J Index to Minutes July 15, 1868 Gou?t N C INDEX TO COMMI????ONERS M?N?TTES - N?w I?anover JAIL y, . _ . _ ?AATTER; ` {y? ?.a--- To loeate names, open at eca. u. a. Cnunty Indezu Since 1888 ? rer Ol?1Gt ?? ?ldentifyin? Trade Mark ??.? &tfRriALA# INtTIAL TAB COTT A-Z TAB IkDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA i ,. ? ?,, DATE ?i 's MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ; ?? Month Day I I Year ! E; Vol. Page ?a 1.? G.P. Rouke appointed Jailer of New Hanover County. ?e 07 15 1868r? 1 1 2.,? ? Committee to repair Courthouse and to contract to repair Jail. ?! 08 07 ,? 1868r; ?? 1 10 3.?? W.E. Freeman elected County Physician to attend Work House, Poor House and Jail. i; ?08 ?? 13 1868?i 1 13 s; 4.?i ? Anthony Howe presented bill for repairing Jail and it was approved. ?; 08 20 {; 1868?k ?? , 1 24 E ? 5.,? Committee appointed to examine condition of basement of Jail for use in storing provisions for poor. ?'? 08 20 1868q 1 24 6.E Committee to examine basement of Jail reported that it would be feasible to repair and use. ?. 08 21 1868;? =d 1 24 7.?? Committee empowered to contract to repair basement of Jail. ' 08 21 1868?? ? 1 24 ?? 8.;i Chairman authorized to procure padlock for Jail and make any necessary repairs. .. 08 24 .b, 1868;? 1 28 9. ; Bill from C.H. French for services furnished Jail approved. y 08 26 1868;a 1 28 ? 10. Bill from Huggins for provisions for Jail approved. 08 2? 1868:. 1 30 :, ?' i ,, : ? 11. ;Bills from E.A. Anderson for medical services for Jail approved. 08 28 1868.? 1 30_ ;; , 12. . Increase of fees for prisoners in Jail passed. ,. 08 2? 1868. 1 30 13.., Order made to procure spiritous liquors for the Jail. . 09 16 1868?; 1 45 14.;, Bi11 for work on Jail from Henry Green approved. : 09 ll 1868' 1 47 15.,?, ' Fees for prisioner at Jail established. , 09 17 1868?? 1 47 ; 16.,; Blankets to be purchased for Jail. 09 17 1868??' 1 47 ll.:; Bill for work at Jail from Anthony Howe approved. „ 09 18 1868.? 1 49 18. :, ° Blankets for Jail ordered. 09 19 1868,? ` 1 50 ?s ,? 19.;p Bill for supplies for Jail approved as received from R.S. Waldron. ? 09 23 1868,?; 1 52 il ? '' ; 20.„ Ticking for mattresses bought. ;, 09 29 ; 1868?; 1 58 0? ;i 21. ; Rules for use of Jail by New Brunswick County established. „ 09 29 1868s a, 1 59 p, ?? .? ; , 22. ;; Lime to be ordered for the Jai1. , 09 30 1868,; 1 60 s; ?? si 23. :: ` Ticking for Jail purchased. , 10 07 1868;; 1 64 F? 24. ; Bill for services as warden of Jail from Geor?e Peck approved. 10 07 1868=$ 1 64 k1 ?; ? ? si 25.;; Bill for mattresses for Jail from Stephen Keyes approved. , 10 09 1868?; 1 67 ?? ii 26.;? Bill received for ticking used in Jail from R.S. Waldron. ;; 10 13 186&,? 1 70 ? 27.;i Bills for warden and assistant warden approved for W.S. Larkins. ., 10 21 1868? 1 84 F ?; 28.;; Consultations made about services for Dr. Freeman at Jail. ;, 11 02 1868; . 1 93 ?? , 29.,; ?. Bill for medicines and services at Jail approved for Dr. W.E, Freeman. r. 11 02 1868;; ? 1 94 i; Er 30.??' Re?pairs on Jail authorized. ?? 11 14 1868?N 1 119 ?? , 31..t Sick at Jail to be reported to Chairman of Board who will secure medical attendance. ; 11 27 1868?' 1 127 s i i 32.;? Medical bill for Jail from Dr. W.E. Freeman approved. _, 11 28 1868'. 1 131 ; ? 33.;; Purchase for blankets for Jail authorized. 12 14 1868? 1 141 ?? , 34.,? Bill for repairs on Jail from Hart & Bailey approved. „ 12 22 1868; 1 144 ?; f' 35.:, Supplies for Jailer ordered. 12 29 1868„ i 151 E? 36.;, Medical bill for Jail from Dr. W.E. Freeman approved. „ O1 02 1869,, 1 153 t? 37.?; Bill for blankets for Jail from R,S. Waldron approved. . O1 02 1869,: 1 153 ;; ?o 38.?; , Sheriff authorized to procure pans for Jail. O1 ??7 1869.; 1 156 F; , , 39.k; Bill for work on Jail from James Richerson a?pproved. „ Ol 07 1869„ 1 157 ?? 40.=; `, Bill for Jail supplies from E.T. Hancock approved. „ O1 11 1869., 1 160 ? ; 41.,; Bill for hardware for Jail from James Richerson approved. ? Ol 11 1869 1 161 ,€ j? i 42.;j Bill for medical attendance at Jail from Dr. J.E. Winants approved. . O1 12 1869;; 1 163 ; ? ! ' 43.;; Bill for medical attendance rescinded from Dr. Winants. .. Ol 12 1869?q 1 163 ? ?? S 44. i, Jail's uqedical bill from Dr. Winants trimmed. , O1 12 1869,¢ 1 163 ` ` 45.;; Advertising for physician for Jail to be made. . O1 12 1869;; 1 164 i ° 46, ?; ? Letter from Mr. French filed. Ol 12 1869'', ; ?; '? i$ 1 164 INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER: JAIL ` Rea. u. s. County Inclezee Sinee 1888 To loeate names, open at corr a-z rne tkoex r?r OFi1CE ??7? An Identifying Trade Mark ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY TH@ CQTT INDE% COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA , i; DATE `, MINUTE BOOK ?? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS G. ' Month ! Day I ? Year ??, '? Vol. I Page ?' ,, .p l. Dr. Winants appointed to serve at Jail. O1 25 1$69?a 1 169 ; ?. 2. Bill from A.S Waldron for Jail supplies approved. ,, 02 O1 1869r? 1 175 : ? 3. Medical bill from J.E. Winants for Jail approved. 02 O1 1869;a 1 175 ` f' 4, Jail supplies bill from A.H. Neff approved. ; 02 02 1869E; 1 177 w? _5. Bill for provisions for Jai1 from George Myers approved. ,F 02 13 , 1869?? 1 ;; 185 ?;, 6' 6. Report from Jazl visit received. ;, 02 18 1869?ry 1 186 pt .7.? Bill for Jail provisions from J.W. Schenck approved. „ 03 04 1869:, ? 1 193 l ?, 8.y Jail's account approved. „ 03 04 1869;; 1 195 „ 9.?? . Matter o? prisoners of Jail referrec? to Committee on Poor House. , 03 11 1869. 1 196 , ? ?x ZO.E; Bi11 for capture of Saby Howard, escapee from Jail, approved. 03 27 ?869., 1 202 .; ?? 11,'0 Bill for medzcal services for Jail from Dr. Winants approved. 12. Bi11 for supplies for Jai1 from Dr. Winants approved. 13. Jail's accounts from J.W, Schenck approved. 14. Bill for merchandise for Jail from A,H. Neff approved. 15. Bill for merchandise for Jail from F,F. Frenctz approved. 16. Jail fees from J.W. Schenck approved. 17. Bill for merchandise for Jail from R. Waldron and James Wilson approved. 18. ? Bill for work on Jai1 from Charles and David Mallett approved. r 19.? Schedule for visiting Jail by County Physician set. ? 20.? Jail's account from J.W. Schenck approved, ?? 21.?; Dr. Winants's bill for visiting Jai1 approved. 22.?? Bills for watching Jail approved for Champion Eilers, George Guyer, Edward Davis and Ely Currie ztl 23.?? County Physician to examine condition of inmates in Jail. ?1 24.;? Reports from visit to Jail and Work House filed. ? ? ,i 25.?? Bill for Jail repairs from Charles Mallett approved. E 26.(? Jai1's account from J.W. Schenc? approved. sl 27.r? Bill for merchandise for Jail from James Wilson approved. Gti 28.?? Work bill for Jail from Hart &?Bailey approved. , ?: ,? 29.s? Jail.'s medical bill for July and August from Dr. Winants approved. ?? 30.?? Bill for Jail's merchandise from R,S, Waldron approved. '? 31.yj Sheriff's Jazl fees approved. ii 32;; Bill for merchandise for Jail from R,S. Waldron approved. ;j 33.?? Bi11 for Robeson County prisoner at Jail received. 34.?g Bill for support of Jail prisoners approved. ?y 35.;w Medical bill for Jail from Dr. Winants approved. , 36.,.`? Repair bill for Jail from Sutton & Childs approved. 37.?; Ordered purchase of stove for Jail. 38.s? Medz?al bill for ,TaiZ from Dr. Winants approved. __ _ .. _ _ , 39.?g' Bill for Jail prisoners approved. ;? 40.?j Medical bill for Jail from Dr. Winants approved. ?? 4Z.?? Medical bill for Jai1 from Dr. King approved. ?? 42.' Bill ?rom Dr. Winants for medical services for Jail approved. k 43.j? Bi11 for Jail merchandise from R.S. Waldron approved. ?? 44.? Bi1I for Jai1 merchandise from R.S. Waldron approved. 45.g Medical bill for Jail from Dr. Winants approved. 46.?? Bill from J.H. Chadbourn for lumber for Jail approved. ?, i E b? 04 05 1869. 1 04 05 1869.. Z 04 21 1869 1 04 21 1869 1 ,. 05 05 05 , 06 07 07 0 07 07 07 07 08 11 J.869 11 1869,, 18 1869„ 22 18b9;;. 06 1869,,, 07 1869;; 07 1869., 07 1869 19 1869^ 21 1869, 03 1869 1 1 1 1 1 Z 1 1 1 1 1 08 08 ., 08 09 . 09 , 09 09 10 .. 10 10 10 11 , 11 1Z 12 , 12 Ol Ol 02 02 02 03 1869: 03 1869_ 09 1869? 07 1869 08 1869„ I6 1869,; 16 1869., 05 1869„ 05 1869; Q5 1869: 05 1869., 02 1869„ 02 18?9 02 1869., 07 1869.; 07 1869„ 03 1870, 04 1870„ 08 1870, 08 187a; OF 1$70 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Z 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 20 7 :. 207 219 220 , 228 , 236 239 25 7 ., 263 .. 271 ., 272 ;, 272 , 281 :, 2$2 287 2$7 . 288 ` 29.3 317 : 322 . 324 , 325 334 ,. 334 334 , 334 , 33 Z , 337 ,. 340 f? 351 ' 351 394 ' 396 „ 401 ;, 401 ,s 401 ti' s; i' R? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS M?N?JTES - New Hanover Count? N C JAIL MA'fTER , . . _ : ` eEa. u. s. County Indezee Since 1886 rAr OFFICE (w?? Aa IdendEying Trade Merk h? ?.?r?-- Te Ioeat? namea, open at w...? $tlRNAMB INITIAL TAB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE (OTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ?i ;j 4; DATE ?? ?? MINUT E BOOK ?' NATURE Of PROCEEDINGS p; Month I Day I Year Vol. ( Page !? I ?? 1.?? G? Clerk to Board to advertise for proposals for medical attendance and medicines for the Jail. ?' 02 - 09 i? 1870?? ` 1 409 2.j? Dr. Winants to attend Jail until March l, 1870. ?; 02 09 t 1870'j 1 409 ,? 3.?9 Jail bill from R.S. Waldron approved. .?3 07 1870kp 1 413 ?i 4.?j Medical bill for Jail approved. 03 07 ?i 1870F; 1 413 ?? 5.? ? Sheriff to employ physician to attend Jail. :?3 °V 6.?q ;? Bill from A.H. Neff for Jail approved. , 04 7.„y? ? Bill from R.S. Waldron for Jail approved. ; 04 8.;y Bills for the Jail from R.S. Waldron approved. ; 05 9. ; Bill for Jail from Sheriff Schenck approved. 06 10. : Medical bill from Dr. Love for Jail approved. , 06 11. Bill for stove and broom approved. . 06 12.,, Bill for Jail from Sheriff Schenck approveci. „ ?? 13. Bill for bricks for Jail from S. Van Amringe approved. „ 07 14. , Supplies for Jail approved. 08 15., Bill for Jail 's merchandise from R.S. Waldron approved. 08 16.' Bill for material and brick for Jail from J.W, Schenck, Jr. approved. ?8 17.„ Bill for Jail's merchandise from A.H. Neff approved. ,? 08 18. Jail fees from J.W. Schenck approved. 09 19. ; Amount set for maintaining prisoners at Jail. (See SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT) , 09 d 20.;; Jail's fees from Sheriff Schenck approved. „ 12 21. ?, Dr. Love's medical bill for Jail approved. 12 22.,, Repairs for Jail referred to Committee on Public Buildings. ,? 12 23.';; , Proposals to be received for medical attendance at Jail. ., 12 24... Commissioners may reject any or all bids for medical attendance. . 12 25.,? Bill for Jail repairs from Anthony Howe approved. „ 12 26.', Sheriff Schenck's Jail fees approved. „ 12 27.;a Sheriff Schenck's Jail fees approved. :: ?Z 28. Sheriff Schenck's Jail fees approved. ,; 03 29.,; Sheriff's request for blankets and mattresses for Jail referred to Public Buildings Committee. .. 03 30.„; Report approved for purchase of blankets and mattresses for Jail. ' 04 31. ; Sheriff Schenck's Jail fees approved. ,. 04 32.,; Bi11 for cleaning cistern at Jail from J.W. Schenck, Jr. approved. , 04 33..; Sheriff requested increase in fees for prisoners' support, but Board rejected the request. , 04 34.., Sheriff requested Jail wa11 be built higher so objects cannot be thrown in windows. (See SHERIFF'S DEPT.) , 04 35.' Sheriff petitioned for necessary clothes for prisoners in Jail. 05 36._, A.H, Neff's bill for work at Jail approved. 06 37. ? Bill for clothing for Jail prisoners approved. 06 38.` Sheriff Schenck's Jail account accepted. 06 39. ; Sheriff Schenck's.bill for Jail expenses approved, 06 5 40.:; Sheriff Schenck's Jail fees approved. .. ?? 41.,; Bi11 for clothing for Jail prisoners from S. Bear & Bros. approved. .: 07 42.;q Elias Wilson's bill for services at Jail approved. ,', 07 43.., Bil1 for Jail supplies from Sheriff Schenck approved. 08 44.., Sheriff Schenck's Jail fees approved. ?$ 45. ; „q Julia Bourdeaux declared insane and in Jail, ordered she be sent to City Hospital. . 08 46.;? ,; ? ?o a 4 ? Sheriff Schenck's Jail fees approved. . 09 t 11 ? ;? 08 1870i; ?Y 05 1870 „{ "a 05 1870;; s 03 1870,a 08 1870': 08 1870 08 1870: 06 1870,; 06 1870;? O1 1870t 29 1870? Mp 29 1870 p 30 1870???, 06 1870'a 21 1870 ?w 05 1870 ? 09 1870,; 10 1870;; 16 1870 ? f 16 1870;; 31 1870 ? ?? 31 1870 { 06 1871'': ?M 06 1871; 31 1871 a 05 1871 ? 05 1871„ 05 1871'? 08 187 ?. ? 22 1871 „ 12 1871 : 02 1871 , 02 1871 , 02 1871: OZ 1871;{ 05 1871.y 05 1871 ? 05 1871;; 12 1871,; 12 1871,; 14 1871 . 06 1871:; ? 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 419 424 425 E 434 ?? !? s; 443 s; 444 ', .? 445 :? !! s? 456 '? ?? 456 ? 460 470 471 474 3 8 95 99 100 102 102 108 108 ?? ?? 123 ?? P ! 130 ?? ,; 136 ? 139 i ?E 6 143 `" r : 143 „ ?: 145 ; 149 ?? a 157 F R? 1/? ?j i? i> 170 ?i 170 ": 170 • 180 180 'i 180 209 ?? _ 209 211 ? 221 { N INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County JA=L C MATTER ? , . . _ : ¦ec. u. s. County Indezee S?nce 1898 fl ?' To loeats names, open at rAr OFFtCE C??.?e-?-.. An Identifying Trade Mark t? SURNAME INlTIAI 7A8 COTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANV, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CARULINA ? DATE r` y; MINUT E? E BOOK f? NAYURE OF PROCEEDINGS ? Month ? Day ? Year .g Vol. ? Pnge ?? ? . r? ? 1. Report on condition of Jail referred to Committee on Public Buildings. 09 23 1871`? 2 223 ,? N 2. Committee on Public Buildings has until next meeting to submit plans for Jail's improvements. 10 02 1871P 2 225 ?? 3. Jail fees set. 10 02 1871'?? 2 226 `, ?: 4. SoI Bear & Bros.' bill for Jai1 supplies approved. :, 10 02 I871? Z 227 f' ,5. Committee on Public Buildings given more time to report on Jail improvements. , 10 07 1871 2 229 X? 6.k James Lane's Jail bill approved. , 11 07 1871,, 2 241 ?' ?; ,7.? Board granted Sheriff's request for padlocks for Jail. 12 11 1871 2 249 ? r 8.;? Bills from W. Bellamy, Sol Bear & Bros. and E.G. Barker for Jail approved. , O1 02 1872: Z 278 ,? :5 9.E; ; Cornmittee on Public Buildings to repair turrets on Jail. , O1 08 1872:, 2 282 ',i 10.?? Proposals for medical attendance at Jail wil.l be accepted by Register of Deeds until Jan. Z5. O1 08 1872 2 282 , ; ,11.EP r Sheriff Schenck's Jail bills approved. O1 08 1872 2 283 o 12,:r Contract for medical attendance for Jail awarded A.E. Wright. O1 15 1872.. 2_ 284 ., a 13.?' i Sheriff Schenck's Jail fees approved. 02 ? 14.j? George Merrick's Jail bill approved along with J. Neff's. 02 15. Grand Jury reports condition of Jail unsafe. „ 02 16. Board ordered immediate repairs to be made on Jail or a new Jail constructed. 02 , 17.? Committee on Public Buildings and a com?petent builder are to report on most economical way to repair Jail. 02 18.? Board received report on Jail, action to await next meeting. , 03 ,, 3: 19.;? ? Matter of Jail referred to Committee on Public Buildings. , 03 ,20.?? Committee on Public Buildings given more time for Jail repairs, but holes in third story to be plugged up.;. 04 21.?? P; Bill for brooms for Jail allowed George Myers. , 09 22.,; ? Request from Jailer Nash for cooking stove for Jail referred to Committee on Public Buildings. , 09 23.i Committee on Public Buildings reports Jail needs cooking stove. , 09 ?? ,24.?? Committee on Public Buildings to ascertain cost of heating Jail during winter. „ 09 ?1 25.E? , a Board filed report from Committee on Public on Public Buildings on improvements on Jail at Register's. .. 10 ?3 26.k? ? Committee on Public Buildings reported it ordered stove for Jail and is having new floor laid in kitchen. , 10 i 27.,a Committee on Public Buildings reports efforts to heat and ventilate cells being made. 10 b? ,28.?? Committee on Public Buildings reports new Jail is needed since present one is so dilapidated. ;; ,29.? Committee on Public Buildings recommends sash be put in windows, tower on top of Jail be repaired?and , 10 , 10 05 1872, 2 289 05 1872 12 1872, 12 1872 12 1872 04 1872; 11 1872„ 05 1872, 05 1872„ 17 1872,. 23 1872„ 23 1872:, 02 1872, 03 1872. 03 1872 03 1872„ 03 1872,; '" washing arrangements be repaired. , ? ,30.i? Bill from Anthony Howe for repairs on Jail approved. 10 .31.?? Bill from Jail?r Nash approved. . 10 ,? 32.;t . ?? Jailer Nash's account approved. 11 f4 33.? Jail's account from Sheriff Morris approved. 11 34.??, ;. Letter from Grand Sury concerning condition of lail filed, (See JURY) 11 35..? Committee on Public Buildings to visit Jail and provide bedding and heating and floor over cells if needed. 11 36.'? Committee on Public Buildings ordered bedding for Jail. 11 ?, ? 37.?; Committee ordered heater for second story with registers in third story of Jail. 11 38.i? , ?? Committee reco?nends inside window grates be removed from Jail windows. . 11 39.`? Committee recommends employment of a night guard to patrol corridors and cells and regulate heating unit. 11 p; %+0.?? ,? Committee recommends wood bed frames be built within iron work and placed in each cell. 11 t, 41.:,? Duncan Holmes appointed night guard for Jail at $30.00 per month. 11 tA 42.; Jail's account from Sheriff Black approved. 11 43.?? Committee on Public Buildings recommends new sashes and repairs on old in windows in Jail. ?; 44.'? Committee on Public Buildings recommends cost of bed frames be authorized. ? 45.E Bill from Sol Bear & Bros. for Jail approved. 14 1872;; 14 1872., 04 1872. 04 1872 07 1872... 07 1872 09 1872i 09 1872. 09 1872' 09 1872,; 09 1872,; 09 1872. 09 1872 2 289 2 291 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 11 13 1872,. 11 13 1872 , 11 13 1872„ ?? :1 i! ?? 291 291 293 299 313 ,, 359 , 367 „ 369 369 ,: 373 377 , 377 . 377 ,, 377 382 „ 382 .. 389 389 391 391 395 „ 395 e 395 395 395 '. 395 . 396 397 '. 397 , 397 ;: ?_ ?? ?? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES eca, u. s. Counry Indezes Since 1888 .?T omec L.?E??e? An Identih?ine Trade Marlc - New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATTER: JAIL ` n1' ?To locat? namss, open at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX ?i? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLO BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA I DATE '' MINUTE BOOK ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ' `? ; 1. 2. : Month I Day I Year ;y Vol. I Page i , ? ?Sheriff to adopt some stated uniform for prisoners. ~ 12 02 . 1872? 2 ? ? 400 ? s ;Comrnittee to purchase necessary articles for cleaning Jail and putting drains and water pipes in order. 12 02 1872:y 2 400 k os 3. yBills from Elvin Artis and Tripler Childs for Jail improvements approved. 12 02 1872ha 2 403 ` 4.;;Bi11 _ from Silas Martin for coal for Jail approved. „ 12 02 1872a; 2 403 { ? S.;;Bi11 from Parker & Taylor for Jail improvements approved. 12 02 , 1872y, 2 403 i 6.;9Bi11 from Worth & Worth for Iime for Jai1 approved. „ 12 02 1872;; 2 403 ?? 7. ` Bill from Sol Bear & Bros. for clothing for Jail approved. 12 8... Bil1 from A.R. Black for material for Jail approved. 12 9. BfZ? from Trip?er Chi?ds for heating vnit for Jail approved. ?, 12 10. Pump at Jail to be repaired or new one ordered by Cotrunittee on Public Buildings. 12 11. Water and sewer pipes to be put in order by Committee on Public Buildings. 12 12. Committee on Public Buildings to order forty suits of clothing, all the same, for Jail's prisoners. 12 13.. Matter of duties of night watchman at Jail referred to Committee on Public Buildings. 12 14. Bi11 from Duncan Holmes as night watchman at Jail approved. 12 15. , Duncan Holmes resigned as night janitor at Jail. 12 16. ? Bill for Jail's fuel from J.M. Stanaland approved. 12 17. Bill for repairs on Jail from Elvin Artis approved. 12 18.,, Claim of Sol Nash not allowed for keeping fires at Jail. Ol 19. Board amended motion on Jail fees and referred this to a special committee. Ol , 20. .Bi11 from W.H. Dart for Jail's improvements approved. Ol 21. Bill from Edward Kidder & Sons for Jail's improvements approved. Ol , 22. ,, Jail's fees from A.H. Morris of the Deputy's staff approved. O1 , 23. ,;Bi11 from Dr. Wright for medical services for Jail approved. Ol 24. ? More time given committee on Jail's fees. O1 ', 25. ;Board received Dr. A,E, Wright's bid to furnish medicines and medical supplies to Jail 02 I'I 26. ,,Dr. Wright employed as physician for the Jail at $150.00 per annum. 02 ? 27. :Bills from William Love, Elvin Artis, J.S. Williams, J.M. Stanaland and Sol Bear & Bros. for Jail approved. 02 28. ? ? Bills from Richard Stewart, George Barker & Co. and Sol Bear & Bros. for Jail approved. . 03 , , 29. .Bill from Duncan Holmes, watchman for Jail, approved. 03 I 30. Clothing bill from A.H. Morris for Jail approved. 04 ' 31. Committee to receive bids for painting Jail. 04 32. Bill from James Stevenson for Jail approved. 05 33. John Parker awarded contract to paint Jail at $192. 05 I 34. Bill from John Parker for Jail approved. - 06 i? ? 35. .Jail bills from W.H. Dart, Joseph Keen, Sol Bear & Bros.and Anthony Howe approved, pages 84-85. 07 36. Attorney's opinion sought on liability of Duplin County in employing a guard for Duplin County prisoners 07 , being held in this County. 37. Matter of paying guard for watching prisoners from Duplin County deferred. 08 38. ,"Bills from John Aulines, G.H.W. Runge, S.A. Carrie, and George A. Peck for Jail approved, pages 91 and 93. , 08 39. .;Bills from George Barker & Co, Dawson, Teil & Henning, Neil Gerken and William Jackson for Jail approved. . 08 40. "Bills from Frederick Brown and Sol Bear & Bros. for clothing for Jail inmates approved. 10 ' 41. Bill from Sheriff Black for Jail approved. 10 42. Bi11 from W.H. Dart for repairs on Jail approved. 11 43. Bills from Sol Bear & Bros. and A.R. Black for clothing for Jail approved. 11 44. .,Bill from A.R. Black for Jail approved. 11 45. iGeorge Flack to ascertain amounts owed by Duplin, $laden, Brunswick, Columbus and Sampson Counties. s I E; 11 02 is?2;, 2 02 1872,? 2 02 1872... 2 16 1872 2 I6 I872 2 16 1872 2 16 1872 2 16 1872. 2 23 1872 2 23 1872; 2 23 1872 Z 06 1873 06 1873 06 1873`? 06 1873 06 1873 06 1873 Z1 1873 06 1873 06 1873 06 1873 03 1873 03 1873. 07 1873 21 1873 06 1873 ;; 12 1873. 02 1873., 07 1873.. 10 1873. 04 1873 ,; 04 18 7 3 :. 23 1873 ,. 06 1873 06 1873 04 1873 , 04 1873 04 1873 12 1873 . 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 rr 3 404 ?? ?? ;? 404 i? ?, , , 404 ?? 405 i; !' 405 :? 405 ?{ 405 ?? I? ? 406 ?i li ? 408 ? 412 ? ,, 1`. 412 i 419 ?; 4? 19 ?; ? s. 420 ? ?; 420 4 20 '. ?: 420 '?. ,? 423 f` 425 i' 425 i ?? 426 ;; 33 33 5 7 ;, , 64 ?; f' 67 '; ?. 68 ?? ?? 68 ,; 84 ? 86 , 90 ;; 91 '? 104 ?, 114 " ,? 114 ? ?s 139 ;Y 139 ` 139 ?: 14 3 ?, i; i' ,? r ?. ii ii JAIL INDEX TO CONf MISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? N C MATTER , . . _ : ` ¦ec. u, s. County Indezee Since 1888 ? To tocate names, open at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX r?r OFFICE C.?i?? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA 4y - NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS `' DATE ?; ??r MINUTE BOOK i' ;?? ?,? Month I Day l Year ?? ,,y Vol. I Page ?j ` l. George Flack to collect from various counties oweing New Hanover for keeping and trials of prisoners from ' 11 12 1873 =. 3 143 iy ! i ?? these counties. , , ' ?, 2. Board granted Sheriff Black's request for a guard at Jail if he is not paid more that $1.00 a night. 11 15 1873 ;' 3 145 ? 3. Bills from Worth and Worth, Mordaca Batson and Sheriff Black for prisoners at Jail approved., pages 151-5? 12 02 1873 s; 3 151 ? ?? s 4.? Bills from Sheriff Black, J.A. Springer, Sol Bear & Bros., C.A. Shear, and F.W. Heyer for Jail approved. ,Ol , ?5 1874 ?" , 3 ? 168 ? .? 5. Bills from Wilmington Gas Light Co., Handy Jones and M.M. Katz for gas and clothing at Jail approved. O1 ?5 1874 ;? 3 169 . 6. Bill from Dawson Tell Hemming for prisoners at Jail approved. 02 D2 1874 ;? 3 174 ^, 7., ? Bills from George Myers, Sheriff Black and J.A. Springer for Jail approved. 02 ?2 1874 ?, 3 174 ? 8.?? y Dr. Winants to be retained as physician to Jail on same terms and same rate as for 1873. 03 ?5 1874 „ 3 191 . 9.;? Petition of Alexander Bryant for position of night watchman at Jail laid over. 09 L2 1874 3 257 10 „ ?t Request of G.H. West for position of County Physician for Jail laid over. 09 t5 1874 3 259 11.;? ? Request for position of watchman of Jail laid over. 09 L5 1874 3 259 ?: 12? ? Referred application of Duke Bryan for Jail watchman. 09 L6 1874 3 261 }6 13.? J.J. Oneil elected Jail watchman. 09 16 1874 „ 3 262 , s ,14s? Chairman to attend to supplies for A.H. Moore for Jail. ,09 Z3 1874 3 263 II ! 15.;? Sheriff allowed 40? per diem for maintaining each Jail prisoner. .09 ?4 1874 , 3 264 . 16H6 Bills from Sheriff Black and S.H. Manning for Jail prisoners' account approved. ,10 ?6 1874 „ 3 266 „ ? 17`? Application of S.H. Manning for Jail supplies referred to Chairman. 10 ?7 1874 3 267 ?? 18.?8 8 Application received from persons in Jail concerning their treatment. 10 24 1874 3 270 F? z 19.?? Board to visit Jail as a group to investigate complaints. 10 ?4 187/? 3 270 , ?! 20.?9 Bills from Handy Jones, Hart, Bailey & Co. and Gibson Payne for Jail`s account approved. 11 ?2 1874 3 273 21,i Bills from John Orrell and Jo?in Mashburn for Jail`s account approved. 11 ?2 1874 3 274 ? F? .. 22;? Committee on Public Buildings to ascertain necessity of night watchman at Jail. 11 L6 1874 3 279 », u? „ 23?? Request for pay increase by John Orrell, Jail watchman, referred to Comm. on Public Buildings. 11 16 1874 3 279 ? ?w 24.?? 7 Bills from August Morris, N. Jacobi and Saron & Rhinstern for Jail's account approved. 12 ?7 1874 3 281 p Ig 25?? .d Pay increase for Jail's watchman, John Orrell, not granted. 12 . I_4 1874 3 288 ,, 26i? ?i Committee on Public Buildings recommends lights put in Jail window and clothing and bedding for prisoners. Ol ?5 1875 3 290 ? ' 27.jj , ` Bill from B.D. Morrell for erecting a gallows granted. Ol ?5 1875 3 291 , i 28.:; y ,d Bill from E. Wescott for Jail's account approved. O1 J5 1875 3 ? 291 ? 29;` ? z? Bills from R. Scott, John Orrell, N. Jacobi, Sol Bear & Bros. and B.D. Morrell for Jail's account approved Ol ?5 1875 " „ 3 292 . i1 30.?? P, Request from J.C. Smith for articles for Jail referred to Chairman. ? 02 ?2 1875 3 295 .. ?, 31?? Committee appointed to investigate escape of prisoners from Jail. 02 ?2 1875 „ 3 297 .;? ,32.?? Bills from Thomas White, Sol Bear & Bros. J.J. Orrell, S.S. Yopp and O.G. Parsley for Jail approved. 02 ?2 1875 .. 3 298 . ., 33.?; Bills from P. Newman, J. Jones, J. Davis, S.H. Manning, and William Johnson for Jail approved. 03 ?5 1875 3 308 ' '? 34.-; ;; Bills from J.J. Orre11, S.H. Manning, Henry Price and Nanthan .Iacobi for Jail approved. 03 ?5 1875 3 309 f ' 35.i; Bills from W.H. and D. Dart and S. Vollers for Jail's account approved. 03 ?5 1875 3 309 ?; . . 36.;{ Bill from P.H. Hayden for Jail's account approved. 03 ?5 1875 3 310 37.:? Bills from J.J. Orrell, Henry Price and S.H. Manning for Jail`s account approved. 04 ?6 1875 3 316 38.`a Bills from John Dawson and Hancock and Daggett for Jail's account approved. 04 ?6 1875 3 316 39.p ,? Filed letter from Dr. West denying statement of sick white woman in Jail who claims proper care not given Q5 ?3 1875 3 322 ,; F? ;? her . . .? 40?? ,q Bills from Henry Price, S.H. Manning and Sol Bear and Bros. for Jail's account approved. 05 ?8 1875 ., 3 326 ; .< ? 41.?? Bills from P. Newman, J.J. Orrell, C.H. Strode and Oldham & Cumming for Jail's account approved. 05 J8 1875 3 326 k? ? i ? 42.'? ;s Bills from O.J. Parsley & Co. for incidental expenses approved. 05 ?8 1875 , 3 326 . 43.6? i Bills from George West, M.D. and Nathaniel Jacobi, S.H. Manning, and Henry Ohlandt for Jail approved. 06 J8 1875 3 332 ? 44.?; Bills from S.H. Manning, J.J. Orrell, P. Newman and W.H. and D.M. Dart for Jail's account approved. 07 ?8 1875 ? 3 352 Y iR t?9 .i " . ? o i? f ? ? ? , ? :? II ?? ?1 71 ?NDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. ' MATTER: JAIL eEO. u. s. ?.;? ,,? Couety Inde:es Sincc 1888 ? To tocate namea, open at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX r?r O/FIGf C?C<.td??? An Identifrine Trnde Mark SURNAME INiT1AL TAB MADE BY TNE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD BY ?WEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA . 'I ?? ? DATE ,c MINUTE BOOK ?? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ! ?' Month Day Year '' Voi. Page .Y ?, 1. ;?Complaint from John Welch, prisoner at Jail, accusing one watchman with being drunk and neglect of duty ; 07 28 1875'? ?? ? laid on the table. ., ,; ;; 2. Bills from George West, J.J. Hewlett and S.H. Manning for Jail's account approved. 08 03 1875-; 3. 'yRequest from Jailer D. Howard for a new pump for use of prisoners referred to Chairman. 10 07 1875?; 4. ?aBills from P. Newman, C.H. Strode, S.H. Manning, Thomas Wood, H. Olandt, and L. Vollers for Jail approved. : 10 07 1875i; F . S. ;?Bills from S.H. Manning, W.P. McMakon, S.W. Holden, P. Newman, and J.J. Orrell for Jail's account approved. 11 09 1875,, 6. ;;Matter of repairing heaters in Jail referred to Chairman. , 11 15 1875= ,, , 7, ,,Jail expenses to be reduced by hiring out all persons convicted of criminal offense. , 12 11 1875;? 8. ,;Jail expenses to be reduced by making all defendants committed by courts liable for cost of prosecuting. 12 11 1875 9. . Chairman to advertise for bids for medical attendance at Jail for 1876. 12 16 1875 10. . Bills from Robert H. Phinney, S.H. Manning and P. Newman for Jail's account approved. 12 16 1875 11. Dr. A.E. Wright appointed physician for Jail for 1876 having made lowest bid. O1 03 1876„ 12. Position of night watchman at Jail discontinued. Ol 03 1876. 13. Bills from John Orrell. S.H. Manning, G.H. West, Daniel Howard, W.H. Mern and P. Newman for Jail approved. 02 07 1876 14. Bills from P. Newman and S.H. Manning for Jail's account approved. 02 11 1876 15. Bills from C.H. Strode and A.E. Wright for Jail's account approved. 03 08 1876 16. Bills from P. Newman, David Jones, Henry Price, S.H. Manning, and Daniel Howard for Jail approved. 04 03 1876 17. I Bills from S.H. Manning, S.W. Holden, Adam Wright and Philip Newman for Jail's account approved. 05 05 1876; 18. Sheriff's request for a night watchman for Jail referred to Chairman. 05 15 1876; 19. Bills from S.H. Manning and A. McKinzie for Jail approved. 06 07 1876Y 20. On recommendation of Sheriff services of night watchman at Jail dispensed with since so few prisoners. 07 08 1876 ,, 21. Bills from S.H. Manning and A. McKinzie for Jail approved. 07 08 1876 22. Bills from P. Newman, A.E. Wright, Thoraton Hargrave and A. McKinzie for Jail approved. 08 07 1876 ' 23. Bill from A.E. Wright for Jail's account approved. 09 27 1876 24. Bil1 from Dr. A.E. Wright for Jail approved. 11 22 1876 25. Bills from Thomas White, A.E. Wright and W.H. Bradley for Jail approved, pages 505 and 507. 12 04 1876 '? 26. Bill from S.H. Manning for Jail approved. 12 29 1876 27. ? . Application of Emanuel Trisdule to have charge of County prisoners laid over. . Ol 03 1877; ? ? 28. From February 1,1877 rates allowed Sheriff to feed prisoners in Jail reduced from 45? to 30? per day. O1 29 1877. , 29. Chairman and Public Building Committee to have repairs made on wall in Jail yard. 03 05 1877 ' 30. Sheriff allowed 35? for feeding Jail prisoners dating back from January, 1877. 03 05 1877,? , 31. Proposals for medicines and medical attendance for Jail inmates to be accepted until March 15. 03 05 1877 32. Bid for attending Jail inmates awarded Dr. A.E. Wright. 04 02 1877_; 33. Bills from S.H. Manning and A.E. Wright for Jail fees and account approved. 06 05 1877 ? 34. , Bi11 ?rom S.H. Manning for Jail fees approved. „ 08 11 1833 „ 35. ,,Bills from A.E. Wright, S.H. Manning and A.E. Wright for Jail fees approved, pages 593,594 and 595. 08 11 1877.., ', 36. , Bills from S.H. Manning, A.E. Wright, Sol Bear & Bros. and Aenry Price for Jail's prisoners and account. „ 08 11 1877 ? , 37. .:Bills from Dr. A.E. Wright, S.H. Manning, Henry Price and A.E. Wright for Jail approved, pages 644,647,648.. 11 06 1877, , 38. ..Bi11 from Dr. A.E. Wright for Jail approved. 12 15 1877;,: , 39. ;Bill from S.H. Manning for feeding prisoners approved. 12 15 1877?; 40. Bills from A.E. Wright and S.H. Manning tor 3ai1 and feeding prisoners approved. : 12 15 1877 41. Bill from S.H. Manning for Jail approved. 12 15 1877 ; 42. Sheriff is allowed 30? per day for each prisoner in Jail. ? 03 04 1878 43. Commissioner Worth to furnish Jail with wood. 11 04 1878 44. Matter of painting the Jail roof referred to Auditing Committee. 11 07 1878 y 45. ,Commissioner Smith to furnish the Jail with a pump at a reasonable price. ? 11 07 1878 . ?; {? €a ; ri 3 357 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 364 ?' :w 381 e? ;o 383 E? Pr 391 K? t? ?? 394 '` ?? 397 ?: 397 '? k+ 400 403 ; 404 404 °?? ?+ F: 412 '`. 414 s: +_. 420 ;." 427 ?? ?, 435 ;: M, 436 ? 446 ,; ?? r; 450 ?"? 6' 450 ? ,6 457 k 481 '- 498 ?: t• 505 " a, 514 t' ?, 516 523 : 530 ?? 530 Is 530 ; 536 553 , 592 ? 593 560 R 644 ; 668 j 668 i 670 671 707 773 775 775 ? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATTER: JAIL ` ¦tc. u. s. County Indezee Since 1888 ? To locate names, open at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX eer OFFICE ?J?'J? An ldentifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INpEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA r. , j ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ?'? DATE ?'?: MINUTE BOOK F?? Month ? Day ? Year ?? Vol. Page `?? ;' ?, 1. Commissioner Smith reported that pump for Jail had been furnished. '. 11 14 1878 ; r? 3 776 ," 2. Committee on furnishing wood for Jail reported. k, 11 I4 I878s? !.? 3 776 ?? 3. - Granted request of D. Holmes that prisoners sent from Jail to Work House be furnished a pair of shoes. ', 11 ,? 15 1878 3 779 ; ., 4.F Matter of ticking for mattresses for Jail referred to Col. Taylor. }„ 11 29 1878 ? 3 781 „ ?? 5. Matter of painting Jail referred to Committee on Public Buildings. : ; 12 18 ;' 1878:; 'k 4 . 6? ?a 6. Contract made for painting and repairing Jail. 12 27 1878 4 8 ' i 4? ru 7. - Board granted 5? increase for board of prisoners in Jail due to price increases. 10 03 1881 P. 4 328 r d. ? 8.?? Sheriff`s request that Water Works Co. supply Jail with water and hose in case of fire referred. 04 03 1882,^ 4 369 ??, 9.?? Sheriff to be paid 25? instead of 30G per day to feed Jail prisoners. 08 06 1883 4 485 10.? Chairman reported sale of items and Jail fees from Henry Morton. 11 OS 1883 4 503 ll.;i Board considered rebuilding Jail which was destroyed by fire. Ka 12.?, Petition presented to rebuild Jail on a new site, but Board did not grant it. " pfi i? ,13.' New, improved Jail to be built on old site. _14.?? Contract made with John D. Fred to build new Jail, pages 706-708. i+ _15.?? Matter of prisoners of County referred to Chairman and Sheriff. " b? ,16.,A Matter of procuring lot for County ad1oinin? Jail referred to Messrs. Moore, Pearce and Montgomery. „17.?? Board adopted plans of J.D. Fred for the new Jail. vl8.E? Board of Health said site of old Jail unsuitable for new Jail. :? 19.?' Citizens' committee proposed new Jail and Courthouse be built on site of present Courthouse. 20.?? Chairman reported on insurance collected from Hartford Insurance Co. for Jail. 4:' Sf 21.?d Specifications for new Jail amended and adopted, but Board postponed opening bids for new Jail. ?; .22.?; Board met to open bids for proposed Jail; contract for Jail complete awarded John D, Fred. 4Y 23.k? Col. Moore explained his June 30 absence and voiced his support on Jail issue. 24.P 25. Chairman reported om m?ney received from sale of brick from old Jail. ? I? Board to discuss Board of Aldermen granting lot next to Jail to T.J. Southerland for building a livery stable and cart house. 03 26 1886 4 695 , 04 12 1886 4 705 04 12 1886 4 706 04 13 1886 4 706 05 03 1886 4 709 ?; 05 03 1886 4 709 05 „ 06 06 06 06 06 ' 07 09 ` 11 18 1886 05 1886 ?.; 05 1886 ' 07 1886 11 1886 30 1886 ? 05 1886' 06 1886 `. 10 1886 ' 4 714 4 714 4 715 ?a 4 718 , 4 721 ? r? 4 722 , 4 723 4 735 4 754 ,; 4 754 ; 4 775 ?. _ '? iQ 26.?? Board to buy lot next to Jail as authorized by Board of Magistrates. (See JUSTICES OF THE PEACE) 11 27.?? : John D. Fred reported new Jail was completed. O1 ,? ,28.k? ? Board accepted new Jail and Chairman to settle with Contractor Fred. ; Ol 29.?? Charles Daniels convicted of larceney and sentenced to three years in Jail, but farmed out to James Elden. 04 ;? 30.s? ? Contract for building and repairing wall around Jail awarded W.H. Costin and Son. 06 ? 31.?P' W.H. Costin & Son awarded contract for pavement and repairing wall, 11 „? :? 32.s? Bill rendered by Mayor Fowler from City against County in favor of James Elder, Jailer, granted. O1 33." Reward for capturing Dennis Horn divided between Alonzo Millis and W.T. Bray, each claiming reward. 12 34.?a ?; Appropriations made to several men for capture of Owen Huggins and Charles I?ixon. 10 35.p? Report from Superintendent of Health J.C. Shepard on condition of Jail submitted. 12 ?,; 36.4? Chairman to hire out all persons in Jail for costs. ol 37.?k Allowance of 25fi per day set to feed prisoners in Jail. 04 38.l? Claim of David Jacobs for capturing Simon Prince, charged with murder, received. 06 ? .39.?; Upon recommendation of Superintendent of Health, Jail prisoners allowed vegetables three times a week. i 06 }j i± 40.?? ,? Superintendent of Health reported on number of pris?ners in Jail and that sanitary conditions were fair. 07 si 41.`? ?? Superintendent of Health reported on number of prisoners in Jail and that sanitary conditions good. . 09 `? 42.? Auditing Clerk to keep books on all County prisoners hired out under sentence of judge. 09 R 43.? Book bought to keep time and earnings of pris?ners hired out were presented to Board and approved. ; 10 44. r Superintendent of Health reported on number of prisoners in Jail and that food served was good. 10 45.k ? ? ?? Money allowed J.D. Flynn and W.W. King for arresting Ben Smith, a murderer. .. 10 f1 a k. iy ? ?i 10 1886 ; 27 1887 .. 27 1887 ;; 04 1887 06 1887 : 07 1887 4 775 5 1 y 5 15 + 5 48 06 1890 5 210 Ol 18 90 5 284 Ol 1894 , 5 586 02 1895 5 680 14 1897 5 759 05 1897 „ 5 798 07 1897 6 12 07 1897 p? 6 12 07 1897 6 21 06 1897 ' 6 41 07 1897'- 6 43 ; 04 1897 6 45 9 04 1897.; 6 45 13 1897 6 48 r; ?I ?? ? ?? N INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES --- New Hanover Count JAIL C ?, . . _ MATTER: ` eEp. u. s. /r??? Counry Indezes Sinca IBBB f1? k•a-? To ioaate names, open at r?r orv?ce ???Cd? An ldentifrini Tra,de Mar? ??.? SURNAM6 INtTiAL TAB COTT A-Z 7A6 INDEX MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY. (OLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ? ` DATE +; MINUT E BOOK ?i ? ?? ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ???' Month ? Day ? Year ??'q Vol. ? ? Page ?? ?? ? 1.??. .y Bids were opened to furnish blankets for Jail; order placed with William Goodman. " ; 10 13 1897?.? ?? r 6 Ea ?? 48 s i 2. ` County Physician reported on number of prisoners in Jail and that it needed whitewashing and cleaning. 11 O1 , 1897a? 6 ? 57 ? 3.4a Jail whitewashed and water works put in order. 12 06 1897! 6 63 °? ? ; 4. 'r Superintendent McMillan reported Jail improvedbut needs cleaning and cuspidors in halls. 12 06 1897G? ` 6 64 ?? 5.'? Dr. McMillan reported on number of prisoners in Jail. ?, 12 06 . 1897fa .? 6 !? 64 ?? ? 6.;? Contract awarded Carolina Ice Co. to supply ice for Jail; rates set. 12 13 1897?f 6 s 67 ? 