I Index to Minutes July 15, 1868? SUB]ECT INCINERATION _ INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. , y?pTTER: _ aec. u. s. County Inde:ee Since 1888 ?'? To locats names, OP811 Ot COTT A TO Z TAB INDEX PAT OFFIGE ?1.?a-? An ldentifying Trade Mulc MI?DE ?Y TNE COTT INDEX COYPANY. COLIIMWS? OMIO SURNAMf INITIAL TAB SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. NATURE Of PROCEEDINGS l. Budget Amendment approved by County Manager DATE MINUT' BOOK Month . Day Year Vol. Page 02 15 1982 19 11 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?y, N. C. _ MATTER: ZNCORPDRATION OF NORTH L ?z?. nec. u. s. County Indezes Since 1888 To loeats names, OplO af COTT A TO 2 TAB INDEX r?r OFFIOE ??l?or-?- An Identifyin8 Trade Muk ? SURNAME INITIA! TAB ? S0? D eBYT OWENT G!NDUNN? C?O,?NEW gERryYSNON?O NATURE Of PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Opposition to Incorporation of North Wilmington 04 06 1981 18 805 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MU JE T pODL[ITIONLCONTROLTIES ?a ae?. u, s. County Inclexes Since 1888 ?} ??.? 10 IOCW? nam?s, op?n at COTT A-2 TA? INpEX r?r OFFICf ???Na.?? An ldentifyins Trade Mark ?$ MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY. COLUMBUS. OHIO SURNAME INITIAL TAY SOLO ?Y ONEN i. CUNN, NEN tERN. NORTH GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS 1. Discussion of county industrial facilities ? Pollution control financing authority 2. Adoption resolution creating Industrial ? Pollution control facility financing authority 3. Discussion of appointing members 4. Request nominees fox appt. 5. Discussion of Ind. F? Pollution control authority 6. Conflict of interest - Ind. ?, Poll. control authority 7. Appt. Original Ind. Fac. F, Pollution Control Financing Authority 8. Oaths of Office of Authority 9. Request financing thro?gh Industrial Revenue Bonds 10. Approve Bonds for Corning Glass 11. Approval Revenue Bond Funding National Services Industsies 12. Appointment of Ezra Hester & Chester Wiggins 13. Approval of issuance of Revenue Bond for National Services Industries 14. Approva? of revenue bonds for Federal Paper Board Company, Inc. 15. Henry E. Longley and James K. Larrick appointed 16. Bonds for Diamond Shamrock l?? Resolution approving Industrial Revenue Bonds for Corning Glass Works 18' Issusance of revenue bonds for Corning Glass 19 Authorization for issuance of industrial revenue bonds for Metal Improvement Co., Inc. 20 Concurring resolution for Induatrial Development revenue bonds, Stewart Sandwiches DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 06 07 1976 17 133 06 21 1976 17 150 08 02 1976 17 173 08 11 1976 17 175 09 20 1976 17 198 10 18 1976 17 222 02 07 1977 17 281 03 07 1977 17 296 Ob ?9 ?97& ?? 230 09 18 1978 18 278 02 05 1979 18 349 02 19 1979 18 363 12 17 1979 18 526 03 10 1980 18 567 03 16 1981 18 789 07 20 1981 18 891 09 07 1982 19 150 11 1 1982 19 L79 11 1 1982 19 180 12 6 L982 19 L94 INDEA TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATTER:INFORMATION AND REF'ERRAL nac. u. s. ?.y? County Indezee Sinee 188B Ta loeat? nam?s, OpBll ot COTT A TO Z TAB INDEX PAi OFF16E C,?,e?71?e.?i. An Identifying Trade Marlc ? M?DF ?Y THE COiT INDEX GD?AMY. COLUMtOS? ONIO SURNAME INIiIAL TAB SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Monfh Day Yenr Vol. Page l. Additional funding 12 )1 1980 18 18 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MATTER: INLAND WATERWAY Rec. u. s. 'q??? County Indezee Since 1888 0.`'+? ? TO IOCAt9 names, open at COTT A-2 TAB INDEX ??iK,O-?i. An Identifying Trade Mark f?--? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTi INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO r?r OFFICE SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA DATE NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month I Day Year MINUTE BOOK Vol. I Page 1.. Request from J. H. Chadbourn of N. C. Water-Way Association for money referred to Auditing Committee. 12 04 1911 7 2. W. G. MacRae and Board to secure information on INland Waterways and turn information over to U. S. Enginee. 04 04 1909 7 237 174 .. , INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATTER• ICommitteervices - aea. u, s. County Indues Since 1888 ? To IOCOt? OamBS? OplO At COTT A TO T TAB INDEX rer OFFIGE C??LC?o-? An Identifvine Trade Muk SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE ?Y TNE COTT INDEX OOMPANY. COLUIM?US. OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. ?? NATURE Of PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK ?? Month Day Year Vol. Page ;j l. Designation of In-Home Services Committee to set up priorities for Funding Aging Program 11 15 t982 19 t88 's ;? f; . ;t I :; i? !i ? ;i INSANE PERSONS N C A INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? , . . _ M TTER: ` eto. u. s. County Indezee Since 1888 F? ?r•?? To loeats names, open at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX v?r OFFICE ?t?? An IdtntiFyin? Trade Mar? ?`? SURNAM6 INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA p' 4 ?; DATE ? MINUi E BOOK ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ?i Month I Day I Year ? VoL I Page ' 1. , ; ? ? Bill from William Merrick for transporting patient to Raleigh to Insane Asylum approved. ? °, :P 09 ?i - - 07 ? 1868 1 39 , ? 2. ? f? Bill from William Merrick for transporting mental patient to Raleigh approved. G ?; 11 ?{ 28 h 1868? ? 1 130 ' 3. Letter from Dr. Eugene Gripom from state insane asylum received. 03 22 1869?? 1 199 ' 4. ; Report from Superintendent and physician of Insane Asylum of N.C, received. f; 12 10 1869 1 357 5. ; Reports from several Townships on "Insane and Idiotic Persons" filed. s 02 08 1870? 1 405 6. ? ;? Report from Masonboro Township regarding "Insane and Idiotic Persons" filed. :: 02 r. 10 1870r` , 1 411 ¢ 7. '??Chairman of Board to report to State Auditor accounts of all insane and idiotic persons supported by the : 06 24 1871`? 2 176 ? County and City of Wilmington. .? s? .? ? 8. ,; Money to be paid William Player for care of insane man, Joseph Player, since he was refused admission in , 08 07 1871;? 2 196 I f .; the Insane Asylum in Raleigh. „ „ 9. ;;Ju1ia Bourdeaux delcared insane and in Jai1, ordered that she be sent to City Hospital. „ 08 1Z 1871;? 2 .? Z11 ` 10. ;;Treasurer to receive State money for care of paupers and insan.e and idiotic persons. , 09 23 1871';; 2 222 9 y 11. ='Treasurer to pay to City money due them from State for care of paupers, insane , and idiotic persons. , 09 23 1871; ?, 2 ;? 222 12. ;,Committee on Poor House recommended erecting a building for the insane at the Poor House. ,. 02 05 1872?? " 2 289 ?` ,' 13. ;;Chairman of Board to contract for building quarters for insane at Poor House. 02 12 1872;? 2 291 14. y?Board adopted Chairman's report relative to settlement with State Treasurer for care of insane from July l, : 04 06 1874?? 3 209 ? ? 1871 to February 14, 1874 ;; ?; .a .. r? 15. ;Chairman collected claims from State Treasurer for care of insane in County and City. 04 06 1874yY; 3 209 !? „ 16. .?Chairman to pay City Treasurer money from State Treasurer due it for care of insane in City Hospital. ? 04 06 1874 ? ?: 3 209 ?; ., ?d 17. ?'!Chairman to pay County Treasurer its part of proceeds from State Treasurer for care of insane at Hospital. iy 04 ?? 06 1874 ? k? ' 3 210 ? 18. 'Request from Mr. H.E. Scott to have all insane persons in his care transferred from Poor House account to ? 04 06 1874 c 3 ? 210 ?? ' Hospital account. ;j ., ?, 19. , .;H.E. Scott allowed 50? per day for each insane patient certified by a physician. 04 ,. 06 1874?? ?p 3 ? 210 ?? 20. 'fMr. Scott allowed 50? per day for each insane patient if he presents a certificate for each person signed ; 04 06 1874;? 3 211 ?? ? , ? by a physician. y ' ; ? .. :¢ ? ? I? 21. , ?;Mr. Scott to receive all insane persons who cannot be admitted to insane asylum at Raleigh. ? , 07 30 1874?? ! 3 231 , ' 22. ??Board approved Chairman`s demand on State for money to care for insane in County Hospital. IO 07 1874 ? 3 268 ? 99 ' 23. ? ? :=Matter of reported insane person at Poor Aouse referred to Chairman. O1 05 1875.; 3 ?? 291 ?s ? 24. ;?Physicians appointed to examine lunatics in County Hospital according to Act of General Assembly. 04 05 1875.' 3 314 ? ' 25. , :'Chairman to collect money from State due New Hanover County for care of insane at Hospital. ;, 05 03 1875;? 3 322 26. ,James Wilson reports he received an account from Jones & Jones of Raleigh for County's Insane Asylum. 09 06 ?; 1875,; 3 372 G 27. ; ,;Mr. Wilson turned money for Insane Asylum over to Treasurer. „ 09 06 ,, 1875?; ': 3 4i 372 ?p ? 28. ;;H.E. Scott to pay Treasurer amount collected by him from the State for insane. „ 08 15 1876?? 3 ? 460 f? 29. ?Report from H.E. Scott on money collected for insane from State and turned over to Treasurer. 09 .. 18 1876 . 3 9 471 ?; ,( 3D. ? ?'Bill from H.E. Scott far the insane approved. 09 27 1876 ; 3 ?: ?o 482 €? ( 31. ' 'Bills from Dr. W.J. Love and A.E. Wright for insane approved. 11 ? 22 1876! 3 ? 498 ?? ?i ' 32. 'Bill from H.E. Scott for insane approved. ,, 11 . 22 _ 1876` 3 499 ?! w? F9 33. ;?Bills from G. Walker and H.E. Scott for care of insane approved. ,; 12 04 1876; 3 505 ?' ?? 34. ?Bills from H.E. Scott and Garrett Walker for insane approved, pages 514 and 515. ; 12 29 1876? 3 ?s 514 ?i [ 35. 'H.E. Scott to turn over to Commissioner Holmes Mathew Ashe, who was at one time declared insane. ; 04 02 1877;; .s 3 537 ? ? 36. 4}Bills from H.E. Scott and Garrett Walker for insane approved. Ob 05 1877;$ 3 ? 553 ? i 37. i ?;?Report from Out Door Poor Committee on number of paupers sent to Poor House and Insane Department in May. , ; 06 05 18771;1 " 3 563 ; , , 38. `? a Bills from H.E. Scott, A.E. Wright and John Garrell for insane approved, pages 593,594,595, and 600. : 08 11 :. 1877?? 3 I 593 ?? 39. ?iCommittee on Poor House found 12 males and 3 females in Insane Department in Poor House and all well cared ! 09 04 1877',a ' 3 608 E? 40. ;? 'G?Chairman to contract with Dr. A,E. Wright to examine insane along with other duties. 09 $ 10 1877F? 3 ? 612 ? , ? ;? s 41. 4iDr. Wright contracted to examine insane of County along wzth other duties. ?,; ; 10 r• , Ol 1877?? di 3 625 N INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County C MATTER INSANE PERSONS , . : . _ ` Aec. u. s. County Indezea S??c? 1888 F?? x.? To locats names, open at COTT A-2 TAB INDEX ??r OfFICE ?e??? An Identifying Trade Merk ??ff SURNAM6 INiT1AL TAB MADE SY THE COT7 INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA r ?? DATE p ` MINUTE BOOK ?? NATURE Of PROCEEDINGS ?? ?? Month I Dayl t Year ? Vol, I Page l. '` Committee on Poor House found all inmates in Poor House and Insane Department well cared for. K? 10 03 ; 1877 ? 3 i 627 ' ; 2. Report on visit to Alms House and examination of each case confined there as insane. ;? 11 06 1877;,; 'sg 3 631 3. List of people who are properly confined in Insane Department. ?, 11 06 1877;' t? 3 632 f 4. Three women should be returned to respective homes who are confined in Insane Department. ` 11 06 1877?; 3 632 „ ? 5. Persons in Insane Department well cared for, but building needs improvements. , 11 06 ?? 1877?+ 3 I 632 ?? ? 6. Mathew Ashe, who is confined, is to be examined by County Physician to determine his sanity. ^ 11 06 A 1877f? 3 632 ?'? 7. Bills from A.E. Wright and J.F. Garrell for insane approved. 11 06 ;5 1877'+ '' 3 ? 648 ?? ?? 8. Bills from Drs. A.E. Wright, King, and Lane for insane approved. : 12 15 1877:? 3 668 ' 9.? Bills from A.E. Wright and J.F. Garrell for insane approved. 12 15 1877 3 F; 670 ea 10.! Poor House Committee reported 11 females and 5 males in Insane Department and well cared for. 03 04 1878 3 707 11. i Report from Out Door Poor Committee on number of poor sent to Insane Department in February. 03 04 1878 , 3 712 ? 12,? Auditing Clerk to ascertain from Dr. Grisson balance due County from State for keeping insane persons. 03 18 1878.; 3 714 ; .13. Amounts listed received from State Treasurer for keeping insane of County. 03 18 1878 3 714 ? ?, 14.' Petition of J.C.L. Harris relative to collection of claims due County for care of lunatics laid on table. 03 18 1878 3 715 ' ,15. Five women to be examined by City Physician to determine if sane and can be released. . 05 06 1878': 3 723 ,16. Clerk of Auditing Van Amringe to turn over warrants from State Auditor for care of insane to Treasurer. 06 05 1878 ' 3 725 ,17. Report from Clerk of Auditing on money from State for care of insane. ,; 06 OS 1878F;" 3 730 ,18. Report from Auditing Clerk on money from State for care of insane; money given to Treasurer. ? 06 11 1878; 3 731 19. Report from Auditing Clerk on money from State for care of insane; money given to Treasurer. 06 25 1878;; 3 733 ;4 20. Commissioner Worth to investigate the best way to heat the Insane Department. „ 11 07 1878:; 3 776 ':; 21.? Committee on heating Insane Department of Poor House not prepared to report. 