Festival Golf Tournament. 24. Cooperation given to clean-up Committee at Azalea Festival. 25. No action taken on use of Legion Stadium for horse races during Festival. 26. Courthouse decoration referred for Azalea Festival. 27. James M.James letter received on clean-up campaign f_or Azalea Festival. 28. No reply received on use of Legion Stadium for Azalea Festival harness race. 30. No action taken to rescind March 31 and April 1 action on Azalea Festival horse races. 31. Azalea Festival President E.L.White letter received on dates of Fest?.val. 32. Al1en Jones granted use of Stadium for Azalea Festival. 33. Claus 0'Shields named Azalea Festival representative. 34. Ben McDonald invited County to Azalea Teen-age meeting. 35. Funds granted to Azalea Festival open golf club. 36. Wilmington Azalea F'estival to decorate the courthouse. 37. Azalea Festival feature authorized in State magazine. 38. Appreciation. received from N.A. Clark for Azalea Festival week-end entertainment. 39. Dates received for Azalea Festival scheduling. 40. G.S. Currin invited Commissioners to the Seventh Annual Bicycle Parade. 41. Hugh MacRae Plaque requested for Azalea Festival. 42. Motion failed for Azalea Festival ads in State magazine. 43. Agricultural Committee response received on Azalea Festival Championship Rodeo, Globetrotters to be at Legion Stadium. 44. Decoration plac?d on courthouse for Azalea Festival. 45. Azalea Festival ad received. 46. Azalea Festival invitations extendedo 3 16 1953 11 408 3 16 1953 11 409 3 23 1953 11 411 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATT R Festivals - aec. u. s. ?7?, ??'p????? County Indezee Since 1888 ? TO IOto?Y IIaRI?s? op?D Ot COTT A•2 TA6 INDEX r?r OFFICE (.?.Bp/{"/r?- An Idendfying Trade Mark MI?C E BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLD tY OWEN 0. YUNN, NEw ?ERN, NORTN GROLINA r? ?,. ?, ; o?? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ?, ? l; Mayor and President thanked on Azalea Festi.val. 2.y Stock Show program xeceived. 3.;Merchants Association approved funds for Annual Christmas tree lighting. 4.,?T.Y.Love appointed to represent Azalea Festival Corrunittee. 5.;, Azalea Festival Committee granted permission to erect bleachers at courthouse. 6,;;Azalea Festival reception announced. 7. Azalea Festival President thanked for success. .8., Azalea Festival reception Committee thanked. ?-9:,,Gape Fear FestivaZ invitatzon receivec? for "Goad Neighborhood Day" program, 10. Azalea Festival President letter received. 11. Azalea Festival President's fund request earmarked for consideration. 12. Merchants Association letter received for donation. 13.__ Azalea Festival Committee authorized payment for Goodwill Float. 14.._Azalea Festival Committee authorized payment for float. 15..Wilmirzgton Merchants Association and Azalea Festival approved. funds. 16. Wilznington Merchants Association letter received thanking County for Christmas lights. 17. Wilmington Merchants Association invitation received for annual meeting. I8..Azalea Festival preparations and meeting received. 19. Azalea Festival Committee thanked. 20..,James A. Graham expressed appreciation for Fat Stock Show. 21.,Letter of appreciation received on Optimist Recreation Parade. 22. Azalea Festival President discussed contributions under "Dollar Shareholders" plan. 23. Wilmington Merchants Association request recei:ved for funds. 24. Funds granted to Institutions and Training School'?s Christmas fund. 25..Letter o? appreciation for achievement Day Program. 26.:Letter of appreciation for Christmas tree Lighting Program. 27.:Permission granted to exhibit a display of fireworks at Annual Azalea Festival. 28..;Letter of appreciation from the Band Parents Club. 29.,No objc??ctions to permit for firework display. 30..Acknowledge receipt of permi? for firework display. to 31. Approved requ?st?'??,d.ecorate for Azalea Fes+?ival. 32. Azalea Queen Miss Polly Bergen to arrive at Airport, at?endance urged for Azalea Festival Luncheon. 33..Request granted for fireworks at the Sky Line Drive-in-Theatre. 34. A.B.C. profits paid. for whiskey for Azalea Festival. 35..Request that County go half with Cit?r for Goodwill Azalea Festival Travel considered. 36.,Declined request for Goodwill Travel. ;37.,The Board confirmed action permitting fire works at Carolina Beach. .38.,:Approved funds for the Azalea Festival March 1957. 39. AgFrovecl request for bleachers at the courthouse for the Azalea Festival. 40._,Approved fire work display for the Azalea Festival. 41. Received an invitation to attend th? Azalea Festival Luncheon. 42..,Authorized tickets for the aged at the County Home to attend the Azalea Festival. 43..Approved funds for the Azalea Festival. 44.. Approved funds to advertise the Azalea Festival. 45..Au????orized payment to City for the Azalea Festival Luncheon. DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page ,. 4 .9 .. 9 11 12 3 3 4 4 4 5 9 10 11 11 1 2 3 4 5 5 8 9 11 l1 11 1 1 1 2 4 4 13 1953 11 414 14 1953 . 11 453 21 1953.. 11 455 2 1953.. 11 464 14 1953. 11 474 15 1954 11 493 29 1954 11 496 5 1954. 11 497 5 1954_ 11 498 l2 1954 11 508 17 1954 11 513 13 1954 11 540 25 1954 . 11 548 8 1954 11 553 15 1954 1? 553 10 1955. 11 5b6 21 1955 11 577 28 1955 11 585 4 1955 11 586 2 1955 11 594 31 1955 11 602 15 1955 11 625 19 1955 11 631 21 1955 12 18 21 1955 12 19 28 1955 12 20 16 1956 12 34 10 1956 12 38 30 1956 12 38 13 1956 12 44 3 1956 12 57 3 1956 12 57 5 7 1956 12 67 5 l4 1956 12 68 7 9 1956 12 81 7 30 1956 12 86 8 2Q 1956 12 91 1 21 1957 12 123 2 18 1957 12 I31 3 11 1957 12 136 3 25 1957 12 140 3 25 1957 12 140 12 23 1957 12 205 1 27 1958 12 218 2 10 1958 12 222 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- N H t C N C oun ew anover ?, . . _ MATTER• Festivals - ¦ec. u. s. ?r County Indezea Sinee 1888 ? TO (oWh eamlf? Oplel Ot J1116LE Bl iHF C07T lNDEX CAOMPAMYX COLUMBUS, DH10 rer OFFICE ?.irell7/.?,c*-? An Idenrifyin¢ Trade Mark SURl?AME INITIAL iA8 SOLD !Y OWEN i. DUNN, NEII ?ERN, NORTX CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Approved grandstand at courthouse for Azalea Festival. 2 10 195? 12 222 2. Appropriated $400.00 for Azalea Festival Golf Tournament. .. 2 24 1958. 12 226.. 3. Appropriated $600.00 for Azalea Festival advertising. _ 3 3 1958 12 231._ 4. Authorized Mr. Fred W. Everett of Jacksonville Fla. to decorate the courthousP. 3 2/? 1958. 12 237 5. Authorized extra funds for the Azalea Festival Luncheon. 4 14 1958 12 242 6. Appropriated funds for Azalea Festival adverti?ing Azalea Festival in State Magazine. 1 26 1959 12 364 7. Request to crackdown on litterbu?ging g?anted and referred to the sheriff's Dept. 3 2 1959 12 390 . 8. C.A.P.'s to operate drink and sandwich concession during Azalea Festival. 3 9 1959 12 393 _ 9. Approved request for bleachers at ?he courthouse. 3 9 1959 12 394 10. CommittEe to meet with C.A.P. to discuss concession at Airport. 3 23 1959 12 400 11. County prisoners to erect bleachers at Cape Fear Golf Course. 3 23 1959 12 401 12. Letter in regards to County-City bill for Azalea Festival Luncheon. 4 6 1959 12 410 13. Approved payment County part for Azalea Festival Luncheon. 4 13 1959 12 413 14. Approved request of $100.00 for Azalea Festival. 2 1 19?0 12 541 15. Appropriated $2,050.00 for County-City Azalea Festival Luncheon. 2 1 1960 12 541 16, Approved use of Airport for 82nd Airborne Div.'s Public Show and Concession handled by 3 7 1960 12 548 Azalea Fes?ival Committee. 17. Appropriated $50.00 for courthouse decorations. 3 7 1960 12 548 18. Authorized Chairman to work out guards for the Golf Tournament, no action on funds 3 7 1960 12 548 and clean-up request. 19. Approved bleachers at courthoba.se if Azalea Festival Committee provide? Ins,?rance. 3 14 1960 12 552 20. Appropriated $450.00 to Wilmin?ton Athl?tic Association for open Golf Tournament. 4 4 1960 12 559 21. Appropriated additional $550.00 to Azalea Festival Committee. 5 16 1960 12 573 . 22. Mr. Metts appointed to Azalea Festival Committee. 1 16 1961 Z2 643 23. Donated $4?0.00 for clean-up crew and guards at Open Golf Tournament. 2 20 196.? 12 649 24. Mr. Rod.gers complimented the Comm.issioners, suggested authorizing float for parade. 3 20 196? 12 655 25. Approved request for fireworks at Legion Stadium. 3 20 196?.' 12 656 26. County-City to participate equally for Azalea Festival Luncheon. 3 20 19F??. 12 657 27. Approved request to erect bleachers at courthouse. 3 20 196?. 12 657 28. Budget meeting, appropriated $2,500.00 for Azalea Festival, $750 for Golf Tournament. 7 26 1961 i3 4 29. Commissioners purchased Christmas Wrapping Paper from Teen-age Div. of Festival Comm: 12 4 1961_ 13 39 30. Approved firework display at Legion 5tadium. 3 19 1962 13 78 31. PrQgress report on the plans £or the Azalea Festival and credentials for Commissioners. 4 2 1962 13 87 32. Approved bleachers at courthouse for Azalea Festival Parade. 4 2 1962 13 87 33. Approved courthouse decoration by Mr. Fred W. Everett. 4 2 1962 13 87 34. Letter to Allen T. Strange and Committee complimenting Azalea Festival. 4 16 1962 13 98 35. Authorized payment for Azalea Festival Church Service?to H.A. Elebash amount of $202.00. 5 14 1962 13 102 36. Authorized payment of $1,230.85 to Wilmingtox? P-rinting Co. for Souvenir Booklets. 5 14 1962 13 102 37. Appropriated $900.00 to increase size of reviewing stand. 1 21 1963 13 185 38. State Magazine advertisin? referred to County Attorney. 3 4 1963 13 193 39. County Attorney presented Commissoiners Azalea Festival credentials. 4 1 1963 13 200 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATT RT?th Street Building 4 eec. u. s. CounYy Indezee Since 1888 To loeata namss, open af COTT A TO 2 TAB INDEX rer OFFICE C??L?ae-z?F An Identifying Trade Mark ? SURNAME INITIAL iAB ?SODD f YT OWE?NT G'NDUNN??NEW gE?dSNQN?O bATE MINUTE BOOK i NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page ? ]. Budget Amendment - 5th Street Bldg. (intial payment) 10 18 1_982 19 174 ! INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. ¦ec. u. s. Counry Indezes Since 1888 ?TO IOCit? Iqt11K? ?pM it ?er OFFICE ??? An Identifyin¢ Trade Mark SURNAM[ INRIAL TAs NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? SUBJECT FIGURE EIGHT ISLAND ` _ MATTER: _ COTT A-2 TA{ INOEX MADE BY TNE COTT INDEX COAAPANY, COLUIM?US, OHtO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Yea? Vol. Page 1. Budget Amendment-boundary dispute - surveyor 05 25 1978 18 215 INDEX TO COi?MIS5I0NERS MINUTES Rca. u. s. Counry Indezee Sinee 1888 r?r O FFIC[ ?? An Idantifying Trade Merk -- New Hanover County? ?. l?. , MAT ER: FINANCE COMMITTEE ` To locsts names, open at COTT A•Z TAB IkDEX ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLO BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA E? DATE ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? , ?? Month yr Day - - Year l. James Wilson and E.M. Shoemaker appointed to the Finance Committee. `? ?? 02 06 ? 1869 2.? James Wilson appointed Chairman of the Finance Committee. ?? 02 18 1869? ? 3.? Finance Committee authorized to engrave bonds. `' ?; 02 18 1869? ? 4. Finance Committee to arrange account of Daniel 0'Conner. ? 02 s 6 24 1869 5. State of accounts referred to Finance Committee. ?; 03 ? 04 1869? ? 6.? Loan from D. 0'Conner to County authorized by Finance Committee. R; 03 04 ' 1869 x 7.[ Report received from the Finance Committee. "! ?? 03 11 ? 1869 e Report on the loan from D. 0'Conner received. 8.'? ; 03 11 1869?? ? ? k ? 9.ha Finance Committee to receive bond from Chairman of Board. ;, 03 22 ?? 1869C; 10. Finance Committee to administer bonds. ;, 03 22 1869„ 11.,z Finance ?ommittee to authorize selling of bonds. 03 22 1869;° 12.,? Finance Chairman to confer with First National Bank. . 03 29 1869:; 13.:', Finance Committee to make schedule of taxes to be levied. ., 04 06 1869?; 14.'?'Received receipts from Mr. Shoemaker for sums loaned Finance Committee. . 04 06 1869:; 15.?; Finance Committee authorized to issue bonds to pay claims against County. ; 04 21 1869;5 ? ?? 16.?; Treasurer Brink's report referred to Finance Committee. E'? ? 04 27 1869'a; 17.;? Finance Committee to sell bonds to pay claims against County. ,: 04 27 1869;i ., 18.;; Letter from Clerk of Special Court referred to the Finance Committee and County Attorney. ,; 05 18 1869r; ? 19.;?' Letter from E. George referred to the Finance Committee. , , 06 f11 1869:i li? f? 20.i;Bil1 from E. Kidder & Sons referred to the Finance Committee. ;; 06 Ol 1869,? 21.:??Finance Committee to negotiate bonds for expenses of the County. ?? 06 07 r 1869,?, ,? 22.,;Sheriff and Clerk of Superior Court bills to be?investigated b? the Finance Committee. : 06 07 1869+ 23.p?Finance Committee to negotiate loan. (See COUNTY DEBT) ?F 06 26 1869,? ; 24.?? Finance Committee to issue bonds for County expenses. ;? ,; 06 26 1869;? ?. 25.k`Treasurer not to pay any claims against the County unless ordered by Chairman of Finance Committee. e; „ 07 07 , 1869;i 26.?;Chairman of Finance Committee to pay coupons due. ?? ;; 07 21 1869?? 'r 27.:sFinance Committee to pay any demands he deems necessary. „ 07 21 1869;p ?8.?'?;James Wilson resigned as Chairman of the Finance Committee. io 08 02 1869?i 29.i'Stephen Keyes appointed Chairman of Finance Committee. ? w 08 02 1869'? ; 30.k?Money received from sale of brick by Finance Co?nittee. 08 02 1869,d ,? F? ;? i? 31.?jSheriff to pay all monies collected to Finance Chairman not the Treasurer. (See SHERIFF) 08 03 1869?? i 32.;tlReport from James Wilson approved. ,, 08 03 '? 1869?? 33.!?County certificates for the Finance Committee: H.G. Barnhill,Annie Speights. ?'? . 09 T6 1869?? 34.,9Reduction of account of W.A. Lancout for membership on Finance Committee. , 09 16 1869; 35.;;Stephen Keyes resigned as Chairman of Finance Committee. a 1Q 05 1869;; 36.;? James Wilson appointed Chairman of Finance Committee. 10 OS 1869?? 37.?;Time set for meetings of the Finance Committee. ?. 11 02 1869;? 38.?;Treasurer and Clerk of Special Court not to pay any witness tickets until notified by Finance Committee. ? 12 06 1869?= 39.F Account of the late Finance Committee examined. ' 12 06 1869;? ? 40.??Finance Committee authorized to sell bonds or otherwise raise money to pay County debts. '; Ol 04 , 1870?? i ?? 41.;j Finance Committee to investigate affairs of the County to ascertain actual indebtedness. ` ;; Ol 04 ; 1870?' ;? 42."?Statement from Treasurer referred to the Finance Committee. ? 02 09 4 1870? : ,? , jF 43. Finance Committee to pay claims against County in bonds. ?' 02 + 09 tp 1870?? 44.P?F?nance Committee borrowed money from E. Pennypacker for County use. i," 03 07 i? 1870'?? E? ?; " 45.•;Finance Committee issued a certificate to Mr. Pennypacker. ?? 03 07 1870 46. Statement of Chairman of the Finance Committee S. Keyes received. ?y 03 08 1870? MINUTE BOOK Vol. Page I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 180 187 187 190 191 196 197 197 200 200 i 201 ? ? ?? 202 ik i 210 ? ? 212 ? 219 ? i 222 ? 222 ?? i? 236 { 246 ? ?47 249 ° ? ? 250 ? ; 261 ' 261 269 282 28 2 ?$ 2?4 ?, I 284 284 291 ;? 291 ?? 326 ? ? 326 ; l 330 ? 330 ? 337 ? 346 ? I 346 ? 398 398 ? 408 + 410 415 415 ? 420 ? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATTER: FINANCE COMMITTEE ? eec. u, s. County Indezee Since 1888 ? x+,-3-- To loeats names, open at COTT A•2 TAB INDEX ??r OFFICE (.?i????'.s An Identifyir.g Trade Mark ??'_? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ;? DATE ? MINUTE BOOK ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ; ; ?; Month i ? Day ? Year ??? Vol. Page ? 1 I?. Account of Chairman Keyes examined. 03 08 •a 1870,? 1 i,? 420 `? ? 2. Account overdrawn and amount will be transferred to Treasurer's account. 03 ? 08 1870?, ? 1 420 ?? ? 3. Finance Committee to procure Bond Books and vouchers from Treasurer and cancel same and deposit safely. 03 08 ? 1870;` t. 1 ; t? 421 '?.? EF 4. Sheriff's statement referred to Finance Committee. (See SHERIFF) 03 08 1870,;? 1 ', 421 ?n? , f ?, 5. Report from Finance Committee approved. , 04 06 1870?? 1 428 ?? 6. Letter from Chairman of Finance Committee concerning First National Bank filed. " 08 29 1870?{ 1 ! 469 ?p 7. Money from bank note drawn by Mr. Keyes given Finance Committee. ; 08 29 1870C; 1 ?M 469 E4 8. Report from the Finance Committee received. ; 08 30 1870? 1 481 ?.? 9. Report on August 2, 1870 of Finance Committee approved ?reasurer Brink's account. . 08 30 1870,,, 1 482 ; 10.t Report of Finance Committee recorded. See page 484. 08 30 1870,. 1 484 .. 11.;; Finance Committee to have 3 members. 09 05 1870` 1 485 12.,? , Finance Committee members: J.C. Heyer and E.M. Shoemaker ' . 09 05 1870 1 486 i 13.; ;? Obtaining legal advisor and his sa.iary referred to the Finance Committee. 09 05 1870, 1 486 ,. ?; 14.?, Finance Committee to act on revision in Tax List. 09 06 1870 1 487 ; ?i 15. ? Finance Committee to reQort on expenses of maintaining Jai1 and prisoners. 09 Q6 1870? 2 2? ? , F 16.' Former Treasurer Brink's accounts and vouchers referred to Finance Committee. 09 08 1870 2 3 k ? 17.'+ Mr. Brink's accounts found correct. 19.+ 20. F 21.? f 22.'. 23.? r ,24. ? 25. Y 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Chairman Martin reports First National Bank requested payment of notes. Chairman Martin recommends sale of bonds as collateral for payment to First National Bank. H.A. Willard's request for remission of tax referred to Finance Committee. F.C. Singletary's request for correction of tax list referred to Finan.ce Committee. Ed Mann, W.A. Falcomer, and James & Brown requested to be released from tax, referred to Finance Comm. i Account of Robert Wood, late Superintendent of Work House, referred to Finance Committee. ; f ; Letter from Benjamin Durfee referred to Finance Committee. ? Finance Committee to negotiate loan to pay money due First National Bank and E.J. Pennypacker. ? Finance Committee to examine expenses of employing a County Attorney. ? j Finance Committee received petition from F,W. Fost to have taxes remitted. ? ? Al1 jury tickets to be examined and stamped by the Finance Committee. , , ? f Bill from George Flack for a finance claim approved. ? ? ? Finance Committee to engage a room for use of the Board. I ; Room found for Board's use at $12.00 per month. Finance Committee to petition Legislature to pass an act allowing County to retain Special Taxes the 1 ? Sheriff now holds for 1869. (See SHERIFF'S DEPARTNIENT) s I Finance Committee considering continuing janitorial services for the Courthouse. s } Application of T. Gardner for compensation received. ? Finance Committee recommended an attorney be employed when needed and paid a fair rate. i ? Finance Committee to make statement on financial affairs for the County. i ? Finance Committee to pay bond interest due by a loan or otherwise, no funds in Treasury for such. a i 38.? Letter received from Superintendent of Public Instruction concerning taxes from County for schools. t' 39.?p Claim from old Finance Committee received. 3 40.?? Claims of John Powers and Samuel Bunting passed by the Finance Committee and ta be paid. 41. Auditing Committee approved "Old Finance Claim" for S.R. Bunting. 42.t Matter of raising funds to pay interest on County debt referred to Finance Committee. :? 43.? Committee of Finance appointed to examine accounts and financial condition of County. ? 44. Members on Committee of Finance: Frank King, Samuel Bunting and Lawson Rice. 45.s? A,R. Black appointed member of Finance Committee created at last meeting. 09 09 09 , 09 , 09 09 09 09 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 12 02 03 04 05 06 08 08 :, 08 , ?8 08 1870; 08 1870? 08 1870 21 1870 ` 21 1870,; 21 1870,,, 22 1870 22 1870,; 03 1870:; 03 1870, 08 1870_. 13 1870 13 1870a 22 1870 07 1870 07 1870; 07 1870. 07 1870, 07 1870^, 05 1870, 06 1871 06 1871' 05 1871.; O1 1871,; 02 1871; 08 1871,; 08 1871;: 08 1871,,; 14 1871',; u ,? ?= ? ? 2 2 2 Z 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 , 7 ? 7 ?: 13 . 13 ?, 13 „ 17 r? 17 .; 26 28 31 36 ; 37 ? 73 ?, 79 79 80 80 81 93 ; 120 128 6? 144 ? 153 ,; 172 ' 199 '` 200 200 i 211 i INDEX TO CONiMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County N C FINANCE COMMITTEE MATTER , . . _ : ` ero. u. s. County Indexee Since IBBB ? 70 locats namss, OpBt! 0t r?r o?nc[ ??? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAM! INITIAL TAB COTT A•Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLU BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA € ; NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE ,' ;'j MINUTE BOOK ?? ?? ? Month ? Day ? Year ?5 ' Vol. ? Page ?? 4 ? , 1. ;! Finance Committee to call on Sheriff and Treasurer every ten days to see that State and County taxes are 09 23 1871??;, 2 223 ?? ?; collected correctly. , ?y ? ? ? ? 2. ?; Finance Committee to employ legal council to advise the Board. ; 10 02 1871?? 2 226 ? 3. , ;a Committee received matter of remitting County tax on theatrical campanies. i ,` 10 07 1871?? 2 , 230 4. ? E; Money from Wilmington School Fund to be loaned out at interest by Finance Committee. 10 07 1871P; 2 230 ?? ?? 5. '? New members on Finance Committee: Commissioners Martin, Morris, and Shoemaker. 09 02 1872?; 2 353 ? 6. '':Members of Finance Committee: S.N. Martin, L. Chadbourn and A.H. Morris. ? 03 17 1873f 3 40 6? 4,e .. ? i' 7. Committee received matter of insufficient bonds of Township officers from Solicitor. .y 03 . 24 1373 ,? 3 E? 41 E' ,; 8. Taxes listed to be levied as recommended by the Finance Committee. (Pages 45-48) 03 24 ? 1873 3 ?t 45 . ;a C' 9. Finance Committee to obtain Attorney's opinion on Sections 24,Schedule B and Sections 1 and 2, Schedule C. 03 24 1873 3 49 10. Finance Committee reports purchase of bonds from P.H. Langdon. .. 05 . 12 1873 .. 3 68 .; lI. Letters from S.S. Satchwell, Bruce Williams, W.S. Larkins, J.T. Collins, and Owen Alde received. 08 04 1873 3 91 12. All tax complaints to be received by this Committee. 08 14 1873 3 98 13. All tax complaints referred to this Committee. 08 18 1873 3 99 I 14.: dAll tax complaints referred to this Committee. 08 19 1873 15. ?All tax complaints referred to this Committee. 08 20 1873 16. All tax complaints referred to this Committee. 08 21 1873 17.; ;A11 tax complaints referred to this Committee. OS 22 1$73„ 18., ,Report from Finance Committee on petitions of taxpayers for a revision of assessments. 08 23 1873 19. ,Alterations in assessments approved and report spread upon minutes. (Pages 105-109) . 08 23 1t373 20., List of persons to receive a tax refund. . 08 23 1873„? 21.. ,Finance Committee granted more time on tax complaints from Wilmington Township. (See TAX DEPARTMENT) OS 23 1873„ 22. Committee received number of tax complaints. 10 06 1873 23. ?Report of Finance Committee on tax abatements, pages 133-138. 11 04 1873 24., ;Sheriff to be notified of abatements and allowed in his settlement with County and State. 11 04 1873,; 25. " Finance Committee to estimate cost of caring for large number of paupers now charged to County. , 12 02 1873, 26.: Finance Committee to report on means to meet additional expenses of City paupers. 12 02 1873 27. ,Finance Committee granted more time for report. 12 08 1873: ' 28. 'Finance Committee to examine Treasurer's accounts and to meet with Treasurer for settlement. O1 05 1874 29. Finance Committee to determine rate of taxation for 1874 for 12 months from July 1,1874. . 03 05 1874„ 30., ,Finance Committee authorized to borrow money or make loans as required by County expenses. 03 05 1874:- 31. Notes of County Commissioners sealed with County Seal authorized to be given on above loan and are declared„ 03 05 1874 „ valid and binding. 32.. .Sum to be borrowed, or notes given, not to exceed $15,000. 03 05 1874., (- 33. Ghairman made report on behalf of Finance Committee. 03 16 1874 34. Report of Finance Committee on expenses of County spread upon minutes, and amount of expenses and income 03 16 1874 set down. 35. Large expenses for five terms of Superior Court and care of paupers added to great increase over past year. 03 16 1874 36. ;Tax rates for 1874 set down as recommended by Finance Committee; Report of Finance Committee approved. 37. ?Tax complaints referred to Finance Committee. 38. Request for.reduction of taxes from ?1rs. C.A. Williams referred to Committee to be formed. 39. ,'Request for tax reduction from John Bradshaw referred to Finance Committee when appointed. 40. Letter from Caswell Trustees relative to Township taxes referred to Finance Committee when appointed. 41. ,Committee received request from G.A. Herring for reduction of taxes. 42. ?Members appointed to Committee: James Wilson, J. Wagner and Stacy Van Amringe. 43.?,Requests for tax reductions from J. Hill, J. Washburn, F. Burnett, John Satta, and R.B. Jewett received. ?s ? i; ? 03 16 1874 08 04 1874 ?, 09 11 1874 09 14 1874 09 15 1874 09 16 1874 : 09 16 1874 ;, 09 23 1874 = 3 99 3 99 ' ;s 3 100 ,' ;; 3 100 E: 3 104 E? 3 105 ?:' 3 108 ` s? 3 110 ' 3 112 ,' s 3 132 ? 3 132 ? 3 151 ??, 3 151 ? 3 158 " ,, 3 163 `: R• 3 191 ;; 3 191 ,' 3 191 `: E. 3 192 :. 3 192 ' 3 193 a? F; 3 193 ;_ 3 193 ?. r 3 232 :' ei 1 ?' 3 256 , :9 i 3 25$ '?. ?? 3 259 '' 3 261 . ? 3 262 ? C? ?' 3 263 1- INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATT R FLEMINGTON ` rtec. u. s. County lnde:es Since 1888 TO I?lsb eaM?f. ?pM it COTT A-Z TM iNeEX PAT orvice ?,?J? Anldentifyin?TradeMark ? SURNAM[ INRIAL TAe ?OLDYBYHOW NTiG?NDUNNCCOPANNENCOBEMtUSNOHIO NAiURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Discussion on meeting in Raleigh Concerning Flemington 2. Update on Flemington 3. Roads in Flemington deteriorating because of water being hauled 4. Report or removal of water tanks from Flemington 5. Findings of a study of groundwater pollution at Flemington 6. Discuss Landfill Study w/Gov. Rep. 7. Discuss Landfill w/L. Poole 8. Budget Transfer - soil borings 9. Community Water System for ?Iemington I0. Community Development Funds for Flemingtcn. 11. Public Hearing - Comm. Development Block Grant Funds for water system for Flemington 12. Discussion Flemington Water System Grant 13. Grant for Flemington Water System 14. Additional Water Tank for Flemington 15. Water trailer for Flemington 16, HUD Grant Application for Flemington water system 17. Discussion - Grant application for Flemington water system 18. Proposal for replacing wells 19. Discussion of placement fo water tanks in Flemington 20. Update on temporary water system 21. Executive session to discuss Flemington litigation 22. Engineering preliminary study for Flemington Water System 23. Application for Co?ununity Development Blick Grant funds for water supply in Flemington 24. Approval of contract with Henry von Oesen & Associates for Flemington water study 25. Mrs. Malpass appeared before Board for information on 55 gallon water barrels 26. Agreement with Flemington resiuents for use of water tanks 27. Report on progress of Flemington Water System 28. Conun. Gottovi requested update on delivery of water tanks to families in Flemington 29. Henry von Oesen Assoc. presented a proposed plan for water system for r'lemington 30. Mr. Ron Shackelford presented members of alternatives to landfills for solid waste disposal 31. Date set for work session w/Hznry von Oesen & Assoc. & discussion of Flemington Water System 32. Comment on Flemington Water System by Mrs. Eva Yates 33. Execution of HUD Grant for Flemington Water System 34. Discussion on bids for Flemington Water System 35. Discussion Flemington water system 36. Adoption of Capital Project Ordinance for water system 37. Discussion on transcript of Flemington lawsuit hearing 38. Discussion on landfill Public Hearing format 39. Request for additional water barrels at Flemington 40. Award of Bid for construction of Flemington Water System 41. County Mgr. reported that bids have been rece?ved on the Flemington Water System 42. Discussion on water Supply Ordinance for Flemington Water Syste:*? 43. Contract`with Rothrock Construction Company for Flem.ington Water System 44. Comments from Flemington residents on Temporary Water Supply 45. Comments from Flemington Residents 46. Change Orders to Rothrock C?nstruction Contract for additional test wells 07 17 1978 18 08 07 1978 18 08 21 1978 18 09 13 1978 18 11 20 1978 18 11 2Q 1978 18 11 20 L978 18 11 28 1978 18 12 04 1978 18 i 12 X8 1978 18 O1 15 1979 18 03 19 1979 18 08 06 1979 18 08 20 1979 18 09 04 1979 18 09 17 1979 18 09 17 1979 18 10 O1 1979 18 11 05 1979 18 12 03 1979 18 12 10 1979 18 12 10 1979 18 12 17 1979 18 12 17 1979 18 O1 07 1980 18 Ol 21 1980 18 02 18 1980 18 03 17 1980 18 0"s 17 1980 18 03 Z7 1980 18 04 O8 1980 18 04 08 1980 18 04 21 1980 18 04 21 1980 18 04 17 1980 18 05 19 1980 18 05 19 1980 18 05 19 1980 18 u5 19 1980 18 06 25 1980 ?8 06 16 1980 18 07 07 1980 18 07 28 1980 18 07 28 1580 18 08 04 1980 18 08 18 1980 18 252 258 268 276 303 303-4 304-05 310-11 316 321 ??39 375 456 463 472 ?. 7 4 482 489 509 521 523 523 529 531 538 542 555 570 571 57G 578 580 583 588 581 600 603 603 603 624 619 632 638 638 647 648 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. aec. u. s. County Indezes Since 1888 Te leeab nam?s, ?pM K PAT OFFICE ???,?? An Identifrine Trado Mark SURNAME INITIA? TAE - SUBJECT rLEl?iINGTON _ MATTER: COTT A-Z TA? INOEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMYUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. DATE MINlRE BoOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Yenr Vol. Page 1. Recommendation of well site for Flemington Water System 09 02 1980 18 660 2. Right-of-Way agreement with 3eaboard Coastline for water lines 11 03 1980 18 700 3. Request for update on completion date for Flemington Water System 11 17 1980 18 708 4. Amendment to engineering agre?me..t 12 Ol 1980 18 710 5. County Manager authorized to award plumbing contracts for Flemington 12 Ol 1980 18 724 6.,. Comments on protection from freezing of temporary water supplies at Flemington 12 Ol 1980 18 725 7. Land purchase agreement for well site 12 15 1980 18 732 8._. Water purchase agreement with WR Grace 12 15 1980 18 732 9. Change Qrder ??1 12 15 1980 18 733 10. Deletion of agenda item authorizing County Manager to procedd with connections. 12 15 1980 18 733 ?l' Chairman authorized to execute easements Ol 05 1981 18 737 12. Budget amendment to transfer county portion not transferred in 79/80 O1 05 1981 18 738 13. Budget amendment to readjust capital project a/c to reflect cost of Ind. connections and Ind. payments Ol 05 1981 18 738 14. Discussion on status of water system O1 05 1981 18 746 15. Bid award to Poquoson for individual house connections - list of all bids Ol 19 1981 18 750 16. Change Orders-contract with Poquoson for decrease of $606.84 - Rothrock increase $3,606.84 04 21 1981 1$ 807 17. Authorization to pursue funding for an additional well for water system 05 18 1981 18 838 18. Second well for Flemington Water System 06 15 1981 18 865 19. Public Hearing - CDBG Funds for Flemington Water System 08 03 1981 18 896 20. Acceptance of Clean Water Bond Grant for Second Well at Flamington 10 05 1981 18 937 21. Well Addition and Water main extension for Flemington Water System 12 21 1981 18 977 22. Approval of Contract of South Atlantic Services for Water Tank d3 Ol 1982 19 25 23. Authorization for Chm, to execute encroachment agreement with DOT and application for addition to 03 15 1982 19 36 Flemington Water Supply System H INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - N FLOOD INSURANCE Cou t N C anover ew y, . n . , MATTER: a xea. u. s. /?//p? County Indexes Since 1888 F? ?Te I?eab nam?s, ?pM ?t !AT OFFICE {-.(.(.?( /? AnldentiEyingTtadeMark ?? EURNAM[ INRIAL TA? COTT A.I TA? INOEX ?SOLDYBYHOW NttG!NDUNN?CIOANNENCOBEMiUfNOH10 DATE MlNUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Proposed Flood Plain Regulations 03 20 1978 18 182 Z. Public Hearing-Flood Plain Management - Ordinance adopted 04 03 1978 18 188 3. Public Hearing-County Flood Plain Regulations amendment 07 03 1978 18 243 4. Barrier Islands Flood Insurance Proposed Regulations comments 02 Ol 1982 18 1000 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES N H C N C -- ew anover ount?, . . ; MATT RT FORT FISHER aec. u. s. p1f? County Indcxea Since 1888 ?? y}?.?}+ To locate names, open ai (OTT A•Z TA8 INDEX a-u? An ldentifying Trade Mark U??CS SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO r?r OFiiCE ??„C . SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BER N, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE Month I Day I Year 1. Request for J.O. Carr of Beach Companies that a plank road be built to Ft. Fisher referred to this Commit tee 07 03 1916 2. Request from Topsoil Sound citizens for a road referxed to this Committee. 04 02 1917 3. Request from Edgar Williams for a road to Ft. Fisher referred to this Committee. 04 02 1917 4. Board cancelled bond on Beach Companies relative to building Ft. Fisher highway. 08 07 1917 5. Attorney to notify W. C. Smith to repair Ft. Fisher Highway or will be indicted. 03 21 1918 6. Attorney to defer action against W. C. Smith for damages of Ft. Fisher Highway. 04 O1 191$ 7. Gravel to be purchased to repair Ft. Fisher Highway. 11 04 1918 8. C. Chadbourn not relieved of paying for hauling lumber over Ft. Fisher Highway. 02 10 1919 9. Board agreed to sand clay surface on Ft.Fisher Highway to Kure Development Co. 04 14 1919 10. Gravel purchased for repair of Ft. Fisher Highway and road at Castle Hayne. 04 14 ].919 11. Supt. of Roads to widen parts Carolina Beach Blvd. and Ft. Fisher Highway. 05 20 1919 12. Request that road from Ft. Fisher Highway to Oak Hill School be discontinued declined. 08 04 1919 13. Damages to Car of Ed Story due to washout on Ft. Fisher Highway referred to Road Committee. 08 28 1919 14. Kure Land Development Co. to be informed that work on road to Ft. Fisher Beach would begin soon. O1 05 1920 15. Ft. Fisher Highway to be widened and Myrtle Grove Road to be repaired. 11 O1 1920 16. W. R. Dosher suggested Ft.Fisher Highway be extended into Ft. Fisher. 12 06 1920 17. Cost of building Ft.Fisher Highway and possibility of using State convicts for work to be investigated. 12 06 1920 18. Kure Lan.d Co. offered to let County remove material from its property to build road to Ft. Fisher. 12 06 1920 19. Wood along Ft. Fisher Highway and lumber along Scotts Hill Road to be removed. 03 15 1921 20. Legality of Walker Hewett maintaining a gate across Ft. Fisher Road referred to Attorney. 08 O1 1921 21. Request to change location of intersection of Myrtle Sound Road and Ft. Fisher Highway referred to 10 03 1921 Road Committee. 22. Signs directing way to Ft.Fisher to be placed on Ft.Fisher HIGHWAY. 11 30 1921 23. Road to Ft. Fisher Beach to be widened. 06 05 1922 24. Request for repair money for Ft. Fisher Road to the "Racks" referred to Road Committee. 07 02 1922 25. Mainland Beach Corp. to remove its sign at intersection of Ft. Fisher dirt road and Main Blvd. 07 28 1922 26. Howard and Wells to remove fence along Ft. Fisher Highway. OS ? 09 1922 27. Request for damages to auto of C. D. Gilbert due to washout on Ft. Fisher Highway declined. 10 02 1922 28. No action,on opening road from Oleander to Ft. Fisher Highway. 02 04 1924 29. State Engineer to look over route for a?roposed State Highway to Ft.Fisher. 03 03 1924 30. Board will allow money for market at Ft. Fisher if State Historical Society donates same. 08 22 1921 31. Board to provide money for historical market at Ft. Fisher without money from State. 11 30 1921 32. Board approved building a road to Ft.Fisher by way to Williams Ave. 04 10 1924 33. Speed limit sign ?o be replaced at South Wilmington School on Ft. Fisher Highway. 05 05 1924 34. Road from Wilmington Beach to Ft. Fisher to be repaired. 07 07 1924 35. Matter of a tablet to commemorate landing of Union soldiers for attack on Ft. Fisher referred. O1 05 1925 36. County to allow its share for a marker to commemorate landing of Union soldiers for attack on Ft.Fisher. 02 02 1925 37. Conversion of Ft. Fisher site to National Park received. To be presented to State Legislature. 09 20 1927 38. Commissioners voted on Ft.Fisher trip to check Williams ave. construction. 0$ 04 1928 39. Road construction to rebuild highway circling Ft. Fisher mound struck by storm approved. 06 19 1928 40. Rent of small roller to B. F. Ramseur for Ft. Fisher Highway usage agreed. 08 05 1929 41. Erosion along Ft. Fisher highway: cF Resolution" 03 16 1931 42. Ft.Fisher Beach erosion amended. 04 27 1931 43. Warrant for $1,000 drawn for State Dept. of Conservation & Development to meet expenses of Erosion Bd. 06 08 1931 investigating Ft. Fisher Beach Erosion. 44. Material on Ft. Fisher roadway moved by Walter Winner; hence, Winner instructed to replace it or face MINUTE BOOK Vol. I Page ; ? 569 7 617 7 617 7 633 7 681 7 685 ? 8 4 8 35 8 43 8 43 8 53 8 68 8 72 8 92 8 129 8 134 8 134 8 135 8 149 8 169 8 175 8 180 8 200 8 201 8 205 8 207 8 212 8 280 8 285 8 172 8 ? 180 8 ? 290 8 29b 8 304 8 320 8 326 8 463 8 513 8 514 8 588 9 98 9 104 9 112 ? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER: FORT FISHER a ?? ?. -? To locate names, open at COTS A-i Sp6 INDEX aec. u. s. Counry lndezee Since 1888 MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COINPANY, COLUMBUS, ONIO r?r OFFICE ?e?? An ldentifying Trade Mark ?`'8 SU$NAMR INITIAL TAS SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORiH CAROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOR NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day ? Year Vol. ? Puge action for unlawful removal of it. Ob 15 1931 9 113 1., Board committee agreed to investigate removal of road surface material by Winner along Ft. Fisher. 06 22 1931 9 114 2. Check of $1,000--recent appropriation from state Conservation & Development to be mailed. 06 29 1931 9 lI5 3. Action against Walter Winner for removal of road material along Ft. Fisher Rd. was dropped. 06 29 1931 9 116 4. Board voted to request state dept. of conservation and deve?opment to take advisement on beautification of 12 07 1931 9 142 Ft. Fisher Highway. , 5.: Purchase?of pl.atform authorized at Ft. Fisher for confererate memorial. 03 21 1932 9 158 6.' ?j 'Repo`rt ?from U. S. Beach Erosion Board, dealing with erosion at Ft. Fisher was received. 05 31 1932 9 165 7.' Appiication of Kure Beach Land & Development Co, approved for public parking place at Ft. Fisher. Ol 02 1934 9 264 8. Arrest of beach erosion at Ft. Fisher ordered forwarded Co Congressman Clark. 06 03 1935 9 345 9. Ft. Fisher jetty requested for construction. 03 I6 1936 9 414 10. L. C. Kure requested, referred on jetty construction at Ft. Fisher. 03 23 1936 9 414 11. N. C. Lines, Inc. paid to deliver Ft. Fisher freight. 04 Q6 1936 9 418 12. Committee named to confer with Senator on erosions. 08 03 1936 9 445 13. C. Truck granted to haul clay for Ft. Fisher pier. OS 31 1938 9 588 14. Deputy at Ft. Fisher requested, declined, referred to Sheriff. 08 22 1938 9 611 15. Supt. of County Home to haul seats to Ft. Fisher for celebration. 10 03 1938 10 14 16. Commissioners to appear in Washington on Ft. Fisher Erosion Control. 03 13 1939 ;10 44 17. Cape Fear Stamp and Cover Club approved movement to commemorate stamp of battle of Ft. Fisher. 03 15 1939 10 57 18. Presentation of Ft. Fisher urged by historic commission. 04 0$ 1940 10 42 19. Land at Ft. Fisher given to county for Federal Park. 04 15 1940 10 121 20. G. W. Goodson to use benches at Ft. Fisher. 06 10 1940 ZO 131 21. Communication received to include Ft. Fisher as state park. 08 21 1944 10 403 22. Marker at Ft. f isher and erosion matter referred to Chm. 07 16 1945 10 449 23. Communication received on Federal Pt. land used as Ft. Fisher inemorial. 06 10 1946 10 S00 24. City title to be accepted on Ft. Fisher memorial. 07 22 1946 10 506 25. Ft. Fisher erosion discussed survey requested. 11 25 1946 10 528 26. Report received on Ft. Fisher Erosion prevention. 05 19 1947 10 566 27. Ft. Fisher historic marker to be moved. 03 O1 1948 lI I5 04 19 1948 11 22 28. Ft. Fisher road reopened. 29. Deed accepted for Ft. Battle plot. 03 06 1949 11 161 30. State Highway Dept. request repairs to Ft. Fisher road. 05 15 1949 II I86 31. Deed accepted of Ft. Fisher Battle Acre. 05 29 19?+9 11 188 32. tree Fund granted to reinstall?fallen over Ft. Fisher monument. 09 24 1951 11 289 33. Motion carried for State Conservation and Development to conserve Ft. Fisher monument. 12 03 1951 11 306 34. Publications cost to be secured on Ft. Fisher manuscript of Harry Haydens. 06 30 i952 11 346 35. Carolina Printing Co. received on advertising Ft. Fisher's Hayden Manuscript. 07 14 1952 11 350 36. Ft. Fisher's Harry Hayden manuscript discussed, contained valuable information. 07 28 1952 11 356 37. No action taken on Harry Hayden request for publication of his Ft. Fisher manuscript. 08 25 1952 11 360 38. Memorial Day service invitation received at Ft. Fisher. 05 04 1953 11 418 39. Letter read on new Ft.Fisher flag; matter investigated. 09 14 1953 11 453 40. Carolina Beach Garden Club to assume beautification of Ft. Fisher flag site. 10 19 L953 11 461 41. Senatorial letters received on establishing Ft. Fisher as National. Bank. 11 30 1953 lI 469 42. National Parks Service letter received to establish monument at Ft. Fisher. 02 23 1954 11 48$ 43. Invitation received for Memorial Day service at Ft. Fisher. 04 26 1954 11 508 44. . Ft. Fisher flag not replace at site;due to bad winds. k t 06 21 1954 11 523 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES N ?I C N C -- ew anover ount?, . . _?pTTER: FORT FISHER ` ry ? Ta loca?s namss, open af COTT A-2 TA! INDEX aec. u. s. Coun Indezee ?ince 1888 MIIdE Bll 7HE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO PAT OFFICE ??1?.? An Idrndfyens Trade Mark StlRKAME INIiIAL TAB SOLD iY OWEN i. D UNN, NEN OERN, NORiM GROLINA NATURE OF P?OCEEDINGS DATE MINUT E BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page , l. Work reported on Ft. Fisher Park site. 09 20 1954 11 542 2. Carolina Beach OCEAN Garden Club letter received on beautification of Ft. Fisher Park. 10 15 1954 11 547 3. Historic Co?mission letter of thanks received on Ft. Fisher marker. O1 24 1955 lI 570 4. 9and Dunes construction announced for Ft. Fisher Beach. O1 31 1955 11 572 5. U. S. Engineer letter received on correcting Ft. Fisher erosion. 04 04 1955 11 587 6. Discussion of bids for sand dune rehabilitation machine. 09 26 1955 12 1 7. Sand dune rehabilitation to begin soon. 10 03 1955 12 6 8. Sand dune to be completed today. 10 31 1955 12 13 9. Sand dc?ne biZZs for repair presented. 11 07 1955 12 16 10. Sand dune invoice sent to State. 11 14 1955 12 17 11. Sand dune completed, discussed upkeep. 11 21 1955 12 19 12. New bulletins concerning funds for erosion. 12 OS 1955 12 23 13. Receipts received for work on sand dune. O1 03 1956 12 30 14. Sand fence discussed. Ol 09 1956 12 33 15. Received final payment for sand dune. Ol 17 1956 12 35 16. Representative to make test to end beach erosion. OI 30 I956 12 40 17. Discussion on grasses to retard erosion on beach. 02 06 1956 12 40 18. Congress to be petition for funds to help stop erosion. 02 06 1956 12 41 19. A report on South Atlantic Regional meeting of national rivers and harbors congress. 02 13 1956 12 43 20. Received report from Soil conservationist on grass for beach dune. 02 20 1956 12 45 21. Sealed bids received for errecting fenee on sand dune. 02 27 1956 12 46 22. Discussion on removal of Hurricane debris. 03 05 1956 12 50 23.. Contractors to remove debris with owners permission. 03 12 1956 12 52 24. Soil test reported. 03 26 1956 12 56 25. Progress reported on sand dune. 03 26 1956 12 56 26. Report on sand dune fence. 04 16 1956 12 61 27. Sand fence completed. 07 09 1956 12 81 28. Board approved widening US 421 from Wilmington to Ft. Fisher Ferry boat. 02 11 1957 12 129 29. ?he Clerk to check on battle acre permises at Ft. Fisher. OZ lI 1957 12 I30 30. Recevied report on Battle Acre Grounds. 03 04 1957 12 135 31. Letter pertaining to bill passed for beach funding. 04 08 1957 12 144 32. Board granted $500 beach .:-?sociation. 04 29 1957 12 147 33. Meeting to discuss plan for restoration and preservation of Ft. Fisher site for Historical Values. 09 09 1957 12 178 34. State to participate in permanent program to stop erosion. 10 21 1957 12 188 35. Signs errected to Ft. Fisher at Myrtle Grove. 12 09 1957 12 201 36. Report from SENCBA OZ 03 1958 I2 220 37, Mr. Richard A. Sherv suggested ways to rehibilitate beach erosion. 11 10 1958 12 323 38. SENCBA informed board of interest to establish Ft. Fisher as Historic Shrine. 11 17 1958 12 332 39. Board approved funds for SENCBA advertising and $Z00 year for lease of Zand. 11 17 1958 12 332 40. Progress report on Ft. Fisher as Historical area. O1 12 1959 12 358 41. County Attorney to draw resolution for establishment of State Park. 02 16 1959 12 381 42. Report on proposed Ferry from Ft. Fisher to Southport, Board adopted resolution. 05 04 ]959 12 423 43. Board appropriated $10,000 to be used with civil defense rehibilitation money for erosion. 07 O1 1959 12 454 44. Received bids for Hurricane damage repairs awarded bids to Barefoot and Talmon Construction. 08 12 1959 12 484 45. Complaint against County electrical inspector deferred for study until next meeting. 12 31 1959 12 524 46. Notice of hearing in Raleigh, to consider need for proposed Ferry from Ft. Fisher to Southport. O1 18 1960 12 535 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES ¦ee. u. s. County Indezee $ince 1888 r?r OFFICE ??11G?oz?I An identifying Trade Mark ?a „! 6? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS l.'.?' Approved payment of invoices rent of property and advertising of SENCBA. 2. Board urged to attend meeting support of Ferry. 3. Mrs. Alice Strickland, reported of cermony to initiate the restoration of Ft. Fisher. 4.?? Invitation to attend public hearing to discuss the procedures and considerations of the joint beach study by the Corps of Engineers. 5.'+ Board express willingness to accept cooperation for erosion control. '"; 6.? Letter regarding plans Ft. Fisher as historical site. .? 7. Motion carried to deed Battle Acre to the State Dept. of Archives and History, also to appropriate $3000 8. Budget meeting, $lO,DOD for erosion control. 9. Approved $3,000 toward the building of a pavillion. 10. Motion carried for certificate of indebetedness from State Before check of $3000 paid. 11. New break water to check erosion. 12. Approved funds for Restoration site, regarding Independence Day celebration, also firework display. 13. No action on request to increase budget for Restoration committee. 14. Beach preservation report, commissioners recessed to inspect beaches. 15. Letter regarding support of Ft. Fisher ferry services. Resolution to same, budget discussion. 16. Appropriated $5000 for Restoration Fund. 17. Chairman authorized to discuss erosion project with other Commissioners. 18. Erosion 19. Commem?ration 20. Restoration 21. Relief Ferry 22. Establishing of Management Advisory Committee 23. Comm. Gottovi to serve on Ft. Fisher Park Task Force 24• Approval of Funding for Fort Fisher Project DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page Ol 18 1960 12 537 02 O1 1960 12 541 06 27 1960 12 582 07 05 1960 12 585 08 Ol 1960 12 601 02 06 1961 12 646 03 20 1961 12 655 07 26 ?962 13 3 07 26 1962 13 3 09 18 1962 13 20 04 02 1962 13 $9 07 02 1962 13 121 07 11 1962 13 128 12 03 1962 13 174 05 20 1963 13 216 07 29 1963 13 239 11 04 1963 13 265 04 20 1964 13 311 11 02 1964 13 391 11 16 1964 13 395 05 20 1968 14 190 Ol 13 1982 18 986 02 O1 1982 18 L000 04 ??5 1982 18 43 25. Contract with Carolina Beach for Lifeguards at Fort Fisher 05 17 1982 19 66 26. Agreement with Dept. of Natural Resources and Community Development for Dev. of Ft. Fisher05 17 1982 19 72 2 7. Funding for Public Beach Access at Fort Fisher 08 16 1982 19 138 28. (OUTDOOR FORT FISHER MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMIT'7? r SUBJECT -- New Hanover County? ?. U. , MATTER: FORT FISHER ` ? To loca+? nam?s, op?n af WTt A•i TAi INDEX MIILE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, ONIO fURNAME INITIAL TAB SOID ?Y OWEN 0. YUNN, NEII lERM, NORTN GROLINA , .. ? INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. _ MU JECT Freeman Beach - xec. u. s. ????? County lndexea Since 1888 ? io lotot? noMls? o?Nn af COTT A•2 TA? INDEX PAT OFFICE ??`?(,a-?c.a An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB IIAADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD i1 OMEN 0. GUNN, NEw {ERN. NORTN GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Commissioners to consider Freeman Beach in next budget, 4 28 1958 12 252 2. Mr. Von Oesen to meet with Commissioners for repairs at Freeman Beach. 1 19 1959 12 361 3. Groins for beach discv.ssed and amount allocated from Civil Defnese for project. 1 26 1959 12 364 4. No Federal funds for Freeman Beach, new application being submitted. 2 9 1959 12 375 5. Joint meeting, Commissioners and Carolina Beach town council to discuss Freeman Beach. 3 23 1959 12 401 6. Authorized advertising for bids to construct groins. 5 18 1959 12 434 7. Received bids for groins construction, deferred for further study. 6 1 1959 12 439 8. Appropriated $10,000.00 to be used with Civil Defense money for erosion control. 7 1 1959 12 434 9. Received bids for hurricane damages repairs, awarded contra.ct to Barefoo? Construction 8 I2 ?959 ?2 484 and Talman Construction Companies, appropriated $48,000 for work. 10. Mr. Von Oesen authorized to begin work on Freeman Beach. 4 21 1959 12 499 11. Received report on progress and bad conditions at beach. 10 5 1959 12 500 12. N?r. Frank Hill, reported on condition of beach, requested additional work, no funds. 6 27 1960 12 581 13. Commissioners expressed willingness to accept plan C for cooperative erosion control. 8 1 1960 12 601 I4. Budget meeting, approved $10,00Q for erosion control. 7 26 1961 13 3 15. Discussed new breakwater to check erosion. 4 2 1962 13 89 16. Beach preservation report received, Commissioners recessed to inspect beaches. 12 3 1962 13 174 N C MATTER INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County FINANCE COMMITTEE . , . _ : ` eac. u. s. County Indezea Since 188d ? To loeats names, open at COTT A•2 TAB INDEX r?r OFFIGE C???a? An ldentifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE tQTT INDEX tOMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA 1n DATE `? MINUT E BOOK ,'. NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ' Month Day { Year ?M Vol. Page ?; I I ? ss 1.? _ ? Request from Messrs. Vicks and M?bine for reduction of assessment on partnerhsip property received. ? 10 06 1874,? a? 3 265 rx ?d; , 2.? , Committee received request from Cottie Savage for tax remission. : 10 07 1874y 3 268 ?' ?''r 3. Received petition from J.W. Morgan for tax reduction. ` 10 07 1874 3 269 ?? 6? 4. Application of W.W. Carnpen for remission of taxes received. 11 02 1874 ?? ?? 3 270 a` ?' 