G Index to Minutes July 15, 1868 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? N. C. MU JECT , _ ??RA?E _ RE6. U. S. i./j County Indeaes Since 1888 ? YO IOWt? nam?s, o?N11 Yi PAT OFFICE VG{;??11.?e?'.c An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•Z TA{ INOE7I O H fO ? T SOLD ?1 OWEN ?. p NN, N EM ?ERN , NORTN GRO , U L DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE Of PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Transfer ? funds 02 18 1974 15 585 2. Transfer of funds 05 20 1974 15 636 3. Discussion of employment of Jas. A. Eason 08 05 1974 15 692 4. Approval of over expenditure in FY 73/74 12 02 1974 16 62 5. Budget transfers for equipment and supplies 02 17 1975 16 'l18 6. Budget transfers for uniforms 03 03 1975 16 133 7. County Manager to investigate alternative for uniforms 03 17 1975 16 136 8. Transfer of funds for gasoline 04 28 1975 16 183 9. Approva? of purchase of fire extanguishers 05 ?2 19?5 ?6 ?93 10. Discussion of tires for Artificial Reef 09 15 1975 16 268 11. Retroactive step increase - 2 employees 11 17 1975 17 9 12. Trans. funds - purchase parts 04 05 1976 17 96 13. Trans. funds - purchase 2 steel cabinets 04 05 1976 17 96 14. Trans. funds - cover utility bill 04 20 1976 17 109 15. Trans. funds-purchase casoline 04 20 1976 17 109 16. Trans. funds - to complete fiscal year 75/76 05 17 1976 17 126 17. Tr.ans. - print charge tickets 12 20 1976 17 249 18. Budget trans - purchase gas tanks 12 20 1976 17 250 19. Bud?et trans-Maint ? repair-autos F, trucks O1 17 1977 17 264 20. Budget Transfer - Uniforms 02 ZO 1978 18 175 21. Bud?et Transfer - pay vacation and improvements to National Guard Armory 06 05 1978 18 221 22. Budget Transfer - complete fiscal year 06 29 1978 18 235 23. Budget Transfer - hookup gas pump & hydraulic lift, repair gas tank and power generator 02 19 1979 18 361 24. Budget transfer - upkeep of machinery & vehicles 03 05 1979 18 367 25. Budget transfer - installation of telephone system 04 02 1979 18 377 26. Discussion on purchase of electric garage door opener 04 17 1979 18 389 27. Budget transfer - purchase electric garage door opener 05 21 1979 18 410 28. Budget transfer - purchase hydraulic engine hoist . 05 2I 1979 18 4I0 29. Budget amendment - major maintenance on several county vehicles 08 06 1979 18 459 30. Budget transfer - telephone and postage for balance of year 03 10 1980 18 560 GENERAL ASSEMBLY INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? N C , . . _??ATTER: _ ¦c?. u. s. County Indezes Since 1888 (} ? To lotah nam?s? op?n ot COTT A•2 TA! INDEX RtlidE Bll THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO v,?r OiFiCE ?o?? An Identifying Trade Mark w8 SURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLD ?Y ONEN i. DUNN, NEII iERN, NORTN GROLINA DATE MINUtE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? ?, Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Proposed retirement Legislation tabled for study. 03 23 1959 12 401 2. Board oppose Bill SB 141 or HB 292 under Legislation to increase sale taxes on ABC. 03 23 1959 12 404 3. Letter informing of same. 03 23 1959 12 404 4. Letter acknowledging invitation to attend Urban County Congress sponsored by NACo. 03 23 1959 12 405 5. Letter regarding Senate Bill 910 and H. R. 1011. 03 23 ?1959 12 405 ' 6. Discussion of proposed retirement Legislation again tabled for study. 03 30 1959 12 407 ! 7. Letter from Speaker Addison Hewlett, Jr., in response to bill to stop drainage blockage. 