11 14 1878;? Fv 3 776 ?. 22. Clerk to Auditing Committee to have necessary papers drawn reltaive to insane. . 12 06 1878: 4 4? Fi 23.(? ?? Committee on Poor House to heat Insane Department at as little cost as possible. , 12 06 1878 4 5 .` 24. Matter of heating and furnishing stove for Insane Department referred to Commissioner Worth. 12 18 1878'; 4 6 25. . Commissioner Worth reported cooking and heating arrangements at Insane Department of Poor House made. , . 12 27 1878' 4 8?? .? ,26. Bids opened for keeping County poor and insane and contract awarded to John Garrell at 20? per capita. Ol 06 1879.a 4 11 9 27.? ? Mr. Garrell contracted to furnish food, clothing and medical necessities to poor and insane. O1 06 ' 1879 w ? 4 12 ` 28.!? Balance due received from State Auditor for keeping County insane up to date when law was repealed for the. 03 18 1879r, 4 25 . payment. , ,29.5 P Letter from Dr. W.W. Lane relative to Insane Department referred to Conference Committee (COMM. APPOINTED) 05 05 1879'; 4 71 ?? , ,30. More rooms to be added_to Insane Department and fence to be built around premises. „ 06 02 1879,? 4? 79 .31. Proposals will be received for keeping Poor House and Insane for one year. 12 Ol 1879;„ 4 132 ? , .32., ? W.J. Mott elected to keep Poor House and Insane for one year. 12 15 1879; 4 139 ,q 33.? I Application from John Savage for keeping poor, insane and convicts. 12 20 1880, 4 256 34.y John Savage declared keeper of Poor House and insane for ensuing two years. 12 20 1880 4 257 i € .35.? Bond received from John H. Savage for keeping the Poor House and the Insane Department. O1 03 ?? 1881 4 260 36.?? Request of J.H. Savage not granted for a pay increase for keeping paupers and insane. 12 05 1881 s 4 343 , t? 37.?? Money collected from Pender County for care of insane man Aylphin Russell given to Treasurer. 05 07 1883" 4 471 ? ,38.` Chairman took Treasurer's receipt for money paid from Pender County for care of insane. 12 Ol 1884?; 4 589 ? 39. Statement of money received from Pender County for care of insane. . OS 04 1885 ?' 4 628 ?? ,40.? Thanks extended to Lt. Governor Stedman for restoring David S. Lotta to Insane Asylum. 02 21 1887?? 4 781 ? ? ?? ?a 41.. R B.R, King to fill unexpired term of S.H. Terry for keeping Poor House. 04 Ol 1890 . 5 239 ?y 42. Mr. King to feed, cloth, furnish medicines and burials for paupers and insane persons. 04 Ol 1890 ' ? S 239 .? 43.? Superintendent of Health Jewett suggested proper steps be taken to heat Insane Department of County Home. 10 02 1893 5 524 p 44. Committee on heating Insane Department submitted two estimates for work; they given power to act. 11 06 1893 ?? 5 ! 528 ' ;i 45. Mecklenburg County requested Board to urge Legislature to make better provisions for care of insane. 02 04 1895 ?i .? 5 612 f? i ?; ?? ,? ? ? 0 i INSANE INDEX TO CO?MISSIONERS MINUTES --- New Hanover Count? N C MATTER PERSONS . , . _ : ` ?eo. u. s. County Indezd Since 1888 ??,+r}-- To locate namea, open at (OTT A-I TAB INDEX e?r oFr?ce ???? An Identifying Ttade Merk ???5 SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ?' DATE ??g MINUTE BOOK j ?9 NATURE OF PROCE€DINGS ' ` „ 'i Month I Day I Year ' V'r, Vol. I Page ?? 1. ? ;;Board resolved to endorse Mecklenburg County's petition urging Legislature to provide better care of insaner. 02 04 1895?? 5 ;i 1 612 ? 3 2. ,Sheriff to take Mahale Scott to Eastern Hospital in Goldsboro, she being insane. 02 19 ? 1897? 5 765 ? 3. ?Bill from Daniel Reid, Steward of Eastern Hospital, for transportation of patients referred to Attorney. 09 06 1897?$ 6 e 41 ? ?' ? r 4. ,3Clerk to request dates of admissions of patients to Eastern Hospital. 09 06 1897;, 6 41 i 5. 'Clerk to write Dr. Miller, Superintendent of Eastern Hospital and ask for proper statement against New ; 10 04 1897;; 6 45 j Hanover instead of objectional letters sent by Steward Reid. ?.. ? t 6. Account from Eastern Hospital for return of patients ordered paid. 10 09 1897` 6 ?; 47 ,+ 7. County Physician reported heating unit in Insane Department in County Home in need of repair. (PHYSICIAN) 11 O1 1897' 6 57 ; s" 8. Letter from Dr. Miller requested Laura Blainey, insane woman in Jail, be sent to Insane asylum. 06 06 1898. 6 133 E; 9. Superintendent of Health reported County Hame in good condition except for insane department which has 12 03 1900 6 6. 490 '' { open windows. 10. B.W. Howard sent to County Home due to mental derangement. 11. Matter of transporting London James, insane and nonresident, referred to Chairman. 12. Sheriff to discharge T.H. Robbins, he was declared sane. 13. ;County Physician authorized to transfer insane prisoners in Jail to Insane Department of not confined for criminal offenses. 14. ;Annie Dudley, insane, transferred from Jail to County Home. 15. Bid of Pauly Jail Co. to enlarge cells for insane referred to Public Buildings Committee. 16. Repair of heating unit in Insane Department in Home referred to County Home Committee. 17. Order to Sheriff to deliver Will Talbert, insane man, to Alabama recorded. 18. ;Committee to act on hiring out Jennie Sullivan, a mental weakling. 19.. Application from Frank Brown to enter Caswell Training School received. 20.,,Horace King to install hot air furance in County Home's Dept. for insane. 21. Building County Home to protect insane referred to Farm Committee. 22.,;Forsyth Co. bill received ?COr conveying George McIntyre to Goldsboro insane asylum. 23.,,J. C. Shepard approved payment for taking insane to State Hospital. 24. Dr. W. H. Moore approved payment for services for insane in jail. 25.,H. Y. Bordeaux taken to insane asylum in Raleigh. 26.,.Mrs. H. Hobson expensed for taking Raliegh Peebles, mentally insane to Oxford, N. C. 27.,.Nurse Collier paid expenses for taking Miss Annie DeReuter to State Hospital. 28.:Rev. F. D. Dean paid for taki?ig Julian Riggs to Caswell School for feeble minded. 29..,Herman Jenkins taken to State Hospital. 30.;?Mrs. Fannie Harrison, insane to be taken to Raleigh Hospital. 31. Bill approved for transporting prisoners and insane. 32..Straight jackets authorized for insane. 33. Rex Yarborough, insane escapee, returned to State Hospital at Morganton. 34..Payment approved to State Hospital for treating insane. 35..Minutes on sheriff charges for transporting insane referred to Chairman and Attorney. 36.,Clarence Hewett, feeble-minded referred for treatment at Duke Hospital, now in jail. 37.;Committing Mrs. Dora Morton to State Hospital referred on mental disorders. 38.:,Mrs. D. H. Morton, insane to be sent to State Haspital,,letter written to Supt. 39.,Payment approved for examining Carl E. Rogers, insane. 40..Payment approved for transportation for insane. 41.:Request granted to transfer $200.00 Jury fees to transportation for insane and inebriates 42. Catherine A. Noyes, Mrs. Beatrice T. Lounsbury and Rev. Mortimer W. Glover urged the ,?continuation of the mental health program. , :? f?. 04 O1 1901?, 6 534 „ „ 04 O1 1901 ?? 6 535 ? ?; 09 25 1901;, 6 596 ?4 ?? . 09 25 1901;; 6 596 ?; ?; , 02 03 1902„ 6 631 ;r 07 ,. 03 1905 7 34 `; ?; 11 .• 04 1907 7 112 ?° , 04 ., 05 ? 1909?? rc 7 173 ? ??? 4w 02 ., 03 1913 , 7 279 i+ ? ?? 05 07 1917 7 620 y. ., 11 19 1918?. $ 25 ?; .. 5 5 1919„ 8 48 ?; „ 9 7 1920;; 8 123 ;, .. 4 4 19 2 l,: 8 151 ;; ? . 7 12 19Z1„ 8 164 ;; .. 7 2 1923;: 8 236 ;; .. 7 13 1923,; ? 8 251 ;? y: 8 13 1923:, 8 258 :; 9 2 1924:. 8 308 ;; . 7 6 1926::; 8 389 '. .. 7 21 1927., 8 433 ?? r 9 2 1930 9 57 12 27 1932. ., 9 196 F? 12 27 1932 9 196 ? 11 23 1938` .. 10 24 ' ?? 12 11 1939 10 99 :. ? 7 „ 21 1941; 10 217 ?'?? „ „ 11 10 1941,: 10 240 ?; 4 6 1942???, 10 265 p: ?; ,. 7 23 1945v 10 351 `: i• 3 28 1949;, 11 83 ;, C, ' . 3 4 1957, 12 135 ( w ?? 7 8 1959 12 464 ;' _ N?r I?nover ?o?nt? ? INDEX TO COMMI???I?ERS M?N??ES -- N '?NS?FC?TQNS ?A1 ?? . . , . ; ` ? ?+ ?ws?-? fi?+locats ?araes, apsn at , Rea..u, s. Cwsty.Indeze? Sincs 1888 TeRde Merk IJw.,? S'1[R?Mi?'4YRTIAL TAB r?s ?e?re? A?u?l,?enti?rSyeg ??? COTi A•Z TAB INDEX NYADE BY THE COTT INUEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, dH10 , . , . SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW B fRN, NOR TH CAROLfNA C ?; DATE ?j MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS k ?tl Month I ?, ?i Day I Year Vol. I Page ,,? 1.;? George W. Price confirmed as an inspector of wood and shingles. ? r 09 4y 03 f 1868i? P 1 34 ' 2.,{ William Kellogg approved as an inspector of wood and shingles. Ol 18 18699? 1 165 i , 3.`? Clerk to Board to advertise that inspectors to han?i in inspection returns. 08 09 1869? 1 292 4.„i William Kellogg's bond justified as inspector of wood and shingles. 09 07 1869?; 1 318 ? , '; '. 5.k? Letter from W. Kellogg filed. ;? 04 06 1870?? 1 426 6. ;? Cozmnittee on shingles given more time. ? ??: 05 05 1870?? 1 439 7.?a J.A. Farrow elected Fish Inspector of County. ' ? .. 10 O1 1883?i 4 499 ? 8. ' John Farrow failed to give bond as Fish Inspector, so post declared vacant. ( 08 „ 11 ?; 1884?? 4 572 °. E. & 9.?' J.W. Alderman appointed Fish Inspector. , 08 11 1884:?; 4 572 ? 10. Bond of Fish Inspector-elect J.W. Alderman approved. .. 09 „ Ol 1884, 4 573 ?? ;; 11. L.B. Rogers requested Board to appoint a fish inspector; matter deferred. 03 06 1911 ?? 7 209 E? 69 12. J.B. Hewlett elected Fish Inspector. 04 03 1911, .r 7 213 ": ?, 13. J.B. Hewlett qualified as Fish Inspector. 05 Ol 1911; 7 217 3? 14. Fish Inspector, J.B. Hewlett, submitted his report. ' 07 ??? 03 1911 7 r? 225 '' ?i ? ? 15. Report from Fish Inspector Hewlett filed. 08 07 1911i; 7 230 ?? ? 16. Report from Fish Inspector Hewlett filed. , 09 .. 06 1911 , 7 232 ? ,? ! 17.;:Report from Fish Inspector Hewlett filed. ; 10 02 1911;' 7 233 w ? , 18.,,Report from Fish Inspector Hewlett filed. : 12 04 1911`s 7 : 237 ?? ? , 19. `:Report from Fish Inspector Hewlett filed. , ' Ol • 02 1912' 7 ? 241 i ? 20.,{Report from Fish Inspector Hewlett filed. ' 02 05 1912;; 7 i 243 R? ,R 21. ;Report from Fish Inspector Hewlett filed. 03 04 1912?' ?. 7 245 ?? , 22..!Report from Fish Inspector Hewlett filed. 05 06 1912 ? 7 249 t? ,a 23..; Report from Fish Inspector Hewlett filed. ? , 06 03 1912i ? 7 250 ?? < , 24.,; Report from Fish Inspector Hewlett filed. ? 09 03 1912;a ' 7 ? 258 ?y it , , 25.,, Report from Fish Inspector Hewlett filed. ' „ I1 04 1912' 7 ? 262 ?? e, ' , 26..:J.B. Hewlett elected Fish Inspector. ; „ 12 . 03 1912: 7 "i 265 ,4 I i 27.r; Report from Fish Inspector Hewlett filed. Ol 06 1913;, 7 ?i 271 s? 28. .? Report from Fish Inspector He?:? lett filed. „ 02 03 1913 ;; r 7 ?, 279 E? ;? ?,? 29.:?Report from Fish Inspector Hewlett filed ? , 10 06 1913??= ? 7 316 ?? ?? . 30.`;Report from Fish Inspector Hewlett filed. ; 11 r 03 1913 ? iM 7 322 ;E IS }< 31. Report from Fish Inspector Hewlett filed. 12 O1 1913, 7 327 ? 32. 'Board of Health to confer with Fish Inspector relative to condensed food. 12 O1 1913 7 327 ?? 33. .J.B. Hewlett re-elected Fish Inspector. ?I . 12 ., Ol 1913. .. 7 327 a? 'P 34. Report from Fish Inspector Hewlett filed and Health Dept. to see that spoiled fish not sold. 04 06 1914 7 343 ?; o, yi ? 35. yFish Inspector presented his monthly report. 10 05 1914 , 7 385 !?_ , 36. Superintendent of Health to suggest best ways of preventing the selling of spoiled fish. 10 05 1914 7 , ? 385 ? ; ., ., ; 37. Fish Inspector to carry out regulations passed by Board of Health relative to spoiled fish on the market. 10 ? 12 1914 .. 7 387 ;; ?o 38. ?Report from Fish Inspector Hewlett filed. .. 11 .. 02 1914` 7 ?' 395 ?? 39. 'Report from Fish Inspector Hewlett filed. 12 07 1914' 7 403 ? ? 40. ?J.B. Hewlett elected Fish Inspector. : 12 07 1914 7 407 c? N i 41. 'Report from Fish Inspector filed. 03 ' Ol 1915 z, 7 e ?_ 441 ?? ?G j 42. ? Report from Fish Inspector f iled . 08 02 1915 e; 7 475 ;? ? 43. ?Report from Fish Inspector filed. 09 . 08 1915, , 7 486 R ,, ;; 44. „ Report from Fish Inspector filed. .. 10 04 1915.; 7 489 °? ij , 45. Report from Fish Inspector filed. 12 07 1915;? 7 517 , 46. ;?J.B. Hewlett elected Fish Inspector. ? ? ?? ,; 12 ?? 07 1915,? 7 518 i ?k ` ?; ?? ? ? ?, ii ? i? _? il INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER: TNSPECTIONS ` eea. u. s. /? '?_`,- Counry Indexee Sinee I888 ? To toeate names, open at COTT A•2 TAB INDEX r?t OFFICE C.Gttdm?(.?-? An Identifyins Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLO BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA E? ;d ?; DATE i??? MINUTE BOOK '? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ' !6 ? Month Day ? Year ',? Vol. Page ?? ?? ?. l. Report from Fish Inspector filed. , 08 07 1916 ;; ; 7 573 ?i EN 2. Report from Fish Inspector filed. . 12 04 1916 ? i° 7 599 ;? ' 3. Report from Fish Inspector filed. 09 04 1917 ; 7 640 a; ?a 4. Report from Fish Inspector filed. 11 05 1917 + 7 6; 645 ii h ? 