5. Applications of T. Collins and John Mahn for reduction of taxes received. . 11 02 1874'., 3 27p `,' N, 6. Application of Owen Fennell, Jr. for refund on money improperly paid received. .; 11 02 1874;' 3 270 ? ?, 7.? Report of Finance Committee not offered, Chairman of Committee requested more time to file report. 11 02 1874; 3 271 Gy 8.? Application of Vick and Mabine referred to this Committee. 11 04 1874; 3 277 9.?? Request from Charles Gantzar for reduction of property valuation received. 11 16 1874; 3 279 10.;; Report of Finance Committee approved. 11 16 1874 3 279 11.;; Request from Thomas Blearr for reduction of double tax received. 12 07 1874, 3 280 .12.,w ftequest from Abram Moore for relief from double tax received. 12 07 1874 3 280 13.;? Request from Martin Schulkin for remission of taxes received. 12 07 1874 3 280 14.; Request from Samuel Bowden for relief of delinquent taxes received. 12 07 1874 3 280 , .15.? Request from R.N. Mohn for relief in case of property sold for taxes received. 12 07 1874„ 3 280 ; F; 16.4? ? Report from Finance Committee spread upon minutes concerning new debt contracted by late Board. 12 OS 1874. 3 284 17.?' ?? Additional report from Finance Committee submitted. . 12 08 1874 - 3 285 ., 18.?3 E Committee reported on coupons paid by Treasurer on bonded debt. 12 08 1874 3 285 19.R' Committee received request from John Turner for remission of double tax. Ol 04 1875,. 3 285 ,o { 20`? Filed report from Finance Committee. O1 05 1875 3 290 €; 21.?y Committee ordered double tax remissions for A.E. Hall and Miss Barsheba Ellis. O1 05 1875 3 290 ; ? ?22.'? Report of Finance Committee to be spread upon minutes. O1 05 1875„ 3 291 23? Request of Henry Stolher for tax remission referred to Finance Committee. 02 02 1875 . 3 296 24.?? i +? Committee received request for tax remissions from Sinclare Dearing and Mrs. E.A. Sholar. 03 O1 1875 3 302 I25.?? Request for property valuation reduction from George Herring received. 03 O1 1875 3 302 i: ,26.?? Committee received request from Dr. Pigott for remission of double tax. 03 02 1875' 3 305 y. ;27;;? Committee received letter from Governor, Auditor and State Treasurer. 05 03 1875, 3 322 ? ;. ,28.?p Committee to report on what is to be done with paupers in Poor House and Hospital belonging to Pender Co. 05 08 1875 3 325 , ',29?7 ' Letter from S.A. Currie referred to Finance Committee. „ 06 28 1875,, 3 33? ? ? ?? !,30?d Committee received request from Elvin Artis for abatement of taxes. „ 09 06 1375y 3 371 ,31?j Committee received list of applicants for remission of taxes and correction of clerical errors. 09 06 1875: 3 372 ,32; Committee received request from J.H. Savage to reduce property assessment. 10 04 1875„ 3 377 ., 33;; Committee received request from Horace Bagg for abatement of taxes. 10 04 1875,; 3 377 34:! Application of Elvin Artis referred back to Finance Committee. 10 04 1875 3 377 351? Application of W.L Fartt relative to tax assessment received. 10 04 1875 3 377 Re ' r 36:c F f? Letter of William Smith referred to Finance Committee. 10 04 1875 3 377 . 37.' Report from Finance Committee spread upon minutes and adopted. 10 04 1875, 3 377 ;, 38;il K; Request for reduced tax assessment from A.H. Kelly received. 10 07 1875? 3 380 39.?';? i? Petition from Henry Loftin for tax abatement received. 10 07 1875 3 381 40?' ¢ Request from R.B. Jewett for tax abatement received. . 10 07 1875 , 3 381 41y; Committee received application of Alfred Howe for reduction of property assessment. 10 11 1875? 3 384 ? 4g a, 42:f , ?6 Finance Committee appointed: J.G. Wagner, S. Van Amringe, and A.H. Morris. 10 12 1875 3 387 , 43?? Applications of A.R. Black, Mary Davis and J.H. Savage. 11 O1 1875 3 388 ' 43.; ;z Letters from A.L. DeRosset and John London referred to Finance Committee. 11 09 1875' 3 389 44.? County claim of Dr. D.M. Buie received. 11 09 1875' 3 390 ?, 45?@ ? Committee received requests from ?.L.Love, W.H. Turlington and Martha Stredric for remission of taxes. 12 10 1875?,; 3 398 4, i ?? ? 1 ^ `i r ? ?l ?? ?? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER: FINANCE COMMITTEE _ eca. u. s. County Indeze? Since (888 M?+?--- To loeate names, open at COTT A•Z TA6 INDEX !AT oFr?ee ???:?.i-ZE" An Identifyins Trade Merlc ?)?._? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COT7 1NDEX [OMPANY. COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ? ? '? ? ?t NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS k? DATE ?y MINUTE BOOK ? f? ?` Month I Day I Year ca Vol. I Page ?? ; 1. 2. IApplication of Adrian & Vollers referred to Finance Committee. i ?Finance Committee to have prison at o1d Work House insured. 3. `Finance Committee reports they insured Work House with companies of John Gordon. 4. ? Request from James Darby for remission of taxes on building stock received. 5." Commissioner Davis placed on Finance Committee. 6. ;Committee received application of Annie Hashagen relative to transferring a liquor license. ?, 7. Committee received application of Mrs. C. Fitzgerald for a tax reduction. 8.,,Applicatzon of Cronley and Morris referred to Finance Committee. 9.,;Applications from Richard Jones and John Beery for remission of taxes referred to Finance Committee 10._ County claim of J.W. Thompson referred to Finance Committee. 11.,,Application of D.P. Foster relative to tax assessment referred to this Committee. 01 _ 03 1876?, Ik 3 ? 404 ? E 02 11 1876?? 3 d 413 ?? ? 03 13 1876;: ?, 3 420 ? ? 03 13 1876?? 3 420 05 05 1876;; 3 434 ?. b? ? ? 07 08 1876s; 3 449 ? ? 07 08 1876` 3 449 ?; ; 07 i 08 1876 ? ?,. 3 449 i? Y{ i- . 08 07 1876 3 454 E' .? ?? 08 15 1876„ 3 ?, 460 ,? ? 09 05 1876 3 464 ': 12., . Application of Mrs. Kate Savage relative to error in tax listing referred to this Committee. 09 13., Request of J .D. Davis for tax abatement d ue to destruction by fire received. 09 14. ,Letter from J.O. Nixon & Co. referred to this Committee. ?g 15. „ Application of John B. Berry referred to Finance Committee. ?g 16. Application of Samuel Howland relative to taxes referred to this Committee. 09 17. Request from Philip Newman for reduced pr operty assessment referred to this Committee 09 18.' ,Application of W.H. Price relative to tax assessment referred to this Committee. 09 19. ;Applications of J.O. Nixon, Ellis Patrick and others relative to over assessment of stock on hand received. 10 20. Application of Whitman Wilson relative to tax assessment received. 10 21. aApplication of Philip Newman relative to tax assessment referred to Finance Committee. 22. Application of L. Meginney and H.G. Flanner relative to tax assessment received by this Committee. 23. ;Applications of W.K. Price and Richard Reed, Sr. referred to this Committee. 24. ;Application of William Kellogg relative to tax assessment received. 25. Members on Committee: J. Wagner, B.G. Worth and I.B. Grainger 26. Finance Committee to ascertain amount of monies collected by Clerk of Superior Court for past 12 months. 27. Finance Committee to make arrangements with certain city banks to pay orders issued on Treasurer. 28.,;Above banks wi11 be paid for vouchers paid along with interest from first taxes collected. 11 11 05 1876 05 1876 , 07 1876 08 1876. 11 1876 21 1876 ; 23 1876 02 1876 02 1876' 14 1876 ,, 22 1876 11 28 1876 12 16 1876 O1 03 1877 ` OZ OS 1877 03 „ 03 29. :Statement relative to coupons referred to Finance Committee for examination. 03 30. Finance Committee to draw up a more detailed version of proposition of Messrs. Cronly and Morris. 11 31. ??inance Committee recommends reclamation from contractors of found contract?for Tax Books?not carried out. 11 32. !Finance Committee to consult with magistrates relative to poll tax prosecutions. 11 33. Finance Committee to advertise requesting persons to list poll taxes with Sheriff to save cost to themselves.ll 34. Letter of A. Hocut relative to tax assessment referred to Finance Committee. 12 35. All annual reports of magistrates to go ta Einance Gommittee before coming to Board for approval. 12 36. Treasurer's November report referred to Finance Committee. 12 37. °Reports of Auditing Committee for Sept., Oct., and Nov. referred to Finance Committee. 12 38. Treasurer's December report referred to Finance Committee. Ol 39. Report from Clerk of Superior Court Taylor on seals affixed referred to this Committee and then to be spread Ol on Official Reports. , 40. Report from Clerk of Criminal Court Dunham from July, 1877 to Jan., 1878 referred to Finance Committee. Ol 41. Claim of W.M. Baldwin, Clerk of Superior Court of Whiteville, N.C., referred to Finance Committee. O1 42. .-Report from Register of Deeds on fees due County from marriage licenses referred to Finance Committee. 03 43. ,Matter of Mrs. S.C. Taylor referred to Finance Committee. , 08 44. ;sFinance Committee to furnish interior room of Superior Court Clerk's office with carpet. 11 45. ,Claim of James Heaton referred to Finance Committee. „ 4 ? 11 _ :k ? ??. i? 05 1877 „ 05 1877,, 16 1$77 . 06 1877 14 1877 23 1877 23 1877 ; 03 1877 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 464 465 466 467 469 473 475 482 482 492 ;? ?? 497 501 ?? i; 511 ?` 518 ?? 525 ?? 5 31 t? sl 531 gj ? 606 ? 632 i? 655 ', N? 657 ?{ r ?? 657 ?! ,? 658 ? 03 1877 ` 3 ? 659 ??? ?S 15 1877 ., 3 663 '' !? 15 1877 3 663 'i 07 1878 3 679 `° 07 187? 3 ?; 680 ?: ., ii ,; ,; „ 07 1878 .? 3 10 1878 ;, 3 04 1878 3 09 1878 , 3 14 1878 '; 3 29 1878 ;, ?? ?? 3 680 682 706 741 778 780 N H t C N C INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES FINANCE COMMITTEE . . _ MATTER: anover oun y, ew - ` Re?. u, s. County Indezea S??ee 1888 ? To loeate names, open a! COTT A-Z TAB INDEX ??r OFFICE ??? An IdentiEy?ng Trade Merk SURNAM6 INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA i ?` DATE ?? MINUTE BOOK e; NATURE OF PROtEEDINGS ? ? ?? ? i Month ? Day ? Year ;r Gd Vol. ? ? Page ?j l.? Committee members: B.G. Worth and H.A. Bagg. ? 12 02 1878 tl, 4 2 i 2.? Treasurer's December report referred to Finance Committee. (See FINANCE DEPARTMENT) ` Ol 06 1879 ?; 4 14 ?; ?, ? 3.` Finance Committee to meet on January 18. ? O1 06 1879 :6 ?? 4 14 ; i?? 4. Finance Committee to meet on January 17, 1879. Ol 15 1879?A ?? 4 16 5.! Board of Finance to meet on February l, 1879. , Ol 22 1Q79,, 4 17 , r 6.? Board of Finance to expedite listing and assessing of property in Wilmington Township. 04 07 1879,^? 4 56 ? ? 7.? Finance Committee to fill any vacancies that might occur in assessors' post. 04 07 1879 ;; 4 ? i 56 ' ? 8.i+ Board approved Finance Committee contracting with M. Cronly to compute and complete four tax books at $600. 06 02 1879 ; 4 78 , 9.? ? Three hundred and fifty copies of the annual report of the Finance Committee to be printed for public. 09 15 1879 ? 4 107 ' ? ? 10.' Application of O.M. Fillyaw referred to Finance Committee. 10 06 1879 4 113 , i ' 11.`? Finance Committee acted on tax applications. (See TAX DEPARTMENT). 11 12 1879 4 I 122 i 12.:; Finance Committee established Register of Deeds fees for annual work. 11 12 1879.. 4 122 I? 13.p' Claim of D. 0`Conner referred to Finance Committee. 12 Ol 1879 4 132 14.?? ? ?y Meeting of Finance Committee to reduce valuation of property. 12 03 1879 , 4 133 15.? Treasurer's annual statement referred to Finance Committee. Ol 05 1880 4 140 , +; 16.'? Meeting of Finance Committee to receive Sheriff's annual reports. Ol 16 1880,, 4 148 ? Ga 17.R? ra Reports from Sheriff from pages 148-169 ordered spread on minutes by Finance Committee. (SHERIFF'S DEPT) O1 16 1880,; 4 148 „ ?? 18.,? ' Treasurer presented annual statement as approved by Finance Committee. , 09 13 1880 ; 4 232 „ , ? 19.? Treasure's annual report referred to Finance Committee. 12 06 1880 . 4 248 ?i 20.;? Report of S.H. Manning referred to Finance Committee. (See SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT) 12 20 1880 4 258 ;y 21.e4 Finance Committee to review Revenue Law and report to Board. , Ol 03 1881.: 4 262 ; , ? , ?; 22.?+ tl? Roger Moore appointed to Finance Committee in place of W.L. Smith. 04 04 1887 4 282 .? 23.i! ?, Bill of J.C. Hill previously not allowed was reduced and allowed by Finance Committee. 06 06 1881; , 4 299 24.i? Finance Committee to see to contracting for addition to Courthouse and tinning of Poor House roof. 06 18 1881 4 304 ?d 25.ro Finance Committee awarded Mr. B.D. Morrell and Sons contract for addition to Courthouse. 07 11 1881 , 4 307 ?_ 26.,a f; Finance Committee awarded Messrs. Parker and Taylor the contract for tinning Poor House roof. 07 11 1881 4 , 307 . 27.?? Applications of Superior Court Clerk, Van Amringesand members of bar referred to Finance Committee. 09 05 1881 4 324 ?28.?? ? Treasurer's annual report referred to Finance Committee. „ 02 05 1881 , 4 341 3 29.r Finance Committee to settle with Sheriff. (See SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT) O1 02 1882,,, 4 349 ?a 30.`a , ?; ?,, Finance Committee to settle with B.R. Moore, Attorney and Solicitor, under old arrangements. 03 06 1882 ? 4 362 , 31.?? Agreement between Mr. Moore and Board made in December rescinded. 03 06 1882 4 362 „ y; 32.'? B.G. Worth, Roger Moore and H.A. Bagg appointed to Finance Committee. 12 04 1882 ? 4 433 ; ;, 33.?; ? Finance Committee to turn over Tax Books to Sheriff for Collection. 09 03 1883 .,, 4 495 „ 34.,; Request from Benjamin Rowe for pay increase referred to Finance Committee. 02 04 1884.. 4 527 35.a Members of Committee: B.G. Worth, Roger Moore and H.A. Bagg. Ol 17 1887 . 4 774 i 36.?: Men appointed to Finance Committee: B.G. Worth, Roger *?oisre and H,A. Bagg. 12 Ol 1890 5 285 ,: '37..? Committee on Finance authorized to accept bonds of Superintendent of County Home if satisfactory. Ol 02 1893 5 464 38.E? Committee on Finance reported they had accepted bonds of Mr. Chadwick of County Home. 02 06 1893 5 468 39.?? ?a New committee appointed: B.G. Worth, E.L. Pearce and H.A. Bagg. 12 03 1894 5 596 f; ?+O.kR Finance Committee met to examine accounts of former Treasurer and found them correct, 12 11 1894 ,. 5 602 .? 41.jj ' Special meeting held to elect a Finance Committee Clerk; vacancy caused by death of Capt. S.W. Vick. Ol 26 1895 5 611 s 42.;? Salary of Finance Committee Clerk set at $50 per month,and Janus G. Burr elected Finance Committee Clerk. Ol 26 1895 5 611 I ,? 43.?? Chairman to receive $50 per month for extra services on different committees if Finance Committee approves. 06 28 1895 • 5 647 c; 44.;? Each Board member will receive $2 a day for services on any committee and mileage if Finance Comm. approves .06 28 1895 ? 5 647 , ?a 45.?? Commissioners Moore, Nixon and Foster appointed to Finance Committee. Ol OS 1897 5 756 a? 46.;i A.J. Marshall's report on County money held by late Treasurer referred to Audit and Finance Committees. 02 0? ? 1897 ; 5 ? 761 ' ? k? i k? 4 ? ',; ? N C INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? FINANCE COMMITTEE MATTER , . . ` : - ?Ea, u. s, County Indexes Since 1888 ?I ?- To loeat? namea, open at rer ocrici ?l.?O.?i An ldentifyin¢ Trade Mark ts`? SURNAMB INI7IAL TAB COTT A•Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX fOMPANY, C0IUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA `? ??? DATE ?? MINUYE BOOK 0 ?? P? ; NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? Month t Day + I I ? Year ,; ?, Vol. I Page °? ?9 1.`; ? Matter of surrendering the indeinnity bond referred to Audit and Finance Committees, 02 Ol `? 1897 6 5 761 `? x; 4: 2.; Treasurer's January report submitted and referred to Audit and Finance Committees. 02 O1 1897 r 5 761 ?^ :? 3.; ,, Commissioner Dempsey appointed to Finance Committee, 05 02 1898 ? 6 122 ;i. ?s 'a 4. Finance Committee suggested City buy a Black Maria, but not a County matter. (See COUNTY COMMISSIONERS) 05 04 1898 ? 6 123 '; ?' 5.?, Position of Clerk to Finance Committee aboiished. 05 04 1898 ?? 6 124 ?; ;a + F; 6.` Board approved bills passed by Finance Committee. 06 11 1898 6 140 ?R ? ?a ?, a 7. k ?, Treasurer to report to Finance Committee the condition of County's finances. 07 26 1898 ?' ?? 6 156 ?` R+, 8.:r Sundry bills referred to Finance Committee. 08 Ol 1898 ?, 6 170 ' i3 9. Committee members appointed: Roger Moore, D. Mc?achern and G. Holmes. 03 06 1899 6 236 10.. National Bank of Wilmington asked to be paid for coupons lost by them; referred to Finance Committee. 04 06 1899 6 Z4% '; 11. Finance Committee authorized to borrow $.6,000. , 04 06 1899 6 247 12. Application of Mrs. Bertha Justice to have her deaf and dumb child admitted to the asylum referred to 09 O1 1F399 6 672 ? Finance Committee. .. ., .. 13. Owen Fennell elected Clerk to Finance Committee. 12 02 1902 , 6 686 ;. 14. Request from Charles Allen and wife to be put on poor list referred to this Committee. „ 05 04 1903 ,. 6 718 ZS.., Request for relief from back taxes from W,E, Mayo referred to this Committee. „ 05 04 1903 _„ 6 718 16. Chairman's annual report on County expenses referred to this Committee. 12 . 05 1904 ` ?, 7 10 „ 17.: Owen Fennell elected Clerk to Finance Committee. 12 05 1904 7 11 18. Report from Superintendent of County Home referred to this Committee. 02 06 1905 : 7 18 19. Reports from Superintendents of Roads and Bridges and County Home referred to this Committee. 04 03 1905 7 22 2Q. Report from Superintendent of County Home referred to this Committee. 05 Ol 1905 7 24 ` ` 21. Report from County Attorney on back taxes collected referred to Finance Committee. 06 05 1905 7 27 ? ,. 22. ., dwen Fennell, Finance Clerk, to have a salary increase of $10 due to work load increase. 06 05 1905 7 27 ?? 23., Report from County Attorney on back taxes collected referred to this Committee. . 07 03 1905 „ 7 34 : 24. Report from County Attorney on back taxes collected in August referred to this Committee. ,_ 09 05 1905 „ 7 37 ` 25., Report from Superintendent of County Home referred to Finance Committee; letter from Finance Clerk filed.?,. 09 OS I905 ., 7 37 ,, 26.,, Reports from Superintendents of County Home and Roads referred to this Committee. 10 02 1905 7 39 r? 27.,, Report of County Attorney on back taxes collected referred to Finance Committee. „ 10 02 1905„ 7 39 ;; 28. ? Report from Attorney on back taxes collected referred to Finance Committee. Ol ? OZ 1906 . 7 46 ; ?, 29. Report from Superintendent of County Home referred to this Committee. 02 . 03 1906 , 7 47 „ 30. Report from County Attorney on back taxes collected referred to this Committee. 03 05 1906 7 48 31.' Report from Superior Court Clerk referred to this Committee. 03 05 1906 : 7 4$ ? 32. Report of Superintendent of Roads referred to this Committee. 04 02 1906 7 51 33. Report of Attorney Bellamy on back taxes referred to this Committee. 04 02 1906 7 51 ;, 34. Report from Superintendent of County Home referred to this Cammittee. . 04 02 1906 7 51 35. Attorney's report on back taxes collected in May referred to this Committee. 06 04 1906 7 54 „ 36., Reports from Superintendents of Roads and County Home referred to this Cotnmittee. 06 04 1906 ,, 7 54 , 37., Reports from Superintendents of Roads and County Home referred to this Committee. 10 Ol 1906 7 64 38.,, Attorney's report on back taxes collected referred to Finance Committee. „ 10 O1 19Qb „ 7 64 ;, 39.,, Bill form Nathan Schloss for rent on election day was referred to Finance Committee. . O1 07 1907 „ 7 75 ' 4Q. Report from Superintendertt of County Home referred to Finance Commzttee. 05 06 1907 7 86 ? 41. Deed from C. Swinber and wife for right-of-way for road given to this Committee. 08 05 1907 7 104 : 42.' Letter from Atlantic National Bank relative to lost coupon referred to Finance Committee. 09 03 1907 7 107 43.: Finance Committee appointed: H.L. Vollers, W.F. Robertson, M.W. Divine , J.P. Montgomery and D. McEachern. 12 07 1908 7 159 44. Report from Superintendent of County Home referred to this Committee. 06 07 1909 7 178 45.. Report from Superintendent of County Home referred to this Committee. 04 04 191Q 7 193 t ,. ? t? ?1 i? ``p II , '' Ei INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATTER: FINANCE DEPARTMENT ` Rco. u, s. County Indeze? Since 1888 To loeats namss, open at COTT A-2 TAB INDEX r?r o?cicc ??i?? An Identifying Trade Mark $URNAME fNIT1AL TAB MADE BY THE CQT7 INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ;: ?? i. r? DATf ?? MINUiE BOOK ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ,r `, Month I Day ? 1 Year ?? : Vol, ? Page ?i . '„ i 1.R?E.R. Wilson, Treasurer elect, to be notified to file his bonds within twenty days. . r, 07 . 22 1868?? , 1 3 ? 2.i?Motion passed that the bond required of the County Treasurer be $20,000. s? 08 11 1868,? 1 11 ?, 3.?SElias R. Wilson, Treasurer elect? presented required bond and it was disapproved. t 08 12 y, 1868?? 1 12 S r 4.??Treasurer's office is declared vacant, Mr. Wilson having failed to file an approved bond. P ` ;, 08 ' 12 c? 1868?? 1 12 5.? Motion made to vote for Treasurer, but motion rescinded and election to be held at 3:00 PM. , ? 08 13 L{ 1868?? 1 13 6.??W.F. Murphy elected County Treasurer. ;; 08 I3 1868??? 1 I3 ? k? 7.'?Letter from W.F. Murphy declining appointment as Treasurer for New Hanover County. ? 08 21 1868?? 1 2.6 ? 8.;;E.R. Brink. elected Treasurer of New Hanover County. : p8 21 ¢?? 1868?? 1 26 ? 9.;;E.R. Brink approved as Treasurer for New Hanover County. F 09 07 1868:? 1 38 e? ?? ?? 10. Bi11 from E.R. Brink for blank books approved. 09 15 1868,. 1 44 ?? 11.,;Order on Treasurer in favor of Dr. Bellamy approved. 10 21 1868, 1 ?3 '° d; 12..;Order on Treasurer from E,D. Hewlett approved. 11 13 1868., 1 117 13.?: Treasurer to ?ay for procurement of new laws of N.C. Civil and Criminal Code. , O1 18 1869„„ 1 165 ?°; 14..?Treasurer to give financial report. .. O1 25 1869;'. 1 168 ?9 `' ., 15, 'Treasurer`s report received. : 02 O1 1869 ` 1 ll3 ;? r ;; 16.'.'?Clerk to Board to issue all orders on the Treasurer to be signed by Chairman of the Board. Q2 10 1869? ?, 1 183 q; ?? 17. 'Treasurer Brink's report referred to the Finance Committee. 04 " 27 1869; 1 222 `.; +i 18. ?James Wilson's order on J. Wood, Treasurer, approved. 05 18 1869r l. 239 ?? ;, 19.w'Treasurer not to pay any claims against the County unless ordered bq Chairman of Finance Committee. 07 ,? 07 1869`y ° 1 269 ?3 !c 20.;;Letter from Treasurer Brink filed. 4 07 19 1869Fp 1 281 ?P i 21. ;Treasurer to renew his official bond. , 07 19 1869? ? 1 281 f? ?? 22. Accounts of Treasurer to be examined. 07 ,_ 19 ! I869. ? I 2g1 E "' i? 23. 'Board rescinded order for renewal of bond by Treasurer. 07 21 1869; 1 282 ?y p, 24. Part of report on account of Treasurer received. 08 02 1869?6 1 284 ?, 25.,?Order to Treasurer not to pay two lost County certificates fio Daniel 0'Conner. 26.?'Certificate of indebtedness issued to Treasurer. 27.l;Solvency of bond of Treasurer in doubt. 28.: Treasurer not to receive any monies from Sheriff til further xtotice. 29.' Sea1 of Commissioners authorizes payment on certificates of late Cou?ty Court by Treasurer. 30.! Bonds to be reissued to Daniel 0'Conner due to loss. 31. ?Treasurer Brink's bond approved. {, 32.,,Certificate of indebtedness issued D. 0"Conner substituting for Iost certificates. 33.,;Board requested montYaly statement from Treasurer. 34._.Certificate of indebtedness issued D. 0'Conner. 35. ;Treasurer and Clerk of Special Court not to pay any witness tickets until notified by Finance Gommittee. 36.?; Letter from Treasurer Brink filed. 37.;, Treasurer to remit to Treasurer of the State the old School Fund and Confederate Notes previously used. 38.;'Report from Treasurer of State received. 39.'?Committee to assist Treasurer in settling with Sheriff. 40.,'; Committee to assist Treasurer in settlement with County officers. 41.,,Tax refund to Fredrick Browne approved. 42.,? Sheriff allowed above amount in settlement with County Treasurer. 43.!` Statement from Treasurer referred to Finance Committee. 44.,?Treasurer allowed lowest fee allowed by law. ?` 45.?? Sum of taxes to be paid Treasurer of City. ?? 46.;? Treasurer to allow Sheriff 5% commission in his settlement of 1869 taxes. 08 08 , 08 08 . 08 08 09 „ 09 „ 10 11 „ 12 , 12 , 12 12 O1 O1 Ol O1 02 02 03 ' 03 f ?? 02 1869;? 03 1869 4 03 1869?N 03 1869 ° 09 1869?? 09 1869 . 16 1869 ' 16 1869;? 05 1869 ?; 02 1869;.. 06 1869,: 07 1869;, 07 1869 .' 10 1869 ; 03 1870,q 04 1870 '. 04 1870 ' 04 1870 ?; 09 1870 09 1870 : 07 I870„ 07 1870i?? i? i? tW ?? 1 284 ?; 6? 1 286 t: ,d 1 291 P? ?? Ei 1 291 ?! 9i 1 292 +? i' 1 29 2 `t ??. 1 329 ?? i° 1 3 29 's,' 1 331 6' ? r: 1 338 t? 1 346 ,? 1 350 €: 1 351 ;; 1 357 `s E' 1 396 ;: 1 397 1 397 1 397 1 408 1 408 1 4I3 1 413 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? N C MATTER FINANCE DEPARTMENT , . . _ : ` eeo. u, s. .y? Connty Indezee Sinee 1888 ? To toeate names, Op811 0t r?r OFFICE L.??so ???a-? An Identifving Trade Matk SURNAM6 INITIAL TAB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY. COLUMBUS. OHIO , SOLO BY OWEN G. D UNN, NEW B ERN, NO RTH CAROLINA ?? DATE ?? MINUT E BOOK ?? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ' Monih ? Day l Year ¢i Vol. I Page E, ?? ?, 1. Report on settling with the Treasurer received. 03 OS '+ 1870'? 1 r? 420 ?? ? ' ?s 2.' Treasurer's account found correct. 03 08 1870k? ? 1 420 ?? iP 3. Board accepted report of Treasurer regarding payment of coupons. 03 08 ?,.? 1870?; 1 421 ?; ? 4. Finance Committee to secure Bond Books and vouchers from Treasurer and cancel same and deposit safely. 03 08 1870; , 1 ? 421 ;; , 5. .Treasurer's account approved. ;; 04 06 1870,? 1 ;; 428 ;? 6. Treasurer's vouchers cancelled and left with him for safekeeping. , 04 06 1870;; 1 428 '{; 7. Treasurer's statement received. 05 03 1870 1 434 ;? ? r , 8.? ! Mr. Wilson to settle with City of Wilmington and give amount received to Treasurer. „ 05 04 1870?. 1 437 F; ? 9.? Treasurer to pay claim of State Auditor on taxes from Treasurer's fund. 05 05 1870;? 1 438 ?, 10.;? ?' Courthouse repairs to be paid by bonds sold Strange & Rice and balance by the Treas urer. 05 05 1870 1 438 ? 11.;` Letter from State Treasurer filed. 06 06 1870 1 441 12.;? Money obtained in settlement with City of Wilmington's taxes given to County Treasu rer. 06 07 1870_ 1 442 13.p Poll tax of City of Wilmington collected by Sheriff and charged to him by Treasurer in settlement. 06 07 1870 1 442 ? 14.?? .. County bonds hypothecated and money borrowed from bank. 06 07 1870 1 442 ? 15.i? ;, Hypothecated bonds to be given to Treasurer. 06 07 1870 1 442 ; 16.,? ?? Monthly statement of Treasurer received. 06 07 1870 1 442 ? 17.as Order to Treasurer of February 8, 1870 concerning witness tickets amended to confer same power on Clerk 07 05 1870, 1 450 ?C of Special Court. (See SPECIAL COURT.) ? I 18.;? Monthly Treasurer's report received. ?, 19.?? List of candidates and votes cast in August 5, 1870 election for Treasurer. :j ,20.;; Owen Fennell elected Treasurer on August 5, 1870. 21,; 22. ' 23.? 24.?I ; Board rescinded February 8, 1870 order on payment of witness tickets. ; Treasurer's reports for July and August accepted. i j Treasurer's report returned to Board and approved. ? Finance Committee's report on Treasurer Brink's account received. 25.?? Owen Fennell, Treasurer elect, presented bond. k§ ,S 26.k? Former Treasurer to present statement of receipts and expenditures, assets and debts for past two years. ,6 27.?4 Bond approved for Owen Fennell as Treasurer. ?? 28.?f Bond approved for Owen Fennell as Treasurer of School Fund. , 29.?? Compensation set for Treasurer for one year. K. 30.; Former Treasurer Brink to be notified of successor. i tl 31.?9 Mr. Brink to appear before Board and surrender all monies etc., pertaining to said office. f? 32.,? Former Treasurer Brink presented accounts and vouchers; these referred to the Finance Committee. F 33.ty Mr. Brink's accounts as Treasurer and Treasurer of School Fund found correct. 34.;? Mr. Brink`s bill as late Treasurer to be paid. 35.; 36.? Account of E.R. Brink, late Treasurer, spread on the minutes. (Pages 10-12) Statement of E.R. Brink, late Treasurer, filed. 37.?? Sheriff to pay to Treasurer all school funds he has or will collect for Wilmington Township. 38.P3 Clerk of Superior Court and Register of Deeds to pay taxes collected on marriage license and deeds. ?F; 39.j" Sheriff's refusal to pay Special Taxes to State Treasurer upheld by the Board. C 40.`f Board feels Special Taxes only for County use. ,; 41.;y Treasurer not to pay any jury, witness, or officers tickets or certificates for claims acted on by late a :; ra Board unless stamped by Seal of County Commissioners. Fd 42.y; Al1 orders on Treasurer shall be paid by him alone. j 43.;s AI1 jury tickets to be given preference over other claims. s? 44.;? Clerk of Superior Court to designate jury tickets to be paid and the amounts. 07 06 1870 08 06 1870? 08 06 1870, 08 29 1870. 08 30 1870` 08 30 1870,,, 08 31 1870!; , 09 05 1870, - 09 ? 05 1870__ ?? , 09 06 1870 09 06 1870 09 06 1870 09 06 1870`: 09 06 1870 09 08 1870? 09 08 1870 09 Q8 187Q.; 09 09 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 21 1870. 22 1870; 03 1870 03 1870,; 08 1870?`; 08 1870 13 1870: 13 1870; 13 187?, 13 1870'' ?; ;9 i{ il 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 454 ? 467 . 467 471 482 ' 482 „ 484 486 " 486 y Z 2 ? 2 ?: 2 2 . 3 4 4. 10 25 26 28 33 ,. 33 ?? 35 35 ; 36 36 a; i ?j 1 i FINANCE DEPARTMENT INDEX TO CO?IMISSIONERS ?IINUTES -- New Hanover County N C MATTER ? . . _ : _ eec. u. s. ,,q County Indezee Sinee 1888 h? ? To loeate namea, open at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX r?r ots?ct ??,?`..,ei.?X?e-7'?'-a An Identifyins Trade Mark w..a SURNAME INlTIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLtNA ?tl DATE ?` MINUTE BOOK a ?k NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ` C, :9 ! Month ? Day ? Year ?r Vol. ? Page ?? i 1. { M?Mr. Martin amd Mr. Black to help Treasurer audit Sheriff's account of money due County. . r. 12 05 1870„ 2 ?? 92 ? ? 2. ??Treasurer to collect bills from Columbus County for prisoners kept in Work House of New Hanover County, a; 12 09 1870?? 2 97 ` 3. ;Treasurer to pay bill for building schools in Federal Point when has funds belonging to the Township for {? 12 09 1870F 2 98 ?? ? ?j said purpose. ' „ E9 i ? 4. ??Settlement between Sheriff and Treasurer recorded. . , 12 10 1870,? 2 ; 100 M? ? 5. q ;Amount of taxes received from Sheriff by the Treasurer set down. 12 10 1870 , 2 ? 101 "` ? ,, ? . 6. '?Statement of Treasurer Fennell approved and enr.olled on the minutes. ; O1 07 1871.` 2 115 3? ?s 7. ;dFinance Committee to pay interest due on bonds by a loan or otherwise, no money in Treasury for such. 02 06 1871s3 2 s 120 ?q . 8. .,Monthlq reports from Treasurer filed (Jan.l, 1871-Feb. 1, 1871) ,. 02 06 1871; 2 121 ' ;' 9. Draft drawn on Treasurer by Federal Point school committee referred to Auditing Committee. 02 13 1871 2 127 :. 10. Filed Treasurer`s mo.nthly report for February, 1871. 03 06 1871 2 127 11. , Statement from Treasurer of amount of School Fund due and March, 1871 apportionment. 03 13 1871. 2 135 „ 12. . Monthly report of Treasurer filed. , 04 05 1871 2 139 13. Monthly Treasurer's report filed for April, 1871. 05 05 1871 2 154 :: 14. .rTreasurer allowed 1% on receipts and 1% on disbursements for his fees. 05 12 1871„ 2 157 ,; 15. Treasurer to issue order to M. London, Attorney. 06 09 1871 2 174 ? 16. ,;Treasurer's report approved and filed. 07 06 1871 2 191 , 17. `,Debt and interest to be paid to Silas Martin out of first monies in Treasury belonging to the County. 08 08 1871 2 199 ? , 18. ,,,Board filed Treasurer's reports for June and July. 08 08 1871„ 2 200 ;, 19. .,,Sheriff to make settlement with State and County Treasurers as often as amounts come into his hands. 09 04 1871y. 2 214 ; , 20. .„Treasurer Fennell's bond approved. 09 04 1871,, 2 215 ; ! 21. Mr. Fennell's bond approved as Treasurer of Public Schools. 09 04 1871 2 215 ? 22. , Treasurer's account approved by the Auditing Committee. 09 04 1871 2 216 ; 23. 'Treasurer to receive State money for care of paupers and insane and idotic persons in County. , 09 23 1871F Z 222 ; ' 24. .;Treasurer to pay City Treasurer amount due him from State money for insane and idotic persons. 09 23 Z871,; 2 222 Fp 25. . Finance Committee to ca11 on Treasurer every ten days to see that State and County taxes are collected „ 09 23 1871„ 2 223 k; i : , correctly. ; ?_ ! 26. ; :Treasurer to pay E,J. Pennypacker and F,H, Langdens monies due them on notes against County. 10 02 1871?, 2 226 li 27. ..Treasurer's report for September reviewed by Auditing Committee an,d filed. 10 07 1871„, 2 229 ; 28. , , Chairman to examine order book of Treasurer and dispose of orders not called for and credited to proper , 10 07 1871 . 2 229 ?? accounts therewith. 29. Orders taken from Order Book by Chairman listed. 10 13 1871 2 231 ? M1„ ?, 30. ,Board filed October report from the Treasurer. , 11 07 1871, 2 239 31. , Columbia Township school committee to issue a warrant on Treasurer for time Mrs. Pigford was working. 12 04 1871 2 247 , ?? 32. ,,Committee to act with Treasurer to examine accounts of all County officers, 12 19 1871. 2 276 ' ?? , 33. .December report of Treasurer filed. O1 02 1872„ 2 277 ?• 34. ; Bonds destroyed in presence of Commissioners and Treasurer. O1 23 1872. 2 285 35. Monthly report for January filed from Treasurer Fennell. 02 05 1872; 2 288 36. Treasurer to pay coupons and County bonds due March 1, 1872. OZ 05 1872,., 2 289 „ 37. .:Treasurer to advertise that payment of bonds wil? begin. „ 02 05 1872„ 2 289 ;, 38. ,Treasurer to apportion 25? per capita for school children in County under 1870 census. 02 12 1872.? 2 291 ,': , ?' i 39. , Treasurer's report for February filed. . 03 04 1872?. 2 294 ?: ? 40. ;Treasurer to pay C.M. Galloway, teacher in Columbia Township. 03 15 1872 2 300 ?? 41. Report of Mr. Fennell, Treasurer of Board of Education,received. 03 15 1872., 2 300 ?„ 42. ?Treasurer to transfer money from School Fund to General County Fund for use in payment of County debt. 03 25 1872' 2 302 ?z 43. ,',All orders conflicting with above order are revoked and repealed. ; t+ 03 25 1872,; 2 302 ?? i. ' Y? ,, t, 11 , s ? z: ( ;; _ fi INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County 11 !? MATTER FINANCE DEPARTMENT ? . . _ : ` ?ac. u. s. Counry [ndexea Since 1888 ii? ?c•?3--? To locats namea, open at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX r?r OFFICE ??? An Identifying Trade Mark ?j`? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. D UNN, NEW BERN, NO RTH (AROLINA DATE ;' MINUT E BOOK ?i NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ' M h Y ' ? V ont DayI ? i ear . ??; ol. I Page ?i ;; ? 1. Suit brought against Sheriff by Treasurer for noncompliance with law for collection of Revenue for 1871. 04 12 ? 1872;?: 2 ?, 314 I: 2.' Board requested Treasurer drop suit since Sheriff has made payments. 04 12 1872a, 2 314 ,4 3. Treasurer to pay teachers and school expenses out of monies not otherwise appropriated. 05 07 1872, 2 3I7 ?? ? ?_ 4. April and May reports of Treasurer filed. 06 03 1872r 2 326 ;? F 5.j Board filed Treasurer's June account. 07 O1 1872pj 2 331 '? I , ? ? , 6.? June report from Treasurer filed. 07 Ol ? 1872; 2 ? 332 ,7. Edwin Brink elected Treasurer in August, 1872 election. 08 06 1872 2 348 ? 8.? Work has been done on bridge at Point Caswell and Treasurer to pay first installment. (See ROADS) 08 12 1872!; 2 349 ,? t 9.?? Board accepted bond of E.R, Brink as Treasurer elect. 09 02 1872' 2 354 10.;% Commission allowed Treasurer set. 09 09 1872 2 363 ll.;;l Thanks extended to Owen Fennell, former Treasurer, for efficient service. 09 ]2 1872,. 2 364 12.;; Board filed accounts of late Treasurer Fennell. 09 12 1872 2 365 13.;; ,? Attorney granted fee for services in the suit of Treasurer Fennell against Sheriff Schenck. „ 09 17 1872', 2 368 „ ?: 14.:' ?] Letter from Mr. Fennell, late Treasurer, concerning tax erroneously collected on Schedule B referred to 09 23 1872 2 369 , k? ?. the Attorney. „ „ 15.'?? Auditing Committee reported accounts of Treasurer Brink for Sept., Oct., and Nov. all correct. 12 02 1872; 2 401 , .16.;? f? Treasurer's monthly reports for Sept.,Oct., and Nov. filed. „ 12 02 1872 2 40I , ?? ,17.E; Messrs. Martin and Shoemaker to assist Treasurer in his annual settlement with County officers. , O1 06 1873„ 2 418 ; 18.;? ' Auditing Committee reports accounts of Treasurer for December all correct. Ol 06 1873; 2 418 ., g , ,19.:? Board filed Treasurer's report on settlement with County officers. . 01 21 1873:: 2 423 ,, sy ,20.;? Treasurer Brink's account correct for December, 1872 and January,l873 according to Auditing Committee. 02 19 1873? 3 24 , ?; .? ? , 21.;' Treasurer to pay a11 coupons due on March l, 1873. 02 19 1873' 3 25 . ?? ?s ?? 22.?; . ?i Al1 witness tickets cancelled by Auditing Committee to be paid as other payments made. 03 02 1873 . 3 29 . ?23.?? ? Resignation of Treasurer Brink accepted and thanks extended to him. 03 03 1873 3 31 . 24.;e . ?? Board elected Edwin E. Burnuss as Treasurer. . 03 03 , 1873; ? 3 „ 31 ?" .25.`? „ Edwin Burnuss presented bond and took oath of office of Treasurer. 03 05 1873 3 35 ;? ,26.?'? Auditing Committee reports late Treasurer Brink still held money when resigned, but has since turned it in. 03 17 1873, 3 39 ' , ? `. - 27." . :? Treasurer's receipt for money from Mr. Brink. 03 17 1873 . 3 39 . R: 28.?? , r Auditing Committee approved Treasurer's March report. 04 07 1873 3 58 . ?? 29.;j F, , March report spread upon minutes, pages 59-61. .. 04 21 1873 ., 3 59 ?. 30.f? Certified statement from Aduiting Committee saying Treasurer's accounts are correct. 04 21 1873' 3 62 is 31.=; ,. Treasurer's statement of receipts and disbursements for March. 04 21 1873 . 3 62 k? 32.?" Certified statement from Auditing Committee saying Treasurer's statement of receipts and disbursements for 04 21 1873 3 62 t March is correct. 33.':' Monthlg regort of Treasurer to be spread upon minutes of last meeting. 04 21 1873 3 64 ,, 34.;? Bills from E.E. Burnuss for stationary approved. 08 23 1873: 3 104 35.:, :; Auditing Committee report on Treasurer's accounts for 1873 fiscal year spread on minutes. 10 06 1873 3 113 . 36.;a Copy of Treasurer's statement for fiscal year 1873 to be posted at Courthouse. 10 06 1873 3 113 „ ; „ 37.?, ,s Treasurer notified by Clerk to Board to appear and present offical bond. , 10 22 1873„ 3 121 ,, ,, 38.?? Renewed bond of E.E. Burnuss approved as Treasurer. , 11 05 , 1873;; 3 141 ,; ?? ,39.;? ?? Finance Committee to examine Treasurer's accounts and meet with Treasurer for settlement. O1 05 1874 3 163 .:. ?? 40.;G Clerk to issue copy of order to all County officers, except Sheriff, to settle with the Treasurer. O1 05 1874„, 3 163 ?, 41.;, Bill from Treasurer Burnuss for interest on bonded debt approved. Ol 05 1874 3 169 ri ? „ . 42.;; ;? Fees of Treasurer approved. Ol 05 1874 3 169 ., 43.i? ?? Treasurer to pay in full the County bonds due March 1, I874. 02 02 1874; 3 171 . 44.?? ?p rd ?i u Treasurer to pay coupons on the bonded debt due on March l, 1874. : , _ ?I 02 02 1874? " ?? il 3 171 ; `.? i? ?I ? ? FINANC N i C C N H TES M N E DEP ARTME NT . . _ MATTER: oun y? anover ew - I U INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS ` To locate namea, open at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX Rea. u. s, County Indezes Sinee 1888 MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO r?r o?nnt ?? An Identifying Trade Merk SURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA DATE ?; MINUT E BOOK ? ? ? ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ?r Month I Day ( '? Year ;a ` Vol. I Page }` I l.' , ? r Auditing Committee received coupons from Treasurer for cancellation. a 03 - 16 1874;. 4; 3 ?, 198 i? ?E ' 2.L e.Chairman to pay City Treasurer its part of proceeds from State Treasurer for care of insane in the County. , ?? 04 06 1874?ry ?,? 3 210 ?? ' 3., ?Elizah Hewlett elected County Treasurer in August 6, 1874 election. r? 08 10 1874 r x? 3 235 ?a ? 4. , iJ :List of warrants drawn on Treasurer, but not claimed for payment. ;? 09 05 1874 3 t 244 ?? 5. ','Treasurer's annual report showing receipts and disbursements presented as approved by Auditing Committee. , ?i 09 05 1874 : " 3 s 245 E !?. 6. ,; aClerk to enter by number the names and all warrants payable by Treasurer and now in his office. 09 05 1874 ? 3 ;; 246 i? ?± 7. ,,?Bond of Elijah Hewlett, Treasurer elect, approved upon justification of sureties. ; 09 07 1874:; 3 251 !;, 8. • ,?:Bond of Elijah Hewlett, Treasurer elect, passed after sureties were justified and oath given. ; , 09 08 1874 , 3 ?? 251 ' 1? 9. Clerk to notify late Treasurer that Mr. Hewlett is authorized to receive all County funds and papers. ?, 09 08 1874 3 252 ? '? 10. Treasurer to receive 1% for collecting and 1% for disbursing for his services. 09 24 1874 , 3 264 ? 11. Report of Treasurer not approved because he charged an unwarranted commission on funds turned over by 10 07 1874 3 267 ; his predecessor. 12. Chairman made an order on Treasurer to pay interest on note due by County. 10 07 1874. 3 26?3 i, 13. 'Chairman recommends Treasurer pay settlement of note and a new note be given the Bank of New Hanover for 10 07 1874 3 269 `? ? ; any balance. - i? 14. Treasurer to pay juror tickets on presentation. 10 24 1874 „ 3 276 ;; ? 15. Treasurer to receive transcript of fines, forfeitures and penalties collected by Clerk of Superior Court. 11 02 1874„ 3 27? ? s" ' 16. ,,Request from Treasurer for increased percentage on receipts and disbursements laid over. 11 04 1874 3 277 ? ?: ; , 17. .;Order passed October 7, 1874 regarding Treasurer's compensation revoked. 11 04 1874;. 3 277 ?r ? 18. ,;Treasurer's report received. ., 11 04 1874,; 3 278 y; ' 19. Tax Collector to pay Treasurer $86.50 out of first monies collected due Rocky Point Township. " 11 04 1874 . 3 278 ? i ' 20. Application of Treasurer for increased compensation referred to December meeting. 11 16 1874 3 ; 278 :? 21. Treasurer's report for November approved. 12 07 1874 ; 3 281 ? r e if 22. Treasurer's report for November spread upon minutes. 12 07 1874 . 3 282 ?r i? ? 23. . Statement from Treasurer to accompany October account. 12 07 1874 . , 3 283 ?E ;i 24. , Treasurer to receive rwo and one half percent on all receipts and disbursement dated back to time he enter- . 12 07 1874: 3 284 ;? +I ? ed office. „ . ?i ?, 25. Finance Committee reported on coupons paid by Treasurer on bonded debt. 12 08 ? 1874 , 3 ?; 285 ;? 26. ;Report from Auditing Committee on coupons paid by Treasurer and numbers to be destroyed. 12 08 1874 3 285 4' I 27. ;November report of Treasure spread upon minutes. 12 08 1374 ,. 3 2g6 ?} i 28. Statement of vouchers to accompany November account of Treasurer. 12 OS 1874 3 287 +i 'i 29. ';Committee to meet with Treasurer to assist him in making settlements with all County officers as required 12 14 1874 3 248 'i '? ? ' ? by Battles Revisal. ? ,s ?? ?1 ' 24. Treasureras report for December spread upon minutes. Ol 05 1875.. 3 293 ?; ; ' ,? 25. ,,Statement of vouchers to accompany December Treasurer's report spread upon minutes. Ol 05 1$35:, 3 Ri 293 .j 26. . Treasurer to accept money vouchers against County as payment of taxes as cash. Ol 30 1875 . 3 294 '! ; 27. Treasurer's report to be spread upon the minutes. 02 02 1875 3 295 ' 28. Treasurer and Committee settled account with former and incumbent Register of Deeds. 02 02 1875 3 2R7 ?i ?? 29. 'Account of Clerk of Superior Court not settled since Clerk not present. 02 02 1875 3 287 ?? 30. Treasurer's report for January 1$75 spread upon minutes. ?. 02 02 1875 ; 3 299 i; 31. ;Treasurer's report spread upon th? minutes for February, 1875. .? 03 O1 1875,r 3 303 rj ; 32. ? ' ' Statement to accompany Treasurer's accounts for February, 1875 spread on minutes. 03 O1 1875 3 ? 303 ;? 4 I 33. Everything reported correct in settlement of Tax Collector with Treasurer. 04 05 1875,? 3 r 314 ?a ?, ;: 34. Treasurer's report to be spread upon minutes. 04 06 1875 3 315 ?i ,? 35. -;Treausurer's report for March, 1875 spread upon minutes. 04 06 1875 3 t 317 ?? i? 36. Statement to accompany Treasurer's account for March, 1875 spread upon minutes. „ = ? 04 ? i 06 1875„ ? ,? e ?i 3 31?i '? ; ?E e? ? d INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count FINANCE DEPARTMENT N C ?? ` . . _ MATTER: ¦cc. u. s. ?er OFfICE ? County Indexea Since 1888 ? An Identifying Trade Msrk ? To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB WTT A-2 TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G DUNN NEW BERN NORTH CAROLINA . ?. 4' DATE ?g MINUTE BOOK s? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ?? C? Month I Day l Year a ? Voi. Page ° k? . l. Notified Treasurer that 12 and 1/2% of poll tax collected in 1874 to be used for support of poor. r 04 09 1875'," 3 319 2. W.J. Bivins elected Treasurer of Pender County on April 15, 1875. , 04 17 1875 ? 3 319 ` ; 3. Committee to assist A.R. Black, Sheriff, in his 1873 tax settlement with the Treasurer. 04 17 1875;; 3 320 ? 4. Filed Treasurer's report. OS 03 1875 ` 3 322 ?' ?, 5. Warrants drawn on Treasurer listed. ?: 05 03 1875;; 3 323 ; ? 6.? Treasurer's report for April, 1875 spread upon minutes. ;, 05 03 1875'? 3 324 7. Treasurer Hewlett's May report to be spread upon the minutes. 06 08 1875,, 3 331 8.F? Treasurer's report for May, 1875 spread upon the minutes. ?, 06 O8 1875„ 3 334 ?. 9.E? Statement of vouchers to accompany Treasurer's May report spread on minutes. ,' 06 08 1875,? 3 334 ,,? 10.;', Money on note from Bank of Marion, S.C, remitted to S.D. Wallace, deputy Treasurer. 07 07 1875 3 347 E, 11.? ?, Treasurer Hewlett's report to be spread upon the minutes. 07 , 08 1875 3 349 12..: ,? Treasurer's June, 1875 report spread on minutes. 07 08 1875 3 353 13.'= ?? List of warrants to accompany Treasurer's June report. 07 08 1875 3 353 ., 14.?; Treasurer Hewlett's July, 1875 report spread on minutes. 08 03 1875 3 365 ?? ?a ,? 15.`y List of warrants to accompany Treasurer's July report. 08 03 1875 3 365 ?, n? ... ?, 16.f? Bond of E. Hewlett as Treasurer put on record. 09 06 1875 3 372 17.;?' a? James Wilson turned anoney over to Treasurer for County's Insane Asylums. 09 , 06 1875? r, 3 372 ?. 18.?$ Report of Treasurer Hewlett filed. 09 13 1875 3 375 19.? Treasurer's report for August, 1875 spread upon minutes. 10 11 1875 3 385 ,? 20.y? w? Treasurer received money on note drawn by John Wagner and payable to Bank of Marion, S.C. as credits on 10 11 1875 . . 3 385 ., E? r? said note. ., ,21.?` Treasurer's reports for September and October, 1875 spread on minutes, pages 391-392. 11 09 1875 3 391 ,22.?? Treasurer's report received and ordered spread on minutes. 12 10 1875 3 399 .? 23.`? ?; Treasurer's report for November, 1875 spread on minutes,along with statement to accompany the report. 12 16 1875 , 3 401 :; 24.?N Treasurer's report on School Fund from Board of Education for October. 12 16 1875, 3 402 ?? ,25.;; Treasurer's report for December received and ordered spread on minutes. O1 03 1876„ 3 404 26.?? : Treasurer's December, 1875 report spread on minutes along with a statement to accompany it. O1 07 1876 3 407 ? 27.e3 Treasurer's report ?or Board of Education for December, 1875. O1 07 1876 ;, 3 407 28.F; Treasurer's January, 1876 report spread on minutes. 02 11 1876 3 415 29.'? List of warrants to accompany Treasurer's January report spread on minutes. 02 11 1876 3 415 ,? . 30.?i . ?q Report from Treasurer for Board of Education spread on minutes. 02 11 1876 3 416 ?? 31.,; ?? Tax Collector to pay 25% of State and County capitation tax to Treasurer for support of poor. 03 O1 1876 3 416 32.;p Treasurer Elijah Hewlett's report for February received and spread on the minutes. 03 08 1876 3 418 = ,? 33.;= Statement of vouchers to accompany Treasurer's February report spread on minutes. 03 08 1876 3 418 34.?:' Treasurer's report for Board of Education spread on minutes. 03 Q8 1876, 3 419 35.., Treasurer's report for March, 1876 spread on minutes along with warrants to accompany the report. 04 03 1876 3 425 36.:? Treasurer's report on Board of Education spread on minutes. 04 03 1876 3 426 37.,? Treasurer's report on School Fund for July, 1875 spread on minutes. 04 17 1876 3 430 . 38.?+ ;s Treasurer's April report spread on minutes. 05 ? O1 1876 3 433 3 39.?? Report from Board of Education in account with Treasurer Hewlett spread on minutes. 05 O1 187? 3 433 „ ;? ?; 40.?? Treasurer Hewlett to turn over all school funds of Pender County to said County. OS 05 1876 ; 3 434 , 41.s Receipt from Treasurer John Jones of Pender County for school fund spread on minutes. 06 07 1876 ; 3 442 42.';y i? Report from Board o£ Education in account with Treasurer Hewlett. 06 07 1876 3 444 . 43.?? ,? Statement of General Fund for May, 1876 from Treasurer Hewlett. 06 07 1876 3 445 44.;? Statement of Special Fund for May, 1876 from Treasurer Hewlett. 06 07 1876 , 3 446 , 45.;; ;; ;{ ??? ?+ Treasurer to pay no more than $150 to M. London to install suitable ventilation in the Courthouse. . 07 ? ?? G? 08 1876 , ; ? '? f9 3 451 , ?_ ;, F? ii t H C INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - N N C FINANCE DEPARTMENT anover oun y? ew . . _ MATTER: ` eEC. u. s. ???" County Indeze? Since 1888 i1? ?-- To locate names, open at r?r o?nc• ?.?i??T.o?.s An Identifyin? Trade Mark ?? SURNRME iN17iAt TAB COTT A-Z TAB IRDEX MADE BY THE tOTT INDEX COMPANY, tOLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ca DATE ? MINUTE BOOK i a? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? ? ?? ` V ,? ? ? Month ? Day ? - Year ? °' ol. ? Page ?? ? l. s ','iReport from Board of Education in account with Treasurer Hewlett spread on minutes. 07 08 1876'? 3 ?E 452 i? 2. `Statement from Treasurer Hewlett on Special and General Funds for June. 07 ° 08 1876t' '? 3 ?i 453 ;i ?E 3. .;Report from Board of Education in account with Treasurer Hewlett £or July spread on minutes. 08 07 1876?; '4 3 458 ?? .C 4. 'Statement on Special and General Funds from Treasurer Hewlett for July. ., 08 07 1$76?;' ,? 3 i? 458 ?g ? S. ?aH.E. Scott to pay to Treasurer amount collected by him from State for insane. 08 15 1876;? 3 460 ' ? 6. 'Annual statement from Treasurer Hewlett to be put on Records of Officials Reports and :? publish ed in newspape? 09 .. OS 1876`. 3 465 '°' 4? 7. ;Report on money turned over to Treasurer by H.E. Scott for use of insane. ; 09 18 1876?; 3 ?i 472 !; 8. ?Treasurer to receive $10,000 from Sheriff as part of tax levied for current expenses. r? 09 25 ' 1876'. 3 ?? 476 F: p1 9. . Statement of Special Fund for August from Treasurer Hewlett. , 09 27 1876 ,. 3 478 : 10. „List of vouchers to accompany Treasurer's August report. 09 11. _.Report from Board of Education in account with Treasurer Hewlett. 09 12. .Elijah Hewlett elected Treasurer in November 7, 1876 election. 11 13. ,September report from Board of Education in account with Treasurer Hewlett. 11 14. „Treasurer's September report spread on minutes. 11 15. .,Treasurer's September report on Special Fund . 