04 06 1959 12 408 '. 8. Senator Cicero Yow, inform Board of their support on Microfilm Bill, and awareness of Building Inspections. . 04 06 1959 _ 12 408 ,, 9. A1so SteriZzation BiZ1. 04 Ob Z959 ?2 4D8 10. Thank you letter, regarding bills HB 292 and SB 141. 04 06 1959 12 410 11. Board request to be included in Bill SB 171 (Public Drunkeness.) 04 13 1959 12 413 12. Letter from Speaker Addison I?ewlett, Jr., explaining the General Statutes of election officer's pay. 05 04 1959 12 430 13. Letter from Commissioners opposing any legislation to raise property tax. 05 04 1959 12 430 14. Notice that house killed Bill S. B. 10 pertaining to Merit System. 05 04 1959 12 431 15. Letters from Dept. of Interior and Congressman Alton A. Lennon relating to Saline Water Conversion. 05 18 1959 12 436 16. Letter on behalf of Pitt County Commissioners referring to the Social Security Act. 05 18 1959 12 436 17. Board request Bill to collect erosion tax. 06 Ol 1959 12 440 18. Board request bill authorizing Commissioners to set Coroners Salary. 06 Ol 1959 12 440 19. Letter informing Board that Senate passed Bill ??722 Area Redevelopment. 06 Ol 1959 12 441 20. Letter requesting Congressman's support of bill. 06 Ol 1959 12 441 21. Board to oppose Bill ??107, State Commercial Fisheries. 06 Ol 1959 12 442 22. Public Local laws governing the Health Department. 06 Ol 1959 12 443 23. Motion dead for Institute of Government to make County job rating survey. 07 18 1959 12 467 24. County Attorney to attend, rescheduled school by Institute of Government. 09 08 1959 12 495 25. Notices from NACo regarding recent Major Legislation effecting Counties and SB 3026, Advisory Commission 09 21 1959 12 499 on Intergovernmental Relations. 26. Board to request County to be placed under General Statutes, concerning Fortune telling. Ol 13 1960 12 534 27. Copy of ADC resolution forwarded to the Attorney General. Ol 18 1960 12 535 28. Note in Legislative file pertaining to a Special Act under Chpt. 459, Inebriate Self-committments. 02 15 1960 12 545 29. Letter informing of school for County Accountants authorized members to attend. 04 04 1960 12 562 30. Invitation to attend "Dutch" luncheon in support of Senatorial candidate Hon. Addison Hewlett. 05 16 1960 12 576 31. Commissioners oppose Congressional investigation, resolution to same. 09 06 1960 12 601 32. Letters urging support regarding the deepening of Cape Fear River. 09 19 1960 12 613 33. Secretary to request Rovert E. Calder, to introduce legislation to permit additional funds for advertising. 02 20 1961 12 649 34. Legislative Bulletin regarding court reforms to be discussed with representative Robert E. Calder. 03 20 1961 12 657 35. $100.00 for advertising if General Assembly approved HB 109. 03 20 1961 12 657 36. Notice of proposed HB 4884, urged support to amend to include ACFH. (Aid to Children in Foster Homes) 04 14 1961 12 661 37. Resolution in support of proposed bill sent to County Congressman. 04 14 1961 12 661 38. Letter informing Legislative proposal, resolution to same. 05 Ol 1961_ 12 669 39. Resolution from Sec. of State Thad Eure Secretary to have same framed (regarding Azalea Festival) 05 Ol 1961 12 670 40. Letter of appreciation from Congressman Lennon for Assistance on the Corps Day. 06 05 1961 12 686 41. Congressman Alton Lennon, urged to support school and program. 