5. Report from Fish Inspector filed; J.B. Hewlett elected Fish Inspector. x 12 21 1917 ;? 7 655 '` ?? 6.? Report from Fish Inspector filed. 01 07 1918 `; 7 658 '? ?, 7. Report from Fish Inspector filed. ;,09 03 1918 ;? 8 17 ; 8.? Same as Sept. 3. 10 ?7 1918 ' 8 20 ;^ 9.? J. B. Hewlett elected Fish Inspector. 12 02 1918 8 26 10.;{ Monthly report of Fish Inspector filed. 12 02 1918 8 27 ?` ll.?y Fish Inspectors monthly report filed. 10 06 1919 8 79 12.?? ?? Same as October 6. . 12 O1 1919 .. 8 88 .. ,, 13.?E ? J. B. Hewlett elected Fish Inspector. 12 O1 1919 8 89 . 14.;? , d? Report from the Fish Inspector filed. 10 04 1920 . 8 127 ? 15.G , c Same as October 4. 11 O1 1920 8 129 , 16.?? J. B. Hewlett elected Fish Inspector. 12 06 . 1920 8 .. 133 ? , .? 17.?` 3 November report from Fish Inspector filed. 12 07 1920 8 136 . ?? I8.?# Report from Fish Inspector filed. O1 3I 1921 8 139 s 19.5? Meter Adjuster, R. M. Kerman, requested instruments to test quality of gas being furnished public by 04 04 1921 8 151 , i? ? Tide Water Power Co. See Wilmington . ?' ? 20.? Mr. Dosher reported City Council failed to meet with him on testing gas from Power Co. 21.`d September report from Fish Inspector filed. ,a 22.? J. B. Hewlett elected Fish Inspector. 23.? Report from Meter Inspector Kerman referred to Mr. Dosher. ?,4 ?? 24.r Daily reports from Meter Inspector from March 4th to 31st referred to Mr. Dosher. . ? 25.?? Meter Inspector's April report filed. ? ? 26.? Bills from Meter Inspector approved. w 27.;a Report from Gas Inspector R. M. Kerman for July filed. i i 28.; Reports from Fish Inspectors and Gas Inspector filed. 29.? Same as September 6th. ? 30.! Reporfi from Gas Inspector filed. 31.;? Report from R. M. Kerman, Meter Inspector, on a recording gas meter. ? 32.; Report from Fish Inspector filed. 4C ! 33.!i J. B. Hewlett elected Fish Inspector for fees only. ?i 'i 34.;; Board made its annual appropriation to R. M. Kerman, Meter and Gas Inspectors. ' ?i 35.'? Report from Fish Inspector Hewlett filed. (; 36.ij Meter Inspector's report filed. ?E 37.?? Report from meter inspector filed. ?a 38.?? Salary of R. M. Kerman as Meter Adjuster fixed at $125 a month. ?? 39. May report from Meter Inspector filed. 40.?? Mr. Kerman requested City ? County buy a gas recording meter. 41." Report from Meter Inspector filed. ;? 42.? Report from Meter Inspector filed. r s 43.?° Same as August 6th. 44, J. B. Hewlett elected Fish Inspector for fees only. 45. Same as August 6th. 05 02 1921 ? 8 154 10 03 1921 8 176 12 05 1921 8 182 04 03 1922 8 193 04 10 1922 8 194 05 O1 1922 , 8 196 , 05 10 1922 8 198 , .? .. 08 07 1922 8 206 09 06 1922 8 211 10 02 1922 j 8 212 f 11 06 1922 8 214 4 11 06 1922 : 8 214 12 04 1922 8 217 12 04 1922 8 219 12 04 1922 8 219 12 08 1922 F 8 220 . O1 16 1923 8 223 04 02 1923 y 8 235 ,. 05 07 1923 ; 8 242 „ 06 11 1923 8 245 ; 07 02 1923 ; 8 247 F„ .. 07 02 1923 8 247 ;. 08 06 1923 ,; 8 256 „ . 10 Ol 1923 8 265 10 O1 1923 , 8 274 .. 10 O1 1923 .4 8 272 ,e ,, , ? ?g? ? y 1 ?? k 7 ? \ INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MATTER• INSPECTIONS ` eec. u. s. ,?j Counry Indexea Since 1888 ?? 1+3-? To lotate namet, open ot COTT A-2 TAB INDEX ?AT OFFICE C.C,?t?? An Identifying Trade Marlc ?? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MIADE BY THE COTT INDEX tOMPANY, COLUM8U5, OHIO SOLO BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTEBOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page . 1. J. B. Hewlett elected Fish Inspector for fees only. 2. R. M. Kermon elected Meter Inspector at $62.50 per month. 3. J. B. Hewlett elected Fish Inspector for fees only. 4. R. M. Kerman elected Meter Inspector at $62.50 a month. 5. Report from Mr. Kerman, County Meter Inspector for April received. 6. Half of expense of moving Meter adjuster from City Hall to Courthouse approved of City pays other half. , 7. Equipment to be purchased for County Meter inspector to test Tide Water Power Company's gas. 8. Fish Inspector, J. B. Hewlett, resigned J. H. Southerland to fill position. 9. W. C. Strain's request to clean and Inspect boilers once a month referred to Chairman. ?_?. ?$200 needed for weight and measure .inspector transferred from emerency fund. 11. $200 fOr weight and measure paid to Inspector C. D. Baucom 12• Report from weight and measure filed. 13. Bill approved for Inspection of Ferry. 14. $6.75 payment to meter Inspector of Wilmington, approved for p?i.nting 5000 readers. 15. Request by Tide Water Co. for electrical Inspector to inspect outside city referred to Chairman and County Attroney. 16. Equipment.from E H Sargent approved for Meter adjuster. 17. Mete? adjuster made verbal report of needs. 18. Meter adjuster made verbal report of needs. 19. Meter adjuster submitted his report for February. 20. Meter adjuster requested Statewide Meter Lnspection Bill be exempted from County. 21. Monthly payment authorized for Plumbi?g ?5-r?spector. 22. ?pproved half payment for Meter ?nspector's tools. 23. Soil Inspector?s report received on clay sample at Airport. 24. Committee appointed to secure weight and measure ?nspecto?. 25. Food and Dairy Inspector submitted monthly report. 26. Meeting set with Fish Inspector to discuss Oyster House. 27. Appointment of Fish In?pector postponed. 28. Payment authorized for School Inspect??::?g and labor. ?:'?: , Communication from Chief ??nspector referred on?. safety de?ices f? el?vators . 3n . No authorization found on safety devices for e? evators at jail, requested by Chief Inspector 3?'.. Nc? legal authority advised for appointing Building Inspector. 3?. Meter Inspector's report filed for July. 3?. Y. S. Simmons letter referred on em.ploying Weights and Measures Inspector. 3G?. June 17th letter referred to ?tate Inspector. 3?;'. Appointm?nt of D. F. Sandlin postponed, replacing J.D. Brock as County Electrician. 36?. No changes rtade in position for Electical Inspector. 3i?. Consideration taken on full time Weights and Measures Inspector. ?$_ Gas Inspecti.ons made over County. ?9. J. S. Simmons made charges, but referred to State authorities. 4U?'?Action taken on Simmons complaint on unchecked Weights and Measures. 41. J. S.Simmons request for Weights and Measures Inspection place referred to joint meeting. 42. Report received on complete coverage ?f Weights and Measures conditions.. 4?. Re?uest State Electrical Inspector permission to employ an assistant County Electrical Inspector. 44a. J. 0. Brock appointed County Electrical Inspector, Mr. Harry J. Everett Assis?ant. 12 O1 1924 8 316 12 O1 1924 8 216 12 07 1925 8 361 12 07 1925 8 361 05 03 1926 8 384 05 03 1926 8 384 06 07 1926 8 387 08 O1 1927 8 455 OS 16 1927 8 457 2 18 1930 ?y 26 6 2 1930 9 44 .7 1 1930 9 47 7 27 1930 9 114 9 6 1932 9 180 4 10 193?? 9 215 12 17 1934 9 315 1 28 193? 9 320 2 4 1`?35 9 322 3 11 1935 9 329 ??? 8 1935 9 3?3 5 20 1935 9 342 8 12 1935 9 374 10 5 1936 9 456 10 26 1?3r? 9 459 11 16 1936 9 464 5 17 1936 9 500 12 7 1936 9 467 11 1 1937 9 550 8 21 1939 10 77 8 28 1939 10 78 l? 1? 194? 10 2/?? 8 9 1943 10 343 6 17 1946 10 501 6 24 19?+6 10 536 1 20 1947 10 536 2 10 1947 10 544 6 24 1947 10 569 6 9 1947 10 570 6 16 1947?-10 571 e 23 i947 Iv 5i2 7 21 1947 10 576 11 10 ?947 10 594 1 5 1948 11 8 1 19 1948 11 10 INDEX TO COMMISSIQNERS MI?VUTES -- N H t C N C anover ew oun ?, . . y MATTER: Inspe?tions - nta. u. s. '?1?? County Indexea Since 1888 ?? ?+.}-- To loeate namCS? open at r?T OFFICE ?p?J?r.?a'-?- An ldentiFying Trade Mark 11._F3 SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•2 TAB INDEX ?DE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROtEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month I Day I Year Vol. I Page 1., Comm?ttee named to schedule Electrical Inspector's fees. 3 21 1949 11 83 2. Weights and Measurement Tnspect??n petitaion submitted for Inspector; Meeting sc heduled. 7 5 1949 11 104 3. No action taken on Weight and Measurements petition., 7 11 1949 11 105 4. Inspection report received of Courtho?u.se Boiler. 9 12 1949 11 120 5. Retainment of Electical Inspector referred to Chairman. 10 31 1949 11 131 6, Electrical Inspector ordinance presented. 11 7 1949 11 133 7. Electical Inspector ordinance amended. 11 28 1949 11 138 8. Electical Inspection report filed. 12 28 1949 11 143 9. Electical Inspection report f??edo Z 23 I950 ?? Z5I 10. Electrical Inspection report filed. 2 2;;1950 11 158 11. D. M. Connor designated as Wrightsville Beach Electrical Inspector. 2 2i1950 11 159 12. Electrical report filed. 3 2C1950 11 164 13. Electrical report filed. 5 2?1950 11 187 l?o Electrical report filed. 6 2E1950 11 192 15. Electrical Inspect?on report filed. 7 1i1950 11 196 16. County home boiler report received. 7 171950 11 196 17. Electrical Inspection report filed. 8 211950 11 204 18. Notice of Inspection received on County home boiler. 8 211950 11 204 19. Notice of Inspection received on Courthouse boiler. 8 211950 11 204 20. Electrical Inspection report filed. 9 251950 11 211 21. County home Inspection report filed. 10 161950 11 217 22. Electrical Inspection report filed. 11 3C1950 11 219 23. Electrical In?pection report filed. 11 2?i1950 11 226 24. Received letter of thanks from Meter Adjuster. 12 41950 11 228 25. Bu?lding Inspector approvedrequest to demolish old building. 2 ?1951 11 239 26• Electrical Inspection report filed. 3 51951 11 245 27. Electrical Inspection report filed. ? 2E1951 11 250 28. Electrical Inspection report filed. 4 161951 11 254 29. Hartford Boiler Inspection snd Ins?.rance Co. letter received on C.home and Prison boiler. 4 161951 11 254 30, Final Inspection agreed for TB Hospital. 6 181951 11 266 31. Electrical Inspection report filed. 6 251951 11 266 32. Electrical Inspection report filed. 7 301951 11 275 33, Electrical Inspection report filed. 9 101951 11 286 34. Electrical Inspection report filed. 10 151951 11 294 35. Electrical Inspect?on report filed. 11 51951 11 299 36. Electrical Inspection repore filed. 11 121951 11 301 36, Electrical Inspection report fioed. 1 71t:?5c, 11 310 37. Electrical Inspection report filed. 3 311952 11 327 38, Electrical Inspection report filed. 4 281952 7.1 333 39. Electrical Inspection report filed. 5 191952 11 337 40. Ele,ctrical Inspectian report filed. 7 281952 11 357 41., Sam Blake to inspect the Inlet Dredging at Carolina Beach. 8 181952 11 359 42. Inspection Committee fo? Fire Dept?. R. E. Brown, E. B. Wright and Ivey Mcgee. 9 151952 11 364 43. Electrical Inspection report filed. 9 221952 11 366 44. Electrical Inspection report?filed. 12 11952 11 382 45. Fire Inspection Committee report accepted, Castle Hayne, Ogden,Seagate, Winter Park and 12 8L952 11 383 Wrightsboro Depts, to ge? funds. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MATTER: Inspections eec. u. s. Couney Indezea Since 1888 To IoCOte names, open pt COTT A-Z TAB INDEX e?r OFFICE ??? An IdentifYing Trada Mark ? SURNAME INITIAI TAB NU1DE BY THE COiT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN 6. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE Month Day Yea? MINUTE BOOK Vol. Page 1• Electrical Inspection report filed. 12 29 1952 11 388 2. Boiler Inspection report received. 2 9 1953 11 399 3. Fire Inspection report received on Caunty home. 2 '9 1953 11 399 4. Electrical Inspection report received. 2 ?_?6 1953 11 401 5. Stu?.te Bciler Inspection Certificate received on Sanatorium Boiler. - 2 16 1953 11 401 6. Boiler Inspection report received on Courthouse Boiler., 5 18 1953 11 422 7. Electrical Inspection report received. 7 20 1953 11 438 8. Electrical Inspection report received. 8 24 1953 11 449 9. Electrical Inspectzon report recez?rer?. ?? 2 ?9?3 ?? l??L? 10. Electrical Inspecticin repart received for Courthouse Boiler. 5 24 1954 ll 515 11. Inspection report received for dcg pound. 11 15 1954 11 S54 12. Building Inspections permits recommended. 1 3 1955 11 565 13. T?psail Beach Inspection tour announced. 1 3 1955 11 565 14. Inspection report filed. 1 3 1955 11 565 15. Inspection report received for County h?me, Dairy, Juvenile,Hospital ancl main building. 1 17 1955 11 568 16. County home Dairy Boiler Inspection reported, payment approved to Dept. of Labor. 1 24 1955 11 571 17. Sand fences completed and Inspection called for Beaches. 3 28 1955 11 586 18. Electrical Inspection report received . 5 9 1955 11 597 19. Electrical Inspection report,received. - 6 13 1955 11 606 20. Boiler Inspection report received on Lumberman Mutual Casualty Company. 6 13 1955T 11 606 21. Boiler Inspection received on prison, Juvenile home,County hom? and main room Boiler. 8 29 1955 11 627 22. Appointed Norman Rouse 7?:lectrical Inspecti??, in illne?s of Harry Everett. 9 12 1955 11 629 23. State Electrical InspectQr?acknowledgement received on appointment of Norman Rouse. 9 19 1955a 11 632 24. Inspection of Boilers received from Mutual Casualty Co. 10 i.0 1955 12 8 25. Boiler report received. 2 6 1956 12 41 26. Electrical Inspection report received for December. 