11 16. Treasurer's September and October reports on Special Fund . 11 ? 17. .Treasuere's October report on General Fund. 11 18. :.List of warrants to accompany Treasurer's reports. , 11 19. October report from Board of Education in account with Treasurer Hewlett. 11 20. Treasurer's November report of General Fund, pages 505-506. I2 21. Report from Board of Education in account with Treasurer Hewlett for November. 12 22. Sureties of Treasurer Hewlett out of city so question of his bond continued. 12 23. Bond of Treasurer Hewlett accepted. 24. Treasurer to receive jury tickets from Sheriff as paid during last term of Superior Court on Schedule B. 25. Treasurer`s December report received and referred to Auditing Committee. 26. Report from Board of Education in account with Treasurer Hewlett. 27. Report on Special and General Funds for December . 28. Report to have list of warrants to accompany it from Treasurer. 29. Report on General Fund for January, 1877. 30. Report on Special Fund for January, 1877. 31. Report from Board of Education for Januray in account with Treasurer Hewlett. 32. ;Report on General and Special Funds for February, 1$77. 33. „Report from Board of Education in account with Treasurer Hewlett. 34. Treasurer to receive from Sheriff as cash the County claims of Messrs. Adrians and Vollers. 3?..,Treasurer to receiv? County orders of .I.GI. Atkinson and C.D. Myers as cash. 36. ,Sheriff to turn over to Treasurer all Township funds and take a receipt. 37.. Request from parties for money from School Fund to rebuild a schoolhouse which was destroyed in a storm referred to Attorney. 38.:,Late Tax Collector Black to turn over to Treasurer all Township funds in his hands. 39. Report of Auditing Committee relative to gold coupons paid by Treasurer on County bonds in minutes. 40. 'Reports from Treasurer for March and Aprzl ordered spread on minutes. 41. Report on gold coupons paid by Treasurer. 42. Report from Board of Education in account with Treasurer Hewlett for March. 43. Report on General and Special Funds from Treasurer Hewlett for March. 44. ?Treasurer Hewlett's report for March spread on minutes. 45. '?Report from Board of Education for April in account with Treasurer Hewlett. y ?e ;? i' k i ? _ -- 12 12 Ol Ol O1 Ol 02 02 OZ 03 03 05 05 06 06 „ 06 06 06 06 06 27 1876 27 1876 . 11 1876 14 1876 14 18 7 6 ., 14 1876y 14 1876 14 1876 , 14 1876 ._ 14 1876 04 1876 ? 04 1876 ;. 05 1876 , 16 1876 29 1876 03 1877 03 1877 . 03 1877 03 1877 05 1877 05 1877 05 1877 05 1877 05 1877 07 1877 07 1877_ 05 1877„ 05 1877 05 1877 ,„ 05 1877 05 1877 05 1877 ,. 05 1877 06 05 1877 ; 06 05 1877 ; 06 05 1877 „ 3 479 3 480 ,, 3 491 3 493 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 494 ;i 494 ? ?, i 494 495 ;' 496 `', 496 Y?? 505 506 ' 508 510 y? 514 ;. ?? 516 519 F, 520 ;? 5 21 ?' Ff 528 529 ?• 529 ' 4: 530 ' 533 545 5/?5 ?, 549 549 ? 549 ;; 551 '? 551 ?: 552 ?' 555 ?. y: 556 557 ' ?; 553 ; ? r. ;'s i: i l INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? N C MATTER FINANCE DEPARTMENT ? . . _ : ` Rea. u. s. County Indezee Since 1888 To loeate names, open at coTT A-z Ta6 INDEx e?r OFFICE ?tll7? An Identifying?rade Mark ? SURNAM6 INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, ONIO SOLO BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NO RTH CAROLINA DATE +i ?' o, MINUiE BOOK ;; NATURE Of PROCEEDINGS ? ? ?? : Month ? Day ? Year -? , Vol. ? Page ?, 1, . Reports on Special and General Funds for April. 06 ?5 1877 '' ?;? 3 .? 560 2.? Report on taxes received by Treasurer for April. ? 06 05 1877 ? 3 561 ?, 3. Report from Board of Education in account with Treasurer Hewlett for May. , 07 ?2 1877 P? 3 570 ? 4? t Report on General Fund for May. ,F ?_ 07 ?2 1877 '.? 3 572 ` 5? - '? Report on Special Fund for May. ?. 07 ?2 1877 [? 3 574 ' 6.?? i Report on General Fund for June. 07 ?2 1877 ' o. 3 574 ,. ? 7.?? ?' Report on Board of Education for June in account with Treasurer Hewlett. e 07 ?2 1877 ' 3 576 ? 8?? ? Report on Special Fund for June. ' 07 ?2 1877 3 , 578 9.? R T h ?? eport on owns ip Funds for June in account with Treasurer Hewlett. '° 07 ?2 1877 3 578 10.,'. '; Report on Township and Special Funds from Treasurer Hewlett for July. 08 :Ll 1877 . 3 596 ll.pi ?, Report from Board of Education for July in account with Treasurer Hewlett. . 08 :i?l 1877 . 3 598 12.j Report on General Fund for July. 08 :Ll 1877 3 598 13.;? Report from Treasurer Hewlett relative to Special Fund for August. 09 ?J6 1877 ,; 3 609 „ ; 14?? Annual report of Treasurer Hewlett for year ending August, 1877 to be entered on records of Offical Report 09 ?6 1877 3 610 15:d Report on Special and Townships Funds from Treasurer Hewlett for August. 09 ?2 1877 „ 3 618 ,, ,; 16.?f i Reports on General Fund and from Board of Education for August. 09 ?2 1877 3 619 , 17.i? ,? Report on General Fund for August. 09 :?2 1877 ? 3 620 „ 18.?i ? Report on General and Special Funds from September l, 1876 to August 31, 1877. ,. 09 .j2 1877 ,., 3 622 ., ,19.?? ? Report from Board of Education from September 1, 1876 to August 31, 1877 in account with Treasurer. ., 09 :j2 1877 , 3 622 ., F 20.,y : Warrant of R.F. Langdon to be paid from Sinking Fund by Treasurer. . 11 )6 1877 : 3 633 21.?? Treasurer's September report on Special Fund. 11 )6 1877 3 635 22.°? ,R September reports from Board of Education and General Fund. . 11 )6 1877 3 636 23.;; ,? October report from Treasurer on Special Fund. ,. 11 )6 1877 , 3 637 . u 24.?i October report from Board of Education in account with Treasurer Hewlett. 11 l6 1877 3 638 25.;?V Warrants to accompany Treasurer's reports. 11 l6 1877 3 640 26.s; ,? October report from Treasurer on General Fund. 11 )6 1877 , 3 641 a: ;, '27.?;' "? Warrants listed to accompany Treasurer's report. 11 ?)6 1877 ? ? 3 642 ? 28.?s Treasurer's November report referred to Finance Committee for examination. 12 !..5 1877 3 663 29.i; ;, M List of Treasurer's warrants, pages 672-674. 12 1.5 1877 3 672 . ? 30.? ?y Report on Special Fund from Treasurer Hewlett for November. 12 1.5 1877 . 3 675 .. 31.y? , Report from Board of Education for November in account with Treasurer Heweltt. 12 1.5 1877 3 676 ? r,? 32.P? ,? Report on General Fund for November. 12 !.5 1877 3 ? 678 33.?i i? Report of Treasurer for December referred to Finance Committee. Ol l7 1878 3 679 34.?j Treasurer's report on General Fund for December, 1877., pages 686-687. Ol )9 1878 3 686 ,35.j Treasurer's rego?t Qn Special Fund for December, 1877, pages 688-689, Ol 19 1$7$ 3 688 36.?;?. Report from Board of Education for December in account with Treasurer Hewlett, pages 688-689. dl )9 1878 3 688 ,37.;; Clerk of Auditing Committee to turn over to Treasurer State warrants for County insane. 03 _8 1878 3 714 .38.?y Part of taxes to be appropriated to General Fund. 04 .0 1878 , 3 718 ,. 39.;? Treasurer to transfer certain amount from School Fund to General Fund. . 04 _0 1878 : 3 719 40 ?? T t i l . reasurer o g ve usua receipt when Widow Finley pays taxes on property sold. 04 _0 1878 3 719 ?? ? ? 41.;? ?i Clerk of Auditing Van Amringe to turn over warrants from State Auditor for care of insane to Treasurer. 06 )5 1878 3 725 y 42.", Money for care of insane to be turned over to Treasurer. 06 )5 1878 3 730 43.?a .i Report from Auditing Clerk on warrants from State Auditor for care of insane and money to be given to 06 _1 1878 3 731 ;i .a Treasurer. . 44.?u Report from Auditing Clerk on money from State for care of insane and money to be given to Treasurer. ; 06 '.5 1878 3 733 : 45.ji .? Money from General School Fund to be appropriated to meet present demands. ,. 07 ?)2 1878 , 3 735 r '.; ?z i , ' g ¢? ( ;i ? ?? ?? ?? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? N C FINANCE DEPARTMENT MATTER , . . _ : ` .co. u. s. Cou??y [?dues S?nce 1888 To toeata namas, opan a! ? CO7T A•Z iAB INDEX r?r ornct C. i?? An Identifvin8 Trede Marlc SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY TNF CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH [AROLINA `4 ?? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE ?e', MINUTE BOOK ?? , ?? . ? Month ? Day ? Year °; Vol. ? Page P 1. fsTreasurer Hewlett granted two weeks to furnish his bond. 09 - - 02 1878 3 - ?? 744 ; , k 2. Bond of Treasurer Hewlett accepted and registered. 09 11 I878 ? 3 748 c? ? ? , 3. ..Report on Special Fund from Treasurer Hewlett for January, 1878. ?, Q9 „ 21 1878` 3 ? ' 751 ;; 4. ?'Report on General Fund from Treasurer Hewlett for January, 1878, pages 752-753 ?`E 09 21 1$78: ?. 3 752 i? 5. `Report from Board of Education for January, 1878. ,, 09 .. 21 1878': 3 754 ?' 'i 6. ;List of warrants to accompany Treasurer`s report. 09 ?? 21 1878 , 3 757 's ;? 7. Re ort on General Fund for Februar 1$78 a es 758-759 P Y? ? P g ?, 09 21 1878 ??. 3 ?f 'b 758 ;, 8. ;:Report on Special Fund for February, 1878, pages 758-759. 09 ?- 21 1878 ?, 3 758 , ,: 9. „Report on Board of Education for February, 1878, pages 760-761. 09 21 1878:: 3 760 ? 10. . List of warrants to accompany Treasurer's report. 09 21 1878 3 762 11. Warrants from Bladen County to be given to Treasurer. 09 30 1878 3 769 12. Check returned by State Auditor as an error paid over to Treasurer for General Fund. 11 07 1878;, 3 775 13. Board counted and burned bonds and coupons paid by Treasurer as stated in his November report. ., 11 29 1878;, 3 779 14. List of warrants from Treasurer for March, 1878. 11 29 1878 3 783 ` 15. .Report from Board of Education for March,1878 in account with Treasurer, pages 784-785. 11 29 1878,. 3 784 ; 16. .Reports on General and Special Funds for March, 1878, pages 786-787. 11 29 1878,., 3 786 ; 17. Report from Board of Education for Arpil, 1878, pages 788-789 ,. 11 29 1878,; 3 788 ; ?8. S,Reports on Special and General Funds for April, 1878, pages 790-791. 11 29 1878.„ 3 790 ;. 19. ,Treasurer will pay P, Newman from the Sinking Fund for a bond purchased in 1877. ?. 11 29 1878., 3 792 ;, 20. Warrants listed from Treasurer for April, 1878. 11 29 1878: 3 792 , 21. Warrants listed from Treasurer for May, 1878. 11 29 1878 3 793 22. Treasurer to pay John Wagner from Sinking Fund for a bond he purchased. 11 29 1878 3 793 23. Reports on General and Special Funds for May, 1878, pages 794-795. 11 29 1878 3 794 24. Report from Board of Education for May, 1878. ,. 11 . 29 1878 ?. 3 796 25. Reports on Special and General Funds for June, 1878, pages 798-799. 11 29 1878 3 798 26. Report from Board of Education for June, 1878, pages 798-799. ., 11 ?. 29 1878 ?, 3 798 ?? 27. List of warrants from Treasurer for June, 1878. 11 29 1878 3 800 ,° 28. Treasurer to give Commissioner Worth the claims against Bladen County £or collection. 12 27 1$78 4 8? 29. .Commissioners Worth and Bagg to audit and settle account of Sheriff with Treasurer. Ol 06 1879 4 10 30. Board destroyed bonds and coupons presented by Treasurer in Decemtzer report. Ol . 06 1879 .. 4 13 k ?. 31. .:Treasurer's December report referred to Finance Committee. O1 06 1$79 4 14 ` 32. ,,Commisszoner Wortlz reported he collected claim due County from Bladen County minus his fee for colZecting. „ Ol 15 1879,; 4 15 33. ,,Treasurer's December report to be spread on minutes. O1 15 1879 4 15 34. , Chairman paid County Treasurer warrants from State Auditor on State Treasurer. O1 22 1879 4 17 35. ,,Treasurer's reports on Educational and Special ?unds to be spread on minutes. 03 03 1379„ 4 22 36. „Coupons presented by Treasurer to be destroyed. , 03 03 1?379„ 4 23 „ 37. ,Treasurer's report on General Fund to be spread on minutes. 03 03 1379 4 23 . 38. .,List of warrants to accompany General Fund from Treasurer. 03 18 1?79:. 4 27 . 39. ;Reports on General, Special, and Board of Education Funds for July, 1878, pages 28-29. 03 . 18 1879 .. 4 28 x? 40. .Reports on General and Special Funds and Board of Education for August, 1878, pages 30-31. 03 ., 18 1879 .. 4 30 ` V: 41. Reports on General and Special Funds for September, 1878, page 32. ; 03 18 1879 4 32 : 42. Report on Board of Education for September, 1878. 03 18 1379• 4 33 " 43. ;Reports on General and Special Funds and on Board of Education for October, 1878, pages 34-35. 03 18 1879 4 34 44. Reports on General and Special Funds for November, 1878, pages 36-37. 03 18 1379 4 36 45. ; Report on Board of ?ducation for November, 1878, pages 38-41. 03 18 1379- 4 38 46. .;Statement of warrants to accompany Treasurer's November, 1878 report, pages 42-43. 03 18 1879 4 42 ; b u s , ,, ?? e; f5 . Yi INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County? N. C. _ MATTER: FINANCE DEPARTMENT ` eec. u. s. County lndezee Since 1888 To tocate names, open at COTi A•Z TAB INDEX r?r OFFICE Cn?? An Identifying Trade Mark $URMAM$ INITIA6 TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ' DATE ?? MINUTE BOOK 's? NATUR? OF PROCEEDINGS Month I Day Year ''?' Vol. Page "? I k, l.p Reports on General and Special Funds for December, 1878, pages 44-45. '? 03 18 1879!? „4 4 44 , 2.? Report on Board of Education for December, 1878, pages 46-47. 03 18 1879.; 4 46 3.? R Reports on General and Special Funds for January, 1879, pages 48-49. 03 18 1879 4 48 M 4.P , Report on Board of Education for January, 1879, pages 48-51. 03 18 1Fi79; 4 48 ? , 5.; Statement to accom pany Treasurer's January, 1879 account. : 03 18 1879 z 4 51 c . , 6.?y Report on Board of Education for February, 1879, pages 52-53. ; 03 18 1879_; p 4 52 . 7.? Report on General and Special Funds for February, 1879. 03 18 1879 ? 4 54 ; 4? _ 8.?? Treasurer' s report on General and School Funds to be spread on minutes. 04 07 1879 ; 4 55 ; 9.,`? Treasurer returned bonds of Special Fund to be destroyed by Board. 04 07 1879 4 55 .10.,? Report on Special Fund for March, 1879. 04 Q7 1879 4 55 11.;; Report on General Fund for March, 1879. 12.,; Treasurer's monthly report on School, General and Special Fund i? 13.4` Treasurer presented coupons to be destroyed by Board. s 14.?o Report on General Fund for April, 1879. 15.?? Report on Special Fund for April, 1879. 16.?' Statement to accompany Treasurer's April, 1879 report. 17.?,? Report on Board of Education for April, 1879, pages 76-77. 18." Report from Register of Deeds on money paid Treasurer from marriage licenses for three months approved. s? r19.?? Treasurer submitted reports on General, School, and Special Funds. 20.?? Treasurer submitted a report on coupons to be destroyed by Board, and report on General Fund for June. ?, 21.'? Treasurer submitted reports on School and Special Funds and coupons for June. 22..,; Report on Special Fund for June, 1879, page 82; report to accompany Treasurer's report, page 83. ,23.!; Reports on General and Special Funds for May, 1$79, .? 24.;? Report on Board of Education for June, 1879; report on General Fund for June, 1879, page 86. ?y ?; 25.i1 Statement to accompany Treasurer's report. 26.„ Report on Board of Education for May, 1879, pages 88-89. ? ,? 27.??; Treasurer submitted reports on General, School and Special Funds for July. _ ,, 28.k? Treasurer submitted report on coupons to be destroyed by Board for July. 29.?a Report on Special and General Funds for Ju1.y, I879. ,y 30.pfi July statement of warrants to accompany Treasurer's report. ;, 31.;s Report on Board of Education for July, 1879, pages 96-97. . Lj 32.?; Treasurer submitted his reports on General, Special and School Funds for September. ?? ,33.;? Report on General Fund for August, 1879. 34.?; Report ?n Board of Education for August, 1879. ir 35.;?: Statement of warrants to accompany Treasurer's August repart. 36.;; Treasure's annual reports on General and Special Funds correct and to be spread on minutes. ,37.?; Report on General Fund for year ending August, 1879, pages 108-109. _38.;?; Report on Special Fund for year ending August, 1879, pages 110-I11. :.; ?g .39.?? Report on Board of Education for year ending August, 1879, pages 110-111. 40.'4N Treasurer's September report on General, Special and School Funds and coupons submitted. 41.E? Reports on General and Special Funds for September, 1879. ?p `i 42.;? Statement of warrants to accompany Treasurer's September report. ?? 43.;? Report on Board of Education for September, 1879. i? 44.;? Treasurer submitted his monthly reports and were approved. ?, t 45.'! Treasurer to pay no orders of school cominittees except to hire teachers, unless approved by Chairman of i? ? the Board of Education. i :i i ! ?t 04 07 1879. 4 05 05 1879 4 05 05 1879 4 05 05 1879 4 05 05 1879 4 05 05 1879 4 05 05 1879 06 02 1879 ; 07 07 1879 07 07 1879 , 07 07 1879;? 07 07 187 9 „ 07 07 1879, ?. 07 07 1879 „ „ o? o? is?9 ,,: 07 07 1879 08 04 1879 08 04 1879 08 0? 1879 08 04 1879 ; 08 04 1879 09 O1 1879 ; 09 O1 1879 , 09 O1 1879 09 O1 1$79„ 09 15 1879 09 ,. 09 09 ? 10 10 10 10 11 15 1879 , 15 1879 ,. 15 1879 ,. 06 1879 ,: 06 1879 06 1879 06 187 9 03 1879 11 03 1879 { ?i i? 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 62 69 69 73 74 75 76 78 80 . 80 SI , 82 84 „ 85 8 7 ., 88 91 91 93 94 96 102 ; 104 105 106 107 108 110 110 114 „ 115 116 4 117 4 118 4 I18 ? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Countyi ?. U. _ MATTER: FINANCE DEPARTMENT ` eco. u. ?. Counry Indeze? Since 1888 ? To locats names, open at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX !AT oFrw[ C???Ce? An Idtntifrin¢ Trade Mark SURNAML INITIAL TAB INADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLOMBUS, OHtO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS " DATE ?' MINUTE BOOK , ,. r? ?? Month ? ? Day ? Year ?, r? Vol. Page ?4 1.,' ;, Treasurer' s reports on General and Special Funds and bonds to be destroyed found correct. 11 03 1879 E? K 4 118 ?I ?? 2..; Statement of General Fund for October, 1879. 11 12 ?? 1879 E 4 123 ,i ? ? 3.` Report on General Fund for October, 1879, pages 124-125. 11 ?. 12 1879 '?° ?, 4 124 ? ? 4.?= ?; Report on Special Fund for October, 1879, pages 126-127. ? 11 12 1879 ?? ? 4 126 ? 4 5..` Report on Board of Education for October, 1879, pages 128-129. 11 12 1879 fw 4 128 ? ?" k 6.a Treasurer' s report on Special Fund and coupons and bonds to be destroyed approved, 12 O1 1879 E; 4 130 Ea ?: 7..` ' Reports on General and School Funds submitted. e 12 Ol 1879 ???j 4 131 ?a 8., Bond of Treasurer Elijah Hewlett approved. ;, 12 O1 ;; 1879 F, , 4 131 r'` , 9, Statement of warrants to accompany Treasurer's November report. 12 03 1879 `` 4 133 1?J., Report on General Fund for November, 1879. 12 03 1879 ;, 4 134 „ 11.. Report on Special Fund for November, 1879. ,. 12 03 1379 , 4 135 12. Report on Board of Education for November, 1879, pages 136-137. 12 03 1879 : 4 136 t; 13..: Treasurer' s reports on General, Special and School Funds for December, 1879 submitted. .. O1 05 1880 ;, 4 140 14. . Treasurer` s report on bonds for December, 1879 to be destroyed by Board submitted. Ol 05 1830 ?; 4 140 ? i. 15. . Treasurer' s annual statement referred to Finance Committee. Ol .. 05 188Q `, ?? 4 14Q ! 16. Statement of General Fund for December, 1879. Ol 05 1880 ! 4 143 'r{ 17. , Report on General Fund for December, 1879. O1 . 05 18$0 ? 4 144 ?? ?? 18. Report on Special Fund for December, 1879. Ol 05 1880 , 4 145 ?; 19. Report on Board of Education for December, 1879, pages 146-147. Ol 05 1880', 4 146 ?; 20. Sheriff's annual reports on receipts and settlements with Treasurer, pages 148-155. y Ol 16 1880 ? 4 143 ? ;d 21.,, Sheriff's settlement with State Treasurer for 1879. Ol 16 1880 C' 4 156 j % 22.,. Money on o 1d Township Books of Treasurer to be transferred to Special Fund. . OZ 02 . 1880 : 4 170 ; 23. Treasurer' s monthly reports on General and School Funds presented. y 02 02 1880 _ 4 170 i': 24., Treasurer' s monthly report on Special Fund received. , 02 02 1880 "' 4 171 ? ?, ?; 25.. Report on General and Special Funds for January, 1880. , 02 02 1880 4 172 ? , 4 26.,a Statement of warrants of General Fund for January, 1880. .. 02 OZ 1.880 ,, 4 173 ?; 9. 27., Report on Board of Education for January, 1880, pages 174-175. 02 02 18II0 ,: 4 174 ?, 28. Treasurer submitted his monthly reports for February. 03 O1 1880 a . 4 176 !. !; „ ?; 29. Report from Treasurer on coupons to be burned by the Board. 03 O1 1380 t 4 176 ['. I. 30. . Statement of warrants to accompany Treasurer's February, 1880 report. 03 .. O1 1?80 4 177 ?; i, 31. Report on Board of Education for February, 1880, pages 178-179. 03 Ol 1v80 `?` 4 178 I .. „ ? ,, ?, 32. Reports on General and Special Funds for February, 1880. 03 O1 1880 :; 4 180 ?y ? 33., Treasurer' s March report on General Fund submitted. , 04 05 188? 4 181 '' ?? 34. Treasurer' s March report on Special and School Funds and bonds submitted to be burned by Board. 04 OS 13?0 y 4 182 35.,, Report on General Fund for March, 1880. „ 04 OS 1880 ; 4 183 ?: 36., Statement of warrants for March, 1880 to accompany Treasurer's report. 04 05 1080 4 184 ? 37..: Report on Special Fund for March, 1880. 04 05 1880 ;; 4 185 ?, 38.. Report on Board of Education for March, 1880, pages 186-187. „ 04 05 1380 ;, 4 186 ` 39.., Treasurer' s report on coupons for April to be burned by Board submitted. „ 05 03 1880 : ' 4 188 ;? 40.` Report on General Fund for Apri1, 1880. 04 ,. 03 1880 i r? 4 192 i; ;? ;? 41. .. Statement of warrants to accompany Treasurer's April report. 04 , 03 1880 ' 4 193 f' ds 42. . Report on Board of Education for April, 1880, pages 194-195 04 03 1880 F. 4 194 ;' 43. Report an Special Fund for April, 1880. 04 03 1880 ' 4 196 . . 4i ? 44. Treasurer' s report on coupons for May to be burned by Board presented with report on General Fund. 06 07 1880 '' 4 197 ?' r., fi ! 45. Statement of warrants to accompany Treasurer's May report. 06 07 1880 ;. 4 193 ;i 46. Report on Special Fund for May, 1880. 06 r 07 R 1880 '' ?? 4 199 ?, INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? FINANCE 1? U MATTER DEPARTMENT ? . . _ : _ Re?. u. s. County Indezee S?nce 1888 ?yl ?- To loeate names, open at ??r OFFICE (???.?a-?{',?' An Identifying Trade Marlc ?`:? SURNAME INITIAL TAB corr a•z rAe iHOex MADE BY THE COTT ?NDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA „ ? DATE p z4 MINUT ?, E BOOK ?r NATURE OF PROCEEDlNGS - Month E:; I Day I Year '" ?'' Vol. I Page ",' l. Report on Board of Education for May, 1880, pages 200-201. 06 07 1880??. ?? 4 200 ,' ?a 2.? Report on General Fund for June, 1880. t 07 05 1880?` 4 205 ; 3. Statement of warrants to accompany Treasurer's June report. 07 , 05 1880;; 4 206 4. Report on Special Fund for June, 1880. 07 05 1880sa 4 207 5. Report on Board of Education for June, 1880, pages 208-209. 07 05 1880;; 4 208 6.p Treasurer' s report on coupons submitted to be destroyed by Board. 08 02 1880 : 4 221 G 0 7.E ? Reports on General and Special Funds for July, 1880. ; 08 02 1880;; 4 222 ? , 8.?? Statement on warrants for July, 1880. OS 02 1880 4 223 , . 9.?? Report on Board of Education for July, 1880, pages 224--225. 08 02 1880? 4 224 10.?; Bonds and coupons submitted by Treasurer for August to be destroyed by Board. 09 06 1880 4 227 ll.k; Treasurer submitted his annual report on the General Fund. 09 06 1880 4 227 , 12.?; Report on General Fund for August, 1880. 09 06 1880„ 4 228 , ,13.? C. Statement on warrants for August, 1880. 09 06 1880; 4 229 14.s` ? Report on Board of Education for August, 1880, pages 230-231. 09 06 1880 4 230 . 15.? Report on Special Fund for August; 1880. 09 06 1880, 4 231 2 16.= Treasurer presented annual statement as approved by Finance Committee. 09 13 1880 4 232 ?; . 17.?; Treasurer' s annual report on General Fund from September l, 1879 to August 31, 1880. 09 13 1880, 4 233 ,, 18.?? Treasurer' s annual report on Special Fund from September 1, 1879 to August 31, 1880, pages 234-235. 09 13 1880 4 234 19.?? Treasurer' s annual report on Board of Education from September 1, 1879 to August 31, 1880, pages 234-235. 09 13 1880 4 234 20.!? Treasurer' s report on coupons presented and to be destroyed. 10 04 1880t' 4 237 ., 21.?? Report on General and Special Funds for September, 1880. 10 04 1880, 4 238 ? , ,22.?a Statement of warrants for September, 1880. 10 04 1880„ 4 239 „ y-; ,ti 23.a? Report on Board of Education for September, 1880. 10 04 1880 4 240 ?24.` Treasurer' s report on coupons for October to be destroyed submitted. 11 O1 1880 4 242 25.i ? Report on General fund for October, 1880. 11 O1 1880,? 4 244 ; , R ,26.py Report on warrants for October, 1880. 11 O1 1880, 4 245 27.;? Report on Special Fund for October, 1880. ,, 11 Ol 1880; 4 246 - ?9 ,28.,a ?? Report on Board of Education for October, 1880. 11 Ol 1880: , 4 247 . ?.29.;? ? Treasurer' s report on bonds to be destroyed for November, 1880. 12 06 1880,? 4 248 ? '30.?? Treasurer' s annual report referred to Finance Committee. 12 06 1880 4 248 t? „ 31.?? Bond of Tr easurer Elijah Hewlett accepted. 12 06 1880. 4 250 f' ? 32.?; Elijah Hewlett qualified by taking oath as Treasurer. ? 12 06 1880, 4 251 33.%? ? Report on General Fund for November, 1880. 12 06 1880r 4 252 , 34.?? Report on warrants for November, 1880. 12 06 1880 4 253 ? 35.;? Report on Board of Education for November, 1380. 12 06 1$80 4 254 36.`? Report on Special Fund for November, 1880. 12 06 1880 4 255 37.r? Treasurer' s annual reports submitted and found correct. 12 20 1880. 4 258 38.; Report on General Fund from December l, 1879 to November 30, 1880, pages 258-259. 12 20 1880G 4 258 , iF ,39.?' Report on Special Fund from December 1, 1879 to November 30, 1880. , 12 20 1880 4 259 €1 40.`? Report on Board of Education from December 1, 1879 to November 30, 1880, pages 260-261. 12 20 1880, 4 260 ? , , , ,41.Ew Treasurer' s report on bonds and coupons submitted to be destroyed. „ Ol 03 1881; 4 261 ?s 42.wp ? Chairman reports on amounts received from Anson County and paid to Treasurer. Ol 03 1881„ 4 262 ; ' ? ?i 43.tl? ?? John D. Taylor reports on amounts received from Pender County and paid to Treasurer. Ol 03 1881 4 262 , 44.?? Report on General Fund for December, 1880. Ol 03 1881; 4 264 45.i? Statement of warrants to accompany Treasurer's report. Ol 03 1881,,, 4 265 46. , ?? kr , ?? Report on Board of Education for December, 1880, pages 266-267. O1 M ?? 03 1881:? ! ?? 4 266 ,; ? 3 p, ?? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County N C FINANCE DEPARTM??TT MATTER , . . _ : - eec. u. s. County Indazee Sinee 1888 ? To loeate ?mes, spen at r?i ofr?tc ?71..?e.i?.. An IdentiEyinY Trade Merk S1IRNAME INITIAL TAB C07T A•Z TAB tNDEX M?ADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA " ? DATE p; ?. MINUTE BOOK ? ?? NATURE OF PROCEEDfNGS ? ? L Month I Day I Year ?y Voi. Page 1. Report on Special Fund for December, 1880. O1 ? 03 ? 1881 ?7 4 p, ?? 268 '+,; ?? 2.. .. Treasurer' s reports on bonds and coupons submitted to be burned by Board for January. 02 .. 07 1881 := ?.? 4 271 6' ?, ?? 3.' Report on General Fund for January, 1881. 02 . 07 18?1 4 272 `? ?? 4.fe Statement of warrants to accompany Treasurer's January, 1881 report. 02 07 1?81 ? 4 273 ?3 :? 5.; Report on Board of Education for January, 1881, pages 274-275. 02 07 1881 ha 4 274 kE 6. Report on Special Fund for January, 1881. 02 • 07 1881 ;. ?. . 4 276 `' ? ?? r 7., Statement of warrants to accompany Treasurer's February;1881 report. 03 07 1881 ? 4 , 278 ?; 8. Report on General Fund for February, 1881, and on the Special Fund for February, 1881. , 03 07 1881 =. 4 ?? 279 ?: 9.,, Report on Board of Education for February, 1881, pages 280-281. .. 03 07 1881 ; 4 280 , 10.. Treasurer' s report on bonds and coupons to be destroyed submitted. 04 04 1881 4 283 ., 11. Report on General Fund for March, 1881. 04 04 18?1 a 4 286 12... Statement of warrants for March, 1881. 04 04 1881 „ 4 287 ,; 13.., Report on Board of Education for March, 1881, pages 288-289. ;, 04 04 1881 4 288 ;, 14. Treasurer' s report on bonds and coupons to be destroyed for April. 05 02 1881 , 4 290 ' 15.. Statement of warrants for April, 1881. . 05 02 1881 „ 4 293 16., Report on Board of Education for April, 1881, pages 294-295. 05 02 1881 ., 4 294 ;; 17... Reports on General and Special Funds for April, 1881. . 05 02 1881 ,. 4 296 18. Treasurer' s monthly report on coupons to be destroyed submitted. 06 06 1381 . 4 298 19.y Report on General Fund for May, 1881. 06 06 1581 ;^ 4 299 ', 20. Report on Special Fund for May, 1881. 06 06 1581 : 4 300 21. Statement of warrants for May, 1881. 06 06 1881 n. 4 301 ? k. 22. Report on Board of Education for May, 1881, pages 302-303. 06 06 1881 4 302 23.._ Report on General and Special Funds for June, 1881. 07 11 1881 4 308 24., Statement of warrants for June, 1881. 07 11 1881 , 4 ?: 309 „ 25.,: Report on Board of Education for June, 1881, pages 310-311. 07 11 1881 ,: 4 310 4, 26., Treasurer' s report on bonds and coupons to be destroyed submitted. „ 08 O1 1881 n 4 315 ;; 27.,? Treasurer to transfer funds from General Fund to credit of Special Fund. .. 08 Ol 1881 ;. 4 315 ?; 28.?. Statement of warrants for July, 1881. . 08 Ol 1881 ,, 4 316 '. I? 29.; Report on General and Special Funds for July, 1881. .. 08 O1 1881 ;; 4 317 f, 30.„ Report on Board of Education for July, 1881. ., 08 Ol 1881 ,,, 4 318 ?; 31.. Report on General Fund for August, 1881. 09 05 1851 ; 4 325 i` p' 32.. Statement of warrants for August, 1881. . 09 05 18?1 .? 4 326 ' 33..,. Report on Special Fund and Board of Education for August, 1881. . 09 05 1831 :, 4 327 ;, i 34. Treasurer' s report on coupons submitted to be destroyed. 10 03 1881 4 p 328 ? ? 35. Report on General and Special Funds for September, 18$1. 10 D3 1881 ; 4 33? 4 36. Statement of warrants for September, 1881. 10 03 1881 , 4 f 331 + 37. Report on Board of Education for September, 1881. 10 03 1881 4 332 ;. ?? 38. , Treasurer' s report on coupons sul?.mitted to be destroyed. 11 07 1881 . ., 4 333 ? j: 39. Report on General and Special Funds for October, 1881. 11 07 1881 4 337 j 40. Statement of warrants for October, 1881. , 11 07 1881 , 4 i 338 j, 41. Report on Board of Education for October, 1881. 11 07 1831 ? 4 339 ;; ? 42. Treasurer' s monthly report on coupons to be destroyed submitted,and his annual report. 12 05 1881 y 4 ? 340 ?. 43. Treasurer' s annual report referred to Finance Committee. . 12 05 18?31 e, 4 341 44. , Bond of Treasurer Elijah Hewlett approved. 12 05 1881 4 ? 341 ' ;. 45.` Report on General Fund for November, 1881. 12 05 1881 _. 4 344 y, 46. ; ,; o? Report on Special Fund for November, 1881. 12 ;' 05 1881 ,; ' }, i? 4 ; 345 ;; ; i „ ?: !Y !? INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - Nev? Hanaver Count? FINANCE 1? U MATTER DEPARTMENT ? . . _ : ` ?[c. u. s. County Indezee Since 1888 M?--? To iocate names, open at PAT OFFICE ?? An Identifying Trade Mark rl:$ SURNAMB INITIAL TAB coTT A•z Tae iNn¢x MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ?J DATE ?'; MINUTE BOOK i? NATURE OF PROCE?DINGS ? Month I Day I Year ?'; '" Vol. I Page ?; ? . 1. Statement of warrants for November, 1881. 12 • • 05 ! 1881?? 4 345 ??? 2. Report on Board of Education for November, 1881, pages 346-347. ; 12 05 1881;' 4 346 3. Treasurer' s monthly report on bonds and coupons to be destroyed submitted. ? Ol 02 1882?i ?, 4 348 ?, 4.? Annual rep ort on Special Fund from September 1, 1880 to November 30, 1881. r Ol 02 1882 , 4 349 ' 5.? ? Annual rep ort on General Fund from September 1,1880 to December 1, 1881, pages 350-351. ? Ol 02 1882?1 4 350 'w , 6.! Annual rep ort on Board of Education for year ending November 30, 1881. 1 Ol 02 1882a' 4 352 ? 7,? Report on General and Special Funds for December, 1881. ? O1 02 1882 : 4 353 8.?? ? Statement of warrants for December, 1881. ; Ol 02 1882,; 4 354 I _ 9.;? Report on Board of Education for December, 1881. ., Ol 02 1882 , 4 355 ,n ,10.` Sheriff's settlement of taxes with State Treasury. „ Ol 02 1882 4 356 , 11.`' Report from Mayor of Wilmington, W.L. Smith,on fines collected and paid to Treasurer, 02 06 18$2 4 357 12.;', Treasurer' s report on coupons to be destroyed submitted. 02 06 1882,, 4 357 ,. ,13.?? , Statement of warrants for January, 1882. „ 02 06 1882,,e 4 358 ? 14.;? Report on General and Special Funds for January, 1882. 02 , 06 1882 4 359 , ? _ ' ,15.;j ?s Report on Board of Education for January, 1882, pages 360-36Z. . 02 06 1882,: 4 I 360 i ? .16.?' ? Treasurer' s report on bonds and coupons to be destroyed submitted. „ 03 06 1882,„ 4 362 . .17.?, Treasurer to transfer funds from General Fund to Special Fund. L 03 06 1882,, 4 362 „ ' .18.s Report on Special Fund for February, 1882. .. 03 06 1882..; 4 363 .; 19.? ? Report on General Fund for February, 1882. 03 06 1882': 4 364 20.? Statement of warrants for February, 1882. 03 06 1882 ' 4 365 4 21.C; Report on Board of Education for February, 1882, pages 366-367. ; 03 06 1882 4 366 ,22.? Treasurer' s report on coupons to be destroyed submitted. , 04 03 1882 4 368 P? ,23.?? Report on General Fund for March, 1882. 04 03 1882.; 4 372 .24.4? Statement of warrants for March, 1882. ,. 04 03 1882 4 373 ,25.r? Report on Board of Education for Ma.rch, 1882, pages 374-375. , 04 03 1882 4 374 26.k? Report on Special Fund for March, 1882. 04 03 ? 1882 4 376 _27.;5 ? Treasurer' s report on coupons to be destroyed submitted. 05 Ol 1882 4 377 ; ? ,28.?? Reports on General and Special Funds for April, 1882. ;. 05 Ol 1882 4 379 . i ? ? i .29.;' Statement of warrants for April, 1882. „ 05 Ol 1882, 4 380 , + .30.? Report on School Fund (Board of Education) for April, 1882. „ 05 Ol 1882,; 4 381 ., 31.f? Treasurer' s report on coupons submitted to be destroyed. 06 05 1882 4 382 ?, 32.F; .? Report on General and Special Funds for May, 1882. 06 ., 05 1882 „ 4 383 f ,, 33.?? Report on Board of Education for May, 1882, pages 38b-387. 06 05 1882 4 386 „34.?? Statement of warrants for May, 1882. 06 05 1882 4 390 35.r? Treasurer' s monthly report on coupons submitted to be destroyed. 07 43 1882 4 391 f 36.ka °? Report on General and Special Funds for June, 1882. 07 03- 1882 4 392 ,37.;a Statement of warrants for June, 1882. 07 03 1882 4 393 .38.?; Report on Board of Education for June, 1882, pages 394-395. , 07 03 1882 4 394 u ,39.?? ? Treasurer' s report on a bond to be destroyed submitted. 08 07 1882 ; 4 400 !, ? Y ,40.w {k Report on General Fund for July, 1882. 08 07 1882 ; 4 401 ,; ,41.?£ s Statement of warrants for July, 1882. .. 08 07 1882;; 4 402 ; i{ ,42.?? d Report on Board of Education and Special Fund for July, 1882. ,_ 08 07 1882 4 403 „ tl? 43.6? Report on General and Special Funds for August, 1882. 09 04 1882 4 414 ?p ? 44.?? ? Statement of warrants for August, 1882. 09 04 1882',; 4 415 ?, 45.?? i? Report on Board of Education for August, 1882. 09 04 1882,,; 4 416 , , 46.;? ? r € C " ?? ? ? ? Treasurer' s report on coupons submitted to be destroyed. 10 + ;, i? 02 1882:: ', ?; i4' I? 4 419 '; ?, + ii ?, ,, ?? ?? / ,, ( , N l? INDEX TO CO?IMISSIONERS I?INUTES - New Hanover Coun? FINANCE DEPARTMBNT MRTTER . ? . : _ ` ¦aa, u. s. /r? Covnty Indezea Since 1888 ? x+?-- To lasate names, open at ??r osF+cc ?Ca?i An ldeatifyiaY Trade Matk ?.? SURMAME tNtT1AL T/t8 COTT A•Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA s? DATE ?? MINUTE BOOK y ? ; NATURE OF PROtEEDINGS ?? , ? Month I Day I Year '!a '' Vol. I Page ( P . 1.';, ?. Report on General and Special Funds for September, 1882. 10 - ? 02 1882 '.; 4 421 ±? '? }? 2.r Statement of warrants for September, 1882. 10 02 1832 ?a 4 422 E` ? 3.;' r' Report on Board of Education for September, 1582. 10 02 1382 E 4 423 e `? ?i 4.'`; Treasurer's report on coupons to be destroyed submitted. 11 Q6 1882 ':` 4 426 ?; 7` ea ?; 5.a Report on General and Special Funds for October, 1882. , 11 06 1882 '?i 4 428 +? ? ; 6. ;i Statement of warrants for October, 1882. 11 06 1882 ;; 4 429 r ?t 4. 7.;r Report on Board of Education for October, 1882. 11 06 1882 ,`. , 4 430 ?? ?, 8. Treasurer's report on bonds and coupons to be destroyed submitted. ; 12 04 1882 .' 4 432 9. Treasurer to transfer funcls from General Fund to Special Fund. 12 04 1882 .a 4 432 ,. 10. Bond of Treasurer-elect, Owen Burney, approved. 12 04 1?52 4 434 . 11. Report on General Fund for November, 1882. 12 04 1882 „ 4• 435 , 12.., Report on Special Fund for November, 1882. 12 04 1882 . 4 436 „ 13.,. Statement of warrants for November, I882, pages 436-437. 12 04 Z882 ., 4 43b 14.,, Report on Board of Education for November, 1882, pages 438-439. 12 04 1332 „ 4 438 ;, 15... Annual report on General and Special Funds from December 1, 1$81 to November 30, 1882. . 12 04 1882 4 440 16.,, Annual report on Board of Education for year ending November 30, 1882. ,,, 12 04 1882 , 4 441 ;, 17.,, Report on General Fund and a statement of warrants for December, 1882. Ul' 0? 1382 ,; 4 446 ; 18... Report on School Fund for December, 1882, pages 447-448. , Ol 0? 188? „ 4 447 ; ?: 19. , Receipt from State Treasurer for Sheriff's settlement with State on taxes collected. 0? 02 1883 { 4 449 ! ?? 20. Treasurer's report on bonds and coupons submitted to be destroyed. 02 05 1883 e 4 450 k 2Z.,, Report on School Fund for January, Z883. , 02 05 1883 ,; 4 451 ;; 22.; Report on General Fund for January, 1883. ., 02 05 1883 „ 4 452 23.; Report on General Fund for February, 1883. „ 03 Q5 1883 , 4 455 ?' 24..; Report on School Fund for February, 1883. ,. 03 OS 1383 „ 4 456 ?; 25.., Treasurer's report on bonds and coupons submitted to be destroyed. 04 02 18$3 :a 4 457 ;, 26.., Warden of the Poor, John D. Taylor, turned over to Treasurer money collected from Columbus County. .. 04 02 1883 ,; 4 457 27.,, Report on General Fund for March, 1883. 04 02 1883 :: 4 467 ,_ 28. ,, Rep ort on School Fund for March, 18$3. .. 04 02 1883 ;. 4 46? ;, 29. Col. John D. Taylor elected Treasurer and severed his connection with the Board. 04 16 1s33 ; 4 469 , ': ?- ? 30. Treasurer's report on bonds to be destroyed submitted. 05 07 1883 4 471 [ 3Z. ,. Treasurer received inoney collected from Pender County for care of insane man, Zylphin Russell. 05 07 1833 : 4 471 ? ? 32. Report on General Fund for April, 1883. Q5 07 1$83 , 4 474 33. Report on School Fund for April, 1883. 05 07 1883 4 475 ; 34. Report on General Fund for May, 1883. 06 04 1883 4 477 ; 35.. Report on School Fund for May, 1883. 06 04 1883 4 478 36. Money in Special Fund to be put in a bank's certificate of deposit at best available terms. 07 02 18g3 , 4 430 , 37. Report on School Fund for June, 1883. „ 07 02 1883 4 481 .. 38.; Report on General Fund for June, 1883, pages 482-483. 07 02 1883 ; 4 482 ; 39.,? Money in General Fund to be put in a bank on a certificate of deposit. 07 20 1883 ,, 4 484 ?; 40., Board repealed orders on Special and General Funds depositing them in banks. „ 07 27 1883 ,; 4 484 41. Money in General and Special Funds to be put in Bank of New Hanover or First National Bank to draw 4% ,. 07 27 1883 , 4 484 ? i' annum interest. ?• ?? 42.., Treasurer to carry out foregoing resolution. 07 27 1883 ,; 4 485 r 43.; Treasurer's report on coupons to be destroyed . 08 06 1883 . 4 485 ;, 44.. Treasurer reported money put in First National Bank at 4% interest. 08 06 1883 ., 4 485 45.,? Report on School Fund for July, 1883. 08 06 1883 ?, 4 486 :? li i? INDEX TO CO?IMISSIONER? MINUTES - New Hanover Count?? N. C. _ MATTER: ?INANCE DEPARTMENT - eea. u. s. County Indezee Sinee 1888 ? To loeate names, open at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX PAT OFFICE ?e?? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ?' DATE ?? MINUTE BOOK ?,? NATURE OF PROCEEDlNGS '„ Month I Day I Year ??', Voi. i Page ;; rfi I 's l. Report on General Fund for July, 1883. r 08 06 1883ws 4 487 ? 2. Amount Treasurer placed on certificate of depo sit to pay interest on County debt. ; ., 08 06 1883; "k 4 487 rq 3. ? Treasurer's report on coupons to be destroyed submitted. ?' ' 09 03 1883?, 4 494 ', 4. Report on General Fund for August, 1883. ? 09 03 1883?,j 4 496 ??? 5. Report on Special and School Funds for August, 1883. `y 09 03 1883;+ 4 497 ` ,i 6. Treasurer's report on coupons to be destroyed submitted. 10 O1 1883:k ., 4 498 ` 7.?? Report on General Fund for September, 1883. 10 O1 1883r? 4 500 , tt 8.? . ? Report on School Fund for September, 1883. 10 Ol 1883' 4 501 y 9.d{ Treasurer's report on coupons to be destroyed submitted. 11 05 1883,1 4 503 ? ;' 10.4; Report on General Fund for October, 1883. 11 05 1883,,, 4 508 , .11.,;: Report on School Fund for October, 1883. . 11 05 1883„ 4 509 „ ,12.,y Treasurer's report on coupons to be destroyed submitted. „ 12 03 1883,, 4 510 . ?? 13.?? Report on General Fund for November, 1883. 12 03 1883, 4 513 , .14.?j Report on School Fund for November, 1883. , 12 03 1883„ 4 514 , Id ,15.f? j? Bond of Treasurer Owen Burney approved. .. 12 05 1883,? 4 515 , , ,16.?? „ Received Treasurer's annual report on General and Educational Funds. ;, 12 05 1883,,, 4 516 „ k, :17.?i Annual report on General Fund from December 1, 1882 to December 1, 1883. ,. 12 05 1883,? 4 516 ?i y ,18.t? Annual report on School Fund from December l, 1882 to December 1, 1883. , 12 05 1883.i 4 517 ,: E . . , p o i? . ? ? correct. 20.k?. Treasurer's report on coupons to be destroyed submitted. O1 , ,? 21.?; E, Sheriff to pay half of receipts from tax land sale to School Fund and half to County Fund as stated in ? Ol ?? Chapter 55 Section 3697. „ ?? i 22.?? Report on General Fund for December, 1883. O1 ;s 23.?? Report on School Fund for December, 1883. „ O1 24.?R ? Sheriff's report to State Treasurer on State taxes collected by him in 1883. ; O1 iy 25.? Receipt from State Treasurer for Sheriff's settlement with State on taxes. ; Ol 26.^9 ? ?? Report on General Fund for January, 1884. .. Q2 27.b{ Report on School Fund for January, 1884. 02 I y 28.E Treasurer's report on coupons to be destroyed submitted. 03 ? ? ,29.`? Report on General Fund for February, 1884. 03 d '.30.py ;? Report on School Fund for February, 1884. 03 ? !? !,31.?? ? Chairman reported death of Treasurer Owen Burney; Board to meet March 11 to appoint a new Treasurer. 03 , i32./? Numerous names nominated to fill Treasurer's unexpired term; James W. King elected new Treasurer. 03 ;? '?33.;? Bond of Treasurer-elect J.W. King approved and he took oath of office. 03 F! ??34.;; ' i; Attorney of late Treasurer Burney, H.M. Bowden, made final settlement with County for Mr. Burney. . 03 ? ;3`?.?1 Attorney Bowden turned over to Mr. King the County certificate of deposit and a check for the balance. 03 '36.?? Mr. King to surrender old certificate of deposit to First National Bank and take out a new certificate of 03 i s? deposit payable to his order. . ;; ?37.?? Treasurer`s monthly report submitted. 04 ; ?; k '38. Treasurer's report on coupons to be destroyed submitted. , 04 i r ?39.,? Report on General Fund for March, 1884. 04 'A ?!40.? Report on School Fund for March, 1884. „ 04 E; 41.s+ ?? Treasurer's report on coupons to be destroyed submitted. 05 42.r? Report on General Fund for April, 1884. , 05 43.? Report on School Fund for April, 1884. orted to State Superintendent of Public Instruction that Treasurer's School Fund is ,. 12 05 1883,: 4 518 ,. f Education re ? Board 19 ,, 05 07 1884 4 07 1884 4 07 1884 ., 4 07 1884 4 07 1884 ?q 4 07 1884 4 04 1884 ., 4 04 1884 ? 4 03 1884 ; 4 03 1884 i 4 03 1884 ., 4 06 1884 ,? 4 10 1884 „ 4 12 1884 ,, 4 17 1884., 4 17 1884 4 17 1884 . 4 07 1884 4 07 1884 „ 4 07 1884 , 4 07 1884 ; 4 05 1884;; 4 05 1884,; 4 05 1884 ,? c? ?? 4 522 522 . 523 524 , 525 526 532 533 „ 534 „ 536 . 537 538 ' 538 . 538 539 539 539 540 540 545 546 547 549 550 L. t C H N INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES C FINANCE DEPARTMENT oun y? anover ew - 1?. . _ MATTER: ` eao. u. a. County Indezee Since 1888 ? To loeat? names, open at r?r OfFICE ?JCa? An Identifyins Tredn Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT Ad TAB INDEX MADE BY iHE COTT INDEX COMPaNY, cOtUMBUS, OHIO NEW BERN, NORTH GIROLINA SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN , .. ?' f ? ? DATE ??, MINUTE BOOK ? ;a NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? ? Month ? Day ? E; Year ., ? Vol. Page ? 6_ ?' l.``: Report on General Fund for May, 1884. 06 02 1884 " ;; 4 ?fi 560 i k'r ? 2.`' Report on School Fund for May, 1884. 06 02 1884 ;. 4 ?j 561 9? ?; 3.- ,' Report on School Fund for June, 1$84. 07 07 1884 ;, 4 567 ?fl i? 4.;? ` Report on General Fund for June, 1884. 07 07 1$84 ?F 4 568 ?; ; 5.': Report on General Fund for July, 1884. 08 04 1884 ;? 4 ? 570 ;? ?? 6.??+ ?, Report on School Fund for July, 1884. 08 04 1834 ':? `° 4 571 °" ? y? 7.'; ' Report on coupons to be destroyed submitted. ? 09 O1 1884 ; 4 si 573 '; ;k 8.y; Report on General Fund for August, 1884. 09 O1 1884 ; 4 577 ?y , 9.' Report on School Funa for August, 1884. , 09 O1 1884 . 4 578 10. Treasurer's report on coupons to be destroyed submitted. „ 10 06 1884 4 579 „ , 11. Report on General Fund for September, 1884. 10 06 18f34 _ 4 582 12.,; Report on School Fund for September, 1884. , 10 06 1384 4 583 13. Report on General Fund for October, 1884. 11 03 1884 , 4 587 ;, 14.. Report on School Fund for October, 1884. 11 03 1884 :; 4 588 ? 15.. Treasurer's report on coupons to be destroyed submitted. 12 Ol 1$84 , 4 589 16.,; Treasurer submitted his annual report. 12 O1 1884 4 5$9 ?. ? 17., Report on School Fund for November, 1884. ,. 12 O1 1884 „ 4 591 '; 18.,: Report on General Fund for November, 1884. 12 01 1884 „ 4 592 19.,. John 0. Nixon failed to give bond so office of Treasurer declared vacant, and Ja?nes W. King elected. a 12 0? 1E84 .; 4 594 ;, I 20. Annual report on General and School Funds from December l, 1883 to November 30, 1884. 12 Ol 1884 4 596 `; r? 21. Bond of Treasurer-elect James W. King approved. 12 15 1884 . 4 597 ; ?, 22. Treasurer to surrender present certificate of deposit and take one out for a larger amount. , 12 15 1384 4 598 : ' 23. , Treasurer-elect James W. King took oath of office. I2 15 I8S4 4 598 24. Treasurer's report on coupons to be destroyed submitted. O1 05 1885 4 b01 ?, 25.. Report on General Fund for December, 1884. . Ol 05 1885 4 604 ? ?. 26.,, Report on School Fund for December, 1884. „ O1 05 1885 ; 4 605 ,? 27. Treasurer's report on coupons to be destroyed submitted. „ 02 02 18?5 _ 4 b06 ;; , 28.,, Treasurer to turn over County tax deeds for 1883 to Sheriff. 02 02 1?85 4 607 ' 29.,, Receipt from State Treasurer for Sheriff's 1884 tax settlement. 02 02 1885 „ 4 607 ? , 30.: Report on General Fund for January, 1885. 02 02 1885 „ 4 603 31.,, Report on School Fund for January, 1885. 02 02 1385 ` 4 609 ?, 32._ Report on General Fund for February, 1885. .. 03 02 1885 „ 4 613 ;; , 33..: Report on School Fund for February, 1885. ,. 03 02 1885 ., 4 614 34.. Treasurer's report on coupons to be destroyed submitted. 04 06 1885 . 4 620 ;? 35. Report on General Fund for March, 1885. 04 06 1885 4 622 . 36. Report on School Fund for March, 1885. 04 06 1885 4 623 37. Treasurer's report on coupons to be destroyed submitted. 05 04 1885 Y 4 628 ; 38., Superior Court Clerk Van Amringe reported on money received from N.C. Phosphate Co. 05 04 1885 4 630 39. . Report on General Fund for April, 1885. 05 04 1885 4 632 ;. C' , 40. Report on School Fund for April, 1885. 05 04 1885 ; 4 633 ?° 41.` Report on General Fund for May, 1885. 06 O1 1885 , 4 637 . 42.,, Report on School Fund for May, 1885. 06 O1 1885 4 638 `., , 43. Report on General Fund for June, 1885. 07 06 1885 .a 4 642 44., , Report on School Fund for June, 1885. 07 06 1885 , 4 643 ?, ?a 45. Treasurer's report on coupons to be destroyed submitted. 08 03 1885 4 E 645 ; ?, 46.; i t Report on School Fund for July, 1885. ? 08 ? 03 1885 .; ? 4 647 j i, I ? ?i INDEX TO COMMISSIONER? ?INUTES -?tew Har?over Count? FINANCE ? U MAiTER DEPARTMENT ? . . _ : ` ¦eo. u. s. County Indezee S?nce 1888 f?? ?3--? To loeate names, open at e?r OFFICE ???-7'? Anldentifying Ttade Mark ?.? SURNAME INITIAL TAB coTT A-i rae INDEx MADE 8Y THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTN CAROLINA ?'' aaTE :, ` ; ?iwuTE BooK ?'; NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS F? Mo th D ? Ye r ` Vol e C P n I ay ( a ? •? , I ? ag R? 1. Report on General Fund for July, 1885. i` 08 03 1£385 !' r, 4 648 ? ?? 2.! Treasurer's report on coupons to be destroyed submitted. ?, 09 07 1885 ;y 4 649 ?y ' 3. Report on General Fund for August, 1885. i 09 07 1885?p 4 651 ? 4. Report on School Fund for August, 1885. , 09 07 1885?? 4 ,; 652 ;? ,, _ 5. Report on General Fund for September, 1885. 10 05 1885ij /+ 655 ;? 6. Report on School Fund for September, 1885. ;; 10 05 1885?; 4 656 ?k? . 7. Report on General Fund for October,1885. ; 11 02 1885?i 4 658 n 8. ? Report on School Fund for October, 1885. ,, 11 02 1F385 .= 4 659 ,; , , 9.G? Treasurer's report on coupons to be destroyed. „ 12 07 1885;; 4 660 ;, !a 10.?, Treasurer King given more time to file his bond it having errors in it. 12 07 1885 „ 4 664 . • 11.?; Certificate from First National Bank stating funds on hand for County. 12 07 1885 4 664 12.; Report on General Fund for November, 1885. 12 07 1885 4 666 13.?; . Report on School Fund for November, 1885. 12 07 1885 ' . 4 667 1 14.';? Annual report on General Fund from December 1, 1884 to November 30, 1885. 12 07 1885 4 668 , .? , ? , ? 15.? ! Annual report on School Fund from December l, 1884 to November 30, 1885. 12 07 1885 4 669 ? 16.'? Bond of Treasurer James W. King approved. 12 14 1885 ; 4 670 ?? 17.? Certificate from H.M. Bowden, Teller of First National Bank,showing credit to County. O1 04 1886 , 4 671 ', . , 18.E? ?? Report on General Fund for December, 1885. O1 04 1886;. 4 675 19.f5 Report on School Fund for December, 1885. , O1 04 1886 4 676 ?g .20.;? ? Receipt from State Treasurer for State taxes collected by Sheriff Manning. O1 04 1886:; 4 ? 677 ` ; 21.r , Sheriff settlement for School taxes for 1885, pages 678-679. Ol 04 1886 4 678 R, ,22•G? Sheriff's settlement of General Fund for 1885, pages 680-681. , O1 04 1886 w 4 ? 680 „ it .23.'?j Certificate from Teller H.M. Bowden showing credit of County. . 02 Ol 1886 4 682 24.;? Report on School Fund for January, 1886. ,. 02 O1 1886 4 685 , i 25.? ? Report on General Fund for January, 1886. 02 Ol 1886 ; 4 686 ? 26.; , ?? Certificate from Teller Bowden stating credit of County. 03 r O1 1886 .? 4 687 „ 27.k? Report on General Fund for February, 1886. n 03 O1 1886y^ 4 693 y 2£3.;? Report on School Fund for February, 1886. 03 Ol 1886; 4 694 : ?? 29.? ? Treasurer's report on coupons to be destroyed. 04 05 1886 , 4 , 695 ? 30.'3 ?? Statement from Teller Bowden on County's account at First National Bank. 04 .. 05 1886 ,. 4 697 .. .31.E Report on General Fund for March, 1886. 04 05 1886. 4 703 ,32.?, ? Report on School Fund for March, 1886, pages 704-705. 04 OS 1886. 4 704 33.r? Statement from Teller Bowden on County's account at First National Bank. _ 05 03 1886y 4 709 ? 34.?; ?; Report on General Fund for April, 1886. , 05 03 1886y 4 711 35.?? r: Report on Schoo? ?und for April, 1886, pages 712-713. 05 03 18$6, 4 712 ? 36.;; Treasurer's report on coupons to be destroyed submitted. , 06 07 1886 4 717 37.r? ;? Report from Teller Bowden on County's account in First National Bank. , 06 07 1886 4 717 ? 