7. ,E Dr. McMillan reported Jai1 in good condition. Ol .. 03 1898?? 6 i; 73 -> ?: 8. Dr. McMillan reported Jail in more sanitary condition. , 02 08 1898q? 6 81 =? 9. . Superintendent McMillan reported Jail in better sanitary condition than ever, but Jailyard unsightly. 03 07 1898;7 6 106 ;? °i 10. Superintendent of Health McMillan reported Jail in good condition. 04 04 1898,. 6 113 1Z. Superintendent of Health reported Jail in good condition, but suggests more vegetables be served prisoners., 05 02 1898; 6 121 :? 12.,: County Physician reported Jail in good condition. 06 13. Superintendent of Health reported Jail in good condition. „ 07 14. Superintendent of Health reported Jail overcrowded and needed cleaning. „ 08 15... Contract awarded Antonia Swan to paint roof of Jail and mend all leaks and gutters. M1. 10 16.. Superintende?.t of Health reported little sickness at Jail. 10 17. Superintendent of Health reported some sickness at Jail. 11 18.` Superintendent of Health reported sanitary condition of Jail better and no acute sickness. 12 19. Superintendent of Health reported Jail well kept and food good. Ol 20. Superintendent of Health reported Jail in good condition. ?2 21,; Superintendent of Health reported sanitary condition of Jail improving except for plumbing. 03 22. Superintendent of Health reported Jail in as good condition as plumbing would allow. 04 23. Superintendent of Health reported Jail in very good sanitary condition. 05 24.' Superintendent of Health reported Jail in good condition except for plumbing and no acute sickness. 06 25.; Superintendent of Health reported Jail in good condition and plumbing good. ?, 07 26.;; Superintendent of Health reported Jail in good condition, but plumbing out again. , 08 27.,. Superintendent of Health reported Jail in good condition except for plumbing. 09 2$•„; Superintendent of Health reported Jail in fine sanitary condition. l? 29..' Superintendent of Health reported Jail in good condition. 1X 30..; Superintendent of Health reported Jail in good condition. .. 12 31..; Contract for lighting Jail awarded Wilmington Gas Light Co. at rate set down in minutes. 12 32. Superintendent of Health reported inmates in Jail had been vaccinated and Jail in good condition. 02 33. Chairman to order prison cage from W. King. 02 34.: Temporary quarters to be erected to quarter con victs working roads. 02 35. Superintendent of Health reported 3ai1 in good sanitary condition. 03 36., Chairman Moore reported he had ordered portable Jail from W. King. , 03 37.,; , Chairman Moore reported temporary quarters for convicts had been completed. „ 03 38..; Superintendent of Health to take Al1an Pettiford from Jail and send him to Pest House since he may have 03 , smallpox. 39. Superintendent of Health reported Jail in good sanitary condition. ` 04 40. Superintendent of Health reported Jaii in good condition considering plumbing. 05 41. , Superintendent of Health reported Jail in good condition. 06 42. Superintendent of Health reported Jail in good condition, but overcrowded. 07 43. Superintendent of Health found Jail in fair condition, but plumbing still bad. 08 44. , Superintendent of Health reported Jail in good condition. 09 45. ti Superintendent s ?. of Health reported Jail in good condition but ?e death. 10 ?? 06 1898,. 05 1898;; O1 1898 03 1898,; 03 1898, r? 07 1898. 06 1898' 02 1899?. 06 1899 06 1899, 03 1899: O1 1898 05 1899,, 05 1899?? 07 1899' 04 1899 02 1899.; 06 1899;, 04 1899:; 15 1899;; 05 1900a 05 1900' 05 1900` 05 1900. 05 1900. 05 1900;, 05 1900, 02 1900 ?: 08 1900; 04 1900 02 1900 06 1900 03 1900 Ol 1900 ?? 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 133 ; 148 '? 171 : ,: 183 ;' 184 !?? 190 ? ?? 20 2 219 R ? i 224 i 235 ' „ 245 t? 259 G ?. 297 : ?? 316 ?? 325 . r, 355 ?; ? 337 ;; 347 ;; 361 F, 365 ; 399 , 400 ; a, 400 402 , 403 = 4e 404 404 :: E+ 426 ` i? 434 '- a 446 ?' 449 459 ?. ?; 473 ;, 481 ?, fi ?o INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Har?over County N C MATTER JAIL , . . _ : ` ¦ec. u. s. County Indezte Sinee 1888 e?T OFFICE ??1? An Identifying Trade Marlc fH ?r-? To loeate names, Op@0 at ?? SURNAMH INITIAL TAB COTT A•Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA DATE ; MINUiE BOOK ;? ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS " Month I Day I Year ,' Vol. I Page ,? ?! 1.'' County Physician t o visit Jail onc e a w eek. 10 13 , 1900? ? 6 483 2.'? Superintendent of Health reported Jail in good condition, but furnace room needs repaired. 11 05 1900 : 6 485 ' , 3.? Committee on Pulbi c Buildings to h ave p lumbing at Jail repaired. 11 ?., 05 1900 . 6 486 `., 4.p Dr. McMillan reported Jail in as g ood a condition as defective plumbing will allow ; 12 03 1900 ; 6 490 ?, 5. Superintendent of Health reported Jail in good condition. 02 04 1901,; 6 516 , 6 6.? Superintendent of Health reported Jail in good condition. : 03 04 1901?Y 6 531 ' 7.?? Superintendent of Health reported Jail in good condition. 04 O1 1901 6 534 << 8.;? Superintendent of Health reported Jail in good condition. 06 03 1901 6 553 ?? 9.„' Superintenaent of Hea?tn reported Jai? in goocl condition. Q7 01 190I b 574 10.;? Superintendent of Health reported Jail in good condition. 08 05 1901 6 585 11.? Chairman reported Bessie McFadden, a co nvict in Jail, was hired out by him. 08 05 1901 6 585 12.?„ Superintendent of Health reported Jail in good condition. „ 09 03 1901 6 593 ?? 13.,, William Watkins, confined in Jail, was hired out to W.T. Doitch. „ 09 09 1901 6 595 14.?, County Physician authorized to tra nsfer insane prisoners in Jai1 to Insane Departemtt if no t confined for 09 25 1901„ 6 596 ?'. ?? criminal offenses. 15.,; Superintendent of Health reported Jail in good condition. 11 04 1901,,, 6 611 „ 16..; v Action of Chairman in hiring out Martha Cleak approved. 12 OZ 1901 6 616 17.,; Superintendent of Health reported no sickness in Jai1. 12 02 1901 6 617 ir ' w , 18.;? Contract for furnishing coal for Jail awarded J.H. Taylor. 12 02 1901 6 618 19.?' f, All convict? in Jail and under penal sentence to be sent to County roads. 12 . 09 1901 , 6 620 .. 20.': ?, Insurance increased on Jail. O1 06 1902y 6 627 : 21„< ' Superintendent of Health reported Jail in good condition. Ol 06 1902 6 627 s 22.!', i? Chairman to hire out Katy Brooks, now i n Jail. Ol 06 1902 6 628 23.i; Superintendent of Health reported Jail in good condition. 02 03 1902 6 631 24.:? Annie Dudley transferred from Jail to County Home. 02 03 1902 6 631 25.;j Superintendent of Health reported 3ail in good condition. 03 03 1902, 6 639 26.?? Superintendent of Health reported Jail in good condition. 04 07 1902_ 6 643 27.ia '3 Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 05 05 1902 6 650 28.';r Superintendent of Health reported Jail in good condition. 06 03 1902 6 655 29.k; Superintendent of Health reported Jail in good condition. 07 07 1902, 6 660 ?, 30.?i r. Superintendent of Health reported Jail in good condition. 08 04 1902 6 667 31.;; Superintendent of Health reported Jail in good condition. „ 09 Ol 1902,? 6 671 ;, 32.;; Superintendent of Health reported Jail in good condition. 10 06 1902.. 6 677 33.;; Superintendent of Health reported Jail in good condition. 11 03 1902,. 6 679 34.;. Superintendent of Health reported Jail in good condition. 12 O1 1902. 6 685 35.`; Superintendent of Health reported Jail in good condition. Ol 05 1903. 6 694 36.?; Superintendent of Health reported little sickness in Jail. 02 02 1903 , 6 699 37.., Superintendent of Health reported Jail in good condition. 03 02 1903 . 6 704 38.Fj Superintendent of Health reported Jail in good condition. 04 06 1903 6 710 39.? Board declined to take action on application to hire out Mary Jane Battle. 04 06 1903 6 712 , 40.k, Superintendent of Health reported Jail in good condition. 05 04 1903 6 717 41.?ri Superintendent of Health reported Jail in good condition. 06 O1 1903 6 724 , 42.s; Superintendent of Health reported Jail in good condition. 07 06 1903, 6 730 43.`;k Superintendent of Health reported Jail in good condition. 08 03 1903 6 743 44.,` Superintendent of Health reported Jail in good condition. 09 08 1903 6 748 45.?,, ?? ,? ,? ,a ? Father Dennis req uested Janus Shepard, convict ed of larcency, be sent to Raleigh; granted. 10 , ?o 05 1903 d ?? 6 754 i / INDEX TO CO?IMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County N C JAIL MATTER , . . _ : ` Reo. u. s. r?r a?fice County Inaezes Since 1888 C.?i??" An tdenrifvine Trade Mark ? To loeab names, opsn at SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA - + s? ?? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE ?; MINUT E BOOK ?? I;; Month ' Day Year ?; Vol. Page ? ? s 1.?; Superintendent of Health reported Jail in good condition. 10 , 05 ;; 1903?+; 6 'p? 754 4? 2. Superintendent of Health reported Jail in good condition. 11 .. 02 1903,? ?? 6 s 757 9 3.s Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 12 07 1903? 6 E; 763 ?? 4.? Superintendent of Health reported Jail in good condition. O1 04 1904, 6 ?; 773 i? .? 5.'; Superintendent of Health reported Jail in good condition. 02 O1 1904;? " 6 778 ! ? 6.' Superintendent of Health reported Jail in good condition. . 03 07 1904s+ 6 781 ;j 7. Superintendent of Health reported Jail in good condition. 04 .,, 04 1904;; ?. 6 787 ?; ±Q 8•a Superintendent of Health reported Jail in good condition. 05 02 1904,: 6 791 ?j 9.y Superintendent of Health reported Jail in good condition. 06 06 1904, 6 796 µ 10. Superintendent of Health reported Jail in good condition. 11. Action of Chairman in hiring out Bessis Murphy to G.H. Simmons for balance of term was confirmed. 12. Superintendent of Health reported Jail in good condition. 13., Repairs to be made on Jail. 14. Superintendent of Health reported Jail in good condition. 15. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 16. Superintendent of Health reported Jail in good condition. 17. Superintendent of Health reported Jail in good condition. 18. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 19. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 20. Lizzie Griffin, convict, had been hired out to Samuel Blossom. 21.;, Building Committee to have inside of Jailor's quarters painted. 22. Sanitary $oard ruled that all persons entering County institutions must take a bath. 23. Superintendent of Health reported inmates at Jail healthy. 24.,? Superintendent of Health reported Jail in good condition. 25.,, Superintendent of State Prison, J. Mann, to be notified that Board declines to pay for guard bringing John 07 05 1904 6 802 ., 08 Ol 1904 6 805 ' 08 O1 1904., 6 08 09 10 11 O1 02 03 03 04 05 05 06 08 O1 1904;, 06 1904i, 03 1904! 07 1904. 03 1905' 06 1905? 06 1905' 06 1905: 03 1905;; Ol 1905 „ O1 1905 05 1905„ 07 1905„ 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 805 808 '?; ?? 809 ,; 4 6 ; F. i 16 ' r? s 18 E r 20 , 20 23 ? ? 23 : 23 ?; 2 7 +; t 35 . Forbes back here. ., . !' ?. E. 26., Chairman to hire out Bessie McFayden, a convict, in accordance with order of Superior Court. „ 10 02 1905.. 7 ?' 39 j; ? 27.., I Edward Capps contracted by Public Buildings Committee to paint Jail's roof. „ O1 02 1906;; 7 46 +, !1 28.', Plans for Jail improvements from Mr. Leitner referred to Public Buildings Committee. ,. 11 06 1906,; 7 65 6. 29., Bids to furnish coal for Jail referred to Public Buildings Committee. .. 12 03 1906,; 7 ii 68 g, 30. Committee to investigate feeding of prisoners at Jail. 12 03 1906 7 69 i' y. 31. Board met to open bids for Jail improvements and then recessed. 12 11 1906 7 72 S 32. ; Cell improvements on Jail postponed until fate of Recorder's Court is known. 12 .. 12 1906 7 72 ' 4, 33., Public Buildings Committee awarded Springer Coal Co. contract to furnish coal for Jail. O1 . 07 1907 ., 7 74 i. t 34. Sheriff to employ extra deputies to guard prisoners while Jail is being repaired. Ol 28 1907 7 7b e? i• 36. Chairman of Public Buildings Committee asked to use convicts to grade Jail's yard; granted. 05 07 1907; 7 87 i j 37. ' . Superintendent of Health reported Jail in good condition. 06 03 1907 .r 7 89 ?` }: 0 38., Superintendent of Health reported Jail in good condition. 07 Ol 1907 7 94 e, 39.?; Public Buildings Committee reported repairs in Jail had been completed and Jail in good condition. 08 05 1907 7 105 ?., ?. 40. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 08 05 1907 7 F. 105 '+ ,, 41. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. , 09 03 1907 7 107 f i ! 42..; Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 12 02 1907.; 7 ? 115 ?` ?. i 43., Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 02 03 1908 7 122 ? 3; 44.. Chairman and Attorney to settle upon a plan to relieve Jail of its crowded condition. 02 03 1908 7 123 ? 45.,: Letter from Superintendent of Health on crowded condition of Jail. „ 02 06 1908;' 7 124 :' i. 46..'. Due to crowded Jail, future prisoners will be confined at convict camp or County Home. 02 06 1908 7 124 „ ??. i; i? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES ? - New Hanover County JAIL N C MATTER , . . ? : ` e¢o. u. s. Counry Inde:ee Sinee f888 ??t OFFICE ??? An ldentifying Trade Mark i1? ?r..3--? ???.? To loeate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•2 TAB tNDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMVANY, COIUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA +? r: DATE i? ?g ? MINUTE BOOK s NATURE OF PROCEEDfNGS ;` Month ? Day? Year ?? ? Vol. I ? Page ,?, , 1. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. - : 03 02 1908[' ?? 7 - a; 120 ???, ;? 2. Letter to editor of Raleigh News and Observer asking for correction on report published on number of pri- ?? 03 09 190$?4 7 128 n? soners in Jail. " ??? ? {? ?? , 3. Ammy Carter, convicted of larceny, to be hired out instead of being sent to Jail. " 04 06 1908 ? 7 129 ?s . G. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. . 05 04 :; 1908?r 7 i: 131 ?, 5.i Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. f? 06 Ol 1908i; 7 134 , 6. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 07 06 1908 r 7 138 : , 7.i' Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. ;, 08 03 1908;' 7 139 ?? ? ? 8 u S erintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 09 08 1908.. 7 144 : ??? uP 9.?! Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. ?,. 10.?s Sheriff's request for Jail supplies referred to Public Buildings Committee. 11.',; Sheriff to take monthly inventory of property in Jail. ?, 12.?? Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. sy '13.?? Sheriff Cowan filed Jail's monthly inventory. ?? 14.?+ Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 15. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. , f 16.P Sheriff Cowan's report on Jail's inventory. ?s 17.? Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. i 18.? Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 19.? Superintendent of Health reported County insCitutions in good condition. 20. Sheriff Cowan presented Jail's inventory. ?3 ,21.?? Sheriff Cowan presented Jail's inventory. ?i ?? 22.?? Authority in Jacksonville, Fla. to be paid for arresting and holding Benjamin Barge. 23. Matter of blankets for Jail referred to Public Buildings Committee. . ,24.? Sheriff Cowan presented Jail's inventory. ;C ,25t? Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. ,26;; Superintendent of Health reported Jail in good condition. 27.`? Sheriff Cowan presented Jail's inventory. - 6± 28.?? Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. ?? i 29.? Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. ? 30.f? Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. p 31.i Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. E? k? _32.?? Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 33.,?? Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. ,? 34.?? Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 35.c? Superintendent of Health reported Jail in good condition. 36.t9 Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 37E? Superintendent of Health reported Countiy institutions in good condition. s? 38:? Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 39.? Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. ?{ ,40?? Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. s ? .41.?? Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. ?? 42.I John Law, sentenced to Jail, hired out to A.G. Ricuad. 1 r 43.EN Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. Y? 44.?i Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 45. Willie Otis hired out to his uncle, Jerry Dangerfield, and Henry McNeil hired out to Enoch McNeil, his ? father. 10 05 1908 10 05 1908 ;, „ 10 05 1908 ;, 11 02 1908 ,, 12 07 1908 ; O1 04 1909, 04 05 1909 04 05 1909 05 03 1909 ` 06 07 1909 ,; 07 06 1909 ; 07 06 1909 ' 08 02 1909 09 08 1909 ? , 10 04 1909, „ 10 04 1909 , 10 04 1909,; 12 06 1909;; ; Ol 03 1910Ac O1 03 1910y 02 07 1910 04 04 1910 05 02 1910, 06 06 1910' 07 05 1910 08 Ol 1910 ; 09 08 1910' 10 03 191Q 11 07 1910. 12 O1 03 06 , 08 „ 09 , 10 10 05 1910 ry 04 1911: 06 1911, 05 1911 . 07 1911 06 1911 ?2 1911. .d 02 1911;? ?? ?r 7 151 7 152 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 152 ,. 155 „ 159 164 173 173 176 ? 173 179 179 181 182 183 183 183 , 185 189 ` 189 p. 190 193 194 195 197 198 199 200 202 204 206 ; 210 223 230 232 233 ' 233 i: ?° ? ;; '? ??. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES --- New Hanover Count N C T JAIL +-? ?, . . , MATT R eec. u, s. ?R ?,,,,p County Indexee $ince IBB$ {?? ?,.?-? To loeafe names, open at (OTT A•I TAB IHDER PAf OFFICE ??E?yp/?tiC.a?i An IdentifsingTrade Mark ??.8 SURNAME INITIAL TAB IIIADE BY THE COTT INDEJf COAIPANY, tOLUMBUf, OH10 4 SOLO B10WEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH GROLIN? NATURE OF PRO?EEDINGS DAiE MINUTE BOOH Monih Day I Year Vol. Page 1. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition, 11 06 1911 7 234 2. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 12 04 1911 7 236 3. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. O1 02 1912 7 241 4. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 02 05 1912 7 243 5. Matter of hiring Harry Henry, sentenced to road work, out to his wife referred to Road Committee. 03 04 1912 7 244 6. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition, 03 04 1912 7 245 7. Superintendent of Health recommended Jail be whitewashed. 04 O1 1912 7 247 8. W.M. Jones, sentenced to road work, to be hired out to his wife Bessie. 04 04 1912 7 248 9. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 05 06 1912 7 249 10. Public Buildings Committee to screen doors and windows in Jail as suggested by Superintendent of Health. 05 06 1912 7 249 11. County Physician reported County institutions in good condition. 07 O1 1912 7 253 12. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. 08 OS 1912 7 255 13. Superintendent of Health reported on transfer of convicts to Jail as ordered by Superior Court Judge. 08 05 1912 7 255 14. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition, 09 03 1912 7 257 15. Superintendent of Healkh reported County institutions in good condition, 10 07 1912 7 260 16. George Western, sentenced to Jail, asked to be hired out. 10 15 1912 7 261 17. William Grady, prisoner at Jail, hired out by Chairman. 11 04 1912 7 261 18. C.E. Hall requested Board to allow him to hire a prisoner, John the Baptist, matter to be investigated. 12 05 1912 7 266 19. Auditing Committee to supply grate bars for heater for Jail. 12 OS 1912 7 266 20. John the Baptist to remain in Jail and not to be hired out. 12 09 1912 7 267 , I 21. Bids received to disconnect Jail from Jacob's Run to City sewage system, 12 27 1912 7 268 I 22. Superintendent of Health reported County institutions in good condition. Ol 06 1913 7 270 I I 23. Sheriff charged Mr. Shearin with charging twice for feeding prisoners when transferred from Jail to Camp. O1 13 1913 7 273 ? 24. Jail Committee reported work on Jail would be done as soon as possible. (See: JURY) 02 03 1913 7 I 280 I 25. Architect to be hired to draw plans for enlargement of Jail. 03 03 1913 7 281 26. Commissioner Kerr reported Dave Williams still in Jail. 03 03 1913 7 281 27. Contract to feed prisoners at City Hall awarded to Mrs. iKary Parham at 15G per meal. 03 06 1913 7 282 28. Improvements on Jail re-referred to Jail Committee, 03 06 1913 7 282 ? 29. Willie Nixon sentenced to three months in Jail, but Board may hire him out. 03 24 1913 7 286 30. Plans for enlargement of Jail submitted by Mr. Gause and Jail Committee to confer with Chairman. 03 24 1913 7 286 31. Motion passed that building of stockade next improvement to be made. 03 24 1913 7 286 32. Salary of J.M. Branch as Jailor set at $70 a month and $15 a month allowed for cook for prisoners, OS Ol 1913 7 289 33. Matter of Dave Sanders, jailed for bastardy, left to Chairman and County Attorney. 05 Ol 1913 7 289 34. Attorney advised that Dave Sanders be discharged by taking inSOlvents oath. 05 06 1913 1 290 35. Request to visit road convict. (See ROADS) 05 05 1913 7 290 36. Louisa Ashe hired to Mr. J.M. Branch. 05 05 1913 7 291 37. Case of J. Foxworth, road convict, to be investigated. 06 17 1913 7 306 38. Chairman recommended Joe Foxworth be discharged. 06 23 1913 7 307 34. Matter of connecting Court and Jail to City sewage system referred to Building Committee, O7 07 1913 7 309 40. Chairman to offer rewards for escaped convicts. 07 07 1913 7 '309 41. Case of Dave Williams, now in Jail, referred to Mr. McGirt. 07 07 1413 7 309 ? 42. Mr. McGirt reported Dave Williams had been discharged. 07 14 1913 7 310 43. George Galloway, sentenced to Jail, to be hired to Committee on Courthouse. 08 04 1913 7 310 44. Attorney reported he had not heard from Attorney General relative to Commissioners offering rewards. 08 04 1913 7 311 45. Action an plans presented by James Gause for enlargement of Jail deferred. 08 04 1913 7 311 46. Edward Frayar, sentenced to four years in Jail, hired out to A.G, Ahrens. 09 15 1913 7 314 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count N C T JAIL ?, . . , MATT R ` ?ec. u. s. County Indexea Since 1888 Yo loeate names, open af (OTT A-Z TAB INDEX e?r OFiICE ?,?/J? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INIiIAL TAB MU1DE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN 6. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUT E BOOK Month I Day I Year VoL I Page l. Bill from L.W. Tindall for services as temporary Jailer referred to Sheriff. 10 06 1913 7 316 2. Reward offered for Thomas DuPree, charged with murder. 10 06 1913 7 316 3. Money appropriated for Chairman to use in detecting crimes and capturing criminals. 04 06 1914 7 343 4., Board of Health reported on improper plumbing at Jail; and Jailer's report filed. 05 04 1914 7 349 5. Jailer J.M. Branch's salary set at $80 per month and $15 for a cook. 05 04 1914 7 349 6. Clerk to write to Columbus Co. relative to Will Leak, an escapee from roads of this County. 05 04 1914 7 351 7., Report on Jail's plumbing deferred. 05 11 1914 7 353 8. Lee Barber, sentenced to Jail, hired out to R.A. Burnett. 05 11 1914 7 353 9. Advertisements to be made for bids for repair of Jail relative to change of sewage and plumbing. 09 08 1914 7 383 10. Matter of Jail plumbing postponed in order to obtain better specifications. 10 12 1914 7 387 11. Auditor and accountants report on care of prisoners in County. 12 07 1914 7 406 12. Mr. McGirt to get estimates on plumbing for Jail. 12 17 1914 7 415 13. Jail Committee: Messrs. Willard, Yopp and Moore. 04 19 1915 7 453 14. Bill of C.H. Keen paid for serving as substitute Jailer in absence of Jailer Branch. 10 04 1915 7 489 15. Jail roof to be painted. 09 OS 1916 7 581 16. Grady C. Cook sentenced to Jail, but hired out to Superintendent of Roads. 09 18 1916 7 583 17. Roof of Jail to be repaired and painted. 09 28 1916 7 586 18. Jail Committee: Messrs. Jopp, Kerr and McMillan. 12 04 1916 7 598 19. Request from Jailer for repairs at Jail referred to Mr. Yopp and Auditor. O1 24 1917 7 607 20. Application for telephone for Jail declined. 02 05 1917 7 609 21. Matter of repair on Jail left to Committee on Jail. 02 17 1917 7 611 .22. Request from Sheriff for increase in rate for feeding Jail's prisoners referred to Auditor and At torney. 05 07 1917 7 620 23. As suggested by Sheriff, money allowed for food at Jail increased. 07 02 1917 7 625 24. Jail Committee: Messrs. Yopp, Kerr and MacMillan. 12 03 1917 7 652 25. Mr. Yopp to make arrangements to launder Jail prisoners' clothing and bed linens. 12 03 1917 7 652 26. Telephone in Jail to be continued at County expense of $2 a month. 02 04 1918 7 663 27. Salary of R.L. Harber, Jailer, set at $1,056 a year. 05 06 1918 7 696 28. Request from Jailer to increase money for hire of cook for Jail referred to Clerk to Board. 10 07 1918 8 20 29. Jailer's salary set at $88 per month and $15 per month for a cook. 12 02 1918 8 26 30. Board to pay half of cost for installing phone in Jail and half of its rent. 03 10 1919 8 40 31. Proposal of Councilman McCraig to buy County Jail for use of City as prison referred to Attorney. 06 O1 1919 8 60 32. Jail fees increased to 75? per diem. 10 06 1919 8 79 33. Salary of Jailer, R. L. Harber increased to $98 a month with $15 for a cook. 10 06 1919 8 79 34. Phone in Jail to be continued at County's expense. 10 06 1919 8 79 35. Superintendent of Roads to furnish two raad convicts ta clean Courthouse and Jail yarcls. 10 21 1919 8 83 36. Auditor notified Board he had no authority on Jailer's salary. 11 03 1919 8 85 37. Repair and painting of roof at Jail referred to Jail Committee. 11 03 1919 8 86 38. Clerk to employ extra help to clean premises around Jail. 11 24 1919 8 87 39. Salary of Jailer fixed at $98 per month and $15 a month for cook hire. 12 O1 1919 8 89 40. Money for hire of cook for Jail increased to $20 a month. O1 19 1920 8 93 41. Camera to be bought to photograph prisoners of Superior and Recorders Courts. 05 10 1920 8 110 42. Sheriff offered a reward for capture of Furney Scott, escaped convict. 05 14 1920 8 111 43. Report from County Jail filed. 10 04 1920 8 127 44. Salary of Jailer Harber increased to $100 a month and $30 allowed for kitchen help. 10 04 1920 8 127 45. Salary of Jailer fixed at $100 per month with $30 per month of kitchen help. 12 06 1920 8 133 46. Necessary help allowed to clean up Jail and its premises. 12 06 1920 8 134 , .. ? ,? N C INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count JAIL ` . ?, . , MATTER: Aec. o. s. p???_ County Indezea Since 1888 To loeafe names, open at COiT A•Z TAB INDEX rnT OFFICE C?i?-C.a?cs' An ldentiEYinB Trade Mazk ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLD BY OWEN GTDUNNENEWB RN,?NORTH fAROLNNA DATE MlNUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month I Day Year Vol. I Page 1. November reports filed from Jail. 12 07 1920 8 136 2. Board ordered continuation of telephone at Jai1 at County's expense. 03 15 1921 8 150 3. Sheriff allowed turn key fee for prisoners admitted and released from Jail and money for meals for prisoner s.03 15 1921 8 150 4. Walls and trees on premises of Courthouse and Jail to be whitewashed. 05 02 1921 8 154 5. Rec{uest of Jailer for screens for Jail windows and a large sink referred to Jail Committee. 06 06 1921 8 159 6. Bill from Dr. W. H. Moore for services rendered Tom Batts and insane at Jail paid. 07 12 1921 8 164 7. Jailer Davis relieved of payment of hire for hiring Hattie Pew, sentenced to Jail, since ill and unable 10 03 1921 8 176 to work. 8. Armistice Day, November 11, to be a holiday for all County prisoners. 11 07 1921 8 179 9. Bill from C. C. Bland, Jailer of Brunswick County, for moving and caring for D. Brown, insane, paid. 12 04 1922 8 218 10. County not to pay expenses of Annie Lewis, sentenced to assist Jailer. 04 23 1923 8 241 11. Purchase of Hammocks for Jail approved. 05 07 1923 8 241 12. Bid of Charles Borkenlagen to make hammocks for Jail received, but no action taken. 06 11 1923 8 246 13. Hiring of Narcisus Reaves, sentenced to Jail, referred to Chairman. 07 26 1923 8 254 14. Residence of Jailer to remain as is until new Jail is completed. 11 27 1923 8 271 15. Bill in favor of County Home for labor furnished Jail referred to Sheriff. 12 03 1923 8 273 16. All bids from general contractors for Courthouse annex and Jail rejected. O1 10 1924 8 278 17. All bids for Courthouse annex and Jail received and contracts awarded. p. 279-280. Ol 28 1924 8 279 18. Hire of E. L. Miller, sentenced to roads, referred to Chairman. 02 19 1924 8 282 19. L. N. Boney, architect, to be paid for plans for Courthouse annex and Jail. 02 19 1924 8 283 20. Bid accepted for Courthouse annex and Jail pending bond decision of Supreme Court. 02 25 1924 8 284 21. List of manufactures names and prices for material to be used in bid for Courthouse annex and Jail. 02 25 1924 8 284 22. Repair of plumbing at Jail referred to Jail Committee. 03 25 1924 8 288 23. Board allowed to issue larger bonds for Courthouse annex and Jail. 04 07 1924 8 289 24. Advertisement to be made for sell of Courthouse bonds. 04 07 1924 8 289 25. Dates bids for Courthouse annex bonds will be received. 04 07 1924 8 289 26. Bid received and accepted from U. A. Underwood, Inc. for Courthouse annex and Jail. 04 10 1924 8 290 27. Auditor to secure quotations for preparing Courthouse annex and Jail bonds. 04 10 1924 8 291 28. Board to advertise sale of County Jail. 04 10 1924 8 291 29. No bid received to buy and remove old Jail except from U. A. Underwood Inc. which was rejected. 04 21 1924 8 292 30. Bids received for cell work for newJail and Committee to investigate same. 04 21 1924 8 292 31. Bid from E. W. Carey to raise old Jail rejected, but bid accepted of L. H. Vollers. 04 23 1924 8 293 32. Contract for furnishing and installing Jail cell work awarded to Pauly Jail Company. 04 23 1924 8 293 33. L. N. Boney, architect, paid a fee for preparing plans for Courthouse annex and Jail. 04 28 1924 8 293 34. Preparing and printing Courthouse annex and Jail bonds referred to Auditor and Attorney. 05 05 1924 8 295 35. Bids to be taken fnr reinforcing Stockade doors and windows where Jail prisoners are being kept during 05 05 1924 8 296 construction. 36. List of bids received for Courthouse Gold Bonds and contract awarded to C. P. Bolles and Co. and A. B. 05 12 1924 8 297 Teach and Company. 37. Raymond Concrete Pile Company paid for driving foundation for Courthouse Annex and Jail. 08 04 1924 8 304 38. Bill paid and bid given to J. W. Harper for steel to reinforce cclls at Stockade now housing Jail's 09 02 1924 8 308 prisoners. 39. Handcuffs to be bought for Jailer. 03 02 1925 8 331 40. Jail floor in Courthouse Annex to be waterproofed. 05 04 1925 8 338 41. Pauly Jail Building Company to be paid for work on new Jail upon receipt of release from U. A. Underwood. 09 29 1925 8 353 42. Bids received for range for Jail and contract awarded W. E. Springer and Company. 12 10 1925 8 361 N C MATT RT INDEX TO COMMISSI0?IERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? JAIL , . . , _ asc. u. s. ,p,,? Couney Indacee Since 1888 ?'?"?' To locate names, open af COTT A-Z TAB INDEX v?r OFFICE C.?i??G?-? An Identifying Trade Mark 1f`.G."T SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLO BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTN GROLINA DATE MINUiE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month I Day I Yea? Vol. I Page l. Chairman to buy all necessary cooking utensils for Jail. 12 10 1925 8 362 Z. T. L. Huggins paid for repairs on Jail floor. 12 31 1925 8 364 3. Elevator to be used by Jailer and Janitor for general use. 02 O1 1926 8 371 4. Insurance to be secured on Jail's use of elevator only. 02 O1 1926 8 371 5. F. J. Gooding paid for rent of residence for Jailer. 02 Ol 1926 8 371 6. Utensils and supplies for Jail referred to Courthouse Committee. 07 12 1926 8 389 7. Request of Sheriff to have Jail's windows screened referred to Chairman. 08 02 1926 8 394 8. Main corridor in Jail to be painted. 09 29 1926 8 399 9. Reward of $10 offered for Moses Graham, who escaped from County roads. (See County Prison Farm) 11 10 1926 8 406 10. Covering of Jailer's floors with linoleum referred to Chairman. 09 20 1927 8 464 11. Bid of $2,300 to Pauly Jail Building Company for material and labor to erect steel enclosure at jaii en- 06 19 1928 8 515 trance accepted. 12. Herbert Johnson, charged with non-support and abandonment, hired out of Jail to wife. 08 28 1928 8 529 13. Payment for installing steel enclosure at Jail st?irway accepted for payment. 09 04 1928 8 530 14. Federal prisoners request to paint jail corridor and cell authorized. 02 19 1929 8 559 15. Ventilator fan for Jail kitchen declined. 08 04 1930 9 51 16. John Jackson, charged and jailed, assigned to jail on $250 bond, subject to County Attorney approval. 10 21 1930 9 72 17. Board voted to assign John Jackson to County Roads. 10 28 1930 9 73 18. Bill Lawrimore, jailed in $250 bond, assigned to County roads for remainder of jail term. 11 18 1930 9 75 19. Cost to maintain jail prisoners discussed, present arrangement continued for four months, and monthly 12 O1 1930 9 79 statement of jail cost submitted. Employment of one to repair and recover jail mattresses referred to Chairman. 12 09 1930 9 80 20 21. Payment authorized for jail. 12 09 1930 9 80 22. Board declined Aaron Goldberg's request to enact bill to permit city to use county jail for 03 30 1931 9 100 confinement of city prisoners, but bill to incarcerate municipal prisoners in cou?tyjail, by agreement, was prepared. 23. Expenses for feeding jail prisioners discussed by Sheriff and Board. 04 09 1931 9 101 24. Tabulations on cost and number of prisoners under jail confinement submitted, discussed, and 75? cost to feed prisoners daily reduced to 60? from April-October 31. 04 09 1931 9 101 25. Purchase of mattresses and covers for jail referred to Courthouse Committee. Ol 25 1932 9 149 26. Only $1,522.50 of $7,500 budget reported for feeding prisoners and turkey and Sheriff instructed to 03 O1 1932 9 155 be present at next board meeting. 27. Action confirmed on March 10 meeting and 50¢ per day per prisoner allowance for meals reduced to 40¢ 03 14 1932 9 157 effective March 15. 28. Prince Preston, William Jones and Bill Ferry confined at jail, then transferred to County Farm. 06 20 1932 9 167 29. Complaints from relatives of J. R. Melton on beating of W. H. Melton by prisoner in }ail was referred 09 06 1932 9 179 to Chairman for conference with Recorder and County Attorney. 30. No action taken on citizen complaint noise from jail prisoners and Fourth St. loitering and conversing 09 12 1932 9 181 with prisoners, because matters handled otherwise. 31. Check of jail bill by jail records authorized by auditor. 10 10 1932 9 185 32. Jail window authorized for repairs. 11 28 1932 9 192 33. Fire extinguishers for jail authorized for purchase. 04 10 1933 9 215 34. Purchase of eggs approved for jail prisoners. 04 17 1933 9 316 35. Communication from U. S. Marshall, Raleigh, received, advising Board on rate reduction of feeding prisoners 05 22 1933 9 222 in County jail; matter to be taken up with Marshall. 36. Towels for jail prisoners and paint for quarters authorized for purchase. 06 26 1933 9 228 INDEX TO COI?MISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count N C JAIL C ?? ?, . . _ MA TE R: ` xe¢. u. s. Cqunty Indexee Since 1868 ? 10 loea}e names, open aT PAT OFi1CE ?p ?? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAMB INI7IAL TAB COTT A•2 TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO , SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BE RN, NORT H CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. I Page 1. Turkey authorized for prisoners for Christmas dinner. 02 18 1933 9 263 2. Electric fans for jail referred to Chairman and Sheriff. 07 02 1934 9 290 3. Bill to New Way Mattress Company for Jail mattresses approved for payment. 07 30 1934 9 293 4. Prisoners food expense increased for jail. 02 18 1935 9 325 5. Jail bill for Roy Rhodes, ill prisoner, approved for payment. 03 25 1935 9 331 6. State Lab paid for serum for Luther Hargrove, Jail prisoner. 04 16 1935 9 334 7. Window awning authorized for jailer, and ventilator fan needed. 06 10 1935 9 346 8. Prisoner jail cost increased, Government allowance requested. 07 22 1935 9 357 9. Springer Coal Company approved for payment for coal at jail. 10 21 1935 9 385 10. Jail fees for feeding prisoners increased. 07 O1 1936 9 439 11. Jail prisoners authorized turkey for Christmas Dinner. 12 14 1936 9 470 12. Padded cell for insaned referred to Chairman and Sheriff. 12 13 1937 9 558 13. Turkey authorized at jail for Christmas Dinner. 12 13 1937 9 558 14. County jail approved for repairs for Federal inspection. 05 29 1939 10 40 15. No authority found by County attorney on safety devices for elevators at jail. 08 28 1939 10 78 16. Jail authorized painting by courthouse committee. 11 20 1939 10 95 17. Bids received from Pauly Jail Building Co. for jail repairs. 11 27 1939 10 96 18. Contract awarded to Bz'?adfoot Iron Works for jail repairs. 12 18 1939 10 101 19. Jail matron granted salary increase. 08 05 1940 10 146 20. Matron carried to reduce hours of jailer and assist when new assistant is hired. 08 25 1941 10 226 21. Ike Mintz complaint on assistant jailers refusal to give him treatment received for investigators. 1942 10 22. Jail fees increased for feeding prisoners. 09 08 1942 10 291 23. Payment authorized for jail cook. 11 16 1942 10 302 24. Cost of electric refrigerator authorized for jail. 08 23 1943 10 346 25. Jailer M. T. Ross authorized to execute contract for detention of aliens. 02 21 1944 10 370 26. Jailer authorized to sign contract for aliens. 03 20 1944 10 374 27. Jail authorized electric fans. 04 24 1944 10 379 28. Jailer to sign contract for aliens. 05 O1 1944 10 381 29. Jail authorized insulations and fans. 05 29 1944 10 387 30. Bid requested for jail fans. 06 12 1944 10 388 31. Bid received from A.B. Blake. 06 19 1944 10 392 32. Bid received from Hanover Iron Works. 06 19 1944 10 392 33. Jail fans received. 09 11 1944 10 404 34. Jail fan bids authorized. 05 07 1945 10 439 35. Jail fan bids rejected from E. G. Herring. 05 21 ?945 10 441 36. Jailer M. T. Ross to sign agreements on aliens. 05 28 1945 10 442 37. Motion carried to confer with U. S. Marshall on whether jail is approved under federal government. 07 16 1945 10 449 38. Letter received on jail inspection. 08 13 1945 10 453 39. Repairs of jail roof referred to courthouse committee. 08 13 1945 10 453 40. Jail's inspection report received. 12 10 1945 10 453 41. Jailer Ross to sign agreement to detain aliens. 04 22 1946 10 494 42. Prices authorized for jail hot water heater. 09 09 1946 10 515 43. Jailer to sign agreement to detain aliens. 04 28 1947 10 561 44. Contract approved with Government to board federal prisoners in County jail. 05 05 1947 10 563 45. Jail?r to sign Immigration and Natura?ization agreement to detaiii Immigration. 3 3 1948 11 24 46. Jailer authorized to sign Alien detention agreement. 3 28 1949 11 83 INDE? TO CO?IMISSIONERS MINUTES --- New Hanover Count?y, N. C. , MATT RT Jail acc. u. s. 'p?J'? County ]ndexea Since 1888 ? To loeate names? open ot COTT A•I TAB INDEX rer oFFICE ?I?'Jr?-?c; An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIA? TAB INADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, ONIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE Month Day Year MINUTE BOOK Vol. Page l. Jailer M. T. Ross to attend school at Institute of Government. 1 2. Jail management course approved at Institute of Government. 3 3. Jail washing machine approved for purchase. 