3 5 1956 12 50 27. Complaint of Fire Inspector referred to County Attroney. 5 7 1956 12 67 28. Received Budget for 1956-57, asking increase. 6 25 1956 12 77 29. R?ceived Certificate for Inspection and permits for various Boil???at County home and farm. 7 23 1956 12 85 30. Jointsession to discuss Bill for Legislature on proposed Building Inspector. 1 7 1957 12 121 31. Meeting of Municipal Officials to discuss the establishment of a Building Inspector's officel 14 1957 12 122 32. County's authority to con demn old building referred to County Attorney. 1 14 1957 12 122 33. Meeting of Representatives to discuss proposed Building Inspector's plan. 1 21 1957 12 124 34. Mr. S.E. Brown appointed to Fire Inspection Committee. 2 11 1957 12 129 35. Mr. Berry A. Williams County's representative cn Fire Committee. 2 11 1957 12 12Q 36. Received Co?:?.nty's Electrical regcrt calendar year 1956. 2 25 1957 12 I33 37. County Attor?ey, to draw Bill enabling County to appoint Building Inspector. 2 25 1957 12 134 38. Wilmington's Contractors . Association endorsed proposed B??.ilding Inspecto?. 3 4 1957 12 135 39. Received Inspection report on County home Boiler. 3 4 1957 12 135 40. Plumbers Labor Union approve proposed Building Inspector? - 4 8 1957 12 143 41. Received Coun?y's Electrical Inspector report for January, February and Ma.rczh. 4 29 1957 12 147 42. Board advise that Statewide Bill pending in Legislature for Building Inspector. S 13 1957 12 151 43. Letter requesting Boiler Inspection at Community Hospital. 7 8 1957 12 166 44. Electrical Inspection of school buildings to be done monthly. 8 5 1957 12 172 45. Request to replace pumps at Community Hospital referred to Plumbing Inspector. 8 26 1957 12 177 46, Board approved Fire Inspectors agreement. 9 23 1957 12 182 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?y, N. C. , MATTERT Inspections ` aec. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 ? To IoCate names, open pf COTT A-Z TAB INDEX r?r OFi1CE C.?i?? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAI. TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERM, NORTH GROLINA IdATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month I Day ( Yea? Vol. I Page 1. Airport Inspection summary report referred to Mr. John A. Westbrook. 9 23 1957 12 182 2. Board to meet with Winter Park Fire Dept. Personnel and Inspectors. 10 21 1957 12 189 3. Inspection Committee to meet with Representatives from all Depts. 10 28 1957 12 189 4. Board to make quarterly Inspections to County Properties. 11 4 1957 12 192 5. County Fire Inspection Committee presented names elected to various volunteer Fire Depts. 11 11 1957 12 192 6. Board approved the revised Winter Park Fire District Limit. Received contract agreement. Il 25 1957 12 195 7. Electrical Inspection report received.- 2 3 1958 12 220 8. Mr. C. A. Pope requested reinspection of all Public Buildings. 2 10 1958 12 223 9. Board approved ?olunteer Fire Dept. Contracts. 2 24 1958 12 227 Iltl. Electrical reports received. 5 12 1958 12 ??7 11. Received Inspection report from the Supervising Engineer of the Lumberman's Casualty Co. 6 2 1958 12 264 12. Received Fire Inspection Committee's report. C 9 1958 12 266 13. Board approved new outline for Winter Park and accepted Resolution from Inspection Committ ee6 9 1958 12 267 14. Received Electrical Inspector's report. 7 21 1958 12 281 15. Mr. Everett to report new and improved properties weekly, and copies to the Board. 8 l? 1958 12 293 16. Received report and recommendations from State Inspector of Correctional Institutions. 8 18 1958 12 293 17. Letter outlining Myrtle Grove Fire District and Resolution of same., 9 8 1958 12 299 18. Inspection Committee to Inspect proposed tank truck of South Wilmington Fire Dept. 12 1 1958 12 339 19. Building Inspector reported of County Planning discussed by NACO, No Action ?aken. 12 1 1958 12 339 20. Periodic Inspections of County Properties to be placed on agenda. 12 8 1958 12 342 21. Approved change in Odgen and Seagate Fire Districts. 2 9 1959 12 373 22. Count?Fire Inspection ?,ommittee presented Resolixtion and requested re-alining Castle Hayne 2 16 1959 12 380 Fire District, granted. 2?o Public Hearing on appoiz?.ting a Building Inspector. 3 2 1959 12 386 24. Board to request Legislation for power to appoint a Building Inspector. 3 2 1959 12 387 25. Request for funds to reb?iild Myrtle Grove Fire House referred to Inspection Committee. 3 2 1959 12 387 26. Request for action to terminate Meter Adjuster, tabled until next meeting, 3 2 1959 12 388 27. No Action Taken on Building Inspector's report. 3 9 1959 I2 3A3 28. Public Hearing on Meter Adjuster, No Action, left decision. _ to Legislators. 3 9 1959 12 393 29. Special Act subm.it?'.ed on Bui.lding held in abeyanc?. 3 23 1959 1`)_ 404 30. City Buil3ing Inspector and Mr. Farrow to inspect Health Building. 4 6 1959 12 407 31. ReceTVed quarterly_rep?rt,Electrical Inspector. 4 13 1959 12 415 32. Received report on Health Building inspection, Mr. Farrow to further inspect. 5 4 1959 12 425 33. Received report of inspection of County Home-Farm from Board of Health. 5 18 1959 12 436 34. Authorized Secretary to check on who inspects schools, report back to Board. B 17 1959 12 488 35. Building Code Council informed of revised County Electrical Ordinance. 8 17 1959 12 488 36. Requested names, Inspectors conducting School Fire Inspections. 11 2 1959 12 510 37. Received names of Inspectors (above), committee appointed to study qualifications. 11 16 1959 12 514 Committee: City Manager, Secretary, Fire Chief, County/City Inspectors and John Marshall. 38. Received complaint and revised Electrical Inspection Ordinance, committee to be appointed. 12 7 1959 l2 518 39. Received Fire Inspection Committee's report. 12 7 1959 12 521 40. Harry J. Everett and Fred Futch to inspect County Schools, J. A. West to inspect outside 12 7 1959 12 521 City, also City Electrical Inspector, Mr. Everett to receive $5 per school per inspection. 41. Mr. Fred Futchs, Jr, to received $8.50 per school, per inspection. 12 21 1959 12 524 +2. Complaint of John E. Wood, Electrical Inspector, against County Electrical Inspector, 12 21 1959 12 524 deferred for next meeting. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? N. C. MU JECT , _ In spec tion s - rtEC. u. s. County Indexea s??? isas p? ?.?--? ro ioean nam.s, op.n m eotr e.z T?i ?NOex r?r OFFICE (??l.?p.?- ?.nldentifying Trade Mark fk? tURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, (OLUMBUS, OH10 SOLD iT ONEN i. DUNN, MEN tERN, NORTN GROLINA IYATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page _ l. Received Courthouse inspection report, recommendations for elevator, Sec to investigate. 1 18 1960 12 536 2. Received El?ctrical re orF for October November and December 1959. P ? 1 18 1960 12 539 3. Received County Electrical Inspector report for January 1960. 2 15 1960 12 546 4. Received Electrical report for February 1960. 3 7 1960 12 550 _ 5. Approved request of Fire Inspection Committee, to change District Of Castle Hayne 3 14 1960 12 552 boundaries. 6. Received Electrical Inspector's report for January, Febr?zary and March 1960. 4 18 1960 12 568 7. Received school fire inspection report. S 16 1960 12 576 ? 8. Action deferred on Electrical School Inspector. 6 6 ?960 22 579 9. Authorized Secretary to confer with Electrical Inspector, refuser to inspect schools. 7 15 1960 12 590 10. Received Electrical report for April 1960. 6 6 1960 12 579 11. Received Electrical report for May and June 1960. 7 18 1960 12 593 12. City Electrical Inspector to check overloading in office of Mr. Funderburk. 9 6 1960 12 605 ? 13. Electrical report for July received. 9 6 1960 12 610 I 14. Courthouse inspection report received. 9 9 1960 12 612 15. ( ? Mr. Calvin W. Hood, appointed as member to the Board of Fireman s Relief Fund. 11 7 1960 12 624 16. Mr. John E. Wood, (temporary) Electrical Inspector, appointment exten.ded for one year. 12 19 1960 12 636 17. Mr. Metts, appointed to Rural Fire Inspection Committee and Representative on Fireman's 1 16 1961 12 643 Relief Fund. ? 18. Workmen's compensation Ins. referred to Mr. Hardy Wessell. ( for Fire Depts) 3 20 1961 12 656 19. Electrical Inspector, John E. Wood., reported on Co?u.rthouse service, tabled. for later. 6 5 1961 12 685 20. Authorized re-advertising for Courthouse electrical work. 6 19 1961 12 b88 . 21. Received letter from Winter Park Volunteer Fire Dept. 10 16 1961 13 29 22. Approved electrical changes for Courthouse, recommended by John E. Wood. 12 4 1961 13 39 . 23. John E. Wood, re-appointed County Electrical Inspector. 12 18 1961 13 51 24. John E. Wood.reported of work oompleted at Courthouse, ?equested City Inspector do 1 2 1962 13 54 fu.ture inspections. ; 25. Motion carried only bill be paid accomplished by City Inspector's Cert2ficates. 1 2 1962 13 54 26. Received Fire Inspector's report on schools. 5 14 1962 13 105 27. John E. Wood reported and authorized to draw plans for Courthouse air conditioning. 7 18 1962 13 134 28. Electrical Inspector's report received, letter requesting fut?a.re monthly reports. 7 23 1962 13 135 29. Electrical Inspector report received. 8 6 1962 13 140 30. Elec?rical Inspector report received.. 10 15 1962 13 164 31. EZectrical Inspector report received. 11 19 1962 13 173 ( 32. Electrical Inspector report received. 1 21 1963 I3 I86 33. City Building Inspector, condemned lien property of Alice T and Mamie W. Henries. 3 4 1963 13 194 34. County/City Electrical Inspector to meet with Mr. Hodges, wiring system, Health Building. 7 15 1963 13 228 35. All County Buildings to be inspected and approved by County Inspector before wiring. 7 15 1963 13 228 36. Mr. John E. Wood to inspect schools outside City limits, Mr Love to pay him. 6 24 1963 13 230 . 37. Letter to Mr. Fred Futches, services no longer needed, thanks for good job. b 24 1963 13 230 ? 38. I Electrical Inspector's report received. 9 3 I963 I3 249 '?, 39. Electrical inspection report received. 9 16 1963 13 256 40. Electrical inspection report received for September 1963. 10 21 1963 13 262 41. Boiler inspection report received by Lumbermen Mutural Casualty Co. 10 21 1963 13 262 42. Electrical Inspector's report received. 11 4 1963 13 266 43. Electrical Inspector's report received. I2 2 1963 13 270 a, . .. N. C. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County INSPECTIONS MU J , _ ECT ` aso, u. s. q? ??- County Indeaee Since 1888 ? TO (OtOt? nam?s, O?NO at PAT OFFICE C?F?:La?cc? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TA? COTT A•Z TA? INOEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD ?Y OWEN ?. YYNN, NEN ?ERII, NORTN GROLINA ' DATE MINUTE BOOK ` NATURE Of PROCEEDINGS , p? Month Day Year Vol. Page . ; ? 1.:; Building Inspector 03 16 1964 13 305 2.4? ?? Building Inspector 07 06 1964 13 350 k 3.es f, ' Building Inspector 11 16 1964 I3 398 4.'„'; Building codes 04 20 1965 13 468 5.?' s Telephone - Car 05 17 1965 13 477 . 6.i; Consolidated Office O1 ?4 1965 13 418 ;? 7.?' Plumbing Inspector O1 18 1965 13 425 8.i Fees - building permits 02 )1 1965 13 432 9.' Building inspector 03 ?? I9b5 I3 443 10., Building code 03 I)1 1965 13 443 l?. Assistant building inspector 08 16 1965 13 514 12. Building code amendment 12 )6 1965 13 ?51 13.: Building code amendment 12 )6 1965 13 555 14.' Building Permit fees Ol 03 1967 14 19 15.' Transfer of funds 02 20 1967 14 33 16.?;? Electrical Code 03 06 1967 14 36 17.? Building Permit fees 03 17 1967 14 43 18.' ?,? Building and Electrical Permits One Mile Beyond City limits 03 17 1967 14 45 19.` Electrical Inspector - Transfer of Funds 06 19 1967 14 70 20.` Concrete Foogints-Mr. James B. Hughes 08 07 1967 14 80 ?. 