38.;; Report from Superior Court Clerk on money collected from Wilmington Electric Lighting Co. ' 06 07 1886' 4 718 ? 39.?? s Report on General Fund for May, 1886. „ 06 07 1886,; 4 719 ' k t? 40.F7 x Report on School Fund for May, 1886, pages 720-721. : 06 07 1886;; 4 720 ; ,41.t9 , Statement from Teller Bowden on County's account in First National Bank. 07 05 1886 -, 4 723 ,42.j? Report on General Fund for June, 1886. 07 05 1886. 4 725 .43.?¢ Report on School Fund for June, 1886, pages 726-727. 07 05 1886,; 4 726 ?, ? 44.? r Treasurer's report on coupons to be destroyed submitted. 08 02 1886: 4 728 45?? Report on General Fund for July, 1886. 08 02 1836, 4 731 ? 46. Report on School Fund for July, 1886. : 08 02 1886.; 4 732 ; ,y ? ? ? C? . ; ?S ?? ?i I? _ ?. k o INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? ? U FINANCE DEPARTMENT MATTER ? . . _ : ` ¦ca. u, s. ? County Indezes Since 1886 To locats names, open at ? COiT A•Z TAB INDEX rAr ornc[ C?C -G ? An [dentifvine TrAde Merk SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY iHE COT7 fNDEX COMPANY. COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH (AROLINA i, ? " DATE ?i ; !y M?NUiE BooK ? ? NATURE OF PROCEEDlNGS „ ' ? ? Month ? Day ? Year ?; Vol, Page ?? - ? ?i o - 1.?'? ^a Statement from Teller Bowden on County's account in First National Bank. 09 06 1886 „ 4 ?; 735 ?' ? 2.; Report on General Fund for August, 1886. 09 06 1886 ?° 4 ? '! 738 ; „ . ? A? 3.? Report on School Fund for August, 1886, pages 740-741. 09 ?? 06 1886 ; ?• 4 740 ?? ?i 4.? Treasurer' s report on coupons to be destroyed submitted. „ 10 04 1886 ; 4 743 Fy 'r ; b 5.?' Statement from Teller Bowden on County's account in First National Bank. 10 •' 04 1886 '? ?• 4 743 ?? ii 6.; Report on General Fund for September, 1886. 10 04 1886 °: 4 747 '' ?, ?i 7.; Report on School Fund for September, 1886. 10 04 1886 ? 4 748 r' ? ?? 8.:: Treasurer' s report on coupons to be destroyed submitted. 11 Ol 1886 - 4 749 ?', 9. Statement from Teller Bowden on County's account in First National Bank. 10. Report on General Fund for October, 1886. 11. Report on School Fund for October, 1886, pages 753-754. 12. $oard increased bond of Treasurer. 13., Treasurer' s re?ort on coupons to be destroyed submitted. 14.., Statement from Teller Bowden on County's account in First National Bank. 15., Bond of Treasurer Hewlett was irreguiar and not accepted, so he given more time to file his bond. 16.: T2eport on General Fund for November, 1886,pages 760-761. 17., Report on School Fund for November, 1886, pages 762-763. 18.. Annual report on General Fund from December l, 1885 to November 30, 1886. 19.,, Annual report on School Fund from December 1, 1885 to November 30, 1886. 20., Former Treasurer James King exhibited his financial report showing balance on hand. 21. Bonc1 of Treasurer-elect Elijah Hewlett approved. 22.. Statement from Teller Bowden on County's bank account. 23. Report on General Fund for December, 1886. 24. Report on School Fund for December, 1886. 25., Sheriff's receipt from State Treasurer for 1886 taxes collected for State. 26, Statement from Teller Bowden on County's bank account. 27. Report on General Fund for January, 1887. 28. Report on School Fund for January, 1887. 29. Sheriff's account with General Fund for 1886, pages 788-789, 30., Sheriff's account with School Fund for 1886, pages 79Q-791. 31., Treasurer` s report on coupons to be destroyed submitted. 32. Statement from Teller Bowden on County's bank account. 33.; Report on General Fund for February, 1887. 34.. Report on School Fund for February, 1887, pages 795-796. 35.. Treasurer' s report on coupons to be destroyed submitted. 36.. Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier $owden on County's account in First National Bank. 37. Report on General Fund for March, 1887, pages 3-4. 38. Report on School Fund for March, 1887. 39.,; Treasurer' s report on coupons to be destroyed submitted. 40. Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden on County's account in First National Bank. 41.,. Report on School Fund for April, 1887. 42..: Report on General Fund for April, 1887, pages 12-13. 43.., Treasurer' s report on bonds to be destroyed submitted. 44. Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden on County's account in First National Bank. 45.; Money coll ected by Clerk of Superior Court from Messenger Publishing Co. to be credited to School Fund. 46.:? '? ,t ?? Treasurer to surrender to First National Bank the certificate of deposit he ld by him. I1 Ol 1886 11 Ol 1886 11 O1 1886 11 10 1886 12 06 1886 12 06 1886 12 06 1886 ?. „ 12 07 1886 ,; „ I2 07 1886 ,? 12 07 1886 ,, .. 12 07 1886 ,, 12 13 1886 ;; 12 13 1886 O1 03 1887 Ol 03 1887 Ol 03 1887 Ol 03 1887'? 02 07 1887 ` 02 07 1887' 02 07 1887 , 02 22 1887 02 22 1887 .. 03 07 1$87 03 07 1887 03 07 1887 03 07 1887 , 04 04 1887 04 a4 zs8? 04 04 1887; 04 04 1887 05 02 1887 05 05 05 06 06 06 Ob 02 1887 y 02 1$87 . 02 1887 : 06 1887 06 1887 y 06 1887 ;, 06 1887„ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 750 752 , 753 ;. 754 755 ., 755 ` 758 760 762 ,. 764 765 f, 7 67 ;; 767 ;? ,a 769 R' 772 773 774 775 ?? 77$ ` 779 `. 788 790 ; C. 792 5 792 794 ? r 795 ,. 1 1 3 I, 5 ?. 6 7 ;? 11 E• 12 ?. 15 ;: 15 ? 15 ?? 15 ;, ? f ? 1' i !? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?? 1'. U. _ MATTER: FINANCE DEPARTMENT ` e[c. u. s. County Indezee $ince 1868 To loeats names, open at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX ?AT OFFIGE ??tt???" An IdentifYing Trsde Marlc ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLIIMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN fi, DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA y ?ia Yj NATURE Off PROCEEDINGS ;; nATe ;? M?NUrE BooK i, P, Month ? Day? Year "?'? Vol. ? Page ?a ;? P l. Report on School Fund for May, 1887. ? 06 .? 06 ? 1887 ? ka 5 .? 17 `; ?i ' 2. Report on General Fund for May, 1887. 06 ; 06 1887?i 5 r 18 ?: . ? ?, ? ?; 3. Treasurer's report on bonds to be destroyed submitted. ' 07 04 1887''? 5 19 4.+ Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden stating County's account in First National Bank. 4 07 04 1887,k 5 19 a ' I 5.? Report on General Fund for June, 1837. , 07 04 1887,°] 5 22 ,a ? 6. Report on School Fund for June, 1887. 07 04 1887'? 5 23 ? r, ,? 7. Chairman to determine from State Treasurer D. Baine if taxes can be collected from property of Bridges 07 22 1887 ' S 28 E ? and Colliers, sold to U.S. Government. „ . ? f ?i 8.€? Treasurer' s report on bonds and coupons to be destroyed submitt ed. 08 9.c? Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden on County's account in First National Bank. 08 ?? ZQ.k; Report on School Fund for July, 1887. _ 08 ll.;i Report on General Fund for July, 1887. ?8 ., 12.?? Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden on County's account in First National Bank. : 09 ?? 13.;? Money from incorporation of Standard Automatic Car Coupling as collected by Clerk of Superior Court credit- 09 ?? ? ed to School Fund. ,? 14.?? Sheriff ex hibited receipts from State and County Treasurers for his 1886 tax settlement. 09 r; 15.`:i Report on General Fund for August, 1887. 09 a 16.?? Report on School Fund for August, 1887. 09 ii 17.;i Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden on County's account in First National Bank. ;; 10 Report on General Fund for September, 1887. 21,! '; Report on School Fund for September, 1887. ; Report on General Fund fQZ (?tober, 1887. I,' Report on School Fund for October, 1887. 22.?? Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County 's credit in First National Bank. 23.?? Superior Court Clerk reported on money colZected from Cape Fear Agricultural Association. ? 24.?? Treasurer submitted annual report on receipts and disbursements of General and School Funds, 25.;; Treasurer submitted certificate of Cashier Bowden showing County's credit and amount overdracm, ? ?4 26.c? Bond of Treasurer-elect, Elijah Hewlett, approved. ? s; 27.;¢ Report on General Fund for November, 1887. 28 . ' 29. 30. ? Report on School Fund for November, 1887, pages 56-57. ? ? Annual report on General Fund for year ending November 30, 1887. ; I 3 Annual report on School Fund for qear ending November 30, 1887. ; ; 31.?; Treasurer submitted certificate of Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. 32.'?? Report on General Fund for December, 1887. ?? 33.:; Report on School Fund for December, 1887, pages 64-65. 34.k? Treasurer`s report on coupons to be destroyed submitted, ?; 35.w? Treasurer submitted certificate of Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. i Report on General Fund for January, 1888. i Report on School Fund for January, 1888, pages 70-71. ; Sheriff's account with School Fund for 1887 taxes, pages 72-73. ; Sheriff's account with General Fund for 1887 taxes, pa?es 74-75. i Treasurer submitted certificate o£ Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. i ; Report on General Fund for February, 1888. i ? Report on School Fund for February, 1888. ? Treasurer submitted certificate of Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. i i Report on General Fund for March, 1888. 10 10 11 11 ^ 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 ?. 12 12 „ Ol Ol Ol 1887 , ?5 34 O1 1887, 5 34 O1 1887 „ 5 35 Ol 1887 5 36 OS 1887 ? 5 38 ., OS 1887 5 38 05 1887 5 38 05 1887 ; 5 05 1887 0 5 03 1887 , S ?? 03 1887 : 5 03 1887 ' S 07 1887 5 07 1887 S 07 1887 ? 5 07 1887 ; 5 05 1887 ? 5 05 188 7 _5 5 05 1887 ; 5 05 1887 5 05 1887 ? 5 05 1887 `, 5 05 1887 ? 5 02 1888 ; 5 02 1888 5 40 Ol 02 1888 .,, 5 41 42 44 45 50 , 49 47 47 51 51 52 59 . 56 58 59 . 61 63 64 , 02 05 1888 ," 5 66 „ 02 05 1888 .; 5 66 „ , 02 05 1888 „ 5 68 02 05 1888 ,; 5 70 ., ; 02 05 1838 ,; 5 72 ; '.. 02 05 1888 ;, 5 74 „ 03 05 1888 5 76 03 05 1888 . S 78 03 05 1888 ? 5 79 04 , 02 1888 5 80 ,, 04 02 1888 ,; 5 82 ' o ' a ?; an ?? i? 1 ?i ?? !9 _ INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County? ?. C. _ MATtER; FINANCE DEP?RTMENT ` Rea. u. s. ,??q???? Counry Indezes Since 1888 ?' k+.?--? 70 loeate namss, OpQll at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX r?r oF??ct ?i'rr?-?-i An Identifyina Trade Mark f??? SURNAME INITiAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, (OLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW 6ERN, NORTH CAROLINA ; `? NATURE OF FROfE€DINGS i 1.4 Treasurer submitted certificate of Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. 2. Report on General Fund for Ma.rch, 1888. 3.re Report on School Fund for March, 1888. 4.? Treasurer submitted certificate of Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. ?t f 5.; Report on General Fund for April, 1888. ^ 6.y? Repart on School Fund for April, 1888. 7. Treasurer submitted certificate of Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. 8..? Report on General Fund for May, 1888. 9. Report on Scnao? Fund for May, 1888. 10.,. Treasurer submitted certificate of Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. Il., Report on General Fund for June, 1888. 12. Report on School Fund for June, 1888. 13.,; Treasurer submitted certificate of Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank, 14... Report on General Fund for July, 1$88. 15., Report on School Fund for July, 1888. 16. Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. 17.. Sheriff displayed receipts from State Treasurer Bain and County Treasurer Hewlett, showing he had settled 1887 taxes. 18. Report on General Fund for August, 1888. 19. Report on School Fund for August, 1888. 20. Treasurer submitted certificate of Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank, 21. Report on General Fund for September, 1888. 22. Report on Schopl Fund for September, 1888. 23. Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. 24. Report on General Fund for October, 1888. 25.; Report on School Fund for October, 1888. 26. Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. 27.. Annual report received from Superior Court Clerk on money paid Treasurer. 28.a Bond of Treasurer-elect Elijah Hewlett approved. 29. Report on General Fund for November, 1888. 30.,, Report on School Fund for November, 1888. 31. Annual report on General Fund for fiscal year ending November 30, 1888. 32.; Annual report on School Fund for fiscal year ending November 30, 1888, 33. Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. 34. Report on General Fund for December, 1888. 35. Report on School Fund for December, 1888. 36. Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. 37. Property in name of Rev. D.H. Tuttle exempted from taxation same being property of Bladen St. M.E. Church 3$.. Report on General Fund for January, 1889. 39.. Report on School Fund for January, 1889. 40. Sheriff's settlement in account with School Fund from 1888 taxes, pages 148-149. 41., Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. 42. Report on General Fund for February, 1889. 43.,{ Report on School Fund for February, 1889. 44. Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. 45.: Report on General Fund for March, 1889. DATE i. MWI Month I Dayl Year !? Vol. ,, 04 02 1888 ' S ,; 04 02 1888 ' S „ ,? 04 OZ 1888 , 5 05 07 1888 ? 5 05 07 1888 ?' 5 05 07 1888 ? 5 06 04 1888 5 06 04 1888 5 06 04 1888 5 07 02 1888. 5 07 02 1888„ 5 07 02 1888_, 5 08 06 1888 . 5 08 06 1888 5 , 08 06 1888 ; 5 09 03 1888,_ 5 09 03 1888 ,, 5 09 03 1888 5 09 03 1888 5 10 O1 1888 5 10 Ol 1888' 5 10 Ol 1888 5 I.1 05 1888 ;i 5 ., lI 05 1888 ,; 5 , I1 05 18$8 ?, 5 12 03 1888 5 ,. 12 03 1888 _ 5 12 03 1888 ?, 5 12 10 1888 .; S 12 10 1888 .? 5 12 10 I888 5 12 10 1888 5 Ol 07 188 9 5 Ol 07 188 9 5 OZ 07 1889 5 02 04 1889 5 02 04 1889 5 02 04 1839 5 02 04 1889 5 02 13 1889, 5 03 04 1889„ S 03 04 188 9 5 . 03 04 1889„ 5 04 01 1889 ,; 5 04 O1 1889_. 5 ggs 4s ?? t? t' 1TE BOOK ?; Pnge i"; I ?° . t, 80 K. i; II2 `3 ., 8 3 E; s' 8 7 ?'. ,f 88 P; i; ?; 89 ?? ;? 90 N? 92 93 94 ;, 95 , 96 „ 97 ;, 9 9 ;; 100 ,; 102 ; 104 ?. 105 106 108 110 111 112 114 ;, 115 ,; 118 ; 118 ;; 120 ;, 124 ;, 125 „ 127 ,. 128 ,. 130 132 133 ^ 134 134 136 137 148 ; 150 152 ?. 153 ;. 154 15 7 ;, ?? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?? 1\. U. _ MATTER: FINANCE DEPARTMENT a eea. u, s. County Indezee Since 188$ ?i? k.3-- To loeate names, open et COTT A-I TAB INDEX v?r OFFIGE ???0-7'? An Identifying Trade Merk tk_? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY iHE COTi INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OH10 SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA S DATE `? MINUYE BOOK i1 NATURE Of PR?fEEDi?VGS Month Day Year ? Vol. I Page ' ; ? ? 'l9 l.?w Report on School Fund for March, 1889. ? ? F 2.?! Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's credit in First Na?ional Bank. ?i „V 3.;', Report on General Fund for April, 1889. €? 4.?? Report on Schaol Fund for April, 1889. kd 5.? Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier $owden showing County's account in First National Bank, 6.?; Report from Superior Court Clerk on money collected from Mechanics House Association. ?I 7.? Sheriff's settlement in account with General Fund for 1888 taxes, pages 172-173. 8.?; Report on General Fund for May, 1$89. 9.:? Report on School Fund for May, 1889. 10., Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. 11., Report on General Fund for June, 1889. 12., Report on School Fund for June, 1889. 13.?y Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. 14.;; Report on General Fund for July, 1889. 15.' Report on School Fund for Ju1y, 1889. 16." Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. ,17.' Report on General Fund for August, 1889. ; ,18.;? Report on School Fund for August, 1889. 19.?r Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank, 20.;; Report on General Fund for September, 1889. 21.!?? Report on School Fund for September, 1889. 22.{ Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. 23.? Report on General Fund for October, 1889. 24.'a Report on School Fund for October, 1889. ?. ,25.; Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. 26.; Bond of Treasurer-elect Elijah Hewlett approved. 27.,; Chairman reported on money turned over to Treasurer from Sheriff of Brunswick County due from case of „ State versus Bryant Carroll tried in this Criminal Court. 28.;? Report on General Fund for November, 1889. ,29.' Report on School Fund for November, 1889. ,30.' Annual report on General Fund for year ending November 30, 1889. 31.;a Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. 32.,; Report on General Fund for December, 1889. 33.s, Report on School Fund for December, 1889. 34.:; Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First I?ational Bank. 35.'., Report on General Fund for January, 1890. 36.;; Report on School Fund for January, 1890. 37.,,; Sheriff's settlement in account with School Fund for taxes of 1889, pages 230-231. ,38.,,' Sheriff's settlement in account with General Fund for taxes of 1889, pages 232-233. 39., Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County`s account in First National Bank. 40.. Report on General Fund for February, 1890. 41.; Report on School Fund for February, 1890. 42. Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. 04 Ol 188 9 _ 05 06 188 9 05 06 188 9 .' 05 06 1889 ,: 06 04 1889 06 04 1889 06 04 1889 06 04 1889 „ 06 04 1889 07 Ol 1889 07 07 08 08 08 09 09 09 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 Ol Ol Ol 02 02 02 02 02 03 03 03 04 Ol 1889 OI I889 .. 05 1889 „ 05 1889 05 1889 . 03 1889 ,. 03 1889 ,, 03 1889 „ 07 1889 07 1889 ? 07 1889 04 188 9 04 1889 04 188 9 02 1889 , 02 1889 09 1889 09 1889 09 1889 09 1889 06 1890 07 1$90 07 1890 03 1890 03 1890 . 03 1890 03 1890 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 158 159 ; 165 166 170 ., 170 172 ll4 175 178 180 181 184 185 186 190 192 193 194 ., 196 197 198 200 43...; Report on General Fund for March, 1890. 44.;i' Report an School Fund for March, 1890. 45.i. Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. G? 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 201 5 202 5 203 5 203 5 207 5 208 5 209 5 210 5 2Z5 5 215 5 127 5 219 5 220 5 230 03 1890 5 232 03 1890 ; S 234 03 1890 5 236 03 1890 5 237 07 1890 5 240 04 07 1890 5 242 04 Q7 Z890 ; 5 243 05 05 1890 5 245 ?? ,P INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Han over County N C MATTER FINANCE DEPARTMENT , . . _ : ` Rca. u, e. ?, r. County Indezes Sinee 1888 Pot? An Identifvin¢ Trade Mark r?s o?f?ce C.Ccts///l ? To locate names, open at SURNAME IN{TIAL TAB MADE COTT A•2 TA@ INDEX BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO , SOLp BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW B ERN, NOR TH CAROLINA + ?? NATUR? Of PROCEEDINGS DATE '. ?; MINUTE BOOK ?? ?? . Month I Day I Year 's Vol. I Page ? l.f? Report on General Fund for April, 1890, 05 12 1890 ._ 5 247 ;: f 2. Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. 06 02 1890 : .. 5 ? 249 ° ?? 3.?y Report on General Fund for May, 1890. ; 06 02 1890 5 ,, 253 ;? id 4.?; Report on School Fund for May, 1890. 06 02 1890. „? 5 254 ;; ?. . 5.:; Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. 07 07 1890`? 5 ?; 256 °; 6.;, Report on General Fund for June, 1890. 07 07 1890: 5 259 `. ;? ?? ; 7.; Report on School Fund for June, 1890. , 07 07 1890;, 5 260 i; s: 8. Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. 08 . 04 1890;; 5 262 s ?; 9.; Report on General Fund for July, 1890. 08 Q4 Z890 5 2b4 : I0. Report on School Fund for Ju1y, 1890. 08 04 1840 5 265 11. Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. 09 Ol 1890 5 263 12._ Report on General Fund for August, 1890. 09 OI 1890 5 270 13... Report on School Fund for August, 1890. 09 Ol 1890 5 27I ?? 14.. Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First ilational Bank, 10 06 1890 5 272 15., Report on General Fund for September, 1890. 10 06 1890 5 274 16.,: Report on School Fund for September, 1890. 10 06 1890 5 275 17.., Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier $owden showing County's account in First National $ank. 11 03 1890 5 276 18... Report on General Fund for October, 1890. 11 03 1890, 5 278 ; 19. Report on School Fund for October, 1390. 11 03 1890, :, 5 279 , 20. Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. 12 O1 1890 5 280 21. Report on General Fund for November, 1890. 12 Ol 1890 5 281 22. Annual report on General Fund for year ending November 30, 1890. 12 Ol 1890 5 282 23., Treasurer-elect, Elijah Hewlett, presented his election certificate, filed his bond and took oath of office. 12 Ol 1890 5 283 ; 24. Treasurer submitted his educational report. 12 08 1890 5 286 25. Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. 12 08 1$90,' S 286 26. Report on School Fund for November, 1890. 12 08 1890, 5 288 ; 27. Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. Ol 05 1891. 5 293 , 28. Report on School Fund for December, 1890. Ol . 12 1891 ,. 5 296 ,. 29.; Report on General Fund for December, 1890. Ol 12 1891: 5 297 ; 30. Sheriff's receipt from State Treasurer for State taxes from County for 1890. : O1 28 1891 5 298 31. Sheriff's settlement in account with General Fund for taxes of 1890, pages 308-309. „ O1 28 1891.a 5 308 , 32., Sheriff's settlement in account with School Fund for taxes of 1890, pages 310-311. O1 28 1891 5 310 3?. Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. 02 02 1891„ 5 312 34., Report on General Fund for January, 1591. 02 02 1891_, 5 314 „ 35.,? Report on Educational Fund for January, 1891. 02 02 18R1.„ 5 315 „ 36.,, Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. 03 02 1891, 5 316 .. 37.,. Chairman reported on money received from sale of old lumber from Smi th's Creek Iron Bridge. 03 02 1891.. 5 316 , 38. Report on General Fund for February, 1891. 03 23 1891 5 317 39. Report on Educational Fund for February, 1891. 03 23 1891 5 318 ? 40. Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. 04 06 1891 5 320 `: 41. Report on Educational Fund for March, 1891. 04 06 1891 5 321 42. Report on General Fund for March, 1891. 04 06 1891 5 322 ?' 43. .. Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. 05 04 1891 ;: 5 324 44. Report on General Fund for April, 1891. 05 04 1891 5 328 45. Report on School ?und for April, 1891. 05 04 1891 5 329 ` 46. kl Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. 06 ?i O1 1891, ?s I? S 331 ?i COMMISSIONERS MII ?UTES H C t N FINA NCE DEPARTM ENT INDEX TO oun y? 1?. anover ew - U. _ MATTER: _ ¦ec. u. e. Counry Indezea Since 1888 PAT OFFICE ?l?.s? An ldentiEying Trade Merk ?? ?-- To locate names o en at ' p rs.:8 SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX <OMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA g DATE , MINUTE BOOK ;.i NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? ` '. Month ( Day I Year '; Vol. Page ; 1.?? ! Report on General Fund for May, 1891. V 06 O1 1891.u 5 332 e ?y 2.?? Report on Educational Fund for May, 1891 06 O1 1891 5 333 3.;i Money included in reports from liquor licenses which should not have been included in Educational Fund. 07 06 1891 5 337 4.?? Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. 07 06 1891. 5 337 ,, ,a s? , 5.?? Report on Educational Fund for June, 1891. ^ 07 06 1891 ^ 5 339 „ ? ; 6.?? Report on General Fund for June, 1891. 07 06 1891 5 340 n 7.;? Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. 08 03 1891 5 342 8.;? Report on Educational Fund for July, 1891. 08 03 1891 5 343 9.!; Report on General Fund for July, 1891. 08 03 1891 5 344 ,10.,, Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. 09 07 1891 5 350 11.., Report on Educational Fund for August, 1891. 09 07 1891 5 351 ?12.?: Report on General Fund for August, 1891. 09 07 1891 5 352 13.;; Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County`s account in First National Bank, 10 05 1891 5 353 14.F? Report on General Fund for September, 1891. 10 05 1891 5 354 15.;, Report on Educational Fund for September, 1891. , 10 05 1891 5 355 16.r? Treasurer submitted certificate from Cashier Bowden showing County's account in First National Bank. 11 02 1891 5 358 17.' Report on General Fund for October, 1891. 11 02 1891 5 360 18.; Report on Educational Fund for October, 1891. 11 02 1891 5 361 'f C t ne wa s drawn out of First National Bank before its suspen- 11 30 1891 5 364 ,19.,? Treasurer to appear and ascertain i oun y mo y sion. _ :; 20.'. Sheriff to retain all County monies he holds and is authorized to pay out of same all warrants drawn upon Treasurer. . 21.,? Treasurer Hewlett appeared before the Board. ? ?y 22.;' Treasurer Elijah Hewlett granted more time to prepare his bond. 23.!; Report on General Fund for November, 1891. . '24.s; Report on School Fund for November, 1891. 25.?; Treasurer Hewlett given more time to file his bond. i' ,26.;? Bond of Treasurer Elijah Hewlett approved. ,27.,a Sheriff to turn over all County monies in his hands to Treasurer Hewlett. ,28.;; Treasurer Hewlett sick and unable to attend meeting. ,29.;? Report on School Fund for December, 1891. 30.?, Report on General Fund for December, 1891. 31.'? Annual report on General Fund from December l, 1890 to November 30, 1891. ? ;; 32. Report on General Fund for January, 1892. 33.. Report on School Fund for January, 1892. 34. Sheriff's settlement in account with the General, School and Special Sinking Funds, pages 392-397. 35. Receipt from State Treasurer on Sheriff's 1891 tax settlement. 36.?, Report on General Fund for February, 1892. 37..? Report on Special- Sinking Fund for February, 1892. ?; 38.', Report on School Fund for February, 1892 submitted. 39.;; Report on General Fund for March, 1892 and on the Special Fund for March, l?iyZ. 40.;; Report on Educational Fund for March, 1892. 41.; Chairman gave bonds to Treasurer who paid money to Chairman which was deposited in the Atlantic National Bank. 11 30 1891 5 364 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Ol O1 Ol Ol 02 02 02 02 03 03 03 04 04 05 Ol 1891 5 07 1891 5 07 1891 5 07 1891 5 21 1891 5 28 1891 , 5 28 18 91 „ 5 04 1892 5 04 I892 5 04 1892,; 5 04 1892 S O1 1892 5 Ol 1892 5 Ol 1892 5 Ol 1892 5 07 1892 5 07 1892 5 07 1892 5 04 1892 ; S 04 1892 5 02 1892 5 365 367 369 370 371 372 372 375 376 377 , 378 382 383 392 405 408 408 409 412 413 415 42."" Treasurer submitted bonds and coupons to be destroyed by the Board. 05 43.?_ ' ,, ? ?i Chairman reported on sum collected from Educational Fund which had been loaned out of General Fund to the r 05 02 1892 5 02 1892 5 415 415 „ INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County ? U FINANCE DEPARTMENT MAT'PER ? . . _ : ` eco. u, s. County Indezes Since 1888 ??`j?' To loeat? namea, OpQll 0t s?v?F-.+ An IdentifyiaQ Trade Mar? W.=.?Y SURNAMB INlTIAL TAB ??r ornct ?? COTi A•2 iA6 INDEX MADE BY TH@ COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO . SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NOR TH CAROLINA 5 ' NATt1RE OF PROCEEDiNGS DATE i? '1 MINUTE BOOK ? ? s? Month I Day I Year .Y Vol. I Page cs l..y , (Continued ) Board of Education and had been deposited in Atlantic National Bank. OS .. 02 1892 ; ,? 5 415 ,; „ 2.? Reports on the General and Special Funds for April, 1982, 05 02 1892t, 5 ;? 420 ;? ? 3.' ? Report on Educational Fund for April, 1982. 05 .. 02 1892',; ,a 5 ? 421 ?y 4.,` .. Report on General and Special Funds for May, 1892. 06 ?. 06 1892`? ,, 5 424 y; 5.% Report on Educational Fund for May, 1892. 06 06 1892?' S 425 ?? ,, .. ,? ?; , ? 6.? Treasurer' s annual report on School Fund submitted. 07 06 1892'; 5 ? 428 "; .. ?? ?? '; 7. Report on General and Special Funds for June, 1892, 07 06 1892:k 5 429 `' ., _ ?E $., Report on School Fund for June, 1892. 07 . 06 1892 ; ?. 5 430 ?: 9. List of co upons submitted by Treasurer to be destroyed. 08 O1 1892 5 432 : 10. Report on General Fund for July, 1892, and on Special Fund for July, 1892. 08 11. Report on School Fund for July, 1892. 08 12.; Treasurer's August report submitted. 09 13., Report on General and Special Funds for August, 1892. 09 14., Report on Educational Fund for August, 1892. 09 15.,, Report on School Fund for September, 1892. 10 16., Report on General and Special Funds for September, 1892. 10 17.,; Treasurer submitted coupons to be destroyed. _ 11 18., Reports on General and Special Funds for October, 1892, , 11 19..: Report on School Fund for October, 1892. 11 20.., Bond of Treasurer-elect James A. Montgomery approved, 12 21.., Report on Educational Fund for November, 1892, pages 456-457. 12 22. Report on General Fund for November, 1892, pages 458-459. 12 23.. Report on Special Fund for November, 1892. 12 24. Annual report on General and Special Sinking Funds from December 1, 1891, to November 30, 1892. 12 25.: Report on General Fund for December, 1892. Ol 26. Report on School Fund for December, 1892. O1 27. Annual report on General and Special Funds from December 1, 1891 to November 30, 1892. O1 28.,? Report on General Fund for January, 1893. , ?2 29.;,, Consolidated statement for January, 1893. _, ?2 30. Report on School Fundfor January, 1893. . 02 31. Sheriff's settlement in account with General Fund for 1892 taxes. 02 32.,,, Sheriff Settlement in account with School Fund for 1892 taxes. 02 33.,, Sheriff's settlement in account with Special Fund for 1892 taxes. 02 34.; List of County warrants paid by J.A. Montgomery, Treasurer, and report on General Fund for February, 1$93. 03 35.., Report on School Fund for February, 1$93, pages 485-486. 03 36.,. Report on Special Fund for February, 1893. 03 37., List of bonds suibmittted by Treasurer to be destroyed. 04 38. Report on Special Fund for March, 1893. 04 39. Report on General Fund for March, 1893. 04 40., Report on Educational Fund for March, 1893. 04 41. General consolidated statement from Treasurer for March, 1893. 04 42. P.eport on Educational Fund for April, 1893. 05 43. Report on General Fund for April, 1893. 05 44., General consolidated statement from Treasurer for April, 1893. OS 45. Treasurer Montgomery reported on receipt from ex-Treasurer E. Hewlett of balance due for full settlement. 06 46. Report on General Fund for May, 1893. 06 Ol 1892 5 433. O1 1592 5 434 05 1892 5 438 16 1892 5 441 16 1892 5 442 03 1892„ 5 446 03 1892 5 447 07 1892 5 449 ? 07 1892?, 5 451 ; 07 1892 5 452 05 1892„ 5 453 ;; 05 1892;, 5 456 „ 05 1892 ^ 5 458 M? 05 1892 5 459 05 1892 5 460 02 1893 .. 5 465 : ?: 02 1893 5 466 ? 18 1893 5 467 06 1893 5 470 f 06 1893: 5 470 06 1893 .. 5 471 ;. 06 1893 5 479 ? 06 1893 5 480 06 1893 5 481 y 06 I893 5 482 06 1893 ; 5 485 ., 06 1893 5 486 03 1893 5 487 03 1893 5 489 03 18 93 5 4 90 03 1893 . 5 491 ,, 03 1893 5 492 O1 1893 5 498 Ol 1893 5 499 01 1893 05 1893 05 1893 ; 5 500 5 501 ` 5 502 .` e? fi 1\ INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? !? MATTER FINANCE DEPARTMENT . i . _ : ` ee?. u, s. /J?I ?,, County Indezea Since 1888 ? To locate names, open at r?r OFFICE (?G?.te///? An ldentifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAI 7A8 C077 A-Z 7A6 INDEX MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA DAiE f MINUT E BOOK , NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? ? o Month I Day I Year ';. Vol. I Page ; ? ? ? 1. '? 4? Report on Educational Fund for May, 1893. 06 05 1893 . 5 503 2.;? ?? General consolidated statement from Treasurer for May, 1893. 06 05 1893 ,; 5 504 3.?? G Treasurer's June reports submitted. ., 07 03 I893 „ .. 5 509 . c 4.r? Treasurer submitted his annual report on the School Fund. ;; 07 03 1893 5 509 ^ ?; 5.,? Report on General Fund for June, 1893. 07 10 1893 5 510 6.?? Report on School Fund for June, 1893. 07 10 1893 ?; 5 511 7.? Treasurer's July reports submitted. 08 07 1893 y 5 512 ,? 8.;? List of coupons submitted by Treasurer to be destroyed, 08 07 1893 5 512 p 9.?, Treasurer Montgomery wanted to know if Board would accept a bond given in a Guarantee and Trnst Co, in 08 07 1893 , 5 513 , ,. ., lieu of one given by private persons. 10.,; Board to investigate legality of accepting bonds from County officers given in Guarantee and Tru st Co. 08 07 1893 5 513 and character of such. . 11.?; Report on General Fund for July, 1893. 08 16 1893 5 515 12.;; Report on Educational Fund for July, 1893. 08 16 1893 . S 516 13.L'? Report on Special Fund for July, 1893. 08 16 1893 , 5 517 14.,, Board will accept a bond from Treasurer from some reliable indemnity company. „ 09 04 1893 5 519 ? 15.,; z Report on School Fund for August, 1893. 09 04 1893,, 5 520 ?.6.i'. r Report on General Fund for August, 1893. ? 09 04 1893 , 5 521 17.`' ?; Treasurer submitted coupons to be destroyed. 10 02 1893 . 5 522 .. 18..., Letter from State Treasurer S. McD. Tate saying Sheriff should refund any pension tax he has collected. 10 02 1893 5 523 19,?I Report on General Fund for September, 1893. ?• 10 02 1893 5 525 20.: Report on School Fund for September, 1893. 10 02 1893 5 526 21.! Report on Special Fund for September, 1893. 10 02 1893 5 527 22.r; Er List of coupons submitted by Treasurer to be destroyed. 11 06 1893 5 528 .; 23.' ,. Report on General Fund for October, 1893. 11 06 I893 S 529 24." Report on School Fund for October, 1893, pages 530-531. 11 06 1893 , S 530 „ 25.f? Report on Special Fund for October, 1893. 11 06 1893 5 531 26.? Treasurer submitted certificate from J.W. Norwood of Atlantic National Bank showing Treasurer's credit in 12 04 1893 „ 5 532 ?? the Bank. y 27.? Bond of Treasurer J.A. Montgomery approved. 12 04 1893 5 532 , 28.' Report on General Fund for November, 1893. 12 04 1893 5 535 29.;? Report on School Fund for November, 1893, pages 536-537. 12 04 1893 5 536 30.;? Report on Special Fund for November, 1893. 12 04 1893 5 537 , 31.,, Annual report on General Fund and Special Fund. O1 Ol 1894 5 540 32.;, Report on School Fund for December, 1893. ? O1 Dl 1894 . 5 541 33.., Reports on General Fund and Special Fund for December, 1893. O1 Ol 1894 .. 5 542 34. Coupons submitted by Treasurer to be destroyed. 02 05 1894 5 543 35. Report on School Fund for January, 1894. 02 05 1894 5 545 36.?' Reports on General and Special Funds for January, 1894. 02 05 1894 5 546 37.! ?; Sheriff's settlement in account with General Fund for 1893. 02 21 1894 . 5 556 , 3$.!; ?heriff's settlement in account with School Fund and Special Fund for 1893. 02 21 1894 5 557 39.;: Coupons s?.bmitted by Treasurer to be destroyed. 03 05 1894 5 558 40.' Report on General and Special Funds for February, 1894. 03 05 1894 5 560 41. Report on School Fund for February, 1894. 03 05 1894 5 561 42.` Coupons submitted by Treasurer to be destroyed. 04 02 1894 5 562 43.A Report on School Fund for March, 1894. 04 02 1894 5 564 ? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Coun?j N C FINANCE DEPARTMENT MATTER ? . . _ : ` ?eo. u, s. ?? _ County Indezes Sinee 1888 gli ?' To locats namea, open at ry//??w An IdentiEyin? Trade Mark !?O S1IRNAME INITfAL TAB ??r ornct ( C COTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE C07T INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO . , SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW B ERN, NOR TH (AROLINA =q ;? DATE ;r ?i MINUTE BOOK ; , NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ` ?? V ,` Month I Day I Year ol, I Page ? :s , l. Report on General and Special Funds for March, 1894. 04 .. 02 1894 `' ??r 5 p. !' 565 e; a? 2.'" , Reports on General and SpeciaZ Funds for April, 1894. 05 07 1894 ?. 5 ,? 568 ° ?; 3.' Report on School Fund for April, 1894. 05 .. 07 1894?`; 5 569 Y: ;, 4.6 ,? Report on School Fund for May, 1894, 06 «e 04 1894?' ?? S 571 ?' ?d 5.'; ;a Report on General and Special Funds for May, 1894, 06 ., 04 1894 r' ?, S 572 ? ;?i 6.; Report on School Fund for June, 1894. : 07 02 1894 ; 5 576 7.? Reports on General and Special Funds for June, 1894. 07 . 02 1894 = ,? 5 577 ? ?ul 8..;' List of coupons submitted by Treasurer to be destroyed. 08 06 1894., 5 578 : 9. Report on General Fund for July, I894. 08 06 1894 5 579 10. Reports on School and Special Funds for July, 1894. 08 06 1894 , 5 580 11. Treasurer submitted coupons to be destroyed. 09 03 1894 5 582 ;: 12. Report on School Fund for August, 1894. 09 03 1894 , 5 584 13. Reports on General and Special Funds for August, 1894. 09 03 1894 S 585 ., 14. Report on School Fund for September, 1894. 10 O1 1894 5 588 15.. Reports on General and Special Funds for September, 1894. „ 10 O1 1894 „ 5 589 16?t: List of oupcons submitted by Treasurer to be destroyed. . 11 OS 1894 , 5 590 ? 17.., Reports on General and Special Funds for October, 1894. 11 OS 1894 5 592 , 18._ Report on School Fund for October, 1894. 11 05 1894., 5 593 ; 19.,, List of coupons submitted by Treasurer to be destroyed. 12 03 1894 „ 5 594 „ 20. D. L. Russell appeared on behalf of Treasurer-slect, S.Van Amringe, and requested more time for him to ., 12 03 1894.; 5 595 ?. . file bonds; granted. . .. 1? 21. Report on General Fund for November, 1894, pages 597-598. 12 03 1894 5 597 22. Report on SpeciaZ Fund for November, 1884. 12 03 1894 5 598 ? 23. Report on School Fund for November, 1894, pages 598-599. 12 03 1894 5 598 24. Annual reports on General and Special Funds from December 1, 1893 to November 30, 1894. 02 03 1894. 5 600 25.. Bond of Treasurer-elect Stacy Van Amringe accepted. 12 10 1894 5 ? 601 ` 26. Finance Committee met to examine accounts of former Treasurer and found them correct. 12 11 1894 _ 5 602 27. Money from former Treasurer Montgomery turned over to ensuing Treasurer Van Amringe. 12 11 1894 5 603 ; 28. Report on General and Special Funds for December, 1894. 12 11 1894 5 603 29.' . Report on School Fund for December, 1894. Z2 ? Z1 1894 5 604 ? ?, 30. Report on School Fund for December, 1894. . Ol 07 1895 5 609 ` !. 31.,, Reports on General and Sinking Funds for December, 1894. Ol 07 1895 5 610 32., List of bonds and coupons submitted by Treasurer to be destroyed. 02 04 1895 5 612 33.., Treasurer to transfer funds from General to Special Fund to pay bonds. 02 04 1895 „ 5 612 34., Report on School Fund for .3anuary, 1895. , 02 04 1895 5 613 35., Reports on General and Sinking Funds for January, 1895. 02 04 1895 5 614 36. Sheriff presented Treasurer's receipt for 1894 taxes. 02 13 1895 ; 5 615 a 37., Report on General Fund for May, 1890, pages 622-626, . 02 13 1895,. 5 622 ,. 38.,, Former Sheriff Stedman`s account with Special Fund for 1894 taxes. „ 02 13 1895 5 626 39.,. Former Sheriff Stedman's account with General Fund for 1894 taxes. 02 13 1895 . 5 627 ;, 40.,., Former Sheriff Stedman's account with School Fund for 1894 taxes. „ 02 13 1895„ 5 628 41.,; Amount of transfer of funds from General Fund to Special Fund decreased. 03 04 1895, 5 629 42., Reports on General and Special Funds for February, 1895. 03 04 1895 , 5 630 43., Report on School Fund for February, 1895. 03 04 1895., S 63I , 44. Report on School Fund for March, 1895, 04 Ol 1895; 5 635 45. ?I Reports on General and Special Funds for March, 1895. 04 ?s O1 1895 ii 5 636 , ?o INDEX TO COi?MISSIONERS MiI?UTES - - New Hanover FINANCE DEPARTMENT Count? ? ? MAT ER ` ? . . _ : ¦a?, u, s. r?r OFFICE C??? Cottnty Inaezea S;n« I888 An IdentiFvins Trade Marlc ? To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•Z TAB INDEX MADF BY THF COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA k' ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ?? '? l.'?? Report on School Fund for April, 1895. { 2.? Reports on General and Sinking Funds for April, 1895. ? 3.;;, Reports on General and Sinking Funds for May, 1895. ?i v 4.;? Report on School Fund for May, 1895. ?, 5.k? Report on School Fund for June, 1895. ? c? ? 6.; Reports on General and Special Funds for June, 1895. ? 7.ti; List of coupons submitted by Treasurer to be destroyed. 8.?? Reports on School and Special Funds for July, 1895. ,? ? 9..' Report on General Fund for July, 1895. • ±s 10.: Report on School Fund and Special Fund for August, 1895. 11.` Report on General Fund for August, 1895. 12. Reports on School and Special Funds for September, 1895. 13.' Report on General Fund for September, 1895. 14. Reports on School and Special Funds for October, 1895. 15.?? Report on General Fund for October, 1895. 16.,; Coupons submitted by Treasurer to be destroyed. ,17.: Bond of Treasurer S. Van Amringe approved. ,18.;, Reports on General and Special Funds for November, 1895. ,19.',' Report on School Fund. 20.:; Coupons submitted by Treasurer to be destroyed. 21.,; Reports on General and Special Funds for December, 1895. 22.,, Report on School Fund for December, 1895, pages 689-690. ,23.:; Coupons submitted by Treasurer to be destroyed. ; 24.;? Reports on School and Special Funds for January, 1896. ,25.',i Report on General Fund for January, 1896. :, 26.;' Sheriff's settlement in account with General Fund for 1895 taxes. ,? 27.?'. Sheriff's settlement in account with School Fund for 1895 taxes. 28.' Sheriff's settlement in account with Special Fund for 1895 taxes. 29.,? Receipt from State Treasury for Sheriff's settlement of 1895 State taxes. 30.?; Coupons submitted by Treasurer to be destroyed. 31.? Report on School Fund for February, 1896. 32.y Reports on General and Special Funds for February, 1896. 33.? Annual reports on General and Special Fund from December l, 1894 to November 30, 1895, 34.?; Report on School Fund for March, 1896. 35.,, Reports on General and Special Funds for March, 1896, 36. Reports on General and Special Funds for April, 1896. 37. Report on School Fund for April, 1896. 38.;; Coupons submitted by Treasurer to be destroyed. 39.: Chairman to borrow sum from First National Bank for the General Fund. .40.;" Reports on General and Special Funds for May, 1896. 41.;; Report on School Fund for May, 1896. ,42.?, Report on School Fund for June, I896. 43.'! Reports on General and Special Funds for June, 1896. 44..? Coupons submitted by Treasurer to be destroyed. 45.?; Report on General Fund for July, 1896. 46.?,: Reports on School and Special Funds for July, 1896. f; F? `€i DATE „ Month I Day I Year ' 05 06 1895 05 06 1895 06 03 1895 ': 06 03 1895 : a 07 O1 1895 , 07 O1 1895 08 05 1895 ; 08 05 1895 08 05 1895 09 02 1895 09 02 1895 10 07 1895 10 07 1895 11 04 1895 . 11 04 1895 12 02 1895 12 02 1895 . 12 02 1895 12 02 1895 Ol 06 1896 ?;, Ol 06 1896 ?, O1 06 1896 02 03 1896 „ 02 03 1896 02 03 1896 02 03 1896 02 03 1896 02 03 1896 02 03 1896 03 02 1896 03 02 1896 03 02 1896 03 OZ 1896 04 06 1896 04 06 1896 05 04 1896 OS 04 1896 06 Ol 1896 06 Ol 1896 06 Ol 1896 06 Ol 1_896 , 07 06 1896 , 07 06 1896 08 03 1896 08 03 1896 08 03 1896 MINI Vol. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 S 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 S 5 5 5 ?TE D??K 'iF ,y I Ppge : ,? 637 642 644 645 , 649 650 652 654 ?, 655 666 670 673 674 677 678 679 680 682 , 683 685 688 ,. 689 691 693 694 695 696 697 706 707 709 710 711 713 714 716 717 718 718 720 721 723 , 726 727 728 729 . ?INANCE DEPARTMENT N INDEX TO CO?iMISSI0NER5 MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? C MATTER , . . _ : ` e[o. u. s. y? `?? County Indczes Since 1888 ? ?"? To locats names, open at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX r?T otr?ct C?C"c4///?'<Co? An IdenNfyins Trade Mark !1?-.C.T SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA i3 ? ??° DATE ?„ MINUT E BOOK ? ;? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? Month I I Day I Year ?? Vol. ? Page E g Sa F? pJ ? 1..? Report on School Fund for August, 1896, _ ' 09 07 1897,'a 5 ? 732 `? s? 2. Reports on General and Special Funds for August, 1896. 09 07 1897;? , i S 733 ; 3.' . Report on School Fund for September, 1896. y 10 05 ;, 1896 ' S 735 ?? f3 E 4.??? Reports on General and Special Funds for September, 1896, , 10 05 1896;? 5 ; 736 ? ? 5.;` Reports on School and Special Funds for October, 1896. , 11 02 ? 1896;: , 5 R: 738 ;`. ? ,; 6.: Report on General Fund for October, 1896. 11 02 1896,? 5 739 ?: s ?, 7.,; neport on School Fund for November, 1896: pages 742-743. y 12 07 1896ik 5 742 ?? 8.;, Report on General Fund for November, 1896, pages 743-744. 12 07 1896^ 5 i. 743 ?; 9.,. Report on Special Fund for November, 1896. 12 07 1896 5 744 :; 10... Annual report on Special and School Funds for the year ending November 30, 1896. 12 07 1896„ 5 745 „ 11., Annual report on General Fund for year ending November 30, 1896. 12 07 1896. 5 746 12. Bond of Treasurer S. Van Amringe was not accepted due to a technicality and he given more time to file. 12 07 1896„ 5 748 13. Treasurer to furnish Board a full statement of financial condition of County, including its bonded and 12 08 1896 5 750 floating debts. . 14. S. Van Amringe requested an office in Courthouse; referred to the Chairman. 12 08 1896 5 750 ;^ 15. Minutes amended concerning bond of Treasurer-elect Van Amringe. Ol 04 1$97. 5 752 `. ' 16. Bond of Treasurer-elect approved and certificates to be attached when received, O1 04 1897, 5 753 17. Treasurer-elect Van Amringe presented his oath of office and given more time to attach certifi,cates to Ol 04 1897 5 753 his bond. ., ?., 18. Board declared office of Treasurer vacant due to death of Mr. Van Amringe. O1 04 1$97, 5 753 kL 19.,, Men nominated for office of Treasurer, and James H. Chadbourn elected County Treasurer. O1 04 1897 5 753 : Y• 20.. Clerk to Board to collect al1 rent due County and pay it to Treasurer each month. Ol 04 I897 5 754 ;_ 21., Bond of Treasurer-elect James H. Chadbourn, Jr. approved. , O1 05 1897, 5 i. 758 ": 22., Treasurer to report County funds he holds with a separate statement for each levy and purpose. Ol 14 1897,, 5 759 F; 23,. A.J. Marshall reported on amount of County money held by late Treasurer Van Amringe. 02 O1 1897;, 5 761 ;; 24., Mr. Marshall's report referred to Audit and Finance Committees. „ 02 O1 1897,; 5 761 ;; ? 25:, Matter of surrendering the indemnity bond referred to Audit and Finance Committees, 02 Ol 1897 5 761 ', 26?, Treasurer's January report submitted and referred to Audit and Finance Committees. _ 02 Ol 1897,,, 5 761 ?; 27., Sheriff to keep taxes levied for general and special purposes separate and to get separate receipts from . 02 O1 1897;, 5 762 ?, „ the Treasurer. 28. Report on School Fund for December, 1896, pages 767-768. 03 04 1897, 5 767 29., Report on Special Fund for December, 1896. 03 04 1897 5 768 ' 30., Report on General Fund for December, 1896 and January, 1897. 03 04 1897 5 769 =. 31. Report on School Fund and Special Fund for January, 1897, pages 770-771. 03 04 I897 5 770 ? ? 32.; ? Report on General Fund far .ianuary, 1897. 03 04 1897 5 772 33,. Report on Special Fund for January, 1897. 03 04 1897 5 773 34,, Report on School Fund for February, 1897, pages 773-774. 03 04 1897 5 773 ;. 35,, Report on General Fund for February, 1897. 03 04 1897 5 775 36.. Report on Special P'und for February, 1897. , 03 04 1897 5 776 : 37.. Consolidated statement from Treasurer Chadbourn for February, 1897. , 03 04 1897? 5 776 i,'. 38, Attorney Niarshall presented bond from heirs of late Treasurer Van Amringe, 03 O1 1897^ 5 777 , 39. Bond from heirs of Mr. Van Amrznge accepted pending approval by County Attorney. 03 .. Ol 1897 5 777 , ??, 40. Matter of school vouchers deferred. 03 O1 1897; 5 778 ' 41. Treasurer's February reports submitted. 03 Ol 1897 5 779 ' 4•, 42.. Sheriff's settlement in account with General Fund for taxes collected in 1896. 03 19 1897 5 780 i? 43,? ? ? ' }? Sheriff's settlement in account with School Fund for taxes collected in 1896. 03 .. i 19 1897; p? , ;,? '" i_ 5 781 '? ?, r? ?a ? ?; Ii 1? 6? INATTER INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES New Hanover Count? ?INANCE DEPARTMENT . : ? . _ ` ?a?. u. s. //?L ?,,, County Indezee S?nc? 1888 ? To locate names, open at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX ?AT OFi1CE C-GNi///? An IdentiEying Trade Mark SURNAME INITlAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA , R? '?? DATE P7 !?? 7• MINUTE BOOK r° NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS y?, M th D ;+ Y V l ? e P ,? on ay ? ? ear ?? o , g? ag ?? 1. , Sheriff's settlement in account with Special Fund for taxes collected in 1896. 03 . . 19 a 1897i'? 5 k; 782 or 2. , Treasurer's monthly report referred to Audit Committee. ? ?; 04 05 1897:? 5 799 ' 3. Sheriff and Treasurer not to pay any jury or witness tickets or coupons of more than one years standing I, 04 08 1897 ?? 6 2 y; , , without Board's audit. i ?w ? u ? :? 4. Report on Special Fund for March, 1897. ? 04 08 1397? ?a 6 2`a 5. Report on School Fund for March, 1897, pages 3-4. , 04 08 1897,;? 6 3 6. Report on General Fund for March. 04 08 1897;i ?, 6 5 R 7.6 Trial balance for rfarch, 1897 by Treasurer Chadbourn. 04 08 ? 1897 ? 6 6 P 8.? Report on Speci.al Funa for ApriZ, 1897. 04 08 1897 .? 6 6 ?, ?; ,9.?? Report on School Fund for April, 1897. 04 08 1897 6 7 10.;? Report on General Fund for April, 1897. 04 08 1897 6 8 11.;? Trial balance for April, 1897 by Treasurer Chadbourn. . 04 08 1897 „ 6 9 4? 12.?? a Audit Committee reported Treasurer's report for March correct. ,, 05 03 1897a? 6 9 13.? Treasurer's April report submitted and referred to Auditing Committee. 05 03 1897 6 9„ ? 14.?? Treasurer to give monthly statement of all monies paid out in each school district. „ 06 07 1897'; 6 14 15.? Treasurer's report referred to Auditing Committee. 07 07 1?97;, 6 20 . 16.;? Letter from State Treasurer Worth that County would have to bear cost of extra term of Criminal Court. „ 07 07 1897',. 6 21 ?? 17.?? Report on Special Fund for May, 1897. ., 07 12 1?97,; 6 23 „ t? 18. Report on General Fund for May, 1897, pages 24-25. . 07 12 1897 , ., 6 24 ? 19.? Report on School Fund for May, 1897, pages 26-28. ? 07 12 1897 6 26 i; 20.?M Report on Special Fund for June, 1897. , 08 02 1897 .' 6 33 ?s 21.,`? Report on General Fund for June, 1897, pages 34-35. . 08 02 1897 . . 6 34 ?? . 22.f? Report on School Fund for June, 1897, pages 36-37. 08 02 1897 6 36 4 ? 23.? Report on Special Fund,for July, 1897y page 37. 08 02 1897 6 37 „. 2/?.? Report on General Fund for July, 1897, pages 38-39. 08 02 1897 : 6 38 25.? Report on School Fund for July, 1897. 08 02 1897,, 6 40 ; 26.? a Sheriff presented receipts from State and County Treasurers showing 1897 tax settlement had been made. 09 06 1897 ; 6 42 „ 27.?? Treasurer's School Fund report referred to Auditing Committee. 09 07 1897 6 42 ,; 28.? a, Letter from school committee of District 1 stating amount of insurance paid Treasurer as collected on 10 04 1897 „ 6 45 ?d h school which burned down. „ „ j 29.? Report on General Fund for August, 1897, pages 49-53. :,, 10 13 1897 ; 6 ? 49 30.jp 4? Reports on School and Special Funds for August, 1897. „ 10 13 1897 6 53 k? 31.?Report on General Fund for September, 1897, pages 54-56. , ? 10 13 1897.;, 6 ? 54 32.;q ? Reports on School and Special Funds for September, 1897. 10 13 1897 6 56 ? 33.p? Report on School Fund for October, 1897, pages 59-61. 11 Ol 1897,: 6 59 34.f? Report on Special Fund for October, 1897 11 Ol 1897 ; 6 61 35.;? Report on General Fund for October, 1897. 11 O1 1897., 6 62 ; E' 36.?? Board decided it was not necessary for Treasurer to have his bond renewed. 