07 03 1961 12 694 42. Notice that General Assembly authorized a change in appearance Bond fees. 09 18 1961 13 20 43. Notice that the General Assembly passed an act known as the Blue Law. 09 18 1961 13 20 44. Bill passed 1959 for elected County officials to participate in Workmen's Compensation. 12 04 1961 13 43 45. Letter informing of resolution for Workmen's Compensation for elected officials. Ol 02 1962 13 57 GENERAL N C INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County ASSEMBLY , . . , MATTER: ` neo. u. s. County Indezee Since 1888 ? TO IOtO? ?amts? Op?M at MItCE BY ? COTT ?-I S?i {NDEX THE COTT iNDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO r?r OFFICE C? ? AnldentifvinBTradeMark SURliAME INITIAL TAB SOLD tY OMEN 0. pYNN, NEII CERM, NORTN GROLINA ' DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? ? Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Matters of opening date for public office placed in Legislative File. 02 05 1962 13 65 2. SENCBA urges action to implement the Federal Flood Insurance Act. 04 02 1962 13 89 3. I;etter informing Board oppose any reducation of National Guard Units. - 05 14 1962 13 103 4. Letter from Congressman Alton A. Lennon, pledging support regarding reduction in National Guard units. 05 21 1962 13 110 5.; Letter from Senator B. Everetts Jordon, regarding proposed change in National Guards & Reserve Divisions. 06 04 1962 13 115 6. Submitted a proposed amendment to insure Fair taxation. 10 Ol 1962 13 155 7. Mr. E. C. Snead, explained the proposed amendment for improving court systems. 10 15 1962 13 162 8. Saline Freezing process report, from Congressman Alton Lennon. 10 15 1962 13 164 9. Letters to Senator Yow and Rep. Ca?aer requesting introauction and support of erosion bi?I. 02 ?8 ?9&3 ?3. 192 10. Letter requesting support in reestablishing Masonboro Inlet. 02 18 1963 13 192 .11. Resolution regarding secondary roads accepted for legislators. 03 04 1963 13 194 12. Notice of possible Legislation, Senate Bill regarding medicare. 03 04 1963 13 194 13. Notice of Secretary Ser. lien repeal Bill H. B. 149. 03 04 1963 13 195 14. Well contractor's license Act placed on agenda for discussion. 03 18 1963 13 198 15. Notice of Legislative Bulletin 4?'6, accepted on minor change. 03 18 1963 13 200 16. General Assembly to hold April 4th Session on the U.S.S. Battleship North Carolina. 04 O1 1963 13 200 17. County Attorney to prepare resolution removing County from exemptions regarding State Zoning Ordinance. 04 Ol 1963 13 200 ,18. Requested New Hanover County be exempted from Blue Laws. 04 Ol 1963 13 201 19. Copy of a bill for introduction regarding Recorder's Court Clerk. 04 Ql 1963 13 203 20. Approved payment of bill for Legislative Entertainment. 04 16 1963 13 206 21. Received copy Senate Bill 177, introduced by Senators Johnson and Belk. 04 16 1963 13 207 22. Copy of a proposed bill relative to construction of schools of County facilities. 04 16 1963 13 207 23. Letter requesting support for Che proposed amendment of the Federal Airport Act. 05 06 1963 13 211 24. Letter to Robert E. Calder, requesting support regarding the designating of US 74 as Andrew Jackson Hwy. 05 06 1963 13 212 25. Letter proposing Ad Valorem Tax. 05 ?6 1963 13 212 26. Letter from Rep. Calder, regarding Jury pay. 05 20 1963 13 217 27. Notice General Assembly enacted legislation to put County under State Zoning Ordinance. 