21.! Use of Wood Shingles in County 08 07 1967 14 80 22.k1 Building Code 10 02 1967 14 93 23.?? Building Code 11 20 1967 14 112 r{ 24; Building Codes Ordinance 05 ?6 1968 14 185 25; Electrical Inspection Fees-Hercules 05 20 1968 14 189 26;:' ? Building Codes Ordinance 05 20 1968 14 187 27: Capital Outlay-Increase Building Inspector 07 11 1968 14 221 28; Capital Outlay 07 11 1968 14 222 29r Building Codes, Mr. C. Register 08 05 1968 I4 233 30:; Building Review Board 09 16 1968 14 248 31:; Mr. John Wood reauest to attend city/county electrical Inspector's meeting 09 16 1968 14 249 32; Additional help electrical inspection 11 04 1968 14 264 33. ?lectrical Inspector Radio 11 18 1968 14 269 34;. Electrical Inspector request for help 12 02 1968 14 276 35. Electrical Inspector reques? for help 12 02 1968 14 278 36: Additional Help Electrical F? Building Inspection Office 12 03 1968 14 280 37,; Bond requirement of contractors 12 16 1968 14 285 38?' Policy on credit for permits in Electrical and Building Inspector's Office 12 16 1968 14 284 39: Approval of proposed electrical permit fee schedule 11 19 1973 15 526 40. Request for transfer of funds from Salaries to Telephone O1 15 1973 15 305 41.'; g Complaint of electrical Serv. 02 05 1973 15 326 42.? Transfer to office supplies 05 07 1973 15 383 43.'' Transfer of funds 06 18 1973 15 438 44., Discussion of Swimming Pools 06 18 1973 15 440 45. ; Funds for Salaries ? Equipment for Asst. Engineer and Draftsman 11 05 1973 15 ' 521 INDEX TQ COMMISSIOI?ERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. _ MU JECT INSPE?TI°NS i nec, u. s. CoUnty Indeaea Since 1888 ?' To lotot? nam?s, op?n at COTT A-2 TA? INpEX PAT oFFice C.?,E?? An Identifyins Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY. COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD ?Y OhIEN i. CUNN, NEw ?ERN, NORTN GROLINA DATE MINUiE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Transfer of funds 03 18 1974 15 603 2. Approval of draftsman II 05 06 1974 15 628 3. Transfer of funds 06 17 1974 15 665 4. Report of Inspections Committee 08 19 1974 15 703 5. Budget transfer for moving base station 06 30 1975 16 233 6. Appointment of Robert M. Williams as County Engineer 06 30 1975 16 234 7. Adoption of Electrical Code 10 06 1975 16 280 8. Adoption of Electrical Code 10 20 1975 16 285 9. Adoption of Plumbing Ord. 10 20 1975 16 :?85-6 10. Discussion on Plumbing Inspections 11 24 1975 17 11 11. Trans. funds rental of transcriber machine 03 15 1976 17 87 12. Trans. funds purchase blue line print machine 05 17 1976 17 126 13. Reimburse Thad Carmichael for correspondence course 07 06 1976 17 161 14. Budget trans. repair radios 12 20 1976 17 249 15. Discuss Swimming Pool Code 03 28 1977 18 6 16. Budget Trans.-Equip for Htg. F? Air Inspec. 09 06 1977 18 98 17. Budget Trans.-transporting 3 trucks 09 06 1977 18 :?8-9 18. Discuss Heating $ Air Permit fees 09 19 1977 18 104 19. Budget Trans.-Engineering funds for soil borings 11 07 1977 18 130 20. Adoption amendment Building Code 11 21 1977 18 135 21. Tabling adoption of Mechanical Permit Fee schedule 11 21 1977 18 135-6 22. Approval fee schedule for Htg. F? Air permits 12 05 1977 18 143 23. Transfer-printing invoices 05 Ol 1978 18 203 24. Budget Transfer- supplies (CETA) 06 05 1978 18 221 25. Discuss letter pertaining to travel trailers 06 19 1978 18 233 26. Thad Carmichael-Bldg. Inspector for the Year for N. C. 07 03 1978 18 246 27. Budget Transfer-purchase truck and repairs 08 07 1978 18 258 28. Bost-Appeal on Bldg. Inspection ruling - withdrawn 08 21 1978 18 258 29. Budget transfer for correct estimate 09 18 1978 18 280 30. Electrical Code Amendments 12 18 1978 18 327 31. Budget transfer - building permits & copy sheets 02 19 1979 18 360 32. Amendment - Plumbing Code 03 05 1979 18 367 33. Amendment to heating & air conditioning fee schedule 10 15 1979 18 494 34. Discussion of enforcement of provision in building code re/portable toilets on cons ?uction sites 12 03 1979 18 522 35. H. G. Herring & L. O. Goodyear appointed to Plu?nbing Board 12 17 1979 18 531 36. Recission of appointment of H. G. Herring to Plumbing Board O1 07 1980 18 533 37. Amendment to Building Code pertaining to Plumbing Installations Ol 07 1980 18 534 38. Reappointment of Mr. King & Mrs. Graves to Board of Electrical Examiners O1 21 1980 18 543 39. Complaints Against Inspections Dept. 05 19 1980 18 603 40. Increase in Inspection Fee Schedule 08 18 1980 18 649 41. Change in Electrical Fee Schedule 06 15 1981 18 865 42. Approval of Procedure for Annual Electrical permit 08 17 1981 18 905 43. Plumbing Permit Fee Change - Resolution 12 17 1981 18 965 44. Discussion on signs for Home businesses 02 15 1982 19 13 45. Discussion on Request to take over City Inspections 05 25 1982 19 76 46. Additions to Electrical Permit fee Schedule 06 21 1982 19 100 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. ? MU JECT INSPECTIONS DEPARTMEN? . xea. u. s. ?/? ?,"? County Inaezes Since 1888 ? TO IOWt? naro?t? op?0 aT COTT A-Z TA? INpEX PAT OFFICE C.G'c4//7/? An Identifying Trade Matk SURNAME INITIAL TAY MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY? COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD ?T OMIEN 0. pUNN, NEw tERN, NORTN CAROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK 4= NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS p? Month Day Year Vol. Page „ 1:' Tztle Changes - Inspections Department 08 02 1982 19 126 2•' Presentation of certificates of commendation (inspectors) 10 18 1982 19 171 3? Temporary Building and mechanical inspections services for Carolina Beach 11 1 1982 19 178 4` Disposal plans for one & two family dwelling units (records) 11 1 1982 19 178 5;: Fee for installation of solid fuel burning appliances 12 6 1982 19 194 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County N. C. MU JECT INSURANCE ?VISORY ?o?MITTEE , _ J GL/?? Countv Indezea Since 1888 ? To IOCON IIa1Mf? Oan at RE6. U. S. C?1 PAT OFFICfi ?! An Identifying Trade Mark 6 COTT A-Z ? T TA? INpEX I ? ? ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB OMIEN 0. oUMN, N SOLD ?T EN ?ERN , NORTN GRO L NA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Request to amend by-laws - Insurance Advisory Committee 11 03 1969 14 406 2. Appointment to Insurance Advisory Committee 11 03 1969 14 406 3. Death benefit County employees under retirement system 06 Ol 1970 14 489 4. Include consolidation of tax office and library 06 Ol 1970 14 484 5. Death benefit for employees 07 07 1970 14 489 6. Insurance coverage-Sheriff's department 08 03 1970 14 519 7. Additional funds for Sheriff's Dept. 10 05 1970 14 537 8. Appropriation for 05 O1 1972 15 118 9. Setting up office for Insurance Advisory Committee in Tax Dept. 04 16 1973 15 370 10. Budget amend - Insurance F? bonds to pay workman's comp ?, auto liability 04 20 1976 17 108 11. Change in BCBS at DSS 06 07 1976 17 143 12. Request for information on insurance coverage 06 21 1976 17 152 13. Discussion on change in policy in county Employee's hospitalization ins. policy 06 30 1976 17 157- 14. i Insurance adv. committee confirmation 09 20 1976 17 198 15. Budget Amend.-Multi-Peril Policy-Airport 03 28 1977 18 7 16. Discussion of Public Officials Liability Ol ?2 1979 18 343 17. Discussion of Public Officials Liability Insurance 03 L9 1979 18 375 18. Al1an Strange reappointed to Insurance Advisory Committee 08 ?6 1979 18 459 19. Amendment to Insur. Advisory Committee By-laws 06 ?_6 1980 18 617 20. Appointment of Lamar Mclver to Insurance Advisory Committee 08 04 1980 18 647 21. Appointment of Meares Harris, Jr. 07 20 1981 18 894 I 22. Appointment of Walker Taylor to Insurance Advisory Committee 07 06 1982 19 112 23. I I f INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - Ne Hanov r C unt N C INSU?C? & B°?DS ` ?, w e o . . _ MATTER: aec u. s. Covnty lnde:ee Since 1888 PAT OFFIGE ? Jl1l?v7.?i AnldentifyingTtadeMark ?'+ fo loea» namss, O?MO at COTT A TO 2 TAB IND II?DB ?Y THE ?iT INDEX ?OMrANY? EX COLIIMlUS? OMIO , . SURNAME INIiIAL TAB SOLD BY OW EN G. D UNN CO., NE W BERN, N. C. NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Budget Amendment 03 L5 1982 19 28 2. Azalea Festival Air Show Insurance Coverage 04 05 1982 19 43 3. Discussion on Possible refund of Workmen's Comp. Insurance Funds 05 )3 1982 19 58 ( 4. Application for Public Officials Liability Insurance 05 )3 1982 19 64 5. ?lue Cross/Blue Shield Coverage (changes) 06 07 1982 19 81 6. Discussion on Hospitalization Insurance for County Retirees 06 07 1982 19 89 i ! 7. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS 1\. l?. MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? INTERNATTONAL M NICKEL C0. ? _ g?E T _ REa. u. s. v?r OFFICE C.?i County Indezee Since 1888 F?? An ldentifving Trade Mark ? TO lotat? nam?s, O?NA at SURNAME INIiIAL TA? COTT M2 TAi INpEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD ?Y OMIEN 0. IIUNN, NEN tERN, NORTN GROLINA DATE MINUi E BOOK NATURE OF PROfEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Extension of Property - Kure Beach. 06 28 1965 13 496 2. Test station 08 02 1965 13 510 3. Project 08 16 1965 13 515 t? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Ha?over Count?, N. C. MATTER: INSPECTOR OF NAVAL _ STORES ` Rao. u.? s. n? Counry Indezes S?nce 1886 To locats names, open at rAt OFFICE C???a-? An Identifying Trnde Mark ? SURNAM6 (NITIAL TAB COTT A-Z TAB IHDEX MADE BY THE (OTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, ONIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BE RN, NOR TH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDfNGS k'y ;? DATE I ?? MINUT E BOOK ? ?? Month ? Day ? Year ? ? Vol. ? Page ? ? l.? E.J. Pennypacker approved as Inspector of Naval Stores. R i 07 31 s? 1868?i 1 8 2.? ? Com.?nittee to investigate and report upon revision of the the fees for inspecting Naval Store s. 08 04 1868i? 1 8 3.; Report from committee inspecting Naval Stores. ?; 08 05 s 1868?? 1 9 V 4.?? Clerk to Board to advertise that Inspectors to hand in inspection returns. {; 08 ? 09 4Q 1869?? s 1 292 5.? Application from Robert Sweat filed. ? ? 08 09 ? 1869°? 1 293 6. Bond approved for James Culter as Inspector of Naval Stores. 04 04 1870`? 1 422 !? R: k 7.?? Bond approved for Robert Sweat as Inspector of Naval Stores. k, 04 04 ?d 1870F? 1 424 ,? ?e 8.;{ ,; Bond approved for Robert Sweat as an Inspector of Naval Stores. " 09 06 1870;; 2 1 9.;; Bond approved for William Thurber as an Inspector of Nava1 Stores. .} 09 21 1870?3 2 9 , 10..; Bonds approved for John W. Brown, E.J. Pennypacker, James K. Cutlar, and Charles Southerland as Inspectors.., 09 ? 22 1870„ 2 15 a ?? 11. ; Communication from Inspectors filed. 10 03 1870; 2 27 ?? ` 12. .: Fees for inspection set. 10 03 1870 s 2 i 29 ?! ?`s .j 1 ., g aY ? ?! ? ? iry if ?i ? ?i "ci ty+ !j ?? ?S .? ?? :? S ?X 9 1. `' ?? ?? ? ? i ? i `! vd ?? .r E ? ? ! ? .. w 0? ?{ 'Q yp f S 1± " ?; 6? ? S I {? ? ' .a !% C r 0 ?? ? ? .. ., .' '? ? .I ?? INDEX TO COMMISS?aN?RS M?NUTES --- New Hanover County N. C. _ MATTER• PROVISIONS &FFORAGE ? ? _ . _ .__ _r_ __ __ ?eQ: u, s. GOynty IpcIFZC? SIpCG 1888 To looat? names, open at o? r?•:. ?AB INDEX ?AT a?fFlp? C??? An Identif?'in?Tr?dm Merk SURNAM? INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQT7 INDEX COMPANY? (OLUMBUS. OHIO SOlD BY OWEN G. DUNM, NEW BfRN, NOR7k CAROLINA ?g i ?? DATE ? MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS " ?A Month I Day ( Year e? Vol. ( Page ?3 1.' Board passed fees of Inspector of Provisions. ? ?? 07 G. - - 30 1868k? $ 1 . 7 . ? 2.??Daniel ?.line approved as Inspector of Provisions and Forage. b; 07 31 1868?? 1 8 ;? 3.?lH. Marcus asked to withdraw from bond of Daniel Kline. ? 08 04 ;? 1868',: 1 ? 8 ?? , ?, t 4.?? Joseph Neff and E.R. Brink substituted as securities for a new bond for Daniel Kline. 08 05 ; 1868F? ; 1 9 S.p?John Sanders presented bill for Provisions from Harriss and Howell. ? 08 ?? 14 ? 1868?? 1 14 ? 5? 6.??Daniel IZ.line, William A. Green and Duncan Holmes bonded as inspectors. F 05 11 `+ 1869:? 1 223 , 7.??So1 V. Larkins bonded as an inspector. , " 05 I8 I869t5 I 237 8.;;E.M. Shoemaker bonded as an inspector. ; , 06 07 1869k; .. 1 249 ?? i 9.;;Clerk to Board to advertise that inspectors to hand in inspection returns. „ 08 09 1869? 1 ? E 292 ,? '' ?? 10..,Inspection returns from D. Kline filed. , 09 ? 06 1869, ? 1 312 ?6 si 11. :Bonds of William Green, Daniel Kline, Sol Larkins and ?,_M. Shoemaker justified. 09 07 1869` 1 318 ;? . ,+ dE 12..,Inspection returns accepted from Mr. Kline. 09 08 1869,; 1 321 =; a 13.,;Request from Inspector Kline for an increase of cotton weighing. 11 02 1869` 1 338 ?? 14.,.Bond presented by Duncan Holmes as Inspector of Provisions and Forage. 04 04 1870°' 1 a! 421 ?` , ° 15.;,Bond presented by Amos Galloway as Inspector of Provisions and Forage and approved. , 04 04 1870a; 1 , ?? 422 '' ? 16.,cBond approved for E.M. Shoemaker as an Inspector of Provision. , 09 06 1870? 2 2 k? ?? ?i 17.??Bond approved for Amos Galloway as an Inspector of Provision. 09 21 1870? 2 9 i? 18. ;Bond approved for Duncan Holmes as an Inspector of Provision. 09 .. 22 1870'. .. 2 ?i 15 '? ?? 19. 'Bond approved for William Green as an Inspector of Provision. „ 09 22 1870;;' 2 !? 16 ±? ? 20.;;Communication from Inspectors filed. ? 10 03 ?' 1870?; 2 4 27 ?? ? 21. „ Fees for inspection set. 10 03 1870 ?„ 2 ,? _ 29 ?? ? ?i , i ? ? ?i P? ??'; td ?. . „ .. ?. , i i ie ?? ?? F? y ,i , ri _ .. i ? rl . ? +i N3 ;'s ?? Sa ;i ` •? ;i . ? ? ?? ?d It ?? ii ?? , i ?a „ .. ? el . 1 ?. iF .. rF , j ? c 11 } .. ii `? i :; ;j d E? 9 ? ?{ yi ? ?? Ct ? Y ? C H N TES N C ounty? . l?. _ anover -- ew ERS MINU INDEX TO COMMISS?O MATTER: PITCH & TURPEN TINE _ ¦ea, u. s. Cqunhy Indezee Sinaa 1888 To IocaH namss, open at MT QFFIp{ (???p.? An Identifrin? TrAde Mar? ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB C07T A-Z 7A6 INDEX MADE BY THF COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA t? ;; DATE +k ?? MINU'fE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? `° Month I Day I Year [ ? Vol. I Page 1? 