12 06 1897 6 65 37. Annual report from Auditor submitted and entire County debt and interest on it had been cancelled. 12 13 1897 :, ?? 6 67 ,; s 38.?? Report on School Fund for November, I897. 12 13 1897 " 6 68 ? 39.? , Report on General Fund for November, 1897. ? 12 13 1897 ' 6 69 ; ? 40.N? ? Annual report on General Fund for 1897. 12 13 1897,y 6 70 41.?' Report on Special Fund for November, 1897. 12 13 1897, 6 71 42.` Annual report on Special Fund for 1897. 12 13 1897 .' 6 71 43.? Report on General Fund for December, 1897, pages 74-75. , O1 03 1898 6 74 ? 44.' Report on School Fund for December, 1897, pages 76-80. O1 03 1898 ? 6 76 ; ?; ? ! kt ;, :+ ?? r ;; ?, f? ? INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Coun?j N C ?'zNANCE DEPARTMENT MATTER ? . . a _ : rtc4, u. s. ?AT ofv?c[ C??? County Inde:es Sinca 1888 To locats names, open at Fp?y? Aa ldentiErins Trndc Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY. COLUMBUS, QNIO SOLU BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA 9 ?? E; NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS fJ F? ; DATE ? MINUTE BOOK ? sr ?? Month ? Day ? Year ? Vol. ? Page ? l. ;; Report on Special Fund for December, 1897. Ol 03 1898 ?? 6 80 ?? ry ., ?u ? 2.??Report on General Fund for January, 1898, pages 88-89, ti, 02 14 1898?? 6 88 ? ? 3.',?Report on School Fund for January, 1898. F? 02 14 1898?r ! 6 90 ?? 4.??Report on Special Fund for Januray, 1898. 5. ?Sheriff's settlement in account with General Fund for 1897 taxes. ?r ?s 6. ';Sheriff's settlement in account with School Fund for 1897 taxes. 7.,;Sheriff's settlemen?. in account with Sinking Fund for 1897 taxes. 8. " Sheriff's settlement in account with the riilitary Fund for 1897 taxes. 9.,,Sheriff's settlement in account wi?h the Pub?i.c Roads and Hospital Funds for 1897 taxes. Z0. ,Report on School rund for February, 1898, page 107-109. 11., Report on Special Fund for February, 1898. 12..;Report on General Fund for February, 1898, pages 110-111. 13. .Report on General Fund for March, 1898,pages 114-116. 14.,,Report on School Fund for March, 1898, pages 117-119. 15. Report on Special Fund for March, 1898. 16.,;Treasurer's report approved. 17. Report on School Fund for April, 1898, pages 127?-129. 18.., Report on Generai Fund for April, 1898, pages 130-132. 19.;;Report on Special Fund for April, 1898, page 132. 20. Treasurer filed his report and it was referred to the Auditing Committee. 21. Report on School Fund for May, 1898, pages 141-145. 22. Report on Special Fund for May, 1898. 23. ; Report on General Fund for May? 1898, pages 146-147. 24. Treasurer's June report referred to Auditing Committee. 25. Report on General Fund for June, 1893. 26.e;Report on School and Special Funds for June, 1898. 27. ,Treasurer's report on financial condition of County audited and found correct. 28. Sheriff directed to pay a11 warrants drawn by Board from General Fund and this will be noted in his settlement with Treasurer. . 02 14 1898? 02 02 , 02 02 ; 02 „ 03 , 03 ,_ 03 e 04 04 „ 04 , 05 , OS 05 „ 05 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 y. 07 07 14 189$ '?:; ?? 14 1898 `? w? ?; 14 1498 ti? ? 14 1898 ?y 14 1898?e 07 1898 „ 07 1898 ;: 07 1898„ 04 1898 04 1898 29. 'Treasurer to report to Finance Committee the condition of County's finances? 07 30. ,Treasurer not to pay any orders issued by old Board unless approved by this Board; will be held responsible, 04 „ on his bond. (See COUNTY COMMISSIONERS) 04 18 98 ?, 04 1898' 31 I898;' 31 1898 ;; 31 1898t; 06 1898 ;! 11 18 98 ? 11 1.8 98 11 1898K. 05 1898 05 1898; 31., Bi11 from W.T. Sears for repair on bridge presented to Treasurer Chadbourn, but would not pay it until 06 matter of legal Commissioners settled, 6 91 6 92 6 93 6 94 05 1898r 12 1898 - 12 1898;; 26 1898 7 30 1898'; F 06 1?93;; 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 94 ?r ?? 95 'f .} k? 1 Q / 109 `; 110 114 ,; 117 '' 116 : r i 124 .; ?? 127 ` 131 ?'' ;' 1?2 ?? ?C 134 ':? ?? t 141 i'y ?, 145 ' ?? 6 14 6 6 148 6 150 6 151 6 152 6 152 6 6 156 162 6 32.,,Treasurer reported on County finances and showed vouchers paid from Foster's Board before Judge Robinson's „ 06 243 1893„ 6 ; ruling. „, 33. Board will subpoena various County officers to report on monies collected and paid to Treasurer in order to 06 examine County's finances. 34. "Report on General Fund for Ju1y, 1$98, pages 173-174. 03 35. Reports on Special and School Funds for July, 1898. 08 36. ?Sheriff showed Treasurer's receipts for taxes, so 1898 Tax Lists and Books turned over to him, 09 37. Report on General Fund for August, 1898, pages 180-181. 09 38. ,Reports on School and Special Funds for August, 1898, 09 39. Report on General Fund for September, 1898, pages 186-188. 10 40. .Reports on Special and School Funds for September, 1898. 10 41.''Report on General Fund for October, 1898, pages 192-194. 11 ; ? :s ,' ?i . V3 25 1898 O1 1898 Ol 18 98 ;; 05 1898 F, 05 1898 OS 1398. t' 07 1893 07 1898 , l? 1393 '? ;; ?I 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 16 6 ;; ?' 168 ;6 f' 170 " ?? 173 l? 175 178 iso 182 186 6 188 6 192 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County? ?. l?. _ MATTER: FINANCE DEPARTMENT ` ,,,,?r? ¦cc. u, s. ? v?r OFFICE ?t//???c.a-'7? County lndezea Sinee 1888 To Ineate names, open at An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, (OLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ; DATE ?C? MINUT E BOOK ,; NATURE Of PROCEEDIN6S ? Month I Day I ? Year ? Vol, I Page ',? ;. l.i? Report on Special Fund for October, 1898. , 11 18 1898, 6 194 2. Report on School Fund for October, 1898, pages 195-197. 11 18 1898 6 195 '" ? 3. Treasur er's monthly report submitted. 12 , 05 1898 , 6 199 ? 4.? Treasur er reported on remaining County debt after Chairman paid off two notes. ; 12 05 1898 , 6 199 , ?? ? 5.4 Bond of H. McL. Green, Treasurer-elect, approved. 12 05 1898!, 6 201 ? ? 6,? ; Report on General Fund for November, 1898, pages 207-212. 12 „ 10 1898'F , 6 207 .. F 7., Report on Special Fund for November, 1898, page 212. ; 12 ZO 1898; 6 212 ? ? ?; 8.?{ Report on School Fund for November, 1898, pages 213-216, 12 10 1898: 6 213 9.?? Annual report on Gener al Fund from Dece?nber 1, ?897 to PJoverr?ber 30, 1893. 12 10 1898 6 217 10.:? Report on General Fund for December, 1898, pages 221 - 223. ll.p? Report on Special Fund for December, 1898. 12.; For report on School Fund for December, 1898, pages 386, 13.,? Report on General Fund for January, 1899, pages 227-229. 14.:; Report on School Fund for January, 1899, pages 230-233. ,15:?? Report on Special Fund for January, 1899, page 234. 16;; Report on General Fund for February, 1899, pages 237-239, '? ,17.;? Report on School Fund for February, 1899, pages 240-243. ? ,18.;; Report on Special Fund for February. .19:5 Treasurer H. McL. Green allowed to substitute sureties on his bond. ?a 20.;' Original bond of Treasurer returned to him. ,? 21.'? Report on General Fund for March, 1899, pages 250-252. 22.:i Report on Special Fund for March, 1899. ?r 23.?? Report on School Fund for March, pages 254-257. 24.;i Report on General Fund for April, 1899, pages 262-265. . ?? V a 25.? Report on Special Fund for April, 1899. r, 26.`? For report on School Fund for April, 1899 see page 382. ar ,4 27.;? Report on School Fund for May, 1899, pages 305-308. r? 28.;p Report on School Fund for June, 1899, pages 309-310. ,; 29.?; Report on General Fund for .Iuie, 1899, pages 311-314. ?, rd 30.;; Report on General Fund for July, 1899, pages 320-322. ,5 31.=' Report on Special Fund for July, 1899, page 323. ;? 32.;; Report on School Fund for July, 1899. ;? 33.'!? Report on General Fund for August, 1899, pages 329-331. 34.`: Report on Special Fund for August, 1899. q ,35. Report on School Fund for August, 1899. 36.;` Report on General Fund for September, 1899, pages 341-343. . r, ?; 37.? Report on Special Fund for September, 1899, page 344. 38.?o Report on School Fund for September, 1899, pages 344-345. ?; 39.?,i? Report on General Fund for October, 1899, pages 351-353. 40.?? Report on School Fund for October, 1899 pages 354-359. i 41.;" Bond of H. McI?. Green approved as Treasurer. , ?, j 42.;: Report on General Fund for November, 1899, pages 368-371. 43.y Report on Special Fund for November, 1899, page 371. ia 44.Gy Report on School Fund for November, 1899, pages 372-377. ? 45.yj Treasurer's reports on General and Special Funds from December 1, 1898 to November 30, 1899. 46.i? Report on School Fund for Apri1, 1899, pages 382-385. e? '?e Ol 03 1899 6 221 O1 03 1899 6 03 1899 09 1899 09 1899 09 1899 06 1899 06 1899 06 1899 O1 02 02 02 03 03 03 04 04 04 04 04 05 05 OS 06 06 11 18 9 9 ,, 11 1899' 19 1899 ' 19 1899 19 1899 04 1899 04 1899 04 1899 27 1899 s 27 1899 6 223 6 207 6 230 6 234 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 237 240 244 06 27 1899 6 07 18 1899 6 07 18 1899 , 6 07 18 1899 ,_ 6 08 22 1899„ 6 08 22 1899 6 , 08 22 1899., 6 10 02 1899 . 6 10 02 1899 6 10 02 1899 . 6 11 15 1899 ? 6 11 15 1899 6 12 15 1899 6 12 20 1899 , 6 12 20 1899 6 12 20 1899 . 6 12 20 1899 ; 6 O1 02 1900. 6 ? Fi i, i? 223 249 249 250 253 254 262 266 266 305 309 311 320 323 3 24 3 29 . 332 333 .. 341 344 341 . 351 354 „ 364 368 3Z1 372 377 ,. 382 ?f ? INDEX TO CONiMISSI0I?E?S MINUTES -- New Hanover County 1? li FINANCE bEPARTMENT MAT ER ? . . _ : ` Rco. u, s. ? ,,,J ?ounty Inde:ee Since 1888 ? To toeats names, open at PAT 6?i1CC C.?c?///?? An ldentifyins Trsds Mark SURNAME INlT1AL TAB COTT A•Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COlUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ?? j NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ;? DATE ??? , MINUTE BOOK ? :; ?° Month ( Day? Year #; ;? Vol. ? Page ?? ` ?, 1.??? Report on School. Fund for December, 1898, pages 386-389. u Ol ? 02 [ 1900G? 6 ?i 382 ?, ? r. ? 2., Report on School Fund from December 6, 1899 to January 4, 1900, pages 390-394. :. O1 02 1900?i 6 390 ? ; 3.??q Report on General Fund for December, 1899, pages 395-398. O1 02 1900k? 6 395 ? 4.`? Report on General Fund for January, 1900, pages 407-409. e, 03 OS 1900;y 6 407 ? ? 5.`i Report on Special Fund for January, 1900. 03 ?? 05 „ 1900??' „? 6 410 ? 6.{ Report on School Fund for January, 1900, pages 411-415. ' 03 05 1900?" 6 411 7.i Report on General Fund for February, 1900, pages 416-419. „ 03 05 1900c; ' 6 ?, 416 E? 8.? Report on Special Fund for February, 1900. „ 03 05 Y - 1900„ 6 420 4? ' 9., Report on School Fund for February, 1900, pages 420-424. , 03 05 1900;; 6 ? 420 i,` 10., Letter from Treasurer Green relative to list of hands for working roads referred to Superintendent of Roads 04 02 1900,. 6 426 ;, 11., Report on General Ftand for March, 1900, pages 428-431. 04 02 1900 6 42$ a° 12., Report on School Fund for March, 190Q, 04 _ 02 1900 ... 6 432 y ?, 13. . Report on General Fund for Apn1,= 1900, pages 438-441. 05 ?? 15 190Q °? 6 438 ? ?? , 14. Report on School Fund for April, 1900. 05 16 190a' 6 443 "; , ? 15. ?i Report on General Fund ?or May, 1900, pages 454-457. 07 15 1904 .. 6 . 454 ? ? " . 16.. Report on Special Fund for May, 1900. 07 , 15 1900 6 k 457 '' ?? ,? 17.,; Report on School Fund for May, 1900. 07 ., 15 190a 6 ;; 458 'is ?, 18.,, Report on General Fund for June, 1900, pages 461-464. 08 06 190Q 6 461 ; ;, 19.. Report on School Fund for June, 1900. 08 06 1900 ? 6 465 ry , 20.. Report on General Fund for Ju1y, 1900, pages 467-469. 08 07 1900?; 6 r 467 " 21. Report on Special Fund for July, Z90Q. „ 08 07 1900 6 470 ?; 22.. Report on School Fund for Ju1y, 1900. , 08 07 1900; 6 471?i ? 23.: Report on General Fund for August, 1900, pages 475-479. , 09 03 190(?: 6 475 ?' ` ' 24.. Report on School Fund for August, 1900. ., 09 03 1900; 6 , 480 .j „ 25.r H. McL. Green was elected Treasurer. :. 12 03 1900?; 6 488 ?; ; 26.,` H. McL. Green's bonds approved as Treasurer. ,. 12 08 190Q, 6 492 ;; ? 27._. Report on General Fund for September, 1900, pages 494-498. ?? 12 08 1900:; 6 492 ;; :r , 28.., Report on Special Fund for September, 1900. 12 OS 1900, 6 498 ;; s: ' 29..: , Report on School Fund for September, 1900. 12 „ 15 1900 ?, 6 500 €' y, 30.; • Report on General Fund for October, 1900, p?es 501-503. 12 , 15 1900 6 r s 501 ;; p; 31.a Report on School Fund for October, 1900. 12 15 1900 .. 6 r 503 ;' 93 32. Report on General Fund for November, 1900, pages 505-508. 12 ,. 15 1900: .. 6 'e9 505 ?' ;, , 33..; Report on School Fund for November, 1900. 12 15 1900 ? 6 ii 509 ?; i; 34.. Orders signed by acting Chai?man Holmes to be honored and Treasurer to pay said orders. 02 13 1901 6 519 ?' ? 35., Report on General Fund for December, 1900, pages 520-523. 2 13 1901: 5 520 ?.. 36. Report on Special and School Funds for December, 1900. 02 13 I901, 6 524 ?; 37... Report on General Fund for January, 1901, pages 525-528. OZ 13 190Iq, 6 525 ?, ?? 38._:. Report on Special Fund for January, 1901, pages 529. . 02 13 1901,; 6 529 rb , 39.?; Report on School Fund for January, 1901. ,, 02 13 1901 , 6 530 ?? 40. Letter from Treas>>rer asking for commission on money borrowed by the Board la id on table. 03 .. 04 1901; 6 ?' 532 ;? ?? 41. Report on Special Fund for February, 1901, pages 538-541. 04 15 1901 b 538 ?- ? 42.,; Report on School Fund for February, 1901. 04 15 1901,; 6 1 542 t; ? E' 43. Report on Special Fund for March, 1901, pages 543-545. 04 ? 15 1901' „ 6 543 ? o 44.., Report on School Fund for March, 1901. 04 15 1901' 6 546 ?? ?, 45., Report on General Fund for April, 1901, pages 557-560. 06 17 1901?? 6 5: 557 E? 46., Report on Special Fund for April, 1901. , 06 17 1901 6 561 ? M ? ?S ? ?? !? ?? E ? _ . - ", IE 9 ? a ? INDEX TO C?I?MISSIONERS I?INUT?S - - New Hanover FINANCE Count ? DEPARTMENT y? . l?. ^ MATTER: ` •ec. u. s. County Indezea S{nce 1888 ? e?r OFi1CE C.E?? An IdentifYing Trade Mark To focate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB COT7 A•2 7AB IHDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY. COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA DATE i; MINUi E BOOK ? ?; NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day I I Year " ?, Vol. , Page ; I : p 1.` Report on School Fund for April, 1901. ? 06 ? 17 1901;i 6 ? 562 ' , 2. Report on General Fund for May, 1901, pages 568-569. ?„ 06 20 1901!; 6 568 3. Report on Special Fund for May, 1901, pages 570-571. ,„ 06 20 1901'; 6 570 ? , 4. Report on School Fund for May, 1901. „ 06 20 1901 ? 6 572 ° , 5. Report on General and Special Funds for June, 1901, pages 579-582. , 07 24 1901 6 579 ' 6.?'y Report on School Fund for June, 1901. 07 24 1901;; 6 583 , , 7.; Report on General Fund for July, 1901, pages 586-589. ,; 08 05 1901; 6 586 , 8.?? Report on Special Fund for July, 1901. „ 08 05 1901;, 6 590 , ;? 9.?q' Report an Scnoo? Funa for July, 19D1, ,10..? Report on General Fund for August, 1901, pages 579-600. 11.'? Report on School Fund for August, 1901. 12.y Report on General Fund for September, 1901, pages 605-608. . ?• ,13.'k? Report on Special Fund for September, 1901. 14.'.; Report on School Fund for September, 1901. ti i I5.`' Report on General and Special Funds for October, I901. ? 16.;+ Report on School Fund for October, I90I. ?; H: 17,;? Annual report from Treasurer H. McL, Green received and filed. ?; 18.i? Bonds received and approved from Treasurer Green. ? „ ?? 19.?; Report on General and Special Funds from December 1, 1900 to November 30, 190I. s, 20.'y' Bonds of Treasurer H. McL. Green approved by Attorney. y 21.?f Report on General and Special Funds for November, 1901. 22.;y Report on School Fund for November, 1901. ?. 23.?? Report on General and Special Funds for December, 1901. c?: 24,?? Report on Special Fund for January, 1902. B 25.?? Report on School Fund €or December, 1901. bs ?? 26.?j Report on General Fund for January, 1902. :; 27.p? Report on School Fund for January, 1902. ?a 28.?? Report on General and Special Funds far February, 1902. ?, 29.i? Report on School Fund for February, 1902. 30.' ? ' Bond of Treasurer Green approved for keeping Road Fund. 31.?; Report on Road Fund for March, 1902. E: ?y 32.;; Report on General and Special Funds for March, 1902. ?3.;q Report on Township Fund from October_1, 1901 to April 1, 1902. ;a 34.;; Report on School Fund for March, 1902. 35.; Money spent on permanent road improvements from General ?nd to be_r.eturned_froip_S?ecial_Eund. 36.;? Report on General Fund for April, 1902. ., ;] 37.6? Report on Road Fund for April, 1002. 38.`;: Report on School Fund for April, 1902. 39.?R Re?port on General ?.ind for May, 1902. ,s. 40.??? Re?port on School Fund for May, 1902. 41.r? Report on General Fund for June, 1902. ?? .42.?? Report on Road and School F.?nds for June, 1902. p 6E 43.p? Report on Special Fund for July, 1902. 44.?? Report on General and Road Funds for July, 1902, pages 669-670. 45.?r' Report on School Fund for July, 1902. ?? 46.?k New bond of Treasurer Green approved. ?, ? ? .. 08 05 1901 ,. 6 09 25 1901., 6 09 25 1901 6 10 07 1901 6 10 07 1901 6 10 07 1901 6 II 15 190I 6 II 15 190I n1 6 12 02 1901 ,, 6 „ 12 02 I901 ,,; 6 , 12 OZ 1901 . 6 . 12 09 1901 ,. 6 , 12 31 1901 „ 6 12 31 1901 , 6 „ O1 06 1901 „ 6 02 19 1902. 6 02 19 1902:. 6 02 19 1902 6 02 19 1902 - 6 03 03 1902 „ 6 03 03 1902 6 04 07 1902 ; 6 04 07 1902 6 04 07 1902 6 04 07 1902 „ 6 04 D5 05 OS 05 06 06 07 07 08 08 08 09 07 1902 6 26 19D2 ,. 6 26 1902 6 26 1902 6 26 1902 6 03 1902 ; 6 03 1902 6 22 1902 6 22 1902 6 04 1902 04 1902 04 1902 O1 1902 : 591 , 579 „ 601 605 608 609 613 614 , 615 , 616 „ 619 ., 6 21 ,. 624 625 .. 629 .. 634 .. 635 636 637 641 , 642 , 644 645 646 ,, 647 , 648 651 652 652 653 657 658 664 665 6 668 ' 6 669 6 6 670 6'? 2 i Ei D H N EX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES N C C anover ounty, . -- ew . IN _ MATiER: FINANCE DEPARTMEIdT ` ¦[a. e, s. Counry Indezes Sinee 1886 ??,J?'"' To loeats names, opan at r?r OiFIG[ ?i?'ILCo-7?T An Identifyins Trnde Mark U?.LY SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTt INDEX COMPANY, COIUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLfNA ?,; ? , DAiE ?? MINUT ? ? E BOOK ? 'I NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS E, ?. ; , ? ?' Month I Day l Year y? Vol. I Page `I ` , - f? IS ?? l.?' Report on Road and Sinking Funds for August, 1902. 09 04 1902m? 6 673 ? i 2.? Report on General and Special Funds for August, 1902. ; 09 04 1902ra 6 674 ? , ; 3. ;?' ;; Report on School ?a.nd for August, 1902. 09 04 1902?? 6 675 ? , 4.,; Report on General Fund for September, 1902. 10 06 1902,? 6 ? 678 k? ?' 5.,; Report on School and General Funds for September and October, 1902. ;; 11 03 1902;? 6 s 681 ?? 6.` Annual report referred to Auditing Committee on expenditures of County funds. „ 12 O1 1902?: 6 683 E; i; 7.;; H.L. Green elected Treasurer and took oath of office. 12 O1 1902`' 6 ? 6$4 ;+ b, i? 8. Report on School Fund for October, 1902. :. 12 02 1902?; 6 688 ;; 9.,, Report on General Fund from December 1, 1901 to December 1, 1902. , 12 02 1902;; 6 689 ?; 10. Report on Road Fund from March 4, 1902 to December 1, 1902, pages 689-690. 12 11., . Report on Special Fund from December 1, 1901 to December 1, 1902. 12 12.. Repor't on Township Roa d Fund from April 1, 1902 to December 1, 1902. 12 13.• ' Bonds o f Treasurer Gre en approved. O1 14. Report on County Funds for January, 1903. „ 02 15. _ Report on School Fund for December, 1902. 02 16. : Treasurer to transfer funds from General Fund to Road Fund. 03 17, , Report on County Funds for February, 1903. ., 03 18., Report on School Fund for January, 1903. 03 19.', ; Report from Treasurer Green in account, with Harnett Township from December 1, 1902 to April 1, 1903. 04 20. : Reports from Treasurer Green in account with Masonboro, Federal Point and Cape Fear Townships from Decembe? 04 . . 1, 1902 to April, 1903. .? 21. Report on County Fund for March, 1903. 04 22. Report on School Fund for February, 1903. 04 23. ,Report on County F?ands for April, 1903. 05 24. Report on School Fund for March, 1903. 05 25.. Report on County Fund for May, 1903. 06 26. Report on School F?nd from April 6 to April 30, 1903. 06 27. Report on School ?nd for May, 1903. 28. ; Report on County Fund for June, 1903. 29.,;Report on School Fund for June and July, 1903. 30. : Report on County Fund for July, 1903. 31. :Report on County Fund for August, 1903. 32..: Duplicate warrants issued to Piner & Buck, original lost before payment made. 33. ,Report on School Fund for August, 1903. 34. Report on County Fund for September, 1903. 35._,Report on County Fund for October, 1903. 36.,,Report on School Fund for September, 1903. 37..i Money to be transferred from General Fund to the Permanent Fund for road purposes. 38..;Annual tax statement for 1903 from Treasurer and Sheriff referred to Auditing Committee. 39.,,{Bond of H. McL, Green as Treasurer approved. 40.,,Report on County Fund for November, 1903. 41. . Report on County Funds from December 1, 1902 to December 1, 1903. 42. , Report on Special Fund and Road Fund from December 1, 1902 to December l, 1903. 43. :Report on County Road Sinking Fund from December 1, 1902 to December 1, 1903. 44. ?Report on School Fund for October, 1903. ; 45. ?Report on County Fund for December, 1903. ;a , 06 02 1902: 6 02 1902;. 02 1902 05 1903 07 1903 07 1903 05 1903: 05 1903: 05 1903? 25 1903; 25 1903,; 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 25 1903 25 1903,, 04 1903 04 1903 : O1 1903;: Ol 1903 30 1903 08 03 1903 y , 08 03 1903 ;, 08 03 1903, ;. 09 08 1903„ . 09 09 1903., 09 28 1903 ? 10 05 1R03 11 02 1903 11 02 1903; 11 14 1903 12 07 1903,, ? 12 07 1903; 12 10 1903 12 .. 10 1903 „ 12 10 1903?. 12 10 1903 12 10 1903 `, .? O1 04 1904: t? ?i? 6i 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 689 .. 690 ;; 691 ?. 695 ` „ 702 ?! ,?; 703 ?: t 706 '," 706 ? ? 708 ?. ?? E ] 13 i: 714 ?; :? 715 ?: 716 ; „ 721 i; M 722 }. ? 726 ? ?' 727 ?: ?, 729 =. 744 i 745 ??? r? 746 ?? ?. 748 : 751 p: ? 753 756 ? i, 760 761 '' 761 764 ? ji 765 ?°???. 768 768 769 770 771 776 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER: FINAN?iE DEPARTMENT ` eec. u. s. ? `? County Indezea Since (888 ? TO IOCBtQ 118MG3, open at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX r?r ovv?ce C.Cue///I-?a-? An Idencifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY TH8 [QTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OH?O SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ?3 NATURE Of PROCEEDINGS ? DATE `'' MINUTE BOOK ,k, Month I Day I Year " Vol. Page '; ? ? , 1.` Report on School Fund for November, 1903. . O1 04 1904 '. 6 777 2. Report on County Fund for January, 1904. _; 02 O1 1904,` 6 ? 780 , 3. Report on School Fund for December, 1903. ; 03 07 1904 , 6 783 ,. .4.? Report on School Fund from January I to February 6, 1904. 03 24 1904 ,,; 6 785 ;, 5.? Report on County Fund for February, 1904. , 03 24 1904 ., 6 786 ,? s 6.? Report on County Fund for March, 1904. :: 04 04 1904 ? 6 789 E 7.F? Report on School Fund from February 6, 1904 to March 9, 1904. ,; 04 04 1904'. 6 790 , „ , . 8. ? Report on County Fund for April, 1904. , 05 02 1904 ,v 6 793 ,; j , 9. ?? Report on Set?oo2 Funr? from March 9 to April 7, 1904. „ 05 02 I904 ,. 6 794 , 10.,; Report on County Funds for May, 1904. 06 06 1904 ,. 6 798 . 11.;; Report on School Fund from April to May 5, 1904. 06 06 1904 , 6 799 . 12..; f= Report on School Fund from May 5 to May 31, 1904. 06 . 06 1904 . 6 800 13.`.' ., Report on County Fund for June, 1904. 07 , 11 1904 . 6 804 . 14.,w Report on School ?nd for June, 1904. 08 Ol 1904 6 806 . ?? f .. ? 15.?? Report on County Fund for July, 1904. 08 Ol 1904 . 6 807 ;; 16.oq Report on School Fund for July, 1904. 08 Ol 1904 6 808 ?, 17.R% ?, Report on County Fund for August, 1904. 10 , 03 19Q4 ,. 7 1 , 18,f? _ ?9 Report on School Fund for August, 1904. 10 ., 03 1904 ., 7 2 19.i? Y Report on County Fund for September, 1904. 10 03 1904 7 5 .s 20.hc Transfer of funds from General Fund to Road Fund. 11 07 1904 7 7 ?, 21.?k Report on County Funds for October, 1904. 11 18 1904 7 9 „ , , 22.;; :? Bond of H. McL. Green approved as Treasurer. 12 05 1904 „ 7 10 23.;; ?? Annual report from Treasurer Green referred to Auditing Committee. 12 05 1904 _ 7 10 ?! 24.? r Report on County Funds for November, 1904. ? 12 05 1904 „ 7 12 „ „ 25.;? k? Report on School Funds for September, 1904. 12 05 1904,.: 7 13 ,. 26.?; t? Report on School Funds for October, 1904. .. 12 05 1904 .,, 7 14 „ 27.?; Bonds issued to build Courthouse to be paid from Sinking Fund. : 02 14 1905 „ 7 19 28.;,; ?? Duplicate warrant issued to J.F. Garret since original lost. 04 Q3 1905 7 22 29. . ,: Money to be transferred from General Fund to County Home Fund. 04 03 1905 . 7 22 ?, 30.`? Money to be transferred from General Fund to Permanent Road Fund. 09 05 1905 7 37 ?l.`i Report on disbursements and receipts referred to Auditing Committee. 12 04 1905 7 42 , ?? ,, 32. ; Bonds of H.M.L. Green as Treasurer approved. 12 04 1905 7 42 y , 33.?? Treasurerto transfer funds from Courthouse bona fund to General Fund having been overpaid by Sheriff. 06 04 1906 7 54 ,; 34.; . ., Treasurer to transfer funds from General Fund to Courthouse bonds fund. 07 09 1906 7 59 35.1?{ Bons of H.M.L. Green approved as Treasurer. 12 03 1906 7 67 36.f? Treasurer Green's annual statement given to Auditing Comznittee to publish. 12 03 1906 7 68 37.; ' Treasurer to transfer funds from General Fund to Permanent Road Fund. 09 03 1907 7 108 38.:? Treasurer Green's annual report referred to Auditing Committee. 12 02 1907 7 113 ? 39.?, Bond of Treasurer Green found satisfactory. 12 02 1907 7 116 ? ?i 40.;; Transfer of funds from General to Road Funds. 09 08 1908; 7 146 '?a ?,? 41.;; ?, Bonds of H. McL. Green approved as Treasurer. IZ 07 I908 7 157 ;, 42.;; Treasurer Green submitted his annual report, which was referred to Auditing Committee. 12 06 1909 7 185 ?? 43.?? G, i Treasurer submitted his report on Township Road funds. 12 06 1909 7 186 ? 44.K? Bonds of H. Green approved as Treasurer. 12 05 1910 7 203 45.ii , Bond of Treasurer Green approved for issuing road bonds. 08 26 1911 7 231 ? 46.i ?? Treasurer Green's annual report referred to Auditing Committee. 12 04 1911 ; 7 237 , ?_ i9 ?z ''; il ; ?" ?? N C INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Co?nt? FINANCE MAiTER DEPARTMENT , . . : , a aec. u. s. County ?ndexes Since 1888 (M(?? To loeafe names, open at PAT OFFICE ??TJ7? An Ideatifying Trade Mark [i? SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COtUMBUS, ONIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month I Day Year Vol. Page 1. Chairman borrowed money from General Fund. 09 03 1912 7 258 2. J.A. Orrell's bonds for Road and School Funds approved, but bond with County fund not complete. 12 02 1912 7 264 3. Bond of J.A. Orrell approved as Treasurer, 12 03 1912 7 265 4. Board fixed percentage to be collected by Treasurer. 12 09 1912 7 267 5. Treasurer Orre11's monthly report referred to Auditing Committee. O1 06 1913 7 271 6. Report from public accountant A.H. Marsh on Treasurer's office adopted. Ol 13 1913 7 273 7. Attorney to investigate how Treasurer came to receive rate commissions given him. O1 13 1913 7 273 8. Board to request Legislature to create position of County Auditor. Ol 13 1913 7 274 9. Attorney BeZlamy reported on commissions received by Treasurer and found no reason for prosecut ion. 01 20 1913 7 275 10. Treasurer Orrell's monthly report referred to Auditing Committee. 02 03 1903 7 279 11. Treasurer Orrell's monthly report referred to Auditing Committee. 04 07 1913 7 288 12. Auditor's bonds fixed. 04 07 1913 7 288 13. W.A. Williams appointed Clerk to Board and assistant to Auditor at $1,600 a year. 05 Ol 1913 7 289 14. Report from Superior Court Clerk referred to Auditor. 05 O1 1913 7 289 15. Salary of Auditor set at $2,250 per annum. 05 O1 1913 7 289 16. Purchase of inedicines, other than prescriptions, left to Superintendent of Health and Auditor. 05 05 1913 7 290 17. Countq Auditor allowed to purchase a typewriter for his office. 05 05 1913 7 290 18. Courthouse Committee to arrange for an office for County Auditor. 05 05 1913 7 290 19. Sheriff tendered settlement of 1912 taxes and same referred to County Auditor. 05 09 1913 7 291 20. Bond of John A. Orrell as Auditor was approved. 05 09 1913 7 291 21. Matter of advertising tax listings referred to Chairman and Auditor. 05 09 1913 7 291 22. Treasurer`s monthly report filed. 05 09 1913 7 292 23. Bond of J.A. Orrell accepted as Auditor. 06 02 1913 7 305 24. Money overpaid to General Fund to be transferred to School and Special Funds. 06 02 1913 7 305 25. Report from Auditor J.A. Orrell filed. 06 09 1913 7 306 26. Auditor to employ persons to list automobiles for taxation. 06 23 1913 7 307 27. Auditor to notify owners of automobiles of assessments levied by W.A. McGowan. 07 07 1913 7 309 28. List of insolvents referred to Sheriff and Auditor to collect. 07 14 1913 7 310 29. Committee to go over tax lists with Auditor. 07 14 1913 7 310 30. Auditor to advertise that all delinquent listers will be indicted by Solicitor if do not list by Sept. 1. 08 18 1913 7 312 31. List of coupons presented by Auditor and burned. 08 25 1913 7 313 32. Auditor and Auditor's CZerk allowed ten days vacation each year. 10 06 1913 7 315 33. Auditor presented 1913 Tax Books and given to Sheriff for collection. IO 06 1913 7 316 34. Board set amount of Auditor's bond as custodian of proceeds from sale of road bonds. 10 15 1913 7 317 35. Auditor's bond for School Fund reduced. 10 15 1913 7 318 36. Delinquents to be relieved of double tax by Sheriff, upon order from Auditor. 10 15 1913 7 318 37. Request from John Watson for abatement of costs of Recorder's Court referred to Clerk of Court and Auditor. 11 03 1913 7 319 38. Bond of J.A. Orrell approved as County Auditor. 11 03 1913 7 321 39. Report from Auditor Orrell filed. 11 03 1913 7 322 40. Application of W.M. Peck referred to Auditor. 11 03 1913 7 322 41. Auditor reported paying part of loan authorized by bonds and requested renewal on remainder. 11 10 1913 7 323 42. Auditor gave new bonds for road and school funds and approved by Board. 12 O1 1913 7 325 43. Bond of J.A. Orrell received as Auditor. 12 Ol 1913 7 327 44. Auditor to investigate request of Sheriff for more clerical aid and to grant if Attorney conse nts. 12 04 1913 7 330 45. Bond of J.A. Qrrell as custodian of money from sale of road and school bonds approved. 12 04 1913 7 330 46. County Attorneys and Auditor to investigate back taxes due. 12 04 1913 7 330 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES N H C - ew anover ounty, N. C. , MATT RT FINANCE DEPARTMENT ` nec. v. s. County Indezes Since 1888 ? To loeafe names, open at c?r OFFICE ?p?? An identifying Trade Mark ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE YY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWE N G. DUNN, NEW BE RN, NORT H CAROLINA NATURE Of PROCEEDINGS DAiE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Yea? Vol. Page l. Superintendent of Roads to furnish Auditor with lists of supplies needed for convict camps for winter. 12 04 1913 7 330 2. Matter of new indexes and loose leaf system for Register's office referred to Attorney and Auditor. Ol 05 1914 7 330 3. Auditor's monthly report filed. Ol 05 1914 7 331 4. Auditor and Attorney to employ persons to bring back Tax Book up to date. O1 05 1914 7 331 5. All property transfer papers to be presented to Auditor before going to Register's office. O1 05 1914 7 331 6. Bond of Auditor reduced for road funds. Ol 05 1914 7 331 7. Auditor reported indexes had been ordered for Register's office. (See REGISTER OF DEEDS) 02 02 1914 7 337 8. Auditor and Attorney to report on back taxes. 02 02 1914 7 337 9. Transfer of funds to be made to General Fund for expenses of incinerator for Health Department. 02 02 1914 7 338 10. Report from County Auditor filed. 03 02 1914 7 340 11. Auditor presented list of people to be appointed tax listers; laid aside. 03 02 1914 7 340 12. Numerous corrections made on Tax Books, pages 340-341. 03 02 1914 7 340 13. Auditor's monthly report recorded. 03 04 1914 7 341 14. List of bonds and coupons presented by Auditor to be destroyed. 03 04 1914 7 341 15. List of corrections in Tax Books presented by Auditor. 03 04 1914 7 342 16. Register Haar's request for more office help referred to Auditor and Attorney. 04 06 1914 7 343 17. Auditor`s monthly report recorded. 04 06 1914 7 343 18. Auditor to make duplicate warrant for out door poor order to W.J. Mallard. 04 13 1914 7 345 19. Auditor and Attorney recommended additional help in Register's office; granted. 04 13 1914 7 345 20. Auditor to issue duplicate warrant to Gallen Iron Works of Ohio. 04 13 1914 7 345 21. Bill from Sheriff for clerical assistance referred to Attorney and Auditor, 05 04 1914 7 351 22. Auditor's monthly report filed with a statement on salary fund. 05 11 1914 7 353 23. Sheriff's settlement presented and referred to Auditor. 05 18 1914 7 355 24. Auditor to investigate assessment of S.R. Ellis. 06 Ol 1914 7 359 25. Auditor's May report filed. 06 08 1914 7 367 26. Chairman and Auditor to borrow money to pay interest on school bonds. 06 08 1914 7 367 27. Auditor's report filed. 08 03 1914 7 377 28. Letter from City Treasurer relative to incinerator referred to Auditor. 08 03 1914 7 378 29. Auditor to borrow money from Murchison National Bank to build Work House. 08 15 1914 7 381 30. List of coupons presented by Auditor and burned. 08 15 1914 7 381 31. Auditor's monthly report filed. 09 08 1914 7 382 32. Auditor presented Tax Books for 1914 and they to be given to Sheriff for collection. 10 05 1914 7 385 33. Auditor presented list of delinquent polls and Clerk to present same to Grand Jury. 10 05 1914 7 385 34. List of coupons presented by Auditor and destroyed by Board. 10 12 1914 7 387 35. Sheriff to receive aid in collecting taxes with approval of Auditor and Attorney. 1Q 12 1914 7 391 36. Sheriff to receive aid in collecting taxes with approval of Auditor and Attorney. 10 12 1914 7 391 37. Auditor's monthly report filed. 10 12 1914 7 391 38. Auditor's monthly report filed. 11 18 1914 7 399 39. Auditor to renew notes at American National Bank and at Murchison National Bank. 11 18 1914 7 401 40. Auditor to borrow more money from American National Bank for Work House construction. 11 18 1914 7 401 41.. Copy of report from Auditor and Accountant put in minutes. I2 07 1914 7 406 42. Report from Superior Court Clerk referred to Auditor. 12 07 1914 7 407 43., Qualifications of J.A. Orrell, Auditor, presented. 12 14 1914 7 409 44. Report from Accountant A.H. Marsh on records and accounts of County Auditor and Treasurer. 12 14 1914 7 410 45.. Auditor's annual report to be printed in pamphlet form. 12 14 1914 7 411 -46.. Board to request legislation requiring all tax papers be given to Auditor for certificates before going to 12 17 1914 7 417 Register of Deeds. ?? IN DEX TO COMMISSIONERS M[INUTES Nf H C N C E - ew anover ount?? . . , ERT FINANCE MA T DEPARTMENT ` eec. u. s. ??Q Counry Indexea $ince 1888 ? to locafe names, open at ??T OFFICE (.?,?p,?? An IdentiEying Trade Mark SURNAMB INITIAL TAB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUHN, NEW BERN, NORiN CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MtNUTE BOOK Month Day ! I Year Vol. I Page . 1. Board to request legislation changing Auditor's term from two to four years. 12 17 1914 7 417 ' 2. Auditor to renew County's note to Murchison National Bank. O1 11 1915 7 425 3. Auditor' s December report filed. Ol 11 1915 7 425 4. Auditor' s January report filed. 02 09 1915 7 435 5. Auditor presented coupons to be destroyed in presence of Board. 02 09 1915 7 437 6. Back Tax Record revised and rewritten by Auditor accepted. 03 Ol 1915 7 441 7. Auditor recommended and it was ordered to increase pay of W.F. King by $IO a month. 03 Ol 1915 7 441 8. Auditor received funds from sale of Work House bonds. 04 05 1915 7 447 9. February and March reports from Auditor filed. 04 05 1915 7 448 10. List of coupons presented by Auditor and destroyed by Board. 04 05 1914 7 449 11. Sheriff' s 1914 tax settlement received and referred to Auditor. 04 19 1915 7 453 12. Request from R.D. Register for witness fee payment in Holly case referred to Auditor. 05 Q3 1915 7 455 13. Reports from Auditor for April and May filed. 06 07 1915 7 460 14. Bond of J.A. Orrell approved as Auditor. 06 07 1915 7 460 15. Auditor to borrow money for work on Work House. 06 07 1915 7 460 16. Auditor to deduct excess amount paid by County for Hospital. (See HOSPITALS) 06 07 1915 7 460 17. Sheriff to furnish Clerk with proper Court statements so Auditor can credit correct amounts to correct fund 06 14 19I5 7 463 I8. Auditor to purchase necessary furnishings for Work House. 07 06 1915 7 467 19. Auditor to borrow money for account of North East River Bridge. 07 28 1915 7 473 20. Auditor' s June report presented. OS 02 1915 7 475 21. Auditor to borrow money for General Fund, Road Fund and Special Bridge Fund. 08 16 1915 7 480 22. Auditor` s July report filed. 08 16 1915 7 481 23. Auditor to publish monthly disbursements in County. 08 16 1915 7 481 24. List of bonds presented by Auditor and destroyed by Board. 08 16 1915 7 481 25. Monthly Auditor's report for September filed. 10 04 1915 7 489 26. Auditor presented 1915 Tax Books and these given to Sheriff for collection. 10 04 1915 7 491 27. Auditor to borrow money, and Auditor's October report filed. 11 18 1915 7 511 28. Auditor' s monthly report filed. 12 07 2915 7 517 ' 29. Sheriff' s report of Schedule B taxes collected referred to Auditor. 12 07 1915 7 517 30. Auditor to borrow money to pay County's note due on December 17, 1915. 12 07 1915 7 517 31. Auditor to eliminate amount of uncollected Recorder's Court cost from his reports as barred by statute. 12 13 1915 7 519 32. Auditor made his annual report and it to be published. 12 13 1915 7 519 33. Auditor notif ied Beach Companies and Mr. Humphrey that County would pay for only half of Carolina Beach Rd. Ol 10 1916 7 524 34. Auditor' s December report filed. Ol 10 1916 7 524 35. Auditor to notify Beach Companies and Mr. Humphrey that County deposited its money to complete Carolina Ol 17 1916 7 527 Bea ch Road. 36. Auditor' s January report filed. 02 07 1916 7 535 37. Gregerso n land rented to J.R. Hardee for $75 and rent to be paid Auditor who will make contract. 02 07 1916 7 535 38. Auditor' s monthly report filed. 03 06 1916 7 539 39. List of bonds presented by Auditor to be destroyed by Board, pages 540-541. 03 06 1916 7 540 40. Request from lot owners at Carolina Beach for Board to locate their property referred to Auditor. 04 03 1916 7 543 41. Auditor to purchase additional election booths. 04 19 1916 7 548 42. Auditor' s monthly report to be paid. 04 19 1916 7 548 43. Sheriff` s 1915 tax settlement received and referred to Auditor. 05 Ol 1916 7 550 44. Auditor to borrow money for County. 05 08 1916 7 553 45. Auditor' s April report recorded. 06 05 1916 7 563 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES N H C N C ?--- ew anover ounty, . . _ IL?ATTER• FINANCE DEPARTMENT ` ?cc. u. s. County lndezea Since 1888 ?+ n+-? To loeqte namet, open at ?er OFFICE ???G?e-?. An Identifying Tradc Mark ?B SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO . SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BE RN, NORT H CAROLINA NATURE OF PROtEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. List of warrants to be cancelled as presented by the Auditor. 06 17 1916 7 565 2. Next audit of County books to be done by a local auditor. 07 03 1916 7 570 ' 3. Auditor reported it would be necessary to borrow money for General Fund. 07 03 1916 7 571 4. Chairman and Clerk to Board to borrow money from American Bank and Trust Co. 07 03 1916 7 571 5. Auditor to settle with Board of Education on back taxes collected for schools. 08 23 1916 7 579 6. List of bonds and coupons presented by Auditor to be destroyed. 09 18 1916 7 584 7. Auditor presented 1916 Tax Books and these given to Sheriff for collection. 10 02 1916 7 589 8. Auditor presented list of citizens who failed to list their polls and this list to go to the Grand Jury. 10 02 1916 7 589 9. Chairman and Auditor to supervise purchase of White Truck. 10 06 1916 7 591 10. Auditor to correct tax list of Mrs. Francis M. Hanshaw. 10 06 1916 7 591 11. Auditor's September and October reports recorded. 11 06 1916 7 593 12. Auditor to have authority to purchase trucks other than White Trucks. 11 06 1916 7 593 13. Board to secure services of an auditor to audit County books. 11 06 1916 7 594 14. Auditor to renew note due November 19 from Eyer Co., New York. 11 06 1916 7 594 15. Thomas Woody elected Auditor's Clerk at $75 a month. 12 D4 1916 7 597 16. Bonds approved for John A. Orrell as County Auditor. 12 ?4 1916 7 597 17. Auditor to negotiate a loan for Road Fund and Chairman and Clerk to execute same. 12 13 1916 7 601 ' 18. Auditor's monthly report filed. 12 13 1916 7 601 19. Auditor's annual report to be printed in pamphlet form. 12 18 1916 7 602 20. Auditor's December xeport filed. Ol 24 1917 7 607 21. Auditor's January report filed. 02 ?5 1917 7 609 22. List of bonds and coupons destroyed by Board. 02 ?5 1917 7 610 23. Auditor's February report recorded. 03 J5 1917 7 615 24. Auditor presented bonds and coupons to be destroyed. 03 ?5 1917 7 616 25. Auditor and County Attorney to make corrections on back taxes in Back Tax Record. 04 J2 1917 7 618 26. Auditor's March and April reports filed. 05 ?7 1917 7 621 27. Auditor to renew the County's note for not more than six months. 05 ?7 1917 7 621 28. Board rejected all bids offered on issuing Work House bonds and Auditor to sell bonds in local market. 05 ?7 1917 7 621 29. Annual audit or County funds and of Health Department from J.B. McCabe, CPA, filed. 05 ?7 1917 7 621 30. Auditor and Attorney to report on alleged error in copying tax law on moving picture shows. 06 ?4 1917 7 624 31. Auditor to borrow money for County roads. 07 ?2 1917 7 625 32. Auditor's May report filed. 07 ?2 1917 7 626 33. Auditor to borrow money for Road Fund and General Fund. 08 ?6 1917 7 632 34. Auditor's June and July reports filed. 08 ?6 1917 7 632 35. Bids received for sale of County bonds and contract awarded Baker, 4mlatts & Go. 08 22 1917 7 636 ? 36. Auditor and Attorney to prepare necessary documents for sale of bonds. 08 22 1917 7 636 37. Bill from Ford Auto Co, referred to Auditor. 09 ?4 1917 7 639 38. Auditor to borrow money for the General Fund. 09 ?4 1917 7 639 39. Auditor reported approval of Sheriff's 1916 tax settlement. 10 ?l 1917 7 641 40. Tax Books presented by Auditor for 1917 and given to Sheriff for collection. 10 ?1 1917 7 641 41. Auditor to transfer funds from Bridge Fund to Road Fund. 10 ?l 1917 7 644 42. Auditor's September and October reports filed. 11 ?5 1917 7 645 ? 43. J.B. McCabe to audit County's books for 1917. 11 ?5 1917 7 647 44. Lists of coupons presented by Auditor to be destroyed. 11 12 1917 7 649 45. Auditor's November report received. 12 21 1917 7 655 46. Auditor's annual report accepted. O1 D7 1918 7 659 INDE? TO COMMiSSIONERS MINUTES N H C N C , -- ew anover ount?, . . _ MATT R? FINANCE DEPARTMENT ` nec. u. ?. County Inde:ee Since 1888 ?? k.3-? io loeote names, open at r?r OFFICE ?,we,Tl1l?O-? An Identifying Trade Mark ?`.8 jURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A-2 TAB INDEX 1?1?DE SY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BE RN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MlNUTE BOON Month I Day I Year Vol. Page 1. Report from Accountant J.B. McCabe on County's books received and no irregularities found. 02 04 19I8 7 663 2. Auditor's monthly report filed. 03 04 19I8 7 671 3. List of bonds and coupons paid by Auditor and to be destroyed, pages 673-675. 03 04 1918 7 673 4. Auditor's April report filed. 05 06 1918 7 695 5. Auditor to borrow money for extermination of the mosquito around shipyards. 06 03 1918 8 11 6. Auditor to purchase new adding machine. 06 03 1918 8 12 7. Auditor to borrow money for County roads' accounts. 06 03 1918 8 12 8. Auditor to issue dupl?cate warrant to State Hospital at Goldsboro, NC since original was lost. 06 03 1918 8 12 9. Auditor to borrow money for County roads' account. 07 02 1918 8 13 10. Part of money for mosquito extermination deposited with Treasurer J. A. Orrell. 07 02 1918 8 14 11. Auditor's June xeport filed. OS 05 1918 8 14 12. Auditor to borrow money for County roads' account. 08 05 1918 8 14 13. Auditor to borrow money for General Fund account. 08 05 1918 8 14 14. Auditor's July report received. 09 03 1918 8 17 15. Auditor to renew County's note which matures on Sept. 3, 1918. 09 03 1918 8 18 16. Auditor authorized to employ extra clerks in his office. 09 03 1918 8 18 17. Bill for auto hire used by State Auditor in collecting delinquent taxes referred to Attorney and Auditor. 09 03 1918 8 18 18. Auditor's August report filed. 09 09 1918 8 18 19. List of coupons to be destroyed as presented by Auditor. 09 09 1918 8 19 20. Auditor and Attorney to go to Raleigh to discuss owners of stork in foreign corporations with 09 30 1918 8 ZO Corporation Commission. 21. Auditor to renew County's note due on October 4, 1918. 10 07 1918 8 20 22. Auditor presented 1918 Tax Books except for stock in foreign corporations. 10 07 1918 8 20 23. Preparation of school bonds referred to Auditor and Clerk to Board. 11 04 1918 8 23 24. Board of Auditor as custodian of bond issue fixed at $50,000. 11 19 1918 8 25 25. Mr. McGirt to confer with Auditor and Attorney relative to salaries of various deputies. 12 02 1918 8 26 26. Bonds of John A. Orrell as Auditor approved. 12 02 1918 8 26 27. Auditor's October report filed. 12 02 1918 8 27 28. Bids to be secured from public accountants to audit County's books. 12 02 1918 S 28 29. Bill from Wilmington Iron Works for repairs on truck deemed unjust and given to Clerk to pay amount 12 02 1918 8 28 set by Auditor's office. 30. Auditor's annual report filed. 12 23 1918 8 28 3I. Auditor to have his annual report published in pamphlet form. 12 23 1918 8 29 32. Auditor's bond as custodian of School Bond Account approved. 12 23 1918 8 29 33. Auditors December report filed. O1 06 191? 8 31 34. Auditor to rearrange assessment books of all Townships. O1 13 1919 8 32 35. Edward C. Craft, C.P,A., reported Auditors books all correct and his bill to be paid. 02 03 1919 8 34 36. Notice from Auditor that there is no more room in filing cases in Register's vault. 02 03 I9I9 8 34 37. Messrs. Mr. Glaughon and McGirt to cut down on volume of stored records. 02 03 1919 8 35 38. Auditor's January report filed. 02 10 1919 8 36 39. Auditor to sell typewriter in office of Superior Court Clerk. 02 24 1919 8 38 40. Auditor's February report filed. 03 03 1919 8 38 41. Auditor to borrow money for General Fund. 03 03 1919 8 39 42. Auditor ?o remove from tax books all poll taxes charged against citizens in US Military due in Fale of 1918. 03 03 1919 8 39 43. List of bonds an ? coupons to be destroyed by Board. p. 4Q-41, 03 10 1919 8 40 44. Auditor to borrow money for General Fund. 04 07 1919 8 43 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?? N. C. , MATTER: FINANCE DEPARTMENT ?[c. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 TO lOtOfO names, Op¢tl pt COTT A-Z TAB INDEX (,??? An ldentifying Trede Mark ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB INADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, ONIO eeT OFFICE SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORiH CAROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK Vol. I Page 8 43 8 44 8 48 8 48 8 48 8 49 NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year 1. Auditor's March report filed. 2. Coupons presented by Auditor to be destroyed. 3. Auditor's April report filed. 4. Auditor to attend meeting of State Tax Commission and County Supervisors on revaluation of property. 5. Auditor to borrow money for General Fund. 6. Auditor no longer checks docket book of Recorders Court and County Attorney to investigate Iaw relative to signing docket. 7. Auditor to borrow money for maintenance and extension of mosquito control work. 8. Auditor to borrow money for the General Fund. 9. Auditor to borrow money for the County Road Fund. 10. Auditor to give press an estimated statement of proposed tax increase for 1919-20. 11. Auditor's May report filed. 12. Attorney Bellamy to accept Sheriff's 1918-19 tax settlement after Auditor checks same. 13. Auditor to borrow money for General Fund. 14: Auditor's June report filed. 15. Auditor to borrow money for the Ferry Fund Account. 16. Salary of Supt. of Roads to be paid from Road Fund and Auditor to transfer money fro m Road Fund to General Fund to cover past salaries. 17. Auditor to borrow money for the General Fund. 18. Auditor to renew County's note on Ferry Fund Account. 19. Auditor to borrow money for County's road fund. 20. Auditor's July report filed. 21. Matter of foreign stocks listed for taxation to be investigated. 22. List of coupons presented by Auditor to be destroyed. p. 74-75. 23. Auditor's August report filed. 24. Auditor to furnish American Trust Co. with new bonds to cover an error in original improvement bonds. 25. Auditor presented 1919 Tax Books except for amounts of corporate excess. 26. Auditor's Sept. report filed. 27. Auditor to renew County's note maturing October 14, 1919. 28. Auditor notified Board he would approve any action by them since would not go against entire Board. (see Sheriff's Dept.) 29. Letter from Auditor relative to missing parts of Jeffreys truck. 30. Board of Treasurer Orrell to cover school bonds approved. 31. Mrs. E. M. Dewey elected Clerk to the Auditor at $75 a month. 32. Treasurer Orrell to give press a statement of Ferry operations for Oct. and I?ov. 33. Auditor's Nov. report was received. 34. Auditor's annual report presented with certificate from E. C. Craft, C.P.A. stating that all books in order. 35. Auditor's Dec. report recorded. 36. Annual reports of Auditor for 1918-19 to be printed. 37. Typewriter to be bought for Auditor's office. ? 38. Auditor to approve insurance premiums for trucks. 39. Auditor to insure new truck. 40. List of coupons presented by Auditor to be destroyed p. 100-101. 41. Auditor's Feb. report filed. 42. Auditor to sell Jeffrey truck at public auction. 04 04 05 05 OS OS 14 1919 14 1919 05 1919 05 1919 05 1919 05 1919 06 O1 1919 8 61 06 O1 1919 8 61 06 O1 1919 8 61 06 09 1919 8 62 06 18 1919 8 63 07 07 1919 8 65 07 07 1919 8 66 07 14 1919 8 67 07 14 1919 8 68 07 14 1919 8 68 08 04 1919 8 70 08 04 1919 8 70 08 04 1919 8 70 08 04 1919 8 70 08 04 1919 8 70 09 02 1919 8 74 09 08 1919 8 76 10 O1 1919 8 78 10 06 1919 8 80 10 06 1919 8 80 10 21 1919 8 83 11 03 1919 8 85 11 03 1919 8 85 11 03 1919 8 85 12 Ol 1919 8 89 12 08 1919 8 90 12 30 1919 8 91 12 30 1919 8 91 O1 05 1920 8 92 O1 05 1920 8 93 O1 05 1920 8 93 02 02 1920 8 97 03 O1 1920 8 98 03 Ol 1920 8 100 04 05 1920 8 102 04 05 1920 8 103 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATT RT FINAN?E DEPARTM?NT aec. u, s. 