12 4. Jail Inspec?e•r's.letter received on favorable jail condition. 2 5. Jail contract approved between N. S. Justice, Immigration Dept and County. 6 6. Jail Inspector's letter received commending installation of fans in New Hanover C. jail. 9 7. Attention called to school of jailers meeting at Institute of Government. 11 8. Inspector of jails letter received on overcrowded conditions at County jail. 6 9. Otis Elev?tor contract renewed for jail elevator. 6 ??. Jail funds transferred for James Walker Hospital expense for Charles Stewart. 12 11. Jail budget received for study. 6 12. Received capy of the jail contract between the CountyfUnited States Dept. of Justice. 5 13. Authorized to have a representative from the Sheri?f's Dept. to attend jail management, 7 14. Approved payment of surety bond for Chief of Police, Kure Beach. 8 15. Received recommendations to install and repair jail elevator. 10 16. Authorized increas`ein room and board for prisoners. 12 17. Granted request to repair jai1,, Sec. to arrange for painting and cleaning of jail. 6 18. Received report of jail inspecti.on, authorized advertising for bids to repair jail. 7 19• George T. Ahrens, prisioner complaint referred to Sherif?, Jailer to investigate. 10 20. Received Sheriff's report on prisoner's complaint. 10 21. Accepted resignation from jailers, Mr. & Mrs Marion T. Ross. Letter of commendation. 2 22. Approved transfer of funds within jail budget. 3 23. Received letter expressing appreciation for new stove. 9 24. Approved old sink from jail for J. W. Guthrie. 9 25. Approved transfer of funds within jail budget. 9 ?26. Ap?ointed committee to study plans for security cages and confer with proper authorities.ll 27. Messr. Broadhurst and Brook reported on proposed safety measures for jail, approved. 11 28. Appropriated $675.00 for jail cage project. 11 29. Appropriations for termite control to be considered in budget. 12 30, Budget meeting, jail budget approved. 7 31. Received invitation to attend dinner in dinning room of jailer's quarters. 2 32. Approved transfer of $150.00 from Courthouse repairs to jail repairs. 4 33. Received report with referet7ce to jail standards f?om State Advisory Committee. 12 34. Authorized payment of $58.15 for jailer Joe E. Johnson's car damages. 1 35, Appropriated $35.Q0 to jail bedding and linen account, 2 36. Received request from the State Medical Society for Medical attention for prisc?ners. 2 37. Appropriated $100.00 for jail floor repairs. 2 38. Approved contract for Federal Prisoners in County jail. 7 39. Appropriated $100.00 to bedding and linen account for purchasing mattresses. 10 40. Emergency Repairs 02 41. Transfer of Ec{uipment from County Home 02 42. Grand Jury Report 05 43. New Cells 44. Cell Bids 45. Personal Injury Settlement 46. Fees 15 1951 11 2?5 3 1952 11 320 15 1952 11 385 2 1953 11 397 1 1953 11 424 28 1953 11 !?55 16 1953 11 465 1 1954 11 517 7 1954 11 519 13 1_954 11 561 1.3 i955 11 506 28 ? _1956 12 72 2 L956 12 80 20 1956 12 91 LS 1957 12 102 2 1957 12 L99 9 1958 12 ?66 28 1958 12 283 l_3 1958 12 315 27 1958 12 319 9 1959 12 374 2 1959 12 386 8 1959 12 495 21 1959 12 498 21 1959 12 498 2 1959 12 510 16 1959 12 515 16 1959 12 515 7 1959 12 522 15 1960 12 591 6 1961 12 647 4 1961 12 662 4 1961 13 44 15 1962 13 60 5 196?L 13 65 5 1962 13 65 18 1963 13 191 15 1963 13 229 21 1963 13 261 03 1964 13 290 03 1964 13 290 04 1964 I3 324 05 18 1964 13 327 06 11 1964 13 337 07 14 1964 13 353 08 03 1964 13 364 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUT?S - New Hanover Count?, N. C. , M? ;E?T JAIL a asc, u. s. /?_??_ County Indezes Since 18fl8 ? To IOCOM eO?Mf? O?Np Ot COTT A-2 TA? INpEX P?T OFFICfi CnE ??:Cd?e An ldentifYins Trade Mark fURNAME INITIAL TAS AAADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD ?Y ONEN i. OYNN, NEA ?ERN, NORTM GROIINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK ,; Month Day Year Vol. Page .; ? l. Plumbing Appropriation 2. Parking previlege 3. Fees 4. Transfer of Funds 5. Hospital bills 6. Appearance of State Prison Official-Major Whitfield 7. Repairs 8. Bids on Jail repairs 9. Housing of state prisoners 10. Hospital bills 11. R4edical bills 12. Furnis?iing milk 13. Medical bills 14. Additional help 15. Medical Bills 16. Medical Bills 17. Discussion Study of iong range needs 18. kequest for stove 19. Discussion of renovation 20. Relocation of Jailer's Quarters 21. Report on Jailer's Quarters 22. Needs 23. Committee to study need 24. Increase in fees 25. Application for grant 26. Report 27. Re-adjustment of Jailer's anci Matron's salaries 28. Move of Jailer and Salary of Matron 29. Progress on conversion 30. Transfer to water and sewerage 31. Request appropriation to complete jail cell for trustees 32. Transfer of funds 33. Coffee Urn 34. Discussion of plan for construction of new jail 35. Request for funds-medical care 36. Appropriation f;o? travel 37. Report on meeting jail committee 38. Fish fry - Jail School 39. Discussion of jail facility 40. Legislative Bulletin ??12 jail money 41. Report of Local Confinement Facility Study Committee 42. Appointment of physician 43. Approval medical plan 44. Inspection 45. Hiring personnel 46. Appropriation for medical funds 12 21 1964 O1 18 1965 09 20 1965 02 ZO 1967 08 )7 1967 08 J7 1967 10 )2 1967 11 20 1967 12 04 1967 12 18 1967 07 O1 1968 07 26 1968 12 16 1968 O1 ?6 1969 O1 ?6 1969 ?1 ?0 1969 0.5 17 i96y 05 ?5 1969 07 14 1969 08 04 1969 Oy 15 1969 09 02 1969 10 06 1969 10 06 1969 11 17 1969 12 15 1969 1"L 15 1969 12 O1 1969 02 16 1970 02 16 1970 05 04 1970 06 15 1970 07 20 1970 12 Q7 1970 12 21 1970 O1 04 1971 O1 18 1971 03 )1 1971 04 05 1971 04 05 1971 05 17 1971 08 18 1971 09 20 1971 09 20 1971 11 15 1971 O1 04 1972 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 413 426 519 29 82 81 93 112 120 127 ?12 226 283 286 286 390 s06 325 363 377 589 386 396 394 412 4'L 2 424 420 441 443 472 472 499 551 560 563 565 588 606 607 645 700 13 13 37 62 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS N. C. MINUTES - New Hanover County M I , _ L _ U JECT JA aeo. u. s. r?r OFFICE ????? County Indeaea Since 1888 An ldentifsing Trade Mark ? +?. -? To IoeaN nam?s, O?NO YI ?8 fURNAME INITIAL TA? COTT A•2 TA? INOEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY. COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD tY OWEN ?. pYNN, NEw tERN, NORTN GROLINA ? `,: ?? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ?, a? 1;.' Medical bill for prisoner 2„ Discussion of inedical bills ?? 3"? Recommendations on Medical Bills 4k Appropriation 5; Contract - Housing federal prisoners 6; Report 7'; Report on Commercial Laundry Service 8. Transfer of funds - Hot Water Heater 9:. Transfer of funds 10. Transfer for burial of in-mate 11. Transfer for groceries 12. Joseph E. Johnson - Certification of service claim for retirement 13. Special increment raise for Joe Johnson 14. Resolution authorizing filing of LEAA Grant application for construction of new jail 15. budget amendment 16. Transfer affunds 17. Discussion of jail construc. grant 18. Discussion of LEAA grant 19. Transfer of funds 20.: Discussion of jail popuiation report 21. Expression of appreciation to Maj. Joe E. Johnson 22. Transfer of funds 23. Report on cost of jail improvements 24. Agreement to improve existing jail 25. Budget transfer for polaroid film and electric typewriter 26.', Budget transfer for medical bills 27.'. Increase in jail fees for Federal prisoners ($4 to $12) 28.; Increase in jail fees for Federal prisoners (from $4 to $8.50) 29.: Use of old jail as detoxification center 30.: News F? Observer comment on NHC Jail 31. Tabling of Physician's asst. 32. Tabling of Physician's Asst. proposal 33. Tabling of physician's asst. proposal 34. Approval of Physician's asst. 35. approval of contract for Physician's asst. 36. Approval addendum to contract w/Bureau of Prisons 37. Budget trans-Laundry and dry cleaning 38.,. Budget Trans. - Misc. 39., Budget Trans.-Supplies 40.' Budget Trans.-Salaries 41. Denial to execute contract w/Dept. of Corrections 42.' Discuss on contracts for incarceration of prisoners 43. Discuss contracts for male misdemeanants 44.': Discussion contracts for male misdemanats - Contract denied (Dept. of Corrections) 45. 46. ? - DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Yoi. Page 02 07 03 20 04 17 05 O1 08 14 09 05 10 16 02 05 03 19 04 02 05 21 06 18 12 03 Ol 07 02 04 03 18 05 20 06 03 06 03 06 17 08 19 09 16 12 02 12 16 02 03 05 12 06 09 06 16 09 02 09 02 11 03 11 10 11 17 O1 05 03 Ol 06 07 09 07 Ol 17 02 07 06 20 09 06 09 19 10 07 12 05 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1974 1974 1974 1974 1974 1974 1974 1974 19 74 1974 1974 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1976 1976 1976 1976 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 18 72 94 111 118 194 211 231 322 355 368 421 438 535 549 570 600 637 648 650 665 697 715 62 65-66 104 197 218 226 263 264 297 2 9 41 72 138 190 262 272 61 95 106 118 144 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Coun? JAIL N C j, . . _ MATTER: ` TO teeab Ramp • aEC, u. a. County Indezes Since 1888 '?? ?ar OFFICE ?f'l? ,? An ldentifyin¢ Trada Mark ? SURNAMt INRW. TA! COiT ?-2 T?? IKOEX MADE BY THE [OTT tNDEX COMPAMY, [OLUMIUS, OHIO S01.D BY OWEN G. DUNN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. aarE ?iHUrE sooK NATURE OF PROCEEDiNGS ? Month Day Year Vot. Pnge ? 1. Discussion contracts for male misdemeants - denied O1 03 1978 18 157 I 2. Discussion on jail report 03 20 1978 18 186 3. Budget Amendment-food costs 05 15 1978 18 213 4. Approval Dept, of Justice contract-Federal prisoners 07 03 1978 18 245 5. Discuss contract for reimbursement-N.C. Dept, of Corrections 07 17 1978 18 249 6. Approve contract w/Dept. af Correction 0$ 07 1978 18 257 7. Transfer of Funds - repair bills 09 05 1978 18 274 elevator maintenance contract, extermination service, " 8. Budget transfer - increased hospital & doc tr?ir bi11s for jail inmates 04 17 1979 18 389 9. Ja.i? contract for detention of federal prist?ners 07 02 1979 18 444 10. Approval of Detention Subsidy Contract 07 23 1979 18 447 I1. Agreement for reimbursement of costs for jail detainees 08 06 1979 18 465 12. Discussion of prison labor 10 Ol 1979 18 490 13. Award of bifl for jail mattresses 10 Ol 1979 18 490 14. Award of bid for jumpsuits 10 Ol 1979 18 491 I ? 15. Award of bid for video cassette recorder for jail ZO O1 1979 18 491 i6. Budget amendmen? - Modif. to install burglar alarm in weapon room O1 21 1980 18 540 17. Budget Amendment - complete landscaping plan • 02 Q4 1980 18 545 18. Budget amendment - provide funds for remainder of fiscal year 02 18 1980 18 552 19. Budge?C amendment - Phase II capital project 03 10 1980 18 562 20. Budget amendment - Iandscaping 06 02 1980 I8 607 21. Budget Amendment - to complete landscaping Ob lb 1980 lu 618 22. Budget amendment - to carry Jai1 through fiscal year 06 ?5 1980 18 622 23. Budget Amendment - Sheriff's - Jail - LEAA Grant 07 28 1980 18 636 24. Jail Health Care Services Program OI 05 1981 18 743 25. Receipt and Review of Jail Inspection Report 09 OS 1981 18 92Q 26. Budget Amendment - New Hanover County Jail Modifications 02 O1 19$2 18 999 3ai1 Renovations 07 ].9 1982 19 110 27. 28. ? Approval of contract with Servomation for Jail Food Service 07 19 1982 19 121 29 ? ApprovaZ of contract with Servomation 08 02 1982 19 ?3? , :? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. _ MU JECT JAIL/COURTHOUSE BLDG. a CONSTRUCTION xE?. u. s. ?,nJ'- Counry [ndezea Since 1888 ? To IO?aN nomN? Opto af COTT A•2 T?? INpEX rar OFFICE ?/?(,?-? .?n Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAS MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY? COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD ?T OwEN ?. YUNN, NE/ tERN, NORTN GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Voi. Page 1. Appropriation of Revenue Sharing Funds 06 07 1973 15 432 2. Discussion of site and decision to employ ?ppraisers 07 27 1973 15 459 3. Chm. Vaughan to represent Comm. before local Bar Assoc. 08 06 1973 15 467 4. Purchase of Pearsall property 10 O1 1973 15 506 5. Recommendations from Roger Clark 10 24 1973 15 516 6. Transfer of funds - Courthouse Construction Fund 11 05 1973 15 520 7. Comm. Davis requests public 11 05 1973 15 521 8. Method of architect selection relayed to Roger Clark 11 05 1973 15 523 9. Dzscusszon of Joining C?ty counczl for a pub?zc hear3ng 11 2b ?9?3 ?5 53? 10. Wallace Murchison speaks for persons interested in courthouse location 12 03 1973 15 531 11. Discussion of architect selection 12 13 1973 15 539 12. Process for interviewing architects for proposed Courthouse 12 17 1973 15 545 13. Architect interviews O1 10 1974 15 556 14. Architect interviews 01 11 1974 15 556 15. Discussion of architect selection O1 21 1974 15 566 16. Discussion of architects 02 11 1974 15 577 17. Presentation from Ballard, McKim and Sawyer 02 18 1974 15 580 18. Deferral of architect discussion 02 18 1974 15 585 19. Architect selection 02 19 1974 15 585-6 20. Discussion of courthouse site 03 04 1974 15 595 21. Discussion of Courthouse Comm. 03 04 1974 15 596 22. Progress report 03 18 1974 15 501 23. Emergency operations center applications 03 18 1974 15 504 24. Progress report #2 04 O1 1974 15 610-11 25. Request of Comm. Wright for endorsement that entrances and restrooms be designed to accomodate handicapped. 04 16 1974 15 615 26. Progress report #3 04 16 1974 15 515 27. Approval of contract for complex 04 16 1974 15 515 28. LEAA Funds being used 04 16 1974 15 515 29. Structural investigation of original courthouse built in 1892 04 16 1974 15 615 30. Report on Wilmington Police Dept. going into Courthouse/Jail facility 04 16 1974 15 619 31. Discussion in change of inethod of ineeting with architects 05 06 1974 15 623 32. Progress report 05 06 1974 15 626 33. Discussion of Wilmington Police Dept. being included in proposed building 05 06 1974 15 629 34. Discussion of Wilmington Police Dept. going into facility 05 14 1974 15 631 35. Report on proposed facility 05 20 1974 15 638 36. Slide presentation 06 05 1974 15 653 37. Architects to pursue Scheme B 06 05 1974 15 654 38. Motion on 90 bed jail 06 05 1974 15 654 39. Group to work w/architects 06 05 1974 15 654 40. Data processing to be included 06 05 1974 15 654 41. Local representatives to be included in presentations 06 OS 1974 15 654 42. Request of letter from City Council re Police Dept. 06 05 1974 15 654 43. Setting next meeting w/architects 06 05 1974 15 654 44. Report of architects on proposed Courthouse/Jail facility 06 17 1974 15 666 45. Discussion of architect 07 15 1974 15 687 46. Selection of site 07 15 1974 15 687 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. _ MU JECT JA?pNS?TRUCTI?ONE BI,D? ?` aso. u. s. County Indezea Seace 1888 ? TO IOtCb Aam?f? Op?A Of (OTT A-I TA{ INpEX ?? Anldentifying Trade Mark MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY? COLUMBUS, OHIO r?r OFFICE SURNAME INITIAL TAY SOLD ?Y OWEN ?. DUNN, NEM ?ERN, NORiN GROLINA ?? NATURE OF PROCEEDINC?S ?? F? l:. Bond issue for construction funds - 11/74 ballot 2. Setting date for special meeting w/architects 3. Discussion of status of architect 4.; Correspondence from architects 5: Bond referendum and acquisition of property 6.,'' Discussion of purchase of CP?L Building 7.:+ Report on status of courthouse architect 8. Meeting with property owners and tenants in proposed site 9. Discussion of bond order 10. Bond order authorizing issuance of $7,800,000 public building bonds 11. Discussion of courthouse site 12. Discussion of Governmental Complex 13, Public hearing, adoption of bond order and calling of special bond election 14. Discussion of courthouse/Governmental complex 15. Public hearing set on 16, Presentation plans, drawings and model 17: PUblic hearing 18: Direction to architects due failure of bond issue 19. Direction to architects 20. Budget transfer 21. Directi?n to architects 22: Committee to investigate Sheriff's dept. space requirements 23., Recommendations from Judge Burnett 24. Report from architects DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 07 15 1974 15 687 08 05 1974 15 693 08 05 1974 15 693 08 05 1974 15 694 08 05 1974 15 t?96-7 08 19 1974 15 700 08 19 1974 15 701 08 19 1974 15 702 08 19 1974 15 702 08 19 1974 15 703-4 09 03 1974 15 707 09 03 1974 15 710 09 03 1974 15 "'11,12,13 09 16 1974 15 719 10 07 1974 16 14 10 21 1974 16 35 10 24 1974 16 38 11 04 1974 16 44 11 18 1974 16 52 12 02 1974 16 61 12 02 1974 16 63 12 02 1974 16 64 12 16 1974 16 66 12 16 1974 16 66 25. Approval of "Site S???dy" O1 26. Discussion of cancellation of LEAA Grant Ol 27. Julien K. Taylor to appraise properties O1 28; Discussion of LEAA Grant O1 29: Discussion of LEAA Grant p2 30, Presentation of Plan 02 31. Committee to meet w/Southern Bell re architecture of addition 02 32. Endorsement of 120 bunk jail and 20 trusty dormitory 02 33:, Endorsement of concentration of jail on one floor 02 34. Reminders to architects 02 35: Chm. Davis recommends two public elevators 02 36. Discussion of Jail/Law Enforcement Center 02 37: Letter to Gov. thanking him for help with LEAA Grant 04 38: Presentation of final plans (acceptance of exterior concept) 04 39; Adoption of preliminary condemnation resolution (Raney Property) 04 40. County Mgr. to go before Wilmington City Council re alley behind Raney property 04 41, County to bear expense of relocating utility lines of Wilmington Public Library in alley behind Raney prop.04 42. Direction to County Mgr. re Raney property 05 43. Special meeting called for 5/12/75 to discuss land acquisition 05 44. Adoption of amendment to preliminary condemnation resolution - Raney property 05 45, Adoption of final condemnation resolution Raney Property 05 46. Discussion of holding special meeting 05 06 1975 16 76 20 1975 16 88 20 1975 16 90 20 1975 16 98 17 1975 16 113 17 1975 16 :.18-19 21 1975 16 122 21 1975 16 122 21 1975 16 122 21 1975 16 122 21 1975 16 122 28 1975 16 123 07 1975 16 163 07 1975 16 163 10 1975 16 L65-67 21 1975 16 182 28 1975 16 182 05 1975 16 193 05 1975 16 193 05 1975 16 193 12 1975 16 197 19 1975 16 199 /LAW ENFORCEMENT ?ENTER INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover N. C. County - MATTER: USE BLDG. SUBJECT , _ CONSTRUC TION _ ne?, u, s. County Indexea Since 188$ ? To IOCOt? nam?s, op?n at PAT OFFICE ????? An ldentifyins Trade Mark SURNAMB INIiIAL TAB COTT A-Z TA? INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, tOLUM6U5, OH10 SOLD ?T OWEN i. CUNN. NEN ?ERM. NORTH UROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. Resolution appealing condemnation proceedings - Raney property 05 19 1975 16 203 2. Resolution setting just compensation for Raney property 05 19 1975 16 203 3. Budget transfer for construction 05 19 1975 16 205 4. Budget transfer in Courthouse/Jail construction fund to purchase CPF?L bldg. 06 02 1975 16 213 5. Discussion Approval of design development drawings; authorization to proceed w/contract documents 06 09 1975 16 ?19-0 6. Award of contract - Phase I and transfer of Funds (Davidson ? Jones) 06 23 1975 16 228 7. Agreement w/City re damages 08 04 1975 16 250 8. Agreement with City to repair public facilities 09 08 1975 16 265 9. Progress report 09 15 1975 16 268 10. Agreement w/First Baptist Church re tiebacks 09 15 1975 16 270 11. Discussion on progress 09 22 1975 16 27E3 12. Report on progress 09 29 1975 16 27?i 13. Amt. received on LEAA Grant 10 06 1975 16 281 14. Discussion of plaque 11 03 1975 16 298 15. Approve change orders 12 22 1975 17 30 16. Progress report 02 02 1976 17 51 17. Trans. - settlement of condemnation suit 02 02 1976 17 56 18. Rerouting of power lines Law enforc/Center 03 Ol 1976 17 74 19. Approval change order reduce Davidson ? Jones contract in the amt. $2,120 03 15 1976 17 86 20. Discussion on bids for Phase II 04 05 1976 17 )4-5 21. Approval Capital Projects Ord. for completion of LEC 04 20 1976 17 .03 22. Trans. funds to pay architects 04 20 1976 17 lb4 23. Approval budget amend. for LEC construction fund 04 20 1976 17 110 24. Approval budget amend. Courthouse/Jail Fund to pay inspection fees to architects 05 03 1976 17 120 25. Meet w/architects and attys. re: Library damages 08 11 1976 17 175 26. Advertise for bids ro repair library 08 11 1976 17 175 27. Discussion of library bids 08 16 1976 17 182 28. Award telephone contract 08 16 1976 17 183 29. Change order w/Willo products 09 07 1976 17 188 30. Damages to library allegedly caused by construction 07 19 1976 17 162 31. Appt. Alton Lennon to represent County 07 19 1976 17 166 32. Change order w/Davidson F? Jones 09 20 1976 17 194 33. Award contracts for library repairs 09 20 1976 17 194 34. Change order reducing contract w/Davidson ? Jones 10 04 1976 17 212 ? 35. Tabling of discussion of temporary relocation of library 10 18 1976 17 215 . 36. Approval change order reducing contract w/J. M. Thompson 10 18 1976 17 216 37. Discussion on progress of repairs of library 10 18 1976 17 216 38. Further discussion on relocation - library 10 18 1976 1 7 220 39. Discussion funding relocation of library 10 25 1976 17 222 40. Approval funding for relocation of library 10 25 1976 17 223 41. Change order G. S. Davidson ? Jones 12 06 1976 17 240 42. Budget trans- Plumbing and General contract 12 ?J6 1976 17 241 43. Progress report on new jail and LEC 12 20 1976 1 7 244 44. Progress report 02 07 1977 17 276 45. Revised telephone contract 03 28 1977 18 5 46. Budget Amend.-Capital Projects Ord. 04 18 1977 18 20 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MU JECTCONSIRU? zQN????? ?ENa?ER eec, u. s. ?1'? County Indezea Since 1898 ? To IOCON nam?s, op?n at COTT A-2 TA? INOEX PA7 OFFICE C^E?:C.4-?" An Identif3'ins Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAS MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. ONIO SOLD ?T OIMEN ?. pUNN, NE/ ?ERN, NORTN GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK ° NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS `' Month Day Year Voi. Page 1.. Progress report on construction 05 16 1977 18 36 2. Change order - increase contract w/J. M. Thompson 06 20 1977 18 60 3.' Amend. LEC II - no action taken (furnishings) 08 O1 1977 18 85 4.' Office space approved for OAR 09 19 1977 18 105 5. Change order - Additional $1,128 w/J. M. Thompson contract 09 19 1977 18 105 6.. Budget Trans. - add $450 H? A Contract-ventilation system 10 03 I977 I8 lIl 7. Discussion on bids received for furnishings - readvertise 10 03 1977 18 111-2 8.. Retainage on contracts reduced to 5% 10 17 1977 18 120 9. Contract furn?.shings - Clyde Rudd and 0. G. Penegar 11 07 1977 18 121-2 10. Budget Trans-pay for furniture for Mgistrate Office - Chm. authorized to sign contract 12 05 1977 18 143 11. Approval change orders O1 03 1978 18 153 12. Report on meeting w/contractors O1 16 1978 18 161 13. Budget Transfer - Change orders P2$ 3 02 20 1978 18 176 14. Placement Plaque-nonor Officer Nunalee 04 17 1978 18 196 15. Plaque for LEC (Names) 07 17 1978 18 249 16. Discussion of construction of Law Enforcement Bldg. 09 18 1978 18 278 18. Law Enforcement Center - Change Order 12 18 1978 18 325 19. Change Order to Plumbing contract Phase II Ol 02 1979 18 333 20. Postponement • of tour of LEC O1 02 1979 18 334 21. Change Order approval O1 15 1979 18 343 22.: Job Site conference 02 19 1979 18 362 23. Change Orders & budget amendments 04 02 1979 18 377 24. Budget Amendment - Capital Project 04 02 1979 18 378 25.. Report on Status of Law Enforcement Center construction 04 I7 1979 18 386 26. Change orders and budget amendment 04 17 1979 18 386 27. Landscaping of Law Enforcement Center 04 21 1979 18 406 28.. Change Order & Budget Amendment - G-9, G-10, E-3 04 21 1979 18 406 29. Change Orders - supplement previous transfers which were incorrect 06 18 1979 18 430 30. Change Orders & Budget Amendment 06 18 1979 18 433 31. Change Order - dry well, wheelchair ramp & reinforced sidewalk 06 25 1979 l8 433 32. Discussion on space in LEC & ABC Board tables 07 Ol 1979 18 444 33. Request for Courtroom space in LEC 07 23 1979 18 445 34. Discussion on space for County Alcoholic Law Enforcement Officers In LEC 07 23 1979 18 445 35. Discussion on LEC relative to architects for the Center 07 23 1979 18 451 36. Approval of contract w/M & M Pllunbing Company 07 30 1979 18 452 37. Resurfacing streets adjacent to LEC 08 06 1979 18 457 38. Approval of change orders 08 20 1979 18 464 39. Discussion LEC Open House 08 20 1979 18 464 40., Law Enforcement Center Opening Ceremony 09 04 1979 18 467 41, Further discussion on LEC Change Orders 09 04 1979 18 471 42. Budget Amendment - Change Orders - elecirical 09 04 1979 18 471 43. Acceptance of LEC 10 OI 1979 I8 483 44. Authorization of County Mgr. to contract for landscaping LEC 10 Ol 1979 18 483 45: Change Order - G-17 10 ?l 1979 18 488 46. Budget amendment - transfer interest to revenue sharing account in law enforcement project 10 ?l 1979 18 488 47. Approval 6 additional positions for Jail & 3 additional court officers 10 15 1979 18 497 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ S?U JE T JAMES WALKER HOSPITAL ` aEC. u. s. /? Counry [ndezea Since 1888 ? To IotaN nom?t? O?NO uf COTT A•Z TA? INYEX PAT OFFICE C???,L.o? .?n Identifyia8 Trade Mark fURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COIUMBUS. OHIO SOLD ?Y OIIEN {. CUNN, NEN tERN, NORTN GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NAiURE Of PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page . 1. Disposition 2. Committee Report 3. Committee for Disposal of Property 4. Appropriation for air conditioning units from James Walker 5. Exterior Lighting 6. Bids on demolition 7. Nurses'Quarters, Roof 8. Nurses' Quarters, Building plans 9. Main switchboard panel, Old Boiler room 10. Cost estimate renovation for Services Services Dept. 11. Cooper building 12. .Bids, demolition south wing Nurses'Quarters 13. Bids, demolition south wing Nurses' Quarters 14. Bills 15. Formal approval funds, Demolition of building 16. Renovation of Nurses' home 17. Issuance of bonds for Nurses' home 18. Demolition of Marion Sprunt Bldg. 19. Demolition of 20. Nurses' Quarters-Telephone system 21. Demolition of 22. Bid opening demolition old building 23. Bid opening renovation Nurses' Quarters 24. Shrubbery 25. Disposition of Property 26. Disposition of plumbing fictures 27. Renovation for Social Services 28. Third Floor Nurses' Home 29. Colunms at 30. Discussion of Architect, Health Department headquarters 31. Demolition of 32. Disposition of Women's ward 33. Architects Report on relocation of Health and Mental Health 34. Joint Owned building 35. Renovation for Health and Mental Health offices 36. Use of Nursing Home by Opportunities Inc. 37. Letter from N. C. Medical Care Commission, renovation of North Wing 38. Elevator 39. X-ray Building 40. Mr. Mark's visit to Raleigh relative to renovation of X-ray 13uilding 41. Bill of Ballard, McKim and Sawyer 42. Board of Mental Health to look at James Walker Hospital 43. Relocation of Mental Health Department 44. Disposition of property 45. Renovation for Health Dept. 46. Renvoation for health dept. 11 15 03 D6 07 ?3 08 ?7 12 ?4 03 114 03 04 03 18 04 O1 04 O1 04 O1 05 06 05 20 05 20 06 03 07 01 07 08 09 03 09 16 09 16 10 07 10 21 10 21 11 04 11 18 12 02 12 02 12 16 Ol 20 02 17 04 21 04 21 05 J5 06 03 06 U3 06 16 07 14 Ot? 04 09 15 11 17 Ol 05 03 16 03 16 06 21 11 15 10 18 1965 13 546 1967 14 36 `1 1967 14 74 1967 14 79 1967 14 125 1968 14 149 1968 14 154 1968 14 166 1968 14 169 1968 14 168 1968 14 169 1968 14 l84 1968 14 188 1968 14 l90 1968 14 l92 1968 14 711 1968 14 7_16 1968 14 ?45 2968 14 249 1968 14 248 1968 14 253 1968 14 256 1968 14 261 1968 14 265 1968 14 270 1968 14 276 1968 14 276 1968 14 282 1969 14 291 1969 14 299 1969 14 S20 1969 14 32? 1969 14 325 1y69 14 338 1y69 14 337 1y69 14 342 1969 14 360 1969 14 377 1y69 14 390 1969 14 414 1970 14 427 1970 14 454 1970 14 454 1971 14 ?62 1971 15 37 1971 15 28 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?y N. C. JAMES WALKER M HOSPITAL , , U JECT ` rteo. u. s, County Indesea Since 1888 ?/ ? YO lO?at1 pom+f? OplA of PAT OFFICE ?????4-7'?'.s An ldentifving Trade Mark ?? SURNAME INITIAL TAE COT7 A-2 TA? IMDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS. OHIO p SOLD ?Y OIIEN i. YUNN, N Ew tERN , NORTH GRO LINA w; ' NATURE Of PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK ? ;' Month Day Year Vol. Page 1." Demolition 12 06 1971 15 52 2.t: Demolition 02 21 1972 15 84 3.?' Bill for architectural services for renovations to 03 06 1972 15 87 ?; 4.:.' Report on condition of building 03 06 1972 15 87 ? 5.` Demolishment of X-ray building 03 20 1972 15 97 6.+ Purchase of property from New Hanover Memorial Hospital 06 19 1972 15 154 7.' Demolition of 02 05 1973 15 325 8. Demolition of 02 19 1973 15 335 9. Demolition of 03 19 1973 15 ?57 10. Demolition (Hooks ? Atty. Lennon) 04 02 1973 15 :65-6 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER: ?DGES ? ? 1. 2' I ? 3.' i ? 4.; 5. i 6. ? , ¦ea. u. s. Counry Indezes Since 1688 ??+}-? To loeate namss, open at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX ??T OEFICE ?? An ldentifying Trade Mark ???-8 SURNAMB INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ?? DATE y MINUTE BOOK ?? Month I Day ? Year ? VoL I Page II ? ? ? ? rg - ;; Bill from O.P. Means for services as Judge of Criminal Court of Wilmington approved. ,. 09 ip 07 1868`? ?C i 1 37 ' Bill from Judge Means to be investigated. 4 ? 09 09 y 1868r ` 1 40 i ? f Board allowed claim of Judge Means from July 11. 09 25 1868? ? 1 55 ? Bill ? from Edward Cantwell for services as Judge of Criminal Court for Wilmington approved. ;; 10 i' 07 ? 1868i l 1 64 ' Bill from Judge Cantwell approved. „ 10 O8 , 1868' 1 65 ? ? E Bil1 from Judge Cantwell approved. ? 10 ?? 7.,: Fee from Judge Cantwell approved. ? O1 8. ,; Report requested from Judge of Special Court on expenses. , 02 9. ? ' Claim of O.P. Means rejected. 02 10. Judge Cantwell's fee as Judge of Special Court approved. 04 11. Judge Cantwell's bill as Judge of Special Court approved. ., 07 12. ; Judge Cantwell's fee approved. ,. 11 13. Bill from Judge Cantwell for Special Court approved. O1 14. ' Bill for holding speical term of Superior Court presented?by Judge Russell. 02 15. :; Letter from Judge Cantwell filed. ,. ?Z 16. ; Judge Cantwell's bill disapproved. . 03 17. Letter from Judge Cantwell filed. :, 03 18. ??Salary of Judge Daniel Russell approved. ,, 03 19. 'Daniel Russell's salary of $200 approved. O8 20. Daniel Russell elected Judge of Superiox Court.in August 6, 1874 election. ? 08 21. MInjunction issued by Judge A.S. Seymour restraining collection of half the County taxes. (See TAX DEPT.) ., 10 22. "Bill from Almond McKoy as Judge of Superior Court approved. ?? 11 23. ; Two bills from Anthony Howe referred to Judge Russell for his opinion. ? 02 24. ` Bill from Judge of Superior Court J.S. Henry approved. , 02 25. ;Bil1 from A.A. McKoy as Judge of Superior Court approved. , 02 26. ?tBi11 from A.A. McKoy as Judge of Superior Court approved. •s 06 27. '?Judge A.A. McKoy appointed J.D. Taylor as Clerk of Superior Court and Judge of Probate. _ 07 28. i'Bill from O.P. Means for Judge's fee of Criminal Court approved. . 08 29. `?Bill from A.E. Seymour for Judge's fee of Superior Court approved. 08 30. ?Bankrupt case of J. Neff referred to Judge Russell to prove Mr. Neff's indebtedness to County at meeting of? ?s 09 creditors. ??,? ?. 31. s? 'Board to consult with Judge O.P. Means and Solicitor Moore relative to Grand Jury indictments against ;, 12 `" Commissioner Holmes. ;, 32. ?Bil1 from Judge O.P. Mean? approved. , 12 33. Judge McKoy to be notified that January term of Superior Court not to be held. , 12 34. c;Board resolves it meant no disrespect to Judge McKoy, only trying to save County some expense. ; Ol 35. ?:George Sullivan to be discharged from House of Correction on approval of Judge Means. , 03 36. ?.?Judge Means gave notice that an extra term of Criminal Court will be held. 05 37. ?Letter from Judge Means relative to reduction of his salary by act of General Assembly. ,, 07 38. ;?Attorney to obtain opinion of Attorney General on legality of Judge Means' case. 07 39. ,?Bond of Judge of Probate, S. Van Amringe, approved. '„ 12 40. ?;Matter from Solicitor Moore referred to Judge James McRae. ;, 7-2 41. ',Chairman to request Judges of Superior Court to try all cases as quickly as possible to cut expenses. , 02 42. 3Letter received from Judge Sutton stating he would convene a special court for County in July. 06 43. ;Auditing Clerk to keep book on all County prisoners hired out under sentence of judge. ., 09 44. ,' ;?Judge W.S. Robinson issued opinion that this Board is not legal, so will no longer act as Board.(C0. COMM.), I? 07 R 09 18684b 02 1869?? ?? ,? 03 1869,p 1 ,? 18 1869'd 1 06 1869 ? 1 07 1869: 1 02 1869,; 1 03 1870? 1 ?; 08 1870,' 1 09 1870.9 1 07 1$70a; 1 08 1870.: 1 03 1873 ?, 3 04 18 7 3`? 3 .; 10 1874 ';: 3 04 1875 ?t 3 09 1875 3 07 1876 k; 3 07 1876 ; 3 1Z 1876.` 3 05 1877 3 16 1877 ?; 3 , 11 1877 ;; 3 11 18 7 7;; 3 17 1877 :; 3 i`, 03 1877 ;, 3 15 18 7 7'..; 3 27 1878.,? 4 06 1879 ;; 4 18 1879 4 05 1879 ; 4 07 1879 F? 4 07 1879 r? 4 Ol 1879 ;? 4 OS 1882 i. •? 4 04 1889 ;? 5 07 1897 : 6 07 1897 s, 6 ,a 12 1898 ks ? 'i ?? ;? 6 1 67 1 154 178 186 i' ? 211 ?° ,E 27 2 `? ?j 339 ?; 394 '; t; 401 ?; s? 9' 40 7 ?? 6? 412 ?; ?? 417 ,i ?? 34 i' ?R k 92 ; 235 379 391 411 413 ? ??E 414 ?? s ?E 553 °; E; ; 580 ? E? 600 ?; ?. E, 600 ? 614 ! 658 ?, 667 ; ?_ 9 !i :: 14 ?i 25 :? +, 71 ;; ?? ? 81 ? 81 131 ? 442 134 12 43 154 INDEX TO CO?IMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County N C ?DGES ? , . . _ MATTER: . Rcc. u, s. County Indezee Since 1888 ? To locate names, open a! toTi A-i r?r OfFICE ?t,?1?7'? An IdentiEyins Trade Mark SURNAME IN1TIAl TAB NIADE 6Y THE COT7 INDEX SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, N TAe iNDEx COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIU EW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA y i NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ?: G DAiE ;f MINUTE BOOK ;; . Month I Day l Year '? Vol. I Page ! 1 f? 1. Judge G.S. Ferguson ordered numerous doctors be allowed money for professional services in matter of A.W. 02 Ol 1904 ?:? 6 ,: 778 ???. ? _' ? y; ? Rivenb ark . .w C; ? r. 2. ? Chairman to inquire why Judge Peebles changed his order in Holly case. , ?? 07 D3 1911 ?? 7 G? 225 (' ?? 3. Board had not heard from Judge Peebles in Holly case so claim of Dr. R. Bellamy remained as before. . 10 ?5 1911 ?° 1 7 234 "' ? 4. Board refused to pay witness fees to John Hill as suggested by Judge Ward so Attorney W. Bellamy is going ? 11 ?6 1911 =; 7 + 235 ? •• kn to file suit. ' ?' ? ?g ra 5. Superintendent of Health reported on transfer of convicts to Jail as ordered by Superior Court judge. ; 08 ?5 1912 ' 7 255 ' f ? 6.E Dr. Russell Bellamy requested payment for services in Holly case. 12 ?2 1912 7 ?; 265 . 7.?? This Board refused to re-open case of Dr. Russell Bellamy's claim since Board settled it. ; 12 ?5 1912 7 ? 266 ? ? ? 8.t$ J.M. Glisson to be paid subject to Judge Roundtree's approval, since summoned as juror although did not 06 L4 1915 7 463 E{ serve. . 9.''•. Superior Court Clerk to suggest to Governor to provide another judge in place of Judge Peebles for Superior 06 17 1916 „ 7 567 „ ?z Court term. g 10.!i Board requested Judge and Solicitor not to hold May term of Court due to small caseload. 04 30 1918 7 693 11?? ; George Harris is Jud?e of Recorder's Court. „ 12 ;?3 „ L918 8 29 I i I 12.? Board to recommend increase in salary of .ludge Harris to Legislature. 1 6 L919,; .?3 i 3:? 13:: ? Salary of Judge of Juvenile Court, referred to the Chairman, Attorney and Clerk of Court. 5 5 1919 ; ? 4f' s? Juvenile ?? , 14.?? Compensat?o? for Judge of . court set at $5.00 a case heard. . 6 9 1919 & 62 { :+ 15.;? i Judge of Juvenile court to be paid ?100 per annun in lien of $500 a case. , 8 4 L919,; 8 68 j ,16.?? ; Judge W. N. Harris of Juve?:?ile requested salary increase, but declined ,7uv?nil? Services __ 8 2: L920 .. 8 L18 ??? ? 17.r?' W. N. Harris allowed $300 a year as Judge+of Juvenile Court. 10 4: L920 ,: 8 L28 i: 18,? Orde"r of Judge F.A. Daniels to buy N.C. Reports form 63rd to current volume Michie Dig?st„ 2 7: L921.: 8 ;145 , ? referred to Courthouse Committee. „ ., „ 19.? ; Judge .E.H. Cranmer to be orator in corn??? St?.aying services at Courthouse Annex. ,. 10 LO : L924 .; 8 :312 20. Juvenile Judge declined increase in salary. . 7 :?2 L927.: 8 ?+53 21.,? , : ? Juvenile Judge approved couch for room. . 5 l4 L929 ,? 8 :i74 P. ? 22.;" Judge G.E. Midgette paid to hold special term of court. .. 8 LO : L931 :, 9 ?22 jd Y 23.;? Payment to Judge M.V. Barnhill approved for special term of court. ., 1 Ll 1932.; 9 L47 24.;? ?? Payment to Judge K.O. Burgwin approved in murder case. ,. 6 ;?0 ; L932 , 9 ;167 ,. ?' 25. ; Judges as.ked to hold court in illness of Judge W.L. Small. , 2 8 1937.. 9 ?+78 „ 26. Assignment of Judge postponed in illness of Judge W.L. Sma.ll. ._ 2 15 L937 , 9 ?+80 ,27, Juvenile 3udge Alan Marshall granted use of Recorder's courtroom for Juvenile session. 10 3 1938,. 10 14 ,28.! Telephone referred to resident Judge. .. 6 1 193? :: 1(5 333 ,`. f 29: W.B. Campbell endorsed for US District Court Judge. 2 26 1938 10 '+29 ?, .. . 30.? Motion carried to endorse Judge J.J. Parker for US Supreme Gourt. . 9 21 1953,: 11 '+55 .. ? 31.p ? Letter sent to President of US on Judge Parker's endorsement to Supreme Court. 9 21 1953?, 11 '+55 32.?• U S Judge letter received on appointment of Judge Parker. 10 5 1953 11 457 ? 33.?y ?? NHC Bar Association granted request for U S Supreme Court Judge to allot 4 weeks of . 10 5 1953., 11 457 „ ;? ?_ Civil Court. „ . ,? 34.? White House letters of thanks received on endorsement of Judge Parker to U S Supreme Courtl0 12 1953;, 11 459 .. 35 0?. ? Fee approved b?.T Honorable Clifton L. Moore, far Cl?.yton C. Holmes, attorn?y. , 12 19 i955 .; I2 2? , __-__. ? 36.,?Letter to Honorable Thoma.s N. Goodma.n requesting payment for the "Connie, Diane?. Proj?ct ,. ?. ?.2 19 ; 1955 .; 12 27 ?: i 37.' Judge Henry L. Stevens,Jr. order special attorney fee for David Sinclair attorney. 4 1C 1956:, 12 i 60 .. 38. Payment of $25 to Drs. J.W. Hooper,R.T. Sinclair, Horace C. Moore, and Sam Warshauer 5 28 1956 ? 12 73 ?? ordered b;? . -. - - ' ,- ? . ' ?„ Judge Henry L. Stevens, Jr. , 39. Judge William J. Bundy ordered.???:?'ment special attroney fee to William M. Cameron, Jr. i 03 11 5 1956., 4 r: >y i ?i 12 106 ;; ? ? N. C. INDEX TO COMMISSIOI?ERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County MUB E T , _ Judge s ? nsc. u. s. ? `_ County Indezes Since 188$ ? TO lomt? ?am?s. op?n Of [OTT A•Z TA! INpEX a?r OFFICE (.C?.?O?//7? tAn Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB INADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD ?T ONEN 0. YUNN, NEw ?ERN, NORTN GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Motion carried to endorse Jud?e J. J. Parker for US Supreme Court. 9 21 1953 11 455 2. Letter sent to President of United States on Judge Parkers endorsement. (above) 4 21 1953 11 455 3. US Judge letter received on appointment of Judge Parker. 10 5 1953 11 457 4. NHC Bar Association granted request for US Supreme Court Judge to allot 4-weeks of 10 5 1953 11 4S7 Civil Court. 5. White House Zetter of thanks received on endorsement of Judge Parker to US Supreme Court. 10 12 1953 11 459 6. Fee approved by Honorable Clifton L. Moore. 12 19 1955 12 27 7. Letter to Honorable Thomas N. Goodman, requesting action for payment of the"Connie 12 19 1955 12 27 Diarte Ione" project. 8. Judge Henry L. Stevens, Jr. ordered special attorney fee for Mr. David Sinclair. 