1.E? Motion made that fees for gauging and reclassifying spirits turpentine be reduced. ± 4? 08 13 '? 1868;? 1 13 ?,? ? 2.?€ Investigation made of inspection of turpentine. ,, , 02 , 03 1869?? 1 ll8 i? 3.?? Report received on inspectors' fees. ;. 02 18 I869tf 1 187 ;? 4. j Amended report on fees of inspection. ?; 02 24 `i 1869;? E, 1 190 5.k? Boney Southerland, O.S. Yarborough, William Thurber, Jo?.n W. Brown, and E.J. Pennypacker appointed inspector.05 11 1869r? ?a 1 224 6.?? George W. Betts, Charles Southerland and Jeffrey Williams appointed inspectors. ? 05 11 1869?? 1 225 7.;' Fee for Inspector of Spirits Turpentine approved. ? 05 27 ?i 1869?? 1 243 ? 8.,a Clerk to advertise that inspectors to hand in inspection returns. , 08 09 1869's ?? 1 291 "? ? 9. 3 Bonds justified for Boney Southeriand, Charles Southerland, W.H. Thurber, O.S. Yarborough and J. Brown. , 09 07 1869 1 ? 318 `? 10. Bonds justified for Jeff Williams, George Betts and E.J. Pennypacker. .. 09 07 1869.; 1 319 y? ;: 11. E.J. Pennypacker's bond approved. .. 09 08 1869; 1 320 kw 12. Inspection returns accepted from Charles Southerland, E.J. Pennypacker and Jeff Williams. . 09 08 1869; 1 320 ;# 13. Inspection returns accepted from W.H. Thurber, George Betts and John Brown. 09 .. .. 08 1869- ., 1 321 's! 'E ?i b; ?? i? ? ,' . .. + t„ ? P ' ,. . .. . ,. L .i ? n ?y r $? iP I¢ ?? fi g1 (3 pI II i. ? y ! j? i? +i i ? ?e .. .. .. .. . .. . e ?a ?? ?3 4's ?; iE f? ? ? iy ! 'i j? y r i y .. ,.. " , . ?! i4 ? d . ?? f': bi ?' ??i 4 f' ? ! ? ? ? ? ( I { 1? S SE ? S ? ?? ?? ? , ?"° N ? ???w s?H?no?er ;??tr?t? ?NERS : l?f Ifi?It??ES ??- INDEX TO CO?iM??I -;g?g,?T INSPECTOR OF TIMBER, ! ? MA?TER A TA L E , . . . . . _ : UMBER ND S ? S _ eac,.,u. ?. "'Govahr Inrkue.3ince 1888 Ra:loa0te??as, open at ?` : r?t??oF?tce???r.rd'rI1.?I?i? ?#.n.ideatif?gTai+de Mark ?e? BURNIWMBt?{??TIAL? 3AB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT fNDEX LOMPANY, GOLiIMBUS,`OH10 SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, flfW BERN;?lORTH CAR041NA r P? DATE ?? MINUTE BOOK II ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS i'; Month ? Da? Year 0? r Vol. ? Page `, 1.` George Wooples was approved as an Ins?pector of Timber, Lumber and Staves. ?; 08 - 14 ?? 1868?? - 1 I 14 q 2. ? ? Henry M. Bishop approved as an Inspector of Timber, Lumber and Staves. ?, 08 18 186851 1 15 ; 3.? Benjamin Dunfer approved as an Inspector of Timber, Lumber and Staves. 08 F 19 ?i 1868!' 1 16 ? ? ?^ g 4.?s J.A. Dupong approved as an Inspector of Timber, Lumber and Staves. ;; 08 28 1868?? 1 31 :3 5.?;? Committee to ins?pect staves. ?? 09 h• 19 1868?? f 1 50 '; 6.;; Report received from committee to ins?pect staves. ;? 10 08 1868;; ,? 1 65 7. i ' Fees set for Inspectors of Timber, Lumber and Staves. ?„ 11 27 1868,j s 1 126 8.,; Edward Robinson appointed an inspector. . 02 06 1869;? 1 181 9.;?, John Whiteman, E. Turlington, George Hooper and H.M. Bishop bonded as inspectors. F 05 11 1869: 1 223 ? 10.,, J.A. Dupong bonded as an inspector. . 05 11 1869,; 1 ?s 224 3 .? ;? 11. Clerk to Board to advertise that inspectors to hand in inspection returns. 08 09 1869,; 1 292 ;? ;, 12.s; Bonds justified for Mr. Bishop, J.A. Dupong, George Hooper, Ed Robinson and E. Turlington. „ 09 07 1869,; ? 1 ,a 318 .; ? 13.?' Bonds justified for John Whiteman. „ 09 07 1869f: 1 319 ? ? 14. Inspection returns accepted from George Hooper. _ 09 08 1869? 1 321 ? ? 15. E.S. Woodford qualified as Inspector of Lumber. ., 12 07 1869;? 1 350 ?? 16.? Bond approved for Edward Daves as Inspector of Lumber and Timber. , 04 04 1870.? 1 422 ? ? 17.? Bonds approved for E.S. Woodford, John Whiteman, George Hooper, Eastwood Turlington, and Edward Robinson 09 08 1870.a 2 4€ !I ?? ?? as Inspectors of Lumber. ., ? 18.?? . Bond approved for E. Davis as an Inspector of Lumber. 09 21 1870. 2 I 13 ! ? 19. ; Communication.s from Inspectors filed. 10 03 1870' r, 2 27 ? C? 20.,; Fees for inspection of lumber set. 10 .. 03 1870,; 2 29 ? ;; .. ' ;; .. ?? „ ??? '8 ?? j ;i S ? ? :i + i ? j4 , . 's ai ? t {,' ?l INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. , MUB ECT INSTITUTE 4F GOVERNMEI?T aEC. u, s. A???? County Indezea Since 1888 ? To loeat? nomN. oplo ot ? An Identifyins Trade Mark P?r OFFICE C 4? E??C WTi A-i TA? IMpE7I MADE BY TNE COTT INDEX COMPANY. COLUMBUS. OHIO , . c . SURtiAME INITIAL TAY SOLD ?T OIIEN ?. DUMN, NEN ?ERN, N ORTN GRO LINA DATE MINUT E BoOK ; NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS '? Month Day Year Vol. Page ' l. Assessing Officers Association Annual Meeting 11 16 1964 13 399 2. School for County Commissioners 12 07 1964 13 403 3. School for County Commissioners 12 02 1968 14 279 4. Membership 12 16 1968 14 284 5. Report on School for County Commissioners 12 16 1968 14 286 6. Course in appraisal of real property 04 05 1971 14 607 ?a INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATTER: INSURANCE aec. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 ? TO IotCte namBt? open Ct COTT A-2 TAB INDEX ??r OFFICE ?? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB NIADE YY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH GROLINA NATURE Of PROCEEDINGS DATE Month IDay I Year MINUTE BOOK ; Vol. I Page 4 718 5 796 1. Chairman reported on insurance collected from Hartford Insurance Co. on the Jai1. 06 07 188h 2. Petition from citizens requesting County to place as much County insurance with Carolina Insurance Co. as 04 05 1897 possible. 3. Board ruled a11 school committeemen to render statements to Commissioners on al1 real and personal property 06 07 1897 6 13 and insurance held by them. 4. Letter from Chairman of school committee of District 1 stating amount of insurance paid to Treasurer which 10 04 1897 6 45 had been collected on school which burned down. 5. Bi11 from Messrs. Atkinson and Chadbourn on insurance on schoolhouse in District 7 returned for signatures 10 09 1897 6 47 of school committeemen. 6. Insurance increased on Jail. O1 06 1902 6 627 7. Insurance increased on County mules. 08 07 1917 7 633 8. Ferry Commission to take over fire and accident insurance policies covering Ferry. 10 Ol 1919 8 78 9. Matter of securing insurance on Ferry boat with Clayton Giles referred to Ferry Commission. 07 07 1920 8 115 10. Insurance premium on Ferry boat to be paid to Clayton Giles and Sons. 08 02 1920 8 119 11. Securing Employees Liability Insurance for Ferry "John Knox" referred to Ferry Commission. 09 07 1920 8 124 12. Matter of securing public liability insurance on Ferry boat referred to Ferry Commission. 12 07 1920 8 136 13. Fire insurance reduced to Ferry John Knox. 04 04 1921 8 152 14. Insurance premium on Ferry to be paid Clayton Giles and Sons. 04 05 1921 8 153 15. Matter of fire insurance on Ferry John Knox referred to Ferry Commission. 04 10 1922 8 194 16. Committee to meet on distributing County's insurance among local agencies. 07 02 1922 8 201 17. Committee to investigate distributing County's insurance among local agencies. (See Committee Appointed) 12 04 1922 8 218 18. Claim for settlement from S. E. Eubanks for collision with County's truck referred to insurance company. 05 07 1923 8 241 19. Insurance on Packard Truck No. 11 authorized. 05 07 1923 8 242 20. Insurance premiums on trucks and autos from New Hampshire Fire Insurance Co. ? Travelers Insurance Co. 05 21 1923 8 243 Approved. 21. Chairman to adjust County's insurance claim for fire damage to County truck. 11 08 1923 8 270 22. Boilers in heating systems of courthouse, stockade and County home to be insured. 02 04 1924 8 281 23. Damage to auto of Paul Weaver referred to Insurance Company. 02 04 1924 8 281 24. Insurance fixed on ferry boats John Knox and Menantic. 05 05 1924 8 296 25. Board voted to give some insurance business to L. G. Hicks. 12 10 1924 8 318 26. Lecal Board of Fire Underwriters to submit revised insurance schedule for County. 10 05 1925 8 354 27. Liability policy covering Ferry from Clayton Giles and Son referred to Attorney. 11 02 1925 8 357 28. Board approved policy of liability insurance on ferry boats. 11 28 1925 8 359 29. Board to consider suggestion that Board secure a blanked policy on County property. 02 28 1926 8 67 30. Insurance to be secured on 3ai1's use of elevator only. 02 O1 1926 8 331 31. County to secure a blanket fire insurance policy covering all county property: 02 05 1926 8 372 32. Tornado insurance for County buildings taken under consideration. 03 O1 1926 8 375 33. Hartford Steam Boiler Insurance Co. discontinuing "crackage Clause" on County Home boiler. 04 05 1926 8 380 34. Board voted not to renew liability insurance on jail elevators. 04 17 1928 8 506 35. Insurance settlement for loss of county barn by fire approved. 05 15 1928 8 509 36. Reinstatement of original coverage authorized; insurance companies affected byloss of farm barn. 05 15 1928 8 510 37. Board voted to secure liability insurance with insurance company and refer it to local board of Underwriters 06 25 1929 8 580 for placement. 38. County insurance policies reinstated to full coverage. 09 24 1929 8 597 39. Rate and classificati? of employees on compensation insurance referred to chairman, auditor and attorney O1 13 1931 9 86 for report. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? N C MAT ERT INSURANCE , . . , ` aec. u. s. County [ndexea Since 1888 Yo locate names? open af COTT A-Z TAB INDEX ??T OFFICE C??l?p-?' An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLO BY OWEN C. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORT H CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day I Yea? Vol. I Page 1. More compensation insurance due to change in classification--declined. O1 13 1931 9 86 2.. Bill approved for payment to Winoca Insurance Co. for truck insurance. 03 02 1931 9 95 3. Board commended 1 yr. premium paid on fire insurance covering Ferry Waiting Room on Eagle Island. 03 23 1931 9 99 4. Auditor authorized to appear before Compensation Insurance Commission, Raleigh, to check insurance 03 23 1931 9 99 discrepencies. 5. Auditor reports results of investigation on classification of Employment Compensation Insurance and Board 05 04 1931 9 106 voted premium due on July 1, 1930 pol?cy. 6. Insurance reduction approved for ferryboat Menanic covering $10,000. 05 25 1931 9 109 7. Compensation insurance premium paid for one month. 07 20 1931 9 118 8. Cancellation of compensation insurance ordered, payment of its premium approved, and policy retained by 08 03 1931 9 121 County. 9. Fire Insurance for waiting room at Eagle's Island for ferry commission recommended for payment. 02 15 1932 9 153 10. Payment of premium recommended on $20,000 Marine Insurance policy on ferryboat John Knox, and 04 11 1932 9 160 workmen compensation referred to County Attorney. 11. Communication received from Public Insurance Committee of Wilmington, endorsing method of distributing 05 23 1932 9 165 - insurance premiums to agencies on county property, but referred to committee. 12. J. J. Cowell requested, approved part of salaries be detained to pay insurance premiums on "Salary 07 18 1932 9 171 allotment Plan." 13. B. F. Brittain, Jr., insurance agent, re?uested redistribution of County insurance among agents so O1 30 1933 9 201 independent agents can in equitable share of county's insurance business with Board of Underwriters. 14. In order to divide insurance coverage among agents, commissioners voted to reduce Carolina Insurance 02 06 1933 9 204 policy with agent Walker Taylor and distribute coverage to J. Haughton James and B. F. Brittain, Jr. 15. Reduction of fire insurance authorized on ferryboat John Knox. 05 08 1933 9 220 16. Information from state insurance department rec{uested on financial stability of Maryland Casualty Co. 05 15 1933 9 221 17. Payment of premium approved on workmen's compensation and Employers Liability Insurance on ferryboat 05 29 1933 9 223 JohnKnox, following investigation. 18. Contractors to be approved to give statement of values for insurance. 03 12 1934 9 277 19. Forgery policy declined for Todd check detector. 03 19 1934 9 278 20. Bill to W. A. Simon, Inc., approved for insurance appraisals. 07 23 1934 9 293 21. Endorsement authorized for Maryland Casualty Co., not covering Relief workers. 08 13 1934 9 298 ?22. Schedule of building values presented, adopted for insurance coverage. 09 10 1934 9 301 23. H. G. Latimer rec{uest for fire-risk insurance referred to County Attorney. Ol 14 1935 9 317 24. Albert F. Perry requested county insurance, but referred to Insurance underwriters. O1 21 1935 9 318 25. Insurance agents request for mutual companies for county taken under consideration. 02 Q4 1935 9 321 26. Selecting insurance companies and palicy terms referred to Chairman. 02 11 1935 9 323 27. Underwriters Secretary Stone Pullman agreed to turn remaining money over to local board for insurance agen ts.02 18 1935 9 325 28. Insurance agent R. R. Christie request heard in distribution of premium but referred to underwriters. 