'q-,,= County Indezea Since 1888 ?+ ]N-3-' TO IoCOtO names, open Ot COTT A-Z TAB INDEX r?t OFi1CE ??t?,a-? An ldentiEying Trade Mark ??8 SURNAME INITIAL TAB INADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE Month ? Day Year 1. Auditor to borrow money for the General Fund. 04 O5 1920 2. Auditor to borrow money for Road Fund. 04 14 1920 3. Auditor's report for March filed. 04 14 1920 4. Auditor to borrow money for General Fund and the County Road Fund. 06 03 1920 S. Auditor to employ permanent help in his office at $100 a month. 06 07 1920 6. Auditor's June report filed. 07 06 1920 7. Auditor to invest money in sinking funds in school bonds. 07 16 1920 8. Auditor to renew County's note for the General Fund. 07 16 1920 9. Auditor to borrow money for General Fund. 07 16 1920 10. Auditor to borrow money for County Road Fund. 07 16 1920 11. Board to ask Legislature to increase salary of Auditor to $4,000 per annum, 08 02 1920 12. Auditor to renew County's note for General Fund maturing on Aug. 11, 1920. 08 13 1920 13. Auditor to renew County's note for General Fund maturing on Sept. 4, 1920. 09 Ol 1920 14. List of coupons presented by Auditor to be destroyed. 09 04 1920 15. Auditor to borrow money for County Road Fund. 09 09 1920 16. Auditor to borrow money for General Fund. 09 20 1920 17. Auditor's reports for July and August filed. 09 20 1920 18. Auditor's Sept. report filed. 10 04 1920 19. Auditor presented 1920 Tax Books and same turned over to Sheriff. 10 04 1920 20. Auditor to give money to Ferry Commission from Gen?ral Fund for dock repairs. 10 04 1920 21. Mrs. W. M. Leftwich elected clerk to Auditor at $100 a month. 12 06 1920 22. Auditor's Oct. and Nov. report recorded. 12 07 1920 23. Auditor's bonds for School Bond Funds reduced, but increased for Sinking Fund. 12 07 1920 24. Annual report from Auditor accepted. 12 17 1920 25. Auditor Ore11's bond approved covering additional sinking funds. O1 31 1921 26. Auditor's reports for December and January recorded. 02 07 1921 27. List of coupons presented by Auditor to be destroyed by Board. p. 145-146 02 07 1921 28. Auditor's Feb. report recorded. 03 07 1921 29. List of coupons from Auditor to be destroyed. 03 07 1921 30. Auditor to borrow money for General and Road funds. 04 04 1921 31. R. D. Christman to audit County's freight bills to find if any overcharges. 04 04 1921 32. County Auditor, J. A. Orrell, appointed County Supervisor 1921. 04 04 1921 33. Auditor's March report filed. 04 08 1921 34. Auditor to execute a note on County to mature Dec. 15, 1921. 04 08 1921 35. Auditor to borrow money from bank in City from time to time as needed. 04 08 1921 36. Board rescinded action of April 4 money borrowed for General and?Road Funds. 04 08 1921 37. Request from United Commerical Travelers for money to hold their convention here referred to Board. 05 20 1921 38. Auditor's April report received. 05 24 1921 39. Auditor to turn over to R. D. Christman all County freight bills for auditing. 06 06 1921 40. Auditor's May and June reports recorded. 07 12 1921 41. Auditor's July report filed. 08 O1 1921 42. Auditor reported Countys account overdrawn; so Auditor to borrow money for expenses. 08 02 1921 43. List of coupons presented to be destroyed by Board p. 171-172. 08 02 1921 44. Auditor to transfer money from General Fund to New Hanover Burnswick Ferry Commission. 08 22 1921 45. Auditor's Aug. report filed. O8 06 1921 46. Sheriff's 1920 tax settlement received and referred to Auditor. 10 03 1921 M1NU'!E BOOK Vol. Page 8 104 8 105 8 105 8 112 8 113 8 116 8 117 8 117 $ 117 8 118 8 119 8 120 8 120 8 123 8 124 8 126 8 127 8 128 8 128 8 128 8 133 8 136 8 136 8 138 8 144 8 145 8 145 8 148 8 149 8 151 8 151 8 152 8 152 8 152 8 152 8 152 8 155 8 156 8 157 8 164 8 169 8 170 8 171 8 172 8 174 8 176 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MATTER: FINAN?? DEPARTMENT xEO. u. s. 'p????? County indexea Since 1888 'fo lotate name4? open ot COTT A•2 TAB INDEX v?r OFFICE ??T?'iitio??.. An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB INADE BY THE COTT ?NDEX fOMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE Month I Day I Year 1. Auditor presented 1921 Tax books and these given to Sheriff for collection. 2. Edward C.Craft requested offical notice to proceed with annual audit of County books. 3. Auditor's Sept. report filed. 4. Auditor's Oct. report filed. 5. Mrs. W. M. Leftwich elected Clerk to the Auditor at $100 a month. 6. Auditor's Nov. report filed. 7. E. C. Craft, C.P.A. reported County's books all correct. 8. Auditor's February report received. 9. List of Coupons presented by Auditor to be destroyed by Board. 10. Auditor to purchase a typewriter for his office. 11. Auditor's March report filed. 12. Money from sale of inetal in whiskey stills goes to auditor to be credited to school fund. 13. List of bonds presented by Auditor to be destroyed. 14. Auditor's report for April filed. 15. Auditor's report for May filed. 16. Auditor to renew two notes of Board of Education. ?7. Auditor to borrow money for the Road Fund and for the General Fund. .?8. Auditor's reports for June and July recorded. ?9. List of bonds and coupons to be destroyed by Board. p. 210-211 .?,?. Auditor's August report filed. 21. Auditor to charge certain interest rates on unpaid 1921 taxes. 22. Auditor presented Tax Books for 1922 and these given to Sheriff for collection. 23. Auditor's Sept. and Oct. reports filed. 24. Auditor presented list of delinguent tax listers, but time extended to Dec. 15 to list. 25. Mrs. W. M. Leftwich elected Clerk to Auditor at $100 a month. 26. Bond of J. A. Orrell as County Auditor approved. 27. Amounts of Auditor's bonds fixed, presented and approved. 28. Letter from Auditor listing banks where County funds are deposited. 29. U. S. Fiedlity and Guarranty Co. responsible for any County loss of funds due to closing of Commercial National Bank. 30. E. C. Craft to audit books of Auditor for 1922. 31. Auditor's Nov. Dec. and annual reports received. ?2. List of bonds and coupons presented by Auditor to be destroyed. p. 225-226 ?3. Auditor's Jan. report filed. 34. Nathan Cole tQ pay Auditox amount of back taxes collected and deposited in Commercial National Bank when it was closed. 35. List of bonds submitted by Auditor to be destroyed. 36. U. S?`. Fedelity and Guaranty Co. paid off Auditor's bond since closing of Commercial National Bank. 37. Bonds to be re instated for Auditor with U.S. Fidelity and Guaranty Co. 38. Auditor Orre11 appointed County Supervisor for the guadrennial assessment. 39. Auditor ancl att?rney report on present and possible mode of payment of County bills. 40. Auditor to continue purchasing for County, but to have every person presenting a bill fill out a form. 41. Auditor March report received. 42. Auditor to borrow money for Road Fund. 43. County bills no. 841 to 960 to be paid by Board. 44. County bills no. 961-970 to be paid. MINUTE 8001F Vol. ( Page 10 02 1921 8 176 10 05 1921 8 177 10 05 1921 8 177 11 27 1921 8 180 12 05 1921 8 182 12 09 1921 8 184 02 06 1922 8 188 03 06 1922 8 191 03 06 1922 8 191 03 24 1922 8 192 04 10 1922 8 195 04 10 1922 8 195 04 10 1922 8 196 06 05 1922 8 200 07 07 1922 8 201 07 17 1922 8 204 07 28 1922 8 205 08 21 1922 8 208 09 05 1922 8 210 10 02 1922 8 212 10 02 1922 8 213 10 02 1922 8 213 11 06 1922 8 214 11 06 1922 8 215 12 04 1922 8 219 12 04 1922 S 219 12 08 1922 8 220 O1 02 1923 8 222 O1 OZ 1923 8 222 O1 16 1923 8 223 O1 16 1923 8 223 O1 27 1923 8 225 02 15 1923 8 228 03 05 1923 8 229 03 12 1923 8 233 03 15 1923 8 233 03 15 1923 8 233 04 02 1923 8 236 04 04 1923 S 237 04 06 1923 8 238 04 06 1923 8 238 04 06 1923 8 238 04 09 1923 8 239 04 16 1923 8 240 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS M?NUTES -- New Hanover County N C MAT ER FINANCE DEPARTMENT ?? ? . . , : ` acc. u. s. County Indexee Since 1888 ?? ]p.fi? 70 lotate noMeS? open af rAr OEFtcE (,?i?? An IdcnGEying Trade Mark ?`g SURNAME IMIiIAL 7A6 COTT A•2 TAB INDEX MIADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWE N C. DUNN, HEW BE RN, NORTH CAROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month I Day I Year Vol. I Page 1. County bills no. I002 to 1121 approved. 05 07 1923 8 242 2. Auditor to transfer funds from Ferry Fund to General Fund. 05 07 1923 8 242 3. County bills no. 1122 to 1178 approved. 05 21 1923 8 243 4. County bills nos. 1179 to 1182 approved. 06 04 1923 8 244 5. Report from E. E. Craft, C.P.A. on audit of County's Books. 06 11 1923 8 245 6. Auditor's May report filed. 06 11 1923 8 245 7. Riders attached to bonds of Auditor. 06 11 1923 8 246 8. County bills nos. 1229 to 1358 approved. 06 11 1923 8 246 9. County bills no. 1359 to 1391 approved. 06 19 1923 8 247 10. County bills nos. 1359 to 1453 approved. 07 02 1923 8 248 11. County bills no. 1454 to 1558 approved. 07 09 1923 8 249 12. Auditor to borrow money for the Road Fund. 07 11 1923 8 250 13. Auditor's report for June received. 07 11 1923 8 250 14. County bills no. 1559 to 1626 approved. 07 16 1923 8 252 15. Employing C. E. Haskett and B. F. King to assist in checking City assessment book referred to Auditor. 07 24 1923 8 253 16. County bills no. 1627 to 1632 approved. 07 24 1923 8 253 17. Auditor to make comparative figures for 1920-21 -22 school budgets. 08 06 1923 8 257 18. Auditor to borrow money for Road fund. 08 13 1923 8 258 19. County bills no. 1677 to 1850 approved. 08 27 1923 8 259 20. Auditor's August report filed. 09 10 I923 8 263 21. County bills no. 1853 to 1944 approved. 09 10 1923 8 263 22. County bills no. 1945 to 1997 approved. 09 25 1923 8 264 23. List of bonds and coupons presented by Auditor to be destroyed. 09 25 1923 8 264-65 24. Sheriff's 1922 tax settlement referred to Auditor and 1923 tax books from Auditor given to Sheriff. 10 O1 1923 8 266 25. County bills no. 1945 to 1998 and 2038 to 2049 approved. 10 Ol 1923 8 266 26. Auditor's Sept. bi11 filed. 1Q Q8 1923 8 267 27. County bills no. 2054 to 2133 approved. 10 08 1923 8 267 28. County bills nos. 2133 to 2174 approved. 10 22 1923 8 268 29. Bond amount changed for County Auditor. 10 22 1923 8 268 30. County bills nos. 2175 to 2227 approved. 11 05 1923 8 270 31. List of coupons presented by auditor to be destroyed. 11 08 1923 8 270 32. County bills nos. 2228 to 2316 approved. 11 08 1923 8 270 33. County bills nos. 2317 to 2343 approved. 11 19 1923 8 271 34. County Bills nos. 2317 to 2382 approved. 11 27 1923 8 271 35. J. A. Orrell, Jr. elected Clerk to the Auditor at $100 a week. 12 03 1923 8 274 36. County bills nos. 2383 to 2435 and nos. 1 to 83 approved. 12 10 1923 8 274 37. County bills nos. 84 to 125 approved. 12 17 1923 8 276 38. Board issued note to W. D. MacMillan, Jr. for payment of Packard Truck. 12 17 1923 8 276 39. E. C. Craft, C.P.A. to do annual audit of County books. O1 07 1924 8 277 40. Auditor's annual report received and to be printed. O1 07 1924 8 277 41. Auditor to make one statement on County Home and Farm, but separate statements of expenses of each. O1 0' 1924 8 27? 42. Statement of Salary Fee Fund given Board by Auditor. Ol 07 1924 8 277 43. Auditors Nov. and Dec. reports filed. O1 07 1924 t 8 277 44. County bills nos. 126 to 264 approved. O1 28 1924 8 280 45. Bond of J. A. Orrell as County Auditor approved. 02 04 I924 8 281 46. County bills nos. 265 to 492 approved. 02 08 1924 8 282 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES N H C ? N C C - ew anover ount y, . . R: FINAN?F , MAT E DEPARTMENT ? ¦tc. u. s. 'p?.?l_ County Indexee Since 1888 To loeate names, open pt v?T OFFICE ?p,T?r?p-? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB (OTT A-2 TAB INDEX ?DE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH GROLINA NATURE Of PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month I Day I Year Vol. I Page 1. Auditor's Jan. report filed. 02 19 1924 8 282 2. County bills nos. 493 to 508 approved. 02 19 1924 8 283 3. County bills nos. 493 to 566 approved. 02 25 1924 8 283 4. Auditor's February report filed. 03 05 1924 8 286 5. County bills no. 582 approved. 03 05 1924 8 286 6. Employing help to make 1924 tax lists referred to Auditor. 03 05 1924 8 286 7. List of coupons presented by Auditor to be destroyed. 03 05 1924 8 286 8. Auditor to enter mortgage of Mrs. Ruth F. Powell on tax books. 03 18 1924 8 287 9. County bills nos. 567 to 694 approved. 03 18 1924 8 287 10. Auditor's March report to be filed. 04 07 1924 8 290 11. County bills nos. 566 to 883 approved. 04 07 1924 8 290 12. Auditor to secure quotation for preparing Courthouse annex and Jail bonds. 04 10 1924 8 291 13. County bills nos. 884 to 972 approved. 04 28 1924 8 293 14. Auditor's April report filed. 05 05 1924 8 294 15. Printing and preparing Courthouse annex and Jail bonds referred to Auditor and Attorney. 05 05 1924 8 295 16. Bond fixed for Auditor as custodian of Courthouse bonds. 05 05 1924 8 296 17. Report from C.P.A. Edward C. Craft, set down. OS 05 1924 8 296 18. County bills nos. 973 to 1040 approved. 05 12 1924 S 297 19. Bond of J. A. Orrell accepted as custodian of Courthouse annex and Jail bond s. 06 04 1924 8 297 20. Board approved payment to J. H. Boatwright and Son for auditor's Courthouse annex bond. 06 04 1924 8 298 21. County bills nos. 973 to 1306 approved. 06 09 1924 8 300 22. Auditor's May report filed. 06 13 1924 8 300 23. County bills nos. 1307 to 1327 approved. 06 30 1924 8 301 24. Auditor to purchase County's coal supply. (see Public Works) 07 07 1924 8 302 25. Auditors June report received. 07 07 1924 8 302 26. County bills nos. 1328 to 1363 approved. 07 14 1924 8 303 27. Auditor to transfer funds from Ferry Bond Account to Ferry Bond Sinking Fund to pay off bonds due. 08 04 1924 8 305 28. List of coupons presented by Auditor to be destroyed p. 305 to 306. 08 04 1924 8 305 29. Auditor to borrow money for the Road Fund account. 08 08 1924 8 306 30. Auditor's July report filed. 08 08 1924 8 306 31. County bills nos. 1364 to 1643 approved. 08 08 1924 8 307 32. Auditor to borrow money for the Road Fund Account. 09 02 1924 8 308 33. Auditor's Aug. report received. 09 08 1924 8 309 34. County bills nos. 1644 to 1942 approved. 09 08 1924 8 309 35. Auditor turned aver 1924 tax books to Sheriff. 10 06 1924 8 311 36. Auditor Sept. report approved. 10 06 1924 8 312 37. County bills nos. 1942 to 2031 approved. 10 10 1924 8 312 3&. County bills nos. 2031 to 2422 approved. 11 07 1924 8 314 39. Auditor's October report filed. 12 Ol 1924 8 315 40• Auditor's Nov. report filed. 12 Ol 1924 8 316 4?. F. H. BAiley elected Clerk to Auditor at $100 a month. 12 Ol 1924 8 316 4?:. Premuims due on Auditor's bond to be paid. 12 Ol 1924 8 317 4?. County bills nos. 2423 to 2493 approved. 12 10 1924 8 319 44. Auditor's Dec. report filed. Ol 05 ?925 8 321 45. Auditor to transfer funds from General Fund Account to School Fund Account. O1 05 1925 8 321 46• Auditor to repay General Fund Account from collection of back taxes. O1 05 1925 8 321 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? N C T FIN?cE DEPARTMENT y, . . , MAiTER _ ?ec. u. s. ????" County Indezea Since 1888 ?+ ?+?-? To locafe names, open at PAT OFfICE ?.K.o?-u?.e An ldentifying Trade Matk ?'? SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A-Z iAB INDEX ?DE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COIUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN C. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month I Day Year Vol. Page l. Auditor's annual report received. O1 05 1925 8 322 ? 2. County bills nos 1 to 203 were approved. O1 10 1925 8 323 3. Several bills approved. 0? 20 1925 8 323 4. E. C. Craft to audit County's books for year ending Nov. 30, 1924. Ol 20 1925 8 323 5. Auditor to borrow money for the Road Fund Account. O1 20 1925 8 323 6. List of bonds and coupons presented by Auditor to be destroyed by Board. O1 20 1925 8 323 7, Auditor?s Jan. report filed. OZ 05 1925 S 329 8. County bills nos. 204 to 507 approved. 02 15 1925 8 329 9. County bills no. 508 to 697 approved. 03 06 1925 8 332 10. Auditor's Feb. report filed. 03 16 1925 8 333 11. Record book of County bonds to be kept by Auditor. 03 30 1925 8 333 12. Auditor's March report filed. 04 10 1925 8 336 13. County bills nos. 698 to 994 approved. 04 10 1925 8 336 14. Auditor's April report filed. 05 11 1925 8 338 15. County bills nos. 905 to 1127 approved. OS 11 1925 8 339 16. Fiscal year changed to end June 30th and Auditor to make reports accordingly. 06 O1 1925 8 342 ? 17. Auditor's bond for Courthouse Annex cancelled. 07 07 1925 8 345 18. County bills nos. 1128 to 1433 approved. 07 07 1925 8 345 19. Board purchased new check protector. 08 03 1925 8 348 20. County bills nos. 1434 to 1643 approved. 08 03 1925 8 348 21. List of coupons presented by Auditor to be destroyed. OS 03 1925 8 348 22. Bill from E. C. Craft, C.P.A. for auditof County books approved. 08 04 1925 8 349 23. Letter from E. C. Craft on audit he did on County books. 08 04 1925 8 349 24. County bills nos. 1644 to 1724 approved. 08 08 1925 8 350 25. Auditor's seven month financial statement presented and accepted by Board. 09 16 1925 8 352 26. Auditor's July report recorded. 09 16 1925 8 352 27. Auditor's Sept. report recorded. 10 05 1925 8 353 28. Auditor turned over 1925 tax books to Sheriff. 10 05 1925 8 354 29. County bills nos. 1725 to 2141 approved. 10 13 1925 8 355 30. County bills nos. 2142 to 2319 approved. 11 09 1925 8 358 31. Auditor to open a Cape Fear River Bridge account and credit all money from Ferry to said account. 11 09 1925 8 358 32. Auditor to close out Ferry Bond Fund and transfer funds to Ferry Bond Sinking Fund. 11 09 1925 8 358 33. Safe for Auditor's office in Courthouse Annex referred to Chairman. 11 28 1925 8 358 34. Salary of Clerk to County Auditor fixed at $125 a month. 12 07 1925 8 361 ( 35. Auditor's Nov. report received. 12 10 1925 8 362 . 36. County bills nos. 2320 to 2543 approved. 12 10 1925 8 362 37. Additional expenses of Courthouse Annex to be paid fxom General Fund Account. 12 18 1925 8 362 38. County bills nos. 2545 to 2687 approved. Ol 11 1926 8 366 39. Auditor's Dec. report filed. O1 11 1926 8 366 40. Bill from T. L. Huggins for painting Auditor's office paid. O1 28 1926 8 367 41. List of coupons presented by Auditor to be destroyed. O1 28 1926 8 368 ! 42. County bills nos. 2688 to 2904 approved. 02 05 1926 8 372 43. County bills nos. 2905 to 2950 approved. 02 12 1926 8 374 44. Money to be transferred from General Fund to pay deficit for Board of Education. 02 24 1926 8 375 45. Auditor to repay General Fund From back taxes collected. 02 24 1926 8 375 46. A. Fred DeVice paid for repairs in Auditor's office. 03 O1 1926 8 376 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?y N C MATTE T FINANCE DEPARTMENT ? . . _ ?ea. u. s. r?r OFi1CE ?pJ?? County Indesee Since 18BB ? An Identifying Trade Mark ? io locate names, open a} SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A-I TAB INDEX INADE BY TXE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, ONIO SOLD BY OWEN 6. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH fAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE Month Day I Year 03 09 1926 03 24 1926 04 05 1926 04 05 1926 04 05 1926 04 21 1926 OS 08 1926 06 07 1926 07 06 1926 07 12 1926 07 19 1926 07 26 1926 07 26 1926 07 26 1926 09 07 1926 09 15 1926 09 29 1926 09 29 1926 11 O1 1926 11 O1 1926 11 O1 1926 11 O1 1926 11 05 1926 11 10 1926 11 16 1926 12 21 1926 12 21 1926 12 30 1926 12 30 1926 12 30 1926 Ol 14 1927 02 07 1927 02 21 1927 03 07 1927 Q3 15 1927 03 29 1927 MINUTE BOOK Vol. ? Page 8 377 8 378 8 379 8 380 8 381 8 382 8 385 8 387 8 388 8 389 8 391 8 392 8 393 8 393 8 396 8 398 8 398 8 399 8 402 8 402 8 403 8 403 8 405 8 406 8 406 8 409 8 416 8 416 8 416 8 416 8 420 8 424 8 425 8 428 8 431 8 433 l. County bills nos. 2951 to 34I0 approved. 2. Letter from Auditor on incorrect fees collecting in selling land for taxes. 3. Auditor's March report recorded. 4. Mr. Orrell appointed County Supervisor. 5. Letter from Auditor an losses incurred in collection of back taxes. 6. County bills nos. 3411 to 3425 approved. 7. County bills nos. 3411 to 3608 approved. 8. County bills nos. 360 to 401 approved. 9. Auditor to borrow money for County Home construction. 10. County bills nos. 402 to 468 approved. 11. Auditor to borrow money for Road Fund. 12. Auditor to transfer funds from Ferry Fund to General Fund and from General Fund to Hospital Fund. 13. Auditor to borrow money for Courthouse Annex Fund. 14. List of coupons presented by Auditor to be destroyed p. 393 - 394. 15. County bills nos. 469 to 568 approved. 16. Auditor to borrow money for Road Fund. 17. County bilis nos. 569 to 683 approved. 18. Auditor turned over 1926 tax books to Sheriff. 19. R. A. Pool, Wilmington Traffic Assoc. met board on membership to reduce freight rates. 20. Typewriters traded in on new ones. 21. Cash reports filed for Sept. 22. Report for Dec. l, 1924 June 30, 1926 submitted. 23. Cash reports filed for Oct. 24. Bills 801-1055 approved. 25. Auditor submitted statement on indexing. 26. Bond and Qualification of John A. Orrell, auditor, presented. 27. Cash reports received for Nov. 28. Bill from Wilmington Iron Works presented. 29. Bookkeeping machines purchased and carriage replaced on auditor's typewriters. '3each 30. Wrightsville/to get $5,000 for jetty work. 31. Cash reports filed for Dec. 32. Cash reports filed for Jan. 33. PUrchase of typewriters recommended by auditor. 34. Cash reports filed for Feb. 35. Road notes presented, paid. 36. Designation of depositories for county funds referred to Chairman, auditor and attorney for conference with Wilmington Cleaxing House Association. 37. County Fiscal Control Act discussed and accountant's duties referred to auditor for consideration later. 38. Bill of $21?5 I. W. Willia? for County truck repairs approved for payment. 39, Auditor's report filed for March and April. 40. Auditor request for bookcase pending audit on books and records. 41. County note to be renewed for $30,000 by applying unexpended Home Funds toward Payment. 42. Chairman and accountant to attend state government meeting. 43. Bills from Wilmington Iron Works referred to Chairman and Clerk. 44. Chairman and auditor named for State Commissioner's Association. 45. Auditor directed to file check with citizen Bank and Trust Co. to cover returne d check of A.B. Rhodes. 04 04 1927 8 434 05 02 1927 8 439 05 24 1927 8 443 06 ?3 1927 8 450 07 05 1927 8 451 07 05 1927 8 451 07 05 1927 8 451 08 O1 1927 8 445 08 O1 1927 8 445 INDEX TO COMMISSIOI?ERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATr R F?NAN?F ?EPARTMENT ` nec. u. a. County Indezea Since 1888 TO loe?te naMes? opEn Ot COTT A-Z TAB INDEX i?T OFFICE ?? An JdenkiFying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTEBOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Salary increases approved; attorney, $1,500 and auditor, $1,800 and J.A. Orrell $400 for services per year, 08 O1 1927 8 456 2. Annual auditor report received, published. 08 16 1927 8 457 3. J. B. McCabe and Co. named to audit County books. 08 30 1927 8 459 4. Auditor report filed for Oct. 11 07 I9Z7 8 469 5. Auditor report filed for Nov. 12 06 1927 8 475 6. Filing cabinet fox Rev. Andrew Howell, county historian, referred to Auditor and Chairman. ?2 20 1927 8 478 7. Accountant's report received and read. Ol 03 1928 8 480 8. Auditor authorized to renew county note on county home building fund. O1 03 1928 8 481 9. Auditor report received on Nathan Cole payment account. Ol 10 1928 8 482 10. Auditor instructed to continue receipt of installments from Nathan Cole. O1 10 I928 8 483 11. Auditor's report filecl for Dec. OI 17 1928 8 485 12. Auditor to transfer $6,880 bridge fund to general fund. 02 06 1928 8 487 13. Monthly report filed for March. 04 02 192$ 8 502 14. $112,312.14 county note to W. 0. Gay and Co. of New York City announced by Chairman. 04 02 1928 8 502 15. March 28 order to issue $28.000 bond for county indebtedness. 04 02 1928 8 502 16. Auditor's report filed for blarch. 04 10 1928 8 505 17. Payment of $3 paid to Mrs. L. 0. Ellis for Veteran Fred Ledford railroad fare to Johnson City. 05 22 1928 8 510 18. Auditor's report filed for April. 05 22 1928 8 510 19. Auditor's report filed for May. 06 04 1928 8 513 20. Auditor's report filed for June. 06 28 1928 8 526 21. Auditor's report filed published. 08 14 1928 S 527 22. Bids for auditing reported. 08 21 1928 8 528 23. Auditors report filed for Sept. 10 09 1928 8 536 24. Bids for auditor's recording audited granted to J. B. McCabe and Co. 10 09 1928 8 536 25. Auditor to hire full-time employee. 10 16 1928 8 538 26. Auditor cash report filed for Oct. 11 05 1928 8 540 27. Auditor report accepted, listed. Il 28 1928 8 544 28. Fayment for tuberculosis survey approved. 11 28 1928 8 544 29. Payment from Shore Acres Co. for rock and tarmac approved. 11 28 1928 8 544 30. Auditors report filed for Dec. 11 28 1928 8 544 31. No action taken on tax issue received from auditor. 02 19 1929 8 560 32. Auditor's cash reports received filed for Feb. 03 04 1929 8 562 33. Auditor's cash reports received filed for March. . 04 09 1929 8 569 34. Auditor's cash reports received filed for April. 05 06 1929 8 573 35. Auditor's cash report received filed for May. 06 03 1929 8 577 36. Auditor's cash report received filed for June. 07 O1 1929 8 579 37. Chairman, Trask and Auditor named for State Assoc. of County Commissioners meeting Aug. 13-16, Asheville. 07 Ol 1929 8 582 38. Auditor to increase income figures for 1929-30 general funds. 07 16 1929 8 585 39. Auditor's report received, published. 07 23 1929 8 585 40. Local certified accountants invited to bid on audit?ng of county books. 07 30 1929 8 586 41. Auditor's cash reports filed for July. 08 05 1929 8 588 '?, 42. Bids for auditing awarded to E. C. Craft at lowest bid. 09 03 1929 8 595 43. Auditor's cash reports filed for September. 10 15 1929 9 2 44. Auditor's cash reports filed for October. 10 29 1929 9 5 45. Adding machine authorized for purchase. 11 19 1929 9 8 46. Auditor's cash report filed for November. 12 02 1929 9 11 H N C N C S MINUTES S anover ount?, . . ew -- SIONER INDEX TO COMMI , MATT RT FINANCE DEPARTMENT ` Rec. u, s. ,q1,? Counry lndezea Sinee 1888 ??o loeate names, open at ?AT OFFICE ?p?J?La-? An ldentifYing Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•Z TAB INDEX MIADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, ONIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERM, NOR7H CAROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month IDay Year Vol. I Page 1. Auditor's cash report filed for December. Ol 06 1930 9 16 2. Renewal of maintenance contract on auditor's accounting machine granted. 02 18 1930 9 24 3. Auditor's cash reports filed for February. 03 03 1930 9 28 4. Auditor's cash reports filed for April. 04 05 1930 9 41 5.. New window covers authorized for auditor and commissioners. 06 02 1930 9 44 6. Auditor's cash report filed. 06 10 1930 9 44 7, Edward C. Craft, CPA, awarded auditing contracts. 07 O1 1930 9 46 8. Auditor's cash report filed. 07 I5 1930 9 50 9. Auditor's report presented, published and filed. 07 22 1930 9 50 10. Auditor's cash report filed. OS I2 I930 9 ?2 11. Edward C. Craft, CPA, reported completion of audits and payment approved. 08 12 1930 9 52 12. Agreement with Remington-Rand Business Co. approved for care of auditor's typewriter. 09 08 1930 9 58 13. Auditor's cash reports filed for October. 11 12 1930 9 74 14. Auditor qualifications presented, accepted. 12 Ol 1930 9 77 15. Auditor's cash report filed for November. 12 09 1930 9 80 16. Auditor's cash report filed for December. O1 OS 193I 9 85 17. Auditor's cash report filed for February. 03 09 1931 9 96 18. Auditor's cash report filed £or March. 04 09 1931 9 101 19. Typewriter authorized for purchase by auditor. 06 08 1931 9 112 20. 200 copies of auditor's annual report authorized for publication in pamphlet form. 07 13 1931 9 118 21. Chairman instructed to secure bids for auditing county books. 07 20 1931 9 118 22. Auditor's annual report received ending June 30, 1931. 07 20 1931 9 118 23. Auditor to meet C. M. Johnson, director of local Government Commission, as suggested to questio n 07 20 1931 9 lI9 reducing treasurer's school fund bond. 24. Edward C. Cra?t granted work of auditing county books. 07 27 1931 9 120 25, Service agreement approved with Burroughs Adding Machine Co.. 08 03 1931 9 120 26. Auditor's cash report received, filed for June. 08 02 1931 9 121 27. Edward C. Craft, CPA submitted report on audits of General Books of Auditor; received. 08 10 1931 9 122 , 28. Auditor's estimates total values reported and received from Commissioner of Revenue. 08 17 1931 9 123 , 29, Auditox's cash report filed for July. 09 08 1931 9 126 j30. Auditor's cash report filed for August. 09 08 1931 9 126 31. Auditor reporfied collection of 1931 taxes. 10 05 1931 9 131 32. Auditor cash reports filed for September. 10 OS 1931 9 131 33. Auditor cash reports filed for October. 11 09 1931 9 137 34. Auditor authorized forms and binders for back-tax records and chairman, Hall and Attorney to work with 11 30 1931 9 140 him. 35. Auditor's cash report filed for November. 12 07 1931 9 142 36. Communication on Clerk Superior Court report received from Auditor and referredto attorney. 12 21 1931 9 144 37. Letter received from auditor at special called meeting concerning payment of bonds and coupons due 01 02 1932 9 146 38. Auditor's cash reports received for December. O1 11 1932 9 147 39. Communication from auditor received concerning amounts of deposits in banks and surety bond hel d by County. Ol 11 1932 9 148 40. Communication from auditor received on back taxes. O1 25 1932 9 149 41. Auditor's cash report received for January. 02 08 1932 9 152 42. Auditor's cash report received for February. 03 08 1932 9 156 43. Auditor's cash report receivec3 for March. 04 04 1932 9 259 44. Auditor's cash report received for April. OS 09 1932 9 164 INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County? N. C. , MATTERT FINANCE DEPAR TMENT _ aac. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 To locate names, open af fOiT A-2 TAB INDEX PAT OFFIC4 ?? An Identifying Trade Martc ? SURNAME (N(TIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD 6Y OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month I Day Year Vol. I Page 1. Auditor's cash report received for May. 06 13 1932 9 I67 2. Auditor's cash report received for June. 07 18 1932 9 171 3. Communication from auditor suggesting reduction in tax rate of l0o received. 07 18 1932 9 172 4. Auditor presented annual repoxt for 1931-32; Report received. 07 25 I932 9 173 5. Auditor's 200 copies of annual report to be printed in pamphlet for distribution. 08 Ol I932 9 174 6. Auditor's cash report filed for July. 08 OS 1932 9 175 7. Sealed bids for audits received from J. B. McCabe and Co. and Edward C. Craft, but referred to Chairman. 08 22 1932 9 178 8. Auditor's cash reports filed for August. 09 06 1932 9 180 9. Auditor's excused from meeting after audit contract awarded. 09 19 1932 9 181 10. E. C. Craft awarded contract to audit county records, ending June 30. 09 19 1932 9 i83 11. Communication on 1931 tax collection by Sheriff was received from auditor. 10 10 1932 9 186 12. Communication on special tax for relief and jail received from auditor. 10 24 1932 9 187 13. Auditor's cash report filed for September. 10 31 1932 9 188 14. Auditor to give Federal Funds from state for relief to J. A. Taylor Savings F? Trus? Co. 11 08 1932 9 1$9 15. Auditor's cash report filed for November. 11 08 1932 9 190 16. Auditor instructed to turn over Federal Funds for Rel"ief to J. A. Taylor, administrator of Relief. 11 14 1932 9 190 17. Auditor directed to turn over federal funds for Relief to Taylor. 11 21 1932 9 191 18. Auditor's cash report filed for November. 12 05 1932 9 194 19. Auditor's cash report filed for December. Ol 09 1932 9 198 20. Communication on report of W. N. Harriss received from Auditor. O1 30 193? 9 202 21. Auditor's cash reports filed for January. 02 06 1933 9 205 22. Three copies of audit report of County officers, ending June 30, 1932 received and payment approved. 02 27 1933 9 208 23. Auditor's cash report filed for February. 03 06 1933 9 208 24. Auditor's cash report filed for March. 04 10 1933 9 215 25. Auditor communication received on school budget. 05 08 1933 9 220 26. Auditor's cash report filed for April. 05 08 1933 9 220 27. Auditor authorized to confer with City Commissioner of Finance and proceed with preparation and adoption OS 15 1933 9 221 of forms fox tax books. 28. Auditor's cash report filed for May. 06 05 1933 9 225 29. Communication received from Auditor on deposit payments to banks. 06 26 1933 9 229 30. Auditor's annual report presented and cash report received for June; to be pxesented to Board. 07 17 1933 9 232 31. Auditor's annual report presented to Board. 07 19 1 933 9 234 32. Audztor's cash report presented, filed. 07 19 1933 9 234 33. Auditor was asked to secure bids for printing copies of annual report; submitted to Board. 07 24 1933 9 234 34. Auditor authorized to print copies of annual report. 08 07 1933 9 239 35. Auditor's cash report filed for July. 08 07 1933 9 239 36. Instxuction given to request bids to audit. 09 18 1933 9 250 37. J. B. McCabe and Co. awarded general audit contract at cost, not to exceed $695. 09 25 1933 9 250 3$. Auditor's cash reports filed for September. 10 09 1933 9 253 39. Communication from auditor received on 1932 taxes. 10 16 1933 9 254 40. Auditor's cash report filed for October. 11 06 1933 9 258 4]. Auditor's cash report filed for November. 12 11 D 33 9 262 42. Audit report, prepared by J. B. McCabe received, accepted and bill approved. 12 26 1933 9 264 43. Auditor's cash reports filed fox December. O1 09 1934 9 264 44. Auditor to get repairs on bookkeeping and totalizers machines. O1 15 1934 9 266 45. Auditor report received on Clerk Superior Court fees withheld. 02 05 1934 9 271 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. , MAY ERT FINANCE DEPARTMENT ` nec. u. s. 'q? Counry lndexea Since 1888 ? To loeate namez, open at r?T OFFICE ??IJ???,p-r.c.. An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•2 TAB INDEX ?DE BY THE COiT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN 6, DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month I Day I Yea? Vol. I Page l. Auditor to investigate Clerk Superior Court costs in J. B. McCabe report. OZ 05 1934 9 272 2. Auditor's cash reports filed for January. 02 05 1934 9 272 3. Auditor cash reports filed for February. 02 05 1934 9 274 4. 1934 City directory approved for auditor-Sheriff, 04 02 1934 9 279 5. Auditor's cash report filed for March. 04 09 1934 9 280 6. Auditor's cash report filed for April. 05 07 1934 9 283 7. Auditor's cash report filed for June. 07 23 1934 9 293 8, Auditor's annual report read and copies printed. 07 23 1934 9 293 9. Auditor's annual report received. 07 16 1934 9 292 10. J. A. Taylor requested that bill for steel cabinet in assistant disbursing office charged to relief fund. Q7 3Q 2934 9 293 11. Repairs authorized on auditor's typewriter. 07 30 1934 9 294 12. Auditor's cash report filed for July. 08 06 1934 9 296 13. Bid requested postponed on auditor of county records. 08 20 1934 9 299 14. Edward C. Craft, CPA awarded audit contract. 09 04 1934 9 301 15. Audztors cash report filed for August. 09 10 1934 9 301 16. City finance officer suggested joint meeting on government affairs. 10 O1 : l 934 9 304 17. Communication received from Wilmington Clearing House, advising reduction on interest paid on public funds.l0 O1 1934 9 304 18. Auditor's communication received on 1932-33 tax collections. 10 I5 1934 9 306 19. Auditor's cash reports filed for October. 11 05 1934 9 309 20. Auditor's cash reports filed for November. 12 10 1934 9 314 21. Audit reports received for County officers and Clerk Superior Court. O1 07 1935 9 317 22. Auditor's cash report filed for December. O1 (?7 1935 9 317 23. Mrs. E. T. Keals' services in auditor's office, unsatisfactory, to be terminated. Ol 14 1935 9 318 24. Auditor authorized to give checks to REA. O1 28 1935 9 320 25. Auditor's cash report filed for January. 02 05 1935 9 322 26. Auditor to foward audit report to U. S. Fidelity and Guaranty Co. 03 04 1935 9 327 27. Auditor's cash report filed for February. 03 04 1935 9 327 28. Petition presented on re-establishing farm demonstration agent, but action delayed. 03 11 1935 9 328 29. Communication from auditor received on Clerk Superior Court report of funds. 03 18 1935 9 329 30. Auditor checked report of funds and referred it to committee. 03 18 1935 9 329 31. Auditor cash reports filed for March. 04 08 1935 9 334 32. Auditor's annual reports printed as pamphlet. C? 15 1935 9 355 33. Auditor's annual reports presented, received. 07 22 1935 9 356 34. Auditor's cash reports filed for June. 07 22 1935 9 356 35. Auditor's cash reports filed for July. 08 05 1935 9 370 36. Communication received from auditor on tax rates for County. 37. J. B. McCabe and Co. awarded contract to audit official records. 38. Auditor cash report filed for September. 39. Audit report of officers prepared by E. C. Craft, CPA, was received and payment approved. 40. Auditor reported 1933 tax books were given to tax collector. 41. Auclitor cash reports filed for October. 42. Auditor cash reports filed for November. 43. Auditor cash reports filed for December. 44. Auditor's report submitted on home owners tax exemption. 45. Auditor's cash reports filed for January. 46. Auditor's named to attend Tax Supervisor meeting, Raleigh. OS 08 10 10 08 1935 12 1935 07 1935 9 28 1935 9 9 371 10 28 1935 9 384 388 388 11 12 1935 9 391 12 09 1935 9 396 O1 06 1936 9 400 O1 06 1936 9 403 02 03 1936 9 406 03 02 1936 9 412 9 374 INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?y, N. C. _ 1NATTER: FINANCE DEPARTMENT acc. o, s. ?g County Indexee Since 1888 ?? k.}? To lotafe names? opeq Cf COTT A-Z TAB INDEX r?r OFflCE C..?.?¢?r„?ir? An IdentiFying Trade Mark ?`? SURNAME IWITIAL TAB MADE BY 7HE COTT INDEX COMPAMY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLO BY OWEN 6. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE M Month I Day I Yea? V ,, INUTE BOOK ol. ? Page 418 9 423 9 426 9 438 9 441 9 443 9 446 9 451 9 456 457 459 461 469 470 474 479 482 495 490 501 503 523 525 528 539 545 552 557 562 567 571 578 l. Auditor's cash report filed for March. 04 06 1936 9 2. E. C. Craft awarded audit contract. 04 27 1936 3. Auditor's cash report filed for April, 05 04 1936 4. Auditor's cash report filed for May. 06 22 1936 5. Auditor's cash annual report authorized for copies. 07 13 1936 6. Auditor's cash report filed for June. 07 20 1936 7. Payment approved to E. C. Craft for auditing. 08 19 1936 8. Auditor's cash report filed for August. 09 08 1936 9. Auditor's to pay city partial payment. 10 05 1936 10. Auditor's cash reports filed for September. 10 12 1936 9 11. Auditor to pay city for tax error. 10 26 1936 9 12. Auditor to attend Tax Supervisor meeting. 11 02 1936 9 13. Auditor cash report filed for November. 12 07 1936 9 14. Payment authorized to state auditor. 12 14 1936 9 15. Auditor's cash report filed for December. O1 11 1937 9 16. Auditor's cash report filed for January. 02 08 1937 9 17. Auditor's read communication from Wilmington Clearing House Association. 02 22 1937 9 18. Auditor's cash report filed for February. 03 08 ]937 9 19. Auditor's cash report filed for March. 04 05 1937 9 20. E. C. Craft, CPA, awarded audit contract of County records, 05 17 1937 9 21. Negotiations authorized on school notes from state. 05 24 1937 9 22. Auditor's report received, copies published. 05 19 1937 9 23. Audit report received, and payment approved to E. C. Craft. 07 26 1937 9 24. Auditor's cash report filed for July. 08 09 I937 9 25. Auditor's cash report filed for August. 09 07 1937 9 26. Auditor's cash report filed for September. 10 11 1937 9 27. Auditor's cash report filed for Qctober. 11 08 1937_ 9 28. Auditor's cash report filed for November. 12 06 1937 9 29. Auditor's cash report filed for December. O1 10 1938 9 30. Auditor's cash report filed for January. 02 07 1938 9 ?1. Auditor's cash report filed for February. 03 07 1938 9 32. Audit contract awarded for officers' records. 04 18 1938 9 33. Payment authorized for auditor directory. 34. 200 copies of auditors' annual report authorized. 35. Auditor report on utility decrease referred for new report. 36. Payment approved for audit report. 37. Report received from auditor on budget and tax levy. 38. Auditor's cash xeport filed for July. 39. Auditor's annual report received. 40. Auditor authorized to correct tax levy and adjust health levy. 41. Auditor's cash report filed for August. 42. Auditor's cash report filed for October. 43. Auditor J. A. Orrell presented qualification and bond. 44. Auditor J. A. Orrell qualification and bond accepted. 45. Auditors cash report filed for November. 46. Auditor's cash report filed. 06 20 1938 9 592 07 18 1939 9 600 08 O1 1938 9 603 08 O1 1938 9 603 08 03 1938 9 605 08 08 1938 9 606 08 08 1938 9 607 08 22 1938 9 8i11 09 12 193$ 10 9 11 14 1938 10 23 12 05 1938 10 27 12 05 1938 10 27 12 05 1938 10 27 12 05 1938 10 27 INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES eec. u, s. County Indexee Since 1888 rsT OFi1CE ?.?l?G??t,r-, An Iden6fying Trade Mark FINANCE DEPARTMENT -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MATTER: To loeate names, open at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX ? SURNAME INtT1AL TAB INADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD BY OWEN C. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTN CAROLINA NATURE OF PRO(EEDINGS . DATE, Month Day Year MINUTE BOOK Vol, Page 1. Auditor cash reports filed for December. O1 16 1939 10 33 2. Auditor's cash reports filed for January. 02 13 1939 10 40 3. Auditor cash reports filed for February. 03 06 1939 10 44 4. Edward C. Craft awarded auditing contract. 04 24 1939 10 52 5. Auditor's cash report filed for April. 05 15 1939 10 57 6. Auditor's cash report filed for May. 06 05 1939 10 61 7. Auditor's _ annual report printed. 07 IO I939 10 66 8. Auditor statement received from annual repoxt. 07 10 1939 10 66 9. Auditor cash report filed for June. 07 17 1939 10 68 10. Auditor? audit report filed for year. Q7 3I I939 10 70 11. Auditor's cash report filed for July. 08 07 1939 10 72 12. Auditor to sign agreement with Burroughs adding Machine Co. 08 14 1939 10 74 13. Auditor cash report filed for August. 08 05 1939 10 80 14. Auditor cash report filed for September. 10 16 1939 IO 89 15. Auditor cash report filed for October. 11 06 1939 10 93 16. Auditor cash report filed for November. 12 04 1939 10 98 17. Auditor cash report filed for December. 02 05 1940 10 109 18. Date set for hearing by Finance Act. 02 12 1940 10 111 19. Auditor cash report filed for February. 03 04 1940 IO lI7 20. Auditor cash report filed for March. 04 08 1940 10 121 21. Audit contract awarded to E. C. Craft. 04 22 1940 10 122 22. Auditor's cash report filed for May. 06 03 1940 10 130 23. Audit report approved. 08 05 1940 10 146 24. Auditor's cash report received for August. 08 16 194Q 10 154 25. Auditor's cash report filed for September. 10 21 1940 10 159 26. Auditor's cash report for October filed. 11 04 I940 10 16I 27. Auditor's cash report filed for November. 12 09 1940 10 168 28. Auditor's authorizea contract for adding machine. 12 09 1940 10 168 29. Auditor's cash report filed for December. O1 06 1941 10 174 30. Auditor's cash report filed for January. 02 10 1941 10 t81 31. Auditor's cash report filed for March. 04 21 1941 10 195 32. Auditor's cash report filed for April. 05 05 1941 10 198 33. Auditor's communication received on assessors work. 05 05 1941 10 198 34. E. C. Craft bid continued on auditing. 05 05 1941 10 198 35. E. C. Craft avaarded audit contract. 05 12 B41 10 199 36. Auditor's annual report authorized 200 coopies. 07 17 1941 10 217 37. Auditor's cas.h report filed for June. 07 Z1 1941 10 218 3$. Auditor's annual report filed for year. 07 21 1941 10 218 39. Auditor's cash report filed for July. 08 04 1941 10 222 40. Auditors cash report filed for October. 11 10 .1941 10 240 41. Audit report of tax office received. 12 08 1941 10 244 42. Auditor's cash report filed for December. O1 12 19?2 1Q 251 43. Auditor's cash report filed for March. 04 27 1942 10 268 44. Bids received for auditing records. 06 O1 1942 IO 275 45. Bids from E. C. Craft taken under consideration. 06 O1 1942 10 275 46. C. S. Lowrrimore awarded audit contract. 06 08 1942 10 276 i ; INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MIN?TTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTERTFINANCE DEPART'MENT ` nec. o. a. Caunty Indezee Since 1888 ? 70 locate names, open at r?r OFf1CE C.?i?? An ldentifYinB Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL 7AB COTT A•2 TAB INDEX MADE 6Y THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, CO?UMBUS. OHIO SOLD BY OWEN fi. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE M(NUTE BOOK Month I Day I Yenr VoL I Page 1. Cost limited for auditing. 06 08 1942 10 276 2. Auditor's cash report filed for May. 06 22 1942 10 278 3. Auditor's communication received. 06 29 1942 10 279 4. 200 copies of auditor's annual report printed. 07 13 I942 10 282 5. Auditor's annual report presented. 07 21 1942 10 284 6. Auditor's cash report recieved for July. 08 10 1942 10 286 7. Audit report filed for C. S. Lorimore. 08 17 1942 10 288 8. Audit bill paid to C. S. Lorimore. OS 24 1942 10 289 9. Auditor cash report filed for September. 10 05 1942 10 295 10. Auditor cash repart filed for October. lI 09 1942 10 301 11. Auditor's cash report filed for February. 03 08 1943 10 319 12. Auditor's cash rep?nrt filed for March. 04 15 1943 10 322 13. Auditor's cash report filed for May. 06 07 1943 10 334 14. Auditor's cash report filed for year. 08 09 1943 10 343 15. Auditing bids postponed. 08 23 1943 10 346 16. Auditing bids received. 08 30 1943 10 347 17. Auditing bids discussed. 08 30 1943 IO 347 18. Auditing bids thrown out, new ones rec{uested. 08 30 1943 1Q 347 19. Auditing bids read. 09 07 1943 ZO 348 20. Auditing bids awarded to E, C. Craft. 09 07 1943 10 348 21. Auditor's report made on unpaid taxes. 10 11 1943 10 352 22. Payment authorized to state auditor for indigents. 11 02 1943 10 358 23. Audit report referred by E. C. Craft. 12 06 1943 10 360 24. Auditors report filed for February. 03 06 1944 10 374 25. Dept. heads not to make any purchase, except thru and for. 05 15_ 1944 10 383 26. Auditing bids rec{uested. 05 29 1944 10 387 27. Auditing bids received. 06 05 1944 10 387 28. Auditing bids awarded to E. C. Craft. 06 05 1944 ?0 387 29. Auditor's cash report filed for May. 06 Q5 1944 10 388 30. Auditor's annual report filed. 07 24 1944 10 396 31. 200 copies of auditor's report to be printed. 07 24 19?? 10 396 32. A uditing report received. 09 O5 1944 10 404 33. Auditor's cash report filed for October. 11 07 1944 10 412 34. Auditor's cash report filed for November. 12 04 1944 10 417 35. Auditor's cash report filed for January. 02 05 1945 10 426 36. Audit report received on ABC Board. 04 30 1945 10 438 37. Auditor's cash report filed for April. 05 21 1945 10 441 38. Auditing bids authorized. 06 11 1945 10 444 39. Auditing bids received. 06 18 1945 10 445 40. Auditing bids award to E. C. Craft. 06 18 1945 10 445 41. Auditor's annual report accepted. 07 23 1945 10 451 42. Auditor's audit report received referred to Auditor. 09 10 1945 10 457 43. Auditor's cash report filed for September. 10 08 1945 10 461 44. Auditor's cash report filed for October. 11 13 I945 10 466 45. Auditor's cash report filecl for November. 12 10 1945 10 470 46. Auditing bids authorized. 05 27 1946 10 498 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MA TECR• FINANCE DEPARTMENT ` eec. u. s. 'p??,'_ County Indezea Since 1888 ? TO IOCCt9 names, open O} COTT A-2 TAB INDEX ??t OFi1CE ?p?i?-? An Identifying Trade Matk SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COh1PANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS 1. Auditing bids postponed. 2. Auditing contract awarded to E. C. Craft. 3. Auditor authorized copies of report for distribution. 4. Auditor's annual report filed. 5. 200 copies of auditor report authorized. 6. Audit report accepted. 7. Auditor, J. A. Orrell, given gifts, presentations for retirement. 8. Bids authorized for auditing records. 9. Auditing bids read. 10. Auditing contract awarded to E. C. Craft. 11. Auditor's audit report received, payment made to E. C. Craft. 12. Auditor's authorized copies of annual report. 13. Auditor recommendation approved for new system of purchase and payments. 14. E. C. Craft awarded audit contract. 15. C. S. Lowrimore bid received on audit. 16. Auditor to appear for annual tax supervisor's meeting. 17. Auditor submitted statements on receipts for year. 18. Department heads to meet with auditor on security needs. 19. Bids authorized for auditing county records. 20. Bids received for auditing county records. 21. Auditor reported budget reduction; No action taken. 22. Audit report filed by E. C. Craft, CPA. 23. Audit report filed for ABC Bd. by J. N. Brand, CPA. 24. Bill to Wilmington Iron Works approved for payment. 25. Auditor authorized city director. 26. Auditing bids postponed. 27. Auditing bids received. 28. New auditing bids to be secured. 29. Auditing bid of W. C. Barfield, CPA, referred to W. E. Easterburg, Secretary of Local Government Com. 30. J. B. McCabe, CPA, requested to withdraw County bid. 31. D. W. Ormsby employed in auditor's office. 32. W. C. Barfiedd, CPA awarded county audit contract. 33. H. W. C.herry, CPA, awarded county audit contract. 34. J. B. McCabe, CPA awarded county audit contract. 35. At?ditors office close Saturdays. 36. Smypathy expressed for auditor, J. A. Orrell. 37. Date set for bids for auditor office equipment. 38. Burroughs Adding Machine Co. bid postponed on equipment. 39. Burroughs Adding Machine Co. bid rejected on equipment. 40. More bids received for auditor's office equipment. 41. Auditor C. F. Smith authorized to attend Institute of Government. 42. Auditing bids received; Harry W. Cherry, CPA, awarded contract. 43. Audit report referred. 44. Action adopted for auditor to file statement of debts. 45. Action bids received from W. C. Barfield, CPA. 46. Audit bids received from H. W. Cherry, CPA. DATE MINUiE BOOK Month Day I Yea? Vol. I Page 06 03 1946 10 499 06 10 1946 10 500 07 15 946 10 505 08 05 L946 10 508 08 05 1946 10 508 09 03 : .946 10 514 12 02 946 10 529 05 12 1946 10 565 05 26 : 946 10 568 05 26 1946 10 568 09 02 1946 10 583 09 08 1946 10 584 11 10 1946 10 594 06 Ol 1947 11 30 06 Ol 1947 11 30 11 08 1947 11 56 O1 24 1948 11 68 04 20 : 949 11 88 05 23 1949 11 95 06 06 1949 11 99 07 21 1949 11 109 09 26 1949 11 122 10 31 1949 11 132 12 28 1949 11 144 02 06 1950 11 154 06 26 1950 11 192 07 03 1950 11 193 07 03 1950 11 193 07 17 :950 11 196 07 24 1950 11 198 07 25 1950 11 199 09 05 1950 11 207 09 OS 1950 11 207 09 11 1950 11 208 10 02 !950 11 213 11 20 ?950 11 223 02 02 1951 11 237 02 02 ]951 11 238 02 02 1951 11 238 02 02 1951 11 238 05 14 1951 11 260 09 04 1951 11 284 02 04 1952 11 315 03 24 1952 11 326 06 23 1952 11 344 06 23 1952 11 344 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MATTER: FINANCE DEPARTMENT ` ?' eee. u. s. ?,,,"? County Indezee Since 1888 ? To loeafe nomes, open of COTT A•2 TAB INDEX ?AT OFi1CE ?P/??