4 16 1956 12 60 9. Payment of $25 to Drs. J. W. Hopper, R. T. Sinclair, Horace C. Moore and Sam Warshaver, 5 28 1956 12 ordered by Judge Henry L. Steven, Jr. 10. Judge William J. Bundy, ordered payment of $150 special attorney fees to William M. ? 11 5 1956 12 106 Cameron, Jr. 11. Honorable William J. Bundy, ordered special attorney fees paid to W. K. Rhodes. 12 10 1956 12 114 12. Presiding .Judge approved fees for William M. Cameron, Jr. attorney. 3 4 1957 12 135 13. Honorable M. C. Paul, ordered paymen? to Dr. Hubert Eaton and W. K. Rhodes, Jr. attorneys. 3 4 1957 12 135 14. Honorable M. C. Paul, o?dered payment to Elbert A. Brown and Aaron Goldberg attorneys. 6 17 1957 12 159 15. Thank-you letter received from Judge Rudolph I. Mintz for his appointment. 4 6 1959 12 410 16. State Attorney General, Honorable Malcom B. Seawell to speak at State Association of 5 18 1959 12 436 Registers of Deeds. 17. Board reached agreement on Election Officials pay. 5 18 1959 12 437 18. Deputy Judge L. Bradford T??lery resigned as of 7-15-59. 6 15 1959 12 448 19. William M. Cameron, Jr. appointed Deputy Judge of Recorders Court. 6 15 1959 12 448 20. Judge Rudolph I. Mintz, request for office space in Courthouse taken for consideration. 7 3 1959 12 455 21. Judge Rudalph I. Mintz, ordered jurors drawn for trial of Valno Wenthworth Jamieson 10 5 1959 12 503 and Jenmie Fox Mosley, VS State. 22. Budget meeting, approved $30.00 month increase for dupty Judge William Cameron, Jr. 7 24 ?961 13 2 23. Letter to Judge W. K. McLean, informing and clairifing Grand Jury report on schools. 9 5 1961 13 16 24. Mr. Elbert A. Brown, President of Bar Association requested special term of Civil Court, 10 2 1961 13 23 resolution adopted and request approved. 25. Letter requesting Court Reporter for extra term of Civil Court. 10 16 1961 13 29 26. Judge Rudolph I. Mintz, requested Mrs. Mary L. Weaver as Court Recorder, no action. 12 18 1961 13 52 27. Judge Rudolph I. Mintz, to preside at extra term of Superior Court, February S, 1962. 1 15 1962 13 60 28. Letter informing of resignation of Recorders Court Deputy Judge William M. Cameron. 1 15 1962 13 60 29. Mr. Gilbert H. Burnett, appointed temporary as replacement in Recorders Cour.t. 1 15 1962 13 60 30. Mr. Broadhurst, Judge Smith ar?d Auditor Love to confer on accaunting procedures in 1 15 1962 13 60 Recorders Court. 31. Honorable J. E. L. Wade, invited Commissioners to Easter Sunrise Service. 4 1 1962 13 201. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - N t H C N C JUDICIAL BUILDING anover oun y, ew . . _ MATTER: ? se?. u. s. Couoty Indezee Since 1868 ? TO IOtOt? t1OmYt? open at rAr OFFIOE ???l?s-? An ldentifying Trade Mark MApB ?Y TNE COTT A TO Z TAB INDEX GDTT INDEX COM?ANY? 00LOM?Yf? OHIO SURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLD BY OW EN G. DU NN CO., NEW BERN, N. C. DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS . Month Day Year Vol. Page ' l. Discussion on architects for judicial building 11 05 1979 18 509 2. Discussion on architects for proposed court facilities r 11 19 1979 18 511 3. Selection of 3 architects for consideration of building Judicial Building ` , 12 03. 1979 18 520 4. Appointment of Building Committee postponed 12 03 1979 18 521 5. County Manager explained recommendations for Planning Committee 12 17 1979 18 529 6. Comm. O'Shields to represent County Commissioners 12 17 1979 18 530 7. Update on progress of Judicial Building Plan Ol 07 1980 18 537 , 8. Disc. on property Court Facilities Building Ol 21 1980 18 543 9. Public Hearing an building 02 D2 198D 18 547 10. Contract with Ballard, McKim & Sawyer for Judicial Building 02 18 1980 18 556 11. Capital Project Ordinance adopted for Judicial Building 02 18 1980 18 557 12. Discussion on proposed judicial facilities 04 17 1980 18 581 13. Presentation of plans for proposed Judicial Building 05 05 1980 18 594 14. I Discussion on prvposed Judicial Building - Special Meeting O1 15 1981 18 748 15. Comments on Proposed Court Facilities by C. G. Berry O1 18 1982 18 988 16. Discussion on Proposed Judicial Bldg. Ol 18 1982 18 989 17. Discussion on changes in Judicial Building Plans 02 1 1982 18 1000 18, Discussion on Bids received for .Tudicial Building Constru?ction 04 05 1982 19 43 19. Discussion on Proposed Judicial Building Construction by Mr. Clarence Sharp 04 19 1982 19 51 20. Award of Bids - Judicial Building 04 19 1982 19 51 21• Groundbreaking for Judicial Building 05 17 1982 19 69 22. Discussion on Judicial Building Construction 05 17 I982 I9 7I 23. Discussion on Judicial Building Construction 05 25 1982 19 78 24. Change Order to Judicial Bldg. Contract 06 21 1982 19 99 25. Judicial Buildinq Change Order 07 19 1982 19 120 26. r Encroachment Agreement with Peoples Savings & Loan for Alterations to retaining wall 07 19 1982 19 120 27. Discussion on Pneumatic System for Judicial Building 09 20 1982 19 157 j 28. Discussion on Pneumatic System for Judicial Building 09 20 1982 19 159 29. Approval of Change Order to install Pneumatic System in Judicial Bldg. 10 04 1982 19 166 30. I Approval of Judical Building change orders & agreement with People's Savings & Loan Asso. 11 O1 1982 19 177 31 Encraochment agreement with City of Wilmington Judicial Bldg. Construction 11 15 1982 19 185 32 Judicial Bldg. Change order No. P-1 11 15 1982 19 185 33 Review of Judicial Bldg. plague 12 13 1982 19 202 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES I eaa. u. s. County Indezee Sinee 1888 ??r OFFICE ?l.ea-? An [dentifying TrRde Mark r SUBJECT - New Hanover County? ?. U. _ MAT'PER: JURY ? M(' ? To loeate names, apsn at COTi A-Z 7A8 INDEX U?._C SURNANFE INITIAL TAB MADE BY TH@ COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ?' DATE ? MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ?? Month I Day I Year ?? Vol. I Page I , ?? l..t John Hewlett gave his bill for services as juror for the Spring Term 1868. 09 03 1868P 1 34 2•?? Board studied names of possible jurors. by 09 07 1868? 1 39 {B 3.:? Bill from L.W. Wannon as juror approved. ? 09 15 rr 1868? ? 1 43 a? 4.?? Board ordered repair of juror box. 09 17 ' 1868? 1 47 , 5. ;j Juror box repaired. _? 09 . 18 ?? 1868?? 1 48 ;? ;r 5.?d Names of thirty-one persons selected as jurors. 09 19 1868q? 1 50 e 6.?'? Jury tickets for G.M, West and G.W, Corbett presented. t 10 20 1868?, 1 80 ! 7.;; Jury ticket for J.G. Swann presented. ;€ 10 21 1868" `' 1 84 , 8.,, Jury tickets for T.D. Mitche?.?, Issac Pickett, J.U. Puglz and Ceyburn Castern presented „ 10 24 1868: Z 85 ? ? E 9.., Jury ticket for A.P. Bridgeman presented. 10 26 1868,t 1 88 '.? ?? 10.;; Jury ticket for Samuel Howland, and one for Miran Hawkins presented. 11 02 1868 1 93 k? :I 11. : Notice that a11 jury tickets to be presented before the Board. 11 06 Z868 1 95 a ;? 12. Numerous jury tickets presented. 11 06 1868: ?a 1 ?5 =? E? ,? 13. ; Numerous jury tickets presented. 11 07 1868;k 1 98 ?? fi 14.; Grand jury tickets presented. 11 07 1868`, 1 10?D i ? i 15.' Numerous jury tickets presented. 11 13 1868' 1 108 ?j ;? 16. ` Numerous jury tickets presented, 11 14 1868h; `? 1 118 :',' i; 17.;; Numerous jury tickets presented. . I1 20 1868;; 1 121 ?y ?i ; ? ; 13.,, ; Numerous jury tickets presented. 11 20 1868; ,. 1 123 ?? s1 19.,• Numerous jury tickets presented. . 11 27 1868E? ° 1 126 ? 20.;' Numerous jury tickets presented. , 11 28 1868;a 1 131 ? ?j "rtl 21..: Numerous jury tickets presented. 12 04 1868;; 1 135 gi ;? 22. " Numerous jury tickets presented. 12 22 186&° 1 143 '? y 23.,` Numerous jury tickets presented. : 12 29 1868, 1 151 ?i 24.;? Numerous jury tickets presented. ,. O1 02 1869 1 152 4? I; 25.?. Numerous jury tickets presented. „ O1 02 1869;? 1 155 ?` 26.??j Numerous jury tickets presented. „ O1 07 1869{.? ? 1 157 i ? 27.? Numerous jury tickets presented. .. O1 12 1869 :` 1 162 ;? ,; 28. ' Motion made that Grand Jury has no jurisdiction over Poor House and Jail. O1 12 1869.. 1 162 ii ;? ?; 29..? .. Stamp of County Seal indicates jury tickets have been approved. ? ,• O1 12 1869;; ,? 1 162 '?? 30. . Numerous jury tickets presented. ; O1 19 18693 1 16" ?? ?? ? 31.' Numerous jury tickets presented. O1 25 : 1869' >? 1 168 `? ;; 32.,; . Numerous jury tickets presented. „ 02 13 1869,? 1 185 €< ?? 33.,; Jury tickets for Superior Court approved. 03 04 1869' 1 195 ?i 34. List of n.ames drawn to serve as jurors. ?? 03 11 1869:y 1 198 w` y ' 35. + Jury ticket for S.D. Wallace approved. 04 ?.l 1869'? 1 219 , ki , ? r? 36.; Grand Jury tickets presented. , • 05 11 1869 1 230 '? ^S 37.,o Petgt Jury tickets presented. 05 11 1869 . 1 235 ?? ; E; 38.,, Jury tickets presented from William Green, William Goodman, Nanthanial Jacobs and Allen Evans. ;, 05 11 1869,N 1 235 ,; 39.,; Jury tickets presented. 05 18 1869?' 1 240 ?? ° ! 40.+ Jury tickets presented. 05 27 1869,; 1 245 J j? . , ? 41.E; Jury tickets for the Superior Court presented. 06 07 1869? 1 251 ?! E 42.;; Bill for transporting Grand Jurors approved. 07 07 1869; 1 272 ? i? 43.: ? Jury tickets presented from G.H. Gherkin, H.E, Evans, William Thumber, W.J. Price and A.J. Jacobs. . 08 03 1869u 1 289 9? ?? 44.F; Jury tickets for Superior Court listed. 09 06 1869; 1 313 ?9 ?3 i; 45.?? '? i? ? Ordered by the Board that regular venir jurors for the Superior Court be drawn. . ?? ?i 09 06 1869;? ;? ?? 1 313 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? N C ?RY ? , . . _ MATTER: . ¦e?. u. s. County Indezea S?nce 1886 ? To locats names, open at ??r OFFICE ?t?71?,s-7!? An identifving Trade Merk SURNAM6 INITIAL TAB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLO BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ? ATURE OF PROCEEDINGS P"? 4 DATE ??' ?, ?? p6 MINUTE BOOK ? E Month I Day I Year ;? Vol. Page ;, V: ?; ?; l. Names drawn to serve as jurors. 09 06 1869y? 1 314 , a? 2. Jury tickets shown for the Superior Court. 09 16 1869? 1 325 ?s „ x 3. Jury tickets reduced for A.L. Pruce and D.A. Lamont. ' 09 16 1869? 1 325 ?; , 4. Numerous jury tickets presented. 10 05 1869?, 1 333 ?? 5. Jury list sent to Caswell Township. 11 02 1869;? 1 337 : 6. Names of jurors for the Superior Court listed. ., 11 02 1869'? 1 339 '.! .? 7. Bill for preparing Jury List from John London approved. 11 02 1869; 1 339 8. List of jury tickets for the Superior Court. .. 11 02 1869,; 1 340 ? 9., Numerous ?jury tickets approved. 12 07 1869„ 1 352 „ 10.?i E; Numerous jury tickets approved. O1 03 1870.. 1 395 . 11.`? ? Jury tickets for W.E. Davis, J. Newton, and H.H. Bloom presented. 03 07 1870 1 415 , .12.a, Names of jurors for the Superior Court listed. 03 07 1870, 1 416 {? 13.? Al1 fire companies exempted from jury duty to furnish names of respective members. 03 08 1870, 1 418 14.?? ? List of fire companies notified to furnish members names. (See FIRE COMPANIES) 03 08 187Q ? 1 418 , . y ,15."; Jury ticket of James Lowery approved. „ 03 08 1870„ 1 420 ,; `? 16.t; ' Jury tickets for the Superior Court presented. 04 05 187?, 1 425 ; , 17.;; u Letter from P. Montague, Foreman of the Grand Jury, received. , OS 03 1870, 1 434 „ py .18. ?? Jury tickets approved. ,. 05 03 187Q, 1 435 w; € 19.4 Jury tickets listed. 05 04 1870 1 437 ' ? i i? 20.;? Jury ticket for Mike Hooper approved. 05 05 1870 1 439 6 21.;? ,d Jury ticket for Henry Savage approved. 06 08 1870, 1 445 22.,; Jury ticket for J.S. Canady approved. 06 09 187Q' ? 1 446 !? 23.¢? Jury tickets for C.C. Redd, Daniel Canaday and David Canady approved. . 06 11 187Q; 1 448 : 4Z 24.?i Jury tickets approved for Richar Savage and F.W. Anderson. 07 05 187a: 1 452 , r ag 25.,? Jury tickets approved for George Aminge, Frank Mitchell and James Caromay. „ 08 O1 1870 1 , 461 'r `t 26.a : Jury tickets approved for S.P. Gause, L. West, J.A. Nichalson and J.W. Zimmerman. e. 08 29 1870? 1 471 4 27.,5 Jury ticket approved for S.H. Denmark. , 08 30 187d; 1 474 ,: 30.;; Committee to cancel above list of tickets and vouchers and they are to be given to the Clerk to Board. fl8 30 187Q 1 477 ' ?R 31.F? ? Jury ticket approved for Alfred Martin. 09 06 1870 2 3 32. ?? Jurors draw?-1?. for the Superior Court. 09 08 1870 2 6 ?s 33.? Pay and mileage set for all jurors. 09 21 1870 2 8' , 34.k? R.S. Waldron, late Register, ordered to add up columns in Jury Book left by him. 09 22 1870. 2 17 ^ 35.y? ,, Treasurer not to pay any jury tickets from the late Board unless they have the Seal of the Board on them. 10 13 1870 2 35 ? 36.fx All jury tickets to be examined and stamped by the Finance Committee and will have preference ov er other 10 13 1870 2 35 „ is ' claims against Treasurer. ?; 37. Clerk of Superior Court to designate tickets to be p?id and the amount . `i 38.:,; Jury tickets approved for numerous persons; Grand jury tickets approved for numerous persons. 3 9 . ', 40. 41. 42. , 43. 44 . I ; Jury tickets approved. Jury tickets approved. Jury tickets approved for the Special Court. Regular jury tickets approved. Jury tickets approved. ? Jury tickets approved. 45.p? Jury ticket approved. !? 46.?? Jury tickets approved. s; ?? ?,47.? Jury tickets approved. 10 13 1870 2 35 10 13 1870: 2 35 , 10 22 1870 2 75 11 07 1870 2 84 , 11 07 1870 2 84 ' 11 07 1870; Z 84 12 09 1870 2 99 12 16 1870 2 103 ? 12 31 1870, 2 108 : ,. 02 06 1871,? 2 122 ., 03 06 1871;?; ? 2 130 ??,? ?i ? r ?3 ?d ? E? ? a ? N INDEX TO CO?IMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count C NRY ?, . . _ MATTER: ` Reo. u. s. Coveey Inde:es Since 1888 ? To loeate names, open at r?r oene[ L?i?,P.a?].E`. An Identifyina Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPpNY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA + F DATE k' ? MINUT E BOOK ' NATURE OP PROCEEDINGS ? ?? ' Month Day I I . ? Year ;' ?? Vol, I Page ? ? 1. `j ,? Names drawn to serve as jurors for the first and second weeks of the Superior Court. 03 13 ,` 1871Ya 2 ? 133 ua 2. ,; Application of F.J. Lord to be excused as juror not allowed since it beyond the control of the Board. 03 31 1871? 2 137 i? ! 3. ;? Jury tickets approved. n 04 05 1871,? 2 144 ? 4. ?, Clerk of Superior Court to have blank forms printed for Grand Jury's use. 05 12 1871Y? 2 I 156 ?? ? `i E 5. .; Jurors of Superior Court allowed $1.50 per day and 5? per mile plus tolls and ferries. „ 05 12 1871?'; 2 157 ?; i? 6. ;; Jurors of Special Court allowed $1.50 per day, no miles. „. 05 12 1871;, 2 157 E? 7. ,; Jury ticket approved. 06 02 1871;, " 2 ?? 172 jp ! 8. ?. Jury tickets approved. 07 05 1871?, 2 182 ; ; 9. Names drawn to serve as jurors of the Superior Court. , 07 05 1871 2 ? 188 iy 10. Jury tickets approved. 08 12 1871 2 d 207 ` ?„ 11. All jury tickets to be paid in Books from numbers 366 to 606. 09 06 1871 2 221 ;; 12. Motion to decrease pay of jurors rejected. 10 02 1871, 2 227 ;' i 13. Order to pay all jury tickets in Books numbers 607 to 625. 10 02 18711 " 2 228 ,? ?: 14. Clerk to Board to make out scrolls of jury list. 10 07 1871 2 230 •' ?i ? 15. Board revised part of Jury list then adjourned. „ 10 27 1871 2 ? 233 j? 16. ; Jurors drawn for Superior Court. , 10 28 1871. 2 a 233 ?? 17. : Fire grate to be repaired in Grand Jury's room. 11 07 1871, 2 240 ?? 18. ? Numbers 26-34 approved in Book of jury tickets. , 11 07 ? 1871 2 fi 242 ;; 19. , Jury tickets approved, numbers 36- 215. „ 12 11 1871, 2 ;? 274 ;; ? ? ?; ! 20. List of jurors drawn for the Superior Court. , 12 19 ? 1871 2 ? 276 ?? 21. .. Jury tickets numbered 216 to 439 a?pproved. O1 02 1872., 2 279 i? 22. ..Board disallowed bills from the National Hotel for furnishing meals to jurors. .. O1 08 1872., 2 283 ': 23. Member of late Grand Jury to answer Board's questions concerning Work House buildings, prisoners, clothing 02 05 1872, 2 288 ?? , ' and food. , 24.. ? ';Jury tickets numbered 439 to 646 approved. 02 05 1872,?„ 2 ?, 25.. ? ,Grand Jury reports condition of Jail unsafe. ,_ 02 12 1872 2 ' I 26.. ,Grand Jury members J. Gilbert and J. Waddel confirmed report on the Work House. (See WORK HOUSE) 03 04 1872: 2 ?; ? 27. ? :Board felt Work House not properly cared for after hearing report from Grand Jury. 03 04 1872 2 ' 28. i Jurors names drawn for the Superior Court. 03 04 1872 2 ', 29., , Jury tickets numbered 732 to 774 approved. 04 O1 1872 2 30., Jury tickets numbered 779 to 979 approved. 04 26 1872 2 31. , Jury tickets numbered 980 to 1,063 approved. , 05 07 1872p 2 32., ;Names drawn to serve as jurors of the Superior Court. 05 29 1872;; 2 33. Jury tickets numbered 1,064 to 1,082 approved. 06 O1 1872 2 ', ?" 34. ; 3ury tickets numbered 1,D83 to 1,278 approved. 07 Ol 1872. 2 35. ,, Jurors drawn for the Superior Court. „ 09 12 1872„ 2 36. .,Board granted Judge Cantwell's request for use of Grand Jury room for Solicitor's office. 10 02 1872:, 2 37. :. Jury tickets approved. 10 03 1872,. 2 38. ' R.I. Nixon requested relief from jury duty, but Board has no power over this. 10 07 1872 2 39. ;;Board recommends Mr. Nixon apply to the Judge of the Su?perior Court. 10 07 1872 2 ', 40. ,;Letter from Grand Jury concerning roads and bridges referred to Committee on Roads and Bridges. 10 28 1872 2 ' 41. Letter from Grand Jury on water closet at Courthouse referred to Committee on Public Buildings. 10 28 1872 2 ? 42. Jury tickets approved. (See County Ledger (not in index,) 11 04 1872 2 43. Letter from Grand Jury concerning condition of Jail filed. 11 07 1872 2 44. ?'Jury tickets approved. 11 07 1872 2 45. '',Jury tickets stamped. h 11 09 1872; ? 2 _ f 4d d I? , ? ; ?. ?? 290 ?; 291 ?i i 293 ;? 295 ,? 296 ?? ., 310 ?I f? 315 i' ' ? 319 ` 323 ;? ,' 325 7' 33? `' 9? 365 ?; 373 i? ?? 378 j; 379 ?' ?^ 379 ?`. ?' 386 i ?; 386 ?t ? 388 ;; 391 ?? ;, 391 ??: i; ?. 395 ; 3 4? `# ?' i ?, INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Countt? N C MATTER `NRY , . . _ : _ eec. u. s. County Indezee Since 1888 ?}? k.-?-? ?AT OFFICE (??.<?.? An Identifying Trade Mark ?.? To locate names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•I TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA 1 DATE ?r MINUTE BOOK ?; NATURE OF PROC?EDINGS k Month ? Day ? , Year [? Vol. ? Page ?} ; ?, l. Jury tickets approved. ? 12 02 ' 1872'' 2 ?? 403 i' 2. List of Jurors to be compiled for use of Justices of the Peace by the Clerk. 12 16 1872a 2 405 „ .3. Jury tickets approved. ; 12 16 1872; 2 406 : „? 4. Juror s drawn by the Board for the January term of the Superior Court. r; 12 23 1872,' 2 409 ;;,? ? ? 5. ? Jury tickets approved. „, 12 23 1872;; 2 412 F? 6. Juror s drawn for use of magistrates of Wilmington Township. „ 12 23 1872?; 2 412 ; ,7.i Clerk to Board authorized to erase names from Wilmington Township jury list. Ol 06 1873` 2 419 ` _8.? ? Jury tickets approved. , O1 06 1873 2 420 , 9.4? Board granted S?eriff's request to pay jurors tt?eir perdiem c?pon tickets duly issued, a2 ?b 1&73 2 42b 10.;; Jury tickets approved. 02 06 1873 2 426 11 " Jur tickets a roved 03 03 1873 3 33 Y PP • 12.?' Jury tickets approved. . „ .13.i? Grand Jury reports to Solicitor that various Township officers presented insufficient bonds, referred to ?i the Finance Committee. Jurors names listed for April term of Superior Court, pages 49-50. Jury tickets approved. Jury tickets approved by Auditing Committee. Jurors names drawn for June term of Superior Court, pages 71-72. Jury tickets approved by Auditing Committee. Bills from Southerland & Steagall and Thomas Southerland for Grand Jurors approved. Application for pay from Coroner's jurors sitting on murder case referred to County Attorney. Jurors names drawn and listed to serve October term of Superior Court, pages 102-103. Bill from Reuben Jones for juror's fee approved. Bill from Peter Bloom for juror's fees approved. Clerk to?revise Jury List and jurors to be drawn for special term of Superior Court. Jury tickets approved by Auditing Committee. Board to select jurors for special session of Superior Court. Jury fees approved. Jurors drawn for the special term of Superior Court. Jurors drawn to serve January term of Superior Court. Jurors"fees approved. Bill from S.A. Currie for juror's expenses approved. Bill from John Grotgen for expenses of jurors approved. Jury tickets approved. ', Bill from L. Vollers for fees of jurors approved. I', Fees of jurors approved, pages 174-175. , Jurors drawn for April term of Superior Court. 37.?y Grand Jury of last term of Superior Court found Work House and prison in bad condition. ?? ,38.?? Jurors drawn for June term of Superior Court. s, ,39.;; W.J. Ennett exempted from all public duty in New Hanover County. ';? ?; 40.?; James McIntire exempted from any public or jury duty due to age and illness. :p 41.y; Clerk to have all eligible names copied from Tax List for jury duty and given to Board for revision of ?a Ep Jury List. ?; ?, 42.s? Board revised the Jury List from 1873 Tax Books. f4 43.?? Board worked on revising Jury List from 1873 Tax Books. ?? 44.?? Revision and investigation of Jury List postponed. ?? Eo Rp ;+ !• 03 05 1873 03 24 1873 03 24 1873 04 07 1873 05 06 1873 05 U7 08 08 08 08 10 11 11 12 12 12 12 O1 Ol O1 Ol O1 02 03 05 05 06 06 08 08 09 09 27 1873, 07 1873 04 1873 23 1873 23 1873 23 1873. 06 1873 04 1873 12 1873 02 1875. 02 1875' 08 1873. 23 1873 05 1874. 05 1874. 05 1874 OS 1874 05 1874 02 1874? 17 1874,, 07 1874. 26 1874' Ol 1874 29 1874„ 04 1874 31 1874 02 1874? 03 1874,.?, `y , 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 36 41 49 57 66 71 84 93 101 102 104 115 132 145 151 153 154 161 ' 167 167 3 168 3 168 3 168 3 174 3 200 3 215 3 220 3 221 3 223 3 233 f 3 3 3 239 241 ' 241 Ski N; INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County N C JURY MATTER , . . _ : a ?ao. u. s. ^?,'_ County Indezes Sinee 1888 To locats namss, OpB11 aL r?r oiv?c? ??C,a?' An Identifying Trsde Merk SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•2 TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX fOMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW B ERN, NOR TH CAROLINA r NATURE OF PROtEEDINGS ?; DATE ?? MINUTE BOOK ? 'i ? Month I Day I Year ?a Vol. I Page ?? l. ? ei ?? Jurors' fees not claimed. j? ?t 09 f? 05 6: 1874 ??? ?q 3 a 244 ? ? ? 2. ?Fees of jurors approved. ?, 09 05 1874'? G; 3 246 ? 3. Fa '^Board worked on revisions of Jury List. ' 09 07 1874: ; 3 251 ? ki „ s, . ?i E 4. ???Revision of Jury List completed. ?a ?? 09 ? 08 1874??? 3 i 252 ? 5. 4Names drawn from Jury List for October term of Superior Court. ?; 09 09 '' 1874?± 3 ? 254 ? , ;, I 6. i , Jury List to go to the Sheriff. , t 09 10 1874^', ; 3 ? 255 ?? {? 7. ?From Sept. 23, pay of jurors to Superior Court will be $1.50 per diem with f; 5? per mile. ? 09 24 1874?; „ 3 264 ;? ?? 8. ?Sum of $1.00 per diem allowed tales jurors and no mileage. ? 09 ?? 24 1874; i 3 s? 264 i? y'? 9. ? +Clerk of Superior Court to be informed of pay for jurors. 09 24 1874 3 ?;I 264 ? 10. Treasurer to pay juror tickets on presentation. 10 24 1874„ 3 270 ti; 11. ,Fees for jurors approved. 11 ? 02 1874 3 ? F 273 :? >4 12. ;Request from James Sellers for payment of jurors in case of processioning not granted. 13. List of jurors' names for January 1875 term. 14. Wrignt Farren exempted from public duty. 15. John Cowan exempted from public duty. 16. William Harper exempted from public duty. 17.,;Fees for jurors approved. 18. ,Jury tickets approved. 19.,;,Regular jury fees approved and fees for jurors of Superior Court also approved. 20. ?Jurors drawn. 21.' Henry Sharpless exempted from public duty. 22. Fees for jurors approved. 23. 'Bill from Mrs. E.A. Gillican for jurors' meals approved. 24., Jurors names drawn for June term of Superior Court, pages 327-328. 25. ,Request from Wilmington Steam Fire Engine Company for exemption of inembers from jury duty filed. 26. ?Revision of Jury List completed. 27. Board selected jurors for October, 1875 term of Superior Court, pages 376-377. 28. :Register of Deeds to furnish each magistrate of Wilmington Township with list of qualified jurors. 29. Jurors drawn for special term of Superior Court to hear criminal cases. 30. ?Jurors drawn for January term of Superior Court. 31. „ Bills for jurors approved. 32.,;Jurors drawn for April term of Superior Court. 33...Bill from James A. Lowrey for box for jurors' names approved. 34. ;Jurors drawn to serve for June term of Superior Court. 35. Board revised the Jury List for ensuing year. 36. Board resumed work of revising Jury List. 37. Board proceeded with revision of Jury List. 38. Board proceeded to revise Jury List. 39. Board resumed revising Jury List. 40. Board proceeded to revise the Jury List. 41. Jurors drawn for October term of Superior Court. 42. H.B. Gay not granted relief from serving as a juror since it is not in Board's power to do so. 43. ;Jurors drawn to serve for January term of Superior Court. 44. Treasurer to receive jury tickets from Sheriff paid during last term of Superior Court. 45. Sheriff to cash claims of R.F. Eyden for feeding jurors during present term of Superior Court. 46.:?Correction made in minutes concerning bill of cost versus R.F. Eyden. ?, E'; , 12 07 1874, . 12 08 1?74a, Ol 04 1874; 02 02 1875; 02 02 1875„ ?, 02 02 1875:, . 02 OZ 1875 ?, : 03 OS 1875 ;;; 03 16 1875 _ 03 31 1875;: 05 08 1875 05 08 1875 05 17 1875 ,, 06 07 1875 09 17 1875? 09 17 1875-, 09 17 1875 11 15 1875' 12 11 1875. ` 03 08 1876? 03 17 1876s 04 03 1876a 05 24 1876 09 06 1876 09 07 1876 09 11 1876 09 13 1876 09 14 1876 ? 09 18 1876„ 09 25 1876? 09 27 1876 12 14 1876?y 12 29 1876, O1 29 1877 ? ? 02 05 1877 , ii i: Ir ?1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 280 a? ? ?. 286 : .g ti 289 ?; ? 295 k{ ;a 296 : 2 98 ?? 300 j ?a 308 ;; ?? 312 !'. i' 313 326 ;?, ?" ,. 326 e;, d4 I,' 327. i,; 1' 330 ;; ?; 376 ? 376 1; I; ?; 377 ?: S 394 " ; 396 ; ?t 419 ?, !o 4 21 i' 427 ? 44? 466 '. 466 ' 468 469 470 471 476 477 509 514 ? 523 ?? ii 524 ?s :i ?? i? ( { 1? INDEX TO CONlMISSIONERS MINUTES ? N?w Hanover Count? JURY N C MATTER , . . _ : ` Rec. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 ? To loeate names, open at !AT OFFICE C????.. An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INfTfAL TAB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NO RTH CAROLINA ? DATE , MINUTE BOOK ?;?, NATURE OF PROCE?EDINGS d Month I Day I Year ''I Vol. Page s; + ? 1.? Board proceeded to draw regular venire of jurors for first term of Criminal Court. 03 . . 17 1877 3 . r: 535 ,? ?? k 2.?? Board drew regular venire of jurors for April term of Superior Court. 04 02 1877 :A 3 S36 ; 3.i Board drew regular venire of jurors for June term of Criminal Court. ? 05 07 1$77 ? 3 545 p? 4.?j ? Board drew regular venire of jurors to serve June term of Superior Court. 06 OS 1877 '; 3 549 5.? Bi11 from R.F. Eyden as juror approved. 06 05 187? , 3 553 . ?` 6.?? ? Board drew regular venire of jurors for August term of Criminal Court. 07 . ? 16 1877 3 581 ? ?. 7.?? Bills from S.H. Manning and R. Eyden as jurors approved. 08 11 ? 1877 , ? 3 592 ?? 8.:? Jurors fees for April, May and June approved, pages 593-595. 08 11 1877 p 3 593 . 9.?; Numerous bills from jurors approved. 08 11 1877 3 593 „ 10.,, Bill from S.H. Manning as a juror for Criminal Court approved. 08 11 1877 „ 3 600 11.,? Clerk to make up Jurors List for Superior and Criminal Courts for ensuing year from 1875 Tax Books. 09 06 1877 . 3 609 12.;; Board drew regular venire of jurors for October term of Criminal Court. , 09 10 1877 , 3 612 13.' Clerk to draw off a duplicate list from Jury List already made for Commissioners' use. 09 22 1877 3 614 14.?' L. Meginney excused from jury duty. 10 O1 1877 3 624 15." Board drew regular venire of jurors for October term of Superior Court. 10 . 03 1877 ., 3 626 .. ?a 16.?? Bills from S.H. Manning for jurors approved. 11 06 1877 3 647 17.?# Board drew December list of jurors for Criminal Court. 11 14 1877 3 655 18.5j i Chairman requested to be excused from drawing jurors for special term of Superior Court. 12 15 1877 3 662 , 19.;' .? Chairman plans to being suit against City during special term of Superior Court. 12 15 1877 ? 3 662 20.°° . ?, Bills from jurors approved. 12 15 1877 . 3 668 .. 21..3 Fees for jurors approved, pages 669-671. 12 15 1877 3 669 22.': Board drew regular venire of jurors to serve at February term of Criminal Court. Ol 14 1878 3 682 p 23.?; Board drew regular venire of jurors for April term of Criminal and Superior Courts. 03 11 1878 3 713 24.??. ? „ Board drew jurors for June term of,Criminal Court. 05 13 1878 3 723 ;25.?o . Board drew jurors for June term of Superior Court, pages 730-731. „ 06 11 1878 3 730 , 26.??; Board drew venire of jurors to serve August term of Criminal Court. 07 02 1878 3 737 ? ,? , 27.? Bill of Coroner Hewlett for summoning more than twelve men to serve as jurors not allowed. 08 09 1878 3 741 .. 28.;? Board proceeded to revise the Jury List from 1877 Tax Books. 09 03 1878 3 744 , 29.,; Board took up unfinished work of revising the Jury List. 09 06 1878 „ 3 746 „ 30..? Board resumed work of revising the Jury List. 09 09 1878 3 747 31.i1 ? ?o Board took up and proceeded to revise the Jury List. 09 10 1878 ,. 3 747 32.?? ,r Board proceeded to revise the Jury List. 09 13 1878 3 749 33.,? ? Board continued revising Jury List and then recessed until Monday. 09 14 1878 3 749 34.? Board finished revising Jury List and recessed until afternoon. 09 16 1878 3 749 35.? Board drew regular venire of jurors for October term of Criminal Court. 09 16 1$78 3 749 36.ry H.A. Glamayer excused from jury duty, he being illegally drawn. 09 21 1878 3 763 37.,' Caleb Richardson drawn in place of H.A. Glamayer. 09 21 1878 3 763 38.' Clerk to Board to furnish Justices of Wilmington with a jury list for their use, jury Iists to be kept in 09 23 1878 3 764 - ,, , ;` jury box in custody of Clerk to Board. : ; 39.?? Board drew jurors for December term of Superior and Criminal Courts. ?: 40.'? Board drew regular venire of jurors to serve January term of Superior Court. 41.;? Board drew jurors for Februray term of Criminal Court. 42.';+ Jurors drawn for April term of Criminal Court. ?3.;; Jurors drawn to serve extra term of Criminal Court. 44.;? Jurors drawn to serve at June term of Superior Court. 45.;, Board drew jurors for August term of Criminal Court. „ 11 07 1878 3 775 ,. , 12 18 1878 4 7 Ol 15 1879 4 16 03 03 1879 4 24 05 OS 1879 4 71 _ 05 OS 1879 4 72 „ 07 @6 07 1879 ,, il 4 82 ii INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County N C JURY MATTER , . . _ : ` Aeo. u. s. County Indeacee Since 1888 ? To locate namss, open at r?r OFFICE G??vCe-? An ldentifving Trade Merk SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•I TAB INDEX MADE BY THF COTi INDEX COMAANY, COLUMBUS, OHtO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NO RTH CAROLINA ` ?? DATE ?? MINUTE BOOK ? ?? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS '?? M h ?: Y E V i , ?, ont ?: I Day I ear ? '? ol. I Page ? i! ? l.', ? ? ???y Board started revising Jury List for ensuing year. ? p 09 ?? O1 1879 k; N, 4 102 ' 2.?; Board drew jurors for October term of Criminal Court. , 09 O1 1879 4; 4 103 ? i ?; 3.,+ Register of Deeds to furnish Wilmington Magistrates a jury list. }y 09 15 1879 R; 4 p 107 ? 4..? Jury List drawn for Criminal Court, pages 119-120. ; 11 03 1879 ;; '; 4 ?. 119 ? i 5. , . Jurors drawn for De,cember term of Superior Court. ?; 11 03 1879 ?? p, 4 120 ? ; , 6.; Jurors selected for February term of Criminal Court. O1 05 1880 ?s 4 142 i 7.,, Jurors drawn to serve April term of Crimi?nal Court, pages 176-177. 03 Ol 1880 ?: 4 , 176 `j ? 8.: , Jurors drawn to serve at special `term of Criminal Court. 05 03 1880 ;? 4 190 ;? 9., Jurors drawn to serve at Spring term of Superior Court. 05 Q3 .tB?Q ,' ? ?I 39d •4 10. Jurors drawn for August term of Criminal Court. „ 07 05 1880 4 202 11.,_ Board proceeded to revise the Jury List. 09 06 1880 ,. 4 226 , 12.,, Board dr.ew up regular venire of jurors for October term of Criminal Court. ?, 09 06 1880 4 226 13. Jurors drawn for special term and December term of Criminal and Superior Courts. 11 Ol 1880 ?F 4 242 "; ,, 14.: Board drew jurors for February term of Criminal Court. ?, O1 03 1881 „ 4 263 ` ?n ; ?, ? ; j 15.., Board drew jurors to serve April term of Criminal Court, pages 277-278. ;. 03 07 1881 ? 4 ; 277 !_ r 16. . Jurors drawn to serve on Criminal Court. 05 02 1881 ? 4 291 iE ? 17. , .. Jurors drawn to serve June term of Superior Court, pages 291-292. 05 .. 02 1881 . 4 291 ?': ?i 18. " Jurors drawn for August term of Criminal Court. 07 11 1881 ? ° 4 E: 307 ?? ?' ? 19. Board revised the Jury List. 09 . 05 1881 i? 4 325 `: ?? , 20. Board drew jurors for October term of Criminal Court. , 09 05 , 1881 ?; 4 ?; 325 ;; ' 21. ? Board drew jurors for special term of Criminal Court. 11 07 1381 '; 4 334 '' 22., Board drew jurors for December term of Superior Court. „ 11 07 1881 4 334 ? 23. ? Board drew jurors for next term of Criminal Court. „ Ol 02 18$2 ;, 4 t 3??9 t; ?; 24.' Board drew jurors for April term of Criminal Court. ; 03 06 1882 i 4 363 „ rR i 25.,„ Jurors drawn for special term of Criminal Court. ;, 05 O1 1882 ', 4 378 ?; , 26., , Jurors drawn for Supreme Court. 05 Ol 1882 , ; 4 378 " ?; ? , 27.., Board drew jurors for August term of Criminal Court, pages 391-392. ;, 07 03 1882 ;, 4 f 391 „ ' 28 .., Board revised the Jury List . ,. 09 04 1882 ;, 4 413 !, ? I ', 29. . Jurors drawn for October term of Criminal Court. 09 .. 04 1382 4 ?` 413 E? ?- ' 30. , Board drew jurors for special term of Criminal Court. 11 ., 06 1882 ? 4 426 ??' ?? 31.' Board drew jurors for Superior Court. 11 ., 06 1882 ; ,? 4 426 ?' s: 32. ' Board drew jurors for February term of Criminal Court. Ol 02 1883 ` 4 445 ?" ?. i 33.: Jurors drawn for April term of Criminal Court. ; 03 05 1383 ; 4 , 454 ;! 34., Jurors drawn for June term of Superior Court. 05 07 1833 . 4 471 ' ?,' ? 35.,. Jurors drawn for special term of Criminal Court. 05 07 1883 ,? 4 ? 472 36. Jurors drawn for August term of Criminal Court. 07 02 1883 ?; 4 479 I 37. ' Board revised Jury List. 09 03 1883 :. 4 495 t? 38. , Jurors drawn for October term of Criminal Court. 09 03 1883 4 ,. ;, 495 ? 39., - Jurors drawn to serve at special term of Criminal Court. „ I1 OS 1883 ?y ? 4 ' 504 ?! ?? s} 40.,,; Jurors drawn to serve at December term of Superior Court. „ 11 05 1883 ;; 4 505 ?3 41..; Jurors drawn for special term of Superior Court. ! 12 24 1883 g' 4 519 i; i 42., Jurors drawn for February term of Criminal Court. ,? Ol 07 1884 ;; 4 522 `; 43. Jurors drawn for April term of Criminal Court. 03 03 1884 ;, 4 i, 535 ;; ,. . , 44.; Jurors drawn for special term of Criminal Court. 05 05 1884 ;; 4 547 ;? i: 45.<; Jurors drawn for June term of Superior Court. .. 05 05 1884 ?' 4 _, 548 ;? ?s; 46.,; Jurors drawn for August term of Criminal Court. . 07 07 1884 ?; 4 566 ;? ?° t? . , . ? . . . s? . I? ?. ?1 ? p; Y? , ?? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MATTER: JURY ` Re?. u. s, /J? County (ndezee Since I888 To loeate names, Op@? at COTT A-Z TA6 INDEX r?r OFFICE C.G?.et?? An Identifying Trado Mar? SURNAM6 INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLO BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA DATE 57 MlNUTE BOOK ?? NATURE Af PROCEEDINGS ;? _' Month I Day I . Year ? '; Vol. I Page ' l.? Board revised Jury List from 1883 Tax Books. 09 . O1 1884 y 4 - 574 ? 2.? Board drew jurors for October term of Criminal Court. ? 09 O1 1884'{ 4 574 ; 3.? George Kelly exempted from jury duty and other public duty due to physical disability. ;; 09 Ol 1884 ,? 4 575 'e ? 4.? Jurors drawn to serve special term of Criminal Court. 11 03 1884 ; ?, 4 585 ,; 5.a! Jurors drawn to serve December term of Superior Court. 11 „ 03 1884??? , 4 586 6. Board to request General Assembly to pass an act similar to act relative to jurors of Criminal Court for O1 05 1885 : 4 602 ? F{ p ? ?, ? the Superior Court. . ? ,, ? t 7.,? . ? ; Attorney to report if persons are exempt from jury duty if they are members of a fire company. O1 .. 05 1885':; _ 4 602 ? 8.?? Attorney to report all persons who are exempt for jury duty. O1 05 1885 P4 4 602 , 9.;p Jurors drawn to serve February term of Criminal Court. O1 05 1885 . 4 602 i 10.? Jurors drawn to serve March term of Court. 02 24 1885 4 610 11.:; ? David Williams awarded contract for painting Courtroom and jury room. 03 23 1885?: 4 615 12.?i Copy of David Williams' proposal set down. 03 23 I885 4 615 ;? 13.?? Matter of changing Sheriff's office for Grand Jury room left with Chairman. 03 23 1885 ' 4 615 ?? „ „14.? Jurors drawn for May term of Criminal Court. 04 06 , 1885 4 621 ? 15.` Board drew jurors for June term of Superior Court, pages 630-631. 05 04 1885 ? 4 630 .16. ± Jurors drawn for July term of Criminal Court, pages 635-636. , 06 Ol 1885; 4 635 . e .17.; Board drew jurors for September term of Criminal and Superior Courts. 08 03 1885., 4 646 18.? Board proceeded to revise Jury List from 1884 Tax Books. , 09 07 1885,,. 4 649 19.t; Jurors drawn to serve on Criminal Court in November, 1885. 10 05 1885 4 654 „ ,20.?? Jurors drawn for Criminal Court. „ 12 07 1885 , 4 664 , .21.;? Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 12 07 1885 , 4 665 22.,? h? Jurors drawn for March term of Criminal Court. 02 Ol 1886 4 684 ? f9 .23.;? Board drew remaining jurors for March term of Criminal Court which it had failed to do before. „ 02 O8 1886;, 4 687 24.w? tl Jurors drawn for April term of Superior Court. 03 O1 1886 . 4 690 E '25.'? Board drew jurors for May term of Criminal Court. 04 05 1886 4 701 ? 51 ? ., a. .. 26.k? Jurors drawn for July term of Criminal Court. ' 06 07 1886 4 718 27.?? :i Office of Clerk of Criminal Court and Grand Jury room switched. 07 05 1886 , 4 724 28.?? Jurors drawn for September term of Criminal Court. 08 02 1886 .? 4 730 . ? 29.E? ?? Jurors drawn for September term of Superior Court. 09 06 1886 4 738 ? 30.'? ? Jurors drawn for November term of Criminal Court. ? 09 ? 24 1886 , 4 745 31.r? All jurors to be paid $1.00 per day. 11 O1 1886 4 751 ?; ,32.r? Jurors drawn for January term of Criminal and Superior Courts. 12 13 18$6 4 768 , ,33.,j Jurors drawn for March term of Criminal Court. 02 07 1887 4 777 ,? ,34.4? Jurors drawn for April term of Superior Court. 03 07 1887 4 793 35.p? Jurors drawn for May term of Criminal Court. 04 05 1887 5 2 36.r? Jurors drawn for July term of Criminal Court, pages 15-16. 06 06 1887 5 15 37.'r ?r Jurors drawn for next term of Crzminal Court. OS ? Ol 1887 5 37 , ,38.k Board proceeded to revise Jury List from 1886 Tax Books. 09 05 1887 . 5 39 , , ,.. .39.;P Jurors drawn for September term of Superior Court. 09 05 1887.. 5 39 .40.t? ° Jurors drawn for November term of Criminal Court. 1Q 14 1887, 5 4h ?o .41.,x s Chairman, Sheriff, Clerk to Board and two Justices drew jurors to serve for Criminal Court. _ 12 17 1887 5 60 . iR ,42.p Jurors drawn to serve at January term of Superior Court. Ol 02 1888 . 5 62 . 43.?? Jurors drawn to serve at March term of Criminal Court. , 02 05 1888 . 5 67 ., ?p 44.;? ? Jurors drawn for April term of Superior Court. 03 05 1888{. 5 77 , a 45.?1 Jurors drawn for May term of Criminal Court. 04 14 1888 S 86 !? ? ? Ci ? b? i° i; ?r INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Coun?j N C JURX MATTER , . . _ : ` eaa. u. s. County Indesee Since 1888 ? To tocats names, open at IAT ofrict ?? An Identifyin¢ Trade Mark ? SURNAMH INITIAL TAB C077 A-2 TAB lNDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLO BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ',? DATE ?? MINUTE BOOK ?? ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS + Month I Day? Year ';? r? Vol. I Page ? ? ? 1.; , ° Jurors drawn for July term of Criminal Court. ? ? 06 ' 04 F; 1888 s? 5 I? 91 ?; ? 2."? Jurors drawn for September term of Criminal Court. 08 06 1888 .? 5 98 ?? •• i? ?s ? 3. Board proceeded to revzse the Jury List. ?= 09 .. 