12 30 1935 9 398 29. Share of County insurance by agents, requested, heard, declined. O1 20 1936 9 401 30. Premium paid for insurance on Recreation stadium. 08 31 1936 9 450 31. Itemized statement on insurance requested for coverage. 09 14 1936 9 452 32. Insurance Companies requested, referred on insurance shares of County business. 02 O1 19s6 9 477 33. Local insurance board to determine distribution of insurance. 02 15 1936 9 480 34. Local Fire Underwriters was requested to place insurance with Carolina Insurance Co. 02 15 1936 9 480 35,. Robert c. Cantwell overlooked but granted distribution of County insurance. 02 22 1937 9 482 36.. Insurance agent Cantwell allowed County Insurance. 03 O1 1937 9 483 37. Recreation Park's exhibition building insured. 03 Ol 1937 9 483 INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATTER• INSURANCE .ec. u. s. Covnty Indexea Since 1888 j?' ? To loeote nomes, open at COTT A-2 TAB INDEX PAT OFi1CE ??? An Identifying'frade Mazk ??.-? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY TNE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, QHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE Month Day Year MINUTE BOOK Vol. Page 1. Insurance authorized for trucks at airport, County Home and fairgrounds. 08 04 1937 9 527 2. Insurance increased on six trucks. OS 09 1937 9 529 3. Insurance authorized for Armory. 12 07 1937 9 557 4. Insurance authorized for Armory. 12 13 1937 9 558 5. Armory Insured. 12 13 1937 9 558 6. Motion carried on fire insurance. O1 24 1938 9 563 7. Insurance Board presented schedule for distribution of policies among agents. O1 31 1938 9 564 8. Two stables insured at Legion Fields. 04 11 1938 9 577 9. Insurance discontinued on stockade boiler. 11 23 1938 10 24 10. Boiler insurance policy included in Jan. 31 resolution. 02 13 1939 10 39 11. Motion carried to hold special meeting with Local board of Underwriters and agents on insurance adjustment. 02 20 1939 10 41 12. Liability insurance authorized on county trucks. 02 20 1939 10 42 13. Recess taken for meeting with Local board of Underwriters and agents on rewriting county insurance. 03 13 1939 10 45 14. Meeting held to hear F. G. Harriss' request to rewrite insurance for County. 03 15 1939 10 46 15. Motion carried to place writing of insurance with Underwriters. 03 15 1939 10 46 16. Annual insurance report received from Underwriters. 04 I7 1939 10 51 t7. Action postponed on Glasgow Hicks advise on not writing insurance for deputies. 06 26 1939 10 64 18. Action postponed referred on deputies insurance compensations. 07 03 1939 10 65 19. Insurance on County trucks authorized renewal with local underwriters. 07 31 1939 10 70 20. Local Board of fire Underwriters and Mutual companies authorized meeting with commissioners. 08 07 1939 10 72 21. Ttivo above agencies met; motion rescinded on insuring ten County trucks with underwriters. 08 14 1939 10 74 22. Truck insured with Mutual Companies for renewal. 08 14 1939 10 74 23. Financial standing on Shelby Mutual Co. authorized from state insurance department. 08 14 1939 10 74 24. Community Hospital placed with Carolina Insurance Company. 10 11 1939 IO 88 25. Checks from Northwestern Mutual and from Central Mutual Insurance Co. received; policies re-written. Ol 22 1940 10 107 26. Motion carried to rescind Jan. 22 action on two insurance policies. 02 12 1940 1@ 111 27. H. C. Latimer approved payment for insurance. 04 15 1940 10 121 28. Insurance bids requested on County trucks. 07 29 1940 10 143 29. Insurance renewal on autos awarded to Local Board of Underwriters. 08 05 1940 10 144 30. INsurance renewal authorized on armory. 12 09 I940 10 168 31. Insurance placed on Soldiers' Recreation building 02 03 1941 10 I79 32. Local Underwriters to insure Soldiers' Recreation building against fire losses. 02 03 1941 10 179 33. Insurance set on Soldier's Building. 03 03 1941 10 186 34. March 3 action rescinded, and insurance accepted as was written on Soldiers building. 03 10 1941 10 186 35. No action taken on liability for Workmen Compensation Insurance. 05 05 1941 10 197 36. Half-part of insurance fixed on Hut. 06 3Q 1941 10 211 37. Insurance continued on County buildings. 07 06 1942 10 281 38. Insurance settlement accepted on County home boiler. 09 08 1942 10 292 39. Rights waived on Hartford Steam Boiler claim for insurance on boiler. 10 05 1942 10 295 40. Insurance increased on Community Hospital. 10 12 1942 10 296 41. Insurance increased on Nursing Home. 10 12 1942 10 296 42. Insurance received on Nursing Home and Community HOspital. 10 19 ,1942 10 297 43, Check from McMillan and Cameron authorized for damages to patrol. 12 28 1942 10 310 44. Insurance authorized to be place with (stock company) Mutual Insurance Co. 02 08 1943 IO 315 45. Renewal of insurance awarded to Carolina Insurance Co. 02 15 1943 10 316 46. Action of Feb. 8 rescinded on insurance coverage. 02 15 1943 10 316 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MATTERT INSURANCE aec. u. s. County lndezea Since 1888 To IoCOtO names, open p} COTT A•2 TAB INDEX r?r OFFILE ?? An ldentifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDE% COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORiH GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS narE Month I Day I Year 02 22 1943 02 22 1943 03 O1 1943 08 23 1943 09 27 1943 10 04 1943 10 11 1943 09 25 1944 11 20 1944 O1 02 1945 O1 02 1945 Ol 02 1945 Ol 22 1945 O1 29 1945 02 05 1945 02 12 1945 02 12 1945 02 12 1945 02 19 1945 03 12 1945 MINUTE BOOK Vol. I Page 10 317 10 317 10 318 10 346 10 350 10 351 10 352 10 406 10 414 10 421 10 421 10 421 10 423 10 425 10 425 10 427 10 427 10 427 10 428 10 431 1. Feb. 15 action rescinded on Carolina Insurance Co. 2. Renewal awarded to Mutual Co. 3. Bid awarded to Mutual Co., meeting on bids closed. 4. Cost of electric gate and insurance authorized on elevator. 5. Motion taken to continue insurance on community Hospital until next meeting. 6. Insurance renewal on Community Hospital and Nurses Home continued until next meeting. 7. Renewal of insurance on Community Hospital and Nurses Home awarded to Local agents from Mutual Co. 8. Clerk of Superior Court to secure burglary insurance on office. 9. Insurance referred on community hospital. 10. Motion carried to increase insurance on community hospital. 11. Motion falled to insure Nurses Home. 12. Insurance order placed with Mutual Insurance agents. 13. Insurance for county awarded to Mutual insurance agents. 14. Board of Underwriters complaints received, no action taken on awarding insurance to Carolina Ins. Co. 15. Motion carried to appoint committee on insurance problems. 16.. Motion carried to rescind Jan. 22 action on awarding insurance renewal to Mutual Companies. 17. County scheduled insurance distributed. 18. Committee named, no action taken to rescind Jan. 22 action. 19. Storm and wind insurance coverage referred to Chairman and County Attorney. 20. Atlantic Mutual Insurance approved payment for insurance on community hospital, nurses home and boiler house. 21. H. G. Latimer and Son approved for insurance on nurses hame and community hospital. 22. Insurance funds set up in budget. 23. Insurance policy accepted on three autos from Fidelity and Casuality Co. 24. Harold Wells ? Son approved payment for insurance for Clerk Superior Court. 25. Insurance policy accepted on Re?ross Sanitarium. 26. Redcross sanitarium to be notified to cancel insurance; Bid authorized for more. 27. Insurance extended on Armory. 28. Insurance distributed on Redcross Sanitarium between Mutual and Stock Co. 29. No action taken on increasing county property £or insurance. 30. Liability insurance approved for Airport. 31. Home Insurance policy approved for Health Center. 32. Wilmington Association of Insurance approved payment for County vehicles. 33. F. E. Livingston & Co. payment for community hospital insurance. 34. Fire insurance referred for Community Hospital. 35. Insurance renewed on Legion Stadium. 36. State Insurance Plan referred for school buildings. 37. Fleet Liability Insurance approved for county vehicles. 38. American Motorist Insurance (Chicago) settlement signed. 39. More insurance for Community Hospital. ? 40. Insurance payment approved on Community Hospital. 41. Insurance checks turned over to Community Hospital trustees. 42. Insurance checks turned over to Community Hospital trustees. 43. Insurance not agreed for County home's hot water heater. 44. Insurance appraisal authorized on T. B. Hospital. 45. Builders Risk Insurance approved on T. B. Hospital. 04 23 1945 10 437 07 23 1945 10 451 12 10 1945 10 470 09 23 1946 10 517 I1 12 1946 10 525 11 25 1946 10 527 12 02 1946 10 529 12 02 1946 10 529 09 29 1947 10 586 06 28 1948 11 34 07 26 1948 11 37 11 22 1948 11 59 Ol 24 1949 11 69 03 21 1949 11 82 04 11 1949 11 86 04 25 1949 11 89 11 21 1949 11 136 Ol 30 1950 11 152 02 06 1950 11 154 02 13 1950 11 156 04 17 1950 11 176 05 22 1950 11 186 09 18 1950 11 210 09 25 1950 11 211 10 16 1950 11 217 N C. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Countt? INSURANCE ! , . _ ? ?ATTER: ` eec. u. s. Coun? Indezea Since 1888 ? x0 btah paM?f? Oplq M COTT A-1 TAR INDEX Mll[E By THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COtUMBUS, OHIO PAi pFFICE ?a?llCvz? An IdeatiEyine Trade Mark SURIdAAIE lN171AL TAB SOLD fY OWEN ?. OUNN, NEIr iERN, NORTX GROLINA ' DATE MINUTE BOOK ' I NATURE Of PROCEEDINGS ' Month Day Year ; Vol, Page .. :y ,. ? 1. Liability Insurance for county vehicles referred to County Attorney. 11 13 1950 11 223 I 2. Increasing insurance discussed for county vehicles. 03 19 1951 11 248 I 3. Insurance Commissioner written for conference. 07 09 1951 11 270 4. Insurance coverage fixed on J. C. Wessell Hospital. _ 07 30 1951.: 11 275 I I 5. State Insurance Dept. letter received on insurance meeting. 11 24 1952 11 381 ?? 6. Association Aviation Underwriters contract approved for insurance on airport policies. . Ol 19 1953t 11 393 ? 7. Employees Liability Insurance Corp. declined insurance renewal on airport control tower. . 02 09 1953 11 398 8. New England Insurance Co. policy cancelled on three Castle Hayne Road dwellings. 02 16 1953 11 401 i 9. Airport Liability insurance authorized renewal. 05 18 1953 11 422 I 1 10. Checks announced on insurance policy from H. G. Latimer & Son. 07 20 1953 11 437 I 11. Auto insurance approved for renewal. 08 31 1953 11 450 I 12. Harold Wells & Son Insurance agent letter received on airport inspection report. 09 08 1953 11 452 ? 13. H. G. Latimer & Son (agent) check received on Community Hospital insurance rates. 10 05 1953 11 457 .? 14. Insurance payment approved on Community Hospital. 11 02 1953 11 464 I ? 15. Alex Lashley to be paid full settlement for injuries. 12 14 1953 11 475 , j 16. Insur?nce rates discussed, better rates needed. 03 08 1954 11 491 ? 17. Boiler and Machinery Liability Insurance payment postponed. 05 17 1954 11 514 , ? i 18. Insurance committee report received on County insurances. 06 O1 1954 11 516 I 19. Mutual and Stock Companies conferred with committee and will submit figures. 06 Ol 1954 11 516 ,? 1 20. Mutual and Stock Insurance companies submitted reports. 06 14 1954. 11 520 21. Home Insurance Co. layout of County Hoine Building received for study. 06 14 1954 11 520 22. Insurance committee named to check county fire insurance and bond coverage. 06 21 1954 11 523 23. Insurance committee recommendation approved for fire insurance. „ 06 28 1954 11 526 ' 24. Central Mutual Insurance Company letter received from agent on amending county insurance policy. 07 06 1954 11 527 „ 25. Harold Wells Insurance agent check received for cancellation burglary policy. 07 19 1954 11 530 26. Insuxance policy received on County buildings. 08 02 1954 11 535 27. Fire Insurance policy received on County buildings. 10 11 1954 11 546 28. Insurance reported on Butler hangar. 10 25 1954 11 548 29. Insurance Commissioner to be called on insurance claims. 11 O1 1954 11 551 30. Insurance Commissioner requested to speed up insurance claims. 11 Ol 1954 11 551 31. Community Hospital damages by hurricane referred to insurance companies. Ol 10 1955 11 567 32. Check received for Mutual Insurance policy on adjustment of insurance rates. 02 07 1955 11 573 33. Payment approved to H. G. Latimer & Son, Inc., for preferred Mutual Company policy. 02 07 1955 11 573 34. Colonial Life Insurange agents request on County employee insurance taken under advisement. 02 14 1955 11 574 35. Payment to F. E. Livingston Insurance Company approved for extended coverage. 02 14 1955 11 574 36. Payment approved for extended insurance; policy holders dividend received from General Insurance Company. 02 21 1955 11 577 37. Payment approved to F. E. Livingston and Company for extended insurance coverage. 02 28 1955 11 578 38. Check from F. E. Livingston Insurance Company given to auditor. 