(.,0-7?' An laentifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB ?DE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN 6. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ?. Audit bids received from C. S. Lowrimore, CPA. ? ? 2. Audit bids received from J. B. McCabe, CPA. 3. Audit bids awarded to H. W. Cherry, CPA. 4. Idea Plumbing Co, statement of pay declined, not considered any further. 5. Auditor to reduce budget items. 6. Auditor presented mailing machine. 7. Auditor to attend Institute of Government session on accounting. 8. Audit report received, action postponed. ? 9. Audit report discussed, referred; judge and recorder to meet with auditor to work out better system 10. City-county auditor's report accepted; WPC inventory given t o City. 11. Audits reports postponed. 12. Auditor C. F. Smith resignation presented. 13. Audit report again postponed. 14. CPA to check auditor Smith records after resignation. i 15. Auditor T. D. Love made reports of cash positions. I ' 16. Auditor office plans submitted. ( 17. Old system of auditing recorded recommended. 18. Auditor's bond accepted covering sinking fund. 19. Motion failed on making auditor the tax supervisor. 20. Auditor announced interest from bond. 21. Auditor discussedirour schedule of Mr. Black. 22. Letter written to W. J. Barfield, CPA, commending them on audits. 23. Audit report received from J. N. Brand, CPA. 24. No audit bids received yet. 25. Finance referred for Grain Elevator proposal. 26. Cash receipts received. ' 27. Auditor's report submitted, referred for pension funds. 28. Auditor's commented on expenditures under Exhibit C. ? 29. Auditor to transfer funds from welfaxe director to welfare budget. 30. Expenditure and Revenue statement received from auditor. 31. Audit report received from Cherry, Beckaert, Holland, CPA's 32. Question raised on date for audit reports. 33, Audit report received from Cherry, Beckaert, Holland, cPAs. 34. Revenue statement received. 35. County financ?al conditions not in good shape. ? 36. Auditor to increase budget for book mobile repairs. 37. Auditor reported that other item to be brought up. 38. Exchange two offices approved through auditor. 39. Auditor urged to attend Institute of Government session. 40. Meeting scheduled with Cherry, Bekaert and Holland, CPAs on audit work. 41. Bids received for auditor office supplies. 42. Bids of J. M. Weeks accepted. 43. Auditor reported on Institute of Government session. 44. Auditor announced allowance in budget for prepared taxes. DATE Month I Day Yenr 06 23 1952 06 23 1952 06 23 1952 06 30 1952 07 31 1952 10 27 1952 02 16 1953 05 18 1953 05 26 1953 05 26 1953 06 O1 1 953 06 08 1953 06 08 1953 06 15 1953 07 13 1953 08 10 1953 08 31 1953 11 02 1953 12 07 1953 02 23 1954 04 26 1954 06 28 1954 08 02 1954 11 O1 1954 11 15 1954 1 1 22 1954 12 13 1954 12 13 1954 O1 10 1955 O1 24 I955 04 12 1955 04 12 1955 04 18 1955 04 25 1955 04 25 1955 04 25 1955 04 25 1955 04 25 1955 05 02 1955 05 OZ 1955 05 09 1955 05 09 1955 05 31 1955 07 18 1955 MINI Vol. 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 lI 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 !TE BOOK I Pnge 344 344 344 345 356 375 401 422 423 423 425 426 427 428 437 444 450 464 474 488 508 526 535 550 554 553 560 560 567 570 589 589 589 591 591 591 591 592 594 594 595 595 602 615 Book ?k 9 starts again on back of this page. IND N. C. EX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? MATT RT , , Finance Dep artmen t - nac. u. s. ,p??,,_ Counky Indezea Since 1888 To locate names, open at ??T OFFICE ?iCO?-? An Identifying Ttade Mark ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•Z TAB INDEX SOLD BY OWEN GTDUNNENEW?B RN, NO TH fAROLHNA DATE MINUiE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month I Day I Year Vol. I Page l. Approved payment of ?ills ?k 437-497 and 197-215. 10 15 1929 9 1 2. Approved payment of ?3ills ?? 498-527 and 216-272. 10 22 1929 9 2 3. Approved payment of ?ills ?? 528-690 and 273-277. 10 22 1929 9 4 4. Approved payment of Bills ?k 6??-785 and 278-280. 11 12 1929 9 6 5. Approved payment of Bills ?k 786-803 and 281-335. Il 19 I929 9 8 6. Ap?roved payment of Bills ?? 804-980 and 356-416. 12 11 1929 9 13 7. Approued payment of Bills ?k 981-1001 and 417-435. 12 24 1929 9 14 8. Sheriff bill approved for payment. 12 24 1929 9 14 9. Bi?Z to T. W. Ga??inan approved ?or payment. 1 6 1930 9 16 10. Bill to H. E. Longley approved for payment. 1 14 1930 9 17 13?. ??il?s ?? 981-1062 and 417-461 approved for payment. 1 14 1930 9 17 12. Bil1s ?? 1063-1214 and 4b2-520 approved for payment. 1 28 1930 9 19 13. Bill for bookcases approved for payment. 1 28 1930 9 19 14. Bills ?k 1385-1413 and 578-607 approved for payment. 2 18 1930 9 26 15. Bills ?? 1414-1570 and 608-672 approved for paymerrt. 3 11 1930 9 29 16. Bills ?? 1571-1615 and 673-700 approved for payment. 3 25 193(3??. 9 32 17. Bill to T. J. Head approved for payment. 4 7 1930 9 37 18. Bills ?k 1616-1791 and 701-776 approved for payment. 4 14 1930 9 38 19. Bill to Otis Elevator Co. approved for payment. 4 14 1930 9 38 20. Bills ?k 1792-1873 and 777-800 approved for payment. 4 22 1930 9 39 21.Bills ?k 1 784-1908 and 801-805 approved for payment. 4 29 1930 9 39 22. Bill to Willie Murphy approved for paymen.t. 4 29 1930 9 40 23. Bill to James Donnely approved for payment. 4 29 1930 9 40 24. Bills ?k 1909-85 and 806-63 approved for payment. 5 13 1930 9 42 25. Bills ?? 1909-85 and 806-46 approved for payment. 6 2 1930 9 45 26. Bills ?k 1986-2073 and 847-91 approved for payment. 6 10 1930 9 45 27. Bill to National Gas Co. approved fa?? payment. 7 1 1930 9 46 28. Bills ?? 2094-2197 and 892-931 approved for payment. 7 1 1930 9 47 29. Bills ?? 2194-2384 and 932-1034 approved for payment. 7 15 1930 9 50 30. Bills ?k 82-184 and 22-47 approved for payment. 8 7 1930 9 52 31. Bills ?k 185-291 and 48-98 approved for payment. 8 19 1930 9 55 32, Bill to Hills Directory approved for payment. 8 19 1930 9 55 33. Bill to Tide Water Power Co. ?.pproved for payment. 8 19 1930 9 55 34. Bills ?? 292-312 and 99-101 approved for payment. 8 26 1930 9 57 35. Bill to E. F. Banck approved for payment. 9 2 1930 9 58 3b. Bills ?k 313-461 and 102-177 approved for payment. 9 9 1930 9 ?? 37. Bills ?k 462-549 and 178-202 approved for payment. 9 30 1930 9 70 38. Bills ?k 550-635 and 202-231 approved for payment. 1Q 6 1930 9 70 39. Bills ?? 636-671 and 232-255 approved for paymen?. 10 14 1930 9 71 40. Bills ?k 676-895 ai?d 256-318 approved for payment. 11 12 1930 9 74 41. Bill for Election approved for payment. ii i2 1?3C 9 74 42, Bills ?k 896-975 and 319-357 approved for payment. 12 1 1930 9 79 43. Bills ?k 976-1090 and 358-410 approved for payment. 12 9 1930 9 81 44. Bills ?? 1091-1134 and 411-433 approved for payment. 12 23 1940 9 83 45. Bills ?? 1135-1296 and 434-83 approved for payment. 1 13 1931 9 86 46. Bills ?? 1297-1326 and 484-508 approved for payment. 1 20 1931 9 87 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATTERT Fin??.?ce De artment - P aec. u. s. ?y? County Indezee Since 1888 ? To IoCp?! 11amis? Op?D at COTT A-2 TAB INDEX a?r OFFICE (.?.t.?l?? An IdentifyinP Trade Mark fURNAM6 INITIAL TAB MU,CF By THE COT7 lNDfX WMPANY, COLUMSUS, DHIO fOLD ?Y OWEN 8. OUNN, NEw tERN, NORTN (AROIINA NATURE OF PRQCEEDIPIGS 1. BiIIs ?? I327-1394 and 509-530 approved for pa?ment. 2. Bills ?k 1395-1490 and 531-564 approved for payment. 3. Bills ?? 1491-1519 and 568-8$ approved for payment. 4. Bills ?k 1520-1660 and 589-654 approved for payment. 5. Bill for Watchclock appraved for payment. 6. Bills ?? 1661-1$40 and 655-738 approved for payment. 7. Bills ?,? 1841-1851 approved for payment. 8. Bi11s ?? 1852-1??9 and 739-766 approved for payment. 9. Bills ?k 1890-1907 and 767-772 approved for payment. 10. Bills ?? I908-1996 and 773-800 approved for payment. 11. Bills ?k 1997-2068 and 801-859 approved for payment. 12. Bills ?? 2069-2155 and 86Q-885 approved for payment. 13. Bills ?? 21S6-2249 and 886-923 approved for pa-yment. 14. _ Bills ?k 2050-2292 and 924-950 approved for payment. 15. Bills ?? 2293-2303 and 951-953 approved for payment. 16. Bills ?k 2304-2356 and 954-973 approved for paym?nt. I7. Bills ?k 2357-2439 and 974-1012 approved for payment. 18. Bills ?? 23572439 and 974-1012 approved for payment. 19. Bill ta Mrs. Myrtl? Greer approved for payment. 20, Bills ?? 1-10 approved for payment. 21. Bills ?? 11-242 approved for payment. 22. Bills ?? 243-424 approved for payment. 23. Bills ?k 243-538 approved for payment. 24. Bills ?? 539-565 approved for payment. 25. Bills ?? 566-854 approved for payment. 26. Bills ?? 855-868 approved for payment. 27. Bills ?? 869-904 approved for payment. 28. Bills ?k 905-979 approved for payment. 29. Bills ?? 980-1067 approved for payment. 30. Bills ?k 1068-1088 approved for payment. 31. Bills ?k 1089-1144 approved for payment. 32. Bills ?? 1145-1215 approved for payment. 33. Committe e appointed to negotiate with Wilmington Iron Works on County's bill. 34. Bills ?? 1260-1242 approved for payment. 3S. Bills ?k 1243-1311 approved for payment. 36. Bills ?k 1312-1336 approved for payment. 37. Bills ?? 1337-1358 approved for payment. 38. Continuatzon of $15-per month payment to Mrs Myrtle Greer ordered. 39. Bills ?? 1337-1434 approved for payment. 4G. Bills ?? ? 435-1546 agpr??,?ed for payment. 41. Bills ?'? 1547-1569 approved for payment. 42. Au?horiz ed payment to Wilmington Iron Co. bill from 1918 to 1929 period. 43. Bills ?? 1b63-1747 approved ?or payment. 44. Bills ?? 1748-1761 approved for payment. 45. Bills ?k 1762-1798 approved for payment. 46. Bills ?? 1799-1893 approved for payment. DA'tE MINUTE BOOK ' Month Day " Year Vol. Page 2 2 1937, 9 2 10 1?)31: 9 2 17 1931. 9 3 9 1937.. 9 3 30 1931 9 4 9 1931, 9 4 13 1931, 9 4 20 1931 9 4 27 1931_ 9 S 12 1931 9 5 18 1931 9 5 25 1931 9 6 8 1931 9 6 22 1931 9 6 29 19?1 9 7 1 1931 9 7 15 I931 9 7 20 1931 119 8 3 1931 9 8 3 1931 9 8 10 193"1 9 9 .8 1931 9 9 28 1931 9 10 12 i931 9 11 9 1931 9 11 16 1931 9 11 23 1931 9 1]_ 30 1931 9 ll 30 .1931 9. 12 14 1931 9 12 21 1931 9 12 28 1931 9 12 28 1931 9 1 _?? 1932 9 1 11 1932 9 1 18 1932 9 1 25 1932 9 1 25 1932 9 2 1 1932 9 2 8 1932 9 2 15 1932 9 2 23 1932 9 3 8 1932 9 3 14 1932 9 3 28 1932 9 4 4 1932 9 88 91 92 96 100 101 10? 103 104 108 109 110 112 114 116 117 117 120 120 122 126 129 134 137 138 139 140 141 143 144 145 145 146 147 148 149 149 150 152 152 153 156 156 158 159 IN DE H C t X TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - N N C anover oun ?, ew . . _?ATTER?inance Department - ?ac. u. s. rer OFFICE County Indexea Sinee 1888 ? To IotO?? ?tlm?f? op?n Ot ?j1G?.?? An Iden6fying Trade Marlc SURliAME lNITIAL TAB COTT A•I TA6 INDEX MU,E E BY THE (OTT INDEX COMPANY, ?OLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD Y10WEM i. OWIM, MEw DERII, NORiN GROLIkA NATURE OF PROCEEDiNGS DATE ? MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l, Bills ?k 1894-1975 approved for payment. 4 11 1932 9 160 2. BiIIs ?? 1976-2002 approved for payment. 4 18 1932 9 16I 3, Bills ?k 2003-2099 approved for payment. 5 2 ?932. 9 163 . _ 4, Bi11s ?? 2100-2172 approved for payment. 5 9 1932 9 164 _ , S., Bills ?k ?.173-2288 approved for payment. 5 23 1932 9 164 _ 6. Bills ?k 2173-2196 approved for payment. 5 16 1932 9 165 7., Bills ?? 2327-234I approved for paym?nt. 6 6 1932 9 I66 . 8, Bills ?k 23??-235?. approved for pa?m.ent. 6 6 1932 9 166 9. Bills ?k 2352-2413 approved for payment. 6 6 1932. 9 166 Z0. Bills ?k 2?+14-2457 approved for payment. 6 13 1932 9 167 11. Bills ?k 2458-2500 approved for payment. 6 20 19?2 9 168 12. ?iills ?k 2501-2644 approved for payment. 7 5 l??32 9 169 13, Bills ?k 1-52 approved for payment. 7 11 1932 9 170 14. Bills ?k 53-92 appro??ed for payment. 7 25 1932 9 172 15, Bills ?? 93-179 approved for payment. 8 I 1932 9 I74 16. Bills ?k 180-272 approved for payment. 8 8 1932 9 175 17. Bills ?? 223--286 approved for payment. 8 15 1932 9 176 18, Bills ?? 287-352 approved for payment. 8 22 1932 9 178 19. Bills ?k 353-488 approved for payment. 9 6 1932 9 180 .20. Bills ?k 489-513 approved for payment. 9 12 1932 9 180 21. Bi11s ?? 514-541 approved for payment. 9 l? 1932 9 181 22. Bills ?? 542-629 approved for payment. 9 26 1932 9 182 .23. Bills ?? 630-S1 approved for payment. 10 3 1932 9 184 24. Bi11s ?k 652-743 approved for payment. 10 10 1932 9 185 .25. Bills ?k 744-787 approved for payment. 10 17 1932 9 186 26. Bills ?? 788-964 agproved for payment. 11 7 9132 9 190 -27„ Bills ?k 965-973 approved for payment. 11 14 1932 9 190 28. Bills ?? 974-1004 approved for pay-ment. 11 14 1932 9 190 .29. Bills ?? 1005-1041 approved for payment. 12 21 1932 9 191 30. Southern Bell, Jackson and Bell, Pace and Motte, Cole and Motte and K. Trask bills 12 21 1932 9 191 approved for payment. .31.. Bills ?? 1041-1080 approved for payment. 11 28 1932 9 192 32. Bills ?? 1081-1144 app?oved for ?ayment. 12 S 1932 9 194 33. Bi11 to State approved for payment of 1932-33 care of indigents. 12 5 1932 9 194 34. Bill aut horized for payment to Mrs. Annie G. Mahn, widow. 12 12 1932 9 195 35, Bills ?? 1I45-1235 approved for payment. 12 12 1932 9 195 36. Bi11s ?k 1236-1268 approved for payment. 12 19 1932 9 195 37. Bills ?k 1269-1304 approved for payment. 12 27 1932 9 196 38. Bills ?? 1305-I368 approved for payment. 1 3 1933 9 198 39. Biiis ?r 13?9-1446 appr:?ved for gayment. 1 9 1933 9 198 40. Bill to Otis Elevator Co. for oiling elevator approved for payment. 1 16 1933 9 199 41. Bills ?k 1447-1514 approved for payment. 1 23 1933 9 200 42. Bills ?k 1515-1605 approved for payment. 1 30 1933 9 203 43. Bills ?? 1606-1672 approved for payment. 2 6 1933 9 205 44. Bills ?? 1673-1727 approved for payment. 2 20 1933 9 207 45. Bills ?k 1728-1813 approved for payment. 2 27 1933 9 208 a i ? ?V DEX TO C?MMISSIO?ERS MINUTES -- New Hanover C t N C ? oun ?, . . _ MATTER: ?inance Departmen? x?s. v.r O u. s. FFICE Counry Indezea Since l888 ? TO (oco? Dam?s, OplO Yt ?1?? An Identifying Trade Marlc SURKAME INITIAL TAB COiT A-Z TAB INDEX b11L[ E BY THF COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHID SOLD YY OWEN i. OUMN, NfM 6ERN, NORTN GROLINA NATURE OF PROtEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK ' Monfh ? Uay Year Vol. ? Page 1- Bills ?k 1814-1895 approved for payment. 3 6 1933 9 209 2. Bills ?? 1896-2055 approved for payment. 4 3 1933 9 213 3. . Bills ?? 2056-2137 approved for payment. . 4 10 1933 9 215 4. . Bills ?k 2138-2187 approved for payment. .. 4 24 1933; 9 217 5. Bills ?k 2187-2412 approved for payment. 5 29 1933 9 223 6. Bills ?? 2413-2498 approved for payment. 6 S 19?3 9 225 7. Bills ?? 2499-2584 approved for payment. 6 12 1933 9 226 8. Bills ?k 2624-2693 apprpved for payment. 6 26 1933 9 228 9. BiII.s ?? 2694-2842 approved for pa?zrnent. 7 3 1933 9 230 10. Bills ?? 1-29 approved for payment. 7 10 1933 9 231 11. Bills ?k 30-66 approved for payment. 7 17 1933 9 232 12. Bills ?k 67-198 approved for payment. , , 8 7 1933 9 237 13. Bills ?? 199-273 approved for payment. 8 14 1933 9 238 14. Bills ?k 274-314 approved for payment. 8 21 1933 9 240 15. Bills ?k 315-503 approved ?o? payment. 9 11 1933 9 250 16. Bill to W.H. Davis approved for payment. 9 18 1933 9 250 17. Bills ?? 504-556 approved for payment. 9 25 1933 9 251 18. Bills ?? 557-638 approved for payment. 10 2 1933 9 252 19. Bills ?k 758-789 approved for payment. 10 16 1933 9 255 20. Bills ?? 790-886 approved for payment. 10 30 1933, 9 256 2I. Bills ?? 887-960 approved for payment. 11 6 ?933 9 258 22. Bills ?k 961-1026 approved for payment, lI I3 I933 9 258 23. Bills ?? 1027-1047 approved for payment. 11 20 1933_; 9 259 24. Bills ?? 1048-1210 approved for payment. 12 4 1933 9 261 25. BiZls ?k 1211-1225 approved for payment. 12 11 1933 9 ?.62 26. Bills ?? 1226-1300 approved for payment. IZ 26 1933 9 264 27. Bills ?? 1301-1409 approved for payment. 1 2 1934 9 264 28. Bills ?? 14I0-1482 approved for paym.ent. 1 8 1934 9 266 29. Bills ?E 1483-1410 approved for payment. 1 15 1934 9 266 30. ?3ills ? 1511-1537 approved for gayment. 1 22 1934 9 267 31. Bills ?? 1538-1745 approved for payment. 2 19 1934 9 274 32. Bills ?k 1746-1344 approved for payment. 2 2C 1934. 9 275 33. Bills ?? 1845-1908 approved for payment, 3 S 1934 9 276 34. Bills ?k lEt?S-1932 approved for payment. 3 12 1934 9 277 35. Bills ?? 1933-I959 approved for payment. 3 l? 1934 9 278 36. Bil1s ?? 1960-1985 approved for payment. 3 26 1934 9 278 37. Bills ?? 1986-2083 approved for paymen?. 4 2 1934 9 280 38. Bills ?k 2084-2128 approved for payment. 4 9 1934 9 280 39. Bills ?k 2129-2232 a?proved for payment, 4 16 1934 9 2?1 40. Bills ?k 2233-2262 approved for payment, /? 23 1934 9 281 41. Bills ?k 2263-234? approved for payment. 4 30 1934 9 282 42. Bills ?k 2348-2416 app??ved for payment. 5 7 1934 9 284 43, Bil?s ?k 2417-2472 appraved for payment. 5 21 1934 9 285 44. Bills ?k 2473-2510 approved for payment. 5 28 I934 9 286 45. Bills ?? 25.11-2598 approved for payment. 6 4 1934 9 287 46. Bills ?? 2749-2789 approved for payment. 6 25 1934 9 289 IN D ? EX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - N H C t? N C ` ew anover oun y, . . _ MATTER: . Finance Department ? eec. u. s. r?r OFFICE C? County Indezea Since 1888 ? TO loean nam?s, O?NH at ??? AnldentifvinSTtadeMer?C SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT Ad Ai INDEX M0.CE BY THE COTT INDE71 COMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD t1 OWEN i. OUNN, NEw ?ERN, NORTN GROLINA ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. ? Page l, Bills ?? 2599-2748 approved for payment. 6 18 1934 9 289 2. Bills ?? 2790-2956 approved for payment. 7 2 1934 9 290 3. Bills ?? 1-5 approved for payment. 7 9 1934 9 2al 4. Bills ?k 51-82 approved for payment. 7 16 1934 9 292 5, Bills ?? 83-307 approved for payment. 8 6 1934 9 295 6. Bills ?k 30$-337 approved for payment. 8 13 I93/+ 9 298 _ 7. Bills ?k 337-370 approved for payment. 8 20 1034 9 299 8? Bills ?? 371-532 approved for payment. 9 4 1934 9 301 9. BiIIs ?? 533-586 apprc?ved fo? payment. 9 ?0 1934 9 30? 10. Bills ?? 533-617 approved for paymex?t. 9 17 1934 9 302 11. Bills ?k 618-741 approved for payment. 10 1 1934 9 304 .12. Bills ?k 803-870 approved for payment. 10 8 1934 9 305 13. Bills ?k 871-943 approved for pa?ment. 10 22 1934 9 307 14, Bills ?k 944-1083 approved for payment. 11 5 1934 9 309 .15.. Bills ?k 1114-1164 approved for payment. 11 19 1934 9 310 16, Bills ?? 1084-1113 approved for payment. 11 13 1934 9 310 17. Bil1s ?? 1165-1316 approved for payment. 12 3 1934 9 313 18, Bills ?k 1317-1405 approved for payment. 12 10 1934 9 314 19. Bills ?? 1406-1440 approved for payment. 12 17 1934 9 314 .20. Bills ?,? 1441-1580 approved for payment. 1 7 1935 9 317 _21. Bills ?? 1581-1676 approved for payment. , 1 14 1935 9 318 22. Bills ?k 1677-1749 approved for payment. 1 28 1935 9 320 23; Bills ?k 1750-1798 approved for payment. 2 4 1935 9 323 24. Bills ?? 1899-1918 approved for payment. 2 11 1935 9 324 25. Bills ?k 1919-2021 approved for payment. 2 25 1935 9 326 .26. Bills ?k 2022-2178 approved for payment. 3 11 1935 9 329 27. Bills ?? 2179-2243 approved for payment. 3 18 1935 9 330 28: Bills ?? 2244-2289 approved for payment. 3 25 1935 9 331 29. Bills ?k 2290-2456 approved for payment. 4 8 1935 9 333 30. Bills ?? 2457-25I4 appraved for payment. 4 16 1935 9 334 31. Bills ?k 2515-2709 approved for payment. 5 6 1935 9 338 32. Bill f+?r Junior Officers outing approved for payment. 5 27 1935 9 343 33. Bills ?? 2710-2857 approved for payment. 6 27 1935 9 344 34. Bills ?? 2858-3049 approved for payment. 6 10 1935 9 346 35. Bills ?k 305-3103 approved for payment. 6 17 1935 9 347 36, Bills ?? 3104-3117 approved for payment. 6 24 1935 9 352 37. Bills ?? 1-97 approved for payment. 7 22 1935 9 356 38. Bills ?? 98-134 approved for payment. 7 29 1935 9 358 39. Bills ?? 135-310 approved for payment. 8 5 1935 9 370 40. Bil1s ?k 311-340 appro?ed for payment. 8 12 1935 9 374 41. Bills ?? 341-376 approved for payment. 8 19 1935 9 376 42. Bills ?? 377-517 appro?ved for payment. 9 3 1935 9 378 43. Bills ?? 518-645 approved for payment. 9 9 1935 9 379 44. Bills?. ?k 518-827 approved for payment. 9 30 ?!935 9 383 45.. Bills ?k 828-945 approved for payment. 10 7 1935 9 384 46. Bills ?? 946-956 approved for payment. 10 14 1935 9 384 i, N. C+ INDEX TO COMMCISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? MATTER: , _ Finance Dep artmen t - xsc, u. s. ,,,y???_ Counry Indpcea Since i888 ? TO IOCah A4MlS? O?NII C1 ear OFffCE ?iK,a?i An IdenriEying Trade Mark SUANAME INITIAI TA? LOiT A-1 TA! fADEX MutE B7 THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, DN10 SOLO lY OWEN C. OUNN, ME?11 sERM, NORTN UROLINA DAiE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day ? Year Vol. Page • l. . Bxlls ?k 957-1083 approved for payment. . 1Q 28 1935,. 9 384 _ 2. Bil1s ?? 1776-1778 approved for payment. 11 4 1935.. 9 390 ,. 3. Bil1s ?k 1084-1281 approved for payment. 11 12 1935_. 9 391 .. 4. Bill.s ?? 12$9-1$89 approved for payment. ._ 12 ' 9 1935_ 9 396 .. S. Bi11s ?k 1590-1785 approved for payment. .. 12 30 1935.. 9 399 .. 6. . Bil1s # 1786-1933 approved for payment. 1 6 1936 9 400 7, Bil1s ?k 1934-2047 approved for payment. 1 13 I936 9 401 8. Bi11s ?k 1934-2155 approved for payment. 1 20 193b 9 402 9. Bills ?k 2156-2380 approved far paymer?t. 2 3 1936 9 406 10. Bills ?? 238I-2473 approved for payment. 2 10 1936 9 407 11. Bills ?? 2474-2873 approved for payment. 3 9 1936 9 413 12. Bi11s ?? 2874-2974 approved for payment. 3 16 1936 9 414 13. Bills ?? 2975-3106 approved for payment. 3 30 1936 9 416 14. Bills ?? (checks) 1530-1881 lost. 3 30 1936 9 416 15. Bills ?? 3107-3243 approved for paymeT?t. 4 6 1936 9 418 16. Bills ?? 3244-3325 appreaved for p?.ynnent. 4 20 1936 9 422 17. Bills ?? 3326-3413 approved for payment. 4 27 1936 9 423 18. Bill ?k ( check) 3157 to T. E. Coaper and Co. lost to be duplicated. 5 4 1936 9 425 19. Bills ?? 3414-3512 approved for paym.ent. 5 4 1936 9 426 20. Bills ?k 3513-3575 apprp?red for.payment. 5 11 1936 9 426 21. Bills ?? 3576-3650 apprq?ed for payment. 5 14 1936 9 432 22. Bills ?? 3576-3651 approved for payment. S 25 1936 9 434 23. Bills ?k 3752-3911 approved for payment. 6 I 1936 9 434 24. Bills ?? 3752-4070 approved for payment. 6 8 1936 9 435 25. Bills ?,? 4071-4110 approved for payment. 6 15 1936 9 436 26. Bills ?? 4111-4446 approved for payment. „ 7 6 1936 9 440 27. Bills ?k 1-139 approved for payment. . 7 20 1936 9 443 28. BiI.1s ?? 140-431 approved tor payment. 8 10 1936 9 446 29. Bills ?? 432-472 approved for payment. 8 17 1936 9 449 30. Bills ?k 473-629 approved for payment. 8 31 1936 9 450 31. Bills ?? 630-726 approved for payment. 9 8 1936 9 451 32. Bi11s ?? 727-925 approved for payment. 9 28 1936 9 454 33. Bills ?? 926-1036 approved for payment. 10 5 1936 9 456 34. Bills ?? 1037-1065 approved for payment. 10 12 1936 9 457 35. Bi11s ?k 1066-1122 approved for paymer?t. 10 ?9 193€? 9 ?58 36. Bills ?? 1123-1267 approved for payment. 11 2 1936 9 461 37. Bills ?k 1268-1402 approved for payrn.ent. 11 9 1936 9 462 38. Bills ?? 1403-1448 approved fox payment. 11 16 1936 9 464 39. Bills ?? I.449-1484 approved for payment. 11 23 1936 9 465 40. Bills ?k 1485=1606 agproved f?r payment. 11 30 193b 9 466 41. Bills ?? 1607-1656 approved for paytnent. 12 7 1936 9 469 42. Bills ?? 1657-1750 approved for payment. 12 14 1936 9 470 43. Bi11s ?k 1751-1799 approved for payment. 12 21 1936 9 471 44. Bills ?? 1800-2064 approved for paym.ent. 1 11 1937 9 474 45. Bi11s ?k 2102-2??o approved for payment. 2 8 193? 9 479 45. Bi11s ?,? 23$7-2430 approved for payment. 2 15 1937 9 481 IN D EX TO C OMMISSI ONE t N C RS MINUTES - N H C ?, anover oun . . ew _ MATTER: Finance Departme nt - ncc. u. s PAT OFFIC . County Indezee ?ince 1888 E C.?i?? Anldentifying Trade Mark ? To lota?? DOm?s? op?n a} SURNAME INITIAL iA6 COiT A-2 TA? tNDEX M0.CE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLO ?Y ONEN 0. pUNN, NEM ?ERN, NORiN GROLINA ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DAiE MINUiE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l,. Bills ?? 2431-2466 approved for payment. 2 22 1937 9 483 2. Bi.lls ?? 2477-2577 approved for payment. 3 1 1937 9 484 3.. Bills ?k 2467-2699 approved for payment. 3 8 1937. 9 484 4.. Bills ?k 2700-2817 approved for payment. 3 22 1937_ 9 487 5. Bills ?? 2818-3050 approved for payment. 4 5 1937 9 490 .6.. Bil1s ?? 2818-3090 approved for payment. 4 12 1937. 9 492 7. Bills ?? 3091-3195 approved for payment. 4 26 1937 9 495 .8,. Bills ?k (check) 4368 lost, dupl icate made. - 4 26 1937 9 495 9._ BiIIs ?? 305z-3327 approvea for payment. S 3 1937 9 497 10. Bills ?? 3328-3445 approved for payment. 5 10 1937 9 498 11. Bills ?? 3446-3489 approved for payrs?ent. 5 17 1937 9 500 12. Bills ?? 3490-3871 approved for payment. 6 14 1937 9 509 13. Bills ?k 3872-3735 approved for payment. 7 12 1937 9 522 14. Bills ?? 3736-4152 approved for payment. 7 19 1937 9 523 15. Bills ?? 1-269 approved for payment. 8 2 1937 9 527 16. Bills ?? 230-263 approved for payment. 8 16 1937 9 533 17. Bills ?k 264-745 approved for payment. 9 13 1937 9 540 18. Bills ?k 746-811 approved for payment. 9 27 I937 9 542 19. Bills ?? $12-1070 approved for payment. IO lI 1937 9 545 20. Bills ?? 1071-1107 approved for payment. 10 8 1937 9 548 21. Bills ?k 1108-1406 approved for payment. 11 8 1937 9 552 22. Bills ?? 1407-1550 approved for payment. 11 22 1937 9 555 23. Bills ?? 1501-1535 approved for payment. 11 29 1937 9 556 24. Bills ?? 1536-1750 approved for payment. 12 6 1937 9 557 25. Bills ?? 1751-1782 approved for payment. 12 13 1937 9 559 26. Bills ?k 1783-1883 approved for payment. 12 20 1937 9 559 27. Bills ?k 1783-2146 approved for payment. 1 10 1938 9 562 28.. Bills ?? 2147-2248 approved for payment. 1 24 1938 9 563 29. Bills ?? 2249-2277 approved for payment. 1 31 1938 9 365 30.. Bills ?? 2278-2468 approved for payment. 2 7 1938 9 567 31.. Bills ?? 2468-2564 approved for payment. 2 21 193$ 9 569 32. Bills ?? 2565-2669 approved for payment. 2 2? 1938 ?:?' 570 33. Bills ?? 2670-2792 approved for payment. 7 1938 9 571 34. Bills ?? 2793-2813 approved for payment. 3 14 1938 9 572 35. Bills ?k 2$14-2875 approved for payment. 3 21 1938 9 574 ? . 36. Bills ?? 2876-2998 approved for payment. 3 28 1938 9 575 37. Bills ?? 2999-3049 approved for payment. 4 4 1938 9 576 38. Bills ?? 3050-3178 approved for payment. 4 11 193$ 9 577 39. Bills ?k 3050-3517 approved. for payment. 5 9 19.? 9 583 40. Bills ?? 3518-3555 approved for payment. 5 16 193$ 9 584 41. Bills ?? 3536-3532 approved for payment. 5 31 l?'? 9 588 42. Bills ?? 3733-3980 approved for payment. 6 13 19? 9 590 43.. Bi11s ?? 3981-4012 approved for payment. 6 20 1938 9 592 44. Bills ?k 4013-4273 approved for payment. 7 5 1938 9 598 45. Bills ?k 4274-4279 appro?ved for payment. 7 11 1938 9 599 46. Bills ?? 76-300 apprc?ved for payment. 8 1 193g 9 603 I ND EX TO COMMISSIONERS M?1?UTE5 -- N H C t N C anover ew oun y, . . _?qATTER• Finance Department - Reo. u. s. r?r OFiICE .,? County Inde:ee Since 1888 ? To btO?f nom?t, Op?n Ot C????,??r?? An ldentifyinB Trade Mar@ SURNAME INITIAL TAB COiT A-Z TAB INDEX Jfl1lCE BY THF COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. DH?0 SOLD ?Y OM1EN 0. OYNN, NEM tERN. NORTN GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page ', 1. Bills ?? 301-502 approved for payment. , 8 15 1938 9 610 , 2. Bills ?k 503-543 approved for payment. _ 8 22 1938. 9 612 3. Bills ?k 544-709 approved for payment. 9 6 1938 10 7, 4. ?ills ?? 544-845 approved for payment. , 9 12 1938_. 10 9 5. Bi11s ?k 909, 912-920 approved for payment. 9 19 1938?? 10 11 .. 6. . Bill (check) ?k10018 duplicated, bank notifi.ed. .10 10 1938.. 10 16 .. 7. Bills ?? 910-1275 approved for payment. ,10 17 1038„ 10 19 , E. Bills ?? 1776-1308 approved for payment. ..10 24 1938.. 10 20 .. 9. Bills ?k 1309-1433 approved for payment. 10 31 1938„ 10 21 _ 10. Bills ?k 1434-155b approved for payment. 11 7 1938. 10 22 lI. Bills ?? 1557-I676 approved for payment. lI 23 1938 10 24 12. Bills ?'k 1677-2000 approved for payment. 12 12 1938?' 10 28 13. Bills ?k 2291-2369 approved for payment. 1 9 1939 10 33 14. Bills ?? 2001-2290 approved for payment. I 16 1939 10 33 15. Bills ?k 2370-2389 approved for p ayment. 1 23 l;`39 10 35 16. Bills ?? 2390-2640 approved for payment. 2 6 1939 10 39 I7. Bills ?? 2641-2724 app?oved for payment. 2 20 1939 10 42 18. Bills ?k 2725-2009 approved for payment. 3 13 1939 10 45 „ 19. Bzlls ?? 3010-3239 a?proved for payment. 4 3 1939 10 48 20. Bills ?? 3240-3371 appraved for payment. 4 10 1939 10 50 21. Bills ?? 3372-3445 approved for payment. 4 17 1939 10 Sl 22. Bills ?k 3446-3473 approved for payment. 4 24 1939 10 52 23. Bills ?k 3474-3647 approved for payment. 5 8 1939 10 56 .. 24. Bills ?? 3648-3802 approved for payment. S 15 I939 10 57 .. 25. Bills ?? 3803-3863 approved for payment. 5 29 1939 10 60 .. 26. Bills ?k 3864-4009 approved for payment. 6 5 1939 10 61 27. Bills ?? 4010-4176 approved for payment. 6 12 1939.. 10 62 28. Bills ?? 4177-4274 approved for payment. 6 19 1939 10 64 29. Bills ?? 4275-4316 approved for payment. 7 3 1939 10 65 30. Bills ?'? 4317-4540 approved for payment. 7 10 1939 10 66 31. Bills ?? 38-261 approved for payment. 7 31 1939 10 70 32. Bills ?k 262-450 approved for payment. 8 14 1939 10 74 33. Bills ,?? 451-478 approved for payment. 8 21 1939 10 77 34, Bills ?? 479-71I approved for payment. 9 5 1939 10 80 35. Bills ?? 712-777 approved for payment. 9 11 1939 1D 82 36. Bil1s ?? 778-861 approved for payment. 9 18 1939 10 83 37. Bills ?? 86I-905 approved for payment. 9 25 1939 10 84 38. Bills ?? 906-1049 approved for payment. 10 2 1939 10 86 39. Bills ?? 1050-1144 appraved for payment. 10 9 1939 10 87 4G. Bills ?? 1145-1?60 approv?d for payment. 10 11 1939 IO 88 41. Bills ?k 1206-1214 approved for payment. 10 11 1939 10 89 42. Bills ?? 1215-1497 approved for payment. 11 6 1939 10 93 43. BiIIs ?? 1498-1523 approved for payment. 11 13 1939 10 94 44. Bills ?? 15?4-I601 approved for payment. Il 20 I939 10 95 45. Bills ?k 1606-1650 approved for payment. 11 27 1939 10 96 46. Bills ?k 1651-18Q2 approved for payment. 12 4 1939 10 99 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MATiER: Finance Department - eee. u. s. County IndeYee Since 1888 ? To loeae? nam?s, O?Nn Ot COTT A•2 TA6 INDEX eer OFFICE ??'Jl? AnldentifyingTradeMark SURNAME INIiIAL iAB MILCE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, DHIO SOLD tY OWEN i. YUNN, NEw ?ERN, NORiN GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Bills ?? 1803-1983 approved for payment. 2. Bills ?? 1984-2006 approved for payment. 3. Bills ?? 2007-2056 approved for payment. 4. Bills ?k 2057-238_0 approved ?or payment. 5,. Bills ?? 2381-2413 approved for payment. C.. Bills ?k 2414-2760 approved for payment. 7,. Bills ?k 2761-2807 approved for payment. 8.. Bills ?? 2808-3085 approved for payment. 9, BiZIs ?? 30&6?3?59 approvea for payment. 10. Bills ?? 3160-3159 approved for payment. 11. Bills ?k 3195-3310 appraved for payment. 12. Bills ?? 3311-3449 approved for payment. 13. Bi1Zs ?? 3531-3558 approved for payment. 14. Bills ?? 3559-3686 approved for payment. 15. Bills ?? 3687-3804 approved for payment. 16. ?ills ?? 3805-3851 approved for payment. 17, Bills ?? 3852-3905 approved for payment. 18, Bills ?? 3906-3948 approved for payment. 19, Bills ?? 3949-4135 approved for payment. 20. Bills ?? 4136-4271 approved for payment. 21. Bills ?? 4272-4368 approved tor payment. 22. Bills ?k 4369-4625 approved for payment. ,23. Bills ?k 95-389 approved for payment. 24. Bills ?k 390-447 approved for payment. 25._ Bills ?? 448-516 approved for paym.ent. 26. Bil1s ?k 751-840 approved for payment. 27, Bills ?k 841-1209 approved for payment. 28. Bi11s ?? 1210-1267 approved for payment. _29. Bills ?? 1268-1350 approved for payment. 30. Bills ?? 1351-1390 approved for payment. .31. Bills ?? 1514-1696 approved for payment. 32. Bills ?k 1391-1765 approved for payment. .33. Bills ?? 1766-2069 approved for payment. 34. Bills ?? 2070-2162 approved tor payment. 35. Bills ?? 2163-2193 approved for payment. 36. Bills ?? 2194-2196 approved for payment. 37. Bills ?? 2197-243!? approved for payment. 38.. Bills ?k 2435-2542 approved for payment. 39.. Bills ?? 2543-2865 approved for payment. 40. Bills ?k 2866-2941 approved for payment. 41. Bills ?? 2942-3033 approved for payment. 42. Bills ?? 3034-3184 approved for payment. 43.. Bills ?? 318.?-3420 approved for payment. 44, Bills ?? 3421-3456 approved for payment. 45. Bills ?k 3457-3602 approved for payment. 46. Bills ?? 3603-3740 approved for payment. 12 11 1939 12 18 1939 12 26 1939 1 15 1940 1 22 1940 2 12 1940 2 19 1940 3 11 1940 3 ?8 ?940 3 25 1940 4 1 1940 4 8 1940 4 22 I940 4 29 1940 5 6 1940 5 13 1940 5 20 1940 5 27 1940 6 3 19??0 6 10 1940 6 24 19?E0 7 15 1940 8 5 1940 8 12 1940 8 19 1940 9 9 1940 10 7 1940 10 14 1940 10 21 1940 10 28 1940 11 12 1940 11 18 1940 12 9 1940 12 16 1940 12 23 1940 12 30 1940 1 6 1941 1 13 1941 2 10 1941 2 17 1941 2 24 1941 3 3 1941 3 17 1941 3 24 1941 3. 31 1941 4 7 1941 10 100 10 101 10 1.03 10 106 10 107 10 112 10 113 10 I17 10 ??8 10 119 10 120 10 121 10 123 10 124 10 125 10 127 10 128 10 129 10 130 10 131 10 134 10 139 10 146 10 147 10 148 10 153 10 157 10 158 10 159 10 160 10 162 10 164 10 169 10 170 10 171 10 172 10 174 10 175 10 181 10 182 10 184 10 186 10 189 10 l90 10 191 10 192 IN D EX TO COMMISSI ONERS MINUTES -- N H C t N C oun anover ?, . . ew _ pqpTTER• Finance Departme nt - a€c. v. s. r?t OiFICE County Indezee Since 1888 ?..?.7?' An Identifyin¢ Trade Mark ? TO locoh names, Op?ll at SUANAME INIIIAL TA? COii A-2 TA! INDEX Mll?t E BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOlD tY OIYEM i. pUNN, NEIr ifRN, NORTH CAROLIMA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUiE BOOK Month .. Day Year .. Vol. ' Page x 1. BiZls ?? 3741-3781 approved for pa?ment. 4 14 1941. ?0 293 .. 2.. Bills ?? 3782-3861 approved for payment. 4 21 1941. 10 195 .. 3.. Bills ?? 3862-4059 apprpved for payment. 5 5 1941. 10 198 . 4.. Bills ?k 4060-4175 approved for payment. .? 5 12 1941. 10 200 . 5. Bills ?? 4176-4241 approved for payment. . 5 19 1941._ 10 204 6. Bills $ 4242-4284 appro?ed for payment. , 5 26 1941; 10 205 7. Bills ?? 4285-45?2 approved for payment. 6 9 1941 10 209 8. Bills ?k 4553-4682 approv?d for payment. 6 23 1941 10 211 „ 9. BiIIs ?? 46$3-4895 approved for payzrrent. 6 30 1941 10 212 , I0. Bills ?? 4896-4945 approved for payment. 7 14 1941 10 ?'14 11. Bills ;k 1-139 approved. for payment. 7 21 1941 10 218 12. Bills ?? 140-•436 . approved for pa??ment ?; 11 l??+l 10 223 13. Bills ?? 437-733 approved for payment. 9 8 1941 10 229 , 14. Bills ?k 734-871 approved for payment. 9 22 1941 10 231 15. Bills ?k 872-1015 approved for payment. 9 29 1941 10 232 16. Bills ??872-1213 approved for payment. 10 20 1941 10 `?36 17. Bills ?? 1214-1393 approved for payment. 10 27 194I 10 238 18. Bills ?? 1394-1432 appro?red for payment. 11 3 1941 10 239 19. Bills ?? 1433-1519 approved for payment. 11 10 1941 10 240 20. B?lls ?k 1520-1614 approved for paymen.t. 11 14 1941 10 241 21. Bills ?k 1614-1640 approved for payment. 11 24 1941 10 242 22. Bills ?? 1641-1791 approved for payment. 12 1 1941 10 243 23. Bills ?? 1792-1878 approved for payment. 12 8 1941 10 245 24. Bills ?k 1792-1973 approved for paym.ent. 12 15 1941 10 246 25. Bills ?k 1974-2038 approved for payment. 12 22 1941 10 247 26. Bills ?? 2039-2174 approved for payment. 12 29 1941 10 247 27. Bills ?k 2175-2330 approved for payment. 1 12 1942 IO 251 , 28.. Bills ?? 233I-2572 approved for payment. 2 2 1942 10 257 29. Bills ?? 2573-2808 approved for payment. 2 16 1942 10 259 30. Bills ?k 2808-3096 approved for payment. 3 9 1942 10 262 31. Bill? ?? 3070-3173 approved for payment. 3 16 1942 10 263 32. Bills ?? 3174-3353 approved for payment. 3 30 1942 10 26? 33. Bills ?k 3812-3913 approved f?r payment. 5 11 1942 10 272 34. Bills ?k 3914-4020 approved for payment. 5 18 1942 10 273 { 35. Bills ?k 4021-4201 approved for payment. 5 25 1942 10 274 36. Bills ?k 40?1-4215 approved for payment. 6 1 1942 10 275 37. Bills ?? 4216-4336 approved for payment. 6 8 1942 10 276 38. Bills ?? 4337-4450 approved for payment. ; 6 18 1942 10 277 39. Bills ?k 4451-4501 approved for payment. . 6 22 1942 10 278 4Q. Bills ?k 4502-4826 approved for payment. 7 13 1942 10 282 41. Bills ?? 1-280 approved for payment. 8 3 1942 10 285 42. Bills ?? 281-320 approved f or payment. 8 12 1942 10 286 43. Bills ?? 321-513 approved f or payment. 8 24 1942 10 289 44. Bills ?? 690-875 approved f or payment. 9 14 1?42 10 292 45. Bills ?k 876-894 approved f or payment. ? 21 1942 10 293 46. Bills ?k 895-1206 approved for payment. 10 12 1942 10 297 I ND EX TO COMMISS ION ERS MINUTES -- N H C t N C ew anover oun y, . . _?pTTER: Firrance Department - ea?. u. s. e?r OFFICE County Inde:ea Since 1888 C^ ?? An ldentifying Trade Meric ? TO lotoh 110?Mf? op?O Ot SURNAME INITIAL TA9 MwCE BY THE COTTTIN EX COMPANYX COLUMBUS, DHIO SOLD ?T OWEN C. pUNN, NEII ?ERN, NORiX GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 1, Bills ?? 1207-1289 approved for payment. 10 19 1942 IO 298 2, Bil1s ?k 1323-1571 approved f?r payment. 11 9 1942 10 301 3. Bills ?? 1572.-1642 approved for payment. ?11 16 1942c 10 302 4. Bills ?? 1675-1833 approved for payment. . 11 30 1942 10 305 5. Bills ?? 1834-?0?`_a approved ?or payment. 12 14 1942 10 308 6. Bill? ?k 2019-2064 approved for payment. 12 21 1942 10 309 7, Bills ?? 2410-2461 approved for payment. 1 25 1943 10 314 . 8.. Bills ?? 2462-2785 approve?l for payment. 2 15 1943, 10 317 9, Bills ?? 2786-3085 approvec? for pa.yment. 3 8 Z943 ZO 320 10. Bills ?k 3125-3413 approved for payment. 4 12 1943 10 325 11. Bil1s ?? 3414-3504 approved for payment. 4 19 1943 10 326 12. Bills ?k 3414-3544 approved for payment. 4 26 Z943 10 328 13.. Bills ?k 3543-3544 approvee? for payment. 5 3 1943 10 329 14. Bills ?? 3669-3799 approved for payment. 5 10 1943 10 330 15. Bills ?k 3800-3861 approved for payment. 5 17 1943 10 331 16. Bills ?k 3861-4129 approved for paym.ent. ? 7 1943 10 334 17._ Bills ?? 4130-4277 approved for payment. 6 21 1943 10 337 18. Bills ?? 4278-4296 approved for payment. 6 28 1943 10 337 19. Bi11s ?k 4297-4419 approved for payment. 7 6 1943 10 339 20. Bills ?? 4420-4520 approved for payment. 8 2 1943 10 343 21, Bills ?k 1-503 approved for payrlent. 8 30 1943 10 346 22. Bills ?? 504-699 approved fo r payment. 9 13 1943 10 349 23.. Bills ?? 860-1126 approved f or payment. 10 11 1Q43 10 353 24. Bills ?? 1127-1191 approved for payment. 10 18 1943 10 354 25.. Bills ?k 1192-1539 approved for payment. 11 15 1943 10 ?57 26. Bills ?? 1540-1884 approved for payment. 12 13 1943 10 361 27. Bills ?? 1885-2218 approver? for payment. 1 17 1944 10 365 28. Bills ?k 2219-2262 approved for payment. 1 24 1944 10 366 .29. Bills ?? 2219-2531 apprqved for payment. 2 14 1944 10 369 ;30. Bills ?? 2532-2589 approved for payment. 2 2I. 1944 10 371 .31. Bills ?? 2736-2737 approved for payment. 2 28 I944 10 372 -32. Bills ?? 2590-2785 approved for payment. 3 13 1944 10 374 33, Bills ?? 2786-2934 apprc?ved for payment. 3 20 1944 10 375 34. Bills ?? 2935-3124 approved for payment. 4 3 1944 10 377 35, Bills ?? 3147-3151 approved for payment. 4 10 1944 10 377 36. Bills ?? 3152-3332 approved for payment. 4 24 1944 10 379 37. Bills ?? 3333-3451 approved for payment. 5 8 1944 10 382 38. Bills ?? 3572-3622 approved for payment. 5 15 1944 10 384 39. Bills ?? 3811-3989 app?roved for payment. 6 12 1944 10 388 40. Bills ?k 3990-4011 approved for payment. 6 19 1944 10 392 41. Bills ?k 4012-4311 approved for payment. 7 10 1944 10 395 42. Bills ,?? 1-I00 app roved for payment. 7 17 1944 10 395 43. Bi11s ?k 101-407 a pproved for payment. 8 1?. 1944 10 400 44. Bills ?k 408-455 agproved for payment. 8 21 1944 10 401 45. Bills ?? 45?-753 a pproved for payment. 9 11 1944 10 405 ;46. Bills ?k 754-790 app?oved fo r payment. 9 25 1944 10 406 _. .? . I ND H EX TO COMMISSIONERS MI?UTES -- N C t N C anover ew oun. ?y, . . _ MATT R?inance ?epartmen t - ees. u. s. rar OFFICE County Indezee Since 1888 ? TO loea+s nam?s, OpY11 OT ?1?.?? An IdentifyinQ Trade Mark SURIiAME INITtAL 7AB COTT A•Z iA6 INDEX MII,C E BY THE WTT INDEX COMPANY, WLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD ?Y OWEN i. DUNN, NEN IERN, NORTN GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? DATE MINUiE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Bills ?? 791-1018 approved for payrr?ent 10 9 194/?. 10 408 , 2. _ Bills ?? 791-1108 approved for payment. _ 10 16 1944, 10 409_ 3. Bills ?k 1109-1140 a.pproved for paymen?. . 10 23 i944, 1Q 410. 4. _ ?ills y? iI41-15?J5 approved for payment. .. 11 20 1944;. 10 415 .. 5. Bills ?k 1141-1766 approved for payment. 12 11 1944_ IO 418;. 6. Bills ?k 1767-1856 approved for payment. .; 12 18 1944.. 10 419 _ 7. Bills ?? 1857-2093 approve?. for payment. .. 1 8 1945, lU 422_. 8, Bills ?k 2094-2189 approved for payment. .. 1 15 1945. 10 423.. 9. Bi3?s ?? 2?90-2223 approved for pa3?ment. _ 1 22 1945 10 424 . 10. Bills ?? 2224-2378 approved for payment. 2 5 1945 10 426 11. Bills ?? 2379-2558 approved for payment. 2 19 1945 10 428 12. Bills ?? 2559-2614 approved for payment. 2 26 1945 10 430 13. Bills ?k 2615-2851 approved for payment. 3 12 1945 10 431 14. Bills ?k 2852-2951 approved for payment. 3 19 1945 10 432 15. Bills ?? 2952-3217 approved for payment. 4 9 1945 10 434 16. Bills ?? 32I8-3537 approved for payment. 5 7 1945 10 440 17. Bills ?k 3538-3629 approved for payment. S 14 1945 10 440 l8. Bills ?? 363fl-3652 approved for payment. 52t 1945 10 441 19. Bills ?? 3653-3859 approved for payment. 6 4 1945 10 443 20. Bills ?? 3860-39i)5 approved for payment. 6 11 1945 10 444 21. Bills ?? 3906-4010 approved for payment. 6 18 1945 10 446 22. Bill (chec?) ?k 4046 authorized duplicati.on. 6 25 1945 10 446 23. Bills ?k 4011-4034 approved for payment. 6 25 1945 10 446 24. Bills ?k 4035-4284 approved for payment. 7 9 1945 1Q 448 25. Bills ?k 1-26 approved for payment. 7 9 1945 10 448 26. Bills ?k 27-354 approved for payment. 8 6 1945 10 453 27. Bills ?? 355-780 approved for payment. 9 10 1945 10 457 28. Bills ?? 781-990 approved for payment. 10 1 1945 10 461 29. Bills ?? 990-1059 approved for payment. 10 8 1945 10 461 30. Bills ?? 1060-1455 approved for payment. 11 13 1945 10 466 31. Bills ?? 1456-1762 approved for payment. 12 10 1945 10 470 32. Bills ?k 1763-2046 approved for payment. 1 7 1946 10 476 33. Bills ?k 2047-2753 approved for payment. 3 11 1946 10 485 34. Bills ?? 2754-3087 approved for payment. 4 8 1946 10 492 35. Bills ?k 3088-3102 approved for payment. 4 15 1946 10 493. 36. Bills ?k 3103-3207 approved for payment. 5 7 1946 1? 496 37. Bills ?? 3208-33U6 approved for payment. 5 13 1946 10 496 38. Bills ?k 3307-3436 approved for payment. 6 10 194? 10 500 39. Bills ?? 3436-3515 approved for payment. 6 17 1946. 10 501 40. Bills ?? 3516-3559 approved for payment. 6 24 1946 10 502 41. Bills ?k 3560-3682 approved for payment. 7 1 1946 10 503 . 42. Bills ?? 3683?3721 approved for payment. 7 15 1946 10 505 43. Bills ?? 1-415 approved for payment. 9 16 1946 10 515 44. Bills ?k 416-616 approved for payment. 10 21 1946 10 521 45. Biils ??. 617-652 approved for payment. 10 21 1946 IO 522 46. Bills ?k 653-847 approved for payment. 11 12 1946 10 ?25 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?y, N. C. _ MATTER: Finance Depart?e?t - eec. u. s. ??Q. County Indezee Since 1888 ? To loea?? nam?s, op?n at COTT A•Z TA6 INDEX C.?.?tp?? An Identi ing Trade Mark MIIE E BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO e?r OFFICE fy fURNAME INITIAL TAY 30LD tT OwEN 0. DUNN, NEII ?ERN, NORTN UsOLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS l._ Bills ?k 848-898 approved for payment. 2., Bills ?E? 899-991 approved for payment. 3,. Bills ?? 992-1091 approved for payment. 4?. Bills ?k 1092-1104 approved for payment. 5.. Bills ?? 1105-1267 approved for payment. 6,. Bills ?? 1268-1293 approved for payment. _7., Bills ?k 1294-1296 approved for payment. 8.. Bills ?k 1297-1559 approved for payment. . 9, BiZZs ?k Z5b0-Z592 approved for payment. 10, Bills ?? 1593-1623 approved for payment. .11.. Bills ?k 1700-1956 approved for payment. 12 Bills ?k 1957-2130 approved for payment. 13. Bills ?k 2131-2291 approved for payment. 14. Bills ?? 2354-2551 approved for payment. .15,. Bills ?? 2292-22S2 approved for payment. 16. Bills ?? 2552-2575 approved for payment. ? 7. Bills ?? 1-32 approved for payment. .18, Bills ?? 33-165 approved for payment. ,19, Bills ?? 166-266 approved for payment. 20. Bills ?? 267-371 approved for payment. ? 21. Bills ?k 372-500 approved for payment. 22. Bills ?k 501-557 approved for payment. 23. Bills ?k 501-753 approved for payment. .24.. Bills ?? 754-1122 approved for payment. 25. Bills ?? 1123-1290 approved for payment. 26. Bills ?? ?29G-1512 approved for payment. 27, Bills ?? 1513-170? approved for payment. .28. Bills ?k 1709-2189 approved for payment. .29. Bills ?? 2190-2455 approved for payment. 30.. Bills ?k?1-174 approved for payment. 31. Bills ?k 175-520.approved for payment. 32. Bills ?? 521-590 approved for payment. 33. Bills ?k 591-939 approved for payment. 34, Bills ?k 940-1130 approved for payment. 35. Bills ?k 1131-1337 approved for payment. 36, Bills ?? 1338-1391 approved for payment. 37. Bills ,?? 1392-1601 approved for payment. 38. Bills ?k 1602-1693 approved for payment. 39, Bills ?? 1649-2056 approved for payment. 40. Bills ?k 2057-2204 approved for payment. 41. Bills ?k 2205-2248 approved for payment. 42. Bills ?? 2205-2659 approved for payment. 43. Bills??? 1-165 approved for payment. 44. Bills ?? 266-690 approved for payment. 45. Bills ?k 691-911 approved for payment. ,46. Bills ?k 912m990 approved for payment. DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 11 25 1946 12 9 1946 12 16 1946 12 30 1946. 1 13 1947 1 27 1947 2 3 1947 2 24 1947 3 10 1947 3 17 1947 4 14 1947 5 12 1947 6 9 1947 7 14 1947 7 23 1947 7 21 1947 7 21 1947 8 18 1.947 9 2 1947 9 22 1947 10 6 1947 10 13 1947 11 17 1947 1 12 1948 2 9 1948 3 22 1948 5 10 1948 6 14 1948 7 12 1948 8 16 1948 9 20 1948 10 18 1948 11 22 1948 12 20 1948 1 10 1949 1 24 1949 2 14 1949 3 14 1949 4 20 1949 5 9 1949 5 16 1949 7 11 1949 8 22 1949 9 6 1949 10 10 1949 10 528 10 530 10 531 10 532 10 534 10 537 10 538 10 547 10 549 10 551 10 560 10 565 10 570 10 575 10 572 10 576 10 576 10 580 10 583 10 586 10 588 10 589 11 1 11 9 11 13 11 l8 l ?: 26 11 36 11 36 11 41 11 46 1Z 52 11 59 11 63 11 67 11 69 11 75 11 81 11 88 11 92 11 93 11 106 11 116 11 119 11 127 10 24 1949 11 130 I ND EX TO COMMISSI ON ERS MINUTES --- N H t C N C T ew anover oun ?, . . _ MATTER Finance Department - asc. u. s. rnr OFfICE 'q???? County Indezea Since 1888 ??"it?z? An Identifying T[ade Mark ? TO (otWg pum?s? o?hn qt SURNAME IN171AL TA! MAIE Bti THE COTTT NDEX COMPANYx COLUMBUS, DHIO SOLD ?1 OWEN C. DUNN, NEII ?ERN, NORTN GROLIN? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BoOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Bills ?k 991-111? approved. for payment. _ 11 7 1949. 11 132.. 2. 3ills ?? 1119-1200 approved. for payment. , 11 21 1949„ 11 137 3. Bil l s ?'? 12Q 1-1371 approved for payment . _ 12 12 1949. 11 141 : 4. Bills ?k 1372-1562 approved for payment. 1 9 1950. 11 146 . 5. Bills ?? 1563-162? approved for payment. 1 16 1950 lI 148 6. Bills ?k 1622?-18E?8 approved for payment. _ 2 13 1950 11 157 7. Bills ?? 1869-2032 approved for payment. 3 13 1950 lI 1E?4 8. Bills ?k 1868-2316 approved for payment. . 4 17 1950 11 176 9. BiIIs ?? ZC?3I?m2222 approved for payment. 5 15 1950 11 186 10. Bills ?? 2454-32b5 agproved for payment. 8 14 1950 ?_1 202 11. Bills ?? 3266-3481 approved for payment. 9 11 1950 11 208 12. Bills ?? 34?2-3754 approved for payment. 10 l?u 1950 11 2I7 13. Bills ?? 3755-3968 approved for payment. 11 ?_3 1950 11 223. 14. Bills ?k 39b9-4250 approved for payment. 12 11 1950 11 230 15. Bills ?k 425i-4312 approved for payment. 12 27 1950 11 231 16. Bills ?? 4313-4722 approved for payment. 2 19 1951 11 242 17. Bi11s ?? 4313-498$ approved for payment. 3 19 1951 11 349 18. Bills ?? 4989-5238 approved for payment. 4 16 1951 11 255 19. Bills ?? 5239-5307 approved for payment. 4 23 1951 11 256 20. Bills ?k 5308-5509 approved for payment. 5 14 1951 li 260 21, Bills ?? 5510-5560 approved for payment. 5 21 1951 11 261 22. Bi11s ?k 5561-5724 approved for payment. 6 11 1951 11 265 23. Bills ?k 5725-6018 approved for payment. 7 23 1951 11 273 24. Bills ?k 6019-6452 approved for payment. 8 27 1951 11 284 _ 25. Bills ?? 6453-6725 approved for payment. 10 1 1951 11 291. 26. Bills ?? 6726-6953 approved for payment. 10 15 1951 ll? 294 27. Bills ?;? 6954-6980 approved ?or payment. 10 22 1951 11 297 28. Bills ?? 6981-7047 approved for payment. 11 5 1951 11 300 , 29. Bills ?? 7048-7284 approved for payment. 11 19 1951 11 3Q3 30. Bills ?k 7564-8059 approved for payment. 2 11 1952 11 317 31. Bi11s ?? 8071-841_9 approved for payment. 3 24 1952 Il 326 32. Bills ?? 8420-8578 approved for payment. 4 7. 1952 11 330 33. Bills ?? 8579-8805 approved for payment. 4 15 1952 11 331 34. Bills ?? 8806-8835 approved for payment. 4 21 1952 11 332 35. Bills ?k 8836-8888 approved for payment. 4 28 1952 11 333 36. Bills ?k 9121-9154 approved for payment. 5 19 1952 11 337 37. Bills ?? 8889-9120 approved for payment. 5 2 1952 11 336 38. Bills ?? 9155-9513 approved for payment. 6 9 1952 I1 340 39. Bills ?? 9514?9583 approved for payment. 6 16 1952 11 343 40= Bi11s ?? 9584-9634 approved for pa_yment. 6 23 1952. 11 345 41, Bills ?? 9635-9750 approved for payment. 6 30 1952 11 346 42. B:?lls ?k 97?1-1002 approved for payment. 7 7 1952. 11 350 . 43. Bi.lls ?? 1003-1Q58 approved for payment. 7 14 1952 11 351 44. Bills ?k 1-30 approved for p ayment. 7 14 1952 11 351.. 45. Bills ?? 31-244 approved for payment. 8 11 1952 11 358 46. Bills ?k 245-353 approved fo r payment. 8 18 1952 11 359 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATTER: Finance Department - aec. u. s. 'A??? County Indexea Since 1888 ? TO loea+s nam?s, Op?11 at COTi A•2 TA! INDEX ??r OFFICE ?c? An ldentifying Trade Mark M0.CF By THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO fURNAME INITIAL iAB SOLD tY OWEN i. pUNN, NEII ?ERM, NORTX GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS 1.? Bills ?k 354-515 approved for payment. 2. Bills ?? 516-662 approved for payment. 3, Bills ?? 663-996 approved for payment. _ 4,, Bills ?? 997-1033 approved for payment. . 5. Bi11s ?? 1034-1072 approved for payment. 6. Bills ?k 1034-1184 approved for payment, 7., Bills ?? 1185-1321 approved for payment. . 