03 1888 ?? „ 5 i 104 `° ? ?? 4.. Jurors drawn for November term of Criminal Court. ;. 10 Ol 1888 . 5 112 ?,, .? 5. Jurors drawn for January term of Superior and Criminal Courts, pages 122?-123. IZ . 10 1888 ' rm S i 122 a 6.? Jurors drawn for Criminal Court. ?, 02 13 1889 ?`? , 5 138 ?? 7. ? Jurors drawn for April term of Superior Court. 03 „ 04 1889 ';', ?, 5 €? 150 ?' f% , 8. . Clerk of Criminal Court French allowed to use Grand Jury room as his office. 03 .. 04 1889 ?: ? 5 ? 151 ?3 9. . Jurors drawn for May term of Criminal Court. 04 Ol 1389 . " 5 l56 ? 10. Jurors drawn for July term of Criminal Court. 06 04 1889 ., 5 . 170 „ 11. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 08 05 1889 ;. 5 184 y 12. Jurors drawn for September term of Criminal Court. 08 12 1389 .: 5 188 13. Board proceeded to revise Jury List from 1888 Tax Books. 08 19 1889 5 1$8 ?; 14. Board proceeded to revise Jury List. 0$ 23 1889 > 5 189 i ; i 15. Board worked on revising Jury List. . 08 26 1889 5 189 16. . Board worked on revising Jury List. 08 ,. 30 1889 ?y 5 189 ' „ 17. ? Board completed revision of Jury List and placed same in Jury Box, 09 03 1889 5 191 f: ? 1$. ,. Jurors drawn for November term of Criminal Court. 11 .. 04 1888 .: 5 199 ' r, ' 19. Jurors drawn for January term of Criminal Court. 12 02 1389 , 5 205 ;; ,., ? 20., Jurors drawn for January term of Superior Court. , O1 06 1890 ,9 5 213 5, 2I..; Jurors drawn for March term of Criminal Court. „ 02 03 1890 ;; 5 ;: 217 ;, ' 22.: Jurors drawn for April term of Superior Court. 03 03 1890 .; 5 235 :, ' 23. .. Jurors drawn for May term of Criminal Court. 04 30 1890 .. 5 245 E; 24. , Jurors drawn for July term of Criminal Court. 06 02 1890 ? ., 5 252 i? 25. . Jurors drawn for Criminal and Superior Courts. 09 O1 1390 ! ., 5 269 26. e, Jurors drawn for November term of Criminal Court. Z1 .. 03 1890 5 277 ! ??, 27. .. Jurors drawn for January term of Criminal Court. 12 .. 08 1890 y: . 5 287 ;e , 28., Jurors drawn for January term of Superior Court. 12 29 1890 ` 5 291 29. Jurors drawn for March term of Criminal Court. 02 02 1891 5 313 30. Jurors drawn for March term of Superior Court. 03 31 1891 ?? 5 319 ' . k, , 31.,; Jurors drawn to serve at May term of Criminal Court. 04 13 1891 ? 5 323 32.. Col. F.W. Foster,of Fore & Foster Planning Mill, exempted from jury duty since foreman of company. 05 04 1891 ? 5 324 ? ?s 33.,, Jury ticket in favor of James Grant was disallowed. „ 05 04 1891 ;. 5 324 34... Jurors drawn for July term of Criminal Court. Ob 26 1891 5 33Fz ;; ; 35.., Jurors drawn for September term of Criminal Court. „ 08 10 1891 ;; 5 345 36. Board proceeded to revise Jury List. : 09 07 189I , 5 350 . 37.,, Jurors drawn for September term of Superior Court 09 07 1891 5 350 ?, 38., S.W. Skinner exempted from jury duty since is foreman of S.W. Skinner Co. Machine Shop and Foundry. 10 05 1891 .: 5 353 39.,, J.W. Hodges exempted from jury duty, he being foreman for John H. Hanby Contractor. „ 10 05 1891 ,, 5 353 ?, 40., Jurors drawn to serve in November term of Criminal Court. 10 30 1891 f 5 357 41. Jurors drawn to serve at January term of Criminal Court. 12 07 1891 ., 5 368 ?. ! 42., Jurors drawn to serve for January term of Superior Court. OZ 04 1892 ?; 5 375 ` E1 43. Jurors drawn for March term of Criminal Court. 02 O1 1892 ; 5 381 44. Jurors drawn for April term of Superior Court. , 03 07 1892 ; 5 407 45., Jurors drawn for May term of Criminal Court. 04 29 1872 r 5 414 46..,, Men exempted from jury duty by Act of Assembly. 05 02 1892 ;, 5 415 ? E# ?? ? il i0 Il INDEX TO CONiMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count? N MATTER C JURY , . . _ : ` ¦ec. u. a. Counry Indexee S?nce 1888 ?I ??.?-- e?r OFFICE ???L?a? An Identifying Trade Marlc ?? To loeats names, open at SURNAME INITIAL TAB COT7 A-Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA i: a ?? DATE i'? 't ? ? ?, MINUTE BOOK ?? !` NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ; {` Month I Day I Year ;a ??'? Vol. I Pa9e ;; ? 1. Jurors drawn to serve for July term of Criminal Court. „ ? 06 .? 06 ?, 1892 C; ;; 5 423 ?i k; Z. John Reilly exempted from jury duty he being Superintendent of Gas and Electric Light Co. ? 08 , Ol 1892;i' `+' S 432 ;,' 3. Report from Grand Jury acted upon. (See COUNTY HOME) '' 08 '?. O1 1892??y 5 432 4.. Board investigated complaints against management of County Hom e as presented by Grand Jury. !' 08 08 1892?? 5 436 ' ? ' ?7 ? 7' 5. Jurors drawn for September term of Criminal Court. F; 08 09 ? 1892'r; S 437 F ?r e, . 6. Board revised Jury List and placed names in a box. : 09 ?f 05 1892ka F? 5 440 Y ? nd 7. Jurors drawn for September term of Superior Court. : 09 05 1892 , 5 440 r 8. Clerk to notify several jurors to appear before the Board. . 09 05 1892 ? 5 440 9.'? Jurors drawn for November term of Criminal Court. >, ?a 10.?; Jurors drawn for January term of Criminal Court. ?, ll.y; Jurors drawn for January term of Superior Court. 12.p? Jurors drawn for March term of Criminal Court. i; 13.?? Jurors drawn for April term of Superior Court. ,, ; ,14.?? Grand Jury reported repairs needed in basement of County Home. ? 15.? Jurors drawn to serve May term of Criminal Court. i; 16.;; Report from Clerk of Criminal Court, W.R. French, on Grand Jury's May term of Criminal Court. ?g 17.?? Jurors drawn for July term of Criminal Court. 18.?? Jurors drawn for September term of Criminal Court. ? 19. Jurors drawn for September term of Superior Court. 20.? Board proceeded to revise the Jury List. 21.?i Board met to revise Jury List. ?, p? 22.? Names of jurors put in Jury Box after Jury List was revised. , 23.; Jurors drawn for November term of Criminal Court. ?. 24.? Jurors drawn for January terms of Criminals and Superior Courts. 25.? Jurors drawn for Ma.rch term of Criminal Court. ? 26.b; Jurors drawn for ApriZ term of Superior Court. ?6 27.?9 Jurors drawn for May term of Criminal Court. f9 28.?? Communication from Grand Jury relative to suppression of gambling and liquor selling on Sunday; Board ? 29.? ! ruled they have no jurisc3iction in matter. ? Jurors drawn for July term of Criminal Court. 30.?t Jurors drawn to serve at September term of Criminal and Superior Courts. F. 31.'? Board revised Jury List and placed names in Jury Box. 32. Jurors drawn for November term of Criminal Court. 33.?? Jurors drawn for January term of Criminal and Superior Courts. ? 34.;? Jurors drawn for March term of Criminal Court. ;y 35.i? Jurors drawn for March term of :'uperior Court. 36.!; Superior Court Clerk reported on jury tax paid over to Sheriff. E; 37.??' Superior Court C1erk reported on jury tax paid over to Sheriff. N? 3$. Report from Superior Court Clerk on jury tax. 39.,? Superior Court Clerk's report on jury tax collected. C 40.j Jurors drawn for September term of Superior Court. ? 41.? Board proceeded to revise 1895 Jury List, but recessed before finished, 42.? Board proceeded to revise Jury List. , 43. Jurors drawn for October term of Criminal Court. 44.? Jurors drawn for January term of Criminal and Superior Courts, pages 684-685. 45.?? J.T. Plate exempted from jury duty, he being foreman in machine shop of Wilmington Iron Works. 10 24 1892 v 5 12 20 1892 . 5 Ol 02 Z893 5 02 06 1893 5 03 06 1893 5 04 03 1893, 5 05 Ol 1893 ,. 06 05 1893 ' ;; 06 05 1893 ; 08 08 1893 , 09 04 1893 ,, 09 09 09 10 , 12 02 03 04 06 04 1893 ,, 06 1593 , 06 1893 18 1893 .? 04 1893 05 1894 05 1894 : 25 1894 : 04 1894 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 S 5 5 5 5 5 448 463 464 469 483 488 ,. 495 501 . 501 514 ; 519 519 , 522 522 ,. 527 534 544 558 566 570 ?? 06 04 1894 5 570 08 13 1894r 5 581 09 11 12 02 03 04 05 r, 06 07 ,? 09 . 09 09 09 ??. 12 Ol 03 1894 5 583 05 1894 10 1894 13 18 95 „s 11 1895 O1 1895 . 06 18 95 „, 03 1895 ,, Ol 1895 ;? 02 1895 ; 02 1895 ,. 04 1895 ,'; 20 1895 ;., 09 1895 ,; 06 1896 .; ? „? ;e f? 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 591 602 615 „ 632 633 : 637 643 , 648 ! 666 668 ? 671 671 684 686 . ;? ?! ?I. INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATTER: JURY ` ¦[o. u, s. County (ndezee Since 1888 H+ ?r.? To locats namea, open at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX rer ORFICt ?n?•?6?• An IdentifvinQ Trade Marlc ?`8 EURNAMH INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY. <OLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA i? DATE ;? MINUTE BOOK ?? :? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS i" Month ? Day I Year '?, Vol. I Page ? .? 3 1..; Jurors drawn to serve at March term of Criminal Court. 4? ' 2.? Jurors drawn for April term of Superior Court. 3.''' Report from Superior Court Clerk on Grand Jury's January term of Superior Court. ??, 4. Board revised Jury List and placed names in Jury Box. ?; 5.' Jurors drawn for September term of Superior Court. 6.' Jurors drawn for October term of Criminal Court. 7.; Jurors drawn for January term of Criminal and Superior Courts, pages 751-752. 8. Jurors drawn for March term of Criminal Court, pages 766-767, 9. Report from Superior Court Clerk on charter fees and jury taxes collected. 10. Board met in Special Session to draw jurors. 11. Jurors drawn for April term of Superior Court. 12., Superior Court Clerk's report on jury tax collected filed. 13., Jurors drawn for April term of Criminal Court. 14. Sheriff and Treasurer not to pay any jury or witness tickets or coupons if more than one year's standing without Board`s audit. 15. Revision if Jury List deferred. 16. Report from Superior Court Clerk on fees collected from jury cases. 17. Board proceeded to revise the Jury List. 18. Names considered of those who are exempted from jury duty, and Clerk to make one alphabetized list of persons exempted from jury duty from the several available. 19. Baard revised the Jury List. 20. Jurors drawn for July term of Criminal Court. 21. Jurors drawn for September term of Superior Court. 22. Jurors drawn for October term of Criminal Court. 23.: Jurors drawn for January term of Criminal Court. 24. Jurors drawn for January term of Superior Court. l 25. Jurors drawn for March term of Criminal Court. , 26., Board began revision of Jury List. 27.,,, Board proceeded to revise Jury List for 1898. 28.,; Jurors drawn for September term of Superior Court. 29., Jurors drawn for October term of Criminal Court. 30.,; Jurors drawn for January terms of Criminal and Superior Courts. 31. Jurors drawn for March term of Criminal Court. 32. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. ? 33., 3urors drawn for Superior Court. 34. Jurors drawn for June term of Criminal Court, pages 260-261. 35._ Board began revising Jury List. 36._, Board continued revising Jury List. 37., Board co ntinued revising Jury List. 38.,, Revision of Jury List concluded. 39., Jurors drawn for August term of Criminal Court, pages 317-318. , 40.., Jurors drawn for September term of Superior Court. 41., Jurors drawn for the Criminal Court. 42. Jurors drawn for the Superior Court. 43. Jurors drawn for the Criminal Court. 44. Jurors drawn for Superior Court, pages 405-406. ;: 02 03 ;: 03 02 j, 04 06 r? ? 09 07 F 09 07 09 07 12 07 03 04 03 Ol 03 13 03 13 04 05 04 05 04 08 06 07 06 07 0.6. 10 06 15 06 17 06 23 09 07 09 07 12 06 12 06 02 08 06 06 , 06 08 , 09 OS 09 07 : 12 10 02 09 04 03 0?- 06. 05 04 06 06 06 07 06 08 06 15 07 10 09 04 11 06 O1 Ol 02 15 03 08 ? ? 1896 ?? 5 692 1896 ?' S 708 :? 1896 ?; 5 712 s 1896 ;? 5 731 ?? ; 1896 ?i 5 731 1896 ?, 5 732 ?z 1896 ?s 5 751 1897 c? 5 766 1897 u: 5 778 1897 5 779 1897 5 779 1897 _; 5 799 1897 ' S 799 1897 6 2 1897 6 12 1897 ,; 6 12 1897 ; 6 18 ?: 1897 ;; 6 19 1897 `. 6 19 1$97 ,: 6 19 1897 6 43 1897 '+ 6 44 1897 ?^ 6 65 1897 ? 6 66 1898 ` 6 84 1898 : 6 134 1898 ;; 6 135 1898 ;; 6 179 1898 ;? 6 179 1898 „ 6 206 1899 , 6 226 1899 6 246 1899 ', 6 2?3 1899 ; 6 260 1899 6 299 1899 6 299 1899 6 300 ?r 1899 ;; 6 302 1899 ' 6 317 1899 '? 6 335 1899 '' 6 346 1900 ;; 6 380 1900 ,, 6 401 1900 „ 6 405 ?? INDEX TO CONiMISSIONERS MINUTES -- ?ew Hanover County N C JURY . , . _ MATTER: ` ecc. u. s. ? `- County Inde:ee Since ISBB ? Tp IOC?tB 118111ES? open at PAT OFFICE C,? ?//7? An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO , SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NO RTH CAROLINA ? DATE ?? ` MINUTE BOOK p NATURE 0? PROCEEDINGS ??, ?; Month Da ; Year ? Vol G, Pa e i I y I ? . I g ? 1. ? List of jurors drawn for Criminal Court. ' 05 08 ;? 1900pn 6 436 f. 2. ?- Jurors drawn for special term of Criminal Court. 06 13 1900;? 6 448 4, , 3. Jurors drawn for August term of Criminal Court. 07 15 ??? 1900ka 6 , ? 453 ?: ?s 4.? Jurors drawn to serve at Superior Court. ? 09 4? 03 19004 6 474 r ? , 4fl FI }+ 5. Jurors drawn for Criminal Court. ;n 11 05 1900Pa ? 6 486 , ,6. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. , 12 15 1900?' 6 499 ?; 7.? Jurors drawn ?or the March term of Criminal Court. G; 02 04 1901;?; 6 518 ,', ? 8.? 0 9 Jurors drawn for Superior Court. ?, 04 O1 1901„ 6 535 ,, . 9.?? Warrants iss? ed by CDminissioner HD1mes to Sheriff .for jury tickets c?nfirmed, D5 Db 1901r; b 549 .. 10.?? Jurors drawn for June term of Criminal Court. 05 06 1901 6 549 , ... 11.?? ;a Jurors drawn for July term of Superior Court. 06 ., 17 1901 6 555 ,. a 12.E? Jurors drawn for August term of Superior Court. , 07 22 1901 6 577 L 13.? Jurors drawn for October term of Superior Court. 09 03 1901F, 6 594 ?i 14.`; Jurors drawn ?or November term of Superior Court. ; 10 07 1901? 6 603 4 15.? Jurors drawn for November term of Superior Court. 11 04 1901?' 6 612 16.k Jurors drawn for January term of Superior Court. 12 02 1901. 6 618 s; ?{ 17.?i :? Jurors drawn for Superior Court. Ol 06 1902 ! 6 628 ?; 18.; Jurors drawn ?or March and April terms of Superior Court. 03 03 1902 ° 6 640 , j 19.?' Jurors drawn for Superior Court, pages 650-651. 05 05 1902_? 6 650 20. Report from Grand Jury referred to the Building Committee. , 06 03 1902;„ 6 656 21.?? ? Jurors drawn ?or Superior Court. , 06 03 1902,',; 6 656 L. 22.?? Jurors drawn for August term of Superior Court. 07 07 1902„; 6 660 . ;fl 23.E? Report from G rand Jury read and filed. ., 08 04 1902;; 6 667 ., 24. Jurors drawn for October term of Superior Court, pages 672-673. 09 , O1 1902 ' t, 6 672 ? ., 25. Jurors drawn for the November term of Superior Court. 10 06 1902 6 677 26.? Jurors drawn for November term of Superior Court. 11 03 1902;a 6 680 27.;? ? Jurors drawn ?or January term of Superior Court. 12 O1 1902 6 686 ` 28."? Jurors drawn for January term of Superior Court. O1 05 1903 6 693 29. Jurors drawn ?or Superior Court. 03 02 1903 6 705 30. Jurors drawn for civil term of Superior Court. 03 05 1903 : 6 706 ? 31.i? ? Special jury drawn; Grand Jury's report referred to Superintendent of Health and Chairman. 04 06 1903 ? 6 710 „ ? 32.?ffi Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 05 04 1903,a 6 19 33.a Jurors drawn for Superior Court, and Board p?oceeded to revise the Jury List. 06 Ol 1903„„ 6 725 ?A 34.?? H,A, DeCover exempted from jury duty since foreman of Fore & Foster Planning Mill and Sash and Blind Co. 07 06 1903 ; 6 731 „ ? 35.? Jurors' List handed into Board. 07 06 1903,, 6 732 „ 36.?? :, Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 09 08 1903 6 748 ?r 37.?t Jurors drawn for October term of Superior Court. 09 28 1903.. 6 752 ? 38.?? G Hilton Lumber Co. applied for jury exemption for several persons, but Board told Company only one person 11 02 1903.., 6 759 , E would be exempted as Superintendent. ,? , ?? 39.?h Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 11 02 1903 , 6 759 40.?? Grand Jury re commended separate Bibles be used for white and colored persons to swear on; adopted. ; 12 07 1903 ? 6 764 ? ?; 41.;? W.L. Pa rsley exempted from jury duty since Superintendent of Hilton Lumber Company. 12 07 1903 6 764 ?c . ? ,. ;? 42.?.; ? Jurors drawn for Superior Court. Ol - 04 1904'' ?. 6 775 , 43.d p Henry M. Bowd en, Superintendent of N.C. Cotton Oil Co.,was exempted from jury duty. 03 07 1904 ? 6 782 ?. ? 44.? Jurors drawn for April term of Court. 03 07 1904 ; 6 782 ? 45.?? ? P Jurors drawn for May term of Superior Court. 05 02 1904 ? 6 792 y , ?: ¢? , ^ IP ; ?- 5Y 11 i` ,F ?: ? f? ( INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count N C ?RY ? ?, . . _ MATTER: . ? eco. u. s. Counry Indezea Sinee 1888 To locats names, open at rar OFFIC6 ?J .?4?i An Identifyina Trsde Merk ? SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•Z TAB IkDEX MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO ' . SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW B ° ERN, NO RTH CAROLINA ?. ` ? ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS '? 4. DATE p ?? ? MINUTE BOOK ? ?' „ a ? ?: Month ( Day ? Year ? p ? Vol. Page ? E 1. ? ; Jurors drawn for June term of Superior Court. ? 06 06 ?? 1904?? 6 i ?' 797 i ? ' 2.; L.L. Boon, Superintendent of Vavass Grain Factory, exempted from jury duty. 07 t 05 ? 1904i? ?„ 6 802 ^ 3. 1 ? Jurors drawn for Superior Court's October term. ? 09 06 k6 1904s G+ 6 810 ?'' 4.`. i J.H. McDonald not exempted from jury duty since application not in due form. : 10 03 1904'? 7 3 ? ! ; 5. p Charles Bell excused from jury duty since Superintendent of Kidder Lumber Co. L, 10 03 1904k? „; 7 4?? ? 6. ;John H. McDongal exempted from jury duty since foreman of Cape Fear Machine Works. ? 11 07 1904?; 7 ? 7?; ; 7. 'Jurors drawn for November term of Superior Court. 11 07 1904?, 7 d ,? 8;? ? ' ?7 8. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. O1 04 1905 7 i? 17 :` 9. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 03 06 1905 7 20 " „ 1?. More jurors drawn for Superior Court. 03 09 1905 7 21 11. Jurors drawn for May term of Court. 05 Ol 1905 7 24 ? . 12. Report from Grand Jury filed and jurors drawn for Superior Court. a, 06 05 1905 7 27 ; 13. , Board revised Jury List. ,. 06 05 1905,; 7 28 ;. 14. Board continued revising Jury List. ? , 06 06 1905.. ' 7 28 '. ? ? 15. I ? Board completed revision of the revision of the Jury List. 06 14 1905;; 7 ;t 32 ?? 16. ; Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 07 03 1905';, 7 34 ; 'E .'_ 17., , Jurors drawn for regular term of Superior Court, pages 37-38. ,,, 09 05 1905;? 7 ; 37 ", ? , 18. ; Jurors drawn for December term of Superior Court. . 11 06 1905;; 7 41 ?? 19._ ;J.M. Coin relieved from jury duty. „ 12 04 1905„ 7 45 ;; ?? 20. , Jurors drawn for January term of Superior Court, pages 46-47. ,. O1 02 1906;; 7 46 ?; 21. Grand Jury's report referred to Auditing Committee. 02 03 1906 7 ?: 47 " 22. . Jurors drawn for April term of Superior Court. . 03 ... 05 1906, ., 7 49 ?: 23. Jurors drawn for the Spring term of Superior Court. 05 07 1906;, 7 53 ? 24. . Jurors drawn for Spring term of Superior Court. ? 07 . 02 1906 .a 7 58 ? ;; ' 25. , Report from Grand Jury on public buildings referred to Public Buildings Committee. 08 . 06 , 1906 , 7 ;, 59 ` w, 26. Jurors drawn for Fallterm of Superior Court. 08 06 1906. 7 4 60 ; ? 27. =Jurors drawn for Fall term of Superior Court. 09 04 1906 7 62 i ? 28. ? , Jurors drawn for December term of Superior Court. ? 11 ?. 06 1906' 7 65 ? I 29. Jurors drawn for January term of Superior Court. . 12 ., 03 1906. 7 69 4? t 30. ' Jurors drawn for April term of Superior Court, pages 81-82 03 . 04 1907 ?. 7 81 ' , ?? 31. Jurors drawn for May term of Superior Court. 05 06 1907? 7 87 ?: 32. Board began selection of Jury List. 06 07 1907 7 90 ? 33., ? ,,Jury List put in Jury Box and jurors drawn for July term of Superior Court. 07 O1 1907' 7 95 ', 34. ,Grand Jury's report relative to 17th and Market Streets referred to Roads Committee. 08 05 1905`; 7 105 ,? 35., ;Grand Jury's report relative to Shepard's Crossing referred to Chairman. ,, 08 05 1905„ 7 105 ° ; 36. ,Jurors drawn for September term of Superior Court. 09 03 1907., 7 107 ' 37., .Jurors drawn for December term of Superior Court. ., 11 04 1907; 7 113 ; 38., ?Jurors drawn for January term of Superior Court. „ 12 02 1907;, 7 117 f+ 39., ;Jurors drawn for special term of Superior Court. 02 03 1908;; 7 123 ?; , 40. ,Jurors drawn for March term of Superior Court. : 03 02 1908;n 7 127 ; 41. Jurors drawn for regular term of Superior Court. 05 04 1908?; 7 133 ; i 42. i . Jurors drawn for special term of Superior Court. 06 „ Ol 1908: r, 7 135 ? ,: 43. Attorney to give opinion on whether or not County should pay jury tickets issued when Court no t in session. 07 06 1908: 7 137 r 44. Jurors drawn for July term of Superior Court, pages 138-139. 07 06 1908? 7 138 ?? ?? ' ' 45. ? ? Attorney Bellamy requested to give opinion on whether or not June jury tickets should be paid. 08 . 03 1908`, 7 i 140 ?. ?, 45. Jurors drawn for September term of Superior Court. 09 08 1908,: 7 146 = ? INDEX TO COMMISSION?RS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. _ INATTER: JURY ? Rec. u. a. County Indezes Sinee 1888 it? k+?- To toeate names, open at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX r?r OFFICE (??1?6-Z?.s An Identifying Trade Mark ?? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ?h ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ?. DAiE ?? MINUTE BOOK ' `' Month ? Day ? Year ??? Vol. Page I is ., . ? l. Superior Court Clerk submitted Grand Jury's report. ?y 10 05 190?? 7 152?? 2. Jurors drawn for December term of Superior Court. 11 02 190?? 7 155';y k' 3. Jurors drawn for January term of Superior Court. I?'y Ol 04 190?? ; 7 166? k• 4. Grand Jury's report read by Chairman which recommended a Recorder's Court be established. ?, 02 O1 1909;? 7 168 G; ?. _5. Jurors drawn for March term of Superior Court, pages 171-172. k 03 Ol 1909?p 7 171 ?: 6. Grand Jury's report read and filed. ??? 04 05 1909r? 7 174 " ,7. Jurors drawn for May term of Superior Court. ?; 05 03 1909`? 7 176 ? _8. Register of Deeds presented revised Jury List which was placed in Jury Box. ,, 07 06 1909„ 7 179 ,. .9. Jurors drawn for July term of Superior Court. „ 07 06 1909'-; 7 180 ;,. ? ?0.?? ?? Jurors drawn for September term of Superior Court, pages 181-182. „ 09 07 1909„ 7 181 .. ?1.;, Copy of Grand Jury's report forwarded to Board of Education. 10 04 1909;, 7 183 ., ?2.:; Jurors drawn for civil court. 11 O1 1909. 7 185 „ ?.3.?? Jurors drawn for January term of Superior Court. Ol 03 1910„ 7 189 ., i ?4.?$ ? Grand Jury`s report referred to Public Buildings Committee and Superintendent of Health. 02 07 1910. 7 190 15.? ? Jurors drawn for April term of Superior Court. „ 03 07 1910';?, 7 192 „ ? ?6.E Grand Jury's report read and jurors drawn for May term of Superior Court. 05 02 1910'p.? 7 194 „ 17.` Jurors drawn for July term of Superior Court. 07 05 191d 7 197 ?+ 18.?? Chairman drew jurors for September term of Superior Court. 08 06 1914' 7 199 `+ +i 19.i? Jurors for September redrawn since ones drawn by Chairman on September 6 ille gal. 09 08 191Q 7 200 20..? Jurors drawn for October term of Superior Court. 09 08 191Q., „ 7 200 . 21.'? Clerk to Board to furnish City with copy of Grand Jury's report. 10 03 191Q 7 200 , 22.;? k Jurors drawn for December term of Superior Court. 11 07 191d; 7 202 : ?, 23.?? Jurors drawn for January term of Superior Court. ? O1 04 191L p 7 207 24.?` ? A.C.L. Railroad Co. presented list of engineers and conductors to be exempted from jury duty. ; 03 06 1911 ; 7 209 25. Jurors drawn for April term of Superior Court. 03 06 191T, 7 ? 210 26. Legislature passed bill saying jury list to be put in jury box for Recorder's Court. „ 03 06 191L? 7 210 27.?? Complaint from Delgado citizens about beer saloon referred to Grand Jury for action. 04 03 1911? 7 213 _- C3 28.6? { Jurors drawn for May term of Superior Court. „ 05 Ol 1911? 7 217 ? 2?.? Letter from Superior Court Clerk on chairs for jury box referred to Buildings Committee. 06 05 191LA 7 223 , s 30.?? Board proceeded to revise Jury List. , 06 08 1911w 7 223 ? 31.?? Register gave Board revised Jury List which was put in Jury Box. , 07 03 1917?; 7 225 32. Recorder's Court not to grant jury trials in criminal cases due to expense. 07 03 1911 7 225 33.?? Jurors drawn for July term of Superior Court. 07 03 1911 7 226 34.?? Copy of Grand Jury's report read. . 08 07 1911; 7 230 ., 35.?? 1 ,Iurars drawn far September term of Superior Court. 09 06 19?1,: ? 7 232 !E 36.f; W g? Jurors drawn for December term of Superior Court. 11 06 1911 , 7 235 , 37.?? ? ?A Jurors drawn for January term of Superior Court. Ol ? 02 1912; ? 7 241 : ,? 38.?? , ?g Jurors drawn for April term of Superior Court. 03 „ 04 1912. ?? 7 246 .. 39.?? Jurors drawn for May term of Superior Court. 05 06 1912? 7 249 40.4 Jurors drawn for July term of Superior Court. 07 01 1912?a 7 254 ' ? 41.l? Jurors drawn for September term of Superior Court, pages 258-259. 09 03 1912? 7 258 X 42. Jurors drawn for December term of Superior Court. 11 07 1912? 7 262 43. Jurors drawn for special term of Superior Court, pages 265-266. 12 03 1912', 7 265 44.? ? Grand Jury reported on Jail, Courthouse and County Home. OZ ? 03 1913j 7 280 ?, 45.' Jurors drawn for March and April terms of court. 03 03 1913:? 7 281 ±6. Jurors drawn for May term of Superior Court. ` 05 05 1913'j J{ 7 F 291 ; '; ?t 4? li ^ ?p I? p, ? INDEA TO COMMISSIONERS M?NU?'E5 -- New Hanover Count?y N C MATT RT JURY , . . , _ nce. u. _. County Indexea Since t888 ? io loente names, open af ?AT OFFIGE C??? An ldentifying'Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A-I TA8 INDEX MADE 8Y THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLO BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BER N, NORTH CAROIINA NATURE OF PRQCEEDINGS DATE ININUTE BOOK ' Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Clerk to put names of all persons exempted from jury duty in order to make Jury List. 05 29 1913 7 295 2. Attorney to advertise lists of all persons exempted from jury duty. 06 02 1913 7 305 3. Committee revising Jury List allowed more time. 06 09 1913 7 306 4. Committee on new Jury List reported progress. 06 17 1913 7 307 5. Committee completed Jury List and it was placed in Jury Box. 06 23 1913 7 307 6. Jurors drawn for special term of Superior Court. 06 23 1913 7 308 7. Copy of new Jury List put in Recorder's Court Jury Box. 06 30 1913 7 308 8. Jurors drawn for September term of Superior Court. 08 11 1913 7 311 9. Jurors drawn for October term of Superi.or Court. 09 30 1913 7 315 I0. Jurors drawn for Criminal term and November term of Superior Court. 10 17 1913 7 318 Il. Bill of D.H. Howes, Jr. for writing report of Grand Jury to be paid. I2 O1 1913 7 327 12. Report from Grand Jury read. 12 01 19I3 7 327 13. Jurors drawn for Criminal term of Superior Court. 12 O1 I9I3 7 328 14. Jurors drawn for February term of Superior Court. Ol 16 1914 7 332 15. Jurors drawn for March term of Superior Court. 03 02 1914 7 339 16. Jurors drawn for May term of Superior Court. 04 15 1914 7 347 17. Jurors drawn for May term of Superior Court. 05 04 1914 7 351 18. Jurors drawn for June term of Superior Court. OS I8 1914 7 355 19. Report from Grand Jury filed. 07 06 1914 7 369 20. Jurors drawn for September term of Superior Court. 08 03 1914 7 379 21. Auditor presented list of delinquent polls and Clerk to present same to Grand Jury. 10 05 1914 7 386 22. Jurors drawn for October term of Superior Court. 10 05 1914 7 386 23. Jurors drawn for December term of Superior Court. 11 02 1914 7 397 24. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 12 07 1914 7 405 25. Jurors drawn for February term of Superior Court. O1 04 1915 7 420 26. Jurors drawn for February term of Superior Court, pages 425-426. Ol 11 1915 7 425 27. Jurors drawn for March term of Superior Court, pages 441-443. 03 Ol 1915 7 441 28. Jurors drawn for May term of Superior Court. 04 05 1915 7 450 29. Committee to revise Jury List. 06 07 1915 7 461 30. J.M. Glissom to be paid subject to Judge Roundtre?s approval since summoned as juror, although did not serve 06 14 1915 7 463 31. Committee revising Jury List reported progress. 07 06 1915 7 465 32. Committee revising Jury List reported progress. 08 02 1915 7 475 33. Jurors drawn for September term of Superior Court. 08 02 1915 7 477 34. Grand Jury's report for September term read. 10 04 1915 7 489 35. Jurors drawn for October term of Superior Court. 10 04 1915 7 491 36. New revised Jury List put in Jury Box. 10 21 1915 7 497 37. Jurors drawn for November term of Superior Court. 10 21 1915 7 497 38. Jurors drawn for December term of Superior Court. 11 08 1915 7 509 39. Grand Jury's November term report filed. 11 29 1915 7 513 40. Jurors drawn for January term of Superior Court. 12 07 1915 7 518 41. Jurors drawn for February term of Superior Court, pages 524-525. Ol 10 1916 7 524 42. Jurors drawn for April term of Superior Court. 02 14 1916 7 536 43. Jurors drawn for May term of Superior Court. 04 03 1916 7 545 44. Jurors drawn for June term of Superior Court. 05 18 1916 7 555 45. Grand Jury's June report filed. 07 02 1916 7 569 46. Jurors drawn for September term of Superior Court, pages 574-575. 08 07 1916 7 574 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. , MATT RT JURY aec. u. s. County Indexee Since 1888 ?? ?y?' To loeate namBS, opBn ot COTT A-Z TAB INDEX ??r OFFICE ?i? An Identifying Trade Merlc ?? SURNAME INITIAL iAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN C. UUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE Month Day Year MINUTE BOOK Vol. Page l. Jurors drawn for October term of Superior Court. 09 18 1916 7 583 2. Auditor prese nted a list of citizens who failed to list their polls and this list to go to Grand Jury. 10 02 1916 7 589 3. Jurors drawn for November term of Superior Court. 10 06 1916 7 591 4. Jurors drawn for December term of Superior Court. 11 06 1916 7 594 5. Grand Jury's November report filed. 12 O1 1916 7 595 6. Grand Jury's report recommended repairs on Courthouse. (See: COURTHOUSE) 12 Ol 1916 7 595 7. Jurors drawn for January term of Superior Court. 12 04 1916 7 599 8. Jurors drawn for February term of Superior Court. O1 02 1917 7 605 9. Jurors drawn for April term of Superior Court. 03 05 1917 7 616 10. Jurors drawn for May term of Superior Court. 04 02 1917 7 618 11. Jurors drawn for June term of Superior Court. 06 04 1917 7 624 12. Jurors drawn for September term of Superior Court. 08 15 1917 7 635 13. Jurors drawn for November and December terms of Superior Court, pages 647-648. 11 OS 1917 7 647 14. Jurors drawn for January term of Superior Court. 12 03 1917 7 653 15. Jurors drawn for February term of Superior Court. Ol 07 1918 7 659 16. H.K. Buarh re lieved of jury duty. 03 04 1918 7 673 ll.. Jurors drawn for April term of Superior Court, pages 675-677. 03 04 1918 7 675 18. Jurors drawn for May term of Superior Court, pages 691-692. 04 Ol 1918 7 691 19. Report 03 02 1964 13 299 20. Report 12 21 1964 13 413 21. Report 04 20 1964 13 419 22. Report 08 16 1965 13 515 23. Grand jury re port 11 04 1968 14 266 24. Pay increase 11 06 1972 15 238 ?? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New ? Hanover County, N. C. _ MU JECT JURY COI?M?IISSION ` aes. u. s. ?/?. ?? County lndezes Since 1888 ? Te bWb Ramlt? Op?p Qt COTT Ad TA? INCEX ver OFFICE (.L"c/s///? Anldentifying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TA? MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OH10 SOLD tT ONEN i. YUMN, NEw tERN, MORTH GROLINA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Bill establishing Cost establishing new Appointment to Appointment to Appointment to Appointment to Letter of thanks Additional appropriation Formal Appointment of ?nembers Confirmation reappointment member Payment of inembers Appointment members to Committee Appointment - Wallace West NATURE Of PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Dny Year Vol. Page ' 05 15 1967 14 62 07 17 1967 14 79 07 17 1967 14 79 08 28 1967 14 83 09 18 1967 14 90 09 21 1967 14 92 12 18 1967 14 127 Ol 02 1968 14 131 IO 06 I969 I4 5"9S 10 04 1971 15 19 11 15 1971 15 37 09 18 1972 15 222 08 03 1981 18 900 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MI?IUTES aec. u. s. County Indexea Since 1888 r?t ovrice ?? ? AnldentifyingTradeMark -- New Hanover Count?y, N. C. , MATTER: JURORS Yo loeate names, open at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX ? SURNAMf INITIAL TA8 MIADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OP PROtEEDiNGS DATE Month Day Year MINUTE BOOK Vol. Page 1. Jurors drawn for June term of Superior Court. 05 22 1918 8 10 2. Jurors drawn for September term of Superior Court. 08 05 1918 8 16 3. Jurors drawn for October term of Superior Court. 09 09 1918 8 18 4. Jurors drawn for November term of Superior Court. 11 04 1918 8 24 5. Jurors drawn for December term of Superior Court. 11 19 1918 8 25 6. ;Turors drawn for February term of Superior Court. Ol 06 1919 8 32 7. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 03 03 1919 8 39 8. Jurors drawn for May term of Superior Court p. 44-45. 04 14 1919 8 44 9. J. D. Price, pilot on Cape Fear River, exempted from jury duty. 05 05 1919 8 49 10. Clerk t o Boar d to furnish Magistrate J. J. Moore of Wilmington with a jury list. 05 20 1919 8 54 11. Jurors drawn for June term of Superior Court. 05 23 1919 8 55 12. Jurors drawn for August term of Superior Court. 07 14 1919 8 68 13. Jurors drawn for September term of Superior Court. (p. 71-72) 08 07 1919 8 71 14. Jurors drawn for October term of Superior Court. 09 08 1919 8 76 15. Jurors drawn for November term of Superior Court. 10 21 1919 8 83 16. Jurors drawn for December term of Superior Court. 11 03 1919 8 86 17. Pay of bailiff of Grand Jury increased to $3 per diem. 11 24 1919 8 87 18. Walter L. Parsley relieved of jury duty due to deafness. 11 24 1919 8 87 19. Jurors drawn for January term of Superior Court. 12 08 1919 8 90 20. Jurors drawn for March and April terms of Superior Court. 03 O1 1920 8 101 21. Request from J. C. Shepard for exemption from jury duty declined. 04 05 1920 8 102 22. Jurors drawn for May term of Superior Court. 04 05 1920 8 104 23. Jurors drawn for June term of Superior Court. 05 10 1920 8 110 24. Jurors drawn for September term of Superior Court. p. 120-121. 09 U1 1920 8 120 25. Jurors drawn for October term of Superior Court. 10 04 1920 8 129 26. Jurors drawn for November term of Superior Court. 11 Ol 1920 8 132 27. Jurors drawn for December term of Superior Court. 12 06 1920 8 136 28. Report of Grand Jury for January term read and discussed. Ol 27 1921 8 142 29. Jurors drawn for February term of Superior Court. O1 27 1921 8 142 30. Jurors drawn for March term of Superior Court. 02 10 1921 8 147 31. Jurors drawn for April term of Superior Court. 03 15 1921 8 150 32. Purchase of chairs for jury room referred to Courthouse Committee. 04 04 1921 8 151 33. H. K. Ruark exempted from jury duty. 04 05 1921 8 153 34. Jurors drawn for May and June terms of Superior Court p. 154-155. 05 02 1921 8 154 35. Biil from Sheriff for summoning jurors in case of State vs. Pratt Risley approved. 06 06 1921 8 159 36. T. W. Wood exempted from jury duty due to physical disabilities. 07 05 1921 8 162 37. Commissioners named to revise the Jury List. 07 05 1921 8 163 38. Jurors drawn for July term of Superior Court. 07 12 1921 8 164 39. Jurors drawn for September term of Superior Court. 09 06 1921 8 174 40. Jurors drawn for October and November terms of Superior Court. 10 05 1921 8 177 41. Jurors drawn for December term of Superior Court. 11 27 1921 8 180 42. Jurors drawn for January term of Superior Court. 12 09 1921 8 184 43. Jurors drawn for February term of Superior Court. O1 27 1922 8 187 44. Report from January term of Grand Jury filed. 02 06 1922 8 187 45. Jurors drawn for March term of Superior Court. 02 24 1922 8 189 46. Grand Jury's report for March term of Superior Court filed. 04 10 1922 8 194 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES N H C ? N C - ano?er ew ount y, . . , MATTERT JURORS ` aec. u. s. Counry Indezee Since 1888 To locote namet, open at P?r OFi1CE ??? An Identilying Trade Mark SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A•2 7AB INDEX M?DE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORiH GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUiE BOOK Month I Day I Year Voi. I Page ?l. Jurors drawn for April and May terms of Superior Court. 04 10 1922 8 195 2. JUrors drawn for May and June terms of Superior Court. p. 198-99 OS 10 1922 8 198 3. Jurors drawn for July term of Superior Court. 07 02 1922 8 202 4. Grand Jury's July report referred to Chairman. 07 28 1922 8 205 5. Jurors drawn for September term of Superior Court. 08 21 1922 8 209 6. County to build concrete bridge over Burnt Mill Creek if City pays half of co st as suggested by Grand Jury. 10 02 1922 8 213 7. Jurors drawn for October term of Superior Court p. 213-214. 10 02 1922 8 213 8. Jurors drawn for December term of Superior Court. 11 13 1922 8 216 g; Jurors drawn for January term of Superior Court. 12 08 1922 8 221 10. Jurors drawn for February and March terms of Superior Court. O1 27 1923 8 226 11. Offer of Progressive Building and Loan Assoc. to pay expenses of Grand Jury's investigation into same 03 12 1923 8 232 declined. 12. Jurors drawn for April term of Superior Court. ? 04 02 1923 8 236 13. C. J. Kelloway exempted from jury duty. 04 16 1923 8 239 14. Jurors drawn for May term of Superior Court. 05 07 1923 8 242 15. Criticism of undesirable jurors selected by Board. 06 04 1923 8 244 16. New jury lists presented to Board and public invited to inspect same. 06 04 1923 8 244 17. All members of Wilmington Light Infantry to be put on jury list if qualified. 06 04 1923 8 244 18. Jurors drawn for June term of Superior Court. 06 04 1923 8 244 19. New jury list presented to Board and referred to full meeting of Board. 07 02 1923 8 248 20. Jurors drawn for July for Superior Court. 07 02 1923 8 248 21. Clerk to destroy jury lists in jury box and replace same with revised lists. 07 30 1923 8 255 22. Grand Jury's report for July read and suggestions to be investigated. 08 06 1923 8 256 23. Jurors drawn for September term of Superior Court. 08 31 1923 8 261 24. Jurors drawn for October term of Superior Court. 10 Ol 1923 8 266 25. Jurors drawn for December term of Superior Court. 11 27 1923 8 272 26. Request of J. C. Shepard for jury duty exemption declined. 12 02 1923 8 272 27. Jurors drawn for January term of Superior Court. 12 17 1923 8 ?76 28. Jurors drawn for February term of Superior Court. O1 28 1924 8 280 29. Jurors drawn for March term of Superior Court. 02 19 1924 8 283 30. B. H. Dewey and J. R. Benson not exempted from jury duty. 03 18 1924 8 287 31. Jurors drawn for April term of Superior Court. 03 13 1924 8 287 32. Bills from Secretary of Grand Jury, J. D. Edwards, referred to Superior Court Judge. 04 07 1924 8 290 33. Jurors drawn for May and June terms of Superior Court p. 292-293. 04 21 1924 8 292 34. Bill of J. D. Edwards as stenographer of Grand Jury to be paid if Superior Court Judge approves. 06 04 1924 8 298 35. Grand Jury's May term report on Superior Court read. 06 19 1924 8 300 36. Jurors drawn for July term of Superior Court. 06 30 1924 8 301 37. Grand Jury's report for June term of Superior Court read. 08 08 1924 8 306 38. Jurors drawn for ?eptember term of Superior Court. 08 18 1924 8 307 39. Jurors drawn for September term of Superior Court. 09 02 1924 8 308 40. Jurors drawn for October term of Superior Court. 10 06 1924 8 312 41. Jurors drawn for November and December terms of Superior Court. 11 03 1924 8 313 42. Grand Jury's report for September filed. 12 O1 1924 8 315 43. Jurors drawn for January term of Superior Court. 12 22 1924 8 319 44. Jurors drawn for February term of Superior Court. O1 05 1925 8 322 45. Jurors drawn for March term of Superior Court. 02 02 1925 8 382 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES N H C N C -- ew anover ount?, . . ? MA TERT JURORS ` nec. u, s. County Indezea Since 1888 ?