05 09 1955 11 595 39. Check from H. G. Latimer and Son Insurance Company given to auditor. 05 09 1955 11 595 40. Wilmington Association of Insurange Agents payment approved on auto fleet insurance. 06 13 1955 11 606 41. County Fire Schedule insurance bi1l referred to County Attorney. 06 13 1955 11 606 42. County Fire Schedule insurance payment continued. 06 20 1955 11 607 43. Hurricane insurance check on airport given to auditor. 06 20 1955 11 607 44. Settlement of Carl Marshburn's claim presented for medical expenses. _ 09 19 1955 11 632 45. Report of damages to Community Hospital by Hurricane Hazel was received and turned over to Auditor. 10 03 1955 12 7 46. Payment approved $100-95 insurance County auto fleet. 10 10 1955 12 8 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Counti?, N. C. ne?. u. s. ??q ?? County Inde:ee Since 1888 ? TO (OCOM IlOm?s? Opln pf v?t OFFICE C.?,?//71?0?.7? An Identifving Trade Marlc fURNAME INIiIAL TAB NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS l. Funds received to repair Community Hospital and Cape Fear Armory Building. 2. Cape Fear Armory being joint repair by City. 3. Insurance discussed for Depts. of County. 4. Insurance accepted Airport ground. 5. Al1 County vehicles to be included in County Fleet policy. 6. Checks received for fire at County Home Dairy. 7. Checks received covering wind storm damages at Community Hospital. 8. Additional Insurance approved (increase in). 9. Approved insurance airport building. 10. Received premium returned on bail insurance policy ?1?53736. 11. Approved fire extended insurance on county schedule property. 12. Notice converning insurance at John C. Wessell Sanatorium. 13. Boiler insurance canceled at T. B. Hospital. 14. Communication concerning county's insurance. 15. Letter acknowledging windstorm damages at airport. 16. Request to solicit Life insurance to County employees, referred to County Auditor. 17. Mr. Boradhurst suggested bids on county insurance. 18. Board to study all county insurance. 19. Commissioners and County Insurance Committee discussed a proposed survey of County insurance. 20. Insurance matters continued until next week. 21. Mr. Broadhurst recommended insurance on white juvenile quarters placed on corn crib. 22. Received boiler damage report Community Hospital. 23. Board received quotations of County's vehicle Liability Insurance coverage. 24. Received quotations from other insurance agencies. 25. Bid awarded Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company, subject to County Attorney approval. 26. Signed non-waiver agreement concerning patient at Community Hospital. 27. Discussion of auto insurance of auto at Community Hospital. ? SUBJECT ` _ MATTER: INSURANCE a COTT A-Z TA? INDEX MILLE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD ?Y OWEN 0. YUNN, NEM tERN, NORTH GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. ' Page 10 24 1955 12 10 28. Board request insurance adjuster to appear, to explain settlement on Hospital boiler. 29. Board settled with insurance company covering boiler at hospital. 30. Received insurance check for hospital boiler. 31. Board inquire if last boiler failure reported to insurance company. 32. Invoice request for last boiler damage deferred for indefinite period. 33. Board ask County Attorney to check Community Hospital insurance. 34. Letter pertaining to Community Hospital boiler insurance. 35. Board authorized release on payment of insurance of County truck. 36. Compulsory Insurance on permanent license plate referred to County Attorney. 37. Workmen's Compensation insurance referred to County Attorney. 38. Workmen's Compensation insurance expire at Community Hospital. 39. No malpractice insurance for Community Hospital. 40. Received check unearned premium on hospital boiler. 41. Executive Secretary to report on insurance distribution. 42. Executive Secretary reported on insurance distribution instructed to arrange for Wilmington Association Insurance agent to open at next meeting. 43. Insurance loss at airport, windstorm damage. 44. County Home boiler insured by H. G. Lattimer and Son. 45. Insurance agents discuss distribution of county's insurance. 10 24 1955 12 10 10 31 11 14 11 14 12 05 12 13 12 13 12 19 02 06 02 06 04 09 05 28 07 02 09 17 10 Ol 11 05 12 10 12 17 12 31 Ol 07 04 29 05 13 05 27 06 03 07 Ol 07 15 09 09 09 30 10 07 10 14 11 04 11 25 12 02 12 16 O1 20 Ol 27 02 03 03 03 03 24 03 31 04 14 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1 956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1957 1957 1957 1957 1957 1957 1957 1957 1957 1957 1957 1957 1957 1957 1957 1958 1958 1958 1958 I958 1958 1958 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 15 17 23 23 25 26 27 41 41 58 73 80 95 98 105 113 116 119 120 148 151 155 157 164 167 178 184 186 187 192 195 198 203 216 218 220 231 237 239 242 04 21 1958 12 246 04 21 1958 12 247 04 28 1958 12 249 , INDEX TO OMMISSIONERS MIN TES N H C C ew anover U - aunty, N. C. _ M TTERT =N SU?N?E ? ¦ec. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 ? TO IOtO?Y ?atlMf. Op?11 Ot C07T A-I TAB INDEX v?r OFFICE ?AfJ'J? An ldentifying "Crade Mark SUR1fAME INITIAL TA6 M P ? M I ? B ? T - SOLD YY :? NEN i. O pU MN, NEw ? ERN, NORTN , GROL N? .. ' DATE MINUT E BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS , , ' ?? Month Day Year ., Vol. Page '.: l. Board appoint committee to study county insurance. 04 28 1958 12 249 2. Settlement of insurance on county home boiler. 04 28 1958 12 249 3. Board approved payment of invoice for insurance on county trucks. 06 02 1958 12 264 4. Received memorandum explaining Workmen's Compensation. 06 09 1958 12 266 5. Received insurance fire policy and approved payments inovice. 06 16 1958 12 266 6. Received check for boiler damage at county farm. 07 28 1958 12 284 7. Executive Secretary to place insurance on new barn. 08 04 1958 12 289 8. Executive Secretary to report all county property damages to insurance companies. 10 06 1958 12 313 9. Letter of congratu?ation to Louie E.Woodbury, Jr. Za 2a ?958 ?2 3Z& 10. Mr. Glen T. Herndon, adjustor reported on inspections of property damages, except County Home. 10 27 1958 12 319 11. Executive Secretary to verify claims with Department Heads, and secure bid on courthouse damages. 10 27 1958 12 319 12. Insurance claims to replace payment of inovice for repairs to terminal (airport) building. 11 10 1958 12 327 13. Newsletter pertaining to group insurance. 11 17 1958 12 332 , 14. Thank you letter from Louie E. Woodbury, Jr. for recognition. 11 17 1958 12 332 , 15. Letter informing of airport policy being expired, extended for 60 days to discuss premium increase. 07 20 1959 12 468 16. Letter from the State insurance commissioner pertaining to school inspections. 08 17 1959 12 488 17. Letter from Building Code Council of State Department of Insurance explaining revised electrical ordinance. 08 17 1959 12 488 18. Received fire loss school insurance check $6,486.66. 09 08 1959 12 492 19. Discussion on premium of air flight trip insurance machine. 02 15 1960 12 545 20. Chairman authorized for study of insurance program. 08 O1 1960 12 601 21. Chairman was authorized to approve insurance survey, request from Baldwin-DesChamps Agency. 09 19 196Q 12 612 22. The Chairman was authorized to handle the insurance study program. 10 03 1960 12 616 23. Insurance policies for Go-Kart Racing to be deliveredto Commissioners. 12 19 1960 12 635 . 24. Executive Secretary to contact the Baldwin-Deschamps Insuranee Agency, Inc., regarding airport insurance O1 03 1961 12 640 protection. 25. County to be notified of settlement of claim of Woodrow Wilson Young against Railroad Company. Ol 03 1961 12 640 26. Authority withdrawn from Baldwin-Deschamps Agency, given to Foster Hill Insurance Agency to survey Ol 16 1961 12 643 needs of County. 27. Received insurance check for hurricane damages to school. 02 06 1961 12 646 28. Airport insurance, referred to Mr. Metts and County Attorney Tillery. 02 20 1961 12 650 29. Mr. Metts report on airport insurance motion carried for increase. 03 06 1961 12 651 30. Boiler insurance invoices referred to Executive Secretary for explaination (fram H. G.Latimer & Son). 03 06 1961 12 651 31. Matters of Workmen's compensation insurance for Volunteer Fire Depts. referred to Mr. Hardy Wessell. 03 20 1961 12 656 32. Approved payment of $236.13 to H. G. Latimer and Son. 03 20 1961 12 656 33. Received County insurance survey, appointed committee to study. 05 O1 1961 12 667 34. Received on insurance analysis survey of the county from the Wilmington Association of InsuranCe agents. 08 21 1962 13 13 35. Approved insurance settlement for fire at Armory. 10 02 1962 13 23 36. Wilmington Association of Independent Insurance agents, appointed as consultants for county insurance needs. 10 16 1962 13 27 37. Commissioners division approved. 10 16 1962 13 27 38. Mr. Hardy Wessell, represent Wilmington Assoc. of InsuranCe agents presented recommendations covering Ol 02 1962 13 54 County buildings. pp. 55-56 39. Motion carried to secure mal -practice insurance at Community Hospital. Ol 02 1962 13 56 40. Discussion regarding County insurance premiums. O1 15 1962 13 60 41. Discussion on County insurance postponed until 2/19/62. 02 05 1962 13 62 42. Request from Associate Underwriter's to participate in the County's insurance. 02 05 1962 13 65 43. Agreement accepted between Wilmington Assoc. of Independent Insurance Agents, Inc. and Wilmington Assoc 02 19 1962 13 67 of Mu?ual Ins. ager?Es. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER: INSURANCE ? ac?. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 ? To lota+? nam?s, op?ll at COiT A-2 TA? INDEX 'A??? MI?CE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, ONIO v?r OFFICE c?- An Identifying Trade Marlc SURNAME INITIAL iA6 SOLD tY OWEN i. pUNN, NEN lERll, NORiH GROLINA ?' F. k, ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK " Month Day Year Vot. Page 1., Agreement reached on contents of the buildings. 2. No Insurance on Health building or contents. 3. Motion carried to secure mal-practice insurance, for Community Hospital 4. Letter from Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company regarding county insurance. 5.! SENCBA urges action to implement the Federal Flood Insurance Act. 6. Payment of $2,302.88 to Wilmington Assoc. Insurance agent's Inc. for mal-practice insurance. 7. Letter regarding Industrial properties insurance rate increase, follow-up letter in protest to insurance commission. $, Approved payment of insurance binders to Wilmington Association of Insurance Agents, Inc. 9. Messrs. McGirt and Blake to confer with Mr. Hardy Wessell regarding revised value on county insurance. 10. Letter informing of County properties not covered by present insurance. 11. Letter regarding a special extended coverage endorsement for public and institutional property. 12.? Report of ineeting of the Coastal Code Committee regarding insurance for beach areas. 13.± Letter pertaining to public Institutional property insurance referred to Mr. Metts. 14.?? Liability 15.' Premium Appropriation 16. Portable Dictaphone 17. Insurance or Government Immunity 18. Liability 19. Liability - automobile 20. Automobile 21. Appropriation - Liability 22.. Armory valuation 23. Rules and Regulations-Insurance Advisory Committee 24. Consideration Daily Deposits Tax Office 25. New Hanover Memorial Hospital 26. Consideration Daily Deposits 27. Advisory Committee, Establishment of Joint 28. Advisory Committee 29. Advisory Committee Member 30. Advisory Committee 31. Fleet Policy, Mr. Homer Davis 32. Fleet Policy 33. Employee's hospital 34. Employee's hospital 35. Employee's hospital 36. Employee's hospital 37. Employee's hospital 38. Fleet Insurance County owned vehciles 39. By-Laws-Insurance Advisory Committee , 40. Appointment member to Insurance Advisory Committee 41. Insurance Advisory Committee-Mr. Homer Davis 42. Insurance Advisory Committee 43, Insurance Advisory Committee 44. Insurance Advisory Committee - Hardy Wessel 45. Rec{uest to amend by-laws - Insurance Advisory Committee ' 02 19 1962 13 67 02 19 1962 13 67 02 19 1962 13 67 02 19 1962 13 70 04 02 1962 13 89 04 02 1962 13 89 05 14 1962 13 103 06 28 06 28 07 16 10 05 07 29 08 05 O1 20 11 02 12 07 O1 04 Ol 18 06 07 06 07 10 18 10 18 03 20 04 03 04 17 05 O1 05 O1 10 02 11 20 12 04 12 04 12 18 05 20 09 16 10 21 11 18 11 18 O1 02 05 20 06 03 07 15 08 05 08 19 O1 06 10 20 1962 1962 1962 1962 1963 1963 1964 1964 1964 1965 965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1968 1968 1968 1968 1968 1968 1968 1968 1968 1968 1968 1969 1969 13 1?.8 13 118 13 129 13 163 13 240 13 243 13 284 13 392 13 404 13 418 13 423 13 489 13 489 13 536 13 536 14 38 14 42 14 46 14 53 14 54 14 93 14 115 14 120 14 121 14 128 14 190 14 246 14 254 14 267 14 268 14 129 14 187 14 193 14 225 14 232 14 238 14 287 14 40S