8. Bills ?? 1322-1501 approved for payment. 9. BiIIs ?? Z502-Z596 approved for payment. .10. Bills ?? 1497-1702 approved for payment. 11, Bil1s ?? 1703-1815 approved for payment. 12. Bills ?k 1816-1872 approved for payment. 13. Bills ?? 1816-1933-approved for payment. 14. Bill? ?? 1934-2088 approved for payment. 15. Bills ?k 2029-2156 approved for ?ayme:?.t. 16. Bills ?? 2157-2203 approved for payment. 17. Bills ?? 2204-2238 approved for payment. .18. Bills ?? 2239-2358 approved for payment. 19, Bills ?? 2359-2414 approved for payment. 20. Bills ?k 2415-2487 approved for payment. 21. Bills ?k 2488-2563 approved for payment. .22. Bills ?k 2464-2745 approved for payment. ,23. Bills ?? 2746-2878 approved for payment. 24, Bil1s ?? 2899-2925 approved for payment. .25. Bills ?k 2926-30U4 approved for payment. 26. Bills ?? 3005-3196 approved for payment. .27. Bills ?? 3I97-3289 approved for payment. 28, Bills ?? 3290-3440 approved for payment. .29. Bills ?? 3441-3493 approved for payment. 30. Bills ?? 3494-3588 approved for payment. .31. Bills ?? 3589-3664 approved for payment. 32? Bills ?? 3665-3817 approved for payment. 33. Bills ?? 3818-3942 approved for payment. 34. Bills ?? 3043-4010 approved for payment. 35. Bills ?? 4010-4239 approved for payment. 36. Bills ?? 4240-? approved for payment. 37. Bills ?? 1-379 approved for payment. 38. Bills ?? 380-569 approved for payment. 39? Bills ?? 710-806 approv?d _for pay-??.ent. (checks) 40, Bills ?k 807-1108 approved for pa_yment. 41. Bills ?? 1109-1403 approved for payment. 42. Bills ?? 1404-1580 approved for payment. 43.. Bills ?? 1581-1689 approved for payment. 44. Bills ?? 1581-1643 approved for payment. 45? Bills ?k 1644-1870 approved for payment. 46.. Bills ?k 1871-2091 approved for payment. DATE MINUiE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 9 3 9 15 10 13 10 20 10 27 11 3 11 10 11 17 Zl 24 12 1 12 15 12 15 12 22 1 S 1 12 1 19 1 26 2 2 2 9 2 16 3 2 3 9 3 16 3 23 3 30 4 15 4 20 5 4 5 11 5 18 5 26 6 8 6 15 7 6 7 13 g 3 8 17 8 24 9 21 10 19 11 16 11 30 12 7 12 14 12 21 1 11 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 t953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1954 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 ZZ 11 11 11 11 11 11 ?1 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 363 365 372 373 375 376 378 379 38z 382 385 386 388 390 392 393 395 397 399 40 2 405 407 409 410 412 414 416 419 420 422 424 427 429 435 437 443 447 449 455 462 466 469 474 475 476 469 I ND EX TO C OMMISS ION ERS MINUTES - N H C t N C ew anover oun ?, . . _ MATT R?inance Department - aec. u. s. rAr OFiICE County Indezee Since 1888 ??7G? An ldenti[yinQ Trade Mark ??+?.-? To IotaN nam?s, op?n af ?'?-8 fURlEAME INIiIAL 7AQ COTT A•2 TA? INDEX MQ,EE BY THE COTT INDEX WMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD ?Y OWEN i. OUNN, NEN iERN, NORik GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month " Day Year Vol. Page . l. Bills ?? 2092-2155 approved for payment. . 1 18 1954_ 11 480 2. Bills ?k 2272-2452 approved for paymemt. 2 8 1954. 11 485.. 3. Bills ?? 2453-2595 approved for payment. ,. 2 15 1954. 11 4&6.. 4. Bills ?? 2453-2?93 approved for payrnent. 2 23 1954,. 11 488 .. 5. Bills ?k 2594-2749 approved for payment. 3 8 1954- 11 492- 6. Bills ?? 2750-2786 approved for payment. , 3 15 1954, 11 494 . 7. Bills ?k 2787-2923 approved for payment. 3 22 1954. 11 495 , 8. Bills ?k 2924-3028 approved for payment. . 3 29 1954 11 497 ., 9. Bi2?s ?? 3029-3D99 approved for paymen?. 4 5 ?9.?/? ?? ?98 10. Bills ?? 3100-3278 approved for payment. 4 20 1954 11 506 11. Bills ?k 3279-3384 approved for payment. 5 3 1954 11 511, 12. Bills ?k 3385-3428 approved for payment. 5 10 1954 11 513 13. Bills ?k 3429-3494 approved for payment. 5 17 1954 11 514 14. Bills ?? 3495-3681 approved for payment. 5 24 1954 11 516 15. Bills ?? 3682-3707 approved for payment. 6 1 1954 11 517 16. Bills ?? 3008-3795 approved for payment. 6 7 1954 11 519 17. Bills ??3 797-3865 approved f or payment. 6 14 1954 11 521 18. Bills ?? 3866-4034 approved for payment. 6 21 1954 11 524 19. Bills ?k 266-488 approved fo r payment. 8 23 1954 11 S38 20. Bills ?? 489-586 approved fo r payment. 8 30 1954_ 11 540 21. Bills ?4r esented and approve d. 9 13 1954 11 541 22. All bill s p?esented for payment. 9 20 1954 11 542 23. Bills ?k 927-962 approved fo r payment. 10 11 1954 11 546.. 24e Bills ?? 962-1029 apgroved,f or payment. 10 14 1954 11 547 25. Bills ?k 1030-1226 ?.pproved for payt?t?nt. 11 1 1954 11 550 26. Bills ?k 1227-1311 approved for payment. 11 8 1954 11 553 _ 27. Bills ?k 1312-1442 approved for payment. 11 15 1954 11 554 28. Bills ?? 1443-1533 approved for payment. 11 22 1954 11 556 29. Bills ?? 1534-1589 approved for payment. 11 29 1954 11 557 30. Bills ?k 1590-1699 approved for payment. 12 6 1954 11 559 31. Bills ?k 1700-1802 approved for payment. 12 13 1954 11 561 32. Bills ?? 1803-1901 approved for payment. 12 20 1954. 11 563 33. Bills ?? 1902-2066 approved for payment. 1 10 1955 11 567 34. Bills ?? 2067-2122 approved for payment. 1 17 1955 11 569 35. Bills ?k 2123-2235 approved for payment. 1 24 1955 11 571 36. Bi11s ?? 2236-2334 approved for payment. 1 31 ?_955 11 572 37. Bills ?k 2335-2499 approved for payment. 2 14 1955 11 576 38. Bills ?k 250?-2586 approved for payment. 2 21 1955 11 577 39. Bills ?? 2587-2822 approved for payment. 3 14 1955 11 583 40. Bills ?k 2823-2918 approved for payment. 3 21 1955 11 584 41. B?lls ?? 2823-3259 approved for payment. 4 18 1955 11 590 42. Bills ?k 3260-3386 approved for payment. 4 25 1955 11 592 43. Bills ?k 3387-3442 approved forpayment. S 2 1955 11 595 44. Bills ?? 3443-3521 approved for payment. 5 9 1955 11 597 45. Bi_lls ?? 3522-3?08 approved for payment. 5 16 1955 11 599 46. Bills ?? 3609-3724 approved for payment. 5 23 1955 11 601 . t INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - N H C N C anover oun ?, ew . . , MATTER: Finance Departme nt - ?ao. u. s. ??q q County Indexes Since 1888 ? Yo loea±? nam?s, Opl? al PAT orvice (.?,d?Jl?.?e.7.'?',1 Anlden6fyingTradeMarlc fURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A-2 TAY INDEX MwCE BY THE COTT INDEX WMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD iY OYYEN i. 6UNN, NEN tERN, NORTH GROlINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Bills ?k 3725-3793 approved for payment. 6 31 1955 11 602 2.. Bills ?? 3794-3889 approved for payment. 6 6 1955 11 604 3.. Bi11s ?? 3890-3987 approved for payment. 6 13 1955 11 606 4. Bills ?? 39$8-4071 approved for payment. 6 20 1955 11 607 5.. Bills ?k 4Q72-4146 approved for payment. 6 27 1955 11 609 6.. Bills ?k 4147-4330 approved for payment. 7 5 1955 11 611 7.. Bills ?k 4331-23789 approved for payment. 7 1$ 1955 11 615 8.. Bills ?? 23790-23818 approved for payment. 7 25 1955 11 618 9. BiIZs appzoved for payment. 8 1 1955 11 619 10. Al1 bills approved for payment. 8 8 1955 11 622 11.. All bills,to 24109 approved for payment. 8 15 1955 11 625 12._ Bills ?? 24105-24209 approved for payment. 8 29 1955 11 627 13. Bills ?? 24306-24388 approved for payment. 9 12 1955 11 630 14. Bills ?? 24389-24448 approved for payment. 9 19 1955 11 632 15.._ Bills ??24449-24531 approved for payment. 9 26 1955 12 2 16. Bills summitted by C.P.A.'s, County books disucssed. 10 3 1955 12 6 17. Payment of $1.00 approved for the Labor Department, County books discussed. 10 10 1955 12 8 18. Bills ?? 2456-24699 approved foz payment. 10 10 1955 12 9 :19. Bills ?? 24700-24782 approved for payment. 10 24 1955 12 11 20. Bills ?k 24782-24958 approved for payment. 10 31 1955 12 15 21, Bill of $35.00 approved for payment to Robert E. Calder. 11 7 1955 12 16 22. Bills ?? 24959-24997 approved for payment. 11 7 1955 12 16 23. Bills ?? 70-I59 approved for payment? 11 14 1955 12 18 24. Bills ?? 160-225 approved for payment. 11 21 1955 12 20 25. Bills ?k 226-286 approved for payment. 11 28 1955 12 21 .26. Bills ?? 287-418 approved for payment. 12 5 1955 12 24 27. Bills ?k 419-532 approved for payment. 12 19 1955 12 28 28. Bills ?k 533-692 approved for payment. 1 3 1956 12 32 29, Mr. William C. Barfield employed to audit the Coun??y books. 1 9 1956 12 33 30. Bills ?? 693-77G approved for payment. 1 9 1_956 I2 33 31, Received rQceipts for Harbor Island_.Disaster I?rainage. 1 16 1956 12 34 32. Bills ?? 771-894 approved for payment. 1 17 1.956 12 36 33. Received checks for hurricane damages. 1 23 1956 12 37 34. Bills ?k 894-987 approved for payment. 1 23 1956 12 38 35. Bills ?k 988-1091 approved for payment. 1 23 1956 12 38 .36. Payment approved for County-City Industrial Survey. 2 6 1956 12 41 37. Premium returned on boiler insurance, turned over to County Auditor. 2 6 1956 12 41 38. Approved increases and transfers of General Funds. 2 6 1956 12 42 39. Bills ?k 1092-1195 approved for payment. 2 6 1956 12 42 40. Received check from Harbor Island for drainage work. 2 20 1956 12 45 41. Approved payment Caunty half for repairs to Cape Fear Armory Building. 2 27 1956 12 48 42,. Approved payment of r?ot more $50.,00 to the Sheriff Department. 3 5 1956 12 ?50 43. Received check from Harbor Island Citizens Committee. 3 5 1956 12 50 44. Bills $ 1468-1525 approved for payment. 3 5 1956 12 51 45. Received check for sale of TB Hospital, County Auditor to deposit funds. 3 12 1956 12 51 46. Approved payment, attorney fee to Mr. W.K. Rhodes. 3 12 1956 I2 52 IND EX TO COMMISSIONERS MI?UTES -- N H t C N C anover oun y, ew . . , MATTER• Finance Department - acc. u. s, ? ret OFFICE C. r? ? ,p?,'? County Indezee Since 1888 ? TO IOCO?? Ra1Mf. Op?? Cf .?.ep/?t?.o?' Anldentifying'TradeMark SURKAME INITIAL TAS C07i A-2 TAE INDEX MI6[E BY THE COT7 INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, DHIO SOlD ?1' OWEN i. DUNN, NBN IERA, NOR1N GROlINA NATURE OF PROtEEDlNGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page ? 1. Approved pa?rnent to repair Iights in Juvenile Office. 3 12 1956. 12 52 2. Bi11s ?? 1575-1661 approved for payment. _ 3 12 1956.. 12 52 .. 3. Received check from Harbor Island Citizens Committee. 3 19 1956. 12 54 , 4. Bills ?? 1682-1730 approved for payment. 3 1? 1956.. 12 54 5. Received check from Harbor Island Citizens Committee. _ 3 26 19s6.. 12 56 6. Received check from ABC Board. ? _ 4 3 1956 12 57 .. 7. Bills ?k 1770-1932 approved for paym.ent. . 4 3 1956 12 57 8. Recei=Ted check from H??rbor Island Citizens Committee. :. 4 9 1956 12 58 .. 9. BilZs ?? I947-2056 ?.pproved for payment. 4 9 1956.. 12 59._ 10. Received check from Harbor Island Citizens Committee. 4 16 1956 12 60 11. Received statement of County Revenue, submitted by County Auditor. 4 I6 1956 12 61 12. Bills ?? 1971-2108 approved for payment. 4 16 1956 12 61 13. Approved payment County part for Azalea Festival.Luncheon. 4 23 1956 12 64 14. Bills ?k 2137-2194 approved for payment. 4 23 1956_. 12 64 15, Approved ."50,00 Special Attorney Fee. 4 30 1956. 12 66 16. Bills ?k 2204-2293 approved for payment. 4 30 1956 12 6f? 17. Request granted to increase Wilmington College budget. S 14 1956 12 68 18. Funds gr anted for repairs and additions to County owned buildings. 5 14 1956 12 68 19. Bills ?? 2328p2452 approved far payment. 5 ?4 1956 12 69 20. Approved payment of $1.C0 to State Departmen t of Labor. 5 21 1956 12 70 21. Vouchers for b?±lls paid or to be paid to be presented at Mondays meeting. 5 21 1956 12 71 22. Bills ?k 247?-2517 approved for payment. 5 21 1956 12 71 23. Approved payment to Drs. for services as witnesses. 5 28 1956 12 73 24. Received receipts from Government for School Lunch Progra.rn., by County Auditor. 5 28 1956 12 73 25. Bills ?? 2588-2626 approved for payment. 5 28 1956 12 73 26. Bills ?k 2519-2627 presented for inspection. 5 28 1956. 12 73 . 27. Received receipt from State Civil Defense for Harbor Island Drainage work. 6 4 195C. I2 74.. 28. Approved payment of bills for Primary May26. 6 4 1956 12 74 ?'?. ?ills ?? 2646-2711 approved for payment. 6 4 1956 12 74 30, Bills ?k 2777-2861 approved for payment. 6 11 1956 12 76 31. Bills ?k 2798-2924 approved for payment. 6 18 1956 12 77 32. Mr. Will ia.m C. Barfield CPA, was awarded cor?rtract to audit Cou.nty books and records. 6 25 1956 ?2 78 33. Payment approved fur second przmary. 6 25 1956 12 79.. 34, Bi11s ?k 2949-3045 approved for payment. 6 25 1956 12 79 35. Approved payment t? Atlantic Coastline Railroad. 7 2 1956 12 80 36. Received check for Government joint use of BluetY?.enthal Field. 7 2 1956 12 80 37. Received receipts from ABC Baard. 7 2 1956 I2 80 38. Bills ?k 30?+6-3?120 approved for payment. 7 2 1956. 12 80 39. Bills ?? 3182-3286 approved for payment. 7 9 1956 12 82 40. BiZls ?k 3306-3327 ?pProved for pa_yment. ., 7 16 1.956 12 83 41. Approved funds for Civil Air Patrol. 7 30 1956" 12 86 42. BiZZs ?k 3414-3456 approved for payment. 7 30 1956 ? 12 87 43. Approve payment County part f9r Industrial Survey. 8 6 1956 12 88 44. County Auditor advised to reinstate $10.00 to Mrs Evelyn Larson's salary. 8 6 1956 12 89 45. Bills ?? 3468-3562 appr?ved for payment. 8 6 1956. I2 89_ 46. Received check County share of Intangibles Personal Property Tax. 8 20 1956 12 90 . INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATT RT Finance Department - aec. u. s. County Indexee Since 1888 ? TO IoCa? nom?s? Op?O ut COTT A•Z TAY INDEX ver OFFICE G.??.ealJ?? AnldentifyingTradeMark MILCE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHID SURKAME INITIAL iAQ SOLD iY ONEN 0. CYNN, NEN fERN, NORSH GROLIN? DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? . Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Bills ?? 3584-3677 approved for payment. 2, Bills ?? 3734-3771,approved for payment. . 3? Authorized payment of bills for extra General Election. ? 4, Bills ?? 3892-4006 approved for payment. . 5. Bills ?? 4053-4103 approved for payment. . 6. Bills from Mr. Sponcler for over-time ordered returned to him without favorable action. _7. Bills ?? 4252-4329 approved for payment. . 8.. Bills ?? 4370-4486 approved for payment. 9. BilZs ?k 4500-4602 approved for payment. .10._ Approved payment of bills for Special Election. 11. Approved payment of Special Attorney Fees. 12. Bi11s ?k 4611-4662 approved for payment. .13. Approved $250.00 for Community Seaside Hotel Cooperation. 14. Bills ?? 4132-4884 approved for payment. 15. Bills ?k 4889-4914 approved for payment. 16. Bills ?? 49?4-5052 approved for payment. 17. Bi11s ?? 5053-5156 approved for payment, .18. Bills ?? 5218-5278 approved for payment. 19. Board discussed policy of paying fu??ae bills. 20. Bill for X-ray of County employeeheld in abeyance. 21. Approved payment ?f $18.00 to Credit Bureau. 22.. County Auditor presented statement of appropriations and Disbursements. 23.. Approved payment of $20.00 to Mrs H. R. Kuhl, upon releasi:?.?.g County from any liability. 24. Approved payment to Mr. William M. Camerson, Jr. Attorney. 25. Approved payment to Dr. H?u.bert Eaton and W.K. Rhodes, Jr. Attorney. 26. Authorized payment of "?350. refund to Steve Griannaros, over payment to TB Hospital. 27., Request from Cole-Layer-Trumber Co. for payment, left with County Auditor. 28. Approved payment of bill to State Magazine. 29. Received detail statement of County Budget. 30. Received check for City part of Community Hospital. 31. Received check from State Department of Agric. for Farm Census. 32, No objections to payment of $6,000.00 to Community Hospital to meet payroll. 33. Approved payment to City for door repair at Armory. 34. Approved payment to Elbert A. Broc?m and Aaron Goldbery, Attorneys. 35. Approved payment for Student Government Day. 36. Approved payment County share to Cape ??'?ar Club. 37. Approved payment to Mr. J.H. Ferguson, ?_tt:orney Fee. 38. Received request frorr? Solicito?Bruney, $300.00 for returning prisons from N. Y.S. 39. Approved payment County share to R.P. Page, Ec?itor's Air Cruse. 40. Approved funds for Wilmington Merchants' Association. 41. Approved payment of attorney Fees to ?i?T. K. Rhodes and W. K. Rhodes,Jr. 42. Communication received regarding Community Hospital funds. 43.. Received report of County Records, referred to County Auditor. 44. Approved payment County part for Advertising in State Association Book. 45.. Payment requested from Thrif-T-Stores, referred t? Clerk with power to act. 46. Authority given to pay Luther Coleman, Jz,Community Hospital Controller. 8 20 1956 12 91 8 27 1956 12 93 9 10 1956 12 94 9 10 1956 12 94A 9 17 1956 12 95 10 8 1956 12 99 10 ? 1956 12 100 10 22 1956 12 103 1D 29 19.?b 12 1D4 11 5 1956 12 104 11 5 1956 12 106 11 5 1956 12 106 11 19 1956 12 108 11 19 1956 12 108 11 26 1956 12 110 12 3 1956 12 113 12 10 1956 12 115 12 17 1956 12 117 12 31 1956 12 117 1 14 1957 12 122 1 21 1957 12 123 1 21 1957 12 123 1 28 1957 12 125 3 4 1957 12 135 3 11 1957 12 I37 4 1 1957 12 142 4 1 1957 12 142, 4 15 1957 12 144 4 15 1957 12 145 5 13 1957 12 152 5 20 1?57 12 153 6 3 1957 12 157 6 3 19.?7 12 157 6 "17 1957 12 159 6 17 1957 12 160 7 1 1957 12 163 7 1 1957 12 163 7 1 1957 12 165 7 15 1957 12 167 8 5 1957 12 171 8 5 1957 12 172 8 12 1957 12 174 8 19 1957 12 175 9 16 1957 12 180 9 23 1957 12 182 9 23 1957 12 182 t N C C N H IND?X TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES oun ?, . anover ew -- . _??ATTER: Finance Dep artme nt - aea. u. s. ??j County Indesee Since 1888 ? Te lomh Ilumas. op?n af COiT A-2 TAB INDEX ru OFflCE C?.ap?1?? An IdentifyinQ Trade Marlc IYlll? E 811 THE C0T7 INDEX COMP/1NY, COLUMBUS, ONIO SURliAME INITIAL TAB SOIC ?Y OWEN i. pUNN, NEII ?ERN, NORTM pROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month ? Day Year Vol. Page l. Approved payment of $125.Q0 to Dr. H.A. Eaton. _ 9 23 1957 12 182., 2. Authorized partial payment to H.V. Oesen for seruices, Courth:?use air conditioning. 10 7 1957. 12 185 ., 3. Approved paym.ent to Cape Fear Club for luncheon for Foreign Students. .,10 7 195Z 12 185 4. Received payment for damages o? b?iler at Community Hospital, ..10 7 1957. 12 1$6.. 5. Funds to pay for Memograph ? Machine taken from Capital Outlay in Auditor's Office. _. 1Q 28 1957.. 12 190 ., 6. Approved payment to Industrial Properties Inc. 11 18 1957_ 12 193 7. Approved payment oF $250.OOto Safety Council. 11 25 1957 12 195 8?. Approved payment of $156.50 to Sheriff Department. 11 25 1957 12 195 9. Approved payment of $7.63 for. 1957 Session Laws. 11 25 1957 12 195 10. Approved payment for Engineers Dinner. 12 23 1957 12 204 11. Approved payment to Ideal Plumbing Co. 2 3 1958 12 219 12. Authorized payme??it to City for ?.zalea Festival Luncheon. 2 10 1958 12 222 13. Authorized payment of two invoices from the Cape Fear Club. 2 10 1958 12 222 „ 14. -Approved payment of $9,293.00 for Election. 2 17 1958 12 225 15. Appropriated $400.00 for Azalea Golf Tournament. 2 24 1958 12 226 16. Appropriated $600.00 for Azalea Advertising. 3 3 1958 12 231 17? Approved payment to Mr. Cyrus D. Hogue,Jr. for b?nd assistantance. 3 10 1958 12 233 18. Approved payment to School Auditor. 3 17 1958 .12 235 19. Advanced funds for May Election. 3 17 1958 12 235 , 20. Accepted check on unearr?ed ?r•emium for Hospital Boiler. , 3 24 1958_ 12 237 21. Approved payment to Camber-Moore Plumbing Co. 4 17 1958 12 245 22. Approved payment for Run-Off Election. 6 30 1958 12 272 23. Accepted check from Insuranee Co. for County Farm Boiler. 7 28 1958 12 284 24. Approved $28.000 for pipe from City to TExtile Firm.. 7 30 1958 l2 285 25. A?proved p?.yment invQice to the Institute o? Government. , 9 8 1958_ 12 299 26. Appropriated $150.00 from Emer:gency Fund to Home Agent Travel expense. , 9 15 1958„ 12 301 27. Approved payment of invoice for apprazser of land near Airport. 9 22 1958 12 305 28. Appropriated funds for the Merchants Association. 9 22 1958 l2 305 29. Approved $500.00 Attorriey fees and $250 retainer fee to Mr. George Rountree, Jr. 9 29 1958 12 309 30. Appropriated funds for Christmas at Institutions. 10 6 1958 12 312 31. ?pproved payment of invoice for CAP Friendship Days. 10 6 1958 12 313 32. All appropriations to be paid after County Attorney approve checks. 10 13 1958 12 314 33. Approved p?.yment of invoice for map and discription of Old Sanitorium Site. 10 13 1958 12 314 34. Approved payment of invoices from Queen City Coacli. Co., Jacksonville, N.C. and Sea - 10 13 1958 12 314 Shore Transportation Co., New Bern. 35. Funds approved relati?? to Stockholm Cruise. 10 27 1958 12 320 36. Appropriated funds fc?r SENCland Development Association. 11 3 1958 12 322 37. Approved payment of Election bills. 11 10 1958 12 323 38. Approved additional funds for Drainage and Erosion. 11 17 1958 12 331 39. Approved funds for the Merchants Association. 11 17 1958 12 331 40. Appropriated funds for S.E.N.C.B.A. -,.:ll 17 1958; :12 332 41. Appropriated $20.00 extra monthly for South Wilmington Fire Department. 11 24 1958 12 335 42. Check for School damages credited to Unanticipated Fund. 11 24 1958 12 335 43. Approp-riated additional funds to the Pension Fund. 12 1 1958 12 338 44. Approved add;tional funds for gu.arding cars during Cruse. 12 15 1958 12 347 45. Appropriated $100.00 to Travelers Aide Society. 12 22 1958 12 347 k. H t C C N INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- N ? oun y, ew anover . . _ MATT R Finance Department - eec. u. s. 'p???? County Indezea Since 1888 ? TO loea!? nam?s, Opln at COTT A•2 TAB INDEX r?r OFFICE ??Ir.{,o-?i An Identifying Trade Mark MILC E BY 7HE COiT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, DHIO SURIiAME INIiIAL TAB SOLD ?Y OWEN i. CUNN, NEw tERN, NORTN GROLINA ? E NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE ? MlNUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Approved payment of invoice for survey of Old Sanitorium Site. 1 12 1959 12 358 2. Approved payment of invoice for Courthouse Steeple. 1 12 1959 12 358 3. Approved payment of bills up to $1,000 for Azalea Festival. 1? 26 1959 12 364 4. Approv?d pa;rment of $100.00 for advertising in State Magazine. „ 1 26 1959 12 364 5. Appropriated $450.00 for Azalea Golf Tournament. 2 2 1959 12 368 . 6. Appropriated $42.30 for ?'ravel Expense permit for Social Service. 2 2 ?959 12 369 7.. Approved payment of bill for Supreme Court cost. 2 2 1959 12 370 . 8. Approved payment of County Commissioners dues. 2 2 1959 12 370 9. Authorized.advance payment for College fund.s. 2 2 1959 12 370 10. Authorized payment of Auditor's extra cost. 2 9 1959 12 374 11. Approved payment for Substitue Court Recorder. 2 9 1959 12 374 12. Approved $500.00 for amblance equipment. 2 18 1959 12 385 13. Approved $190.00 for Home Agent. 3 9 1959 12 394 .14. Approved $45.00 payment of Election bill. 3 9 1959 12 394 15. Approved payment of $250.00 unanticipated fund to Sheriff's office. 3 9 1959 12 394 16?Appropriated $450.00 for U.S.O. C1ub. 3 23 19;9 12 404 17. Appropriated $75.00 for N.A.C.O. 3 23 1959 12 404 18. Appropriated $400.00 to Register of Deeds. 3 23 1959 12 405 ?3.9. ApproJed payment of $25.0t? for Jaycee's Advertising. 4 20 1959 ?2 422 20.. Appropriated $150.00 to pay guards to protect cars stored during cruise. 4 22 1959 l? 422 21. Approved payment of $500.00 to employ Mr. George Rountree, Jr. Attorney, 4 22 1959 12 422 22. Approved payment of travel expense for County Attorney to represent County in Court. 4 22 1959 12 422 .23. Approved pagrment of $1,000.00 invoice to Carolina Printing and Stamp Co.? 5 4 1959 12 423 24. Approved appropriations and transfers presented to balance bud.get. 5 4 1959 12 427 25. Approved payment of $171.25 for printing the brief in the appeal of Dr. Eaton. 5 4 1959 12 430 26.. Approved payment of $26,000.00 less $5000.00 for settlement to Bruce 1?. Cameron. 5 13 19?9 I2 432 27. Approved payment of $101.57 attorney's fee in case of Dr. Eaton. S I8 1959 12 436 28. Approved payment of $2,130.44 for Stock Show and Sales. 6 1 1959 12 439 29, Approved payment of $25.00 for National F?deration of Post Office Clerks. 6 15 1959 12 446 30. Approved request for appropriations an.d transfers for proper adjustment of budget. 6 15 1959 12 447 31,_ Appropriated $400.00 for reprinting DAR Handbook. 7 6 1959 12 459 32.. Received check amount of $1771.09 balance for sale of property owned by H. A. Frost. 7 6 1959 12 461 33. Approved payment of bill for $180,00 to Airport Engineering Associates. 7 20 1959 12 468 34. Approved payment of $2998.52 for Chamber of Commerce. 7 20 1959 12 468 35. Appropriated $],000 for Military Units in Count?r. 7 22 1959 12 472 36. Approved and adopted appropriation resolution. 7 22 1959 12 472 37. Appropri?.ted $900.00 for Airport Insurance, amended resolution for increased amount. 8 3 1959 12 476 38. Appropriated 2 for fiscal year to USO payments, made monthly. 8 3 1959 12 476 39.. Appropriated $750.00 to CAP Friendship Days. 8 12 1959 12 481 40, Appropriated $48,Q00 for hurricane damage repairs, to be replaced by the Government. 8 12 1959 12 485 41. Appropriations for Industrial Development reduced from $10,000 to $5,000. 8 12 1959 12 485 42. Appropriations for Vocational salaries reduced from $37,000 to $31,400. 8 12 1959 12 485 43. Appropriated $100.00 for Ame?ican Legion Advertising, 8 17 1959 12 487 44. Appropriated $1,000 for SENCBA. 9 8 1959 12 492 45. Appropriated $75.00 Co?ta.nty half for repai?s to Armory boiler. 9 21 1959 12 489 46. Appropriated $75.00 for Dinner of H.C. Rowland being transferred. 9 21 1959 12 489 1 INDEX TO C?MMISSIONERS MINUTES - N H C t N C T ew anover oun ?, . , _ M TTER Finance Department - aea. u. s. .?q ?,,,'q County Indezes Since 1883 ? TO IOCOh Aetllff. Op?D aT COTT A-2 TAB INDEX r?r OFF7CE L??i!-^4/i?cLO.? An ldentifYinB Trade MarF SURIEAME INITIAL TAB MIiCF BY 7HF (077 lNDEX COMPANY, COlUMBUS. ON10 SOLD ?Y OWEN G. DUNN, NEII iERN, NORTX GROIINA NATURE OF PROCEEDtNGS ? DAtE ? M1NUTE BOOK Month Day Year ' Vol. Page ? ?? l. Appropriated $160.00 for State Port Authority Plaque. ..10 5 1959; 12 501„'' 2. , Approved $500.00 from advertising fund for Merchants Association ?romotion. . 10 7 1959: 12 505,: 3. _ Appropriated $3500.U0 ?or Wrightsville dredging operation. .10 19 1959. 12 505.: 4. ? Approv?ed ,,$27.29 for Public Health Students. .. 10 19 1959; 12 506 :: 5o Appropriated $100.00 from advertising fund to the SencLand Development. .:11 16 195?. 12 513.. 6. Appropriated $675.00 for jail safety. .11 16 1959; 12 515 7. Appropriated $280.00 for Airport field repairs. 11 16 1959 12 517 8. Appropriated $?100.00 ???ur?ty part for Armory boiler. 12 7 1959; 12 520 9, Appropriated ?5.00 per school per inspection for Harry J. Everett. 12 -`7 1959 12 521 10. Appropriated $125.00 donations to Instztutzons. 12 7 1959 12 521 11. Appropriated $4,00.00 from emergency fund for Courthouse repairs. 12 7 1959 12 522 12. Appropriated $60.00 for drainage and erosion at Freeman Beach. 12 7 1959 12 522 13. Approved $1318.80 from emergency fund for additional Court cost. .12 21 1959 12 526 14. Approved $732.00 from emergency fund for County Farm pump. 12 21 1959 12 526 . 1?. Approved payment of $76.50 to Mr. Futchs, Jr. school inspectc?r. l 18 1960 12 536. 16. Approved appropriations and ,?ransfers for underestimated budget items. 1 18 19?0 12 537, 17. Approved payment of invoices from SENCBA. 1 I8 1960 12 538 18. Appropriated $100.00 from advertising fund for Azalea Festival. 2 1 1960_ 12 541 19. Approved $1,050.00 for County part for Azalea Luncheon. 2 1 1960 12 541 20. . Appropriated $270.70 for Commissioners travel account. 2 15 1960 12 546 21. Approved $900.00 from County Home fund for cementing livestock arena floor, 2 15 1960 12 546_ 22. AFpropriatecl $50.00 for decoration for Azalea Festiavl. 3 7 1960 12 548 23. Appropriated $75.00 to Mr. Oesen for inspection of Health Building. „ 3 14 1960 12 552 24. Appropriated $2700.00 for Courthouse repairs. 3 21 I960 12 522 25. Approved payment of $90.00 to the Board of Election. 3 21 1960 12 522 26. Appropriated $11,812.50 to ?Tilmington College Building fund. 3 21 1960 12 556 27. Appropriated $450.00 from advertising fund to Wilmington Ath?Etic Association. 4 4 1960 12 559 28. Approved appropria?ions and transfers in order to balance accounts in various Depts. . 4 ?€ 1960 12 559 29. Allocated $2130.00 from advertising fund to Agric. Committee. 4 4 1960 12 562 30. Ap?roved payment of $138.8h for accident claim against dragline at Kure Beach. 5 2 1960 12 569 31. Approved ,$275,00 for Law L?brary lights. 5 2 1960 12 572 32. Approved ?550.00 to Azalea Festival Committee. 5 16 1960 12 573 ? 33. Approved transfers and appropriations to balance accounts in various Department. 5 16 1960 12 575.. 34. Approved adjustments and transfers to balance budget. 6 6 1960 12 577 35. Approved payment of $400.00 for DAR Magazine. 6 27 1960. 12 581 36. Budget meeting, approved $21,068.00 Commissioners budget, $50,817.83 Airport budget. 7 7 1960 12 588 37. Approved $22,485.00 for individtaal items for the Auditor, $3850.00 for Civil Defense. 7 7 1960 12 588 38. Approved $500.00 for Cape Fear Armory repairs, $10,000 for Carolina Beach erosion. 7 7 1960. 12 588 39. Approved $3?,000 for Industrial Development, $3,600 and $13,559.49 for Libraries. 7 7 1.960. 12 588.. 40. Approve? $100.00 for membership fee to National Rivers and Harbors Congress. 7 7 1960 i2 588 41. Approved additional $4000.00 for Civil Defense. 7 7 1960 12 588 42. Approved payment of $2,952.15 to Henry Von Oesen. 7 15 1960 12 591 43. Drainage and erosion budget reduced from $3500 to $3000. 7 15 196Q 12 591 : 44, Recommendations from the Auditor approved for Election budget. 7 15 196Q. 12 591 45. Jail budget approved as recommended. 7 15 1960 12 591.. 46. Appropria?ed $3000 for denta]?care of indigents, $1,096 for SENCBA. 7 18 196Q 12 593 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MATTER• Finance Department - aec. o. s. County Indexea Since 1888 ? TO IOto? ?oqut? Opln a1 COTT A•Z TA6 INDEX rec OFFICE ??? AnldentifyingTradeMark SURNAME INITIAI TAB M0.CE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, bHID SOLD ?T OYIIEN 0. ptlNN, NEN QERN, NORTN GROLtNA , NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Appropriated $100.00 for membership in American Shore and Beach Preservation Assoc. 2,. Approved health funds, $132,6b0 employees salaries, $35,076.70 supplies, $3,000 for . l.ndigents dental care and $3000 for men.tal health. 4R Approved school funds, Regular budget $493,880.00, Supplementary $490,580, Captial . Outlay $20,000, In?iustrial ?ducation Center $35,835.34, Wilmington College $83,539.34. 5. Appraved $500.OQ for Junior Officers Outing, County-Ci.ty jointly. 6. Approved salaries as recomm?nded at $16,478.80, shared equally? _7.. Joint budget approved. 8.. Appropriated $300.00 for CAP's F?iendship Days. 9. Approved $550 for school crossin? guards. 1Q. Approprzated $1309.37 for Junior Dairy Sho??:and $2Q6.40 for salary of J.D. Pickett. 11. Appropriated $416.15 to Capital Outlay Sheriff's Dept. 12. Approved payment of $264.44 to City for property sold. 13. Approved payment of $150.00 for Officers of LeJeune Dinner. ,14.. Allocated additio?.al $450 for ??AP's Friendsha.p Days. 15. Approved funds for Jaycees advert?_sing. 16. Appropriated funds for the Chamber of Corrunerce advertising. 17. Approved funds for the Sheriff's budget. 18. Appropriated funds for the Board of Election. 19. Appropriated $125.00 for Christmas gifts at Institutions. ,20,. Appropriated funds for SENCLand Development and site for Saline Water Conservation Plant. 21. Approved payment of $75.00 for NACO membership. 22. Approved payment of $52.00 c?ragline op?rator's salary. 23._ Approved payment of invoice for ge?erator repairs at Airport. 24,. Appropriated funds for Refuse and Disposal and Drainage and Erosion. 25. Approved funds for the Public Relation Magazine. 26. Appropriated funds for the Sheriff Department CapitaZ Outlay. 27. Appropriated General Funds to Auditing. 28.. Appropriated funds to Insane-Inebriate and Drainage Erosion. 29. Appropriated funds for advertising in New York Times. 30. Appropriated funds to Airport-Flight Fund. 31.. Approved payment County half for C&D,Mobilization. 32. Appropriated funds for Azalea Golf To?.rnarnen?. 33. Apprapriations made for Saline Water Conservation Project. 34. Appropriations made to Airport Insurance Fund. 35. Approved payment to Ambulance Services. 36. Approved payment for County Building Survey. 37. Approved payment of Special Attorney Fees. .38. Approved payment for dues to National Riv?rs and Harbors Congress. 39. Appropriated fund for Community Hospital. 40. Approved transfers and appropriates for budget balance. 41. Approved transfers and appropriates for budget balance. 42. Appropriated funds to College Fund. .43, Approved ?unds to County Beach Erosion Fund, 44, Approved payment of bill for baseball team. .45. Motion carried for a:'?% increase across the`'???-r?d for salaries. 7 18 1960. 12 593 7 18 1960 I2 593 7 22 1960 12 596 7 27 1960 7 27 1960 7 27 1960 9 6 1960 9 6 1960 9 6 1960 9 6 1960 9 16 19E>0 IO 3 1960 10 3 1960 10 3 19 60 10 17 1960 11 7 1960 11 21 1960 11, 21_196U 12 5 1960 12 5 1960 12 5 1960 12 19 1960 12 19 1960 1 3 1961 1 3 1961 1 16 1961 2 6 1961 2 6 1961 2 2C? 1961 2 20 1961 2 20 1961 3 6 1961 3 20 1961 4 4 1961 4 4 1961 S 1 1961 5 1 196I S 1 1961 S 15 1961 6 5 1'961 6 19 1961 6 26 1961 7 17 1961 7 22 1961 12 597 12 597 12 598 12 605 I2 605 12 605 12 608 12 612 12 614 12 615 12 616 12 618 12 625 12 628 12 629 12 631 12 633 12 633 12 637 12 63$ 12 639 12 640 12 642 12 645 I2 645 l2 649 12 649 12 b49 12 653 12 b?3 12 b60 12 661 12 668 12 669 12 ?70 12 682 12 686 12 689 12 691 12 697 13 1 N. C. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES --- New Hanover Count? NIATTER , _ : Finance Dep artmen t - aec, u. s. q1`- Counry Inde:ea Since 1888 ? To loto?8 1lamef, OplD af COTT A-Z TAB INDEX v?t OFFICE ?a???C.6-? An Identifying'I?rade Marlc MItC E BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SURKAME lNI71AL TAB SOLD ?Y OWEN i. OUNN, NEN tERif, NORTM GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE Of PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page , l. Coronor's salary increased from $2400.00 to $3600.00 plus $10.00 car allowance. 7 22 1961 13 2 2. Approved addit:?onal $2496 to employ help for Register of Deeds. 7 24 1967. 13 2 3. , App?ved increase in salary of Dept. Judge W. Camerson, Jr. Recorders Court. 7 24 1961. 13 2. 4. Funds approved for Wilmington College, Museum, Erosion control, Fort Fisher, Chamber 7 26 196]?. 13 3 of Commerce. and Industrial & Agric. .. 5. , Approved funds for County/City Advertising, Azalea Festi.val, SENCBA, CAP's Friendship 7 26 1961 13 4.. Days and Wilmington Athletic Assoc. . 6. Appropriated funds to Captial Outlay for Register of Deeds. 8 7 1961 13 9.. 7. Approved funds for office expense-Recorder's Court. 9 5 1961. 13 16 8. Approved funds for School salaries and "_Travel along Highway 17" Magazi.ne. 10 2 1961 13 24 9. Approved funds County part for Armory repairs. 11 2 1961. 13 33 10. Appropriated funds for Recorders Court Cap?tal Outlay. 11 20 1961 13 37 11. Appropriated funds County part for Bridge lights. 11 :?0 1961 13 38_. 12. Appropriated funds tor advertising in the State Magazine (Ports). 12 4 1961 13 44 13. Received County Auditor's annual report. 12 4 1961 13 44 . 14. Appr?priated funds for Armory repairs. 1 t5 1962 13 59 15. Approved payment for repairs to Health Building Roof. 1 15 1962 13 60 .. 16. Approved payment for Jailer's car damages. 1 L6 1962 13 61 17. Auditor to furnish Commissioners cost County pay for Insurance coverage. 2 5 1962. 13 62 18. Approved payment for Assistance Coroner's account. 2 5 1962 13 64 19. Approved payment of CPA's imvoices. 2 5 1962 13 65 20. Election cost from State $10,875.47 appropriated into Election account. 2 5 1962 13 65 21. Received County Auditor's semi-annual report. 2 5 1962 13 65 22. County Auditor presented schedule of Fidelity Bonds and Fire Ins. cost to County. 2 ?_9 1962 13 70 23. Appropriated funds to the Sheriff's Department. 3 5 1962 13 75 24. Approved payment of $2,302.88 Insurance invoice. 4 2 1962 13 89 25. Approved payment of bill for survey of the Isaac Bear Building. 4 L6 1962 13 95 26. Approved payment of bill for termite treatment at the Armory. 4 L6 1962 13 98 _ 27. Approved payment of bills for the Confe?.erate CenteTmial Committee. 5 1_4 1962 13 101 28. Approved payment of invoices for Azalea Church Services. 5 L4 1962 13 102 29. Approved payment to Wilmington Printing Co. 5 L4 1962 13 102 30. Approved payment of bill to James Walker Hospital for patient. 5 L4 1962 13 102 31. Mr. T. D. Love, Jr. County Auditor presented County finance report, third quarter report. 5 L4 1962 13 103 32. Received Auditor's report, approved transfers and appropriations for budget balance. 5 21 1962 13 111 33. Approved payment County share for Ocean Highway Entertainment. 6 4 1962 13 114 34. Appropriated funds for SPA advertising. 6 4 1962 13 114 35. Approved funds for Industrial Development. 6 ?8 1962 13 118 36. Approved payment of $1,126.69 for Insurance Binders. 6 ?8 1962 13 118 37. Appointed Mr. W.C. Barfield C.A.P. to audit County Books 1961-62. 6 ?8 1962 13 118 38. Approved payment for Museum moving expenses. 7 2 1962 13 119 39. Appropriated funds for Independence Day Celeb?ation at Fort Fisher. 7 2 1962 13 121 40. Approved the Commodity Distribution Program budget. 7 9 1962 13 127 41. Approved increase Surplus Commodity Distribution salaries. 7 Ll 1962 13 127 42. Approved payment for Axmory electric bill. 7 L6 1962 13 130 43. Approved 'iax Collector's budget. 7 1F, 1?62 13 130 44. Approved U.S.O. Club budget. 7 L6 1962 13 131 N. C. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County MAiT R , _ Fin ance Dep artmen t - ?ec. u. s. County Inde=ee Since 1888 ? TO IOCOh nam?:, Op?n at CMT A•Z TA6 INDEX r?r pFF7CE ?? An Identifying Ttade Merlc MI?C E Bll THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, DHIO SURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLD ir OWEN C, pUNN, NE11 ?ERN, NORTN GROLINA ?d ? narE MINUTE BOOK ?` ?? ?? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? Month ? .. Day ? Year ? _ Vol. Page , . ; 1:, Approved funds for Civil Defense. 7 16 1962 13 131 2.;? Approved funds for Cape Fear Armory. 7 16 1962. 13 131 , 3.?; Adopted 1962-63 budget and resolution. 7 25 1962 13 136 3.,, Appropriated $I50.00 Travel expense for Mr. D. D. ?aggett, County Farm Agent? $ 6 1962. 13 140 4.:? Approved payment County part for the entertainment for the Cornerstone ceremony of the 9 17 1962.. 13 150 Saline Test Plant Site. 5..; Approved purchase of an addressograph machine and an accountzng machine. 9 17 1962_ 13 15Z 6.:: Appropriated $2200.00 to Election budget. 10 15 1962 13 160 7.. Appropriated $ 152.50 Insurance premiurri for the Rescue Squad. , 1Q 15 1962, 13 162 8. Approved $219,30 for property refund to Lillian S. McKoy. 10 15 1962 13 163 9. Appropriated funds for Hugh MacRae Park. 12 17 1962. 13 178 1.0... Appropriated $9?0 for reveiwing stand cost. 1 21 1963 13 185 11. Received Auditor's semi-annual report. 2 4 1963 13 189 ?2, Appropriated $100.00 for Surplus Commodity Distribution -stationary and supplies. 2 18 1963 13 191 13.., Approved payment for jail floor repairs. 2 18 19F?3 13 191 14... Approved payment for bond of Register of Deeds. 2 18 1963 13 191 15.,_ Approved payment for Tax Books ?uditing. _ 2 18 1963 13 191 16., Approved payment of bill for Social Service telephone and office supplies. 3 4 1963 13 195 17.. Approved payment of $I00.00 ?or the News Director As??oc. 4 16 1963 13 204 18..; Approved payment of bill for Bulldozer repairs. 4 16 1963 13 206 -19.. Approved payment of bill for Legislative Entertainment. 4 16 1963 13 206 20., Approved payment ot bill for Confederate? Cei?tsnnial Conference. 5 6 1963 I3 210 21.. Appropriated ?unds to match N. D. E. A, funds. 5 6 1963 13 211 22.. W. C. Barfield to audit County records. 5 6 1963 13 212 23.. Appropriated funds for Social S.ervice Admin?.strative improvements. 6 17 1963 13 ?23 24.'. Approved $5000 to be left in cuxrent budget for Wilmington Museum. 6 28 1963 13 23?' 25., Approved additional $5000 for Volunteer Fire Depts. 6 28 I963 13 231 26... Approved $2000 for periodic medical service fees at County Home. 7 1 1963 13 ?31 27.. Budget discussion. 7 10 1963 13 232 28. Appropriated County part $112.50 for U. S. S. Battleship reunion entertainment. 8 S 1963 13 242 29., Approved payment of $396,?0 to Henry V. Oesen & Assocs, for turning basin in Cape Fear 9 3 1063? 13 248 River. 30. Appropriated funds for Carolina Beach erosion. 10 7 1963 13 2?8 31.. Appropria?ed funds for jail-bedding and linen. ? IO 21 1963 13 261 32.._ Appropriated funds for Courthouse repa irs. 12 2 1g63 13 268 33... Appropriated funds for Community Hospital repairs. (Date writte? as recorded in book) 11 18 1963 13 275 34. Budget Amendment- Mr. Cooper attend meeting in Atlanta Ol ?)3 I978 18 156 35. Budget Transfer-replacement stolen equipment Ol 03 1978 18 156 36, Budget Tranfer-end of fiscal year 03 20 1978 I8 185 37., Budget Transfer-fixed asset accounting program 03 20 1978 I8 185 38. Budget Tranfer-Office furniture 06 05 1978 18 220 39. Budget Tranfer-complete fiscal year 06 29 1978 18 235 40. Transfer - Travel for fiscal year 02 05 1979 18 353 41.. Finance Officer filed w/County Clerk a Statement of Debt fo the County of New Hanover - Water Bond 06 25 1979 18 436 42. Finance Officer explained & recommended procedures for selecting computer vendor 07 23 1979 18 449 43. Budget Transfer - Quantity discount on purchase orders 08 20 1979 18 464 INDEX TO COMMISSrONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County N. C. ' SUBJECT FINANCE DEPARTMENT ? , _ MATTER: _ nec. u. s. ?j ?? County lndezes Since 1888 ?? To loeot? nam?s, Opl? at r?r OFFI6E C.?,ke//7L?e.?? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL iAB COTT A TO Z TAB INDEX NI1DE {Y THE COTT INDEX aOMPANY, OOLUN?YS? OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. D UNN CO., NEW BfRM, N. C. NATURE OP PROCEEDlNGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page . 1., Andrew Atkinson, Finance Officer introduced by County Manager 11 05 1979 18 ?00 2. Budget Amendment - moving expense for Finance Officer 11 05 1979 18 ?03 3. Public Official Bond for Finance Officer - Andrew J. Atkinson 12 03 1979 18 ?15 4. Award of contract for banking services to Wachovia Bank & Trust Company 12 17 1979 18 530 5. Budget transfer - Copying & Duplicating Ol 07 1980 18 533 b. Budget transfer - increase in County ?ileage rate O1 07 1980 18 533 7. Finance Officer authorizing fio sel? sur_plus items Ol 07 1980 18 533 8. Budget transfer-date processing O1 07 1980 18 534 9, Budget transfer-reallocation of funds to balance for year 02 04 1980 Z8 545 10. Budget transfer-purchase of equipment for computer 02 04 1980 I8 545 11. Approval of inemo to agencies receiving County funds 02 18 1980 18 555 12. Rejection of bid on burster, check signer & decollator OZ 18 1980 1$ 55y 13. Acceptance of bids on burster, check signer & decollator for data proce5sit?g 03 10 1980 18 560 I4. Budget transfer for Data Processing budget approved 03 10 1980 18 561 15. Transfer in f?nance budget to reallocate funds to balance budget & purchase of fireproof safe 03 10 1980 18 561 16, Budget amendment-additional supplies & materials for computer room 05 05 1980 18 589 17. Approval of position of payroll clerk for Finance DeparLment 05 05 1980 18 595 18. Budget transfer in data processing 06 25 1980 18 622 19. l?,ward of bid on Magnetic Tape Drive 07 28 1980 18 636 20. Finance Office to dispose of Sherifi's Department Vehicles 07 28 1980 18 639 21. Discussion on purchasing policies 08 18 1980 18 649 22. Budget amendment - workmens compensation and business auto 1G 06 1980 18 672 23. Purchase of additional disk drive for data processing 12 Ol 1980 18 710 24• Approval of Copying/Duplicating System 03 I6 I981 18 787 25. Accting Tech I position, grade 59, approved 04 06 1981 18 794 26. Reimbursement Policy for Use of Personal Vehicles 07 07 1981 l8 874 27. Budget Amendment for Temporary Positions in Finance Department 11 02 1481 18 947 28. Presentation of 1981 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report 11 16 I981 18 957 Approval of Budget for NC 2000 Committee 12 07 1981 18 370 29. 30. Writeoff of EMS Bills I2 Zl 1981, 18 974 31. Reclassification of Operator/Data Entry 5pecialist 03 Ol 1982 19 15 32. Authorization to participate in IndustriaZ Recruiting Trip - Appropriated Funds ($10,000) 03 O1 1982 19 24 33. Budget Amendment - to extend part-time temporary help thru 6/30/82 04 05 1982 19 40 34. Budget Amendment - Finance Dept. to increase sales tax expenditure accounts for rest of yr.05 17 1982 19 66 35. Funding of Roof for Myrtle Grove Community Center 06 07 1982 19 89 36. Budget Amendment - Finance Office (pay prior year's bi.Zls) 08 16 1982 19 18 37. Contract with Lowrimore, Warwick & Co. for "single audit" program 09 20 1982 19 l? 38. Presentation of Audit Report & recommendations from Finance Officer concerning Audit Staff 12 6 1982 19 ??9 39 Award of Banking Contract for period 2/1/83 to 1/31/88 - Wachovia 12 20 1982 19 ?05 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. _ MU 1ECT AUDITOR ` ne?. u. s, ??j County Indexea Since 1888 ? To IoCat? nom?s? Op?n ot COii A•i TA? INpEX PAT OFFICE C..G,t?? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAY MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS? OHIO SOLD ?Y OWEN 0. pUNN, NEN tERN, NORTH GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DAiE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Voi. Page 1. Resolution approving auction - old furniture 2. Budget amendments - Sales tax 3. Approval of bids - old furniture 4. Budget transfer - postage meter 5. Outside employment Finance Officer 6. Budget transfer - calculator 7. Finance Officer out of Town Dec. 12 8. Approval of sale of 1973 Plymouth by private negotiation by finance officer 9. Refund of deposit of '68 Cadillac received at ?/3/76 auction by Rev. ?fteen 10. Signatures on checks 11. Approval of budget amendment - finance 12. Approval transfer of funds - unexpected costs on equipment 13. Commendation to finance officer for work on 76/77 budget 14. Award bid for line printer 15. SAle of old accounting machine 16. Award banking contract 17. Approve typewriter Antirecessionary funds 18. Budget transfers 19. N. C. Assoc. of Finance Officers fall conference in Wilmington-October 20. Budget trans.-new filing system 21. Budget Amendment - Mr. Cooper attend meeting in Atlanta 22. Budget Transfer - replacement stolen equipment 23. Budget transfer - end of fiscal year 24. Budget Transfer - fixed asset accounting program 04 21 1975 16 ]78-9 04 28 1975 16 183 05 12 1975 16 192 08 04 1975 16 249 10 06 1975 16 280 12 08 1975 17 22 12 08 1975 17 23 Ol 19 1976 17 44 01 I9 1976 I7 44 02 02 1976 17 57 02 16 1976 17 65 04 20 1976 17 107 06 30 1976 17 157 08 16 1976 17 181 10 04 1976 17 205 10 04 1976 17 206 04 18 1977 18 20 05 05 1977 18 29 06 27 1977 18 84 11 07 1977 18 128 Ol 03 1978 18 156 O1 03 1978 18 156 03 20 1978 18 185 03 20 1978 18 185 FIRE N MATTER C INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? COMPANIES . : , . ^ ` ?r ?-- To locats names o en at (OTT A-1 TAB INDEX aea. u, s, County Indezee Since 1888 ? p MADE 6Y iHE COTi INOE% COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO r?r OFFICE ?n?? An IdentiFying Trade Mark Fl•'.? SURNAM6 INITIAL TAB SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ? ?? DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? ?? ?; Month ? I Day ? Year Vol, I Page ? 1.? List of inembers of the Plook & Ladder Company received. ?` ;s 10 24 ? 1868 i 1 85 2.{ Letter from I?.ook & Ladder Company received. i ?? 06 ?r Ol 1869? 1 246 3.? Al1 fire companies exempted from jury duty to furnish names of respective members to Clerk to Board. ?; 03 08 1870? E 1 418 4.$ Fire companies notified of exemption: Go Ahead, Tiso King, Brooklyn, John Dawson, Steam Fire Engine, ?, 03 08 1870?? n 1 418 ; Hook & Ladder, Vigilant and Howard Relief Fire Engine Company No. l, c= ., ? , ' i ? 5.;? List of inembers of fire companies received. ;; 04 06 1870$? ? 1 426 ,? 6.;; Clerk to draw off said names for further reference (members of the fire companies) ? 04 ", 06 18704 1 426 ; 7.,? Board received roll of Hook and Ladder Company. ? 07 ?. 05 1871'? ?? 2 189 8.';; Roll of Howard Relief Fire Engine Company No. 1 filed. 08 08 1871F? 2 198 9. Filed letter from W.L Jewett, Secretary of Wilmington Steam Fire Engine Co., No. 1, with lisC of nu*nes of ??06 07 1875?; 3 330 3 I- .. ? i. ?d names of inembers,and requesting exemption for them from jury duty. ,. ;? ?, 10. Attorney to report if inembers of fire companies are exempt from jury duty. , O1 05 1885 . 4 602 ?? ! 1L . Request from Howard Relief Fire Engine Co. for tax relief referred to Attorney. ., ,y 07 02 1900y;? 6 ? 450 ? 12. Howard Relief Fire Engine Co. not relieved from taxation. 07 09 1900; 6 451 ! , I 13.:;Broad scheduled meeting to discuss State-County Fire Prevention. , 5 6 1957; :, 12 151 14.,;Board invited Mr. Thomas S. Phyne, State District Forester to aide County in becoming 5 l3 1957? 12 151 ' „member of Forest Fire Protection Service. F; ? ;Motion carried to request Government Agencies to admit County. (above) 15. ., 5 13 1957`e .; 12 151 , : 16.;?Received State allocation cooperative fund report 1959-60. ,, 7 6 1959:? °f 12 459 'i 17.:;Secretary to iriform State Forester of intent to u?e funds appropriated by State for r 3 7 1960`? 12 550 , ;? .?aForest Fi?e control. . ??? ? 18..,Budget ?LZeeting, Mr. Thomas S. Rhyne, .Tr. requested total of $5,584 to be considered. ., 7 12 1960;; 12 590 19.,?Motion carried not to participate in State Fire Control Project, District Forester to 7 20 1960;; ?: 12 595 ; ibe notified. ?. ;? ' ? i ? ' 20.';?Received letter from Winter Park Volunteer Fire Department. ? ', 10 , 16 1961;; 13 29 ? ? 21.;;Received from New Hanovez County Rural Firemen's Association. (letter) ,: 6 4 1962,; 13 115 22.??Special budget meeting, Approved $11,760.00 for Volunteer Fire Departments. 7 6 1962;; 13 126 ? 23. ':?Fire protectioti plan accepted for study. 11 19 1962?? `0 13 172 i ? ,.Funds for local Firemen's Association to be considered in budget. 24. , 3 4 1963'? 13 193 ' , if 25.;,Letter to Forester Division requesting County be included in budget to participate in ? 4 16 1963;Y 13 203 ? ?;Forest Fire Control Program. ? ?? ? 26..;Received Volunteer Firemen's report, Commissioners agreed to visit Departments. 5 6 1963;; 13 209 ?. ? 27.:;Letter informing Commissioners that to participate in Forest Fire Control Program, 5 6 1963;t 13 212 ' .requires an act of Legislature to secure State funds. , ; ? 28.;Received let?er invit?ng Commissioner to attend meeting, Eastern Carolina Firemen's : 7 1 1963? , 13 225 ? :Association. (Dates are as recorded in book) , ° ;? i? ? 29.?Budget meeting, agreed on additional $500 to be distributed by Fire Inspection Committee . 6 28 1963y? 13 231 30.;,'Segate Volunteer Fire Department granted tax waiver on fund raising project. ,? ;, 9 ,. 3 1963Y ?? 13 248 ? ? ? ,? .? ?i .> r? 4! I ? ? ?