+ ]N•a- to loeate names, open af ?AT OFFICE ?p?? An Identifying Trede Mark ??8 SURNAME INITIAL TAB C07T A-2 7A6 INDEX MIADE BY THE C0T7 INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day I Year Vol. I Page 1. Jurors drawn for April term of Superior Court. 03 16 1925 8 333 2. Jurors drawn for May term of Superior Court. OS 04 ?925 8 338 3. Clerk to Board to revise Jury List from t924 Tax Books. 06 25 1925 8 343 4. Jurors drawn for July term of Superior Court. 06 25 1925 8 343 5. Grand Jury's July report read. 08 04 1925 8 349 6. Jurors drawn for special term of Superior Court. 08 12 1925 8 350 7. Jurors drawn for September term of Superior Court. 09 16 1925 8 352 8. New Jury List to be put in Jury Box. 10 05 1925 8 354 9. Jurors drawn for October term of Superior Court. 10 05 1925 8 354 1Q. Jurors dra?vn for November term of Superior Court. 10 29 1925 8 356 lI. Jurors drawn for December term of Superior Court. 11 28 1925 8 359 12. Jurors drawn for January term of Superior Court. 12 18 1925 8 362 13. T. L. Haggins paid for repairs on Grand Jury room, 12 31 1925 8 364 14. Jurors drawn for February term of Superior Court. O1 28 1926 8 370 15. R. J. Lamb allowed to use old Jury room to take State income tax. 02 12 1926 8 373 16. JlJrors drawn for April term of Superior Court. 03 24 1926 8 379 17. Jurors drawn for March term of Superior Court. 02 15 192b 8 374 18. Juroxs drawn for May and June terms of Superior Court. 04 23 I926 8 383 19. Jurors drawn for July term of Superior Court. 07 12 1926 S 390 20. Jurors drawn for ?eptember term of Superior Court. 08 30 1926 8 396 21. July list of Wilmington Township to be furnished Magistrate G. Smith. 10 04 1926 S 400 22. Jurors drawn for Superior Court for week of October 18, 25 and November 15. 10 14 1926 8 401 23 Recommendation to change present way of drawing jurors to be submitted at December meeting. 11 Ol 1926 8 402 24. J. R. Kenly requested he be excuse from jury duty due to age. 11 O1 1926 8 403 25. Jurors drawn for Superior Court's trial of civil cases. 11 26 1926 8 408 26. Jurors for week of January 17, 1927 drawn. 12 21 1926 8 415 Z?, Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 02 O1 1927 8 423 28. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 03 29 1927 8 432 29. Grand jury report filed for March. 03 29 1927 8 432 30. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 05 02 1927 8 440 31. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 05 31 1927 8 444 32. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 07 12 1927 8 452 33. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 09 20 1927 8 462 34. Revised jury list presented. 09 27 1927 8 464 35. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 11 07 1927 8 465 36. Grand Jury report filed for November. , 11 22 1927 8 474 37. Authority granted for Grand Jury benches. 11 22 1927 8 474 38. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 11 22 1927 8 474 39. New jury list adopted and filed in jury box. 11 22 1927 8 475 40. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 11 30 1927 8 478 41. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 02 21 1928 8 490 42. Grand jury report received for P.4arch. ? . . 03 27 1928 8 501 43. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 04 02 1928 8 507 44. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 04 24 1928? 8 507 45. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 05 20 1928 8 511 46. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 07 11 1928 S 520 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? N C MATT Rr JURORS , . . , a aec. u. s. Counry Indexea Since IB88 ?? ]t?.3-- To locate names, open at r?t OFFICE ?,?1,?,?e.?-.. An Identifying Trade Mark ?.? SURNAME INIiIAL TAB COTT A•Z TAB INDEX MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA DATE MtNUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Yea? Vol. Page 1. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 08 06 1928 8 526 2. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 08 28 1928 8 530 ? 3. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 10 O1 1928 8 535 4. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 11 20 1928 8 543 5. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 12 18 1928 8 550 6. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 02 12 1929 8 559 7. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 03 26 1929 8 566 8. Jurors drawn for Superior Court for March 13, 1929. 04 23 1929 8 572 9. Jurors drawn for Superior Court for June s, i929. 05 21 1929 8 575 10. Grand Jury report received for June. 06 18 1929 8 579 11. Jury list presented, placed in jury box. 07 Ol 1929 8 582 12. Jurors drawn for Superior Court for July 22. 07 O1 1929 8 582 13. Jurors drawn for Superior Court for September 9. 08 20 1929 8 592 14. Jurors drawn for Superior Court for October 14 and 21. 10 O1 1929 8 598 15. Ju?ors drawn for Superior Court for November 11. 10 29 1929 9 4 ? 16. Jurors c?rawn for December 2nd Superior Court. 11 19 1929 9 8 17. Jurors drawn for January 13th Superior Court. 12 24 1929 9 14 18. Jurors drawn for February 3rd Superior Court. 1 14 1930 9 18 19. Jurors drawn for February 3rd Superior Court. 1 14 1930 9 18 20. Grand Jury report for January received. 1 21 1930 9 18 21. Jurors drawn for March term Sup?:rior Court. 2 18 1930 9 25 22. Jurors drawn for April 14thand 21st term of Superior Court. 3 25 1930 9 32 23, Jurors drawn for Mayl2th term of Supe?°ior Court. 4 29 1930 9 40 24. Jurors drawn for June 9th term of Superior Court. S 27 1930 9 44 25. Bill approved for Jurors and Court Officials. Jurors allowed $3 for night session. 7 28 1930 9 51 26. Jurors drawn for September 8th of Superior Court. 8 19 1930 9 72 27. Jurors drawn for October 13th term of Superiox Court. 9 16 193Q 9 59 28. Jurors drawn for November lOth of Superior Court. IO 28 I930 ? 73 I 29. Jurors drawn for November lOth term of Superior Court. 10 28 1930 9 73 ??, 30. Grand Jury report for November referred to Courthouse Committee. ll 18 1930 9 75 31. Jurors drawn for January 12th term of Superior Court. 12 23 1930 9 83 32. Ju.rors drawn. for February 2nd term of Sup?rior Court. 1 20 1931 9 87 33. Jurors draw?n for March 2nd and 9th term of Su.perior Court. 2 17 1931 9 93 34. Grand Jury given $2.37 for auto expense. 3 23 1931 9 99 35. Jurors drawn for April 13th term of Superior Court. 3 30 1931 9 100 36. Jurors drawn for May lltl? term of Superior Court. 4 27 1931 9 104 37. Jurors drawn for June $th term of Superior Court. 6 1 1931 9 111 38. Four water coolers authorized for purchase as recommended by Gra nd Jury. 6 I5 193 9 114 .39. Jurors drawn for July term of Superior Court. 7 1 1931 9 116 ??. P?.y?ent to Annie M. Capps approved for jury list. 7 13 1931 9 117 41. Jury list prepared from 1931 tax books, copy placed in hands of each Commissioner. 7 20 1931 9 119 42. Payment of Jury tickets to E.J. Pigford approved at $2.10, dated January 1925. 7 27 I931 9 lI9 ? 43. Jury drawr? for Superior Court and Chairman returned. 7 27 1931 9 119 44. Jury list prepared at June lst meeting, presented and place? in Jury box. 8 3 1931 9 120 45. Jur?rs drawn for September 14th and 22nd term ?f Superior Court. 9 8 1931 9 127 46. Jurors drawn for October 19th and 26th term of Superior Court. 10 5 1931 9 131 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Ha C t N C nover oun y, . . _?A?TER: Juro rs _ nrc, r?t O u, s. FFIGE ??JJ'J L?.? County Indezea Sinee 1888 ? To foto?i puell?s. opYn af COTT A-2 TAB INDEX AnldentifyingTradeMark SURKAME INITIAL iAQ INACE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, DHIO ' SOLD t3 OWEN i. pUNN, NEN /ERN, MORTH GROt7NA NATURE OF PROtEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day ? Year Vol. Page I. Grand Jury r ecommended complete audit of all County accounts, taken for consideration. 11 23 1931 9 139 2. Jurors drawn for Jarna.ar? 18th and February 8th and 18th term of Superior Court. 12 28 I93I 9 145 3, Grand Jury repor t for January received and considered. . 1 25 1932. 9 149 4. Jurors drawn for March 7th, 14th and Zlth term of Superior C,ourt. .. 2 15 1932. 9 153 5. Jurors drawn for April 18th and 25th term of Superior Court. 3 28 1932 9 159 6. Jurors drawn for May 16th and 30th and June 6th term of Superior Court. 4 25 1932 9 162 7. Jurors drawn for June 13th term of Stzperior Court. 5 13 1932 9 I66 8. Grand Jury report received and filed. 6 20 1932 9 168 9. Jurors drawn for July 25th term o? Superzor Go?.rt. 7 11 1932 9 171 10. Jurors drawn for September 12th and 19th term of Superior Court. 8 22 1932 9 178 11, Jurors drawn for October 17th and 24th term of Sup?rior Court. 9 26 1932 9 183 12. Jurors drawn for December 5th and 13th term of Superior Court. 10 3Z 1932 9 188 13. Grand Jury report received for November. 11 14 1932 9 191 14. Jurors drawn ?or Januar.•y 16th term of Superior Court. 12 27 1932 9 196 15. Jurors drawn for Feburary 6th and 13th term of Superior Court. 1 16 1933 9 199 16. Dr. Russell Bellamy urged revision of Grand Jury system, no ?ction taken. 1 30 1933 9 201 17. Jurors drawn for March 6th and 13th term of Superior Court. 2 13 1933 9 206 18. Jurors drawn for March 20th term of Superior Court. 2 13 1933 9 206 19. Jurors drawn for April 17th and 24th term of Superior Court. 3 27 1933 9 211 20. Grand Jury report :?or March term received and referred t?a Courthouse Committee. 3 27 1933 9 211 21. List of Ta?payers authorized for Jury li.?t. 6 19 1933 9 228 "22. Jurors drawn for July 24th term of Superior Court. 7 3 1933 9 230 23. Jurors dr?wn. for September 18th and 25th Germ of Superior Court. 8 28 1933 9 247 24. ,7urors drawn for two(2) weeks fo? Superior Court. 10 2 1933 9 252 25. ,Turors drawn for November I3th, Decembe-r 4th and llth term of Superior Court. 11 6 1933 9 258 26. Grand Jury report received for NovemL?er. 11 20 1933 9 259 27. Jurors drawn for January 15th, Feburary 5th and 12th term of Superior Court. 1 2 1934 9 265 28. Witness chairs purchased. 1 15 1934 9 266 29. Jurors drawn for March 5th, 12th and ?9th term of Superior C?urt. 2 19 1934 9 274 30. Jurors drawn for April 16th and 2nd week 'cerm of Superior Court. 3 26 1934 9 279 31. Jurors drawn for May 14th term of Su.perior Court. 4 23 1934 9 282 32. ,Turors drawn for May 28th and 2nd week term of Superior Court. 5 14 1934 9 285 33. Jurors drawn for June llth term of Superior Court. 6 4 1934 9 287 34. Jurors drawn for July 4th term of Superior Court. 7 2 1934 9 290 35. Jurors drawn for September lOth and 17th term of Superior Court. 8 20 1934 9 301 36. J?urors drawn for October 15th and 22nd term of Sup?rior Cou.rt. 10 1 1934 9 304 37. Jurors drawn for November 12th term of Superior Court. 10 29 1934 9 308 38. Jurors drawn for Decembe.r 3rd and lOth term of Superior Court. 11 19 1934 9 310 39. Jurors drawn for January 14th term of Sup?rior Court. 12 31 1934 9 316 40. Juro?s drawn for Feburary 4th and llth term of Superior Court. 1 21 1935 9 319 41. Jurors drawn for March 4th, llth and 18th term of Superior Court. 2 18 I935 9 325 42. Jurors drawn for April 15th anc? 22nd t?e.rm of Superior Court. 3 18 1935 9 330 43. Juro?s drawn for May 13th ?nd 2Qth term of Superior Court. 4 29 1935 9 337 44. Payment of Ju ry f ees appr?ved for I?1.H. Croom. 5 13 1935 9 339 45. Jurors drawn for May 27th to June 3r.d ?and lOth term of Superior Court. 5 20 1935 9 342 46. Jurors drawn for September 9th term of Superior Court. ? 8 19 1935 9 376 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. , MATTER: Jurors - nec. u. s. ?y? 'A???? County Indezee Since 1888 ? To lota}a nam?s? op?n ot COTT A•I TA? INDEX r?r OFFICE (.,?,?p?'Jt.?o.? An Identifying Trade Mark M11t E BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OH?O fURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLD iY OWEN 0. pUNN, NEII {ERN, NORTM GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS 1{, Jurors drawn for October 14th term of Superior Court. 2.: Jurors drawn for November llth terr.t ?f Superior Court. 3.; Jurors drawn for December 2nd and 16th term of Superior Court. 4.. Jurors drawn for Special Divorce case in Superior Court. 5„ Jurors drawn for January term of Sttpe?ior Court. 6.,Jurors drawn for February 3rd and lOth term of Superior Court. 7,;.Tury list revised and placed in Jury box. 8. E.C. King awarded contract to repair awnings in Jury room. 9.. Jurors drawn for March 2nd, 9th and 16th term of Superior Court. .10. Jurors drawn for April 13th and 20th term of Superior Court. 11. Jurors drawn for May llth and 18th term of Superior Court. 12?.,.:T?;rors drawn for Ma.y 25th and June lst term of Superior Court. 13. Jurors drawn for June 8th term of Superior Court. 14,. Grand Jury report received. 15. Jurors drawn for September 14th and 21s?. term of Superior Court. 16.: Grand Jury report received and filed. 17. Jurors drawn for October 19th and 26th term of Superior Court. 18. Jurors drawn for November 16th term of Superior Court. 19. Grand Jury report received. 20. Jurors drawn for January llth term of Superior Court. 21. Gr-and Jury report received. 22. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 23..Chairs authorized for Jury. 24,. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 25, Grand Jury report filed for February. 26,_ Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 27.. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 28., Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 29. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 30?. Grand Jury report received, accepted for June. 31,, List of n.ames prepared for Jury list. 32. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 33. Mrs G.L.Bell employed to write Jury list. 34.. Jurors drawri for Superior Court. 35.. Grand Jury report filed. 36. ,?urors drawn for Superior Court. 37, Jurors eirawn for Superior Court. 38., Grand Jury report received for investigation. 39.. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. •?-Fv. Ciiaiiu .iui j' rEYC? ? ?°C°1Vp? . 41. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 42. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 43, Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 44. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 45,. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 46. Grand Jury report received. DATE MINUiE BOOK '? ' Month Day Year Vol. Page ? 9 30 1935 9 383 . ..10 21 1935 9 386 ,.11 18 1935. 9 392 12 9 1935 9 395 ' ,12 30 1935 . 9 399 1 20 1936. 9 402 2 17 1936 9 408 2 24 1936 9 409 Z Z4 I936 9 410 3 30 1936 9 416 4 27 1936 9 423 4 27 1936 9 424 4 25 1936 9 434 4 25 1936 9 434 8 31 1956 9 450 9 21 1936 9 453 10 5 1936 9 456 11 2 1936 9 461 11 23 1936 9 464 12 28 1936 9 472 1 18 1937 9 475 1 18 1937 9 477 2 8 1937 9 479 2 15 1937 9 481 3 1 1937 9 483 3 8 1937 9 485 3 29 1937 9 489 5 17 1937 9 SOl 5 24 1937 9 S03 6 7 1937 9 508 7 6 1937 9 521 7 12 1937 9 522 7 12 1937 9 522 8 30 1937 9 538 9 27 1937 9 542 10 4 1937 9 543 11 8 1937 9 553 - 11 22 1937 9 554 11 22 1937 9 555 11 22 1937 9 555 1 10 1938 9 562 1 24 1938 9 563 2 7 1938 9 566 2 21 1938 9 569 3 14 1938 9 572 3 28 1938 9 575 , INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS N?INUTES -- N H t C N C ?un ?, ew anover . . _?ATTER: Jurors _ eec. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 ? To (oto? nom?f? op?e Of v?T OFFICE ?8i? An Identifying Trade Marlc SUR?'AME INtT1AL TAB COTT A•2 TAB INDEX MIII,6 E BY THE WTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLO ?Y OIMEN i. DUNN, NEN ?ERN, NORTX GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUT E BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Grand Jury list placed in Jury box. . 4 4 1938 ?9 576 2. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 4 Ll 1938 9 577 3. Jurors drawn for Superior Cpurt. 5 2 1938. 9 ?81 4. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. _ 5 L6 1938, '9 ?84 5. Grand Jury report received. 5 ?3 1938_ ?g ?86 6. .Jurors d?awn for Superior Court. „ 6 6 1938_ 9 i89 7. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 7 L1 1938, 9 i99 8. Grand Jury report received and filed. 8 1 1938.. 9 >03 9. Jurors for Civil and Sup?rior Courts drawn. 8 ?9 z938 IO 2 10. Grand Jury matter left with Chairman. 9 _9 1938 10 11 11. Jurors drawn for Sv.perior Court for October 17th term. 10 3 1938 10 15 12. Jurors drawn for November 14th term of Superior Court. 10 .?4 1938 10 21 13. Grand Jury report filed for Superior Court term. 10 :?4 1938 10 21 14. Juror drawn for Superior Court for two(2) weeks. .11 :?8 1938 10 26 15. Jurors drawn for January 9th term of Superior Court. 12 :?8 1938. 10 30 16. Jurors drawn for January 16th term of Superior Court. 12 ?8 1938 10 30 17. J'urors drawn fol? January 16th term of Superior Court. 1 3 1939 10 31 18. Grand Jury report filed. 1 :?3 1939 10 35 19. Jurors drawn for February 6th term of Superior Court. 1 ;?3 I939 10 35 20. Jurors drawn for March 6th and 16th term of Superior Court. 2 :?0 1939 10 42 21. Jurors drawn for March 20th term of Superior Court. 3 6 1939 10 44 22. M?tion carried to furnish Grand Jury with tax lista 3 :?7 1939 10 47 23. Jurors drawn for April 17th term of Superior Court. 4 3 1939 10 49 24. Jurors drawn for May 15th term of Superior Court. 5 1 1939 10 54 25. Grand Jury report filed for Aprila 5 :?2 1939 10 58 26: _Jurors drawn for May 29th term of Superior Courte 5 :?2 1939 10 58 27. Jurors drawr for June 12th te?rn? of Superior Court. S :?9 1939 10 60 28. Jurors drawn for July 24th term of Superior Court. 7 :_0 1939 10 66 29. Grand Jury report received for July term Superior Court. 7 31 1939 10 70 30. Recess taken to meet in Grand Jury room. 8 2 1939 10 71 31. New Jury list authorized. 8 .?8 1939 10 79 32. Jurors drawn for September llth and 18th term of Superior Court. 8 :?8 1939 10 79 33. Grand Jury report received for September. 9 :_8 1939 10 83 34. Jurors drawn for October 16th and 23rd term of Superior Court. 10 2 1939 10 87 35. New Jury list presented for examination. 10 ?3 1939 10 90 36. Jurors drawn for November 13th term of Superior Court. 10 30 1939 10 92 37. Jurors drawn for December term of Superior Court. 11 ?0 1939 10 ,i95 38. Grand Jury report received for November. 11 ?? 1939 10 96 39. Jurors drawn for January 15th term of Superior Court. 1 2 1939 10 L04 4C. Grar?3 Jury repc } re^?;?T?? f^r Ta,,,,?ar;T, r? ? ?????u .,? ??.?? 1 ?2 1939 10 _07 41. Jurors drawn for February 5th term of Superior Court. 1 '?2 1939 10 _Q? 42. Jurors drawn for March 4th term of Superior Court. 2 _2 1939 10 _12 43. Grand Jury report received. 3 ?5 1939 10 _19 44. Jurors drawn for April 15th term of Superior Court. 4 1 1939 10 _20 45. Jurors?drawn for May 13th term of Superior Court. 4 '9 19?9 10 L24 46. Grand Jury report filed for May. 5 :'.0 1939 10 :_28 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES --- New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATTER: Jurors - ee?. u. s. A County lndexea Since 1888 ? To IotOh Oa1M?s. O?Nn Ot COTT A-1 TA! INDEX PAT OFFICE ?BJJ71.LOr.?,, An Idenpfying Trnde Mark MIIC E BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, DHIO SURNAINE lNITIAL TA8 SOLD ?Y OWEN i. CUNN, MEN ?ERN, NORTH GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS l,; Jurors drawn for May and June term of Superior Court. 2?: Grand Jury report received for June. 34; Jurors drawn for Ju.ly 22nd term of Superior Court. 4.; Grand Jtiry report received, referred to Chairman. _ 5,, Jurors drawn for September 9th and 16th term of Superior Court. 6.. Jury list placed in Jury box. 7.. Grand Jury report filed for September. 8.: Jurors drawn for Three (3) weeks for Superior Court. 9. Grand Jury report received, ref?rred to Courthouse Committee. _10.; Jurors drawn for 3anuary 13th term of Superior Court. 11. Jurors drawn tor February 3rd term of Superior Court. 12.. ??and Jury report received for January. 13. Jurors drawn for February 17th teru, of Superior Court. 14.. Jurors drawn for Ma.rch 3rd and lOth terrn of Superior Court. 15.: Jurors drawn for March Z7th term of Superior Court. 16. Grand Jury repor? filed. 17,. Jurors drawn for two (2) weeks for Superior Court. 18._ Jurors drawn for May I2th term of Superior Court. 19. Jurors drawn for May and June term of Superior Coirt. 20.. Grand Jury report received and f?.led. 21, Jurors drawn for June 16th term of Superior Courto 22.. Jurors drawn for July 14th term of Superior Court. 23. Grand Jury report filed. 24. Jurors drawn for August 18th and 25th term of Superior Court. 25. Grand Jury referred for August. 26. Jurors drawn for November 3rd and lOth term of Superior Court. 27._ Jury list authorized. 28. Grand Jury report forwarded to Highway Dept. 29.. Jurors drawn for two (2) weeks for,Superior Court. d?0. Jurors drawn for i'anuary 12th term o£ Superior Court. 31. Juror? drawn for two(2) weeks for Superior Court. 32. Grand Jury -report received, authorized chairs. 33. Jurors drawn for March 9th, 16th and 23rd term of Superior Court. 34. Jurors drawn for two (2) weeks for Superior Court. 35. Jurors drawn for May llth term of Superior Court. 36, Jurors drawn for two (2) weeks for Superior Court. 37. Grand Jury report receiveda 38,. Jurors drawn fox June 8th term of Superior Court. 39. Grand Jury report received on closing of class-B Beer Parlors early. ?v. ?ran? Jur?% i?Y?Y? re?e?vQ?. 4Z.: Jurors drawn for August 24th and 31st term of Su.perior Court. 42. Jurors drawn for October 19th term of Superior Court. 43. Jurors drawn for November 9th and 16th ?.erm of Superior Court. 44. Grand Jury list placed in Jury box. 45t Jurors drawn for two (2) weeks for Superior Court. 46. Jurors drawn for January 11?h term of Superior Court. DATE MINUTE BOOK Month ? Day ? Year Vol. Page 5 20 1939 10 128 . 6 17 1939_ 10 132 „ 7 8 1939. 10 138 . 7 29 1939_ 10 144 8 26 1939, 10 151 9 3 1939. 10 152 9 30 1939 10 155 11 4 1939 10 161 ZZ Z8 1939 ?0 ?&3 12 30 1939 10 172 1 20 1941 10 176 1 27 1941 10 177 2 3 1941 10 180 2 17 1941 10 183 3 3 1941 10 186 3 24 1941 10 190 3 31 1941 10 191 4 28 1941 10 Z97 S 18 1941 10 200 5 19 1941 10 203 6 2 1941 10 208 7 14 1941 10 214 7 28 1941 10 219 8 11 1941 10 223 9 2 1941 10 226 10 20 1941 10 237 10 27 1941 10 237 11 10 1941 10 240 11 17 1941 10 242 12 29 1941 10 247 1 I9 I942 10 253 2 26 1942 10 254 2 23 1942 10 260 3 30 1942 10 265 4 27 1942 10 269 5 11 1942 10 272 5 18 1942 10 273 5 25 1942 10 274 6 15 1942 10 277 8 3 1942 10 285 8 17 1942 10 288 10 5 1942 10 295 10 :?6 1942 10 299 10 26 194?2 10 299 11 23 1942, 10 303 12 28 1942 10 310 H C t N C INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -?- N oun anover ?, . . ew _ MATTER• Jurors - a¢c. u. s. Coun?y indezee SinCe 1888 ? 7?+.}?' TO IOCOiY OOM?S. Op?n Ot r?r OFFICE ??1L?e-?' An Idrntifyin¢ Trade Mark ??`g SURKAME INITIAL TAB COTT A-Z TAB INDEX MwL E BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOID YY OWEN i. pUNN, NEN ?ERN, NORTN GROLINA DATE MINUiE BOOK ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Grand Jury report received for January. 1 18 1943 10 313 2, Grand Jury report filed for January. ? 18 1943., 10 313 3. Jurors drawn for Feburary lst term of Superior Co7..irt. 1 25 1943 10 314 4. Jurors drawn for Feburary 22nd term of Superior Court. 2 15 1943 10 317 5. Jurors drawn for March 8th term of Superior Court. a , 3 1 1943. 10 318 6. No action taken to increase Jury fees. 3 8 1943 10 319 7. Jurors drawn for April 12th and?l9th_te??tn. of Su?erior Court. 3 29 1943 10 322 8. Jurors drawn for May IOth term of Superior Court. _ 4 26 I943_ 10 328 9. Jurors drawn for May 24th ter? of Superior Cozzrt. S 10 1943 10 330 10. Grand Jury regort filed. 5 10 1943 10 330 11. Jurors drawn for June 7th term of Superior Court. 5 24 1943 10 332 12. Jurors drawn for June 21st term of Superior Court. 6 7 1943 10 334 13. Grand Ju?y report filed. 6 21 1943 10 336 14. Jurors drawn for July 26th term of Superior Court. ? 7 6 1943 10 339 15. Jurors drawn for August t?rm of Superior Court. 8 9 1943 10 3.? 16. Jurors drawn for October 18th and 25th term of Superior Court. 10 4 1943 10 352 17. Grand Jury report filed. 11 15 1943 :10 ?57 18. Jurors drawn for December 13th term of Superior Court. 11 29 1943 10 3S9 I9. Jurors drawn for January I7th term of Superior Court. 1 3 1944 IO 363 20. Grand Jury repo?t filed. 1 24 1944 10 365 21. Jurors drawn for Feburary 7th term of Superior Court. 1 24 1944 10 366 22. Jurors drawn for March 13th and 20th term of Superior Court. 2 28 1944 10 373 23. Jurors drawn for April 17th term of Superior Court. 4 3 1944 10 377 24. J?.rors drawn for May 15th term of Superior Court, 5 1 1944?10 381 25. Jurors drawn for May and June term of Superior Court. 5 15 1944 10 384 26. Grand Jury report filed, 5 22 1944 10 385 27. Jurors drawn for August 21st and 28th term o? Superior Court. 8 7 1944 10 398 28. Grand Jury report received. 8 7 1944 10 398 29. Grand Jury report received. 9 5 1944 10 404 30. Jurors drawn for October 2nd term of Superior Court. 9 18 J_944 10 405 31. Jurars drawn for two (2) weeks for Superior Court. 10 2 1944 10 407 32. Jurors drawn for November 6th and 13th term of Superior Court. 10 23 1944 10 410 33. Grand Jury report received. 11 20 1944 10 414 34. Jurors drawn for December 4th and llth term of Superior Court. 11 20 1944 10 415 35. Jurors drawn for January 15th term of Superior Court. 12 27 1944 10 420 36. Jurors drawn for January 15th term of Superior Court. 1 15 1945 10 423 37. Jur?rs drawn for Feburary 5th and 12th tert? of Superior Court. 1 22 1945 10 424 38. Grand Jury report filed. 1 29 1945 10 425 39. Jurors drawn for Feburary 26th term of Superior Court. 2 12 1945 10 427 4?. Jurors drawn for March 12th and 19th term of Superior Court. 2 26 1945 ?0 430 41. Jury list authorized. 2 26 1945 10 430 42. Grand Jury report filed. 4 3 1945 10 433 43. Jurors drawn for April 16?h ?erm of Superior Court. 4 3 1945 10 433 44. Jurors drawn for May 14th term of Superit?r Court. 4 30 1945 10 439 45. Jurors drawn for May 28th and June llth term o? Superior Court. 5 14 1945 10 440 46. Grand Jury report received.for May. 5 21 1945 10 441 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. _? TTER: ,_Jurors - ae?. u. s. County Indexea Since 1888 ?? ?y-- TO 1Ot11?? nam?s, Op?D Ot COiT A•2 7A6 INDEX rer OFFICE ??11?e.? AnldentifyingTradeMark ?? SURIiAM6 (NITIAL TAB MI?EE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, DHIO SOLD tT OWEN 0. YUNN, NEN ?ERN, NORTII GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS 1:, Grand Jury report filed. 2,, Jurors drawn for May 23rd term of Superior Court. 3.. Grand Jt?.ry report taken under considerstion on County Home Building. 4.; Jurors r?rawn for August 13th term of Superior Court. 5.` Letter received approving reso?ution, Jurors to be summoned. 6,, J?u.rors drawn for October 8th and 15th term of Superior Court. 7,. Jury list authorized. 8.. Jurors drawn for October 29th term of Superior Court. 9. Grand_Jury rer:art recezvea. 10. Jurors drawn for two (2) week for Superior Court, 11, Jurors drawn for January 14th term of Superior Court. 12. Grand Jury report filed. 13. Jurors drawn for Feburary 4th term of Superior Court. 14.- Juror.s drawn for March llth term ot Superior Court. 15. Jurors drawn for April term of Superior Court. 16., Grand Jury report filed. 17.. Jurors drawn for May 13th term of Superior Court. 18?. Jurors drawn for May 27th term of Superior Court. 19. Grand Jury report received. 20.. Jurors drawn for July 22nd term of Superior Court. 21, Jurors drawn for 12th and 19th term of Superior Court. 22. Grand Jury report received. 23.. Date set to summon Jury for Superior Court for Civil term. 24.. Grand Jury report received, committee to be appointed on office £or Highways and public works. 25.. Jurors drawn for October term of Superior Court. 26.. Jurors drawn for November 4th terr-i. of Superior Court. 27. Grand Jury report received. 28. Jurors drawn for December 2nd term of Superior Court. 29.. Jurors drawn for January and Feburary term of Super?or Court. 30.. Grand Jury report filed. 31._ J?.rors drawn for Feburary term of Superior Court, 32. R.M. Kermon request endorsement on increased Jury fees, motion failed. 33. Jurors drawn for March lOth term of Superior Court. 34. Grand Jury report filed. 35.. Jurors drawn for two (2) weeks for Superior Court, 36. Jurors drawn for April 21st term of ?uperior Court. 37. Jury fees fixed. ? 38. Action rescinded and all Jury fees fixed, considerstion taken on increase. 39,. Jurors drawn for May 12th term of Superior Court. 40.. Payment authorized to E?B.Ward, Juror and April 7th action approved on Jta-r? fee?. 41._ Grand Jt?ry report filed for Apri1 term. 42. Jury list authorized. 43., Jurors drawn for Civil and Criminal terms of Superior Court. 44. Grand Jury report received. 45. Grand Jury report received. DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 6 5 . ? _ 8 9 9 10 10 ?? 11 12 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 7 7 7 9 9 10 11 11 12 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 S 5 6 18 1945. 10 446 21 1945 10 442 30 1945. 10 452 6 1945_. 10 453 17 1945 10 458 24 1945 10 459 8 1945 10 461 15 1945 10 462 5 ?945 ZD 4bb 19 1945 10 467 31 1945 10 475 21 1946 10 478 21 1946. 10 478 25 1946 10 483 25 1946 10 487 25 1946 10 478 29 1946 10 495 13 1946 10 496 17 1946 10 501 8 1946 10 504 29 1946 10 506 29 1946 10 506 29 194? 10 506 3 1946 10 514 23 1946 10 517 7 1946 10 520 4 1946 10 524 18 1946 10 527 30 1946 10 532 20 1947 10 536 3 1947 10 538 24 1947 10 546 24 1947 10 547 17 1947 10 550 24 1947 10 551 7 1947 10 558 14 1947 10 559 14 1947 10 560 28 1947 10 562 28 1947 10 562 5 1947 10 S63 12 1947 10 565 12 1947 10 565 19 1947 10 566 16 1947 10 511 I NDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- N H t N C C anover ?, ew oun . . _ MATTER• Jurors - nec. v?r O u. s. '??/,? County Indezee Since 1888 ? io IoCa+! eom?s, open pt FFICE ?fJ?o-? An IdentiEying Trade Mark SURIiAME tNIT1A4 TAB COTT A-2 TAB INDEX MILL F BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, DNIO SQLD tY OWEN G. GUNN, NEIN tERN, NORTN GROLINA NATURE OF PROtEEDINGS DATE MINUTEBOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Jurors fees fixed on regular t?.les and special venirener. 7 7 1947 10 574 2. Jurors drawn for July 21st term of Superior Court. .. 7 7 1947 10 574 3.. Grand Jury report filed. . 7 28 1947 10 577 4. Jurors drawn for Au?ust llth term of Superior Court. 7 Z8 ?_947 10 578 5. Jurors drawn for August 18th term of Superior Cour?. 8 Ll L947 10 579 6. Grand Jury report filed. 9 2 L947 10 583 ?• Jury l ist placed in Jury box. 9 L5 _947 10 585 8. Jurors drawn for October 6th term of Superior Court. 9 ?2 i_947 10 586 9. Jurors dra?an for November 3ra term of Super?or Court. 10 i_3 :1947 10 589 10. Jurors drawn for December lst term of Superior Cpirt. 11 3 :?_947 10 593 11. Jury r eport filed. 11 3 :?_947 10 593 12. Grand Jury report filed. 11 ?4 :?_947 11 2 13. Ju?ors drawn for Superior Courto 12 ?2 ?.947 11 7 14. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 1 ?_9 :!_948 ?1 10 15. Grand Jury report filed. 1 ?6 ?_948 11 11 16. Jurors drawn for March term of Superior Court. 2 :?_6 :?_948 11 14 17. J?u.rors drawn for Apri1 term of Superior Court. 3 Z2 :?_948 _ 11 18 18. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 4 :i_2 :i_948 11 21 19. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 5 :?_0 :1948 11 26 20e Grand Jury report filed. 5 ?_7 ?_948 11 27 21. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. S :?4 :?_948 Il 29 22. Grand Jury report filed. 6 ?_4 :?_948 11 32 23. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 7 i_2 i_948 11 36 24. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 8 2 :?_948 11 38 25. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 8 2 :?_94b 11 39 26. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 9 ,?0 :?_948 11 46 27. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 10 i_8 i_948 11 52 28. Grand Jury report filed. 11 8 ;i_948 11 56 29. Grand Jury report filed. 11 ?_5 ?_948 11 57 30. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 11 i_5 ?_948 11 57 31. .Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 12 Z8 ?_948 Il 65 32. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 1 ,?4 ':_949 11 69 33. Jurors eirawn for Superior Court. 2 ;?8 :.949 Z1 78 34. Grand Jury report filed. 3 :?8 :.949 11 83 35. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 4 4 :.949 11 85 36. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 5 2 _949 11 91 37. Jurors drawn for Sup?rior Court. 5 _6 949 11 93 38. Grand Jury report filed. 5 ?3 :.949 11 95 39. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 5 31 _949 11 97 40. Grand Jury repoit filed. 6 .?0 :.949 11 102 41. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 7 _1 _949 11 106 42. Grand Jury report filed. _ 8 1 :.949 11 111 43. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 8 8 :.949 11 113 44. New Ju ry list presented. 8 8 :_949 11 113 45. Jurors drawn. for Superior. 8 :'.2 :.949 11 116 46. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 9 ::6 =.949 11 123 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER: Jurors - xec. u. s. County lndexes Sinee 1888 ? To loca+? nam?s, Opln Ot COTT A-S TA? INDEX MILCE B11 THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO e?r OFFICE ?9L?,s-'z? An Identifying Trade Mark fURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLD ?Y OWEN i. YUNN, NEIr tERN, NORTN GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS l, Jurors dr?.wn for Superior Court. 2t Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 3. Grand Jury report filed. 4? Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 5? Revised Jury list postponed. 6. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 7? Jury list approved placed in Jury box. 8. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 9. Grand Jury report fi3ed. 10.. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 11. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 12. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 13.: Jury handbook to be secured. 14.. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 15. Grand Jury report filed. 16., Grand Jury report filed. 17. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 18. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 19. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 20.. Grand Jur? report filed. 21. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 22. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 23.. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 24.. Grand Jury report filed. 25. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 26. Jurors dra?,m for Superior Court. ,27. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 28., Grand Jury report filed. 29. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 30. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 31. Jurors drawn for ?u?erior Court. 32. Grand Jury report filed. 33. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 34. Jurors drawn for Superi?r Court. 35. Grand Jury foreman's letter received on Courthouse painting. 36. Grand Jury report filed. ?7. Jurors drawn for Sup?rior Court. 38. Jurors drawn for Supe?ior Court. 39. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 40. Grand Jury report filed for June. 41. G?and Jury report filed ftir July. 42. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 43. Grand Jury report filed, Grand Jury list to be revised. 44. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 45. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 46..Jurors drawn for Superior Court. DATE Month ? Day Year MINUTE'BOOK Vol. Page 10 10 1949 11 10 24 1949_ ll 11 14 1949.. 11 11 21 1949. 11 12 28 1949 11 1 3 1950 11 1 16 1950 11 1 23 19?0 11 ? 30 ?950 ?? 2 13 1950 11 2 28 1950 11 3 27 1950 11 4 24 1950 11 5 1 1950 11 5 22 1950 11 7 10 1950.11 7 10 1950 11 7 31 1950 11 8 21 1950 11 8 28 1950.11 9 25 1950 11 10 9 1950 11 11 20 1950 11 11 20 1950 11 11 20 1950 11 1 1 1950 11 1 22 1951: 11 1 29 1951 11 2 12 1951 11 2 26 1951 11 3 26 1951 11 3 26 19??' 11 4 30 1951 11 5 21 1951 11 5 28 1951 11 6 4 1951 11 7 2 1951 11 7 30 1950 11 7 30 1951 11 8 13 1951 11 8 13 1951 11 9 17 1951 11 9 24 1951 11 10 22 1951 11 11 T9 1951 11 11 26 1951 11 127 130 135 137 143 145 148 152 152 157 160 167 179 183 186 194 195 200 205 206 212 216 225 225 225 232 236 ?37 241 244 250 250 257 261 263 263 268 268 276 280 280 288 289 297 304 305 INDEX TO COMMI SSIONERS H C t N C MINUTES -?- N anover oun ew ?, . . _ MATTER: Jurors - ee?. u. s. rnr OFFICE ? County Inde:ee Since 1888 ? Anldentifying Trade Mark ? TO IOCO?! Ilol?l?t, Op?ll Ot fURFiAME INITIAL TAB COTT A-2 TA? INDEX MIACF BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, DHIO SOLD YY OWEN 0. oUNN, NEII ?ERN, NORTN GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 12 13 1951 11 310 2. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 1 28 1952 11 314 , 3. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 2 25 1952. 11 320 4. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. _ 3 31 1952„ 11 327 5. Jurors drawn for Superior Courto 5 5 1952,. 11 335 _ 6. Jurors drasan for Superior Court. 5 ?6 1952 11 338 7. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 6 30 1952 11 346 8. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 7 21 1952 11 352 9. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 9 15 1952 11 365 10. Jurors drawn for ?uperior Court. 9 29 1952 11 368 11. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 11 17 1952• 11 379 12. Ju-rors drawn for Superior Court. 12 15 1952 11 386 13. Jury seating complaints made. 1 12 1953 11 391 14. Attention cal led on Jury ticketg. 1 12 1953 11 391 15. J?.rors drawn for Superior Ca?.rt, 1 19 1953 11 393 16. Juror? drawn for Superior Court. 2 9 1953 11 399 17. Increase in J ury recommended. 3 2 1953 11 404 18. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 3 30 1953 11 405 19. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 3 30 1953 11 412 20. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 5 4 1953 11 419 21. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 5 11 I953 11 420 22. New Jury list presented, ladies club cont:.acted for more names. 6 15 1953 11 429 23. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 7 6 1953 ll 435 24. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 8 3 1953 11 443 25. Grand Jury re port filed. 8 24 1953 11 448 26. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 9 21 1953 11 454 27. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 10 26 1953 11 463 28. Grand Jury report filed. 11 23 1953 11 467 29. Jurors drawn for SupM?rior Court. 11 23 1953 11 468 30. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 12 28 1953 11 477 31. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 1 18 1954 11 480 32. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 2 1 1954 11 483 33. Grand Jury re port filed. 2 1 1954 11 483 3?. 3urars drawn for Superior Court. 3 1 1954 11 490 35. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 3 8 1954 11 492 36. Grand Jury report filed. .3 8 1954 11 492 37. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 3 22 1954 11 495 38. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 4 20 1954 11 506 39. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 5 17 1954 11 514 40. Dannie Camers on approved payment for Jury se?ection. 5 24 I9?4 il 515 41. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 5 24 1954 11 516 42. Grand Jury report filed. 6 1 1954 11 517 43. Jury meal ticket approved for payment in trial of Luke Rourk. 6 1 1954 11 517 44. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 7 6 1954 11 528 45. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 8 2 1954 11 535 46. Grand Jury re port filed. 8 2 1954 11 535 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATiERT Jurors - ees. u. s. County Indexee Since 1888 ? 10 loeat? nama, op?0 af COTT A-Z TA6 INDEX PAT OFFICE ??G?y?„ An Idenpfying Trade Mark M16C E BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO fURNAME INITIAL TAB SOLD YY OWEN i. YUNN, NEw ?ERN, NORiH GROLINA NATURE Of PROCEEDINGS 1.; Jury list drawn. 2.. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 3.? Grand Jury report filed. 4.. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 5., Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 6,; Grand Jury report filed. 7,. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 8,. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 9. Jurors arazan for Superior Court. 10._ Grand Jury report filed. 11. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 12. Grand Jury report filed. 13.. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 14.. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 15. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 16,. Grand Jury report filed. 17.: Revised Jury list approved. 18.. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 19. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 20. Grand Jury report filed. 21.. Grand Jury report filed. 22,? ?7u?ors drawn for Superior Court. 23. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 24. Grand Jury report filed ior October. 25. Jurors drawn for Superior Gourt. 26.. Grand Jury report filed. 27. Jurors d?rawn for Superior Court. 28.. Grand Jury report filed. 29. Jurors drawn for Superior Court. 30.. Grand Jury to in.vestigate County Home and Farm. 31. Jurors drawn for Superior Court Civil cases. 32. Jurors drawn for Superior Court criminal cases. 33. Railroad type o-telegraph operators exempt from Jury duty. 34. Jurors drawn for Superior Court Civil cases. 35.. Discussion of Grand Jury investigation. 36.. Grand Jury report filed. 37. Jurors drawn for April term of Superior Court. 38. Grand Jury report filed. 39.. Mr. H. W. Millican excused from Jury duty.. 4Q." Jurors drawn for May term of Superior Court. 41.. Jurors drawn for June term of Superior Court. 42.. Request granted to releave twelve ?(12) from Jury duty. 43.. Grand Jury report for May filed. 44. Grand Jury to meet with Commissioners and the Board of Education. 45.. Accepted invitation to meet with Jury 7-30-56. 46. Jurors drawn for July term of Superior Court. DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 9 13 9 13 10 4 10 25 11 1 11 22 11 22 1 3 1 17 1 24 2 28 3 7 3 28 4 25 6 6 6 20 7 11 7 11 7 25 8 29 8 29 9 16 9 26 10 10 10 24 11 14 11 28 12 13 12 19 1 3 1 23 2 6 2 20 2 27 2 27 3 5 3 19 4 16 4 16 4 16 5 21 5 28 5 28 6 18 7 2 7 9 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1955 ?955 1955 1955 1955 1954 1955 1955 1954 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955. 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 I? 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 541 541 545 459 551 555 556 566 569 571 579 580 586 592 604 607 612 613 618 622 62? 632 2 8 11 17 21 26 28 32 37 42 45 47 48 50 54 60 60 62 71 72 72 77 80 82 IN H t DEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES a-- N C N C oun ?, ew anover . . _ MATTER: Juror s - Re?. u. PAT OFFI s. Cour+ty Indexee Since ]888 ? TO loeati nam?s, OpNll ot ??? An lden6fying Trade Marlc CE SIlRKAME INITIAL TA9 COTT A-Z TAS INDEX Mut E BY TNE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD ?1 OWEN G. DUNN, NEII ?ERN, NORTN GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day lfear Vol. Page l. Grand Jury and Commissioners discussed the County's auditing system. . 7 30 1956, 12 86 .. 2. Jurors drawn for August term of Superior Court. 7 30 1956 12 87 . 3. Jurors drawn for September term of Superior Court. 8 20 1956. 12 91 . 4. Grand ,Tury report filed for August. 8 29 1956. 12 92 5. Jurors drawn for October term of Superior Court. 9 10 1956 12 94 6. Octobe r report received requesting action taken to appoint a County building inspector. 10 8 1956 12 99 7. Jurors drawn for October term of Superior Court. 10 8 1956 12 100 8. Board to appoint County Building Inspector. 10 22 1956 12 102 . 9. Grand Jury requeste?' report on Building Inspector, term 10-29-56. 10 29 1956 12 104 10. Jurors drawn for November term of Superior Court. 10 29 1956 12 105 11. Grand Jury rep?r? received and filed. 11 5 1956 12 106 12. Jurors drawn for December term of Superior Court. 11 19 1956. 12 108 13.. Jury l ist to b? revised. 12 3 1956 12 112 14. Jurors dr?.wn for Januar? term of Superior Court. 12 17 1956 12 117 15. Names for Grand Jury re?ceived for checking. 1 14 1957 12 122 16. Grand Jury report received for January. 1 21 1957 12 123 17• Jurors drawn for Feburary term of Superior Court Civil cases. 1 21 1957 12 124 18. Jurors drawn for Feburary term of Superior Court criminal cases. 2 11 1957 12 130 19. Jurors drawn for March term of Superior Court. 2 25 1957 12 134 20. Grand Jury r?port received for Feburary. 3 4 1957 12 135 21. Jurors drawn for April term of Superior Court 3 25 1957 12 140 22. Jurors drawn for May term of Superior Court criminal cases. 4 15 1957 12 146 23. Jurors d.rawn for May term of Superior Court civil cases. 4 29 1957 12 148 24. Grand Jury report received for May. 5 27 1957 12 155 25. Jurors drawn for June term of Superior Court. 5 27 1958 12 156 26. Grand Jury report filed. 8 5 1957 12 172 27. Jurors drawn for August term of Superior Court criminal cases. 8 S 1957 12 172 28. Jurors drawn for September term of Superior Court civil cases. 8 5 1957 12 173 29. Grand Jury report received for August term of criminal cases. 8 26 1957 12 176 30. Jurors dr?wn for October term of Superior Court civil cases. 9 26 1957_ 12 181 31. Grand Jury report for September received. 10 7 1957 l2 185 32. Jurors drawn for October term of Superior Court. 10 7 1957. 12 186 33. Letter with list of Railroad employees exempted from Jury duty. 10 21 1957 12 189 34. 3urors drawn for November term of Superior Court. 10 28 1957 12 190 35. Grarid Jury report received for October. 11 4 1957 12 192 36. Jurors drawn for December term of Superior Court. 11 18 1957 12 194 37. Board met with Grand Jury. 12 2 1957 ?12 198 38. Grand ?ury report read, accepted and referred to the Board of Education. 12 5 1957 12 200 39. Jurors drawn for December term of Superior Court civil cases. 12 9 1957 12 201 40. Jurors drawn for January term of Superior Court. 12 23 1957 12 205 41. Grand Jury report received and filed. 1 20 1958 12 216 42. Jurors drawn for Feburary term of Superior Court ci?ril cases. 1 20 1958 12 217 43. Grand Jury questions referred to County Attorney. 2 3 1958 12 221 44. Jurors drawn for Feburary ter?Y of Superior Court criminal cases. 2 3 1958 12 221 45. Jurors drawn for March term of Superior Court civil cases. 2 24 1958 12 227 46. Jurors drawn fc?? March term of Superior Court criminal cases. 2 24 1958 12 228 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -? New Hanover Count?, N. C. eec. u. s. County Indexee Since f888 ? TO IOGO+? na1Mf. OpfO af PAT OFFICE ?,?1.?- An Identifying Trade Mark SURNAME INlTIAL TAB „G NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS SUBJECT ? _ MATTER: Jurors - COii A•2 TAi INDEX MItCE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, (OLUMBUS, DHIO SOLO YT OWEN i. DUNN, NEN tERM, NORTN GROLINA , l,, Grand Jury report received for Feburary. 2?? Jurors drawn for April term of Superior Court Criminal c?.ses. 3:: Jurors drawn for April term of Superior Court Civil cases. 4?; Jurors drawn for May term of Su.perior Court Civil cases. 5?. Grand Jury report received. 6.; Jurors drawn for May term of Superior Court Criminal cases. 7.. Jurors drawn for May term of Superior Court Civil cases. 8.. Jurors dz?awn for June term of Superior Court ?ivil cases. 9. Authorized drawing forty-eight (48) names for Jury iist instead of thirty-six (36). 10. Jury pay delayed for invoice. 11. Jurors drawn for August term of Superior Court Civil cases. 12. Jurors drawn for August term of Superior Court Criminal cases. 13. Grand Jury report for August received, discussion of Special Jury Committee. 14? Jurors drawn for September term of Superior Court. 15., Jurors drawn for October term of Superior Court Civil cases. 16.. Grand Jury report for September. 17. Letter requesting Grand Jury to investigate complaint of prisoners. 18, Jurors drawn. for October term of Superior Court Crim?nal cases. 19. Jurors drawn for November term of Superior Court Civil cases. 20.: Grand Jury report received. 21. Jurors drawn for December term of Superior Co?.rt Criminal cases. 22, Letter from Cape Fear Medical Society in defense of Grand Jury report for October. 23. Grand Jury report received for December. 24.: Authorized cu?ions for chairs in ;rand Jury room. 25. Jurors drawn for Januar?-term af ?uperior Co?urt Criminal cases. 26. Jurors drawn for January term of Superior Court Civil cases. 27.. Grand Jur? report received. 28. Jurors drawn for Feburary term of Superior Court Civil cases. 29. Jurors drawn for March term of Superior Court. 30.. ?rand Jury report for Feburary received. 31. Juror? drawn for April term of Superior Court. 32. Grand Jury report received for April. 33. Jurors drawn for May term of Superior Court Civil cases. 34.,Jurors drawn for May term of Superior Court Civil cases. 35. Jurors drawn for May term of Superior Court Criminal cases. 36. Jurors drawn for August term of Superior Court Criminal cases. 37. Jurors drawn for August term of Superior Court Criminal cases. 38. Jurors drawn for supplementary duty in Superior Court. 39. Jurors drawn for September term of Stzperior Court Civil cases. 40. Grand Jury r??ort received for August 1959. 41. Jurors drawn for October term of Superior Court?riminal cases. 42. Special Venire, Jurors drawn for the trial of Valno Wenthworth Jamieson and Fox Mosley. 43.. New Jury Zist to be made. - 44.. Grand Jury report received on inspection of County Farm, Home, Clinics and Jail. 45. Jurors drawn for November term of Superior Court Civil cases. 46. Jurors drawn for December term of Superior Court Criminal cases. DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 3 3 1958 12 232 3 17 1958 12 235 „ 3 31 1958 12 240 4 14 1958, 12 244 „ 4 14 1958 12 244 S 5 1958_ 12 255 5 12 I958 12 257 5 26 1958. 12 261 6 9 I958 IZ 265 6 9 1958 12 266 7 14 1958 12 279 7 28 1958 12 284 8 25 1958 12 296 8 25 1958 12 297 9 15 1958 12 304 10 6 1958 12 313 10 20 1958 12 318 10 27 1958 12 320 11 3 1958 12 322 11 10 1958 12 324 11 10 1958 12 329 11 24 1958 12 333 12 8 1958 12 340 12 8 1958 12 340 12 15 1958 12 344 12 22 1958 12 348 1 19 1959 12 362 1 19 1959 12 362 2 9 1g59 12 376 3 9 1959 12 395 3 16 1959 12 397 4 13 1959 12 415 4 13 1959 12 415 5 4 1959 12 431 5 18 1959 12 437 7 6 1959? 12 462 8 3 1959 12 480 8 3 1959 12 480 8 17 1959 12 490 9 ? 1959 12 495 9 8 1959 12 495 10 5 1959 12 503 10 19 1959 12 506 10 19 1959 12 507 10 19 1959 12 508 11 2 1959 12 512 H t N C INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- N C anover oun ?, . ew . _ MATTER• Jurors - xcc. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 ? 70 IOtO? ?Omet? OpfD Ot PAi OFFICE ?? Anldenrifying Trade Msrk SURNAME INITIAL TAi COTi A-2 TAB INDEX M1LtF BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OH10 SOLD ?Y OWEN i. DUNN, MEw 6ERN, NORTN GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Grand Jury report received for November Znd terrn of Criminal Court. 11 16 1959 12 517 2. Difficult reported in drawing new Jia.ry list, motion carried to draw list at proper time...l2 ?1 195?. 12 526 3. Grand Jury report received for December term of Criminal Court. 12 ?l 1959. 12 527.. 4. Jurors drawn for January term of Superior Court Criminal cases. .12 ?1 1959. 12 527 5. Jurors drawn for Feburary term of Superior Court Civil cases. 1 L8 1960 12 538 6. Grand Jury report for January 1:960. ? 1 1960 12 540 7. Jurors drawn for Feburary term of Superior Court Civil and Criminal cases. 2 1 1960 12 542 . 8. Grand Jury report received for Feburary 1960. „ 3 7 1960, 12 549 . 9. Jurors drawn for April term of Superior Court. 3 7 I960 I2 SSI . 10. Grand Jury report received on inspection of County Home, Stockade and Jail. 4 ?_8 1960 12 564 11. Jurors drawn for May term of Superior Court. 4 i_8 1960 12 567 12. Jurors drawn for June term of Superior Court. 5 ?_6 1960 12 575 13. Grand Jury repc?rt received for May. 6 6 1960 12 579 14. Grand Jury report received for June. 7 5 1960 12 585 15. Jurors drawn for August term of Superior Court. 7 5 1960 12 585 16. Jurors drawn for September term of Superior Court. 8 1 1960 12 603 17. Jurors drawn for October term of Superior Court. 9 6 1960 12 608 18. Grand Jury repor? received for August 1, 1960. 9 6 1960 12 610 19. Jurors drawn for November term of Superior Court. 10 3 1960 12 617 ?20. Grand Jury report for October, referred County Home problem to Committee. 10 '.7 1960 12 619 21. Grand Jury report received. 11 7 1960 12 626 22. Jurors drawn for December term of Superior Court. 11 7 1960 12 627 23. Jurors drawn for Jan.uary term of Superior Court. 12 S 1960 12 633 24. Grand Jury report received for December term of Criminal Court. 12 :.9 1960 l2 638 25. Jurors drawn f??? Feburary term of Superior Court Criminal cases. 1 3 1961 12 641 26. Jurors drawn for February term of Superior Court Criminal cases. 1 ?.6 1961 12 ?44 27. Grand Jury report received for J?.ai.a3.?.ry term of Superior Court. 2 6 1961 12 646 2?. Jurors drawn for March term of Superior Court. 2 6 1961 12 647 29. Grand Jury report for July received, Jury to meet with Commissioners. 3 6 1.961 12 652 30. Jurors drawn for April term of Superior Court. 3 6 '.961 12 653 31. J??.roxs drawn for May term of Superior Court. 4 4 1_961 12 662 32. Grand Jury report received for April 1961. 4 ?_7 :_961 12 666 33. Jurors drawn for June term of Superior Court. 5 1.5 '..961 12 683 34. Grand Jury report for May received. 6 5 '?_961 12 685 35. New Jury list to be secured. 6 5 _961 12 685 36. Grand Jury report for June term of Criminal Court. 6 ?_9 _961 12 689 37. Jurors drawn for July and August term of Superior Court. 7 L7 L961 12 699 38. Grand Jury report for July received. 8 7 L961 13 6 39. Jurors drawn for September term of Superior Court. 8 7 L961 13 9 40. Gr?nd Jury report or_ schools3 letter clarifing regort ?o J??c_]ge. 9 5 L961 13 16 41. Jurors drawn for October term of Superior C? urt. 9 L8 L961 13 20 42. Jurors drawn for September term of Superior Court. 10 2 L961 13 25 43. Grand Jury report for October term of Criminal Court. 10 I_6 _961 13 28 44m Jurors drawn for November extra term of Superior Court. 10 L6 _961 13 29 45. Jurors drav,m for Special Venire, State Vs James Hendrix. 11 3 L961 13 30 46. Grand Jury report for October term of Criminal Court. 11 6 :_961 13 34 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. ¦ec. u. s. Covnty Indezee Since 1888 ? To lota!? nam?s? opl0 af r?r OFFICE ?l?o-? An Identifyinx Trade Mark SURKAME INITIAL TAB NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS l,. Jurors drawn for December term of Superior Court. 2.: Jurors drawn for January term of Superior Court Civil cases. 3,; Grand Jury report for December received. 4.. Jurors drawn for January term of Superior Court Criminal cases, 5.. Jurors drawn for Feburary term of Superior Court. 6.. Jurors drawn for Special term of Superior Court. 7., Jurors drawn for I?arch term of Superior Court. - 8.• Grand Jury report for Feburary Criminal term of Superior Court. 9. Jurors drawn for March. and ApriZ terms of Superior Court. 10.. Jurors drawn for May term of Superior Courto 11. Grand Jury report received. 12. Jurors drawn for Special Term of Superior Court. 1.3r-. Jurors drawn for June term of Superior Court. 14. Grand Jury report for May term of Superior Court Criminal cases. 15... Grand Jury report for June received. 16. Jurors drawn for July and August terms of Superior Court Criminal cases. 17.. Grand Jury report for July term 1962. 18.. Jurors drawn for September and October terms of Superior Court. 19. Grand Jury report received. 20. Jurors drawn for October term of Superior Court ?ivil and Criminal cases. 21 Jurors drawn for November term of Superior Court Civil and Criminal cases. 22. Grand Jury report for October term of Criminal Court. 23.. Jurors drawn for Special Venire October term of Superior Court Criminal cases. 24.. Special Vernie drawn for November term of Superior Co?a.rt Criminal cases. 25. Grand Jury report for October received. 26.. Jurors drawn for December term of Superior Court. 27. Grand Jury report for December term of Superior Court Criminal cases. 28.. Jurors overtime parking tickets referred to City. 29. Jury's salary increase referred for General Assembly. 30. Jurors drawn for January term of Superior Court. 31. Jurors drawn for Feburary term of Superior Court. 32.: Additson Jurors drawn for January term of Superior Court Criminal cases. 33. Grand Jury report for January Criminal term received. 34. Letter explaining difficulties in drawing requested Jury list. 35. Jurors drawn for March term of Superior Court. 36. Jurors drawn for April term of Superior Court. 37. Special Venire drawn for March 22nd term of SuperiorCourt Criminal cases. 38. Grand Jury report received for Feburary 1963. 39. Jurors drawn for Ma;? term of Superior Court. 40. Names to be secured for new Jury list. 41. Jurors drawn for June term of Superior Court. 42.. Grand Jury report for April 1963. 43. Jury fees increase referred to County Attorney. 44.. Jury fees to remain as is. 45. Grand Jury report received and filed. 46. Grand Jury repcrt received for June 1963. SUBJECT f _ MATTER: Jurors ? COTT A-Z TA! INDEX Mll? E BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, ?OLUMBUS, DHIO SOLD ?Y OWEN i. YUNN, NEN 6ERN, NORTII GROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 11 6 1961 12 4 1961 12 18 1961 12 18 1961 1 2 1962 1 15 1962 2 5 1962 3 5 1962 3 5 1962 4 2 1962 4 16 1962 4 16 1962 5 14 1962 6 4 1962 7 2 1962 7 2 1962 8 1 1962 8 6 1962 9 4 1962 9 4 1962 10 1 .?962 10 15 1962 10 15 1962 10 29 1962 11 5 1962 11 5 1962 12 17 1962 12 17 1962 12 17 1962 12 17 1962 1 7 1963 1 7 1963 1 21 1963 1 21 1963 2 4 1963 3 4 1963 3 4 1963 3 18 1963 4 16 1963 5 6 1963 5 6 1963 5 6 1963 5 20 1963 6 3 1963 6 3 1963 13 36 13 44 13 52 13 53 13 58 13 62 13 66 13 75 13 75 13 89 13 96 13 99 13 105 13 115 13 115 13 124 13 140 13 141 13 146 13 147 13 158 13 164 13 164 13 l65 13 167 13 169 13 178 13 178 13 178 13 180 13 182 13 183 13 186 13 186 13 189 13 195 13 196 13 200 13 20;° 13 211 13 212 13 213 13 217 13 219 13 220 6 17 1963 13 224 INDEX TO CDMMISSIO?ERS MINUTES -- N H C t N C ew anover oun ?, . . _ MATiER: Ju rors - nec. u. s. County Indezea Since 1988 ? i0 IOCO?O names, Opl11 Ot r?r ovr?ce ??J91??- An ldentiEying Trade Merk SURMAME INI7IAL 7AB COTT A-Z TA6 INDEX Fllid E Bll THE COTT INDEX C6MPANY, COLUMBUS, ONIO SOLD tY OWEN i. oUNN, NEII lERN, NORTM GROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DAiE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page 1. ? Jurors drawn for August term of Superior Court. 7 1 1963 13 226 . 2. Jurors drawn for Septemj?er term of Superior Court. . 8 5 1963. 13 244 3. Special Venire drawn for Criminal term of Superior Court. 8 13 1963 13 246 4. Jurors drawn for October term of Superior Court. 9 3 1963. 13 249 _. 5. Jurors drawn for November term of Superior Court. _.10 7 1963 13 259 6o New method used for drawing Jurors, authori?ed for future use. 10 7 1963 13 259 7. Grand Jury report received for September 1963. 10 7 1963 13 260 8. Received report new Jury list ready for checking. 10 21 1963 13 262 9. Grand Jury report for October 1963. 11 4 1963 13 266 10. Jurors drawn for December term of Superior Court. 11 4 1963 13 266 11. Jurors drawn for January texm of Superior Court 1964. 12 2 1963 13 270 12. Grand Jury report recei?red for December 1963. 12 16 1963 13 272 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER: NSTICES oF THE PEACE` eao. u. s. Counry lndezee Since 1888 To loeats names, open at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX r?r ot?ite (.?i?? An Identifying Trade Mark ? SURNAMQ INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ! ,i ` ? i , ? 1. ? ? 2. k 3.; i 4. 5. i 6., NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ° DATE E MINUTE BOOK ?? Month Day Year Vol. Page '?' I I I E f R.S. Waldron approved as a Justice of the Peace. %F 08 04 1868j? 1 9 E ? Soloman Reaves qualified as a Justice of the Peace. k, 08 11 1868h? 1 11 ? List of names of the Justices of the Peace recently appointed from different districts of County to be f, 08 18 1868?E 1 15 obtained from George French. II Committee which talked with Mr. French reported progress. ? Justice Foster to vacate office in Courthouse for use of the Conunissioners. I Bill from John Sanders for services as Justice of the June term in Court approved. ?? ?: ?i l ?y i? i ` 08 ?? 19 1868?# 1 16 10 09 ?? 1868'ii ?? 1 67 ; 10 20 186 &? 1 80 10 , 21 1868;E 1 84 I , : 10 21 1868., 1 84 ? 03 04 1869 ; 1 i 194 :s , 08 09 1869, 1 294 :: 7.:; Bill for attendant as magistrate ap?proved. 8.;; Problem of Ezekeil Chadwick's appointment as Justice taken up. 9. ; Justice Corbett's fee approved. 10. Election returns for magistrates for August 5, 1869 election: Federal Point - Anthony A. Hause and Soloman Reaves Masonboro - Elijah Hewlett and a vacancy Harnett - Daniel Davis and Delaware Nixon ., Cape Fear - H.E. Scott and Murphy Ward ? Grant - George Pollock and Stokely Atkinson Holden - Jas S. Hines and Jas Hill Lincoln - W.J. Bivins and F.H. Bell and John L. Rhoades + Caswell - Jas Simpson and George Corbett Franklin - William Robinson and E.J. Andrews .? 1 Union - H.F. Murphey and Rufus Garriss + Holly - C. Rowe and G. Page ? Columbia - W.T. Morton and Seymour Wagstaff !, Wilming?vct - Anthony Howe, E.M. McQuigg, William Merrick, Jr., William Harriss, John Conoley and Edward Cantwell. ; 11.,' The above elected appeared before the Board to qualify as Justices of the Peace. 12.;; Due to a vacancy John Wagner was appointed as Justice of the Peace for Masonboro Township. 13.'? E.H. McQuigg and John Conoly approved to serve on Board of Township Trustees of Wilmingtr?n. 14. , William Harriss to appeal Board's decision to Superior Court. (See Township Trustees) . 15.:; Wilson Morton resigned as a Justice of the Peace in Columbia Township. 16.•s Clerk of the Superior Court to be notified of Mr. Morton's resignation. 17.:; E. McQuigg's bill for services as Justice approved. 18.;, Sol. Reaves' bill for services as Justice approved. 19.?, Bills for Justices Howell, McQuigg, Brown and Rowe approved. 20. Bills for Justices Rhoades, Pollock and Scott approved. 21.?. Clerk to nbti?y magistrates and constables of the new act concerning government of Counties. 22.'? Order made on how magistrates and constables to make out bills for fees and cost. 23.,; Fees and cost for arrest and trials for misdemeanors when not collected from defendant shall be paid by ?? 08 08 08 08 ? 09 09 ., 10 ., 10 „ 11 „ O1 „ O1 O1 Ol ., Townships where offense committed. ,. 24..; Place of offense to be specified by magistrates and the Board will issue the same bill upon Township. „ O1 25.?' Order on presenting bills must be followed by magistrates and constables or Board will not consider bills. O1 26.;? Bill from Justice Cantwell approved. . 0?_ 27.; F.H. Ball from Lincoln Township qualified as Justice of the Peace. 03 28.? Only two Justices and the Clerk of Wilming?nn Township allowed as the Board of Trustees.<,Townships&Tr?x???E???? 03 29.a Only two Justices and the Clerk of Wilming?tnn Township allowed a per diem for taxable property assessment. 03 30.?; Board ruled that there is no Board of Trustees for Wilmington until decision is reached by Superior Court. 04 e;7 ?d , ?? ?1 ; 19 1869;, ?? 19 1869;; 19 1869 19 1869 , 16 1869F 16 1869 ? 05 1869 : 05 1869 ? 02 1869 03 1870?; 04 187(7 ?, 04 1870 ' 04 1870 04 1870.; ? 04 1870 ;;, 08 1870;; 08 1870;. 08 1870 ;, 08 1870 ?i 05 1870'? F? ?9 .? 8 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 298 308 297 298 ?i ?i 324 ?? i? 324 ?s ?a ?? 332 ?y R? ?, ?; 332 3? ?, 339 y', 39?+ "; 397 3i 397 ?`. ;` 398 ;y s; oi 398 ;( ,; ,? 398 ?? iy 401 ;? ;R 416 @# ?? 417 ?_ °9 G, 417 ?g r ! 423 ?i IS i INDEX TO C?MMISSIONERS MINU?'ES -- ?ew Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MATTER: JUSTICES oF ?? PEACE _ Reo. u. s. County Indezee Sinee 1888 ?y+ ?..3--- To loeate names, open at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX e?r OFFICE ???? An Identifying Trade Mark ?-? Sl1RNAME INI7IAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA iw `? DATE ?? MINUTE BOOK ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS = ? Month ? Day ? Year ??, Vol. Page ? ? - - ;, 1. Letter from E. McQuigg concerning Board of Trustees. ; 04 06 1870e? 1 426 ?i 2. Clerk sent resolution adopted by Board on Aprzl 5, 1870 to Mr. McQuigg. „ 04 06 1870? 1 426 ?? ry 3. Letter from Mr. Sellers filed. 05 05 1870:; 1 432 i.r ?• M r? 4. Fees approved for Magistrates Hines, Rhoades and McQuigg. ,, 06 08 1870;g 1 443 ; ? . 5. Fee approved for Magistrate Harriss. 06 09 1870,; ? 1 446 ?, ?+ 6. Bills fior officers'cost in Courts of Justices William Moore and L. Sanders approved. . 07 05 . 1870,, 1 451 'Ya ? . 7. Fee of E. McQuigg as Justice of the Peace approved. „ 08 30 1870? 1 r. 474 .` ? 8.? Murphy Ward's justices cost approved. , 12 31 1870 2 107 ;, R ? 9.F? f; Justices McQuigg and Harriss protested Board's ruling that tax levied by the Wilmington Trustees was illeg?,1x01 11 1871„ 2 118 ; :? 10.`.; Justices' cost by William Harriss, George Page, James Hill, and E.H. MeQuigg approved. 02 06 1871„ 2 124 ?, ; , 11."' G.W. Pollock's justice fees approved, , 03 06 1871., 2 130 ,: 12.;a Claim of Justice Scott for fee in larceny case to be investigated. 04 05 1871, 2 141 .. 13.j? Justices to list State and County taxables, allowed 20 days at $2.50 a day. .. 06 02 1871; 2 167 . 14.?? Justice Scott's fee not allowed. 06 02 1871 2 Z71 Z5.? ? Fees approved for Justices J.S. Hines, E.H. McQuigg, W.H. Merrick and Anthony Howe. 07 05 187L; 2 181 .; 16.?? Attorney London's opinion concerning cost of magistrates and constables filed. 07 05 1871 2 189 rs ? 17.{; ?r? Magistrates recently elected in Townships to appear and qualify. „ 08 08 18710, 2 200 .. 18.;? Magistrates elected in August, 1871 election: (Pages 201-202) , 08 08 1871. 2 200 '. , ?? ?? Wilmington: E. Cantwell, E. Woodford, A. Howe, J. Lowrey, W.H. Merrick, W. McLaurin, and R. Waldron , .. ,;? Federal Point: Solomon Reaves and William McNeill . . G ? .? ; Masonboro: John Wagner and Elijah Hewlett ,. . .. F ,; Harnett: Delaware Nixon and W.W. Humphry ?. , .?a Grant: Alfred Lloyd and James Capps : ? ,?? Holly: Thomas Williams and J,N. Mashburn .. . t? , ?? Cape Fear: H.E. Scott and Murphy Ward . ?. . ;ti , ?? ?; Holden: J. McPherson and John Penny „ „ „ . gy Union: I.H. Alderman and S.C. Fillyaw „ , ?? . .. Franklin: E.J. Anders and John Sallisted .. ?? , ,;; Columbia; C.M. Galloway and W,T. Morton ?? ?a ,; Lincoln: F.H, Bell, William Bivins and B.G, Larkins k l`, ? Caswell: G.W. Corbett and Henry Hall R? 19.;; Julia Bourdeaux declared insane by Justices Pollock, Nixon and McQuigg. (See JAIL) 20.s D.M. Millan elected Magistrate on October 23, 1871 to fill vacancy created when Holden Township divided. 21.;; J. Davis declared elected magistrate for Rocky Point Township. ? =1 22.k? Clerk of Superior Court to report on amount of fines paid him?`r3ustices in cases of final jurisdiction. 23.?? Justice Corbett to appear before Board to inquire about matter of working on Turnpike Road. 24.?q Matter of Thadens Lamont and Justice Corbett referred to Superior Court. 25.:.; List of jurors to be compiled by Clerk to Board for use of Justices of the Peace. 26.?? List of jurors drawn for use by magistrates in Wilmington Township. 27.? Bills from H.E. Scott and Thomas Gardener for Justices' costs approved. , 28." Bill from William McLanim for .7ustice's fees approved. . , 29.°? Justices of the Peace elected in August 7, 1873 election: (Pages 95-97) ? ?i +? Wilmington: Anthony Howe, William Moore, William Green, William Harriss, William Kellogg, Thomas i? ?? Gardener and Jesse Cassidey. i i? Federal Point: Solomon Reaves and William Montgomery :, }? Masonboro: Elijah Hewlett and John Wagner ?! ?? 08 14 1871; 2 211 10 28 1871 2 235 12 04 1871 2 244 12 04 1871 Z 245 02 05 1872: 2 287 ` 02 I2 1872 2 290 12 16 1872 2 405 12 23 1872; 2 412 08 04 1873 3 92 ''„ 08 04 1873„ 3 93 , 08 11 1873; 3 95 INDEX TO CONIMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATTER: JUSTICES oF THE PEACE ` Rca. u. s. ,,/??? Counry Indezes Since 1888 F?? k•?r--- To locat? namea, open at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX r?r orricc ?i.K.n«i An Identifying Trade Mar? ?`8 SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA t,,, NATURE OF PROCEED(NGS ?` DATE ? MINUTE BOOK ?a 9 ;, Month I Day I Year Vol. I Page ?? , 64 i? ?? 1. ??Justices of the Peace elected in August 7, 1873 election: (Pages 95-97) M; 08 11 1873j? 3 95 Harnett: W.W. Hurnphrey and Delaware Nixon ?? d? ?§ '? Grant: Andrew Nixon and Alfred Lloyd `, ?? s? ?? Cape Fear: Henry Scott and Murphy Ward , n? ?? Holden: G.F. Jordan and W.T, Bannermann ? :i r.? ?' Rocky Point: James McPherson and August Gamberg ' ?? ?: ;c ' Columbia: George Bordeaux and Charles Galloway ., ?r Caswell: James Thomson and James Pridgen Union: S.C. Fillyan and Rufus Garriss ,; Holly: Thomas Williams and John Mashburn Lincoln: William Bivins and Samuel Larkins 2. Bill from Ed Woodford for Justice's fees approved. 08 3. Bills from Thomas Gardener and William Harriss for fees approved. 12 4. Fee of Justice Delaware Nixon approved. Ol 5. Fees of Justices John Wagner, James Hewlett and Elizah Hewlett approved. 03 6. :Fees of Justices Jesse Cassidey, Thomas Gardener, and Stacy Van Amringe approved. 08 7. Fees of Justice Henry Scott approved. ?g 8. f Auditing Comr.iittee reports on monies received by Clerk of Superior Court from Justices of the Peace. 08 9. ;Members of Board elect qualified and took oath of office from Jesse Cassidey, Justice of the Peace. 09 10. ?Fee of Justice John Wagner approved. 10 ??. 11. Bill from Justice J.G. Wagner approved. 11 12. -Fees approved for Justices Cassidy, Van Amringe, Gardener, Howe, Gamberg, Moore, Wagner and McPherson. 12 13. , Fees of Justices J.J. Cassidey and Anthoney Howe and Canaday approved. O1 14. ,?Bill of W. Corbitt against Caswell Township for Justice's fees approved. 02 15. 'ABills of Justices Gardener, Van Amringe and Cassidey approved. 03 16. ??Fees of Justices Cassidey, McQuigg, Gardener, Van Amringe, Howe and Humphrey approved. _ 03 17. 'Fees of Justices Canaday, Larkins, Scott and Moore approved, pages 315-315. 04 18. .:Fees approved for Justices Van Amringe, McQuigg, Hill, Moore, Gardener, and Cassidey. 06 19. Magistrates elected in August 5, 1875 election: (Pages 366-367) 08 Wilmington: Jesse Cassidey, Stacy Van Amringe, William Moore, Anthony Howe and J.C. Hill Cape Fear: H.E. Scott and Wright Dixon Federal Point: Jacob Horn and Anthony Hawes Masnnboro; John Wagner and Elijah Hewlett Harnett: Delaware Nixon and W.W. Humphrey 20. :Reports filed from Justices John Wagner, J.C. Hi11,W.W. Humphrey and Delaware Nixon covering fines paid. ;y 09 .. 21. ;Annual reports from Justices T.M. Gardener and H.E. Scott on monies received by them filed. 10 22. Bill from T.M. Gardner for incidental expenses and from S. Van Amringe for fees approved. ZO 23. Bills from J.J. Cassidey and E.H. McQuigg and J.C. Hill for incidental expenses approved. 10 24. .;Bills from W.P. Cannady, W.H. Moore and E.H. McQuigg for fees as Justices of the Peace approved. : 11 25. I;Fees approved for Justices Henry Brewington, Thomas Gardner and William H. Moore. ;, I2 26. , Fees approved for Justices T.M. Gardner, William Moore and E.H. McQuigg. . 12 27. `?Township bill of W.W. Humphrey as Justice of the Peace approved. , 02 28. ,,Bills from S. Van Amringe and Jas. C. Hill as Justices of the Peace approved. 02 29. ,9Bills from E.H. McQuigg, Jesse Cassidey and T.M. Gardner for incidental expenses approved. ., „ 02 30. ,?Bi11s from S. Van Amringe and Jesse Cassidey as Justices of the Peace approved. 03 31. ;?Bi11 from Joseph C. Hill for incidental expenses approved. ;; ? ? _ „ 03 ?? ?i 23 1873 .. 02 1873. 05 1874 02 1874 ; 04 1874, 31 1874 31 1874 ; ?? 07 1874 ? ,; 06 1874 ,_ 02 1874' 07 1874 ? 05 1875 ^j 02 1875?? ?, 02 1875 :. OS 1875? 06 1875??? 08 1875' 07 1875' P 13 1875 , 07 1875, 07 1875? 07 1875 09 1875 16 1875;- 16 1875 .; 07 1876?e` 07 1876 t, 07 1876 ' 08 1876 ; 08 1876?. i: r+ EA 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 i ?, 104 °,; 151 "? i? ;i 168 ;; 189 G? r ?; 233 '' ? ? 3? 239 ?: 9f 240 ?; li f? 250 w; I' 206 I; !? 274 i? ?1 281 C' h; f! 291 •' !4? f3 24 6 ". i 306 ?? 309 : 315 ?' ;i 333 €; ii 366 ?' 375 ?. ?? 381 , 383 ;1 383 t , 391 ?? r? 403 ,', r? i? 403 ?' ?? 411 ?' r 412 ? ?? i` 412 ? 419 ?: I? 41? `: INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATTER: JUSTICES OF THE PEACE ` Rac. u. s. Covnty Indezea Since 1888 ?}r ? To locate names, open at COTT A•2 TAB INDEX v?r OFFICE ???.?' An Ideniifying Trade Marlc ?? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORiH CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS , DATE `? MINUTE BOOK ? ?' Month ? Day ? Year ;; Vol. ( Page ,y ,. l. Bills from Anthony Howe, H. Brewington and E.H. McQuigg for incidental expenses and fees approved. , 03 08 1876 ;: 3 420 2. Bill from W.H. Moore as Justice of the Peace approved. 04 3. Bills from Justices Wagner, Van Amringe, Sol Bear & Bros., Nixon, Hill and McQuigg approved. 05 4. Bills from T.M. Gardner, A.P. Howe and J.C. Hill for incidental expenses approved. 06 i 5 . ? Fees for Justices Van Amringe, Moore, Brewington, Gardner, Cassidey and Wagner approved, pages 446-447. 06 6.? Preamble passed by Van Amringe concerning unnecessary expenses incurred by magistrates and their deputies. 07 7. In all cases tried by magistrates, either prosecutor or defendant shall pay cost. 07 8.f? Board disallowed a claim of Anthony Howe, Justice of the Peace. 07 :? 9.G= ,. ,, Bill from E.H. McQuigg for incidental expenses approved. 07 ?? 10.:$ Bills from T.M. Gardner and Henry Brewington as Justices of the Peace approved. 08 11.°{ Annual report from W.W. Humphrey, Justice of the Peace, put on records. 09 12._; Fees from Justices Van Amringe, Brewington and Hill approved. 09 13.g? Bill from E.H. McQuigg for incidental expenses approved. 11 ,:. 14.,; Bills from Justices A. Sampson, W. Humphrey and Sol Bear approved. 11 'i _15.,? Bills from Justices S. Van Amringe and J.J. Cassidey approved. 11 ,. ,16.i Report from Justice D. Nixon on magistrates fees was ordered put on records of Official Reports. . 11 ;4 _17.;{ !3 Bills from E.H. McQuigg and J.C. Hill for incidental expenses approved. 12 18.;; :; Bill from W.P. Cannady for Justice of the Peace approved. , 12 ?, 19.;? Bill from A.P. Howe for incidental expenses approved. , 12 20.;? Bill from H. Brewington for Justice of the Peace approved. 12 ?? 21. Bills from Justices H.E. Scott, Charles Davis, S. Van Amringe and P. Newman approved, pages 514-515. 12 ? ? 22.;` .N Bill from E.H. McQuigg for incidental expenses approved. . 12 23.`? Annual reports of magistrates received and ordered spread on records of Official Reports. 04 24.`? Fee of Justice J.J. Cassidey approved. 06 25.`? ? Letter from Justice A.A. Moseley laid over to next meeting. .. pg , 26.`' Letter from Justices W.W. Harris and C.M. Harriss laid on table. OA 27.`; s? Bills from Justices Canaday and Gardner approved, pages 591-592. ., 08 28.?: Bill from W.W. Harriss for July approved, and for T.M. Garnder for July approved, pages 600 and 603. 08 ,; 29.N? Clerk to notify all outgoing magistrates to turn over all of their Acts of General Assembly, copies of 08 ` ; ? Battles Revisals and jury boxes to the Board. _ 30.!Y Bills from Justices Van Amringe, Brink, Harriss and McQuigg approved. 11 31.N; S Bill from E.D. Hall as Justice approved. 11 ; .32.,? Bills from A. Howe, J.C. Hill, J.A. Holt and Sol Bear and Bros. as Justices approved. 11 ,33.,; Bills from Justices Bear, Carr, Bryant, Fennell, Harrison and Harriss approved, pages 647-648. 11 ,34.; Justices planning to prosecute delinquent tax listers, but Board objected as too costly to County. 11 35.? Magistrates may prosecute late tax listers only if defendants pay cost of Court. 11 36.°? ?; Finance Committee to consult with magistrates as to poll tax prosecutions. 11 37.': Al1 annual reports of magistrates to go to Finance Committee before coming to Board for approval. 12 i 38.3 Bills approved for Justices Harriss, Hill, Manning, 0'Conner, Howe, McQuigg, Holt, Hall and Gardner. 12 39.;?: ? ?p Clerk to appear before magistrates prosecuting tax cases and make an affidavit to those who have not listed _ Ol ? 40.i _ Bill of H.E. Scott ordered paid some time ago to be cancelled until investigated. 04 41.?? Bill of H.E. Scott as Justice which was suspended due to doubts of validity to be ?aid. 07 42.wa Bill of Captain Cowan referred to Attorney for his opinion. 08 43.?{ ? John Cowan allowed $25 instead of $50 for services as Clerk to Board of Magistrates. ? 08 ? 44.'i? Joint meeting of County Justices of the Peace and the Commissioners to be held on September 21. 09 45.?? c' :a ,? Board of Magistrates met jointly with Board of Commissioners. , 09 ?? ; ? ?? . ?? 03 1876'? 3 427 05 1876 3 435 07 1876 ? 3 446 ;'. 07 1876 ' ,. 3 446 :. ,j 03 1876 . 3 448 ? 03 1876 , 3 448 08 1876 3 450 ; 08 1876 3 451 07 1876 3 457 11 1876 3 469 27 1876 22 1876 22 1876 22 1876 3 28 1876 3 3 481 3 498 3 498 04 1876 . 3 04 1876 3 04 1876 3 04 1876. 3 29 1876 3 29 1876 3 02 1877 3 05 1877 3 11 1877 3 11 1877 . 3 11 1877 , 3 11 1.877 3 16 1877 3 06 1877 , 3 06 1877 „ 3 06 1877 , 3 06 1877 , 3 23 1877 ,., 3 23 1877 3 23 1877 3 03 1877 3 15 1877 3 19 1878 3 29 is7s 3 02 1878 3 07 1878 , 3 08 1878 3 16 1878 . 3 21 1878 3 499 501 504 „ 504 e 505 „ 507 514 515 537 554 590 591 591 600 606 . 644 646 647 , 647 657 „ 657 657 659 667 683 7?0 734 740 740 750 763 oi I? INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. ' MATT?R: JUSTICES OF THE PEACE ! aaa. u, s. ?j ?? Counry Indezee Since 1888 Ca? An Identifying Trade Mark r?r o?rice C.?cai/I7l F?? ?e•3--- to Iocat? namss, open at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX ?l`? SURNAM6 INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE tOTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO . SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW B ERN, NOR TH CAROLINA ? ?? ?? ' DATE ? MINUTE BOOK I ; NATUR? OF PROCEEDINGS ? f? y? Month I s- Dayl Year ? Yol. ( Page 1. ?? 4; Messrs. Cronly and Morris paid extra since ; they paid magistrates for giving oaths to tax listers. ; 09 ; 21 ? ;a 1878G? ' 3 ? 763 2. r? Clerk to Board to furnish Justices of Wilm i ington a jury list for their use. ' 09 23 1878€ 3 764 ? 3. r± Board of Justices requested Commissioners set compensations for election officals for November election. ; 09 27 1$78?? 3 765 j ?? ?? 9 4. .'Board received annual report from Justices ?? J.G. Wagner, A.J. Grady and W.W. Harris on fines, forfeitures 12 ? 02 1$78?', ?? 4 1? ' and penalties. ?,; ts ?t ?? . 9 5. Clerk to notify magistrates who have not f iled their annual reports to do so before next Board meeting. , 12 02 1878?} 4 3; ? 6. Reports from Justices H.E. Scott, Anthony Howe and E.H. McQuigg on annual fines, forfeitures and penalties y 12 06 Y 1878?' 