05 20 1963 13 217 28. Letter, Commissioners have no objection to passing act regarding ad valorem tax bill. 06 ??3 1963 13 220 29. Letter from Hon. Clyde H. Harriss explaining bill. 06 ?3 1963 13 220 30. Attention to changes in methods of computing ABC State taxes, letters supporting bill. 06 ?3 1963 13 220 31. Letter from Rep. Robert E. Calder advising of School pension bill HB 1243 06 17 1963 13 222 32. Wire requesting Bill (above) be killed. 06 U 1963 13 222 33. Notice effective immediately the creation of a dept. of Mental Health. 06 28 1963 13 230 34. Letters urging extending proposed interstate 21 into Weldon. 07 Z9 1963 13 241 35. Letters urging support in deepening of the Channel of the Cape Fear River. 09 ?3 1963 13 248 36. Matters of consolidating County governing bodies referred to Institute of Government for cost. 10 21 1963 13 260 37. Fire Arm Ordinance placed on agenda for possible adjustment. 12 ?2 1963 13 269 38. Letter regarding a meeting to discuss consolidating adjacent counties to participate. 12 ?3 1963 13 270 39. Legislative Reapportionment 09 08 1964 13 373 40. Beach Erosion 11 02 1964 13 392 41. Proposed-Auditor be Appointive 12 07 196`$ 13 405 42. To change office of auditor from elective to appointive 12 07 1964 13 405 43. Legislative consideration Ol ?4 1965 13 416 44. Auditor 04 ?5 1965 13 458 45. Auditor 05 ?3 1965 13 474 46. Auditor 06 ?7 1965 13 488 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MATTER: GENEiZAL PUBLIC ?o?N? xec. u. s. County lndezes Since 1888 ?? To foeab nam?:, open at COTT A TO Z TAB INDEX eer OFFIGE ?L?a-?'.. An Identifying Trade Merk SURNAME INITIAL TAB M?pE {Y TME OOTT INDEX GO?ANY? COLON{US• 0810 SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS l. Mr. C. G. Berry commented on various matters 2. Mr. Fred Connor appeared before Board re; Portable Toilets 3. Rev. Whitted commented on tra?h containers in parts of County 4. Mr. C. G. Berry commented an various matters 5. Mr. Don Jones expressed his ideas & recommendations on methods of resource recovery 6. Comments from Representative Eugene Merritt , 7. Comments from Don Blake on Solid Waste Disposal 8. Items from General Pui?lic - none 9. Comments on Law Enforcement Center & Judicial Bldg. Construction - C. G. Berry 10. Comments from Mr. M. H. Vaughan, Hospital Board Minutes, May 3rd Meeting and City Inspections Dept. 11. Additional Items form the General Publix. No one appeared. I2. Additional Items from Gen. Public (C.G. Berry) ]3. Non-Agenda items from gen. public (none) 14 Gen. comments from William S. Funderburg and Mrs. Myrtle Barnhill 15 NON-Agenda items from gen. public (Steve Vosnock appeared to speak) 16 Non-Agenda items from gen. public (Mike Vaughan appeated to speak) DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page O1 21 1980 18 540 Ol 21 1980 18 542 03 17 1980 18 570 05 19 1980 18 601 05 19 1980 18 602 05 19 1980 18 602 05 19 1980 18 603 04 05 1982 14 41 04 19 1982 19 SO 04 19 1982 19 55 06 07 1982 19 83 08 02 1982 19 127 11 1 1982 19 L79 12 6 1982 19 L96 12 13 1982 19 Z00 12 20 L982 19 206 INDEX TQ COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. _ MU JE T ?OOD NEIGHBOR COUNCIL Re?. u, s. / County Inaezea 5ince 1888 TO IOtON oam?s? 0?11 Yf ? COTT MZ TA? INOEX ? ????? PAT OFFICE C, ,?:C.a-?.c An ldentifrin8 Trade Mazk SURNAME INITIAL TAY MADE BY THE COTT iNDEX tOMPANY. COLUMBU3. OHIO SOLD !Y OMIEN i. pYNN, NEN {ERN, NORTN GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Voi. Page ;? l. Appropriation Rec{uest 05 04 1964 13 322 2. Budget Discussion 07 ?l 1964 13 357 3. New policy 11 16 1964 13 398 4. Policy 12 07 1964 13 404 S. Vote of Gonfidence 10 04 1965 13 531 6. Recommendation 10 02 1967 14 94 7. Appointment of inember 12 18 1967 14 127 8. Full time worker-race relations 07 11 1968 14 221 9. Approval of inembers to ?2 02 I96& I4 2?5 10. Approval of inembers to 12 16 1968 14 285 . ... ? a. .. ., % N . INDEX TO CO?IMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, C. _ MATTER: GOVERNORS ` ¦co. u. s. ,,^?,,- County Indezee Sinee 1888 ??c•?-- To locate names, open at r?r OFFIC6 ??C.a? An ldeatifyina Trade Merk ??`? SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A-2 TAB INDEX MADE BY THE [OTT INDFX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OH10 SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ?? ? DATE ?? MINUT E BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ° ?q Month ?, IDay I i Year ? ? Vol. Page 4 1. James Wilson to confer with the Governor regarding appointYng Inspectors for the City of Wilm k' ington. !, 07 _ 20 E 1868 1 2 ? 2.? Chairman reported having conferred with Governor Holden. ;; 07 22 1868? 1 3 ? 3.? Letter from Secretary of the Governor received. t ?; 12 ? 06 1869? 1 348 ? 4.+ Report of A.R. Black on public schools to be sent to the Governor and Council. ' 11 21 gl 1870'? 2 91 ? ? 5. ? f Board to request Governor to call a special term of Superior Court to be held in Wilmington. " 10 Y ? 27 1873? 3 128 ? 6. ?? Letter from Governor Tod Caldwell stating that a special term of Superior Court would be held : starting 11 04 1873i s 3 132 ` ; December 29, 1873. ?; ;? , ,? w 7, :? Letter from Governor, Auditor and State Treasurer referred to Finance Committee. '; 05 03 1875 ?E 3 322 8. i "Boarc? req?ested Governor tp call a special term of Superior Court for trial of civil cases only. 10 9. By order of Governor Broyden a special term of Superior Court to commence Dec. 6, 1875 and continue until 11. ,y civil cases disposed of. 10. .?Copy of Governor Broyden's letter put in minutes. Zl 11. 4tThomas Settle received the most votes for Governor and William Smith for Lieutenant Governor. .? 11 12. ??David Sanders presented his commission from Governor and qualified as member of Board of Commissioners. . 07 13. kCommissioner Grainger forwarded his resignation as Board member to Governor Vance. ! 12 = 14. ?9Thanks given Lt. Governor Stedman for restoring David S. Lotta to insane asylum. 02 15. ,;Board to request Lt. Governor Stedman and Representatives to prevent an act making salary of Solicitor of !, 02 ;? Criminal Court fixed. :, 16. ??Board to request General Assembly to leave manner of paying Solicitor of Criminal Court up to Commissioners?? 02 ?s 17. ,?General Assembly ruled Solicitor to be paid $100 a month in lieu of fees and allowances. :; 03 18, P? lqWilliam French presented his commission from Governor Fowl as Clerk to Criminal Court. 03 19. 'Board to request Governor to offer a state wide reward for capture of T.M. Bryan. V 10 20. ?'Board to request Governor to order a special term of Superior Court and a Grand Jury for same. ,# .. O1 21. ?Governor approved special term of Superior Court. :, 02 22. ?Board requested Governor to order special term of Superior Court to try criminal cases only. 05 23. `;Governor ordered special term of Superior Court and notice of same posted for public. r? 06 24. ??Board requested Governor order a special term of civil court. 11 25. ?? iGovernor Kitchen ordered special term of Superior Court. „ 12 26. :? ;Board to request Governor to call an extra session of Superior Court. : 06 27. ??Clerk to write Governor and commend action allowing trustees at convict camps to go home at Christmas. .. O1 28. 