4 + 4? i received and found correct. . ?. 4? ?; r? 7. Received annual reports from Justices J.A. Ho1t ana Ja?nes Cowan on fines , forfeitures and penalties and 12 06 1878:': 4 4?? found correct. 8. Reports of A.A. Moseley and J.C. Hill held for examination. 9. Every County magistrate to make his annual report before next meeting. 10.., Deputy Sheriffs`executing processes in Justices' courts will not be paid unless process is delivered to Sheriff for execution. 11.,, Reports of Magistrates J.H. Horne and E.D. Hall referred back as incomplete. 12. ;PPnalties will be used against magistrates who have not filed annual reports with Board by next meeting. 13..,; Reports of Justices J.N. Moffitt and Stephen Keys received and approved. 14..; Remaining reports from magistrates received. 15.; Joint meeting of Justices of the Peace and the Board. 16.' Justices and the Board enacted taxes to be levied in 1879. (See TAX DEPARTMENT) 17. Register of Deeds to furnish Wilmington magistrates a jury List. 18. Yearly reports from Justices W.W. Harris, John Taylor and J.A. Montgomery approved. I9. Yearly reports from Justices A.J. Grady and J.T. Montgomery approved. 20. All magistrates to file reports by December 15, if it has not yet been done. 21. Reports from numerous magistrates on fines, forfeitures and penalties approved. 22., Numerous magistrates reported having?r.eceived no fines, forfeitures or penalties. 23.. Annual report from Justice J.G. Wagner on fines, forfeitures and penalties received by him. 24.,, Justice J.N. Moffitt reported nothing having been been received. 25.,., Meeting of Justices of the Peace and Board to receive report on general expenses of County. 26.. Justice E.D. Hall offered resolution of thanks to Commissioners for proper execution of their duties. 27.;; Justices of Wilmington Township appointed T.J. Herring registrar in place of Charles Steward. 28... Justices of Wilmington appointed J.C. Munds temporary register in place of J.C. Lumsden. 29.. All registrars sworn in by Board of Magistrates. 3Q. Reports from several Magistrates showing amounts received from them, pages 257-258. 31. Magistrates who have not made their annual reports to be notifzed by Clerk to do so. 32. List of Magistrates reported no fines, forfeitures and penalties received during 1880. 33. Bill of Justice J,C. Hill not allowed. 34. Board of Justices, County Board and Board of Education to meet jointly and elect a County Superintendent of Public Instruction. 35. Three Boards to settle boundary dispute between J. Garrell and County. 36., Joint meeting of County Board, Board of Education and Board of Justices. 37.., Bill of J.C. Hill previously not allowed was reduced and allowed by Finance Committee. 38.y Board anc] Board of Justices of the Peace met in accordance with Section 5, Chapter 141, Laws 1876-77. 39., John S. James, Chairman of Board of Justices absent so O.G. Parsley called to Chair. 40.,;, List of Justices present at this meeting. 41.,, Justice Cowan moved that tax levy presented by Board by adopted. s ;? ?` 12 06 1878 ' 4 12 06 1878 4 12 06 1878; 4 12 12 12 Ol „ 08 08 09 12 12 , 12 12 12 O1 Ol 08 ; 08 10 ,. 10 u 10 12 Ol 02 05 : 05 05 06 06 08 27 1878'?? ?4 27 1878` 27 1878 ?; 06 1?379; 04 1879e; 04 1879?: ?° 15 1879 Ol 1879',; 01 18 7 9 `? Ol 1879- 15 1879`s P', 15 1879?? 05 1879`: 05 1879;, 02 18$0'. 02 1880•i 04 1880?? 04 1880;, 04 1880;? 20 1880, 03 1881, 07 1881 02 1881; 02 1881 02 1881= 06 18?1`, ,a 06 1881'; O1 1881? Ol 1881 O1 1881? Ol 1881$, ?k t, i+ 4 8 4 8 4 9 4 14 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 90 90 107 132 E, 4 132 s° +q ?' 13 2 `r 139 .? 139 '? 140 ' 141 ' ? 219 ? 220 ' 236 ' 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 236 241 ;, 257 ; C' 260 ' h, 271 290 ;' 290 ;: 290 297 299 312 ' 312 . 08 . 08 .. 08 ?€? IC 4 312 s 4 314 ?:' INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count?, N. C. _ MAiTER: JUSTICES OF THE PEACE ? Rec. u. s. County Indezes Since ?889 fr x+.-?-- To loeats names, open at COTT A-Z TAB INDEX ??T OFFICE ??? An Identifying Trade Mark ?'_g SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA ? i DATE ''; MINUTE BOOK ;i NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS '' Month ? Day ? Year '9? Vol. I Page !; Y? L? l.? Justice E.D• Hall moved that copies of expenditure statements of Board be given Justices five days before , 08 O1 1881 :? 4 314 : E ?? the meeting. ;, , ? ? Y ` 2 . D T lor t ranted as advised b the Solicitor. Re uest of J.C. Hill which was referred to Col. J. . a no q Y g Y 12 , 05 1881 ? ., 4 340 3.?? , Number of Magistrates made their annual reports on fines, forfeitures and penalties collected by them. 12 05 1881 , 4 344 „ Li 4.?? Annual report received from Justice A.A. Moseley on fines, forfeitures and penalties collected by him. Ol 02 18s2 '; 4 348 C? 5.? Annual report from 3ustice 3.C. Hill on fines, forfeitures and penalties collected by him. 02 06 1882 , 4 359 6. Annual meeting of Commissioners and Board of Magistrates; list of Magistrates who were present. , 08 07 1882 4 396 , 7.?? Justice J. Cowan moved that tax levy submitted by Commissioners be approved and it was. „ 08 07 1882 „ 4 398 r, 8.? Amendment to reduce taxes of Schedule B by 20% laid on the table. 08 07 1882 . 4 39$ 9.,,i Boards adopted rule that tax on incomes to be one half of one per percent. 08 07 1882 4 399 10.;; Boards elected Iredell Johnston as Superintendent of Public Instruction. 08 07 1882 4 399 11.. Board of Justices of the Peace elected Board of Commissioners for two years..(See COUNTY COMMISSIONERS) 08 07 1882 „ 4 399 12.?; Justice Hall moved that Commissioners should pay Attorney $300 for his services, but motion did not pass. . 08 07 1882 ., 4 399 ? 13.;, ij Secretary of Board of Justices, John Cowan, notified Clerk of Board of election of Commissioners. 08 14 1882 4 410 14.;? , ,? Annual reports from Justices Montgomery, W.W. Harris, J.C. Hill and A.J. Grady received. O1 02 1883 4 443 , 15.'S Annual report from Justice J.H. Horn received. 02 OS 1883 4 450 ; 16.k? Annual meeting of Board of Justices of the Peace and Board of Commissioners; list of Justices present. 08 06 1883 4 488 ; i? 17.?? W.W. Harris elected Chairman of Board of Justices of the Peace, and John Cowan elected Secretary. „ 08 06 1883 „ 4 488 18.?i , ;? Estimate of County expenses submitted and recommended tax levy received and adopted by Board of Justices. „ 08 06 1883 4 489 , 19.?i Statement from Board of Commissioners to Board of Justices. 08 06 1883 4 490 , 6?, 20.; Justices accepted the report on County estimates. „ 08 06 1883 ., 4 491 ,. 21.°? ;? Joint meeting of Boards of Commissioners and Justices of the Peace held. 10 15 1883 . 4 502 f?: 22.?d Justice W.W. Harriss in Chair of ineeting; list o£ Justices present at joint meeting. 10 15 1883 . 4 502 „ h,; Z3.;, Boards ruled that land owned by F.W. Kerchner be purchased by County. (See POOR HOUSE, COUNTY) 10 15 1883 ,v 4 503 ?; 24.;; Justice Joseph C.Hill submitted his annual report on fines and forfeitures collected by him. „ Ol 07 1884 .; 4 521 ?5.;? , ., Annual report from Justice E.H. McQuigg on fines and forfeitures received by him, 02 04 1884 Y 4 527 Z6.;, Joint meeting of Boards of Commissioners and Justices of the Peace for 1884. 06 02 1884 4 551 ?7.r?' Justice W.W. Harris, Chairman of Board of JuS.tices, presided; list of Justices present at joint meeting. 06 02 1884 4 551 ?? , ?8.;?; Board of Justices received estimates of expenses and necessary tax levy for 1884. 06 02 1884 4 551 ?9.?' ;a Tax levy and estimate of expenses were adopted by joint meeting. (See TAX DEPARTMENT) 06 ? 02 1884 4 553 30.' . ?, Annual report from Commissioner Bagg adopted in joint meeting. 06 02 1884 4 553 31.` : Board of Justices extended thanks to Board of Commissioners for their work. 06 02 1884 4 554 32.'' Present Board of Commissioners nominated to be re-elected and were re-elected. (COUNTY COMMISSIONERS) 06 02 1884 4 555 33.,; Boards of Education and Magistrates elected Walker Meares County Superintendent of Public Instruction. 06 02 1884 G 555 34.b' Annual report from Justice J.C. Hill submitted. 12 O1 1884 4 595 35.,? Annual report from Justice William Strauss on fines, forfeitures and penalties collected by him. 12 15 1884 4 597 36.;; Annual report from J.C. Millis on fines and forfeitures collected by him. 12 22 1884 „ 4 600 37.;; Annual report from Justice J. Cantwell on fines and forfeitures received by him. O1 05 1885 . 4 601 „ 38.,a Annual reports from Justices Hill, Manning, Millis, Strauss and Rourk. 12 07 1885 ; 4 660 39.;; Magistrates to make annual reports if have not done so. 12 14 1885 4 670 . !+0.'M, 3ustice Joseph T. Kerr submitted his annual report. 12 14 1885 4 670 , 41.;; Annual reports from Justices Walker, Meares and J.W. King. 12 14 1885 , 4 671 _, 42•;, h? Annual reports submitted by Justices Montford, Hall, Moseley and Horne. Ol 04 1886 4 671 ,^tl 43.s; List of Magistrates who reported nothing having been received by them. Ol 04 1886 ? 4 672 a? !+4.r' Chairman of Board of Magistrates to call a joint meeting of Commissioners and Justices. 03 26 1886 4 695 y 45.?? Board to buy lot next to Jail as authorized by Board of Magistrates. 11 10 1886 ,; 4 754 ?? la ?? f ? , ? ' e? ° n ?i ' w? ?s rNDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES Reo. u. s. CoUnFy Indexea $ince 1886 r?r o svicc ???,s-? An Identifyine Trnde Mark - New Ha?over County? 1\. U. _ MATTER: JUSTICES OF THE PEACE ` l`' ?To locate names, open at COTT A•2 TAB INDEX V? SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE CQTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA .? ?? ?? ?? DATE ? MINUTE BOOK E? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ?; $ w Month Day Year ? Vol. Page ? ?? ?? I I ? l.?i Annual reports from Justices Millis, Strauss, Rourk, Hall, Sharpless, Manning and King submitted. .a r; ' 2.-fi Annual report from Justice John D. Taylor submitted. ?, i 3.`s Justices Cowan, King and Hall submitted annual reports on fines, forfeitures and penalties collected. ,s 4.? Justices Millis, Sharpless, Heyer and Hall reported nothing collected during the year. ; 5.:x All magistrates who have not made their annual reports to do so by next meeting. y 6.;' Justices Horne and Strauss made their annual reports. r. 7. Numerous magistrates reported nothing collected. ., 8.? Tax levy set down as adopted by Boards of Commissioners and Justices, i 9. Justices Hall, Millis, Cowan and Bowden submitted their annual reports. 10. Justice J.W. King swore in new Board. 11. Annual reports received from Justices Cowan, Strauss, Thomas and Cantwell. 12.je Annual reports received from Magistrates Manning and Price. 13.; Annual reports received from Justice Sharpless, Klander, McComber, Harris and Horne, 14., Justice F.B. Rice made his annual report. o; " 12 06 1886 3 12 E? 12 k ? 12 ?; sa 12 4, Ol ? O1 13 1886 ? i 05 188 7 R 05 1887 i 05 1887 1 02 1888 ; ? 02 1888 ' 06 ! 12 12 12 „ 12 :. Ol ; 02 ' 15.;; Justice Heede presented his annual report. °,; 02 16. Board of Magistrates recommended numerous men to aid tax listers in adjusting tax lists, ., 06 ' 17.,, Al1 magistrates whose terms expired in August to return Code of Civil Procedures and other books to Regist?; 09 ,; er of Deeds. , , 18.:, Annual report from R.H. Bunting on fines, forfeitures and penalties received. ;: 12 ' 19.,, i Magistrate E.W. Manning submitted his annual report. „, O1 20.?: Annual reports from Magistrates Klanden, Cantwell, Harris and W.W. Harris. ,. 02 21. Annual reports on fines collected from Justices Cowan and Hall received. 03 22. Annual reports from Magistrates Strauss, Harris and Taylor received. 12 23. Annual report from Justice R.H. Bunting received as having collected no fines, 12 24. Justices B.S. Munford and J.D. Klander reported no fines collected for 1890, ;: Ol 25. Justice E. Manning reported no fines or cost collected in 1890. Ol ' 26., ?, Justice James MaComber reported having tried no cases in 1890. 02 27. i . A.S. Lishberg to draw up plans and specifications for new Courthouse for presentation to Board of Magis- ? 06 ? trates. (See COURTHOUSE) 30.:; Board requested Board of Magistrates convene early to reduce tax rate since present rate will render more „ 06 , taxes than needed. , 31., Board ordered that tax rate would be 37C instead of 47? subject to approval of Board of Magistrates. 08 32., Bid meeting terms of Board for building Courthouse was over amount allowed by Board of Magistrates, „ 10 33.,. Board decided to ask Board of Magistrates to appropriate more money to build new Courthouse. ? 10 ,? 34.,. Report from Justices Klander and Manning that they collected no ?ines during the year. ;, Ol 35.,; Justice W.H. Strauss reported having collected no fines during 1891. „ 03 36.; Annual report from Justice W.M. Evans on fines collected during the year. 08 37.., Justice Martin Newman reported no fines collected for Z891. ; 09 38.,, Boards of Magistrates and Commissioners must rule on railroad running out to factory. (See RAILROADS). ;, 11 , 39.: Annual report from Justice R.H. Bunting submitted, ,, 12 40.• Annual reports submitted from J.D.H. Klander, W.McD. Evand and W.H. Strauss. , 12 j 41. Board of Magistrates ruled that Chairman to receive $500 for services in selling County bonds for erection ., 06 I of new Courthouse. 42., Bonds given Chairman to be payable in 1912. 06 43. Annual reports from Justices McGowan and Bunting on fines collected by them. 12 44.;4 ;? ? ? 4y , . ? . Annual reports submitted by Justices W.H. Strauss and J.D.H. Klander. ; 02 Y 4 4 5 5 ? 5 i 5 5 04 1888 F= 5 03 1888 :f 5 ?? 03 1888 5 10 1888 5 17 1888 5 07 1889 , 5 04 188 9 5 13 1887 ,f 5 04 1889 h, 5 03 1889 ;; 5 a? 02 1889 ;; 5 k'? 06 1890 ;; 5 03 1890 ;; 5 03 1890 5 fia 08 1890 ° 5 15 1890 .' S .? , 05 1891 ;; 5 ?? 12 1891 G: 5 02 1891 €; 5 .? 10 1891 ;a 5 E, ?: 26 1891 ?? 5 03 1891 :? 5 05 18 91 ;, 5 19 1891 5 0? 1892 ',? 5 07 1892 h, S Ol '1892 5 05 1892 ;, 5 07, 1892?; 5 05 1892 ',? 5 19 1892 ;: i; 5 12 1893 ?;. ?. 5 12 1893 ? 5 04 1893 ?? a 5 05 1894 ca [ 5 Y? ?i ?p ? 757 766 ? 54 54 54 61 ? ! 61 90 118 ?b 119 ` F? I22 ?? 129 130 ?? C? 4i 134 ? ?? ?i 138 ? ,' 171 ' ; 190 i= 202 213 217 234 286 289 293 295 312 334 336 341 ?; 353 ?' 357 "? ,+ s 33 ? ; k' 406 ? ,; 432 i' .{ 439 ?, i? 450 ?, i; 453 0 462 r? 505 505 532 543 '? ¢ INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -? New Hanover County, N. C. _ MATTER: JUSTICES oF THE PEACE ` aeo. u. s. /J? ?pr??? County Indexee Since 1888 ? To locate names, open at COTT A•Z TAB INDEX r?r OFFIGE C-G?API?LC.a-cr. An Identi(ying Trade Merk SURNAME INITIAL TAB MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLD BY OWEN G. DUNN, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA h ? DATE ?? MINUTE BOOK ? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ?' ; Month ? Day ( Year ?° Vol. ? Page ? ?, - ? l. Petition for a public road from Masonboro citizens deferred to annual meeting of Board of Magistrates, s 04 02 1894°'s 5 562 k? ?: 2. Annual report submitted from Justice W. McD. Evans. 04 02 1894 ' S 562 ? 3. Annual report from Justice W.H. Strauss submitted. F, 12 10 1894?,V, ? 5 601 ;' ?? 4. _ Board of Magistrates granted money as petitioned by Masonboro citizens for a bridge over Pervines Creek. = .a 12 17 1894 ? <d 5 605 ? 5. Annual report submitted from Justice W. McD. Evans. r 04 O1 a 1895i? 5 633 ?- ?? 6. Annual report from Justice R.H. Bunting submitted. 12 02 1895?; 5 677 . , 7.? Annual report from Justice R.H. Bunting submitted. ? 12 07 1896,' S 741 ' _ 8.? Justice Charles Foreman submitted his annual report. 12 13 1897 ? 6 66 9.;? • ?? Justice F.B. Rice submitted his report, which was filed. O1 03 1$9$? 6 72 ,? 10.?'?, Bills of Justices of the Peace referred to County Attorney. 06 11 1898 6 140 Ey .. 11.`' :' Annual reports from Justices M. Newman and J.M. McGowan spread on minutes. O1 02 1899 6 219 12.`% Chairman to call all magistrates toge.ther for meeting in June. 05 16 1900 6 442 ?? 13.?? County Magistrates met with Commissioners. 06 04 1900 6 444 ;? 14.?p Justice W.W. Harriss elected permanent Chair man. 06 04 1900 ? 6 444 , ?? 15_j Men nominated for Commissioners and elected. (See: COUNTY COMMISSIONERS) . 06 04 1900; 6 444 ! 16.?? , 6? Ta x levy and budget presented by Chairman McEachern and approved. ., 06 04 1900 ?y 6 444 ?. 44 17.=; Board and Justices to request General Assembly to empower Board to issue bonds for permanent improvement 06 04 1900 . 6 445 ? i ? of roads. _ ,. ; . ,18.?? Report from Justice J.J. Fowler on fines collected in last year filed. 12 03 1900 6 489 FI 19.Y? Reports from Justices W.P. Oldham and W.W. Harriss filed. Ol 07 . 1901,, 6 512 , .20.o Commissioners and Board of Magistrates met, but no quorum so recessed. , 06 03 1901.,; 6 552 „ r 21.p? Board of Magistrates met and adopted tax Ievy, which is to be published. .. 06 05 1901 .,, 6 554 :. ?,, 22.°? Report from Justice J.M. McGowan received and approved. 11 04 1901 6 611 23.? Report from Justice W.W. Harriss approved. 12 02 1901 6 616 24.;? . r Chairman to call meeting of Board of Magistrates in order to borrow money to furnish and equip John Walker „ 12 09 1901 6 620 k ?a Memorial Hospital. „ „ 25.?? Boards of Magistrates and Commissioners met, and Magistrates authorized Commissioners to appropriate money, 12 12 1901 6 622 : a for James Walker Memorial Hospital. , , 26.?? Tribute to be paid to late Justice W.W. Harriss. „ , , 27.? Joint meeting of Boards of Magistrates and Commissioners, and Commissi?ners presented tax levy which was 06 03 1902 6 654 p ? ? ? ; adopted. . . . 28.? ? Boards proposed to seek action by General Assembly to increase jurisdiction of Magistrates. „ 06 29.? PresQnt Commissioners re-elected. 06 30.;; ? Report of Justice J.M, McGowan approved. 06 . 31.??? ' Report from Justice McGowan received and approved. . 10 t +.. 32.?; Board of Magistrates met and elected W.F. Robertson to Board of Commissioners. . O1 , ? 33.!` Magistrates approved larger appropriation to Ja? Walker Memorial Hospital. Ol 34.",d Board of Magistrates met and confirmed action of Board in selling part of Courthouse lot. 05 @9 35.?'. ?? Magistrates suggested Board appropriate money to James Walker Hospital to beautify itsgrounds. ,. 05 36.t9 r Board of Magistrates met and set the tax levy as established by estimated budget. 06 37. Board of Magistrates met to elect someone to fill Board's vacancy created by death of Mr. Holmes. 09 38.:; ?, Morrison W. Divine and D.J. Fergus nominated for Board's postiion and Mr. Morrison elected as Comnunssioner. 09 R? 39.'? Annual report from Justice John J. Fowler approved. 12 , ? ? 40.?? Board of Magistrates met and adopted tax levy and budget presented by Commissoners. 06 ,? 41.? r Annual report from Justice Fowler on fines, forfeitures and penalties collected by him. 12 9 42.' Board ruled that all magistrates to make reports by next meeting. „ 12 03 1902 p 6 03 190 2 ;, 6 03 1902 , 6 06 1902 ,; 6 05 1903 .; 6 05 1903 6 07 1903 6 09 1903 ; ? 6 O1 1903 6 09 1903 ? 6 09 1903 6 07 1903 . 6 06 1904 6 05 1904 ` ? 7 05 1904 ?; ,3 E; iA E? 7 654 654 „ 656 677 696 696 7 20 720 , 7 23 751 751 763 795 10 11 9 ?j ? JUSTICES INDEX TO COMNiI5SI0NERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? N C MATTER oF THE PEACE , . . , : ` Rcc. u. s. ?p???_ County Inde:ee Since 1888 ? Yo loeate names, open at COTT A•2 TAB INDEX An Identilying Trade Mark SURNAME INIiIAL TAB MAUE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO r?r OfFICE C,?i?r:(d?i . SOLD 8Y OWEN 6. DUNN, NEri BERN, NORT H CAROLINA NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE. MINUTE BOOK Month Day Yenr Vol. Page l. Reports from Justices Wagner and Borneman received. Ol 03 1905 7 16 2. Reports from Justices J.H. Walter and F.A. Lind filed. 02 06 1905 7 18 3. Board of Magistrates met, but no quorum so adjourned until afternoon. 06 08 1905 7 31 4. Board of Magistrates approved tax levy and prospective receipts and expenditures. 06 08 1905 7 32 5. Report from Justice G.W. Borneman filed. 12 04 1905 7 44 6. Report from Justice Borneman on fines collected filed. 12 03 1906 7 68 7. County Attorney to report on magistrates fees collected by Mayor. 10 07 1907 7 111 8. Annual report from Justice Borneman on money collected filed. 12 02 1907 7 116 9. Annual report from Justice G.W. Borneman filed. I2 07 1908 7 160 10. Report from Justice Borneman referred to Auditing Committee. 12 06 1909 7 186 11. Annual reports from Justices Bornemann and Williams referred to Auditing Committee. 12 04 1911 7 237 12. Annual report from Justice Harriss filed. O1 06 1913 7 271 13. All magistrates to render annual statement of money collected at next meeting of Board. O1 06 1913 7 271 14. Recommendations from public accountant A.H. Mash on Justices of the Peace deferred to next meeting. Ol 13 1913 7 273 15. Justice Evans asked for informatzon relative to warrants sworn out before him; referred to Attorney. 10 15 1913 7 316 16. Reports from Justices George Harriss and G.W. Bornemann filed. Ol 05 1914 7 331 17. Magistrates to use regular officers before using specially deputized officers to serve papers. 11 O1 1915 7 503 I$. Magistrate J? J. Moore to get jury Iist. 5 20 1919 "8 54 l9. Magistrate authorized to pay constable salary. 10 14 1926 8 400 20, Magistrate authorized jury list of Wilmington Township. 10 14 1926 8 400 21. Magistrate authorized docket books. 3 8 1932 9 156 22. No action taken to return Alias, John Parker from S. C. Magistrate office to Mrs M. Parker,3 21 1932 9 158 23. Payment to Magistrate W. F. Parker ap?roved, subject to Approval of County Attorney. 11 28 1932 9 192 24. Justiceof Peace notified to deliver bond to Clerk of Superior Court. 5 28 194I 10 205 25. I?agistrate's complaints referred on failure of W. H. Ezzell to perform duties in oftice. 6 9 1941 10 209 26. W. H. Harriss, Justice of Peace. bond appr oved, W. F. Carpenter bond approved. 7 14 1941 10 214 27. Justices of Peace notified,.boi?.d mat?ers referred to Solicitor. 7 14 1941 10 214 28. E. F. Banck, Justice of Peace, request received on appointment of constable. 5 24 1941 10 331 29. New Hanover County exempted from Bill 322 on Justice of Peace payr and appointments. 4 4 1949 11 86 30. Justice of Peace, H. E. Williamson approved bond. 8 14 1950 11 202 31. Justice of Peace, B. J. Dillon bond accepted, John 0'Beirne bond accepted. 10 22 1951 11 296 32. Justice of Peace, John 0'Beirne bill received from Harold Wells & Son. 9 21 1953 11 455 33. Bonds approved for Justices of Peace, J. C. ?ong, B. J. Dillon and E. A. Sanders. 10 12 I953 Il 459 34. Justice of Peace, R. H. Williams approved bond. 6 14 1954 11 521 35. Justice of Peace, J9 L, King approved bond. 6 21 1954 11 524 36. J. C. Long approved Surety Bond, $10.00 prem. 10 ?l 1955 12 13 37. Approved Surety Bond on Mr. B. J. Dillon. 11 7 1955 12 16 38. ?urety Bond of R. H. Williams as Justice of Peace accepted. 8 20 1956 12 90 3?. Approved Surety Bonds on Wilbur Lee Best and John Edward Griffith as Justice of Peace. 2 4 1957 IZ 127 40. Accepted Surety Bond on William Earl ?Tilliamson, Surety Bond on Elbert Herxing continued. 3 25 1957 12 139 41. Received report for February. 3 9 1959 12 395 42. Grand Jur? report recommend changes with reference to warrants and bQnds, approved. 12 21 1959 12 527 43. Accepted Public Offical Bond on Mr. Henry C. Best. 8 7 1961 13 6 44. Accepted Public Offical Bond on Reginald Turner. 4 16 1963 13 204 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover County, N. C. _ MU JECT JUVENILE COURT ` eec. u. s. County Indezea Since 1888 ? To IOCON eYnNf? Op?O Ct COTT A$ 1A? INYEX PAT OFFICE ??E?? An Identifl'in8 Trade Mai'k fURNAME INITIAL TAS MADE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY? COLUMBUS. OHIO SOLD ?Y OIYEN i. OUNN, NEw ?ERN, NORTN GROLINA DAtE MINUTEBOOK : NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page ' 1. Request to Establish 11 15 1965 13 547 2. Creation of January 1, 1966 12 06 1965 13 551 3. Resignation, Judge 12 20 1965 13 556 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES N H C I? C -- ew anover ount?, . , _ MATTER: JUVENILE S ERVICES ` Rec. u. s. County Ind?acen Since 1888 ? To lota?s namts, op?a at COTT A-2 TAB INDEX r?T OFFICE ??'l? An Idcntifying Trade Mark SURkAME INITIAL 7A6 Mu[ E Bl THE COTT INDEX COMP/1NY, COLUMBUS, OXIO SOLD tY OWEN C. D UNN, NEII tERN, NORTX C AROLINA NQTURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vo1, Page ; l. Matter of fixing salary of Judge of Juvenile Court referred to Chairman, Attorney & Clerk of Court. 05 05 Z919 8 49 2. Proposal of Councilman McCraig to establish a Juvenile Court referred to Attorney. 06 O1 1919 8 60 3. Board to request legislature to allow a combined City/County Juvenile Court under jurisdiction of 06 09 1919 8 62 Judge of Recorders Court. 4. Compensation for Judge of the Juvenile Court fixed at $5 for each case heard. 06 09 1919 8 62 5. Judge of Juvenile Court to be paid $100 per annum in lieu of $5 a case. 08 04 1919 8 68 6. John Hill's request for custody of Mary Hufman, paroled wittz Supt. of Home, referred to Judge of Juvenile Ct.10 06 19I9 8 79 7. Place at County Home to be provided for detention of juveniles. 11 03 1919 8 86 8. Request from W. N. Harriss for pay in.crease since acting as Judge, C?erk & Officer of Juvenile Court. 08 02 192Q 8 118 9. Board refused Judge Harriss' request for salary increase. 08 02 1920 8 118 10. Committee to meet with Judge Harriss of Juvenile Court relative to a salary increase. 08 13 1920 8 119 11. W. N. Harriss, Clerk of Superior Court, allowed $300 a year as Judge of Juvenile Court. 10 Q4 1420 8 128 12. Juvenilesdetained at County Home are inmates, not prisoners at Home. 12 07 1920 8 137 l3. I Expenses of Anita Waldhorst approved for taking youths from Juvenile Court to Greensboro & Samaracand. 12 09 1921 8 183 14. Matter of sending incorrigible youth, Thomas Hart, to training school referred to Chairman. 05 10 1922 8 198 15. Bi1Z from 0. B. Hinnant for taking Charles Crossman to Jackson Training School approved. O1 27 1923 8 225 16. Part of County land offered to erect Eastern Carolina Industrial Training School. 06 07 1924 8 276 17. Mrs. Mary Parham paid for furnishing meals to City juveniles for Decembera 02 Ol 1926 8 371 18. Bill for transport of Juvenile to Jackson Training School approved. 07 Ol 1929 8 582 19. Solicitor Woodus Kellum requested detention center for juveniles and youth prisoners. 11 19 1929 9 7 20. George Rushing, Juvenile, expensed to East Carolina Training School by Sheriff. 12 16 1930 9 82 21. Clothes purchased for Elless Galloway, juvenile, for trip to Morrison Training School. 02 10 1931 9 90 22. Clothes approved for Joseph Smith and James Royal, juveniles committed to Morrison Training School. 05 18 1931 9 109 23. Authority given to expense Joseph Smith, juvenile, to Morrison Training School. 05 25 1931 9 109 24. Joseph Smith, juvenile to be taken to Morrison Industrial School, Hoffman, NC by Special Officer. 06 15 1931 9 114 25. J. R. Hollis, welfare worker authorized to take William Justice, juvenile, to Stonewall Training School. 12 14 1931 9 143 26. Request of W. N. Harris, judge of Juvenile Court, heard on obtaining provisions far Juvenile Detention Home.04 I8 I932 9 161 27. W. H. Montgomery, City Juvenile Judge, stressed need for juvenile detention building. 04 25 1932 9 161 28. Securing of place at County Home for juvenile detention referred to committee. 10 03 1932 9 184 29. Board discussed juvenile detention center at County Home. 10 10 1932 9 186 30. Welfare officer authorized to take Calvin Bell & Ross Briggs, juveniles, to Eastern Training School & 12 27 1932 9 196 Concord-at County expense. 31. City bill for repairing Juvenile Building at County home approved for payment. Ol 09 1933 9 198 32, Self closing instead of old Clocks in Juvenile Building lavatory declined for County home. Ol 16 1933 9 199 33. Clifton Bellamy and Eddie Gregg, juveniles, authorized for trip to morrison Training school by welfare off- O1 23 1933 9 200 icer. 34. Payment to W. R. Dosher approved for heating and plumbing at County Home's juvenile building and for chang es02 20 1933 9 207 in plumbing fixtures. 35. Juvenile delinquency discussed in joint meeting. 09 06 1938 10 8 36. Two juveniles authorized transportation of welfare Supt. 12 19 1938 10 29 37. Juvenile Judge order referred on payment as witness in juvenile case. 04 29 1940 10 124 38. Payment authorized to Dr. J. Watts Farthing for testimony in juvenile case. 05 06 1940 10 125 39. Elmer Campbell, juvenile, authorized transportation by welfare to Morrison School. 07 O1 1940 10 135 40. Marilyn Kirkham, juvenile, authorized wel£are transportation to Samarcand. 08 26 1940 10 151 41. Wilbur Heath, Juvenile, authorized transportation to school. 10 28 1940 10 159 42. Donald Russ, Juvenile, authorized transportation to school. 11 25 1940 IO 164 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - New Hanover Count?, N. C. ee?. u. s. Counry Inde:ee Since 1888 ? TO IotaN Ilam?s? Opl? af r.?r OFFICE ?j'JL?o?.? An Identifyins Trade Matk SURNAME INITIA? iAB fP NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS ?' 1. Roland Bonham, juvenile, authorized transportation to Caswell. 2. Frances Bonham, juvenile, authorized transportation to Caswell. 3.' Juvenile Judge request referred for improvements to juvenile detention center. 4. Juvenile judge request referred fox improvements to juvenile detention center. 5. Juvenile judge request approved on improving Juvenile Center. 6. Kawanis Club requested view on Juvenile delinquency report. 7. Kawanis Club requested care of Juvenile delinquency. 8. Committee named on above requests on juveniles. 9. Juvenile Detention Center, discussed at length, referred to Jaint committee. 10. Motion carried to repair Juvenile Detention Home. 11. Motion employed at Juvenile Center. 12. Order adopted to employ matron at Juvenile Center. 13._ Recommendations submitted on Juvenile Center. 14. Communication on juveniles received from welfare agency. 15. Temporary solution received on juvenile home problems. 16. Council of Social Agencies notice received on juvenile detention home. 17. Progress report on juveniles received from Council of Social Services. 18. Communication received from welfare on consolidating juvenile courts. 19. Juvenile report filed by welfare. 20. Juvenile report filed by welfare. 21. Juvenile report filed by welfare. 22. Juvenile report filed by welfare. 23. Juvenile report filed by welfare. ` 24. Juvenile report filed by welfare. 25. Juvenile report filed by welfare. 26. Juvenile report filed by welfare. 27., Juvenile report filed. 28. City to release juvenile offices in Courthouse. _29,, Juvenile report filed. 30,. Juvenile report filed. 31,, Juvenile report filed. 32, Juvenile census reported. 33. Juvenile report filed. 34. Juvenile regort filed. 35. A request to install blow of line, will inspect again after improvement is made. 36. Payment of $1.00 approved Dept. of Labor. 37. Monthly report received. 38. Authorized payment to repair lighting Juvenile Office. 39. Census report received. 40. Received report of detention facilities. 41. Executive Secretary, to have phone removed from Juvenile Home. 42. Letter and statistical report of truancy records, requesting reinstatement of visiting teacher. 43. Request by Hon. J. Hardie Ferguson to replace phone granted. 44. Mr. Stokes, Matron to receive relief help. 45. Motion carried to transfer within budget to improve facilities. 46. Termite reported at detention center. SU6IECT JUVENILE SERVICES ` _ MATTER: _ COTT A•i TAt INDEX M0.CE BY THE (OTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, OHIO SOLO ?Y OWEN 0. pUNN, NEII tERN, NORTN GROLINA DATE Month Day Year Ol 06 1941 O1 06 1941 05 25 1941 06 07 1941 06 21 1941 08 30 1941 08 30 1941 08 30 1941 10 25 1943 11 08 1943 11 22 1943 11 29 1943 Ol 31 1944 02 21 1944 02 21 1944 03 20 1944 04 17 1944 Ol 15 1945 02 Ol 1954 04 12 1954 05 17 1954 06 14 1954 08 23 1954 10 18 1954 12 13 1954 12 20 1954 Ol 17 1955 03 07 1955 04 18 1955 05 23 1955 06 20 1955 07 1$ 1955 09 05 1955 09 19 1955 10 10 1955 10 10 1955 02 06 1956 03 12 1956 05 21 1956 04 08 1957 1958 08 11 1958 09 22 1958 09 22 1958 Ol 02 1962 03 05 1962 MINUTE BOOK Vol. Page 10 174 10 174 10 274 10 334 10 336 10 346 10 346 10 346 10 354 10 356 10 358 10 358 10 366 10 371 10 371 10 375 10 378 10 423 11 282 11 500 11 514 11 520 11 538 11 547 11 561 11 562 11 569 11 579 11 590 11 600 11 607 11 615 11 628 11 632 12 8 12 8 12 41 12 52 12 71 12 144 12 12 290 12 305 12 305 13 56 13 75 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Gounty, N. C. _ M TT RT JUVENILE SERVICES ` nec. v. s. County Indezee Since 1868 ? 10 loeo?! eam?t? OplD Of COTT A•2 TA! INDEX r?t OFFICE ??JG?.? An Identifying Trade Marlc MUf E By THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, DHIO fUR1iAME INITIAL TAB SOID Y7 OWEN i. GUNN, NEN BERN, NORTM UROLINA DATE MINUTE BOOK NATURE OF PROCE?DINGS Month Day Year Vol. Page l. Mr. Brook and Chairman Hall to confer with Mrs. Layton, regarding the House Mother's instructions. 2. Approved construction of two additional rooms with toilet facilities. 3. Commissioners agreed to inspect County facilities. 4. Budget meeting, Juvenile Detention Home report. 5. Old coal furnace from County Home to be used at Juvenile quarters. 6. Authority given to Mr. Broak to make changes at Detention Home. 7. County Attorney explained and ruled on authority for the operation of detention home. 8. No action taken on report for installing showers. 9. Direction of 10. Extension Request on recommendations 11. Recommendation 12. Jr. Chamber of Commerce resolution 13. Committee - Juvenile Detention Home 14. Committee on Study of Juvenile lletention Home 15. Formal approval of county share of funds for 16. Statewide conference 17. Committee 18. Request for land 19. Grant for center 20. Site for 21. Confirm Designation of site for 22. Committee 23. Presentation of money from Walk for Mankind 24. Right of way 25. Bid opening 26. Recommendations Juvenile Detention Center bids 27. Approval power easement 28. CP?L easement 29. Staffing 30. Study committee report 31. Recommendations for 32. Date for staffing 33. Achievement award 34. CPF?L application for supply of electricity to 35. Outside Work - Ron Knopf 36. Memo-Director-Re: Date of dedication 37. Transfer for Office supplies 38. Commendation of Ron Knopf 39. Transfer for Juvenile Evaluations 40. Agreement with Pender County 41. Educational Achievement Levels of Delinquent Youth 42. Transfer for utilities 43. Transfer for supplies 44. Endorsement of Ron Knopf's Heading up Juvenile Court Counselor System 45. LEAA Grant - Continuation staffing 46. Transfer for office Equipment - Juvenile Court Counselor system OS 14 1962 05 21 1962 06 28 1962 07 18 1962 09 04 1962 03 18 1963 03 18 1963 06 03 1963 D5 D4 19b4 05 18 1964 06 O1 1964 07 20 1964 05 19 1969 03 17 1969 03 02 1970 06 O1 1970 06 15 1970 09 21 1970 11 02 1970 11 16 1970 12 07 1970 04 05 1971 07 19 1971 08 02 1971 09 09 1971 10 04 1971 11 15 1971 02 07 1972 02 21 1972 03 20 1972 03 27 1972 04 17 1972 07 07 1972 10 02 1972 10 16 1972 10 16 1972 02 05 1973 02 05 1973 03 19 1973 04 16 1973 04 16 1973 05 07 1973 06 04 1973 08 06 1973 08 06 1973 08 20 1973 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 102 111 118 134 145 199 199 220 323 327 333 353 3S1 308 447 484 488 532 541 546 554 605 669 671 9 18 41 75 83 92 101 108 186 230 235 236 322 328 354 370 372 383 430 461 461 476 INDEX TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES -- New Hanover Count? N C JU?ENILE SER?I?ES a C , . . , MAT E R: eec. u. s. q?', County lnde:ee Siace 1888 ? io beah nom?s, op?n af r?r OFFICE C??L?o-? AnldentifYingTradeMark SURNAME INITIAL TAB eOTT A•i TA! INDEX MItCE BY THE COTT INDEX COMPANY, COLUMBUS, DHIO ?? SOLD tY OWEN i. Y UMN, NEw ?ERN, NORT N GROLINA 4? NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE MINUTE BOOK Month Day Year Vol. Page ? 1'., LEAA Grant for TV Monitors at Center, Approval of 11 05 1973 15 519 2. Transfer - unapid bill - Hodges Elect. contractors 11" 05 1973 15 521 3. Transfer of funds 04 16 1974 15 617 4.. Transfer of funds 05 06 1974 15 628 5. Resolution approving Grant Application to LEAA for continuation of funding for staff at Center 06 03 1974 I5 648-9 6.: Transfer of funds 06 17 1974 15 665 7. Budget transfer 08 19 ?974 15 700 8. Discussion of 09 03 1974 15 710 9. Report on policy changes by Division of Y'outh DeveZopment 09 16 1974 15 711 10. Bud?et transfer 10 17 I974 16 14 11. Budget transfer for repairing hot water heater and employing electrician O1 06 1975 16 82 12. Budget transfer for file cabinet O1 20 1975 16 89 13. Budget transfer for utilities 03 03 1975 16 13? 14., Ron Knopf resigns as Director and Robert L. Ping appointed as Interim Director 03 17 1975 ?6 149 15. Budget trans£er for M? R buildings and grounds 04 07 1975 16 159 16. Appointment of Norman R. Holden as director of center 05 12 1975 16 191 17. Budget transfer for director's chair 05 26 I975 16 205 18. Budget amendment to purchase games 06 30 1975 16 233 19. Budget amendment for training session in Greensboro 11 03 1975 16 298 20. Approve fee increase 11 03 1975 16 299 21. Approve funding statistical report 11 24 1975 17 10 22. Approve budget transfer for TV set I2 IS 1975 17 25 23. Budget trans for postage and termite contract 02 02 1976 17 54 24. Trans. funds replace vacwnm 03 15 1976 17 84 25. Budget Amend purchase ping-pong table 03 15 1976 17 85 26. Resignation of Norman Holden, director 04 20 1976 17 110 27. Budget trans. for foosball table 06 21 1976 17 152 28. Approve Jim Miller Director 07 06 1976 17 161 29. Approve outside employment for Jim Miller 08 lb 1976 ?7 1?8 30. Detention Subsidy agreement 10 04 1976 17 208 31. Approve furniture - Antirecessionary funds 04 18 1977 18 20 32. Budget transfer - for fence 06 06 1977 18 53 33. Approval Detention Subsidy Agreement 07 18 1977 18 76 34. Services to juveniles 08 15 1977 18 87 35, Discussion on personnel turnover 09 06 1977 18 97 36. Amend.- cash donations ?0 Q3 1977 1 8 111 37. Discuss Dept. of Human Resources report 03 06 1978 18 180 38. Budget Trans.-new water conditioner 03 20 1978 18 186 39. Budget Rans. meeting in Fayetteville 06 29 1978 236 40. Budget ransfer - ceiling & carpet replacement 03 19 1979 18 372 41. Assistance for Work Assignment Rehabilitation Program - approval 03 19 1979 18 372 42. Juvenile Court Rehabilitation Program approved 04 02 1979 18 376 43. Budget Request - telephone & postage 04 17 1979 18 390 44. Budget Amendment - Telephone & postage 06 18 1979 18 431 45. Return of unused funds from Work assignment programs 10 15 1979 18 492 46. biscussion of Juvenile Detention 5ubsidy Contract 07 28 1980 18 639 INDE? TO COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - N Han unt r C N C JUVENILE SERVICES ?, ew ove o . , , MATTER: ` Rec. u. s. County Indezes Sinee 1888 ?? To lowb nam?s, open af CAi OFFIGE C.?,?.l?a'z? An ldentifyingTrade Muk SURNAME INITIAL TAB COTT A TO Z TAB INDEX MI1pE ?11 THE COTT INpEX ODMPANY. COWWYSr OHIO SOLD BY OWE N G. DU NN CO., N EW BERN, N. C. NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS DATE ? MINUiE BOOK ? , Month Day Year Vol. Page .` 1. Detention Subsidy Agreement with Division of Youth Services 08 04 1980 18 645 2. Detention subsidq agreement - State Department of H.uman Resources 10 20 1980 18 683 3. Approval of Detention Subsidy Agreement for Juvenile Services Center 09 08 1981 18 910 4. Approval of Grant Application for Juvenile Restitution Project 09 08 1981 18 919 5. Discussion on Tour of Juvenile Service Center Facilities 11 02 1981 18 953 Detention Subsidy Agreement Amendment 06 21 1982 19 93 6.