'Superior Court Clerk to suggest to Governor to provide another judge in place of Judge Peebles for Superior s; 06 Court term. .. 29. ;?Board to request a pardon from Governor for Allen Pearsall, a convict at Red Cross Sanitarium. „ Q4 30. ;;Board to request pardon from Governor for Charles Cooper and Sandy Al1en in matter of George Galloway as ., 09 ;; recommended by Coroner's jury. ,. 31. 4Board to request Governor to pardon James M. Johnson, sentenced to roads. :. Ol 32. eBoard to request Governor to pardon Horace Gorman if he goes to State Farm for treatment of TB. O1 33. ,?Board to request Legislature and Governor to provide funds for a State system of highways. „ 05 34. ?Board to recommend Governor Morrison pardon Joseph Walker, sentenced. ? 08 35. k±Board to recommend Governor pardon W. M. Newkirk, sentenced to roads. "3 11 36. ;?Board to request Governor to call a special term of Superior Court. ;, 08 37. ;rBoard expressed appreciation to Governor Morrison for his support of Inland Wa?erways. ,. ;? 08 38. °°Board requested Governor to pardon Lee Everett, convicted of running a gambling house. F, ?? O1 39. `? ;Boarc3 to request Governor McLean to parole Clyde Montgomery, sentenced to life. ??? 10 40. ;y ?'Reply to Governor, clerk instructed to advise that County will not need special term in Court 6/30/30. w, ` ? 10 s ? 41. Clerk to advise, as reply, Governor that Commissioners will not require special term of court for spring. ;; F f ? ?i i `.? i 10 ? 07 1875 ? 09 1875 09 1875 p 11 1876 ? ?, ,; 02 1877 ;; r= ? 03 1877 ?? , 21 1387 "? ? 21 1887 ;? ;i s? 22 1887 ?; 07 1887 ,r 04 1889;; 07 19071 22 1908?? ?? 03 1908;? ,„ r? 04 190Si i? Ol 190?; ., 04 1912= 03 1912; 17 1913' 03 1916?s .? 17 1916? ?? 02 1917`? 04 191? ,, s3. .i 06 1919 „ 14 1920 ;; ; 14 1920 ?! 22 1921 ;; ?? 02 1921 ;? 10 1923 `;? 04 1924 k; 10 1925 ?? ?? OS 1925 i? ?C 07 1929 w? 28 1930 E` + 6 i 3 3 381 394 3 394 ; 3 490 3 566 3 659 4 781 4 781 4 4 781 793 ? ? S 150 ? 7 111 7 121 7 123 7 132 ? fi 7 133 7 262 ? 7 265 7 30 6 7 522 7 567 7 617 7 639 i 8 30 ? ?i 8 94. ; i 8 111 ? ij 8 173 ? ? 8 179 8 262 8 304 ; 8 323 € ? f 8 354 ; 8 599 9 74 N C INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS ?IINUTES -- New Hanover Count? GOVERNORS MATTER . , . _ : ` ? To locate names, open at ¦ec. u. s. County Indezee Since 1886 PAT OFFICE ?e.??Po? An Identifvins Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX <OMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH fAROLINA r ;; DATE ?? p? ?? MINUTE BOOK (? NATURE Of PROCEEDINGS ;w Month I Day I Year e? ?y Vol. Page ?? . ll Communication from governor, requesting advice on need df County for special term of Court during ? ? - fall 05 12 19314? 9 • ?? 107 j; iI (above) referred to J. J. Poisson, President of local Bar Association. , ?? $, 2 Board order selection of Grand Jury for Special term of court called by Governor. ' 06 29 ?: 1931?; u, 9 115 P` 3 I Communication received from Governor on need for special term of Court in Fall, and clerk instruc ted 04 11 1932? 9 160 ?? " Ii YP ii to reply that it will not be required for this County. ,i Rr ? . ? 4 Governor requested advise on need for special term of court in Spring term 1933, but was referred to 10 10 .. 1932?; C; 9 185 ?? ?? Bar Association. ? ?? ?, P 5 Governor requested need of special term of court during Fall, and Clerk instructed to advise him that 04 24 1933 9 217 special term not needed. 6' Governor's request received on executive council meeting. 7 Request to Governor referred on parole of Edgar Ballard. 8 Full support given Governor on daylight saving time for North Carolina. 9 Requisition to Governor authorized for return of J. E. Jackson. 10? Governor letter received on hearings for South Carolina Judge for Special term of court. 11 Governor letter received on appointment of Fred Willetts to East Carolina College Board of Trustees. 12 Governor written, thanked, for appointment of Heide Trask to State Highway & Publi c Works. 13 Governor W. B. Umstead thanked for appointing A. A. Lennon to Senate. 14 Governor W. B. Umstead letter received, calling for Civil Defense Conference. 15. Governor Umstead letter received, Board of Education resolution. 16. Governor Umstead given July 19 resolution. 17. Governor letter received on receipt of July 19 resolution. 18, Governor gave address on industries. 19, Money for sand dune repair promise soon. 20, Governor to direct hurricane rehabilitation program. 21. Governor Hodges & Bill Sanders to meet with Mr. C. M. Davis in Wilmington. 22, ? Governor will be guest speaker at Banquet SENCBA. 23, Governor endorsed meeting of HR and HC. 24, Letter asking Governor to reappoint Mr. C. ?Ieide Trask Commissioner Third HIghway Division. 25 Letter from Governor Hodges, concern ing tomage at ports. 26 Board adopted resolution to Governor, Luther H. Hodges. 27 Approved payment for Editor Air Cruse. 28 Board approve letter from City to Governor, relating to import/export rates. 29 Board send State Ports Authority resolution to Governor. 30 Governor Hodges, to address Civil club banquet. 31 Governor designated April 15 as pulp and paper day. 32 Governor Hodges to speak at Commissioners convention. 33, Letter protesting amount allocated for Hurricane Rehibilitation. 34 Governor pleased with aims and objectives of SENCBA. 35? Letter from Governor Hodges relative to appointments to Supreme and Superior Courts. , 36? Letter of thanks from Clifton L. Moore, acknowledging letter to Governor Hodges. ? ? 37 Deed to sanitorium site waiting for Governor's signature. 38 Letter congratulating Governor Hodges for appointing Mr. Ralph T. Morris to State Highway Commission. 39 Governor selected Louie E. Woodbury, Jr., to represent State on tour to Europe. 40 Governor Luther H. Hodges, declared 11/28 - 12/3 Industry appreciation week. 41 Letter from Governor Sanford, regarding Federal Fallout Survey, Commissioners' pledged support. 42 Letter Commissioners oppose any reduction in National Guard Units. 43 Telegram urging Governor to request the President to declare New Hanover County "Major Disaster Area" 04 11 07 10 O1 05 05 07 06 06 07 08 ,. 10 12 „ 12 O1 , O1 02 04 06 07 07 10 , 10 02 04 04 02 03 03 03 05 09 „ 10 11 02 05 12 02 1934 9 25 1935 9 21 1941 10 02 1944 10 03 1950 11 04 1953 11 18 1953 11 05 1953 11 O1 1954 ' 11 14 1954 11 19 1954. 11 02 1954 11 03 1955 ., 12 13 1955 ' 12 13 1955 ,'?? 12 03 1956 ., 12 09 1956 :; 12 06 1956 12 O1 1957 12 10 1957 12 O1 1957 ? 12 15 1957 12 14 1957 ? 12 28 1957 12 10 1958 12 14 1958? 12 21 1958 12 09 1959 12 16 1959 ; 12 16 1959 ;: 12 09 1959 ?, 12 18 1959 ;; 12 21 1959„ 12 05 1959 ,?: 12 07 1960 ? 12 05 1962 ;`. 13 14 1962 ;; 13 03 1962 ?i 13 280 393 218 407 144 418 422 436 517 520 ? 530 534 ?F 6 26 ? 26 P' 30 33 41 141 158 163 167 ? 187 190 223 243 247 ? 375 381 382 ;, 395 ' 436 499 ?, 5 02 ?, 625 ;; 64 p, 103 ?; 177 k` ? ?? ; INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MU JE T GOVERNMENTAL COMPLEX ne?. u. s. ?/? ? County Indezea Since 1888 ? TO IOWb nam?s, Op?o Ot PAT ORFICE C.Ctytd//'? An IdentiEying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAY COTT A-2 TM INOEx MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS? OHIO SOLD ?Y OMEN ?. CUNN, N Ew iERN, NORTN GRO LINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Study committee for 02 21 1972 15 80 2. City/County Government Complex 03 06 1972 15 89 3. Joint resolution for study 06 05 1972 15 142 4. Proposal - Eric Hill Associates Analysis 06 19 1972 15 153 5. Payment for study 06 05 1972 15 143 6. Redevelopment Commission agreement 08 14 1972 15 202 7. Presentation of location study 11 20 1972 15 255 8. Discussion of Ol 15 1973 15 313 9. Discussion of 02 D5 19?3 I5 327 10. Approval of Final Bill 02 19 1973 15 329 11. Possible site, Discussion of 02 26 1973 15 337 12. Possible Site, Discussion of 03 05 1973 15 348 13. Appropriation of revenue sharing funds for Jail/courtroom related facilities building 06 07 1973 15 432 14. Discussion of Jail/Courthouse F? related facilities building 07 27 1973 15 459 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - N H t N C C GOVERNING BODY anover ew y, oun . . , MAiTER: - ae?. u. s. PAT OFFIGE County Indezee Since 1888 ?` TO IOtOt? tlamlf, open at ?( tel?l?a? AnldentifyingTradeMark °m?? COTT A TO 2 TAB IND ?ANN MO? T ? e G!N UN EX W UIM{OS ON?O ., SURNAME INITIAL TAB E LD BY OWE N D N N DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS - Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Budget transfer to pay appraisers for revised appraisal of proposed landfill site 06 11 1979 18 425 2. Budget transfer - fund in salary and advertising accounts , 06 18 1979 18 430 3. Budget amendment - cash audit 7/1/79 - 10/31/79 11 05 1979 18 503 4. Budget amendment - approval of sufficient funds for travel thru June 30, 19$0 04 08 1980 18 578 5. Budget amendment - for unanticipated audit expense 06 02 1980 18 608 6. Budget transfer purchase filling cabinets and bookcases 06 25 1980 18 623 7. Budget amendment - Dt?es 08 04 1980 18 641 8. Budget amendment - to cover expenses through 6/30/81 04 06 1981 18 796 9. Author ization of Aclministrative Secretary for Governing Body Office D9 2.2 19&? ?8 929 10. Budget Amendment - Travel Account 05 03 1982 19 i8 INDEX Hanover Count TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - Ne N C ??TS ` y, . w . _ MATTER• reec. u. s. P?r OFFICE ?1-?- County Indezee Since 1888 ? to IoeOte IIOmlf, Opl? at ? An ldentifying Trade Mark SURNAME INIiIAL TAB COTT A TO Z TAB INDEX MADE ?Y THE COTT INDEX DOMPANY, COWM{Of• ORIO SOLD SY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS j? Month DATE Day Year MINUTE BOOK Vol. Page l. Discussion on Coastal Energy Impact Program Grant 03 02 1981 18 778 2. Supplementary Grant Increase for SSES Project for City of Wilmington 07 07 1981 18 873 3. Resolution approving grant application for Land Records Management Program 07 07 1981 18 874 4. Acceptance of Governor's Crime Co?ission Grant and Award of Equipment Bid 07 07 1981 18 885 5. Discussion on Grant Received by AAUW 07 07 19$1 18 886 6. Acceptance of EPA Grant 07 07 1981 18 887 7. Acceptance of Land Records Management Grant 09 21 1981 18 922 8. Acceptance of ?rant for Juvenile Restitution Project 09 21 1981 1$ 922 9. Agreement with N. C. DOT for State Airgort Aid Grant IO 19 I981 IS 940 10. Community Development Block Grant Application 07 19 1982 19 l?